Minutes1949-1950Council Chamber, 3 January, 19~9. In accordance with the provisions- of The Municipal Act, the Council met at 11.00 o'clock with all members present. The Council included Hie Worship Mayor Houck and Aldermen W.Ca4acDonald, G.R. Inglis, H.A.Parm, A.C.Jolley, A.j. McKinley, Grant Don_-1& and E.M.Hawkins. The statutory declarations of office and qt,_~lific- ations were filed with the Clerk when the oaths of office had been taken by Mag- Istrate j.B.HopXine. It was ox~lered on the motion of Ald. MacDona3~l and Yq~ls that a vote of thanks be extended by His Worship Mayor Houok to Magistrate Hopkins.. Cazwle& unanimously After this the Council was duly organized an~ open for the transaction of general business. The m~ettng was opened with prayer by the l%everend Mr. M.C.Waissbach. It was ordere~ on the ~tion of Ald. Farm an~ Jolley that the officiat- ing clef&~n*~ be +-~e~ for his service at the mating. Carried unanimously HiS Worship 14ayor Houck then deltvere~ his inaugural adairass. On the motion of Ald. McKinley am1 Donal&, the Mayor's inaugural address · was ordered sprea& on the minutes. Carried una,~mnusly MAYOR'S I~AUGUP~L ADDI~S8 '%adies and. Gentlemen: In beg~n-~g to..d~7 m~ third term as Mayor of the City of Nia6ara Falls, I want to erben~ to the ratopayers m~ heartfelt appreciation of the splendi& vote of confidence they have 6ivan by imposing their trust in me for the hi6hest office in the mrn4_cipaltty. However, I do not take it me a personal tribute ,,,,',d honmlr, because of the fact that I feel it is a 6uesture in fayour of continuity rather than a tribute to any merit I may possess. In ass~ning this high office for an- other year, I cerbainl~ do so out~ of a sense of service and obligation to m~ fel- low citizens. I have been in political life for many years an& the splenaia as- sociation an~ co-opemtlon I have ha& frca the two previous councils as well as from Mr. Patten, Mr. 0rr an~ Mr. Soulsby *~ other civic officials ami employees, h*~ made this part of m~ political life most en~oyeblo. I appreciate the spXen~id oo-olMration of every official c~u~ctea with civic ~Rm4nistration ana I know l ~ax.:th~ ~ntUmt~ of the. al~emen' as well as ayeelf. in thxs reSamX, The CttF Council to-day Is anteTinS the new year 19~9 with two new mere- Xm.. ~n~eea,wita )leaam: ~at: :X veloeae~baok to civic life Alderman In~- lie who line eez've~ thte CI*~y so well for mea~* IreaTe in the pent. T m rm~e ~ec- ause of hie experiense and be-sues of the splend/~ service he has rend~re~ that he will he invaluable ~ t~ as a Council. I also feel because of Aldersan Tag- lie bein~ a member of the Niagara parks C~miasion, it will serve aea much- nce~e~ oannecttng ltrdc between these We important bo~tes - the City Codaoil an& the ~ar]m C_~4Ssion. We hav~ so mu0h in c~msoa and matters pex~ning ~o both, the City an~ the Park seemed to be so closely intexvoven, that I am sure Al~er- man laglie will be of great assistance. Zn welcoming Alderman Jolley, the youngest member of our Council, not only in age but in experience as well, I feel that we have a~ded a very valuable me~er. Certainly fraa the vote he was accox~e~, be has establielled a well- earned reputation e~ his, experience as a contractor amt-business experience as well will he of ~reat assist~nce. 8~eaki~g direc~ly $o the two new aldermen, I know I am expressing the feelings of your fellow members in the Council as well as the citizens when T say we trust your term of office,will at all times continue to be a constructive cont~bution to the government of our Cltyo To Aldermen Ponald am~ Hawkins, who were re-elected by a very popular vote, I can only say that their election was a well-restated one end I am very happy indee~ that the two aldermen who were re-elected received such a hugh vote on election day. I felt it was a stamp of approval from our citizens on tabs Work of the 19~8 cornoil. I ~nw both will continue to give ;_re_selfishly of their time and effort to serve well as they have in the past. To the aldexmen who still have one more term to serve, Alderman MacDon- ald, Alderman McKinley and Alderman Parre, my I say, and I know it is the sincere hope of all the Council, that in the year 19~9 we will be able to acecaplish emmathing that will be evidence to our fellow olttzene that we are establishing stable and efficient 6ov~.-u.mt in our City. We never can lose sight of the fact that ma..v of the poltcbs which we she;;lS like to carry out have to be sinhat mo~/fted to conform with the stat- utory requite that define council peregattves. This coanctl of 19~9 will proud we a~e of our splend/d !~oltce force and our fireman for the sl~ndtd sexwice they have ren~lered to our-fair-city. May I at this ~- also avail ~TBelf of the opportunity of saying a word of +-h~nk you and appreciation to M/as Stokes of the Niagara Falls Review and to M~ss I~ of the Nia~ Falls Gazette; an~ to Mr. t~dford of Padis Station CHY8. ~eso three people have keen most generous with their t~m- an~ very fair in the accounts and r-.~ks .they had. to rn.l~e about our council n~eti~, either through the medias of the press or the radio. We look forward to another 3~ar of pleas- ant ansociation with them hem in our council meetings. I~ things of interest have happened to our citizens durlng the past year but T feel that one of major ~mportance was the re~val of the street car tracks anA the repavin~ of the s~, acc~lished in such a short time with hard- ly an7 inconvenience to business men or sh~ppors. This was ~ accomp~shed under the splendid supervision of Mr. Orr end hie staff. /f I might use the vernacular expression, I feel this certainly has given Niagara Falls the 'ne~ look'. I could 6o on at scene length in an~nerating o~_er thin~s which have bee acc~lished, but I know the citizens can see th~ ..a that they appreciate the accc~lis~m-nts as well. In ~ former iuaU~uration speeches, I have always tried to stress the co-operatiou ~_~-_t shoul~ exist between the Nayor and the Council. ~n~s has in- deed existed in the last two years an~ it is something of which I am very apprec- iative. I feel as I have in ~_~ pant, that we cannot afford to allow deliberat- ions to depax~c in the slighest respect frc~ that high consideration we owe to the dignity of the task before ue and the trust imposed upon ne. ]~itterness of con- troveray ill-beeches men vested with the confidence of their fellow citizens. May I repeat what I have said in the last two years, that there are only two sides to every question under debate end the two sides relate directly to the question itself. Them is never a personal side. Our c~mcil should be a fort~ for the expression of anbiased spirelens aml the very nature of that forum demands that opinions should he received with respect. I sincerely hope that our two new mem- bers of 0sunoil will take ~hie to heart as never once during our council meetings of the year 19~8 did the council have any debate which did not have these ~riu- ciples observed. .~-jReed miss the servlces of the 't;wo retiring aldermen, A3Aorman b'hits exnd Alder- Alderman Miller has well serve~ the City for four years ~,,n^ in theI feel that One of the paramount questions which it always is, will -.,-,- of ,~e .as .ede en ...able ..,~ .,. w..~ ~.at~,--+%on"T~%e .o%.~ ."%ht"% c"o-~.~;ti'~Jto ."-'J.."~,;.:le%%%,%i:; wiani~%T · ~;;"Z;.T:';.""T.."; of'"i:. %ue:.~'.T~".~;,%f;'.~o..R'::,:rf.ksd.-,.~_.....ae.fic.., p.~pe of .,._ che..h.d .--'.e.. w~ieh they =w..t to .,...., .'.c., ..reels. On. ~oth ~. .o.,.,. ...;:~.~i~' o~;~hi~ i. hi... -...t, .ho-,d tchell and. to Mr. Carl Binmire11, fomer M.L.A. fo~ the s d co r- ~ereeo-ol~rstlon will the h p' s a sad fact that the averaSs citizens, while-keen to secure for elf ~he fUL~st privileges of citizenship, is slow to shoulder its res tb- :,,."".Far;"-'-'-ll he f~,...,,,, ~,,- +.,,. "°ac""hl.°~'.'~;,,~J- ='='ia';,~J; ~ ~':~::~L"Vt,""al fJ~-'~,.'~-:A i..,~.."' ~'; ,'-, i. ,..,.. of a =or of~" "'' '- '" ' .,.,.~. he"".~th::.,..h'"'"ed?h '" "----,, of .s.,. of a,..,,,.-::;,:: :; ,,,.,, ,..a.,...,..... ha.,..o Under the British lqorth America:Act of 1867, hans mmtctpal affalre came under the Jurisdiction of the Provincial Legislat~re. Previous to 1867, the cities and towns were practically separate units, with little or no responsibility to ar~ higher authority and it s~eaks ~ol~es for the civic pride of the first cities of Canada's o~ier urban O~mmities that, with very few exceptions, they kept their respective local ~overnmente not only free frc~ sca~-~-~]e but in the high state of efficiency. Our Daninion of C~ad~ is divided into ap!~roximately 3,800 municipalities including 330 cities and towns. ~e rest of the nn~xicipal- itiee which ~q~e up this n~nber are rural or village c_~mmmities. Each con~nn~ity, however small, is a camplets unit in itself for civic purposes and responsible 'to one authority only, other thin the taxpayers, namely, the Department of Municipal Affairs. The ~!cipal government, properly eamJ~is~red) ~ana a conservation of life an~ all those resources which tend toward economic develolm~nt of the ccm- munlty and the betterment of social conditions. It is localized h~nan eftorS which, when properly directed, 'is 'capable of great things. the year' l~}, I wish to c~ll your attention to the following: I feel there are a few ,major points which must be given consideration during the earning year. Municipalities ..mr be freed fran hospital, child welfare unemployment relief end Justice administration costs. Municipal governments are entitled to sufficient revenue to finance the activities required of them by law. These revenues they nee~ should be determined by the responsibilities they as- - s~e. Our municipality should not be erpected to asses an~ responsibility bey- ond the Just capacity of our taxpayer to affoxt or for whichadequate financial provision has bean made available by the Federal and l~o~inctal Go~x-,~ent. pandin~ mmicipal services are possible on~ to the extent that sxpm~ing rev- enue and resources become auilable. T ~SO feel that an attempt should be made to decide what preferties, now exen~t, should be properly liable for municipal assesssent. ~he exemption of federal and pro~tncial Crou property frc~ local +~-~tien continues to be a burden on local ~ova~-~nte and their citizens. In aces municipalities includ~ our own~ there is a very heavy cuncentr~tion of such property, while in other mnnicilmlities it is e~mnat a minus fac.tor. unfair for municipalities to have to forego an~ revenue on such proper~y, while at the same t_~, providing it with the same ~micipal services un4 facilities for which pl~ate property owners pay property taxes. I m definitely of the oplnian that the Province should esmark a more adequate share of ~asoltue tax revenue and also liceuce fees for roadwa~ _mint- enanse and ~ewelolment by municipalities. ~his revenue should be distributed in 1. During the year 19~8, the develolmnent of the Morse-Miaener subdivision was exbenstve. ~e Falls Construction Canpasty canplated the erection of twenty hc~es on Hartart Avenue between S, mmw~r Street and l~orth Street and have under con- struotion twenty-one hanes on Morse Avenue an~ nine homes on the east side of D~mwond Roa~. Water and sewer services have been provide~ on Morse Avenue but the ourbe, ~uttors, sidewalks and road surfaces will have to be con~lete~ in the present year. ~ sale of lots on Missnet Street and lienart Avenue south of Sum- ~er Street would lniicate that services will have to be installed early in the year. Hartart Avenue will have to be extended south to I, undy's Lane an~ S~m~er Street, west to Drxnmmon~[ 2. Y~ate in the s~mner an agreement was enters& into with the Central Mort- gage and Housing Corporation for the erection of fifty-one hoses for wa~ veterans in the area bounded b~ Slater Avenue, .Valleyway and Stanley Avenue. Although the ins+-~.tion of sewers and water mains is being carried on at the present time, it will be nscessax7 in the spring to proceed with the construction of sidewalks, roadS# eto, Lato in 19~8, the construo~ion of a sewer on Stanley Avenue from Ing* lie Drive to .Valleyway was ccamplete&. This will make it possible to provide local improvements on Ynglis Drive and Alexander Crescent if buildin~ conditions warrant the' expenditures. ~xe City ha~e acquired title to the la~s nscesear7 for the extension of Homewoo~ Avenue fran Morrison Street to 'Valley,ray ~ this work should be con- si&ere~ by Council.. The City have also acquire~L title to the lands neeease_v7 for the exten- sion of Huron Street from Sixth Avenun to Homewood Avenue. The removal of the steel tower from the street allowance has been completed ~.r~ the grading of the .street should be considered early in the year. 6. Water ar~ Sewer services have been installed on Finley Street and if building c~aittons warrant, it may be uecoesax7 to construct stdevmllm, roads, etoo ' an aulliaz7 vatsmain between Chippava aria Falls VAev. :.-~hese three m~tezm viii require consideration O~-C~ll ~.,~3] tn~ths,~eax.. " '::~; · * 12. ~hs City in 19~8 construct~ a new eight-inch rarer main on Victoria Avenue between Bridge Street and Fernson Street. The Niagara Farks C.~,deslon contemplate the cons~ruotion of a new eight-inch water main north of the City limits and viii lmobably teluser the City to extend the ei~ht.inch main frc~ For- eseen Street to ~orol~ Sto~e l~a~. 13. ~e condition of ma~y sidewalks throughout the City is unsatisfactory and if p~esihle a progr~,~ of rehabilitation sheul~ be umtex~k~n with a def~_~te e~ set aside each year fcr extemsive repairs. If ~cssi~le, t~ia pro~wm~ It is ~perative that d~cisive actio~ be t~aMe~ i~aediatoly to provide e ~ew d~ to accn-modate the large em~mt of r~bbish collooSed i~ the mumtcipal- ity each year. y~ cousiderin~ the selection of a site £or a new d~, consider- ation shc~t~l ~e given to the necessity of replacing the present i~ci~erator with a miniera urnft. ~e old lncinel~t~r is in poor c~itio~ amt muc~ too small to ede~u~tel~ hamlle t~e amount of ~arba~e collected, aspectall~ d~,,-ing the e~-_.,~-~r m~mths. The location for an inci~eratcr aml d~xp should ~e consi~ere~ at the As you are aware, the Councils for several years have studied the pos- sibility of installing modern office equipment for the assese"ent an~ tax dopart- msnts of the City. Due to the failure of the cash register, it Is necessary that some definite ~ecision in this matter should be made as it is absolutely essen- tial that a new cash re~ieter be purchased in the near future ~d such a ,m~t shonM be designed to function with the receipt forms to be used by all depart- monte of the City. As We have arrived at the en&~of 1~8 and starting the new ~ear 1~9, our inventory again leaves much to be deslind. I~eolutton and anticipations which seeae~ to augur a ~ear bright achievements, have fallen short of realization. But progress, we ~elieve, has far outweighed the disappoin~aente. The capital assets of a democratic consciousness, ~aticnhocd and civic pride are ours still to cherish aml to foster aml therein lies the hope that high ideals ma~ reach fruition. We must stress and fortify our liabilities, such as apath~ indolence, dishonesty, subversion. To do this is our duty, for thus bein~ alert to evils, we can acl~ress th~n an~ In that way we best serve our citizens. MaT I close with an expression of apprecia~ion to all those who have att4mded the inauguration services here this morning and may I express the hope that as in 7eaz~ past, our fair Cit~ of Niagara Falls will continue to be the envy of all the worM. W.L.H0~CE Ma~or." ~he minutes of the paxious meeting, having been recessed and rea~, were ad~pted on the notion of AId. NawMlns am~ MacDonald. CERTIFIOA~ ~e City Clerk certified as to the result of the poll held on ~th Dec- saber, 1~8; and on the motion of AId. Inglis and Pars the ccssmmicat~ton van rec- eive~ ~nd filed. ~he follc~na Ibsoluti~ns wore ~asseA: No. 1 - J~ . Me~ . ~SOL~E~ that Alderman Ernest X. lhvk~ns be an4 is hereb~ a~t~d'~ of the Finance Ccesatttee of the City C~il for the ~ear l~J, am~; the Seal-of tM.,O~Qn' ,be,:hemto,.off~xe~ No. 2 - DONALD -I~NKJa~S - 'i~OLVED that Dr. J.lt.DavidsOn, ~lex Collins an~ J~et ~.~Hy ~ a~]'~e~by ap~ted ~e~ of the L~ B~ of He~ for Ye~ 1~9; a~ ~e 8e~ of ~e Co~omtion be hem~ affixed. C~e& ~an~ No. B - ~cDO~ - ~L~ - ~ ~at ~. ClaMs A. Fln~ be ~ is he~- by appo~n~ as a m~reee~tive Of the City Co~cll on ~e ~bllc Llb~ for ~e ~S 19~9, 19~0 ~ 1~1; ~ ~e Seal of the Oo~ora~ be hemto af- fiX. Ca~ie~ ~jousl~ No. ~ - P~ - ~ - ESOL~ ~t ~. J~e M. Cow~ an4 Miss Wilfred M. S~kes be ~d ~ hereby appointed as ~e n~ee of ~e City Co~cil on ~e Mo~s' ~ces ~4 01~ ~e Potions ~al B~ for ~e ~ 1~9; ~d 8e~ of ~e Co~oration ~ heats ~f~4. Ca~e4 ~ou~ No. ~ - ~ - DON~ - ~ ~t ~mn W.C.~cDon~4 be ~ ts hereby appin~ as the mpmsentati~ of ~e City Co~cil ~ the Chll~mn,s ~ S~lety of ~e Co~ty of We~n~ for ~e year 19~9; ~ ~e Se~ of ~e Co~oratt~ be hemto ~flx~. No. 6 - ~ - ~ . ~8~ ~t ~or~ J. ~ be ~d is hereby ap- poln~ as the Weed ~spec~r for ~e City of N~a F~s for ~e ~ ~4 ~e Se~ of ~e Co~omti~ ~ hereto ~fi~. p iea jously No. 7 - ~L~ - P~ - ~0L~ t~t ~emen Grant D~d, A.O.Jolley ~ W.C. ~cD~ he ~ am hereby ap~ln~d ~e ~mbers of the P~pe~y Co~!t~e of ~e City Co~cil for ~e ~ 1~9; ~ ~e ~ of ~e Co~ation be heats fixe~. C~ied .~o~ ~o. 8 - M~ - D~ - ~ ~t ~demn S.A.P~, G.R.I~lis ~4 A.0. Jo~ey be ~ ~ h~'~ppoin~d ~e m~rs of ~e Eq~t C~t~e of the City C~ll for ~e ~ 1~9; a~ ~e Se~ of ~e C~ati~ ~ hem~ ~fima. Wo. 9 - ~ - ~cD~ - ~S~ ~t ~de~ G.R.I~is, Cmt D~d and H.A.P~ be a~ ~e hereby appolnte~ ~ ~ of ~e ~fic C~t~e of ~e City C~il for ~e ~ 1~9~ ~d the Seal of ~e Co~oratl~ ~ hemto ~ftxed. Oamted ~sl~ ~.~ls be ~ ~ hereby a~otn~d the ~rs of ~e ~st C~4t~e of the Ci~ C~cil for ~e ~ 1~9; ~d ~e Se~ of ~e Co~omti~ be hemto ~e Cit= Com~l for ~e ~ '1~9; m.~ ~e Se~ of ~e Co~omti~ ~ he~ Carried .~an~mousl,7 No. 12 - MacG01IAtD - PA~! - l~SaLv~u that William De~._,~ be appointed the rep- resentative of the Cit7 Cotmoil on the Cotu~ of Ibvialon for the ~ear 1~9; that hie nero be lnserte~ in the neoessax7 b~-lav; an& the Seal of t~e Corporation be hereto aff~v~. Carried m~mlmousl7 No. 13 - jnttx~ . ~ . I~O~D that ~ss~. ~x Co~ ~d Wt~i~ Hen- 8 The Council aaJourne& on the marion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald until 2.30 BAD A~D ADOPTED, 10 Jauuary, 1~9. Mayor Council Clmm~er, 3 ~onuary, 19~9. The Cornell re-assembled at 2.15 p.m. for the p~oee ~f constderir~ the 8eneral businese an~ finance which had been presented fa them. All members of the Counoil were present. Laid over frc~_ prevAous meetings: No. 38~ (1~ file) - Niagara Falls, Ontario, Police Association - requestir~ ctuder track at 0alms Park. OI~E~ on the ~tton of Ald. Dc~Aald and l~ey that the c~.~Ication be received and referred to the 3u~t C~mnlttoe for con- sideration. 8m Report No. 266 No. 3~ (1~8 file) - See. W. erethere Limited - re diesel unit for 0al~s Park. 0~I~ on the marion ~f ~ld. McKinley and MacDonal~ that the e~n~icatlon b~ reselwed an~ filed. No. ~32 (19~8 file) - Niagara Falls Fire Fighters - re,nesting changes in a~ree- met. ~l~l~D on the motion of AId. Donald an~ MacDonald tha~ the ocaamntoation be received and lald on the table; and s ocsalttee ~e appointed to meet and a full report for consideration when the B-a~t is prepared In this c · lllAtt~e, *' , as the,..~ccen- n,m_ . le fo~ ~iscusslon. ~he foll~_lp~ C~ammications were l~esented: -- ' No. 2 - D_eh)a~n~t.,_o_,f_._~:~e~.a..!t~_ - re conference of sanitary i~pectors. O1~I~ on the motion of ~l&. Hawl~ns an~ McKinley that the cos~nunication be received and filed, a~ MAr. Andrews be authorized f~ attend the conference. 1~o. 3 - New York Central System - re use of l~n~ as parktn~ lot. 0~ ~ ~e mtl~ of ~. P~ ~d Haw~ns ~t ~e c~cati~ be ~celve~ ~d ~fe~ ~ ~e P~y C~t~e for a mc~tion. No. l~ . Greater Nis~sra Builders' Excha_n6~__ - requesting full-time building ins- pector. 01~ on the ~tion of ~ld. I~lis and Parm that the communication be received and laid over for further consideration when the bullget ie being prep- No. ~ - Ftn~men Clu~. - appreciation of assistance. OEDEI~ on the motion of Ald. MaoDmntld and Hawkl~ that the c,m,,~z~tcation be received and filed. No. 6 - Canadian T~eglon - requesting perndssion for carnival. Oi~A~U on the mot- ion of ~[l~. Mcl[inley aml Hawkins that the cow. nunication be received and filed, and pex~ssion be ~X'anted, subject to the condition t~-t the proDex~y be left in a goO~ condition. Laid over fiu~ !~revious meettD~e :. No. 266 (19~8 file) - City Manager - re cost of cinder t~aCk. Ot~F~ on the mot- ion of AM. Donald an~ ~ey ~at ~e m~o~ be rescind ~ ~femd ~ ~e Bu~t C~ t~e for co~i~mtion. tlo. 2F3 (19~8 file) - ~l_,tT[____~u~,_,r' - s,~a~7 Of applications for cabins, ~ls, etc. 0~ ~ ~e ~tion ~ ~. ~w~ ~ D~M ~t ~e mpo~ be mc- el~ ~ ~femd ~ ~ O~t~e ~ ~e Who~ for c~tdemti~. ~ Petiti~ No. 21 The following .Re~ort was pr~sen. t~,~: No. 1 - City Clerk - rec.---~u~i~ issuance of ltcencee. 01~)I~ on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McEtule~ that the re.p~rt be recetve~ amt filed, and the reccm- manclarions be adopted. I TITION Laid over frc~ previous meetings: No. 21 (1~8 flle)- Jean McCutoheon aml 28 others - protesting a~atnst cabins at 2103 L-nd~,s Lane. 0~ ~ ~e ~ti~ ~ ~. ~w~ ~ D~ t~t ~e ~titi~ ~ meets& ~ ~fem~ ~ ~ C~t~ of ~e ~o~ for oo~t~eration. ~ ~ett~ of C~t~e of ~e ~ole The following .l~esolutions were ;used: No. 1~ - HAWl]]2 - DONAED - I~SO LV~D that a sessa~e, exprese_~-S the s~a~ of ~s WomM; ~r H~k, ~ Ctt~ ~tl ~ ol~ze~ of NI~ ~!~e, be for- w~e~ ~ ~e f~ of ~e ~ ~-PoMce C~s~ble 8~p~ Welch, ~ ~e ~a~ ~ ~s four ~lo~e ~ es~ olttz~; ~ ~e Seal ~ ~e Co~or- atl~ ~ he~ Ca~ed iO the absence of His Worship# ~e approve~ an~ the ~esl of the Corporation be here- to affixed. Carried una~mnusly No. 16 - PAlM - MacDONALD - I~80LVED that the kind invitation of Reverend Mr. M. C.Weisebac}[~o'~te'n~"~k~ic service at St. Paul's English Lutheran Church on 23rd January, be accepted, that as _many ~e~ber8 of the Council as possible atteml; and the Seal of the Corporation be hemto affixed. Carried unanimously No. 17 - PAI~ - HA~ue~ - I~80LVED that the citizens be requested to shovel the sidewalks in front of their properties to assist the City forces in the removal of the heavy snow presen~ on the streets; and the Seal of the COrporation be Carried unanimously The followt_~n~_Bl-laws were_~_assed: No. ~3~8 - To appoint members of the Court of Revision for the City of l~ia~ara Falls for the year 19~9. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Mc_~ley and Donal~ e_~xt Ald. Mac- Donald be given the privile~e of introdunin6 the by-law and the by-law be rend the first thne - Carried It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and McFdnley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standlr~ ~ules of Council be suspended and the by-law be gAven the second rea&ln~ - Carried unsm~gusly. Third reading -Ald. McElaley an~ Hawkins - Carried No. ~33~ - To appoint members of the Examining l~oar~ of Plumbers for the City of l~iaSara FA!~. It was ordere~ on the motion of Aid. Hawkins aml MacDonald that Ald. Jolley be ~ven the privilege of introduoln~ the by-law and the '~y-law be the first t~ns - CaxTie~t It was ordere~ on the motion of Aid. McXi~ey and Barkins that Rule ~6 (2) of the Stand. in6 ]hies of Council be 8msl~emled and the by-law be given the The Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Hawkins an~ Dona/a. BAD A~D AD0~, 10 Janvary, F]~iANCE MEETINC Council Chamber, ~ Janua,~, 1~9. The Finance C~-.--;ttee met on Monday, 3r& January, 19~9, for the purpose of approvix~ and also of ~assin~ the varioUs accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Co,~ttee were present, and AId. Hawkins, Chairman of Finance, proside~ at the meeting. Ald. Hawkins expressed to the Con,.!ttee hie appreciation of the appoint- usnt as Chairman and asked the C-=m~ ttae for their co-operation for the coming Sundry accounts amounting to $6,762.bj~ were approved by 'the Cc~mittee. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were or~- ere~ placed in the money by-law for ~resenta~ton to the Council on the motion of AId. McFdnley an~ Donald. Reports frc~ the City Clerk, with rega~l to the nee& for a new cash register an~ the costof a new ,,nit, as laid over from previous meeting, were pre- sented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley that the rep- orts be received aml referred back to the F~lttlpment C~,,-,,~ttee for a report in two weoks' time, together with rec~m~ends~ions of the City Clerk an~ City Manager. (AId. Farm voted contrary to this motion.) Prior to the abovementioned motion, it was moved by AI&. Parm and l~I[/nley ~t the reports be received and file& and a new inchins be purchased provid/ng it will work in with the future reqt2~ments. This motion was defeated. A cc~u~-unication was presented frcm Mr. L.C.Crawford regarding audit fees. This had been laid-over from a previous meeting. It was or&ered on the motion of Ald. In~ts and McEinley that the c~xication be received and laid on the table and Mr. Crawford be asked to be ~resent at a conference meeting to &tscsss this an~ other matters. A on~-.-~lcatlon was presented fram Ralph Blamonte, requesting the ren- ewal of the concession at Oakes Park. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Parm and MaEtnley +_.~t the communication be received and filed, aml the concession be ~rantea to Mr. ~t-_-~nte fo~ the ~ear 19~9. The Co.~ttee ad3o~ed on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald. ~8AD ~ AD~PZ~, 10 ,TanuaxT, 19~9. Chaim~_~ of Finance ll 'COUNCIL ~gEETYNG On the motion of Ald. Inglis and Hawkins the recommendation of the City Manager, that the two-hour parking meter heads on the south side of Clifton Hill' ' be removed for the winter months, was adopted; and instructions were issued that Counntl Chamber, , the suggestio~ be carried out. 3 ~anuary, 19~9. Ald. Inglis asked the City Manager to prepare. a report on the parking The Cornoil re-assembled at the close of the regn,l:-r council and fin- meters in the City, as to their locations,revenues derived, etc. ance meetix~s for the 1tarpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present. The foLlo~Ir~ By-law wasj~aesed: The City Manager advised Council of the condition of Number 9 unit and that two cormcoring rods were broken in the motor; and that a replacement motor would cost $350.00. He also stated that he had been able to ascertain that a chassis is a~ailable for immediate delivery. On the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley tha matter was preferred to the Equipment Committee with power to act. N_o. ~3~0 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was. ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald +,~st Ald. Haw- ktna be given the privilege Of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first tim~ - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2); of the 8tandlng Rules of Council be 8usDended and the by-law be given the sec- ond reading - Carried unanimously. Third reading - Ai~. MacDonal~ aml 1~cE1nley - Carrled man~motmly. T~e Comaoil adJourne~ om the motion of Aid. McKinley ~AD AIID ADOI~ED, 10 January, On the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald, the C~mudttee arose and reported to the Cotmoil. HEAD AND ADOPTRD, 10 Jam_:nvT, 1949. Chairman Council C~amber, B January, 19~9. The Council re-asse~led at the close of the meeting of the Cu-~ttea of the Whole ou Henday, 3rd ~, 1~9, f~ the p~ose ~ ~cet~ the mpo~ of ~ C~-it~e. ~ ~m of the Co~cll we~ present. ~OLUTION -~e following ]teeol~tlon was passe&: Ifo. 18 - DONATj) - PA~I - i~.q0Lvau that 'the actions taken and reo~umerglattons made during the' ~ettng of *the Cram!tree of the Whole. on this. date, be approve&; and the Seal of the Cox!m~ratlon be hereto affixed, ' g,ax'rled, ~man~m__ously !i SEC0~D Council Chamber, 10 January, 19~9. Pursuant to ad~o~u~t, the Council met at 7.30 Pro. on Monday, lOth January, 19~9, for the purpose of considering general business aml finance. All members of the Council were present. ~e Council, having received and read the ndnutes of the previous meetir~, adopted these on the motion .of Ald. MacDonald end Hawkins. His Worship Mayor W.L.Houck, on behalf of the members of Council, wel- comed Hies Blanche 8tanlay, representing the Niagara Falls Gazette, who is acting in Miss Hanan's stead while MAss Hanan is ill. Hie Worship also greeted Ex-alderman Twirlale, and wishe~ her an excep- tie fine year for 19~9. l~-s. Twidale ecpressed her appreciation of the wel- com. Mayor Houck congratulated Miss Wlnnffred Stokes upon her appotn+z~t as Chairman of the Niagara Falls Public Librex7 3card, and Miss Stokes acknowledged the SBJ~8. DEr~A'ATI0~S In connection with ~y-law Number ~3J~, to prohibit the use of other lands than those now in use for motels, tourists cmnpe or trailer camps, it was ordered on the motion of Aid. Eawkins and Donald that an~ present who wished to speak, be heard. Aid. McKinley expresse~ his intention of voting against the by-la~ and went on to explain his stand on this matter. Mrs. Cull, Mr. NcCut- cheon, Mrs. Clayton, Mr. Win. Sllnn and Hr. Bruce Wel_k~_r SpOke in fayour of the passing of the proposed by-law. Messrs. Steve Ne~zn, Ndltzibrock~, Glassbrook, Jack 3town an~ M~rray Shszmon spoke in o~osition to the same. Eis Worship Mayor Houck outllned the statistics issued by the C~er of Commerce en to the n~er of parsons vlsltlng l~ia~ara Falls in 19~8 and the accon~tion available for those visitors in the City A~_a ~ls~rict. lvo~ ? - Canadian Natlonal Railways . re mee~t with --'~' "° mo ion of Aid. MacDonald and Parm that the c n~ Cotmoil. 01~R~ 'on the · <ztnnxioatton be received an{ filed, and Council meet Mr. Pringle at ~.00 p~. on 17th Januar~l with the~Xggm~.. meet- ir~ bein~ scheduled fo~ $}.00 ~.m. No. 9 - Claude A. Findlay - appreciation of appointment. 0EDEi~ED on the motion of Aid. Hawkins ana McKinley that the co~-onication be received and filed. lfo. 10 -Bell Tele~_~_on_e..C~.o~_.~. oJ.~_C._a_n~_.d_a. - requesting permission to replace poles. OIRDI~ on the motion of Ai~. Hawkins and MacDonald that the comunicat- ion be received and filed, anal permission be granted. l~o. 11 - R.Klem - re vna~ket stalls. 01~DEI~ on the motion of Ald. HclCnley an& MacDonald that the c~nication be received and file~[. No. 12 - Womeu's Hosp. i__~_l. Aux. l_l_i....a~_'- requesting pelumission for rose day. 01~D- EI~ED on the motion of AId. Mclf. lnley ar~l Jolley that the connnunication be received and filed, an~ !oer~ssion he ~ranted. 1(o. 13 - ~ Falls Civic .]~m2~l_o_Te_gA'__F._e_~p_ra_l__.U_~9.n_ - requesting permission to atteml convention. 01REEI~ on the motion of A]zl. Parm and Hawkins that the munication ~e received and file{L, and permission be granted for the delegate attend the convention, and his pay be continued during his absence. I~o.1~ - Niagara Falls Civic E~__lo_7ees' Federal Union - asking consideration of agreement. 01~DE~f0~on the motion of Ald. Donald and Raw]tins that the co~nunlc- ation be received and filed, ax~ a committee of council ~e appointed to meet with the committee of the Union. His Worship Mayor Houck apl~inted Ald. Donald, Y~Elis and Hawloins as this cCrrm~ tree. 1~o. 15 - W.__S_.o._u=I_s~_.y - requesting leave of absence. 01RDEA~/U on the motion of AI~. MacDonald[ an~ McEinley that the cc. mm_m~catton be receive& and filed, and permis- sion for one month'e leave of absence be granted. 1~o. 16 - F.E.Wilson - opposing ad~Litional building for tourists. Oi~DEI~ED on the ~ti~ of ~. P~ ~ ~ ~at ~e c~nn~catl~ be received a~ file&. No. 17 - Falls Construction Co. Lt~. - protesting passing of by-law. 01RDE~;D on the ~tion of Ald. MacDonald and Jolley ,that 'the com~uzxication be received and filed. 1~o. 18 - Murray 8hR.r~.non - protesting passing of ~y-law. 01~EI~ED on the motion of Ald. Parm and MacDonald that the cu~,.munication be received and file&. The followin~ Re~ort was presented.: I~o. 2 - City Clerk - recum~zling issuance of licenoes. Ot~A~ on the motion of Ald. Inglis and Pare that the report be received and filed, that approval be given to all licenoes with the exception of those for fish and chip wagons; end these he referred to the Coattee of the .Whole for discussion. · ~e f_ollowin~ Petltton waspresented: ' msoz rzoas, ~e follo~tn~ Resolutions were passed: lqo. 19 - ]KI~ - DONALD - I~OLtED that Miss Victoria LeSlie be appointe~ ten~ atl~ 'u ~e "l~al,au~ f~ ~e ~es ~ ~ Ol~ . , ~ : Nothere' Allowances Ant; that the Clerk further correspond with the Department to ascertain why this action has been +_~mn; and the Seal .of the Corporation be hemto affixed. Carried unanimous. l~y No. 20 - pAI~ - M~CDONALD - I~SOLVED that ~e citize~ of Ni~ Fa~s ~ t~ed, ~ th~i~'~' ~ ~ss ~d radio, for ~eir assis~ce in ~e ~m~l of sn~ f~ the ei~ewa~s; ~ the Seal of ~e Co~o~ti~ be hem~ ~fix~. The following By-laws were posseS: ~ - To provide for permission to The Bell Telephone Cc~paRy of Canada to replace ~three poles on Victoria Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that Ald. MclCtn- lay be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried It was ordered on the motion of kld. Hawkins aml MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the sacera readir~ - Carried unanimously. Third reading -Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins - Carfled un~nuely. No..~3~2. - To authorize the execution of an A6reement for sale an~ deed. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. McXinley and MacDonald that AI~. Hawkins be g~en the privilege of tntrcduclng the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. The following By-law was read a first time: .No. ~.~.~2 ' To authorize the berTowing of $2~0,000.00. It wasordered on the motion of Ald. Donal~ and Parm that Ald. Hawkins ~e given the privilege of introducin~ the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - OaxTAed unan~nusly. It was then ordered On the motion of Ald. Inglis and Donald that the by-law he refez-A~ to the meeting ¢~ the Cc~ttee of the ~Pnole for further dls- CusStone The Com~cll a~3ourned on the motion of Ala. Hawkins and Jolley. I~AD AND ADOF~n, 17 January, 19~9. Clerk .~ \ Mayor It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Parm an~ Jolley +.h~t l~Ale 36 (2) FINAmum MEETING of the Standing Rules of C~mcll be suspended aml the by-law be '~vsn the second rea~Ing - Carried tmanfinonsly. ~o. ~3. ' To a~thorlze the exec~tton of an agreement for sale and dee~. It was or~er~ on the motion of Ai~. Donald and McEinley +.~,~t AJ/. Haw- Mms be given the privAlage of introducing the by-law an~ the by-law'~e read the first time - Carried unanimously. Sundry accounts sinetinting to $61,826.~3 were approve& by the C~!ttee. It was exilered on the motion of A/d ~arm and MacDonald that Rule ~6 The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were Thiz~ rsa~lng - Ai~. MacDonal~ am~ Iolley - Carried unemtmousl~. The o~i-~icatio~ ~ t.O.Orawfcr~ ae laid over frc5 ~revAous meet- U~ ~rAet camps and ~ratler ~amps wlthin the limits of the ~ol-poratton the meetin~ of the C~-anittee of the Whole for consideration. of the City of Niagara Falls. Council Chamber, 10 January, 19~9. The Finance C~ttee met on Monday, lOth ~an,n~y, 19~9, for the pur- pose of approving and also of paSstn~ the various accounts which had been prop- erly certified and place& before them. All members of the Conw,4ttee were present. . The statement of relief for the month of December was presented. It It was ordered on the motion of A1A. leglie and Pare ?Aat AId. Donald was ordered on the motion of Aht. NcEinley and MacDonald that the statement be be ~lwen the privilege of tntrod~cin; the by-law an~ the by-law be reaA the first re;elveS-and filed, em~ 81Yen the usual publicity. t~e - Car~ed mmnim~usly. '~ . .... ~he Geminitree ed3omed on the motion of A1A. Moleinlay,an4 Do.-~4. ~AD AND ADOPt, 17 Januax=, 1~9, Chairman of Finance It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Parm an~ ln~lts ~-~ ~ 36 (2) of the 8te~ding 1~tles of ~oll be ~de~ The Council re-assembled at the close of the regularccotu~cil end finance ~etings for the Intrpose of passing the by-law which covered the acestufts approved the Cammlttee. All members of the Co,mOil were .present. ~Y-LAW The followin~BJ[olaw was passe~: ,No... 4.~ - To C~rant Monies for ~eneral Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. McKinley end MacD~_~!d that Ald. Hawkins ~e given the privilege of introducing the by-law aml the by-law be read the first t~ - Carried It ~as ordered on the wtton of Aid. Donald and Mol~nley t~t l~ule 36 (2) of the Standing, Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second readi~ - Cai-ried unanimously. Third reading o Aid. NacDonalJ an~ Mcl[inley - Carried unenimously. She Council e~Journe& on the motion of Aid. McKinley and ;olley. I~AD ~ ADOFIED, 17 January, 19~9. Clerk Hayor not opposed to the increased remuneration, was critical of the request being filed at this pattichief tt~e of the year. On the motion of Aid. ~awkins aM Jolley, MAr. Crawfor~'e request for an increase of $D00.00 in hie remuneration was granted, this to be ~rovided from the 19l~8 expenditures. The by-law for current borrowings to the extent of $2~0,000.00 was then discussed and Aid. Inglis was dubious as to whether it would be necessary to bor- row to this extent and suggested an alternative metho~ which m~ght b~ followed; hut it was explained that his eu~;eetion was not feasible without the approval of the Department of Municipal Affairs. The two applications for reaewal of chip wagon licences were diecusse~[ and on the motion of Aid. Pars and MacDonald it was ordered that the renewals be granted for the year 19~9, but that the applicants be notified that on and after Blst December, 19~9, no further licences would be granted. It was ]~ft with the City Manager tO desi~nate the locations where these persons may operate for the current year. The City Manager advised that on 4th January he was in receipt of an application from Mr. Ohanady for another cabin unit on the property on the south side of Bender Hill. On the motion of Ald. Pars and MacDonald it was ordered that Mr. Chanady be notified that a by-law has been passed to prohibit any fur- ther erections of this type and that no more permits are to be issued for an~ such erection. This motion was carried with Ald. McKinley votin~ contrary. On the motion Of A]j1. HaoDone.ld and MP-W_~nley the Crgm.~ tree arose an~ reported to Council. t~AD AlqP ADC~, 17 January, 19A~9. Chairman CC~e4i'rAr~ (F um W~OLE Council Ch~m~er, The Co~il assembled at the close of the regular council and finance usetires on M~nday, 10th january, 19~9, as a C~mlttes of the Whole. All members of the Committee were present andHis Worship ~ Honck was chaL~man of the meeting. Mr. L.C.Crawford, Cit~ Auditor, was present end outline~ the increase in his duties in support of his request for increased reamneretion. Alxl. Inglts d~scussed the vol~ of capital works, the increase in taxation and decreased C~JRCn. MEETING Council Cl~m~er, 1~ ~anuary, ~e Cornoil re-assembled at the closeof the meetin~ of the Co,~ttee of the Whole on M~nday, lOth ~am,a~-7, 1~9, for the purpose of recoivin~ the report ~f-*the C~x~nittee. A~I members of the Council were present. collections; and warned of the danger and asked Mr. Craw~ox~ if he woul~ prepare ' ' ' a re~ort on the financial.position of the munictl~ltt~, beth ca ttal and '~x~ent N~ bent~s fo~ the entire school ~o~ wlmnttbe York has not been ecmpleted~ an~ referred to the Water De~sdaen~ and ~he followin~ liesolution was passed: the ksndll~ of revenue surplus. Mr. Crewfox~t ateted he would re a re a s, reques,te~and cover the various sub~sete,mentione& AId ~: Parealth l~ ~o. ~l - i(~ - NAk~,A~u - I~OLV~u that the actions taken un~L reocmnendations '- ... ' '. ': ',~, :~.. , : . . made .d~in~ the meetinS .of_. the C_cmmlttee of the Whole on this ~ate, be · -' , '~ .... ' : =: < - 'ri." · , , ~-'.: :.,~,: :: .....~ ,,,: .. :;:,,~ -,~;~. :,.-:, ,_ ,.?:.,-, , .....';.:..!-~:. , .........-.,· , .....: , · . ., . ~ · .,.,: . :: · . . .. ,.. ..... : an~ the Seal of the Corporation ~e ,her. to affix.&. The following By-law was passe~: ~o~. ~ - To authorize the l~rro~ing of $250,000.00. Second reading - Aldo Napkins am~ Donald - Carried unanimously. Thir~ reading -Ald. ~aley and Donald - Carried unamlmously. Tee Council ad~ommed on the motion of Ald. MacDeaal& and Carrte~ummlmouely Mayor T~i~ METING Council Chamber, 17 January, 1949. Pursuant to adjournment, the Co~mcilmet at ~.00 p.m. on Mondsy, 17th January, 1949, for the purpose of cotmid.ring general business and finance. All members of the Council were present. The Co~mcil, having received and read the minutes of the previous meetings, adopted these on the motion of Ald. McKinley 'aniMccDonald. Ald. Inglle advised Council that he had copies of the new brochure which ha~ bee~ published by the Greater Niagara Chamber of C~-~rce, and presented a copy to each member of Council. The Alderman also asked that His Worship Mayor Ho~ck autograph three copies and Present the same to Messrs. Pringle,.Walford and Emprlngham of the Canadian National ~ailways, who were present at the meeting. It was also suggeste~ by Ald. Ingl~e that copies of the booklet might be forwarded to the Toronto and M~ntreal Beadquarters of the Railway Company for publicity pur- poses. C~CATI~ONS ~aid over from previous meettugs: No. B~4 (19~8 file) - Canadian National l~allwa~v~_~ No. ~J~ (1948 file) - Canadian National l~ailwa~ - requesting Peraiselon to crease fares. O~E~ED on the metion of Ai~. Hc~dnley an& Eawk-Ans that the c~n- icatione ~e received and lai~ on the table until the next meeting. ~ne followinF~o~nunications wet.,-presented: No. 19 - Ni~a~La~ Fo~u~ C~.c~AIy - requesting closing of lane. motion of~. ~Ma~l~~ M~Y~inley that the cc~nication be 01~DE~ on the erredto the Property Committee for a report. receive~ and rel- ic. 20 - ~ Fa~s~Cirls, ~W~ork ~oard - requesting permission for ta ~ on the motion of AI~. Hawkins and MacDonald that the c~=~icati~ ~ay. 0R- be rec~ sired and file~, and permission ~e granted. ~o. 21 - Niagara Falls Music Festival Association - requesting insrease~ grant. 0~Ei~D c~ the motion of Ald. Donald an~ MacDonaYd that the c~nication be rec- eived and laid on the table for consideration when the l~ud~t is being prepared. No. 22 - Cit[o~ Fort W~lliam - resolution re mayor acting in two nnmicipalitiee. 0E~E~D on the motion of Ald. IngliS ax~ Donald :that the c~nlcation be rec- eiv~d and filed. ~o. 23 - l~tro-~lectric Cc=.nission of Niagara Falls - requesting Permission to place standards. 01~m~ ~n the motion of AId. L-~lis and McEinley that the cc~- mnication ~e received and lai~ on the table, that the mem~ere of Council be a~- wised of the Provisions of the agree~nt with the Cow,.~ssion the City Manager present a .repox~ t~on the matter. In this regar~ an~ mmicatlcn be received and f~led. on of Ald. MacDonald end Dottold that the cc~- filed, and the suggested ~ates be observe& in Niagara Falls. SEE Resolution No. No. 26 - .Ni.a~ra Falls Janlor Chamber of Cmrce - invitation to 'International Night'. OEDE1;~D on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Eawkins that the c~unicat- · ion be received and file~, the invitation be accepted, and as many members of the Council as possible attena the f;action. No. 27 - Ohtldren'e At~[ Society - re week-end lectures on social work. OI~DEA~D an the mot~]~'~"~'.' D~ a~ McEt~ey ~t ~e c~lcatt~ ~e received a~ mfem~ ~ ~. ~cD~d for a sport. No. 28 -Kinette Club - requesting permission for tag day. 0RDEA~LO on the motion of Aid. M~]~i~l~e~'~l'~olley that the canmu~icatton he received an~ filed, and permission be granted. i~POR~S 7he following l~eports were p~sented: ~. ~ - 9~lerk - mc~t~ is~ of llcencee. 0~ ~ ~e ~tl~ of ~. D~d ~ ~k~s ~at ~e ~p~ ~ recel~d ~ filed, ~ the ~c~nd- ati~ be ad~d. ~o. ~ - ~!.~. P~P~ ' ~ ~t~ of ~e ~io M~ictp~ ~. O~ on ~e ~ti~ of ~. ~ey ~d ~w~s ~t ~e report ~ mcei~ ~& filed. ~e foll~ing l~esolutions were passed: No. 22 - MclCI(LEY - MacD0~ALD - I~SOLVED that ~ylt~t sa~ t~ be obeemed in ~e City of Nt~ F~s In the ye~ 1~9 fn ~.01 a.m. ~ 8,~aay, 2~ A~ril ~ ~.01 a.m. ~ S~day, 2~ 8ep~r; and the S~l of ~e Co~tion be hem- No. 23 - D~ - ~ - ~0L; t~t ~e actl~ of ~s Wo~p ~r Houck in ap~in~' ~'~Haw~ as ~cti~ m~r ~ 1~ a~ 2~ ~a~, d~ ~e abs~ce ~ His WornhiD, ~ ap~ed; ~d ~e Se~ ~ ~e Oo~oration ~ here~ ~f~. ' C~ed of ~e ~U~ ~Ca~, e~ss~ ~e s~ ~ ~e citiz~s, His Wor- ship ~ Houck ~ ~e City Co~cil ~n the dea~ of ~is se~& citizen ~ ~s~s~r; ~ ~e Se~, of ~e Co~ ~ hemto ~fi~. Ca~e~ ~ly MC. 2~ - Nc~ . jOl~ . I~80L~Ea~ that the best wishes of Cecil be extended to Miss E~h~ana~,,'~[t~ the hods ~at she will have a speedy recover3' fr~a her illness~ an~ the Seal of the Corl~ratlon be hare~o 'affixed., OaATted unanimously No. 2~ - D(I{Atl) - 14aoD(~AT2) . i~SOL~ID that the school sign 8tandax~s, presently used in the tearivals a~ao~nt to the schools, be not placed for the time heine and until such times as the ma~s am in proper comtitiou an4 free fi~a loeband anw; and the Seal of the Corporation he heret~ affixed. Cartie& mlanimously ~he Oremoil ed~ourned on 'the motion .of AId. Donal~a~.. acetiC. : ' ' / ' ' -~ "/ v · -: .' ''!'' '. ? ~AD AND ADOP~gn. 24 Jam,.~y, 19~9. FINANCE MEETASG Council Chamber, 17 January, 19~9. ~e Finance Co~.~ttee met on Monday, 17th Jam; -~vT, 19~9, for the pur- pose of approvlng and also of passing the verioue accounts which had been prop- erly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Sundry accounts amounting to $60,~16.~1 were approved by the Cmm. ittee. ' The accounts submitted, being l~aseed a'other~ise dealt with, were ere~L placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald. Donald end Jolley. The co=xudnication from the New York Central SyStem, regarding rental of a lot at Queen Street and Erie Avenue for lmrking purposes, as laid over from a previous co,~mnil meeting, was considered. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald and upon the rec~m~endation of the Property O~,we~ tree that the ccsmaunicatien be received and lai~ on the table until further reports and rec- o~,.,-,~dat!oue are received. An offer was presente~L from F.F.Grant of $50.00 for Lot 71, Dysen Ave- hue. Upon the reccseen~atlon of the Property Co.~4ttee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald an& McKinley it was ordered that the offer be received, accepted, sub- ~ect to the canditicn that a dwelling of at least $~,000.00 value is erected on the premises within six months. - An offer was presented from S.Petx~,110 of $75.00 for Lot 8~, Lombard A~enue. Upon the recc~endation of the Propert~ Committee aml on the motion of AId. MacDonald and McKinley it was ordered that the offer be receive~ and ac- cepts4, providlr~ the price is the same as that !~reviousl~ received for this prop- erty and subject to the provision that a dwellin6 of at least $~,000.00 value is erects4 on the premises within six months. The repox~ of the Property Ccemittee, upon the above matters, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of AId. MacDonald and McKinle~ that the l~rt be mcetve~ and filed. A ccemunlcation was l~resented from Nie~are F~ma~7 Ccepany re~arding Prices for castings, etc. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Donald and Pars that the e~;~..~tcation be received and let& c~ the table until a further estim- ate is ma~e. The Comnittoe edgeurns& on the motion of AI~. Donald ami Pars. Chairman Council Chamber, 17 January, 1949. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts al~reved by the C~,~..Ittee. All members of the Council were present. The following By-law was passed: Ng. h.B~7 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of AId. McKinley and Donald that Ald. Haw- kins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first ~me_ - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Parm and Donald that l~le 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended ~ the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unanlmoasly. Third readln~ - AI&. MacDonald and Parm -Carrted unanimously. The Councll adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Nawklna. E~AD AND AD01x~ED, 24 January, 1949. Mayor Council Chmmber, 24 January, 1949. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 2~th January, 19~9, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonala end McKinley. 90~RATULA~O~ His WorShip Nayor Houck extended his and She Council,e congratulations to Ald. Grant Donald upon the celebration of his twentyfifth wedding anniversary, which will take place on 27th January; and the hope was expressed that he and Mrs. Donald woul& enjoy many more years of health and happiness. Ald. Donald thanked Eis Norship and the Council for their good wishes. DEP~TAT~0EB In connection with Cohuaumication No. 23 and l~eport No. 7, Mr. Thomas Barnes, Chairman and Mr. J.A.Williamaon, Manager of the Eydro-Electrfc Co~dselon of Niagara Falls, addressed the Council. The speakers explained the plane of the C~mmission for the change of the street lighting, and their proposal for replace- ments in the ornoz~ntal system. SEE Co~manication No. 2S COI~4~Ni~ATIONS Laid over from previous meetings: No. 35~' (1948 file) - Canadian National ~ailw..a~ No. 44~ (19~8 file) - ~a"Eadtan Natto~ai i~at"'~w',~.,~_ - requesting permission tl Inc- rease fees. Oi~E~ an the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the commm- lcattons be received an~ filed, and the ~atlway be granted permission to increase the fares to three ticktts for twenty-five cents; and confirmation in writing be obtained that if the cost of living is lowered, the fares will be reduced. ~ Re2ort No. No. 19 - Niagara Foundry Cc~ny - requesting closing of lane. 01~ERED on the motion of Ald. Parm and MacDonald that the c~mmnlication be received and laid on ~hs table until definite pro~ositioa and plane are,submitted. ' 6 No. 23 - N.vdro-Electric Commission of Niagara Falls - re maintenance of ornamen- tal etx~et lighting. O1RDEi~D on the motion of AId. Donald and Parm that the c~- mumteation ~e received and file~, that the Orm..!~sion be granted authority to make the changes in line with the suggestions; and that a rel~rtbbe su~mitted to Cornoil regarding changes in ~_h.e lighting of Victoria Avenue amt all business areas, as to~costa, and with diagr-~., etc. ' No. 27 - Children,s Aid Society - re week-and workshops. 0I~Ei~D on the motion of Ale. MacDonald and Pare tlmt the coma~nicatian be received and filed, and S~ock be authorAsset to attemt the meeting when held. .~ · !, ' ~ SEE 7erb~ The followl~ Cemmmteatton$ were ~reaented: No. ~9 - ]lealth League of Canada ? requesting proclamation re ~ational Health t Week. OI~EtlD on the motion of Ald. ltawkins an~ MacDonald tlmt the connnunication be received and filed, ar~ the proclamation be issued. No. B0 - Rose Dunkslinen Chal~ter - requesting permission for tag day. 01tDEI~'D on the motion of Ald. McKinley an~ Hawkins that the ca~..,nication be recetve~ and - filed, and l~rmission be granted. No. B1 ~ Niagara Falls 6erierat Hospital o requesting meeting with Council re in~ digant ra~e. 0EOEi~ on the motion of Aid. M~cDonald an~ Jolley that the caun- icerich be received and laid on the table, and His Worship Mayor ]touck be asked to appoint a committee to meet with a co~dttee fr~n the Hospital Board for the discussion of this matter. His Worship appointed Ald. Donald, Inglie and Hawkins ae the ccexdttee. No. 32 - John Ho~ar~ Society of Ontario - requesting grant. OI~)EI~ on the mot- ion of Alil. Donald,~and Hawkins tHat the c~mmmication be received and laid on the table for considerati..on when the 1~1~9 Budget is being prepalxl., No. 33 - The Salvation Army - requesting grant. OI~EIID on the motion of Ald. McKinley a~ Jolley that the c,_-~;~;anication be received and la~d on the table for consideration when the 19~9 Budget is being prepared. No. ~ - N.i...a~__ Frontier ltmnane Society_ - requesting extension of a~ement for 19~9. ORDEit~ on the motion of Ald. Mclinley and Donald that the com~untcattun ~e received ami laid on the table for consideration when the 19~9 lhl~t is being prepare&, at which time a report be suhnittod by the City Ban~er in regax~ to services provide&, etc. No. 35 - _D.epar~nent of Public Welfare - re discontinuation of local boards. OR- Elll~u on the motion of Aid. Parm and McKinley that the c;-,--.~tication be received end laid on the table mtil the next meeting, at which time a resolution he ~res- anted, protesting t~l.8 action, the same to be forwarded to the cities of the province for enlorsation. No. B6 - James Molloy, St. - rsquestiu~ leave of absence. 0~h~ on the motion of AIA. Mcl[taley and MacDonald that the ccmnunloation be received an4 filed, the request be ~ranted. No. B7 o Canelien l~ed Cross ~ociety - invitation to form~l opening. ~ on the motion of AId. Parm end l~wkins that the cc.~._mioation be receive8 and filed, the invitation be accepted anl as many of the Council as ~ossible attend ~he meet- Oll)EI~D on the motlon of AI~. MacDonald and McKinley that the cmm.unication be received and filed, end permission be ~ante~.' No. ~9 - Nia4tam Falls llorttoultlral society - requesting ~nt. ' ol~lw on the motion of AId. Nc~uley and ~Olley that the onew-mication be receivet an& laid on the table for oonsi~er~tion when the 1~9 Budget is hain~ prepareS. 'VERItAI, IIPORT /'~ ' All. MacDonald mate a verbal x~port in c~cti~ vl~ ~. 27 ~ a~s~ ~t ~e S~lety h~ decid~ ~ assm ~e cost of p~i~g ~e ~ace ~ ~ctmm for ~e p~ wee~ vetches; ~ ~ ~oi~lttes co~ ~ ~msent wigout o~. ,, . . ~0~ * - ~e to~ b~m ve~ Pma~t No..5 - Cit~ Clerk - re meettn~ with representatives frca ~he/,'O~-4ian National ' ' '!. '' : ..... "Lj ~: ' / ..... i':--' - . . ') :;. , :,-.. -;,:'5 "5' ' ' ' ' ':.'= 5"-"2' ' :' Railways. 01~Etlmu on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and McKinley that the report 1~ received and filed. No. 6 - P~rc~p..rtJ~C_..c~_~t!ep. - re application for closing of lane. OIlDElveD on ~e ~ti~ of ~d. P~ and ~eld ~at ~e ~Do~ be reCel~ ~d filed, an~ ~e intonation be adop~. S~ Petition No. 2 No. 7 - C~y ~,M~r. - re m~intenance of ornmnental street lighting. OltDEtt~p on tae motion of Ald. Donald and Palm that the report be received and filed. ~o. 8 - 9_It 7_9 _le r.. - presenting e,m,~_~j- of 1~8 licences. 0~ on ~e ~tion ~ ~. ~o~d ~ ~ey t~t ~e m~ be receive& and filed. No. 9 - Ci~tlr_.Oj~er_k_ - reckriding issuance of licenoes. OI~DEA~D on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Parm that the report ,be received and filed, and the recum~end- attons be approved. No. 10 - Fire Chief - annual report for 19~9. O1t0~ on the motion of Ald. Don- ald and Hawkins that the report be received and lai~ on the table for consider- ation when the 19~9 Budget is hein8 prepared. The following Petition was ~ressntad: No. 2 . C. Crigoroff and 2 othe.rs - protesting closing of lane. 0~ on the motion of Ald. Parm and MacDonald that the petition ~e received aml laid on the table until a definite preposition and pl... are submitted by the Company. ~he following. Resolutions were l~azeed: No. 27 - PAlIt - llA!~klff~ - I~80L~ED that ~e ~inctpal of ~ple S~et School be as~d ~ i~t ~e chil~ w~ at~d his school and live in ~e vicinity of Bri~ S~et ~& ~ A~n~ ~ cross ~rt~ S~e$ at ~e ~fic lt~t at. Fo~ A~e ~d ~ m~e ~e ~z~ to ~ ~d the molests; a~ ~e Se~ Ne. 28 - ~ - ~D~ - ~OL~ ~t a later of t~-~ka a~ apDmciati~ ~e fom~ea te ~e ~mnd ~. M.O.Weiss~ch for his in~tio~ ~ at~d aiv- ~e semite at ~s ehmh ~ 2~ ~mmy, ~d for the messa~ be conve~a at ~at ~; ~a ~e Be~ of ~e co~atlm ~ he~to ~flxed. ~o. 29 - ~ - D~ - ~OL~ ~t a o~cati~ ~ fom~ed to ~e Hon- orhie H~ Midhell mq~s~ ~t he mc~.~;~ t~t apD~priations be in- cl~ in ~e fo~c~ b~t of ~e D~nt~ ~er,~t for ~e b~ldt~ of a * ~w fede~ ~ in ~is City; ~. ~e, Seal ~ ~e C~mtion he ~m~ ~- The Cornoil adjourned on the motion of 'Ald. Farm and Jolley. i~EAD A~D ADOP~D, 31 Januarlr, 19~9. .!! i, i h t ! Council Chamber, The Finance Comnitbee met on Monday, 2~th ~Tam:-~y, 19~9, for the pur- pose of approving and also of passing the various ascotmrs which ~ heen erly certified and place& before them. All members of the Committee were pres- ent. Surety accounts re,hunting to $79,875.66 were approved by the Cu~lttee. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were or~- area placed in the money by-law for presanbation to the Coancil on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Jolley. The reports of the City Clerk, as laid over frc~ previous meetings, and with reference to the condition of the cash register and the cost of a new unit, were presented. Upon the recomnendatlon of the Equ/lment Committee and on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald it was ordered that the reports be received and filed, aml an order be placed for a National Cash 9egistor machine in accord- ance with the quotation submitted. A report was submitted by the City Manager to the F4u/pnent Cnew~ttee with reference to a spare rear end assembly for ~ruck Ntm~er 21. Upon the rec- ren~ndation of the Equipment Crm~it~ee an~ on the motion of Ald. Donald end Mac- Donald it was ordered t~at the report be received end filed, amt replacement of the truck be referred to the Budget C;-,--f tree, amX the new mar end assembly be not lmrch~_ned. The report of the F4ut!~ent Committee on the a~ove matters was pres- ented. It was o~ered on the molten Of Ald. MacDonal~ amt Parm ~hat the ae/~rt be received and filed. A commmtcation was presented frc~ F.F.Crant withdrawing his offer for Lot TI, Dyson Avenue. T/pon the rec~.seemlation of the Property C~m~ittee am1 on the motion Of Ahl. MacDonal~ aml Parm it was orderel. that the ccmmmication be receive~ aml file~, and a refuml of the deposit be granted. An offer was presonteX fz~ A. Quarante of $75.00 for Lot 891, L~m__~erd Aven~e. Upon the reccenendation of the PrOperty Crenw~ttee am~ on the motion of A3/. MacDonald ~,a Parm it was ordered. that the offer be received ancl laid on table, aml a report be sulmitte& at the next meeting with reference to sales of other late on this street. ' The report of the Froparty Cem~t~ee on the above matters was pros'- anted. It was or~ere~ on the motion of Ald. MacDonaM and Parm that the report be received A_na filed. A c~munication was presented fx~m ;esse T. Ruley in which he offered $20.00 for a Dalton eAtSinS machine, !~resentl~ In use In the Cit~ Fall. It was ordered on the motion of Ai~. Donald amt Ma~EEmley that the c~oation be rec- eived an~ laid on the ~able until the next meetin6, and the F4uilment C~maittee ~nspest the machine. (Ai~. Patm voteX concur tO this motion.) A report vu preeen~e~ from the City Manager, re the application of the King Edward Hotel for a persalt to erect a marquee and st~n. 'It was ordered on the motlon of Ald. Parm and MacDonald that the report be received an& filed, and pemisslon be issued for the erection, in conformity with *~he. by-laws of the CoP potation. : . The Co.,.~tf~e a~ourm~ on the motion of. AId. Mcl~nley and Dc~alde 1lAD ~ ADOF/~, 31 ;anuax?, 1~.9, ; ,:.': .' ' .- .0 .. of - .:~ , , . Council Chsmber, 24 January, 1949. The Council assembled at the close of the regular council snd finance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Co.~ttee. All members of the Council were present. BY-LAW The followin8 BZ-.law was passed: No. ~ - To Grant Monies for General Purrssee. It was ordered on the m~tion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that Ald. Haw- klns be given the privilege Of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. ParmandMacDOnald that Rule 36 (2) of the Stanain~ Rules of 0sunoil be suspended and the by-law be given the seooml reading - ~arrted unanimously. Thir~ rea~ing,- Ald. Donald and McKinley - Carried unanimously. RESOLUTION The foilowtng_R_es_o~t%o!~_~w~as .passed: No. 30 - Hawkins - McKinley - ~SOLVED that the reports fr~u the City Manager to the Traffic C~dm.~ttee, with reference to parking perices throughout the City and the operation of parking motors, be submitted for consideration at the next meet- ing of Council; and the Seal of the Corporation ~e hereto affixed. Carried __unanimousl~Z The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Parm and ~Tolley. I~AD A~D ADOPt2), 31 ~anuaxT, 19a~9. ' Clerk Council Chamber, 2~ ~anual=, 19~9.' The Counoll asse~led at the close of the re~lar octmoll and finance meetfi~s as a Co~atttee of the Whole on Monday, 2~th ~anuaxT, 19~9. All mea~ers ,J j of the C~,nmittee were ~resent and His ~orship Fayor Houck was chairman of the meeting. A report was presented from tile City Mana6er with reference to insurance carries by W~. Charles Wamler on his car. The reoc,.mendation was that in order to meet the requirements of the contingent liability policy, Mr. Warder be advised that unless public liability aml property damage coverage is carried On his car, the present car allowance will be ddscantinue~. It was ordered an the motion of Aid. Parm aria .Donald that the report be received and files, end the reco~nendatlon be adopted. The City Manager advised Council of the dismissal of a city employee for breakin~ in and stealing a city truck. It was agreed ~b-t the action taken in the matter he appreved. The City Manager advised the C~=Xttee of the condition of Mr. E.P.Scott and recommended that he be Daid $90.00 per month until 20 years' service has been attained, that is m~til March 31st; and the matter then be taken up with the DeD- arUMnt of Municipal Affairs to ascertain what pension can be allowed in such case. It was agreed that the recommendation be-carried out. ~e City Manager also sxlvised concerning Mr. J.R.McBri~e; but action in this case was deferred for a week or two. Aid. Donald referred to the situation on Stanley Avenue at Mr. Green- span,s Junk yard, and was advised by His Worship Mayor Houck that the matter is ~eing cleared up and the lot will be used for thick storage only. On the motion of A]A. Donal~ ~_._a Hawkins, the CoM, ittee ar~se aml repomd to the Council. ~AD AND ADGF/~D, 31 ~enuary, 19~9. Clerk Chairman No. 31 - McY~LNLE~ - PAI~ - RESOLI~D that the actions taken and recommendations made during the meeting of the C~ttee of the Whole on this date be approved; aml the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimous~2K The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Jolley and Parre. EAD AND ADOPu~Au, 31 Jam~_-ry, 19~9. Mayor Council Chamber, 31 ~am,a~y, 19~9. pm,mtnnt to adJout, mmnt, bite Cornrail met at 7.30 p.m. ~ M~y, Blst Jnnu. r,v, 1.u!~<~, for th, pm. po.o of considering ~neral business and fi~ce. ~1 xnm~bpr. oY the Couu,q~ ~,n~ p~,eent. 'l~s Ootmcil, havi~ ~ceived a~ ~a& the Inhnlt,-~ o(' tile ln~viou~ nxeo~ll~ attopte~ these on ~xe mti~ of ~. Haw~ ~ ~xcDolml-d · y~. 4~o~hh~ N,k~r llcu~.k ,,,~leceat~t Ntss ~lmuk~d ~ Wo~l~) and ~ ~m~ctl t~r ~et~' ~ vi~es ~d ~n~ mss~s. ~4,~o was sleo ~nd~a ~o Ex-a~d~an ~'ltito ~han~d ~18 Wor~ ~' his ~ ;~DE~D on ~eive~ ~n& filed, No. ~7 - Greater Niagara C~A~nlty Chest - requesting increased gr~nt. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Parm and Donald that the comnunication be received and laid on the table for consideration when the 19~9 Budget is being prepared. No. 11 - C!tZ .~.~na_~e._l~ - re parking throughout the City. ORDEreD on the rotion of ~d. I~lis ~d ~cD~ald that the report be received and filed, the reoo~nd- att~s be a4op~&, a~ the City ~ger contact the Police Dep~nt to see that the re~!eti~e ~ e~orced with discretion. (A~. ~wklns and Pans voted contr~y.) No. 12 - O!t_]..Ma~_n~p_r - re ~peration of parking meters. OP~JERND on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley that the recommendations contained in the report be pub- lished in the local press for the information of the citizens, and the report be received and laid on the table until the next metln~. No. 13 - Ol_ty~qlgr_k' - recon~tendinR issuance of llcences. O~JERED on the ~tion Of ~. ~eD~ and ~wkine ~at the report he receive& aM file~, aM the rec- eptions be Moped. ~EBOLb~IO~ lm~e following _Re.~sp.lujJ.+n~e,. y.e.r~.. WHEI~ such applications should be considered by persons havln~ a per- serial knowledge of the background and clrcwnstancea of the applicants; an~ ~EI~A8 more satisfactory aAministration of the ~t could, be carried Out if recommendations were received frc~ such knowledgeable perso~s; NOW ~MEA~fOI~E BE IT I~OLVED that this Council go on record as being strongly opposed to the recent action of the Department of Public Welfare in ab- olishing lOcal Old ~ge Pensions and Mothers, Allowances Boards, ami respectfully requests that the Department give immediate and eerieus consideration to their re-establisksnent; Wmt copies of f~his resolution he forward~d to the Hono,~able W. A.CoO~fellow, Minister of Public Welfare, to WoL.Eouck, M.L.A., and to all cities in the Province of Ontario, requestin~ their endcreation; and the Seal of the Cor- p0ration be hemto affixed. Eo, 33 = McE'~W~ o MaODO~ALD - ~0~VED that t~e action of Eie Worship Mayor 'A An't'fn klaermm e. .zn lls as e acMng ma or on 3re. ana yeb- rmary, 4~r~ng the absence of Eis Werehip, ~e approveS; e~4 ~h~ Seal of the Cor- X~rra$ie~ be hereto affixe4o Oarried_..t~ilOUelz ~e followt:~ By-laws were ~assed: S0-j~9 - To authorize the execution of a deed. It was ordered On the motion of Aid. McFJ~ley and Donald[ that - carrxed It was ox. dex,d, on the m ion ofI nal J'olZey that B3 Council Chamber, 31 ~anuary, 1949. st at 7.3.O~P.m' ~ Monday, 31st 'pursuant to Jan~, 1~9, for ~ ~mbers of the ~nu~s of ~oDon~d. His thanked welcmme vas also ~aid over from th~ 01~EI~D ~ ~ ~ 1 eived a~filed. No. ~7 - Greater Niagara O~uanity Chest - requesting Increased gz~t. OI~DE~ on the motion of Ald. Parm and Donald that the communication be received and laid on the table for consideration when the 1949 Budget is being prepared. t~PORqB The followi~l~p~q..r._t_p__.we~re~presented: - ......... on the motion of the recommend- ment to see that voted contrary.) ~n the motion of report be pub- the report be N on the motion d, an~ the rec- ,ld age pen- having a per- ~e; and be carried as being .lfare in ab- respectfully to their ~onotzble W. all cities of the Cor- ip Mayor 4th Feb- f the Cot- oil fe~F'~.~L~lse~ , . em,si._ian filea, t~e:~a~ ........ A~ was o~em~ on ~e moti~ of ~. McKinley ~ D~i~ ~o. ~ - ~ ~ ~ C~ - ~s~ ~ ~. owS~ ~ ~e ~.~. was ox, derecl Council Chamber, ,31 ,,vanuary, 19~9. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 31s% January, 19~9, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council were present. ~he Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald. His Worship Mayor Houck welchned Miss Edythe Eanan, Niagara Falls Caz- ette reporter, after an absence of several weeks due to illness. Miss Henart thanked His Worship and the Council for their goc~ wishes and kind messages. A welcome was also extendAd to Ex-alderman James G. White by His Worship, and Mr. White thanked His Worship for his kind remarks. g0~4UNICATIONS Lai~d over from the previous meeting: No. 39 - Deputy Minister of Public Welfare - re discontinuance of local boards. OE)EI~D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Parm that the communication be rec- eived and filed. SEE Resolution No. 32 ~ne follo~ing C0ununications were presented: No. 40 - .Department of Planning and Pevelo_[nen. t . re conference in Toronto. 0R- DEi~D an the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the c~nication be rec- eived and laid on the table ~ntil the next meeting. No. ~1 - N!a~_ra_Falls Suburban Area Commission - 1948 report and requesting ap- propriation. 01~I~D on the motion of Ald. ~-]d and McKlnle~ that the cornrum- ination be received ar~l laid on the table for consideration when the 19A~9 Budget is being prepared; an~ the local representative of the Cmw~!ssion be asked to furnish Coancil with a detailed financial statement for the Fear No. 42 - NiaS~ra Falls Optimist Club - requesting permission for carnival. OR- DEI~D on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the C~-mn~AiCattOn be rec- eived and filed, ..,d the pex~nission be granted.. No. ~3 - X~cal ~oardoof Health - enclosing report ERgD on th~o~i~n'~y~Ej' In~lis and MacDonald that acccrs.~dationa, etc. Old- the ocmmmicati~n be received and laid on the table, aml the Board be asked to attend the next meeting of oil for the discussion of this matter. No. ~J+ - Canadian National Railways . confir~ati~n re fares etc motion ~1~. l~awkins and Jolle~ that the , · ,FAe~E~ on the of e~smmioation be receive~ and filed. No. ~ - Niagara Falls Public tibrax~. invitation to inspect new building. No. ~7 - Greater Niagara Oommmnity .C_hes_jt - requesting increased grant. OE)ERED on the motion of Ald. Parm and Donald that the conmmnication be recelved and laid on the table for consideration when the 1949 Budget is being prepared. ~PORTS ~e follow_t._njL~Re~p+q,r_t_A,.w_p~_re~l),resented: No. 11 - gi__tL_M~.___naj~._r - re psrking throughout the City. OiqDERED on the motion of Aid. Inglis and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, the recommend- atians be adol~ted, and the City Manager contact the Police Department to see that the regulations are enforced with discretion. (Aid. Hawkins and Penn voted contrary. ) No. 12 - ~C.i~t_y~Ma~r - re operation of parking meters. OEDEE on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley that the recc~nnendations contained in the report be pub- lished in the local press for the information of the citizens, and the report be received and laid on the table until the next meeting. No. 13 - .C. lty Clerk - recomending issuance of licenses. Ot~IEI~D on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the rec- _~sw~ndattons be adopted. The following Resolutions were~p_a_ssJ~: No. 32 - Mc~ - PAte4 - I~fl~l~AS the ntunber of aPPlications for old age pen- siuns and methera, allowances is increasing in vol,~e; and WHEI~A~ such applications should be considered by persons having a per- sonal knowledge of the background and clremnstances of the applicants; an~ WHEREAS more satisfactory administration of the Act could be carried out if rec~ndations were received from such knowledgeable persons; NOW 'Y~.:.m~'OlqE BE i"T I~80LVED that this Council go on record as being strongly opposed to the recent action of the Department of Public Welfare in ab- olishing local Old A~e Pensions and Mothers, Allowances Boards, and respectfully requests that the Departzment give ~wnMdlate and serious consideration to their re-establishment; that copies of this resolution be forwarded to the IIonotlable W. A.Coodfellow, Minister of Public Welfare, to W.L.Houck, M.L.A., and to all cities in the Province of Ontario, requesting their endorsatian; and the Seal of the Cor- l~ratton be hareto affixed. Carried unanimously No. $B - N~ - MacDONALD - I~OL~ that the action of Hie Worship Mayor Hauck, in appointing Alderman G.R. lnglis as enacting mayor on ~rd and ~th Feb- rusty, during the absence of His Worship, be approved; end the Beal of the Cor- poration be hereto affixed. Carried _unanimously ']~te follo~ir~ ly-laws were pass.e~d: N°'--~9 - ~ au~o~ze ~e emcutl~ ~ a deed. It w~ oMem~ on ~e ~tl~ of ~d. Mc~nle~ ~d D~I~ ~t ~d. Haw- of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the hyolaw be given the second reading - Carried ~nanimously. ~hird reading -Ald. MacDonald and jolley - Carried tmanimously. ~- ~b authorize the execution of a deed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mckinley that Ald. Haw~ kins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Donald that Rule B6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. Third reading -Ald. Parm and MacDonald - Carried unanimously. E~i - To authorize the execution of a deed. Zt was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacKinley that Ald. Haw~ kins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law a~d the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Pann and McKinley that Eule B6 (2) of the Standing l~ules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. Third reading -Ald. Jolley and Parm - Carried unanimously. .No~ - To authorize the execution of an ASreement for Sale and deed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Parm that Ald. Hawkins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law he read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Parm and McKinley that I~lle B6 (2) of the Standing l~ules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. ~lrd reading - Aid. MacDonald and Parm - Carried unanimously. No~._~] - To authorize the execution Of an agreement for sale and deed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that Ald. Hawkins he given the pFlvllege of introducing the by-law an~ the by-law be read the first time o 0artled It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald and Parm that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing lqules of Council be suspended an~ the by-law be given the second readLag - Carried unanim~usly. ~hird reading - Aid. MacDonald and Jolley - Carried manimously. The Council adJommed on the motion of Aid. Mc~dnley and. Jolley. Council Chamber, 31 January, 1949. The Finance Committee met on Monday, 31st January, 19~9, for the purpose of approvtng and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Sandry accounts mounting to $47,6~9.68 were approved by the Committee. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald. ~e comaumlcation from J.T.Ruley, as laid over from the previous meet- ing, and making an offer of $20.00 for the Dalton adding machine at the City Hall, was again considered. A verbal recommendation was made by Ald. Parm a~l on bek- all of the Equipment Committee that Mr. Ruley be advised the Committee feel the machine is worth $30.00 and he be asked if he wishes to mend his offer to that mount; and if not, that the machine be advertised. It was ordered on the motion 0f Ald. Donald and Jolley that the ccmmmication be received and laid on the table, and the recommendation be adq~ed. An offer of A.Qusrunto for Lot 891, Lombard Avenue, as laid over from the previous meeting, was presented again. Upon the recommendation of the Prop- erty Committee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley it was ordered that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the condition that s dwelling of at least $5,000.00 value is erected on the promises within six months. A communication was presented from E. and D. Allen, requesting an ex- tension of time for building on Lot 25, Lowell Avenue. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald it was ordered that the communication be received and filed, and an extension of six months be granted. An offer was presented from T.Senese of $~00.00 for Lot 30, Ranan Ave- cue. Upon the rec~mnendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Aid. l~acDonald and McKinley it was ordered that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the condition that a dwelling of at least $9,000.00 value is erected on the- premises within six months. The report of the Property Committee, on the above matters, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the rep- ort be received and filed. A communlcatiom was presented from the Children,s Aid Society, regard- ing the per diem rate for charges of the Society. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Dennis that the communication be received and referred to the Budget Co.~ttee for consideration; and the local representative on the Board be asked to submit all possible information at the time the Budget is being pre- pared. (Aid. Parm and MacDonald voted contrary to this motion.) Prior to the above motion, it was moved by Ald. Parm and MacDonald that the coz~munffmtion be received and filed, and a per diom rate of $1.10 he approved. This motion was defeated. A communication was presented frc~ the Niagara District Credit Assoc- iation, regarding the renewal of the contract with Dun and Bredstreet Limited. It was ordered an the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley that the c~,n~,~nicatton be received and referred for consideration when the Budget is being prepared. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending the issuance of a permit for the erection of a church at the corner of Main and S~mmr Streets. l~ ;wae'ordero~ on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and .Parm that the report be , ree* eived and filed, and the recommendation he adopted. The Comuittee adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley. EEAD AND ADOPTED, ? February, 1949. which will be held in Toronto commencing on 22rid February; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously In the above connection, Eie Worship Mayor Houck advised that he would appoint the representatives at the next meeting. ~he Council adjourned on the marion of Ald. Donal~ and McKinley. Clerk COUNCil MEETI~ Chairman of Finance BAD AND ADOPr~n, 7 February, 1949. Clerk Council Chamber, 31 January, 1949. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-]se which covered the accounts approved by the C~ttee. All members of the Council were present. BYZLAW The following By-law was passed: No .. ~B~ - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the rotion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley t~at Ald. Haw- k~ne be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and McEinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Sta~ing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the sec- ond reading - Carried unanimously. Thir~ reading -Ald. ~olley an& Donald - Carried unanimously. ~ne congratulations of Council were extende~ to HtsWorship andMrs. Ho~ckupon the celebration of their thirty-secon~ weddin~ anniversary. His Wor- ship thamke~ the Council forthair goo~wiehes. ~ne follo~inR ~esoluttonj~: · No. ~ - PA~N - Mc~. X~BOLI~D that two representatives f~ ~e City Co~- °tLbe au~~n~ ~e c~t~ of ~e ~Ca~l~ ~ ~s ~sootatton 89 Council 7 February, Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 7th February, 19~9, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Hawkins. DEPUTATIO~S In connection with Report No. 12 and on the motion of Ald. Hawkins McKinley, persons interested in the matter of parking meters were permitted to address the Council. Mr. Edward Nestere, representing the NIagara Falls Bustoes end Professional Men'e Association was the first speaker and advised Council of the action taken by his Association at their last meeting. Mr. Masters stated that it was felt parking meters should be installed in front of all businesses in the City, if installation is perm/tted at some locations; and if this is not done, it is asked that all meters be removed. Mr. John Logan stated he endorsed the views of the previous speaker and felt that meters should not be one section of the City and not in another. He also felt that the proposed hour parking regulation should not be instituted as it wol~ld be a very stringent regcletion end difficult to enforce at all times. Mr. Rookley exl~ressed the opinion and pointed out the condition which exists for businesses on Erie Mr. Pollerr also spoke upon the matter. SEE Report No. ~C0~N~NICATIONS ~aid oye~r__.fr_om~pre__vJpA~p_Ime. p_tj~n~: No. 400 (19~8 file) - Silver Cress Mothers - requesting purchase of flags. 0RD- EI~ED on the motion of Ald. Donald a~[ Hawkins that the c~m~anicatfon be received and filed. SEa C~nication No. No. 40 - Department of Plannin~ and Development - re conference. OEDEE on motion of Ald. Hawkins and NeeDonald that the oo~mication 1~ received and hid on the table until the booklet is received. _.Toe fpllewing Ccm~unicatione were presented: No. 48 - Silver Cross Mothem - re purchase of silver cross flag. OI~EEEO on motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the c~u~.,~nication be received and filed, and a silver cross flag be purchased. on the motion o~ AId. M~'Kiuley an~ Eavkium that the c~amunicatlon be eived and filed, and the request be grantee. No. ~0 - Hermes Club - roqussting use of Poplar Park for cartrival. O~mA~V on the motion of Ale. Pare and MacDonald that the ccmmmnication be recedve~ and filed, ar~ the request be granted. No. ~1 - Lundy,s Lane Historical Society - requesting endorsa$ion of request for placing of Nor~en collection in Oak Hall. OI~EI~D on the motion of Ald. Donald ~,~ Hawkins that the ccemnmdcation be received and filed, and a ~ox~arded to the Federal ~ovenment asking that this action be taken. 'NO, 5e - Nl.a6~va Falls 0Pt~m~et Air Cadets · . ' x~lu~-stin6 6rant,.-. CgDEBD on the of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the communication be received and laid the table for consideration when the 1949 Budget ie being prepared. n . !1~,. ~3 - Band of Canadian Corps - teenesting grant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~ o~ald and MacDonald that the comm~un~cation be received and laid on the table for !'~onsideration when the 1949 Budget is being prepared. ~o. 54 - Nia6ara Falls Hortlc~tt~ura1 Society - invitation to annt~l dinner meet- 0 :n8. RDE~E~ on'~'~o'tk~r~ '6~ ~'jb~o~'lk' ~nd McKinley that the couua~nication be ~ecelved and filed, the invitation be accepted, an4 as many members of the Coun- .:il as possible attend the meeting. L id over from previous meetings: !~. 12 - City Manager - re opening of parking meters. ORDERED on the motion of .- d. Donald and Hawkins that the report be received and laid on the table for fur- ~er study. (Ald. Pare an& MacDonald voted contrary to this motion. ) SE~ Resolution No. ~ ~e followi.n~orts were presented: ~. 14 - 9.f_ty..C.!p~'_k - rec~ndations re surety bond policy. O/~D~RED on the mot- Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the be adopted. .. 1~ - Local Board of Health - Presenting annual report. ORDE~mm on the motion Ald. Donald and Pare that the report be received and laid on the table, and the us--1 publicity. m. 16 - 9ity Clerk - recomnending issuance of licences. Olc~"l~D on the motion Ald. Hawkins and Penn that the report he received and[filed, and the reco~,~nd- he adopted. REBOLJFA'I01~ l~esolutione verp_10_assea: ~ ' ~'v~ ' P~ ' ~ ~at an investigation ~d m~ be male as ~ ~s~i~'~'f'~~ p~ m~rs at the 8ou~ en~ of ~e City; ~d Seal of ~e Oo~omti~ ~ he~ ~f~. Ca~ed ~n~ou~ ~lor ~ the abo~ msoluti~, a moti~ was rode by ~d. Pare and ~c- t~t ~e mc~en~ti~ of ~e City ~r~ for ~e ~1 of cer~in m~m fl'~ ~e no~ end of the City, be adop~d a~ these ~ ins~lled ~ sou~ en~ of ~e City for the con~l of ~rki~ in ~t ~a. ~is mr- was ~fea~, ~d. I~s, Mc~ey, Jolley ~d Dolls ~i~ c~y. ~6 - ~ . M~ - ~ ~t the acti~ of His Wom~p ~r Houck, x~ointing ~demn A.C.Jo~ey as emcti~ m~r d~ ~e abs~ce of Hie By-laws were paeas~: I ... T~ authorize the execution of an agreement for sale and deed. ~v. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Pare that Ald. Hawkins F be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be-read the first time - Carried unanimously. It woe ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that Rule B6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - 0arried unanimously. Third reading -Ald. MacDonald and Jolley - Carried unanimously. No. ~3~6~ - To authorize the execution of an agreemnet for sale and deed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that Ald. Now. kine be given the privilege of intreduing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Parm and MacDOnald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. Third reading - Aid. MacDonald and Hawkins - Carried unanimously. His Worship Mayor }[ouck appointed Ald. Hawkins and Parm as the repres- entatives of the City Council at the convention of the Canadian Cued Roads Assoc- iation in Toronto. The Council adjourned On the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McFdnley. I~EAD AND AD.0P~gD, 1Z~ February, 1949. Clerk Mayor Council Chamber, ~ 7 February, 1949. The Finance Cowmlttee mot On Mends.y, 7th February, 1949, fox' the pur- pose of approving an~ also of Imaslng the various accounts which had been prop- erly certified and placed before them. All members of the O~ttee were pres- ent. ' SUndry aceorate amounting to $40,~74.09 were approva~ b~ the Cc~dttee, The accounts su~nittea, being passeel or otherwise dealt with, were ordo ered placed in the mOney by-law for ~resentation to ,the CoUncil, on the motion of Aid, Jolley and, Donald, .., - ~' VAn offer was presented fi-~ W.G.Wieb~ of $200.00 fo~ Z~)t, ,78, 8,=m~r Street. Upon the recomendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Parm and MacDOnald it was ordem~l thel the offer be received end accepted, subject to the condit~on that a dwelling of at least $8,000.O0 value is erected On the premises within six mOnths. An offer was presented from A.C.Bramburger of $~O0.00 for Lot ~, Nanan avenue. Upon the recon~aendation of the Property Conmfittee and on the mot- ion of Ald. MacDonald and Parm it was ordered that the offer be received and ac- cepted, subject to the condition that a dwelling of at least ~9,000.00 value is erected on the premises within six months. The report of the Property Committee on the above matters was nres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Farm that the report be received and filed. The comparison of tax collections for the month of jan~mrywas pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Parmthat the statement be received and filed, and given the usual publicity. The Co~nittee adjourned on the motion of Aid. McKinley and MacDonald. EAD ARD ADOPTED, 14 February, 19~9. Chairman of Finance Council Chamber, 7 February, 1949. The Council assembled at the close of the regular council and finance metinge for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts ap- proved by the Com~_ttee, and for the consideration of other matters. All members 0f the Council were Preqent. DEPUTATION The L~cal Board of Health was present and Dr. C.K.Whitelook, Medical 0fficerofHealth, addressed 0ouncil in cormeotionwith is report and reo~maend- a~i0ns for acccmnodation for the Department. gEE C~i~Uni~.a.tion NO. C0~EEtIOATION ~id over from a previous meeting: N0. ~3 '- Local Board of Health - re accmmnodation. Oi~rEiMD-on f~e motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the cormmmication be received and laid on the table for the time being until the Budget Co~uittee meets, and in the meantime, that the whole Council inspect the praises to ascertain what accommxlation is available. RESOLUTIONS The followln~ Resolutions were passed: No. 37 - PAI~ - M~KINLEY - RF~0LVED that the City Manager investigate and bring in a report as to the possibility of constructing an underpass under the Michigan Central Railway tracks adjacent to Palmet Avenue for the safety of the school Children; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimous],v No. 38 - McI~iNLWY - DONALD - RESOLVED that the Board of Police Commissioners be asked to approve the suggested formof courtesy card and authorize their distrib- utioD to visiting motorists; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. C~arried unanimouslJ BY-LAW The followin~8~BZ21aw w~sg~: No. 43~ - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the marion of Aid. McKinley and Donald that Aid. Haw- kinshe given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered On the motion of Aid. Penal& and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Eules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the sec- ond red&log - Carried unanimously. Third reading -Ald. MacDonald and Parm - Carried unanimously. The Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Parm and McKinley. EEAD AIID ADOPTED, 14 Febx,,.ry, 1949. 0lark 3 j SEVENTH MEETING Council Chamber, 14 February, 1949. REGULAR MEETING Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7-30 p.m. on Mondny, 14th February, 1949, for the purpose of considering general business and finance.. All members of the Council, with the exception of~His Worship Mayor Houck, were pres- ent. RESOLUTION The followin. E_R_esolutlon w~s~sed: No. 39 -MacDON.AX4)_~_-_~ _ RESOLVED that Alderman Grant Donald be enacting myor during the absence of His Worship Mayor Houck at this meeting; and the Seal of the Corporation be hemto affixed. Carried M~ The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meet- ing, adopted these on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Hawkins. Aid. Inglis arrived at the meeting. CC~g3NICATIO~S Laid over fr~n a~nrevio~e meet~in_JE: No. 40 - D~eparl~nent of P~~!Development _ re coherence. 0EE on the motion of~~' ~d Pam th~h~ c~ication be mceived and filed, ~d ~e ~Pmsentmtives of Co~cil on ~e Industrial Comittee be au~oMzed to stand ~e c~emnce. SE C~Ica~ion No. 5~ ~e following Commlcations were presen~d: "~ No. ~ , Depar~ent of Plamln8 and De~lopment . booklet m confemnce. ORDEE 0n the motion of ~d. ~oD~ald ~d Pam t~e com~cation be received and f~led. _SEE Repo~rt Np.__iI No. ~6 - Hencurable Minister of Labour - re new federal building. ORDERED on the motion of'~ldj'~a~kfn~'~gyie~%- ~e c~mnunication be received and filed, and the Hencurable Minister be advised that Council desires the cons~mction of a building at Bridge Street and Clifton Avenue; and that the aPPropriation for the same be included in this year's budget. : %. 57 - .NOncurable Minister of Labour - re Morden Indian collectiOn. ORDEIfgu motion of Aid. Eawkins and McEinley that the cammmicatiOn be received on and filed, and the Lundy,s Lane Historical Society be advised of the reply received. ~0. ~8 - }Ioncurable'Minister of PUblic Welfare . re abolishment of local boards. 01~EI~) on the motion of Ald. MacDonald ~ee~ved and filed.: I ~ !~ and Moleinlay that the communication be 'No. 59 - O!t~X~ of North Bay_ - endorsing resolution. 0RDEI~IO on the motion of AId. MacDonald and McKinley that the co~ication be received and filed. No. 60 - Ci~ty. of Fort William - filing resolution. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins a~d~ ~a'cD~r[~f~'~'~'~e cormmnnication be received and filed. No. 61 - City of Stratford - resolution re unemployment insurance. 0RDEI~H~ on the motion of Ald. Inglis and Parm that the communication be received and filed. (Ald. MacDonald voted contrary to this motion. ) No. 62 - Central MortSa_~e an_d Housin~ Corporation - re estimated rental struct~. Oi~DEf~S~ on the motion of ~ld. MacDonald and Parm that the communication be rec- eived and filed. No, 6B ' ~pF Y~O?_k_ ~p_n.t.r. al_~y~St.~e~ - re land for parking area, ORDEI~ED on the mot- ion of Ald, MacDonald and Hawkins that the communication be received and filed, (Ald, Parm voted contrary to this motion, ) No. 6~ - ~i.a~ara Memori~lja_n_d - requesting grant. ORDEI~D on the motion of McKinley and Jolley that the communication be received and laid on the table for consideration when the 19~9 Budget is being prepared. No. 6D - Canadian National Telegraphs - re purchase of poles. 0RD]~A~E~ on the mot- ion of Ald. McKinley and Parm that the c~mmunication be received and laid on the table, and the City Manager be instructed to .take up the matter with the Hydro- Electric Commission and bring in a report. No. 66 - H~en_~__K~aj~s~n~ - re smer stock company. 01~DEA~ on the motion of AId. Inglis and MacDonald that the co~ication be received and filed, and the City Clerk be instructed to supply the information requested. No. 67 - .M_edical Officer of Health - recommending refereeher course for nurse. O~A~U on the motion of Ald. Jolley and MacDonald that the communication be rec- eived and filed, and the reco~n~endation be adopted. The following l~eports were presented: No. 17 - ~C_ity Manager - re conference. 01~TEI~D on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Parm that the re!0ort be received and filed, and the recon~nendation be adopted. No. 18 - ~Ap.ap~s~_o.~ - report for 19~8. 0RDEE on the motion of Ald. Inglis and Pare that the mpo~ be received and laid ~ the ~ble mtil the next rooting; and ~e 0ity 01erk be t~t~cted ~ supply i~omtion as to ~e val~ of buildi~ pe~ts lse~ed d~ing the ~s 1~, 1~7 andl~; ~ also as ~ whether a~ inc~ase has been rode in exotics for ~ ~s a~ the ~o~t of increase in aSscement over pm~ ye~s which is for ~m ~ds. No. 19 - _C~t~ Clerk - rec~v~ndtng issuance of licenses. 01~)EA~) on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the report 1~ received and filed, and the rec- ~mmen.~ationS be adopte~t. The following Rosolutimm yore passed: No. ~0 - MCKINLEY - ~ - I~SOLVED that the action of His Worship Mayor ~ouok in aDDointin~ Alderman W.C.MacDonald enacting mayor on l~th, 16th, 17~h and 18th February, during the absence of His Worship, be approve~;~n~ the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 41 - MacDONALD - .IN~LI~ - IESOL~I~ that an a~vertisement be place& in the local press, offering the entire parcel or portions of Lots 14, 1~, oueen Street for sale, such offers to be considered by Council at the meeting of 28th February; that the Company which has made inquiries about this property be also notified that offers will close on the above date; and the Seal of the Corporation be here- to. affixed. Carried No. ~2 - INGL1B - MacDONALD - EESOLVED that the City Manager be instructed to present a report and sketch at the next meeting of the area adjacent to Sylvia place, with information as to the possible development of the same; and the Seal of the Corporation be hemto affixed. Carried BY-LAWS To amend By-law Ntuuber 4020, respecting fire limits in the City of Niagara Falls. Third reading - Aid. McKinley and Hawkins - Carried. ~o. ~ - To authorize the execution of a deed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald, McKinley end Jolley that Ald, Haw- ~ns be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Parm and MacDonald that R~de B6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Cattle&. Third reading - Aid. MacDonald and Hawkins - Carried. ~e Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley. HAD AND ADOP[.,~b 21 February, 19~9. 01erk EnactingMayor Council Chamber, 14 February, 19~.9. ~'ne Finance Co, w,~ttee met on Monday, 14th February, 19~9, for the pur- Pose of ~pproving and also of passing the various accomts which had been prop- erly certified and ~lace~ before them. All members of the C~mniStee, with the exception of His Worship Mayor Houek, were present. Sundry accounts amounting .to $~,112.08 were approved by the Ccmmittee. The-accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord. ared place& in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley. A c~nicatlon was presented from Howard A. Royle with reference to the purchase of Lot 10, May Avenue. Upon the recommendation of the property mittee and on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald it was ordered that the, com~anication be received and laid on the table until the next meeting in order that the C~ittee may view the location. A communication was presented from the Falls Construction Co. Ltd. rag- arding lots on the Grey Street extension. Upon the recoh~Hendation of the Prop- arty 0~,u,dttee, and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Parm it was ordered that the cu,,,~nication be received and filed, and the Campany be advised the Corporat- ion is prepared to consider the installation of services on part of Lot 20, south of Robinson Street, and will consider the sale of seven lots at a price of $300. each or alternatively, nine lots at a price of $250.00 each. An offer was presented from l~.Arnold Gay of $500.00 for Lot 90, Missnet Street. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of ~ld. MacDonald an~ Jolley it was ordered that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the condition that a dwelling of at least $9,000.00 value is erected on the premises within six months. The report of the Property Committee, on the above mattom, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Jolley that the report be received and filed. A stum~ary of taxes in arrears at Blst December, 1948, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that the statement be received and lald on the table. A report was presented from the City Manager with reference to the rev- enues and expenditures for 1948. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley that the report be received and laid on the tabs'e, and given the usual publicity. The Committee adjourned on the motion of ~ld. McKinley and Jolley. READ A~) ADOpTm. n, 21 February, 1949. Clerk ChaimA~ of Finance Council C~Amber, 1~ February, 19~9. The Cotmoil assembled at the close o~f the re~a!ar oo~unotl an~ finance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the ~ccounts ap- proved by the Committee. ~11 members of the Council, with the e~ception of His Worship Mayor Houek, were present. Ald. Donald was enacting mayor durin~ the meeting. ~ BY-L~ ~e following ~,. 4~ - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of AId. McKinley and Jolley that ~ld. Haw- ~us be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Parm and MacDonald that Ruie ~6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given th~ second reading - Carried. Third reading -Ald. MacDonald and Inglis - Carried. ~e Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and McKinley. HAD AND ADOpT~D, 21 February, 1949. Enacting Mayor Council Chamber, 14 February, 19~9. The Council assembled as a Ccm~ ttee of the Whole at the close of the regular council and finance meetings on Monday, 14th February, 1949. All members of the C....~-~ttee, with the exception of His Worship Mayor Houck, were present, an~ Aid. Donald was chairman of the meeting. Ald. Hawkins advised the Cc,m,~ttae of the proposed meeting with the Nia- gara Falls Public Librax7 Board and the Board of Education, scheduled for Wednes- day, 16th February at 7.30 and 8.30 p.m. respectively. He suggested that the mem- bers of Council should a~end. The Alderman stated that the Budget picture looked ~matisfactory and invited discussion as to policy; and called upon the City Man- eger to outline the existing situation. The Manager explained s~ne problems fac- in~ the Chairman of Finance and suggested the budget be figured on the existing wage scale, and also advised that he intended to rsc~end that Council increase the Present cemetery rates, which are exceedingly low and do not approach the cost of ope.r~tion. Ceneral discussion took place and it was agreed that the Chairman [J of Finance should submit his draft budget for Council's consideration. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Parm and Jolley that the next reg- ular mee~ting of Council should be held at 5.00 pro. on Monday, 21st February. Ald. Parm advised the Con~tttee concerning information he had obtained with reference to the failure of doctors to attend indigent patients, one being ~the Medical Officer of Health, Dr. C.K.Whitelock. This precipated discussion and the City Clerk was instructed to take up the matter with the Medical Officer of Health and present a report. The 01ty 0lark advised that tickets were available for the dance to held on 19th February in the Anncuries by the Garrison Sergeants' Mess, for any who wished to attend. The Comittee adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Hawkins. HEAD AND ADOPT,:,4 21 February, 1949. Clerk Chsil~sn EIGHT~ MF~TIiVG REGULaRMEETiNG Council C}~nber, 2]. Febmary, 1949. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 5.00 p.m. on Monday, ?i-st February, 1949, for the purpose of considerln~ general bnsfpees and f~nsnce. All members of the Council, with the exception of His Worshin Mayor Houck, were pres- ent. ~ RESOLUTION The following Resolution was passed: No. 44 - HjktK"f/~S'_ MacDONALD - ~0LVED that the action of His Worship Mayor Houck, in appointing Alde~n~n A.J.McKinley as enacting mayor on 21st, 22nd., 23rd, 24th and 25th February, during the absence of His Worship, be approved; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Council Chamber, 1~ February, 1949, Carried MINUTES The Council, having received and read the minutes of the Previous meet- ~ng, adopted these on the motion of~ld. MacDonald and Hawkins. . ~ld. Parm arrived at the meeting. The Council re-assembled at the close of the meeting of the Conmaittee of the Whole on Monday, 14th February~ 1949, for the purpose of receiving the report of the Cobalttee. ~11 memba~ of the Council, with the exception of Worship Mayor Houck, were present. Ald. Donald was enacting mayor during the meeting. The followln~ Re, solution was passed: No. 43 - MCKINLEY - JOLYEY ~ HESOLVED that the actions taken and rectmu~endations made during the meeting of the Ccmmlttee of the Whole on this date be approved; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. . . · The Council adjourned on the marion of Ald, Inglis shUt. MacDonald, Enacting Nay c LLm . Mid over from a previous meetin_~8! ~e. 65 - Canadian National Telegrg~s . the motion' ~f ~dU~E[D~sl~ and 9~ald m p~chase of wooden poles. O~EE on that the c~nlcation be ~celved and filed, and the Co~o~tion P~chase se~n poles ~ Erie Avenue at $1.00 each. ~e foll~i~ C~lcations were 2insenid: S~. R~o~t ~o. ~ N0, 68 - Cit~ of Bmnt~o~ ~oati~ ~ ~oe~d ~d filed A · Donald and Ea~m that ~e o~- csrrie ~. 74 - c~,y of Eitohen~r . ~olut~ ~ Diaabled Pe~ ~Plo~ent Aot, 0~- ~ .... ~ on the mot~ of ~d, p~ ana ~oD~a ~at the o~ioatt~ be ~ceived ~, 75 - Ci~ of ~lt - ~olutl~ ~ seotlon of ~e ~e mt~f' ~a ~d ~d ~at.~e-.e~lca~l~ Act. O~E on :iled, an~ the ~eolutt~ ~ endorsed. be ~celved an~ -~, 76 , Clifton Chapter, I.O,D,E: ~ ..requesting.tag · .:~.-,,:, . 1..- + ~. ..: ,~.~f:.,. ~ d~.. O~DEI~ED on.the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Jolley that the cuu~,unication be received and filed, and the request be granted. No. 77 - Laurence C. Crawford - re report on city finances. 0E)ERED on the mot- ion of AI~'. Hawkins and Inglls that the communication be received and ~led. No. 78 - 9_a.n_aa_i_a_n_Fe_d.eF_a_ti~ of _Ma.~p._r.S_~ap_d_.M._un_i_c~a_l_l.t.i.es - re rules end preced- ure at conference. ORDEmm) on the motion of Ald. Parm and ~olley that the com- munlcation be received and laid on the table for two weekS, and the City Clerk be authorized to obtain all possible information with regard to available accv~$od- atton in local hotels. No. 79 - _L._~n__d/C_s Lane Historical Society - requesting grant. ORD]~MMu on the mot- ion of kid. Parm and Donald that the cux~n~unlcatton be received and laid on the table for consideration when the 19~9 budget is being prepared. REPOR~B Laid over from a j~..revious meetinE: No. 18 - .App.e~sso~r~ - report for 19~8. 0RDEF~D on the motion of AId. Inglle and MacDonald that the report be received and referred to the Finance Committee for further consideration. SEE Report No. 2! The following Reports were presented: No. 20 - _qttyManager - re purchase of poles. OROEI~ED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Donald that the report be received and filed, and the rec~mnendations be adopted. No. 21 - 93~y~C~e~ . re building Dennis and exempt assessments. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Inglls and MacDonaldthat the report.be received and referred to the Finance Committee for further consideration. ~s Finance ~eet_lE No. 22 - City_Clerk - reconnnendtng issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Jolley that the rePort beraceive~andfiled, the recomned- ations be adopted. ~ No. 23 - 9ityManageE - re tender call for p~np. 0RDmr~ on the motion of Ald. Inglis and Parmthat the report be received and lal& on the table~mtil the ten- dare are presented; end in the meantime, that the CitY Managerlm~videall inform- ation in connection withthlsmatter. No. 2~ - City Manager - re debt position of Corporation; 0RDE~u on the motion of Ald. Donald andMacDonald that the report be received and laid on the table for one week. ~ No. 2~ - City Manager - re development of Sylvia Place and area. 0~.;~m~ on the motion of Ald. Donald an~ Hawklee that the report be received and laid on the table for two wesk~ and before anything is done that the City Manager or Clerk tame up with Mr. Blamerite the matter of some kind, of arrangement, lease or sale of the gr~nad to Ibe~ used for parking. .., l .~. .-;. ~' :~ ' ' SE; Resolution No. ~ The following ~esolutions were passed: / ~::~ No. 4~ - !t~i~5 - ~ . ~m~OLV~D that the City Clerk be instructed to assemble all information necessary and possible eet~nates ~ the cost of opening up the area east of Sylvia Place, on a local improvement ~asis; also as to the possible -acquisition of property~frcex the,/ad~acent~?~nere. and. the Seal ;of the Co oration N0. ]~6 - PAEM - HAWKINS - HESOLVED that a Co~unlcation be forwarded to the In- specter of the Department of Transport, advising of the interference with radio reception in various sections of the City; that the request be made that action ~e taken to remedy this condition; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto af- fixed. Carried BY-LAWS ~e followinEBy-laws were 2aesed: No. ~B60 - To provide for the 19~9 expenditure on reads and streets in the City of Niagara Falls in the County of Welland. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that Ald. Hawkins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Ca~ied, It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Jolley that l~Ale 36 (2) of the Stendin~ Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second rea~lng ~ Carried. Third reading -Ald. MacDonald and Parm- Carried. N0.,4361 - To authorize the execution of an agreement for sale and deed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that Ald. Haw- ki.a be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first t~me - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the sec- 0n~reading - Carried. ~imbreading -'Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins - 0errled. Ald. Hawkins provided each member of Council with a copy of the new advertising folder which has been prepared for distribution by the Greater Niagara Ch~nber of C~mmeroe. Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Jolley. ~AD AND ADOP~, 28 February, 19~9. · Enacting Mayor Council Chamber, 21 February, 1~9. 55 The Finance 0~,~!.lttee met on Monday, 21st February, 1949, for the pur- pose of approving and also of passing the various accotmts which had beenlrop- erly Certified and placed before them. All members of the Cn.~nittee, with the exception of His Worship IWor Eouck, were present. Sundry accounts mounting to $64,746.01 were al~proved by the O~mmlttee. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherdisc dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jo~ley. The consnunication from H.1qoyle re Lot 10, May Avenue, which had been laid over from the previous meeting, was presented. Upon the recon~endation of the Property C~-~lttee and on the motion of Aid. MacDonald end McKinley it was ordered that the c~unication be received and laid on the table until further contact is made. An offer was presented from Mrs. M.Coccqmqglio of $75.00 for Lot Ntun- bar 900, Lombard Avenue. Upon the recommendation of the Property Con~nittee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald it was ordered that the offer be rec- eived and accepted, subject to the condition that a dwelling of at least $~,000 value is erected on the premises within six months. Offers were presented from ~ros. Trabucco of $50.00 each ~or Lots Num- ber 60 and-61, Acheson Avenue. Upon the reco~,uaendatton of the Property Cu~it~e and on the motion of AId. MacDonald and Jolley it was ordered that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the condition that a dwelling of at least $~,000.00 value is erected on each lot within six months. The report of the Property O~dttee, on the above matters, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of AId. MacDonald and Jolley that the rep- ort be received and filed.. The renewal of the public liab~lty and property d.m-~e insurance cov- erage for flett and non-owned vehicles, was considered. Mr. Carl Young of R.C. Young and Company was present, and on the motion of AId. MacDonald and McKinley he was asked to address the Comittoe and explain the reason for the increase in the premiums. It was then ordered on the motion of AId. Donald and MacDonald that the policies be renewed for one year from Slat January, 19~9 with R.C.Young and Oompany at a total premitu of $6,~20.62. The reports of the Assessor and City Manager, as refe~i~d from the Council meeting, were considered. After discussion of the reports argl ~rs pertaining thereto it was ordered on the motion of Ald. In~lis and McKinley that a c~.uittee, comprising the 0ity Council, repres.entatives of all local boards and cu,~-]ssions, the Niagara Falls Civic Employees, Federal Union, the City Manager, the City 0lark and Assessor, to m.~e an examination of assessments throughout the Oity, to interview such experts as Mr. A.J.B.Grey; and to bring in a report as to 'whether there should be a re-assessment of properties throughout the City. The C,,~,,~ttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley aml Donald. Clerk Chairman COUNCIL MEETING Co~mcil Chamber, 21 February, 1949. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts ap- proved by the Co~alttee. All members of the Council, with the exception of His Worship Mayor Houck, were present. Ald. McKinley was enacting mayor during the ~etlng. BY-LAW The following By-law was passed: N0. ~362 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald and Jolley that Aid. Haw- kins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Parm and Hawkins that l~le 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended end the by-law be given the second reading - Carried. Third reading -Ald. Hawkins and Parm - Carried. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Jolley. E AND ADOPTED, 28 February, 1949. OCt.~i'T.a.t,;,; OF 'A'.m'S WHOLE Council Chamber, 21 February, 1949. ~ne Council assembled as a C~-mdttee of the Whole at the close of the ~gular council and finance meetings on Monday, 2let February, 19~9. All members of the C~.!ttee, with the exception of His Worship Mayor Houck, were present. Al~.-McI~inley was chairman of the meeting. The reports of the City 0lark and the Medical Officer of Health concern- l~ medical attention for relief cases, and in partic,,~.r the Agretto case, were mad. The matter was again dim,_-sed with Ald..Inglis reiterating that, in his this is the duty of the 01ty Clerk. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Donald that-the re~orts-~e...Xleseiv. ed an~:~tled. The Committee arose and re]~orted ~o the Council on the motion of P.ld. Parm and Jolley. I~E~fi)~AND ADOPri~D, 28 February, 1949.. Clerk Cheirsa: Council Chamber, 21 February, 1949. The Oouncil re-assembled at the close of the meeting of the Comnittee of the Whole on Monday, 21st February, 19~9, for the purpose of receiving the report of the Ccmtlttee. All members of the Council, with the exception of ~Iis Worship Mayor ttouck, were present. Ald. McKinley was enacting mayor during the meeting. RESOLUTION The following Resolution was passed: No. ~7 - .D~0NALD - HAWE]~S - i~ESOLV~) that the actions taken and recomnendations ma~e auring the meeting~f the Ccmmittae of the Whole on this data, be aDDroved; and the Seal of the Corporation be heroto affixed.. ............. Carried The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Parm and Jolley. EEAD AND ADOP,¶:,,, 28 February, 1949. COUI~ OF i~ION Council Chaml~r, 2~ February, 1949. A coxu-t of revision on local improvements, including pavements, sewers, sidewalks, ~rsilng, curbs and gutters was held in the Council Chamber on Thursday, 2~th Febrtma~, 1949 at 10.00 a~n. L*f Y L D The followim~ were the members present: Sher- · · avAdson, Mr. M.A.Fraser and Mr. WLlliam Delane~. The following action was ta~n on the respective appeals: Falls Construction Co. T-td. Falls Construction Co. Ltd. Falls Construction Co. Ltd. Falls Ccustruot~on Co. Ltd. Falls Construction Co. Ltd. Falls Ccnstx~o$ion Co. Ltd. Falls Construction Co. Ltd. Faljs Construction Co. T.laX. Falls Construction Co. Ltd. F~lls Comasta~tion Co. T.td. C~tifie& coax'act, Cc~laint Lot ~O, Plan ~3, Nanan Avenue - owx~r,s name should he F-J.Lavelle name ShOUld be H.E.Swaha Lot ~2, Plan a~3, Banan Avenue name shoul~ be A.F.Stace~ Lot 1~3, Plan ~3, Eanan Avenue n~e should be H.N.Ta~lor Lot 41, Plan ~3, Eanan Avenue - e~ner,s - cwner,s - ~ner,s I~t ~, Plan ~3, llanan Avenue . ovner,s n~ae should be N.W.Saxby Lot ~6, Plan ~, Nanan Avenue - ovnsr,s name should be W-D.Gilliland X~t ~8, Plan ~3, Nanan Awemac - ewner,s haas should be H-J.Cx~f~iths lot ~, Plan ~3, Nanan Avenue . owner,s n~ shon~s be W.L.Prooto~ · ot ~O, Plan ~, llauan Avenue ~ owner's nmM should be C.~x~sell I~t ~1, Plan ~3, ~-~-~ A~,_,__~ - o~ner,s n~s should be X.la.Wh~tb~ ~o$ ~3, Plan ~3, lienan Avenue - ovner,s nmM shoul~ ~e O.C.~ells asseat ~x~a~t c~ Townah~p ~ot Nm- .her 130 too heav~ ' Decision of Court Allowed Allowed Allured J~loved Alloved Alloved Dimdssed 55 ,.' : i lined in the proposed new-scheduls of bus fame,, placed' in Operarich. ~ately; an~. the Seal of the ~Cox?oration 'he-hereto affixe&.' ;-' - '- Carried ~manimous~ No. 51 - DONAXD - MacD0~AtD - I~L~ED that ~e ~flc C~4t~e ~ as~ to c~lbr ~ ~o~ at ~e ~ ~et~ ~ ~ e~stl~ ~ s,~es be not is~ ~ ~s~ for ~ m~r ~o~t~ ~ Wo~s~ ~b~; ~d ~e 8o~ of ~ C~o~tl~ ~ ho~ ~f~. C~ie~ ~o~l~ The folioring By-law was passed: 1~o. ~363 - To authorize the execution of an AS~ee~ent for Sale and Deed. .It was c~ered ~n the mo~tcn of AId. Mcl~inley an~ ~ ~ ~,~ ~ p~O~ of ~~ ~e by-~ It was ordered on the motion of AId. Dcmald an~ Hawkins that l~tte 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of C~mcil-be suspense& and the by-law be given the secon~ readin~ - Carried uxzntmousl~. ~ : ~ madln~ - AI~. Mcl[J~ley-an~ Jolley - Carrie~ · AId.. McF~nlsy ashed* that the-~ffie Ccsaittee* ~ive consideration to ~ ~tt~ of a ~ s~p at ~ comer ~ ~te A~n~ ~ B~ 8~t; ~ st~ ~ c~tt~ of ~ b~ s~p at Mc~ S~et ~a ~ A~ ~ to abM~t ~ a ~ s~. b Council ad4o~ned on the motion.'of'~eman,McXlnley an~ Jolley. C~n~ Chsaber 28 Febx~A~, of approviu8 e_n_~ also of passin~ the various acco~ts which had ~een prop- certified and placed before them. All members of the Cn~.~ tree were pros- : ~ .: Sumlz~' accounts amountfi~ to $61,9~.57 were approve& by the C~!ttee. , ~e accosts s~t~, ~i~ ~sse~ or o~emtse de~t wl~, we~ o~- .~ p~ce~ ~ ~e ~ey by-~w for ~s~tt~ to ~e-Co~c~, ~ ~e ~tton. of It was aSreed by the C~-..;~2ttee ~h-t the next insular meeting of Council ~ tame place at 2.00 p.m. on !~mda.v, 7th March, stud that Council sherid give ;,~n~tdemtton to the pmlimAnax7 b,,aget ~--n-diately following the mgn,ln,, meeting. An offer was presented flu= George Sawyer of $7~.00 for I~t 102, Muir ~nue or $50.00 for X~t 56, Acheson Avenue. Upon the rec~udation of the Pro- ~rty Coaaittae and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McF~nley it was ordered ;~at the offers be received and tabled; an~M~.~ Sawyer. be advised his offer for ~i~t ~6, Acheson Avenue ~s accepted, subject, tel. the pre~Asion that a dwelling of least $~,000.00 value Is erected on the premises within six months; and that ~s not contemplated that the sewer on !~dr Avenue, in the block where Lot 102 located, is to be installe~. . , 'The mpox~ of the Property C~.m~tse, '-on the above matter, was. presented. was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDon~ and MdCinley that the repe~;~ he ~ceived 'amt filed. A co-~--~lcatton was presented frc~ the Dnm4.4on 9eSalta C ~ ~ m~m ~ ~e City ~r ~d ~r, wt~ m~ ~ ~e e~p- ~t at ~ ~l~ti~ P~t ~ p~sib~ ~tm iss~s, ~ ~e~ ~ be mco~ ~ ~ ~ law ~ a ~ pi~ ~ fm ~e Filt- P~t ~ ~e Ci~; ~ s~d ~t ~ City ~r ~t a o~ti~ ~ ~ ~f ~ ~ ~t. It was o~m~ ~ ~ ~cess~ at ~ F~l~ti~ ~t ~. It was ~m~ ~. ~w~ey ~ D~ ~t ~. mp~ of ~e City ~n~r, wi~ m~ to ~nts at ~ ~l~ti~ P~t ~ ~e m~m ~r u to ~e ~ssib~ de~t~iss~s, ~ mce~ ~ ~id ~ ~e ~b~ ~n o~i~emti~ In ~o w~, ~. It us f~er o~ for ~ecfficati~ for a s~ ~t, ~ mcel~ ~ a~p~. Ccaaittae a~4ograed m the motion of 'AM. Mc~rialey am~ Jolley. ~ ADCe~ED, 7 Nax~h, 19~9. }eeeel ix"man' of Finance Council Chamber, 28 Febr~__ff, 1949. · he Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council an~ fin- once meetings for the purpose of lmsein~ the by-law which covere~ the accotmts 8~. prowe~ by the C__r~ttao. All members of the Council wexs pxssent. Council Ch-m~er~ 2 l~Lrch# 1949. A special meettn~ of the Clty Comctl was called for 2.30 p.m. on Wed- needay, 2nd March, 1~9, for the purpose of discussing all phases of assessdent an~ the ~osstble need for re-assessment or equalization of asses~nents. All mere- ly-LAW bore of the Cotmoll, wlth the exception of lIis Worshlp 14dyer Houck, were present. Ald. W.A.Para was enacttn~ mayor durin~ the merinO. Present at the me°tire, on ~e followin; By-law was passed: the suggestion of the City Council, were Pepresentatives frc~ the l~ard of Educ- ation, Separate School ~oard, Public T.ibrary 3~_~d, Greater Niagara Hospital No. ~3~ -.To. Grant Monies for ~eneral Purposes. ~ust, Local Board of Health, Board of Police Cn~w~seloners, Niagara F~!s Fire Fighters' Association, I~cal ~28 and Niagara F~e Civic ~=ployees, Federal Union kins be ~iven the privilege of introducin~ the ~y-law an~ the by- first time - Cattiest unsnimo~sl~. . - Actin~ Mayor ~arm, in openin~ the meeting, briefly outlined its purpose . ~ then eclared the meetin~ openf or discussion. Ald. Inglis, on whose su~- It was o:~ex'ed. on the motion of AId. McEinley and Do~_,,l a +.~at Rule 36 geetion the meeting ha~ been o,~11,.d, StAted that since the matter wan brought up of the Standin~ l~s of Council be susl~nded and the by-law be ~iven th first, on erroneous ~mpression seems to have gotten abroad which required clarif- f~ &tacksseal an~ representatives frc~ the various bodies present would be Council a~Jotmne~ on the metion of AI~. McF~nlel n~a Dce~ld. heax~. · - - - - Ald. MacDonald stated that them was considerable agitetien end that he ~ k to _ present probled and though the need for a~Jus~nenta ~n . ' - · . a~e used at present an~ referred to what had transpired in Toronto end indicated · at the pzseent bes~s d~es not present a ~ picture, Mr, gordon Trou~ etated ' . . ~ .. ' . ' '. .' .. ~ . '_. ~ :. . that his Boax~ has done its part to oo-opereta but that he had no estion with w~th re-assesment but that valuatere should be re-assessed. Mr. W~lliam Delaney expx'essed Coaxoil en~ ft~,~e mee~in2e on Iio1~, ~th Febx~laxT, 1~ fox' tie l~t~ ~ p ~ and su~ait a rel~z~ for iicnda~, Dieo~elon was enterat into ani ccns~dem~on~..~n ~+~} ~he vax-Aous mat. ~. ~f~e .~e c--'ttee. - ,- : At~nsn exams ~ fro= ~o Ci~ ~ bXXev~e, a ~baate at the an- .........., ' ..... ~- .' ·: ......... st convention in this Cit~, was then introduced and Alde~---_ Ties ex- what hs4 tmmap~re~ in his oitF when ~hey went into the ~sst4on of sslent. Sewn ~eaxs a~o their oit~ rue zoned, an~ a xs-assesslsnt sad e~el :l~x. eese of ten fl~ ' xm'~il t, htee 7eaz. e eSo when the een- eheld ,eeeeeee seelee°see°e° ee oex.~,aJ.n moabex. s of' ~ho 61 ~OLUTION 1~o, ~2 - DONALD - J~.t~y - I~O~D that His ~p ~ ~or appoint ~ c~- fi~nti~ ~ ~ ~e C~l~ ~ ~ 5e~ ~ ~ CO~O~ ~ ~ Actin6 Na~or P~Lt"XO, then alapointed Al.d. Donald, ln6~is ant ~kins as the I~AD AND ADOreD, 7 March, Clerk Council Chamber, 7 March, 1949. Pursuant to ad~ourmnent, the Council met at 2.00 p.m. on Monday, 7th 19~9, for the purpose of consi~ering general business and finance. All of the Council were present. On the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley Grant Donald was enacting mayor until the arrival of His Worship Mayour The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous reg- special meetings, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald aml Haw- AId. Inglis and Parm arrived at the meetinS. COWRdUI~OATYOI~ ~ over fro~ the previous meeting: I0. 89 - Veteran Taxi Company - re taxi cab stands. OE)E~ on the motion of A~. MacDonald an~ McI~inloy that the c~cation be received and filed, and ~at the C.~npar~ be advised that when the Royal C~n~dian Mounted Police cease the ~e of the present location on St. Clair Avenue, this will be made available for taxi stand, but that no ad&itional stands will be provided throughout the City it will be necessary for the Company to arran~ with private owners for ~rther acccznodation if desire~. SEE Eepo.rt I~o. BO ~ f011ovtng Ccanunications were presented: ~. ~0 - Niagara, St. Oatharines and Toronto l~ailway - re increased fares. OI~D- mm on the motion of Ald. Mcl[tnley a~ MacDonald that the cc~aunication be rec- sl~ an~ laid on the table ~xtil further information is received. ~. 91 - I~tio Station CIIVO - re bx~a~cast of events fran OaMes Park. Oi~EA~ on ~s motion of Ald. Parm and MacDonald that the c.~.~...,n~cation be received and and l~rmission be 8ranted for the broadcasts. ~. ~ - Niagara Fs~s Police Association - requssting use of Oakes Park for OldkinD on the motion of AId. McKinley and Parm that the ocmsmmic- receive~ and laid on the table for 'consideration when the 1~9 l~ud~et is ~g prepare~. ~. 9~ - ~reater Niagara Baseball Association - requesting annual ~rant. OI~EI~D the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the cca~nication be received ~ la~d on the table for consideration when the l~p l~t is bein~ prepared. follo~tn~ ~eports were p~sented: 30 - ~affic C~al~ee - making roccmnendations. Oi~EI~D on the motion of AId. and McKinley that the rel~r~ be receive~ and filed, ani the recommend- City 01erk - re confere-^e held 28th FebruaxT. OE)r~m~ on the motion of a~Fdnle~ and Nawktns that the re~ort be received and filet. C_ity Clerk -reommen~ issuance of lioonoes. ~ on the motion of ~ld. Hawkins ~ HacDonal~ that the report-be receive& an~ filed, and the ~c. ~,m~nd~tion~ he adopted. FINANCE MEETILU following l~solutions were passed: I~o. ~3 - HA~u~u - MacDONAlD - I~SOLVED that a message be forwarded to the fam- ily of the late Miss Isobel Durdan, expressing the s~mpathy of the citizens, Hie Worship Mayor Houck and the City Council upon the death of this esteemed citizen and long aml trusted employee Of the Cor~oratian; an& the Seal of the Corporat- ion be heroto affix-d. Carrie____~d Worship Mayor llouck arrived at the meotin~ an~ took the ch-ir. Council Chamber, 7 March, 19~9. 'J~e Finance C~dttee met on Monday, 7th March, 1~9, for the purpose of approvtng and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Co~ttee were p~sent. Sundry accounts amoantin~ to $43,1~3.27 were approved by the Committee. ~e accounts sulnmitted, bein~ passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- · ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of A c~-~ication was presented fi-~ MArs. Hazel Allen, requesting a ref- ,m& Of the deposit paid on Lot 2~, Lowell Avenue. Upon the verbal raccz:~ndat- ion of the Property Cow.,4ttee ami on the motion of Ald. Parm and Donald it was 0r~ered that the c~,mw~catton ~e received and filed, and the refund be made, ~ss any taxes outstandtn~ a~alnst the prc~erty. I~o. ~ - MacDONALD - HA~ - I~8C~VED that the action of Hie Worship Mayor Houck, in appointing Alderman Grant Donald as enacting mayor on 8th, 9th, 10~ an~[ llth March, &~ln~ the absence of Hie Worship, be approve&; and the Seal of the Corporation be hemto affixed. Carried ~e Cms,4ttee ad,~ourned on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald. The following By-law was ~,aseecl: 1~o. 4365 - To authorize the execution af an A~Xeeaent for sale and ~eed. Chaixman of Finance It was ordere~ on the motion of Alcl. McKtnlsy an~ Do~3a +.~mt ~. ~w- ~ be ~n ~e pri~le~ ~ tn~uol~ ~e by-~v ~d ~ by-~w be m~ ~e It was ordered on the motion of AI~. Hawkins and Parm that Rule 36 (2) of the Standtn~ Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be ~iven the second readin~ - Carried unanimousl~. . ~-'Cotu~tl a~ome& on the motion of i~ld. Mol[inle~ and D~. ~ ~ .~0~,~.,, ~h 1~, 1~. ' Council Chamber, 7 14a,,"oh, 1~9. ~he Council re-assembled at the close of the rs6~dar co~ncll and fin- ~ce .meetings for the purpose of pnssin~ the by-law which covered the accounts aPI~ove~ by the Cqatttee. All members of the Council were present. ~ foll~ina 2~-lav wu ~aeeed: '* **'* ~' ' It was ox",l. ere, l on the mot~.on of Ald. Malinle7 and Donaht that Aid. Haw- ,:. ,. l~ was exacted on tile aoti~ of : " ' · · (a) of tae StanSlnS Rules of Cogncil be :susl~ae.~ana the . . ~ amt Donald that Rule 36 "': i !!>. f; :! :i!,i-, [: "" Third. red&in; -Ald, DonaZ& an& MacDona.lA - Carried unanimously, ~ne fol.3.o~ln; Resolution was passed: No. 5~ - PAEM.- J0v.t~y - t~SOLvF~ that the congratulations of this Council be for. warded to the Niagara Fsl le Police Department fo~ the efficiency of its members in recovering the stolen d~m~te, found in the City during the l~st week; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unan~mouslt The Council adjourned on the motion of Ai~. Donald an& 14eKinley. I~AD A~D AD0~ED, 1~ March, 1~9. Clerk Council Chamber, 7 March, 191~9. Following the regular council meeting hem on 7th March, 19~9, Council assembled as a c~ttee of finance to consider preliminary estimates for 1949. All members of the C~m-~ttee were l~resent and Ai~. Hawkins was chairman. The Chairrash briefly outlined the draft budget submitted, stating that the taxpayer had been Mopt in miml amt wherever possible expenditures had been pared; ~ that it was ~reposed to provide eight cents per hour across the board or its equivalent, rather than the sixbeen cents which hs~ been asked for. He referred to the Provincial Treaeurer,s budget and the I~ssible effect and aske~ for the co~operation of the members of the c~,m.~ ttee. The report frc~ the Committee which was set up to 6o into the matter of ohan~es in staff and retirement allowances was then read. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Parm ant MacDc_~___a.!d that the report be adopte~ and the union c~- mittee be requeste~ to appear before Council at 9.00 pA. so they could be ad* vised of the proposed action, an~ requested for ap~rova~. Carrie~/ ~"'~'" The latter frcu the Nia6ara Falls Police Association, referred to the C.--;~ttee frcua previous cornnil meeting, reVuestin6 permission to use Oekes for the annual fiel~ day on August 1st, was then considered; and on the motion of Ald. HcKinle~ end ;olle~ the letter was reowivad and file~ and permission was granted. On the motion of Ai~. M~Kinlo~ and Parre, the Clerk was instructed to notify. the Greater NiaSara ~a seball Association that the fiel~ will be in use The salary schedule appended to the draft budget was then considered. Ald. Donald expressed opposition to the overall basis of $200.00. Ald. Inglis suggested the distribution of one mill or $20,000.00 among the employees. Fol- 1owin~ a ler~thy discussion, it was agreed that $30,000.00 be allotte~ for ~ribution smong the employees rather than $200.00 across the boar~, adJusl~ent allocation to be based on the recommendations of the City Manager. The Cummlttee then perused other portions of the budget. On the mot- ion of Ai~. Inglis and MacDonald, the grants as contained in the preliminary ~u~et were approved, with AId. Donald and Perm contrary. It was agreed that the item for Regional Plaming be permitted to rein- with AId. Donald and Parm opposed. It was agreed t~at the subscription to Dun and Bradstreet be not ren- ege&, with Ald. Parre, Jolley and MacDonald opposed. It was agreed that in future, travelling expenses be on the basis of $20.00per day plus return fare and registration fees; and for this purpose $~00.00 was addedto the amount provided in the estimates. On the motion of Ald. MacDonald and N~-~!nley, the agreement with the Niagara Frontier Hme Society was urdered renewed on the same basis as that for It was agreed that the item in the est~m-tes for registry office expen- ses be increased to $1,800.00. At this point the Co.~qttee adjourned for dinner. At 7.0~ p.m. the C;-,~.~ttee re-convened to continue their consideration ~f the estimates. It was a~reed that the next meeting of Council on l~th March be held at ~.00 p.m. instead of the us;~! 7.~0 p~n. hour. On the motion of ~ld. Inglis and Parm the amount provided for the E1- eotrlcal Department was reduced to $23,275.00. A motion of Ald. DOnnld and Pare, that the snow removal item be cut to $10,000~00 was lost, AI~. Inglis, Parm and Donald voting for the motion and Ai~. Hawkins; td~ey, ,Yolley and MacDonald against. It was agreed that the item of $1,300.00 provided for a building in- spector be deleted as this is taken care-of in the report of the C;..;~;;;~ttee, pre- ~0usly adopted. On the motion.of Ald. McKinley and Parm .the item of $2,100.00 fur a car for the Sanitaz7 Inspector was ,delete~. ' On the motion of Ald. lv',oKiuley and Parm it was ordered that the per diem rote for the care of wards of the Children,s Aid Society be increase~L to $1.10 effective Januax7 It was agreed that the matter of the construction of a cinder track at Oa~s ~arkbe not-oonsidex~l this ~ear. Funds ~ not a~ble for ~s At 900~ pores a c;;;~;;~ttee consisting of Messrs. Graham, Mollo~ and Wa~e a~ ~f~ ~e C~t~e ~ ~oei~ i~o~ti~ wi~ ~femnce ~ the p~p- 0s~ action of ~ C~c~. ~. ~w~ ~ ~e Ci~ ~r to e~l~n ~at is c~h~ ~ ~e ~r i~o~ ~ c~ttee ~t ~e ~ i~ase ~ wu $~0.~, ~ ~t ~ vo~ o~ider a ~e~i~ s~-* to ~t in effect for ~ Poli~ ~s~iatl~, ~ a fi~ ~ o~t o~t~bu~ b~is ~ no ~ ~ ~ce b~ ~ $~0.~ pl~ $1.~ ~ ~ serene, ~ a tot~ ~d. D~ s~ ~e C~il w~ 1~ ~e ~ ~ ~ Fire ~hird re~t~n~ -Ald. Donald an~ MacDonal~ - C~.-A:Aed tman!mnusly. ~OLUTZON The followin~ Rssolution was passed: No. ~ - PAI~I.- JOLLEY - IESOL~ED that ~ c~at~ati~ of ~is Co~cil be wa~ed ~ ~e Nt~ F~s Poll~ DepOt fo~ ~e efficiency of its ~mbers in ~ooveri~ ~e s~len d~, f~ In ~e City ~ ~o ~st veek~ an~ ~e Seal of ~e Co~=ation ~ hereto C~ie~ ~o~m~ The Cotmoil adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donal~ aml l~cKinley. Clerk M~Ayor Council Chamber, ? March, 1949. Follo~in~ the re~tlar cornoil meetS-8 helAt on 7th March, 19~9, Council assembled as a c~4ttee of finance to cmmider lmel~m~--~y estimates for 1~9. All naem~ers of the C-~-~ttee were l~esent and Ald. Hawkins was chairm-~. The Chairman briefly outlined the draft ~ud~et su]~Lttted, stattn~ that the +_~er had been kept in mind and wherever l~ssible expemLituree had ~een I~"edJ and that It was ~rel~eed to provide elght cents l~r hour across the board or its e~uivalent, rather than the sixteen cents which ha~ been asked for. He referred to the Provincial Treaeurer's budget and the ~osstble effect an~ asked ~o~ ~,S cO-operation of She mornbern of, She c--.4ttse. The x~ort fr~n the Cmsnittse which was set up to ~o into the matter of ohan~es In start an~ retix~nsnt allowances was then read. It was ox~ered on the aottou of AI&. Pars and MacDonald that the rel~rt be adopted an~ the ,~on c~n- littee be re,nested to apl~ar before Council at 9.00 p.m. so they coulA be ad- vAsed of ~ proposed action, anA xe~uested for aleroyal_. CaxTie~4~-~" ~h$ lattsr frm the Niagara Falls ~olice Association, referred to the Coemittee frm a prwvio~s octmoil msettn~, requestin6 l~ntission to use 0akes for She annual fiel4 da~ on August 1st, was ~hen considex~; and on the motion Ald. Mo!~tnl®~ ax~ Jolle~ the letter was reoelved and filed ant l~rmissiou was ~rau~e~. On t~e motion of AI~. MoXlnle~ anA Pan, the Clerk was instructed to Uo~lf~. the ~a~r. ]~l~kl~ _~A e~e~ A~c~tl~A~n ..tl~x~ .the fie~. ~ be~ in use ;:-'.,. ' ' · :: The salary schedule appended to the draft budget was then considered. Ald. Donald expressed opposition to the overall basis of $200.00. Ald. Inglis s~ggestod the distribution of one mill or $20,000.00 among the employees. Fol- lowings lengthy discussion, it was agreed that $30,000.00 be allotted for dis- tributionamong the employees rather than $200.00 across the booa~, adjustment and allocation to be based on the reco.~-ndations of the City ~xnager. The C~,,~ttse then perused other portions of the budget. On the mot- ion of Ald. Inglis and MacDonald, the grants as contained in the px~liminary b~et were approved, with Ald. Donald and Porto contrary. It was agreed that the item for Regional Pl~ming be permitted to rem- ain, with Aid. Donald and Parm opposed. It was agreed that the subscription to Dmx and Bradstreet be not ren- with Ald. Parm, Jclley and MacDonald opposed. It was agreed that in future, travelling expertsee be on the basis of $20.00perday plu~ return fare and reSistrntion fees; and for this pux~ose $~00.00was added to the amount provided in the estimates. On the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley, the agreement with the ~TFrontier Hmmane Societywas ordered renewed on the some basis as th~xt for It was agreed that the item in the estimates for registry office expen- ~s~e increased to $1,800.00. At this polnt She Committee adjourned for dinner. At 7.0~ p.m. the Ccemittee re-convened to continue their consideration ~ the estimates. Zt was agreed that the next msotin~ of Council on l~th March Be held at ~.00 pore. instead of She usual 7°30 pore. hour, On She motion of/rid. lnglis and Parm the amount provided for the E1- ~t~/cal Department was reduced to A motion of Ald. Donaj~ an~ Parre, that the snow removal item be out to $10,000~00 was lost, AId. Inglt., Parm and Donald votlng for the motion and Aid. ~ldns, IIcXL~le~r, Jolley an~ MacDonald against. It was agreed that the item of $1,300.00 provided for a building in- Jector ~e deleted as this is t,_ k~_n cars.of in the report of the C~;,.~ttee, pre- On the motion.of Ald. I!oKinlez am1 Parm She item of $2,100.00 for a oar f~ ~2e S~_-_!tax-/Xnspeotor was ,deleted. On the motion of Ald. MaXinlay and Parm it was ordered that She per dim for She cm of va~s of the Chtldren,s Aid 8oolet~ be increased to $1,10 ~rec~Xve ~anua~ 1~ 1~. It was a~eed that ths matter of the construction of a cinder track at ~ms l~k ~e ~t co~i~ ~s ~. F~ ~ n~ a~ble f~ this p~ose. At ~.~ p.m. a o~t~ C~iSt~ ~ ~ssrs. ~, ~11~ ~ Wa~ .~ Mt~ ~ ~ Cm~. ~. ~ ~ ~ City ~ ~ ~htn ~ ' ~h~ ~ ~e ~ ~ ~ c~t~ t~t ~ ~ ~ase ~ wu $~0.~, ~ ~t ~ w~ ~ a ~1~ s~ ~ ~t in . , , ':, ~ '. : . , ' ~ ,,.. V'-"'/.. ~ ' / Third reading - Ai&- Donald an& MacDonald - Carried u~animoue!y' " X~SOLUTION The follovin~ Resolution was ~asse~: congratulations of this Council be No. 5~ in resoveria the Sesl o~ ; The assemble~ the ~ or its referred for ohangeS,~i~ motion mittee be vise~ 0~ ' Ccamtttee 'iA~sa ~ 1'~-'2~' ' ....... ~,d~ --~*'~ ~ ......... ~ for ~e ~ ftel~ ~ on A~t ls~, was ~ considerS; a~ on the ~b~ ~d. M~e7 ~ ~oRey the later was ~ceive& a~ filed a~ Degasion was The salary schedule appended to the draft budget was then considered. Donald expressed opposition to the overall basis of $200.00. Ald. InglIs ~ted the distribution of one mill or $20,000.00 among the employees. Fol- a lengthy discussion, it was ~greed that $30,000.00 be allotted for dis- among the employees rather than $200.00 across the bosrd, adJustmsnt allocation to be based on the reco~ndations of the City Manager. The Cn.~ttee then perused other portions of the budget. On the mot- .,_ Tn~l~ ~a M~I~^~ ~ ............ ~ prel~mfnary ermltted to ram- eat be not ren- n the basis of his purpose ~ment with the ~asis as that for office expen- N r consideration · on l~th March ed for the El- item be cut to motion and building ln- ~o.~,~ttee, pre- LO0.O0 for a ca~ · at the per dim tee& to $1.10 tnder track at or this purpose. eLloF an~ Wade · to the prop- o ex!~latn what -~um inxreass .... ~ ..,~, ............. ~,~le~ to ~t in .__ ~olt~ Usoclatt~, on a ft~ ~er oe~t~b~ basis a~ no ; ~ f~ ~st semoe. He ~eo a~eea .~e ~oee4 aotl~ ~ m~i~ ~. ~.~ ~ ~ v~oh vo~ ~ ~ bn w~t he yoga ob~tn ~ter a pen- - , ~-,~ ., . . their Association a~ that they would notify the Manager or the Clerk of their action. His Worship the Mayor was to obtain more information if l~ossible by nesda~ mornXns. Ai&. Inglis suggests& that the City Manager shoul~ report with toWre. Didsinus and the possibility of his retirement. At 9.~ ]~.m. a cn.w~ttae consisting of Messrs. Downing, 8c~w. tdt, burn an~ S~trv~ ~na Miss Matthews appeared before the Cotmctl to receive advice as to what the Cc~mittae propose&. ~gain Mr. Orr explained what is contemplated with reference to the retirement of certain employees, in this case eleven in The zmv~w-~. mnount that would be available is $B0, O00.00 and this would be all~. ate&possibly gradin~ down from six cents per hour according to present rates in so~e cases, probably no increase. Mr. Donning stated, after discussion, that they would consider with the other employees of the union and when mere ~etailed information ismde available, will advise of their reaction. At this point, the dele6ation retired. Before continuing the perusal of the budget, it was a~ree~ that the Manager should go to Toronto when advised by His Worship the Mayor in order thai assurance could be obtained as to what would be a proper mill rate in view of subsidies which are now provided in the Provincial bud6et, an~ if necessary, chan~e woul~ have to be zzde in the dates of the tax It was a6reed that the item for police fines in revenues shoul~ be r~- uced $1,000.00. It was a6reed that the athletic field revenue be reduced $~00.00, with Aid. Donald contrary. ,' On the metion of Ald. Parm an~ In~lis, it was ordered that the .report of the City Manager with reference to propase~ changes in cemetery rates be a~- · opta~ and the by-law amended accordin61y; Ald. Donald, McKinley ar~ MacDonald bein6 contrary. Prior to this an amendment by Aid. Donald and l~mKinley, that the report be adopted with the eEeption of the $10.00 charge for the tent, meta, etc., was lost, with. ~~a, Hawkins, Jolley, Parre, In~lis and His Worship the ~r hain6 contrary. In considerin~ the Water Department l~venue, Aid. In~s su~6ssted that the propeasd p~ for the waterworks be purchase~[ out of water revenue to ~e established over a three-year period. It was agreed, however, th-~ the C~ttte car~ on until a ccm~leta picture has been obtained. -' ~he C~ttee then continued their perusal of the balance of the budget. With roferenoe to the request of the ~=ployees' union, ~ooal 133, that Clause 10.01 of the agreement be ckar~ to reed 'three weeks, vacation oftar twenty ~ears of service,, it was a6ree~ that no such chan6e be made. On the motion of Aid. l~w~.ley and MacDonald the C~mqttee adjoined. MEETING Council Chamber, 1~ Math, 1949. Pursuant to s~aouA,:~ent, the Council met at ~.00 p.m. on Monday, 14th March, 19~9, for the purpose of considerin~ general business an~ finance. All members of the Council were present. The Council, havi~ received and read the minutesof the previous meeting, .adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins. - DEPUTATION In connection with Petition No. ~, Mr. J.Calzanetti of the Niagara Ser- vice Centre, was permitted to address Council. Mr. Calzanetti explained that he was in favour of the petition because the closing of gasoline stations at 7.00 p.m. drove m~.y metorists out of the City. SEE Petition No. 4 CCeerdNICATIO~ ~he following C~anications were presantad: ~0. ~ - city of st. Thomas No. 95 - City of Kingston ~0. ~6 - City of London - re resolution re local boards. 0RDEI~ on the n~tion of Ald. Donal~ and Hawkins that the c,.-..~.mications be received and file&. N0. 9~ - City of London - resolution re Confederation of Newfoundland. 0EDEEED on the metion of Aid. McEiuley and Hawkins that-the communication be received and filed, an~ the resolution be 'endorsed. N0. ~8 - City of St. ~hcmas - resolution re margerlne. OA~A~ on the metion of Ai&. MacDonal~ and ~w~ ~t ~e c~catt~ ~ ~cel~ ~&. ~ld on ~e ~ble. N0. ~ - T.W.Hand Fireworks Co. T.~m~te& . re fireworks for Newfoundland celeb- ration. Or~r. xg~ on the metion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the c~-.,...~,,~.c- ation be received and referred to the Tourist C.'-,..~ttee for a re~ort. ~o. 101 - Honourable H~phrey Mitchell - re ne~ customs building. OI~E~D on the motion of Ald. Hewkins ~__.a MacDons/d that the c~unication be received aml laid on the table until further information is received. _Lat& over frc~ previous meetings: . ~o. 2~ - Citx Manager ;-70 No. 34 - City Clark - recanting issuance of licences. OI~EI~ED on the moti0 of Ai~. Eawkins and McI~lnley +.hRt the repor~ be received and filed, end the · ~,,!~ndations be adopted. AI~. Inglis arrived at the lacering. The following Petition was presented: No. ~ - M.V.Anger end 22 others - requesting repeal of By-law N, mher ~398. 0~D- EA~a~ On the motiOn of Ald. Inglis end Donald that the petitiOn be received and laid on the table until the next meeting. EESOLUTIO~ The following l~soluttons were passed: No. 96 - DONAR0 - MacDONAtD - RESOLVED that the action of Eis Worship Mayor Houck, in appointing Alderman E.M.Hawkins as enacting mayor on 19th, 16th, 17th and 18th March, during the absence of His Worship, be approved; and the Seal of the Corporation be hemto affixed. Carried No. 97 - PAI~i - MaCDONALD - I~E~0LwE~ ~k~t the motiOn made at the meeting of cil ~ 7~ ~h, wt~ m~ ~ Report E~er 3B ~ ~e City ~er, be ms- cinder; ~d b Se~ of ~e ~;orati~ ~ hem~ ~fi~d. Carried ~. ~le ~ ~w~ votl~ c~; ~ His W~lp ~or Ho~k votl~ in fa~ of ~e ratio. No. ~8 - McKR~EY - PAI~ -. I~SC~ED that a c~-,~.~m~catiOn be f~ea ~ the E~. ~ble ~s A. Mc~, wl~ co~tes ~ ~e ~t ~ab~ ~e St. ~nt, ~ ~s~r of C~, ~ ~e ~no~ab~ H~y ~he~, ~ro~sti~ the ~ssi~ of ~ ~icati~ of ~e l~ati~ of Ni~a F~s ~ b mp of C~ as c~ in ~e Cu~ Ye~ ~ok, 1~8; ~ ~e e~sti~ be ~ bt such ~ssi~ be ~mc~ in the 1~0 ~blic~i~ e~ ~e s~ ~ b Co~mti~ ~ hem~ ~. ~-,-ie~ BY-LAWS The following ~y-laMs were passed: Eo. ~67 - To ~ud By-law Nmaber 3790, being a by-law'for the.re~Xatton of Traffic o ~ It was ol~Aere~ On the motiOn of AId. llawkin s and Donal~ ~-t AId. lis be ~iven the privilege of intr~luning the by-law an~ the.by-law be tea& the It was ordered on the moStOn of A~, Donal4 and McKilmley that Rule 36 (2) of the 8tan4ing Rales or Cou~il be s~s~enfi~ aml the by-law be ~iven the secon~ rea&tng , Carried-unanim~l~, ' . · '.' !'..'; :: -.-~../; ~.. ~'- Third reading -Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald - Carried unanimously. No__.. 4~68 - To amend By-law Nmber 4134, which is a by-law to provide for the in- stallation of parking meters on certain streets. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that Ald. Ing- lis be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be road the .first time - Csrrled unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Hawkins and Parm that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended end the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. Third reading -Ald. Hawkins and Donald - Carried unanimously. No. 436~ - To authorize the execution of an agreement for sale and deed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that/rid. Haw- kins be gi~n the prt$ilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Psrm and Hawkins that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended end the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unan~ously. ~ir~ reading -Ald. Donald and McKinley - Carried unanimously. No. 4~70 - To authorize the execution of an agreement for sale and deed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that Ald. ~awkins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first t~- - Carried unan~nsly. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended end the by-law be given the sec- 0n~ reading - Carried unanimously. Thir~ reading - Aid. MacDonald and Jolley - Carried unanimously. 4371 - To authorize the execution of an agreement for sale and deed. It was ordered on them~tton of Ald. Donald and McKinley that Ald. Haw- kdns be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motiOn of Ald; McKinley and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standi~ Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried ,mRn~monslyo ~ird reading - Ai~. MacDonald and Jolley - Carried unau~mously. ~ - To authorize the execution of a deed. It was Ordered On the motion of Aid. McKinley and Donald that Ald. Haw- kins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first t4m~ . Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motiOn of AId. Donald and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the 'byelaw be given the eeocrot reading - Ca.;~-Aed ,Cotmoil ad,~ournett on the mot, ion o~ AId. McKinley and. Donald. ~EAD AND ADOP~ED, 21 March, 1949. ~lerk Council Chamber, 14 March, 1949. The Finance C,-a;;~ttee met on Monday, 14th March, 1949, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Sundry accounts amounting to $17,779.83 were approved by the The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were oK ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald. Parm and McKinley. The co~arison of tax collections for the months of Jan,,-wy and Feb- rusty was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and ~Olley that the statement be received aml filed, and given the usual publttty. A co~anlcation wasaprssented from Provincial Engineering Ltd., req- uesting the installation of a six-inch water line on Dyson Avenue. It was ord- ered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Parm that the comaunication be received referred to the City Mana6er for a report. A report was Drssented from the City Manager, reckending the issuance of a permit for the erection of a building at 675 Queen Street. It was ordered on the motion of AI~. MacDonald and Parm that the report be received and filed, aml the.recc~ndation be adopted., (Aid. Donal~ vote~ contrary to this motion.) The City ~r made a verbal report upon the application of l~lph Salfl for a l~ermtt to erect an office building in connection with his tourist c~p. on Ontario Avenue near the comer of lientier Hill. Tt was ordere~ on the ion of AId. Jolley ani Mcl(~nley that the matter be laid on the table until the next meeting and Mr. 8alfl be asked to eul~lt c~i~lete plans of the bullling and intimation as to the ~urpose to which the buildint will be put. The Co.e~ttee adjourned on t~e motion of. ~. McKinley and Donald. ~ AED, ADam.x,,, 21, March, 1949. ; "' Chal~ of 'l COUNCIL MEETL~ Council Chamber, l~ March, 1949. