Council Chamber,
6th. January, 1958.
In accordance with the provisions of The Nunicipal Act, the Council met at
11.00 o'clock with all Nembers present. The Council included His Worship., Nayor
Hawkins and Aldermen H.G.Brooks, George Nartin, Franklin J.Niller, Arthur J.NcKinley,
Harold C. Morton, George H.Mowers and James G. White.
The Statutory Declarations of Office and Qualifications were £iled with the
Clerk when the Oaths of Office had been taken byNagistrate Johnstone L. Robarts.
It was then ordered on the motion of Ald, White and Ald. Norton that a vote
of thanks be extended to Mogistrate Roberrs by His Worship Nayor Hawkins.
Carried Unanimously.
After this, the Council was duly organized and open for the transaction of
general business.
PollswinS the Invocation, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Brooks and
AId. Mortin that Archdeacon A.T.F.Bolmes
his service at the meeting,
the Officiating Clergyman, be thanked for
Carried Unanimously.
His Worship Mayor Hawkins then delivered his Inaugural Address.
In beginning my eighth term as Moyor of the finest City in the Dominion of
Canada, - NiaBara Falls - which is a focal poin~ of tourist attraction the world over,
I do so ~ith a Sreat deal of pride, having received another term by acclamation, and
I am also very.conscious of the responsibility that has been placed on me. I feel too
that this is a vindication of my conduct in the highest office of our fair City, there-
fore, I pledge to all of the citizens that I will continue to strive to maintain the
honour thathas bean given me with fairness to all.
We are beginninS the year 1958 with the re-election of three Aldermen -
AldermanMorton, Alderman Mowers and Alderman NcKinley. I extend to the Aldermen my
congratulations and I feel that I am Justified in thinkinS the Electors are satisfied
with the conduct of Council in the administration of the affairs of the' City. To
AldermanMiller, Alderman Martin, Alderman Brooks and Alderman White you have another
year to serve and I am quite sure you will agree with me that we, as a Council, will
continue in a progressive manner to administer the a~fairs of this municipality in a
viSorsus and honest manner, seekinS Divine Guidance in our deliberations.
N,P., and
At this time, Ladies and-Gentlemen, I would like to extend Co Mr, W. L,Rouck,
Nr, A. C, Jolley, N.P.P,, and lthbir families, our very best wishes for their
success and many thanks for the co-operation we have received from them,
I hasten to welcomeat this time all the Public Officials of the various
bodies, the appointed representatives and the public°spirited citizens who have taken
time off to be with us at this InauSural Neetin~ of 1958.
Time does not permit me to make a hall report of all the various Boards
on which I have the pleasure to serve, namely, the Hospital Board, LibraryBoard ,
Hydro Comalesion of Niagara Palls, Police Commission, Board of Health, and Parks
Commission, but suffice it to say that all members of the Boards work diligently
in the interests of the citizens of Niagara Palls and a huge percentage of them
without remuneration.
At th~s time, too, I would like to thank Nr. N. S. err, O.B.B., City
!tangSet; Hr. Clancy Fatten, City Clerk; Hr. Harold Dickson, Treasurer; tit.
Ralph Zimmerman, Assessor; Hiss Naude Henderson, Tax Collector; the City Hall
Staff, the heads of Departments and the employees for the co-operation I have
received during my terms of office and I am sure the Aldermen will agree with
me that this co-operation has been most helpful.
Also, I would like to extend my thanks to Chief Cecil Pay and his
Officers and to Fire Chief William Wade and his staff and all. branches of the
municipality for the very fine protection and services that have been given to
the citizens. I have said on many occasions that we in Niagara Falls enjoy many
services that are not given in ~ther municipalities and we should be must
,appreciative of them.
Early in 1957, City Council was faced with the task of selling debentures
amounting to $1,0~5,000.00 to cover work completed in 1956 and expenditures already
provided for the year 1957. Inca?eat races rose steadily during the late months in
1955 and Council found it necessary to revise the interest rates in the by-laws
upward to 5-3/4 percent. This is the highest rate paid by Niagara Falls for many
years. Our bond dealers, J.L.Graham and Company, Toronto, were able to sell the
lon~ term debentures without too much difficulty but had to work very hard to find
'a market for $394,000.00 of short term debentures. The market was so uncertain
that Council instructed that only the absolutely essential capital expenditures be
considered during the year 1957. Although the total capital expenditures authorized
in 1957 amount to $1,20~,525.50, the extensions to the ~ater Filtration Plant account
for $1,075,000.00 of this total, so that general expenditures for capital works were
reduced to $~28,52~.50 for the year.
The outside staff of the City maintained the.various services at a high
standard of efficiency throughout the year and considerable progress was made in
providing relief from flooding and improving the conditions of our highways.
As you realize a considerable amount of money was expended during theyear
enlarging sewers in many sections of the City. A new sewer was constructed on North
Hain Street 'between Summer Street and North Street at a cost of approximately
$13,900.00. A new sewer was constructed on the cast side of Drtm,~nd Road between
Barker Street and Gulp Street at a cost of $5,050.00 and also a new sewer on Barker
Street from Drtm~ondRoad to a point 550 £eet east of Dr,,nnoudRoad at a cost of
$6,200.00. A now storm sewer was placed on Huron Street between Third Avenue and
Homewood Avenue at a cost of $43,500.00. Upon completion of the Huron Street sewer,
it was possible to construct a new sewer on HomeMood Avenue between Haple Street
and Cedar Street at a cost of $7,570.00. Bad floodin~ on Homewood Avenue in the
area serve~ by the new sewers should be eliminated. A new 30-inch sewer was con-
strutted on Slater Avenue between Hche Street and Stamford Street. The size of
the sewer was controlled by the rub-off from the area mast of Slatmr Avenue which
~ill be carried west on Stamford Street from!lacDonald JAvahue. The cost of the
Slater Avenue sewer was $13,600.00.
During the year, the' large storm sewer to relieve Faaddy Run Trunk sewer
was completed, This sewer is 72 inches in diameter and goes from River Road to
Bucklay ~veuue on Park Street; On Bucklay Avenue betweend Park Street and ~een
Street and on Valley Way from Bucklay Avenue to the intersection of Huron Street
and 'Victoria Avenue. The maxim depth of excavation at the intersaction of Park
Street and Bucklay Avenue was 2~ feet. Some kquicksand was,encountered on Park
Street and B~ckley Avenue which slowed down the construction schedule considerably.
The approximate cost of this sewer was ~3~2,41~.00. The portion of the work
constructed in 19~6 cost $172,000.00 and th~.portio8 constructed in 19~7.cost
$170,~15.00. All of the work outlined above was part of the work proiram for the
yma~ 1956 but was carried over into the year 19~7. The cost of the york was
included. in the debentures sold early in 1957. Due tothe *tight money* litnation,
it was not considered advisable to proceed with a more.~xtensive sewer program in
the year 1957.
Early in the year it was anticipated that we would be able to proceed
with some major road construction, buC again the condition of the money market forced
abandonment of such work and were compelled to confine pavement improvements to our
regular yearly allotment of a net cost of approximately $60,000.00. In this program,
we were able to widen North Main Street between Summer Street and North Street to ~
feet and rapave the same. It was also possible to widen the pavement on North Street
between Temperance Avenue and North Main Street to a width of 3~ feet and repays the
entire surface. New asphalt surfaces were placed on Temperance Avenue from North
Street to Ferry Street; Huron Street from Victoria Avenue to Second ~venue and from
Third Avenue to Sixth Avenue; Sixth Avenue from Herrisen Street to Bridge Street;
Maple Street from Victoria Avenue to Second Avenue; Welland Avenue from Queen Street
to Park Street; Clifton Avenue fromPark Street to Bridge Street; Robinson Street
from Allen Avenue to Clark Avenue; Buchanan Avenue from Hurray Street to Ferry Street;
St.Lawrence Avenue from Simcoe Street to Jepson Street; Kitchener Street from k Pewell
Avenue to MacDonald Avenue; Queen Street from Buckley Avenue to Victoria Avenue;
Homewood Avenue ~rom Bridge Street to the north limits; Second Avenue £rom Bridge
Street to Hamilton Street and Buttrey Street from Broughton Avenue to Terrace Avenue.
In addition, as an experiment, the surface on Buchanan Avenue between North Street
and Lincoln Street was built up with several coats of bitumuls and stone chip. The
cost of this surface is cbmparable with the cost of a new asphalt surface. A farther
experiement was tried on Centre Streat between Lewis Avenue and NcGrail Avenue where
an armoured seal coat was placed. This surface is fairly reasonable in price and if
it wears well, may be used fairly extensively in the future.
The property owners petitioned for a sheet asphalt surface on Slater Avenue
between HoRse Street and Stamford Street and the work was constructed as a Local
Improvement. On petition, concrete curbs and gutters were constructed on Detroit
Avenue between Stamford Street and HcRae Street and on Hurray Street, north side,
from PineSrove Avenue to Druunond Road. Under petition, concrete sidewalks were
constructed on Hamilton Street, south side, from Third Avenue to Fourth Avenue and
St. Lawrence Avenue, east side, from Ellis Street to Simcoe Street.
Macadam Road surfaces were constructed on Terrace Avenue from Leader Lane
to Ferguson Street; Lombard Avenue from Lincoln Street to Spring Street; Grey Avenue
from Robinson Street to Ferry Street; Detroit Avenue from Stamford Street to HoRse
Street; Huron Street from Sixth Avenue to Homewood Avenue; HcKenzie Place east from
Drumend Road; Delaware Street from Pine Grove Avenue to Drunnnond Road; Orchard
Avenue from Synnes Street to a point 200 feet south and Barker Street from Drummond
Road to a point 550 feet easterly.
The Major project of the year was the conxnencement of extensions to the
Filtration Plant. The plant supplies water for a small section of the Township of
Willoughby, the Village of Chippawn, the Township of Stamford, a portion of the
Tonship of Niagara and the City of Niagara Falls. We are blessed with an ample
supply of water taken from the Welland River. This water is dra~n from the Grass
Island Pool through the intake of the Sir Adam Neck No. 1 development. Over the years
we have experienced very little interference due to ice even during periods of maximum
flow. The raw water taken from the Welland River is of exceptionally good quality,
but must be purl'fled and delivered to the consumers. The plant presently in operation
went into service in 1931 and has been fairly adequate up to the present. However,
the rated capacity of the filters is 10 million gallons per day and our pumping
hcllities 15 million gallons per day. During extremely warm, dry evenings, weltave
had Co deliver water at the rate of 18million gallons per day to meet the demand
even though sprinkling restrictions were in force.
The estimated cost of the proposed'extensions is 91,100,000.00. The annmaX
Payments for debt retireneat will be.made from the revenues so should not influence
themill rate o~ the City of Niagara Falls.
It was obvious that in order to meet the needs of a growing community, it
would be necessary to enlarge our facilities. Council, after very serious consideration,
decided to practically duplicate the existing plant. This means the installation of
eight new filter beds raising the rate capacity from 10 to ~0 million Ballone per day
and the actual capacity frca 12 to 2/~ million palIons per day. The pumping capacity
at the present time-is nominally 15 million gallons per day, but' by overloading pumps
and motors, we have been able to pump as much as 18 million gallons a day. It is now
Proposed to increase the pump capacity to 32 million ~allons per day with the possi-
bility of delivering at the rate of 35 million ~allons.perday during peak periods.
The various contracts are being let having in mind that the additional
facilities most be available for June 1st, 1958. The first contract for the
work was let to Smi.th Bros. Construction Company for the construction of the
mixinS chambers and settling basins at a cost of $132,836.93. This contract is
now practically completed. The contract for the supply and installation of
filter equipment was awarded to Francis Hankin at a cost of $205,873.50.
I4ork on this portion of the job will connonce this week. The contra~t for the
construction of the new filter building was awarded to Newman Bros., St.CaCharines,
for the sum of $114,990.05. This work is progressing ahead of schedule. The
tender for the supply of pumps and motors was let to provide for DeLaval Pumps
and ~4estinghouse motors for the sum of $142,293.00. The contract for the
Electrical Equipment was awarded to Canadian General Electric for the sum of
$79,180.00, and the contract for three ,1,000 K.V.A. Craneformers to English
Electric for the sum of $15,910.00. Several additional tenders have been
awarded for check valves, butterfly valves, revolving screens, etc. It is
anticipated Chat the final cost will be approximately the amount originally
estimated for the project.
The work of Setting the new facilities in operation by June lst.1958
is complicated because before that date, we most change over from 25 to 60 cycle
power. Due to this reconversion, it has been decided to scrap the three high
lift and three low lift pumps now in use and to replace them with entirely new
units instead of depending for our water supply on rewound motors driving old
pumps remodelled to operate at higher speeds. As our water supply depends wholly
on the continuous operation of our pumps, the installation of new units was
considered essential by members of the City Council..
Of course, the additional cost of purifying and delivering water will
necessitate increased revenue and unfortunately, this will have to be provided
by higher rates. A new rate schedule has been approved for the water sold to
neiEhbourins municipalities and it will also be necessary to raise the rates of
City water consumers. Nowever, it most be kept in mind that although meter rates
were increased in 1950, there has been no increase in the flat rate charfee since
1931. It appears that the flat rate water delivered to residents of Niagara Falls
is the only major costnodfty that has not increased in price in over 25 years.
During the year 1957, the three monicipalities of Stamford, Chippawa and
Niagara Falls decided it was advisable to have a ~eport prepared by a firm of
qualified consultants to determine if a merger of the .three municipalities is
feasible and desirable.
The decision to ~q, loy a firm of consultants to conduct [he study is
unique. This is a matter of whole-hnurted co-operation of the three mantci-
pallties concerned because the members.of the various Councils feel that the
citizens are ~ntitled to kno~ what benefits would accrue from a merger and what
the disadvantages would be. It is probably the only example of neiBhbouring
municipalities entering amicably into a study of such magnitude. Usually mergers,
amalgamations or annexations ar~ accompanied by intense rivalry and bitter c~ents
from the areas affected.
The proposed study is for informatiQn only. There have been us con~it-
ments made either for or against a merger by any group or any individual. It is
hoped that when the study has bee~ tompieCed, it will be possible for the
Consultants to make a definite recome~dation. If their report indicates that
the status quo should be preserved, that will be the end of the matter for some
time. However, if their report indicates that some type of merger is desirable,
then a more detailed study will.be necessary to deal with the many problems that
most be resolved and adjusted.
There are mnymaJor problems that most be considered. Probably the
It is essential that all residents of the three municipalities acquaint
themselves with all the information available conc~rning the question of a merger,
but it is respectfully suggested that individuals do not form snap decisions on a
portion of the information, but keep an open mind until a complete report has been
prepared. It will then be the duty of our citizens to study the subject matter
carefully and decide what form of municipal government will best serve the interest
of this district w~ighing present conditions against the probable situation in the
future. This entire area has every prospect of a prosperious future and it may be
that our continued prosperity hinges on a united conuunity with a population large
enouEh to command the attention of industry and con~erce.
Alderman George Mowers and Alderman George Martin ~ere the elected repre-
sentatives from Niagara Falls serving on the Survey Comm{ttee during 1957. Alderman
Mowers was Chairman of the Committee and Mr. Carl Huggins, Clerk of the Township of
Stamford, acted as Secretary. The Consultants employed to conduct the survey eke
Deacon, Arnett and Murray of Toronto.
During the year 1957, it became apparent that it would benecessary to
proceed with preliminary studies respecting a sewage treatment plant ~or the City
of Niagara Falls. Alderman James C. ~hite and the City Manager aCtended several
meetings of monicipalities bordering on International ~aters which face the invest-
ment of large sums of money in building sewage treatment plants. The group of
municipalities hoped to secure assistance from the Federal Covernment toward the
construction costs, but up to the present time have been unsuccessful. This matter
will be considered further during this year. In the meantime, however, the City of
Niagara Falls have retained H. G. Acres and Company to prepare a preliminary report.
This report will be available for consideration early in the New Year.
Late in the fall of 1956, the City of Niagara Falls purchased a building
on Broughton Avenue which it was proposed to use as a City Garage. Early in 1957,
the necessary equipment to operate the garage was purchased and a staff hired. The
garage has been in operation for about nine months and the results have been very
satisfactory to date. The motive equipment has been overhauled and put into first
class condition and it is anticipated that by the end of 1958 our motive equipment
should be all repainted and a credit to the City.
In the ~all of 1957, it was apparent that additional office space was
required in the Police Building at the corner of Park Street and Clifton Avenue.
In order to obtain this space, City Council decided to instel an elevator in the
building so that the .third floor would be available. It was estimated that the
elevator could be installed and the 'third floor renovated for the approximate amount
of $30,000.00. This work is now in progress and it is anticipated the space will be
available for use about the end of February.
City Council continued efforts during the year to have the grant in lieu
of taxes for Hydro properties increased. Advice has been received that a schedule
iS being prepared respecting grants in lieu of taxes on Hydro properties throughout
the Frowince and it is anticipated that a satisfactory schedule will be available
shortly. All schedules studied up to this time have not been beneficial to the
City of Niagara Palls.
The Department of Highways has advised Council that it intends to put
back under control of Niagara Falls a portion of Falls Avenue, Clifton Ell1 from
Falls Avenue to River Eoad and Bender Hill from Rlvexx!Road to Falls Avenue. This
will probably mean an increase in cost of maintenance because since the construction
of the Rainbow Bridge, these costs have been borne by the Department.
~hile this matter of reversion was under disCusWish, members of Council
requested the Minister of gighways to study the Rainbow Bridge Bill and other
regulations to see i~ an adequate grant in lieu of taxes could be made to the City of
most important feature concerns the S rants payable by the Provincial Government Niagara Falls which now receives the small 8rant of $12,000.00 per annum for the
to the monicipalities for roads, schools and per capita, etc. As you know, these :sinbow Bridge and all the approaches to the same and including the rentable properties
v ry considerably a,t present. It is also necessary to forecast what the annual consid:ra~,t * h Hencurable J. N. Allan promised to ~ive the suggestion careful
aydro, t/ater, Parks and Transportation. It is also necessary to consider care-
ally 'the ~el~Cions with the C0u~nty of 14el!and. Niagara Palls'is S~ar~ted from an endira ehabilitation schedule for public schools was coemenced in 1956 with
the Couuty],]a~dministration but Stamford and Chip~paw~ ~re part of the county 1957 but e $ , 0.?0. It was planned to spend $100,000.00 on the scheme in
organi,,tion. Zn the event o, · ,,,,r ',t i',h, sa, ,n,u,-' ar; ,du a ,ght -.nay ,it. rich made it n,csaeary for uncil to reqa,,t the
'ericvats the heatinS system in Memorial School. This money was provided by Council
In November, 1957 the radio equipment was installed for the Fire
Department. The control station is located at Nain Street Hall and the Chief's
car and one fire truck from each hall is equipped with a radio unit. This
means that the Chief has conlnunication with his staff at all times. It is just
an example of Council's desire to make the protective agencies of the City
efficient and modern.
During the fall of 1957, the Niagara Palls Rydro Coxm~ission commenced
the installation of underground circuits to replace the obsolete overhead
structures. The first phase of the york included underground on Second Avenue
from Armoury Street to Kitchener Street; on Kitchener Street and Lewis Avenue
from Second Avenue to midway between Centre Street and 14agdalen Street· This is
the first step on a proSrange that will eventually remove overhead from the streets
of the City. The program, must, of course, be carried out gradually as finances
are available.
During the year the Hydro also improved the street lighting on North
Nain Street, Victoria Avenue at the Centre and on Centre Street and Clifton~Hill.
This is another programme that will be accelerated as finances are available.
Probably one of the most important decisions affecting all municipalities
resulted from the recent Dominion-Provincial Conference. For the first time, the
majority of the Provinces attending the Conference had representatives of the mani-
cipalities with them to advise concerning the many municipal problems. As a
result of the Conference, the Government of the Province of Ontario has a~ised
that the following changes have been adopted:-
The distinction that has existed between the uuemployable and the
employable unemployed person has been abolished.
Nunicipal contributions to unemployment assistance will be reduced
-to 20 percent compared to the existing 40 percent.
The Province will hereafter pay 80 percent of the cost of medical
services. This reduces the municipal contribution by 20 percent.
Formunicipally-operated Homes for the Aged, the Government con-
tribution is increased from 50 percent to hpproximately 75 percent.
Certain charitable institutions which give care to un~loyed persons
will receive additional ~qvernment assistance.
Up to the present, after-care for patients discharged from T.B.
Sanatoria has been borne wholly by the municipalities. Prom this
date, 80 percent of the cost will be borne by the Provincial Govern-
IC is impossible at the present time to estimate the saving to the City
of Niagara Falls of Chess changes, buC there can be no doubt that the relief will
be substantial.
Durin2 1957, it became evident that more attention should be given to
the organization of Civil Defence. The rapdi advance in guided missile makes
it imperative that the residents of urban municipalities be organized and trained
so that the most effective measures can be taken to assure survival and the
continuation of our civilization. l)urinS the early fall, Welland County was
organized andMr. Charles Blumewas appointed as County Co-Ordinator. The County
has been divided into four areas and Arena includes Willoughby, Chippawn, Stamford
and Niagara Falls. Considerable work will be necessary to achieve an effective
organization in Area A but this work must be proceeded with at the earliest possible
date. Aldanmn James Go White represents the City o~ Niagara Falls on the County
Throughout the year, work has progressed on the construction of the
Greater Niagara General Hospital· The Nurses* Residence is in operation and the
work on the main buildinS is proSteasing satis~actorily. The City of Niagara Falls
has completed its share of the payments authorized by the citizens of the munici-
During the year, the Traffic Committee tried to improve conditions for
both pedestrians and motorists. Traffic control lights were installed at the inter-
section of Victoria Avenue and Simcoe Street and at the intersection of Queen Street
and St. Clair Avenue. 'Walk" signals were placed at the intersection of!~ain Street
and Ferry Street. In order to enable traffic to move safely, parking was prohibited
on one side of the street as follows:-
On Bridge Street from Erie Avenue to Stanley Avenue
On Norrison Street from Victoria Avenue to Stanley Avenue,
On Robinson Street from C~ark Avenue Co ]4ain Street
On Buchanan Avenue from ~urray Street to Ferry Street
On Ellen Avenue from Ferry Street to Walnut Street.
During 1957, the majority of Council revised its former policy respecting
the construction of motels within the confines of the City. Permission to erect
motels was granted at the following locaCions:-
1. Part of lot 180, River Road - between Leader Lane and North City Limits.
2. Part of lot 199, River Road - between Park Street and Queen Street.
3. Lot 5, at the intersection of Spring Street and Stanley Avenue.
Lot 1 at the intersection of Clark Avenue and Ferry Street.
5. Lot 2, at the intersection of Nogdalen Avenue and Victoria Avenue.
An application for the use of lot 9 and part of lot 10 on the north side
of Lundy*s Lane between Hanan Avenue and Drummond Road is at present under consideration.
Construction work is underway on one of the premises at the present time.
Applications have been received for permission to erect motels from owners
of four properties located in residential areas. Because of the refusal of the
Municipal Board to approve the City of Niagara Falls;By-law, it is not possible to
grant permission to any of these owners under existing conditions.
Early in 1957, a new agreement was entered into with the County of Welland
respecting the distribution of costs for the Administration of Justice and operation
of the Registrary Office. Very cordial relations exist with members of the City
Council and County Officials. This yes exemplified when Alderman Nillet artended
with County representatives at Ottawa respecting the proposed toll structure for the
- ~elland Ship Canal. Due to existing legislation, it is probable that tolls will have
to be levied but it is the earnest hope of all residents in this district that the
structure viii be designed to help industry of the area rather than hamper it. The
Committee rill continue to fight for a moderate toll structure.
The population of the City increased slightly in 1957, rising from 23,818
to 23,852. This increase is not large, but it does tend to show that wemay expect the
population to remain at approximately 24,000. Any large increase cannot be anticipated
due to the shortage of residential building sites.
The taxable assessment for land, buildings and business rose to approximately
~46,300,000.00. This. is an increase of ~770,000.00.
· ui ~ · this lncr
· debt for 1958 Is therefore appwoximtely
y r.1958, we will =stirs $266J81.80 of our tanble debe so
1958 our tanhie debt should be reduced by about $1J8,~56.30,
However, the capital expenditures shown in the budget £or the year
1958 and affecting the debt position in 1959 amount.to $482,800.00. It is
estimated that the taxable retirement debt in 1959 viII be approximately
$310,000.00. If the taxable debt is not to be increased, it will be necessary
to revise the 1958 expenditures from $/,82,800.00 to $310,000.00 or a reduction
of about 35 percent, This can be accomplished by the elimination of certain
items or by paring down on all the items considered essential proportionately,
The general operatinS costs of the municipality are increasing year
by year due to shorter working hours, higher wage and salary schedules and'
improved and addiCloeal services provided. The amount of money to be raised
by levies on real estate and business is limited and if we are to provide the
services our citizen~ demand, we must have additional sources of revenue. Every
effort should be expended by Council in 1958 to secure more reasonable grants in
lieu of taxes from the Hydro Electric Power Co~sntssion of Ontario, the Rainbow
sBridge and the Niagara Parks Commission, It should also be apparent that a
more equitable division of tax revenue between Federal, Provincial and Municipal
authorities is long overdue, The municipalities of Canada have from time to
time expressed their dissatisfaction with the existinE split but have not made
a concerted effort Co have the matter adjusted. It would appear that a well-
organized effort might make some headway at the coming Federal-Provincial
Council will be called upon to consider carefully the question of the
erection and operation of a sewage treatment plant, The matter must be given
intense study as the cost of construction is heavy and operating costs will be
an additional tax burden, The actual start of construction must be tied in with
the existing financial resources of the City,
Without being a pessimist, I think we must all realize that there is
a re-adjustment of our material ecopemy underway. This is reflected in the slow-
do~n in construction and heavy industry and to a certain extent in the retail
division, The considerable reduction in the value of stocks and bonds is a
result of this condition, The number of persons unemployed is increasing more
rapidly than in recent years, This condition applies to the entire hemisphere,
but the conditions in this area are our major concern, Mr. Thomas W, Brunts
Manager of the National Emplol~nent Service advised that on. December 31st,1957,
there were 1,937 males and 1,042 females registered at his office, This is a
total of 2,979 persons, On December 31st, 1956 there were 863males and 678
females or a total of 1,541 persons registered. The total persons drawing
assistance was 1,~03 in 1956 and 2,880 in 1957. When un~p. loymemt exceeds ten
perce~t of the working force, conditions are considered serious. It can be seen
that at present unemplolment is in excess of fourteen percent of the working force.
It is apparent that municipal authorities of the area must co-operate with
Provincial and Federal Agencies to meet a fairly serious condition. It would
appear that the first quarter of 1958 will be a difficult one, but present
indications would suggest that a large.increase in deftnee spending my alleviate
this situation within a few months., It is also possible that large expenditures
on the power project on the American side of the Niagara River may indirectly
improve the condition, However, until the situation improves, expenditures must
be rigidly controlled and all luxury items eliminated £rommunicipal .spending.
Very early in the ymar, Council viII have to take action to provide
additional space if the "landfill" method of disposal of garbage and rubbish is
to be coniinued, The areain use is filling up rapidly ands new site will be
required early in 1959.
On previous occasions in Inaugural Addresses, I have stressed the need
for flirther grants or relief [F. om the burden of increased costs of hospitalization,
child vel~are, administration of Justice, education and grants in lieu of ~axes.
~hile the' Federal and Provincial Goverr~ents have partially achaovledSed this in
their reconstruction of the municipalities* financing, this Gownell viI1, o~
necessity, have to ~ontinue their efforts for flirther consideration.
Ladies and Gentlemen, and Members of Council, we must proceed with the
Ageride as time is running out. I think you so very much for attending ~his 1958
Inaugural Nesting. Your attendance will inspire all members of Council to continue
to work on your behalf. I also want to personally thank the Venerable Archdeacon
Holmes and His ~orship. Magistrate Johnstone Roberrs for their part, which they have
done so well. at this Inaugural Meeting and on behalf of the Hemberg of Council and
myself, I extend to you and to all the citizens of Niagara Falls, the sincere wish
that the year 1958 will bring the very best of good health, happiness and success.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and -~ld. Miller, that the Hayor's
Inaugural Address to spread on the minutes.
Carried UnanimouslX~
The minutes of the previous meeting, having been received and read, were
adopted on the motion of AId. Mowers and Ald. White.
The City Clerk certified as to the result of the poll on ~he 2rid, of
December, 1957; and on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Brooks it was ordered that
the communication be received and filed.
The following Resolutions were passed;
No. 1 - MARTIN - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that Alderman James G. White be and is hereby
appointed the Chairman of the Finance Con~ittee of the City Council for the year 1958;
and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimousl_s~ly_L
N0, 2 -MILLER - MOldERS - RESOLVED that Dr. J. H. Davidson, Mrs. J. R. Kelly and
George Burlay be and are hereby appointed as Members of the Local Board of Health
for the year 1958; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously,
No. 3 - WHITE - NORTON - RESOLVED that'Mr. Claude A. Findlay be and is hereby appointed
as a representative of the City Council on the Public Library Board for the years 1958
1959 and 1960; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanim~t
No. 4 - BROOKS - NANTIN -RESOLVED that John Clement and Albert Benson be and are
hereby appointed members of the Court of Revision for the year 1958; and the Seal of
~he Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimousl~.
N0.5 - McKINLEy - MII.L~ - RESOLVED that Alderman James G, White be and is hereby
appointed as the representative of the City Council on the Greater Niagara Area Planning
Board for the year 1958; Mr. E. A, Thomas for the years 1958, 1959 and 1960 and Nr.o,w.
zimaerman for the years 1958 and 1959; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
~ flirthe~2i~t~on these very i~or~an~'m~ers, I will only.s~ress a~ ~his y 19~8, and ~he S~l o~ the Corporation be berate affixed.
. me, in vi~ o~ th~ tlSht ~ney mrket and hi~ interest rates, t~t BCO~ of the O~N P i · o~ the City Council on the B~rd of Oo~rnors
on the part of the Chimu of JFiMnee and m~bers. of Council is of paramunt ~rried UMni
i~or~ant~ ~ot.~nly ~or this yet, but in the fliturea I know tht the Aidemen.
- Potation be hareCo a~fixmd. Y , nd the
!!! 3 0 6
No. 8 -HARTIN - McKINI~Y - RESOLVED that Alderman Harold C, Hotton be and is
hereby appointed as the representative of the City Council on the Childtense
Aid Society for the County of Welland for the year 1958; and the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed,
Carried UnanimouslZa
Council adjourned for lunch on the motion of Ald. Howera and Ald. Miller until
2,40 p.m.
No.9 - HILIZR - NO~RS - RESOLVED that Mr. Charles NorSate be and is hereby
appointed the Weed Inspector for the City of HieSara Falls for the year 1958~
and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimouslye.
No, 10 - ~HIT! - NORTON -RESOLVED that Aldermen HuSh G. Brooks, Franklin J.Niller
and George H. Nowere be and are hereby appointed as members of the Froperry,
Sanitation and Building Committee of the City Council for the year 1958; and the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
READ AND ADOFrED, 13th. January, 1958.
No. 11 - BROOKS - MILLER * RESOLVED that Aldermen A. J. McKinley,Qeorge Martin and
Harold C. Norton be and are hereby appointed as members of the Arena, Parks and
Recreation Conxnittee of the City Council for the year 1.958; and the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously._
No. 12 - MARTIN o MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that Aldermen Harold C. Morton, Jemes.G.~hite
and Franklin J. Nillet be and are hereby appointed as members of the Traffic Com-
mittee ~f the City Council for the year 1958; and the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
Carried UnanimousJj'_.
No. 13 - MORTON - McKItil~Y - RESOLVED that Aldermen George Martin, James G. ~hite
George g. Mowers and Hugh G. Brooks be and are hereby appointed as members of the
Noeagement, Negotiations,and Equipment Committee of the City Council for the year
1958; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimousl~.
Council Chamber,
6th. January, 1958.
The Council re-assembled at Z.~O p.m. for the purpose of considering the
general business and finance which had been properly presented to them. All Members
of Council were present.
No. 1~ - NO~ERS - MORTON -RESOLVED that AIdermen Arthur J,McKtnley, and James G.
~hite be and are hereby appointed as members of the Employeest Christmas Party
· Concities o2 the City Council for the year 1958; and the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 15 - ~ltlTg - BROOKS - RESOLVED that AIdermen George Nortin and Harold C.Norton
be and are hereby appointed as the representatives of the City Council on the
'Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce Industrial Committee for the year 1958; and
the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 16 -MARTIN -NO~iRS - RESOLVED that Aldermen Franklin J. Miller and Arthur J.
.McKinley be and are hereby appointed as the representatives of the City Council on
the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce Tourist Committee for the year 1958; and
the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed,
Carried Unanimously.
No. 17 - NILLEa - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that Alderman James G. ~rnite be and is hereby
appointed as Council'o representative on the County Consaittee re Reserve Fund for
the year 1958; and the Se~l of the Corporation be hereto agfixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 18 - _~Ke~TON - BaOOIS - RESOLVED that Aldermen George a, No~ers, George Hartin,
City Hamager W,S,Orr and City Clerk D,C.Pattenbe end are hereby appointed as members
of the HerSet Survey Committee to work in conJunction~ith similar eoxmittees of
Stamford and Chippawn on the proposed mer~er surVey; and the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed. s
Carried Unanimously.
Mr, Payne of Fraser and Fraserss Law Office was present at the meeting and
on the motion of AId, Mowers and Aid. Norton it was ordered that he be heard. He
advise~ that he was present with reference to the application of Nr. ~ebster for s
permit to erect a motel at 2179 Lundy's Lane and a~ainst which the question of the
traffic situation has been raised by the Drummond Hill Presbyterian Church which is
located adjacent to the proposed motel site. Mr. Payne requested tHat Council grant
the opportunity to the parties concerned to prepare a rebuttal in answer to the
question of traffic which has been referred to.
SEE Comunications 317 and 3.
~ ~
over from pr.viou, meetin.:
Co,,.icatio., I a,d 2.
SEE Communication Number 3
;::/°'.';:ZX,:ZZZ;:;'.';;::;,':";:;:::,,., ,0...,,....,0....,0. 0, ,0., ,.,,..
It ~as eyed by AId, ~rton .and seconded by AId, Brooks t~t the co~nications be
received and fil~ and the resolution o~ the City o~ Port Arthur be encased, This
inioStion, was ~rried by a vote of 5 to 21 the ~te bel~, Aye -Ald. Nc~nley,
~rtin~ ~ite, ~ers and ~ller; Nays - AId, Morton and Brooks.
No. 3 o Re~. Victor Flddes, Lundy's Lane United Church - requesting Council's
careful consideration in granting building permits on Lundyes Lane. ORDERED'on
the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Brooks Chat the communications be received
and tabled for one week and the spokesman for the applicant for the building permit
at 2179 Lundy's Lane be given permission Co present a rebuttal on the traffic
situation in that area.
No. 4 - Hayor grnest M. Hawkins - advising of appointment of Mr. Jack G. Collins
as his representative on the Court of Revision for the year 1958; ORDERED on the'
· otion of AId, Mowers and Aid. Norton that the communication be received and
No,-5-- Greater.Niagara-Community.Chest - invitation.to Annual.Meeting on January
16th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald, Mowers that the invitation be
received and accepted and Alderman White be delegated to represent the Hayor at this
meeting and as many of the Members of Council desiring to attend, so siRnify in order
that the City Clerk may obtain the necessary tickets.
No. 6 - Niagara Falls Girls* Work Board - requesting permission to hold a tag day on
'Hay 3rd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hawers and AId. Morton that the ctm~unication
be received and filed and permission granted.
No. 7 - Junior Chamber of Commerce - invitation to Civic Night on January 15th.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Aid. Harton that the invitation be received
and accepted and as many of the Members of Council desiring to attend, so signify
in order that the City Clerk may obtain the necessary tickets.
No. 8 - Kiwanis Club - invitation to luncheon on January 31st. 01DKRBI) on the motion
of Ald. Brooks and AId. Nowera that the invitation be received and accepted with the
understanding that there will be no discussion on the subject of the possible merger
of the three municipalities concerned and that a copy of our letter be for~zarded to
the'Clerks of Stamford and Chippawn.
No. 9 - Chairman, Welland Count~ Civil Defence Committee - requesting name and address
of Council's representative for Civil DeranGe in 1958. ORDERED on the motion of ~ld.
Morton and Ald. Miller that the commnication be received and they be advised that
Alderman James G. DZhite is to be the appointee from Niagara Falls for 1958.
The City HenaBet then advised that .he desired that .all Members of
Council be his guests aC the Rotary Club luncheon on Janmary 14th. at 12.15 p.m. at
which time Brigadier Whitelaw, Ontario Region of Civil Defence Organization will be
the speaker. )Jr. err further advised that Nr.C~arles Blume, County CoOrdinator
would also be in attendance. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hartin and Ald. )lowers
that the invitation of the City Hanager be received and accepted and as many of the
Members of Council as find it possible attend.
No.. 10 - Ontario Good Roads Association - Annual Convention in Toronto, Feb.25th-26th.
ORDERED on the marion of Ald, Hartin and AId. Brooks that the communication be received
and filed and as many of the Members of Council desirin~ to attend be permitted to do
so; the Clerk to ascertain the na es of those who will attend, along with the City
Manager, City Engineer and Street Superintendent.
Laid over from previous meetin2s;
No. 231 (1957 File) - City Harmget - re local improvements on Peer Street. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Hartin and Ald. Nowera that the report be spin tabled until
the .preparation of the current budget and also a ::;~pital tmdge~,
SEE Petition No.9.
No. 2~9 (1957 File) - Traffic Committee - re parkingproblem at Memorial Arena.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Movers and Aid. McKinley that the matter be referred
to the ~rafficCommittee with the thought of eliminating parking in certain areas and
the necessity o~ instituCtng oneeway streets i~ desirable.
No. 280 (1957 file) - City Manager - reporting on certain information taken from
Financial StatistiO~ prepared by the Citizens* Research Institute of Canada regarding
Ontario municipalities. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Nillet that
the report be referred to the Hanagement Con~ittee for submission of a report ~hen
the Budget Committee is in session.
The following Reports were presente_~j_d'
No. 1 - City Manager - recommending installation of master fire alarm connection with
City fire alarm system for Gerber-Ogilvie of Canada. ORDERED on the motion of Aid.
Morton and AId. Brooks that the report be received and adopted.
In this connection, AId. Martin queried the repor~ which is to be presented to Council
on fire alarm system and the City Hanager advised that if it was decided to eliminate
the same, the special connections would have to be mainted at the cost to individual
No. 2 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of
Martin and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted and licences issued
AId. Miller referred to his previous remarks to the possible prolonging
the tourist season and the possibility of an annual Easter Parade, as an inducement
to tourists, and desired to know whether it was the intention to wait for the Chamber
of Commerce to act. His &vetship the Mayor delegated Alderman Miller to ascertain from
the Chamber Whattheir intentions are in this regard. '
Laid over from a previous meeting;
No. 9 (1957 file) - Ernest Fusco and 20 other families - requesting an asphalt pavement
on Grey Street with curb on the east side. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, !tartin and
Ald,llowers that the petition be again tabled until the preparation of the current
budget and also a capital budget.
At this time, Alderman Nillet referred to a resolution which he introduced
on February llth, 195~ regarding a possible discussion with Government Officials about
the possibility of the erection of an additional Post Office at the South End of the
City, and the retention of the present building on Queen Street. The resolution had
been defeated at that time. The Alderman then introduced the following resolution,-
The' followtni Resolution was passed;
No. 19 - MILLER - BROOKS - RESOLVED that the City Clerk be authorized to communicate
with the Honourable Mr. Green, Minister of Public Works and the Honourable Nr.Hamilton,
Postmaster General, requesting that before any changes in locations or any new post
office buildings are added in the City of Niagara Falls, that a survey be taken and
that the Council be notified when and if such action is contemplated; and a copy of
this resolution be forwarded to Hr. ~.L.Houck, Local Henbar of the Federal Government;
and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. ·
(Ald.Mbwers-contrary), Carried
T_he fullowina By-laws were passed;
No. 5590 - To appoint members of the Court of ~evision for the year 1958.
ORDBRKD on the moWion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Norton that Ald. Mortin be
granted Cho privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading . Carried UnanimouSly. .
CeDERED on the motion of AId, Mowers and AId. Hattin that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standin2 Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second
readi~, , Carried Unanimously,
Third Reading - AId, Morton and AId. Mortin - Carried Unanimously,
5591 - To authorize the borrowing of $500,000.00
CIDI!iI~ on the motion of AId. Howere and AId. McKinley that AId. l~hite
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law sad the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDRRKD on the motion of AId. ~hite and AId. Killer that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. Killer and AId. Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
The Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Aid. Hartin and AId.
READAle) ADOPTED, 13th. January, 1958.
The City Manager's report recon~nending that Hr. George Chanady be
permitted to proceed with the construction of the necessary footings in connectinn
~ith the proposed office and restaurant to be constructed at the motel site at the
corner of Victoria JAvenue and Hagdalen Street, was presented for consideration.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and AId. McKinley that the report be received
and adopted. Carried with AId. Martin-contrary.
Ald. Hartin, Chairman of the Management Couunittee, reported verbally on
his Con~ittee*s consideration of the tenders which had been studied by H.C.Acres
and Company, Limited, Consulting Engineers and advised that the Hanagement Committee
approves of the recommendation of Acres and Co. that the tender of the Link-Belt
Company be accepted at a quotation of ~8,614.00; the tender not being subject to
escalation if the order is placed before January 10th,1958. ORDERED on the motion
of Mayor Hawkins and AId. McKinley that the verbal report of the Chairman of the
Hanagement Committee be received and adopted.
The City Hanager reported verbally on the quotations received on four
gate valves for the Filtration Plant and recon~nended that the same be purchased
from Jenkins through the Niagara Plumbing Supply Companyj Limited subject to the
approval of the Chairman of Finance and the Chairman of the Management Committee.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Brooks that the verbal report be
received and adopted.
READ AND ADOPTED, 13th. January, 1958.
"'~ Chairman of Finance.'
Council Chamber,
6th. January,1958.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, January 6th, 1958 for the
purpose of approving end also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All Members of the Cowetttee were present. AId.
Nhite, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $73,028,05 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted, bein~ passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation Co the Council on the motion of
AId. McKinley and AId. Miller. '
The report of the Property Committee on the application of H re. J.
Hardy for a building permit to erect a 12-unit motel on part of lot 180, River Ro~ad,
between Leader Lane and the northerly City Limits, which had been laid over fo~ a full
Council,was again presented. The report had recommended that the pern~_t be issued
subject to certain conditions and the elimination of one unit adjacent to River Road.
A full discussion ensued on the number of unts involved and the close proximity of two
of the units to Kiver Road which would tend to detract £rom the adjacent area. GaDBRED
on the motion' of AId. Norton and Ald. Bowers that the report and recommendations ofthe
Froperry Committee be received and adopted and a permit be issued with the elimination
of one unit-on River Road which will place the'motel back 28 feet froe River Road,
Carried, with AId. Nattin, Nillet and Noyor Navkins-opposed.
Council Chamber,
6th.January, 1958.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Neetinge for the purpose of passing the by-law which coveted the accounts approved
by the Committee. All Henbars o£ Council were present.
~he following By-law was passed~
No. 5592 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDEBBD on the motion of &ld. McKinley and Ald. Martin that Ald. White
be 8ranted the privileSe of incroduciu~ the by-law and the by-law be 8ivan the first
reading - Carried Unanimously,
O~DKRED on the motion of AId. Miller and AId, Brooks that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and Ald. Nillet - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned on the motion of AId, Miller and AId. Martin.
READ AND ADOPTED, 13th. January, 1958.
~ ~ayor
Council Chamber,
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p~m. on Nonday, January 13th,
1958, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of
Council were present, with the exception of Ald. Mowers. The Council, having received
and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of AId.Norton
and Ald. Miller.
AId. Brooks arrived at the meeting -
Mr. Payne of Fraser and Fraser's Law Office was present at the meeting in
connection with Webster's application for a buildinS permit to erect a motel at 2179
Lundy's Lane and to which the Church properties located in that vicinity were opposed
due to the traffic conditions. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Morton
that he be heard at this time. Mr. Payne queried whether Council would decide on this
matter without a full Council present. The City Clerk then proceeded to outline what
had transpired to date, advising that the Property Committee had already recommended
that the by-law be amended to permit the erection of the motel as proposed; Council
having adopted their recommendation, communications then being received from the
Churches in the area regarding the traffic situation and to which the Solicitors,
for the applicant wished to prepare a rebuttal. The City Clerk reminded Council
that instructions would still have to be issued Go have the by-law presented, Mr,
Payne then advised regarding the number of cars which will be using the motel and the
provisions'to be made to accon~nodate them, and also referred to parkin~ restrictions
already established in the area, so that the immediate frontage of 2179 Lundy's Lane
would be completely free of parked cars, He then requested Council to consider all
these facts. ORDERBD on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Miller that due to the
reference to the traffic situation in the area, that the whole matter be tabled for
one week and the subject referred to the Traffic Committee for a report. Carried
SEE Communications 317 & 3.
Laid over from previousmeetings;
~o. 317 - (1957 file) - Drue~ond Hill Presbyterian__Church - requesting a delay on
the part of Council in taking action re proposed motel.
No. 3 - (1958 file) - Lundy's Lane United Church - re Lundy's Lane traffic situation.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and AId. Killer that the communications be tabled
for one week and the matter be referred to the Traffic Committee for a report.
The foliowing Communications were presented;
No. 11 - ~..M.C.A. - requestinS proclamation of Y.M.C.A. Week. ORDERED on the motion
of AId. Morton and AId. Miller that the communication be received and filed and
proclamation issued as requested.
No. 12-Chamb_~r of Commerce - invitation to Annual Meeting, January 29th. ORDERED on
the motion of Aldo McKinley and Ald. Martin that the communication be received and
filed, the invitation be accepted and as many of the Members of Council as find it
possible-attend and so signify as to their intention.
W0. 13 - C_a_nadjan National Institute for the Blind - requesting permission to meet
the Council on January 20th. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and AId. Brooks'
that the co~unication be received end filed and the writer be advised that Council
will meet with them next Monday evening, January 20th. at the Council Meeting.
No. 14 - Logan and KniRht - requesting by-law to permit the encroachment of a building
0nWellandAvenue, known as 570 Bridge Street. ORDSRBD on the motion of AId. Miller
and Aid, McKinley that the commnication be received and referred to the Property
Committee for a report.
No, 15 - Township of North York - requesting endorsation of proposed amendment to
Section 33 of The Assessment Act re 'shared acconanodatton'. ORDERED on the motion
of AId. Brooks and AId, Morton that the matter be received and referred to the
Ontario Municipal Association for consideration in convention. Carried, with AId.
No, 16 - Canadian Federation of Hayors and Municipalities - advising of Judgment
rendered re Bell Telephone Co. application for increase in rates and advising of
the intention of appealinS the decision, and requesting Council's instructions.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hartin and Ald. Brooks that the cv=w,unication be
received and filed and the necessary resolution containing the City of Niagara
Falls' support of this appeal.be forwarded immediately.
SEE Resolution No.20
The following Reports were presented;
· Council adjourned t~ the Finance Meeting on the motion of AId. Martin and AId.
.' McKinley.
READ AND ADOPTED, 20Oh..Ianuary, 1958.
, ~ a · , ° ~ ...... ~ Mayor
No. 3 - Arena and Parks C~,,lttee - report on heating costs for Memorial Arena in
1957 and reconsnendtng no change in the heating program until a more detailed report
can be obtained. ORDERED on the motion of AId, Miller and Aid. Norton that the
report be received and adopted.
No, 4 - Arena and Parks Co~,,lttee - recou~nendin~ complete report on operation of
Niagara Falls Senior B. Hockey Club as it affects the Memorial Arena, after which
a meeting be arranged with the Clubss sponsors to discuss percentage of gate receipts
to be retained by Arena from the first of 1958. ORDERED on the motion of Ald,
McKinley and Ald. Martin that the repprt be received and adopted,
No.'5 - ~rena and Parks Committee - recommendinS co-operation to Booster Night to be
staged on January 21st,1958. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald. Norton
that the report be received and adopted and a proclamation be published.
No. 6 - Property Co~lttee - reporting on progress of work at Police Building and
recommending erection of piatform at each floor level of elevator. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and adopted.
No. 7 - Property Con~tttee - recommendinS that a schedule for painting all'City
~uildings be prepared so that a fair portion of the work will be done annually.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received
and adopted.
Nk. 8 - City Clerk - recon~iending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of
AId. McKinley and AId. Miller that the report be received and adopted and licences.
issued accordingly.
Council Chamber,
13th. January, 1958.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, January 13th, 1958 for the purpose
of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present, with the
exception of Ald. Mowers.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $33,620.75 were approved by the Committee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered
placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Nayor
Hawkins and Ald. McKinley; '
The subject of the proposed apartment building of Mrs. D. Miller on her
VERBAL REPORT property on the south side 9f Huron Street, betweend Fourth Avenue and Third Avenue,
AId. Miller, who had been delegated as a Con~ittee of one, to contact which had been considered in December, 1957 and which had been referred to the
the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce to ascertain their intentions regardin~ the Planning Board with Council~s reconnnendation, was again presented at this time.
along with a communication ~rom the Planning Board'advising that the application had
possible prolonginS of the tourist season, with the possible inauguration of an been considered oh its merits and that the Members of the Planning Board recommend
Easter Parade, reported at this time, on his efforts. The Alderman advised that that the necessarYpermission be granted. ORDERED on the motio~ of AId. McKinley
this matter has now been'refer~e~ ~y'the Chamber of Commerce t? the ~u~i~r'Cha~ber'
· to erect garages on the property at 1400 Robinson Street' at an estimated cost of
Co The City Manager's report on the application of the Niagara Wire Weaving
$6,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and
Nayor Hawkins that the report be received and adopted and 'permit be issued.
The following Resolution was pas~ed; The City Manager~s report on the application of H. Diremrs, 736 Valley Way
No.20 - K~RTIN - BROOKS - RESOLVED that the Council of th~ City of Niagara Falls for permission to erect a plastic illuminated sign, at an estimated cost of $165.
are in accord with the proposed action of making an immediate appeal from the
Judgment of the Board of Transport Conr, issioners ~or Canada in the case of the
Bell Telephone's Company's application rendered on January 10th, 1958~ and the
Seal of the CorporatiOn be hereto affixed,
Carried Unanimously,
was presented for consideration, ORDERED on the motion of Hayor Hawkins and AId,
.M~.llmr. ~h~. ~h~. ~mpp~. b~. ~!yed and adopte~. ~d. p~..x~.t be issued·
The City Nanager*s report on the application of Peter Sephton, Capitol
Car Sales for a permit to enclose the porch on the front of the office building at
1~0 Ferry Street was presented, ORDERED on the motion of Aldo Norton and Nayor
Hawkins that the report be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report,
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Aid, Miller and AId,
Brooks, --
RKADANDADOPTED, 20th. January, 1958.
Council Chamber,
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Committee, All Members of Council were present, with the exception of AId.
The followinK By-law was passed;
No. 5593 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of AId, McKinley and AId, Morton that AId, White
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be Siren the
first readies - Carried Unanimously,
ORDKRED on the motion of AId. ~hite and AId. Morton thac Rule 36 (2)
of the StandinS Rules of Council be t_-~?orarily suspended and the by-law be Siren
the second readieS, - Carried Unanimously.
Third ReadieS - AId, Miller and AId, White - Carried Unanimously,
REAl) AND ~I)OFr2D, 20th. January, 1958.
3i 7
Council Chamber,
13th. January,1958.
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of the
regular Council-and Finance ~eetiegs on Monday, January 13th, 1958 for the purpose of
considering the items presented to them. All Members of the Committee were present,
with the exception of AId. Mowers. His Worship, Mayor Hawkins, presided.
After consideration of the items presented, the Committee adjourned on the motion
of AId. Morton and Aid. Miller.
READ AND ADOPTED, 20th. January, 1958.
.. ~Chairman.
13 s
Council Chamber,
20th.January, 1958.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7,30 p.m, on Nonday, January,
29Ch, 1958 for the purpose of considering general business and finance, All Members
of Council were present, with the exception of Ald, Mowers, The Council, having
received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion
of AId. Norto~ endAid. Nartin.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No., 317 - (1957 Pile) - Dr,m~and Hill Presbyterian Church - re pFoposed motel.
No. 3 - (1958 Pile) - Lundy's Lane United Church - re proposed motel, 2179 Lundy's
Lane. Due to the fact that the Traffic Conultras did not find it convenient to meet,
it was ordered that the communications be tabled for one week and the Traffic Committee
inspect the location on Thursday evenin~ of this week, This motion was made by Ald.
Norton, seconded by Ald. Martin,
No. 14 - Logan and Knight - requesting a by-law authorizinS an encroachment of the
pr0p~ k~m'~' ~0' Brkd~e"~t'.' Up~ ~elland AvenUe'. 0RD~RED' 0n' th~'~o'ti0~ of kid.
BrOoks and Ald. Norton that the c~au~nication be received and tabled for one ~re week,
for su~ission of a report by the Property C~!ttee.
The following C~unications were presented;
No. 17 - Bell Telephone Company of Canada * requesting permission to replace pole on
Park St. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, McKinley and Ald. Nillet that the communication
be received and filed and permission areated as requested.
SEE By-law Number
No. 18 - Ontario Safety League - congratulations on Cityes achievement of ~atal traffic
accident free year of 1957. ORDERED ou the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley tha~
the conmunication be received end filed and the different deparments concerned advised
No. 19 -Cb--~er of Cow~erce - requesting that a representative of the City Council
attend the meetings of the Board during 19~8. O~D~RED on the motion of Ald. Nillet
and AId. Norton that the ccemunication be received and filed and His ~orship the Noyor
delegate a member of Council on the followinS dates; Feb. 19th -Ald. ~hite; !!arch 19th-
Ald. ~rton; April 16th -Ald. Brooks; Nay 21st. -Ald. Nortin and June lath -Ald.
No. 20 - Chamber of C~.,,~rce - requesting considersCion of Council on reports of the
operation of the Industrial end Tourist CpmmJttees when 1958 Budget is being prepared.
CaDBRED on the motion of AId. Mckinley and Ald. Killer that the communication be
received and referred to the Budget Cpau4~tee.
No. 21 - Chamber of Commerce - Traffic and Safety Committee - requesting meeting with
City Council to discuss off-street perkinS, ORDBRIH) on the motion of Ald. Norton and
Ald, Killer that the communication be received end filed and the meeting be held on
N.o. nday evening, February 3rd. between 8.30 and 9 p.m.
No. 22 - Lions Club - Invitation to a~etins of Lions Club on February llth. O~D~D
on the motion of Ald. Nortin and Ald. McKinley that the invitation be received and
"~,"~'~",~--',,I,'e:w:m,,':i,~'J;~,f,r~:~'Ji~.~,~,~ as find iC possible acted; ~be City Clerk
to brin2 this ~tter ~o the a~ten~ion of Council a~in as a r~inder,
No. 23 - Eremite Club - reqeestin$ permission to hold a tag day on Friday night,
Noy 9th. and Saturday Nay lOth. OeD~ on the motion of AId. Nation and AId. Miller
that the commmication be received and fil~d and permission granted as dates are
No. 2~ - Local 505, U. E. ~orkers - requesting Council to go on Record ~iCh the
Prime Minister of Canada to exercise his riSht of veto to set aside the proposed
increase granted by the Board of Transport Commissioners Co the Bell Telephone Co,
ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Miller and AId, Morton that the communication he
received and filed and the writer be notified that the Council of Niagara Palls
have already indicated their intention in this respect,
No, 25 - Local ~36, U. g, ~orkers - requestinS Council to appeal against the recent
increase made by the Board of Transport Couanissioners to the Bell Telephone Company.
and ~o endorse Local ~3~ action in wiring a protest. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Norton and AId, McKinley that the communication be received and Coun'cil endorse their
No. 25 - Niagara Palls Fire Fighters, Local 528 - requesting the City to provide a
luncheon in connection with the opening day of the forthcnminS 36th Annual Convention
of the Provincial Federation of Ontario Professional Fire Fighters to be held in the
Sheraton-Brock Hotel in June. ORDERED on the moClon of AId. Martin and Ald. Brooks
that the cmununication be received and referred-co the Chairman of Pinante for report.
No. 27 - Niagara Palls Fire Fighters, Local 528 - advisinS of names of members of 19~8
Negotiating Committee. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Miller and Aid. McKinley that
the coumunication be received and filed.
~o. 28 - N.C.Cluff - Minor Hockey - appreciation for past financial assistance and
requesting further support for 1958. ORDERED on the motion of AId.' McKinley and
AId. Norton that the communication be received and referred to the gudget Committee.
No, 29 - N. C. Cluff - Minor Hockey - requestin8 issuance of a proclamation re '~inor
Hockey Week in Canada'* January 25th. to February let. ORDERED on the motion of AId.
Miller and AId. Morton that the communication be'received and filed and proclamation
issued as requested.
No. ~O - Canadian Federation of )fayors end Huuicipalities - requestin~ proclamation
re National Health ~eek. Feb, 2nd. to 8th. CRDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley
andAid. Norton that the communication be received and filed and proclamation issued
No. 31 - Hiaaara Falls Committee of Adjustment - requesting 8rant for 1958. ORDERED
on theistion of AId. Norton and Ald. Brooks that the co~aunication be received and
referred to the Budget Committee.
No. 32 - ~elland County Flute and Drum Band * requesting 8rant in 1958. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. Miller and AId, Brooks that the co~unication be received and
referrnd to the Budget Committee.
No. 33 - Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Planning Board - outlining requirements for
s1958. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Norton and Ald. Miller that the communication
be received and referred ~o the Budget Committee,
No, 3~.- Sarnia , resolution re working hours of Fire Fighters, ORDERED on the
motion of Ald, Martin and AId, Brooks that the resolution be received and endorsed
sad forwarded to the parties indicated, Carried with AId. Norton-contrary,
N0. 35 - Niaaara,$C.Catharines aud Toronto Railway Co. - reduction in bus servi;e~
C~DE~ED on the motion of Ald. Nattin and AId. Morton that the communication be
received and tabled for one week for publicity purposes.
The followini Reports were presented;
No. 9 - CiCYNonaaer o report Co Natmaement Committee recoumendi'nS purchase of a
hating unit for City Garage at BrouShCon Avenue.
CeDERED on the motion of AId.
Brooks and AId. McKinley that the report be received and recommendation adopted.
Carried, with AId. Norton*contrary.
Ms, 10 - City 14ansaer - report Co Equipment Conelites, attaching letter and 8~ry
from !l, G, Acres and Co. Lad, of quotations for portion of pipe-fitting requirements
at JFiltration Plant and recommending that the same be purchased from Canada Iron
Foundties as rec~,~ended by Consulting E.nSineers, B,G,Ac.res and Co, Lid. O~DERED
on the motion of Ald. NsrCin and Ald, Miller thaC the report be received end
recommendation adopted,
SEE Resolution No,21.
No, ll - City Hansget - report to Management Committee recome~dia~ ttmt the City
h~td debentures as per by-law number 5399 until such time so it is possible to obtain
ps~ for the same. ORDERED on the motion of AId, Brooks and Ald. Motto; that the
report and rec~endation be received and adopted.
No. 12 - City Clerk * report on Conference held on January 13th. ORDERED on the
motion of AId, }fartin and AId. McKinley that the report be received and adopted with
the exception of the item dealit~ with the Pension Scheme as further information has
been received by the City .Manager this week, upon which a further report ~lll be
submitted ~y the Management C~mmt ttee. Carried Unanimously.
l~o, 13 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of.
Ald. 14cKinley and AId, 14orion that the report be received and adopted and liceaces
issued according~y.
No. 14 - Cbief1~m. Wade - Annual Report of the Fire Department for 1957,. 0RD~BED On
the motion of AId, Brooks and Ald. Norton that the report be received and filed and
the Fire Chief be complimented on his report.
No, 15 - Chief ~a, Wade - enclosing recommmudotions for Council*s consideration,
ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Brooks and Ald. Nci~..nley that the report be received
a~d referred to the Budget C~.,-.,{ttee.
At this time, AId, Miller, one of Con.nail*s repr.esentatives on the
~ourist Cmmittee of the Greater Niagara C~smber of Caerce, requested permission
to speak, ~he Alderman then proceeded to present a rebuttal on the rmmaTks of
Jones, President of the Chmher, in reply to hie article which appeared in the local
press on January 15th, in connection with the proposal ~hich the Alderman bad made
that an EaSter Parade be held in the City as a means of coemenci.n8 the tourist
season at sn earlier date. ~he Alderman went in~o s~me detail outlining Mr, Jones*
misinterpretation of what he, Alderman Nillet, had suggested to promote the tourist
trade, ~he Alderman concluded his remarks lamentin& that when when a suSgestion is
put forward as's help to the ~ourist Industry that ~here should be So much bally-hoo
about it, He outlined the simple procedure ~hich wou. ld be required to ascertain
the feasibility of an Easter Parade and if it yes found that it was not feasible,
them otter could than be dropped, d that
Rig ~orship the thyor advised the A1 erman his ranarks should.he~p
to clarify the intention meant, ' '
AId, letton referred to the l·y-offs which have occurred on the C.N,R,
pointing out that individuals with 20 or 25 years servi~e are going to ~e out of
work in the Car Department, ~he situation at the moment is in Port Erie where the
C,N.R, have'brought in outside help and .harnished cars for living quarters, The
Alderman assumed that this will ·leo happen in this City, He was o~ the opinion
tha~ Council should Cake this p~oblem up.with the Prime.t41nister ~f Canada, our
Local Member of the Federal Gove~t.~ent and N r, Donald B, Gordon, President of the
Canadian lktionai Railway.
SEE Resolution No,22
Ald. Halinlay refmrred to the Sir Adam Beck Hyd~o Project vlich is
coming to a close and pointed out that persons with many years of service will be
laid off. The Alderman suggested that a communication be foistdad to the Premier
of Ontario to see i~ Hydro could be prevailed upon, ·s a means of alleviating the
ueasployment situation, eliminating · hazard and to beautify the countryside, to
place 'a oon0rete top over the old maMl.
· Sag Re'clarion No.23
AId. McKinley referred to a protest which had been received concerning
excess Chris~nas trees which ~ere dumped in the City from other municipalities ~
or ~ days prior to Christmas day and suggested that the Clerk and Manager bring
in a by-law for the consideration of the Budget Counittee to control the sale of
Christmas trees in the City of Niagara Falls.
The following Resolutions were Passed;
No. 21 - MARTIN - MILLER - RESOLVED that the quotation of Canada Iron Foundties
Limited for large flanged fittings for the extensions Co ~he Filtration Plant be
accepted at a total price of ~6,767.55, Sales Tax included, Co be delivered to the
Filtration Plant, Chippawa, Ontario and the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to enter
into and deliver an agreement and/or contract for the carrying out o£ such work~
and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously,
No. 22 - MORTON - BROOKS - RESOLVED that a con~unication be forwarded to the Prime
Minister of Canada, our Local Member of the Pederal Government and to Mr. Donald B.
Gordon, of the Canadian National Railways protesting contemplated lay-offs of men
by the Canadian National Railways here in the City of Niagara Falls; and the Seal
of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimousl_y~
No, 23 - McKII~LEY - MORTON - RESOLVED that a communication be forwarded to Premier
Leslie M. Frost, Nr~ James S. Duncan, Chairman of the H.E.P.C. of Ontario and to
14r. A, C, Jolley, Local Member of the Provincial Legislature, suggesting that as a
means of alleviating tbe unemployment problem, eliminating a hazard and beautifylag
the local area, consideration be given to the construction of a concrete top over
the.old Hydro Canada; and that a copy of the said resolution be forwarded to the
To~mship of Stamford and the Village of Chippawn, requesting their endcreation; and
the Seal of the Corporation be berets affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
~he following By-law was passed;
Moo 5594 - A by-law to provide £or permission to The Bell Telephone Company of
Canada to replace second pole west of Ontario Avenue, on Park Street,
in the same location.
C~DERED on the motion of AId. Martin and AId. Morton that AId, McKinley
be. granted. theprivtlege. of. introducing the by.*law. and. the. by~law. be.S~ven ~he. ~trst
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId, Miller and Ald, Brooks that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading, - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Ald0 Norton and Ald, ~hite - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Pieante Meeting on the motion of Ald, Martin and Aid,
READ AND ADOPTED, 27th, January, 1958.
Council Chamber,
20th. January,1958.
The Finance Meeting washeld on ~nday, January 2Oth, 1958 for the
purpose of approving and also passin~ the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present, with
the exception of Ald. Hovers.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $81,318.93 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted, bein~ passed or oChex~lse dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation Co the Council on the motion of
Mayor Hawkins and Ald. McKinley.
At this time, the City Clerk advised that arranSements have been made
for presentation of the 25-year pins to be held at the Park Hotel on the eveninS
of Friday, January 31st, the time beinS 6.30 p.m.
The application of Peter Sephton, 1550 Ferry Street, for a permit to
enclose the porch on the front o£ the office buildinS, which had been referred to
the Property C~iCtee, was aSain presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
McKinley and Ald, Norton that the application be referred to the Property Con~nitCee
with power to act. - · - -
The application of Gould-Leslie Limited for a permit Co erect four
standard poster panels on the property of the H.K.P.C. of Ontario on Stanley Avenue,
was presented for consideration. ORDURE!) on the motion of Ald. Norton and Ald.
Martin thaC the same be received and referred Co the Property Committee for a
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and
AId, McKinley.
READ AIeADOFTED, 27the January,
The following By-law was passed~
No, 5595 - To Provide monies for Seneral purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. HcKinley and Aid. Morton that AId. White
be Stunted the privileSe of introducinS the by-law and the by-law be Siren the first
readinS, - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. White and Aid. Norton that Rule 36 (2) of
the SteadinS Rules o£ Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading, . Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Nattin and Aid, McKinley . Carried Unanimously.
AId. Miller referred to the intersection ofNacDonald Avenue and Robert
Street and queried as to the proSress to date as to the installation of ~traffic
liShS"'The'CitYMana~er advised ~hat a survey had'b~en taken and forwarded ~o the
Department of RiShways, but, as yet no results have heen Siven.
Ald. Nillet referred to a resolution which had been passed at the meetinS
of July 29Oh, 195~ concerning the settinS of a dead line for local improvements
petitions as of June let. The City ManaSer assured the ~lderman that the necessary
advertisement will be inserted in the local press to this effect.
His Worship, Mayor Hawkins advised the Hembars of Council that as previously
requested, the representatives of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind ~ere
In the audience and asked chat they make their presentation.
Hr. Max KnechCel, Field Secretary of the Institute then briefly outlined
the activities of the Institute and called upon Mr. A. ~, Sparks, Ontario Supervisor
of Field Services to eXplain the purpose of the delegation.
Mr. Sparks then outlined the buildinS proSrnm~e with reference to Linwell
Hall in St,Catharines and the deficit which had come about due to difficulties
assistance based on ~0, per NlaSara Falls lnm~te which number at the present time
~,,~,, ~~~. encountered durir~ the buildinS prograeme and requested Council *s consideration to
· · · ·. ~ · His Worship the ~yor, ~oll~lnS the presentation, advised ChaC of necessity
~ A delegation of the Nia~ra Falls Board of Education then app~red before
~ ~ Council, ~risin8 ~, Horace C, ~n, Chaimn of the Board, ~, Arnold S~Ch,
Chal~n of the buildinS c~ittee, Dr, ~, A, Poccer and ~s, ~y Haulschild, N~bers
0f the Boa~d, ~, W, H,. Kribs, A~nistraCor and Mr, ~cLeod, Assistant A~nisCraCor,
C~IL ~ffI~
Council Chamber,
~he Council re-assembled at the close of the reSulsr Council and
Finance Meetiqs for the purpose of passin~ the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Committee, All Members of Council were present, with the
exception of AId. bets.
At the request of His Worship, Mr, Smith, Chairman of the Building Committee,
Proceeded to elaborate for the benefit of Council on their p~oblems concerninS heatinS
!n~!~ientilatinS requirements in the various schools under the Boardis Jurisdiction,
atinS that it is practically a tmust' as far as the Board is concerned to have
eondielons corrected and referred to a previous proSrsmme settinS out for
Council's benefit the second portion of which Council had been unable to fully comply
w~th and requested that consideration be 8ivan to emkinSavallable sufficient funds
to take care of the incompleted portion of the 1957 proSramme and that desiSned for
1958, totalline $175,000o00.
Following a discussion on the subject and the directing of various
questions by Members of Council to the Members of the Board of Education, it was
ordered of AId. Martin and Ald. Morton that the matter be referred to the Budget
discussions, with the understanding that full consideration to the Board's request
would be given. Mr. Smith then asked that before any final decision was made that
ha or representatives of the Board be given the opportunity to hold further dis-
cussion, which His Worship the Mayor assured him would be provided.
Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Brooks and Ald. Norton.
READ ANDADOPTED, 27th. January, 1958.
Council Chamber,
27th. January, 1958.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, January 27th.
1958, for the purpose of considerin8 general business and finance, All Members of
Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of AId. Nillet and AId. Nartin.
His Worship Mayor Hawkins congratulated the City Manager and his staff for
the very fine work of snow removal during the recent storm and requested that the
City Manager ~onvey this to the staff.
~aid over from the previous meeting;
No, 317 - Drummand Rfll Presbyterian Church - re proposed motel site at 2179 Lundy*s
~o. 3 - Lundy*s Lane United Church Minister - referring to the situation on Lundyts
Lane. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, l~artin and Ald, HiIler that these communications
be held in abeyance until the arrival of a delegation later this evening.
S~E Report Bomber 16.
Bo. 14 - Logan and Knight -requesting a by-law to authorize an encroachment of the
structure known as 570 Bridge Street upon ~elland Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of
~ld. Nowera and Ald. ~hite that the communication be received, the request granted
and the necessary by-law be prepared.
SEE Report Number 17
No. 35 - Niagara, St.Catharines and Toronto Railway - advising of revision in bus
service, effective Hatch 3rd, 1958. His l~orship the Mayor advised that to date no
complaints have been received from the general public with reference to the revisfon
as proposed. ORDERED 'on the motion of Ald. Mowers and AId. White that the communication
be received and filed and the request approved.
The following C~dnications were presented;
No. 36 o Premier of Ontario - Ack. suggestion to alleviate unemployment. ORDERED 'on
the motion of lid. McKinley and AId. Miller that the cozmunicatton be received and
No. 37 - Department of Public ~orks - advising of proposed visit by District Architect
re proposed new Post 'Office building. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Nowere and Ald.
Nille~ that the communication be received and filed.'
No. 38 - Niagara Falls Suburban Roads Commission - invitation to buffet supper on'
Vebruar~ 3rd,' ORDERED ~n the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Nowere that the invitation
be ~ecsived and accepted and the City Engineer be included.
No. 39 - Lions Club - invitation ~o meeting on Februar~ 4~h. ORDERED on 'the motion of
AId. Moreon and Ald, Mowers that the invitation be received and accepted and as many
o~ the Members of Council as find it possible attend.
No. ~0 - Ontario Traffic Conference - ehclostn2 copy of'1957 Brief, presented to the
Minister of nighways on Dec,19th,19~7. O~D~It~D on the motion of Ald. ~rooks and
Ald, McKinley that the report be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for
study and submission of · report ~o Council,
He. 41 - 6teeter Niagara Association for retarded Children - requesting grant in
1955. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Nillet and AId. Morton that the communication
be received and referred to the Budget Cc~m4ttee for consideration when the
Estimates are being prepared; the City Clerk in the meantime to ascertain from
the Provincial Government what is contemplated in the way of assistance to such
No./+2 - Niagara Memorial Band - requestin~ grant in 1958.
No./+3 - Niagara Falls Horticultural Society - requesting grant in 1958.
No. 4/+ - Niagara Falls City Kiltie Band - requesting ~rant in 1958. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Norton that the communications be received and
referred to the Budget Con~i~tee 'for consideration when the Estimates are being
No, 45 ~ Juvenil~ and Family Cou~t Probation Office - enclosing annual reports of
the Probation Officers of the Juvenile and Family Court and Adult Criminal Court.
OlDBRED on the motion of Ald. Mo~ers and Aid. Brooks that the reports be received
and filed and Councilts co~nendation be forwarded to Mr. g. J. Barrett.
No./+6 - City of St. Thomas - resolution requesting Federal and Provincial Govern-
meats to c~u~enca contemplated public works programme to relieve present unemploy-
ment situation. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Norton end Ald, ~hite that the
resolution be received and endorsed and a copy of the same forwarded to the Advisory
Connittee of the Unemplo~nnent Insurance Cv--.tssion in this City.
No./+7 - Rilltop Cabins - requesting installation of parking meters on Clifton Hill.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. l~hite that the con~unication be
received and filed and request g~anted.
SEE Report No, 18
He./+8 - Local Insurance Agents - requesting consideration to purchasing boiler and
pressure vessel insurance. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Norton and Ald. Miller
that the co~nunication be received and referred to the Property Commt tree for
immediate action.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 16 - Traffic CosmiCtee - containing the opinion of the majority and the minority
of the Conmillet regardinB proposed motel at 2179 Lundy~s Lane. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Nattin end'Ald. Nillet tha~ the report be received and held in
abeyance until the arrival of a dele~tion later this evening,
NO. 17 - Property Consnittee - recommending preparation of necessary by-law to allow
encroachment 'of the structure at 570 Bridge Street 'upon ~elland Avenue. ORDERED ~n
the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. ~hite that th~ report be received and adopted.
No. 18 - Traffic Co-m4ttee - recomsending installation of parking meters on the
Clifton Rill framNewYork Central right-of-way to Falls Avenue. ~D~D on the
motion of Aldo M~Kinley and &ld. ~hite chat the 'report be received and adopted.
No. 19 - Traffic Cosmictee - recoesendin~ elininstion of ~xi stand on west side
of Falls Avenue, in ~ont of the Oneida 1awn betweenNay late and Sept. 15th. each
year and that the location of the three ~ar stand be transferred to Clifton Hill.
ORDeReD on the motion of ~ld, Norton and AId, White that the re~orC be received
and adopted, Carriedwith AIds Nowors andMartin-contrary),
So, 20 - Traffic Coselites - re suggestion received with reference to possible site
for off-street parkinS on Queen 'Street between Bnckley Avenue and Victoria Avenue.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Nowera that the report be received
and the CommltCee's suggestion chat siid site is not desirable at the present time,
be adopted.
No. 21 - Traffic Cosmillet - re traffic 'control l~2hts at Nsiu St, and Ferry St.
and roenmssnding that Oh® tim interval on this pedestrian lights should not be
altered at present but that inforsmtion be obtained on the cost of controls rendin~
'~alk" end "donet walk", CiD~ on the s orion of AId. Norton andAid, Nm~ers that
the rel~rt be received and adopted, Cerriedwtth AldeNStein-contrary, Ald, Nattin
nsainss~resetdhis dissatisfactionas Co the period ot tim, nointainip4that the
period yes not Ions oneugh to penai~ elderly pedestrians to cross the intersection.
No. 22 - Traffic Counittee - reco~nendtng elimination of parking on the south
side of Simcoe Street directly west of Victoria Avenue, 150 feet west of the
west curb on Victoria Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId.
White that the report be received and adopted.
No, 23 - Traffic Committee - re parking problem aC Hemorial Arena and suggesting
Council to inspect land owned by Shredded ~heac Co. re possible development as a
parking area and consideration be ~iven to the elimination o£ parking on the south
side of Lewis Avenue from Kitchener Street to the Shredded Wheat Co, siding,
ORDERED on the motion of AId, Brooks and Ald, Norton that the report be received
and adopted.
No. 2/+ - Assessment Department - Annual Report for 1957, ORDERED on the motion of
AId. Morton and Ald. ~hite that the report be received and tabled for the perusal
of Council.
No, 25 - City Clerk -_racedending issuance of liceaces. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Norton and AId, ~cKinley that the report be received and adopted with the
exception of the application for a used car lo~ liceace b~ Dawe's Service Station
at the corner of Simcoe Street and Victoria Avenue, and the Clerk bring in a list
aC the next meeting of Council on those liceaces which have been issued for this
type of operation,
The following By-law was passed;
No. 5596 - To authorize the signing of an agreement between the Northern Electric
Company, Limited, the Niagara Falls Illumination Board, the Corporation
of the City of Niagara Falls, New York and the Corporation of the City
of Niagara Falls, Ontario and the Niagara Parks Conelesion.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Morton Chat Ald. ~iller
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and AId. Witller that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. Norton and AId. Brooks - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of AId. Nowera and AId.
READ A~D ~DOPTED, 3rd. February, 1958.
alerk '*' ~ ..0..
