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CITY OF NIAG~d~A FALLS FIRST INAUGUI~L Mi~ETING Council Chamber, January 4th, 1937. In accordance with the provisions of The Municipal Act, the Council met at ll.00 o, clock, with all members present. The Statutory Declarations of officers ~and qualificatsions were filed with the Clerk, when the Oaths of Office had been taken by Magistrate John B. Hopkins. After this, the Council for 1937 was duly or- anized and open for the transaction of general business. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Rev. i~rchdeacon Guy B. Gordon. Moved by Ald. McAninch, seconded by Ald. Donald, that a vote of thanks ~e tendered to the Rev. Archdeacon Gordon. Carrigd Moved by Ald. Twirlale, seconded by Ald. ~'rnite, that a vote of thanks be xtended to Magistrate Hopkins. Carried His Worship Mayor Andersen delivered his Inaugural Address. On the motion of Ald. Stephens and V~ite, ins ordered to he spread on the minutes. the Mayor~ s Inaugural Address Carried MAX0R'S Im__uoum kADDESS. ~o the Council ~nd Oitl~ns of Nia~ra Falls: I wish once again to th~k the citizens of Niag~a Falls for the henour 9nd confidence expressed in the recent election by re.turning me to the office of ~yor for 1937. I also congratulate those who are similarly hencured by the citizens in respective elective offices. To those who aspired bu~ who did not meet with I also offer congratulations for their intemst in the city's welfare and give of l~heir time and talents to promote the best interests t.he City of Niagara Fells. I wish'to express my appreciation and ~atitude to ~he Council, all civic dies and evex7 individual member of the civic departments for their effeoleney co-operation dux~ing the past To the press end ~ho citizens as a whole, I would express the thanks of Council as a ~od~ fox' ~beir support, co-operation and x~sponse to the financial obligations necessary to a suocAssful administration and a balanced budget. The pest year has shown an improvement in our indistriel, financial and unemployment situation and I sincerely hope the coming year will show furtjaer is- provesent in this respect. The Council will have some important matters with which to deal during the coming year. One of the initial issues will be the problem of refinaneing and it is to be hoped that some definite basis of meeting our obligations will be ev- vlved and our ,,,nicipality restored to the position among the cities of Ontario to which it Justly belongs. One of the chief factors which will ouble Niagara Falls to do this will be the recognition by the Provincial Covermeant and the Hydro-Electric ~uwer Oom- mission of Ontario, of our,Just claims to Hydro Taxation of ~hich the City v:as deprived by the purchase of privately-owned power developments by the Hydro-Elec- tric Omission of Ontario. This has oscasioned a financial .loss to this mun~q~p- ality of approximately tv,u million dollars since 1916. In connection wl~h un~aployment, we can only hope that the improvements as evidenced in 1936, may continue and improve, and I wish to cornend the une~aployed of our city for their willingness to take ad~untage of every opportunity offered in this respect. I commend als0,the co-operation shown at all times in the best interests of the 0ity. I do not feel that the Council will be warranted in considering any major expenditures for 1957, but should confine their expenditures to maintaining assert- tial services, and to the saintsnonce and upkeep of our streets, sidewalks and other clWlc properties. May I express the desire that the Council will function as a unit in the best interests of the citizens as a whole and give serious consideration, timeoand thought to insure sane and intelligent legislation to svex7 matter which comes be- fore it. In conclusion, I again thank the citizens for the henour confe~x~ed on me and wish you all s Happy and ProsperOus New Yaar. OtIAS, W,A~ERSON Mayor," ADOPTION OF MINUTF~ minutes of the previous maoti~g, IMiving-beon. mooived and r~d, ~re S CERTIFICATE The City Clerk certified as to the result of the Poll held on December iTth, 1936, end on the motion of Aid. T~idale and White, the co;~:xtmication was ordered received and filed. RESOLUTIg~IS ~,The following Resolutions were passed: No. 1 - SCOTT - WHITE - RESOLVgD that Ald. H.P.Stephens be and is hereby appointed ,~as Chairman of the Finance Connittee for the City of Niagara Falls, for the year ~1937, and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried · No. 2 - DONALD - SCOTT - R~OLVED that Miss tlinuifred Stokes, Mr. C.V.Bradford, and Mr. W.j.Manuel be and are hereby appointed as members of the Board of Health ]:of the City of Niagara Falls, for the year 1937, and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. ~., Carried %No. 5 - McANINCH- SCOTT - RESOLVED that Mr. G.J.Emery and Dr. T.E.Watson be and '~are hereby apnointed as members of the Town Planning 0onmission, for the City of ~Niagara Falls'for the years 19Z?, 19~8 and 19~9, ~nd that Mr. A.B.Robertson be , !!also appointed to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Mr. S.R. Frost ' ~,~from that Board, and the Seal of the Corporation e hereto affixed. ~'. Carr____led '. o. { - STEPH~S - TWIDi~LE - RESOLVED that }It. C.Findlay be and is hereby apooin- ~.~ted as a member of the Public Library Board of the City of Niagara Falls, fo~ the ~years 1957, 19~8 and 1959, and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. -~ Carried · ..- ~'. o. ~ - HANNIWELL - DONALD - RESOLVED that Messrs. ~ohn Logun and C.W.Doan be and Carried No. ~ - STEPH~S- WHITE - RESOLVED that Mrs. J.R.Ooatts and Messrs. W.L.Wilkinson and J.M.Cowan, be and are hereby appointed as members of the Bourd of Review of the ~ity of Niagara Falls, for the year 195~, and the Sealer the Corporation be hereto fffixed. C~rried O (I~JNICATI ONS following Oommunications were received: 1 - County Clerk. Welland - re meeting with 0ouncil re agreement. OREERED on motion of Ald. MeAninch and White that the communication be received, and the City Manager be instructed to secure all statistics and information possible, upon the matter of the cost to this City under the present agreement, for the presentat- ken at the meeting, and that copies of such informl.~tion be fox~nrded to the members the Council. ~- - Ontario Fire Marshall - re Fire Prevention Week campaign. ORDEE on the of Ald. Donald and Twiddle that the comunication be received and filed, and appreciation of the City Council be extended to the Fire Department for the fine services rendered durin~g the past year. 'I~XTIC~S over frcm previous me, aS ing: lO. 1~ (1936 File) - M.VanAlstine & Others - re reduction in fee for certain types ~ f slot machines. OEDERED on th~ motion of AId. White and Scott that the petition · . e meeived and filed.~ "' , ~'.::~'~-,' ~ ~,c :"~'~'~ ~ ,, ,,: ,}. ~,,,.,.~ : ,-~, I.~,~ : .- ~ . ,: . ,, : .~ 2 obligations necessary to a sucsassful administration and a balanced budget. The puat year has shown an improvement in our indiatrial, financial and unemployment situation and I sincer~ly hope the coming year will show further provemerit in this respect. The Council will have some important matters w~th which to deal the coming yee~. One of the initial issues will be the p~oblem of refinenclng and it is to be hoped that some definite b~sis of meetin~ ou~ obligations will be ev- olved and cu~ municipality restored to the position uaong the cities of Ontario to which it Justly belongs. One of the chief factors which will e~ble Niagara Falls to do this will be the roco~nition by the Provincial Govsr~nt and the Hydro-Electric ~ower Com- mission of Ontario, of our Just claims to Hydro Taxation of vhich the City deprived by the purclmse of privately-owned power developments by the Hydru-Elec- tric Commission of Ontorio. This has occasioned a financial-loss to this municip- ality of approximately tv,~ million dollars sines 1916. In connection with un~plo~ment, ~e can only hope that the improvements as evidenced in 1936, may continua and improve, and I wi~h to commend the unenployed of our city for their willin~nsss to take advantage of every opportunity offered in this respect. I commend ~lso,the co-o~ration shown at all times in the best inteEeets of the City. I do not feel that the Council will be warranted in considering any major e~penditures for 1957, but should confine their expenditures to maintaining ttal services, and to the maintenance and Upkeep of our st=sets, sidewalks and other ciyie properties. May I express the desire that the Council will function as a unit in the best Interests of the citizens as a whole al~d'give serious considerations time,~and thought to insure sane and intelligent legislation to evez~. matter ~hich comes be- fore In conclusion, X a~ain thenk the citizens for the henour con_f~r~ed on me and wish you all a Happy and ProsperOus New CItAS, W.ANDERS0N ADOI~,I.ON .OF MINUTES The minutes of the previous meeting, having been received and read, were adol~sd on the motion of Ald,. Donold CERTIFICATE The City Clerk certified as to the result of the Poll held on December ~th, 19~6, and on the motion of Ald. ~idale and White, the cor~mnication was ordered received and filed. RESOLUTI0}B The following Resolu~ienS weFe passed: No. 1 - SCO~T_._~___f.~'~EITE - RESOLVR~ that Ald. H.P.Stephens be and is hereby appointed as Chairman of the Finance Committee for the City of Niagara Falls, for the year 1937, and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 2 - DONALD- SCOTT - R~OLVED that Miss Winsifted Stokes, bit. C.V.Bradford, and Mr. W.J~M~nuel be and are hereby appointed as members of the Bourd of Health of the City of Niagara Falls, for the year 19~7, and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. ~. Carr~A No. 3 - MoANINCH - SCGT~ - RESOLVED that Mr. G.J.Eraery end Dr. T.E.~tson be and are hereby appointed as members of the Town Planning Commission, for the City of Niagara Falls for the years 193?, 1938 and 1939, and that Mr. A.B.bbertson be also appointed to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Mr. S.R. Frost from that Board, and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. ~arr.ied No. 4 - STEPH~S - TWIDALE - RESOLVED that Mw. C.Findlay be and is hereby appoin- ted as a member of the Public Library Board of the City of Niagara Falls, for the years 1937, 1938 and 1939, and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried. No. 5 - HANNIWELL - DONALD - RESOLVED that E~ssrs. John Logan and O.W.Doan be and are hereby appointed as members of the Housing C~.~mission of the City of Niagara Fells, for the years 1937 and 19~8, and the Seal of the Corpo1~tion be hemto fixed. Carried No. 6 - STEPHRIIS - WHITE - RESOLVED that Mrs. LR.Goatts and Messrs. W.L.Wilkinson and ff.M. Cowan, be and are hereby appointed as members of the Board of Review of the City of Niagara Falls, for the year 19~, and the Seal of the Corporation be heroto affixed. C~rried OC~.~dNIGATXONS The followin~ 0ommunications were received: No. 1 - County Clerk, Welland - re meeting with Council re agreement. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MeAninch and White that the communication be received, and the City Manager be instructed to secure all statistics and information possible, upon the matter of the cost to this City under the present agrsement, for the presentat- ion at the meeting, and that copies of such Informalrich be forwarded to the members of the Council. No. ~ - Ontario Fire Marshall -reFlre Prevention Week cmpalgn. ORDER~on the motion of Aid. Donald and Twiddle that the communication be received and filed, and ~he appreciation of the City Council be extended to the Fire Department for the very fine services rendered during the p~st year. hid over from Dreviousmeetim~| No. 12 (19~6 File) - MeVanAlstine & Others - re reduction in fee for certain types of slot machines. ORDERED on the motion of AId. White and Scott that the petition be meeived and fl~ed. 4 'A motion was previously made by Ald. White and Scott that the petit- ion be filed. An sinecalmest was made by Ald. Donald and Stephens that the mat- ter be laid on the table for one week. Ald. McAninch and Hanniwell moved that a fee of $15.00 be charged for table and pin games, and the regular fee of $50.00 be m~de for other slot machines. All the above motions were lost. The.__follo?____dng Pe~ltions were received:. No. 1 - A.Stevens - Petition for slot machine license. No. 2 - T.K.Delaney - Petition f~r.~lot machine license. OllDER~) on the motion of Ald. White and Twidale that in view of Resolution No..V, these petitions he. referred back to the License Committee for consideration.' RESOLUTIONS The followring Resolutions were passe_d: No. ~ - Wt~ITE - SCOTT - R3~10LVED that all licenses in the City of Niagara Falls be granted upon the. vote of two-thirds a majority of the License Corsittee, and the By-Law be amended to that effect, and the Seal of the Corporation be heroic a ffi xe d. Carried No. 8 - WHITE - T~iDI~LE - RESOLVED that the Works Comicsloner, Mr. W.S.Orr, be and is hereby appointed as Weed Inspector for the City of Niagara Falls for the year 1937, and the Seal of the Corporation be heroic affixed. Carried The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. White and Hanniwell. RFJd) AND ADOPiED, January llth, .1937. FINANCE M~ET.ING Council Chamber, Janual7 4th, ~937 The Finenee Cor~aittee met on Monday, JanUary 4th, 1~37, for the purpose of approvtng and ~lso of passing the various accounts whieh had been prol~arly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Sundry accounts were aplFoved by the Conmtttee, amounting to The communications from Messrs. H.T.Jsmleson & Company, and i.h'. F..J. Moore, Supervisor, in connection viith the estimated cost of a refunding schem being prepared, wore presented. It was ordered on the motion of His Vjorship Mayor Anderson and kld. Hanniwell that the co,nnunications be received, ~nd the City l,'arager be instructed to reply to Messrs. J~ale son & Coupany, sending u copy of Mr. Mooro's letter, asking that they advise in detail the work will bu included in their estimate, and requast!;xg that their representatives ~ttand a conference with the City Council for the purpose of discussing the matter. The report of the City Manager, with reference to the purchu~ of s~nd, was present.~d. It was orderBd on the motion of !iis ',jorship Hayor ~uAderson and ald. Hanniv~ell that the report be received and filed, and the s~n!~, b3 Dur~]b sed in the open market. It w~s also ordered that a price be set fo~ this mu.t~rial, ~nd if acceptable, to the vsrious dealers, that the same be purchased from them, and an equal distribution of the orders be made. The report of the City A~nager, with re, foresee to the Polic~ ~ccident Insurance policy, was presented. It was ordered on the ~aotion of ~ld. Scott and Hanniwell that the r.~port be received and adopted, and the City .'.i~.'r be in- structed to pr. Bpare figures as to the costs of the two types of coverage fo~~ the information of the Council. The cor~munication from lI.B.Reece, requesting penniesion to have the pump now at the Incinerator, was presented. It was ordered on T~ddale and MeAninch that the co~mmunicution be received, and a cox~aittse codapric- ing His Worship }.layer Arfierson, Chairman of Flx~ance ~ld. Stephens, the City Man- ager and the Fire Chief, be authorized to dispose of the pu~,~p. The con~uunication from W.H. Cookman, making an offer for Lot 4~, on Robinson Street, was received. It was ordered on the motion of yuld. Hanuivm!l and White that the conmunication be received and laid On the. table for one week. It yes also sug~-ested that the City 14~nsgcr be instructed to [Zet in touch ~'dth another prospective purchaser of this property and ask whett~er he would be pre- pared to mmke an offer for the some. The con~unication from Flynn Brothers, making an offer for -ndrt of Lots 1 and 2 on MeGrail Avenue, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Liayor Anderson and Ald. Scott that the coxmunication be r~ceived and laid on the table for one v:eek, and the parties be asked whether they would be prepared to erect a building upon this lot if the same were sold. The report of the .Relief Administrator, with ref~.rence to the men on relief, over the age of 65 being required to work, ~as presented. !t was crimer- ed on the motion of His Worship Mayor Amderson and Ald. Twidule that the report be received and the recomuendation be adopted. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Aid. Scott and T~ddale. The accounts submitted, being passed sT otherwise dealt with, the Com- mittee, on the motion of Aid. Donald and Scott, ordered ~hat these be placed ~in the money by-law fo~ Presentation .to the Council. :. '.' ,-. E. ': REmANDADOPTED, January llth, 1937~ · Ohaiman of Finance. .... Clerk, 5 COUN01_L ~TING Council Chamber, January 4, 193? · The Council re-assebled at the close of the Finance ZIeeting, for the purpose of Dessing the money by-lavj covering the account s which hod been prop- erly approv~d by the Committee, and other business. All members of the Council were present. BY-iAW The followin~ By-Lay; v;as ~assed: No_~L2~_V~ -Ald. H.P.Stephens - To Grant Monies for C~nsral Purposes. let reading - ald. 17hits and [~nniv;ell. 2nd reading -Ald. Donald and Scott. 3rd reading -Ald. Scott and Stephens. RESOLUTION The foliowin~ Resolution was passed: No. 9 - STZPHEX~S - DONALD - 1L~SOLV~n~.D that the Council meetings during the year 195V be held""~t the usual tL~e, on MondayS, at ~.00 p.m. and the Se~l of tile Corporation be hereto a~fixed. Ca~.ri~e.d_ MISCi~LLANEOUS Aid. ~,~idsle brought up the matter of the necessity in this City of a convention hall and suggested that a suitable site v~uld be the Bush property over-looking Clifton Bill and Queen Victoria Park. kl~.Twidale reminded the Council of the unusual advantages and scenic attractions which Niagara Falls has to~fer to the public, and deplored the lack of accommodation for visitors. Ald. McAninch also spoke upon the matter, and stated that i~dustries could be secur'~d for Niagara Falls if factory space were also available. Alderman suggested that the City Council ende,~vour, with the assistance of the Chamber of Commerce, to utilize the Arena during the summer months as a conven- tion hall. The Council. adjourned on the motion of Ald. Stephens and T~idale. RF~aD ~ND ADOPTED, January llth, 1937. Mayor · SEC~,~D LIEi~ING Council Ch~unfi~er, January 11, 1937, Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 4.00 p.~a. to consider General Business and Finance. ~kll members of the Co,~mcil were present. The Council, having received and read the minutss of the p~Bvious f~eting, these were adopted on the motion of Ald. Scott and D EPUTATI 0NS On the motion of kld. Donald and Stemhens, the deputation froI~ the Frontier H.umane Society, was heard. Mr. J.H.Co!atts, Rev. '~jm, Fingland, and _Mrs. J.R.Coatts spoke in con- nection ~'lth the request of th~ Society for a grant f~nr~ the Council, ~md out- lined the work ~hich is being done by them. SN;~ P~esolut ion He. 10. COLZ.~njNIC~TI(~NS The following, 9o.n~nunic~tions were receive__d: No. 3 - Claude A.Fiadlay - re appointment as a member of the Public Library Board. 0RDEA~I) on the motion of kld. Twidale and Donald that the comuunic:xtion be rec- eived and filed. No. 4- Ontario Municip_al Association - re presentation of resolution to lIinist!r of Municipal A~fairs. O~DER~D on the mation of Ald. White and Stephens that the Communication be received and a representative of the City Com~cil be sent to speak upon the resolution. OEDER,~D FUi~TH~,~ on the motion of All~. ~,Vhite and Twi- rlale that Ald. H.P. Stephens, Chairman of Finance, be the representative fro~ the City Council at the meeting. F~TH~R OR~DEI~ on the n~otion of Ald. Uhite and Tv.li- dale that the City Manager be instructed and authorized to attend the r!Deting of the Emcutive Committee of the Association on January 26th and 2Vth. A motion was made by AId. Hanniwell and Donald that His ~,Jorship 1,Iayor Anderson and the Chairman of Finance he the committee to attend the meeting. This motion was lost. No. 5 - Hen. David k.Oroll - Announcing new regulations in connection ~,~ith the cost of Mothers' All~ancesand Old Age Pensions. ORDER~D on the :~otion of ~dd. Hanniwell and White that the conmunicat ion be received, and the City ~na~sr be instructed to convey to the Provincial Goverr~nent the ap~ureelation of the Council in assuming the responsibility for the~ two services. In this connection, A~ld. Meaninch stated that he ~:ished to be placed on record as being of the opinion that the ~Tovincial Coverresent had taken the proper attitude in collecting the Income Taxes throughout the Province, and paying for these services with the proceeds. No. 6 - Gould-Leslie Limited - requesting penuission to replace panel signs. ORDERF~) 0n the motion of Ald, White nnd Stephens that the corm~uaicution be rec- eived and the application be granted. The following Report was~rpce~ved: No. 1 - City Manager - re local magistrate dealing with Juvenile cases. 0EDEIbv~D on the motion of Ald. ~te and T~i~le tha~ the report be received ~nd l~id on t~ table, a~d.a.~pyof ~e s~e ~ fo~arded to the ~ard of ~lice Oo~aission- R~SOL.UTIONS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 10 - STEFH~I~S - Mcld]INCtl - RESOLVED that the verbal presentation of the Fron- tier IIumane Society, be accepted and the matter be given consideration v!hen tile 1937 Budget is prepared, and the City llanager be instructed to get all informat- ion as to the licensing of dogs in other municipalities, and the Seal of the Cor- poration be hereto affixed. C.arried No. 11 - HAN~II'.'FnZL - SCOTT - RESOLVED that the City l~anager be instructed to go into the matter of the rate of far~.s which the Csmadian National Electric Rail- ways ere charging for the bus service over the Upper Steel Arch Bridge, and make a report thereon to the City Council, and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto af ft xe d. Car ri e~d No. 12 - ~NNITJ~ILL ' :JoANINCH - RESOLVED that the City Hsnager be instructed to make a report to the City Council upon the matter of the relief rental allowances to relief recipients in whss~ homes other relief recipients reside, and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 13 - WiIITE- t~'~H~i'TELL- RESOLVZD that the City ~nag~r be instructed to as- certain hov~ much monies hays been paid to the Stamford Collegl Hte Institute by the City of Niagara Fells and the Board of Education during the post years, and for what purposes such monies ~k~ve been allocated, and such information to show the amounts ~,~ich have been used for maintenance, ~apital costs, salaries, to- gether with the amount which the Collegiate Institute of this City has received from the Township of Stamford for the same purposes, and the Seal of the Corpor- ation be hereto affixed. O.arried No. 14 - ~'~[ITE - STEPIENS - RESOLVP~ that this Council is of the opinion that the present moratorium on mortgages should be continued, and that Mr. W.L.Houck, our local Member of the Legislature be advised of that fact, and asked to advocate the continuance of the present legislation in this respect, and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Oar_ri~ed MiSGELLAN:,]0US let reading - Hid. Donaid and White. Sad reading - ~kld. White and Scott. The third reading v,as laid on the table for one v;eek, on the: action of Ald. ~IcAninch and l~niwell, and the ~ity ~Mnager was instr'acted to the members of the Council with copies of the sections of the I~y-h~w v~here the ch~ges are to be made. The Council adjourned on the motion 6f Ald. Scott and Uhits. Ald. Hanniwell brought up the matter of the advertisement in the local newspaper eatending Christmas Greetings to the citizens from the City Council, and asked that the City Manager make a report thereon at the next meeting. Ald. Stephens asked the City ~anager to make a report to the City Coun- cil upon the possibilities of inaugurating a housing program in this City~ as the Alderman had been given to uxx~erstand that the Deparlment of Municipal Affairs would undertake to furnish the labour 'if the Oity v~ould furnish the materials for the seine, BY-LAWS TIm fo.llowing By-La~:s wpre presented: Aid. H.P.Stephens - To amend By-law No. ~205, respecting the Issue of Licenses in the City of Niagara Falls, Ontario. let feuding -Ald. Scott and Donald. P. nd reading -Ald. Donuld and Hanniwell. Brd reading -Ald. White and Twirlale. 9 ~NO,., 2~6 - AId. ~.G. White - To provide for the Standing Rules of the Council. P~ AiqD ADOI~9, January 18th, -1957. Mayor. .j F1K~d~C~ ~4EBT]I~G Council Chamber, January 11, 1937. The Finance Committee met on LXonday, January llth, 1937, for the pur- pose. of approving and also of passing the various account s which had been pro- perly certified and placed before them. All members of the Go:~ni.ttee wex~ pres- ent. Sund.ry accounts were approved by the CoF~aittee, amounting to $45,697.,50. The accounts submitted, betn~ ~ssed or othorwise dealt with, the Com- mittee, on the motion of Ald. White and Twidale, ordered that these be placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Oouncil. In connection ~,~ith the account for the payment of the Inaugural Dinner, AId. MoAninch spoke and stated that he was not in favour of paying for this from tl~ taxpayers~s money, and felt that the Council was unjustiliad in holding such a dinner. AId. McAninch also mentioned the fact that the amounts which were al- lowed to the Mayor and 0ity Manager, as expenses when sent on delegations to Toronto. The Alderman asked whether there was any provision in the Ontario Mun- icipal ~tatuteswhich would provide for the entertainment of the 0sunoil as done hem. His Worship M~yor Anderson replied to Ald. MoAninch in connection vlith the expenses to Toronto, and .pointed out that these rates had been set upon agree- meat of .the City Council shortly after he had been elected for the first time. His Worship objected to the statement of the Alderman that the Council went each year to a hotel for dinner 'Just for a blow-out'. His Worship stated that he considered it an honour to be occupying the position of Mayor, to v,hich he had been elected by the people of Niagara Falls, and did not regret any action taken by him during his term of office. A.ld. Hanniwell also spoke upon the matter, and stated that he would be pleased to pay for his share of the cost of the inaugural dinner, rather than have any criticism made. Ald..V~Aite spoke upon the matter, and stated that he felt there should be no question as to the City's supplying the Council with a meal when they worked long hours as done at certain meetings. A motion was made by idd. Hanniwell and Mc~minch, that each Alderman pay for his own meal, but the motion was not carried. The r~nort of the City Solicitor, with reference to the revision of the City By-Laws~ which had been referred from the 1936 Council, ~vas presented. I~ was ordered on the n~tion of ~ld. White and Scott that the report be rec- eived and the City Solicitor be requested to make a report as to the cost of re.icing those b~-laws Which require the same, and are in daily use in the City. The offer for the ,~urchase of a lot on Robinson Street, from W.H. Cookman, which had been referred from the previous meeting, and the ~omunic- ation from ~r. A.D'Agostino, stating that he did not Wish to buy the lot, were presented. It vas ordered on the motion of Ald. Hanni?.ell and His Wor- ship l~yor Anderson th~ the lot be sold to Mr. Cookman, providing he will make the usual agreement for the erection of a dwelling thereon, immediately, and upon the approval of the Supervisor. T~ offer of C. & M. Flynn, for part of Lots 1 and ~ on MeGrail Ave- nue, v-~ich had been referred from the previous meeting, was p~sented. It was ordered on the motion of PHs Worship l~yor Amderson and ald. Scott that the matter he again laid on the table. The communication from V.Venturine, making an offer for the property at 1927 Buchanan avenue, was presented. It ~vas ordered on the motion of His Worship ~Xayor Anderson and Ald. McA.lnch that the communication be received and laid on the table until the next meeting. The report of the City ~n~ger, with reference to the fimpu~p at the Incinerator, w~s presented. It was ordered on the motion of ald. Scott and T~iidale that the ~Bport be received and adopted. The com~mnication from the Children' s Aid Society, requesting a grant, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Scott that the communication be received and the matter be referred to the meeting ~hen the Council gives consideration to the 193V Budget. The communication from the Hydro-Electric Power Commission, in con- nection with the Con~issione~,s' salaries, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and ~,XcAninch that the communication be received and the recommendat ion be adopted. The con~nunic~tion from the City Manager, with reference to the salar- ies t~ the 1937 Budget, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Hamaiwell and His V~rship Mayor Anderson that the communication be r~ceived and laid on the ~ble for one week. An amendment was made by Ald. White an~ MoP. ninth that the comunieat- ion be received ur~t~ salaries be restored to the former scale, but this' motion was defeated. The report of the City Mamger, with reference to the propositions eAbmitted in connection with the refunding, was presented. It ~s ordered on th, e motion of Ald. White and Donald that the report be received and adopted, and that the 0hainmn of Finance Ald. H.P. Stephens, and the City Marroger be a coin- mittee to interview the 0ormnittee appointed by the Dominion Mortgage & investments Association, on ~anuax7 ~7~h, for the purpose.of discussion. ., The Finance Coramittee adjourned on the motion of ~uld. Donald REaD ~.~D ,'~0-r~-"~D, January 18th, 1937. i ~h~i~m~n of F C i~ rk, COU~CIL Council J~nu~'~ry ll, 1937. The Council re-~ss~oled at the close of the Finunce l.~'etl:~Z, for th~ purpose of approving the money by-law cowering the accounts ~fi~!ch had been ap- p~ved by the Comittee. All members of the Councll,v. ere present. The followin~ By-Law was passed: No. 247.7.- Aid. !t.P. Stephens - To Gr~nt 1..~onie s for General purposes. 1st reading - ~ld. Scott and }hnni~:ell. 2rid reading - ~'dd. Donald and V~ite. 3rd reading - 1dd. ~vidale and Scott. The 0ouncil adjourned on the motion of 'Aid. White am~ Donald. R~AD AND ~DOPTED, January 18th, 1937. Mayo r.. O 1 erk · T, },mST IF, G Board Room, January lOth, 1957. 001~XR~CE The City Council met in Conference in the Board Room of the City Hall on Friday, January 15th, 1937, at 4.00 p.m. All mambers of the Council, together with the City ~lanager and the Relief Administrator, vere pr:~sent. The Conference was held for the purpose of 4iscussing the rep~r~ of the Cor~aittee who had interviewed the lioncurable D.a. Croll, F. inister of l~blic ','~slfare on January 13th. The Cc~nittee explained the proposition as submitted by the 0overxL~ent officials, for the City to undertake the erect- ion of certain homes on City-owned land, the cost of which vaould be che. rge- able against relief allowances, and discussion upon the matter took place. pJESOLUTI0'-,~S T.hs fcllow~ng_'~$.splutions were j~assed: No. 15 - t~AEI~Z'j,~J~L - ~IcAI~INC!I - i~SOLVED that the City Council lnst'*uct the City Zana~.er to advise the Provincial ~vernment authorities that the Council views their suggestion with fayour, in the limited time in which they have to consider the proposition, and would appreciate receiving further details upon the x~ttcr at the earliest convenience, in order that the Council nay as- certain what procedure to take, and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto af- fixed. ~C arrie d No. 16 - I',~ETE - DONi~LD - ESOLVED that the City Council receive the report of the Committee, approve of their action, and that the Committee be discharged, and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carrie__d The Conference adjourned on the motion of ild. White and Scott. RE~d) ~ND ADOPTED, January 18th, 1937. · 1S FOURTH Counci 1 C'n~bsr, January 18, 1937, Pursuant to adjournmsnt, the Council met at 4,00 p,rq. to consider General Business and Finance. All members of the Council, ~ith the except!o;: of Ald. MoAninch and Scott, were .oresant. The Council, havinF, ~~3ceived ~nd read the minutes of the previous meeting, these were adopted on the '.~otion of .tld. White and Stephens. D EPU2.~T I 0NS In connection with Corm~unication No. 7, and upon the motion of ~ld. White and Stephens, Z!r. H.M.L~udes, was permitted to add~ss the Council. Mr. Mendes requested the Council to consider his application for dep- ortation to Snglar.d, in view of the tact that he v~as u~able to secure employ- ment in this City, and has been On ~ lief for some time. OlOEi[~D see Co~mn~ic- ation No. 7. In connection t-ith Communication No. 16, and on the motion oF Aid. Stephens, and Donald, ~ir. B.Olarkson, was permitted to address the Council. Mr. CloAkson told the Council of the amounts of his repairs ~jhich he had been required to pay during the past three years, due to roots in his sewer. SEE Corm'~unication 1]o. 16. COL~qCNI CZ~TI_ONS The following Con~munications were received: No. 7 - H.M;Meades - reqaesting pe~aissi.~n to address council, re deportation. Oi~)ERED ~n the motion of Ald. StepPens and Hanni~vell that the application be sired and laid on the table, until further information is received. No. 8 - R..M..T_e.a.1 - re purchase of grave lots in Fairview Cemetery. ORDeReD see Report No. 2. No. 9 - Unemploy~ Comittee - re adjustment in relief scale requested. 0RD- FP~B~ on the motion of .fdd. Stephens and Twidale that the co~aunication be eived and laid on the table until t~ 1937 Budget is presented. N6.10- U,n,employed Committee - reqaesting grant towards maintenance of head- quarters. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Stephens and ~a~miwell ~hat the con~nun- ieation be received and laid on the table until the 1937 Budget is presented. No. 11 - Moxrison Street United Church - re extendix~ invitation to Council to attend civic service on January 31st. 0I~tED on the motion of Ald..~,~idale and White. that the comunication be received, the invitation be accepted, and as many as-possible of the Council attend the service. No. 12 -'Salvatio~ - requesting pozmission to hold tag day on May ;39th. OH- DERRD on the motion of Ald. Donald and Twirlale that the cor~aunication he ~ceived and the request be granted. No. 13 - City of Nia~.~ara FallS. New York No. 14 - City. of ~Vella~d Cre licensing of dogs and humane work. OEDERhD on the motion of Aid. White and Stephens that the communications be received and the matter be laid on .the table antil the i~3~ Budget is p~sented. No. 15 - City _Ma_rageF. - re tourist licenses for Mrs. D.McOuaig. OFOEI~D on the motion of Ald. Hanniwel~ and Donald that the co~uunication be received, and the i4 license be issued. lie, 16 B. ~" Clarkson - requesting removal of trees. G~DERED see Report I'Io, 3, No. 17 - ~ St .C____at,.arines & Toron___to Railway - re tariff charged for bus service over Upper Steel Arch Bridge. OPDERI~ on the motion of ,rid. ~:idule and White that the communication be received and filed. SEE resolution No. 17. No. 18 - W.S.Martin - re guide wire and pole in front of 294 Ellis Street. OR- DERED on the action of Ald. Dollaid ~nd Stephens that the co~L~mnicati on be rec- :~ eived and the City Lianager and Engineer be requested to Blake a report upon the ~'~ matter, and that the members of the City Council visit the location, before the =:, next meeting. ~ Th~ follm,,'t n& Reports. _~'jere receive. d_d: REPORTS l:o. 2 - City '~lanager - re request of R.L:.Teal re plot in Fairview Cemetery. 0R- Di;R~D on the ~$otien o~ Ald. Stephens and Hannivell ths. t the report be received, and l:r. Teal bs re~bursed for the amunt paid for the ~grave lot which he pur- chased. - No. 3 - Parks Superintendent - rs request for removal of trees at 247 ~llis Street. 0TOE~.~D on the motion of Ald. White and Twldale that the re~ort be rec- eived and laid on the table for one week, and the m~nbe.,s of the Council be re- quested to visit the location, and also that the City lianaget be requested to report upou the mutter. No. 4 - City Solicitor - re Insurance on Police Force. 0iOERI~I) on the motion of ~dd. ;':hits and ~:'id~le that the report be received and laid on the table for presentation v:hen the 19~ Budget is considered. No. 5 - Relief Administrator . re rental alloysmess made to relief recipients. 010;~t,~. on the motion of ild. IIamniwell and Stephens that the report be --'sceived and laid ~ the table until the next meeting. So. 6 - Fire Chief A.2I.Bul.dr~ . annual re~ort for year 1936. 0KOi~D on the mot- ion of Ald. Stephen~'~d Donald that the ~eport be received and filed, and the Fire Department be coxmmended for their efficient wol~ during the past year. 1/o. 7 - City 1,~nag,.~r _ r~ fire practices and activities of Firs Department. 0R- DEI{D on the motion of Ald. Donald and llanniwell that the report be received and filed. No. 8 - _City S_n in~ . reco~muending demolition of building at 853-9 St. Clair avenue. 0RD~,,{zD on the motion of Ald. ~,.idale and Hanniwell that the report be received and adopted, snbJect to the approval of the Supervisor. RESOLUTION The following Resolution was Passed: No. 17 - ]~'~NI:.,~,ZLL . STEPH~S .RESOLVa) that the City Manager be lustrusted to communicate with the International Bridge Company, pointing out that in the lnion of the City Council, the rate charged by them, and by the Ca]indian National Electric Railway for the bus service over the Upper Steel Arch Bridge, is out of Proportion to the value received, and ask whether the' sine. could not be reduced, and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. ' Carried _The followin~f By-Law was presented for a third reading: No. 2476 - Aid. J.G.thitc - To provide for the Standing Rules of the Couuci!. 