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the C~,--~ttee. All members of the Council were present. BY-LAW The follovlng By-law was passed: N0.4~7~ ' To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was oElered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that Ald. Hawkins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read t~e first time - Carried It was ordered on the motion of (2) of the Standing-Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the sec- 0n~ reading - Carried Third reading -Ald. MaoDonaM and Jolley - Carrle~ unanimously. The Council-adjourned on the motion of Ald. MacKlnley and Donald. ~AD A~D ADOF1ED, 21 14arch, 1949. Mayor CCI~II'A',~.: OF ~ WHOLE Council Chamber, 14th March, 19~9. ~The Counoit assembled as a C~-..~ttee of the Whole following the rs~xlar c0mcil and finance meetings on 14th March, 1949. All members of 'the Cnw~ttae vats :pre~.~.s~t and Ald. Hawkins was chairman of the meeting. The City Manager advised of the court action with reference to rest- area by-law for Buchanan Avenue and su6~estad that the Solicitor be em- ~were~ to appeal t~e decision of the MaSSstruts. On the motion of A!d. Donald ~a~.,kin?.~ instructions were issued that the Solicitor do ~ppeal. ' 'AId. Donald tnfomei the Ccidttee with rsferenoe to the exeoutlve meet- ~ of the Ont~A'Ao ilunioipal Asso~iation to be held on l~th Maroh in Toronto, s to new lelislation oonoernint fire and police depa~nenta~ and in } the Ctt~ Manager ;also-informed oremoil of advice which he had . - , q . ;;: ~ .. . receive~ from the Attorney Conetel when in Toronto on the previous Thursday an~ that the Attorney Cenernl l~d stated that they did not wish to asstram control 0f municipal departments such as these and would not exert undue pressure but the desire Was to improve the depar+~nents in case of a national emergency. Mr. Brooke requested permission to address the Cm~.~ttee and requested that he be supplied with a young man, preferably as a l~rmanent assistanct, at a salary of possibly $1,800.00. Ald. lnglis queried the purpose of such an assist. and and felt that Council sh~,la recall the press so they could hear anythin8 in the nature of discussion whith reference to assessment or what is con~nplated; 'and state~ that he felt Council would get into serious difficulty if only a par- tial assessment were ma~e. Mr. ]~rooks referred specificm!ly to the increase in the assessment on Clifton Hill and Ald. Inglis ateted he had declined assistance. when previously offereCt in accordance with the rec~ndations of the City Men- ager adopted the previous week. Ald. Pare felt that assistance was Justified ~ moved to ~h~s effect but received no secondar. Ald. Donald was opposed to the use of a young man an~ felt that a qualified person shoul~ be ut~ized, if any. Mr. Brooks, in defense, stated that most of his work consisted of entwnsration and that in this phase, a yotmg man could be of ~reat assistance. Ald. Parm aug- gested that possibly a real estate man could be obtained to assist, but Ald. Mc- Elul~A~ ref~z~d to the fact that in 1~6, the former assessor, Mr. Harr~w~, hs~ asked for help. Ald. In~lis felt that it should be a qualified assessor and coul~ not approve of a young man for this purpose. A motion was ms~e by Ald. Parm am~ Jolley, that the matter he tabled for one week, and was defeated, Aid. Donald, Jolley and Parm voting for the motion with Ald. Hawkins, McKinley, In~lis. MacDonald and His Worship the Mayor voting against. A~I. Hawkins, in referring to the motion, etated that it could not be tabled if ar~v money for this purposes was to be put in the budget. Mr. ~reoke stated that he would still need part-tim help. A report of the City M~nager was then considered, which advised of the Fire FiShtare' Assoctation;s acceptance of the suggestions with reference to eel. aries and reccmner,~ed a pousion scheme with f,,l~ past service he put in effect for the potreagent men of the fire department. On the motion of Ald. MacDon~l~ and McEinley the'report was edoptaa. ~e C~.~ttee then considered a s....-,~r of the revisions of the budget which had been prepared. On the motion of AId. MacDonald and Jolley, it was ord. ered that Miss Tilton and Miss l~slie receive an additional $~0.00 over an~ abc~e the a~otlnts as shown. At this point His Worship Mayor Ho~ck left the meeting. It was agreed that the City Clerk be. authorized to advertiSe the pos- ition to be vacataCt by Miss Hatper. On the motion of Ai~. MAcDonald and McKinley it was clUered that the report of the revisions be edop~e~l aml that the mill rate for 1~9 +-=--tton be set at f~rty-six mills; the nscessax7 by-laws to be presented to Council at the next rooting - Carried ,m--~"w"asly. · · On the motion of Ald. Parm an~ Donald, it was ordere~ that after let April 1~9, the Council chamber be not rented for ~atherings or mootines. At this point Messrs. Downix~ and Blackburn, representin~ the Employ- ees' Union Local 1~3, were admitted. to the Chamber and Ai~. Hawkins edvised of the cbsages with weference to the office staff in salaries provided in the Bud- ~et. He also edviseCt the representatives that they re,nest, for three weeks' vacation after twenty ~ears of continuous service, ha~ been delated~aad that the position of purohasir~ agent was to be placed in the gro~ of positions for which local 133 is not the bax~aining agency. Mr. Dawning expressed accord with the action taken by the O~.w4t~ee a~d aleo tha/te~ the mesahere for their consi~erst- ion. Zt was a~ree~ that the ~ress and ra~io 'be a~vised as to the mill rate, +L Ald. Parm ex~resseCt his thanks to Ald. Hawkins, Chairman, the members of the staff for their diligent work on the budget and for the fact that they ha~ kept the mill rate increase down to one mill. Ald. In~lis again referreCt to the practice of using water surplus for budgetting and warned as to the dan~er. ~e C~-~.lttee arose ~ reported to Council on the motion of A1Ct. Pare anCt Dor~ld. ~ ~ ADOP~ED, 21 March, 1~9. Chairman Council Chamber, 14 Mamh, 19~9. The Council re-assembled at the close of the meeting of the Cc~nmittee of the Whole on Monday, 14th March, 1949' for the purpose of receiving the rep- 0rt of the Ccmnittee. All members of the Council, with the exception of Hie Worship Mayor Houek, were present. Ald. Hawkins was enacting mayor during the I~ESQLUTION ~e following Resolution was passed: N0.60 - MoK]~LEY - PAI~ - I~SOLV~j~ that the actions and the reco~endations made ~ing the meeting of the Ccmnittee of the ~'nole on this date be approved; the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried ~e Council a~Journed on the motion of AI~. ~am and DonalCt. · AD AI~ ADOP,~,,, el March, 1~9. Enacting MAyor Council Chamber, 21 March, 19~9. 0~IF~gD on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley that the cc~munlcation be rec- eived and referred to the Tourist Co~,,~ttee for a report. No. 106 - Niagara, St. Catharines and Toronto l~llway - re increased fares. OR- DEt~D on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald that the connnunlcation be rec- eived and filed. Pursuant to adJou/;A~aent, the Council met at 3.00 p.m. on Monday, 21st March, 1949, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Inglie, were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the marion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley. In connection with Petitions Nos. 4 and ~ and Communications Nos. 102 and 103, and on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley, Mr. Earold Logan, Jr. was ~ermitted to address Council. Mr. Logan asked about the petition which had been submitted at this meeting, and in view of CouncLl's action, asked that he be permitted to m~ke his representations at the next meeting. SEE Cn~m,n4cationS No. 102-! On the motion of AaA. Hawkins and McKinley, Miss R.E.Wallace, dry of the Niagara Falls Public Library Board, was permitted to address Council, Before Miss Wallace spoke, Eis Worship Mayor Eouck explained the action of the Provincial Cove~u,,~nt in reducing the re. hunt of the grants to public library boards ~_.a the information he had received from the Hencurable Minister of Educ- ation. Miss Wallace then spoke u~on the matter. SEE l~esolution No. 61 On the metion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald, Mr. W.R. Sootaa~an of the Greater Niagara Baseball Association was permitted to address Council. Mr. So0- theran a~vised Council thmt his clubP~ad in 1948 requested t~-t information be obtained as to the pereantages collected from baseball clubs by other municip- alities for the use of athletic fields, hut that the information had not been provided. He also objected to the flat rate char~ of $~0.00 for the use of the llehts at Oakes Park. 'Mr. Soothes further spoke about the permission 8ranted by Council to the local radio station to broadcast events frr., Oakes Park, and felt the clb should be permitted to allocate such perstaten and also be allowed to neeotiate with the station with regard to Imlunent for such privileeeS. The speaker asked that the Corporation support the Association if they are success- ful in having the Ontario ~aseball Association convention in this City in the ~ear l~jO. Mr. Soothes then asked that Council consider shortenin8 the length of the outfield, in conformity with other fie~s in the district, by the erection of a snow fence at the l~er end of ~ie field. S~m. Resolutions No. 62-3-~ CC~ATI0/~ The following Ccmmmications were presented: No. 107 - City of Halifax - invitation to blcentenary celebrations. ORDEK~o on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley that the communication be received and filed· No. 108 - Gould-Leslie L~m~tod re ~ ' ng Permission to re-locate posters. OR- REEED on the motion of Ald MacD~uesti · d and McKinley that the ccmnunication be rec- eived and laid on the table to permit Council to view the sites before the next meeting. No. 109 - Canadian Corps Unit 104 - requesting Oakes Park for VE-Day celebration. 0~NE~D on the motion of A/~I. Pars and MacDonald that the comunication be rec- eived and filed, that Penmission be granted and the Baseball Association be ad- vised that the field will be used by the Corpos on that date. REPOR~B Xald over 1~ a Previous meeting: No. 23 - City Manager Re. 24 - City Manager No. 26 - City Manager N0. 29 - Andttor - re~'equ/~ment at Filtration Plant and possible debt issues. OR- DEi~D on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the reports be laid on the table. received and ~he following RePorts were presented: No. 3~ - City Clark - reco--.~ndtng issuance of licenses. Ol~Ei~o on the motion of AId. MacDonald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the rec- ~a~ndations be adopted. N0. 36 - Chairms~ of Finance - presenting 1949 budget. OlqDEI~D on the motion of AI~. Pars and MacDc-~__-.ld that the report be received and filed. Sl~ Sy.-.law ~o.~77 ,0. 37 - City MansA~r - costs of locals re Grey Street extension. Oi~)Ei~ED on ~ motion of Aid. Douald and Pars that the report be received aml filed, and the recm~aeu~atio~s be alopte~. ~. 38 - City Manseer - rec~meudiag plan registered for Grey Street. OROEI~ on the motion of AId. MacDonald and Eawkins that the repor~ be received and filed, ~a the rec~.msulation be adopted. No. 102 - 0has. F. Benok aml Son ~o. lo3 - Central Carage - wtthdxawtag .~s from Petition umber ~. OEIEE~ on the ration of Ald.'Do-Ala and MacDCeIald that the couummlcations be ~eeetved and laid on t~e table until the next meeting. ~' '*" *" S~ Petl~'ons No. No. 10~ - Officecol the Pr4.~ Minister - re 0anada Year Book. O~mie~ on the motion of Aid. McEinley aml MacDense/that the o~cation be received am!, filed tmtil further information is received. NO, 10~ - Niagara Falls Opt~-4st Club AId. McKinley made a verbal report on behalf of the Indust amn4 . ~ Ma~o suck ttznked the uno .l~ o~er f~m a '~revlous 'etin~: PEz~""~'ON~ ' ' ' = - re Newfoun&luna confederation eelebratio, ~0. ~ . M.V. An~er an~ 2e orders - requestin8 re~eal of By-~ew N~er 42~8. O~D- Ei~ED on the motion of Aid. Donald and MacDonald that the petition be receive~ and laid on the table, ~ the petitioners be a~vised of the protmrtform in which the petition should be submitted. SEE Petition No,~ The following Petition was presented: No. 9 - E.W.Halladay and 1~ others - requesting amendment of By-law N,-.~er 4258, 0RDBA4~a on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the petition be receives ned laid on the table, and the petitioners be advised of the prolmr form in the petition 8hou3A be submitted. ~e following Bssolutions were passed: I~o. 61 - ~ - PAlM - IRESOLVED that a telegram of protest be forwarded to Honourable Minister of Education asking that m-consideration be given to the dec Ision of the Govex,,g~nt in reducing the percentage of grants to public libraries; that a copy of such telegram be forwarded to W.L.Houck, M.L.A.; and the Seal of ~he Corporation be-hareto affixe~L. Carried I~o. 62 - MacDONALD - J~,Txy _ ~ESOL~) that His Worship Mayor Houck be asked to appoint a crm-~ttee from the Council to meet with Mr. Soothem of the Greater Niagara-Baseball Association and to discuss the matter of broadcasts from 0ak~s Park; and to report to the Council thereon; ana the 8eel of the Corporation be hersto affixed. Carried In the a~ove connection, .Hie Worship appointed Ald. Donald, tIawkins Parm as this ccmamitteeo No. 63 - DONALD - Mc-k.~LEY - I~OLvm~ that this Cornoil lend its whole-hearte~ support to the efforts of the Greater Niagara Baseball Association in their ef- forts to have the 19~0 Ontario Baseball Association convention held in this and the Seal of the Corporation be. heroto affixed. X~o. 6~ - DONAED - ~ - I~SOL~ED that the City Manager be asked to bring in a report upon the possibility and advisability of shortening the baseball field at O~_s Park; -an~ the Seal of the Corporation be hersto affixed. ITo. 69 - HAWEII~ - MacDONAID - t~SOLVED that the Corporation of the City of Nia- gala FAUna l~tttton ~e ~p~-~nt of ~wa~ of ~e P~nce of ~o for s~tu~ ~t for ~e ~ 1~8 on md e~it~s; ~ ~e S~ of ~e Cor- ~omtt~ ~ hem~ ~f~d. No. 66 - M--,-A~Y - D01~XD - I~SOLV~ that a message be fordarded to ~ f~ ~ ~e ~ ~.R.~Mae, e~mss~ ~ s~a~ of ~s Wo~p ~r Ho~k, ~e city C~il ~ citize~ of Ni~ Fa~ ~ ~e ~a~ ~ ~is asked cit- iz~, who was a fomr ~. '~d ~oi~ ~loyee; 'a~.~e 8~ of ~e Cor- ~o~ati~ be ~m~ ~. To. 67 - DONALD - ~X~XA~ - ~BSOLvsu that the action of His Worship M~or Houck, In a~otnti~ ~ G.R.~s as e~ott~ m~r ~ ~, 23~, 2~, 2~ ~h, d~ ~e absence ~ ~s W~p,. ~ approval; ~ ~ ~ of ~e C0r- ~omti~ ~ hem~ ~e~, · .... 'r~ ..... . ~. BY -LAWS ~e following ~y-laws were passed ~. ~; ~7~ - To grant retirement allowances to municipal employees. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Parm that Ald. Hawkins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law aM the by-law be read the first time - C~A-A-~ed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Parm and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried. ~ rsadlng -Ald. MacDonald and Donald - Carried. N0. ~375 - To provide regulations regainling Fatrvlew Cemetery. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Parm and Donald that Ald. Hawkins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law am1 the by-law ~e read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that Item 9 on Page 10 of the by-law, being the tarlff of charges, be deleted. (Ald. Hawkins ~ted contrary to this motion. ) It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the Mcond reading - Carried. Third reading -Ald. MacDonald and Donald - Carried. .No. ~76 - To provide for giving the Collector of Taxes credit for the amount ret- urned by her to the Treasurer in the year 19~8. Zt was catered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Parm that Ald. Hawkins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first tim - Carrie~. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried. ~alrd reading -Ald. MacDonalA and Donald - Carried. ~ - To provide for the appropriations for the year 19~9. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley that Ald. Raw- kins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first t~m~ - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mawking and Parm that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law ~e given the secomt rea~ing , C~rrled. ~ reading -Ald. Hawkins and Donald - Carried. ~ - To authorize the levying and collecting of taxes for the year 1~9 definingthe certain duties of the Clerk, Treasurer and Collector Taxes of the Cit~ of l~iagara Falls. It was ordere~ on the motion of Ald. MeginleT and Jolley that Aid. Haw- ~.n be Siren the privilege of: intro~ucing..~he by.law and the by-law ~e read the first time - Carried. .,. · . It was oratered on the motion of Aid. l~awkins and Donald that Rule 36 (~) of the Standing Rules of Council be 'suspended an~ the b~-law be given the sac- ~ reading - Carried. j ~ird reading -Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald - Carried. ~ - To authorize the manner in which taxes for the year 19~9 shall beco~ due, to provide a time for payment, and penalties for m-payment. tt was ordered on the motion of ~Lld. Mcl~inley and Donald that Ald. Haw- kins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-taw be read the first time - Carried. It. was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Parm that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried. ~lrd reading - Aid. MacDo.nald and Jolley - Carried. ~e Council adjourned On the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins. iqEAD A~D ADOPIE), 28 March, 1949. Clerk Mayor FINAWCE ~TI~I Council Chamber, 21 March, 1~9. The Finance Cnaw,~ttee met on Monday, elst Mash, 1~9, for the purpose of approvin8 and also of passing the various accounts which ha& bean properly certified aml placed before them. All members of the Ccamittoe, with the excep- tion of Aid. ZnSlis, were present. Sundr/accounts amoont~n8 to $~,872.41 were approved by the Ca,m~ttee. ~e accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law ~for Prssentstion to the Council ~on the motion of Aid. Dcm-~_d and MacDonald. ~e ccmaunication from Provincial Engineering Ltd., as lald over frc~ the prevlous meeting, and requestin8 a six-inch water main, was aSaln considered. A report was also presented f~-<A the City !&~er in this connection. It was ordered on the motion of AId. MacDonald and Donald that the ccmmioatton be received and filed# and the report be received end filed, an~ the x~.calnendattons be adopted. ' · ~ ~e Conm~ittee adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Penn. ~AD AND ADOPTED, 28 March, 1949. Clerk Chairman of Finance Council Chamber, 21 March, 1949. ~e Council re-aaembled at the close of the regular council and fin- meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Inglis, were present. BY-LAW · e following By-law was passed: ..~. 4380 ~.- To Grant Monies for ~enerel Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald.. McKinley and Jolley that Ald. Haw- kins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing l~ules of Council be suspended and the by-law be mad the sec- ~m~ time - Carried. · ird rsadin~ - Aid. MacDonald and Donald - Carried. ~e Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mc. Einley. ~AD A~D ADOFIED, 28 Ma~oh, 19~9. Nab'or Council Chamber, 21 March, 1949. The Conference C~mmittee assembled at the close of the regular meeting of Council and the Finance C.-~.,~1ttee on Monday, 21st March, 1949, for the con- sideration of various matters presented to them. All members of the C~ttee, with the exceptio~ of Ald. Inglis, were present. After consideration of the matters before them, the Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. MacDonald aml Donald. I~EAD AND ADOPTED, 28 March, 1949. F~N~t MEET~G Council Chamber, 28 March, 1949. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7-30 p.m. on Monday, 28th March, 1949, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of His Worship Mayor Houck, were pres- ent. On the motion of AId. Hawkins and MacDonald, Ald. Grant Donald was enacting mayor during the meeting. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Parre. Ald. Inglis arrived at the meeting. DEPUTATIONS In connection with Petitions Nos. 4, 5, and 6, Mr. Earold Logan, K.C., addressed Council. Mr. Logan advised of the action taken by the local gasoline dealers in submitting a new petition, and explained the wishes of the merchants In this regard." Mr. J.C.Hartzner also spoke to Council about the number of sig- hturea on the petition submitted at this meeting. SEE Cmunications No. 102-3 ~ENDE~ Tenders had been submitted for the supply of standby equipment at the Filtration Plant. On the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins it was ordered that the tenders submitted be opened, initiaLled by the enacting mayor, read and referred to the City Manager for tab,~,l~tion and report at the next meeting. C01~IUNEATION8 Iaid over from a previous meeting: ]o. 102 - Chas. F. Bouck and Son ]0. 103 - Central Garage - withdrawing n,m~s from petition. 01~A~U on the mot- ion of Ald. Parm and MacDonald that the communications be received and filed. SEE Petitions Nos. 4, 5 and 6 108 - Gould-Leslie L~ted - requesting permission to re-locate s~gns. OlqD- on the motion of AId. Parm and MacDonald that the oommanioation be received ~d filed, and permission be not g~nted. _~e foLlowing Communications were presented: N0. 110 - Honourahle Minister of Trade and Commerce - re map in Canada Year Book. 0EYEI~D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the comm, m~cation be received aml laid on the table until the next meeting. ~o. 111 - El~lro-Elestrio C~ssion of Niagara Falls - eutm~lttln~ 1948 operating 01~0 on the motion of Al~. In~lts un~ McKinley that the comnunioatton an~ files, an~ a oop~ of the ra~or~ Je made available to members of ~e 0sunoil. 112 - ~-~ifax A~vertisin~ Bureau - re adver~ising in souvenir booklet. Old- the m~tion of~Al~. HaWkina:'an~.I~glie that the ocmmmnioation be received 84 85 ,.. and filed, and a letter of congratulations be sent to the City of Halifax upon the celebration of their bicentenial anniversary. Ald. Jolley arrived at the meeting. No. llS - Bell Telel~hons Company of Canada - requesting pertorsion to place buried cable. Og0~ on the motion of Ald. Parm an~ Hawkins that the c~unication be received and filed, sad permission be granted. SEE By-law No. 4BSl No. 114 - Niagaruhr News - re rep]~nary meeting. 01~)EA~jD on the motion of ~d, Hawkins and MacDonald that the comm~nicatlsa be received and laid on the table until Nis Worship Nayor lieuok is present. No. 119 - City Treasurer - requesting permis~on to attend conference. OffERED on the metion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the ocmmunieatisa be received and filed, and permission be granted. Laid over frc~ previous meetings: ggPORIB No. 2B - City Manager No. 24 - City Manager No. 26 - City Manager No. 29 - Auditor - re standby equipment for Filtration Plant and possible debt issue~. 019EAt~ on the motion of Ald. MacDonald sad Hawkins that the reports be received and laid on the table until the next meeting. ~e followin~ Reports were presented: No. B9 - City Clerk - re conference held 21st March. ORIEA~ sa the motion of Ald. Parm and Hawkins that the report be received and filed. No. 40 - City Clerk - reccmm~nddng issuance of licences. 0A~A~a~ on the motion of Ald. MacDonald sad Hawkins that the report be received sad filed, and the rec- mnaations be adopted. No. 41 - Fire 0hief - reco~,mending staff changes. 01qDEAt~ on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Iuglts ~h~t the report be received sad filed, sad the recommend- atlons be adopted.. No. 42 - City Manager - rec~nding Mr. Farebrother attend convention. 0E)Ei~ED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins an~ McKinley that the report be received-sad filed, and the reccznendation be adopted. No. ~3 - City Manager - re flankage allowances on Ftnla~ and Grey Streets. 0ED- E~m~ on the motion of Ald. MacDonal~ an~ Parm that the cnmmmieatiOn be received and filed, and the rec.~ndation 1~ adopted. No. 4~ - City Engineer - reccmnendin~ sewer on Grey Street. 'No. 4~ - City Engineer - rescmnending sidewalk on Grey Street. No. ~6 - City Engineer - rec~nding curb and ~utter on Grey Street. No. 47 - City Engineer - rec~.w--ndin~ macadam road on Grey Stx~et. No. 48 - City Engineer - e,,~--?izing above reports. 01~I~D on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Parm ~t ,the. relmrts be received and filed, an~! the reccmaendat- No. 49 "City Engineer - reccennending ~. ~0 - City Engineer - recommending N0.51 - City Engineer - rec~nding No. 92 - City Engineer - rec~-~nding No. ~3 - City Engineer - recommending N0. ~4 - City Enginee~ - recowm~nding No. ~ - City Engineer - rec~nding N0. 56 - City Engineer - reco.m~nding No. 97 - City Engineer - recn~.~nding No. ~8 - City Engineer - recommending No. 99 - City Engineer - recommending sewer on Hanan Avenue. sidewalk on Hanan Avenue. curb and gutter on Hanan Avenue.' curb and gutter on Hanan Avenue. macadam road on Henan Avenue. sewer on Mlsener Street. sidewalk on Misener Street. curb and gutter on Missnor Street. curb and gutter on Missnor Street. macadam road on Misensr Street. sidewalk on Dru~nond Road. No. 60 - City Engineer - recc~nnending sidewalk on North Street. No. 61 - City Engineer - mm..~izing above reports. Ol~E~t~ on the motion of Ald. Ha~kins sad MacDonald that the reports be received and filed, and the reco~nend- ations be adopted. No. 62 - CityEngineer - recommending No. 6~ - CityEngineer - reccmmendlng No. 64 - CityEngineer - reccmmnding sidewalk on Finlay Street. sidewalk on Finlay Street. curb and gutter on Finlay Street. No. 6~ - CityEngineer - reconmending curb and gutter on Finlay Street. No. 66 - CityEngineer - reccmmendingmacadamroad on Finlay Street. No. 67 - CityEngineer - s,m~.~izing above reports. OI~ERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Parmthat the reports be received and filed. and the reco,~-endations beadopted. No. 68 - City Clerk - re applications for position of clerk. OI~Ei~D on the met- lonef Aid. MacDonald undMcKlnley that the summary he received sad filed, and the position be awarded toNias Betty Schmidt. (Ald. Inglis voted contrary to this motion.) No. 69 - CityManager - re outfield at 0akes Park. 0RDEEED on the motion of Ald. ParmandMcKlnley that the report be received and filed, the Association be ad- vised that the Council does not approve of the erection of a fence and the sng- gestionhe made that a line be drawn sa the field, defining the boundaries, slm- liar to the arrangement unother fields on the Province. ~i~TITIONS laid over from the previous meetings: No. 4 - M.W.Anger sad 22 others - requesting repeal of By-law Number 42~8. No. 5 - E.W.Halladay and 14 others - requesting change in hours of sale. ~ on the motion of Ald. Parm sad MacDonald that the petitions be received and filed. ~ ,P.etition No. 6 ~e foLl~Ning Petition was presented: No. 6 - ~.C,wA~tzner an~ ~2 others - requsstin~ ~m~nd~nt to by-law. 019EI~D on · e mti~ of ~d. Pm ~d ~d ~at the petition ~ mcji~d and filed, 0~ ~t ~-~w ~r ~8 ~ ~pe~d ~ a new by-law be p~sen~ ~ ac- c0~e wi~ ~e ~titl~. I~SOLUTI0~S ~e followin~ I~soluttons were presented: No. 68 - ~ . MacDONAT~D - I~S0L~ that the action of His Worship Mayor in appointing Aldenan A.C.jolley as enacting mayor sa 29th, BOth and ~lst let AprA1, durin~ the absence of'His Worship, eb appreved~ and the Seal the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried ~. 69 -. ~ . MCkAmA~Y - I~SC~V~D that. the Tour of Inspection be held eurl~ . 'jj In April, the date to ~e when most convenient to all members; that the City Man. a~er adviset~as to the most suitable date at the next moetin~; and the Seal of the Cox~oratton he hersto affixed. ~e follo~_tn~ By-laws were passed: To provide for permission to ~he t~11 Telephone Con~an~ of Canada to place buried cabins at Provincial En~ineerin~ Ltd. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that Parm be ~iven the privilege ~f tntroductn~ the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley that Rule (2) of the Standin~ l~les of Council be suspended and 'the by-law be ~iven the second re~lir~ - Carried. · hird resA~u~ -Ald. MacDonald aml ~Tolley - Cartfed. - To authorize the execution and delivery of an a~ement between the Corl~ration of the City of Niagara Falls a~l The Niagara Falls Civic Employees, Federal ~nion, Ntwnber 1~3. It was ordered on the motion Of AId. Inglie am]. Jolley that Ald. Haw-' kins be ~iven the privilege of introduc~ the by-law and the by-law be mad t~ first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of A~I. Hawkins and MacDonald that Rule (2) of ~the Stamlin~ I~lee of Cou~c. il be suspended and the by-law be ~iwen the sec- on~ rsa&tug - Carried. ~hir~ readln~ - AI~. MacDonald and Parm - Carried. (Ald. lng~is voted contrary to this motion.) ~he follcwln~ By-lave were rend the first and neeoral times: ~o. 4383 - To provide for box~owlng $2,731.83 ~on debentures to pay for the con- structton of a sewer on l~Nell Avenue, frcex S,,-w~ Street to ~J+0 feet · ~outh. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Jolley and MacDonald that Aid. kins ~e ~iven the privilege of introducing the by-law and the b~-law he rend the first time.- Carried. It was ordere~ on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Mcl~Xnley that Rule (2) of the Stan~in~ i~les of C~tl ~ 8~ ~ ~ b~-~w ~ ~n ~e sec~ ~ - ~t~. ' It ws o~em~ ~ ~e ~ti~ of ~. b~oMM ~ ;o~ ~t ~e ~w ~ mfem~ ~ b ~Wio M~ici~l B~ f~ a~m~. ~- ~ - ~ pide f~ ~mi~ $9,632.30 ;~ ~ebentms ~ ~ fe ~e c~- It was c~lere~ on the motion of AI~. McKlnle~ and Paxm that Ai~. Haw- 2 of It was ordered ou the motion of Atd. Ihwkins an~ NoKimley that ~e 36 ( ) ~ S~ ~s of C~tl be s~ ~i ~o b~-~ ~ ~n ~e It was o~lered on the motion of Ald. l~cDonald and Perm that the by- law be referred to The Ontario Municipal Board for approval. ~ - To provide for borrowing $2,517.88 ul~on debentures to pay for. the con- ' struction of sidewalks, curbs aml gutters on Lowell Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. ~olley and MacDonald that Ald. Eaw- kins be given the privilege of intro~ucing the by-law and the by-law be given the first rendin~ - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of AId. ltawkine and Parm that Rule 36 (2) of the Stamllng l~les of Council he suspended and the by-law be given the second readin~ - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonal~ and Jolley that the lay be referred to The Ontario Municipal Board for al~roval. ~ - To provide for borrowing $9,198.48 Upon debentures to pay for the con- struction of sidewalks, curbs and gutters on Lowell Avenue, S~mner Street, North Street and Hanan Avehas. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. P~rm and MacDonald that Aid. Haw- kins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Parm and Hawkins that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing l~ules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second m~fi~ - Carried. It was ordersd on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Parm that the by-law referred to ~ Ontario Municipal Board for approval. ~ - To provide for ~orrowin~ $2,069.49 u~on debentures to pay for the con- structton of a macadam roa~ on Lowell Avenue frc~ S~er Street to 4~ feet south. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McEZtnley and Jolley that AId. Haw- kins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be rea~ the first time - Carried. ' It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Mawkine and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council ~e suspended and the by-law bo ~iven the sec- ~d mad~n~ . Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Parm and Hawkins ~h~t the by-law be ~fsrred to the Ontario Municilml 3card for approval. ~ - To provide for borrowing $8,2~6.~3 u~on debednres to pay for the con- struction of macadam roads on Lowell Avenue, S~ner 8treat and Hanan It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Parm and Jolley ~h-t AId. Hawkins Lgiven the Privilege of introductn~ the b~-las and the b~-law be read the first · - Carriado - OarrAe(t, . · .... . ,v ~e ~ven the eec- Zt was oz~tere~ on the motion of AI~, Parm amt that the ~-law mferre~ to ~ Ontario lt~ioA.tal ~. for a~roval,M°~tmte'v ~'-~v vu "1'o provide for t, be 19b,9 eXPend,t'bnree on roede ar, d streets in the Niagara Falls lu the Count of Welland. was ordered an the motion of AI . lerdnle hxm tha Ald. be given the privilege of introducing the by-law an~ the by-law be rea~ the flint +.~ - Carriod. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Parm and M~Kinley that Rule 36 (2) of the 8tandiu~ Rules of Cotmoil be suspended an~ the by-law be given the second re~ing - Carried. ~d ma~ing -Ald. MacDonald and Psrm - Carried. Street closed and part of Lot 82. Upon the reco.m~udation of the Property Cc~- mittee -~.--~ on the motion of Ald. MacDonal~ and Parm it was ordered that the offer be received, filed and accepted, subject ~o the condition that a dwellin~ of at least $~,000.00 value is erected on the pi-~.Aises within six months. ~ne report of the Property C~=..~ttee, on the above matters, was pres- anted. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Parm that the report be received and filed. Ald. Inglts asked that a report he made by the City Manager as to the construction of a c~ort station at the south end of the City, showtn~ the d~m- ensions, approx~,aate cost, aml an~ other information in this cc~ction. Ai~. Psrm spoke about the two-hour parkl~ regulations on streets im- ms&iatel~ south of Queen Street and asked whether it was the intention that such regulations shoul~ ~o al~ly on S~da~s an~ holidays as well as business days. It was a~reed that the matter shouM not ~e cha~ed at this t~me. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Palm an~ MacDonald. A report was presented from the City Manager, eubmittir~ a sketch of a proposed buildln~ for Mr. R. Salft. It was ordered on the motion of AI&. Donald an& MacDonald that the report be received.and laid on the table. A report was presented from the City Manager, re~arding adjustment in rates for e~ployees laid off. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Parm and Mc- ~nley that the report be received and filed, and adjustments be made for those employees who were laid off early in March, but that no adauatment be made for employees who had been hired for a few days only for snow z~val, etc. Ald. Donald asl~d the City Manager to bring in a report as to the pos- sibility of and cost of operAn~ Hamilton Street throught the H~ right-of-way. · e Cmew~ttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. McEinley and Jolley. =AD A~D ADOPA~, ~ April, 19~9. Xnactin~ Clerk Ohalxman of Finance -ere~ places in the money by-law for lmesentattcn to the Cannot! on ~ motto_ ~n of Ald, Dc~d emt ~olley. · . ' - ~ ::---::-. ~e follo~ B~-lav was ~assed: A ommnmioation ~-~A R.E.Fn11-r, vithdx~vin6 eat 'offer fo~ part of Huron ~ - To Grent Monies for aerieTel l%u?oses. Street closed and part of ~ot 82, was l~esente~, U~cn the ~eccsasmlation of the ' ' fim~ · ~iven ~he lmivfiege.of int~ducin~ the by-law and the by-~av'~ mad the : - An offer was.. ~X~Sented-f.nm ~,]z~a .BCwlet~ of $1~0.00 fo~ 'pax~ of HuTch ~:'j ' .ffl ~:?:~:.the~mgtlOn of AId. lhvkins end ~Mprdnle~ · . ,,,~ I::~ Xt W~es' 0x~erred. ca FINANC~ !~TIN3 flied ~ p~e~ ~fo~ ~. ~ ~ of ~e C~t~e, vi~ ~e exception ~ for ~ p~se of ~ss~ ~ b~-~ w~ oove~ :: ' $6L7 - ' "" ~' P ~ · ~, D~ was ~ct~ ~or (2) of the Standin6 Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the seecruX readin6 - Carrte~. Third readin~ -Ald. MacDonald and McKinley - Carried. ~he Council adjourned on the motion of AI~. Parm an~ Hawkins. Clerk CO~I~NCE Council C~-mher~ 98 March, 1~9. The Conference C~4ttee of the Cit~ Coaxoil assembled at the close of the re6ular meetings of Council and the Finance Cm.w4ttee on Monday, 28th March, 1~9, for the discussion of the matters before them. All members of the Cc.m. lt- tee, with the exception of His Worship Nayor llouck, were present. .Ai~. Donald was thaiman of the merinO. After discussion ~ the matters before them, the C~ttee adjourned on the mation of AI~. Hawkins s,~ McKinley. Clerk MEETING ~ MEET~/W Council Cbsmber, 4 April, 1949. Pursuant to adJo~-.~ent, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 4th ~ril, 1~9, for the purpose of considerIn6 general business and finance. All meabers of the Council, with the exception of His Worship Mayor Houck, were pres- ent. On the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald, Alderre.n E.M.Hawkins was en- actin~ mayor during the meeting. The Council, having received ~ rea& the min- utes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ai~. MacDonald and In connection with C~.-mmlcation No. 121 and on the motion of Ald. Jol- ley and Palm, representatives cr the Arm~, Navy and Airforce Veterans in Canada were permitted to address Council. Mr. E.Masher advised Council of the wishes of the Club and the arran6emnts they would be able to m~ke with regar~ to nee of the grounds. ~A~ Communication No. 121 In connection with C~-nication No. 122 an~ on the mdlon of Ald. Mc~tnley a_~_~ MacDonald, ~. ~or~ ~, ~P~sen~tive of ~e ~tt~ C~c~ Wor~m, U~, ws pe~t~d ~ ~ss Co~cil. ~. ~ spo~ of ~e aot~ of Coboil ~ ceasi~ to ~t ~e se of ~e Co~cll C~r for met- ~ ~ ~ f~ ~ re-c~l~ratim of ~s ~cisi~. ~ C~catl~ No. ~2 T reXere had been submitted for the supply of grass seed for the year 1~9. On t~e motion of Ald. Parm and MacDonald the tenders were opened, initial- le~ by Enacting Mayor Hawkins and read. It was then ordered on the motion of Ai~. Pare and Mc~n~-y that the tenders be tabulated. ~ F~ CCe4~U~ICATI0t~ Laid over frca previous macrinds: S0. 78 - Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities ~. 80 - Hotel Ceneral Brook - re 1~0 convention. OI~DEI~D on the motion of Ai~. Mm and MacDonal~ that the c;-;,;;,~Ications he received and laid on the table. .ae ort 70 ~0. 111 - K~lro-Eleotrtc C~sslon of Niagara Falls - re 19~8 operating ~port. 0~I~D on the motion of AId. MacDonald ~_~ Jolley that the co~nication be rec- eive~ ami filed and the Corm4 eston be asked to supply an operating report for the mar 19 8. · e followin~ Cc~mnfioations were Presented: 116 - Secretary to the Governor-General . re forthoctal visit. ~l~ on 117 - ~reater Nt Cosramify Chest - appreciation of grant. ~ on the ~tlcn of AIAt, MacDo=~aa~ Donald tha~ ~:hn oclmmlontton be reoelved and filed, 118 - Cansdlan Cox-ps Assoolatlon-~:eo. uests re Wj~-Da,v celebration, CE~mm on the motion of AI&. M~cDonald an~ Parm +.k-t the co,,-,~untcation be received referred to the City l~r for a report at t2me next No. 119 - Chief M D Tts~-~e - appreciation of rettrin~ allowance. 0~ on the motion of AI~. p;'and Donald that the cc~mmication ~e received aM file&, the ere~ by h4. and their regret at his retirement; and a copy of such cu~Anication ~e for~araed to the Boar~ of l~olice Cv,.;~;~ssioners. No. 120 - Niagara Falls Opt4-4st Club - re formation of film council. 0EDEEED on the motion of Ai~. Donald an~ jolley that the c,-,~,,~mtcation be received an& file&, that Comxcil support the project whenever possible, but the Clu~ ~e a&vieei · that representatives will ~e unable to atten~l the moetin~, owir~ to the fact that the same will take ~lace at the sere t~me as the regular council msetin~. No. 121 - Arm~, Navy and Airforce Veterans in Cana~la - requeetin~ pexmisston to sponsor Model Shows. OI~]Et~D on the motion of AI~. MacDonald and Jolley that the co.~..nicatiOn ~e receive~ an~ file&, an~ permission be grante~. No. 122 - International Chemical Worksrs' Union - re use of Council Ch-m~er. 0R- ~ on the motion of All. Donald an~ ,]'olley that the c,'~-~tm~cation ~e receive& and filed. Prior to the above motion, it was move~ ~y Ai&. Mcl~inley an~ MacDon- ald that Council re-consider the mattar in conference following this meettn~ an~ report at the next meeting, at which time Mr. Gate woul~ be allowed to speak. q~is motion was defeats&, AI~. lnglis, ~arm, iolley an~ ?,nactin~ Mayor Hawklngs votin~ contrary. The following Reports were prseent~l: No. 70 - City l~r - re 1~0 convention in district. 01~m~u~u on the motion of Aid. ~srm amX MacDonal~ that the report 'be recetve~ and file&, an~ the ations be ado~te~.. No. TA - City Clerk - m conference helA 28th March. ~ on the. motion of AI~. Do-a~a an~ Ma~])omLl~ that the report ~e received an~ file&. ~o. 72 - City Manager - re erection of c~ort station. 0Eu-~,, on the motion of Ald. Y~lis an~ Donald that the report be reasive~ am~ laid an the table for f~. ther consideration when the matter of a~&ttional s~pervision is considered. NO. 73 - City Manager - re possibility of openiu~ w-w~ltcn Street. UA4Mm~e~ on P~ ~t ~e ~ ~ be ~ei~ ~ ~ ~r for +-~ · motion. ) No. 7~ ' City Manager - sug~estin~ date for tour of inspection. 0A~ on the motion of AhL Do__..I~ and Pare +.h~t the reI~rt be receive~ am1 file~, amX the reocmasnd~tiqns he adopte~. No. 7~ - City Manager - re name forosxtension of Grey Street. OI~EID on ion of AId. In~lts an~ Donal~ that t~xe reI~rt be receive4 and ft~, ~t ~e ~t~ ~ ~ street ~t~ s~ of ~t~ S~ ~ ~ "g~l ~mn~" ~e ~r ~ ~ s~et ~ ~ ~s $~t". ~. ~ - City C~rk - m lice~e a~M~ti~ not a~m~. ~ ~ ~ ~: ,-. , ~ ,: , : -..:.~ ~ - :;:/::.:.~ j '~:, :_ :,:2 ,- ::: ~: .'- . I~ES(EUTIO~ ~he following Resolutions were ~0. 70 - MCLLN~ - JOT.V.~y _ HBSOLV~D that the action of His Worship Mayor Houck, in al~pointing Alderman W.C.MacDonal~ as enacting mayor on ~th, 6th, 7th an~ 8th April, ~uring the absence of His Worship, be approved; aml the Seal of the Cor- p0mtion be hereto affixed. C. arried N0.71 - DONAID - MacDONALD - I~0L~ED that the City Manager be asked to take u~ with the C~-m~sr of Cnn--~rcs the matter of their action with regard to the traf- fic islan~ at the exit from the Rainbow Bridge; bring in a report at the next ~etin~; an~ the Seal of the Corporattan be hereto affixed. .q,~rrie_d ~o. 72 - 2AEM - JOLT~Y - ItESOLV~ that the matter of the application of R.Salfi, for a permit to erect a b,m~ain~ for use for storage, heating plant and office facilities at the tourist c~.p. on 0ntaric~ Avenue, be referred to the City Solic- itor for a report at the next meeti~; and the Seal of the Corl~ration be hereto · e following By-law was passe&: ~o~391 - For the early closing of retail gasoline service stations, gasoline pt~n~s an~ gasoline outlets in the retail gasoline service in~lustry. It was ordered on the motion of AI~. Donald an~ Pare that Ald. McKinley given the privile6e of introducing the by-law an~ the-by.law ~e read the first It was orderea on the motion of Aid. McEinley and Jolley that Rule 36 (~) of the Standing Rules of Council he suspende~ an~ the by-~aw he given the ~cond reaa~n~ - Carrie~. ~i_-1 readin~ -Ald. MacDonal~ and Donald - CarrieS. A~d. Inglis spoke about the ha& traffic condition create& by parklng on M~lalene Street between Fern,# aml Cen~me Streets. Ald. ln~lts aske~ the City Manager to inspect and report u~en the a~- ~illity of removin~ two ~ ~ee trees on ~e west side of ~tn Smet, sou~ ~ ~ Pm~eot ~1. the tour of inspection. . an~ the Propoct Hotel ~e inspected dur- 93 ,. [ Oo~mcil Chamber, April; 19~9. The F~-;e Cm,,~ttee rest on Monday, ~th April, 19~9, for the purDoae of approvin~ an~ also of passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee, with the excep- tio~ of His Worship Ms.vet Ho~ck, were present. Sundry accounts amounting to $91,C~.30 were approved by the Ccamittee. 'I~e accounts sutaitt~l, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and ~olley. An offer was presented from R.D.Hmte of $500.00 for Lot 25, Plan ~3, Lowell Avenue. Upon the rec~,..~ndation of the Property Ccamcttee and on the mot- ion of AId. MacDonald an~ McKinley the offer was received and filed and accepted, subject to the con&ition that a dwelling of at least $9,000.00 value is erected on the l~A~nmtSeS within SiX 3]lonth8. A cmm--~catlon was presented frem the City Solicitor, re the sale Lots 4 and ~, Victoria Avenue. Upon the rsc~m~udation of the Property and on the motion of A1A. MacDonald an~ Pare*. was ordered, that the cnwwa'~qiCat- ion be received and filed, ,ha the account be pat~. The report of the Propert~ Ccmnittee, u~on the above matters, was pres- ented. It was existed on the motion of AId. MacDonald .and Pars that the re~ort be received and file~L. A report was presonte~ from the Cit~ Manager, ~. Hi~ ~oh o~ ~ ~ for a ion of ~. D~ a~ ~ ~t ~ mp~ ~ r~ei~ ~d f~ed, ~ medi- ation ~ a~ ~-~ ~ l~ati~ ~ i~c~ d~6 ~e ~ of ~on. !~- ~le vo~ c~ ~ ~e ~tt~. ) A report was px~senteA from the Ctt~ Manager, re~ng an application for a permit for an addition to the Elliott Hotel. It was o3mlered on the motion of AId. Palm aria luglie that the report be received and ftla~L, the permit ha with- held and the owner be asked to su~ait an al~licatton anA ~lans for the erection of 8 two,storey building at this location. A report was presented f.~= the Ci~ ManaGer, recusmen~in~ the tssua~e of a permit for the erection of a st~n on Ferr~ Street at Allen Avenue. Upon the motion of AI~. McJ~jaley and Donald, Ms. S.Teal, applicant, was permitts& to ad- dress the Committee. Mr. Teal advise~t the Ccmmdttee of his wishes in this con- ueotton. It was oMeret on the motion of AI~. Donsld an~ Pars that the report be receded ~-~ laid on the table tmtll the next meeting, to l~rmit the Cit~ ~Aqm~er to obtain information as to the Btll preeenta4 before the Previn~ial Lo~J.e:{a~re A report was presentaT frcn the Ctt~ Manager rs~rding an application ore l~rmit for a bttild~ at ~r ~ ~ Ca~t A~n~. It was ~md ~ The ecm~arison of tax collections as at 31st March yes pxesented. It was ox, dsrsd on the motion of Ald. Donald and Parm that the ami laid on the table, aui Stven ~he usual )ublieltT. sta~bp..*receive~ b s~ateaent of relief for the month of Mash was 'presented. It was ox~rr~ on the motion of AI~. Done14 and Paxm that ~he etatesen~be Feoet~l and The City Manager advised the Cc~mfittoe of the tabulation of grass seed tenders which had been submitted at the Council meeting. On the motion of Ald. Donald and MoEinley the tenders were received and filed, and that of G.lt. Clark an~ Ccapany, at a total price of $208.00, was accepted. ~e C~ttee adjourned on the motion of Akl. McHinley and ~olley. ~AD AED AD0~','.:,,, II April, 1~9. Chairrash of Finance Council Chamber, The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular coanctl and fin- race meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Cmmn!ttae. All members of the Council, with the exception of His Worship Me.vet Houck, were present; Ald. l?aw~-- was enacting mayor during the ~e foilswing I~y-law was 10aesed: ~ - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It wa ~em~ on b ~ti~ of ~. Mc~y ~ ~ ~t ~. ~ ~ ~n ~e pri~e of tn~t~ ~e b~-~w ~.a ~e by-~w be m~ ~e f~t t~ - C~ed. .... It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mcl[tnley a.a Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing l~Ales ~f CorraL1 be suspended an~ the by-law be Given the sac- c~t reaAtn~ - Carried. b Com~ctl ad.'JourAed, ~o assemble as a caw.,4ttee of the whole, an the motion. of ,eeet~eeel EnactinS Ma~or Council Chamber, ~ ADril, 1949. · be Council assentled as a cr-mu4t~ee of ~e whole fo~l~ ~e met~ of Co~11 ~ ~e ft~ce c~t~e ~ Mon~, ~ersof ~e C~t~e, wi~ ~e ~ceptl~ ~ Hie Wo~hlp ~or Eo~k, were ~. ent, ~ ~. ~v~ v~ b City ~umr ~msen~ a r~ort ~ ~e D~sibi~ty of c~vertl~ ~io ~- ~ mc~ ~t ~is ~ ~o~. It was ~m~ ~ b rotion of ~. ~s .~ ~ ~t ~e m~o~ be moeive~ ~ ~i~ ~ ~e ~ble ~til the A c~oation wu p~sen~ ~'~ M.~.~en, m~eti~ mc~l~mt- i~ ~ h~ ~t f~ sbA-~ce. It wu ~m~ ~ ~e ~tion of ~. ~lis ~ ~ ~t ~e c~cation ~ mOei~ ~ fi~&, a~ no ~ti~ ~ ~n. b Citl Clerk ~se~ ~ C ..... ~t~e ~t ~e CiSy's a~e~ m the ~0- ~ti~ of ~sl~enti~ ~ ~y-~w ~eher ~ was ~e~ is~m~ by b ~. b CbrE ~=o ~se~ ~t -~n~ by-~ws, to Drevent ~er a~h cues ~c~, wi~ be s~t~ ~r. ~e Cmm4ttee ad~ou~ne& on the mo$ioA of Ai~. ](cXluley an~ Parre. tames at the mee~in~ of the Ccfm~t~ee of the W~ole on this date, ~e a]~proved; and ~e ~ ~ b Co;orati~ ~ he~to ~imd. ~e Council a~lJourne& o~ the motion of Ai&. Ynglis an~ McKinley. Enactlng M~Tor Clerk C~airman Council ChAmber, ~ AXmA1, 19~9. · ha COUaCil m-aSsea~le~ at the close of the meetin~ of the Connit~ee of the Whole on Monday, ~t~ A~ril, 1~9, for the p~x,;ose of hearin~ the rel~rt of ~Ae Committee. All members of the CouMtl, wi~Jx the ex~e~t4~ of b Worship )h3or XOUQM, were presemt. Ai~. bkiun vaa enao~in~ ms~r a~x~ the meeting. b foiloviug Resolution was ~aeae~: ../. · 98 Co~oil Chamber, 11 April, Pursuant to adJou~:d~ent, the Council met at 7.30 pm- en MenSay, llth April, 1~9, for the purl~se of considering general bnsinese and face. All members of the Council were present. The Council, having received an~ read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald DEPUTAtiON In connection Mlth C_nm~mmtcatton NO. 13~ and on the motion of Ald. Raw. kins and MacDonald, Mr. Win. E. Collier of the Niagara Falls Fiore ]vaseball team was permitted to address Council. Mr. Collier advised Council of the desires of his team in connection with the playing of 6ames at 0ekes Park. ~EE Comm, m~eation X~o. _12 CCe4~UNICATIOBS l~ld over fro~ previous meetings: No. ll~ - ffia~aruhr l~ews - re preliminary meeting. ~ on the motion of AI~. Hawkins and Donald that the ccs~mnication be received end filed, ami His Worshi~ Hayor Houck be askea to appoint a representative of Com~cil to attend this ms~- tng. His Worship l~or ~rouok uppointe& Aid. McKinley. No. 116 - Secretar~ to the Governor-General - re forthccm~n~ visit. ORDEI~D on the motion of Ale. McKinley an~ Hawkins that the c~nication be received filed, and a c~ttee of Council, with Kts Worship as ohairem.~ be al~pointed to make arrangements for the visit. llis Worship appointed A3A. liewhine, ~olley and Donale as members of this omw~tthe. l~s. 118 - C-m~lian Cor~s Association - re~ueSts re WE-Day celebration. OBDEi~D 0n the motion of AId. DonalA ~ MacDonald ~t t~ c~ti~ be receive& ~ fl~, a~ cem~ ~nts ~ m~e. ~ ~ No. 78 ~e fo~ C~tcatto~ we~ ~ms~: ' 1~o. 123 - Auditor - re check of cash. 0i~u~v on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDona~ that the ccsmmnication be received and filed. No. 12~ - D~ninic. Dtodati - re condition of North Street. 01~I~D on the motion ce AId. acKinle~ani Donal~ that the communication be recotve~ and referred for consideration duxt~ t~e T~w of Zus~ectton. ci . ",..e. f= a rep;. t c,=...tion ree.l.d ar.,,..fe..ed to the .No. 126 - Assessor - rs~uesttn6 Peralssto~ to attend meeting. C~ on the mo- tion of Alxl.'Z'~'F~ns ana MacDonald that the c~.nieation be receive/~aud filed, an~ pexxisston' be 6ranted., 12.8 - .Ontario NunioiNl Association . re meetings ~ Convention. ~ on the motion of Ald. Parm an~[ MacDonald that the oc~m~nlcatten be received and false. ~oo 129 - Town of MAdland - re Department of Municipal Affairs Act. OEDEFS~D on the motion of Ald. In~lis and ,Tolley that the conmnmtcation be received an~ laid on the table until the next meeting. N0. 130 - Niagara, St. Oatharines and Toronto Railw_a~ - re books of tickets. 0R- ~ on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the camnunication be rec- eived amt filed, and the Com~an.v be thanked for their action. ~0. 131 - ~oard of ~ducatioB - rscc~aendatlons for safety. 01~ on the motion of ~. Do~ ~a ~o~ey ~h~t ~e c~micati~ be racelye& a~ mfe~ to ~e ~ic C~t~e for a ~o. 132 - Creator Niagara Coinunity Chest - re meeting re relief and welfare cases. 0l~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and Psrm thSt the cc~,;,vunl catlon be received and referred to the City Manager for a ruport. Re. 133 - Greater Niagara Chamber of C~rce - recommendations re tourist homes. 01~ on the motion of Ai~. Inglis aml Hawkins that the comunication be rec- eived and filed, an& the rscE~.~ndettons be 8dol~ted. N0. 13~ - l~laa~ra Falls Fiefee - re playing schedule at 0ekes ~ark. 01~ on the motion of AI~. In~lie and Jolley that the comb~nication be received eaxl laid on the ~able until the next meeting, and a re~or~ be suinnitted by His Worshi~ Mayor gouok am1 the City No. 1~ - Niagara ,p,,'l l,, Foras - re ple~i~ schedule at Oakes Park. OI~DEA~JJ0 on the motion of AI~. ]]awkine and HOXJ. nley that the ccmmunlcation be received and referred to the City Ms~er for a re~ort at the next meeting. (Ai~. Donald MacDonald voted contrary to this motion. ) Prior to the above motion, ~t was moved by AI~. Donald and MacDonald that the c~A~nication be receive~ end refer~ red to the Perks Superintendent for a rsl~rt, but this motion was defeated. No. 1~6 - ~.A.MacPherson and Efi~ar Strange - appreciation on retirement. On the motion of Ald..Donald and I~awkine ~h~t the communication be received and filed. ~o. 137 - lkrnar~ E. Coyle - appreciation re late ~.R.M~Bridge. 01~FA~) on the motion Of Ald. P_cl~tnley and ~o~ ~t ~e c~ca~ion ~ mcel~ ~-~ flle~. ~0. ~6 - ~.G.Co~ - ~questt~ p~tion of ~a,~e b~t~ss. ~ ~ ~e w~ of ~. ~is a~ ~al~ .~at ~e c~cati~ be mcei~ a~ filed, laid over frc~ ~rsvious meettn~si No. 23 - City Manseer x0. 2~ - city MaunSer Ci~x Mana~r Auditor - re standby equipsent and l~ssible debt issues. 01~ on the · Nacl)ona~ an~ Parm that the re~Orte be received ~ filed. ~ Re~ort, NO, 79 ~he followlag Re~orts were lrresente~: 78 - City ~ on the f~e . · on83A ~het the re~o~t~ be received and filed, an~ recmmsn~attons ~eand Maid ~, 7~ - Citx lemaxer ...-. ;js.q.l~.~.ti.nS .tembrS ~ reoa,,aendatmio,,,, of W,G,Aorss and ;:, '.. ?:, · ,,, . ComPany. OI~YF~ED on the motion of Ai~. MacDonald and Farm that 'the report be received aml file~, and the recoz~endation be adopted; and the ternlet of the End. lieh Electric Company of $18,970.00, be accepted. No. $0 - City Clerk - rec~,~,~ndin~ 1saulnee of licenoes. C~DEEED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Eawkinz that the report he received and filed, and the rec. c~m~n~ations be ndol~ted. 1~. 81 - City Engineer - rec,~,.anding sewer on Alexander Crescent. No. 82 - Cit7 Engineer o rec~'~w~ndin~ sidewalk on ~lexander CresCnet. l~o. 83 - City Engineer - rec~,,,.~ndiu~ sidew-l~ on Alexander Crescent. l~c. 8~ - City En~lneer - rec~nding curb an~ ~utter on Al~wa,~er Crescent. ~o. 8~ - City Engineer - reccmnendin~ curb and ~utter on Al~?~-4er Crescent. l~o. 86 - City Engineer - rec~-,,.-~nding mcad~m roa~ on Alexander Crescent. Eo. 87 - City Engineer - s,--,7 of above reports. 0I~EI~D on the motion of 2arm an~ Mawk~ne that the reports he received and filed, an~ the recmmlatlo~ be ndopte~.., I~o. 88 - City Engineer - rec~ndtn~ sewer on In~lis Drive. I~o. 89 - City En~inee~ - mcm~l~ sl~w~ ~ ~ls D~ve. ~. ~ - City ~i~er - mc~i~ si~ on ~is Dri~, Eo. 91 - City ~neer - mc~ c~b a~ ~t~r ~o. ~ - City E~er - mc~i~ c~b a~ ~r ~ ~s Drive. ~o. ~ - City ~neer - mc~ ~ca~m ~ on ~is Drip. I~o. 9~ - City Engineer - s~maar~ of above reports. 01~ on the motion of Alt. Do~.~ and lIawk~ns that ~e m~om ~ r~eive~ ~ fi~, ~ ~ mc~ndat- io~ ~ ~o~. No. ~ - City l~neer - reccemendin~ sidew-~ on Somewood AvenUe. Eo. ~ - City ~in~r - mc--~ si~aR ~ Eomw~ A~u. ~o. ~ - City ~er - mc~ c~b a~ ~t~r ~ H~ A~n~. No. ~ - City ~er - ~o~nd~ c~b ~ ~t~r ~ H~w~ A~n~. No. ~ - Oit~ ~er - mc~i~ mca~ ~ on E~w~ A~. No. 1~ - City EMber - s~ ~ a~ ropere. O~ ~ ~e ~tI~ of ~d, 101 - 01ty En~fi~eer - rec~a~xdix~ sidewalk on V~. 103 - City E~er - mcm~ N0. 126 ' City EU~lneer - reco-.nending water main on Elmorth Circle. N0. 127 - City Endnear - s~zsnary of above reports. OI~E!~2) on the motion of ~awkins and Donald that the relYerrs be received and filed, and the recc~nnendations ~o. 128 - City Engineer - recommending storm sewer from Ontario to Elmorth. 0ED- ~ on the motion of AI~. Donald and Hawkins that the re~ort ~ received and f~led, an~ the recowm~u~attons ~e ndopted. No, 129 - City E~g~neer - rec.'~_~-.-nding ]~avement on Elmor~h Circle. 0EDEA~ on the wtion of Alcl. Do~a!d and McKinley that the re~ort be receive& an~ referred for consideration durin~ the Tour of Inspection. No. 130 - City Manager - re m-organization of outside departments. No. 131 - City Manager - rec.,..,~ndtng a!~oln~ment of Purchasing ~ent. OEDEA~ ~ the motion of Aid. M~-w4.~y ~ DonaM that the reports be recetve~ and laid on the table until the next meeting. ~o. 132 - City Engineer - re underpass at Michigan Central Railway tracks. 01~D- E~D on the motion of Aid. Donald and McKinley that the report be received and referred for consideration &urtng the Tour of Inspection; an~ information be oh- tahoe& as to whether the ~Board of Transport-Commissioners and the Rall~F would be willin~ to l~trticipats in part of the cost of eoastruction of such an u~erpass. ~o. 133 - City Manager - re island at exit frc~ Rainbow 3ridge. OED~ on the motion of Ald. Donal~ and MacDonal~ that the re~ort he received ~ filed. No. 13~ o City M~nger - re condition of trees on Main Street. C~F.~D..on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and ~olley that the report ~e received and filed, and the reccmzsnaatlan be following l~solutlons were passe&: Co-~ctl be scheduled to take place at ~.00 l~a. on Tuesday, 19th April; and the Seal of t~e Corporation ~e hemto affixed. Carried No. 7~ - IL~ - PAIN - I~0Lv..'., that His *Worship Mayor Houck be authorized to apl~int a representative at the conference of the Ontario Mayors' and Reeves, Association which will be hal~ in Hamiltou on 28th, 29th an~ 30th April; and the Seal of the Corporation be herato affixed. Carried _u~anlmously Hie ~rahip l~vor l~ouck appointed Ald. ~lta as the representative at this meeting. No. 76 - MoKII~ - jOtr~y . I~OL~ED that a letter of congratulation be forwar- dst to the parents of Sergeants Price an~ ~rown for their aehieve~ent in winning their win~s, which were presante& at a cermen~ held by the Niagara Fails At~ Cadets.; end the seal of the CorAuoratlon be hersto affixed. Carried. unanimously ~o. 77 - ~ - DONA~ - I~C~w~u that the matter of parking meters an Falls Avenue an~ Clifton Hill be ~afexTed to the Traffic Ceee~ttee with the request tbata affi ~eport b~ e,,~tte~,,to Council~ and t.h~, Seal of the Corporation be herato ~ follc~Xn~ 3y-laws Vex, e Carrte~ un, anlmoulsy ~ - To provide for borrowin~ $2,731-83 upon debentures to pay for the con. struction of a sewer On Lowell Avenue from S;m~r Street to 440 feet south. ~ readin~ - AId. Hawkins an~ MacDonald - Carried ~o. ~3~ - To provide for borrc~ing $9,632.30 upon debentures to pay for the con- structton of a sewer on Lowell ~venue, S;_m~r Street, North Street Hartart Avenue. ~n1~d readin~ - AId. MaoDOn~ am~ Mclfituley - Caxuried ~ , To l~rovtde for borr~wtn~ $2,~17.88 ~on debentures to l~ay for the stru~tion of sidewalks, curbs an~ ~utters on Z~wsll Avenue. ~lrd reading -Ald. Hawkins and Mac~n-~ - Carried una~tw.~usly. - To provide for borrowing $9,198.~8 upon debentures to pay for the structlon of sidewalks, curbs ~ g~tters on Lowell Avenue, S,mm~r Street, North Street amt Nanan Avenue. reading - AId, Donald an~ Hawkins - Carried unan~uel~. His WetshiD Mayor Houck ,~a AId. Inglls left the meeting. Ald. Donald was enacttn~ mayor until the return of His Worship. - To provide for ~orrowing $2,06~.49 upon debentures to pay for the struction of a macadam road on Lowell Avenue frc~ S~snmsr Street tot ~ feat south. ~htrd readiu~ - AI~. Hawkins an~ Parm - Carried. AI~. In~lis returns~ to the meeting. To provide for ~c~rowtn~ $8,2~.~3 upon debentures to ~ay for the 'structiOn of ~adam roa~s on l~well Avenue, S~msner ~treet end l~n~- Avenue. ~ rea~in~ -Ald. Hawkins amt NeXtriley - Carried. His ~m~p Mayor ~k mturne~ to tho-metin~. , It was excreted on the motion of Ai& Mo~.l~y en~ MaoDcmal~ that It was ox'~ere~ on the mo~lon of AI~. lhwkins au~ McXinls7 that 1~le , ~ - To amend By-law Nmnber 40~6, being a by-law to establish restricted ares and regulate the character'of buildings to be erected therein. It was ordered on the rotion of Ald. McEinle~ end Hawkins that Ald. ~ be given the prlvLlege of tntroductn~ the b~,~ end the b~-law be read the first time - Cartled unan~,~uely. It was ordere~ on the rotten of Ald. Hawkins and McFduley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing l~s of Council be suspended and the by-law.' be given the sec- ~d readtn~ - Carried unanimously. - ~ni~d readix~ - ~ld. l~k~ne and l~cDonald - Carried unan~mnusl~. N0. 4~5 - To authorize the execution of an agreement for sale and deed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mcl[lnley~and Donald that Ald. Haw- k~ns be ~ven the Privilege of ~ntroducin~ the by-law end the by-law ~e read the f~rst time - Carried It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Donald end Jolley that Rule B6 (2) of the Standing Ihxles of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second. ma~-~ - Carried unanimously. ~ ~ead~n~ - Ai~. lhwkins an& McI~tuley _ C~rried unanimously. AId. In~lis spoke about the c~eration of the street' sweeper on Brld~e Street on Mondays when housewives had washin~ han~tn~ on their clothes lines. ~be Aideman sn~estad that when the aweeiDer is operated under such ctrcmnstances the street shoul~ ~e vatere~. Aid. Hawkins asked that the Niagara, St. Catharlnes end Toronto l~ail- ~ay be recAueated to a~vise when the half-hour bun service for the Fourth Avenue a~ea is tO be cc~nenced. His Worship Mo~or Eouck voiced his appreciation of the assistance end ~nsideratlon recelve~L frm the men~ers of Council during it~tng the session of the.l~rov/ncial. Leglslature. his absence in Toronto ~e Co~mcll adjourned on the motion of AM. MacDonald end Hawkins. ~A~ A~ ADGP~m, 19 A~rll, C~tl Cbsaber, 105-' ~ne Finance Ccmnittee met on Monday, llth April, 1~9, for the Purpose ~f npprovin~ and also of passing the various accounts which ha& been properly certified ~uf Dlaced before them. All members of the Ccammittee were present. Sun~ accounts rating to $10,069.~2 were appreved by the Co~udttee. ~he accounts submitteA, being passeft or otherelse dealt with, were or~. ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald,, McEtnley and Jolley. A report of the City Manager, ree~in~ an application for a permit to erect a si~ st Allen Avenue an~ FeIW Street, as laid over frcln the previous meeting, was considered. An additional report was presented from the City nger with re~ard to the Bill which was before the Provincial Legislature to s~en~ The Department of Travel and Publicity Act, 19~6. On the motion of Ai~L. an~ ~olley, Mr. S.Teal, the al~licunt, was perndtted to address the CG~ittee be advised of the pqRne made in connection with this sign. It was ordered on the rantion of Ald. Znglie and Parm that the reports be received' _-~ lai~ on the and the Clerk be instructed to obtain clarification of the Act frn~ the of Travel an~ Publicity. The report of the City Manager, re6arding an application for 'a permit to orect a building at River Road and Cataract Avenue, as ~ over frc~ tho lrev- ious meeting, was considered. An opinion frc~ the City Solicitor in this con- nestIon was also presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and. Mac- Donald that the reports be received and laid on the table, and tl~ applicant as- certain whether the Nia~axa Parks C~mnisston woald give their approval to such an erection. A report was presente~ from the City Manager, frc~ a previous meeting, re~tng a proposed building on the tourist camp operated by l~.Salfl at Ontario Avenue and Bender Hill. A report was also presented from the City Solicitor as to the ISSue of Such a permit. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley an~ Pax'm that the reports be received ~_-~ filed, an4 FAr. Salfl be advised that u~0n reset of a si~ned agreeae~t to the effect that the builA~ing W~tl be used only for storage, hea~ing and office purposes, such agreement to he appreved by the City solicitor, a permit w~ be ~rante~. (AI~. Dcnal~ vote& oontrax~ to th~s metion. ~ An offer was presented from Roger l~uchax~ of $~0.00 f~r Lot 78, 6, D~on Avenue. U~n~ 1~e rec--~A*udatton of the Property C~=,~4ttee an~ on the mo~ton of AI~. MacD~mld en~ ;olley it was ordered that the offer be receive~, Mr. ~oue~e~ be a~viae(L that if be is pre~A.e~ to erect a dwelling of at least $~000.00 value on the premises within six months~ the offer will be considered. An offer was pmseut~X fr~ H.A.Sples of $7~.00 f~r Lot 10, x~ Street. ~ the rsccmnendation of the Property C~ttae and on the motion of AId. MacDo~*~a and Jolley it was ordered tha~ the offer he received and ta~le& permit the Cme~$tee to~ew ~he locatinn d~ri~ the Totm of v-al~ction. ~e report of the Prcpert~ Cm-,~ttee, on ~he above matters, was prep ented. It yes ordere~ on the motion of 'Ai~. NacDonalA,and ;~lle~ ~hat ~he rep- ort l~e x'ecelved and, filed. ' Beports were presentM f~ca the Ctt~ Ma~Ser rsSardin~ ~e C~ of ~st~ ~ he ~14 In ~ ~p of 8~ m~ ~er a~ wa~ ~ln ~ ~ ~ w~ ~ ~ ~e ~ C~t~ mo~t~ t~ ~m~ ~ ~t f~ ~e ~, ~ ~ E~o~ ~n~. ~t was ~ Cc~smittae adjourned on the motion of Ald. x'vlcK**tnley and Jolley. ~ A~D ~DOP~D, 19 April, 19~9. Clerk Chatxman of Finance Council Chamber, 11 April, The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ante meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law wh~h covered the accounts proved by the Cm,n~ttee. All members of the Council, with tile exception of Ald. D,m/da# Were.preSent. 3Y-X~W ~e ~ollcwtng ~y-law was passed: S~0. ~3~ - To Grant Mc~lee for ~e~ ~oses. ~ ~ ~n b prtv~e~ ~ ln~ b ~y-~w and ~e by-~w be mad b f~t t~ - C~:~:A~. * It was ordere~ on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Jolley that Rule 36 (2) the Standing ltules af Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second r~. CarrAed. tt.'a=readAng. - AId. aC.F..:Y,,nley and- Jol!ey -, Carried.. Co,moiI act.~ournecl, on the motion of Ai~. llav:Idns and. Na]rinZey,e ~AD A~D ADCI~n, 19 April, 19~9. i06 107-. Council Chamber, 11 April, 19~9. ~hs C~mmittee of the Whole assemble& at the close of the retailer cil and finance meetings ~n Monday, llth Aprll, 1~9, for the const~ratlon of matters placed before them. All members of the C~Attee, with ~he exception of Ald. DC~"la, yore present an~ His Worship Mayor Houck was chairs?- of the meetin& ~he rel~rt of the City Treasurer, as laid over from the previous meet- ing, ~ concerning possible conversion of Ctty-o~ned ~onde, was consldere& and It was ordere~ on the motion of A1A. Ignlis and Parm that the report be rsceive~ an~ filed, ,.4 no notion taken. ~he City Clerk read a cm~nnioation f~ Chief Tisdale concerning the business at 559 Erie Avenue. It was a~rsed that the matter be tabled until the next meeting ,.a coasi~ered ~n ol~n cornoil at ::tlmt The Cmm~ttee a~Journed on the motion of Ai~. McKinley and Palm. Clerk c~un~m- ~T~ ~ A~D ADOPAx~, 19 A~l~, 19~9. ~r Council Chamber, ~9 April, ~9- Pursuant to ad~ou~=~ent, the Council met at 5.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 19th April, 1~9, for tlxe purpose of considering general business ar~ finance. All m~rs of the Council were present. On the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Porto, AId. Donald was enacting mayor until the arrival of His Worship Mayor tIouck. ~e C0m~tl, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins. DEPUTATIONS In connection with Cammauication No. ~34 and on the motion of Ald. Mc- Kinley and Hawkins, Messrs. Fiora and Collier were permitte~ to a~dress Council. The s~eakers advised Council of the con~llttons erdst~8 with regard to their t~m un~ what they desired with regard to the use of 0ekes Park. ~ Co~unic.atlon~.lj CC~CATI0~ hid over from previous meetings: N0. 12~ - Dominic .Dtodati - re condition of Nor~ Street. 01~D~ on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Hawkins ~h~t the c~nicatlon be mcelved and laid over until the subsequent Council meeting. No. 12~ - Assessor - re l~rmanent assistance. ORDEA~m on the motion of Aid. Ing~ lie and Mcl~lnle~ that the cc~nunication be received and laid on the table for one week. $~. Re~ort No. No. 129 - Town of Midland - re Depar~nent of Municipal Affairs Act. Oi~0EEED on the motion' Of Ald. ~arm and MacDonald that the cna~-,n~cation be reoeive~ an~ riled. ' · ~o.. 132 - Greater Niagara C:-~;--~l.t~ Chest - re information centre. 01~D~z~ on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonal~ that the ccmnunication be received and filed, ~k~_t co-operation be extende~ by the CorpOration and Mr. C~E.Stcck rep- rese~ the Council in such organization. SEE Report Me. 1~6 His Worship Ma~0r Houck and Ai&. Jolley arrived at the meeting. ~1~ - .Nt . _ Falls Ftores - re use of Oakes Park, 01~ on the motion of · the ocemunication be received an~ laid on the table u ~o~ed centrex7 to this motion) Prior to 'the above. motif, it was move~ ,~_d.. Mc~, a~d Hawk~_n_q that the c~oattc~ be received ard filed and the. ~ ~e ultrarifted to; use ~ lma~k,, but. I~th~.~s motion was defeated. Sm~ Re!c, ox~ Me. .... ~ .' 108 109 - The follovtn~ C~.mtcattons vere presented: No. 139 - Deparl~ent of Health - re conference of sanitary insl~ctors. 0RDEI~D on the motion of Ald. Moleriley and MacDonald that the cc~unicatl~n be received an~ flied, amt the Sanitary Inspector be permitted to attend the conference. No. 140 - Parks aml Recreation Association - re conference in Branfloral. OED- ~ on the motion of Ald. Mcl[inle~ and ~olley that the c~untcatlon be received an~ filed and the-Parks 8ul~rinten~ent be authorized to atten~ the c~nference. No. 1~1 - Niagara Falls Mill Supply Co. - mquestin~ widening of exit. C~DEI~D on the motion ~ ~. N~ey a~ D~ ~t ~e c~,a~ntoation be mcelve~ an~ ~id o~r ~tll ~e subseq~nt Co~cll meti~. No. 1~2 - ~ocal Veterans' 0r6anizatlon - re lqemembrance Day observances. OEDE~ on the motion of Ala. Donal~ and Hawkins that the commtmtcatton be received an~ filed, ar~ co-operation be extended in this matter. No. 143 - llama Club - requesting permission for playground. OEDEi~ on the mot- ion of Ald. Pars aml Hawkins that the c~.,nicatton be received n~_a filed, and permission be granted. No. 1~ - Niagara Falls Lions Club - requesting permission for ars,t~l carnival. C~ on the motion of Ald. Maw~_~e and MacDonald that the ccmmAuication be rec- eived a~ filed, an~ permission be granted. laid over frc~ previous maeti~gs: No. 73 - City Manager - re possibility of ol~nin6 n~lton Street. CI~EA~ on the motion of AI~. McKinley and lhvkins that the re~ort be recelVe~ and laid over for consideration during the subsequent C~ll meeting. Floras- 01~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and Parm that the re~ort be rec- etve~ and laid on the table ~mtil the next meeting. (Ai&. InSlie, McKinley and ~vkhm 'voted. centtaX7 to this motion.) ~0. 138 - Hie Worship Mayor Houck and Ctty Manager - re request of Niagara Falls Fords. 0t~ on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald that the report be rac- eaxed an~ filed, an~ the raco~end~xtlons be adopted. ~o. 139 - City Clerk - recnwmn~ndin~ issuance of licences. 01~IEP~D on the motion of Ai~. MacDonald and McKinley that the ral~ort be received and filed, and the re~m~endatlons be a~opte~. · ~e foll~tng Resolutions were passed: ~o. 79 - IL~'~As~ - MCKINLEY o i~OLVED that all city officials who find it con- yenlent be authorized to attend the meeting of the Welland County Municipal As- s0ciatiun in Welland on q~ursday, 21st April; and the Seal of the Corporation be heroic affixsol. Carrted~unantmo,usly No. 80 - HAW~ - PAEM - I~ESOLVED that His Worship Mayor Houck an~ the City Clerk be and are heraby authorized and instructed to sign and execute an a~ree- ment dated 29$h March, 1~9 with the Great North Western TalegaSh C~any of Can- aaa for the purchase of seven l~oles on Erie Avenue; and the Seal of the Oorpor- attan be hereto affixe~. Carried !me_nimously ~o. 81 - HAWK~ - MacDONALD - EESC~VED that by a ~ of ~o-~s of ~1 ~e ~eu ~ ~ ~m!cip~ Comll of ~e Co~omtion ~ the City of NI~ Falls, ~e said C~il ~s ~ ~c~a ~t it ts desirable ~t ~e wor~ mc- m~ in ~ ~w~ ~, 61, 67, 87, ~, 1~ ~d ~ sho~ be ~e~n u 1~ ~nts ~er ~d ~ p~s~ce of Seotl~ 8 of ~ ~ ~m~- No. 1~0 - City Manager - re re-organization of outside staffs. ~USA~ on the motion of Ald. Donal~ ami Nnw~nley %b-t the report be received and filed and an advatisement be issued for the position of Street Superintendent in accordance Carrie~ una~mnusl . with Item Number 1 of the report. (Ald. In~lis vote~ centtax7 to this motion.) Prior to the above motion, it was ordered by Ald. Inglis and Hawkins that the ort be receive~ ani an a~vatlee~eut be tesue~ for the position or a re~istered I~SCELLA~O~ professional engineer to act as Assistant Endinset and Street Superintendent, but No, 131 - City Manager - reccm.-ending ohan~es re storekeeper 0HT~Eie~ on the mot- w w~ anntversax7 on Elst April. ' ion of AId. Donald and MacDonald that the rel~rttLbe receiTed'end filed and the position be ed?erttsed. . . - , His Worship Mayor llcuck adTlsed Council that the :Bcax~ of o .m~ . '~e follOWeR kms were Preeem'Gedt ' ' plaoe in ~tebeo fX~n ~ms 6th to 10the A~D it is furt_~er resolved that notice shall be ~ublished accordingly as mqulre~ b~, Sections 8 anl 10 of the said Act; and the Seal of the Cca'poration be No. 13~ - Ctt~ Manager . re assls~em0e for Assessor. (~ ~n the ~tt~ of No. 136 - Olt7 Manaaer - re establishdent of information ~ent~e re welfare oases. ~A~2D ~n the marion of Ald. Hawkins and MacPenal4 ~2at the re~r$ be received and ftle~, ani the reocasniatlon be a~te~. 137, -',Xte Winkip Maxor tt0 FI~AffCE ~ Council C]~e. mber~ ~e Finance Committee met on T~esday, l~h April, 1~9, for ~e of ~p~ ~ ~o ~ ~sl~ '~ w~ acc~ts which ~ ~en co~ffio~ ~ p~c~ ~fo~ ~m. ~ ~ of ~e C~t~e ve~ ~nt. S~ ~cco~nts e~o~nt~n~ to ~1,18~.13 were appro~ed by the Committee. Council Chamber, 19 April, 19~9. ~:he Council re-assemble~ at the close of the regular council ami fin- ante meetlngs for the purpose of paSsln~ the by-law which covered the accounts approve~ by the Committee, and for the consideration of other v~tters. All mem- bers Of the Council were present. Reports of the City Manager and City Solicitor, reGalcling the applic- ation for a !~rsdt for a building at Ontario Avenue and Reinlet Hill by R. Salfi, as lald over frda the previous meetix~s, were agaln considered. A further rep- ort was subaltted by the Solicitor together with a draft agreement for signature. Tt was ordered on the metion of AlL. 14acDonald and Palm that the raporbs be rec- eived an~ filed, permission for the lm/l~ing be granted, providing the agreement as to the use of the am is s~gned by .14r~ Salft. (Ald. Donald voted contrary to th~s mostion. b report of the Clty Manager, as laid over from a previous meeting, and with regard to a lease of ~ ovned by Joe. 3iamonte, was presented. It wee ordered on the metion of A1A. 14cKinley an~ MacDonald tha~ the report be received aml referred fer consideration at the sul~equent cotu~il meeting. · he offer of H.A.Spiea of $75.00 for Lot 10, bry Street, as laid over frcm the previous meeting, was considered. It was or~ere~ on the motion of Ald. acEinley am1 ;olley that the offer be receive~ amt referred for consideration at the subsequent cotmoil meeting. A ccmannlcatton was presented fraa 148. T-.E.Howe, requesting permission to withdraw frua the offer to !~rchase Lot 2~, X~voll Avenue. ~ the verbal reccamsn~ation of the ~ropertT Committee and on the motion of AId. ~arm am1 Mac- Donald it was ol~emd that the ccmnunication be receiver aid filed, an~ the offer cancelled. ~e follovln~ ]~y-_law was passed: ~ - To Grant Monies for General, Purl~ees. It was ol~le~ed on the motion of AId. Mcl~nley un~ Dor~ld that Aid. Haw- k~ns be ~en the privilege of introducing the by-l~w and the b=-law be read the first t~ne - C~Tied It was o~dered on the motion of {2) of the 8tand~n~ lt~les of Council be suspended ~nd the by-law 1~ ~ven the eecon~ re~d~ng - Ca~ied ~sl~. · ~ re~ - AId. l~cDon~l~ ~nd D~d -- ~led ~~. ltE80LUTION ~e foll~w~ Resolution was passed: 11o. 82 - McKIIILK~ . IIAI~K]]S . t~SOLT~D that i~s Worship ~r Ho~k ~ ~e City C~rk ~ au~o~ze~ ~ s~ ~cexecu~ ~e ~ent wi~ R.8~i f~ ~e p~- ~se ~ w~oh ~e b~ at ~e ~st c~ ~ ~ ~ ~e ~ti~ ~ beret0-~. ' ~t~Ao As ~ ~ put; a~ ~e C~r~led~ T0~R OF ~PECTION A ccmmnlcatton yes presented from ~-~s~e T.~u4~ ~ a mpo~ ~ ~ Cit~ ~r m ~ a~li~tl~ f~ a ~t ~ erect p~r ~ls. ~ ~e fo~t~ ~tt~ w~ ~ b~ ~e 01t7 C~ wl~ m~ ~ ~e was ~md ~ ~e ~ti~ ~ ~. ~ ~ p~ ~t ~h, m~.~{ c~icat-" -' · i~ ~ ~ei~ ~ find, ~ ~ss~ h not ~nt~ ~ emotion. 2..~enS~e$ F~ ~ o~ satisfact~. A m~ wu pma~ f~ ~ City ~er m~ an a lication 3. CAt~ Y~ · ~ ~ ~e ~ti~ ~ ~d. D~d ~d H~n- ~ ~e ~$ion ~ ~. p~ ~ Jo~y ~t ~ ~t ~ c ~ jt ~s o~em~e . ~ ~ ~i~ ~e ~ssibill~ ~ es~bli~i~ j~ble ~ ~e a~c~t ~ ~s~ to chain ~ssi~ for s~ ~ ~4 ~i~ ~ ~ for ~ ~ ~ of He~; ~ ~t ~ ~- 7a. 13~7 Bz~dSe Street 13 · Fairview Cametax7 Maple Street and Eaton Street No actston at f_-h~e t~ne. Oakes l~erk Condition satisfactury. C~ on t~e motion of Ald., ]~awkin8 and that the City Manager take the necessary action to develop this playgrotmd. PoOl condition satisfactory. condition aattsfactc~7. Wartime Hosing Development, Jepson and Slater condition satisfactory. Jepson Street and Palmar Avenue 14. Epwort~ Circle Ot~EI~ED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins ans McKin- ley that the c~nication and report, referred for consi&eration, be laid on the tabl and it be ascertained frc~ the Board ~f if they contemplate buildin~ a school in this area. Walnut Street Fire Hall O~gEA~ on the motion of Ald. M^w4-~ey and ald that the City Manager be authorized to pro- ceed with widening the ~ave~ent. condition satisfactory. I~t 10, ~ry Street 17. l~,O North. Street 18. Poplar Park 19. Morse-Misener Subdivision 20. Sylvia Place OEDEEED on the motion of Ald. Donal& and Jolley that the offer of Mr. Spies ~e held on the table until the next moetin~ and the reaction of the adJolnin~ property owners be obtained by public- ity an& a survey. O~ on the motion of AId. Donsld and Jolley that the os--.,-Ication frcl Mr. D.Diodati be received amt file&, aml the City Manager ~e auth- orized to fill in the ditch alon~ the sidewalk. conditlcu satisfactory. OZ:a)F, mu~ on the station of AI~. McKinley an8 Don- al~ that the City l~r be authorized to lami- soaps the park area. 2~. Sl.--~s Street 2~. Filtration Plant 27. 722a ~ridge Street 28. Dr~on& Road condition satisfactory. condition satisfactory. OI~A~ on the motion of ~ld. Hawkins and McKin- ley that the Medical Officer of Health and the Sanitary Inspector he authorized to inspect this bulldin~ and report to Comcll. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Mc_~inley and Haw- kins that the c~nication from the Niagara Fails l~ll Supply Co. be receive~l and filed, and the driveway be widened to the south of the pro- perty. (~ld. pm and Inglis voted contrary to th~s motion.) ~he following Resolution was passe&: ~. 8S - 1~ - DOE - i~ESOL~ED that the salary of the Street Superintend- ent, for which position an a~lvertisement is to be issued, is to be set at the rats of $3,000.00 l~er ann~ and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. .C.arried - AI&. Inglis votiag contrary. AI~. M~w4~_!ey asked the Traffic Con~ttee to consider an~ report at the next moetin~ u~on the su~stion that no u-turns ~e penmittod at the Centre ~ the City. ~ Comcil adjourned. on t.he motion ~f Ald. Dollaid ~D A~D AD0~W_~, 2~ April, 19~9. Clerk C~l~ on the motion of AId. DOn-~4 an~ Hawkins that the report of the City Manager to the Fin- ~-_~e Ccmnittee he received ~ file&,. that a five-~ear agreement be ~m~ ~ wi~ ~. 3ia- ~ for a ~ ~ ~le p~y ~ Sylvia ~o ~ ex~e~ ~ ~e e~ ~ t~s p~erty ~ a ~ ~a ~ de~l~. CO~ 21. C~o~ S~tt~, Fe~ ii4 C0~RT OF Council Chamber 23 April, 19~9.' ~e Court of Revision on the asees~aut roll for business was held at 11.00 a.m. on urday, 2~rd April, 1.9~9, at which the follo~ln~ action was taken upon the respective. Members present: Sheriff V.L.Davidscn, Mr. W.A.Fraser and Mr. William Delaney. Roll No__~_. Apl~llant and Property Mattex~ Cce~latned of Decision of Court Council Chamber, 2~ April, 19~9. Pursuant to adJourmnent, the Council met at 7.00 p.m.. on Monday, 2~th ~prA1, 19~9, for the purpose of coast~ertn~ general business and finance. All sm~ers of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Inglis, were present. ~e Council, having received and reed the minutes of the ~revious meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ai~. MacDonald and Eawkins. j~ 13? 116 670 Civil Servants' Credit Unlon, 602 Erie Avenue Cordon Wilson 1106 Victoria Avenue ~urgess Battery CaRpany, 41~ Buttrey 8~reet %h~llis E. ~aurie, Cataract Avenue john Smith, 601 ~ender Avenue Derrlck,s Appliance Shop Victoria Badminton Club 1300 W4mlr~tt Street 69~ Fred Helte 17~ DreaMed ~ 372 Mart{n, Calvert & Matthews ~20 Queen Street - business with ~eneral public Di_~m!esed Not ~n business in City since Woveml~r, 19~8 Allowed Too ht~ DIsmissed Not in business 379.oo Allowed 190.00 Toc high Dismissed tease expired APril 10th, transfer to new owner Allowed Not subject to business tax Allowed To be public school sul~orter Allowed Dismissed % To be separate school · supporter Sold, I~ l, 63o.o0 C0~4UFiCATI0~B hid over frc~ Previous meetings: ~o. 12~ - Assessor - requesting permanent assistance. ORDEic~D on the mtlon of AI~. Don~d a"~'~'~wkins that the c~uumnication be received and filed. SEE Report No. ~o. 134 - NIagara Falls Fords - re use of 0ekes Park. OE)Et~ on the motion of AI~. Mc]~tnle~ 8zx& MacDon,aid that the c--,~.;,nicatton be received and filed. e ort ~0. 145 -McClashnn, Clarke Co. Limited - re need for underpass. OHDEI~D ~n the Etion of Ald. McEZinley an~ MacDonald t~t the c~,!anication be received and laid m the table until the next meetln~. ~e fc11~in~ Ccmnmicatione were Presented: No. 1~6 - Board of Traue~ort Ccemissioners for Canada - re contribution to cost ~ ~nderpase. OI~EI~D on the rotton of ~ld. McK~nmey and MacDonald that the cam- amication be received and laid on the table ~ntil the next roering. ~. 1~7 - ~ of E~ucation - re need for underpass. 0EDEA~ on the motion of A~. Mc~nm_~y and MacDonald tha~ the c~nication be received an~ laid on the table until the next .. sm ~. 1~8 - Niagara. St. Oathsflues and Toronto Eailway - re half-hourly bus ssr- ~ce. 01~ on the motira of Ald. ~awkins an~ MacDonal~ that the ~unlcation ~ receive~ and filed. ~. 1~9 - Greater Niagara ~ensral Eospltal - re amount for i ,~ . . 9C~ Jetson Sta~et 117 ~EPOIES tald over ~ previous nabtn~$: No. :13~ - CltI Earlnest - re possibility of underpass. Oia~t~D on the motion of Ald. Mc1~mley and MacDonald that the report be received and laid on the table; and the City Man~er be instructed to submit a further repoz~ t~pon the matter et the next meeting. No. 13~ - City Manager - re assistance for Assessor. OI~Et~D on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the report be received and file&, and the recom~emi. atton be adopted. No. 1B7 -Hls Worship Ma~or Houck an~ City Manager - re use of 0akee Park. 0RD- X1R~) on the motion of AId. McKinley and MacDonald that the report be received and ftle~. ~he fo]tNing Rel~orts were presented: No. 14q - City Clerk - re conference held 19th April. OI~ElgD on the motlon of Aid. Hawkius aml Parm that the report be received and filed. ~o. 141 - Cl~v Clerk - reccmaending issuance of llcences. QI~E~D on the motion of AId. MacDonald an~ McXinley that the report be recetve~l and filed, and the reccmaendatlons be adopted. (AId. Psrm voted contrax7 to this motion.) No. 1~2 - City Clerk - application for license not reccxmended. OEDEI~D on the motion of Ald. Pars and MacDonaJzl that the repoz~ be received em~ flied, and the application be not ~rente~. No. 1~3 - City E~ineer - requsstin~ permission to call for tenders. QI~lqED on the motion of AId. lIawklns and McFdnley that the report be received an~ filed, and peltlesion be ~ranted. No. 1~ - Sanitary Ynspector - re condition at 722a 3=l~e Street. 0I~DEF~D on the marion of AI~. Parre'and Navktns that the report be received and filed. No. 1~ - City Manager - re al~lioattons for positions of l~hasln~ A~ent and Street S~erAntendent. 01~ on the motion of A1A l~avklns and ~olley that the report be recelve~ and filed, an~ the reocseasm~,a~;ton~be adoptea. 8~ - MCKINLEY - ~AWKIIT8 - IW~OL~ED that His Worship Mayor Houck and the City C~erk be and are hereby authorized and Instructed to slgn the Reglstere~ Plan N~ ~6, which covers the area south of Robinson Street and east of Main Street; the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carrie~d 87 - MacDONALD - ;C~ - I~OLVED that the City Manager be asked to report ~cn t~e possibility of s~l&itional street lights on West Sirocco Street and on Mc- ~ail Avenue between Hagdalen Street am1 the I~ilway tracks; anal the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixe&. Carried Ald. McKinley aclvtsed Council that he woul~ present a ~rttten report ~p0n his attendance at a meetln~ with regard to the possible establishment of an i~ustrial area in t~e Niagara Pemtnsula. ~e Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donelcl and Hawkins. ~AD A~D AD0t"/ED, 2 May, 19~9. Councll Chamber, 2~ April, 1~9. No. 1~6 - City Manager . mccmmendln6 City Electrician atten~ convention. 01~- of appro Tbs~n~e C~m--~tbee mat on Monday, 2~th April, 1~9, for the purpose EE~ on the motion of A~. MacDonald an~ Mckinley that the m~oz~ l~e ~eoeived ami ~ ~ puseln~ the various accounts which h.a been properly filed, and the reo~nendatlon be adopted. ~ and placed l~fore them. All marebets of the Cmmtttee with the sxce - I~SC~UTIOES 8unda7 acornmrs eaountlng to $3.l,088.~ were approved b~ the C,E.,,d. ttee, ~e follevln~ l~soluttons were passe~: ~' ~ ~e nooonnts subsrifted, betn~ passed or othewtse dealt with, were ord- ~.'~ ~-"'J'~.,,:w~- --,~ th-...s.. be fo..,..,ed to th. f.,.,.:~--.2,,~."-%,,.,~' ".':'.- for .re...-,,...,-. to th. ~o,.,,,:,.,. on th..ti.,,, o. th. ci., co,,z~ ~ o,ti.;A. ~ :".~,,~ ..,.,-.,. o, .i. -o.,,,p Me, or .o,,s,,,· oltlsen of the ecsmm~t~; an~ the Seal of ~eCq~n the death of thle estoems~. ~e re~orts of the City Nanager~ ret~Tding am aPplication for a rm/t :~ V" ' re ' o.,.o,,..on be ,..to s,fi..d. ,,of th"'~.~r;"~."~ ~.~." ::m,,., .,.,, re..,.,,. __ . ,.. ",,.'" .,._,..., . =' '=-',":,=- F ' '.. :,..";' :. · type of cgeratlon to be de, fled on. It was ordered on the an~ . onal~ an~ Paxlx that t~e ocammniea~tons an~[ reports be resolved V0 , ~ersiseton for the erectlon of the sign 'be ~ranted. (Ai~. Donald : :/'. ~: :.. :-'~ ;~:::.?:~:?:,-.. .,.:.; ,:.-..:_ ,: . ~ .to +,,,Me moU.on. ) ,- ' ': :',. ',"!'j ffs iX9 - An offer fr~n H.A.Spies of $7~-00 for LOt 10, ~.-ry Street, as lai~ over fxun previous rossrinSe, was considered. ~YpOn the recommendation of the Property Cc~nittee e~d on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald it was ordered that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the cmm~ition that a ~aru having a value of at least $1,500.00 is erected on the premises. A ccemunication was presented frc~ James H. McIntosh, requesting a ref. un&.of the deposit made on Lot 82, Plan 6, Dyson Avenue. Upon the rec~---~nn~atlon of the Property Cc~,nittes an~ on the motion of AI~. MacDonald and Parm it was 0rd- ered tl~t the ccmmmication be received and filed, the agreement for sale be can- celled an~ a refund be made to Mr. McIntosh ~f the am~mxt paid, less any ~axes out. standing on the property to date. An offer was presented from I.J.Bradden of $600.00 f~r Lot 88, Plan Hanan AVenue. Upon the recc~nendatlan of the Property C~ttee and on the mot- ion of Ai~. Parm and MacDonal~ it was ordered that the offer be received an~ cepted, subject to the con&iticxx that a dwellin~ of at least $11,000.00 value is erected on the p~mises within six months. asMs& the council to re-consider their decision with regsrd to the use of the ¢0mcil Clmmbex~an~l explained the difficulties his or~anization encountere~ in finding o~ber acc~latlon. SEE Co~-~nicatio~.. No. lpl CC~[0WIOATI0~S Laid mr fr~n the l~revioue meeting: No. 150 - Niaqara Falls District Trades and Labour Council,- re re-assessment of properties. OE)Ei~D on the motion of Ai&. l~arm and MacDonald that the ation be receive& and filed. ~o. 151 - Niagara Falls District Trades and Iz~our Council - re use of Council C~er. OA~USA~ on the motion of Ald. FzcDonald and Donald that the atlon be receiVed and laid on the table for consideration during a meetin~ of the COnference The report of the Freperty C~..~ttee, on the above matters, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the metion of AI~. Parm an~ MacDonald that the report be receive~ and filed. A report from the City Mam~er to the Equipment C,~--~ttee, with regard to the purchase of a po~er ohaLu saw, was presented. It was ordere~ on the mot- ion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley ~k~t the rel~xrt be received an~ filed, that the purchase be deferred until 19~0, an~ the $600.00 provided in the 1~9 Budget be set aslde fo~ this purpose. I~,-LAW · following B~'-IN was Passe&: ~ - ~ G~t ~es f~ ~ne~ ~osee. It was o~e~ ~ ~e ~tl~ of ~. McK~y ~ ~d ~t ~. ~w~ ~ gt~n ~e ~rt~ of ~t~ ~e ~y-~w a~ t~ by-~w be ~a~ f~ t~ - C~e~. ~he Ccmnittee a~Journe& c~ the meti~n of Ald. JcEinley and Jolley. READ AI~ ADC~,~,,, It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins an~ ~Folley +-_~_t Rule 36 the 8~4t~ ~s of Co~il be s~e~ ~ ~e by-~w ~e glen ~e sec~ m~ - C~te~. ~ of Finance His Worship Mayor Houck extended the welcome of the City Council to AMermau Frost of Toronto who was a visitor in the City while attendin~ the con- ~ntton of the Canadian FlorAstee Association. AI~. Frost replie~ to the rem- ~kS of 'His Worship anl expressed Ms ~leasure at bein8 in Niagara FA~- again. ~he Council at~ourned on ,the motion of Ald. McEinle~, and Jolley. ~ ~ AD~I~ED, 2 May, C0~Cll ~ ~otl ~1~ at ~e clue ~ t~ ~e~ o~ a~ fin- ~: - . ;~:2 ~ ,, :' , :. -]. ,., :,: , - ' .:;' : - ,: ,.: .' :. ~: :, ,. . , , , .. , ,. , . , , Council Chamber, 2 May, 1949. Pursuant to a&Jommment, the Council met,,,at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 2nd ~ay, 1949, ~or the purpose of considering general business and flnance. ~ll mem- bers of the Council were present. The Council having received and 3rod the min- utes of the previous meetlng# adopted these on the motion of At this point, His Worship Mayor Rouek asked Ald. Hawkins .to take the chair in order that he might present a motion to Council. The following Resolution was passed: No. 88 - HOUCK - PAI~I - 1F~SOLVED that the congratulations of this Council be ex- tended to Premier-elect Leslie M. Frost upon his appointment as leader of the Con- serverive Psry in the Province of Ontario; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimou~ly Eie Worship Mayor Eouck then returned to the chair. DEPUTATIOR~ In connection with Resolution Nmnber 89, representative citizens were permitted to ad~Lress Co~il u~on the matter of the proposed by-law which woul& 8u~mlt to the electors a question with reSard to the erection of an arena in this City. Messrs. W.B.Ounni~, J.M.Barclay, McMannus and ll.~-wt, ~_~ Dr. W.A.Potter spoke u~on the matter and voiced their approval ~f such an erection. Mr. Nipel of Preston, Ontario, a contractor who has erected such arenas in various Ontario centres, adaressed Couacil an~ gave them information as to the detail of the building, costs, eto.! SEE l~solution No. 89 In connection with C~mannication No. 165 and on the motion of Ald. Haw- kins and McKinley, Mr. F.M.Criffiths was permitted to address Council. Mr. Crif- lithe aAvised Council of the request of ~ould-Leslis L4m~ted for permission to erect poster displays throughout the City, A_~a their furlroe plans in ~!e connec- tion. Mr. It.Bedford of l~adio Station CHVC spoke in opposition to such erections in the City. .. ~ Co;;,i;.~ieation No. 16~ ~ndera had been calle~ for the suppl~ of-flremen,s-uniforms.for the year 19~9, aml on the motion of Ald. ltawklns and a[olley, the tendsre submitted were opene~, lnitlalle~ by Hie Worship Ma~ur Houck and resAt. It was ~hen ordered on the motion of AI~. Hawkins and MacDonald that the tenders *be tabulated and a reecmsndatlon be submitted by the City M-_na~r.' CCe~CATI0~ ~*. ~aid over frRn Previous nsetln~sx n .I :!' ~ .: *~::~ / . ~0. 145 - McGlashan, Clarke Co. Limited No. 146 - Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada No. 1~7 - Board of Education - re possibility of underpass. ORDEEED on the motion of Ald. Inglis and ~olley that the cc~nm,n!cations be received and laid on the table · SEE Reports No. 132, .1~7 No. 1~1 - Niagara Falls District Trades and Labour Council - re use of Council Chm~er. ORDF~m~ on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald that the verbal rec- ~ndation of the City Clerk, that the Chamber be made available to any organiz- at~0n upon the payment in advance of fifteen dollars per night, such sun to be payable into the City Treasurery, be adopted; and the communication be received and filed. No. 15~ - Hydro-Electrtc Ccm~m!sston of Niagara Falls - re financial statements. G~EI~ on the motion of Ald. Inglis and Donald that the communication be rec- eive~ an~ laid on the table and further information be obtained. The following Ccmnusications were presented: No. 155 - City of Windsor - resolution re colcuring of oleo-m~garine. OEDE~j~D on the motion of Ald. Donald and Parm that the cc~,-__,~ication be received and filed, and the matter be referred to the Ontario Municipal Associatiom. No. 156 - Township of Stamford - enclosing letter frc~ Department of Highways. ~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley that the c~aummication be rec- eiwe& and referred to the Traffic Conw~!ttae for perusal. No. 157 - Niagara Falls Separate School Board - re protection of school children. 0~E~I~D on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley that the connnunication be rec- elwd and let& on the table, and referred to the Traffic Cmm,~ttee. N0. 1~8 - Boar~ of Education - re replacement of traffic signs at schools. 0RD- ~ on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley that the co~u~mlcatton be received and lald on the table, ~.a rafe~=~d to the Traffic C.'-..-.~ttee. N0. 159 - University of Toronto ~ re s~mm.r pls-n~n~ seminar. OE)~ on the mot- t0n of Ald. MaKinle= am1 IIawklna that the communication be received and filed, and She University be advised the City is interested in such a course hut that the ~Ee would be more convenient during the winter m~bhe. N0. 160 - F-m~ly Relief 3card. Eltchener - re allowances for dependents over six- ~en years of age. 0EDEI~D on the motion of Ald. Inglis and Jolley that the cem- mmlcatlon be received and filed, an~[ the wmttor be referre& to the Ontario Muntc- ip~l Association. N0. 161 - Martin, Calvert and Matthews - requesting by-law to pexlnit encroachment. 0EBEI~D on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and MacDonald that the c~.u~Amication be rec- eived an~- filed, nn_~ a by-law be praaentad~ ~0. 162 - City Treasurer - requesting per~dsston to attend convention. OthEllO) 0n the motion of Aid. McEinley and Hawkins that the conmmu~icatlon be received and flle~, ~ permission be granted. ~0. 16B _ City of 0shawa - resolution re Lord,s Day Alliance. OI~ERED on the mot- ion of AId. MacDonald and Hawl~,a that the c~m~nication be received a~ filed, an~ the matter be referred to the Ontario Municipal Association. N0. 16~ - ~iagara, St. Cabs-rinse and Toronto Ihilway - re half-hourly Fourth Av- ~s service. ~ On the motiOn of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the ccmo minination be received and laid on the table, an~ the matter be referred to the Traffic C~,-,~ttee to take up with the SuI~rintandent. No 166 - Stamford Athletic Club - requesting use of Cakes Field and clubhouse. 01qIEI~D on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the cu~imanication be rec- eived and laid on the table, and referred to the City Manager for a report. No. 167 - Bell Telephone Company of Canada - requesting permission to place Poles. 019ERED on t~e motion of Ald. McKinley and Hawkins that the communlcdtlon be rec. eived and filed, and the permission be granted. SEE Report No. 148 ~ By-law No? ~00 No. 1~8 - Bell Telephone Company of Canada - requesting permission to replace poles. 0RDE~ on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Hawkins that the col~A~nication be received and filed, and the permission be granted. SEE By-law No. a~POR~ Laid over from a previous meeting: No. 132 * City Manager - re possibility of underpass. 0EOEEED on the motion of Ald. Inglis and Jolley that the report be received and laid on the table. SEE Report No. 1~7 The following Reports were presented: No. 1~7 - City Mange - re survey of persons crossing tracks. 0RDEI~Eu on the motion of ~ld. Inglls and jolley that the report be received and laid on the ~table, and the City Manager sutnnit a further report as to the possibility of ex- tending pl~m-r Avenue through to Huron.or Herrisen Street. No. 1~8 - City ONDEI~D on the and filed, and Manager - rec~nding work by Bell Telephone Company of Canada. motion of Ald. McKinley and Hawkins that the report be received the rec~ndation be adopted. S~ By-law No. No. 1~9 -Ald. A.~.McKinley - re industrial development for area. 01~DERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the reportbbe received and filed. No. 1~0 - City Manager - reckriding additional street lights. OlqDENED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, an& the recmmnendations be adopted. No. 1~1 - City Manager - re applications for Stre~ Superintendent. Ol~lm~D On the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the reports ha received and filed, and the reconmendatten he ndopted, an~ the appointment he made. (Ald. Donald, McKin- ley and Inglie voted centrat7 to this motion.) An amendment was presented by Ald. Donal~ and McKinley that the report be received ami filed, and Mro Laur be pointed as Street Superintendent. This mendment was defeated, AId. MacDonald, Ingli8, ?am, Jolley an~ Hawkins opposing the same. No. 1~2 - City Manager - re appli0ations for Purchasing Agent. 01~FEF~M on motion Of AI~. MacDonald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the recmndation be adopted. (Ald. Donald and Iuglis voted contrast to this motion ami Ai~. Parm did not vote.) No. 1~3 - City Clerk - reccew~nding issuance of llcencss. Ol~EA~mu On the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the report be reoeive~ and fils~, and the reco amendstiered be edopted. No. l~, - ~e]def A~E~eL~Etor - re olea~lng house for epeeleZ sez~oee. Oi~DE~ on the motion of A~A. Hawkins an~ MaoDOnald that t~e re~ort l~e reeeived and No. l~i - ~seeso~ * re atten6aEoe at meeting. O~z~ On t~e mo.~lo~ of Aid. ~e following Resolutions were passed: N0. 89 - MCKINLEY - DONAID - i~ESOLIED that a by-law be submitted at the next rooting of 'Council which would authorize the submission of a question to the el- enters at a special electiOn in June, as to whether approval would be given to ~he erection of a memorial ice arena at a cost of $18~,000.00, payable by three l~r cent debentures over a period of twenty years, the site of which is to be provided by the Board of Education and located at the comer of Centre Street and Mwis. Avenue; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Ca.ft..led unanimousl~ No. 90 - HAWElq~ - MacDONALD - RESOLVED that His Worship Mayor Houck and the City Clerk be and are hereby authorized and instructed to sign an agreement with Jos- eph Blamerite for the use of part of Lot 11, Plan 6~, Main Street as a public l~rking area; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Cart. led.. unanimousl~ BY-LAWS The following By-laws were passed: No. 4399 - To authorize the execution of an agreement for sale and deed. It we~ ordered on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Donald that Aid. 'Haw- k~ns be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and t~.e by-law be read the first time ,- Carried una~nusly., It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Jolley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. Third reading -Ald. l~cDonald and Hawkins - Carried unanimously. N0. 4~00 - To provide for permission to The Bell Telephone Company of Canada to place poles on Valle~ay and to replace poles on Victoria Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Parm that Ald. McKinley be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried ;m_~ntmouely~ It was ordered on the motion of AId. Hawkins and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing l~ules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the sac- on~ reading - Carried unanimously. · lrd reading -Ald. MacDonal~ and Donald - Carried unanimously. Ald. McKinley asked the ~raffic Cm~n!ttes to review and report upon his re!~rt to ~ with m~ ~ ~fic si~ and other mt~rs, at ~e next ~et- ~. ~a. I~lls as~ ~e City ~r ~ m~ort to ~e C~t~e up~ ~e v~- i0u mt~m ~femd ~ the, in o~r ~t these mi~t ha c~idem& s~ ~r- ~ befo~ ~e ne~ metl~. Ald, Parm asked the opinion of CounCil as to the powers of the Purehas- Agent, ~ust appointed, as to whether he would be authorized to make urchases ecof the City or~anization. The City Manager stated a recent report, was that the Purchasing Agent ,0u14 make all purchases for all deparbnents of the CorporatiOn. AId. Parm spoke about the condition of the Bridge Street Athletic ~ where. vehicles in.ConnectiOn withe carnival ha~ out the field.badly. The Alderman was of the opinion that the organization responsible should be required to remedy the situation, and that it would be necessary to use the roller on the field. Council adJouraed on the motio~ of Ald. McKinley and Jolley. i~EAD AND ADOPTED, 9 May, 19~9. Mayor C~mittee and on the motion of ~Lld. MacDonald and Parm it was ordered that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the condition that dwellings of at least $9,000.00 value area~ected on each of the lots within six months. An offer wae presented from Nick A. Long of $100.00 for Lot 42, North Street. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Parm and McKinley it was ordez~ that the offer be received and laid on the table, and Mr. Long be advised that the Conmittee are prepaz~d to accept an offer 0f $150.00 for this lot, and reaRire information as to the type of building and mlue he proposes to erect. The report of the Property Comndttee, on the above matters, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Parm and McKinley that the report be received and filed. Committee adjourned on the motion of Aldo McKinley and Parre. ~AD A~D ADOPTED, 9 May, 1949. Council Chamber, 2 May, 1949. Chairman of Finance The Finance Ccmmittee met on Monday, 2nd May, 1949, for the purpose of aDDroving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert- ified and placed before them. All members of the Co~m,~ttee were present. Sundry accounts amounting to $61,887.76 were appreved by the Committee. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. McKinley and ~olley. The report of the City Manager, as laid over from a previous meeting, and with regard to the application of Y~. DeVito to erect a building at River ~oad and Cataract Avenue, was again considered. A cummunication was also pres- ented frcm Messrs. Muirtin, Calvert and Matthews, regarding the attitude of the Niagara ]Parks C~ssion in this regard. It was ordered on the ~tion of Ald. McKinley and Parm that the report and communication be received and filed, and permission for the erection be granted. This mntiO~ was defeated by Ald. Inglis, Donald, Jolley and His Worship Mayor Houck voting contrary. An ~mendment was sub. mltted by Ald. Donald and jolley that the rel~rt and c~cation be received ..laid on the table until the next meeting, and the members of the Co-~-~ttee inspec~ the location. This amen0ment was also defeated by Ald. MacDonald, Mc~inley, Farm and Eawkins voting contrary.. No further action was taken. ~ A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending the issu- ance of a ~ermit for an addition to the Caverly Hotel on'Bridge Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald un& Parm that the report be received and Council Chamber, 2 May, 1949. T~e Council re-assabled at the close of the regular council and fin- ~ce meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts a~roved by the Committee. ~11 members of the Council were present. BY-LAW ~ollowlng By-law was passed: ~01 - ~qo Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. HoEfinley and Jolley that Ald. New- given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the time - Carried unanimounly. filed, and the recommendation be adopted. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Waw]~lns and Mc~inley that ~e 'of ~e 8~ndi~ ~es ~ C~cil be s~e~ and ~e b~-~w be ~n ~e ~Y A co~tcation was presen~ ~m ~e City ~aemr mq~eti~ per- - C~ted ~osly. sec- mo~ton of ~'~a~ ~e o~ for 0 , ," ~s. 91, 31, 32, 33 ~ 2~, PI~ 43..~. ~solutton was passedl . No. 91 - DONALD - MCKINLEY - EESOLVED that His Worship Mayor Houck be requested to appoint a com~dttee of Council, with His Worship as Chairman, to meet with resentatives from the cities of St. Catharlnes and Welland for the discussion of the possibility of extending an invitation to the Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities to hold ther 1950 convention in this arab; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried una~ The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald. READ AND ADOI~A'.:,,, 9 May, 1949- Mayor MEETING EGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, 9 May, 1949. Pursuant to adJotu'x,'-,ent, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 9th May, 1949, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. ~].l mem- bers of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the min- utes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Jolley and Mac- Donald. DEPUTATION On the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Jolley, Mr. Howard Bedford of Radio Station ORvu was permitted to address Council. Mr. Bedford advised Council that his station is again m~king application to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation for a network hook-up for the station; and asked that Council request the Honour- able Eumphrey Mitchell, Member for this riding, to make an appeal to the Corpor- ation in this behalf. ~:s Resolution No. ~2 Tenders were submitted for excavating and backfilling se~er and water trenches on various streets in the City. On the motion of Ald. Donald and Parm the tenders were spaned, initialled by His Worship Mayor Houck and read. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and McI{inley that the tenders mbmitted be tabulated for the information of Council. SEE Subsequent mp. etin C0X~4UNIC~I0~ Laid over from previous meetings: No. 1~ - McOlashan, Clarke ~o. t~m!ted No. 1~6 - Board ~f TranspOrt COmma1 ssiemers for Canada No. 1~7 - Board of Education - re possibility of underpass. Oi~ERED on the mot- ion of Ald. McKinley and MacDone3/that the comnunlcatlons be received and filed. S~j Reports Nps. 132-1~7.-1~6. No. 166 - Stamford Athletic Club - re u~e of Cakes Park. 01~D~amu on the motion of AlL Hawkins ~ Jolle$. that the c~ication be received and filed, and the Club ~e permitted to use the field on Thursday evenings, with clubhouse facilities, are on Sunday mornings, without clubhouse facilities, !0roviding always that these dates are not requested 1~ an~ local organization. s= Ha or ..o.7 The following 0cmmanicatione were presented: EE~ on f Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald _~het the c~nmunication be rec- eived an~ file&, and the Cc~pan~ be advised of the appreciation of 0sunoil for their co-operation; an& Ald. DonslAt and ~he Cit~ Manager also be thanked for their efforts in this regard. ' - No, 170 - Niagara Fal/s Fire Fighters - appreciation of concessions. 01~El~m on the motion of el&. MacDonald an~ Donald that the o~u~/sation be received and filed, an~ the City MonaOct ~e re~ueste~L to sulz~t a report u~on a ~ension scheme f~ the Depa~-~nt. "~ 171 - '8reate~ Niagara Veterans, Central C,~i-'tttee - re low rental homes for veterans. 01~)EI~D on the motion of Ald. Inglis and MacDonal& that the ccmmmnic. ation be received and filed, and a o~nication he directed to the Hencurable Humphrey Mitchell, requesting that he contact Central Mortgage and Housin~ Corp. oration with a view to having additional houses erected in this area. No. 172 -' Assessor - requesting perAission to attend conference. 0EDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the coa,~ntcation be received and filed an~ permission be granted. No. 173 - Niagara Falls Police Association - requesting vote re cinder trek at 0akes Park. 01~m~v on the motion of/LId. Donald and MacDonald that the co~nun- ication be received and laid on the table for consideration before the next an- nual election. No. 17~ - ~ould-Leslie Limited - requesting ~ermission to erect posters. 0HDEBED on the motion of JLld. Donald and McKinley that the c~cation be received ar~ referred to the Property Committee for a re~ort. No. 175 - Health League of Canada - re health projects. ORDEE on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the c.-~.,.~rLication be received and filed, and the lest co-operation be extended fran this Council, and His Worshll~ Mayor Houck be asked to appoint a representative to work with the League. In this connection, His Worship appointed AId. MacDonald as the representative of Council. I~o. 176 - Local Board of Health - re travelling shows and serving fo~xl. OEDEEED on the motion of Ald. Inglis and McKinley that the c~unication he receive~ and filed, and the matter ~e referred to the Depar~nent of Health in or~ler that such organizations and their o~eraters may be controlled. (Ald. Donald voted contrary to this motion.) No. 177 - 1~11 Telephone Company of Canada o requesting permission to place buried cable. (a~,:l~D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Hawkins TAat the comnunicatlon be received and fileSt and permission he granted. ~F~ Report No. 1~8 Laid over fA~u previous meetings: l~o. 132 - City Msn~Rer - re possibility of underpass. OI1DERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonAld that the report. be received and filed. I~o. 1~7 - City Manager - re check of persons crossing tracks. 01~EI~D on the motion of Ahl. McKinley and MacDonald that the report be received and filed. The following Reports were presented: I~o. 1~6 - City Manager - re proposed underpass. C~DEE~D on the motion of Ald. MaFdaley an~ Macnomal~ that the report he received ar~ filed, aml the recomend- ations he adol~ted. No. 1~7 - City Manager - re use of Oakes Park. Ol~DElew on the, motion of Ald. Haw- ELms ami Jolley that the re~ort be received ami filed, and the reccsmendation be adopted. 1~o. 1~8 - City Member - recamnendin~ permission to Bell Telephone Canparty of Canada. 0i~eSA~U on the motion of Ald. Mckinley and Mavkins that the report be recteved an~ filed, on~ the t~en~n_dation be adopted, ~o. 159 - City Manager - recc~aendln~ sewer for rnternatic~_.) Silver Company. C~E~ on the motion of All. MacDonald ami llawELns that the report be receive~ and filed, and the reccemendatton be adopted. · 1~o. 160 - City Clerk. rec~me~din~ issuance of licenoes. O!~...I~D on the motion of AId. Hawkins and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the rec- ~endations he adopted. N0. 161 - Waterworks Su~erintandent - report on convention. 01~D~ on the mot- ion of Ald. Hawkins an~ McKinley that the report be received and filed. N0. 162 - City MalaBar - recleardng Falls Avenue and River Road. OI~DEEED on the motion of Ald. HawELms and McKinley that the report be received and filed, and the reco~nendation be adopted. iq~8OLIjTIONS following Resolutions were passed: )0. 92 - ~ - PAI~ - I~SOLVED that the Hencurable H~nphrey Kitehell be req- uested to approach the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation on behalf of Radio Sta- tion CHVC in an effort to obtain network affiliation for the station; and the Seal of the Corporation be hemto affixed. Carri~_d unanimousl~ N0. 93 - MacDONALD - McKINlEy - I~SOLVED that the next regular meeting of the City Cornoil he scheduled to take l~lace at ~.00 p.m. on Monday, 16th May; and the Seal of the Corporation be hemto affixed. Carri~ The following By-laws were read the first and second times: ~0. l~0~ . To authorize the construction of sewers on Grey Avenue and Synnes Street, Kissher Street, Hartart Avenue, Valleyway and Inglie Drive, as local ~mprovements under the l~revlsioma of The Y~ocal Improvement Act. It was exilered an the motion of Ald. McKinley and Hawkins that Ale. Don- ald be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be givennthe first madin8 - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Alcl. ltawkima and Jolley that Rule B6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily euspended and the by-law be rosa the second tim~ - Carried unanimously. It' was ordered on the motion of Ai~. Donald and Hawkins that the by-law ~ lald an the table and referred to The Ontario Municipal Board for aloerevel. ~ - To authorize the construction of sidewalks and curbs and gutters on F~n~y Street, Misensr Street, North Street, Hartart Avenue, Dxnz~nond Road, trey Avenue and Slmmes Street, Valleyway, Jepson-Street, Slater ' Avenue, H~m~wocd Avenue, lnglis Drive and Alexander Crescent, as local improvements under the provisions of The Local Improvement Act. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and ,Tellay that Aldo Don- all be given the privilege of introducing the-by-law aml the by-law be-read the first time - Carrie&'unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald that Rule B6 (2) of the Standin8 Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be 6ivan the ~coml ,readIn8. Carried unantmousl~. - It was expiated on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and ~olley that the hi-law laid on the table and referred to ~ Ontario Municipal Board for approval. ~3~Proveaent Act. ;'-'-- r 129 L 180 181 L It was ordered on the motion of Ai~. Hawkins and McKinley that Aid. Donald be given the privilege of intx~xhtctng the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of AI&. Pars and McKinley that Rule B6 (2) of the Standin8 Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the secora readln~ - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley that the By- law be laid on the table and referre& to The Ontario Municipal Board for Ald. Inglie spoke about the necessity for marking the streets for park- ~, etc. and suggested that this should be done as early in the year as possible. The City Manager explained that the marking of the pavements was not satisfactory if c~mnenced before the pavements were warm and that it was usual that the park- ~g in the Rainbow Bridge area be completed before 24th May. Aid. Pars spoke of the excellent work which ha& been accomplised in Toronto in this connection. The Council a~Journed on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Pars. ~e following By-laws were passed: No. b~0~. - To provide for permission to The Bell Telephone Company of Canada plaoe buried cable on Sprin~ Street. ~AD AND ADOp~n~ 16 May, 19~9. It was order~l a the motion of Aid. Hawkins and MacDonald that Ald. McKinley be given the privilege of tntro~ucir~ the by-law aml the by-law be re~ the first time - Carried una~nusly. It was ordere~l on the motion of AId. Donald and Hawkins that Rule 36 (2) of the S+A_.atng Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the seeoral reading - Cattle% ,,nantw,~usly. Clerk Mayor _~-~__ird reedin~ - AId. Hawkins and MacDonald - Cattle& unanimously. To Frovide for taking the votes of the electors on the following ques- tion: "Are you in fayour of an expenditure by the City of Niagara Fails of the sum of $185,000.00 to he paid over a period of twenty years for the purpose of ersctin~ a memorial arena and comaunity hall to he located on property acquired ~ro~ the Board of Education, at the intersection of Lewis Avenue and Oentrs Street?". It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley that Ald. Don- al~ be given the privilege of intro~ucin~ the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carrie~ unani3nously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Stamlin~ Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the ascomi rea6tng - Carried smAn~usly. ~ird rsedix~ - Aid. MacDonald and McKinley - Carried ,mrn~m~USly. NO. l~OI - To authorize the execution of a quit claim deed. It was ordere~ on the motion of AId. Donald and jolley that Ald. Haw- kins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be red& the first .time - Cartled It was orderel on the motion of AId. Hawkins and Mo!c4~tley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspenled and the by-law be given the secomi reading - Carried Third rssdtr~ - Aid. Hawkins an~ McKinley - Carried manim~usl~. MISOEAT.T, AIIEOUS O~ behe/f of the members of Council, Ald. Donald extended eon6ratulat- Council Chamber, 9 May, 1949. The Finance Co.~n~ttee mat on Monday, gth May, t9~9, for the purpose of apDroving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert- ified and ~laced before them. All members of the Conmittee were present. Bundry accounts amounting to $13,987.16 ~ere appreved by the C~ttee. The accounts submitted, being passed or othexvise dealt with, were or&- er~l placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley. The report of the City Manager and ccumunication from Martin, Calvert ~ Matthews, regarding the a~pltcatton of Mr. DeWire for a permit to erect a bulldin~ at River Road and Cataract Avenue, as laid over from the previous meet- ~g, was considered. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. McKinley and MacDonald that the report and c~nication be received and filed, and a permit be granted. A report from the City Manager was presented with regard to tender s for flmmnt,s uniforms. 'It was ordered on the marion of Ai~. MacDonald and Pars that the report be received and filed, and the recommendations be adopted. A caunication was presented fran the 0ariaallan Federation of Ma~ors Qi Municipalities re the establishm_~nt fund. It was ordered on the motion of ad. McKinley and Pars that the c~m~ication be received and laid on the table ions aml best wishes to Hie Worship Mayor Hou~k u~on the celebration 0~f his A ordered on the motion of Ald. Iuglls and McKinley that the report be received filed~ sod. the rec_rm~en~ations be adopted. The comparison of tax collections at 30th April was presented. It ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald and McXinley that ~he statement be recelve~ and filed. An offer was presented from the Glenview Baptist Church of $200.00 for Lots 1 to 7, Buttrey Street. Upon the reckrelation of the Prol~rty Committee and on the motion of Aid. Mcl~nley aml MacDonald it was ordered that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the condition that a building of at least $60,000.00 value be ~ecte& on the premises within six months. The report of the Property C~ntttee, u~on the above matter, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion o£ Ald. McKinley an& lAdeDonald that the reD- oft be received and file&. The C~..;;~I tree adjourned on the motion of Aid- McKinley and Parre. ~0LUTION The City manager msAe a verbAl report and recommendation with regar~ to the tenders sul~itte& for excavating aM backfilLing sewer an& water trenches on v~rious streets; and the following resolution was passed: ~0. 9~ - II~.IS - MacDONALD - tF. SOLVED that the lowest tender, of Calaguiro Bro- there, in amount of $6,636.80, be accepted for excavating and backfillin8 sewer an~ water trenches on various streets; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimouslz Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Donald ar~ Parre. Clerk Chairman of Finance Council Cham~er, 9 Ma~, 19~9- The Couno.il re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ante meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approve~ by the .C~ttee, .qd for the consideration of other ma~ters. All of the Council were l~resente. ~e following ~y-law was lmss~h No. ~08 , To Grant Monies for General l~rl~ses. ' It was ordere~ on the motion of Ald. McKinle~ a~m~Do~^ +-~.t AId. Haw- kins be given the privilege c~ intrcduoin6 the b~Tlaw an& the by-law be rea~ the f'L--'st .time- Cax'xt, e& ananimousl,V.. It was ord. ered. on the motion of AIA. Donal~ aria ;olle~ that Rule 36 (2) of the 8f, anA~d~ ltttles of Octsoil be suslosnis& aria, the: ~-law be. 6ivan the seeoral ~r~in~ - Carrte~ ~nsnimously. · : 5PENTY-FIRST MEETING Council Chamber, 16 May, 1949. ~c, 179 - Cit of Kitche~er - re det~endents over sixteen years of age. OigEED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Parm that the communication be received and filed, and referred to The Ontario Municipal Association forconsideration. 180 - Hencurable H~hell - acknowledging letter re low-rental houses. 0~Ei~D on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the cc~munication be m~ived and laid on the table until a further report is received. Pursuant to adJoua=,~ent, the Council met at 5.00 p.m. on Monday, 16th May, 1949, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All mem- bers of the Council were present. The Council, havin8 received and read the min- utes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley. Tenders for general suF~lies for the year 1949 had been called, and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald an~ Hawkints, the tenders submitted were opened, in- itialled by His Worship Mayor Houck and read. Donald and Inglis arrived at the meeting. R0. 181 - St. Paul's Lutheran Church - reqnestlag permission to erect banner and signs. ORDER on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the comunication be received and filed, and permission be granted. 182 - British MethOdist Episcopal Church - requesting penmission for tag day. 0RDE~ on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the commmication be received and filed, and permission be granted. ~o. 183 - H.Clark Pattineon - protesting now bus route. ORDEHE~ on the motion of A~. MacDonald and McKinley that the c~munication be received and referred to the Traffic C¢.,I.~lttee for consideration and a report. N0, 184 - BeLl Telephone Cvm~an~. of Canada - requesting permission to place buried cable. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Hawkins that the com~unication be received and filed, and permission be granted. SEE Report No. 16~ It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the tenders be tabulated and a report u~on the same be submitted to Council at the next met- ing. C0eedtPNIOATI01~ Laid over from previous meetings: No. 1B1 - Board of Education - re school children. OEDEIED on the motion of Ald, Hawkins and MacDonald that the c,---.~ication be received and filed, and the taken up with the Hems 01ub prior to the fall term. SEE ~E~ort No. 16 No. 1D6 - Township of Stamford - re Department of Highways action. O1RD~I~ on t motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald. that the c~tcatton be received and and develolmente be awaited. u.:.: Report No. 16! No. 157 - Niagara Falls Separate School Board No. 1~8 - Board of Education - re school traffic signs. Oi~EA~3~ on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the communications be received argl filsd~ an~ the matter taken u~ w.ith the Hermes Club prior to the fall term. " ~.,~u3 Report No. No. 16~ - Niagara. St. Catharlnss and Toronto Railway - re half-hourly bus Q~m~T~ on the motion of Ald. Nawkins and MacDonald that the c~dnication be rec elved and filed. ~.:.: ReDoIt No.~ following Reports were presented: N0. 163 - Traffic C~,~-~ttee - making various rec~ndations. 0~)E~u~ on the mot- ion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the recommendations he adopted. ~o. 164 - City Manager - recommending permission to Bell Telephone C~npany. ORD- m~ on the motion of Aid. McKinley an& Hawkins that the report he received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. N0. 165 - City Clerk - rec~nding issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonned and McKinley that the report be received and filed, and the m~mmzmlatione be adopted. N0. 166 - City Electrician - report on coalsince artended. O~DENED on the motion ~ A~d. McKinley and MacDonald ~.t the report he received and filed. In connection with Cemmunication No. 174, Ald. Donald, chairman of the huperty C~-~ittee, made a verbal report upon the application for permission to erect poster signs at Eitchep~r Street and Stanley Avenue. The recomnemlation ~as that no signs 1~ pexlnitted at this location. It was ordered on the motion of AM. MacD. onald .an~ Jolle~ that the rec~--~ndation be adopted. PETITION ,. · No. 174 - Gould-Leslie 5imited - requesting permission to place posters. 0HDEED """" on the motion of A1A. MacDonald and ~olley that the c~ication be received aM Petition was presented: filed, and perulesion be not ~rante~. ~0. 7 - .~'-~tty Cleaners and 1~ others - protestiS!permit far barn. OE)EIED an ~e motion of Ald. TP~ltS and MaoKinle~ that the petition be ,received an& laid The following Ccm~mtoatlons were presented: cn ~e table. for one week an~ a repox~ he ]~resented. ' No. 178 - Noncurable Prender of 0ntarlo - acknowledging congratulations. 0EDE~D on the motion cf Aid. Hawkins 'and MacDonald ~ha_t the ocammi~atton be received and filed, '~' ; ~ .... I~SOLIEIOMB The follo~tng.lResolutlons were lmssech No. 9~ - McE33qlEY - JOLLEY - I~SOLIED that a letter of cc~memlation be forwarded to' the Principal and those presone responsible at the Niagara Falls Collegiate Vocational Institute for the excellent showing of the Cadet Corps and Bugle Band during~he recent inspection; and f~he Seal of the Corporation be hemto affixed. Carried unanimousl~ No. 96 - NAWElq~ - MclCI~ - RESOLVED that the City Manager be requested to In- vestigate and report upon the condition of the crossing frcn Eastwoo~ Crescent to P~lw~r Avenue over the Michigan Central Railway tracks, and also the stop street at Bridge Street aml Stanley Avenue; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unaimously Ald. Dope!& left the meeting. The following By-laws ~re passed: .No... 440~ - To provide for permission to q~e Bell Telephone C,aa. pan.V of Canada to place buried cable across E~worth Circle. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that AId. McKinley be given the privilege of intrc~lucing the by-law ami the by-law be read the first t~m~ - Cartled. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley that Rule (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second rending - Carried. Third rending -Ald. MacDonald am1 Hawkins - Carrte~. No. 4~10 - To allow an encroaclmsnt upon Buchanan Avenue am1 upon Lincoln Street, It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Hawkins that Ald. Donald be given the Frtvilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordere~ on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspemted and the by-law be given the sac- ond rea&lng - Carried. ~ reading -Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins - Carried. .No. 4~ll - To authorize the execution of an a~reement for sale aml deed. It was ordere~ on the motion of Ald. McKinley and ~olley t~at Ald. Haw- kins ~e given the ~rtvile~e of intratuetn6 the'by-law and the by-law be mad the first time - Carried. - It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing t~les of Council be sus~anae& and the byelaw bs given the sec- on~ reall. tng - Carrle~. . ... .... . ~'ntrd read/nS - AId, MacDonal~ a~ ~olley -Oarflea, - ,...: No. ~12 -. To, authorize the execution of a dee~. '" :':' ": t , It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that Ald. Fawkins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the sec- on~ re~ltag - Carried. macling -Ald. MacDonald and McKinley - Carried. The Council adjourned on the motion of tld. McKinley and Jolley. ~AD AND ADOpl'm,,, 23 May, 1949. Mayor Council Chamber, 16 May, 1949. The Finance Cc, m~dttee met on Monday, 16th May, 19~9, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert- ffle~ an~ placed before them. All members of the Committee, with the exception ~ Ald. DonaM, were present. Sundry accounts amounting to $21~9,997.69 were approved by the Committee. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ere~ placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ai~. McKinley and Parre. r~e c~mm"~lcation from the Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municip- alities, re the federation establishment fund, and referred from a prsvioue meet- ~, was considered. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley amlMacDonald that i2m cc.~Anicatlon be received aml laid on the table for consideration by the 19~0 Council when the 19~0 B;;a~-et ls being prepared. · e Comettee a~Journed on the motion of Ald. McKinley ami Jolley. E~D A~D ADOpnI~n, 23, May, 19~9. 0hairman of Finance i38 Council Chamber, 16 May, 1949. ~e Council m-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the C ...... ~ttee. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Donald, were present. BY -LAW ~e following By-law was passed: No. 441~ - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that Ald. Hawkins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the sec- ond reading - Carried. reading -Ald. MasDonald add Mckinley - Carried. ~e Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley. EEAD AND ADOP',~:,,, 23 May, 1949. Mayor ~WENTY-SECOND MEETING REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, 23 May, 1949. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 10.00 a.m. on Monday, 28rd May, 1949, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All mem- bers of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Donald, were present. The Coun- cil, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adonted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins. ~ DEPUTATION On the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley, Mr. Charles Russell of the Stamford Athletic Club was permitted to address Council. Mr. Russell advised the Council of the adverse conditions which existed for his club when practising at 0akes Park due to the activities of other organizations on the field. SEE Resolution No. ~9~77 COMMUNICATIONS Laid over frem a previous meeting: N0. 183 - H.Clark Pattineon - re bus routes. 0EDEi~D on the motion of Ald. Mac- Donald and Hawkins that the c~m~unication be received and filed, in View of the fact that the route has been changed. ~e following Communications were presented: ~. 18~ - Department of Health - re control of food at travelling shows. ORDERED m the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Parm that the communication be received and filed, that all shows be required to obtain a permit for the handling of food from the LocalBoardof Health before c~mnsncingoperation, and the Local Bouardbe so evtsed. N0. 186 - Canadian Legion Branch 51 - invitation to parade and service. 0HDEE ~ the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley that the conmunication be received and filed, the invitation be accepted, and as many members of Council as possible at- ~eadthe function. ~. 187 - Niagara Falls Optimist Air Cadets - invitation to annual inspection. 0~EE on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Hawkins that the comunication be rec- eived and filed, the invitation be accepted, and as many of the members of Codn- ell as ~ossible attend tb~ inspection. 188 - Mdressograph Sales Agency - re tax and assessment equipment. O~)E~m~ motion of Ald. McKinley and Hawkins that the co~.-,onication be recelved and the City Manager and 01erk bring in a report which will make the Council aware of the various methods, and that a demonstration be arrange if. neces- 189 - Honourable Humphrey Mitehell - re network affiliation for R~dio Station ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the communication be received and laid on the table until further information is received. ~. 191 - Co-Operative C~ealth Youth Movement - requesting Permission to use 0plat Park. 01~EI~D on the motion of Ald. Inglis and Jolle~ -that the communic- ation be :received . . and filed, and permission be granted. 189 - i40 No. 192 - Christ for Greater Niagara - requesting permission for tent on vacent land. ORDERED on' the motion of ~ld. McKinley and MacDonald that the com~unicat~ ion be received and filed, and permission be granted. The following Reports were presented: No. 167 - City Manager - re petition and horse barn. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ParmandMacDonaldthat the report be received and filed, and adopted. SEE Petitions No. 7-8 No. 168 - City Clerk - reconnnending issuance of licences. 0RDEEED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the rec- c~nnendatlons be adopted. PETITIONS Laid over from a previous meeting: No. 7 - Quality Cleaners and 1~ others - re erection of horse barn. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ParmandMacDc~ald that the petition be received and filed. SEE Petition No. 8 The following Petitions were presented: No. 8 - P.Thibodeau and 13 others - re erection of horse barn. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ParmandMacDonaldthat the petition be received and filed. No. 9 - T.Morris and 3 others - requesting sidewalk on Rosedale Drive. ORDERED out he motion of AId. McKinley and Hawkins that the petition be received and hid out he table for one weekandthe CityManager contact the owners On the street to ascertain if a sufficient umber wish the sidewalk placed. EESOLUTIOI~B The following Resolutions were passed: No. 97 - IN~L~ - JOIZEY - EESOLVED that the City Manager be instructed to work out satisfactory arrangements with regard to the uneoof Oakes Park in order that the Stemford Athletic Club may carry on their duties; and the Seal of the Corpor- ation be hereto affixed. Cerried No. 98 - Mc~ - HA~ - I~ESOLVED that the action of His Worship Mayor Eouck, in appointing Alderman E.A.Psrm as enacting mayor on 2~th and 26th May, during the absence of His Worship, be approved; and the Seal of the Corporation be here- to affixed. : Carrie____jd No. 99 - ItAWER~ . McKIX~ - t~SOLYED that the next 'r~gular meeting of the City Council be scheduled to take place at 7.30 Pm. on Tuesday, 31st May; and the Seal of the Corporation be hemto affixed. ? Carrie__.__jd No. 100 - PA!~f - HA~ . I~SOLVED that the Traffic Committee he asked to study and report upon the suggestion that Ontario Avenue, frc~a S~nco~e~treet to Huron Street be made a through etreet3 and the Seal of the Co~.~x/~.%$on be hereto affixed. :, . . , " ':' ' "! ' ....... Carried No. 101 - .IN~LI~ - JOLI~y . I~0L~ that the parking meters are to be hooded on ~:Wednesday afternoons, that plates ~e Prepared and installed On the meters through- 0~t~,the.~$~t~, a~wistn~the motorin~.p, ublic the% Such meters '~A~e~net in operation . ' ,.l ]..: , , =' .' - = ..:, / ... ' ., .. - ,: ,. -., . ~. . . 0n Wednesday afternoons; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. ~ Carried The following By-law was presented: BY -LAW N0.4~1~ - To provide pensions for employees of the Fire Department of the munic- ipality, It.was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley that ~ld. Haw- ~nsbe given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Inglis and MacDonald that the by- law be laid on the table and referred to the Fire Chief in order that he may pres- ent the by-law to members of his Department for study; and the same be discussed by Council with a committee from the Department at a later date. MISCE~OUS AId. Inglis asked that the report upon the street lighting throughout the City.be prepared and presented to Council not later than the next meeting. Ald. McKinley advised Council concerning the visit of various Trade Com- missioners to the City and of their appreciation of the entertainment provided. AId. McKinley stated he was of the opinion that Bridge Street should be a through street at Stanley Avenue, rather than the re~erse as at present, and asked that the CityManager report upon the situation. ~ld. inglis suggested that the City Manager might give consideration to changing the interval of the lights at Fourth Avenue and Bridge Street so that in off periods for traffic travelling on Fourth Avenue, traffic on Bridge Street will not be hel~up. ~e.Couacil adjourned .on the motion of Ald, McKinley and Hawkins. MAD AND ADOPTEED~ 30-May, 19~9. Clerk Council Chamber, purpose of approving and also of passing the v~rious accounts which had been properly ce?t- ified and placed before them. All members of the Committee, with the exception of Ald. Donald, were present. Sundry accounts amountin~E to $7,718.92 were approved by the Committee. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ers& placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Parm and Jolley. The s~mm~ry of tenders for supplies and materials for the year 1949 was presented and the following action was taken in connection them~lth: CRUSHED STONE FOR CONU~E Cl~ STONE FOR ASPH~T PLANT CRANED STONE FOR ROADS ORDE~ on the motion of Ald. Parm and ~tac- Donald that the tenders of Queenston Quarries Ltd. be received and accepted. ASPHALT SAND WATER WAS~ CONCETE SAND CONCNE~E GRAVEL FOR CONCNETE ORDEE on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the tenders of Calaguiro Bro- thers be received and accepted. LIMESTOE DUST FOR PAVING PLANT ORDEA~j~ on the motion of ~ld. MacDonald and McKinley that the tender of North/~nerican Cyanamid Ltd. be received and accepted. LIQUID CHLORIE ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Parm that the tender of Canadian Industries I.tm~tsd be received and accepted. PAVTNG ASPaT F~EL OIL SUPPLY AND APPLY DUST LAXER SUPPLY AND APPLY LIQUID MEDll~ ASPHALT SUPPLY AND APPLY STONE Ckll~ SUPPLY OF MEDII~ LIQUID ASPHALT OR EQUIVAT.EN~B GASOLINE - at pm~ps HOSE COAL ORdEReD on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Jolley that the tender of Imperial Oil Lim- ited be received and accepted. Oi~)E~ED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Parm that the tender of Ridgmount Quarries be received and accepted. OEDEE on the motion of ~ld. McKinley and Jolley that the tender of Ri~pgmount Quarries be received and accepted. O~ERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Parm that these supplies be purchased in the open market. ORDm~m~ on the motion of Ald. Parmand Jol- ley that the tender of British American 0il Co. be received an~accepted, for ethyl gaso- line. 'OEDEx~:"onthemotion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the tender of Booth's Service Station be received and accepted. OHDE~ on the motion of Ald. Parm and Mac- Donald that the tender of the BI-Lateral Fire Hose Division be received and accepted. OE)~ on the motion of~Ald. lnglis and Parm that the tender of the 0ariadish Coal Company be table until the next meeting to permit members of the Comittee to inspect property. A report was presented from the City Manager, regarding an application for a permit to erect a building on Victoria Avenue. It was ordered on the motion cfAld. Parmand Jolley that the report be received and filed, and the recommend- ation be adopted. The Cv.~.,~ttee adjourned on the motion of ~ld. McKinley and Parre. ~ADAND ADOPTED, 30 May, 1949. Chairman of Finance Council Chamber, 23 May, 1949. The Council re-assembled at the close of the reg~,lmr council and finance m~ings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the C~,~.~ttee. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Donald, were present. BY -LAW The following By-law was passed: ~ - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of~ld. McKinley and Parm that Ald. Hawkins ~ given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first tame- Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Jolley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second ~a~i~g . Carried. ~r~ i~r~a~tng .Ald. Parm an~ Mcwinle~ - Carried. The City Manager advised Council of the unofficial protest of the Board ef E~ucation against the w~dening of E~worth 0irele, and the suggestion made by the Board for the.:.tnstallation of a :oinaer ~raok around the school grounds, which could be used for parking. His Worship Mayor Houck suggested that the Traffic Cv~alttee might study this matter and present a report. Ald. Inglis s~ggested that the vacant land, one block from the school, ,might be leased from the Railway Company and prepared as a parking area. Ald. McKinley stated that residents of the Circle were opposed to the widening of the street. It was agreed that the members of Council should study the location before the next meeting. "The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley. HAD AND ADOPTED, 30 May, 1949. 01erk Mayor TWENTY-THIRD MEETING REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, 31 May, 1949. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, Blst May, 19~9, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. idl mem- bers of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Inglis, were present. The Coun- cil, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald aud Hawkins. MISCELLANEOUS His Worship Mayor Houck expressed the appreciation of Council for the excellent co-operation and arrangements made and carried out in connection with the visit of Hie E~cellency the Governor-General to the city on BOth May. ~ld. McKinley congratulatm~his Worship on the fine arrangmenets also, and expressed the pride of Council in serving with His Worship on this and other occasions. SEE Resolution No. 102 TENDERS Tenders had been called for the sale of $34,406.51 City of Niagara Falls debentures, and on the motion of ~ld. Hawkins and Donald, the tenders sub- sLitted were opened, initialled by His Worship Mayor Houck and read. On the mot- ion of Ald. Donald and McKinley, the tender of the Imperial Bank of Canada of $100.11 and accrued interest, was accepted. CO~NICATIONS Laid over from previous meetings: No. 194 - Hydro-Electric C..,.m~ssion of Niagara Falls - re financial statement. 0E)EEED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald that the communication be rec- eived and laid on the table until the next meetingan~ the return of Ald. Inglis. SEE Cvmman~_cation No. 19~ No. 180 - Honourable Humphrey Mitchell - re additional veterans' homes. ONOEA~ on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the c~umaanication be received and filed. SEE Comunication No. 194-D The following Co~manications .were presented: No. 193 - Hydro-Electric 0~..~m~esion of Niagara Fa_lls - re street lighting. ORD- EEED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald that the communication be rec- eived and laid on the table until the next meeting and the return of Ald. Inglis. leo. 194 - Honourable Humphrey Mitchell No. 199 - Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation - re additional houses. ORD- Ei~D on themotionof~ld. Hawkins and MacDonald that the cm~mication be rec- eived and filed. No. 196 - Niagara, St. Catharines and Toronto Railway - re revised bus schedule. 0E~E~) on the motion of Ai~. Hawkins and ~olley that the communication be rec- eived and filed, and the Superintendent be t~-~ed for his co-operation. No. 197 - Niagara Falls ~unior Chamber of Commerce - re dinner meeting, 8th June. 0r~mm~ on the motion of Ald. Parm and MacDonald that the communication be rec- eive~ an~ filed, and as rm~V members of 0ouncil as possible artearl the meeting. No. 198 - ~;ehovah,s Witnesses - requesting use of Poplar Park. 0EDEN on the motion of Ald. McKinley sad MacDonald that the co~nunication be received and filed, aml permission be granted. (Ald. Parm voted contrary to this motion. ) No. 199 - Greater Niagara Swimming Club - requesting use of sw~mm4ng pool. 0tO- E}mlu on the motion of Ald. Mc/Cinley and Hawkins that the communication be received sad filed, and permission be granted. No. 200 - United Nations Appeal for Children - requesting assistance re appeal. 