.---- -- -~ Nayor
Council Chamber,
27th. January,1958.
The Finance Meeting .was held on Monday, January 27th, 1958 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified andplaced before them. All Ne~ers of the Conxaittee were present. Ald.
White, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of ~117,091.72 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted, being passed or othe~ise dealt with, were
ordered placed in theMoney By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion
ofMayor Hawkins and Aid, Mowers.
The application of Peter Sephton, Capitol Car Sales at 1550 Ferry
Street, for a pex~t to enclose tha porch on the front of the office building,
which had been referred to the Property Committee with power to act, was again
presented along with the Property Committee*s report to the effect that the
building permit had been approvad. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald.
Morton that the report be received and adopted,
The application of Gould-Leslie for a permit to erect two 2-panel signs
on Hydra property on Stanley Avenue, between Robinson and Murray Sis. which had
been referred to the Property Committee, was again presented along with the
ComnitteetS report recommending that permission be granted, ORDERED on the motion
of AId. Morton and AId, Miller that the report be received and adopted.
The CityManager's report advising o~ an application received from
the Dept. of Public Works o£ Ontario for a building permit to construct an addition
to the tourist reception centre at 1629 Falls Avenue, was presented, ORDERED on
the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted
and permit be issued.
The City Ranager's report on the application of ASnew-Surpas8 Shoe
Store, 515 Queen Street, for a permit to cover the remodelling of the store front,
at an estimated cost of $3,000. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Alderman
Miller and Alderman Martin that the report be received and adopted and pex~ttt
At this time, the City Manager reported verbally that an application
had been submitted by. Mrs. Herdy, ~or a building pex~niC to erect a motel on part
of lot 180, River Road, between Leader Lane and the northerly City Limits, at an
estimated cost of ~38,000o00; the motel to have Jibyen Units instead .of twelve as
originally planned; an elevation having been submitted showing the appearance o£
the motel upon completion, as Council had instructed. The Cit~Manager advised
further that the face o~ the motel when seen. b~ the public travelling in a northerl~
direction from the Aero-car would be brick and wlll be carried back ~2 feet from
· the front street. ORDERED on the motion of AId. bets and Aid. Morton that the
verbal report be received and permit be 5~anted as approved by the Froperry
Committee. Carried with Nayor Hawkins a~d AId. Nartinoopposed.
The Co~ttee arose and reported to Council on the motion o£ Ald, Morton and Ald.
Brooks, ...........................................................
~ADAleADOI~, 3rd, February, 1958.
Council Chamber,
27Oh. January, 1958.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Neetinge for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Committee, All Members of Council were present.
The following By-law was passed;
Ha. 5597 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Ald. Morton that' AId. ~hite be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. ~hite and Aid. Miller Chat Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading - Carried Ux~nimously.
Third Reading - AId. Morton and AId. Mowers ~ Carried Unanimously.
The delegation having arrived in connection with the subject of the
proposed motel at 2179 Lundy's Lane, and the petition having been submitted to the
City Clerk throughAlderman Nattin, it was ordered on the motion of AId. Brooks
and AId, McKinley that the petition as presented be read.
Following discussion with reference to the petition, a motion made by
AId. Martin and seconded by AId. McKinley that the petition be laid on the table
until the Clerk has had an opportunity to armlyre iC and make copies for pre-
sentation at the next meeting, was defeated and an amendment by AId. Mowers and
Ald. Miller that the petition be dealt with at this time, was carried, with AId.
McKinley and AId. Martin-opposed.
It was then ordered on the motion of AId. Miller and AId. Mowers that
the petition be tabled until such time as the Traffic Con~ittee's report had been
dealt with. Carried Unanimously.
Prior to ~hia, AId. Brooks moved thaC the petition be-tabled for one.
week and the Traffic Con~ittee~s report and the Froperry Co~it~ee's report be
dealt with at the same time, but he received no setunder.
Following consideration of the Traffic Co~w~ittee's report, it was ordered
on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. White that the petition be received and filed
since.it apparently had names upon it without addresses. Carrind, withAId.Martin
and McKinley-contrary.
It was then ordered on the motion.of Ald. Mowers and Ald. White that
~ha report of the Traffic Co,~ittee be received end approved and the coamunications
from the two JClargymen be received and filed, carried, with Ald. Miller, Nattin
andMayor Hawkins-opposed. SEE Resolution No. 24.
With reference to the petition submitted indicating that Council should
consider the historical aspect of the area in~hich i~ is proposed to erect a
motel, specifically known as 2179 Lundy's Lane and suggesting that Council refuse
permits for the construction of any commercial buildings in the Lundy's Lane
Ba~tle£ield Area and the possible reclassification of the area £rom Ccasnsrcial
to Historical and the eventual extension of Coronation Park, a Miss Redmond
addressadCouncil and indicated that she had nothing f~rther to add to the
remarks as contained in the petition.
Mr, Merrill Zavitz el~o addressed Council elaborating on the historical
aspect and advocating support of the Historical gociety~s attitude and indicated
that the parishioners of tundyes Lana Church were of a similar opinion,
Mr, Payne, representing a client who proposes to erect a motel
in the area in question, presented material in rebuttal to the arguments advanced
concerning the historical area end pointinS out chat iu prior years when
cmmercial development had taken place chat there had bean no such expression
of opinion from the gistorical Society at that time and expressed the view that
the owner of the property inquestton should have the right to uciliaehis lands
· providing always that approval of Council was obtained,
During the discussion, various Nedbars o£ the City Council expressed
views both pro and con with reference to the area in question and the factors
which should be considere~ in arriving at a suitable solution,
SEE Communication 317,
SBE Communication # 3,
SEE Report Number 16.
SEE Resolution No, 24,
gEE Petition No,. 1
Laid over £rom the previous meetinK;
No, 317 - (1957 file) - Minister, Drum-m-and gill Presbyterian Church o requesting a
delay on the part of Council in taking any definite action re possibility of a
motel aC 2179 Lundy'8 Lane,
No, 3 - (1958 file) - Minister, Lundves Lane United Church - expressin~ views
re situation on Lundy*s Lane and possible erection of a motel. in chat vicinity,
ORDERED on the motion of AId, Mowers and Aid, ~hite thac the communications be
received and filed.
SEE Resolution Noo24
The followina Report was presented;
No, 16 - ~ra4fic Conmitten - ~eport on opinions of majority and minority of the
Traffic Committee re proposed motel at 2179 Lnndy*s Lane, ORDERED on the motion
of Ald, Mowers and AId, ~hite that the report be received and approved,
SEE Resolution No,2~
The 4ollowin2 Petition was presented; ,
No. 1 - Mrs. A, J. Holman and others - requesting Council~a consideration o4 Che
historical aspect of the area where it is proposed to erect a motel, specifically
2179 Lundy's Lane and euSgestlng chat Council refuse permits for construction o£
any commercial buildings in the Lundy~s Lane Battlefield Area and the possible
reclassification of the area fromCommercial.to Historical and the eventual
extension o~ Coronation P~rk. ORD~lt~D on the motion of Aldo Mowers and Ald.~hite
that the petition be received and filed since it apparently.has ~nmes upon it
without addresses, Carried, with Ald. MarCin-contrary.
The followinn Resolution was passed;
No0 2~ -~!lTg - NOW~8 -RBSOLVED thaC the netnasa, by-lff Co mnd~-law
n~et 5149 be printed and presented ~o Counctl,~hichvould pe~C ~he e~ectton
of a~tel in the area in ques~ion; and the Seal of the CorporaClan be here~o
(AId. Miller, Martin and Mayor Hawkins-contrary),
Be~ore the meeting adjourned, ~he City Clerk reminded the Members o4
Council concerning the forthcoming presentation dinner to be held ou Friday evening,
at 6,30 p,m, in the Park Hotel, the occasion being the presentation of pins to
employees o~ 25 years or more service and at vhich Alderman Miller will preside as
Master of Ceremonies.
Ald. Nillet presented his ideas in order that all Members o~ Council could
participate in these ceremonies°
Council adjourned on the motion 'of Aid. Mowers and AId. Miller.
AND ADOPTED, '3rd. February, 1958.
~-~'7 -- ,. Mayor
Council Chamber,
Pursuant to adJourr~ent, Council met at 7,30 p.m, on Nonday, February
3rd. 1958, for the purpese of c6nsidering general business and finance, All Members
of Council were present. ~he Council, having received and reed the minutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId, Brooks.
The following Communications were presented;
No. 49 - Prime Minister of Canada - ack, letter re C,N.R, lay-oils, ORDERED on the
motion 'df'Ald. No~erg ~hd Ald~ Brooks that the co~f~unication be received 'and filed.
No. 50 o President, C. N. R. - Ack. letter re e~.loyment situation. ORDERED on the
motion of AId. Mowers aud Ald. Brooks that the connunicatton be received end filed.
No. 51 - To~mship of Stam£ord - Ack, resolution re possibility of constructing a
concrete top on old Hydra Canal and suggesting Joint meeting at first opportunity.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid, Mowers and Ald. McKinley that the commmnication be
rec.ivad and filed e.d. oi.t m.eting .. r. na.t. h. arranged.
NO. ~2 ' Ontario Water Resources Conxalesion - Req. advice as to hxrther development
re sa~age disposal plant. ORDERED on the motion of AId, Nattin and AId. NcKinley
that the communication be received, the City Hanager', report be adopted and ~.
Berry advised accordingly. Carried, with Ald. Nillet-contrary.
SKR Report No.26,
No. 53 - Central Veterans~ Contrite, - advising of unanimous approval of City of
Port Arthurts resaleties re appropriate observance of Armistice Day, ORDERED on the
motion of Ald, Hartin and AId, Brooks that the communication be received and filed
and the t~iter be notified that this matter has been referred to the Ontario
No. 54 - Canadian Mental Health Association - requesting financial assistance,
No, 55 - Kiwanis Music Festival - requesting grant. ORDERED on the motion of AId.
Movers and AId, McKinley that the communications be received and referred to the
Budget Committee for consideration when the Estiumtes are being prepare~.
No.Cha..a.Th .on. Cl.rk- rna.ur.r.Cc.nt, of .en..d -req...tingfor
1958 fzo~ City of Niagara Falls for Suburban Roads C~-..tesion,
We, 57 - M.Barry Watson, CommissionersNiagara Falls Suburban Roads Co=-, ssion. -
report as Niagara Falls appointee on Suburban Roads C~!eelon and ~laini~
request for ~nds in 1958, ~E~ on the mtion of AId. Btoob and AId,Norton
thaC the c~snicaCtons be received and retorted to the Budget C~tCee for
consideration when the Estates are being prepared, '
No. 58 - Ca~dian Council of Christians and Jews - requesting proclmtion of
Brotherhood Week, ~ on the Milan of AId, ~ller and AId, ~rton that the
~oa~ton be received and filed ~d p~oclm~ion issu~ as r~ues~ed,
No, 59 - Junior Ch~ber o~ C~erce - requesting procla~tion ~or Young ~n of ~he
~ni~ion be rsoei~d and filed and proclmtion issued as r~ues~ed.
Hospital Buildiq on J~son Strte~ as a H~o ~o~ 2e~or Citizens, ~ on ~he
melon o~ Ald, ~wers a~ Ald, ~rgin the the agitation be re~eived ~d
Council app~o~ o~ the use o~ these prmses st su~ost~ contiq~nC upon Chair
~tsiuiq appro~l of all other neo~ss~ ~ies,
No. 61 - Township of Crowlapd - copies of letters to Provincial Government requestins
a subsidy on welfare Administrators* salaries and assistance with cost of drugs to
welfare recipients. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. ~owers that the
communication be received and filed.
No, 62 - The Railway Association of Canada - requesting co-operation in setting
Daylight Saving Time for 1958, to be effective at 12.01 a.m. Sunday, April 27th. to
12.01 a.m. Sunday, October 26th, 1958. ORDERED on the motion of ~Id. Brooks and AId.
Norton that the communication be received and the Schedule as outlined in the com-
munication be adopted~
No. 63 - Ralph BlamenEe - requestin8 permission to continue Cakes Park concession.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers end Ald. Hiller that the communication be
received and referred to the Perks and Recre~tiOn Committee for a recommendation,
No. 64 - Optimist Club - requesting meeting with Council on February 3rd. to ~cquaint
Council with future building plans of the Club. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.Eowers
and AId. Merlin that this communication be deleted and referred to the Cor~nitcee of
No. 65 - NiaXara Local of Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation - resolution
re Lundyss Lane Area. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and A1d.]~iller Chat
the con~unication be received and referred to Petitions for consideration. Following
full discussion on the petition, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and AId.
Mowers that the co~mnunication be received and filed0 Carried, with Ald. Martin and
Nayor Rawkiss-contrary.
SEE Petition No, 2.
SEE By-law No.5598.
The following Reports were presentedl
No, 26 - City NanaEer - advising of Management Committee's recommendation that
information re aerial surveys on possible sites available below Niagara River benk
re sewage treatment plant, be obtained as soon as possible and submitted for con-
sideration of the Committee. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald.
HcKinley that the report be received and adopted. Carried, with Ald. Miller °
contrary; ~he Alderman being of the opinion that contact should be made with the
R,E.P.C. of Ontario to ascertain what information they have from their detailed
surveys, which could be utilized by the City of Niagara Falls.
No. 27 - Management Co~mm!tCee . recommending Chat no action be taken on the
suggestion contained in a letter fromMills, Spence and Co. Ltd. outlining the
possibility of selling City of Niagara Falls' debentures in American Harket.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Wltite and AId. Mowers that the report be received
and adopted.
No. 28 -Management Committee - recou~.ending that no action be taken at preseut
respecting appointment of a Fiscal Agent as suggested in a letter from J,L.
Graham and Co, dealing with sale of Niagara Fallss debentures, ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. McKinley and AId, k~ite that the report be received and adopted,
NO, 29- MenaRament Committee - reconuending that the Consulttee be authorized to
intervime a representative of k~m, M, Hercar Ltd, Toronto, to discuss the work to
be performed by the Consultants and the cost to the City for their services, in
connection with a study of the type of pension scheme suitable to City and
employees, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Harris and Aid, Mowers that the r~port be
received and adopted. Carried, with Ald, Miller and AId. Morton-contrary, Prior
~o this action, it was ordered that Mr, Bud NcLaugh. fin be permitte~ to speak to
Council, No indicated his CoWany*s opinion, n.a~ely, Great-West Life Insurance,
and what miBht transpire in the event the services of Mr, Mercer were enVl~yed to
go into the matter of a prospective pension plan,
k !'334
11o, 30 - Management Committee - suggesting prices be obtained on a new bull clam
after which a decision could be made as to the advisability of retaining the unit
now in use as a replacement machine or to turn the same in, ORDERED on the motion -
of Ald, Momer8 and Ald, ~4hite that the report be received and adopted,
No. 31 - Hanagement C~ittee - recommndtnS contract be entered into with Otis
Elevator Co, Lid, for maintenance service aC a cost of $46, per month. at Police
Station, GBDERBD on the motion of AId, Martin and Ald, ~hite that the report be
receivbd end adopted, . .
No, 32 - Management Committee - recmmaending purchase of a McCulloch Power Saw at
a price of $324,50, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, ~hite and AId, Martin that the
report be received end adopted.
No, 33 - Management Committee - recommending small engine. be purchased for the
rotar~ sand spreader, at a cost of $99,70, ORDERED on the motion of AId, McKinley
and AId, Norton that the report be received and adopted.
Ho, ~, -' Management Conmiriam - two recommendations re purchase of trucks, In
answer to a query by Ald. Nillet, the City Manager advised that it was the intention
to call for tenders on these units for Council's consideration, although it was not
so indicated in the report, ORD~KSD on the motion of Ald. Howers and AId,McKinley
that the report be received and adopted ae clarified.
No. 35 - Madagement C~ttee - advising of proposal from T,O.Lazarides & Associates
re overhead bridge on Victoria Avenue and advising that copies will be made for all
Hamberg of Council for consideration, after which the Couuittee will study the same,
ORDERED on the motion of Ald, McKinley and Ald, Morton that the report be received
and 'adopted,
11o, 36 - Arena and Parks ConmitCee - 3 recommendations re out-door skating rinks;
cost of purchasing roller skates and eperatin5 roller skatin5 under Arena Control
and floodlightinS of Sakes Park, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Norton and Ald.
McKinley that the report be received and adopted,
No, 37 - Arena and Parks Cowntttee - recommending no change in arena heatin5 system
but that study be made to provide for installation of valves to control heating in
dressin5 rooms, ORDBRBD on the motion of Aid. Miller and Ald, Norton that the report
be receiQed and adopted.'
Ho, 38 - Arena and Parks COmmittee - rec~ending Arena share 30 percent of gate
receipts in connection with Senior B, Hockey, ORDERED on the motion of AId,McKinley
and Ald. Norton that the report be received and adopted,
No, 39 - Arena and Parks Committee - recommending additional heat be supplied during
Wrestling matches at Arena. as an-eaperimenC, ORDERED ou the motion of Ald. Morton
and Ald. Mowers that the report be received and adopted.
1to. 40 - Cit~ Clerk - rec~=,endinS issuance of licences, ORDERED on the motion o£
Ald, Martin and Ald, Miller that the report be received and adopted, with the
exception of the applications for an Auctioneer*s liceuce sad Transient Trader's
licerice at' 3~9 ~ueen Street; these two item~ to be deleted for further information,
AId. Martin expressed the opinion that a petition of this nature and of
this proportion should not be ignored by the Members of Council and that it should
be given due consideration.
AId. Miller explained his reasons .for voting for the filing of the petition,
indicating that if the items contained therein were segregated, consideration could
be given to some extent, ~e was, however, opposed to the erection of a motel.
AId. Morton referred to an opinion previously expressed by a Solicitor to
the effect that erection could not be stopped but that ~he suggestion as to reclassi-
fication was another matter.
AId. Brooks referred to the erection of the gasoline station to which no
objection had been raised and the fact that property receutly purchased up there was
purchased with the sole idea of being used for commercial purposes.
AId.Mowers indicated that any persou in the area iu questiou desiring to
erect a store would of necessity have to be allowed to do so~ providing there was
compliance with the building by-law.
The following Resolution was passed;
No, 25 - MCKINLEY - MO~ERS - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the
City of Niagara Palls petition the Department of Highways for the Province of
Ontario for the Statutory Grant under The Highway Improvement Act on expenditures
made durinS the year 1957; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously..
The following By-laws were passed;
No. 5598 - A by-law Co amend By-law Number 5149, regarding tourist establishments
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers end Ald. Morton that Ald. White be
granted the privilege of introducinS the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading, - Carried Unanimously,
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~hite and Ald. McKinley that Rule 36 (2)
of the S.tandtng Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be 8tven
the second reading - Carried - witbAld. Miller, Martin and Mayor Hawktns-conErary.
Third Readin~ -Ald, Mowers -Ald, Morton - Carried, with Aid. Martin, Nillet and
Mayor Hawkins-contrary,
No, J~99 - A by-law to allow an encroachment on Welland Avenue,
The followin2Petition was 9resented;'
No. 2 - G, Dennis and 12~ others - objecting to permits for commercial construction
on Lundy's Lane and requesting reclasstficetion of the atea inquestion, (_e._.nl~tgD on
the motion ~f Ald. ~hite and Ald. Mowers tha{ the pet~tioube received and filed.
Carried the vote belOS~ Aye - AId, White, ~wers, McKinley, Brooks, Morton & Miller~
Nays -Ald, Martin and Mayor Hawkins, SF~ Cosmunicatio~
SEE B~-lawNo.5598.
Prior to the above action, AId. White expressed the view that the vhole matter had
been given thorough consideration and the de~elolnnent of the area as guiSested would
not be feasible and referred to certain other projects in the municipality that would
undoubtedl~ involve an inotnase in the mill tats for the current year,
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and AId. McKinley that Ald. Brooks
be 8ranted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the let.
reading - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId, Norton and AId, Miller that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the s~cond reading - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. McKinley and AId. ~rton - Carried Unanimously,
' 336
Council adjourned to the Finance Neeling on the motion of AId. Nowere and Ald.
READ AND ADOI~rND, 1oth. February, 1958.
Council Chamber,
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, February 3rd, 1958 for the
puqmose of approvin8 and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All Members of the Con~ittee were present. Ald.
White, Chairman of Finance, presided, d
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $6~,220.18 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted, being passed or othenrlse dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation Co the Council on the motion
of Mayor Hawkins and AId. Morton.
The City Manager*s report on the application of V. Delorenzo - lYl9
Victoria Avenue, for a pennit to erect two signs at a total coat of $4,300. was
presented for consideration. ORDERBD on the motion o4 Ald. Morton and Ald. Martin
that the report be receivid and a permit be issued for each signs.
The Cpww-4~tee arose and reported to Council on the motion o4 AId, Mclinley and
Ald. Killer.
READ AI~ ADOFTED, lOth, February, 1958.
Council Chamber,
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Connitteeo All Members of Council were present.
The following By-law was passed;
No. 5600 - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of i~ld. McKinley and AId. Morton that AId. White
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. White and AId. Miller that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. Morton and aid. Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
At this time, His Worship the Mayor, welcomed Mr. M.F.Jones, President
of the Greater Niagara Chamber of Comerce and His Traffic and Safety Committee,
to the meeting. The Purpose o4 their presence, being the presentation of a brief
containing the do~nto~m off°street parking program.
Mr. Roy Delaney was the spokesman and presented copies of the brief to
each Member of Council for perusal, explaining that it was the original intention
· to present a br.tef on behalf o£ both the North End and the South End Mar, chants
but since there had been some disagreement with reference to the South End,that
portion was not being presented and requested Councilts favourable consideration
to the requests as contained in the brief.
He then requested Mr. EddNasters to address Council, who did so,
outlining in brief detail the contents of the Brie4 and also requesting Council'8
serious consideration.
His Worship the Mayor then pointed out Chat it would be impossible this
evening to give any decision but assured the representatives that it would be
given serious consideration, It was then ordered on the motion of AId. Mowers
and Ald. Miller that the grin4 be received and laid on the table for Council's
parusa1 and His Worship the Nayor be requested to set aside one evening prior to
.the Budget Sessions at which time study and discussion could be held with the
Chamber's Committee, Carried Unanimously.
Council then moved into the Committee of the ~hole, on the motion of AId. Mowers
and AId. McKinley,
READ AND ADOPTED, lOth. February, 1958.
""U''''~ hairman o4 Finance,
Council Chamber,
Council assembled as a Con~ittee of the ~hole to deal with the communi-
cation received from the Optimist Club. All Members of Council were present. His
Worship the Mayor presided.
Nr. Ray Griffin acted as spokesman on behalf of the Optimist Club and
distributed a brochure on what the Club proposed to do, namely, the erection of a
Greater Niagara Youth Centre. He ~ent into great detail on the building, method
of financing, advising that the present location being surrounded by the new Hospital,
leaves no room for expansion and for this reason, it will be necessary to find a new
location, He requested the City to make available by donation, rental, lease or any
other means, suitable lands adjacent to the centre of the populated area, for the
construction of the Youth Centre.
DiScussion then ensued regarding available lands within the City and
the possibilities of their use, followingshiGh it was ordered on the motion of Aid.
14artin and Ald. Mowers that the proposals o~ the Optimist Club with regard to the
Greater Niagara Youth Centre be received and referred to the Property Committee and
the Ctty Nauager for investigation as to properties which might be made available
for this purpose, with the privilege of the Froparty Committee going to higher
authorities. Carried Unanimously.
The C~uniittee of the Whole then arose and reported to Council, on the motion of AId.
Mowers and AId. McKinley..
RBADAI~ADOPTED, 10th. February, 1958.
Council Chamber,
3rd.February 1958.
Council re-assembled following the meeting of the Committee of the
Whole on }ionday, February 3rd, 1958. All Members of Council were present. His
Worship, Nayor Hawkins, presided,
ORDERBD on the motion of AId, Mowers and AId. NcKlnley that the Com-
mintsees action in connection with the brochure presented by .the Optimist Club on
behalf of their proposed project of a Greater Niagara Youth Centre, be spproved,
I~AD tiiO) ADOFrED, 10th. February, 1958.
Council Chamber,
lOth. February,1958.
Pursuant to adjournment,, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Nonday, February 10th,
1958, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Hembars of
Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minu~es of the previous
meeting, adopted these on the motion of AId. ~iller and AId. Brooks.
Laid over from previous meetings;
No. 2~5 - (195~ file) - Premier Leslie ~. Frost - re Q.E.W. and NatDonald Avenue.
Ho. 246 - (1957 file) - Dept. of Highways - advising of survey to be undertaken by
Traffic Section re ~0E.~0 and NacD~uald Avenue.
.SEE Petition Number 8.
No. 40 - Ontario Traffic Conference - copy of 195~ Brief. ORDERED on the motion of
AId. Nowers and AId. ~hite that the recommendation of ~he Traffic Committee that
Council approval be forwarded to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Conference, be
received and adopted,
BEE Report Number 41.
The following Communications were presented;
No. 66 - Department of Transport - enclosing copy of Traffic Study on Q,E,~. and
fiatDonald Avenue intersection and making four recommendations. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Nillet and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and tabled for
one week for Council's perusal.
SEE Petition No. 8.
AId. Morton arrived at the meeting -
Ho. 6] - Nel Armstrong - explaining method of operation in connection with his
application for Auctioneer's and Transient Trader~s Licences. ORDERED on the motion
o£ Ald, Nowers and AId. Brooks that the communication be received and tabled for one
SEE ~eport Humber..~0~.
No. 68 - Niagara Falls Curling Club Ltd. - requesting financial assistance.
No. 69 - St, Ann's S~nuphonic Band - requesting financial assistance.
No. ~0 - Greater Niagara Church Basketball Association - requesting financial assistance.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Nowera and Ald. ~'aite that these connnunications be received
and referred ~o the Budget Committee for consideration when ~he Estimates are being
No. 71'- Niagara Falls Horticultural Society - reques~inS Council's approval of
Providi~g an extension to water line and erection of tool house-re Student gardens
st Cemetery° ORDgP. ED on the motion of AId, Nlller and AId, Norton that the communi-
cation be received end referred to the City Nanager for a report.
~o0 72 - Lions Club - requesting permission to hold Annual Carnival on Bridge Street
Grounds on July 9th, 10th, llth and 12th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Brooks and
Ald, Norton that the communication be received and filed and permission granted as
No. 73 * Greater Niagara General Hospital - Statement of loss on City Welfare
patients for year 1957. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hertin and AId. Miller that
the communication be received and referred to the Chairman of Finance and the City
ManaEer for the BudSet MeetinE.
No. 74 - W. T. McCallum - re proposal of B. OJosich in connection with premises and
their business at 562 Victoria Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and AId.
Morton that Mrs. Djosich be heard at this time. She advised that if approval were
allowed by Council to the proposal of manufacturing cabbage rolls, the present
restaurant would not continue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and AId. l~hite
that the conmunication be-received and Mr. McCallum be advised that this matter
should be referred to the Consulttee of Adjustment for consideration.
No. 75 - Our Lady .of Peace, Pastor - requesting permission to hold a parade on June
let. or June 15th. weather permitting. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Brooks and
Ald. Morton that the communication be received and filed and permission granted
for either date,
No. ?6 - Minister of Education - outlining assistance to Schools for Retarded
Chil~ren. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Brooks that the communi-
cation be received and tabled and the City Clerk submit a ~ull report for the next
meeting of Council, as to how long this a~sistance has been forthcoming and~hat it
amounts to as far as the Niagara Area is concerned.
No, 77 - Chairman, H,E,P,C, of Ontario - re iaprobability of carrying out the work
of constructing a concrete top over the old Hydra Canal, ORDERED on the motion of
AId. McKinley and AId, Morton that the communication be received and filed.
No. 78 - Unemployment Insurance Con~nlttee - requesting issuance of a joint procla-
mation to encourage public to have as much work as possible done .during the winter
months, as a means of alleviating un~uployment situation. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Morton and Ald. Mowers that the communication be received and filed and the
proclamation issued as requested.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 40 - application of Nel Armstrong for Aucttoneer's and Transient Trader's
licerites. ORDEIED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald..Brooks that the same be
tabled for one week.
SEE Communication 67.
The following Reports were presented;
No.. 41 - Traffic Committee - recommending that the Brief of the Ontario Traffic
Conference be approved and the approval forwarded to the Secretary-Treasurer of the
SEE Cutmudnication
No. 42 - Traffic C~.-.d tree - recommending. that the existing pedestrian traffic signals
at Perry St. and Hain St, be replaced by '~alk' and '~onst Walk" signals, In this
connection the City Manager explained that instructions had been issued to obtain
adapters on the existinS signals, ORDERBD on the motion of AId. Norton and Ald.
Brooks that the report be received and tabled until such time as the adapters
referred to by the City Manager have been installed for the perusal of Council,
No, 43 - Property Co~m4ttee - fayouting rooms being made available for the use of
Members of the Niagara Falls Bar Association on the second floor of the PoliCe Bldg.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Norton-that the report be received
and adopted.
~o. 4~ - Property C~,,ittee - recommending offer of land for disposal of Barbage
and rubbish by landfill method be held in abeyance until contact has been made with
H,B.P,C, of Ontario, ORDiI~D on the sCion of Ald, McKinleyand Ald, P~wers ~hat
the report be received and adopted.
No. 45 - Property Committee - recommending insurance coverage on all pressure
vessels, etco ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Howers that the report
be received and adopted.
No. ~6 - Management Committee ~ four recomsendations re extensions to the Niagara
Falls Filtration Plant. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and AId. Howers that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 4F - City Manager - suggesting either special Council Meeting or delegating of
authority to the Hanagement Committee to open tenders for installation of electrical
equipment. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Miller and Aid. Mowers that the report be
received and the tenders be opened in the presence of the Management Committee and
a representative of the Consulting Engineers,for presentation to Council after
tabulation of the same.
No. 48 - Management Coxmnittee - recounnendinS that Hembets of Council tour the
Filtration Plant in order to inspect the progress of construction of the new
extensions, etc. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Nattin and AId. McKinley that the
report be received and adopted and the tour be arranged commencing at 8.30 a.m.
on Saturday, February 15th.
No. 49 - Management Committee - reporting on recent meetings with Local 528 of
Fire Fighters' Association and Local 133, Civic Employees' Union, ORDERED on the
motion of Ald, Miller and Ald, McKinley that the report be received and filed,
No. 50 - Management C~Ittee - recommending that ~n. M. Mercer Ltd. be employed to
draft a pension scheme for civic employees and to make recommendations as to adoption
and advice as to the best submission; and that im~nediate action be taken to have a
Private Bill passed by the Provincial Legislature permitting the City to inaugurate
a pension scheme for civic employees. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald.
~hite that the report be received and adopted. Carried, with AId. Miller and Ald.
Harton not in fayour of recommendation no. 1 with reference to the employment of
~n. M. Mereerr Ltd.
No. 51 - City Clerk - recantending issuance of licenets, ORDERED on the motion of
Ald, McKinley and Ald, Mowers 'that the report .be received and adopted and licenets
issued accordingly.
The followin~ Communication was Presented;
No, 63 - Ralph Blamenit - requesting permission to continue the concession at Oakes
Park Stadium . AId. McKinley, Chairman of the Arena and Parks Committee, to whom
this request had been referred, reported verbally at this time that the Committee
feel that the services have been very satisfactory and were recommending that per-
mission be renewed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, McKinley and AId, Morton that
the verbal report be received and adopted,
AId. Mowers referred to requests he has received from merchants on ·
Victoria Avenue that'the bus stop be moved from the north side of the intersection
of Simcoe Street to the south side and he requested the Traffic Committee to study
this request at their convenience.
AId. HcKinlay referred to the page introduced in last Saturday's Evening
Review devoted entirely to the youth of this area from lake to lake, and the
excellence of the same and was of the opinion that Council should be cognizant of
this attempt and to encourage the newspaper, by passing on congratulations to the
Hanagement of the Evening Review.
SEE Resolution No.26.
AId. Morton, one of Countills representatives on the Industrial Committee
of ~he Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce, referred to a meeting he had sitended,
advising that it was decided that there should be a different approach to industry,
Particularly the United States this coming year, it being suggested that concen-
tration be concerted on the State o~ Ohio more or less; this subject to be brought
up at the next meeting,
AId. Miller requested the Traffic Co-entries to consider the erection
of two school signs in the vicinity of St. Francis Separate School, located on the
north side of Leader Lane in the Glenview Area.
AId. Miller referred to the condition of the sidewalk in the vicinity
of Christ Churqh and Huron Street, where four inches of water.were situated. He
was of the opinion that the CityManager should t~ke action or that then miter
should be referred to the Tour of Inspection.
Ald. Miller re£erred to the Federal Govermnentts attempt to relieve
unemployment and was of the.opinion that this could be accomplished by the
elimination of railway crossings, and referred particularly to the Clifton'Hill
Crossing at the Centre. Re queried whether an approach should be made to the
Minister of Transport to consider this suggestion, as the mone. y would be used on
a worthwhile project,
Ald. Miller referred to the lack of publicity in regard to evacuation
routes, which should be made available, by the Civilian Defence Organization in the
event of enemy attack and moved that a letter be forwarded to the Minister of
HighwayS, requesting ~hat action be t~ken to mark the highways in case of the need
of ~vacuation; he later withdrew this motion.
AId, Morton referred to the several requests he had received from
citizens along Stanley Avenue and Ferry Street that directional signs to the Queen
Elizabeth Highways should be erected and it was ordered on the motion of AId.
Morton'and Ald. McKinley that this matter be referred to the Traffic JCommittee
for consideration. Carried with Ald. White-contrary.
Laid over from a pr&vious meettnZ;
No. 8 - (1957 file) - J. Batty trekins and 53 other children - re,nesting the
erection of a stop light at the intersection of MacDonald Avenue and Robert St.
(Q.E.W.) ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. McKinley that the
petition be again tabled until Council have perused the Traffic S~rvey forwarded
by the Department of Transport - communication no.6~.
The following Resolutions were passed;
No. 26 - MCKINLEY - MS - RESOLVED that a letter be forwarded.to the Management
of the Niagara Falls Evening Review upon their inauguration of a youth pass in the
local press and empressinS Councilvs con~endations and wishes for success in this
endeavour; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No, 27 - MARTIN - MIu-aR - RESOLVED that the Legislature of The province of Ontario
b~ requested to repeal Part V of The Highway Improvement Ac~, S,O. 195~, which
provides for the establishment of Suburban Road Cuemissions, since it no longer
serves a useful purpose and results in inequitable.distribution of county road
construction and maintenance costs; And that a copy of this resoluCion be for-
warded to the Ontario Mayors and Reeves Association, the Ontario Municipal
Association and all cities in Ontario, requesting their endorsation; and the Seal
· of the Corporation be hereto affixed,
Carried Unanimously.
The fullswine By-law was passed;
No. 560~.- A by-law to appoint members of the Niagara Falls and Suburban FlanninS
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and AId. McKinley tha~ AId. Mowers
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and AId. McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporari.y suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously,
Third Reading - Aid. Mowers and AId. Martin - Carried Unanimously,
Council adjourned to the Finance NeetinS on the motion of AId. ~cKinley and AId.
REM) ANDADOPTED, 17th. February, 1958.
Council Chamber,
lOth. February,1958.
The Finance MeetinS was held on Monday, February 10th, 1958 for the
purpose of epprovin~ and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them, All Members of the Committee were present. Ald.
~hite, Chairman of Finance, presided.
At this time, AId, Mowers was excused from the meeting.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $39,923,31 were approved by the Committee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered
placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald.
Miller and Aid. McKinley.
The offer of Benjamin Laker on behalf of his client, to purchase jPart
of Lots 39 and 40, McGrail Avenue, for the sum of $200. was presented for considSr-
ation. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Miller that the offer be
received and filed and the applicant be notified that this property is not for sale
under these conditions and his cheque be refunded.
Ald, McKinley, moved, seconded by AId, Miller that the Property Committee
take under advisement the advisability of placin~ an advertisemen~ in the local
Press when a City-owned lot is available for sale. Carried Unanimously.
The City Managates report on the application of Carl AllemanS, for a permit
erect a plastic, illuminated sign at 685 Queen Street, at an estimated cost of
$350. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the
repor~ be received and adopted and permit be issued.
The City Managerss report on the application of Howardts Restaurant,
1986 Lundy*s-Lane for a permit to erect a neon sign, at an estimated cost of $600.
was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald, McKinley that the
report be received and adopted and permit be issued.
The City Manager~s'rePoft on the application of George Chanady, for a
building permit to erect the restaurant, carport and office for the motel at the
intersection of Victoria Avenue and Magdalen Street, at an estimated cost of
$35,000. was presented, ORDERED on the motion o£ AId. McKinley and AId. Morton
that the report be received and adopted and permit. be issued.
The Co~eaittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Miller and Aid.
READ AND ADOFrED 17th. February, 1958o
Clerk \
Council Chamber.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings.for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Co~eittee, All Members of Council were present, with the exception o£ Ald.
The following By-law was passed;
No. 5602 - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Morton that Ald. White
be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first
time. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~4hite and Ald. Miller that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
&eeond reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Miller - Carried Unanimously.
The City Clerk advised Council that in accordauce with The Municipal act,
Council was being advised that the time had now arrived when the Blanket Position
Bond was to be filed in Welland and requested approval of this action, ORDERED on
the motion of Ald, McKinley aud AId, Martin that the Blanket Position Bond be filed
in the Cro~nl Attorney~s Office in the City of I4elland to conform with the require-
ments of The Municipal Act, Carried Unanimously,
Council adjourned on the motion of Ald, Martin and AId, Miller.
READ AND ADOPTED, 17th. February, 1958.
Clerk ' *"' * * '*~ ' '~ '~ ' ' ° '
c__'U ..~ /-l-layor
Filtration Plant,
Council met in special session on Saturday morning, February 15Oh, 1958
at 8.30 a.m. for the purpose of inspecting the additions and alterations to the
Niagara Falls Filtration-Plant in Chippawn, Ontario. All Members of Council were
FollowinS the tour, satisfaction was expressed with the progress to
Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Site and AId. Brooks.
READ AND ADOPTED, 24th, February, 1958.
· ~ , Mayor ·
Council Chamber,
17th.February, 1958.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, February 17th,
1958, for the purpose of considering genersl business and finance. All Members of
Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous
meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Mowers and AId. ~orton.
A delegation was present at the meeting fromthe Downtown Businessmen's
Association and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton that
any Member of the Association desiring to speak be heard at this time. Hr. Lloyd
Wallace advised that he was acting as spokesman and expressed appreciation for
Council's delaying action On Hr. Me1 Armstrong's application for Auctioneer and
Transient Trader's Liceaces at 349 Queen Street, and proceeded to outline the
calibre of merchandize which would be offered for sale, such as substandards and
seconds at cut rate prices, pointing out that usually a minimum amount is spent on
the premises where such business is carried out, thus placing a second-rate
establishment in the business section which would not be an asset to the area. In
addition Mr. Wallace pointed out that in some circumstances loudspeakers are put on
the outside of the establishment, which would be disturbing in the business area and
definitely lessen the prestige of the area. He stressed the depressing effect on
local merchants if such operation were permitted by Council.
His Worship the Mayor advised the speaker that Council appreciated their
appearance at the meeting, as it was Council's intention when the applications were
received, to give publicity before taking action.
SEE Con~unication No.67
Laid over from previous meetings;
No. 245 - Premier Frost - re Q.E.W. and MacDonald Avenue and advising that survey
will be made.
No. 246 - Dart. of HiRhways - advising survey to be undertaken by Traffic Section on
Q.E.W. and MacDonald Avenue intersection.
No..66 - (1958 file) Dept. of Transport - enclosing copy of traffic study on
and MacDonald. Avenue which advised that installation of signal light system not
warranted, but that School Crossing Signs will be erected if school authorities will
forward a request for same. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Mowers that
the survey be received and copy forwarded to the Board of Education.
SEE Petition Number 8.
No. 67 - Mel ArmstronZ - explanation on mode of operation in connection with application
for AuCeloneer and Transient Trader~s licences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers
and Ald. Martin that the communication be received and filed and neither of the two
liceaces requested be granted.
The following Communications were presented;
No. 79 - Ontario Municipal Joint Committee on SeweraZe Works - advising. of meeting
called by Honourable J. ~. Montelib, Minister of National Health and Welfare, at
City Hall, Chatham on Feb. 20th. at 2 p.m. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin
and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and filed and Alderman.~ite
and the City Manager be authorized to attend.
No. 80 - Teacherss Oouncil - requesting proclamation re Education Week, March 2rid.
to March 8th. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Brooks that the com-
munication be received and filed and the request granted.
No. 81 - Salvation Army - requesting grant for 1958.
No. 82 - Greater ~tagara Safety Council - requesting grant for 1958. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Mowers and AId. Morton that the communications he received and referred
to the Budget Committee for consideration when the Estimates are Being prepared.
No. 83 - Department of Municipal Affairs - remarks of the Hoecurable Leslie M. Frost,
. Premier of Ontario, relative to a special program of Provincial Assistance to
municipalities to stimulate employment. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and
AId. Miller that the communication be received and referred to the City Manager for
a report; such report to.include the possibility of levelling the Victoria Avenue
No. 84 - Greater Niagara Employment, Advisory Committee - resolution requesting that
employers hiring part time employees hire only those unemployed, and employers who
hav~ part time eu,ployees, but working full time on another job, be requested to
replace such employees from those presently unemployed. As this communication was
not listed on the agenda, it was ordered on the motion of AId. Martin and Aid.White
that the same be read. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald. Morton that
the resolution be received and endorsed. FORTHER ENDORSED on the motion of AId.
Martin and Ald. Brooks that the matter be referred to the Management Committee and
the City Manager for investigation in this regard, concerning municipal employees
and for submission of a report.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 51 - Management Committee - recoemending supply and installation of gratings
in filter operating room floor. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Hartin and Ald.Howers
that the report be received and adopted. FURTHER ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Morton and Ald. Miller that the City Hanager be requested to submit a report
regarding the possibility of concreting the existing gratings or the installation
of aluminum gratings in the Filtration Plant.
No. 52 - Management Committee - advising of opening tenders for Electrical Works
at Filtration Plant on Wednesday, February 12th. which were then referred to the
Consulting Engineers for recommendation. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and
Ald, Mowers that the report be received and filed.
No. 53 - Management Committee - recon~ending Council accept recommendation of
ConsultinS Engineers that Provincial Engineering Co. tender for the removal of
existing electrical equipment and the supply and installation of electrical
equipment and appurtenances for the Filtration Plant, at a quotation of $41,075.
Bb a~c~pted, be adopted; ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Miller andAid. Morton
that the report be received and adopted,
Sgg Resolution No.28.
No. 5~ - ManaRemeut C~ttee - re installation of mechanical equipment at the
.Filtration Plant and recommending discussion with Provincial Engineering to obtain
information for consideration of Hana2emant Couaittee. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald, McKinley and AId, Mowers that the report be received and adopted.
.No, 5~ - Equipment - Co~lttee - re quotations for units to be used in landfill
disposal for rubbish and SatbaBe and recoamendins demonstration be held on
February 21st, at 3 p,m, and all Members of Council be present, ORD~RBD on the
motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton that the repor~ be received and adopted;
demonstration Co be held on date specified unless notification is received to
the contrary,
No, 56 - Negotiations Committee = re meeting. with Local 528 and Local 133 to be
held later, ORl)~ on the motion of Ald, Morton and Ald, Miller ~hat the report
be received and filed.
No. 57 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of liceaces. ORDERED on the motion of
AId. McKinley and ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted and liceaces
issued accordingly.
No. AId, Martin referred to the amount of remuneration received by the Members
of the Court of Revision aud was of the opiniou tha~ this amouut should be increased
in order to give those of such calibre the impetus to serve on this Court. ORDERED
on the motion of AId, Martin and AId. Mowers that this matter be referred to the
Budget Committee for consideration. Carried Unanimously,
Laid over from a previous meeting;
No.. 8 (1957 file) - J.Barry Erskine and 53 other children - requesting the erection
of a stop light at the intersection of MacDonald Avenue and the- Q.E.W. ORDERED
on the motion of AId. Miller and AId. Mowers tha~ the Traffic Study which the Dept.
of Transport made, be forwarded to the Board of Education for their consideration.
SEE Communication No.66
The.following Resolution was passed;
No. 28 - MILLER- NORTON - RESOLVED that the quotation of Provincial Engineering
Limited for the removal of the existiug electrical equipment at the Filtration
Plant and the supply and installation of electrical equipment and appurtenances,
at a quotation of $41,075. be accepted, aud the Mayor and Clerk are hereby
authorized to enter into and deliver an agreement and/or touttact for the carrying
out of such work; and the Seal of the Corporatiou be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously,
The following By-law was passed;
No, 5603 - A by-law.to declare a certain property to be required for the purposes
of the municipality,
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Nowera and AId. Morton that AId. Brooks be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading, - Carried Unanimously,
ORDERED on the motion of AId, White and AId, Mowers that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading, - Carried Unanimously,
Third Reading - AId, Brooks and AId. McKinley - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned. to the Finance Meeting on the, motion of Aid. Miller and AId.Mowers.
REAI) ANDADOpTBD, 24th.February,1958.
Clerk U'i&aa'~' "' ' ' ~" Mayor.
~ite, Chai~n of Finance, presided. - : .
The AccounCs submlCCed, bein8 passed or o~her~ise dealt ~'i~hm
The Co~ittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of AId. Nowors and AId.
Finance neeCin~s ~or ~he purpose of passin~ ~he by-law which covered ~he accounts
approved by ~he C~i~ee, All Hembets of Council w~re present. .
No. 56~ - To provide ~nies for general pu~oses. - .
0~ on the motion of Aid. ~iller and AId, ~o~ers that Rule 36 ( )
Third. R~di~- AId, Norton and AId, Miller- Carried O~nimously,
Ald. lller rarefied Co a meeCin~. actended on ~ednesday aC which it
indicted ~Ch reference co the sureseed Easter Parade, C~C the Sheraton-Brock,
free stay for a ramify, possibly ira the ~sC distant point, a~ Chair respective
Clerk * ~~~Hayor
No. 86 - Greater NiaRara Chamber of Commerce - commendation to Civic Departments
for snow removal. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Miller that the
communication be received and filed.
No. 87 - Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce - advising of results of survey re
Easter Parade. Ald. Miller was of the opinion that this survey was not conclusive,
and that it was not a true picture of the situationl stating that there had not
been enough time allowed for replies from the business firms cireularized. ORDERED
on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the communication be received
and laid on the table pending a further report.
No. 88 - Minister o~ Highways - coumenting on Resolution Number 27 recently passed
by the City Council with reference to the repeal of Part V of The Highway
Improvement Act relative to Suburban Road Commissions. In connection with this
matter, the City Clerk advised Council that of the 29 cities circularized with th]E
resolution, to date only four replies had been received; two endorsations and two
pending decision of their respective Councils. ORDERED on the motion of Ald,
Morton and Ald. Mowers that the communication be received and laid on the table.
N0. S9 - Department of Plannin~ and Development - Zone Cotamities of the Regional
Development Association, and advising that a request will be received for Annual
Grant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~ite and Ald. Brooks that the con~unicaticn
be received and filed.
No. 90 - Inspector, Radio Regulations - Dept. of Transport - advising of amendment
of Radio regulations, Part II to control radio and T.V. antennae, ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and
referred to the City Manager to obtain the pamphlet referred to in the letter and
a report be submitted to Council, on the advisability of being registered as a
designated area.
No. 91 - Lioness Club - requesting permission to hold a broom canvas. ORDERED on
the motion of ~ld. Morton and A]d. Martin that the communication be received and
filed and permission granted as requested.
No. 92 - Y.W.C.A. - appreciation for financial support during first y~ar of three
year programme and requestin~ continued support for next two years. ORDERED on tk~
motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley that the communication be received and
referred to the Budget Committee for consideration when the Estimates are being
No. 93 - Beniamin Later - requesting reconsideration of Council to the sale of the
lot on McGrail Avenue, at a higher price. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks
and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and the writer informed that
the City does not sell lots without a building stipulation in the Agreement for
The following Reports were presented;
N~. 58 - City Manager - recommending that the necessary installation for water
service be granted and permission also' granted to the Horticultural Society in
cinnectfon with their Junior Gardens P~oJect at Fairview Cemetery. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopte~.
No. 59 - City Manager * report on possibility of employing unemployed,mnn not
drawing unemployment insurance, on municipal projects and outlining Schedule for
the use of such men. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Mowers that
the report be received and adopted and the CityManager make application for the
approval of the Schedule, to the Department of Mun~cipal Affairs.
Me. 60 - City MannRot - advising of Civilian Defence Committee's request for
permission to use one room on third floor of Police Bldg. O~DERED on the motion
of AId. White and AId, Brooks that the report be received and permission granted as
No. 61 - Negotiations Commit~ee - report on progress to date at meeting with Fire
Fighters, Local 528, On Feb. 18th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mille~ and Ald.
Morton that the'report be received and filed.
No. 62 - NeRotiatfens C~rm;ittec ' r,:pcrt ,...,. progress
Employees' Union reprcscntati~eo
Miller and AId. ~owers tllat the rci, Drt
No. 63 - Management Cohmdttee - r~pcr~ o!, ..ectlpg "itL r~pL~sc, tae '- , :f I'::,. ~' ~c'rccr
Limited re preliminary ~ropus~!s rc pcnb~on ~c',;e:..e for dvlc cr:p!~yc~, h~!d ~ Fe!'.IRtb
0RDERED on tile motion of AId. McKih~cy and A!d. M,?.'crs dE~t. tLc report ~¢ rccci~cd ,:.:~
No. 64 ~ City Clerk - recommending is~ual,ce of !fc~nce~. ORDERED o.: the ::.:,%i~n ~ '~'
Morton and Ald. I/hits the report be r.~cived and ad",pted add ]icbn~cb ~sg~ed Lccurdi~.gly.
The following By~laws x,'er_e passcd_;
No. 5605 - A by-law for licensing, reSulating and governi::g vandora z,f mi~k, crcai..e,
fluid milk, or fluid milk products in the City of Niagar.-. Fal!~.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks ~nd AId. Miller tL0t Jld. :L':cr~ be
permitted to introduce tile by-law and the by-lax.., be read the first ki;he. - CJfri-d
The City Clerk requested permission Lo read the pfea:nbl~ o::]) ,!~ c~pic~
of this by-law had been given to Council at their previoub n:ec~iag ~nd C~uucil ~,cze
sow aware of the contents of tl~e by-law. Pcrmission as ruq~estcd x,a~ ~fnntcd dp th~
motion of Ald. ~hi~e and .\ld. Mowers. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion uf AId. McK]nley and AId. Miller that Ru]e 36 (2) ~f
the Stauding Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-la~ bc gi\,~n thc
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. Morton and AId. Mud:era - Carried Unanimously.
~.o. 5606 - A by-law to appoint an Inspector for th~ enforcement of Part II ~f The
Milk Industry Act, 1957 and any By-law passed thereunder.
ORDERED on the motion of ,kid. White and AId. blo~,crs that Aid. Morton be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be gi\'cn the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and AId. Mowers that Rule 36 (2) Of
~he S~anding Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be give:: the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. McKinley and Aid. Martin - Carried Unanimously.
AId. Brooks, Chairman of the Buildings Committee, reported
verbally on the request of the City Manager for permission to have the two wash rooms
painted on the second floor of the Police Building, at the corner of Park St. and
Clifton Ave. at a cost of $69. and $79. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and
Ald. Mowers that the verbal report be received and adopted.
A full discussion was held on the subject of snow removal and the
recent snow storm and AId. Morton referred to the breaking down of three snow leo hs
which were out of service 10 hours for repairs. . P ~
· c The 0ity Ma.ager ,roeceded to . platn the situation witb reference
s. the. equipment. in use. during, the stone the d~f.ficultiCs ~ncuvred and ~h~ efforts of
i~y s equipment stood up fairly well under the circumstances.
Ald. Miller referred to the state of Victoria Avenue and offered the
suggestion that the snow should be ploughed to the centre of the road in order that
the snow-loader's function could be more easily facilitated, thus making it easier
for the motorists to travel.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 3rd. March, 1958.
Council Chamber
24th.Februarv mo~
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, February 24th, 1958 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. A!d.
White, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $74,173.91 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of
Ald. Miller and Ald. Mowers..
The City Manager submitted a verbal report on the application of Sam
Alfieri, for a building permit to make extension to the Capri Restaurant at 1438
Ferry Street. It is proposed to erect an addition 1 storey in height to be used as
a kitchen, at an estimated cost of $1,500. The City Manager pointed out that another
application will be made for alterations to the front of the building and the
~uilding will be converted into one big restaurant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Miller and Ald. Mowers that the verbal report be received and adopted and permit
issued. ~
Committe.e arose and reported to Council on the motion of AId. Miller and Mowers.
READ AND ADOPTED, 3rd. MarCh, 1958.
· :':.c~1 Ch"nbcr
The Council rc-assen:~l.-~ at t}': cZcs¢ '~f the r'gv!:,r
Meetings for the purpose of pas~::s t%:, %'-!aw 'hi:.h -~,.--~-,, .t. ' '-1 ..'l ~"
- .
by the Co~ittee, All Members ..f C-":nc::] ' ere rr-~]::~, ' ...... ~'~' r ....
The follo:'ing B,,-I~-.-
t_~ ,-,_:. was [.c:az~di
No. 5607 - T3 provide ~onics for gc'n~ra]_
ORDERED on the mgt]oIt ~f
granted the privilege of introducing the bL.-~_a:' ;~a the ~,x,-~--- '
reading. ' -
- Carried Unanin:ously,
ORDERED on the motinn nf ~]d. '-'h.~tc
the Standing Rules of Council be temporar~!y susF~ndec
second reading. - Carried Unau~::nuslx,. ' '~ '
Third Reading - AId. Morton ,~nd .lid. Nt,::er3 - Carried
READ AND ADOPTED 3rd, March, 1958.
Clerk '
Council Cha~bl, r,
Pursuant to adjournment. Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, March 3r~.
1958, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of
Council were present. The C6uncil, having received and read the m{nutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of.\ld. Mowers and Ald. Morton.
Laid over from previous meetings;
No. 76 - Minister of Education ~ outlining assistance to retarded children's scho~l.
No. 85 - Greater Niagara Asdociation for Retarded Children ~ outlining amount of
Grants received from Ontario Department of Education. ORDERED on the motion
Martin and Ald. Meters that the communications be received and filed.
SEE Report
The following Comnunications were presented;
No. 94 - Canadian Federation of Mayors and MuniCipalities - 1958 Conference of
Building Officials to be held April 14th, 15ti~ and 16th.in Ottawa. ORDERED on
motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Brooks that the conm~unication be received and filed
and the City Engineer be authorized to attend this Conference along with one Member
of Council.
No. 95 - Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce - requesting permission to issue a
proclamation re Chamber of Commerce Week. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton
and Ald. Miller that the communication be received and filed and permission granted
as requested.
No. 96 - Niagara Regidnal Development Association - invitation to session in Uclla~.d
on March 5th. at 7.45 p.m.
No. 97 - Niagara Regional Development Association - invitation to session in Grimshy
on March 8th. at 10 a.m. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Miller that
these communications be considered together. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller
and Ald. McKinley that the communications be received and filed and Ald. White wh~
has artended previous meetings, be authorized to attend both meetings; accompanied
on March 5th. by Ald. Morton; and on March 8th. by Ald. Mowers.
No. 98 - Kiwanis Club of Niagara Falls - requesting Council's permission to erect
a banner on Victoria Avenue at Epworth Circle~ in connection with Misic Festival.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald. Mowers that this communication be
considered although received too late for inclusion on this evening's agenda.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mowers that the communication be
received and filed and Council grant the necessary permission for said erection;
Local Hydro Commission to be notified accordingly.
The following Reports were presented;
Nc. 65 - City Clerk - report cn comparison between Grants received from Depart~e'z~
of Education for pupils of Public Schools and School for Retarded Children. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mowers that the report be received and filed.
No. 66 - Mayor E. M. Hawkins - report on meeting with representatives of the Dept.
of Public Works re proposed new post office building and probability of the removal
of the existing Queen St. Post Office to a new location at Victoria Ave. and Jepson St.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and AId. Mowers that the report be received and
Previous to this action. Jd. ,Miller cypresspal
as contained ]n tile report of the M.i~er ~S to the :'-eet~n9
senretires of the Department ~f Public vorks: ind~cat;l:
and that he stroog]y advocated ~b::t ~f c :'e~ F~st
logically it shotlid bo at the South E~d cf tile City
it would be much more central, farti~u]arl,.,
stated that. in h~s opinion. th~ ~ uqeLte~
and the matter shou]d not ~e a]~c-rc]'h~ h,~ !eft
advised that this po]nt had bee., str'n.F~v
meet with Coupoil for fu]] dress ~.:usr~:n
N~, 67 - C~ty MauaEer - report c:~. r!:!ct~nF >f San~t:~-'l-. c---:..:tt?=. 'l~', ~. U ]~ : .r
H,E.P,C. of Ontario re land for landf~l! nothtd cf
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. M~,'erm ard %Id. ~cK~-~,- t-h~t tl,~ ;er~t ~ r~.,.~--~.~
and filed. ' ....
No. 68 - City Engineer - report on attendatxcc at C~tv
Feb.24th. ORDERED o!: the motinn of '\]d. Mo~ers and ',~d. McKi.-.]p,, tb~:t ;Is rcF,,rt
he received and filed and the City Eng{necr be congratu]::ted [~,r'hi~ fine rap:,rt.
~o. 69 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licepets. OPDERED on the mot+{e:: of
Ald. McKinley and Ald. Brooks that the report be received and adopted and licesees
issued accordingly.
The City Clerk then referred to an application ~chich had bcea received for
a potato chip wagon which has not been approved by the Deputy Chief of Police n~r
himself and advised that this wagon was formerly owned by a ]~censed operator.' The
City Clerk reminded Council that a few years ago, Couuci~ had decided that no ne~c
licesees would be issued for this type of operation and that they would not condone
transfer of any such licesees. ORDERED on the mother of A]d. Brooks and Ald. Morton
that the application of Vern Lawrence be received and filed and l~cence he not granted.
AId. Mowers was of the opinion that the two remaining vehicles now in
operation do not have a very good appearance.
The following Resolution was passed;
No. 29 - Y~\RTIN - BROOKS - RESOLVED that the Deputy Minister of Public l'?orks, the
Deputy Postmaster General, Mr. Creba and his associates, be contacted and requested
to meet with the Mayor and Members of Council for full discussion on the subject of
a new post office and/or alternative locations; and the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId.
READ AND ADOPTED, lOth. March, 1958.
Clerk ' ' .....
Council Chan'h,,-
3rd.March, !e~2. .
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, March 3rd. 1958 for the purpcs~
of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly cert!r~'
and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Ald. t,'hite,
Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $152,683.61 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motjoL
of Mayor Hawkins and Aid. Miller.
The Summary of Tenders for replacement of Trucks No. ll, 28 and 30 vas
submitted for consideration. Ald. Martin, Chairman of the Equipment Committee,
reported verbally on the study given by his Committee to the same and referred t~
the lowest tendeter, Stewart Bird, advising that the Equipment Co~nittee were
recommending that the three trucks he purchased from Stewart Bird Motors at a to!rjZ
net price of $10,649.45. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mowers
that the Equipment Committee's report on the acceptance of Stewart Bird's tender,
the lowest quotation, be received and adopted, Carried Unanimously.
The City Manager's report on the application of Reward Shoe Store,
1904 Main Street, for a permit to erect a plastic illuminated sign, at an
estimated cost of $300. was presented for.consideration. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Miller and Ald. Mowers that the report he re~eived and adopted and permit
The City Manager's report on the application of Cataract'Sales and
Rentals for a permit to erect a plastic, illuminated sign at 1792 Ferry Street, at
an estimated cost of $243.00 was presented for consideration, ORDERED on the moti~m
of Ald. Morton and Ald. Brooks that the report he received and adopted and permit
The City Manager's report on the second application of Cataract Sales
and Rentals, 1792 Ferry Street for a permit to erect a sheet metal sign, to be
attached to the face of the building on the west side, at an estimated cost of
$112. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the morton of Ald. Morton and
Mayor Hawkins that the report be received and the application left in abeyance
until the Property Committee have an opportunity to view this location.
The Cqtv Mauager'~
a building permit tc erect
Lundy's Laue between Pe!lc~u~
$62,500. was presented for
and AId. Brooks that the report
with Ald. Martin, Miller and
The Com~nittcc arose sad reported to C +-:pc:'l c:i ti.o ;.~et{,,!~ f :'::for !%w~k~;.r ~:,d
AId. McKinley. "
READ A~D '\DOPTED, ]0th. March, lq5~.
Counc,.' 1 Chamber,
3rd.March, 195~.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regulaI Council ard Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the b)~laL which ccvered the accouDts approved
by the Comndttee. All Members of Council were present.
Ald. Brooks requested the City Manager and the Arena Nauager to prepare a
report on the operation of the Memorial Arena on Saturday afternoons; this request:
being instigated because of a complaint received by the Alderman over the telephone
from a citizen as to clothlag being improperly handled and according to the report
having been tossed into the sanitary facilities,
The following By-law was passedi
N__o~ 5608 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Miller that Aid.White
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading, . Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. White and Aid. Morton that Rule 36 (2)
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. Miller and AId. Mowers ~ Carried Unanimonsly.
The City Manager requested that all Members of Council be present,
if possible, on Friday afternoon, March 7th, at 3.p.m. to inspect the heavy
equipmenf at the Disposal Area.
Council agreed to hold a preliminary meeting on Saturday morning,
March 8th. to discuss off-street parking at 9 a.m. in order to be'ready to
discuss the same with the North and South End Businessmen's Associatfon on Monday,
following the regular Council Meeting, March 10th.
Council agreed to hold the Budget Meeting at 7 p.m. on Thursday,
March 13th.
Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Mowers.
READ AND ADOPTED, 10tit. March, 1958.
the Council Chin,her on
the brieEs submitted hy't
~trect parking,
The Mayor in cones:ling tke n~ecti:~g ddvig~Jd ~ tc t*~ ?~.rp,~b~ f--I , ii~ ~% it
being held and on the suggestion of the City M~n~ger' the Clerk . ~s re~ucj{'od t~ road
the legislation in TIle Municipal Act governing off-street p~r].{::E arcjJ ,::~d the
requirements established thereby ~n tLc evep. t tLe mur=ic{pjl{ty Lc~c i~t~ such
of operation utilizing geaeral funds of the municipalit>..
A general discussion ~,as thel, held on the submissiun n:ndc
Merchants with particular reference to tile possible wide:;in~
Park Street for the expressed purpose of incrcasiag parking, it also being saggedted
that consideration must be given sooner or later to the establishing
traffic on both of the aforemeationed streets.
Aid. Miller suggested that if the municipality developed the Market ~.rea
and the former City Yard Area at Park Street and Lelland Aveno. c uith no expense fol
the acquisition of property nod that if lturon S~rcet aud Park Street :cere also do~]L
with, this would be the solution for some considerable time.
Ald. Martin suggested tltat for the year ]958, ~o,lsidcratioo bc given t~ the
developing of the north side of Queen Street, paving of tile lot, attention t~ Park
Street; the lot, of course, ~o be metered and contemplation bc given to the eveptaal
removing of the City-owned building at the corner of Park St. and I,Yel]and Ave.
Following further discussion, it yes agreed that the submission of the
North End Merchants' Association be tabled and they be adv{sed that Cut,xxcil would
consider as rapidly as feasible tile development of the Park Street lot, tile Farkct
Area, the Railway property on the north side of Park Street east of lJellaxld -\venus;
the making of Huron Street and Park Street one-x,,av streets as the solution for the
present time. ' '
The brief submitted by the South End Merchants'Association was then
considered with particular reference to the initial project designated as Area 'x"
and in this connection, the City Manager advised that he believed the present area
being used for parking purposes at the rear of the Hollywood Theatre, that is, the
portion not now owned by the municipality, could be purchased for $6,000. and made
reference to the present ingress and egress adjacent to Bick]e's Hardware Store on
Main SCreet~ ,. ,.
Following further discussion, it was agreed that the brief submitted by
the South End Merchants' Association be tabled and that for the present the municipality
consider the acquisition of the Biamonte property, a full development of the parking
a~ea and satisfactory arrangements concerning the Main Street entrance plus the
carrying out of the programme which has been considered concerning Peer Street and
that this was considered as all that was feasible during the .cnrrent year.
Ald. Mowers referred to the request of the N~agara Falls Board of Education
for $175,000. for renovations and fmprsvemcntg and ~xpr~:ze~ Pbe "ic~, th~ r~tbor
than expend this kind of money on repairs that consideration should be given instead
to the erection of new schools,
AId. White informed Council of the recent attendance by himself and AId.
Morton a~ a meeting of Zone 3 of the Regional Development Association and indicated
~hat his views in the matter {re no different from what they were in the first
indtanee'.~he Members of Council were in accord with no further action as of the
Alderman Martin, Chairman of the Management and Equipment Committee
then advised that following the demonstration of the disposal units on Friday
afternoon his Connnittee had met and were bringing in a report for Monday night's
meeting recommending the purchase of the Ballentine Unit, particularly in view of
the large trade-in allowance, the net cost being, in round figures, $]8,000.00.
I~ was agreed By the Members of Council that the report when submitted would be
Ald. White then referred to a complaint received by him concerning the
non-payment of a Member of Council for absence at the Tour of Inspection meeting
held in June of 1957, and asked Ald. Morton who was the Member in question, to
explain his views. Ald. Morton was of the opinion that since he had missed only
one meeting for which he was paid, this absence being due to illness that he
should have been paid for the Tour of Inspection meeting, although he was unable
to be present at that time.
Following discussion, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and
Ald. Martin that Ald. Morton be paid for the Tour of Inspection Meeting held in
J~ne, 1957 at which he was not present and that in future in instances of this
kind, the Member of Council must notify the City Clerk as to his absence and as t-
the Member's designation of cause of absence. Carried, vith Aid. Mowers,opposed.
Prior to this motion, Ald. Mowers moved, for which there was no seconder, that th
City Manager and City Clerk bring in a report as to the wording of a resolution
dealing with this subject.
AId. Miller then advised the Men~ers of Council concerning a recent
meeting of the Chamber's Tourist Committee, of which neither be nor Ald. McKinley
had received notice except for a phone call on the morning cf the day of the meet'
to he held and indicated that this type of notification was extremely unsatisfact,--".
and that he did not intend to approve of anything in the 1958 Budget for the
Tourist Committee which would be utilized for the making of a T. V. film, his
specific reason being that to a great extend the film as proposed ~muld pub]ici~e
\met;can points of interest rather than Canadian.
On the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mowers, Council adjourned.
READ AND ADOPTED, 10th. March, 1958,
C ~erk
The following Ci,mmun" cations were p_~_e:~:cn~t_C~i'
No. q9 - Deputy .uinister of Public ','~rks - cxI~!c'.!!:i:~g
re selection of a site for the new Post Office. ORI~FRED
and :kid. Mowers that the communication be received and tah!ed.
No. 100 - Victoria Avenue Business Men's Asscciatien - appro\,il:g c'f nox., l!,c~tion
Pest Office. ORDERED on the roDrio~, of Aid. Miller ;:nd X]d. Brooks that th~
cation be received and tabled until such time Js C.,unc~] meet5 I.'~t]: the ~cl'ctv
Minister of Public Works and the Deputy Pestmaster Genera] cr their reFrcsc.-t~l~-,i.,.es'
No. 101 - Canadian Federation of Mayors and Man!cipa!itiez - :d-.,istnL.~5 2endline f
submission of resolutions to be considered at forthcomi ,.g Con~re,.~ce. ORDERED o:~. the
motion of Ald. White and AId. Norton that the commuaica~iop he recei,.cd amd filed.
llis Worship the Mayor referred to the 1950 C-nference of the C:nadiaa Fe~cratlo:: zud
indicated that If Council x, ere interested in havil~., i~ here i~ the C[t)' ,. f NiaGara
Falls, it would require a resolution of Council ~hich he vou]d bare to t::ke
to Victoria, B. C. and verbal]), supFort. F,.]]owir. F d~scus~!op ~t was agr~ed tha~ the
matter be left ]n the hands of His Uersbip f~r investrUn,is:, .stc [.c, tc-~t{al
No. ]02 - Niagara District Ake]a Clu_~ - requesting permigsYf,:: tD p~'rtion 9f
Park on May 24th. to hold Annual Cub Field Dnv. Tho City Clerk ~-knsed Cc'~9c~! that
the whole Niagara District is included in these C?h activities ::nd [r~m ye?r tc yc.~r
this Field Day ls switched from municipality to mun/c]pa/~ty. ORDEWED 9:1 the ,'orion
0f Ald. Martin and Aid. Nmwers that the commueicat~pn he r~c~.:~d and referreB
the Parks and Recreation Committee %,ith power to act.
No. 103 - Canadian Legion Branch 51 Soccer Club - requesting ppr,,iFslon it, use the
Soccer field two n~ghts a week. ORDERED on the :nntion cf .]d. M~]]cr :!:~d Aid.Brooks
that the communication be received and referred to the Parks and Recreation Com-
mittee for a report.
No. 104 - Town of Lasalle - Resolution re Section !04 of Tl:e \SSeSSmeDt Act.ORDERED
on the motion of Aid. McKinley and AId. Morton that the co,u:.anication be received
and filed and the writer be notified as to the policy parsued in the City of Niagara
Falls with reference to local improvements and the reason for non-support of their
No. 105 - City of Stratford - resolution re unemployment relief program, as proposed
b), Provincial Government. ~'be ~"'P. *~.~ .... r _-'."~-.' ~ ;' ~' , · 'rL , ~ -
~h~ resolution of the City of Stracfurd, he must agree that there should be an
extension of the plan as originall)* submitted by the Proviocial Auehorittes but tbat
care should be exercised as to ~u~h extension so as not to implicate the municipalities
In extensive plans which they would not be able to finance aud ~,hich might involve
the picking and cl~oosing of employees who would be utilized. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Martin. that in view of the Manager's remarks, the con~unication
be received and filed and the resolution be not endorsed. Carried, with AId.Morton-
contrary; the Alderman being of the opinion that although the City of Niagara Falls
might not contemplate such an extended plan, it could conceivably be beneficial to
others who were inn position to proceed.
system at i700 Le~is .~venue due to the fact that the present system at 1651 R~er
and Aid. McKinley that tile communication be received and the applicants be notified
that tile matter will.be taken under consideration and the City Manager will bring h.'
a report.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 70 - Equipment Conmittee - recommending purchase of International Tractor with
a Drott "~" in 1" Bullclam, 2~ cubic yard bucket and 95 H.P.engine at a net cost of
$17,975.00 for use at the Disposal Area on Valley Uay. ORDERED on the motion of A!J.
Mart~n and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. Ald. McKinley
queried whether periodic inspection will be maintained on this piece of equipment,
to eliminate any possibility of the City being faced with an enormous bill for repair..
as was previously experienced when the proseat bullclam needed repairs.
No. 71 - Management Committee - report on discussions held on March 7th, 1958 witL
representatives of H. G. Acres and Co. Ltd. and Provincial Engineering Ltd. rcgardin~
the cost of the installation of the mechanical equipment at the Filtration Plant;
advising that a further study of details of work required ~ill be made and a defiu!t-
proposal will be made to the City at the meeting of Council on March lOth. The Cit
Clerk at this time read a communication from the Consulting Engineers to which
attached a copy of theproposal of Provincial Engineering Ltd. and vhich the Consu]t~_~
Engineers agreed wa~ in line with standard rates in the construction trade. ORDEREn
on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Brooks that the report of the Mnnagement
mittee be received and filed; and the reco~nendation of the Consulting Engineers
SEE Resolution
No. 72 - Negotiations Conmittee - report on tile meeting with Employees' Union repr,
scatatives on March 7th. ORDERED on the moticn of Ald. Mi!ler and Alld. Morton that
the .report be received and filed.
No. 73 - City Manager - report concerning the damage to clothing in the dressing r.,:
at the Memorial Arena on March'lst 1958. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and
Ald. Morton that the report be received and filed.
No. 74 - City Clerk - report on meetlug held in Toronto, March 6th. with Premier
Frost re Bill No. 110 and the matter of taxes on stores in Rainbm, Bridge Plaza,et~.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald. Morton that the report be received
No. 75 - City Clerk - recor~aending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald.!McKinley and Ald. Brooks that the report be received aud adopted and licenets
issued accordingly.
The following Resolution was passed;
Nj. 30 - MCKINLEY - BROOKS - RESOLVED that on the recommendation of H.O.Acres and
Co. Ltd. Consulting Engineers and the Management Conm~ittee, the proposal of Provincial
Engineering Limited for mechanical and piping works required for the installation of
eight new pumping eet~ at the Filtration Plan~ be appro~ed at a
plus a fixed fee of $6,000. with no escalation on fees. be accepted; and the Mayor,
and Clerk are hereby authorized to enter into and deliver an agreement and/or contract
for the carrying out of such work; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried UnanimousIX,
TIle following By-law ~.-,x,J
No, 5609 - T~ an,Cad Ey-la,. l~vl;,b~r
ORDERED ~n the
granted the prixilege of introd~.cip.j.
reading. - Calfled Unani~;~ouzly. ' -
ORDERED on the '~ati.~:, .'Z '2~, "',,:if, .'k,:' .',IC, :';'~ , [:l~p p.],. ,6 /~.
the Standing Rules of Ct'unci] be tr:..-'~.~ri~.
setDud reading. - Carried Undl.ii,,ourl~. ~ z:sr':..~'~ ~' 2 t'..~ hy ~. '." o~ ~,h. ~..
Third Reading - .\ld. 1.brton and .'.'d. :>.. , r~ - C?-Ericd" · ~ , ,
Rent-A-Car estab![shmeut on
advised that the Police Dcpartmep~ ore ~,.~x,' ~f thfs ~hd Ef ~: ~[~.. '
charges will
Council adjourned tc the Fine:ice F~{?etino t.n the r=',tion c-r "a. ~H~J~r a.,-1 ~
Mowers. t .... . . ,
RE~.D AND ADOPTED, 17th. March, 1958.
c_ / Mq~or,
Connctl Chamber,
]0th. March. 1958.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, March 101h~ ]n58 for the purpose of
aPProving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certffied and
Placed before them. All Me~h~r=
f Finance: presided. ' ' ' ' - ·
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $111,513,93 were approved by the Committee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered
Placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council oa the motion of Aid.Brooks
and AId. McKinley. ·
The City Manager's report on the application of 3oseph Bottecchio for
a building permit to erect a five-unit apartment building on Lot 248, on the south
side of Eastwood Crescent, between Victoria Avenue and College Crescentl was
presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Mayor Hawki-~
that the report be received and referred to the Property Committee for considerate-
The City Manager's report on the application of Messrs. Bazarin and
Kedveg, kfor a building permit to erect 11 stores on Lot 44, Plan 9 and part of I
E,P, C, and D, west side of ~ictoria Avenue,,between Jepson Street and McRae Stree~
and recommending that a permit he issued to cover the installation of foundation
walls be issued, but complete permit to be withheld until detailed plans are sub-
mitted, was presented for considerat]on. ORDERED on the motion o f Ald. Miller and
Ald. Mowers that the report he received and referred to the Property Committee
a report. Carried Unanimously.
A communication from Canadian Aero Service L~mited, outlining charges
for an aerial survey ef the Niagara Escarpment, was presented along with the C~ty
Manager's report recommending that this Company be authorized to proceed with the
same early in April. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Brooks that
communication be received and the report be adopted. Carried, with AId,Miller-
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Brooks and May~r
READ AND ADOPTED, 17th. March 1958.
Council Chamber.
10th. March,195B,
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Committee. All Members of Council were present.
The following By-law was passed;
N:, 5610 - Te provide monies for general purpose3.
ORDERED on the motion. of AId. Martin and Ald. Morton that Ald. White he
granted the privilege of introducing the hy-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - ~arried Unanimously.