3rd reading -Ald. White and Twidale. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Stephens. READ ~I~ .O01:TaD, January ~Sth, 1937. lie yet. C le rk. FIN. d.iCE/.IE~TI1;G Counci 1 ChaTtuber, January 18, 1957. The Finance Committee n~t on lionday, January 18th, ]eZ?, for the pur- pose of approving and also of rassing the various accounts which had be en pro- parly c.~rti~ied and placed b~fore then. ;all mem~rs of the Co~$1ttee, with the exception of Ald. llcAnineh and Scott, were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, ~nounting to $31,914.2~. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, the Com- mittee, on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Hamiwell, ordered that these be placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council. In connection with certain statements which had been made by ~dd. Mc Artinch at the meeting of January llth, ttis Worship Mayor anderson made the foi- lowing presentation: '~r. Chairman and Members of the Council: "At the last finance meeting held on Monday, January 12th, very serious statements were made by Alderman Mc~lnch, dixected towards members of this Council, and p~rtieularly toward myself. "I wish to refute the same and submit evidence to prove the statements made were unwarranted. "The first item is the inaugural Dinner. I quote from the press, "To me it is nothing but petty theft", also quote, "The account is nothing but petty embezzlement." "ln the face of these charges, the account was passed by the Finance Corn- ' ,,ittte and has been aplY~oved by the Supervisor. "I ask the Alderman to retract the charge of theft and embezzlement in connection with this acsom~t, 15 "Charge No. ~ - Quote from Reviev4 Tuesday, January 12th, Page 9, Gel- atin l, "At your Inaugural address of 1935 you made the statement whether as an insult to the electors or not, that only one new menbsr had been appoir. ted to council and you hoped the change in personnel of the board wouldn't destroy the hanaony of the Council." "I will read the Inauguaral Address referred to: "To the LIenbers of the Oouneil for 1936: "Ladies and Gentlemen: "We are about to enter upon another Year of municipal responsibil~ ity and administration; "I ~:ish first to expr~ss my appreciation of the co-operation receiv- ed frc~ the Council and the Staff of all civic Departments, also the Press for the unbiased reports of council proceedings during 1935. "I wish to congratulate all who have been elected to positions of responsibility in the Civic Admlnistrution and to those less success- ful, I would offer again my congratulations for their interest in civic affairs. "In reviewing the past year, I feel that the Council have Dractised economy and that there has be,~n some improvement in our Financial position which ~.il3 be evidenced in the Auditors' Report. "With regards to the coming year, I can only say that no major ex- penditu,'es can be considered unless provided for by smns Legislat- ion of the P~vincial or Federal Government as relief measures. !'The Council v~lll do well to confine erpenditures to absolute nec- essities ~s regards: repairs and maintenance of streets and side- walks, repairs to equipment and maintenance of other indispensable services. "Ill r~ference to Refunding our Liabilities, whatever course is ~d- opted, will depend upon Provincial Lsgislation and recommendations of the Department of Municipal Affairs in Toronto. I c~m only say th2t I hope the Council of 1936 will meet their responsibilities as they arise, with courage, fairness, without undue haste, and a des- ire to be conversant with every phase of any proposition they my have to deal with. "in canclusion :~ay I again th~nk the Citizens gone 'ally for their putience, courage and co-ope 'ation throughout 1935, andbpe for a continuance of your confidence and support in 1936. Wishing every- one a hotter and happier New Year, CIteS. W.AI%DERSON, Mayor." "I hope there is no insult to the electors of Niagara Falls in that address, nor was there any reference to Alderman MoAninch contained therein. "It 'ap~ars to be a deliberate falsehood, I request Alderman ~cAninch re- tract those r,+ords. "Ohm · rge No. ~ - Quote from Niagara Falls Review, Tuesday, January 1Eth, 193~, 'l have kept track of the expenses of the Council and particular- ty ym~rs, L~r. Lhyor. On one trip to Toronto your expenses were less than Six Dollars, and you drew $12.50. Yet you send three men to jail for chisellis~ relief. You get a salary from the City, a car allowance, and still you colledt $1E.50 for a trip to Toronto when your expenses are less than Six Dollars.' 'Ism going to Join with Aldeman thanniwell to protest a~lnst petty graft.' "Extract fro~ Ninutes of the Finance ~4eeting, held on January B8th, 1935: "By authority of O~uirmeu~ of Finance, Ald. J.O.White, and with the consent of the City Council, the expenses for trips to Toronto .wer~ agreed to be fixed ut $12.50 for the first day, and for each an~ every day thereafter, $8.00." "Ald. J.A. McAninch, attendance at Ontario Municipal Convention, held in City of Toronto, ~ept. ~ · First Day -$ 1B.GO ~ ' Second Day 8.00 ~ Third D~y _~8.0,0_ $ ~-8.50 17 "liere is Aideman licAninch's cancelled cheque for ~28.50, endorsed by derman Mc~minch. "Yet Alderman ~lcAninch states my acceptance of ;12.50 for ~xper.~es te Toe'on~ to is petty graft. I ask Alderman MeAninch to retract his _.ccu.~atiun of graft; and to prove that my expenses were lsss tl~in Q~6.00. i will remind tim ~lderman I do not travel on a pass. "Charge No. 4 - Alderman LicAninch stood on his feet in this Council pointed his finger directly at me, and stated, quote, fro~ ~vi !~, Tu .sday, Janu~ry 1Zth, 193?, Pugs 9, Column E: 'yet you send three men to jail chiselling relic f · ' "I had no more knowledge of this or any other court cases them ~1 !er+zm~ Mc Auinch or any other member of Council. The court proceedings are on r~cord and I demand that Alderman l~cAninch prove that my n~ae was ever mentioned or recorded in the proceedings to,which he ref.~rrs. "The charges made by Alderman 1.lc~minch as published in the 14iudara Falls Review of Tuesday, January 12th, 1957, covering Council and Fi:lal;.ce m~'etinge of Monday, llth of January, 1937, are too serious to overlook. i have had 14 years of public service m~d this is the only tim~, I have been accu~,~,d of Theft, '~kabezzlement end O?aft. It is abut tfiao ti~t men the are elected to public office realize that statements made publically of a slanderoua mid defamatory natur~ to be b~'oadcast by the px~ss, must be substantiated, or they must face the consequences. "I demand that alderman McAninch retI~act every chin'go made that conc,.~rn.t no in any w~ in the account of Council proceedings ~s published in the l~iagara Falls Revi.ew of Tmsday, January ~th, 1937. CI~.}~.~E~{SOI], ~h~yor." It was ordered on the motjon of His V.~orship l,layor imderson and old. '~'.'h- its that the presentation be received and placed on file in the City L~una~er's office. In connection with the report of the meeting of January llth, in the press, Ald. ttanniwell stated that he had been misquoted when reported to have stated that he had been willing to spend $1,000. of the taxpays ~'s' men ~y on tile revision of obsolete By-Laws. Ald. ttanniwell stated that he v.~ished to r~ke the correction that he was not in favour of revising unnecessary by-laves, and felt that he had been given undue publicity. The co~aunication from the City Max~ger, in connection :~ith tho salar- ies to be set up in the 1937 Budget, which had be.m referred from the previous meeting, ~as presented. It ~as ordered on the motion of ald. tlanniwel~ and dale that the communication be received and filed, and the City L|,mager be in- structed to prepare a list of all salaries paid to the employees, in the year 1932, and in the year 1936, for the consideration of the Conmiittee. It was further or- dered on the motion of Ald. Twirl.ale and Hanni~ell that the Finance Cor. mlittee hold a conference for the purpose of discussing the above inforiaation, on Friday, Jan~ uary 22nd, at 4.00 p.m. The report of the City ~Iana~pr, together with communications fiD:a 1t. Teal and George Manley, in connection with the purchase of sand, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Amd~rson and Ald. Itanniwell that the report and com~unic~tions be received, and filed, and the price of sand delivered, of 90~ per ton, and at the pit of 50~ par ton, be se~, and that the purchases be divided equally between the various sand merchants in the City. In this connection, and on the motion of ~dd. White .and Donald, Mr. D. P. 0'Pennell, was permitted to address the Oommittee. Mr. O'Donnell outlined his position with reference to the supply of sand. The communication fznm Bussane Limited, re portraits of His Majesty King Geroge VI, was presented. It was ordered on tile motion of Ald. White and Hunniwell that the communication be reoeived and filed. T~ repor~ of the City Mareget, with reference to the cost of the ad- vertisement in the ~vening Review, was presented, It was ordered on the motion of l~ld. Donald ard ~.lu~miwe]! that the report be received and filed. The repoi~ of the City ~:anager, with refel~nce to t]~ offer of the ptu chase of 1927 iSuchanan Avenu~, was presented. It ~ts ordered on the motion of His hership ~k~yor anderson ~nd ald. Twidale that the report be received and file!i and adopted. Tr~ con~-uuication f~om the Iliagate Falls Horticultural Society, reque~:. ix, C a grant, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Tt:idale t. nd '.'Lite that the cormrecitation be received and laid on the table tmtil the 193V Budg,~t is presented. TIe conu~unieation from the Canadian I~ational Institute for the Blind, re~lu:sting a grant, v~as received. It was ordered on the motion of ~dd. Donald and His Worship L~yor/c~derson that the communication be received and laid on th~ table until the 1937 Budget is presented. Tt~ Oonumittee adjourned on the motion of His V;orship ~layor Anderson and aid. iC~D ~.rD .~'.0Pr.'D, January ~5tl:, 1937. The Council adjourned ou the :notion of .~ldo Donald ~md bte'..3hens° Chairman of Finance. ,\, Clerk, .<.' ,. COUNCIL Council Chamber, Janue-ry 18, 1937 The Council re-assembled at the close of the Finance ~leeting, for the purpose of pss.~ng.tho :~m~ey by-law covering the accounts which had been apDrovedi'~ by the Committee. All members of the Council, with the exception of Aid. MoAn- inch and Scott, wore present. . .T~ f~llewing By-.L~w was passed.: No. 2478 - Aid. It.P.S+~hhens - To Grant ~nies for Gene~al Purposes. let reading . Aid. Donald and V:hite. P-nd rnadtng - Aid. White and Twidale. 3rd reading - Aid. Twldale ~and Donald. 19 i~EAD ~d4D ~d)OPT~, January 25th, 1937. Council Chinher, january Z2 1937. , The Finance Go._maittee hold a ConFerence in the 3sunnil C]~ml~r, on January Z2nd, 1937, at 4.00 p.m; all members of the Cormraittee, with the ex- ception of Ald. Licaninch, were pressnt. Tha m;etln~ uas called for the purpose of discussing the suluries of the Civic employees to be incorporated in the 1937 Budget. It ',:as 6Mered on th~ ,qotlon oF Ald. Tvi4'ale and His Uorshi? IMyor ~ Ax~erson that for the pur~oso of preparing the 1937 Budg?t, the Co~aittee ~,~mld reco.~mend that th~ Sity Han~er submit the salaries, with an increase of ten p~r cent. on the 19~6 rate for all employee, and that this recommendation ,~ b~ fon,jarded to the City Oouucil. TI~ Conmlttee adjourned on the motion of ~ld. Scott and Ham~iv;ell. RA.kD AL9 ~D~PrhD, 9unuury 25th, 1937. IEGULAi i. ZC 2211'G Counci 1 C h,Lmb ~ r, january L'6, 19Z7. Pursuant to adjuurnment, the Council met ut 4.00 p.m. to con::i-ler GeL- eral Business and Finonce. 2~11 iac,:~bers of th:~ Council :.er. preF.u~.t. having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, these were adopted on the :action of Ald. White and Stephens. DZFJT.JIOliO Ill connection v:ith Petition Ks. 3, and on the ::,.orion of ,~lq, ',jhit~; and ~miwell, AIr. J.}hLiillsr was per'aitted to ud'ress the Oounci], ilr. Lii!l~r stated that he had moved to this City f~m Sudbury, and v~ished to co~m,~nce busin- ess here. o~ Petiti,~n l.o. ~. CGZ LI~IC, .TiONZ The following Conununicat ions were re ae ived; No. 19- City of Sadbury.- resolution re ~unen~ent to p~hlic Kosoit~fis DER'-'D on the motion of Xld. St ~phens and Tvidale that the co=nauntzatio:~ be r~c- eived and laid on the table until the next resting, and copies of the resolution be forwarded to the mem]~rs of the Council. No. E0 - City of 0shelve - resolution re investigation into -mnicinal ta".:ati9e, OEDEi~D on the x~tion of ~d.d. ll~ninch and Ha~iv:ell that the resolution be rec- eived and endor~d, and the City liu~ger bc inst~uct=~d to foru~rd a copy Df sine to the Honouruble AIr, Croll, ux~ to our Local Member ~the Legislature, Lit. W.L.Houck, advising o~ the action taken. No. 21 - Ontario Mayors' ~ssociation - re exnenditu~s. 0RD.~R~D on the motion of ald. Ste~hens and Scott that the comunication be received, and that the City continue the membership of the organization, and the mcessary fee be paid. ' No. 22 - City of Ch5th~ - re abolition of Suburban Road areas. 010:~ED on the motion of Ald. Stephens and White that the cox~unication be received and onfior~ad and tMt the City of Chathm be asked to advise of any further developments in this ~nnectlon. No. 2j - Star Taxi - requesting taxi stand. OAO~{ED on the notion of ~dd. ~. and Donald that the ap,~lication be received and the request be granted, and the By-Law mended accordingly. .................. · ....... No. 24 - Chamber of Commerce - re 1937 representative from the Council. OHDI~D Clmirman of Fire, nee, Clerk. on the motion of Ald. Hanniwell and Scott that the cor. r~mnication be received, and · ~ ~,, '7 Aid. Twirlale be appointed to represent the Council on tile Board for th~ ensuing 2i No. 25 - Property 0%nets' Association of Toronto - re convention. GtDZRED on the motion of Ald, Twidale and Hanniwell that the comnunication be received and filed. ~ No. 26 - Secretary to Itis ~Jesty King ~or~e VI - acknowledging resolution frora /",.Council. O~ER~ on the motion of ~d. Donald and Stephens that the co~unic- ,~ation ~ received and filed. No. 2~ - Fire Chief A.H. Baldry - re drill cards for firer. len. OHDEI~D on the mot- ion of Ald. Hanniwell and V~ite that the com:mmication be ~'eceived and the City Manager be instructed to notify the Chief of the Fire Dep~mnt t~t the cards should be issued, in accord~ce with previous instructions. No. 28 - Board of_Education - re licenses for slot machines. O:.eERED on the mot- ion of Ald. Scott and V,qqite that the eommanieation be received ~nd filed, REPORTS The follo~dng Re.carts were presented: "o 9 City l:anager - re se~er at 247 Ellis Street. 0RDER.~ on the motion of Ald. V;hite and Stephens that the repor~ be received, and the pri"ate sewer be connected f~m the property line ~vith the main sewer on Ellis St~et, but that the t~ss on the property he not ~moved at this time. No. l0 - City Lianaget - re brush on ~iorse Estate p~prty. 0~P~ on the mot- ion n~ ~dd. Stephens ~nd Twidale that the repo~ be received and adopted. No. 11 - Zuporlntendent of ~rks - re remov~ of t~e. 01OERED on the motion of ~d. Scott and Ec~ninch that the repo~ be ~ceived a~ ~dopted. No. 12 - City Engineer - re guy tire at 294 Ellis Street. OiO~ on the not- ion of Ald, Ec~inch a~ Stephens that the report ~ received, and the matter he ~ferred to the City X~anager ~d ~gineer to go into the mutter again with the Bell Telephone Company, to ~scsrtain ~hether a hiker pals could ~ placed at this location to carry the wire. No. 13 - Frontier Hum~e Society - repo~ of Ins~ctor. 0~ on the motion of ~dd. Stephens and Scott that the report be received and filed. PETITI ON ~s follOwinC~ Petition ~'~as ~resented: No. 3 - J.H.Liil!er - re shooting ~allery license. ORDERED on the not~on of ~ld. Hanniwell and Stephens that the petition be received and laid on the table un- til the next meeting. SEE .also Deputations, RZjOLUTION TI~ fpllo'~ing 2Dealatlas was passed: No. 18 - '.:~T~ - DO;L'dD - RESOLVED that the Council approve of the action tabn by the Finance Connittce cta conference held on January 22rid, namely, t.bat the City }.hnuger be instructed to prepare the 1937 Budget, with the salaries for the civic employees upon a basis of a ten per cent. increase over the 1936 rate, providing such budget is based upon a 39-mill rate, and the Sea~ of the Corpor- ation be hereto affixed. Carried. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. :Vhite and Twidale. RS~D ~ A~I~f-,'.D, February let, 1937. Coneel ! SheJibe, r, jaauarv ;L5 19~7, The Fina~ce 3o~ittee met ou Liarflay, Ja~m~ry 25th, 19Z7, Car ti~~· pur- pose of approving and ~lsa of pa~sing the v~rious accounts which L:.q ]';~:~ ]~ro- perly certified and placed before them, ~11 menbern of the Con:aittee were pre sent.. Sund~ account s were approved by the Co~mqittee, ~muntin~; t o ~1[~, 676.5Z. o~r .,. ,!., The accounts submitted, being passed or .... LL.. dealt L'itb, th' :Co~m~ittee, on the motion of .~ld. Donald and H~niv;etl, or~, .~red that. th~su be placed in the money by-iav~ for presentation to the Council. Aid. j.~.~icaninch n~de the follov{ing statement: "With regards to the r.~marks of I.|uyor C.W.And~rson, Lt th-~ Fin:men mittee of the City Council, held Janm~.ry 18th, 19~7, I desire to miy that I did not intend to uake u criminal charge' aCeinlet th~ lie'or or any Aiem~r of the Council, but merely wished to have an inquiry into the facts, andthat my statement was intended to mean that th~ uFFair:~ City had been mismanaged, and the money had not been properly dealt uith." T~ com~unication f~m the Honourabls D .... Zroll, ~:inister of Lh~blic fare, advising the ~ount which the P~vincial ~vernment v. ill a]locate to the City of Niagara Falls for relief purposes dm~in~ the ye~n' 19~7, was It was ordered on the motion of .~ld. IIanniv~ell ~nd Uhit~ that th~ c~,:~u~i ~dti~n be totter, ~nd to protest vigorously against the ~munt v.'hich has been allocated to {the City. ' The com:aunication fDm J.D~ore, m~ing an o~fer for the nurch~se yacht lot on ~IcG~nil .janus, was presented, it ~vas ordered on th.a, motion of Ald. l~niwell and His Vjorship Kayor ~derson t~t the cofm~tunication be receiv,~d ~d the offer of the appraised value of the lot, namely $V0.O0, be accepted, ~td t~ aoproval of the Supervisor be ~quested upon this ~ction. Tb~ reno~ of the City Liam~er, with reference to the offer for the ourchase of a lo~ by ~lr. W.H. Coo~an, was presented. It was ordered on the :not- ~on of Ald. White and Twidale tMt th~ ~eport be ~ceived ~d approved, subject to the usual conditions, The communication from llr. A.Carrie, for the purchase of 19:~-7 Buchanan Avenue, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. ~;'idale and Scott that the communication be received ax~ filed. The report of the Relief Administrator, as to the number of artisans on relief, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and His Worship bb~yor Anderson that the repor~ be received and filed. The revenue and expenditure statement,for December 31st, 1936, was presented. It ~s or~lered on the motion of Ald. ~'~ite and ~.~idale that the state- ment be recei. ved and laid on the table. AId. Hunniwell brought up the ma~ter of the relief allowances to relief ~recipients, and the budgetting of rents of persons re:~iding ~:ith same. It was ~ordered on the r~tion of Ald. Hannitel~ ~nd Meaninch that the Board of 2evict be asked to make a report upon this matter for the information of the City council, as to the budgetting of such cases. TI~ Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. White and Scot ~. R~ AK.~ aDOFf.~, Fabrt~ry 1st, 1937. Ohailman of Clerk. 30b~;SIL LiZ321I~ G Council Ch~tnber, January 21,, 1937. Th.~ 3sunell re-~ssembled at the close of the Finance ~d;eting for the purpose o~ passing tb~, money by-lar~ covering the accounts which bud been approved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present. BY-LAW Tl~e following By-L~V rJas .u,~ssed: No. ~47~9 - ~d. H.P. Steph,n~s - To Gr~t genies for ~neral ~r~ses. 1st readin~ - ald. Donald ~d l~nniv,-~ll. ~nd re~ding - ald. ~jte and Scott. 3rd re~ding -Ald. Twidalo and Donald. ~30LLTION following i~c~olution w,,s p~sscd: No. 19 - iDdq:;i~'~ELL - WHITE - RZSOLV.jD that the action of the Committee, in in- structing the Comitteo to protest against the ~ount of relief to ~ allowed by the ~vlncial ~verx~snt for the year 193~ be ratified, and the Seal of the 0or~ration be hereto affixed. C~rrie~ The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Stephens ~nd ~well. ~ ~ ~OPT~, Febl~ry 1st, 1937~ Clerk. SiXFH 1.IJ~iNG Gounci 1 Gh~ tb~ r, February 1, 1957 o !I-']GULi,k i,IEL,TL''~ Pursuant to adjourmnent, the Council met at 4.00 p.m. to con ider oral Business and Finance. ~tll instubers of the ~ouncil ve. rt~ present. TiP. ~Duv. cil, having received and read the. minutes of the previous xaeeting, the,so ,,,:er:~ adopted on the motion of ald. Hanniv~ell and Scott. Di'P~JfATIOXS In connection rlth Communication No, 30, and 'n the moti:m of ~.ld. ~:i~ dale and White, !,'r. C.i'].Clendening, o_~ the Niagara F~ls Goner~ Hospital Trust, was ~n~itted to address the Council. ~. Clendening explai~d to thd Sounell ti~ request of the Hospital Trust for additional lights, ~md ~lso the location of s~e · SEE C 3rmuunic at ion I;o · 011S Laid over from previous mjeting: NO. 19 - City of Sudbury - resolution re amen~ent tD Public 21os~,~itals SR!~D on the motion of ~ld. ~idale und Scott that the resolution'be endorsed. The follov.ing Colmaunications were received: No. 29 - Rescue Fire Corap~ny No. 1 - invitation to at~:end regular meeting, 0RD- EE on the motion of ,rid. Scott and i~unnitel~ that the coumunic~tion be received, the invitation be accepted, ~nd as many of the Council as possible attend the meet- lng. No. Z0 - Niagara Falls Cg~n_eral Hospital Trust - requesting additional lii_.jxts in vicinity of ttospital. OiOER'aD on the motion of Ald. Stephens ~nd Donald that tl~e communication be received and the application be granted. No. 31 - W.L.Ho._____uck, Esquire, }l.L.a. - re enclosing r..'solutiDn which has been s~'nt to various p'~rties. OZOERED on the motion or Ald. Stephens and IIn,~xinch that the communication be received and filed, and Mr, Houck be tlmnked for the inforn~tion. REPORTS The following, Reports were received; No. 14 - City of Ald. t'~ite for one v~eek. Engineer - re guy wire at 294 Ellis Street. OILDER.,~ on the motion arfi Stephens that the report be received and the matter bs laid over No. 15 - Dairy Inspector - report for Mo~th of Decemt~..r. 0.RDL]ED on the motion of Ald, Hanniwell and White that the report be received and filed. No. 16 - City M~nsger - re appoihtment of Subre'ban Road Commissioner. O!DEED on the motion of aid. MeAninch and White ttmt the report be received and the matter be laid on the table for one week. No. 1~ - Board of Review - re rental allowances for :;ingle persons. Oi©ER~) on the motion of Ald. Stephens and Scott that the repor~ be received ~xd filed. SEE Res,olu. tion No. 19. No. 18- Chairmen of Finance - re interview vdth representatives of bond-holders. No. 19 - Chairman of F.i.nance - re presentatio~ at Ontario MunicipAl Asses. meeting. No. 20 - Chairman of Finance - re interview with lion. D.,~.Oroll, re relief. ERED on the motion of Ald. Hanniwell and White that the reports be received and endorsed, and the Ohairman of Finance and the C, ity Manager be congratulated for the 25 splendid way in v.hich they had represented the City Council at the v~rious r~.~et- [{ Fl1~Nj-': L;~TINC. ln~s. F~{ 0:OZ-L'~D that the City ~anagcr be ~n~n~cted to ~e ap~lic~tion to~ Depar~ent of Ikmicin~ y~fsirs for ~ntssion to wlt~old any further ~ O~uacii ch~..I- letcrest pa~eats until the r:fua~ing prog~ is fimlly adopted, ~ ~ :~ . - Finane~ "2,'!itt~e lnet on Zionday, February let 3o~v, rPr *~ .~ I~?IT10] ~:~ pose of approving m~l also of passing the various accounts Lhich bad ]'2 m pr~- ~ porly certified and~aced ~Fore them. all m~absrs of the ~orruittoe xzcr~ · ~ set · Laid. ~vJr from Previous LisAtin&; No. 5 - J.H.Zilller re shoottn~ gallexV license. 0.OER~D on the action of .rid. ~ Sundry ~ccounts were up~rroved by the Co~m,fittee, ~2ount~n~; t~ 7 ~IcAninch and 5teph~ns that the matter bs laid over until the next ~t ing. .e The accounts subuiittod, being ~ssed or oth~n':ise i~.]t , !th, the R~SOL~iONG [ ~] nittee, on the moti,~n of ald. Donald and Scott, ordered that th~sc bs pierced i:: 9t~ money by-law for presentation to the Council. Tin following i~!ution9 w~?? p~assed: it v:us ordered on the !~otion of i~ie. ~.c. rship Aayor ,dr:!er~o~ an~ idi:. I~nnive]l theft Aldenann T, ldale b~ ~m-.Xr t,.t!at.~d upon th~ b~:'th d~f' h.:: 1~o. !9~ - ;Ld;I;I'.:~L - TZ.:ID,~E - ESOLV~ tMt in eonn,~etion Llth the relief fen- . child, ~xd tMt th~ Oremoil ~':is! ~dderman ~.?idale, h~. T'..icMlc ~nd ih':.. tel allo~:~?~s for single' p~'~ns residing with other relief re~ipeints, such ' success ~nd hap~inass in the Suture, a~l that a c.:~py of this r,,s~!uti~i~ b.: ~rsons be not budgetted for the ~.mount of rent which they are ~ceivi~F, in vie~,. of the inw~stmcnt which they are required to ma~, in the form of furnitux~, m,] v~arded to the mother and f~ther of the child~ and thD j.~l of the C.Drporutiox~ bc bedding, li~Jht, h~at, etc. but that the full ~n~nt of relief rent be allowed to ~ hemto ~fixed. these Fsrm~, without penalty, and the Se~ of the Corporation be hereto affixed. ~ ~ld. Twidale thanked th~ COzLmit~e ~or thc.~:~ ZD~~ -..i~'hes, ;'4 Carried ~ tMt t~ remarks of tin Alderman would h,~ appreciated by the chf]d':~ ~uth~r and : _ , ~ · ,,] mother. No. 20 - }~NIT~L - ~VIETE - Z~LVi,9 t~t tb City Kinroger and Z~lneer b in- st~cted tYroeke a roperite the Council upon the lighting facilities on Victoria Z~ Ald. White made the follov:l~Z etatenant: av,~nue, north of But trey Street, as to wbther the existing ]i~ts col~d be ~x~ t9 u nero central location, in order that both sides of the street would be :- ~ innted, and the Seal of th., CoI~oratlon be heretic affixed. ' ~ C~rri,e~ BY-LAW T~, ?_.ollowix~g By-Lay; w.as p~ssed: lie. 2{8_0 - ~dd, a.l'.Donald - To amend By-Law No. 212~, and By-Law No. 2245, res- pecting Traffic and the Use of Streets. let reading -Ald. White and Stephens. 2nd reading - ald. Donald and Hmlntv,ell. 5rd reading - ald. Twidalo and ~cott. hlZpO~2~nS0US In connection with Report No. 18, Ald. ~icAntnch spoke upon the matter or the amonut of money v, hlch has been saved for the Corporation by the redaction of the civic e~ployees' salaries, and also stated that he felt the Editor of our local nev:spaper has been hasty in mentioning the payment of intereston the Oity of Niagara Fells debentures. The Alde~a~n was of tile opinion that the City of Niagara Falls with its limited industry, could not be expected to pay on the suite basis as that of the City of Windsor. ' The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. %~ite and Donald. READ AND ADOPTED, February 8th, 1957 . Ald. Whltu stated that he felt very kc.~nly the remark:; v hich had bucu: made in tile past t:.o or three weeks by Ald. Zcaninch, for a n~fi~r o,° r~acc. ns: he had been conscientiously [~iving his best in r~gurds to the a&:linistn.tion of the affairs of the City, and had tried to serve the c itizens, and felt t!~,t the stateraents'of graft, embezzlerecur and petty eheft were unw~a'ranted, to say tile least. Aid. White felt that if the charges were tzne, the eitizcn,~s he'1 a per- fect right to know about them, but felt confident that there are no grounds for the alle~-iattons. The solice depuri~aent afforded a person protection f~om bod- ily h~r.% end the aldn'man felt that some protection sb. ould b!~. given an~ Alder- ma~ from character harm. He felt that the statements wore unwarranted and did not feel that he should t~ke thein. The stater~nt had not been subst~mtiated up to the present time, and the Aldex~a~ was of the opinion that these should not be condoned by the Council, and in addition to the request or deemed made by His ';:orship Lhyor Anderson at the lust xreet. ing, felt that he, as a member of th~ Council, should demand they be retracted. Tl:e Aldex~an cited the remarks of the Alderrs'~n LlcAninch in connection with the operation of the Employment Bureau, the purchase of the p~f. ice motor- cycle end the operation of the Cyanamid S:,~im~ing Pool. Ald. White stated that although Alderman Mc~minch had asked for per- mission to make a statement at the last meeting, he had stated that h~ did not desire to make a criminal charge against the Mayor or any mereher of the Council, but merely ~ished to have an inqul~ into the facts. '.Iowever, Aldeman Meaninch did not state what facts into v'hich he desired an inquiry. ~l~. ~hlte then urged Ald. Moaninch to state what affairs of the City were being mismanaged and not being properly dealt with. . ..... ..~...,.~ ,, ,~~ Ale. MeAninch stated th,it he had muds his statement. Aid. White then continued, and stated tlmt the statements could not be everlooked or condoned by the Council. He brought to the attention of the Court~ Mayor. "" ""8~;;~i ell that this iS a supervised municipality, and such statements were casting ser- · ions reflections upon the Department of Municipal Affairs, the Auditors and the City officials, and felt that a retraction must be demanded. Aid. 5~ephens, Chairman of Finance, also spoke upon the matter, and stated that the statements made had been exceedingly unfox~unate, TI~ Alderman 28 cited tke objection taken by ~dd. Mc~ninch to the delegation of the City Coun- cil, last year, to Toronto for the purpose of discussing the cost of the St.Dav- id's Hill construction, and the Budget, in which it ~.'as stated that the tr~ns- action could have be~n dehe with !! three-cent stamp. The Chaix~lan asked the Ald- crm~n, in fairness to himself and other members of the 9curtell, to state, at this meetin~ or th~ next, that he had m~de a mistake, in order that the affairs of the City could again be conducted without implications of time character of any one. His Worship Lhyor Anderson sp:~ke and stated that he had made his state- neat at the last m'~.eting, as to the remarks reads by .~ld. Llc~minch, which involved The Couuci] ~c-~s~:e;~bled ~t ti~e oleo3 of t]:~ l'inhnce purpose of passing time L10ney him p~rhans mere than anv membsr of the Council. liis ;'jorship stated that he had fed by the Coxmaittee. ~dl m~mbers of the Council we~ ~resent. tried to vindicate thimself ~d f~lt tMt the Council eyed It to the taxpayers of . the City tD see that the statements are retracted, ~d p~ved whether tl~e or not. ~'~ . ~; BY-L~, It L~s ortered on thD ;~otion of ~ld. Vjhite and His riotship Ziayor ~mder- ~ n~n that this ']9un~il h~n,~ to the attention of the lZinlster of llunicipal ~ffuir~: '] Th$ rollowing Ly-~I.. w~s p~ssed; tho 3totemeats which have been rode by ~ldermun Lic;~inch, ~s to the graft, emboz- ) zlsm~nt ~d petty theft by time City Council, and ~ug~.~t that the iiinister ap'~int; 1]o. :XS1 -Ald. H.P.Stephcns - To Gr~at Lioni~ s for Q~neral i~di'po~jes. u co~ittez or c~rnission, or the County ~ud~ to investigate the charges which : ~ the Alden,~an has seen fit to make. Ald. jnott stated t.hat he too felt very keenly the statements made, us he had been Ch~lrnan of Finance during the past year, and vlould like to see the m~tter cleared up. The report of th3 City Eanag~r with reference to tile offer of the cha~ of Lot I~art of !{ange 34 on Buchanan Avenue, v,~!' presented. It v~as ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Scott thut the report be received and adopted, subject to the usual conditions. Tke x~port of the City Hana[,.er, with reference to the agreement with the Stainford Public Utilities Commission, ~ms presented. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Scott and His Worehip L~yor ~nderson tl~t the report be received, and a m~.., agreement bD p:~pared upon the present terms, and which agreement may be cancelled upon one month's notice from either party. The communication flora the Cntario Parks Association, was presented. It was ordered on time motion of Old. Donald and ~vidale that the connaunication be received and laid on the table for one r'eek. i;~ let zoadln~- Al'd. ~cott ~nd 'i',h~te. :~ Znd reading - ~d. Donald and i~nniwoll. -~ 5rd readi~ - Old. Tx,:idalo and Scott. The Council adjourned on the motion of ~dd. White cud Scott, 7.30 p.m. for tt~ pux?ose of discussion of the budget. .a~D ~d4D aDOIT:'.~, F~bn,~ry 8th, 1937/ Time conr.qunieutton from the Suburban Road Area Conmission, x~s presented. It was ordered on the motion of ;rid. Twidale and White that the c~m'mntcation be ~eceived and filed, and the requested amount be ap!~ropriated in the 1937 Budget. · TX~ repox~ sf the keller Administrator, tith reference to persons on relief, takir~ tourists, was pr?sented. It ~s ordered on th~ motion of Ald. Scott ~nd W~aite that the report be received and laid on the table for one month. The Oon~mittee adjourned on the nDtlon of Ald. White and Donald. FINMqCE ]Oi~'Ei~CCE Clerk. Council Chmuber, February ]., 1957. A conference ~,tas held by the Fin once Comaittee on }-ionday, l,'~bru~ry let, 1937, commencing at V.30 p.m. All members of th~ ConLmittee were present. EAD AI;D aDOFr,~1), February 8th, 1937. Clerk. The preliminary !hdget v'hich had been presented by tile City M~nager, vjas discussed ~nd certain changes were made by the Cosnnittee. After discussion, it was ordered that the City Zlanager be instxucted to forward the Budget as revised for tile approval of the De~rtment of L:unicipal Affai r s. Ele Conference adjournedon the motion of Aid. Twidale and Donald. 29 ~10 al~l) ~UOPT'~D, February 8th, 1937. r Clerk. ~ Chai man of F.~bruary 8, 1937. A conf,;~'~nce was held by the City jounce], on Lionday, F.?.n~a~.ry .... , at 3.45 p.m. all members of the C~unci], toe-~ther v. ith the Zity llunaC~r, Lit. j.'i. Cowan, Chairman of the Niagara F~lls ',Jellare Board, and .',It. J.W.b~tters, Pros-. ident of the Red Cross Society, were present. after discussion upon the mutter of the question a~ t~ I ]!ether _,r x,.-~t the Council would upprove of tim We!fare Eoard ~ss~uaing or paySniff the ~'~btn' o~ the Red C>ss Society which vs~ incurred durfn~ the ] at'or p~rt of 19~6, tt r~s ordered on the motion of ~ld. Scott and Z~, idtlle thut the City Uounn~] h~d lie nb-. joction to the Nia~'ara Tails ~jelfur'~ Bo~'/l and tim i{ed Sro~s Soci-~ty :uakinC ~n adjustment as to the pa~nt of certain accoux~ s, pro~idinS an audit, ~filich has previously been requested, is received from the City .~u,~ itorz ~s to the ~,c~unt s of the ~ard, and the s~ne is submitted to the City Council. The meeting adjouxmed on the order of the Chaixman. Ft~aD ~i;D ADOPT.t'D, February 15th, 1937. 3i Council Ch~.xber, February 8, 1939. Pursuant to adjournment,the Council met at 4.00 p;m. to consider Gener- al Business and Finance. All menbe. re of the Council ~ ere present. Th,'-~ Conucil, having received and read the minntes of tile p.revious meetJig, these were adopted on the motion of ~ld. Stephens and %~ite. D ;~UTid' IONS On the motion of old. Llclminch and Hanniwell, Mr. William Uhite ~as permitted to address the Council upon ~ personal matter. Mr. White advised the Council that he was without fuel, ~md Rud been unable to secure an order from the Relief Department for additional assistance, owing to the fact that he had received his usual allot~nt some days ago. SEI~ Re so lut,i on 1~{o. 2~. COLZ%T~ICaTI01;S T~n foilcrying Corj~unic~tions wer~ received_: He. 3~ - Niagara County j.P.C.A. - re newspaper clip~lng re collection of dog licenses. 01OEA~L~D on the ~oti?n of Ald. Stephens ~nd T~'~id~le that the com~un- lc~tion be received and filed. N~. ~Z - Xr. Xi.A.Fox - r~ taxi stands ~nd traffic conditions. O~O~LD on the motion of ~l~. Scott ~nd St-~nhens that the co~mnication be received and laid on the table for further consideration, and a copy forwarded to the Police Com- mission for their inferration. He. ~ - City Clerk, Kitchenar - resolution re Slot ~chines. O~O~.~D on the motion o~ ald. White ~nd Scot~ that the communication be received and ~led. X~o. ~ - T~m Sl~, 0rll~la - resolution re minim~ ~¥~gs sc~o ~or all ~orkors. OiO~ ~n th~ notion of ~dd.~tep~ns and lla~i~'~ell thut th~ certification be receiv=d, and the resolution endorsed, and the interested panics be notified accordingly. No. Z6 - Town Cl,~rk, Orillia -, re solution recomqending appointment of Royal Co:run, mien. OiOZi~ on the motion of ~ld. I~nniv~ell and lXcAninch t~t the com- munic~tion be received and the resolution be endorsed, a~ the p~ties notified accordingly. lb. Z? - City Clerk, Verdun - resolution r~ rates of Int,~rest, 0YOkeRED on the m~tlon of'~ld. White and Donald that the co~ununication be received ~d the res- olution be endorsed, and the interested purties notified accordingly. l~'o. ~8 - Fire Chief a.H.Baldry - re issue of drill cards. 01~)ERkl) on tLe mot- ion of ald. Stephens and Nanniv~ell that the communication be received and filed. No. ~9 - Rescue Fire Company - requesting permission to close South End Fire Hall roo~. ~o. 40 - Fire Captaln ~.Shapton - re persons using above hall. Ol{Dl~q) on the motion of ~ld, St~phen~ ~nd Scott that the communications be received and the permission for the clost~ of the hall for the time r ;qulred, be granted. No. 41 - Assistant Supervisor Z.A.Horton - re Budget and Bo~rd of Education sei- Ne..42 - Bo~r,[ of ~ducatlon - re request for detailed stat~n~nt of sah~ries. 01tI):,jR,~ col the motion of ald. Whit~, and Tvldale that the con~nunication be rec- eived and ref ;fred to the Ftn~me Com~aittee. 