0RDEFa~u on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Jolley that the communication be rec- eived and filed, and Ald. MacDonald be asked to take charge of this appeal. No. '201 - County of Welland - re committee on publicity and new industry. 0RD- EEMU on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and MacDonald that the communication be rec- eived and filed. No. 202 - City of Brantford - resolution re subsidy for fire hydrants. ORDERED ;on the motion of Ald. Donald and Jolley that the communication be received and 'ifiled, and the resolution be endorsed. No. 20] - Radio Station CHUM - re advertising film and television. ORDERED ante motion of Ald. Donald sad Hawkins that the c~.,innication be received and filed. No. 204 - Board of Education - re percentage of gate receipts at Oakes Park. 0R- D~ on the motion of Aid. Hawkins sad McKinley that the communication be rec- eived and filed, and a refund be made of the gate receipts, less any expenses cuffed. REPORTS The following Reports were presented: No. 169 - City Manager - re~c~,.,,~nding sidewalk on Rosedale Drive. O~)E~D on the motion of AId. Parm and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. SEE Petition No. 9 No. 170 - City Manager - re traffic conditions on Epworth Circle. OREERED on the motion of Aid. Donald and Hawkins that the report be received and laid on the table for two week, s at which t~m~ Council should visit the location. No. 171 - Cit7 Manager - re traffic conditions at Bridge Stree~ and Stanley Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Jolley and Donald that the report be received and laid on the table for two weeks to permit Council to study the conditions. No. 172 - City Manager - re traffic light at Bridge Stre~ and Fourth Avenue. 0R- DEE on the motion of Aid. Donald and McKinley that the report be received and filed, and the interval of the lights be changed to twenty seconds for Fourth Av- enue and forty seconds for Bridge Street. No. 173 - City Manager - re traffic conditions at Eastwood Crescent and Pahner Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the recommendations be adopted. No. 174 - City Treasurer - report on convention attended. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley that the report be received and filed. No. 17~ - City Clerk - recommending issuance of liceaces. ORE~ on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the report be E~p~i~ed and filed, and the re0- omm~ndations be adopted. ' Laid over fr~n a Previous meeting~ .:: .-- " No. 9 - T.Morris an_~_~3 others - requesting sidewalk on Rosedale Drive. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Palm and MacDonald that the petition be received and filed. ESOLUTIO~S The following Resolutions weI~ pass. ed_=: No. 102 - HAVHC.INS - I~qcDON2tLD - BESOLVED that the appreciation e~n~~ thanks of the City Council be foi~warded f~or the assistance and co-operation extended. on the casion of the visit of His Excellency the Governor-General and Lady i!exander to ~[iagara Falls on 30th i~ay to the following organizations end indlvidnels: lib·. T.Gray and the Niagara Parb Co~dssion~ Major Forbes Barr~ ~. J.M.Cowan, MaJo!' Robert Buther, Parade I,~rshal ~onms Keep, Band~ster Malice Haist, the I.O.D.E. Chap~rs., the General Brock Ho~l, the Chief and members of the Niagara Falls Pol- ice Depar~nt, 0n~rio Provincial Police Inspector C.F.Airey, City Manager kr.S. .r and st~f, Superin~ndent Wilson of the C~nadian National Railways at ~ome, ~. J.Hamld Bradley and the Beam of Education, Miss W.M.Stokes and the Niag~a Falls Public Library BeaM, ~. E.J.McGin. and the Niagara Falls Coli.e,- iate Cadet Co~s, Messrs. Bows, Linde~en and Robertson and Niagara, Chervrolet, Oldsmobile, Li~ted, B~ro~s F~it~e Company, His Worship Mayor Lupton of His- gem Falls, New York, the Silver Cross Mothers, Radio Station C~C, ~. D.C.Pat- ten, City Clerk and others; and ~e Seal of ~e Coloration be hereto ~fixed. Carried No. 103 - HAWKIlTS - MacDONALD - RESOLVED that His Worship Mayor Houck be asked to appoint a representative of ~oancil to attend a meeting in Walland, for the dis- cussion of the suggestion that a new court house building be erected; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried In thls connection, His Worship appointed Aid. McKinley as the representative. No. 104 - MacDONALD - MCKINLEY - I~SOLVED that the next regular meeting of the City Council he scheduled to take place at 5.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 7th June; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Ald. MacDonald spoke about the undesirable traffic conditions existing on Victoria Avenue from Simcoe Street taMerrisen Street; and also the need for a police officer to protect small children at the intersection of Queen Street and St. Clair Avenue on Saturday mornings. His Worship Mayor Houck asked the Alder~ man to discuss these matters wlthhimin order that they might be taken upwith the Chief of police. The Council adJo~ on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald. HAD AND ADOPTED, 7 June, 1949. Clerk Mayor FINANCE MEETII~K2~ Council Chamber 31 May, 1949. ' The Finance Committee met on Monday, 3let May, 1949, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert- dried and placed before them. All members of the Committee, with the exception of Ald. Inglis, were present. Sundry accounts amounting to $90,334.69 ware approved by the Committee. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Parmand Donald. The report of the City Manager, as laid over from a previous meeting, and with regard to an application for a permit to erect, a sign onVictoria Avenue, was considered. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the report be received and filed, and permission for the erection be granted. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Aid. Donald and Parm. READ AND ADOP~ED, 7 June, 1949. of Finance Council Chamber, 31 May, 1949. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ante meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts preyed by the Committee. All members of the 0ouncil, with the exception of AId. lnglis, were present. The following By-law was passed: ..No. ~16 - To G~nt Monies for ~eneral PurPoses. It was ordered on %he motion of Ald. McKinley' and MaoDonal~ that Aid. Eawkins be given the privilege of intr~lucing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordere~ on the motion of Ald, Nawkina and Jolley that Rule 36 (2) of the StandinS Iiules of Council be'suspended 'an~ the by-law be 6iven f~e eecoa& reading - Carried. Third reading -Ald. MacDonald and Parm - Carried. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald..McKlnley and Jolley. tgAD AND ADOPIED, 7 June, 1949. Clerk Mayor . t50 T~ENTY-FOURTE ~TING REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, 7 JUne, 1949. Pursuant to adJo~rnment~ the Council met at 5.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 7th June, 19~9, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council, with the eEeptlon of ~ld. Pann, were present. The Corn- oil, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of ~d. MacDonald and Hawkins. C0~YNICATIONS Laid over from previous meetings: No. 1~4 - Hydro-Electric C~,~alssion of Niagara Falls - the financial statement. No. 193 -Hydro-Electric Commission of Niagara Falls - re street lighting. HEED on the motion of ~ld. Inglis andMacD0nald that the ce~manications be rec- eived and laid on the table. No. 188 - Addressograph Sales Agency - re mechanized equipment. ORDERED on the motion of ~ld. Inglis and Hawkins that the con-,,anication'be received and laid on the table, and an inspection be made at a convenient time. BEE Report No. 176 The following Comtmications were presented: No. 209 - Greater Niagara Baseball Association - re Glenview baseball park. 0R- D~ on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the connnunication be rec- eived and filed, and the matter be left in the hands of the City Manager for at- tention. No. 206 - Borough of Chelmsford No. 207 - Crusade for World Government - requesting congratulations re World Ccv- ernment ~'~ek. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and b~cDonald that the c~:- munications be received and filed, and a message of greetings be extended to the Borough of Chelmsford. REPORTS The foll~dng Reports were presented: No. 176 - City Manager and City Clerk - re mechanized equipment. ~qREE on the motion of ~d. lnglis and Hawkins that the report be received and laid on the table and the inspections be made at a convenient time. No. 177 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenoes. ORDERED on the motion of ~ld. Donald and MacDonald that the repor~ be received and filed, and the rec- ommendatfms be adopted. I~ESOLUT~0N~ The following Resolutions were passed: '- No. 105 -NAW~ -MoKIN~ -~ES~VED that ~e c~at~atio~ of~e City of Ni~a F~a be ex~nded to ~s Worship ~e ~or and citizsns of ~e City of Wi~peg on ~e celebration of the se~nty-fif~ Mr~y of ~e Oit~} and the Be~ of ~e Coloration be he~to.~fJxed. ' :~ ~(:, - >~'~' "'~- - Carried No. 106 - McEENLEY - JOIff~,y - RESOLVED that the congratulations of this Council be extended to Mr. George Donning upon his elections as president of the Ontario Federation of Mm~icipal Employees~ and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto af- fixed. Carried No. 107 - F~'~KINB - McKI]~U~]Y - I~ESOL~D that the placir~J of hoods on the narkin:~' meters on ~{ednesday aftem~ns be discontinued; and the Seal of the ColTo~'ation~ be hereto affixed. MISCELL~,~: OUS ,ald. McKinley asked the City Manager to take whatever action is !loss]hie to eliminate the dust nuisance on the roadway of Wilhmtt Street above Sixth enl~ · ~ld. Donald asked that Sixth Avenue be given attention also. Yad. MclCinley spoke about the dangerous practice of. children of throw- ing fireworks into buildings, cars, etc. and felt some action should be taken to stop this. Ald. Jol].ey asked. that the City Manager report on the cost of doing something about widening Stanley Avenue from Bridge Street to Morrison Street~ possibly b~~ grading and rolling the west side of the street. AId. Inglis spoke about the serious accident which had occta'red on the Queen Elizabeth Highway at the traffic circle, and felt the Department of tii~jh- ways should be asked to erect signs to direct traffic up Clifton Hill and Ferry Street to Lm~dy's Lane and the Queen Elizabeth rather than out the Roberrs Street subway~ and also that the Police Should be instructed to so direct any motorists asking for infox~ntion. AId. Inglis suggested that the City Manager should bring in a report as to the possibility of improving the area near Victoria Avenue and the River Road Parkway, in order to improve the Lmpression which could be made on motorists entering the City from this point. Ald. Inglis spoke of an item of infom~aatlon regarding the City of Nia- gara Falls contained in the publication, Civic Administration, wherein it was stated that this City does not now operate under the City Manager fond of govern- mont. He felt this should be corrected and His Worship ~tayor Houck advised that the magazine would be so info~Eed. Council adjournmad on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Hawkins. EAD AND ADOPTa,;D, 13 June, 19~9. i51 . ! [LI FINANCE MFETING Council Ch~m~ ~r, ? JtUm, ~le Finance Con~ittee met on Tuesday, 7th June, 1949, for the purpose of approving and. also of passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. ~l]. members of the Conunittee, with the ezci>p. tion of Ald. Parm~ were present. Sundry accounts smotmting to $12,861.99 were approved by the Coxmldi'tee. The accounts submitted, being passed or othen~ise dealt with, were ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motio~ Ald. Donald and Jolley. The statement of relief for the month of April was presented. It ~j~:~ ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the statement be rec- eived and filed. The comparison of tax collections at 31st May was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the statement be rec- eived and filed. ~ report of the City Manager, regarding cost of plates for parkinE meters, was'presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Jolley and Inglis that the report be received and filed, that the meters be not hooded on Wednesday afternoons and paper discs, advising that the meters are not in operation on Wedl nesday afternoons, be placed on the meters immediately. (Ald, Donald and McIfin- ley voted contrary to this motion.) Prior to the above motion it was moved by Ald. Donald and McKinley that the report be received and filed, the meters be not hooded and the same be loft as Is. This motion was ~efsated. A report was presented from the City Manager, regarding the cost of movinga stee~ hydro~tower, ~t was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and lqac- Donald that tha report be received and filed~ and the recommendations be adopted. A communication was presented fr~n_Mrs. Joyce Hill, requesting a rsfm~d of the purchase price of Lot 27, Lowell Avenue. T~e~OttyClerkpresented a ver- bal recomendation from the h~pertyCommittee that the request be'granted. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. MacDonald an& Donald that the eomunication be received and filed and the refund be made. A report was presented from the City Manager, regarding an application for a permit to erect a signat Queen Street and River Road. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Inglls and McKinley that the report be received and laid on the table Until the next meeting. (Ald. Donald and MacDonal~ voted contrary to this motion.) Prior to the above m~ion it was moved by Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, but this motionwas defeated. The Conmittee adjourned on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Donald. READ AND ADOPTED, 13 JUne, 1949. Clerk Chairman of Finance COUT~CIL FL~ET!NG Council Chsm~ber, 7 j~une, 1949. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and finenee meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts aceroved by the Co~n~fttee, and for the consideration of other business. All me~oers of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Parre, were present. DEPUTATION In connection with Petition No. 10, Mr. George Crawford was permitted to address Council. Mr. Crawford explained the ci~umstsnees with rega;-d to his property at 129B Bridge Street and~ his desire to locate a machine works in the s ~ms o SEE Petition D:o. l0 PETITION The following Petition was presented: No. 10 - Ka~parlin~ and 20 others - expressing agreement to use of building as machine works. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley that the pet- ition be received and filed, and the by-law be amended to remove this property frmthe residential restrictions. BY-LAW The following B~-law was pa.ss.ed.: E~. 4~17 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that Ald. Eawkins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Al&. McKinley and Hawkins that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried. Third reading -Ald. MacDonald and Jolley - Carried. Tae Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald. EAD AND ADOPTED, 13 June, 1949. Mayor ~g~TT-F~J~ _M~ET~ $0 curb. (Ald. McKinley ~ p~ ~ cont~ to this motion; ~ the E~ctin~ 0o~cll C~ber ~, ~. ~w~ ~ ~ be tacoma as In f~vo~ of ~e motion. ) 13 ~, 19~9. ' ~. 171 - City ~er - re ~fic co~ltio~ on St~ley Aven~ a~ B~e Street. ~ ~ ~e ~ti~ of ~. Do~ ~ Jo~e= ~a~ the reDo~ ~ mcei~ ~ '~:~ ~ fi~, ~t S~ey A~n~, for ~fic tm~i~ s~ an~ Bri~e Street, for ~o ~ve~ west be ~e ~ st~ets; ~ slow ei~ be e~cte~ ~ s~e~ at these ~ streets. (~. ~eonald ~a cont~ to ~s~t ~ adJm-~nt, ~e Comcil mt at 7.30 ~.m. on ~a~y, 13~ ~m.) J~, 1~9, for ~e ~ose of c~e~ 6e~e~ b~ese ~ f~. ~1 ~. ~. ~w~ wu emct~8 m~r mt=l ~e ~inl of ~e W~p ~yor E~ck. ~e ~mcll, ha~ mcei~d ~ re~ ~e ~nu~s of the ~m~o~ meti~, ad- ~ No. 178 - Ci~ Clerk - mc~ iss~ce of ~cencee. 0~ on ~e moti~ ~d ~ese ~ ~e moti~ of ~. ~ ~d pro. 0f ~. ~.]a ~ Do--~a that ~e mpo~ be moeiv~ ~d filed, ~ ~e ~0~ N0. 179 - ~so~ - m at~ndance at c~nti~. 0~EE ~ ~e moti~ of ~. ~ ~e ~ti~ Of ~d. b~ ~ M~y, a~ ~n c~eetl~ wi~ ~y. ~ ~ D~ ~b,t ~e mpo~ be ~ceived ~ filed. hws ~ ~19 ~ ~20 ~ Petition No. ~, beam. C~o~ ~ S~r were ........ ~e ~e of ~e b~ldi~ ~e~ by ~. Cm~ ~ Bri~e S~et, ~ ~e request .~s W~p ~ Eo~k ~i~d at ~e met~ ~d ~ok ~e c~r. ~t ~ m~ ~ ~vea ~ ~e msi~nt~ ~a in o~er ~ pe~t ~ ~ he wo~ rant ~ ~ e~ f~ wh~ ~emt=~ wo~a ~t cma~ a ~e~ce to ~s cruetion. E~ION ~ Petition No.~ "~ b fo~l~ Petiti~ wu Dmsen~: C~I0~ ~. ~ - ~.W.S~r ~ 53 o~ers - pmtesti~ ~ ~ ~sidenti~ restric- ti~. O; ~ ~e mtl~ of ~. ~w~ne ~ Jo~e~ ~t ~e peti~ be ~e fo~ ~cati~ we~ ~s~a: mcel~ ~ ~a m b ~ble. 208 - Greater Niagara Te~erans, Central Oct!tree - mq~sti~ ~ m - - , , ~ a~ ~ ~cel~ ~ ~Id ~ ~e ~ble. ~'~0~ laid o~er fx~ex a l)revlous meetix~: ': ~ area ( ~ vote~ con to and atlon ~e receives and file& the requss~ ~Y~ante~ MacDonald that the ccmmmnic- No. 108 - Mc~ - II~T.T~ . 1F_~OLVI~) tlmt the re~uest for Darklug space for one lFreeented Ai~ ' gr , an~ the necessax7 by-law ~e ' ' ' · trSA7 this motion.) ~u~ l~-laws NO. ~d+19-20 Allen, be referred to the City Manager for a rsportI and the Seal of the Corpor- . ~ _4 at~on be hereto aff~e&. l~o. 210 - l~ia~ara F-~I- an~ Suburban Area Planning Board -suggested a~re~nent with ~ohn La~. Ol~ on the motion of Ald. DonaM and MacDonald that the ~fic ' eaO. z'eferA~l to the Ontario l'emicilml Association Sot e~ve~ amt f~le{, an& l~rmiss~on be granted. ' cmmmicat~on ~e rec- lb. 170 - Ci~ Mana~r - re tin'fie coa{itions on orth i56 It was ox~ere~ on the motion of AM. Hawkins ana MacDonald tha~ Rule 36 (2) of the 8tan~ix~ Rules of Counotl he suepende~ ax~ the by-law ~e given the seeoral. reading - Ca.rrtea u.mambm:msly. ~ -'To ~en& By-law Nm~er 1776, ras~ecttn8 residential sections and tea- . idential streets in the qitY of NiaSara Falls. It was ordered on the motion of AI~. ltawkins and ~olley that Aldo Don- ald be given the privilege of intro~ucin8 the by-law aml the by-law be rea~ the first time - Carried tmanimousl~. It was ordered on the motion of AI~. In&lie aml Hawkins that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council he ausl~naed and the by-law be given the second reading providing an agreement is entered into by Mr. Crawford, which s~d.l he ast~sfactory to the City Solicitor and City Manager, whereby the owner shall agree to rent the trailcling only to persons whose operations shall not unsatisfactory to the nsiSh~xmz~ng pro!~rty o~ners - Carried unanimously. reading - AI~. MacDonald and Hawkins - Carried, with Ald. Donal~ and Penn votln~ contraxy. No., ~2.0 - To e~en~ By-law Nmnber 1TR-respect~n~ fire limits in ~he City of NIa- gara Falls. It was oilsred on the motion of Ald. Hawkins ~ ~ollsy that Aid. Don- al~ be given the l~rivilege of iutz~x~ucing the by-law an~ the by-law ~e rea~ the first time - It was ordered on the motion of AId. Mckinley and Hawkins .that Rule 36 (2) of the Standiu~ 9ules of Council be sus~ende& ana the by-law be given the sac- oral madln~ - Carried unanimously. AI~. In~lis as~ for information concermlng ~ water pressure throu~h- out the City d~rin~ the current heat wave, amX the City Manager adviae~ the Coun- cil of the conditions az~ action taken. Aid. Pars advtse~ Co~noll of his o~semrations with rega~ to school and traffic signs thro~hout Ne~ York State. His Worship Ma~or l~ouck welcce~t Mr. llacDonali of the Toronto Daily Tele~grem who was present to make sketches of the 'members of Council. His Worship Ma3~r Houck extemle~ the congratulations and best. wishes of Cogncil to Miss Stokes who will oelahrato her birth~a~ on 18th Ame. AI~. Do--~R as~d that the City Y~naeer audit a full ~elx~t u~on b~ ~d by'~. ~ ~ ~ $~t, ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ emotion, ~ti~ ~ ~ s~, ~e ~ ise~d for ~e ~ ~ ~ o~er i~ti~ a~ble. ~e Co~oil adJo~rne~ on the motion of AI~. Don~ and Nawktns., BAD A~) AO0pmm, 20 ~une, 19~9, ' Clerk Mayor Council Chamber, 13 June, 1949. ~he Finance Cc~mmittee met on Monday, 13th June, 19~9, for the purpose of approvlng aml ~lso of passtn~ the various accounts which had been Drol~rly cex~ified an~ !olaced before them. All members of the Committee were present. Su~&ry accounts e~nountin~ to $28,889.63 were aDproved by the Committee. ~e accounts submitted, belu~ I~ssed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered ~l~ce~ in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of AI~. 2arm an& Jolley. ~ne ropert of the City Manager, as hid over from the previous meeting, with regar~L to an application for a permit to erect a sign at ~een Street ~r ~, w~ ~n c~i~ti~. It wM o~em~ on ~e ~ of ~. ~ ~ ~ ~t ~e m~o~ ~ ~id ~ ~e ~le ~ttl ~e ne~ ~eti~ ~r t~o~ti~ ~ ob~& s to ~ls ~ o~er s~ f~ w~ch ~ ~en issue. Offers were presented from Coston Hor~anuik of $100.00 for Lot 2120, Hickcon avenue aml ~ Viacent Mortcoo of $7~.00 each for Lots ~J+ and 47, ~z~ry Str~. It was ox~lere~ on the motion of AI~. Mckinley and ~olley that the offers received au~ laia on the table to permit the Property Cm=n~ttoe to consider an~rel~rt u~on the e~-. A report was presente~ from the City Manager, recmm.~n&ing the removal of one par~ing meter on Victoria Avenue. It was ontered on the motion of llacDc~_~a an~ McKinley that the report be received aml filed, an~ the x~cc~nen&- atlon ~ e&o~t~l. A report we presented frcm the City Manager reSar&tng the estimated cost of widenin8 a portion of Stanley Avenue. It wasox~sred on the motion of Ald. ~olley an~ McKinley +.~-t the report ~e receive& aml file&, and the work be proceed~ with in accox~ance with the report. ~he stat~mAut of relief for the month of May was ~resentod. It was omle~e~ on t~e motion of Ald. MacDonBl& end. DonsM that t~e stat~_~nt .~e recelve~ amt file&. ~e Cm~!ttee a4~oturne& on the motion of Ald. McElnlel an~ jolley. B~0 A~D AD(~,,:t,, 20 ,Tune, 19~9. 'l ~e CorneA1 eylJournec~ on the motion of A3Z. ~4~-~Inle~ an~ Jolle~. 0ou~cil Chamber, 13 ;~ae, 19~9. ~e Co~acil re-aeeeblec~ at the close of the regq,lr- coumil and fin~ ance meetings for the puxl?oee of l~sstng the by-law which coverec~ the accounts a~lrrovec~ by the C.~,.~ttee, .~a for the comsl~eratio~ of other lmsimess. All mem- bers of the Co'moil were Dresemt. beers. Crabam, MacPherson -n~ ~o~ of the Niagara Falls ~m ~soctation were Dresent: .at ~e ~et~ ~ ~sc~e& wi~ Co~ctl ~e ~t for D~i~ for ~rs ~ b De~t. ~. ~ aske~ ; ~sOl~tio~ No. 110 The following C.-,~..~oatlon was Dreeentec~: 213 - Aldera~a H.A.2erm - ~enderin~ mst~e~tlo~ fr~ Council. Oi~YE~ED on the metio~ of AIC~. Donalc~ am~ ~awkins that t~e cza~m~nAtio~ be moei~& ~ filed, ~ mst~tlon ~ accep~ wi~ ~t. T~.e following ~eolution was Dasee&: No. 110 - DONAX~ - MaaDONAT~ - ~OLvF~ that the prol~ee~ by-law aml agreement wi~h regar~ to ~ions for members o~ the Fire Del~r~ment be referrec~ to the City Solicitor fo~ perusal sz~ a repoa~ am~ the Seal of t~e Coal~oratlo~ be here- C~a,!~,ied_ ~o. 4~21 - TO Gramt Monies f~ General ~urposee. AI~. McEimley adv'J. secl Comaoil of t~e actio~ ~m~n by the C~w-~t~ee pro- muting the vote f~ c~mi~erati~a ex the ~ea%iom v~th re~A~ to ea a~ema for Nia- ~AD A~D ADOP.,,.:., 20 ;u~e, 1949. Mayor f Co~moil Otmmber, 20 J~ne, 19~9. Pursuant to ad,~ou.,-u,,,ent, the Council met at 7.30 P~. on Mc~y, 20th June, 19~9, for the ~urpose of considering 8erietel bus~ness aml finance. All m~m- ~e~s of t~e Council were present. The Council~ having received aml rea~ the min- utes of the ~revtoua meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ai&. ~acDonald an& Eawkins. A welc~ne was extended by F/s Worship Mayor Eouck on bed. It of the mem- bers of Cotmoll to Ablerman BuSh Ilart who wee +~Hu6 his seat in Council for the first time. A3A. ~t replied to the remarks made aml thanked Hie Wo~shi~ and Co~cil for their good wishes. Iu connection with C~oation No. 218 an~ on the motion of Ald. Haw- kins and ;olley, Mr. F.M.Griffiths was pex~nttte~ to a~&ress Council. Ira-. Grif- ftths advised CorneLl of the wishes of Could.-bsslie X,~m4ted. in connection with the emotion of bILlk~ax~s in the City. On the motion of Akl. Eawklns and Mc- Kinley, Mr. Howa=l ~ox~ of PaAlo Station CHVC was permittest to speak to the Council. Mr. 3e~ford protested 8galast permission being grante~ for the erec- tion of bill~ma~s, lnasm~h as the advertisiu~ thereon det~-actea frun press and re~io advertising. ~.-*~ Ccmmxnication No. 218 A1A. N~Tr4nhy left the meeting. over fran lmevi~ meetings: Xo. 210 - Xte~a=a F_..'rtm end. su~u~en Awa Plem~ Bca~d - enolos~n~ s~ate~ N~e~ent with ;olin Ia3n;. ~ ~n the motion of .,~M.. ~ ~ ~lhVkiu~ ~at the ocmmmtoatton he reoelve4 an& 1Aid.on 'the table fox' Wo.~'.'.leelm, ' ~e foll~NtM Ccea~dcations wm ln~sen~e&: No. 21~ - Delx~-tasnt of lllahways - re ei~s fo~ Et~xwa~rs 20 mat 3A. 0ED3~D on the monism of. Ald. InSlie end ;011e~ that the scmmumioat!on he meetred ass fileS. ~0. 21~ - Ontario Municltml Association - re resolutions an& convention. 019EA~ID on the motion of Ald. Donald and ltawkir~ that the comunicatlon be received and filed, aml the City Clerk prepare two resolutions for submission at the conven- tira, the first to deal with taxing public utilities and the second to provide for wot~ at a~.vance polls to be extended. 216 - ~he Hems Club - requesting portion of 0ahes Park for playground. 0R- ~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley that the ccmnuatcatlon be received file&, and the request be granted. N0. 217 - United Brotherhood of Carpenters anA ~.otners of America - re use of co;a- oil chamber an~ fee. ur~r~D on the motlo~ o~' Ald. hawkins an& Donald that the cmmmicatlon be received and filed. (AId. Inglis and McKinley voted contrary to t~is motion. ) No. 218 - Grifftths, Grifflths and Sh~rpe_ - application for permission ~ erect bi~. 0~ ~ ~e rotion of ~d. ~w~ a~ M~nley ~at ~e cm- icatt~ ~ ~cei~& ~ ftle~ ~d ~sst~ for ~ t~e e~ctio~ be ~nted. (~. D~nla, Jo~ey ~ ~-3~ voted c~ ~ th4s ~ti~.) ~ ~nt w~ p~sen~ by ~d. D~& a~ Jo~y ~at ~e c.~-,,,,mtcati~ be ~celv~ a~ ~id ~ ~e ~ble for ~e week ~ ~t CO~tl to ~ect ~e l~ati~, but ~s ~on was defea~ wi~ ~d. ~cD~, ~is, ~, ~ey ~ ~w~ No. 219 - His Worehi~ the Mayor of Halff, e~ - re greetings by radio. 0EDEE on the motion of AI~. MacDonal~ and Jolley that the c~.,,~-d~ontion be received and filed, earl a telegram of congrat,_,l~tions be forwarded to the City. ~0~ ~ folioring Reports were presented: ~;o. 180 - Tourist Cnmm4ttee - re Newfoun&laml confederation. 01~EI~D on +.~- mot- ion of Ald. Do~_n~a and MacDomal& that ~xe m~ort be recetve~ and filed, aml the reocemendatlons ~e ado~te:l., 181 - Ctt~ Manager - re use of Oakee Park. 0I{DEI~D on the motion ~1 ~ ~ ~w~ ~t ~ mp~t ~ mcei~d ~ fi~a, ~ ~e att~ ~ ~. N0. 182 - City Clerk - re rsealt of poll. C~DEi~D on the motion of Ald. Xawktns an~ YacDe~_~a that the report be received an~ file&. N0. 18B . City Manager - recemMndattone re pum~ at Filtration Plant. 0~ on the motion of Ald. Dons1& and MacD~ml& that ~ :reI, ort, he receive& and file&, e~ the mcceeend~tton ~e adopted. ' ~o. 18~ - Ci~ Solicitor - re )enslon scheme for Fire DelmA~ment. C~DE~D on the a0tic~ of AI~. In~lis and MacDonald that +.~- report he receives and refe~ for c0nslderatlon when the by-law is pxesente~, for discussion wit~ the City Manager ~ho is to ~rtn~ in a re~ort as to~hether ~bs c~s recummenae& shottl~ be eat- 168 ~e follovl~ ~sol~tlons were passe&: No. 112 - ISlLXB - ItAWA~T~ - EESC~VED that ~e next m~ met~ ~ ~e Cit~ Cmc~ ~ sch~ to ~ p~ at 7.30 pro. ~ ~s~, 28~ ~me; ~d ~e C~ea ~o~ly No. 113 - E4NKII~ - DONALD - I~80LY~D that Alderman llart ~e appointee as a member of the Equllanont ..a Traffic C,.,~,I trees to fill the vacancies areatoe by the res- IGnation of Ex-alderman Palm; an& the Seal of the Cor~oration 1~ hereto affixei. No. 11~ - HA~ku~ o JOLI~Y - HESOLVED +_~At the congratulations of this Council be extends& to Ba~autqnter Cbezles Powers amT the Niagara F. ll. Elltie Band u~on their excellent showing &uring the ann_~q_l Magn~ ~a~ta Parade in Niagara New Yo~k on 18th June; aml the Seal of the Corporation be hemto affixed. Carried -nsn~ousag following By-law was read the first amT seaoral times: No. 1l/l..22. - To authorize the construction of a four-foot sidewalk on the north side of Rceeaale Drive ~etween Sixth Avenue and Slater Avenue as a local !,Twveaent ~nder the pmTisions 'of ~e ~ Tv~.roTement Act, It was ox~ers& on the motion of Ald. Donald ~ Jolley that Ald. Bawkim given the privilege of intro~uciu~ the byolaw an~ the by-law beoresxT the first t~me - Carried m,--4w,-usly. It was ox~Xeroa on the motion of AId. Do~__a!4 aml Havkin~ that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended an~ the by-law be Given the secon~ x~aa~n~ - Carried ~1~. It was orO. ered on the motion of Ai&. Hawkins amT Donal~ that the byolaw be laid on the table and referre~ to ~he Ontario Munic~al Boast 'for a~roval. ~he follo~iua BT-lavs were XeSse~L: No. ~23 - To fix the flankz~ ~anae to l~e ,,-~_,~vecT. tot c~dr iota in the City. It was orc~ered. on the motion of AI~, Donald e~ He~Doneld ~._hat AI~, Haw- kins be given the lrriv~le~o Of lntroducix~ the b~-law ani the b~-la~ be rea~ the fS=st time -Carried unanimmml~. It was orderat on the motion of AI~. Hawkius amT ~ollol ~hat Rule 36 (2) of the Stau&tng aulee of Council be suspended an& the by-law be Given the eeoc omt ma~in~ - taxTied una~mousl~. No. ~2~ - To enonA l~v-la~ Nunbar 3790, being a b~-law for the ~eWdlation of traf- fic, ./' · - It was ordere~ on the motion of Ald. Jolley and t~wkins that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended en~ the by-law be given the To amemi ~y-law Number 3791, being a by-law des~n-_ting through high- ways. It was ox~lered on the motion of Ald. Donald and McEinley that Ai~. In6- lie 1~ Given the privilege of introducin6 the by-law and the by-law be rea~ the It was ordered on the motion of AI~. Hawkins anal McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Stan&ing l%Ales of Con-_cil be suspen~ed and the by-law be given the econd rea&tnG - Carrie~ ~ly. ~ 1,ead/ng -Ald. Hawkins an~ Donald - Carried unanimously. Ai&. M~-w~-~-y asked why no repo~;~ was presente& with refuel to the su6- ~0stion ~t a p~ s~e ~ ~r ~ be prcvi~ for ~ offici~ of ~e ~t-t~o~tt~ b~au, ~e City ~r ~ ~t he ~ ~t ~e~ able ~ ~ ~e ~rt. '. ELs Worship M~yor EoucE a~viee~ Council of the exce~/~nt articles cur- reutl~ ~ubllshed in a Toronto an~ Montreal nawepa~er, 61vin6 iuformation re6e~l- the Oit~ of Nie6ara Ale. In61iS congratulato~ Hie Worship Mayor Sauce on the excd~ent cere- monies be3/on l~th June In which honeymooners were welcomed to the City. '~,e Cramoil ad,lour~tt. on the motion of AI~. Itawkins ~AD AND ADC~D, 28 June, 19~9. Clerk Council Chamber, 20 Ame, 19~9. b Finemoo Ccamlttee mo$ on Monday, 20th Juno, 19~9, for the put?aBe ~ earl also of passinS the ve~lous accounts which had been properl~ ~IfieA anA placed Name them. All meml~s of the C~it~tee were lyresemi. SunAx7 aooounta anountin~ to $130,183.62 were aplmovat b7 the C-m-4ttee. · ,!>,.-. - . ~ :185 'The accounts sulatf, ted~ betn~ !naesecl or Othelc-d'~se dealt with, vere ord.- plaasa in the money by-law for }resentation to the Council on the motion of McEinley aml Jolley. q~me repoT~ of' the Ct4~ !~r, as laid over from the Drevious meeting, an~ wlth re~ to an application for a sign at ~-~een Street an~ River Road, wan again const&er'~. At the sa~e time, an ~R~!ttonsl report was presented frc~u the Cl~ lianaget re~ar~in~ all infui~tlon signs in the City. It was ox~lered on the motion of AM. Do,_ -~ an~ M~oDo~-_~ a that the reports be recoive~ a~ filed, l~rmiesiOn fc~ the sign, as x~quested~ be not granted. An offer# as lai& over frc~ the previous meeting, from V~orocco of $7~.00 each for lots ~ ~ ~7# ~msx7 Street, was considered. Upon the reco~nen&~ ation of the Property C~,~ttee an~ on the motion of Ald. MacDc~e~ and Donald it was or~ere~ that the ~ffer ~e received aM accepted, subject to the condition that &we~Ings of at least $6,000.00 value are erects~ on each lot within six An offer was presents~ frc~ the Falls C~nstruction Co. T.f~. of $500.00 for lot 27, I~well Awehue. Upon the recu~tlon of the ~rol~rty Cc~ttee and on the motion of Ai&. ~onal~ an~ Jolle~ it was ordered that the offer 'be rec- civet, file& an~ acce~tsd, su~3ect to the condition that a dwellin~ ~f at least $8,000.00 value is emcte~ on the premises wi+.~- six months. A c~-!---~4cation was presented frnm David J., ~hc~ms with re~ax~l an offer ~1~ w~ ~ b~ ~& C~m~ S~ Co. for ce~ain lots. ~ ~e ~c~nd- ati~ ~ ~ ~ C~-,nt~e ~& ~ ~ mti~ of ~. ~ ~ ~o~ey it w~ ~md ~t ~e c~-.~,.-~1~ti~ be ~cei~ ~ f~e~ a~'~. ~s ~ advise~ ~t 8~e nO ~tt~ ~ ~n ~n st~e 1~7, ~ctl ~ not D~ ~ c~- 8i~r a ~er ~iti~; ~ ~t ~ ~posit of $200.~ be mf~. A relx~ was prosante& frcm the City !~er re~ax~in~ Cabins emc~ ~ W.R~. ~ ~s c~cti~, ~ ~ ~e ~tl~ of ~. D~a ~d ~e Wor- th sDo~ ~ ~e c~ti~ w~ ~ ~n sent ~ ~. ~ ~ ~e City ~r ~ ~ that ~ C~4 t~ pe~t ~e cabin In q~sti~ ~ be c~e~, It w~ o~ ~ ~ ~ of ~. D~ ~ ~ +.~a~ ~ m~ort ~ ~c- et~ ~ ~1~ ~ ~e ~b~ -~ ~ mt~r ~ ~fer~ ~ ~ Ctt~ So~cl~ for c~fficati~. A xeport was presents& fx~n the City Man~er re~in~ l~rmits iss~ for ~ at ~93 ~ Smetl --~ a ~t ~nt M ~ ~ ~e ~ ~e ~ce s~tl~, a howl, a ~, a ~ti~ plct~ ~, a ~e ~-~ ~ a ~ b.i~ss, ~ ~ ~. It w~ c~ ~ ~e mti~ ~ ~4. D~d ~ ~ ~t ~ m~ ~ ~nt ~ mcei~ ~ fi~, ~ ~-~w ~ left ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~o ~ci~ ~J ~ ~ City Clerk ~ is~d ~ ~t ~ )~r ~ts to ~e ~ ~A~ ~h~. ~ ~ a ~t for a s~m ~ ~ S~et. I~ wM o~e~ ~ ~e m$t~ of Clerk Council Chamber, 20 June, 19~9. 5~e Council re-assemble~ at the close of the regndA~ council ar~ fin- ~ce meetings for the purpose of Dassing the by-law which covered the accounts a~roved by the Cnmm~ttse. ~ mom~ers of the Council were present. following By-law was passed: ~0. }P~_26 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. MoF. tnley an& Donald that AId. Haw- ~/ns be given the privile~ of introducin~ the by-law and the ~3,-law be rea~ the first time - Carried lmn4~l~e It was ordered. on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Jolley that iRu. le 36 (2) of the 8tan~tn~ Rules of Counctl~e suspense& an~ the by-law be react the ~ccnd time - Ca,.,~lecl unanimously. ~Llrd read~ - ~lcl. MacI)o-.q'la. and. McElnley - Carrlecl uns~4mn,Aely. COUncil a~Journe~ on the motion of Ai~. Hawkins and Jolley. R~AD.A~D ADOP~n, P8 ~une, 19~9. l~yor CounCil Chamber, 20 Jmm, 19~9. ~he 0onference C~..~ttee assembled at the close of the re~ meetings of Council and the Finance C--.!ttee on ~nday, 20th ~Une, 19~9, for the purpose ~ cousi~eriug mottoes before them. All. members of the Cc~t~ee were )~esent. Afte~ discussion ,lpon the motfare presented, the C.'-.~;J_ttse a,clJouz, ned. on the mot- Chatz1,zn i66 Cou3~L1, Chamber, 28 ~u~e, the motto~ of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the co~mmntcatten be received and ~eferA~ to the City Manager and Chalrman of Flnance ~or a report. ~ai~ over from a previous meeting: Pursuant to ad~ou~-~ent, the Council met at 7.30 p~n. on Tuesday, 28th June, 1~9, for the purpose of considering ~en. eral business and finance. All bars of the Council, with the exception of His Worship Y~vor Houck, were present. On the motion of AI~. Jolley an& Donald, Ald. Hawkins was enactiu~ mayor du~lng the merit. ~he Gemoil, havin~ received and read the minutes of the previou~ meet~m~, a&o~te~ these ~a the motion of Ald. MaoDo~al~ and Ald. I~Li8 arrived at the meeting. DEPUTATIOZ~ In connection with Report No. 188 and 2ettttons Nee. 12 and 13, and on the motion of Ald. IngliS and 14acDop_~l~ Mr. ~a~ol& Logan, representin~ ~r. Win. Shields was ~ermitted to address Council. Mr. Logan exlvised Council of Shields' aI~lioation to remove hie property on F-~1" Avenue fx~m the residential area to perutit the erection of a store. Mr. W.J~cBurney, one of the petitioners vho is protestin6 such action, ma~e representations on ~ehalf of the residents of the area, On the motion cf Ai&. ~olley and McKiuley, Miss McCall, Mr. Olasebro~k an~ Mr. ~.N.Smith also spoke in protest of the action requested; a~ Mr. James Fordham spoke iu favour of liftiu~ the residential restrictions ca Fells Avenue frQu Hamlet Hill to John Street. ~ Re~ort No. 188 ~e followi~ Cnee-n4cations were presented: No. 222 - Niagara FAI_I. Fire_ Fighters - requesting delay re pensions scheme. 0R- ]lEgenD on the motion of AI~. M~Xialey an~ Donal~ that the sQlmmm, toatton *be rec- eived ami laid on the table, ,,r,s the requsted meeting be e~. ~ HaDoft No. 185 No, 18~ - City Solicitor - re pensions for fire department. 0I~I0 on the mot- ~on of Ald. McKinley an~ Dona3Z that the report be received an~ laid on the table until the meeting le arrange~, an& the City Solicitor be asked to be present at ~. RepoF~tNo. 186 ~he following Re~orts were presented: ~o. 186 - City YensEer - re pensions for fire department. 0RD~A~ED on the motion of AId. Xc/duley and Do,_ -3d that the report be received an~ laid on the table until the meeting is arran~e&. No. 187 - City Clerk - re conference held 20th June. 0HDEA~U on the motion of Aid. Donald an& MacD~l~ that the report be received an~ filed. ~0. 188 - City Clerk - re hearin~ of Ontario Municipal ]~mrd. 0EOE~ED on the motion of Ai~. MacDonal~ and Inglis that the report be received and filed, and the thir~ alternative with regar~ to this property he adopted and the by-law be ~resented to remo~e one hundred feet of the lot in question fm the residential area by-law to permit the erection of a store. SEE Petitions No. 12.-13 No. 189 - City Manager - re reserved parking space for individual. QRD~m~ on the marion of Ald. M~ley a~ In;lie that the report be received and filed, and al~rking space be reserved for Mr..A~]~n. (AI~, Donabl voted centrex7 to this much. ) No. 190 - ~.,;_~!tor - re 19~8 financ!~! report. No. 191 - Auditor - re:' 19~8 Boar~ of Education report. ~x~u~ on the motion of AI~. NacDonal~ and Mcl~inley that the reports be receive~, laid on the table an~ pinted in the usual ~;mer. ~o. 192 - City Clerk - rec~ndtng lsauance of licenses. 01~ERED on the motion of Aid, NacDonal~ aqa ~oliey that the report be received and filed, ~ the rec- ~ndatlons be adopted. No. 223 - tit7 of St. Cather!nee - requesting amendment to Assessment .Act. 0~D- FETITI01~ ~ on the motion of AI~. Do-~14 and 14cl[J331ey that the Ome'~Ioatton be receive~ ~ foll~in~ ~etltious were ~reeente~: and referred to the Ci~ ManaZer ani Assessor for a rel~rt. ~o, 12 - W.J~cBurney an~ 19 others Greater Niagara Chamber ~ C~me - s~est~ ~o ~ for ~s- No. ~ - W.i~y ~ '33 o~s - proteet~ lffti~ of matbnti~ met~ct- ~ ~ ~e ~tt~ ~ ~, ~d ~ ~-~ ~hat ~ ~lcat~on i~. 0~ ~ ~e ~'~ of ~. ~ a~ ~s ~het ~ petition ~ ~&, ~$ ~s rotion was ~fea~.~ '~ ~a~ lbsolution No. 115 1~o. 22~ - Board or l~liee Cceedssloners - requestin6 retirement of officer. E~ on the motion of AI~. NacDo~=~a and McKinley that ~he ocee~nicatton be rec- elve~ an~ refexTe~ to the 01t; l~r for a report. In the abo~e connecttan, AI~. D_~^ askeX -_~,o tha~ the City Mana6er su~eit a ~1~ reI~rt ~on the _~_~mt paid for re~ix~ment -~owancel to e~loTees of the ~ol~ce Depar~nt, an~ the ebst of the same re= the om-~ent No, 2~ - !lxw7 ~ of Cene~ - requestin(; rese~,lo~x ~or sea cadets. ~he fOllowtnR Resolutions were passed: ~o. 11~ - u'0T.~a~ . D(~A~D - X~S~ that the Oity ~r be re~ues~ to report at the next meetthe an to the dAvisability of ~ak~n~ the pe~kin~ meters out of the block boolean Sire=co ant Ar~ Streets on the vest si~e ~f Victoria Avenue, ~ Of Prowldin6 perking alice for visitors at the Cheaber of Comeroe ~mlldtn~; azd t~e Seal of the Cozyration be hereto affixed. Carrie~ 116 - DOKALD - j~.vx, I . I~S0L~Xu that the Editor or the Nla;eza Falls X~ I~eview be aaMed where he obtained the tnformatton~ as 3sported in a recent leeue as a sierra ed:Ltoriel~ with re~l to the prepose~ memorial arena ami tte m~r~, merit; ami the Seal of the Corporation ~e hereto affixed° I~o. 11~ - Ill~]B - DONA~ - ~ public uttlittos,:aml entex~rieos, owned an~ operate~ b~ ~wermaent and governlug bodies, either directly or by ccimiselon, are not su~ect te municipal taxation as are privately-owned aml ol~ate~ util- 'lttee~ ~ WHEBF~ such utilities an~ enterprises ~urport to su~l~ services at cost; A~D W~EHE~ municipal taxation on such utilities or enterprises shoula form part of the cost, and do fern part of the cost in privatoly-own~l utilities; AI~ ~ under psent m~th~ls of m~niolpal taxation, services are su~lie<l to. publicly~owne~ utilities aml enterprises entirely by taxation on priv- ately~owne& real estate an~ business,in effect bonusin~ such publicly-owned ut- Ilities an& ontox~rises at the expense of the taxlmyers of nnmiclpalittea: ~E~EFC~E BE IT i~0LVED that the Dc~tmion an~ Provincial Governments be requested to amen& the statutes so as to allow municipalities to tax utilities eml Cx~wn properties on the same basis as privately-owned or operate~ utilities, cce~amies azd lineparties; that a copy of this xesolution be forwarded to the Ont- ario lbmiatI~l Association re~uestiug their en~oreation an~ su~Dort; aml_ the Seal of the Corporation be hemto affixed. Carrie__~d ~o. 118 - DONALD - Xl~l~ - ~ at federal, provincial aml municipal electto~ numerous requests for permission to exercise their franchise are received frc~ individuals who are require~ to be out of the munictl~lity on the day of polling; ~C~ BE IT I~50L~ED that the fedex~xl and provincial govex-,~ents be requested to ~n& the Acts in ox~er that ,,'~1 qualified voters, who fin& it-nec- essa:7 to be absent f~'~ the m~AMetpaltty on the ~ay of l~lltng an& tr~on l~ng an affidavit, be pormitte~ to exercise their franchise; A~D I~R~ER +-~-t a copy of thie resolution be fox~arde~ to the Ontario Association requesting endcreation aml su~ort; au~ the Seal of ~he Cox?~ation be hereto affixed. By-laws were )asse~: 119 - DONAXD - NacDC~AXD - E~C~VED that a messsEe be f~, oitlz~ ~ fal~ ~e ~, ~ C~; .~ ~e~Se~ ~e~ C~omtion ~ ~v~. ~ ,- · ,' ' ' ' * ' Ca~ie~ ~0 - D~ - ~ - ~0L~ ~t m~ ~eti~ of ~e City C~cil F~ CPt~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, A~t a~ ~p~r ~ he~ at ~ : : . , - - ..... · . 'l · · ' " ': : It was ordered on the motion of Ai~. MCKinley and ~acDonald that AId. Do~al~ be ~iven the lmtvilege of tntr~luclng the by-law an~ the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordere~ on the motion of A14. Donald and ~4acDo~ld that Rule' 36 (2) Of the Stareling Rules of Council be easyended and the by-law be given the eec- 0n~ read~n~ - Carried. reading - ~_d. Donald aml Jolley - Carried. No. b~28 - To authorize the execution of an agreement for sale a~l dee&. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. ~olley and McKinley that Ald. Don- ~l~ be given the privilege of intrc~lucin~ the by-law and the by-law ~e read the first time - Carried. It was ordere~ on the motion of Ald. Donal~ and MacDonal~ that Rule (2) of the Stan&iu~ lbAles of Council be suspended and the by-law be read ~he aec- m~ time - Carried. reading -Ald. MacDonald and McKinley ~ - To authorize the execution of an a~reement for sale aml ~eed. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. McKinley and MacDeal& that Donal~ be given the privilege Of introducing the by-law an~ the by-law be read the first time o Carrie~. It was orderea on the motion of AI~. O'olle~r and MacDonal~ that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing RUles of Council be sunparoled and the ~y-law be given the sec- 0n~ ma~h3g - Carried.. ~izd reading - AI~. Donal~ an~ ~t - Carried. ~he followiN~ By-law was read the first an~ secon~ times: N0. ~J~O - To provide for borrowing $18~,000.00 ~on debentures for the purpose of erecting a memorAal arena an~ c~unity hall. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hcl[in~ey and Jolley that Ald. Don- ~t be ~tven the privilege of intro~ucing the ~-law and the by-law be read the fimt time - Carrte~. It was ordere& on the motion of AI~. Donal~ ~r,a MacDonald that Rule 36 (~) Of the Stareling Rmles of Council be sus~en6e~ an~ ~e by-law be given the secon~ .l'ea~J. ng - Carried. It was ordere~ on the motion of AI~. Donal( an& ;e~t +-~-t the by-law be late on the table and referre~ to ~e Departsent of 14~_-~cil~l Affairs for approval. ~s Cramoil adjourned. on the motion of Ald. Hcl~uley and. Council Chamber, ~8 ~[~ne, 19~9. ~ae Finance Ccssdttee met on Tuesday, 28th June, 19~9, for the purpose of aDproving and also of passing the vartou~ accounts which had been properly 'certified an~ placed before then. All members of the C.-.-ra ttee, with the excep- tion of His Worekip Mayor Eouck, were present. S.-~-a~-y accounts amounting to $28,772.08 were approved by the Cs-,-Ittee. ~e accounts submitted, being passed or othex~ise dealt with, were ord- ore~ places in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ale. ~x~.lay ~_-_a Hart. ~e report of the 01ty l~r, as laid over from a previous meeting, and with regard to a permit for the erection of cabins issue& to Mr. W.R.MacLean, was given further oonslaeration. An additlo--1 report was also presented from the City Solicitor. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donal~ and ~olley that copies of both reports, an~ the letter forwarded to Mr. MacLean by ~he City Man- ager be referred to Mr. F.C.McBunxey for his comments. A report was presented frc~ the City Manager, reccmmnend/ng the issuance of a permit for a lndldlng on Sylvia Place. It was ordered on ~ motion of Aid. MacDc~_-~ an~ Donald that the report be received and fileS, an~ the recommend- ation be adopted. ~e C~ttee edaourned on the motion of Ahl. McEinloy en~ Donald. Clerk of Finance Council Chamber, ~he Cornoil re-asse~ble~ at the close. of the rs~dar council an~ fin- ~ ~tt~ f~ ~ ~e ~ ~st~ ~ b~-~w ~oh co~m~ ~e acc~ a~ ~ ~.C~t~e,,~ for ~ c~t~mtt~ of o~ m~rs. ~ ~- ~m ~ ~ ~c11, wl~ ~ exceptl~ of His W~h~:~ ~k~ were ~msent. On the motion of Ald. Jolley and Donald, Messrs. :Frosted and MacLean ef the P3~m~ Concrete Products C~any of Brantfox~l, were permitted to a~l&ress the C0v~ctl. The s~eakers outline& their proposal to su}wn~t a proposition and plans wit~ regard to the possible erection of an arena in this City. ~__~.So~lution No .. 121 lmS0LUTI0~ ~he following Resolution was passed: No. 121 - ~NGL~B - JOv.~y - EgSOLVED that the representatives of Pyramid Concrete products Ccml~u~v be asked to confer with the City Manager ~ submit a proposit- ion an~ fire bid with regard to the possible. ereotion of an arena; and the Seal ~f the Corporation be hereto affixed. following By-law was passed: ~ - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was orders& on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley that Ald. ltaw- kins be given the prtvLlege of tntroducin6 the by-law ~.a the by-law be rea~ the first time - Carz~e~. It was orderea. on the motion of Ald. Moil-toy and ~olley that l~3.e 36 (2) of the Sta_~aing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the ~L~ x~dj~ -Ald. Donald an& ~olley - Ca~-A-led. ~he City Clerk aske~ that the meml~re of Co--nil advise him as to whether they wi~ ~ at~ ~ ~to ~ci~ ~s~lati~ c~tt~ in ~n- ~, ~ w~er ~y wi~ be ~c~e& ~y ~ir wives, ~ o~er ~t ho~l ac- om~ ~ ~ o~. ~he comaLt adjoinreed on the motion of A1A. ~olley an~ Esrt. -ii ;;~ I,. I CoUncil Chamber, 4 ~uly, 1949. Pursuant to adJouA~ment, the Council met at 9.00 p.m. on Monday, 4th July, 1949, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council were present. ~e Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting# adopted these on the motion of AId. MacDonald DEPUTATIONS In connection with Petition No. 14 and on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and Jolley, Mr. P.C.Knight was permitted to address Council. Mr. Knight enlarged on the request contained in the petition with regard to the whistle operated by the Win. Rogers Manufacturing Campany, and the request that the seine be silenced. SEE Petition No. 14 In connection with Report No. 197 and on the motion of Ai~. Hawkins and McKinley, MAr. Earl White, President of the Niagara Falls Sw~m1~g Club was per- mitted to address the Council. l~r. White outlined the objection of the Club to any change in the a~;A~mgements with regard to the use of the swtww~ng pool by his or~anization. SEE Report No. 197 C01~N~ICATI0~ Laid over from previous meetings: No. 210 - Niagara F,11s and Suburban Area Plannin~ Boar~l - re pro~osition of John Layng. ONkma~ on the motion a~ Ai~. Donakl aml Nawkine that the eommmmieation he received and laid on the table until the next mostly. No. 22B - City of St. Catharinee - re amendment to Assesm.~nt Act. 0RD~ on the motion of Aid. In~lis an~ Donal~ that the c~mauntoatton he receive& an~ ~aid on the teblo u~til the next meeting. ~ ~ort ~o. 193 No. 22~ - ~oax~ of Police C.-,--~eeloners - re~uesting rettriu~ allowance for con- stable. ~ on the motion of ion he received and laid on the table ~til the nel~ meeting. ~r. ~sport No. 19~ No. 226 - Na~j League of Canaxl~ - requesting reception for ca~ets. 0i~m~D on ~e m~ of ~a. E~d ~ ~ t~t ~ o~tl~ ~ mcet~d a~ filed ~ ~e ~ ~e ~se~ ~t ~e City is ~le ~e followin~ C~m~mtoatlons were presented: , fro. 227 - United ~rotherhoo~ of Carpenters ami ioluere of ~merica - m ~ for ~' ~i~. 0~ ~ ~ ~ti~ ~ ~. ~w~ ~d ~o~ ~t the c~ti~ ~ ~ei~ Ci~ ~ no ~orty a~bb for the s~s~ ~se. ~o. 229 - Niagara Falls Civic Emlq_loyees, Feder_al. Union Nmber__.13_! - requesting time for delegate at convention. 0ERERED on the motion of Ai~. Donald and Hart t~at the com~-m~cation be received and referred to the Chairman of Finance and the CiSY M-~a~er for a report. REPORIB The fOLlowlr~ Repprts were presented: No, 193 - City Manager - re Section ~7a of The Assessment Act. 0RDEI~;D on the motion of Aid. Inglis and Donald that the report be received an& lald on the table until the next meeting. hb. 194 - City Manager - re retirement allowance for constable. 01~EE~D on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Jolley that the report he received and laid ou the table until the next meeting. No. 19~ - Chairman of Finance and City Manager - re request for reception. 0RD- E~ on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hart that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. N0. 196 - City Manager - re parking for Chamber visitors. ORDEEF~ on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Eawkins that the report be received and filed, ~nd the rec- ~mendations be adopted. (Aid. Donald, Jolley an& MacDonald voted contrary to ~/s motion. ) ~o. 197 - City Manager - re use of swimming pool. ORDEEED on the motion of Ald. Inglie and MacDonal~ that the re~ort be receive& and filed, an& the recommendat- ions be adopted,. No. 198 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licencee. ORDEEE0 on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and ~awkins that the report be received and filed and the rec- ~ndattone be adopted. ~0. 199 - Auditor - report of Eydro-Electrlc C~.i~,i~ssion accounts. 0EDEE on the motion of AI~. Donald and Hawkins that the report he receive&, hid on the table an~ ~rinto& in the usual manner. PETITIONS ~e followin~ Petition was presented: N~. 1~ - Mrs. R.Stewart and 24 others - requesting silencing of whistle. 01~)ERED on the motion of A!d. Donald and McKinley that the petition be received and ref- erred to the City Manager with the request that he take up this matter and that of the emo~e nUisa~e, with the C~m~a~y ami re~ort thereon to the Council. A16. Mckinley asked when the bulldozer would be use6 on the Glenview Playground was advised by the Cit~ Manager that this work had been l~rformed on Monday, Ald. McKinley see& that attention be given the the wee~s on the houle- va~ on the ~er end. of Valleyway. Ald. McKinley asked that the City Manager study the oomii~on of ing on Morrison Street on the south side immediately west of Fourth Avenue, as it is felt this is interfering with ~he efficient operation of traffic in stepping for the t~a~fic sldnal. · e Council adieureed on the motion of AI~. Eawkins and Donald. " Mayor Council Cham~er, 4 July, 19~9. The Finance Committee met on Monday, ~th July, 19~9, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert- ified and placed before them. All members of the Co~mittee were present. Sundry accounts amounting to $28,749.89 were approved by the Cc~mlttee. An offer was presented fr~n Cuiseppe Gualtieri of $190.00 for Lot Plan 2, North Street. The City Clerk advised the Committee of the rscce~,endatlon of the Prepez'~y Committee, that the offer be accepted, subject to the condition that a dwelling of at least $6,000.00 value is erected on the premises within six months. It was ordered on the motion of Ai&. MacDona3A ~ Hawkins that the offer be received, filed and accepted as recn~m~n~ed. The Cow~ttee ~l~ourned on the motion of Ald. Dona3A amt l~cw~nley. It was oNered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Dor~ld ?~hat Rule 36 (2) of the Standin~ Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the seaoral reaaing - Carried unanimously. ~ktrd reading -Ald. MacDonald and Donald - Carried unanimously. Ald. McKinley asked why the electric heating equipment had not been passed for use in the new comfort station on Ferry Street. The City Manager vlsed that present re&q~lations of the Provincial ~ro-Electrdc Power Commission dl~ not l~rmit the use of electrical units for heating an& it was proposed to use coal oil heaters u~til the electrical e~ui~ment is allowed. Council eAburned on the motion of Ald. Jolley and Hart. ~ A~) ADOPTED, 11 JUly, 1949. Clerk Chairman of Finance Council Chamber, r~he Cotmoil re-assembled at the close of the regular council an& fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which .covere~ the asoounte aperoved b~ the Co~=At~ee. ALl members of the Cou;ctl were l~reeent. Council Chamber, ~ ~uly, 1949. · he Conference Committee assemble~l at the close of the re&qAlar council am1 finance meetings on Monday, ~th ~uly, 19~9, for the consideration of the matters plaoe~- before. them. ' All menhers of the Comm ~ tree were ]~resent. After conslaeratton of the items l~reeented to them# the C~.~tt~ee a~l~ourned on the mo$io~ of ~1~. ]tawkins an~ Dcr~_I~. The followin~ B~r-law was Dasse~: -, ;' J ,a Council Chamber, Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at ~.00 pro. on Monday, llth July, 1949, for the purpose of considering general husinees_aml finance. All members of the Council were present. The Couacil, havin~ received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, atopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald COMEO~KCATIOB~ Laid over frc~ previous meetings: No. 210 - Niagara Falls and Subt~rban Area Plannin6 Board - re proposition of John LaFng. 0ROERED on the motion of Ai&. Hawkins and Donald that the, communic- ation be laid on the table for consideration by the 19~0 Council. No. 223 - City of St. Oathstines - re amendment to Assessment Act. C~DERED on the metion of Akl. Inglis an& ;olley that the cc~manicatlon be received and filed, the resolution be referred to The Ontario l~unicipal Association for consideration when in convention, that the delegates frc~ this Council give serious consideration to the matter at that time aml if such amendment would have an adverse effect in this City, ol~ose the resolution, and if it has merit, support the same. SEE Report No. 193 No. 229 - Board of Police Ccmnissionere - requesting retirement allowance for con- stable. 01~DEF5~ on the metion of Ald. Donald and Hart that the ccmmxunioation be received aml laid on the table, and a meeting be arranged with the C~m-.~eslou for the purpose of obtainiv~ additional information. SEg Report No. 194 No. 228 - Hates and Cem~el - requesting permission for used car lot. 0E)EEED on the marion of Ald. M~-~nley and Inglis +_.~t the c~unication be recet~al and filed, and permission be granted. No. 229 - Niagara Falls Civic Employees' Federal Union I~;_w~er 133 - requesting time for delegate at convention. OffERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and :giis that the cc~mmication be receive& an& hid on the table until the next meet- ing, and further information he obtained. ~ Report No. 200 The following C.:~;~,.,~ications were presented: No. 230 - City of St. Catharines - resolution re hospital costs. 0FjvF~W on the motion of Ald. Znglle and Donald that the ecsmmlcatton be recetve~ and filed the resolution be endorsed with the amendment of the wox~ls "and/or'the Federal Government" to be added following the wox~ls "Provincial Government" in the sixth paragraph of the.preamble; and a copy of the eam~,,~e forwarded to the Bencurable Paul Miutin, Federal Minister of Health. No. 231 - Niagara Falls ~uniar Chamber of Ce.w~ree _ re outetanfi~ ard. ~ on the motion of AI~. Hawkins an~ MacDonald that the c~,~-,~cation be recetve~ an~ file& ami the Council lead as much assistance as I~ssible in this cowneotton. · Bo. 232 - St. Paul 'e English Lutheran Clmrch - requesting ~xm facilities in new arena. ~ on the motion of Ald, Donel4 an~ larkira that the cc~mnmication be receives and flle~, and the rq~est be '~an~e~. Stamford main. CEDE on the marion of Ai&. MacDonald and McKinley that the cc~mmnlcat- ~on be received and referred for consideratlng during the conference. SEE CJnfere~_____nc__e maetln~ laid over from previous meetings: ~. 19~ - City Manager - re amendment to Assessment Act. OEDEE on the metion of Aid. In~lis ami Jolley that the report be received and filed. N0. 194 - City Manager - re retirement allowance for constable. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hart that the report be received and laid on the table mtil the meeting with the Commission is held. following Reports were presented: .X~o. 200 - Chairman of Finance and City Manager - re time allowance for employees' ~elegate. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Inglis that the report be receive~ am1 laid on the table until further information is received. ~o. 201 - City Manager - re whistle and smoke nuisance at plant. 0EDEt~D on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, aml a copy be forwarded to Mr. Knight, one of the petitioners. SEE Peti__tion No. No. 202 - City Clerk - re conference held 4th July. 0EDE~ED on the marion of McKinley an~ Hawkins that the rel~rt ~e received and filed. No. 203 - City Manager - re traffic on Fourth Avenue and Bridge Street. 0RDEBED on the motion of ~ld. Hawkins and MadDenaid that the report be received and filed, anA the recmndation be adopted. 204 - Auditor - re check of cash. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins ~olley +.b~t the report be received and filed. No. 205 - A~tor - re 2ublic Library Board 1948 accounts. No. 206 - ~Auditor - re Separate School Board 19~8 accounts. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Ald. MacDonald anal Donald that the ~eports be received, laid on the table and printed"in the us;;~ manner. ~o. 207 - City Clerk - rec,-,m~n~lng issuance of licenoes. 0RDE~sv on the motion of Ald. IIawkine and McKinley that the report be received and file~, and the rec- ~m~ndattons be adopted. hid over fA-~m a pre~vious ~meetlng: N0. 1~ - Mrs. R.Stewat a~d 2~ others - re factory whistle. 0RD~mlv on the motion of AI~. Donald and Hawkins that the petition be received an~ filed. I~SOL~'A0~ ~e following Resolutions were ~nssea: ~0. 122 - I~GL]B - McXINIEY - EESOLlrED that the congrat,,~tions of this Council be fomax~ed to the Honoura~le Ht~phrey Mitchell upon his re-election to the Rouse ~ C~mons us member for this ri~ing, that appreciation be expressed for hie ser- vice to this ccemmmity ani best wishes be extended for his success in the years ~hich lie ahead an a Minister of the Crown; ~ the Seal of .the Cox~poration be ~ereto affixed. .... · Carried .u~...ouS.!y :l No. 123 o DONALD - ~ - RESOLVED that His Worship the Mayor and the City Clerk be and are hereby authorized and instructed to sig~ and execute a quit claim deed fx~m the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls to Herbert Earl Gay and ~letha Gay for a portion of 'Huron Street closed; an~ the Seal of the Corpor- ation be hereto affixed. Carried unani~o~l~Z No. 124 - FAacDONAI.,D - McK~ILEY - EESOL~ED that His Worship Mayor Houck be req- nested to proclaim Monday, 1st August as Civic Eoliday in the City of Niagara Falls, that all municipal buildings remain closed on that date; and the Seal of the Corporati~a be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously No. lp~ - DONALD - JOLXEY - ~ESOLVND that the City Clerk be instructed to prepare a resolution for presentation to The Ontario Municipal Association which will request the Provincial Goverr~snt to enact legislation whereby Boards of Educat- iota:and Boar~s of Police Cc~missionere will be required to submit their budgets to the City Couaoils for approval before bringing them &own; and the Seal of the Corpor.a. tion be hereto affixed. · ' Carried unanimously No. 126 - DONA~D - MacDONA~D - i~ESOL1~ED that the City Clerk be Instructed ~o req- ~st C~t~ M~e ~d Eo~l~ Coloration to ~yide ~ia Co~cil with a com- ~le~ list of ~e ~s, ~h of se~ce, whether Ni~ F~s residents, the size of f~, e~. of ~1 ~c~ts of loc~ W~t~ E~ C~ti~ ho~es; ~t t~ Co~o~tim a~o be as~d whe~er s~h ho~es ~ ~ot~d ~ pers~ w~ ~ve not been ~stdents of ~e City; ~d ~e ~ of ~e C~oratlon O~ted mannerly No. 127 - ~ - JOLT,Ey . RESOLVED that the congratulations of this Council be extended to the Niagara Falls Memorial Band u~der Ban&master Davies for their suc- cess achieved at Medina, New ~ork; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto af- fixed. Carried unanimously ~e following B[Tlaws were passed: E - T~ authorize the execution of an agreement for sale an~ deed. It was ordered on the motion of AI&. McKinley and Donald that Ald. Haw- k~ns be given the privilege of intrO~ucin~ the by-law and the by-law he mad the first time - Carried unanim~usly. It was ordered on the motion of AI~. Donald and Eawkins that Rule (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended a~ the by-law be 6iven the second teadinE - Carried umsaim~usly. ~ readiu~ - Ai&. Donald an& Ear~ - Cartlea No. ~4. - To authorize the execution of an a~reement for sale and deed. It was orderad on the motion of A~&. Donald ara~ MacDonald that Ala. kius be given the ~rtvileSe of tntro~uctn~ the by-law an~ the b~-law be mad the first t~me - Oartied unimmm~. * It was ordere~ on the motion of AI~. ~awkins a~ Jolley t~at Rule 36 seo~ ~I~ * C~l~ ~~. Iris W~rship lla~or lfouok edvised, the Cotmoil that an invitat~ton ha& been extended by the North American Cyanamid Company for the Council, officials and their wives to be guests of the Company at a picnic supper on Monday, 18th July. Ald. McKinley asked the City Manager to take the necessary action to ~Ve the re~ lights placed around the traffic island at Clifton Hill and River ~a~, as was done i~ former years. Council a&Journed on the motion of ~ld. Donald and McKinley. ~AD AND ADOPTED, 1B July, 1949. Mayor Council Ch. mber, 11 July, 1949. ~e Finance Committee met on Monday, llth July, 1949, for the purpose of approvin~ an~ also of ~aselng the various accounts which had been properly certified and place& before them. All members of the C,-~ttee Were present. Su~ accounts amounting to $39,269.33 were appmved by the C~'~m,,~ttoe. The accounts suMmitted, heing ~aesed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ere~ places in ~e ~ne~ ~y-~w for ~sen~tt~ ~ ~e Co~otl, ~ ~e ~tlon of ~. ~o~e~ ~ A o~--~ioation was presented from ~he Falls C~aatruotion Go. Ltd. re- ~t~ ~iti~l lo~ ~ ~ A~. ~ the reo~tio~ of ~e ~perty ~t~e ~d on ~e rotten of ~. ~ ~d ~o~y 1~ was o~md ~t ~e 'c~tion ~ mcei~a ~ mfe~ ~ ~e City ~er for a ~ort. A o~=~toatton was ~rese~ted fram William Robinson with regard to the ~purchase of a let on Lewis Averam at Ma~n!en Street. U~n ~he reo~,,-~n~ation of the Pr~per~y C~mdttee ~ .on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley it was ~er~a ~_-t the oa~...~4oation be receive& an~ la~d on the tab~-, a~ the Pro~- errS' C~ittee be requested to report thereon. A rel~rt was presented ~ the City Manager regardin~ an application for a ~ex~it for a b~lldir~ on Victoria Aven~e. It was ordered on the motion of AI~, MaaDomald ~.a Ma~dmle~ that the re~ex~ be received am~ file&, am~ the reo- ~ndatlonbe-~.,lopte. cl.. :[. The comparison of tax collections at BOth June was presented. It was ordere& on the motion of Ald. l~aoDonald and McKinley that the statement be rec- eived and file&. The statement of relief for the month of June was presented. It was crdere& on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Hart that the statement be received and filed. The C~,,,~.Ittee ad~ourae& on the motion of Ald. Mc/Cinley and Jolley. READ AND ADOPTED, 18 july, 1949. eh~m-Zp of Finance CONviNCE Council Chamber, 11 July, 1949. The Conference Committee assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetings on Monday, llth July, 1949, for the consideration of matters placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. After consideration of the item presented to them, the Con~ittee adjourned on the motion of Aid. Donald sad Hawkins. SAD AND ADOFlED, 18 July, 1949. Clerk Chairman Council Chamber, 11 July, 1949o The Council re-assembled at the close of the re~_,~ar council and fin- ante meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Co.~ttee. All members of the Council were present. The following By-law was passed: ~ - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Jolley and Donald that Aid. Haw- kiss ~e given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law he ~ead the first t~r~q - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Comcil be suspended an~ the by-law be ~iven the second reading - Carried unardmously. Thi=l reading -Ald. MacDonald ar~l Hart - Carrte~ anan~mn~sly. ~.e Council adjourned on the motion of Ai&. Hawkins and.-McEinle~-. BEAD ~ ~, 18 July, 1949. Mayur Council Chamber, 18 July, 1949. Pursuant to a~Journment, the Council met at 9.00 p.m. on Monday, 18th July, 1949, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of AId. MacPenal4 CO~$1UNICATI01~B Laid over from the previous meetings: No. 229 - Niagara Fslla Civic Employees' Federal Union Nt~nber 133 - requesting time for delegate at convention. 0RREI~ED on the motion of Aid. MacDonald Donald that the com~nunicatlonbe received ~n~ filed. SEE Reports No. 200-2~ A~&. Inglts arrived at the meeting. The following Conmualcatlons were presented: No. 234 - Village of C"nlpDawa - requestin6 renewal of standby agreement. ORDERED on the motion of A1A. Donald and Hawkins that the communication be received and filed, the request he grauted am1 the agreement be renewed. No. 239 - Canadian Association of Tourist and Publicity Bureaux - re eorATerence in Halifax. ~ on the moslem of Aid. Donald au~ Hawkins that the be receive~ and filed. lTo. 236 - Bell Telephone Ccmpar~ of Cemada - reVuestin6 permission to replace po~ and anchor. C~DEI~) on the motion of Ald. M~K~uley an~ MacDonal~L that the ccm- moation "be receive& an~ filed, an~ l~ralselon be granted. ~m~ By-law No. 4436 No. 237 - Bencurable N~nphrey Mitchell - appreciation of congratulations. ORDERED on the motiOn of AI~. Hawkins and MacDonald that the cmmm~dcation ~e received and filed. No. 238 - Central Mortgage an~ Housing Corl~ration - re interview on allocation of houses. UA~f~U~ on the motiOn of AI~. Donald ..a JOlley that the c~cat- ion be recetve~ and filed, an~ the Corporation be asked to sulmgt a list of per- sons presontl~ occui~Ting local houses in o~dor 'l:h_rt the same ma~ be stui~ed prior to the prol~sed meetint. No. 239 - Niagara Edioriel l~oreau - requesttn~ congratulations to W.C.Ftsher. ~ on the motion of Ald, MoF. iule~' and. Hawkins that the ecsllmioatton be rec- eived amX filed, au~ His Worship l~cr lieuok be asked to forwad. a suitable role- No. 240 - Church of ~ Ibds~ner - requesting approval of use of tent. O~)EEED on the motion of AId. MadDenaid and McKinley that the cmmmntteattOn ha recelve~ am~ filed, amt the location be aEDroved. / laid over fi~a .a previous meetit~: ' '_, .' , ': :: .,"i ~" ,j,; 200 - Chairman of Finance and CityManager - re time allowance for delegate. ~ on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald that the report be received m~filed. ~e following Reports were ~resented: 208 - City Clerk - re tt~ allowance for delegate. 0ND~ on the motion of Al~.Ma~Donaldand Donald that the report be received and filed. 209 - City Clerk - re conference held 11th July. ORDEE on the motion of AM. Eawktns and Mex!nley that the report be received and filed. ~0. 210 - City Clerk - rec~-,,,-~ndatlons re visitors, register. ORDF_3H2) on the mot- to~ of Ald. McKinley and Hawkins that the report be received an~ filed, and the recomaendations be adopted. No. 211 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley anal MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the r~cem~lations be adopted. RESOLUTIO~ ~e following l~solutions were passed: N0. 128 - DONALD - McEINLEY - WLM~A~A$ costs of education and police protection are lncreaslngextenstvelyfr~myearto year; AND R~S school boards and boards of police c~m,~estonere, as ares~ ult, are yearly submitting to councils greatly ex~panded est~rmqtes; ~ WHEREAS the onus of provid~8 funds for school boards and boards of police c~.~Alssioners rests with the councils; AND W~AS under existing statutes, councils are required to accept school board and board of police cc~udsstoners estimates as submitted and thus fre~nsntly have to increase mill rates which, with ordinary expenditure, could have bean maintained; N(~ '~-.:m'(~u~ BE IT RESOLVj~) that the Provincial Gorerot be requested to pass al~ro~riate le~islatioc giving councils of local municipalities a~thority to al~reve the serum-tea of local school boards and ~oar~e of police c~,~d ssion- ere, or at least an appeal therefresh, before inclusion in the municipal budget; ~ a cc~y of this resolution be fordstried to all cities in the Province of Ont- ario and to ~e Ontario Municipal AssoClatiou for consideration and endcreation; ~ the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. ,Cs~'~ie~ ~nentmeuslZ to c~ll a special ~eeti~ of Council for the discussion of ell m~tts~s pe~teini~ to f~e ope~tlo~ of f~e ~etsr ~e~erts~t~ and the Seal of the Col~oretlo~ be here- .~.m~ted ~nime~sl t~e ~reaant debenture dsbt a~i t~e~s which will be debent~_~ed i~ t~e ne~ t~cl~ttn~ f~eI cost of the e~ectlon of the ~c~osed mamo~lal ~ens; a~t ~he Seal ~ t~e O~o~ion ~e haste Carried unanimousl N0. 131 - jOv~3~ . INLGTM - I~,SOLV~D that correspondence be forwarded to the tnlon and Provincial Governments recommending the introduction of a plan whereby Private buildsrs woulA be enabled to erect their own homes and finance the same bF loamls fr~n the Gove~-k~nt, the amortization ~eriods of which would be longer t~ no~ provided a~a the ~own!payments smaller; and the .Seal of the Octpotation ~e ~eto affixe~. 188' 184 By-LAWS The following By-laws were passed: No. b)~6.. - To provide for permission to The Bell Telephone Company of Canada to replace one pole and relocate one anchor on Sym.~e and Finday Streets. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins aml Donald that Ald. Me- Finley be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that Rule of the Standing Rules of Cosnell be suspended and the by-law be given the secon~ reading - Carried unanimously. Third reading -Ald. MacDonald and Hart - Carried unan~wnusly. .No. l~$7 - To prohibit the erection of tourist camps, motels and touriet cabins within the City of Niagara Falls or the use of any additional lands ', for any such purpose. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley that Ald. Donald be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. NcEinley sad Jolley that Rule (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. Third reading - ~ld. Donald and Hawkins - Carried unsalmously. following By-laws were presented: No. ~.8 - To raise by way of loan the sm of $50,252.12 for the construction of water mains in the City of Niagara Falls. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald ar~l Mckinley that Ald. Hawkins be given the privilege of introducLng the ~y-law and the ~y-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Inglis sad Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried m~mimously. It was ordered that the by-law be lald on the table and referred to ~e Ontario Municipal Board for approval - Carried ~nanimously. Be- - To raise by way of loan the sm of $33,000.00 for the construction of a etaml-by ~nit substation sad to purchase and erect a centrifugal 1~ with motor at the Niagara Falls Filtration Plant, Chippaws, Ont- ario. It was ordered an the motion of All. McKinley and Donald that Ald. Haw- kins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law an~ the h~-law be read the first tame - Carried Une-~mnUSly. ,' ~ It was ox~leret an the motion of AId. DenaMt and ,Tolley that the by-law be laid on the table until consideration has ~een given ~o the entire matter of the operation of the Water Department - Carried. tmauimousl~v. NO. ~0, To raise by way of loan the stna of $3~,83~.17 f~r .the :uonstruction of a, stem sewer on ~e~son Street. ', -~-- ' It was ordered on the motion of Ald. l~nle= and Jolley that Ald. kine be given the ~rlvilege of tntr~lustn~ ,the,-by-law ami-the':bF-law be read the first +.~ - Carried unanimously,. ' ; ' , i It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald an~ Hawkins that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the sec- ond reading - Carried unanimously. It was ordered o~ the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald that %he by-law be lald sa the. table and referred to The Ontario Municipal Board for approval - Carried unanimously. To raise by way of loan the am of $36,547.92 for the widening of the pavement of Epworth Circle. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKindey that Ald. Haw- ~dns be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. jolley and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unsaimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Jolley that the by-law be lald on the table aml referred to The Ontario Municipal Board for approval - Carried ;_m~-Imously. Ald. McKinley asked the City Manager to advise what sidewalk repairs are prolined for Queen Street during the coming season. The City Manager advised that a certain amount of repair work would be conducted on the business streets but that it would be impossible to do all the work as required by the citizens. ~e Council adjourned on the motion of AId. McKinley and Donald. i~AD AND A~Op.r~ah, 25 July, 1949. Mayor Council Chamber, 18 July, 1949. The Finance Co~,~ttee mot on Monday, 18th July, 1949, for the purpose of a~reving and also of !~asstng the various accounts which ha~ beem properly certified and placed before them., All members of the Cem,n~ttee were present. "u'Sunirar accounts amounting to $33,506.71 were a~proved by the Ccmm~ttee.  The aceorate submitted, being lmssed or otherelse dealt with, were or- ~ ed in the money ~y-law for laresentatian to the Cotmoil, on the motion 186 The communication from the Falls Construction Co. Ltd. with rega~xl available lots on Nanan Avenue, as laid over from the previous meeting, was a~aln considered. A report was submitted from the City Manager in this connection. Upon the rec~mmndation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Mac- Donald and Hart it was ordered that the communication and report be received filed, and the Company be advised t~o lots are available in this locality, the price to be 9500.00 each, subject to the usual agreement. The communication from William Robinson, with regard to Lewis Avenue lots, as laid over from the previous meeting, was considered. Upon the reco~uend. ation of the Property C0m~ittee, and on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDo~mld the co~aunlcation was received and filed and Mr. Robinson is to be a~vised the lots on Lewis Avenue are not available for his purpose, and it is suggested that he lock for an alternative site in some other locality. The report of the Property Committee On the above matters was presents&. It was o~lered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the report be received and filed. The Ccmuitt~.e adjourned on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Donald. EAD AND ADOP~ED, 2D July, 1949. Iktrd reading -Ald. Eawkins and McKinley - Carried unanimously. Council adjourned On the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald. ~ AND ADOP~ED, 25 July, 1949. Clerk % ' Clerk Chairman of Finance Council Chamber, 18 July, 1949. ~he Cornoil, re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the pu_~ose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts a~rovad by the Committee. All members of the Council were present. ~e following By-law was Dassed: Np. 4442 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered On the motion of Ald. ~olle~ and McKinley that Ald. Haw- kins be given the l~rivilege of introducing the ~y-la~ am~ the l~y-law be read the first t~m~ - Gettied ummimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donal~ an~ McKinley that l~Ale 36 (2) of the Staading Rules of Council be sus~mded an~ the ~yolaw be gives the seeoral rea&tn~ - Carried. L i88 %~qTY -S~ MEETING MEETING Council Chamber~ 25 July, 1949, Pursuant to adJourr~ent, the Council met at 2.00 p.m. on Monday, 2~Sth July, 1949, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley. In connection with Cu~lLunications NOS. 243 and 244, and on the motion of AId. Donald and Hawkins, Nn~. Earold Logan, Jr. and ~Lr. LoBlend of the Maid of the ~list Steamboat Company Limited, were permitted to address Council. The spe~k~ ors enlarged upon the application made to the Department of Public ~Yorks for u ticonce to operate a ferry bet~;een this city and Niagara Falls, New York. SEE Comunications No. 243-!~ CC~4UNICATIOI~ The following Comunications were presented: No. 241 - Office of Prime Minister - acknowledging resolution re housing. EHSD on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the eomm~mication be received and filed. No. 242 - Office of Premier - acknowledging resolution re busing. OiqDEEED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hart that the communication be received and filed. No. 243 - Department of Public Works No. 244 - Deparlmmnt of Public Works - re application of Maid of Mist Company. (RDER~D on the motion of Ald. Donald and Jolley that the communications be receivM and filed, and referred to the City Solicitor for approval; and if the same is in order, that the application be approved. SEE Resolution No. No. 2~5 - Niagara Falls Optimist Club - cancelling application for Poplar Park. ORDEIED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Jolley that the cm~aication be rec- eived and filed. No. 246 - Ontario Association of Plumbing Inspectors and Affiliates - re confer- ence. 0RD~Eu on the motion of AI&. Hawkins and MacDonald that the comunication be received, laid on the table and referred to the City Manager for a report. No. 247 - Hencurable Humphrey Mitchell - re portraits of Their Majesties. 0RDERF~ on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley that the comunication be received and filed, the portraits be accepted with thanks from His Worship on behalf of Mitchell and a letter of ap~reciation be forwarded to the Hencurable Minister for his kindness. No. 2~8 - Canadian Legion, St. Thomas - re visit to City. 0E)ERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the commaniOation be received and filed, and the matter be referred to the Chief of Police for attention. No. 249 - Cataract Soccer Club - re use of 0akes Park. (RDERED ca the motion of Ald. Hawkins amt MclC[nley that the communication be received, laid on the table and referred to the City Manager for attention; an& further that in the futua~, the Park SUperintendent be directed to allocate the field for use of the teams. N0. 250 - M__elvill~ D~a~_.ard - compla.~nt re chickens. ORO.~k~ on thI~ mot5 on of Mc~ey and ~wk{~ ~the co~ication be received, ~id on the table and Nfen'ed to ~e City Manager for attention. REPORT The following Report was presented: ~;o. 212 - Cij_ Clerk - recon~ending issuance of licences. 0PLDEFSED on the motlea of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the report be received and filed~ and the rec- ~mendations be adopted. REBOLUTZOi~3 following Resolutions were passed: No. 132 - DONALD ~ JOLLE~y - RESOLV~HD that, always providing the aenne is satisfac- tory to the City Solicitor, this Council a.nprove of the application of the Maid of the Mist Stemboat Company, L~m~ ted for a licenee to operate a fen7 between Niagara Falls, Ontario and Niagara Falls, New York in accordance with the regulations presented by the Department of Public Works in communications of 23rd June and 19th July, 1949, for which service the rates are to be seventy-five cents from Niagara Falls, Ontario to Niagara Falls, Iltew York and ninety cents frm Niagara Falls, New York to Niagara Falls, Ontario; and the Seal of the Cor- poration be hereto affixed. Candied unanlmo_______u. slZ No. 133 - DONALD - JOLI~"f - RESOLVED that this Council meet with the Board of Police Commissioners at 2.30 p.m. on Tuesday, 26th July for discussion of matters pending~ arA the Seal of the Corporatlou be hereto affixed. Ca__J:ried unanimously_ Ns. 13~ - MCKINLEY - H~KINS - RFSOL~II) that the next reg~_ar meeting of the City Council be scheduled to take place at 5.00 p.m. on Monday, 8th August; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. · Carried unantmousl~ N0. 139 - INGLIB - McICSNLEY - RESOLVED that suitable arrangements be made for the Council to obtain information upon and to inspect tax bill machinery of the Under- wood Campany; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried .ananimousl~r .BY-L;~S ~e following By-laws were passed: No. 4402 - To authorize the construction of sewers on Grey Avenue and Sy~nes Street, Misene~ Street, Henan Avenue, Valleyway and Inglis Drive, as local improvements under the provisions of The Local Improvement Act. ~ird reading -Ald. McKinley and Hawkins - Carried unanimously. No, 440~ ~ To authorize the construction of sidewalks and curbs and gutters on Finlay Street, Misene~ Street, North Street, Hanam Avenue, Dinend Road, Grey Avenue and S~,m~s Street, Valleyway, ~epson Street, Slater Avenue, Homewood Avenue, ~nglis Drive and Alexander Crescent, as local improvements under the provisions of The Local Improvement Act. ~ reading -Ald. Hawkins ar~l MacDonald - Carried unanimously. ~ - To authorize the construction of macadam roads on Grey Avenue and SFmmes Street, Misener Street~ Manan Avenue# Finlay Street, Irnlleyway, ~Te~son Street, Slater Avenue, H~mewood Avenue, Inglis Drive and Alex- ander Creecent~ as local improvements ruder the provisions of The Local Improvement Act. ' f Third reading -Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins - Carried unanimously. FINANCE MEETING No. 4422 - To authorize the construction of a four foot sidewalk on the north side of Rosedale Drive between Sixth Avenue and Slater Avenue as a local iN- provement under the provisions of T~e Local Improvement Act. Third reading -Ald. jolley and Hawkins - Carried unanimously. No. ~43 - To authorize the execution of an agreement with the Corporation of the Village of Chippawa. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that ~ld. Haw- kins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkine that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the sec- ond reading - Carried unanimously. ~hird reading * Al&. MacDonald and McKinley - Carried unanimously. Ald. Donald asked that action be taken to repair the fence around 0akss Park where the same is broken down. ~ld. Donald asked that the City Manager bring in a report as to what would be appropriate action to be taken to preserve the wire fence a~ound 0akes Park. ~ld. Donald asked that the City Manager bring in a report as to what action could be taken to stop children.running and playing in 0akes Park when games are in progress. Ald. Inglis asked that a sign be erected at the corner of Palaer Avenue and Cookman Crescent, warning motorists that CoO~m~R Crescent is not a through street. ~ld. Hart spoke about the low flying of acreplanes over the area, to the annoyance of citizens who are ill, and it was explained that. it was necessary to have the numbers of the aircraft creating the nuisance before complaint may be made to the Department of Transport. His Worship Maya'Houck stated t~at he would forward a further communication to the Depar~m-nt in this regard. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and ~Tolley. Council Chamber, 2~ July, 1949. The Finance Committee met on Monday, 25th July, 1949, for the purpose of approvimg and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Comnittee were present. Sundry accounts amounting to $46,386.37 were approved by the Committee. .The accounts submitted, being passed or othen~ise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of AId. Donald and McKinley. A communication was presented from Mortliner, Bampfleld & Company, en- closing the renewal certificate for the general liability policy with the Union Insurance Society of Canton, Limited. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Don- aid and McKinley that the communication be received, Said on the table, copies of the same be forwarded to Council for their perusal and Mr. Eaist of the Company be asked to attend at a future meeting for the discussion of this policy. A cc~nunication was presented from the Niagara Falls Police Association regarding gate receipts for the police field day. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and ~olley t~at the comunication be received and filed, and the request be granted. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending the issu- ance of a permit for an apartment building on Stamford Street. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. McKinley and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the reco~mnendation be adopted. A c~m~unication was presented from Nick A. Long regarding Lot 42, North Street. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of AId. McKinley and MacDonald it was ordered that the con~anication be received and filed, and MAr. Long be advised that the Council will require building on the lot within six months; and asking him if he will agree to such provision. An offer was presented from J.W.Rees of ~75.00 for Lot 17~, Hickson Avenue. The recommendation of the Property Comm~ttae in this connection was con- sidereal. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that the offer be laid on the table to permit the C~0?.,i,~ttee to inspect the property. The report of the Property Committee, on the above matters, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that the report be received an& filed. i~AD AND ADOPTED, 8 August, 19~9. ~e Cn~m~ttee adjourned on the motion of AId. Donald and McKinley. ~eputy Clerk ~AD AND ADOPt, 8 August, 1949~. Deputy Clerk """""'*"" Chairman of Finance Council Chamber, 29 July, 1949. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts proved by the Cmmmittee. All members of the Council were present. The following By-law was pessed: No. 4~4______~ - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley that Ald. Ha~.l,~ kins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first ~tlme - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. ~hird 'reading - Aid. Jolley and Donald - Cartled unanimously. The Comcil adjourned on the motion of Aid. Donald and McKinley. EAD AND ADOP'~;D, 8 August, 1949. Deputy Clerk Mayor Council Chamber, 2~ arty, 1949.' The Conference C,~,,~ttee asee~nbled at the close of the re~.,ln~ council and finance meetings on Monday, 25th ~uly, 19~9, for the purpose of considering matters placed before them. All members of the CgWmit~ee were present. After consideration of the matters before them, the Conference C.~,~ttee ad- ,.lorereed on the motion of A3A. Do-._la aml McKinley. i~AD A~ AD~P~, 8 Auamst, 1949. Del~ty Clerk Chair~m IVENTY-EIGEEE MEETING Council Che~mber, 8 August, 1949. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 9.30 p.m. on Monday, 8th ~gust, 1949, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of Aid Hart, were present. The Coun- cil, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these ~a the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins. · COMMUNICATIOllS Lala over from previous meetlngs: No. 246 - Ontario Associatior~ of Plem~ectors and Affiliates - re conven- tion. 0RDER~D on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and MacDonald that the communication be received and filed, and the Sanitary Inspector be authorized to attend. SE__E__~port No. 21~3 No. 250 - Melville Da~noard - re chickens at 9~0 Homewood Aven~e. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the conmaunication be received and filed. .SE~.. Re~rt No. 214 The fgllowing Communications were presented: N0. 2~1 - Honourable Minister of Reconstruction emd Supply ~0. 252 - Honourable Minister of Reconstruction and Supply No. 293 - Honourable Minister of Plansing and Development - re housing and priv- ate home construction. 0RDEte~ on the motion of Aid. Donald. and Jolley that the co~nunioatiOns be received and laid on the table until further information is received. No. 254 - Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation - re information requested. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Aid. Donald and MacDonald that the communication be rec- eived and lald on the table, and Mr. Pope be asked to meet Council as soon as possible to discuss the m~a+ers. No. 25~ - Walter C. Fisher - appreciation of congratulations. 0RDERsu on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Hawkins that the communication be received and filed. N0. 256 - Board of Education - re widening of Epworth Circle. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the con~nunication be received and hid on the table, and His Worehip the Mayor be asked to appoint a small c~,~dttee of Council to meet with the Beam for the discussion of this ma~er. No. 257 - Greater l~iagara 'Veterans' Central Cc~nittee - re soldiers' montunent and World War It. 0EDE~ED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley that the com- municatlon be received and referred to the City Manager for a report; and also that a sm~11 committee be appointed to go into this matter with the City Manager. N0. 258 - Retail Food Merchants, Association - re closing by-laws. ORDEA~jD on the motion of Ald. Inglis and MacDonald that the ccmnm_mication be received and referred to the Boar& of Police Corm.~esioners for the necessary action. N0. 259 . International Joint Commission - meeting re boundary water pollution. 0RDEi~D on the motion of Aid. Donald and MacDonald that the Commanioation be rec- eived and referred to the City Engineer for a report. No. 260 - _Niagara Falls Civic Employees, Federal Union Nmber 1_~ - requesting time allowance for picnic. ORDERED on the motion Of Aid. Jolley and Mcafinley f~.%.the commmiuation be receive& and filed, and the re%uest be granted. 193 ,195 No. 261 - Logan and Logan - application for removal of restrictions. OEDEPa~ on. the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Jolley that the communication be received and lai~ on the table, that the Council view the location~ and publicity be given to the matter. SEE Petition Eo~_l~ Lp 0RTS The follo~zir~ Reports were presented: No. 21B - City M~nsger - reconm~endlng attendance at convention. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. No. 214 - City Man~er - re keeping of chickens. ORDE~ED on the motion of Hawkins end MacDonald that the report be received end filed~ and the reconnnend- ations be adopted. No. 21D - Deputy CitZ Clerk - re conference held 9~th Zuly. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed. No. 216 - Cit~ Manager. - re existing and possible debenture issues. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the report be received and laid on the table for further study. No. 217 - City Manager - re children at Oakes Park. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Jolley that the report be received and filed. No. 218 - City Manager - re fence and gate at Oakes Park. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the report be received and laid on the table, and uo gate be installed until the return of the City Manager. No. 219 - City Manager - re Fire Department and Hill rescue. ORDEi~ED on the mot- ion of Ald. MacDonald and Jolley that the report be received and filed, the rec- ommendations be adopted and the matter of such stunts be referred ~0 the City Sol- icitor and Niagara Parks Cnmm~esion. No. 220 - Traffic Ccv~n~ttee - various recommendations. ORDEPa~D on the motion of kl&. McKinley &nd Donald that the reXtort be received and filed~ and the recommend- ations be adopted. His Worship Mayor Houck' left the meeting and Ald. Donald was enacting mayor for the batenee of the meeting.. No. 221 - City Clerk - reco~nding issuance of licenses. ORDEAe on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, an~ the rec- mmn~ndaticns be adopted. No. 222 - City Clerk - re licenee application not ,approved. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the report be receive& and filed, and the application be not al~proved. PETITION The follo~in~g Petition was ~resented: /~ .. No. 1~ - Dorothy E, Crows and 13 others - no objection to lifting restrictions, O~uma~ on the motion of Ald, ~awkins~and Jolley that the petition be received and laid on the table. ~. ' 2:, ! .... ' RESOLUTIONS Th__efo!lowing Resolutions were ~assed: No. 136 - HA~.rKINS - JOLT.~y - RESOLVED that a message be forwarded to the family of the late: William Gaynon, expressing the sympathy of His ~.~brship Mayor Houck, the City Council and citizens of Niagara Falls upon the death of this esteemed citizen; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried l|s. 137 - JOLT,k~Y - MacDONALD - RESOLVED that the congratulations of this Council be extended to Reeve George Buk~tor upon his winning the Outstanding Young Man of the Year award; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried N0. 1B8 - ~OT,I,k~Y - MCK~TLE~Y - RESOLVED that the action of His ~.Zorship Mayor Houck in appointing Alderman Grant Donald as enacting mayor on 1Oth and llth Angust, ~n& AldeY~m~ E.M.Hawkins as enacting mayor for the week of 13th August, during the absence of His Worship, be approved; and the Seal of the Corporation be here- to affixed. Carried ~0. 1B9 - MCKINLEY - H~3.~ - R~BOLVED that a message be forwarded to the f~mlly of the late Evan E. 3'raser, exp/~esslng the sympathy of His Worship Mayor Houck, the City Council and citizens of Niagara Falls upon the death of this esteemed citizen who served Niagara Falls and the County of Welland for so ninny years as a member of the ~tario Legislature, the House of Commons and as Registrar; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried N0. 140 - MacDONALD - MCKINLEY - I~ESOLYED that the Traffic Conmdttee be requested to bring in a report upon the advisability of further traffic control at the cor- aer of Victoria Avenue and Simcoe Street; and also the matter of speeding on Vic- toria Avenue; and the Seal of the Corporatio~ be hereto affixed. Carried The foll~¢tng By-laws were presented: .Nq. 444~ - TU authorize the execution of an agreement for sale and deed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley that AId. Haw- kins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried, It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that Me 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the sec- ~d reading - Carried. ThLrd reading -Ald. MacDonald and McKinley - Carried. No. ~446 - To authorize thee execution of an a~eement for sale and deed. It was ordered an the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jelley that Ald. Haw- k~ns be given the priMliege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. Yt was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Jolley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Counci~ be suspended and the by-law be given the see- on~ reading - Carried. Third reading -Ald. MacD0na. l~ and Hawkins - Carried. 197 t96 Ald. MacDonald expressed the opinion that a two-hour parking restric- tion should be placed on St. Clatr Avenue from Huron Street to Morrison Street, hld. McKinley spoke of the matter of speeding on Victoria Avenue His ~$orship Mayor HOuck stated that he would take it up with the Chief of Police. His Worship Mayor Houok stated that he felt a stop sign should be octed on Symmss Street at Dawlish Avenue, where there have been several accidents recently. Ald. Inglis felt that signs reading "proceed when safer' should be er- ected in place of stop signs throughout the City. Ald. McKiuley asked that the City Clerk report upon the removal of hydrant on the Collegiate grounds and advise whether the same is to be replaced upon the completion of the building. Ald. McKinley asked why the street sweeper had only operated on Stun- ton Avenue three times since 1918- On behalf of the Tourist Committee, Ald. McKinley presented to council copies of the new guide for visitors which had been prepared for distribution by the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. MeKiuley and Jolley. NEAP A~) ADOPTED, 15 A~ust, 19~9. Clerk Mayor FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 8 August, 1949. The Finance Committee met on Monday, 8th August, 19k9, for the purpose of approvlng and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Co_~m~ttee, with the excep- tion of His Worship ~ayorHouck and Ald. Ksl~t, ~ere present. Sundry accounts amounting to $67,833.80 were approved by the Committee, The accounts s~bmitted, being passed or othel~ise dealt with, ~tore ord- ered placed in the money by-la~ for presentation to the Co oil, 'on the motion of ~kld. McKinley and Jolley. The co~mn0nication from Mortimer, Bumpfield an~Oc~par~y, regardlngthe reneml of the general liability policy, as laid over from the previous meeting, ~as 6iron consideration. On the motion of Ald. MacDonald an& McKinley, Mr. Haist of the finn, was permitted to address the Con~ittee. 1/a'. Hsist explained the rea- Son for the increase in premiuxa and the experience with regard! to this 1-.olic~ l~ the past year. It was o~ered on the motion of Zdd. MacDonald and Donald that ~e corm~ication be received an~ filed, and the policy be rcne~ed at the annual p~m of $2,570.26. The offer of J.Xi.Rses of $75.00 for I~t 17l~, Hickson =kvcnue, as laid over from the previous meeting~ was given consideration. Upon the rocor~ne,~dation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Y,_ld. McKinley and MacDonald, the offer was received and laid on the table until the next meeting to psirefit the Com- mittee to ~iew the location. A con~nunication x~,as presented from N.A.Long with regard to the p~'chase and building on Lot 42, North Street. Upon the recommendation of the Property C0mittee and on the motion of ltd. MacDonald and McKinley it was erOsred that the o0m~tunication be received and filed~ that the offer be accepted, subject to the condition that a dwelling be erected ~,.ithin a six-month periodZ and !,~r. Oualtierl he advised that his offer cannot be considered. An offer was presented from Arthtu~ Fraser of $1~0.00 for Lot7D, Fer~- ~on Street. Upon the recommendation of the Property Co~aittee and on ~e motion efA!d. MacDonald and Jolley it was ordered that the offer be received and laid on the table ~til ~e next meeting to permit the Co~aittee to view ~e location. The report of the h-sperry Conm2ittee upon the above matters was pres- ented. It was o~lered on the motion of ~qld. b'lacDonald and Jolley that the report be received and filed. i co~.%ulteation was presented from the Insurance Co.~ziittee with regard to the fire policy. It x~as ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonal~ that the commfication be ~ceived and laid on the table ~til f~ther i~ffonmtion is receive& fr~ the Co~ttee, and a meeth8 be am'anged for the dlsc~sion of ~is mt~r. The comparison of tax collections at 31st July was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley that the statement be received and filed. The statement of relief for the month of Jmly was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Jolley that the statement he received and filed. ~xe revenue and expertdittos statement at BOth June was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley that the statement be rec- eived and lald on the table. Ald. Donald expressed the opinion that cold patch material should not be used for patching pavements and that the asphalt plant should be placed in op- eration as soon as possible. It was ordered 8n the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the pavement and sidewalk on Victoria Avenue, where the Provincial Engineeringrail- way spur was recently installed, be placed in a satisfactory condition immed- ~ae Co~!ttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald. READ AND ADOPTM~4 1~ August, Chairman of Finance 199 ' 198 COL~IL MEETl~G Council Chartbet, 8 AUSRst, 1949. The Co~cil re-assembled at the close of the regbular council and ance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounLs approved by tile Committee. All members of the Council, with the exception oF His Worship Mayor Houck and Ald. Hart we~ present. ~ld. Donald ~as enacting during the meeting. BY -LAW C~unCil C~mber, August, 1949. Pursuant to aAJou~ent, ~he Council met at ~.00 p.m. on Mengay, 15th AuSuSt, 19~9, for ~e p~ose of ~o~iaeri~ gener~ b~lness and fimnce. ~1 ~rs of ~e Cornoil, wl~ ~e emepti~ of His Worship ~r Eouck, were p~s- ~t. ~. E.M.~w~ ws e~cti~ myor d~l~ ~e roestir. ~e Co~cll, hav- ~ received ~ ~a~ ~e ~nu~s ~ ~e p~o~ me~i~, a~opte~ ~ese on ~e w~on of ~d. ~D~& ~ M~y. The foLl~in~ By-law was passed: He. ~44.7. - To Grant Monies for General Pua~oses. It was ordered on the ~otion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that Ald. Hawkins be given the privilege of introducing the by-l~w and the byelaw be read the first time - Carried. It ~as ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley that Rule ~6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried. Third reading -Ald. Hawkius and MacDonald - Carried. MISCELM~,]OUS kld. McKinley mentioned that he had received servetel inquiries as to the re~son that the residents of the Morse-Misener s~odivision were not receiv- ing mail delivery, and he had been advised by the Postmaster that as soon as the side~slks were constructed and mail boxes placed on the dwellings, the service would be provided. The Council ad~oun~ed on the motion of Ald. Hawkins sn~ Jolley. I~AD A~ .aDOP~ED, 15, August, 1949. Enacting Mayor DEI~)TATION On the motion of Ald. MacDonald and jolley, and in connection with Rep- ort N~mber 224, Mr. laFlm~m~ was permitted to a~dress the Council. Mr. LaFla~me a&vised ~f the ~lans of his firm for the operation of a used car lot. SEE Report No..224 C0~INIC~0ES Lai~ over from a previous meeting: No. 261 - Logan and LoSan - ap~licatio~ for removal of restrictions. 0Pa~I~D on ~he motion of Ald. McY~imley and ~olley that the cc~munication be received and ref- erre~ ~o the Niagara Falls ~a S~b~rban Area P~-~ Boar~ for a decision. ~ C~ication No. 262_ ~e following Com~=unicatione were presen~e~: ~o. 262 - ~.W.MoEa~ - ~ro~estin6 removal of restrictions. 0~DEi~B~ on the motion of AIA. MoEinley an~ ~olley that the the Niagara Falls an~ Suburban A~ea Ms. 26B - Town of Fort Erie - resolution re income tax and United S~ates resid- ~ts. ~ on the motion of Ai&. Donald ana ~ tb~t the c~,~Ication be ;cecoive~ amt laid on the table. No. 26~ - ~ohn N. Eorehinskx - reaueetin~ licenee for psi reon. OEOEam on the m~tlon of Ald. MacDomxld and McElnle~ that the c~!~tnication be received and tel- sITeS to the Chief of l~olice for a report, ~ foll~wi~ Reports wex~ ~resente~: ~. 223 - 0ity Clerk - re fire h~t at Collegiate. 0~0~ on the m~tion of AId, Mc~tnle~, amt Donald +.~-t the x~port be x~ceive~ ani filed, ~o. ~ . City Clerk - re use~ car lot application, 01~ on the motion of A~I. ~ aml MacDonsl~ that +~- reI~rt ~e receive¢ ,_ha laid on the ~able until the next meetinS in c¢~er t~. ~lve.. t~e. ma~ter publioit~,. 1{o. 225 - OitY 01ere - re member of l~iagara Falls and Suburban Area Planning O~ on the motion of Ald. Donal~ and 14anDshal& that the report ~e receive& e~ laid on the table until the full oounoll is present. No. 226 - City Clark - recommending issuance of licenses. OEDI~ED on the motion of Ald. Donald an~ Eart that the report ts reoeive~ an~ file& aml the ations be adcrD~e&. IIo. 227 - Fire Chief - re l~iagara District Training Scl~ool. OI~DEE~D on the mot- ion of AI~. Donsl~ and MaoDop__slR tt~t the report be tessire& and filed, and l~r- mission for attan~anoe be authori~-e~ as ~.atd over fr~n a ~revious metin~: l~o. 1~ - D~E.Crowe and 13 others - re lifting residential restrictions. OE)EBED on the motion of AI~. McYdnley au~ ,Tollsy that the petition ~e received and ref- erred to the l~ia~sra Falls an~ Suburban Area ~3Anning 3oard for a deolelon. ~he following Petition was Dresented: 1~o. 16 - Mrs. Doreon TltrOo~ end ~6 others - re widening of Elmorth Circle. 0ED- ]~EgD on the motion of Aid. ~olley on~ Mckinley that the l~titlon be received laid on the table for consideration of the C~mmq ttae appointed to met with the ~osz~X of E&ucation, an~ the return of the City 14ansWer. Ald, Zn611e eu~este~ that the Traffic C.~-~st~ee shoula met to c~s ~ ~t~r ~ e~ sl~ ~out ~ City, The Council acl~ourned on the motion of AI~. Don~ ant t4cEinley. ~ A~D ADOI~gD, 22 August, 19~9. Sundry accounts remounting to $6~,3~3.22 were approved by the C~n,~ttee. · he aocounts submitted, being passed or otEerdtse dealt with, were or~- ere~ placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ai~. l~y and Donald. The offer of ~.W.Rees of $75.00 for Lot 17~, Sickson Avenue, as laid over from ~rev~ous meetings, was considered. ~Tpon the reoo~u.emiation of the Prop- erty C.-.-,.~ttee and on the motion of Ai&. 14~cDonald ar~ Jolley it was ordered that the offer ~e lai& on the table until the return of the City Man~ger~ inns~uch as the develolm~ent of the Glenview ~laying area is involved. The offer of Arthur Fraser of $1~0.00 for LoS 7~, Ferguson Street, as laid over fron the previous meeting, was considered. Upon the recommendation of ~he Property Cnmm~ ttee # an~ o~ the motion of Ald. 14acDonald and Hart i t was ere~ that the offer be received, filed and accepted, s~bJect to the condition that a dwelling of at least $5,000.00 value is erected on the premises within six ~e report of the l~roperty C~-,~ttee, on the above matters, was ~res- snSed. It was ox~lered on the motion of Ai~. 14acDouald an~ Hart that ~-B~ report received an~ filed. ~s C~ttse a~lJourned on the motion of AI~. Jolley and F~rt, ~BAD ~ ADC~q~, 22 AugUst, 1~9. Chairman of Finance Clare of ~s Wo~ ~ ~k; were. ~t. ~ ':~ ': " ' ' " ~ o~ lot. b C~ ~s~ ~. ~ ~h-t b7 felt . 203 " 2O2 The followtRg BT*law ~as 9asse~: No. bU:~ - To Grant Monies for General ~ur~oees. It wee ox~lerea on the motion of AI~. McElnley an& ~cDonal& that Ala, Donald be given the privilege of tntro&Ucin~ the ~-law an& the-by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of AId. McI[iuley an~ ~olley that Rule 36 (2)'of the Standing I~les of Council be sueparole& an~ t~e ~y-law be ~iven the second r~adiug - Carried. Aid. Inglis spoke of the bell condition of the sidewalk on the nort~ si~e of Huron Street~etween St. Clair Avenue an~ Wellan~ Avenue; awl asked for a relx~t upon the ai~ewelks throughout the Cit~. Aid. HacDon~3a asked what action coul~ be taken to erect st~ on Main S~et which would direct the m~tcrin~ public to the parking area e~acent to Sylvia Place, inasmuch as it algebra that the only vehicles presently using the area are the buses an~ ~A?~e. The Alderman was ~avised of the present condition of the lot an& the action which was ~ossible in this connection. A1A. Ix~lts cc~nted on publicity which had been given with re~xl to closing a lxmtion of the general hospital, because of the shartageof nurses. ~e askel that the Clt~ Clerk take this matter ~p with the manager of the hospital to obtain information for the 6eneral imblic. i~AD Ale ADC&~D, 22 Au6ust, 1~9. Clerk · , '-EndtinS l~ror Council Chamber, 22 August, 19~;9. PUrsuant to a~oui-~uent, the Council met at 5.00 p.m. on Monday, 22rid AUgust, 1~9, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council were present. The Council, having received an~ read the minu~es of the previous meeting, adopted these on the marion of Ald. MacDonald DEPUTATION In connection with Report No. 224 and on the motion of Aid. Jolley and HoEinlet, Mr. ~aFl~m~ was permitted to address the Council. Mr. IaFlamme a&- vise& +_.~t the plane of his or~nization were to erect around the used car lot short posts with a ck~in Insfatal of a fence, such chain to be at least ten feet free the sidewalk. S~, Report Eo. 224 C{I,I, gJITICA7IOI~ lat~ over fran Drevioua meetings: No. 261 - Logan and Logan ~o. 262 - J.W.MacEay - re lifting residential restrictions. Oi~DERED on the met- ion of AI~. Inglls and MacDonal~ that the c~ications ~e receive~ and file&, ~n& the residential restrictions be not lifted. ~ Ccam~.cati.on No. 266 ~0. 26~ - John N. Eorchinsl~y - requesting pool room licenee. 0ED~ on the mot- Ion of Alcl. MacDonald ~ Hawkins that the ccemauicatlon be recelve~ ~_d file&, at the application be 6rantsd. .SEE Re2ort Eo...228 ~ follOwiD~ C~ww,mioatio~ were ~resented:. N0. 26~ - Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Planuin~ ~oard - rec~...~nding restric- tions be not lifted. 0~g~ on the motion of AI~. InSlie ~_-_~ HacDo_r~l~ that the cmaalication be received an~ filed and the rec~ndation be adopted. 8~m Petition No. 1~ ~. 2~7 - Kta~ara ~arks C.-.~esion - re I~ll and stunts in river. 01~ on the rotion of AId. Hawkins and MacDor~d +.~t the conmunication be received and file~. No. 268 - Niagara RecreatiOns v,~ted . re name of memorial arena. Ot~Et~D on the motion of Aid. MacDonald an~ Hart that the c0~abntication be receive~ amt ref- Frre~ to the Arena C~ tree for etud~ aml report. ~o. 26~ - Mrs. C.W.T~i~_le - sug6esting name for park area. ORDIg~D on the mot- ion of Ald. HacDon~ an~ HoEinle~ that the ccemmmication be receive~ aml filed, at the area mentioned be named "Churchill Place". ~. ~T0 - Assessor - re~uestln6 permission to attend convention. C~ASr~ on the mo~ion of ~"'~14a~ and Jolle~ ~that the c,..~.~lcation be received ant file~, at Permission be Granted. ' 271 - Niagara Falls an~ Suburban Area Plamxir~ Boar~ - m ~nt wt~ ;~ r~et~a ~ ft~, ~ ~11 ~ ~e ~ assme ~ ~ ~, aria ~ ~e 1~0 C~ wi~ ~ for b a~m~ of b, phn, ~ ~o ~t. ~s~ o~s ~ b ~nt be 205 No. 272 - Greater Nla~ra ~eneral Eoepltal - re closlng of portion of building. (~3EE on the morton of Ald. Ynglie an~ Eawkins t~at the c~mmAmlcatlon be rec- eived sn~ fileS, the Information be publicized, a copy of the ccmmmnlcatlon be forwards& to the MiSter of Eealth an~ the matter be discussed at the convention of the 0atarlo ~miolpal Association. No. 273 - Niagara, St. Gatherthee and Toronto l~allway - re squeal.i~g brakes on buses. C~ on the motion of ~M. ~awkins and MacDc~ald that the c~,-~h, nic- ation be received and file&. No. 274 - ~ames M. Osborne - re lan~ing places at ~us stops. OEDEi~ on the mot- ion of AI&. Nawklns .ha ~olley that the comnunication be receive~, laid .on the table an~ referred to the ~rafflc C~,,~ttee for consideration. No. 27~ - Niagara Fa~j.s Celtic Saccar Club - re nets for goal ~oets. C~DEE on the motion of ~ld. Donald an~ HavEins that the o~=m-m~cation be received and re~- No. 276 o Nis~ Falls Dietriot Trades an& Lal~ur Council - re Labour Day Prog- ram. 0A~ on the motion Of Ald. Hawkins aU~ ~a,'t that .the c~,_,.--.m~eatio~ be received and filed. No. 277 - Fire Chief o re,nesting permission to attend convention. GRD~i~D on the motion of Ai~. McKinley and MacDona~ that the og~mn~ioatton be received and file~, an& permission be granted. ~ on the motion of Ald. Inglle anal MacDonald that the petition be received filed. ~he following Petition was presente__d: ~. 16 - John H. Smith aml 3 others - requesting l~-minute parking on Bender Street. ~ on the motion of Ai~. Donald ami Jolley that the petition be received and referred to the Traffic Co~m~ttee for a report. ~e foll.owlng Resolutions were passe~: N0. 142 - DONALD - IL~ - I~ESO~Y~N) that the next regular meeting of the City C0~ncil be scheduled to take place at 1.00 p.m. on Thursday, 2~th August& an& the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Car~led unanimously ~o. 1~3 - ID~N~ - MacDONALD - EESOL~ED that His Worehip Mayor Houck be asked tO aDDoint two members of Co;,~nil to act as officials at the sw~w~ng meet of the Greater Niagara Sw~w~ng Club which will cmnce at 7.00 p.m. on Thursday, 2~th A~t~ an~ the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. 0arried unan.i.mo~us~ly ~ al~e~_- aDpointed by Ilia Worskt~ were AI~. Hawkins and Donald. Lai~[ over fi-~i~ a ~revious m~eting: No. 224 - City Clerk - re application for use~ car lot. OA~A~ on the motion of Ald. Mckinley au& Donal~ +._hat the re~ort be mcet~ ~ f~e~, ~ ~e applic- No. 22~ - Ctt~ Clerk - re member on Niagara Falls ~ Suburban Area Pla~ng ~. 01~1~ on time motion of AI~. Yn~lis an~ MacDonal~ that the report be rec- eived and filed, an~ the resignation of ~r. A.D.Frank be a~ceDto~; White be a~pointe~ as a member for the 1~_~-ce of ~. Fr~n~,s term. ~ followin~ Reports were DraBenter:' No. 228 o Chief Of Police - re application for ~ool room licenee. 0A~ma~ on the motion Qf AI~. MacDonald ami Hawkins that the report be recetve~ ami file~. ]o. 229 - City Clerk - re Ontario Mnuxiotpal Board hearin6. C~D~ on the motion of Ald. Maal)onald and Hawkins that the report be receive~ an~ file&. No. 230 - City Clerk - re membership in l~trehastng A6ents' Association. 01~ on the motion Of AI~. ZuSlis an~ Dona!a that the report be receive~ am& referred to the Cit~ Nana6er for a recc~Mmdatton. No. 231 - Cit~ Manager - re sidewalk repairs and conditions. ~ on the mot- ion of AI~. lnglis ami Nart .that the rel~rt be receive& an~ filed, an~ the reom- roerelations be ado~te~. " No. 232 - Cit~ Clerk - reocemending issuance of licences. 0A~ on the motion of Ale. Haw~_. ami ,Tolled' that the sport be recatve~ ami file&,. ea~ the reck- over f~cm lmevious meetings; Council a~Journed on the motion of Ai&. McKinley aml Jolley. ~D A~D ADOPTED, 2~ AugUst, 1949. Clerk Hayor Council Chs~r, aa August, 19~9. Ires ng us accounts ~hioh had been properly placed before ~. ~ ~-of ~e C~t~e ~e~ ~sent. A report frcm She Cit~ Manager, rec~w~sn~i~ the ~urohase Of a sk~liSht for the ]kma~ of Eealth ronm~ at the City building at Welland Avenue ar~ Park S~reet, was presented. It was ordered om the motion of A~. MacDonald an~ Jolh~ that the report ~e received sa~ filed. q,no Committee adjourned ~a the motion of Ald. McKinley sm~ Eart. ~lerk O~_~ of Finance Council Chamber, 22 A~gust, 1949. '/:~e Council re-aes~ble& at the close Of t~e regular council and fin- ante meettu~8 for the l~/r~ose of ~asstng the by-law which covered the accounts aDlerowed by the Cnn,~ttee, and for the comatderatton of other matters. All mem- bers of the'Comcil were present. Mr. W.A. Pope, Region-! Propdry Manager a~ Mr. H. ~r~d ~ Cen~ ~r~ ~ ~i~ C~mti~, ~ ~. ~.~ ~ ~n~r of ~e ~ W~- ~ H~ C~, ~ mq~s~, a~ ~fom ~c~ ~ co~i~r ~oc- att~ ~ ~c~tl~ In ~1~ ~. A ~ ~sc~sl~ e~, ~t~ e~ l~ati~, t~ opi~on ~e~ ~t Ni~ ~= msi~nts were not ~n s~- ficient c~i~mtion. ~. Po~ e;~ie~ bt by ~ o~mti~ ~er accep~d ~nt po~c~ which is in effect ~ o~r ~e D~ ~ b ho~es were bn~, on a ~t s~. It was bn ~ed ~t Co~il ~scss b ~t~r ~r ~t ~el~s ~ ~. ~e co~ ~ ~s~ ff ~har ~ti~ on ~s b following Resolution was passed: No. 1~ - EA~um~ - DONAT~ - I~8C~v~ that b offtctb ~ b ~r Nt~a C;;;;..~lt~ C~st ~ 61~n pokeston for ~e emoti~ ~ be ~e~ ~mss ~e state in ~ Clt~, for ~e ~ee ~ ~lioi~i~ ~eir o~ ~, ~d1~ ~w~ ~t ap~ of ~e ~o-~to C~sston is ~ m~ei~; ~ ~e ~ of ~e Co~S1~ ~ hem~ ~f~. -.' ~ following By-law was Deesea: ~__. ~4.4p - To G~ant Monies for General Pua~oses. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Mckinley an~ Jolley that Ald. Raw- kins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of CouncLl be suspended and the By-law be given the sec- 0m~ reading -- Carried unanimously. ~trd readlng - Ai~. McKinley and MacDonald - Carried unanimously. ~ld. MacDonald asked the Traffic C~mmlttee to give consideration to c~anging the stop street at the intersection of Second Avenue an~ Stamford Street to make Sta,.~ord Street the stop street, or at least to erect slow signs on the ~rough street. Ald. Mckinley asked that the Traffic Co,--~4ttee give comatderation to changing the bus stop on the east side of Victoria' Avenue from the south side of 81mcos S~reet to the north side Of the intersection. ~e Comcil adJouraed on the motion of AId. Donald and Eawkins. AND ADOP,',:,,, 2~ August, 1949. Mayor Council Chamber, ~5 August, 1949. Purstmnt to adjournment, the Council met at 1.00 p.m. on Thursday, 25th August, 1949, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council were present. ~e Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting~ a~lopte& these on the motion of Aid. MacDonald DEFOTATION In connection with Cc~mnunication No. 279 Mr. Carl L. Young of R.C.Youn~ and Company was l~rmtttod to address the Council. Mr. Young advised of the sit- uatton with regard to insurance coverage for the Conpan~ and the necessity for a change in the water line. SEE Communication No. 279 I~PORT · he following Report was presented: No. 233 - City Manager - re proposed arena. ~ on the motion of Ald. Don- al~ and Eawkius that the report 1~ received and tabled f~r consideration when a tabulation of the tenders is presented. Tenders were submitted for the construction of the proposed Niagara Falls Memorial Arena, an~ on the motion of Ald. Penal& and Eawkins thewe were op- ened, ~-~tl~11e& by His Worship Mayor Houck, read and tabulated~ then to be ref- erred to the Arena C~m~ttee an& City Manager for a .further -reporb as soon as possible. C0~!~TNIOA2IO~S Laid over frc~ the previous meeting: No. 27~ - ;as. H. 0slime - re landin~ places at bus stops. 0E)E~D on the mot- ion of Ald. Mawkins and MacDonald that the ccemmnicatlon be received and filed, and the mc~,~nded aotion be taken. S~ RePort No. 234 The followL~ Cmmmmicatious were presented: No. 278 - Ontario Municipal Board - re expenditure for arena. ~ on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the o~,.~nication be received and laid on the table. No. 279 - Provincial En~ineeri~ T.td. - re water line. CI~EN~D on the motion of Aid. ;olley a~ MaoDonald. ~at t~e o~xioation be moetved aml laid on the table mtil the next meetin6, and a re~ort',~e sv~tte& by the Ctt~r 14~mager. No. 280 - Greater Niagara )seeball AssOciation - re~uestin~'~rant for ~aseball celebration. 0EYEliD on the motion of Ald. Donald and 14cItnley that the ication be received and filed, permission be ~anted an~ the us,,-? ~rant be made. ~o. 281 - A.G.S~aons - re fence on-use~ oar lot./ C~D~D on the motion of Ald. Hart and MacDonald that the co~nunlcation be received and filed, and the request be granted, SEE Re oft No. 23 _~aid over from the previous meeting: Eo. 230 - City Clerk - re membership in Purchasing Agents, Association of Eiagara District. (R~DEEED on the motion of AId. MacDonald and Jolley that the report be recelve~ and filed, and a membership ~e taken. ~_.~___~ort No. 2~_~6 ~ne following Reports were presented: No. 234 - Traffic Commlttoe - re landing places at bus stops. 01~)~qED on the Wtion of Aid. Hawkins and l~cDon~.d f~hat the report be received and filed, and the reconmendations be adopted. No. 235 - City Manager - re fence on used car lot. 0EDEEED on the motion of Ald. Hart and MacDonal& that the reDoft be received and filed, and the recmmmsndation be adopte&. No. 236 - City Manager - recommending membersklp in Association. 0EOERED on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Jolley that the report be received and filed, and the recc~azndation be adopted. No. 237 - Traffic Cmmmittee - re fifteen-minute parking on Bender Street. 01~- ~ on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Inglis that the report be received and filed, ~ the recommendation be adopted. (Ald. Donald voted contrary to this miono ) SEE Petition No. 16 No. 238 u ~raffic Co~m-~ttee - ~'~ng recoeeaendations. OEOEi~ED on the motion of Ald. IIart and ~olley that the report be received and filed, and the recoww.~ndat- ions be adopted. No. 2B9 - City Clerk - rec~,~ndin~ issuance of licenoes. Ol~DmA~au on the motion of Ai~. Hawkins and Donald that the report be received an& filed, and the recom- mendations be adopte~. _F~.TI~ION laid over from a previous meeting: ~o. 16 - ~o~ H..~ ~ 3 o~ers - mq~sti~ fff~en-~nu~ ~. ~ ~ ~tl~ of ~. ~o~ ~ ~ts ~t ~e ~tttt~ be ~cet~d ~d ~d. i~ESOLUTION : ~e followin~ ~eaolution was No. 1~ - D~E - ~ . ~ ~t ~e next m~ meti~ of ~e City Cou- m~ ~ ~e at ~.~ p.m. ~ ~s~, 6~ S~er~ ~ ~e ~al of ~e ~r- ~tl~ be he~ ~. ' C~led ~o~1 ~ ~ ~, 6 Sep~r, 1~. Council Chambe~, 2~ August, 1949. The Finance Committee met on Thursday, 2~th August, 1949, for the pur- pose of approvin~ and also of passing the various accounts which had been prop- erly certified and placed l~fore them. All members of the C~ttee were present. Sundry accounts amounting to $B,034.~7 were approved by the Cah~dttee. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley aml Jolley. The Co~ttee s~lJournea on the motion of Aid. X~Etnley and Nart. EEAD ~ ADOp~m4 6 September, 1949. Clerk Ohatrmau of Finance C0m~- MEETY~ Coummtl Chamber, Auemst# 194 . The Council re-assemble& at the close of the regular oo~ucil ami fin- unce meetings for the Imx~ose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts a~prove~ b~ the C~m,,~ttee, au~ for the constderatt~a of other mattors. All mem- bers of the Cramoil ~wem prssont. - , Re foll~wi~ ~y-law was lmase&: No. ~i~50 - ~ ~mt Momte8 for ~e~eral It wu o~e~ ~ ~e ~tl~ of ~. Jo~y ~ ~ ~t ~. Haw- It was o~emd ~ ~e seo~ ~ , ~ ~~. a ~e following Resolution was passed: No. 146 - EART - JOLIEy - EES(YLVED that the 0ity Mannger be requested to report ~c~ the suggestion for a change in the name of the Garbage Department to that of "Saintration Department" aml the suggestion that gloves be supplied to the men of that Depax'~ment; and the Seal of the Corporation ~e hersto affixed. Carried unanimously On behalf of the Council, His Worship Mayor Houck extended g~ wishes to Mr. and MArs. W. Soulsby for their proposed trip abroad. ~e 0ounctl adjourned on the motion of Aid. Donald and McKinley. ~MD AND ADOP~n, 6 September, 19~9. Clerk Mayor ~LII~I~-SECOND MEETING Council Chamber, 27 August, 1949. Council Chamber, 6 September, 1949. A special meeting of the City Council was held at 7.00 p.m. on Satur- day, 27th August, 1949, for the purpose of oonsiderAng matters pertaining to the proposed NIagara Falls Memorial Arena. All members of the Cotmoil, with the ex- ceptlon of Ai~. McKinley, were prosent. Ald. Grant Donald, chairman of the Arena C~-vm~ttee, advised Council of the revised prices submitted by four tand.erers, which prices were on the basis of erection with monolithic concrete and concrete risers for the seating area in the arena. Ald. Donald also advised Council of his meetings with members of the Ont- ario Municipal Board and the Departmoat of M,m!clpal Affairs with referonce to apprsved for the increased cost over $185,000.00 which had been approved.. The qther members Of the C~-.-~ ttee and all members of Council who were present spoke upon the matter. 'The following Resolution was passed: No. 147 - II~lB - DONALD - I~ESOLV~,, that the tenders of Z~rman Construction Company for excavation, masonry, carpentry, roofing, sheet metal, plastering, painting and glazing, misce11-neous iron work, plumbing and electrical equipment, exclusive of refrigeration equipment at $13~,247.00; Standard Steel Company for structural steel at $43,950.00 and J.E.Lock and Sons Limited for the refrigerat- ion equipment at $27,000.00 ~oe accepted for the proposed Niagara Fn?!ls Memorial Arena; and the Seal of the CorporatiOn be herato affixed. .q. arrled -(Ald.. Hart voted contrary to this motion and His Worship l~or HOuck was in favcur.) ~e following By-law was Presented.: No. ~4~1 - To provide for ~orrowing $205,000.00 upon debentures for the purpose of erecting a memorial arena and c~mnunity hall. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Jolley that Ald. HawEias be given the privilege of introducing the by-law an& the by-law be read. the first time - Carried. with Ald.. Hart voting contrary. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Dc~_fi!d that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing I~lee of Council be suspended au~ the by-law be given the second rsadin~ - ce~rled with Ald.. Hart voting contrary. It was ordered on the motion of Ai&. Hawkins an~ Jolley that the by-law be referred to ~he Ontario Municipal l~oard and the Department of Municipal Affairs for approval - Carried with Aid.. ;-_~t voting contrary. ~e 0~tmotl adjourned on the motion of AId. Jol~.ey and Hart. AND ADOF,'~,,, 6 September, 1949. ..ee~eeede~eee~~e) ee, Mayor Puts-ant to adJou~;iuuent, the Council met at 9.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 6th September, 1949, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Donald and Eawkins. DEPUTATION In connection with Com~umlcation No. 286 and Petition No. 19 and on the motion of AId. Eawkins and Mckinley, Mrs. E.Shelton, Mr. L.G.Wilson, Mrs. Hollen- beck and. FAre. Kovach were permitted to address the Council. Mrs. Shelten advised Cornoil of her complaint with regard to the dogs which Mr. Wilson has at his res- idence, and the other speakers also complained of the conditions existing. Mr. Wilson advised Council of the conditions as he saw them. SEE Commmmication No. 286 and Petition No. 19 C(~2~UNICATIORB over frcm a previous meeting: No. 275 o Niagara Falls Celtic Soccer Club - re nets for goal posts. ORDERED on the marion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the comtmication be received and filed and the mattor be left in abeyance until the Spring of 1950. SEE Re~ort No. 240 ~e following Communications were Presentea: N0. 282 - Deputy Minister of Health - re shortage of ~urses. 01~DERED on the mot- ion of AId. Inglis and MacDonald that the c~-~mication be received, laid on the table and referred to His Worship Mayor Houck as a member of the Greater Niagara Hospital Trust and a member of the Legislature, for whatever action he sees fit. N~. 283 - Ontario Municipal Board - re proposed capital expenditures. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Donald and Hawkins that the c~catlOn be received and flle~. SEE By-laws No. N0. 28~ - t~y Scot~te, Association - requesting permission for apple day. 0~NERED on the motion of AId. MacDonald and Mcl[lnley +.~t the Co~a~uaiCatiOn be received and file&, and permission he ~rante&. ion of Aid. Inglls an~ Donald that tile ormm-mlcatlon be received an~ laid on the Ro. a~ - Mrs. E.Shelton - re aoga at 667 Sixth Avenue. ~o. ~,0 - Cit~ Manaxer - re nets for goal pests. O~DI~ED On the motiOn of AId. Hawkins aml MacDamald that the report be receive& an& filed, and the recamnend- atton be a~opted. No. a41 - City Clerk - re conference on social welfare. OI~EF~D on the motion of Ald. Hawkins aml McKinley tlmt the re~ort be received an& filed, aml the recommend. ation be adopted. No. 242 - City Clerk o reccunending issuance of licenoes. 0I~)Ei~D on the motion of Ald. HacDonal& an~ Hawkins that the report be receive~ an& file~, aml the rec- aimmgndattons be adopte&. No. 243 - City Manager - recamending sidewalk on Ho~ewood Avenue. Oi~Y~RED on the motion of AI~I. M~cDonal~ aml ~olley t~at the report be received mxl filed, and the recom3nendatlcn be e~lo~ted. PETITIONS ~e following Petitions were Dresented: No. 17 - Mrs. H.Davtdson an~ 21 others - requestin~ sidewalk on Hamilton Street. ~ on the motion of Ai&. Inglls and. Donald that the petition be received, laid. on the table and considered at the next meeting. No. 18 - H._E.Cay and 1 other - requesting sidewalk on Homewoc<l Avenue. 0EDEnED- en the motion of AI~. MacDonald an~ ~olley that the petition be received. and filed, an~ the request be grante~. No. 19 - Mrs..E.Shelton and 17 others - protesting kennel at 667 Sixth Avenue. 0EYj~D on the motion of Aid. Hawkin~ an~ MacDonald that the petition be rec- eived, laid on the table and referred to the Medical Officer of Health for a per- 8Q'PJtlC:, report. No. 20 o Louis A. White and 3 others - requesting street lights on Stanley Ave- hue. OEDE~D on the motion of Ald. Hawkins aml McFdnley that the ~etition be received an~ filed, sad the Kydro-~.lectric Caromlesion be requested to me~e the nscessa~y installations. ~e following Resolutions were passed: No. 1~8 - ~ - ~CK~XY - I~8C~V~D that the City Clerk be instructed to for* ward a message to the family of the late Dr. E.T.Kellam, expressing the sympathy of the citizens of Niagara F-~, His Worshi~ Mayor Xouck an~ members of theCity Council on the death of this esteemed citizen who served so ~ axxl fait~ffully on the ~ of Xducation; an~ the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 1~9 - HAWx'n~ - JOX3Z~ - RESC~v~9 that the congratulations of this Council extende~ to the Niagara Falls Memorial Ban& for the fins showing am1 first prizes won in Merrltton an~ Akron, Eew York; an~ the Seal of the CoxIx~ation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimouslY ~he followtn~ Xy-lawe were Passed: _~o. b,~8 - ~o raise by way of loan b e~ ot $~0,2~2.!2.-~or ~the comstruotion of wa~r ~ In ~e Cl~ of Nt~a ~s." ~ m~l~ - ~. ~ ~ D~ ~ ~e~ ~~. *; ~ ,, ' . ' ~o. ~bJ~.0 - To raise by way of loan the s~n of $39,83~.17 for the construction of a atom'sewer on Jepeon Street. ~ rea~ing -Ald. Donald aml MacDonald. - Carried unanimously. ~ - To authorize the execution of an agreement for sale and deed. Tt was ordered. on the motion of Ald. Donald. an~ McKinley that Aid.. Haw- ~dms be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and. the by-law be read the fLrs~ time - Cerrie~ unanlmousl~. Zt was ordered on the motion of Ald.. Hawkins and Jolley that Rule B6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the sec- 0mi reading - Carried unanimously. ~Ltr~ reading -Ald. MacDonald aml Hart - Carrle~ unanimously. His Worship Ma~or Eouck expressed his appreciation for the fine co'op- eration of the citizens and the police force in accommodating the large influx of visitors over the ~ast holiday week-end.. ' · e Cornoil adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and. Hawkins. ~AD AND ADOPTED, 12 Sept~nber, 19~9. .. ' Council Chamber, 6 September, 19~9. ~he Finance Committee met on Tuesday, 6th September, 19~9, for the pur- pose of approvtng aml also ~f DaBsing the various accounts which had been Drop- erl~ certified amt placed ~efore thma. All merehas of 'te C.-...;.~_ttee were present. Sundx7 accotmt8 mlounttng to $77,827.8~ were approved b~ the CnwB~ttee. ~e accounts submitted, bein~ passed or otherwise d~alt with, were ord- ~.placed in the money b~-law for ~resentation to the Cornell on the motion of b otter of ;.W.Rees of $7~.00 for Lot 17~, Hloimon Avenue as laid previous meettn~,s was considered. D~on the recm~endatton'~ the Pro- ,213 the offer ~e recelve~ an~ file~ and Mr. I~es be a&vised that thle piece of ~ro- petty ie not for sale; an& the sug~estion be made that he look over the list of ~_m~olpal properties for an alternative site. A~ offer was presented from Victor C. LaRoche of $l~O~O0 for Lots 11 a~& 12, North Street. XPpon the recu.~endatton of the Property Cnmm~ttee and on the motio~ of Ald. MacDonal~l and ~olley it was ordered that the offer be received a~& laid on the table to permit the Cv.;;,,~ttee to view the location. An offer ~ae presented from William S. Robinson of $100.00 for Lot 12, North Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald an& ~t~Kinley, upon the recmndation of the Property C.=~.tttee, that the offer be receive& and laid o~ the table to Dermit the Cn.~.~ttee to view the lot. · he re~ort of the Property C.-!~--~ttee u~on the above mattarm was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion 'of AI~. MacDonal~ ar~l McKinley that the rep- ort be receive& and filed. ~e comparison of tax collections at Blst August, 19~9, was presented. It was orders& on the motion of Aid. Mci~inley an& MacDonald that the statement be receive~L ~ filed and given the usual publicity. ~ne C.~ttee adieureed ~m the motion of Ald. McKinley and ~olley. EEAD A~D ADOP~ED, 12 September, 1949. Clerk Ohsi.rman Of Finance Coupell Chamber, 6 September, 19~9. ~ae Council re-assembled at the close of the reg,,lar cormoil and fin- aries meetl~a for the l~urpose of passing the ~y-law which covere& the ~co~ ~e fo~ ~-~ w~ Monies for General Burposes. It wa~ o~dere& on the motion Of AI&. MaEinle~ au~ *~olle~ t~at AI&. Eaw- ki~s he ~iven the privilege of intro~uot~ t~e b]-lav as~'t~e by-law be mad the It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and ~acDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be read the sec- ~ t!m~ o Cattle& unanimou~l~. reading -Ald. MacDonal& and Hawkins - Carried unanimously. Council adjourned o~ the motion of Ai&. MacDonal& and Jolley. ~AD AND ADOPL~), 12 September, 1949. Mayor 217 '2i8 Council Chamber, 12 September, 1949. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at ~.00 p.m. on Monday, 12th September, 19~9, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Hawkins, were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the preyious meeting, adopted these an the motion of AId. Donald an& NacDonal~. Dm~TATION In connection with Petition Number 21 and on the motion of Ald. ~olley and MacDonald, Mr. A.E.Newman was ~eraitted to address Council. Mr. Newman ad- vise& Council of the conditions existing at 1367 Bridge Street, of which the pet- ition complained, an& of the desires of the petitioners that action be taken to have these conditions remedied. ~ Petition No. 21 Laid over from previous meetLugs: No. 279 - Provincial Engineering Ltd. - re water line on Dyson Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Jolley that the commmication be received filed, and no action be ta~n at the present time. BEE Report No. No. 285 - ~as. M. Osborne - re sidewalk on Hamilton S~reet. OI~DE~D on the mot- ion of Ai&'. Inglts aml Donald that the c.;~-,;~cattan be recetve~ and filed. SEE Petition No. 17 No. 286 - Mrs. E.Shelton - re dog ~ennel at 667 Sixth Avenue. 01~ on the rotion of Ald. l~Donald an& ]~n~t that the c.:~-m~m~lcatlon be received and referred for consideration ~uring the conference meeting. SEE Petition No. 19 following Communications were presented: No. 287 - D.Leone and ;.Naradlo - re,nesting concession at arena. 01~EI~ED on the motion of Ald. MacDonal~ and Hart that the eum~nicetion l~e received and referred to the arena ccammlttee for consideration, when such c,;,,-.,Ittee has been appolnte~ by Kis Worship M~yor Houck. No. 290 - Niagara Falls O~timist Clu~ - re,nesting permission for carnival. 0I~- EBED on the motion of Ai~. McKinle~ and MaoDonal~ that the c~catton ~e rec- eived an~ file~, end ~exlmlseton be 6ran~ed. No. 24~ - City Manseer. re water main the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Jolley that the report be received and filed, and the recom- ~ndetlon be adopted. N0. 2~ - Medical Officer of Health - re conditions at 667 Sixth Avenue. ORDEE on the motion of Ald. MacDor~ld and Hart that the report:lbe received and referred for consideration during the meeting of the Conference C~mlttee. SEE Petition No. l~ NO. 246 - City Maqager - requesting permission to attend convention. ORDEi~D on the motion of ~ld. MacDonald and Hart that the report be received and filed, and ~eraission be granted for the City Manager and three members of Council to attend the convention. (In this connection, His Worehip Mayor Houck ap~ointed the rep- resentetives of Council to be Ald. Donald, Inglis and Jolley. ) No. 2~7 - City Na~sger - suggesting increased rentals for Wartime houses. EE~ on the motion of Al&. Inglis and Hart that the report be received and filed, an~ the City Manager and City Solicitor prepare a proposed new agreement with the -Corporation to provide for payment of local improvements, and report upon the sm~ at a s~bse~usnt meeting. ~c. 248 - City Clerk - re school children traffic control. Oi~DE~ED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and MacDonald that the report ~e recelve& and laid on the table mtil a further relyoft is received. No. 249 - City Clerk - rec~aa,~ndtng lssuance of lioences. ORDEECD on the motion of Aid. MacDonal~ and Jolley that the report be received and filed, an& the rec- mm~ndations 1~ adopted. No. 250 -Madical Officer ~f Health - re conditions at 1367 Bridge Street. 0RD- ~ on the metion of Ald. Inglls and MacDonald that the report be received and referred to the Board of ]Folice Comm~lssioners for action; and to the City Manager to instruct the o~ner to ~rovide satisfactory sanitary conveniences or close the ~.~g. Petit. ion .NO. 21 PE'A'A'A'ZONS laid over from previous meetings: ~0. 17 - Mrs. H.Pavideon and 21 others - re sidewalk on Hamilton Street. OEDEA~ on the motion of AI~. ~,lis ~ D~d ~at ~e petltt~ ~ ~cel~d ~d filed, ~ ei~w~ be c~d ~d ~e totter of ~a~nt for loc~ ~promn~ be ~n ~ wt~ ~e Canal ~ ~ Ho~l~ C~omtt~. ~. 19 - ~s. E.Shel~ md 1Z o~ers - m dog bmel at 667 Sk~ A.n~. 0~- ~ ~ ~e mti~ 'of ~. lcD~ ~ ~t ~t the petiti~ ~ mcei~d and mfem& for c~idemtim d~l~ ~ C~em~e metf~ · e fo~ Petitiu were p~sented: ~. 21 - A~.Nem ~d ~ ~e mti~ of ~. ~is ~ ~D~ ~t ~e ~titl~ be receives and ref- ~a ~ ~ ~ of Po~ce C~esi~ers for action, a~ to ~e City ~er to ~se ~ ~er ~I~ mt ~ closed. E0. ~ , ~o No. 1~0 - MacDONAlD - HART - EE~OLVED that His Worship Mayor Houck be asked to appoint tkree members of the Council as the ~ex~mnent Arena Committee; anal the Seal of the Corporation be hereto sffixed. Carried In the above comectio~, Hie Worship appointed Ald. Donald, IngLis ancl jolley as the Cn-~{ttee. The foLlowip~ By-laws were passed: No. ~J~4 - To provide for permission to ~he Bell Telephone C~any of Canada to ' replace un~ relocate anchors on Olifton Hill and Stamford Street. It was ordered on the moti~a of Aid. Jolley an& Donald that Ald. McKin- ley be given the privilege of introducing the by-law aml the by-law be read the first tis~ - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried. ~l~ird reading -Ald. MacDonald and Hart - Carried. Nq..~459 - To amend By-law Nmber 3791, being a by-law desi~nating through high- It was oxdered on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley that Ald. In- glis be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the ~lret t4-~ - Carfled. It was ordered on the m~tio~ of Akl. ~olley and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of th~ Stareling Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried. ~hird reading - Aid. McKinley an& MacDonald - Carried. q'ne Coumotl eu:l...lournecl ,cm. the motion of Ai~. McKinley aml ~olley.. l~se of approvlng and also of passing the various accounts which had been prop- erly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee, with the ex- ception of Ald. Hawkins, were present. On the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley Ate. Donald was enacting Chairman of Finance during the meeting. Sundry accounts were appreved by the Co.m,!ttee amountingto $20,229.46. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald., ~olley and Hart. The offer of V.C.LaRoche, of $1~0.00 for Lots ll, 12, North Street, as laid over from a previous meeting, was again considered. Upon the reco~nendat- ion of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Jolley it was o~ered that the offer be reselved and filed as the application has now been withdrawn. The offer of W.S.Robineon of $100.00 for Lot 12, North Street, as laid over fm the previous meeting, was considered. Upon the reco~mmnndation of the property c~,-,~ttee and on the motion of Ald. Hart and MacDonald it was ordered that the offer be received aml accepted, subject to the con~ition that the house known as 1786 Ellen Avenue be moved to the lot and on re-location be pnt in n eondltion satisfactory to the City Engineer. The report of the Property Committee, on the above matters, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald~. Hart and MacDonald that the report ~e received ~ filed. An offer was presented from R.G.Becker of $10.00 for part of Lot 188, St. Lawrence Avenue. UDcm the recm.m~udation of the Property C~-~-,~ttee and on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Mc~nley, it was ordered that the offer be laid on the table and MAr. Becket be advised the Corporation is prepared to sell the lot for $25.00# providing he will have a survey made and a description prepared for use i~ the deed whe~ drawn. ~e report of the Property Committee on the above matter was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the report be received aml filed. ~e C~ttee adjourned on the motion of Aid. Jolley and McKinley. I~EAD A~D AD01~A~), 19 September, 1949. Clerk ~EAD A~) ADOP'A~D, 19 September, 19~9. Enacting Chairman of Finance COUNCIL MEE~ING 0suneLl Chamber, September, 19~9. ~e Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ante meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Finance Committee. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Hawkins, were present. By-LAW following By-law was passed: ~ - To Grant Monies for Ceneral Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and JoLley that Ald. Don- ald be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered ou the motion of Ald. Jolley and l~acDonald that RUle 36 (2) Of the Standing Rules of Cou~cll be suspe~led and the by-law be given the second rea~ing - Carried. ~lrd reading -Ald. MacDonald and Hart - Carried. The Council adjourned on the metion of Aid. McKinley and Jolley. l~EAD A~D ADOP~ED, 19 September, 1949. Clerk Mayor Council Chamber, 12 September, 19~9. The Conference C~4ttee assembled at the close of the reg.,1R~ council aml finance meettnge for t~6 purgoee of co~idering matters placed before them. All members of the Conference C,~,,-,~Ittee, with the 'exception ~f Ai~. Hawkins, wex~ present. After consideration of the matters praSemte& to .them, the Crm.~ tree a~Jouraed on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MeaDoneidA : ' 19 September, 19~9- THIRTY-~R~I) ~EETING REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, 19 September, 1949. Pursuant to ad~ourmnent, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 19th September, 1949, for the purpose of considerlng general business and finance. All members of the Council were present. The Council, having receive& and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald sad McKinley. DEPUTATION On the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hart, representatives of the insur~ sacs firms who carry the Corporation's insurance, were permitted to address the Council. Mr. Curl L. Young of R.C.Young and Company advised Council that the ag- ents, together with the Insurance Committee, had s~ulled the fire insurance cov- erage on city buildings and presented a revised schedule which womld give the Corporation greater protection at approximately the same cost. Mr. C.D.Eanntwell also spoke to Council and brought out certain advantages in the suggested change. SEE Resolution No.l_~ O 0~e~CNICAT IONS ~e following Comm~unications were presented: No. 291 - Department of Transport - re dangerous low flying. CRDERED on the mot- ion of Ald. MacDonald and Inglis that the communication be received and hid on the table for further study. No. 292 - Terminal Coffee S~op - re parking restrictions on Fails Avenue. OED- E on the motion of Ald. Inglis and Jolley that the communication be received an& filed, that ~he no parking restrictions on the west side of Falls Avenue be removed on let October, a~ the parking meter heads on the east side be removed on let ~fovembero No. 293 - Chlldren,s Aid Society - invitation to luncheon. ORDERED on the mot- ion of ~ld. Donald and MacDonald that the comunication be received and filed, the invitation be accepted, and as many of the Council as possible attend. ~PORTS _~e following Reports were presented: ~o, 251 - Assessor - re assessments on Cedar Street. G~DEI~ED on the motion of AId. l~cElnle"~"ar~"MacDonal~ that the report be received and filed, and adopted. (.n~t.- Inglle an& Hart voted contrar~ to this motion. ) SEE Petition No. 22 ~c. 2~2 - City Clerk - re conference held 12th September. 0~DERED on the motion of Akl. Hawkin~ and MacDonald that the report be received and filed. No. 2~3 - Cit~ Clerk - recommending issuance of license. 