ORDEREB on the motion of Ald, White and Ald, Martin that Rule 36.(2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading, r Carried Unanimously,
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Brooks - Carried Unanimously.
on March Rth 4ea]~n9 ,,Ftb P ..... :~ , o · · ~
The C~tv Clerk "~"'o~c' ~
In addition, the Mayer p=~int~c' c~;t that ~-clh~, ~
installed on both s~des of Hut?-] ~tr?c,' ':D~ the n'ctorr .-~']~ .... cr '7 ~ 5
hours on the parking lot. ' ' ~ ' '
In answer to a query fro:n Mr. ~dd Masters, Queen ~trect ::'nrch~.nt,
City Manager advised that as it heccFes ;:pp_rcnt that m?r~
further considerat]on ~]11 be g~eu tc acqu~r~nU addYt~. :- ] ],~:~ds.
a request made by Mr. Jog. Rosherg, of the Y-rtb Eud ~erch:~:ts'
Mayor was of the opinion there should be n~ ob/ect],~n to the ~'?n'bers r~f the
Association s~tting in ~..,ith the Traffic C,~'n~ee ~;s fur~hnr
discussion on parking problems. '~"
Appreciation was expressed by Mr. Masters for the act~q ~ |,:~:: by eou::c[1
in connection with the brief L'hich had Been submitted h,; the ~'~'ortb EnH ansihess
men's Association. '
The City C]erk then read the decision of C,,uncil recorded ~:~ the L,Y:v,tes
of the Special Meeting held on March 8th. ~.'ith reference te th~ brief
by the South End Businessmen's AssociatiDn, the Jecis{~3n Being th~!t i L was ~lqrec~
that the same be tabled and that for the presemt~ the City
of the Bfamonto property, a full development ef the p~rk!ng ~rea qnd sati3f~ctery
arrangements 5e made concerning the [~ain Stree~ entrapce,
of the progrange which has been considered concel'nir~E Peel' Etr,~et, a,~j that this
be considered as all that was fens]hie duripg th~ current your.
Mr. A. P. Marshall of the S~utb End Merch,'u~tz then F'~nk~ ,.,d n~vi~,cl
that the Association ~.,ould be prepared re eo o]onE t!tV the Fr~,Sram=e ~.~
but queried the p~sstbtlity of C,~unci] gtv~n~ co'~!dc,'~',~'t~ t~
so that assurance would be gtveu that preparqt~ens '.or i~~ be K~ade
plans necessary as the.situation chan~es.
The Mayor advised that the decision reached By Coa,~i] ,'.~s that it x.'o'. ~d
be an exploratory plan to ascertain how succeqsfu] t:!e p]an~ ~re ~- n]]cviating
the problem this year and if proven satisfactory then st,,dv ~cu]d be ~iven t{, the
second stage. Mayor Hawkins pointed out that t{~e prcst. nt ~c~t,nc~] e.:>u]d not commit
future Councils and that each year, each stage will be g~ven cons~deration if the
occasion arises and it becomes necessary.
AId. Miller was of the opinion that the delegation sheu]d be made a~care
of the expansion program which is contemplated for Peer Street this year and the
City Manager proceeded to outline just ~,'hat it is anticipate. d t'il] be done on this
street,namely the installation of a sewer, new sidewalk aud t'.,' ~-'iden~ng of the
road to 32 feet which will give ample parking on both sides and allow two lanes
of traffic ~o .~c'.'~. ~he C~ ~- ~'
the possibility of extending Sylvia Place through to Peer Street, ~:hich ~,ould bc a
solution to the Parking problem at the South End of the C] ty. Council also wish
to find out how the citizens will react to metered parking lots, aad if these are
in operation at both ends of the City for one }'ear, sonle idea will be gained of
what will be neeessary in the future.
Mr. Marshall of the South End Merchants' Association expressed appreciation
for the program which Council intends to inaugurate this year.
Mr. Roy D~laney, Chairman nf the Traffic C~!ttce of the Cre~tcr
Niagara Chamber of Commerce also expressed appreciation to Council for the propescd
plans which will help tke parking situsteen and he advised that the Chamber of
Commerce were pleased to assist the North End and S~uth End .\ssoc~ation~ in the
submission of their briefs, which uere prepared ]n the Chambcr's offices.
Council adjourned o:x the ,metion of Ald. Martin, and 3rid.
RE\D '~ND .'~DOPTED, 17th. March, 1958.
Council Chamber,
13th. March, 1958.
All Members were present at the Special Meeting of Council held on
March 13th. at ? p.m. for the purpose of considering the draft budget estimates for
the year 1958.
His Worship, M~yor Hawkins, opened the meeting advising of its purpose and
then asked Alderman White, Chairman of Finance, to take the Chair.
Alderman White advised that after the most serious consideration to the
City Estimates as prepared with the co-operation of the City Manager and City
Treasurer that the best he could see for the year 1958 was an increase of four mills.
The City Clerk then at the request of the Chairman read the report of the
Negotiations Committee with reference to negotiations carried on with Local 528 of
the Fire Fighters' Association. The report, having been read and the Chairman of
the Committee having advised that all items contained there had been agreed upon,
was ordered adopted on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Miller. Carried Unanimously.
The Clerk then read the report of the Negotiations Committee in connection
with negotiations carried out with Local 133 and again following advice from the
Chairman of the Committee that the items contained therein had been approved by the
Local, the report was ordered adopted on the motion of Ald, Miller and Ald. Morton.
Carried Unanimously.
The matter of salaries as contained in the Estimates was then considered
and the City Manager, City Clerk, City Engineer and Treasurer retired from the room.
On return the Clerk was advised as to the following changes; the City Nanager's
salary to be set at $10,500. The City Enginee~!s salary at $8,400. the City Clerk's
salary at $8,400. the City Treasurer's salary at $7,500. All of the aforesaid items
to be effective as of January lst,1958.
Perusal of the salaries was then continued and it was ordered on the
motion of AId. Mowers and Ald. McKinley that the salary of Mr. C. E. Farre11 and Mr.
Ralph Zlmmerman be set at $5,500. effective January lst,1958.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. Miller that the
salary of Mr. i. J. Farebrother be set at $6,500. and the salary of Mr. H. C. Laur be
set at $6,000.O0 both effective January lst,1958.
It was ordered on the motion of AId. Brooks and AId. Martin that the salary
of Chief Wm. Wade he set at $6,500. effective January 1st, 1958.
Ordered on the motion of AId. Brooks and AId. Miller that the salary of
His Worship the Mayor be set at $3,300. effective January 1st, 1958.
It was ordered on the motion of AId. Miller and Ald. Morton that the amount
provided in the Budget for Solicitor's fees be reduced from $3,000. to $2,400.
being the original figure,
It was ordered on the motion of AId. Brooks and AId. McKinley that the
remuneration for the Court of Revision for the City of Niagara Falls be fixed at $15.
per member per sitting for the year 1958 and until further change.
The Members of the Committee then continued their perusal of the various
items contained in the Budget and in connection with Grants, it was ordered on the
motion bf AId. McKinley and Aid. Miller that the items provided in the Draft Estimates
~r the Tourist and Industrial Committees of the Chamber of Commerce remain as shown.
~htsmotion was defeated, the vote being - in fayour, AId. McKinley and Miller;
opposed, Mayor Hawkins, AId. Morton, Brooks, Martin andMowers.
372i. favcur-Ald. MortGo. Marti.. ,eKinl.y.a.d ,ill.r; oppo.ed. Hayor Hawkins.
items be left in abeyance and that the interested groups appear before Council on
Monday, to discuss the matter, was not seconded. It was then ordered on the
motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Martin that the amount in the Estimates for 1958
for the Industrial Committee be increased from $3,500. to $4,500. This motion
was carried with Ald. Brooks and Mowers opposed.
It waQ ordered on the motion of AId. Mowers and AId. Brooks that the
Grant for the Salvation Army Hostel be established for the year 1958 at $500.
C~rried Unanimously.
It was ordered on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and AId. Miller that the
Grant for the Niagara Falls Air Cadets be establised at $200. for the year 1958.
It was ordered on the motion of AId. Morton and AId. McKinley that the
Grant for the Cancer Society be established at $300. for the year 1958.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. McKinley tht the
Grant for the Greater Niagara Safety Council be established at $500. for the year
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Miller that the
Grant for the Memorial B~nd be established at $500. for the year 1958.
It was ordered on the motion of AId. Brooks and AId. McKinley that the
Grant for St, Ann's Symphonic Band be established at $300. for the year 1958.
It was ordered on the motion of AId. Martin and AId. Morton that the
Grant for the Niagara Frontier Humane Society be established at $5,000. for the
year 1958. Carried with Ald, Brooks, opposed.
In connection with the Estimates for the Board of Health, it was
ordered on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the Estimates as included
· in the draft be approyed with the understanding that in future when it is necessary
to have a prospective employee of the municipality, given a medical examination,
that this be performed by the Medical Officer of Health at no charge to the
municipality. Carried, with AId. Mowe.rs, McKinley and Mayor Hawkins opposed.
A discussion was then held with re~erence to Ambulance SerVice and a
recent incident in connection therewith followinS which it was ordered on the
motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. Mowers that the Ambulance Grant as contained in
the Estimates submitted remain unchanged. This motion was carried with Ald.
Mdrton opposed. Prior to this, Ald. Morton had moved that the Ambulande Payment
be withheld until Mr. Lynett had been consulted on this topic, to which there was
no 8econdero
In connection with the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena, a discussion was
held .concerning .the salary of the Manager and a motion by AId. Brooks, seconded by
Ald. McKinley that Mr. Tustin's salary be set at $4,900. effective January 1st,
1958, was not, however, put to a vote being withdrawn until other salaries as
contained in the Estimates had been discussed.
His Worship Mayor Hawkins brought up the subject of water rates at the
Greater Niagara General Hospital as compared with rates charged in-other mani-
cipalities for similar institutions, indicating a request which has previously
been made to Council that consideration be given to reduction, at which time the
City Manager expressed his views, particularly alons the line of area participation
and following discussion it was agreed that the Mayor report hack to the Hospital
Trust, having had the views of Council expressed, indicating that consideration
would be 8iven to sharing of the cost of water to the ~nstitution if it were, on
a pro rata hasis,
AId, Morton left the meetinS at 11,05 p,m,
Further discussion was then held with reference to the salaries of
Junior Officials, following which it was ordered on the motion of Aid. Mowers
and Ald. McKinley that the salary of Mr. Parm, Sills, Eady, Stock, Norgate and
Tustin be increased $300. each over their 1957 rates effective January lst,1958,
Carried Unanimausly.
The perusal of the Draft Estimates having been completed, His Worship
Mayor Hawkins then assumed the Chair,
It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. White and AId. Martin that the
Draft Estimates as submitted by the Chairman of Finance and as amended by the
action of Council at this session, be approved and the mill rates for the year
1958 in the City of Niagara Falls be established at 51.5 mills for Commercial and
Industrial purposes and 47.3 mills for Residential purposes. This motion was
carried with AId. Brooks opposed.
The City Manager then suggested that Council consider his report concerning
possible Capital Expenditures which could be considered during the year 1958,copies
of which were made available to the Members of Council. Following dis~ussion on
the various items concerned therein, it was agreed that, in principle, the program
be approved.
During the discussion the suggested Capital Expenditure for renovation
of public schools was questioned by Ald. Martin and Ald. Mowers, their opinion
being that for the money involved for repairs, it might be of greater wisdom to
consider replacement of the schools. It was, however, agreed that before any
final decisionis taken, further discussion would be held with representatives
of the Board of Education on this particular subject.
On the motion of AId. Mowers and AId. Martin, the meeting adjourned.
READ AND ADOPTED,, 17th.March, 1958.
Clerk "
Council Chamber,
17th. Narch,1958,
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, March
17th, 1958, for the purpose of considerinE general business and finance. All
Members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the
minutes of the previous regular and special meetinEs, adopted these on the motion
of Ald. Miller and Ald. Morton.
The following Conxaunications were presented;
TNo. 108 - Director. Proo~rty and BuildingManasement, Dept. of Public Works - re
proposed meetlaB with City Council to discuss selection of a site for the new
Federal Building, ORDERED on the motion of AId, Miller and Ald. Brooks that the
communication be received and tabled for two weeks.
No. 109 - Ontario Historical Society - ~equesting permission of City Council to
record early records on microfilm. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and AId.
Morton that the communication be received and permission granted.
The followi~ Reports were presented;
No. 76-Chairman of Finance - presenting Estimated Revenue and Expenditure Schedules
for the year 1958. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Miller and Ald. McKinley that the
report be received and filed and the Chairman of Finance be complimented for this
very fine report.
No. 77 - City Clerk - report re new legislation presently before'the Legislature,
and what the various items involve. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and
AId. Mowers that the report be received and filed and appreciation extended to
the City Clerk for the time involved in the preparation of this report.
No. 78 - City Clerk * recon~nendinB issuance of llcences. ORDERED on the motion
A!d,.MCK~n~Y.and.~14..No~er~ that the repor~.b~.~eceiveda~d adopted and
licences issued accordingly.
Ald. Mowers referred to the used car lot on Ferry Street operated by
A. ~hite and requested the City Manager to investigate the same, because 0f the
wrecks of cars which are on these premises, and submit a report to Council.
The followins By-laws were passed;
~o. 5611 - To provide for the appropriations for the year 1958,
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Norton that AId,White
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be Siren the
first reading, .- Carried Unanimously,
ORDERED on the motion of AId, ~hite and AId. Miller that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be Biven
the second reddingo - Carried -Ald, Brooks-contrary.
Third Reading - AId, Morton and AId, Miller - Carried - AId, Brooks-contrary.
~o, 5612 - To authorize the levying and collecting of taxes for the year 1958, and
defining the certain duties of the Clerk, Treasurer and Collector for
the City of Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid. Miller that AId. White be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
readinS· - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and AId. Morton that Rule 36 (2)
oE the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously,
Third Reading - AId. Miller - AId. Mowers, Carried, with Aid. Brooks-contrary.
No. 5613 - To provide for giving the Collector of Taxes credit for the amount
returned by her to the Treasurer in the year 1957.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Miller that Aid. White
be Branted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion o~ AId. White and AId. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. Mowers and AId. Miller - Carried Unanimously.
No. 561~ - To authorize the manner in which taxes for the year 1958, shall become
due, to provide a time for payment and penalties for non-payment.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Miller and AId. McKinley that Aid. White
be Branted the privileSe of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. White and AId. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second readinB, - Carried Unanimously.
third reading - AId, Morton and AId. Miller - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of AId. Mowers and AId,
READ AND ADOPTED, 24th. March, 1958.
Council Chamber,
The FinanceMeetinS was held on Monday, Hatch 17th, 1958 for the .~
purpose of approvinS and also passing the various accounts which had been properly ~
certified and placed before th~n. All Members o£ the Committee were present.AId. ~
~hite, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $156,829.77 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion
of Mayor Hawkins and AId. Millero
The application of Cataract Sales and Rentals, 1792 Ferry Street,
for a permit to erect a sheet metal sign, attached to the face of the building on
the west side, which was referred to the Property Committee for a report, was "'-
again presented along with the Property Con~ittee's report which recommended that
the permit be issued as applied for. ORDERED on the motion of AId, Martin and
AId. McKinley that the report of the Property Committee be received and adopted
and permit issued.
The application of Joe. Bottecchio for a building permit to construct
a five-unit apartment building on Lot 248, south side of Eastwood Crescent,
between Victoria Avenue and College Crescent, which had been referred to the
Property Committee for consideration, was again presented along with the Property
Committee*s report recon~nending issuance of the permit° ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Nillet and AId. Mowers that the report be received and adopted and permit
The City Nanager*s report on the application of Atlas Neon Sign Co.
1026 Centre Street, for a permit to erect a siHn at an estinmted cost of
was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Norton and l4ayor
Hawkins that the report be received and adopted and permit issued,
The City Manager*s report on the application of M. Lewandowski, 1589
Victoria Avenue, for a permit to erect a masonite sign on the front of the above'
premises, at an estimated cost of 915, was presented for consideration. ORDERED
on the motion of AId, Norton and AId, Miller Chat the report be received and
adopted and permit issued.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald, Nillet and
Nayor Hawkins,
I~AD AND ADOPTED, 24th. Narch, 1958,
C I erk
Council Chamber,
17th. March, 1958.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Committee. All Members of Council were present.
The followin_g,~y_-law was~__as~se~d_;
No. 5615 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on themotion of AId. Mowers and AId. Martin that Aid. White be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald, Miller Chat Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. Miller and AId. Morton - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Miller and AId. Mowers.
READ AND ADOPTED, 24th, March, 1958.
c / ~ayor.
Council Chamber,
24th,March, 1958,
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7,30 p.m. on Monday, March
24th, 1958 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All
Members of Council were present, with the exception of Ald. Martin. The Council,
having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the
motion of Ald, Morton and Ald, Mowers,
Laid over from previous meettnR~;
No. 88 - Minister of Highways - not in agreement with Resolution No, 27 of the City
of Niagara Falls with reference to Suburban Road Commissions, ORDERED on the motion
of AId. Mowers and AId, Brooks that the coff~unicat~on be received and filed,
SEE Report No, 79
No. 99 - Denuty Minister of Public Works - Unable to attend a meeting regarding
proposed site of new Post Office Building, but suggesting D.A.Freeze will communi-
cate with Council regarding a meeting,
No.100 - Victoria Avenue Business Men*8 Association - indicating Association is in
accord with movement of new Post Office building to suggested new location at the
corner of Jepson S~, and Victoria Ave,
No,108 - D.A.Freeze, Director - advising of possibility of meeting with Council
preferably in May, to discuss Post Office site, ORDERED on the motion of Aid.Mowers
and Ald, Miller that the three communications*be received And filed, and an appoint-
merit be made in accordance with the request of the Deputy Minister of Public Works,
to interview the Council of the City of Niagara Falls with regard tb the proposed
Post Office building,
SEE Communication No.ll0
The following Communications were presented;
No~ 110 ' Deputy P0Stmaste~ General - advising ~ho{ce of'neW 'site'for 'PoSt Office
building not within jurisdiction of Postmaster General*s Department, ORDERED on
the motion of AId, Mowers and AId, Nillet that the conmunication be received and
No, 111 * Department of Municipal Affairs - enclosing copy of Bill No. 150, ORDERED
on the motion of AId, Morton and Aid, Mowers that the communication be received and
a telegram be forwarded to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and our Local Member,
Mr,~A. C. Jolley, requesting that this Bill be laid over for one year until the
Ontario Mayors and Reeves Association and the Ontario Municipal Association have had
an opportunity to consider the same in open convention,
No, 112 - National Secretaries Association - requesting issuance of a proclamation
re National Secretaries week in Nia2ara Falls, April 20th, to 26Oh, ORDERED on the
motion of AId, Norton and Ald, McKinley that the co_~w.,,nication be received and filed
and ~he proclamation issued as requested; and arranSments be made to have the
necessary picture taken for publication,
No, 113 - Ontario Fire Marehal*s Office - forthcoming Training Course for Fire
Chiefs to be held in Toronto, April 23rd, 2~th, and 25th, The City Manager
presented · verbal recommendation to the effect that Fire Chief Wade be instructed
to attend, with Che authority to be accompanied by one or two senior members o~ the
Fire Depto if he deems it advisable, ORD~ItRD on the motion of AId, Morton end Ald0
Miller that the communication be received and filed and the recommendation of the
City Manager be adopted.
No. 114 * City of St. Thomas - resolution re natural gas industry. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Brooks that the resolution be received and not
endorsed and the City of St. Thomas be advised accordingly. Carried, with AId.
No. 115 - Bell Telephone Co. - re removal of poles from Main Street, south of
Ferry Street and reciting t"'~rms under Company are prepared to proceed. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald. McKinley that the communication be received
and laid in abeyance for further study of possible routes and costs.
The following Reports were pre_se~n~_~. ' ......
SEE Report No. 80
No. 79 - City Clerk - advising of result of recent survey of Ontario municipalities
with reference to Resolution No. 27 of the City of Niagara Falls re Suburban Road
Commissions. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Brooks that the report
be received and filed.
No. 80 - City Manager - recommending communication from Bell Telephone to.dealing
with the removal of poles from Main St. to be laid over until a study of possible
routes and costs can be obtained. ORDERED on the motion of ~ld. Brooks and Aid.
McKinley that the report be received and adopted.
No. 81 - Management Committee - report on meeting with representatives of Wm. M.
Mercer Limited re preliminary proposal for Pension Scheme for civic employees, held
on March 21st, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Aid, Miller that the rep~t
be received and filed.
No. 82 ~ Property Committee - report on meeting with Minister of Public ~orks in
Toronto on March 19th. re possible purchase of land for site of proposed Optimist
Club development, ORDERED on the motion of AId. Miller and AId. Mowers that the
report be received and filed,
No. 83 - Equipment Committee * five recommendations re purchase of equipment for
various City Departments. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Aid, White
that the report be received and adopted.
No, 84 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of
AId, McKinley and AId, White that the report be received and adopted and licehess
issued accordingly.
No, 85 - City Engineer - re construction of a 1Coloct concrete sidewalk on the north
side of Victoria Avenue from Magdalen Street to a point approximately 260 feet west
of Magdalen Street, ORDERED on ~he motion of AId. White and Ald, Mowers that the
report be received and adopted and work proceeded with, Carried, with AId, Morton-
opposed; an amendment made by AId. Morton and seconded by AId, Miller that the
report be received and referred to the Property Committee was not put, when Ald,
Miller withdrew as seconder,
SEE Resolution No.31
No, 8~ - City Solicitor - report on weigh scales and advising that there is no
legal duty imposed upon. City Council to maintain the same. As this report was
received too late to be listed on the agenda, it was ordered on the motion of Ald,
Mowers and Miller that the same be read at this time. ORDERED on the motj. on of Aid,
Brooks and AId, Morton that the report be received and filed and the weigh scales be
abandoned, ·
The following Resolutions were passed;
No, 31 - WHITE - MOWERS - RESOLVED that Report Nomber 85, for the construction of
a ten-foot concrete sidewalk on the north side of Victoria Avenue from Magdalen St,
to apoint approximately 2~0 fast west of Magdalen Street be received and adopted
and the work be proceeded with; and the Seal of the Corporation be heroic affixed,
37 )
No. 32 - MOWERS - MILLER - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy be forwarded on
behalf of His Worship the Mayor and Members of the City Council to the family
of the late Miss Sadie Henderson, highly esteemed resident of the cou~unity;
and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Una~imously
~he following By-law was passed;
No, 5616 - To provide for the 1958 ExpendiCures on Roads and Streets,
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and AId. Morton that AId.White
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried UnanimOusly.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Nillet and AId. Brooks that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the ~econd reading, - Carried Unanimously,
Third Reading - AId. Morton and AId. Brooks - Carried Unanimously.
The following By-law was presented;
No. 5617 - To authorize the borrowing of $813,000.00 for the construction of filter
plant and pumps at the Niagara Palls Filtration Plant,
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Aid. McKinley that AId. ~hite
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be dealt with in
preamble form - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. ~hite and AId. Norton that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the
second time. - Carried Unanin~usly.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId.
READ AND ADOPTED, 31$t. March, 1958.
Council Chamber,
24th. March, 1958.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, March 24th, 1958 for the purpose
of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All Members of the tonitree were present,
with the exception of Ald. Martin. AId. White, Chairman of Finance, presided.
At the request of Ald. Brooks, the City Manager agreed to present a report
on vouchers 782 to 786.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $30,112.49 were approved by the Committee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered
placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of of
Mayor Hawkins and Ald. McKinley.
The application of Messrs. Bazarin and Kedveg for a building permit to
construct 11 stores on Victoria Avenue, between Jepson St. and McRae St. which
has been referred to the Property Committee for a report at a previous meeting
was again presented along with the Property Committee's report which advised that
detailed plans would be provided by the owners before construction commenced and
that the estimated cost of the work would be $110,000. The City Manager then
advised that the applicants were present at the meeting, and suggested that per-
mission be granted to proceed with the construction of the foundation and that
detailed plans would be submitted at the next meeting. ORDERED on themotion of
Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton that the report be received and permit be issued
subject to final approval of the detailed plans by the Building Inspector of the
City of Niagara Falls.
The City Nanager's report on the application of Pines-Bar-B-Q Restaurant
1467 Victoria Avenue, for a permit to erect a neon facet sign, at an estimated
cost of 51,365.00 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of AId.
Morton and Mayor Hawkins that the report be received and adopted and the permit
be issued.
The report of the Equipment Con~ittee recommending that an all-weather
cab be purchased for the TD-14 Tractor and Bullclam in use at the Refuse Disposal
Area, at a net cost of 5419. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Miller
and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of AId. Miller and Mayor
READ AND ADOPTED, 31st. March, 1958.
Council Chamber,
24th.March, 1958.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Committee,d All Members of Council were present, with the exception of Ald.
The following By-law was passed~
No. 5618 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley.and AId. Brooks that AId. White
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading, - Carried with AId, Morton*Contrary. ·
ORDERED on the motion of AId. ~/hite and Aid. Miller that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried with Ald, Morton-contrary.
Third Reading - AId. Miller and AId. McKinley - Carried with AId.Morton-contrary.
His Worship, Mayor Hawkins advised that the Chamber of Commerce had
requested a meeting with Council at this time and advised that Mr, D. Murie,Manager,
would be spokesman along with any others present who might wish to speak.
Mr. Murie distributed copies of a communication fremNr. M. F. Jones,
President of the Chamber, to the Members of Council and then proceeded to read the
con~unication, indicating the concern of the Chamber on the decision of.the City
Council to not allocate additional funds for the promotion of the tourist trade
in the Niagara Area, suggesting that if reconsideration was not given, tourist
trade would be adversely affected and that Council might care to consider s~me
other medium of handling this phase of.promotion.
It was then ordered on the motion of AId. Brooks and AId. Morton that
Mr. Jones be heard. Mr. Jones proceeded to elaborate as requested by Mr.H.A.Logan,
one of the Members of the Board of Directors present, on the brief origieally
presented, particularly with reference to the magnitude of the tourist industry
and its possible affect on this area, including the convention angle and finished
his remarks at this point by requesting Council*s reconsideration to their decision.
Ald. Brooks expressed his views on the subject, indicating that it might
have been wiser to divert ~unds to the Tourist Committee rather than to the
Industrial Conxaittee, stating that that was his reason for opposin~ the Budget.
AId. White, Chairman of Finance, advised that the Budget was brought
in with the primary consideration being given to the mill rate for the taxpayers
o.f the City of Niagara Palls and that if there was any change, he was dubious as
-to.where.the.~undswould.be.forthcomin2o ...........................
AId, Miller explained his stand on the whole subject, reiterating his
previous comment that none of the taxpayers' money would be spent with his vote
on a T,V.film showingAmerican points of interest and referred repeatedly to the
brief previously submitted on this particular phase of the subject,
AId, McKinley indicated that in hie opinion the presence of so 2rcat
a number of th~ Directors of the Chamber and others, constituted a pressure action
and felt that this was not the proper approach and suggested other means that the
~hamber might consider, of receivin~ or acquiring the necessary funds and that if
it were felt essential that monies allocated to industrial promotion could
conceivably be utilized as the need was so great for tourist development, and
following this latter suggestion, was advised by Mr. Jones that it was not the
policy of the Chamber to utilize funds allocated by Council for any other purpose
than that for which it was allocated and Mr. Jones suggested that if Council saw
fit to give approval to such re-allocation, having in mind the replacement of such
funds in future year or years, they would be only too happy to work along these
AId. Morton indicated that as previously suggested by AId. McKinley,
consideration might be given by the Chamber Committees to hold their meeting at
a more convenient time and expressed opposition to any diversion of funds from the
industrial phase to the tourist phase.
AId. Mowers advised that he had consistently favoured provision of funds
for the tourist type of promotion without too much success, indicating that he was
still of that opinion.
His Worship Nayor Hawkins then suggested to Mr. Jones and the other
Chamber representatives or interested parties present that Council might possibly
consider later in the year or when the occasion warranted it, the provision of
additional funds always providing that these become available and when queried
by Mr. Jones along this line, suggested that they might consider coming before
Council later in the year with this thought in mind.
Mayor Hawkins thanked Mr. Jones and the Chamber representatives for
attending and the expression of views given and in turn, Mr. Jones expressed
appreciation for the reception given he and his fellows.
Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Brooks and AId. White.
READ AND ADOPTED, 31st. March, 1958.
Council Chamber,
24th. March, 1958.
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of
the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, March 24th, 1958, for the
purpose of considering the items presented to them°
All Members of the Conmaittee were present, with the exception of AId,
Martin, His Worship, Mayor Hawkins, presided,
After consideration of the items presented, the Connittee adjourned on the motion
of Ald0 Mowers and Ald, McKinley,
READ AND ADOPTED, 24th. March, 1958.
Council Chamber,
3181. March, 1958.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 1.30 p.m. on Nonday, March 31st.
1958, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of
Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Miller.
Laid over from previous meetings;
No. 102 - Niagara District Akela Club - requesting permission to hold Annual Cub
Field Day at Oakes Park on Nay 24th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid,
Morton that the communication be received and filed and permission granted.
wvv. VW~
SEE Report Number 87.
No. 103 - Canadian Legion Soccer Club - requesting permission to use Soccer Field
at Oakes Park two nights a week. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Nillet and AId.
Mowers that the communication be received and filed and the Club be granted the
use of the field two nights a week between April 15th. and May 15th. and one night
a week after Nay 15th.
SEE Report Number 88.
No. 107 - Spitella Co. - requesting permission to instal a sprinkler system at 1700
Lewis Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley that the com-
munication be received and filed and the work be proceeded with and the cost of the
installation of circuits recovered through the annual charges for the service.
SEE Report Number 89.
The following Communications were presented;
No. 116 - Service Clubs Softball League - requesting permission to use softball
playing field in the south-west corner of Oakes Park, ORDERED on the motion of
AId. NcKinley and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and filed and
Permission granted as requested.
SEE Report Number 90,
No, 117 - H.G.Acres and Co. Ltd. - requesting permission to use Soccer Field at
Oakes Perk one night a week. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. NcKinley and AId.Norton
that the communication be received and filed and the request be not granted.
SEE Report No. 91.
No. 118 - Ladies Auxiliary, Canadian Legion - requesting permission to hold a short
parade on May 14th. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Niller and AId. Brooks that the
communication be received and filed and request granted.
No. 119 - Niagara Falls Police Association - requesting use of Oakes Park on August
4th. for Field Day. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and AId. Mowers that the
communication be received and referred to the Parks and Recreation Connittee with
power to act,
No. 120 - International Union of Operating Engineers - advising of motion of policy
whereby only one position of employment is co be held by any members of Local Union
866. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Mowers and AId, Morton that the communication be
received, acknowledged end publicized in the press and · copy forwarded to the
Advisory Committee on Unemplo~nnent recently set up,
No. 121 - City of Belleville - advistnE of their approval of the Stratford
resolution ~hich advocated an extension of Provincial Unemployment Program to
include all unemployed and Co remove limitation as to type of work; but
reconmendinS that the date be extended beyond Nay 31st, to August 31st,ORDERED
on the motion of Ald, Mowers and AId, Nillet that the communication be received
and filed and the'City of Bellevilla advised as Co the action taken by Niagara
Falls in this matter, Carried, the vote heine - Aye - AId, Mowers, Nillet,McKinley,
White and Bartin; Naye - AId, Morton and Brooke, An amendment made by AId,Morton
seconded by AId, Brooks that the conanunicaCion from the City of Bellevilla be
received and their action be endorsed with reference to the extension of time,
was lost by a vote of 5 to 2 - the vote being, Aye - AIde Morton and Brooks; Naye-
Ald~ Mowers, Miller., McKinley, White and Martin,
No. 122 - ~n. Snyder - requesting inclusion on the Traffic Committee on future
parkinS'discussions. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Nattin that
the communication be received and the ~riter be advised as to the reasons for the
indication being given by Council that representatives of the Downtown Merchants*
Association would be permitted to set in on future parking discussions dealing
with off-street parking only. Carried Unanimously, Prior to this motion, Ald.
McKinley moved that the communication be received and referred to the Traffic
Committee with power to Act. This motion was not seconded.
No, 123 -.Greater 'NiaEara Chamber of Commerce - ~xpresstnS appreciation for
reception given at meeting of March 24Ch; and explaining promotion of tourist
activities, At this time, AId, Hartin queried as to what the objections were on
the'part of the Members of Council to the proposed increase in grant to the Tourist
Committee of the Chamber, indicating that he understood that it was primarily to
what might be included in the proposed T.V.film. Several Members of Council then
advised as to their o~Jections, AId, Miller referring to the T.V, film primarily;
AId, McKinley to the effect that he was supporting the Chairman of Finance in his
Budget as presented; Ald. Norton that his objection primarily was the T.V. film
but that he was of the opinion that since an indication was made at the previous
meeting that if additional funds were available, these would be provided. AId.
White reiterated his previous stand as to an attempt to maintain the Budget at a
suitable level, always having tn mind the taxpayers of the municipality and
indicating that in his opinion the new illumination system would be a far greater
benefit than any T.V. film. FollowinS further discussion it was ordered on the
motion'of AIde Nattin and Ald, Mowers that the communication from the President
of the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce be received and filed and that the 1958
grant for the Tourist Con~ittee of the Chamber be increased from the amount as
shown in the adopted estimates of $3,500. to the amount of ~8,000, or an increase
of $4,500, and that Council*s representatives on the Committee voice their views
at any time when the expenditure of these funds is betas considered, Carried, with
AId, Nillet, White and McKinley-opposed.
Ald, Miller then advised that h~ was submitted his resignation as one of Council~s
representatives on the Tourist Committee of the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce,
SEE ResolutiQn No,
The .followinn Reports were presented;
No, 87 - Arena and Parks Conmittee - recommending that the Niagara District Akela
Club be Branted the use of the west. side of Sakes Park on Saturday, Bay 24th, for
their Annual Cub Field Day, .ORDERED on the motion of AId, Bartin and Ald, Morton
that the report be received and adopted,
No, 88 - A__rena and'Parks Co=mittee'- recommending the nee of the ~ootball field At
Sakes Park to the Canadian LeSion Soccer Club two nights a week between.April 15th,
and Nay tSth, and one night a week after Nay I)th, ORDERED on the motion of AId,
Miller and Ald, Mowers that the report be received and adopted.
-. SEE Communication 103
No, 89 - City Baneset - recommending installation of fire.alarm system for Spirelie
Co, at XT00 Lewis Avenue, the eos~ of such installation of circuits to be recovered
t~rouSh annual charges for the service, 0BDERED on the motion of AId, Norton end
AId, McKinley that the report be received and adopted,
8RE Communication 107
No. 90 - Arena and Parks Committee - recommending request of Service Clubs
Softball League for the use of the softball diamond at the south-west corner of
Oakes Park be granted. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Norton
that the report be received and adopted.
SEE Communication No, 116,
No, 91 - Ar_EKna and Parks Con~nittee - recommending that the Personnel D~rector of
H. C, Acres and Co. Ltd, be advised that permission cannot be granted for the use
of a soccer field one night a week. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, McKinley and
Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted,
SEE Communication No. 117
No. 92 - ~t~_y_~[~ger - enclosinS copy of report of Wm, N. Mercer Limited re
proposed pension scheme for Civic Employees, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers
and AId, Morton that the report be received and tabled for perusal of Council and
discussion at the next Council Meeting, Carried, with Aid, White-contrary, Prior
to this action, AId, White and Ald, Morton moved that the report be referred to
the Management Committee for study and report. This motion was withdrawn.
No. 93 - Property Committee - reporting on action on 3 items; property at
Stanley Avenue and Valley Way; pdrchase of parking lot west of Sylvia Place; and
possible erection of a second dwelling on the south-west corner of a lot at
Temperance Avenue and Emery Street, ORDERED on themotion of Aid. McKinley and
Ald. Mowers that the report be received and adopted and that with reference to
item no, 3, the applicant ,be allowed two weeks to produce the letter referred to
and if not available, the matter to be referred back to the Property Committee,
No, 94 - Traffic Committee - report on meetinS with Tourist Cab Operators re removal
of stand on Falls Avenue and recommending that no space be provided. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald, Brooks that the report be received and adopted.
AId, Norton referred to the thought of the Traffic Committe~ that the Police Com-
mission would not issue as many sight-seeing cab licences this year and was of the
opinion that the Connittee should study again a report which became available
to-day containing lnfo~tion regarding the number of liceuces issued in 1957 and
the mximum n~ber to be allowed in 1958, before Council considers the removal of
~h~ chree stands. O~ERED on the moCion of Ald. Norton and'Ald. Miller that the
infomCiou received by the Traffic Co~ittee be given further study,
No. 95 -'Traffic ComiCtee - reco~endtng no ac;ion be taken at presen~ re&Arding
the eliminating of parkin~ on one side of Orchard Avenue between Deleware Street
and Murray Street, O~ERED on the motion of Aid, Mor~on and AId, Brooks that the
repore be received and adopted,
No. 96 - Traffic Comittee - re proposed car-wash for ears in vacan~ garage on the
~esc side of Valley Way between Victoria Avenue and Norrison Street and ~he
traffic probl~ which could be created therefr~, and therefore not reco~ending
any change in parking regulationstn this area, O~E~D on the motion of Ald, Morton
and AId, Brooks that the report be received and adopted,
No. 97 - Traffic COm~tee - 10 recomen~tions regarding parking meters in various
locations~ etc, ORD~ED on ~he motion of Ald. Norton and Ald, ~rtin that the
report be received and adopted,
No. 98 - City Clerk - reco~endin& issuance of licences. ~D~ED on the motion of
AId. McKinley and AId, ~r~tn tha~ ~he repor~ be received and adopted and ltcences
issued accordinSly*
No. 99 - City Clerk - appli~cion for Refres~ent Vehicle Co sell frozen custard
which has noC been approved. O~ED on Che motion of AId. HorCon and Ald, Niller
~MC the reporc be received and ~abled ~or a furchef report.
RESOLUTION .......................
The followina Resolution was Passed;
No. 33 - N~ , NITON - RESOL~D C~t the next re~lar meetinS of the Cicy
Council be held ac 7.30 p.m. on Tues~y, April 8th, 19~8; and the Seal of the
Coloration be hereto affixed,
Carried Unanimousl .
The following By-laws were passed;
No. 5619 - To authorize the execution a~d delivery of an Agreement between the
Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls and Local 528, International
Association of Fire Fighters.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Miller and Aid; McKinley that AId.Martin
be granted th~ privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Un~nimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Miller and AId. Mowers that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third'Reading - AId. Martin and AId. Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5620 - To authorize the execution of an agreement with the Niagara Falls Civic
Employees' Federal Union, Lucal 133.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Ald, Miller that Aid. Hartin
be given the privilege of introducing the byelaw and the by-law be given the 1st.
reading, - Carried Unanimously,
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and AId. McKinley that Rule 36
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be
given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. Morton and AId. Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
AId. Mowers referred to the recent publicity in the press regarding
the 1958 Tax Rills in which the article stated that the revenues did not include
an amount of $6,000. business tax to be paid by the NiaEara Parks Commission.
The Alderman stated that this information was incorrect since the Budget Estimates
actually ihcluded amounts for the years 1957 and 1958 totalling some $11,000.
AId. Mowers was of the opinion that this statement should be corrected.
AId, Morton referred to several complaints received about the dusty
condition of the city streets, and referred to the absence of the flusher.
Aldo Miller referred to the streets north of LinColn; also Slater and Buchanan
Avenues, The City Manager advised that both the sweeper and flusher have been
undergoing repairs but that they will be in service to-morrow.
AId, Miller referred to the call for tenders and queried whether cites
would be called for and then left in the open market. He was advised that this
decision would be entirely up to Council.
Cquncil adjourned Co the Finance Meeting on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId.
READ AND ADOPTED, 8th. April, 1958.
Na yor,
Council Chamber,
31st, March, 1958,
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, March 31st, 1958 for the purpose
of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them, All Members of the Committee were present, AId, White,
Chairman of Finance, presided,
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $45,064.76 were approved by the Committee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with. were ordered
placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald.
Mowers and AId. Miller.
The City Manager's report on the application of Cataract lee Company
for a permit to attach a sign advertising "Ice" on the street sign post at the
corner of Park Street and River Road, was presented for consideration; the report
recommended that permission be refused because such erection is contrary to City
regulations and also that it is not permissible to erect signs on City posts.
ORDERED on the motion of AId, Mowers and Ald. Brooks that the report be received
and adopted and permission be not granted.
The City Manager's report on the application of Frozenaire Cooler Co.
for a permit to make alterations to the building at 1436-1438 Ferry Street. at an
estimated cost of $4,000. was presented, ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Hawkins
and Ald, Morton that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
At this time, His Worship the Mayor referred to the Testimonial Dinner
being tendered to Chief Wm. Worm of the Stamford Police Department, who is to
retire shortly. The Nayor Advised that he had tickets available for Council and
AId. Nowera, Miller, McKinley and Morton signified their intention of being present
on that occasion.
The Co~ittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Mayor Hawking and
AId. Nowera.
READ AND ADOPTED, 8th. April, 1958.
Council Chamber,
31st. March, 1958.
The Council re-assembled at the close Of'the regula~ Council and Finance.
NeetinEs for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the C~ittee. All Members of Council were present.
The following By-law was passed;
No. 5621 * To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of AId, Nowera and AId. Martin that AId. White
be granted the privilege of lntroducin~ the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Nor(on that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second readinE· = Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. McKinley and AId. Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
A delegation was present from the Board of Education and it was
ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Miller that they be heard at this
Mr. Arnold Smith acted as spokesman and advised that the delegation was
present to deal with the matter of their request £or funds in connection with
proposed improvements and replacementg in the various 'schools. Referring to the
fact that the Board have on two other sodasions appeared before Council to present
similar requests at which time details and financing were considered thoroughly,
Mr. Smith advised that he was prepared to go over these figures again if Council
so desired.
Ha then briefly recounted what had previously been brought to Council's
attention as to their proposed capital expenditure plan, indicating that, Of course,
they would appreciate receiving the $175,000. originally asked but admitting that
$125 0OO. would take care of their most immediate or urger~needs and eliminate what
are now considered hazardous conditions.
AId. Mowers suggested the possibility of considering new school
erection rather than expendin8 sizable funds on alteration and repair and was
advised by Mr, Smith, that of course, the Board would be very happy to enBage in
a program of new school construction but that from an economic standpoint what they
propose seems to be the most satisfactory answer,
Further discussion was held on the subject, particularly with reference
to the various schools, the heating and plumbing problazes. Following which it was
ordered on the motion of AId. N~rtin and Ald. Brooks that $125,000. be made available
by the City Council for the use o£ the Board of Education in capital repairs and
alterations to public schools.
SEE Resolution #3/4.
The City Clerk then requested the Administrator through His Worship
the Mayor, to provide a formal request on the part of the Board of Education for
the fands'invol~d ahd~hich haa now been approv~a, indina~ing on' the' requ~S~ the'
specttic use and was assured by Mr. Kribs that this would be forthcoming pron~tlyo
The £ollowing Resolution was passed;
No~ 3~ - HARTIN - EROOF~ - RESOLVED that the request of the Board of Education of the
City of SisSara Falls for the sum of $125,000, for capital expenditure8 for various
public schools be approved and the necessary application made for approval o£ the
Ontario Municipal Board to proposed debenture by-law; and the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Mowers and AId. Miller.
READ All ADOPTED, 8th,April,1958.
t Nayor.
Council Chamber,
8th. April, 1958.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 8th.
1958, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of
Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous
meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mowers.
Tenders had been called for supplies for the year 1958 and it was ordered on
the motion of AId. Martin and Ald. Mowers that the tenders received be opened, initialled
by His Worship the Mayor and tabulated. Carried Unanimously.
,~he following Communications were presenteA_~
No. 124 - D. A. Freeze, Director, Dept. of Public Works - advising that he and Mr. Creba
would meet with the City Council on May 5th. at~d p.m. to discuss site of proposed
Post Office building. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Brooks that the
couuunication be received and filed.
No. 125 - Wm. Snyder - requesting opportunity to sit in on discussions concerning off
street parking or parking in general. It was moved by AId. Brooks and seconded by Ald.
Morton that the communication be received and the gentleman be given the opportunity to
attend the preliminary meeting with respect to the Downtown Businessmen's brief. (This
motion was not put, due to the fact that the amendment was carried unanimously.) The
amendment was made by AId. Miller, seconded by Ald. Mowers that the communication be
received and referred to the Chairman of the Traffic Committee in order that he may
notify Mr, Snyder when a joint meeting is held with the Downtown Businessmen's Association.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 126 - Stamford Women's Institute - requesting proclamation of Mental Health Week.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald, McKinley that the communication be received
and proclamation issued as requested.
No. 127 - Niagara Memorial Band - requesting permission to hold a tag day on April 19th.
ORDERED on the motion of AId, Miller and AId, Brooks that the communication be received
and filed and permission granted as the date is available, Carried Unanimously, Iu this
regard, the City Manager suggested that when Council studies the 19~9 Budget Estimates,
consideration be Siven where organizations receiving grants,later request tag days,.
No, 128 - Sydney Lei~h = suggesting the passing of a by-law banning the sale of fireworks,
ORDERED on the motion of AId, McKinley and Ald, Brooks that the communication be received
and the writer be advised that the mutter will be taken under consideration by the Hayor
and the Chief of Police to endearour to alleviate his problem, It was further ordered
on the motion of AId. Norton and AId, Mowers that this item be left in the hands of the
City Clerk to be placed on the agenda of the next joint meeting of.the councils of the
~hree municipalities. (AId. McKinley was contrary to the second resolution).
No. 129 - R, C. Young Insurance Limited - advising of changes made in their Company's
Portion of fire insurance schedule ~ch is due for renewal April 8th, 1958 and recommending
additio~al coverage. ORDERED on the motion ~f AId. Norton and AId. Nowera that the com-
munication be received and referred to the Property Committee for consideration as to
whether Extended Coverage should be placed on the structures owned by the municipality.
hid over from the previous meeting;
NO. 92 - City NanaSer = attachin8 copy of revised report of Wm, M. Hercar Limited
regarding proposed pension scheme for civic employees. ORDERED on the motion o£ Ald,
~ers and Al'd. Nattin that the report be received and referred to the Management
Connnittee to review the same with the Civic Employees, following which it was
ordered that the Con~ittee be empowered to request Wm. M. Mercer Limited to call
for tenders on the aforesaid scheme.
No. 99 - City Clerk - advising application of Sam LaRosa for Refreshment Vehicle
L~cence to sell frozen custard not approved.
SEE Report Number 100.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 100 - City Clerk - further report on application of Sam LaRosa .and outlining type
of operation intended. On the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Morton, ~he applicant
who was present at the meeting was permitted to speak at this time. He advised that
there was nothing more to add to the City Clerk's report, but on being queried by
His Worship the Mayor, advised that there would be no bell or gong attached to this
vehicle which would create a nuisance to any neighbourhood; he then advised that the
vehlcle would meet the requirements of the Health Department. ORDERED on the motion
of Ai~. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the application-be referred to the Traffic
Con~nittee for report to Council. Carried Unanimously. The mover and seconder with-
drew their original motion to the effect that permission be granted provided he
complies with all regulations of the Licensing Committee.
No. 101 - City Manager - recommending attendance of Assessor and Assistant at the
Spring Meeting of District Number 6, Association of Assessing Officers, to be held
at Delhi Ontario on April 3Oth. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. White
that the report be received and adopted.
No. 102 - City Manager - recommending attendance of Street Superintendent and Barber-
Greene Operator, at School for Asphalt Personnel robe held in Toronto. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted.
No. 103 - City Manager - report on Negotiation Committee~s meeting with Union
Representatives which was held to discuss matters pertaining to employment of temporary
help at the Filtration Plant with the Contractor Francis Hankin Limited. In connection
with the report of the City Manager, Ald. Martin, Chairman of the Management and
Negotiation Committee, advised as to the background of the report and action taken
by the Committee in this regard. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and AId.Miller
that the report be received and adopted.
No. 104 - City Manager - Estimates on construction of six-inch watermain on Terrace
from Ferguson St. to Leader Lane, and on Leader Lane from Terrace Avenue to Victoria
Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Brooks that the report be
received and adopted.
Ald. Brooks requested the City Manager to have the refuse moved off Leader Lane
between StaRton Avenue and Hickson Avenue and the City Manager advised that instructions
have already been issued.
No. 105 - City Clerk - recommendinE issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald,.Miller and Aid, Brooks that the report be received and adopted and licences issued
The followinR Petition was presented;
No. 3 - Frank DiCiacomo and 8 other residents of Centre St. and Ellen Avenue -
protesting nuisance created by exhaust fan discharging fish odours .from premises
operhted by a Fish Company. The City Clerk advised that the Sanitary Inspector
has been in close touch with this situation and has issued instructions to the
proprietor concerned. The first signatory on the petition, Mr. DiCiacomo was
permitted to speak at this time, on the motion of AId, Hiller and Aid. McKinley,
He outlined the conditions existing and was assured by the Mayor that the Sanitary
Inspector would take action. ORDERED on the motion of AId. White and Aid. Mowers
that the petition be received and referred to the Sanitary Inspector for a report.
39 j
Aid. Martin called to the attention of the City Manager the condition
of the sidewalk on Lowell Avenue, between Summer St. and Misener
Aid, Morton referred to complaints he had received concerning the Quick
Car Wash on Ferry Street, and the dirt resulting therefrom and requested that the
Sanitary Inspector inspect these premises.
AId. Miller reiterated his notice of intention and request to be removed
as Countills representative on the Tourist Committee of the Greater N agara Chamber
of Commerce and he was requested by His Worship the Mayor if he would please put his
request in writing and the Alderman indicated that this would be done for the next
meeting of Council.
The followin~-~l. aw was presented;
No. 5622 - To authorize the borrowing of $125,000.00 for the installation of new
heating plants, ventilation and necessary structural work in Barker St.
Simcoe St. Glenview, Maple St. and Memorial Public Schools and to
provide for the issue of the City of Niagara Falls for debentures therefor.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Morton that Ald. White be
given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time
in preamble form only - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. White and AId. Miller that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously,
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of AId. Mowers and Aid,
READ AND ADOPTED, 14th. April, 1958,
Council Chamber,
8th, jApril, 1958.
The Finance Meetins was held on Tuesday, April 8th, 1958 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them, All Members of the Committee were present. Ald.
White, Chairman of Finance, presided,
Committee. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $74,215.21 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with. were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion
of AId. McKinley and Ald. Mowers.
The City Manager*s report on the application o£ the International
Silver Company, Limited, 303 River Road, to erect a metal racer sign at the above
address, at an estimated cost o£ $300. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. Norton and Nayor Hawkins that the report be received and adopted
and permit issued,
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of AId, Miller and AId.
READ AND ADOPTED, 14th. April, 1958.
Council Chamber,
April 8th, 1958.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Counittee. All Hembets of Council were present,
The"foXiowi Swas passed;
5623 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Miller that AId. White be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Miller. and AId, W~hite that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules o£ Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading, - Carried Unanimously,
Third Reading - AId, Miller and AId, McKinley - Carried Unanimously,
Council adjourned. on the motion of AId, Miller and AId, Brooks,
READ AND ADOPTED, 14th. April. 1958.
Council Chamber,
14th. April, 1958.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, April
14th. 1958 for the purpose of considering general business and finance, All Members
of Council were present, with the exception of Ald. Martin. The Council, having
received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion
of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley.
The following Communications ~ere presented;
No. 130 - R-C.A.F,Squadron, 126 - requesting proclamation of Air Cadt Week. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Brooks that the conununication be received
and filed and the proclamation issued as requested.
No. 131 - R.C.A.F. Squadron,126 - requesting permission to hold Annual Tag Day on
April 26th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Morton that the communi-
cation be received and filed and request granted as the date is available.
No. 132 - Cohen Swados Wright and Hanlfin - requesting by-law to convey lane to
Pollard Mfgr. Co. Ltd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that
the communication be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report.
No. 133 - Local Hydro Counnission - enclosing copy of Balance Sheet and Operating
Report for year ending December 31st,1957. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley
and Ald. Mowers that the same be received and filed.
No. 134 - British-Canadian Veterans Association - invitation to installation
ceremonies on April lgth. at 8 p.m. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald.
Miller that the invitation be received and accepted and as many of the Members of
Council and their wives attend as find it possible.
No, 134A - Alderman Franklin J. Miller - tendering resignation from Tourist Committee
of the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce, as one of Council's representatives.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton that the communication be
received and filed and the resignation accepted with regret, Carried, with Ald.
His Worship the Mayor expressed his regret for the Alderman'8 decision
expressing the opinion that he had performed his duties very well. Alderman Miller
expressed appreciation for the Mayor's remarks.
AId, McKinley, Counctl~s other representative on the Tourist Committee
of the Chamber, expressed approval of the work performed by Ald. Miller while a
Member of the Committee, and also expressed regrets for his decision, and advised
that he was therefore contrary to the motion to accept the resignation.
Eis Worship the Mayor then referred to the possibility of AId.Mowers
acceptinE the position on the Tourist Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, in
place of AId, Miller; AId, Mowers expressed appreciation at the Mayor's suggestion
but felt that he could not do justice to such an appointment, due to the fact that
he is Chairman of the Joint Connnittee of the Survey Merger Committee, and could not
guarantee regular attendance at the Tourist Commtttee's meetings. It was therefore
agreed that all members of Council would consider the matter carefully, in order
Chat an appointment may be made at the next Council meeting,
The following Reports were presented;
No,. 106..- Sanitary. Inspector. ,. report on inspection of. conditions. at. Finlay. Fish
premises at 1672 Ellen &venuo and the instructions issued to the proprietor. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald, Mowers and AId, McKinley that the report be received, and the
signatories on Petition No,3. concerning this establishment notified .o~ the
ta~n, and ~he Sanitary Inspector ~nked ~or this report, '
SEE ~ion No,3.
No. 107 ~ City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion
of AId. McKinley and AId. Miller that the report be received and adopted and
licences issued accordingly.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 99 - City.Clerk - attaching application for refreshment vehicle licence to sell
frozen custard, which has not been approved.
No.lO0 - City Clerk - further report on this application and outlining type of
operation intended. As this matter had been referred to the Traffic Connnittee at
the pr&vious meeting, Ald. Norton, Chairman of that Committee reported verbally
at this time, advising that his Con~nittee were opposed to the application, due to
the traffic hazard which could be created and the untidy conditions which would
result following the disposal of used cups or containers; the Chairman expressed
regret that it was necessary to arrive at this decision. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Morton and Ald. Brooks that the reports be received and filed, the verbal
report of the Traffic Con~nittee be received and adopted and the licence be not
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No, 3 - Frank DiGiacomo and 8 others -concerning couditions at the Finley Fish
Company at the corner of Ellen Avenue and Centre Street, ORDERED ou the motion of
Ald, Mowers and Ald. McKiuley that the petition be received and filed aud the
petitioners notified of the action taken by the Sanitary Inspector.
BEE Report No.106
The following. Resolution was passed;
No. 35 - BROOKS - MORTON - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy be forwarded to the
family of the late Mrs. Thomas Savage, on behalf of His Worship the Mayor aud
Members of the City Council; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
At.this time, AId, Hiller, one of Council'srepresentatives on the
Tourist Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, who had indicated at the previous
meeting, at the request of His Worship the ldayor, that he would tender his
resignation, in writing, from the Tourist Committee, arose at this time, and
requested the City Clerk to read the communication.
Before this was done, the Alderman stressed that he was not
opposed to the Senior Chamber of Commerce or their work, pointing out their efforts
to bring conventions to Niagara Falls in the winter time, but, reiterated his
objections to the 9roposed T.V.film showing American points of interest and felt
that he could not do justice on a Committee when he was not satisfied with part of
their programme0 SEE Communication No. 13~.
AId. Morton referred to the leaks in the roof at the Memorial Arena
and queried as to whether there had been a 20-year guarantee on the roof. The City
Manager advised that the Solicitors are taking steps to remedy the same; and further
advised. that there have been continuous leaks and minor repairs have been made from
time to time. The City Manager assured Council that Council will be made aware of
the results.
Council adjourned to the Finance Committee Meeting ou the motion of Ald. McKinley
and Ald. Mowers.
READ AND ADOPTED, 21st.April, 1958.
Council Chamber,
14th.April, 1958.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, April 14th. 1958 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them, All Members of the Committee were present with
the exception of Ald. Martin. Ald. White, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Committee. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $212,180.50 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of
Mayor Hawkins and Ald. McKinley.
AId. Brooks queried about voucher number 1005 of the Finance By-law
and an explanation was given by the City Clerk as to the account and its purpose,
which was satisfactory.
The Summary of Tenders for supplies for the year 1958 as submitted
at the last meeting, was considered at this time. The following action was taken;
It was moved by Ald. McKinley that Calaguiro
Bros. lowest tendeter, be awarded the contract
for stone, sand and asphalt, and at this point
the City Manager recommended that with reference
to the stone, that if the tender was awarded to
Calaguiro Bros. that he be given authority to
require that the stone be purchased £rom
Queenston Quarries; following further discussion,
IT WAS ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley
and Ald. Morton that the stone requirements
for the year 1958 be purchased from the lowest
tendeter, Calaguiro Bros. Carried Unanimously.
It was moved by Ald. Mowers that the matter
of sand be not considered at this meeting,
and new tenders be called on the basis of the
requirements indicated by the City Manager.
There was no seconder to this motion.
A lengthy discussion ensued with reference to
the sand on which tenders were being called,
various suggestions being made as to how the
desired result could be obtained in a manner
satisfactory to the City Manager, following
which IT WAS ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
McKinley and AId. Morton that Calaguiro Bros,
be awarded the tender for sand and gravel for
concrete. This motion was defeated, the vote
being - Aye - AId. McKinley,Morton and White;;
Naye- Nayor Hawkins, Ald. Mowers, Brooks and
An amendment by Ald. Moware and AId, Brooks
that the tender for asphalt sand and water
washed sand, as listed on the Summary, be not
considered at this meeting, but left over
until new tenders were called on the basis of
· classifications, as suggested by the City Manager,
was carried by a vote of ~ to 3; the vote being -
Aye - AId. Mowers, Brooks, Miller and the Mayor;
Nays -Ald. McKinley, Morton and White.
.At this point, on the motion of Ald. Mowers and
Ald. McKinley,e representative of Calagu~ro.Bros.
was heard. Re i~dicated that the sane being
quoted on under the category of asphalt sand,
~as pit run.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Mayor
Hawkins that the ~enders for concrete sand and
gravel for concrete for the year 1958 be awarded
to CalaSuiro Bros. Carried Unanimously,
In connection with tenders for Paving
Asphalt the City Manager recoupended that
this be awarded to Imperial Oil Limited,
although the price as shown was slightly
higher than the other two tenders, on the
basis of service and the fact that the
price he would receive on this commodity,
would actually be less than the two lower
tenderere. On being queried the City
Manager stated that the delivered price
would be $36.30.
Following discussion on the subject,
during which the method of calling for
tenders was questioned by several members
of Council, IT WAS ORDERED on the motion
of AId. McKinley and Na~yor Hawkins that
the tender for Paving Asphalt for the
year 1958 be awarded to Imperial Oil Ltd.
at the price as quoted by the City Manager.
Carried with AId. Miller opposed.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Norton and
AId. Brooks that the tender of St.Catharines
Fuel Oils Ltd. at a quotation of 9.70 cents
per Mellon be accepted,
ORDERED on the motion of Ald, McKinley and
AId. Miller that the tenders of Eastlaud
Bros, as recommended by the City Manager,
be accepted,
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and
Ald. Miller that the tender of Canadian
Oil Companies Ltd. be accepted.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and
AId. Miller that the tender of Gunning
Oil Ltd. the lowest quotation, be accepted,
With reference to the tenders, as listed
for passenger tires, truck tires and tubes,
it was moved by AId. Morton that the tender
of CalaguiFo Eros. be accepted, which motion
received no seconder.
A discussion was then held concerning tire
supply and as pointed out by the City
Manager, the method used in previous years
had proved satisfactory, namely, the
allocation of different units to different
suppliers. It was therefore ordered on
the motion of AId. Morton and Aid. Brooks
that the tires and tubes for the year 1958
~epurchased on the open market. Carried,
ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Hawkins
and AId. McKinley that the tender of W. L.
Houck Coal Company, at a total quotation of
$1,422.84 be accepted.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and AId.
Morton that the tender of Eastland Bros. at
a quotation of $13.00 per ton for Compass
Coal be accepted; and if not satisfactory,
Kentucky Hill be purchased from W.L.Houck
Coal Company at a quotation of $14.95 per
ton. Carried with Ald. Mowers-contrary.
Ald. Mowers suggested and recommended that in 1959 the form of tenders
for the year's supplies be considered by Council before the tenders are actually
called in an attempt to avoid recurrence of the difficulties experienced during the
current year.
The City Nanager's report recommending the purchase of the radio equipment
installed on the truck units of the Niagara Falls Fire Department, was presented for
consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Morton that the report
be received and adopted.
The City Manager'S report was presented on the application of the Star
Cleaners and Dyers, for permission to erect a neon sign at 819 Morrison Street, at an
estimated cost of $700. ORDERED on the motion o f Ald. Morton and Ald. Miller that the
report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of Myron Bruck, for a permit
to erect a neon sign at the Niagara Hotel, 1008 Centre Street, at an estimated cost of
$600. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and
Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of Sam Alfieri, for a permit
to erect a neon facet sign at the Capri Restaurant, 1438 Ferry Street, at an estimated
cost of $3,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton
and Ald. Miller that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of A. Rocco for a building
permit to erect an addition at the rear of 1376-1384 Ferry Street, at an estimated
cost of $800. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Nillet and Ald. Morton
that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
. , ,
The' Con~ittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald.
R~D AND ADOPTED ', 21st. April, 1958.
with AId. Miller and AId. McKinley opposed.
OXYGEN ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and
T Welders gupply, as reconuended by the City Clerk "
ACE YI,EHE AId. Mowers that the tenders of Niagara .~.
Manager, be accepted.
PORTLARD CKI~NT ORDERED on the motion o~ AId. Morton and
AId. Brooks that the tender of E. Weightman
and Sons, Ltd. be accepted.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and
AId. Miller that the second lowest tender,
· as recommended by the City Manager, namely,
Clarkss Hardware, at a total quotation of
,538.03 be accepted.
Council Chamber,
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Conamittee. All Members of Council were present, with the exception
of AId. Martin.
The following By-law was passed;
N6. 5624 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Morton that AId. White
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. White and Aid. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. Morton and AId'. Miller - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned on the motion of AId. McKinley and Aid. Miller
READ AND ADOPTED, 21st. April, 1958.
Council Chamber,
21st. April, 1958.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, April 21st.
1958 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of
Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minotes of the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Brooks.
Carried with Ald. White contrary; the Alderman registered opposition on the basis
of tender forms for sand which were before Council at the previous meeting contending
that the forms called for sand from a lake or river and that therefore pit sand should
not have been considered.
Mr. G. McQueen, Manager, of the Concrete Stone and Coal Company, was
present at the meeting in connection with his comnunication number 142 and it wcs
ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley that he be permitted to speak.
Mr. McQueen indicated his misunderstanding as to Council's action at the previous
meeting concerning the coal tenders since his tender had apparently been refused
on the basis of the utilization of outside truckers, whereas cement had been awarded
to an outside firm rather than to local bidders.
Mr. A. S. Zimmerman, President of Zimmerman's Builders Supplies Limited,
was also present at the meeting in connection with his cormaunication number 143
and it was ordered on the motlon of Aid. Mowers and Aid. Martin that he be heard.
Mr. Zimmerman explained his reasons for tendering the way he did on the cement
supplies, with the natural assumption that this tender would be handled on a similar
basis to that used in the year 1957.
SEE Communication 143.
A general discussion was then held concerning tenders for the year 1958
during which different Members of Council expressed disapproval of the manner of
handling tenders for the 1958 supplies, following which it was suggested that the
City Manager take the matter up with a view to splitting the business three ways
and obtaining a satisfactory uniform price.
Both Mr. McQueen and Mr. Zinunerman indicated that in the event distribution
of the purchases of cement they would be prepared to meet the price as quoted by E.
Weightman and Sons Ltd.
Following further discussion it was ordered on the motion of AId. Miller
and Ald. Martin that the motion passed at the previous meeting of Council awarding
the contract for cement for the City of Niagara Falls for the year 1958 be rescinded
and that the City Manager be authorized to negotiate for a compromise price ranging
between $1.05 and $1.14 for the supply of cement with the understanding that the
purchases be split three ways amongst the firms tendering for the cement business
for the year 1958 and that the City Manager have power to act. Carried Unanimously.
With reference to the coal tender as awarded for the year 1958 and the
- comments in the communication from Mr. McQueen, of the Concrete Stone and Coal Co.
· it was agreed by Mr. NcQueen and the Members of Council that since this tender had
been awarded and official advice had been forwarded to the successful tendeter, uo
change could or should be made.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 132 - Cohen,Swados,Wri2ht and Hanifin - requesting passing.of a by-law to close
lane presently occupied by the Pollard Nfgr. Co. lyinB between Broughton Ave. and
Welland AVe. in the Glenview Area. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and AId.
Morton ~hat the co~m,unica~ion be received and filed and the request granted.
SEE Report No. 108
S~E By-law No.56.25.
The following Communications were presented;
No. 135 - Bell Telephone Co. of Canada - requesting permission to replace one pole
3 feet west of present location on Buttrey St. east of Hickson St,
No. 136 - Bell Telephone Co. of Canada - requesting permission to replace pole and
anchor 2 feet west of present location on Eastwood Crescent. ORDERED ou the motion
of AId, Miller and Ald, Nowera that these communications be considered together.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Norton that the communication be
received and filed and permission granted as requested.
SEE By-law No.5626
No. 137 - Y.W.C.A. - requesting issuance of proclamation re Y.W.C.A. Week. ORDERED
on the motion of AId, McKinley and AId, Mowers that the communication be received'
and filed and permission granted as requested,
No. 138 - Alpha Psi Chapter, Gamma Sigma Fraternity - requesting permission to hold
a tag day on Nay 10th. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Nillet and AId, Morton that
th~ communication be received and filed and they be notified that this date is not
available but that they may choose one of the following dates - 17th. 24th. or 31st.
of May,
No. 139 - Greater Niagara Home and School Council - problem of fireworks. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Norton and Ald..Mowers that the communication be received and
they be advised of the action Council proposes to take on this matter at a joint
meeting to be held with the Councils of the Greater Niagara Area.
No, 140 - City of Ottawa - resolution re Provincial Assistance Towards Municipal
Road and Highway Subsidies, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Norton and Ald, Nowera
that the communication be received and the resolution endorsed,
No. 141 - Canadian Coal and Oil Company - re price of Gem Elkhorn Stoker Coal.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Ald. McKinley that the communication be
received and filed.
No.m143 - Concrete Stone and Coal Company - cement and coal tenders,
No. 143 -_A. Zimmerman Builders" Supplies Ltd. - cement tender, ORDERED on the
motion of AId, Nattin and AId, Nowera that these communication8 be considered
together, (See Deputations). ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald, Nillet
that the communications be received and filed,
No. 144 - J.W. Wilkinson - requesting extension of fence from corner of the lot at
1763 Hanan Avenue. As this cv~,unication was received too late for inclusion on
this eveninE's aEenda, it was ordered read at this time on the motion of Ald.
liartin and Ald. Nillet, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald, Norton that
the communication be received and referred to the Parks and Recreation Committee
br a report.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 108 - Property Committee - recommendinE closing of lane running from Buttrey
to FerSuson, between Welland and Broughton Avenues, as requested by Solicitors
.for Pollard Nfgr. Co. Ltd. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Aldo Morton
that the report be received and adopted.
SEE Communication No. 132.
SEE By-law Number 5625,
No. 109 - City Manager - recommending attendance of Assessor at 17th. Convention of
Association of Assessing Officers of Ontario, at Peterborough, May 19th. to May 21st.
ORDERED on the motion of AId, McKinley and Ald, Norton that the report be received
and adopted,
No. 110 - Traffic Committee - 5 recommendations on pavement reconstruction. ORDERED
on themotion of AId. Norton and Ald, Brooks that the report be received and adopted.
SEE Reports No, 112 to 116.
No. 111 - T__raffic Committee - recommending elimination of parking cast side o f
First Avenue between Huron St. and Morrison St; and no change in parking regulations
on east side of Stanley Ave. between Ferry St. and Spring St. ORDERED on the motion
of Aid. Morton and AId. White that the report be received and adopted.
No. 112 - City Manager - Estimates for paving BuckIcy Avenue between Park St. and
Queen St. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Morton that the report be
received and adopted to widen the pavement to 34 feet.
SEE Resolution No.36.
No. 113 - City Manager - Estimate dot removal of boulevard and paving entire roadway
surface on Valley Way between Queen Street and Victoria Avenue. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Morton and Ald. Miller that the report be received and adopted.
No. 114 - City Manager - Estimate on cost of widening pavement on Magdalen Street
between Victoria Avenue and Ellen Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and
Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted.
SEE Resolution No. 36,
No. 115 - City Manager - Estimate for new {sphalt pavement on McRae Street from
Heywood Avenue to Stanley Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald.
White that the report be received and adopted.
No. 116 - Cijy Manage_r - two estimates respecting pavements on Eastwood Crescent and
Ryerson Crescent a~d recommending entire Council inspect these streets to determine
the amount of work to be done. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. White
that the report be received and adopted.
No. 117 - City EnRineer - report on attendance at 1958 Conference of Canadian Bldg.
Officials in Ottawa April 14th. to 16th. accompanied by Alderman G. Martin. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald, Brooks and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and filed.
Ald. Martin also reported verbally on his attendance at this Conference, advising of
the wealth of information which had been acquired on building regulations. The
Alderman assured Council that both the City Engineer and himself would co-operate in
any way if it is the desire of Council to pursue this matter further.
No. 118 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted and licences
issued accordingly.
No. 119 - Equipment Committee - approving quotation of Arthur S. Leitch Co. Ltd.
for Nash Model 141) 572 vacuum pump, Mash primary valves and NcAlear vacuum relief
valves at a cost of $775. required for priming the wash water pumps at the Filtration
Plant, as recommended by E.C.Acres and Co. Ltd. Ald. Martin, Chairman of the
Equipment Committee recommended verbally on behalf of his Committee, that the
Consulting Engineers' advice be accepted and an order placed immediately. ORDERED
on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald. Miller that the recommendation of the Equipment
Committee be received and adopted.
No. 120 - Equipment Committee - re provision of a separate room for chlorine cylinders
at Filtration Plant. Ald. Martin, Chairman of the Equipment Committee, reported
verbally at this time on the necessity of such a storage room. and requested that
permission be granted by Council to ask H. G. Acres and Co. Ltd. to prepare plans and
specifications. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the report
and recommendation be received and adopted. '
The following Petitions were presented;
No. 4 - L. S. Rushton and 5 others - requestinS improvement in driving conditions on
Rosedale Drive and the widening of the Crescent by approximately 10 feet. ORDERED on
the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Brooks that the petition be received and filed
and the petitioners advised as to what is contemplated in the pavement programme for
No. 5 - Mary and Walter Jones and 13 others - enclosing list of number of cars
parked on south side of Huron St. between First Ave, and Victoria Ave. and east
and west aides of First Ave. from Huron St, to Morrison. St. April 14th. to April
21st. and requesting Council to take action to remedy the. nuisance of excessive
parking in these areas. In connection with this petition which was presented at
the meeting and therefore not included on this evening's agenda, it was ordered
on the m~tion of Ald. McKinley and AId. Brooks that the petition be read. It
was then ordered on the motio~ of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Brooks that the
petitioners in the audience be heard. Mrs. Shirley Porter spoke and outlined the
difficulties experienced because of the length of time cars are parked. She also
referred to the condition of the streets and of the refuse from the Bentley
Sporting Goods Co. littering the streets when the wind blows. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald, Brooks and AId. McKinley that the petition be received and
referred to the Traffic Committee for a report.
The following iResolutions were passed;
No. 36 - MILLER - MORTON - RESOLVED that Report Number 112 for the widening of the
pavement to 34 feet on Buckley Avenue between Park Street and Queen Street and
constructing two new four-foot sidewalks on each side of the street; Report Number
I13 for the removal of the boulevard and the paving of the entire roadway surface
on Valley Way between Queen Street and Victoria AvenUe; Report Number 114 for the
widening of the pavement on Magdalen Street between Victoria Avenue and Ellen Avenue
to 32 feet and Report Number 115 for a new asphalt pavement on McRae Street from
Heywood Avenue to Stanley Avenue and to widen the pavement to 36 feet and construct
new sidewalks on both sides of the street; be adopted and the work be proceeded with;
and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 37 - MOWERS - ~XRTIN - RESOLVED that the annual tour of inspection be held by
Council connencing at the City Hall ou Tuesday, at 6 p,m. April 29th, 1958; and the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
~Ald, White and Morton-contrary).
No. 38 - BROOK~ - MOWERS - RESOLVED that Alderman Harold C. Morton be appointed as
an additional representative of the City Council on the Tourist Committee of the
Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce during 1958; and the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed,
Ald. Miller, who resigned at the last meeting of Council as a representative
on this Committee, asked to be excused from voting on this resolution due to the fact
that he did not wish to vote against a Member of Council who might later support
that portion of the Chamber's Tourist program which he had objected to.
No. 39 - MARTIN - BROOKS - RESOLVED that a letter of congratulations be forwarded to
the!Niagara Falls Orphans Basketball Team upon their achievement in winning the
All-Ontario Intermediate '~" Basketball Championship, regaining ~n honour which had
not been held by a local team since 1930; an~ the S~al of the Corporation be hereto
Carried Unanimously.
Aid. Nillet queried as to the progress being made on what is contemplated
for Peer Street this year and was advised by the City Manager that estimates are
being prepared on the proposed sewer which will be presented at the next meeting of
Council, following which the Local Improvement R~port will be submitted.
AId. Morton referred to the demolition of a building on Ellen Avenue
south of Centre Street and the complaints he has received that the cellar is now
fell of water and could be hazardous to children, The City Manager agreed to
investigate this condition,
T_he following By-law was prejpn~ed;
No. 5625 - To close and sell a portion of a lane from Buttrey Ave. to Ferguson Ave.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Miller that Ald. Brooks
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Miller and Aid. blowers that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
The following Bj=laws were passe~i
No. 5626 - To provide for permission to The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada to place one
pole 3 feet west of present location on Buttrey St. east of liickson St;
and, on Eastwood Crescent to replace pole and anchor 2 feet west of present
ORDERED on themotion of AId. Brooks and Ald. Morton that Ald. McKinley be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. White and AId. McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Miller and Ald. Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5627 - A by-law to provide for borrowing $11,996.10 upon debentures to pay for
the construction of sidewalks on Slater Avenue, Hamilton Street, St.
Lawrence Avenue; curbs and gutters on Detroit Avenue, Murray Street;
asphalt pavement and gutter on Slater Avenue.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Ald. McKinley that Ald. White be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. White and AId. Miller that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. Mowers and Ald. Miller - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of AId. Mowrs and Aid.
READ AND ADOPTED, 28th. April, 1958.
Council Chamber,
21st. April, 1958.
The Finance M~eting was held on'Monday, April 21st, 1958 for the
purpose of approving and also passinE the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Ald.
White, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $169,974.87 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion
of AId. Mowers and AId. Brooks; Carried with AId. Morton-contrary.
The City ManaEer's report on the application of ~hn. Cebhart, 616
Ontario, for a permit to demolish the existing frame building adjacent to his
furniture store which is used as a storage house and garage, was presented for
consideration. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and AId. McKinley that the
report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City ldanager's report on the application of Mr. A. DiVito, 605
River Road, for a permit to erect a neon double faced sign at his premises on
River Road to advertise his motel, at an estimated cost of $850. was presented
for consideration. The City Nanager recommended that a permit be approved but
the applicant be advised that no installation of the sign will be permitted until
such time as the portion of the building adjacent to the motel has been demolished.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and AId. McKinley that the report be received
and adopted.
The City NanaEer'srePort containing a sunchary of the prices obtained
on Sewer Tile which will be used during 1958 was presented for consideration.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Brooks and AId. McKinley that the report be received
and adopted and the low tender be accepted. Carried, with AId. Martin-contrary.
The Report of the Froperry Committee on their consideration of the
request of Peter Mancuso for permission to erect a dwelling at the rear of his
house at 1667 Temperance Street, was presented along with the Committee's recom-
mendation that he be advised that a permit cannot be issued due to the fact that
the area of land to beused does not meet the requirements of by-law number 5335.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Brooks that the report be received
and adopted and the applicant be advised accordingly, but that he may obtain a
permit to construct an addition to his present dwelling subject to compliance
with the building by-laws.
The City Nanager's report on the application of Mrs. Y. Schenck, 1420
F~erry Street for a permit to erect a store and apartment on her premises on the
~outh side of Ferry Street betseen Buchanan Avenue and Stanley Avenue; the west
wall of the proposed building to abut the east wall of the existing building
operated by the Capri Restaurant, at an estimated cost of $16,000. was presented.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and AId. Mowers that the report be received
and adopted and permit issued.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Hayor Hawkins and
AId. McKinley.
READ AND ADOPTED, 28th. April, 1958.
Council Chamber,
21st. April, 1958.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Committee. All Members of Council were present.