1~o. 45 - Bell Telephone Co::pany - re guy ~':ire at 294 Ellis Street. O!~X!"~i~ on the motion of .~ld. Stephens and Twidale that the com,lunic~.tion be ~ceived and tb. sUCceed ch~ges ~ ~pproved, in accordance with tb Laid over from previous meeting: REPOITS No. 16 - City klanager - re uppolntment of Suburban Road Commissioner. ORD~t~D on the motion of Ald, V;lfite and Donald that the report be received, and 1Xr. B.A. Cook be reay~oint9d as representative of the City Council for the term to coin- side with that of the representative of the Comity .of Welland, and the By-Law be prepared accordingly. ' The following Reports w~ere received: No. 21 - ~)airy Inspector - report for month of January. 0~)ERED on the motion of Ald. D.onald and Stephens that the report be received and filed. ,~cl : ff N$. 22 - City EnMineer - re lighting arrangements on Victori.A Avenue. 'ORDERFD ~U {~.~ ~ on the motion of Ald. Hanni~ell and Scott that the report be received and the ~ ~, reco~nendation be approved. PZTITI,~] Laid over from Previous meeting: i{ZSOLL~OL~ The follo~'ing Resolutions wo?~. 2!Assed: No. S - J.H,Llillar - re shootin~ gallery liesnee. OL{D~ciLZD -~n the! ~Dt~on ~f ~ld. ~cott and '~,hite that the license b~ not gr~mted. No. 21 - ST~lO]EI~J - LicHI~DZSIi - E~OLV.]~ that the matter of t!,~ ap'~!i~ti~ ~f ,;illi~ '.'~i~'~, for additional ~1 allegiance, b~ 1,'ft in +h,~ i~nd~ :~f t~... Sity ~ianager, v~ith fnstraetioes that fuel shall b2 issued until such ~hF, x~xt allowance F~n the ~lief Depark~aent is m~ie, and the Z~al of the Corpor- ation be hereto affixe.~. Ti~ CIty i.[~f?r advised the Council tkat he ~s pr.~parff~ to ders for the sup' ly of 'm~ !~.8 of wood to be deliver~d to Lit. '.jhitc until nuch tine as the ~ard of Review is able to adjudicate upon th~ matter, ilo objection was t~en. No. H2 - TLID~Z - STFi~S - E.~LVL]Z that the City i.:un=~r b.~ instn~cted to com~ey the deep s~mp~thy of th~ City Sounail, to Dr. LoSan, ilf~'. LoZ~n, th.~ir son ~d the bereaved husband of their d~,~hter, in th.=ir firc~t loss, of this popular young lady, and the Se~l of the Corporation be hereto affixed. C~rried ~,IISC ?c~ .1 .AI~ZOUS Ald. Mc~ninch requested that the City l.~na~pr inw~s~l~ate and ~port upon the possibility and advisability of erectin~ an attractive si[~n at the in- tersection of the River Boulevard and Victoria avenue, showing the t~,~o routes into the City of iqiagara Falls. The Council adjourned on the motion of .rid. Scott and Stephens. AND ADOt'Ti3D, February 15th, 1937. - Mayor. Clcrk. FIN/~ICE ME~TIN.G. Council CbAmber, February 8, 1937. The Finance Committee met on M~nday, February 8th, 1937, for the pur- pose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been pro- perly cert'i.f+ie d and, placed..before them. All members o,f. ~he Commit.tee ~ve.re .pres- ent. '~38 842.2L..I Sundry accounts were aDproved by the Committee, emounting to ~ , Ti~ accounts submitted, beinM passed or othe~lse dealt ~ lth, th~ mittee, on th? motion of Ald. Scott ~nd Donald, ordered that the. so ~ placed in t~ money by-law for pres~ntation to the Council. The co~'mnicat ions f~m the Assi st~t Supervisor and the Bom'd of ation, v,hich had be~n referred from the C~uncil meeting, were predated. It was ordered on the :~oti~n of His 'jorship l~yor ~ders.~n and ,~ld. !~nniwell that the caa-iunications b~ received, and the City Zfanagar be instructed to advise LIt. ton that the Comanil had not yet received details of the ~ard of Zdueation ari~s, us requ ~sted, and therefore, v~ould not ~ in e position to discuss the Oity Budget with hi~ until su~ i~o~aution was received. Ti~ comuntcatiou from the Ontario Pa~ts Association, which ha been r~fer?ed F~ the pre~ous meeting, was presented. It was ~dered on the motion of Aid. Tx,~id~e and Scott that th~ com~unication be received and filed. The c o:amunication from ~kssi stant SuF~isor Z.A. Ho~on, wtth refe ~nce to the payment of interest, was p~sented, It was ordered on the motion of A~. Whi~ ~d Donald tlmt the c~unication be received a~ filed. The co:~mnic~tlon from the Unemploymnt Relief Depart~nt, with ~fer- once t~ a conference to b~ held, v~as presented. It was ordered on the notion of ~ld. Scott and Tvid~le that the comunication be ~ceived, ~d Lit. Stock, the R~lief a~inistr~Cor, be authori~d to ~ttead the conf crones. T~ ~port of the City Li~ger, with reference to the replacement of bicycle license plates, ~vas p~nted. It was ordered on the motion of His Wor- ship L~ayor ~derson and ald. White that the ~port ba ~ceived and adopted. C0__L~I~CZ.L L[JS~iI!G 1937 The Gouncf 1 re-asrzmbled at t~ close of the Fh:~nce Ll..~etinjF ~':n' tL.3 pu=~ose of passing th~ honey by-la~ ~overing tht! · caounts which h~d been a~VUDV!]d by the Coxmmittee. .~ii atombets of tile Council v.=ere pres~:~t, TIn. following Dy-Law ',.~as passed: BY-ZAL' E~o....248.2.- ~ld. H.P.Stepb~ns - To Grant Lioniss for Senoral ptu. pose~. 1st reading- ~.ld. ;','hire and Scott. End reading - aid. Donald and !Eanniwell. 3rd reading- ~ld. Twirlale and Scott. The coperr of the ~ity Lian~.er, with refoz~nce to the rates of v..ages for the P~rts and Cemetery Department, t'as presented. It was ordered on the mot-. ion of ~14. White and :~nri~ell that the report be received and the recon~aendation be incorporated in the proposed budget for the year 1937. The co;~nuniention from Santo Hobsrto, with reference to the allowances for relief, v~s presented. It yes order~.d on the motion of 't~s Uorshlp L~yor derson aud ~'dd. Scott that the cennunication be received and referred to the Board of Review for disposition. The 0ouncil adjourned on the motion of ,~ld. Stephens and Haitiwell. AND ~0PT.~D, Febnlary 15th, 1937. 35 The co~nunlcstl.ons from the Dominion Mortgage & Investments Corporat- ion, the Guaranty Tl~st Conipany of Canada, ~md H.T. Jsmleson & Company, with ref- erees telrefunding, were presented. It was ordered on the motion of tiis Worship ~-'ayor Ander~n and Al4. White that the commnications be received and laid on the table for further consider~tion, and the City l~xnager be insti~cted to make a report to the Council upon the infomiation secured, and that the infornxation it is possible to supply to the Dominion l.lortguge & Investments Corpor~'ltion, be for- warded. The conmunication fromthe Hencurable D.A. Croll, with reference to the alleg-tions made in Council, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor ~mderson and Ald. White that the cox~nunication be received and l~ld on the table for one week. It ~.ms ord,red on the ~tion of Ald. Ilannlwell and T~ddaln that the City Manager be instructed to report to the Council upon the arr~gements for the drivers of the Fire Trucks, during meal hours. The Committee ~djourned on the motion of Ald. MeAninch and P~ite. READ A4D ~OPT~.D, February lSth, 1937, M~yor. 86 Ccuncl 1 Chu-zbr:r, Febrmtry 1E, 195V. A spci~l conference was held by the City Council at 4.00 p.m. 3n Frl-~4% February 12th, ].937, ~ll m.~bers of the Council, together with the assistant Zup.~rvisor of the ~partr~nt of H~icipal ~fai~, lir. E.~.Horton, Th,~ City Budget ~or the year 1937, as ~vised by the City Oouncil , · prevl~us .',l~otin~, was o~s~nted and considered. Ce~ln changes in the various depur~ents as r~comended by l,~. ito~on, were r~de. IF, SOLUTI~: ~rp~.lp:,.:i.nj. j~ zol.ut i,o~h j..',~ p~.~ ~.c.d.: No. "~ "iilT2 i~iIi:~i;j..'.LL RZ,~OLVED that the llill ih~te for Taxation bs st~t at Z9 mills ~sr th,~ y~r i937, and the Budget prepared upon tl~t ruts, and the Seal of the OoZeration be her~to affixed. Carri The Council adjourned on the order of the Chairman. R,~aD M.~D ~jO0PTED, February 15th, 1937. Clerk. NIi~ZTH LiZ~TII:G i,'ebruury 15, 1937. Pursuant to adjournment, th~ Council :n.~.t ~t 4.00 p.:i~.to consZder Zen- sral Business and Finance. .~ll members of the Zounci] v',}re ~ren~,nt. ?-h ell, hnvin~ received and r~ad the minutes of th~ previous neetin~:, these adopted on the motion of aldo Scott and _~rmivfell. Th'-3 folloP:ing Com-.tunications were receivo.d~: No. 44 - Chartbet pf Co:m~erce - re erecticy or advertisinfr siXco. C.[XJj~i~'D 3:~ motion of ~ld. ~,'idale and Vjhite ti~t tile commu.'lication bf~ x~ceived [tnd th? r~- q~est bs granted, No. 45 - Expositign '~;orld re exposition in l:iaCura va]~s ";~"*~ ~~ on th? 'T~t-- ion of ~ld. ~hit~ ~nd Scott that the connunic~tion he received and l~id table for two ~eeks until further infornm~tion is received. No. 46 - Boll Tolephon~ Company - requesting psrmisslon to place anchor on Ferry ~treet. 0RD:ERZD see Hoperr No. 1;o. 47 - John Liilne - requesting paI~fission to r~:nove tree. OLOZi~.,D sue i:oport i~o. No. 48 - 0nt~rio/.'~yors' ~ssociatio__n- re ','jint:3r confereuce. 0;JDiCR'T3 3n the r:ot- ion of Ald. Stephens and Twidals tlat the col~.tunic~tion be received and His ship L~yor ~mderson he authorized to ~ttend the con£erence. No. 49 -Dominion nla~Vors' Conference- re conference of Continuin!J Cosmitten. Oi©ZRED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Donald th~.t the co~-.~unicatfon be received alld tile Worship Mayor Anderson be authorized to attend the conference. No. 50 - Canadian Legion ~ re Coronation ce!ebrution. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Stophens and ~,~idale that the conmunication ~ received and His '.b?ehip l.layl!r ar~lers~n he requested to appoint a coram..lttee to co-ordinate the ~ctivities of the v~rious organizations ~dth reference to this celebration. His Worship Mayor AndeA'son then apnointed the follo~vinF Oo:mnitteo: Ald. T~-~idale, Chairman, and the me:abers as relieves: Ald. White, Mclkninch, Donald 81~d the City l~nager. No. 51 - Deputy .'.finistot of t[unlcipal t~Ffairs - re To~.;nsh~p of Sta:;fford and ~u,uer- i~an Cyanamid Company. Oi~DERZD on tile motion Of Ald. Alc~kninch and Scott that the communication be referred to the Finance Committee. TI~ following Reports v~re__r?c.e.i,ved: No. ~'~. - Cit~, Engin.eer - recommending permission to Bell Telephone Company. ORD~ ERF/) on .tile motion of Aid. ,tlanniwell and Scott that .the report be received, 8~d. the request be granted. No. 24 - Parks Superintendent - recommending removal of tree. 0~O~fi{F.'-~ on the mot- ion of Aid. HamliWell and ~vtdalo that the report be received and the reco~aer~lat- ion be adopted. No. 25 - Fire Chief Raldr~ - re number of hours worked by paid men. OlC)I]{~.~) on the motion of Ald. Iknniwell and MoAninch that the report be received cnd referred to the Finance Geminitree. S8 No, 26 - Chief M.D.Tisdale - Annual Report for 1956. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. White and Donald that the report be received ~nd placed on file, and the appreciation of the Council be forwarded to the Chief and the members of the Police Departcent for their good v;o~k, and also for the efforts in roaring a study of certain legal inform~tion, and the various local lawyers be also'com- mended for their interest. No, 27 - City Manager - enclosing draft by-law dealing with signs. the motion of AId..White and ~%~idale that the report be received and laid on the table until the next meeting. · No. 28 - City Manaepr - re information re agreement with County of Wel!a~d. 0R- DE~D on the motion of Ald. White and Hanniwell that the report be received.and laid on the table until the mx$ meeting, No. ~9 - Niaga. ra Fa~lls We_.__lfare B~)ard - annual report for year 1936. ORDERED on file, and the members of the Board be comaended for their interest r thy work· 0 ER n the No, 30 o City Manager - re suggestion for erection of sign. RD ion of Ald. Scott and White that the report be received and adopted, subject to the approval of the Department of Highways and the Niagara P~rks Canmission. No. 31 - University of Viestern Ontario - report on Extension Cou/.se. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Fanniwell and Twiddle thet the report be received and placed on file for the perusal of the Council, The following By-Law was l~ssed| _Ng~. 24~_3- AId. J.O.White - To appoint a Member of the County Suburban Road Oom~nission. 1st reading -Ald. Stephens and Hanniv~ll. 2nd reading - AId. Donald and McAninch. 3rd reading -Ald. Scott and White. In connection with 0ommunication No..44, Ald. White suggested that tt~ representative of the City Council, Ald. C.W.T~tdale, point out to the Chamber the fact that numerous signs direct traffic out of the City, rather th~_n into it and the Council w~uld suggest, with due deference to the Ch~ber of C~rce, that the proposed signs give inforrmtion as to the points of interest within the City, in an effort to hold the tourists in Niagara Falls as long as possible. The Council adjourned on the motion 0f Aid. Scott and ~tephens. RFAD ~D AD01~, February ~-~.nd, 1937. Mayor. 39 FINANCE MEhTING Gouncil Chamber, February 15, 1937. The Finance Co~aittee met on Monday, February 15th, 1937, for the pur- pose of approving and also of passing the varinus accounts which .had been pro_~- erly certified end placed before them. All memlx~rs of the Committee were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, amouuting to $10,995.86. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, the Com- mittee, on the motion of Ald. ~,~ldale and ~faite, ordered that these be placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council. The co~unication from the Deputy Minister of Municipal Affairs, in con- nection with the Township of Stamford and the ~erican Cyanamid C~mpany, which had been referred from the Council Meeting, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Anderson and Ald. ~[c/minch that the co~anication be received and the same be referred to the City Solicitor, for the presentation of a brief upon the subject matter, and before this is forwarded to the Department, it be pro sented to the City Council for perusal. The report of the Fire Chief, in connection with the numbers of hours worked by thepaid firemen, which had been referred from the Council meetix~, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald..White and Donald that the report be received and forwarded to the Assistant Supervisor, Mr. E.A.Horton, with the request that he give consideration to the addition of three men to the force. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. MeAninch, seconded by AId. t'rnite, that the Committee to deal with the mutter of refunding take up with the Depart- men~ of Municil~l Affairs the question of securing an adequate tax adjust~snt for the proper~y taken out of taxation by the Niuguru P~xrks Commission, also the quest- ion of a business tax for stores operated along the River front, in opposition to businesses in the City, who are paying business tax. The cnmmunication from the tlon. D.A.Oroll, in connection with allegations made, which had been laid over from a previous meeting, together with the report of the City Solicitor as to the e~timted cost of an investigation, were prsented. It was ordered on th~ motion of Ald. White and His Worship Z~xyor Anderson that the comunication and report be received and laid on the table until the next meet- ing. The report of the City Manner, as to the track operation costs for the Year 1936, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Scott and Twiddle that the report be received and laid on the table. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. White end Donald. READ AND ADOPTED, February 22nd, 1937. Ohaix~mn of Final Clerk, 40 co~it M~T_L~G Council Chamber, Eebntary 15, 1937. The Council m-assembled at the close of the Finance Meeting, for the purpose of passing the money by-law covering the accounts which had been approved by the Oormnittee, and other business, All members of the Council were pre sent · The followinlay-Law was passed: No... 2484 -Ald. H.p. Stephens - To Grant Monies for General 1Airposes. 1st reading -Ald. Hanniwell and Scott. Znd reading - Aid. White and Donald. 3rd reading -Ald. Donald and RESOLUTION The following Re~ol.__uticn was passed: No. Z4 - WHITE - MoANINCH - RESOLVED that the action taken by the Finance Com- mittee, contained in the motion for the presentation to the Department of Mun- icipal Affairs, of the matter of the operation of stores and the prol~rties taken over by the Niagara Parks Commission, be approved by the City Council, and the City Manager be instructed to forward the necessary details in this con- nection to the proper authorities for their consideration, and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. (~ee Finance minutes) ~.rried ~ld. ~vidule mentioned that it had been stated that the stands at Poplar Park are in a very bad state of repair, and suggested that the location be visited during the next Tour of Inspection. Aid. Donald also brought up the disreputable appearance of the front of the City HaLl, and suggested that some action be taken to have the building finproved. The Council adjourned on the motion ~i'Ald. Twidale and %Tnite. READ AND ADOFrED, February 22nd, 1937. Mayor. Clerk, Council Chamber, February 22, 1937. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 4.00 p.m. to consider Gen- eral l~xsiness and Finance. All n~mbere of the Council were present. The Couu- oil, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, these were adopted on the motion of Ald. Scott,aM ~vidale. 41 DEPUPATIONS On the motion of Aid. White and Scott, Mr. F.C.Ward, repx~sentlng the Shetuber of Gongmarco, ~as permitted to address the Council. Mr. Ward spoke and advised the Council that the Chamber of Commerce had undertaken the erection of two si~as in the City, giving infona~tion as to the points of interest therein, and were unable to undertake the erection of any additional signs. The Chamber was asking that the Council consider the ad- visablity of erecting other signs throughout the City and suggested a sign about ten feet by twenty feet to be erected at the coreer.of Bender Hill and River Road, directing traffic up Bender Hill, Ne~nan Hill and on to Victoria Avenue; a sign on Bridge Street at the Canadian National Railway, directing traffic up Erie Avenue and on to Queen Street; and also one at Christ Church, bringing travel off the River Road and in to the business district. Also, signs at the Lower Bridge, and the entrance to Highway Number .8 were suggested by Mr. Ward. SEE ResolutioJ No· 25. .COABTu~IOA.TI(I~S_ The following_Conmunication s _were received: NO. ~2- Assistapt_~S_upervisor E.A. Horton - thanks for co-operation from Oity Council a~d administrative heads. 0RDER~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and Stephens that the communication be received and filed. No. ~3 - Oollegiate-Vooational ~nstitute Teachers - re representation from Coun- cil to interview the Hen. D.A. Croll. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Hanniwell that the communication be received and referred to the Finance tee. No. 54 - Niagara Parks Con~.mission - re ~aeting with No. 55 - W.L.Houck, Esquire~ M.L.A. - re by-laws cow-u'in[Z Hiv~r Road No. 56 - Department of !!iglm, ays_- r8 ap,~rovol of F. iver Road traffi c by-laws. O!OEE on the motion o~ Ald. Stephens and White that the oormuni~ntions be rec- eived and laid on the table until Further info~mation is received front the res- pective parties. No. 5~ - Thorold Public Utilities Comicsion - re dinner and Hyd~ NiCht. '0~O~ ER~I) on the motion of Ald. White and Step~en"~ that the co~!msi~ttion be r,~ccived and the invitation be accepted, and as many as possible of the Council attend, No. 58 - Secretary to 1,linister of Labour - re resolution in connection with es- tablis~naent oF Minimum wage scale, OI~)ERED on the motion of Ald. %'afire and Twi- dale that the communicution be received and filed. No. 59 - Harry Dickenson - requesting removal of tree. 0RD"]RED see Report No.32. No. 60 - Stamford PUblic Uti.lit~s Commission - re agreement for supply of water to certain township residents. 0RD~h]~ 0~he motion of Ald. Twidale and Scott that tlm com~luuication be received and filed, and a ne~ agreement be prop-red, on the same conditions as the former, such a~reement to remain in force until three months' notice is received from either party. 42 X;o. 61 - Railway As~ciatiou of Canada - re daylight saving tLme. Oi©EPd~D on the motion of ~ld. Donjl~d Stephens that the co~mm~nication ~ received and laid on the table. No 82 ~t~rio Mu~ Electric Association - presenting resolutions for ~ . - consideration. 0i~Ei~ on the motion o~ Ald. Mc~inch and Stephens t~nt the co~unicetion be received ~d the action t~en by His l~rship ~.~r Ymderson ~nd the City l:an~F~r in the matter ~ endorsd by the Council, that they be authorized to carry on to the fullset extent ~lthin ~heir powers. S~Z also Re~lution No. ~6. The follov. in_~Fe. tp_o__rt. jv~_a..s._l_a_i.!pv_Lg_er_ .fr__~_~ a nr_._/svi___ous ,~etin__g; X;o. Z~ - City ~Pan~2'~r - enclosing draft copy o ~ By-Lay: dealing v ith the erect- i,m ot signs. ORL~:~L~ on th~ motion of ~dd. ~'~tc and Scott that th~ repo~ be received and filed, and the ~y-~v' be presented for the first 'reading. ~-~v~s. No. 28 - City L~anager - re agreement with County of '.'Felland. O~FYj{;.D on the motion of Ald. Donald and Scott that the cor~aunication be re;ceived and filed, and the City LMna~T~r be instructed to ~rrange a suitable date for the meeting of the Council v ith the Co~mnittee from the County of rjelland. T.~he.._Lo;t.~,o'.~i_n~' .r?por t vns re ce ive d: No. 32 - Parks Superintendent - r-~co.~.~ending removal o~ tree at 983 St.Cl~ir ~veuu,~. 0iOZ~:D on the motion of ~dd. Donald and l~nnl~ell that the report be 'received and adopted. RZ'~0LbTIG~S The ~ollo~,,in~ ~(esolutions ~rs passed: No. 25 - t'~'~H:I,'.j~-LL - i.:c~d~INCH - RESOLVED that the City lianaget and Engineer be instn~cted to cons it with Mr. F.C.Ward oF the Choler of Commerce, and prepur. a rcpo-t upon the su~e,:ted erection of signs throu~out the City, ~or the ne:d m~eting, ~d the Seal of the Coloration ~ he~to ~fixed. Carr~ No. 26 - ~IETj - DON~ - P~LV~D t~t the City Lhn~or be lnst~cted to in.n- ~diat~lY com~unic~t9 with ~.Xr. W.L.Houck, M.L.A., in rjg~d to the matter of presentation of the Bill for the tact ion of properties owned by the I~vd~-E1- eattic Co~m~ission of Ontario, and ask if assistance F~m this Council upon the mutter would be acceptable, end if so, that l~s Worship MaWr ~der~n ~d the C~mi~ of Fierce, ~d. H.P. Step~ns, ~ appointed to go to Toronto to lend ~ch assistance, and the ~al .oF the 0orbration be her.~to affixed. Carri ~b, 2V - M~II{CH - IL'~NIV~L - RgSOLV.ED that the City M~er ~ i~t~cted to co~mnicate with Mr. A?B.~de, M.P., upon the matter of the opening o f the ~ntrose Yards, and t~t he !~ aied t'hether he reels any action cold be ta~n u~n the m~tter, at this time, ~d the ~al of the Oo~o~tion be hsreto Carri e d BY-LAWS Th_Je_f. ollov~lng By-Laws were passed: N_O, ~8~ -Ald, H.P,Stepl~ns. To authorize the manner in which taxes for the Year 193~, shall beeore due, to provide a time for payment and pen- altie s for non-payment. ' ' let reading -Ald. Donald and l~ammiv:ell. 2nd reading -Ald. Scott and Stephens. 3rd reading -Ald. White and Twidale. 1]o. 2486 - ~l~. iI.P.Stephens - To p~Dvide for giv[niZ the Collector o,~ Taxes "' credit for the amount .returned by him to the Treasurer iu the 1937 · let reading - Aid. Scott m~d 2nd reading - ~dd. Donald and ~ddale. 3rd reading - ald. ~idale and !Mnniwell. 4o. PA87 - ald. ~.G.:'jhite - a B~-Law relating to sil~ns and advertising devices. let reading - ald. Scott and Donald. 2rid reading -Ald. Stephens and Donald. The third reading kas laid on the table For two v~ceks, upon th~ mot- ion of ald. Uhite and tlanniwell. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott and Donald. RF~LD ~ID ;~OIT~,~D, Liarch let, 1937. ~hyor · Clerk. FINANCIE ME~TI'HC_ Council Cham~r, Eebru. ry 22, 1937. The Finance Committee met on lionday, February LPnd, 19Z7, for the pur- pose of approving and also of passing the various accounts ~hich had ~sn prop- erly certified and placed before them. ~ll members of tl~ Comnittee were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, amounti~ to $22,485.95. T1B accounts .subnfit.ted, being passed or otherwise dealt ~ith, the Com- mittee, on the motion of Ald. Scott and ~widale, ordered tlmt these be placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council. The con~uunication from the Hen. D.A.Croll, and the report of the City Solicitor, in connection with the starerects made by Ald. Mciulinch, which had been laid over from the previous meeting,s were presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and His Worship Mayor A~derson that the City Lianag'-,r be instructed to communicate with the Hencurable Minister, stating thot the Coun- cil appreciates very much his reply and advice contained in his letter, ~nd felt that the sense of the letter would imply that his Department did not entertain any suspicion as to the truth of the charges made by ~ld. A!caninch, also that some of the members of the Council feel it would be wise nf~ to expead the tax- 44 payere' money merely to have the County Judge vindicate them against the acc- usations made, because the Alderman who made such, v~uld not be penalized, ~u~ - the Gouncil feel that t f the Departrant would write a letter of confidence to them, as to their attitude in the isr=ues concombed, this would settle the que: t. ion ~jlthout making a martyr, perhaps, of Ald. MeAninch, and without expense to i the tax-payers. The communication fro:a Mr. H.~.}-Ieades, reqnestin~ deportation to Ex~j- land, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Twidale and llc~minck that the communication be received, and the matter be referred to the Board of Review, .',rid the I~,~figration authorities, for a complete investigation into the matter, as to whether or not Lit. lieudes would be penaitted to remain in England in consideration of his residence in Canada, and such other information upon the matter, for report to the Council. The report of the City Lhnager, in connection with refunding, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Hanoiwell that the report be received and filed, and the City Solicitor be instructed to draw up an agreement for presentation to Zlessrs..'t.T. Jamieson & Company, for considerat. ion, which agreement should contain all angles upon the matter of r~Wlnding th~ City's debenture debt, and that the a~nroval of the Depsrtment of ~lunicipal fairs be asked upon such action and a~reement. Tile report of the City Z~n~ger, in connection with the Board of Educ- ation Budget, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Scott that the report be received aul~. laid on the table until the next meeting. The communication from the Teachers of the Collegiate-Vocational in- stitute, which had been referred from t.bs Council meeting,was presented. It ~as ordered ou the motion of Ilis ;;~orship Mayor Ande~'son and Ald. Hanoiwell that the co~mmunic.,tion be received and the r~ply be made that the Committee feel the matter is out of their Jurisdiction. The r?port of the City L~anager, in connection with the property owned by .'4r. A.Z.Steele, was pros'rated. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hannt- well and ~ddale that the report he received, and the action of the City Man~r be approved, and subject to the consent of the 01d Age Pensions Commission, that the recomendation be adopted. In conre'erich with the matter of the payment of Interest on Debenture! due for tl~ month of Zhrch, 1937, it was ordered on the motion of Aid. !~I~idale and His Worship Mayor Anderson that the City ~nager be instructed to pay such interest until further instructions are received. The Oo~lttee adjourned on the motion of AId. t'../hite and Donald. R~M) ~D ADOPTED, March 1st, 1937. 45 COUEJIL C san ci 1 Ch~:lb~!r, February ~2, 1937. The Council re-assembled at the close of the Finu::ee Oo::n~it~ze, for the pin. pose of passing the money by-lay: covering the accounts vii ch had been approvod by the ~ommittee. All ~ieiabers of the Council ~ere pr?sent. BY-L.q~j T}~ following By-Law ~'j~s passed: No. 2488 -Ald. H.P. Stephens - To Grant Menlo s for General Purposes. let reading= ~ i~ld. iianniwell and '~'fiaite. 2rid re~ding - ~ld. Donald and Scott. 3rd reading -Ald. Twidale and White. The Oouncil adJoun~ed on the motion of Ald. Scott and Stephens. P~ fd~D !'~OITND, ~hrch let, 1937. 46 ELEVZI~H :- ~jI~IHG Oouncil Chamber, 1.1arch 1st, 1937. Pursuant to adJournnlent, the Council met at 4.00 p.m. to consider C oral Business and Fin~mce. ~.11 members of the Council, with tile exception o.~ ~1'1. Danald, w~re present, The Council, having received and read the minutes ,.~ the previous ~etihg, these were adopted on the motion of ~dd. Stemlens and niweil. DXPUT~C~0HS On the motion of ~ld. White and Stephens, and in connection with Con.. nunication No. 63, Sir. C.Cannette, as representative of the Unen~ployed sire a~sociation, was p~r~tted to cd~r~ss the Coaxell. Mr. ~tte asked that th~ Council take action in requesting that the Federal ~vorn~nt prepare a works pro~a~e to absorb tl~ sidle men and ~men vfim will be cut off the relief rolls this spring. ~h'. Canl~tte asked Souceil to consider their reque~ tMt the unemployed work for every cZass of ~llowanca which they ~ceive, instead of heretofore, the men worked only for ~heir f~d all~?~mce. Ald. l',~lte asked the speaker whether he represents8 tl~ whole of the unemployed of the ~ity, or ~'heth~r his organization was a separate body. Mr. C~nett~ stated tMt he rep~sented the only unemployed or~ization in the City, and the n~e of this body had just recently ~en changed. p~:~ ~p~r:~i cnt ion I:o. On the motion of ald. White and Stemhens, and in connection v~Ith Corn-. munication Lb. 64, LIr. Moses Thibert was pen~litted to address the Council. lit. Thibert explained his writhe mqu~st, that he be pemElt~d to ~o onto the City dmup to gather up material t~efrom to be sold as Junk in an eff~ to m~e a little money, and in rot~n ~ would uMert~e to keep the dump in a r~spectable condition. Mr. Thibert stated that he v~uld be willing to pay a sum of money to the Oity for this privlle~. ~j~ C~K~uni c at i on N o. 64, O (~E -~JNICATI 0NS .The following .Cp~.~unicat. ions were received: No. 63 - Unemployed proEressiye Association . requesting permission to have del- egate address Council. 01©P2{~ on the motion of ald. Ste'~lens and Mc,'minch lhat the presserich of the Unemployed association be received, and theri re- quests be forw,~rded to the Dominion GoVernment, ~sking for their earnest consid- eration and action in the matter. In this connection, Aid. Hanniwell pointed out that the attention of the Government could v:ell be d~wn to his opinion that certain industries in and around the City of Niagara Falls are using the persons who have been on relief, in their factories, and paying them unreasonably low wages in this way, it is felt tlmt the Provincial and Federal Governments, to a ce~taAn extent are subsidizing thelee certain mnufacturers in their oPerations. No. ~4 - .AXesos Thibert . requesting Permission to gather material frora Oity dur~p. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Stephen~ that tt~ communication be received and the penniesion of the Council be granted for this action, sub- Ject to the approval of the City Solicitor. No. 65 - .tt.F.Log~. - re taxi-men on River i~oud. Stephens and Scott that the conr~unication be r~ceivsd and laid on the t=blt~-, No. 66 - 0ntm'io Mur. iciD_ji_A~socia.tior~i - telegram r-~ Bill to bc pr~s-~ntcd. No. 67- ~tario Liunicipul Electric ~s~ciation- r,~solutlm~ :'=, l[L.-~r- No. 69 - W.L.llouck, Esquire, ~.L.~. - euclosir,(Z n~t~riul ~yu 0.Li.a.~sociati No. 70- Ontario ll~i~J p~l ~s~ci'~tion - re p~ssent~tion o~ 2~,tt~:r rc ~ors. Oi~Zi~ on th~ notion of ~dd. ~jhit~ ~nd jte?~ns tl,~t the ably. munic~tions be received and laid on the tubte. 5~Z :ic,~olutiox, L3. 1:o. 71 - Fidelity Trnsts Compat~y - re matt,~rs of refinuncin{) OA~j.L.:D on th~ motion of ald. StephellS and Nanely:ell that the cormunieetion be roceiw~d and laid on tlm table. No. 7Z - Assistant Supervisor Z.A. ltorto.I! - enclosi~.7 ].sttsr fD:-..~r!~ r LD.~ .~ of Zdueation Budget. O.C,.]i-i. li] on the :notion of .~ld. i~.-id~de and Scott that the co~aunication be received and filed. The follov:in~ lieports ~,z~.re received: No. 33 - S_jt~.v So]icltor ~ 1~ i'~T. erie~m Cyanamid annexuti3u. Oid~fi~D en tb~ ion of .rid. Uhite and TvfiSa!e that the ~port be received and ]aid on the for yesentation at the next m~eting. No. 34 - Frontier iIuman~ Society - report for month. 01CD;~i~.D on the nDt!,~n D~ ~ld. Scott and Step~ns that the report ~ ~ceived and laid on the table for the perusal of the Council. ~s fOllp~inC Resolution was passed: No. 2VA - !~;iIiTZ - STZRI:?.:Z - RJj0LVSD that tile appreciutl on of the City 3onncil be extended to Lh'. :'~.L.Itouck, Li.L.A., ~md Dr. H.L.Brlttain, Ge~retary of the Ontario '.4unieipal As! oci~tlon, for their co-operation and ready assistsrace to the City of NIagara Falls, in connection :~tth the presentati,~n of the Bi!.] in the 0nt~rie Legislature, for the tax,-tion of properties owned by tim l~vdro-.~lec- tric Power Commission of 0nt~rio, and the Se~l of the Corporatl.on be hereto aff- ixed. C~rried BY-LAWS _T_hs fpllow~nE B~yrL~_v;s__w.e.r?. pea_seal: ND. 2489 - Aid. II.P.Stephens - To authorize tl~ execution and delivery of an agreement with the Public Utilities Commission of tile Township of St amfor d. let x~ading 2nd reading 3rd reading - Aid. White and Hunniwell. -Ald. Scott and Stephens. -Ald. White and T~vidale. 1~o. 2490. - AId. H.P.Stephens - To provide for the Appropriations for tile Year 1937. 1st reading 2nd reading 3rd reading AId. Twldale and l~anniwell. aid. I.'anniwell and Stephens. Aid, ~hvidale and Scott, No. _~4_91 - Aid. H.P. Stephens - To, authorize the levying and collecting of taxes fo~ the year 1937, and defining certain duties of the Clerk, Treasurer and COllector of the Oity of Niagar~ Falls, 0nt~rio, 47 48 "'T 49 Ist reading -Ald. White and Scott. 2n4 reading -Ald. Stephens and V;hite. lt&~D ~D ~OOPT~D, March 8th, 1957. 3rd reading - Aid. ~ite and ~vidale. . Xb. S49~ - ald. H.P.Stephens - To authorize tb precedes of v.'orks provided fuj ~ ' ' in the ~dget for the ye~ 1937. '~ let r .ading - ~ld. ~cott and II~nnir.~ll. End reading - Aid. Tuid~Ale and St~phens, 5rd reading - kid. ~dd~le and Lic~minch. ] ~hui~ma The Council ariSeunwed on the motion of ald. Stephens and Hanniwell. i~d) ,L,D ~,0/zTi~), L:~rch 8th, 19D7. ~ ~iareh 1st, X937. I The City Council w~nt into conf.c. rene,? at the clon~; oF th~ l"j~Lanc~ ~ l,leeting, with all members, with the exception or .rid. Donald, present. His ljorship !iluyor ~mderson presided ~er the meeting. The City Lianaget made a v.~rb~l report to the Council upon his int~-r- vie~'~ with Supervisor i~,J.Lloore, In Toronto on Friday, Februe;V 26th, 19~7. The Conference ~djourned by order of the Chainman. Council Chan}~r, ~reh l, 19~. The Finance Con~aittee met on lionday, March 1st, 1937, for the ptu'posu of aDpreving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Conmxlttee, with the exce ion of ald. Donald, were present. Gundry accounts v:ex~ approved by the Committee, amom~ting to ~ ,, 5 a53 88 TI~ accounts submitted, being pas:~ed or otherwise dealt with, the mittee, on the ~otion of Ald. lIannhvell and Scott, oMered that the~ ~ placed in the money by-luv~ for present~tion to t~ Council. The comu~dcation ~m~ the I~nourable David A.Croll, in co~mection with the allegations made by Ald, Liceinch, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and l~nniwsll that the eomm~ication be ~ceived and filed. The report of ~,he City Manager, in connection ~,ith the payment of tonenee of a boy in the Ontario Training School, was presented. 1~ was ordered on the motion of His Worship lieyet An~erson and Aid. ~vidale that the report b~ received ~nd approved. The communication from Assist~nt Supervisor E.A.!torton, in connection with the reque~:t for additional men for the fire department, ~ms presented. It was ordered on the motion of !Iis Worship Mayor Anderson and 'Ald. Scott that the communication be received ~md laid nn the table. The Committee adjOUrned on the motion of Ald', ~vidalq and Scott. READ A~iD ADOPTA'iD, lZarch 8th, 1937. Council Ch~uber, ~l~rch let, 1937. The Council re-assembled, at the close of the Con?erence, for the pur- pose of passing the money by-l~w and other by-laws. The mo~my By-L~w covered the accounts which had been approved by the Com~aittee. ,~ll ,uembers of the Coun- cil, with the exception of Ald, Donald, were present. 50 T]~ fol]o~,ing By-Laws ~ro io~ssed: No. ~493 - .rid. F-.P. Stephens - To Grant l[onie s for General I~Arposes. 1st ~ading - old. V~lite and Hanniwell. 2nd reading -Ald. Scott and ~;hite. 3rd reading -Ald. Tv,idale and Stephens. 2494 - ~ld. II.P. Stephens - To authorize ths execution and delivez? of cd~ agreement with ~:essrs. H.T.J~mleson & Company, Fiscal ~nts. 1st reading - aid. Scott and Hamni-ell. gnd reading - ~dd. b'hlte and Twirlale. 8rd reading - ~dd. White and Scott. .;,;ijC 2LL'J:,'.;CUS old, Scott mentionod the vel~y muddy condition of the cinder path alon~: tile ~:.C.R. Trucks, and asked that some action be taken to remedy this condit l on. old. Scott asked that the City ,',Ianager ascertain Lhere the l'rontisr :t~ne jociety's inspector,had inspected certain cattle, as mentioned in his mostly report. ,kld, White asked that the City ~4anager take some action to have the lot, adjacent to 1179 Huron Street, filled ~n, as there was a large pool of t'ater thereon, v;hich was dm~gerous for children. The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Twidsle and Stephens. h~b .,'dID aDOYT,~, March 8th, 1937. Mayor° Clerk l[ureh 8, 1937. Pursuant tD adjDurnnlellt, the Coun?il met ~t 4,00 p,:~.. t.~ , General Business and l'inanct~, ~1 :,lel~rs of the Zeuseli t--.r~ Council, having received and re:,d the minut:-. >~ th~ pr vinous l~eting, th~se were adopted on the motion of ~ld. 5tephens and Tv,idale. (~: the' motion of Ald./:cAninch ~nd Stephens, l.ir. F.Blanchfi=,dd permitted to address the Council. Lir, Blanchfield stated that he had secarjd enpL~y_n.