01~D~D on the-motion of Ai~. MacDonald and Jolley that the,re~ort be received and file&, and the recom- mmlation be adopted. over from a Previous meeting: No. 22 - Bruno Smith and 23 others - re assessments on Cedar Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the petition be received and filed. (Ald. Inglis and Hart voted contrary to this motion.) RESOLUTIONS ~e following Resolutions were passed: No. 151 - HAWKII~ - MacDONALD - RESOLVED that the revised schedule of fire insur. anne coverage for the Corporation properties, as suggested by the Insurance com- panies, be appreved, a~ coverage arranged on that basis; and the Seal of the Cor- poration be hemto affixed. Carried unanimouij, No. 152 - HA~KINB - HART - ~ESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the City Council be scheduled to take place on Monday, 3rd October; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried umanimo~l~ No. 153 - HAWEXX~ - JOLLEY - RESOLVED that His Worship Mayor Houck an& the City Clerk be and are hereby authorized and instructed to sign contracts with the Zim- metman Construction Company, the Standard Steel Corporation and J.H.Lock and Sons 1.4~ ted for the construction and equipment in connection with the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena, always providing in such contracts there is no increase in price over the tender figures; and in such event that the m~tter be presented to the City Council for further consideration; and the Seal~of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously No. 1~4 - JOt,TRy - MacDONALD - BESOLVED that the congratulations of this Council be extended to Mr. W.R.Sootheran and the Niagara Falls Fords baseball team for their success in winning the Niagara District Senior baseball title; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously No. 15~ - MCKINLEY - HAW~A~ - I~E~0LYED that the congrat~,3mtions of this Council be extended to Mr. Robert Buckher upon his a~oin~nt as superlnt~dent of ~e ~ ~spl~ in Wl~sor; ~ ~e S~i of ~e Cor~o~tl~ be hem~ ~fixed. Camied man~ously No. 156 - McKINLEY - MacDONALD - RESOLVED that the City of Niagara Falls revert to stana-~d t4~ on 2~th September, as previously provide&; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously BY-LAWS '~e following By-laws were passed: authorize the executio~x of a deed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Eart that Ald. Hawkins be given the privilege of intr~lucing the by-law an& t~e by-law ~e read the first time o Carried ur~nusly. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Stamtiu~ Rules of Council be su~ende& and the b~-law be read the sac- end time - Carried ~ird restling - Aid. MacDonald and Hawkins - Carried No_, ~458 - To authorize the execution of a deed. It was ordered on t~e motion of Aid. D~nal~ ar~ *~olley that Ale. Hawki~ be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and~ the by-law be read the first ti~e - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Joltey and Hawkins that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended ~nd the by-law be read the sec- On~ time - Carried unanimously. ~aird reading -Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins - Carried unanimously. ~ - To authorize the execution of an agreement for sale and deed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that Ald. Hawkins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first tim~ o Carried unanimously. It was~ ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Jolley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the sac- end reading - Carried unanimously. ~d reading -Ald. MacDonald and McKinley - Carried unanimously. No., 4.460 - To authorize the execution of an agreemeat for sale and deed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Jolley and Hart that ~ld. Hawkins ~e given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald that Rule ~6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the sec- end reading - Carried unanimously. reading - ~ld. Hawkins and MacDonald - Carried unanimously. His Worship Mayor Eouck extended the congratulations of the City Coun- cil to Ald. Inglis who celebrated his birthday on 18th September. His Worship Mayor Eouck appointed Ald. Hawkins, MacDonald and Hart as the e~ttee of Council to arrange for the employees, Chrisms party. ~ae Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins an~ MacDonald. READ AND ADOP,n~, 3 October, 19~9. Clerk Mayor Council Chamber, 19 September, 1~9' The Finance Con~ttee mat on Monday, 19th September, 19~9, for the pur- pose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been prop- erly certified an& placed before them. All mambers of the Cc~mn{ttee, with the ex- ception of tits Worship ~yor Houck, ~ere present. Sundry accounts amounting to $7~,283.31 were approved by the Committee. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, weme ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. McKinley end Jolley. A comanication was presented frcm Mrs. M. deVilliars, advising that she would be willing to purchase the prepsrty known as 334 Morrison Street. Upon the reconnnsndation of the Property Cc~m~ttee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and ]~srt it was ordered that the cc~i~.,,nication be received and filed and Mrs. de- Villiars be advised that the property is not for sale at the present time. The report of the Property Oommittee on the above matter was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Hart that the cc~mication be received and filed. The Cow~!ttee adjourned on the motion of Ai&. McKinley and Hart. BEAD AND ADOI~A'~, 3 October, 19~9. Clerk Chairman of Finance BY -LAW ~e following By-law was passed: 44.6.1 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Hart that Ald. Donald ~e given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried. ~nird reading - Aid. MacDonald and McKinley - Carried. Ald. Hart advised that no police officer was o5 duty at the Intersec- tion of Pewell Avenue and Robarts street shortly before school opened this morn- ing, and felt that an officer should be there for the protection of the school children on each school day. It was agreed that the matter should be taken up with the Chief of Police. ~e Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Donald and Hart. ~EAD AND ADOPt, 3 October, 1949. Enacting Mayor Council Chamber, 19 September, 1949, The Council re-assemble~ at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for'the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the C,,~ttee. All members of the Co~ncil~ with the exception of Worship Y~vor Houck, were l~esent. AId. Ea~kins was enacting mayor ~Luring the meetinS. ....... OO~RT OF RE~'IBION Council Chamber, 30 September, 1~9. The Court of Revision on the assessment roll was held at 10.00 a.m. on Friday, 30th Sept- ember, 1949, at which the following action was taken upon the respective appeals: Members present: FAr. William Delsney, Chairman and Mr. W.A.Fraser. Roll No. 5147 Appellant Bedford, Howard Description 1745 River Road Land Buildin~ Decision of Coiu.~t~ 2,200 20,000 ~Reduced $2000 on ing for business 1978 Betrams, B. & T. 5446 Slash, S. & R. 3365 Becken, Charles 354 Second Avenue 200 294ELlis Street 800 1400 Cedar Street 325 4,000 Dismissed 1,200 ] Reduced $100 on 1,800 Dismissed 136- Canadian National 149 Railways 1~17 Clark, Edward 5,350 General Properties 165 Queen S~reet 400 ~llowea. No butre-allocation 800 illowed. Correct age end make Joint 2629 Cray, Benjamin 358 Huron Street 4000 2,600 Dismissed 7498 Catchpole, L. & A. Brooks, E. 1706 D~__,umond Road 700 1,200 - Granted re correction 9126 Dell, Caroline 9129 Brooks, H. 20~2 Main Street 1,490 2,900 Granted. $200 land to be transferred to Peer Street. 745 Davies, F.E. 770 Bridge Street 300 1,600 Dismissed 3383 D~m~on&, Bert Cedar Street 329 1,400 Dismissed 3373 3374 3366 4013 4014 3369 3238 7368 470-1 891~ 3390 Drain, Vernon Beatrice Dunkley, Harry Fraser, John Greer, John and Effie Holtshnuer, R. ~m~erial Oil L~mtte& ~-~m-st.v, Maria Lang, Elizabeth MiztbrockV, N. McKenzie~ tl. & A. 1460 Cedar Street 670 2,0~9 Dismissed 1410 Cedar Street 329 1,979 Dismissed 698 Stanle~ Avenue . 800 744 Heinewood Avenue 329 1432 Cedar Street 329 ' 7~6 Victoria Avenue 19000 1748 Buchanan Avenue 9 River Road 790 1913 Buchanan AVenue 650 1393 Cedar Street 329 2,300 Dismissed 1,829 Dismissed 1,200 Dismissed 6,000 ~ Granted. $900 land to be transferred 1,6~0 Dismissed ~,2~O~:Dismiseed 2,100 Dismissed 1,800 erarite&. $300. Off Public Works , Department 239 R0mano, & Fertino Brooks, H. Rosart, Jos. & Clara Ressler, A.H. & Dora 357 Sabczak, Mrs. J. Sorley, J. and Jean Brooks, E. Smith, B. & M. Tarlatin, Vahan Vendramin, Julius Winters, Bernard Zulich, M. &M. ~F TAXE~# ETC. Stein, Louis Parent, Gerald Imperial Life Assar.Co. Paten, D.C. ~F SCHOOL 8UPPGRT Armstrong, W.~. ~10 ~eaudoin, Ells Besch, Mrs. Christopher, C0ttringer, J. & M. Devlin, Oathsrice Fiecoo, E. & P. Fieryanti, Mary. GI~nn,-D.B. & E. Clifton Avenue 400 460 Queen Street 400 1,200 Victoria Avenue 200 !,000 515 Ferguson Street 300 727 Cook~-n Crescent 300 1394 Cedar Street 325 138May Avenue 325 1761 Lowell Avenue 450 1499 Cedar Street 329 914 Victoria Avenue 1,500 1361 Cedar Street 650 275 1418Cedar Street 375 2041 Stanley Avenue 3~0 447 Queen Street 1201 Willmott Street 437 Queen Street 1270 Buchanan Avenue 379 1037 Bridge Street 300 1992 Robinson Street 370 1925 Grey Avenue 16~2 Morse Avenue 400 830 Sixth Avenue 390 1~12 Victoria Avenue 1,200 ,6.13, St. Clair Avenue 40.0 1701 Morse AVenue ~O0 1,60o 1,350 1,500 2,600 1,600 1,250 2,679 1,750 1,700 92~ 1,900 2,300 1,900 2,C50 2,600 1, ~00 2,200~ Allowed Allowed. $80. off land Dismissed Dls~dssed Dismissed Granted. $300. off build ing Dismissed Dismissed Diantissed Dismissed Dismissed Granted. Granted. Granted. Rebate of $52.00 Rebate of $18.40 Rebate of $23.28 To be separate school support To be public school support To be public school support To be public school support To be separate scheol support To be separate school support To be separate school support To be separate school suppor~ To be separate school support 1332 Beubner, Fre~ 994 Fourth Avenue 929 1644 Husuluk, Nick 388 Park Street ~00 1198 Kobik, T. & E. 1194-7 9200 Koran, .016a 8396 Korhsmm~r, Anna 2447 Letouraeau, Mrs. J. 7224 O,Connor, Frank 441 ~ird Avenue 3~0 Third Avsnue 1,400 1791 Murray Street 249 1945 Barker Street 1,000 409 ELlis Street 790 1913 Victoria Avenue 1,900 2813 Pigeon, A. & S. 626 Morrison Street 910 6622 Piraino, Mrs. D. 901Roberts Street 900 4063 Scott, E. & L. 9451 Segreto, Anegeline 632 Third Avenue 990 1~17 Robinson Street 400 2304 Sloan, D. & S. 883 Buckley Avenue ~00 2414 Townsend, H. & C. 6~6 Turap, W. Brooks, H.G. ~39 Udetl, Sylvia 597 ELlis Street 400 292 Bridge Street 2,500 122 Victoria Avenue 300 73 Visentin, A. & R. " 2090 Wall-ce, T.F. & H. 9660 Worm", N. & M. 88 Broughton Avenue 200 473 Sixth Avenue 27D 998 Armoury Street 450 Building assesscents reduce& Land assessments reduced Remission of taxes Certified comet, "" ' "" 1,TD0 j 1,200 J 1,~00 1,600. 2,000 ~ 1,6~0~ 2,300~ 2,000 y 3,200 ~ 1,800 1,7~0 800 Y 1,300.~ / 3,000 800 ~ 2,~00 To be public school support To be public school support Dis~ssed To be public school support To be separate school support To be public school support To be public school support To be separate school support To be separate soh~l support DiSmissed To be public school support To be separate school support To be public school support To be public school support To be public school support To be separate school support To be separate school support Dismissed 2,700 8o 93.66 qYIRTY-FOUR~I~ MEET]]VG REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, 3 October, 1949. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7-30 p.m. on Monday, 3rd October, 1949, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council, with the exceptiou of His Worship Mayor Houck, were pres- ent. On the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald, Ald. Grant Donald was enacting mayor during the meeting. ~e Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hart. DEPUTATION On the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley, Mr. N. Mizibrocky was per- mitted to address Council. Mr. Mizibrocky advised Council of the unsatisfactory conditions which existed adjacent to his property on Buchanan Avenue, where a ~d is used for the storage of pipe. SEE Resolution No. 1D7. CCSedUNICATIOEB The following Communications were presented: No. 29~ - Depar~nent of Municipal AC~irs No. 29~ - Ontario Municipal Board - approval of By-law Numberda91. CeDE on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the communications be received and filed. No. 296 - Ontario Municipal Association - re shortage of nurses. OBDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the communication be received and filed an~ the suggestions be passed on to the Greater Niagara General Hospital Trust. No. 297 - Central Mortgage and HOusing Corporation - re sidewalk on Haralltion Street. ORDERED on themotlon of Ald. Inglie end Jolley that the communication be received, laid on the table and referred to the City Manager and CitySolicit- 0r for consideration when the new agreement is being prepared. N0. 298 - Canadian Legion - requesting permission for Poppy Day. 0RDEAe~u on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and b~j)onald that the commmication be received an& filed, and permission be granted. N0. 299 - Bell Telephone Company of Canada - requesting permission to replace one pole. ORD~/~u on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Hawkins that the communication be recelvedand filed, and permission be granted. ESBX-LAW. O. 462 ~e following Reports were presented: No. 29~ - Cit~ Manager - recummendin6 construction of sidewalk. CeDE on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the reco~mmndation be adopted. (Ald. Inglis and Hart voted contrary to this mot- ion. ) An amenam~nt was presented by Ald. Inglis and Hart that the report be rec- eived and laid on the table, but this motion was defeated. No. 2~ - 0ity Clerk - recQmmending issuance of licenoes. 0~D~ on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and MacDonald tha~ the report be received and filed, aria the rec- ~mBn~ations be a~opted. PET'~flON The following Petition was presented: No. 23 - T~n Dale and 17 others - requesting stop street at McRae Street and Flor- ence Av~mue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Hawkins that the petit- ion be receive&, laid on the table and referred to the Traffic Cc~Ittee for a report. (Ald. Inglis vote& contrary to this motion. ) RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 197 - MacDONALD - HART - EESOLVED that the ccmplaint of Mr. N. Mizibrocky with regard to property adJacen"t to his home be referred to the City Manager for a report; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 1~8 - MCKINLEY - HAWKINS - RESOLVED that the City Clerk be instructed to for- ward amessager the family of the late Mrs. l~.mmaShapton, expressing the pathy of His Worship~yor Houck, the members of the City Council and citizens of Niagara Falls upon the passing of this highly esteemed and long resident; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 199 - HART- HAWKIE~ - RESOLVED that the City Clerk be instructed to forward a message to the famil"~of the late Mrs. Harris Logan, ekepressing the sympathy of His Worship Mayor Houck, the members of the City Council and citizens of Niagara Falls upon the passing of this highly-esteemed citizen; and the Seal~of the Cor- poration be hereto affixed. Carried No. 160 - MacDONALD - JOLLEY - RESOLVED that the next regular n~eting of the City Council be scheduled to take place at ~.O0 p.m. on Tuesday, llth October; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 161 -HAWK~i~S - INGL~ -RESOLVED that the City Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to sell capital reserve bonds in amount of now held by the Corporation; and the Seal of the Corporation be hemto affixed. Carried No. 162 -HAWKINS - MacDONALD -RESOLVED that His WorshipMayorEouckand the City Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer be and are hereby authorized to sign for de- ~gistration of capital reserve bonds in amount of $49,900.OOwhich are presently held by the Corporation; and the Seal of the Corporation he hemto affixed. Carrie~d No. 163 - MCKINLEY - HAWKII~ - RESOLVED that His Worship Mayor Houck and the mem- bers of the City Council whole-heartsdly support the 19~9 cam~aig~ of the Greater Niagara Community Chest, and request the fullest co-operation of the citizens in assisting the Chest to attain their objective; an&,.the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Ca~rr. ie__d No. 16~ - HAWKINS - HART - EESOLVEB that this Council regret the necessity for discontinuing the illumination of the Falls except on Saturday and Sunday even- ings and ask if it would not be possible to continue the illumination each even~ ing for perhaps one hour in place of the lager periods on the two evenings only, if the present schedule cannot be continued; an& the~Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. · BY-LAW ~e following By-law was passed: No. 446_____~2 - To provide for permission to The Bell Telephone Company of Canada to replace one pole on Muir Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that ~kld. ~oKinley be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Hart that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second ~eading - Carried. Third readimg -Ald. MacDonald and Jolley - Carried. MISCELLANEOUS A motion was made by Ald. Inglis and Hawkins that ~his Council request the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce and our local Member, the Hencurable Hem- pkrey Mitchell to ascertain whether the present regulations of the Immigration Department ccul~ be changed to permit the young Czech couple, about whom consid- erable publicity has been given in the daily newspapers, to cross the border bet- ween United States and Canada; but this motion was defeated. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins end McKinley. READ AND ADOPTED, 11 October, 1949. Enacting Mayor FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 3 October, 19~9. The Finance Co~m~i!ttee met on Monday, 3rd October, 1949, for the purpose ef appreving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. ALl members of the Conmittee, with the excep- tlon of His Worship Mayor Houck, were~present. Sundry accotmts amounting to $108,76~.99 were approved by the Oo~.~ttee. The accounts submitted, beLng passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered ~laced in the money by-law for Presentation to the Council, on the motion of. Ald, Jolle~ and McKinley. A o~-a~nication was presented frcm the 0oilsgists~Vocational Institute regarding receipts for rugby 'games at 0akes Park. It was ordered on the motion of AldjMcKinley and MacDonald that the com~unicatlon be received and filed, end the same procedure as followed last year be adopted for 1949- This motion was defeated and no further action was taken. A communication was presented frc~a the Insurance Committee regarding the supplemental contract to the fire policy. It was ordered on the mQtlon of Ald. MacDonald and Inglis, upon-the recommendation of the Property Committee, that the communication be received and lald on the table, and additional coverage. be net considered at the present time. A communication was presented from the Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company of Canada regarding boilers and pressure vessels. Upon the reco~nendat- ion of the Property Committee and on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Hart it was ordered that the communication be received and the matter be referred to the City Manager for a report. A comunication was presented from Mrs. Olive HaMwick with regard to building on Lot 92, Misener Street. Upon the recommendation of the Property mittee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hart it was ordered that the com- munication be received and filed, and a six months' extension be granted. The report of the Property Con~ttee, upon the above matters, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hart that the report be received and filed. ~e statement of relief for the month of August was presented. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. McKinley and Jolley that the statement be received and filed, and given the usual publicity. A report was presented from the City Manager, recomnending the attend- ance at a convention by Mr. Sills. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDon- ald and McKinley that the report be received and filed, and the recomendation be adopted. Ald. Grant Donald and the City Manager made verbal reports upon their attendance at the conference of the Canadian Institute of Sewage an& Sanitation in Timmiss, and their visits to various arenas in municipalities throughout Ont- ario. Discussion upon the various matters mentioned was entered into by the mem- bers preseut. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending the attend- ance at a convention by Mr. Parre. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hart that the report be received and filed, and the reconmaendation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, reco~.~aending the issuance of a permit for a garage and living accommodation above the same at 1480 Victoria Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and w~rt that the report be received and filed, and the reccmmendatlon be adopted.' A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending the issuance of a permit for the erection of a garage with living acct.,.-.odation above the same at 406 Stanley Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Jolle~ that the report be received and filed, and the rec~mme~Aation be adopted. ~e Co~i~,~ttee exlJourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley. READ A~D ADOF"":", 11 Getsher, 1949. Clerk · Chairman of Finance COb~CU. MEETING Council Chamber, 3 October, 19~9. The Council re-assembled ~t the close of the regular council and fin- auce meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council, with the exception of His Worship Mayor Houck, were present. Aid. Donald was enacting mayor dbu~ing the meeting. BY-L~W ~e following By-law was passed: N0. 4463 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Jolley that ldd. Haw- kfns be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the sec- ond reading o Carried. reading - Aid. McKinley and Hawkins - Carried. ~e Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley. READ AND ADOPTED, ll October, 1949. EnactingMayor THIRTY-FIFTH MEETI~G. Council Chamber, 11 October, lcke Pursuant to adJourrmaent, the Council met at 9.00 p.m. on Tuesday, llth October, 1949, for the purpose of conslderinggeneral business and finance. IIZ1 members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid. MasDonald and McKinley. ~ on the motion of Aid. Inglis and Hawkins that the report be received and fi~ed, and adopted. No. 297 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenses. ORDk'RED on the motion 0f~ld. MacDonald and Jolley that the report be received and filed, and ~le rec- ommendations be adopted. No. 298 - Med___ical Officer of Health - re conditions at Burns Manufacturing Com- pany. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Hart that the report be rec- eivedand laid on the table, and His Worship Mayor Houck be empowered to appoint a committee of Council to act with the CityManager and bring in a report for the next meeting. SEE Petition No. 24 D]~UTATION -In connection with Petition No. 24 and on the motion of Ald. Hawkins aui McKinley, Mrs. S.Damude was permitted to address Council. Mrs. Damude spoke of the unsatisfactory conditions with regard to the operation of the plant of the Burns Manufacturing Company, about which conplalnt was made in the petition. SEE Petition No. 24 CO~IDATtONS Laid over frond previous meeting: No. 297 - Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation - re local improvements. 0RD- ERED on the motion of Ald. Jolley and MacDonald that the cc~munication and the draft agreement as prepared by the City Manager and City Solicitor be received and hid on the table until the next meeting. The following Communications were presented: No. B00 - Bell Telephone Company of Canada - requesting permission to place con- duitand terminal. GRDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley andMacDonald that the comnunication be received and filed, and permission be granted. SEEBy-law No. 4464 No. 301 - Auditor - re check of cash. 0RDER~u on the motion of kl~. Hawkins and MacDonald that the co, m,__-%ication be received and filed. No. 3(r2 - City of Brantford - resolution re dalylight saving time. Ol~D~m on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that the c~aunication be received and filed, and the resolution be endorsed. No. 303 - Fire Marshal - re fire officers' college. OEDERED on the motion of Aid. Donald and Hawkins that the c-~m~unication be received and laid on the table until the next meeting, and a report be submitted by the City Manager upon the matter. No. 304 - Hydro-Electric Power Curemission of 0~tario - re illumination of falls. OA~DEA~S~ On the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the communication be received and hid on the table, and the matter be left with representatives of the Council on the Illmination Bo~rd for a report at the next meeting. No. 30~ - Lions Club - requesting permission for parade and party. ~ on the motiOn of Aid. MacDonald andMcKinley that the c~tuication be received and filed, an~ permission be granted. lhe following Reports were presented: No. 256 - Ctt~ Manager - re complaints re Niagara Plumbtn~ Supply Cc2pany. PETITION ~e following Petition was proserite__d: No. 24 - S.E.Junkin and 25 others - protesting re Burns Manufacturing Company. C~DE~'D on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Hart that the petition be received and laid on the table, and His Worship Mayor Houck be empowered to appoint a com- mittee of Council to act with the Manager and bring in a report at the next meet- tng. In this connectiOn, His WorshipMayor Houck appointed kld. Inglie, Donald aad Jolley as the Committee. BY-LAW Zle following By-law was passed: No. 4464.- To provide for permission to The Bell Telephone Company of Canada to place conduit and terminal on Centre Street and MacDonald Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of AI&. Donald and Hawkins that Ald. McKin- ley be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Al~. Hawkins and Jolley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the ~econd reading - Carried unanimously. SMIrd reading - Aid. MacDonald and Hart - Carried unanimously. ~e Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Hawkins. EEAD AND ADOprim4 17 October, 1949. Mayor 238 -289 F~qANCE MEETING COUNCil MEETING Council Chamber, 11 October, 194% The Finance Comittee met on Tuesday, llth October, 1949, for the pur- pose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been prop- erly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present, Sundry accounts amounting to $34,094.23 were approved by the Committee. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were oi~- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of AId. McKinley and Jolley. The comunication frc~ the Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company of Canada, re boiler a~d heater coverage, as lald over from the previous meeting, · was considered together with a report from the City Manager upon the matter. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Donald and MacDonald that the cvmunication and report be received and filed, and no action be taken at this time. A report was presented from t~he City Manager, recentending the issuance of a permit for a building at St. Lawrence Avenue and Simcoe Street. It was ord- ered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hert that the report be received and filed, and the recomendation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending the issuance of a permit for a building for Bailey's Upholstery on Jepson Street. It was ord- ered on the motion of Ald. Jolley and McKinley that the report be received and filed, and the rec~,~l,,,.~ndation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager to the Property Committee, recommending the granting of an option on the triangular piece of land at the southwest comer of Buckley Avenue and Valleyway. Upon the recommendation of the Property Cnmm~ttee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and MCKinley it was ordered that the report be received and filed, and the option be granted. The report of the Property Ccmmittee~ upon the above matter, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the report he received and filed. The members of the C~aittee discussed the damage created at Oakes Park by the persons attending the annual Thanksgiving Day rugby g~me. SEE Council Meeting The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and ~olley. READ AND ADOPTED, 17 October, 1949. Clerk . O~alrman of Finance Council Chs~nber, ll October, 1949. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law wich covered the accounts approved by the Committee, and for the consideration of other matters. All members of the Council were present. BY-LAW ~e following By-law was ~nassed~: ~- To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Jolley that AId. Haw- kins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley that E~le 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the sec- cad reading - Carried unanimously. Taird reading -Ald. Hawkins and McKinley - Carried unanimously. RESOLUTION ~e following Resolution was passed: No. 165 - Mc~ - MacDONALD - REEOLVED that communications be forwarded to the principals of the Niagara F~l~s and Stamford Collegiate Institutes, asking that they exercise more control over their students who attend the annual Thanksgiving rugby games in an effort to prevent the vandalism and d~sge at 0akes Park; and ~he Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimousl__~ Ald. lnglis asked that the City Manager check and report upon the trim- m~ng of trees throughout the City by forces other than the City departments, as complaints have been received that such trimming is damaging many of the trees and is being undertaken by inexperienced men. ~e Council adjourned on the'motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley. READ AND ADOptED, 17 OctoberA 1949. Cle~rk * ' 240 CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 11 October, 19h9.. The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetlugs on Tuesday, llth October, 1949, for the purp. ose of considering matters before them. All members of the Committee were, present. After consideration of the items presented to them, the Committee adjourned the motion of ~ld. Hart and Jolley. READ AI~ ADOPTED, 17 October, 1949. Clerk Chai~sn THIRTY-SETH MEETING REGULAR MEETi~IG Council Chmnber~ 17 October, 1949. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7-30 p.m. on Monday, 17th ~tober, 1949, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the Previousmeeting~ adopted these on the motion of ~ld. MacDonald and Hart. On behalf of the Council, His Worship Mayor Houck exteuded a welcome to Mr. Soulsby, the City Treasurer, who has returned from a visit to Great Britain. Mayor Houck expressed the concern of the Council upon hearing that Ald. Hart's young son had been injured by a motor vehicle, and expressed the hope that ~e injuries were not serious. Mayor Houck also voiced the sorrow of the Council upon learning that Mr. Jack Stephenson,s young son had been fatally injured by a motor car in Stsm- ford. The sympathy of Council was extended to Miss Winnifred Stokes on the death of her uncle, Mr. J.A.Scott. His Worship Mayor Houck expressed his pride in the addresses made by the various members of Council at the dinner held recently with the select eo~ttee of the Provincial Legislature. ,j COM~3T~CATyOES Laid over frm previous meetings: No. 297 - Central Mortgage and Rousing CorPoration - re local improvements. 1 ~ on t~e motion of AId. I~ is and Eart that the communication and the draft a~reemeat 1~ received and laid on the table for co~sideration later in the meet- SEE Subsequent meet~in~ No. BOB - Fire Marshal - re fire officers, college. O~DEP~ on the motion of Ald. MacDonald end Hawkins that the c.'-~..~mication he receive& and f~led, an~ Chief Shapton be authorAzed to attend the college. ..SEE Report No. ~e following C~tcattons were presented: H0, 306 - Metsr-ad Corporation - re Meterail plan, ORDERED on the motion of Mckinley and MacDonal~ that the communica~ton be received an& filed. · (~Dm~~0. 307 - EYdro-Electrtc O~m,~esion of Niagara Falls re ~ll~a, end the Cemmission he advised that the City pa~k~ departmen~ will be res- ~nslble for tree trimming as outlineale N0. B08 - Bell Telephone Comlmn~v of Canada - re application for increased rates. ~r~EEED on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the co~manication be rec- eived.~nd ~ile&,l and~ .~the Council protest the amount~ of llthe increases proposed. SEE Resolution No, 166 ..P~PORYS The following Reports were presented: No. 299 - City Manager - re fire officers' college. ORDEHSD on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and ~he racere_ mendation be adopted. No. 260 - City Clerk - re conference held llth October. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed. No. 261 - City Clerk - rec~mnending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Jolley that the report be received and filed, and the recom- mendations be adopted. No. 262 - City Manager - re petition re Burns Manufacturing Company. ORDERED the motion of Aid. Hawkins and He~t that the report be received and filed, and the matter be laid on the table until the next meeting. SEE Petition No. PETITION Laid over from a previous meeting: No. 24 - S.E.Junkin and 25 others - re operation of Burns Manufacturing Company. ORD~ on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Hart that the petition be received and laid on the table until the next meeting. RESOLUTION The following Resolution was passed: No. 166 - HAWKINS - MacDONALD - RESOLVED that The Ontario M~nicipal Association and the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce be asked to make s~rong protests ainst the proposed increases in rates by the Bell Telephone Company of Canada; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. ' Carried unanimousl~l BYe-LAW The following By-law was read the first and second times: No~.. 4466 - To stop up a portion of Lorae Street. It wss ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Jolley that Ald. Don- ald be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first t~m~ ~ Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that R~le 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. , The Council adJouaued on the motion of Ald. McKinley a~d Hawkins. READ AND ADOPTED, 24 October, 1949. Iv~a,,VOZ' FINANCE ~EETI~G Co~cil Che~nber, 17 October, 1949. The Finance Committee met on Monday, 17th October, 1949' for the purpose of approvfng and also of passing the various accounts which had been Properly certified end placed before them. All members of the Committee were Present. Sundry accounts amounting to ~;67,474.52 were approved by the Com~dttee. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, ~rere ord- ered placed in the money by-law for Presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley. A co~unication was Presented. from Smith Bros. Construction Co. L~ted and a report from the City Manager regarding the extension of s sidewalk on Vict- oria Avenue. ~t was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hart that the co~nunlcatlon and report be received and filed, the recommendation be adented ~nd the CorPoration ass~une forty per cent of the cost, always Providing the s~me does not exceed sixteen cents per square foot. The statement of relief for the month of September was Presented. It vas ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Jolley ·that the statement be rec- eived and riled. An offer was Presented from Frank Visentin of $150.00 for Lot 59, Ach- eson Avenue. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of ~ld. Hart and MacDonald it was ordered that the offer be received and laid on the table and Mr. Visentln be advised that Council will sell the lot but only under the usual agreement which Provides for the erection of a dwelling within six months, time. The report of the Property Committee, on the above matter, was Presented. It was ordered On the motion of ~ld. Hart and MacDonald that the report be rec- eived and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. ~e Committee extJommed on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald. READ AND ADOP,jED, 2~ October, 19~9. 00UNCIL ~.~.TING Ch"~n of Finance / Council Chamber, 17 October, 19~9. - f · meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts ep- proved by the Committee, and for the consideration of other matters. All members of the Council were present. _The following By-law was passed: .No. 4467_ . To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Donald that Ald. Haw- k-ins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimo~ly. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Jolley and MacDonald that Rule 3~ (2) of th~ Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. ihird reading -Ald. MacDonald and Hart - Carried unanimously. Ald. Donald left the meeting. C0~NUNICATION Laid over from the previous meeting: I~o. 297 - Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation _ re local improverants. ORD- ERED on the motion of Ald. Hart and Jolley that the connnunication and draft reameat be received and laid on the .table until the next meeting. ag- RES GLUTION The following l~esolution was passed: No. 167 - MacDONAED _ McIENLE~ _ RESOLVED that the regular meeting of the City Council scheduled to be held on Monday, ]let October, cormhence at 5.00 p.m.; end the Seal of the CorPoration be hereto affixed. . _Carried Discussion was entered into by the members present with regard to traf- fic conditions and speeding in the City. Ald. Inglis felt that traffic should bc slowed down in an effort to prevent accidents, such as occurred to-day when one child was injured and one fatally in~ured. Ald. MacDonald suggested that it miSht be advantageous to instel a blinker light on Victoria Avenue at Epworth Place. Ald. Hawkins asked that a letter be forwarded to the Chief of Police asking that the traffic regulations be strictly enforced, and speciall~ with regard to travel on Victoria Avenue. He also rec~nded that persons operating bicycles and scooters should be advised that they are required to observe all traffic regulat- ions Just as the operators of motor vehicles are i'equirad. ~e Council adjourned on the. motion of Ald. Jolley I~EA~ AND ADOPTED 24 October, 19h9. Council Chamber, 2~ October, 1949. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 P.m. on Monday, 24th October, 1949, for the ~urpose of consideri ne. members of the Council were Present. ~he Conguncg~i ral business and finance and McKinley. , c MacDonald On the motion of A~d. Donald and ~a~kIns ~. J. Donehue was ~er~Itted to Co~cll. ~. Do~hue s~o~ ~ beh~ of ~e N~ F~e D~ Cl~ who warn ab~t to en~r ~e 0.R.F.U. phil. ~e f~t g~e for Sa~, 29~ ~tober In S~la ~ ~e Club was ~ ~e as- of Co~cil in ob~ s~ftcient ~s ~ h~ a b~ ~ w~ch ~ ~_ P~m to S~a. ~ a Pm~o~ mete: m~ of ~d. ~is ~ Jo~ey ~t ~e c~catlon be mcei~d ~e ~ble; ~ ~e ~t ~t be mfemd ~ ~ ~e City a~b~ ~ ~ ma~ts of ~em~n a clare w~emby ~e ho~ee ratio.) NI~ F~. (~. ~t ~d con~ fo~l~ C~icatl~ were Pmsen~d: C~ of ~ ~lo ~c ~r ~ C~e ~ ~lati~ ~ m aPPllcatl~ for lmm~ m~s. ~ mtl~ of ~. Dm~d ~ ~W~m ~t ~e c~Cation ~ mc- Cl~ of ~o~ - j~ ~soolatl~ of ~1o ~ ~ · No. 317 - Canadian Manufacturers, Asacolation - re uniformity for daylight savlng time. C~E)EF~D on the motion of AI~. MacDonald and Jolle~ that the c~=-~,nication ~e receive~ au~ filed. 1~o. 318 - All Saints, Church - invitation to church servlce. C~D~ on the mo~- ion of Ald. Hart and Don_~!d that the c~unication be received and filed, the ln- vitstion be accepted and as ~ of the Council as possible atteml the service. No. 319 - Martin, Calvert an~ Matthews - requesting l~rmisston for encroachment. O~u on the motion of AI~. Donald and Mclc'Lnley that the ccmnunlcation be ~c- eived End filed# th~ encroeolnnent be permitted 8n~ the necessaz7 ~-lEw be prep- Laid over frc~ a previous meeting: No. 2~8 - Medical Officer of Health - re Burn~ Manufacturing CcEW' ORDERED on the motion of AId. Donald and MacDonald that the report ~e received and laid on the table. SEE l~eport No. 263 ~me follow~ Reports were presented: No. 263 - Counittee of Council - re Burns Manufacturing Com~an~. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Donald an~ MacDonald that the report be received and filed, an~ the rec~ndation be adopted. SEE Petition I~o. 2~ ~o. 2~ - Cit~ Clerk - re appointees on l~ingara Falls and Suburban Area Planning Boax~l. C~D~E~ on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Hawkins +-~-t the report be eived and file~, ~,~ approved. Mc. 26~ - Electrician . re attendance at convention. C~ on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Dcm.~_ that the re~ort be received and filed. No. 266 - City Clerk - reccmnending issuance of licence. CL~ on the motion of Ald. Eawkin~ and MacDonald that the report ~e received an~ filed, an~ the rec- carmenclarion ~e adol~ted. ~0. 170 - ~ . DONALD Ci y of Niagara Falls Petition the D at the Council of the CorPoration of the ~nont of Highways ario for an interim ~rant under the Highway ImProvement Act on exPenditures made of the Province of Ont- Carrle~ unen~mousl Ald. I~art asked that the City Manager inspect Sixth Avenue and between Bridge Street an~ Maple Street and report as to whether an additional street light is necessazT. Ald. In~lls voiced his regret that the General Motors Corporation 'Train of Tomorrow, would not ma~e a sto~ in X~ia~ara Falls for the put!Dose of public in- spection. His Worship Mayor Honck advised of kls efforts in this re~rd and that the itinerary of the train could not he changed to include th~s city. Ald. Ingl~s spoke of the recent visit to Niagara Fall. of Mr. Pandit Nebru, Prime M4n=eter of India and regretted that His Worship Mayor Houck had not been invited to extsml a welcc~ae on behalf of this City to the d~sting~shed vis- ~tor. Ald. Mcl~tnley also spoke u~on the matter and His Worsh~ Ma~or Houck plagued hie ~nderetanding of the incident. ofA~- Inglls spoke of the Public atat~nent made by Mr. C~aJ~-man the l~o-~lectric Po~er Commission of Ontario, Rohert E. Saunders, with regard to power l~oduction. It was re~orted that Mr. 8aundere had s~ated that horse Power from the Queensten power plant would be doubled by 1952 and that three ~lants in the area w~,l~ he shut down. ~he Alderman felt that a smaller Power be entered into at an early date betseen the CorPoration an~ n a~ree~ent should connectston with such expansion and its effect u~on N~agara the Cc~nfission in Falls. His Worship ~rYor Souck advised Council of the consideration which had been given to the mat- ~e Connell adJourne~ on the motion of Ald. lh~kina and Donald. I~AD AED AD0~, S1 October, 19~. ' ' Laid over fr3n a Previous nsel~ing: ,~ ,~ ~ -, No. ~ - S~E.~kln and 25 others - m B~ ~~i~ C~. ~ on ~rk" "~ RES0LUTI01~ ~'-e follcNiUg li~solutions were passed: No. 168 - McXIIEA-r. NaoDONAT~ , I~S~ED tha~ the 1~ F~otball Cl~ f~ f~oi~ Msis~e . m~st of ~ N~ F~ ~ce for o~ldemtl~ ~ ~ti~ aM ~ ~ ~emd ~ ~ ~ of Fin- The ascoun~s submitted, being passed or o~he'tse dealt with, were / ered placed in the money by-law for Presentation to the Cc~mctl on the motlon°o~' ' i ' Ai~. McEtnle~ an~ ~olley. C0~ERENCE ~' ' ~ 2~ October, 19~9. The Conference Ocz~/ttee of the City Council assembled at ~he close of , A re~ort was DresenSed frc~ the City Manager, recc~m~nd/ng the of a permit for an e~klltion ~o the Male Leaf Ho~el aS 1 uance ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonal% 831 Ferry Street. and the rec---..tic. hethe he Re CemmEtSee a~Jo~u-ne~ on the motion of AId. McXinley and Jclley. I~EAD AND AD~P~D, 31 0c~ober, 19~9. '( / ~ _. ] rman of Fin~nce Council Chamber, ~he regnl~r council end finance ~ sent. ~ ce~ before them. All me~ber~ o2 After consideration ha~ ~een 6~/ven ~o the ma~ers Presented ~o them~ the Comm/$tee saJourned on the motion of Aid. ~awk~ns and Donald. READ A~D AD~P2ED# 31 October, 19~9. Council Chamber, ~ October, 19~9. Re Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meet~s for the Purpose of passing the b~-law which covered the accounts aleroved by the Committee. All w~mhers of ~he Council were ~resent~. The follov:f. ng AT"-lav was Pasee,:l: ~o. ~ . To C~nt M~n/es for ~eneral l~oses. C0U~OIL MEET/~ Council C}mmber, 2~ 0orsher, 19~9. Re Council m-aseemble~ at the close of the meeting of the Coaferance Ccam~t~se on M~nde.v, ~th e~ober, 19~9. All members of the Comical were ~ree- ~t. It was oa"~erecl first time , Carried una.~.~,mSl~v · ' reaB. the 267 ('3) of theIt was order~i on ~he motion of AI~. Bawklne am1 Moltriley S~an~ l~ulee of Council be auepen~e~ and ~he b~-law be that Jh,Lle 36 se~ ~1~ - C~e~ ~~.~n ~e ~e C~1 ~ ~ ~ ~$1on of ~. ~ ~ ~o~. '/WRAP .AID) ADCi'~I3SD 31 October, 192;9. ,' un , ~ l th a l~ru~er ex- The Chairman of Finance discusse& the request of the Nlaga~a Falls Dyn- amo FootNxll Club for assistance aml the matter was left to his discretion. The Council adJourne& on the motion of AI~. MacDonald an& McKinley. I~EAD A~D AD01~I~D, S1 October, 19~9- Council Chamber, 31 October, 19~9. Pursuant to a~Jou~:,~nt, the Council met at ~.00 p.m. on Monday, 31st October, 1~9, for the purpose of comalaerin8 general business and finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Hawkins, were present. The Council, having receive~ and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopro& these on the motion of AId. Mckinley and MacDonald. CO~I~I~IOATIOES ~aid over fr~n a previous meeting: N0. 315 - Associat~n of Ontario Mayors and Reeves - re Hospital for Sick Child- ten fux~l. CE~ on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the ication be received and hid on the table until the next meeting. me following Co~m~nications were lmesentad: No. 320 - The Salvation Arm~ - requesting penniesion for paper drive. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donal~ an~ MacDon_a!d that the c~ication be received and filed, permission be granted an~ the co-operation of the City forces be extended. No. S21 - Niagara Frontier Ht~na~e Society - requesting representative fr~ Coun- cil on ~oar~. 01~D~ on the motion of Ald. MacDonal~l am Jolley that the coax- tannicerich be received and file&, and His Worship Mayor Hounk ~e aske& to w~e an appoin~nent. His Worship Mayor Eouck appointe& AId. MacDonald as the represent- ative of Council upon this Aid. Hart arrived at the meeting. ~o. 322 - Niagara Falls Rate Payere Association - requesting information re area. a~n on the motion of AI{. MacDonald ami MoKinley that the 'cosmnication be ~ecelved and refexTed to the Arena Cmm.~ttee for consideration. ~e following Reports were presented: N0. 268 - City Clerk - re conference held 2~th October. 0I~IED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Jollel +.~t the report be received and filed. ~o. 269 - City Clerk - reccsaending issuance of ltoence. CEd~D on the motion of AM. NanDonald an{ Ear~ taint the relmor~¥be received ~.a filed, aml the ~adation be ndoptsd. Ai~. InSlie arrived at the meetinS. .~e f~ll~S~ zy-Xaws wore ~asee~: 1~o. ~69 - To appoint Deputy Returning Officers, Poll Clerks and Polling Places for the municipal election In December, 1~9 for the year 1~30. It was ox~ler~l on the motion of AId. McKinley and jolley that Ald. Mac. Donald be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law he re~i 'the first t~m~ o Carried. ; It was omlered on the motion of Aid. Mclff~nley and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Eules of Council be suspended an~ the by-law be given the second reading - Carried. reading - Alxl. MacDonal~ an~ McKinley - Carried. N9.'· ~J~7_0 - To allow an encroaclnnent upon MeSas Street. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald and MacDonald that Ald., McKinley he given the privilege of lntr~luclng the b~-law aml the by-law be reel the first time ~ Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKl~]~_y and ~-~c that Rule 36 (2) of ~ S~ ~s of Co~cil be s~en~ ~ ~e by-~w ~ ~n ~e seco~ ~ - C~ie~. ~ird re~_a!ng -Ald. Jolley aml Hart - Carrie~. ~he following l~y-law was rea~ the first and second times: ~o. ~71 - To authorize the construction of a four foot sidewalk on the north side of Hamilton Street between Stanley Avenue and H0zaewoo~ Avenue as a local improv6~ent under the proVisions of ~xe l~cal Improvement Act. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonal~ that Ai~. Donal~ be given the privilege of introducin6 the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. ;olley aml McI~nley that Rule 36 (2) of the -qt~mltn; l~leS of Coteoil he eua~em~e& and the by-law be rea~ the sec- ond tJ~ - C~led. * It was ordered on the motion of AI~. L~.oponslcl and MPZlnle~y that the by-law be la~d on the table an~ referred to b Ontario ~m4Cil~l ~ for a~- Ald. MacDonald adVised +.~et be had been approached b7 a resident on Seeoral Avenue between Morrison Street aml ~ St~e~ who _~a m~ussted that an additional street M~ht be installed at this .location. ~e Cl~ Mam~r was asksO to ~t the a~ea an~ report upon the matter. AId. Do, m!a adVised Council that he had been tnfoms~ by the manager of the local l~ptrc-Electrlc Comalesion that the citizens are asks0 to call the office when street lights a~e not in o~eratlon, gpon whtck e~Vice the cceamtsslon forces will take antion. ' ~he Ci~ Treasurer a~vlsed that a street lt6ht Is not operatin~ at tl~ comer of Pe~w~ar Avenue ~u~ Eastwoo~ Crescent. i!~ 'Xhe Council at~ouraed on the motion of'Ald. 14oKtnle~ ani ~]4. EMD AND ADCl~D, 7 ~cvember, 1~9. .... ". . , :i C · " CouncZ1 Cham~er, 31 October, 19~9. ~e F~ce Committee met on Monday, 31st October, 19~9 for the pur- pose of appreving and also of l~esin~ the various accounts which hod been Drop- erl~ certified and placed before them. All members of the Cu.~m~ttee, with the ~ception of Ald. HawkinS, were l~rssent. On the motion of AI~. McKinley and Mac- Donald, AI~. Donsld was chairman of the meeting. Sundry accounts amounting to $82,777.~7 were al~proved by the Cnm~ ttee. ~e accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were o~l- ered placed in the money ~y-law for ~resentation to the Council on the motion of An offer was presented from A.Cegno of $~0.00 for Y~ot ~9, Acheson Ave- hue. Upon the recommendation of the Property C~-,.ittee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley it was exilered that the offer be receive& and laid on the table aml ~r. ~gno be a~lvised that the City is prepareS to sell the lot for $50.00 subject to the condition that a dwellfi~ of at least $~,O00.00 is erected on the ~remises within six months. A report fi~ the City Manager was presented to the property c~m~ttee, re~arding the request of the Burns Manufacturing C~ as ~ whe~er ~e Cor- ~ wo~ be wtRl~ ~ se~ ~te 30, 31, 32 an~ 33 ~ ~wts A~u~. Upon ~e mco~n~tt~ of ~e ~o~erty C~t~e and on ~e ~tlon of ~d. ~cDo~ ~ ~ey It was o~em~ ~t ~e report be mCel~ ~ filed, ~ ~e C~- ~ be M~se~ ~e Ci~ is ~reD~d ~ as~ ~e lots for ~e s~ of $2~.~ e~, su~J~t ~ ~e D~si~ bt a ~m~r e~cti~ ~e rode on ~e ~ro~erty. ~e m~rt of ~e ~r~ C--,-,~tte, ~ ~e above ~t~m, was ~res- enid. It w~ o~em~ ~ ~e ~$i~ of ~. M~ey a~ ~ bt ~e mp- ~ ~ recei~d ~d fi~. A report wu pmsen~ fm ~e City ~er, mcm~i~ ~e iss~nce 0f a ~t f~ ~e emcti~ of ~ office ~ldi~ at 6~ ~een Street. It was ~e ~-4ttee nddou~ned on the motion of AId. McFJ~ley and Jolley. ~E~ A~D ADOptran, 7 November, 19~9. Enac~tu~ ChaPman of Finance ~ ' C°nnnll Chamber, 31 October, 1949. The Counc11 re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- s_nee meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts appreved by the Ccanmittoe. All members of the Council# with the exception of Ald. Eawkins, were present. The fillowing By-law was passed: ~ - To Grant Hones for ~eneral Pukesea. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Jolley and MacDonald that kld. Don- ald be given the Pr1vilege of lntro~uc~= the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. - ~ Tt was ordered on the motion of Aid. Mc~dnley and Hart ~h_~_t ~ 36 (2) of the Stamlin~ Rules of Council be 'suspended and the by-law be given the Second reading . Carried. Third reading -Ald. McEinley and Jolley . Carried. The Cornoil a~Journed on the motion of AId. McKinley and MacDonald. READ A~D ADOPTED, T November, 19~9. Clerk Council Chs~er, 7 November, hr ' suant to adjournment /~ove~er, 19~9, for ~e p ose , ~e Co~c~ met at 7.00 ' ~d. Mc~nley Aid. Inglis arrived at the meeting. ~.~t~l~Mae~ were called for ~e Purchase of $205,000.00 City of Niagara Worshll~ cen~ debentuu~es to be dated 3st December eldg.~9. On the motion of Hayor Houck and read. It was then ordered on the motion of ~ld. lZawlcins and' l~ona2~ the tenders started were op~n , initiaLled by His Donald that the tenders be tabulated. Laid over/~ revious meetl s COA~OA~0BS ..... - zzxm revious meetl s: Eo. S~7 . Central Ho and andthe Corporation fo~ con- ~o. 31~ - ASsociation of Ontario Ma ors and l~eeves . Children. ~~ re fu~ for Eospltal for Sick MacDonald that the ccmnunlc. aries be received and laid on the fable, and the ASsociation be so notified. ~0. 3~2 ~ Ill Palls ~ate p ere Asso CONF~EE~CE a0t~on of ~, re new arena. inasmuch as a statemesS l~d been made by the cammun(catlon be received an;n the 31 October, re&~lAr ~ounoll 'and f~Mnoe meet o ble~ at the close of · . · 'vetorot in 'tl3e a,,u,tt c.la.'tm ,:teed,no lnterea :in ez 'ore :ce't're ~- co m the .C1~ ion be ng the * ~., ~, -I ~13~ - NAa~ Falls Irate Payers S_I~ Report 1~o. 271 t~ sa~eand exPeaditure statemen~ as oAss°ciatt°n be suPplte~ v~ns t~at the con~ i!// f L · No. 326 - Niagara Falls Lions .Club - appreciation of assistance. 0~D~A~aD on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Jolley that the co~-~A~nlcatlon be received and filed. No. 327 - R.W.itussell - requesting permit to operate used car lot. 0EOEEED on the motion of Ald. Donal~l ar~ Hawkins that the c~tcation be received and filed. No. S28 - Association of Kinsmen Clubs of Canada - re~uesting !~rmlssion to u~e lot for sale of Christmas trees. 0ED~ED on the motion of Ald. l~nley and Don- ald that the c~,nication be received and filed, and l~rmiselon be granted. ~e follo~ing Reports were presented: No. 270 - City Manager - suggestion* re clause in Central Mort~e ~ Housing Cor- poration agreement. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Eawkins an~ MacDonal~ that lhe re!~ort be received au~ filed, and the reco~m~endation be adopted. No. 271 - Cit~ Solicitor - re restriction in deed. (~ on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald that the report be received and filed, and the reco~,~ndation be adopted. No. 272 - City Clerk - re conference held 31st October. O~DERED on the motion of Ald. Donal~ and Jolley that the rel~rt be received and file~. No. 273 - City Clerk - recc~nemling issuance of licences. C~DE~ED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Jolley that the report be received an~ filed, the recommend- artone with regard' to moat cutters' licences be adopted; -that Jack DemDsey,s Clothes Shop be not ~ranted a licenee and they be s~lvised that they will be per- mittsd ten days in which to complete their business in Nls~ara Falls. No. 274 - City Manager - rec~m-ndations to Traffic Co,,n4ttee. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Jolley and Donal~ that the ral~rt .be recetve~ and referred to the Traffic C~,~,~ttse for reo~',,=~ndations. ~he followin~ Resolutions were passed:. No. 172 - HAW~ - ~ - I~0L~ED that a message be forwarded to ~e f~- i~ of b ~ ~s. C~l~e El~r Wi~on, e;~esi~ ~e s;a~ of ~s Wore~p ~r Eouck, ~e ~rs of ~e City Cornell a~ citizens of N~Z~a F~ up~ ~e aea~ of ~ts es~ ~ 1~ ~sident; an~ ~e Se~ pf-t~ Colorat- ion ~ hem~ ~f~d. Camied ~o~ NO. 17B - ~ - ~ - ~ ~t a-le~Wr of c~t~tl~ wishes ~ ex~d ~ ~ss ~ ~, ~ be~ of Wo~htp ~r Ho~k~ ~ ~t~ second as a ~er of ~e ~ to ~p~sent Can. ~ In ~ f~ s~t~ c~i~ ~ ~ ~1~ in ~, ~ ~ ~ch of 19~0; ~& ~e Se~of ~e Co~o~tion ~ hemto C~ied ~usly Ald. Hawkins expressed the appreolatiou of Council to Nis Worship M~ycr :Houck for his successful efforts in haydug the illumination-of the Fa!le contin- ued for one hour each night durin~ the winter months, which action will be of great benefit to the Falls lll~mination Board, the merchants, tourist home oper- ators aml citizens of Nla~ara Falls. His Worship Mayor Bouck replied to the erman am~, stated that ~1! credit for ~.t~.s action should ~o to J~.-~.E.Banudem, · . ~.~'-. -' ,: ! Chairm~n and MAr. R.W.IIern, General Manager of the EYdro-Electric Po~er of Ontario. ~e Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald. I~AD AND ADOP~ED, 14 November, 1~9. Council Chamber, 7 November, 1949. ~he Finance C~.!ttse met on Monday, 7th November, 1~9, for the pur- pose of approvin6 and also of passing the various accounts which ha~l been prop- erl~ certified an~ placed before them. All members of the C~,,mittse were present. SUndx7 accounts amountin8 to $37,3~.61 were appreved by the Cc~m4ttee. ~e accounts submitted, being ~aaeed or othemiee dealt with, were ord- ered placed tn the money by-law for presentation .to the Council on the motion of An offer was presents~ fi~u G.A.Allen of $7~.00 for Lot 45, E~ery Street. Upon the recommendation of the Property Coim~ittse and on the motion of AI~. MaoDon.l~ and Jolley it was ordered that the offer be received, filed and accepted, subject to the condition that a dwellix~ of at least $6,000.00 value is erected an the premises within six ~ths. An offer wan presented frc~ F.F~rro of $75.00 for Lot 40, bry Street. Upon the rscc~mendation of the Property Cn~ttse and on the motion of Ald. Mac- Donald and Hart it was ordered that the offer be received, filed and accepted, . subject to the condition that-a dwellin6 of at least $6,000.00 value is erected on the l~remises wAthin six mm~tas. ' ~e report of the Property Cmnnittee on the above setters was presented. was ordered on the motion of A1A. MacDonald and l~ar~ that the report be rsc- e!~d a~d filed. - ~e ccmparison of tax collections as at 31st--October ~e ordered on the motion of AId. Mc]r/mley an~ . Was presented. It ved~ file~ and 61Yen the usual publicity. JoLley that the statement be rso- ~e Cit~ Treasurer made a verbal rec~...ndation that the tsn~er of. ~i~er and CczW Limited for the $20~,000.00 City of Ni in " "~ ~" ' "~ Chai~m~n of Finance Clerk " -'~AAaaa- Aldem-n felt all members of Council should attemi this meeting. · e Coonoll a~Journe& on the motion of Aid. ttart an~[ Donald. I~AD A~D ~DOPP~3, 1~ i~ovem~er, 19~9. Mayor Council Chamber, 7 November, 19~9. ~he Coonell m-assembled at ~e close of the re6~/ar council and fin- ance meetAngs for the Imrpose of paseln~ the by-law which covered ~he accounts a~prove~ b~ the Ccmaittee. All members of the Council were present. 'R,,e follcwh~q BY-/aw was passe&: ~ - To G~t ~es for ~e~ P~oees. Council Chamber, ~he mgula~ co~ncXl and ftnanc . 7 ~ovember, 19~9. ~e C~e~ce C~t~e of ~e Cl~ Co~ctl ase~bled a~ ~e c~se of ~e ~ c~ e metl~ on ~ ~e C~e we~ ~ ~n~.~1~ m~n ~hce , 1~9, rot ~e ' e~s o~ ~U~ o~ ~. D~ ~ ~o~er. It was ordered on the motion of AId. McK~nley'an~ Barb 'that Aid.. Haw- kins be 8iven the Privilege of introducing the ' f~rst time - Ca~Tied m~a_.~w~Usl~' - b~-law and the b~-law be rea~[ t~e FC~'AU~H ~ETING Council Chamber, 9 November, 1949. A special meeting of the City Council was held at 3.00 p.m. on Wednes- day, 9th November, 1949. All members of the Council, with the exception of Aid. Hawk~n-~ were present. Re meeting was calle~ for the purpose of considering a report on pollution of the Nia6ara River and tenders which had been submitted for the purchase of debentures. FORTY-FIRST MEETIN~ t~EGULAR MEETIIk~ Council Chamber, 14 November, 1949. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 pro. on Monday, 14th November, 1949, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous special and regular meetings, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley. ! Pa~ORT Re folioring Papoft was presented: No. 275 - City Manager - re pollution of river and presentations to International Joint CP-s.~eston. ~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDon~3a that the report be receives ~ filed and ,the City Manager be instructed to prepare a brief for consideration of the Cotmcil at the meeting of l~th November, which will later be presented to the Co.,.~eston at the hearing to be held on 17th NO~eaber, such brief to cgpoee any suggestion that the Corporation build a sesame trea~nent pl-~_~t for the reasons: (1) the difficult financial position of the municipality; (2) the small amount of sewage dischareed into the river ~y this City; and (3) the difficulty encountered due to the fact that there are at present four outlets from the city sewers to the river. ~xe Council gave consideration to the s,m,-~y of tenders which ha& been receivei for the purchase of $205,000.00 City of Niagara Falls debentures. Mr. Shaw of Gaitdrier ami Con~Mu~V T~v.~ted was present an~ answered ~uestlons put to him by the members of Council. After consideration end discussion, Mr. Shaw a~vtsed that he was prepareS to make a further bid on behalf of his company of $100.179 for three and one~Auarter per cent debentures for a ~erio~ of Went= years. Afar consideration of this offer, the following action was taken: following Resolutions.were l~assed: No. 17~ - DONALD - MacDONALD - I~ESGL~ED that the tender price of Gaixlner and C~- pan~ L!m!te~ of $100.179 for tlmee ami one~Auarter per cant City of Niagara Falls debentures, in am~mt of $20~,000.00 over a period of Wenty yeazs~ ha accepted; an~ the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. C..axTted - Ale. Hart voting contrary *to this motion No. 17~ - MacDOnALD - aYj~Y - ES~CLI~D that the necessarye~n~ments be made to By-law Nmaber ~d~51 to revise ~he schedule of annual pa~nnente and to embody the rscrmw~n~lations ma~e by the DepaA-~nt of MUSICJill~ Affairs, ar~ the ssm~ be pres- ented tO Council at the me, sting of l~th November; a~d the Seal of the Corporation be hersto affixed. ~.arrAed - AI~, Hart Voting contraiT to this motion Council a~our~ed on ~he marion of .AI~. Jollay am1 ~i.' ~z'= ...... READ AI~ ADOP~, 14 November, 19~9. OONGRATJLATION~ Ald. McKinley extended hearttest congratulations to AId. MacDonald on the occasion of his grandson, Tommy Young, being ~udged the cutest kiddie in the Clty of Niagara Falls, New York. In connection with Petition No. 24 and on the motion of AId. Jolley and Hart, Mr. 0rsborne and Mr. Hare were permitted to speak to Connil. Mr. Orsborn was of the opinion that the by-law to close a portion of Lorsn Street should have been passed before the new arena building was erected, and was opposed to the closing of the street. Both men were of the opinion also that property in this area would now be depreciated due to the arena and Mr. Rare, who was speaking on behalf of his sister who owns a house in this section, suggested that there should be a reduction of taxes. His Worship Mayor Houck advised that this was a matter which would have to be considered by the Court of. Revision. S~E Petition No. 24 CCe$tUNIOATI01~ Iai~ over fran a previous meeting: 323 - Ontario Munici~al Association - re Bell Telephone Conparty application. {SREEED on the motion of Ald. Donald ar~ Hawkins that the ccmmunlcation be rec- eived and filed. ~e follovlng Cc~anlcattons were ~resented: No. 329 - Honsurable Minister of Travel and Publicity - re Tourist Establishments ~t, 19~9. 0y~u on the motion of Ald. llawk~ns and MacDonald that the conmun- icatlon be received and the Depar~nent be notified that the matter is already ruder a~vtsement. * .0. 330 - $oar~ of Education - re election meetings at schools. OI~DERED on the m0tlon of Ald. MacDo-_~!d and ~olley that the:!on~-~n!cation be received and ref- erred to the City Manager to- take up with the Board of Education regarding the $~0.00 c~rge for the Collegiate and the $6.00 charge. ~0. ~31 - ~ell Telephone Coraltony of Canada No. 33~ - 3ell Telephone Ocml0an~ of Canada - re~usstlng permission to replace and place ~laut. ~ on the motion of AlE. McFdnley aml Hawkins that the commun- ications be receive& and file~, and permission be 6ranted. ~o. 333 - Canadian Legion,. Branch ~1 - al~rectatton re Poppy Ta~ Day. 0RDIR~) on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Hart ~h-_t the c~--unica,,tton be received and ~tlsd. rl~e following Reports were presented: No. 276 o City Clerk - re conference held November 7th. 01~ on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and adopted. No. 277 - City Clerk - rec~,d,~ndlng issuance of licences. QEDEE On the motion of Ald. MaCDonald and Hart that the report be received and filed, and the recom- mendations be adopted. No. 278 - Traffic Co~.~ttee - mmk~ng recommendations. O~DEEED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins. an~ MacDonal~ that the report be received and fried, and the recom- mendations be adopted, together with the suggestions of Ald. Donald that the area on Bridge Street between First Avenue and Victoria Avenue where thSre is space for ~No cars, be eliminated for parking; and that of Aid. Jolley, that no parking be permitted on Victoria Avenue across from Webb's Service StatiOn. No. 279 - Traffic Cow. dttee = making rec~.u~ndations. Ot~a~ on the motion of ~ld. MacDonald and Jolley that the report be received and filed, an& the recom- mendations be Mopted. PE'~£'-I0~ The following Petitions were presented: No. 24 - Ceo. E. Orsborn and 13 others - re closing of Lorne Street. Q~DERED on the motion of Ald. MacDona3~l and Donald that the petition be received an& filed. No. 25 - Hunt Motors L~m~ted and 10 Others - re used car lots. (E On the motion of Ald. Znglis and MaCDonald that the petition be received, filed, and the request be ~ranted; and the City Clerk or City Manager be instructed to draw up a policy for the Councll,e guidance in such instances. The following By-laws vero passed: No. ~J+~l - To provide for borrowing $205,000.00 upon debentures for the purpose of erecting a memorial are.ha and conlnunity hall. Third reading (as ~m,nded) -AI&. Donald and Hawkins - Cattle&, Ald. Hart voting contrast to this motion. No. 4466 - To step up a portion of Lorne Street. - To provide for permission to The ~ell Telephone Ccerpan~ of Canada to replace One pole on 7icteria Avenue an~ place t~o anchors ancl buried · cable on 8tanlay Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. HavEins and Hart that Ald. McKin- ley be given the privilege of introducing the by=law and the by-law be read the first time - Carrio& ~mantmnuely. It was ordered on the motion of AId. I[awkina and Jolley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing ltules o~. Council be suspendea and the ~y-law be given the se~or~ reading - Car~led unanimously. .... q~ix~ readin~ - Ai~. MacDonal~-an~ McFdnley - Carxfied unanimously. Ald. ~acDonald referred to the improvement he had noticed in the re- ~dnted City tr~cks, and cnmm~nded the City Manager for this. Ald. Donald referred to a letter which he had read in the press, which hs felt was quite Justifiable. This letter referred to the hazardous method em- ployed by the sewer gang while working on city streets and suggested that signs should be erected for the protection of these workmen, advising motorists ~hat there are man.. at work. Ald. Inglis commented on the recent announcement made by the Honourable Mr. Abbott, Minister of Finance, with reference to federal grants to municipal- ities, and referred to the fact that the assessments in the City of Niagara Falls as quoted in the local press, total only $198,~00.00. He felt the Assessor should consider increasing the assessments on federal properties in order that advantage might be taken of such grants. ~ld. Inglis referred to the announcement made by Mr. R.S.Saunders, Chairman of the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario, with reference to the proposed tunnel which is to be constructed in this area; and was of the opinion that such an announcement was not well timed and the Chairman did not state Just when this work would commence. The alderman felt this would undoubtedly cause an influx of people seeking employment which woul~ not help the housing situation or employment problem in this City. His Worship Mayor Houck stated that he had al- ready brought this to Mr. Saunder,s attention when he was in the City, requesting his consideration. ~e Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Hart. EAD AND ADOp~ED~ 21 November, 1949. Clerk Mayor FINANCE MEETING Council ChaSer, 14 November, 1949. The Finance Co...~ttee met on Monday, l~th November, 1949, for the pur- Poseof approving and also of passing the various accounts which had. been properly certified and. placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Sunda~ accounts amounting to $42,603.16 were approved by the C~.,-~ttee. ~e accounts submitted, l~ing passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ale. McI~tnley an~ MacDonald. · he statement Of relief for 0c~ober was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley that the statement be received and filed, and given the usual publicity. Prior to this motion, Ald. Inglis moved that an amount of $1,~00.00 which appears to be the mount of the probable surplus in this aceout, be turned over to the Arena C~iLtttee for the purchase of seats. ~is m~tion was not seconded. An offer waspresented from the Falls Construction Co. Ltd. of $600.00 for Lot 88, Plan 43, Eanan Avenue. Upon the rec~ndation of the Property Com- mlttee and on the motion of AId. MacDonald and Hart it was ordered that the offer be received, filed and accepted, subject to the condition that a dwelling of at least $11,000.00 value he erected On the premises within six months. ~e report of the Property C~t ttee upon the above matter was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Hart that the report be received end filed. A report was presented from the City Manager, regarding an application frm Smith Brae. Construction Company for a permit to make alterations to the Masonic Temple on Victoria Avenue. Yt was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacD0n- ald and Jolley that the report be received and filed, and a permit be issued, subject to the provision that the plans are satisfactory to the City Manager. A report was presented from the City Manager, regarding an application from Smith Brae. Construction Ccmpany for a permit for the emotion of an addition to the Fox Head Hotel. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Jolley and Eart that the report be received aml filed, an~ a permit 'be granted. ~e C~ttee adjourned on the motion of AId. McKinley an& Hart. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that Ald. Haw- kins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first t~m~ - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Hawkins and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. ~hird reading - Aid. MacDonald and Hart - Carried unanimously. Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Nawklns and McKinley. EEAD AND ADOF,',:.,, 21 November, 1949. Clerk Mayor i~EAD AND ADOPTED, 21 November, 19~9. Chairman of Finance Council Chamber, November, 1949. ~-e Gemoil re-aSeemble~ at the close of the regular .council aml fin- ance meetings for the pul~ose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approve& by the C,.-,~ tree. All members of the C?uncil were present. ~e fo:Ll.o~in~ By-law was ~assed: BY -LAW CONFEI~NCE Council Chamber, 14 November, 1949. ~e Conference C~ttee of the City Council assembled at the close of ~he regular council and finance meetings on Monday, 14th November, 1949, for the purpose of consideriu~ the various matters before them. All members of the Com- mlttee were present. A~ter consideration of the matters presented to them, the C~,~,d~ttee ad,,Jou,rned an the motion of Ald. Donal~ and ~olley. READ AND AD0e/ED} 21 November, 19~9- ee'v . VV."e FORTY-SECOND MEETING Council Chs~aber, 21 November, Pursuant to adJoui:za~ent, the Council met at 7-30 p.m. on Monday, 21st November, 1~9, for khe purpose of considering general business and finance. members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McYdnley. C0~$~JNICATIONS The ~ollowin~ Communications were prepented: No. 334 - Central Mortgage and HousingC_.oorz3pXa~t~io__n - re draft agreement submitted ORDERS) on the motion of Ald. Jolley aml Hart that the communication be received and laid on the table until the agreement is received; also that Hie Worship Mayor Houck be asked to take up with the Hencurable Humphrey Mitchell the matter of a clause in the agreement which would provide for renting the local houses to persons with previous reside~ce in this City only. No. 339 - City of Kitchener - resolution re Highway Traffic Act. ORDEE on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the communication be received and filed No. 336 - Bell Telephone Ccmpany of Canada - re application for interim rates. ORD~iffi~D on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Jolley that the commanication be rec- elved and filed. Prior to this motion, it was moved by Ald. Donald and MacDonal4 that the ccA~aanlcation be received and filed, and a letter of protest be sent for submission at the hearing. This motion was defeated with Ald. Inglis, Jolley, McKinley and Nawkins voting a~alnst the same. ~EPORT T~e following Re~ort was presented: No. 280 - City Clerk - re conference held 14th Novumber. OEDEEED o~ the motion of AI~. Hart and Nawkins that the report be received and filed. ~he foll_pwingReeolution was passed: No. 176 - DONALD - JOT.v.~y . EESOLYED that the next regular meetings of the Coun- cil be scheduled to take place at 5.00 p.m. on Monday, 28th November and at 5.00 p.m. on T~esday, 6th December; ami the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously · he following. By-laws were passed: No. ~471 - To authorize the co~truction of a four-foot sldew~l~ an the north side of ~!ltca Street ~et~een Stanley Avenue and llcmewoo~ Avenue as a local improvement under the provisions of the I~cal Impro~e~s~nt Act. ~hlrd readtr~ - Aid. McF. inley and Hawkins - Carried unanimously. N__o, 4~6 - To authorize the execution of an agreement for sale and deed. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. McKinley and MacDonald that Ald. Hawkins be given the privilege of Introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Jolley that Rule 36 (2) of the StandingRules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. ~ird reading -Ald. MacDonald and Hart - Carried unanimously. ~e Council adjourned on the motion of ~ld. Hawkins and McKinley. HAD AND ADOPTED, 28 November, 1949. Clerk Mayor Council Chamber, 21 November, 1949. ~e Finance Corm~ttee met on Monday, 21st November, 1949, for the pur- pose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been prop- erl~v certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. ~.Sundry accounts amounting to $21,803.24 were aDDroved by the C~-~a!ttee. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentstics to the Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley. ~e Revenue and Expenditure statement as at BOth September, 1949, was Presented. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Donald and Jolley ~hat the state- mnt be received and laid o~ the table for further reference and the City Treas- urer be instrudted to prepare for the next meeting a statement showing the rev- enues and expenditures to this date and those est~.t. ted to the end of the year. A report was presented from the City Manager with regard to the condit- ion of Nmber 1 filter at the Filtration Plant. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hart ahd MacDonald that the roportbbe~received and f~lad, ar~ the reso,m~nd- ations he adopted. A report was presented frcm the City Manager regarding an application for a permit for alterations at the l~ailbow Cabins, Murray Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Do~-~ and ~olley that the report be received and filed, an~ a permit for the repairs be issued, providing the same ts no~ contrary to ex- Isting by-laws and if the City Solicitor advises the same is in. order. An offer was presented from Ettore Graffl of $100.00 for Lot 78, Dy~on Avenue. ~Ipon the rec~ndation of the Property Committee and on the motion of AId. MacDonald and Donald it was ordered that the offer be received, filed and accepted, subject to the condition that a dwelling of at least $5~000.00 value be erected on the premises within six months. An offer was presented from Frank Rovert of $1,000.00 for lots 30 to Lewis Avenue. Upon the reco---~ndatlon of the Property Committee and on the mot- ion of Ald. MacDonald and Jolley It was ordered that the offer be received and lald on the table, and Mr. Robert be advised that the present policy of Council is not to sell lands owned by the municipality unless a~ agreement ls entered into for an erection within a specified period. ~e report of the Property Co~.~ttee, on the above matters, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Jolley that the report be received and filed. Aid. Hawkins spoke upon the matter of the financial statement to be is- sued and was of the opinion that there would be a emil 1 surplus at the end of the ~e Cv~aittee adjourned an the motion of Ald. Donald and Mc2Cinley. READ AND ADOPTED, 28 November, 1949. · 2C9: ) It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that Rmle 36 12) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unan~mnusly. ~l reading -Ald. MacDonald and t[art - Carried unanimously. ~e Cotmoil adjourned on the motion of Aid. Jolley and McKinley. ~EAD AND ADOP~ED, 28 November, 1949. Clerk · ' Mayor erk Chairman of Finance Council Chamber, 21 November, 1949. a:~e Council m-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ante meetings for the ~urpose of passing the by-law which coverea the accounts aperoved b7 the C,n.~ttee. All members of the. Council were ~resent. ~e following 3y-law was Dassed: I~o. ~47~ . To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. ;olley and McKinley that Aid. kiss be ~iven the privilege of introducing the by-law. un& the by-law be read the first t~ - Cartled unamb~usly, . ,,, , ~ f ~stlng by-laws and if the City Solicitor advises the sane is in order. An offer was presented free Ettore Graffi of $100.O0 for Lot 78, D~s0n Avenue. Upon the recom~endation Of the Property C<~mdttee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald it was ordered that the offer be received, filed and accepted, subject to the condifdon that a dwelling of at least $5,000.00 value be erected on the premises within six months. · An offer was presented- from Prank Rovert of $1,000.00 for Lots 30 to 33, Lewis Avenue. Upon the rec~,~-endatiee of the Property Committee and on the mot- ion of Ald. MacDonald aml Jolley it was ordered that the offer be received and laid on the table, and Mr. Robert be advised that the present policy of Council is not to sell lands owned by the municipality unless an agreement ie entered into for an erection within a specified period. ~e report of the Property Cc~mLittee, on the above matters, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Jolley that the report be received ami filed. - Ald. Ea~kins spoke upon the matter of the financial statement to be is- sued and was of the opinion that there would be a sma~ 1 surplus at the end of the ~e 0o~.~ttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and McFdnley. SEAD AND ADOPTED, 28 November, 1949. Chairman of Finance / ' CotmoLl O~-mber, 21 November, 1949. ~e Council re-assembled at the close .of the regular council aml fin- ance maetin~s for the purpose of ~ass~n~ the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the. Council were present. BY-LAW Re followtn~ By~law was ~asse~[: ~ - To Grant Monies for ~eneral Proposes. It w~ ~e~ ~ ~e mti~ of ~d. ~olle~ a~ Mc~ ~t ~d. Haw- ~ ~e gi~n ~e Dri~le~ of ~nt~ci~ ~e ~y-~w ~d ~e ~y-l~ be mad the fi~ t~ - C~e~ ~ly. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. ~lrd reading - AZd. MacDonald and Ear$- Carried unanimously. Me Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Jolley and McKinley. EEAD A~D ADOPTED, 28 November, 1949. Clerk .... .'4__ Mayor isting by-laws ana if the City Solicitor advises the same is in order. An offer was presented from Eftore Graffi of $100.00 for Lot 78, Dyson Avenue. Upon the reco~uend~tion of the ProDarty Cc~m.~ttee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald it was ox~lered that the offer be received, filed and accepted, subject to the condition that a dwelling of at least $5,000.00 value be erected on the premises within six mon~2%s. An offer was presented from ~rsnk Rovert of $1,000.00 for Lots 30 t~ Lewis Aven~e. Upon the reco~..-.endation of the Property Committee and on the mot- ion of Ald. MacDonald ami Jolley it was ordered that the offer be received laid on the table, and MAr. Robert be advised that the prosent policy of Council is not to sell lands owned by the municiDality unless an agreement is entered for en erection wi~ ....... ~e~a nerio~. The repor.' enter. It was be received and Ald. sued end was of ~l The Co'.,.~tttee ClerE It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading . Carried unanimously. ~{~d reading .Ald. MacDonald and Hart . Carried unanimously. ~e Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Jolley and McKinley. EEAD AND ADOp~ED, 28 r~ovember, 1949. M~yor Council Chamber, 28 November, 1949. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at ~.00 p.m. on Monday, 28th November, 1949, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. 41 members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previoUs meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald. Ald. Jolley arrived at the meeting. COMMUNICATION The following Communication was presented: No. 337 - Honourable Minister of Travel and Publicit}, - re enforcement of tourist regulations. 0EOEA~m on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and MacDonald that the corn~ ~ication be received and filed. the past term and his enjoyment in working with the present members of the Coun- cil. His Worship expressed the regret of the Council and citizens at large at the decision of Ald. Hart, and extended the best wishes for his success in the future. ~e Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley. HAD AND ADOP~ED, 6 December, 1949. Mayor The following Reports were presented: No. 281 - City Manager - recomm~nding collegiate scholarships. 0RU~jA~D On the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the report be received and file~, and the recommendation be adopted. -:, No. 282 - City Clerk - recc. m~nding issuance of licences. 01~DE~u on the motion of Ald. MacDo~-~!& an~ McKinley that the report be received and filed, and the rec- ommendation be adopted. The followingBy-law was passed: BYeLAW NQ. 4~78 ' To authorize the execution of an agreement for sale and deed. Yt was ordered an the motion of Aid. McKinley and MacDonald that Ald. Rawki~s be permitted to introduce the by-law and the by-law be ree~l the first Carried unanimoUsly. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. HawMine and Hart that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be read the second ~ird reading -Ald. MacDo,~l_d and ~'olley - Carried uns~o~sly. Aid. Hart advised that it vae to his regret that he co,,~ not see his way clear to staml for re-election on December ~th, due to t~e pressure of other business. He expresses his plea. am at ~avin~ bean able to serve the citizens for Council Ch~nber, 28 November, 1949. ~e Finance Committee met on Monday, 28th November, 1949, for the pur- pose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been prop- erly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were pres- ent. Sundry accounts amounting to $6~, 274.12 were approved by the Committee. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of AI~. McKinley an& Hart. Aid. Hawkins expressed his appreciation to Ald. Hart for the conscient~ 10us work he had performed .as a member of the Finance Committee during his tenure of office. ~e statement of revenues and expenditures and ~st~ted surplUs for the year 1949 was presented. Tt was ordered on the motion of Ald. Inglis and Mac- Donald that the statement be received and referred for consideratioa during the meeting of the Conference Cc.,~,,~ttoe. The report of the .City Manager, regarding the application for a permit to altar tourist cabins at the Rainbow Camp, Murray Street, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Inglis and MacDonald that the report be rec- eived and ,filed, and the recq~.,~adatlcns be adopted. voted contrast to this motion. ) Ccm,~ittee adjourned on the motion of Aid. McKinley aml Jolley. AND AD~P',~:,,, 6 December, 1~9. 'lerk ' ' ""'- CotmclZ Chsmbe~,, ~8 November, 1949. The Comctl re-assembled at ~e close of the ~ c~cll a~ fin- ance ~etl~s for ~e P~ose of P~s~ ~e by-~v vhlch co~d ~e ~co~ appro~ by ~e C~t~e. ~ ~s of ~e Comcll we~ P~n~. ~he following By-law was P~asse~d: e - To Grant Monies fo~ ~e~ P~oses. It ~se o~e~d ~ ~e mtl~ of ~d. M~nley and Dom~ ~ ~ ~n ~e prl~le~ of Int~uci~ ~e by-~w ~d ~e by-~ be ~ad ~e fi~t t~ - C~ed ~ao~. It was o~er~ on ~e ~ti~ of ad. Jolby and Haw~ ~at ~e 36 (2) of ~e S~t~ ~es of Comcll be s~ded and ~e by-l~ be ~n ~e second ~adi~ . C~led ~o~. , RESOLOTIOI6 ~.e following Resolutions were Passed: Zfo. 177 - Mc~ ~ RAWKII~ . i~ES~LVED that the H~dro'-Electrlo Ccmmzieslon of ~tagaZ-a Falls be asked to instel a light at the corner of Ontario Avenue and Otter Street wher~ a bus stop has been established; and the Seal of the Corpor- ation be hemto affixed. Carried unanimousl~yv No. 178 - DOI/ALD . EANE33~ . RESOLVED that the ]~lro-Electrlc Ccmmteelon of Nia- 8are Falls be asked to instel the new lighting system in the v~claity of the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena in readiness for the opening of the building; and the Seal of the Corporation be hemto affixed. Carried unanimously. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald.. Mc~taley and Donald. EEAD AND ADOpt, 6 December, Clerk Ma~0r Council Chamber, 28 iVovemberj 1949. The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of t~e rsgudar council and finance meetings on Monday, 28th November, 1949, for the After cons~deration of the matters placed before them, the Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley. BEAD AND ADOp~n, 6 December, 19~9. Chairman FORTY-FOUR~ ~3ETI~G Council Chambers, 6 December, 1949' Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 5.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 6th December, 1949, for the Purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council were Present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley. C01VG~ATULATi0~B His Worship Mayor Houck expressed the Councll,s congratulations to Ald. MacDonald and McElnley upon their re-election to Council. His Worship also voiced his regret that Miss Stokes had not been successful in the election for the Board of Education· The following Commmicatioas were Presented: No.~338 - Nl_~ara Falls Public Libra _ QRDE~j~ on ~e ~ ~cDomld that ~e cmmication be rec- eived ~ ~id on ~e ~ble, ~d Cornoil meet wt~ the Nla~ F~S Public Lib- r~ Beam at an e~ly da~ ~ discus this mt~r. ~o. 339 - Ni ~a Fa~s Cleari Ho~e Ass~iation , ~ ~s ~ ~~ olutton re ~xi~ Da SE Eeolution No. ~de N~t ~l~d at ~e mostly. No. 340 - Ni are Falls Fire Fi ters- requesting amendment of Ald. Inglis and Donald that to agreement re eel- the communication be received and filed, the request be granted and Council meet the Association for discussion of this matter. No. 3~1 - Martin Calvert and Matthews . re ue . sired and and ~aur~t to waive encroachments. cmmmnication be rec- filed, and Perm~ssion be granted, and the necessary by-law be Drepared. No. 3~2 on~a~re Presentation of Brief Ire Cabinet. 0~/~D · Y Hawkins that the ccem~nication be rec- eived and filed, and Ald. Donald be asked to represent Council at this meeting. No. 343 - Silver Cross Motehere Ald. MacD~ - aloPreolatlan of flags. ORDERED on the motion of ~ that the communication be received and filed. ire. 344 - International Silver Ccmpar~v of Canada; Limited . requesting Permission ~o insfal storage fanks. ORDEi~D on ta/s motion of Ald. MacDonald and Jolley that the communication be received and f/lea, and ~ermlselon, b.e~eranted. Ire. 3~ - Norf~h American Life Assurance Ccepa~y '~ SEE RE~ort No. 283 No. 3~6 - Manufacturers, Lil>e Insurance Coiai~arg . re 8r0Rp retirement Dlan for Fire Departant' ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McElnley that the com- S'~'~q°nference meetin REPOR~S ~he following Re_Ports were Presented: N0. 283 - Cl t Mann er - ~ re aPPlication to place s · ld and olleythetan . ~e ~co~datlon be adoptS. ecelved a~ filed~ and ~ Do~ld ~at the re o November. O~D on ~he motion - re coherence held 28~ ' ~c P rt be received and filed. No. 285 - of ~d. Jolley and ~art ~at the report be received and filed, and ation be adop~d. ' rec~ndl~ iss~ce of liceaces. 0~ on the motion the ~co~nd. I~BOLUTIOAT3 ~e followin Resolutions were eased. .... ~-~.~wAn ~esolutions were nosed. No. 179 - INGLIS /area Boxi~ - RESOLVED that Tuesday a civic holiday in the City o~ 27th December, 1949, be dec- ~pal bullclings remain closed on that date; and the SeNai~gaps Falls, that all munic- heroic affixed. of the CorPoration be a nt rman - RESOLVED that the c.R. lis as e oti ing the absence of His Worship, be aPproved; andy on 8th and 9th Decemb uck, hemto aff/xed. the Seal of the CorPoration be ur- ~e follo~l B -laws were ss~ed: ~Y~LAWS ~ - To amend By-law Nmber 3791, bel~ a by-law designating through high- ways. t~e first It was ordered on the mot · cEdnley and MacDonald that Ald. time . Carried unamimously. b la Y- w and the b~-law be read It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that Rule 36 (e) of the Standing Rules of Council be sus!~ended second reading . 0arried unanimously. and the bY-law be given the ~AM reading .Ald. McFdnle~ and ]tawkins . Carried unanimously. ' grant Pe~vmlesion to the International Silver 0empan~ of Canada, Lira- .. 1ted t~ use axeas under Buttrey Street for two storage tanks. MaCDonald Itt~m~as ordered on the motion of Ald. ]{awkins and McFdnley t~at Ald. /,v. ' by-law and the by-law be read It was oMered on the mot4on of Ald. Jslley and ]tax-t that Ru/e 36 of the Sfand=n6/tules Of Council be suspended and the by-law be Siven the second rea~Xng , 0arrle~ unan/mous/,v, . Third reading .Ald. Eaw~ns and MacDonald _ Carried unanimouslye His Worship Mayor Eouck expressed aPPreciation to the press and radio for the very fair reports of the election campaign during the past wee~, and to MAr. Bedford and Radio Station CHVO for Permdttlng the use of the station ,s ities free of charge. He regretted the small vote of ~th December. Aid. also spoke along these lines. ~bld. MacDonald advised of complaints he had received from residents of the south end of the City regarding the crowding on the local busses up and de~,n Victoria Avenue and also regarding the manner In which the busses travel with t~0 or three travelling in the same erea at close intervals. ~e that the City Manager of City Clerk might take the matters up Alderman ~b~ggested scheduled so they do not travel together. Ald. InglIs s~gested that additional units should be used during the heavy travel at Christmas time. The Council adaourned cn the motion of ~ld. ~olley and ~art. 2EAD A~D ADOP~ED, 12 December, 1949. Nay0~ The comparison of ta~ collections at 30th November ~as Presented. It wee ordered on the motion of Ald. Jolley and MacDonald that the statement be rec- eived and filed, and given the usual Publicity. A report was Presented from the City Manager regarding the new water main necessary for Oneida Ltd. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. tiart and MacDonald that the report be received ~nd filed, and the recommendation be ad- opted. A report was DIssented from the ordered on the motion of ~ld. Jolley and ~cDonald that the report be received_ and filed, and the recc~mendation be adopted. the motion of Aid. t/art and 1 filter at the Filtra~ion Plant. It the redommendation be adopte~TcD°nald that the report be received was ordered on an~ filed, and In connection witJ1 the use of anthrafilt in the filter at the Filt- ration Plant, Aid. McKinley asJced that a report be made to Council as ~o its qual- ity, as compared with sand and &avel usually used, as soon ~s a tes~ has been made. ~e Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Jolley and I/art. Y~AD ~ ADOPTED, 12 December, Chairman of Finance Council Chamber, 6 December, 19~9. The Finance Comrade met on Tuesday, 6th December, 1949, for the pur- pose of aPproving and also of Passing the various accounts which had been prop- erly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Sundry accom~te am~tlng to $~4,686.1~ were aPProved by the Committee. lac ~e accounts suTtted, be s until an ered p ed in the money b la~ for Lug Pa seal or other~ise dealt w Ald. Mc~dnley and MacDo~!dZ Presentation to the Co ith, were ord- · ~ the motion of A cc~municatian was Presented ~ W-R.PkXllips in which he requested Perm~ssion to Purchase twenty feet of ~lcck A on Nanan Aven~e. Upon the recem- menderich of the PreParty Committee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and ~aley it ~as ordered that the cc~municatIon be received and laid an the table untll the Committee have viewed the location. ! rd P ttse on the above matter was Presented. opted. COLr~C1Z I~E~ING Council Chember, 6 December, 1949. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the Purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts ~roved by the Committee. All members of t~e Council were Present. ~e follo~l B -law was assed BY-LA~ : ~ - ~o Grant Monies+for Ceneral P~oses. It was o~e~d o It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the b~-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. ~ird reading _Ald. McEinley and MacDonald . Carried unanlmo~sly. Re Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins. EEAD AND ADOPTMD, 12 December, 1949' CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 6 December, 1~9. The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of the regular council 'and finance meetings on Tuesday, 6th December, 19~9, for the Purpose of considering the matters Presented to them. All members of the mittee were After consideration of the matters Presented to them, the Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Jolley and Eart. READ AND ADOp~f,:~, 22 December# 19A~9. m ST!9 ) ""~7 FORTY-FIF~[ MEET/NG Council Chamber, 12 December, 1949. REGULAR MEET22VG the Council met at 7.00 P.m. Y~he motion of Ald. McKinley and His Werehip Mayop Houck extended a welcome to Alderman-elect F.j. Millep who was Present at the meeting. C Qv~TI~ I O A T i O NS ~o. 347 - 0~DERED on - re light and at now arena. received and filed. MacDonald that ~o c~lcation be No. S~9 - ~fa ~a Fails J~lo ion be received and filed. a~ the meekly. ~lon be accep~ ~ ~ the c~ica~lon be~. ~ber~ ae Possible No. 3~0 - Grea~r N~ ~a ~neral . ~ on ~~D ~1 o Invi~tion ~ eima aria filed, lnvl~on be a that ~e c~ica~ P~Y. a~ as Poss~ble. ~cep~ and ae m~y of ~e members of on be rec. ~he lollowl Re opts were rese . ~ [ ~..,.~...~...~..,..~.~o. ~s~. clt Cler~. ~, eere ce e ¢" :!~i~' :~ ~d. D~ald ~de ~: 280 ...... EESOLUTX011B .The following Resolutions were Passed: No. 181 - McEZ~NLEy . JOLT.~.y _ RE~0LVED that H s ' appoint a ~om~'tte'e ~r~"~e Council tO stud ithW°rshiP Mayor Eouck be asked to poses, that s report thereon be made to Council; and the Seal of the CorPoration be hereto affixed. 0errled unenlmously No. 182 - ~Mc~ L ~ ' RESOLVED that no regular meeting of the City Coun. The followin B -law BY-LAW C___arr_ied ~o. 4J~83 - To allow an encroachant upon Nay Avenue and upon a Public lane. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Hart that Ald. McKin- ley be given the Privilege of Introduclng/jthe by-law and the by-law be read the first tame - Carried unanimously. It was ordered an the motion of ~ld. Jolley and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading . Carried unanimously. Third reading .Ald. ~awkins and Donald . Carried unanimously. Ald. Inglls spoke about the appeal for funds for the Hospital for Sick Ohlldren in Toronto, and asked that the 0hairman of Finance give further consid- eration to the Possibility of making a contribution. The ~lderman advised that the campaign was now under way and would close on 18th December, and suggested that Perhaps a decision could be made before that time. The Chairman of Finance agreed to gi~e attention to this matter. Ald. MacDonald spoke about the Practice of placing lo~d speakers out- side various stores in the main business sections of the City, from which Christ- .ms carols and other music are broadcast. The Alderman felt some of these speak- ers are loud and create a nuisance for residents in the immediate v~clnity, and felt the volume could be m~iified. Ald. Hawkins advised Council that all arrangements are well in hand for the annual employees, Christmas party, and asked that all members of Council be Present for the same. The Council adjourned on the motion of &ld. McFdnl~y and Hawkins. i~EAD AND ADOPTEg, 19 December, 1949. FINANCE EETING Council Chamber, 12 December, 19~9. The Finance Committee met on Monday, 12th December, 191~9, for the pur- pose of approving and also of Passing the various accounts which had been prop- erly certified and Placed before them. ~l members of the Committee were Present. Sundry accounts amounting to $44,762.27 were aPproved by the Committee. Ald. McRiinley and Donald. Presentation to the Council on the motion of The statement of relief for the month of ~Vovember was Presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Jolley that the statement be received sad filed, and given the usual Publicity. The report of the City Treasurer as to the receipt of police and Fire grants from the Provincial t ed and filed. ~e Comettee adJoinreed on the motion of Ald, Jolley and Hart. I~ID ~LT~D ADOp~m, 1~ December, 194~. 0haleman of Finance Council Chamber 12 December, 19~9. The Council re-ass~led at the close of the regular council and finance meetings for the Purpose of ~aeelng the by-law which covered the accounts Proved by the .Comm~ttt~e.. · All. .members of the Council were Present, · e follo~l B -.Saw was eased. - *"~AUWZ ~ '~ ~ae aesed. ~' ~ Grant ~es f~ C~er~ P~osee, ~t w~ o~emd on ~e motl~ or ~d, ~o~e~ and Mc~nley ~at ~d, ~ be 6iron ~e Prl~le~ ~ lntr~t~ ~e b~-~w ~d ~e first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of ild. ]{awk"/ns and Hart t3mt Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading . CaD'led unanimous4' BAird reading . Aid. McKinley and MacDonald . Carried 'unanimously. The Council adjourned on the motio~ of Aid. Hawkins and bicElnley. READ AND ADOP~ED, 19 December, 1949. FORTY-SETH MEETING Council Cl~ber, 16 December, 19~9' SPECIAL F~EETING A special meeting of the City Coun~il was held at 9.30 a.m. on Frldey, 16th December, 19/~9, for the P~ose o~ co~idering the '0reposed Derision Plan for ~mbers of the Fire ~P~t~nt. ~1 m~bers of the ' - 1~- W.j. McBm~ey, the City Solicitor. t F J ' · · ~iller and ~e City Manager brief4 outlined ~e salient Points of ~e three pen- e]on Plans, which had been su a query stated ~at In h~opinion the gove~ent a~u t~d for consideration. ~ McB~e provide for an ~ty and for ~e Preservatlon of ~e employees, sec~it~ ~ ~sin resPonseFears, ~ty t e ~ desired and Poin~d out ~at sash Pa~mzents ~der a Pension plan wo~d be s~bJect to ~nc~e ~. ~e City ~nager exP~ssed the oPenleD t~t Co~cil she.d decide on the ~n~ Potion Phase of ~e Plans inasmuch as a Precedent been set by ~e mti~mnt of employees in the past ~ Council Chamber, ]2 December, 19~9. The Conference Ccemu[ttee of the City Council assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetings on Monday, ]2th December, 1949, for the Purpose of considerir~ the matters Presented to them. All members of the mlttee were Present. After consideration of the matters placed before them, the Committee ad~om~ed on the motion of Aid. McXinley and JoLley. /CAD AND ADOP~u, 19 December, 1949. Chairman ..TI e~Resolution was ~assed: ....... ~sse~ ~o. 183 - ~FL~W/GiVS . JOLLE . Y or me this Council approve theI e DEPUTAT/0N At this Point l~lre Chief J.C.Shapton and representatives o~ the l~ire Fighters, Association, Local ~a8, consisting of Members Thomas Graham, James Mol- lof and William Wade, appeared before Council. Mr. Graham stated that they had been authorized to advise Council that their association is Pension of a government annuity type with the suPPlementary Prepared to accept a Council for merebee of the DePartment with twenty years or more service, on the allowance aPproved by basis of thirty-five per cent of the average salary for three Years Previous Plus ha2f of one per cent for each year in excess of twenty. Discussion then took Place concerning the difference in the Present ret- ement allowance and that e AsaocIation would like ~equested by the Fire Fl the Octmoil to the effect that the ~rinclple of a mln~ agreement with the City a clatme inclUded in theg re. Mr. Wade stated that Proved by Council. Mr. McBurney, when queried by one of the Aldermen, stated retiring allowance was ap- that the inclusion of s~ch a ,clause in their a6reement would have no legality but wo~ld be simply an ex~z~esston of opinion and could not, in any way, constitute a binder on fixture eounci~s. ~_n~ Re~ort was resented ~ nsion lan. fe - epar .nt. o. th. - nd ~o~y ~ ~e ~o~t be received a~ filed. "; BESOLUTIOB~ The following Resolutions were passed: No. 184 - M~KINLEY - MacDONALD - RESOLVED that this Council recommend to the Council the inclusion of a clause in the agreement with the Fire Fighters, Asscc- iation, reciting the resolution which has been passed by Council concerning the minimum retiring allowances; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. No. 185 - MacDONALD - JOLLEY - RESeLlnED that a by-law be prepared for suhn~ssion at the next meeting of Council to provide for a pension plan for employees of Fire Department under the govef~,,.ent annuity plan; and the Seal of the Corpor- ation be hereto sffixed. Carrie~d The Council adjourned on the motice of A/xl. Hawkins and Jolley. READ AND ADOPTED, 19 December, 1949. Cler Mayor F~TY-SEVEN~t MEETING Council Chamber, 19 December, 1949. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 19th December, 1949, for the purpose of considering general business 'and finance. All members of the Council were present. On the motion of AId. MacDonald and Hawkins AId. Hugh Hart was enactingmayor until the arrival of His Worship Mayor Houck. ~ne Council, having received and read the minutes of the Previous meetings, ad- opted these on the motion of Aid. MacDonald andMcKinley. C0~ICATIOI~B T,aid over frcm a Previous meeting: No. 334 - Central Mort6a~e and Housing Corporation - re amendments to agreement. (Consideration of this comm~rdcationwas deferred'until His Worship was present.) ~SD~ on the motion of Ald. Jolley and Hawkins that the cmmunication be rec- eived andlald on the table until such time as information has been received from the Hen. Humphrey Mitchell as to whether the houses will be reserved for locel veterel~s. SEE CommunlcationNo.j ~e following Cc~mnunications were Presented: N0. 351 - Central Mort~ge and Heusing Corporation _ re amendments to agreement. 0RD~ on the motion of AId. ~olleyandHawkius that the connnunication be rec- eived and laid on the t~ble unlil such time as information has been received from the Hen. Humphrey Mitchell as to whether the houses will be reserved for local veterans o No. 3~2 - Ontarlo Provincial Police - acknowledging apprectatlon. ORDERED on the motion of Ale. Hawkins and Jolley ~hat the communication be received an~ filed an~ Inspector Alrey be thanked for his felicitations. No. 353 - Y'e Men's Club - requesting permission to erect sign. ORDEED on the motlon of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the ccmmmnlcatton be received and filed, and permission be granted. SEE Report No.J89 No. 3~ - City of Fort William - resolution re aid to employable persons. C~DER- Zon the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald ~.~-t the c~mmunication be received filed, and the resolution be endorsed. No. 3~ - Niagara Falls Civic Employees, Federal Union - requestin6 re-opening agreement re salaries. C~DEI~D on the motion of Ald. MacDonald an~ Hawkins that the cQ~unlcation be received and laid on the table for consideration by the 1~30 Cornoil. ~.o f~llowtng Re~orta were Presented: No. 289 - City Manager -. recc~ending Permission for sign. 0RD~ED on the mot- ion of Ald. MacDonal~ 'an~ McEinle~ that the report be received and filed, and the rescmnendatton ~ adopted. No. 290 - C~.t~ Clerk - rsoonference held 12th Decamber. C~DE~D on the motion of AM. lXawkins and MacDonald that the report be received an~ filed. · 286 No. 991 - Juvenile Court Probation Officer - annual report. OHD~) on the mc~i0n of Aid. Do_n_al_~ and Hawkins that the report be receive~ and filed. No. 292 - City Manager - re cost of services to Central Mortgage an~ Housing Cor- poration houses. C~D~ on the motion of AI~. Donald and Jolley that the report be considered later In the meeting. (Aid. MacDouaM and Hawkins voted a~alnst this motion.) 1~nen the report was considered, after the arrival of His Worship Mayor Houck, the following action was +~,~en: C~DERED on the motion of Aid. Haw- kins and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the recmn~etlons be adopted and the certificate applied for. SEE Resolution No. 186 following By-laws were passed: No. 4485 - To authorize the execution of an agreement for sale and deed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that Aid. tKaw- ktns be given the privilege of int~oducin~ the by-law an~ the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that Rule (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unan~mnualy. His Worship Ma~or Houok arrived at the meeting. Before leaving the chair, Ald. Hart voiced his appreciation to His Wor- ship Mayor Houck an~ the Council for the henour of chairlag the final meeting for the year. ~ae Alderman +.hs,~ed Council, the heads of ~ll del~xrtmente in the City Hall an& in the field for the co-operation extended to him during his term as Al- derman and extended best wishes for success in the c~,n!ng year. Mayor Houck rep- lied to Ai~. E~rt and spoke of the fine work accomplished by him ~ariug his ten- ure of office an& hope& that at some future time the Alderman would a~atn take part in municipal politics. bird reading -Ald. MacDonald and Hart - Carried unanimously. No, ~.86 - To provide for pensions for employees of the Fire Department of the mnn~clpaltty. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Hart that Ald, Jolley given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first t~me - Carried unanimously, · It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Hawkins that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be'suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously, bird reading - Aid. Hawkins and MacDonald - Carried una,~mcusly. _~e following tbsolutions vere !~assed: No. 186 - HAW~dX~ - MaCDONALd) - t~SOLVED that upon receipt of the provincial ~rant i~ the Department of Planning and Develolanent for services supplied to the fifty-one houses erected. ~nler a~reement with Central ~rt~a~e and Housing Corgoration, known as Pro~ect ~m~er Eight, the whole of the said l~yment shall ~e used ~m,~diataly to reduce any Indebtedness tncurre~ by the Municipality under the said a~reement; and the Seal-of the Corporation be heroic affixed. Carried unanimously No. 187 - HA~ - JOL. T.~Y - I~ESOLvF~ that the Mayor and Clerk be requested to take up the question of issuing publicity covernlng the situation with regard to persons coming to this City, seeking em~loFment on the ~roposed I~dro-Eleotrlc Power Cnw~ssion of Ontario develoI~nent; s,a the Seal of the Corporation be hers- M~SCELIA~E~S His Worship Mayor Houck expressed the sympathy of the Oit~ Council to the family of Miss Mae ~anan on her sudden and serious illness. Aid. Inglta 8~oke about the lights on the Queen Elizabeth HIghway at Ne~m,~ Hill not being in o~emtion at the lrresent time and asked His Worship Mayor Houck if he could take actio~ to have these again placed in use. ]tie Worship Mayor Houck reminded Council of the Musical Night which is ~ein~ sponsored by the Corporation and the Niagara F~s Kiltle Band at the Col- legiate Auditori~ on ~nursday, 29th December. His Worship Ma~or Houck wished the members of Council the compliments Of the season, to affixed. ~he Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. McI~iuley and Hawkins. _ No.iB8 - EAW~,..~'- DONALD - i~0LVED +-_h~t the City Clerk he instructed to forwar~ I~AD A~D ADGP~D# 3 Jam;-~7# 1~30. a mes, . to th. r=ily of th. late n,,t'r.rin Min. r, .xp .eeing of HIs Worship Ma~or Houck, the members of Condoll and citizens at large upon the Seal of the Corporation be heroic affixed. ~ ' .ith Hell ml6ht be used as & snell un!.versit}, for the stud,V of arts~ letters and $olencel and the 8eel of the Ccl-polation be hersto affixed.. /:' .C~led unantmcus34 FI~ANC~ M~TI~ Council Chamber, 19 Dec~nber, 1~9. ~.e Finance Co...~ttee met on Monday, 19th December, 19~9, for the pur- pose of approvin6 and also of passing the various accounts which had been proD- erly certified an~ placed before them. All members of the Ccemdttee were present. Sunda7 accounts amounting to $83,930.06 were appreved by the Cv.i,,!ttee. ~e aocounts submttte&, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were or~- ere& place~[ in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Aid. McKinley and DonaM. ~he ce=munication of W.R.Philllps, regarding the purchase of twenty feet of Block A, Hanan Avenue, as laid over frcm a previous meeting, wae considered. Upon the reccem~ndatton of the Property Cv,,-.~Tttee and on the motion of AM. Mac- Donald an& Jol~-y, it was ordered that the c.~.,~.,n~catton be received and laid on the table until the next meeting. An offer was presented from F.Scordino of $7~.00 for Lot 39, ~-~ry Street. Upon the rec~-.endation of the l~A~erty Cnmm~ttee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald an~ Hart the offer was received, filed and aoceptea, subject to the con&ltion that a dwelling of at least $6,000.00 value is erectel on the premises wltktn six months. ~he report of the Prol~rty C~mudttee on the above mattere was presentea. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. MacDonald and Hart that the z2ort be rec- eived an~ filed, ar~l the rec~umendations be adopted. A co~amu~ication was presented from Mort~mer, Bampfleld & Cc~mpan~, reg- arding the renewal of the c~=~ensatlan policy with the Union T-_aurance Soclety of Canton. It was ordere~ on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McEinley +-~at the c~u~cation be received eat filed, an~ the polic~ be renewed for one ~ear from let January, 19~0 at a lu~mim of $~,198.00. ~'ne Cow..!ttee ndaou~-~ed on the motion of Abi. McKinley and AND ADOp~en, 3 January, 1730. Clerk Chai~.~- of Finance -.-/" Council Chamber, ~ 19 .Decamber, 19~9. ~he Counoll re-aesonble~ at the ol~se of the re~-_~ oounctl ~.a fin- ance meetings for the purpose of pusln~ the b~-law which oovere& the accounts ap~ove~ b= the C~m.~ttee. All members of the, Council were present. ~Y-I.~W ~e following By-law was passed: No. b)+87 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Jolley and McI~Inley that Ald. Haw- kins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried n--~nimously. It was ordered on the motion of ~.ld. Mclfinley and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading _ Carried tlllan~m~usl~` ~trd reading . ~. MacDonald and Hart - Carried unanimously. ~e Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald. ~EAD A~) ADOFn~u, 3 January, 19~0. Clerk Mayor Council Chamber, 19 December, 19~9. ' rigs onday, 19th December, 19~9, for the Purpose of oonaiderln6 the matters Presented to them. All members of the Commit. tee were 1)rssellt. ~fter consideration of the mattere Place~ before them, the Cc~amittee adjourned on the motion Of Ala. Do~-~,4 and Jolle~. ]~D A~D ADOpq~n, 3 Januar~ 1~30. Clerk , · FIRST I~EET~ Council Chamber, 3 January, 1950. In accordance with the provisions of ~e Municipal Act, the Council met at 11.00 o'clock with all members present. ~e Council included His Worship Mayor Eouck and Aldermen W.C.MacDonald, G.R.Lnglis, F.J.Miller, A.C.jolley, A.J.McElnley, C~aut Donald and EJ~.Eawk~ns. ~e statutory declarations of office and qualific- ati~ns were filed with the Clerk when the oaths of office had been taken by Mag- Istrate ~.B.Ho~kins. It was ordered on the motion of/LId. MacDonald and Inglis that a vote of thank. be extended to Magistrate Hopkins by His Worship Mayor Houck. Carried unanimou_~_~ After this the Council was duly organized and open for the transaction of ~eneral business. ~e meetin~ was o~ened with prayer by the Reverend Dr. S.B.Stokes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Jolley that the offic- tatin~ clergyman be thanked for his service at the meeting. Carried unan~mn~usly Hie Worship Mayor Eouck then delivered his inaugural address. 0a the motion of Ald. Mc~dnley and Donald, the Mayor,s inaugural address was eriered elfread on the miraArea. Carried unanimo~u~ly In beginning to~lay m~ fourth term as Mayor of the great City of Nta6- era Fsll~_~ I want to first extend to the ratepayers m~ sincere appreciation for a~aln lm~oslng their trust In me by electing me, unopposed, to this, the highest offi0e in the munlcitality. As I have said Previously, it is mot any l~rsonal trlb~te whatsoever but v feel, ami Justly so, that it is a 8uesture in fayour of a ~rlvilege. T certainly want to thenit eve uty, responsibility and ees for the wonderful eo-ol~ration the ry civic official and all the employ- feel we have ha~ s~lemiid association ~i ve given to ~s during the year 19~9. · al certainly this ~lemiid eDirtt of co all Ge~tesions aml all other lxxliee During the ~ast ~ear of 19~9, we were called u~on to al~otnt a new o~ POltGe. amt !I feel that o,~. al~,o!n~ml~ of Mr ~a~ me~ with ol ...d Chief ~ idea re and since his appoln~nent his splendid work has Justified our confidence in him. I know that this whole council an~ the citizens of our city as well appreciate members of the so-called senior government. We are closer to the co~non# or~tn- the splendid work which is bein~ acc~lished beth by our police ami fire depart. ary people. We know their wanfa an~ problems. We Provide the services which are rants. far closer to them than those provided by the other governments. ~he people are closer to us; and who would wantfairer cempany than the comon, ordinary people. I want to, on your be_~a!f as well as n4T own, say a deserving wor~ of ~e rule of a local council is to Jealously guard its municipal freedom, so often appreciation to our 1~ of Health who have put forth a splendid effort during Jeopar&tzed in new ventures or schemes proposed and even put into effect by our the lmst year on be~A]~ of our city. ])r. Davidson, the chairman, our Medical Provincial Legislature. There seems to be a 8rowing tendency to try an~ central- -Officer of Health, Dr. l~telock, Mr. Andrews, the Inspector, oar City Nurse, Mrs. lze certain services and I submit that this is not in the best interests of the MacLean an~ her assistant, !~l~s l~etts, have performed a very noteworth~ Job. c.-,~,.~n~ity. It is our duty to keep sacred the rights given us within our munic- Ipal beundaries as handed to us by our Predecessors and to have any material May T at this time avail m~self of the opportunity of eayin~ a word of change in them, the people living within our ~urisdi ctlon ought to be cous ulto d. appreciation to Miss Stokes of the l~ia~ara Falls Evening Review and to Mr. Bed- It is they who own the municilallty, not the few elected to office; and as a board ford of Dadio Station cfivo. ]~oth of them have indeed been most generous in their of management, we should see that the ~fairs and rights of our shareholders are time and may I a~d, very fair in their c~.,,mnts and rewm~ks l~rtainin6 to our M~pt sound. council meetings. We are very glad to have them with us aml I know this splen- di& co-ot~ration will continue to exist. I woul& also like to express m~ sorrow It may be the popular wets-getting thing to stand for economy but bew- for the demise of the late l~iss Xd~the Hartart. q'ne late Miss Henart was a daughter are lest what is called econc~Xy is false economy. This applies to the building of George Haman, the first mayor of the City of Niagara Fa~m, which was Incor- of streets and other works, the conduct of schools, the hiring ofdrficials and poreted in the year 190~. She Joined the staff of the Niagara Falls, New York, any other work that must be done within our municipality. A well-ins!lfied, cap- Gazette in that year an~ for the past forty-five years has handle~ all the major able official, adequately paid, may well save a council many of the costly mls- and routine Canadian assiE~nenta including the activities of this City,s council. takes which may result in the e~-ployment of a cheater, less capable officials. She possessed a genial personality and a reedy wit which never varied em~ her Many a cheap Job turns out to be a costly Job over the years, more costly than if passing leaves a vacancy which will be difficult to fill. the work bed been well and thoroughly done in the beginning at a greater original · cost. The representative who is worthy is not to be Judged by the short term Job results of his policy but in the verdict of the years rather than the verdict I feel that in starting the year 1950 it is rather unique when we con- of a day by which the work of a representative is ultimately known and because sidsr the fact that we have around the council table all men who are veterans of of this, he should see to an~ ally h~mmelf with long-term Policies and true econ- · mn!CilMXl life and it certainly will be of great help to me that all of you men have had past experience and I know we will continue, as in the past, to get el- c~v. ong like one happy family. l~aturally I was very happy in the re-election of Aid. Present councils are faced with the problem of ever-mounting expendlt- MacDonald un& Ald. McKinley em~ itemO in the election of former Ald. Miller. I am ures to pay for the incroasiag demands of the t~qs and we will have to seriously sure the citizens of this city indicata~ by their hallot that they wanted to av- consider early ways and means of bringing this galloping horse to a standstill. all themselves of service an~ experience when they elected you three men. I k~ow ~e council of to-day has to use the revenues of yesterday to pay for the expend- T am expressing the sentiments of the other members of Council when I say we are glad to have you back again; and reSether, working as a ~!t, I hope our efforts ltures of to-morrow. People are continually demanding services. As the old say- Ing goes: 'They want a dry pavement and a beck~ard right after a record cloud- will result in outstanding and successful basinsas administration of the city burst,. Councils~..sre requested to levy the largest sums in history for bo~rds of 1rosinass throbout this new year. education, materials for street upkeep, improvements, parks and other services, (Here His Worship Mayor Houck expressed the congraulthtions 'of Council ,hich wiegh like 6old brick. In spite of these condltiona~ the old yardstick of to Ald. Miller upon the birth of his grandson, David Kent.) producing ravennest.to pay for them still regains the s~ne for us. The assessment placed on real estate, the expenditures of man_v a municil~lity have increased fifty per cent and more in the past ten years and now perhaps show a ten to ~;en- Year by year it is b~caming imasingly evident that the ~uties of a ty per cant increase in local assessment. Your land can,t grow or sprout addit- nmnici~al council are mounting in wm~y ways. Years a~o the average council i0-~! offshoots of sub-divisions or factory sites for you. What is the answer? dealt mainly with the upkeep of streets, the provision of drainaSs, police and fire protection amt the norms? practice of purel~ local administration. To-day ~e answer is one that will tax the best of efforts and the brains of everyone we find the council ef a~ city invariably to be lawyers, eagiueera, arcHitects, In the role of to-day,s local council. If we are the ~uardians of the local tax- doctors, contractors~ financiers and specialists in the urt of diplcazcy. While, pa~ers, purse,. we must seriously ponder Just how this condition can be alleviated. once upon a time, our main activities as a mayor or a council meanbet were govern- EqualiZation of assessment, though a very worthy project, aces not increase rev- e& by We or three of the ststutss, to-day we find ststuts after statute setttn~ enue t~fiess the owners affected pay more on their alreedy burdened properties. It does spreed the load more e~uitably amoag those in the municipality but if the forth our duties and ra~uirements in peslact to man~ problems an~ services now intent is to secure larger revenues by introducing a s~s tem of uniform assessment, considsre4 ~-,~cipal. I often ask m~self, "~hat should the relo of a lo~al coun- then the increase is still 6aine~ fran that same source and the beast of burden oil be~" rn m~ o~inion, it shoult be one of strictly looking after its own ipal business, in the interests of every one of its residents, to run ~-n~cipal 0nly groans lender. business as a 6oo~, successful business-man would run his affairs; to give in- renfal increases ' " ; :'" ' "'" "" ':" Z also believe there is no good reason vhy m,micipal gover.~ent shoul~ be asked to i~Y the federal eight per cent sales tax on municipal purchases. ~he province has been exempted fro~ such payments and I contoM that all m,mtcipalit. tee eho.uld be treated S~m~la,-ly. Another ~a~portant subject that Z believe we wlll have to deal wlth this year is that of unemployment, and we must continue to draw to the attention of the Federal C~ve,~ent the growing cost of unemployment relief. I think the Federal 6ovex-..~nt eho:,!a at once t-~ whatever steps my be necessary to relief the mun- lcipallties of the cost of unemployment relief. The failure to do this durin~ the prewar depression years forced many municilmllties into dire financial straits. It seems quite natural if the Ontario l~ydro C~-.,,~elon goes ahead with the big power development in this vicinity that u~em~loyment won't be of paramount import- once to us for the next few years; but at the same time we will have to Jealousl~ guar~ against the arriving into our city of men from all parts of Canada locking for e~loyment. It is oar duty to see that the men in our district are given first attention and given the best Jobs which are available. Cities where the people are kind and nsighbourly and have an interest in the welfare of others are better than cities of greater wealth where eelfish interests prevail. It is the ~"~ity of the citizens who mak~ up a city which is mere important t~u the ount of their intone. A city s~lvances only u~on the efforts and the achievements of the individual and we are the individ,,~=. I wonder hew many persons serious- ly consider the i~,~ responsibility of every citizen to his c~nity. Most peo- ple believe that public service is the sole responsibility of elected civic of- ficers an~ many Individuals believe their duty and interests in c~nity affairs ends after they have fulfilled their civic obligation of voting. Every individ- ual has a responsibility to his cc~nu~ity which goes beyond the mere voting for civic officers. We must co-operate with those officers and the police and fire departments and other a~encies of the city so that own town will be well run. We should Join in c~,-,,~nity enterprises and co-operate in other undertakins des- igne~ to ma~e our c~nity more progressive. If every member of our co~.nunity would give as much attention to his duties as a citizen and lo$~xl booster of the c~ity as he does to his rights and privileges as a citizen, then c~c pride would come to ~ ~ of us naturally. Respectin~ the work progranmz for the year 1950, 8cmz of the following matters wall have to be given coustderstton:. 1. During the year 1949 practicR~y ~ seA-~Aces were installed for the Morse-Misensr subdivision and ~1~ Iota in the sub&ivision were sold. The devel- olment of a small park for the area should 1~ proceeded with in the present year. 2. During 1949 all the necessary services were c~m~leted for the Wartime I~ous~n~ develo.~.~ut between 81ater Avenue an~ Stanley Avenue. However, during the present year, it will be necessary to complete Valleyway ~-~ Stanley Avenue to Sixth Avenue. This will provide a mUch-needed traffic artery. Duri~ the year 194~ the 3~e sewer on Stanley Avenue between Morrison Street a~ MoRse Street was o~le~ed. ~is made it possible to construct a sewer on Alexander Crescent to permit the erection of houses in this area. In the year 19~0 it will be necessary to construct the remainder of the services on Alexander Crescent an~ to proceed with the ins+~tion of services on Inglis Drive. Durin~ 'the year 1950 it will be nscesssi7 to complete the extension of l~mswood Avenue between Morrison Street an~ Valleyway. ~e necessax7 sewer and water naius have alread~ been lusteLls& on this street. · Upon co~A~letion of negotiations with. the New York Central for an ease- ment uud~r their tracks, it will be nscessax.~. to proceed with the const~Ixction a stem sewer extendin~ fron the corner of Seneca S~reet and Ontario Avenue to the corner of Elmorth Circle an~ St. Xawronce Averuns l~relieve almost, continuous flooain2 in the Elmorth Circle area. ~" 6. For a manbar of years there has been floeSinS dua. i~ heavy storms in the area ednacent to the corner of Centre Street an~ Victoria Avenue. A new storm wate~ sewer shou3/be oOuetnmtea to relieve this. conditlon_.,~ . 7. During the year 1949 the council authorized the purchase of an auxil- iary substation unit for the filtration plant at Chippawa. This unit is under construction at the Present time and will be installed early in the present year. ~is will provide an additional measure of safety in the operation of our water supply station. The Council of 1949 also authorized the Purchase of a new high- lift pmnp and motor for the filtration Plant to replace a unit now in service but sonsi~ered n-_~afe for continuous oPeration, due to the condition of the motor. ~is new ~-!t will be In service early in the Present year. 8. The Council of 1950 will be called upon to study the necessity of In- stalling a dpulicate water main between the filtration plant at Chippawa and the City of Niagara Falls. The continued increase in Popu/ation in the area at pres- ent sul~lled with water by the City of Niagara Falls makes It necessary to review ~Ahs capacity of the existing facilities. 9. Negotiations for additional dump accommodation were carried out in 1949 and it issnticipated that these will be completed at an early date. If these neg- otiations are successful, then sufficient dumping space will be available for ap- prox~matel~ five years. 10. ~e council of 1949 decided that any study leading to the installation of modern office equipment for the assessment and tax departments should be ref- erred to the 1950 council. ~Is matter should be taken up early in the new year. 11. In 1949 the City Council authorized alterations to the city building at the corner of Park Street and Welland Avenue in order to provide more adequate acocmamxlation for the Department of Health. Work has proceeded steadily and as practically all materials have now been secured, it will be Possible to utilize these quarters almost ~mm~diately' 12. At the Present time, the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena is nearing com- pletion. It will be the duty of this council to see that the building program.~ is satisfactorily ccmpleted and that the operation of the arena is carried for- ward in such a manner as to provide the ma~.._.! service to the cmm.,nlty at a reasonable cost. It is hoped that the date of the official opening can be annou- nced within a few days. I want to el'press m~ aPPreciation to Aldermen Donald, tnglis and Jolley and to Mr. 0rr for the wonderful Job they have acccmplished pertai~ing to our arena. ~ey have spent hours that no one will ever know about in co~m~ittee and ~nvestigation work and I do want the citizens to realize that to these four men goes most of the credit for ~he a~ena. (His Worship Nayor Houck also voiced his appreciation to all other ~odies who have functioned in the progress of the arena construction, Particularly the Greater Niagara Chamber of Co,~roe And the of- ricers of the same. ) I know I am expressing the stentiments of all members of Council when say it is oar sincere wish as we go fomard into this new year, that it will be fruitful of the best that is in us for. the future of our splenddd c~mmunity. I know~ are looking with confidence to this year as one which will see our cc~an. ~ty eraergo from economic uncertainty and enter a period of renewed Pr~uerity. It is our earnest hope that o~r thoughts will not be selfish ones but that oar thov~hte will ~e for the welfare of oar country and our fellow citizens; sc to all our citizens of this great city, from its coancil, I venture to wish them all the haPpiness an~ prosperity ~-t the new year can bring. His Worship Nayor Eonck asked Dr. Stokes to invite Council and all civ- . and. staffs to worship with'him at a scordial invitation for the civic offio- Ai~. ~avlcins ex~re~eed the a!0preot~tlon of Council to Kie Vorshl.n ~i~o~ the very excellent inaugural edxlress delivered at the meetln6. ~e minutes of the Drevlous meeting, having been received. ancl reacl, were s~lo~ea on the motion of A2zl. ~awkins an~ MacDonald. · he City Clerk certlfte~ as to the result of the poll hel~ on 5th Dec- ember, 19~9~ an~ on the motion of AI~. Znglie on~ MIller the o~cation was receive& ancl file~. I~B~U~IO~ ~e following Reaolutlons were ~asee~: No. 1 - ~,T.~ . MO~ - ~ ~t ~n E.M.H~ ~ ~d As hereby ap~in~d ~atmn of ~e F~mnce C~t~e of ~e City Comctl for ~e year 1~0; a~ ~e ~ of ~e ~ora~on ~ hem~ ~f~e~. C~led ~ousl~ No. 2 - DON~ - ~ . ~ ~at Dr. J.E.Davidson, ~ez Co~l~ an~ Janet R'~ ~ ~ ~ he~bF a~ln~ tombera of ~e L~ ~ of Heal~ for ~e ye~ 1~0; ~ ~e Seal of ~e Co~omti~ be ~m~ a~. ~-~-ie~ ~o~1~ No. 3 - ~ - ~ . ~ ~at ~. ~.Wal~e But~rs ~ ~ Is hereby a~oin~ a mDmsen~ti~ of ~e City C~il on ~e ~lic Lt~ B~ for C~1ea ~ousl7 ~o. ~ - ~.v.~ . j~ . ~ ~t ~dem ~.0~cDo~!~ be ~ ls hereby a~o~n~ ~e m~msen~ti~ of ~e Ci~ Co~cil on ~e ~en's ~ S~iety of ~e ~mty of We~ for ~e ~ 1~0; ~ ~e S~l of ~e Co~om~ be hem- City Council for the year 1950; and the Seal of the CorPoration be hereto affixed. Carried ~nanimo.us_~Z N0.10 - .MTr,T,~R . DONALD . be anal ~re=h~by a~ointed members of the In4ustrlal Cc~ml t~ee and A.J. l~n ~nley RESOLVED that ~ldermen G.R. Inglls, A.C.Jolley City Council for the year 1950; an~ the Se&l of the Corporation be hereto affixed. of the reto affixed. ~ _~_'~_' ~ RESOLVED that Mr. A.W.Sco~t be an~ ie hereby pointed the representative of the Clty Council on the Court of l~e~lston for the Year 1~0; and the Seal of the Corporation be here~o a/~lxed. C~arried . Ai~. Inglis vo~In~ contrary. Area 3oar~ for the year 19~0; an~ the Seal of the Corporation be here~o afftxe~. eater Niagara Carried ~nanlmou~ly Council a~dourned on the motion of Ald. ]tawkima and Mc~ey ~tll 2.15 P.m. ~ ~O~, 9 Jenny, 1~O. Clerk yor Carried unamlmouslZ /~o. 5 - i~,AT - DONALD - 1RESOLVED that Mr. G.~T.Emery be ami is hereby olnte~ the Wee& Inspector of the City of Nta6~_~a Falls for the year 1950; un~ the Seal of the Corporation ~e hemto affixe&. Oarrte~ unanimouel7 A.O.~olley ~e amt are herely al~ointe~ ae members of the ~ro~erty C~mmtttee of AD~OUR~D the City Council for the year 19~OJ eml the Seal of the Corporation ~e hemto af- the ..,.th. ' 8 ~e ~ fo~J~ C~ca ~1~ on ~e ~ble a~ ~ ~msent t~~ ~t . . 801 Oi~EEED on the motion of AI&. McKinley a~ MacDor~d ~._hat the cclinumlcatton be Eo. B - Department of Kighways - re lights on Queer Elizabeth I[~ghway. GRDERED 0n _BY_-~__~ ,the motion of Ald. Donald and Jolley that the coauaunication be received and filed. ~e follow. ing By-law was ~_~: No. ~ - City of Welland - resolution protesting hydro rate increase. GEEERED on N0. ~88 ~ To appoint members of the Court of Revision for the City the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that the communication be received and filed, Falls for the year 1950. of NIagara the resolution be endorsed and a~vice of this action be for~sxxled to the Manager of the Niagara Falls Ey&ro-Electric Co.~ssion, the HYdro-Electric Po~er Con~e. sion of Ontario and to ms Worship Mayor Houck, M.L.A. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald that ~ld. Kinley be ~ven the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first t~m~ . Carried unanimously. No. 5 - Niagara Peninsula Senatorira - acknowledging grant. 0~DERED on the mot- ' ion of Ald. Jolley and MacDonald that the conmmnlcation be received and filed. In It was ordered on the metion of Ald. Jolley and Miller that Rule ]6 connection with this communication, Ald. Hawkins advised that the Niagara Falls of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given Junior Chamber of Ccm~_~rce,.were plaanlng to conduct a mess survey in Niagara Falls reading . Carried unanimously. clubs, etc. ihird reading . ~ld. Donald and MacDonald . Carried unanimously. D~k~ on the motion of Ald. Inglis and Jolley that the c~mmrdnation be received ~he Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald. and referred to the City Manager for a report. (Ald. NaPkins and MacDo~al& Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the co;,~-m~ication be received and filed, and the READ AI~ ADOP~ED, 9 January, 1950. concession be granted to Mr. Biamonte at $150.00 for the year 1950; but this mot- ion was defeated. No. 7 - _Canadian Legion - requesting permission for carnival. ~ on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Eawkins that the co~-A~nication be received and filed, and permission for the carnival be granted, subject to the supervision and approval of the City Manager and Medical Officer of Health. q'he fcllo~ln~ Reports were presented: No. 1 - City Clerk - re conference held 19th December. GRDEEED on the motion of Ald. Miller an~ Mal~inley that the report be received and filed. No. 2 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenoes. 0EDgeD on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McEinley t~at the report be received and filed, and the recom- mendations be adopted. No. B - 0ity Clerk - presenting licenee applications not approve&. Ol~)~a~ on the motion of Ald. ~lis and MacDonald that the re~ort be received and filed, anil the licenoes be not granted. · V'.v'e Council Chamber, 3 January, 1950. ~e Finance Connmittee met on Tuesday, 3rd January, 1950, for the pur. pose of approving and also of Passing the verAo~ accounts which had been Fop. erl~ certified and l~laced before them. All members of the Cczmnittee were pres- ser. Sunda7 accounts amot~uting to $11~,103.~4 ~ere approved by the Committee. ~l~e accounts submitted, being l~ssed or othexmt'e dealt with w Pieced in the money by law for res , ere ord- · Donald and McEinley. c an · motion of ~he offer of W.R.Ph~LIAps to Purchase tsenty feet of Block A, Eanan Awecue, as laid over from Previous meetings, was Presented. motion of AId. MacDonald and MeI~lnley that the offer be ~t was ordered on received and laid on :/ the table until the next meeting to penmtt the C~,'.',.~ tree to view the site and port thsreo~o ~e City Manager asked for permission to call for tenders for the pur- chase of chasses for trucks for the garbage and streets department, for which ap- propriatian had been ma~e in the 19~9 budget. On the motion of AId. Ir~lis ~nd 14~cDonald, permission to call for tenders was granted. ~e Conm~ittee adaourned on the motion of Ald. Donald aml McKinley. Clerk. Chairman of Finance Council Chamber, 3 ~am,A~y, 1950. ~e Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the ~ur2ose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts a~proved by the C.~;,;~ttee. All msml~rs of the Council were present. BY-LAW The foll~in~ l~y-law was lmssed: I~o. ~8~ - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the metion of AId. Jolley and Donald that Ald., Haw- kins be given the ~rtvllege of tntro~uotng the by-law and the ~-law be first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the metion (2) of the S+~mling Rules of Council be snspen~ed an& the b~-law he given the secomi reading - Carrie~l Hie Worship Ma~or Houck voice& Qm appreciation of Council ~o ~he com- mitteefin char6e of ~ts for the annual employees' ChX~S+~mm part~. Hie Worship also thanked A~I. ~olley for the prcain.ent part he pla.ved in connection with arrangements en~ the ~ro~xemae. AI~. Hawkins also epresse~ his thanks to his ccmnlttse an~ to Ald. aml Mrs. ~ollei f.~ their'work. ' ' Ald. McEinley s ested that the personnel ni~ Area ~oard shoul~ besus~own on the of the Greater Niagara Plan- inaugural agenda. Ald. Inglis spoke of the subsidy received from the Provincial Govern- ment for highway purposes. ~he Council a~Journed on the motion of AI&. MacDonald and Jolley. EEAD ~ ADO~.,~:,.# 9 January, 19~0. Clerk Mayor 303 Council Chsunber, 9 Janvm~y, 1990. Pursuant to adJom-x~ent, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 9th ~Tanuarys 19~0 for the ~ur~ose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Oouncil, with the exception of Ala. MacDonald, were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Jolley. His Worship Mayor ltouck advise& Council that Ald. MacDonald was absent from the meeting due to illness ancl hoped for his speedy recovery. Itis Worship Mayor Houok welcomed Mr. Judd Riotdon of the Niagara Falls Gazette at the meeting. In connection with Ccmmmnlcation No. 13 and on the motion of Ald. Haw- kins and Donald, Mr. B.G.Scb,,l~.e of the Niagara Frontier l~,..~ne Society was per- mitted to address Council. Mr. Schulze outlined the request in the comm,m!cation of a 6rant from the Corporation for 1950, asked that the gassing of animals at the City pound be discontinued and the operation be conducted by the Society, outl~d the work of the Society and the need for a~ditionsl funds, and also spoke about the dog-catching operations. Mr. Schulze ~uoted figures with re~ard to the operations of the Society and answered questions put to h~n by members of the Council. Smm Ccmnunication Re. 13 CCe~/NIOATI01~ ~he followtn~ Conmunications were presented: No. 8 - L,,nay,s Lane United Church - invitation to church on 22ml Jan.~r . 0RD- ~ on the motion of Ald. Miller and ~olley that the com~unication be and filed, ~eiVed the invitation be accepted and as man~ of the members of Council, City officials and staffs be requested to attend. No. 9 - Rose Duak~n Cha~ter re uest motion of th.t or da . file~ and PermisSion ~e granted. ~-;"~ tion ~e received and AId. InSlie arrived at the meeting. No. 10 - Hencurable Minister of Public Welfexe - resolution re ,,--nmplo~Bd employ- a~lee. C~ on the motion of Ald. Inglis and Donald that the oc~mAnioation be received am~ laid on the table until the next meeting. No. 11 - Niagara Falls Company. Jehovah,s Witnesses - requesting permission to erect banner. 01qD~D on the motion of Aid. Jolley an~ Hawkins that the ication be received an~ referred to the City Mana~r for a report. No. 1~ . Mia~a:a Falls au~ Suburban Area Plannin~ B~ard - re re~uix~nsnts for ¢ / 19~0. Oi~DER~) on the motion of Aid. Donald and Miller that the conmunlcation be received and referred for consideration when the 19~0 Budget Is being prepared. No. 13 - Nla are Frontier Etuna~ Societ - re · ~aication be received ~e following Reports were Drese~te__Ad: No& ~ - ~ _ recommending ~ssuance of 3dcences. 01~DERED on the motion or A1 . Hawkins and Jells7 that the report be ations be adopted. received end filed, and the recc~mend_ No. ~ - ~ _ submitting s~nmary of 19~9 licenceS. ORDERED on the motion of Ai~. Donald and Hawkins that the report he received and laid on the table. ~e following Resolutions were passed: No. 16 - Mrr. T.'N~.~ . JOLLEy . ~0LVED that-a cc~m~,nication be forwarded to the Non- ourable Ruseel T. Eelley, Minister of Health, asking that he advise Council as to the ~ualifications necessary for young women who are accepted for training in hospitals for nursir~ duties; and the Seal of the CorPoration be hereto affixed. C_arrie~d No. 17 - HA~ . INGLIS - RESOLVED that the Niagara Falls General Hospital Trust and the Niagara Falls Medical SoCiety be ccmmunicated with asking for formation US to the Progress being made toward opening the new. wing at the Hos- pital; and the Seal of the CorPoration be hereto affixed. ~e follow=n~ By-laws were Passed: ~ ' to authorize the execution of an agreement for sale and deed. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Mct~nley and Donald that Ald. Haw- kins be given the Privilege of introduclag the by-law and the by-law be read the fi~st time . Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Jolley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be sns~ended and the by-law he given the second reading . CalTled. I ~ reading . AId. Jollay and Hawkins - Carried. ~ - To 8rant a retirement allowance to a Corporation employee. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Donald and M~ller that Aid. Hawkins ~e ~ivan the privilege of in~roducin~ the by-law an~ the by-law be read the first time . CalTied. It was ordered on the metion of Ald. McEinle~ and Jolley that Rule ~6 (2) of the Stareling l~ules of Council be suspended and the by-law be gXven the sec- 0nd reading . Carried. ~ r~adin~ ~Ald. Miller and Donald . Carried. 306 ' No. ~2 - To authorize the execution of an agreement for sale an~ deed. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Jolley and McKinley that Ald. Haw- kins ~e given the privilege of introducin~ the by-law an~ the by-law be read the first .t!.u~ - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MoFinley that Rule (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be ansiended and the by-law be given the second reading; - Carried. reading - Ai~. Jolley and Hawkins - Carried. No. ~3 - To authorize the execution of an a~eement for sale aml deed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donal~ that Ald. Hew- kins be given the privilege of lntroducin~ the by-law an~ the by-law be read the first t~.~ - Carried. It was ordere~ on the motion of Ald. Jolley and Hawkins that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Csrried. Third reading - Aid. Hawkins aml Donald - Carried. Ald. Hawkins was of the opinion that the stop sign on Hastwood Crescent at Palmer Avenue was in a dan~erons position because of the railway tracks and asked that the Traffic C.'~,-,,!ttee stud~ the condition and report thereon to Coun* cll. AI~.. Miller asked to be recorded as ~etng opposed to the manner in which the concession at the Nis~ra Falls Na~orinl Arena is being awarded. Re Alderman felt that if the concession could be operated at a profit, it shoul~ be under the control of the municipality and the revenue frcxa the s~-- would revert to the +_~_-~ayere. He also felt that it was unfair to rend the concession for the short season of about ~o months. The Cotmoil a~o~ned on the motion of Ald. l~cKinley and MacDonald. I~AD. A~D AD~, 16 JanuaxT, 1~0. Clerk Council Chamber, ~xe Finance ccsal~eo aet on~:~., ~th ~anxax~, 1~ ~c~ ~he ~-pcse of approving and also of paaing the various accounts which had been properly cer- tified and placed before them. All members of the C~m.~ttee, with the exception of Ai~. MacDonald, were present. Sundry accounts amounting to $195,8~7.78 were approved by the Com. ittee. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for Presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald. Mcl[inley and Miller. The co~xu~nication frc~ W.R.Phillips, requesting Permission to purchase t~enty feet of Block A, Hanan Avenue, as laid over from previous meetings, was again considered. Upon the reccem.