The followiqg By-law was pa!sed~
~o. ~62~ - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Mowers that Aid. White be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. White and AId. Miller that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried with Ald. Morton-contrary.
Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and Ald. Brooks - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Aid. Mowers and AId. Brooks.
READ AND ADOPTED, 28th. April, 1958.
Council Chamber,
21st. April, 1958.
The Conference Coemittee of the City Council assembled at the close of the
regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, April 21st. 1958, for the purpose of
considering the items presented to them. All Nembers of the Committee were present.
After consideration of the items presented, the Committee adjourned
on the motion of AId. Miller and AId, Mowers,
READ AND ADOPTED, 28th, April, 1958.
Council Chamber,
28th. April, 1958.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, April 28th.
1958, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of
Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid. Miller and Ald. Morton.
Aid. J. L. Reid of St.Catharines, a Member of the Airport blanagement Board
was present at the meeting, accompanied by Mr. V. Kaufman, another Member of the
Board and Mr. D. J. Forgie Chairman of the St.Catharines Airport Management Board,
in connection with a con~nunication received from the St.Catharines Airport Management
Board and a report for the year 1957 and a brief containing recommendations for the
operation and management of the airport.
The delegation was welcomed to the meeting by H~s Worship the Mayor, after
which Ald. Reid proceeded to emphasize the need of having in the Niagara District
a modern airport compatible with the growth of thia area. !~ld. Reid then called
upon Mr. D. J. Forgie who proceeded to give some history with reference to the
airport and the potential of its development; supported by Mr. V. Kaufman who also
addressed Council in a similar vein. The main purpose of the delegation as was
explained by Ald. Reid was to solicit active participation on the part of area
municipalities and he specifically referred to the forthcoming meeting to be held
in the City Hall at St.Catharines at 10 A.M. on Saturday morning, May 10th. with a
view to discussing the whole situation and attempting to put the airport on a sound
basis and establish it as an important adjunct to the Niagara Area.
Following a further discussion and the answering of some questions directed
by Members of Council to the representatives of the Airport Management Board, it was
ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley that the communication and
reports be received and filed, pending receipt of an invitation referred to by Ald.
Reid which is being forwarded to area municipalities.
SEE Communication No. 149.
Tenders had been called for the supply of Lake washed Asphalt Sand, Pit
Run Asphalt Sand, Pit Washed Asphalt Sand, Lake Washed Sand for Concrete and Water
Washed Pit Sand for Concrete and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and
Ald. Miller that the tenders received be opened, initialled by His Worship the Mayor
and tabulated.
The following Communications were presented;
No. 145 - Kitchener Street United Church - invitation to Civic Service, June 15th.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and AId. Morton that the invitation be received
and accepted and as many as possible attend.
No. 146 - Orphans ,Basketball Team - requesting consideration to some form of
.recognition on recent achievement in vinning the All Ontario Championship. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Norton that the communication be received and
referred to the Chairman of Finance with power to act. In this connection, Ald..
Novera was of the opinion that some sort of a Committee should be set up to investigate
the possibility of a uniform award in recognition of teams bringing honour to the City.
No, 147'- B.N.E. Church - requesting permission to hold a tag day August 9th.ORDERED
on the motion of AId, Norton and Ald. Brooks that the communication be received and
filed and the request granted as the date is available,
No. 148 - Ontario Municipal Association - Notice of forthcoming Convention to be
held in Ottawa, August 31st. to September 3rd, 1958. ORDERED on the motion of
AId. Martin and AId. Brooks that the co~anunication be received and filed and the
Clty Clerk be authorized to make the necessary reservations for the same. All
Members of CounCil indicated they would attend, with the exception of AId. White
and Ald. Morton. Ald. Mowers indicated that he was prepared to take care of the
Council Delegates to this Convention if it was so desired and was requested by the
Clerk to arrange the aforesaid reservations.
No. 149 - St.Catharines Airport Management Board - enclosing copies of the report
fo~ 1957; and second report contaiuing reconunendations for the operatiou and
managemaul of the airport, ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and AId. McKinley
that the conmunication and reports he received and filed, pending receipt of an
invitation referred to by Ald. ~eid, Member of the Airport Mauagement Board which
is being forwarded to area muuicipalities.
No. 150 - Automobile Dealers' Association of Niagara Area - requesting proclamatiou
of ~he week of May 8th, to 17th. as "You Auto Buy Now Days". and also permission
to hold a parade on Saturday morning May 10th, aud Thursday evening, May 15th.
ORDERED ou the motion of AId. Mowers and Ald. Miller that the commuuicatiou which
was received too late for inclusiou o~ the agenda, be heard at this time. ORDERED
on the motion of Aid. Martin aud AId. Brooks that the cou~nunication be received
and the requests granted. AId. Martin stressed the importance of the City Council
in co-operating iu every way possible to hel~ the unemployment situatiou or sales
of merchants~ this promotioual scheme not heiug only for Automobile Agencies but
all merchants, which would make a substautial contribution to the economy of the
commuuity at large. All Members of Council coucurred with the Alderman.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 121 - City Manager - recommending order of contour plaus from Cauadian Aero
Service of the Niagara River Bauk, to be used in connection with possible site for
sewage treatment plant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Howera and Aid, Martiu that
the report be received and adopted. Carried, with Aid. Miller-coutrary. The City
Manager advised verbally that in addition to this, there would be a charge of $580.
i9r the photography which Council have already authorized.
No. 122 - City Manager - attac~ing recormnendattons of Fire Chief Wade in connection
with two new appointments to the permauent staff and also promotions iu the Depart-
ment as provided for in the 1958 Budget, ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and
Ald. Brooks that the report be received and adopted, Carried Unanimously,
No, 123 - City Engineer - report on estimate for coustruction of storm relief sewer
on Stanley Avenue betweeu Ferry Street and Robinson Street, ORDERED on the motion
of ld, Mowers and Aid, McKinley that the report be received and adopted and work
proQeeded with. SEE Resolutiou
No. 124 - City Eugineer - report on estimate'for construction of a storm relief
sewer on Peer Lane and Peer Street between Stanley Avenue and Main Street, ORDERED
on the motion of AId, Miller and Aid. Nortou that the report be received and adopted
and work proceeded with.
SEE Resolution No. ~1,.
No, 125 - City Engineer - Summary of toftal estimated co~t of c~nstruction of the
s~orm relief sewers contained in Reports 123 and 124, ORDERED on the motion of
AId, Mowers and Aid. Miller Chat the report be received and filed.
No, 126 - City Clerk - recogeendinS issuance o~ litantes. ORDERED ou the motion o~
AId. Norton and Ald. Brooks that the report be received and adopted and litantes
issued accordingly.
No. 127 - City Clerk - application for licence to operate a refreshment vehicle
which has not been approved. The City Clerk advised verbally that this was Mr.
Sam LaRosa's re-application for a llcence and it was ordered on the motion of ~ld.
Brooks and Ald. Miller that the application be heard at this time. Mr. Sam LaRosa
referred to the reasons given to him for not granting a licence, ~ith which he did
not agree, advising that the frozen custard would be sold in edible biscuit cones
and therefore would not litter the streets and further advised that the custard
would be sold from the side of the vehicle nearest to the sidewalk thus eliminating
any danger to children. Ald. Miller referred to the question of possible air-borne
contamination of the product and was of the opinion that other nearby municipalities
should be contacted to ascertain whether the operation of this type of vehicle has
proven successful or otherwise; that this information could be beneficial to Mr.
LaRosa also before he goes to the expense of procuring such a vehicle. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Morton that the report be received and tabled
and the Czty Clerk be instructed to contact nearby communities to ascertain their
experiences in this type of operation.
The followin~g._Petition was p~reJ_e__nt~e_d;
No. 6 - Richard Tiller and 11 others - requesting removal of trees in area of Ferry
Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley that the petition
be received and referred to the Tour of Inspection being held on Tuesday evening
April 29th. in order that Council may have the opportunity of viewing the situation
on the ground.
The foliowinE Resolutions were passe~;
No. 40 - MOWERS - McKINLEy- RESOLVED that Report Number 123 on the construction of
a storm relief sewer on Stanley Avenue between Ferry Street and Robinson Street be
adopted and the work proceeded with; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
No. 41 -NILLER - MORTON - RESOLVED that Report Number 124 on the construction of a
storm relief sewer on Peer Lane and Peer Street between Stanley Avenue and Main
Street be adopted and the work be proceeded with; and the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimousl~
No. 42 - MOWERS - MILLER - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of His
Worship the Mayor and Members of Council be forwarded to Alderman Hugh G. Brooks upon
the death of his Mother; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 43 - MOWERS - MILLER - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of His
Worshlp the Fayor and Members of Council be forwarded to Mr o Thomas Nicicko upon the
death of his father, the late Mr. Geo. Mucicko; and the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 44 ~ MOWERS - MILLER - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy be forwarded on behalf
of His Worship the Mayor and Members of Council to the family of the late Mr. Wm.
Dayyes, an employee of the Corporation for a number of years; and the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 45 - I~RTIN - MORTON - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy he forwarded on behalf
of His Worship the Mayor and Members of Council to Lady Eunice Oakes upon the death
of her son, the late Mr. William Pitt Oakes; and the Seal of the Corporation be ~ereto
Carried Unanimously.
AId. Miller referred to the long list of those seeking employment and
queried as to whether taxpayers would be given first consideration. The City
Manager advised that as yet all those employed in previous years have not been
called back but when these men have all been hired, then new applications will
received consideration on the basis of property owners and the size of family.
The following By-law was passed;
No. 5629 - To authorize the execution and delivery of an agreement with the Glenview
Social Club.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and AId. Morton that AId. Brooke
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId, Miller and AId. Martin thaC Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
th~ second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third ReadinS - Aid. McKinley and AId. Miller - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion o£ AId. McKinley and Aid,
READ AND ADOPTED, 5th.May,1958.
Council Chamber,
28 April,1958.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, April 28th, 1958 for the purpose
of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Hembets of the Committee were present, Ald. White,
Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $80.717.02 were appr~ved by the
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt.with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of
AId, McKinley and Ald. Martin.
The City Nanagates report on the application of Buckley'e Furniture
Store, i~16 Ontario Avenue, for a building permit to erect a building to be used
as a warehouse, abutting the north side of the furniture store, at an estimated cost
of $4,400. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hotton and Ba~yor liarking
that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of Mrs. Mary Sorley, 910
Bridge Street, for a permit to erect a sign at an estimated cost of $35.00 was
presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Miller and AId. Norton
that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Clerk's report on submission of a sketch by Gould-Leslie on a
proposed advertising panel to be erected on the easterly side of Victoria Avenue
opposite the end of Magdalen Street, was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Martin and Ald. Morton that the report be received and referred to the Property
Committee for a report.
The Revenue and Expenditure Statement as of April 14th, 1958 was presented
for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. Brooks that the
Statement be received and tabled for the perusal of Council.
AId. Mowers voiced criticism of the financial statement submitted to
Council, indicating that in his opinion it did not serve its purpose and suggested
future consideration be given to the establishment of quarterly budetary items for
the purpose of more detailed comparison.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and AId.
READ AND ADOPTED, 5th. May, 1958.
airma of Finance.
Council Chamber,
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Committee. All Members of Council were present,
The following By-law was passed;
do. 5630 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKfnley and ~ld. Brooks that Ald. white
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. White and AId. Miller that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading * AId. Miller and AId. White - Carried Unanimously.
Aid. Mowers referred to the type of road surfacing that was tried
out in the year 1957 on a section of Ceutre Street and suggested that the Manager
might give serious consideration to implementing this t]~e et various points
throughout the City where treatment is required.
The City Manager indicated that in his opinion he would like to see
more time elapse so as to ascertain the ability of this type of surfacing to
stand up under and weather and traffic conditions, before going more into its use.
Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Miller.
READ AND ADOPTED, 5th. May, 1958.
Council Chamber,
5th. May, 1958.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, May 5th. 1958
for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council
were present. The Council having received and read the minutes of the previous
meetingl adopted these on the motion of Ald. )lotton and Ald. Miller,
Tenders for debentures had been called and it was ordered on the motion of
Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley that the tenders received, be opened, initialled by His
Worship the Mayor and tabulated.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. Mowers that the tenders of
J. L. Graham and Company for the issue of $401,032, debentures be accepted at a price
of 98.80 per $100. coupon rates to be 4-3/4% on all of the issue except local improve-
ments which would be at 5-1/2%. Carried Unanimously.
Mr. D. A. Freeze, Director, Department of Public works; Mr. Creba, District
Architect and Mr. W. E. Pearson, Regional Director of the Department, were present at
the meeting in connection with the discussion which the Mayor and Council wished with
regard to a proposed new site for the Post Office building in Niagara Falls.
The Mayor voiced his disappointment that it was the intention to move the
existing Post Office from Queen Street, due to the fact that the merchants in the
surrounding Queen St. area are very much interested in not losing any business. He
proceeded to suggest another site on Queen Street which would help to clean up an
unsatisfactoryappearance at the corner of St. Lawrence Avenue. The Mayor also
suggested the property at the rear of the present structure, namely, St. Andrew's
United Church property and Dr. Whytock's house, which are for sale.
Messrs. Freeze and Pearson both indicated their points of view; in the
case of Mr. Freeze, that a building is being contemplated to meet the requirements of
the present Post Office building; and from the standpoint of Mr. Pearson, that it
would be one adequate for postal operation and as adjacent as feasible to the
commercial area, having in mind they could not condone any distance greater than
three-quarters of a mile from the present location.
Mr. Freeze then referred to the inadequacy of the present post office
building on Queen Street and that it was necessary to find more area for its operation
in a new building in another location and utilize the existing post office building
for certain other Government Departments which still have to be housed in Niagara Palls,
namely, the Unemployment Insurance Commission and the Immigration Department. He felt
that it was more satisfactory to have Government agencies in their own building,
indicating that the Unemployment Insurance Commission located on Erie Avenue would be
moved to the old Poet Office on Queen St. and the Immigration Dept, would be tenanted
in the new quarters. He referred Co representations which had been made by the three
business associations in Niagara Falls, with diverse opinions which are making it very
difficult for the Government Authorities Co reach a decision as to a site, and pointed
out that he and his associates were present this evening to hear the remarks of Council
first-hand so as to be able to return to Ottawa with this information for the guidance
of the Postal Authorities.
The Members of Council then proceeded to direct queries to Messrs. Freeze
and Pearson, during which Mr. Pearson indicated that Niagara Falls was not large
eqough for two post office outlets and that he couldnot therefore recommend two
buildings. He stressed that the proposed building must be situated in a central
location to serve the con~nunity satisfactorily. In answer to Ald. McKinley's question
as to whether his opinion would still be the same if there was an amalgamation between
Niagara Palls and Stamford, Mr. Pearson advised that the population would still not be
sufficient to warrant two bulldines.
AId, Miller was interested in the building being located at the South
End of the City, which would be more convenient for mail carriers, and in close
proximity to the Township and therefore would be centrally located for years to
come, and desired to know whether a sub-station had all the £acilities of a post
office. He pointed out that the Queen St, merchants would not approve of the
Unemployment Insurance Office being located on Queen Street; that the congestion
resulting therefrom would not be conducive to good business operations on the street.
AId. Martin referred to the Jepson St. site which the Department have
under consideration as the Number 1 site and queried as to the Department's second
ch6ice , Mr, Freeze advised of the availability of the first site and then the
request from the Mayor that no further action should be taken until the citizens
of the con~unity had been made aware of what is contemplated, Mr, Freeze pointed
out that nothing had really been seriously considered as yet,
Ald, Martin referred to the serious decision which Council had to make
as to where the new City Hall was to be located and their opinion that Queen Street
would remain a business section, and queried as to whether there might be any other
closer locations in this area rather than the Jepson St, site for a new Post Office,
Mr, A, P, Marshall of the South End Businessmen's Association was
permitted to speak on the motion of Ald, Miller and Ald, Morton, Mr, Marshall
requested that serious consideration should be given to a central location because
of the possibility of amalgamation and the preparedness of people at the South End
to submit a petition for such an erection if it would help the cause,
Ald, Brooks concurred with Mr, Marshall and felt that if the existing
Post Office is moved from Queen St, it should not be built at Jepson St, but should
be erected near the hub of the City for future years, Ald, Brooks referred to the
tourist business and the unsatisfactory reaction which might be created if the
Unemployment Insurance Commission were l~cated on Queen Street,
The City Manager referred to the fact that land at the corner of Queen
Street and St, Clair Avenue where the Post Office is now situated, is the highest
assessed property in the City and that if the Unemployment Insurance Commission
were located there the land values would certainly be depreciated,
His Worship the Nayor concluded his remarks and stated his opinion
that the mainpost office should remain on Queen Street and a postal station
established at the South End, stressing that consideration must be given to merchants
in the area of Queen Street, who would certainly be affected by its removal; and that
if it is at all possible, the Unemployment Insurance Office should remain at its
present location on Erie Avenue,
Ald, Mowers queried as to what the Department had in mind as to basic
requirements for a new postal building and was advised by Mr, Freeze as to the
factors his Department considered when such decisions were involved,
The Alderman felt that the Unemployment Insurance Commission. should be
at the South End to be more centrally located and that the main branch of the Post
Office building is usually in the heart of the City in a commercial area,
Mr, Freeze advised that after hearing Council's representations with
regard to the new Post Office building and its location, he was prepared to return
to Ottawa and acquaint his Deputy with this information,
'Laid over from a previous meeting;
No. 129 - Insurance Agents - re extended coverages on Municipal structuxes.
ORDERED on the motion of AId, Martin and Ald. Morton that the communication be
received and filed and the recommendation of the Froperry Committee that the coverage
be placed, be adopted. SEE Report No. 128
The followin8 Communica_t__iqn~s_ were p~esen. te.d;
No. 151 - Downtown Businessmen's, Ass0ciation - favouring Auto Dealers' request to
close Queen Street to hold a motor show. ORDERED on the motion of ~ld. Morton and
Ald. Brooks that the communiaation be received and filed and the Traffic Committee's
recommendation that the request be favourably considered, be adopted.
SEE Repor,t No. 130.
At this point, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Martin and AId.Morton
that anyone from the Auto Dealers' Association present at the meeting be permitted
to speak. Mr. Stewart Bird expressed appreciation for the permissiou granted to hold
this motor show and referred to a special section in the press which will be published.
No. 152 - Niagara Falls Den[al~oc_i~X - in fayour of fluoridation of water, ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Brooks that the communication be received and
filed. Carried by a vote of 4 to 3 the vote being Aye -Ald. Morton, Brooks, White
and McKinley; Nays -Ald. Mowers, Miller and Martin. An amendment made by Ald. Mo~.~ers
and AId. Miller that the communication be received and tabled and the Clerk and Manager
· be requested to submit a report on the legislation pertaining to fluoridation, was
lost by a vote of 4 to 3.
It was later ordered on the motion of Ald. Morton ,u~d Aid. ~;iller that the Clerk and
Manager be authorized to submit a report on legislation regarding fluoridation. Carried,
with Ald. McKinley-contrary.
No. 153- Cojp_~latio_n~__of_t_h_! C_?p~y_ of Gre~ - resolution requesting subsidizing of
sewers and sewage disposal by Provincial and Federal Governments. ORDERED on the mot[on
of Ald. White and Aid. Morton that the resolution be received and endorsed.
No. 154 - Bell Telephone Co. of Canada - copy of Circular No. 267 re procedure for
transferring appropriate rate groups; and advising that an appeal may be made if the
municipality so desires. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald. Martin that
the communication be received and tabled and the City Manager and City Clerk be
requested to submit a full report in regard to the increase in rates.
No. 155 - T. O. Lazarides and Associates - Victoria Avenue bridge. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mowers t~at the communication be received and referred
to action on the Tour of Inspection.
No. 156 - Traffic Safety Officer Police Depart~n_t- requesting proclamation of
month of May as "Elmer Safety Month". As this communication was received too late
for inclusion on this evening's agenda, it was ordered on the motion of Ald, Miller
and Ald. Morton read at this time. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald.
Brooks that the communication be received, the campaign endorsed and the proclamation
issued as requested.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 128 - Property Conanittee - recommending extended coverage be placed on municipal
structures. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and AId. Morton that the report
be received and adopted.
SEE Communication No.129.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No, 127 - City Clerk - application of Sam LaRosa, for liceace to operate Refreshment
VehiCle which has not been approved, In this connection, the City Clerk reported
verbally on the survey which he made of surrounding muncipalities - St,Catharines,
Welland, Fort Erie, Fort Colborne, Thorold and Stamford~ the results of ~hich indicated
that the majority were not in favour of such operation - namely the dispensing of frozen
custard from such a vehicle, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Miller and Aid, Martin that
the re~ort be received and filed and the application be not granted, Carried Unanimously,
No. 129 - Trafffc Committee - report with reference to Petition re parking conditions
in the vicinity of First Ave, and Huron St, and recommending establishment of two-hour
Parking on the south side of Huron St, from First Ave, to Victoria Ave, ORDERED on
the motion of Ald, Morton and AId, Brooks that the report be received and adopted and
the petitioners so notified.
SEE Petition No. 5.
No. 130 - Traffic Conunities - recon~nending the closing of Queen Street from
Welland Avenue to Ontario Avenue on the days requested by the Automotive Dealers'
in connection with proposed motor show. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton
and Ald. Brooks that the report be received and adopted.
SEE Connnunication ~15_1~
No. 131 - City Manager - recommending attendance of Purchasing Agent at Conference
to be held in Montreal, June 8th. 9th. and lOth. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
McKinley and Ald. Miller that the report be received and adopted.
No. 132 -Citv MansEer - recommending attendance of Electrical Superintendent at
Convention in Buffalo, May 8th. and 9th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and
AId. Morton that the report be received and adopted.
No. 133 - City Manager - Summary of applications for the position of Carpenter.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Brooks that the report be received
and referred to the Management Committee.
No. 134 - C_i.ty Manager - requesting permission to secure prices for painting walls
and?ceiling of pump room and electrical control room at Filtration Plant. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and
No. 135 - City Manager - requesting authority to secure prices for new tile flooring
for pump room floor and electrical control room floor at Filtration Plant. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Miller that the report be received and adopted.
No. 136 - City Manager - suggesting preparation of by-law to establish water rates
to be effective June 1st. due to increased costs of operation anticipated upon the
completion of additions to Filtration Plant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers
and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and adopted and the necessary by-law
be prepared. Carried with Ald. Brooks-contrary. Previous to this action, Ald.
Brooks moved that the report be.received and referred to the Management Committee.
There was no seconder to this motion.
N~. 137 - City Manager - suggesting that representatives of Niagara Township be
requested to meet City Council on May 12th. to discuss a revision of water rates,
to be effective upon completion of additions to Filtration Plant. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. White and Ald. Brooks that the report be received and adopted. The
Council, prior to this meeting, are to be supplied with any information pertinent
to this discussion.
No. 138 - Property Committee - reconmending to Council that no permission be granted
to individuals property owners to park cars on City-owned property in front of
dwellings. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Miller that the report
be received and adopted. s
No. 139 - Property Committee - re Biamonte property to be purchased for parking
lot purposes west of Sylvia Place and advising of revision in cost to $5,300.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mowers that the report be received
and adopted. Carried, with Ald. Brooks and Morton-contrary.
No. 140 - Traffic Committee - recommending that between May 15th. and Sept. 15th.
the operators of sight seeing cabs be pennitted to use stand on west side of Falls
Avenue until 6 p.m. each day, except Saturdays and Sundays; and further recommendinS
an additional space for 3 sight seeing cabs be provided on Clifton Hill between
River Road and Cenotaph. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Miller that
the report be received'and adopted. Carried with Ald. Brooks, Martin and Mowers-
No. 141 - Traffic Committee - recon~ending elimination of parking on the west side
of Victoria Avenue between Valley Way and Morrison Street. ORDERED on the motion of
AId, Brooks and AId. Morton that the report be received and adopted.
No. 142 - C~ty Manager - revised estimates for widening and paving McRae Street from
He~ood Avenue to Stanley Avenue, 0RDERBD on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald.
Martin that the report be received and adopted and work proceeded with.
No. 143 - City Manager - Estimate on repaving and widening Roseda]e Drive. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. White that the report be received and
referred to action on the Tour of Inspection.
No. 144 - C~Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Morton and Ald. Miller that the report be received and adopted and licences
issued accordingly.
Ald. Morton, Council's representative on the Children's Aid Society
advised at this time concerning the forthcoming Convention of the Society to be held
in Toronto on May 15th. 16th. and 17th. and also advised of the Traffic Conference
to be held at the Chateau Laurier in Ottawa on May 26th. 27th. and 28th. ORDERED
on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Mowers that Ald. Morton be authorized to
attend the Conventions referred to. Carried Unanimously,
Laid over from a
No. 5 - Shirley and Everett Porter and others - requesting CouncL1 to take action
to remed~ th~'~~'F~ss~'~' b~'~ihg'~f cars in the area of First Avenue
and Huron Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Brooks that the
petition be received and filed and the petitioners notified of Council's action
to establish two-hour parking on the south side of Huron St, from First Ave. to
Victoria Ave.
The following Re_sg_lu~t_i~og_w_a s~p_9~ssed;~
No. 46 - ~RTIN - BROOKS - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of His
Worship, the Mayor, Members of Council and citizens at large be forwarded to the
family of the late Mr. R. Ross MacKay, Administrator of the Greater Niagara General
Hospital; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
C_a.~_r~d_ U nan~imou s 1.y_.
Aid. Miller referred to the untidy conditions prevailing due to the
wrapping paper torn off bundles of newspapers by newsboys and left on City streets.
The Alderman was of the opinion that some action is necessary to eliminate this
disgraceful situation.
The City Manager advised that the metal containers have been removed for
repairs and repainting and that usually these containers are being used when they
are available.
Ald. Mowers concurred and was of the opinion that a by-law should be in
force, requiring trucks to have tarpaulins over them to curb the littering of City
streets while in motion.
AId. Miller referred to the ndw apartment building being erected on
Eastwood Crescent and complained that there is only one door for exit purposes and
that the ground floor is partially underground and queried whether such construction
is contrary to the City By-law dealing with fire protection.
The City Engineer advised that the plans were all inspected by the City
Manager, the Fire Chief and himself; that there are sliding windows and a full fire
escape at the rear. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and AId. McKinley that
the matter of the fire hazard in existence at the new apartment building on Eastwood
Crescent be referred to the City Manager, City Engineer and Fire Chief for a report.
The following Resolution was passed;
No, 47 - MARTIN - MOWERS - RESOLVED that the tenders of J. L. Graham and Company
for the issue of $401,032.78 debentures be accepted at a price of. 98.80 per $100..
coupon rates to be 4-3/4% on all of the issue except local improvement amounts
which would be at 5-1/~/o and the Seal of the Corporation he hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Mowers and AId.
READ AND ADOPTED, 12th. May, 1958.
Council Chambers,
5th. May, 1958.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday May 5th, 1958 for the purpose
of approvtng and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Conn~tttee were present. Ald, White,
Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $60,848,79 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of
Mayor Hawkins and Ald. Mowers.
The Summary of Tenders for Sand was presented for consideration and it
was ordered on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. MArtin that the tenders of
Calaguiro gros. for the supply of Pit Run, Asphalt Sand, Pit Washed Asphalt Sand,
Lake Washed Asphalt Sand, Water Washed Fit Sand for Concrete and Lake Washed Sand
for Concrete for the year 1958, be accepted.
The application of Gould-Leslie Limited for a permit to erect an
advertisin8 panel on one of the panels on the east side of Victoria Avenue opposite
MaSdaleu Street to. advertise E1Rancho, which was referred to the, Property Committee
at the last meeting, was again presented, along with the Property Cox~nittee's report
advtstn8 that the same is in conformity with the City By-law and recommending that
permission be Eranted. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and,AId. Mowers that
the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of John Rondinellt, 703
Ferguson avenue for a building permit to erect an addition to the rear of his
residence was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. Morton
that the report be received and referred to the Property Con~tttee for a report.
The City Manager's report was presented advising that the building permit
for the three-apartment building on Part of Lot 38 and 57, Plao 15 on the south
side of Huron Street, between Third and Fourth A enue, at an estimated cost of
$28,500° ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. M;ller that the report be
received and filed.
The City Manager's report on the application of Gerber-Ogilvie Bab> Foods
Limited for a building permit to erect an addition to their premises at the corner
of North St. and Stanley Ave. at an estimated cost of $38,190. was presented for
consideration. ORDERED on themotion of AId. Morton and Ald. Mowers that the report
be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of J, Herdy, 15 River Road
for a permit to erect a neon sign advertising the Whir]-!nn Motel Restaurant, at
an estimated cost of $700. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion
of Aid. Morton and Aid. Miller that the report be received and adopted and permit
The City Manager's report on the applicatioe of Geo. Chanady for a permit
to erect a neon sign at his premises at the corner of Victoria :,venue and Magdalen
Street, advertising Alamo Motel - Air-conditioned T.V. at an estimated cost of
$2,200. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald. Mowers that
the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
Consideration was then given to the various locations which were inspected
during the Tour of Inspection, held on April 29th, 1958 and the following action
taken thereon;
Clifton Avenue
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and
Ald. McKinley that about 7 blocks be
elevated or new blocks installed on the
east side of Clifton Avenue from the northerly
entrance to Christ Church to the corner of
Huron Street, Carried Unanimously.
Parking Lot - St. Clair Avenue
and Park Street
Park Street - General conditions
Buckley Avenue - Queen St. to Park Street.
Valleyway - Queen st. to Victoria Ave.
Victoria Avenue Bridge
Rosedale Drive
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and
Ald. Mowers that the work of paving, etc.
be proceeded with.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and
AId. Miller that the City Manager prepare
a report on costs for putting the section
of Park Street from Erie Avenue to Buckley
Avenue in satisfactory condition.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and
Ald. Miller that the pavement be installed
at 34-foot width as previously approved.
IT I~S AGREED that the work of paving would
be proceeded with.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Brooks and
AId. Miller that Conmunication No. 155
dealing with this matter be laid over for
one week for study.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Miller and
AId. Martin that Report Number 143 dealing
with the widening and paving be adopte~.
Carried with Ald. Morton, Books and Mowers
~: .
~ !! McRae Street - He)~qood to Stanley
Eastwood Crescent - Victoria to
Eastwood Street.
Ryerson Crescent - victoria to
Eastwood Street.
Lewis Avenue - Kitchener to Lincoln St.
Lincoln Street - Lewis to Buchanan Ave.
Buchanan Avenue - Lincoln to North Sis.
Centre Street - Lewis Ave. to McGrail.
Magdalen St. - Victoria to Ellen Ave.
Ferry Street - Clark to Buchanan Ayes.
Stanley Avenue - Perry to Robinson Sis.
Peer Lane and Peer Street
from Main St'. to Stanley Avenue.
P~er Street - Local Improvements
Sylvia Parking Lot
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and
Ald. McKinley that the widening and
paving be proceeded with in accordance
with the report previously adopted.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and
Ald. McKinley that these streets be laid
in abeyance.
Carried with Ald. Miller-contrary.
Ald. Miller moved an amendment that
Ryerson Crescent be widened from Victoria
Ave. to St.Lawrence Ave. There was no
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and
Ald. McKinley that this item be laid in
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley
and Ald. Miller that the report on the
possible parking area adjacent to the
Ferree Leather Company be submitted for
further consideration.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and
AId. McKinley that the matter of paving
be laid in a beyante.
The Committee agreed that the surface in
these locations was satisfactory.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and
Ald. Miller that the widening and paving
be proceeded with as previously approved.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and
AId. Mowers that the trees be removed on
Ferry St. between Clarke Ave, and Buchanan
Ave. as requested by the petitioners -
with the exception of one tree on the south
side and one tree on the north side and
that a report of the Solicitor be obtained
· with reference to the possible removal of
the other two trees, with particular
reference to legality,
· IT WAS AGREED that the work of constructing
new trunk sewers ou these streets be
proceeded with in accordance with reports
previously adopted.
IT WAS AGREED that a new report be submitted
· with reference to the work proposed on
Peer Street.
IT WAS AGREED that the land in question
as reconmended by the Property Committee
be purchased, having in mind that some
consideration be given to the eventual
· acquisition of additional land to the
READ AND ADOPTED, 12th. May, 1958.
thai man of Finance.
Council Chamber,
5th. May, 1958.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Committee. All Members of Council were present.
The followfuR By-law was passed_g]
No. 5631 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and AId. Miller that AId. White
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. White and Ald. Miller that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald, Mowers .a~d AId, Miller - Carried Unanimously,
The City Manager reported verbally at this time on the application of
Jos. Laslo to erect a canopy on the east side of his building at 1255 Ferry Street
over the driveway. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mowers that this
application be referred to the Property Committee for consideration and a report.
The City Manager also reported verbally on an application from S. DeLorenzo,
for alterations to the store front and interior of his restaurant at 1761 Victoria
Avenue, at an estimated cost of $7,500. The City Manager further advised that plans
arose and re orted to Council on the motion of AId Mille~ and AId. would be submitted the next morning and requested that the applicant be allowed to
Committee p 'an ; '
subject ~o su~lssion of plans a~ a ls~er da~e and approval of the Cl~y Manager,
A~ this ~ime, Aldermn Brooks expressed his appreciation to the ~yor
d Council upon the condolences expressed at the passing of his Mother in the
Rrovinee of Ne~ Brunswick.
' t
READ AND ADOPTED, 12th. Play, 1958.
Council Chamber.
5th. May, 1958.
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of
the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, May 5th, 1958 for the purpose
of considering the items placed before them. All Members of the Committee were
present. His Worship, Mayor Hawkins, presided.
After consideration of the items presented, the Committee adjourned on the motion
of Ald. Mowers and AId. Martin.
READ AND ADOPTED, 12th. May, 1958.
Coueci I Chamber,
12tb. May, 1953.
Pursuant to adjournn,ent, C,,u!,cil ,:c{; at 7.30 l~.r.~.
1958, for the purpose of considering gen~-ra] business and fi::a,,c~. '~l
Council were present. The Council, haylug r~ccivcd and read the re.in.trot; o5 tl.c
previous meeting, adopted these oli the n't~tion o[ ~,ld. Morton 2nd,
Teqdcrs for a station wagnn for the Fire Dcpartn.tnt has b<'er: c?.!lcd an,i
it was ordered on the motion of AId. Mowers nr, d ,,id. McKiplcy that ti,i: t r,dc2s
received, be opened, initialled 'by ltis '.'Jorshi[ tbu Mayor acd tah~,latcd.
Mr. T.O.Lazarides of 'f.O.Lazarides and Associates Limited, Consklltic,d
Engineers, was present in counection with his offer of professional services ,i, the
Victoria Avenue Bridge, and it was ordered ou the motion of AId. Miller and
Brooks that he be heard. Mr. Lazarides enlarged on the services offer,.d by his
firm, following which it was ordered on the motion of AId. Mov;crs and AId.
that T. O. Laaarides and Associates l,imited be engaged to prepare a preliminary
survey of the Victoria Avenue Bridge at a ceiling price of $250.00.
SEE Communication No. 155
Reeve, Dawson, Mr. Goring, Deputy Reeve, Mrs. iluggins and Mr. Freol,
Councilliors and Mr. Patterson, Water Superintendent, of Niagara Township were
present at the meeting in connection with the proposed increase in rates for water
supplied Co Niagara Township by the City of Niagara Falls. The City Clerk read the
report of the City Manager regarding the same, Collowigg wblch the City Manager
explained in detail the reasons for such ~ncrease. Following further discussion,
Reeve Dawson advised that their Council would discuss the matter fully and advise
the City of Niagara Falls accordingly.
Laid over from a previous meeting;
No. 154 - Bell Telephone Company of Canada - re proposed transfer to appropriate
rate group. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Martin and Ald. Morton that the conmuni-
cation be received and filed and the City Clerk submit a report outlining the sub-
mission it is proposed to make in oppositiou to the increase.
SEE Report No, 145.
No, 155 - T.O.Lazarides and Associates Ltd. - Victoria Avenue Bridge. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley that T. O. [azarides aad Associates Limited
he engaged to prepare a preliminary survey of the Victoria Avenue Bridge at a ceiling
price of $250.00.
The following Communications were presented;
No. 157 - Greater Niagera Branch, Health League of Canada - advising activities to
b~ discontinued. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Brooks and Ald. McKinley that the
communication be received and filed and a letter of appreciation be forwarded to the
Society for returning the grant received.
No, 158 - United Electrical Workers - opposing proposed increase in telephone
rates. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald, Brooks that the communi-
cation be received and filed and the United Electrical Workers be advised of
Council's action in this regard.
No. 159 - Niagara Falls Optimist Club - re Soap Box Derby. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Miller and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and filed and
the Optimist Club be advised that the City of Niagara Falls will barricade
Drurmnond Road as requested, providing similar permission is obtained from the
Township of Stamford; and that the Traffic Committee be notified of any arrange-
ments made.
No. 160 - W. Am Snyder - re traffic and parking. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
McKinley and Ald. Miller that the communication be received and referred to the
Traffic Committee for the meeting to be held with the business men. Carried.
(Ald. Mowers and AId. White-contrary).
No. 161 - Lakers Football Club - requesting use of Oakes Park. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Miller that the communication be received and
· referred to the Parks and Recreation Committee with power to act.
No. 162 - Board of Police Conunissioners - remarks re Traffic Committee. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald, Mowers and Ald, McKinley that the communication be received
and filed as the Traffic Committee were aware of its contents,
Laid over from a previous meeting;
No, 133 - City Manager - Summary of applications for the position of Carpenter,
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald, Mowers that the report be received
and filed.
SEE Report No. 146.
The following Reports were presented;
No, 145 - City Manager and City Clerk - re proposed increase in Bell Telephone
Rates, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Martin and Ald, Morton that the report
be received and filed and the City Clerk submit a report outlining the submission
it is proposed to make in Opposition to the increase,
SEE Communication No.154.
No, 146 - M_anagement Conmittee - recommending Mr, John Pearce be hired as City
Carpenter, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Martin and Ald, Mowers that the report
be received and adopted,
No. 147 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licehess. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and adopted and
licehess issued accordingly.
No, 148 - City Manager and City Clerk - re Fluoridation, ORDERED on the motion
of Ald, Mowers and Ald, Morton that the.report be received and filed and a copy
be forwarded to the Niagara Falls Dental Society for their information,
No. 149 - Management Committee - advising of meeting with Wm. M.Mercer Ltd. and
Civic Employees re pension scheme. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and
AId. Morton that the report be received and filed.
No, 150 - Management Committee - advising of meeting with Grievance Committee of
Local 528, Fire Fighters. ORDERED on themotion of Ald, Martin and Ald, Miller
that the report be received and filed.
No. 151 - Property Committee - recommendation re 334 Morrison Street. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald, Mckinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted.
;! 2 ?
No. 152 - F!o_pert_y qo_mmj~Ee - recommendation ~e room to be used by Barristers
in Police Building. ORDERED on the motion of :\]d. M.,rton and ~ d. Mowers that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 153 - Citl MaEafL%r - re apartment building on Eastwood Crescent. ORDI{RED on
the motion of AId. Mowers and Azd. Morton that tbo report be received and filed.
No. 154 - C.~tX_Map~e~ - Summer> of Proposed Pavement recurfacing schedule for
year 1958,
No. 155 - CitX_~ng~nepF - Estimate for asphalt resurfac~,~g of R.srdale Drive from
Fourtim Avenue to Slater Avenue and widening from Sixth Avenue t.
No, 156 - C!tX ~ngipeer - Estimate for asphalt res,~rfar']nE of ':rio .re.u,. iron
Queen Street to Huron Street,
No. 157 - C~ty ~ng~,~ee/- Estimate for asphalt resurfac~nz of Stun(c~u ~'eDul, from
Ferguson Street to Buttrey Street.
No. 158 - q,_t), EUg~n~y - Estimate for asl~hal t resurfac~:!g of l~ut trc5 St rc,:.~ fr,m
Victoria Avenue to Broughton
No. 159 - Cjt~ ~gg.iqp~r - Estimate for asphalt resurfacing or Park Street from
Buckley Avenue to Victoria Avenue.
No. 160 - qi~t~l_~gj]!pqp~ - Est4mate for asphalt resurfaclug of First..,vcnue from
Bridge Street to Morrison Street.
No. 161 - ~i~t~ E~gy_np~7 - Estimate for asphalt resurfaciog of Second ~vc~ue
Bridge Street to Morrison Street.
No. 162 - q[~X Eng~r - Estimate for asphalt resurfactng of Maple Street from
Second Avenue to Fourth Avenue.
No. 163 - qi~y~Ejg~ee! - Estimate for asphalt resurfacing of Third ~venuc from
Huron Street to Morrison Street.
No. 164 - C~X E~g~le.~r - Estimate for asphalt resurfac~pg of WillmoiL Street from
Victoria Avenue to Fourth Avenue.
No. 165 - Citl_Eug~qe~er - Estimate for asphalt resurfaczng of fluiron Avenue from
Jepson Street to Nelson Crescent.
No. 166 - Gj~X_E~ngLD, eer - Estimate for asphalt resurfacing of Nelson Crescent from
McGlashan Crescent to St.Lawrence Avenue.
No. 167 - ~itj__~jjj~ne%r - Estimate for asphalt resurfac~ng of Carroll Place from
Epworth Circle to Eastwood Crescent.
No. 168 - Cit~}3~i - Estimate for asphalt resurfac~ng of Stamford Street from
Victoria Avenue to He~ood Avenue.
No. 169 - City En[xneer - Estimate for asphalt resurfacxng of Third ~venuc from
McRae Street to Stamford Street.
No. 170 - ~ijl.~p_~qeJi - Estimate for asphalt resurfacing of Stuart ~venue from
McRae Street to Stamford Street.
No. 171 - Cj!LE~neer - Estimate for asphalt resurfacing of Florence Avenue from
McRae Street to Stamford Street.
No. 172 - ~_~ineer - Estimate for asphalt resurfacing of Third Avenue from
Jepson Street to McRae Street.
No. 173 - ~ity Engij~J_E - Estimate for asphalt resurfacing of Jepson Street from
Fourth Avenue to east of Slater Avenue.
No. 174 - City Engine~ - Estimate for asphalt resurfacing of Third Avenue from
Armoury Street to Jepson Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and ~ld. Mowers that the reports be received
and adopted and the programme as submitted be proceeded with, subject to adjustments
by the City Manager.
No. 175 - Aid. Brooks - re meeting artended with Ald. Morton with the Airport Conmiss-
ion in St.Catharines City Hall. ORDERED on the motion of AId, Brooks and Ald. Martin
that the report be received and tabled for perusal at the next meeting of Council.
The followin~ ~sojptiop~ w~rJ_p~ss. edj
No. 48 - MCKINLEY - MOWERS - RESOLVED that Report Number 155 for the asphalt
resurfacing of Rosedale Drive from Fourth Avenue to Slater Avenue and widening from
Sixth Avenue to Slater Avenue; Report Number 156 for the asphalt resurfacing of Erie
Avenue; Report Number 157 for the asphalt resurfacing of Stanton Avenue; Report No,
1~8 for the asphalt resurfacing of Buttrey Street; Report Number 159 for the
asphalt resurfacing of Park Street; Report Number 160 for the asphalt resurfacing
of First Avenue;Report Number 161 for the asphalt resurfacing of Second Avenue;
Report Number 162 for the asphalt resurfacing of Maple Street; Report Number 163
for the asphalt resurfactng of Third Avenue from Huron Street to Morrison Street;
Report Number 164 for the asphalt resurfacing of Willmott Street; Report Number
165 for the asphalt resurfacing of Hutton Avenue; Report Number 166 for the
asphalt resurfacing of Nelson Crescent; Report Number 167 for the asphalt
resurfacing of Carroll Place; Report Number 168 for the asphalt resurfacing of
Stamford Street; Report Number 169 for the asphalt resurfacing of Third Avenue
from McRae Street to Stamford Street; Report Number 170 for the asphalt
resurfacing of Stuart :avenue; Report Number 171 for the asphalt resnrfacing of
Florence Avenue; Report Number 172 for the asphalt resurfacing of Third Avenue
from Jepaon Street to McRae Street; Report Number 173 for the asphalt resurfacing
of Jepson Street; and Report Number 174 for the asphalt resurfacing of Third Ave.
from .xrmoury Street to Jepson Street; be adopted and the work proceeded ~ith;
and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
~a_rried UnanimouslZ.'
No. 49 - MORTON - MARTIN - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the City
Council be held on Tuesday, May 20th~ 1958 at 7.30 p.m. and the Seal of the
~Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
Alderman Mowers referred to thenumerous lanes in the City which are
either owned or maintained by the City of Niagara Falls and felt that a number of
these should possibly be closed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald.
Brooks that the City Manager submit a report at his convenience regarding these
lanes so that Council might decide what action should be taken.
Ald. Martin referred to the condition of the sidewalk on Lowell Avenue
and also asked if the depression in Coronation Park would be filled and was advised
by the City Manager that as soon as the fill was available from sewer construction
that this would be done.
Ald. Mortou advised of complaints received regarding dust conditions
on Huron Street between Homewood Avenue and Stanley Avenue and was advised by
the City Manager that this would be taken care of during road oiling.
Laid over from previous meetingsL
No. ~509 - To authorize the borrowing of $263,000.00 for the construction of mixing
chambers and settling basins at the Niagara Falls Filtration Plant.
Third Reading -Ald. White and Ald. Martin - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5516 - To authorize the borrowing of $60,000.00 for the resurfacing of various
pavements throughout the municipality.
Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5532 - To authorize the borrowing of $30,000.00 for the installing of an
elevator in and necessary alterations to the Police Administration
Third Reading - AId. Mowers and Ald. Brooks - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5547 - To authorize the borrowing of $25,000,00 for the renovation of the
heating system in Memorial Public School and for repaiFs to the
heating system in aimtoe Street Public School and to provide for the
issue of debentures of the City of Niagara Falls therefor.
Third Reading - AId. White and Aid, Morton - Carried Unanimously.
The followi. n2~ By-laws were p~ss, c"
No. 5632 - To amend By-law :'lul.her 2159, be[f~l; a bv-la~,.- {:¢ :!?ict Pv.,.s ~ln-'
ORDERED on the n:ot'i,}!~ of \1cl. b79x.:urs and kid. bfillcr that LId.
be granted the privilege of ~ntr.~ducSng !-~ by-la~: a,~d Lhc b';-]aw hc giver ~:hl
first reading. - Carried Unani:vot!:!l::.
ORDERED on tile mol::ol, e.f ~.]c!. '.Thjtu and Ald. U,,'.er:; that ,!I1 't~ (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council bo tcmporari!y s,~spcmdc¢~ and th,. b,'~Dr, b,. U~x~
the second reading, - Carried Unn~ino,s!y
Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and \]d. ,xkv't'h~ ~ Carried U;mnjr..>us]y.
No. 5633 - To amend By-law Number 3700, h,'~n:: ~; b\'~lax. f~r tl'.~' r.'?c!nt,:c:- ,-~
ORDERED on the }notion of .Ud. ,xq,~.,.crs a:nd Hal. Mcl'.in!.-y tha: Xtd. ~x'l-r i: ,i:
be granted the privilege of ir~troduc-in~ the by-law and t}l~. hv-]3x- bo 7j',("1 ~Jlc ['~l-:;~-
reading. - Carried Unanimously. "
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and kid. Nill,.,r th;:k !'vl, ",5 (2)
of tile Standing Pules of Council br temporarily snspc ndf, d qn.I .ql ctior.. 5 B. sis .qrntnctct!
to include the words "holidays and July 4th" and the by-lab' bo giv,-n the spcond
reading. - Carried Unanimousl y.
Third Reading ~ (as amended) Aid. McKinley and -lid. Mowers - C:~rri ~d UnanimousJv.
Council adjourned to tile Finance Meeting on the motion of Aid Mowers and AId.
McKinley. ·
READ AND ADOPTED, 20th. May, 1958.
~.._/ _- Mdyor.
Council Chamber,
12th. May, 1958.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, bIay 12th. t958 for the purpose of
approving and also passing the various accounts which bad been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Ald. White,
Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $190,206.21 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered
placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald,
McKinley and Ald. Miller.
The application of Mr, Rondtnelli for a permit to erect an addition
at the rear ofhis residence at 703 Ferguson Street, which was referred to the
Property Committee at the last meeting, was again presented along with the
Property Committee's report recommending that Mr. Rondinelli be requested to
revise his application to conform with City By-laws, ORDERED on the motion of
Aid. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted,
The application of Mr. Laslo for a permit to erect a canopy at 1255
Ferry Street, which was referred to the Property Committee at the last meeting,
was again presented along wlth the report of the Property Committee recommending
that after a proper design has been obtained, a new application he filed.
ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. Morton that the report be received
and adopted.
The City Manager's report on the application of Mr. !\. Matthews for
a permit to construct a second storey at 732 Valley Way at an estimated cost of
$13,000.00 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Aid.Morton
and Mayor Hawkins that the report be received and adopted and the permit issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of Hope Baptist Church
for a permit to construct an addition to the rear of the Church at an estimated
cost of $5,000.00 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Mowers and Ald. Brooks that the report be received and adopted and the permit
The City Manager's report on the application of Gunning's Tire to
erect a plastic illuminated facer sign at 858 Kitchener Street, at an estimated
cost of $550. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Miller and Ald. Morton that the report be recelved and adopted and the permit
The report of the Equipment Committee recommending the purchase of
two Toro power mowers for the Cemetery Department at a cost of $499.80 was
presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald.
McKinley that the report be received and adopted.
The report of the Equipment Committee recommending the Provincial
Engineering proceed with the installation of the Electrical Equipment required
for the operation of the vacuum pumps for the water supply at a cost of $2,780.
was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald.
Mowers that the report be received and adopted.
The report of the Equipment Committee recommending the purchase of
six motor guard screens for motors at the Filtration Plant at a cost of $197.00
was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald.
Miller that the report be received and adopted.
The report of the Equipment Committee reconwnending the Provincial
EngineBring be authorized to proceed with the re-conversion of the Filtration
Plant from 25 to 60 cycle at an estimated cost of $3,193.00 was presented for
consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. Mowers that the
report be received and adopted.
The report of the Equipment Committee recommending that Provincial
Engineering be instructed to construct two control boxes for the pump floor at
a cost of $360.00 and also tp paint the'pipe structure of the main outdoor
transformer station at a cost of $209.00 was presented for consideration.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Miller and Ald. Mowers that the report be received
and adopted.
The City Manager's report on the application of Mr. O. Smily for a
permit to construct an addition in front of his premises at 819 Victoria Avenue
was presented for consideration. Fir. Smiley was present and it was ordered on
the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. McKinley that he be heard. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and adopted.
The City Manager presented a verbal repc;rt on an app]icatiol: bc had
received for an 18-unit apartn:ent building at tile corner of !livc~ Road and
Street and recommended that the! application be referred t~ tb~. Pr,>pcr'.y
to peruse as soon as possible tu asc~.rta~n if the prel~n!~nary pla;~.s wc!'~:
factory. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Ilawkins and A!d. Mo~..ers Lhat th~ ,.,crhal
report of the City Manager be received and the applicatiol, refc~'r~:d to the Property
Comnittee for a report.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on motion of Mayor Uawkins and ,Id.
READ AND ADOPTED, 20th. Flay, 1958.
Counci] Chamber,
]2th. May, 1958.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Committee. All Members of Council were present.
The followinJ_B,y-la~WaS~p~.s_edj~
No. 5634 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley that AId. White
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. White and Aid. blurton that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading, - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald, Brooks - Carried Unanimously.
The City Clerk supplied the members of Council with a report from
the City Solicitor regarding 'Trees on Highways'. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Mowers and Ald. White that the report be received and referred to the Members of
Council for perusal.
Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Miller.
READ AND ADOPTED, 20th. May, 1958.
20th. May, 1953.
Pursuant to adjournment, C,uDcll met at 7.30 i>.i;,. on Yu,~sday, 20Lh. ~vay,
1958, for the pufpose of considering 5cneral business aud ~nai:c~. ,~i }.~n~ber~: ef
Council were present, with the except/on of .i_d. M,}rtrm. L'h~ CGu,,ci~, ;~,~jn5
received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted tbcs~ ,m [he not ion
of Aid, Mowers and Ald. Miller.
Lj~over ffo~, a pKeyiDus meeting;
No. 144 - W. 4.,Wi~V~n_son - requesting extension of the fcnt-~ at
City-owned lot on Hanan Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of ,!d. McKil~l~> apd
Brooks that the comnmnication be received and filed and no actio9. hc tak,:.: 02
SEE R~port No. 176.
Th_Je f__o_l~Dy_ip_g_ComIaun_icat_io_ns we_r~ pre~ente9
No. 163 - N.i_a_g.a_ra ~a_ll_s_Fire Dcpertmen~; - requesting c]arificatioa as to the age
limit requirements. ORDERED on the motion of 41d, Mowers a~!d fd, b%-K,in]ey that
the communication be received and referred to the Managcn:ent C,,mmittee for sted."
and recommendation.
No. 164 - .N.:L__a_g_a_ra__F~a~. _Fi_re_ _Fi_g!!t_ers_ - enclosing copy of schedule of events rc
forthcoming Convention of Provincial Federation of Ontario Professional Fire F. ght.~rs.
ORDERED on the motlea of Ald, Brooks and Ald. McK'nlcy that tbc conmlunicatton be
received and filed.
No. 165 - O~uf_r_L_a.d~y_ .o_f_~_e~ac_e. C!~u_r~c.h. - requesting attendance at Centenelal Parade to
be held on June 1st. at 2 p.m. ORDERED on the motion of rid. Martin and Aid.Mowers
that tbe conm~unicatioa be received and referred to the E:~acting
No. 166 - Bell Telephone Co. of Canada - requesting permission to place pole a~d
ancbor and }~nV6~'e'~kY~'tTnk"u~h'e~k~l, nh conduit on Morrison Street west of Elizabeth
No. 167 - Bell Telephone Co. of Canada - requesting permission to place po]es and
anchors on'Buc~ ,~Ve~'~'t~W~h~[ and Queen Streets. ORDERED on the motion of
AId. McKinley and Aid. Mowers that the conmunications be received and filed and
permission granted.
SEE By-law No.5635
No. 168 - ~iagara Parks Com, ission- anthorizing grant of $650. in lieu of business
tax on Clifton Gate Store.
No. 169 - ~!~!a Parks ComI+ssj2tj - authorizing grant of $775. in lieu of business
tax on Princess Elizabeth Building.
No. 170 - Niagara Parks Commission - authorizing grant of $6,175. in lieu of business
tax on Refectory Building. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.. Mowers aed Md. Martin that
the comunications be received and acknowledged and receipt forwarded.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 175 -Ald. Brooks - meeting artended with Aid.Morton with the Airport Conm~iesion
in gt.Catharines City Hall. 6RDBRED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley
the Airport group was scheduled for May 31st. at 10 A.M. in the City Hall, in St.
Catharines and that any Member of Council who found it convenient should attend.
The following Reports were presented;
No, ]76 - parks Committee - recommending thatno action be taken on the request
for the extension of a fence on the south property line of 1763 ltanan Avenue.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Brooks that the report be received
and adopted. SEE Con~unication l&4
No. 177 - Parks Committee - report on inspection of work done by Judd and Munn
removing paint from the floor and walls of swinming pool. ORDERED on the motion
\ld. McKinley and Ald. Miller that the report be received and filed.
No. 178 - Parks Conu~itte__2e ' report on inspection at Oakes Park and recommending
installation of a pedestrian gate at the south-west corner of the football field.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and \ld. Mowers that the report be received
and adopted.'
No. 179 - Ci~Manager - requesting permission to attend meeting of Ontario
Municipal Managers and Chief ldministrators at Toronto, Ma)24th. ORDERED on the
mption of \ld. Martin and !lid. Brooks that the report be received and adopted.
No, 180 - C_~ty Manager - requesting permission for Waterworks Superintendent and the
City Manager to attend Convention of Canadian Sect|on of American Waterworks
Association in Toronto from June 1st. to June 4th. ORDERED on the motion of
Miller and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and adopted.
No. 181 - City Manager - recommending attendance of City Treasurer at Annual
Convention of Municipal Finance Officers~of Ontario at Honey Harbour, June 23rd.
24th. and 25th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and \ld. Martin that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 182 - City Clerk - draft of a submission to be filed with Board of Transport
Commissioners for Canada concerning proposed increase in local telephone rates.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and \ld, McKinley that the report be received
and submission forwarded in accordance with instructions from the Board of Trans-
port Commissioners.
No. 183 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of liceaces. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. McKinley and AId. Martin that the report be received and adopted and licences
issued accordingly.
Laid over from previous meeting;
No. 5625 - To close and sell a portion of a lane from Buttrey ~ve. to Ferguson Ave.
Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Ald. White - Carried Unanimously.
The following By-laws were passed_~i
No. 5635 - To provide for permission to The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada to place
pole and anchor and remove existing underground conduit on Morrison St.
west of Elizabeth Place, and to place poles and anchors on Buckley Ave.
between Park and Queen Streets.
No_~._5~.3.6 - A by-law to provide for the 1958 e×pcnctitur~,s {,n roads er streets
the City of Niagara !:ells.
ORDERED on the motion of \ld. Mowers aI,.d 'rid. F'cKin]cy that ~d. Vbltc
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be Fiv,.n thc
first reading. - Carried Unanimonsly.
ORDERED on the motion of ,ld. Wh~ttI and AId. Brooks thdt Ru!P 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be tcn~porarily a, spendcd and the by-!aw bc gi;'eu tbc
second reading. - Carried Unanimousl y.
Third Reading - .Gd. Brooks and ~ld. Miller - Cdrried Unanimously.
At the request of ll[s l.:orship thc Vayor, the Parks Covm'ittec along witi:
the City Manager were requested to take under advisement the n:attcr of ball platting
at Coronation Park and a solution of the same.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of ,'rid. }IcK,nlcy arid .rid.
READ AND ADOPTED, 26th. May, 1958.
C 1 erk
Council Chamber,
20th. May, 1958.
The Finance Meeting was held on Tuesday, May 20th, 1958 for the purpose
of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were preseot, with the exception
of Ald. Morton. ,lid. White, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $276,099.34 were approved by the Committee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered
ordered on the motion of AId. Mowers and Aid. Miller that AId. McKinley placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Mayor
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the Hawkins and Ald. McKinley.
first reading. - Carried Unanimously. The Sununary of Tenders for a station wagon for the Fire Department was
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given i' and on the motion of Ald. Martin and AId. Brooks it was ordered that the lowest
~ tender, submitted by Victoria Motors at a quotation of $2 635.00 be accepted.Carried
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. ~ Unanimously. '
Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and Ald. Miller - Carried Unanimously. The application of Mr. O. Smiley, 819 Victoria Avenue, for a permit to
erect an addition in front of his premises which had been referred to the Property
Co~ittee, wasagain presented along with the Committee~s reco~endation that a
building permit be not issued as the proposed construction is contrary to By-law No.
4929'. Mr. Smiley, who was present at this meeting, was permitted to speak on the
. motion of AId. Miller and AId. Mowers. After listening to his remarks on his proposed
'revisions of plans, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Martin and ,lid. Miller that
the matter be referred back to the Property Cormnittee.
The Property Committee's report on thelr consideration of a revised
application of John Rondinelli, for construction of an addltion to 703 Ferguson
Avenue and suggestion that a sketch is necessary in order to determine if the
proposed addition is in order, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the
motion of Aid. Hattie and Aid, Miller that the report be received and filed. The
City Manager informed the Committee that the suggestion contained in the report
as to the revision of application had already'been conveyed to Mr. Rondinelti.
The report of the Property Committee on their study of the preliminary
plans submitted for an 18-unit apartment building at Simcoe St. and River Road and
containing the suggestion that the two means of exit are too close together and
that request be made that the plans be revlsed to provide a more satisfactory exit
system, was presented at this time. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald.
Miller that the report be received and adopted.
The report of the Property Committee approving an addition 10 feet
in depth to the front of the dwelling at 924 Jepson Street, was presented for
consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and AId. Miller that the
report he received and adopted.
The City Manager's report on the application of the Oriental
Restaurant, 633 Queen Street, for a permit to erect a neon sign at an estimated
cost of $450. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald.
Brooks that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of The Alliance Tabernacle
1823 Temperance Avenue, for permission to erect a sign in front of 1513 Ferry
to direct the public to the Tabernacle, was presented for consideration. The
City Manager advised that the owner of 1513 Ferry St. had advised in writing that
there would be no objection to the sign being placed in front of her home. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mayor Hawkins that the report be received and
adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of Arlene Manor Limited,
for a building permit to convert the office building at 2136 Barker Street to
apartment accommodation, at an estimated cost of $18,000. was presented. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Miller that the report be received and
referred to the Property Committee for a report.
The City Manager's report on the application of British American Oil
Co. Ltd. for permission to instel a red arrow on the plastic illuminated sign at
their premises at the intersection of Valley Way and Victoria Avenue, was presented.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Miller and Ald. Martin that the report be received
and adopted and permit issued.
At this time, Ald. Mowers was excused from the meeting.
The report of the City Manager, attaching a summary of prices received
for Armorcoat Asphalt surfaces for use on City streets, was presented for consider-
ation. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald, Martin that the Summary be
received and the Tender of R. E. Law Crushed Stone Ltd. at a quotation of $0.53 per
isquare yard for Armorcoating; $0.30 per gallon for Bitumuls RS2 and $5.00 per-ton
for Stone Chip, be accepted.
At this time, the City Manager presented a verbal report on the
application of Mr. Drake, 1068 Second Av'enue, for permission to erect a brick
veneer garage, to be attached to the south side of his dwelling. The City Manager
recommended that the same be referred to the Property Committee for consideration.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. McKinley that this
action be taken.
On the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Brooks the Committee arose and reported to
READ AND ADOPTED, 261h. M~y, 1958.
- 37
20th. M.F:, !953.
The Council re-assembled at tb clos,. ill [hal rcj~ :It C! t!nc]l ct;l'.{ i:-~lancc
Meetings for the purpose of passing flu by-law which ct~vcl cd tb.. a~'cou:~ts- appr,u._,d
by ~he Committee. All Members uf Co-anci l wcre prcscnt~ t,'~t]; the v.:.:ccl ti~: ,-~' ~ld.
Morton and Ald. Mowers.
The following By-law was passed'
No. 5637 - To provide moil. its for gc'D~ral pu':poscs.
ORDERED on the motion of rid. F-cKinle) and fi~d. Eii!c~ thut AC. Uhit~
be granted the privilege of introducind the by-law and thk-
reading. - Carried Unanimously. '
ORDERED on the motion of .Td. Fhiku and ~}d. gj]l,!~ t~'~tt ilu!e 35 (2) t~f the
Standing Rules of Council be teml~orarily suspeeded and the, b,-la~-..
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - -\]d. McKinley and --]d. Brooks - Carried i:lmnimous] ~.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of ~Id. NL]lcr a,d 'rid. I':cK(nley.
READ AND ADOPTED, 261h. May, 1958.
Counci 1 Chamber,
20th. May, 1958.
TIle Conference Conmittee of the City Council assembled at the close of
the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Tuesday, May 20th, 1958 for the purpose
of considering the items presented to them. All Members of the Committee were
Present, with the exception of Ald. Morton and Aid. Mowers, His Worship, Mayor
Hawkins, presided.
After consideration of the items preseotcd, the Committee adjourned
on the motion of Aid. Martin and AId. Miller.
READ AND ADOPTED, 26th. May, 1958.
· , ,) , 1953.
Pursuant to adjournment, Ckmncll met ,It 7,30 p.;;:. on EImda), ::a> 261h.
1958, for the purpose of consideri!-g general business and i~nanc~. xll FXrh.,rs of
Council were present, w~th the c. xccptiot, of '.~d. Morton and .',:d. Brooks. "he C~uncil,
having received and read the Fjnutt.s of I-Lu prcxleus tccctlnE., a-!ot, I kd tJlk'SC o2 Kh~
motion of lid. White and AId, Mill-r.
Laid over .fTPm pyeyious ~eeti,ng.;
No. 163 - S_~,c,L-_Ty.c_afi_..Fire D_ep~.rtment - requesting advice as tv proi,~r aS,.- li;t+it
when hiring. ORDERED on the motion of .l!d. Nartin dqd ..id, Ui.it._. that
cation be received and filed and the recommendation of the Eanagc,h~nt Cvn,,iI
received and adopted.
SEE Rcl>ort Nun.bck 13~.
T__h~_f_oJ_12wi,p_g' Cpmmuj~i c_'.a.t ion.s }qer e presented;
No. 171 - Nip~a. rFi _R2_g_~ppal' peve.lppment .issociatipn. - joint meeting to be held oP
Flay 28th. at 7.45 p.m. at the Barclay Hotel, Welland. ORDERED on the Ira>Lion of ~:d.
Miller and .lid. McKinley that the communication be received and filed and Council's
representatives be requested to attend, and also that as n'.ap} of the Nerobets o~
Council as find it possible attend as well, Carried, with dd. Martin-contrary.
It was later indicated by Aid. Wbite and the City Manager, Conncil's representatives,
that neither would find it possible to bc present at this meeting.
No. 172 - C.W.L. St.Patrick's Division - invitation to June Tea. ORDERED on the
motion of AId. Martin and tld. Miller that the invitation be recc, ivcd and accepted
and as many of the Members of Council and their wives as find it possible attend.
No. 173 - S~hu~t_-I__n.'j paj. L_.A~s.s_0c__i_a_t_i_o_p_-.~p.t_ice re Shut-'In's Day. ORDERED on the motion
of AId. McKinley and Atd, Miller that the notice be received and proclamation issued.
The followin_gj?p_or~t_s__w.e__re~p_r?~?p_te~;
No. 184 - Management Committee - recon~ending that,generally speaking,firemen should
be 30 years or younger for appointment to permanent Fire Department but that in very
special cases, men might be appointed up to age 35, ORDERED on the mot[on of-lid.
Martin and AId. White that the report be received and adopted.
SEE Commuuication 163
No. 185 - Negotiation Conm~ittee - report on meeting with Civic Employees re Pension
Scheme; consideration of probationary period for an individual operator at Filtration
Plant; and trial period of present services of janitor at Police Bldg. ORDERED on
the motion of AId. McKinley and i~d. ~artln that the rci,nrr h~, r!.,-~ved and adoprod.
No. 186 - Negotiation Committee - report on meeting with Negotiation Committee of
Local 528, Firefighters to discuss status of Fire Inspector recently provided for.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Miller and Ald. Martin that the report be received
and filed.
,lid. Mowers arrived at the meeting -
No. 187 - Negotiation Committee - report on meeting with Grievance Committee of
Local 528, Firefighters and advising of Negotiation Committee's approval of the
recommendations of the Fire Chief. Due to the fact that personalities are involved
in this matter, it was ordered on tbe motion of ~ld. Martin and AId. Mowers that
the report be received and referred to the consideration of a full Council in
Conference. Carried with Aid. McKinley contrary. Prior to this action, A]d.
McKinley moved that the report be received and tabled for consideration of a full
Council, at which time a motion would be in order, to discuss the matter in
Conference, but, that he would be contrary to any Conference, being of the opinion,
that the matter should be dealt with in open Council, as the original report had
been considered in open Council. There was no seconder to the Alderman's motion.
No. 188 - City Manager - report on attendance at meeting of Managers and Senior
Administrative Officials at Toronto, May 24th. ORDERED on the motion of ~ld.
Mowers and AId. Miller that the report be received and filed.
No. 189 - Parks and Recreation Committee - recommending that tenders be called
for painting the structural steel at Memorial Arena. ORDERED on the motion of
Aid. McKinley and AId. Mowers that the report be received and adopted.
No. 190 - Parks Committee - recommending that Judd and Munn be instructed to
clean the paint from the floor of the swimming pool and that tbe painting be
done by the staff of the City. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId.
Martin that the report be received and adopted.
No. 191 - Parks Committee - recommending that hard ball be permitted to be played
by boys 14 years of age and nnder but that boys over 14 years of age be prohibited
on Coronation Park. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Aid. Miller that
the report of the Parks Conm~ittee be received and adopted and the City Clerk
contact representatives of the Church of the Redeemer kand St. Joseph's School
pointing out that this playing area is for general use and under no circumstances
is to be restricted.
No, ]92 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of l~cences. ORDERED on the motion of
AId. McKinley and Aid. Miller that the report be received and adopted and licences
issued accordingly.
No. 193 - Management Committee - approving of reconmendation of appointment of
permanent fireman in Fire Department. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald.
McKinley that the report be received and referred to a full Council for consideratie'I
in Conference.
The following Resolutions were passed;
No. 50 - MARTIN - MCKINLEY - resolved that Alderman James G. White be appointed
Enacting Mayor, May 28th. to June 8th~ ]958 during the absence of His Worship,
Mayor E. M. Hawkins from the City; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
Carried Unanimous~l.
No. 51 - MILLER - MARTIN - RESOLVED that the City Manager be authorized to instruct
the Weed Inspector to inspect all City-qwned properties and arrange for the cutting
of grass and weeds and to also contact representatives of the Michigan Central
Railway requesting that their rights-of-way be similarly taken care of; and the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed,
Carried Unanimously.
No. 52 - MARTIN - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that the City Clerk be authorized to
investigate the possibility of handling validation of future capital issues in a
more efficacious manner and thus avoiding delays such as presently experienced;
and report be submitted to Council thereon; and the Seal of the C~rporation be
hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously~
No. 5638 - To amend By-law Nur~ber 5503 being a b:,'-!a.~
of $263,000.00 for thD constrect;nn of
at the Niagara Falls Fi!tra!-~en
ORDERED on the motion of ','d. Yo~ers and A'd,
granted tbe privilege of introducing the b'/-].BW and tb,.- h_x.'-]:;i, b :i\'~l' ~::~, first'
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on tile mo~{o:~
the Standing Rules of Couoci! be temporarily ~uspc!~ded
second time. - Carried Unanimoes]y.
Third Reading - AId. McKinley and ;.ld. Vowors - Carried
No. 5639 - To amend By-law Number 55]6 being a by-law tc authori::~ th... b{~rrc!:'ir?. of
$60,000.00 for the resurfacing of various: pavcr'.:-nts thro,aLh.~ut thr
ORDERED on the motion of \]d. blcKinlny and/~!d. Miller that ',]d. t",,~t,:
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and tht, by-law be given th,, firqt
reading - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ;.Yhite and \ld. Martiu that !,'t, lc 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given t! ,:
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and AId. Mowers ~ Carried Unanimously.
No. 5640 - To amend By-law Number 5532 being a by-law to authorize the borrowing of
$30,000.00 for the installing of an elevator in and necessary alterations
to the Police Administration Building.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Miller and Ald. Martin that Ald. ~ite be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously,
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Miller and Ald. Martin that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. Mowers and Ald. Martin - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5641 -
To amend By-law Number 5547, being a by-law to authorize the borrowing of
$25,000.00 for the renovation of the beating system in Memorial Public
School and for repairs to the heating system in Simcoe ~treet Public
School and to provide for the issue of debentures of the City of Niagara
Falls therefor.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and ,\ld. Miller that Aid. White be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. White and AId. Martin that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Counctl be temporarily suspended and the by-law be glven the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. McKinley and AId. Miller - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and
Ald. Martin.
READ AND ADOPTED, 2nd. June, 1958.
Council Chamber,
26th. May, 1958.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, May 26th. 1958 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All Members of the Connnittee were present, with
the exception of Ald. Brooks and Ald. Morton. Ald. White, Chairman of Finance,
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $130,627.54 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion
of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. McKinley.
The Property Conmaittee's report on their meeting of May 21st. to
consider the proposal made by Mr. O. 8miley at the Council Meeting of May 20th.
~egarding the addition in front of the existing building at 819 Victoria Avenue,
was presented, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Mowers that Mr.
Smiley, who was present, be permitted to address Council. Mr. Smiley requested
permission to move the existing building back to the distance he desires. The
City Manager was of the opinion that the applicant should meet with him and
discuss the details of what is proposed, pointing out the fact that this is in the
fire area. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Mowers that the report
of the Property Committee, advising that a building permit cannot be issued as the
proposed construction is contrary to By-law 4929, but suggesting that the existing
building could be moved to the rear of the lot sufficiently to permit the erection
of the addition in front of the same, be received and adopted and Mr. Smiley be
instructed to meet with the City Manager to work out details of what is proposed.
The Property Committee's report on their study of the plans submitted
for alterations necessary at 2136 Barker St. to convert an office building into a
14-unit apartment, with their recommendation .that a building permit be issued, wa~
presented. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Mart.in that the report
be received and adopted. The City Manager a4vised that the Co.mmittee understood
that the small building connecting the big office building with the small brick
house would be severed from the main building so that adequate access would be
obtained from Barker St. and the rear of the property on which the proposed
apartment building is situate would be properly fenced from the rear of the y.W.G.A,
on Gulp Street and requested authority to note on the building permit these
stipulationd. The Committee agreed.
The Property Comndttcc's report on th.2ir i~sl'k'c-jo:: of !he prcmis=s at
1068 Second AVeHUe, where i~ is proposed to erect a garage attached to
was presented. The report advispd that a building permit cailnot bc issued as
not in compliance with the by-la~,'s of the City but advistd that cL,nsidcration
be given for a permit if the proposed garage is ere-clod bcyou<: th,, ~=ast w:lll or
dwelling. ORDERED on tile motio- of Ald. ,x:artin add ~ld ;'!u::crs that t!:.,, rcpor'.
received and adopted.
The City Mauager's report oc ti~e app}ication for a purn,iL to closc in
the front verandah at 1755 Temperance Avenue, ~.;ls presented for
ORDERED on the motion of aid. ~:cK!nley and Mayor Hawkin~ that th<- rcporL hc
and the application referred to thc~ Propert) Cummi~tcu.
The City Manager's report on the applicatioe o:' 5~,al;-,'s T.V. 5;2
Street, for a permit to erect a p}astic filumEnatcd si~,n at au uscj~}~at.d u~st o[
$300. was presented for consideration. O}IDERIiD oq the t"vCien ~,f x. zd. M~,v:crs a~d
Mayor Hawkins that the report be received cud adopted and pert'it
TIle City Manager presez}ted a verbal report on the applicat, ion of
for the erection of an addition to the rear of his premises on i'crr,: firceil
Manager explained that the existing building will rcmain~ c::ccpt f~r lb~ sma]~
attachments on the rear and that the new structure will bc built at' the rear
such a way that the front portion of the building can be rcmovud at a ]aLcr date.
The estimated cost of the work will be $5,000. The City Mai:ag<:r rcc,.,m~c:hh,d that
the matter be referred to the Property Committee. ORDERED :,n the n,otior~ of
Martin and Mayor ltawkins that the verbal report be received and the application
referred to the Property Co~nittee for consideration and t report.
The Connnittee arose and reported to Council on the motfor of -\ld. }:illcr and
Ald. Mowers.
'Council Chamber,
26th. May, 1958.
The Council re-assembled at the close of time rbgular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Committee. All Members of Council were present ~,,{th rhc
Brooks and Ajd. Morton. ' ' - ·
The following By-law was passed;
No. 5642 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Martin that Aid. White ':~ i:! l'~
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading.. Carried Unanimously, it !~
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Aid. Martin that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading. -Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mowers ~ Carried Unanimously.
The City Manager requested permission to advertise the position of
electrician and also for the position of clerk in the Accounting Department, due
to recent resignations, and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald.
Martin that the City Manager be authorized to advertise the positions referred to.
Ald. Mowers, Chairman of the Joint Committee on the proposed Merger,
advised that a meeting of the Merger Co~ittee will be held at 3,30 p.m. on
Tuesday, May 27th. at which time the preliminary draft prepared by the consultants,
Deacon, Arnett and Murray will be considered.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Miller.
RE~ An ADOPTED, 2nd. June, 1958.
May '
26th. May, 1958,
Council Chamber.
The Conference Conmlittee of the City Council assembled at the close
of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, May 26th. 1958 for the
purpose of considering the items presented to them. All Members of the Committee
were pre~ent, with the exception of Ald. Brooks and Aid. Morton. His Worship,
Mayor Hawkins, presided.
After consideration of the items presented, the Committee adjourned on the motion
of Ald. Martin and Ald. White.
READ AND ADOPTED, 2nd. June, 1958.
P,[:CITL:\R |:FKT!.\:C
Pursuaut to adjournu,c:~t, Council met at 7.30 p.m. op ,'iu-day, .Ira:,! 2nd.
1958, for the purpose of considering gunoral husiuess and fluann. ,%s] ~' Lb,:~,~ u[
Mayor White, presided. Thu Council, hayin% received :rod r,,nc' ~h. I: ~,u~'-.-: nft~-
previous meeting, adopted these on the motinn of ~d. Yo~.'~r~, an2 .'d. F,-}'i el:F.