~'t out of' to'.'n dur- in~ three montb s of last smoker, and l'~d made arrang.~n,~nt~; v.'itb th.: }~7 i'~~ artmerit for the paZ~ndnt of r~nt for his f~nily during that time. ;.has h~ ret- urned, he found that the Raiief Department tzd not paid hi s i~!adl,' the and conse~iuently, she v.us QJO.00 in urDsars in her p~.:~:b~nt upon toy:?% speaker stated he had br:~u~ht the mut%~r beCDr~ ~'~ l;elfef b~p~:'tuent, their' spector, ~md the ~arl Df l~,~view, i,nd now felt that the CounteD. ~dmuld tak~ some action to have the matter corrected. On the motion of ~Hd. l.ic~Jninch and T,.idale, ~nd in c~m;~ction :'ith Oo~aunication lie. 76, Lir. ~.3.Lk.rsh~l, was penr:itted to addross tb~ Council. Lit. Liarshall advised that he acted in t!h! camcity of lhn.~ane joci.~ty inspector under authority of the P~ovincs of Ont~io Act, n~!atir~ to the i~v- enrich of Cruelty to ~dmals, inspected cattle under Clmpter 545 of Ti~ Crimin~l Code, Chapter 'T', ~d ~ nsp~cted poultry under authority or Cbapt~r 54s of The Criminal Code, Chapter 'O'. Mr. Marsha~ outli~d his activities In the above connections ~nd citied inst~ces where he had been oC as"ist~:ce to the Sanitary Inspector, Air. Campaigns, in connection with fowl on the city market. C '~.Z .~JNIC. 2IONS The follovfiJ~ff Co:maunicution s v;e.r~ r ce!ved: No. V5 - Private joerotary to l.linister of. Labo_u_K - rc req,.le .ts of UncP. ployed ~.s- soiation. 0I~DERED on the motion of Ald. Hm~niwell and Stephens th',tt the co'nun~ icution be received and filed. Si~,E Resolution I;o. zO. No. 74 - Christ Church - expressing appreciation For ~_~change of lm~ds. on tho motion of old. Tvtdale 9nd Stephens that the coF~nunication be received and filed, and the thanks of the Council be extended to the Church for tile lands which they conveyed to make possible the improvement at the corner of River Road and Clifton ~Lvenue. No. ?5 - Clerk of County of Wel_land - re me~ting with Council. O]~,'ER~,D on the motion of Ald. White and Scott that the conhmunication be received and filed. No. 76 - Fro.ntier Hulaane Society - re request of Council for infornlation. EA~D. on the motion of Ald. Scott and MeAninch that the communication be received and filed. No. 77 - W,L.Itouck, Estu_ire. M.L.A. - re meeting for discussion of traffic by- laws, ORDER..~D on the motion of Ald, ticaninch and Scott that the cop~mmication be received and filed, and the City Manager be instructod to request t~t the Niagara Purks Ccmmtission arrange a meeting with the Council for the discussion of the subject matters, sl Lo, 78 - Pl~pl~ ~tar 5o~ia]. Credit Lbnetary Reform League - re une~lo~mn%. OiDZ~u 3n the motion of ~d,]. i~nlwell ~nd l',~lte that the co~;untcution ~ l'nc* eived and placed on file for the perusal of any member of the Counc~. Lo. v9 - Hydre-Zlectric Co..~missi ~n of NiaF~-~ra Falls - requestin~ petallesion to hay9 representation :At Conferences whe~ taxation or cost of power is involved. 02~DZ~D on the motion of ~ld. ~adte ~d Twidale that the conn~icution b~ rec- eived and fil~d, ~d that the Corn ~ission be a,b~sed of any r~lng ~hich may bs held, in order tMt they may have represent~,tion at the L~i~ ovur fruzz Dr:virus me!sting: l~o. 3Z - City ~oltcitor - rl3 Aae?icaIx Cyanauid annexation. (LDERTD on the iiot~- of ,rid. b'hite and i;~nniw,ql that the report be r~ceived Jid the 3ity Lhn~Ter and his stuff be requested to supply whatever information the City Solicitor may r~- quire tn this connection. T=2h~ follDwing ?eports ;.:e re n~ ceivcd; ~o. Z5 - D~lxiy In.~>?~ctor _ report for mohth of Febi~ary. Oi~E!hD on the motion of ~dd. Donald and Scott that the report be received and filed. No. 36- ~' ..uZ.L=2~f.a._nj .~r.]Jnoor ~ r~' r l'.u.~st of (jha:nber of Sorr.l~rcc for t,~l~ siSms. OiOj.~ on the nzt~qn o~ ~,]'l. L>ff,'~ and jeott t}mt t:',~ co~nunieat~ ~, r,ceivc.t ~r.d u'~t ~:!, ~R~] ~h~ C~ty Li~,~i-:~r b~ !ns'runt~d t,~ ~'tvi~e th=~ Oh~rib ,_' d~t ~.~ tLi'; v~cr h~v: tn be :n~:, ~ uec~r~lan~,~ :.'fth thZ bu~got, and th:tt thu Co:~l'ti~n h:~s ~]qjtlsz~. '~xp~ns~s ']U~ f,~ th:~ Coronetfrom, ate. they vouJd b~ un- ~bl,~ tu Undsrt~.3 the er~,~ti~n of tke ~'![~s ~s ~quqst,>t. ~ City, ho~.~v rr, ~.:r4~]~ ~. q..~:,! t? ~-op .r~te tc *h: ~ull~st c'xt nlt wltb th~ 3h~m~r should thej s~o th,,lr w~y cJnar to C.o ~?~ud with tLs ?r~posed erectice. i~. ~ - City ,D,:u.',~' - re opJn{r,n or ~ ~ ~o!i~,itor ,on r~;quezt For 1/asinC o~ b~ n~eefv.2d '.rod filed ~nd t]:~ matt u' be r,~fer~-,~d ba~k to the City -i~maC.~r, with , the r~quest that li~ bring a fui'~r ~port to the Couhcil upon the mutter. lie. f2 . ilc~,~Z~.i . ~?ZllliIS - ~LOL~FI~D theft t~ matter or th~ ecruplaint of Zlr. blan"h~t~Id~ with re6~3,d re'he ;.l!ouunces made to him fDr re]i~f rent, h? ref- ePl,,~d to the City L~nu~.u- for his lnv~u~tigatien; and that a report upon the t~r b, pros~nt~ad to the City Council at the ne~ meeting~ and the Seal of the Col'potation be hereto affixed. Curried No. 29 - IDCj,',~t~',J~L_ ','a~TZ - iC']SOLVX,D that Whereas the Uneneloyed ~.slociation huvu pros nted cert~dn requ~mts to t}~e City Council, i.e.: ~hat the unemployed b~ required t~ ~ork for all their relief, and th~ an ~u~emplo)~lent works progra~ b~ undertaken by the ~vornu~nts, which v'iS! abelt those who, t~ Ashclarion antici~tes, wild be t,Ak,~n f~m relief very shortly, ~'d~l) ',FID]R?~ this reque~ has been Fesented to t~ Minister of Labour for the Doninton ~v~rxmsnt, toilether with the opinion that ~rtain industries in and areund t}n City of Niagara Fulls have been usi~ thnsc persons fence fly on relief in their fi:ctortes, havin~ been paying them un ~ ~ ~nd in this v:uy, l~ve been m;i~ th~ Dominion, P~v~nc · r~so~bly low w~ges, ents to sUbs!d~ ~hen in their operations, ial and l,,unic lpa~ ~vern- ,~..~ . ~ able ~lr, D.a.C~ll, Ministel, o~ ~bo~ se th;~ requests of tits Unempl.oy~d, ui,.d the o:;inions of the Couueil, and th:~ ~a] of the Corporation be hereto affixed. No. ~0- iL.LZ~t..SiLL- ~iC~-ji.:.~A - ll.].LLV.D that i:i makers ~PP!ieuti:~r. for a~z~ntar. qe errl thin :~unioi~J i, ty, .jl~ -:h'~ hov.;: ~:i.,, rf.uts in an Indu=~tE,,, tiat a full inv.~sti[=tiDn b,~ rot.de ~uto u~equatc a,~justm:mt h~d ~e<:n ~'u~ Is, ~lth'~r by t]: ~ board for such inju~j, ~nd the ~et:! of the Corpration be h~reto The fellowi::C D~.-Luv,- E:,s .oFesJrt.:;d ~;r ,. third! r~.',ini,: ljZ._.2~87 - ~dd. J.q.ljhit.', -- ~ By-Law rclatfrg to adv!rti.qiut It ,,..as ordor,~'d ~n the motion of ~dr~. lwidu].e ~ad i~onald th.t the tkird reading be laid on the table. Council adjourned on the motion of ~dd. ocott and ~tc'p'i;ns. R..]MJ ~,ND ADOZ~:XD, i~arch 15th, 19ZV. Mayor. Clerk. Coun:~il Chamber, Llarch 8, 1957. The Finan.;e Cormuittee met on >onday, l~larch 8th ].9[V~, for the pure, Dee of approving and also of pas~ing the various accounts ~fitich >.:.~, ~.~ ~r pr.~D~,rly cert-- ified ~nd placed before them. ~11 m~;i,~be~rs of'the Oonnqittee :/ere p'es~nt. Sundry acconnts were upSroVed by the Conmlittee, ~mountix~i to ~10,042.7:4. Th~ accounts submitted, being p~ssed or oth-~:.~ise dc~:lt with} mittee, on the motion of ald. Scott,und Donald, oralend that these~be"p!aced in the money by-law for presentation to the Council. The report of the Relief A~ainistrator, in conrattled.with persons on relief, t~king tourists, was presented. It ~s ordered on the mot'ion of Twtdale and Scott that in view of th~ goveim~ntal regulations upon the matter, that the same a~tion be t'aken in 193V us in foilact years. This communic~tisn had been referred from ~ previous r~.~ettng. The eon~lunlcatton from the Coronation. Celebr~tion Comittee, requesting a grsnt, was pros.anted. It was ordered on the motion of ~dd. White and IEs Worsliip 54 l.~uyor .~nde~'son tb~at the coramunication be received, trod a grant of ~EO0.O0 be appropriated to the Committee. The report of the S~ty L~m'-g~,r, on tk-'~ orop~sed lab~lur increases, w~'c ~ presented. It v,us or,:er~d o:: th,~, moti~ of ~l*l. ~hito ,rod Donald tM~t the re- ~ port b,~ received and a~rovcd, and the proposed increase be put into effect, the surqe to be retrouctive to the beginning of tke year. The co:~municati~n from D.Desilest, requesti:lg penais-~ion to salvage scrap iron, vjas presented. It was ordered on the motion of hld. Scott and 9.'.1~ dale ~dmt the conu~unicL~tion be received and referred to tLe City ilan.~ieF, for his report, the sum to be nude in conjunction with his report as r~uestod at the Council sooting, upon a sirall,at smatter. Tb c~qnunication rFom the Kiwanis Club, offerl~y to I~urchase a lot on ~rmnury Str.~et, ~,J~s pr=,sented. It nus ordelBd on the raption of ~ld. %dhite ~nd i~n lVorsldp H~vor ~der~n that the comnunic~tion be received ~nd the offer be accepted, subject to the upprow~l of the Su!~rvisor. The co:l'mnic:~tion from the Department of t~blic '."elfare, in com~cti~:, v;ith nedJoel r~!ief allov:~ces, r~s presentod. It was ordered on the action of llls ~Yorship i:~yor ,~derson and ..ld. ~it,~ th:tt the eonn~icution be :~'ee!ved th:~ City l~,na~r be instructed to pr,~pure figures us to t~ cost of this se~ic.: to the muni~lpu!ity in the ye~s 1935 ~d 1936, and tb estimated cost in under the pxDposed The co,~unicat~en from the Department of Public Welfare, in connection ~,:ith methods to prevt, nt fraud, was presented. it v~s ordered on the motion of Ald. ~,hite and Scott t~t the com,nmication be ~ceived and filed. Th~ Comaittee adjourned on the motion of AId. Donald and ~,';hite. k:,:~D ~d~ ~DOPTgiL ~iarch 15th, 1937. ia~ 'ch 9, 19~7. The Council re-as~'e':bled ~.t the e!ose '~f the l'inan,~ l;.~etinZ, for *] .~ xu'posc of 2:'.s.vinZ the -.:>nc:' by-!=;:, eov.~ri~ ~ ac]~uI'~f· ~tic}, "~'~ be~n <"- :eyed by the Committee. All n~em~rs oC the Council ~zere l~rssent. fo!lo);'~j~ l~__2y_-.kajv was 2495 -Ald. ihi~.Ste~heP 1st reading - ~..Id..~i~mi~.ell bud :/!rite. ~r.d readi~{ - ~d I1. T~J d-~l~; and 3rd reading - ~ld. Donald and bcott. Council adjourned on the motion of ~ld. ~jiitc and ianniwell. .dFD ~DOPUED, Z~rch 15th, 1937. Tiiii~T~,Ti,~ LZZTING Council Chamber, March 15, 1937. Pursuant to adJ~un,~nent, the 8canoil met ut 4.00 p.m. to consider gen- eral Business an~ Finance. ~'.11 me:abe, re of the Council were present. The ~sunci2 having rec?ivea and re~jd th~. minutes of the previous meeting, these we~ adoclod on the motion of Aid. Scott and Stephens. t' In .~.onnection t'ltL Report i~9. 40, ,And on the motion of ,,ld. ;Jhite and jt~pher. s, iiF. F. Blanchfield ~'Fas peI~aitted to address the Council, for the purpose of asking a question. Mr. Blanchfield asked ~:hy he was :,rong in ,~}tn~ to the Relief D~p;~rt~ ment Jn connection t'i~h the rr~ who Is living: ~ ith h]~. lie stated that b had offered t~ have thl~ '~an board 1~, his hone, if the Relief Depa~ment ray pay $6. C0 fDr him, a~ h9 (ii:'. Blunc hfl.~ld) would pay ~ ~ bal~mce to m~e up '~14. ~ the ~O~.O0 du9 to his landlady ~or his he:as. iio stated that he had been advised by the 2eliof D~p~rtm~nt that it ran centfury to th.fir ~'~]utions as set down by the Provincial Covermn.~nt, and Li~'. Blanchfield stated [hat h9 ~.as nov~ going ~9 loose h! s te~t, and th~ l~lief Department would be -Bquired to pay the full ~0.00 a month rent. Ydd. li2,~nfnc], askt-d th.' Council ',.k~f}~ ~:- the 3oa~~, Of 2~vi ew has more intellifsnce th~ ti~,, City Soun~ql, and stated that he felt that this man's p~. ~ositkn slDu]d b,~ accepted, when it ls shovm that it will save the tax-payers the City merely. ~E ;~port No. 40. On tke m,~tton of .rid. Scott and Stophens, the t.~-nders substitled for th~ pm'cha~e of thr.~s net' tr~cks, one used truc~, a h~:m mouer sharoen~r~ tool ~ettlo and asphalt heater, ~ara received, opened, initialed by His Uo~ship Hayor son, ~d referred to the City l~nager ~d Engineer, For tabuhtion and a rel, o~ at t~ next ~oting. ,. TLo follo~.dng ConL~uuications r,'ere received: re ~ g P Ssn, O-'OZi~"D on ~hV~o~'~olVof i~,ld. Donald and Stephens that tile munication b, received and referred to tile Finance Conedittos. No. 81 - h'o~Fsssive Une:aploy~d ,,ssociation . reque~t~ ix~isston to um~ ben- eh,}s. OiOE.~)'on the motibm o~ Ald. Twl~e and Stephens that the communication be r,~ceived, and the request granted. No. 82 - Eia~r~ F~ls Naval Club - re use of Oakes ~rk~ ~d assistance during N~vy D~. OI~Ei(~ on th,~ ~otioa ~f ~1.1. White and Stephens that the eo~munlcatlon be ~ceived and t}~ reques~ he gr~ted, for th ~ rese~ation of t~ Athletic field, and the City Council co-operate with the as~ci~tton to the utmost of their abil- ity. In co~mectlon v'ith the ~bove com~a~ication, I!ts Uorship l~yer Ander- sen appointed the Pollox..tng Committee, to consult with the Club for tb plans for th~ convention, as suggested: I~s Worship Mayor ~er~n, the CIty M~ager, toget~r with Aid. White and Stephens. No. 83 - F.W.~rk . requesti,g Perulesion for remov~ of tree. 0i~D see Rep- ort No. ~ No. 84 - Sui~}r.v_iror R.J.:-',uore - re by-law for appeintm:u~f -~ ~]scal ~d..~:~, ~t app~ved. O.CE.{D on the :aeries of ~dd. Don~d and ocott t]ut the co-a-.muuicution be ~ceived and rof~rred to the Fin~.ce CDnE~ittee. and that the approcl~tion o~ the City Co,~cil be expF~ssed to Lh'. D~;mie ~or his promptness in t~ing this matter into consideration, ~ ~hat h~- be as~ur-'l of the filllest co-operation of the City Council then tukinC the matt~r further. No. 86 - Honourabl,3 Lit. D.i,.Cn31.1_- re resslutt,~n c:-,..i O~unci], red=r/idOl fox'; rates of wages in factories, O.d)EP.i~) o:.: the ,m,~tton of .ld. ',faite ~.nd lhnnh'Jell tt~t the com. n,.micat ion be received and filed. I!o. 87 - 2.S.W.Ferdhaan - requesting ad~[itional liZhts on ?:,r~unc:: .~v~auu. ~.~_, EO on the raption of ~ld. Donald and T, itale t:':at t!r. co!n~.uI:taatton be r:{cetvod and tins matter be referred to the City l;'Ianagar and Engineer for in;~,stia~tion, uith the power to act. Th~ follov:in~ Reports ter~- received: No. ~8 - Pa~<s Superint~ndsnt - reco.~:r~n Hn~ ~:n~val of tc~.~ at 75? avenue. Of OFrR'~b on tb.~ motion o? aid. Tv:id,~le and Hanniv~ell that tim. report b~ roeaired and the reconm~lendation be adopted. No. 39 - City L:ar~l[lcr - r~ application for salvage oC scrap ~ro~. City d'~tp. E,~]) on the ;a~tlon of ~ld. Scott and Uhit'~ tik~t the rep\~rt be r>ceivcd and th~ conditions as to the salvage of materials be ~pprov~d. ~EE Finance Minutes for appointment ). No. 40 - City Man'~ger - rl~ requests of F.ljlanehfi,~.ld. 9iiDZ,~ on the :Action of ,ild. White and Stephe:xs that the report be n~,ceived, and th,~ ~xattsr, tog~.ther v,ith the report fr~ln the City Llana;~r be referred to the Board of '.,~evier~, and the Boa~t be ash'ed to h~-ar Zlr. Blsnchfield's ve 'sleD. upon the matter, as it is felt there might have been some misunderstandix~, and that a report be nmde to tlm City Council by the Board. V:ZRB,~L R'.~ORT tiis Vbrship Mayor iu~erson made a w~,rbal r,sport ulxon h~s r ttendance at the Con~ention of th~· Ont~rlo Ziayors' ~ssociation in B~ntford, on l.iarcll 3rd and 4th, and read the resolutions whieh had heennpaseed, It was ordered on the motion of Ald. i~unni~ell and Twiddle that tile re- port be received and filed. The Council adieuaxed on the motion of Aid. Scott and White. Mayo r. · . g Council Chamb.-- March 15, 1937,' The Finance Committee met on Monday, March 15th, 1937, for tile purpose of approving ,rod al~ of passing the various accounts v~hich had been properly certified and placed before then, All members of the Corm~ittee were p~sent. Smld~ Hccounts were approved by tl~ Co~aittee, ~ounting to $12,323.? T~ accounts submitted, being ~ssed or othenvise dealt r~lth, the nittee, on the motion of Ald. Scott and Donald, orde~d that these be placed the money by-law for presentation to tt~ Council. The coltnun!cat!on from Assist~mt Supervisor X.A./Iorton, in connection with the presentation of a brief upon the housing scheme, was presen. 3d. It ordered on tM! mot ion of iHs ',';orship l!ayor Anderson and Ald. Scott that the ramfleet!on be received, and a committee of Ald. H.P.Stephens, Chainuan of Finan- the City Man'['st and Engineer be authorized and instructed to secure plans and estimates upon the various types of houses. having ragard to the use of the gra~ eat variety of artisans from the relief toils of the municipality, for presentat. ion to the Department, The coalsun!cat!on from Supervisor R.J.Aioore, which had been referred from the Council m.;eting, and ill connection with the by-law for tb appointment of fiscal a,C, ents, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ydd. White and Tv;ldale that the corn'sun!cat!on be received and ref?rred back to Air. !Icere with th~- request that he advise the particular reasons for not approving of tl'~e app- ointment made by the City Council of the fins of H.T.Jamiesoa & Company, as Fisca ~Zents, and asking that they make a suggestion as to the firm to be ap~ointed for this work. Tile co~ulunication from Assistapt Sup~-rvisor E.A.Horton, in com~.ction v~itb the' Liunieip~,Subsidy ,~ct, t'ms presented. It was ordered on the ~tion of His Worship L~yor A~er~n ~d Ald. White that the co,~ication be received and the City L~na~er be author!rod to carry out the levying of the t~x rates, unon definite instructions f~m the Depar~ent of Municip~ ~fairs. The co~n~unication fxum the Dominion Safe & Vait Co. stating the pri~ for the lnst~lation of a safe for the storage of city pl~s, was presented. It x'ms ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and ~nniwell that the coi~ication be ~ceived and the safe ~ ordered f~m the abo~ tim, ~bject to the aun~v~ of t~ Peparrant of ~l~lcip~ Affai re. - The communication from W.S.Martin, a~lng ~mission for the establish- merit of a ~rki~ lot on Brid~ Street, for the use of the patrons of the Be~ont Restaurant, was presented. It v;as ordered on the motion of ~dd. ;~ite and AXeS- inch that the comunication be ~ceived, t~ present lease for the board fen~ upon the p~perty in question be cancelled, ax~ the City ~nager and E~ineer be nutherald and instructed to prepare this lot for a public ~rking space, and suitable lights be eracted thereon. ~e report of the City Lianaget, in con~ction with the requested in- cense In the grant to the Niagara Fu~s '~blic Library Bou~, was P~sented. It was orde~d on the motion of His Worship ~yor ~derson and Ald. White that t~ mpo~ be received and the recomendution ~ app~v~d. ~e communication f~m the ~d~-Elect~c C~ission of Niagara Fa~s, snolosi~ u statement for the ye~ 1936, was Presented. motion of ~d. White and Twidule t~t the coma!cat!on It was ordered on the file. - be received and plac~d on T~ report of the City L~uu~r, as to the inc~ased cost in medical ser- vices for t~ Relief recipients, was Presented. It ms o~e~d on the mot~n of · ~d. McMinoh a~ ~ite that the mprt ~ received ~d l~ld on the table ~d the totter ~ taken up with the P~vinelal Departmot, with the request for infomt- ion as to what additional grit ~t be .e~oted to t~e o~e of the increased le~. Tlm report of the City Solicitor, pros rotlag the R .spsndent's Fact,~q connection with the annexation of the portion of the Township of Stl~m:brd, vms ~resented. It vas order~.d on the ::lotion of Ald. White and T, ifi~le that the' ~ort be received and appreved, and the same be considered as the brief of the ity of Niag ra Falls, in this connection, and tile s~ae be presented to th~ proper ~thorities. The Reveuue and Expenditure Statement, for the ,=onth endtn~j Fa. bn~ry ~8th, 19~7, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of .~ld. White and Scott ~hat the Statement be received ~nd laid on tile table, Ald. LIeArt!rich asked the City b~t~ [~r to prepare a ion at ~he next meeting, upon the foil.or;log matters: Wh~,t amount of rx~ney has ]%sen placed in tile City Budget to assist the C~neral !!capital, and for wl~ut ese monies are used. ?,~ether the !!capital ~nbulance is a itution, and whether suf~lcient funds from that revenue have been set aside its re-~lac.~ment, or v~hether such revenue has been used %r other purposes. her the coal purchased for the use of the Gen~rul '.,tospital has been purchased efficiently as possible. At this point, ttis I?orship Mayor Artistson requested pane!scion to leave ~he meeting. In connection vJith the report of the City lMn'..ff,~r, presented at th~ 3canall meeting, upon the applications for th? salva~J~ of scrap from the City ~ump, it ~as ordered on the motion of .~ld. ;'~hite ~:~d Scott that Lh'. ~:oses Thib- ;rt be~ appointed as Inspector of the dump, upon~he conditions as outlined. ?he Comittee adjourned on the motion of Ald. White and Donald. ~D A~) ADOPTED, March 22nd, 1937. Chairman of C0bl~CIL .i ETING Council Ch~lb~ r, bhrch 15, 1937. The Council re-assembled at the close of the Finance Meeting, for the purpos~ of passing the money by-law, covering the accounts which had been approv- ed by the Co.re!tree, and another by-law. In the absence of His Worship Anderson, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. ~idale and Donald that Ald. White bs the Enacting Mayor. All members of the Oou~cil, with the exception of His Worship Mayor Anderson, were present. .The fOllowi~ By-Laws were Ma_s_s~d: BY-LM~S ', il 60 Tbs follo~ing By-L~ws were passed: Aid. H.P. Stephens - To authorize the levying and collecting of taxes for t4e y~a?' 1937, and defining certain duties of the Clerk, Treasurer and collector for the City of Nlag~'a Falls, Ontario. 1st reading -Ald. -~vidale and Donald. 2nd reading -Ald. Dor,,ld and I~nniwell. 5rd reading - Aid. ~cott and Ifanniw~ll. ~p..~9Z - Aid. H.P. Stephens - To Gr~t Monies for General Purposes. let reading - ald. Donald and Scott. -2nd reading - ald. Donald and Stephens. 5rd reading --ald.-Twidale and Scott. .- The Councl~ adjourned on the motion of Aid. Donald and Scott. RF~D ~a~'D ADOPTED, ~rch 2End, 1937. FOURTE~II ~TING Council Cl);.,lber, ~hrcl~ Z2, 1937; ,REGUL~ pursuant to adjournment, t b~ Council met at 4.00 p.m. to consider General Business and Finance. ~dl members of the Council ~mre present. The Council, h~ving received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, these 'were adopted on the motion of Aid, Har~iwell and Scott. 61 Tenders for various supplies were submitted, and it was ordered on the motion of ~'.ld. Hanniv:ell and Scott that th?sc b~ received, opened, initial- led by His ','~orship Mayor anderson, tabuh~ted, and presented to the Finance Oora- mittee ut the ~xt ~eting. It ~as also,ordered on the motion of ~ld. l~nniw~ll ~:d St~pXcns that the tenders be handed to the City Engineer for t~ ti~ being, ax~ any- one desiring to see them, be ~lowed to do so. The following Co~.=unicatious were receive_d: No. 88 - l~iagara Falls Ministerial association - requesting astablislm~mt $uvenile Court. OkDER~D on the motion of ald. Stephens ~nd Tv:idale tb::t the cmamunication be received ~nd laid on the table until further reports are ree~ eived by the Council as to the-cost of the h~auauration of such a service, No. 89 - Brotherhood Railway_ .C.~Fmen of A~erica - protracting againet reduction mode by Goven~nent to eomnDrcial motor vehicles. 0i~DF~(i~ on the motion o~ ~ld. ~hlte and Scott that the con~aunication be received, and n protest be forvnirded to the provincial Coverr~nent against the reduction made to the motor truck traffic in the Province, of 25~ of the tax formerly yaid. No. 90 - Hen. Mr. D.A. Oroll- re unemployed ~nd reply to r~solution of Coun- cil. 0RD,I~F'~D on the motion of Ald. ldcaninch and Stemhens that the corm~micat- ion be received and filed, and the City Llauager be i[~structed to advi e the Hencurable lIinister that no partial relief to full-time workers is allowed this mtmieipality. No. 91 - City ~lanuger - re meeting with Committee of County Council. on the motion of Ald. Stephens and Donald that the connaunication be received and filed, and the Committee be met as requested. RZPORTS The foilcrying Reports vsre received: No. 41 - City Engine_e_r - recommending installation of light on Fer~.$on ~enue, 01~DER"~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and ~,~idale that the repor~ be received and adopted. No. 42 - Board of t~eviow - re case of Fred Blanchfield. I~o. 43- Relief A~ministrator - ~e eraoust of relief ullov~d to abo~ party. 0RD~D on the motion of Ald. Stephens and Scott that the reports be x~ceived and filed. RESOLUTIONS The. followtn~ Resolutions were l~a, ssed: No. 31 - i','iIiT~ - T'.iD~LE - RESOLVED that v:hereas it has been dee?.ed advi:~abi.! to hl~ ~n ~nspector o~ th~ City Din=p, ~t the ~t~ o~ one Dollar ~r month, ,~ '.;l~i{~ ~oses Thibert has made application for such ~r~ission, ~j¢E 1T ~ZR~F0i~ lt;~LV:D t)~t Moses Thi~rt be hired by the Corpor~ utinn as Ins~ctor of the City D'np, at the rate of One Dollar p~r nonth, whose duty it Mmll be to keep.th~ d~up In a con~Htion whi~h ~zil] b~ satisf~,t~ cry to th~ City officials, and who sha~l have the p~iloge of disposing of ~my scrap material F~m the d~mp For his o:':n benefit, p~vidinc uh'~uys that It shall be his responsibility to keep trespas~rs fr~ the d~p, and the S~al of the Coloration be herate affixed. C~rri e d - · ~- - - R~SOLVZD that the conr,ratulat~ons of this Council, be extended to .dde~.~ T'.,ldale, upon Y~r bh'th~ay to-day. '~d the good wl~l be extended that she shall have many more birthdays, ~d the ~ of the Cor- poration be heroto affixed. ~rried N~. ~Z - ~2;';S~ - ZOOTT - R.~OLY~ that the next regular rooting of the O~ty Council shall b9 h~ld on Lbnday, ~pril Dth, at the usual time, and the Ss~i of th~ Corporation be hersto a¢fixed. aid. jcott r~qu~sted that the City ~hn.~:er h~'.'e attention given to tk~ condition of the roadray on Sixth ~venue, nenr VaLley Way, as the same is raperred to he in a bad condition, ina-~mch as it has not been properly filled in, ~nd the surface of the same is lena which tracks very badly. Tbs- 0ouncll adjourned on the motion of Aid. Twidale and Donald. R~.~D #dqD ~J0PT~D, ~ayo r, Clerk. FIN;~NCE I~E:~II~G Council Ch,~mbcr, March S2, 19Z~. TIB Finance Co~,ttteo met on Monday, Ma~eb S2nd, 198% for tile pta'- pose of Opproving and also of passing the various ac 'ou~ts which had been pro- perly certified and placed before them. All members of the Co~aitteo were present. ~m~ry accounts wereapproved by the Oom~ittee, amounting to $21,901,5B. The accounts submitted, being Iressod or othez~;ise dealt with, the Ocmnittce, on the ElottD]x of ~!~. SCOtt and ])ona!'], ~r%31'ed timt tL{=~ b, Fluted in the :aoney by-law for presentation to thu Council. The ccrvmnication from Supervi~or H.j.i~oor~, in c~dn~nti ~n "i*~ ~pl-o~ntment of ~ Fiscal ,~=nt, v:us pre~ent' d. it was or<~'~r~! :.r t~ .~ ~-tjon of ~ld. White and I~nniwell that the co~nmnication be received and fil~.d. It was ord~d on the n=~ti3'-~ c~ ,.1 I. S ~'t :c','~ lh~::nju ,!I ~l..~t +~ Oom.~itteo re-uffin~ the d~ci~!on that Lk=s~r~. ]{.T.~'unl~ ~on ~c Semi'anY are lo{Tlc~ choice for the gppoh~tment o~ fl~ea! a~ut~· flow v..r, t:~ vt,n~ =' f. ct tl~t tku D~p~rtment of L?~iclpui ~f~r~ ~a: no~, al to th~ t)I'U~l~t de:.~4 it expedlc=t to ~pl~rovu of this chalc~, the 3=?r~it~ .::'::14 ~ak ~'~-{Let t~ Dep~rtment ,,~uld :.~-r~v? o~ th~ ]ity ,,,_~7 i~ ~: %n1,1'~ c= prorosit~:wn for the appoint:no'~ or fisc~i a~='nts, upgn the ~cn~!tions ~s s.~t out in the ori~.inal contract v~ith M~szrs. ~ieson and Th~ ~.srt of tkn City i,Mnager, us t~ th: 5.ndox~s :~ubmittcd fj" phalt ilettle:~ and To~l 13~atvr:-, ,;u9 i ~d. l. hit;~ and Danaid that th~ rapart ~<~ racsiv''~ ~n~ an ...i:hait K~ttl:, a c~pueity of 79 C~ltmi3 '>- fur~ u~?d at .~ ~a-t of '~CC.D0, aed ~ tool h=~t~r, at a price of ~357.00, b~ purchased f~m i.lus:~ens The s~,m:;ry o ~ t :nde)'r %~r th~ ~'u ~ha~e n,~ ~ Lrc c :!~ ,' tru, .-: , ~cu= -p~*' :" ended. It ~-:t,~ 3rC~f~i ,p ~l~.J :2ofiDr~ of .ld. i[unn~':._'il '.L{l ills ...... 1... darken that th=~ international Tl~ck be mlrohas~d f'<:: ii...,h~nl:~, ..f a l>~'[~,' Ct,091.50. It v;~s or.~.~r~d on f~ 'mcti~{~ oC .~. Lhi~.~ :ms l:nn~2~ [h=~ a ;h~v- rol,~t truck be pu~hum~d fro,::: l';~lln g~raEe an~ i[,~tcr 'ionprivy, ~t :t ~rlc,a $1,053.00. It v~ ~raere4 nn the ~:o~i n or ~ld. SDtt,and T~]t~!-~ th::t ~ i"~t truck be purchased from Victori~ Llotors ~imtted, at a nrizc of Thu s.t.raa~ of ~mll Used T?ueks, ;'~'~ pl~sented. It ,Aus orq~r.~! the =utfon of Aid. ?;hits and His UZors]lip i.luyor .'~idcrmui that th? sa-~lary ~ived ~n~ the ten~r~rs ba requested to h~~ tknir units at t!~ City li~i f~r insFaction, at 3.45 p.m. on Lionday, .,pril 12th, The r',zma:~ry of ~ ~nr~r,' °or a Za?::: lion.rot 5h~rp~r, wc2'~ recurred. it ,a~s ordered ~n the ~mtion cf ~ld. gwi~ul~ and i[~mni~,'~il tb~t the ~,u;:~na.~./ etv~d ~d ~ Carpenter 5tmrpener be p~rehasod frmu ~ik~nh 'ad Lix2ited, at ~ pric,~ of ~304.00. The c o::munt c at ion fm::; the U~sr'~lo ~%~ ~ ut i {el i,~ f Br~ch, w it h re fe to th~ increased cost of mslic~ services, was pra~;ented. It was :xrdur,~.l on t' motion of ~d. Whitu and Scott ti~t the coummnication be received andlaid on the table. Th~ Co::~,~ittee ~djoun~ed on th~ motion of ~ld. V~'hi te ~md i,lc, mineh. i~ al~ ~DOF~ED, april 5, 19~7. Oh~irmn of Finance. Clerk. 00UNSIL LiEETiNG Council Chamber, i~rch 22, 1937. Th._. 0Dunoil re-assembled at thu i;iose of the Finance ~leeting, for the purpos~ of passing the :~oney by-law, coverind th~ 'aeceunts which had been a?pxDved by the CoLm~ittee. all members of the Council were present. .Ti~ foilowix~ ~y-L~.~ ~',us !0assud: lie. 24,98_. old. H.P. Stephens _ To Grant Monies for C~neral Purposes. let rea4ing .. Old. Donald and Trialale. bad r,aading . ~lfi. Scott and Stephens. 3rd r-ading- .~ld. Twidule and ;'~hite. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. ~'~nite end Donald. I~ ~ND iO07f..ff~, April 5th, 1937. Mayo Clerk. 65 FiI~TE~;Tli :LZE21!;G ~pril ~ 19ST. , A co~rence of the City Council, with m~mber2 of tlu! Cennaittee of the County Oou]~il, for the discussion of th,~ rsnev:~l of an a~)~eme-.t For the maintenance of certain instituti.~us, v?~s held a~ 3.C0 p.m. ?]:tI m~mh~'.'s pr~se::t were 1,ir. ~;.L.Near, 2cove Df tko To~;nship o~ Hun~berstone, ~:arden ii.Z.Kilr:a;., o~ Well~nd County. 3.~.Steele, Reeve of Port Colhence, L.~.Siy~n~!!~·, jell ,i~rC~r the County of Welland, ~.J.Sabion, Cl~'r:< of the County o? :;ull~nd, all m~ber~ of the City Council, and the City Solicitor, kip. F.S.14cimrney. In the abs,~,nce of iiis ~jorship Liayor ~n~erson, who was attending; ~.-- other meeting, ~d. J.O.~hite w~s Xnacting Hayor. Gonsidenibl~ discussion upon th~ various phasus of the ud~ree~enb took place and the following notion was ,node: Ordered on the motibm of ~ld. ii~nniwell ~md btelP, i. ns that tl:e City of Ni~Xara Falls eat~;r into the r~newal of the ~;ree'n.~nt bet':,,~e~ thb County Of Welland ~ld the City oF Niagara F~ls, In connection r ith th.:~ ~,~ ~nl ~tcdtion o~ justice and other matters, u~n the sane basis a~ the f91=l~ .' SEE y~llo~vin~ Council. nin.ut~s.~ The Conference adjourned on the order of the Chairman. vREaD ~irD ~DOPT;~, Aprt~ l~th, 1937. RZGU]~I LE~TIiIG Council Chu:~lb~r, A~ril 5, 1937. Pursuant to adjourmnent, the Go~mctl met at 4.00 p.m. to consider General Business and finance. All members of the Council were present. The Council, havingreceived and read the minutes oF the pr:~vious meeting, these were adopted on the motion of AId. Donald and H~nniwell. COL,L~I.C:~IONS The follow. in~ Cce,mmications were r.e~eived: No. 9~ - Progressive Unemplo)Od O_rSJniza_tion - re consideratio~ of sunplyin~ seeds, . ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Stephens and Twidale that the oommtmic- orion be received, and the City L~uzzud;r T~ requ lsted to t!~ake a report upon tLc matter us to the cost of this service In past years, and present tile s~une to the Fintrace Committee at the next meeting. l;o. 93 - LlqJmr Genttel ibar~. of Ootart,o~ - x~ closing hours for beverage roo-n-, OI{D.2t~ on ~he motion of Ald. White and Scott that the eoz~muntcation ~ rsceiv. ed ~nd filed. He. 94 - Iliadare P~rks 3onnissi~n - re m~ettng with Commission, ORD]~i~ ont'-,L motion of Ald. Donald and 5teph~ns that the co~zaunicatio~ ~ 1:o. 95 - l~rs. Lola qoodwin - requesting reidroyal of trees at 970 3rfdge Stl~et. OkDiJiL~D on th.~ motion or ~ld. LlcAninch and Twidale tint the eo~nunication be r,'~ceived and t~ matter ~ laid on the table ~til the Tour of ins~ction is condust,~d. S~ ~dso R~ort No. No. 96 - 21sn. Lir. D.,,.Crol~ - re uaemplo' d and farm la~ourers. Oi~i,]Ri,.]3 on th~ notion of .kld. IIaImiw~.ll ~nd Stepliens that the conuunication be received and laid on the table, and copies of the same be fonvarded to the msmbe:.s of the Cou,%ell. No. 97 - lion. ilr. D .... Croll - re single p~.rssns on r~.llef. 0i~0EP~ on the not- ion of ~ld. ~eott and lleAn~nch that the eon'~unication be received alld riled, and espies be fon.arded to the members of the Council, ree~ived '.n~d lid ' -; !' No. 98 - 3azlAdiaa Le[~Jon _ requesting per?fission to hold c~urnival on klay 10th, ~id 12th. 0;OZ~;O on the zz~ti.~n o~ ~d. I~nniwell ~d Stephens that the ic?~tlon b~ ~3ceived and laid on the table, and t~t a coxmaittoe co,~pri sing menLets of the Co~cil being the mortar and seconder of the notion, two ~,qbers ~ue> fmn the C~nadian Legion, th+3 Coronation Celebration Co~aittee ~d the Girl Guides .~ssoci~ti~a, hold a nesting for the di~ussion of the totter, and report b~ made to the Council theism. l'b. 99 - ~:iSS Ll.~a~:lin - requestin,d installation of ll~;ht on North Street. OlOER'~ o~ the motion or ,.ld. lic.m]nch and Stephens that the co~munIc~tion be r~celved a~ ref,~rred to the City Manager and Engineer for investigation, with the power to act. 1:o. 130 - .';l~Zara Rangers, 1.0.D.E. - requesting ponderion to hold flag day, llay 8th. ORDER~33 on the motion of .'rid. 9ridale and ~Ic~'minch that the eo~unic- orion be received and the request be granted. RZPORTS The following -Reports were received; No. 44 - Plrks 3uporintend_ent . rec~m~endln~ tree at 970 Bridge Street be not l's~oved. Ordered on the ~otion o? Aid. llcAninch and Tv.ddale tlmt the report be received and laid over until the Tour o~ Inspection is conducted. No. 45 - Dairy Inspector . report for month of Zl~rch. Oi~DEi,t~D on the motion of Ald. White and Donald that the report be received and filed. BY-lAW The fol~lpffdn~ By-Law was passed: N~o..~4.9_9 -Ald. C.L.Twidule . To authorize the execution and delivePy.of an, a6reement with ~ir. Attllio Martin. 1st reading .Ald. Wtlite and Scott. Sod reading .Ald. Donald ~nd tlanniwell. 3rd reading. Aid. Scott and ~ddale. The 0curtail adjourned on the motion of Aid. Donald and Stephens. F RZ~kO A/{D AD0tT. LD, april 1Z, 1937. · """"' .... ' C'erk ,.1_ }~ayor. Al~ril 5 19Z7. , The Finarise Conmlttee z~t on Lionday, ..pril 5, 195~, ,"or th,'~ purpose of approvi~ and also o~ pasnlng the vari,~s accounts which had been properly ified and placed before them. i~ membrs of the Cmmittee v;e~ present. Sund~ accounts we~ upproved by the Co~aittee, ~nounti~Z to $95,136.93. The actuate sub~ttsd, bei~ posed or otherv~lsu d~alt ~ith, the nittee, on the motion or Ald. Scott ani p~nniwell, ordered that these ~ p~ced in the money by-law for presentation to t~ Council. The offers of t!.W.T~ts and John Christspider, for th~ pushass of Buch~ Avenue, v~eFe receiv.~d. It yes ordered on the motion of ,'~ld. Twirlale Scott that t~ offer of H.~I.T~ts, at $400.00 for this property be acecited, sub- Ject to t~ approval of the Department of LMnicipal ~.ffairs. T~ report of the City ~na~r, ~comnending the pu~hus6 o~ a consists breaker, was preented. tt ~ms ordered on t~ moti~ of Ald. White and His '.'~or- ship l.hyor ~ider~n tint the report be r~ceived a~ the rcco,mqendatlon be adopted, subject to the app~val of .the Departeat of 1,,anicii~l T~ report o~ th~ City Manager, ~co~nding ~ r~und ~ a dog lifenee, was p~sentsd. It was ordered on the motion of ~d. lfiil te and Donald that the reprt be received, and the ~co~muendation be ado~ed- T~ r~po~ of the City Man~t~r, with ~fer nee to the Hospital ~nbul- once Actor,was presented. It was ordered on the motion of ~d. i~minch V~ite that the ~port be received and laid on the table. T~B report oF the Chain of the Co~lttee, in connection with action t~ken for t~ preparatiou of plus for the erection of houses, was presented. It was ordered on,the motion of Ald. ~'~ite and Donald that the report b~ received ~ approved. ., ~,~connection w~th the above matter, t~s Worship ].~yor ,~erson made a verbal mport that he had been requested to and had attended a metlog in this City, at which Messrs. A.~.B.Gr~ ~d phillips o~ tb Depsr~e~t & ~i~icipal ~f~rs, ~d been present, ~or the purpose'of discussion. His ~4orshtp advi~d t~t ~ had ac%uaint~d the meeting with the action taken by the Committee upon the matter, 68 69 Th~ c~.~aunicatJon from lJr. :7.P.Montgonn x~, making an offer of One Hundred Doll!=rs for ten feet, which is part of Lots V and 8 on Catsmot Ave- hue, was pra~ented. It was ordered on the moti.~a of ,rid. Twid~lle and Scott that the co~muni~ntion be received, the offer be accepted, mud thd necessary deeds and By-Laws be prepared. SEZ By-law_ iu Council The cocuunic=tion frou llr. H.11arkle, in connection :':Ith th~ tenders for coal, was presented. It b~.s ordered on the marion of His ';Vors~Ip I,~iyor Anderson ~nd ~ld. White that the cermunication be received and filed. The su~m~u'y of tentiers for general supplies for the ymbr 1937, was presented, ~nd the following ~qtion taken; ~Tin'~CITZ COAL ~JEL O1L Li~I~T011E DUjT F0~ P~V~J~G PL~T Pi~Ii~lHG CITY I~,LL DECOiLd'ING ~T~LL RO0~i QUn;a: ~T. PaVJJlG ASttH,i.T OIL OR :'~UIVAb,~T APPLICATION OF ROAD OIL TIll STUOCO OiDk~.:iD or. tLe motion of ~.ld. i'~,,;nlwuil and liis ~';orship ~hyor Ander~.n t!mt this materil ~ purchased from ~.L, ~s, at a tottd cost of Q1,649.90. O~i(~D on the nation of old. Scott and Donald that thl~ matcrt~ be purchased fiDm A.H. iloway, at a ~ot~ cost of ~f, ElO,00. vHIiER~ on the motion of ~d. i,~it9 and llis ',','orship or ~r~crHon that this materi~ be pu~hased In the opez. m~rk,~t, ~n4 that the purchases be divided ~ong the v~r- ].