~ndation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ai~. Jolley and McI[inley it was ordered that the communication be rec- eived and filed, and MAr. PhillipS be advised that the property is not for sale at the present time. ~'~e report of the Property Cc~m~ttee upon the above matter was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Jolley and McKinley that the report ~e received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. A ccnmmmIcatlon was Presented from the HY~ro-Electrlc Commission of Nia- gara F~m, advising of the waterworks and street lighting surpluses for 19~8. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald a~ld Jolley that the co~nunication be received and filed. ' A report was presented fr~n the City Msn~er regarding an application for permission to place a garbage receptacle on the street allowance on Ontario AvemAc-adjacent to the building operated as Rainbow Alleys. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Inglls and Donald that the report be received and filed, and the recc~ndation be adopted. ~e statement of relief for December, 1949 was Presented. It was ord- ered on the motion of Aid. Donald and ~olley that the statement be recelved an& filed. ~e comparison of tax collections at 31st December, 19~9, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald and Killer that the statement be rec- eived an~ filed. ~e Committee addourned on the motion of Ald. Jolley and Mckinley. ~D A~ ADC~:,,, 16 January, 1~50. Chairman of Flnance Council Chamber, 9 JanuaxT, l~0. b Coungil,,xs-asse~bled at ~e close of ~e ~ oo~ a~ fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts proved by the C~nmittee. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. MacDonald, were present. ~]le following By-law wa_s passed: No. 449~ - To Grant Menlee for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McjClnley and Donald that Ald. Haw- kins he given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the rosSion of Aid. Hawkins and ~olley that Rule 36 (2) of t~e Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law ~e given the sec- ond reading - Cal-rled. ~ird,, rendin6 - Aid. Donald and McEinley - Carried. ~he Council adjourned on the motion of ~ld. Donald-and McKinley. HEAD AI~ ADOpq~n, 16 January, 1990. Mayor COlu:eU~NCE 'Council Chamber, 9 January, 1930. Re Conference C~dttee of the City Council met on Mosday, 9th ~anuary, 1950 following the regular meetings of the 0try Council and Finance Ccmndttee, for the consideration of the matters places ~efore them. All meml~re of the Cnmmlttee with the exception of Ald. MacDonald were present. After consideration of the matters presented to themI the Cc~ttee a~Jol~ned on the motion of Ald. ~olley and Hawkins. HEAD A~D ADaPm~, 16 JanuaxT, Council Chamber, 16 January, 1950. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council mat at 7-30 p .m. on Monday, 16th jsr,;Ary, 1950 for the Purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of His Worship Mayor Houck, were pres- ent. On the motion of Ald. Eawklns and McKinley Aid. Donald was enacting mayor during the meeting. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins. On the motion of Aid. Jolley and McKinley and in connection with Ccm- munication No. 19, Mr. Elwood Masher of the Army, Navy and Airforce Veterans, sos ,,as Pe,---ittsd to *l .aa the Council. l osher the Sounell of the request of the Unit for Permission to operate a vised as to t~e carnival ccmpar~y which would be employed, the t~pes of amusements carnival, and ad- and the financial arrangements made. S_~E Conmu~_.cation No. 1~ Tenders had been called for the supply of truck chases for the Streets and ~arbage Depsr~nenta. On the motion of Ald. Hawkins and NcEinley the tender~ sut~itted were opened, initialled by the Enactin~ Nayor, read and laid on the table for tabulation. CCe~ICATIOEB Laid over/~ a Previous meeting: No. 10 - Honourable Minister of Public Welfare _ re unemployed emPloysbias. OR- DERED on the motion of AId. Inglls and MacDonald that the co~mun/cation be rec- --,-d. ,nd the to the edera, *ve nt for could_ c ses~ - requesting Permission to · MacD lcatAon be received and filed, and ~ermlssion be oneld and Jolley that the granted, subject to the condit- ion that the banner will be suspended frun a messenger wire running across the street. · e following Cmm~,;~catlons were Presented: N0. 1~ - Office of FL~e Marshal . re award to local dePar~nent. 01RD~RED on the a0tlon of Ald. Hawk/no and ~oLley that the and the Fire DePartment be oongratulated,upoc~Anlcat~on be received and filed, fine work· receiving this award and for their ~o. 19 - Arm.v, Navy and Airforce ~eterans in Canada . requesting Permission for :~. f ~val. CiRDEI~D on the motion of Aid. Inglts and Hawkins that the cc~mmmication .... be received and file~, and Perre/salon for the carnival be granted, subject to the · ..~.....~....~;t regulations of the CorPoration and the re,u/foments of the Local Board of Health. WTn's DiviSion, Niagara Falls ,p lainlesion be. granted. 309 .... Vf 'F No, ~ - J~s E. Sacco - ~questl~ ~e~eslon ~ t~fer ~e~ c~ lot. 0~- ~ on ~e ~tlon of ~d. ~ ~d Jo~ey ~at ~e c~cetlon ~ rece 16 Janu~y, l~O. ~an~d ~r ~e eupe~lslon of ~e City ~r. ~ls motion was defea~d. celtfled ~ p~ced before ~. ~1 members of ~e ~t~e, wl~ ~e excep- ' S~ accosts ~omtl~ ~ $30,~37.87 ve~ app~ved by ~e C~t~e. ~e fo~t~ RepoSe we~ p~sented: ~e accosts suited, ~t~ passed or othe~ise de~t wi~, ~ere o~- - er~ P~ced In ~e m~ey by-~ for Presen~tion ~ ~e Co~cil on ~e No. e - ~Ity ~r ~c~Mi~ ~ssl~ for b~er. 0E on ~e mot- ~d. D~ld aM Jolly. ion of ~d. ~o~i and ~o~ey ~t ~e ~po~ ~ ~cei~d a~ find, ~d ~e motion ~co~tlon be It was o~e~d on ~e rotion of ~d. ~s and ~cDomld ~at the ~o. 7 - City C~rk - ~ coherence he~ ~ ~n~. ~ on ~e ~tlon of ~ for void cont~ to ~is motion. ) i~n ~cent4. It ~as o~ered on ~e ~tton of ~d. I~lls and Dom~ that ~e v~- - io~ ~s, C~sslom a~ dep~nta be mques~d ~ su~t ~elr bud~ts not ~o. 8 - City C~rk mc~Mi~ Issmce of ~cemes. ~E ~ ~e motion of ~r ~ ~e f~st wee~ on FobS, ~d. ~omld ~ ~oHey ~t ~e report ~ received ~d filed, ~d ~e rec~- m~tlon ~ adop~d. for c~1demticn of ~e Co~cil. ~ appli~tion for ~n~nt ~ lease .' ' ' at ~e report be receives a~ filed, ~ ~e mc~tl~ ~ a~p~. ~ ~ ~0P~, 23 J~, 1P~0. ~0N No. ~ - Mc~ - ~ . ~ ~t ~e ~tl~ of His Worship ~yor W.L. ~rk ' ', "... H~ck, in ap~olnti~ ~e~n G~t Do~ as e~tt~ ~yor on ~, 19~ ~an- ~ ' ~ d~i~ ~e abseme ~ EiS Wo~i~, ~ appm~a; a~ ~e S~ ef ~ Color- ~ ~ of M~ce C~ied vl~ ~e ~ueet ~ ~ph Bt~ f~ ~s8t~ ~ o~n~ ~e concession at ~s P~k. ~e City ~r ~se~ ~at ~ report wo~a ~ pmsen~ at ~e ~. ~l~r ~so ~k~ ~ ~on for ~e ashy of ~e report of ~e 16 J~, 1~0, ~fic ~t~e wi~ m~ ~ s~s~a ~fic si~s. ~e City ~r ad- ~e Co~l m-assmbled at ~sed of ~ i~om~ rq~d ~ ~e ms~ f~ ~ de~ In ob~i~ ~e ~e ~et~s for ~e ~ose ~ a~o~d by ~e ~!t~e~ ~e by-hw which conrad ~e accomts W~hlP ~r H~, ~d. ~l~r ~a ~at ~e City ~r ~i~ in a mp~t wi~ m~ ~et~. were p~sent. ~. Dora was e~i~ myor d~ ~e ~ ~e co~tl~ of te s~et at ~e west e~ of S~o~ 5~et. ~e ~moil ~Jo~d ~ ~ m~on of ~. ~e~ a~ ~. _ - ~,~ klns be given the privilege of Introducing the b~-law and the by-law be read the first ~4w~ _ Oarrled. It was ordered' on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the secoml reading ~ Carried. r/~lX'd reading ,Ald. HaoDoZ~J.d and McK;tn~ay .~ Cartled. ~e Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Miller and McK/nley. READ AI~ ADCeaED, 2B JanuaxT, 1950. Enacting Mayor CO~*'.~CE Council Chamber, 16 January, 19~0. ~he Conference Cc~mlttee of the City Council met on MondaF, 16th January, following the re6.,l~r council and f~nance meetings, for the consideration of the matters placed before them. All members of the Committee, with the exception of Hie Worship Mayor llouck, were present. Ald. Grant Donald was chairman of the meeting. After consideration of the matters presented the motion of Ald. Miller and Jolley. to them, the Cc~.ittee euXJourned on . MEETING Council Chamber, 23 January, 1950. PaEULAR MEETinG Pursuant to adjournment t January, 1950 for the p ose f , he Council met at 7.30 m C. was Peatted to adzes e o a 1 ~e Comcll. ~. ' PP icatlon for ~cel~d a 1950 lIce~e ~ ~e Dep~nt of ~t~ways ~ opera~ a used c~ lot. SE C~cation No. In co~ection wi~ C~cation No. 27 and on ~e motion of ~d. McKin- ley a~ ~w~, ~. K. Borsi~ on ~ of ~. A.Morhac ~as ~tted to add~ss C0~cil. ~. ~rsi~ ad~sed of ~e aPPlication of ~. ~rhac for a licence to 0pera~ his chip w~, spo~ of his reco~ while in ~ls lira of b~lness, his i,~s~nts In ~e co~ty a~ ~e fact ~at no comp~Ints had been rode about ~. Morhac's actlMties. ~. a~ ~s. Morhac ~so spoke briefly upon ~e totter. SE Com~cation ~o.~ ~Id over ~ nmvio~ ~etl~: ~o. 6 - ~ _ ~ concession at ~s Park. 0~ on ~d. E~ a~ ~cDomld ~at ~e com~cation ~ recei~d ~d ~e motion of filed, ~t ~e comesslon be ~an~d ~ ~. Bl~nte for 19~0 at a mnt~ of $1~.00, ~ which ~. Bi~ h~ a~y a~ed, ver~y. SE C~tlon No. 19 ~o~f~ O~ ~ca ~ Re~ort ~o. 11 ' De~nt ~ He~ . m.' ~flcati~ for n~es, ~1~. ~ att~ for n~st~ ~1~ ~ c~ to a~t e~ents who ~ sucoees~y ~sa~ e~tA~ (n subJec~ v~ch wi~ be necess~y in n~sl~ work. ~d for ~li~t savi~ t~. 0~- ' · ~. , t ~e o~ea$~on h mcel~d ; and referred back to the Association, asking that they get in touch with the HY&ro-Electric Power 0~"m!selon of Ontario to ascertain whether the suggested dates will be satisfactory, in an effort to eliminate the possibility of confus. ion and to obtain uniformity throughout the province for the period when daylight saving time will be in effect. No. 22 ~ Niagara Falls Girls, Work Board - requesting permission for tag day. 0RDE~m~ on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Eawklns that the communication be rec. sired and filed, and permission be granted. No. 23 - 0entral Marriage and lEousing Corporation - re Proposed sale of houses. ORDEA~iO on the motion of Aid. Jolley and Hawkins 'that the communication be rec- eived and laid on the table until the next meeting and the City Manager be req uested to submit a report thereon. No. 24 - Canadian National Railways - re lease of additional land. 0~ff)ERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the communication be received and filed, and the Railway be asked to prepare a new lease. No. 25 - Radio Station CR~C - requesting broadcastl' ~gjE Report El~ED on the motion of Aid. Inglls and Miller that ~n~e preylieges at arena. 0RD- ocmmmunication be received and laid on the table, and Mr. Bedford be asked to consult with the Arena CognAC. tee upon the matter; and the Cc~m.~ tree be requested to report hemon to Council. No. 26 - William Watts - suggestions re Maple Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Illliar that the commanicatlon be received and laid on the table to permit the Traffic Committee to inspect the conditions. SEE Report No. No. 27 - Andrew Morhac l~o. 28 - D. & B. E~rdware No. 29 - Antonlo,s Fruit Market - re operation of chip wagon. ORDEE on the motion of Aid. Donald and Hawkins that the commumtoatIons be received and laid on the table until the next meeting. SEE Petition iVo. 1 ~0R~B Re following Reports were Presented: No. 10 - City Manager - re concession at Oakes Park. C~DEAt~ on the motion of Ald. tIawklns and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, aml the recom- me~_a~tlon be adopted. No. II - City Manager - re application for used car lot. 0RDEI~ED on the motion of Ald. Jolley and MacDonald that the report be received and laid on the table until the next meeting. (Ai~. McKinley voted contrary to this motion.) No. 12 - City Manager - re lease of additional land. ~ on the motion of AI~. Donald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the reco~,end- atton be adopted. No. 13 - Traffic C~-,--~ttee - making various recommendations. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Ald. Hawkins a~d Miller that the report be received and filed, and the recommendations be a~dopted. No. 14 - City Clerk - re conference held 16th ~anuary. ORD~mu on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins tlmt the rel~rt I~ received and filed. No. 1~ - City Manager . re com~dtion of pavement on S~ord Street ' the motion of Ald. Domald and Hawkins that the re~ort · ORDERED on table ~e the area be ins~ected during the Tour of Inspection. receive~ andan~ laid on the · NO. :16 - City Clerk -recmm, anddng.iasnance of licenoes. ~DERED on t~he motion PETITION ~e following Petition was p.resen._~ted: No. 1 - Jennie Kndrinki and 66 others NED on ~o~ o~"~~-an~ ' aPprovtng operation of chip wagons. OI~D- laid on the table until the nsxt meetl~:kins that the Petition be received and ~e following l~esolutions were_j~as_~se~d: o a Houck be requested to ll to met with representatives of the Niagara Falls Ci~lc Employees, Federal KIn_ion for the discussion of their request for chengee in the agreement with regard to wages and salaries; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Csrrie_~d. unanimousl~y His Worship Mayor ~touck appointed Ald. Donald, Inglis and Hawkins as this commit. tee. ~ ' No. 20 - ~ . MacDONALD . PF~SOLVED that the aPPreciation of this Council be conveyed the Reverend Dr. S-B.Stokee and Lundy,s Lan~ United Church for the very excellent service and the invitation for the civic officials and staffs to ~orship with them on Sunday, 22rid January; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried un.animoj~ Re congratulations of Council were extended hy His Worship Mayor Eouck to Alderman and Mrs. Donald upon the celebration of their twenty-sixth wedding anniversary which wall be celebrated on 27th January. His ~orsktp Mayor Nouck expressed the Council,s aPPreciation to the Arena Cc~mLittee for the splendid work they have Performed in the bnitdiag of the ~Aagara Falls Memor/al Arena. .,316 , Council Chamber, 23 January, 1930. ~e Finance Cnmm~ttee met on Monday, 23rd January, 1~50, for the pur- pose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been prop- erly certified and placed before them. All members of the Calm!tree were Present. Sundry accounts amounting to $W~,264.71 were approved by the Committee. ~e accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord. ered placed In the money by-law for presentation to the Counell# on the motion of Ald. 'Donald and Miller. Re e,~-m-ry of tenders for tru~k c~aeses for trucks for the garbage and streets departments were submitted. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McEln- ley an~ Donald that the s,m-.~.ries be referred to the City Manager and Equipment Committee for a report and recommendations at the next meeting. ' ~e smmmary of taxes in arrears at 31st December, 19~9, was Presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald that the statement be received and filed. ~e Co~,.!ttee adjourned on the motion of Aid. Dome a~d Jolley. i~EAD A~D ADOP~ED, ~0 January, 19~0. Chairma~ of Finance kfns be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the h$~-law be re~d the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Eawklns and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the sec- end- reading _ Carried unanimously. ~ird reading . ~ld. MacDonald and Jolley . Carried unanlmo~ely. RESOLUT~ON ~he folloying Resolution was ~passed: No. 21 - JOI~ . ~ . RESOLVED that appoint a'c~tee~-~o frc~ the Clt CEis ~orship Mayor Houck be requested t hereto affixed. ~ uild~ngs; and the C_~arrle~dd unanimously Nis Worship appointed Ald. Inglie and McKinley ~s this c~mittee. ~e Oo~ncil adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald aml Jollsy. ~EAD AND ADOP~ED, 30 January, 1950. , M~yor Council Chamber, 23 Jarmary, 1930. ~xe Council re-assembled at the close of the regular co,,~ll and fin- dace meettn~s for the purpose of passing the ~y-law which severed the accounts airproved by the C~--~ttae, aml for the oo~sAderation of other matters. All mem- bers of the Council were present.- ~e follow,tng By-law was Passed: ~' N_~o.~96 - ~ Grant Monies for gemex~l pml~oaes. It vas ox~ere~ on f~e m~tion Of A1A. Dm~ald am~ Jolley that Ald. Haw- Council Chamber, 23 January, 1~30. ~e Conference Committee of the City Council met on Monday, 23rd Jan- uary, 19~0 following the regular meetings of the Council and Finance Ccrm~ttee, for the coneideretlon of the va~lous matters placed before them. ~ll members of the Committee were present. . ~ ~ff~r consideration of the matters Presented to them, the Ccmaittee adjourned on f~e. metion of Ald. Miller and Jolley. ~,AD-~At'iD ADC~ED, 30 January, .19.50, Chairman FIFTH MEETING Council Chamber, 30 January, 1950, Pursuant to adJotu~A~ent, the Council met at 7-30 p.m. on Monday, 30th January, ~9~0 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. ~11 members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Inglis, were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the Previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins. DEPUTATIONS On the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley, Mr. Lyall of the Niagara Falls Junior C~-mber of C~,b~rce was .permitted to address the Council. Mr. Lyall advised that the Chamber proposed to sponsor a beautification campaign in this City and in order to ma~e this campalga a success, the co-operation of all the citizens would be necessary. As a means of stlm,,~ting the interest of citizens to clean and paint up, it was proposed to inaugurate a campaign on a lot desig- nated by Council. This lot would be segregated in four sections, the Council to work one section, on either side a delegation from each high school and one from the Junior Chamber. The press and Radio Station CEVC had promised thelr co-oper- ation. It was proposed that Photographs world be taken of Council cleaning up a section of the lot. Later a house would be painted and the Chamber would also like the Counoil's co-operation for about ten minutes on this project· SEE Resolution No. 22 In connection with Cn,m~ii~nication No. 18, Mr. H.F.Logan, K.C., was per- mitted to address Council. Mr. Logan spoke in connection with MAr. Sacco 'e req- uest to transfer a used car lot and asked that this be granted. Messrs. Ralph Bouck and Frank S. Hunt spoke in protest of granting this permission and discus- sed the iuvestments of the franohtzed dealers in. this City. SEE Co~umication No. 18 In connection with Cc-~,~n!cation No. 31 and on the motion of Ald. Haw- kins and Donald, Mr. E.A.Thnm~ was peralfred to address Council. Mr. Thomas spol0e in support of the communication and advised that the situation was getting impossible and something must be ~one to elfin!nate this nuisance. SEE Ccmmmmtcation No. 3~1 C~fi~NICATIOI~ Laid over from ~rewious meettp~: No. 18 - James E. Sacco -. requesting permission to transfer used car *lot. 0RD- HEED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Donald that the ecnmnmication be received and laid on the table, that the Department of Highways be requested to supply a copy of the approval issued by the Corl0oration when the first departmental lic- adopted at the meeting of 14th November, 19~9 SEE On,m-Anication No. 30 No. 2B - Central Mortgage and Hosing Corporation . re proposed sale of houses. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Jolley that the onm,,_,nication be rec- eived and laid on the table, and a representative of the Corporation be ~sked to appear before Council to discuss this matter. :No. 27 - Andrew Morhac No. 28 - D. & B. Hardware No. E9 - Antomio,s Fruit Market . re ol~ration SEE Report No. 18 of chi~ va6ons. GK~D on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the connnunications be received and filed, that Permission be granted to three chip wagons to operate until the end SEE Petition No. 1 ~e following Comunications were Presented: s0 -n co_ s soclatlon, motion of ~id. Miller ~nd~at the comunication he received and on the Protesting used car lot. ORDERED the table until information is received from the Department of Highways.laId on SEE Re~orts No. ll-17 No, 32 - Mrs, Charlotte Vetits - re nuisance of dogs, 0RDEED on the motion of Ald, Hawk~ am1 e communications be received and laid on the table the matter be referred to the City Solicitor to ascertain what power the City has in reg.ard to passing regulations and if it is Possible to Prosecute owners whose doge are a nuisance, c Z r°tsction and a llc~ be received and hid on the table; that the fire alarm boxes be l~tal- munlcation Y ~ERED · ~kins that the corn- led as soon as Possible, and the necessary requisition be sent to the Government. Prier to the above rotion, it was moved by kld. Ha~kins and MacDonald that the corn~ munlcatlon be received and referred to the City Manager for a report, but this motion was wIthdra~n. ~o. ~4 - ~Falls Suburban Area Commission . 1~9 reportSE~Re'sg'luti'°n N_o. and 1~50 reqtuire_ meets. 0RDEI~ ~n ~iO~'~'~'~"d.D~ Hawkins that the communication be received and lald on the table for consideration by the Budget committee. No. 35 - His lionour j e G.W.Morle - brief for D°minion-Provincial co erence. sired and lald on the table and liIs Worship Mayor liouck be requested to appoint a c0~ttae to study the brief and report thereon. His Worship appointed ~ld. Ilil~ let, MacDonald and NcF. inley ss this committee. ~o. ~6 -~nette Club of Ald. Ma~ ar~ ' re~uesting Permission for t~ da Jolley that the communic g Y. 01~DEEED on the motion the request be granted. arise · be received and filed, and ~o. 38 - Bell Telephone Compan~ of Canada . re replacing pole. ORDEi~ED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Hawkins that the c~m~-mications be received and filed, and Permission be granted. SEE By-law Re. 4497. R0. ~9 - Niagara Falls Public Library . re tenders for basement of branch library. 0RDEI~D on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the communication be received, the second-hand chairs be Pttrchased for the stun of $900.00 and the rem- ainder of the cc~nnunication be received and referred to the Budget Cc~mmittee for consideration. N0. ~0 - To~nshlp of Cl~wland . resolution re unsmplo ed of Ald. McFialey and Rawkind that the communication ~ ' O~DEEED on the motion Worehi a poin a llar, MacDonald and MaE ey ss c t- - Niagara Falls t~orticulL~ral Soctet~[ . invitation to annual dinner. GRD- ~oln the motion Of Ald. Miller and Hawkins that the ccmmmmtcation be received and filed, the invitation be accepted and as max~v of the members of Council as Possible attend. - REPOR~B Laid over from previous meetings: - No. 11 - City Manager - re aPplication for used car lot. 0EDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Donald that the report be received and laid on the table. SEE Report No. 1_1 The followin~ Reports were presented: No. 17 - City Manager - re aPplication for Used car lot. 0EDE~m~ on the motion of Ald. Miller aml Donald that the report be received and laid an the table. No. 18 - City Manager - re Rroposed sale of houses. 0RDE~D on the motion of Miller and ~olley that the report be received and laid on the table. No. 19 - City 0lark - reckriding issuance of llcences. ~E~E on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Miller that the report be received an~ filed, and the rec- ommendations be adopted. .Laid over from a previous meeting: r~o. 1 - J.Eudrinkl and 66 others - re operation of chip wagons. 0~D~ on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the petition be reseive~[ and filed· RESOLUTIOEE The followln~ Resolutions were passed: No. 22 - McKYNLEY - MacDONA~D - RESOLVED that this Council extend to the Niagara F~11, Junior Chamber of ~.~-~ree the i~!est co-operation in their campaign for beautificatioa of the City, that the support of the citizens be requested and that the matter of selecting a lot suitable for improvement be referred to the Property C~,m!ttee for consideration; an~ the Seal of the CorPoration be hereto affixed. Carried No. 23 - MILLER - EAW~ - EESOLVED that the Central Nort~age and Housing Corp- oration be given assurance that the necessary fire alarm boxes will be installed in the area wherein houses were contrusted urAer Project ~8, that the Corporation be requested to ias-e the necessary certificates of completion to permit applic- ation to the Provincial Covext,~nt for subsi&ies~ and the Seal of- the CorPoration be hereto affixed. Ca. rrie~ No. 24 - HAF~[I~ - DONALD - RESOLVED that the congratulations and best wishes of Council be extended to His Worship and Mrs. Houck upon the celebration of their thirty-third wedding anniversary on let February; that the ho~e ~e expressed for their continUed ~oo~ health; an~ the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried, No. 25 - EA~ - MCKINLEY - ~ES0~V~) that the co~-atulatio~s o1' this Council be extended to Mrs. Rachel Aun Washington who celebrated her ~e hundred and sec- ond birthday to-da~; an~ the Seal of the Corporation be herato affL:e&. C~s.~rie_d X{o. 26 - MacDONALD - Nn.v.~R . ~0LI~D that the Niagara. 2arks C~,~,.~ssion be req- nested to employ local persons in connection wi~-Itheir o~eratiOUs~ an~ the Seal of the C~r~ora~lon be hereto affixeS. - I .- Carri~ No. 27 - EA~ . MacDONA~D . i~8~ED that th~s Cornoil endorse the ~ampaign of ~he Niagara Falls Junior Chamber of Commerce to collect funds to assist Miss lens Smith with her trip to London, England as Canada's representative in the ~orld,s Figure Skating Championship comPetition on March 6th, 7t~ and 8th; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. S - RESOLVED that letters of aPPreciation be forw ~ ,Mr Do Niagara Falls Elltie Hand, and the Niagara Falls Fire Depar~nent for theix~ very fine co-Operation in assisting with the successful opening of the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena~ and the Seal of the CorPoration be hereto affixed· ~ . Carried No. 29 - MTr.r.Fa . DONALD . RESOLV]ED that the City Manager he instructed to plece at least two 'no Parking, signs where parking is Prohibited at the southeast cor- ner of Bridge Street and Fourth Avenue; and the Seal of the Cor/~oration be hereto affixed. - RESOLVED that the next regular take la · meeting of the City P ce at 5 00 p m Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. · · on Monday, 6th February; and the Carried _~e followin~ By-law was Passed: ..No. i~7 . To Provide for Permission to The Bell Telephone Ccmpany of Canada to Place one anchor on Stamford Street and replace Avenue. one pole on Lombard It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that A_ld. McKin- ley be given the Privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the fLrst t~m~ . Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mclfdnley and Jolley that Rule 36 12) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the sec- ond reading . Carried. ~mtrd .reading .Ald. Eawkius and Donald . Carried. rogr~mme ~ y two schools would be allowed free sea for sPatinS ~00 p m b ' that the ~ of Education had commenced a On the ice. The Alderman also Pointed o~t that NIa~ara Falls is the only place · ·; ndvised that to-day three hundred and sl~ing time fron ~.00 P.m. ~o ty-nlne children had been ~n Ontario where such f~ee tame Alderman Pointed is provided. Referring again to the opening, the out that'no epxense had been incurred by the City. Ma~or ~[ouek expressed his aPPreciation to the Arena Committee, and to ~he City His Worship Mam~el~ for their untlTing efforts during the constr~ction; and etated that he ha~ received man~ letters of con~ratulatlons fr~n clt=zens. · e Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Eawkins. ~AD AND ADOPteD, February, 1950. FINANCE '-. Council Chamber, 30 January, t950. The Finance Cammlttee met on Monday, 3Oth January, 1990 for the Progress of approvlng and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly · certified and placed b~fore them. All members of the Committee, with the excep. tlOn of Ald. Inglis, were present. Sundry accounts amounting to $D8,798.66 were approved by the Committee. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were or- dered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Donald. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Jolley that apprec- iation be extended to Police Ohief C.R.Pay of the Niagara Falls Police Depar~nont for his splendid report for the year 1949. The application for renewal of insurance coverage for non-owned auto- mobiles and fleet coverage was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mdller that the policies be renewed with R.O.Young and Company for one year from January 31, 19~0 at total premiums of $4,395.44 and $39.30; and the City Manager be requested to submit a report with reference to the non-owned auto- mobiles. A conmunication was presented from the Department of Murdcipal Affairs with regard to property sales Numbers 180 and 181. Upon the recommendation of the Property Co~aittee and on the motion of Ald. Donald and Jolley it was ordered that the conmunicatlon be received and filed, and the Department be requested, under the circ,~,atances, to approve the two sales; and the C~..-.~ttee indicate a will- ingness in the future, where the value of the property warrants it, to ecruply wi~ the suggestion of the Department. ~l~e report of the Property C~mmittee, on the above matter, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the' motion of Ald. Donald and Jolley that the report be received and filed. A communication was presented frcm Addressing Machines and Business Systems Limited, advising of a demonstration of equipment to be held. It was or- dered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Houck and Ald. Miller that the ation be received and filed, and the Equipment Committee and as many members of Council as possible attend this demonstration. The . Ce,~n~ttee adjourned on the motion of AId. McKinley an& Donald. ~EAD AND ADOpq~n, 6 February, 1990. Chairman of Finance COTYNC2I MEETINC Council Chamber, 30 January, 1950. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the purposeof passing the by-law which covered the accounts proved by the Committee. ALl members of the Council, with the exception of Ynglis, were Present. BY-LA~ ~ne following By-law was Passed: ~ - To Crant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. jolley and McKinley that Ald. Eaw- l~na be given the Privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Eawklns and Miller that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading . Carried. ~ reading .Ald. MacDonsld and Jolley - Carried. ~e Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Donald and Miller. I~AD AND ADOpt2),' 6 February, 1950. Clerk Mayor CO~t~VC~ Council Chamber, 30 January, 1950. ~e Conference C~,m~ttee of the City Council met on Monday, 30th Jan- uary, 1950 following the. regular meetings of the Council and Finance Ccmmtttee# fo~ the consideration of the various matters placed before them. All members of ths Comaelites, with the exception of Ald. Inglis, were Present. ~fter consideration of the matters placed before them, the Oc~mittee adjourned on the motion of AI~. McKinley and ~o11~. k ~EAD A~D ADOpt, 6 February, 1~50. 'lark" ' ~ * ..: ~ · ~""~'~.$~.~.~.;.,~,.. Chairman Council Chamber, 6 February, 19~0. Pursuant to adJomI~ent, the Council met at 5.00 p.m. on Monday, 6th February, 1950 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. members of the Council, with the exception of/~ld. InglIs and Jolley, were pres- ent. 1~e Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Miller. DEPUTATIOI~ In connection with Commundcation No. 42 and on the motion of Ald. Haw- kins and Miller, Mr. W.S.Martin, K.C. was permitted to address Council. Mx. tin enlarged upon the presentation by the Burns Manufacturing Company Limited and the request that the property owned by the Company and located on Barker Street be removed from the residential area.. SEE Co~a~nication In connection with Commanication I~o. 18 and on the motion of Ald. Don- ald and Hawkins, Mr. W.S.Martin, K.C. spoke on behalf of the franchized automobile dealers of the City who ere protesting the establishment of any additional used car lots in Niagara Falls. Mr. R.F.Logan, K.C., representing Mr. Sacco, also spoke upon the matter. SEE Comm:,nication No, In connection with Conununication No. 23 and on the motion of Ald. Mc- Kinley and Hawkins, Messrs. W.W.W.Scott, A.Birchnall and 0bristle of Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation were permitted to address Council. Mr. Scott was the spokesman and outlined to Council what is proposed with regard to the suggested sale of servicemen,s houses in this City. Mr. Scott replied to quest~ ions presented to him by members of the Council. SEE Communication ~o. 23 C01~vIUNICATIONB Laid over from previous meetings: No. 18 - James E. Sacco - re used car lot. 0RDEP~D on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the communication be received and laid on the table until a full 0ouncil is present. SEE Communication No: No. 23 - Central Mortgage and Hosing Corporation - re sale of servicemen,s houses. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the co~aunlcst- ion be received and filed, and the Council agree to advance the date at which the $200.00 lot fee becomes operative. SEE Report No. 18 No. B0 - Canadian Corps Association . protesting establishment of used car lot. O~DERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the communication be rec- eived and laid on the table until a full council is present. .SEE Co~'~anication No. 43 No. S1 - Mrs. E.A. Thomas ' No. B2 - Mrs. Charlotte Verite - re dogs at large. O~D~ on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald that the co~A~nicationa be received and filed, that the Niag- ara Frontier Eumane Society and the Police Department ha asked to continue their efforts to control this nuisance. ' SEE Communications No. 45-6-7. ~ne followinC~lcatione were p_~re_sented: No. 42 ~ Burns Manufacturi~_n~LC~o.m' a Limited - .. munication be received and laid o~ the ~ble to Pemit the members to pernse the · --- d MacDonald that the su~sions and ~tll a f~! commll is Present. No. 43 - Bates and ~1 ~rt No. No. 44 - ~pa~ of ~wa~s - re used car lot. ORD~ on the ~notlon of Ald. ~qrts No. ll-lV No, ~5 - A.B.Miller - -'~_ No. 47 - ~G~l~on - re dogs at large. 0~EE on the I~ and D~~ comn~icatio~ be received and flled~L~°t on of =Ud. Hawk- ~o. 48 Nt ~ R~ort i~o, 20 a ra Falls M ' ~~ls m~!c Festival ~soclation _ requestl~ ~ant. 0~E~ on ~e motion of ~d. Do~ld ~~ ~e commtcatton be received and re f- emd ~ the B~get Coattee for comiderstlon. No. 49 - ~ Memorial ~nd - requesting ~ant. 0~ on the Donald and Haw~%'~~m motion of ~'dd. ~catfon be received and refe~ed for co~ider_ ation by the Bud~t Co~t~e and ~e Chaixmn be asked ~ endeavo~ to do some- ~1~ m~ for ~s band. 50 - aZzs ire - Invl~tlon ~ banquet and dance. 0RD~ ~e motion of ~d · cDo~i~ ~nd ~wkl~ ~at ~e comnication be received aM Mled, ~e ln~tlon be acceded and as m~ of the members of Co~cil as possible attend ~e f~ctlon. No. 51 - Greater Niagara ~ner~ Hospl~l _ x~questl~ meti~ re indigent pat- ients. 0~ on ~e motlon of ~d. Donald and Hawkt~ that the co~catlon be recei~d ~d filed, ~e meeti~ be strayed a~ also ~at the ~a~ be ss~ed ~ reply to ~e Comcll,s request for l~omatlon wi~ reg~ ~ ~e operation of ~e new wl~ at ~e hospt~. Laid over from~v_lo~: ~e. ~8 (1949 File ) - Medical Officer received and laid on the table unti~ aHawkins and MacDonald that the Company full council is Present. reports be SEE Petition No. 24a N0. 11 - City Manager -- N0. 17 - City Manager ~ re used ' car lot. ORDEA~o on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the reports be received and laid on the table until a full coun- cil is Present. N0. 18 - City Manager - re sale of servicemen,s houses. ORDERF~ on the marion of AId. Hawkins and MacDonald that the report be received and filed. .~e following RePorts were Presented: No. 20 - ~r_ - re doge. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Don- N0. 21 - 0tty 01erk - re conference held 30th January. 0RD~t~o on the motion of AI~. McKInley and MacDonald that t~e report be received and filed. No. 2~ - City Clerk - recon~nending issuance of licenoes. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the tee. ommendations be adopted. PETITION Laid over From previous meetings: No. 24a (1949 File) - S.E.Jun~in and 2~ others - re Burns Manufacturing Company, L~m~ted. ORDEFam on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald ~hat the petition be received and laid on the table until the full council is present. RBBOLUTIOI~ Z~e following Resolutions were passed: No. 31 - EAP~KII~ - MacDONALD - RESOLVED that this Council agree to advance the date at which the 9200.00 lot fee becomes operative in connection with Projects No. 6 and 7 of Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation; that His Worship Mayor Houck and the City Clerk be authorized to sign the amended agreement to provide for this change] and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 32 - MCKINLEY - MacDONALD - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the City Council be scheduled to take place on Monday, 13th Febrvmry at 5.00 p.m.; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. C_arrfe~ No. 33 - MTLt~.R . MacDONALD - RESOLVED that the Traffic Committee be requested to bring in a report at the next meeting as to the possibility of establishing an additions/bus stop on the east side of Victoria Avenue between Sirecos Street and Mortleon Street; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Ca___rried BY-LAW ~he following By-law was passed: No. ~J~ - To authorize the bor~owing of 9250,000.00. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Miller that Ald. Haw- kind be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. - It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that Rule (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried. q~Ird reading .Ald. MacDonn3;d and McKinley - Carried. READ ~ ADGP~ED 13 February, 61.;Tj' "" His Worshlp Mayer Houck advised .that the Council's representatives who had been appointed to meet with the Welland County Council were unable to do so on the date set for the meeting, and asked i~f any other members of Council would be able to act in their stead. AId. Donald advised that he would endeavour to be Present at the time appointed... ,: . ~e Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Mc/f/uley and Donald. 1950. ·...~J., ,,'~,.,. 3~.~..~Tr....-e~,. Mayor FINAiVCE MEETING Council Chamber, 6 February, 1950. The Finance Committee met on Monday, 6th February, 1950 for the Purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts w}dch had been Properly certified and placed before them. All members of idle Committee, wd~j~ ta~e excep- tion of Ald. Inglis and Jolley, were Present. Sundry accounts sinetinting to $57,159.64 were aPproved by the Conm~ttee. The accounts subndtted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for Presen%ation to the Council on the -motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald. A comunlcation was Presented From Mortimer, Bempfdeld & Co. regarding an endorsement on the Union Insurance Society of Canton policy to cover the Niag- ara Falls Memorial Arena. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Miller and Donald that the communication be received and filed, and the endorsement be approved. Sm~n~ries of truck tenders for cheeses for Trucks No. 12 and 2Z, which had been hid over from previous meetings, were again Presented. /~ report and recommendations of the Equipment Cc~mittee was also considered. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald that the sunrarefies and report be rec- eived and lald on the table until a full council is Present. An offer was Presented from the c Upon the recommendation O°~n!ttee and on e t f Kinle of the Property cm~rdcation be received and filel, Y and Donald it was ordered that the and the Company be advised that this prop- erty has been and is being held for an industrial site. The report of the Property ConmLtttee on the above matter was Presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. saved and filed, and the reccm~nendatioM2cKinley and Donald that the report be rec- be adopted. The comparison of tax collections for the month of January was present. ed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that the statement be received and filed. The City Msn~er advised that debentures are to be issued during 19~0 for certain works which have been Performed, the total amount of which would be In the neighbourhood of 970,000.00~ and recommended that these debentures be sued as follows: For a five-year period at two and one-half per cent interest; for a ten-year Period at three per cent interest and for a fifteen-year Period at three and one-quarter per cent. interest. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that the recommendation be adopted and the City Manager be au- thorized to Proceed with costing of local improvements for the works involved at the interest rates mentioned. The City Manager ~dvised that the Canadian Section of the ~nmertcan Water Works ASsociation Proposed to hold their 1950 con~ention in Niagara Falls a~d had asked for a grant of 9200.00. Yt was ordered on the motion of Ald. Don- ald and McKinley that the matter be referred to the Chairman of Finance with ~ower to act. ~e Oc~mlttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald. READ ~ ADOP~ED, 13 February, t~30. Chairman of Finance 9 COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 6 February, 19j0. The Council re-~ssembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All mendbets of t~he Couneil~ with the exception of Inglis and Jolley were present. B~Y-LAW The following By-law was passe. A: ~o. 4500 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on 'the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that Ald. Hawkins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first ~.time - Carried. ' It was ordered on the motion of AId. Hawkins and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried. ~lird reading - ~ld. MacDonald and McKinley - Carried. RESOLUTION. · he following Resolution was passed: No. B~ - HAWKI~ - McKINLEy . RESOLI~ED that His Worship Mayor Houck be asked to appoint two representatlas from the City Council to attend the convention of the Canadian Good Roads ~ssociation in Toronto; and the Seal o~ the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried His Worship Mayor Eouck appointed ~ld. Miller and Donald as the Council,e repres- entatives. ~ae Council adaourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald. READ AND ADOp~EB, 13 February, 1950. : Mayo~ C OB~I~NCE Council Chsm~ber~ ~ February, 19D0. ~e Conference Committee of the City Council met on Monday, 6th Feb- ruary, 1950 follo~ing the regular meetings of the Cornrail and Finance Co~aittee for the consideration of the various matters Placed before them. ~U_i members of the Committee, with the exception of Xld. inglis and Jolley, were Present. After consideration of the matters Presented to t~em~ the Committee ad~o~urned on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley. EAD A~D ADOPTED, 13 February, lp50' Chairman Council Chamber, 13 FebrualT, 19D0. Pursuant to adJoux-~nt# the Council mat at ~.00 p.m. on Monday, 13th February, 1~0 f~r the purpose of conslderlr~ general buslnees and finance. All members of the Council wore present. Re Council, havin~ received and read the nfinutes of the preyScud meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Jolle~. DEPUTATION In connection with C~cetion No. ~2 and on the motion of Ald. Einley and IIawktns, Mr. Johnson Roberrs of Fraser and Fraser was permitted to speak to Council. Mr. Roberta ateted that his firm represented a 8roup of int- erested citizens in the BarMar S~reet area who wished to present a brief in re- buttal to the presentation ~f the Burns Manufacturing Cce~an~ Xdmited with rag~ ar~ to ll~ting the residential restrictions at the location of their plant. Mr. Roberrs asked that the matter be laid on the table until the next maeting to permit this Preaentation. SEE Ccamnmication No. 42 C~CATI01~ Xaid over frc~ Prerlous meetln~s: 1~o. 18 - James E. Sacco - re used ca~ lot. Q~b~rau on the motion of Ald. MacDon- ald and McKinley that the ocenunioation be received and filed, and the Council approve of the operation of a used car lot by Mr. Sacco at the premises known as 163~ Victoria Avenue; and if, at a~V time, the lot ceases to be 'operated by Mr. Sacco, the Department be asMed to revoke the license. (~xe vote on this motion was as follows: For: AId. Hawkins, McFdnley, Miller and MacDonald; A6ainst: AId. Donald, Jolley and InSlie.) SEE Co-=dn~cations NO_. 30-~3-~4 No. 30 - Cana&iea Corps Asso~iation No. ~3 - Bat~s and Campel No. bJ~ . DelMu'~nent of Highwa~ - ~e used car lot, CeEEE~D on the motion of Ald. MacDonald an~ McKinley that the ccemunicatione be received and filed. motion of Ald. Inglls and Donal{ ~.~--t the con~unicetion be received and referred to the Ontario Mumtclpal Association for consideration. No. ~ - United Steelworkers of ~merica - re means test and/~nslons 01~DEEED on the toolion of Ald. Donald aml Hawkins~at the conm.,nication be race to the Ontario Mumicipal Assoctatdon for consideration. erred ived an~ raf- t an{ MacDonald tam ' t the ccmnnun/cation be received and lald on the table fur consideration whsn the ~t is being Prepared. ~o. ~6 - Niagara Falls saxt Suburba~ Area pla allocation. C~)E~ED on the motion of ~ld Innl~ - requesting advance of · hal and MacDonald that ~he cc~zmn- lsation be received and laid on the table until the next meeting~ that the City Manager report as to the powers vested in this Council with regard to the possible amalSamation with or annexation of the Township of Stamfor~ and that this report be consid~red before the grant is made. No. ~7 - Niagara Parks Commission . re use of local labour. 01~DEE~D on ion of Ai~. MacDonald and Jolley that the co~aunication be received and the mot- filed. No. ~ - Wceen,s Hospital Auxill ~ on the motion of Ald Mcl~.v ' requesting PeraLission for penny sale ~ and filed, and Permission be 8ranted.and Jolley that the ccennunlcatlon be rjcetved No. ~9 - wanen,s Hospital Au~iliary . re ues granted. that the commumtcation be rec~ No. 60 - Lund.v,s Lane United C~urch - requesting additional lighting in church yard. 0I~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and MaFdnley that the comm~nication be received and referred to the City Manager for a ra~ort. SEE Petition No. 2~a No. 1/. City Manager - --- No. ~2 - Burns Manufacturin~ C~n~an~ Limited - relnssti jZReports No. 11-1~ ~ 17 - City Manager . re used c~r lot. O~Ea~D on the motion of Aid. ~a ~ ~ ~ ~e i~ o la~ ~ n a~ S~n ]o. ~3 - City Cl~k - ~ C~e~e of C~e ~ ~s~ (~ s f ~ ~a~r Ni~ ~ber ~, ~r ~ ~o~ ~t ~la 6~ Feb~y. ~ on ~ motion 'of 0~ on ~'~tl~ ~'~ ' s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~s ~tion,) ~~~a ~ report ~ ~cel~a ~d find. · on ~ ~tton o~ ~, ~is ~ Dt 81 ~ No. 2~t ~ ~ ~ ~a. ' ~' ~ ~ble for .couldoration ~on ~ ~, 2T- -. F~ ~ef - 1~9~ m~, ~ on b ~tt~ ~ ~. j~y ~ No. ~3 - City ~ St. ~e - msolu~ ~. ~ ~ po~ ~. ~ ~ ~e q Kinley that the report be received and lat~ on the table for consideration when the lh~6et is bein~ prepared. No. 28 - Local Boar~ of Health - 19~9 report. 01~EEED on the motion of Ai~. Haw- Xins and M~-~4uley that the report be recetve~ and laid on the table for consider. ation when the l~_~_~et is being prelmre~. No. 29 - Traffic C--4ttee - rec~ndtng bus stop. OI~E~D on the motion of Ald. MacDonal~ aml McKinley that the report be received ami filed, an~ the reco~nen~- ation be adopte~. AI~. Donal~ ms~e a report to Council upon his attendance at a z~etlng with officials from the County of Welland with regar~ to the possible action to be taken re~-~ling the county buildings. ~e Alderman advise& of the su6~ested possible costs tnvolve~ in ixn!0ro~e~ents to the present buildin~s or the erection of ...new buildings. X~ld over from previous meetings: No. 2~a (1~9 File) - S.E.j,m~u and 25 others - He Burns Manufacturing Company Limited. C~DEI~D on ~e ~ti~ of ~. ~w~ a~ ~M ~at ~e petition ~ recet~d ~ ~td ~ ~o ~b~ ~1 ~o ~xt ~tt~. erats& solely within the cor~orets ltm4ts of one urban municlpality~ but this mot- ion was defeated. t His Worship Mayor Houck welcaned Mr. George MacLean, reporter for the Niagara Falls Gazette to the meeting. Council ad~ourns~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins. ~ AI~ ADOP~D, 20 Febrtutry, 1~0. Clerk i~SC~U'A'rONS ~he following Resolutions were lmsse~: No. 3} - Mc~LEY - MacDONALD - l~E~O~vg,, that the aotion of His Worship Mayor Bo~k, in a~oin~ ~e~n X.M.~w~ as emcti~ m~r on-Feb~ 1~, ation ~ hem~ ~. XO, 36 - M~ - ~ - ~V~ ~t ~e Cl~ 'C~rk OOR~Ot ~e SeO~t- ~t diSpOSiti~ W~ ~e of ~e ~y s~p~ed b~ ~ci~l ~ ~ ~e fomer Sea Ca~t ~ ~ ~ Na~ ~; ~ ~e S~ of ~e Codfish ~ hemto ~- f~a. atl~ on ~ ~n ~~s of ~ Cit~ in ~ eff~t ~ m~eve ~ c~st- ~e C~ ~ s~pliea wi~ a cop~ of ~e present ar~nt wi~ ~e Hi~a, ~ Ve~cles ~t ~ ~ effect ~t ~ m~n~ as ~ s~i~ ~se~m in ......... Council Chamber, · . 13 February, 19~0. q'ne F1~anne Cn~m~ttee met on Mo-a.y, 13th February, 19~0 for ~e D~- ~ of a~ ~ ~o ~ ~est~ ~e ~1o~ acco~ts w~ch h~ be~ er~ ce~te~ ~ p~ ~f~ ~. ~ ~ers of ~ Cm~t~e were ~seut. S~ ac~ ~tt~ ~ $33,872.~ were a~ro~ ~ ~e ~e ~c~ sultry, ~1~ ~ass~ or o~emlse dealt wl~, were o~- e~ p~ed in ~e ~y b~-~w for P~sen~tton ~ ~e Co~ ~ ~ ~tton of ~. M~ ~ Previous meetings, were considered It vasF~o.: tanent CE,~.4ttee' as laid over aml onald that the s ,~'Ald: ordeaal on the motion of Aid. Miller m~on.) An amsna__nt was'~o b~ Y contrary to"~his aml repor~ be reoeiv~ aml file& and ~ amt MolCinley that the s,m-~les soilon was ~efeat~l. st tenaers be acceptsO, but this Property Chin4 tree for a ~e-Ccsai~tee aa~ouraed on the motion of Ald~ NoElnleI ana Miller. I~) A~ I~0 FebruaxT, 19~0. Cba!rman of Finance COU~OIL MEETU4G Council Chamber, 13 February, 1990. q~e Council re-assembled at the close of the regu/ar council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passin6 the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the C--~4ttee. All members of the Council were present. ~e following By-law was passe&: No. ~01. - To (}rant Monies for General ~urposes. It was orders& on the motion of Aid. Jolley and McKinley that Aid. Raw- kins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law aml the by-law be read the first time - Carried ~rm,~mnUsly. It was ordered on the metion of Aid. Miller and Hawkins that Rule 36 (2) of the Starering Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be gLven the second reading - Carried una-~mnusly. ~ktra reading -Ald. MoEinley an~ Bawkins - Carried unanimously. · he Council adjourned on the motion of AIA. McKinley aml Hawkins. . _.. READ A~D ADOP'na~, 20 February, 1~30. ( ..'~..'..-~..'... Clerk \~ Ma~ur C0NBF~NCE Council 0hambar, 13 February, 19~0. ~le co~feremoe Orm~tteo of the Cit~r Council met on Mornlay, 13th Feb- ruszT, 19~0 fo/~wl~ the regular meetings of the Council an~ Finance Cr~-~ tree for the conai&eration of the various matters placed before throe. All members of the Orm-a4t~eo veX9 p~esent. A~ter consideration ~f the matters presentat ~ ~, ~e C~4~o ~o~ On Council Chamber, 20 February, 19~0. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 20th February, 1990 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council were present. ~e Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Miller. WELCOME His Worship Mayor Houck extended a welcome of Council to Ex-alderman O.W.T~idale who was in the audience. In connection with Con~nunication No. 42 and on the ~tion of AM. Haw- k~ns an~ MacDonald, Mr. W.S.Martin, K.C. of Martin, Calvert and Matthews was per- matted to address Council. Me. Martin advised that he had been instructed by Burns Manufacturing Company Idmlted to state that they wished to withdraw their application for lifting of the residential restrictions on their Barker Street property as they had found suitable accommodation elsewhere and it was their in- tention to move their plant frnm the City. Mr. Martin advised that the Company would request a reasonable time to allow them to effect this change and suggested that six months woul~ be sufficient. On the motion of ~ld. McKinley and MacDon- ald and in counection with Petition No. 2, Mr. Johnston Roberts of Messrs. Fraser and Fraser was permitted to speak to Council.. Mr. Roberts advised that he felt the petitioners would have no objection to the requested period of time for the removal of the plant as outlined, and thanked Council for permitting his finn the a~&itional time for the presentation of the petition and brief. On the motion of AI~. Hawkins and MacDonald, Mr. W.J.McBurney, the City Solicitor addressed Coun- cil. Mr. MacBurney was of the opinion that it would be in order to take no fur- thor action upon the matter aml to permit the Company the suggested length of t4ane to make their removal, and suggested that no proceedings be taken against them in the interim. SEE Communication No. ~2 Members of the Greater Niagara General Hospital Trust were present and ~a the motion of Ai~. MaCDonald and Nawkins, the representaries were heard. Mr. 'l~.eodore Smith presented a list of the imliSent ~atiente in the Hospital during the yea~ 1949 and er~lainsd to Council the amounts outstanding against these ac- counts, for which the Trust was asking payment by the Corporation. Messrs. Rob- etaon and Barr also spoke upon this matter and discussion was entered into by the representatives and the members of Council with regard to this and other matters concerning the adminstration and operation of the Hospital. SEa Resolution ~ CC84UNICATI0~8 Lai~ over from previous meetings: ~0.21 - Railway Association of Canada - re daylight saving t~,~. 01~mm on the motion of Ald. MoF/nley argl MaCDonald that the c~cation be received and laid on the table until the next meeting and the Association be asked for a reply to ~he former communication forwarded. SEE C_,~m-~cation No. 61 ~0. 42 - Burns Manufacturing Ccm~ny P~ted - re,nesting removal of residential restrictions. CBD~]) on the motion of Ai~. Donald and Hawkins that the c~n- 1oa~lon ~e re0etved an~ files and the matter of the removal of the Company ~e rsf- f · I erred to the Greater Niagara T~dustrial Co,,~.~ssion with the request that they en- dearour to find suitable acc~dation for the Company in Niagara Falls, and that the Council work with the Cn~m4ssion in this regard. SEE C .......~mication No._6~2 No. ~6 - Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Planning Board - requesting portion of grant. C~DmA~ on the motion of Ald. Inglis and MacDonald that the connnunication ~e received and laid on the table for considering durin~ the meeting of the Con- foronce C,,~.. ? tree. SEE Re~ort No. 30 ~e following C~mnunications were presented: No. 61 - Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities - re daylight saving t~m~. OED~j~ on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the c~nicat- ion be received and laid on the table until the next meeting. No. 62 - Niagara Falls aml Suburban Area Planning ~oard No. 63 - Greator Niagara Chamber of C~erce - re ]~trns Manufacturing C~any T,4m~ted. 019EA~D on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the co~nuntcat- ions be received and filed. SEE Reports No. 2D8-263 No. 6~ - Greater Eiagara Ceneral Hospital - re conditions and new wing. Ho. 65 - Niagara Falls Medical Society - re meeting to discuss hospital situation. ORDEreD on the motion of Ald. Inglis and Hawkins that the comnunications be rec- eived and filed and the matters be referred ~ack to the ~Ast with the suggestion that they inaugurate a pro~ramme for presentation to the people of Niagara Falls and the area in an effort to obtain funds with which to provide adequate services; and that the meeting be artended by as many of the members of Council as possible. Ho. 66 - Stamford Public Utilities C~,w~tssion - requesting meeting x~ water a~ree- mont. Oi~E~I~D on the motion of AI~. Hawkins and Donal~ that the cmw,-,nication be received and filed, and the meeting be arrange&. No. 67 - Health I~ague of Car~da - requesting ~rant. C~E~I~D on the motion of Ald. Miller and McKinley that the o~nication be received and laid on the table for consideration by the 3udder C..---,ttee. No. 68 - ~e Salvation Army - requestin~ ~rant. CRD~m~ on the motion of Ald. ~oliey and Donald that the o~,m~,nication ~e receive~ and laid on the table for consideration of the Eudget Cn.~ttee. No. 69 - Music Performance Trust F~ml - approval of concert. (~D~ on the mot- ion of AI~. McKinley and Miller that the c.-,~..,nicattom be received an~ filed. Ho. 70 - Niagara Fa'n. Mnsioians, Assoclatto~ - re bands aud grants. ~ on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Hawkins that the c~m~,.!cation be received and referred for consideration by the Conference C~ tree. No. 71 - Niagara Frontier H~aane Society - requestiu~ continuance of agreement. C~DEt~D on the motion of Aid. Donald and Jolley tha~t the ccemmmication be rec- eived and filed, and the Society be advised that the Corporation will continue the agreement for the year 1~0. No. 72 - Board of Transport C~-issionera for Canada - notice of hearin~ re Bell Telephone Ccspany of Canada. O~m~ on the motion of Aid. Hawkins aud McKinley that the c~"~uication be 'received and filed. : ' No. 73 - Hattonal I~search Cotmoil - re conference on Hattonal Building Code. 0R- ~ on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the c~ication be rec- eived an~ filed, the Council ~e advised ~hat the Olt~ Manager is the official to whc~ information should ~e sent. ' .... :. EEPOR~B ~aid over from previous meetings: ~0. 258 (19~9 File) - Medical Officer of Health ~o. 263 (1~9 File) - Co~ttee of Council - re Burns Manufacturing Company Lim- ited. 01~DEEED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the reports be rec- eived and filed. SEE Petition No. '~e following Reports were presented: No. S0 - City Manager - re powers re amalgamation or annexation. 01~DERED on the motion of Ald. Inglis and MacDonald that the report be received and referred to the Conference C~ttee for consideration. SE Conference meeting E0. ~1 - City Clerk - re conference held 13th February. 01~DERED on the motion of Ai~. MacDonald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed. No. ~2 - City Clerk - recnmm~n~ing issuance of licences. 01~DEAt~ on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the rec- ~.m~ndations be adopted. laid over from previous meetings: No. 24a (19~9 File) - S.E.~u-k~n and 24 others - re Burns Manufacturing Cum~any I~mited. OHOEA~m~ on the motion of Ai~. Donald and Hawkins that the petition be received and filed. SEE Petition No. 2 ~e following Petition was presented: No. 2 - M.S.Zavltz and ~9 others - re ~urne Manufacturing Compan~ L4m~ted. 0RD- ~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the petition be received and filed. ~e following Resolutions were passed: ~o. 39 - DONAtD - ~ - RESOLVED that the m~tter of ~e ~t outs~ndi~ for ~in~nce ~ i~$nt ~tien~ at ~e Ni~a Falls ~e~l Hoepill d~- l~ ~e ~ 1~9 ~ refe~d for ~idention by ~e B~t C~t~e; and ~e Seal of ~ Oo~orati~ ~,'here~ ~fimd. · Called man~o~l~ No. 40 - ~ - M~ - ~0LV~ ~at a ~nt of fifty dol~m be ~de ~e ~rle~ ~ ~ ~ help def~y ~e e~es of ~ss ~ ~ c~ in ~e ~ia~ for ~e World Fi~e S~ti~ ~piouhips; a~ · e ~ of ~e Co~o~ti~ ~ hereto Caroled ma~ ~. ~1 - ~ - ~ . ~ ~at ~e action of His Worship ~yor W.L. Homk in appoint~ ~ae~n C.A.Jolley as enacti~ ~yor ~ 21st, 2~d, 23~ and 2~ Feb~ d~',,~e a~en~ of ~s Wornhip, h approved; ~d ~e ~al of ~e Co~o~tl~ ~ hom~ C~ie~ No. ~2 - llJ~a~ - ;OLLEY - E~SOLVED that ~n O.R.l~lts a~ ~e City Man- ~r ~ au~o~zei to ~o~ ~e deb~s ~m Comtl at ~e Ca~ian ~d ~ O~n~ ~n ~n~ for ~e p~e of at~n~i~ a oo~e~e ~ ~ ~- ranged by His Worship with the Honourable Mr. Dunbar to discuss the matter of the possible rendovation or replacement of the Welland County Buil&ings; and the Seal of the Cc~.oration be hareto affixed. Carried m~animousl~ No. 43 - H~11~ - Mcrn~y - i~ESOLVED that the permission of this Council be granted for the holding of a tag day on Staurday, 2~th February for the United Nations Emergency Relief for Britain; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously q~e Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and M~lnley. READ AND ADOP~D, 27 February, 1950. er \ Mayor Council Chamber, 20 February, 19~0. ~ne Finance C~m~Ittee met on Monday, 20th February, 1~0, for the put- pease of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been prop- erly certified aml placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Sundry accounts amounting to $27,81~.99 were approved by the Cam,~ttee.' ~he aocounte submltbed, being passed or otherdise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the marion of A~I. Donal& and M~Kiuley. An offer was presented from Rainbow Dairies Limited of $1~0.00 for Lots 13 and 14, Emer~ Street. On the motion of Ald. MacDonald an& McKinley it was or- dered that the offer be received and lai& on the table for consideration an~ a reccemsndation fr~n the Property Ccmnittee. ~ ' · he Ccmnittee adjourned on the motion of Ai~. McKinley and Donald. Council Chamber, 20 February, 19~0. ~e Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- · ance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the C~--tttee. All members of the Council were present. BY-LAW ~e following By-law was lmsse~_: No. 4~02 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the metion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that Ald. Haw- kius be given the provllege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Hawkins that Rule 36 (2) of the S~anding Rules of Council be sueTended and the by-law be given the second readiv~ - Cartie& unanimously. ~ rea~lng - Aid. Mckinley and ~olley - Carried unanimously. ~he 'COUncil adjourned on the marion of Ai~. McKinley and Jolley. READ AND ADOP~ED, 27 February., 1950. Mayor CoUncil Chamber, 20 February, 19~0. ~e Conference Ccmmtttee of the City Council met on Monday, 20th Feb- ruary, 1950 following the regular meetings of the CoUncil and Finance Co=mittee for the consideration of the various matters place~ before them. All members. of the, Cnm~ttee w~ere ~zsent. After const~Leratton of the mattere presented to them, the C~ttee addourne& on the m~on of AId. Donald and MeEthieS. CbaL,',aSn Council Chamber, 27 February, 19D0. Pursuant to ad~ou~-.~ent, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 27th February, 19~0 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meetin6, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald. CONGRA.T~A~IO~ His Worship Mayor Houck extended the congratulations of Council to Ald. McKinley and his daughter on the birth of her child. DEPUTATION On the motion of Ai~. Hawkins and McKinley, Mrs. Jean McCutoheon was permitted tO address Council. Mrs. McCutcheon asked that Bellevue Terrace and Hollyhock Lane be ploughed by the City snow plou6hs when necessary. ~e City Manager advised that instructions had already been issued that I~llevue Terrace should be opened when necessary in the future. Slgg Resolution No. ~4 CCNMUNICATIOBS · he followin6 Camaunicattons were presented: No. 74 - Canadian Re& Cress Society - requesting permission tO erect banner. 0R- ~EI~D on the motion of AId. MacDonald and Hawkins that the c~catton be rec- eived and filed, and permission be granted. No. 75 - Greater Niagara ~aseball Association - requesting' grants. (a(D/~A~m On the motion Of Alxh Miller and ~olley that the co~nunication be received and ref- erred to the Chairman of Finance an~ the ~ndget Cnww~ttee. No. 76 - Hermes Club - reqnestin6 permission tO hold carnival. C~DERED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that .the ccmunication be receive& and filed, an& permission be granted. No. 77 - Children's Aid Society - bearing re per diem rate. OE)~ on the mot- ion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the communication be received and laid on the table, and the City Clerk be requested tO bring in a report upon the matter at the next msetin~., No. 78 - North ~srican C~namid Lindted No. 79 - North ~aerican C~namld X.~m~te~ - requesting permission to tntild pipe- Lins and application for approval. C~J~D on the motion of AId. McKinley and MacDonal~ that the c~ma~ntcattons be received and filed, and perAlssion be ~ranted lineriding the same is in c~m~liance with Provincial Gov~,unent ragelations. SEE Report No. ~ No. 80 - Association of Ontario MaXors and 1Reeves - re oonfex~xoe and membership. wu~z~v on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the crwm-~leation be rso- eivea and ftle~, and Council be rspresente~ at the convention. In this cormact- ion, His Worship Mayor Houok appointed Ald. Iuglis as his ralwesentative at the NO. 81.- Greater. Nteaara General Hospital .- re meetlng and, tnapeotlOp~ O~)ERED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Jolley that the comunlcation be received and filed, and as many of the members of Council as possible attend the meeting. No. 82 - Bell Telephone Company of Canada - requesting permission to move pole. 68)ERED on the motion of A/A. bicHinley and Hawkins that the communication be rec- etve~ and filed, and permission be granted. SEE By-law_ Np. REPORTS ~he following Reports were presented: No. 33 - City Manager - reckending permission for pipeline. 01~)ERED on the mot- ion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the reco~nemiation be adopted. No. 34 - City Clerk - re conference held 20th February. ORD~ on the motion of Ald. Hawkins ami MacDonald that the report be received and filed. No. 35 - City Clerk - recc~endtn6 issuance of llcences. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the rec- ~ndattons be adopted. I~80EUTiOI~ · e following Resolutions were passed: No. 44 - DONALD - HAWI~tr~ - A~uOLVED that the City Manager be asked tO make a re- port upon the status of Hollyhock Lane; and the Seal of the Corporation be-here- Carried ur~.D~mnusl~ NO. 4~ - IL~ - MCKINLEY - I~ESOLV~v that the action of His Worship Mayor Eouck ia appointing Alderman G.R.Inglis as enacti~ mayor On 28th February, 1st, 2rid and 3rd March, during the absence of His Wurshlp, be appreved; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. carried una.nimousl~[ No. 46 - ~rrr.tw~ . MacDONALD - I~ES(E~v that the Equil~nent Committee be asked to take under advisement and report to Oouncil upon the advisability of purchasing two v-ploughs tO be used on the sidowal~. tractors; and the Seal of the Corpor- ation be hereto affixed. Carried una.nimouel7 ~.e following ]~y-lae were PasSed: ~ - To provide for permission to ~he Bell Telephone Ccmpan~ of Canada to move one pole on Robinson Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Miller that Ald. Mc- Kinley be 6i~n the pr~vilege of introducing the by-~aw and the by-law be read ~ae. first time - Carried umanimouel,V. It was ordered on the mation of Aid. McKinley and Jolley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the b=-law be given the second reading - Carried una-~ml~. ' ~tr~, readinS - AId. MacDonal~ and Jolley - Carried unan4m,-.nsly. ~ -'To provide for the 19~0 expeCttufa on roads and streets in the City of Nta6ara Falls in the County..of.~ellan~, 34J,} McKinle and Donald that Ald Haw reconmendation of the Property C~mi~q tte e and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and It was ordered on the motion of Ald. by-law ~zad the by-law be re~ the' McKinley the offer was received and laid on the table in order that the residents kins be given the privilege of introducing the first time - Carried unanimously. of the area night express an opinion. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins nd MacDonal Rule 36 sion of time for building on Lot 47, Emery Street. Upon the recommendation of the (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be susl~nded and the by-law be given the property Committee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Jolley it was ordered second reading - Carried unanimously. ~ reading -Ald. Jolley ~nd ~Miller - Carried una~n~mously. His Worship Mayor Houck, on behalf of the Council, congratulated the City Manager, Streets Superintendent and the City departments for the efficient manner in wh~.ch the snow removal had been cornlusted during the recent atom. Ald. McKinley asked that His Worship Mayor Houck ascertain and report at the next meeting upon the possibility of the Depar~nsnt of Highways complet- ing the ~aving of the second lane of the Queen Elizabeth Highway between Niagara Falls and Fort Erie. ~hat the cc~,xnication be received and filed and a six months extension be granted. An offer was presented from Thomas Mancnso of $100.00 for Lot .46, North Street. Upon the recommendation of the Property Conmlttoe and on the motion of Ald. F~aDonald and Mn~cinley it was ordered that the offer be received and filed, and accepted, subject to the condition that a dwelling of at least $8,000.00 val- us is erected on the premises within six months. The report of the Property C~.m~ttee on the above matters was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the report be received an~ filed. ~e C~m..~ttoe adjourned on the motion of Ai&. McKinley and Jolley. Ald. McKinley asked that His Worship also ascertain if it would he pos- sible for the Provincial Deparment of Highways to undertake the widening and resurfacing of Bridge Street inasmuh as the same is part of Provincial Highway Number 8. · he Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Jolley and llawkins. READ AND ADOPTED, 6 March, 1950. AND ADOp~n, 6 March, 19~0. Chairman of Finance Clerk . ~ Mayor Council Chamber, -. . 27 February, 1~30. "-v. w'," The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ~ce meetings for the purpose of Iressing the by-law which covered the accounts '~ FIN~I~CE ME~A'A~U ~proved by the C~m,!ttee, ami for the considex~tion of other matters. All mem- bers of the Council-were present. Council Chamber, ' ' · · .: - 27 February, 1950. I; BY-LAW ~e following I~-law was l~assed~ The Finance Ccamittee met on Monday, 27th February, 1950 for the put- : ~ose of a!~provin~ and also ~f ~assi~ the various accounts which had been prop- .crly certifie~ and placed before them. All instubers of the C~.~ee were pres- ~ - To Gl~nt M~nies for ~eneral ~ua~posss. : end. · . -/ It was oraere~ on the motion of AIA. MaKinley and MacDonald that Akl. ' Sundr/accounts amolmtin~ to $43,~21.68 were ~I~rove~ by the f~-~ttse. hwk!na be given the privilege of introducing the by-law t~e first t~me - Carrie~ AIA, ~olle~ an~ RsKtnley. ' · ~ ~ 8~amlin6 Rules of Oouneil be suspende& and the b~-law ~e. ~iven the sacoral ! ' malin~ -Oamied unan~=nus~V, · : k.. '. /m offer was presented t,-~ Ratnl~w Dairies Ltd, of $1~0 00 for Lots 1~ .-'L ] ' aria 1~ ' ~ reading - AjA..IIawkins aml Miller.- ~ar~ie4 unanimo~sly, , Emer~ Street, which had been laid a~r from a ~revious meeting, l~on the : f '[: L. , ', ·~i~ '. On t~e motion of Akl. Hawkins and MaEinley, Mr. Thmas Monaghan of the Army, Navy and Airforce Veterans in Canada was permitte~l to address Council. Monaghan advised that his association had received permission fr~n Council for the holding of a carmiwal and they had now found that the dates were not satls- factory. The speaker asked that the dates for the carnival be changed to the week of let May. SEE Reeo_lution No. The following liesolution was passed: No. ~7 - H~I~_NB - MyT.TER - ~ ~at ~e ~, Na~ an~ A~o~e Ve~ of Canna ~ p~t~ to ~l& ~e~ c~l ~i~ ~e week of let ~y ra~er ~an ~ week ~ 8~ May as fomr~ a~o~zed; a~ ~ S~l of ~ Coloration ~ h~ ~ft~- 0~ied ~an~o~ly The Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Hawkins and Donsl£l. I~ A~) ADOP~), 6 March, 19~0. Clerk Mayor Council Chamber, 27 Fel=uary, 1970. · He Council assemble& as a C~=-.'attee of the ~hole at the close ~ the' regular meetln~ of Council an~ the Finance C~..~.~ttee on~ Monday, 27th February, 19~0, All m~abers of the C....~4t~ee. were ~reeent and His Wor,b~) Ma~r ~ou~k was chairman of ~he meetin6. ~ho Cit~ Monaear repaired on the followix~ .matters which were discussed ·: 'with the HonotUable G.llj)unbar, Minister of Municipal AffaiF~ iu Toronto_on With reference to the possibility of the emotion of a new court house ~an& ~ail, as eu~eestel by the County Council, the Minister stete~ that the ; ex-~nt was s~ill ersctin~ and internted to erect such institutions an~ that their ~olic~ woul~ be to ass's* all costs of constriction, main~anan~e earl the keepi~ : ~f ~risioners therein. Mr. II.HJIonall, H.C.s Inspector of Lseal Offices is to · ~ usetin8 with the ~ail Ccsmittoe in Welland on the moraine of let March for dis- cussion of this matter, an& it is then the intention of the CQ~Aittee to go to · -. ,, .,' .: ::' ,:, -' ..:!:; · :.: :::":..:: :..-,'. :..:., ;. ,,:,:. ..- .: ',¢ ~ .... ~: ;/ ,'.:?,;,j' .,,:,,' , ~': ,. '' "" "-" '/ J' 'I/~f ' /, ,./, ,. Z,: ,' ~ '. / , /:., . ,. ,. -.,.~,, 2.::, ~;f~:,.,,,, ~; .. utions further on the subject. It was moved by Ald. Donald and Jolley that the Oit~'a representatives on this Co~udttee should attend the Toronto meeting. With reference to any control that Council might exert concerning the Boax~l of Education,s estimates, the Minister stated that there is no control utll- izable by Council and that the o~ly solution seem to be a roundtable conference. ~he Honourable Minister was asked if any additional grants or subsidies would be forthcoming in the year 1950 for munic~lities, and he stated that no- ~hing of this nature, that is no further grants or subsidies, were being consid- ered for the present. The matter of assessment or re-assessment was discussed with the Min- ister and he etated that his staff is available as consultants aml would train ~ersone, make spot assessments and assist'~in ar4v way possible; and that Mr. Sloan, Assessment Supervisor of hie Department, who is well-informed on such mat- tars would be available if required. It was ordered on the motio~ of Ald. Donald an~ MacDonald that the lioncurable Minister be ;asked to arrange for Mr. Sloan to come to Niagara Falls, consult with the City Manager and the Assessor and attend a Council meeting. The question of annexation was also discussed with the Honourable Min- ister and although he had no quntable opinion, he was of the opinion that over- flow areas should be aunexad and he ha& found that people who, in the first in- stance, were opposed, following annexation, were in favour. A full discussion on this matter then took place and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Inglis and ' 'Hawk[us that the City Manager prepare a f,~l and complete confidential report on all details of annexation, costs, advantages, disadvantages and any other pertin'- ant items. The Honourable Minister was asked what policy would have to be pursued with reference to anF agreement for the supply of water which was entered into by this municipality with any s~laoining municipality, and he advised that in the event of disagreement as to the terms of the agreement, the matter could then he referred to The Ontario Municipal Board who would deal with it. The ;xonourable Minister was asked whether his Department exerted any control over the surplus from the revenue account and he advised that the Depart- ment did not have control and would not interfere if I t were set up an& earmarks& for specific purposes. Yartous items of equil~nent whioh are needed and will have to be ~cquired were then discussed and the City Manager adviee~ that he wo,,~a have a full list of such itA~.- for cousi&eration when the Budget is being prelmred. At t,~e point, Mr. ;.R.Empringham and Mr. W.V. Bray of the N.S. & T. Pailway Company- appeared before Council at the Councll's re~uest to discuss the request for the utilization of thirty-six l~ssen6er buses instead of the present ~.~usea having a capacity of twenty-six ~assen~ere on the main routes of the City; ,IIM1. also the possibilit~ of a re~ueet for an amendment to the Public Vehicles A~t ~ the matter in some detail and etated that inasmuch as the preS- .=~t buses were purchasecl for-operation in this city and ha~ not ~et been operat- . isient to .reo,.te th., it .en not be bus ess to tham for larger units~ ~ut he still would net recommend such a change ~ he was satisfied that if a chanee were made, it would result in poorer service, ~teher fares and less employment. He also felt that the City of Niagara Falls was not large enou6h for this ~ of operatien and tha smaller buc was the best Proposition. When ashed if he had an~ solution to the problem here, h~ stated, · e." and that he did not consider the condition serious. Mr. ~pn~n6ham state~ f~ther that if the N.S. &. T. were force~ into such operations, the nnmioi~altty wont suffer because such action woull ~e ~o expensive. He felt that no great ~fety factor- was involve~, His Worship MaWr Houck then express.e~ a~reciation ~ Mr. Em~x+ln~ham anal Mr. Bxay for their attendsnee'at Council, :, ' ci Mana6sr a~vise~ Counotl.:~hat a representative of Museone Lira- ited had interviewed him with the proposition to irade the small snow-loader for ~a resale to the City of Ottawa, offering a trade-in of $~,800.00 an~ that he had advise~ him we weul~ expect at least $~,~00.00 for such tra~e-in, the purchase price of a new ,m~t being $1~,800.00. ~e Manager, however, suggests& that In his opinion the municipality shoul~ retain the loa~er at least for the present. It was ordered on the motion of Alxl. Hawloins and McKinley that Mussarts Limited be advised that it is the intention of the mx~!cilmlity to retain the loader for the present. Aid. Hawkins, Chairman of Finance, advised the Cn~.~ttee that from pre- liminary perusal of the 1950 estimates, it looke~ as if there might. be an increase of 3.7 mills and requested that Council meet on ~sday eventS, c~m.encing at ~.00 p.m. to consider the draft and then a meetir~ with the representatives of the'cIlnions coul~ be held on Friday. It wa's hoped to submit the by-laws to Coun- cil on Mornlay. It was explored on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonal~ that the moetin~ be ,held on ~hursday evening, as requested, at ~.00 p.m. ~e City Manager submitted the contract which will be entere~ into ~ith reference to the ~arbara Ann Scott Ice Show which is cnm!r~ to Niagara Falls on April 3r~l, ~th, end 5th, and called attention to the clause which provides that the ~__~_icipality would be responsible for proper power installation; and suggest- ed it woul~ be necessary to ask the local C~,~.~,,~esion for ~o transformers. It was orders& on the mottin of ~hl. InSlie and MacDonald that the contract be signed. The C.;;,~.~ttee arose to report to Council on the motion of Alxl. Hawkins and McKin- ley. I~AD A~D ADOp,,~,b 6 MArch, 19~0. Chairman Cotmoil Chamber, ~7 Febrt,~, 1~0, ~he City Council re-assembled at the close of the meetir~ of .the Com- ':.mAttee of. the Whole on Monday, 27th February, 19~0, for the purpose of approvtn~ the ,action of the C.~lttee. All members of the Courtoil-were l~esent. ~he foll~ln~ l~solution was passe&.. Council ad~ournea on the motion of Ald. Hawkins an~ Jolley. ~AD AND ADOP,A~O, 6 March, 1950. Mayor Council Chamber, 2 March~ 19~0. ~ne Finance Committee assembled as the Budget 0om~ittee at ~.00 p.m. 0n Thursday, 2rid March, 1950 for the purpose of perusing the estimates for the year 1950. All members of the Committee were present and Alderman E.M.Eawklns, Chair- man of Finance, presided during the meeting. ~e Chairman briefly advised that the estimates had been cut wherever ~possible but it looked as if an increase would be necessary and that the estim- ates as submitted were on the basis of an increase of three and one-half mills. He then supplied the members with copies of sunnnaries of equipment needed, major increases in expenditures, mill ~te changass increases in revenue, and arena equipment. A discussion was then held with reference to arena finances and equip- merit required for the rink and set out in the statement provided. On the motion of Ald. Inglis and His Worship Ma~or Houck it was ordered that the sum of $31,307.~0 be transferred to the Arena account from surplus free revenue to pro- vide for these items. The Cn~m4ttee then considered the 'statement of capital expen~litures required but not provided in the 1950 Budget and the following action was taken: It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that a fire pureper at an estimated cost of $19,000.00 be financed by the issue of debentures. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Jolley and Donald that an amount Of $12,595.00 for street cleaning equilment be financed by the issue of debent- ures, the type of equipnent to be decided later. (Prior to this, Ald. Miller moved that a flusher be purchased instead of a sweeper. This motion had no sec- onder an~ was withdrawn.) It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Inglis and MacDonald that the sum of $S,000.00 for traffic control at Centre Street and Victoria Avenue be financed by the issue of debentures. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Houck and Ald. Miller that an amount of $2,000.00 for traffic signals at Epowrth Blase and Victoria Av- enue be taken from the surplus from revenue account and the t~pe be left to the recomnen~ation of the City Manager. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McEinley and MacDonald that an am- ount of $2,500.00 for a tractor lawn mower, $2,~00.00 for a small oaterpilar tractor, $1,500.00 for a small rubber-mounted tractor, $700.00 for a sand spread- er, $1,B40.00 for v-plou~hs for tractors, $2,696.00 for a cash register be taken fr~n the surplus from revenue account; and that an amount of $3,500.00 for the re]?lacement of a s~mpressor and an amount of $~,000.00 for a new police x~dio be financed by the issue of debentures. The C..,.a,~ttee a~Journed on the motion of AId. McF~nle~.;~nd-Miller. - ''~': · !~EAD A~D ADC~, 6 M~h, t~0. Chairman of Finance ADJOURNED MEETING Council Chamber, 2 March, 1950. ~e Finance Conm~ittee re-convened at 7.3D p.m. on Monday, 2nd March, 1950 with all members present. Alderman E.M.Hawkins, Chairman of Finance was the chairman of the meeting. Yhe Committee continued consideration of the list of capital expendit~ It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Houck and Ald. Donald that the Board of Education be requested to appear before Council for discussion of the proposed two-room addition to Maple Street School and the allottment for improvements at the public schools. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley that an amount of $11,500.00 for ceepletion of the Dr~mnond Hill Library be financed by the is- sue of debentures. The Committee then commenced perusal of the Budget proper: It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Miller and His Worship Mayor Houck that an&mount of $1,6~0.00 for the Tourist Publicity Bureau andS750.00 for the Imbuetrial Cmmmission, tetalling$2,400.00 be paid to the Greater Niagara Chamber of C~erce for allocation to the Bureau and Commission as in previous years. It was ordered that the &mount of $270.00, recommended in the estimates, as a grant to the Canadian Corps Association, be deleted and a letter forwarded to the Corps advising the reasons. A motion by AId. Donald and Jolley to p~vide a grant of $200.00 for the Niagara Memorial Band was defeated. The vote on this motion was: For: Ald. Don- al~, Jolley and His WorshlpMayor Houck; Against: AId. MacDonald, Inglis, Mil- ler andMckinley. It was ordered on the m~tion of His Worship Mayor Houck and AId. Inglis that the Niagara Falls representatives of the Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Plann~ng Board meet with the City Council at the next meeting for discussion of information as to the need for funds and progress made, and benefits to be der- ive~. The vote on this motion was: For: AId. Inglis, JoLley and McKinley and Els Worship Mayor Houok; Against: Ald. MacDonald, Miller and Donald. (Prior to the above, a motion was made by AId. McKinley and Jolley that the amount as shown la the estimates be left in the estimates, and the same was lost.) A motion by Akl. Donald that the amount for the Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Planning Board be deleted was -not seconded. It was agreed that $25.00 be cut off the item for the Mayor,s car allow- It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the City of Niagara Fal 1 ~ enter into a contract with Dun and ~radstreeet for the year 1950. ~he vote on this motion was: For: Ald. MacDonald, Ymglls, Jolley and Miller~ ~ainst: Aid. Donald, McKinley and His Worship Mayor Houck. (Prior to the above motion Aid. McEinle~ moved that the letter from the Niagara Platriot Credit Assoc- iation be file&, but this motion was not seconded. ) It was ordered on t~e motion of Ald. Iuglis and Donald that the City Manager prepare a re~ort on the' conditions of the stands at Oakes Park, and make reCcemendations. It.was a~read that the financin~ for the Nia~ra Falls Memorial Arena the estimated hutget expenditures and revenue ~e altere~ and corrected to the a~ l~re~j. ously pTesente~, ,.:, !' ,: (' . It was ordered on the routfen of Al&. D~mald and ~o~y ~at ~e ~a ~a~ ~ub~c ~b~ B~ be no~fi~ ~at it w~ not be ~ssib~ to It was a~e~ ~at ~e ~naJn of Fi~n~ a~ ~ City j~r ~e ~o~ a~ ~e Nl~ Fa~ PubEc ~ ~rd ad~si~ of ~e action ~e C<,,,,.,;~e as ~n. ~e City ~er ~ ~ ~ t~e with refemece +~ ~ ~e Ni~ Fa~]m ~al ~na co~cti~; and it was o~ on th;~ ion of ~. ~lis a~ ~ ~at ~e Zi~n ~oti~ C~ny be ~e ~cessaU pr~ss ~t of $~,~.2~. adjourned on the motion of His Worship Mayor Houok and Aid. Miilsr. READ A~D ADOP~ED, 6 Maroh, 1950. Clerk Chairman of Finance ~D,~I~ ADOP~L~ i3 Marc~ CO}GTulICATIOI~ Laid Over from previous meetings: No. 21 - The Railway Association of Canada No. 61 - Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities - re daylight savin~ time. UA~A~a~U on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the o~icatlons be received an~ filed. * ' Sk~, Con~nication No. 83. No. 77 - Childrenws Aid Society - re hearing re per diem rate. OI~DEFam on the motion of Ald. Jolley and ltawkins that the cumm~mication be received and laid on the table until the next meeting, for study. SEE Report No. ~ ~he following Connunications were presented: No. 8B - The Railway Association of Canada - re daylight saving t~m~. ORDER~) on the motion of Ald. Miller and MaCDonald-that the c~unication be received and filed. SEE Resolution No. 42 No. 8~ - Canadian Legion Celtic Soccer Club - requesting permission to nee 0akes Park. 0RDE3ED on the motion of Ald. Jolley and Hawkins ~that the co~m.,nication be received and laid on the table until the next meeting, and a report be presented by the City Manager. No. 8~ - Cans~lian Red Cross Society - requesting grant toward campaign. uKuEEED on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the co~,~.unication be rec. eived and referred to the Budget C,-~;~ttee aml Chairman of Finance for consideration. No. 86 - Niagara Falls ~unior Chamber of Commerce - invitation to International Night. CSD~t~u on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the ion be received and filed, the invitation be accepted and as man~ of the members of Council as possible attend the meeting. following Reports were presented: No. 36 - City Clerk - re Children,s Aid Society. C~DF~BD on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins that the report be received and-laid on the table until the next meeting for study. · No. 37 - City Clerk - reconmending issuance of licenoes. Ol~m~Cb on the motion of Ahl. MacDonald and McKinley that the report 'be received and filed, and the rec~.~,~ndations be edopte~. ~e following Petitions were Presented: No. 3 - Anthon~ Delduca and 12 others - protesting erection of stable. on the motion of AI~. 'Miller aml MaCDonald that the petition be received 'and filed. ' = · ' ' . No. ~ , 8.Munce and 14 others - requesting Sauder Br6s., operations be ceased. C~DE~ED on the motion of A/d. Miller and MacDonald that the petition be and laid on the table for one week to see that the opex~tions about which com- plaint is ma~e are ceased; and the City Manager be requested to ~ a surve~ and report u~on an~ other such operations 'threShout the Oi~ wherebi 'tAe municipal by4aws-are'bein~ violated. ' ~ ~'; ,- RESOLUTIOI~ ~e following Resolutions were passed: No. ~9 ' MILLER - MacDONALD - RESOLw~u that daylight saving time be observed in the City of Niagara FaLls fr~n 30th April to 2~th September, 1~30; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. ~0 - McKINLEy - EARKISS - RESOLVED that the action of His Worship Mayor Houck in appointing Alderman W.C.MaoDonald as enacting mayor on 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th March during the absence of His Worship, be approved; and the Seal of the Corpor- ation be hereto affixed. Carried Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Hawkins. AND ADOp~mn, 13 March, 19~0. see Enacting Mayor Council Chamber, 6 March, 19~O. The Finance ConmMEttee met on Monday, 6th March, 1950, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before then. All members of the Committee, with the excep- tion of His Worship Mayor Houck, ,were present. Sundry accounts amounting to $61,0~.0~ were approved by the C~,,,,,~ttee. ~he accounts. su~aitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ai~. Miller an~ McKinley. The offer of Rainbow Dairies Ldm~ted of $1~0.00 for Lots 13 and 1~, Emex7 Street, aS laid over from previous moetin6s, was aeain considered. Upon the motton of Ald. Miller aml MaCDonald it was ordered that the offer be received aml filed, and the C~a~V be a~vised that the property. cannot be sold for the Imrpose intended. The ccmparison of tax collections for the months of January and Febru- ss7 was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and MaCDonald that the statement. be ro~elved an~ filed, and ~lven the usual ~ubliCtt~. ~e Co~t,tee addourne& on the motlon of Ai~. NnF~nley an~ ~olle7. BEAD A~) ADOPTED, 13 Me~ohs 1950. Chaiman of Finanoe Couno11 Ohem~er, 6 March, 1950. The Couacil re-assemble& at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the C~ttee. All members of the Council, with the exception of His Worship Mayor Houok, were present. Ald. Donald was enacting mayor during the meeting. ~xe followt~ By-law was passed: No. a~06 - To Crant Monies for ~eneral ~urposes. It was orSeroS on the motion of AI~. ~olley aria MacDonald that Ald. Hawkins be given the prlvile~ of ~ntr~luctng the by-law aml the by-law he read the first t~-~ - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Ha*klns and McEimle= that Rule 36 (2) of the 8tamling Rules of Council be suspended an~ the b=-law. be ~iv~n the secom~ reading - CArrill. :' ' I~ESOLUTION el,he follo~lx~ Resolution was passe&: No. ~1 - ~ - J(mv.~ - ~ESG~I~ that the Press amt Ea~to be f~she~ c~tes of ~ re)oft of ~e C~t~e of ~e ~ ~e~ ~ 27~ Febm~ wMre- in mt~n pertia~ ~ ~ ope~ of. ~ C~ian ~ti~l E~c~o ~tl- va~ C~'s ~os In Nt~ Fe~ ~ disc~se~; a~ ~o ~e Co~oll ~dome~ ~ ~e ~tton of '~. ~ a~ Haw~. ~AD A~) AD~P~), 1~ March, 19~0. · Enacting Mayor CONFERENCE Council Chsmber, 6 March, 1990. ~he Conference C~.-~S ttee of the City Council met on Monday, 6th March, 19~0 following the regular council and finance meetlnga, for the consideration of the various matters presented to them. All members of the Committee, with the exception of His Worship Mayor Eouck, were present. Ald. Donald was chairman of the meeting. After consideration of the matters presented to them, the Co~.ittee adjourned on the motion of Aid. Miller and Jolley. BEAD AND ADOp~rn, 13March,,19~0. Clerk Add - Chairman m 355 Council Chamber, March, 1990. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 5.00 p.m. on Monday, 13th March, 19~0 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council were !~rcsent. ~e Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins. pRESENTATION On the motion of Aid. Hawkins and MacDonald, Mr. Edd Masters was per- mitted to address Council. Mr. Masters stated that he represented the haber- dashers of the Citywho wished to congratulate His Worship Mayor Houck upon being selected as the fifth best-dressed man in Queen's Park in a recent survey made. On behalf of the persons he represented, Mr. Masters presented to His Worship a silver trophy and His Worship thanked the donors for their gift. CCNM~NICATIONS Laid over from previous meetings: No. 77 - Children's Aid Society - hearing re per diem rate. 0EDE~ED on the mot- ion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the cr.,.i~mication be received and filed. SEE Report No. 36 ~he following Comunications were presented: No. 87 - City of St. Catharines - resolution re coal supply. CRDF~D on the mot- ion of Ald. Inglis andMacDonald that the commnn~cationbe received and filed. No. 88 - Band of Canadian Corps - requesting grant and re band concerts. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and.jolley that the communication~e received and filed. No. 89 - John Layng - recommending passing of by-law. OI~)ERED on the motion of Ald. Inglis an~ MacDonald that the ooA~anlcation be received and file~, the by- law be presented for consideration of Council and an opinion be sul~mitted from the 0ity Solicitor. No. 90 - University Wcmen's Club - invitation to open meeting. 0E~EEED on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonal~ that the cmunieation be received and filed, the invitation be accepted, and as many of the members of Council as possible at- tend the meeting, Laid over from previous meetings: No. 36 - City Clerk - re Children,s Aid Society. 09Z~A~ on ~e~ motion of ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the report be received an~bf.-iled. ~e following Reports were presented: No, 38 - Chief Constable - re SauCer Brothers, tr~cks. C~DA~U~U on the motion of A1A. Donald and Eawkime that the report be received aml .filed. S;m Petition No. ~ No, 3~ - City Clerk - re conferenoes.:held 6th Marsh. .; I on the.motion of Ald. Na~kins and McKinley that the report be received and filed. (Ald. Miller voted contrary to this motion.) No. ~0 - City Clerk - reco~nsnding issuance of licences. 0RDEAt~ on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the report be received and filed, and the rec,~,~,~ndations be adopted. No. 41 - Traffic Committee - reco~,-.~nding no parking area. 0RDEI~ on the mot- ion of Aid. MacDonald and Miller that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. No. 42 - City Treasurer - requesting permission to attend conferences. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald. Inglis and MacDonald that the report be received and laid on the table,.and referred to the CityManager for reco~mendatlons. No. 43 - Chairman of Finance - presenting 1950 Budget. ORDERED on the motion cf Aid. Inglis and Donald that the last paragraph on page i of the report be deleted from the same. (AId. MacDonald, Miller and Eawkins voted contrary to this mot- ion.) FUR'~.:~ OI~DEAt~ on the motion of Ald. Inglis and Hawkins that further con- sideration be given to the report when the Budget by-law is presented. (Ald. Miller voted contrary to this motion.) When the Budget by-law had been consid- ered it was 0EREA~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley that the report be received and filed. (Aid. Miller voted contrary to this motion.) His Worship Mayor Houck advised that he had interviewed the Minister of ~dghways wlthregard to matters as requested by members of the City Council. In connection with the s,,~este .~ d re-surfacing of Bridge Street by the Provincial Dep- artments, inasmuch as it is part of ProvincialNighway Nmber 8, it would not be ~ossible to undertake this work at this time. With regard to the suggested com- pletion of the surface of the Queen Elis~ethNighway from Niagara Falls to Fort Erie, Eta Worship was advised that the Previnsial Department did not feel the ~resents~ount of travel on this section of the road would warrant the surfacing sf it, and also it was the intention of the Deparlm~nt to delay such work until sulklies of cement were more plentiful. .PETITION Laid over from previous meetings: No. ~ - S.Monce and 14 others - re Sander Brothers, trucks. ORDEEED on the mot- ion of Akl. Donald an~ Hawkins that the ~etition be received and filed. REBOLUTI0m following X~esolutions were ~assed: 17th March d a' ' ng yor on 14th, 15th, 16th and Called ~3 - ~.v~R - ~ , ~OL~ ~at His Wors~p ~or Ho~k ~ asked ~ ~ ~ ~h~f of ~e Clty of Nta~ Fa~ ~hen ~e ~t~r is c~lder~ in ~e ~o~notal ~s~ and oppose a~ s~s~ ~at ~fom ~o ra~s ~ char- ~ each ~01~11ty ~out ~e ~v~ It ~1~ ~e opl~on of ~ls C~otl ~at ~ ~s of Nt~ Fa~ sho-~a be on a l~er scale ~an ~ose for ~ol~ttes m~ ~s~t~ ~ seat of .~er; and ~e Seal of ~e CoCorat- 357 ~e follow~n~ ]~y-Zawe were passed: No. A~p07 - To provide for glv~ng the Collector of Tams credit for the amount returned by her to the Treasurer in the year 1949. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley that Ald. Haw. kins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unan~mnUsly, It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Jolley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried una,~m~usly. ~ird reading - AI~. MacDonald and Hawkins - Carrled unanimonsly. No. 4508 - To provide for the appropriations for the year 1950. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. ~olley and Donald that Ald. Haw- klns be given the ~rtvilege of introducing the ~y-law and the by-law be mad the first ttme~ Carried It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing ~Ales of C~n~il be suspended and the by-law be given the second readin~ - Carried unanimous . ~hird reading - ~d~l. Donald and McEimley - CarrAe~, Aid. MaCDonald and Miller voting contrary. No.. 4509 - To authorize the levying and collecting of tams for the year 1950 and defim~ng the certain duties of the Clerk, Treasurer and Collector of the Clt~ of Niagara Falls. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that Aid. Haw- klns be given the privilege of fntro~ucing the by-law and the b~-law be read the first time - Carried unantmnusl~. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the b~-law be ~ven the second reading - Carried ~ird readring .Ald. Donald and Eawkins - Carried u~an~mously. .No. 4~10 - To authorize the manner in which taxes for the year 1950 shall become due, to provide a time for payment and Penalties for non-payment. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolle~ that Ald. Haw- kins be. given the privLlege of intro~uoing the by-law aml the by-law be read the first t~ma - Carried lman~mnusly. Zt was ordered on the motion of Ald. hoEinlay and Hawkins that Rule 36 (~) of the Standing X~ules of Council be suspended and ,the by-law be given the second tea&lag - Carried unamimo~sl~. ~ir~ rea~ . Akl, MacD~mald and McKinley . Carried unamtmonsly. ray, an& aaMe~ a the ~repoaed ~yclro project is under .A1A, In~lis aske{. whether an~ ns~ia~t~m ~ere.-bein~-undertaken with the NYdro-Electrlc Po~er Commission of Ontario in an effort to obtain some work- lag arrangement with regard to the -use of the city streets, damages to Properties and exPropriations necessary in connection with the proposed E~dro Project. His ~orskip Mayor Houck advised that he had taken this matter up with Messrs. Chali- Ces an~ Saunders of the Commission and had been asked to defer discussion of the same until the end of the Present session of the Provincial Legislature. Ald. Inglis asked that Council give further consideration to a report presented by the City Manager in July of 1949 with regard to the operation of the Filtration Plant and suggested that such matters should be discussed by Council pr~or to the meeting with the Stamford Township Council in connection ~lth the agreement which expires in April of this year. Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley. E~AD A~D ~DOP~ED, ~0 March, 1950. · Coumctl 0hambar, 13 March, 19~0. ~e Finance C~ttoe mot on Monday, 13th March, 1950, for the purpose of approving and also o~ passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and Placed before them. 'All members of the Committee were present. Sundry accounts amounting to $16,443.80 were approved by the Committee. ~he accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise deal~ with, were or- dered !~laced in the money by-law for Presentation to the Council on the marion of Ald. Mc~dnley and Miller.. A comunicatlon was Presented frem the Canadian Paraplegic Association Ald. Mc~dnley and ~olley that the communication be received and la~d ,l~h regard to maintenance for Tony Dietcoco. It was ordered on the motion of on the table and the matter be referred to the CIty Manager and Chairman of Flnance for a report at the next meeting. A re~ort was Presented from the Greater Niagara General Eospltal with re~ar~ to indigent costs during 1949. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. ~dmle~ and Jolley that the report be received and laid on the table until the ~zt meeting, and a copy of the same be s~uplied to members of the Committee. Ai~. Miller also asked that a fi~anolal statement with regard to the Hospital be °b~a~e~ f~r the information of the Committee. ' His Worship Ma~or Houck advised that the am~al meeting of the Greater Ntla~a General ,~oa~l~A1 ~mat would ~e hel~ at l~e XWurses, Residence on 21st Mayor March, and all members of the Council were invited to be present. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending the issuance of a building permit for alterations to the C.Wallace and Company store on Queen Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald that the rep. err be received and filed and the recommendation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, recmending the issuance of a building permit for three stores on Lundy's Lane. Upon the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald the report ~as received aml laid on the table until the next meeting and the Property C,=-~-~ ttoe was requested to submit a rec~-,~.andation. An offer was presented from Frank ~retti of $1~0.00 for part of Lots 908-7, McGrall Avenue. On the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley the offer was 'received and laid on the table and the Property C~msittoe was requested to con- side, r, the same ami report thereon. The statement of relief for the month of February was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that the statement be rec- eived and filed. The Cn~.~ttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley. MEAD AND ADOP~ED, 20 March, 19~0. (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unar~mnusly. ~ktrd reading , ~ld. MacDonald and Hawkins ~ Carried unan~mnusly. ~.e Council adjourned on the motion of &ld. Miller and Donald. MAD AND ADOpT~D, 20 March, 1950. Clerk ' ' ' Mayor Clerk Chairman of Finance Council Chamber, iS March, 1950. The Council re-assembled a~ the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings ~for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Cammittee. All members of the Council were present. ~e following By-law was passe~: .No. 4~31 - To ~rant Monies for General PurposeS, It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Jolley and Miller that Ald. Haw- kins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Cartie& unanimously.. was ordered. on the motion of, All. Hawkins ami MacDonald that Rule 36 Conncll Chamber, 20 March, 1920. Pursuant to adJom'l~ent, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 20th March, 1950, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council~ with the exception of His Worship Mayor Houck, were pres- ent. RE~OLUTION The following Resolution was passed: No. 54 - MacDONALD - J0r.L~y _ I~ESOLVED that the action of Els Worship Mayor Houck in appointing Alderman F.J.MilIer as enacting mayor on 20th, 21st, 22rid, 23rd and 2~th March, during the absence of His Woship~ be approved; and the Seal of the Corporation be hemto affized. Can-ie~d ~e Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meet- adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins. C0~fUNICATI0~ Iaid over from a previous meeting: No. 84 - Canadian Legion Celtic Soccer Club - re use of Oakes Park facilities. 0RDE~D on the motiota of AId. ]~awkins and MacDonald that the communication be received and filed, and the requests of the Club be granted, such use to be ar- ranged as the facilities of the Park will be utilized to the best advantage. SE Report No. The following Con~ucicatlons were presented: No. 91 - Music Performance Trust Fund - appreciation of advice re concert· DE on the motion of Ald. Eawkins and Jolley that the cormunlcation be received and filed, and a copy be forwarded to the Board of Education. No. 92 - Niagara Falls Civic Employees, Federal Union No. 133 - re press public- ity. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Inglis and McKinley that the ccaumunication be received and referred to the 0ity Manager to take up with the Union, and if they have grievanceS, these be considered 'by the City Manager; and failing settlement by him, the matter be presented to the City Council. No. 93 - Rotary Club Inner Wheel - invitation to musical concert. 0RDEA, jU on the motion of Ald. MacDot~d and Hawkins that the communication be received and filed, the invitation be acce~ted and as man; of th~ members of Council as possible at- tend the concert. No. 94 - Greater Niagara Retail Nardware Association ~*'~ , . sport. No. 95 - Wellaml County Municipal A~sociation - programme of eonvention. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MsKinle~ ami Nawkins that the programme be received and file~, an~ as man; of the municipal. officials an~ members of 0sunoil as find i~ dation ~1 ~ 0~ on ~e motion of ~n ~ adop~d. t ~e report ~ recei~d and filed, and ~e mc~- No. 46 - ~ _ rec~n~ iss~nce of llcences. 0~EE ~ ~e motion ~o. ~7 - ~ , ~ J~or C ~e mc~tio~ be a~. ~t ~e m~o~ be mceive~ a~ f~e~, ~e ~d ~0. ~ . ~ . m ~e P~ Act. 0~ on ~e mott~ of Ai~. ~xt ~Q,~i~, ~ copies o~ ~e report be su~lied to ~e tomberas convenient be authorized to attend the convention. Ns. 96 - _K~os~t.a. Tndoroff _ re fence erected. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald an~ Ea~klns that the ccmmurdcation be received and referred to the City Manager for a report. for their ccemnendatio~ n the ~anks of Council be exte~detdhat the communication .a REP01~TS ~atd over from a Previous meetin~: N0. ~2 - Ctj Treasurer . re~uestin~ Permiss ....... on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald the report be received and filed, and Permission to attend the conference in Montreal be granted. The followi Re ortswere~ented: ~EE~P°rt~No· N0. ~d~.. 0fAld Eawkins and MacDonald that the r acilities. ¢~mendation be adopted. sport be received and filed, and the rec- ~e followin Itssolution was asse~. .... --~vzn ZteBOlUtlOE was 8sse · ~ ~t for ~ a~i~ h ~ere~ ~e ~ 1~9 on ~ e~n' e Province of On~lo for ~e - BY-LAW ~_e follovln~ By-law was Passed: ~'~.- To authorize the execution of an agreement for sale and deed. · · It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and JoLley that Ald. ~ be given the ti~a~.time Privilege of 'lntro~uoin~ the b~-law and the by-law be read the Carri . Eaw- the S Zt was ordered on the motion or Ald. ,Tolley and Donal~ that l~zle tamLtn6 RUle of 0sunoil be Suspended ami the b~-lav be given the seoomi readlng - Carried. Ald. Inglfs spoke of cars being parked in the prohibited areas around the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena and felt that action should be taken to have this practice discontinued. Ald. Inglis asked that the City Manager consider and report at the next meeting upon possible remedy of the condition of flooding on the street at the intersection of Main Street and t~rker Street where water has overflowed into Jacent buildings on occasions. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Hawkins. EEADAiIDADOPz~0, 27March, 1990. Council Chamber, 20 March, 1950. The Finance Cmmn~ttee mat on Monday, 20th March, 1950, for the purpose of approving amt also of paseing the various accounts which had beamproperly certified an~ placed bee~re them. ~11 members of the 0~m.dttee, with the excep- tion of His Worship Mayor Souok, were present. SundA7 accounts amounting .to $62,O4~.09 .were approve~ by the C~mdtt~e. The accounts sul~mitted, being ~assed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money~by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ai~[. ~olley an~ McKinley. A c~.~.m!catton free the Canadia~ Paraplegte Association, which had been laid over free the previous meeting, with reference to Tony Dtctocco, was pres- entod. A report upon the matter was also presented fa~m~ the Chaiman of Finance and the City Mandeer. It was ordered on the motion 'of Ale. InSlie and ~olley that the cummmioation kml relYoft be reoetve~ and laid on the table and the at- tention of the Department of Public Welfare be called to this case to see if s~e contribution woul~ be forthcoming. The report of the Greater Niagara General l~ospltal, am laid over from the previous meettng~ with.reference to lndl~nt costs Eor 19~9,- was a~ain pros- -, .,~, ,:~ · ],,,: ,-,. : !- j,: .:: : anted. A further cc~unication from the Hospital wlth regard to Welland County indigent costs was also presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDon- ald and Inglis that the ccmmmnicatlons be received and lald on the table for one week until a report is presented by the City Manager on all phases of the hospit- al operation. The report of the City Manager, regarding a building permit for three stonres on Lundy,s Lane, as laid over from the previous meeting, was presented. ~pon the reccrnm-ndatlon of the Property Co~mmittee and on the m6tion of Ald. Mac- Donald and ~Tolley it was ordered that the report be received and filed, and the recnw.~ndation be approved. An offer from Frank Bretti of $1~0.00 for part of Lots 908_7, McGrail Avenue, as laid over from the previous meeting, was considered. Upon the recom- menclarion of the Property Co~mittse and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Mil- ler it was ordered that the offer be received and lald on the table until the next macring, to permit the City Manager to report thereon. A communication was Presented from the HYdro-Electric Commission, req- uesting an option on Lot 81, Homewood Avenue. Upon the reccrmnmndation of the Property Co~atttee and on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller it was ordered that the communication be received and laid on the table until the next meeting to permit the members to inspect the premises. An offer was presented from the Niagara Falls Optimist Club of $~00.00 for Lots BB to 37, North Street. Upon the recommendation of the Property Commit- tee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and JoLley it was ordered that the offer be received and laid on the table, and the Club be advised this property is now under agreement; and pending advice from the parties presently under agreement, It would be appreciated if they would supply further details as to the proposed erection in the event of sale to them. The report of the Property Cnmm!ttee on the above matters was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Jolley that the report be rec- el.red and filed. A report was Presented from the City Manager regarding a contribution to an entertairm,~nt by the Greater Niagara Baseball Association. It was ordered ~the motion ofAld. Jolley andMcKinley that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. A report was Presented from the City Manager, reconnnendlng the issuance of a permit for the erec~Aion of an addition to the store owned by the Canadian ~Are Corporation on Victoria Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Don- al~ and McKinley that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be A report was presented from the City Manager, reccnnnending the issuance of a building permit for one store on part of Lots 14, 19, Queen Street. It was .red on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and McKinley that-the report be received ./.~L~d, and the reco~---ndation he adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager regarding an aPPlication for a Permit for the erection of an addition to the building on Lot 196, Victoria Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald and Jolley that the report ~e received and filed, and the reccrmn~ndation be adopted. A c~m~,*,nlcatton was Presented frun the Greater Niagara Industrial Com- mission recommending the sale of T.ote 30 to 33, Lewis Avenue to the Burns Manu- ~t~re~tng Coml~any L~m!ted for the erection'thereon of a factory building. It was on the marion of Aid. Inglte ~and McEtuley that the cunmunicatton be rec- eived and filed, and the lots be sold to the company at a nominal fee of one dol- lar Per lot; and that the Ctty,s interests-be p~otected in negotiating the deed, acc~0~dl~ to the Present by-laws. ' - · ~he Ctty~,~r macro a verbal report on behalf of the Equtlment Ccm- mittee rec.~.--ending the purchase of the following items: a Disston power ss.~, for the Parks Depar~nt at a cost of $67~.00; a replacement chassis and cab for T~uck No. l~ for the Streets Department; a Worthington ~anger power lawn mower and ~ Ford tractor at a total approximate cost of $2,292.00 for the Cemetery Dep- artment; and a Burroughs Model I 08 ~3 8-col~unn electric addle machine with l~½- inch moveable carriage at $S71.70 for the switchboard office at the City Hall. It was oralere& on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Jolley that the recommendation be adopted. ~ae Co,,~,~4ttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald. READ AND ADOP'JI~D, 27 March, 1990. Clerk Chairman of Finance COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 20 March, 19~0. T~e Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the C~m-lttee. All members of the Council, with the exception of His Worship Mayor Houok, were present. Aid. ~Liller was enacting mayor during the meeting. The following By-law was passed: No. 4~1~ - To GrantMonles for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley that Aid. Haw* ktns be given the privilege of introducing t~e by-law and the by-law be read first t~ - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Hawkins and McKinley that Rule 36 (R) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the sec- on& reading - Carried. Third reading -Ald. McKlnley and Hawkins - Carried. :* .-~ "' ' The Council adaourne& on the motion of Ai&. Donald and ~rolle~. AND ADC~I~, 27 March, 19~0. ' * Clerk Enacting Nay0r FOUR~N~ MEETING REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, 27I~.rch, 1950. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 5.00 p.m. on Monday, 27th March, 1950 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council, were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and McKinley. CONGRATULATIONS His Worship Mayor Eouck extended the congratulations and best wishes of the Council to Alderman and Mrs. Miller upon the celebration of their thirt- iethwedding anniversary on 31stM~rch. Alderm~n Miller thanked the Council for their felicit~tions. C0~ICATIONS Ieid over from previous meetings: No'. 92 - Niagara Falls Civic Employees, Federal Union No. 133 - re press public- ity. 0RREI~D on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Hawkins that the communication be received and filed. SEE Report No.__~_ Aid. ~ey arrived at the meeting. Me. 94 - Greater Niagara Retail N~dware Association - re purchase of hardware. 0~EA~D on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the comm~nlcation be rec- eived and filed. No. 96 - Eosta Todoroff SEE Report No.... ~0 - re erection of fence. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~ewkins and Miller that the comunication be received and laid on the table until return of the interested pa~ frcm hospital. SEE Report No.. ~1 ~e following Communications were presented: No. 98 - HY&ro-Electric Commission of Niagara Falls - re 1949 balance sheet and re~ort. ORDURE) on the motion of Aid. Donald and Jolley that the comunication he received and filed. No. 99 - Collegiate-Vocational Institute - invitation to open night. ORDEI~ED on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and Macdonald that the conmunication be received and filed, the invitation be accepted with thanks and as many of the members of Coun- cil as posslble attend the activities. ~0. 100 - Board of Police Commissioners . re request of retail food merchants. ~D on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the co~munication be rec- elved and laid ~ta~ara F~lls on the table and the matter be referred to the Assoclatlon and the ar~,. RetaLl merchants, Association to ascertain their wishes in thls reg- Canadian Corps Association . requesting Permission for barbecue and *t F.~ED on the motion of Al~t, Hawkins and MacDonald that the comuntcatlon S68 be received and filed, and permission be granted. No. 102 - City of London - resolution re school teachers holding office. EF.~D on tee motion of Ald. Inglis and Jolley that the comunioation be received and filed. (This motion was defeated) An amendment was made by Ald. MacDon,~dd and Donald that the comuunication be received and filed, and the resolution be endorsed. (This motion was defeated) No other action was taken. No. lOB - Rainbow Cabin Camp - requesting permission to enlarge cabins. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley that the comunication be received and hid on the table, that a recommendation be requested from the Property Connittse and the members of Council be requested to view the location. No. 104 - Bell Telephone Company of Canada - requesting permission to replace poles. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the communicat- ion ,be received and filed, and permission be granted. SEE By-law No. REPOR~B Laid over from a previous meeting: No. h8 - City Solicitor - re The Planning Act. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the proposed law be forwarded to the Department of Planning and Development for approval. ~e following Reports were presented: No. 49 - City Manager - re matters discussed with employees' union. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and H~wkins +~b~t the report be received and filed. No. ~0 - City Manager - re purchase of hardware. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed. No. ~1 - City Manager - re erection of fence. ORDERS) on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Miller that the report be received and filed. No. ~2 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenses. 01~E~u on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald that the report be received ami filed, and the rec- ommendations be adopted. No. 53 - City Manager - re flooding conditions at Main Street and Barker Street. 0~u.:ED on the motion of Ald. Inglie and MacDonald that the report be received and laid on the table and a further report be s~lmitted by the City Manager as to what can ha done and is in view to alleviate the condition. PETITION ~e following Petition was presented: No. 5 - Mrs. Jae. Lewis and 20 others - requesting stop eta. at Maple Street and H0~ewood Avenue. OA~A~A~U on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Hawkins that the .petition be received and filed and the request be granted, in view of the verbal Ireport of the City Clerk, making sUch recommendation on behalf of the Traffic C,',!,--_~_ttee. ~,- I~ESOLUTIOIIS The followtn~ Resolutions were ~assed: No. ~6 - MacDONALD - M~3.~.R - ~ESOLVED tket the action of Eie Worship Mayor HoUck, in appointing Alderman Orsat Donal~ as enacting motor on 28th, 29th, and,:31st Marsh, during the a~eenoe?~f 'Hls Worebil~, berap~rOve~J and the Seal.of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried u~nimousl~ No. 57 - JOLI~Ey - MacDONALD - I~ESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the City Council be schemed to take place at 4.00 p.m. on Monday, 3rd Aprll~ and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimousl_~_ Ald. McKinley left the meeting. N0. ~8 ~ INGLIS . HAWKlIB- RESOLVED that the Council approve and endorse the ac- tion of Enacting Mayor Miller in Protesting to the Honourable Humphrey Mitchell the announced change in regulations for travel into the United States at this port; that the matter be left in the hands of His Worship Mayor Houck for further aotion~ and the Seal of the CorPoration be hereto affixed. Carried unaJimous_ly BY-IAWS ~e following By-laws were passed: .No. h~14 - To amend By-law Number 3790 being a by-law for the regulation of traf- fic. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that Ald. Donald be given the Privilege of iatroducing the by-l~w and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Jolley and Hawkins that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading . Carried. ~Lrd reading -Ald. Hawkins and Jolley - Carried. ~ ' To authorize the execution of a lease. from the Canadian National Rail- way Campany. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that Ald. Hawkins be given the privilege of Introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first t~m~ - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Eawklns and Miller that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading . Carried. ~ird reading .Ald. Donald and MacDonald - Carried. ~ - To provide for Permission to ~e Bell Telephone Campan~ of Canada to replace poles on Morrison Street. It'was ordered on the motion Of Ald.' D0r~!d a~d ~olley that Ald. Eawkins ~ given the prfvile~e of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time . Carried. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Miller and MacDonald that l~ule B6 (~) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended an~ the b~-law be given the second reading - Carried. ~.ip~ rea~Ang ,-'AId. Eawki~a ana ,Donald ,. Carried. . . .. -:. t. Ald. Miller referred to the report of the Chairman of Finance in pren~ enting the 19~0 Budget wherein reference was made to former years' expenditures and increases in mill rates. ~he Alderman felt it should be clarified that sidereble appropriations were made in 1948 and 1949 for repairs to roads and walks and equipment as well as providing for wage increases. The Alderman felt that the impression obtained by the general public in this regard had not been accurate. Aid. Donald asked the City Manager what action is being taken with ard to repairs to pavements with cold patch. ~e City Manager advised that the work had not been started but up to the present time the weather had not been suitable. It was agreed by the members that the Council should meet as a special meeting on Thursday, 30th March to meet with Mr. M.R.Sloan of the Department of Municipal Affairs to discuss matters pertaining to assessment. The t~ of the meeting is to be arranged at a later date. Aid. Inglis asked the City Manager to present his report with regard to the condition of the stands at 0akes Park as he felt these stands would be in use in the near future and the necessary work should be completed before that ti~ Ald. MacDonald asked if any information as to the proposed action of the advisory ~council of the Greater Niagara General Hospital Trust could be given for the information of the general public. His Worship Mayor Eouok advised that no information was available at the present t~w~. His Worship Mayor Eouck asked for a report upon the sale of tickets for the Barbara Ann Scott Show. Ald. Donald advised how many tickets had been sold at the present time and the anticipated sale at the ti_~a of the show. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald. Sundry accounts amounting to $63,690.48 were approved by the Committee. The accounts submitted, being passed or other~ise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for Presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald. Miller and Jolley. The communication from the EYdro-Electric Com~Sslon of Niagara Falls for an option on Lot 81 Homewood Avenue, as laid over from the Previous meeting, was again considered. MAr. Thomson, Chairman of the HYdro-Electrtc Com~!ssion, was present and exPlained to the Co~mlttee the wishes of the Conmfission for the use of this lot. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Inglls and MacDonald that the conmunication be received and filed, and the option be granted. The report of the City Manager, as laid over from the previous meeting, and with regard to an aPPlication for a permit for a building on Lot 136, Vict- oria Avenue, was considered. An additional report from the City Manager was sub- mitted, advising of a revision of the application to conform to the regulations. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Jolley that the repor~z be rec- eived and filed, and Permission for the erection be granted as recommended. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending the issuance of a building permit for an addition to the Star of ~taly Hall. ~t was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Jolley that the report be received and filed, and the recomndatlon be adopted. A report was Presented from the City Manager, reconmending the issuance of a permit for the erection of an addition to the building of the Bell Telephone Company of Canada. ~t was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the recom~ndatlon be adopted. ~e Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Jolley and Miller. ~EAD AND ADOPq'ml~, 3 April, 1950. AND ADOPT~), 3 April, 1950. Chairman of Firance 27 March, 1950. The Fipance 0ommittse mot on Mondays 27th March, 19~0 for the purpose ,'c~ approvin~ an~ also of passi~ the various accounts which ha~ ~een properly certifie~ an~ placed before them, All-members;of the COmLttf~.e, .wi~h the excep May0~ COU~IL ~ETI~ Council Chamber, 27 March, 1950. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- an~e meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts aPProved by the Committee, and for the ~s of the 'Council with consideration of other matters. All mom- ~., , ; , the XOO · ' e ptlon of Ald. McElnley, were present. ~- -:,.if;Members of the ]~_~l!of E~ucation were Present ' . ~':' ~: '"':. :':!.~ . j' Z' . :' ~: · ~ at the meeting and Gordon Truop, Chairman, Mr~ W.H.Eribs, Secretary and Dr. W.A.Potter, Member, sp0~e to Council. The representatives explained to Council the conditions existin~ in the public schools of the City at the present time and the anticipated further crowding at the beginning of the next school year. They submitted suggested and mentioned approx~m. te costs of the erection of an additional six-room school which would take care of the i~diate school population. The members of Colm0il discussed the matter in length with the members of the Board. SEE Resolution No. The following Resolution was passed: No. 59 - INGLIB - MacDONALD - RESOLVED that the Secretary of the BOard of Educat- ion and the City Manager confer and prepare a presentation for the consideration of Council with regard to the request of the BOard for ~ital expnditures to pro- vide additional accomanodation for the public schools, that the report be pres- ented at the next meeting of Council; and the Seal of the Corporation be beret0 affixed. Carried~ The following By-law was passed: No. 4~17 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald and MacDonald that Ald. Hawkins be given the privilege of in~roduotn~ the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carrie~. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and Miller +~t Rule 36 (2) bf the Standing Rulee of Coxancil be suspon~Led and the ~y-law be given the second reading - Carried. reading - Aid. MacDonald ~_~_d Donald - Carrie~. · he Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. MacDonald a~d Donald. AND ADOP,E,., 3 A~ril, 1950. Mayo, / F~TMMNTEMEET~G REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, 3 April, 1950. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 4.00 p.m. on Monday, 3rd April, 1950, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of His Worship Mayor Houck, were present. I~ESOLUTION ~e following Re__soluti9n was pa_ssed: No. 60 - Muff.mR . J0lJ,~y _ RESOLVED that the action of His Worship Mayor W.L. Houck, in appointing Alderman E.M.Hawkins as enacting mayor on 3rd, ~ld~, 5th, 6th a~d 7th April, during the absence of His Worship, be approved~ and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried MINU~ES The Council, having received and read the minutes of the Previous meet- ing, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Miller. DEPUTATION In connection with Petition No. 7 and on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald, Mr. W.S.Martin, K.C. of Messrs. Martin~ Calvert and Matthews addressed Council. MAr. Martin outlined the request made in the Petition for lifting of the residential restrictions on the property on Barker Street and explained the pro- posed action of the Company if such is gManted. SEE Petition No._y C0MMDZ~CATZONS ~atd over from a Previous meeting: ~0. 103 - Rainbow Cabin Camp - requesting Permission to alter cabins. ORDEi~ED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and ~nglls that the verbal report from the Property Cmmmittee, recnm~e_nding that Permission be granted to Proceed with alterations ~0vldlng there is no confliction with the city by-laws, be adopted; and the com- mnication be received and filed. ~. 10~ . Niagara ~ans Lions Club - requesting Permission to hold carnival. OR- ~D on the motion of Ald. Miller and Jolley that the communication be received 1o. 106 - Dominion Asso~iation of Fire Chiefs resolution re overhead wiring, 0~i~D on the.motion of Aid, Ir~lis and MacDonald that the ccmnunication be rec- eived and referred to the City Manager to take up with the tIYdro-E~ctric sl0~ to co-ol0erate in this re~ard. re.o a. on th. otion or AZ . MacDon Zdthe ~Cation be received and filed, ~0. 1.08....Greater Niagara Retail Nm_~dWare Association . re Purchase of supplies. 374: 0EDEE on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald t_b~t the co~maunioation be rec- elved and filed. 'No. 109 - Veteran Taxi - requesting t~o-car stand on Main Street. OI~)ERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Inglis that the coamanication be received and ref- erred to the Traffic Committee for a report at the next meeting. REPORIB The following Reports were presented: No. ~4 - City Clerk - re conference held 30th March. 0R~EA~0 on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the report be received and filed. No. 95 - City Clerk - recom~mllng issuance of licences. 0EREE on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Jolley that the report be receive& and filed, aud the rec- ommendations be adopted. No. ~6 - City Manager - re star~ls at Oakes Park. OEDEA~o on the motion of Ald. Inglis and MacDonald that the report be received and referred back to the City Manager for a more extensive report to ascertain wh~t should ~be done to provide additional accommodation at the Park. PETITION~ ~e following Petitions were presented: No. 6 - E.R.R~ad and 4 others - requesting sidewalk on Fifth Avenue. 0EDE~ED on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley that the petition be received and referred to the City Manager for a report. No. 7 - A.H.Wra~ - requesting removal of residential restrictions. O~DENED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald an¢ Miller-that the petition be received and filed, and the request be granted. RESOLUTION The following Resolution was passed: No. 61 - DONALD - MI~.v.~.R - RESOLYED that the next re~.tl~r meeting of the City Council be scheduled to take place at 7-30 p.m. on Tuesday, llth April; .and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. = ' Carried BYqAW Ihe following By-law was No. 4~18 - To amend By-law Nm~ber S791 bein~ a by-law designating through It was ordered on the roeties of AI&. Miller an~ Jolley that Akl. Don- aid be given the privilege of i~tro~ucing th.e ~y-law and the by-law be read the -first t~-~ .- Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Jolley a~ 14acDonald that Rule (2) of the Standi~ Rules of Council be suspende&/an~ "the by-law 'be given the secona rea~ing , Carried, -' ~]~ird reaa~ug- Ai~, ~Tolle~ and 'M~.ller , Carried, '.(./ . ! ! - . ~e Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Donald and Jolley. ~AD AND ADOP'L~D, ll April, 1950. Clerk Enacting Mayor FINANCE ME~TING Council Clmber, 3 April, 1950. The Finance Committee met on Monday, 3rd April, 1950, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee, with the excep- tion of His Worship Mayor Houck, were present. Sumiry accounts mounting to $102,895.55 were approved by the Committee. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ai~. McKinle~ and ~Yolley. Communications were presented from the Greater Niagara General Hospital, as lald over from previous meetings, ar~l with regard to the indigent patients and timnoes. A report was also presented from the City Manager upon v~rions phases of hospital operation. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Jolley and MacDonald ~at the o~m~nications and report be received and !aid on the table until the ~xt meetlng. A communication was presented from R.C.Young and Compar~y, requesting an option on property at the corner of Huron Street and Buckley Avenue, the purchase !Price of the same to be $3D0.00. Upon the rec~ndation of the Property Commit- ~e and on the motion of Ald. MasDormld an& ~olley it was ordered that the c~- icatlon be received and filed and the Company be advised an option is granted for that portion of the property abutting Lot Number 11. ~e report of the Property C~ttee, on the above matter, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Jolley that the report be rec- eive~ and file~. a ~ullxling permit for a store in front Victoria Avenue It · was ordered the motion of Aid, MsFdnley and Jolley that the report be received and filed, ~ the recomendatton be adopted. ~ C.~.nmittoe adjourned on the motion of. Ald~, MsKiuleyand Jolley, : :: Chairman of Finance 'i COUNCIL MEETING Council Chambel,, 3 April, 1970. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council, with the exception of Worship Mayor Houck, were present. Ald. Hawkins was enacting mayor during the meeting. BY -IAW The following By-law was passed: %~o. ~lp - To Grant Monies for General PUrposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley that Aid. Nil- ler be given the Privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read 12ze first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried. Third reading -Ald. MacDonald and Miller - Carried. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Miller. READ AK~D ADOP~n, 11 April, 1950. CONEEENCE Council Chamber; BApril, 1950. ~e Conference 0~..~_ttee of the City Council assembled at the close of the regular council and firenee meetings o~ Monday, Br~ April, 1~30. All members of the Committee, with the e~eeption of E~s WorshiD Mayor ;~ouck, were present. Ald. Hawkins was enacttn~ ohairman, Q~ the meeting. ~ ~ ~ I* I ' '*. After discussion upon the matters Placed before them, the Committee adjourned on ~e motion of Ald. McKinley and Miller. ~AD AND ADOPTED, 11 April, 1950. Clerk · Chairman SiXTMMI~Et MEETING C 0NFE RE Council Chambe '~b ll April, 19~0. The Conference 0mittee of the City Council assembled at 5.00 p.m. on T~esdsy, llth April, 1950, prior to the regular meeting of Council for the dis- cussion of matters placed before them. All members of the Conmittee, with the caption of Ald. Jolley, were present. His Worship Mayor Houck was chairman of the meeting. After discussion upon the matters presented to them, the Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald. READ AND ADOPTED, 17 April, 1950. C le rk C}mirman Council Chamber, 11 April, 1950. Pursuant to adJourmnent, the Council met at 6.00 p.m. on Tuesday, llth April, 19~0 for the ~urpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council were present. ~e Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Miller, DEPFEATIOEB In connection with Report No. ~9 and on the motion of Ald. Hawkiue and Jolley, various persons were permitted to address the meetlug. Mr. Junkin spoke first and advised Council that a number of the residents of the Barker Street area were opposed to permitting a dry cleaning establishment to continue opem.- ations in the vicinity. MArs. S.E.Potter also spoke of the unsatisfactory condo itions which were occasioned by these operations. MAr[~.S.Martin, K.C. of Martin, Calvert and Matthews advised that in view of the spireion of the City Solicitor, the request of A.H.Wray for removal of the residential restrictions was with- drawn. MAr. Johnston Robarts of Fraser and Fraser explained the information he had given to MAr. Martin in connection with the feelings of the residents in the area and regretted an~ misunders~tandin~which my have developed. · ~ Re~ort No. The following Cormnunlca~tion~s. we. re ~resented: N0. 110 - City of Kitehener - re Possibility of traffic convention. Ot~)E~.~D on ~e motionif ~d'. MYl~nd ~cDomld t~t the co~utcation be received and find, t~t the Co~ctl approve the s~gestton and His I'[orship B~yor Houck be asked ~ appoint rePresen~tives to at~nd the convention. N0. lll- M~ence O. Crawford - re check of cash. 0~.gED on the motion of Ald. ~wki~ and Do~ld t~t' ~ jm~ication be received and filed. N0. ll2 - ~r~ent of M~lc~fairs _ re mmicipal schools. O~EED on the m0ti~ of Ald. ~n~ k~ ~cDomZ~ t~ the comuntcation be received and filed, Ald. Jolley arrived at the meeting. N0. 113 - Department of Murdci 1 Affairs - ~ ' .... ~~t meeting with Council. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins an filed, the communication be received and April. and the meeting be arranged to take place at 7.30 p.m. on Thursday, 20th N0. 114 - Bell Telephone Company of Canada - re open house and invitation. ORD- ERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the communication be received and filed, the invitation be accepted .and as many of the members of Council as possible attend the function. It0. 115 - Niagara Falls Optimist Air Cadets of Canada - requesting tag day. ORDERED on the motion 6~ Ald. Ma~n~ Permission for Hawkins that the communic- ation be received and filed, an~ Permission for a tag day on 13th ~y be granted. No. 116 - Radio Station CHVC - requesting Permission to broadcast from 0akes Park. 0RDEED on the motion of Al~. Mckinley and MacDonald that the communication be ~ceived and filed, and Permission be granted. Ils. 117 - Rev. M.C.Weisbach for S.Varsoff _ re parking at Centre Street and Ellen A~enue. 0RDEE on the motion of Ald"~'.'.'.'_~'ccKlniey and MacDonald that the communic- stion be received and laid on the table and the totter be referred to the Traffic C~mmtttee for a report. No. 118 - New York Central System - re discontinuance and agreement re attachment ~ Poles. ORE~ED on the motion of Ald. Mckinley and Hawkins that the cc~mAnic- ati0n be received ,and filed, and the requested action be taken by the City Manager. SEE Resolution No. 62 ~0. 119 _. Greater Niagara Baseball Assoc _ ' ~ the motion of Ald. MacDonald and iation invitation to luncheon. ORDE D un SOn. Council as Possible attend ~e follwlr~ Reports were Presented: ~c. ~ '~ity Clerk - recommending i~s~ance a~ ~licences. ~E on ~e motion of Aid. Hawkins and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the rec- ommendations be adopted. No. 59 - City Solicitor - re by-law and Barker Street property. OEDEHED on motion of Ald. Inglis and MacDonald that the report be.received and laid on the table until the next meeting and further information be obtained as to what is to · be done with the property presently occupied as a dry cleaning plant. No. 60 - City Manager - re Bellerue Terrace. ORDEHED on the motion of Ald. InS. lie and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, that the interested par- tics be advised what action must be taken to take over the lane and a copy of the report be forwarded to the owners of the property on the lane. PETITIONS The following Petitions were jpresented: No. 8 - John H. Smith and ~ others - re maln.tenance of lane. 0RDEED on the mot- ion of Ald. Inglis and Jolley that the petition be received and filed, and the City Manager take the necessary s~eps to assume the lane. No. 9 - A.Dodds and 37 others - requesting sidewalks on Fifth and Sixth Avenues. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~acDonald and Hawkins that the petition be received and laid on the table for consideration during the Tour of Inspection. The following Resolutions were passed: No. 62 - MCKINLEY - HAWKINS - RESOLVED that the City Clerk be authorized and structed to sign the notice of discontinuance with the WesternUnion Telegraph Company and also agreement No. 264-E with the New York Central System, in con- nection with poles upon which the police telegraph attachments are located; and the-Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously No. 6B - MacDONALD - DONALD - RESOLVED that the Tour of Inspection by the City Council be scheduled to comenee at 9.00 a.m. on Friday, 14th April, that lun- cheon on that date be held at the Ceorgian Ro~m of the Prospect Hotel; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously His Worship Mayor Houck expressed his a~preciation to the members of Council for their co-operation and assistance during His Worship's absence at the sessions of the Ontario Legislature. Ald. Hawkins advised Council of the favourable cvm~ents made by the members of the Barbara Ann Scott Ice Show with regard to the Niagara Falls Memor- ial Arena. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ai~.. Donald and Hawkins. I~DAND~DOP~D, 17April, 19~0. Mayor F.IiXA~ICE PF-~ETING Council Chamber, 11 April, 1950. The Finance Co~ittee met on Tuesday, llth April, 1950, for the purpose of appreving and also of passing the various accounts which lind been Properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Cor~mittee, with the excep- tion of His Worship Mayor Houck, were present. Sundry apcounts amounting to $42,377.77 were approved by the Conm~ttee. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for Presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald. The communication from the Canadian Paraplegic Association and a report fro~the Chairman of Finance and City Manager with regard to treatment for Tony Dlci cco, as laid over from previous meetings were c munf ation was Presented from the tlonourable inlet onsidered. A further corn- tt was ~i e of Health in this rega~l. r ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Inglis that the conmunications and report be received and Eiled and the Co~ooration assme responsibility for fifty per cent of the cost of treatment for this patient. Communications from the Greater l~iagara General Hospital and a report fi'om the City Manager with regard to indigents, finance, etc. as laid over from previous meetings, were considered. An additional communication was Presented from the Hospital with regard to increased rates and a request for a meeting ~.~ith the Council. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Znglis and MacDonald that the report be received and referred to the Greater Niagara General Hospital Ti'ust, the Niagara Falls Medical Society, the Depar~aent of Health and the Local Board of Health for their information and to the press for Publication. It ~.~as fm'ther ordered on the motion of Ald. ~cDonald and Donald that the communications be rec- eived and filed, and the Council meet with the T~Ast following the regular meeti~ of Council on 24th April. The statement of relief for the month of ~rch was presented. It was ~-dered on the motion of Ald. Dons. ld and Jolley that the statement be received and file d. The comparison of tax collections at Blst March was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the statement be rec- eived and filed. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley. ~AD AND ~j00pq~, 17 April, 1950. Clefk Chairman of Finance 't COUI,ICIL ~TING Council Chsanhc,2, 11 April, 19~C. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and ffib ance raeetiD~s for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the account:~ approved by the Con~alttee. All members of the Council, with the exception of !L's Worship Mayor Houck, were present. Ald. Hawkins was enacting mayor during the meeting. BY -LAW ~e following By-law was passed: No. 4~20 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on. ta~e motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley that Ald. ald be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Joiley and Miller that Rule of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the seconi reading - Carried. Third reading - AId. MacDonald and McKinley - Carried. The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Donald. I~EAD AND ADOPTED, 17 April, 19~0. Enacting Mayor CONFERENCE ' Council Chamber, 11 April, 19D0. The Conference Committee of the City Council ~ssembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetings on Tuesday, llth April, 1990. All mem- bers of the Committee, with the exception of His Worship Mayor Houck, were pres- ent. Alto=, Hawkins was enacting chairman of the.meeting. After discussion upon the matters Presented before them, the Corim-~ t*ee adJobnrned on the motion of Ald. Miller and_ MSKinley. - ~ ADOPTED, 17 April, 1950. C-bnirnmn SEVEE~I~ENTH MEETING REGULAR MEETING Council CMmbcr, 17 April, ~ o-~0. Purstmnt to adjournment, the Council met at 7-30 p.m. on Monday, 17th April, 1990, for the purpose of considering general business and fizzrice. All members of the Council were present. The Council, bzving received and raad th~ minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. IdacDonald and Hawkins. DEPUT3.TIOI~ In connection with Report No. ~9 and on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and ~Kinley, various persons present were permitted to address Cotmcil. ~. Johnston Roberts of Messrs. Fraser and Fraser spoke to Council and advised that he repres- ented residents in the Barker Street area who were protesting the granting of per- mission to Murray and Pennie to operate a dry cleaning establishment in the area, Mr. Roberrs presented a petition which had been signed in protest. Mr. W.S.~r- tin, K.C., of Messrs. Matin, Calvert and Matthews also spoke and advised Council of the intentions of the Burns Mauufacturlng C~npanyLimited and Murray and Pen- hie if their requests are granted. Mr. S.E.Junkin advised Council of the feelin~ of the residents of the area. SEE Report No. 59 In connection with Communication No. 130 and on the motion of Ald. Ha~- kins and Jolley, lit. Woodhouee was permitted to speak to Council. Mr. Woodhouse explained the difficulties he was experiencing in obt~inlng suitable accommodat- ion for his f-~ly. SEE Communication No.130 Tenders had been called for the supply of grass seed for the cur~nt year and owing to the fact that the merchants had not had sufficient time to make their bids, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and H~wkins that the open- ing of such tenders be deferred until the next meeting. C(~4UNICATION~ Laid over frcm previous meetir~s: AId. Inglis, ea'~ived at the meeting No. 96 - Kosta Todoroff - re erection of metal fence. 0RDEI~ED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald ta~at the c~nlcation be received a~l laid on the table for consideration when the ager~la for the Tour of Inspection is reviewed. No..,1,09 - Veteran Taxi - requesting t~o-car stand. 01~DEI~ED on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the conmunication be received and laid on the table until the next meeting to see if the Ccmpa~j is able to acquire property further sou.th on Main Street for a taxi stand. SEE Communications No. ~20-1-~2 ~e following Communications were Presented: No. 120 ~ y.e~raj Taxi No. 121 - Ritchie An~Yiances l{0. R2 - ~Lu~Ui,e request for taxi s~nd. O~EP~D on th~ motion of Ald. Miller and P~.cDom~ that the colmunicatlons bo n'eceivod and kid on the ~ble until the next meeti~ to see if the Company is able to accuire pro~ei~tv fi~ther south on Plain Street for a ~i s~nd.-- I[o. R3 - ~X~. ~o~ms - resolution re hosni~l costly. motion of ~d. I~lis a~Kinley that ~d~e com[mication be 0~Et~D on the roceivcd and referred ~ ~e 0ntcrio Municipal Association and the Association of 0n~rio i~yors and ~eves for f~ther discussion. ii0. R4 -Depar~ent of yh~nin~and_ D~0pment _ re 'orc~osed bv-~,w f -, s ~ ision contr0~ 0~F~ ication be received and referred ~hat th to ~e City i~,ger to ~ke up with the City Sol- icitor for the P'~pose of prep~ing a by-la~.~ which will be sul*~ble in the C~ty of i~lag~a Falls. ~R 0~EED on the motion of Ald. Dorzld and IIawki~ that f0mtion bo ob~ined from the To~'nship of S~ord as to the action tl~.t munic- ipality is ~king in this regard. N0. 125 - ~e 0n~.rio Municiml Bo~d - re vacation period. 0~EE on the mot- ion of Ald~~n~ ~~t the co~unication be received and filed, and ~is Council co-operate with the B~rd. N0. ~6 - Board of Education - requesting ~e of 0akes Park on 7th Jmo. 0~E~:D on the mot~of Al~ and I~cDomld ~t the commication be received and filed, and Pe~ssion be ~an~d. N0. 127 - ~blic Lib~ _ re auditorim at branch library. 0~EE on the motion of Ald. Do~ and ~cDomld tMt ~e commnication be received and N0. ~8 - ~wnship of Cro~hnd - re metin ot DEE on the motion of Ald. Inglts and I~.w~i discuss unemployed in County. 0R- ~d ~e totter be referred to ~e ~rio M~lcipal Association and ~e Associat- ion of ~ors and Reeves for discussion. ~ tlmt the co~mlcation be received El0. ~9 - St. John ~b~ance ~soclatlon - re first aid educatioml fibs. 0~- ~ on ~e motion of ~d. Harem and jolley tMt the c~u~cation be received and filed, the invi~tion be accep~d aM as m~ of ~e members as find it con- ve~ent atteM ~e sho~l~. ~0. B0 - John A. Woo~o~e _ re housi~ acc~o~tion. 0EEE on the motion of ~d. ~ and ~ller ~t the cm~tion be ~celved and the mt~r be ref- e~d ~ the Re~ef A~s~r and His WorsMp ~yor Houck for.action. _~id over from previous meetings: i0. ~6 City Manager . re stands at 0akes Park. 0RDEED on the motion of Ald. and MacDonald that the report be received and laid on the table for fur- tion when the agenda for the Tour of Inspection is reviewed. ~9 - City Solicitor . re dry cleaning plant. 0RDEE on theT ~°or~ No. 61 and Hawkins that the report be received and laid on the tablet until Ald. ;ion is received. - fur- ~ follo~In~ Reports were Presented: ~' 6! ~ .City Manager - re costs of new stands at 0akes Park. SEE Report No. 62 - GRDEED on the mot- ion of Aid. McKinley and MacDonald that the report be received and laid on the table for further consideration when the agenda for the Tour Of Inspection is reviewed. No. 62 - City Manager - re dry cleaning plant. 0ROERED on the motion of Aid. Don- ald and Hawkins that the report be received and laid on the table tintiI furthe? information is received. SEE Petition No. 63 - City Clerk - re conferences held llth April. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins that the report be received and filed. No. 64 - City Clerk - reconmending issuance of licenses. ORDERED on the motions. of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the reccn~- mcndations be adopted. PETITIONS Laid over from previous nmetings: No. 6 - E.R.Read and 4 others No. 9 - A.Dodds and 37 others - requesting sidewalks on Fifth andSixthAvenuss. 0RDEF~iU on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the petitions be rec- eived and laid over Er consideration when the agenda for the Tour of Inspection is under review. The foll~¢ing Petition was presented: No. 10 - S.E.Junkin and 94 others - protesting dry cleaning establishment. 0RO- ERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the petition be received and laid on the table until Murray and Pennie make application for a licence to erate a dry cleaning plant, at which time the residents of the area are to be permitted to appear before Council; that the Property Committee be requested to consider the auggestions advanced regarding disposal of the property of the Manufacturing Company in an effort to make an arrangement satisfactory to all concerned. EESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 64 - HAWKIES - MILIER - i~ESOLVED that His Worship Mayor Houck be authorized to forward a letter of congratnlmtions to the Town of ~orold who will be cele- brating their one hundredths anniversary during the month of June; .and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously No. 65 - MacDONALD - DONALD - I~ESOLVED that this Council meet with the Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Planning Board in the Council Chamber at ~.00 p.m. on Friday, 21st April to discuss wrious matters; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried. unanimously The following By-law was passed: .N_o.. 4521 - To establish a public lane. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Jolley and Donald that Ald. Inglie be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Oartied unanimously. It was ordered on the mottun of Ald. Hawkins and Miller that Rule (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading . Carried uP~nimously. ~ird reading -Ald. MacDouald and Jolley - Carried unanimously. His Worship Mayor }~uck advised Council of the aPPreciation exp?essed by the Greater ?~iagara Baseball Association and the Ontario Baseball Association for the arrangements made by the Corporation for the luncheon in this City on lgthApril. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins. F~YOAr~ADOp~ED, 17 April, 1950. Clerk ~.yor FINANCE MEETRIG Council Chamber, 17 April, 1950. The Finance Committee met on Nonday, 17th April, 1950, for the purpose of aPproving and also of passln~ the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were Present. Sundry accounts amounting to ~94,931.67 were approved by the Cnn~!ttee. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were or- dered Placed in the money by-law for Presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald. ~olley and MacDonald.· An offer was Presented from Cheflee Roszel for part of Lot 43 and Lot 42, Plan 20, Elm Street for ~375.00. A communication was Presented from Charles B.Schrader, requesting the Purchase price on Properties known as 10~3 McEae Street and 260 Huron Street. An offer was Presented from James McCaun of $1~0.00 for Lot 7~ and 76, Maple Street. A communication was Presented from Mr~. A. Faiad ~uesting a price on a lot, owned by the CorPoration and located at the corner of Willmort Street and Valleyway which is part of · ~c~nendation of the Property Committee a d First Avenue closed Upon the n on the motion of Ald. ~cDonald and M~Klnley it was ordered that the above ccmmunlcations and offers be received and laid on the table to permit the Property Ccmmittee to view the locations. ~he report of the Property Committee on the above matters was Presented. It ~as ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the report be received and filed. ~neComittee adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and~IDonald. RF~AND ADOPTED, 24April, 1950. Chairman of Fi~mnce C0U~IL MEETING Council C]munber~ 17April, 1950. T~e Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee, and for the consideration of other m-tters. All mem- bers of the Council were present. ~y-IAW The following By-law was passed: ~o. 4~2~ - To GrantMonies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley that Ald. I~w- kins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Jolley that Rule 36 (~) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. Third reading -Ald. MacDonald and Miller - Carried unanimously. TOUR OF INSECTyON The City Council reviewea the agerids for the Tour of Inspection which took place onFriday, t4thApril, 1950, and the following action was t~en in connection with the locations visited:. · 1. City Hall -' 2, Queen Street Fire Hall Satisfactory 3. City Yard Satisfastor~ Satisfactory Queen street and Victoria Avenue ~. Bridge Street and Victol~ia Avenue 6. Asphalt Plant 7. 93 Hickson Avenue 8. Glenview Athletic Field 9. Incinerator and Disposal Dump 10. Hamilton Street and Fifth Avenue 11. Hamilton Street and Fifth Avenue t2. Fairview Cemetery 13. Ell Street and Stanley Avenue !4. Elm Street and Stanley Avenue 1~.. 0a~kes Par~ Sixth Avenue and Valley~ay 17. Sixth Avenue and Valle3ncay 18. Sixth Avenue and Valle~ay 19. Swimmingpool eO. ~fa~ford S~t~eet and Slater Avenue .Nia~ra .Fails Memorial Arena We/nut 8tree.t Fire It was agreed tha~ the City LLa,~ger give consideration to lowering the sidewalk~ pa;~ing the boulevard ~nd removing t~o tree S. ' It was ag~-'eed that the area should be cleaned up and Planted. Satisfac tory It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mil- ler and MacDonald that the City Marsget take action to have the Tense removed and the con~nunication frown r.ir. Todoro~f be received and filed. Satisfactorv % It was a~feed that action at this location be left to the City Manager. It ~.zas ordered on the mot.ion of Ald. Kinicy and Jolley that construction of sffde~,alks on Fifth And Sixth Avenue be Proceeded wffth as local imProvements~ end the Petitions Presented be received and filed · It ~as agreed that the fences on beth sides of the Cemetery should be removed and grass Planted. Itwas agreed that the ~tter of the sale of Property at this' location should be referred to the Property Committee for a reconnnendationo It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Haw- king and ~cDonald that the report of the City Manager be received and filed, and new bleachers be const~mcted at a to~al cost of $29,777.25, for which debentures are to be issued. It was a6~eed that the Plans submitted by the City Manager for a sidewalk on the west side of Sixth Avenue be accepted as satisfactory. It was agreed that consideration of this area as a site for a new Public school be deferred until the meeting is held with the Board of Education. It was agreed that the corner at the Swim- ming Pool should be g~aded immediately and placed in a satisfactory condition. It was agreed that a catch basin be stalled at this location and considerat_ ion be given to repairs to the sidewalK. It was agreed that the steps leading to the toilets should be improved, ]Satisfactory % 24 .~ Centre Police Station Centre Street ar~l Ellen Avenue Satisfactory 25. Sylvia Place Parking Lot 26. Comfort Stationmd Police Office 27. 1965 Main Street It was ordered on the motion of Ald. blll~ ler and Domald that the Traffic Commit~e bring in recom~endations with regard to conditions at this location· 8 · sg. 30. 31. It was agreed that a light should be in~ stalled at the corner of Bickle's store to illuminate the lot, that the instal- lation of a sign in the middle of Main Street, directing traffic to the lot, be approved; and the C.N.R.Buses be requested to turn at the rear of the Township Hall rather than on the parking lot. Satisfactory Main Street Fire Hall It was agreed that the owners of property at this location be approached with reE- ard to paving the boulevszd between ~e curb and si&ewalk. Satisfactory Burns ManufactUring Company Limited, Murray and Penaie Plant No action Pinegrove Avenue and Deleware It was agreed that the condition of the road should be improved. Pinegrove Avenue andMurray Street It was~'agreed that no action should be taken pending a request from property owners for the construction of a curb. 32. Grey Avenue and Robinson Street It was agu-eed that the Falls Construct- ion Co. Ltd. be advised that the Council will look favourablo upon an application for the purhase of five lots and the or~ oction of an apartment house thereon. 33. 21~8 Stanley Avenue No action 34. b~in Street andALlen Avenue Satisfactory 35. Filtration Plant Satisfactory The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley. READ ANDADOP~ED, 24 April, 1950. Clerk COURT OF R~VISION 24 April, 19~O. The Court of Revision on the assessment roll for business was held at 10.30 a.m. on Monday, 24th April, 1950 at which the following action was taken upon the respect- ive appeals: Members Present: Sheriff V.L.Davidson~ Mr. W.A.Fraser and ~Lr. A.W.Scott. Roll A_Ppe_l.lant an_~.d p~ Michael Prot~ 431 First Avenue George Tryon, 173 Queen Street 379 534 8~0 Matter C~_~_j~la ine~d. o~f Out of business Council Chamber, Martin, Calvert & Matthews, 520 Queen Street British American Oil Co. 2050 Clark Avenue John Medwig, 570 Bender Avenue Niagara Tires Limited, 852 Hunter Street Harry Tufts, 1557 Ferry Street Anthony and Mike Lococo, 1449 Spring Street 'Anthony and Mike Lococo, 1449 Spring Street i~azarino Mtu,ri, 1685 Temperance Avenue Samuel Junkin, 1946Barker Street G.Swezie, 2080 Drummond Road ~x EnAT~S ~ TRA~SERS o~_ Albert PePperall, 611 Morrison Street 427 ~rinidad Leaseholds L~I., Lot 92, River Road 649 Jean Gizzl, 1765 Victoria Avenue 940 A.Zimmerman, 839 Bridge Street ~30. 'Wm. Briscall Company, ~56 Victoria Avenue out of business Clmnge of Sd~ool Support Out of business Change of school support Not in business Going out of business Assessment too high Change of school support Deci~' ~ men o~ Co_m~,! ~eductff Appeal withdrawn and dismissed Not contracting Assessment too high Assessment toohigJ~ Allowed Dismissed Allowed for 9 months Allowed Allowed for 8 months Allowed for 8 ~n~s Dismissed Allowed Deceased Building disn~ntled Operating past year Building removed Building dest- royed by fire Dismissed Reduced Dismissed 100.00 1,690.00 665.0o 1t5.o0 ~ 70 · O0 4.80 49.50 8·05 71.70 6/~.35 Allowed Allowed Allycod for 7 months Allowed Allowed, Red- uced ~1,300.00 Victoria Motors, 17S6 Ellen Avenue Building Reduced assessments Rebate on taxes Certified comTect, Allowed $ 2,640.00 267.78 Chai~ ~,n EIO!{~}.-rT}! REGULAR Counc~ ] Chsr!ber~ ~ .~b~-~ ~ 1950. Pursuant to adjot~.~n_ent, the Council met .~t 7.30 p.m. on .~-ioD8ey~ April~ 19~0 fo~ the Pus'pose of conslderffng general business al!d firs_hoe. All membe~s of tile Council woz~c Present. ~ie Council~ ]iav~n~ received and ?.,<,a ~nutss of the Previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of ~!d. and McXi~ey. - o ~i[DEiE Tenders had l:eon called for the supply of grass seed for the cuau'ent .','ear. ~ the motion of Ald.. Hawkins and i~cDom!d the tone]ere subnltted we~'c 0posed, initialled by Iiis Worship I~kyor iiouc/~ and rose. I~ was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Domld and 1.icI/imiey t/st the tenaer of Louis FiatLet at a to~l cost of $187.7D be accepted and the tendei, s be received and filed. Tenders had been called also for the supply of a truck tinssis place ~'uck TIm~ber 15 in the Streets Departnest. It was ordered on the motif on 0f Ald. I~wkins and Mciqirioy that the tendcx. s be opened, initialled by His Wor- ship, read and ~b~ted. It was f~thcr ordered on the motion of Ald. LicI'Effnloy and Do~mld tht the ~b~tion of these tenders be referred to the Eeuipment C0~ttoe for a report at the next meeti~. C 0~BD~JICATIONS The followin Conmlunications ...... ~uwln uo]~munica_ w~ifP P~'es~nte~: N0. 131 - ~as~ASsociation . aPPreciation re hmcheon. 0~ERED on the motion of ~d. ~cDonaX~ a~wk[~ tht the comunication be received and filed. . the iSn of Ald liille - re moetin~ with Council. 0DEED on filed. · ~ r and ~w~is that ~e co~nunication be received and lie. 133 - British Methodist ~isco~al Chm. ch - requesting 0~EED on~tion ~d. ~n~d ~lley tMt the Pen~ssion for ~g day. elved and filed, and Pe~tssion be ~'anted. co~m~ication be rec- li0. 134 - Nia~ra Frontier H~ne S . . . d and filed, and Pemssion bg~ ~,nted}cDO'ld ~at the coimmication bZ rec- 0~EE once motion of Ald. McKi~ ' requesting Pe~ssion to place cable. eived and filed, ~M Pe~ssion be granted.Miller ~at the co~mnication be rec- SEE By-law ~b. 4523. 0RDEED on the motion of Ald. Mac- and filed. -(Aid. Jolley, Inglis See Report No. 65 393 , ! ,; i.i ,:k94 395 The followin~ Reports were presented: No. 6~ - City Clerk - re application for liconce. OtOERED on the'motion of A!~'' MacDonald and Miller that the report be received and filed and the licence be granted. (The vote on this motion was: For: Ald. MacDonald, Miller, Hawkins aul MoKixtley;, Against: Ald. Jolley, Il~Elis and Donald.) SEE Petition :_~,__!~' No. 66 - City Clerk - re conference with ~tr. M.R.S!oan. ORDERED on the motion cf Aid. Hawkins and MacDonald that the report be received and filed. No. 67 - City Clerk - re conference with Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Phnnin~ Board. 0RDEED on the motion of Ald. Inglis and Hawkins that the report be rec-~ eived and filed, that 1,it. D'Arcy Cropp be congratulated for his action in bring- ing a now industry to this City and for his efforts to re-establish his own buSi- ness, and that this Council extend every co-operation to him. Counc ~ 1 Cherub er, 24 April, ]-950. The Finance Colmnitte, e raet on Monday~ 2htb April, ]..o,,50 for the Dtu~oose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been ~ro[mrky certified and placed before them. All members of T&e Con~nittee, witb~th~ excer;- tlon of Md. McI~ey, were present. " ~ Sundry accounts amounting to ~11 were approved by the Comnittee. ~ ,323.84 The accounts subrmitted, being passed or othervise dea].t with~ were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for Presen~atlon to the Council on the motion of Ald. Jolley and Miller. rio. 68 - City Clerk - reconmending issuance of ticences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDOnald ~mtthe report be received and filed, and the rec- ommendations be adopted. No. 69 - City Manager - recommending capital expenditures. 0RD~.'h~D on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDor~ld that the report be received and referred to the Finance Comittee for discussion. No. 70 - Traffic Comittee - reconmending parking regulations. 0RDEED on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the recommendations be adopted. PETITIONS Laid over from a previous meeting: No. 10 - S.E.Junkin and 94 others - protesting operation of dry cleaning plant. 0ItDEE on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Miller that the petition be received and filed. (Ald. Jolley, Inglis and Donald v, oted contrary to this motion.) The following Petition was presented: No. tl - E.A.Thomas and S others - requesting curb and gutter on Murray StreeS. 0EDEEED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley that the petition be received and filed, and the request be granted. followingBy-Law was passed: BY -LAW Mr. Spironelli of the Glenview Social Club was permitted to address ~e C0~nittee on the motion of His Worship Mayor Houck and Ald. Donald. Mr. Spiron- elli advised the Committee that his club was endeavouring to obtain two or three lots on which they wished to build a clubhouse, and the assistance of the Co~Tor- ation was requested in locating such land. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship M~yor Houck and Ald. MacDonald that the matter be referred to the Prop- erty Comnittee and City Manager to meet with Mr. SPironelli to look over the land available in the Glenview section and report thereon. An offer of Charles Roszel of $375.00 for part of Lot 43 and Lot 42, Plan 20, Elm Street, as laid over from a previous meeting, was again considered. Upon the reconnnendation of the Property Conmittee and on the motion of Ald. Donald and Jolley it was ordered t~mt the offer be received, filed and accepted subject to the condition that a dwelling of at least $8,000.00 value is erected upon the premises within six months. A request from James McCann to pb~rchase part of Lot 75 and Lot 76, l,~ple Street for the stm of $150.00, as hid over from a previous meeting, was again considered. Upon the recommendation of the Property Cor~fittee and on the motion of Ald. ~cDonald and Miller it was ordered that the offer be received and filed and Mr. McCann be advised the Corporation is prepared to sell the lot for $400.00, subject to the condition that a dwelling of at least $8,000.00 value is erected on the same within six months. A communication was presented fi-om Chas. B. Schrader, requesting prices on 107~ Mcl~ae Street an~ 2g0 Huron Street. Upon the recommendation of the Prep- arty Committee and on ~he motion of Ald. Jolley and MacDonald it was ordered tlmt the communication be received and filed and Mr. Schrader be advised the propert- ies are not presently for sale. It was further ordered that a registered letter be sent to the occupant of 260 Huron Street, requesting a meeting with the Prop- erty Cc~mittee · No. 4~23 To provide for penmlssion to The Bell Telephone ComLmny of Canada to A cc~munlcation was presented from N~s. A. Falad, as laid over from a pLace buried cable on S~mer Street. Previous meeting, requesting information as to the sale of property at the corner of Willmort Street and Valley~ay. It was ordered on ~&e motion of AId. Inglis ley be given the privilege of introducing the by-l~w and the bX-law be read the s property is not for ~ the table and the Club be ~uested to provide for the next meeting some def- 1! '; i. '2 2~ ~:!~ }:,:~ ! ird reading -and - ha hie f 'j ,: The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald. EEAD AND ADOpteD, 1 May, 1950. ' Mayor The report of the Property Committee on the above matters was considered. was ordered onl the motion of Ald. Donald and Jolley that the report be rec- eived and filed. - An offer .was presented from James Pickles of $250.00 for Lot 41, 20, Elm Street. UpSn the recommendation of the Property Com~Ittee and on motion of Ald. Jolley and. Miller it was ordered that the offer be received ar.~~ accepted, subject to the condition that a dwelling of at least the value of $7,500.00 or 98,000.00 be erected on the premises within six months. The report of the Property Committee on the above matter was con. s~,e~. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Jolley and Miller that the report be rec- eived and filed. A report was presented from the City 1,hnager, rccomending the ismm~= of a building permit for the erection of a building at 1306 Victoria Avenue. was ordered on the motion of A!d, MacDonald and Jclley that ~e report be rec- eived and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. A report was presented from the City I~nager, recon~aending the of a peLf. it for remodelling the dwelling at 8~8 Ontario Avenue. It was or~er~~ on ~e motion of Ald. Inglis and ~cDonald that the report be received and on the table and referred to the Property Committee for consideration and a rec- ommendation. A report was presented from the Equipment Corsmittee, reconmending the purchase of a tractor and assembly at a cost of $3,B1~.00. It was ordered on ~he motion of Ald. MacDonzld and Miller that the report be received and filed~ and the recomendation be adopted. Ald. McKinley ret~umed to the meeting after attending the convent!on of the Ontario Florists' Association at the Hotel Conoral Brock. Ald. McKinley m:es- ented each member of Council with a rose which had been sent to them by the con- vention and conveyed the good wishes of Ald. Frost of the City of Toronto and his regrets that he was unable to visit the Council as he had done in previous years. Consideration was given to the report of the City Manager, recommending certain capital expenditues, as laid over from the previous meeting of Council. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the report 'be rec eived and filed, and the rec,-,-,~ndations be adopted. (Aid. Inglis and His Worshil Nayor Houck voted contrary to this motion. ) An amendment was presented by AlL 'Inglis and His Worship that the report be received, that funds for these expend- itures be taken from the reserve for a new city hall, and permission for such tion be sought from the Departnent of Municipal Affairs. ~his amendment was def- eated. ~e Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Jolley and MacDonald. AND ADOPTED, 1 May, 1990. COL~IC]Z MEETING Council Chamber, 24 April, 1~50. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for tile pt~rpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by ?2m Committee. All members of the Council were present. BY -LAI< rae following By-law was passed; ll0.. ~24 - To Grant Monies for General P~'pose~. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Jolley e. nd Miller tlmt Ald. !lewkins be given the privilege of introduci~ the by-hw and the by-law be read the first' t~e - CarTied umn~ao~ly. l'b was ordered on the motion of AId. McKinley and Jolley tPnt Rule ~ (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-lav~ be given the sec- 0n~ reading - Carried unanimously. ~lrd reading -Ald. Jolley and l~cDonald - Ca~-Tied unanimously. Toe Council adJoul.ned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley. EAD AID ADOPtU~D, 11.iay, 1950. Mayor CO~FEENGE Council C~znber, 24 April, 1950. The Conference Co~mittee of the City Council assembled at the close of ~e regular council and finance meetings on Monday, 24th April, 1950, for the pur- pose of giving con~ideration of the various matters presented to them. All mem- bers of the Committee were present and His Worship Mayor ttouck was clmirnm. n of the metlng. ' , ., ifte~ consideration of the matters placed before .them, the Committee adjourned on the mo. tion of Ald..D~nald and McKinley~. · Chairman 399 - COI{FEI~N~B Council Chamber, 1 May, 19~0. ~e Conference C~--qttee of the City Council assembled at 6.4~ p.m. on Mob-any, 1st May, 19~0 for .the purpose of considering matters placed ~efore them. All members of the C;~t~ee were l=esent and His Worship Mayor Houck was chair- man of the meeting. After consideration of the matters presented to them, the Cn,,,~ttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald an~ ~aw~ns. AND ADOPu~, 8 May, 19~0. Clerk Chairman 0curtoil Chamber, 1 May, 19~0. Pursuant to aAJourmment, the Co, m-il mat at 7.30 pad. on Monday, let May, 19~0, for the purpose of considering general ~usiness an~ finance. All mem- bers of the Council were present. The Council, haviu~ received an~ rea~ the min- utes of the previous maeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Hawkins an~ On the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Mc~nley, Mr. William Eeunie, repres- enting the ('~w~lian Legion Celtic Soccer 01ub was permitted to speak to Council. . Mr. Eennie advtse~ ~hat his club wts~e~ to use the foot~all flel~ in 0akes Park on Saturday, Ma~ 6th to stage an eXhibition ~ame with a visitdug team, end aeke~ view section on which to erect a clubhouse. Mr. SPironelli was advised that the Property Cc~m!ttee was considering the matter and definite information would be available at the next meeting of Council. Ald. Miller later asked Mr. Spironelli how man~ members of the Club were residents of the City and the speaker advised ~hat practically all members were and that he was presently residing in the Town- eh~p of Stamford but ha~ been a local resident for twenty years. C~UN/CAT/OA~ ~e following Co~-~-unication was Presented: No. 136 - North American Cyanamid Limited - requesting Permission to use Poplar Park. Oi~B on the motion of Ald. Donald an~ Eawkins that the communication be received and referre~ to the City ManaSer to ascertain from the Parks SuPerin%n- ae~lt what t~m~ is available for the field, an~ to re~ort thereon to Council. ~e followin~ Re~orts were Presented: ~o. 71 - City Clerk - re conference held 2~th April. ORDEI~) on the motion of A1 .'McEinley and Eawkins that the report be received and filed. ~o. 72 - City Clerk - reco~.-nd/ng issuance of licences. 0~i~D on the motion of Alrl. Hawkins and Jolley that the report be received and filed, intonations be adopted. and the recom- ~0.73 - City ]Engineer . recnm,~uaing sidewalk on east side of Fifth Avenue. N0. 74 - City Engineer . rec~.,--~ing sidewalk on east side of Fifth Avenue. ~0. 75 - City ~nglneer - recc~mer~ing sidewalk on west side of Sixth Avenue. N0. 76 - City ~"~ineer - recommending sidewalk on west side of Sixth Avenue. ~0. 77 - City ~'r~ineer - rec~w-~nding concrete curb and Buttar on Murray S~reet. N0. 78 - City Engineer - rec~mnen~ing sewer on Lowell Avenue. OHDEi~ED on the mot- len of Ai~. Jolley an~ Donald that the reports be received, the recommendations ~ a~opted an~ the work be Proceeded with. SEE Resolution No._6~ ~ES0LUT~0A~ ~e following l~esolutions were !0assed: N0. 66 - DONALD - ~OLLEy - ~ ~t ~e 0m~ian ~on Celtic Soccer Club ~ ~n ~e~esion ~ ~e ~e f~l field at ~es p~k on Sat~y, 6~ ~y, ~t ~s fiel~ ~ not ~ed ~In ~fom ~7~ ~y in an effo~ to faci~ ~e se~l~ of ~e ~; a~ ~e S~ of ~e Co~ti~ be here~ ~. ~. 67 - D~ , ~ , ~v~ ~t ~e c~in~ of ~. Dee~ wi~ re~ d~s ~ at ~ at 369 S~ A~n~ ~ mfe~ea ~ ~e Ol~ ~er to ~ wi~ ~ ~ ~ontier H~ Soclet~ for action~ ~ ~e S~i of ~e ~ he~ ~f~a. for this permission in view of the fact that permission for the use of the ftel~ ha~ ~eon 8Tsntea to the taam from 27th Ma~. . ~ ~ ~tion of ~. ~w~ a~ D~ld, ~. Ne~ was ~d ~ ~ ~ of ' ~ ~s ~r~. ~ j ~'~ ' ~. , .; ~e Se~ of ~e ~omtlon ~ he~- ~ Re~lu~on No. 67 Mr. 8pironslli of the Glenview 8~ial Club was permit~e~ to speak to Council. Mr. Spir~nslli as~e~ if M~,ton has ~een ~aken b~ C~uu~tl in oonneot~0n with.~he ~Olub!s :reg~uest for .asSts~tax~e in obtaim!n~ ,suitable ~pro'A~rtl in the Cart/ca unanimously. ,lOl { ~e following By-laws were presents1: No. 4~2~ - To amen& By-law Number 3790 betn~ a by-law for the re~,~tio~ of t~Lf- fic. It was ordered on the motion of A]zl. ~awkins aml Miller that Ai&. Don- al~ be given the privilege of tu~r~lu~tng the by-law aml the by-law ~e read ~he first td~A - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motloG of Aid. McKinley am1 ~oLley that 9ule B6 (2) of the Stareling Rules of Council be suspemled am1 the by-law be given the sec- ond red&inS - Carrie~ It was ordered on the motio~ of Aid. Don-ld an& ~olley that the by-law ~e laid on the table for one week. N.o_. 4~26 - To authorize the execution of a deed. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. McKinley am1 MacDo~q!d that Ald. Rawkins ~e given the privilege of inlzoducing the by-law am1 the by-law be read the first t~ - Carried ,,n-n~nUSly. Tt was ordered on the motion of Aid. DOtmind and Miller that Rule (2) of the Standing Rules of Co.r~.il be auspemled am1 the by-law be given the seoOr~ reading - Carried uuar,4mnuSly. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Dor~ld end Miller that the by-law be laid on the table u~til more ~efimite information is ~ring in reeax~ling what is geing to be built u~on the ~e following 3y-laws were l~assed: No. 4527 - To authorize the execution of a deed. It was ordered on the motion of Ai~. ~olley an~ McKInley that Aid. Eaw- kius ~e given t~e ~rivilege of introducing the by-law amt the by-law be read the first ~ - Carried It was ordered on the motion of A3zl. ~olley am1 Donald ~t Rule B6 (2) of the atetaXing ~ules of Council be sua~emted ..a the by-law be given the secon~ No. ~.~28 - To authorize the execution of an agreement for sale aml deed. It was ordered. on the motion of Ai~. Donald am1 MacDonald that Aid. ~awkine be 8iven the privilege of intro~uci~ the by-law and the by-law be read fJxeifirst time - Carried ,,m.~mnusly. It. was ordered on the motion of Aid. Miller am1 ~olley that Rule 36 (2) of the S~amling 9ules of Council be sus~emte~ am1 fAe hi-law ~e .given the secont ~ rea~in6 -Ai~. MacDonald amt MoEtmle~ - 'Carried ummimoasly. Council Chamber, 1 May, 19~0. · he Finance Committee met on Monday, let May, 19~0, for the purpose of appreving aml also of ~assing the various accounts which had been Properly cert- Ified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were Present. Sundry accounts amounting to $77,299.~5 were approved by the Ccmm~ ttee. ~e accounts submitted, being Passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of AId. McKinley aml Donald. The offer of the OPtimist Club of $500.O0 for Lots 33 to 37, Gladstone Avenue, as laid over from previous meetings, an~ a further ccmmAnicatlon as to plans for building upon the property, were considered o ~ the Property Co--~ttee amt on the motion of AI~ ~cDU~ n the rec~m~endation mumtcations were received an~ laid on the table until the next meeting aml the ' · onald and Jolley the cem- ~"m!ttee meet representatives of the Club at the property on Friday at ~.00 p.m. The report ~ the City Manager re~arding the application for a building permit to remodel 8J+8 Ontario Aven~e, as laid over from the previous meeting, was aeain considered. Mr. Blash, the owner of the property, was permitted to address t~e C~,~-~t~ee on the motion of AI~. McKinley and Miller. Mr. Rlash extvtsed what action he had taken with re~c~l to the foundation on the Property an~ the City Manager stated Just what woul~ be requlred in this connection. It was ordered on f~e motion of Aid. MacDonald and Jolley that the report aml the reccm~endation of t~e Property Cc.~!ttee be received am1 ado!otsd, am1 a further report be made to t~e Ccm.~ttee in this regard. A c~muunication was presented frem ~ames Pickles, re~uesting Penmission to withdraw his offer for Lot ~1, Plan 20, Ela Street. Upon the rec~.-~ndation ~ the Property C~ttee an~ on the motion of Ai~. MacDonald aml Miller it was ~ered that the ccmmAnlcation be received am1 filed, am1 the request be granted. An offer was Presented frcm Mar6aret Phillips of $~00.00 for Lot Cla~e~one Avenue. Upon the reccumemlation of the Property C~,.~ttee and on the motion of Aid. McZinley am1 MacDonal~ it was ordered that the offer be received am~ laid on t~e table until the next meeting, l~mt~g settlement of previous ~r0~usi tions. The rel~rt of the ProPerty Ccumittee, on the above mattere, was pres- sted. It was ordered on the motion of AI~. Mckinley an~ MacDon.~d that the rep- ~t be .received and filed. A s~mary was submitted of tenders for a truck chaests and cab to re. place Truck No. 1~ in the Streets Department. The City Manager made a ver~l reocmendatlon that a Ford truck be Purchased at a net price of $1,~99.00. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Jolley that the stmmu7 of tenders ~ recslved a_n_d_ referred to the Equil~nent C~m,~ttee for stud~ An~ & re~ort. · e C~mttteo a~dourued o~ the motion of Aid. McF. inloy and Jelled. The Cotmoil a~ourae~ o~ the motion of AIAt. NoEinley amt ~AwMima. :~-: ' ~ ~ D~, 8 ~y, 1~0. Oounc:L1. Ohamber: I May, 19~0. ~e Council m-assembled at the close of the re~,l-~ council and fin- ance meetings for the lmr~ose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Cn~msttee. All members of the Council were present. BY-I~W following By-law was passed: No. 4~2~ - To Grant Monies for ~eneral Purposes. It was ordered en the motien of Ald. McKinley aml Donald that Ald. Eaw- kirm be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carrie~ .r~-~mnusly. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Dor~3d and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Stareling l~les of Council be suspended aml the by-law he given the second reading - Carried reading -Ald. MacDoaald and ~olley - Carried nrmn~moUsly. ~e following Beeolatloas were Passed: No. 69 - DONALD - MTtT~ . i~SGEWED ~h,~ the Council be provided wt~ a s~nt sh~i~ ~e m~m,es a~ e~s invol~d in the operation of ~e Nia~ ~11 s ~ri~ ~m fm ~e ~ of ~en~ m~l ~e ~ w~ closed; ~d ~e ~ ~ ~ C~on ~ here~ ~ftmd. C~ie~ mmously No. 70 - ~ - ~K~ . ~ ~ha~ i~ce oo~ ~ ~hcea for the Nt~ ~11= ~or~ ~m, as mc~b.~e& b~ ~e Clt~ ~er; ~& ~e S~ of ~e Co~m~on b. hem~ ~f~a. C~ied ~ No. T1 - D~ - ~.T~ . ~8~ ~t ~ City ~m~r ~ City Clerk prop ~ ex~Mi~ ~port on ~ i~ce cmied by ~e Co~tion, i~l~ ~t ~miea by ~e ~ ~ ~u~ti~, ~o-E~c~io C~esi~ of Ni~ FaBs a~ ~e O~r N~ ~ Hospi~, for st~ ~y ~ Com~; an~ ~e Seal ~ ~ C~om~on ~ h~ ~. ~iea mmo~li "lhe Council ad. Jotu'necl on the motiota of AIA. ~ AND ADOMED, 8 Na~, 19~0. Nawkis a~d NoElroleI. Mayor Council Chamber, 1 May, 1950. ~3~e Conference Ocemalttee of the City Council assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetings on Monday, let May, 19~0, for the pur- pose of considering the various matters presented to them. All members of the Conference C~ ttee were Present and Eis Worship Mayor Houck was chairman. After consideration of the matters placed before them, the Committee adjourned on the.motion of Aid. McKinley and Donald. EAD AND ADOP~ED, 8 May, 1950. : f Council Chamber, 8 May, 19~0. of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the rec- ~m~ndations be adopted. N0. 82 - City Clerk - re revision of polling subdivisions. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Al~.McKi~y ami Jolley that the report be received and filed, and the by-law be Presented. Purerot to a~Joux'~nt, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 8th May, 1950, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All memb- ers of the Council, with the exception of His Worship Mayor Houok, were present. E~SOLUTION ~e following Resolution was linseed: No. 72 - EAW~S - JOLIEy - I~SOLVED that the action of His Worship Mayor Houck, in appointing Alderman Grant Donald as enacting mayor on 8th May, &uring the sence of His Worship, be approved; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto af- Carri~ed ~'ne Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meet- lng, a&opted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Miller. CCWe~NICATIO~S hid over frcm a previous meeting: No. 136 - North American C~anamtd Limited - re use of Poplar Park softball field. 0A~ on the metion of Ai~. Hawkins and MacDonald that the c~cation be received and filed, and the request be granted. ~ Report No. 79 ~he following Ccmnunicattons were presented: No. 137 - Hencurable Minister of National Defence - re rsee~;v~ training. 0~DEE on the motion of Aid. Miller and MacDonald ~t the ccmnonication be received and file~, and the reque8~ be accede& to as mn~h as ~ossible. No. 138 - Niagara F-11s Police Association - requesting permission to use 0ekes ~ark. OI~I~D on the motion of Ai~. McKinley and Hawkins that the o~=manication be received an~ filed, and the reguest be 6rante~ 8~bJect to the same arrange- merits as made in previous years. No. 1~9 - Assessor - requesting permission to attend meeting. 0EIEEED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins tha~ the ~cation be received and filed. and permission be grants&. ~he following aeporte were Presented: No. 79 ' City Manager - re use of Poplar Park softl~ll field. 0A~ on the mot ion of Ald. Hawkins and NacDonsl~ that the rs~o~t .~e~recetved-an~ filed, and the reocamendatton be 'acT. opteA. -' No. 80 - City Clerk - re ccnfereuees hel~ let Ma~. OA~I~D on the motion of Ald. MacD_c~4 ~ HaWkins that the repc~ be reoeiveA and file~. - City Clerk - reoce~_n~iln6 iss, us .nce ~of !icenoes. , ( ', ~ on-the motion 1 or such ac ~-law No. 4~30 N0. 83 - City Manager - recommending cha~ge for cle '~ ' the motion of Ald T-~lis and MacDonald that aning Poplar Park. Ordered on recommendation be 'ad~pted and a de osit of the report be received and filed the tivities. PE__TITIONS ~e follo~ing Petitions were Presented: ~0. 12 - N~E~iacLeod and 2 others - requesting sidewalk on Emewoed Avenue. ORD- ~ on the motion of Aid. ~olley and Hawkins that the Petition be received and ferred to the City Manager for a report. No. 13 - ~ Trabucco and 8 others - requesting sidewalk and opening of street. 0~ on the motion of Aid. Miller and Hawkins that the Petitein be received l~i referred to .the City Manager for a report. ic~S(::~UTZOi,~ ~e following Resolutions were passed: N0. 73 - McKINLEy . JOI~ . I~C~ that the action of His Worship Mayor Houck, In appointing Aidermau C.R.Inglis as erecting mayor on 9th and lOth May, during the absence of HAs Worship, be aperoved; and the Seal of the Corporation be here- carrle___ ~0. 7~ - MILLER . MacDONALD - IF-SOLVED that the City Manager be instructed to ch- ain Prices on the installation of a traffic signal to be located at Victoria Avenue and E~orth Circle; and the Seal of the Carporation be hereto affixed. ~Carried ~0, T3 - ~ . JOLLEY - i~SOLVED that Alderman W,C,MacDonald and his ussoc- ~tes who are conductln~ the drive for fumls for the Canadian Cancer Society be c~nded for the work being dons~ that the citizens be asked to su~ort this ~pa~; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed, ..Carried ~. 76 - I~. Mn.T.~ . i~OLVED that a letter of con~ratulation be for- ~u~ed to Mr. F.H.I~slie of the Nia6ara Falls Evening Havlew upon the occasion of ~e newspaper attaining a daily circulation of ll, O00; and the Seal of the Cor- ~0ration be hemto affixed. bent...7' ri. becbtai. l c =t on on the sale of the proposed issue · ; ·Seal of the CorPoration be hereto affixed, Carried follovin 7-1avs were passed: , To amend By-law Nmber 37~0.. 10ein~ a b~-law for the ~egulation of traf- fic, · hLr~ re~ix~ -Ai&. ~ler and l~cDonal& - Carried, Aid. McKinley and Hawkins ~cting contrary. (Enacting Mayc~ Donald asked to be recorded as heir~ iu fayour of this motiota.) No. 4~ - To provide for subdivisions of the wards of the City for polling pur- poses for municipal elections. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Jolley an& l~aoDormld that Ai~. McEivdey be given the prlvileee of Introducing the by-law an& the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ox~lered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins ar~ M~_~nley +.hAt RUle 36 (2) of the Stareling Rules of Council be snsper~led an& the by-law be ~iven the seeoral reading - Carried. ~d reading -Ald. MacDonald an~ JoLley :- Carried. No. 4~31 - To authorize the execution of a deed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley that Ald. Raw- kins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of AI&. Hawkins an~ MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be susl~mled and the by-law be given the senoral teeing - Carried. Third reefling - Ale. MacDonalA and Hawkins - Carried. ' q~e following By-law was presented: No. ~2 .- To provide for borrowing $96,000.00 for the acquisition of a fire l~r, a street sweeper or flusher, traffic signals, an air canl~essor ami a police ra&io, also =or the completion of the South En~ Public Library, to erect new stands at 0ekes ~ark Field and to Day for the cost of removing the street railway mile; an& to provide for the is- sue of ~ebentures of the City of N~a~ara Falls therefor. Yt was ordered on the motion of Ald..Yolley aml McKinley that Ald. Haw- kins be 6iven the ~rivile~e of int~xlucin6 the by-law ar~l the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDoms3A that Rule (2) of the etauSing Rules of Cramoil be susRenae~ an& the by-law be given the second reading - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Akl. MacDonal~ aml Hawkins that the by- law be laid on the table and referred to ~he Oa+_~rio Municilml ~ for a The Counc~l-a~ourned on the motion of Al~.~lIawkine and Council Chamber, 8 May, 19~0. The Finance C~,~,!ttee met on Monday, 8th Nay, 19~0, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert- ified and ~laced before them. All members of the Committee were present. Sundry accounts amounting to $218,170.~2 were approve~ by the Committee. accounts submitted, being passe~ or otherwise dealt with, were oral- er~l placedTh~n the money by-law for Presentation to the Council on the motion of Ai~. McKinley and Jolley. The offer of the Optimist Club for lots on Gladstone Avenue, and sub- sequent communications, as laid over from previous meetings, were considered. Upon the reo~-,,~ndation of the Property Committee and on the motiou of Ald. Mac- Donald and Miller it was ordered that the communications be received and filed, aml the Club be advised that the Corporation is prepared to sell part of Glad- stone Avenue closed and one lot ~mm~diately west of Gladstone Avenue for the am of $~00.00 subject to nsBotiations with the adjoining owners of property. The offer of MarBeret Phillips of $200.00 for Lot B6, Gladstone Avenue, as lald over from the previous meeting, was considered. Upon the recon~endation of the Property C~m~!!ttee an~ on the motion of Ald. Jolley and MacDonald it was ordered that the offer be received and laid on the table until negotiations are completed for the sale to the Optimist Club. The report of the City Manager, with regard to remodelling the building at 848 Ontario Avenue, as ~id over fr~n the previous meetings, was considered. A rec~.w~ndatlons was made by the Property C~¢ttee that a permit he granted, under the supervisions of the City Manager. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and ~olley that the Property C,~.,-,~ttee,s report be withdrawn and the ant- ire Finance Cn~.~ttee discuss the matter. It was further ordered on the motion of Ald. Inglis a~ Donald that the report be received aml laid on the table until the next meeting for further consideratiou amt all members of the Committee st~ct the building. An offer was presented f~-~ Michael Riccl of $75.00 for Lot 62, Acheson Avenue. Upon the recommendation of the Property C~ttee and on the motion of Ai~. MacDonald and ~olley it was ordered that the offer be receive~ an~ accepted, ~bJect to the provision that a dwelling of at least $~,000.00 value be ~ected on ~he Frenises within six months. The report of the Property Ccmnnittee, on the above matters, and with ~ard to the rec~endation that the Glenview Social Club be aclvieed that Lots 169 and 170, Hickson Avenue are available at $7~ .00 each, subject to an agreement for the erection of a building thereon, was Presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ai~. ln~lis and MacDonald that the re~ort be received and filed, and the-reo~emlatton be atopted. His Worship. Mayor Houck arrived at the racerice.  1~, as laid over f~-~ the previous meeting was presented. It was ordered on the ordered on the motion of A1A. MacDonald an~ Donald that the statement be received and filed. ~e statement of relief for the month of April was presented. Vt Was -ordered on the motion of AI~. MacDonald and Donald that the statement be received and fileS. A c~nication was presented fr~n the Ins~wance A~ente re~arding cov- erage on the Nia/~ra Falls Memorial Arena. Zt was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Dommld that the communication be received and filed. A report was presented from the City Manager, on beBnl* of the Arena C.'~..~ttee, with re/~ to a floor for the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena. Vt was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald ~ Donald that the report be received and filed, and the recc~mnendation be adopted. (Ald. Miller voted contrary to this motion.) A report was presented from the City Manager regarding the revenues and expenditures for the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena. It was ordered on the mot of Ald. ~olley and Miller that the report be received and filed. (Ald. Inglis voted contrary to this motion.) A motion was made by Ald. Miller and His Worship Mayor Houck that the Arena C~w.4ttee continue to function until the floor of the arena is installed an~ that the matter be brought before the Finance Co.~4ttee after ~t t/me. A report was presented f-.-om the City Manager regarding the low llft pump at the Filtration Plant. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald ~t the report be received and filed and the reco',-~ndation be adopted. (Ald. Inglis voted contrary to this motion.) A report was presented from the City Manager re~ar~ing the application of John ~hylor for a permzit to build at the corner of Valleyway and Buckley Ave- hue. It was ordered on the-motion of/k~d. Jolley and 14cKi~ley that the report ~e receive~ and flle~, and the rec~ndation be adopted. A report was presente~ from the City Manager, rec~nding the issuance of a pellmit for the erection of a store on Victoria Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. MacDon~ ami Miller that the report be received an~ filed, an~ the rec.'-~,,~ndation be s£lopted. A report was presented from the City l/ama~er~ reo~,,..n,'~4ng the issuance .of a permit for the erection of an addition to the store at 79~-8 Victoria A~nue. It w~ o~e~ on ~e- ~ of ~. ~d ~ ~er ~t ~e re.ri be rec- ei~ ~ file~, a~ ~ ~c.~...~tion ~ · he W. qui~ut C~ttee presented & report from the 0it2 Maus~er to with re~ea~l to a replacement for the truck now used for se~-vltng the parking .meters. It was ox~lered on the motion of Ald. ~olley an~ Miller that the matter be laid on the table for one week an~ the 0ity Manager suhnit prises on half and q .uarter ton t~ucks, an~ ~!no ~ su~estions as to other possible a~-~n~ments. ~e C.-.~,~ttee nd~ourned on the motion of AI~. Donal~ and Miller. AND AD01'~n, 1~ May, 19~0. iClerk Council Chamber, 8 ~y, 1950. ~e Council re-assembled at the close of the regula~ council and fin- ance meetinge for the pu-~pose of passing the by-law which covered the accom~ts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present. BY-LA~S ~e foliowi~_.law~s Wer. Ee_r~e~oaesed: No. 4533 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that Ald. Haw- kins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the fLrst t~ - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. ~wklns an~ McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - ~arriad unanimously. t~ird reading .Ald. Jclley and Donald - Carried Unanimously. ~.'o. 4~2~6 - To authorize the execution of a deed. ~l reading - Aid. l~iller and Hawkins . Cam~ried Unanimously. His Worship Mayor Houck advised the Council of the appeal made by His ~0rship Mayor McCall,mn of Toronto for potato sacks which are to be sent to the City of Vl~peg to help in ccmbattlng the flooding waters of the Red River. His ~0rship advised that he had made a like appeal to the citizens of Nia/~ra Fn~!e an/he was hoping that there woul~ be a good response to the appeal. · e Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and ~OKinley. ~A~ A~O ADOp~, 15 Ma~, 1RS0. ~ Council Chamber ~ ~- 8 May, 1950. ~e 0onfsrence Ce,,.~ttee of ~e Oit~ Co~il ass~le~ at ~e close of , ~e ~ co--il ~ fi~ ~e%~ ~ No~y, 8~ ~y, 19~0, for the p~. ~ose of c~ideri~ ~e ~io~ ~t~rs ~sen~d ~ ~. ~I ~bers of ~e CoVerers C~t~e we~ ~esent ~d ~ts Wor~p ~r ~k w~ c~ of ~e After consiCeration of ~he matters placed before them~ the Ccem~ittee a~ourned on the motion off Ai~. Do_r~_.1a ant Eawk~ns. ~F~AD A~D ADOP~ED, 15 May, 1950. ~T~EN~Y-F~T MEE T~N_~G CONFE~EEUE Council Chamber, 15 May, 1950. ~e Conference Ccmmlttee of the City Council assembled at 6.45.p.m. on Monday, 15th Nay, 1950, for the purpose of cor~idering matters ALl members of the Ccmm~lttee Were PreSent and His Worship Nayorplaced before them. mn of the meetlng. Eouck was chair- After consideration of the matters presented to them, the COmmittee adjourned on the ~otion of Ald. Donald an~ Jolley. ~EAD AND ADOp,;~;~;, 22 Nay, 1950. CO~LUCil Chamber, 15 May, 1950. P~rSmant to adjournment, ~ay, 1~0, for ~e P~ose ~ ~e CO~cil ~t at 7.30 p~. on Mo~, 15~ ~ of ~e Oo co~ldert~ ~c~l we~ ~ ~ ~ b~i~ss u~s of ~ p~ ....... ~ Sent. ~e OO~cil ~-_ ~ f~nce. ~ ~_ ~ ~e ~tion of ~d. ~o~d an~ ~w~ns, ~. ~ce Yore of ~e Hia- S~r ~eat~ ~as pe~t~ ~ ad. ss ~e O~cil. ~. ~k e~ined ~t ~ m~e ~n~ ~ P~nt ~ ser~es of Pr~uct~o~ ~n ~e Col- der actuaries a~ ~e~ e~ . H~e~ ~eed -------, was ........ a ~ ~ ~n ~ ~ n~ ~ the street an~ located on the Canadian Pacific Telegraph Cc~l~y poles where they would not create a nuiSance~ and a decision f~mn the Cmnpany was expected on nesday of this week. ,~ ~ l~solution No.~ C C~0'NICATION ~e followin~ Co~municatious was presented: No. 140 - St. Patrick's Rectors - invitation to prayer crusade, 26th May. 0RD- ~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the c~cation be rec- eived and filed, the invitation be accepted, and as man~ of the members of Council as find it possible, attend the meeting. Ald. McKinley left the meeting. Tenders had been called for general supplies for the year 1950. On the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald the tenders submitted were opened, initialled by His Worship Mayor Houck and read. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald that the tenders be l~b-l-ted al~ a s,mm~qry S~l~,ttted to the Finance C ...... t ttee. C0~T4UNICATIOI~ ,.~e followin~ Communications were presented: No. 141 - .C~-wles Warnock ami Co. I.~m*ted - re appraisal services. 0RDEA$10 on the motion of Ald. Miller ami MacDonald *~t the c.-.-~-m~cation be received and filed, and the representatives of the Ccml~y be hear~ when they are present at a meet- ing. No. 142 - Nie~ Fe_!~ O~t~m~st Air GeAets - invitation to inspection, 26th May. 01~)EI~D on the motion of Ai~. Hawkins and Jolley that the c*mm~mzication be rec- eived an~ filed, the invitation be accepted and as many of the members of the Council as find it convenient atten~ the insl~ction; and further that the Cadets be advised of the previous invitation to Council for the same night. No. 143 -' O--ad/an Federation of Ma~ors and Municipalities No. 144 - Cad-<limn Federation of ~ors a~ M~ci~lities - re di~s~r relief for ~ a~ resolution ~ flo~ a~ fi~ ~s~rs. 0~ om the motion 0f ~. ~er a~ ~ ~t ~ c~tio~ ~ recei~d ~d find, t~t ~e Co~cil e~o~e ~ese ~o ~n~ a~ a~ s~sti~ ~de by ~s W~ship ~y0r Ho~k f~ ai~ ~ ~e ~o c.'~,.,-~m~ties. ~ ~ts c~ecti~ Hie Worship ~yor No~k ~se~ ~t ceftin acti~ is bei~ ~n loc~ to co~ect f~s and sup- plies for-~ a~ Wi~g a~ ~ as~ ~t ~d. ~cDo~d ~ c~ of ~e acti~ties ~ ~ ~ ~e Co~ti~. No. 1~5 - Daughters of St. George - requesting permission to hold tee day. 0RD- ~ on the motion of Ai~. MacDonald ami Hawkins th~ 'the c~h~uztcmtion be rec- eived an~ filed, and permission be ~ranted. ~he followin~ l~porte were presented: No. 84 - City Clerk - re conference held 8th May. OI~EI~ on :the motion of Dor~l~ an~ MacDonal~ %_~_.t the~ re~ort. Be received and filed. No. 85 - ~ C~Cjerk - re instu~ance on boards, commissions, etc. 01~DEi~D on the motion of Ald. Mille~ ami Jolley that the report be received and laid on the table until the next meeting, and the City Manager obtain further information frc~ the Canadian Underwriters, Association with regard to the key rate for the municipality. No. 86 - Cit~lerk - recomm~uding issuance of licences. 0 of Ald. Jolley and-Hawkins that ' ...... RDERED on the motion mendatione be adopted. ~ report Ce received and filed, and the recom- ~ESOLUTIO~ ' ~e followin~ .Resolutions were passe~: No. 78 - _HAI4EiKNS . MacDONALD - RESOLVED that this Council approve and encourage the activities of %h~ ~l~g~ra Falls Summer ~neatre and the support of the citiz- ens be asked for this group; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried -Ald. McKinley voting contrary to the motion. No. 79 - DONALD - JOLLEY - RESOLVED that the matter of the request of Mr. George Eealey of the Bel Mar Souvenir shop for removal of telephones for taxi c~npanies, now located on poles outside his p~ace of business, be /aid on the table until the next meeting to permit the Core, ny to make arrangements for their telephones ~n another location; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto afTixed. Carried unanimousl.y No. 80 - MTT.T.~.R - ~u~-~ ~' ~ ...... ~o - RE~OLVED that a letter of congratulation be forwarded to the N~agara Falls Collegiate Vocational Institute Cadet Corps for their excel- lent showing during the annual cadet inspection; ampi the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. B~Y-LAWS following By-law was presented: ~ - To stop up portions of Gladstone Avenue and to sell the portions so stopped up. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. l~awkins and Donald that Ald. Mil- ler be given the privilege of intro~ucing the by-l-w an~ the by-law be read the first t~ - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standin~ Rules of Co,~a/1 Be sUSpended and the by-law be given the Second reading - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Eawklns that the by-law ~e laid on the table to perm/t the necessary advertisement of the ~e~following By-laws were passe,l: ~ - To authorize the execution of an a~reement for sale and deed. ~t was ordered on the motion of Ald. Jolle~ and Miller that Ald. Eaw- ~ns be giVen the privilege of introducing the b~-/aw and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Do--~ and MacDonald that l~ule 36 (2) of the Stamling Rules of Council be suspended and the By-law be giVen the No. 4~ - To authorize the execution of an a~reement for sale ~ncl deed. I't wa~ ordered on the motion of Ald. Jolley and Donald that Ald. Haw- kine be given the privilege of. introdUCing 'the by-law and tho by-law be read tho first time - Carried. -. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Miller that Rule 36 · (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be ~iven the second reading - Carried. reading -Ald. MacDonald and Donald - Caa~ried. The Council e~lJourned on the motion of Ald. ~olley and Hawkins. Clerk Mayor Council Chamber, 15 May, 1950. ~e Finance Cn~,~ttse mot on Monday, 15th May, 1950 for the purpose of approvin~ an~ eXso of ~assin~ the various accounts which had been properly cert- ifie~ and placed before then. Ail members ~f the CommLittee, with the exception of A~. Mc~i~ey, were present. Sundry accounts emountin~ to $32,452.~2 were approved by the C _~m,~ttee. ~e accounts eulnitted, bein~ passed or otherwise dealt with~ were ord- ere~ placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ai~. De~l~ and Jolley. ~e report of the City 14ana~r, with reference to the application for a builddn~ l~rmit for the remod~llins of ~ Ontario Avenue, as laid over frae previous meetinSJ, was considered. Ald. Hawkins aake~ that Kin ~orehip Mayor Wouak ta~e the chair in or,er that he misht present a motion. Ein ~orship Mayor Rouck was in the~:ehair, ami it was c~der~l on the motion of AI~. Hawkins an~ ley that the re~ort be received aml filed, ami a permit be ~rante~ for the work under the sul~A~Asion of the City M~_~er. A1A.. I.~ s-&~l Donal~ voted contrary to. +~J.s,n~.t!<m. . ~. - , An offer was presented fr~n the Falls Construction Co. Ltd. of $500.00 for available lots on Hanan Avenue. An additional offer was presented from Basil ¢oec~m~glio for the purchase of land adjacent to his property on Slater Avenue. It was orddered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and His Worship Mayor Houck that the offers be received and laid on the table for consideration by the Property C~ttee. A cenmmu~cation was presented from the Imperial Bank of Canada regard- ing the purchase of a proposed debenture issue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Do~ld that the co~nunication be received and laid on the table, and the Bank be adVised that nothing can be done until action thereon has been ta~en by ~e Ontario Municipal Board; and further that the Provincial Treasurer be contacted to ascertain if it would be possible for the Corporation to borrow the necessary fun~s from the provincial fund which is to be set up for assistance to mu~icipalities. A c~muunication was presented from R.C.Young and Co. regarding coverage for boiler insurance on the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena. ~t was ordered on the motion of Ald. Inglis and MacDonald that the communication be received and filed. A report was presented from the City Manager, reconnuending the Purchase of an Englis 1950 Ford, 1/4 ten panel truck at a net price of $925.00 from Vlct- 0ria Motors for use by the parking meter serviceman. It was ordered on the mot- ion of Ald. MacDonald ami Miller that the report be received and.filed, and the rec~,~ndation be adopted. A report was Presented from the City M~nager, reco~.enddng the issuance of a building permit to Wm. Briscall Company for a store on Victoria Avenue. Zt was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Jolley that the report be received and filed, and the rec~ndatlon be adopted. ~e Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller. 01erk ~.~, , ~.~J~irm~n of Finance ~ Council Chamber, 15 May, 1950. ~e Co-p~il re-assembled at the close of the regular council and f~n- meetings for tho purpose of passing the by-law which covered the-accounts ~d W~e~.e Ccmmttte.e. ~All members of the Council, with the exception.of Ald. ; presort. S, , " ~ BY-~W following By-law was_passed: No. k~3.7. - To Grant Monies for Ooneral Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and JoLley that Ald. Haw- kins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be Md the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried. Sired reading -Ald. MacDonald and Donald -' Carried. Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and JoXey. i~ A~D ADOP~ED~ 22 May, 1950. Clerk Nayor Council C~nmber~ 15May, 1950. Se Conference C~A~ittee of the City Council assembled at the close of the rege.lar council ami finance meetings on Mon/ay, 15th May, 1950, for the pur- pose of considering the various m~tters preeente~ to them. Ail members of the C....,~ttee were p~esent and His Worship Mayor Houck was chairmen of the meeting. ,"After consideration of the.mattors placed l~fore them, the C~w, lttee adjourns/0n the motion of Ai~. Jolle2 and Hawkins. I~J~DAI/DADOP~ED, 22May, 1950. TWENTY-SEC0~D $~EE TING Council Chamber, 22 May~ 1950. REGULAR MEETING Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 22nd Nay, 1950, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council were present. Se Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid. MacDonald. and Emwkins. DEPUTATI0~ On the motion of Ald. Jolley and McKinley, Mr. George Ashby was per- mitted to address Council. Mr. Ashby spoke on behalf of the residents in the Morse-Misener subdivision and protested the sale of any further lots on Hanan Avenue in the area which was proposed to be used as a playground. SEE Petition No. 14 On the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley, Mr. Mizibrock~ was permit- ted to speak to Council. Mr. Mizibrocky protested about the conditions existing adjacent to his property caused by the operation of the Niagara Plumbing Supply G~mpan~. He Particularly c~p~ained of the noise and filth and of the burning of ra~bish close to his home, SEE Rpsolut~i~n No. 8~ CC~MUNIpA~IO~i~_ ~e follo~in~ Oomm,nlcations Were pre~d: N0. ~6 - ~ ~ on,much i - ~questi~ pe~ssion for ~de a~ in~t- ation. ~ on ~e motion of ~. ~wki~ a~ ~cDo~d ~t the co~t- i~ ~ ~cei~d ~d filed, pe~ssion ~ ~n~, ~e in~tlon be accepted~ ~ ~ of ~e ~m~rs of Co~cll as possible at~ the P~e. N0. ~7 - ~n's Aid Societ~ - InaCtion ~ a~l ~eti~. 0~ on ~tion of ~. Mi~er ~d ~o~e~ ~t ~e c~tlon be ~ceived a~ filed, ~e lnvi~ti~ be aceep~d, ~ as ~ of ~e ~m~rs of Co~cll as possible at- ~o. ~8 - ~ien Fe~e~on o~ ~e~s end ~c~es . re ~ ~C~ey e~ ~wk~ ~ ~e c~- No. ~9 - 0~n ~P~r. 1.0.D~.. ~ ~sti ~ ~e ~tion of ~d. r~.~. ~-= ,,~ ~ ~ ~ pe~ssion for ~ ~v. ~ gii~' ~ae pe~ss~ ~ ~nt~ a~ ~e O~-~I- ~'~ ~lca~lon ~ recei~ an~  ~e ~ Flo~ ~e~ef F~ ~ s c~t~e for ~e ~si~ of f~. ° ' . _ _ m,~_~~t~ ~ ~oe~ved ~ f ~ .~ ,._ . ~ Wawkins and Jolley that the report be received and filed. No. 88 - Cit~ Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. 01~DEI~) on the motion of Ald. Jolley and MacDonald.tlmt the report be received and filed, and the rec- ~e foLlowin~ Petitions were presented: No. 14 - George Ashby and 108 others - pretesting sale of iota. O~o~;lt~D on the motion of Ald. Inglis and MacDona~l that the petition be received and laid on the ~able; and the Property C(..~hlttee and the City Engineer be asked to meet the dele. ~ation on the property to go over the whole matter. No. 15 - F.H.B~-Ame and 1 other - requesting curb and gutter on Sy~mes Street. · ORDEE~D on the motion of Ald. Dor~l&-and Miller ~.bat the ~etition be recei'ved and referred to the City Engineer for a report. No. 16 - W.S.Buchmnan and 2 others - req~sting sidewalk on Florence Avenue. 0R- DEleD on the motion of Ald. Jolley and Miller that the petition be received and referred to the City Nansger for a report. Ald. Miller asked when prices could be eXpected with regard to the pro- posed t~affic light for the intersection of Victoria Avenue and Epworth Place. ~e City Manager advised ~mt prices had been requested and it was eXpected these would be available within the next few days. Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. NcEinley and Hawkins. AND ADOPTED, 29 l~y, 1950. Clerk Mayor 419 ' I~SOLUTION ~he foLlowin~ Resolution was passed: No. 81 - McKINLEY - JOLIET - I~SC~VED that the PrOl~rty C,~,~ttee be requested to consider and report to Council upon the conditions about which Mr. Mizibrocky has made complaint; a~l the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried un~t~ousli ~e following By-law was passed: No. 4~$,8 - To authorize the North American Cyanamid T.'t~'~tad to construct a pipe It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald and Hawkins that Ald. ley be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law Be read the first time - Carried ur~nimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Jolley an~ Donald that Rule 36 of the Standing Rules of Council be suspende~ and the by-law be given the secon~ reading - Carried unamimously. reading - Ai~. Donal~ an~ Hawkins - Carried His Worship Nayor Houck advised Council of the plans in progress for the presentation of a variety show at the Niagara Falls Arena for the raising of funds in ai~ of the Manitolm Floo~ vict~. HiS l~orship advised that an organiz' ation meeting for the c ...... ~ttee in charge woul~ be held mt the City ~ on May an~ asked that a s ~'~7 of the members of Council as possible be present and lend their aseisthace in the u~ler+~_~ng. Els~W°rship also nama~ the various local or~nizations which were assisting Am this regaA~. Aid. MaW~uley asked the Ct~ Manager and the Traffic O~.~.~ttee and report upon the su~;estton that l~rki~ be ew4,.4nate~, for thirty to fourty feet westerXy from the corner of Victoria AYenue. on both sides of Sirocco street. '- Council Chamber, 22 May, 1950. ~e Finsnce Committee met on Monday, 22nd May, 1950, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the variou~ accounts which had been properly cert- ified and placed before them. Ail members of the Committee were present. Sun~ accounts amounting to $5,175.9~ were approved by the COmmittee. T~e accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered 'placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of AI~. McEinley and Jolley. Offers had been received fr~n F.Bretti, David p. Dawson and Basil Coc- cimigllc for Lots 908 and 907, McGrail Avenue. Upon the recommendation of the Property Ccmnittee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Jolley it was ordered that the offers be received and filed, and Mr. Coccimiglio be advised that the C~rporati0n is prepared to sell Lot 908, McGrail Avenue for the st~n of $150.00. ~e offer of the Falls Construction Co. Ltd. for lots on Hanan Avenue, as laid over frc~ a previous meeting, was considered. Upon the rec~-~ndation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. l~cElnley and MacDonald it was 0mlered that the cmmunication be received and lai~[ on the table until the next ~etin~ to permit the Cc~nittee to inspect the location. ~e repo~t of the Property Cm.,~ttse on the above matters was presented. It Was Ordered on the motion of Aid. McKinley and MacDonald that the report be received and filsd~ A report was presented from the City Treasurer with re~rd to the 0nt- ~lo MUnicipal Tmprovement Corporation Act. ~t was ordered on the motion of Aid. and Donald that the report be reeetve~, laid on the table and referred the City T~easurer for further informa.tion. A c~-.antcation was presented from the T~p. er~al Dank of CanS_da with re~. ar~ to a proposed debenture issue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and McZlinley tint the coammnication be received and filed and the Bank be notif. .~ied that nothing can be done in this regard until action has been +~k-en thereon by The Ontario Municipal Bcar~. A report was presented fr~n the City Manager regarding the debt posit- ion of the City. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Inglis and Miller that the report be received and lald on the table until the next meeting, and no public- ity be given to the same in the meantime. On the motion of His Worship Mayor Houck and Aid. Jolley, representat- ives from the Chas. Warnock and C~Dany I.~ted, industrial engineers and ap- praisers, were permitted to aAdress the C~r, tttee. Mr. LittleJohn and Mr. Bent- ley addressed Council and gave them information with re~d to what their Company would undertake with re~ard to the re-assessment of the City. Hie Worship Mayor Houck thanked the speakers for their presentation and advised that consideration would be given to their proposal by the Finance Cc~mittee. ~e s,mm~wy of tenders for for the year 1950 was presented, and CRUS~.'D STONE FOR CONCi~E CRUS~u STONE FOR PAFING PLANT CI~FS~ED STONE FOR ROADS supplies and materials for the Corporation the following action was taken thereon: OI~DEI~ED on the motion of Ald. Inglis and Don. eld tk~t the tender of Qneenston Quarries I.~,~ted be accepted. A prior motion was made by Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the tender for Crushed Stone for concrete be awarded to Calaguiro brothers, but this motion was del- e&ted. ASPHALT SAND WA~ER WASHED COI~O~E~ SAND CO~I~E SAND GI~A~ FOR CONONE~E 01~DE~m~D on the motion of Aid. Inglis and Don- eld that the tenders for sand and gravel be accepted from Calaguire Brothers. (His Wor- ship Mayor Houck, Aid. MacDonald and Miller voted contrary to this motion.) ' 'L]I~ESTONE DUST F~ PAF~G PLANT Oi~)EI~D on the motion of Aid. Donald and Mil- ler that the tender of the North American C~a~,,-~d D~m~ted be accepted. PAU~NG ASEtA~T 0~I~3) on the motion of Aid. Inglis and Mc- Kinley that the tender of ~n~erial Oil Lim- ited be accepted. F~EL OIL OI~ENED on the motion of Aid. Miller and Don. that the tender of British American 0il Cc~pany L~m~ted be accepted. SUPPLY Ai~ APPLY I~T ~A~gl~ Oi~Ei~gD on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mac- Donal~l that the tender of M.L.Plyley be ac- cepted. SUPPLY AND APPLY ~D]I~ LIQUID ASPHALT Oi~D~ED on the motion of Aid. Miller and Mac. Donald that the tender of M.L.Plyley be cepted. SUFPLY Ai~ APPLY STONE OHJP SUPPLY I~DII~ LIQUID ASPII~T 01~DEG~D on the motion of Aid. Donald let that the tender ~of N.L.Plyley be ~am~ ~hat these supplies be purchased in the open ~aryst 'if and when the same are ~c. GASOLINE - at p~ps FIRE HOSE ORDEi~D on the motion of Ald. Donald and Jol- ley that this material be purchased in the open market. Oi~DEI~D on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mil- ler that the tender of the BiLateral Hose Company be accepted~ as recommended by the Fire Chief. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Jol- ley that these supplies be divided between the firms tendering on the Same. Ald. Inglis asked why tenders were not called for the purchase of pint. ~e City Manager adVised that erper~m~nts were being conducted with re~L~i to traffic paint, in an effort to obtain a product which would be satisfactory and suppliersC°nsequently', the paint was being purchased in small qUantities from the various It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Miller that tenders for coal supplies be called ~mm~diately. ~le l~evenue and Expenditure Statement as of 30th April was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Do~,!d and Jolley that the statement be rec- eived and laid on the table until the next meeting. T,e Cmm,~ttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley. ADOPTED, 29 May, 1950. ~_ ~hairman of Finance Council Chamber, 2~ May, 1950. ~e Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- aace meetings for the purpoSe of passing the by-law which covere~ the accounts al~ro~ed by .the Cce~tttee.. Ail members of the Council were present. kine be given the privilege of introducin~ the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried u~mcnsly. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. ~ird reading -.Ald. l~cEAnley and MacDonald - Carried uns,~mously. ~e Council adJournsH on the tactic: of Ald. Hawkins a~d Miller. AND ADOP~ED, 29 Nay, 1950. Council Chamber, 29 May, 1950. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 29th May, 1950, for the purpose of considering general business an~ flnance. Ail mem- bers of the Council Were present. The Council, having received and read the mln- utes of the previous meeting, adopted these .on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and MacDonald. Clerk ~ay0r Council Chamber, 22 May, 1950. The Conference C~m.~ttee of the City Council assembled at the close of the re~,,1,~ council and finance ~etinge on Monday, 22nd May, 1950, for the pur- pose of considering the various matters presented to them. Ail members of the C~m~ttee were present and His Worship Mayor Eouck was chairman of the meeting. After consideration of the matters placed before them, the C.-~.,~ttee adjourned on the motion of Ai~. Mc~inle~ and Hawkins. ~ AI~ ADO~ED, ~ 29 May, 1~50. 01erk Chairman ~EPUTAT~0_~ In connection wi~ Communication No. 153 and on the motion of Ald. Haw- kine and McKinley, a committee from the Niagara FaLls Junior Chamber of Commerce was permitted to address Council. Mr. George Martin Was the speaker and advised the meeting that the Club wished permission to erect Wings printed with the words '~rive Safely" on all traffic signals throughout the City. The Club wo~ld supply the signs and asked that the City forces erect the same. Mr. George Downing, $1mirman of the Safety Campaign being conducted by the Club, asked permission to stencil the words '~ake Safety a Habit" on the pavement crosswalks, immediately below the Sidewalk at as many intersections throughout the City as possible. He also requested permission to p~ace a wrecked car on the sm,~l park on Valleyway and Queen Street with signs upon the same, for the week of June llth which will be observed as "Safety ~eel~'. Ald. Donald arrived at the meeting. ~ Co~undcation No. 193 _~ENDERS Tenders had been called for the supply of firemen's urdforms for the current year. On the motion of Aid. Hawkins and MacDonald the tenders submitted were opened, initialled by Els Worship Mayor Houck, read and referred for tabul- ation ~ a report thereon at the next meeting. C~CATI0~ ~over from previous meett~: ~0. 109 - Veteran Taxi ~'o. 120 - MacDonald Veteran ~ . re stand on Main Street, 01~E~ on the motion of Ald. and Mckinley that the coz~undcations be received and filed, and & stand for one car be permitted on ~ai~ Street i~ fromt~of the Hollywood Lunch~ t~mpor- ~ CcemmAnication No. 1~1~ ~e~.~fcllowin~ 0c~mrmications Were presented: b. 151 Vete~ra~ Taxi - re stand on Main Street. 01~EltED on the motion of Ald. and McEinley that the c~.~-~'nlcatien be received and filed. 152 - D.Ar~- - MacD ~ ' appreciation of assistance. 0~g~D on the motion of enald and In,lis that the cc~xicatien be received and filed~ and a . of welcome ~e sent to the ~erber-O~ilvle ~aby ~cods. ~.,Jls~ ~ Niagara ~"alle ~er c~ber ..of ~ -~==--~e 're~ueating perm~ssion for safety measures. 0auE~ on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the c~anication be received and filed, and the Club be given 'authority to prepare the proposed signs, ~.~-~t the City Manager authorize the erection of the same. FUR'I~.:R 01~EA~D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolle2 that the Club be given authority to paint slogans on the pavements at crosswalks, as suggested and als0 be permitted to place a wrecked car on the park area at Valleyway an~ Queen St~et during ~fety Week. I~POR~ · ~e following Reports were presented: No. 89 - Property C~-.=~ttee - re Morse-Mlsener subdivision. 0~a~m~ on the mot- ion of Ald. Mckinley and Hawkins tk%t the report be received and filed, and the reo~ndation be adopted. ~mm Petitioq ~o_.~14 No. 90 - _Cit~ Clerk - re conference held 22r~l May. OR~E~ o~ the motion of Ai~. Miller an~ McKinley that the report be received and filed. No. 91 - Cit~ Clerk - recommending issumnoe of licences. 0~Ei~D on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the report be 'received and filed, anal the rec- ~ndations be adopted. ~o. 92 - Traffic C~..,~ttee - ~-~ing various recu~mendations, uA~um~ED on the mo,- ion of Ald. Jolley and MacDonal~ that the ~eport ~e received ami filed, and the rec~maendations be adopted. No. 93 - CitF Clerk - re hearing of ~e Ontario ~m~cipal Board. 0~umE on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins that the report be received and filed. No. 94 - City ~.n~i,ueer - recommending sidewalk on east side of Hcmewcsxl Avenue. 9~ - City Engineer - rec~-.,anding sidewalk on east side of Acheson Avenue. 96 - City Enainser - rec~maemdi~g sidewalk on west side of Acheson Avenue. 97 - City Engineer - rec.~m~nding sidewalk on west side of Florence Avenue. 98 - City Engineer - rec~adtng sidewalk on east side of Lowell Avenue. 99 - City Engimeer - rec~maeading curb and g~tter on S~...~s Street. 100 - City Engineer - rec~,.,~!ng curb and gutter on Lowell Avenue. No. 101 - City En~iueer' - rec~nding curb an~ gutter on Lowell Avenue. 0RD- ~.~,~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and Jolley that-the re~orte be received and filed, and the reo.~..'.~n~lations be adopted. ~ Besolution ,No,. 82 No. 102 - Auditor - 19~9 report on Treasur~, accounts. No. 103 - Andit~)r - ~949 report on Board of Ed;;e~_tion accounts. 0~DE~) on the motion of Ald. Do-~_!d an~ MacDo~e!d that the reports be received, laid on the table an~ fox,staled to the printer for printing; and further ~that the reports on other City de~ar~aente be reqnsstod as soon as possible. E~iED on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and McKinley that the petitions be received an~ flled~ and the requests be granted. ~SEE R~eport~s No. 97-92 ~e followln~ Rssolution~ ~: No. 82 - DONALD - ,~OLLW. y . REEOLVED that Concrete sidewalks be constructed on the east side of EOmewo~--~Venue, the east and west Sides of Acheson Avenue, the west side of Florence Avenue and the east side of Lowell AVenue; that concrete curbs and gutters be constructed on Symmes Street and Lowell Avenue, in accordance with the provisions of The Local Improvement Act and with the recon~endations of the City Engineer; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. - .i~SOLVED that the next regular meeting of the C~,, 1 pmace at 7.30 p.m. of the Corporation be hereto affixed, on Tuesday, 6th June; and the'~al 0arrie~d _unan~ous~ly Aid. McKinley asked that the Traffic Committee consider and report to Oouncil upon the Suggestion that parking be abolished on both sides of St. Law- tense Avenue from Ryerson Crescent to Jepson Street; and also of St. Lawrence Avenue from Queen Street to Morrlson Street. The Alderman also suggested that a directional sign for Number 8 Highway should be placed at the corner of Rrldge Street and Victoria Avenue. Aid. McKinley asked when it was proposed to commence construction on the Jepson Street sewer and the City Manager advised that this work would be started When approval had been received from the Michigan 0entral Railway Compan~ for the construction of the Sewer under their tracks. His Worship Mayor Wouck eXpressed the wishes of the members of Council for the speedy recovery of ~r. John ThmmSon, Nanager of the Imperial Bank of Can- ada. His Worship Mayor Houek reported to Council upon the progress made with re~ard to the Manitoba Flood Relief Fund show to be held at the Niagara Falls Arena on 1st June and asked for the ass/stance and co-operation of the members in making .this a success. Ald. Donald spoke about the condition of the sidewalk on the west side of Yalle2way between Morrlson Street and Willmott Street where stones from the USe~ car lot spill on to the sidewalk, making walking difficult for pedestrians. ~e suggested that the operators of the lot ~tlon, and asked ~. . . should be advised that ~_ City Manager v~ke ~* ..... to correct this Con- ~e Council ad~ournet on the motion of Aid. Nawkins an~ MacDo~!d. ~4a~or ;i, COUncil Chamber, 29 May, 1950. ~he Finance Committee met on Monday, 29th My, 1950, for the purpose of approving anal also of passing the various accounts which h~d been properly cert- ified and placed before them. Ail members of the Co, m,~ttee were present. Sundry accounts amountin~ to $68,341.91 were approved by the Committee. Se accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with; were ord- ered placed in the money by-l~w for presentation to the Council on the motion of Aid. Jolley amd McKinley. Se report of the City Manager upon the debt position ~f the City, as laid over free previous meetings, was again presented. It was ordered on the mot- ion og Ald. Y~glis an~ F~iller .that the report be received and referred to the Con- ference Cv~aittee for further consideration. A communication was presented from the Douglas Memorial Hospital with re6ard to the hospital account for Miss Mi~ie Burns. It was c~dered on the mot- ion ~f AI~. MacDonald and Miller that the c.~-,.~nication 1~ received and filed and only the indigent rate for this l~ttent be ~aid. A report was presented fi-~ the City Manager regarding the cost of a traffic sl6nal for Victoria Avenue at Epworth Circle amd Mcltae Street. It was or&steal on the motion of Aid. Miller and MacDonald that the report be received amd filed, an~ the City l~r be iuet~mctod to have the siSmal inmtalled. (Aid. Do~d votsd contrary to this motion.) A report was presente~ from the City Manager, rec~n~ing the purchase of equipment. It was ordered on the motion of AYA. Inglis ami JoZlay that the report be received and ado~ts~, and that a street sweeper Be purchased rather than a flusher. (Ald. Miller amd l~acDo-ald vote~ contrary to this motion.) An amendment was made b~ Ald. Miller amd NaoDo-~!a tint the report be received and adopted an~ a flusher be purchased. This amendment was ~efeatsd. ~ie report of the City Treasurer, as laid ~ver from a ~revious meetim6 an~ with re~ard to the Ontario l~m~ctpal ~revement Corporation Act, vas con- sidereal. A further report was au~nitted from the City Treasurer with regard to the ratse ~f interest o~Eed by the Corporation. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. In,lis a~l Donald 'that the reports be ~eoelved an~ laid on the table for consideration when tenders for debentures are suhnittsd. An offer was ~resente~ from ~.Dychtiar of $550.00 for Part of Block A, Itanan Avenue. Ul~n the reccmmemlation of the Property Cce~Ittse an~ on the mot- ion of AI~. Mckinley a~l Donald it was or~ere~ ~at the offer be received · laid on the ta$1e until the ~xt meetly. An offer was present~l from Chester Woolnough of $225.00 for ~art of ~ot 107 au~ ~ of ~ot 106, Menzi~ Street. Upon the rec~ ~udation of the Pro- perty C~,m~ttee _ertl on the ~otion cg Ald. MacDonald and ~olley it vas ordered that the offer 1~ received an~ acce~ted, sub.loot to the oomlition +.b~t a dwsl- Xi~ bem~ved to the lot. An offer vas l~eSonts~ free Nectar l~lanc~l of $250.~ for ~t ~o, ~ S~et. ~ ~e ~c~on of ~e P~ C~lt~e a~ ~ ~e ~tt0n o~, sub,eot ~ ~ c~ti~ ~t a dw$~i~ of at l~t $8,~.00 ~lue ~ An offer was presented from Lueien Blanchard of $250.00 for Lot 41, Elm Street. U~n the recca.,endation of the PA~perty C~ttee &~ on the motiOn of AI~. MaoDo~ld _-_-~ Do~e~ it vas ordered that the offer be received a,~l ac- erected on the premises within slx months. ~he report of the Property Committee on the above matters was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald that the report be rec- eived and filed. A co~,unfcatio~ was presented from F.A.Branscombe regarding the proposed ~ailding by John Krockosky on Queen Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Jolley and Miller that Mr. Krukosky be permitted to address the Committee. Mr. ~a~Akosky then spoke to the meeting. ~t Was ordered on the motion of Aid. Jolley and Miller that the co~unication be received ami laid on the table for consider- ation by the Property Committee and a report thereon. ~e C~ttee adjourned on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Jolley. AND ADop~m, 6 June, 1950. Council Chamber, 29 May, 1950. The Council assembled.at the close of the regular council and finance meetings for the purposeof passing the by-law which covered the accounts ap- proved. ·bY the Co~,~,~!ttee. Ail members of the Council Were present. ~ - ~o Grant ~es for ~ne~ P~oses. It was o~e~d on ~e ~tl~ of ~d. ~ol~y ~ Nc~ey ~t ~d. ~w- Zt was o~e~d On ~e ~ti~ of ~d. ~w~ and Do~d ~t R~e 36 (2) of ~e S~i~ ~s ~ Co--il be S~pende~ an~ ~e by-~w be ~n ~e Council adjourned on the motion of Ald, McKinley and Jolley. I~EAD AND ADOP~ED, 6 June, 1950. Clerk CONFEi~NCE Council Cb~mber~ 29May, 1950. ~e Conference Cce.n~ttee of the City Council assembled at the close of the re~,t-~ council and fir~mce meetings on Monday, 29th Nay, 1950, for the pur- pose of considerin~ the various m~tters Dresented to them. Ail members of the C~,,,,~ttee were present and His Worship I~ayor Houck was chairman of the meeting. After consideration of the matters placed before them, the C~-.-..!ttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donn~4 ami NacDonsld. ~ A~D ADOP',~:,,, 6 ~uns, 1950. 0hairman J Council Chamber, 6 June, 1950. REGULAR MEETING Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday, 6th June, 1950, for the purpose of Considerin~ general business and finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Jolley, Were present. ~e Council, having received and read the mdnutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Miller. C0~CATI0~ ~e foLlowl~.~nic~tions were~ente~d: ~54 - ~nd of Ca~dia~ _ re ~rt~ on the motion of~~ ~ ,~, ~ ~un ~ Chippawa celebration. 0R- e~d and filed. -~. ~W~ns and ~cDo~ld ~at ~e C~u~cation be rec- Coherence. C~cation ~ ~ ..... -~ ~n ~e mo~on of Ai~ v__~_ _~ ....... Citizens, ....... No. 156 - ~~~ . ~ eX~nsion of mo~l. 0~E~ on ~e motion of Ald. ~w~ and Do~d ~t ~e co~cation be recel~d and refe~ed ~ ~e Prop- erty C~t~e~ ~e City Solicl~r a~ City ~r for a report. No. 157 - Jas. M. 0sbo~e - S~estlon re b~ stop on Erie A~nue. O~D on ~e motion~f ~'~CK~ey and ~wki~ ~t ~e c~lcation be ~celved and ~fe~ed ~ ~e ~fic O~t~e for a ~port. ~. 158 - McB~e~ McB~e and D~n . r ~ '~ ~ ~e co~lcation ~ rec- eived and filed, a~ the Deponent of Hi,Ways ~ advised ~t ~e m~ci~llt2 Co~en~ to ~e ope~tion. No. 15~ - ~diluvian ~er of B E~ on me motion 0f~~ ~oes ~ an~ ~W~ns ~t the C~,n~+~_ ~'~' .~' ~d filed, ~e Invi~tion be accep~d and as ~ of ~e m~rs of Co,ell as f~nd It possible be as~d ~ at,nd. ~eports Were presente~_: ~e. 104 - ~ . re conference held 29th Ma . 0 I~oDonald and Eawkins Y i~DEi~D on the motion of Ald. that the report be received and filed. and filed, and the rec- ~ am~. ~oElr~e cmm~ndations ~til ~ ~--_. y and Hawkins that the re~ ~ ..... ' 0RDE~D on the mot- ~,-. ~,~ .,,.~,rm sewer on Jepson Stree+ ~-- ~-~'~ ~ ~ece~vea and laid on the , ~ ~ ~een constructed. ? ~SOLUT~0~ ~i~ l~esolutions w~: i} J · ation of the City of Niagara Falls approve the agreement as submitted,between the Corpo~tion of the City of Niagara Falls, the Township of Stamford and the Stamford Public Utilities Commission, providing for the supply of water to the · residents of the Township of Stamford at a price based on consumption~ raugiu~ from sixteen cents per thousand gallons to fourteen cents per thousand gallon~, with provision for a minimum purchase; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. No. 86 - McKINLEy - DONALD - RESOLVED that a letter of congratulation be to the St~mford Board of Education and the te~.~ from the Stamford Collegiate stltute upon the excellent records established by them recently at the sporting · event held in Montreal; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carl___'ie~ No. 87 - DONALD - MacDONALD - I~']SOLVED that a reward of $25.00 bo posted for the information leading to the conviction of ar~y person found guilty of damaging the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena or breaking windows therein; that signs to t~his ef- fect be posted at the Arena; ami the Seal of the Corporation be hereto ~ffixeS. C~a.rr ie_~d BY-LAW ~e following By-law was passed: No. 4~41 - To authorize the execution of a deed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that Ald. Hm~- kine be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rtules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second readi~ - Carried. Third reading -Ald. NacDo-~3~d and McKinley - Carried. Ald. McKinley asked for information with regard to the cutting of weeds on private property, and the City Manager advised what is the policy of the Corp- oration. Ald. Miller suggested that the citizens should be asked to keep the weeds on private property cut and thus el~mlnate the nuisance of seeding on other properties~ Ald. Miller spoke of the Ht~isance created during the night houa, s by the ringing of bells ama blowing of whistles on MichlEan Central Railway traine in the City. He asked that the Railway Ccmpan~ be asked to eliminate this noise as much as 'possible. His Worship Mayor Houck expressed his appreciation for the wonderful response by the citizens of the district to the appeal for funds for the Manitoba Flood Relief Fund. His ~orship also thanked the members of Council for their as- sistance and support, during the presentation of the benefit show at .the Niagara ~alls Arena. The Council a~ournsd on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins. Clerk 12 June, 1950. FINANCE MEETINC Council Chamber, 6 June, 1950. The Finance Committee met on Tuesday, 6th June, .1950, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been PrOperly certified and placed before them. All members of the Con~nittee Were present. Sundry accounts amounting to $13,168.46 Were approved by the CommXttee. Tae accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, Were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Julley. The offer of P. Dychtiar of $550.00 for part of Block A, Hanan Avenue, as laid over from a previous meeting, was considered. The communication from the Falls ConstrUction Co. Ltd. regarding lots on Hanan Avenue, as laid over from a previous meeting, was also Considered; to et Cempany of $600.00 for these lots. ~r.,~- ? her with a further offer from the ~- ~ne recc~mendatlon of the Property Com- mlttee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley it was ordered that the offers be received and filed and that of the Falls Construction Co. Ltd. be ac- cepted, subject to the condition that a dwelling of at least $8,000.00 value be erected upon the premises within six months. The co~nunlcation frcm F.A.Branscombe regarding a building permit for John ~osky for a barber shop on Quee~ Street, as laid over from a Pm~vious meeting, was considered. Upon the reccmmendation of the Property Co~ittee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Miller it Was Ordered that the communication be received and filed, and Mr. Branacombe be advised that the proposed erection AS not suitable for this location. The report of the Prepay C~!ttee upon the above matters and with reg- ard to the complaint made by Mr. Mixibrocky, was Presented. ~t was ordered on the mOtion of Ald. MCEinley and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the reeom~andations be adopted. Ald. Jolley arrived at the meeting. ~e surm~.wy of tenders submitted for the supply of firemen.s uniforms was presented. The City Manager .made a verbal reccmmendation as f~"- . -- f0~teen suits be purchased from eases Gullion at $62.50 ando~ows. Tha~ thirteen suits be purchased frcm Tip Top Tailors at $6~.85; that the shirts be purchased from James ~ullion at $4.25; that the pea ~acket at $34.00 and the trench coat at $40.00 be purchased from M~rshall,s Men's Shop and the caps be Purchased from Tip Top Tall- °rs at $4.50 and $3.75. ~t was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald and MCKinley that all suita be Purchased from J. Donald voted ~ ........ ames Oullion ~Y and Do~n~"~'f.r~.~_r~!s tactic_ri.) Zt was at $62.~0. (~d. Jol3~y and Mac- cp · It was ordered on the motion of A~d. ordered on the motion of Ald. Mc- a~ ted ~'~ ~A~ rec~mnendation with re~ard to the purchase of caps, be ~is..the shirts., pea ~acket and trench ~ m~y l~mager. (Ald. Mille ~ Coatf .be purchased as m0~On.) An amendment Was made by Aid. Miller and Donald that the tenders for r and MacDonald vo~eu against this Skirts be returned to the merchants to permit them to Submit prices on higher gra~es and that the Submitted prices be net Pt%blished until the next tenders are e~tted. This motion was defeated. ~e Cmmlttee adjourned on ~A~.AND ADOp'A~m, 12, ~uns, 1950. the motion of Ald. Mol~Inley and Donald, Chairman of Finance. Council Che-mb ez,, 6 June, 1950. The Council assembled at the close of the reg~,]~r council and finance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts proved by the Comm!ttee. All members of the Council were present. BY -LA~Y The following By-law was passed: .N.o.. 4~4-2 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley that Ald. Haw~ kins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried una~onsly. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the sec- end reading - Carried unanimously. ~ Third reading - Aid. MacDonald ami Donald - Carried unanimously. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Jolley. AND ADOP~D, 19 June, 1950. Mayor Council C~b,mber ~ 6 June~ 1950. The Conference Cn..,,{t%ee of the City Council assembled at the close of the re6,,1-~ council and finance meetings on Tuesday, 6th June~ 1950, for the pur- pose of oousidering the various matters presented to them. Ail members of the Co.....~ttee were present and His Worship Mayor Houck was chairman of the meeting. After consideration of the matters placed before them~ .the ~C ....... ~ tree ad0ourne, d on. the motion of Ai~. McKinley and Jelled. /~"~' · AND ADOP~ED, 12 J~ne, 1950. ~'fENTY-FIFTH MEET~,~C REGULAR ~ETING Counc fl Chsmber~ 12 June, 1950. Pursuant to adJourr~ent, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 12th June, 1950, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All mem- bers of the Council were present. The Council, ha~ing received and read the min- utes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. b~cDonald and Eawkins. DEPUTATIONB In connection with Communication ~o. 156 and Petition No. 17 and on the notion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins, members of a dele~tlon Were permitted to ad- dress Council. Mr. Peter Gordon, Mrs. K.J.~Iisby, Mrs. G.Glassbrook, ~irs. A.H. Collett, Mrs. Thelma ~hitehead, Mr. J.L.Molnar and others advised Council of their objections to the granting of permission for the erection of an additional motel ~ait on Bender Hill. Mr. George Chanady also spoke and explained the conditions with regard to his application~hr such a permit. SEE Co~nunication No. 156 _~ENDE~ Tenders had been called for the supply of an air c~mpressor and coal supplies for the Corporation. On the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley the tenders were opened~ initialled by }{is Worship Mayor Houck~ read and tabulated. It was further ordered on t~e motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald t~hat the sum- mary of tenders for the compressor be referred to the Equipment Committee for a report and recommendation. CC~4MUNICATI0____~_~ Laid over frc~ revions m~: N0. 156 - Hollywood Motel - re additional unit. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~awkins and MaeDo~l~ ~t the communication be received and filed. _S~EE Report ~ No. 157 - Jas. _M. Osborne - re bus stop on Erie Avenue Aid. Eawkius and MacDonald ~o~ +~ .... ,,~_~. - · 0RDEI~D on the motion of .... ~ummun~a~mon De received and filed, and the matter of bus congestion at this point be taken with Inglis was not present at this t~e.) up the bus company. (Ald. ~ Report No. 108 ~e__~_ofoLl_ owln~ Commtu!ications were presented~. No. 160 - ~ - requesting permission, for additional cabin. 0RD- E~D on the motion of Ald. Inglis and MacDonald that the communication be rec- eived and filed~ and the OWner be advised that additional cabins will not be per- ~ltted. 1~0. 161 - United Brotherhood of C~ .a.rpentore and Joiners of and ~nSpec~or. ¢~,.:_~m1~ on the v-~ion of Ald. Inglis and McKinle~ '.tha~ bu/lding the ~cation .be received and laid on the table and the union be asked to meet Coun- cil for the discussion of this-matter. ~o. 162 - Greater Nia{~ra Sw~m,~,~ Club - requesting permission for use of pool. 0~I~D on--the motion of Ald. HaWkins and Jolley that the co~nioation be reo- eive~ an~ referred to the Cit~ Manager for a report. No. 163 - Niagara Falls Civic Employees' Union - re annual picnic, 29th July. 0RDEF~D on the motion of Ald. Dor~ld and Hawkins that the communication be eived and laid on the table until the next meeting, and referred to the Cit~ ager for. a report. The following Reports were presents?: No. 107 - Property Committee - re request for additional motel. ORDEI~ED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the recommaendation be adopted. SEE Petition No. l~ No. 108 - Traffic Cum~.Ittee - re bus stop an& through street. OI~DEI~ED on thc motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the recon~end~tions be adopted. (Ald. Inglis was not present when this nztter was being considered.) No. 109 - City Clerk - re conference held 6th June. OI~EI~D on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the report be received and filed. No. ilO - City Clerk - rec~.,~...~nding issunnce of licences. ORDEEED on the motion of Ald. Jolley and ~acDonald that the report be received and filed, and the rec- ommendations be adopted. No. lll- City Manage~ - re request for erection of signs. OI~D~I~D on the mot- ion of Ald. Hawkins and Jolley that the report be received and filed, and pennis- sion be granted. · No. LI2 - Fire Chief - rec~ndlug appoin~ent of lieutenant. Oi~EEED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkius that the report be received and filed, and the reco~aendation be adopted. No. lib - Cit~ Treasurer - report on convention in Montreal. OI~EE~ED on the mot- ion, of Ald. ~cDonald and H~wkins that the report be received and filed. VERBAL ~EP ORT His Worship Mayor Houck and the City ~znager made a verbal report upon the Manager's consultation with officials of the Depar~ent of Municipal Affairs in connection with the matter of the possible hiring of a firm to assist with the assessment eq~_~e~ ization in the City. The followin~ Petition was presente.d: No. 17 - J.R.Eolnar and 100 others ,- protesting permission for additional motel. 0P~EIt~) on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the. peti~i°n be reo- eived an~ filed. ~e following B~-laws were passed: No. 4~$4 - To stop up portions of Gladstone Avenue and to sell the portions so stoppod up. ~ix~ ~eading -Ald. Donald~and Hawkins - Carried unanimously. N_~. 4~4~ - To authorize the execution of an agreement for s&le ~nd deed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald ~nd McF~nley t~t Ald. Haw- kims be given ~e privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-lm* be re~d the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Jolley and Miller that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and t~e by-l~w be given t~e second reading - Carried unanimously. ~hird reading -Ald. MacDonald aud Hawkins - Carried unanimously. N~o. 4~,4.4 - To authorize the execution of an agreement for sale and deed. Zt was ordered on the motion of Ald. Jolley and Miller t~t Ald. Hawkins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and ~cDonald that Rule ~6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be give~ the second readiug - Carried m~nimously. ~ird reading -Ald. Jol!ey and l~cDonald - Carried unanimously. 1,ffSCELLANEOUB His ~{orship ~yor Houck extended an invitation to the members of the Council, the city officials, tho press a~i r~dio representatives to be his guests for golf and dinner ~t Erie Downs Golf Course on Tuesday~ 27th Jtme. Ald. McKinley asked that the traffic comm~ ttee consider the erection of slow signs on streets in the Welland Securities subdivision for the protection of children going to and fr~ the swimming pool. Ald. Inglis asked the City Manager to advise Council with regard to the supply of water to the City during the hot weather of the past week, and the City Manager advised of. the work being done at the Filtration Plant and the storage of ~ator. Ald. Inglis asked that action be taken to repair the holes in the road on Sylvia Place and that sigus be erected on Main Street, directiug motorists to the parking space at the rear of buildings on the east side of Main Street. Ald. Inglis spoke about the functioning of the Arena Cemmlttee and pro- posed arrangements for the dedication of the arena~ which arrangements had been made without the approval of the C~ttee. Ald. Inglis suggested that the Depar~ent of Highways should be asked to keep the weeds cut on their properties on Roberts Street, as is done by the City forces on lands under the control of the municipality. Aid. Donald spoke about the dedication of the new arena, and regretted that time had not been permitted for the installation of a suitable _memorial pla~ue at that time. Aid. Inglis spoke about the use of Poplar Park by carnivals and the c0~sequent inconvenience for baseball teams which had scheduled games arranged. tsuggested that these te~ms should be permitted to play the scheduled ~ames at es Park when the field at Poplar Park is not available. Aid. Inglis also spoke about the use of the municipal fields for the holding of carnivals and felt these fields should not be used for this purpose. ~e~s~ed that the City Manager. ~report u~,on this matter.. '. The Council ~dJourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Dor~ld. EFAD AND ADOP~D, 19 June, 19~0. Clerk FINANCE MEETING Council Cha~ber~ 12 June, 1990. The Finance Committee met on Monday, 12th June, 1950~ for the.purpose of appreviug anal also of passing the various accounts which had been properly certified an~ placed before thom. All members of the C~mmfttee were present. Sundry accents emounting to $39,956.~3 were approved by the Cow~ttse. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley. On the motion of Ald. Jolley and His Worship Mayor Houck, Yw. McKim of Mc~tr~ and Son was permitted to speak to the Commlttee. Mr. Mc~fra spoke about blocking of one of the entrances to his place of business on Valleyway during conducting of the safety demonstration by the Niasara Falls Junior Ch~ber of Commerce. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley that the City Manager and Ald. Hawkins consult with the Junior Chamber with the idea of remedy. ing the situation and making arrangements whereby traffic will be .able to paso along Valle~way from Morrison Street to Victoria Avenue. A communication was presented from Martin, Calvert and Matthews with re~ard to the application of F.A.Branscombe for a permit to erect a barber shop on Queen Street. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. McEinley and MacDonald it was ordered that the c~unication be ~eceived and filed, and a permit be issued upon compliance with the building laws and sul~ztselon of proper plans and specificationS. The report of the Property C~ttee on the above matter was presen~d. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McEinley and MacDonald~ that the report be received and filed. An offer was presented from E.0.Iaur e~ $~25.00 for Lot 94, Lowell Ave. nus. Upon the rec:.,...~udation of the Px~pert2 C~"~"~ttee and on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and McEinley it was ordered that the offer be received and laid on the ~able to permit the ¢~.~ttee to 'inspect the ~roperty. A c~m~nic~tion was presented fro~. to Lot $~ Emery S~reet. Upon the ree~m~naa~xon ox ~n~ on the motion of Ald. McKinley and ~ollay it was ordere~ e~at the ocmmmisati0n 1~ received an~ l~id~on the ,table to De _~r~i~$. the l~epertY~ ~O~-'~'~ttoe. to consider the matter. The report of the Property Committee on the above matters was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley that the report be rec- eived and filed. Ald. Inglis asked the City ~n~ger to advise whether overtime is paid to the staff of the Garbage and Ash Department. The City Manager advised that overtime is paid to members of this Department only for work on S~ndays and hol- idays when it was necessary to provide service to certain properties. It was ordered on the motion of His ~orship ~yor Houck and Ald. Miller that the City Clerk write the General Niagara General Hospital Trust to ask t~mt the Council be kept informed with regard to any possible capital eXpenditures contemplated by them and any decision on their part to appeal to the electors for funds for building. ~e C~,~ttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and ~illler. AND ADOPTED, 19 June, 1950. Council Cb-mber, 12 June, 1950. ~e Council assembled at the close of the regular council ami finance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts ap- proved b~ the Co.~ttee. Ail members of the Council were px~ent. ~e following By-law was passed~: ~ ~ To C~ant Monies for General Purposes. It wae ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and ~olley that Ald. Haw- kine be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the fl~ reading - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins that Rule 36 (2) the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be read the second tl~. Carried unanimously. . Aldt NasDom,..1.d and Hawkins - Carried unamimousl . I~SOLUTION The followin~ Resolutiofi was passe.d_: No. 88 - MILIER - HAWKINB - ~SOLVED that the City Manager or City Clerk be in- structed to comaunicate with the Veteran T~xi C~mpany to ask what advancement nas been made regarding the establishment of a taxi stand in the vicinity of ~in Street, that they be advised that the permit for one car on Main Street is temporary; and ~the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimou,~l~ MISCELLANEOUS Ald. Inglis spoke of the proposed improvement of the stands at Oakes Park and also if the plans contained provision for the possible erection of a roof at seine future date. The City Manager advised of the type of the proposed erection and the progress of the work to date. Ald. Inglis was of the opinion that Victoria Avenue from Bridge Street Bo the Niagara Boulevard should be improved and suggested that the Niagara Parks ommission should be asked to take action to improve the appeared_ce of the prop- erty under their control. Ald. Inglis spoke of the p~oposed purchase of a new p~per for the },~in Street Fire Hall and suggested that before delivery is made of this unit~ the doors on the fLre hall should be e~l-~ged to acc~odate the same. His Worship Mayor Houck spoke of the number of persons who had been lined against the fence-at Cakes Park during a recent ball game and suggested to the City Manager that snow fence should be erected to prevent this. Ald. Miller asked the City Manager to take action for the inetallatioa of a light to ill~,Inate the parking space at the rear of Main Street. Ald. Inglis spoke of the unfortunate condition of some of the particip- ants in the parade from this City to Niagara Falls, New York on Saturday~ 10th June. He felt that the veterans' organizations should be approached with the sug- gestion that partlcpante in such a parade in a like condition created a very verse opinion of the local citizens in the minds of tourists an~ visitors. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Jolley. AND ADOP~ED, 19 June, 1950. Clerk T~'~ NTY-S IXTH [.~ETING Council Chamber, 19 June~ 1950. Pursnant to adJou~,~'~ent, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 19th June, 1950 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. Ail mem- bers of the Council, with the exception of His Worship Mayor Houck and Ald. Mill- sr~ were present. _~he fo.llowin~ Res_o.l.~tion wa_~s.~assed: No. 89 - NAWXT~ - MacDgNALD~ . i~/SGLVED that the action of Eis Worship Mayor W.L. Eouck in appointing Alderman Grant Don_~!d as enacting mayor on 19th June, during the absence of His Worship, be approved; and the Seal of the Corporation be here- to affixed. Carried ~e Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meet- adopted these on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald. Ten~ers had been sul~mitted for a motor pumper for the Fire Depart~ment. the motion of A.ld. Hawkins and ~olley the tenders submitted were Opened, in- itialled b~ Enacting ~ayor Dols.)d, read an~ laid on the table for tabulation and Iai~ over from praw!ous .mge~?: N0. 162 - ~a~r Ni~ ~ Climb - ~ ~e of ~cip~ po~. 0~E~ on ~ ~tl~ of ~. ~cD~ ~ ~o1~ ~t ~ c~ti~ ~ ~cet~d a~ ~i~ ~ ~e ~ble, a~ a ~1 c~t~e of Oo~cil ~ appoin~ ~ co~er'wi~ ~e ~ of ~e Club ~ de~ne ~e ~st po~c2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~e~ for ~e c~- mnt ~ Re ~t No. ~ ~416~ ~ ~ ~ Ci~c ~a~es' U~on - re ci~c pio~o. O~ on ~e 0~r ~1 ~ ~xt ~etl~ ~em a f,,~w c~cil is p~sent. ~. ~ - He~, Club - ~q~sti~ ~ssion f~ p~y~o~. ~ on ~e ~ssl~ ~ ~d ~ ~ ~h ~sis~ce as possib~ ~ ~e~ ~ ~e Club. No. 167 - Geo. H. Whemond - requesting Rermission for ~arage on street ~lOWance. OI~Ek~D on ~h~ motion of A~I. MacDonald end Jolley that the communication be rec. eived a~l referred to the 2roperty 0:~;.~! ttee for a report.· ~e following l~eport~.were presented_: No. 11~ - Cit~ Manager - re use of municipal pool. ORDEI~D on the motion of AI~. MacDonald ~ Jolley tk~t the report be received an~ filed, and the rec~mendati0~ be adopted. No. 115 - City Manager - re civic picnic. OEDEi~D on the motion of Ald. Jolley an~ McEinley that the report be received an~ laid on the table until the next meeting when a-1%~,] council is present. No. 116 - Cit~ Clerk - recce,,en~ing issuance of licenees. 01~EEmD on the motion of A]xl. Jolley an~ MacDonal~ that the report be received a=l filed, a~l the rec- ~ndations be adopted. No. 117 - Traffic 0cm~ittee - ret,emending erection of slow signs. O~E~D on the motion of A1A. Hawkins ami MaoDoml~ ~.k~t the report be received an~ filed, No. ]_18 - ~ - re proposed agreement with Township of S+~ord. 0EDE~D on the motion of A]xl. Inglis an~ MacDonald that the re~ort be reeeive~ and filed, and the recc~a~nm~tious ~e adopted. _~ ~e followin~l~eso~utions were passed: No. 90 - ~ - MacDONALD - PESOLV~u that the proposed agreement with ~-~les 1~armock Ccml~ny L~ f~ an eq~ze~ asses~nt in ~e City ~ a~; a~ ~e Se~ ~ ~ ~o~tion Be here~ ~. Ca~ie~ No. 91 - NAWz, u~ - ~r~.v.wy . I~SOL~ that the Mayor and Clerk are hereby author- ize~ to enter into ~nd ex, cute an agreement with 0~a~les Warnock Company Limited whereby the Company will cc~pile an equalized assessment of a/1 lands, buildin~ and structures wi~.~u the Corporate ~m~te of the City of N~ra ~alls; and the Seal of t~he Cox~oration be hereto affixed. Carried No. 92 - MacDONALD - ~ - ~G~VED +~-t the action of Hie Worship Mayor L.llouck, in aPpointi~ Aldermen A.C.~olley as emmcting mayor on 22r~, 2Brd an~ 2~th ~une during the absence of His Worehi~, be approved; and the Seal of the Corpormtion 1~ hereto affixed. ~e following ~y-lavs were l~ased: No. ~6 - To ame=l By-law Number ~7~0 bei~ a -b~-~_ f~ ~e ~tion of ~' It vas o~e~ on ~e ~ of ~. ~v~ a~ M~y ~t ~. ~' ~airdreading -Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald - Carried. ~o. $~$7 ' To amend By-law Nm~ber 3791 ~eing a by-law designating through It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley that Ald. Ing- Lis be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. Tt was ordered on the motion of Ald. Jolley and Hawkins that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the 8econ~ reading - Carried. ~ird reading -Ald. MacDonald ami Jolley - Carried. No. ~8 - To authorize the execution of an agreement for sale and deed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley that Ald. Haw- k~s De given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Jolley and Hawkins that Rule B6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the sec- 0=l read/rig - Carried. reading -Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins- Carried. ~e followim~ By-law. Fas read the first and .s. econd t~mes: No. 4~4~ r To authorize the construction of a sewer on Lowell Avenue and sidewalks and curbs and gutters on Fifth Avenue, Sixth Avenue, Eomewood Avenue, Acheson Avenue, Florence Avenue, Lowell Avenue, Murray Street and S~.~s Avenue, as local improvements under the provisions of ~he Local Improvement Act. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Jolley and M~!nley that Ald. Eaw- kims be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first *.~ - 0arried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Eawklns and Inglis that l~ule 36 (2) cf the Standing Rules of Council ~e suspended and the by-law be read the sec- m~ t~-~ '- Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the by- ~w te laid on the table am~ referred to ~e .Ontario Municipal Bcer~ for approval. Enacting Mayor Donald extended a welcmme frc~ the Council to Mr. Butters who 'was re~resenting the N~mra Fa1 ~, Gezette at the meeting. Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald. Enacting Mayor 443 Council Ohamber ~ 19 Jtme, 1950. The Fir~nce'C~"""~ttse met on Monday, 19th June, 1950, for the purpose of approving an~ also of passing the various accounts which bed l~en properly certified and placed before them. Ail members of the C~mlttee, with the excep- tion of His Worship M~yor ltouck and Ald. Miller, were present. Sundry accounts amounting to $17,964.14 were approved by the Cum~ittee. The accounts sul~nitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord. ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Aid. Dcmald and It was or~lered on the motion of Aid. Donald and Jolley that the Mayor's obeir 1~ sent out for repair an~ re-Upholstering with air foam cushions. An offer from Margaret Phillips for Lot 36, Gladstone Avenue, as laid over from a previous meeting, was considered. Upon the recommendation of the Property C~mmtttse ant on the motion of A1A. MacDonald ami McEinley it was ord- ered that the offer be received ami tabled, and Mrs. Phillips be advised that 0ouncil is prepared to sell the lot for $225.00, sub~ect to the condition that a dwelllng of at least $8,000.00 value is erected on the premises within six mont~. An offer from H.O.Lat= of $$25.00 for Lot 94, Lowell Avenue, a~s.la~ over from a prev~aS meeting~ was considered. Upon the recommendation or ~ne rr0p- erty C~m~ttse and on the motion of Aid. N~Einley and Donald it was ordered that the offer be received and filed, the deposit refunded and Mr. Laur be advised +.~at this lot is presently not for sale. A ec~aunication was presented from M. and G. Allen re Lot ~3, Emery Street, as laid over from a previous meeting. Upon the reo~,.~ndation of the Property 0~-=I tree and on the motion of A1A. McKinley and Jolley it was ordered that the c~-Anication be receive~% and laid on the table, and the applicants be advised it will be necessary to file an offic~-~ acceptance of the terms of sale for this lot, an~ upon acquiring title to the same, they tomy negotiate with Mr. Forte for t~er. A e~nieation was presented from Chester Woolnough withdrawing his offer for ~ of LOts 106 and 107, Meznie Street. U~an the ree~m~ndation of the property C~ttee an~ on the motion of Ai~. MacDonal~ and jolley it was ord- -ered that the o~,unication be receive$-~ filed and the deposit be refunded. The report of the Property ¢ ....... ~ttee, upon the above mattere~ was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MmcDonsld ami Jolle~ that the report be received an~ filed. ~'~e statement of relief, for the month of May was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. l&-~nlsy and Donald that the statement be received and filed, and ~iven the usual publicity. ~ae s=y of ten, ere for the supply of cee& was presented. It was ox~lered on the motion of A1A..Inglis an~ Donal~ that the s,~y be received and filed, an~ the lowest tender, that of Canadian 0cml 0 .-.-j,~_ .be~acceDtsd; and fur- there that coal for the Arena be included %~ the. tm~er. ~e s,~ of tenders for the supply of an air compressor was pres- cuts&. I% was ordered on the motion cf A1A. Inglis an~ M_~_W~nley that the smmm~Y be received an~ laid on the table until the next meetly. An offer was presente~ frma Lund~'s Lane l~nited Church of $525.00 for Lot 9~, Lowell Avenue. It was o~ere~ on the motion of AI~. McKinley and Fmc- Dousl~ +-~t the offer be A communication was presented frcm the Greater Niagara General Hospital sulmlitting a copy of the brief~ plot plan and romp with regard to improvements at the ~ospital. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Inglis that cmmaunication be received aud laid on the table, and the Hospital Board and Ad- visory C~=,...~ttee be asked to attend a regular meeting of Council for discussion of this l~tter. The City Manager presented to the Committee a sketch of the proposed new stands at 0~kes Park. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald and MacDonald that a letter be sent to the Welland County officials, protesting their holding meetings of the Court Eouse 0o,.,.{ttee unless representatives of the City of Niagara Falls are present, inasmuch as Niagara Falls is assessed for twenty-four per cent of the cost of any expenditures; and it be pointed out that Nia~ra Falls representatives are not able to attend meetings which take place at the t~ of the regular coun- cil meetings. ~e City Clerk advised that he had been asked to ascertain whether the Council would consider favourably the operation of a popcorn vending mmchlne on the city streets. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Jo~ey that the matter be referred to the City Manager for a report. It was agreed that a resolution should be prepared for presentation at the forthcoming conference of the Ontario Municipal Association with re~rd to ~m~eip~lities maintaining their own fire insurance coverage, if such would be permitted b~ the provisions of The Municipal Act. ~e Coa..ittse adjourned on the motion of Aid. McKinle2 and Donald. ~FAD A~D $.DOP',~,,, 26 June, 1950. Cbeirman of Finance 19 June, 1950. ~e 0ouncil re-assembled at the close cf the reg,,~w council and fin- an~e meeting~ for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the ac- counts approved by the C.'-.~.~ttse. ,a~ members of the Council, with the exception ~ Wis ~orehip Mayor Wouck and Aid. Miller~ ware present. Ai~. Donald was enact- IM mayor ~urin6 the meeting. On the mot.ion of Aid. Nawkins an~ MacDonald, Mr. Norrocks of the La- nd, Ce .~ire E~ine Cc~ vas permitted to a~rese Council. Mr. Horrocks advised *.bat his Ccm~pany had eul~m4tted a ten, er for the supply of a motor pumper for the Fire Depar~nent ami they wished to take members of the Council to a suitable out- side City where such a unit could be inspected in operation. It was decided by Council that the matter should be left in the hands of the City Manager to make arrangements suitable to the members of Council for this demonstration. ~he .fell..owin~ By-law was passed: ~ - To Grant Monies for General purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. McEinley and Jolley that Ald. Haw- kine be given the privilege of introducing the by-law aud the by-law be read the first time ~ Carried. It was order~l on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Hawkins that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing I~les of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried. ~ztrd reading - Aid. MacDonsd~l and Hawkins - Carried. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley a~l Hawkins. AND ADGP~ED, 26 June, 1950. Enacting Mayor Council Chamber, 26 June, 1950. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 26th June, 1950, for the purpose of considering general business and fln~nce. Ail members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the mimxtes of the previous meeting~ adopted these on the motion of Aid. Donald an& Eawkinm. Ald. Inglis ~ri~d at the ~eting. On the motion of A1A. l~tller and MacDonald and in connection with Com- m-nicatious No. 161 and 168, Messrs. Tenbroeck and Learn were permitted to ~ress the meeting. The speakers spoke of the wishes of their Umlon for the ap- ~ola~nent of a c~npetent and qualified building inspector and closer supervision over building in the City. The Building Inspector, Mr. E.C.Laur was asked by Worship to speak upon the matter, and Mr. Zaur advised Council of his duties and the manner in which inspections are made. SEE Communications No. 161 and 168 C ~N~ICATIOI~ .~i~ .over from previous nesting-: No. 161 - United B~otherhood of Carpenters ar~l Joiners of America - re building ~uspeotor and b~il~ing. OI~i~D on the motion of Ald. Inglis and MacDonald the c~xication be received and filed, and the matter be referred to the Chair- aaa of F~m~_.nce and the Oity Manager with power to act. ~ O~cation No.. 168 No. 16B - Niagara._Civic Employees, Local Union - re civic picnic. 01~EA,~ on the m0~ton of Ai~. Inglis and Donald that the c~nnication be received and filed, a~ that if extra staff is required and funds ~re necessary for the collection of ~rbage a~l performance of essential sex'wlces on 2k~t date, the matter be referred to the Chairman of Fir~_ee to confer with the City Manager to see if this can be axran~l. (Ald. MacDonald, Miller and Jolley voted against this motion.) Prior to this motion it was moved by Aid. MacDonald and Miller that the c~..-uication ~e received ar~ filed, and ,1~ employees be given the full day off with the excep- tion of a ~ossible skeleton staff at the Cemer~ that the various departments be ashml to assist others in clearing up work on the Friday and an advertisement be pla~ed in thenewspaper asking citizens not to place rubbish at the curbs on that ~a~ but .this motion was defeated. ~m~ Report No. 115 ~. 167 - ~eo. H. ~mond - re encroachment of ~e. 01~E~ on the motion of · )~mDozsl~ a~l ~olle2 that the o~cation be received and tabled, and  be a~vised he is not to procee~ with the erection until he has obtain an ~ S~-,,~or's description of the line at this location. ~e~-~..followin~ C~m~_~_tions were presen+_e&: T~ ~' ~ r~ vme motxon of Ai~. Inglis an~ MacDonald that the ocemun- {46 447 ication be received and filed. No. 169 - ~11 Telepho~ Ccml~ny of Canada - requesting permission to replace t~o l~les. 0~Aml~D on the motion of Ald. Mct~inley an~ Hawkins that the c.-.~.nmtcation be received an~ filed, an~ permission be ~,-~nted. D-law No. 170 - Seibel U holsteri Co. - re refinishing Mayor's chair, o~m~mD on the motion of Ald. Hawkins &mt M~uley that the c~munication be received aha filed, ar~l l~r. Seibel be thaxt~d for his generosity~ in making the donation to the Mamit. o~ Flood Relief Fun~. No. 171 - Nartin~ Calvert an~ l~atthews - requesting establishment of public lane. OA~u~D on the motion of Aid. Donald and Hawkins that the c~=,~nication be rec- eived ~ referre<l to the City Manager for a report and also a s~etch of the prop- ert~ be provided for Council at the next meeting. No. 172 - Niagara Falls Optimist Club - requesting permission for carnival. 0I~- ERED on the motion of AI~. Eawkins and Miller +~-t the ccmzmanication be received and filed, and l~rmAssion be granted if the field is available. No. 17~ - Greater N~_ .,~a. ~a Baseball Association - requesting concessions re base- 1~ night. 0l~mA~ on the motion of ~1A. JclLey an~ McKinley +.h~t the c ........ mic- ation be received an~ filed, permission Be granted an~ details be worked out bet- ween the Cit~ l~emager an~ the Association as to the hospital tax which must be collected. T~ia Oyor .from a ~revions meeting: No. 115 - Cit~ ~r - re civic picnic. 01~R~D om the motion of Aid. Inglis and Donal~ +.~t the report be receive~ an~ filed. ~e follOei~ Re~orts were ~resent. _e~_: No. 119 - ~ ' re encroachment of ~arage. 01~1~) on the motion of Ai~. MacDonalA an~ Jolley *._~t the re~o ~rt be re.ceived an~ filed, and the rec- mmmendation be adopted. No. 120 - Ci~7 C.i~. rk - rew,l~tions un,er Highway ~m~revement Act. 01~ on the motion of Aid. Inglis an~ jolley that the report.'be received and filed, and the City Clerk ta~e up with the Honourable Miulater the reasons why the Queen Eliz- -&beth Highway has been included un, er the ~rovielons of Section ?gb of the Act. No. 12X - Cit[ Clerk - rec~,-,a~li~ issuance of licences. 0l~ on ~he motion of Ai~. Nawkins ami NacDouel~ ~-t the re~ort be received and filed, ~ the fac- No. 122 - Cit[ Clerk - presenting, application for licence not granted. on the motion of A~. McEinley and Dc-~l~ that the re~ort-be received an~ filed, ami the lloence be not granted. No. 123 - Cit~ Manaaer - re request for 1x~oorn mchine.i.n oi~V ?dr?ets; on the motion of A1A. Nawkins ami Miller +.~t the re~or~ ~e recexvem anm l~ok to the Cit~ Manager for a further re~ort in the ._.~.~..0_~f~.a,~itional inform- ation receive~. /.. No. 12~ - Cit~ Mama~er - re meeting with ~overmment offiola!s. ~B~D on the motion of AI~. ~olley an~ Miller that the re~ort be reeeive~, filed an~ adopted. ·(Ald. ~Xia vote~ eontrar~ to this motion.) No. 125 ' ~ ' re i~sstion of fire ~l~er~. - 01~=--~';' on t~e motion of Ald. Hawki~am~ MasDo.~. that the repo~t.be ,.~recoive~. an~ ftle~..~.. ~ Ald. Inglis made a verbal report as to his attendance at the meetiug of the WeLland County Gaol C¢,~,...!ttee and the recommendations which were made to them. ~ Resolution No. 94 ~e followin~ Petition was presented: Ns. 18 - Lena Dowdell and 3 others - re operations of to~rist home owner. ORDEi~ED sa the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Miller that the petition be received and ref- erre~ to the Chief of Police and the Clerk write the petitioners to ascertain whether they would be willing to appear in Court as witnesses if a cb.~ge is laid a~ains t ~.t~ais individ,~l. ~e followin~ l~esolutlons were passed: Nc. 93 - ldcKNTE~y - JOT.r.w.y . I~SOLv~ t~t the City ~r ~ ~q~s~d to ~ a ~]] report ~on ~e c~on of ~e p~per~ adjacent ~ ~e D~on ~ on Sen S~et, wi~ p~tio~ ~fe~noe ~ ~e co~ition of ~e fo~tion w-] 1~, ~t i~or~tion be suited as ~ w~t oblation fa~s ~on ~e City, as for- ~r ~rs ~ ~e ~er~, ~ a c~ is ~de upon ~e present ~r wi~ re~d $ ~e co~on of ~e ~ property; and ~e S~ of ~e Co~omtion be he~ No. ~ - ~.T~R - ~ . ~ ~t ~e ~esen~tl~s of ~e City Co~- cil ~o w~ be in ~on~ for a ~eti~ wi~ ~e ~io ~cipal ~ ~ a~o ~ ~ ~et wi~ ~e Ho~ble ~s~r of ~ci~ ~fairs ~ ascer~ln w~t ~on ~y ~ ~n by Co~il wi~ ~ to ~e proposed e~e~it~s for ~r- atio~ a~ ~nts ~ ~ ~e~ Oo~t~ b~s; ~ ~e Seal of ~ Cor- ~tion be he~ ~f~ed. ~led ~. ~ - ~cD0~ - J~.v.~ . ~S~ ~t ~e ~ ~et~ of ~e City Cer- eal d~i~ ~ ~n~ of J~ ~d A~t ~ eched~ed ~ c~.,~e at 5.00 p.m. a~ ~ S~ of ~e O~tion ~ here~ ~f~d. C~ied ~1[ No. ~ - ~ - ~m~y . ~ ~t a ~ssage be fo~ed ~ ~e f-m~ ~ ~ ~ ~. We~e~ M. M~o~, E.O., e~sei~ ~e s~a~ of ~s Worship ~ ~k, ~ ~bers of ~e City Co~c~ a~ citize~ of N~ F~ upon ~ ~a~ ~ ~s ss~d ~sident ~ fo~r ~r ~ ~e B~ of Ed~ation; ~.~S~ of ~ Co~omtion be here~ ~f~d. ~ied ~1~ Ve~, ~za~ e~ssi~ ~e app~ciation of C~ ~ ~e citize~ f~'~ ~ fi~ ~nts ~ cerises in c~ection wi~ ~ d~ication 0f ~e N~ F~s ~ial ~ on S~2, 25~ J~; a~ ~e Se~ of ~e Cor- ~ti~ ~ ~ ~f~d. Carried unanimousl ~- ~r.?.~ . NA~ - I~S0Lv~ that the members of the Council accept with the ki~ inviation of Mr. A.0.Williams an~ the North American ¢ya~,,*d Lira- to attend the aunuel picnic at the plant swlmm~ng pool on Mo~y, 17th t~e Seal of the Corporation be hereto affLxed. Carrie~ u~. usl,~ A48 ~e foll~i B -l~ws were sed:.. ~- To provide for permission to ~e Bell Telephone Ccmz/~u~ of Canada to replace two poles om Deleware Street. It wa~ ordered on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and Jolley that Ald. McKin. ley be given the privilege of intm~tucing the by-law ami the hy-l~w be read the first time ~ Carried It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Miller and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Sta~ling Rules of Council be eusl~nded and the by-law be given the eecon~ reading - Carried unanimonsly~ ~zird reading -Ald. MacDonald an~ Hawkins - Carried unanimously. I/o. 4~2 - Ho authorize the execution of an agreement for sale and deed. It was o~lered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and I/acDonald that Ald. Hawkins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Ca~-A~ed una~mnnsly. It WaS ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald an~ Hawkins t_h_et Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second x~ading - Carx~ed ~o. 455B - To authorize the execution of am agreement for sale and deed. vt was ordered on the motion of AYA. M~Kinley and MacDonald ~t Aid. W~wkins be given the privilege of introducing the ~2-1aw an~ the ~y-law be read the first time - Carried unenim~usly. It was ox~lered on the motion of ~d. Hawkins and ~olley *~t Rule 36 (2) of the S_+~ling Rules of 0ouncil ~e suspended an~ ~he ~y-law be given the eeco~l reading - Carried · hix~l rceAing -Ald. 1/e~Donald.and ~olle2.- 0arried unanimously. Ai~. Miller asked that the Oity Manager take emme action to treat the Surface of the Old Market S4,=-e in order to control the ~ust nuisance. AI~. Miller s~oke about the area in the l/orse-lAlsensr subdivision which is to be developed as a l~rk a~l euggeetetl that ei~ns reeAin~ "NO Dumping" should be erected an~ a notice shoul~ ~e placed in the nsWSl~per a~viein~ that it is the intention of the Cc~poration to develop this prepert2 as a ~ark on the contour, of the ~ rather than fill it in to brin~ it to a hi~her Xevel. A1A. MAllet Suggested that the Oit2 Clerk ehou~A check on the operation . of the chiv wagons in the Oity to see that these are bein~ overate~ ty the Els I/orship Mayo= Nonok expressed hie a~pre~iation to the 0ity Mana~r, the Arena O~tee, to Mr. ~aur ami other~eit2 fc~ces fee the excelXent con/dtl0~ of the. Nlasara ~alle Mmaor/al Arena. for the ~dication..eervicea. ' ~he Council a~om~ned on the motion of Aid. MrKtnle2 and Donald. ~ FII~NCE ME~TIE~ Council Chamber, 26 June, 1950. ~l~e Finance Co.-,..~ttee met on Monday, 26th June, 1950 for the purpose of approving au~ also of passing the v~rions accounts which had been properly cert- ified and placed before thom. Ail members of the Co~ttee were present. Sunda~ accounts amounting to $91,409.47 were approved by the Committee. ~e accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Aid. Donald and McKinley. The s~mm~wy of tenders for an air compressor, as lai~ over from the ~revious meeting, was:considered. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. McKinley and MacDo~.!d that the e~w~m-ry be received and filed and the verbal recon~endation of the Equil~ent C¢..~ttee, that an Ingersoll ~and unit be purchased from Gordon Dickson E~uipment Company at $3,760.00 ami the unit now owned by the Corporation ~e retained, be adopted. T~e offer from the Lundy.s Lane United Church of $525.00 for Lot 94, Lowell Avenue, as laid over from the previou meeting, ~s considered. Upon the recm~,~ndation of the Property C~..~ttee and on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald it was ordered ek, t the offer be received and filed and the Church be advised that the properSy is not for sale. ~,e report of the Property C,--.~ttee on the above matter was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Dor~.!d and MacDonald that the report be rec- eived a~l filed. 5he summary of tenders for a fire pumper was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. ~olley and Miller tint Fire Chief Shapten be sent for so he might be present while this matter is being considered. ~e City Clerk advised the C~ttee of the rec~ndation of the Equipment Cca~.Ittee, that a T~rance unit be purchased. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and McKinley that the Fire 0bier be hear~. Chief Shapten advised of his opinion on the two t~pes of equipment upon which tenders were submitted. It was then ordered on the motion of Ai~. Miller and McKinley that the rec~.~-,~ndation ~f the Equipment mlttee be approve~ and a ?~Wra~ce fruit be purchased with a cab Over the engine. A report was presented from the City l/anager, advising of quotations received for the ins~-~tion of traffic signs at the intersection of Victoria Avenue ami Clifton Hill. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Don- alA that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, reco~me~_ng the issuance · f a permit for the erection of an addition to the building on Victoria Avenue, ~ 1~ the 1~1~ Construction Co. Ltde It was ordered on the motion of Aid. MacDce~.d and Donsl~ that the-report be received and filed~ ~d the recc~nendat- ~e,ccmnl~tee ad,,1ournecl on the motion of Ald. lvlC~ey and Donald. ~A~ A~D AD0~, 3 ~ltl~, 1950. Chairm~- of Finance ' CounO il Cbm~%er, 26 Ju~e, 1950. ~he Couucil rs-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the ac- couuts approved by the C~ttee. All members of the Council wers present. The following By-law was passed: No. 4~ - To ~t Monies for General Purposes. It was o:rderscl on the motion of ~ld. McKinley and McDonald that Ald. ~awkims ~e given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first t~m~ - Carried, It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Eawkins and Donal~l that ~le 36 (2) of the Sta~ling Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the secoz~l rea~ing - Carried ~lr~ rea~ing -Ald. MacDonald a~l ~awkins - Carried ~e Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Donald amd McKinley. Clerk Mayor T~.-E ICETE ~EET~G Council Chamber ~ 3 July, 1950. PIArs~nt to adJoul~aent, the Council met at 5.00 p.m. on Monday, 3rd J~ly~ 1950 for tho purpose of considering general business and finance. All mem- bers of the Council were present. The Council, having received and rsad the man- utes of the prsvious meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Nawktns and ~d. McKLuley arrived at the meeting. CC~11TCATIOR~ LaiO. over free p,revions mee~: Nc. 171 - ~alvert and Matthews - requesting establishment of public lane. 0~1~ on the motion of Ald~ ~awkine--and NacDonald that the co~munlcatlon be received and tabled until the next meeting to ascertain if the parties will ag- ree to the rec~ndations of the City Manager. ~e following O~..m,~Ications w~er~e, presented: No. 174 - Greater Nia~mra General Eospital Advisor~ Co,mo~l - enclosing progress re~ort. O~D on the motion of Aid. Dor~l~ and Eawkins that the c~unication ~e received a~l filed, the request be acceded to and no publicity be given to the Aid. Inglis arrived at the meeting. NO. 175 - Nie,,~.~a Falls .~,m..~r ~tre - req~sti~ ~ssion ~ erect ~er. ~ ~ ~e motion of ~d. ~wki~ ~ M~ey ~t ~e co~,~tion ~ rec- ei~d ~ filed a~ ~ssi~ f~ ~ e~ctiom ~ ~n~d If ~e ~ is ap- P~ by ~e lo~ ~-Elec~lc O~est~. (~. ~is, Do~d a~ ~o~ey ~ com~ ~ ~ls motion. ) Prior to ~e above ~tion it was ~d by ~d. ~d ~ ~o~2 ~t ~e c~~ be ~cei~d a~ f~ed~ but ~s motion 176 ' ~+~ec~l Little ~ . requesting permission to orso ~ on the ~tion of ~. ~e- -~ ,,--~ ........... t s~ si~. 0R- ~..~tion.) ..... ~-~==+vu ~ no~ ~kt. (~, k~ VO~ C~ ~ ~. 1~!3 - ~ . rs application for p corn 10~ of A~I. l~aal)ona~ e~t l~iller that tile re~ be maohine. ~ on the mot- received a~l filed. 453 The followin~ l{eports were present~l: No. 126 - 0ity Manager - re establishment of public lane. OI~DE~D on the motion of A3A. Emwkins ~ MacDonald that the report be received and laid on the table un~il the next meeting in order to ascertain if the parties will accede to the e~gestio~.B. No..127 - City Mana{~er - re request for popcorn machine. ORDEi~D on the motion of Ald. MacDonal~ and Miller ~k~t the report be receive~ ara filed, aha the rec- om~en~lations be adopted. No. 128 - 0ha~ of Finance and 0ity Manager - re full-time building inspector. 01~DEI~D on the motion of Ald. Inglis a=l Don~-l~ ~.~at the report be received and laid On the table until the nex~ meeting. No. 129 - City Manager - re ~iability of City re Lots 14, 15, Queen Street. 0R- ~Ei~D on the motion of Ai~. Miller ara MacDonal~ that the report be received and filed. No. 130 - City Manager - re meeting with ~he Ontario M, mtcil~l Board. 01~DEF~o on the motion of Ald. Donald an~ Hawkins *~,~t the report be received and filed, the Board be furnishe~ with the re9ueete~ information, the City Manager proceed at once with plane, estt~ates~ easements a~ other necessary documents to permit the preoedure of the work as soon as ~ossible~ the necessary by-law be sul~mitted, the Mayor a~l Olerk be authorize~ to sign the agreement a~l the Legislature be petit- ioned for the l~esa~e of a Priwate ~ill. No. 1~1 - City Clerk - re self-insurance. Oi~I~D on the motion of-Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the report be received and laid on the table until the next meeting. (Ai~. MiLler was excused from voting on this ~o. 132 - Cit~ Clerk - rec.~.a.~n~in6 issuance of licenoes. 01~a~mlD on the motion of A]A. Hawkins and F~cDonal~ that. the, report be received and filed, and the re¢- ~-.~ndations be adopted. PETITION The following Petit.ion was presented: No. 19 - Joseph Locooo ara 28 others - re condition of parking lot and road. 0R- DE~D on the motion of Ai~I, M~.inley and MacDonald that the ~etition be received and filed as the lm~king lot has already ~een tmeated. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. ]{awktns and ~4cKinle~. AND ADOP~, 10 ~uly, 1990. Clerk Council Cbamber~ 3 July, 1950. The Finance Cow~tttee met on Monday, Brd July, 1950 for the purpose of a~proving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert- ified.an~ placed before them. All members of the Committee Were present. Sundry accounts amounting to $33,819.5B were approved by the Committee. ~e accounts submitted~ being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of A communication was presented from Mr. an~ Mrs. Gerald Allen, request- ing pemmission to withdraw their offer for Lot 43, Emery Street. Upon the fec- undation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. MaCDonald and Nlller it was ordered that the c~nication be received and filed and a refund of the deposit be mmde. ~e report of the Property Committee, on the above,matter, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald ami Miller that the report be rec- eived and filed. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending the issuance of a building permit for a store on part of Lots 14, 15, Queen Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald an~ Jolley that the report be received aad filed~ and the recc~me~t~tlon be adopte~. ~he 01ty Clerk a~vised the Comm/ttee of an application for a permit to move a house from 680-4 Bridge Street to Lots 52 anal 53, Alexander Crescent. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Jolley and Do--l~ that the Property Cmm.~ttee ~e .~sk~l to consider and report U~on this application. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Houck and Ald. Mac- Donal~ that the apPrech~tion of Council be expressed to the Greater Niagara 0ham- ~er of C*mmerce for the l~bltcation of the very fine and informative booklet as a guide to visitors to Nia~mra Falls. ~e Cmmaittee a~Journed on the motion of A/A. Jolley and Miller. ~AD A~D ADOP~m, 10 ~ly, 1950. Clerk ° Chamrman of Finance Council 3 July, 1950. ~e Council re-assemble& at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covere& the ac- count$ almDrowe& by the C.~m~ttee. .All members of the Council were present. following By,law wa.s passe~.: No. 4555 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of A1A. Domald and JoLley that Aid. Haw- kine be given the privilege of introducing the by-]aw and the by-/aw be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the. motion of Aid. Hawkins and McKinley thmt Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be snspen~e~ an~ the by-law be given the -second resAlng - Carried unanimously. Ald. MacDonald asked what action ~ been ~_~.ken with re,axil to a report up~ ~e ~si~le ~ o~r by ~e Co~o~ of a ~rti~ of ~e T~hip of S~. ~ City ~r ~se~ ~t he w~ wor~ on ~e ~t at ~e p~s- ~d. I~is s~s~ ~t s~ ac~on ~t be ~n ~ ~ ~ r~- o~d ~m ~e s~e~ d~i~ ~ ~$t ho~, ~ f~i~ ~e work of ~e ~ee~r. ~e Oi~ ~r a~vise~ of ~e ~ of ~e of ~ ~e~er at ~e ~sent t~. ~. ~r s~s~d ~t ~e ~ee~r shot,~ ~ ~e 1~ of ~eep- ~z~. · -e Oounsil a~ournsd on the motion of Aid. Miller and Donald. Clerk CONFEt~NCE Council Chamber, 3 July, 1950. ~e Conference Committee of the City Council met at the close of the regular and finance meetings on Monday, ~rd ~uly, 1950. All members of the Com- mittee were present and His %~orship Mayor Houck was chairman of the meeting. After consideratiom of the various matters presented to them, the Con~,f ttee ad- ~eurmed on the motion of Ald. Donald an~ Jolley. ~eAD AND ADOPT~D, 10 July, 1950. Clerk 156 Council Cb,~ber ~ 10 July, 1990. Pursuant to adJou~-~ent, the Council met at %00 p.m. on Monday, 10th July, 1950 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All me&- bers of the Council, with ~he exception of His Worship N~yor Eouck, were present. On the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald, Ald. Grant Donald was erecting n~y0r until the arrival of Eie Worship. ~e Council, having received and read the min- utes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of A~I. MacDonald and Hawkins. Iu connection with C.-;.m~n~ication No. 179 and on the motion of Ald. Haw- kins and MacDonald, Mr. ~eodore McLeod was permitted to speak to Council. Mr. McLeod explained his reason for making application for a hawker's and pedlar's licence in this City and expressed his opinion as to the need for the sale of his product. SEE C~mnunication No. 179 Laid over frmn previous meetings: No. 171 - Nartiu~ Calvert and Matthews - requesting establishment of public t~Dm~mo on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Miller that the c~muication be rec- eived and filed and the necessary agreements be prepared and presented to Council for approval. ~E. C.~.~unicatio~ No. ~he follo~.i.n~ C~--..