Tenders had been called for painting the c::t:rior of th, n, ,-,~ 5tr,.i ~'l--
Hall and it was ordered on the motinn of Hd, McKi~l~-' a,:d "'}d. !'qL :'r~- th=~:' t"c n.
tender which had been received° be opened, initialled by I'T.!, '..r:lcl i:V, :.'n2..l~ a:-I
tabulated. ORDERED on tile motion of .\]d. Mowers and M
of D.P.Mazzei at a quotation of $475.0q be !lcc.,ptnd.
The fo] lowj ng Cjn,mL!ni_c_atip?,sj,,ere pres_cnt,e.d;
No, 174 - Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada - ackno:-:l,,c!R~,~t ,qLlbmfss;on
the City o'~'~Ni~'~"~'l s']'n' p~]~tes( 8'( i p'cr,,'n'~ed' 'tu1 ,,pho,~c rat,.s. ORDERED
motion of Ald, bicKinley and .lid, MLllcr that the communicatYon be r.~.cei\'cd and
No. 175 - Nia8~ay_a_FJ?mj_r_i_aJ~_B~_nj - requesting permission tl, hold a p::rage on Tdnc 5th.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and AId. Miller th::t th,: eomrlue. i cation bc
received and filed and permission granted.
No. 176 - ~ta~ara_M_e_m_o__r_iajJ_a_n_d_ - requesting use of Oakes Park, June in connection
with Niagara District Bands \ssociation "clinic" on ,lune Sth. at 2 p.m. \ld.
McKinley, Cbairman of the \rena and Parks Committee, reported verbally that his
Con~nittee had considered this request and were unaniL~ously ill favour Of grantlug
permission. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley ap, d A!d. Morton that the
communication be received and filed and permission granted as requested. macring
Mayor White advised that as he will be attending thf, Memorial Service of the
Canadian Legion, scheduled for 2.30 at the Cenotapb~ be will be unable to he
present at Oakes Park and AId. Mowers consented to he hi~ representative at Oakes
No. 177 - Niagara Memorial Milj~tai~'e_2.~__B_9_o_s_t~y__~C.l~jb' - express|hi appreciation for
the welcome extended by the Enacting Mayor and AId. Miller when tile Memorial Band
returned to the City this morning from North Bay where they won first place for
marching in the Lionss International Convention parade. ORDERED on the motion of
Aid, Miller and Aid. McKinley that the communication be received and filed and
Council forward a letter of congratulations to the Band npon their achievement of
winning top honours in the parade at North Bay.
No. 178 - St,George Serbian Orthodox Church - invitation to formal dedication,
Chureh property, on June 8th. at 12.30 p.m. ORDERED on'the motion of Ald. Miller
and Ald. McKinley that the invitation be received and accepted and as many of the
Members of Council as find i~ possible he
requested Ald. Miller to be his representative at this ceremony, due to his
inability to be present because of previous commitment.
No. 179 - Canadian Legion, Branch 51. - invitation to Annual Memorial Service at
Cenotaph on June 8th. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Morton that
the invitation be received and accepted and as many o f the Members of Council as find
it possible be present.
No. 180 - Charles Knott - requesting extension of six months on building permit
in connection with proposed construction of a motel at Stanley Avenue and Spring
Streets. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Md. Mowers that the communi-
cation be received and filed and the extension granted; it being understood and
so stated in the letter to Mr. Knott that this permission cannot extend beyond
this year's Council. Carried, with AId. Martin-contrary.
No. I81 - John Reynolds - protesting use of playground on Robinson Street.ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Morton that the communication be received
and referred to the Parks and Recreation Committee and consideration be given to
Ald. Mowers' suggestion as to the method of controlling activities on playgrounds.
No. 182 - Greater Niaf~ General ~o~spital - requesting permission he granted to
the Niagara Falls Fire Department to flush fire mains of new hospital structure.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the communication be
received and referred to the City Manager for submission of a report as to costs,
No. 183 - Niagara F~lsO_~timist Club - expressing appreciation to Council for their
time and effort spent in trying to arrange for the use of City property in the
erection of Youth Centre and advising that suitable arrangements have now been made
with Stamford Township. As this letter was received too late for incJusion on this
evening's agenda, it was ordered read on the motion of Ald. Mowers and AId. Morton.
ORDERED on the motion of .\ld. McKinley and Ald. Miller that the communication be
received and filed. Ald. Mowers referred to remarks that had been made indicating
lack of co-operation on the part of the City of Niagara Falls.
The followin~ Reports were presented;
No. 194 - Ci__~y EngineeF - Concrete sidewalk - Portage Road. The City Manager
advised verbally that approaches have been made to the Township and Suburbsn Road
Conmnission regarding conditions between North and Kitchener Streets in the vicinity
of the new hospital building and that it has been suggested that the roadway should
be lowered, probably in 1959, so that the sidewalks on both sides of the street
would be installed at the same elevation, thus eliminating the existing ditch. The
City Manager advised that the Commission has taken the matter under advisemen~ and
a decision is expected at their next meeting. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin
and Ald. Mowers that the report of the City Engineer be received and tabled until
the decision of the Suburban Road Commission has been received.
No. 195 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Morton and Ald. Martin that the report be received and adopted and licences
issued accordingly.
At this time, Ald. Morton,Chairman of the Traffic Committee, reported
verbally on his attendance at the Ontario Traffic Conference, held in Ottawa last
week. He outlined the various topics discussed there and referred specifically
to the dishussion on the use of equipment known as the Breatholizer; and also off
street parking lots. He advised that the data considered was very informative.
Ald. Morton referred to the draft copy of the by-law whfch he had brought back
for Council's consideration and requested that Council study the same. The
by-law as drafted would provide protection and regulation of pedestrian traffic.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Martin that th~ verbal report be
received and adopted.
Ald. Martin referred to the Industrial Field Day which is being held
By the Industrial Committee of the Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday, June ]lth,
and advised that invitations are now in the mail. He further advised that he had
been requested to extend an invitation to the Mayor and Council to attend any
portion of the Field Day commencing at 11 A.M. and pointed out that one of the
most important parts would be the 5.30 meeting at the Niagara Falls Club. ORDERED
on the motion of AId. Martin and AId. Morton that as many as possible be in
4 ?
The ~fp_~_ipy.i.Rg _Rus91yt ion.s wc.r,~
Chairman of Finance; and the. S.a'~ of t,I. fjcrncr~ j ~! b.- :'=!'._Iu ,F"~: ~'..
No. 54 ~ MILLER ~ MORTON - RESOLVED ~.i,.:c
Worship the Mayor and Members 3f rlm Mt'nicipal
extended to Firs. !1. G.Brooks upoE t.i,.
G. Brooks; and the Seal of the Corporation
At this time, Enacting l. la.~ur Uhitc rcciucs{cd th,..~b!,~r'c~n~ -,f ; . ~Lii:i't .~'
silence ie respect to the memory of th: late ~]dr, rn:an,
Council indivjdt,ally expressed their regrets at the
Council adjourned to the Fn~ancc M!:ctinb on thp n:oki.-~, ,,f .Id. l'cKSi:l~y and
READ AND ADOPTED, 9th. June, 1958.
Enact! pg ,xrdyOr.
Couoci I Chmuher,
2nd. June, 1958.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, June 2nd, 1958 for the purpose of
approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly cert{fied
and placed before them. All Members of the Committ:ee were press,L, with the
exception of Mayor Hawkins. ~cting Chairman of Finance, Aid. Flowers, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $161,438.53 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered
placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council, oo the motion of AId.
McKinley and Enacting Mayor White.
The Property Com~,ittce's r.:port on their i:;zF~cti~. ,~Z t',- pr~ris~s at
1755 Temperance Avenue where the applicant requested permission to close in the
front verandah, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Aid.
Martin and .lid. McKinley that the report be received and adopted and permission
The Property Committee's report on their inspection of the premises at 1720
Ferry Street where Mr. Arthur White proposes to erect a concrete block addition to the
rear of the existing building, was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton
and AId. Martin that the report be received and adopted and building permit granted.
The City Manager advised verbally that revised plans had been
submitted for the proposed structure at the corner of Simcoe Street and River
Road; pointing out that the Property Committee had been opposed to the exits as
shown on the original plan; but this evening had inspected the revised plans
and approved of the revisions. The City Manager recommended that the City Clerk
be authorized to advise the applicant that the preliminary plans are satisfactory;
this advice to be in writing; with the understanding that detailed plans wlll
have to be submitted to Council; ORDERED on the motion of Ald, McKinley and Ald.
Miller that the City Manager's verbal report be received and approved. As a
result of a query of Ald. Morton concerning parking area for this proposed
apartment building, assurance was given that sufficient room has been made
available for the parking of cars of tenants of the building.
The City Manager presented a verbal report on a sketch which he had
had presented to him by Mr. O. Smiley, this being a revision of the plan made
for the erection of an addition to the front of 819 Victoria \venue. The City
Manager advised that Mr. Smiley now proposes to move the original building to the
rear of the lot practically so that he would have 60 feet depth on the store on
~which he proposes to erect facing Victoria Avenue; and that detailed plans will
have to be submitted to Council when ready, The City Manager reconnnended that
the revised plan be approved. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald.Martip
that permission be granted to move the present building and that the addition be
given consideration when final detailed plans are submitted. Carried Unanimously.
The City Manager advised verbally that a report had been received from
H.G.Acres and Co, regarding the chlorinating equipment for the Filtration Plant
containing three quotations. The City Manager was of the opinion that the subject
matter of the report wam serious enough to be referred to the ~anagement and
Equipment Committee for a report at the next Council Meeting. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. McKinley that the report of the Consulting Engineers
be referred to the Equipment Committee for a further report for submission to
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 9th. June, 1958.
Acting Chairman of Finance.
8sunell Chamber,
2rid. June, 1958.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Committee. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of His
Worship, the Mayor. Enacting Mayor White presided.
. 49
The following..B](-}gw. wgs pass,,d;
No. 5643 - To provide monies 5-,~ .... ,,-,1 ,, ,- ..........,
granted the privilege of ~trt,d,cjpj th' h,'-la.. q.~: ,.!..- !-,-_~-.- ,,. ~.'
reading. - Carried LnanYmou~,y.
second readi?g. - Carried
Third Reading - '\]d. MortoD
T__h~_f_oJJ_oJ.yj_ng_P,2 Sp_!ld tj: 9D S_ W~T e. p a s ~, d;
No. 55 - _M.AB~i[_I_~L -_ .~!DJ>LF, B=S - RESOLVED that
Chairman of the Property Con~r~etco
and the Seal of the Corporation
No. 56 -M~0W__EB;S_.-.~'~7~_N ' RESOLVED that th.. rosi[.!v~,~---.~f
as a Member of the Arena~ Parks and l!c!cr,:atlon f]cn.~itt..-. h:
of the Corporation be hereto
Ms. 57 - _M.A_RTI~N~.- M__Ojq_E~R_~ - RESOLI;ED that '..] dcrn,ap liarold rl. F rton ~, a!~n~li,~t..~ .-~
the third member of thc Property, Sanitation and Bt:!ldih9
of the Corporation be hereto affixed,
No. %8 - M~TIN - MORTOJ3- RESOI~D that the new l%mber
late Alderman tt.G.Brooks, be appointed as a b~cmbcr
Recreation Committee; and the Seal of the Corporatim~ bc hercUe affi::cd.
Cily.r_i e_d. _U:y~pj r'p_us.ly. '
No. 59 - MILLER - MOWERS - RESOLVED that the number of appoiptoes on th~ P:In:~gonle~t,
Negotiation and Equipment Committee be left at three rather tl~ap faur as previously;
and the Seal of the Corporation be hercto affi::ed.
rTa/rjyd )b-~i~ip!OES3 y.
A brief discussion '.,,as held concerning tile Services with respect to the
late Alderman Brooks and it was agreed that the Members would asscrab] e outside the
Funeral Parlour just prior to the time of the Service and enter together.
Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Mowers and lid. Martin,
READ AND ADOPTED, 9th. June, 1958.
Enacting Mayor.
Council Chamber,
9th, June, 1958.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, June 9tb.
1958, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of
Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. White.
His Worship, Mayor ttawkins, who was attending the Convention of
Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities in Victoria, B.C. when the death
of the late Alderman Brooks occurred, expressed at this time his deep regrets at
his untimely passing. The Mayor then welcomed Alderman Clifford Gregory to the
Aldermanic Board.
His Worship the Mayor proceeded to give a verbal report on his
attendance at the Convention of Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities,
Victoria, B,C. indicating the Convention was extremely successful and referring to
the fact that a meeting as suggested at that point is scheduled to take place in
September at which there will be representatives of Federal, Provincial and
Municipal Authorities. His Worship then expressed appreciation to Alderman White
for the efficient and capable manner in which he conducted affairs while Enacting
Mayor. Ald. McKinley congratulated Mayor Hawkins upon his re-election to the
Executive of the Canadian Federation.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 181 - John Reynolds - protesting conditions at playground on Robinson Street
abutting the rear of his property. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald.
Miller that the report of the Parks and Recreation Committee recommending that
the playing of golf be prohibited; the playing of hardball be prohibited for boys
over 14 years of age and that a chain link fence be erected on the northerly
boundary of the property at an estimated cost of $650. be received and adopted.
SEE Reports 196 and 197.
No. 182 - Greater Niagara General Hospital - requesting permission to have Fire
Department perform the flushing necessary for the fire mains in the new structure
prior to its permanent use. The City Manager presented a verbal report on this
subject, indicating that if it were necessary to do this work immediately, it
would entail the employment of two men for approximately 8 hours; but that if the'
work could be postponed for two weeks until such time as some of the firemen
return from holidays, it could be done then; the City Manager recommended that
as it is absolutely essential that the fire mains are functioning perfectly, the
City undertake to have the work done regardless of the wages of two men.ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald..White that the communication be received
and filed and the City Manegerms verbal report be adopted.
The following Communications were presented;
No. 184 - Niagara Falls Suburban Roads Commission - confirming verbal arrangements
that the Commission will make the necessary changes in Portage Road from North St.
to Kitchener St. in front of new hospital. ORDERED on themotion of Ald. Martin a~d
Ald. Morton that the communication be received and filed.
................. SEE.Report No.t~
No. 185 - Bell Telephone Co. of Canada - attaching copy of submission in reply to
City's letter opposing regrouping of City by Bell Telephone Co. which would result
in increased rates. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. eregory that the
communication be received and file~.
No.186 - Bpa~r_d o_f_EcJucation - ,':.:ilrvssi q condol,-ucts
ORDERED on the'~o~ioil'~;f:X'ld. Nillet and Aid. YcKinlLy
received and filed and copy f-rwardud to Mrs.
No. 187 - ~lL.%~d__~.clp.~r~_t.e Scho-I lh~grd _ invitation
Henrispin School, lune 19oh. 0ki)FRED ,m' the ~oticp o[ 3,d. N;,rrjp and ,';~d. I':i ~l~r
that tile invitation be received arid accepted al.d as
No. 188 - Industrial Committee vf
............... Chan:b?~r of Comucrcc.
Field Day, June llCh. ORDE~:b' ~m O .............. <' ~' "'
as possible attend and signify [hc[r ivk~ t'io,~ bv fillin- in khL i:'Vi'd~'jOi- card,;
supplied by the Con~nictee. ' ......
No. 189 ' TownshiE of Sandwich last - resolution
' cOl'l ~'lc~'orS h, :':~,uicipal
motion of AId. Martin and Aid. x.'!!cr (bn,- ti~e reso2ur[oE be .
and no action taken; Carried with Md. ML'jtou-cor, trary. ,' rL',,.-d
No. 190 - Gould-Leslie - requesting permission to erect tL'o stoudald i ll_tn,luat~d
poster displays on the vacant lot adjacent to 623 VLctoria X~vnu.. UllDERED r~u th,-
motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. McKinley that the comh.micati. on bc
referred to the Property Committee for a report.
No. 19I - Charles R. Career - expressing apprdciatioe for construction
sidewall< in front of residence. ORDERED on the motion of ~ld. E,'Kinlcy and AId.
Morton that tile comunication not listed on agenda be read at: cbis th.c.. ORDERED
on the motion of AId. Miller and Ald. I'7hitc that: the commuui ca:ion he received
and filed.
Laid over from the pr__eyjp_uff_
No. 194 - Ci~ Engineer - concrete sidewalk ~ Portage Road. ORDERED on the motion
of AId. Martin and~Xl'~.Morton that the report he received and adopted.
The following Reports were.~orej_ep_~e_d;
SE_E__CP~unication 184
SEE Reso/h[ioi~ ~L "'b~'
No. 196 - Parks and Recreation Conm~ittee - three recommendations in connection with
playground at the end Of Grey ~t'jll,~d"~nanes St. ORDERED on the motion of Aid.
McKinley and Ald. Miller that the report be received and adopted.
SEE Communication 181
No. ]97 - Parks and Recreation Committee - advising not possible to place Super-
visors on City-owned parks during ].958 but recommending matter be considered when
1959 Budget is considered. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Morton
that the report be received and adopted. Aid. McKinley advised that he had
received assurance from both the Chief and Deputy Chief of Police that Officers
would be assigned to check into any complaints received concerning activities on
any of the parks in the municipality. The A]derman also referred to a City
Employee at Oakes Park and was of the opinion that he might be assigned to supervise
the other municipal parks, indicating that a spot check would only be necessary;
the City Manager was of the opinion that this one employee should not be asked to
include any additional parks to the ones already assigned to him.
No. 198 - City M_______~anager - attaching letter from H.G.Acres and Co. re insulation of
heating lines at Fil~Fation P~aut, rcco;~'uDdlng acccptai;c ~5 X. '..~.dn nro5. ,tuutatiun
of $424.60 for this work. AId. Martin, Chairman of tile Equipment Committee, advised
that his Committee were prepared to go along with tile reco,m~endation of H.O.Acres
and the City Manager. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. White that time
report and recommendations be received and adopted.
No. 199 - City Manager - quotations received for scales for chlorine room at the
Filtration Plant and advising that H.G.Acres and Co. Ltd. have recommended the
Purchase of the same directly from the Toledo Scale Co. of Canada, at a quotation
of $3.041. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory that the report
and recommendation be received and adopted.
No. 200 - City Manager - quotations on four automatic chlorinating machines for
Filtration Plant. Ald. Martin, Chairman of the Equipment Conradtree, reported
verbally that his Conmlittee had giw n cons*' deration and that the Wallace and
Tieman equipment now in operation as agreed by the City Manager and Waterworks
Superintendent, is the best suited to do the proper job. ORDERED on tbe motion
of \ld. Maktin and Ald. Morton that the report of the City Manager be received
and filed and that Wallace and Tiernan be awarded the contract at a revised
quotation of $7,250. as recenthanded by the City Manager and Superintendent.
No. 201 - Cit),_M_a. na~_e_r - report on attendance at 38th. Annual Meeting of Canadian
Section of \mar]can Waterworks Association ]n Toronto, June 3rd. and 4th.ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. White that the report be received and
No. 202 - C_it~IL_~n__g_ineer ' Concrete Gutters - Elm Street. ORDERED on the motion
of AId. Morton and AId. McKinley that the report be received and adopted and
work proceeded with. SEE Resolution No.60
No. 203 - City Engineer - Concrete Gutters - Homewood Avenue. ORDERED on the
motion of AId. Martin and \ld. Morton that the report be received and adopted and
work proceeded Lith. SEE Resolution No.60
No. 204 - City Engineer - Concrete Gutters - Spring Street. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory that the report be received and adopted and work
proceeded with. SEE Resolution No.6C
C '
No. 205 - City Engineer - Concrete Gutters - Summer Street. ORDERED on the motion
of \ld. Morton and Ald. Miller that the report be received and adopted and work
proceeded with. SEE Resolution No.60
No. 206 - City Clerk - requesting permission to prepare a by-law to license and
regulate service stations and public garages. ORDERED on the motion of AId,Miller
and AId. Morton that the report be received and filed and permission granted.
No. 207 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Morton and AId. McKinley that the report be received and adopted and
licences issued accordingly.
The following Resolutions were passed;
No. 60 - MORTON - MILLER - RESOLVED that Report Number ]94 for the construction
of a five-foot concrete sidewalk on the east side of Portage Road from Kitchener
Street to North Street; Report Number 202 for the construction of a 12-inch
concrete gutters on the north and south sides of Elm Street from Homewood Avenue
to Stanley Avenue; Report Number 203 for the construction of 12-inch concrete
gutters on the east and west sides of Homewood Avenue from Maple Street to
M6rrison Street; Report Number 204 for the construction of 12-inch concrete
gutters on the nortb and south sides of Spring Street from Temperance Avenue to
the west limit; Report Number 205 for the construction of 12-inch concrete
gutters on the north and south sides'of Summer Street from Temperance Avenue to
North Main Street; be adopted and work proceeded with; and the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixe~. Carried Unanimously.
No. 61 - NHITE - MORTON - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of His
Worship the Mayor and Members of City Council be forwarded to Mr. Louis Edit,
retired CSty employee, upon the death of his wife, the ]ate Mrs. Maudo Eidt; and
the Seal'of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
Aid. Martin enquired as to the action intended in 'connection with the
levelling of the old City Dump on Victoria Avenue, and was advised by the City
Manager that there is an amount of $12,000. in the Budget for the installation of
sewer tile and it is anticipated that this will be completed after the necessary
by-law authorizing the work has' been dealt with. In answer to Ald. Martin's
query regarding future dumpihg facilities when the present Valley Way Area has
become exhausted, the City'Manager advised that nothing farther has been heard
from Dr. Otto Molden since the delegation from Council met with him.
AId. Mart~n also r!.f
The City Manager advis.~.c~ that
in the same will be forthc~.r~:~,,: .-;~t'..,tlrv ~p .T.:I:..
.\ld. McFirley rtf.,rr:.,d to r.,'-.:-t' $-"\'ic= tl'z!~ !'.-' "cJ ~" ~',' ~... :: 'F:--
Clerk fnr c]arification with r f,.r 'n~',' to ~ht,~'~ c"s .... "'--c: ~ ..-'r ,~. :c .~::,
Council and the Operator.
referred to. Carried Unanimous]
Following reference made bv
of AId. Miller and Ald. Nortop that this b~- re, ratted to the. 'Praff~c oev-r~trc.,
consideration and a report.
The City Manager then advised that this locatf~n , a:: co~s~j-r u' ~:,~
Saturday morning when representatives of th,, Bus Compaey \.'cry. ndv~sed t-h~[ the
customary lines to prohibit parking would b~: painted on both s~dcs of n,,!~war~ ~.~
that the bus would be able to navigate around Main to Dolewar?.
AId. Miller referred to tile congestioa at lundy'? L:mc and ,~:ajn %trcpt
and was of the opinion that tile Traffic Con!m] tree should cop. sider somethln~ to
alleviate this bottleneck. Ald. Morton ;~dv]sed that tb]s matter t, as also considered
last Saturday and he suggested that consideration be given to an a| ternc.~.tive route
for the bus instead of travail]rig to Main and Ferry.
Ald. Morton referred to the south-cast corner of McRae St. and Stanley Ave.
and the hazard created due to the untrinmmd shrubs and hedge and requested the City
Manager to take action.
Ald. McKinley referred to the corner of ~rmonry St. and Fourth\ve. whert.
the hedge is too high and interferes with the v~sion of motorists.
AId. Martin asked that the traffic light at the corner of Simcoe Street
and Victoria Avenue be checked.
The folloFin~_Bl-j_aJiw~a.s_pj.s.s_e_d;
No. 5644 - To authorize the making of alterations and extensions to the Ni. agara
Falls Filtration Plant.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and i]d, Morton that ~]d. White
be granted tbe privilege of Introducing the by-law and the By-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Miller that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council he temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. Mowers and AId. Miller - Carried ~nanimously.
~he following By-law was present__e.~;
No~ 5645 - To authorize the construction of watermains on Terrace Avenue and Leader
Lane and sewers on Stanley Avenue and Peer Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid. Morton that AId. White be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
.... ORDEREDon the motion of AId. Nhite and AId. Gregory that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5646 - To authorize the resurfacing of asphalt pavements on various streets
throughout the municipality.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and AId. Mowers that. Aid. White
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Aht.
READ AND ADOPTED,]6th. June, 1958.
Council Chamber,
9th.June, 1958.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, June 9th, 1958 for the purpose
of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present, Ald. White,
Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $67,842.55 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for pre senration to tile Council on the motion
of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. McKinley.
The City Manager's report on the application of Miller Plastics, for
a permit to erect a masonite racer sign at 1070 Magdalen Street, was presented for
consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mowers that the
report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The Conmittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 16th. June, 1958.
..I, ,;uu~, }953.
Meetings for tbc purpose of passinb the by-]a:~ which co,.'c~'cd :h~, a.: uui:l .; .~7,1 ..... ., h,.
the Con~ittee. All Members of Cuunci i wcr: ,~rescnr ~.)'~,r A:n:l:i:-s, .... - ':-' '
i; Y ~ L :\ L7
Tj~e fj~l_l o~w~i}!F~ B y -.1 awt w qs_ p a s_s e d;
No. 5647 - To provide monies fur gnneral pu~pc.s,.s.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mu,.-.ur.~ 2nd ']d, l.i,-K'nl<, that 'd. ."'it.
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and ti~e h)'-iaL b~ o",._n [!lu f:~st
reading. - Carried Unaoimously.
ORDERED on the motion of ~ld. White and '.]d.
Standing Rules of Council be temForari ly suspcnd::j and tbc
reading · - Carried Unauimousl y.
Third Reading - :\1 d. McKiu] ey and \1 d. Morton - Carried Unald::,ous] l ·
TIle draft by-law to control pedcstl ian traffic which was referred to
consideration of full Council, was ordcr;d on the motion o~ ~d, ~arti~;
referred to the Traffic Committee for further stud)' and report.
The City Clerk reminded Council of the forthcc, u~inp, C'~ic Cht, rch S~rvic!'
scheduled for Sunday, June 15th. at Kitchencr Street Uuited Church.
It was also agreed that Reports 187 aud 193 would be dealt with at
Meeting following next Monday's Council Fleeting.
Council adjourned on the motion of AId. biowers and Ald. I.h, rtie.
READ AND ADOPTED, 16th. June, 1958.
No. 5646 - To authorize the resurfacing of asphalt pavements on various streets
throughout the municipality.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald0 Martin and Ald. Mowers that. Aid. White
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. White and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED,]6th. June, 1958.
Meetlugs for the purpose of passin~ the by-law ;chic;;
the Co~ittec. All bi~mbers of Council
BY - L
TjL_e fJ_llo~w_!3)i B~-,la}! w~as_ passed
No. 5647 - To provide monies for general pu"posl.s.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Yov'crs add ']d, ','-i,'11'1~]~¢'.' :1 .
..... '.d, ..!'~t.. b~
granted the privilege of introduc]ug tim by-law and t;~e by-!n~: b~ o:~'~; the fj~u
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of ~ld. White a!l.1 ',id. U,,'L~:. T;~.H' .qulc % (2) of E.:
Standing Rules of Council be teml~orarily suspcl]dc~ and t. hc 1,~-JaL- b~ Uix-d~ t}'-. ./.cvlid
reading · - Carried Unanimous 1 y.
Third Reading - AId. McKin]ey and :rid. Marton - Carried Uua:dr.;¢,us]~.
The draft by-law to control pedestxiau traffic whi,~h was referred
consideration of full Council, was ord.r~d on the motjoe n[ \]d. Martin and ,Id.,~'.,.rt'ol:
referred to the Traffic Conmfittee for further stud}' and rel~ort.
The City Clerk reminded Council of the forthc,-,n:/ng C; ~ic Church SLrvicc
scheduled for Sunday, June 15th. at Kj tchener Street llnitcd CliGrc.~
Council Chamber,
9tb.June, 1958.
It was also agreed that Reports 187 and 193 weuld bc dealt wit:h at Coufcrcn~:c
Meeting following next Monday's Council Meeting.
Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Mowers and AId. M:trtin.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, June 9th, 1958 for the purpose
of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present, Ald. White,
Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $67,842.55 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion
of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. McKinley.
The City Manager's report on the application of Miller Plastics, for
a permit to erect a masonite facer sign at 1070 Magdalen Street, was presented for
consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mowers that the
report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 16th. June, 1958.
e"'._ ' 'Mayor.
No. 5646 - To authorize the resurfacing of asphalt pavements on various streets
throughout the municipality.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and AId. Mowers that-Aid. White
be granted the privilege of introducing the by~law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED,]6th. June, 1958.
of approving and
and placed befor,
Chairman of Finax
The A
ordered placed in
of Mayor Hawkins
The Ct
a permit to erect~
consideration. OR
report be received
The Committee aros
COUNt;I]. lqEETlhG
,4, 5 5
'Chc Council
Mcetings for the purpose
the Con~ittee. All Members
i;Y - L .\t.;
7j~_ee fjJloxii_3!L_By.-.law' was passe~;
No. 5647 - To provide monies for g,meral p,.l~pe,s,,s.
ORDERED ou the: motion of A~d. ,~,%'..'d-s n,~<{ "d. I-h'K'$d.y Lh,:t It:. .x'it:~ tu
granted the privilege of introduc~nz tim h,,_~ .... ,)'-lau b~ o:~.~i: I',c f'~st
l".,,,,'t~:. th,:r Ru],: '~b (ZTM, ,,~
[ ~ljd. Martin and ,!d.E .ri',,n
m~ng C",ic Church .~tr\'ic=-
I Chdrcb.
uld bc d-zalt with aL Cl,n.:cr, nuc
Counci 1 Chamber,
June 16th, 1958.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, June 16th.
1958, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of
Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous meeting~ adopted these on the motion of Ald. Miller and AId. Mowers.
TIle followin~_Con~unications were presented;
No. 192 - Niagara District Firemen's Association - expressing appreciation for use
of Fire Hall and equipment. ORDERED on the motion of Xld. McKinley and Ald. Miller
that the communication be received and filed.
No. 193 - City of Woodstuck - Resolution re Poll Tax. ORDERED on the motion of dd.
McKinley and Aid. Gregory that the communication ~e received and filed and referred
to the Ontario Municipal Association for discussion in Convention.
No. 194 - C_ity of Fort William - Resolution re purchase of Canadian buses by Toront~
Transportation Commission. OR"'DERED on the motion of aid. Martin and .lid. Mowers that
the communication be received and filed.
No. 195 - NiaSar__a District Akela Club - expressing appreciation. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Mowers and j Ald. Miller that the communication not listed on the
Agenda be read at this time. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and ~ld.Mowers
that the communication be retired and filed.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 208 - Cit~ Manager - advising re Filtration Plant and adjustment of rates to
Stamford, Chippaws and Niagara Township. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and
Ald. Gregory that the report be received and filed. Ald. Martin expressed congratu-
lations to the City Manager, his staff and contractors in having completed the work
on schedule.
No. 209 - Parks Committee - recommending lights be erected at Oakes Park. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mowers that the report be received and
No. 210 - Parks Committee - re meeting ~ith Hermes Club regarding Supervised play-
grounds. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mowers that the report
be received and adopted.
No. 211 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. McKinley and Ald. Miller that the report be received and adopted and licences
issued accordingly.
No. 212 - A~d, Gregory - meeting of Niagara District ,~rport Development Committ,'.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Mowers that the repprt not listed on
the Agenda be read at this time. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and j Ald.
Miller that the report be received and filed.
Aid. Morton arrived at the meeting -
No. 7 ' B._.D_qqp. e.t_t_E_~t!d.,J others - r~.qupsti:,.c rc.mov:~. ~,f 'T:,,-p.!r,~h~k,'' si|m ,-n th-
west side of Victoria Avenue j~!,:l,.diatcl ,.
ORDERED on the motion of -',ld. b'~l l ,r
and filed and Mr. Duquette be not. if[{.d as to ~b. r-~,?~:,~ C.,~,~:i. ~o,~i~ thi~ act~ :~.
~x:I '.;CIiLI AiCiO[!.{;
A}d. Martin requcstcd tI:c bi' 2' E.!;::q;cr to h~!'.. d '-b:-,-! i .'- :..t,!.. ~,f =:l,;i-
signs apd stop lights ill the City ~'!-;cb h~:v_ b~,,!~ .q~s:-,,' d b. .~: '-t: ...,' .t;:-...d.
to have the trees trimnied. "
be cut and kept iu good conditior:.
Palmet and Eastwood,
AId. Miller enquired as
to cut tile weeds 6n their rights-c'f-w;:y,
Centre and at Bridge and Victoria.
and work had bet:, started.
AId. McKinley advised that pleats verc L~in.j t.~l:, ;: f:.,::: th~ : ,.~,r.. '., .
!l,.rticultural Society Flower Beds
to notify Police if they notice a::ycnc c'.:stroyi t~g
,lid. Mowers rcqu~:sted tbc Ciuy ,~:ant:ger Lo suhn:it d I cllgl"t L,i C~. it: 'l!
concerning the various signs v:hich have be~n .:reeled or pla-1%t ol; t~,:,2 C't y bidc.k~l.ks
and boulevards,
The following By-law was presented;
No. 5648 - To authorize the widening and rcsurfacing of the asphal t pavement on
McRae Street and construction of new sidewalks thereon.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Eartin and AId. Eiller that ,ild. \.:bite be
granted the privilege of intreducipg the by-law and the by-law be gives the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid, |.H~ite and '~ld. Nox.:crs that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-la:~' be giveu the
second reading,
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the hie|ion of lid. McKinley and Aid.
READ AND ADOPTED, 23rd. June, 1958.
( _~----~' Mayor.
Council Chamber,
16th.june, 1958.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, June 16th, 1958, for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All Members of the Con~ittee were present. Ald.
White, Chairman of Finance, presided,
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $148,702.12 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otberwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion
of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. Miller.
The City Manager's report on the application of J. Malzone, White Rose
Motel, for a permit to erect a neon sign at 1772 Stanley Avenue, at an estimated
cost of $1,200,00 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of ~ld.
Morton and Mayor Hawkins that the report be received and adopted and the permit
The City Manager's report on the application of Jacob and Jeanette
Sherman, Niagara Falls Museum Limited, for a permit for alterations to the former
Spirella Building at an estimated cost of $80,000.00 was presented for consideration.
ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. Morton that the report be received
and adopted and that a permit be issued subject to the filing of revised plans and
specifications and that the estimated cost of construction be investigated.
The City Manager's report on the application of George Newport for a
permit to remove an old frame addition and reconstruct a concrete block warehouse
at 548 Clifton Avenue, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Morton and Ald. Miller that the report be received and adopted and the permit
The City Manager's report on the application of O. Smiley for a permit
to move back the existing building and to construct a two-storey building at 819
Victoria Avenue, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Martin and .lid. McKinley that the report be received and adopted and the permit
issued when tender prices are obtained.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Mayor Hawkins aud
Aid. Miller.
READ AND ADOPTED, 23rd, June, 1958.
airman of Finance.
C~U;<CII~ EE¢:Ti:,5
Meetings for the purpos~_~
b~ ~be Co~mit:~ee, All M.:mboy:, u~ C~-~; _ * x'~:'~ i<'-s'-,~- ~ ~' ' .... ,. ~.F. ~ ..y...~ ~..-
The followip. g By-~aw was pas~,d;
No. 5649 - i'c provid~ u!onics f, ~ 'j.'P'ra: :,:qp-~, :..
ORDERED on th~ n 'tic-- -f "'
be granted tb~ privilege of i;itr~,,i..~ :.,1,. t!-~ i- _3... :;..~: ,.
first reading. - Carriccl
ORDF. RED on th! n~ot!u'l o'.: '.'.]. i:.,TL._ '::fC ", .... :-:,.. ;: _t ' .'
tile Standing l~u!es of Cc.~n~ci] b tc::l-~r:tr~]x ;-:-: ~::.l.d L'.' ~ ._ k-~:::. ,,
second reading. - Carried Unani::our]~. "
Third Reading - Aid. V.,rton and ~'d ~' ' -
READ AND ADOPTED, 23rd. Ju~}~, 195B.
Clerk ': ' ' ' '
16th. June, I953.
Tile Conference Committee of the City C~,upc~l ,'~sscl~=b3. d at: tl'u clcs- of
the regular Council and F~nancc MectYngs on lionday, Ju,~c !6th, ]958, for thc purpose
of considering the items presented to them. .U] I::n~hcrs <;f t[-c C..m::.itt:t.c ~,cre
present, His Worship, Mayor Ilawkins, presided.
After consideration oZ the items presented, the Comp, ittee adjourn.:d on the motion qf
Ald. Mowers and Ald. Martin.
READ AND ADOPTED, 23rd. June, 1958.
Council Chamber,
23rd. June, 1958.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, June 23rd.
1958, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of
Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of ~ld. Morton and .xld. Miller.
Tenders had been called for the demolition of the house known as 334
~orrison Street and it was ordered on the motion ~f Ald. Mo~ers and Ald. McKinley
that the tenders received, be opened, initialled by His ~,orship the Mayor and
The follo~i_ng Conmxunications werejresented;
No. 196 - Bell Telephone Co. of Canada - requesting permission to place poles,
anchors and aerial cable on Portage Road. ORDERED on the motion of A~d. McKinley
and ,\ld. Mowers that the communication be received and filed and permission granted
as requested.
SEE By-law Number 565~
No. 197 - City of Windsor - resolution re adoption of National Building Code by
municipalities. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and AId. Morton that the
resolution be received and endorsed.
No. 198 W.A. Snyder regarding protest re increased telephone rates. ORDERED
, -
on the motion of AId. Morton and Aid. Mowers that the communication be received
and filed.
No. 199 - Our Lady of Peace Parish - appreciation for support in Centennial Cele-
bration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Miller that the ~bmmunicat[e
be received and filed.
No. 200 St.Catharines Airport Management Board - expressing condolences upon the
demise of late Aid. Brooks. ORDERED on t~e motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Morton
that the communication be received and filed and a copy of the letter forwarded to
Mrs. Brooks,
No. 201 - Barrett Spun Concrete Poles Ltd. - invitation to inspect site, July'7~h.
ORDERED on'~he motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Mowers that the communication be
received and filed, the invitation accepted and as many as possible attend.
No. 202 - Y. M. C. A. - requesting use of Municipal Swimming Pool on certain dates.
in connection with Day Camp. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory
that the communication be received, filed and permission granted with the under-
standing that the ~.M.C.A. will provide the supervision.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 213~Ci~y'M~n~ger ~ ~dv~sing~ha~ Great-West ~{f& ~ssu~ance C0. not to qdote
on Pension Scheme for City Employees. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and
Aid. Morton that the report be received and filed.
No. 214 -~-ity ~'anager - repor,
discuss po~f~'fifETF'o~f
of government being adopted by ':"x'~:'~pal~tf?s ~ f tb,'.,- ~>:~
No. 215 - ~yj~ic Com~]~ttcc - F'~vu i~,~- Prior tq a :.',,;r-
referred to Item No. 4 and was ef t
the proposed pedestrian COntrol
Item No. 3, I]d. Martin and b~i]]er r{'f~'rrcd
Traffic Co~ittee should give f ~thvr
motio~ of Aid. Morton and Ald. !/bite tha~
Carried, with ~ld. Miller bein~, contrary to It 2m No. 4
No. 216 - C~._~!~' report on C~,~fcrencc held
motion of Ald. McKinley and ~ld. Miller that the report
No. 217 - ~i~Lq_~ej~ - recommending issuance of ]icc,ces.
AId. Morton and .X]d. Mowers that the report be received
issued accordingly.
Aid. Miller referred to pedestrian crosswaIks painted grc!.,~ which
noticed while travelling through some towns and cities in th,; U:~it,.,d ~tate!;, and
of his discussion with a former Police Superintendent, who had advised hirl ~'hat
same were proving effective, for the safety of school children crossing str,..ts.
The Xlderman was of the opinion that these greon paintej lanes should
experimented with in this City and suggested that the crosmJa]k on Duc,2n Street
the vicinity of R. C. Young's office and Stewart Bird's ~otors; and *a]so on
Robinson Street where children cross into the new park, be painrob grenn. It was
agreed that this experiment be carried out at the two locations specified.
Ald. Mowers pointed out that motorists proceeding on Valley Way in either
direction in the vicinity of Morrison Street are Being bindered due to the fact that
the traffic lights are not synchronized with those at the intersection of Victoria
and Valley Way, and the City Manager was requested to check this matter.
~he following B~v.?law was~p__asJF~i
No. 5650 - To provide for permission to The Bell Telephone Company of Canada to
place poles, anchors and aerial cable on Portage Road.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and AId. Morton that A]d. McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and tile by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given tile
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 30th. June, 1958.
Council Chamber,
23rd. June, 1958.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, Jnne 23rd, 1958, for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were. present. A]d.
White, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $93,608.68 were approved by the
The ~ccounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion
of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley.
The report of the Property Committee on their inspection of the
premises west side of Victoria Avenue, directly north of Maple Street for which
application to erect an advertising board had been made by Gould-Leslie Limited
was presented; the Committee further advising that they had requested the Company
to forward a sketch of the proposed structure after which a report would be made
to Council. Ald. Miller, at this time, advised that the City Manager had now
received the sketch of the proposed display board and that his Committ.ee were o£
the opinion that the standard illuminated ground bulletin 11 feet by 30 feet would
be acceptable. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Ma'rtin and Mayor Hawkins that the
report be received and filed and permission be not granted. Carried, with Ald.
Miller and Morton-contrary. The amendment made by Ald. Miller and Morton that the
application be received and Gould-Leslie Limited notified that permission will not
be granted for the erection of a sign 11 feet by 30 feet, was defeated by a vote
of 5 to 2; the vote being - Aye -Ald. Miller, Morton; Naye -Ald. Martin, Mowers,
Gregory, McKinley and Mayor Hawkins.
The Property Committee's report on their inspection of 924 Victoria
Avnnue and recommending that the owner be permitted to erect a two-storey building
25 feet in depth in front of the existing residence, always provided that the
north wall of the proposed new structure will always coincide with the north wall
of the property, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Mowers and Ald. Miller that the report be received and adopted.
The City Manager's report on the application of Mrs. P. Sherat, 1264
Ferry Street, for permission to erect a wooden sign, at an estimated cost of $5.00
was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Ald. Gregory that the
report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of Hamilton's Pet Shop,
for a permit to erect a plastic sign at 349 Queen Street, at an estimated cost of
$ 300. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton that
the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. McKinley that the City
Manager be permitted to read a con~nunication from Dr. A. E. Berry, General
Manager, Ontario Water Resources Commfssion, in which Dr. Berry queried as to the
status of the proposed sewage plant for Niagara Falls and requesting advice as to
the progress being made in this matter. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and
Mayor Hawkins that the City Manager be authorized to reply in accordance with
progress being made.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Mayor Hawkins a~d
Aid. Martin.
READ/axed ~OPTBD, 30th. June, 1958.
airman of Finance.
Finance Meetings for the purpose ,~.7 I-'as.-~i.zg tl:: bl-!m~ I..~; ~h c,,'.. r, ,! ti:, ac.-~,,=~!'.;
approved by the Conmxittec. .l~ ~:-_Llbcr$ o~ tc<;:k'j] u,.-x. i,rc .... i'. ~.mf~r lh~C.':.
The fol 1 owi ng_BJ'_-_l.a_x,.,' x.:a__a_'. Raft s. 'd;
No. 5651 - To provide monies [or SouL:a]
be granted the privilege of intruducju
reading. - Carried Unanimons]
ORDERED on the u:otiou of \]d. 'hiLt a:id 'lld. q; 5,',' :!'" .1,] 2", t-,, ~.1
the Standing Rules of Cuuncil bc tc.-,:pdrari]y .~ual, cndud and rh. b'-]~:,., 1,. L!... .: ~'-.
second rcadiug. - Carried Unanin:ously.
Third Reading - Aid. Morton and '.t d. !-:!].1 'or - {;arr] ,~.J l':~/tnj.x,,:.4;! :-.
Council adjourned on the motion of .",it]. M~,x:ers and
READ AND ADOPTED, 30th. June, 1958.
~ }dayor
Council Chamber,
23rd. June, 1958.
The Councils of the City of Niagara Falls, the Township of Stamford
and the Village of Chippawa met in joint session in the Council Chamber in the
City Hall at 8.30 p.m. on Monday, June 23rd, 1958 for the purpose of discussing
the preliminary merger survey report as prepared by the firm of Deacon, Arnett
and Murray. Present were, representing the City of Niagara Falls, His Worship
Mayor Hawkins and all members of Council, City Manager, City Clerk and City
Engineer. Representing the Township of Stamford, Reeve A. G. Bridge and all
members of his Council, tile Township Clerk, Township Engineer, Township Solicitor
and the Township Treasurer. Representing the Village of Chippawa, Reeve George
Bukator, Councillors Ives and Cartier and the Village Clerk. Representing Deacon,
Arnett and Murray, Mr. P. Man Deacon, senior partner of the firm of Deacon,
Arnett and Murray; Mr. D. D. Erwin of Fred Page Higgins, Accounting Firm and
Mr. W. McAd~ms of Deacon, Arnett and Murray.
His Worship, Mayor Hawkins, opened the meeting and immediately turned
over the chair to Alderman George Mowers, Chairman of the Joint Merger Survey
Committee. Ald. Mowers advised as to the purpose of the meeting, namely, to decid~
whether the second and final stage of the merger survey report should be proceeded
with or not and called on Mr. Deacon to carry on with the sunmmry of the report.
Mr. Deacon then very briefly sunmarized Part I of the report and called upon Mr.
Erwin to s-unm~arize Part II or the financial aspects of the report and following
Mr. Erwin's remarks, Mr. Deacon then referred to the observations and comments
as contained in the report, with particular reference to the possible eventual
need of changes in County boundaries and set ups and stressed that in any event,
control and planning would be essential. Following the summarizations by Mr.
Deacon and Mr. Erwin, the Chairman then called for questions from the floor.
Ald. McKinley raised several points concerning education, per capita
grants, suburban roads, the possible eventual form of government and whether an
assessment equalization might be involved and was satisfactorily replied to by
Mr. Deacon who in his reply, indicated that several of the points raised by the
Alderman would of necessity have to be dealt with in the second or final phase
of the report.
His Worship, Mayor Hawkins, then enquired as to the effect on grants
in the event of the merger taking place and was advised that this particular phas,!
of necessity was indefinite, depending completely on the future action of Provincial
Authorities, but that undoubtedly adjustments would be made.
Ald. Morton enquired as to whether in future there might be action
taken by the Ontario Municipal Board to bring about a merger when debenture issues
were considered and was advised that it was a remote possibility that the Ontario
Municipal Board would even consider such action.
AId. Miller questioned the reference to the possible exclusion of the
rural area of the Township of Stamford in the event of a merger and it was agreed
that although such reference was made that the most satisfactory result would be t,,
include the entire areas in all three municipalities.
There being no further questions, Ald. Mowers, the Chairman, then
advised that the Joint Merger Survey Committee having given a full consideration to
the preliminary report, unanimously recommends to the respective Councils that the>
approve this report and authorize proceeding with the further or final report, it
being understood that cost to the municipalities would not exceed the original
quoted price.
The Chairman then asked Reeve Bukator if he would favour action at
this particular time on the part of the joint ]Councils or whether he would prefer
to take the matter back to his own Council prior to such action and was advised
that the Reeve would prefer to take it back to his Gouneil,
' '. ~--'
any difficulty froin Iris C~t,:~.:i~
Prior to ~hi~, ~' , v
...... , ...... ~. , :,~- ,~ :',~ , ,-', ~, .
as suggested by the Ci:afr~'a.~,
individual action on tnhc part ,.5
Bridge, that the report of t'~ J.:.::- 7_.i,..,r :'.:: .,~ 'Z · "~.2.' ~ -5~ . [ ' ....
matter be rcfc'rrcd to th.~ rt:;i,,~,j.:~ ".lii.c7?,. 5,,u j.i,2,'...ll;' . ..... '
................ . :.
HiS ~,'orship Ma;.'c~r iiaL-':'.
Members of the Con-rattler,, tb '~':r:. r Z~.lau:t:. '~'1 :,iiZ ' ' :- '-
There being K:o fdrtl-,:r ~, '
READ Ah]).AJDOpTED, BOth. .tunic, }o5q'
!! .
Council Chamber,
30th. June, 1958.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, June 30th.
1958, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of
Council were present, The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous regular and joint meetings, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Morton
and Ald. Gregory.
Tenders had been called for the supply of uniforms for the Niagara
Falls Fire Department and also for the rental of construction equipment and it was
ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and A!d. Martin that the tenders received, be
opened, initialled by His Worship the Mayor and tabulated.
It this time His Worship Mayor Hawkins advised the Members of Council
that he lied requested Mr. F. S, Barclay, blanager of the Local Branch of the Bell
Telephone Company of Canada to he present at this meeting, in order to explain for
Council's benefit the reasons why the Bell Telephone Company are making application
for increases in telephone rates. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Miller and AId.
Morton tha~ Mr. Barclay be heard.
Mr. Barclay then proceeded to outline in some detail the reasons for
the re-application of the Bull Telephone Company of Canada for a general increase,
pointing out that unless the Bell Telephone Co. were in a position to go into a
money market and acquire funds, it would of necessity result in a curtailment of
expansion of plant and facilities, to the eventual detriment of their whole
operation; and also pointing Out the desire of the Company to maintain the good
will of its investors and retain a reasonable return on investment. Mr. Barclay
also indicated that the last increase in rates by the Bell Telephone Company was
in 1952.
Ald. McKinley queried the apparent intent of the Bell Telephone Co.
to maintain dividends at the possible expense of their financial position and llis
Worship the Mayor advised of various points in connection with the Bell's
application which had been brought up at both of the Mayors' Conventions that he
had recently artended; these latter references by the Mayor being purely for
Council's information.
The following Conmunications were presented;
No. 203 - Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities - telegram reconm~ending
continued opposition of the application of the Bell Telephone Co. to increase
rates and requesting City to share in the costs involved for said opposition.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory that the telegram be received
and filed and the City of Niagara Falls support the action of the Federation and go
on record as willing to share the cost per capita involved. Carried Unanimously.
No. 204 - Canadian Cancer Society, Greater Niagara Unit - requestinB permission to
hold tag days, Sept. 26th. and 27th. ORDERED on the motion of
White that the comm.',nic.-_tioa h~ rcj:zived and filed and permission granted.
.No. 205 - C.a!ai~j_n_.!~k_TLgjpil_, Ft.p:aford Bra,lct. E:,.
ORDERED on Che moCion of AId. N~'.-,er~ and ,XId. P~I]~,- ~: -, Cb,, .-,: .... ~c~t~.,;: h:,
received and referred to the 'r~Cfic Con,v.~ttce
requested Co prepare a rpport 2s t~ the costq inv,l,,p-~,
to carry out the suggestions conta'ined Yn the
No, 218 - ~Lt7 Non~gev - l'ec~-rTp'opd~g r,rpo~pt.:-~::~ c.r -~ ~..,: ~_ ,.~....., ; ,,,.
Depar tp'ent.
No. 210 - C~ty NapsEer - rpcon:;::e.-d~.~g a?p2{nt,:~"t oc ~lTx, F' 't,-5 -;2 .
motio,~ ,3F A3d. Novera and AId. Nor top th.qt
for conslderae~on.
NO. ?20 - %.tv ~!anagcr - .gummary {!f T?rd,rs For t}o ,--~.-' - c ':~,. c,.-
and rccommendjn~ that~the te~aar of Yr. w~c. toF
to the e~ty and ~s prepared to ~uDn]v tb~ ne:'~s,~rv bo,,d ",: .... t~ ]'--1-: ;~,. .... ,
property damage, be accepted. ORDERED ,.n t"o ~.~t{o.3 of '~'. '.'~ ~ -Lx ~ ~ -~. .
that the report Be received ar, d rocom"~on<'ati~n
ndvised that the tendcrcr has agn. ed tc
No. 221 - Traffic Cc'n'n;ittee - r- clevr!oF~cnt of Park Strr~t
No. 222 - Traffic Comm!tte~, - Uossjh!,: pc','5~/sf P:~r!: qtrect fr<,?~ E' ~e A~,c,-,t~ t,
Bucklay Avenue. ORDERED ou the mot;on of A~d. N:}rtvn and .Ud,
reports be considered toRethor. ORDERED on ~be trotion of AId,
Morton that the reports b~ recpi re4 add -~dc, pted.
No. 223 - Traffic Ccsm~ittce - possible 40-feet pavement on RrSe
S~reet south and possible elimination of westerly ~:ct.- Yr~rk CpntrqJ tr~ck. ('~DEPPD
on the motion of Ald. }!owers and Ald. Morton that ~he report be
No. 224 - Traffic Con~ittee - possible reronting of buses to eli,'~ato coI~f,.tsi',u
and congestion of traffic now e:<isting at the interse. ctSon of Ferry ~t. and N:tin qt.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and A]d. Mortou that the !yeFnrt hi, received
and adopted.
No. 225 - Traffic Con~ittee - recommending ]-hoIu: parkim,g oD the west side of D, ivcr
Road from south curb on Bridge St. to a point 1!3 feet south of said curb. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. White that the report be rece.{ved and adopted.
No. 226 - City Manager - report on meeting artended, along ~,.:ith .X]d, uh]tc, in
Stratford on June 26~'~. of municipalities located oe intcrnatioua] boundary waters
who are being forced to constrnct sewage treatment facilities. ORDERED on the motion
of .\ld. Mowers and Ald. Morton that the report be received and fjled.
No. 227 - City Clerk - report on Joint Meeting of three area councils and the
resolution which was unanimously carried on the subject of the preliminary merger
report. ORDERED on the raotion of AId. Gregory and Ald. Morton that the report be
received and adopted.
_ SEE Resolution No. 62.
No. 228 - City Clerk - report on new application of Bell Telephone Co. for approval
of tariffs for exchange in long-distance services and equipment. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be.received and filed.
No. 229 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of liceneed. o~n~,~Fn ~n t'~I ',tY~!~ uf
AId. Miller and AId. McKin]yy that the report be received and adopted and llcences
issued accordingly.
Ald. White reported verbally at this time on the several meetings which have
been held regarding Civilian Defence and advised that costs exceed the Budget and an
attempt is being made to arrange a meeting with the Minister of Welfare to obtain
additional finances required for the operation and maintenance of Civilian Defence
His Worship Mayor Hawkins gave a brief verbal report on his
abtendance at the Convention of Ontario Mayors and Reeves in Stratford. indicating
the difficulties that he had experienced in connection with two resolutions, namely,
the one dealing with the abolition of Suburban Road Commissions and the one dealing
· with possible major government participation in costs of disposal plants but also
indicating that the Convention as a whole was extremely successful.
The followinEL_R_e~solution was passed;
No. 62 - GREGORY - MORTON - RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls
endorse the action of the joint Councils ~n approving the recommendation that the
second and final phase of the merger study be undertaken by Deacon, Arnett and
Murray, at a cost not to exceed Four Thousand Dollars; and the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
The followin~ By-l_jaF was presented;
No. 5652 - A by-law to provide for the protection and regulation of pedestrian
ORDERED on the motion of Ald, White and Ald. Gregory that Ald. Morton
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-lmq be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald, White that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. (th s motion was defeated by a vote of 5 to 2, the vote
being - Aye - Ald0 Morton and White; Naye -Ald. Gregory, Martin, McKinley, Miller
and Mowers.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion. of AId. McKinley and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 7th, July, 1958.
t . , .
The Finance Mpoting :z~s held on ~nnday, h,,~,, lOtS.
of approving and also passing the ~,at-ious acc~',,nty ,'hlch h,qc{ h,f,.~ p'~'~%~lv' "
certjfled and placed before them. All M,~mbera
Ald. White, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Committee. Sundry Accounts in the areGent off 957,O0].9~ vpre nn~r~,,v~; by the
TIle Accounts .qubm~ trod,being pa~sed or oth!:rw~se d,.;~t ~,':'.tl,~, '..'er,
ordered placed in the Money By-3a:q fr~r presentation /:e t~,e Cr,,i::[~ o~ t",~' :"oti,~:~ qF
Ald, Miller and Ald. Mowers.
A communication from the Advertising Manager of
Review setting out the cost of v~l'iou5 sized ads which the City
purchase in the Special Edition which is to b~ published
the Greater Niagara Genera] llocpital was
the ~ , · , , prescnt~d [or co,z. :5 ]L'r~tio~:.
motion of Xld. Miller and Aid. Mortzon thnt the commue~:at'i:..:
referred to the Chairmap of Finance with power trF
The CSty Manager'~ report on tbc, aD?]j cati,n of Mrs. ~-'z:z'v qc'-~, v O:C
Bridge Street, for a permit to tear down the' c:~isting I%aragc and ~r~'ct '~ nc.w
garage and shop combined, at an estjmated cost of $1.800. was pr,'s.:nt~d for
consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Hawk] ns and AId. Cr~tgor,. that thu
report be received and adopted and permit issued. '
The City Manager's report on the application of S. Dc't,orenzo. 2759
Victoria Avenue. for a permit to erect a neon facet sign, af' an ust~l;,a['ed cost ef
$2.600. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of '.ld. Morton and A]d. Miller t;;at
the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
An offer received from the Guaranty Trust Co. to purchasu the prtnziscs
known as 581 Homewood Avenue for the sum of $500. ~;as presented for c~nsidcration.
ORDERED on the motion of .\ld. Morton and %Id. Gregory that the application he
received and referred to the Property Conm~ittee for consideration and a report.'
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Aid. Miller and
AIH. McKinley.
READ AND ADOPTED' 7th. July, 1958,
Clerk "
Ch 'rman of Finance.
= ! !-'
Council Chamber,
30th. June, 1958.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Committee. All Members of Council were present. Mayor Hawkins, presided.
The following By-law was passed;
No. 5653 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Morton that Ald. White be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Miller that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Miller and Ald. Morton - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Ald.IWhite.
READ AND ADOPTED, 7th~ July, 1958.
Clerk ' ' ' ' ...................
Council Chamber,
30th. June, 1958,
The Conference Conunities of the City Council assembled at the close of
the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, June 30th, 1958 for the purpose
of considering the items presented to them. All Members of the Committee were
present. His Worship, Mayor Hawkins, presided.
After consideration of the items presented, the Committee adjourned on the motion
READ AND ADOPTED, 7th. July, 1958.
Council Chamber,
7th. July, 1958.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, July/th.
1958, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. Al~ Members of
Council were present, with the exception of AId. Mowers. The Council, having
received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion
of AId. Morton and AId. Miller.
The following Communications were presented;
No. 20~ - Lundy's Lane Chapter, I.O.D.E.\- invitation to attend presentation and
dedication of flag staff and flag at new Greater Njagara General Hospital. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Gregory that the invitation be received and
accepted and as many as possible attend this function at 1.45 p.m. July 16th.
No. 207 - Provincial Federation of Ontario Professional F~re Fighters - appreciation
for the complimentary luncheon tendered by the City of Niag~F&~a~during recent
convention. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. M~ller and AId. Morton that the com-
munication be received and filed.
No. 208 -liiagara, St.Catharines and Toronto Railway - proposed revision of Fourth
Avenue bus route. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McK nley that the
communication be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for d~scussion with
representatives of the Ni.S and T. at forthcoming meeting. Carried Unanimously.
Prior to this action, AId, Miller and Ald. Morton moved that the communication be
received and proposed revision be protested. This motion was later withdrawn.
No. 209 - Chamber of Commerce - suggesting meeting with Chambers Traffic Committee
re proposed parking programme in Downtown Area. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Miller
and AId, Gregory that the communication be received and the Chamber be notified that
Council is only dealing with one proble~ in the Downtown Area, not the over-all
picture, but that indication be given that the Traffic Conduittee of the Chamber would
be welcomed to sit in if they so desire. Carried Unanimously.
No. 210 - Chamber of Commerce Traffic and Safety Committee - requesting appointment
of a representative from Council on Traffic and Safety Committee. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Gregory that the communication be received and filed
and Ald. Miller be appointed; also the Chairman of the Traffic Committee if he
(Aid. Morton) so desires. The City Clerk advised that the first meeting will be
held in the Chamber's office at 1.30 p.m. Thursday, July 10th.
No. 211 - Clerk. Townshio of Stamford - advising that Stamford Traffic Committee
will meet with City~s Traffic Committee to discuss possible establishment of three
lanes on Morrison Street directly west of Stanley Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of
Aid. Morton and Ald. Miller that the conmunieation be received and the Township Clerk
-notified that the Traffic Committee will hold a meeting at 4.45 p.m. on Wednesday,
July 9th. and that an invitation is extended to the Township Committee to attend.
No. 212 - Clerk, Township of Stamford - suggesting City Traffic Committee investigate
the operations of traffic li~J~ts at Main and Ferry St. due to the congestion caused
to east-west traffic through this intersection. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin
and AId. White that the communication be received, filed and Stamford Council be
notified that the matter is under consideration by the Traffic Con~ittee of Niagara
Falls at the present time. Carried Unanimously. Prior to this action, it was moved
by Aid. Miller, seconded by Aid. Morton that the communication be received and
referred to the Traffic Conmittee for discussion at their forthcoming meeting on
July 9th. This motion was later withdrawn. Ald. Martin requested the Chairman' of.
the Traffic Committee to take under consideration the possibility of discontinuin8
the pedestrian '%alk" signals at the intersection of Main St. and Ferry St. for a
period of one week.
No. 213 - The Parking Authority of Toronto - invitation to fourth Annual
American Municipal Association Workshop in off-street Farking on August ilth.
and 12th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. McKinley that the
communication be received and AId. Miller be authorized to attend.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 230 - City Clerk - report on Conference held June 3Oth. re appointment of
Junior Clerk and City Electrician. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and
Ald. Gregory that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 231 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. McKinley and AId. Morton that the report be received and adopted and
licences issued accordingly.
Aid. Morton referred to complaints received about traffic conditions
at the intersection of Third Avenue and Huron Street and it was ordered on the
motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Gregory that the Chairman of the Traffic Committee
be authorized to take this matter under consideration at the forthcoming Traffic
Committee meeting to be held on July 9th.
Ald. Miller suggested that the Arena, Parks and Recreation Committee
consider the possibility of issuing season tickets for the swimminS pool, as he had
had such a request directed to him recently.
The following Resolution was passed;
No. 63 - MILLER - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of H~s
Worship the Mayor and Nembers of Council be forwarded to the family of the late Mr.
Reginald Fords former Bank Manager of the Dominion Bank and public-spirited citizen
of the City of Niagara Falls for a number of years, whose death has occurred in
Vancouver, B.C. and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
Laid over from a previous meetinlt;
N~o. 5645 - To authorize the construction of watermains on Terrace Avenue end Leader
Lane and sewers on Stanley Avenue and Peer Street.
Third Reading - AId. McKinley and Ald. Martin - Carried Unanimously.
The followin~ By-law was presented;
~0. 5654 - A by-law to authOrlee the construction of sidewalks on Victoria Avenue
and Fortage Road and concrete Butters on Elm Street, Romewood Avenue,
Spring Street and S~er Street as Local Improvements under the
provisions of The Local Improvement Act.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Miller and AId. Martin that Aid, White be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first
time. - Carried Unanimously. ' ,
ORDR~D on the motion of AId. k~ite and AId. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be 8ivan the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously. '
The following By-law was passed;
No. 5655 - A by-law to amend By-law No. 3790, being a by-law for the regulation
of traffic.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and AId. Miller that Aid. Hurton
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and AId. Martin that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. Martin and AId. Miller - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting~on themotion of Aid. McKinley and Aid.
READ AND ADOPTED, 14th. July, 1958.
Council Chamber,
7th. July, 1958.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, July kh, 1958 for the purpose of
approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present, with the exception
of AId. Mowers. AId. White, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $34,554.70 were approved by the Committee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered
placed in the Honey By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of AId.
McKinley and Ald. Miller.
The Sumssty of Tenders for clothing for the Niagara Falls Fire Department
wee presented alum8 with the City Manager,s report, recommending that the caps,
burberry cnaCs and shirts be purchased from Gullion's at a v ce ~ - ~..:
"" ' ' "" ':' ' at a pric.'
~~nF~f AId, NcKinley and Ald. Fartin thaC the Summary
so awarded. datton of the City Manager be adopted and the tenders
The Suemmry of Tenders for Rental of Construction Equipment was presented
for. consideration. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Miller and Ald. Morton chat the
.Summary be received and the lowest tendeter. Calaguiro Bros. be accepted.
The offer of Guaranty TrusC Company for the purchase of the premises
knownas 581 Homewood Avenue, which was laid over from the last meeting, was
sgain presented along with Che Property Co~mictee's report recommending that the
offer be not accepced, and chat the Cou~ittee will report to Council on this
property at a laCer date. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Miller
that the report be received and rec~muendation adopted,
The Property Com~itteess report on their inspection of the premises
at 2107 Main Street, and their advice to Mr. MoPhem of the Cataract Rental Service
regarding erection of a fence to enclose rental equipment and the erection of signs
in front of the building and on the north wall of the same, was presented for
consideration. The City Manager then presented a verbal report to the effect that
the applicant wanted to know whether he would be allowed to erect a chain link
fence at 2107 Main St. and that the Property Co~nittee had advised him that they
would agree to the fence providing it was beck 20 feet from the sidewalk on Main
Street and enclose the area completely where equipment was to be stored. The C~ty
Manager further advised that the applicant would landscape the ground between the
fence and sidewalk and keep it in good shape. The plastic sign which was erected
at the buildinB at the corner of Sylvia Place and Ferry St, would be re-erected on
the front of the Main St. building and the ~acer sign will be on the north side of
the wall. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. Gregory that the Property
Cou~nittee's report be received and filed and the verbal report of the City Manager
be received and adopted,
The City Manager's report on the application of A. Rocco,and Son, 1380
Ferry Street, for a permit to erect a masonite sign at 249 River Ro~d, at an
estimated cost of $50. the sign to read '~ut-rate Souvenirs - Films and Accessories -
FireworksV ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Miller that the report
be received and adopted and permit be issued. Aid. Nillet suggested that when the
permit is issued the applicant be requested to delete the word "fireworks". The
motion was lost by a vote of 4 to 2, the vote being - Aye - Aid. McKinley and Miller;
Naye- Mayor Hawkins, AId. Oregory, Morton and Martin.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Aid.
Council Chamber,
7th. July, 1958.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and F~nance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by t~e Committee. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of Aid.
Mowers. His Worship, Mayor Hawkins, presided.
The followin~ By-law was passed;
No. 5656 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Miller and AId. Morton that Aid. White be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Miller and AId. McKinley that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading, - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald, Morton and Aid, Gregory - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Martin and Aid. Miller,
READ AEDADOPTED, 14th. July, 1958.
READ A~) ADOFTED, 14th, July, 1958,
thai n of Finance.
;i 7?
Council Chamber,
14th. July, 1958.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, July 14th.
1958, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of
Council were present, with the exception of Ald. Gregory. The Council, having
received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion
of Aid. Miller and Aid. Morton.
Tenders had been called for the construction of sewers on Peer Street
and Stanley Avenue and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Nowera and Ald. Morton
that the tenders received be opened, initialled by His Worship the Mayor and
Mr. Dms of T. O. Lazarldes and Associates Limited, Consulting
Engineers, was present at the meeting in connection with the Inspection Report of
the Victoria Avenue overpass which was before Council in Communication No. 216
on this evening's egenda and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and AId.
Morton that he be heard at this time. Mr. Damas proceeded to outline in some detail
the complete inspection made o£ the Victoria Avenue Bridge and also the cnmplete
structural analysis of the same, referring to corrosion which has taken place and
the advisability of limiting of weight carried to ten tons; pointing out that even
with loads of less than ten tons, some of the members of the bridge will be over-
stressed. Re advised that it was very difficult to say when the structure may
fail if it is overstressed.
AId. Martin queried the possibility of reinforcing the present structure
in order to accommodate the heavy traffic using this bridge and AId. McKinley
referred to the inconvenience to hundreds of citizens using the bridge.
The costs involved and the amount for which the City would be liable
· were discussed at some length.
SEE Conmmnication No.216
laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 208 - NiaSara,St.Catharines & Toronto Railway - revision of Fourth Avenue bus
route. ORDERED on the motion of Aid, Morton and AId. White that the co~saunication
be received and filed. Hie Worship the Mayor advised that the City Clerk will
specify in the letter to the Superintendent of Bus Services the possibility of
greater publicity in the local press when schedules are changed, in order that the
general public may have knowledge of the same.
SEE Report 232.
The following Co~municatiens were presented;
No. 214 - Niagara Falls Separate School Board - re use of Coronation Park by pupils
of St. Joseph's School. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Nowmrs and Ald, Norton Chat
the co~munication be received and filed,
No. 215 - Niagara Home Furnishers Limited - requesting use o£ Memorial Arena from
September 2nd. to 7th. for Special Promotion Project. ORDERED on the motion of
A~d. Miller and Ald. McKinley that the con~unication be received and filed and
permission granted if dates are available. Carried by a vote of 4 to 3, the vote
being - Aye ~ Aid. Miller, M Kinley, Morton and White; Nays -Ald. Martin, Mowers
and Mayor Hawkins. Previous to cnxs action, it was moved by Ald. Martin that the
communication be received and laid over for the consideration of a full Arena,
Parks and Recreation Committee. There was no seconder to this motion.
No. 216 - T. O. Lazarides and Associates Ltd. - Inspection Report on Victoria Ave.
Overpass. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Nowera that immediate
action be taken by the City Manager to have the Victoria Ave. bridge over the
C.N.R. posted so as to limit vehicular traffic to loads not in excess of 10 tons
gross. Carried Unanimously. IT {~AS THEN ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley
and AId. Morton that this report be received and tabled and the City Manager be
empowered to immediately start action with the C.N.R. and anyone else involved,
and the local press be given access to the contents of this report. Carried
Unanimously. Aid. M rtin stressed that the immediate restriction to 10 ton loading
on the bridge is a temporary measure only, until such time as Council meet with
C-N-R.officials. Aid.-McKinley voiced congratulations to this firm for their report.
T~e following Reports were presented;
No. 232 - Traffic Con~ittee - re proposed revision of Fourth Avenue bus route.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. White that the report be received
and adopted.
SEE Connnunication 208.
No. 233 - Traffic Comittee - nine recommendations in connection with the control
of traffic at the intersection of Main Street and Ferry Street. This report was
dealt with item by item and it was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Morton and
Ald, Martin that the report be received and adopted.
No. 234 - Traffic Committee - recommending Huron St. be a *through* street at
Third Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the report
be received and adopted.
No. 235 - Traffic Committee - report on meeting with Queen Street Business men te
development of parking area at Park St. and St. Clair Avenue and the stores involved.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Ald. Miller that the report be received
and filed.
No. 236 - Traffic Committee - recomnending installation of red blinker sign
controlling traffic travelling north on River Road and east on Bridge Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Norton and Ald. Martin that the report be received
and adopted,
No. 237 - Management Conxaittee - reco~ending that the recon~endation of Wm.
Mercer Limited re the selection of Standard Life Assurance Company aS the under-'
~rriter of the Civic Employees' pension scheme~ be approved. ORDERED on the motion
of AId. Martin and AId, White that the report be received and adopted and the City
Manager be authorized to proceed with Standard Life Assurance Company on the
pension scheme as soon as possible. Carried Unanimously. It was agreed that this
action would be approved by the Conmittee of Civic Employees before negotiations'
are commenced. AId. Miller advised that he was in favour of the report but was
opposed to the expendtture of money to achieve the result which could have been
achieved without the assistance of ~m, N. Mercer Limited. The City Manager then
advised that in conversation with Mr, O'Donoghue of Wm. ~. Mercer Lid. he had asked
if he would be available to sit in with the representatives of Standard Life
Assurance Company when the details Of the Wension plan are being drawn up. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid, Mawere that the City Manager's recommendation
as to the inclusion of the Consultant from~m. M. Mercer Ltd, when details of the
pension scheme are discussed with Standard Life Assurance Co, be adopted, Carried
with AId, Millers opposed.
No. 238 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDEREl) on the motion of
AId. McKinley and Ald. Morton that ~he report be received and adopted and licences
issued accordingly,
The following By-laws were passed;
No. 5657 - To authorize the signing of an Agreement with the Village of Chippawa.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. McKinley that AId, White
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law end the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion o~ AId. ~hite and AId. Morton thee Rule 36 (2)
of the ScandinS Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Miller and AId. Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5638 - To authorize the execution of an amendment to an Agreement wi~h the
Township of Niagara - in the County of Lincoln, for the supply of water.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and AId. Miller that AId. White
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Martin that Rule 36 (2)
Of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. M~ller and Ald. Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5659 - To amend By-law Number 3790, being a by-law for the regulation of traffic,
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Aid. Martin that Aid. Morton
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Mowers that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be t~porarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. ~ Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. Mowers and AId, McKinley - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meetin~ on the motion of AId. Mowers and AId.
BBADAIeADOFTED, 21st. July, 1958.
Council Chamber,
14th. July, 1958.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, July 14th, 1958 for the purpose
of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Cou~ittee were present, with the
exception of Aid. GreSory. Ald. White, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $82,626.Y3 were approved by the Committee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or other~ise dealt with, were ordered
placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion o£ Aid. Miller
and Mayor Hawkins.
The City Manager's report on the application of A. Rocco and Son, 1380
Ferry Street, tot a permit to erect a masonite sign in front of 249 River Road,
which-will read 'Cut-rate Souvenirs - Films, Accessories"~ was presented for
consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Aid, Miller and Ald. Martin that the report
be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager's report recommending the purchase of a Thor Clay Digger,
Number 412, aC $125. from the General Supply Go, of Canada, was presented for
consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Ald. Martin that the report
be received and adopted.
The Clty Manager's report recommending the purchase of a concrete breaker
for the Street Department, from General Supply Company a~ a price of $501.40 was
presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Aid, Morton
that the report be received and adopted.
The City Manager's report on quotations received for the supply of liquid
chlorine for the Niagara Falls Filtration Plant, and recommending that Contract be
entered into with Canadian Industries Limited, was presented for consideration.
ORDgRED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Mowers that the report be received
and recoxmnendation adopted.
The Ccemittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and
AId. Miller.
READ AI~)ADOPTED, 21st. July, 1958,
Council Chamber,
14tb. July, 1958.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Committee. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of AId.
Gregory. His Worship, Nayor Hawkins, presided,
The following By-law was passed;
No. 5660 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid, McKinley and Aid. Mowers that AId, White
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERSD on the motion of AId. White and Aid. Miller that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Miller and AId. Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Morton and AId. McKinley.
READ AIM]) ADOPTEl}, 21St. July, 1958.
Council Chamber,
2ist. July, 1958.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, July 21st. 1958
for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council
were present, with the exception of Aid. Gregory. The Council, having received and
read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid. Morton
and AId. M~ller.
The following Con~nuntcations were presented;
No. 217 - Canadian National Railways - Victoria Avenue Overhead Bridge. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Martin that the communication be received and filed.
No. 218 - Dept. of Travel and Publicity - Hi-No Tourist Rooms, 1717 Victoria Avenue.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley that the communication be
received and tabled and the City Manager be requested to submit a full report.
No. 219 - Chamber of Commerce Traffic and Safety Committee - requesting representative
from Engineering Department be appointed to their Conceittee. ORDERED on the motion of
AId. Morton and AId. Miller that the communication be received and Mr. S. R. Price,
City Engineer, be appointed to the Traffic and Safety Committee of the Greater Niagara
Chamber of Conferee.
No. 220 ~ Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Planning Board - resolution re enforcement
of sub-division control by-laws. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald.
Mowers that the cowmunication be received and referred to the City Solicitor for a
The followinN Reports were presented;
No. 239 - City MaeaRer - report on comments of T. O. lazarides and Associates Limited
re Victoria Avenue Overhead Bridge and recommending that City negotiate with C.N.R.
before further instructions given to T. O Lassrides and Associates Limited. ORDERED
on the motion of AId, Mowers and AId. Miller that the report be received and
recommendation of City Manager be adopted.
No. 240 - Equipment Committee - recommending purchase of chlorine cylinder handling
crane to be used at Niagara Palls Filtration Plant, at a quotation of $2,146.60
from Beatty Bros. Limited, Fergus, Ontario. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton
and Aid. White that the report and recommendation be received and adopted.
No. 241 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of ltcences. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. McKInley and Ald. Nowera that the report be received and adopted and licences
issued accordingly.
No. 242 - Management Committee - recommending the appointment of Mr. John Edmonds as
Assistant EnSineer' effective August 1st, 1958. ORDERBD on the motion of Aid. Miller
and AId. Morton that the report be received and adopted.
The following Resolution was passed;
No. 64 - MOWERS - MORTON - RESOLVED that His Worship, Mayor Hawkins be requested
IsSue s prOclamatiOn declsrin8 Monday, 4oh. August, 1958 as Civic Holiday in the to
City of ~iagara Falls; thet all civic buildings remain closed on that date; that the
next regular meeting of Council be held at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 5Oh, 1958;
and the 8eel of the Corporation be hereto affixed..
Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Nesting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid.
READ AI~ ADOPTED 28th. July, 1958.
Council Chamber,
21st. July, 1958.
The Finance Meeting was held on Nonday, July 21st. 1958 for the purpose
of approving end also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present, with the
exception of Aid. Gregory. AId. White, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $73,123.76 were approved by the Cubittee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered
placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald.
Mowers and Mayor Hawkins.
The Suwmary of Tenders received for the Stanley Avenue Sewer and the Peer
Street Sewer was presented £or consideration, alon$ with the City Hanagere8 recom-
mendation that Contractor 1-58 for the Stanley Avenue Sewer be awarded to Cashmere
and Sons at the quoted price of $11,012.50 and that Contract 2-58 for the Peer St.
Sewer be awarded to Dick Construction Co. at the quoted price of $17,775.53.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Nillet and AId. Newer. that the Sumsty be received
and the recommendations of the City Hansget be adopted and the Contracts be awarded
SEE ReSolutionS65-66.
The City Nanager's report on the app, lication of Thus. Serrao for a permit
to erect a metal sign at 9315t. Clair Avenue at a cost of $25. was presented,
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Norton and AId. Miller that the report be received
and adopted and permit issued.
The City NansOur*O report on the application of Gee. Chsnady for a permit
to erect a three-section neon siSn on the roof of the Rest4urant at the Alamo Hotel
st 1905 Victoria Avenue, at e cost of $1175. was presented for consideration.ORDERED
on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Nillet that the report be received and adopted
and permit issued. ,
The CityManager's report on the application of k~a.G.Booth for a permit to
erect a wooden sign at 1794 Ferry Street, at an estimated coot of $35, was presented
for consideration. ORDEF~D on the motion of AId. Miller and Ald. Morton that the
report be received and adopted and permit ~ssued.
The Statement of Revenue and Expenditures as of J ;ne 28th, 1958 was
presented. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Aid. Mowers that the Statement
be received and laid on the table for the perusal of Council for one week.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of A~d. Mowers and Aid.
READ AND ADOFTED, 28th. July, 1958.
Council Chamber,
21St. July, 1958.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passin~ the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Committee. All Members of Council were present, with ~he exception of Ald,
Gregory. Rls Worship, Mayor Hawkins, presided.
The following By-law was passed;
~o. 5661 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDRI~D on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Morton that AId. White be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. ~hite and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standin8 Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Norton end AId. Miller - Carried Unanimously.
The following Resolutions were passed;
No. 65 - !tILLER - MO~/ERS - RESOLVED that the tender of Cashmere and Sons for Contract
1-58, for the installation of sewers on Stanley Avenue from Ferry Street to Peer Bane
and on Stanley Avenue from Peer Lane to Robinson Street, at a quotation o~ $11,012.50
be accepted and the Nayor and Clerk be authorized to enter into end deliver an agreement
and/or contract for the carryin2 out of such work; and the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimousl .
No. 66 - MILLER - MOWERS - RESOLVED that the tender of Dick Construction and
Engineering Co. Limited for Contract 2-58 for the installation of sewers on Peer
Lane from Stanle~ Avenue to Allen Avenue; on Peer Street from Allen Avenue to Main
Street and on Main Street from Peer Street to Barker Street, at a quotation of
517,775o53 be accepted and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to enter into and
deliver an agreement and/or contract for the carrying out of such work; and the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Miller and Ald. Mowers.
READ AND ADOPTED, 28th. July, 1958.
Council Chamber,
28th. July, 1958.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, July 28th.
1958, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members o£
Council were present, with the exception of Ald. Gregory. The Council, having
received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of
AId. Martin and Ald. Miller.
Laid over from the Previous meeting;
No. 218 - Dept. of Travel and Publicity - req. action by Local Issuer of Licences
'to suspend or cancel both Municipal and Provincial Licences re Hi-Ho Tourist Rooms
at 1717 Victoria Avenue. The City Manager presented a verbal report advising that
in view of the recommendation of the District Inspector of the Department of Travel
and Publicity and the recommendation of the City's Sanitary Inspector, the Licences
for the Hi-Ro Tourist Rooms be suspended until the rooms used for tourist accommodation
are put in fit condition and the tourist sign be removed. ORDERED on the motion of
AId. Mowers and Aid. Morton that the report of the Sanitary Inspector and the recom-
mendation of the City Manager be adopted and the licences for 1717 Victoria Avenue
be suspended and the Dept. of Travel and Publicity be notified that the City will
prosecute when sufficient evidence comes to our attention. The City Clerk advised
that the proprietor will be instructed to remove the tourist sign.
SEE. Report Number 243.
No. 220 - Niagara Palls & Suburban Area Planning Board - resolution re possible
amendments to Planning and Registry Acts. ORDERED on the motion of AId. White and
Ald. Morton that the communication be received and filed and the reconmendation of
the City Solicitor that approval be given to the N.F. and Suburban Area Planning Board
to endorse the resolution, be adopted.
SEE Re oft Number 244.
The following Conmmnications were presented;
No. 221 - Y.M.C.A. - expressing appreciation for the use of the Municipal Pool
during Day Camp swim program. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Miller and Ald. Mowers
that the con~unication be received and filed.
No. 222 - Lions Club - requesting permission to hold White Cane Sale on August 30th,
29th. and 28th. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mxller and Ald. Bartin that the com-
munication be received and filed and permission granted as dates are available.
No. 223 - Village of Chippawa - requesting financial assistance in road repairs in
vicinity of Filtration Plant. ORDBRED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Aid. McKinley
that the communication be received and referred to the Management Committee for report.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 243 - Sanitary Inspector - report on inspection of Ri~Ho Tourist Establishment at
1717 Victoria Avenue and reconaending suspension o£ Tourist Licence until recom-
mendations contained in report are carried out. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers
and AId. Norton that the report be received and adopted.
S~ Coneu~ication 218.
No. 24/4 - City Solicitor - reconnnending approval of Niagara Falls and Suburban
Area Planning Board to endorse the resolution of the Welland Area Planning Board
re possible amendments to Planning and Registry Acts. ORDERED on the motion of
Aid. White and Ald, Morton that the report be received and adopted,
SEE Communication #220.
No. 245 - City Clerk - advising of receipt of copy of Official Order of Board of
Transport Commissioners, providing for the regrouping of N.F.Bell Telephone Exchange
including Chippaws Exchange. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and AId.McKinley
that the report be received and filed.
No. 246 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of
Aid. McKinley and Aid. Morton that the report be received and adopted and licences
issued accordingly.
Aid. Miller referred to the new location of the bus stop on the south
side of Perry Street and pointed out that it was not installed where the Traffic
Connittee had recommended and as approved by Council. Re stated that he had
received complaints that in its present location, driveways are blocked. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Miller that the item brought to the attention
of Council by Ald. Miller be referred to the Traffic Committee for a report.
The C~tyNanager reported verbally on the inspection of the Vxctoria
Avenue overhead bridge by the Assistant Bridge Engineer of the Central Region of the
C.N.R. who is to submit a report to his superior after which the City of Niagara
Fells will receive a report. The City Manager stated that he was advised by the
Assistant Bridge Engineer that he had personally inspected the same and found no
deterioration of the bridge last Novamber up to the present time, but that a steel
expert will check on the steel of the bridge. In the meantime the City Manager
has requested that the City be advised,£or the protection of the public, what
they fiture the bridge is capable of.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald.
READ ANDADOPTgD, 5th. August, 1958.
Connnittee. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $39,691.98 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion
of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mowers - Carried, with Aid. Miller-contrary.
The Statement of Revenue and Expenditures as of June 28th, 1958 which
was laid over at the last meeting, was again presented for consideration. ORDERED
on the motion of AId. Mowers and Mayor Hawkins that the Statement be received and
The City Manager's report on the application of Matthews Travel Agency,
732 Valley Way, for a permit to erect aneon sign, at an estimated cost of $1,150.
was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid.
Miller that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of J.G.Collins, 1156 Victoria
Avenue, for a permit to erect a neon facet sign at an estimated cost of $800. was
presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and ,dd.Morton
that the report be received and adopted, and permit issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of Mrs. Gordon Troup, 1080
Victoria Avenue, for a permit to erect a wooden racer sign, at an estimated cost of
$40. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald.
Morton that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of Jacob Sherman for four
permits to erect neon facet signs at the Niagara Falls Museum on River Road, between
Bender Hill and Hiram Street, at a total estimated cost of $4,800.00 was presented
for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Miller that the
report be received and adopted and permits issued.
The City Manager presented a verbal report on the application of C.Durward
of the B.-A. Station at 787 Victoria Avenue, for a permit to erect a facet sign,
advertising Rental of Hertz Cares and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller
and Aid. Martin that the application be referred to the Property Conunittee for a
Council Chamber,
28th. July, 1958.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, July 28th, 1958 for the purpose
of approvin8 and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Counittee were present, with the
exception of AId. Gregory. Ald. White, Chairman of Finance, presided.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid.
READ AND ADOPTED, 5th. August, 1958.
Council Chamber,
28th.July, 1958.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Co~zaittee. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of AId.
Gregory. His Worship, Mayor Hawkins, presided.
The followin~ By-law was passed;
No. 5662 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED ON THE motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid. Norton that AId. White be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and AId. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second readins. - Carried Uuanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and AId. White - Carried Unanimously.
VISIT OF H.R.H. Princess Margaret-August 1st.
His Worship, Mayor Hawkins, at this time, outlined in some detail the
preparations being made for the presentation of Members o£ Council and their wives
to H.R.H. Princess Margaret on the occasion of her visit to Niagara Falls on
Friday, August 1st.
Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Martin and Aid. Mowers.
READ Al~) ADOPTED, 5th. August,1958.
_ Mayor.
Council Chamber,
5th. ~ugust, 1958.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday, AuguSt 5th.
1958, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. ,dl Members of
Council were present, with the exception of Ald. Morton and Aid. Mowers. The Council,
having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the
motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. McKinley.
Tenders had been called for painting the interior of the City Hall and the
structural steel in the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena, and it was ordered on the motion
of Ald. Miller and Ald. Martin that the tenders received be opened, initialled by His
Worship the Mayor and tabulated.
Tenders had been called for excavation work, waterbound macadam base and
hot mix asphalt base course and hot mix sheet asphalt surface course in connection
with the reconstruction of McRae Street and it was ordered on the motion of AId.Martin
and Ald. Miller that the tenders received, be opened, initialled by His Worship the
Mayor and tabulated.
Laid over from the previous meetinK.
No. 223 - VillaEe of Chippawa - re condition of roads on Mechanic Street and Road
Street in Chippawn, damaged during construction of addition to the Niagara Falls
Filtration Plant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. Gregory that the
cowmunication be received and filed and the City of Niagara Falls contribute an
amount of $1,500. towards the reconstruction of the above-noted streets, as recommended
by the Management Conceittee.
SEE Report Number 247.
The followin~ Co~unications were presented;
No. 224 - Dept. of PlanninK and Development, Trade and Industrys Branch - advising of
Industrial Development Conference to be held in Toronto on Oct. 2nd. a~d 3rd. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Martin that the invitation be received and
tabled until such time as a progra~me is received at which time a decision will be
reached; copy of the con~unication to be forwarded to the Niagara Falls and Suburban
Area Planning Board.
No. 225 - NlaRara Peninsula Conservation Committee - notice of formation of a Cousnittee
and suSgestin8 meeting with Council to discuss proposed formation and to request
Councll*s support. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Aid. Gregory that the
eom'unication be received and laid on the table pending .receipt of further information
as to objectives of such a Committee and costs involved to be submitted by the City
The following Reports were presented;
No. 247 - ManaRement Cemmittee - recoamendinZ that the City of Niagara Falls contribute
$1,500. towards the reconstruction of Road Street and Mechanic Street in Chippawn
damaged during the construction of the addition to the Niagara Falls Filtra~ion Plant.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. NeKinley and Ald. Gregory that the report be received
and reoonnendation adopted.
S.E.E Communication 223.
No. 248 - Traffic Committee - recentending that the bus stop on the south side of
Perry Street east of Main\Street be moved easterly to eliminate blocking of the
driveway; and further recommending that parking be prohibited on the north side o£
Willmort Street from VictoriaAvenue westerly to the rear of the Bank premises.ORDERED
on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Miller that the report be received and adopted.
No. 249 - Deputy Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of
Aid. McKinley and Aid. Miller that the report be received and adopted and licences
issued accordingly.
The following Petition was presented;
No. 8 - Mr. and Mrs. H.W.LaRush and 19 others - advising of bird nuisance on Pine
Grove Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. White that the
petition be received and referred to the City Manager for a report; the petitioners
to be advised that the city is attempting to obtain a certain kind of spray to
assist in the elimination of this nuisance.
AId. Martin, at this time, voiced congratulations to His Worship the
Mayor on the way the C~ty's portion of th& programme was carried out in connection
with the recent visit of Her Royal Highness, Princess Margaret. The Alderman
advised that he had heard numerous complimentary r~m~rks regardinS the same.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald.
REAl) AND ADOPTED, llth. August, 1958.
Deputy Clerk
The Property Committee's report on their inspection at the corner of
Valley Way and Victoria Avenue where Mr. C. Durward of the B.A. Station has applied
for a permit to erect a sign, was presented for consideration. The report recommended
that permission be granted with the understanding that the small sign advertising Gulf
Credit Cards be removed from the standard on Victoria Avenue. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Nattin and Mayor Hawkins that the report be received and permit be granted
The Property Committee's report on their inspection of 1359 Morrison Street
where a request had been received for the erection of a small building 10 feec by 24
feet, located at the rear of the premises. was presented for consideration. The
report advised that the Con~nittee had informed the owner that a permit would be issued
for the proposed building only when the attachment to the house had been removed.ORDERED
on the motion of AId. Miller and Ald. Martin that the report be received and tabled
until such time as all members of Council have had an opportunity to ~iew the premises.
Prior to this action, Ald. Miller voiced the opinion that A Committee should
not make their decision known to an applicant previous to submitting their recommendation
to Councils and that a letter advising of action taken should be forwarded to the
applicant over the signature of the City Manager.
Ald. Martin queried the use of the proposed building, stressing his disapproval
of allowing the erection of a structure which could eventually be used for business
purposes in a residential area.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Nayor Hawkins and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 12th. August, 1958.
Deputy Clerk ''
Council Chamber,
The Finance NeetAng was held on Tuesday, August 5th, 1958 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All Hembars of the Committee were present, with
the exception of AId. Norton and Ald. Mowers. Ald. White, Chairman of Finance,
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $56,921.00 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion
'of AId. McKinley.and AId. Miller.
Council Chamber,
5th. August, 1958.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Neerings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Con~ittee. All Hemberg of Council were present, with the exception of Ald.
Morton and Ald. Mowers. His Worship, Nayor Hawkins, presided.
The following By-law was passed;
No. 5663 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald. Miller that Ald. White be
granted the privilege o~ introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. White and Ald. Gregory that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules o£ Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Readin~ -Ald. Miller and AId. Bartin - Carried Unanimously.
AId. Miller desired to know whether any more complaints had been received
about the odour of fish, and the accumulstion of water,Genera Street where the
Finley Fish Company is in operation. The City Haneger advised Chat no further
complaints had been received and that certain work has been done. AId. ~iller,
however, s~ggested that another check of this area be made.
Aid. Hartin requested the Traffic Committee to inspect the traffic
congestion which results on Spring Street between Stanley Avenue and Buchanan Avenue
in front of the National Bakery where cars are parked and pointed out that the street
is very narrow, at this location.
The Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of AId. Hartin and AId. McKinley.
READ AND ADOPTED, 12th. August, 1958.
Deputy Clerk
Council Chamber,
5th.AugusC, 1958.
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of
the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Tuesday, August 5th, 1958 for the
purpose of considering the items presented to them. All Hembars of the Committee
were present, with the exception of Ald. Norton and Aid. Mowers. His Worship,
Nayor Hawkins, presided.
After consideration of the items presented to them, the Cou~iCtee adjourned on the
motion of AId. Nillet and Ald. Battle.
READ AND ADOFrED, 12th. August, 1958.
Council Chamber,
llth..{ugust, 1958.
Pursuant to adjourr~ent, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, August llth.
1958, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. all Members of
Council were present. with the exception of Ald. Hiller and AId. Nowera. The Council,
having received and read the mlnutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the
motion of Aid. Martin and AId. McKinley.
The following Communications were presented;
No. 226 - Bell Telephone Co. of Canada - request_ng permiss_on to place bur~ed cable
and remove existleg poles, anchor and aerial cable on Fourth Avenue north of Hamilton
Street. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. RcKinley and Ald. Morton that the communication
be received and filed and permission granted.
SEE By-law Number 5664
No. 22? - Lions Club - requesting proclamation of Sight Conservation Week, August 25th.
to 30th. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Norton and Aid. Gregory that the communication
be received and filed and proclamation issued as requested.
N~. 228 - City of Kingston - resolution disapproving of the rescinding of Section 29
of the Public Hospitals Act, which grants municipality right to recover, all or part
of amount expanded on hospitalization of indigent patients. The City MansEer presented
a verbal report, recommending endorsement of this resolution, being of the opinion that
the Federal Government should not take any action to change this legislation at the
present time. The City Manager pointed out the weakness of the Health Insurance
Scheme, that it is not mandatory except on large firms with the result that municipalities
will find themselves liable for numerous indigent hospital hills of individuals who will
allow their premiums to lapse. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Gregory and AId. Martin
that the resolution be received and endorsed.
No. 229 - Ontario Association of Plembin~ Inspectors and affiliates - forthcoming
convention to be held in Ottawa, September 23rd, to 28th. ORDERED on the motion of
AId.Norton and AId. McKinley that the c~muunication be received, filed and permission
granted as recommended in the City Hanager's report.
SEE Report Number 250
No. 230 - Ontario Fire College - Instruction Course for Fire Department Instructors -
Sept. 29th. to Oct. loeb. at Gravenhurst. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and
AId. Norton that the c~m~nication be received andreferred to the City Manager for a
report, and authority to submit the application if deemed'advisable.
The following Re~orts rare Presented;
No. 250 - City Nanmast - recon~endin~ attendance of Sanitary Inspector at Ontario
s.ni.y Ina,.ctor.' 0onv.ntien .t ,ind.or. s.pt. ,o ep,.
Pl'~i I i g Inspector, aC the Annul Convention o~ the Ontario Association o~
q ~ aspectors and A~filiaCes in OCC~a ~r~ Sept. 2~Ch. Co 26Oh.
the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid, McKinley that the report Mud recommendations of the
CityManager be received and adopted,
No. 251 - City Manager - report on advice received from Bridge Engineer o~ C.N.R. on
.Victoria Av~i~:o~drbead bridge and eh~ likitin2 o~ loads to 8 tons until repairs have
:beaa*cemPle~ted, 0~D~ oa the ~e~Qn O~ ~ld, ~Cin and AId. Gregory t~C the r~or~
~a~iv~d and fixed. '
No. 252 - City Manager - reco~ending attendance of Fire Chief Wade at Annual
Convention of Canadian Fire Chiefs in Namilton, August 17th. to 23rd. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Gregory that the report he received and adopted.
No. 253 - Deputy Clerk - report on Conference held on August 5th. re Management
Conn~ittee*s recommendations on appointment of Collector of Tax Arrears on a three
months' trial basis and an Operator at Filtration Plant, on three months' trial
basis. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and AId. Morton that the report be
received and adopted.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 8 - Mr, and Mrs, H.W.LaRush and 19 others - re nuisance of birds in vicinity of
PineSrove Avenue. The CityManager. proceeded to present a verbal report, stating
that not much headway had been made to relieve the complaint due to the fact that
the material utilized has been found to be unsuitable for spraying, being material
that has to be placed on window ledges or gables of houses. He further advised that
the spray unit from the Parks Dept. had been used but only moved the birds from one
tree to another. The City Manager advised that contact had been made with a person
about a chemical product which is thought might work but whether this man will
actually do the work or just supply the material it is not known at the present time.
He pointed out that the petition does not represent one hundred percent of the feeling
in the area concerned, advisinS that letters had been received £rom householders
taking the opposite view; that the birds are not creating as much of a nuisance as
people in the area trying to drive them out of the trees. The City Manager concluded
his remarks by stating that although the situation is bade, these conditions only
exist for a very short period and it is hoped that eventually there will be some
remedy. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and AId. Morton that the petition be
again tabled for further report.
The followin~ Petition was presented;
No. 9 - Frank DiGiacomo and 8 others - requesting action of Council regarding the.
exhust fan in use by Finley Fish Company on Ellen Avenue, discharging fish odours
from the premises. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Aid. White that the
petition be received and referred to the City Manager and Sanitary Inspector for
submission of reports.
The followinR By-law was passed;
No. 5664 - To provide for permission to The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada to place
buried cable and remove existing poles, anchor and aerial cable on
Fourth Avenue north of Hailton Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and AId. Morton that AId.McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously. ,
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Gregory that Rule 36(2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be te=porarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading, - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. Morton and Aid. White - Carried Unanimously.
AId. Morton, Chairman of the Traffic Committee, referred to AId, Mortin's
request to check the traffic conditions on Spring Street, between Stanley Avenue and
Buchanan Avenue and advised that hie Committee would endearour to have a meeting
this week,
'19 i;
Ald. McKinley stated that considerable publicity had been given when the
licence at the Hi-Ho had been cancelled. He said he had been up to look at the
rooms and was of the opinion, along with some of the other Aldermen, that the rooms
were not as bad as outlined in the report of the Sanitary Inspector. He requested
~he City Manager to visit the Hi-Ho, with or without Mr. G.F.Browne, D~strict
Inspector, of the Department of Travel and Publicity, within the next day or two
and check carefully all the details of the report given by the Sanitary Inspector,
to see how much is correct. The original motion was that a report was to be given
by the City Manager, which has not been submitted.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and aid. Martin that the C~ty
Manager, either with or without Mr. Browne, District Inspector o£ the Provincial
Department of Travel and Publicity, inspect the Hi-Ho rooms at 1717 V~ctoria Avenue
by the middle of the week and that the City Manager be given the authority to have
the licences reinstated immediately and submit a report at the next meeting of
Council. Carried Unanimously.
In connection with this matter, Aid. Martin was of the opinion that the
conditions were no worse than in other tourist homes in the City and were definitely
not in the condition stated in the report. Both Inspectors had stressed the lack of
co-operation and to be fair, they should be heard.
Aid. Morton concurred, being of the opinion that the rooms were in no worse
condition than other places and expressed his desire that a report from Mr. Orr and
Mr. Browne, be submitted when available.
Aid. McKinley stressed the need for an additional street light on Victoria
Avenue between Clifton Hill and Walnut Street and requested the Traffic Committee to
take this under advisement and report on the advisability bf having this installed.
AId. Gregory requested the Traffic Con~aittee to check parking on Victoria
Avenue, east side, from Clifton Hill to Palmet Avenue, along the M.C.R. track. He
felt kthat a dangerous situation for motorists exists when they get out of their
cars on the travelled portion of the road.
AId. McKinley raised the question of low water pressure on McRae Street
in the vicinity of Heywood Avenue last Wednesday or Thursday, and said that he had
been advised that the water pressure all over the City had dropped to 48 pounds. The
City Manager advised that during hot weather, they were satisfied to keep the water
at the north end of the city to 48 pounds, if possible, and stated that the new
facilities had made it possible to increase the pressure from 22 pounds to 48 pounds.
He advised that the man had been working in that area and it was possible that for
the one night one of the valves may have been partly closed which resulted in the
lack of pressure. The City Manager advised that he would investigate the complaint.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald.
-READ Ale ADOPTED, 18th. August, 1958.
Council Chamber,
llth.August, 1958.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, August 11th, 1958 for the purpose
of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present, with the
exception of Ald. Miller and Ald. Mowers. Ald. White, Chairman of Finance,presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $47,322.36 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of
AId. McKinley and Ald. Martin.
The S-~ry of Tenders received for painting the interior of the City
Hall was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Nattin and AId.
Morton that the Svm~ry of Tenders be received and filed and the low tender of
F. Dunham and Son, at a quotation of $662.00 be accepted subject to the provision
that before the Contract is signed, it be definitely ascertained that the ceiling
in the Council Chamber is included and that the City Manager will check for coverage
of Workmen's Compensation and Public Liability and Property Damage; and if these
conditions are not complied with, the matter be referred back to Council for further
In connection with quotations received for painting the. structural steel
at the Memorial Arena, AId. McKinley, Chairman of the Arena Committee, reported
verbally, and it was ordered on the motion of AId. McKinley and Aid. !tartin that
no action be taken at the present time as the condition of the steel in the Arena
is not quite as bad as anticipated; also due to the variance in the quotations
received, a more satisfactory decision may be reached next spring.
The report on the summ~rie8 of tenders received for excavation, water-
bound macadam, asphalt base and asphalt wearing surface for the pavement on McRae
Street between Heywood Avenue and Stanley Avenue was presented for consideration.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Norton Chat the tender for excavation
be awarded to Cala~uiro Brothers, at an estimated cost of $2,356.00 as recommended by
the CityManager. Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Norton and Ald. Gregory that the tender for
waterboundmacadamand asphalt base and asphalt wearing surface be awarded to Shark
Construction Company, at a quotation of $15,366.20, the low tendeter. Carried
His Worship the Hayor queried whether local labour would be used on this
project and the City Hanager advised that most of the labour will be out of town
labour as there is very little labour in connection with the construction of a road'
as'experienced men are necessary and most of the macadam base will be handled by
machinery, pointing out that practically all the labour in connection with a road
where City labour could be used would be for curbs, 8utters, sidewalks, water
services, etc. In answer to the Hayor's query as to whether any of the three
tenderera were taxpayers in the City of Niaeara Falls, he was advised that they
were not,
Aid. Nattin advised that he had received complaints reSarding depressed
driveways on Stamford Street and the City Hanager advised that these were being
constructed on all streets where new sidewalks were being laid and very few complaints
have been received about them.
The Hanagament Conmitteees report on tenders submitted in connection
with the construction of a chlorine storage building and chlorinating room, at the'
Filtration Pladt g~d'th0 'f~pOrt of the same by the Consulting 'Engineers~ H;G,Acres
and Co, Ltd, was submitted tot consideration, ORDERED on the motion o~ Aid,
McKinley and Aid. Norton that the report and reconmendation that the tender be
awarded to W.Benson and Son Limited, at a quotation o~ $13,750. be received and
adopted. Carried ~nanim0~sly.
SEE ReSolution 67.
The City Manager's report on the application of Jos. Biamonte for a
building permit for alterations to the premises at1909-1911 biain Street, at an
estimated cost of $4,500. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion
of Aid. Norton and Ald. Gregory that the report be received and adopted and permit
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and
Ald. Martin.
READ AND ADOPTED, 18th. August, 1958.
Deputy Clerk
Chairman of Finance.
Council Chamber,
llth. August, 1958.
'The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Neetints for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Connnittee. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of Aid.
Miller and Ald. Mowers. His Worship, Hayor Hawkins, presided.
The following By-law was passed;
No. 5665 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald. Gregory that AId. White be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading.. Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Hartin and AId. White that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and t~e by-law be given the second
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. Morton and Aid. Gregory - Carried Unanimously.
The following Resolution was passed;
No. 67 - MCKINLEY - MORTON - RESOLVED that the tender of W. Benson and Son,
Limited, for the construction of a chlorine storaEe building and chlorinering
room, at a quotation of $13,750. be accepted and the Mayor and Clerk be
authorized to enter into and deliver an agreement and/or contract for the
carryinE out of such work; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Morton.
READ AND ADOPTED, 18th. August, 1958.
Deputy Clerk
Council Chamber,
18th. August, 1958.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, ,~ugust 18th.
1958, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. Xll Members of
Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of ,dd. Miller and AId. Liartin.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 230 - Ontario Fire ColleKe - Instructor's Course, Sept. 29th. to Oct. 10th. at
Gravenhurst. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Morton that the com-
munication be received and £iled and Mr. Stanley Thomson attend.
SE~ Report No. 254.
The following Con~nunications were presented;
No, 231 - Niagara Home Furnishers - requesting permission to erect street banner at
Centre Street and Victoria Avenue in connection with sale to be held at Memorial
Arena, Sept. 3rd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Gregory that the
communication be received and filed and permission be not granted, being contrary to
municipal by-law.
No. 232 - Ontario Water Resources Commission - invitation to attend official opening
of Stratford sewage treatment plant, on August 28th. at 2.30 p.m. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Mowers and AId. McKinley that the communication be received, the
invitation accepted and the City Manager and the Chairman of Finance, the City's
representatives on the Commissions be authorized to attend, along with as many other
members of Council as find it possible.
No. 233 - Niagara Falls Junior Chamber of J Commerce - requesting proclamation of
Jaycee Week, Oct. 5th. to 11th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Miller
that the communication be received and filed and proclamation issued as requested.
No. 234 - Greater Niagara Baseball Association - requesting use of Oakes Park on
August 25th. without charge for-lights. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald.
Morton that the co~mmnication be received and referred to the Parks and Recreation
Committee with power to act.
No. 235 - Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities - advising of Joint Municipal
Opposition to application of Bell Telephone Co. for an increase in rates. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald, Miller that the communication be received and filed.
F. eports
The followinK Reports were Presented;
No. 254 - City Manager - recommending that Stanley Themson of the Niagara Falls Fire
Dept. bepermitted to attend Instructor's Course at Gravenburst. ORDERED on the motion
of AId. McKinley and Ald, Morton that the report be received and adopted.
No. 255 - City Manager -advisinS of presence of Chief Engineer, Central Region, C.N.R,
in the City at the end of August, to discuss possibility of constructing a new bridge
over the tracks at Victoria Avenue, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Mowers and Ald.
Gregory that the report be received and filed, At the instigation of AId. Nattin ~ho'
~as of the opinion that the Victoria Avenue overhead bridge could be repaired and used
for li2ht traf{ic tnde{initely, and a new bridge constructed in a different location
thus resulting in two exits and two entrances to the Glenview Area to acconuodate
the many industries located there, and also be of advantage to the City as a whole,
a full discussion ensued, after which it was ordered on the motion of AId. Martin
and AId. Morton that the Property Co~ittee submit a full report to Council as to
whether another location would be suitable or the possibility of having two
No. 256 - City Manager ~ recon~ending the attendance of Fire Chiefs at Course for
Senior Administrator Officers at Oravenhurst, connencing August 25th. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald, Miller that the report be received and adopted,
No. 25] - City Manager - report on Hi- Ho Tourist Rooms at 1717 Victoria Avenue
and the issuance of Lodging House certificates for three rooms only, until the
fourth room is repaired satisfactorily. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and
~ld. Gregory that the report be received and adopted.
No. 258 - Deputy City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the
motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Martin that the report be received and adopted
and licences issued accordingly.
No. 259 - City Manager - report on visit to Finley Fish Co. in connection with the
petition against exhaust tan in operation, and advising of action taken; ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Miller and AId. Gregory that the report be received and laid
on the table for the next meeting of Council.
SEE Petition No. 9.
AId. Miller who had been delegated by Council to attend the Annual
American Municipal Association Workshop in off-street parking on August llth. and
12th. in Toronto, at this time expressed appreciation for the possibility of
attending and proceeded to present a verbal report in some detail on the items
discussed, specifically referring to the fact that the merchants contribute to the
initial cost of a parking lot where such lot is in the vicinity of the stores; the
discussion held on attendants for parkin~ lots and parking lots equipped with meters,
pointing out that the revenue received from the parking lot is in a separate fund,
set aside for the development of parking lots.
The Alderman was of the opinion that the Workshop should be aCtended by
the City Engineer or the City Manager.
AId. White reported verbally on his attendance at the Civilian Defence
Meeting held in Toronto on August 13th. with the Honourable ~m. Nickle, Minister of
Planning and Development. The Alderman expressed his satisfaction that the revenue
needed would be forthcoming as had been assured by the Minister.
Laid over from tKe previous meeting;
No. 9 - Frank DiGiacomo and 8 others - requestin8 action of Council regarding the
exhaust fan in operation at the Finley Fish Co. on Ellen Avenue. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Miller and Aid. Gregory that the petition be again tabled for the
next meeting of Council.
SEE Report Number 259.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Mowers and AId.
READ A~D ADOPTED, 25th. August, 1958.
Council Chamber,
18th. ,'~ugust, 1958.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, August 18th. 1958 for the purpose
of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Connittee were present. ,dd. White,
Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $55,319.29 were approved by the Committee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered
placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Mayor
Hawkins and AId. McKinley.
A communication from the Editor-Manager of the publication "Police News"
was presented, which requested that the City consider placing an advertisement in
their forthcoming issue. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Miller and Ald. Gregory
that the communication be received and referred to the Chairman of Finance with
power to act.
The City Nanager's report on the application for a permit by the China Doll
Restaurant, 1292 Ferry Street, at an estimated cost of $450. was presented for
consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley that the report
be received and adopted and permit issued, for the erection of a neon sign.
The City Manager's report on the application of A. Rocco, 1380 Ferry Street,
for the erection of a masonite sign, at an estimated cost of $70. to advertise Tony's
Barber Shop, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton
and AId. Nillet that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The CityManager's report on the application of A. Rocco, for a permit to
erect a sign at 1384 Ferry Street, advertising Lucille's Beauty Salon, at an estimated
cost of $70. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller
and AId. eregory that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Nanager's report on the application of Ralph P. Zabor, for a
building permit to make alterations-to the building on the north side of Robinson Street,
betweenMain Street and Ross Street, formerly occupied by Canada Dry, and advising that
the owner prpposes to utilize the ground floor as a dance hall and continue the
use of apartments on the second floor; alterations to cost $5,000. was presented for
consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. Miller that the report
be received and referred to the Property Committee for consideration and report.
It was moved by AId. McKinley and Aid. Mowers that the report submitted by
the City Manager to the Parks and Recreation Committee, reconnending the purchase of
five steel bleachers at a total cost of $1,220. for Oakes Park, be considered at this
time. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Gregory that the report and
recommendation be received and adopted.
At this time, it was ordered on the motion of AId. Mowers and AId. McKinley
that Mr. H. Paper, Jr, 1228 Roberrs Street, who was present at the meeting in connection
with an application for a permit to erect a sign advertising "Kay's Motel", be heard.
Mr. Paper referred to the classification appearing on the tax and business tax bills
with reference to the word "motel" and if Council did not consider it as such, then
the bills should not contain this classification. The City Manager then reported
verbally on t~e application of Mr. Papst for a permit to erect a neon racer sign to be
bolted to the north-west corner of his dwelltn~ and advised that this property had
never been considered as a mote; that the by-law would have to be amended to include '!~
this area, if the structure was to be considered as a motel. ORDERgD on the motion of
Ald. Bowers* and Nayor Hawkins' that the application be re~erred to the Property .'
Committee for consideration end report..
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and
Ald. Morton.
READ ~ ADOPTED, 25th. August, 1958.
Deputy Clerk
hairman of Finance.
Council Chamber,
18th. august, 1958.
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of the
regular Council and F~nance Meetings on Monday, August 18th, 1958 for the purpose of'
considering a report of the City Manager. All Members of the Committee were present.
His Worship, Mayor Hawkins, presided.
AEter consideration of the item presented to them, the Conmxittee adjourned on the'
motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley.
READ AND ADOPTED, 25th. August, 1958.
Council Chamber,
18th.~ugust, 1958.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Committee. All Members of Councll were present. Hls Worship, Mayor Hawkins,
Deputy Clerk
'.i' ' '~Chairman.
The followin~ By-law was passed;
No. 5660 - To provide monies for general purposes,
ORDERED on the motion o~ AId. Mowers and Aid. McKxniey that Aid. White
be granted the privilege of introducin$ the by-law and the by-law be given the 1st.
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. White and Aid. Morton that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be tem~orarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second' reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -:AId.Gregory and AId. Miller - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of AId, Mowers and&ld, Martin,
READ ~ ADOFrED, 25~h, August, 1958.
· p pu 7 ,,a' a~,. ~ MaTor.
Council Chamber,
25th. August,1958.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, August 25th.
1958, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of
Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory.
Tenders had been called for painting and installing tile flooring in the
Niagara Palls Filtration 'Plant and it was ordered on the motion of AId. Mowers and
Ald. Miller that the tenders received, be opened, initialled by Ris Worship the
Mayor and tabulated.
The following Con~unications were presented;
No. 236 - Canadian Corps Association - requesting use of Sakes Park, September 20th.
for Inter-Unit Sports Day. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Miller and AId. Mowers
that the communication be received and referred to the Parks and Recreation Committee
with power to act.
No. 237 - Oredeer Niagara Chamber of Comnerce - Board Meetings and requesting
appointment o£ Council representatives to attend same. ORDERED on the motion of AId.
Mowers and Aid. Morton Chat the letter be received and filed and the Chamber be
advised that Aid. Gregory will attend the meeting of September 17th; Ald. Mowers on
October 15th; end Ald. Miller on November 19th.
No. 238 - Industrial Committee of Greater Niagara Chamber of Co~mercetinvitation to
Second Annual Industrial Seminar at Sheraton-Brock Hotel on Septamber 15th. ORDERED
on the motion of AId. Miller and AId. McKinley that the communication be received
and the invitation accepted and as many of the M~hers of Council as find it
possible attend. His Worship the Mayor and all members of Council, with the
exception of AId. McKinley and Aid. Gregory indicated their intention to be present.
No. 239 - Ontario Municipal Joint G~;.'-..lttee on Samerage Works - requesting City to
forward a co~munication to Premier Frost urging that the Joint ConmiSSes be given
opportunity to deal directly with his office re~arding senior government financial
assistance for the construction of sewerage works. ORDERED on the motion of AId.
Mowers and Ald. Morton that the couxnunieation be received and a draft communication
be prepared by the City Manager and the Chairman of Finance, for submission to
Council, prior to the forwarding el the same to the Joint Committee.
No. 240 - City of Windsor - resolution requesting Dept. of Education to assume
responsibility of the education of retarded children. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Morton, and AId, Miller that the resolution be received end filed and the City
Clerk make available copies of the previous report submitted to Council on the
subject, before the Ontario Municipal Association Convention convenes. Carried
with Ald. Morton-contrary.
No, 241 - T.O.Iazarides and Associates Limited - outlining the sharing of costs in
connection with the Victoria Avenue overhead bridHe. ORDERED on the motion of AId.
Martin and AId, Gregory Chat the co~nunication bn received and filed. Prior to this
action, the City Manager presented a verbal report advising of an appointment which
Mr, Griffiths of the C.N.R, desired, August 28[h, but which he the City Manager could
not keep, due to a previous appointment in Stratford on that date, The City Manager
a~tvissd that he expected another appointment would be sometime the followin~ week;
but took exception tothe statement in the communication that the City el Nittara
Fails s share of the residuel cost would be negligible and advised that there would
be time enough to decide whether T.O, !azaridss® Services would be rsquested~ a[eer
meeting with the C.N.R.official, Mr, Griffit~s,
No. 2~2 - Victoria Avenue Busine8smen's Association - submitting three queries to
Council regarding lights on Victoria Avenue; location of new Post Office and Victoria
Avenue overhead bridge. In connection with this conununication His Worship the Mayor
pointed out that with reference to the lights, everything had been done that was
feasible from a financial standpoint. As to the Post Office, the location was very
definitely in the hands of the Department of Public Works for the Federal Government
and as to the construction of a bridge over the C.N.R. main line, this was very
definitely under consideration - witness the contacts with T.O.Lazarides and Associates.
AId. Mowers made particular reference to the portion of the communication dealing with
the lights on Victoria Avenue, indicating that what the Mayor had said was correct and
also referred to the fact that the President of the Victoria Avenue Bueinessmen's
Association was sitting on Council in the year 195~ and should have had knowledge of'
what was being done and what was proposed in connection with street lighting. ORDERED
on the motion of Aid. Mowers and AId. Morton that the con~unication be received, filed
and the C~ty Clerk reply to the same indicating the views of Council as stated.
No. 243 - All Saints Anglican Church - requesting Council to seriously consider
before granting a dance hall licence on Robinson Street, being of the opinion that
such a hall in this location would affect not only church property but the youth
programme. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. M--ller that the coum~unication
be received and referred to the Finance Meeting where the application to renovate the
building in question for this purpose, will be considered.
SEE Petition Number lO.
SEE Finance Meeting
Laid over from a previous meeting.
No. 259 - City Manager - report on inspection of Finlay Fish Company on August 141th;
and advising of instructions issued to the Company; and that further info~nation would
be supplied to Council at the next meeting.
SEE Report Number 260.
The followin~ Reports were presented;
No. 260 - City Manager - further check on conditions at Finlay Fish Co. outlining
improvements made and recommending rebuilding of sidewalk and gutter to provide
suitable drainage in the area, at an estimated cost of $600.00. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Miller and Aid. Morton that the reports be received and adopted.
SEE Petition No.9.
No. 261 - Traffic Co~nittee - recommending additional lights on Victoria Avenue to
the north of Clifton Hill; no change in parkin~ on east side of Victoria Avenue
between Clifton Rill and Palmet Ave. at present time; elimination of parking on
south side of Spring from Stanley to a point 68 feet east; installation of sign
on east side of Victoria Avenue south of Simcoe Street advising motorist to "stop
here on red lights. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley that
the report and rec~n~endatious be received and adopted.
No. 262 - City Clerk - rec~sending issuance of liceaces. ORDERED on the motion of
AId. Morton and AId, Gregory that the report be received and adopted and liceaces
issued accordingly.
No, 263 - City Clerk - attaching application for Hawker and Fedlet liceaces which
have not been epproved. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Ald. McKinley
that the report be received, filed and liceaces be not granted. Prior to this
action the City Clerk advised that the one applicant wished to peddle fruit and the
second application, household items, all of which are available in stores throughout
the monicipali~,
Laid over from a previous meeting;
No. 9 - Frank DiOlacomo and 8 oth.ers - protesting operation of an exhaust fan at
Finley Fish Co. 0RDK~ED on Che me~ion o~ Ald. Miller and AId. Morton that the
Petitioners be notified o~ the action ~o be taken to eliminate the nuisance o~ flies,
She odeare omitted by exhaust ha and the work Zo be performed on the sidewalk and
8e in the area:'
506 507
The followiu~ Petitions were presented;
No. 10 - Mrs. Alfred Manuel and 93 others - protesting the issuance of a dance hall
for a building on Robinson Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald.
Miller that the petition be received and referred to the Finance Meeting where
the application to renovate the building in question for this purpose, will be
gEE Finance Meeting.
No. 11 - Thos. J. Beater and 93 others - requesting the re-opening of the Bender
Hill crossing. In connection with this petition, Ald. Morton enquired as to the
possibility of having this crossing re-opened and was advised by His Worship the
Mayor that it would involve the necessity of installing wig wag signals and the
reinstating of another level crossing but that it would possibly have a detrimental
affect on adjacent properties. Aid. Miller, although he did not doubt the decisions
previously made in connection with this location, felt that since then times had
changed and there might be a possibility of having the views of the controlling
authorities reversed. Aid. Mowers felt that if any substantial amount of money
Were to be expanded that serious thought should be given to the possible relocation
of the New York Central tracks in the municipality and that in order to give serious
consideration it would involve the attention of experts, suggesting T.O.Lazarides
and Associates for this purpose. The City Nana~er quoted from a report previously
submitted concerning this subject and recited the Order of the Board of Transport
Conanissioners in this regard, indicating that he was dubious as to whether any
satisfactory opinions could now be obtained. Following further discussion it was
ordered on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Morton that the petition be received
and referred to the Traffic Con~ittee for a complete study and report to Council.
Carried Unanimously.
At this time, Ald. McKinley enquired as to the party responsible for
the removal of signs on Newman Bill directing motorists to the City and also out of
town. The City Manager advised that he would check into this matter as the signs had
previously been erected by the Depart~nent of Highways.
On the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Morton, Mrs. 3. Sinclair was
permitted to speak to Council. Mrs. J. Sinclair spoke on behalf of the tourist homes
regarding the removal of the signs referred to by AId. McKinley.
The following Resolution was passed;
No. 68 - McKINLEy - MOWERS - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of Council
scheduled for 'tuesday, September 2nd, 1958 be cancelled; and the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
.BY -lAWSt
The following By-laws were passed.
.No. 5667 - To ~rant a retirement allowance to a municipal employee.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Howers and Aid. McKinley that AId. ~hite
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDB. RED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standin~ Rales of Cou. ncil be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second readin2. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Readin2 -Ald. liarton and Ald. Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
Mop 56.~8 - To amend By?law Number 3790, bein8 a by-law for the Ye~ulation 0f traffic.
0RDEBBD on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Miller that Ald. Morton
be granted the privile2e of tntroducin~ the by-law and the b~y-l~w be 2ivan the flzst
~eaa~n8, - ~afrie~ Unahi~us~y. ' , '
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Aid. Gregory that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. Morton and Ald. McKinley - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5669 - To amend By-law Number 3791, being a by-law designating through highways.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Aid. Mowers that Aid. Morton be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of ,kid. Morton and ,kid. Gregory that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously,
Third Reading -Ald. Miller and AId. Morton - Carried Unanimously.
AId. McKinley requested the City Manager to give an explanation to Council
re~arding injuries sustained by a child at the Swinnning Pool; advising that his mother
apparently was not satisfied with the information she had received from City Hall
The City Manager proceeded to outline the practice of the municipality when
claims are received, pointing out that the City is insured for'liability but not
against accidents. Aid. McKinley was of the opinion that this information should be
publicized for the benefit of the citizens.
AId. Miller queried the reason for not completing the installation of new
sidewalk and curb on the south side of Stamford Street to MacDonald Avenue and the
City Manager Froceeded to outline the progr~mme anticipated at that point.
Ald. Morton referred to the roughness of the surface on Valley Way near
Stanley Avenue with which AId. Mowers concurred.
The City Manager advised of the poor condition of the soil and his intention
of ramoving the surface and pouring concrete slabs into it, in order to arrive at a
satisfactory solution.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 8th. Septamber, 1958.
Council Chamber,
25th. August, 1958.
The Finance Meatin6 yes held on Monday, August 25th, 1958 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All Members of the Co~snittee were present. AId.
White, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $77,993.01 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion
of AId. Mowers and Ald. McKinley.
The Property Co~ittee's report on the application of Ralph P. Zabor
for a permit to make alterations to the building on the north side of Robinson
Street between M~iu Street and Ross Street, and suggesting that it is quite in
order for a building permit to be issued for alterations but recommending that
no litante for the operation of a dance hall be issued, was presented for
consideration, along with communication number 243 and petition number 10 dis-
approving the location of a dance hall on Robinson Street. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mowers that the report and recommendation of the Property
Cogselites be received and adopted and the communication and petition be received
and filed.
The Property Coamittee's report on the application of H. Papst, Jr.
1228 Robert Street for a permit to erect a sign to be attached to the north-west
corner of the dwelling, to read '~,ay's Motel" was presented for consideration,with
the Committeets recommendation that no permit be issued. Mr. Pepsi, who was
present, was permitted to speak to Council on the motion of AId. Mowers and Ald.
Martin. He referred to the necessity for such a sign, which would assist in the
operation of the business and advised that such a request was a fair one. Ald.
Miller, Chairman of the Property Committee, proceeded to outline the action taken
by Council from the date (March 31st, 1947) when application was first received
for an addition to these premises, advising that the premises had been classified
as an addition to the tourist home and that iw what it has been licensed as ever
since. AId. Norton spoke in fayour of the application, due to the fact that it
was classified by the Assessment Department as a '~oCel" and that it is a well
maintained establishsent. Upon a query from Ald. NcKinley it was indicated that
this location was not included in the by-law designating motel areas. AId.Mowers
pointed out that existing by-laws do not permit the licensing of motel construction
at the rear of d~ellings and therefore the establishment in question would not
qualify due to insufficient land space. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and
Ald. Miller the Property Committee's report and recommendation was received and
adopted. Carried, with AId. Morton-contrary.
The Property Commtttee's report on the application of~hn. Burton,
1422 MacDonald Avenue, for a permit to erect a frame garage on the north side of
his dwelling, was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId.Miller
that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City ManaSer's report on the application of Gordon Jtckells, 1124
Morrison Street, for a permit to erect an illuminated plastic sign, at an estimated
cost of ~300. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId.Gregory
that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of Mr. Antonio, 657 queen
Street, for a permit to erect an illuminated plastic sign, at an estimated cost of
$300. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and
Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
· , The City Manageres report raceshanding the bitemul armorcoating on five
street surfsease at ~ total cost o~ ~4,180. was presented. ORDERED on ~hemotion
of &ld. Martin and &ld. Morton tha~ ~he report be received and adopted and work
proceeded with.
The City Manager's report containing quotations for placing an asphalt
and gravel roof on the garage portion of the City building at the corner of Park
Street and Welland Avenue and recommending that the quotation of calisina and Parent
for a 15-year guaranteed roof at a quoted price of $938.00 was presented. ORDERED
on the motion of Aid. Miller and Aid. Morton that the report be received and
The City Manager advised at this time that he had had a cheque prepared
for forwarding to the Niagara Falls Illumination Board, in the amount of $9,111.15
being the balance owing by the City of Niagara Falls on the capital cost of the
new lighting installation for the falls; his reasons for so doing being that if we
did not pay the outstanding balance, interest would be charged at the rate of six
percent per month and in order to save the interest charges, it was deemed advisable
to clean the amount off in its entirety. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and
Ald. Morton that, as suggested by the City Manager, the City of Niagara Falls issue
the cheque for the outstanding balance of the capital cost of the new falls illumin-
ation. Carried Unanimously.
The Connittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of .~ld. McKinley and
Ald. Miller.
READ AND ADOPTED. 8th. September, 1958.
Clerk ....... · ·
Council Chamber,
25th. August, 1958.
The Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by=law which covered the accounts approved
by the Committee.
The following BY-law was passed;
No. 5670 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Morton that Ald. White
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by=law be Eiven the first
reading. = Carried Unanimously.
GRDERED on the motion of AId. White and AId. Miller that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules ot Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. Morton and AId. Gregory - Carried Unanimously.
At this time, the report of the Arena Com-tttee was presented
which recon~ended the purchase and installation of a new brine pump at the Niagara
Falls Memorial Arena by J.H.Lock and Sons, Limited, at a cost of $2,485.00 which
price dues not include concrete foundations or electric wiring. It was indicated
that an amount of $2,500. was included in the 1958 Budget for this new unit.
ORDBRED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Morton that the report be received
and adopted.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Aid. White and Ald. Morton.
RBAD AND ADOPTED, 8th. September,1958.
Council Chamber,
The Conference Co~mittee of the City Council assembled at the close of
the regular Councll and Finance Meetings on Monday, August 25th, 1958 for the
purpose of considering the items presented to them. All Members of the Committee
were present. His Worship, Nayor Hawkins, presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items presented to them, the Committee adjourned on the
motion of AId. Miller and Aid. Mowers.
READ ~ ADOPTED, 8th. September, 1958.
Council Chamber,
8th. September,1958.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, September
8th, 1958, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members
of Council were present, with the exception of AId. White. The Council, having
received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion
of AId. Miller and Aid. Morton.
Mr. R. M. Lindley, applicant for a permit to erect a motel on the Canadian
Corps property, at 1657 Victoria Avenue, was present at the meeting and he was
permitted to speak to Council, on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton. Mr.
Lindley referred to the sketch which was before Council, advising that this would
not be the final appearance of the ground, but temporarily the motel would be L-
shaped for two or three years, in order to allow metered parking to remain there.
He outlined the arrangements made for exits out to Ellen Avenue. Uis Worship the
Mayor advised Council that the sale of this property was contingent upon the decision
of the City Council.
SEE Communication 250.
Laid over from a previous meeting;
No. 224 - Dept. of Planning & Development - invitation to Industrial Development
Conference to be held at Royal York Hotel in Toronto, Oct. 2nd. and 3rd. ORDERED
on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Mowers that the invitation be received and
accepted and AId. Martin and Ald. Morton, Countills representatives on the Greater
Niagara Chamber of Commerce Industrial Committee, be authorized to attend.
The follomlng Communications were presented.
No. 244 - Bell Telephone Co. of Canada - requesting permission to place one anchor
and remove one pole and anchor on North Street, west of Stanley Avenue.
No. 245 - Bell Telephone Co. of Canada - requesting permission to place aerial wire
on Marray and Buchanan Streets. ORDgRED on the motion of Ald. Morton end AId.Mowers
that these cou~dnicatlons be considered together, ORDBRED on the motion of AId.
McKinley and Ald. Martin that the communications be received and filed and permission
granted as requested.
SEE By-law Number 5671
No. 246 - Village of Chippawn - expressing appreciation for co-operation and
contribution received towards reconstruction of Road and Mechanic Streets in the
Village of Chippawn. ORDERED on the motion of Aid, Martin and AId. Miller that
the communication be received and filed.
No. 247 - Central Mortgage & Housing Corporation - notifying Council of the sale of
houses in Project 8/48. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and AId. Gregory that
the communication be received and filed.
No. 248 - Niagara Palls Horticultural Society - expressing appreciation for donation
towards prizes in Annual Flower and Vegetable Show. ORDERED on the motion of Aid.
Mowers and AId. Morton that the communication be received and filed. Commendation
was expressed by His Worship the Mayor and Ald. McKinley for the way in which the
SOciety encouraSed youn8 people in the garden project located at the northerly limit
of Fairview Cemetery.
Nq. 249 - Civilian Defence Co~Ordtnator - req. publication of a proclamation re
Civil Defence Day on 8ept.19tb. ORDERED on the motion of Aid, Mor~on and AId.
Gregory thac the conxnunication be received, filed and the proclamation published
as requested.
No. 250 - R.M.Lindley - requesting permission to speak to Council to request
designation of Canadian Corps property on Victoria Avenue as a motel area and
requesting a permit to build a motel on this land. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Martin and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and referred to the
Property C~maittee for a report to Council. Ald. Mowers suggested that
Lindlay meet with the Property Committee at the location in question.
No. 251 - T. O. Lazarides end Associates - enclosing copy of detailed'memoranda
relating to the new legislations governing sharing of costs for grade separation
projects. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Ald. Morton that the com-
munication be received and filed.
SEE Report Number 264.
The'following Reports were presented;
No. 264 - City Manager - advising of new legislation respecting level crossings
as outlined in T.O.Lazarides* communication. ORDERED on the motion of-Ald.
Mowers and Ald. Morton that the report be received and filed.
No. 265 - City Manager - advising of report from H.G.Acres and Co. respecting
sewage disposal plant. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and AId. Gregory that
the report be received and filed.
No. 266 - City Manager - rec5=~ending attendance of City Engineer at Fall Meeting
of Ontario Building Officials* Association to be held at Maple, Ontario, Oct. 1st.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Miller that the report be received
and adopted.
No. 267 - City Manager - advising of erection of a sign by H. Paper in spite of
Council's recent decision not to grant a permit for this erection. Mr. W. J.
McBurney, City Solicitor, who was present at the Council Meeting, upon the
motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Miller, expressed his opinions at this time. He
scared that he was quite in agreement with the City Manager*s report.and that the
applicant erected the sign knowingly after having been refused a permit and
therefore his licenot should be cancelled, without giving any reason being
specified. Ald. Morton expressed the view that since Mr, Paper had been assessed
for and paid taxes on a motel that consideration should be given on that basis.
His Worship then reviewed what had taken place in years past concerning this
property, indicating that there was a collate ignore1 of Countills instructionS.
The City Clerk when queried as to the effect of the Assessment terminology,
indicated that this had no bearing on the licensing angle; Several suggestions ·
were made by the Members of Council as to the possibility of implementing the
recommendation of the City Manager and indicated the possibility of future Court
action. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and AId. Mowers that the report of
the City Manager be received and his reconnendation that the licenot issued to
Mr. Pa.pst be revoked, be adopted. Carried with AId. Morton contrary.
No. 268 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of.licences, ORDERED on the motion of
AId. Morton and Aid, McKinley that the report be received and adopted and licenoes
issued accordingly.
SEE Resolution Number 70.
The followinS Resolutions were passed;
No. 69 - MCKINLEY - MOWERS - RESOLVED that AId. P. J. Miller be appointed ActinS
Chairmad of Finance, due to the absence of AId. J. G. White; and the Seal of the
Corporation be hefeto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 70 - MOWgaS - MARTIN - aBSOLVeD that in future all applications for licenoes
are to be;~enewsd on or before the first day of MarCh in the current year, failing
which prosecutionwill.ensueS sad ~he Seal of the Octpotation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 71 - MOWERS - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that a letter of congratulations be forwarded
to the Optimist Club for their splendid work in connection with the Soapbox Derby,
held on Saturday, September 6th, 1958; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
Carried Unanimously.
The following By-laws were passed;
N0..5~7.1 - To provide for permission to The Bell Telephone Company of Canada to
place one anchor and remove one pole and anchor on North Street, west
of Stanley Avenue; and place aerial wire on Murray and Buchanan Streets.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid. Miller that Aid.McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on themotion of Aid. Miller and AId. Gregory that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Aid. McKinley - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5672 - To amend By-law Number 3790, being a by-law for the regulation of traffic.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley that Ald. Morton
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and AId. Gregory that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. Mowers and AId. Morton - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5673 - To authorize the signing of an agreement with The Hershey Hockey Club.
~RDERBD on the motion of AId. Mowers and AId. Morton that AId. McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the let.
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Morton that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standin~ Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. Morton and AId. Miller - Carried Unanimously.
AId. Morton, Chairman of the Traffic Comittee, referred to the congestion
of traffic at Stanley Avenue and the Queen Elizabeth Highway and was of the opinion
that the Department of Highways should be approached concerning the construction of
a cloverleaf at this point. His ~orship the Mayor requested the Members of Council
to consider the Alderman~s suggestion,
AId, Miller requested the Traffic Committee to consider conditions on
Delaware AVenue near Main Street, where driveways are being kept clear but cars are
perkins Coo close to driveway approaches,
AId. Gregory referred to sidewalk and the angle of driveways on Willmort
Street and advised that several people in the area suggested that iC would be better
to have the dziveways horizontal for the safety of older citizens. The City Manager
referred to the difficulty involved for the modern automobiles to cross over such
driveways and was of the opinion that the type of driveway being constructed now is
AId. Miller requested the City Hanager to look into the condition of
the sidewalk on the south side of Queen Street from Craig'8 store down to Critelli's
Furniture Store.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald'.
The City Manager's report on the application of D.C.Vicary for a permit
to remove the front verandah at 1274 Victoria Avenue and construct an addition,
at an estimated cost of $14,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Gregory that the report be received and adopted and
permit be issued. Carried with Ald. Mowers contrary - the Alderman being of the
opinion that the proposed construction contravenes the C~.ty By-law.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and AId.
Council Chamber,
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, September 8th, 1958 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present, with
the exception of Ald, White. Ald, Franklin Nillet, Acting Chaimnan of Finance,
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $122,210.43 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of
Ald. McKinley and Mayor Hawkins.
The report of the Banagement Conxnlttee on the tenders submitted for
painting and the installation of tile flooring in the Niagara Falls Filtration
Plant,was presented for consideration. ORdeRED on the motion of Ald. Norton and
Ald. Gregory that the report be received and recommendations adopted and the low
tender of $5,879.80 submitted by F. Dunham and Spn for paintin~ be accepted; and
the low tender of 93,385,00 submitted by Wm. Bl~ck for tile flooring be accepted,
The City l4anager's report on the issuance of a building permit to the
Drun~nond Hill Presbyterian Church, for an addition to acc~=,~odate the Sunday School,
at an estimated cost of $90,000. was presented for consideration, O~DERED on the
motion of AId. Norton and Mayor Hawkins that the report be received and adopted.
The City Banager's report on the application of Gordon Jickells,l124
Morrison Street, for a building permit to cover alterations to the store front,at
an estimated cost of $2,000, was presented, ORDERED on the motion of Bayor
Hawkins and Aid. Norton that the report be received and adopted and pe.rmit issued.
The City Banager's report on the application o~ E.H.Winn, for a
building pex~nit to cover alterations to extstin~ partitions on the first floor at
662 queen Street, at an estimted cost of $2,000. was presented. ORDBRED on the
motion of l~or Hawkins end Ald. ~orton that the report be received an~'adopted
and permit issued..
Council Chamber,
8th. September,1958.
The Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Committee. All Members were present, with the exception of Aid.
The £ollowing By-law was passed;
5674 - To provide monies for general purposes.
OF. DgRRD on the motion of AId. McKinley and Aid. Gregory that AId. Miller
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the 1st,
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Gregory and AId. Miller that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. Morton and AId. Miller - Carried Unanimously.
At this time the City Clerk advised that a copy of the draft con~nunication
which was to he forwarded to the Honourable Leslie M, Frost, Premier o~ Ontario,
at the request ofJ,B. Ad~msc, Ontario ~unicipal Joint Connittee on Sewerage Works
concerning sewage disposal, was before the Members of Council for their perusal at
this time.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Nillet and Ald. McKinley that the draft
of the communication be adopted and the letter forwarded accordinSly,
At this time the City Manager advised that a letter from Mr. Joe.
Leitch of Niagara Home Furnishers Limited, concerning the possibility of using
the Memorial Arena in 1959 for sales promotion, as had been permitted just
recently, was in the mail but was not available for this meeting, and it was
ordered by Aid. Martin and Ald, Mowers that the letter referred to by the City -
Manager, upon receipt of the same, be referred to the 1959 Arena, Parks and
Recreation Committee for consideration,
Ald. Mowers expressed his dissatisfaction on the condition of
municipal parks, referring specifically to the lawns, weeds in boulevards and
lack of fertilizer which would remedy this situation and was of the opinion that
better care should be taken to develop these areas - pointing out as an example,
the Municipal Swimming Pool area where weeds are prevalent.
CoUncil adjourned on the motion of Aid. McKinley and AId. Martin.
R~-AD AND ADOPTED, 15th. September, 1958.
"; ili
Council Chamber,
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, September 15th.
1958, for the purpose of consider~ng general business and finance. All Members of
Council were present, with the exception of Ald. White. The Council, having received
and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald.
Morton and AId. Gregory.
His Worship Mayor Hawkins extended a welcome to Mr. Gla~es and the pupils
of Grade 7 of Memorial School, to the Council Meeting.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 250 - R. M. Lindlay - re possibility of erecting a motel on Canadian Corps
property at 1657 Victoria Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of ,~ld. M~ller and Aid.
Gregory that the communication be received and filed and the necessary by-law be
prepared, to make the property available for the construction of a motel. Carried
with Aid. Mar~in-contrary.
S~EE Report No. 269
The following Communications were presented;
No. 252 * Bell Telephone Co. - requesting permission to place poles, anchors and
aerial cable and remove poles, anchors and aerial cable on Leader Lane, Ferguson
Avenue, SCanton Avenue and Glenview Avenue. ORDERBD on the motion of AId. Mowers
and Ald. Morton that the communication be received, filed and the necessary by-law
be prepared,
SEE By-law No.5676
No. 253 - Optimist Club - appreciation for co-operation in arrangements for Soapbox
Derby. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and AId. Miller that the communication
be received and filed and the Departments mentioned therein he advised accordingly.
No. 254 - Ontario Epilepsy Association - requesting proclamation. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton that the communication be received, filed
and the necessary proclamation issued as requested.
No. 255 - Ontario Fire Marshal - requesting proclamation re Fire Prevention Week.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald, Gregory that the communication be
received, filed and proclamation be issued.
No. 256 - Canadian Legion, Branch 51 - requesting permission to hold Poppy Day
Nov. ~th. and Nov. 8th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. GreSory
Chat the communication be received~ filed and permission ~ranted for the dates
No. 257 - Canadian Cancer Society - requesting appointment of a Member of Council
to the Board of Directors, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. Miller
that Ald. H.C.Morton be appointed., Hie ~orship, Mayor Hawkins, congratulated Ald.
Morton upon his election as President of the Society.
No. 258 - Downtown Businessmen~e Association - endorsing any contemplated action by
Council to relocate New York Central Railroad tracks. ORDERED on the motion of AId.
Norton and Ald, Miller that the co{munication be received and filed.
No. 259 - Local Council of Women - resolution restrictin8 use of fireworks. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. GreSory that the resolution be received and
tabled until such time as the Joint meetinS oi the thre~ councils of the Greater
Niagara Area is held.
No, 260 - City of London - resolution to enlarge powers of Ontario Water Resources
Commission. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and AId. Miller that the
resolution be received and tabled for submission of a report by the City Manager.
No. 261 - Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce - Traffic Committee - requesting
advice as to progress with regard to the off-street parking program in the City.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and AId. Miller that the communication be
received and filed and the reply to the Committee forwarded by the City Manager,
be approved.
The following Reports were presented;
No.-269 - Property Committee - recommending preparation of by-law necessary to
make Canadian Corps property on Victoria Avenue available for the construction
of a motel. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Gregory that the
report be received and adopted. Carried with Ald. Martin-contrary.
SEE Communication No.250
No. 270 - city Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and adopted and
licences issued accordingly, with the exception of the application for a fish
pedlar's licerice, which is to be held in abeyance pending submission of a further
report. Carried, with Ald. Martin-contrary; the Alderman expressing his dislayout
of the application.
No. 271 - City Manager - recommending that the request for the paving of the boule-
card on Valley Way be granted and the work proceeded with on the basis of the
City portion of 40 percent of the cost and the property owners 60 percent. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory that the report be received and
SEE Petition No.12
His Worship Mayor Hawkins advised Council at this time concerning
a phone call received last Friday fromMr. Creba of the Depto of Public Works
regardinS the meeting to be held with Stamford Council on Thursday, September 18th.
in connection with the proposed new Post Office building. The Mayor advised that
it is the desire of Mr. Creba and his associates to meet with the City Council
and Stamford Council and any other interested groups, in joint session, on
Thursday evening at 7.30 p.m.
The followinn Petition was presented;
No. 12 - H.B. Matthews and 3 others - requesting the paving of the boulevard
between the sidewalk and curbing on Valley Way between Buckley Avenue and Huron
Street, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory that the petition
be received and filed and request granted,
SEE Report Number 271.
The followinn Resolutions were passed;
No. 72 - MILLER - MOWERS - RESOLVED Chat AId. A. J. McKinley be appointed Acting
Chairman of Finance due to the absence of Ald, J.G, White from the meeting;. and
the Seal of the Corporation be hereto afgixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No, 73 - NO~RS - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that the Council o~ the Corporation of the
City of Niagara Falls petition ~he Department o~ Highways of the Pr.ovinCe of Ontario
£or an interim grant under The Highway Improvement Act on expenditureS,made during
the period of January 1st, to August 31st. 1958; and the Seal of the Corporation be
'~ereto a~fixed.
Carried Unanimously,
The following By-law was presented;
No. 5675 - To provide pensions for employees.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that .',ld. Martin
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
.~t this time, Alderman Martin, Chairman of the Management Committee
expressed appreciation to the Civic Employees and the Members of Council for their
co-operation'with the Management Conm~ittee during the deliberations held in
connection with the proposed pension scheme, which has now been finalized by the
presentation of the necessary by-law.
The following By-laws were passed;
No.5.676 - To provide for permission to the Bell Telephone Co. of Canada to place
poles, anchors and aerial cable and remove poles, anchors and aerial cable
on Leader Lane~ Ferguson A~e. Stanton Ave. and Glenview Ave.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald.' Morton that Ald. Martin
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Ald. McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Martin - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5677 - To provide for the 1958 expenditures on roads or streets.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and AId. Morton that Aid. Miller be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Miller that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
se.cond reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and AId. Morton - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5678 - To appoint an Assessor for the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Aid. Martin that AId. Martin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. Mowers that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules. of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the,
second reading. - Carried Unanimously,
Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Aid. Gregory - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5679 - To appoint an Engineer for the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and AId. Martin that AId. Martin
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Mowers that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. McKinley and Aid. Morton - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of AId. Mowers and AId.
READ AND ADOPTED, 22nd. September, 1958.
Council Cbamber,
15th. September, 1958.
The Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Co~nittee. All Members were present, with the exception of Ald. White.
~he following By-law was passed;
No. 5680 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Martin that AId. McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. McKinley that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Miller - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Mowers.
READ AND ADOPTED, 22nd. September, 1958.
Council Chamber,
15th. September,1958.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, September 15th. 1958 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present, with
the exception of AId. White. AId. McKinley, Acting Chairman of Finance,presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $297,101.05 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion
of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Martin. Carried. Ald. Miller and Ald. McKinley indicated
that although they were not opposed to the passing of the money by-law, they did
object to the payment of the grant to the Chamber of-Commerce for motion picture
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of AId. Miller and AId.
READ AND ADOPTED, 22nd. September, 1958.
ww ,~'
Council Chamber,
15th. September, 1958.
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of the
regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, September 15th. 1958 for the purpose
of considering the items presented to them. All Members of the Committee were
present, with the exception of Ald. Whfte. His Worship,'Mayor Hawkins, presided as
After consideration of the items presented to them, the Committee adjourned on the
motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton.
READ AND ADOFEED, 22nd. September, 1958.
Council Chamber,
18th. September,1958.
Council assembled in Joint session with the Council of the Township
of Stamford,in the Council Chambers at 7.30 p.m. on September 18th, 1958 together
with representatives from the Department of Public Works in Ottawa and other
interested citizens,for the purpose of discussing the proposed new Post Office
building in the City of Niagara Falls. Those present were, representing the City
of Niagara Falls, Mayor E. M. Hawkins, Aldermen Morton, Gregory, McKinley, Miller,
the City Clerk and S. R. Price, City Engineer. Representing the Township of
StaNford, Reeve A. G. Bridge, Councillors Allan, Keighan and Mitchelson, Mr. A.
C. Huggins, Clerk and Mr. C. Eidt, Township Engineer. Representing the Department
of Public Works, Mr. D. A. Freeze, Director of the Department of Public Works,
W. E. Pearson, Director of Postal Services for Ontario, D. G. Creba, District
Architect, Dr. E. P. Weeks, Director, Economics Branch of the Department of
Public Works, R. H. Rieve, District Director of Postal Services for Canada and
A.D.Morris, District Postal Inspector. Also present was Mr. W. L. Houck, Federal
Member for the Niagara Falls Riding.
Mayor Hawkins, in opening the meeting, explained its purpose and
briefly outlined-opinions previously expressed by he and his Council and asked
Reeve Bridge for remarks as to the results of the meeting held this afternoon by
the Department representatives with the Council of the Township of Stamford.
Reeve A.G.Bridge stated that at no time had the Township advocated a new Post
Office in the Township of Stamford but rather at the southerly end of the Greater
Niagara Area and that the joint meeting presently taking place had been arranged
in Ottawa at the Ministerws request, Mr. W. E. Pearson when requested by the
Mayor, stated that his Department feels that one outlet only is feasible in the
Greater Niagara Area and that either the present Post Office would remain in the
location it now sits on or that they would not look with fayour on a location
further away than Jepson Street and Victoria Avenue.
. His Worshipthen. called upon Members of. the Municipal Councils for- ..
Ald. Morton queried whether the present building is adequate for the
City of Niagara Falls and indicated that if so, a new Federal Building should be
considered at the South End to accommodate various governmental services including
a sub-office.
AId. Gregory stated that he was in agreement to the effect, that if a
change was made, it should be at Victoria Avenue and Jepson Street.
Ald. Miller expressed opposition to the rnmoval of the existing building
and suggested that it should be retained and that a new building should be erected
at the South End to extend the services and quoted commaants made by him at a
previous meeting held on May 5th, 1958.
Councillor Mitchelson expressed the view that there should have been
more consideration given to the Township of Stamford and that in his opinion the
area would be better served at a southerly location and advocated the over-all
Councillor Allan advised that he did not have much further to add to
the remarks of Councillor Mitchelson but did feel that if there was a ~ew building,
it should be at the South End.
Councillor Kelahan stated that any new building should be closer to the
centre of population and logically at the South End,
At this point Mayor Hawkins read a report submitted by him to the City
Council in Pebruary, 1958 indicating that the present discussions did n6t originate
from the City of Niagara Falls and was very clear in stating that there had been no
attempt on the part of the City of Niagara Falls Co by-pass the adjacent Township.
.~he Mayor then asked for remarks from members of the audience,
Mr. Dexter Potter representing no one except himself, stated that he
felt the location of the Jepson Street site would be an unfortunate choice because
of insufficient parking.
Mr. Clarence Cassady speaking for the South End Businessmen, said that
he was in accord with the decision made by the Township Council at the afternoon
At this point His Worship Mayor Hawkins requested Reeve Bridge to indicate
what had transpired at the afternoon meeting and the Reeve then read the following
resolution of the Township of Stamford and indicated that his Council had approved
of it at the said afternoon meeting.
"The Municipal Council of the Township of Stamford and the Group
representing the South-end Businessmen's Association of Niagara Falls are agreeable
to a compromise on the Post Office building by leaving the Post Office in its
present location on Queen Street in the City of Niagara Falls, on the understanding
that we are given assurance that a new Federal Building will be erected in the
South end of the City or in the Township of Stamford with sufficient land to
accommodate a postal station at a later date when the need arises. Also, we
reluctantly express our objections to the facilities and services being rendered by
the present South-end Post Office."
Following the reading of the resolution by Reeve Bridge, Councillor
Keighan outlined the reasons for the resolution and the attitude of the Department
as expressed at the meeting and conditions as they exist, indicating that the
Council of the Township of Stamford felt that the resolution as presented was a
compromises with which Councillor Mitchelson agreed, stating that in his opinion
it seemed to be a reasonable solution.
AId. McKinley when asked by His Worship, stated that he would reserve
his remarks until such time as the Department representatives had been heard,
AId. Miller expressed the view that the Jepson and Victoria Avenue site
was not logical when the viewpoint of the future was considered.
Mr. Cecil Masters stated that in his opinion the location on Queen
Street was the crux of the whole situation and was definitely the most accessible.
Mr. John Vandersluys, representing the Victoria Avenue Businessmen,
stated that in his opinion, the Victoria Avenue location was logical since all
utilities werelocated inthat vicinity. Mr. D. A. Freeze of the Department indicated
that their problem was the same as frequently happens in other types of operation,
that their housing of the Departments was out of balance and that the Department
felt that this condition must be corrected and voiced the opinion that he personally
had no quarrel with the resolution as presented and that he was prepared to carry
this information back to his Minister. Mr. George White, who had no affiliation,
felt that the Victoria Avenue location was the logical one.
At this point, Councillor Mitchelson expressed the view that with reference
to the resolution as presented by the Township of Stamford Council, the last
sentence could very easily be deleted because it had no bearing on the question
before the joint councils, to which Reeve Bridge and the Members of his Council agreed.
Mayor Hawkins then enquired as to whether the Council of the City of Niagara
Falls were prepared to act on the suggested resolution and was advised by the Members
of Council pre sent that it would seem desirable to with-hold action until such time
as there was a full Council.
Mr. Freeze on bein8 queried by AId. Gregory as to what the proposed building
would house, indicated that consideration was being given to the Immigration Depart-
ment, Department of Agriculture and the Unemplo~nent Insurance Commission but that,
of course, these Departments would have to be contacted to asc&rtain exactly what
their re-action would be but that in any event the Department was very anxious to
get on with the project,
It was then moved by AId. Morton and seconded by Aid. Miller that the
resolution as presented by the Township of Stamford, with the last sentence
deleted, be received and referred to a full Council for consideration. Carried
There being no further discussion, His Worship the Mayor expressed
his thanks and appreciation to the representatives of the Department of Public
Works and to Mr. W. L. Houck for being present, Reeve Bridge also expressed his
Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley.
READ ~ ADOPTED, 22nd. September, 1958.
Council Chamber,
22nd. Scptember,19580
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, September 22nd.
1958, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of
CoUncil were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous meeting§,regular and special, adopted these on the motion of AId. Morton
and AId. Gregory.
The following Communications were presented;
No. 262 - Boy Scouts Association - requesting permission to hold Annual Apple Day
on October 18th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Morton that the
communication be received, filed and permission granted.
No. 263 - Collegiate-Vocational Institute - requesting waiving of City's Share of
gate receipts for school rugby games scheduled as Home Games at Oakes Park,excluding
the Thanksgiving Day Game. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. McKinley
that the co~mnunication be received, filed and the request granted.
No. 264 - Robertson Construction and Engineering Company - relocation of railways
and highways. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the com-
munication be received and laid on the table until the return of the City Manager
at which time it be re-submitted to Council, with a report, having in mind the
suggestions contained in the co~anunication.