~:us dealers of the ~ity. Ot6Ei~ on tLe notion of ~id. ;/hits and Meaninch tlmt material b~ pro'chased In the open m~'ket. Oid~E!~ on the motion or Old. Scott and White thct this ~t?rlal b~ purchased in t~ open m~ket. Oilb~ on the ~,ction of Ald. LIlts ~ad Donald that t~s m~t.~ri~l be p~hased from the G~tta Psrcha Rubber Lim- ited, at $1.15 Fr foot. Oi~E.~ on the notion of ~d. Scott and Whit~ t~t this mrsrill ~ purchased from tke ~l~ri~ Oil L~ltsd, at 8.00~ per gallon. 010~ on the motion or ~d. !~iv~ell ~d His ~omh~p Mayor Anderson th~t this nat~ri~l be purchased from the British ~rican Oil Company, at rye c~ts p~r g~lion b~low the prevailing market price. Oi~E,~ on tl~e motion of Aid. White and Tb'ld~e tl~t this materi~ be purchased tram the h'indnill Point Crushed Stone Co. Mmited, ~t ~4.52 ~r ton in paper bags. 0iOEH~ on the motion of ~d. Do~ld and Scott that this work,be done by ~. Del~ey & Son, at a price of O~ER~ on the motion of ~dd. l~nniwell m~d Iiis Worship ~yor ~derson that this work ~ done by W.i~hRowe, at tot~ cost of OiOt~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and Scott that this work ~ done by h~. Roy:e, ~t ~ tot~ cost of $69.~0. 010~ on the motion of Aid. Scott ~nd ~vid~le that this mteri~ be purchased f~m the ~rial Oil L~ited, at $18.10 ~r ton. 0lO~ on the motion of Ald. ~iwell and White that this material be P~chased f~m the Taxes Co. of C~ada Ltd. at 9.1~ ~r gellea for dust layer, and 10.7~ per g~llon for Medl~ Liquid Asphalt. O~ZIU~D on the motion of Ald. Twidale and White t~t this tender ~ filed, and the work left for purehose in t~ open m~rket. 010~ on the motion of ~d. ~hite ~d Ills Worship or ~erson that the tires, sizes ~XO, ~XC, ~d 5.50~8 be Pu~hased f~m the Sexmith Tire Shop. ~ the remainder of the tires tendered upon ~ purchased frm the ~nntng Ti~ Shop. ' ORDER~ on the motion of Ald.' t~xito and His Wo~hip ~y. or ader~n that this work ~ awarded to C. & ~.Flymt, at a price of $4a?.CO, p~vidtng all 1~ labour is u~n the Job. T~ Oamuittee adjourned on the motion of Ald. White and Twidale, l~j) Ai~D ~aui~'r~), ~prll 12, 1957. Clerk. CObl~SIL . A Ov~ncil bhamb .r, .~p;'i] 5, 1957. T'~a Council re-as._cmbled at the close of the Finnuse lioett~g, for the purpose cf passi~ the ~oney by-law, covering account s vHdc~ bad been ay~i-ro~od by tim Oo~lttee, ~d otPsr business. All members or the Council v.c~ present. The foll~sim' By-Laws were passed: _N9, ZCO0~- Ald. II.P.dtephens - To O~nt Liehies for General Pu~posea. 1st reading -Ald. 'laxits and 2rid reading -Ald. Donald and Scott. 3rd reading- Ald. Twidale and StuDhens. NO..' 250_1_- Ald. H.P.Stephens o To autboriz'~ ~he signing of a deed for the trans- fer of land to Elizabeth C.MontgomerY. 1st reading -Ald. l~nniwell ~nd White. 2rid reading - Old. Donald and Scott. 3rd reading - old. Scott and White. V~ i~PO;'2 His Worship L~yor Anderson .made a vi=rbal report to th.~ Council upon iris attendrome at the Winter Conft, ronco of the Dominion flayors' association, held in Ottawa, on garch l~,. 1V, 18, sad 19th. His Worship outliuod th,a ses- sions and action taken at those. It ~us ordered on the motion of ald. Stephens and ~vidale that the verbal report of l~s Worship Li~yor Anderson be received and the appreciation of the City Council be expressed to him for his fins representation and the istics secured, in the above conm~ction. The fol_lowirt£ .Resolutions. were passed: No. ~4 - STEPHENS - SCOTT - RESOLVED that Ztr, Olmts, V'arder, Superintendent of the FllSration Plant, be authorized and instructed to attend the Genrerents of 7O Canadian ;;aten','orks Zngiz~eers to be held in i,i~ntrcal on ~koril 14th, 15th and 16th, ar~] the Seal of the Corporation be hersto affixed. Carried No. 35 - T','.ZID~LE . I~I~'jZ~ - ~jOLV~ t~t the action t~sn by the Sity Coun. ell, during the co~feronce with the S~mittee of the County Council,be ra~if- ,, led and t~ City Solicitor be lnst~cted to prepare a r'mewal of the agreement with t~ Co~.ty of '.iclhnd, upon the s~ne conditions as t~ fo~r ~g~ement, ~cr P~sentution to the Council, ~d the ~al of the Corporation be hereto affixed. _C, arl,i~j, '?h~ Coralell adjoUrx~d on the action of ald. 6tephsns and I~nniuell. april ~, 1937. p~rsuant to adj'~urnment, the Council of vic~vin~ the real3 uned t'ucks u~n ?hick t~nders, an,1 also the Faint work our to be used. ~fter this t}:e Oounci] oral Busin,~ss and Finch,re. ,~ ci!, having received and r~d ~opted on the motion of ~ld. Scott and White. Upon the motion of ,,!d, ~u~tnLiWe!l and Stephen3, Lh'. L,V,iluurn, resenting the ::!~ara F~ls Aiilk &lemul]'s ~ssociation, ress the Oom~cil. Lit. lieare out!incd th,~ reque:;t of t!ie ,~ss.:.?ia~'i~r for t~ ..... s~,'. of a ~'-Law for the de!ivory of milk, during th.a daytime, a si~lar time as during the winter months. 71 2,j DZF ' Up ,n the nation of ~id. D~r, ali ~:.4 iiannh vil, tuL'l~::s ;.Lick >.u-,~ hoe:: submitted for the methard c~i stoker far th-~ City :lai!, Ljr'~ ~l:.::;~ I, !L~t..Zi'_i by Yds ~]orship lhy?r ;.:~.~:,rson, ~.d it v~s ordered 9x~ th.~ rlut]on that tlms~ be t~bulated and u repo~ thereon submitted ~t the next tarsting. C~2."J~ilc.~3ICEs Tin follo~';Ing Gommunicat ion s w~re rI~'ceiv~d: No. 101 - L~iagara Fulls Lllk Salcz:Ic:i's association - requeet~ nS the p~s~ing of ~ By-~w for the ~eli~ery of milk during the day in s~r :aenths. 0~Di~iLL :u~ tL~ motion of Ald. i~nni~,.ell and Lic~ninch that the cox'r.ml.lc:'~tion b~ received and the City Lkna~r and City Solicitor b~ requested to submit ~ ~port upon the matter at the next meeting. No. 10E - Unomploy.~d O~.~nization - r.~qu~sting that single unemployed b~ net t~en off ~lief. 0~O~ OD the :aotlan o~ ald. Ll~',~ninch and bt.ep]it, n~ that the c~nmunication be received and hid on the table ~lth previous correspondence uP- on the subject. No. 103 - F~ntler i[~mne ~ociety - requesti~C pemis~.ion to h~ld t~C d~y on ~y 22nd. 0RDEi{ED on the motion of ,~ld. Stephens ~d Scott that the co~,~unic- ation be received and the requ~st be gr~ted. No. 104 - lliagura Falls Nav~l Club - requesting penfission to hold tel; day el~ June 12th. and other matters. 0leERED on the mot ~on of ,rid. Stephens uxld Llc~x- inch that the cormmnication be r~aceived, the r~qu~st'for the tag day bc granted. and His Worship ~4ayor ~u~lerson be asked to take part in the ceremonies, ~ts out- lined. No. 105 - Conseiwatton ~ommitte~. Wall~md Coun.t~ - re planting of trees. O!~- EP~CO on the motion of Ald. T~idale and Donald that the cox.r,,uaic_'tion be l~ceived and referred. to the Conoral Coronation Cct~ittee, for consider~tion. No. 106 - ~.L.tlouck, Esquire. ].l,L,~t,_ ' re requ,~st for assistance in widening of Bridge Street. OI©ERED on the motion of Ald. ~dd~tle and Hanniw=ll tl~t ~he ec~mnicution be received Itnd laid in abeyance, and ~ir. Ibuck be ,.dvised tht~t the City Council appreciates his cosmonte upox~ the matter. _S~:~No. 46. 73 'I 107 n h ' ~" ~ '" re~iuesting renoval of tree. 47. see Report No. 108 - Ct~adian I.'ati~nal Zail'.:~,~'.~_- r.squ~Zing s~tting ~f dat+~s for duy!ight savIuC tim'. OZ~CD on the n~t:on ~f ~I~. Stephens and Zl~!nch that zl,n~eut~ ,:~ b: received, a=d th-~ dates f~ daylL~ht s~vlnt{ t~:..~ b{. set in ~c dane, with the r~q~st oF the h~ilw~ association of Canada, ~Eloly ~ril BOth t~ ~spto:abor ~6th. 109 - Lull T,:iupl. x~ ~-.2~;b - requ;stl:~d par:lesion ta 3r~et pal= .sn i> ~r r= '2 O;O~.'..D ~.~ ~' .~t~ n of ~13. St .j.e:~s _:..i S:Dtt that the coi~aunicatio~ ba rucuJvgd and ruf.~l'~'od to the Firl:~ce SoLtlittse. ~;. ti.{, .~3t]cn ~f ~!. Tv:i,]ai.~ ~nd l~:lnivstl that the r.3po~ bu recglved ~nd lail oatLo table fo~' the t t]!'3 being. lb. lie - >ia.~ra__.i":;atiu~' Suna:.:; Soci~tJ - report ~,or cur>n~t mD~th. 0;~E~(~ on th,~ :~otfon o[ .{ld. Dolled ~ld i~nniwell t~t the report b~ received and Flied. l~o. 36 - i~iiNi..S~L - :.~c~.',lllCil - ' ~.D matbur of ths scaling of __ -iSdOL~' ' that t h,~ :~an H~ll, wLJ!'UVJ? iiucessary, b. t~k=~n c~'u of ir.3~>~diately, ~nd ~ rgp~rt upon ~ mut t~l' bQ =lade b~ the City ~ng~nee?, ~:ld tile ~al o~ th~ Gor>Pation berate ~fixed. .~ Carried TI~ foiloti~ wei'~. passed: lip. °_504'_ - old. LG.'.hite - To authorize the signing of a deed for the transfer oF lands~to Harvey W.Tu~ts. 1st ru~ding - .d.t. St,~.nisns a:id Donald. rnd reading - Aid. Donald and White. 5rd x'e~ding - old. ~':ldale and ~cott. Aid. O.l',.Twidal;~ - To authorize the execution and deltve~ of an agreement v~ith the Ourpotation of the County of Welland. 1st r~adleg - Aid. Donald and Stepinns. End reading -Ald. Steinhens and Twidule, 5rd reading - ~{ld. Dgnald and HannAwell. The ~ouncii adjourned oil the :notion of old. b~n~tld ~x~d ~tep!AUnS. ;~'~D .~.~ ~O~Ti~D, April 19th, 1937. M~yo r. ~pl'il ill, The l'inanc,~ Cz:m:iittc!~ '_'let ..n llonday, ,tpril iL, 19Z7, fu:.' th.~ psc'~.~st Of upprJ';ing ~n,'l al~o of "~siing the VafiDus accounts v. hlzk ].uf~ ~ ~ r pn,>l~e i,_iy certlfisd and placed b~foro them. all mo;lJ.~l's of the ~o:maittec were pros,~nt. Sundry ac count s wei'e appro,;ed by t he Co~z~it tee, ~aouxitin6 to ~36,703.14. Ti~ accounts sabniltted, heine p~sc~d or cth x'wis.~ dealt ,.,-it]:, the 3ozi- nittee, on ths motion of ~!d. Scot~ and 5,:id~ie ordered that these be ple. ced in the money by-lay: for presentation to tb~ Council. it w~s ordered on t!.~ notion of ,rid. Donuld ~nd Scott that t!.e of the o~ 'atlon of the ~solinc ~np ~t th,~ Oent~ firs ]~ll tll ti;e Tour of Inspzction .is conducted, at which tix~c the Cou~mii will inspect t he S~o. T1D report of the Chats'man of tile Sonm~itte.~., in comisction vitL the request of the Canadian Legion, for perais~d:m to L.Dld a curniv~ in this Oity, w~s prosontgd. It v.~s ordered on the motion of !~s ',jo ?:fidp l~3-~l' ~:,~crson old. Donald that the report be received, and the ~ppr,~ci.t~un ~f th~ Slty Court-. cil be conveyed to the C~n~di~ Legisn ~d the ~nd~vidu~l x:xc~Dbrs of the nit tee for the action t~en by them, and to th~nk them for their co-o!~ rat ion in this respect. The report of the City ~naOsr, in coxmection rith the establis:~asnt oF a now ~4edical Beard of Eeview, was presented. It was ordered on the -',~otion of His Worship ~.~yor Anderson end Ald. Hanniwell that the report be ~sceived stud adopted. and a copy of the same be fortyordeal to the lledical Association ~sking for their acceptance. The report of the City Mam~r, in connection with the applL:ation of the Unemployed Associ~tion, for allowshess for g~rden seeds, was plusshred. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship M~yor Anderson and Ald. Twiddle that the report be received ~nd adopted. The report of the Comnlittee, upon tile action taken in connection with thr Governmental Ilousing ~cheme, was presented, It was ordered on the motion 'of Ald. Scott and l{anniwell that the report be received ~nd a copy of the same be fox-~:urded to the Depurtlaent, asking for their observations ~Jld approval tl~Oll~l t4U Th,= l~v..nue ur.d .;xp~uditur~ ~tut~nent, as of Zhrch:.~lst, 19ZT, In'.~mmted. It vas ~r ore,1 on the m-~t~on of ~d. Twidale ~d White that the stutu~;~',ht ~ rocclw~4 and iuid on the table. TIX~ ~o'd:un~tl~ll from Sup.~rvisor R.J.Lioore, in connection with the up.~uihtmn~t ~f u fiscul.ug,~:~t, ~vas presented. it uus oralerred on the motion ~k],]. Z,bufinch aud Twl"ulc tLnt the c~n~usfc~tion ~-~ r,~ceived, and the , nd~tion b,~ :,mdu to ~h,~ Dcpa'~n=:nt that the Guaranty T~u~t 3omp~y of Canada b,~ up~,~ntcd a~ r]~;cul agn:ts for th.~ CIty 3~ Niugaru F~ls, under the ugroe- re. nit fon'~urd~d by then on Fobrmtry 3rd, 1937. 1~, colm,~ct!a!: x itL th' te::der~ submitted, for the pu~ha~ oF u uuall u::~"l t:'u~'k, which Lad be.~n laid ov,~r finn the previous meeting, and t]~ tru,~lc~ ],~tvh.d l~,,n v! u,;ud bL' th=~ Go,~,fftte.3, prior to th~ q~,etinZ, it was ord- ,~rod ~):1 th.3 ;:;vtl .n oF 21h; Lol'rdLip i~yor ~nderson ad ~d. i'/htte tint ~ 19~5 l"~"d VU tr,~k, u(illpp~d l;ltL ~n extra s~at an,l tv'~ nay; tires, ~ purchased from the, %,ells Sin'age uhd L;otor Oonpmly, at ~ price of ~500.00 Ilet. IL i~.onrL',!ti.~l tit!. the. co~lunication from tile Social ij,~tfare Gon- f .l'on.:.) Q[ "3rfu~lo, '.:hi ~h hal b.:clL rsf ?rod f?Dl~ ~1:= Council LDetlDC. it was or.l.u'~d a,, th, :,; ,ti >:, o r .aa. ;fidte m~d llc~:lincb that the corr.mnic::tion be r c- eiv..4. It:'.d ~kla. ~i,~al~ be ap.-~,tntg,/us rel, resentu~ive of the Council at the ConferenCe to be held on Julia 1st in Ottuw':. It '..~a.; or l, rL1 an t?I,! "', t! rn of ~ld. 5;ott and lfannivlell that the colour oF the trL, n of the City ]ball be Pearl l'ey. The, i~onuxittoe adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Scott. l~) ~d~l) ~U}'T~D3. ~pril 19th, 1957. COL~YCIL IL~/~T!IIG Council Chanber, April 12, 1957. The Council re-assembled at the close of the Firerace Meeting, for the purpose of passing the money by-law, covering the account s which had been approved by the Committee. ~hll members of the Council were present~ The fellerring By-La~v was passed: No. 2504- ~dd. H.P.Stept~ns - To Grant llonies for General Purposes. 1st reading- fad. Twidale and Donald. 2nd reading- idd. Donald and Whi~. 5rd reading- ldd. Twidale and .IIanniwell. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Stephens. READ AND/OOPTED, April 19~h, 1957. 75 Council Chamber, April 19, 1937. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 4.00 p.m. to consi4er General Business and Finance. kll ambers of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Step}~ns, ~re present. The Council, having received and read the min- utes of the pABViOUS meeting, these were adopted on the motion of idd. M~lu- Inch and l)onahh C01.~tUNIC~,TIONS Thc__follo~dnA Cojoaunications were received: No. 1]] - British Methodist Episcopal Church- requesti:~ pemisslon to hold tag day on April Z4th. 0Ifl)ERED on the motion of Ald. HcYminch and Scott that tile cox~munication be received and the request he granted. No. 112 - Ibrbort Harris Crane & Hoist Co :pany- requesting, extension of per- mission to erect fence on Ho~ewood avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Nan- . nilell and galainch that the co:nnmnication be received and filed. SEE Report #49 and__l¢osolution [/37. No. 113 - Bell TelelLhone Co:-lpan~ - requesting permission to make changes in phmt. O}LO IRE') on the motion of Aid. Twirlale and Scott that the cori~unication be received, tad the requested bertmission be granted to make the changes, and at such time as tk~ p~'operty in que'.;tio~ is sold by the City, that the Company tad interested parties be notified of the installation thereon. SEE Report #50. REPORTS The followixk~ Reports were x~celved: No. 49 - City Solicitor - re request of li.llorris Crane & tielet Company to erect fence. OI~)ERED on the motion of ~dd. Hanniwell and McAninch that the report be received and adopted. SEE Resolution No. 37. No. 50 - City llngineer - re ap.ulicution of Bell Telephone Conparty. OIOERhll on tl~ moti~m of AId. Twidale and Scott that the report be received and adopted. No. D1 - City Solicitor - re delivery c~ milk during d~ during sulk.let. 0RD- ERXD ou the motion of .kld. Mc,~llnch and Twldale that the report be receive~ and filed, and tile copy of the same be forwarded to the Niagara Falls Retail Milk Sale ~n's Assoolat ion · PETITION . _T4~ followin~ l~ti__t_ioa was_ l~ceived: No. 3 - Cemetery Emplo,v.ee's - requesting Saturday afternoon holidays. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Donald that the petition be received and laid ou th~ table u~til the next mating, mud the Oity Manager be requested to bring in ~ report thereon. RESOLUTI(~S _The followini~ j{eeolut_ions were ta.s.sed: No. 37 - HA~XWE~L - Mc,UNIN~H , ~O~VED that Vfi~EREAS, the Herhart Morris & Rolst CampS, L~tt~, bel~ the ~r of ~1 the l~ds on t~ ~st side of ~mwood Aven~, north of the m~ limt~ or Lot 55, pr~uced eas~=~ ao~ss ~ld ~d A~nue, acco~g to ~n No. 24, ~g~t~ed for the 0try of NI~- are Falls, has petitioned the Council to permit tile said Co':many to erect a fence across the said Homewood Avenue on the line of the said North Limit of Lot No. 58, and to use and occupy the lauds north of the said fence line with other hmds of the ConDany at a nominal rental of One Dollar per year for the period of five yes's, provided that no building or oth:r erection than the said fence should be placed upon the said portion of Homewood Avenue, and that the servants or agents of the Corporation of the City of Flagare Falls should be permitted to enter thereon at any time for the purposes of the Corporation, AND VaEREAS by resolution of the 2nd llay, 19~?, it was re:solved that such petition be granted, AErD ~';~flER~S the said petition of five years having expired, tim Com- pany petitioned the Council to penair the Coxparty to continue the said feuce and the said occupation for a further period of five years and such petition was granted by resolution dated the 15th August, 1932, AND V,qERFJ~S the said Portion of Hon~wood j~venue is not at present required for public use as a hiUhway and the said Corapany has petitioned the Council to pealit the Co.~pany to continue the said fence and the said occupat- ion for a ftn. ther period, TIF. REFORE BE IT RESOLVI~ that the l~rbe rt Herris Crane & Hoist Co ~p- any, Limited, be penaitted to continue the said fence and to use and occupy the said lands, north of the said fence with other lands of the Company at a nominal rental of One Dollar per year for the period of five years, subject to the provisions that no building or other erection than the said fence shall be placed upon the said portion of Homewood ~ivense, and that the servants or ~g- eats of the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls n~y be pemitted to enter thereon at any tints for the pbu'poses of the Corporation, and that the said per- mission may be revoked by the Council of the Corporation at any tim upon ors month's notice of the intention of the Council to re~oke same, and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. ~8 - McM~INCIt - ~'ClDALE - R"};OLVED that the Tour of Inspection be.held by this Council on Monday, April 26th, comencing at 9.00 a.m. Daylight Saving Time, and the regular Council meeting be held at the usual time, and ~he Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 39 - SCOTT - DONALD - RESOLVED that during Daylight Saving ~ime, the Conn- cil meetings shall be commenced at 5.00 'p.m. and the Seal of the Octpotation be hereto affixed. C arri ~SC~IL'~EOUS AId. ~vtdale asked that Falls Avenue be included in the itinerary of the Council on the Tour of Inspection, as this street requires treatment of some kind · Ald. Mm~ninch requested that the wires throug~a the 'trees on Bridge Street be also viewed, during the Tour. Ald. White asked that Fourth Avenue, between Norrison and Bridge Str- eets, he also inspected, with regard to the bad condition of the pavement. Aid. Scott asked that Muir Avenue be given attention. The Council adjourned on the motion of/LId. Scott and Hanni~ll. RFAD AND ADOF~ED, April a6, 1937. Olerk, 77 79 78 Oouncil Ohmabet, April 19, 1937. The Finance Committee met on Lionday, April 19th, 19~F, for the pur- pose of epproving and also of passing the various accour~s which had been properly certified and placed before them. All menhers of the Committee, with the exception of Ald. Stephens, were present. Ald. Stephens had prev- iously been in the office at the City Hall, and had inspected and initialled all accounts which were presented. On the motion or Ydd. Donald and Ilanniwell, Ald. A.W.Sqott, vas Act- ing Ohairman of Finance, in the absence of l~ld. Stephens. Sundry accounts were approved by the Conmittee, araounting to $B7,287.50. The accounts submitted, being passed or othersvise dealt with, the Com- mittee, on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Donald, ordered that these be ed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council. The report of the City llamtger, in connection with the ~pplications for transportation, was received. It vms ordered on the motion of Ald. Hanni- ~'ell and Twldale that the report he received and the reco~uendation be adopted. The report or the City L{anager, enclosing a sunm~ary of the tenders sub~itted for the stoker for the City Hell, was presented. It was ordered on tl~ motion of Ald. Donald and V~xite that the report be received and adopted, and the purchase or this unit he laid on t~ table until sufficient funds are aw~ilnble. The conmunlcation from the N.S. & T.Rallway, enclosing firmncial state- ment, v~as presented. It was ordered on the motion of His ~o~ship ~ayor Ander- son and Ald. Hanoiwell that the colmlunicatiou be received and filed, andthe City He~r be requested to make a report as to any financial responsibility upon the City In coxmection with t~ deficit of the Company, and also forward copies or the original report and agrement. The co:m~unicati~n from Mr. R.O.Clement, in connection with the cost of sewer repairs, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Ikyor ~erson and Ald. T~idale that the comuunicatlon be received and laid on the table until the next meeting, ~nd the City Manager be requested to sub- mit u report thereon. The report of the City Solicitor, with reference to the proposed ag- reement with the Guaranty Trust Company of Canada, was presented. It was ord- ered on the motion of His Worship ~ayor Anderson and Ald. Mc~minch that the l~port he received and a copy of the sine he forwarded to the Company, request- ing that ~hey incorporate in their agreement the recommendations made by the City Solicitor. The Com~ittee adJouraed on the motion of AId. White and Donald. R~D A~) ADOPTED, April B6th, 1937. ~ctln~ Chain.an of Finance. COUNCIL EL~ETING Counci 1 Chambe r, April 19, 1937. The Council re-assembled at the close of the Finance L~eeting, for the pux~ose of passing the mouey by-law, covering the accounts which had been spproved by the Comnittee. All merehere of the Council ~,:ere pr3sent. BY-LtkW The followi~ By-Law ~s 2assed: No..~505 -Ald. A.W.Scott - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. let reading -Ald. White and Hanniwell. Bnd reading -Ald. Donald and Twidale. ~rd reading -Ald. Twidale and White. The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. White ~ud Donald. AND fd)OPPhD, April 26, 1937, Clerk. 80 8i COmeT 0F R~'~ISIOI_~ Couneil Ohmbe r, April 22, 1937. The 0ouxt of Revision on the Assesmerit Roll for Business and Income was held at 2.00 p.m. on Thursday, April 22rid, 1937, at which the following action was taken upon the r ~spective ap~als. Hembers present - Sheriff V.L.Davidson, Messrs. W.L.Wilkinsen and Arnold .Smith. Roll Mat ter N_OL. Aj~pellent & ProJ~ rtZ O__.~j~laim d~ o_Xf Decision of Court Reduction 9207 Bugg Bros. 913 Bridge Street Too High App9ol dismissed. 9249 Colopriso, R. 618 Erie Avenue To6 High Appeal dismissed. 9344 9426 Fasi,ion ShOppe, R.J.Derrick 521 queen Street Too High R.S.W.Fordham, 362 Queen Street Too High Apl~ sl Dismissed. Assessment 'reduced ~ 50.00 9097 People's FiShOo.-T.Dundstan 349 Queen Street Too High Appeal dismissed. 925B Rosbergs' Limited 638 Erie AvenUe Too Hl~ Appeal dismissed. 9E53 Rosbergs' Limited 642 Erie ~enue Too l~x Appeal dismissed. 9512 ~ Modern Beauty-Salon Out of 794 Valley Way Business Assessment Gancelled ~300.00 961~ Aaron Morningstar lO01.Stsmford Street Toe liigh Appeal dismissed. 9343 David Pulver Out of 521 Queen Street Business Appeal dismissed. 9661 E.H.tlcMurray & 0o. 1881 Ferry Street Too High Assessment reduced 200.00 9660 C.L.Jones Giving up 1881 Ferry Street Bus. Mar. 31st Assessment adjusted for 3 months. Assess- ~/ mend fixed at $S00.00 500.00 tv~F~IISBION OF T~ 2839 Bro~m Estate Building 1937 taxes of $5V.00 348 Queen Street Hemeyed be cancelled 57.00 2831 Bm~m Estate Building 1937 taxes of $15.~0 360 Queen Street Removed be cancelled 15.20 584 A.J.Mengin, Mrs.Cronkrlte Building 212 Bridge Street Removed 1937 taxes of $304.00 be cancelled 304.00 Security Loan & Sav.Co. Building re i?B Bridge Street Removed 1937 Taxes of $456.00 be cancelled 456.00 J' 577 Security Loan & Say.Co. Building removed Refund 1936 taxes (1936 Roll) re 17~ Bridge Street Sept. 30, 19~6 amount of $131.66 5151 Rugg;es, R.S. ~ Robinson Street Building 1~6 taXes Of $171.00 Removed be cancelled 171.00 ~ Business Assessment l~duced Gancellation of 1937 Property Taxes Refund of 1936 Property Taxes Oertifi~d Correct, She rt ff 1,150.00 1,003.20 131,66 Clerk. 82 EIGI~EE~rTH ME~TIN__G ~]ouncil Chamber, April 26, 1937. TOtU~ OF The Council assembled at 9.00 a.m. for the purpose of proceeding upon a Tour of Inspection of the City buildings and City in ~neral. Action upon the decisions made by the Council during the Tour, was taken at the Confers roe held at the close of the Oouncil meeting. REGULAR I~TING Pursuant to adJourm~en~, the Council met at.5.00 p.m. to consider Gen- eral Business and Finance. All members of the Council ~re pres mr. The Conacil, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, these were adopted on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Stephens. On the motion of Aid. Donald and Scott, tenders submitted for tl~ paint- ing of various city buildings, were opened. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Stemhens and Donald that these tenders be tabulated and presented to the Finance Cormair tee for consideration. DEFJPATI0hS In connection with Co~:mnlcation No. 114, and on the motion of Ald. White and Stephens, the h~sident of the Unemployed Association, Mr. J. Boydell, was permitted to address the Council. Mr. Boydell outlined the request in the communication, that the regular fuel silowanes be made to the Unemployed during the month of April, and that those in need he not required to draw u!~n their Nay allowsnee. Dua'lng his presentat- ion, Mr. Boydell stated that the Grhvance Committee of the 0.F.U. had been advised by the Department of Public :'Jellare that they would not permit anyone to be in need of any relief allowance and also that no single persons who were destitute, would be cut fxum the relief toils. S__EE Conmx~__ic.atiqn No. 11~. CO~.~IICATIO~;S The following Connunic~ations were received: No. 114 - Unemployed Association - requesting additional fuel allowance. 0RD- ERED on the motion of Ald. Stephens and Hanniwell that the communication be rec- eived and the City Manager be requested to get in touch with the Department of Public '&elfare and ask whether they would be agreeable that they take such act- ion as the Council may deem expedient, and whether the Depar~raent would be v~il- ling to assme the additional cost incurred. No. 115 - Sons of Englm~d - re supply of Portraits of; Their Majesties. OI~- E'I~1) on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Stephens that the cocmunication be lec- eived and the Society be advised of the very grateful appreciation Of the Oity Council, and the 01tizens in general for this offer. No, 116 - Git__!y.~lerk, Ottawa - resolution re extension of ti~ae for motor veh- icle licenses. OFOEI~,~ on the motion of Ald. Scott am1 ~vidale that the commun- ication be received and filed. No, 117 - Secreteorgy, IVomen's Christian Temperance Union - re non-enforcement of S~atutory Curfew Law. 0RDE~D on t+~"'~ motion of ~l~nsld sad Scott that the oo~munieation be received and referred to the Chief of Police. No, 118 - Chamber o.f. p,~mm~ree - requesting permission to erect sign, OffERED on the motion of Aid. Stephens and Scott that the comuunieation be received and the request he granted, subject to the usual conditions. No. 119 - Niagara Falls Lions Club - requesti:~; permission to hold carniv, d and to have Ferris Wheel ~ind llbrry-go-round. 0RDEt~D on the moti~m of ,~ld. Ham~iv. ell aud Stephens that the communication be received and the request be granted, on the sine basis aswas granted last year, No. 120 - City Clerk, Port Arthur - resolution re registration of persons desir- ing employment. O~DER.,~D on the motion of Ald. V,%ite ~md Stephens that the commun- ication be received and laid on the table for me week and copies of the sa~e be forwarded to the Council. No. 121 - Coronation Celebration Committee - re plans for celebration. 0©ER.~O on t~s motion of Ald. Stephens and Hanniwell that the connnunication be received and filed. REPOi!TS Th__e fo__llo__j~rts were received: No. 52 - C_l_ty Engineer - re scaling of New~mn Hill. 0i~)ERED on the motion of Ald. Hanniwell and Twidale that the report be received aud filed. No. 53 - Children's Aid Soc.ie_~t/- re financial report. O.©ER:9 on the motion of Ald. ~vidule and Scott tha~'the report be received and filed. No. 54 - Ci__.ty Manager - enclosing report of City solicitor, re deficit of N.S. & T.Railway Company. 0RDERL1) on the motion of ~ld. Stephens and Donald that the re- port he received and filed. No. 55 - Aid. C.W.~vidale~ Chalxm~_~2.~o_na~tjpn Ci__v_ic Conm~ittee - re progress of Comriittee. 0i~DERED on the motion of Ald. T~:idale and White that the report be received and adopted. The following By-laws were No. 250~ -Ald. A.F.Donald - To authorira the execution and delivery of an agree- ment with the Bell Telephone Company of Canada. 1st reading - Aid. White and Hanniwell. 2nd reading - Aid. Hanniv~ell and Donald. 3rd reading - Aid. Stephens and Twidale. No. E50_____/7- Aid. H.P.Stephens - To authorize the execution sad delivery of an ag- reement with the Gueranty Trust Goa'oany of Canada, Fiscal ~ents. 1st reading - Aid. Hanniwell and Donald. End reading - Aid. Scott and Twidale. 3rd reading -Ald. White and Donald. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. S~ephsns and White. READ A~D ADOPTED, May 3rd, 1937. Olerk. 8S 84 Council Chamber, April 26, 1937. The Flnence Camnittee met on MondaY, April 26th, 1937, for the pro-pose of approving and also of passing tl~ various accounts which had been properly cer- tified and placed before them. All members of the Conmtittee were present. Sundry accounts were appzoved by tile Committee, amounting to $12,358.83. The accounts sub!aitted, being passed or othen.dse dealt with, tile nittee, on the motion of ~dd. Scott and Donald, ordered that these be placed in the money by-law for presentation to tl~ Council. The communication from the Niagara Falls Music Festival, requesting a grant, was presented. It vjas ordered on the motion of Ald. Hanni~ell and Twi- dale that the co~aunication be received, and the gnmt of T~:enty-five Dollars be made. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Hanniwell and Scott tlmt a grant of Fifty Dollars be made to the Loyal Orange Lodge, to assist them, in their ar- rengements for a convention in this City, to be held in July. The report of the City }laneget, with reference to the application of H.H.Heades, for transportation to England, v~as presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hanniwell and MeAninch that the report be received and the request of Lit. Hendes be gAinted. Upon the question being put to a vote, the same was not carried. Ttle repert of the City llanager, with reference to the request of the Cemetery Enployees, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Hanniwell that the report be received and filed until such time as the em- ployees advise under which proposal, as submitted by the City Han~,ger, they would prefer to work. A eummary of the tenders subml~ed at the Council Licering, was presen- ted. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Scott that the first and third propositions he awarded to Mr. J.H.Snith, and the second and fourth propos- itions be awarded to Hr. W.H,Biggar. The Cammittee adjourned on tile motion of Aid. T~tidale and Donald. AND ADOEFkl), blay 3, 1937. COOlSOIL MlCI~ING Council Chamher, April E6, 1937. The Council re-assembled at the close of tbs Finance msetix~, for tbs purpose of passing the money by-law covering tile accounts which had been ap,.,~'oved by the Comittee. All members of the Council were present. Thejol.loxvin~.. By-Law was passe_d: No. 25~_~0~8- Aid. H.P.Stephens - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. let reading - ~tld. Donald and Scott. 2nd reading - Aid. Twidsle and tganniwell. 3rd reading -Ald. Scott and Donald. TI~e Council adjourned on the motion of Ald..Donald and White. t~AD AFO ~OOPT~D, ~ay 3rd, 1937. Clerk. C01~'ER~,JMCE Council Cha, uber, April 26, 1937. A conference was held at the close of the Council meeting, by the City Council, in order that action might be taken upon the varicus matters discussed during the tour of Inspection. Action was taken as follows: 1. City Hall - Ot~)ER~) ~hat no action be taken. 2. ~694 Clifton Avenue - OI~)EED on the motion of Ald. Hanniwel~ and Scott that tl~ trees be x~m~ved as requested, and other trees be planted in their stead. 3. _N_or~h End Fire ~ll - ORDER~1) that no action be taken. 4. 914 Wellund Avenue - ORDERED that the sidewalk be repaired in the ordinary course of events. ~. Incinera. 3_or and City Yard - Ot~)i~ED that no action be taken. 6, Asphalt_Plant.- OI~)EP~D that the painting as proposed he proceeded with. 85 7, i',uir Avenue - OI~3R~ED that the roadway be repaired in the ordinary course of events. 8. D~n~ Av~nu__e- fi~DERED that the roadway be rep,'-ired in the ordinary course of events. 9. Val~le~' Way - OM)ER~) on the motion of Ald. r~ite and IIanniwell that angle perking be permitted on Valley Way, between tierrisen Street and Victoria Ave- nue, providing this does not interfere with other places of business, and that lines be painted on the pavement of VaLley Way, parallel to Victoria Avenue, indicating the sidewalk. lO. Shell .Gasoline Sty!tic.n.- O.~DER~D that no action be taken. ll. 970 Bx~dffe Street - Oi~OERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Hanniwell that ~his request be l~aid over until further infom~ation is received, and the City ~hnager be requested to pring in a report thereon. 12. B~r~..dge Street - ORDERED that this matter be laid on the table. 13. Fourth Avenue - ORDERED that this pavement be relytired in the ordinary cour.~ of events. · 14. 585 Fifth Avenue - OEDERZ~ on the motion of ald. Hanniwell and ~h~ldale that the most southerly tree be removed. 15. Fsirv.ie~w Cemetery.- ORDERED that no action be taken. 16. Oakes Park - OIO~L~D that no action be taken. l?. Relief Department & Isolation I~spital - OI~)~R,~) that no action be taken. 18. Swimni~ Pool - ORDERED that no action be taken. 19. Slat.er Avenue - OI~)ERED repaired in ordinary course of events. EO. 881 Stamfqrd~Street - O.~)ER~]) that sidewalk he repaired in ordinary course of event s. 2l. Cents Fire Hall - ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Itanniwell and Scott that the gasoline pump be removed. B8. Centre, .P. olice Station - ORDERED that no action be teken. B3. South Police Station - Oi~)ERED that no action be taken. E4. Poplar Park - ORDER~ on the motion of Ald. White and Donald that the backs of the seats be boarded up. 25. ~hin StreptJire: Hall - ORDERED that no action be taken. 26. Filtration ,Plant - ORDERRD that a flag pole he erected, and the wall on the west side be repaired. Jolley Out - Ot~)ERED on the motion of Ald. White and Stephens that the con- crete ste~s be r~moved and flegs be placed thereon, com~lenoing at the bottom of the cut. Render Avenue - ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Hanniwell that the City Mana~r he requested to get in touch with the Brennan Paving Company, and ascertain whether the machine could not be removed. Falls Ayehue- OI~)ER~I) that the same ha repaired in the usual course of ev-, ents. Rice Crescent - O~DER~D $hat the same be repaired in the usual course of event S. Powe.l.1 Av_e~.ue - ORDER~ that the smue be repaired in the usual eours~ of ev.ent so The Conference adJourued on the motion of f~d. Scott and Hanniweil. REfuD I~D t~OOPTED, ~.Yay 3, 1937. l~ayor. Clerk. S7 88 Council Ottorobe r, April 30, 1937. CONFhRi.ZTOE A conference of the City Council was held at 4.30 p.m. on Friday, April ZOth, 1937, together with ~. g.A.Horton, Deputy Minister of Mtmicipal Af- fairs aBd 1Ja-. R.J.Moore, Supervisor. All members of the Council were present. The Conference was celled at tl~ request of the representatives of the Department of Municipal Affairs, for the ptwpose of discussing the matter of the Relief IIousing Scheme. Discussion upon the matter took place, and ltr. Herton explained to the Council that in v~w of the present difficulty in obtaining the necessary artisans from the Relief rolls in Niagara Fulls, the Government had tl~ought it advisable to give the Oouocil the opportunity of withdrawing from the scheme at this time. The following motion was made: 2ESOLUTION No. 40 - WI[ITE - STEPI~lqS - RESOLVED that under the circumstances, and upon receipt of the lafox~ntion from the Department, that this Council would not pro- ceed with the building of the houses under the Belief Housing Scheme, at this time, and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried T~ Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. White and Scott. READ AND ~DO~) May 3, 1937. -- , Clerk. TI'~;tqTihTtI Council C~mber, May 3, 1937. RMGTJL.~ L~C~rlNG Pursuent to adJourrmlent, the Council met at. 5.00 p.m. to consider General Business and Finance. All members of the Council were nres.;nt. Th!z Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous x~eting, these were adopted on the motion of Ald. Scott and StepIrons. In connection w, ith Cox~!iunicat ions Nos. 1E2 and 123, and on the zDtion of Ald. White and 5'ridale, tie deputation from tie Hinisterial ..ssociation aad the Unemployed Association, were peimtitted to address the Coul~il. Rev. LL~. Urn. Fingland was the spa~ker for the Ministerial ,~ss ~ciation and stated that his association h~dimd under consideration the position of the single unemployed persons where were to be removed from the relief rolls. The speaker asked the Council, in viev~ of tie weather conditions that the sin~Zle unemployed be retained on relief Per an additioxml tvx~ v:eeks. SEE Cormmnication No. 12.2 Mr. Jordan Cruwe, represantl~ the Unenployed Association sq~oke to the Council and asked that the Council consider the pre.'