~nications were presented: No. 177 - Martin, Calvert and Matthews - re ex~enalon of public lane. 0I~DERED on the motion of AI~. MacDonald and Miller that the c..,~,.u~c~tion be received ami filed. S~ l~eport' No... 12.6. No. 178 - A~_;~Itor - re check of cash. Oi~RED on the motion of Ai~. MacDonald ami.Hawkins that the o ....... unication be received and filed. No. 179 - ~eodore McLeod - re hawker's and pedlar's l~cence. ONDm~D on the motion of Al&. Miller and MacDo~ld that the c.-..,;~n,uication be received and ref- erred to the Llcence C~mittee for a further re~ort as to how man~ residentS of the 0ity are in this business. No. 180 - New York Central S~stem - re traffic control at Victoria Avenue and Centre Street. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Inglis and MacDonald that the c0m- munication be received and file. d and the City Manager c~.~nionte further vlth the proper parties for authority to make the installation. No. 181 - ~_v, Nav~ and Airforee Vete.~aus-in Canada - requeetin~ permission for carnival. O~am~ on the motion of Aid. Inglis and MacDonald that the c~munic' &tion be received and filed, that permission be ~antsd providing suitable grounds other than Po~lar Park are used, that the ~,-~cil~l sports fields be not used for oarnivale an~ that the operation be ~n~er the supervision of the City Manger. (Ald. ~awkins voted contrary to this motion.) Prior to the above mStion it was moved ~ Ald. Nawkins and ~olle2 that the communication be received &nd filed, and the Club be advised to .see if they woul~ be able to use the Bridge Strut REPORTB _Laid over frc~ previous meeti.n~: No. 126 - ~er - re establishment of public lane. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Miller that the report be received and filed, and the rec- Ommendation be adopted. No. 128 - Chairman of Finance and City Ma~e_r - re employment of full-time build- lng inspector. A motion was made b'y Aid. In,is and Miller that the report be received and filed and a building inspector be appointed to look after the int- ereste of the municipality. This motion was defeated with Ald. Jolley, McKinley and Hawkins and Enacting Mayor Donald voting contrary. No further action was ~e 'following Reports were presented: No. i~B - ~.it~ Clerk - re conference held 3rd July. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the report be received, filed and adopted. No. 1~4 - Cit~ Clerk - recommending issuance of licencee. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and McKinley that the report be received and filed, and the rec- ~mnendations be adopted. No. 135 - Juvenile Court Probation Officer - report for six mont~hs. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and McKinley that the report be received and filed. No. 136 - City Clerk - re refusal of American currency. 0RDEI~D on the motion of Ald. MoP, Inlay and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and adopted. No. l~7 - Cit~ Manager - re building of A.Brouillette. C~NEi~D on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Jolley that the report be received and filed and the matter be left in the hands of the City Manager. (Ald. Inglis voted contrary to this mot- loll.) Ald. McKinley made a verbal report upon the publication of a list of tourist homes in the City as shown in the booklet issued by the Greater Niagara ~,m~er of Commerce. PETITION ~etition was presented: No. 20 - ~.F.Barr and 10 c~hers - protesting moving house to AleXander Crescent. 0R~EI~D on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and Miller that the petition be received and. referre~ to the Finance Committee for consideration. ~ Finance meetin~ At this point Aid. Inglis was enacting mayor to permit Ald. Donald to ~reSent a resolution. RESOLUTION ~..~followin~ l~es,olution was 2a-=ee~: ~°~t,- D~0NA~. - MacDoNAED . W~EREAS in recent years the premi~ cost to ~_,_~tc- ~mes ~or xusurance protection a~ainst the various risks incidental to &unit- 458 ipal operationS has increased excessively; AND ~EI~AS this increased cost is adding to the already hea~j burden on the taxpayer; AND ~SEREAS it is desirable that some method be evolved whereby prot- ection could be afforded at a lesser cost; 'II~EEgFO~ ~E IT IESOLVED that ~be Ontario Municipal Association be req- uested to consider petitioning for legislation which would permit the establish- ment of some form of non-profit ~m~cipal self-iusurauce; failing this the Govern- merit be requested to provide assistance to m~nicipalities for insurance protect- ion costs by either returning the ~solina tax paid on gasoline used in municipal equil~ent which does not operate outside the corporate ltm~ts, or the imposition of a levy on the insurauce corporationS to be ~sed as a contribution toward mun- icipal protective costs; ami the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried - with Ald. Miller being excused from voting. Ald. Donald again took the chair. The follo~in~ By-laws were presented: No. - To provide for borrowing $585,000.00 for the ins*~ll-tion at the Flit- ration Plant of an auxilisry tranSformer station, a now pump and meter, an e~ditiom to the clear water reservoir an~ the construction of an ~ auxiliary distribution main from the Filtration Plant at Ohippawa to the intersection of Lundy's Lane and D~__m,,~n~ Road; and to provide for the issuance of debentures of the City of Niagara F_~11- therefor. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. McKinley and MacDonald that Ald, HawkinS be given the privilege of intrc~lucing the by-law an& the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. ~olley an& MacDonald that the by-law be laid on the table until the necessary information is available to ob- tain ccmpetitive set,m-tea of the ~ost of the work mn& until the alr~roval of the Det~r~ment of Health has been given. (Ai~. Mil~er voted centenary to this motion,) No. 4557 - To authorize the exeontion of an a~reement with the ~ublio Utilities Ccmmission of the Township of Ste~foxxl an~ the Corporation of the Town- ,shi~ of.~tsmfo~xl for the supply of water to the Public Utilities Com- mission of the Township of $+-~,eord a~l the 0orponation of the Town° shi~ of Stamfor~ and to petition the Legislature for a private bill ~ · authorize the execution of & supplementary a~reement for a total per- ind of t~enty years. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that Aid. ~olley be given the ~rivilege of introducing the ~y-law an~ the. ~y-law be read the first t~ -Omrriad. It was ox~lered on the motion ~.Ai~. Hawkins an& McKinley that Rule ~6 (2) of the Stan&in~ Ibxles of Courts_il ~e suspended and the ~2-1aw be given the second rea~i~ - Carried. vt was or~ere~ on the motion of A1AI. Ym~lie and ~olley that the be lai~ on the table until the nsoessam7 construction ~ro~rau~e has. bees an~ is in order. ~e Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Jolley and Hawkins. READ AND ADOPt, 17 July, 1950. Enacting Mayor Council Chamber, 10 July, 1950. The Finance Co~,,!ttee mot on Monday, 10th July, 1950, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which h~d been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Cc~,!ttee, with the excep- tion of Aid. Donald, were present. Sundry accounts amounting to $38,~51.71 were approved by the Cca~itte~. ~e accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were etd~ ered pl~c~d in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Aid. Jolley and Miller. ~e application for a permit to mo~ a house fr~m 680-4 Bridge Street to ~ote 52 and 5B, Alexander Crescent, as laid over from the previous meeting, was conSidered. The petition from T.F.Barr and l0 Others, protesting this, as referred from the Council mseting~ was also received. Upon the recommendation of the Property Co~.~ttee and on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley it was ord- ered that the application and petition be received and laid on the table until the next meeting to permit the Property Committee to obtalu further information. An offer was presented from S.A.Patarno of $225.00 for Lot 43, Emery Street. ~on the recommendation of the ~perty Coa~lttee and on the motion of AI~. McKinley and MacDOnald it was ordered that the offer be accepted~ subject to the condition that a dwelling of at least $6,000.00 value be erected on the prem- ises within six months. His Worship Mayor Eouck apologized to the Co~am~ttee for being absent at the meeting and advised that he had been attending a picnic for underprivileged children from Eamilton. His Worship extended the greetings from His Worship K.~aokson of ~m~lton ama l~eeve Wuntor of Dundas and others to the members °f~v°~e Council. A communication was presented from Logan and Logan with regard to the ~rchase of Lot 78, Dyson Avenue by Ettore Graffi. Upon the reocem~ndation of the PrOperty 0cmmittee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Jolley it was ord- ered that the co, eradication be received and filed and Mr. ~d~fi be reftmded the 459 purchase price of the lot~ less any taxes owing to date. The report of the Property C~.;.~fttee, on the above matters~ was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Jol~y t~at the report 'be received and filed. The C(.~ttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Jolley and Miller. AND ADOPTED, 17 July, 1950. Clerk ~ 0ha~an of Finance 461 CONFER~NCE Council Chamber, 10 July, 1950. The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of the re~r meetings on Monday, 10th July~ 19~0~ for consideration o£ the various matters presented to them. All members of the Co~m~ittee, with the exception of Ald. Donald, were present and His ~orship Mayor Houck wins chairman of the meeting. Afterthe motionC°nsider~ti°nof A~_d. McKinley°f the matterSand Jolley.~pl~ced before them, the Committee adjourned on ~ AIID ADOp'I'~;., 17 July, 1950. COUNC I~ MEETIN~ Council Chamber, 10 July, 1950. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the money by-~aw which covered the counts approved by the Cammittee. ALl members of the Council, with the exception of Aid. Donald, were present. ~e follewin~ BI-law was passed: No. ~8 - To Grant Monies for GeneralPurposes. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Jolley that Aid. Ilaw- kine be given the privilege of introducing the bF-law, and the b~-law be read the first t~ - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Eawkins and ~oLley that Rule B6 (2) of the Standing Rules of CounCil be s~uspended .an~ the b~-law be given the seco~xl reading - Carried. , - ~ir~ rea~ing -Ald. Miller and McEinle2 - Carried. His Worship Mayor Houck extended to/Miss Stokes 'the ~ood. wishes of Coun' cil when she leaves ~r her annual wacation. Council e~l~ourned on the motion of ~ A~D ADOP~ED, 17 JU~V, 1950. Clerk Clerk Chairman EE~JLAR ME~TING Council Chamber, 17 July, 1950. Pursuant to adJo~u~nment, the Council met at 5.00 p.m. on Monday, 17th July, 1950 for the purpose of considering general business amd finance. All mem- bers of the Coun~ were present. The Council, having received and read the ~n- utes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins. STATemENT His Worship Mayor Houck made a statement to Council with regs~rd to his feeling that it would be advisable to appoint a Civilian Defense Committee for this City, and asked Council to authorize His Worship to appoint the following executiv~ committee: Mr. W.$.Orr, Chairmau, Mr. D.C.Patten, Secretary, Reeve Monroe, Reeve B,,~tor, His Worship Mayor Eouck, Chief C.R.Pay, Chief J.C.Sh~pton, Dr. H.J.Davidson, Mr. Joseph Rosberg, Mr. A.S.Robertson, Mr. Donald Bracken, ~. J.M.Cowan, Mr. K.V.Farmer and Mr. W.B.Gunning. ~,:,: Resolution No. 100 DEPUTATION On the motion of Ald. MacDonald and NcF~inley, a representative of the Army, Navy and ~drforce Veterans in Canad~ was permitted to address Council. The speaker advised that his association had made application at the previous meeting for permission to hold a carnival in Popl-w Park and it had been suggested by Council that other grounds should be used for this purpose. He stated that it had not been possible to find suitable property for this purpose and the Assoc- iation was now asking if Council would grant permission for the holding of the carnival on the lower t~o teA-A~ces of Popl,~ Park, which location would not int- erfere with the playing of g~mes on the haseball diamond. ~ Resolution No.. ~C 0~NYNICATIONB Laid over from a' previous meeting: No. 179 - ~eodore MoLeod -~ rs hawker's and pedlar,s licence. ORDEEE~ on the mot- ion of Ald. Donald and Miller +.~t the c~unication be received and filed, and the application be not 6ranted. ~ Report No. 13§ The followin~ C~unications were ~presented: No. 182 - Village of Ohippawa - requesting renewal of standby agreement. ORDE~D on the motion of Ald. Donald and Jolley that the o~unioation be received and referred to the G-~;.m~ttee of Council appointed in counection with the preparation of a new agreement with Stamfor~ Township for the presentation of a report. No. 183 - NiaEara Falls Junior Chamber of ~o~merce o appreciation of assistance, C~ED on the motion of Aid. MasDona~ld~a~d~Hawkins that the ccmmau~ication be re0. eiw~ and file&. ~' No. 184 - Honourable Minister of Highways - re controlled-access highway. 0~DE~ on the motion of Ald. Inglis and Miller that the c~mmAnioation be received and leid on the table for two'weeks ama the Cit~ Solicitor be asksd, to be present at the meetir~ when this matter is considered. No. 185 - Greater Niagara General Ho_sp~t~l - forwarding info,last' 0~Ei~D o~ th~ ~0tion of-)~. ~,~-~a~-~f~. + ..... .mon pamphlet. sired and filed. - ...... ~ ~ ~ne communication be rec- No. 186 - J.B.Hg~kins, Jr. - requesting sale of water to Willoughby resident. 0~HmD on the-~---~otion~f--~d. Miller and M~cDonald that the communication be rec- eived and l~id on the table for consideration and a report by the Committee of Council appointed to prepare a new water agreement with Stamford Township. REPORTS ~e following Reports were presented: No. 1~8 - Cit~ Clerk - re sale of bleach in city. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that the report be received and filed. No. 139 - .qit~Clerk - re conference held 10th July. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed. (Ald. Donald and Mlller voted contrary to this motion.) No. 140 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins an~MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the rec- ~endation be adopted. PETITIONS .~e followin$ Petitions were presented: Nc. 21 - .J. ans ~cm~s and 15 othe~rs - requesting street light on Ellis Street. 0~E~D on the motion ~ Ald'~ ~o~'ld and Miller that the petition be received and referred to the City Manager for a report. No. 22 - Basil Cocc~___~o and 2 others - requesting sidewalk on Lo,bard Avenue. 0~RED on the motion of Aid. Donal~and Jolley that the petition be received and siblefiled', and the request be granted, the work to be proceeded with as Soon as pos- ~23 - Anthon~ Quaranto and 1 other. - requesting sidewalk on Lombard Avenue. on the mo~i~n of Al~' Miller and Jolley that the petition be received and flled~ the request be granted and the work be proceeded with as soon as posslble. ~i~OLUTIONS ~e followir~ ~esolutions were passe~l: No. 100 - HAWEYZ~ - ~0~ - ~SOL~ ~t His Worship ~yor Eouck be au~or- ~z~ ~ aP~c~ttee' ~e ~mbership of which ~s ~en rec~- m~ By ~, for ~e or~zation of a Civilian D~fence O~ttee for ~e City 0f N~ Fall=; ~ ~e S~ of ~e Co~tion be hereto ~fixed. C~ied ~o~1~ f~a~ ~rfo~e Fete~ n ua~ to ~e ~e ~o lower ~ces of Pop~ P~k ~e ~e~ion of a c~ ~ 3~t J~ ~ 5th A~ incl~t~; and ~e ~ of ~e Oo~oration be here~ ~t~. Ca~ied ~n~ ~e,~cll adJo~ed on ~e ~tion ~ ~d. ~wki~ a~ Do~. 1 o. 463 FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 17 July, 1950. ~'~e Finance Co~,,~ttee met on Monday, 17th July, 1950 for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. ~11 members of the Co~ttee were present. Sundry accounts amounting to $17,579.94 were approved by the Committee. The account s submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were or- dered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller. The application of M. DelBen to move a house from 680-4 Bridge Street to Lots 52 and 53, Alexander Crescent~ and a petition from T.F.Barr and 10 others as referred frc~ the Council meeting, were considered. Upon the reo~ndation of the prOperty C~mu~ttee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Jolley It was ordered that the application and petition be received and laid on the table until the next meeting. An offer was presented from A.L.Prest of $125.00 for Lot 37, Gladstone Avenue. Upon the recc~nendation of the Property C~m~ ttee and on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Donald it was ordered that the offer be received and filed, and Mr. Preat be advised the offer is too low and another offer has been consid- credo . ~ An offer was presented from Michael Scordino to purchase Lot 37, Glad- stone Avenue for $225.00. Upon the rec~ndation of the Property C~.~.~ttee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald it was ordered that the offer be rec- eived and accepted, subject to the condition that a dwelling of at least $10,000. value be erected on the premises within six months. An offer was presented frcan the Stamford Public Utilities C~...~esion to purchase a 50-foot lot on Morrison Street for the erection of a booster station. Upon the recc~mendation of the Property C~.=.~! tree and on the motion of Ald. Don- aid an~ Jolley it was ordered that the offer be received and laid on the table until the next meeting to permit the Camm~ttee to give the matter further consid- e~tion. The report of the Property C.'-..',~ttee, ca the above matters, was pres- eared. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Jollsy that the report be received and filed. The statement of relief for the month of June was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and ~olley that the statement be received and filed, and given the usual publicity. A report was presented from the City Manager, rec~nding the purchase cf a new model air compressor. It~was ordered on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Miller +.~t the re~ort be received and filed, and the recommendation be, ad- Opted. A report was presented, f;~ the City Manager, recommending the proced- ure of work with regard to the construction of a sewer frma Ontario Avenue and Seneca Street to Epworth Circle. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley an~ MacDonal~ that the report ~e rece!v~and-filed, and the recmmnan~ation be adopte~. A report was presented frcm the City l~er, recommending the payment of an~acco~t-for sewer excavation. It was o,x~ered .on the ~motion of Ald. MacD0n- adopted.aid and Jolley that the report be received and filed, and the recoz~endation be Cow~ttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Jolley. AND ADOPTED, 24 July, 1950. Olerk Chairman of Finance COUNCIL MEETII~ Council Chamber, 17 July, 1950. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council ~nd fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the money by-law which ~vered the ac- counts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present. B~Y-LAW ~e following Bm-law was as~: ~ - To ~nt Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Jolley and Miller that Aid. Haw- firstkins bet~,given. 0s_~riedthe privilegeun~nimously.of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and Donald that Rule B6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the secon~ reading - Carried. unanimously. ~lrd reading - Aid. MacDonal~ and Jolley - Carried unanimously. Ald. MacDonald asked that Els Worship Mayor ]~ouck and the City Clerk tame up with the Chief of Police the matter of excessive speed Of t~!s through- out the City and with t~rticular reference to St. Clair Avenue bet~eeen Queen 8treettention.ar~ Slmcoe Street. His Uorship a~reed to give this matter immediate at- ~e~ C0unoil adJourne~ on ~the motion of Ald. Jolley and Done.!d. ~A~ ~ AD01~ED, 2~ July, 1950. ? ~or ,i65 466 THIRTY-FlEET MEETING Council Chamber, 24 July, 1950. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 5.00 p.m. on Monday, 24th July~ 1950~ for the purpose of considering general business and fiance. All non- hers of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the min- utes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. N~cDonald and Miller. DEPUTATION On the motion of Ald. Jolley and Miller, Messrs. Greenspan and Higgi~? were permitted to address the Council. Mr. Greenspan advised Council that prep- arations are being made for the construction of a sidewalk on the west side of Florence Avenue bet~¢een Mcl~ae Street and Rosedale Drive~ in front of his residence and the proposed location of the walk would be too close to his house. He asked that Council authorize the placing of the sidewalk so it would not interfere with his lawn. Mr. Higgins advised that he also would like the sidewalk placed fur- ther away from the buil&ings. The City Manager suggested that a curb and gutter might be installed and a sidewalk elimln~ted and thus remedy the situation. ~:,: Resolutoin No. 102 CO~$1UNICATIONB Laid over frc~ previous meetings.: the motion of Aid. McKinley and ~cDonald that the communications be received and filed~ permission be gr~nted and the by-law be Presented. No. 19~ - Lo n and Lo~ ~ ..... - requesting Per~dssion for encroachment at 711 Mor~ison Street. ORDEREU) on the motion of Ald. Hawkins ~ud ~.~cDon~ld that the con~micat- ion be received and filed, and permission be granted when blue prints ~ud veyor's description of the encroachment ~ve been received. S_L~ R_~j~ort No. 142 BEPORTS ~xe follow~i_ng Reports Were presented: No. 141 - Committee of Council - re water agreements. ORDEE~D on the ~.uotion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald t~h~t the report be received and filed, and the recom- mendations be adopted. ~o. 142 - Pr_~pert~y Committee - re ion of Ald. Hawkins a~ ~-~-~onald encroachment of dwelling. 0RD~]i~D on the mot- recommendation be adopted, t~mt the report be received and filed, ani td~e No. 143 - Cit~ Ma~_~ . re street lighting on ion of Ald~.' Dona~ and H~wkins that the report Ellis Street. ORDE~0 on the mot- mm~endation be adopted, be received and filed, and the rec- ~EE Petition No. 21 No. 144 - Depu~tj Cit_~ Clerk - recomending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald~-M~cbo~a~d and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the recommendations be adopted. 467 No. 182 - Villa6e of Chippawa - re standby water agreement. O~D~ on the mot- ion of Aid. Hawkins and MacDonald that the communication be received and laid on the table and a meeting be arranged with representatives of the Village for dis- oussion of matters pertaining thereto. SEE Report No. 141 No. 186 - J.B.Hopkins~ Jr.. - requesting sale of water to Willoughby resident. 0~)E~D on the motion of Ali. Hawkins and MacDonald that the communication be ~c- eived and filed and Mr. Hopkins be advised that inasmuch as the agreement is with the Village of Chippawa~ he should m~ke his approach through that council. SEE Report No. ~4~1 The followin~ 0~nications were presented: No. 187 - Canadian Red Cross Societ~ - requesting Fire Department to co-operate re Disaster Co, w,~ttee. Oi~EI~D on the motion of Ali. McKinley and Jolley that the communication be received and filed, and permission he granted. No. 188 - .L.und~'s Lane Historical Soolet~ - invitation to ann,,e~ service. 0ED- ~A~m on the motion of Aid. MacDor~ld and Jolle~ that the communication be receive~ ar~l filed, the invitation be accepted, as man~ of the members of Council as pos- sidle attend the service& and Ald. MacDonald be asked to re~resent His Worship Mayor Houck. No. 189 - M.A.Chikie - requesting permissi~gn for used car lot. 01~DE~D on the motion of Ai~. Miller and Donald that the c~-~nication be received and laid on the table and until the next meeting to permit the members of'Council to view the location and the Cit~ Manager he asked to report thereon. No. 190 - Bell Telephone Cc=pany of Canada - re placing l~Aried conduit. ~No. 191 - Bell Telephone Comsany of Canada - re placing ln~ried cable. No. 152 - ~ell Telephone Ceml~ny of Canada - re placing cable and strand. No. 19~ - Bell Telephone C~ny of ~anada - re placing buried cable. NO, 194 - ~ell Telephone Company .of. ~anada - re ~lacing burie~ cable, 0EDE~D on La__id over. from a ~evious meetinE: No. 21 - Jane ~nomas and 13 others - re street lighting on on the motion ~-~--~j'~)ona~d~-~awkins that the petition Ellis Street. ORDEt~D on the table until a further report is made. be received and laid I~ OLUTIONE ~_~e followin~ Resolutions Were passed: No. 102 - JOL?.w.y . HAUEIE~ - i~SOLVED that the City ~nager be asked to consult with the oWners of property on the west side of Florence Avenue between McRae Street and Rosedale Drive and endeavour to arraive at a satisfactory arrangement withthe Corporationregm~d to thebe heretoC°nstructi°naffixed.°f a sidewalk or curb and gutter; and the Seal of Carried unan~ No. 10~ - McE~L~y . MacDONaL~ . ~SOLVED that His Worship Mayor Houck be author- ~zed to PrOclaim Monday~ 7th August, 1950 as civic holiday in the City of Niagara ~alls$ that the first meeting of Council in August be held on Monday, 14th August; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously ~ ~ ~poMO~~e'c~0LVED that a letter be sent to the directors of r g o~pany complimenting them on the publication of the eXCellent Damphlet about the bridge and Niagara Falls; and the Seal of the Cor- P0ra~ion be hereto affixed. Ca__~_~ied unanimous_u~_lylv No.. 105 - INGL~B -. MacDONALD . i~B0~VED that a message go forward expressing the sympathy and regret of the entire populace of Nis~ara Falls upon the death of the Right Hono~rable W.L.Mackenzie Kin~g, whose leadership and guidance throughout the years of his political career have contributed so much to the growth and develop. merit of the Dominion; and the Seal of the Corporation.be hereto affixed. Carried un~uimousl~ No. 106 - HAWKIngS - M~.TER - ~SOLVED that a letter be sent to Mr. A.O.WilliezGs and the North American Cyanamid Limited expressing the appreciation of the 'City Council for the excellent dinner an~ entertminment at the sw~mf~g pool of the plant on 17th July; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimousl~ No. 107 - HAW~tL~B - JOT.TEy - i~ESOLVED that letters be sent to the v~rious news- papers companies, asking that they instruct their staffs to take more care when throwing bundles of papers from the delivery trucks so the same will not endanger pedestrians on the sidewalks; and the Seal of the' Corporation be hereto affixed. · Carried unanimo~ No. 108 - INGL~B - JO~.;EY - ~SOLVED that ~ applications submitted for the pos- ition of manager of the Niagara F~lls Memorial Arena be presented to the City Council for consideration and a decision; amd the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried ~animgus~ Ald. ~L~cDor~ld asked if any arrangements had been n~de with re~rd to concerts by the Niag~ra Falls Kiltie B~nd this season. Ald. Donnld spoke about the erecting of wa~w~ing signs in t~he area around the municipal swimming pool. Ald. Hawkins asked that the City ~.eager connnunicate with the railway company and ask that they make repairs to the road surface at the intersections of Huron Street~ Morrison Street and Queen Street. His Worship ~&~yor Houck also suggested that the crossing on Robinson Street required attention. Ald. Miller asked ~t the City ~.n~ger again conm~unlcato with the Mich- igan Central Railway Company with re,rd to thc ringing of tz~in bells d.~U'ing the night hours~ inasmuch as the condition has not improved since the l~st c*~pl~int. ~e Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley. ~EAD AND A~0P'~ 31 ffuly~ 1950. ~e following By-laws were passed: No. 4560 - To amend By-law N,~mber 3790, being a by-law for the regulation of t~affic. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley tbst Ald. Don. ald be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the ~y-law.be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and ~olley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the secom~ reading - Carried unanimously. ~ird reading -Ald. MacDonald and Miller - Carried unanimously. No. 4~61 - To provide for permission to ~he Bell Tolephons C~pany of Canada to place conduAts a~l cables on Victoria Avenue, Fourth Avenue, Dru~oml Road, Alexander Crescent and Grey Street. It was ordered on the motion of Al~. Jolley and Hawkins that Ald. McKln. ley be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standin~ Rules of Council be suspended and the b~-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. ~aird roadin~ - Aid. Donald and Hawkins - C~rrled unanimously. No. 4~62 - To authorize the execution of an agreement for sale and deed. It was ordere~ on the motion of Ai~. McKinley and ~olley that Ald. Don- al~ be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the b~-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was o~ered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonal~ that Rule ~6 (2) of the Stan~ir~ Rules of Council ~e suspende~ and the by-law be ~iven the secon~ rea~ing - Carried unanimoucly. reading - Aid. Hawkins and McKinley - Carried unanimously. Deputy City Clerk Mayor Council Chamber, 24 July, 1950. The Finance Co~atttee met on Monday, 24th July, 1950, for the purpose of approving and also of Passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. Ail members of the Co~ttee were present. Sundry accounts amounting to $48,789.10 were appreved by the Cc~,,~ttee. ~e accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were oral- placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of McY~inley and Jolley. The request of the Stemford Public Utilities Comm~sslon to purchase a 10t on l~orrison Street, as laid over from the previous meeting, was considered. report of the Property Cmmmittee in this connection was also presented. Upon recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald ~ Jolley it was ordered that the ccmmurdcation be received and laid on the table ~nd further information be obtained as to what is proposed at this location. An offer was presented from V. Pascuzzi of $225.00 for Lot 4~, Emery Street. U~on.the. reccm~endation of the Property. C~ttee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley it was ordered that the offer be received and aesop. ted subject to the condition that a dwelling of at least $8,000.00 value be erected on the premises withlu six months; and with t~he understanding that if this lot is not avilable, Mr. Pascuzzi shall be permitted to purchase Lot 33. The report of the Property C¢~...~ttee on the above matter was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the rep- ort be received and filed, and the recummendation be adopted. A communication was presented from Mortimer, Bampfield and Company reference to the renewal of the liability policy. Mr. Haist of the company present and on the motion of Ald. ~[iller and Jolley was permitted to address the Committee. Mr. Eaist explained the reason for the increased premium for the com- ing year. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that the co~- munlcation be received and filed and the policy be renewed for one year from August~ 1950 at a premium of $2,849.95. His ~.Yorship Mayor Houck left the meeting. A report was presented from the City Manager recommending the issuance of a building permit to the Burns ~nufacturing Co. Ltd. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Miller that the report be received and filed~ and the reco~endation be adopted. The revenue and e~penditure statement for the period to ~0th June was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Jolley that the statement be received and filed. Ald. Donald asked that a report be made at the next meeting as to the amount charged to sick leave and for what period the amount covers. Ald. Inglis asked for information as to the amount spent for alterat- ions and repairs at the Filtration Plant. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Miller. READ AND ADOptED, S1, July, 1950. Deputy City Clerk. · Chairman of Finance Ihs Followin B~la~w w~as passe_~d: No. 4~63. - To Grant Monies for General p~a~pOses. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McJ£inley and ~cDonald that Ald. Eawkins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Ce~ried unanimously. rt was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by~law be given second reading - Carried unardmously. ~hird reading -Ald. Hawkins and Jolley . Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. McI£inley ~.nd Miller. ADOPTED, 31 July, 1~50. Deputy City Clerk Council Chamber, 24 July, 1950. ~e Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the counts a~proved ~y the Committee., Ail members of the,Council were present. THIRTY-SECOND MEETING Council Chambs:., 31 July, 1950. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 5.00 p.m. on Monday, 31st July, 1950 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All bors of the Council were present. ~e Council, having received and read the utes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald. DEPUTATIONS In connection with Conm~unication No. 184,- Mr. W.J.McBurney, the City Solicitor was present and advised Council with regard to the new regulations under ~e Highway Improvement Act. sEE Co~nication No. 1~ In connection with Communication No. 200 a representative of the Armj, Navy and Airforce Veterans in Canada spoke to Council. He explained the re~son for the request of the Association for permission to postpone their carnival until the month of September. SEE Communication No. 200 C 0~$1UNICATIOI~ Liad over from previous mee$ings: No. 184 - Honourable Minister of Highways - re controlled access highway. 0RD- ERED on the motion of Aid. Inglis and Hawkins that the communication be received and filed. ~ Resolution No. l_~00 No. 189 - M.A.Chikie - requesting permission for used car lot. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the communication be received and filed~ and permission be not g~nted. .S~ Report No. 14~ The followin~ Co~unications were presented: No. 196 - Bo~ Scouts Association - requesti~ permission for apple day. ORDER~ on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the communication be received and filed, and permission be granted. No. 197 - New York Central S~stem - re ringing of locomotive bells. ORDE~ on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the communication be received and filed and the press be requested to publicize this m~tter so the citizens may know that action has been taken thereon. No. 198 - Fire Chief Shap~on - requesting permission to attem~l convention. 0~D- EE~D on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Hawkins that the c~u~i~tion be rec- eived and filed, and permission be g~nted. No. 199 - Ontario Municipal Assgciation . re changed dates for convention. E~ on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins that the s~uication be received and filed and the Clerk ta~e cognizance of the o~unication. No. 200 - Army, Nav~ and Ai~force Veterans in Can~- - requesting permission to change dates for carnival. 0~J)E~D on the motion of Aid. ~olley and MacDonald that the ccmmz~nication be received and filed, and the Association be asked to make another applicatio~ When the dates have been set. P~P 0RTS ~The follo3~in~ Reports we?er_2_~2_presented_. ~ _: No. 145 - Ci_i~ty~Mann~g~e~r . re application for ~ed car lot. O~E~ on ~he motion of ~d. Do~ld and ~cDo~ld ~t ~e report be received and filed, an~ ~e rec- o~s~tlon ~ adopted. No. 146 - De~ City Cle~ - reCo~endi~ issuance ~tion of ~d. ~cDo~ld and ~wki~ +~ ~,~ ~ . y ences. 0~D on the ~e ~oo~e~tions be adopted. ~ ~ ~e ~porv ce received and filed, and The followin~ Resolution Wa~s_j~assed: No. 109 - INGLI~ - ~.~ _ ~.~ under Reg~tion 1fl filed on the 6%h day of J~, 1950 ~der ~e Hi,ways ~provement Act, ~e entire Queen Elizabeth Hi~]way wi~in the l~ts of the City of Nla~ F~ls and Some adjacent prooerty ~s ~en desired as a controlled access highway; - ~ ~ ~der Re,rich 122, also filed on ~e 6th ~y of J~e, 1950, Section 79b of ~e Hi,way ~rovement Act ~s been ~de applicable ~ the whole of ~e City of Nia~ra F~ls; ~ ~ ~e pertinent sectio~ of Section 79b read as follows: "79b. (1) No~*iths~ndi~ a~ general or special Act, re~.tion, by- ~w or O~er au~ority, no person s~ except ~der a pe~t therefor ~ ~e ~S~r: (a) place, erect or alter any building, structure or fence, or any part thereof, upon or within 150 feet of any limit of a controlled access highway, or upon or within 600 feet of any limit of a higj~y that intersects or runs into a controlled access high,way for a distance of 600 feet from any l~m~t of the Controlled access highway; (b) place, erect or alter any power line, pole line or other trans~mission line, or any part thereof, upon or within of any limit of a controlled access highway; one-q.uarter mile (c) place, erect, or alter any gasoline pump, or any part thereof, upon or within 150 feet of any limit of a controlled access high- way, or upon or within 600 feet of any lf~it of a highway that intersects or runs into a controlled access highway for a distance of 600 feet from an~ limit of the controlled access highway; (d) place, erect or alter any sign, notice or advertising device, or any part thereof, other than a sign not more than two feet by one foot displaying the name of the OWner or occupant of the premises to which it is affixed or the marne of Such premises, upon or within one- quarter mile of any limit of a controlled access highway; (e) construct, use or allow the use of any private road, ent- ranceway or gate which, or any part of which, is connected with or opens Upon a controlled access highway; (f) sell, offer or eXpose for sale any vegetables, fruit or other produce, or any goods or merchandise upon or within 150 feet of any limit of a controlled access highway, or upon or within 600 feet of any limit of a highWay that intersects or runs into a controlled access high- Wa2 for a distance of 600 feet from an~ limit of the controlled access "(2) clauses The Minister in his discretion may order that subsection 1 or · thereof as he may speoif~ shall a!~pl~ within the ltm~ts of ar4y city, town or village or such parts thereof as he may specify, but otherwise subsection 1 shall not apply within the ~ ~ts of any city, town or village. "(3) The Minister iu his discretion may give notice to the owner or occupant of any land requiring him to remove or alter any buildiug, structure, fence, tree, shrub, hedge, power line, pole line, other trans- mission line, gasoline pump, sign, notice or advertising device hereafter placed, erected, altered or maintalued, or to close up any private road, entranceway or gate hereafter constructed or m~intained, that does not comply with subsection i or with any permit issued under this section with respect thereto. "(4) The Minister in his discretion may give notice to the owner or occupant of any land requiring him to remove or alter any building, structure, fence, tree, shrub, hedge, power line, pole line, other trans- mission line, gasoline pump, sign, notice or adv~tising device heretofore placed, erected or altered, or to close up any private road, entranceway or ~ate heretofore constructed that would not comply with subsection 1 if it had been so placed, erected, altered or constructed after this sectiou comes into force"; 'ili~lt~'ORE BE IT EESOLVED that the Provincial Legislatt~re be requested to review the powers given under The Highway Improvement Act with a view to suring that the autonomy of municipal councils is. not infringed upon and t}mt the greatest possible freedom of decision is reserved for such councils, consist- ent with sound standards; AND ~tAT the legislation with respect to land use restrictions be rev- ised in order to ensure that municipal councils retain the greatest possible con- trol and responsibility in such matters, cemmensurate with reasonable protection for the rights of property o;.~ers; AND ~AT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to The Ontario Munic- ipal Association for consideration during the forthcoming convention; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimousll BY-LA~S The following By-laws were passed: No.. ~565 - To authoriz~ the execution of an agreement for sale and deed. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Donald that Ald. Haw- kins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried un~nimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Jolley and Hawkins that Rule 36 (~) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carrie& un~nlmously. Third rea~ing - Aid. MacDonald and McKinley - Carried unanimously. No,., 4~66, -'To allow an encroaclm~ent on Buckle2 Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and McKinley that Ald. ald be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. 'It was ordered on the motion of Al&. McKinley and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. ~hird reading -Ald. ldc~inle~ 'and Hawkins - Carried unanimously. His Worship ~yor Houck welcome Mdss Stokes back ~ ~ ~!ter her vacation. His Worship also extom~d to Mr. Orr the good wishes of Council for a good holiday. His Worship Mayor Houck eZpressed the s~mpathy of the Co~u~.cf~ for the famdly of the late ~rs. Anna Flynn upon her death. Council adjourned on t~he motion of Aid. McKinley and Hawkins. AND ADOPTED, 14 August, 1950. Deputy Clerk ,t?~yor F I~.L~CE MEETING Council Chamber, 31 July, 1950. ~e Finance Committee met on Monday, 31st July, 1950, for the ptu~pose of approving and also of passing the Various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Sundry accounts ~mountlng to $~7,~70.31 were approved by the Committee. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Aid. McEinley and MiLler. ~e offer of the Stamford Public Utilities Commission, to purchase a lot on MorriSon Street, as laid over from the previous meeting, was considered. A further communication frem the Cce,,~esion was also submitted. It was ordered ~ the motion of Aid. Donald and Jolley that the ccmmunicatious be received and ~ferred back to the Property Co~aittee to hold a meeting with the Commiesion and make a further report and recommendations. ~e report of the Deputy City Clerk with regard to the amount of sick .ime allowed in the Streets Department was considered.. It was ordered on the mot- ~ld. Miller and MacDonald that the report be received and laid on the table ~t~l the next meeting to permit the members to study the same. ~e 0cmmztttee adjourned on the motion of Aid. Donald and McK~inley. ~AD AND ADOp~E~, 14 August, 1950. Clerk Chairman of Finance C0~CI~ MEETING Council Chamber,, 31 July, 1950. ~he Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and ance meetings for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the counts approved by the Committee, and for the consideration of other matters. A~ ~ members of the Council were present. DEPUTATION A deputation from the Village of Chippawa, including Reeve Bukator, Dr. Findlay and t~o other members of the Com~zittee, were present. The d~le~ti0n attended the meeting for the purpose of extending an invitation to the Counsil and citizens of Niagara Falls to attend the Chippawa Centennial Celebrations which will be held during the coming week. His Worship Mayor Houck thanked the members for the invitatiou and advised that as many of the Council as possible would endeavour to be present during the festivities. The following By-law was passed: No. 4~67. - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that Ald. kine be giveu the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Miller and ¥~cDonald that Rule (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given thc second reading - Carried unanimously. Third reading -Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins - Carried una~onsly. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Miller and Jolley. AND ADOPTED, 14 August, 1950. Deputy Clerk the regular meetings of Coo~cil and tile Fins, nco Co!;~nittee on ~ond~,y, 31st July~ 1950~ for the pu~0ose of Considering the lnatters placed before them,. All of the Committee were present and His ~'!orship ~.yoz, Houck Was Chaz~.~mn of meeting. . Afterthe motionC°nsiderati°nof Ald. Miller°f theandmattersblo~ir~ey.presented to t~,e ~.~' ~ tJ~c Conmi!ttee ad jehu.ned on AND ADOp~D, 14 August~ 1950. Deputy Clerk Council Chamber~ 31 July, 1950. Conference 0~ttee of the City Cou~ cil. assembled at the close of Council Chs~ber, 14 August, 1950. Pu~snant to adJou~-~ent, the Council met at 5.00 p.m. on Monday, ll~th August, 1950 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. Ail members of the Council were present. ~e Council, having received and read ~he minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and MacDonald. Ald. Inglis arrived at the meeting. D~_ATION In connection with C....,~,~cation No. 207 and on the motion of Ald. Mil- ler an~ Jolley, Mr. George Sawyer was ~eraitted to speak to Council. Mr. Sawyei. outlined his plans for the sw~ug meet at the ~,m~cipal pool ar~l his request for financial assistance with regex~l to prizes. ~ Co~m~u~cation. N~9..' ~0~ following C~cations were presented: No. 201 - New Tork Central S~tem - re repairs to crossings. 01~)E~D on the mot- ion of Aid. Hawkins a~ MacDonald that the oe~Ommlcatiom be received and filed. Miller arrived at the meeting. No. 202 - ~_ .u~ior 0hasher of Coat, eros - suggesting Poplar Park as carmival ground. 0R~l~ on t~he motion of Aid. Inglis and Do~al~ that the om~,-m~ cation be rec- eived amd referred to the 1951 Council for consideration. No. 205 - Blue Cross plan. for Hosp.i. tel 0are - requesting permission to erect ban. nar and signs. ~A~ on the motion of ~. In~lis and MacDonald that the com- munication be received ar~ filed. (Ald. Miller, Hawkius and ~olley voted con- tawdry to this motion.) An -~n~ment was ma~e ~y Ald. Miller and Hawkins that t~e c~r~ic~tion be received az~l laid o~ the table umtil the next meeting, but this mot+- was defeated. No. 204 - stamford Horticultural Society - invitation to anuual memorial service. 0~)E~D on the motion of Ald. MoEiuley an~ Donald that t~he ccamamxication be rec- eived an~ file~, the invitation be ansepte~., aa mm~v of the members of Council es ~ossible attend the sea, Ace, aha the ~Xe~k be aske~ to r~zind the 0ounoil before the date. No. 205 - City of v,ndon . re~uest~ conference re taxation fields. Ol~]l~ on the motion of AI~. Do~ and Y~ia that the c~mication be received an~ file~, the resolution be endorsed and the 0oumcil,s representatives at the Oatario Munl~' ipal Assoolation convention ~e asked to au~ort this resolution. No. 206 - ~,~!~e Nutt..- ~equesti~ curb and ~%ter on Sixth Arenas. 01~ 0~ the ~otion of Ald. MaCDonald and Donald that the communication be received and ~eferred to the City Manager, Upon his return, for a report. No. 207 - ~or~~er _ requesting assistance re swimming prizes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the communication be received and filed, and $2~.00 be appropriated for the purchase of prizes. No. 208 - _Ca~d~ian Nation~l Electric Rail~ . requesting approval of extension of bu~ service. O~RED ~n ~tion of Ald. Miller and Jolley that the co,un~ i0ation be received and lald on the table until the next meeting. (Ald. McKinley and MacDonald voted contr~r~ to this motion. ) Prior to the 5boys motion it was moved by Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the co~unication be received and filed, and this request be approved; but the motion was defeated. N0. 147 - 0i~y ~ . re conference held 31st July. 0RDEI~D on the motion of Ald. Donald and Inglis that the ~port be ~ceived and filed, wi~ the e~t_ ion of ~e C~e In ~e ~st ~ph wl~ re~d ~ ~e renal of the m~. N0. 148 - ~it~ Clerk -'re ~st for leave of absence. 0~E~ on ~e ~tion of ~. ~o~d and Do~d ~t ~e report be received and filed, and ~e rec~- ~ti~ ~ adop~d. No. 14~ - ~it~ Cle~ - rec~ndi~ iss~nce of li~nc o~ ~. ~w~ ~d ~cDo~ ~t ~e ......... es~ O~E~ on ~e motion ~tio~ ~ ~op~d. ~=~oz.~ ~ recel~ and fi~d, and the reo- No. 150 - ~iSy Clerk - re application for llcence not ap roved. ~tion of ~. ~cDo~ld a~ I~Is ~t ~e report ~ r 0~ on ~e ~e ~nce~ not ~uted. ~ceA~d and filed, a~ No. 151 - C~y Clerk - ~ Co~e~nce wt~ officios res proposed H~o t~el. ~ on ~ motion of ~d. ~o~ld ~d McKi~ey ~t ~e ~port be received ~ f~ed, ~ Els ~orship ~r Eouck be ~we~d ~ appoint a c~t~e of ~o ~ ~e City Oo~cil who, wi~ ~e City ~er, will ~et wi~ ~e H~o offic- ~ for disc~sio~ of ~is ~t~r. ~ ~ls oo~ection, His Worship appoin~d ~. ~s a~ ~er ~ ~e City ~r ~ ~s co~it~e. ~ ~ ~d Jo~ey ~t ~e s~w be recei ~e~followi~ petition was ~resented: ~ ~ ~e ~tlon of ~d. Do~ ~ ~w~ ~t ~e ~titi~ be ~ceived and ~fe~ ~ ~e City ~r, ~ his ~t~, for a re~ort. ~e ~F' ~, e~ssl~ ~e s~2 of His Worship ~2or Houok, ~rs of ~e 0it~ 0o~oil ~ o~lze~ of Ni~a ~a~s ~ ~e dea~ of es~ citizen an~ four e~lo~e ~ ~e 0o~tion; an~ ~e Seal of ~e No. 111 - HAWAtu~ - JOLLE"f - I~SOLV~ that the action of His Worship Mayor Houek, in appointing Alderman A.J.McKinley as enacting mayor on 15th and 16th August, during the absence of His Worship, be approved; and the Seal of the Corporation ~e hereto affixe~. "~ . Carried unanim~ No. 112 - MOR-MILEY - NAWR'~ - i~ESOL~ED that His Worship Mayor Houck be asked to issue a notice to the travelling public, warning them that the traffic signals at the intersection of Victoria Avenue and McEae Street and Epworth Place are now in operation and asking +.k~t these be observed; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unan~m~ ouell No. 113 - MacDONALD - J(W.T~y - RI~0L'~ED that the action of His Worship Mayor Houck, in appointi~ ~e~n ~l~r, ~cDo~ a~ ~ey as ~e C~is~s PaNty C~t~e ~ app~ved; a~ ~e S~ of ~e Oorpo~ti~ be here~ a~ixed. C~led ~u~o~l~ idente. This matter was l~ft in the hands of His ~orshlp Mayor Houck for action. Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins. AND ADoP~ED, 21 August, 1950. N~yor The followin~ B~-laws were paS~ed: 4 42 - To authorize the constmmctlon of a sewer on Lowell Avenue and side- walks and cm~hs and ~utters on Fifth Avenue, Sixth Avenue, Hcmewood Avenue, Acheson Avenue, Florence Avenue, Lowell Avenue, Murray Street, and S~-..'aes Street, as local improvements under the provisions of the Local Improvement Act. Third reading - Aid. MacEinley and Hawkins - Carried No. 4557 - To authorize the execution of an agreement with the Public Utilities C,:..~.~Ission of the Township of S*~meor~ an& the Corporation of the Township of S+~*ord for the supply of water to the Public Utilities C~.,m~ esion of the Township of S+~=eord and the Corporation of the T0~- ship of Stamford and to petition the Legislature for a private bill t~ authorize the execution of a supplementary a6reement for a total per- iod of t~enty years. ~ reading -Ald. Eawkins and MacDonal~l - Carried unanimously. No. 4768 - To authorize the eXecution of an agreement for sale an~ deed. It was ox~lered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Do~ld that Aid. kins be given the privilege of intrOducing the b~-law an~ the l~j-law be read the first time - Carrie~l It was ordered on the motion of Ai~. Jolley and Hawkins that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be slmpen~e~ an& the by-law be given the second reading - C~A~:~ied u:~nimous]J. A1A. In~lis~ntiOnsd co~plaintS he ha~ receive~ fr~a residents at the south end of the City with re_m-~ to the fire sirens operate~ by the Fire Department, and aske~ His Worship ~Ma]or.-Houek to -take this m~tter up vith officials of the Township of Stamfox~. - Ald. MacDonalA mentioned o~.~lainte he had receive~ with regard to the beys, l~nds ~ising in-~arious sections of the CitT, tothe .annoysn~e of FINANCE MEETING Co,moil C~mber, 14 August, 1950. The Finance Committee met on Monday, 14th August, 1950, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly 0ertified and placed before them. All members of the Ccmmittoe were present. Sundry accounts amounting to $47,205.26 were approved by the C~,!ttee. ~e accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald. -McKinley and Jolley. The rsport of the Deputy City Clerk with regard to. sick time in the Streets Departm~ent, as laid over from a previous meeting, was considered. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Miller and ~olley that the report be received and l~id On the table for ~eference when.required. A report was presented from the City Clerk with regard to an applic- ation for ~ermts~on to mak~ a change in the building on part of Lots 14 and 15, Queen Street, for which a building perzzlt has been issued. Zt was ordered on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and ~olley that the report be received and filed, the recowm~ndation be adopted and the change be permitted, providing the same is in c~llance with the lmilding by-laws. ~e City 01erk advised of an application for a moving permit to move the ~welling f~a the northeast corner of Queen Street and Victoria Avenue to the north east cornar of Maple Street and Stanley Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of AI~. Miller and l~is Worship Mayor Eouck that the matter be laid om the table un- til the next meeting to ~ermlt the property co~mtttee to inspect the locations and re~t u~on the same. ~ Cce~.Ittee ad,lourned on the motion of AIA. M~nley and Donald. ~ A~D ADOPt, 21 August~ 1950. of Finance COUNCIL MEETinG Council Chamber, 14 August, 1950. T~e Council re-assembled at the close of the reg~,l-~ council and fin- anco meetings for the purpose of passing the money by-/aw which covered the ac- counts approved by the Coa~lttee. All members of the Council were p~ent. ,,~e following By,/aw was passed: No. 4~6~ - To G~ant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that Ald. Haw- kine be given the privilege of lntroduoin~ the by-/aw and the by-/aw be read the first t~ - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Eawkins and McKinley that Rule (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-/aw be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. reading - Carried lma~tmously -Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins. ~e Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley.. AND ADOP,',;,,~ 21 August~ 19~0. Clerk Mayor ~IRTY-FOURTH MEETING Council Chamber, 21 August, 1950. Pursuant to adJou~'~m~ent, the Council met at 5.00 p.m. on Monday, 21st August~ 1950 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Co~ucil Were present. ~he Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. ~cDo~ld C 01$flJTrICATIONB Laid over from a prevlo,m meeting. No. 208 - Nia~St. Catharines and ~ronto ~ilw~ - requesti~ aPp~i of ex~ion of b~ se~ice. O~E~ on ~e motion of ~d. ~wkl~ a~ ~cDo~ld ~t ~e c~cm~on be received a~ pe~ssion of ~e City be ~nted for this ex~ion. S~ O~ic~tlon No. 2~ ~e fermi C~Icmtip~ were presen~d: No. 2~ - ~Ca~rines and Toron~ - f~ther let~r re ex.n- sion of lo~1 b~ so.ices. 0~ on ~e motion of ~d. Haw~ and ~cDo~ld ~t ~e c~ication be ~ceived a~ pe~ssion of the City be ~n~d for ~is ex~ion. (~d. ~is, ~o~ey and Mi~er vo~d sentry) An a~n~nt by ~d. ~is a~ ~ller, ~t ~e ~tter be ~id o~r and ~. ~prin~, Superintend- ent of ~e N.S. & T. ~ilway be invi~d ~ appe~ before Council, was lost. Ald. ~er mo~d pre~o~ ~ ~e ~nt t~t ~e co~icatlon ~ recei~d and filed ~ip a~ ~erefo~ no~i~ ~ do wi~ ~e City of Nia~a Fa~s. ~ls motion was ~r wi~wn. S~ Resolution No. 116 No. ~0 - Ca.dian ~ti~l ~ilway~ - at~chi~ copy of let~r ~ B~ of ~- ~t Oo,,~,dssio~rs re ~in~e ~d ~irs ~ bridge. 0~E~D on ~e motion of ~. M~i~ey ~d ~w~ ~t ~e c~tion be ~ceived and ~e ~t~r be ~fe~d to ~e City ~er ~ oo~t wi~ ~e City Solici~r and present a rep- ort ~ No. 211 - Nta~ara~ St. Catk~wines and Toro~^ ~-~ ....... ~ e~. u~ on ~e ~tion of ~. ~cDo~ld and Mc~ey ~t ~e c~- ~tion be recei~d~ ~n proper p~bl~city a~ filed. ~R 0~ on ~e ~ti~ of ~. ~s ~ ~er ~t ~e ~t~r be ~fe~ed ~ ~e ~or ~ ~e ~ ~ces~y action he sees fit to pro,ct ~e citize~ d~i~ ~e ~ilway s~ike ~ ~ ~on ~ se~ioe or i~lvid,~ ~ assist ~m in ~is ~t~r. ~0. ~ . NIa~ F~s ~ Sch~l ~ ~ protesti~ e~ction of se~ce s~tion. 0~ on ~e ~tion of ~. Do~d a~ Miller ~t ~e c~,,~ti~ ~ ~ceived a~ filed and ~e Bo~ ~ not.led ~t Oo~cil d~s ~t fa~ the e~ction of a so. Ice s~tion at ~is lo~tion, but if a~ appli~tion c~es in ~ ~e~ is C~a~e wi~ ~e b~.ld~ by-~w, ~e~ ~ve no authority for ref- t, ~e o~ au~ority bel~ vestal tn ~e De~nt of Hi.aye wi~ refe~nce ~ o~r frma a previous meeti~.~ ~. 1Sa - ~ . s~.7 of application for position of arena manager. 0R- ~ on the motion of Ai~. Miller and MacDorald that the refert be referred for ~°~l~leratlon at the council meeting after the finance meeting. 484 ~e .f. qllowin~ Petitions were presented: No. 23 - R.Sharp and ~ others - requesting construction of sidew,lW on Stanley Avenue. 01~EI~D on the motion of Ald. Donald an~ Itaw~Ins t~t the petition be received anal referred to the City Manager for a report. No. 24 - Mae w~.~lton and 15 others - protesting erection of ~0artment building at corner of River Road anal Philip Street. 0~o,:A~ on the motion of Ald. McKin- ley and MacDonald that the .petition be received and tabled until plans are pres- sated and a permit is applied for. (A.ld. Inglis and MacDonald voted contraz, y to this motion.) ~m~ Finance meeti~ ~OLUTI0~ ~e following Reso~lutions. we.r? presented: No. 114 - EAWKINS - Mo~,~-~ - ~OL~ED that a message be for~ar~led to the family of the late William ModErns, expressing the sympathy of His Worship Mayor Houck, the members of the City Council and citizens of Niagara F.11e upon the death of this esteemed citizen, prominent building contractor, former alderman and former ~ydro C~'~w..~ssioner of the City of Niagara Falle~ and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimo~l~ No. 115 - MoEINLET - MacDONALD - ~SGLVEp that the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to enter into and execute an a~reement with the Pittsburgh Hockey Clu~ for the use of the Niage.ra Falls l~orial Arena during the period fram September 18, 1950 to an~ incll~ling October 7, 1~0; an~ the Seal of the Corporation be hereto 'affixed. Car~ie~d unanimousl~ No. 116 - NAWKA~ - MacDONALD - ~ESOLv~ that the Council of the City of Niagara Fell- approve the application of the Cans~ian Nation-1 Transportation L~m~ted to ~xtend its local bus se~-vlces fram the City ~t on Stanley Avenue, via Stanley Avenue and Portage Road in the Township of S+~*ord to the Township line be~een S*~.*o~xl and Nia~-~a F.lla; as we ~slieve this proposed bus service is a public necessity and is req,~ed for the convenience of the public in connection with extension work on the Eydro-Elsc~ric Power C..~m~esion of Ontario which it is posed to carr~ oat ia this area; that we respectfully re~ueet ~e Ontario Munic- ipal Board to grant a certificate of public necessity and convenience to the company for this route; and the Seal of the Cox~oration be hereto affixed. Nis Wor-~p Mayor ]touok advised Council that the date of the exhlbiti0~ - ~ between the Toronto Maple Leafs an~ Pittel~tr~h will be September 29th and when t~d~ts are ready to go on ~ale, it will be necessary to have a man at the arena for the ~l~e of the tickets. He suggested +.~t a crouch publicity as pos* sible ,1~ ~iven to this pro~osed ~me. ' Ald. ~ey spok~ about the eom~i~ion of the sidewalk im Epworth 0irele an~ the fact that the residents want some assurance that the sidewalk will be re, aired before winter 8ets ia. ~1.e Oity~l~a~er assured the Alderman that theme re,airs woul~ 1~ done before.winter. NAs Worship Mayor Zouck advised that the sw~.~E meet at the municiMl ~ool woul~ be hel~ on ~urs~ night, Av~ust 24th, startin~ at 7.00 p.m. an~ will be 16 or 18 events and ~eorge Sawyer has aske~ .~at .two. or .~m, ee alderm~n consent to act as ~ud~es of these events. Aid. Miller desired to know why the City Manager reported in such det- ail in his conference report of the meeting of July 31st (wh~h was reported in the press o~ August 15th) concerning plumbing installation aud also took excep- tion to the last paragraph of the report aud requested a complete r~port on plmabing matters and whether permits were issued. The City Manager advised that he reported the conference as the events took place and did not intentionally stress an~ l~rticuYar point. ~e Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Hawkins. ~AED AND ADOP~ED, 28 August, 1950. Clerk Mayor Council C~amber, 21 August, 1950. ~e Finance Committee mot on Monday, 2lst August, 1950 for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. Ail m~mbers of the Co~,~ tree were present. Sun~ accounts ~unti~ to $46,725.79 were approved by the Committee. ~e accounts suhmltted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ere~ placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Akl. McKinley and l~iller. In connection with the offer of the Stamford Public Utilities Cow~s- Sion to purchase a lot on l~ox~ison Street for the erection of a booster station, ~he City Clerk a~vieed the C~ttoe that the Co~!esion had advised that a lot, forty feet by one hundred feet would be sufficient. Upon the recommendation of the Property Ccm~ittee and on the motion of Aid. McKinley and ~olley, it was ord- ered ~bat a lot on the north side of Morrison Street at the southwest corner of the t~act owned by the Corporation, having a depth of one hundred feet, a width of forty feet at the ra~r and adjusted at the front so that its east limit will l~rallel the westerly ltm~ts of the Corporation lands, with the understanding ~at a stm~Acture of approx~,~tely $11,000.00 value is to be erected upon the lmemiees, be sold to the Township of Stemfo~l. for the sum of $500.00. (Ald. lie was contrar~ to this motion.) ~e application of ~ames l~useell for a permit to move a house fram 642 Victoria Avenue to Maple Street, which was laid over from the previous meeting, ~rs a~ain presented for consideration along with hie offer to purchase Lot N~- 76 an~ ~art of Lot Number 75, Maple Street. Upon the recommendation of the ~?~ttee.&nd on the motion of Ai~. McEinle~ and MacDonald, it was or~- ~aam vme applioution for a ~ermit to move the house frem 6~2 Victoria Avenue to Lo~tm~er. 76 an~ Par~ of'~t N~ma~er~ 75. on the north si~e of Maple Street; 486 and his offer to purchase said property on Maple S~reet for the s~n of $~00.00, Be accepted, it Being understood that the house he proposes to move will be loc. atod on the premises ~aml will be improved and rennovated in its new location. ~e rel~rts of the Property Co~m~ ttee on the above matters were pres- ented. It was ox~lered on the motion of Ald. M~Winley and MacDonald *~,~t the rep. errs be received and adopted. A report of the City M_-._~ger, recommending the issuance of a building permit to Jules Jttlianni to erect a non-licenSed hotel at 1815 Victoria Avenue between ~entre Street and Magdalen Street, was presented for conSideration. It was ordered on the motion of Ai~. Inglis amd Jolley that the report Be received and tabled for one week for a report from the Property A report of the City Manages, rec.....,~uding the issuance of a building permit to the Beaver Lumber C°~any for the erection of a lumber storage shed on their premises on Fourth Avenue between Eamilton Street and the N.S. & T. Rial- way ~racks, was presented for consideration. It was ordered on the motion of, MaaDo~al~ and Mm~uley that the report be adopted and filed. A report of the City Nanager, roo,,..=.ending the issuance of a building permit to the Canadian Cellucotton Limited to erect an addition to their buildi~ on the west side of Victoria Avenue between' Bridge Street and the C.N.R. main line tracks, was presented for consideration. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Inglis and McKinley e~at the report be received, filed and adopted. ~e Committee adjourned on the motion ~f Ald. McKinley and Miller. ~ AI~ ADOPTED, 28 August, 1950. Clerk of Finance Council C~ber, 21 August, 1950. ~e Council re-~seembled at the close of the re~ar council and fin- anco meeti~ for the purpose ~f l~ssing the mousy by-law which covered the ac- approved ~2 the C.~ttee. All members of the Council were ~resent. . -mw .' ~he foLlc~in~ By-law was l~soed: No. ~570 - To C~ant Montes for ~eneral Pu~osee. It was ~A~,ere~ on the motion of Ald. Mc~i~le2 an~ ~olle~ that Aid. Hawkins be ~iven the privilege of Intre~uciu~ the By-law and the by-X~w Be read the ~irst t~ - Carried ~aar~mousl2. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing RUles of Council be suSpended and the by-law be given the sec- end reading - Carried unanimously. reading - A_ld. 1WacDo~ld and McKinley - Carried unanimously. REPORT ~aid0ver from the prevlousme_~tin//: No. 152 - Cit~ Cl~r~k - summary of applications for position of arena manager. SEE Resolution No_~_..ll7 RESOLUTIONS ~e followi~!/~Resolutions were pa_s~s.ed~: No. ii7 - EA~-iI~ - JOLv.~y - RESOLVED that His ~orship Mayor Houck appoint a cc~- mittee to consider the salary and duties, to sereen the applicants and submit a reccmzaendation to Council concerning three or five of the applicants; and the Seal cf the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried (Ald. Inglis and MacDonald voted contrary to this motion) (Ald. McKinley refrained from voting.) Els l~orehip Mayor Eouck appointed Ald. Donald, Jolley and Iuglis to act 0n this Co~w,~ttee, the Mayor to act as an alternate if Ald. Inglis is absent. Prior to this resolution, Ald. Miller moved, seconded by Ald. Jolley, that the applicants be laid over for one week and Council meet an hour earliest next week to go over the mpplicatious. ~hi~ was withdrawn. Ald. M~inle~ moved that Mr. J~. (~ay) MacDonald be appointed Aren~ Nams~er. ~he.re was no seconder to this motion. Ald. Zllglie moved, seconded by Ald. Hawkins that the ~Em~un salary for the~appllcant for this position be made $3,500.00 for the information of the Arena 0~mm'_~ttee alone. ~his was withdrawn. No. 118 - ~l'r.'r.'~TR . DONALD - I:E~SOLVi,lu that the practice of mailing tentative ag- en~as to the Mayor and--~--~-~l'dermen be discontinued except where a matter is deemed important; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimousl Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. McEinley and Jolley. ~AD A~D ADoPew~, 28 August, 1950. Mayor 488 Council C~a~ber, 28 AuguSt, 1950. Pursuant to adJourmnent, the Council met mt 5.00 p.m. on Monday, 28th August, 1950 for the purpose of considering general business ar~l finance. Ail members of the Council were present. The Council~ having received and read the · minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Miller · Laid over from a prewious meeting: No. 210 - Canadian National l~ailwa~s. - attaching copy of letter to Board of Trans- port C'"m~nsiomers re maintenance of and repairs to bridge. O~:EiRED on the notion of AI~. Hawkins and Miller that the c~,mtcation be received and filed~ and the protest be filed. S~E l~eport No. l_~ The followin~ C~unicationS were presented: No. P--lB - Canadian Goo~ ~,~ade Association - re convention in Winnipeg. 0RDEEED on the motion of Ald. Donal~ and Hawkins that the conmunication be received and filed. No. 214 - Ontario Association of Plumbing Inspectors - re annual meeting in Brant- ford. In connection with tY~is c ........ ~,~ioation, His Worship Mayor Houck advised that the l~edical 0gfi~rof Health, Dr. ~P~itelock, had expressed his desire to have Mr. R.E.Andrews, Plum~lng Inspector, atten~ this meeting. G~D~ on the motion of Aid. M~_~ey and Jolley that the communication be recelve~ an~ filed and Mr. And- rews be permitte~ to attend the meeting. No. 215 - Nia~are ~J-Is Civic Em~loFees' Federal Union - requesting increase. 0R- ~m~ on the motion cf Ald. Miller and MacDo~al~ that the c~=~zication be the first paragraph in the letter be refe;~d to the 1951 Council for considerat- ion and the eecon~ paragraph be referred to the Chairman of Finance. (Ald. Y_uglis voted cont~a~j to this motion.) Tt was further ordered on the motion of Ald. Ing- lis an~ l~cEinley that the civic employees meet with Council next Tuesday, Sept- ember 5th at the ?.~0 meeting. · No. 216 - Nie~ara Falls Fire Fighters' Local ~28 - reproposed amendments to agree- merit and requesting meeting with Council. G~DA~m~ on the motion of AJ~I. ~olley and MacDonald that the c.-~;..,-~cation be received and laid on the table and the meeting be e.~-~:-i,,~'ed for next Tuesday evening at 7.3o p.m. Laid over frem a l:,revious meeti~: No. 152 - Cit~ Clerk - 8~ of applications fc~ position of arena manager. O~A~S~ on the-motion ~ ~. ,~ a~ ~w~ ~t.~e.*s,~.~-~ceive~ '~ze, folXowin~ Re~ts were prs~ento,d: No. 1~ - ~ - recommendations of C~-.,4ttee. Oi~EI~D on the motion of Ald. DonaX~ ~ ~w~ ~t ~ r~ ~o~i~ ~e appoin~nt of ~. J.A, ~ ~ a~. (~.~is ~ cm~.) ~ ~nt ~2 ~. ~s, ~t ~s mt~r ~ ~1~ o~r for .~ week f~ f~er~oo~i~tt~ was not No. 154 - City Manager - re maintenance and repairs to surfaces of bridge and ap- preaches. O~DEE~D on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and Miller that the report, rec- _~w~uding the filing of the protest, be adopted. No. 155 - City Manager - requesting perz~ission to attend convention. ORDF~D on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Miller that the report be received and the City l~nager be permitted to attend this convention. His Worship Mayor named Ald. ~olley and Miller as representatives of the Council at this convention also. No. 156 - ~ . requesting permission for Mr. Sills to attend convention. 01~i~ on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and McKinley that the report be received ami filed, and perndnston be gr~nted. No. 157 - Ci~ Ma~_~ . advising of further report on pltunblng situation. EE~D on the motion of Ald. Miller and McKinley that the report be received and filed, and adopted. No. 158 - C_lty Manager - reccmn~ending construction of sidewalk on east side of Stanley Avenue. OEP~ on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and Jolley that the report ~e received and filed~ and adopted. No. 159 - City Manager - rec~mnending construction of a sidewalk. 0RDEF~i~ on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and Jolley that the report be received and filed, and opted. SEE Petitions Nos.~& 22 NO. 160 - City Manager - recmmnendl~ construction of water mains on Gladstone Avenue, North and Emery Str~_~. OE)E~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the report be received and adopted. No. 161 - City Clerk - rec~,~,~nding issuance of licences. 01~DEI~D on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDo~d that the report be received and filed, and the rec- ~m~__~l~_tlons be adopted. PE I'-TIOIIS ~aid over from previ.ous meet!~: NO1 22 - J.Climenha~e and 2 other~ - requesting construction of sidewalk. No. 2~ - Roy Shar~ and $ others - requesting construction of sidewalk. 01~DEI~D on the ruction of Ald. l~cEimley and Eawkins that the petitions be received and filed. · J followln~ Petition was presented: ' ~ - requesting sidewalk on north side of Emery Street. o? t~..e m~_.t.ion, of Aid. Donald and Miller that the petition be received and mo nme oxSy ~ma~er for a report. ~e.~follc~iuE l~ssolution was ~m_ea: ~' ~ ' ~R - ~CD0~ - ~ ~t ~ next ~ ~etI~ of ~e City ~0il ~ held at 7.~0 p.m. on ~s~, 5~ Sep~er; ~t ~e r~i~ ~et- ~ ~ ~r ~ ~ld at 5 o'clock; ~ ~e Se~ of ~e Co~o~tlon ~ 49O "~,e followin~ ~-la.ws were ~assed: No. ~71 - To authorize the execution of an agreement for sale and deed. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. McKinley and Donald that Ald. Haw- kins be given the privilege of introducing the by-l~w and the by-law be read the first time - Carried It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and ~oLley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried un~-~monsly. ~xird reading - Ai~. Donal~ and Hawkins - Carried ~m-~imously. No. 4~72 - To establish a public lame. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McE/nley 'that Ald. Don- eld be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the ~y-law be read the first time - Carried UnS~mnuely. It was ordered on the motion of AI~. M~.~nley and ~olley +.h-t Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unm~m~uely. ~tld. Inglis asked Hie Worship the Mayor if a~ consideration had been given to the municipality operating the C~. ta~ National lnmes during the strike period and His ~orship advised *-~t he and Reeve Monroe of Stamford Township d/aousas~ this matter with the bus owners and the~ indicated an unwillln~ss to operate o Ald. Hiller requested information as to whether the ~itnsy operators had sufficient insurance coverage for such operation an~ wu advised that no ~er- mit was issued by the Chief of PoliCe until he was satisfied im this re,rd. Ald. Miller requested that the City Manager sub-it a report on the p~- grsss with reference to Stands at Cakes--Park an~ also requested & report on the t=ogross of city aaseamnents. Aid. MoE/nley referred to the beautiful corsage be~-~ worn by Miss Stokes, reporter for the Hia~ara F~- Evening Review an~ thought an expZan~ti0n in order. His Worship the Mayor con~rat-,1-te~ Miss Stokes upon her o~m~letion of thirty-oneyears of service with the Nh~ara F~I 1 a Evening l~view and wished her ever~ success for the future. His Worship Mayor Houck expressed hie regrets at hearing ~h~_.t the Canon E.W.Oosti~an, Rector of Christ Church vas leavin~ his I~riah on 0cto~er 15th to take another charge in Hamilton; and referred to his outetand/ng char- aoteristios an~ work with the young people in the municipality; ami felt that ~-~ll~lity is losing two excellent men in Canon Coati, an an~ Rev. Mr. Ald. Inglis ~ attention to the fact that there had been consi~er- able ~ to vi=lows in the Hia~ara Falls ~rial Arenm and was advised by %~orahlp the .Mayor that he woul~ ~ake 'the matter ~ with the Chief of Police. ~he Council a~ourued on the motion of AI~. MacDonsld ami ,Nawkins. Clerk Council Chamber, 28 August, 1950. The Finance Co~!ttee met on Monday, 28th Augast, 1950 for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly oertLfled and placed before them. Ail me~bers of the Con~ittee Were Present. Sundry accounts, m, ountlng to $35,570.56, were approved by the C~m~!ttee. ~ae accounts submitted, being passed or otherelse dealt with, Were ord- ered p/aced in the money by-law fom. presentation to the Council: on the motion of Ald. McKinley and ~olley. The application of J.JUliannl to erect a non-licensed hotel at 1815 Vic- boris Avenue, lald over frc~ the previous meeting, was a~aln presented for Consid- station. Upon the recommendablen of the Property Commdttee and on the motion of Ald. Jolley and Miller it was ordered that a permit be granted with the under- stand/n~ that the existing structure is to be removed. The City Manager presented a report of the Arena Committee recommending the installation of automatic equ/pment in the Memorial Arena. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Donald that the report be received and tabled for one week until His Worship Mayor Houck appoints the Arena Committee. The City Manager.s report, re~ussttng permission to advertise for ten- ders for extension to the clear water well at the Filtration Plant, Was presented for consideration. Zt was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and MCKinley that the report be received and filed, and authority be given to the City Manager to 'a~vm~ise for tenders. A.ld. Inglis questioned the advisability of calling for tenders for part of the work and the City Manager advised that, in his opinion, the calling for these tenders would give au indication of what other prices would be and requested authority, which was granted, for the insertion of the dateof completion of the work as of BOth April, 19~1. Ald. McKinley asked if there would be any disturb- dace to the line during the proposed Hydro construction and was advised by the Oit~ I~r that the depth was too great to cause any such interference. Ald. Miller inquired am to when Council would meet with the Township of Nia6ara a~ Ckippawa officials with reference to their water agreements and was a~Vizet by the rl~yor that, if Possible, arrangements would be made for the even- l~ of seDtembe 5th. The City Manager.s reco~ndation for the issuance of a building permit t0 She ~Lrl~ol Hapids ~ridge Company for an addition to ~he transport shed on ~ver I~ad~ was presented for consideration. It was ordered on the mo~ion of Ald. M~cDonal~ and Miller tb~_t the report be received and filed and the reco~m~ ndation ~e City Manager.s recmmnendation for the issuance of a building permit .to M~. ~ood/e for the oonsta,Action of a new store on Queen Street, was Presented ~0~ eonslderation. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that t~e.re~ox~ be recaive~ ami filed, and the reoca~-endation be adopted. ~e statement of relief for the mouth of July was presented for consid- statics. It was ordere~ on the motion of Ald. Miller and ~olley that the state- ~nt'be received an~ filed, and given the usual publicity. ~e ~ttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. McEinle2 and Miller. ~A~ A~ AD~.,, 5 September, 1950. Chairman of Finance 491 493 Council Chamber, 28 August, 1950. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the counts approved by the Ca~tttee. Ail members of the Council were present. ~he following By-law was passed: : !~o. 4573 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that Ald. Hawkins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first t~ - Carried ur~usly. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Jolley and Niller that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be ~given the second reading - Carried urmnimously. ~ird reading - Ai~. NaoDor~ld and McKinley - Carried unanimously. The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. ~olley and McKinley. AND ADOi~ED, 5 September~ 1950. Clerk ~HIRTY-SIXIH MEETING REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, 5 September, 1950. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday, 5th September, 1950, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council were present. ~e Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid. ~cDon- aid and McKinley. Aid. Inglis arrived at the meeting. DEPUTATIONS A dele~tion was present consisting of Mr. Johnstone Roberts and Gerry 0'D~nohue represehting the Dyns~no Football Team, requesting that they be peri, t- ted to use the floodlighted ball park at Oakes Park on the nights of September 8th amd 22nd. Mr. Roberts and Mr. O'Donohue outlined their desire and His ~or~ skip the Mayor and ~bers of Council also spoke upon the matter, indicating that they had fears that if football were played on the field, it could not be placed in a satisfactory condition for playoff baseball games. Ald. Inglis was of the opinion that the field should be available to both groups. Resolution No. ll9 was presented and passed. An amendment was made by Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that per~zission be not granted to the Dyr~mo Football Team for the use of the baseball field at Oak, s Park; and it was defeated. SEE Resolution No. ll~ Bepresentatives of the Niagara Falls Civic Employees, Federal Union No. 1SS au& the International Association of Fire Fighters~ Local 528, outlined their reason for requesting an increase in wages, with particular reference to the in- oreased cost of living. His Worship the Mayor and the Chairman of Finance, Aid. ~awkIns, eXpressed their accord with the request but pointed out the financial difficulty~ involved in acceding to it. By Resolution No. 120, His Worship Mayor Eouck was empowered to appoint a co~atttee to meet with the representatives of ~he t~o locals to discuss the request and try to arrive at a satisfactory arrange- ment to ~isfy the employees. SEE Resolution No. 120 CC/$1UNICA~0I~ ~.i.~ over from the N0. ~5 Ni~ Fa~s Ci~c ~!oy~s, Fede~-:U~on No. ~0. 216 ~ ~.~ Fa~a mn~ in work week a~ c~s in ~nt. ~D on ~8 ,~- ~o~d ~t ~s Vo~p ~y~ Houck ~ e~er~ ~ a~oint a c~!t~e ~ dlsc~s ~e reg- ~s~ of ~ ci~c ~lo~es a~ ~e f~e fi~. ~o~i~ a? - ...... ~ z~$ ~o c~zcation ~ ~cel~ ~ filsd~ ~ ~e resolution ~ e~. 494 Peace Petition. Mr. John Laudry, Chairman of this O~,,,~ttee was permitted to speak on the tactics of Ald. ldclf, inle2 and Hawkins in connection with the petition. Ol~D~m~ on the motion of AI~I. ~nglis and Jolley that the ccmmmmic~tion be rec- eive& and referred to the City Manager for a report. ~'~e fg. llowing l~ports were presents.d: No. 162 - City Manager - progress re staude at Cakes Park. 01~I~EI~ED on the motion of Ald. Inglis and Miller that the report be received and filed ertl care be taken when stands are dismantled to ascertain whether or not lumber can be salvaged for use in stands at 2opl~r Park. An -w~ndment by Ald. Donald and McKinley was with. ~r~wn, No. 163 - City Manager - re re-assessment programme. ODt~A~ on the motion of Ald. Miller anal Hawkins that the report be received and adopted. No. 164 - City Manager - rec~,~,~nding const~ulction of concrete sidewall on the north side of Emery Street between Temperance Avenue and Gladstone Avenue. 0~- ~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and Jolley that the report be received and ad- opted au~ the construction of the sidewalk be completed. .~E.E Petition No. 2~ At this point, His Worship Nayor ltouck requested Ald. ~onmld to take the laid p.v~, r frma the prsv~, cue meeting: - No. 24 - A..~or~occo - requesting sidewalk on Emery Street. ~ on the motion of Ald. Donal~ and Jolley that the petition be received arml filed and the conSt- ruction of the sidewalk be completed. ~e following ~esolutions wex'e passed: · No. ~9 - ~. - ~ - ~ ~t ~e ~q~st of ~e D~ Foot~ Clu~ ~ ~e ~e ~s P~k ~1 fie~ on Bep~r 8~ ~d 22~, ~ ~f~d ~ ~e City ~r ~ co~t wi~ ~e ~o ~ies ~ ~ w~r ~ents ~ ~oeaible for ~ ~e of ~e fiel~ ~der p~per s~er~siom; ~ ~e Se~ of ~e ~o~tion ~ he~ (~. ~$~ a~ ~e2 vo~ No. 120 - Ilq~]B - MacDONAT~ - RES~L~ that H~e Worship Namer Houck be empowers to appoint a e~.m-~ttee to meet with the respresentatives of the Niagara Falls Civic Employees' Federal U~i~n Local 13~ and the YmtersationaJ. Association of F~m Fighters Local 528, to discuss and request and t~-~ to ,,,.;.<-lye at a satisfactory a.~rangement to s~tisfy the em~loyeee$...~u~ ~the. Seal of the Corporation be hereto Oarrie~ unan~o~ · Mayor Houck appointed Ald. HawkinS.~, Iu61ia &n~ Hr. OXT as the C--~-tttee in the OYe CO"~D. OC tion e No. 121 - MTT,tER . HAMKllB - RESOLVED that a letter of appreciation be forwarded ~o the Chief of Police ar~l his staff for the excellent manner in which they handled~e heretotheaffixed.lab°ur Day week-end flow of traffic; and the Se~l of the Corporation Carried un~nimously ~APPOIilWY~ENT OF AI~NA C0~ilTI~E His Worship Mayor Eouck appointed Ald. Donald and Jolley and Inglis as the Arena Co~mittee. B~Y-LAE ~e .foll,owin~law was PaS~se~dd: No. 4~75 - To authorize the execution .of an agreement for sale and deed. It was ordered on the motion of ~_ld. Jolley and McKinley that Ald. Don- eld be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the fArst time - Oarrie~ unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that Rule (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the ;ecoz~l reading - Carried unanimously. reading -Ald. MacDonald and McKinley - Carried unanimously. His Worship Mayor Houck congratulated Aid. Donald U~on his appointment es a director of the Ontario Municipal Association mt their convention last week in Sndbury. Ald. Donald acknowledged the cor~ratulations. Com~cil adjourned on the motion of A.Id. McKinley and Donald. ~AD AIID ADOP,~:,,, 11 September, 1950. 0lark Mayor Council Chamber, 5 September, 1~50. ~e FAnance Cc~mittee met on ~sday, 5th September, 1950 for the pur- ~0se of aPl~ovia~ and also of pasel~ the various accounts which had been prop- 496 erly certified ami placed before them. Ail members of the C.--.,.~ tree were pres. Sundry accounts -shunting to $59~582.21 were approved by the Committee. ~lae accounts sulamltted being passed or otherwise dealt with were ex~l placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council~ on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley. ~e report of the City Manager re the installation of automatic equip. merit for the refrigerating plant at the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena, as laid over from the previous meeting, was a~ain presented for consideration, rt Was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mclflnley and MacDonald tk-t the reportbe receiwd and filed and adopted. (See appointment of Arena Comnittee at previous Council meeting. ) ~he City Manager's report reco~,.,~nding a building permit to Stewart Bird Motors for an addition to the existing paint shop was presented for consid- eration. Vt was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald ttmt the rep. Crt be received and filed and adopted. ~e City ~tsr~ger's report recomm-nding a building permit to Walter for the rection of a building to be known as Kin~dc~ Hall of Jehovah,s Witnesse, was presented for consideration. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Jolley and Miller ~k,t the report be received and filed and adopted. ~l~e applicatiom of Nary Bersani for a permit to erect an al~rl~ent building on the northwest corner of River Road and Philip Street was presented for consideration.along with a set of building plans and specifications. It was ordered on the motion of lile Worship the Mayor and Ald. MacDonald that the appllo. ation be referred te the 0ity Solicitor to m,~, ~ report to the City Council what Jurisdiction the Council has in authorizing this ~ermit; and the City Man- agar to go over the plans sul~nitted; an~ the Press be requested to give some pub- licity that this matter will be brought before the City Council at the next n~et- lng. . ~l~e City Manager presented the application of Walter Ilowlett for the construction of an addition to the existing boiler roes to be used as a rack rom for Gay Bros. ha~er~. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Inglis and His Wor- ship Mayor Houck that the recommendation of the Ohairm~ of the Prol~erty Cowa~ t- tee ~e.~adopted and the permit be ~ranted. ~e o~ison of tax collections as of August 31st, .1950~ was pres- anted for consideration. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Nil- that the statement be receive~, given the usual publicity and filed. · ~e C-~,~ttee ad~ourued on the motion of Ald. Dor~J~ and ltcliinley. Chairman of Finale COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 5 September, 1950. ~e Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and finance meetin~ for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the accounts approved by the C~ttee. All m~mbere of the Council were present. BY-LAW Ihs followin~ B~v-law w_as~_sed.: No. 4~7~ - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. Zt was ordered on the motion of Ald. MCKinley and MacDonald that Ald. ~awklne be given the privilege of intorducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Jolley and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of the Council be SUSpended and the by-law be given the secowl reading - Carried unanimously. lhird raeding -Ald. l~cKinley and MacDonald - Carried Unanimously. A delegation from the Township of Niagara, consisting of Deputy Reeve ~. Eunter, ami Councillors G.I'.Cart, It.Dawson and V. Dyck appeared before COuncil, at the request of Council, for the purpose of discussing the Water agreement pres- entl~ in effect. ~t was pointed out to the delegation that, due to the e~l~wged progra~ne of improvements and extension of the water syStem and increased costs of operatlon~ it was felt that the Township should consider an increase in the ~ate for water supplied over that as set out in the agreement. Following discus- sion on the matter it was agreed that the delegates return to their Council and give the suggestion consideration; and then in possibly two weeks, time, meet With the Council,s water comm,!rtee to complete their negotiations. Council exlJourned on the motion of Aid. Donald and MacDonald. ~AD A~D ADOp,~:,,, 11 September, 1950. Mayor Council Chamber, 5 September, 1950. ~e Conference O.'.~,.,.~ttee of the City Council assembled at the close of the regular meetings of Council and the Finance Cr.m.~ttee on Tuesday, 5th Sept- ember, 1950, for the purpose of considering the matters placed before them. All members of the C~=~,~ tree were present and His Worship le~yor ltouok was chairman of the meeting. After consideration of the matters presemted to them, the Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley an~ Miller. READ AND ADOi~n, 11 September, 1950. Chairman Council Chamber, 11 September, 1950. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, llth September, 1950, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Jolley, were present. The Council~ having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins. COMM~N_ ICA_TI0~_ laid over from revious meeti s: N0. ~5 - ~ ~lo~s. Federal U ~0. ~6 - Nia - ~ ~ nion ~ ~ Fi ters - ~n a~e~nt. 0~E~ on +~-~ - ~questi~ increase in Wages and c~ -~ ~u*zon or Aid. ~cDo~ld and Miller ~t ~e~ ~catio~ ~ recei~d a~ filed and ~e ~mbers of both ~io~ be ~n~d a b0~ of $3.84 per week~ over a~ above ~elr ~sic wa~, effective ~om 1st Sep- ~ber, ~950. ~0. 2~ - ~ace O~,~ . ~questi~ endorsatlon of S~c~o~ ~eace ~etltlon. 0~ ~ ~e ~ion of ~d. Do~d and ~cDo~ld ~t ~e c~- ~tion be received a~ filed. ~_~ Rep~gr_t No._.!66 ~e followin$ Co~.m,_~ications were pres~ent~_.d: ~0. 219 - ~~ea~e ~on of ~. ~w~ ~ ~ll~r ~' ~s for assis~nce. 0~ on ~e c~tion be ~celved a~ filed. N0. 220 - ~ch as ~d. ~ ~ ~ zu ~ c~ive P~ue. ~sis~ce was ~s ~d been ~or of ~e City d~i~ ~e War ye~s and when bei~ sent fr~ Nia~ Fal~ ~ Bri~In, His Worship ~yor Houck ~mse~d ~e p~9~ ~ ~. It was ~en ~E~D on ~e motion of Ald. I~is a~ ~w~ ~t ~e c~tion be ~ceived and filed, ~e P~que be accep~d wi~ aP~c~tion and ~atit~e and His Wors~p be as~d to fo~ a perso~l ~ the L~ ~or, e~ressl~ ~e ~s of the cltize~. I~EPOi~IB ~e~followLng l~eports were p~sen~,l: N0. 165 0~ ;~~: r~e~tio~ of C~t~e as to increase in wa~s. ~ mo~aon or ~d. ~d a~ Mi~er ~t ~e ~port be ~ceived ~ ftle~, a~ ~e ~c~n~tio~ be adop~d. On ~catl~ ~ Niacin Fa~ Peace C~ t~e. 0~- fl~d~ a~ ~e ~-. ~ ~d ~oDo~ld ~t ~e report ~ reoel~d and ~o~tio~ be adop~d. 167 - ~ . ~ O~e~noe held 5~ ~ptem~r. 0~ on ~e ~tton ~er a~ ~w~ ~t ~e ~port be ~ceived a~ filed. ~1~ . ~ . ~ ~eti~ on N~-~eo~ic Power C~ssion of - ....... · ~w~i~ a~ M~i~ey ~t ~e ~ ~oei~d a~ ~it on ~e ~ble ~ttl ~e next ~eti~ and ~e ~esa ~d ~ ~i~n copies for ~ublioit2. No. 169 - City ~r - re meeting of advisory committee on re-aSsessment. In this connection~ Mr. Brooks spoke to Council and answered questions directed to _h~m upon the matters. OR~E~ on the motion of Ald. MacDor~l~ ar~l MCKinley that the report be received and laid on the table until the next meeting and Mr. Slosh of the Department of Municipal Affairs be asked to be present at that time for discussion upon this matter. Ieid over from a previous meeting: No. 24 - Mae ~amilton and l~ .others - protesting erection of apartment building. O~DEi~D on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the petition be received and referred to the Finance C¢..~=~ttee for consideration. .~. Fin~ nee meeti~nE Ald. Inglis asked the City Clerk to take inmmediate action to eliminate the nuisance created for a resident on Victoria Avenue, adjacent to the Niagara FaLls Arer~, by the parking of n chip wagon for long periods of t~. Ald. MacDonald asked that the Chief of Police be asked to take so~e action to curb the speeding of taxis on ~.pworth Circle, and else the excessive speed of truc~s on this street. His Worship Mayor Houck a~vised that he would present this matter at the meeting of the ~oar& of Police Co~issieners. Ai~. Donsld also complained about the excessive speed of taxis general- ly throughout the City. ~e Council a~lJo~rned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Hawkins. READ AND ADGP~ED, 18 September, 1950. Mayor Co~ncil Chamber, 11 September, 1950. ~e l~inance Committee met on Monday, llth September, 1950 for the pur- pose of approving and also of ~assing the various accounts which had been prop- erly certified and place~ before them. All members of the C~mittee, with tho ex- caption, of Ald. ~ollep, were present. Sundr~ accounts .amounting to $51,211.85 were approved ~ t~he ~e accounts ubm~tted~ being passed or othe~.~is¢ dealt with, wore ered placed in the money hy-l~w for presentation to the Com~cil on tho motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald. On the motion of Ald. H~wkins and McKinley, Mr. ti. p~ns k~worth Ho ' ' of Circle was permitted to address the Committee. ~h~. Ho~kins advised of th~ work which had been completed last year when the water m~in'was installed and the con- sequent breaking of the strip between the sidewalk and the cm'b. He stated that in many places the ground had settled aud although the s~aoes Ired been filled with stone chip~ there was a dangerous and undesirable condition. He asked if it would be possible to have this strip paved. It was o~'dered on the motiou of Ald. Donald anal MacDonald td~at the City Manager be asked to report as to why the strip had not been placed in a satisfactory condition. A communication from 1.~rtin, Calvert and Matthews, as laid over from the previous meeting, ~nd making application for a per, nit for the erection of an aperient buildiug, was considered. The petition which had been referred from the Council meeting and reports of the City Manager and City Solicitor were also pres- ented. It was ordered on the motiou o£ Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the com- munication, petition and reports be received and laid on the table until the next meeting, that each member of the Con~ittee be giveneopies of the application and report with regard to a former application for a permit to erect a non-licensed hotel at this location. A report was presented from the City Manager, on behalf of the Arena Co-~.~ittee, recommending the inst~llation of a four-sided clock at the Niagara Falls Memorial ~.rena. It was ordered ou the motion of Ald. McKinley and Miller that the report be received and l~ld on the table for one week and a further rep- ort be requested from the Con~ttee as to what would be the advertising ~te for this clock~ what hopes they have as to revenue this winter, wl~t hockey te~m will be in the Arena this winter and also what guarantee as to mechanical performance would be available for the clock if purchased. His Worship Mayor Houck advised the Co~ ttee that the Maple Leaf and Pittsburgh Hockey teams will play a ~me at the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena on 29th September, and he felt all possible support and publicity should be given to this ~ame o A report was presented from the City Clerk as to the cost of employing the Tyden Seal method of bicycle licensing for 1951. ~t was ordered on the motion of Aid. Miller and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and this type of licensing be used for 1951 on a trial basis. ~e statement of relief for the month of August was presented. It was 0rdere& on the motion of Al~l. McKinley and Miller that the statement be received amd flle~ an~ given the usual p~blicity. · e _Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Miller. ~ADANDADOP~m~, 18 September, 1950. 0hairman of Finance 303 )5 :{ COUNC r~. MEETING Council Chamber, ll September, 1970. ~e Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the CcM~,,,,lttee. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Jolley, were present. BM-LAW ~e following By-law was passed: No. 4~76, - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. McKinley anal Donald that Aid. ~aw- kine be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered om the motion of Aid. Nawkins and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Stanzling l~zles of Covucil ~e suspenAed and the by-law be given the secon~ reading - Carried. ~ird reading -Ald. Hawkins an~ Donald - Carried. ~e Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley. AND AD01~w~, 18 September, 1950. Clerk ~y0r ~tIRTY -EICH~ MEETIE~G Council Cha~ber, 18 Septe~ber, 1950. Pursttmnt to adJour~nent, the Council met at ~.00 p.m. on Monday, 18th September, 1950, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council were present. ~he Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDon- ald and Miller. DEPUTATI0~S In connection with Reports Nos. 169 and 170, ~ir. Bentley of the Ch~s. ~arnock & Company Limited was permitted to address Council. Mr. Bentley spoke Scut the stage ofadvancement of the re-assessment programme at the present time an~ the conditions under which his Company had conducted the same. Mr. Brooks, the Assessor, then spoke and gave his opinions of the work which had been done, m~l stated that he had done everything possible to assist. ~. Nax Sloan, Ass- es~m~nt Supervisor of the Depar~nent of Municipal Affairs was also present and his views on the situation and made suggestions with regard to a by-law for extension of time for closing the roll, and with regard to n~ng an appoint- ~mt which would permit the Chas. Warnock & Company to defend any assessments ag- ainst which appeals might be made in the Courts. ~ Reports No~16~_~&..170 In connection with Co~nication No. 225 and on the motion of Ald. Jol- ~y and Hawkins, Mr. Murphy of the Moto-Park Advertising Service was peraitted to speak to Council. Mr. Murphy outlined the request contained in the communication for ~ermission to instal an adv~tising device on the parking meters in the City. SEE Co~anication No.._22~ A representative of the Glenview Social Club was present and spoke to ~0nncil with regard to their efforts to obtain suitable lots on which to erect a ~lu~house. ~e speaker advised ~at the Club was desirous of obtaining two lots ~ Hickson Avenue, and he was instructed to contact the City Clerk, ascertain whether the lots desired are owned by the Corporatio$, and if so, to make an of- fe~ for the same. COMMUNICATI0~ h~e followin~ C~m~Ani,ca~io~s,, w~re ~resented: ~0. 221 - Eonourahle Minister of Highways - re directional signs to Chippawa. ~EEA~ on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Jolley that the communication be rec- eiYed and filed. ~0. 222 - City of. Kitohener - re traffic control convention. 0E~EA$~D on the mot- i~ of ~. MalmSey a~ ~o~e~ ~t ~e c~cati~ be ~cei~d a~ ~id on ~e ~Ble ~til ~e ~xt ~e~, ~ ~e City ~er su~t a ~po~ as ~ ~e mcessit2 of se~i~ a dele~ ~ ~s convention. 22S - Board of Police C~=.~ssioners - requesting cost-of-living bonus. 0~D- on the motion of Aid. Miller and MacDonald ~.t the co~.m,~ication be rec- cS.?ed ,~,~1 file~ and the Ohadrman of Finance _w~.~e the same provision for the mem- ~ of the Police Depar~aent as was ma~e for the ~lvic employees. 10. 2~ - 9'o~L1..~woo~,. Motel - re~uesting permission to erect second unit. 0ED~ m ~e motion of Aid. I~glis an~ McEinley that the c~Anication be received and and pexmisalon for the erection of the second unit be granted. (Ald. Mil- voted co.trax~ to this ~mOtion. :, ,.A.l.$..Haw.kins stated that he was 5O4 not contrary to the buildin~ of the sesond unit but felt the motion was Cont~r~, to-tae existing :No. 225 - Mots-Park Advertisin6 Service - requesting permission to advertise on parking meters. OE0mI~D ON the motion of Ald. McKinley and Hawkins that the munication be received and laid on the table, and the Traffic C<,.~...nttee be asked to report thereon. No~ 226 - Separ~, t~ School Board - enclosing letter re proposed service station. ORDEi~D on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that the o~maoaloation be rec- eived and filed, and the Board be ~dvised when and if an application for a permit is made, so representations may be presented to Council; a~l further that the City Solicitor be asked to be present at t~at time. No. 227 - Children's Aid Society - invitation to luncheon. Oao~:RED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and ltmwkins +.~.t the c~ulcation be received ami filed, the in- vitation be accepted and Ald. ~cDonald be asked to .~represent Council at the chGon. I~EPOR~B Laid over frc~ the previous meeting: No. 168 - City Manager - re meeting on Hydro-Electric Power C¢..=..lesion of Ontario development. OiloEi~o on the motion of Ald. Inglis and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and a-.~Amngements be made for a meeting of the C~,....~ ttee as soon as-possible. No. 169 - City Manager - re ~-_.ing of advisory committee on re-assessment. 0RD- Ell~9 on th~motion of /Eld. Inglis and MacDonald that the report be received and lai~ om the table. SEE Report~ ~o._1_7~ The following Reports were presented: No. 170 - City Manager - further report on re-assessment. OI~EI~D on the motion of/kid. Inglis and MacDonald ~k~t the report be received and laid on the table and the City Manager ~e requested to submit a i~,~ report upon the re-assessment and the Assessment Department with which the Council will be able to deal, that the City Manager ~e suggestions SO the rs-asses~.~nt may be terminated by ]mt October, provlb information as to spot cheska throughout the City; and no public- ity be given to the report ~pon a decision ~.a been made by Council. No. 171 - Oit~ Clerk - requesting ~ermission for Relief Administrator to attend conference. C~DEAmw on the motion of Ald. l~awkins and MacDonald that .the report be received and filed, and the rec.-~.~l-tion be adopted. Ne, 172 - 0ity Manager - re planting strip on Epworth Circle. Oit~mi~D on the mot- ion of Aid. MaoDona!d and McKinley that the report be received and filed. No. 173 - City Mans~er - re stte~dance at convention. 01~E~ on the motion of Aid. Miller and McKinley that the report be received a~l filed. No. 175 - Cit~ Clerk - rectum.ending issuance of licenses. OI~EI~D on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and MaoDonsl~.that the re~ort be received and filed and the rec- ommendations ~e sxlopted. ~ :'P~TI~Y, ON ''" "' The follovi~ Petition was presentecl: No. 25 - S.Ra~ovanoevio ami 14 others - re location of Jehovah's Witnesses 0~.~ on the motion of Alt. Ym~lie ami l~aoDo~al~ that ~he I~tition be an~ ~.lai~ om-the,~ta~Xe, .aml~refezwed.~o~the Pro~erty,~0~ttee-for_a ~eport. RESOLUTION ~e followi~n~ l~esolution was Presented: No. 122 - DONALD - McKINLEy - RF~0LVED that the City Manager be requested to make a full report upon the employment of certain persona at a reduced wage, stating why these men are used on this type of work, how many men are so employed and why ~ are not pensioned; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Ca~ied unanimous 1~ BY-LAW ~e following_By-law was read the first and Second times: No. 4~7 - To authorize the construction of Street as local improvements underSldewalkSthe provisions°n Stan!eYof ~eAVenUeLocalandImp. Emery rovement Act. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley that Ald. Hawkins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins that the by-law ~e laid on the table and referred to The Ontario Municipal Board for approval. ~-ld. McKinley asked what several of the older employees who are pres- ently on reduced salaries~ not received the full cost of living bonus as grantd to regular employees. ~e City Na~ger explained the policy of the Corporation in this re~rd. Ald. Inglis advised that he felt t~he wording of a report presented at the last meeting was uot correct with regard to the granting of a cost of living l~nus. The Alderman stated that his understanding Was that the bonu~ was to be paid until the end of the current year, and the advisory co~ttee was to con- sider~ :the matter further and present their findings to the 1951 Council. -- Ald. Inglis asked that further consideration be giVen te the possibil- ity of the Provincial Oovez~nt regutring the Corporation to provide for sewage disposal in the near future. His Worship Mayor Housk stated he wo~ld take this matter up with t~he tIonou~able Minister of Health when he is in Toronto in the tints f tu e, Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Hawkins. 506 Council Chamber, 18 September, 1950. ~e Finance Co~m~ ttee met on Monday, 18th September, 1950 for the pm.- pose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been prop- erly certified ami placed before them. All members of the C~mmtttee were pres- ent. Sundry accounts amounting to $39,954.72 were approved by the Committee. ~e accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with~ were oN- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Miller. ~e c~munication from l~mrtin, Calvert and Matthews, as laid over from the previous meeting, and making application for a permit for the erection of an aparl~ent building at l~lver Rood and Philip Street, was presented together with a petition protesting the sm~ and reports from the City N~uager and City Solic- itor. On the motion of Aid. Miller and McKinley, Mr. J.P.Matthews was permitted to address the Cc~.mittee. Mr. Matthews answered questions directed to him by the members with re~m~l to the use of the building when erected. Zt was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald that the comunication, petition and reports be received and laid on the table until the next meeting in order that any persons, protesting the erection~ may be present at that time; and that the petitioners ~e supplied with a copy of the City Solicitor's opinion together with an asccmpa~ylng explanation. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending that the Water Committee,.be permitted to open tenders for the erection of the clear water well extension of the Filtration Plant. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Miller t~t the report be received and filed, ar~l the recommend- ation be adopted. (Aid. Inglis voted contrary to this motion.) A report was presented frmn the City Manager, recommending that the Property C~*,,~ tree consider a possible application for a moving permit. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. McKinley and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the recondition be adopted. Au offer was presented from Angelo Cavallin of $100.00 for Lot 78, Dy- son Avenue. Upon the recvmmendation of the Property C.'-.~.~ttee and on the motion of Ald. McEinley and Donald it was ordered *.~-t the offer be received and laid on the table and Mr. Cavalldn be advised the price of this lot is $200.00, this being essential in order to obtain Depar~nental approval of the sale. Au offer was presented from Lococo Bros. of $800.00 for Lots 179 and 180, Buttrey Street. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Failler it was ordered that the offer be rec- eived, filed and accepted, s,ub~ect to the condition ~b,t a structure of at least $20~000.00 value is erected on the premises within six months; and %k~t the pla~. and specifications meet with the al~roval of. the City Engineer. A request was presented from A.Sterey to operate a used car lot on Lot 1~8, Victoria Avenue. Upon the fecundation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Inglis it was ordered tlmt the application be received, filed and granted, sub,est., to the condition thmt the lot will be oper- ated an~ continue to be opera~d By the applicant. ~e report of the Property C.'-.....~ttae on the above matters was present- e~. It was ordered on the motion of AdA. MacDonald and Ir~s that the report ~ received and file~. Ald. Inglis asked for information with re~rd to one sewer at the Niag' Falls Memorial Arena. ~e City~Mansger. advised that this ba~.been found to have had concrete deposited in it and the repairs would cost approximately $100.00 or $125.00. It was unknown how this material was deposited in the sewer. Aid. Inglis also spoke about the broken Windows at the Arena. The City Manager advised that ehse would be replaced when the weather permitted. Aid. Donald objected to the practice of dumping coal at the side of the Arena and felt provision for this should be made inside the building. Ald. Inglis advised that Mr. ~'~.J.Seymou~, the former City Clerk,,was il~ ~n the hospital. It was agreed that His ~orship Mayor Houck should write a letter of sympathy to Mr. Seymour and also see that flowers are sent to him. ~e Co~.~ttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald. READ AND ADOptED, 25 September, 1950. Clerk Chairman of Finance Council Chamber, 18 September, 1950. ~e Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the C~-!ttee. All members of the Council were present. _BY-LAW ~.~__e following By-law was nnn.n~.. ~ - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinle~ and Donald that Ald. Haw- kine be given the privilege of introducing the by-l-w and the by-law be read the f~rst time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the Second reading - Carried usan~mousl~. .reading .Ald. McKinley and Donald - Carried unanimously. 508 509 The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald. 'THIRTY - N/N]~{ I~TINO READ AND ADOP'Imu, 25 September, 1950. Mayor REGULAR ~E TINC Council Chamber, 25 September, 19~0. Pursuant to adJourrmzent, the Council met at 5.00 p.m. on Monday, 25th September, 1950, for the purpose of considering general business and fizz. ncc. All members of the Council Were ~eSent. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting~ adopted these on the motion o.~ Ald. ald and Hawkins. ~ ~cDon- Council Chamber, 18 September, 19~0. The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of the reg~,l,~ council aud fluauce meetings on Monda,v, 18th September~ 1950, for the purpose of considering the various matters placed be~re them. All members of the Co,~mtttee were present. The C~.m.~ttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. ~olley and McKinley after consider- &tion of the matters presented to them. RAEDANDADOP',*!,'], 25 September, 1950. Clerk Chairman C O~.~rLrNICATIOi~S Laid over from ~Tevious mee_tin~.: No. 222 - City of Kitchener - re traffic control convention, on~ ~ ion of Ald. ~n~ ~ ~ld t~.t ~e ..... 0~ on the mot- uo~mca~mon ce received and filed and a member of the ~s~fic Co~ttee be deleted to at,nd this convention. (At the subsequent co~cil meeti~, His ~'~orship ~yor Houck anpoin~d Ald. ~.~cDo~ld as Co,oil's represen~tive at ~is convention.) - No. 225 - Mo~r-Park Adverti~Service _ re advertising on p~ki~ meters. OR- DE~D on t~ motion 0~ ~ Mi~e~ ~ ~cDo~ld t~t ~e co~ication be rec- eived and filed. SA~ Resort No. 176 ~e followin~ Commn~ications were presented: No. 228 - _Louis Ziff - requesting by-law for encroachment on Allen Avenue. 0RD- ~ on th~ motion ~f Ald. Miller and Jolley that the communication be received and leid on the table until the next meeting, and a reoort be submitted by the City Manager. - No. 229 - W.Robinson - re report of discussion on re-assessment. OP~Z~D on the motion of ~-d~ Ingl~s and McKinley that the communication be received and refer- red for consideration at the meeting of the Conference Committee. SEE Conference meetin~ REPORTS Ia__ld over from previous meeting: N0. 169 - Cit~ ~er - re meeting of advisory committee on re-assessment. No. 170 " - City Manager . further report on re-assessment. 0RDE~D on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Jolley that the reports be receive~ and referred to the Com- ference Committee for consideration. SEE Conference meetln~ ~__e_following Reports were present~, d: No. 175 - City Manager - re traffic control convention. ORDERED on the motion of .~,d. Ea_wkins and Donald that the report be received and filed and the recommend- ~zons be adopted. N0. 176 - Traffic Co~m,~ttee - re advertising on parking meters. ORDERED on the mOtion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. .~. ~=.~...~ona-~ an~ hawkins that the report be received and fL~ed~ the recommendation be adopted. SEE Petition No. ~2~ No. 178 - City Clerk - re conference held 18th September. 01{DEIt~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and H~wkins ~.~et the report be received and filed. No. 179 - City Manager - re employees used for light work. 0RDEt~GD on the notion of Ald. Miller and M~cDonald that the report be received and filed, and a bonus be paid to these employees on the ssmae basis as granted to regn,l,~ workers, until the end of the year. When the motion was put it was defeated, Ald. Hawkins, Don- ald,:~Jolley and Inglis voting contl~ry. No further action was taken. No. 180 - City M~nager - re plt~bing installations in three houses. 0RDEI~ED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the report be received and filed. No. lB1 - Fire Chief Shapto~n - report of attendance at convention. OI~IE~D on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed. No. 182 - Citer Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDEi~D on the motion of Ald. ~cDonald aud Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the rec- mmmendations be adopted. PETITION ~aid over from a previous meeting{: No. 25 - S.l~adovancevlc and 14 others - protesting location of church. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MaoDor~.!d and Hawkins. that the petition be received and filed. The follow.in~ Resolutions were passed: NO. 123 - DOI~LD - HAi',~,,.?I~ - I~SOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Nia~zra Falls petition the Department of Highways of the Province of Ont- ario for an interim grant under ~e Highways Improvement Act on e~penditures made during the period of J~an~ary let to August 31st,. 1950; and the Seal of the Cor- poration be hereto affixed. Carried unanimous 1~ No. 124 - MacDONALD - HAWEiD~ - I~SOLVED that His Worship Mayor Eouck and the City Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute and deliver an agreement bet- ~een the New York Central System and the Corporation, covering the installation of a thirty-six inch reinforced concrete sewer across the Co-.-pauy's right-of-way east of the intersection of Jepson Street and Palmer Avenue;and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. .Carried unanimousl~ NO. 125 - MacDONALD - JOLLEy - I~SOLVED that His Worship Mayor Houck be asked to telegraph the Ohairman of the E~dro-Eleotric Power C~m~ssio~ of Ontario, asking that special consideration be given to the supply of power to the North American Cyanamid Company Limited in view of the t~pe of work in which the Cc~Epau~ is en- ~aged and the amount of emplo~ment supplied to residents of the City; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously~ SEE SubseQuent Council mee.tin~ BY -LAW ~e following By-law was passe,d: No. ~579 - ~o authorize the execration of an agreement for sale and deed. It was ordered om the motion of Aid. Donald and MacDonald that Ald. Hawkins be given the privilege of ' tho and the by~l~w be read the first time - Carried ~a~_mous~r°duci~lg by-law It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Jolley t!~t Rule 36 (2) of the St~ndlng Rules of Council be suspended and the by-l~w be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. ·hird reading -Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins - Carried unanLmo~sly. MISCELLANEOUS Ald. ~iacDonald on behalf of ~r. ~.J.Ses~our thanked th~ Council fo~ the letter of sympathy and flowers which Were sent to him l~st week. Hie Worship Mayor Houck extended the congratulations to Ald. H~.wkins and Mrs. Hawkins upon the celebration of their took place on 24th September. ~Wenty-ninth wedding anniversary which Coum~l adjourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald. AND ADOP~ED~ 20ctober~ 1950. l~yor Council Chamber, 25 September, 1950. ~e Finance Con~ittee mot on Monday, 25th September, 1950 for the pur- pose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been prop- erly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were pres- ent o Sundr~ accounts amounting to $12598.85 Were approved by the Committee. ~e account submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and ~Tolle~. A e~ication frcm Martin, Calvert and Matthews, a petition from Mae ~ilton ancl 15 others and reports from the City Manager and City Solicitor, with reference to a proposed apartment building, as laid ever from previous meetings, Were considered. Zt was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and ~olley that the o~nic~tions petition and reports be received and filed, a permit for the build- ing 1~. granted, providing the same is under the supervision of the City Engineer a~ ~e, ~ eo~plies with all City by-laws. A s~mm~r~ of the tenders for an extension to the clear water well at the Filtration Plant was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. and Miller that the summary be received and laid on the table until the next meet- lng, that copies of the tender form be supplied to each member of the Committee, and a report and recommendations be submitted by the City Manager. A cozmuunication was presented from Basil Coccimlglio, requesting a und of the purchase price of Lot 908, IdcGrail Avenue. Upon the recommendation 0f the Property Commfttee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Jolley it was ord- ered that the communication be received and filed, the request be g~anted and a refund of the amount paid be made, less any taxes outstanding to date. ~he report of the Property Commfttee on the above ms,ers was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Jolley that the report be rec- eived and filed. Au offer was presented from the Glenvlew Social Club of $500.00 for 210, 211, Hickson Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and ald that the offer be received and laid on the table until the next meeting to per- mit the Property Co~m~ttee to report thereon. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending the issuance of a building permit for alterationS to the Canadian National Railway station, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Miller that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending the issuance of a building permit for an office at 1850 Main Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Jolley and Miller that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. A co~mmnlcatlon was presented from the Hotel General Brook, requesting permission to place an oil storage tank on Hillside Place. ~e City Manager made a verbal report in this connection. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. ~cDon- ald and Jolley that the communication be received and lald on the table until t~e next meeting, and a report be requested from the City Solicitor in this connect- ion° The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley. HEAD AND ADOPTED, 2 October, 1950. Clerk Chairman of Finance COUNCIL ~TING Council Chamber, 25 September, 1950. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetin6~ for the purpose of Imssing the by-Zaw which covered the accounts proved b2 the Co~-~ttee. Ail members of the Council werepresent. ¥~r. Hamer of the employees, union of the i'lorth Americancsan~nzd· ' Com- pany was present and was ~er~itted to address C * - otmcll o~.] the motion of Ald. Mil- ler and Hawkins. Mz,. Hames explained the conce~.m of the employees with regard to the curtailment of power for the Company and the consequent lay-off of men. He advised Council of the telegrem which his union had £o~u*arded to the Chain_man of the ~tydro-Eleetric Power Commission of Ontario. His k~orship Mayo~. Houck advised the speaker of the action taken by Council at t~e previous meeting aud stated that he would also telephone ~ir. Saunders in this connection in an effort to obtain special consideration for the Company. RESOLUTION The followin8 Resolution was pa~s.ed: No. 126 - HA~[INS - MacD0~L~LD - RESOLVED tl~at the reg~lar meetings of ~.e City Council be held at 7.30 p.m. on T~esday, 10th October and ~esday, 17th October; and the Seal of the Corpoz~tion be hereto affixed. Calu'ied unnn in.~ousl~i BY-LA~.f ~e following By-law was passed: ~o. 4580 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. ~t was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley t~hat Ald. Haw- kins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried Unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the Second reading - Carried unanimously. Third reading -Ald. Jolley and Hawkins - Carried unanimously. Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and Jolley. IEAD AND ADOP~D, 2 October, 1950. Clerk Mayor Council Chamber, 25 September, 1950. ~e Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetings on Monday, 25th September, 1950, for purpose of considering the v~rioum matters presented to them. All members of Cow~ttee were present. After consideration of the m~tters placed before them, the Conference Conmittee adjourned on the motion of Ald. MiLler aud MacDonald? I~AD AND ADOPTED, 2 October, 1950. Clerk COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 25 September, 1950. ·ne City Council assembled at the close of the meeting of the Confer- once C~ttee on Monday~ 2~thSeptember, 1950. All members of the Oouucil, with the exceptiOu of His Worship V~yor Hou0k,~re present. Ald. Hawkina was enacting Mayor during the meeting. ~e followin~ Resolution was ~assed: No. 127 - INGL~B - MI~ER - ~SOLVED that the City Manager be empowered to com- plete the purchase of a piece of property on Valleyway for school purposes with the owner, Mr. ~mythe, at a figure not to exceed nine hundred dollars; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried. - Aid. Donald voting contrary. ~e followir~ By-laM w.~S passe.&_: No. ~81. - To authorize an application to the Department of Municipal Affairs to -- extend the tim~ .for the return of the assessment roll. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of in~oeluoing the by-law and the by-law be read the first t~ - Carried. -' It was ordered om the motion of Ald. Jolle2 and Miller that Rule 36 (~) of the S~anding Rules of 0ounoil be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried. ~hird reading -Ald. Miller and M~cDonald - Carried. ~e Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Miller and Jolle~,. t~AI~)ADOP~ED, 2 October, 19D0. 01erk Enactiug Nayor 5t6 5:[7 ' FORT~H N~E TING l~GUI~ MEETl~G Council Chamber, 2 October, 1950. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 2nO October, 1950, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council were present. The Council, having received aud read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. ~cDon~ld and Miller. DEPUTATION In connection with Communication No. 234 and on the motion of Ald. Jo!- ley and Miller, I~.'. H.A.Logan of Logan and Logan was permitted to speak to the Council. ~h~. Lo~n requested permission for Mr. M.Chiki to operate a used car lot ~t 68~ Wel,]~ud Avenue. ~EE Communication ~ENDE~ Tenders had been called for the supply of materials for the construct- ion of an auxiliary water main and a new water main. On the motion of Ald. Kinley and Hawkins the tenders submitted were opened, initialled by His Worship ~yor Houck, read and referred to the City Manager for tabulation. C0~$~UNICATIONS Laid over from previous meetings: No. 228 - Louis Ziff - requesting by-law to permit encroachment. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins aud MacDonald that the commmnicatlon be received and filed, and the necessary by-law to permit this encroachment be passed. SEE Report No. ~$3 The followin~ Co~unlcations were presented: No. 230 - Cauadian Legio_u - requesting permission for Poppy D~y. 0PEERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Jolley that the c~nication be received and filed~ and permission be granted. No. 231 - Fire Marshal - re Fire Prevention Week. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the communication be received and referred to the Fire Co~,~tttee of the Greater Niagara Chamber of Come, roe for consideration. No. 232 - John Howard Societ~ of Ontario - requesting grant. C~E~&D on the mot- ion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the c~mm~nication and booklet be received and referred to the Chairman of Finance for a reoomm~endation at the next meeting. No. 233 - Count~ of Well-nd - resolution requesting legalized sweepstakes. 0RD- EA~m~ on the motion of Ald.' Miller and MacDonald that tho communication be rec- eived and refor~od to the Greater Niagara Eos~Rital .Trmst for an expression of opinion. .~- No. 2B4 - Logan and Logan_ - requesting permission for used car lot. ORDERED on the motion of A.Id. Hawkins and McKinley that the communication be received and referred to the Propert~ C~,~,dttee for a report at the next meeting. Aid. Inglis arrived at the meeting during consideration of the above co~nication. No. 235 - Bell Telp~one Co~m~a~. of Cenada and place two poles. ORDERED on tho motion of Aid. ]hwhins and [.~,cDo~mld that ~o co~icatio~ bo received and filed~ and pezmission be g~antea.-' ~ SEE ~fi--law I1o. 4~,82 REPOR~ The followin~ R~eoorts were No. 183 - Ci__~_~Mana~e~ - recommending pen~ission for encroac?nnent. CRDE~fED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and M~,cDon~ld that t~e report bo received and filed and the recommendation be adopted. No. 184 - C~it[, Clerk - re conference held. 2~th September. 0ROE~D on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins t!~,t t~e report be received and filed, and adopted. No. 185 - Ci~ty Mana~ - reconmtending that purely, sing agent attend conference. 0~DEF~D on the motion of Ald. Miller and b~cDon~ld that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. No. 186 - City Clerk - reconm:ending issuance of licences. 0EDEEED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Jolley that the report be received and filed and the recom- mendatious be adopted. !~SOLUTIOI~S ~e followin~ Resolutions were 2a~s~se~d: No. 128 - DONALD - HAW-K~ES - RESOLI~ED that His Worship Mayor l,/.L.Houck and the City Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute and deliver an agreement bet- ween the Corporation and the Nla~ra Fslls Junior Chamber of Commerce for the use of the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena from 17th October, 1950 to 21st October, 19~0; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Ca~ied un~n~fmous~l~ No. L°9 - DONALD - M1W.?F,R - RESOLVE]) that the City Clerk ascertain from the Board of Education what is plauned in connection with the proposed new school; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto ~ffixed. Carried unanimousl~ No. 130 - HA~KI~ - IN, LIB - RESOLVED that His Worship M~yor Houck ascertain from the Honeurable Minister of Public Works when it is proposed to commence work on the new federal building in this City; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto afflxed. Carried unanimousl~ BY-LAWS ~e following By-laws were 2assed_: - To authorize +Jm construction of sidewalks on Stanley Avenue and Emery Street as local improvements under the provisions of The Local Improve- ment Act. ~ird reading -Ald. McKinley and Hawkins - Carried unanimously. ~ - To provide for permission to The Bell Telephone Compau2 o£ Canada to ~move one pole on Armoury Street and p~oe two poles on a city lane. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Miller that Aid. Haw- kins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. 5t8 It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Jolley and Hawkins that Rule ~6 (2) of' the Standir~ Rules of Council be suspended and the by-l~w be given the second reading - Carried unnnimously. Tnlrd reading -Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald - Carried unanimously. No. 4583 - To authorize the executlou of an agreement for sale and deed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley that Ald. lta~.~- k-ins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read tho first time - Carrie& un~nimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley that Rule ~6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unmnimously. ~hird reading -Ald. Donald and McKinley - Carried unanimously. Ald. Miller asked that the City Clerk obtain information as to the pro- ceedings of a meeting held by the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce at which matters pertaining to the issuance of insurance by the Chamber were discussed~ and also~scertain from the Superintendent of Insurance if the Chamber has a lic- ence for this activity. ~e City Clerk and His ~orship advised Council of meetings to be held by the Greater Niagera General Hospital Trust On 4th October, to which invitatio~ are extended to the members of Council. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Jolley and Miller. I~EAD AiID ADOPTED, l0 October, 1950. Clerk Council Chamber, 2 October, 1950. The Finance Committee met on Monday, 2nd October, 1950, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly certified e~nd placed before them. All members of the Crm~t ttee were present. Sun~lry accounts amounting to $61,620.B2 were approve& by the Cmm~ittee. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord° ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley. The summary of tenders for an extension to the clear water well at the Filtration Plant, as laid over from a previous nmeting~ and a report of the city N~nager thereon, were considered. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinl%' and ~cDonald that the summary and report be received and. filed, and the recom- mendation be adopted. (Ald. Inglis, Miller and Jollo[,. voted contrary to this motion. ) An amendment was presented by Ald. Miller and Inglis that the and report be received and filed and the tender of Aiken and ~cLo~chlc.n be cepted. This s~endment was defeated, Ald. ~4~cDonald, McKinley, Dor~ld and His l{orship Mayor Houck voting contrary. A co~nunication from the Hotel General Brock, as laid ove~_' frown the previous meeting, requesting pe~uaissicu to instal an oil store, ge tank on Hillside place, was considered. A report of the City Solicitor cn the nmtter ~.:as also pres- ented. It ~-~as ordered on tile motion of X!d. ir~!is ~.~d Jolley that the ation and report be received, and referred back to t~he City [.4anager to cm~er with the Hotel and t~he Department of Hi,sways in au effort to provide the necessary facilities for the Hotel. An offer from the Glenview Social C!~o of ;!~O0.OO for Lots 210 and 211, Hickson Avenue, as laid over f?om the previous meetiz~ was p~'esented. .~ re?z't was also presented from ~he Property Conn~ittee upon this nm~tter. On the notion of Ald. Jolley and Donald~ the representative of the Club, 1,~. Spiz~onelli, was permitted to speak to the Com'~ittee. ~,h'. Spironelli e:cplained the plans of ~e Club and the fact that they would be un~ble to pay the ne;.z assessed value of the lots as stated in the report of t~he Property Committee. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Inglis and Jolley that the offer and report be received and refer- red back to the Property Ccmmmittee and City Manager for further consideratimt and s report, and an endeavour be nm, de through His l¢orship [,~yor Houck to obtain per- mission of the Department for the sale of these lots at a more equitable price. A oo~unication was presented from the Belle,s Convalescent Hospital reEarding the per diem rate for patients. It was ordered on the zuotion of Ald. Inglis and His Worship Mayor Houck that ~he co~unication be received and refeza-ed back for a report. ~he Committee adjourned on the motion of Aid. McKinley and JuiCy. ~ADANDADOP~o, lO October, 1950. Clerk Cl~irman of Finance COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 2 October, 1950. ~e Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- anco meetings for the pu.~poee of passing the by-law which covered the accounts PrOVe~ .~ the Cu.~.~ttee~ and for the consideration of other matters. All members of the Council were present. DEPUTATION Mrs. j.R.White was permitted to speak to the Council. ~[rs. t. rhite ap- peared to complain regarding the permission granted by Council for the ~oction of mn apartment building at the corner of River Road and Philip Street. l~S OLUTION The following Resolution was passed: No. 131 - McKINlEY - JOLLEY - I~SoLVED that Council give consideration at the meeting of 1---7~ Octo-~-~'to ~the various reports, con~unications and other matters pertaining to the re-assessment conducted in the City; that any interested cit- izens be asked to be present mt that time; and the Seml of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unauLmousl~ _ ~RTY -~ IRS ~ t.K:ET~fG REGL~AR i,it~T~G Connc ii. Clmmu2e r ~ 10 October, 1950. Pl~stuint to adjourlmient~ the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on ~lesday~ loth October, 1950 for the pttrpose of considering ~eneral business and finance. Ail members of the Council were present. ~ie Council, liaving z~ceived au~ read tho minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. I.PacDo:~ld and Hawkins. Additional tenders were sub~Atted for the supply of nmterials for the construction of an aoxiliary water main and a now water ~min. ~ the motlou of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley~ tho tenders were opened, initialled by His :.forship ~yor Houck, read and laid on the table for tabulation. The_following By-law w_as~.ssed: N~o., 45~ - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that Ald. Haw- kine' be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read tJ~e first time - Car~led unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Jolley that Rule 36 (~) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. Taird reading -Ald. Jolley and Hawkins - Carried unanimously. Ald. MacDonald asked that the Traffic Comittee meet to consider and report upon the matter of traffic signs which have been removed ih'em Epworth Circle. · It was agreed tl~t the City Manager sho~d view this area and take the necessary steps to have the si~s re-rerected. Ald. MacDonald advised that he had received a request from an organiZ- ation to obtain permission to hold their meetings in the Council Chamber. It was · ag~ed that this should not be grauted~ inasmuch as the Chamber is held ready for use by the Council at any time. ~e Council adjourned on the motion of A1A. McKinley and Donald. AND A~0P~ED, 10 October, 1950. Clerk · · · · · Mayor COi~.,~J~{ICATIOIfS Laid over from previous meeting: No. 232 - John Howard Societ[ of Ontario - requesting grant. 0~x~D ou the not- ion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald tliat the con~iication bo received and filed, no grant be made at this time, and the request be referred to the 1951 Council. .~EE a~or_t_No. 18_7' No. 234 - ~___~n and Lo,an_ - requesting permission for used car lot. 0RDER~D on the motion of Ald. Miller and McKinley that t~e co~m~m~ication be receiYed and lald on the table until the next meeting for further information. ~he followir~ Con~unications were presented: No. 237 - Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce - re group insu~'ance plan. 0EDERED On the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the communication be received and laid on the table until the next meeting. Al&. Inglis arriMed at the meeting. No. 238 - Board of Education - re proposed public school. ORDERED on ~xe motion of Aid. Miller and Don~]d that the communication be received and laid on the table and the Board be asked what amount is required for the first unit which it is pro- posed to construct i~medlately, such information to be available for Council bef- ore BOth October. N0. 2S9 - Ni__i_a~_araFaLls Lions Club - requesting permission for parades and party. 01~E~0 on the motion of Ald. Jolley and Inglis that the communication be rec- eived and filed, and pemm~ission be granted. No. 240 - Fire Marshal - re training course for chiefs. Oi~DERED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the communication be received and filed, and Fire 0hief. Shapton be authorized to attend this course. i~PORTS ~e~following Reports were presented: No. 187 - .O.h~. irman of FiDa,np,e, - re request for grant. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and ~oDonald t~t the report be received and filed, and the recom- mendation be adopted. No. 188 - Auditor - re check of cash. 0RDEI~ED on the motion of Ald. ~cDonald and Hawkin's that the report be received and filed. No. 189 - Cit,y Clerk - recommending issnance of licence. 0EDEI~D on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and t~ie rec- ommendation be adopted. RESOLUTION The followin6 Resolution was passed.: No. 132 - HAWICiNS - MILLER - RESOLVED that the City Clerk be instructed to a message expressing the sympathy of His Worship Mayor Houck, the members of the City Council and citizens of Niagara Falls to the family of the late Constable Harry Foster upon the death of this falthfpl and respected employee of the Niaf~- ara Falls Police Department; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously; The following By-la~ was passed: ~No. ~8~. - To allow an encroachment on Allen Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that Ald. Jolley be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that Rule ~6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. Third reading -Ald. MacDonald and Miller - 'Carried unanimously. STA~MENT BY HIS WORSHIP MAYOR HOUCK His Worship ~yor Houck made a statement to the City Council in which he advised that it waS not his intention to seek re-election for another te~m~ at the forthcomlug election. His Worship thanked the members of Council and the of- ficials and staffs of the various civic departments for their co-operation mC assistance during his tenure of office and promised his fullest co-operation for the future iu alt civic matters. Each member of Council spoke and expressed regret at the decision of His Worship and urged him to re-consider iu the ligd~t of the necessity for experleuced adminstrators during the next few years when so_ 'many matters of such vital importance, to Niagara Falls will have to be cousidm~- The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and Donald. READ Ai~) ADOPTED, 17 October, 1950. Clerk ~ !00c~bor~ eriy certified and placed befol~ them. Sundry accotmts amounting to $!4~020.93 were aox)roved b" thc Co:;uaitteo. ~ce acco~uits submitted, be~p~ ,)~,~ or ' ~ -- lc~C t?_'!?~r'.:iso ~eatt wiQi, were ord- ered p~ced In the money by-~w for presen~tion to the Com~ci! on the'motlou of ~d. McKi~ey and ~ller. A report from tiaa ~ep~ Conm~ttee~ as !aid over fro:~i a pi'orions moot- fng, and with reference to a sports t~mer for the ?iiagar~ Falls Hcmor~a! and an additional report and reco~aendation from the Co~uittee were considered. It was o~x~ered on Tile notion of Ald. MacDonald and 1.[cKi~9~y that tho rei~orts be received and filed, and the reconnnendation for tbs pud'chase of a fern'-sided clock be adopted. The commimication from the Belle'~j.e Convalescent Hosp?~tl~ as laid over fr~m the pre~ous meoti~ and witii regard ~ the per diela rate, was comldcred. A report upon ~e ~tter was also s~)mit'ted by the City Clerk. it was oi~ered on ~e motion of ~d. i.~cDo~ld and Miller t~t the conmiunication and report be rec- elved and filed~ and the reco~en~tion of au increase in t!i~ per diem rate from $3.90 $4.00 be aaoi a. A report was presented from the City I~.mager, recozmaendinC tho issuance of a pern~it for a new federal building. It was ordered on 'the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and tide atton be adopted. The statement of relief for the month of Septe~0er waspresonted. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the report be rec- elved and filed, and given the usual publicity. The Oo~...,.tttee adjourned on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Miller. IEAD AND ADOP'ii~D, 17 October, 1950. 01erk Chairman of Finance C0~C~ ~ETING Council Chamber, 100etcher, 1950. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- anco meetings for the pttrpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present. BY -LAW following By-law was passed: No, 4~86_ - To Grant Monies far Ceneral Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Jolley and MacDonald that Aid. tlawkius be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley dud Jolley that Rule (2) of the St~nding Rifles of Council be suspended and the by-law be given tJ~e second reading - Carried unanimously. Third reading - Aid. ~cDonald and Donald - Carried unanimously. The Council ~d~ourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley. READ AND ADOPTED, 17 Ostober~ 1950. Clerk Mayor Pursuant -to adjotu'maent~ the Council met-~ Octol}er¢ 1~90 for the ~ui~poso o~ co~s4dev~g ~'o ....... ] .... ' i~$ 0LUT!Oi,' The followfn_g Re s_o~ls~p~- ~p.c~f~: No. 133 - JOLLEy McK~EY REoC,~D ~' ~ · - - ~ -~hi,- ~:1~ %he actlo~ cf His }[ofah~ ~ ],[2--,%~ ~ro~ct-~ in appointing Alde~2,n ?.J.Mzllcr e=,~ 4 ¢. ' ...... lng ~e sbsonce of I{is i~o ..... i)~ bo approved] and the Seal o~' the ~ · hereto affixed. - - - i.t~IU'2i~S The Council, having received and. read the minutes of tho pz'evi, o,~ P. oet- ing~ adopted these on the motion of Ald. ?~cDonald and ~' ~' mckinley. DEPUTATION In connection with Reports Nos. 169 and 170, Mr. M,R.$1oan~ Assessment S~pervisor of the Departm~ent ofF. mmc~pal' ' Af=~m_s~-% '-~ addressed Council and expLain- ed the powers of Cotuncil under The Assessment Act in connection with the re-ass- esSment now under way. C ~,~,¢J%.~ICATIOI'B _Laid over from a previous meeti~: No. 229 - W.Robinson - re re-assessment, ORDEI~D on the motion of Aid. tngS. ie and Jolley that the communication be received and referred to the Advisory Cormlbtee. S~E Rpports No. 16~-l_~ No. 234 - Lo__9_~_~_a.u.d Lo_~%n~ - re application for used car leto 0HDEtE~D on the mot- lo~ of Ald. ~cDonald and Inglis t~mt the co~nunication be received and filed. SEE Re~ort No. 1~2 No. 237 - Greater Niasara Chamber of Commerce - re group iusnrance plan. 0RDER~D on the motion of Aldo Hawkins and Jolley that the co~mmtcation be received and filed. ~9~om~unicatlons were p.re.sented_: No. 241 - 1Viagara Falls and Subf~rban Area Planning. Board - re composition of be~d. 01~I~I~,D on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins tl~t the con~tmication be received and laid on the table until the next meeting, and the City Clerk ob- tain further information. No. 242 - Kingsmill~_Mills~ Price and Flemin~ ~ requesting renewal of lease. OR- DEtED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins~ and McKinley that the commtmication be rec- eived and referred to the Property Committee and City Manager for a report at the next meeting. Ho. 243 - Arthur Fraser - requesting permission for encroachment. ORDERED on th.~ motion of Ald. McKinley and ~cDon~ld that the communication be received and re~ erred to the Property 'Committee and City Manager for a report at the next sector?_. No. 244 - ~ia~g.ara Falls Public Librar~ - requesting cost-of-living bonus, o~j ~1~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and McEinley that the communication be received referred to the Chairman of Finance and the City Manager for a report. situation at this point. The Conncil adjourned on t~e motion of Ald 11EAD A~ADOP~ 23 October, EEPORTS Laid over from prev.ious~meetin~,~: No. 169 - c~it_y ~n&g2~ Ns. 170 - C~ity Mana~er~ - re re-assessment. ORDERF~ on the motion of Ald. Inglis and Jolley that the reports be received and referred to the Advisory Committee t: seek advice from the City Solicitor as to w~her the City Council has the power to deal with this matter. (Ald. McI~inley and Donald voted contrary to this motion.) ~ Rei0orts No. ~q-~ The following Reports were ~resented: No. 190 - Cit_~LMaua~e~ - report to conference committee. No. 19! - ~t~nage~ - re re-assessment. ORDEI~ED ou the motion of Ald. Inf!~ and Jolley that ~e reports be received and referred to the Advisory Cormmfttee to seek advice from the City Solicitor as to whether the City Council has the power to deal with this m~tter. (Ald. Mckinley aud Donald voted contrary to this not- ion.) ~o. 192 - PropertyCmm~l~tte2 - recommending revocation of provincial license. ORDER~D on the motion of Ald. ~cDouald and Inglis that the report be received and filed~ and ~e recommendation be adopted. SEE Resolution No. No. 193 ~ City Manager_ - re street lighting on Valleyway. 01~Ei~D on the motion of Ald. ~cDonald and Donald that the report be rece ired and laid on the table until the next meeting to permit the members of Council to view the location. i~ OLUTIOI'~S Tbs followin~ Resolutions were pags~d: No. 134 -MacDONALD - INGLIB - RESOLVED that this Council request ~mt the Depart- ment of Highways revoke the provincial licence issued to Mr. M.A.Chiki for the op- eration of a used car lot on the west side of Wellaud Avenue, iu view of the loc- atlon of the same and the objections of the residents; and the Seal of the CmTer- ation be hereto afflxed, Carried Ho. 135 - DONALD -MacDONALD -RESOL~ED that the Hydro-Electric Power Co,ales!on of Ontario be ~quested to suppl~ information as to the expected power supply ing the coming winter, whether a shortage and c~rtailment to plan~ is anticipated; whether this Council can propose any economies to the general public in an effort to conserve power and keep local industries supplied; and the Seal of the Corpor- ation be hereto affixed. Carried - Aid, Inglis not voting Ald. McKinley asked for a report from the City Manager as to the unem- ployment situation in this City, in view of the pr~mises of the Federal Govern- ment that water from the Weltand canal would be available and would ease the power Clerk F I!