No. 265 - Greater Niagara Community Chest - requesting Council's consideration to
year-round payroll deductions in connection with forthcoming campaign of the
Greater Niagara United Appeal. As this communication was received too late for
inclusion on this evening's agenda, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley
and Ald. Mowers that the communication be read. It was moved by Ald. McKinley,
seconded by Ald. Morton that approval be given to the payroll deduction plan,
deductions to be subject to and satisfactory to the City Treasurer. (AId.Gregory
who was the original seconder, withdrew); this motion was defeated by a vote of
5 to 2. An amendment made by Ald. Mowers and AId. !tartin that the request be tabled
until such time as the Management Committee and those responsible in the City Hall,
have an opportunity to investigate the subject and report back to Council, was
carried by a vote of 5 to 2, the vote being - Aye -Ald. Mowers, Martin, Miller,
White and Gregory; Nays -Ald. McKinley and Morton.
The followinS Reports were presented;
No. 272 - City Clerk - advising of decision of applicant for fish pedlar's licence
to abandon this type of operation. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald.
Morton that the report be received and filed.
No. 273 - City Clerk - attaching resolution of the Township of Stamford regarding
Post Office building and possibility of a new Federal Building. ORDERED on the
'motion of Aldo McKinley and Ald. Norton that the report be received and adopted
and the interested parties be advised that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls
are in accord with the resolu~ion as submitted by the Council of the Township of
Stamford, wt~h the words "or in the Township of Stamford" deleted. Carried, with
Ald, Martin, Mowers and White-contrary.
SEE ReSolutions 74 ~nd 7~.
No. 274 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenses. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. White and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted and liceuce
issued accordingly, with the exception of the application for Used Car Lot, this
item to be referred to the Property Con~ittee for a report.
The following Petition was presented;
NO. 13 - H.E.Gay and 21 others - requesting paving of Homewood Avenue from
Morrison Street to Maple Street.
In connection with the petition, Mr. S. R. Price, City Engineer, was
permitted to address the City Council, on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald.
McKinley. The City Engineer outlined the progress of the work of tarring and
stoning the street in question and the advantages to be gained by paving this
area. The City Clerk reminded Council concerning a resolution which had been
passed setting a deadline on petitions for local improvements, being on or
before June ]st; and the fact that notice to this effect had been published in
the local press on three occasions. He further advised regarding the time
required to process local improvement petitions. A discussion ensued during
which it was pointed out that as the City Departments are working in the area,
and the street is on a bus route, that consideration be given. ORDERED on ~he
motion of Ald. Martin and Ald, Gregory that the petition be received and filed
and Homewood Avenue from Morrison Street to Maple Street be paved. Carried
SEE Resolution No. 76.
The following Resolutions were passed;
No, 74 - MCKINLEY - MORTON - RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara
Falls go on record as being in accord with the resolution as submitted by the
Council of the Township of Stamford concerning the Post Office building and a
possible new Federal Building, with the deletion of the words "or in the Township
of Stamford", from the sixth line thereof; and the seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
(Contrary-Aid.Martin,Mowers and White). '
No. 75 - MCKINLEY - MOWERS - RESOLVED that a letter of thanks be forwarded to Mr.
W. L. Houcks Member of Parliament for this Riding, for his efforts in connection
with the Post Office problem; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No, 76 - MARTIN - GREGORY - RESOLVED that the Couhcil of the City of Niagara Falls
approve of the construction of an asphalt pavement on Homewood Avenue from
Morrison Street toM aple Streets as requested' and that the work be proceeded with
as soon as feasible; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
AId. Miller referred to a report submitted By the Traffic Committee
some time ago regarding the installation of a blinker light at Bridge S~reet and
River Road and queried the progress in this regard. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Miller and Ald. Martin that the Engineering Department instel proper crosswalks
at the intersection of Bridge Street and River Road.
At the request of ,lid. Miller, the City Clerk will prepare a report on
the houses now up for sale by Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation (Project 8/48);
report to contain information regarding approximate taxes that have been paid;
original cost of construction and present sale price.
AId. Morton suggested that Council consider some form of resolution
requesting the Provincial Government to take over the sale and distribution of
malted beverages. No action was taken.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of AId. Mowers and ,kid.
READ AND ADOPTED, 29th. September, 1958.
Council Chamber,
22nd. September,1958.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, September 22nd. 1958 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present.
Ald. White, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $53,345.99 were approved by the Committee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered
placed in the Money Byo]aw for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Mayor
Hawkins and Ald, McKinley.
The report of the City Engineer on the application of Mill Plastics for
a building permit to construct a one-storey concrete block addition to be used as
a furnace room on the east side of their building at 1070 Magdalen Street, at an
estimated cost of $200. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald, Morton and Ald. Miller that the report be received and adopted and permit
AId. Mowers referred to the prohibition of right-hand turns on red
.. lights in the U,S,A, and sonfusion which this causes for American tourists visiting
.Canada, The Alderman queried the possibility of the installation of some form of
[..: sign advising of the ability to make a turn on a red light providing there has
' '. been a full stop, after which the driver proceed.with caution. ORDERED on the
.' motion of AId. Mowers and AId. Miller that this suggestion be referred to the
"! Traffic Committee for consideration.
The report of the City Engineer on the application of W.S.Stevens of
1769 Ferry Street, for a permit to erect a neon facet sign, to be bolted to the
face of the proposed hotel building, at an estimated cost of $3s800, was presented
for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Miller and Aid. Mowers that the
report be received and adopted and permit issued.
AId. Mowers referred to a building permit which was approved some time ago
for a number of stores to be constructed on the Grand Union property on Victoria
Avenue and referred to the fact that plywood fence had been erected, presumably
for the commencement of construction, hut no further work has been proceeded with
and queried whether the applicants intend to proceed and if not, the Alderman
suggested ~hat action should be taken to restore the grounds to their original
state. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton that the City Engineer
submit a complete report on the intentions of the applicants referred to,
The Coeunittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of AId. Mowers
and Ald. Miller.
READ AND ADOPTED, 29th. September, 1958.
Council Chamber~
The Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Committee, All Members were present.
The following By-law was passed;
No. 5681 - to' Provide Monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and AId, Miller Chat AId. White
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading, - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. White and Aid. Gregory that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. Morton and AId. Miller - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Aid. White and Aid. Morton.
READ AND ADOPTED, 29th. September, 1958.
,i&&.aaaa ayor.
Council Chamber,
22nd. S ep tember, 1958.
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of the
regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, September 22nd. 1958 for the purpose
of considering the items presented to them. All Members of the Co~ittee were
present. His Worship, Mayor Hawkins, presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items presented to them, the Conm~ittee adjourned on the
motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Martin.
READ AND ADOPTED, 29th. September, 1958.
C ____~hairman.
Council Chamber,
29th. S optember. 1958.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, September
29th. 1958, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All
Members of Council. were present, with the exception of Ald. Howers. The Council,
having received and read the miuutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the
motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. Miller.
Mr. A. A. MecBain representing Mr. Fred Cads, presented plans to the City
Council in connection with an application for a permit to construct a motel on the
property known as 1433 Victoria Avenue and on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald.
Gregory it was ordered that Mr. MacBain be heard.
Mr. MacBain proceeded to outline in some detail the proposed motel, to
consist of 18 nnits, doublc-decker type, with one apartment and an office, at an
estimated cost of $90,000. and requested Council to grant farotreble consideration
to an amendment to By-law Number 5149 to permit this erection in the area proposed,
where ample parking space would be available.
SEE Communication No.268
Tenders had been called for debentures in the amount of $813,000. to cover
the cost of the balance of time alterations and additions to the Niagara Falls
Filtration Plant, and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId.Miller
that the tenders received be opened, initialled by His Worship the Mayor and tabulated.
The following Communications were presented;
No. 266 - United Electrical Workers - advocating that Council take advantage of
recent legislation designed for the elimination of level crossings. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. White and Ald. Gregory that the communication be received and filed
and the U.E.W. notified concerning Council~s recent actions in this regard.
No. 267 - John Broderick - makln8 application on behalf of M. Ricci for an amendment
to permit the construction of a motel on the property known as 1685 Ferry Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Morton that the communication be received
and referred to the Property Committee for a report. Previous to this action, it
was moved by Ald. McKinley and Ald. White that Mr. Ricci. who was present at the
meeting, be heard. Mr. Rieci indicated that he had nothing fiatthor to add to the
communication but was satisfied with Council's action at this meeting.
No. 268 - A. A. MacBatn- formal application on behalf of Fred Cade for an amendment
to By-law No. 5149 to permit the erectkon of a motel on the property known as 1433
Victoria A,.enue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Morton that the
communication be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report.
No. 269 - F. Boychuk - requesting consideration for the purpose of loading and
unloading on the side of his building at the corner of Victoria Avenue and Morrison
Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Gregory that the communication
be received and referred to the Tra[£ic Committee for a report.
No. 270 - Mrs. Keith Styles - re hazardous condition at Sirecoo 5t. and V:ctoria Ave.
due to the existing location of the bus stop, in front of the ~uuoco S .rvicp Statiou.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Horton that the cor. LE;unication bc
received and referred to the Traffic Committee for a report. '.]d, V+i!!ur then
queried whether the traffic count had been taken at this intersection aud was advised
by the City Manager that it had not. but that a count would be taken before the
Traffic Committee dealt with the subject of the bus stop ref2rr?_d to in tl:is con!-
No. 271 - Realtors Association of Greater Hiagara - enclosing copy of petitleD rc
Civil Defence. Inthis connection, AId. White, the representative of CI~uncil on
the Local Civilian Defence Committee and also on the Control Corxmitt..,.~. of the
County, referred at this time to the strenuous efforts to have an additio!:a] $~ 2,000.
placed in their Budget for the necessary equipment to conduct Civilian Deftrice, but
without success to date; and referred also to the four Areas already orLanized;
being of the opinion that if the Goverpment did not contribute,the necessary funds,
then Civil Defence could not function properly. ORDERED on the motion of ~]d..Ui]l-pr
and AId. White that the con~nunication be received and the pet~ tion endorsed.
No. 272 - Greater Niagara United Appeal - requesting joint proclamation of the thrc~
municipalities of the Greater Niagara Area with reference to the L~outh of October
as "United Appeal Month". As this con~unication was received too ].ate for inch, sion
on this evening's agenda, it was ordered read at this time, on the motion of Aid.
Miller and AId. White. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Gregory and AId. F!orton that
the coum~unication be received and filed and request granted.
Laid over front the previous meeting;
No. 274 - City Clerk - appticatiou for used car lot licence on Lot 805, Stanley Ave.
Ald. Miller, Chairman of the Property Committee, reported verbally at this time,
advising that upon ascer~-aining that the location in question is the one which
Council had previously refused for the erection of a sign by Gould-Leslie, his
Con~ittee had decided that this application should be dealt with by Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and AId. Morton that the application b~
received and permission be not granted.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 275 - City F~nager - recommending attendance of City Engineer, City Manager and
two Members of Council at the forthcoming Convention of the Canadian Institute on
Sewage and Sanitation, to be held at Quebec City on October 19th. to 22nd. inclusive.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Miller that the report be received and
adopted and the City Clerk ascertain before the end of this week, those members of
Council wishing to attend this Convention.
No. 276 - City Manager - recommending attendance of S. Sills at the Annual Conference
of the International Municipal Signal Association in Philadelphia on October 20th. to
23rd. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Miller that the report be received
and adopted. The City Manager advised that it would be advantageous to the City if
a Member of Council would accompany Mr. Sills to this Convention.
No. 277 - City Clerk - report on the homes for sale by Central ~brtgage and Housing
Corporation. Ald. Miller uho had r,~qucstcd this report, advised verbally that he
was waiting for a contact from two occupants of these houses, but that it was not
forthcoming at this time, and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald.
Morton that the City Clerk's report be received and laid on the table.
No. 278 - City Engineer - report on asphalt pavement - Homewood Avenue between Maple
Street and Morrison Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that
the report be received and adopted and work proceeded with.
SEE R.esolutie~ 77.
No. 279 - City Engineer - report on contact with owners of site of proposed shopping
plaza at Grand Union on Victoria Avenue and the removal of plywood boarding. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald, Miller and Ald. White that the report be received and filed.
No. 280 - City Engineer - report on asphalt pavement - Elm Street between Homewood
Avenue and Stanley Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Martin and Ald. Morton
tbat the report be received and adopted and work proceeded with.
The following Petition was presented;
SEE Petition No.14
SEE Resolution 78
No. 14 - Cyril Parker and 20 others - requesting asphalt pavement on Elm Street
from Homewood to Stanley Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald.
Martin that the petition be received and filed and request granted.
SEE Report No.280
In connection with the two recent petitions for construction of pavement,
the City Manager deplored the fact that action had been taken, pointing out that
he hoped that in the future this form of dealing with construction would not be
continued, since it must of necessity result in unsatisfactory construction, taking
the long viewpoint, it being essential that when the original decision is made as
to construction of work, that it be considered in its entirety.
The following Resolutions were passed;
No. 77 - M/4RTIN - MORTON - RESOLVED that Report Number 278, for the construction of
a 30-foot asphalt pavement on Homewood Avenue between Maple Street and Morrison
Street, be received and adopted and the work be proceeded with; and the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 78 - MARTIN - MORTON - RESOLVED that Report Number 280 for the construction of
a 31-foot asphalt pavement on Elm Street between Homewood Avenue and Stanley Avenue
be received and adopted and the work be proceeded with; and the Seal of the Corpor-
ation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 79 - White - Morton - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of His
Worship the Mayor and Members of the City Council be forwarded to the family of the
late Mr. Harry C. PaZtinson, former Member of the Board of Education and highly
esteemed resident of the City of Niagara Falls; and the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
AId. Miller, Member of the Iraflit Cemmittee referred to an editorial
appearing in the local press with reference to crosswalks and advised tha~ it was
not his intention that the crosswalks at the foot of Bridge Street be painted green
as mentioned in the editorial.
The Alderman then referred to the pedestrian crosswalk on Lundy's Lane and
was of the Opinion that there should be a warning sign for the benefit of motorists
and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. %~ite that the City
Manager be authorized to erect a warning sign designating that there is a crosswalk
200 feet ahead.
The following By-law was passed;
No. 5682 - A by-law to amend By-],m; Number 5149 rcgardin~ tour.{::t .,!nl-ab]ish~:en:s.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. !'U!] er t;mt AId. l:cK;.u]
be granted the privilege ef introducing the by-law and the b~-laL. b,: Liven the
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Miller and kid. Gre~orZ ti!at Zule _q. 6
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended apd tim b.v-lau bc Liven
the second reading. - Carried, with AId, Martin-contrary.
Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and AId. Miller - Carried, with '.jd. l.lartin-contrar>.
Council adjourned to the Finance Mccting on the motion of Ald. l:cKiniey ~,nd .\],"-.
READ AND ADOPTED, 6th. October, 1958.
~ blayor
Council Chamber,
29th.Septembcr ,1958.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, September 29th. 1958 for the purpose
of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present, with the exception
of Ald. Mowers. Ald. White, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $38,740.89 were approved by the Conmittee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered
placed in the Money Byelaw for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald.
McKinley and Mayor Hawkins.
The City Manager's report in connection with the construction of sidewalks
and concrete curbs on Peer Street and the necessity of removing Bell Telephone Co.
poles, at an estimated cost of $220. and the City's share .being $110. was presented
for consideration, and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. ~rton and Mayor Hawkins
that the report be received and adopted and the Bell Telephone Company be advised
to proceed with the cbanges required, at a cost to the City of ~jlO.
The 0ity Manager's report on the application of Florindo Martin, 474
Ferguson Avenue for a building permit to erect an addition over the existing two-car
garage, to provide ~n:apartment with an outside stairway, at an estimated cost of
$2,500. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and
Ald. Gregory that the report be received and referred to the Property Comnittee
for ~ report.
The Conmaittee arose and reported to Couecil on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and
Ald. Morton.
READ AND ADOPTED, 6th. October, 1958.
Council Chamber,
29th. September,1958
The Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-lm.~ which covered the accounts approved
by the Cmmnittee. All Members were present, with the exception of A]d. Mowers.
The following By-law was passed;
No. 5683 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that Ald. White be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Miller that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the. by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. Morton and AId. Gregory - Carried Unanimously.
The following Resolution was passed;
No. 80 - MCKINLEY - GREGORY - RESOLVED that a letter of congratnlations be forwarded
to Chief Wm. Wade of the Niagara Falls Fire Department for the high marks obtained
while attending the Course of Senior Administrative Officers at Gr~lvenhurst Fire
College and his appointment as Class Leader during the Course; and that a letter of
congratulations be also forwarded to Wm. Sills, Instructor of the Fire Department
for achieving first place in the class while attending the Fire Instructors' Course
at Gravenhurst; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
The City Manager advised that after consul tatior with the Treasurer and
representatives of certain Bond Dealers who were prese,t and thorongh
of the bids as snbmitted, that there was a very slight differcn~,~ i~ monc~ cost
the bids as submitted by J. L. Grahmn and Company, Limited and Boil Gouinlock
Company, but that taking all factors into consideration and without the Schedn]e
being submitted by Bell Goninlock, it would seem titat there was avcr} slight
advantage with reference to the Bell Gouinlock bid.
Following discussion, it was agreed that those representatives of the DuDd
Houses that were still in the building be asked to return to f-be Cenncil Chamber so
as to be present when the official action of Conncil was taken. The representatives
having returned to the Council Chamber, it was or~ercd on the motinn of A~d. Ubitc
and Aid. Morton that the tender of J. L. Graham aed Company, Limited at the price
as quoted, namely 98.29 per $100. the coupon rates to be 5-]/4% for the first ten
years and 5-~/2% for the last ten years, be accepted. Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Martin and A!d. [|orton.
READ AND ADOPTED, 6th. October, 1958.
Council Chamber,
6th. October,1958.
Pursuant to adjournment, Counckl met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, October 6tb.
1958, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of
Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Miller.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 267 - John Broderick - requesting favourable consideration to a by-law amending
tile Tourist Establishment By-law to permit the use of the property at 1685 Ferry
Street for a motel. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that
the con~unicatlon be received and filed and the recommendation of the Property
Connittee that the by-law be amended to permit the erection of a motel at the
above location, be received and adopted. Carried with Ald. Martin and Mayor llawkins.
SEE Report Number 281.
No. 268 - A. A. MacBain - Application for Amendment to Tourist Establishment By-law
and for a building permit for the construction of a motel at 1433 Victoria Avenue.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Miller that the communication be
received and filed and the Property Committee's recommendation that the application
be not approved, be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
pEE Report Number 282.
No. 269 - Fred Boychuk - requesting unloading and loading privileges at his premises
on tile corner of Morrison St. and Victoria Ave. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Morton and Aid. White that the co~munication be received and filed and the recom-
mendation of the Traffic Committee that no change be made in parking regulations
in the area at the present time, be received and adopted. Ald. McKinley suggested
that in communicating with Mr. Boychuk, he be advised as to non-discrimination.
SEE Report No. 283.
No. 270 - Mrs. Keith Styles - requesting Council's consideration to the relocation
of the bus stop at the corner of Simcoe Street and Victoria Avenue. ORDERED on
tile motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. White that the communication be received and
filed and the report of the Traffic Committee be received and adopted. AId.Morton,
Chairman of the Traffic Committee,advised verbally that a traffic count of school
children crossing Victoria Avenue has been completed and the Committee suggests'
that the crosswal be removed from the south side of Simcoe Street to the north side
of Simcoe Street.
SEE Report No. 284.
TIle following Communications were presented;
No. 273 - Clerk, Stamford Township - enclosing resolution of September 29th.passed
b> Stamford Council, expressing disappointment in City Council's action in deleting'
of the words "or in the Township of Stanford" from the resolution passed on the
22nd. of September with reference to the Post Office site. It was moved by Ald.
White, seconded by Ald. McKinley that the communication be received and filed. This
motion was carried by a vote of 4 to 3, the vote being - Aye -Ald. White,McKinley,
Gregory and Miller; Nays -Ald. Mowers, Martin and Morton. An amendment by Ald.
Mowers and Ald. Martin that the communication be received and tabled for two weeks
was lost by a vote of 4 Co 3, the vote being - Aye -Ald. Mow~rs~ Martin and Mottoni
Nays -Ald. Gregory~ White~ Miller and McKinley.
No, 274 - Clerk, Township of Stamford - referring subj~.ct of tile sah= c~;
to three Conncils for the first joint meeting to be held. O?.DERED ou tbL
of Ald, MOT.:OrS and Aid, Gregory that the conm.nn.{catiou be rccciv,!/~ and :A'.~
Clerk be advised that the Cou,cil of the City of Niagara Fails at:. :.u accord
their opinion and the subject be dealt with ~t the first joiut
No. 275 - Committee of Adjustment, Tounsbip of Stamford - cotice o; ? blic
to be held on October 14th. to consider application to ,'-oDstruc[n :~n add[tio~ to a
motel, on the east side of Buchanan Avenue between Stamford Utrc~.t and t';.~
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and AId. Martin that the! .ot~cl! bc r~'c~ived
and filed and no representation front tile City appear at the hearing.
No, 276 - H,G,Acres and Co. Ltd - re proposed Sewage Treatment ]j']a~t and i~-oposl~.{
site. ORDERED on the motiolT of Ald, Martin and AId, GrBgory that tlk~ collm:u:~i-
cat|on be received and referred to the Management ConroT|tree for a report.
No, 277 - Niagara Parks Commission - re traffic problem and ncu Huscuu site
River Road and requesting establishment of "no parkiug'u zone between Bl~.ndl~r and
Hiram, ORDERED on the motion of AId, Morton and AId, l.{hite that the confound|cat|on
be received and filed and the report of the Traffic Conrad|tree recom~nncnding
elire|cat|on of parking on the ~,:est side of River Road, between tliram Street and
Bender Street aud also that the Conmission be requested to remove a Dortion of the
island in ;liver Road, be received and adopted,
SEE Report No, 285.
No, 278 - Ontarie-Municipal Joint Con~nittee on Sewerage Uorks - advising of meetin,j
to be held on October 8tb, in Toronto. The City Manager spok~ in connection with
this notice of meeting and advised concerning the Premier's negative attitude in
connection witIT this matter, ORDERED on the motion of .lid, Mowers and AId,Morton
that time communication be received and filed,
No. 279 - Greater NiaKara General llospital Association - invitation to Fall Dance,
October 22nd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Gregory that the
invitation be received and accepted and as many of the Members of Council and their
wives, as find it possible attend.
No. 280 - Stamford Canada Guards - requesting permission to hold a tag day, October
25th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Miller that the communication
be received and filed and permission granted as date is available.
Np. 281 - Deputy Provincial Secretary - notifying Council regarding application of
Sherman and Midan|k, for incorporation of a company to operate the Niagara Falls
Museum Limited in the City of Niagara Falls. The City Clerk advised that there is
no opposition as far as formation of the Company is concerned, but their operations
will of necessity have to conform with the permitted uses allowed by the City of
Niagara Falls Zoning By-law in the area in question. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Mowers and Ald. Gregory that the communication be received and filed.
The followin~ Reports were presented;
No. 281 - Property Committee - recommending amendment tO Tourist Establishment
By-law to permit the erection of a motel at 1685 Ferry Street. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. Carried,
with Ald. }!artin and Mayor Hauklns~contrary.
SEE Communication No. 267.
No. Z82 - Property Committee - recommending that the application for an amendment to
the Tourist Establishment By-law for the construction of a motel at 1433 Victoria
Avenue, be not approved due to the location of a single lot between two existing
dwellings and insufficient parking space. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Mowers and
AId, M~ller that the report be ragaired and adopted, Carried Unanimously,
SEE Cp.mmuni.cation No.268
No. 283 - Traffic Committee - recorm~ending no change in parking regulation at the
corner of Morrison St. and Victoria Ave. at the premises of F. Boychuk. ORDERED
on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald, White that the report be received and ~dopted.
SEE Conm~unication 269.
No. 284 - Traffic Committee - re request of Mrs. Keith Styles for relocation of the
bus stop on the east side of Victoria Ave. at Simcoe St. Ald. Morton, Chairman of
the Traffic Committee advised verbally that a traffic count of school children
crossing Victoria Avenue had been completed k and the Committee suggests that the
crosswalk be removed from the south side of Simcoe Street to the north side of
Simcoe Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Morton and Ald. White that the
report be received and the verbal report be adopted.
SEE Communication 270
No. 285 - Traffic Committee - reco~nending elimination of parking on the west side
of River Road between Hires St. and Bender St. and that the Niagara Parks Commission
be requested to remove a portion of the island in River Road extending north from
Bender Street.
SEE Con,nunication 277
No. 286 - Traffic Conunittee - four reconm~endations concerning traffic and parking
conditions on Bridge Street directly ~est of River Road. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Morton and Aid. White that the report be received and adopted, Carried, with
Ald. McKinley and Gregory - contrary.
No. 287 - Traffic Committee - re parking area on St. Clair at Park Street and
recommending additional information be secured regarding advantages of having
parking attendant control over the operation of parking meters. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Morton and .~ld. ~mite that the report be received and filed.
Ho. 288 - Traffic Co~nittee - recommending that the present condition be continued
namely, "no parking" from Queen Street ~o Victoria Avenue on the north. side of
Valley W~y. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Miller that the report
be received and adopted.
No. 289 - Traffic Committee - recommending authority to review the types of
actuated signals suitable for iDstallation at Victoria and Valley Nay; MorrisoB St.
and Victoria Ave;.and Morrison St. and Valley Way. ORDERED on the motion of AId.
Morton and Ald. White that the report be received and filed.
No, 290 - Traffic Committee - recommending prohibition of parking on the north
side of Buttrey St. between River Road and Terrace Ave. while load limit on the
Victoria Avenue bridge is in force. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and
Ald. White that the report be received and adopted.
No. 291 - Traffic Conm~ittee - recommending no change in parking prohibition on ·
the north side of Rosedale Drive from Fourth Avenue to Florence Avenue and on the
s~uth side from Florence Avenue to 180 feet west of Fourth Avenue. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mowers that the report be received and
referred back to the Traffic Committee for~a further report.
No. 292 - Traffic Committee - re request for reloeation of bus stop on the west~
side of Main Street in front o£ Prospect Hotel and requesting more time to compare
similar conditions at other premises before submitting a recommendation. ORDERED
on the motion of AId, Morton and Aid, McKinley that the report be received and filed,
No. 293 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on tile motion of
Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley that the report be reee~ved aad adopted and licences
issued accordingly.
The following Resolution was passed;
No. 81 - MORTON - GREGORY - RESOLVED tha~ ~he next regular meeting of Council b~ held
on Tuesday evening, October 14th. at 7.30 p.m. and the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto a~fixed. Carried UnanimouslX.
Laid over from a previous meeting;
No. 5617 - To authorize the borrowing of $813,000.00 for tbc
filter plant and pumps at the Niagara Fa!]s Filtration l~ ant.
Third Reading - A!d. White and AId. Eartin - Carried U!~anin=ous!~.
Council adjourned to the Finance Hooting on the motion of Agd. li iiiu]cy and .'~].d.
READ A!D ADOPTED, 14th. October, 1958.
Council Chamber
6t;~. October, 1~58.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, October 6th, 1958 for the purpose
of approving and also passing the varioos accounts,which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Aid. White,
Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in tile amount of $59,022.37 were approved by the Committee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered
placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council, on tile motion of Mayor
Hawkins and AId. McKinley.
The application of Mr. Florindo Martin, 474 Fcrguson Avenue, for a building
permit to erect a two-room addition above the two-car garage attached to the building,
at an estimated cost of $2,500. which was referred to the Property Con~ittee at the
last'meeting, was again submitted along with the Property Conm~ittee's report which
recommended issuance of the permit. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and AId.
Gregory that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of Ace N~on Signs to erect a
neon racer sign at 595 Queen Street, at an estimated cost of $300. was presented
for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Miller that the
report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of Messrs. N. Mrmak and D.
Macesic for a building permit to construct an additional twleve unite at the Queen
Elizabeth Motel, located at the corner of Stanley Avenue and Stamford Street, at an
estimated cost of $25,000, was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Hawkins
and AId. Gregory that the report be received and referred ~o the Property Con~ittee
for a report.
The City Manager's report on the failure of the heating boiler at toe
Walnut Street Fire Hall and the necessity of replacing ~'he same irmnediately, was
presented for consideration. The City Hanager then advised that the tenders he
had called for, were now on hand and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Howere
and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted and the tenders received
be opened, initlalled by His Worship the Mayor and tabulated. ORDERED on tile motion
of Ald. Mowers and AId. Miller that the tenders be referred to the Management
Cou~faittee with power to act,
· ' :ETIi~G
Cc,ltlu:5 ! C;.' r:b... -
The Conmlittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of llayor ltawkins and
Ald. Miller.
READ AND ADOPTED, 14th, October, 1958.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 ~.m. on 2'~sda';-, Cc'Z'~T~r !4th.
1955, for the purpose of considering ge;~eral business and flna'.ce, All [.lqmbcrs o;'
Council were present, with the exception of Jdd. 1[iller. TOt, Council, havin~
received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted t% cse on the
of ild. Gregory and Aid. Martin.
Mr. E. E. Mitchelson, Councillor of tile Township of Stamford a~d C lairmal~
of Zone 3 of the Niagara Regional Development Association, yes present at tim
meeting and it was ordered on the motion of AId. 1,lcKinley and AId. Norton tibet he
be heard. Councillor Mitchelson briefly outlined what had taken place previously
and the fact that the City of Niagara Falls had been requested to beconie a Eembcr
but to date had indicated no desire. He then pointed out what he considered tile
advisability of baring full membership and asked Couoci] throu,~h iIis Uorship toe
Mayor to give it serious consideration with a view to, as requested, becoming a
Mr. Mitchelson was assured by His Worship the Mayor that the matter would
be given consideration.
Council Chamber,
The Conlxittee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing tile by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Con~aittee. All Members were present.
TIle following By-lm~ was passed;
No. 5684 - To provide monies for general purposes,
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Morton that Ald. %~lite.be
Granted the privilege of introducing the by.-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Miller that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily'suspended and the by-l~q be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously,
Third Reading -Ald. Miller and Ald, Gregory - Carried U.animously.
Council adjourned on the motion o~ Ald.' Miller and Ald. Mowers.
READ AND ADOPTED, 14th, October, 1958,
C lark ,--- Mayor.
Mr. Donald J. Fortie, Chairman of tile Niagara District Airport Development
Committee, was present at the meeting and Alderman Gregory, Council's representative
on that Colmnittee advised the Members of Council as to what had transpired at tile
most recent meeting and gave some outline of what was proposed. ]Ic then submitted
a resolution indicating that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls would
participate in negotiations subject to satisfactory arrangements with the Federal
Government and advocated very strongly that tile resolution as submitted, be adopted
by the City Council.
SEE Resolution
S_EE Report Number 29~
Mr. Fettle, on request, elaborated somewhat further on tile questions involved
indicating that he too was of the opinion it was desirable that the City of Niagara
Palls approve.
Ald. Morton who with the late Ald. B:ooks, had previously artended a meeting
of the Airport Committee, indicated that at that time both of the Hembers of Council
were not too much in fayour of toe suggestions advanced and referred to conditions
which presently exist in the Welland Area and the Airport at that location.
Laid Over from a previous meeting;
No. 265 - Greater Niagara Conmunity Chest - requesting Council's approval to a
payroll deduction plan for tile forthcoming United Appeal Campaign, Ald. Martin,
Chairman. of the Management Committee~ reported verbally that his Com~it~ec desirul
to recommend tha~ p~rn:ission be ~ranted. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and
Ald. McKinley that the communication be received and filed and permission be granted
as requested. Carried Unanimously.
Tenders had been called for the asphalt paving of Homew0od Avenue from Morrison
Street to Maple Street; and Elm Street from Homewood Avenue to Stanley Avenue and it
was ordered on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Gregory that the tenders received,
be openeds initialled by His Worship the Mayor and tabulated. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mowers that the tenderof Hard-Rock payins Limited, at a
quotation of approximately $6,384.50 be accepted. Carried Unanimously.
The following Communications were presented;
No. 282 - Realtors Association of Greater Niagara - invitation to second Annual
Civic Night Dinner Dance, October 24th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and
Ald. Gregory Chat the invitation be received, accepted and as many as possible
No. 283 o Greater Nlagara and District Credit Union - requesting issuance of a
proclamation re Credit Union Day. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and
Aid. Morton that the communication be received, filed and proclamation issued as
No. 284 - Chief Constable - re forthcoming Annual Conference of Chief Constables'
Association of Ontario, at Brock Hotel, May 20th. to 22nd, 1959 and requesting
co-operation of City Council to provide a luncheon or dinner. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mowers that the communication be received and
referred to the 1959 Council with the request for fayDurable consideration.
No. 285 - British-Canadian Veterans Association - indicating preference for the
Remembrance Day S~rvice remaining at the Cenotaph in Queen Victoria Park, instead
of alternating with Stamford Cenotaph. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and
Aid. Martin that the communication be received and the writer advised as to the
preparations already underway for the Service this year and the difficulty involved
in making any change at this time; and that the City Council are of the opinion that
there should be a meeting of Committees of the two Councils with the Central
Veterans Committee before arrangements are made for the 1959 Remembrance Day Service.
No. 286 - Downtown Businessmen's Association - advising arrangements now completed
with all but t~o property owners adjoining the City Parking Area on Park Street and
requesting immediate attention for the commencement of the necessary work on the
parking lot. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mowers that the communi-
cation be received a~d tabled until the arrival of the delegates, Later in the
evening, no one having arrived to speak on the communication, the feasibility of
metering the parking area in question was discussed and the possible types of meters
considered, following which it was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Morton and Ald.
Martin that the paving of the parking area be proceeded with, with the understanding
that meters will be installed, and the communication be received and filed.
No. 287 - Niagara Peninsula Conservation Con,nittee - re possible establishment of a
Conservation Authority covering the Niagara Peninsula and advising that a Member
of this Conmittee will appear before Gouncil if desired. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley that the conmunication be received and the w~iter be
requested to have a representative appear before the City Council ~o give full
information on this subject,
~o. 288 - Niagara Falls Separate School Board - expressing opposition to the proposed
location of the proposed sewage treatment plant, in the Glenview Area, and requesting
Council to consider an alternative site. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Martin and
Aid. Mowers that the petition on the ageads at this meeting be brought forward for
consideration at this time. FURTHER ORDERED on the motion of jAld. Morton an~ Ald.
White that Mr. Faho Martin~ signatory on the petition be heard at this time. Mr.
Martin referred to the delegation present at the meeting from the Glenview Area and
voiced a strong protest against the possible location of such a Plant~ due to the
odours and fumes which could emanate therefrom and pointed out the nuisance of smoke
and soot which the residents have to endure due to the proximity of the G.N.R. Round-
house an~ also the Cyanamid Company. ~e advised that the parents of children
attending schools in the area are quite concerned. His Worship the Mayor assured ~he
delegation that consideration would be given but that no decision h~s been made
concerning the site of the proposed Sewage Treatment Plant and pointed ~ut that the
Engineering Consultants are only exploring possible sites. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. McKinley and AId. Gregory that the communication be received and referred to the
Management Gonwnittee. SEE ~etition No.15
Ald.' Martin, Chairman 9f ~he Management Comittee, advised that one meeting
had been held concerning this subject and two or three sites considered and that
another'meeting will be held with H.G.Acres, Consulting Engineers, t~ go over. the
locations visited by the MauaSeme~t. Committea, £o,l~owing which a,further report will
be submitted to Council.
No. 289 - City of Guelph - resolution to reconsider the formula in use r,;garding
Children's A_{d Society rates. ORDERED on the motion of AId. ~.iar~in and
Mowers that the resolution be received and filed. This actioi~ was take!~ fol!ouiu~
the City C]erk's verbal report as to the inconsistent) of the reg~}!utle:L
No, 290 - Electrical Contractors' Association - enclosing S)-]aus of Lbv Asscclation;
proposed by-law for the qualificatiou, registration and licensing for ilastcr
Electricians and Journe)qnan Electricians; letters of approval .Cr=_,. !nt~rnatioua!
Brotherhood of Electrical %~orkers, Local 303, ii.E.P.C. of Cntario and Firc Chic.C
Win. Wade. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKiuley and AId. K~rton that representatives
of the Association, present at this meeting, bc heard. 1'it, [rank Licfl addrcsj?d
Council, indicating the desire of the Association to institut? a bL-!aw to s~-t a
standard of qualification for those engaged in making ,=]cctrica! insta]]ati:ons in
the City of Niagara Falls and in Stamford Township, for the protuction of it~
citizens from unqualified worh,anship and the use of unsafe mater~a]s. Ur. L;qf]
suggested that the data subm~ trod at t!,is meeting be stnd~cd L~ C,>uuc:;,] a,~d i.ossib~'
a meeting could be arranged with a delegation from the Association at a late, r date.
O~ERED on the motion of AId. Martin and AId, Gregory that the co:umuuicatiou m~d
supporting data be received and referred to the Managerecur Conm~ittce for cousideratio~
and a report and the Co~ittcc be empowered to meet with Comnittces of the Vi31agc
Chippaws and the Township of Stamford.
No. 291 - Canadian Federation of Nayors and Municipalities - enclosing cop>' of letter
from Legal Counsel in connection with opposition to re c~t application of Bell
Telephone Company for an increase in rates and advising that the last date for
entering an appeal against the Judgment of the Board of Transport Con~issioners is
October 24th. ORDERED on the motiDa of Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory that the
communication be received and the writer be advised that the Council of the City
of Niagara Falls concur in the appeal.
No. 292 - 1.!rs. Jacqueline Riopel - requesting amendment to Tourist Establishment
By-law for the construction of a two-storey mote] on Lot 3, Plan 653, known as 1354
Ferry Street. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Mo~.:ers that the com-
munlcation be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report.
SEE lieport No. 294.
The followin~ Reports were presented;
No. 294 - City ManaRer - reconuDending that the comnmnication of 1.lrs. Riopel for
permission to erect a motel at 1354 Ferry St, be referred to the Property Conunittee
for a report. ORDERED on the motion of AId, }forton and Aid. Nowors tbat the report
be received and adoptdd.
SEE Con~nunication No. 292
No. 295 - ManaKement Committee - reeonumending installation of a second compressor at
Niagara Falls Filtration Plant, at an estimated cos{'. of ~1,750. to ensure continuous
operation of the Plant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 296 - Management Con~ittee - reconm~ending by-law be.prepared appointing Welfare
Administrator, Assistant Administrator and the employment of a male clerk. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton that the report he received and adopted.
No, 297 - Traffic Comnittee - report on inspection of parking regulations in effect
on Rosedale Drive and advising that a further report will be presented upon the
completion of paving. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory that
the report be received and filed.
No. 298 - Alderman Gregory - advising of attendance at recent meeting of Niagara
District Airport Development Committee, outlining proposals and submitting resolution
indicating that the City Council would participate in negotiations subject to satis-
factory arrangements with Federal Government; and recon~endinc the adoption of this
resolution. It was moved by Ald. White and Ald. Morton that the report be received
and the resolution be tabled for farther study. This motion was lost by a vote of
4 to 3, the vote being - Aye -Ald. Morton, White and Martin; Nays - AId. Mowers,
McKinley, Gregory and Mayor Hawkins, An amendment made by AId. Mowers and Ald.
McKinley that Council approve the recommendation of Council's representative ,on the
Airport Committee and the resolution as submitted be adopted. Carried by a vote
of 4 to 3, the vote bing - Aye -Ald. Mowers, McKinley, Gregory and Mayor I1awkins;
Naye- Ald. Morton, White and Nartin,
SEE Resolution No. 82.
No. 299 - City Clerk - reconm~ending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. NcKinley and AId, Gregory that the report be received and adopted and licences
issued accordingly.
The following Petition was presented;
15 - Faho Martin and 388 others 0 opposing proposed location of proposed Sewage
Treatment Plant in Glenview Area. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley
and Ald. Gregory that the petition be received and referred to the
Management Conunittee.
SEE Co~mnunication No. 288,
The following Resolutions were passed;
No. 82 - MOWERS - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that Whereas this Council recognizes the need
for and the importance of the establishment of adequate airport facilities to serve
the municipalities of the Niagara District; and Whereas it is necessary and desirable
for the municipalities affected to act jointly in order to achieve this result and
to operate and maintain such airport facilities; Now Therefore The Council of the
Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls, subject to satisfactory arrangnnents with
the Federal Government, agrees and undertakes to negotiate with [he municipaltries
concerned, a joint agreement to operate and manage as a regional airport the
airport now known and operated as the St.Catharines Airport; and the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
(Contrary -Ald. Morton, ~nite and Martin).
No. 83 - MOWERS - GREGORY - RESOLVED that a letter of congratulations be forwarded
to the Niagara Falls Lorenzo Construction Jnnior Baseball Team for winning the All-
Ontario Junior "A: Baseball Chmnpionship; and also to the Chlppawa Pet Wees upon
their achievement in winning the O.B.A. Pet Wee "C" Chmnpionship; and the Seal of
the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 84 - MCKINLEY - GREGORY - RESOLVED' that a letter of congratulations be forwarded
to Mr. Stanley C. Thomson, of the Niagara Falls Fire Department upon his achievement
in a.ttaining second place in the Instructors' Course held a't Gravenburst Fire Colle~;
recently; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
The following By-law was passed;
,~o. 5685 - To amend By-law Number 3790, being a by-law for the regulation of traffic.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Martin that Aid. Nortou be
granted the privilege of introducing, the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously..
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and AId, White that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. Morton and AId. Gregory - Carried Unanimously.
The following Resolution uas passed;
No. 85 - MARTIN - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that the next regular mectiu~j of Co',l;a,.'i! bc
held on Saturday morning, October ~8th. at 9 A.I,_,', and the ?.ca! of t|h, CorBoral:5o-~
be hereto affixed. ,
3:uTri,.d ,U;!a:~.i;.o~lsJ- ,
Council adjourned to the Finance 1.1string on the motion of ','a , ilo::crs and \hl.
McKinley. ' .....
READ AND ADOPTED, 18th. October, 1958.
Clerk ' ' ..... ~ E_',,L',~v
Council Chamber,
14th. October,1958.
The Finance Meeting was held on Tuesday, October 14th, 1958 for the purpose
of approving and also passing the various accounts, which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Cormaittee were present~ with the exception
of AId. Miller. AId. White, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Acconnts in the amount of $64,009.20 were approved by the Gonm~ittes.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered
placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Mayor
Hawkins and Aid. McKinley.
The application of Messrs. Mrmak and Macesic for a permit to erect twelve
units at the Queen Elizabeth Motel, at th,? corner of Ytau!ay .'.-~uuIc and Stamford Street,
at an estimated cost of $25,000. which was referred to the Property Committee, was again
presented for consideration along with the report of the Committee recon~nending the
issuance of the building permit. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton
that the report be received and adopted and the building permit be issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of D. and N. Burland for a
building permit for alterations to their premises known as tile ~oneymoon Cottages,
943 Clifton Mills at an estimated cost of $110,000. was presented for consideration.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mowers that the report be received and
adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of Mr. O. C. Smtley for a
building permit to erect a three-storey building in front of 819 Victoria Avenue, at
an estimated cost of $35,000. was presented along with a further report of the ~tty
M~nager recommendins that the ,application be.referred to tile Property Committee for
further consideration due to tile fact that ~he addition of the third store~ would mean
thatparking acco~aodation must be available for six units and that no parking
space is available on the lot. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Aid.
Mowers that Mr. and Mrs. Smiley who were present be permitted to speak. They
both referred to the close proximity of two parking lots which could be used by
their tenants. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and AId. Gregory that the
application he referred to the Property Committee for consideration and a report.
The City Manager's report on the application of Win. Black,
611 Victoria Avenue for a building permit to construct an addition to the front
of his premises, was presented; the report indicated that the proposed construction
would not conform to By-law Number 4929 and recommended that the application be
referred to the Property Committee for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of
Aid. l'[cKinl~y and Ald. Morton that the report be received and the application be
referred to the Property Cormnittee.
The City Manager's report on an application for a permit to
move the dwelling at 1824 Peer Street to the rear portion of Lots 11 and 12, on
Lowell Avenue. was presented for consideration; the report indicated that the
proposal would not conformwith By-law No. 5335 with reference to minimum area
requirements and that a permit should not be granted. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Morton and Ald. Mowers that the report be received and adopted and permit be
not granted.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and
Ald. Gregory.
READ AND ADOPTED. 18th. October, 1958.
Council Chamber,
The Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council
and Finance }lotrings for thc purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Gommittee. All Members were present, with the exception of Ald.
The followinB By-law was passed;
~o.. 5~.~6 - To provide monies for ~eneral purposes.
ORDERED .on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton that Ald. White be
granted ~he privilege of introducing the-by-law and the by-law be given the firs~
reading, - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. White and AId. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be tenporarlly suspended' and tho by-law be ~iven the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously,
Third R_tading -Ald. Grtgory and Aid. 1.2owors - Cavril.d
Council adjourned to Conf2rc. ncc ou the r'otio,~
'- -',-: ..........
RE~ Ai~ ,9OPTED, !Orb. Octob2r, 1958.
Clerk aaa .........
Connc} 1 Chan:b._.r,
_ ~.. October, ]953.
TIle Conference Connnittce of the City Council assembled at tile close of the
regular Council and Finance Meetings on Tuesday, October ]4th, 1958 for tbc purpose
of considering the items presented to them. All M2mbers of the Committee x-;ere
present, with the exception of Ald. Miller. His L~orship, Mayor llawkius~ nrcsided
as Chairman. '
After consideration of tile items presented to thank, tile Con~nittec adjourned on the
motion of Ald, White and AId. Martin.
READ AND ADOPTED, 18th. October, 1958.
Council Chamber,
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 9.00 A.M. on Saturday morning,
October lath, 1958 for the purpose o£ considering general business and finance. ~ill
Members of Council were present, with the exception of gld. Miller and AId. Morton.
Tile Council~ having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted
these on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. ~wers.
-Ald. McKinley arrived at the meeting
Laid over from the previoua meeting;
No. 292 - Mrs. Jacqueline Riopel - requesting amendment to Municipal By-law to allow
construction of a motel at 1354 Ferry Street. ORDERED on the motion of AId.Mowers
and Ald. White that the con~unication be received and filed and the report of the
Property Co~mlittee reconmlending that permit be not granted, be adopted. Carried
Unanimously. Aid. Mowers a n~ember of the Property Committee advised verbally tibet
the recomnendation of the Committee was not unanin~us as Ald. Miller was not
SEE Report Number 300.
The following Con~unicattons were presented;
No. 293 - Niagara Regional Development Association - possibility of City becoming
a Member. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Gregory that the City of
Niagara Falls join the Association in accordance with the request of Mr. E. E.
Mitchelson, Chairman of Zone 3 of the Association. This motion was tied~ the vote
being - Aye -Ald. Mowers~ Gregory and Mayor Hawkins; Naye- Ald. Mar~in, McKinley,
and White. Prior to this action, Ald. White moved that the matter he received and
filed, but there was no seconder. During the discussion on the motion~ Aid. Mowers
was of the opinion that the City could not a~ford to .be left out of .any planning
which might involve the area as a whole. Mayor Hawkins was of the opinion that
any regional development would be beneficial to the City, which was concurred in
by AId. Gregory. ~Id. White in speaking against the motion expressed strong
opposition against membership, stating that in his opinion the City of Niagara
Falls will not gain anything through membership.
N~. 294 - Local Board of Health - requesting authority for the sponsoring of an~
additional Sanitary Inspector at the Course presently being conducted in Toronto
for such Inspectors. ORDERED on the motio~ of Ald, Mowers and Ald. Martin that
the communication be received and filed and authority granted as requested.
No. 295 - Children's Aid Society of Welland County - invitation to Annual Luncheon,
October 22nd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin. and Ald. McKinley that the
'communication hs received, the invitation accepted and as many of the Members of
Council as find it possible artand.
No. 296 - St. Patrick's Catholic Women's League - invitation to HarveSt Dinner-on
October 26th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Martin and Ald, Gregory that the
communication be received, invitation accepted and as many of the Members of Council
as find it possible attend.
No. 297 - Greater NiaRara Central Veterans ' Committee - invitation to Annual
Remembrance Day Parade and Service, November 9th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Gregory and AId. McKinley that the communication be received, invitation ttccepted
and His Worship the Hayors as requested' in the comunication, urge the citizens
of Niagara Palls to attend the Service and as many of ~he Members of Council as
find it possible alSo'attend.
No. 298 - Niafara Falls Cataract Junior i{ock~'.y T.~.am - apprcciat;ol~ f.,r supUort
during 1957-58 Season. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~iowers 8pd .~i. i'hj tc thaC
the conm~unication be r~ceivcd and filed.
The next conmmnication which was received too ]atv
the agenda, was ordered read on the !"orion of Aid. I.[o~vcrs and %]d. Crc,j~r:,-.
No. 299 - W, A. Snyder - e::pr'-~ssing dissatisfactio, at not v:,c,,ivir~Z :K,t~ce of
a Traffic Genrecities meeting with Downtowv Businesslnel~s .'~5soc~aCiol- ~;~ ?~i~r.~ssff~t~
oppositian to further insta]latio:~ of parking meters, ~RDE~ED ,,n ti'~, i~ot~o-~ o~7 Ai6.
~artin and AId. White that the corc~unlcation be' received and filed.
The following Reports were presented;
Me. 300 - Property Conrad|tree - reconn'!endipg that pcrn,isslou I',,- ~'.ot granted
construction of a motel at 1354 Ferry Street. ORDERED ,~n th~ motion of Ald.l-|o~;crs
and A!d. White that the report be received and adopted.
SEE Comr~unicatiou .,"o,292
No. 301 - Nanaf, ement Committee - reconm~ending the arranging of a iLectin~ with
Niagara Parks Conm~ission, to secure pcrmission to conduct a survr,y of a po~:sihla
site on Parks Conehiss|on property for proposed sewage treatmcnt plant; and further
recor~nending the arrangements be made for all Members of Council to visit the Zzwaga
Treatment Plant at St. Thomas on October 31st. ORDERED on the motion o[ '~ld.[iowers
and Ald. I~ite that the report be received and adopted.
No. 302 - City Manager - recommending the installation of an addit|offal street light
on Eastwood Crescent in front of No. 687. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Gregory
and AId. White that the report be received and adopted.
No. 303 - City Manager - enclosing copy of Sun~nary of Application for position of
Junior Clerk and advising of the appointment of Miss Lorraine Bell. ORDERED on the
motion of AId. Martin and Aid. Mowers that the report be received and adopted.
No. 304 - City Clerk - reconunending issuance of licenccs. ORDERED on the motion of
Aid. Mowers and Aid. Gregory that the report be received and adopted and licences
issued accordingly.
Aid. Mowers referred to excessive speeding on Epworth Circle and expressed
the opinion that the trouble is not being caused by students attending the school.
The Alder'man requested the Traffic Cormnittee to study the possibility of reducing
the speed limit in the school zone; and suggested that an unmarked Police Car might
go to the area to checkthis situation. tIIS Worship the Mayor advised that he
would take the matter up with the Police Department and assured the Alderman that
the Traffic Committee would take his suggestion under advisement.
The followin.% By-law was passed;
Np. 5687 - To appoint a b~nicipal Welfare Administrator and an Assistant Municipal
Welfare Administrator for the City of Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. W]~ite and AId. Gregory that Ald. Martin be
granted the privilege of introducing'the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading, - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and AId. McKinley that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading, - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. Martin and AId. Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Aid. McKinley and AId.
READ AND ADOPTED, 27th, October, 1958.
The tit} l.!anager's report on {'he app]]catio;~ nf Zo'.,j.r'- -'!T'J vat !L
Shannon for a permit to erect a sign at 614 Victoria hcn!~., 'a,' a!~
cost of $25.00 was presented. ORDERED on the v~otion of A d. C~-.3j r; and
Mowers that the report be received and adopted and perFit .issued,
The Conm~ittce arose and reported to Council
Mayor Hawkins;
READ A!~ ADOPTED, 27th. O,;tober, 1958.
Chairman of loinante
Council Chamber,
lath .qctober, 1958.
The Finance Meeting was held on Saturday morning, October lath, 195~,
to deal with various items referred to them. All Members of the Conm~itt~e were
present, with tbe exception of Ald. Mille~ and Ald. Morton. Ald. I-~ite, Chairman
of the Conunittee, presided.
The application of O.
storey building in front of the dwelling at 819 Victoria Avenue, which was referred
to the Property Committee for consideration, was agai'n presented along with the
Property Conunittee's report recommending that a permit for a two-storey building will
be issued bet unless adequate parking facilities are provided, it is impossible to
recommend the construction of the third storey~ Before dealing with the Property
Gommittee's report, it was ordered that a communication which had been just handed
to the Clerk, be read,. on the motion of Mayor Ilawkins and Ald. McKinley. The ,~
communication was from Mr. Matt Calzonetti of the White Bose Service Station, at
the corner of Victoria Avenue and Morrison Street advising that arrangements had
been made for ample parking of cars for tenants of O. C. Smiley. 819 Victoria
Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Mayor Hawkins that the building
permit be granted for the erection as requested, subject to the distinct under-
standing that adequate off-street parking will be provided for the tenants of the
proposed structure.
C. Smiley, for a building permit to erect a three-
The City Manager's report advising that detailed plans for the
p~oposed motel on Lot 9 and Part of ~ot 10 on the north side of'Lundy~s Lane~ at
an estimated cost of $62,500.00 )Scotsmen's Motel) have now been filed, was
presented for consideration. ORDERED on the mo~on of Ald. McKinley and Mayor Hawkins
that the report be received and filed.
The City Manager's report in connection with the application of Isidore
Cam, 1788 Drummond Road, for a permit to move a cabin from the Queen Elizabeth Motel
at the corner of Stamford St. and Stanley ~ve. to the rear of his premises on
Drummond Road and requesting permission Co move the cabin across Coronation Park,
was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and 'AId. ·
Mowers that the report be received and filed and permission be granted to move the
building across Coronation Park in dry weather, and that the placing of the building
~n the rear of his p[emises be referred ~o tile Property Oommittee with power to act.
Council C|,amber,
18th .October, 1958.
The Con~nittee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the completion of business. All Members were present with the exception
of Ald. Miller and Ald. Morton.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Howers and Aid. Gregory.
READ AND ADOPTED 27th. October, 1958.
Council Chamber,
The Conference Conradtree of the City Council assembled at the close of
the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Saturday morning, October ]Sth, 1958.
All l'!embers were present, with the e.~;ception of Ald. Miller and Ald. Morton. Ills
Worship, Mayor llawki,,s, presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the itcras presented to them, the Conmdttec adjourDed on the
motion of Ald. White and Ald. Mov:ers.
READ A~D ADOPTED, 27th. October, 1958.
Clerk '
Council Chamber,
24th October, 1958.
~e Court of Revision on The Assessment Roll commenced sitting at 10:00 A.M. Friday,
ictober 2~th, 1958, at which the following action was taken upon the respective appeals:
Members present: J.G. Collins, Chairman, John T. Clement and Albert Benson.
Roll Poll
No.-- No_t_. Respecting De_Cis~p~_p~,~Cpp~r~
170 1 223 Terrace Ave. Dismissed
2 586 Ferguson St. Allowed
460B 2
8~2 4
872 4
19~ x)
M. Batty Watson
Thos. O. Bugg
913 Bridge St.
Glenview Social Club
Osvaldo Orlando
Leslie Wauchope
Fraser & Fraser
677 Ontario Ave.
5 R.L. O'Banion
8 An%on~ Toffolo
9 Hydro-Electric Con~n.
of Niagara Falls
9 Rosberg,s Ltd.
63~ Erie Ave.
9 J.E. Koch
9 Theodore Panchyshyn
10 Joseph Giutard
10 Louis Stein
2011 Brookfield Ave.
10 John Zaborowski
12 Emilfo Lupia
1~ , John ~. Reynolds
16 Marriett Whyte
17 John & Anna Breski
· 18 George Husiak
18 Jos. Maddelena
19 Joe, Maddelena
21 Jos. Maddelena
21 Fraser & Fraser
22 T, Dunean
23 IAMarsh & IA~rsh
233 Rickson Ave.
90 Hickson Ave.
728 Park Street
Lee Pock Estate
663-~ Queen St.
~4 Second Ave.
139SKi m St.
329 Morrison St.
Building reduced $~00,00 and
split between residential and
A II owed.
Assessor to adjust
Queen Street Parking $2,600. reduction on Parking Lot
544 Queen St.
7/+5 River Road
495 Ellis St.
488 Ellis St.
904 Welland Ave.
637 Ellis St.
833 Second Ave.
1415 Huron St.
140~ Alexander Cres.
339 Seneca St.
35~ Seneca St.
1~:~: Ontario Ave.
~?~ ~veroon Cres.
Abatement allowed of 4~%
Abatement - $315.76
Building increased $400.00
Building reduced $300.00
Building reduced $70.00
MoOlashan-Clarke Co. Building reduced $25,600.00
Palmet Avenue
llOJ St, lawrence Ave. Allowed
730 Eastwood Cres, Dismissed
": : .... Roll
· '{'.
No, Appellant RespectinK
Decision of Court
4730 26 Girolamo Fonseca
120~ Jepson St,
Building reduced $975,00
4796-1 26
52~8 29
6282 33
6607A 35
6768 36
7022-3 38
706i 38
7061 38
7287 39
B16A 1
B]46 3
Bl~9 3
Si53A 3
B170 3
B17~ 3
735 -3
B190 3
F,P. Agar
ReF, Z~mmerman
Domenic Fillipone
Shell Oil Co. of Canada 1882 Stanley Ave,
Box 220, Adelaide St. P,Oo
Toronto, Ontario
Okranian Greek Orthodox 1906 Sylvia Place
Arlene M~norLtd.
R,Fo Zimmerman
R,F, Zimmerman
Brian M, Olsen
1~07 Twidale Ave. Allowed
1689 Ellen Ave, Assessor to adjust
1709 Temperance Ave, Building reduced $320°00
2136 Barker St.
1956 Drumnond Road
1956 Drummond Road
1954 S~mnes St.
Under Section 124 - Asses~m-nt Act - Abatements and Refunds
R,F. Zimmerman 2~ River Road Allowed ' '
Abatement - $18,8Q
do 602 Erie Ave, . Allowed
Rebate - $7,72
do 630Erie Ave. Allowed
Abatement - $15.88
do ~65 ~ark St, Allowed . .
Abatement - $~1,72
do 226 Park St, Allowed
Abatement - $1~,9~
do 461 Quee~ St, Allowed for 30%
. Rebate - $318,1~
do 461 Queen St, Allowed for 30%
Rebate - $318,42
do 429 Queen St, Allowed
Tax A~a%ement - $83,80
S~8i 13
R582 i3
B59i 13
S60i ~4
-S6~2& 19
B670 19
3 Martin, Calvert,
Bates & Sheppard
520 Queen Street
3A3-9 Queen St.
B221 3 R.F. Zimmerman
B2/~A ~. do
B250 4 do
B273 /,. do
313 .Queen St,
767 Queen St.
739 Queen St.
623 Queen St.
Abatement - $79,83
Abatement - $12.45
Abatement - $5~,62
B671 i9
B~i 20
r B686
B699A 22
Allowed B730 23
Rbbatem; L - $22.23
R.F. Zimmerman
531 Queen St,
587 Queen St,
529-35Queen St.
619723 WeLland Ave.
1075.Bridge St,
517 Simcoe St,
5OTSimcoe St,
582'Queen St,
'747 Welland Ave.
88OVictoria Ave.
931 Victoria A*e.
927 Victoria A~e.
819 Morrison St,
737 Fourth Ave.
1871 Falls Ave,
1821 River Road
1651 River Road
1007 WeLland Ave,
Oec~ip~ip~_ P--f_gP~F~
Abatement ~ $53'82
Abatement - $32.63
Abatement - $18,92
Abatement ~ $15.12
Abatement - $60,77
Abatement - $6,18
Abatement - $30.90
Abatement - $87.55
Abatement- $2-45
Abatement - $33-99
Allowed for 35% and change of
School Support
Rebate -$109,~1
Abatement -$53,56
Abatement -$36,~
Abatement - $23.18
Abatement - $43-78
Abatement - $5.15
Abatement - $11,85
Abatement - $1,27~,62
Abatement - $1A,9~
1090 St. Lawrence Ave. Allowed
Abatement - $36,82
106~ Victoria Ave. Allowed
Abatement - $34,76
1318 Victoria AVe, Allowed
A~atement - $12.~
16~7 m~en Ave. Allowed
Abatement - $101,45
.No, Appellant
34 R.F. Zimmerman
35 do
36 do
B1067 36 do
B1094 36 do
6949 37 do
Bll~O 38 do
Bl168 38 do
7120 38 do
Business - Arrears
557 H, Dickson
55S do
581 do
586 do
:..', ~., 599
::=- ~ 601
· ~; II
2085 Lund~,s Lane
1432 Ferry St,
1792 Ferry St,
1886 Main St.
19~O Mai~ St,
1847 Robinson St,
2107Main St.
1986 Drummond Rd.
.1909-11 Main St,
Decision of Court
Rebate - $74,89
Abatement - $76,7~
Abatement - $26,~
Abatement - $90.8~
Abatement - $62.83
Allowed - 45% on dwelling
Rebate - $55,77
Allowed - 35% on Conmercial part
Rebate - $82,~0
Abatement - $A~.76
Abatemint -
Allowed for 30%
Rebate - $20~.10
W. Waitowick
'20~3 Main St.
A, Pierini
'232 Bridge
Niagara Launderette
1020 Centre S~,
Rainbow Plumbing
6~ Clifton Ave.
Robert Smith
2062 Main Stpeet
1986 D~-=~end
James Nalsey
.%8 lh'ie Awe,
Rand & Conway
581 Erie Ave,
Rbgina Cote
5e3 Erie Ave.
Abatement 1954 - $13.55
Abatement 1957 - $15,12
Abatement 1957 - $6,10
Abatement 1957 - $6~.8~
Abatement 1955 - $33-77
Abatement 1957 - $2~.%
Abatement 1957
Abatement 1956 - $9-O3
Abatement 1957 - $2~.19
Walmsley &' Spx~Angett Allowed
&2 E~e Ave. Abate~emt 19~7 - $10&.23
Lloyd Wilson Allowed
1196 Fourth Ave, Abatmnt 195~-6 - $51,12
Servioe ~*ohine '& Tool All ~ed
1~O Lewis Ave, Abatee~nt 1957 - $61,68
john ~A~An Allowed
10~0 M~Rae 8t,, Abatement 195~-5 - $~+.79
Roll Poll
School Support
195 1
25~ 2
3S~ 2
~5-1 2
Appe] 18nt
H. Dickson
Decision of Court
Frank Garbutt
777 Morrison St.
Vern Lawrence
777 Morrison St.
Abatement 1956 - $94.86
Abatement 1957 - $99.26
Cabin Chiropractic Clinic Allowed
735 Ontario Ave. Abatement 1953-~-5 - $151.~1
Guiseppi Bottechie Allowed
2201 Orchard Ave. Abatement 1956 - $9.58
.~hite's P~rnace Shop Allowed
~65 Park St. Abatement 1957 - $36.58
.E.B. AUgust
627 Queen St.
.Dr. H.W. Chem~ers
660 Queen St,
,john Gratto~
249 River Road
I. LaRosa
7~7 Second Ave.
Border Car Saies
5~5 Sirocco St.
Felice Moto~s'
1736 Stanley Ave,
1736 Stanley Ave.
A. Roszel
602 Third Avenue
784 Third Ave.
Mro Bati~
1039 Third Ave,
HarrF Herbert
71A Victoria A~e,
G. Foley
1318 Victoria Ave,
Abatement 1956-7 ~ $222.35
Abatement 1957 - $126.12
Abatement 1957 - $18,36
Abatement 1957 - $26,18
Abatement 1957 - $2~.9~
A~atement 1956 - $94.86
Abatement 1956 - $%.86
Abatement 1957 - $5.14
Abatement 1957 - $5.1~
Abatement 1957 - $5.14
Abatement 1954-5 - $262,22
Abatement 195~ - $24.75
Highlam:i Food Freezer Allowed
1695 Victoria .Ave, Abatement 1957 - $107,70
Niagara Falls ~A, Vanuden
Separate School Board 226 Terrace Ave,,
do C. 'Severin
96 Broughton Aye.
do A.~Moro
593 Fergtmon
do sj S+Ad k
W Welland Ave,.
do V. hex,ub:tn..I.
476 B~dge,
No. N_oo Appellant
1~07 5 Niagara Falls
Separate School Board
1468 7 do
1568 8 do
197G 9 do
2177 10 do
2152 10 do
236~ 11 do
2378 t2
2709 14 do
2793 14 do
3177A 17 do
3320 18 do
3357 18 , do
3759 20, do
389/* 21 - do
/.O31 ,22 de
/*082 22~
/*922 27 do
/*989 27 do
/*876 27 do
~e77 27 do
5127, ~8 .: - ,-~o ...,, ....
5117 28 do
Decision of Court
C. Skovy Allowed
558First Ave.
L. Repath
1~12 Nenzie St.
P. Karpinski
1390Bridge St.
R. Housser
237 Morrison St.
E. Wraight Allowed
8~8 Ontario. Ave.
W. Deveaux Allowed
~:~!: Morrison St.
W.J. Little Allowed
787 Morrison'St.
J.Po Sloan
883 Buckley Ave.
V, Arbuscato
1073 Huron
F. Macdonell
6~8 Third Ave.
H.C, Adams
975 Homewood Ave.
'R. DellAera
978Ontario Ave.
Re Hens
1305 Ontario Ave.
B.-Naliskcirch Allowed
1012 St, Lawrence Ave.
L, Surb!ys Allowed
llOSMcGlashan Cres.
,M. Barbeau
709 Jepson St.
P. Crowley Allowed
1105 St. Lawrence Ave.
· A. Silveri Allowed
1210 NcRae St.
M. Fiorentino
1369 Stamford
S. Stirpe Allowed
· L. MiSita
~A15 ~Rae St.
L, Connell/ Allowed
1030 Robex,¢
9~8 Robert
No. Appellant Respecti_ng Dec_ip_ip.n_'
.... - .... __ of Court
29 Niagara Falls C. Fleming Allowed
Separate School Board 1729 Victoria Ave.
30 do P. Vitale Allowed
1~81 MacDonald Ave.
31 do G. Morrison Dismissed
1678 Buchanan Ave.
31 do C. Bilotta Allowed
1902 Ellen Ave.
32 do W. Bulani Dismissed
16/.5 Gladstone Ave.
32 do J. Black Dismissed
1541 Spring
3/* do M. Allore Allowed
1759 rLowell Ave.
3t~ do Gi Bianco Allowed
1837 Main St.
35 do J.I. Savoie Allowed
2168 Stanley Ave.
35 do E. Rocco Allowed
1938 Clark St.
36 do T. Luciano Allowed
1510 Ferry St.
37 do P.D. Pasco Allowed
1652 Peer St.
39 do M. Zulich Allowed
1953 Murray St.
The Court then adjourned,
Building Assessment Reduced
Abatements and Refunds under Section 12~
Abatements and Refunds - Business
Reconmended struck off -
Arrears of Business Tax
$ 1,313.75
$ 2,869./*0
$ 1,901,70
Certified Correct,
C,~uncil Chamber,
27 th .October, 1958.
Pursuant to adjoui'nment, Council met at 7.30 p.m, on P-ovday, 27th.
October, 1958, for the purpose of considerfag general business and finance. All
Mere. hers of Council Lore proscut. Tl:e Council', having received and read the
minutes of the previous meeting,' adopted these on the motion of AId. Miller and
Ald. Morton,
The following ConmumicatioDs were presented;
No. 300 - British-Canadian Veterans Association - invitation to E1 Alamein
Comnemoration on October 31st. at 8 p.m. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin
and AId. Morton that the invite'rich be received and accepted and as many of the
Members of Council and their wives as find it. possible arc to attend.
No. 301 ~ Retarded Children's Ass6ciation - requesting proclamation of the week
of November 16th. to 27. as ""Retarded Children's Week". ORDERED on themotion
of AId. Mowers and Ald. Morton that the conlaui~ication be received and filed and
the proclamation be issued as ~equested.
No. 302 - St. John's Ambulance - requesting ~rovision of accommodation for
storage of equipment, etc. ORDER~D on the mdion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Miller
that the communication be received and referred to the joint meeting of the City
Council and the Township Council to be held ~n Tuesday evening, October 28th.
No. 303 - Motorville Rockets Hockey Team - requesting that City purchase an ad
in Hockey Progrant. ORDERED on the motion df °Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley that
the communication be received and Telerred to the Chairman of Finance with power
to act,
No. 304 - Mrs. Jacqueline RiopeP - submitting another application for the erection
of a motel at 1354 Ferry Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald.
Mowers that the application be received and filed.
SEE Report No. 305
No. 305 - R~ver Realty Development Limited - requesting amendment to Tourist
Establishment By-law re proposed site for motel at the corner of Kitchener St.
an~ Victoria Ave. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Aid. White that the
comnunication be received aud referred to the Property Conmittee for a report,
No. 306 - I%tagara Peninsula Conservation Committee - advising that their Chairman
would attend this Council Meeting, ORDERED on the motion of AId. Miller and Ald.
Gregory that the communication be received and filed and Council wait upon the
arrival of the Chairman.
Y,. 307 - 12~Daft~n~nt of Planuin~ add Development - proposed Conservation Authority
for the Niagara Peninsula. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and AId. Morton
that the cosmunication be received and two representatives be appointed to attend
the meeting to be held on Novembe~ 20th. 1958.
SEE Resolution No.86
No. 308 - Thomas Tomli~son - protesting condition on vacant lot on Ellen Avenue,
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald, Morton that the eonmunication be
, received and referred to the City Manager for a report.
The fell owin
· . g Reports were presented;
No. 305 - City l. Zanagcr - advising of re-applicaLiop of
to erect a motel at 1354 j:";rr:.' ~tr:~ct. ORDEP, ED on th:
and AId. Howera that the report bc received and .Filed.
lqo. 306 - City t. lanager - advising of subn,jms~oD of a sketch b,' P~ov~nclal Gas
Company for installation of a high pre.qsure 4-inch main at
Street and Clifton Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Ni]lcr and Ald. Kov:ers
that the report be received and filed.
No. 307 - City Engiueer - report on attcvdance at Cit'. Ev~inel.r's Association
Hooting on October 19th. in ?.mbec. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Houers and AId.
Uhite that the report be received and filed.
No. 308 - City Engineer - report on attendance at Convention of Canadian Institute
on Sewage and Sanitation at Quebec City, Oct. 20th. to 22rid. ORDERED on the motion
of AId. Miller and AId. Morton that the report be received and filed and the City
Engineer conunended for bis fine report. '
No, 309 - City Clerk - recon~nending issuauce of liceuces. ORDERED on the hierich
of AId. Morton and AId. Gregory that the report be received and adopted and
licenets issued accordingly.
AId. Gregory, Council 's representative on the Airport Committee, reported
verbally at this time on the meeting artended on Thursday, October 23rd. at the
St. Catharines Airport and advised of the decision made at the meeting to send a
representation from the Airport Con~nittae to Ottawa by November 4th. or a few clays
following November 10th, concerning the future development of the Airport. The
Alderman advised that the Chairman of the Con~nittee, Mr. D. Forgie, would be
attending, and that this matter was being brought to Council~s attention in the
event they wished to send a representative on this deputation to the Department
of Transport in Ottm~a. AId, Gregory advised that he had no desire to attend,
but was of the opinion that Council should decide, It was agreed that it would
not be necessary to have representation on the deputerice going to Ottawa, ORDERED
on the motion of AId. Morton and AId, Mowers that the verbal report of \ld,Gregory
be received and adopted.
The following Resolution was passed;
No, 86 - GREGORY - MORTON - RESOLVED that AId, Mowers and AId, Martin be appointed
as CouDnil~s representatives to attend the organization meeting arranged by the
Minister of Planning and Development in connection with the establishment of a
Conservation Authority for the Niagara Peninsula, on Novc~l,m- ?Q,:h. 1~5~ at
Prudhon~e's Carded Ccntrc ucjcj, Vj,}cland, Ontario; and the Seal of the Corporatiou
be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimousl~l
~he following Byelaw was presented;
No. 568_.____/8 - A by-law to authorize the construction of asphalt pavements on llomewood
Avenue and Elm Street as Local Improvements under the provisions of The
Local Improvement Act.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Morton that AId. White
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the 1st.
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Morton timat Rule 36
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and time by-law be
given time second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Copies of the Financial Statements of tile Tourist and Industrial
Committees of tile Chamber of Conwnerce had been distributed to the blembers of Council
for their perusal and Aid. Miller queried as to tile reason for the amount of $4.500.
which Council had allocated to the Chamber for a T.V.filnh one-bali of which has uow
been allocated to Convention costs. ORDERED on tile motion of A]d. Miller aud Ald.
Mowers that the minutes and any other correspondence dealing with this subiect be
made available to the Council. ~
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald.
Mowers. '
READ/t~D ADOPTED,jrd. lbvember, 1958.
Counci 1 Chamber,
27th. October,195F.,
· The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, October 27th, 1958 for tile
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All Members of the Con~aittee were present. Aid.
White. Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in tile amount of $106,432.46 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Couucil on time mot~on of
Ald. McKinley and Ald. Martin.
The application of Gould-Leslie Limited to erect four standard poster
displays on Ontario llydro property on Allan Avenue, was presented for consideration.
ORDERED on time motion of Ald. Mowers and AId. Morton that the application be received
and referred to the Property Committee for a report.
The City Manager's report on the application of Antimony and Joseph.
Rocco for a building permit to erect a one-s~orey addition to the north side of the
existing building at 249 River Roads at an estimated cost of $4,000, was presented
for consideration, 6RDERED on the motion of AId, Miller and Ald, Morton that the
report be received and adopted and permit issued,
The City l:anaJe,:'.: report on the app]icati:!:! {,c "-;~:r': ".
a building permit to erect: a 30-unit mor:{~l ou Car, adian ::~,r~,f:
Avenue between Ccntre Street and Ualnut Street, at an csti:'atl.,j
was presented for consideraLien. ORDERED o~ Ch.. :;toCi,~ oC
Miller that the report be rcc,~ived and adopt,x[ a,~! ['C:i'iXtii' l[:;StieC. li~rricd
'~ld. Martiu and lqayor i!awkins-contrary. P,-ior to this ac~:~,3
queried as to the status o5 the municipal par ;i vj ].,t and :.'as :x,7 '3 .: L',at
negotiations would have to bc entered iuto Co]lc.2rpin~ the
The City Mauagcr's ruport on thc appli,zat'ion of ';stl!.=r .i!!:::r ~=.-r a
permit to erect a plastic illu.t:inated sigu at 1999 Hortb L:-ni:' '~t,'-,ct at an
estimated cost of :?450. was presented for co'~sideratiu:,_. C,RDi~P]ZD c,,l thc :qtj.,,-
AId. Mortoe and AId. Miller that the report bc received and ade'~tL'd aud p:~ri!ill
TIle report of the City Manager on tile app!icatiou o:'_· jal!',_'s 2riand far
permission to erect a motel ell the perth part of Let l. r~a:! 653. ai: ~;!~.
east corner of Clark Avenue and Ferry Street at all estil:mt-cd cot:t of ~;70,000.
was presented for consideration. ORDERED o, the motiou of I-is}or UawluLns and
Morton that the application be referred to the Property Con~a:ittec for a repurt.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on tile motion of Aid. ~'!cKiDl e" aud
Aid. Hartin, ' ' '
READ AND ADOPTED, 3rd. lqoven:ber, 1958.
Clerk 'J ........ ' .......
Council Chamber,
27th. October,1958.
The Comanittee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Committee. All Members were present,
The following By-law was passed;
~o. 5689 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton that Ald. White be
granted the privilege of introduoing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading, - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Gregory that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading, - Carried Unanimously,
Third Reading -Ald, Morton and AId, %~hite - Carried Unanimously,
~. Francis Goldring, Chairman of the Niagara Peninsula Conservation
Committee. appeared in response to a previous request of Council for further
information concerning the Conm~ittee's activity and expressed in some detail
the origin of the Committee, its aims and objects~ stressing the fact that it
would seem desirable for the interest of the area at large that all mnnici-
pallties support the Authority which could bring about needed controls and
improvements. On being queried as to the costs involved, he indicated that
approximately 50% of the cost was born by the Provincial GovErnment and tltat.
~he suggested per capita rates quoted byhim were after the contributions from
the Government had been considered.
Prior to Mr. Goldring's remarks. he was advised by His Worship
the ~.layor that Council had already appointed two. representatives who would be
attending the meeting scheduled for Prudhou~ne's Garden Centre llotel on
November 20th. it being understood that the purpose of this meeting was primarily
a fact-finding one and any binding action would not be taken at tbat time.
Conncil adjourned on tile motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. I, IcKinley.