~nt difficulty in securing ~jork by those on relief, in view of the fact tht all municipalities reraove their single men from the rolls, at approximately the same date, and sugg{;sted that these dates he varied. S~:g Co.ununication No. 12.3 In connection with Co~nunication No. 124, and on behalf of the Milk S;,lemuen's Association, Mr. H.F.Lo~in was permitted to address the Council,on the motion of Ald. ~..,idale and Donald. Mr. Logan presented the case of the Salesmen, who were again as~h~g that the Council consider the passing of a by-law prohibiting the delivery of · milk during the stunmBr months, prior to 6.00 a.m. SE__~.~Cg~.lunica!_ip~n=~_ot _1_24 C~O~I ~l.T~],~ I CAT I ONS Lai.___d over fxom previous meeting:_ No. 120 - City Clerk, Pox~ Arthur - resolution re registration of persons des- iring employment. 0f~)EI{.ED on the motion of Ald. White and ~idale that the res- olution be endorsed, and the intersated parties be notified accordingly. .T..he .f.o.llowlng Con~mcn..i.c_at_ip_n.s ~,ere receiyed: No. 122 - ~Ltni__sterial Association - re single unemployed men. 0]~3ERED on the motion of Ald. McAninch and Stephens that the conmunication be received and ref- erred to the Finance Committee. No. 123 - Unemployed Association - re single unemployed men. Oi©ERHD on the mot- ion of AId. MoAninch and Stephens that the conmunication be received and referred to the Finance Oonm~ittee. No. 124 - H.F.Lo~ - re application for daytime delivery of milk. 0RDERhl) on the motion of Ald. White and Stephsns that the cor~aunication be received and liad · on the table until the next meeting, and the Board of Health be asked to consider thismutter and present their views upon the' sine at the :earliest possible mom- ent. No. 125 - N.~.~Fa Parks Oo_m~i_ssion - re meeting with the Gemlesion. OItD~ED 89 :# 91 9O on the motion of ~dd. Donald ar~ Hanniwell that the co:~Aunication be received and filed and the commission be advised that the Council i~ould be very pleased to meet them at the earliest possible moment. No. 126 - A.B.Dmude~ E.squim, ~[.P. - re widening of Bridge Street. 0ICERID on the motion of Ald. ~IcAninch and White tlmt the com~unication be received and the City Hansget be asked to point out to ~Xr. Dauude and to ~Ir. W.L.Houck, M.L.A. that the obligation to other municipalities is appreciated, but would ask that the Lbmbe~'s give this matter further consideration. No. 127 - British Hethodis!EpiscoPal Church - re appreciation of peL~aission to hold tag d'uy. Oi~)~i~J on the motion ~ ~ld. Stephorus and Scott that the communication be received and filed. No. 128 - C:~nadian Youth Con_gFes.s. - re convention to be held. 0i~)ERED on the motion of Ald. Hanniwell and Stephens that the comn~nicution be received aud filed · No. 129 - fa.0.n_ygous letter - 0~)ERED on the motion of f~ld. ~,,,ldale and Donald that the c'~n.n. unication be filed, unread, and th t the press give uAblicity to the fact that if the writer would sign his or her n~ae, the conm~unication vould he received by the Council. No. 130 - W.L.Houck~_~s~u.l_r_e~_M'L'A' ' re offer of l~vdro-Elec~lc Power Commis- sion of ~greeFant for five years. ORDE~D on the motion of Aid. Donald ard Hanniwell that the con~unicat ion be received and referred to the Finance Com- mittee, and Mr. Houck be advised of the appreciation of the Clt~~ Councillor his good work in this matter. PamRTS ~The.__followin~ Reports were received: No. 06 - O_i~ty. Lk~n..a~e,r - re report on matter of delivery of milk. OhDvat~D on tbe motion of Ald. White and Stephens that the report be received and filed. No. 57 - Cij Manage_r_ - re application for erection of gasoline tank. ORDER~D on the motion of Ald. White and MeAninch t~mt the report be received and laid on the table for one week and the City Solicitor be re~uested to repor~ as to what po~ers the City Council have under the existing by-laws to prohibit the storage of con~tnAction equipment at the corner of Bender Hill and Falls Amue, and whether they can prohibit t~ erection of a gasolirB tank and pump at this location. P~ITION . Tl~e follo~in~. Petition was received: No. ~ - R.LCleland and 2S others - re soliciting of tourists. O}~)ERED on the motion of Ald. Mc~ninch and l'~ite that the petition be ~ceived and laid on the table ~til ~ confer~me has been held, 'and pr~ps t~en up at the meeting to ~ held by the Council with the Parks O~m~ssim. RESOLUTION T.~_.~ f._ollo~ing resolution was passed: No. 41 - ~THITE - McANINOH - WHF/e~AS by Royal Proclamation, Wednesday, ~Y 12th, 1937, has bees appointed ~ Public Holiday, in celebration of the Coronation ~f His Most Gracious Majesty, King George the Sixth, BE XT ~le]FO.~ RESOLVED that the City Council requests that all cit- izens observe this day o~ geseral rejoicing and thanksgiving and that the clergy of all religious denominations be asked ~o give an appropriate expABssion of gratitude for the manifold bounties and great mercies which have been enjoyed by the people of Canada, at the either Divine se~vioes on Sunday, Me~V lth, A.D. 1937, or at any special services to be held on Wednesday, ~k~v 12th, ~.D.1937, and to pray that the blessing of Almighty God m~v be vouchsalad to His L~jesty, and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried BY.LieU The followin~ B~,-Law was passed: No. 2509 -Ald. J.O.~':hite - A'By-Paw respecting Traffic and the Useo f ~treets. let reading- Ald. Donald and Hanniwell. Snd reading -Ald. Uhite ~nd Hanniwell. 3rd reading - Aid. ~idale and Scott. The Council adjounxed on the motion of Aid. Stephens and Donald. R~DM) ~',ND iG)OPTED, May 10, 1937. ~xyor. Clerk. FIt~fG~C~L Council Ctmmber, May 3, 1937. The Finance Oo~nittee met ca Monday, May 3rd, 1137, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly · certified and placed before them. All members of the Oommiittee were pre~ent. Sundry accounts, were approved by the Oon~ittee, amounting to $40,14~.0B. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, the Committee, on the motion of Ald. Scott and Donald, ordered that these be plac- ed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council. In connection with the conAmunication from the Ministerial Association end the Unemployed Association, regarding single unemployed persons, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Hanniwell t~At in view of the inferrot- ion given by the representatives of the Department of Municipal Affairs, and the fact th,at we are already overdrawn on the relief accobmt, that t .is Com- mittee is unable to take any action, other than that taken dm'ing 1937. It was suggested that the suggestion of JLr. Fingland, with regards to these men, be ~orwo~rded for consideration, to Mr. W.L.Houck, M.L.A. The repel0 of Messrs. H.T.Jamieson & Company, upon the treasury ac- counts for the year 19~6, was presented. It ~ms ordered on the motion of Ald. White and MeAninch that the report be received and laid on the table. The report of the ~lty Engineer, upon the sewer repairs at 991 Vic- toria Avenue, was presented.' It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Hanniwell that the report be received and filed, and the account be not paid. FUR~YZR Ot~DERED that the City Man~er explain to Mr. Clement the position of the City v~ith regard to the payment of accounts for sewer repairs, and that pub- licity be givan, through the local press, as to the correct procedure to be taken by citizens, in case of sewer trouble. TIle communication from W.R.Beebe, in connection with a motor swee- per for sale, ~as presented. It vas ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Scott tbit the cor~nuniation be received and the City Manl~:er and a mechanic be authorized and instructed to proceed to Syracuse to inspect the machine in question. Th~ co~rlunication from the Niagara Falls Boy Scouts Association, re- questing '-~ gr~nt, was Fesented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. ~'~hite and LlcAninch that the corim~nication be received and the grant of $15.00 be reali e · The communication fx~m the Niagara peninsula Blossomtime Con~alttee, requ.~sting financial assistance, was presented. It vns ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Hanniwell that the con~unication be received and filed, and the Co~:~ittee he advised that in view of the fact that the City is now under the supervision of the Deoartment of Municipal Affairs, and as the 19~7 Budget has now been made up, tha~ they are unable to see their way clear to make a grsn t. The ca.~munication frem W.L.I~ouck, Esquire, ~f.L.A., which had been referred from the Council meeting, and that from the Hydro-Electric Power mission of Ontario, regarding the proposed grant and agreement for five years, were presented.' It was ordered on the motion of iuld. McAninch and His Wor~ip L~yor imderson that the communications be received and hid on the~tble until the next m,,eting, and the City Manager be instructed to fo~,ard to the members of the Council, copies of the 1922 agreement with the Oorm~ission. The Oo~ait tee adjourned on the motion of Aid. Donald and White. R~O A~ ~M)OPTED, May 10, 1937. Clerk. COUNCIL C oun c il Chaube r, L~ay 3, 1937. Tt~ Council re-assembled at the close of. the Fi:mnce lleeting, for the purpose of passing the money by-law covering the account s ~vhich h'~d been proved by the Committee. All menbeAm of the Council were present. }.IR~JTES ~e minutes of the special n~oting of the Council, held on ~oril 30, 1937, were received and al~opted, on the motion of ald. White and Donald. BY-LiU The foll~in~_B~V-Law was p.a ss.ed: No. 2510 - AId. J.G.White - To Grant Lbnies for General-PuI~oses. let reading- Ald. ~aite and S~ephans. 2nd reading - Aid. White and Donald. 3rd reading -Ald. Donald and Scott. Tl~e Council adjourned on the laotion of Aid. St~Thens and Uhite. RF~D AND ADOlPh), ~Iay 10, 19~7. Mayo ro 95 94 TWENTY-F~mT M~N(3 Council Clmmber, Mey lOth, 19SV, Pursuant to ~Jourxnent, the Courtell met at 5.00 p.m. to consider Gen- eral Business end finance. All members of the CoUncil rare p~sent. The Coun- cil, hevin~ received and read the minutes of the pz~vious meeting, these were adopted on the motion of Ald. Scott end Whi~e. Ce~a~IICATIONS The foliowinE Cor~,nications ere received*- No. 1~1 - Board of Review - re request of Unemployed for work for allowances. OI~)ERED o~' the motion of ~d. ~ite ~d T~da~ t~t the o~"at ~ion be sired a~ ~ ~q~s~ ~ ~ed~ as f~ as it is ~ssible to do ~. No. ~2 - ~e~ ~lief B~h - re req~ for addition~ aB~a~s. O~ER~ on the motion of ~d. ~te a~ Scott t~ $~ co~ica$ion be eiv~ a~filed. No. 1~ - AW.MeC~lm- re ~pla~t re remv~ of do~. O~ nee Re~ No, No. 1~ - L!o=d ~w~ - FetestY6 ~o~1 of fo~ t~s, 0~ nee No, 59. No. 1~6 - N~Ka~ F~ls Hortie~t~ Society - ~vite~ to t~ p~ in Cor- on~tion careenS. O~E~ on t~ motion of ~d, Donald ~ ~weB ~at ~ioation ~ ~oeiv~, the ~vitation aooe~ede a~ as ~Y of t~ C~il, E~PORTS The following Reports were received: No. ~8 - Dog Catcher - re complaint x~ ramoval of dog. 0~ on the motion of ~d. ~epMns ~ ~ntwell t~t the m~ ~ received and filed, ~ no action be t~en. No. ~ - P~ks Su~ntendent - ~e~d~6 ~v~ of ~h~e t~es, 0~ on the rotion of ~d. M~ ~d ~idale t~t t~ re~ be reoeived ~d the reoo~nda~ion be adopted, NO. ~ - ~s 8~ri~end~t - ~ndin~ r~ of me t~e ~d t~ t~m- ~ of others. 0~E~ on t~ motion of ~d. M~noh ~ Scott th~ t~ ~ be ~oeived end adopted. No. 61 - D~ h~eetor - ~ for ~nth of ~1, 0~ on t~ rotion of ~. ~ite ~ 8t~ns t~t t~ re~ be received and file~. No, 62 - Loo~ B~d of Heath - ~e r~ s~ for d~Zht delive~ of 0~ on the rotion of ~. 8~ott and MoMinoh t~ ~he ~ ~ Noelveal ~ laid on the t~le for me ~ek, No, ~ - City ~lioi~r - ~ 2o~ of b~lde~se pl~t ~d ~e of ~sol~e or flll~S s~ation. 0~E~ on t~ rotion of ~d, ~te ~d 8~o~% ~po~ ~ ~i~a e~ fi~d~ a~ the Oi%y ~WF ~ instm~a So ~ up ~h S~ Bsn~ ~i~ C~, ~ metteF ~ ~etr ~ui~nt ~ the cornet of ~n%T ~11 ~ Fa~s Arena, a~ ask t~t t~y ~w S~ ~ mi~able lotion, No, ~ - Oi~ ~a~ -,~ ~ws~ fo~ F~d ~ t~es at 970 B~d~ ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Scott and Twiddle that the report be received end filed, and the trees be not removed. No. 65 - Parks Superintendent - re request for removal nf tree at River Lane. 0t~)ER~D on the motion of Ald. Stephens and Donald that the report be received sold adopted, and the tree be removed. RESOL~TIONS following Resolutions were passed: No. 42 - TPffDALE - WHITE - RESOLVED that His Wornhip Mayor C.W.Anderson be em- powered to name, on behalf of the City of Niegar~ FaLls, that property lying between MOrrison Street and Huron Street, conveyed by deed dated the 2nd April, 19~5, and registered on the Z$rd May, 1935, frem Welland Securities Limited to the Oorpox~tion of the City of Nisgara Falls, saving and excepting thereout that portion thereof ladi out and used for highwe~v purposes, as 'Elizabeth place', and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carri e d No..43 - WHITE - STEPHENS - RESOLVED that steps be taken to have an actuary make a survey into the matter of the establishment of a pension fund for the civic employees, as th the employees themselves, the ability of the Corporat- ion to con~ibute to such fund, and also the ability of the emplopes, together with information as to what other municipalities have done in a similar matter, end that a report be made to the Council, ~nd the Seal of the Corporation be hemto affixed. .Carried MISC~.t~I~0US Ald. Whi~ drew attention, and asked that publicity be given, to the action taken by Ald. Twirlale in providing for all Silver Cross Mothers in the City on Coronation Day, and asked that any such mother who had not ~et contacted Alderman Twirlale, do so inmedia~ely. Aid. ~iwell brought up the matter of the entrance of Hur~ Street into VaLley Way, end pointed out that this wan not a stop street, and asked that the City Mana~r or Ehgineer m~ke a report thereon to the Oou~cil. Aid. Ranniwell brought up the matter of the drainage facilities on Ferry Street at the corner of Victoria Ave nue, and pointed out that there is only one catch-basin from Magdalen to Ellen Avenue, on the North-west side, asked that this matter be given attention. The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Scott and White. ~EAD AND AD01~ED, May 17, 19~7 Clerk. FII~AI~E MEETIIqG Council Chanber, The Finance Cc~mittee met on MondaYs Me~ 10th, 1~7, for the purpose of approving and also of ~assing the various accounts which had been properly certified and pla~ed before them. all members of the Camnittee were pxeset. Sundry accounts were epproved by the Co~nittee ~nounting to $5,255.01. The accounts sutsnitted,being passed or otherwise dealt with, the Cc~x- nit tee on the motion of AId. Donald end Scott clUered that these be placed the money by-law for presentation to tbe Council, The communication from the Hydro-Electric Power Ca~mission of Ontario, in connection with the proposed grant to the City of Niagara Falls, which had been laid on the table flora the p~evious meeting,was presented, It wen ordered on the motion of Aid. White and ~Anniwell that the offer of the I~d~o-Electric Power Commission of Ontario, for the pa~uent to the City of Niagara Falls, of S75,000,00 per year, plus taxes on local improwments, for a period of Five years, he accepted in principle, subject to a conference with the C~'~mission, ~or the purpose of discussing the details in connection therewith, at which it is requested that our local Member, Mr, W.L.ttouck, be also present. The communication from the Canadian Red Cross Society, requesting a contribution towards the Western Ontario Flood Fend, was presented. It was ord- e-ed on the motion of Aid, Twidale and Scott that the COlm~'n4ca~lcn be x. eceived and It was c~dered on the motJan of Aid. Twidale and Donald that e grant of $P~.00 be made to our leoeel ~ed Cross Society, towards the Western Ontario Flood Fund. The report of the City ~na~r, in connection with.the offer from K. Todoreff, for the purchase of Lot 167 on Hickson Avenue, ms presented. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Hanniwell and White that the report be Tee- eived and the recon~nendation be adopted, subject to the approval of the Depart- mont of Municipal The Ocmni~tee adjourned on the motion of Aid, Scott and Donald. READ AND ADOI~ED, Ma~ 17, 19~7, Chairm-n of Fin*nee, Clerk. COUNCIL MEETING Counci 1 Chamber, May 10th, 1937, The Counci~ re-assembled at the close of the Finance Meeting, for the purpose of passing the money by-law covering the acsounts which had been ap- proved by the Committee. All members. of the Council were present. BY-LAW The following By-Law was passed: _No..~.511 - Aid. H.P. Stephens - To Grant Monies for Geuer~l Purposes. let reading- Aid. ~nniwell and Scott. End reading -Ald. White and Donald. 3rd reading - Aid. Twidale and Scott. The following Resolution was passed: No. 44 - T~DALE - S~Ffi~NS - RESOLVED that the appmc~tion of the City C~nctl he e~ms~d to t~se in c~ge of ~e S~ools' pr~m~ to be ~ld on Coron- ation D~ in t~ Arena, for ~ir kin~ss ~ placing a box at the dispo~l of the City Co~n~l, and a~o that t~ ap~olation ~ o~essed to t~se w~ a~ resinsibis hr the de~mtion of the ci~c buildings t~ou~out the City, and the Seal of the Cordmien be ~mto affimd. Oaf;A-led. Mr. E.M.Prector, Vice-President of the Guaranty Trust Company of 0an- ads, was present at the meeting, aml requested permission to address the Council briefly. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. White and Scott that the repres- entative of the Ci~yte fiscal agents, be pexmitted to speak. Mr. Proctor expressed to the Council his Canpany's thanks for their appoin~xen~, and assared them that any ideas or suggestions from the Council, upon the matter of the refinancing of the City, would be welcome. Mr. Pxuctor pointed out that two very important items, as regards to the refunding, he.d been breu~ht out at the Council meeting, r~mely the ttyd~o grant and a pension fund for civic employees. Mr. Proctor sta~ed that the work would be completed as soon as possible, The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. White and Donald. READ AND ADOI:'I'I~. Ma~ 17th, Clerk, 97 98 teen. lesion, re' quarters, Niagara Parks May l&, 19~7o A conference of the 01ty Council, with the members of the Niagara Pax%cs C.-~;,;leston, was held at 3.00 p.m. on Friday, Me~ 14th, 19~7, in the Com- missioners' quarters of t~e Niagara Parks C~o~niseton, All members of the Coun- cil were present. Tbs ,onference was held for the purpose of d~sousslng various matters pertaining to traffic on the River Roads and taxt-ste~ds in the el. ca near the Upper Steel Arch BrAdge° It was decided by the Conference tbnt the following action should be taken by the City Council, and fox~varded to the DePaxv~nant of Higlmays for ap- proval: The repeal of By-Law No. 24~3, and the passing of a new by-law to provide for six taxi-stands on the East side of Falls Avenne fx~m Cltl'tan Hill northerly, and six sts~xds on Falls Avenue, on the East sides f,~n~ the Internat- ional right-of-way, southerly, and the remainder of the ~axt stands on Neman Hill and Bender Hill, as provided in the above by-law. The City Mana~r was Instructed to request the permtsstc~ of the Nta- ~ars Parks C.-~dsston for the l~cinS of four taxi-cab stands on the East side of River Rosd, between the Internatto~ right-of-way and Bender Hill. The City Manager was instrusted to request the Niagara Parks Crenm. lesion that they contact the Board of Police C~-~-dsstoners, upon the matter of the ptiotng of the River Road. READ AND ADOPTS), MaY l?th, 19~7. Clerk: ~a~NTY-SEC0ND MEETI~.G Council Oh-nher, May 17, 1937. Pursuant to adJourmnent, the Council met at 5.00 p.m. to consider Gen- ersl Business and Finance. ALl members of the Council were present. The Coun- cil, having received are read the n~nutes of the ~Fevtous meeting, these were adopted on the motion of Ald. Stephens and Hanniwell. DEPUTATIONS On the motion of Aid. Hauaiwell and Stephens, a representative of the Chamber of Commerce was pex~mttted to address the Council. Mr. Carlton Ward read two letters addressed to the Chamber of Cc~r~er- ca. The first was a tourist's complaint to the Manager of the Royal York Hotel, protesting the payment of an anaount 'of $15.00 for services of a sightseeing driver, and the rental of his cab. The second was a letter of indignation from the Manager stating the facts as related'to him, and requesting the Chamber 'of Com.~rce to take some action upon the matter. Mr. Ward requested the opinion of the City Council, whom he believe was the most logical body to deal with the situation, and authorize the proced- uxe with regard to the reply. His Worship MaC, or Auderson stated he had received a similar letter, and a copy was sent to the Chief of Poles. who has in his IDssiession all the information pertainihg to this accusation. His Worship learned from good auth- ority that the party in question was aware of the fee charged for this service when he hired the cab. He then pointed out that complaints of this nuture should not be brought before the City Council, but dealt with by the Prol~r authorit lea. Ald. Stephens, spe~klng bratfly upon the matter, stated the Me,Vorand Chief of Police were to be congratulated upon the information they had secured, and to hie mind it appeared to be a gxuss exaggeration. He put forth a motion that this communication be received and filed, and requested the press to ab'stain from publishing the contents of the letter. Aid. MoAninch suggested the matter be taken to the City Solicitor to have him contact this man and condmnn the complaint he had displayed. Discussion ms brought to a close when Ald. Stephen's motion, seconded by Ald. Twidale was read to have this matter referred to the Police Cc~nnission for reply to the Chamber of Cannaroe, NNFINISMD BUS~S On the motion of Aid. Scott and White, Mr. Harold F.Lo~m was permAt- ted to address the Council. ~. Logan explained that the IAtlk Salesnan of Local Dairies had can- yessad throuSh the City and had been successful in obtaining the signatures of 2,000 consumers and onay 5 were opposed to the new delivery schedule. He then stated t~at a ~aJority of the Dairies have in operatic~ a Spatial Delivery Ser- vice and orders are promptly responded to upon request, The Local ~oard of ~ealth desired an expression f~om the oons,nwnrs themselvess and Mr. Lo~n felt that in consideration of the aplmoval of the large majority of those canvassed, the By-law should be pxgapred. AId. Scott stated he had always been in fayour of this schedule and moved ~ba~ the By-law be pxgparad. Aid, MoAninch moc~nded the By-law be prepared as requested by the ~lst~Abt~o~s of milk, 99 lo0 Aid. White stated he bad no objection to this ~y-Iaw being passed but was doubtful whether or no~ it would bear anF weight after it had bean put into operation, He was considering the additional labour an, expense, ~hich m. ight ~ove a burden to the retailer working on a mall scale. It was moved by AId. Scott and seconded by A.ld, White that the neo- essazT'by-lav: be prepared, Carz~s.d CO~CATX~2~S T~e following Comuunications were received: No. 197 - Anonymous Letter - m park at Band Hall. 01~)1~ on the mothn of Ald. Scott and Hanniwell that the letter be received and filed. No, 1~8 - F~dro-Electrio Cram"lesion of Ojxtario - re meeting with Councillor ~ 27th. OR)EI~ on the motion of AId, Twidale and Stephens that the Corn. munioation from the Hydra Conunission be received and the invitation for a · meeting on the ~Tth day of May be accepted. No, 1~9 - Women's Hospital AuxiliarY - requesting pemission to held tag day on ~ure 26th, or in case of inclement weather, an alternative date of ~uly 3~d. OI~ER~ on the motion 5f AId. Twidale and White that the request be granted and publicity be given to this ~rt~ cause. No. 140 - Brennan Paving Company - reply to request for remevul of nmterials. Ot~)Ei~ on the motion of AId, Stephans and MeAninCh that the City Manager interview the parties concerned, asking them that th~ material at the oorrer of Fells and Bender Avenues be zenoved forthwith, otherwise in the event of no co-operation on their peril the City Council will have to take fux~her action in connection with this matter. No. 141 - W.Shields. Canadian National Terminal - re parking restrictions on west side of River Road, south of Newman Hill. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and White that the matter be left in abeyance for the tim~ being and discussed with the other by-laws pertaining to restrictions in this area. No. 14~- - Spies, H.A. - re sightseeing stands. 0RDEI~ on the motion of Ald. WhYs and Hanniwell that the letter be received and an invitation extended to the various taxi-men and drivers of sightseeing cabs to appear before the 0oun- oil at their next meetings when the matter will be further discussed. It is suggented, in the meantime, that His Worship the Mayor and the Aldemen view the situstic.n, as to whether additional sisntis could be located on Clifton Hill, REPORTS The following Rel~rts were received: No, 66 - City Engineer - re traffic conditions a% Hu.zon Street and Valley Way. OEDI~ED on the motion of AId. ~tephens and Scott that the repox~ be adopted in connection with the traffic sign at the corner of Huron Street and.Valley Way. No, 67 - Frontier ~,,-~e Society - monthly repez~, 01~EI~ on the motion of Ald, MoAninch and Stephens that the repex~ be .received and filed~ The following Resp. lutions ware passed= No. 44 - ItA~IWI~ - ~. - I~ESOLVI~) that the City ManaBel' be '~stmoted So ~aot t~ ~d~ officials, re ~ ~g condition of t~ ~ison i~ on t~ p~pe~y o~d by ~ a~ ~he oo~ of ~ A~n~ ~ t~ ~ O~ssion ~L~of-~t ~ t~ S~l of t~ Oo~m$i~n ~ ~eto affixed. Ald. Twi~ale advised that the same condition existed on the Cinder path routes and also on the vacant lot at the coreer of River Ro~d and John Street, and the City Manager was instructed to have the Parks Superin~ndent eliminate this nuisance in any other lots where the growth is abundant. No. 45 - SCOTT -MeANINCH - I~SOLVED that the City _M-na~r bring in a report, relative to the condition of the strip of land on the north side elM_re. Po[- ter~s confectionerY store on St. Clair Avenue, and the ~eal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Oartie d The following By-Laws were passed: No. 2512 -Ald. H.P. Stephens - To repeal By-Law No. 2493 , being a By-law res- pecting Traffic and the Use of Streets. 1st reading - A~ld. Scott and White. 2nd reading -Ald. Donald and N-nniwell. Zrd reading -Ald. White and Twirlale. No. 2519 - Aid. J.A.McMinch - To. authorize the execution of an Agrement for Sale and deed. let reading - AId. Stephens and DonRid. 2nd reading - Aid. Hanniwell and Twirlale. 3rd reading- Ald. White and Hauniwell. IIISC~X./LNEOrJS AId. MeAninch requested information pertaining to the financial con- dition of the Ice merchants in the City, and the City M~ager advised that a report would be forwarded irkedlately, s~milar .to the copy received by AI~. Ald. White spoke briefly upon the matter of civic pensions and stated that the City employees had, on several occasions, expressed their approval of the s~ggestion, and he urged that such a proposal should not be delayed and that the City en~ployees he notified tt~t the City Manager would be pleased to receive their requests. The Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Stephens and Domld. READ AND ADOPTED, May-31st, 19~7. ~,~'Ore Clerk, lol 102 FINANOE ME~ING Council Chamber, ~ 17-, 19~7. The Finance Committee met on MondaY, May 17th. 19~V, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee, With the ex- ception of AId. MeAninch, wele present. SundrTv~ccounts were approved by the C~i~tee, .nountin6 tO $21,284. ~-4. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, the Ccmuittee on the motion of Ald. Scott and Twidele, ordered that these be placed in the roenay by-law for presentation to the 0ouncil. In connection with the con~Anication from the Canadian Welfare Coun- cil, re the Oonference on June 1st, 2nd and 3rd, it was oxdered on the motion of Aid. White and Do,n3d that as AId. Twiddle has already been delegated to attend this conference, no action be taken. With regard to the rental of registered property No. 8, 242 Bridge Street, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hanniwell and White that the . preposition of the City, for the rental of this prolB rtY at $15.O0 per month, payable in advance, be aesepted, and the agreement be in effect from month to month. The Revenue and Expenditure Statement, as of April 30th, 19~7, ms ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Scott, received and laid on the table. The Comnittee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott and ~idale. IFAD AND ADOPTED, May 51,, 1937. Clerk. COUNCIL ME_RTING Counci 1 Chamber, M~' 1~, 1937. The Council re-assembled at the close of the Finance Meeting, for the purpose of'p&ssin~ the Money by-law covering.the accounts which had been approved by the Co-~ittee, and other business. All members of the Council, with the exception of A~.d.~MoAninch, wre p,msent. The minutes of the Conference of the Council and the Niagara Parks Oemmdesion, of May 14th, ~ere received and adopted on the motion of AId. Twi- ddle and Stephem. MIS~ELLANEOU~ Ald. Hanniwell painted out that parking could not be the ~st side of River Road, on the private property of A.Garzo, have no Jurisdiction over this lot. restricted on as the Council It was ordered on the marion of Aid. Donald and ?mite that the City M-_n~_~er he instlIActed to place FrEe Paxking and Target si~s on the vacant property adjacent to the Belmont Restaurant on Bridge Street. The next meeting of .Council was set for May 31st, on the motion of Ald. Twidsle and Donald. BY-LA____EW The following By-Law was passed: No· 25~4 - AId. H.P.Stephens . To Grunt Monies for General Purposes. 1st reading - Aid. Donald and HannAwell. ~nd reading - Aid. Scott and Donald. 5rd reading - AId. Twiddle and Stephens. RESOL.U ON The following Resolution was l~xseed: NO. 46 - STEPHENS - WHITE . RESOLV~) that the City Council wish ~o express theiv sincere app,melation of the various Committees baring chn~ge Of the chation Celebration and a11 who took part in the affsk4 Special commendation to he g~en to the school children, their parents and teachers who prepared them for the event which was cle~x. ly axTanged by the directors, and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. .qar ed The Council adjourned on the motion. of AId. Stephens and ~vidale. eeoeeeeeeeee eeeeeeee Ma,yo , Cle ko 103 104 TWENfY-TKE~D x~.ETING Council Chamber, May B1, 1937. REGULAR ~ET]NG Pursuant to adJourmnent, the Council met at 5.00 p.m. to consider ~en~ral Business end Finance. All members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read t~e minutes of the previous meeting, these were adopted on the motion of Ald. Stephens and Scott. DIeUTATIONS On the motion Of Ald. White and Stephens, Mr. Grant and Mr. Spies, representatives of the Niagara Sightseeing Tours, were given pe~lission to ad- dress the Council. Mr, Grant stated that the tourist season had already co!,~,~noed and that fifty per cant, of the business centres on Clifton Hill. He, therefore, suggested that the Council allocate more than the existing four stands on the South side of Clifton Hill, and have standards erected to draw the attention of the tou~ints to the fact that the cars parked in that area wore sightsee- ing Cabs, In conclusion, Mr, Orant assured the Council of the drivers' wil- lingness to co-operate if the x~c~mn~ndat ion ms approved, Spe~king briefly upon the matter, Mr, H.A.Spies consented to the conm~ndation as presented by Mr, Crant, end agreed that standards should he erected in this locality as they attest the attention of the tourist more than the customary l~lnttng of lines on the pavement, After discussion upon the matter, it was ordered on the motion of Aid, Stephens and Hanniwell that the City Manager and Engineer present to the Council a sketch showing any suggestions they might have as to the location of such stands, and in the meantime that His Worship Mayor Anderson and the A~der- men view the situation so that it could he more definitely decided at the next meeting of the Council, what action should he taMan, UNFINISHED BUSINESS In connection with the cc~maunication from the Hydx~-~leetric Power · C__n_~_~_ission, infox~ting the City Council of the grant in lieu of ta~es, -~mely $75,000.00 per year, plus taxes on local haprevement s, and stating that the agreement would he in' force for a f~ve-year period only, this was received by Council. Aid, M~Auinch wished to be placed on record as being entirely opposed to entering into an agreement with the H~dro-Electric Power C~ssioh on the basis as outlix~d, until additional legal advise is obtained, After mush discussion upon this subject matter, the discussion was ~nded on the motion of AId. White and Stephens. ~Re.sglution No.. 47. CC2~!Ij~lC~I~S The following C~=.~unicaticns were reeeivefi; No, 14~- Bell Telephose_Comp~nY- together with repox~ of City Solicitor. O~)EI~ on the m~ion o= Aid. 8~p~ns ~d ~i~le t~t the rottaT of the p~ pond Be~ ~lephone C~ Fmno~ b~-law ~ laid on t~ ~ble ~il t~ ~2 ~e~g of ~ O~noil. No, 144 - Betross Club - O~)BRED on the motic~ of AId, S~epbsns an~ Don~d that t~ e~ieation of t~ ~s 01ub0 ~u~g ~ss%on for ~ u~ of O~s P~k fo~ ~e e~ablis~-~f a'p~d, ~ ~ooiwe~ ~ ~ld on. ~ ~able -~futu~'diseussion, · ~' ' .............. No. 145 - Sophia Wood - re removal of t~o trees in front of 18C6 Temperance Street. 0IDEP~D on the motion of Ald. White and Donald that the request for the removal of the two trees be laid over pending Mr. ~ry's report on the m~tte.r. No. 146 - Ontario Municipal Association - re annual convention to be held in Toronto, September 1st, 2nd and 3rd. OffERED on the motion of Ald. Stephans and Hanniwell that the communication from the Ontario Municipal Assesiation he received and the contests noted, and the City Manager, in his opinion, sug- gest any resolutions which the City of Niagara Falls desires to present at this Conve~tion. It was further ordered that as mRny members of the Council as possible, mnke an effort to attend. No. 147 - R.=.Lowrey - re city insurance. 0Fa)I~ED on the motion of Ald. White .and Scott that the lette~ be received and filed, and the matter be taken into consideration. No. 148 - Supertest Petrolearn Corporation . requesting removal of two trees . at Victoria Avenue and Hunter Street, together with report from G.J.Emery. ORDERED on the motion of AId. White and Stephens that the communication be received and the request granted, as recommended by the repor~ of Mr. Emery. RESOLUTIONS~ The following Reselutione we.re l~ssed: No. 47 - WHITE - UA'EPI~S - R~.-~0LVED that Whereas the Council are in receipt of a letter of May 1st, 19~, from the Hydra-Electric Power Counission of 0et- ario, to Mr. H.E.Coddard, City Manager, offering to make a grant to the City of Niagara Falls in lieu of taxes on the basis of the maxim~mupayment under the 1922 agreement with the City of Niagara Falls, the amount payable under such Agreement to be $75,000.00 per year, plus taxes on local improvements, the agreement to be for a five-year period, effective fran January 1st, 1937, BE IT THEREFORE RESCa~V~n that the communication be acknowledged and such offer be sooepted forthe said period of five years without prejudice to the rights of the parties after such five-year l~dod, and the Seal of the Cor- psration be hereto affixed. _C arri ed The following By-Law was passed: No. 2~15 - AId. A.W.Scott - To eraend By-Law No. 1535, a By-Law to regulate the licensing of milk vendors and the producerion for sale within the City of Niagara Falls, 1st reading - Aid. White and Donald. 2nd reading- Ald. Donald and Scott. 3x~l ~e. ading- Aid. S~ephens and Scott~ The C~Ancil adjourned on the motion of AId, Stephens and Donald. READ AND ADOPTED, ~une 7, 1937, lee.eeoc.see.see 105 106 FINANCE Council Olintuber, May 31, 1937. The Fiv~-ce Oon~nittee met on MondaY, May 31, 19~7, for the ~se of epprovin~ ~d el~ of pes~n~ $~ v~i~s eco~ts w~oh had ~en ~perly oe~- irked and placed ~fo~ t~m. ~ members of tM C~ittee ~re p~sent. S~d~ 8coounts were apF~ed by the O~mi~tee~ ~ountin~ to $~49,180, 17 · C~que ~Gi~ ~s rs~sed pnt by the O~ttee, ~ to mis~p~ entation of t~ eOoou~. Orders for s~d ~re issmd to ~Y Wl~ox ~d ~ in- voice oove~ t~ ~ ~s re~eived f~ ~r~W~lox~ son of t~ e~ve-~ed. It ~s therefore ~nded that t~ follo~nS ~lution be ~ed~ No, ~ - ~.