~r~&rCE MEETING 17 October, 1950. The Finance Committse met on 2~tesday~ 17th October, 1930, fo,: the otn-- pose of approving and also of passing TZae various accounts which he.~ been prOp- erly certified aud. placed before them. Ail members of the Ccsraittee.. '~ ', exception of His I~orehip ~,~,yor Houck~ were present. Sundry accounts amounting to ~68~1~3.20 were approved by the Co~mdttee. The accounts submitted~ being passed or othe2~¢ise dealt with~ were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Don~,ld. The report of the City I~uager with regard to the Jepson Street storm sewer was presented. It was ozxlered on the motion of Ald. M~cDonald and Miller that the report' be received and filed. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommendi~lg the calling for debentures, It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and ~cDonald that the report be received and filed, the recommendation be adopted, and t&e neces- sary by-laws be presented to Council at the next meeting. A c~mmunication was presented f~om F.A.Branscombe, requestiu~ a permit for the erection of au apartment building at the northeast corner of Simcoe Street and Valleyway. It was ordered ou the motion of ~ld. Miller and ~cDonald that the co~unicatfon be received and laid on the table until the next meeting and the Property Colmmittee be requested to report thereon. The City Clerk rmade a verbal report regarding an offer from the Globe Encyclopaedia with regard to their publication. It was ordered on the notion of Aid. Donald and Jolley that no action be taken. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Donald. ~ AND ADOP'~D~ 23 October, 1950. Olerk Chairman of Finance ' C OU~IC IL ~ETING Council Chmmbe r; 17 October, 19~,0. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular cotmcil and fin- auce meetings for the p~u~pose of passlug the by-law which covered the accounts proved by the Cormaittee. All members of the Council, with the exception of His Worship ~.~.yor Houck~ w, ere present. Ald. F.J.Miller was enacting mayor d~ring mee ting. October~ !9~O for the ',~ta'~osc of - --- BY-LAW The fol!owin~ B~-law was ~assed: No. 458~. - To Grant Monies for Ceneral Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley that Ald. Haw- kius be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that Rule ~1~ ~ (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the sec- cud reading - Carried. ~hird reading -Ald. MacDonald and Jolley - Carried. . ~ESOLUTIONS The followin~ Resolutions were passed: No. 136 - MacDONALD - DONAID - F~BOLVED that the City Nanager be authorized to pro- ceed with the installation of a new pmnp to replace number three pump at the Fil- tration Plant; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. .Carried No. 137 - McKINLEY - JCm~F.y - I~ESOLVED that the City Manager be asked to bring in a report at the next meeting aS to the advisability of instituting regulations governing the breaking of pavements and road surfaces for the installation of sewers to private px~pertles, in an effort to protect the underground installat- ions fro~ damage; and the Seal of the Corpo~tion be hereto affixed. ~e Council adJ.ourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins.. I~EAD AND ADOP~ED, 23 October, 1950. Clerk ~ - · 4 · Erecting Mayor The i38 P~ ~ -' Houck~ in ap~ointing Ald. e~:~n ~ o = . . - , , 23rd October, d~'inc the absence of His Worships,_ be a:~p~'~'~o~-e~.~ and ~e Co~oration be hereto af~xed, The Counoil, having received and read=b~._e minutes oz~ ~"~,e previous meet- ing~ adopted these on the motion of Ald. l.b, cDonald and Hiller. CONG~TD~ATIOI[$ Enacting Mejor Donald extended the congratulations and 6sod wishes of the City Council to Miss W.M.Stokes upon her appointment as a me~cr of ~e Board of Education to fill the unexpired tezm of the Reverend Canon Costi~an. Miss Stokes thanked the Council for their kind rem~,rks. DEPUTATIOI,.~ In connection with the various reports concerning the re-assessment of the City and on the motion of Ald. Miller and McKinley, Messrs. F.Belousoff and A.Nague were permitted to address the Council. Their views with regard to t~e re- assessment and the values placed on their homes were aired. SEE R~p~oEts Nos~,_!~gi_70-~O-l-6 A deputation from the Bosmd of Education, including I,k'. C~rdon D. Troup, Chairman, Messrs. Harold Evans and W.H.Waug~ Dr. R.F.Eager end Miss W.M.Stokes, Members~ Mr. W.R.K~-ibs~ Business Ad~ainfstrator and Mr. A.L.MacLeod~ Assistant Ad~ ministrator~ appeared before Council to give information with rega~, to thc prop- osed new public school, l~k'. Tz'oup and M~. K~,lbs outlined the wishes of the Board for approval of Council and an application to The Ontario Mm~icfpal Board for per- mission to issue debentures in sm~ount of $220,000.00 for the construction of the first unit of a new school which will provide five rooms~ a kinter~arden, offices~ playroom and other necessary room~ and facilities as well as a heating plant des- lgaed to service a possible t~elve-room building. PrelhMnary plans of the prop- osed construction were submitted for inspection of the Cotmcil. ~ Co~mmnication No. 258 C0~${ONICATIOI~S ~ over f~om previous m. ee.t.iD6s.: ~ No. 238 - Board of Ed.uq~tion - re proposed new public school. 0I~D~ on the mot- ;t ion of Ald. Inglis and 1.~acDonald that the conmz~nlcation be received and filed, necessary by-law be prepared and presented to provide for an expenditure of $220~000.00, and the sams be referred to The 0utario Municipal Board for (Enacting I~yor Donald voted contrary to this motion.) No. 241 - ~ Falls and Suburban Area Plarmin~. Boaz~. - re composition of bossed. O~DEI~ED on the motion of Ald. Inglis and ~wkins that the co~m~tmicatisn be received and filed, and the suggestion for the appointment of au additional member from the Township Of Stamford be approved. ,, ~,~ SEE Communication L.o~._ No. 242 - Kin~smil~13 Mills~_-Price and Fle~min~ - requesti~ extension of M.C.R. lease. OEDE~ED ~ths'-motion of Ald. Inglis and McKinley that the communication be received and referred to the City Solicitor to draw a lease which will ~'~.", a clause for termination~ for the protection of the C~t~ ~ and tho Company be if they will accept a lease for a shorter period. S_EE...R~eport ?Io. _~. No. 243 - Arthur Fr%s__e~ - requesting permission for sncroacl~ment. ORDEEED on the motion of Ald. McKir~ley and ~.~cDouald that the communication be received and filed, pez~nission be granted and the necessary by-law be presented. St~ Report No. No. 244 - Niagara ~alls Public Llbra_~ - requesting cost-of-living bonuS. EI~D on t~[e motion of Ald. ~cDonald and McKinley that the communication be eived and filed and the request be not granted. SEE Re~.ort..H0. ~s foll~iu~ ~ommunicationS were j~esented: No. 2~ - Ni_a~~a Falls and Subdrban Area Plaunin~ Board - re per capita costs. 0EDEI~D ou--~e motion of Ald. Inglis and Hawkins that the communication be rec- eived and filed. No. 246 - Town of Fort Erie - resolution re taxes and cost of living. 0EDE1V~D on the motion of Ald. Inglis and ~acDon~ld that the communication be received and referred to the Ontario Municipal Association for study and action. No. 247 - ttono~rable Minister of Municipal Affairs - enclosing man~al of assess- ment values. 0RDERE~ on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the co~mmn~ icmtion be received and filed~ and the Honot~rable Minister be advised that this manual was used d~ring the re-assessment of this city. No. 248 - Ors.a_ter Nia~ar~ VeteranS' Central Committee - re houour roll and Remom- brauce service. OBD~EED on the motion of Ald. Jolley and MacDonald that the con- munication be received and lald on the table and His Worship Mayor Houck be asked to appoint a committee of Council to deal with this matter as soon as possible. Laid over fro~evioUs meetings: No. 169 - ~ l?O - No. 190 - City Manager No. 191 - C'it~ Man~ger - re rs-assessment. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDos- aid and Ha~kins that the reports be received and laid on the table ~or consider' atica when a f~ll council is present. SEE Report Np._~ No. 193 - Cit~ Mauage~ - re street lighting on Valleyway. 0EDEBED on the motion of Ald. Inglis and MoKl~ey that the report be received and referred back to the City Manager to make a further engineering study of the area to ascertain if it woU~d be possible to eliminate the overhead wiring on this street~ the estimated cost of such change, and repoz't ~lsi'oon to tide Comlc!l. The following Reports wore No. 194 - P~p~rt~ Cormmittec on the motlo~ ~~i~c- - ..... cno_o, o- ~caco ans. ensrcask'-o-~: ~-,:.'~:' filed. No. 195 - Chaizmmn of Finance ~ad ~: ~ bonus. OI{DERED on the motion of Aid. recetve~ and filed, and ~o i'ocon~}~ond~,ticn R'O 196 - Advisor~j_Co~-u~ittoe - of Aid. ~cDo~iR and I~wkins that ='-- ' . - - b~ adopted. No. 197 - C'~ ~0 ~n&~e_ - ~'C oupi, 1` 0£ ~c~,Jei, to ~ "~ ...... ~.~..-~.~-' . ~o motion of Aid. I{awki~ and i.icKi~lc'; that thc .... l ~' .... No. 198 - Cit~qlork - l'ocoLuaen~ling ~ ........... cf of Aid. tlawkins and ~,~cDonald ~-'- ~ the re])ol't bo receive([ ~:i:([ filed, --.' ~..c ..... ~n~tion ~e adopted. Tao followir~.; Resolutions ~:crc ~, o~c.. No. 139 - MTN,ER - Ms. cDO?I~LD - ~SOL~Y,~ that the Lk:nagcr cf thc ![jdro~Elcctric Co~ssion of Nia~,ra Falls bo askc~] to nmkc a resort as t'~ thc oossi~le cha~;c to the now sys~m of !i~ting of so:us of the ornc~cnlal !i~tin~ ~nda~'ia ~res- ent~ ins~lled on cern. in business streets, with a vLm: %c conservation oiJclcc- ~icity; and the S~l of tho CorpoI~tion be hereto affixed. ~o. 140 - M~,LER - l,[cif~. ~,~' '.'v~.'~ ii., ,~.,., ~ ~,,~ _, ¢ ~ ~.?.-.~a study and report to Co~cil u!~on the condition created ~t the ~nte?uecticn of ~fn S~eet and ~rker Street when children iron t>e k~ndergardon classes cross ~is intersection wi~o~t suporvision$ and the Seal o~ the Corso~-~,t!on be hereto affixed. Carried Enacting 1,~yor Domald advised that he had been apprc~:ched by members of the Retail Merchants' Association with regard to part~c~pstion in the costs of Cthrlstmas decorations on tile streets of the City. The E~mctin~ ~Layor advised that he trod suggested to the Association that they should communicate their wishes in writing to the Council at an early date. Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Hawkins. ~DANDADOPTED, 30 October, 1950. Enacting l~yor 533 Council Cham'ce :b 23 0ctober~ ~ ~e Fir,.nee Committee met on Monday, 23rd October, 19~0 for the of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly certi~d and placed before them. All members of the Committee, witZa the exce2- tion of His Worship ~kyor Houck~ were present. Sundry accounts m..uounting to ~6,261.98 were approved by the Committee. T~e accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ~r~ ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council ou the motio~x e Ald. McKinley and Donald. The offer of the Oleuview Social Club for lots on Hickson Aveuue~ a~ ~id over from previous meetings, was considered. A report was also presents.? this connection from the Property Corm~ittee. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and ~cDo:~ld that the offer and the report be received and file'!~ and the club be advised that Lot Number 210 will be sold at the p'~'ice of ~'' - subject to the condition tlmt they will acquire an additional lot to the hertz ~o'f erecte.~ this property and that a s-bructm~e of at least *20 000.00 value will be on the premises within six months. A communication from F.A.Branscombe, requesting a permit to erect ;u~ apartment building at the co,_mer of Valle~my and Simcoe Sta-eet~ as laid over the previous meeting~was considered. A report was also presented from the erty Com~.ttse in this connection. It was ozx~ered on the motion of Ald. Jollo7 and ~cDonald that the offer and report be received and filed~ and the reco~n~m¢- ation be adopted~ which provides tl~t pe~m~ission be granted~ subject to the fil- ing of detail plane and specificatious~ compliance with the building by-laws an~ the proper location of the building on the property. A con~uuicatiou was presented from the Unemployment Relief Branch arding the cl~nge in the relief allowances and regulations. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Jolley that the c~ranicatlon be received and filed. A report was presented from the City M~.uager regarding tenders submitted for the supply of ~terials for the construction of water mains. It %ms orderea ou the motion of Ald. Dor~ld and MacDonald that the report be received and laid on the table until the next meeting. A report was presented from the City Manager, re~ardiug au application for a permit fe~ the erection of au addition to the Clifton Inn. It was o~ered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald that the report be received and laid the table, and the recommendation be adopted. ,~e Committee adjourned on the ~otiou of Ald. Donald and McKinley. AND ADOPTED, ~0 October, 1950. Council The Core, oil re-asse:£oled at the close of the regu!~r comuc!l and ~'-~ meetings for the p~pose of ~ ' ~ b-- by the C~ittee. All members of the Council~ , ~ the e:,:ce~,tion of r'c ' I,~yor Houck~ were p~esen~. Ald. ~ ~ ~o.n~ Do~!d was enacting ~:m. yor dtu~iag the meet- ing· BY -LAU ~e followin~ By-Law waz~assed: No. 4~88_ - To Grant Monies for C~neral Puz~poses. It was ordere¢t on t~e motion cf Ald. 14c~[inley ar_d Je].ley klns be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. rt was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and" (2) of tho S~nding R~les of Comlcil be suspended and tile ~--' ~-~,.,.~ be given the second reading - Carried. ~hird reading -Ald. lmcDona!d and l,~llez Carried. The City Clerk advised Council of an invitation which ]~d been extended to them to attend the official opening ceremonies of the D~muond Hill Branch Lib- rary auditorium which will take place on Wednesday, 1st Novm~0er at ~,.C0 p.m. ~e Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Jolle~~ and ~' ~ ,~ ~D AND ADOP~ED, 30 October~ 1950. Olerk ~ 535," Council Chamber, 30 0cto~er, 1950. Pumsuant to a~Jou~-~.ent, the Council met at 7.30 p~m. on Mon~lay, 30th October, 1950 for the purpose of considerin~ general business and finance. Ail members of the Council were present. The Court,l, having receive~ an~ read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopte~ these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donal~ · ~EA~ATIO~ On the motion of Ald. Mawkins an~ Jolley, 14r. Merle ~ook, ~presentl~ a ~ of lo~ ~, was ~t~d ~ a~ss O~cil. ~. ~k a~sed ~ ~ p~ ~r way for ~ ~co~tton of ~rti~ ~ ~ ~ess s~e~ and ~e ho~ of a ~ C~ ~e at O~ts~s t~e. ~. ~k diep~ s~ec- ~ of ~ t~ of ~eco~ti~ in~n~e~ ~ ~ ~e~ a~ a s~h of ~ecomti~s s~s~ for ~e City ~, ~ aske~ Co,oil ~ co~ider ~e ~nti~ of a s~ ~ ~e e~e~e in~. ~ ~t s~S~ was $~00.~. ~ Resolution No. 1~1 In connection with C.=~tc~tion No. 255, Mr. J.W_~11-ce Butters was l~rmitted to sleek to Council. Mr. Butters explained the request contained in his c~cation for the removal of a tree and pole from the boulevar~ of the prop- erty which he has sold, an~ the re,oval of restrictions as to its use, as soon as possible. ~ C~ntcation No. No. 250 - _~o-__~l cf _~_naport ¢~-=~-~ioners for ~e__.~ - re Victoria Avenue ~rid~e. OA~u~ en ~ motion of A1A. Jo .lle2 ami l~awkins that the co,intoxication be rec- ei~d ami file~. · Ai~. Miller retrained to the meetin6. No. 251 - N~d~°-Electrio 0m~mgion of ~'~ F-~l~a - ~ ~ ~ ~i~ss s~. ~ ~ ~ ~tion of ~. ~ a~ ~ ~t ~e ~ti0n be received, laid on the table and a report be requested on Section A of the pro- Ject, as suggested. (Ald. Inglis and MacDonald voted Contrary to this motion.) Prior to the above motion, it was moved by Ald. Inglis and MacDonald that the com- date~mun/catl°nbut thisbe receivedmotlon Wasanddefeated.laid on the table for further consideration at a later No. 252 - ~Ve~r~__? .. eentral_ Committe . Day. 0autiSm on the motion of ~-f~ ~ r,~--~_~e_ invitation to Remembrance be received and filed, the ..... ~?na~G and Hawkins that the communication invitation be accepted, and as many of the Council as possible attend the ceremony. No.ing.2530A~- Niagara.on the~Falls Public .......... Library . offering auditorium for election meet- motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley that the communication betheirreCeiVedconsideratlon.an~ filed, and the offer be accepted; and the Board be t~mnked for No. 2~ - .Heal_th Lea e of Canada.. requesting .Ald. Don~..ld mud Hawkins that the 'Commun~cation grant. ORDERED on the motion of ~or consideration by the 1951 Council. be received and laid on the table No. 255 - J..W. alla_ce Butters - re sale and use of property. 0RDE~o on the motion of Ald. Inglis and Do~!~ that the communication be received and referred to the Property O~-,.~ttee f6r consideration, with power to act immediately. No. 256 - Bell Tele hone C a of Canada ~ne ComiC..of Can~_ - requesting permission, buried cable. No. 257 ' -. -~da - re replacing one pole. m0tionand pormission°f Ald. ~awkins~e granted.and Miller 7~h~'-t~-~ commuAlcations be received and filed, ~I~aid over from previous. meetly?: i~EPOR~B NO. 191 - ~ _ re re-assessment matters. Oi~EI~D on the motion of Aid. MLller and ]~avkins that the re~orta be received and filed. _~e followin~ l~ports were present~.~d: No. 199 - ~ . recom,~nding issuance of licences. 01~E~o on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the report be received and laid on the table ~til the next meeting, the 0try Manager be requested to submit a report as to Whether the required alterations have been made at 258 Bridge Street to make this Preaises suitable for licensing; and the reco~e~ation with regard to the applic- ation for a hawkers, and pedlar,s licence be adopted. No. 200 - Traf.f.ic Comm~tttee - re control st Main Street and Barker Street. 01~D- E~ on the motion of Ai~. Jolley and Miller ~__t the report be received and fL!e~, .anti.the reocmaaen~atio~ be adopted. ~0L~T/0N ~ f.o~_~..ln~ l~solution wa.s passed: ~ z~r x2~ ~als~n~ ~ ~e cost of ~i8~s deco~ti~ for ~.~m m~etm ~ ~fe~ ~ ~e C~ of Fi~n~ for a ~rt at ~e Z~ ~; ~ ~e Se~ of ~e Oo~omtion ~ here~ ~fi~d. 536 537 ~he fo~lcwin~ ~y-laws ~e.re. ~aeee&: No. ~ - ~ a~oint au aeses~nt c~ssl~r f~ ~e Co~o~ti~ of ~e City of Ni~ It was o~ered on ~e ~tion of ~d. ~ ~ ~n ~e pri~le~ of in~uci~ ~e by-~w ~ ~e by-~w ~ r~d ~e fi~t t~ - C~l~ ~~. It was o~e~ on ~e ~ti~ of ~d. ~ller a~ ~o~ey ~t ~e B6 (2) of ~ ~i~ ~es of Co~cil ~ s~nded ~ ~e by-~w ~ ~n ~e seco~ ~ - ~iea (~d. ~cDom~ ~$d c~ ~ ~is ~tion.) ~ ~i~ - ~d. Me~ey ~ ~w~ - ~led (A~. Do~ a~ ~c~ld ~d cont~ ~ ~is ~tion.) 1~o. ~590 - To provide for l~rmtesion to ~e ~ell Telephone O~pany of C~ ~ ~ce t~ie~ ~ble ~ ~s ~ cer~ s~e~. It w~ o~e~ ~ ~e ~ti~ of ~. ~W~ a~ ~cD~ ~t ~. M~Y ~ ~v~ ~e pri~le~ of in~uci~ ~e ~y-~w ~ ~e ~-~w ~ ~a~ ~e fi~t ~ - O~i~ ~~- It was. ~ on ~e ~ion of ~. M~y a~ ~o~1~ ~t ~e 36 (2) of ~e S~ ~es of Co~c~ ~ s~ a~ ~ B2~w ~ ~ven ~e ~ ~i~ - ~. Do~ ~ ~w~ - ~ie& ~ly. Yt w~ o~ ~ ~e ~ti~ of ~. Jol~y ~ ~w~ ~t ~. McKin- ley'~ gi~m ~ ~v~ of i~~ ~e ~-~w a~ ~e .ty-~w ~ ~ ~e fi~t ~ ' ~i~ ~~. Zt ~s o~ om ~e ~tiom of ~. Jo~y ~ ~er ~t ~e ~6 (2) of ~e ~i~ ~s ~ ~il ~ s~ a~ ~e ~2-~w ~ ~n ~e seco~ Ald. Jollay left the meeting to represent Hie Worshipl~yor Houck at the induction ceremonies for the new Minister at the Glemview ~aptiete Church. .~ - To nppoint depnty i~turnl~ officers, 'poX1 clerks 'and polling places for the ~m*ci~al election in December, 1~0 for the year 1~1~ al~ be given the privile~e,o~ intro~u~ing the t~-Xav ann ~ae o~ Aav be read the first t~ae - 0arried. Xt vas oz~ers~ on the motion of A1A. I(cXinlo~' and M&oDonalA that ~ (2) of the Standing Rules of Ootmoil be oua~onde~ an~ the b~,law be given second rea~ing - Ca.-riel. ~e following B~-laws were re_ad tt!=e_ first and secomi times: No. 459~ - To provide for borrowing $220,000.00 for the acquisitio~ of a site and the erection of a public school, and to provide for the issue of deb- entures of the City of Niagara Falls therefor. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald and McKinley that Ald. ~aw- ~me be given the ~rivilege of intro~ucing the by-law and the by-law be res~l the first time - Carried. Tt was or~ere~ on the motion of Ai~. Hawkins en~ Miller that Rule 36 (2) of the Bt~n~ing Rules of Conncil be suspended and the b2-law be given the sec- on~ rea~in~ - Carried. It was ordere~ on the motion of Ai~. Hawkins and McKinley that the law be referred to The Ontario Municipal ]~oar~ for approval. No. ~ - ~o provide for the ~orrowlng of $B7,000.00 for the construction of water mains on Alexander Crescent, ~omewoo~ Avenue, Morse Avenue, Ban- an Avenue, Misener Street, Finley Street, Valleyway, Jepson Street, Hcmewood Avenue, V. pWorth Circle ami Inglis Drive; an~ to provide for the issue of debentures of the City of Niagara ~erefor. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Miller an~ MacDonal~ that Ai~. Haw- Etna be given the privilege of introaucing the by-law an~ the by-law be reaa the first t~me - Ca~ried. Tt was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donsld an~ McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Sta~lin~ Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the sec- oni readiu~ - C~rried. It was ordered on the motion of AI~. lay be referred to The Ontario Municipal Boar~ No. ~5~3 - To provide for borrowing $11,~3~.66 Miller an~ MacDonal~ that the by- for approval. upon debentures to pay for the con- 8truction of macadam roads on Morse Avenue, S,mm~r Street, Mlsener Street~ ~an Avenue, Finley Street and Jepson Street. Tt was ord~rs~ on the motion of Aid. McKinley ~ MacDor2.1d ~et Ai~. ~awkius be given the privilege of intro~ucing the by-law and the by-Law be rea~ the first tLme - Carried. rt vas olxlere<l on the motion of Ai~. Donald and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of ~xe Stamting Rules of Council be suspen~e~ and the by-law be given the eecomT rea&lng - Cern'tie&. vt was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald an~ Hawkins that the By-law be laid on the table ~_~ the debentures sxlvertised for sale. To provide for bor~owing $1~,910.8~ upon ~ebenturee to pay for the const~uction of sidewa~ on North Street, S,~er Street, l~ca~, Mieensr Street, Morse Street, Finley Street, ~,,~n Avenue, We_m- ilton Street and R0sedale Drive and curbs and getters on S,~r Street, Horse Avenue~ Misener Street, ~ansu Avenue, Flnlay Street, Slator St~et and Jepson Street. Tt was ordered on the motion of ~.l~, Donsl~ k~ne be ~iven the privilege of introducing the ~y-law fLmt ~. Car~ie~L. an~ Miller that Ald. ~aw- and the 'b,V-lav be read the ~t vas or~ers~ on the motion of Ai~. Miller ani ~wkins that Rule 36 (~) of the Standing Rules of Council be euspen~e~ and the l~-law be given the eeoon~ reading - Carrie~. ~t was or~ersd on the motion of Ai~. Donald and ]~awkins that the b~-law be laiA m~:~ae table ami the ~ebentures a~vertiee~ for sale. 539 , No. 45~7 - To provide for ~or~owing $~2,265.59 upon ~e~nt~s ~ ~Y for ~e con- s~c~ of sewers on ~r~ S~t, Mo~e Av~, e~r S~et, Fi~ S~et, V~ay~ H~wo~ A~n~, ~er ccent ~ S~2 A~n~. It was o~e~ on ~e ~tion ~ ~. ~i~ey an~ Doll& ~ ~ ~n ~ priv~e~ of in~uoi~ ~e ~y-~w a~ ~e ~y-~w fi~t t~ - ~i~. Yt w~ o~e~ on ~e ~ti~ of ~. D~& ~ ~w~ ~t ~e 36 (2) of ~e S~i~ ~e of C~ ~ s~e~ ~ ~e .by-~w be ~n ~e seco~ ~ - ~le~. It vas o~ on ~e ~ti~ of ~. ~r ~ ~o~ ~w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ble ~ ~ ~e~n~s a~rtised for His Worship Mayor Houok a~lvised tl~t his appointees as a c.~.~lttee to consider the request far the placin~ of the remus of veterans of Worl~ War II on the Oenottaph were ~l~ermen ~olley, McKinley an~ Miller. His Worship 14ayor llouck reminded Council of the opentn~ ceremonies of the au~itori~n in Dr~ ~ranch Li~-~ at 8.00 p.m. on let November. ]lis Worship Mayor ]louck remin~e~ Council of the l~rm~rancs Day service to be hel~l at the Cenote~h at ~.l.00 a.m. on llth November. - "reno su~a~ry of tenders for materials for Water mains, as presented at a I~evious meeting, was considered together with a report thereon fran the City Man- nger. Yt was ordered on the motion of Ald. Inglis and MacDonald that the mm~ry ami report be received an~ filed, and the recommendation of the City Mans~er for the purchase of Materials according to the revised estimates of $231,721.10 for ProJeCtcepted ar~N° 'adopted .I and $73,020.26 roi- Project No. II and a total of SBO~,7kl.36 be ac- ~e report of the City Manager, as laid over from the previous meeting, with re~ard to an application for a permit to construct and addition to the Clif- ton Y~n, was considered. A report from the Property Committee in this connection was also sul~mltted. ~t was ordered on the motion of Ald. ~cDonald and McKinley that the reports be received and filed, and the reco~endation be adopted. A c*~zication was presented from the Boiler Inspection and Lusurance Oc~m~any of Canada with the renewal policy for insurance on electrical eq~lpment. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the cc~munication ~e received and filed, the policy be renewed and the pre~i~ of $2,~06.78 be paid. A report was presented from the City Manager, reco~ending the isauance of a l~rmtt fox- the erection of a boiler honse at 327 Ferguson Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Miller that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, r~camnending the issuance of a per, Lit for the erection of a clubhouse by the 0pt~m~t Club of Niagara Falls. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Miller that the report he rec- e~.ve~, and filed, an~ the reccmm~ndation be adopted. ~he Council e~lJour~ on the motion of Ai~. McKinley and Donald. ~e Co,.,~ttee e~lJourne& on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller. ~ AI~ AD~, 6 November, 1~0. ~SAD A~D AD~p~m, 6 November, 1950. Olerk ~ Mayor Co,moil Chamber, 30 October, 1~0. The Fizance ~ttee ~t on Monday, 30th October, 1~0 for the purpose ce~i~ ~ p~e~ ~f~ ~. ~ ~ra of ~e C~e, vi~ ~e excep- 8~ ~ ~ ~ $60,760.31 we~ a~v~ ~ ~oo~ ~G~, ~ ~ or o~iee ~t vi~, ve~ o~' e~ ~ in ~ ~ ~-~v for ~~ ~ Chairman of Finance MEETING Council Chamber, 30 October, 1950. ~e Council re-ass~bled at the close of the regular council and fin- aaoe ~eetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the account~ &~lmoved b~ the Cc~mittee. Ail members of the Council, with the exception of A~I. JolXe~, were l~esent. 541 ~ - To Grant Monies for C~neral Purposes. It was or~lered on the motion of Ald. Mo~i~le2 ami Donald that Aid. Haw- kine be given the ir~ivile~e ~f intrO&ucing the ~y-law an~ the ~y-law be read the first time - Ce_~ried. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the S+~ing Rules of Council be suspended and the By-law be given the secon~ reading - Carried. ~ reading - Aid. Hawkins aB l~hller - Carried. ~e follo~in~ Resolution was passed: No. 1~2 - N]wz~ - M~ - ~S~ ~t ~e ~xt ~,~ ~eti~ of ~e City Council a~Journsd on the motion of Ald. McEinle~ an~ Hawkins. ~EAD AI~ ADOP~ED, 6 November, 1950. Clerk Mayor Council Che41d)er, 6 November~ 1~'~0. Pursuant to adJommment, the Cotmcil met at ~.00 p.m. on Monday, 6th November, 1950, for the propose of consideri~ general b~miness and florence. Ail members of the Council were present. The Council, havtn~ received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on t~e motion of Ald. ~hcDonah! and Hawkins. In connection with Cc~munication No. 26~, ~.. Ernest Whitby spoke t~ Co~cll. He advised of ~e ~gerous condition which existe on I,~dy'~ ~ne for c~l~en crossi~ ~om ~e Moree-Misener subdl~sion. Upon heari~ the reco~m~ed- atio~ confined In Report No. 201, ~. ~itby advised t~t he felt fl~e sug~es~d ~n~ wo~ be ~st satlsfac~ry. ~E ~lcation~p ~ ~6~ C OM~u-NICATIO~ ~le followir~ Cummunica, t. ions were_ ]~esented: No. 260 - Jurdor Chamber of Con~nerce - appreciation re industrial e~hibitlon. NO. 261 - ~hsmber of Commerce - gratitude to Mr. MacDonnld. ORUEI~:D on the motion of Ald. Mc]~InleN and MacDonald t~mt the co~nuntcations be received and filed. No. 262 - Nia~zra Falls Ratepayers. Association - re meeting of taXpayers. 0HD- EI~D on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the communication be rec- eived and filed~ the invitation be accepted and as many of the members of Council as find it convenient be asked to attend the meeting. No. 26~ - Board.. of Education - re provincial grant for new school. 0HIgH,ED on the motion of Alcl. ~)onald and Hawkins that the co~m~unication be received and filed · No. 264 - C~-;~,~auit2 Nursing Regtst,r[ - requesting grant. 0RDEi~D on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the cow~unication be received and laid on the table for consideration by the 1951 Council. Aid. Inglis arrived at the meeting. No. 265 - Barker Street Home and School - re protection of school children. E~ on th~' motion of Ald. Donald and Jolley that the co~unicatlon be received ~ filed and the Association be advised of the action proposed. SEE Re crt No. 201 ~id over frc~ ~revious .me. et~.,. ~o, 1~ - Cit2 Clerk - rec~nding issuance of licences. 0~EEED on the marion of Aid. Miller and Donald that the report be received and laid on the table until ~e lr~opose~ rel~ire to the building have been ccmpleted, and that the application consi~ered at that time. The following. Reports were presented: No. 201 - Cit~ Manager - rs protection of school chi~,dren. ORDEi~o on the motion of Ald. Donald an~ ~olley t~t. the report 1~ received and filed, ar~l the recom- mendation be adopted. No. 202 - City Manager - re condition of 258 Bridge Street. 0t~]ERED on the mot- ion of Ald. Miller ami Donald that the report be received and laid on the table. No. 203 - Chairman of Finance - re request for grant to Chrislmas decorations. ORUEitm~ on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and McKinley that the report be received and filed~ and the rec.~,m~ndation be adopted. No. 204 - City Manager - re petition for sidewalk. ONDzltm~ on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the reco,wnend- ation be adopted. ~ Petition No.26 The followin~ Petition was ~resented: No. 26 - John ~a[~'or - requesting sidewalk on Buokley Avenue. Oi~)E~ED on the mot- ion of Aid. McKinley and MacDonald that the petition be receive& aud filed and the work be delayed until the spring of 1951. SOL .. The follovin~ Resolu. t.ions were passed: No. 143 - J~ - DONALD - i~ESOLVED that the action of His Worship Mayor W.L. Houck, in appointing Alderman E.M.l~awkins as enacting mayor on 8th, 9th and 10th November, during the absence of His Worship, be approved; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimou_~ No. 1~4 - Mlw.?.w.R - DONA~D - I~SOLVED that tho City l~er ~e as~ ~ conifer ~ ~po~ ~on ~e feasibility an~ cost of M~ ~ t~el ~der ~e ~chi~n Contel ~il~y ~c~ at ~eps~ S~eet a~ Pa~er A~nue ~ere ~e exca~tion ~s ~en ~e for ~e i~tion of ~e s~ sewer; a~ ~e S~i of the po~ti~ be he~ ~e~. O~ie~ ~n~ His Worship Mayer Nouck reminded Council of the Remembrance Day services which will 1~ held on llth ami 12th November in the City~ and asked th_at as man~ of the members of Council as Vsssible attend the same. ~e Council a~ourned on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and AND ADO~D~ 15 November, 1950. Mayor F I~L~NCE MEETING Council Chs~mber, 6 November, 1950. The Finance Comuittoe met on Monday, 6th November, 1950 for the Pm*pose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which ~md been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee Were present. S,mdry accounts amounting to $16~284.41 Were approved by the Committee. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Jolley. A communication was presented from the Niagara Falls Public Library req- uesting a cost-of-living bonus for the maintenance staff. motion of Ald. Donald and Jolley that the commm~ication be It was ordered ou the the request be granted, received and filed and A COmmunication was presented from Ernest Janzen regardi~ rent aud rep- airs at 1670 Spring Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Jcl- lay ~bet the cc~nunication be received and laid on the table, and the City Manager be asked to report thereon. A communication was presented frcm the Niagara Falls [llumlnatfon Board regarding the City's share of the costs and representation on the board. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Inglis and Donald that the communication be received and referred back to the Board with the suggestion that this matter be taken up with the other municipalities comprising the Greater Niagara area to ascertain if such municipalities will participate in these costs. A report was presented from the City Treasurer regarding a call for tenders for debentures. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Jcl- lay that the report be received and filed, and the Trcas~er be given permission to call for tenders as outlined and also alternative bids. ~e Chairman of Finance welcomed Ex-alderman J.G.Pfhite at the meeting. The revenue and expenditure statement as at 30th September was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that the statement be rec- eived and laid on the table. The comparison of t~x collections as at 31st October was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald ami McKinley that the statement be rec- eived, laid on the table and given the usual publicity. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending the issuance of a permit for the installation of tanks on the McColl-Frontenac 0il Company property on Lundy,s lane. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mac- Don~!d ttmt the report be receive~ ami filed, and the reco~endetion be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, regarding an application for e permit to erect a storage warehouse by the Coca-Cola Ltd., It was ordered on the mOtion of Aid. MclLfnley and MacDonald that the report be received and laid on the table, the matter be referred to the Property Ccmmittee for a report at the next meeting~ and all members of Council inspect the location and type of building. A rs!0ort was presented frcm the City Manager, recommending the purchase of two F-type snow ploughs. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Mac- D0~ald that the ~port be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. His Worship Mayor ltouok left the meeting. An offer was preeented from the Glenview Sociat Club for the purchase of Lot N~ber 211, Eickson Avenue. A report was presented frc~ the Property mittee in this connection. It wae ordered ou the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the offer and report be received and filed, an~ the rec.--~udation for the sale of the lot be adopted. ~e C~ttee adjourned on the motion of Aid. McKinley an~ Donald. AND ADOP~ED, 13 November, 1950. ~"~u Of Finance lights or some other fixture which will be visible to motorists driving after dark at the end of Bender Hill and the Michigan Central Railway track~. ~1,e Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Miller. AND ADOp',~:,,, 13 November, 1950. ~ ~cting Mayor Council Chamber, 6 November, 1950. ~e Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the C~m~,tttee. All members of the Council, with the exception of His Worship Mayor Houck, were present. Aid. Hawkins was enacting mayor ~uring the meeting. BY-LAW ~he foll~in~ BI-law was passed.: No. 4599 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. McKinley an~ Donald that Aid. Mil- ler be given the 'privilege of introducing the ~y-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was or~ered on the motion of Aid. ~olley and McKinley ~k~t Rule 36 (2) of the Stan~ling Rules of Colmcil be suspended and the by-law be ~iven the secon~ reading - Carried. ~hir~ rea~i~ - AI~. MacDonsl~ a~ McKinley - Carried. Aid. I~s aske~ that the City Mama~er tmk~ some action to improve the surface of one of the lanes which rune from ~eraon Crescentto El~orth Circle, in ox~er to eliminate the c~n~ition oreate~ when at.ns chip is washed down on to the si~ewalko Ai~. Miller aew-~ that the Cit~ Manager asnsider the iust~tion of CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 6 November, 1950. ~e Conference C~m,~ttee of the City Council assembled at the close of the re~,~ meetings of the Council and Finance Committee on Monday, 6th November 1950. All meml~rs of the Cnmm!ttee, with the exception of His Worship Mayor Ko,ok were present. AIL Hawkins Was chairman of the meeting. After consideration of the various matters placed before them, the Committee ad- ~ourne~ on the ~tion of Aid. Donald and MacDonald. AND ADC~'~J~, 13 November, 1950. Chairman l~EGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, 13 November, 1950. Pursuant to adJo'~-~ent, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 13th November, 1950 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Douald, were present. The Council, having received and read the m/nutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald aud Hawkins. DEPU~TION In connection with C~nication No. 268 and on the motion of Ald. Mil- ler and H~wkins, representatives of the Niagema Falls Fire Fighters were per- mitted to speak to Council. Messrs. Thomas Graham and William Wade were present and explained their desires with regard to permission to hold a carnival at Pop- lam Park and ~ave the ~ouncil assurances as to its operation, the condition of the grounds, etc. .~E C~mmunication .No. 268 ~e followin~ Ccmm~unications were presented: No. 266 - ~¥dro-Electric Ccm,m~i, ssion of N~a~ara F. 11= - re lighting on Valleyway. 01~EltED on the motion of Ald. Miller and McEinley that the communication be rec- eived and considered when Ald. Inglis is present. ~ Iater 0ouncil Meeting ~1~ ,Report No. 1~9~ No. 267 - Department of Highways - re licorice for M.A.Ohiki. 01~DERED on the mot- ion of Ald. McKinley and NacDonal~ that the ccm~unication be received and laid on the table for consideration when a f,,~l council is present. ~mm later Council me~in~ No. 268 - Niasara Falls ,F. ire Fighters - requesting permission for carnival. 0R~- Ei~ED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the communication be rec- eived and filed, the motion passed on 10th July, 1950 with regard to the use of Poplar Park for carnivals be rescinded, and permission be granted. No. 269 - ,United States Department of State - re beamtification of Nia~ra Falls, 01~DEA~L0 on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the c~z, ication be received and referred to the Cit~ Manager. Laid over from previous meeting: No. 193 - City Manager - r~ lighting on Valle2way. 0~A~ on the motion of Ald, MiLler amd McKinley that the ccemmmication be received anal considered when Aid, Inglis is present. ' ~ ~" later Council m~t~ __~e followiug ~port was vresente~d: No. 205 - 0ity Clerk - re conference held 6th November. O~)Ei~D on the motion of Ald. MacDonald am~ Eawkime that the report ~e received an~ filed. _RE~SOLUTI0~ The. following Resolu~ed: No. 145 - MTIyER JOLIEY - '" ' ~'~ - RESOLVED that FaLls Optimist C~u~ for thei~ ~ ~ this Council co ~ ~ 0ptLm/st Week which is ~---~1 ~-~eav°~s On beh~)n~ of *~ ngrat~lat~ the Nlagnra ~ ..... ~.~ - _ ,.,o~ held durin. *u_ ~e come,unity and endorse ~x'~ra~mOn se ~eMeto affixed. ~ ~ CUrrent Week; and the~Se~'l of the Carried Ald. Inglis arrived at the meeting. BY-LA%; The foLlowfn}~ B~-law ~w~: No. 4600 - To authorize the execution of an agreement for sale and deed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Jolley and MacDonald that Ald. Hawkinsthe firstbet~m~given. Carried.the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read It was Ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MmcDonald that Rule S6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be sUSpended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried. ~ reading -Ald. MacDonald and McKinley . Carried. Ald. Miller asked about the report to be subm/tted by the City Manager with regard to the possibility of constructing an underpass at Jepson and Palmer Avenue. ~e City Manager advised that this would be made when the work had ad- vanced sufficiently for him to ascertain the conditions. Ald. Miller asked re~arding the report requested concerning a change in the street lighting on Some of the business streets. Mr. Manager of the local ~ C Orr advised that su~m/tted to the ydro omm/ssion Was preparing this report, it would ~eh~ ~e Co~.!ssion and subsequently be avai/able for Council. ~e COUncil adjourned on the motion of Ald. McElnley and Jolley. ~AD A~) ADOP~I~n, 20 November, 1950. Council C~,mber~ 13 November, 1950, The Finance Co~nmittee met on Monday, 13th November, 1950 for the pur- pose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been prop- erly certified and placed before them. All members of the Comm~ ttee were pres- Sund~y accounts amountinhg to $]g,829.62 were approved by the Cu-~dttee. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley aad MaoDonald. The communication from Ernest Janzen, with regard to unpaid amounts re 1670 Spring Street, as presented at the last meeting, was again considered. A report was also submitted thereon by the City l~er. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. NacDonald and Miller that the c,mm,lunication and report be received and filed~ and-the fecundation of the City Manager be adopted. The report of the City Manager, re~arding the application of the Coca- Cola Ltd. for permission to erect a building, as laid over from the previous meeting, was again considered. Upon the rec.~endation of the Property Cow~fttee and on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Miller it was ordered that the comnunic- atica be received and filed and the Company be advised that a permit cannot be issued for this type of construction as it is contrary to the terms of the b~dld- ing by-law. A communication was presented from Martin, Calvert and Matthews with re~ard to the purchase of Lots 40 and 41, Elm Street by Hector and LuCien Blanch- ard. Upon the rec~m.~ndation of the Property Oo-.,~ttee ami on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley it was ordered that the c~nication be received and filed and the parties be advised that the municipality is prepared to cancel the agreement for sale and refund the purchase price, the cost of building permits ~nd an~ 1950 taxes pai~. A communication was presented fr~n the Falls Construction Co. Ltd. req- uesting permission to erect a marquee at 1677 Victoria Avenue. Upon the recom- mendation of the Property Co,.,tttee and on the motion of Aid. Jolley and MacDon- ald it was ordere& that the cc,~...unication be received and filed and permission be granted, subject to the condition +.~at the structure will be firmly anchored to the building, will not be supported on eidew-~k SUl~orts and will be at least ten feet above the surface of the pedestrian way. The report of the Property Cow~ttee~ on the above matters, was pres- ~ent~d. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Jolley and MacDonald that the report be received and filed. ~ The statement of relief for the month of October was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Miller that the statement be received and filed. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending the issuance of a permit for the erection of a publishing house at the corner of Valleyway and Morrison Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Jolley that the report be received and filed and the recommendation be adopted. Ald. Donald arrived at the. meeting. Ald. Hawkins~ the Chalz~uan~ asked the Comnlttee to give fro'thor COnsld- oration and a decision with regard to the request of the F~!ls Illumination ~oard as presen~d at the ~st meetf~. It was o~ered on the motion of Hfs ~yor Houck and ~d. Jolley that the C]mi~n of Fi'hanes, h:ts representative sad ~d. Do~ld report back ~ the Boa~ that this Co~a~ttee cannot con~,~It future Co~cils for ext., monies; and also that the Alaexs~len aScer~iu if Q~is increased ~ant as requested is for the yea~ l~O or ~.~l.~ Ald. I~lis spoke about items contained in the 1949 Audi~v's Report wl~ ~d to provincial ~'ants toward debentures issued for school ~e City ~r advised t~t he wo~d ~ke a report upo~ this~tter for the in- fo~tion of the Co~ttee. _ . ~e Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Do:told. ~ AND ADOPTED, 20 November~ 1950. Chairnmn of Fim~nce COUI~C IL F[~E TING oun~,ll Chamber ~ 13 November, i~DO. The Cottucil re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- anco meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accom~ts ~ersaPpr°Vedof thebY Councilthe Comm~tte%were present.and for the consideration of other matters. All men- CO~JNICATIO~ ~Zaid Over from the previo .us.. mee~t~: ~o. 266 - ~ydro-Eleo~ric Commis~sion of Niagara .Falls - re lighting on Valleyway. 01~EI~D on the motion of Ald. Jolley ~nd Mil'l~ that the communication be rec- eived and laid on the ~able until the next meeting and the Manager of the Commis- sion be asl~ed to be present at that time to discuss the matter with Council. No. 267 . Department of Highwa~ys - re licence for M.A.Chiki. 0RDEI~) on the mot- ion of Ald~Miller and MacDonal~ that the communication be received and laid on the ~able and the Department be advised that no application wee made to this 0O~ncll until after the licence had been granted by the Department. 551, ~PORT Laid over from the pr.e .vi.o.up meeting: No. 193 - City Manager - re lighting on Valleyway. 01~EI~D on the motion of Aid. Jolley ami Miller that the report be received and laid on the table until the next meeting. Th~ followir~ Resolution was passed: No. 146 - DONALD - I~GLT~ - I~BOLVED that a by-law be prepared and presented to Council at the next meeting, which will restrict the use of land in the City of Niagara Falls for used car lots; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto af- fixed. Carried unan .lmo~_~l~ Co~cil Clmmber, lj Nowmber, 1950. The Conference Co~mmittee of the City Council assembled at the close of the re~l~r meeti~s of ~he Co,oil and the Fiance Co~m~ittee on },iOn(~y, ].3th Nov- ~r~ 1950. ~l ~mbers of the Co~ttee Were present. His Worsh~e ~yor Houck was c~i~ of ~e meetly. ~ After consideration of the ~arious matters placed before them~ the Commitbee ad- Journed on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley. I~EAD AND ADop,~, 20 November~ 1950' ~e following By-~aw was passed: No. 4601 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Jolley and McKinley that Ald. Haw- kiss be given the privilege'of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller ~ Do~ld that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of'Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - 0arried ~ird reading - Aid. NaoDonald and McEinley - Carried unanimously. C.~. lr~rm n ~IGNAT~0N Aid. Miller presented his resignation frc~ the Council in order that he may contest the election for Mayor at the forthcoming election. Nis Worship Mayor Houck, on behaM.' of the members of Council, spoke very appreciatively of the good work which Ai~. Miller had done during his term of office as an alderman. The following resolution was then presented: I~ESOLuTi0N No. 147 - MoEINLEY -. MacDONALD - RES0~VED that the resignation of Alderman F.J. Miller from the Council be accepted aud his seat deolare~ vacant; ami the Seal of the Corporation ~e hereto affixed. Carrie~ unan~mousl~ Council adjourned om the motion of AI~. 1~Ktmle~, a~ ~olle~. ~AD A~D AD~P~ED~ 20 Novem~er~ 195.0, Mawr 552 FORTY-SEVEN'IH MEET~G Council Cb-mber, R0 November, 1950. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 20th November, 1950 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council were present. 5'ne Council, having received aud read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley. DEPUTATION In connection with Ccmmmmication No; 266, Mr. J.A.Willi-m~on, Manager of the Hydro-Electric Commission of Niagara Falls was present to advise Council in connection with the street lighting on a portion of Valleyway. The various points in connection with this matter were discussed by the members present. SEE Con~mmtcatlon No. 2~6 Tenders had been called for the purchase of $201,611.10 City of Niagara Falls debentures. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that consideration of these be deferred until Aid. Inglis is present. Later in the meeting, it was ordered by Aid. McKinley and Hawkins that the tenders be opened, initialled by His Worship Mayor Eouck and read. It was then ordered on the mot- ion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the tenders submitted be refen, ed to the City Manager and City Treasurer for tab,,l-tion. At the close of the meetiug, the City Manager advised Council of tenders submittsd~ and it was ordered on the mot- ion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the tender of Wood, Gundy and Co~par~y be accepted at a rate of $99.34 and interest for each $100.00 debenture. COMMUNICATIOI~ .L~. id..over from preyious meetings: No. 266 - H~dro-Electrlc C.o..~mission of Niagara F~- - re street lighting on Val- leyway. 0RD,:A~/u on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and McKinley that the communic- ation be received ami filed, and the overhead type of lighting and wiring be ap- proved. ~ Report No. No. 267 - Dg~ar~aeut of Highways - re license for M.A.Chiki. O~EERED on the mot- ~ion of Aid. Donald and MacDonald that the so~tm~_cation be received aud filed. ~ Cmm~,mication No. 27Q ~e followin~ Cmm~unications were preaente~: No. 270 - Depa~-tment of Highways - re proposed amendments and used car lots. 0R- DE~D on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the cemmmnication be rec- eived and filed. No. 271 - ~ohn Pierce Len~s. - appreciation of freedom of city. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Hawkins that the c~anication be received and filed. No. 272 - Onta.rio Municipal Associatipn - re 1951 convention in city. 0~DE~D on . the motion of Aid. Donald and NacDonald that the co~unication be received and filed~ an invitation be extended to hold the convention in N~a~w~a Falls and a 0RDEI~D on the moth,on of ~insreaqnu~s eived and filed., and His Worship e~P tment of local c~ ai~n. J '- the conmuuticatfon be rec- C~n be approved. ~,yor Houck's appointment of Aid. ~'~cDonald as No. 274 - ~usmen Club of Niy.~a FalSe - requesting Chris~s ~ ~ ~ee sale. 0~E~ on ~e motion of ~1~ ~ ~ ~on ~ use land for C~Ication be recei~d and filed, and ..... oo~_zd ~nd Jolley that the Ps--ss!on be granted. No. 275 - Ca~dia~ _ requesting Pe~ssion ~ use PopS~r Park for ~ on'he motion of ~d. Ha~:kins and. M~cDo~ld sired and filed and Pe~ssfon be ~'an~d. the Co~unicatiou be fcc- No. 276 - ~ Fir~ aDVOcate C9~ on ~e motion of ~d. Jolle~ ~*~ ~ rr ..... ~ - re ~st of P~per. 0t~E~D ~ ~-~ ~uo~mnmey ~at the CO~uni~tion be received and filed and ~e Fire Chief be authorized to at,nd ~e test. (~d. Donald voted sentry ~ ~is motion. ) No. 277 - Niag~a Falls ~Ouse Associat _ . ~e motion of ~. M~i~ey and ~~-%~__ re.~xfng Day. 0t~E~ on ....... · ~ u~un~tion be received and filed and ~e Association be advised t~t Boxi~ Day will be dec,red a ci~c holily. SEE Resolution No. 148 ..Laid over from previous ~etinF~: No. 19S - ~ . re street lighting on Valleyway. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and McKinley that the report om~andation be adopted, be received and filed and the rec- No. 199 - City Clerk - recamm,nding issuance of llcence. No. 202 - ~ity ~ - re condition of 258 Brid~e St~o~+ ~ .. ion of Aid. Hawkins and MacDo~o~ ~ ..... o . ~ .... ORDERED un the mot- license be granted. ~ ~a~ ~ae reports De received and filed and the Th__e following Reports wero_prese.n, ted: No. 206 - ~ . re conference held 13th November. 0RDE of Aid. Donald and Hawkins +~ot ~ ..... RED on the motion ~ ~ z=por~ De received and filed. Aid. Inglis arrived at the meeting. Ns. 207 . ~ . re possibility and cost of underpass. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Jolley that the report be received and filed and the WOrk be proceeded with. 1on of Aid. Inglis and MacDonald that the report be received and laid on the table. No. 209 - Oit~eer . recommending sewer on Gladstone Avenue. 01~Ei~D on the mOtion of Aid. Do~and Hawkins +~at the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. ~ESOL~TI0~ ~e followi~ Resolutions were pa~ge~d: No., 148 - McEI~LEy . HAWKINS - i~SOLVED that BoxAng Day, 26~h December be declared 554 a civic holiday in the City of Niagara Falls, that all municipal buildings remain closed on that date; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 149 - DONALD - NacDONAI~ - RESOLVED that the next regular meetings of the City Council be scheduled to be held at 5.00 p.m. on Monday, 27th November ami at 5.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 5th December; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto af- fixed. Carried unanimousl~ No. 150 - INGL~ - ~a~DONALD - RESOLVED that a Cw~mnication be forwarded to the Greater Niagara Ch-tuber of Commerce asking that the Chamber reply to the press release with regard to tourist promotion in this area and to point out what is being done here in this connection; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto af- fixed. Carried unanimousl No. 151 - Mc _E!NLE_Y .r DONALD - P~BOLVED that the m~tter of expenditures for the proposed additions and alteratioms to the Court Nou~e buildins in Welland be dis- cussed by Council during the meeting of the Conference Committee; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried ~ne ,fo,lloyd,InS By-laws were pa,seed: - To provlde for borrowing$96,000.00for the acquisition of a fire pumper, a street sweeper or flusher, traffic signals, an air compres- sor and a police radio, also for the completion of the South EndPub- lic Library, to erect new stands at Oakes Park field and to pay for the cost of removing the street railway rails; and to provide for the issue of debentures of the City of Nia~a~a Falls therefor. reading - ~ld. Donald and M~oDonsld - Carried unanimously. - To provide for the borrowing of $37,000.00 for the construction of water mains on Alexander 0rsscent, Eemewood Avenue, Morse Avenue, Ha~n Avenue, Misener Street, Finlay Street, Valleyway, Jepson Street, Home- wood Avenue, Epworth Oirole and Ynglis Drive, and to provide for the issue of debentures of the 0ity of Niagara Falls therefor. T~!rd reading -Ald. Donald and MacDonald - Carried unanimously. No. 1~595 - To provide for borrowing $11,4~4.66 upon debentures to pay for the con- etruction of mac,dam roads on Morse Avenue, S~r Street, Misener Street, Eanan Avenue, Finlay Street and Jepson Street. ~ird ReaAing -Ald. McKinley and Nawkine - 0arried unanimously. - To provide for borrowing $14,910.85 upon debentures to pay for the con- stru~tion of sidews~_w- on North Street, 8framer Street, Drmmmnd Road, Misener Street, ~o~se Avenue~ Ftnlay Strset, ~anan Avenue, W,m~lton Street an~ Rosedala Drive and curbs ami gutters on Suzm~r Street, Morse Avenue, Misener Street, Hanan--Avenues Finlay Street, Slathr Street and ~epeon Street. ~ir~ reading .- Aid. MacDonald and Donald - Carried unanimously. No. ~597 ' To provide for borrowing $~2,265.59 upon ~ebentures to pay for the cs~' struction of sewers on North Street, Morse Avenue~ Emhart Avenue, Mis- ener Street, Finlay Street, Valle~way, Homewood Avenue, Alexander Cres- cent and Stanley Avenue. ~ird reading 7 Aid. Hawkins and Donald - Carried unanimously. NO.. ~6~02 - To authorize the execution of an agreement for sale and deed. ~t was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley that Ald. Haw- kins be given the privilege of introducing the b?!aw and the by~lawbe read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald sad Jolley that Rule ?~ (p) of the Standing Rules of Council be sUSpended and the byqaw be given the second reading - Carried Unanimously. Third reading -Ald. MacDonald and McKinley - Carried U~animousl~,. No. 460~ - To licence and regulate the OWners of used c~r lot~ and for f!xin~ the fees for such licences and for revoking such licences. ~ It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and ~*~c~f~nle~ that Ald. Don- ald be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-la~ be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Jolley and Hawkins that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by~law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. Third reading -Ald. Donald and MacDonald . Carried unanimously. His Worship Mayor Houck asked Aid. ~'fcKlnley to be his representative atthe theNiagarabOXtngFallsShOWseatO Cadets.he held at the Niagara Falls Manorial Aren~ spop~ored by His Worship Mayor Houck expressed thesynmatny~ ' of the City Council and citizens of Niagara Falls Upon the sudden and unfort~mate death of the Most Rev- erend Archbishop George Frederick Kingsto,~ PrLmate o~ the Church of E~land in Canada. His Worship Mayor Houck spoke about the lect,zres being ~ponsored by the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce at the Collegiate Auditori~u on "Tae Price of P~acs" . His Worship M~yor Nouck asked Aid. N~cDonald to be bis representative at the Y.M.C.A, dinner to be held at 6.15 on Tuesday, 21st He,ember. Aid. MacDonald spoke of ~be circumstances surrounding the injury and co~dition of Police Constable S.H.Batem~n. His 'Jorship Mayor Houck ~dVlsed the atAldermantheir meetingthat theonmatter21st November.W°uld be considered by the Board of Police Co~&issioners Aid. MacDonald spoke of the number of bicycles being operated by young people of the City which do not car~y the required lights and reflectors, sad also of many Upon which the licence is not fastened in the proper location. He also spoke of many bicycles which are seen on the City streets without llcences. Mis Worship Mayor Eouck advised that this matter would be given attention. Aid. McKinley asked that iuformattoa be obtained and a report submitted to Council at the next meeting regarding the press report that two thousand workers are to be brought to this area from the United Kingdom for the Hydro- Elec~rlc Power C(~mission development. The Alderman asked that information be ObtairAed as to whether a survey had been made in this area and throughout Canada to See if Such labour is not available; and also if this project will conform w~th the iz~lgration regulations. Aid. Inglis ~poke of the press report of a meeting of the Niagara Falls l~Yers, Assoolatdon during ~hioh figures were quoted with regard to capital expenditures. The Alderm~n felt the statement should be corrected and }{is ship Mayor Houek advised that it was the intention of the Chairman of Fir~nce ~ke action in this The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley. ~o the condition that the lands are to be umed in conjunction with the said Lot I0, and the purchaser obtain a survey for the purpose of drawing the deed. The report of the Property Committee on the above matters was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that t~le report be received and filed. I~AD AND ADOPTED, 27 November, 1950. Clerk Co, tree adjourned on the motion of Ald. ~4cKinley and MacDonald. AND ADOpV~.D, 27 November, 1950. Clerk Chairman of Finance F~NANCE MEETING CoU-~cil Chamber, November, 1950. The Finance Committee met on Monday, 20th November, 1950 for the pur- pose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been prop- erly certified and placed before them. All members of the C~aittee were pres- Bundry accounts amounting to $17,437.58 were approved by the Co~mittse. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-l~w for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley. A report was presented from the City Manager regarding an application for permission to change plans for an apartment building at Sirocco Street and Valleyway, and the application to purchase a portion of a city lot. It was ord- ered on the motion of Ald. Donald and McEinley that the report be received and referred to the Property C~.~t tree for consideration and a report. An offer was presented from R.Mantovaui of $320.00 for Lot 3k, Glad- stone Avenue. Upon the reco~mndatiom of the Property C~ttee and on the mot- ion of Ald. McKin~y and Jolley it '~as ordered that the offer he received, filed and ascepte~ at a revised price of $225.00, upon the condition *~t a dwelling of at least $8,000.00 v~lue is erecte~ o~ the premises within six months. An offer was presented from Ruth l~ndinella of $225.00 for Lot 36, Gladstone Avenue. Upon the recommendation of the Property C.~.,tttee and on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley it was ordered that the offer be received, filed and accepted, sub~est to the con&ition that a dwelling of at least $7,000.00 value be erected on the premises within six months. Au offer was presented from H.S.Dit~ars of $150.00 for the triangular portion of la~d at the rear of Lot 10, Euron Street and Valleyway. Upon the r~c- castration of the Proper%y C~h~ttee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonal~ and ~Kimle~ it was ordered that the offer be received~ filed ar~ aceepte~ subject COUNC~ ~ETING Council Chamber, 20 November, 1950. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the C~-.~ttee. All members of the Council were present. SY-LAW ~efollowin~B~-law wa~: Ns. 460~ - ~ Grant Mo~es for~neral P~oses. It was o~ered on ~e ~tion of~d. Mc~nley and Jolley ~t~d. ~w- ~ be ~n ~e privilege of int~duci~ ~e by-~w and ~e by-~w be ~ad ~e fi~t t~ - C~ied ~ly. ~t was O~ered on ~e ~tion of~d. Haw~ and McKinley ~t ~e 36 (2) of ~e S~t~ ~es of Co,ell be s~pended and ~e by-~w be gi~n ~e sec~ r~di~ - C~rled ~~. ~ r~i~ - ~d. McEi~ey a~ ~ollsy - Ca~ied ~s COUncil adjourned on the motion of Aid. McEinley and Donald. ~D~AND ADOPTED, 27 November, 1950. Mayor 559 ' Council Chamber, 20 November, 1950. The Conference Cnmm~ttee of the City Council assembled at the close of the regular m~etings of Council and the Finance Cow.,ittee on Monday, 20th November, 1950, for the purpose of giving consideration to the variouS matters presented ~ them. Ail members of the Co~,,~tttee were present and Eie Worship Mayor Houck was chairman of the meeting. After consideration of the various items placed before them, the C~ttee ad- journed on the motio~ of Ald. Jolley and MacDonald. READ AND ADOP~ED, 27 November, 1950. Clerk COURT OF REV~ION Council Cbam~ber, 24 Nove~uber~ 1950. ~he Court of Revision on the assessment roll was held at 10.00 a.m. on Friday, 24th Nov- ember, 19~0, at which the following action was taken upon the respective appeals: present: Sheriff V.L.Davidson, Mr. W.A.Fraser and ~[r. A.W.Scott. ~ APPellant Abohbot, Winston 2074 Abohbot, Winston 2077 Abohbot, Winston 2079 Abohbot, Winston ~93 Ackerman, Irving 7821~ ~so, Joseph 8516~ Alee, Peter 782~ Alee, Peter 272, Allen, George Allen, M.J. Allen, M.J. Allen, W.H. American Consulate Andrews, R~E. Andrus, James Authes, Lester B. Ashby, George · Atkin, Elizabeth Atkinson, Orland Baile~, M~r~or~ Description L~nd Buildin~ 707-9 Queen street 5,850 12,71o 707-9 Queen Street 2,900 6,205 2,950 6,503 703 Queen Street 2,490 3,430 699 Queen Street 2,730 3, 369 2205 Orchard Avenue ~70 9,089 1702 Temperance Avenue 605 3,~20 1792 Ferry Street 945 7,460 1720 Temperance Avenue 41~ 3,3~ 563 Bridge Street 1,335 7,610 1902-8 Ellen Avenue 2~905 1,960 1283-91 Ferry Street 2,710 6,155 1391 Morrison Street 505 3,460 Clifton Hill 340 Seneca Street 1,005 5,505 1007 Roberts Street 1,000 3,410 206~ Culp Street 1,~10 9,290 1784 Lowell Avenue 630 5,~2~ 751Eastwood Crescent 765 4,415 797 Epworth Circle 405 11,265 2074 Barker Street 855 6,3D0 1311 Maple Street 440 3,735 Decfsdon of Co~u.t Land reduced by $292.90 Dish, seed Ddsmissed D~smicsed Building reduced by $3z5.oo Building reduced by $4.70.00 Building reduced by $7 0.oo Building reduced by $2 5.oo Build~ng reduced by $610.00 Land reduced by Land reduced by $1,590. Building reduced by $240.00 Remise~on of taxes, $990.00 Land reduced by $10~. Dismissed Building reduced by $9oo.oo Dismisse~ Building reduced by $490.00 Building reduced by $78o.oo Building reduced $1,000.00 Building reduced $a37.o0 561" 4858. Bailey, N.R. 796~ Bailey, Robert 1080 Baker, Wm. R. 4103 Baldry, Arnold 949~1 Baldry, F~ancis 5012, Barker, C.F. 198 Barker, ~ly 162 Barnett, Harry 9181, Bart, James Bart, James 1718 Bart, John 4192 ~r, T.Forbes 1058 Bart, Wm. H. 1218 Bartolomei, Rose 898 Bartolomei, Rose lOB1 Bartolomei, Rose 8949 Barto, Michael 8572 Battachio, Sieto 4495 Bawtenheimer, D.G. 9129 Baxter, Belmont 557? Seat, 184~1 Beal, Wilhe3m~ nm 544~ Benl, Wilbe!m~a Beal, Wilhelmina 563 Jepson Street 810 ~,905 1055 Welland Avenue 670 4,560 1777 Stm~mer Street 420 3,840 712 Bridge Street 350 3,040 1427 Morrison Street 505 ~ 3,275 2311 Orchard Avenue 570 3,430 1157 McGlashan Crescent 655 3,840 77 Terrace Avenue ~640 2,200 161 River Road 715 3,455 1909-11 M~in Street 7,495 17,195 18~1-5 Ferry Street 2,920 27,485 1907 Main Street 4,915 13,815 287 Fourth Avenue 480 2~550 1393 AleXander Crescent 780 1,000 580 Bridge Street 600 3,200 587 Queen Street 5,030 5,180 456 Park Street 375 3,000 600 St. Clair Avenue 200 1,750 2021 Stanley Avenue 555 3,195 1948 Grey Avenue 685 1,115 939 River Road 2,020 8,4~5 2157 MacKenzie Place 490 2,920 9B~ ~epsc~ Street 925 7,470 119~ Bridge Street ~61 5,724 7 Epworth Circle ~20 3,755 1127 Second Avenue 770 7,080 Land reduced Building by $500. Land reduced b~, Building by Buildiug reduced b~J $41o.oo Building reduced $440.00 Building reduced $350.00 Building reduced $36o.oo Building reAuced by $390.00 Dismissed Dismissed I~nd reduced by building by Dismissed Building reduced by $3oo.oo Di"m~ seed Building reduced by $240.00 Building reduced by $3,240.00 Dismissed Building reduced by $250.00 Building reduced b7 $195.0o Dismissed Building reduced $1,205.00 Dismissed Building redUCed $375.oo Di-m~ seed Dismissed ~uilding reduced $ 65.oo ~6~ Beaudoin, Eli 1040 M. & M. Bell 1692 Bellamy, William 3361 Be]linger, O.H. ~9~ Belousoff, Fred 80~ Bench, A.W. 8870 Beech, John 6119 Betts, E.R. 9307 Betts, Robert A. ~29 Bickle, H.W. 86B7 Bickle, H.W. ~17 Bigger, H.Bernard 6194 Biggs, Evelyn 3025 Bird, S.W. 916 Black, Charles 4~ Black, James L. ~01 ~l-Weley, Herbert Blanchard, Frank Boettoher, Waldemar Bond, John Booth, Frank Booth, Frank 1037 Bridge Street 496 Bridge Street 457 Fourth Avenue 850 H~ron Street 1073 Hutton Street 1741 Hanan Avenue 1592 Robinson Street 1197 Jepson Street 1835 Murray Street 1948 Main Street 1964-6 Main Street 706 East~ood Crescent 1164 Rosedale Drive 674-86 Queen Street 437 Queen Street 1179 Morrison Street 2233 Orchard Avenue 1126 S*m~ord Street 1856 Ferry Street 1031 Kl~hener Street 1670-1887 Ferry Street 1678 Ferry Street 1903 Gre~ Street BOrden Omapan2 Limited BOrelli, Patsy 1711 Stanley Avenue 480 3,140 334 3,521 468 3,417 659 1,835 600 3,275 555 3,789 690 3,a55 685 4,830 590 3,365 1~280 19,680 a,760 16,575 620 3,855 725 3,869 24~60 50,705 553 1,5oo 460 2,850 570 a,999 750 3,305 1,380 16,335 460 5,575 580 7,780 1,110 1,755 975 1,640 1,875 2,470 To be separate school supporter Building reduced by $255.oo Building reduced by $217.oo Land reduced by $305. Buildi~ reduced by $ 75.oo Land reduced by $35. Building reduced by $l O.OO Building reduced by $68o.oo Building reduced by $200.00 Land reduced by $100. Sho~uld appeal to later court for rebate Dismissed Building reduced by $ o5.oo Building reduced by $10, 05. Dismissed Dismissed To be S~arate school supporter Building reduced by $15o.oo Building reduced by $3,500.00 Buildiug reduced by $1,855.oo Iand reduced by $52.; b lding $978.OO Dismissed Land reduced by $685. Withdrawn Dismissed, to be pub- lic school supporter 56 " ' 1729 Borieuk, Kenneth 39~ Fourth Avenue 577 3,353 Buil~in8 reduced bj $B53.00 FORTY-E IGH~H MEET~G 1213 Bova, Philip 595 Queen Street ~,885 16,800 Building reduced $1,5o0.o0 The Court then adjourned, to re-convene at 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 28th November. Certified correct, Clerk REGULAR ~EET~G Co~ncil Chamber, 27 November~ 19~0. Pursuant to adJourr~cnt, the Council met at 5.00 p.m. on Monday, 27th November~ 1950 for the purpose of considering general b~Biness and finance. All members of the Council wore present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previou~ meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and E~wkins. Hie Worship Mayor Houck voiced hie appreciation of the wonderful res- pones of the citizens to the appeal for assistance for the residents of Van Wag- net's Beach, near Hamilton, during the recent flood and stoma. His l~orship ad- vised the Council of the actiou which had been taken locally. CO~IWJNICATIONB The following Cu~nigati~ons w~ere presented: No. 278 - Nia_~.~ara Parks Commission - re condition of refuse dump. 0RDE~D on the motion of Ald. Donald a--~cDona~d that the communication be received and filed, and the Commission be advised that the Corporation will co-operate and fill in and improve the condition of the dumping area as the ssme is filled in. No. 279 - _Board of Education - appreciation re protection of school pupils. Oi~D- E~D on the motlo~ of Ald. Donald and Jolley that the co~unication be received and filed. No. 280 - Bo~_r.d of Education - approval of proposed underpass. ORDE~D on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the cozmmnlcation be received and filed. No. 281 - _~r_ lffiths, Griffiths and Shar2~ - requesting information for Ratepayere. 01~EI~D on the motion Of A'ld. ~ouald and Hawkins that the con~unication be rec- eived amd filed and an exp~auation of the action of Council be made. No. 282 - Bell Telephone Company of Canada - re permission to replace pole. No. 28~ - ~11 Telephone Company of'~a~a&,- - requesting per~ission to place an- chor. 01~ on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Hawkins that the cc~munlcations be received a~l filed, and permission be granted. SEE B -law No. 460 ~__e follo~n~ Reports. were presente~: NO. 210 - Cit~ Clerk - re conference held 20th November. 0t~)Ei~N) on the motion of Aid. MacDonald &nd Hawkins that the report be received and filed. No. 211 - 01t~ Clerk - recommending issuance of licence. 01~)E~D on the motion of Ald. M~oDonald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the rso- c~mendation be a~opted. No. 212 - Ch~_ .t~?_n of Finance - re statement concerning debt~ etc. OSDEi~D on the motion of Ald. ~nglis and Jolley that the report be received and filed and a copy he for~ar~ed t~ the Nim~a~a Falls l~atep&yers, Association for their inform- ation. /E S 0LUTI 0.~_. 'Ihe..fpllowir~ .~. solutt...ons were pass.ed: No. 152 - ~J~W~ - JOLT.~Y - RESOLVED that a message be forwarded to the of the late Gunner Robert William Manley, expressing the sympathy of His Worship ~ayor Eouck, the members of the City Council and citizens of Niagara Falls; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. carri,e.d No. 153 - MacDONALD - M .cKI~-~. - I~ESOLVED that the Council meet at 5.00 p.m. on Monday, llth Deceml~er, 1950; amd the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried una.n, imo3 ~.l~ BY -LAW The followin~ B~-law was pass.ed: No. 460~ - To provide for permission to The Bell Telephone Company of Canada to replace one pole and place an anchor. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that Ald. McKin- ley be given the privilege of introdUCing the by-law ar~l the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Jolley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. ~mird reading -Ald. Hawkins and McEinley - Carried unanimously. FINANCE MEETING 565', ' Council Chamber, 27 November, 1950. ~e Finance Committee met on Monday, 27th November, 1950 for the pua~pose of approving and also of paesing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Sundry accounts amounting to $71~048.3~ were approved by the Committee. ~ne accounts submitted~ being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Al&. Donald and McKinley. The Co,,,tttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley~ ~EAD AND ADOP','~:,~, ~ Dscember, 1950. Clerk His Uorship Mayor Eouck complimented the citizens upon their careful driving and the very gratifying lack of accidents during the recent stormy and dangerous conditioms. Ald. Inglis spoke about the damage to lawns and boulevards throughout the City caused by the snow ploughs during the recent storm. The City Manager advise~ the Council ae to the cause of tb{e condition an~ wh~t is being done to correct it. ~e Council adJourmed on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins. ~J~DANDA~G~ED, 5 December, 1950. Olerk COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 27 November, 1950. ~e Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of paeslng the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. Ail members of the Committee ~ere present. Thee following By-law was passed.: No. 4606 - To Gramt Monies for deneral Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Jolley and McKinley that Ald. Haw- k~ns be given the privilege of introducing the by-law an~ the by-law be read the first t~m~ - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MaoDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the sec- o~ rea~ing - Carried unanimously. 566 567 -, .?. · E/s Worship Mayor Eouok extended the con~rat,,~_*tions of the City Conn. cil to Miss W.M.Stokes who h-- now been sworn in as a member of the Board of Ed- ucatiOno ~e Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley. ~ A~ ADOP~ED, 5 December, 1950. Clerk Mayor ~8 99 00 COURT C~~ R~V/SION Council Chamber, 2~ Novsmber, 1950. Tbs second sitting of the Court of Revision commenced at 10.00 a.m. on T~esday, November~ 19]0~ a% which the following appeals Were h~ard. present: Sheriff V.L.Davidson, Mr. W.A.Fraser and A.W.Scott. _APpellant D~e~ ~.Lau~d B~u~ldi~ Decision of Court Bentley~ A.C. 1624 Drummoud Road 500 4,440 Bldg. reduced 9600.00 1634 Dr~nmoudRoad ~00. 4,430 Bldg. reduced $600.00 164~ Dr~ond Road 5~ 4,440 Bldg. r~duced ~600.00 16~4 Dr~o~ Road 500 ~,795 Bldg. reduced ~0.O0 1~4 Dr~ond R~d 500 B,795 Bldg. reduced 1672 D~ond R~d 500 ~,h~O Bldg. r~uced $600.00 1682 Dr~ond Road 500 4,~30 Bldg. reduced $600.00 1692 Dr~ond Road 500 3~79~ Bldg. reduced $545.00 1702 Dr~ond Road 500 3~795 Bldg. reduced $545.00 1719~u Avenue 465 4,460 Bldg. reduced 9720.00 1709 ~n Avenue 465~ 3,810 Bldg. reduced 9725.00 170~ ~n Avenue 465 4,460 Bldg. reduced 9720.00 1693 ~n Aven~ 465 4~450 Bldg. reduced $725.00 168B ~n Avenue 465 3,810 Bldg. reduced 9725.00 1673 ~u Avenue 465 3~810 Bldg. reduced 9725.00 1665 ~n Avenue 465 4,460 Bldg. reduced $720.00 1655 ~n Avenue 469 4,625 Bldg. reduced $725.00 1645~n Avenue 465 4,070 Bldg. reduced $725.00 1635 ~n Avenue 469 3,810 B~g. reduced 9725.00 1625 ~n A~nue 465 3,980 Bldg. reduced 9725.00 1624~n Avenue 475~ ~,445 Bldg. reduced 9720.00 1634~n Avenue 475 4,455 Bldg. reduced 9730.00 1644~n A~nue 475 4,445 Bldg. reduced $720.00 1654~nAvenue 475 3,805 Bldg. reduced 9720.00 1664 ~n Aven~ 475 3,805 Bldg. reduced 9720.00 1672~nAven~ 47~ 4,445 Bldg. reduced 9720.00 1682~n Avenue 475 4,455 Bldg. reduced 9730.00 1692~n Avenue 475 3,805 Bldg. red, ed 9720.00 1702~u Avenue 475 3,805 Bldg. reduced $720.00 1710~u Aven~ 470 ~4,760 ~d increased $5,00, Bldg. reduced $8~5.00 1623 ~we~A~nue 530 4,415 Bldg. r~uced $720.00 1633 ~we~A~nue 530 4,550 Bldg. red,ed $720.00 1643 ~ell A~n~ 530 4~415 Bldg. reduced $720.00 1653 ~well A~nue 530 4,415 Bldg. reduced $720.00 1663 Lowe~A~nue ~30 4,415 Bldg. reduced $720.00 1671~well Avenue 530 4,415 B~g. reduced $720.00 1681 ~we~ A~nue 530 4,415 Bldg. reduced $720.00 1691~we~A~nue 530 4,415 Bldg. r~ed $~0.00 1701 ~ell A~nue 530 4,%0 Bldg. ~duced $720.00 1709 L~ell A~nue 530 4~600 Bldg. reduced $720.00 1717 ~well A~nue 530 4,415 Bldg. reduced $720.00 1720 ~e~ A~nue 520 5,270 Bldg. reduced $720.00 17~ ~wellA~nue 530 4,760 Bldg. reduced $720.00 ~00 Lowell A~nue 535 4,415 ~g. reduced $720.00 1690 ~e~A~nue 545 4,410 Bldg. reduced $720.00 1680 ~we~Aven~ 550 4,575 Bldg. reduced $720.00 1670 ~e~A~nue 555 4,405 Bldg. reduced $720.~ 1662~we~A~e 560 4,400 Bldg. reduced $~0.~ 1652 L~e~A~nue 4~ 4,~0 ~na incr~sed $110.00 Bldg. reduced $720.~ . l~2~e~A~e 525 4,420 Bldg. ~duced $7~0.~ 1632~e~A~nue 535 4~415 Bi~g. red,ed $7~0.~ 568 569 8136 8226 8227 8228 8229 8230 8231 8232 8233 8234 8235 8236 8237 8238 8239 8240 8241 8242 8243 8244 8245 8246 3O80 4624 4625 3167 7965 4o3 8754 8109 8622 ].11,9 1~91 31o2 3199 5229 48O2 8O83 5376 4234 470 t A.C.Bent&ey Boychuk, Fred Boyd, Fred Bradford, Chas. V. Bradley, Arthur Brant, Joseph Bl~ss, Js~mes M. Briggs, John Briggs, Jermie Briscall, Wm. Co. British Amer. 0il 0o. Brooks, R.A. Brown, C~eo. 'W. Brown, John BroWn, Anna Brown, Jack E. Brown, Louise M. Bruce, Stuart Buekowski, George 5295 Buckle2, A.M. 1622 Lowell Avenue 540 4,410 1720 Morse Avenue 465 3,810 1708 Morse Avenue 465 4,460 1700 Morse Avenue 465 3,810 1690 Morse Avenue 465 3,810 1680Morse Avenue 465 4,595 1670Morse Avenue 465 4,460 1662 Morse Avenue 465 3,810 1652 Morse Avenue 465 3,810 1642 Morse Avenue 465 4,450 1632 Morse Avenue 465 4,460 1622 Morse Avenue 465 4,450 1623 Morse Avenue 4455 4,090 1633 Morse Avenue 455 3,815 1643 Morse Avenue 455 3,815 1653 Morse Avenue 455 4,465 1663 Morse Avenue 455 4,455 1671 Morse Avenue 455 3,985 1681 Morse Avenue 455 3,815 1691 Morse Avenue 455 4,465 1701Morse Avenue 455 4,455 1719 Morse Avenue 695 4,300 800-798 Victoria AvenuelO,550 19,820 Hiram Street 1,105 369 Hiram Street 1,220 8,390 579 Ellis Street 1,070 5,430 1783 Stm~er Street 415 3,870 593 First Avenue 740 3,105 2062Main Street 2,285 10,720 1717 Lowell Avenue 530 4,415 1936-42 Main Street 2,000 23,865 Park Street 400 10,500 566 Victoria Avenue 2,280 4,500 Victoria & Ellen 2,465 26,535 710 Morrison Street 640 1,685 1383 Palmer Avenue 770 2,365 699Eyerson Crescent 645 2,570 River Road. 1,679 396 Park S~reet 400 1,760 1625 Hanan Avenue 465 3,980 781 Eastwood Crescent 765 4,515 l~78Morrison Street ~750 3,075 120 Eickson Avenue 280 200 1002 Victoria Avenue 830 8,235 Bldg. reduced $720.00 Bldg. reduced $720.00 Bldg. reduced $720.00 Bldg. reduced $720.00 Bldg. re(luced $720.00 Bldg. reduced $720.00 Bldg. reduced Bldg. reduced $720.C0 Bldg. reduced $720.C0 Bldg. reduced $720.00 Bldg. reduced Bldg. reduced Bldg. reduced $720.00 Bldg. reduced $720.00 Bldg. reduced ~720.00 Bldg. reduced Bldg. reduced $720.00 Bldg. reduced $720.00 Bldg. reduced $720.00 Bldg. reduced Bldg. reduced $720.00 Land reduced $259.00; Bldg. reduced $499.00 Dismissed Dismissed Bldg. reduced Bldg. reduced $430,00 Bldg. reduced $710.00 Bldg. reduced Dismissed See Bent~ appeal 'Add George and Allen Briggs as Joint Dismissed Dismissed Bldg. reduced Dismissed Land reduced $280.00 Bldg. reduced $425,~ Withdrawn Dismissed See Bentley appeal Bldg. reduced $340.~ Bldg. reduced $185 To be separate supporter Bldg. reduced $930.~ 1~2 Buckley, Emma ]k%okley, E.R. Buckley, W.H. Bueml, John Bugg, Thcs. D. Bugg, ~I~os. O. Burden, Thomas Burden, Wilfred Burke, Marion Burley, Edward Burley, Norman & F. Burley, George Burns, W.J. Burridge, Wm. by Oriffiths & Sharps Burrowes, A. & Ivan Burton, Maud Burton, Isobel M. Cade~ Fred Cadb,~, Margaret Cadman, Jack D. Campebll, A.L. Campbell, Gordon Campbell, N~2 E. Cdn.Cellucotton Prod. Cdn. Oil C~mpanies Oank, ~ohn Carson, 547-51 ~io Avenue 565 4,855 1622-24 Ontario Avenue 410 10,935 616 Ontario Avenue 1,380 18,695 592-4 Cataract Avenue 703% 6,405 1637 Main Street 765 9,330 585 Ryerson Crescent 30> 3,500 986 Fergeson Street 400 3,379 913 Bridge Street 912 7,743 928 Huron Street 255 2,950 1186 McGlas~m,n Crescent 655 3,095 768 St.Lawrence Avenue 44.5 2,385 1291 Slater Avenue 425 2~395 567 Fifth Avenue 440 3,915 983Armoury Street 765 4,390 1696Main Street 485 2,820 1000 Sixth Avenue 1,050 9,440 740 Cookman Crescent 380 2:930 2052Main Street 1,280 6,485 2296 Orchard Avenue 610 7,970 4O8-14 Simcoe Street 865 6,545 855Maple Street 416 3,204 1156 St.Lawrence Avenue 295 2,130 2023 Oulp Street 1,590 4,715 1417 Cedar Street 420 2~765 Alexander Crescent 1, O10 647 Fifth Avenue 550 4,030 1764Emery Street 410 2,935 455 Victoria Avenue 3,465 801-TVictoria Avenue 13,975 3,670 1499 Robinson Street 675 3,660 382 Bridge Street 620 13,810 Bldg. reduced $800.00 Bldg. reduced $610.00 Bldg. reduced $2725.00 Bldg. reduced $1440.O0 Bldg. reduced $240.00 Land reduced $30.00; Bldg. reduced $300.00 Bldg. reduced $965.00 Bldg. reduced $1395.00 Dismissed Dismissed Dis~dssed To be separate school supporter Bldg. reduced $915.00 Bldg. reduced $300.00 Bldg. reduced $200.00 Bldg. reduced $600.00 Laud reduced $130.00; Bldg. reduced $200.00 Bldg. reduced $500.00 Bldg. reduced $600.00 Bldg. reduced $600.00 Land reduced $16.00 Land reduced $45.00; Bldg. reduced $130.00 Bldg. reduced $805.00 Bldg. reduced $275.00; To be sepearate school supporter Land reduced $365.o0 Bldg. reduced $500.00 Bldg. reduced $200.00 Remission of 5~ taxes, $34.65 Land reduced $225.00 Bldg. reduced $895.00 Bldg. reduced $1,970.00 6~6 8o64 818 367~ C~reon~ Car tledge, Luther Cataract Ice Co. Caverson~ DeoMira Chamberlain, Geo. 382 Bridge Street 620 13,810 18~6 Dr,mmmoond Road 590 4,960 389 Park Street 960 4,400 252 Victoria Avenue 860 2,750 1143 Morrison Street 415 2,880 Bldg. reduced $1970.0~ Bldg. reduced La~d reduced $290.00 Bldg. reduced $200.~ Bldg. reduced $410.00 COURT OF REV~BION Council Chsmber, 29 November, 1950. ~le third sitting of the Court of Revision was held at 10.00 ~.m. on Wednesday, 29th November, 1950, at which the following action was t~keu: present: Sheriff V.L.Davidson, Mr. W.A.Fraser and Mr. A.W.Scott. The Court then adjourned .until 10.00 p.m. on Wednesd~y~ 29th November. Certified correct, Secretary ~o.,, Appellant Be~cri2tion Iaud Building 157 Chivers, W.W. 199 River Road ~25 3~665 7993 Christian Missionary Alliance 1827 Temperance Avenue 510 4,310 Christoff, Dan Cipparone, Jas. Cities Set. 0il Co. 7449 ¢tvak, John 6050 Clark, Colin ,6124 Clark, Samuel Clayton, Albert ~095 Clement, Chas. Climenhage, Wm. ~489 Coccimlglio, B~sil ~470 Cole, Martha E. Cole, Mary ~954 Collins, Bruce ~930 Conely, Joseph ~758 ~p, E~rry Corcoran~ James 7584 Costanzo, Filomenm Cote~ Francis Ooules, Yrene Course~ Florence 188 Courture, Lorenzo Oo21e~ Bernard 746 Fourth Avenue 620 3,460 1783 Stanley Avenue 530 Victori~ Avenue 1,970 737 Victoria Avenue 9,48~ 16,080 1351-5 Ferry Street 2,710 26,245 1063 Fourth Avenue 4.95 11~5 Jepson Street 665 10,690 496 Philip Street 1,105 ~,2~0 747 We!land Avenue 785 2,745 ~5 Main Street 1,4.40 1,830 1778 Lomb~rdAvenue 510 2:~00 949 Second Avenue 740 3~210 97Epworth Circle 590 3,150 1320 Stuart Avenue 1,160 4,115 871 Hunter Street ~90 3,085 2067-72 Main Street 990 9,455 871 ValleyWay 800 4,21~ 1370Spring Street ~00 2,790 1681 Lowell Avenue '530 ~,415 697 Huron Street 495 2,305 1020 Bridge Street 7~5 30,80 138 Stanton Avenue 264 3,126 558 Fifth Avenue 440 3,600 Decision of Court Bldg. reduced $265.00 Ie. nd, $17~.00 and Bldg., $1120.00 to be tsars, hie. Bldg. reduced $220.00 Bldg. reduced $300.00 Dismissed Bldg. reduced $1850.00 Bldg. reduced $3150.00 Dismissed Dis~dssed B]~E. reduced $240.00 Bldg. reduced $15.O0 Bldg. reduced $1000.00 Dismdssed Bldg. reduced $220.00 Bldg. reduced $160.00 Land reduced $510.00 Bldg. reduced $360.00 Dismissed L~ndreduced $240.00; Bldg. reduced $240.00 Bldg. reduced $240.00 See Bentley appeal Dismissed Bldg. reduced $200.00 To be separate school supporter Bldg. reduced $S10.00 573 ~396 Coyl% James 6394 Crawford, Herbert Cropp, D'Arcy 334 4473 24@4 7554 5858 5996 4433 Crosato, Joseph Crysler, Sarah Culp, Milford Cupol% Peter Curivone, Pasquale Crltelli, Frank Daley~ Mrs. O.L. 9371 D~m=to, John A. 8391 Damore, Dominic 8996 Damude, Sadie 1728. Oarra~, 3302 Davidson, Mrs.~eo. 4261 Davies, 5945 Dea~ ~ylor a06 De~Issi, Gio~no ll~ Dectcclo~ ~ A. 41~ De~ey, Roy 48~ De,ney, Wm. 5997 Delco, ~elo ~0 D~m~zzio~ 341~ De~ea~, 7999 Desson, Edw~ 9115 666 7926 8165 Detlor, Min~G. DeVilliere, P. Dewsbury~ Sherridan 965 Bridge Street 720 3,405 1179 McRae Street 600 2,990 305 Queen Street 470 1,550 445 Butbrey Street 260 2,659 1109 River Read 4,550 3,290 524 Huron Street 860 3,450 1~7 Ellen Avenue 93~ 2,280 McGrail Avenue 610 962 McRae Street 889 5,800 1008 Valleywa2 1,015 6,620 337 Otter Street 1,285 4,820 1870 Symmes Street 560 3,320 1506 Robinson Street 605 3,985 1984 Barker Street 715 3,205 380 Fourth Av~nue 505 2,815 914 Victori~Avenue 4,375 1,465 839 Sixth Avenue 525 3,020 1260 Stuart Avenue 675 3,815 140 Ter~aoe Avenue 283 2,797 596 Buckley Avenue 919 2,060 1419 Morrison Street 505 4,115 462 Simcoe Street 1,135 3,005 1014 Valleyway 1,015 5,440 738 Huron Street 1435 1,520 840 Second Avenue 600 3,245 1773 Temperance Avenue 745 2,250 2046 Lundy'e Lane 940 3,520 430-32 Bridge Street 500 3,500 1720Maim Street 815 2,270 1993-2003 Lundy"s Lane 2,935 2~,100 Bldg. reduced ' Bldg. reduced ~20a,? Dismissed, sugiestlc noted Bldg. redueed Land reduced Dismissed Laud increased Bldg. reduced Laud reduced $~10.~0 Reduced Bldg. Bldg. reduced Laud reduced Bldg. reduced To be ~epar~te supporter Bldg. reduced. Dismissed Bldg. reduced Dismissed Bldg. reduced Bldg. reduced DJ,missed Land reduced $465.00 Bldg. reduced Dismissed Bi,missed Dimmtssed Bldg. reduced La~dredued $280.00; Bldg. red~d $235.00 Laud reduced $300.00 Bldg. reduced $200.~ Dismissed Bldg. redued $187% .256 Didemus~ Alfred 1948 S~ma~er Street 540 2~660 Bldg. red~d $130.00 Court then adjourned to re-convene at !0.00 a.m. on ~mrsday, 30th November~ 1950. correct, Chairm~n COURT GF REV/BION Council Chamber, 30 November, 1990. ~e fourth sitting of the Court of Revision was o~mmenced at 10.00 a.m. on ~m~8. day, 30th November, 1950, at whioh the following action was taken: Members present: Roll Np. Appellant. ,5150 Donald, Grant · 5152 .1333 Donald, William · 8127 Doxey, Marion .9235 ,6368 .2 7 .5898 .2117 ,358 .951o .1335 .4 63 .56 · 2217 · ,8339 ,5951 ,871 Dumas, Alice Dunsc(~nbe, H. Dunsten, Thcs. Dl~n, Fate D~rham, Lewis Durh,~; Rose Eaton, England, Clayton Evans, Edith Everett, William Falls Const. Co. Ltd. Fare~rother, Ernest Farrell, Francis Fawell, ELla Feltis, W.A. Filer, Elizabeth Findlay, L.illian Fleece, Leo Flexo Cotton Products Fluhrer, R.L. Flynm, Joane tts E12nn, Sheriff V.L.Davtdson, Mr. W.A.Praser and Mr. A.W.Scott Description Land Bui~din~ 684Armoury Street 630 3,405 672Armoury Street 305 2,840 54k WellandAvenue 490 2,100 1708 Lowell Avenue 530 4,760 975 St. Clair Avenue 625 4,t15 2271 Finlay Street 500 3,235 1351 McRae Street 605 3,115 635 Euron Street 775 4,330 Huron Street 860 188~ North Street 600 3,580 1171- Second Avenue 1,155 6,605 1314 Bridge Street 645 6,575 1128 Second Avenue 795 4,100. 103 DysonAvenue 240 1,195 2161 Orchard Avenue 820 3,595 316 Seconal Avenue . 1575 9,290 558Welland Avenue 650 2,~0 853 Sixth Avem~ 525 3,040 205River Road 515 4,951 1136 Secon Avenue 795 1403Maple Street ~30 3,290 .1754S~m~er Street 400 3,760 925 St.OlairAvenue 235 ~1,685 1993 Clark Avemue 1,175 17,900 1~86 Stuart Avenue 675 3,970 1649Men, rail Avenue 450 2,785 600-10Erie Avenue 2,890 30,165 254 Perk Street 1,300 3,100 Decision of Court Bldg. reduced $140.£0 Bldg. reduced $32%00 Bldg. reduced $200.00 Dismissed - see appeal Bldg. reduced Bldg. reduced Bldg. reduced $400.00 Bldg. reduced Laud reduced $110.00 Bldg. reduced $300.00 Buil~l. redueed Bldg. reduced $300.00 Wi thdrawn D~m. lssed Dismissed Bldg. reduced ~ reduced $95.00 Bldg. reduced $240.00 Bldg. reduced $500.00 Bi~. reduced Bldg. reduced $34o.0O Bldg. reduced $420.00 Bldg. reduced $300.00 ldg. reduced $240.00 Bldg. reduced $260.00 Bldg. reduced $12~0. Bldg. reduced Flynu, M. & G. by Wallace Butters Follett, W.H. Forbes~ Thcs. F~io, Gordon H. Fox, Rosa M. Francis, P.K. Fraser, D.A. Fraser, Elmer French, Dr. G.E. French, James Fretz~ Arthur Fry, Julia Galley, Wm. J. ~0 Gampel, A. 1291 Gampel, Loule Ga~ter, Wm, J. Glynn, Jos. 521 Goodman, ~hos. %3 Second Aveuue 630 13,745 961 Valle)~,ay 1,485 15,845 975 Valle~ay 1,010 20,225 Huron S~.eet 4~0 994 Fourth Avenue 605 1].88 ~plo Street 2041 Ross Street 92O 919 1836 S~er Street 745 5,42 2,760 2,160 2,390 1687 Ferry Stre~c 1,910 5,879 2174 Dru~m~.ond Road 265 1,429 169tLowell Avenue 530 ~,415 1733 VictoriaAvenue 600 3,300 1782 S~nmer Street 400 3,110 1928 S~munes Avenue 505 2,920 100 Victoria Avenue 837 2,328 1688 ~.in Street 900 2,660 427 Queen Street 19,729 23,460 399-401 Queen Street 14,375 32,000 886 Victoria ?Avenue 5,310 2~435 1024 Sixth Avenue 890 3,440 1167 Rosedale Drive 770 4,390 997Armoury Street 765 6,370 216Muir Avenue 350 1,430 0curt adjourned until 10.00 on lst December, 1950. oorreot, Bldg. reduced $335.00 Bldg. reduced $335.00 Bldg. reduced $1205.00 Land reduced $90.00 Bldg. reduced $225.00 Dis~dssed Bldg. reduced $]35.00 ~.nd reduced $280.00; Bldg. reduced $390.00 Dismissed Bldg. reduced $690.00 See Bentley appeal Dis~dssed Bldg. reduced $~05.00 Dismissed To be separate school supporter Bldg. reduced $960.00 Dismissed Di~ssed Bldg. reduced $320.00 Land reduced $200.00 Bldg. reduced $~35.00 Bldg. reduced $800.00 Dismissed Chairmen 576 577 COURT OF REVISION Court Chamber, 1 December, 1950. %~e fifth sitting of the Court of Revision commenced at 10.00 a.m. on Friday4 1st December, 1950, at which the following action was taken: Members present: Sheriff V.L.Davidsom, Mr. W.A.~raser and Mr. A.l¢.Scott. Roll .5556 .4359 · 7769 .4945 Appellant. Ganter, Eva Carrett, Edward GtaJnorlo, Anthony Gibson, Isabelle A. Description ~Lan~. Building 879 Armoury Street 765 4,210 1036 Ontario Avenue 390 2,945 1629 Stanley Avenue 960 2,200 1033 Wellan~ Avenue 445 2,41.5 Decision of Comet Dismissed Bldg. reduced Dismissed Bldg. reduced · 3663 .3~2~ · 2614 Gidilevich, B. by Murray Ruta Gillies, Norman Gelid*au, Mrs. A. 1146 EuronSt~eet 260 3,040 963 Willmott Street 5B0 10,11.0 535 ELlis Street 690 3,300 Di~m~esed Bldg. reauced $500.0 Tenant to be school supporter ,7016 Gizzi, Silvo .8o86 .5:1.1,3 . 9e6 . ,9329 .6253 ,5337 ~ 560 ,8107 .43O8 G3~ssbrook, G. ~odsell, Chas. Good, s, Fred Grader, Jos. G~am, John Grange, William GreenWood, ~gnes Gregeroff, G. Griffiths, Howard Grimstead, C.0. 1757-65 Victoria Avenue 13,800 585 Bender Street 830 1655 Emhart Avenue 465 716 Armour2 Street 660 413 Queen Street 3,450 411 Queen Street 4,600 2160 Orchard Avenue 1116 Valleyw~Y 1333 College Crescent 238 Victoria Avenue 1701 Lowell Avenue Lot 62, Valle~way 28,090 3,940 ,6a5 3,710 5,780 7,950 685 5,955 965 4,435 330 2,949 768 l, 53o 1.,56o 680 Bldg. reduced Land reduced ~ee Bentle2 appeal Dismissed Bldg. reduced $80.~ Bldg. reduced $110.~ Bldg. reduced Bldg. reduced Bldg. reduced Bldg. reduced Dismissed To be sel~rete supporter '£~Od Guaranty Trust 0o. ,767~ C~eeriero, Ronaldo 422-~ Queen Street 9,0~.0 16,100 151.9 Ferr2Street 775 2,~25 Bldg. reduced To be public schoOl supporter .~7112 ,8O92 Guthrie, Sarah Ragu*, Albert Haist, S o~Urice 852 Sixth Avenue 565 3,665 969Walnut Street 700 3,910 1709EananAvenue 465 3,810 Bldg. reduced Bldg. redUCed See ~emtley appe~ ~127 Haist~ Stanley 3381~- Bentley, A.C. 1193 Morrison Street 916 Huron Street 3371-2 3373-4 916 Huron Street 320 428 916 Huron Street 320 O~,le0~ j38~ Hanna, Samuel -7o ~475 Hanna., Wm. B. Harding~ Mrs. A. 8090 Hardwick, V. Hatter, L.E. Haufschild~ Amy B. Hoylaud~ Leslie R. 1410 Healey, James 916 HUron Street 200 1~490 918 Huron Street 510 2,820 920 HUron Stab,et 320 2~91.5 831 Valteyway 535 2,439 21.56 Pm~ker Street 500 2~570 1693 Ha~,n Avenue 465 4,450 20~ C~p Street 1~130 10~120 ~83 ~o~'y Street 885 ~,375 1437 H~l~n Street 3~0 2,680 537 First Avenue 520 2~810 Hermes Club 1502 Lewis Avenue 445 900 Hickin, Ch~s. L. Hill, Alice I. Hill~n, William Eodges, Sarah Hogg, C. & J. Holding, George H~olditoh, Mrs. E. Holmes, Wm. Ropklns, Elizabeth Howard, Fred ughes, Wm. ~uater, Carlton VaUse~ MrS, Jo 2042 Rose Avenue 62~ 2,935 747 FoUrth Avenue 600 3,660 1696 Lomb~d Avenue 440 2,490 1513 Ferry Street 1,035 2,525 1135 Morrison Street 390 2,765 587 Ryerson Crescent 315 3,755 1763 Main Street 1~080 3,979 949 Bridge Stre~ 745 11,575 1023 River Road 2,290 4,0~ 237 Morrlson Street 735 6,350 1157 Centre Street 68~ 2~100 941 Willmott Street 570 3,810 714Hcmewood Avenue 440 4,040 827 Valleywa~ 550 2,465 Court ~hen adjourned to re-convene at 10.00 a.m. on Monday, oo%~eot~ Dismissed $200.00 on ]~nd. to be added; $1,490.00 on b~dld~ to be added Iand reduced $320.00; Bldg. reduced $428.00 ~nd reduced $320.00; Bldgs. reduced $3~60. Bldg. reduced $240.00 Bldg. reduced $120.00 Bldg. reduced $120.00 Bldg. reduced $300.00 Bldg. reduced $500.00 Soo Bentley Appeal Bldgs. reduced $1000. Bldg. reduced $275.00 Bldg. reduced $380.00 Laud reduced $105.00; Bldg. reduced $~3~.00 land reduced $305.00; Bldg. reduced $450.00 Bldg. reduced $239.00 Bldg. reduced $102OOO0 Bldg. reduced $250.00 Bldg. reduced $535.00 Bldg. reduced $300.00 Bldg. reduced $300.00 Dismissed Bldg. reduced $2620.00 Bldg. reduced $300.00 Bldg. reduced $1200.00 Bldg. reduced $370.00 Bldg. reduced $230.00 Bldg. reduced $380.00 Bldg. reduced $1.50.00 December. ' 579 · COURT OF REV~BION Couuc fl Chamber, 4 December, 19~0. The sixth sitting of the Co~rt of Revision co~neuced at 10.00 a.m. on 4th December, 1990, at which the following action wes taken: Members present: Mr. W.A.Fraser, Chairman and Mr. A.W.Scott. N~m~ber Appellant DescriptioD Ira.nd. BulldIn~ 9461 Hopkins, Pearl 2046 Beleware Avenue 72O 2,8~9 .3677 Hottot, Lloyd 1129 Morrison Street 395 2,580 .4J~ Howlett, Bertie 1374 Huron Street 420 3,110 5380 Hudson, Roderick 763 Esst~ood Crescent 765 3,k95 .7286 Hudson, Stephen 1675 McGr~il Avenue 575 3,400 5069 Hueston~ John C. 1215 Palmer Avenue 2~0 3,950 1061 Hull, Lydi~ 596 Bridge Street 408 2,967 ~034 Hydro-Elec. Commission Huron Street 2,050 7767 Iannuzzelli, Anthony 1621 Stanley Aven~e 480 4,580 8577 Imperial Bank of Cert. 1882 Main Street 6,820 31,330 ,7917 1.0.O.F.Cataract Lodge 1824 Main Street 2,750 5412 Irvine, Harry 1194 McPae Street 590 4,190 . 298 Isseppon, Angelo 106 Broughton Avenue 280 2,880 ,9121 Jacklin, M.O. 2156 Lundy's I~ne 1~130 5,490 ,9137 2081 Main Street 1,005 3,165 · 5263 Jackson, Ben 1063 St.Lawrence Avenue 615 5,775 · ~! Jackson, G.D. 1047 Welland Avenue 485 4,110 1107 J&ckeon~ Gilbert 590 Buckley Avenue 476 2,9~4 ,7~62 James, Chas. W. 1749 S,m,,er Stree~t 8~0 3,~25 ~8~S James, ~irza A. 975 McRae Street 995 5~95 Jehovah's Witnesses Lot 57, Stanley Avenue 800 · 4265 Johnson, Geo. 867 Sixth Avemue ~25 2,510 . ~Z/,Z Jones, Arthur 1428 Inglis Drive 850 3,040 .8993. Junkin, Samuel 1946 Barker Street 800 $,335 .2238 Kalbfleisch, Mrs. F. 591 Sixth Avenue 470 2,695 : 54~3 Kalbfleisch, Walter 9 E~worth Circle 560 8,5~5 .9508 Eaye, K.R. 2191 Orchard Avenue 1,065 5,825 Keen, Mrs. M. Kelley, Mrs. C. 8089 Kells, Owen Kennedy, Samuel Eershaw, Simon Kimberley, W.J. ~91 Eitching, Beverley Decision of Cot~t Dismissed 126 Bldg. reduced 62~8 Bldg. reduce~ 3954 Bldg. reduced Bldg. reduced $300.( Bldg. reduced $200. ~nd reduced $1575.0~~7~ 509 Di~ssed Bi~. ~duced ~ reduced Bldg. ~duoed Bldg. ~duced Bi~. ~duced Bi~. ~&uced $440.0 Bl~. reduced Kitney, Bert Knight, Percy C. Kreitner, Oscar Kribs, Kreisel, ~m. C. PLunger, C.J. Lahey, Herschel Lakatos, Mike Langford, C~endolyn 7352 Lanzellott, Dorothy 2761 Lawson, Mrs. 890~ Les, Tomtn~ 7916 Leitch, Joe. ~91 Lurid2, Margaret 9~ Lundy, MalcoLm ~285 Ottawa Street 425 2~790 841 Maple Street 690 2,700 1683 Ha~an Avenue 469 3~810 479 Eas~ood Crescent 1,310 1293 Bucha~n Avenue 295 830 0nt~'io A~nue 450 2,910 469 Second Avenue 676 2~289 786 Fo~'th Avenue 415 9,755 2~ ~y Avenue 32~ 1174 Valle~ay 1,049 ~46 Wil~ott Street 710 5,519 lll3 St.~wrence Aveu~a* 550 3~43~ 1895 Dele~re Avenue 795 6,055 1309 Morrison Street 370 3~670 2020 ~len Avenue 360 1379 Morrison Street 500 3~370 Buci~u Avenue 1610 Buchanan Avenue 425 3,92~ 526 Morrison Street 1~039 4,329 1765 Robinson Street 695 1841 Ferry Street 320 2~920 27,485 965 Ri~r ~d 2,275 3,830 2280 Dawlish Avenue 620 5,070 Bldg. reduced ~00.~II1~ Masters~ Cecil 428-34 Queen Street 14,375 19,045 Bldg. reduced $~00.I 4~6-38 Queen Street 7,125 11,49o Land reduced $215.~e Court then adjourned to re-convene at 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 9th December. ~ldg. reduced $400. Bldg. reduced $299. ~ertlfied correct, Di~m~ sse~l Bldg. reduced Lan& reduced ~ldg. reduced Bldg. reduced $200. Bldg· Lan~l reduced $20'~1 Bl~6. reduced Bldg. reduced $120.00 Dismissed See Bentley appeal Bldg. reduced $725.00 Bldg. reduced $500.00 Bldg. reduced $240.00 Land reduced $325.00 Bldg. reduced $1329.00 Dim~issed Bldg. reduced $810.00 Bldg. reduced $345.00 ~nd reduced $70.00 Wi thdrawu Bldg. reduced $200.00 Wi thdrawn Bldg. reduced $340.00 To be ~parate school supporter Bldg. reduced $929.00 Bldg. reduced $225.00 Bldg. reduced $2175.00 Bldg. reduced $470.00 Bldg. reduced $600.00 Bldg. reduced $800.00 Bldg. reduced $3/25.00 581. COURT OF ~V~ION Council Chamber, 5 December, 1950. The seventh si~ting of the Court of Revlsiou commenced at 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday,, 5th December, 1950 at lO.00 a.m., at which the following action was taken; Members present: Mr. W.A.Fraser, Chairman and Mr. A.W.Scott. Roll No... Appellant .28B3 ,8135 · lO33 Lapp, Walter Imperial 011 Iam~ted Latimer, Carson R. Laurie, Albert Description La.ua. Build~n~ 397 Simcoe Street 815 4,535 Victoria & V~lle~Wa2 33,0~3 5,350 1632 Lowell Avenue 535 4,415 610 et. Clair Avenue 635 2,975 Decision of Com. t Dismissed Dismissed See Bentley appeal Lan~reduced Bldg. reduced ,1849 ,8OO4 Lawrence, Wm. R. LaBlanc, k~m~ le Fifth Avenue 1747 Temperance Avenue 2~5 275 465 2,9~5 Land reduced $80.00 Bldg. reduced $19~.0 to be sepsrate support · 8131 · 87o8 ,87o9 , 857 ,3397 · 7229 ,7966 .9140 Lesklw, John Leslie, F.H. Leveseeur, l~th Leverington, A.E. Lewin, Harry Lewis, Adina 1670LowellAvenue 555 4,405 2042AltenAvenue 630 630 2046~!!en Avenue 655 3,5~0 216-20 Park Street 900 1,280 Morrison Street 1,210 1229 Lorne Avenue 500 3,~35 1791S~mmer Street 440 2~700 266Elgin Street 360 2,950 2071-5Main Street 1~750 3,505 See Bentley appeal Dismissed 1%1dg. reduced Dismissed Laud reduced $~75.00 DJ-mt seed Bldg. reduced Bldg. reduced $2~0.0~ Change in tax bills granted ,2229 · 388~ . ~296 . $13o · 2176 , ,6780 ,6o13 , · , 5682 Lewis, James Linds~y~ J.E. Lindeay, W.A.O. Lock, art, Arthur Lovell, Cyril L~ndy~s Lane Church NacOartne~ ~uth I~ Mc0arthey, Janet Mo0oubre2, Florence ~1527 ~ce~ Eenz~ 1325 Maple Street ~65 3,435 1123 Valleywmy 1,010 5,330 950 Sixth Avenu6 690 3,805 1680 Lowell Avenue 550 4,575 14~6ElmStreet ~30 2,855 204OMisener Street 595 6,235 1136 S~w~ordStreet. 750 ~,380 1012 Fifth Avenue 6~5 ~,010 9~gArmour~ Street 765 ~,589 918 Simcoe S~reet 9~0 5,015 570 Ssson~lAvenms '688 ~,107 Bldg. reduced Bldg. reduced Bldg. reduced ~eeBe~tleyaPP .Bldg. reduced Bldg. reduced ~ld~. reduced Bldg. reduced Bldg. reduced Bldg. reduced Bldg. reduced ~102 Maclntyre, Robert 9~11 Mackay, John 3~53 MacLean, Allison $256 }~cQueen, Herbert $~ Macrae, Thcs. ?~7 Mahouey, J.L. i~9 Maloney~ Leonard Male, E.G. Mallaley, Melviua 810 Mallett, Margaret Mancusg, Peter 75? Manello, Nazarene 7~5 Manell~, Ted Mauson, Jeanis Maraldo, Frank ~riglia, Sam Marquis, Narold Mars~e~!, G. & H. Marshall, I.C. Martin, Edward Mason~ Fred Mason, Massecar, R.A. Masters, Edd Matthews, Mrs. J. McBride~ 0.I. McCall, Helen McCall, 1663 Lowell Avenue 530 4,419 2335 Orchard Avenue 620 4,630 1138 WilLmott Street 990 3,790 803 Six~ Avenue 925 3,175 1735 ~nan Avenue 555 5,360 1014 Victoria Avenue 4~400 7,920 446 Homewood Avenue 310 2,930 1080 McGlash~u Crescent 635 3,645 460 Fourth Avenue 480 3,800 455 P~'k Street 365 2~090 1707 ~in Street 860 3,710 1958 Sum~er Street 530 2,94.5 1904 Main Street 720 9,250 1649 Sister Avenue 250 1,970 559-63 Erie Avenue 915 6,885 1581 Victoria Avenue 1,710 4,295 168fi-95 Buchanan Avenue 490 4,725 490 4,725 2039 Stanley Avenue 675 3,310 3~ Park Street 575 3,340 926 Morrison Street 565 3,670 733 Morrison Street 851 River Road 3,275 9,020 474Ferguson Street 525 2,975 486 Fergueon Street 900 1,540 4~7 Ferugeon Street 300 3,200 702McDougall Crescent 500 3,140 1671 Morse Aveuue 455 3,985 1936 DelewareAvenue 740 3,780 444 Queen Street 4,660 5,580 1341McP~e Street 605 1702Han~n Avenue 475 382 Hir~ Street 1,630 1784Main Street 3,385 3,010 3,805 6,750 3,390 See Bentley appeal Bldg. reduced $930.00 Bldg. reduced $240.00 Bldg. reduced $240.00 Bldg. reduced $240.00 Land reduced $480.00 Land reduced $20.00; Bldg. reduced $360.00 W~thdrawn Bldg. reduced $400.00 I~nd reduced $100.OO; Bldg. reduced $240.00 Disrmlssed Dismissed Bldg. reduced $1080.00 Dismissed Dismissed Bldg. reduced $400.00 Bldg. reduced $200.00. To be public school supporter Bldg. reduced $190.00 Bldg. reduced $200.00 Bldg. reduced $500.00 Withdrawn Bldg. re&used $1180.00 Dismissed Dismissed Dismissed Dis~ssed See Bentley appeal Dismissed Dea~with under 0. M~sters' appeal Bldg. re~uced $200.00 See Bentley appeal Bldg. reduced $380.00 Dim~isscd .5519 McCarthy, J.A. · 5437 McLeod, John .4338 ~cRae, D.A. .1472 Muel].er~ Max .2659 Phemister ~ Der~,~a 1314 Victoria Avenue 1~320 4.2~5 35 Ep~orth Circle 560 2~495 371 BampfleldStreet 770 3~400 467 Second Avenue 650 2~305 247 Ellis Street 1~720 6~980 Bldg, Bldg. reducs~ BiOg. redueea {~} ',? Land reduced The Court then adjotmned to re-convene at 10.00 a.m. on Wednesday¢ 6th December. Certified oorrect¢ FORTY~NZNfl/q ~TING REGULAR I~ETING Council Ch~,mber, 5 Decembers 1950. Pursuant to adJoumr~uent~ the Council ~mt at 5.00 p.m. on Tuesday~ 5th December~ 1950~ for the pua%oose of considering zeseral business and f~uce. Ail ~mbers of the Council were present. ~e Council, hav!~ receive~ and read ~e ~nu~s of ~he prevlo~ meeting, adopted these on the !action of Aid. MacDo~td and Mc~ey. His l~orship ~,~yor Houck¢ on beba].f of the members of Councll¢ extended congratu~tions to Ald. Hawk[ns, Donald, Iuglis and Jolley upon their re-elec- tion to Council for ~e coming year. Secretary C O$~,IUN ICATIO~ .TAe' followir~g Cor~nunicat~io~s w_e_~e, pr_e. sented: No. 28~ - ColleE!at?.?Vo.c__ational Institute - invitatiou to ;~ad~mtion exercises. 0RDEF~i0 on the motion of Ald. Hawkius audMacDonald that ~e co:maunication be receded at,l filed, the invitation be accepted¢ an8- as many of the members of Council as find it convenient atteud the exercises. No. 285 - Capi.tol Theatre - invitation to ehowiug of film. 0RDE_EED on the mot- ion of Ald. McKinley and ~acDonald that the communication be received and filed. No. 286 - Greater Niagara General Ho~spital - invitation to meeting. 0~E~D on the motion of~_ld. MacDonald and Donald that the commu=ication be received and referred to the 1951 Council for consideration. _~e follOWing Report was pres.ente~d: No. 213 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley that the report be received and filed, and the rec- o~ndationbe adopted. RESOLUTIQN .~e follOWin~ Resolution was pass~d.: No. 154 - MacDONALD - McK~ - RESOL~ED that His Worship Mayor Houck be asked to proclaim Sunday~ 10th December as a Day of Prayer in the City of Niagara Falls in view of the serious inte~ational situation; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. C.a. rr i.ed unanimously BY-IAWS ~e followin~By-laws were ~a~sed: No. ~607 - To authorize the execution of an ag~mment for sale and deed. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Jolle2 that Ald. Haw- 584 585 ,, kine be given the privilege of introduein the by-law and the by-law be read tho first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that Rule (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be giveu the second reading - Carried unanimously. Third reading -Ald. MacDonald and Jolley - Carried unanimolmly. No__~. ~608 - To authorize the execution of an agreement for sale and deed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Jolley and Donald that Ald. Haw- kin~ be giveu the privilege of introducing the by-~w and the by-law be read the first tim~ - Carried u~auimously. It was ordered ou the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley that Rule 35 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. T~lrd reading -Ald. M~oDonald and Jolley - Carried unanimously. His Worship Mayor Houck asked the City Manager to advise Council as to what action had been taken to date with re,rd to or~nlzation of the local Civ- ilian Defenca Committee. ~e City Manager advised that it was his intention to call a meeting on 7th December to appoint chairmen of the various sub-committees in this connection. Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley. Read ar~l adopted, I1 December, 1950. A report of the City ~ns. ger, which h~d been laid over ~rom a nrevlo~ meeting, and with regard to the erection of au apartment building ~t tho-corner of Simcoe Street and Yalleyway, wa~ considered. It was ordered on the m. otion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the report be received mhd laid. on the t~ble, and the Property Committee be giveu power to negotiate the sale of the property at a prise of $~O0.00, the purchaser to h~ve ~ su~vey nzde for the o~u~pose of drawing the deed. ~ A communication was presented from the Niagara Pe~ns~ula ~anatorium, requesting a graut for the year 1950. ~t was ordered ou the motion of ~ld. Don- ald and McP~inley that the communication be received and filed and the ~mount provided in the budget be paid. A co~mnuuication ~s presented from the Greater Niagar~ Oener&lHospital requestingassist~nce with regard to 19~0 indigent accounts. Zt was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and His ~orship ~yor Houck that the communication be -received and referred to the 1951 council for consideration. The statement of tax collections as ~ 30th November, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley that the stmt~ment be rec- eived and filed, and given ~e usual publicity. ~e Co-~.~ttoe adJou~ned on the motion of Ald. Mc~iuley and Jolley. READ A~ADOPTED, 11 December, 1950. Chalrm~n of Finance' Clerk M~yor Co~uoil Chamber, 5 December, 1950. ~e Finance C~ttee met on T~esday, 5th December, 1950, for the pUr- pose of approvi~ a~ also of ~ssi~ ~e ~rious acco~ which ~& been prop- erly ear,fled ~d p~oed befo~ ~. ~1 ~mbers ~ ~e O~tttee were proS- e~t~ S~2 aoco~ts ~i~ ~ $22~1~.92 we~ a~ro~d b~ ~e c~ttee, ~e acco~ts sultrY, ~i~ ~ssed or o~e~ise deal~ wi~ we~ ere& p~ced in ~e money b~-~w for p~sen~%lom ~ ~e 0o~cil on ~e motion of COUNC ~ MEETING Council Chamber, 5 December, 1950. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- auce meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present. BY-~LA~ ~ followin~ By-law was pas.sad: ~ - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley that Ald. Haw- k~us be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first t~m- - 0arrled unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Jolley and Hawkins that R~le 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be glwn the 5S?. seC~rml reading - EA~ied ~u~nimously. Third reading -Ald. NaoDon~ld and McKinley - Carried unanimously. RESOLUTION The follow~ng Resolution was passed: No. 155 - McKI~LEy - M~cDONALD - RESOLVED that the Traffic Committee be asked t- oonsu~ with the-'~Nlagara, ~t.' ~atharines and Toronto ~ailway Company in an elf art to h~ve a more adequate bus service provided for the City during the busy Christ. mas season; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affised. Carried~unanimou~ Ald. Inglis spoke of the appeals which had been heard by the Cotu't of Revision and wished to have the Couucit informed as to the number of appeals heard, and. the amount of reductions made by the Court. The City Clerk advise~ that this iufo~ation would be supplied to the Council. Ald. MacDonald aEain spoke of the number of bicycles which are operate~ in the City without the necessary lights and licenses. His Worship M~yor Hough advised that he would t~ke this matter up with the Chief Constable. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Jolley and McKinley. I~ADA~DADOP'~ 11 December, 1950. Clerk CONFERENCE Council Chan~sr~ 5 December, 1950. The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetings on Tuesday, 5th December, 1950, for the purpose of considering the various matters placed before them. All members of the Ocm~ittee were present and His Worship ~yor Eox~ok was oh~irmmn of the meet- After consideration of the matters presented to them, the Co~m~ittee adJo~u'ned on the ~tion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley. ..~AND ADOP~3~ De~ember, 1950. Chair~n COURT OP e December; 1,250. The eighth sittir~ of the Court of Revision 2omsm?ed at 1~.00 a.m. on Wednes- 6th December, !950, at which the followi~x action was present: Mr. W.~..Fraser, Ct,~izm~m and ~h'. A ...... ot.~. Appellant GadsbF~ Edwin J. Dp scrm~t~on 560 Victoria Avenue 1,220 h~770 Decision cf Cotu't Bldd. re'.used $430.00, to be public school su!,!' c,r t~r Loblaw Groceteria Ltd. 790-4 Victoria Avenue20,400 91~505 D~smissed 2~300 3,0~9 Dis~dssed 2~200 2~830 Dismissed 18,200 48~679 Dismissed ~dia~ ~ry 1965 Sta~.ey Avenue 740 2022 Main Street 1,960 Di om~ s se d Bldg. reduced $905.00 403 ~rtin, Amedio ~00 ~rtiu, Faho 551 Fergusom Street 429 o~,p~ ~ 109 Bro~hton Avenue 280 1~920 531 Foremen Street 400 8~420 Wi thdraw n With~'awn BI.ag. to be reduced $250.00; to bo school support McC,,llough~ S~muel 1012 Sixth Avenue 890 3,115 Lend reduced $200.00 McCutcheon~ H.S. 1691 Morse Avenue 4 95 4~4-63 See Bent].e~~ appeal McCutcheon~ Jean Bellevue Terrace 1,630 Lend reduced $1480.00 McDonald, Catherine 1158 Rosed~le Drive oo~ 4~245 Bldg. reduced $15.00 McDonald, J$i. 083 Second Avenue 611 3¢749 Land reduced $180.00; to bo ~oint owners McGarr2~ Esther 257-9 Hvron Street 600 4,765 Bldg. 247-51 H~ron Street 700 4,315 Bldg. 239 Ht~on Street 389 4,145 Bldg. 233 Huron Street 386 3~600 Bldg. reduced $].050.00 reduced $840.00 reduced $300.00 reduced $180.00 McKim, Yera McKenzle, Alex McKinnon, Elmer b2 R.O.%[oung Realty Co. McLennan, Ac McMurra~, E.M. Mc~, G.G. 228 Huron Street 864 Second Avenue 2079 Grey Street 1161 Second Avenue 1109 Roberts Street 1850 M~iu Street 522 Bridge Street Sixth Avenue Sixth Avenue 1810 Drummond Road 490 3,390 565 3,315 500 2,190 770 4,705 8~0 3,910 99~ 4145 5oo 2, 350 ~,o15 Lend reduced $175.00; Bldg. reduced $240.00 Bldg. re&used $270.00 To be separate school ' ~'¢ Supporter : New owner to be as- sessed ~ilj [, Bldg. reduced $200.00 rsd oed $ o.oo New owner to be assessed:f A~ssss new owner Bldg. reduced $290.00 588 589 1152 1153 1186 Mc~Iven~ Mgry '8136 Megannsty, J.J. ,7836 Mezaros, Juli~ ,1503 Miersch, Horst · 3607 Miller, Catharine · 5426 ,5428 . 8851 Miller, F.J. . 8765 Miller, W.H. · 8o98 · 9243 ,9361 , 9382 ,8325 ,9513 , 4052 , 9548 .8163 · .7963 , 4105 Park Street Perk Street 681 Queen Street 1622 Lowell Avenue 1840 Temperance Avenue 293 Second AYenue 714 Fourth Aven~e 595 Carroll Place 61Epworth Circle 4oo 4oo 16,100 2,595 540 4,410 610 6,005 255 1,785 645 lO,(Y30 1,Yl0 2,605 575 4,375 Mills, A.B. Mitchinson, H.R. Mttchinson, W.A. Mizibrocky, Nicholas Molllson, V. Moore, Leonard Morcom, Fred 1782 Robinson Strut 680 4,515 2090-YMain Street 1,495 13,475 Morgan, J.W. & J.H. by J.O. Collins Morphy, Emily Myer, q.Leon Nelson, S titling 1623 Lowell Avenue 930 4,415 2276 Finlay Street 670 1780 S~m~es Street 560 5,269 2300 Wentworth Stmeet 30~ 3,795 1913 Buchanan Avenue 935 4,025 2315 Pinegrove Avenue 1,320 7,730 1344 Huron Street 420 4,045 2292 PinegroveAvenue 1,500 4,945 1881-5 Ferry Street 8,545 33,955 2019 L~uudy's Lane 2,345 6,175 1767 S~mmer Street 630 3,475 1411Morrison Street 505 4~250 Dismissed Dismissed Bldg. reduced See Bentley aF!~eal Dismissed Dismissed Bldg. reduced Land reduce~ Land reduced Bldg. reduced Bldg. reduced ~nd reduce~ See Bentley ai~al ~nd reduced Di~ssed Bldg. reduced Bl~. reduced Bldg. Bldg. reduced ~ reduced Bldg. reduced Wi~drawn Bldg. reduced Bl~. reduced Bldg. The Court then adjourned to re-convene at lO.00 a.m. on Thursday, 7th December. Certified correct, The vAnth sitti~ of ~e *~ ..... ~ - - ~-.,= ~ ~ Revfsion r.~r:.:mncec et lO.CO a.m. December~ 1950~ at which ~e fo!iowi:~ ~.ct_oL was )'.embers present: Mr. W.A.F,'ase~,_ -, Clmizmmn a.ud M~,.,. A.,,'..o~,~' ~t. .~oi1 Bishop, Grace 1303 Second Avenue ~ :~ ,0. ~170 170~ ~loney~ Jos. 417 FouPth Avenue }12 1423 bmR~e Street 920 399 1790 $~ri, R.A. o v . JT, %mi~e Avenue q4q ~9~3 McCar~y~ Wm. 639 Fif~ Avenue 950 8)? Miller~ Harriett 1756 Ferry Street 1,770 c,-' ~)~ Miln% J~s 2022 S~Los Street 1~100 ]~5 Mo~hy~ l~be! L. 648 ~ird A~nu~_ ~ 620 ~.C 487~ Mo~Ick~ ~ry A. 60~ S~ucoe Street 88~ 6~56~ M~ers~ ~o. H. 1148 ValleF,.ay 965. e,~t0 Na~ C~en 1882 S~nley A~nue 2,0o0 8~930 26,9 Naish, Nellie E. 145 EpworQ~ Circle 6].0 2,955 ~),28 Newman, Bea~rice 458 Queen Street 13,100 29,330 ~0~2 Newman, ~orge 92~ St.C~ir Avenue 63~ 7~04.0 NinOn, I~ 676 tigon Street 860 1,245 Neon, ~y L. 1040 ~o~y Street 700 4~265 J.O.Nicol~ ~ent 875 S~o~ Street 800 36,555 Nielsen, G. 1062 Valle~ay 1,015 6,095 Ncr~tu~ Arthur 1144 McRae Street 1,340 3,~5 Kot~ ~o 166~ ~r St~et 280 2~420 ~ ~on ~s Co. 461 Q~en S~eet 21:750 31,600 0'~2, Cecil ~49 Fo~ Aven~ 468 3,432 0~er, Jos. L. 1623 Morse A~nue 455 4,~0 01mated, Grac~a M. 0rsborne, Geo. E. 1652 Main Street 795 2,990 1487MacDonald Avenue 405 2,550 l~ldg, reduced $j70.00 z~lc..q, ye, duced $510.00 Bldg. reducad $577%00 :~l(:,.q. r~dt~cod ,,300.00 Bld(~. reduced $1200.O0 Bldg. reduced ,i~900.00 Lnnd Feduced $1115.00; ]}tdg. reduced '~ %7op.00 Bldg. reduced qlO00.O0 31d~. reduced $720.00 Bldg. redaced $100.00 Bldg. reduced $200.00 Bldg. reduced $3390.00; $390.00 on bldg. to be added to S.E.Tho~on Bldg. reduced $900.00 Land reduced $300.00 Bldg. reduced $200.00 Bldg. reduced $11079.00 j' Bldg. reduced $217.00 ,il~ See Bentley appeal; Bldg. reduced $275.00 Dismissed Land reduced $25..00 86.07 0strander, E.J. !914 Main Street 1,890 15,305 4980 Owrall, W.J. 103 Epworth Circle 520 3,065 % 47~28 Overholt, Mable L. 450 Philip Street 1,105 20~360 3819 ll08 Morrison Street 1,005 6,500 9430 Packer, Sidney J. 2162 Dawlish Avenue 550 4,895 3880 Palling, Reuel 1065 Valleyway 1,510 4,725 31~3 Palling, Viola 634 blorrison Street 410 4,280 130 Palka, Barbara 214 May Avenue 267 2,408 14p2 Paolin, Achills 605 First Avenue 765 2~440 18~5 Pappetti~ bits. M. 1347 Bridge Street 480 4,570 4729 Pappaiarmi, B. 465 Philip Street 1,105 12,485 2130 Passanisa, Sarah 1366 Bridge Street 720 7,310 5392 Pedlar, Gordon 671 Eastwood Cresceut 460 4,660 7322 Perri, ~zeresa 1768 Buchauau Avenue 625 2,450 73~3 1768 Buchanan Avenue 625 1,905 1~08 Petrie, ~s. A. 557 First Avenue 740 2,715 4360 Phielsticker~ Elsie 1042 Ontario Avenue 390 3,920 8826 Pisano, Mrs. Theresa 1752 Peer Street 585 3,980 23~5 Pratt, T.A. 333-9 Huron Street 1,725 10,765 80~9 Preece, C. 1633 Lowell Avenue 530 4,550 8018 Rechan, Joe. 1623 Ten~erance Avenue 440 80~9 1623 Ten, stance Aveuue 410 5,665 3831 Roberts, Sarah 843 Second Avenue 620 4,510 2~3 Wauchope, Chas. 188-90 Terrace Avenue 400 3~420 The Court adjourned to re-convene at 10.00 a.m. on Friday~ 8th December. Certified correct~ Secretary Laud reduced Bldg. reduced $84 Bldg. reduced Bldg. reduced Land reduced Bldg. reduced $250.0 Land reduced Bldg. reduced Bldg. reduced Bldg. reduced Bldg. reduced Dismissed Dismissed Bldg. reduced Bldg. reduced Bldg. reduced Bldg. increased Bldg. reduced Bldg. reduced $410.~ Bldg. reduced~l~ ~'~ Bldg. reduced $~15.~ Bldg. reduced See Bentley appeal Dismissed Bldg. reduced Bldg. reduced $400.C~ Bldg. reduced The tenth s!ttzng ~f 8th December, 19~0~ at Which ~,lembers present: M~. w ~ ~ ..... Appellant 8415 DeLucia, Recto 885~ Payne, H.C. 298.~ Pepperell, Elsie 653 Pfohl, Mrs. Olive B. Phillips, Nicholas Plantedi, O. 8686 ~dovancevi% Steve Ra~in~ H~ Reece; ~!61 Reece: ~s. Lena ~36~ Reid, Janet P. Reid~ Russell E. Revell~ Wm. 2¥ Rios, Wal~r ~01~ Ritson~ Herbert Rober t% ~os. 10~7 Ceutre Street ~2h. Si:,:th .{venue 684 H~ewoo~t Avenue 1941 GLadeS)ne Avemle B!4Z. re,%c~ Jns(l ~'educe~ 1:270.00 Robertson, ~dith P. ~63 :~-~otu'y Street .~ ~'. rcduce~ e~On ac Robertson, Edward !9~,9 Robertson, J.A. 1260 Heywood Avenue 10~2 Wil~mtt Street '_-ldC, reduced k~kgo.o0 ~-J-u. reduced ~,pO.O0 Robbins, P.M. Queen street 4~g00 7/14!> See bhsters' a~'peal Robinson, Arthur J. Robineon~ Frances M. Robinson~ Harold Robinson~ Mfrimn Rocco~ Anthony Rodgere, J.N. 20~4 Ross Stlmet 840 3~8!0 t.872 S~muer Street ~)~ 2~94'J 774 Third Avenue ' 620 ~605 774 Ryerson Crescent 560 I%620 1365~ Ferry Street tfl.95 ].~fl~55 1380 Ferry~ 1888 Buch- a:~n 1 ~ 175 7~ )~) 0 454 lIomowood Avenue ~5 2~62~ 3td$. reduced :!;300.00 L?.d reduced $200.00 Dldg. reduced ~60C.00 Bld.['. reduced ~21~.00 DJ.dC. rodnced ~;680.00 Dldg. reduced ~:400.00 Dismissod 593 , 27l~3 Ron~no~ Vincent 4251 !i0 7865 8706 87o7 .761 782 2923 Patsya~ A~a Ru%a~ Murray Sacoo~ Anthony Sacco, ~eter Saks~'h~. Sag~t~ john St.~gelo~ Angelo Sal£i, Rudy Sammone, Edward Sampson, Mrs. C.F. 20~ Sar~ny, ~oseph 519~ Saueedo, Balph G. 6 4,o $,027 17~o 116o 7868 Saner, Edwin A. · Sauer~ Harry, by Fraser and Fraser Schaubel, Mrs. B.A. Schill, William Sob. ram, Arnold Scott, W.A. Scott, Wm. Seigel, Samuel by Fraser au& Fraser Se~lese, ~o~e Sexemith Tire Shop Shannon, G.E. Shannon, Murra2 8190 She~ard, R.¢. 2824 Sh~6~¢ John 578? Sills, ~oS. H. 424-6 Morrison Street 515 2, 37o 365 844 Si×~ ~,veuue 610 3,1l~ 122 ~,~y Avenue 270 3~330 402 Second A~enue 420 2¢670 1~t3 Perry Street 800 ~¢590 1756 ~ery Street hl0 2~770 1641-5 S!a~r Avenue 500 3~170 1867 Ferry Street !~590 1~,195 2042 ~len A'¢enue 350 3~895 Allen Avenue 630 L~20 S~nley Avenue 690 ~203 1740 ~mperance Street 525 3,795 681 H~on Street 455 3~255 69 Epwor~ Circle 590 4,720 80 Terrace Avenue 350 2,225 709 Jepson Street 560 4,1~0 1457 Morrison Street 530 4,365 1769-71 Victoria Ave. 2,875 11,765 1275 Heywood Avenue 635 3,115 1415 Huron.Street 340 ~,995 1067-9 Fifth Avenue 725 6,220 878 WellandAvenue 865 3,470 271 Fourth Avenue 708 1,632 2157 Barker Street 650 6~050 Drummond Road 1,800 ~00 768 Park Street 400 3,310 545 Bridge Street 320 1,155 1748Emery Street 410 B,110 2103 Lund~s I~ue 1,970 4,070 1643 Lowell Avenue 530 4,~15 816St'Clair Avenue 4~5 2,330 976Armour~ Street 620 4,680 Bldg. red~c~ ..... Bld6. :,'ed:;~,,* "" Withdrawn Di smi,~ sa,~ Dismissed Di~ssed Bldg. reduced ~ud reduced ' Bldg. reduced Dis~ssed ~ be ~arate suppor~r Bl~. reduced Bldg. reduced Diermissed Bldg. reduced $335. Dismissed Dismissed Land. reduced Wi thdraw u Band reduced Dismissed Bldg. reduced Bldg. reduced $5 To be separate supporter See Bentley 'L arA reduced Bldg. reducer 091~ Slmko, Andy 4880, Slee, Harry W. 5148 Stephen, Ruth 80)7 Stewart, Violet C. 5979 s es, Elizabeth 603.0 Stone, Charles 7367 Petroczky, Leslie 790 Bridge Street 360 2,E39 754 Bridge Street 360 2,770 760 Bridge Street 480 3~710 596 S~r~coe Street 60~ 2,380 692 Armor,fy Street 970 3,759 1798 Drm~m~ond Road 99~ ~ ~ 0~0 1144 ~nird Avenue 770 4,$65 1192 Florence Avem~e 990 3,02~ 1659 Buchaoan Avenue 910 1,579 Bi¢C. reduce8 $720.00 Bldg. reduced $200.00 Bldg. reduced $190.00 Bldg. reduced $~40.00 Bldg. reduced $37~.00 Bldg. reduced $400.00 Bldg. reduced $360.00 Dismissed Dim~dssed Court adjourned to re-convene at 10.00 a.m. on Saturday~ 9th December. 0er tilled correct, ~e reta~y ~ C~mirman 594 COURT OF I~VIB!ON Council Cheerer e?_b 9 December: i ~e eleventh sitting of the Court of Revision commenced at lO.00 a.m. on day, 9th December, 1950~ at which the following action was taken: Members present: Mr. W.A.Fraser~ Chairman and Yw. A.W.Scott. Roll Dec.ision of "~ ..... ~No._ Appellant Descrfptlou ~L~n.d Building . ~- ..._~ 562.5 Shephard, W.H. 849 Mc~e S~eet 880 ~,~5 Dis~ssed 9257 Sills~ W~. H. 22~ ~in Street l~lS0 ~00~ Bl~g. reduc~i "~ · 95~.5 S~er, ~ ~4 Pine~ove Avenue 710 4~250 Dis~ssed ~8~ Sli~ ~h~n ~2 MoITison Street 550 2~250 Bldg. reducc~ ~' 50~8 Sloan~ Joseph ~12 M~s~n Crescent 988 1,922 287 1,~3 Bldg. reduced ~ 446~ S~th~ ~nold ~ River R~d 1,580 ~620 ~ reduced ~'!~0.~C 481~ S~th, Be~ice 573 ~o~y S~eet 6~0 2,8~0 Bldg. reduced ~..~ 6018 S~, ~Y 1011 Fif~ A~nue 965 6,155 Dts~ssed 1446 S~ Jack 945 ~ple S~eet 650 2,155 ~nd reduced ~ , Bldg. increased 908.8 Smith, Mary 2008 D~nmmond Road 900 2,305 Bldg. reduced 1~1.4 Smith Bros. Const. Co. L591-3 Queen Street 4~885 14,265 Withdrawn 687,2 1740 Ellen Avenue 1,$50 8,165 %~ithdrawn 217.7 Srtder, Ezra 1416 Elm Street 645 2,995 Bldg. reduced 775.0 Sorley, Mrs. J. 1694 Spring Street 320 3,045 Bldg. reduced 8114 Sorley, John 1761 Lowell Avenue 560 4~870 Bldg. reduced 4707 Spengler, Mrs. H. 1406 Ontario Avenue 185 2,460 Bldg. reduced ~B.2 SpironeLt% Mercedes 447 Buttrey Street 27B 2~297 Bldg. reduced 41R5 Stanbur~ E.D. 1207 Morrison Street 405 3,030~ Di_~!ased 6531 StevensOn, Alex F. ll91 Sta~ford Street 560 1,960 Land reduced , ~ Lot 185 inst0ad Lot 187 132!~ Stevenson, R.B. 72~.2 Stewart, Ht~h A. 81.3~ Stocker, John G. ~219 Stoner~ Oakland 6Ll7 Stuckey~ Beryl 1264 Styles~ Chae. A. 5~1 WellamiAvenue 665 2,825 1495 McDormldAveuue 390 2,685 1662Lowell Avem~ .... ~60 4,400 853-9 St.Lawrence Ave. 860 6,~45 1205 Jepson Street 710 ~,200 621 St.01~irAvenue 435 2,345 Bldg. reduced Bldg. reduced See Bentley Bldg. redUCed Bldg. reduced Bldg. reduced ~/~ Styles, Wesley B. 407.7 s~lliwan, Nora 813,4 Sunstru~, Doris 936? Sunstrum, Ell~ M. ~2!~ Sz~nski, Bolesl~u ~166 ~omas, Aun~ L. 2~.1 Thomas, P.C. 731,4 Thomas, Wm. M. Thomp son~ Mary Thorburn Drug Store 7174 To£falo, Adeline ~ff Tonello, h~erto Janet 535 Simcce Street !~,OC 7~4~0 1~24 !~.D!e Street 1642 Lowell Avenue ~O5 4~420 !802 S~ms ~treet ~9~' 3~420 180-6 ~ ~'~ .cz _~,~ Street 2~d!~ 9~ c].O 243-51-] M~,~'~son Street ~o 9~ t~- 1773 ~.~u Street !~10 980 Walnut Street 828 Erie Avenue !681-? t~e~ ,.~ _u Street P, of,~ !~,30 1398 E2~: Street 4~0 ~ a4.0 76H Buckley Avenue ~05 -¢7b0 1982 Culp Street. !¢820 7¢705 ~ ~ ' ~77o.0o .... ~.g, reduced ~idC, :'educed $~10.00 See Dent!ay appeal ~].d(c. reduced $170.O0 ~].dg. rednced ~'].C~O.O0 Bldg. reduced ~%640.00 Dished ssed 5!rig. reduced }~l.dC. reduced ~:.190,00 ~ldC. reduced $2095.00 Dldg. roduced $200.00 Bldg. reduced $990.00~ +~ bo separa~ school SUl?Or~r Bldg. re&uced $800.00 Court adjourned to re-convene at 10.00 a.m. on Monday, 1].th December. 3orreot, 596 Members present: Roll No.... Appellant 2328 Fraser, W.A. ~54.8 McCartuey, Janet 791~ Mingle, /knthony COURT OF I~lglSION Council Chem}'~ 11 Beoember, ..~. ~e twel£th sitting of the Court of Revision commenced ~t 10.00 a.m. on llth December~ 1950, at which the followinE action was taken: Sheriff V.L.Davidson, Chairman, and Mr. W.A.Fraser and bir. A.%.~co~. 9197 227.1 Murray, Thcs. 2435 613 Simon, Joe. Est. 7o7, 527,5 Stoner~ Doris 851~3 Sullivan, Loree 41~6 gunter, Mabel E. 1229 Swain% E.N. 535,4 Swan, Anna 1188 ~ctb Vicar 34~0 '~wse, J~es R. 37~4 ~ylor~ Beatrice 80~9 T~vlor, Harry N. /$~ ~ibert, Ber~mrd 367~ ~o~s, 4820 Tiller~ J~aes 45~ ~doroff~ 4439 ~insou, Nme. B. 8469 ~u~li~ ~o~ Description I~nd Buil~ing 449 Huron Street 750 3,935 929 .~moury Street 765 4,585 1828 Ferry Street 2,870 18,165 1893 Main Street 6~865 11,190 !895 Main Street Bus. 2~405 3,965 733 Clifton Avenue 1,155 4,775 273 Morrison Street 525 4,195 119 Bridge Street 785 3,035 116-20 Bridge Street 990 5,280 122 Bridge Street 290 1,490 124 Bridge Street 210 1,790 538 Cataract Avenue 1,660 4~455 977 St.Iawrence Avenue 310 4,230 1778-84 Ferry Street 810 6,130 746 Sixth Avenue 535 3,605 559 Queen Street 8,855 1%730 757 Cookm~an Crescent 575 2,740 671 Queen Street . 4~025 %140 778 Second Avenue 410 9,245 785 Third Avenue 3 50 3,790 1654 Hanan Avenue 475 3,805 929 Bridge Street 745 3,885 1063 Morrlson Street 505 5,690 599 A~mloury Street 840 4,220 10! Hickson Avenue 280 2~160 364 Otter Street -~-1,045 2,980 1968 Allen Avenue 755 4,0~0 347 Simcoe Street 750 9¢530 Decision of r: ...... Bldg. reduce5 ~ .... · ; l ;' ,-9 Bldg. reducer ~''~,.. Land reduce,~ Bldg. reduce,! .,,.: Dismissed ~!~7 ..... 7~60 Bldg. red~,coq ? 7~. Bldg. ~8.uce~.~;y¢~ ..... Reduction o'- -..1.~ .¢ Street builq hL}' of $2¢000.00 iu ~]. ~nd r~ uc e,~ .~ ...... Bldg. reduce3 :'L?. Bldg.~*eduae~,~¢~', Bldg. reduced . . Di~ssed 3144 ~nd reduce¢ Dismisses See Bentley Bldg. reduced ~ a~' Die. seed ~lq3 Dismissed ~ll2 Bldg. reduced ~nd reduced ~c'~'~ ~nd reduced Dismissed T!fa~ss£c: ........ -' ' Watson, 5~ry ~ Wegner, Mrs. A. 'Jhalen, Stephen R. Whipp, E.R. Whitby, E.R. White, Agues White, Helen lq~Ite, Lelia Whitehead, George Wilkinson~ Alvin Will,in, on, Thcs. by Pa~l G, Vassal Wilson, James Wilson, Keith Wilson~ Maud Wilson, Robert J. Wingate, Geo. E. Wiseman~ F.A. 04 1 Sz>:t~l Avenut~ 4S'j -,, ~.~ ~ 1679 McOz~il Aven,~e vg,; )~.~9i> 905-7 Si×th Avenue ,q65 k;nOO 1665 ilamm Avenue 469 1706 Ferry Street 1,605 %070 902 Buckley Avenue 80~ 677 Welland Avenue ~252 %600 821 Second Avenue 495 1653 Lowell Avenu~ 530 1851 Muzu-ay Street 590 3,289 1856 S~u~er Street 650 %420 1671 Lc~ell Avenue 530 12.24 Bridge Street 645 3,620 832 Second Avenue 585 3,470 1690 Hanan Avenue 475 3,805 2290 Wentworth Avenue 305 3,795 u] :t -. l',r'I t] ~c! ~ 'o w n ]{].dC. r(~fltlced Gee ~ntley appoal Bldg. reduced $28~.00 l,~nd re~ ~c ~d $2f)~.00; Bldg. rod need Soo Bentley appoal Apportion to separate school support Bldg. reduced ~00.00 See Bentley appeal Bldg. ~duced ~15.00 598 8o3 Wolanski, Jtts tyana Woodhead, Annie Worma, Norman R. Wright~ J.W. REMISSION OF lzo~o T~KES 163 Hickson Avenue 280 1,870 Hickson Avenue 280 1937 Buchanan Avenue 935 2,950 998 Armoury Street 670 4,510 1802 Spring Street 355 2,855 9690 Clendening~ Dora 839 Bridge Street 33.00 583 Burley, Inez 983 Armoury Street 5.00 45 Consolidated Lines 367 River Road 19.43 2863 Could-Leslie Limited Huron Street 6.18 412 Coy, Ms~rie 798 Queen Street 6.00 356 Joscelyn, Stewart 683 Ontario Avenue 4.99 Lindengren~ 0.Y. ll06 Victoria Avenue 25.98 2686 Loblaw Groceteria 771 Morrisou Street 22.32 2687 765 Norrison Street 24.12 773 Lococo, A. & M. 1449 Spring Street 14.00 189 rayne, Jack 709 Queen Street 36.00 147 Rookley, G. 626 Erie Avenue 29.70 720 Spies, Harry 1523 Emery Street 11.14 To be public supporter Bldg. Bldg. redu~e~ Bldg. reduce~ Remission of Remission of Remission of Remiss:ion of Remission of Re~ssion of Re~ssion of Re~ssion o Remission of Re~ssIou of ReMssiou of Re~ssion of Re~ssion of The Court adjourned to re-convene at 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday~ l~th December. Certifie& correct, Secretary Cha?mn December, 1950 for the purpose of cons~dor]u,~ Q-uar,,] !,u:~lu[u,:: ~:~i ':'hmn,-~,. All ~nu~s of tho previous meeting~ adopted these on tho motlon of ALt. MacDonald and Jolloy. R:~FORT~G T_~ne__f_911owiuE Reports were No. 214 - C,ity Clerk - re cot~ference he].d qth l)ecember. ORDER,:!~ mt tho m3C]on Ald. l,~cDonald and Hawkins that the report be received aud No. 215 - C_i~, Clerk - presenting; application for licenne. OF~DF, I/i,::~ on tlm m~l,l,m of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the report be racej, v,~d ,un:~ ?~]ed, and t!le llc- ence be not granted. No. 216 - Cit[ Clerk - re appeals heard b,y Court off Revision. nR!)ER;,D on the ion of Ald. Jolley and HcKinley that the report be received and ]zdd on tho RES OLUTIO.US The following Resolutions were passed_: No. 156 -MacDONALD - McKINLEY - ~SOIWED that the action of J{irt Wornhlp Mayor Bouck, in appointing Alde~,n O.R.Inglis as enacti~ n~yor on ].3th and 14th Dec- ember d~i~ the absence of His Worship, be approved; and the Seal ef tho Corpor- ation be here~ ~fixed. Carr~ od u~n~mo~ No. 1~7 - ~%~ - Mc~EY - ~0L~D that no regular meeting of the City Coun- cil be sched~ed to ~,ke p~ce be~eeu Chrlsd]ms and New Year; and the Seal ~e Corporation be hereto affixed. Cart] ed. u~.ni mou. s 1 NO. 158 - ~cD0~ - McKII'~EY - ~SOL~]D that the City Ceuac~l meet at 4.00 p.m. on Non~y, 18th December ~ receive represen~ttves of the Whirlpool Napi8~ Co~a~; t~t ~e re.ar meeting of Council on that date be sched~ed For 9.00 p.m.; and ~e Seal of ~e Oo~oratlon be hereto ~flxed. Carried. um.nbnousl[ BY-IAW Th__e following By-law was passed: N_9. 4610 - To authorize the execution of an agreement for sale a~i deed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Dor~.ld that Ald. I~w- kdns be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-~aw be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald and Jolley that }%~le 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading . ~arried unanimously. Third reading -Ald. MacDonald and Jolley - Carried unanlmou~ly. Aid. Hawkins and McKinley expressed the appreclatiou as voiced to tLeu by many citizens and the rectors of the local chtu'ches for the action of His v. .... ship b~ayor Houck iu declaring Sunday, 10th December a day of Prayer iu this ~*-- Ald. Jolley advised Council that he had been approached by a r.~mb~r ~m citizens with regard to the proposed sale of a small portlou of proDerty at %~ corner of Valleyway and Simcoe Street, and he asked that the ~ize of this pre¥~- erty be correctly reported in the press~ as the impression had gotten abroad that the size of the same was much ~reater than actually the case. His Worship Mayor Houck reminded Council of the employees' Chrls~ party which is to be held on Thursday, ~lst December, and asked that all members attend, if at all possible. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKi~ley and Donald. AND ADOPTED, 18 December, 1950. Mayor Council Chamber ~ 11 December, 1950. The Fimmnce C~,~tttee met on Momday, llth December, 1950, for ~e p~- pose of a~rovi~ ~d ~o of ~ssi~ ~e ~rio~ accosts w~ch ~ been prop- er~ cert~ied ~ p~ced ~fo~ ~. ~ ~bers of ~e C~e were pres- ent · S~d~ accosts ~o~ti~ ~ $80~3~2.65 were a~p~ved b~ ~e C~dt~e. ~e acco~ su~t~, ~i~ ~ssed or othe~ise dealt wi~, were o~- ered p~ced in ~e money by-~w for presen~tion ~ ~e Co~cil~ on ~e motion of ~d. Mc~ey a~ ~o~d. His Worship ~yor Eo~k as~d for a decision f~m ~e C~t~e as to ~e iss~nce of 0hris~s ~uohers for perso~ om ~lief in 1950. It wa~ o~erM on ~e motion of ~d. Mc~ey m~ ~cDo~ld ~t ~ris~s ~uohers~ on ~e s~e ~sis as ~ed in 1~9, be issued d~i~ ~o~i~ season. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley. AND ADOP~ED, 18 December, 1950. Chairman of Finan¢ !] !:ecsmber~ 19=,0. ~ne Co~huctl re-asseml].e~, at the ~ ~ ~f i'he ro~l!~v oomcll ~ f~n- approved by the Conmm~tee. All-~ ...... o~ '~ :,, ....... I~c. 4ol]. - To ~'ant mon~es .k .:D JO' 82¢ ~To]]¢' '..}~r't A]C. kl~ be ~i~n the pzqvi]o~je of !nix'educing/ the cy-~_w rmv, the %-h~w be re,sd tho first t~e - Carried unanimous]?. (2) of the S~ndix¢ ~, ¢~ of ' - , ' '' -,Jl~,~ Council ~ Susr, en~o~ and ~[qc. '---~ . ,.~ t,: .~a,, l~e ;'iron the second readin~ -Oarr. e~ ~ .......... cruel,,. Third reading -Ald. MacDo.~a!d and McKin]_ey ~ ,--' Ald. McKinley spoke of the insta]].ation of polo:; for the ].id~ting system on Valle)~,~ay. His Worship }.b. yor Houck advised tbz.t the residm~t~ bad orotes~d in ~is co~ection to the H?.ro-Electric Co;m, iss~on~ and that tho ~mttor [~ould bo considered f~-ther by tho Cozmv. isslon at ~e next mastic]. Following this, a rep- crt wo~d be ~de to Council. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Do:~n].d and. McKinley. READ AND ADOPTED, 18 Decsmber~ 1950. 602 COURT OF I~VISION Council Chs-mLa~ 12 December, The thirteenth sitting of the Court of Revision commenced at 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 12th December, 1950, at which the following action was taken: Members present: Sheriff V.L.Davidson, Cha~nan and ~. W.A.Fraser and Mr. A.W.Scott. Roll No. Ao~ell~ut 134~ Badoviuac, Emil by Logan &Logan 1341 De~cription L~n~ Building 816 Bridge Street 1,780 43,445 824 Bridge Street 830 5,495 200 830 Decision o.9 ~' Land reduce~ Bldg. reduce,:l Bldg. reduced '.!:320 7699 Delduco, M.C. by Martin, Calv.,Matthewsl648 Stanley Avenue lo%o 7o91 8967 Divlto, Anthnnyby Martln, Calv.,Matthews Frontier Recreations 616 Cataract Avenue 625 ~iver Road 994 Secoud Avenue 18~5 Victoria Avenue Grenville, Sophia~ by Martin,Calv.,Matthewe 2135 Barker Street 31~ Guning, Wm. By Martin 7549 Calvert & Matthews 30%7 House, A.R. 10~.9 Kreitner, W.A. 2~40 M~rtiu, Calvert & N~tthews 677 Buttrey Street Magdalen Street 666 Qneen Street 528 Bridge Street 520 Queen Street 85~7 Miller, E.A. 56~ 0'Reilly, T.F. 5541 Salfi, Ii~lph 1224 'Sanson, A.V. 32~ Scobie, L. 1120 1848 Ferry Street Sheraton Limited by ~/J¢~: Martin, Calv.Matthews 254~1 Stein, L; Zuker, P.by 25?0 Martin, Calv.Matthews 791~8 Willox, Mae 3~9 ¥omug, B~uce 857 McRae Street 1522 Victoria Avenue 577-73 Queen Street 415 Buttrey Street Park Street General Brock Hotel 1827 Falls Avenue 524-36 Queen Street 536 Queen Street 1802 Main Street 818 Buskley Avenue The Court adjourned to re-convene at 690 3,555 4,200 5,135 720 2,350 1,600 6,295 9,860 87,530 825 6,320 4,160 7,870 1,435 220 4,185 9,890 500 6,865 6,510 14,880 1,375 7,940 88o 5,100 1,380 6,085 11,800 20~400 500 1,800 800 18,400 58,500 797,350 17,835 41,955 5,160 10,280 3,255 3,385 435 1,620 Wednesda2, Bldg. reduce4 Laud reduce~ ~ ^~ Land reduced Land reduce.~ ~'~ ' Bldg. reduced Dismissed Withdrawn Laud reduced Dismissed Dismissed Bldg. redwmd Correct ~i~ no change in school support Building reduced $1,925.oo Blig. reduced Bldg. reduced Dismissed Dismissed Bldg. reduced Bldg. redtzed $~4 Dismissed Bldg· reduced Dismissed Di~missed December· ~inesday, 13~h December, !9~0, at which the '~ .... present: Mr. W.A.Fx~ser, C;, ..... . · ~ Appellant 813~ ~adovi~zo, ~1 by Logan &Logan 9~ Concord Rea!ty Lti. 9~ Concert Realty Ltd. 2486 1.0.0.F. by G.Donald ~6(5 Inghmm, Arthur 325P Iugham, Louise by Harold Logan 3668 !ng~lam, Arthur 32~6 Ingham, Louise ~3 $~0~ Johnson, Cecil 917 Kresge, S.S. & Co. 129,8 Linnenbank Leather Co. Montgomery, W.P. by Logan & Logan 8011 Morri, Mrs. N. ~78 686 ~0~ ~4& 01ivieri, Santo Oneida Ltd. Patterson, J~mes Principal Inves~ents Limited Rose, Mr. & Mrs. by LOgan & Logan Saks, William Shields, Rose Sod~, Frank Desc-_,-?%!o- 4k7 Queen Street 437-39 queen Street Queen o ~.re~t Manle & ~i-\i Avenue 663-77 S~,~,coe Street 994-1014 }.~$~le ~t_eet 710-~ Simcoe Street 6os-71 S~coe Street 1803 Main Street 439 Queen Street 600 Victoria Avenue l~, 9lq 8;250 1~27~ S30 1~27~ 830 ].% OeO 830 20,160 1165 12~960 34,84'5 2~025 11~}70 615-29 Cataract Avenue 2,210 33,200 1689 Ten~erance Avenue 440 5,135 1675 T~n~erance Avenue 440 3,140 1835 Falls Avenue 22,645 26l~,7].5 1122 Jepson Street 690 3,995 476 Bridge Street 160 1,790 478 Bridge Street 160 1,790 ~80 Bridge Street 163 1,512 482 Bridge Street 163 ]-,673 507-15 Queen Street 24,590 111,600 481-85 Queen Street 19,250 37,640 1493-1501 Ferry Street 1,100 9,460 1,265 8,755 1867 Ferry Street 1,990 19,195 578-84 Queen Street 8,735 15,1~00 1739 Ten~perance Avenue 46~ 3,920 ]}].d g. i'~xhir, ed $91135 land reduced $3'i.OO; ]:,id,z,. reduced $1295.00 Bldg. reduced $215.00 Bldg. reduced $9679~.00 DisrMssed lHam~ rmed Dismissed Dism~ r~sefl ])fsmissod D].dg. rcducofl $].145.00 Bldf4. reduced $615.00 Nurt}loP retl IT(: tl en on ]~].rlC. rodmmd $1700.00 ~N-d. redwmd $370.00 Seer. tar2 6722 %~aomas, Wm. G. 1423 Second Avenue 525 2,790 Iang reduced Bldg. reduced Vanderlip, Roy by ~/~.". Logan & Logan 737~ Vitch, Dominic 9148, Wade, Edmund 4656, Warren, C.A.R. 8121 ~leir, James A. 94 ~o '.?est, Wm. R. 8508. 1.mite, Arthur 1~26 Whittaker, Edith P. 1856, Wilson, Howard ~/~ Yerich, Pane by Logan&Logan 9139 Zavitz, Merrill 876~ Zeng~ Fr~nz 1381 E~mStreet 430 2,655 1701-5 Buchanan Avenue 535 5,170 2043-7 Main Street 1,725 8,600 399 John Street 1,040 4,375 1792 Lowell Avenue 630 5,135 2268 Drummond Road 655 3,115 1720 Ferry Street 1,055 2,385 546 First Avenue 605 2,580 435 Fifth Avenue 501 6,369 1093 Stem~ord Street 645 4,755 2172 McKenzie Place 525 3,485 2100Main Street 1,505 17,875 Bldg. reduce8 Bldg. reduced Bldg. reduse8 Iand reduced Roll Dismissed Bldg. reduced ~'' Bldg. reduced Bldg. reduced~¢6o0.00; ~ be public ochool smp~rter ~n~ ~auce~ $4~.ca; Bldg. reduced ~.rry~ Be rr_ard Bent!ej; A.C. Bldg. reduced Bldg. reduced Brooks, t{. The Court adJourne& to re-Convene at 10.00 a.m. on ~'~ursday, 14th December, 1950. Certified correct, Secret~ry Brooks, Brocks, H. Brooks, H. o0o Rjerson Ct'ascent ,.?~07, Brooks, H. Brooks~ H. · Brooks, H. Brooks~ H. ldp1 Banla;r Street 240 E~o~~', ~ ~).eet 31~ Brooks~ H. ., Blckle ~ Cdn. National Rlys. · Cirillo~ Francesco , Dobbie, Nary t?i, Nlag. Wire Weav. Co. 2329 Dawlish Avenue ].~240 ],P90 1964-6 ~.~in Street 2,760 ].d~575 Various properties 16].2 ~mbard Avenue 500 1175 Vic'~aria Avenue 3~020 2~385 Robinson Street 2,250 229,,790 6O6 9-o9o 7oo 7o5 7075 797q 798 No .A~.er. Cyanamid Ltd. edeco, Ja~tes ~. Sf~.nley Avenue 1Z~,140 1904.,040 144~ Sangster Lumber Co. 329~ Sanson, A.V. 1233. Sanson, Mary S82, 1226 Stead, Norah !78~ ¥ictoria Avenue 350 P,llO 16P9 Victoria Avenue 1,830 6,780 Victoria Avenue 2,330 1663 Slater Avenue 250 3,239 1609 S!ater Avenue 9-50 3 ~779 C~rag% Sla~r Avenue 500 8 25 Sister Avenue 500 Hm.~i lton Street 1,690 898-900 Victoria Avenue 4~289 5k].-~ Queen Street 12~479 639 Cataract, 199 Queen 1~510 577 Queen Street 4,000 17~739 33)760 6~200 3, o 573~ Vandersluy% Mrs. U.H.1143 Victoria Avenue 2,010 4,979 9733 VandersltLys, John 1195 Victoria Avenue 4,900 14,700 4075, Vigna ~ Mrs. L. 4669 Walker, K~thleen J. 1302Maple Street 370 2)940 436-8 John Street 1,670 13,485 707 Ryerson Crescent 669 2,929 106 Stanton Avenue 295 3~275 Terrace Avenue 900 931'7 Victoria Aveuue 8,639 43,649 5227 Webb, R.E. 18~ Welsh, James E. 349~ White, Mrs. G. 925 Walnut Street 700 2,950 1480 Victoria Avenue 1,270 4,335 7122 Woodgate, Rosina 9536. Woo&house, George Bldg. increas~ Bldg. decrease.; Land reduced -' ' Bldg. reduced .,. , .,,., Dzsmse ,d Bldg. reduced ' :"" '" Reduction of by $1,065.00 lness pttrpo se s Bldg. reduced Land increase5 .!'] ?l :,' Bldg. reducea Frontage cor}"ec ~ Bldg. reduced Bldg. reduced change in school port not allows5 Dismissed Withdrawn Withdrawn Land reduced Bldg. reduced Dismissed Bldg. reduced R~2?O....- December, 1950, for tlqe members of the o ~, .... A11 these on tho motion of A!d No. 287 - T.A?arnett - re]~.estin* ] on the motion of Aid. ~JacDo~a!d m~d Fm:k:,-q that, 'Lbo com.':'!tt:~sot;ort !~ ]',?,~ivod an~i referred for consideration hy ~" ]~- ,r: .... No. 288 - Niagara. St. Ca~,rtr,;.~ ~es qn,a mor,~uk, o Rn~,];;n-: - ~','muc~t-:n,, m,m',~v¢~l or additio~l bus service. 0~3 ,~.,. on the motion of A~-. ,L-'lle,- :ma Uac;~mn,,ld thrtt, ~gether with their report on a :~revious recuest with rez,aT'¢ to irtadaq~,~ ].oca] bl~ se~ioe8. - - No. 289 - Nia~.ara Falls Opt~mist C].ub - amorenjr~t~on o? ~m~'~::t. mc,~. OROER[,;I~ on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and. M. acDo.~a!d nat one communication be rec~qved and filed. No. 290 - Board of Police Commissioners - re past service an~! ~ona'~on ORDERED on the motion of A].d. !lawldns an:l 7o31~*, that tbs com~mnication be rec- eived and refferred to the 1951 Council for consideration. NO. 291 - Nia~,ara Falls Police Association - requesting am~roval of' w~,rfety show. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. ~awkins and Jolley that the co~municatlon be rec- eived and filed, and the project be endorsed. No. 292 - Bell Telephone Cgmo~_an_~[ of Canada - replace one ~,ole. No. 993 - ~Bell Telephone Com.oa_n~ of Canada - move one 1}o].~. No. 294 - ~11 Telephone C~a~ o~ Canada - place buried ceble, ORDER~:D o~ motion of ~d. McKinley an~ ~wkino ~at the co~aunfcations be race,reel and Filed) dud pe~ssion be granted. ~j?; B~,-law No. 4612 The Cottrt adjourned to re-convene at 10.00 a.m. on Friday, 19th December. Certified correct, Secretary REPORTS I~aid over from the previous meeting: No. 216 - C~ity Clerk - re appeals heard by Court of Rev~on. OiOERE~ cn the mot- ion of Ald. Ingl-~ ~nd Jolley that the report be received and laid on the table for consideration by the 1951 Council. .~q'] Report Uo. ~.l~ ~e.~following Rape.rte were ~resented: No. 217 - Assessor - appeals heard by Court of Revision. OR~RED on the of Ald. Y~is and Jolley that the report be received and laid on the ~3. b].e for cousideration by the 1951 Council; and the As.qessor be asked to submit hln anm~l report as quidEly as possible and show there~n a comparison of assessments as pre¥ibhsly~ade with those for the current year. 608 No. 218 - CJ.t~ Clerk - reco.qmaend, ing issuance of l~cences. 0RBF, Rt,~~ on the ...... of Ald. ,~2..:kins and }.~cDonald that the report be received and. filed~ and tn~ r..- m~mmndationS be adopted, I~]S OLUTION ~e fol!owln~ Resolution was passed: No !59 - $1cI~!5~EY - ~A!.~I~ - [~SOL%~D that His Worship Mayor Houck end t~-~ .... Clerk are hereby suthorized and instructed to si~ the fern of a~eement ~.". C~. .r-] MoOr Co~truction Con,any Limited ~d the 13th day of December~ 1950~ an~ ~:~ Seal of ~e Co~ooration be hereto ~fixed. BY -IAW Tee following By-law was passedt: No. 4617 - To provide for pez~aission to The Bell Telephone Company of Ca~dm replace and move poles and place buried cable. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Jolley and ~cDona].d that McKinley be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and ~wkins that Rs! (2) of the Standing l~ules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried. Third reading -Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins - Carried. PHF~ENTA TION 0n beha]~ of the sitting members of Council~ Ald. Hawkins presente~ ii: Worship }~Jor Houck with a gift upon his retirement as Chief Magistrate of t~e City. His Worship t~hanked the a].dermeu for their gift and for the et-operation and assistance he had received during his term of office. ~e Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley,. I~AD AND ADOP~E~D~ 2 January~ 195t. ~,{~ vor for the inauguzal meetinr ~'of visabil~ ty of m~,k~ ng pa[~mmnt ~e and e~lalned his reason for r~cefve~ a~d fl!ed~ on the mo~o,, with the unders~ndi~ tlmL tee 1951 Council. ......... G ..... ~ .,? ao,~en~zon o~ the ing claims against the Wot}caen's C~upenaatien Voard for snted. It was ordered on tho motion of Ald. J'olley and F, cKis!ej that the ~mlicy be renewed at the premium of $4~198. A report was presented from the C~tj Manoger re~a.r(!~ng an appNaat~on of the Coca-Cola Ltd. for a permit to erect a storage skm~ on t.~eh, ~ro~erty o~ l,~tln Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Jolley and ~b. cbo~ald" that the report be received and referz~d to the City Solicitor for a ret, crt aa to th~ type of constrnction and also if tZe Council has authority to refus~ a ~e~mit ~'or this t~e of building in this area. (Ald. tpglis did not vote on this ~otion.) An application was presented from McCcll-Fronter~-,c Oil Company Limited for a permit toerect a service sic, rite at the southeast corner of I,un~y'e and Drtm~ond Road. It was ordered on the motion cf Ald. Inglis and that the application be received and referred to the Property Ce~ttco for a report and the Company be advised that they should submit a plot plan showing the proposed loc~tions of the buildings~ pt~ps and driveways. The statement of rolJ. ef for the month of November was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley that the roi:crt be received aad filed~ and given the usual publicity. Ald. Inglis asked for information with regard to tho operation or Niagara Falls Memorial Arsna~ as to attendance at the various activities hc].d and with regard to revenue and e~)endittu~es for the cu~ent year. The City M,~nager give the Committee certain infoz~ation and advised that a report thereon would be The Committee adjou~nod on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mm. cDornld. ~EAD AND ADOPTED, 2 January, 1951. Clerk Chal~.n of I,'i~noe 6t0 C O'U~'C 'Wh MI~;I~;'I.' f NO Council 18 December ¢ The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and anco meetings for the pin'pose of passing the by-law .,;hich covered the account3 approved by thc Conm:ittee. All members of the Council, with the exception of Dop~ld¢ were present. q~ne following Dff-law ,,las l~asse.d.: '~ 4613 To Grant Mo:ties for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Jolley and Mckinley t!mt A!~]. -:' - kins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law ho read ~'., first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Jolley ti%at Ru]~ :' (2) of the Standing thules of Cotmcil be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried. Third reading - A!d. McKinley and Jolley - Carried. The Council adjourned on thc motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley. READ A~D ADOP!ED~ 2 Jauuary~ 1951. Clerk The sixteenth sitting of the Court of Revision was celmueuc¢d at 10.CO ~8gh December~ 19DO) at which the follo~t~ action was taken: Members present: Roll No. Appellant 9183 Levite, B. 1243 Levtne, Louis 2~57 Hunt Motors Sheriff V.L.Da%-idson, Chaizmmu and dh'. W.A.~h'aser. Description Land 1905 ~in Street 4,91~} 13,$1[> 519-29 Queen Street 20,129 30,0~9 686 Huron Street 2,730 14,47~ Court then adjourned. S,..m.v-j of action taken by Court: Land increased Land decreased BuildingS increased Buildings decreased Remission of Taxes $ 3,615.oo 3%388.50 35,625.0o 792,135.0o 1,214.82 Oertifie& correct~ Chairman