READ At]] ADOPTED. 3rd. November. 1958.
A joint meeting of ~be Councj.]s oE the Cit~ of iiiaga:'a iaT!s a::d
Tovm. ship of Stamford was held in the Conncil CI'~:~bcr at ti~e Ci~5 ila'~l
of 0ctoher 2gth. 1953 at 7.30 p.m. for Zhe purpt~se of discussin~ various
of corn:on interest. Those present were, representing the City of iZiaLara
l~orship ~ayor E. M. lla~,'ki~s, A!dermc~ Uhitc, torts?, CregorL , !: 'rl-i,-, I:, IUu]e~
Miller add Mowers; The Cit5 lqanager, Cit~, C;erk, Cihy Engineer and
Representing the Township of Starsford, Beputy Reevd ~h{i. S,~otheran, Coun,:l
Keighan, Allan and M~tchelson; the Township Clerk and Townsl:l:p Faginkier.
His F!orship 1.layor Hawkins opened the meeting sod referred to its purpose.
the discussion of joint problems, and advised tl~at the first item on the age,de :~las
the matter of possible control and sale of fireworks. At this time. on the motlot
of Aid. Miller and AId. Morton, Mr. D. E. Calvert, '..C., of ].iartin, Calvert, Bates
and Shcppard, was heard speaking on betel f of merchants in the City of Fiagara Fails
and read a petition signed by some thirty-three merchants protesting restrictions
on the sale of fireworks and thereupon filed the petition with the City Clerk.
Calvert pointed out the hardship involved if sales were curtailed, indicating that
the sale primarily was to the tourist and that tltis reveuuc represented an iD.'p~rtant
one and indicating that he on behalf of his clicnts was opposed to the actiou
suggested by the Local-Council of Women. lie then referred to F,;dera! contro'l.s
presently in effect and as to the accident incidence,quotl~d in Federal stat.Lstics,
pointing out that the iucidonce was extremely lo:7, jn fact almost negligiblu.
suggested that in his opinion. legislation locally was not remd. red but tltat if a
by-law was considered, that be advocated curtailment of sale Ec not consider~!d and
that any drastic action concerning the setting off of firev~orks be avoidt~d.
At this point, the Clerk read the cos~unications previously received froE
the Greater Niagara Home and School Council. and from the Local Council of Wol0~-n,
so that Councils might be refreshed as to their contents, and at that poiut, on the
motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory, the representative of the, Local Council of
Women, Mrs. Legsick was heard. She indicated that the presentation by l.lr. Calvert
was misleading and advised that she was in possession of clippings favourin~ controls
and referred to available statistics as to injuries at~.d fires created by tile
indiscriminate use of fireworks; also indicating that the sale of fireworks did not
constitute the only source of revenue for merchants and that if some action ~,;as not
taken by the Councils, she would be back possibly with a legal representative.
Aid. Morton expressed the view that tile suggestions as to the banning of
fireworks except for the weeks prior to the 24th. of ~lay and July 1st. would
accomplish the desired result and indicated that he was prepared to move accordingly.
Mr, Keighan stated that he appreciated the vie~s' of both sides on this
question but felt that some respousibility should be accepted by the merchants where
the sale of fireworks is involved. His Worship Mayor ~[aw]:{ns ,~tod ,,~,~ that
any final action is taken it '..ould bc necessary to bring the Cguncil o£ the Village
of Chippaws iuto consideration, a view with which Deputy Reeve Sootheran agreed.
Mr. Mitchelson felt that more statistics on both sides of the question
should be made available before tile framing of any by-law was considered and also
approved the Mayores suggestion as to the inclusion of tile Village of Chippaws.
Following some further discussion it was ordered on the motion of AId.
Martin and Councillor Allan that the matter be referred to the 1959 Councils for
earl~ consideration. Carried Unanimously.
The question of a possible by-lm~ to provide for registration of Master
and Journeyman Eleetrioians was then b~ought to the fore and Mr. Leonard Neale of
Provincial Engineering Limited addressed the Councils, explaining the purpose of
the proposed by-law and advising that all groups affected are favourable. He
suggested that a Conmittee to study the matter with the Association might be formed.
Again, following further discussion and explanation from an Official of the
Electrical Association, it was ordered on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. White
that Con~nittees be set up in the respective Councils, including the Village of
Chippawa, to work with representatives of Electrical Contractors' Association and
the Solicitors for the respective municipalities, to consider this question and
bring in a report and recommendation. Carried Unanimously.
The matter of grades to be established on the disposal area of Valley
Way, was then brought forward and the Councils were advised by the City Manager,
MrI. Orr, that agreement had been reached between the Engineers of the municipalities
concerned as to the grades which would be est~blished a~d which ~jould serve most
The question raised by the Cataract Nursing Division of St. John' s
Ambulance as' to provision of a room which coul{] be utilized for training and
storage of equipment in either municipality, was then discussed, at which time
Aid. Gregory advised that he had been in contact with Colonel Watson and had been
advised that the letter received by the Councils was unauthorized and that be had
reason to believe that a room can become available if the uroper course of action
is taI,.en through St. John Is a~lministrative section and suggested that the letter
should be returned with this advice.
Following discussiou it was ordered on the motiono£ Ald. Mowers and
AId. White that the letter from the Cataract Iqursing Division of St. John's Ambulance
be replied to indicating that regrettably we are unable to provide the room requested.
Carried, - Aid. Miller-contrary.
Mr. Alonzo Robertson then ~ppeared before the Councils together with
Members of the Executive of the Chamber of Couuneree and on request from Ills Worship
Mayor Hawkins, Mr. Robertson proceeded to outline his suggestions, illustrated by
maps, as he sees it conce}:ning a possible rclocation of railroads in the City and
Township. He was careful to intimate that he had no personal interest but that what
was being suggested by him would result in adequate clearance where the bridge enters
Canada at River Road near the present Whirlpool Rapids Bridge and the railroads would
then proceed to Stanley Avenue by the old N.S. and T. right-of-way to the WabaSh.
This would eliminate a great number of grade crossings in the City and the To~.mship
of Stamford as far as Mostrose Yards. At this point a spur line to feed industries
at Chippm~a Creek would be available, leaving large ar~as of lands available for
industrial development. Trucks would be taken to the old Round 11oust and fromthere
to a new traffic circle. He suggested as part of the scheme that a cover could be
placed over the open cut Hydro Canal which Hydro had indicated they would be prepare~
to fill at no charge. The whole scheme, according to Mr. Robertson, would tie in
wi~h action being carried on in the neighbouring State of New York, but warned that
the action involved would be extensive, possibly costly and considerable legislation
would also be required but that, in his opinion, from this point it wodld be up to
the respective Councils and interested persons. Mr. Ale:~ Yiile of the Burgess
· Battery Company complimented Mr. Robertson on his presentation and expressed ~he
view that the matter should be pursued, a view with which Deputy Reeve Sootheran
agreed, indicating that ~mrktng committees would be essential, particularly if the
project was considered worthwhile. Mr. M. F. Jones, ~resident of the Chamber of
Commerce, speaking on behalf of the Chamber, was cdnfident that the Chamber would
endorse the suggestions wade by Mr. Robertson and that an approach should be made
to Provincial Authorities in order to get the project moving.
Following further discussion and a questton period during ~hich Mr.
Robertson attempted to reply to all questions directed to him, it was ordered on
the motion of Ald. Martin and Councillor Mitchelson that the thanks of both Councils
be extended to Mr. Robertson, his suggestions be endorsed a.nd that power to proceed
be given to the Committees of the City of Niagara Falls and the Township of Stamford
and if they deem it necessary~ to expand their Con~it~ees. Carried Unanimously.
The joint meeti~.g adjourned on the n~otior of
READ ~ia3 ADOPTED, 3rd .l~ox~eD~bcr, !958.
'~ ' U{11er
,~.o ..... aFd .....
Council Chamber,
3rd. November,1958.
Pursuant to adjournment, Conncil met at 7.30 p,m. on Monday, 3rd. of
November, 1958, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All
Members ef Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes
of the previous regular and joint meetings, adoptcd these on the motion of Ald.
-}~ller add Ald. Gregory.
Mr. William J. Thonrpson of the Lorenzo Contracting Company was presen~
at the meeting in connection with a conm~unication requesting that the claim of
the City be withdrawn regarding damaged sewer pipe in the construction of the
Park Street Sewer and it was ordered on the motion of Ald, Miller and AId.Morton
that he be heard. Mr. Thompson suggested that the Company would be willing to
split the amount involved with the City. Prior to this, the City Manager and
City Engineer stressed the carelessness of the Contractor in placing this pipe
during the sewer construction, indicating that if the pipe had been dmnaged
under the proper method of construction, no charge would have been levied.
SEE Conmunication 310.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 305 - River Realty Development Limited - requesting amendment t~ Tourist
Establis~nent By-law. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. Morton
that the communication be received and filed and the report of the Property
Conm~ittee reconmending that the property is not suitable for motel construction,
be adopted and the permit be not granted.
SEE Report No. 310,
No, 308 - Thomas Tomlinson - protesting conditions on the vacant lot on Ellen
Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald, Gregory that the communi-
cation be received and filed and the report of the City Manager that the lot is
now in good condition~ be received and filed,
SEE Report No. 311
T~e following Communications were presented;
No. 309 - Clerk-Treasurer of the County of'We!land - requesting the appointment
of a representative on the Education Committee of Welland County Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald, McKinley that the communication'
be received and filed and Aid, Mowers be Council~-s representative on this
· Committee,
No. 310 - Lorenzo Contracting Company - requesting withdrawal of claim. OP, DEZED
on the motion of Ald. M~wers and Ald. ~brton that the communication be received
and filed and authority be given to the City Manager and City Engineer to discuss
this matter with a view to an amicable arrangement or settlement of the ~laim,
Ald, Martin suggested checking ~he possibility of insurance coverage.
No. 311 - Enviroemental Sanitation Trainin8 Centre, Departr~ent of Health - re
additional Sanitary Ihspec.tor. ORDERED on the motion of Aid, Mowers and Ald,
MerGes ~hat tile communication be received and filed,
No. 311 - City MamaEar ~ advising that the lot on Z1]c~ Ave:~:~._' is ~D~.; i ~ J.,~d
condition. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Ifi!ler and ~.-[d. GreS~r~
report be received and filed.
No, 312 - Clerk of the Court of Revision - attnchinS ~is~i ef Susin~ss
Arrears to be struck off ~o11. ORDERED o~ th~ mo~ior~ of Vd. Eartin au~ ~]d.
Morton that the report be received and adopti=d.
No. 313 - City i%anager - re proposed construction ~f a~ addition to
In~erial ~ank, corner of Hain and FerrS. G~DE~ED on the r~otio~ o~
and Ald. Morton Ehat the report bc received apd tel*erred to flu~
Con~pittee and the City Manager for discussiop with the lianaget of
to arrive at a satisfactory decision.
The following Resolution was passed;
No. 87 - WHITE - MORTON - RESOLVED that a letter of appreciation be forwarded to
Mayor J. M. Stifling, Aldermen and staff of the City of St. Thomas for their
hospitality and information conveyed to the Mayor, Council and officials of the
City of Niagara Falls upon their inspection of the Sewage Treatment Plant in
that City; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affi:~ed.
Carried Unanimously.
His Worship the Mayor appointed a Cot, unities consisting of Ald. Martin,
AId. White, the City Manager, City Clerk and City Solicitor~ to n~et with
representatives of the Electrical Contractors' Association, for discussion of a
proposed by-law to implement registration procedure.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
pc. 5646 - A by-lm~ to authorize the recurfacing of asphalt pavements on various
streets throughout tbe municipality.
Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and .lid. McKinley - Carried Unanimously,
No, 5648 - A by-law to authorize the widening and resurfacing of the asphalt
pavement on McRae Street and construction of new sidewalks thereon.
.Third Reading- Ald. McKinley and Ald. Miller - Carried Unanimously,
5654 - A by-law to authorize the construction of sidewalks on Victoria Avenue
and Portage Road and concrete gutters on Elm Street, Homewood Avenue,
Spring Street and Summer Street as Local Improvements under the
provisions of The Local Improvement Act,
Third Reading - AId, Morton and AId. Gregory - Carried Unanimously,
The followin~ B~-laws were passed;
The folloWin~ Report8 were presented;
No. 310 - property Con~ni~ee - recoMuending that the property of the Goodyear
Ti~e and Rubber Company at the corner of Kitchaser St. and Victoria Ave, be not
designated as being suitable ~o~ motel const~uction. ORDERED on tile motiofi of
AId. McK{~leF and AId, Morton that ~he ~apo~t be re~eived arid adopCa~.
No. 569_.____~0 - A by-law to amend By-law Number 5149 regarding tourist establishments,
ORDERED on the motion of Ald, ~wers and AId. Morton that Aid, Miller
be g~anted the privilege of lntrodu~ing the by-law and the by-law be given the '
fi~t ~eading. - Carried Unanimousl~,
ms ,
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Gregory that Rule
36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law
be given tile Second Reading. - Carried, - AId. Martin and Hayor Ilawkins-contrary.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Mowers - Carried -Ald. Hartin and Mayor
flawking -contrary.
lqo. 5691 - A by-law to appoint Deputy Returning Officers, Poll Clerks and Polling
Places for the Municipal Election in December, 1958 for tile year 1959.
ORDERED on tile motion of A]d. Lqlite and Ald. Mowers that Ald. 1,'.cKinlcy
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
t~; '.t~ ORDERED on the motiou of Aid. l'IcKinley and Aid. Martin that Rule 36
:~f. (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and tile by-law be
'~ ':~i given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
~ ~ :~ Third Reading -Ald. Morton and AId. Gregory - Carried UDanimously.
~'~l' '~ Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of AId. Mowers and AId.
. ~ ~ McKinley.
'~ '~ RE~ ~D ~OPTED, lOth. November, 1958,
....... .. .
Clerk .~ ~ '~'
Council Chamber,
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, November 3rd. 1958 for the
~prpose of ~pproving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All Members o~ tile CoD,,ittee were present. Ald.
White, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in [he amount of $68,800.77 were approved by the
TIle Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion
of ~yor Hawkins and AId. McKinley.
The a~plication of Gould-Leslie Limited for permission to erect four
standard p~ster displays on the Ontario HydFo vacant land on Allen Avenue, which
was referred to the Property Committee at the last meeting, was ~gain presented,
along with the Commi~tae's report recommending. the issuance of the peFmit subject
to distance requirements. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and AId.Gregory
that the report be ~eceived and adopted and the permit be granted.
The application of James Briand for permission to ~rect a motel onthc
south-east corner of Clarke and Ferry Streets at an csti:~atcd co:;t o:~ $70,000.00
whicl~. was referred to the Property Committee, wan again presented along uith
Conm~ittee's report recorauendiug that a building pcnuit be issued. ORDERED on the
motion of A].d. Herton and .1,1d. [filler that the report be rccllived and ad~ptcd and
the permit be issued. Carried - E~ayor Hawkins aud ~.]d. Karti~-contrarI.
The report of the Property Conm~ittec on the request ",~c,_,j~ed t=~ close
a ~ortion of Surmner Street~ east of Temperance Avclllle roy tLu Corstructio~ !l.7 an
apartment building, was presented for consideration. ORDERED c,, thL' notion of
AId. Morton and Ald. lq~]ler that the report be "eceived and ad~,pt!_~d a~d !~ ~ctin-=
be taken by Council at this time.
The Revenue and Ercpenditure Statement as of Scpt-mb;r '~Oth ]q'i3
was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the ~pohiop of %.[ayor i!auking and A]C.
Gregory that the Statement be received and tabled for tbc perusal of
TIle Conunittee arose and reported to Council on the motion o~. ]-~ayor Haukius and
AId. Gregory.
READ AND ADOPTED, 10th, l<ovember,1958,
Council Chamber,
3rd. November, 1958.
The Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Committee. All Members were present.
The following By-law was passed;
No. 5692 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that Ald. Nhite
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-lm~ and the by-law be given the first
reading, - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and AId. White that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. White and Ald. GEegory - Carried Unanimously.
The Financial Statement of the Cbamber of Commerce Tourist Con~nittee,
which was referred to at the previous meeting by Ald. Hiller, was again discussed.
Following the presentation by the City Clerk of the minutes of Council meetings
dealing with the 1958 Grant to the Tourist Conmffttee; Ald. Miller was satisfied
that there was nothing in the data presented specifically designating the $4,500.
for the T. V. film alone. ORDERED on the motion of AId. I.~ite and Ald. Miller
that the verbal report of tile City Clerk bc received and filed.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Uhlte.
READ ~ ADOPTED, 10th. Novcmber, 3.958.
Council Chm~ber~
3rd. Novembers1958.
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of
the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, November 3rd. 1958. All Members
were present. ltis Worship, Mayor Itawkins presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the fOams presented to them, the Conmffttee adjourned on tile
motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Hartin.
READ ~2~ ADOPTED, 10th. November, 1958.
1erk ' '
Pursuant to adjournment, Ccupci! ix:t at 7.30
L%vetnbor, 1958, for th.: purpose of cousidcvin5 5,mcra} busi' ass ard .":.'a'~cc. '.j2
Members of COLtnell were present. TI,o Council, bovine rcc=~v..d a'd .:rag t:- ::iuuk .r
of the previous m.:eting, adopted these on tlm ~mtir,n
The following Cop. mmnications were prosopted;
No. 312 - Ontario Water Resources Commission - invitation to attcp. d Coufercn-c c'~,
problems of Algae Cladophora. ORDERED ou the' r:otion o.~ ',]d. Fcili!'_!cy apd 'Ad.llorto.,
that the cormnunication ba received and filed and that the City lianaSor a?.d lit. E.j.
Farebrother be authorized to at'tend.
No. 313 - Unemplo)Taent !Danrapes Cop:mission - r~quustinb a2poip. trt2!-t of reprc~z.r_tati',_,s
on Advisory Ccmmitte~ to asslsk in stiFu] sting o q c~ ~p]oymcnt duriu5 tl'.c w%~tcr ?:ont'.:s.
ORDERED on tile motion of AJd. 1.:cKi!~ley and Ald. liewets that the cor~nuaication hn
received and filed and that Ald. l.~litc and .%].d. Eartin be again appci:bt.x! ko represent
Council on this Cor. m~.ittee.
No. 314 - Logan and Knight - re use of strip oF ].aDd between sidewalk and bailding
owned by Mr. Boychuk for the purpose of loading and unloading. ORDRRED on the motion
of AId. Martin and AId. HcKinley that the conm~unication be roceivud and referred to
the Traffic Conm~ittee for a report to Council.
No. 315 - S%dbur~, Deputy City Clerk - requesting endorsation of Resolution
requesting Minister of Highways to erect adequate overhead highway indication signs
throngbout the Province, ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and AId. Hiller that
the con~nunicatien be received and referred to the City Clerk for a report as to tile
reasons th~ Cit3 of Sudbury fc!t this resolution necessary.
No. 316 - Department of !tighways - advising that the Department intends c].osffng
Hillside Place. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Ald. Morton that the
con~nunication be received and referred to the City Manager for a full report to
Council. During the discussion, AId. Mowers and Ald. Miller questioned whether the
Department had the right to offer for sale property which had been expropriated for
Highway purposes.
No. 317 - Young Canada' Book Week Committee - requesting proclamation. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Martin that the conmlunication be received and
filed and the proclamation issued.
No, 318 - Greater Niagara Association fdr Retarded Children - invitation to Open
!louse at B311abavcn School. ORDERED on thz motion of A~d. !iartln a::i .',I~, ll.Jr't;L
that the communication be received and filed, the invitation accepted and as many
Members of Council as possible attend.
No. 319 - Greater Niagara United Appeal - requesting increase in donation. ORDERED
On the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Miller that the communication be placed on
the ageads. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the request be
'received and referred to the Chairman of Finance and the City Manager for a report to
The following Reports were presented;
No. 314 - Management Committee - re meeting with Mr. Maxim T. Gray, General Manager
of the Niagara Parks Commission, regarding possible sites for sewage treatment'plant.
ORDERED on the mption of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Mowers that the report be received and
~iied and that a letter of appreciation be forwarded to Mr. Gray for his co-operation.
No. 315 - City Clerk - rccormnending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Morton and Ald. HcKinley that the report be received and adopted and liccnccs
issued accordingly.
No. 316 - Hr. Stanley Sills - appreciation and report on attendance at the Inter-
national Municipal Signal Association Conference. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
!.:'il!cr and Ald. Gregory that the report be placed on the AScnda. ORDERED on the
m6tion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Gregory that the report bc received and filed.
No. 317 - Equipment Connnittcc - recommendleg purcllasc of Electric Typewriter for
the C!erk's Department. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. V. iller and Ald. Gregory
that the report be placed on the Agenda. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and
Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted and the typewriter purchased.
Maypr iiawkihs referred to the poor lighting on River Road and suggested
tha~ a letter be forwarded to the Kiagara Falls Hydro-Elcctric Commission rcqnesting
that a survey be made and a report ef the cost forwarded to Council. Ald..Miller
questioned whether any contact had been made with the City by the Kiagara Parks
Con~nission as he had bronght this matter to their attention at an earlier meeting
and they were quite willing to participate in the cost of the River Road lighting.
Mr. err replied that he had not been contacted. ORDERED on the motion of AId.
1.!artin and Ald. Morton that a survey of the existing lighting on River Road be made
by tile llydro-E]ectric Commission of Niagara FallS, together with the City Fanagcr,
with a view to having it modernized and a report of the cost be snbmitted to the
City Coencil.
Mayor Hawkins also referred to the confusion e'cpericnced by tourists at
the corner of Falls Avenue and illram Street and felt that the Chamber of Conm~.erce
shonld be contacted with a view to having proper signs erected directing tourists
to the three bnsiness areas of the City. Mr. err reported on the ~ction which had
been taken in replacing tile signs on the Qnecn Elizabeth Way and the Service Road
to Victoria Avenue directing the tourists to the bnsiness areas. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. White and Ald. Gregory that a letter be forwarded to the TouriSt
Conre!tree of the Chamber of Conm~crcc requesting that proper signs directing
tourists to the business areas be erected at the corner of Falls Avenue and lliram
M~yor 11m.:kins also felt that letters should be f6rwarded from the
Council to the members of the Bustnessmen's Associations advising thai-, as in the
past, the City was prepared to erect Christmas lights at the intersections and in
front of municipal buildings and requesting their co-operation in getting the
decorations in place early in the Season. Ald. Miller reported of complaints
received from the South End Businessmen regarding the charges made by Hydro for
the &root!on of the lights and felt that since this was a public service, Hydro
should be prepared to contribute. something toward the cost. Mayor Haw~:ins agreed
to discuss the matter of costs with the Hydro. Conm~ission. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton that a cornnun!cat!on be directed to the Retail and
Conuncrcial Division of the Chamber of Commerce advising the part the City is
prepared to take in the erection of Christmas lighting and requesting the'
co-operation of the Businessmen's Associations and' that this actiohbe taken
Ald. Mowers reported on tbc meeting be had artended of the Edncatlonal
Con~nittec 6f the County which is now known as the Niagara Peninsula Joint Committec
on lligher Education. The Conm~ittee is comprised of two members from the County of
Welland, two from the County of Lincoln, one from the City of St. Catharines, one
from the City of Welland and one from the City of Niagara Falls. He advised that
a survey was to be made by Mr. W. F. Currio (Lincoln County) and Mr. Thompson
(Welland County) of all Secondary Schgols in th& area and that as soon as the survey
was completed, another meeting would be arranged. Me reported that the c6st would
be divided among the participating members and that the cost to the City would not
· exceed $100.00.
AId. Hillcr referred to a cor,?]aiu~ ti:a'; h.' '~a; ! ..... :'.'~ ~ ~'~" a
o~1 P~er SI;rcet regarding a charge nf $15.00 whiCI ha.l b,~,n ~a,l.,, re?
road to instel a lateral Bower although tl~c $tre~.t L'as bcYnL t~rn '~2
new Peer Street sewer. Tlc felt that siuee the hove ov:~='r ha,1 co-,,i,,~rat.~d '.'itZ~ ti' '
City by having the work done before the new aspha]t surfac.,~ was la'~c;.
should be refunded.
Mr. err e::plalned that t!,e charge ha,J been :~aC,. as th; n,~w:-r
installed two weehs prior to the large sewer and that th~ cut lad tc bc
for that period of time. AId. l!owers felt he would llke more ;:~fov"~a~{ou
matter hefore he made a decision since the fee for this servjce had bcc. n ;.stab] ~shcd
by Council and he did not feel a precedent should be made. CRDI{R~E~
AId. Miller and AId. l~cKinlcy that the matter bt n~fcrrcd to tk.~ CitL KanagAr to
submit a full report to Connci].
The followin~ By-law was passed;
5693 - A by-law to authorize the signing of an agrceL~cnt between tl~,2 Provi:,,:: o7
Ontario~ the City of Niagara Falls and the ~oard oq Com,nissi~ncrs oC
Police of the City of Niagara Falls,
ORDERED on the .lotion of A!d..~iowers and Ald. Lk, rton that AId. :;hire bc
granted the privilege of ivtroducing the bF-]aw and the by-law be given th!~ first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on thl; motion of Ald. Uhite aud AId. l.:orton that P. ul~, 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended avd the by-law be given the
Secood Reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald, Gregory and Aid. Mowers. Carr:Led Unani!nously,
Conncil adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of :\ld. l:'artin and .\3d.
READ AND ADOPTED, 17th. Wovember,1958.
C 1 erk ' ~ -- Mayor.
Council Chamber,
!0th. November, 1958.
The Finance Meeting was held on ~bnd~y, November 10th, 1958, for the purpose
of approvtng and also passing the various accounts which bad been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Ald.
Ohairman of Finance~ presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amoun~ of $66,267,23 wer~ approved by the Cotton!tree,
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt v;ith, were
ordered placed in the 1,ioney By-]m.~ for pre sentat]on to the Council on the motion
of A]d, Movers and Mayor Hawkins.
The report of the Management Conm~ittce recommending the purchase of a
new tapping machine for the Water Department at an estimated cost .of $224.25 was
presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor 11awkins and Ald.
14ortou that the report be received and adopted.
The report of the City [~nager regarding the application for permission
to erect a Car Port at 1124 Valley Way, was presented for consideration. ORDERED
on the motion of AId. Mowers and Aid. Gregory that the report be received and
The report of the City Manager rcconm~ending the issuance of a building
permit to Mr. [larry Manos for an addition to the Holl~,`'ood Motel on Bender [{ill
at an estimated cost of $100,000.00 was presented for consideration, ORDERED on
the motion of AId. Hiller and AId. Gregory that the report be received and
adopted. Carried, - Aid. Morton-contrary.
The report of the City }~nager recommending the issuance of a permit
to Capital Car Sales to erect a sign at 791 Victoria Avenue, at an estimated cost
of $350.00 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton
and AId. Gregory that the report be received and adopted.
Ald. McKinley presented a verbal report on the meeting of the Tourist
Committee of the Chaml~cr of Conferee which he had artended with Ald, Morton. He
felt the Conmittee were to be commended on the very fine manner in which they are
looking to the future development of the tourist business. lte r~ported that the
Council's suggestion that some of the cost of the T. V. film and Convention
purposes be secured from motel operators, etc., has met with some success, but
that Council would be approached for an increased grant next year.
The Con~nittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Mayor I1awkins and
AId. Mowers.
READ A~ ADOPTED, 17th. November, 1958.
, Clerk
of Finance.
· approved by the Committee.
~ouncil Chamber,
10th. November, 1958;
The Co~m~ittee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
All Men~ers were present,
The followi ~E By-law was passtd]
No. 5694 - To provide monies for S~neral purp,~s.'.s.
CRDERED on the ~,iotion of Aid. i;,'-llin!c~' ard
he granted th,~ privilege of introducing the hl,'-].~w
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED ou t':.i; motion of Ald. Ul.itn and ~] ' TY7.]! T:YLaL 3.;, f2]
of tha Standing llules of Council bc tc;xporarily ~: spcnd2:] an~ t'.,. bv-la,,. bz~ ~v.'r
the second readinS. - Carried Unanin~ously. '
Third Reading. - A]d. ,'!orion and "~d C':e~ory. Carried
The followinfi Rcsolutien :.'as passed '
No. 83 - b]IITE - [iART!I; - RESOLVED that no Elect]o, !i ..~tj.;~Ls b~ held in the
municipality this year; and ~hc S~a! of the C:~rporatio-~ b.:- hitters, acfi cod.
(AId. l!il!cr-contrar~.). Carri,~.
Council adjourned to Conference on ['he notion of '.!d. I[-:KAnl.:~ and AEd. 1'
RE~ AI~ ~OPTED, 17th. llovembcr, ]958.
Council Chamber,
10th. November, 1958.
The Conferonce Con~nittee of the City Counci]. assambled at the close of the
regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, November 10th, 1958. All Members of
the Committee were present. His Worship, Mayor Hawkins, presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items presented to them, the Conm~ittee adjourned on the
motion of Ald. Martin and AId. Mowers.
READ AND ADOPTED, 17th. November,1958.
( ~ "~miman
Council Chamber,
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 17th. of
November, 1958, for the purpoBe of considering general business and finance. All
Members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes
of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid.Gregory.
Mr. Peter Gordon, 1139 Robert Street, was present at the meeting in
connection with a communication requesting permission to address Council on the
matter of Election Meetings, and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and
Ald. Martin that he be heard. Mr. Gordon expressed disapproval of the action of
Council in deciding that no pre-election meetings be held because of the poor
response on the part of the citizens, stressing that all taxpayers had the right
to hear all candidates for office. Following discussion, in which the Members of
Council made it clear that they were not opposed to holding such a meeting and
since objection had been raised, it was agreed that the City Clerk make the necessary
arrangements and that, if at all possible, the meeting be held on Wednesday, 26th.
SEE Conm~unication 321
SEE Resolution No. 89
Mr. Thompson of the Lorenzo Contracting Company, was present in
connection with a report of the City Manager recommending that the account submitted
by the City be reduced tO $289.80 and advising that this Settlement was not satis-
factory to the Lorenzo Contracting Company. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin
and Ald. White that Mr. Thompson be heard. Mr. Thompson advised Council that
there was no insurance to cover this damage and that he had been under the
impression, according to the newspaper reports, that Council had authorized a 50
percent reduction in the account. Re also felt that the Company should have
received official notification at the time the damage occurred so that it might
have been fully investigated then. Mr. Orr reiterated his remarks that the
Corporation could not be held responsible for carelessness on the part of the
Contractor's employees and therefore he could not recon~nend a further reduction.
Following discussion, it was ordered that the report of the City Manager be
received and adopted.
SEE Report No. 321.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 260 - City of London - resolution re enlarging of powers of the Ontario Water
Resources Commission. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Morton that
the communication be received and filed and not endorsed and the report of the
City Manager be adopted.
SEE Report No. 318.
No. 315 - City of Sudbury - requesting endorsation of resolution requesting the
Department of Highways to erect adequate overhead signs. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Gregory and Ald. McKinley that the communication be Fetefred and filed
and the resolution endorsed. (Carried -Ald. Mowers and Morton-contrary). A
motion by Ald. Morton that the communication be received and filed and no action
taken was not seconded.
SEE Communication 320.
No. 316 - Department of Highwa__y~ - advising that the Department intends closing
Hillside Place. ORDERED on the motion of Ajd. Mowers and Aid. Morton that the
communication be receiv6d and filed and the report of tile City Manager be adopted.
S~E~_Repp~t Nu_m_b_e._r. ~19.
The following communications were presented;
No. 320 - City of SudbUr~ - further explanation re resolution respecting overhead
signs. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. McKinley that the communication
be received and filed and the resolution endorsed. (Carried - AId. Mowers and AId.
SEE Communication No. 315
No. 321 - Mr. Peter Gordon - requesting permission to address Council re E~ection
Meetings. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Miller and Ald. Martin that the communi-
cation be received and filed and the Clerk be authorized to make the necessary
arrangements to hold an Election Meeting, if at all possible, on Wednesday, November
26th. 1958.
SEE Resolution N~,. 89.
No. 322 - St. Patrick's Catholic Women's League - invitation to Christmas Bazaar.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Gregory that the communication be
received and filed, the invitation accepted and as many members of Council and
their wives as possible attend.
No. 323 - Ontario Fire College - advising of honour standing of Captain Stanley C.
Thomson of the Niagara Falls Fire Department. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers
and Ald. Miller that in view of previous action, the communication be received and
No. 324 - Greater Niagara Victorian Order of Nurses - requesting permission to meet
with Council to discuss the Homemakers and Nurses Services Act. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Miller and Aid. McKinley that the conanunication be received and they
be advised that the night of December 8th, 1958 would be a suitable date to meet
with members of Council.
No. 325 - City of Woodstock - resolution re uniformity of daylight saving time.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mowers that the communication be
received and filed and the resolution be not endorsed.
Laid over from the previous meeting.
~o. 313 - City Manager - re proposed construction of an addition to the Imperial
Bank at the corner of Main and Ferry. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Miller and
Ald. Gregory that the report be received and filed.
SEE Report Number 320.
The following reports were presented;
No. 318 - City Manager - report on resolution forwarded by City of London. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Morton that the report be received and
SEE Communication No.260.
No. 319 - City Manager - recommending the control of Hillside Place be again placed
with the City of Niagara Falls, Ontario. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and
Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted.
SEE Communication No.316
No. 320 - Property Committee - re meeting with officials of Imperial Bank, Main and
Ferry Branch, re proposed addition. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Miller and Ald.
Gregory ~hat the report be received and filed.
to Lorenzo Contracting Company. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Gregory and Aid.
White that the report of the City Manager be received and adopted. (Carried - Aid.
No. 322 - City Manager - re fee charged for private sewer at 1808 Peer Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Ald. White that the report be received and
filed. (Carried -Ald. Miller,contrary). A motlon by Ald. Miller that Mr. Mitchell
receive a refund of $15.00 was not seconded.)
No. 323 - City Clerk - recormnending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Miller and Ald. Mowers that the report be received and adopted and licehess
issued accordingly.
No. 324 - City Clerk - report on Conference held on November 10th, 1958. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. White that the report be received and adopted.
No. 325 - City Clerk - advising of meeting of Committees re proposed by-law providing
for the registration with the Electrical Contractors' Association. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton that the report be received and filed.
AId. Gregory referred to the traffic hazard at the corner of Second
and Willmort and requested the Traffic Co=a~ittee to check the situation at this
Aid. Miller suggested that a letter of congratulations be forwarded to
the Thunderbirds Football Team on winning the All-Ontario Intermediate "B" Football
SEE Resolution No.
Aid. Miller referred to the condition of the asphalt pavement on Stanley
Avenue from North Street to McRae Street and asked the City Manager for an explanation.
Mr. Orr advised that it had been too late in the season to make permanent repairs,
but kthat proper patching would be dQne in the spring.
AId. Morton referred to a complaint he had received regarding the
removal of an elm tree and a maple tree from 998 Robert Street. Mr. Orr advised
that he must receive the approval of the Department of Highways before the trees
could be removed and that he would contact that Department.
AId. McKinley reported on behalf of the Christmas Party Committee,
advising that arrangements have been completed to hold the Children's Christmas Party
on Thursday, December llth. at the Rapids Motel and the Dinner-Dance on Tuesday,
December 16th. at the Sheraton-Brock Motel.
No. 89 - MILLER - MARTIN - RESOLVED that Resolution No. 88 passed at the regular
meeting of Council on November lOth, 1958, be rescinded and the City Clerk be
authorized to make the necessary arrangements to bold an Election Meeting~ if
possible on Wednesday, November 26th; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
Carried Unani~ously.
No. 90 - MILLER - GREGORY - RESOLVED that a letter of congratulations be forwarded
to the Thunderbirds Football Team on winning th~ All-Ontario Intermediate "B"
Football Championship; and the Seal of the Corporationbe hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 91 - MARTIN - MORTON - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy be forwarded to the
,family of the late Dr. George B. Snyder on his recent denise; and a former Chairman
of the Niagara Falls Board of Education; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
Carried Unanimously.
No. 92 - MORTON - MOWERS - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of Council be
held on Monday, November 24th. at 5.00 p.m; and the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
No. 93 - MOWERS - W~ITE - RESOLVED that the meeting of Council scheduled for
Monday, December 1st, 1958, be held on Saturday, November 29th, at 9.00 A.M;
and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Ca~r~_i_e~ Unanimg~.~.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 5688 - A by-law to authorize the construction of asphalt pavements on Homewood
Avenue and Elm Street as Local Improvements under the provisions of The
Local Improvement Act.
Third Reading - Aid. Mowers and Aid. b~rtin - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of AId. Martin and Aid.
READ AND ADOPTED, 24th. November, 1958.
Council Chamber,
17th. November, 1958.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, November 17th, 1958 for the purpose
of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. At1 Members of the Committee were. present, Ald. White,
Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $229,474.32 were approved by the Committee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered
placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Mayor
Hawkins and Aid. Mowers.
The communication from the Downtown Businessmen's Association enclosing
the account for the City's share of the installation of Christmas lighting, was
pWesented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, McKinley and AId,Gregory
that the con~nunication be received and filed and the Downtown Businessmen's
Association be advised that the City will contribute their full share on a pro rata
AId, Miller queried as to whether thi.s matter had been brought to the
attention of the Hydro' Coa~dssion and Mayor Hawkins advised that a group from the
SoUth End and the North End had met with the Commissioners and that the matter had
bt~.~i ~eit in the hands of the Chairman and the Manager to meet with the South End
BalitleiSmen to come to some amicable agreement~ however, to date he had no further
information, Ald. Miller felt that the Hydro should assume some part of the cost
of the installation as was done in other municipalities.
The report of the City Manager recor~nending that the application of
Mr. A. O. Oakes for a permit to construct an addition to his premises at the S.W.
corner of River Road and Queen Street be referred to the Property Committee, was
presented for consideration. Mr. Orr advised that a revised plan had been
submitted and that the building would be three feet from the property line instead
of on the line, but he still felt it should be referred to the Property Connnlttee.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mowers that the report be received
and adopted.
The report of the City Manager recommending that a permit be issued
to Concord Realty for alterations to their premises at 437 Queen Street, was
presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Miller
that the report be received and adopted and the permit issued.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Aid.
READ AND ADOPTED, 24th. November, 1958.
, '. Cair n of Finance.
Council Chamber,
The Conmtttee re-assembled at th& close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Committee. All Members of Council were present.
The following By-law was passed;
No, 5695 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of AId, MaKtnley and Ald, Morton that AId, White
be granted the privilege. of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously. '
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Nhtte and AId. Miller that Rule 36 (2) of
Che Standing Rules'of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. Gregory and Aid. Mowsrs - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Aid. Miller and Aid. Mowers.
READ AND ADOPTED 24th. November, 1958.
Council Chamber,
17th. N~vember,1958.
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of
the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, November 17th, 1958. All
Members were present. His Worship Mayor Hawkins presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items presented to them, the Corm~ittee adjourned on the
motion of Ald. Mowers and ALd. Martin.
READ AND ADOPTED 24th. November, 1958.
Council Chamber,
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 5.00 p.m. on Monday, 24th. of
November, 1958 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All
Members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes
of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of'Ald. Morton and Ald. Miller.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 314 - Logan and Knight - re use of strip of land between sidewalk and building
owned by Mr. Boychuk for the purpose of loading and unloading. ORDERED on the
motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and filed
and the report of the Traffic Committee suggesting time be allowed vehicles to dis-
charge merchandise at these premises, be adopted.
SEE Report Number 326.
No. 319 - Greater Niagara United Appeal - requesting increase in donation. In con-
nection with this letter, AId. White, Chairman of Finance presented a verbal report
indicating that no funds were available for this purpose, suggesting that the request
be referred to the 1959 Council. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Ald.
Gregory that the verbal report be received and adopted and the communication from
the Greater Niagara United Appeal for addition~l funds be referred to the 1959
Council and the Organization be so advised.
- AId. McKinley arrived at the meeting -
The following Communications were presented;
No. 326 - City of Stratford - resolution requesting Federal Government to institute
a National Minimum Wage Act. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. White
that the resolution be received and tabled pending the receipt of more inforumtion
as to the background of the resolution. Carried Unanimously. Ald. Gregory,previous
to this action, moved the endorsation o~ the resolution, but there was no seconder.
No. 327 - A. A. MacBain - on behalf of Mr. Fred Cads - application for amendment to
By-law No. 5149 to permit erection of a motel on the property at 1234 to 1260 Ferry
Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Mowers that the communication
be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report.
No. 328 - Minister of Municipal Affairs - enclosing excerpt from statement of Premier
Frost re winter works employment stimulation plan. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
White and AId. Morton that the commur~ication be received-and referred to the City
Manager and the Management Committee for a report.
No. 329 - Niagara Falls Junior Baseball Club - requesting some recognition of
recent achievement in winning the Junior Major "A" Chan~ionship of OnLario. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Gregory that the communication be received
and referred to the Chairman of Finance and the City Manager for a report.
No. 330 - J. C. Collins - on behalf of Mr. Sol Atlin, requesting City to open a lO-
foot lane, 1723 McGrail Avenue. ORDERFA) on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid.Miller
that the communication be received and referred to the Property Committee for a
report. ~
No. 327 - Traffic Committee - re survey taken on proposed installation of full),
activated traffic lights, Valley Way, Morrlson and Victoria intersections. ORDERED
on the motion of ALd. Martin and Ald. Gregory chat the report be received and filed.
No. 328 - Traffic Connnittee - recommending Willmort Street be made a through street
at Second Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Aid. Martin that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 329 - Traffic Con~nittee - recommending moving of bus stop in vicinit} of Prospect
Hotel. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Morton that the report be
received and adopted.
No. 330 - City Manager - report on attendance at Conference of Ontario Water Resources
Commission in Toronto, November 29th. to discuss unsatisfactory condition resulting
from growth of Algae. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and A!d. Morton that the
report be received and filed.
No. 331 - Traffic Conmittee - recommending Huron Street be made a through street at
Fifth Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Gregory that the report
be received and adopted,
SEE Petition Number 16.
The following Petition was presented;
No. 16 - Mrs. Julia Sutcliffe and 30 others - requesting installation of a stop
street to remedy traffic hazard at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and Huron Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Gregory that the petition be received
and the report of the Traffic Committee reconunending that Huron St. be made a through
street at Fifth Avenue, be adopted and the petitioners so notified,
SEE Report Number 331.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Miller and Aid.
READ AND ADOPTED, 29th. November, 1958.
Clerk' ' ' ' ~ ............. Mayor
The following Reports were presented;
No. 326 - Tra£fic Golsn_itCee - recommendations regarding premises of Fred Boychuk, at
the north-east corner of Morrison St. and Victoria Ave. ORDERED on the motion of
AId. Martin and AId. Norton'that the report be received and adopted.
Council Chamber,
24th. November, 1958.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, November 24th, 1958 for the purpose
of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
a~ld placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Ald. White,
~hair~an 0f Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $229,474.32 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with,-were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion
of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. Mowers.
SEE By-law No. 5696
The application of A. O. Oakes for a building permit to erect an addition
at the south-west corner of River Road and Queen Street, 667 River Road, which was
presented at the last meeting, was again presented along with the Property
Committee's report, which indicated that the Committee were not in favour of the
proposed construction as suggested on the plan, but were prepared to recommend
that a building permit be issued if the existing building is extended to within
three feet of the south property line and attached to the addition. ORDERED on
the motion of Aid. Miller and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted
providing that the provisions outlined therein are carried out. The City Manager
queried whether if during the week, Mr. Oakes presented a revised plan it would be
in order to issue the permit in order to take advantage of the weather, indicating
that Council will be advised accordingly.
The City Manager's report on the application of Fred Boychuk, 800
Victoria Avenue, for a permit to erect a plastic sign, at an estimated cost of $225.
was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Gregory and Ald.
Miller that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of Walter McCollum for a
permit to erect a neon sign at 680 Queen Street, at an estimated cost of $3,500.
was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald.
Gregory that the report be recelved and adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of George Crawford, 535
Victoria Avenue, for a permit to erect a neon sign, at an estimated cost of $125.
was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald.
Morton that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of }~yor Hawkins and AId.
READ AND ADOPTED, 29th. November, 1958.
Council Chamber,
24th. November, 1958.
The Committee re-assembled at the close of thc rcgular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Committee. All Members were present.
The following By-law was passe_d;
No. 5696 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. Gregory that Ald. White
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Aid. Morton that Voucher Number
3612, be deleted, and Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Ald. Martin suggested that the City Clerk advise the City Treasurer that
cheques are not to be made out for medical examinations for civic employees.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Miller - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid. McKinley.
READ AND ADOPTED, 29th. November, 1958.
Council Chamber,
24th. November, 1958.
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of the
regular Council and Finance MeetinSs on Monday, November 24th, 1958. All Members were
present. His ~orship Mayor Hawkins presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items presented to them, the Committee adjourned on
the motion of Aid. Miller and AId. Mowers.
READ AND ADOPTED, 29th. November, 1958.
Clerk ~.&AA~., ~ .... ___..&hairman
Counci 1 Chamber,
29th. November, 1958.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 9.00 A.M. On Saturday, 29th. of
November, 1958, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All
Members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes
of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Morton and A~d. Gregory.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 327 - A. A. MacBain - on behalf of Mr. Fred Cede. Applying for an amendment to
By-law No. 5149 to permit the erection of a motel on Ferry Street. Ald. Miller,
Chairman of the Property Cormnittee, presented a verbal report, advising that his
Committee unanimously agreed that authority be given to construct the motel following
designation of the property for motel purposes and that his Committee had requested
two plans of the building, one plan to contemplate the erection of a motel leaving
the existing dwelling In place; the other plan would be for the construction of the
motel utilizing the entire area with the demolition of the dwelling necessary for
this development. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Aid. Morton that the
communication be received and filed and the by-law amended accordingly. Carried with
Ald. Martin and Mayor Hawkins-contrary.
No. 328 - Minister of Municipal Affairs - re winter works stimulation plan. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Gregory that the con~nunication be received
and the report of the Management Committee be received and filed.
SEE Report Number 332.
No. 330 - J. G; Collins - on behalf of Sol Atlin.- requesting Council's consideration
to the alternatives in connection with MeGrail Avenue property. As weather conditions
did not permit the proper inspection of this property by the Property Committee it was
ordered on the motion of Ald. ~rtin and Aid. Morton that the communication be again
tabled for one week.
The following Communications were presented;
No. 331 - Bell Telephone Co. of Canada - requesting permission to replace poles on
Stuart Avenue betweend McRae Street and Stamford Street. ORDERED on the motion of
AId. Mowers and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and filed, the necessary
permiesion granted and the by-law be prepared.
SEE By-law No. 5697
No. 332 - Greater Niagara Branch, Canadian Cancer Society - requesting grant.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory that the communication be
received and referred to the 1959 Council for consideration.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 332 = Management Committee - re tentative program for relief work prepared by the
City Manager and requestinS additional information on the same. ORDERED on the motion
of Aid. Mowers and AId. Gregory that the report be received and filed.
~0.'333 -Na. nagement Committee - recommending that recipients of relief be not
registered by the municipality for hospital insurance. ORDERED on the motion of
Aid? ~Ge~rs and AId, White that the report he received and the recommendation adopted,
C~ied Uimnimously, This action was taken following advice from the CityManager
and the City Clerk that this procedure would be less expensive, to pay hospital
accounts under indigent rate than to insure relief recipients under the hospital
plan. The City Clerk advised that other municipalities were making the same
decision, being of the opinion that indigent hospital costs would be less than
insurance costs.
No. 334 - City Clerk - report on Conference held on November 24th. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. Miller and Aid. Morton that the report be received and adopted.
No. 335 - City CLerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Morton and Aid. Martin that the report be received and adopted and licences
issued accordingly.
The followinR By-laws were passed;
No. 5697 - To provide for permission to The Bell Telephone Company of Canada to
replace poles on Stuart Avenue between McRae Street and Stamford Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and AId. Morton that Aid. Mowers
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Aid. Miller that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and Ald. Gregory - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5698 - To grant a retirement allowance to a municipal employee
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Gregory that Aid. White be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid, McKinley and Aid. Miller - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5699 - To amend By-law Number 3791, being a by-law designating through highways.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Miller and Ald. Gregory that Ald. Morton
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald'. Morton and Ald. White that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. Mowers and Ald. Miller - Carried Unanimously.
Council Chamber,
29th. November, 1958.
The Finance Meeting was held on Saturday morning, November 29th. !958 for
the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been
properly certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present.
Aid. White, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $59,532.10 were approved b7 the Con~ittee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otberwise dealt with, were ordered
placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Mayor
Hawkins and Ald. McKinley.
The CityManager's report on the application of the D. and B. Hardware
store, 637 Queen Street, for a permit to erect a plastic, illuminated sign at an
estimated cost of $100. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Morton and Ald. Miller that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of the Kilterney Gift Shop,
843 Victoria Avenue, ~or a permit to erect an illuminated, plastic sign, at an
estimated cost of $350. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory that the report be received and adopted and permit be
The Management Conunittee's report reconunending the purchase of a tail-gate
sand spreader from General Supply Company, in Toronto, for the sum of $595. was
presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId.Cregory
that the report be received and adopted and the unit be purchased.
The Management Committee's report on the purchase of an 8 cubic foot
refrigerator for the Main Street Fire Hall, at a quotation of $195. was presented
for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Azd. Martin that the
report be received and adopted and the unit be purchased.
The Management Committee's report and recommendation regarding the purchase
of a tractor, was presented for consideration. The City Manager advised verbally of
his attempt to secure a quotation from a local dealer which was not successful due
to the fact that the local dealer must deal through the firm, viz; Lincoln Motors,
Rldgeville, the quotation being $1,942. the owest quotation obtained. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the reports of the Management
Committee and the City Manager be received and adopted.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Aid.
READ A~) ADOPTED, 8th. Decamber, 1958.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId.
READ AND ADOPTED~ 8th. December, 1958.
Council Chamber,
The Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law whicb covered the accounts
approved by the Committee. All Members were present.
The followin~BJjJaw was ~ssed;
No. 5700 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of ALd. Martin and AId. Morton that Aid. White be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. White and Aid. Gregory that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. Miller and AId. Gregory - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Ald. Morton.
READ AND ADOPTED, 8th. December, 1958.
Council Chamber,
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of
the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Saturday, November 29th, 1958. All
Members were present. His Worship Mayor Hawkins presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items presented to them, the Committee adjourned on the
motion of Aid. Miller and AId, Morton,
READ AND ADOPTED, 8th. December, 1958.
Jth. I)ecember, 1955.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, [)cceml)er
1958 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Member,
Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes o[ the previou,'i
meeting, adopted these on the motion of AId. Morton and AId. Gregory.
The following Communications were pre~ntp~;
No. 333 - Greater Niagara ClearingHouse - requesting decision as to declaration of
Boxing Day, December 26th. ORDERED on the motion of ald. Morton and Aid. Marth~
that the communication be received and filed and Boxing Day be not declared a holiday.
Carried, with Ald. Miller and Mayor Hawkins-contrary.
SEE R:port Number 336.
No. 334 - Canadian Federation of Mayors and Mu~njSijalities - advising of Bell Telephone
rate increase. ORDERED on the motion of McKinley and AId. Morton that the communication
be received and filed.
No. 335 - Niagara Falls Fire Fighters, Local 528 - outlining requests for 1959.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Gregory that the communication be received
and referred to the 1959 Negotiating Committee.
No. 336 - John Howard Society of Ontario - requesting grant. ORDERED on time motion of
Ald. Morton and Ald. Martin that the communication be received and referred to the
1959 Budget Committee.
No. 337 - Department of Planning and Development - re proposed amendment no. 4 to the
Official Plan of the Niagara Falls and Suburban Planning Area. The City Clerk
presented a verbal report, indicating that the Village of Chippawa had requested
4 amendments to the Area Plan, which was of no concern to the City of Niagara Falls
but that in conversation with the Dept. of Planning and Development, they pointed out
that by asking for a change in the legend, it thereby affects everyone connected with
the Area Plan, The City Clerk advised that the Township of Stamford has unquestionably
endorsed the recoupended changes. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid.Morton
that the communication be received and the Dept. advised that the City of Niagara Falls
have no objection to the application of the Village of Chippawa.
No. 338 - Angelo Zoia - requesting permission to use the V-shaped lot at Valley Way
and Queen Street for the sale of Christms Trees. The City Manager presented a verbal
report recommending that peruu[ssion be not granted for this purpose. ORDERED on the
uM)tion of Ald. Morton and Ald. White that the comunication be received and filed and
the request be not granted.
The following Reports were presented~
No. 336 - Management ~Ommittee - report on meeting with representatives of the Civic
Employees' Unions to discuss Clearing House request for decision regarding Boxing
Day. and recommending that the day be no~ proclaimed a holiday. ORDERED on the
~tion o£ Ald. Morton and Ald. Martin that the report be received and adopted.Carried
with Mayor Bawkins and Ald. Miller-contrary.
No. 337 - Management Committee - report on meeting held with representatives of the
Civic E~lo~ee'e' Union in which the representatives of the Union were advised t~t
~he operation o~ the Winter Works Employment Stimulation Plan as proposed by the major
governmen'~s aid not c~e under the te~s of the agreeeat in effect between the Union
an~ ;~'~.~, ~E~ on ~he wtion of Ald, M~ers and Ald. Gregory that the report
be/~eeei~eg a~ a~opted.
No. 338 = City Clerk - report on Conference held on November 29th. ORDERED on the
motion of AId. White and Aid. GreSory that the report be received and adopted.
No. 339 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of a licenee. ORDERED on the motion
of Aid. McKinley and AId. Morton that the report be received and adopted and licence
His Worship Mayor Hawkins suggested to Council that in view of the
publicity recently appearing concerning the acquisition of the Whirlpool Rapids
Bridge by the Niagara Falls Bridge Commission, that it would be desirable to take
steps in the immediate future to ascertain what the policy of the Commission would
be in future years as to taxation on the Whirlpool Rapids Bridge, this beinS an
important factor as far as the municipality is concerned.
AId. Mowers was in accord with His Worship in this regard, indicating
that he himself had intended to bring the subject matter up and expressed the view
that no time should be wasted in approaching the authorities to have the matter
cleared up to the municipality's satisfaction.
SEE Resolution No.94.
The following Resolutions were passdd;
No. 94 - MILLER - MOWERS - RESOLVED that the City Clerk contact the Honourable Charles
Daley, Minister of Labour for the Province of Ontario, to ascertain whether a meeting
could be arranged for Thursday evening, December 11th, 1958 with theM anaSement
Committee, in order to discuss the subject of taxes on the Whirlpool Rapids Bridge
which will become the property of the Niagara Falls at the end of 19581 and the Seal
of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 95 - MOWERS - MORTON - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of His
Worship the Mayor and Members of the City Couficil be forwarded to Alderman James G.
White upon the death of his brother; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
affixed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 96 - MOWERS - MORTON - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of His
Worship the Mayor and Members of Council be forwarded to Mr. Robert Barnes upon the
death of his Mother; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
Ald. McKinley, Chairman of the ~mployees' Christmas Party Committee,
at this time requested the Mayor and Members of Council to keep in mind the Chidren's
Party which will be held at the Rapids Hotel on Thursday afternoon, December 11th.
at 2.30 p.m. Mi~ Worship the Mayor indicated his inability to attend and requested
the Alderman to express his regrets.
The following By-laws were passed;
No. 5701 - A by-law to amend By-law Number 5149 regardin8 tourist establishments.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald. G egory that Aid. Miller
be granted the privilege of in~roducing the by-law and the~by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Un~nimously.
ORDBB~ on the motion o£Ald.' Miller and AId. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second readinS. - Carried, With AId. Martin and Mayor Hawkins-opposed.
Third Reading - AId. McKinley and Aid. Morton - Carried' with Mayor Hawkins and
.. . AId. Martin-oppoSed.
No. 5702 - A Supplementary By-law to provide for the 1958 expenditure on roads and
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Miller that AId. White be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be giveam the first
reading.- Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Aid. Miller that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. Morton and Aid. Gregory - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5703 - To amend By-law Number 3790, being a by-law for the regulation of traffic.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. McKinley that Aid. Morton be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Miller that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. Morton and Ald. White - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid.
READ AND ADOPTED, 15th. December, 1958.
"" Mayor
Council Chamber,
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, December 8th, 1958 for the purpose
of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. AId. White,
Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $98,594.69 were approved by the Committee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered
placed in theMoney By-law for presentat'ion to the Council on the motion of AId.
Mowers and Ald. McKinley.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid.
READ AND ADOPTED, 15th. December,1958.
Chair n of Finance.
implementing the Act, expressing the view that it would be to the mutual advantage
of the municipality and the Victorian Order of Nurses which is a recognized agency
for this purpose.
Following his explanation and some discussion having been held, it was
ordered on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. Morton that the request be referred
to the 1959 Council. Carried Unanimously.
SEE Communication 324.
The followin~ Communication was ~resentedL
No. 324 - Greater Niagara__ V__i~ojj~ p~d~y_p~y~_s_ - re Homemakers and Nurses
Services Act. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Morton that the request
be referred to the 1959 Council for consideration.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of AId. Mowers and AId. McKinley.
READ AND ADOPTED, 15th. October, 1958.
Council Chamber,
The Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Committee. All Members were present.
The following By-law was passed;
No. 5704 - To provide monies for general purposeS.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and AId. Morton that Ald. White be
grgnted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. W~ite and Aid. Gregory that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by*law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading * AId. Morton and AId. Miller - Carried Unanimously.
Mr. A. A. MacBain, President of the Greater Niagara Victorian Order of
Nurses Association, Mr. E. M. McMurray, Past President and two of the V.O.N.
nurses were present at the Council Meeting in accord with their previous request
£or the purpose of discussinS the possible application of ~he Homemakers and Nurses
Services Act in the City of Niagara Falls, It was ordered on the motion of Aid.
Mikler and Ald, Morton that Mr, McBain be heard. Mr. MacBain outlined in some
detail the terms.of the Act and the regulations issued i~ eonnection therewith
and advocated £avourable consideration on the part o£ the City Council to
~ .... ~-~ayor.
Council Chamber,
8th. December,1958.
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of the
regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, December 8th, 1958. All Members
were present. His Worship Mayor Hawkins presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items presented to them, the Committee adjourned on the
motion of Ald. White and A,d. Miller.
READ AND ADOPTED, 15th. Dacember,1958.
................. · _c~!!...__'~'Ltu-~ ........
' Chairman
Council Chamber,
15 th. December, 1958.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, December
15th, 1958, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All
Members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes
of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of AId. Martin and Aid. Gregory
Mr. V. A. Johns was present at the meeting and on the motion of Aid.
McKinley and AId. Morton it was ordered that he be heard. Mr. Johns advised that he
was appearing on behalf of Mrs. Wheeler, 1166 McRae Street and that it was with
reference to the recent incident concerning the water service at that point and also
the water service at the adjoining house known as 1176 McRae Street. Mr. Johns, in
some detail, advised Council as to what had transpired indicating that in his opinion
there was a liability on the part of the municipality and that Mrs. Wheeler should
be reimbursed in whole or in part for out-of-pocket expense.
Some discussion ensued during which the City Manager was questioned as
to his knowledge concerning the length of time the service had been installed and as
to the method used in detecting the leak. During this discussion the Manager made it
quite clear that the reference by Mr. Johns to work done in connection with the sewer
had no bearing on the matter of the water service. His Worship the Mayor quoted from
the report submitted in Conference, indicating that it would seem only right that at
least a partial adjustment should be made. Following further discussion on the
subject it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Martin that the matter
be tabled for one week and the City Manager attempt to obtain a portion of the service
which was removed at 1166 McRae Street and submit a report as to the method used in
attempting to detect the leak. Carried, with Ald. McKinley-contrary. Prior to this
motion, Ald. McKinley moved that Council accede to the Manager's suggestion as
contained in the report to Conference, but this was not seconded.
Laid over from a previous meeting;
No. 326 - City O[ Stratford - resolution concerning the possibility of instituting
a National Minimum Wage Act. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Ald. White
that the resolution be received and filed.
SEE Con~unication No.343
No. 330 - ~.G.Col!ins Real Estate Limited - requesting Council's consideration to
alternatives suggested by Mr. So. Atlin in connection with McGrail Avenue property.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and and Aid, Gregory that the communication
received and filed and the recommendation of the Property Committee be received
and adopted.
SEE Report No. 340
The following Communications were presented;
No. 339 - 172nd. Battery - Invitation Co "At Home" on New Ye~r's Day. ORDERED on
the motion of AId. Martin and AId. Miller that the invitation be received and accepted
and as many of the Members of Council as find it possible attend.
-AId, Morton - arrived at the meeting -
No. 340 - Canadian Legion~_~pcc_~ ~l_g_b - requesting use of Oakes Park for practice on
Wednesdays and League Games on Saturdays, ORDERED on the motion of AId. Miller and Aid,
Gregory that the communication be received and referred to the 1959 Council for con-
sideration when the Arena, Parks and Recreation is set up.
No. 341 - Canadian Corp~,_U~i~39~ - advising of wish to terminate agreement on metered
parking lot as of December llth, 1958. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Miller and AId.
Morton that the coum~unication be received and filed and the agreement be terminated as
suggested and final adjustment made.
No. 342 - New York Central Syp~ - advising there are no objections to provposed
track relocation in connection with the widening of Park Street and advising of the
amount of expense involved. In connection with this subject, the City Manager presented
a verbal report recor~nending that Council approve the payment of $2,400. necessary lor
the work and meet the other terms outlined in the con~nunication. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton that the counnunication be received and filed and the
recommendation of the City Manager be adopted.
No. 343 - City of Stratford - explaining the reason for their recent resolution re
possible institution of a National Minimum Wage Act. ORDERED on the motion of
Mowers and Ald. White that the communication be received and filed and the resolution
be not endorsed.
SE~ CgmmUnicat.ion No .326.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 340 - Property Cormnittee - reconnnending that J.G.Collins Real Estate Limited be
advised that the City will accept the Quit Claim Deed for the westerly 9 feet of Lot
40 and the easterly 45.55 feet of Lot 39 and will provide a cormnon right-of-way 12
feet in width on the easterly side of the premises for the joint use of the owner of
what is now a vacant lot and of the owner of the apartment at 1723 MeGrail Avenue.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldl McKinley and Ald. Gregory that the report be received
and adopted.
SEE Communication No.330
No. 341 - City Manager - advising of the approval of the Dept. of Municipal Affairs
of City~s application, under the Winter Works Employment Stimulation Plan, for the
construction of water mains at an estimated cost of $35,715. In connection with this
report the City Manager advised verbally that of the 31 men available from the
Unemployment Office, 24 men will be able to start; and the Welfare Administrator will
provide a list of persons drawing Relief with large families not now appearing on the
Unemployment Office list from which more may be selected, It is hoped that contact
may be made with the Pipe Manufacturers in order that work may be conmenced before the
end of this week. Ald. Martin, one of Council's representatives on the Advisory
Committee for the stimulation of winter work reported verbally on his attendance this
afternoon at a meeting of the Advistory Committee and indicated that the employment
situation is now very bad and expressed the hope that the winter works program would
get under way as soon as possible. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald.
Gregory that the report be received and filed.
Alderman Miller referred to Council's decision at the previous
meeting with reference to Boxing Day and advised of the re-action which he had received
concerning Council's action and expressed the view thai ti~e motion should be rescinded
and Boxing Day be declared as a holiday, referring to the fact that nearly all other
municipalities are taking such action.
A discussion was then held concerning the matter during which at
the request of Ald. Martin, Chairman of the Management Committee, Mr. Robt. Barnes,
President of the Employeess Unions clarified the fact that the meeting held by
representatives of the Union with the Management Con~nittee was an amicable one and that
at that time both groups were in complete accord. Mr. Barnes also suggested a method
of handling the work so that the observing of Boxing Day could be carried out.
SEE Resolution No. 97
Aid, Martin then indicated the desire to have a resolution prepared for
forwarding to the Federal Government, requesting that Boxing Day be established as
a National Roliday and thus avoid recurring confusion, but, following an explanation
by the City Manager, as to the possible effect of such action in the event it was
looked upon with fayour, agreed to leave the matter in abeyance for further study.
The following Resolutions were~assed;
No. 97 - MILLjR - MORTON - RESOLVED that the action of Council at their m~eting of
December 8th. in adopti"'~g the Management Committee's recommendation to not declare
Boxing Day, December 26th. a holiday, be rescinded and that a proclamation be issued
declaring December 26th, 1958 as Boxing Day in the City of Niagara Falls; and the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Un~ntmou~sly._
No. 98 - MILLER - MORTON - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of His
Worship the Hayor &nd 'M'~bers of CoUncil be forwarded to Chief Constable C. R. Pay
upon the death of his Mother, the late Mrs. Maude Pay; and the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously.
Ald. McKinley, Chairman of the Christmas Party Con~nittee, reminded
Council of the Annual EmPloYees~ Christms FaTty, scheduled for Tuesday evening, at the
General Brock Hotel, commencing at 7 p.m.
Ald. Martin expressed a vote of thanks on behalf of Council to the
Christmas Party Con~nittee for the successful party given to the children of the City
employees last ThurSday, December 11th. and for the work done by the Firemen and
policemen and the City Clerk, purchasing Agent and Mr. Leslie Blackburn and all others
who worked so hard to make the party such a success.
At this time, Ald. Mowers, one of Council's representatives on the
Niagara peninsula Conservation Conmxittee, reported verbally on his attendance at the
organizational meeting of the Conservation Authority, held at Prudhomme~s Garden
Centre Hotel on Friday, December 12th. He advised there were 41 voting delegates
and that the application is now going forward to the Lieutenant-Governor for his
consideration, results of which may be known sometime in January.
The City Manager advised of the action taken with reference to leaks in
the roof at the Memorial Arenas in response to AId. Morton~s query.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald.
Gregory. "
READ AND ADOPTED, 22nd. December, 1958.
Council Chamber,
15th. December, 1958.
The Finance Meeting was held on December 15th. 1958 for the purpose of
approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and
placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Ald. White, Chairman
of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $78,566.58 were approved by the Committee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered
placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald.
McKinley and ~ld. Martin.
The Co~waittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 22nd. December, 1958.
Council Chamber,
15th. December, 1958.
The Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by
the Co~ntttee.
The following By-law was passed;
Np.. 5705 - To provide monies for general purposes.
Ordered on the motion of AId. Mowers and Aid. McKinley that AId. White be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
readi'~So = C~arried 'Unanimously.
10~dered on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Miller that Rule 36 (2) of the
St~ng~("~d~o'~ COuncil be teporarily suspended and the by-law be Siren the second
r~~~i~d ~animousl~.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned on the motion of AId. blowers and AId. Miller. to Conference.
READ ~ ADOPTED, 22rid. Decembdr, 1958.
Council Chamber,
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of
the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, December 15th, 1958. All Members
were present. His Worship PL~yor Hawkins presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items presented to them, the Committee adjourned on the
motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. White.
READ AND ADOPTED, 22nd, December, 1958.
Council Chamber,
22nd.December, 1958.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, December 22nd.
1958, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of
Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous
meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Gregory.
The followin_g__Communi_c_gt__i.o_ns~w..er__e.._p_[gs__ep_t.e__d~;
No. 344 - Mayor of Woodstock - resolution re threat of inflation. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. White and Ald. Mowers that the resolution be received and filed.
No. 345 - Greater Niagara S~x Council - suggesting that after the New Year, all
Christmas trees be picked up and transported to a central point for burning, under
the supervision of the Fire Department as a safety measure. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Mowers and Aid. Morton that the communication be received and filed and permission
and approval as requested be granted. The City Manager indicated that if the citizens
will place their trees at the curb with the rest of their rubbish, the City will dispose
of them.
No. 346 - Department of Transport - recommending speed study. In this connection the
City Clerk read previous correspondence forwarded to the Deputy Minister requesting
clarification of a Section of the Nighway Traffic Act regarding speed limit on a
controlled access highway, having in mind a section of the Queen Elizabeth Highway
on Robert Street within the corporate limits of the City. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Morton and Ald. Mowers that the communication be received and a request be made
to the Department of Transport for a speed study of this particular section.
No. 347 - Retail Merchants' Association of Canada - enclosing copy of a resolution
of St. Catharines faycuring amendments of the Retail Merchants' Association recommended
to the Ontario Government regarding The Ontario Factory, Shop and Office Building Act.
The City Clerk suggested that equally or possibly more important legislation was
desirable to enable municipalities who have early closing by-laws passed on a petition
to remove such by-laws, there being no authority under the present Act except on a
further petition by the classes of business affected. Ald. Mowers indicated that he
would be prepared to introduce such a resolution when prepared by the City Clerk.
Previous to this discussion, it was moved by Ald. White and seconded by Ald. Mowers
that the communication from the Retail Merchants' Association be received and filed.
Carried~ with Ald. Morton-contrary.
The £ollowin~Reports were presented;
No. 342 - City Manager - recommending the appointment of Mr. Robert Anderson as a
Clerk in the Accounting Department at the City Hall. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
McKinley and Aid. Mowers that the report and recommendation be received and adopted.
Carried with Ald. Miller-contrary. An amendment made by Ald. Miller that the report
be tabled for one week in order that the Management Committee might peruse the
su~nary of application received for this position, was no~ ~econded.
No. 343 - City Manager - recommending the appointment of Mr. Keith Wilson, as a Clerk
in the Welfare Department. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and AId. Mowers that
the report and reconmendation be received and adopted. Carried, with AId. Miller -
No. 344 - City Manager - report on conditions at 1166 McRae Street where water
service was damaged. It was moved by Ald. Miller, seconded by Ald. Oregory that
Mr. V. Johns be heard at this time. Mr. Johns again spoke on behalf of Mrs.
Wheeler and amplified his renmrks made at a previous meeting, correcting some of
his statements and indicating that there was justification for his previous request
as to an adjustment. Some further discussion took place on the part of the Members
of Council and His Worship, Mayor Hawkins, reiterated his previous statement that he
felt a logical and fair adjustment would be on the basis of the recommendation made
by the City Manager to Council in Conference on December 8th. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report of the City Manager be received and
filed and an adjustment of the account involved in this instance be made in accordance
with the City Manager's suggestion in his report submitted to Council in Conference,
namely $42.14. Carried by a vote of 4 to 3, the vote being - Aye -Ald. McKinley,
Morton, Oregory and Miller; Nays -Ald. White, Martin and Mowers.
No. 345 - City Clerk - report on Conference held on December 15th. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted.
It was ordered at this time by Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mowers that the
next eight reports be considered collectively-
No. 346 - City Engineer - 6-inch watermain on Startton Ave. Ferguson to North Limits.
No. 347 - City Engineer - 6-inch watermain on Park St. St. Clair Ave. to Well~nd.Ave.
No. 348 - City Engineer - 6-inch watermain on Park St. Lawrence Ave. to Bucklay Ave.
No. 349 - City Engineer - 6-inch watermain on St.Lawrence, Park St. to Queen Street.
No. 350 - City Engineer - 6-inch watermain on Huron St. Ontario Ave. to Welland Ave.
No. 351 - City Engineer - 6-inch watermain on Third Ave. Morrison St. to Willmort St.
No. 352 - City Engineer - 6-inch watermain on Second Ave. Robert St. to Kitchener St.
No. 353 - City Engineer - 8-inch watermain on Lundy's Lane, Drummond Rd. to Hanan Ave.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Martin that the reports be received,
approved and work proceeded with as soon as convenient. Carried Unanimously.
SEEResOlution Number 99.
No. 354 - City Clerk - reconmending issuance of licehess. ORDERED on the motion of
AId. Morton and Ald. Gregory. that the report be received and adopted and licehess
issued accordingly.
Ald. Morton queried the possibility of an outdoor rink in the Glenview
Area for the benefit of the children unable to get up to the Memorial Arena;
referring to other parks in the City which could be utilized for this purpose also.
The City Manager referred to the money expanded by the City for this purpose in
past years, with the result that the outdoor skating rinks were of short duration
due to the change in temperature, pointing out that the Memorial Arena was erected
because of the little satisfaction gained from open air rinks.
It was agreed that the City M~nager might arrange to have one outdoor
ek~ting rink in the Glenview Area to ascertain whether it will be successful this
· The following Resolution was passed;
No. 99 - MOWERS - MARTIN - RESOLVED that Report Number 346 for the construction of
a 6-inch watermain on Stanton Avenue between Ferguson Street and the north limit;
Report Number 347 for the construction of a 6-inch watermain on Park St. between
St. Clair Ave. and Welland Ave; Report Number 348 for the construction of a b-inch
waternmin on Park St. between St..La~r~ence Ave. and Bucklay Ave; Report Number 349
for the construction of a 6-inch watermain on St.Lawrence Ave. between Park St. and
Queen St; Report Number 350 for.the construction of a 6-inch watermain on Huron St.
between Ontario Ave.. and Welland AVe; Report Number 351 for the construction of a
6-inch wateTmain on Third Ave. between Morrison' St. and W~lm~tt St; Report Number
352 for the construction of a 6-inch wateTmein on Second Ave. between Robert St.
and Kitchener St; Report Number 353 for the construction of an 8-inch watermain on
Lundy's Len~ between Dru~no~d Road and Henan Avenue; be adopted and the work
proceeded With as soon as convenient; and the Seal. of the Corporation be hereto
Caviled Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald.
REAI) AND ADOPTED, 29th. December, 1958.
Council Chamber,
22nd. December, 1958.
The Finance Meeting was held on December 22nd. 1958 for the purpose of
approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Ald. White,
Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $59,002.94 were approved by the Committee.
The Accounts submitted being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered
placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald.
Mowers and Ald. Martin.
The Com~ttttee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid.
READ AND ADOPTED, 29th. December, 1958.
Council Chamber,
The Conunittee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Cormmittee. All Members of Council were present.
The following By-law was passed.
No. 5706 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and AId. Martin that Aid. White
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. White and Aid. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. Morton and AId. Gregory - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Mowers and AId. Miller.
READ AND ADOPTED, 29th. December, 1958.
G 1 erk
COUIIci ] Chaml)el' ,
29th. I)ecemher , lgbS.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, l)ecember 29th.
1958, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. A] I Members o!
Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes o! the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of AId. Morton and AId. Miller.
The following Communications wer~jr~e_§~p~;
No. 348 - Lincoln and Wella_n~ R~e~iment - invitation to "At llome" on New Year's I)ay.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Gregory that the invitation be received
and accepted and as many of the Members of Council as find it possible attend. A}N
Members signified their intention of being present, with the exception of .Hd, Martin
and Ald. White.
No. 349 - Bell Telephone Company of Canada - requesting permission to replace one
pole on Clark St. south of Ferry St, ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and AId.
Gregory that the communication be received and filed and permission granted.
SE_E.B~-law Number
No. 350 - Committee of Adjustment - Notice of Hearing on January 6th, 1959 re 2152-
2162 Allen Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Ald. Miller that the
couu~unication be received and filed.
No. 351 - City of Woodstock - resolution to regulate and controj transmission,
distribution, wholesale and retail sale of natural gas. The City Clerk verbally
reported on this matter, indicating that the Ontario Fuel Board has ezcellent control
of this type of commodity at the present time, having just recently lssued very
detailed instructions. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Martin and Ald. Mowers that the
communication be received and filed.
The following Report was presented;
No. 355 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of a hatrdresser's licenee. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory that the report be received and adopted
and licence issued accordingly.
The followini By-law was passed;
No. 5707 - To provide for permission to The Bell Telephone Company of Canada to
replace one pole in same loc~tion on Clark St. south of Ferry ~t.
ORDERED on the motion of AId, Miller and AId, Gregory that Ald. Mcmers
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-lay and the by-law be given the first
reading, - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Nillet and AId. McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading, - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId, McKinley and AId. Morton - Carried Unanimously.
His'Worship, Mayor Hawkins, concluding his eighth year as Hayor of the
City of Niagara Falls, at this time expressed appreciation to the Members of
Council and City Officials for their co-operation during his tenure of office and
wished each and their family every good wish for the New Year.
The Members of Council responded individually, expressing appreciation
for the opportunity of serving under the Mayor and the excellent manner in which
he performed his duties.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 5th. January, 1959.
Council Chamber,
The Finance Meeting was held on December 29th, 1958 for the purpose of
approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Conmmtttee were present. Ald. White,
Chairman of Finance~ presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $26~458.18 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of
Aid. McKinley and AId. Martin.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald,
READ AND ADOPTED, 5th. January, 1959.
Council Chamber,
The Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Committee. All Members of Council were present.
The follow~ntBl-law wa~_p~gfi~d;
No. 5708 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and AId. Gregory that Aid. White be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. White and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. Morton and Ald. McKinley - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. Mowers.
READ AND ADOPTED, 5th. January, 1959.