- ModiSH - ~V~ the~ t~ aoco~ts as present~ ~ applied, ~m ~d except t~ incise f~ ~d delive~d ~ ~d Wi~ ~ioh was or- de~d returned ~d e request rode'to He~e~ W~llox. for an ~loe ~verin~ the ~nd o~de~d from hi, ~d the Se~ of t~ Oo~ration be he~to ~lxed, G~ried In connection with the communication of the City Msu~ger, relative to t~ request of Mr. Harry Heu~n, requestln~ Imrmtss~on to putchess Lot ~-6 on Valley We.v, It was ordered on the motion of Aid. McAnlnoh and Scott that the reconanendatlon be received and 6ranted, end the uoffer of purelines at the app- raised value of $~0.00 be accepted, u~der the usuel-condl~tons and the approval of the 8ul~rvtsor, The 0c~mi~tee adjourned on the motion of Aid, Twidele end Doh~ld, READ AI~ ADOPT~), rune 7, 19~7, / COUNCIL MEETIN(} '! Coune/1 Me~ 31, 1937 Tbs Council -re-assembled at the close of the Finance Meetin6 for the purpose of lmssin~ the money by-l~w eoveTin~ the accounts which had-been ap- pro~ed by the Oce~ni~tee. All members of the Council wets present, BY. lAW The folloiwin~ l~y-Law.was passed: . No, 2516 - AId, H,P,S~ephens - To Ox~nt Mon, es for 0enex~l Purposes, let reading - A/d, Scott and Twiddle. ~nd readin~ - Aid, Douald and Stephens, 3rd readi~ - Aid. TwOdale end Hanniwell. The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. White ~nd Douald. REM) ~ ADOFI~D, June 7th, 1937. Msyor. Ole rk. lo7 ,I 108 109 ,0 TWt~TY-FOUR~ M~TXNG Council Chamber, June 7, 1937 · Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 5.00 p.m. to consider Gen- eral Business and Finance. All members of the Council ~ers present. The Coun- cil, having received and mad the minutes of the previous meeting. thesewore adopted on the motion of Ald. White and Scott. DEI~ATIONS On the rantion of Ald. Whi~e and Do~ld, and in connection with Com- munication No. 149, Mr. W.S~artin, solicitor for certain taxpayers on Clifton Hill, was permitted to address the Council. Mr. ~rtin presented the protest of his clients against the allocat- ion of taxi stands on Clifton Hill, in front of their places of business .as, it was alleged, such taxi-men ware soliciUng tourists and taking them fx~n tl~ se camps and hotels to outher tourists homes in other parts of the City. On the motion of Ald. Stophens and Hanniwell, Mr. R.S.W.Fordbsm, rep- resenting the Welland Securities Limited, w~s permitted to address the C~AnCil. Mr. Fordhem stated that his Coupany were contemplating the removal of their local office to the Bush property on Clifton Bill,but haft bean disheyed at the condition of traffic and tazi-stands adJacsn~ to their pre~erty. This compeny was asking consideration in view of their interests, and M~. Fordhem suggested that a suitable place for taxi-stands would be on River Road, in front of the 0ekes Garden Theatre. SEE Co~anunicetion No. 149. On the motion of Aid. ~-nuiwell and Doru~l d, and in connection with Connunicution No. 150, Mr. J.Boydell, representative of the Unemployed C~mait- tee, ~xs permitted to address the Council. Mr. Buydell stated that the Unemployed were asking consideration in cometion with their work for their allowances, and pointed out that they were getting about thirty per cent. less thnn the allowances m~de last year, on ac- cound of the extra cost of living. Mr, Boydell stated that the Unemployed were demnn~ing a twenty-five per cent. increane in the relief and they would he willing to ~ux~ for every- thing they were allowed. They would ask that the City Council co-operate with the Unemployed in the presentation of this request to the Coverrent. SEE Canuxunication No. 150. CCNMUNICATIC~S Laid over from previous meeting: lqo, 143 - 9ell Telephone Company - re proposed fern of standard by-law. ERED on the motion of AId, White and Donald that the communication be filed, and the report of the City Solicitor, as p~esented at the previous meeting of the City Council, be adopted, and that arrangements with the Company be con- tinued on the present hasis. 144 - Hermes Club - re use of 0ekes Park in connection ~ith supervised play- ~ouI2S, 0~O1~ on the motion of Aid. X~enniwsll and Scott that the comanio- ation be eSain laid on the table until the nex~ meeting, at which time a repres- entative of the Olub would be px'esont tO explain ~leir l~anso The following Co~Maunications were received: No. 149 - W.S.Martin - re protest against granting of taxi stands on Olifton Hill, OtDEI~ on the motion of AId. MeAninch and White that the comnunication be received and the whole totter be discussed at a me,,~tlng of the 0or~ntttee of the Whole, to be held at the close of the Council meeting. No. 150 - Unemployed Committee - re requirement that Unemplo~d work for allow- unces. 01~EI~ on the motion of Ald. Stephens and MoAninch that the communic- ation be received, and the representative of the Co,nmittas ~e requested to make his verbal report in writing, after which the matter would be considered et the next Finance meeting. No. 151 - City Clerk. Sarnia - resolution re Municipal ~ployees' Pension Act, 1937. 0EDEP~ on the motion of Ald. White a~d Stephens that the communication be received and the r~solution be endorsed, and that the City Masa~r be iner- t, Acted to advise of the ~ction taken by this City in this connection. No. 152 - City Firemen - requesting change in sleeping quarters at Queen Street Fire Hall. OI~EP~ on the motion of Ald. White and Stephens that the comr~unic- ation be received and referred to the Fire Chief and the City Manaer for a re- port upon the mat ter at the sext meeting. No. 153 - Charles Mclntosh - requesting removal~ two trees. ORDERED see pert. No. 69. No. 154 - Chamber of .Commerce - recceaending certain matters re traffic and parking. Oi~)ERED on the motion of A.ld. White and Scott that the communicatia~ be received and laid cn the table, and copies of the communication be forv~rded to the Council. R~PORTS foil_owing Reports were x~ceived~ No. 68 - Parks Superintendent - re request for removal of trees at 1805 Temper- ance Avenue. O~DEt~ on the motion of AId. White and F~niwell that ths report be leceived end adopted. No. 69 - Parks Superintendent - re request for removal of trees at 356 Bamp~eld Avenue. OEDERED on the motion of Aid. l~rnite and Hanniwell that the report be received and filed, and the request for the removal of the trees be granted. No. 70 - Dair/Inspector - report for month of Mny. 01~)ERED on the motion of Ald, thnniwell and White that the ropert be received and filed, ~nd in the fut- ure, that copies of this report be fox~varded to the Council. ~ld. C.W. Twidale made a ~rbal raperr upon her attendance at the Con- fezenos of~the Canadian Welf~e Octoil. It ms ordered on the motion of Ald. Me~inch ~d Stephens t~ t~ re~ be received, ~d the th~ks of the Co~cil ~ ex~n~d to the ~ for her attempt, ~d t~ m~ be spr~d on tM minute Be ' ' The report wos as follows: "l wish to thank the Mayo~ and members of the City Council for the oppor- tunity offertied me of attending at Ottawa, this national meeting of Social workers, whose aotivitbs f~om coast to coast, ceme under review ~n the dif- ferent sections, where papers were read, presumably by those most expert in their line of work. Them were followed by designated discussants, who, at times were ex'ltioized for adding another lmepare~ paper instead of pick- ing out the main topics in the original paper, treating then in such an al~zing mm-uer as to lead the floor delegates into general discussion, Of this latter the~e was a lamentable deax*th - so that really the convention took an morn :She character of a University extension course than an oppor- 110 t,m~ty to exchange views or voice objections as to the common practice in our Council meet ings, "There rare 3 days of in~znsive progran~ne.fx~m 9.~0 a.m. to well into the night, m~ time was devoted ohioflay to Public Welfare and Ccmnunity Plan- ni~g, ~hich were more comprehensive fzom a civic point t~n the sections restricted to study of Child Welfare, If one could only absorb and re- tain the great amount of lnfor~mtion and detail t hat one hears in those long hours of listening, one would be of inestimable value in any commun- ity -- but alas! "0n Tuesday, Dr. H.M. CassidY - Director of Public Welfare in British COl- umbia, and who had Just been elected President of the organization for the coming year, in his paper on Public Welfare ~r~~n"izatien told us that the western provinces had felt the effedts of the depression to a degree not dreamed of in the east and berated the Federal Government for its mtserabJs failure in solving the unemployed problem, for treating it too long as a tamrarefy ill, when it is cow well recognized as something to engage the fall time of a permanent department, Providing relief funds and placing responsibility for same has been bandied about too long and its high time the Federal Co~e rnmen~ steadied down to the' Job of regis- tration of all persons, so as to have contro~ of transients, whose per- iodical appearance here e~d there, Wh~re they are never welcome nor wanted; and to Irevide security of ltvlng, not temporarY relief - else there mightnpossible be a carrYing out of the frequent threats of sec- . assion on account of the burden of taxation and lack of economic ~3ont~ol, He advocates administration of relief flom the se~t of each Provincial Government, being closer to the needs of its own citizens. "there should be uniformity of methods of administering relief - as nOw there is no degree of stability in the amounts to be expanded from year to year; and as scm~ municipalities are too stall to set up Welfare Dep- artments, it was advisable to Join with counties for the gloat lack of long range policy of relief was due to elected politicians supplying the lnmsdiate needs and leaving thousolves and their administration open all kinds of ignorant and unjust criticimn· The changing instability of the ~oun~s granted by Gowrmnents to municipalities was the principal cause of the patch-work methods ~read over Cn~nda, "It was agreed that workers worn out through~- long service in industry or incapaeitiated for sune reason,. should he a charge on industry. and not on municipality, ' "T~n Moore of the National Emplo3nnent Oonnnittee spoke on un~nployment: and relief in 1937, and said that National registration had not been enforced for fear of raising false hopes in the minds of the unen~ployed reagrding Jobs, He recited facts and figures about men on relief who in normal times would be on construction Jobs, there being 50% between the a~gs of 2.5 and 46 years; so his Com. mittee reeormmnded the Home Improvement Plan to the Federal Govexlmznt, and this has supplied considenble ~,nployment . in the building industries at a time of lowest building progress and be waned that wa~s for such wozk should not be below the needs and cir- cumstances of those employed, ,~here were several others spoke, but only brought out what is entirely familiar to us here - the frequency of ease s who are content to remain as nelief recipients - the oat and mouse ~ played wherein a man is .mid to take a Job for fear of Jeopardizing his chance of relief; and the danger of providing too well for the family on ~elief ~o the detriment of the family of the tax-payer who helps pay the shot, "Miss Zoo Puxley, O,B.E,, Principal Officer Dlvicon of Ptxblie Assitsmqe, British Minister of Health, gave very eloquent addresses on different sub- Jeers which wore by farthe most masterly and plea~ng, Her knewledge of all welfare work is infinite; her ~__~-dXing of a subject, besides being wet infomative, is verY humourous and begutling, Her insight into the ragaries of human rmture is very keen and her takearrant most kind charitable, Her public addresses while in Canada ought to be lmoduoSive of very beneficial results, "T~ere were highly specializes t~eatises of subJeeSs which concern a munity such as: Recxea. tion, in which Mr, Cook of the National made iS olea~ that She p~opa~ use of leisure time was mus~ essential as unocO~picd Sinis is x~sponsible fo~ ~y ills| a~ong Sbsm She change in conceition of Heaven as a place of sSernel doin~ nnth~,e_ which is to the modern way of Shinking, would eonvex~ it into a vex~able Hell; fcF them must be activity of mind and bo~ if proper poise is to be mainSdined an~ health to be conserved in young people to ~eep them fit for a Job ~hen it presents itself, and a proper preparation for marriage when that tb~me comes, He offered the suggestion that a city should have a cir- culating supply of baseballs and bats as we have books in a library. "Professor Corbett re-iterated what ha said to us here on Adult Educ- ation and we have reason ~o congratulate ourselves that enterprising enthusiasts in our City have already fulfilled his suggestions about having amateur dramatics, etc. "Experts propounded the desired qualities which social workers employed .in' a'commanity should posedes, such as: born leadership, agreeable per- .sonality and sensitive to h, mn~n needs; a person of maturity and exper- ience of life who can stand the shocks and discouragement attendant on public service; should be free of political patronage; having that prime requisite - a sense of humour; and one who has not had an unfor- tunate personality difficulty elsewhere, These and many more went to make up this Utopian Individual who would be willing to ~ive his or her time to the thankless and often pporly paid Job of helping straighten out the health and financial difficulties of the nation's derelicts. "To me the most iraerecting and cwiginal of all papers was given by Professor Urwich of Toronto on Cnmmunity planning - whose remarks ~ere chiefly applicable to a large city but v~o~ suggestions could be well applied to wherever evils in housing existed, As our situation is tol- erably free of the awful indictment he levelled at such places as Mon- treal and his own City of Toronto, I will not enl argo on his statement that every slum dwelling was an offense to God and a mute blasphemy to Heaven,," RESOLbTIONS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 49 - WHITE - ~A"EFtENS - RF. SOLVED that Wednesday, Jun~ 9th, be proclaimed a public holiday .in celebration of the birthday of His Majesty, King George Sixth, and t~at all civic employees, including the relief workers, he allowed their full time for that day; and further, that all employers be requested to mske th.e sume allowsrice for their workers, and the Seal of She Corporation be hareto affixed. G,arr. i.e~d No, 50 - Me~CH - WBITE - R~OLVED that the City Manager' be instructed to procure an opinion from the City Solicitor, as to the responsibility of this Council, or any City officials, in establishing two mill rates in this City, one.by by-laW and the other by compromise, and whether the amount payable to the City for 1937 is ~llscted in accordance with the prs.sent mill rate by- law, or whether the same is collecte~ upon a 30-mill rate, on an assessment of $2,500,000,00, in accordance with the.1921 Agreement with the Hydro-Elec- tric Power C~,mnissi0n of Ontario, and the Seal of the Corporation be heroic affixed, Carried ~rrSC~.X.ENEOUS Aid, WhtSe brought up the complaint of the resident at 533 Fourth Avenue, in connection with the packing. of trucks along the side of his home, and tbe sSarting of these tzucks in the early hours of the morning, Ald, White asked that the City Manager sutanlS a report as to the conditions of She complaint, and~hether any action could be taken Sheen, The Council adjourned on the upSion of Aid, White and HannAwell, to assemble as a Committee of She Wholeo His Worship Me~?~ Anderson appointed Aid, Nan. niwell as Chalman of She Co~nlttee, 111 113 READ AI~ AD01~D, J"'~ 14, It ms ordered on the motion of Aid. MoAninch and White that the Conmittee arise snd report to the Council. READ AND ADOPI~I), June 14, 1937. ~= , . . Clerk. CoulEil Chemist, June 7, 1937,' The Council assembled as a Conunittee of the Whole, for the purpose of discussing the matter of traffic and the allocation of taxi-stands on Clifton Hill. All members of the Gouncil were. present, and Ald. Hnnniwell acted as Chairman. A sketch had been presented by the City/~anager, of the location, and six new stands on the South side of the Hill were shown. Discussion upon this proposal ~xs commanced, and the following motions were made. ORDERE~ on the motion of His Worship Mayor Anderson and Aid. Twidale that the plan as submitted by the City Ms.germ in connection vrith the taxi- stands on Clifton Kill be accepted and adopted, and put into force, on trial, for the time being. Council Chamber, June 7, 1937, The City Got,oil re-assembled for the purpose of receiving the re- port of the Chairman of the Cc~unittee of the Whole, as to the action t~ken at the meeting held, The Chairman, Aid. Hmniv~ll, reported upon the actlob taken by the. Oommittee, and the resolution which had been passed. It ~s ordered on the motion of Ald. Stephens and .TWid..ele..th~.ths report of the Committee he rcoeived and apprcved. The vote upon this motion was as followas Yeas -Ald. Scott, His Worship Mayor Anderson, and Ald. Twiddle, Nays- Aid. MoAninch, Stephens, Donald, White and Hanniwell. The motion was not carried. Kr. Howard Fox, proprietor of the Fox Head Inn, spoke to the Cc~nittee, and made the sugEsstion that. hourly parkinE on Clifton Hill be en~roed, which, be felt, would materially assist in remedying the situation at present, and asked whether it would not he possible to allow only the present ~o stands at the top of the hill, and perhaps use a vacant lot at the top of the hill for the parking of oars, 0BDERE~ on the motion of Aid. MoAninch and White that the City Man~er be instructed to eonmmnicate with ths lilaEara Parks Commission, asking that a Joint meeting be held with the Council, as soon as possible, to ascertain whether it would be possible to establish a osntankl. paxkin6 space for taxis, inside the pa~k confines, and that an official he placed in chal'Es tbersof, for the ~-llooaticn of the taxis; end fulther, that the City MaNOr .ascertain whst othe~ a~eas ax'e availe, bls in this see~ion=for the parking of Said cabs, . for pl~sentation to the Council. i~: :.: This motion Nas oarlied, the vof~ being as folle~s: .~. - Yeas - AId. Scott, MeAninch, ~ephens, Donald, Hanniwell and )elites - .,:' , Ne~ys -AId. Twidale ~.ani His Worship !hyo~ 'Andel~n. The Oouncil adjourned on the motion of Aid. Stephens nnd Hanniwell. READ AND ADO}TED, J;:~ 14, 1937. 114 FINA~K~E Mr~IN~ Oouncl 1 Ohmbe June 7, 1937. The Finance Committee met on Monday, June Vth, 1937, for the purpose of approvlng and also of ~assing the various accounts which had bee~ properly certified and placed before them. All members of the C~mnittee ws~e present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Co~uittee, amounttn~ to $6m017.59. The accounts submitted, being passed or othemise dealt with, the Committee, on the.motion'of AId. MeAninch and Donald, ordered.that these be . placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Oouncil. The report of the City MAnager, recommending the replacement of the garages at the rear of the North end FIre Iizll, ~as presented. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald ~nd Hanniwell that the report he received and ad- opted, and the necessary work be carried out. The connunication from the I~re. Electric Power Commission of 0nt- ario, in connection with the grant to the City of Niagara Feels, ?as presented. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. White and His Worship Mayor Anderson that the comm;mieation be received and filed. The Committee adjourned on the motion of AId. Scott and Donald. READ AND ADOPT~), June 14, 193V, Chairman of Finnnee. Olerk. COUNCIL Council Chamber, ;~une 7, 19B7. T~s Council x~-asse~bled at t~ close 'of the Fi~noe ~eti~, .for the p~s~ of p~ssi~ t~ mney by-~w o~e~ng ~e ac~u~ s which had been app~ved by ~e Csl~tee. ~1 meters of the C~noil wen The following By-Law ms passe~$ No.. 2517 - Aid. H.P.Stephens - To Q~ant Monies for ~eml Pmlposes. 1st reading- Aid. ~vidale and Hanaiwell, 2nd reading - Aid. Donald and Scott. 3rd reading- Ald. Stephens and Twirlale. The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Scott and Twirlale. READ AND ADOP~), June 14,m 1937. Ma yet. C le rk. 117 ,, T~T~-FIFTH MEETING Council Ch,~mber June 14,. 1937. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 5.00 p.m. to consider Gen- eral Business and Finance. All members of the Council were present. The Coun- cil, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, these mrs adoI~ed on the motion of Ald. Donald and Twiddle. DEPUTATIONS On the motion of AId. Do-~l d and Harniwsll, Mr. W.G. Ward, represent- ing the Niagara Fails Amateur Baseball Association, was permitted to address the Council. Mr. Ward spoke in connection with the allocation of the baseball field at poplar Park, which has been requested f~r use by the Softball Association. Mr. Ward outlined the activities of this organization, end these of his .own as- soication, and advised the Council of the necessity of this field for his group, due to the number of tames and games to be played throughout the season. Mr. Ward also stated that the Softball league wished to use the field in a different m.nner, which would necessitate the changing of the mount after the playing of each game. SEE Resolution No. 51. In connection with Corn"nmicati°n No,.144, and on the motion of Aid. wnnuiwell and Stephens, Mr. Rosberg, representative of the Hermes Club, was per- mitted to addxess the Council. MAr. Rosbsrg outlined the activities of the Club in connestion with the sponsorship of supervised playgrounds, end advised the Council of the action they wish to take this year. Mr. Rosberg requested that the club be permitted to use the land immdiately adjoining the baseball diamond at Oakes Park, and if necessary, extend the area. SEE Ccumuni.catiun No. 144. In connection with Cc~nmunicatian No. 155, and on the motion of Ald. White and Donald, the representatives of the Niagar~ Sightseeing Drivers, were permitted to address the Council. Mr. Crant spoke firs~ end stated that so~e of the representations made at the last meetiixg of the Council were not correct, and pointed out that at the present time, the taxi-men had only the for stands at the top of Clifton Hill for their care. The speaker stated that the Association had procured the paxmission for the use of a vacant lot adjacent to the Miohig"n Central Railway tracks for parking purposes, end they proposed to use the s~ne for,the cars of their patrons, He also stated that one of the owners of a Tourist Camp on Clifton HAll, Mr. Molntosh, had given them permission to have thief oustbracts park their vehicles upon his lend. The speaker said that the taxi-men felt that some provision should be made for the drivers, and m_84e the s~ggestion that a two-hour parking re~lation be made for the entire hill, JAr, Spies also spoke upon the matters and exhibited a card which had been placed in a hotel in Niagara Fells, it was alle~md, warning visitors ag- ainst the solici~ation of taxi-drivers, SEE COm-_,__,.-tcation No, 155. CC~CATXONS laid o.ve~ f~om ~mvious meetings No. 144 - Hermes Club - requesting permission to use Oakes Park in connection with supervised playground. O~DERED on the motion of Ald. White and Stephens that the communication be received, and the City E~n~ger be instructed to hold a conference With the representatives of the Hermes Club, end other interested parties, for the consideration of the request, and a report be submitted to the City Council thereon. No. 154- Oh-tuber of Connnerce - suggestions re parking and t~ffic. O~DER~O on the motion of Ald. Harmdwell and Stelj~ns that the first matter, n2mely the parking on St.Olair Avenue, be laid on the table for one week. FURTHER OHDERED that the second request, for the supervision of the parking space on St. Olair Avenue and Paxk Street, be filed and no action taken, on the motion of Ald. White and Harmdwell. FURTHER ORDEPaD on the motion of Ald. M~nniwell and Twi- ddle that the third request, in connection with the stop sJgns at Victoria Ave- nue and Maple Street, be gr~nted and a by-law be prepared to proved for Victoria Avenue to become a through arrest at Mapls Street and Queen Street, and that 'Caution' or 'Slow' signs be erected on Victoria Avenue, before the ln*~rsection of Maple Street, for the traffic going South, and before t~ intersection of Queen Street, for traffic going North. The follow~_ng ComuUnications were received: No. 155 - Niagara Sightseeing Drivers - re traffic on Clifton Hill. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Harmdwell and Scott that the communication be received and filed, and that three taxi stands, for one car each, be allocated to the South side of Clifton HAil, upon the locations as shown on the sketch submitted by the City Mannear at the previous meeting, and the traffic by-law be amended uc- cordinly, and also that a two-hour lmxking ~estriction be established for the entire Clifton Kill. The vote on the above question was as follows: Yeas - Aid. Scott, Stephens, Donsld, Hanniwell, White and Twidale. Nays - Aid. MoAninch. No. 156 - County Court Clerk,_We~l~la_.~M - re ceremony at Queenston Hig~ts, June 20th. 0RDEE on the motion of Ald. Twidale and McAninch that the connuunicat- ion he received and filed, and as ninny of the CouXxcil as possible attend this ceremony. No. 157 - Relief Administrator - re application for men for work in Northern Ontario. OI~)ER~ on the motion of. Ald. White and Donald that the communication be received and filed. No. 158 - He.ll Telephone Company - re changes in plant, and application for re- moval of poles. OI~)ER~D .see Report No, 71. REPORTS The following Repar~S were .received: No. 71 - City Engineer - reoo~nnending granting of permission to Bell Telephone Company. OI~EPa~) on the motion of Ald. White end Harmdwell that the report be · received end the request be granted. No, 72 - Frontier H,-~e Society - report for month. ORDERED on the motion of Aid, MeAninch and Stephens that the report be received and filed. No. 7~ - City Solicitor - re pax'king of trucks near residences. ORDEPaD on · the motion of Ald. MoAninch and Twiddle that the report be received and filed, No, 74 - Fire Chief Baldx.y - ~eeommending change in location of sleeping quar- ters of North tara Fire Hall. OI~)EPa~) on the motion of Ald. White end Scott that the report be received and adopted. No, 75 - City 8oli0itor - re resolution of Council end Hydra-Electric Power Commission taxes, ORDERED on the motion of AId, Stephens a~a Donald that the ~eport of ~he Solicitor he received end filed. No. 76 - A. ssess~nt Ccxnmissioner - report for year 1936. Ot~)',]RED on the mot- ion of Ald. Stephens.and Scott that the report be received and laild bn the table for one week. RESOLUTIONS The following l~solutions ~re passed: No. 51 - MeAlfiNCH - STEPHENS - RESOLVED that the City Manager be instntcted to confer .with Mr. W.G.Ward, representative of the Niagara Falls Amateur Baseball Association, and a representative of the Softball Association, upon the totter of the use of the fields at 0ekes Park end Poplar Park, and endedyour to arrive at an nmiOable arrangement, and report to the City Council, and the Seal of the Corl~ration be hereto affixed. _Carried No. 5~ - MoANINCH - STEPHE~S - RESOLVED that the City ~nager be r~uested to t~e up with the ~ts Su~rintendent, the totter of the p~i~ of trees by v~ious ~mp~ies a~ O~ssions, for t~ purpos~ of cle~i~ their ~res, to ascetic w~t~r this work co~d he done ~er t~ su~ision of his D~rt- meet, with a view to pmse~i~ t~ ~fe ~d beauty of t~ trees, ~ t~t a ~po~ be rode to the Council u~n the ~tter~ a~ t~ Se~ of the Oo~omtion be here~ affixed, C~ Ald. Scott advised the City M~nnger of the bad condition of the road surface in front of 457 Sirocco Street, and requested that some actio~ be taken to have the condition remedied. The Council adjourned on the slotion of Ald. Scott and Stephens. READ AND AD01~ED, ~Uce 21, 1937. Mayor · FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, June 14, 1937. The Finance Co~Eittee mat on Monday, June 14th, 1937, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cer~ified and placed before them. All menbars of the C~,a~ittee were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Conmitt.e, amounting to $8,553.77. The accounts su~nitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, the Committee, on the motion of Ald. White and Twirlale, ordered that these be plac- ed in the money by-law for presentation to the City Council. The reports of H.T.Jamieson & Company, upon the audit of the Children' s Aid Society and the Hydro-Electric C~nmission of Niagara Falls, for the year 1936, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Whi~e and Hanniv~ll tbat the reports be received, printed, and copies of the completed report furn- ished to the Council. The communication from the Unen~plopd Association, in connection with their requests, was presented. In connection with this mattor, Mr. Boydell, rep- resentative of the Asseciatiou, ms l~rmitted to address th~ Committee. Mr. Boydell stated that the communication did not set forth the request of the As- sociation as it was desired, and that they were requesting the City Council to co-operate with the Unemployed in .presenting this matter to the Oover~nt, ask- ing that they provide work for, these men on a basis Of a 44-hour work at 50~ per hour, and that if they cannot provide this work iaxnediately, the Unemployed ask an increase of twenty-five per cent. in their allowances. It was ox~lered on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Hannivall ttmt the conmlunication be received and filed. The comnunication from Miss Margaret MacBain, requesting a further extension of time for the redemption of the Brovm Estate property, ms presented. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Andcroon and Ald. MoAninch that the oomunication be received and referred to the City Mana~pr for his ro- port upon the matter. The communication from the Hamilton Wrestling club, requesting perm- ission to use Oed~es Field for wrestling matches, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Hanniwell that the conmm,nic~tion be received, aml the request be granted under the conditions as set forth. The offer of G.Smith, for the purchase of the registered property at ~-43 Bridge Street, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Hanniwell that the communication be received and laid on the table, in view of the fact that the offer doa~ not equal the appraised value of the property. The Revenue and Expenditure Statement, for the month ending May 31st, 1937, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Donald that the s~ateenent be received and laid on the table. The Oommittee adjourned on the n~tion of AId. ttanniwell and Donald. READ AX~ ADOPT~n, Ju~e 21, 1937. Chaiz~n- of Finance. Clerk, 120 COUNCIL MEET]I~G Council Chember, JtnB 14, 1957. The Council m_assembled attho close of the Finance Meeting, for the purpose of passing the money by-law coverfling the accounts which had been approved by the Committee. ALl members of the Council were present. BY-IAW The following By-Law ~as passed: No. 2518.- Aid. H.p. Stephens - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. let reading -Ald. White and Hannlwell. 2nd reading - ~ld. Donald and Stephens. 3rd reading -Ald. Twidsle and Scott. The Council adjourned on the moti on of Ald. Hanniwell sad Stephens. READ AND ADOPTER, JUse 21~ 195V. ' Mayor, Clerk. Council Chmnber, June 2t, 1937. RECTOR I~E Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 5.00 p.m. to consider Censral Business and Finance. All members of the Council vJere present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the ~revious meeting, these were adopted on the motion of Ald. Scott end ~idsle. DEPUTATIONS In connection with Comunication No. 159, and on the motion of =kid. White and Scott, Mr. H.O. Jennings, representative of the Girls' Softball Assoc- iation of Niagara Falls, was pe~nitted to adfiress the Council. Mr. Jennings outlined the request of his Association for the use of the. baseball field :~t Oakes l~rk for two nights per ~veek. SEE Con~au_n.i.cati on No... 159. CO~tTLE~ICATIONS Laid over from previous mete: No. 154 - Chamber of Commerce - recon~ending single parking on St. Clair A'en~s between Queen and Huron Streets. OF©EE on the motion of Ald. Whi~e and Scott that the request he granted, and that parki,~ be permitted in tks area n~med, on the east side of the street only, and the By-law be ~mended accordingly. Ald. MeAninch asked to be x~corded as being apposed to the motion. The following Comunications were received: No. 159 - Girls' Softball Association of Niagara Falls - re use of baseball field at Poplar Perk. 01~)~2~2D see Report No. No. 1~0 - DeputyMinister E.A. Horton - ~ckuewlsdging communication re resolut- ion. ORDEE on the motion of Ald. Stephens and White that the communication be received and filed. No. 161 - Arthur E.Esllsm - re Taxi-stsa~ds aud River Road matters. OiDFR',~ on the motion o~ kld. White sad Hanniwell that the commmication be received 'and a Joint report from the Police Cometlesion, Chief of Police and the City Solicitor be requested upon the n-frets mentioned therein, No. 162 - Oommar~er, American~ - invitation to participate in parade. O~)ERI~ on the motion of Ald. Stephens and Twidale that the invitation be rec- eived, acknowledged and accepted, and as areany of the Council as possible attend. No. 163 - Separate School Board - protestifig against change in traffic regulat- ions at Victoria Avenue and Queen and Maple Streets. 0~D~R~D on the motion of Ald. Stephens and Hanniwell that the communication be received and laid on' the table and consideration be given whem.,the by-law i s presented. SEE also B~-Laws.. No, 164 - Rusk' s Ice Cream Dairy - re parking on Mornicon Street near Victoria A~snue. O~)ER3D on the motion of Ald. Stephens and McAninch that the conmunic- atton be received and filed, and the 0ity Manager be requested to n~d~e a re- por~ upon this' matter, and also advise the Council of the original re~son for prohibiting parking in this area. No, 16~ - Bell Telephoue Company - m change in plant. 01~DI~RED on the motion of AId. Twidale and White that the ccmmanication be received and referred tc the City Engineer and Electrician for their report 'and recoma~endation. No. 166 - Fails View Hose. Co. Ne_.~i - requesting permission to hold parade. OR- DR~D see Report No. 78. ~ l( '122 Laid over from previous meeting: No. V6 - Assessanent Co:x~issioner - report for year 19~6. 0I~)~RI~) On the motion of Ald. White and Hanni~ull that the report be received and filed. The following Reports were recieved: No. 77 - City Manager - re meeting with representatives of the Associatic~s for use of Poplar Park baseball fields, 01~)Ell~D on the motion of Ald. White and Twidale that the report be redeived and adopted. No. 78 - City Manager - recommending granting of permission for parade. ORDF~V:D on the motion of Ald. Hanaiwell and Donald that the report be received and opted, and the requ!et be granted. No. 79 - City ~hnager - re meeting with representatives of Hermes Club re use of 0ekes ~ark. 0RDERE~ on the motion of Ald. White and Scott that the report be received and the recommendation be adopted. No. 80 - Parks Superintendent - re pruning of trees by various Oompanies cad Commissions. Ot~)ERE~ on the motion of Ald. Hanniwell and Scott that the port be received and filed and the City Manager and the Parks Superintendent be requested to submit a report upon the cost and feesability of carrying out the suggestions as made by Mr. Emery, for the establishment of a forestry branch in the City, to utilize some of the unemployed men who will be inter- ested in studying this type of work, under the pr-~per supxwision. The follo~dn~ petition was _received: No. 6 - A. Haidt & ~ others - protesting against noise made by Niagara wire weaving company plant. 0t~)ERE0 on the motion of Ald. White and Do~-l d that the petition be received and filed, and a copy of the same be forwarded to the Compauy, asking for theirmoo-operation in the elimixmtion of any unneces- sary noise in their plant. E~L~I~S The follov~ng Resolutions were passed: No. 53 - ~?IDALE - STEPHENS - %'~F~REAS The municipalities of the Province of Ontario are the ovmers of the Hydro-Electric Power Cammission system, A~) WXEREAS the Municipalities do not appear to have representation u,Ron the H~dro-Electric Pov~r O,~,~dssion of Ontario, BE IT THE~0RE RESOLVF~) that we, the Council of the City of Niagara Falls, request that a repx~sentative of the Ontario municipalities be appint- ed a sa member of the Hydre-Electric Power O~ission of Ontario, and that Copies of this resolution be foldcarded to the Honourable the Prime Ktnister, I~. ~tttchell F.Hepburn; Our Local Member of the Legislature, Mr. W.L.Houck; the Hydro-Electric Power Cc, xnission of Ontario; the Ontario Municipal Associa- tion; and to the cities of the Province of Ontario; asking for their endcre- ation, a~d the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. ~ '- Carried. No. 54 - MoANINCH - STEPH~S ~ RESOLVED that the City l~anager be Instructed to request ~he City Solicitor to ~repare a revised Traffic By-Law, which shaB include all by-laws respecting Traffic and the Use of Street, and ~maendments up tO the present time, and the ~eal of the Octpotation be hereto affixed. · Carried No, 55 - Mo~qINGH - STEPI~S - RESOLV~I) that this Council of the Clty 'of Nia- gara Falls en~eavou~ to bring before the various organizations such as the Historical 8cotcry, the Canadian Legion, the Imperial Ox~ler of the Daughters of the Empire, etc.; the desirability of making some suitable recognition, by the erection of a cairn or monument, o£ the fine services rendered to Can- ada by the Six-Nations Indians, and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried .BY-L~WS Tim followtn~ By-Laws were presented: Ng., ~519 -Ald. C.D.Hsnniwell - To mend By-Law No. 2124, respecting Traffic and the Use oF Streets. 1st reading - Aid. Donald and Scott. 2rid reading -Ald. Scott and Hanniwell. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Stephens and Donald that the third reading be laid on the table, inview of the commnication which had been received frem the Separate School Board. .N9. 2520 - Aid. A.F.Donald - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. 1st reading- Aid. Twtdsle and Stephens. 2nd reading - Aid. Donald and White. 3rd reading -Ald. White end Twiddle. No. 25,2_1 -Ald. C.D.ttanniwell - i~ By-Law respecting Traffic and the Use of Streets. 1st reading - AId. White and Stephens. 2rid reading- Aid. T~vidale and Fanntwell. 3rd reading -Ald. Scott and White. Aid.."Rvldale mentioned the condition of the flow of ~mter on the River Road, from the streets running into it, during the rain ~ormrecently, and pointed out that suffici eat outlets for the water had not been made, caus- ing a very undesirable and dangerous condition during a heavy fall of rain. The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Stephens and Donald. READ kND ADOFT~D, ~une 28th, 19BV. Clerk. 123 124 FINAEI~E MEETING Counci 1 Ch~nber, June 21, 1937. The Finance Committee met on MondaY, June 21st, 1937, for the pur- pose of approving and also of p~ssing +_he various accounts which had been pro.nerly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were pre sent · Sundry accounts were apl~roved by the Committee, amounting to $39,365 · 62. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, the Committee, on the motion of Ald. Scott and Donald, ordered that these be plea- ed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council. The Co~mmunication from the Unemployed Conmittee, requesting the co- operation of the Committee, was presented. It ~ms ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Anderson and AId. Hanniwell, that Mr. Boydell, Chairman of the Committee, be permitted to speak. Mr. Boydell outlined the request as presented in the communication, and stated that the unemployed were anxious to he put to work on a Job ~nich would pay them reasonable wages, in order that they may get away from the stig- ma of being classed as unemployed. A motion was presented by Ald. Scott and Donald, that the communic- ation be received and filed. An areenfant was moved by Ald. Hanniwell and White that the commun- ication be received and filed, and that copies be forwarded to Messrs. A.B. Dsmude, M.P., and W.L. Houck, M.L.A., as being received bye the City Council. Upon the amendment being presented, the same was carried; and there- fom, the motion was not voted upon. The application of Mrs. Caterins Mazzone, for the p~rchase of the registered property known as 2034 Stanley Avenue, for the stun of $800.00, which is the appraised value, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Twidale and White that the offer be roceived and accepted, subject to the usual conditions, and to the approval of the Department of Municipal Af- fairs. The report of the City Mana~sr~ upon the request for an extension of time, for the redemption of the property forn~rly owned by the B~ovm Est- ate, was presented. In this connection, and on the motion of Ald. White and Donald, Miss MacBain,t~spressntative of the Estate, ms permitted to address the Council. Miss MacBain outlined her written request, and asked that the Coun- cil consent to an extension of time till October 15, 1937, as me had three prospective buyers for the property, who would not be able to make a decision until that time. Miss MacBain asked that the whole of the property be erred until that time, as one of the persons was interested in it. Xt was ordered on the motion of Ald. MeAninch and Hanniwell 'that the report be received and filed, the Brown Estate be given an extensioA~ of time for the redemption of the property until October 15, t937, Without erviation of any portion of the land by the City. Xn view of the above, the City Man~r asked permission to dis- continue the proposed changes in the garages at the rear of the Fi~e Hall,as preveously instructed. The report of the City Mana~sr, ruoommsnding additional expenditur- es for Pavement rapairs, was presented. It vas ordered on t~e motion of Aid. White and DOnald, that the ~eport be received and adopte~, The reports of H.T. Jsmieson & Company, upon the accounts of the Public Library Board and the control of Revenue of the Swh~aing Pool for the year 1936, were presented. It ms ordered on the motion of ~ld. V~hite and His Worship ~fayor ~mderson that the reports be received, printed, end copies of the same he supplied to the members of the Council. The Conn~ittee adjourned on the motion of AId. Scott and Hanni~Bll. ~READ AND ADOITED, June 28, 1937. Chairman of Finance(. Clerk.. C0~JNCIL I~TING Council Chamber,, June 21, 1937. The council re-assembled at the close of the Finance meeting, for the purpose of passing the money by-law covering the accounts which hod been approved by the Committee. All members of the Cguncll, with the exception of Ald. ~vidale, were present. The followin~ By-Law was passed: No. 25.22 - A~ld. H.P. Stephens - To G~ant Monies for General Purposes. 1st reading - Aid. Hanniwell and Donald. 2nd reading -Ald. Donald and Stephens. 3rd reading -Ald. Scott and Whi~e. The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. l'~hite and Hanniwell. READ AN0 ADORED, June 28, 1937. Mayor. Clerk. 126 CounCil Chamber, June 28, 1937. REGUI~R }`~TING Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 5.00 p.m. to Consider oral Business and Finance. All members of the Council were present. The Coun. cil, havinE received and re:~d the minutes of the previous meeting, these ~re adopted on the motion of Ald. Stephens and Hanniwell. C(~HUNI CY~TIONS The fellerring Commu__.nications w~re received: No. 167 - Niagara Wire Weaving Conpany - acknowledging communication re noises in plant. ORDERED ~n the motion of Ald. White and Stepbans that the comunic~ aries be received and filed. No. 168 - H.F.Logan - making application for M.Tychunski for permission to op- erate wrecking yard. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Stenhens sad Scott that the comunication be received and referred to the City Manager, City Solicitor, nnd Chief of Police for their report. 1F. PORTS The following Reports were received: No. 81 - City Ba_na~er - re parking conditions on Morrison Street at Victoria Avenue. 0RDER~ on the motion of Ald. Scott and White that the report he rec- eived and filed, and no change in the parking regulations be made. No. 82 - City Manager - re request for establishment of Forestry Department. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Hanniwell that the repor~ he received and adopted. The following petition was received: No. 7 - ~irs. F.~.Douglas & 27 others - requesting removal of sign on Ne~nan Hill. 0RBERED on the motion of Ald. Twiddle and White that the petition be received and referred to the Chamber of Co:~eree, with the request that some action be taken by them upon this matter, and that Ald. Twidale, representative of the City Council on the Ohember, explain the situation as it is presented. RESOLUTION The following Resolution w~.s Das~,d.: No. 56 - F~.NNIVaELL - STEPIL~ - RESOLV~ that the City Manager he authorized to forward to the family of the late Pasquale DelDuca. a message of s~mpathy from the 0ity Council for them in their bereavement, in the passing of their father, who was a fiathful employee of the Corporation for a number 6f yeers, end that a wreath.of flowers,be. sent, and the seal of the Corporation.be .hereto affixed. Carried ~ISC.~-~ANEOUS Ald. Twiddle reported to the City CounOil upon her attendance at the luncheon of the Chamhe~ of Commrce, st which certain suggestions were made; and suggested that vex7 careful consideration be'given to the mt~ers~ i.e.: (1) that the lntexmationa~ Brid~ Company be requested to at,~ooate sufficient space at the top of their parking area to acco.-~odate four taxis; and that the four- taxi-stands on Bender Hill and also on Nev~mn Hill be ubolisbs d, inusuch as ~hese are not used; and the space co~fid be utilized by the travelling public as a co..~non parking s~ace. The Aldennan advised that the Chamber wished to hold a round-table conference vdth the Council for the discussion of these matters. Aid. ~,;idnle also leperted that sl~ attended the b~nquet of tip ane Society Provincial ~nnUal meeting; and felt that com3~endation should be made for the excellent way in uhich this org'a~izatjor. is carrying out its work in the education of the public in this particul~u. line. Aid. IIc,'minch spoke upon the matter of traffjc ~nd taxi stands if. t?~ vicinity of the Upper Bridge; and asked that a mprt be m~.de and submitted at the next meeting from the City Sol. icitor, as to under what authority the City Council passed a by-l~r' for the regulation of traffic in n territory over v hich they have no Jurisdiction; and if the 3ity Council nay m~ke ~r!finc by-ln,,,:;~ For this area; whether the Council would be held publicly liable For paint:~,n~ signs and lines on proparty over which they 1,~ve no control; ~nd if the By-law has not been approved by the DeFnrtment of HiCbavays, ,~d the si~u; have b,~'im v'ithout that approval, whether the'Council would be responsible in case o~ lit- i gat ion · ~ld. }tanniwell rsque~ed that the City Manager submit a report to the City Council as to the possibility of extending th-, polling time. ~ t the am~ual elections to 7.00 R.m. rather than the usual 6.00 p.m. The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Scott and Stephens. AND ADOPTED, JUly 5, 1937. ~layor. Clelk. FINANCE MEETING Council Cha~uher, Jun.e 28, 1937. The Finance Committee met on },ionday, June 28th, 1937, for tl~ purpose of approving and also of passing the. various accounts which had been properly ~e~tified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. A 2 accounts were.approved by the Oe.,iaittee, arecasting to undry3~ ~ , .1 The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, the 0mittee, on the motion of Aid. Twiddle and Donald, ordered that these be placed in the money by-law for presentation to the City Council. 127 128 The report of the City ~9~nager, upon the conferences held with rep- resentatives of the Insurance Colony, in connection with the r,~edi,c. al~ expens!~s for Constable Frank]yn Liiller, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of His :';orship ~yor Anderson ~nd Ald. Hanniwell that the repol~ be received, and the cheques totalling $2?6.00 from the London Guan~ntee and Accident Company be received and endorsed, and the releases signed by the City L~anager. Ald, :'~ite asked the status of Contable Franklyn Miller at the present time, inasmuch as he had been advised that this man 's position had been teznin- ated as of July lst; and also asked whether, in the event of his being res~red to health, he would be considered for a position by the Police Commissim. His ~'~orship Mayor Anderson assured the Committee that every consider~tion had been extended to the Constable, and that he had been assured of his re-employment by the Commission, when he had been restored to full health and physici~l ability. The Comunication fi~m the Navy Association, requesting financial as- sistame, was presented. It vas ordered on the motion of His Worship !.~ayor son and Ald. Scott that the cormmunication be received and laid on the table for the time being. The application for the purchase of Lot 15 and Part of Lot 16 on Elgin Btreet and Te3race Avenue, by l,irs. H.Mervynne, vas presented. It ~s ordered on the motion of Ald. ;',~ite and His Worship Mayer A~defson that the application be received, and ~{rs. L'.ervynne be advised that the Council are unable to accept her offer, unless an ogreexist was made for the erection of a d~elling upon the lot, or unless the arrears ~t pres..snt owing on the pm~perty are paid in full. The report of the City Solicitor, in connection with the 'proper~y of 699 First Avenue, was presented. It vms ordered on the motion of Ald. 'jhite Hanniwell that the report be received and adopted, and Messrs. Fraser and F~ser be advised that there does not appear to be any authority by v~hich the municip- ality may assume the payment of their mortgage; and to advise that the Corporat- ion would be willing to take into consideration the issuing of a quit claim desd for the property, if the seine is acceptable. T~s application from E.J.Caselton, for the concession at the Athletic Field and Sv.4rmning Pool, for the year 1937, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Donald that the communication be received and the application accepted, subject to the usual conditions. The Committee adJournad on the n~jtion of Ald. White and ~nniwell. E~'d) ~ND AD01Th~D, July ~, 1937. Clerk. COb~DIL LZETi:;G Ceancil Chalaber, June PJ3, 1937. Tile Council re-us.~smbled at the close of the Finance Iieetin~, for th.~ purDo.s of ~ssing the mon.~y by-law covering the acepurrs r~hich have been app- 1Dyed by the Committee. kll members of the Coamittee v;ere present. BY-L,:j The follpv;ing by-L~w ',':as ~ussed: N,o,. ?~523 - ~Lld. H.P.Stephens ~ To Grant liehies for ~neral i~trpo~s, 1st readin.F.- aid. :,'hite and T~vidale. Sad reading - Aid. Domld and Scott. 3rd reading - ~ld. Twidale and Scott The Council adjourned on the motion of ~ld. Stephens and ~jcott. July 5, 1937. L~yor. Clerk. 129 130 131 T.:~TY-EIG~TH M~TING Council Ch~z~er, July 5, 1937. Pursu!~nt to adjournment, the Council met ut 5.00 p.m. to consider genI~r_ al Business ,~!nd Finance. All nember~ of the Council, vdth the e~ce.~tion of ~ld. Twidale and Scott, vsre present. The Council, having. received and read the minut~ of th~ previous meeting, these vsre adopted on the motion of ~ld. Stephens and Donald. DinUTAh. 0115 ' On the motion of .'rid. Donald and Stephens, MAr. Joshua Jepson was permit- ted to address the Council. Mr. Jepson spoke to the Council upon the matter of a transient tnader'~ llCen-~e being assessed agat n.~t a fruit dealer v.~o had rented his store on Queen Str~et, c~nd stated ti~t ~h!:~ :san had been peddling fruit and selling the same on the market for some years. In viev~ of the by-laws of the Corporati~n a.~ they stand at tl~ pre~nt time, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hanniwetl and Steph~ns that the matt~n~ be filed. P~E~TATIOE On the motion of Ald. 'Hanniwell and Stephens, Mr. l;'elter Cower was per- mitted to address the Council. ~Lr. Cower stated that he vdshed to meke a presentati~: to the citizens of Niagara Falls, of a po::-trait of Their Liaj,~-stics, King George and Queen ~1i7~ abeth, in appreciation of the benfits received dtu. ing ~is twenty-five years' res- idence in the City; and ~s h~- had ahv~ taken pride in this work, wished to have it placed v:he~ it v;ould be anpreciated. It was ordered on the motion of ,ild. Stephens ~md McAninch that the City Council ~mcept this very generous gift fron L:r. Cower, on behalf of tl~ cit- izens of Niagara Falls, and that their thanks be extended to },i,'. Cov.'er for the. same; ~xd further tl~tt the portrait be placed in some suitable position. His :';orship Mayor Anderson then thanked ~.ir. Gear, on behalf of the Council and citizens, for the presentation. CC~EdL~]ICj~TIONS The fellowin~ Co:uaunications ~Bre received: lqo. 169 - Hermes Club - extending invitation to attend opening of playground. 0i~- DERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hanniwell tint the conmunication be rec- eived, the invitation be accepted, and as many of the Council as possible attend the ceremony. No. 170 - Louis Gabrielli - reqqs sting removal of two trees. 0iOEtL~) see Repo~,t No.83. No. 171 - Joseph Simon - requesting removal of taxi stand. No, 172 - Todo.roff & Nicholoff - ~questing removal of taxi-stand, Oi~DERED on the motion of Ald, McAnind~a~d White that the com'mnications be received and laid on the table kmtil the traffic By-law is p~sented for the-third reading. No, 175 - Lundy's Lane Historical Society'- re proposed emotion of cairn in co,memoration of Indians of Upper Canada. 0I~ERF~ on the motion of Ald, Steph- ens and MoAninch that the communication be received and the request be granted; and the City l&mager comunicute with the Niagara Paxks Conmission in an effort to a~Tive at a suitable piece for such momu:~t~nt. FU,~TLr~LL CL~Z':Clr-UI) that ~Dpier= of this action ba sent to the local menbets of the Dct~inion and Pre~] nn:i~ ']overn- masts for Niagara Falls and St. CatMrine s, requesting their assistance. R.j!~0LTS The fsl!ov;ing P~poits were x~coiVed: No. 83 - Parks SuPerintendent _ recovr~.endin~ that trees b~ not r~.mo?~d. ClOZi[D on the motion of ~ld. McAninch and Stephens that the report he l~ceived and ad~ opbed. No. 84 - City Solicitor _ re traffic and taxi stands n.~ar t}~ Upper Bri,~r.e. OR- DE~!~]D on the motion of ~ld. Stephens ~nd Zlc~ninch that the re~rt ~ received and find. No. 85 - City Solicitor . re River Road, Chain Reserve and l~tter oC O10~O on the motion of ~ld. Licecinch and iMm~iwell that the resort be received and filed. - No. 86 - City Lianaget _ re regulations for hours of polling. ion of Ald. Hanniwell ,and Stenhens that the re~rt be ~ceived and ].aid on the table; ~d the City Solicitor'be reque~ed to ~eport as to whether t~ polls may remain o~n for a longer period than eight hours on polling day. No. 87 - City Solicitor . re auto wrecking yards. 0]OE~r~ on the motion o ~ Ald. Mc~inch and ~Yhite th':t the repo~ be received ~d filed; and the anplication for a wrecking y~d at 881 Pine Stroct be not gA'~d. PETITION The following Petition wan .~ceived: No. 7 - R~lph lic~lpine & 6 Others - requesting change in loc~ition o'I' taxi stand. ORD".'RE~ on t~ motion of Ald. Hnnniwell and Domld t~mt the petition ~ received, the request be granted, and t~ By-law be amnded accordingly. At this point, Ald. Stephens left the meeti~. RZSOLUTI0!-[ The following Re:nlution was passed: No. 57 - Mc~'d~INCH - I~'d~.II,...~ELL . RESOLVED that the City L{,~na~er present a report to the City Council upon '~ny exYdo~naents which have been made to the Chtl~3~n's Md Society; by whom the~ were made; t~ dates of the donations, the ~nounts, the Interest received u~n t~ same, e~enditures a~inst su~ ~ounts, in ~h~e n~e t~ monies have been held, and whether or not sudx mounts ~we been invest- ed;and t~ ~al of the Cox~oration ~ hereto ~fixed. ~ried BY-LAte The followin~ By_-~aws were passed: No, 2524 .Ald, A.F.Donald . To authorize the signing of a deed for the transfer ~ of lan~ to Mrs, Caterice Mzzone, 'lst reading .Ald, Hanniwell and White, Bed reading -Ald, Donald and Hanniwell, Brd reading -Ald, White and Donald, 132 133 ~.____~o. 2525 - Aid. C.D.ilanniwell - A By-Law of the City of Niagara Fa~ls., res- pecting Traffic and the Use of Streets. 1st reading - Aid. Donaid 'and White. 2rid reading - AId. ~{cAni nch and lqanniwell. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. l~cAninch and Hanniwell that the third readin'~ be laid on the table. for one week. ~._~o. 25?,6 -Ald. H.p. Stephens - To establish a highv.~y called Third ;.venus and being the continuation of Thir4 Avenue scuthsrly. to Valley Lay. 1st reading -Ald. Hanniv~ell and Domild. 2nd r~-ading -Ald. White und Donald. 3rd reading- Ald. V~ite ~nd Hanniv~ell. The Council ~dJourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and 7ih~te, Ald. Donald being ~l~'ointed, by ~ld. Stephens to act as Chainuun of Finance during the meeting to be, held. Ih~D ~ukrD ;OOPTED, SUly 12, 1937. ]~ayor. Clerk. FINANCE METII~G Council Chainher, July 5, 1937. The Finance Committee met on X,~onday, July 5, 1937. for the pus'pose of approving and -lso of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert- ified and placed before them. All members of the Cc~aI~ittee, with the exception of tld. Scott, Twidale and Stephens, were present. AId. Donsld was acting Cb~lr- man of Finsnee. Sundry accounts were approved by the Ccmlmtttee, amounting to $3~, 587 · 37 · The accounts submitted, bei~g~ssed or otherwise dealt with, the Com- mittee, on the motion of Aid. ~'~ite ar~ Hanniv, ell, ordered that these be placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council. The co~mmunication from the Niagara Falls Amateur Baseball Association, in con~ection with the benefit ~eme for the family of t~ late Patsy Marsbelle, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship l~ayor .Ande~son and AId. MoAnins that the Communication be received and the request' he granted, end the mount of the proceeds of the gems, collected by th~ City, be refunded to the Association for the purpose mentioned.. The re~or~ of the City Manager, re checking arrangemehts at the Swim- ming Pool, ms presented. It was ordered oh ~he motion of Ald.'V~ite and MoAn- inch t~t the ~po~ be received and adopted, The report of H.T.J~mieson & Co!nl~my, in eonni~,ction with the accounts of the Housing Con~ission and the Be rd of Educ~tion, was presented. It was dered on the :sotion of ;~ld. 'Jhite e. nd Hanniwell that t~ report be received, printed and copies of the sums be presented to the City Council. It w~s ordered on the nmtion of r{is '/orsh~ p White that the City ~.~ag.~r be requ,~sted to Comply ef C~,adu, fiscal u~nts ~or the City, ~qu'~atinF~ repo~ as to their prog~ss in the matter of the refunding of the City's de~ntLn'e dell. The Cormuittee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Uhite and Hu~mivtell. R~D AI',~D ADOPT. ED, July 1?~, 1937. Acting Chairman of Finance CO'~:CIL Counc~ 1 Chvmb-'~r, July 5, 1937. The Council re-assembled at tke clo,~ of the Financ.~ meeting, for the purpose of passing the money by-law coverin~ the accounts which h,~d heen :'q~'lrcved by the C~muittee. t~ll members of the Council, v,~[th the exception of :rid, Scott, Twidale and Stephens, mrs present. The follo~ir~g By-Law v, us passed: No. 252__7- Aid. J.;~.l. lcfminch - To Grant L{oniss 1st reading -Ald. Huxmiwell and Doneld. 2nd r~.ading - f~ld. Donald ~md IMmiwell. 3rd reading -Ald. White and Donald. for General I~rposes. The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. White and Donald. RE~D i.~D ADOITED, July 1~, 1937. ~syor. T.7.U/~y-IiI,~E_q~[ L[L~TlS:G Council Ch~.uber, July 12, 1937. RESUL'd{ LL~ETr-:G Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 5.CO p.m. to consider Cen- er%l Busiress and Finance. f~ll members of the Council, v.~th the exception of ~k.~idale end Dontld, we~B pres~?nt. Tba ?ouneil, h?,vtn.~ received and re~d the utes of the previcus meeting, these Lere adopted on the motion of ~ld. StepPens and White. DEPLT.iTI(I~S In cennection vlth 0omnunioation Vo. 1?4, :rod on the netibm of 21d. L:c;mdnch and S~ott, llr. F.C.?:ard Secretary of the Cha.-~er of Con..~erce, vras per- , mitted to address the Council. !Jr. ?~ard spoke in connection v~ith the sign ~.:hich was erected ~t the intersection of Nevman Hill, F:,.lls Avenue Hnd Bender Hill, und requosted the pe~r- mission of the City Council to replace this with a si_~h reading~ 'Shopping'. SE Ccn..nnunicat. ion No. CCZ~JI~IC,'CI01IS The follov~in~ Coxi~,unicat ion s were received: No. 1V4 - Chamber of Comm!;rce - re pl,acing of si_~n. ORDSZ~.I',~D on the motion of Ald. Ztephens ,md .'H~nni:v?ll %iiHt the comanunication be ~ceived and the request ~or this sign be granted. Nee 175 - H.r.Lo~an - re permi~sion for tuxi-men's stand on Eiver Road at Hiram Street. O~jED on the motion of Ald. White ~nd Stephens that the c~uunic~tio~ be received and filed. SEE Report No. 89. No. 176 - N.J.:-l. Lockha~t. k1.p. _ acknowledging conmunicaticn re-memorial ~o~.~ In- di,ans of Upper C~nada. OkX)'Kod~ on the motion of y, ld. Stoph~ns and Hann~,:ell~= that the ccn~unicat ion be received and copies be forwarded to the par~ies mentioned in the letter. No. 1?V - Nia~ar~ F~ontier Ilumaue Society - enclosing letter re convention. O~- DER~D on the motion of Ald. Meaninch and Stephens ~a~et the commmnication be rec- eived and filed. No. i~8 - His '.?orship 1.1u~vor Anderson - appointrant of member to Court of Revis- ion. O.'~9~'~I{ED on the motion of Ald. Ha~Lniwell nnd Stephens that the communication be received and filed. REPOi~S The following Reports w~re received; No. 88 - Dairy inspector - report for month of June. ORDERED on the motion of ~ld. Hanni~,;ell and Stephens that the repo~t be redsired and fi-le~. No. 89 - City },~nager - re applic~tion for sign at River Road and Hiram Street. OZOERED on the motion of Ald. White and Stephens that the repo=~ hnd applicat- ion be received, and tim necessary permission for the erection of the sign be granted. No. 90 - Niagara Fl~ntier Itumans Society - report for month. OKDEE on the motion of Ald. Stephens and MeAninch that the report be received and filed. No, 91 -Olty Solic.i%or - re limit of time for polls on Election D~. ClYDERED on the motion of Ald. Hanniwell end Stephens that the mpor~ be received and filed, and the hours of polling at the coming municipal elections be set at 10. a.m. tO ?,00 p,m, and the By-law be amended aecordil~lF. No. 9E - Bo~rd of Police Con'anissloners . r,~ letter or .~.E.~.allua. O=:D/E~L '~n the motion o~ Aid. 1,~ninch ~nd Scott that the i~po~ he i~ceived and filed. IL~SOLUTI0!, s The following Resolutions ~,,~re passed: NO..58 - t~\~{I',.ZLL - S'_~>HZR'~ _ Rr:~OLVED that the City lf~n~fnr i. nr] ]nf~ineer be iI:st~cte~ to reduce tl~ nmlber of tu~i st.~nds on Fu]ls ~Jenue, fmr. ~ix tc four steinds from Clif~n }~I1 nD]~her]ys ~nd flDn 3ixto Foln' stands fl~m the ternutiona]. l~ight-ot-v~ay, southerly, ~J~d the By-lui~, be ~.ended uc~rdin~v, the So~ of the Corporation be hereto affixed. No. ~9 - SC~T - ~'~TE - RESOLVED that the south side ot Zlift~n ~[ilt, River Road to F~3. s ~venue, except for t~ ~re=~ in 9rent of t~ Soldier~' ori~ bYonent, be marked off For use by taxi-studs and Dublie p~r~ing, ~.nd tlm S~al of the Cor~i.~tioi~ ~>~ hereto ~fhed. No. ~ - ~c~'~IDI,Slt - ~0TT - R'~L~?D that ~s 7joyship i/~or .~nder~n ~, reku ~st to appoint a con~tt?s for the a~o~tion o~ ta~ skmds an ~ publi~ the South side o~ Cli~ton Hill, ~r~ River R~d to F~ls ~v~nue, alia/is; except on the ~ea in front of th~ Soldiers' ~i~orial ~Xon~ent, ~lid the Seal oF th~ Cor- poration be hereto affixed. Ia ~he above connection, l~s 7. o~19 L~or Anderson ~z"~e~r tod the low~n~ C~l%%ee: ~ld. Uhite, Stephens, Scott, P~nni~'~ell, lfc~h u!>~ the City ~naEer~ to mee~ at CliFton Hi~ a~ Z.O0 p.m. on T~sday, July l~h, ~o~' tb~ location of the parki~ area. No. 61 - ';,q~ITJ- ST;~pL~iS _ 2~0LVh]) that iris Uofship >lays:' raiderson be ized to attend the meeting of the executive ccaumittee of the Ontario ~ayor~' ~s- sociution, to he held in Toronto for an interview with The Hencurable tl~ ~iinister, fir. LI.F.H!pburn, for the presentation of the resolutions as ~.~uss~d by the recent conference, and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. C~cJrisd BY- 1~ ~.'j S The follov;in~ ~y-Law was presents.d for the third reading: 25.2,.5 - ~ld. C.D.H~nniv;ell ~ A By-Lav~ of the City of Niagara Falls,. respect- ing Traffic and the Use of Streets. It was ordeiBd on the motion of ~ld. Hamiiv;ell and 1Ycaninch that the third reading be laid over for one month, and the City ~Zun~ger be requested to present~ the. pr.~posed by-Sav~ .to the Department of Higaways, asking tbir opinion upon the same. The following By-laws ~vere passed, .N.O. 2528 -Ald. C.D.Hanniwell . To appoint z~mbers of the Court of Revision for the City of Niagara Falls,, Ontario. let r,mding- A/d. Scott and White° 2rid reading - Aid. Stephens and Hanniwell. 3rd reading- Ald. White and Scott. No. 2529 - Aid. J.O. White- To a~Uthorize the construction of a light oiled mac- adam pavement on portions of Sixth Avenue, Slater Avem~, Buchanan Avenue and Kitchener Street. let reading- Ald. Stephens end Scott. Snd reading- Aid. Hanniwell and Scott. Brd reading -Ald. Hanniwell and White. MISCXLLAI.IZOUS His ;/orship ~hyor Anderson appointed Ald. H.P.Stephsns as Enacting for Tuesday, July 13, 193V, on whichndate His 17orship :lill be but of to~m. The Council adjourned on the motion of ~dd. Scott and th~niwell. R&~D ~ ~)OI~ED, July 19, 1957. Clerk. Counci 1 Chambe r, July 12, 19~ · The Finance Committee met on Lbnday, July 12, 1937, for the purpose of appearing and also ofnassing the v~rious accounts which had been properly cert- ified and placed before them. f~ll me.ubers of the Committee, with the exception of Ald. Twidale and Donald, v:ers present. Sumlr~y accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to .$~,723.14. Th~ accounts submitted, being passed or ot~nTise dealt v~ith, the Com- mittee on the roerich of 2ld. Scott and !hnniwell, ordered that these be placed in the money by-law,for' present~tion to the Council. The preliminary report sn re-financing, from the Guaranty Trust Com- pany of C~nada, ~us p~sented by Mr. E.LI.Proctor, Vice President of the firm, who also made a verbal explanation of the items taken into consideration. In connection with this report, it w~s ordered on the motion of Ald. V~lte and Scott that no publicity be given for the time being. Alfter considerable discussion unon the matter, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Meaninch and Hanniv~ell t~at the matter be laid in abeyance for the time being, ~nd the Guaranty Trust Conparty be instructed to s~bmit an additional report and charts as to the refLm- ding of the whole of the Oity's debenture debt. The communication from Supervisor R.Y.Moore, approving of the replaCe- ment of the garages at the rear of the Nort~h End Fire Hall, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and P~anniwell that th?~o~aunioation be received and t~ proposed erection be carried out. The report of the City Manager, uonn the inspection ~f tie Elgin Swe- eper for sale, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and His Worship Mayor Anderson that the report be received and application be made. to the Supervisor of the Department of Municipal Affairs, for permission to · make the purchase as outlined. The ~uotation from the Northern Electric Oomlmn~, upqn certain require- monte for the l~e Alaxun end Police Signal System cables, w~s presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and 'Eanniwell that the quotation be received 137 and accepted, ~md application b~ made to tb~ Supervisor of the D~partuent ~f iibm- lci~nl ..ff~h's for carrying out this o~.-rk; and theft the Company be asked to use as much local labour as possible. The comnunication from the Inspector of L~,~al OCtices, it' cembction ',':ith tile cost of clerical services for tt~; 1.1uEiatr to, was p?ss-~ntI~d. It v.'a~; alered on the motion oC Ald. White and II~nniv:ell that ~-he coFnunicu~ion be rec~ elved and the City L,'~n~t.-pr be instructed to reply to the Departm=:nt th, t thI~ .3?c- rotary of the Poli"e Conmlssion is located at the City !L~LI, :,rid is quite capable of doing this work without additional cost to the munici.udity. Th~ quotation from H.KaninskT, for the sup:~iy o~ Fire;.P~n's unicorns at ~Z0.50, per suit, with tr:o pairs of trousers, was F esented. It wa~ ordere~ on the notion of Ald. Scott and i!is Yetship Mayor ,Lnderson that the quotation received and accepted, and the necessary order be ~ssued. The Conunittee adjourned on the mot'ion of Ald. Scott and F~nni;.~ell. E~D ~d~D ~JDOP?]~, July 19, 1937. COL~:CIL LLEZ!ETII;G Council C~hambar,. July 12, 193~. The Council re-assembled at the close of the Finance/looting, for the purpose of passing the money by-law covering the accounts which Ill:~ been approved by the Committee. All r~mbers of the Council, with th,e exception of Ald. dale and Donald, were present. BY-LAW The foliowinE, By-Law was passed: Np_. 2530 - Aid. H.P.Stephens - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. 1st .reading- Ald. White and Hanniv:ell. 2nd reading -Ald. Scott and MeAninch. 3rd reading- Aid. Stephens and White. The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. White and ~lniwell. READ AND AD0~TEI), July 19, 1937. MaWr, 139 TiTiRTIETH IEEETIhG Cornlot ! Ch~uber, July 19, 1937. Pursuant to adJeurr~lent, the Council met at 5 p.m. to consider %coral Business ~nd Finm~ce. All members of the Council, v-ith the exception of Ald. Twirlale, wer~, present. Tb~ Council, havin~ received and read tb~, minutes of the p~vious ra3eting, these were adopted on the motion of ~ld. Stephens m~d ~jhite. DEPbT,'~ I OLS On the section of ~],~. lhmniwell and .jta~hens, and in connection x' ith Report No. 93, it was ordered that Mr. E.Fiocca ~e permitted to address tim Coun- cil. Lir. Fiocca spoke in connection with his ap'~licatien for p~nuisslo:'~ t, e~ct an ad,titiou to the front of his dv:elli~ n~ 916 jt.C~ir ,~venua, and star9 1 that he p~posed to extend tim buildimp' mt seven feet, cue h.df of tlB addition t~ be used as a verand~ :rod the other as a room. S~ Report lie, 93. COL2..~& i ~I Ol;L~ The follo~.,~nt: Co2uxnications were received; No. 179 - Childmn's Aid Socie_ie__tI - re matters to b'~ ~resentod to Boned at the next meeticE. 0:{DEfenD on tt~ motion of ,,ld. Hanniwell and Lic,~ninch tlm~t the musicutica be received and filed. No. 1B0 - Ijiaj~ra Parks Gonmfission - re sur.-ested monur..~nt for i~tians o~ Upp'-~r C~ada. 01OE!ED on t~ motion of Ald. Stephens and H~miwell that the com:.~unic~ aries be received an8 filed. No. 181 - F.1I.~very, li.L.__bl- re co-operatlm in em~ction nf monm~nt for Indians of Upper Canada. 0it~E}~ED on the motion of ~ld. t.ic~bninch and Stephelm tb.~t the conmunication be received and filed. 182 - Canadian Legi.o.]~. - re monument ~or In4ians of Upp~,r C~nada, and su~gest- suitable Mte. ORrfi'~{k~) on the motion of ~ld. Stephens and ~4cAninch that tl~ comunicat ion be received end filed. No. 183 - V/.L."~ilkinson - appreciation of aMpointment to Court of Revision, DEE0 on the motion of Ald. Hanniwell and Lhite that tile comr~mieation be rec- eived and filed. No. 184 - Itealth League of Canada - re activities and requesting appointment of two ropreslmtatives. Ot{D~D on tl~ motion of ,rid. MoAninch mad Stephens that the communication be received and referred to the Board of Healtt~ for their re- port to the City Council. REPORTS The following Reports were received: No. 93 ~ City Engineer - re application of E.Fiocca for building permitt. ORD- ERED on the motion of Ald. Stephens and Hmmiwell that the report be received and laid on the table for one week to enable the members of the Council to look over the situation. No. 94 - Acting City Manager - re By-law I1o. 2521 .not approve~ by the Department of Highways. ORDerED on the motion &Ald. ?~ite and Donald that the re~ ~ received end filed; the acting 0ity J~ager be requested to ~m~nic~e with t~ Depa~mont of ~mys, stating that the Council feel the~ is not the hazard plied at the location in qmstion; that parallel pt~king on this Hill ~uld cause such u hazard; i~n4 that the Counrit woufr] cesy, ctr<]y ~ .... ',-v~ that :. r U .... ~ at-. : rive of the Delnrtn~,nt of to ?o into thin qnd ot]le? mut~'~rs out tb~ City, in steer that By-lav:s may be passed for tits benefit or the ctti'~ens of Niar~ura Fulls. i'Ve. 95 - City .~:an::g,.er - r-~ eo!Tlittee ' action il~ .~stablich4 public pa~King on CliPton Hill bet~,~en River "~s~ and Fa]Ir4 t~ Iaotion of .~ld. l'~ite and Stcpt~ns tl~t the mboi~ be received !ilid u:bCted. His :.orship ;:ayor .~nderron made ' v~rlxtl zv23rt to th,~ qi>- 2 uncil ups the action t:~en by the Executiv.~ co~rnitt~ ties at the meet i~rff with the ilon3urabl~ the Prin~ LiSn!st~r, Lit. li.2.h:2bur~, v'hich t~ne the resolutions Bs~d by the As~ciation at their last colifi~rence were presents4. It :':as or'~er,;d on th~ motion of Ai4. Stophens and ?.hire that tile port ba received and uppeDred. The followiRS ]~.soh~tion s j,:2;re l~assed: No. 62 - L:c.d';tl:'Jl! - '.'filIT2 - l? 2::OlY!D th:,t the ..qtln~' City l::m'.-~r b,~ rr, ue~te,l to cm~nunie,~e r'ith the Rirht Hen'mr.,hie ./L.Liaekem:ie Liar', i'ff:'.~ Canada, asking for any in~orn.~tion o's ,'epo:~2 x..'hich ?r~ u,A.J]L:h]e in ot, nn,,etJer with the J nv~stiCation of un~ploZ~; relief by the Coumittcs an ~ int .d by the Oovemn~nt; :rod if r,,'~s are not ~vuil:~ble at Drss~,t any .:-!vi~e as t~ proximate date w~n such ln~r~mti~n ri?l be available Lill be appreciated; and the Seal of the' Corporation be hemto affixed. C~rriet No. 65 - i'.iiITE - iLdHIIi'iLL - RESOL~rTD t]mt the ..otisC City lbn.-,-r b~ r'~u~sted to o~unicata with the Bo~.rd of Police Co~'micsioners, re%u:~'Ttir~ tn'o~h,ttr:n ,r: to v:hether Const:tbl~ Cu'mpbe!l Ms been u~nointnd to the 2olice Force t ~np~ra'dly, and in place of i!otorcyc!e C'~nstablo Franklyn l:ill~r, ,',ho is on sick ir~v,.~ v:ith'~ut pay; and wb~ t~ r Constr~b!e ;.iil lc r' s position will be aval] ?blo shou]~ he attain physical fitness, and the Se~i of the Corporation ~ hereto affixed. C art l~ d The foliowinE By-Laws were passed: .i~p. 2531, - Aid. H.P.Stephens - To authorize th signicE of a quit Claire Deed for the Tra'.:sferof Lands to Gordon'Alexander Fraser. let reading- Ald. Scott and Donald. 2nd r-:ading ~ Aid. Hanniwell sad White. 3rd reading- ~ld. White and Scott. No~_ 2532 - Aid. C.D. Harmiv:ell - To pzDvide for the opening and closing of polls at ~hni ci pal. Elect ion s. let reading - Aid. Stephens and Scott. 2nd reading ~ Aid. Donald and Hanniwell. 3rd reading -Ald. I~nniwell and MoAninch. N~o. 2533 - Aid. J.G.White - To authorize tlB execution of a Bill of Sale by the Bell Telephone ~ompany of Canada to the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls. let reading - Aid. Hanniwell and Stephens. 2nd reedin~,~ - Aid. Donald ,rod Scott. 3rd reading- Aid. Hanniwell. and Scott. MISC T .1 ,I. 'dY3D US Ald. McY. ninch spoke upon the matter of the registration of'p~operti~;s threuCh-out the City for non-payment of taxes; and ststed that about one y~!zr a~9, h9 had requosted thut he be ~nisD~d with a list o~ ell p~rti ~s in the City that were t}~ge years or over In arrears. At that time, the City a~vised theft the books o~ the CorDor.,tion v'ere uvalluble for ~ru~l, but ?~lt that this info~tlou sould not b~ broadcast. Th~ Alde~an stated that he h~ been advised o~ ~,. certain pm~rty in the City on v~hich tuxes were ~'~g fop more th~n t~ee ye?~s; ~d had requested in~o~ztion fro~ the Tax Df~ics there- on. ..~vice was ~coive~ that taxes from the ye:~s 1970 to 1~35 were ov'i~% and re~u~zted infor~%tion as to v'hy three three-year ~Mods had been allov.ed to pass without steps having been t~en to ~istsr the property. The Actin~ City L~ar'~r advised theft ~9~1 n~op~rtl.~n in the City, upon which tkere ure three pars' arlBars oF T~,~s, ~re laible for re~ist~ti~, ,~nd are included in the list v:hich is sent to t~ Ds~r~ent of Muni~i~l.Affairs. The only exceptions are p~p?rti :s on v'hieh tM City Js collecting tho ~'~, or wMre relie~ rentals are ~In~ received theirfrom, i~ thigh cases ~'~1 th~ r~ver'j.: from the D~p~rty is being p 'i~ to the City. Other cases v:here regist~ ties not take place are th~se u~n v,.hi~h tax aXreeyBnt s ~or the ~yment o~ the arr~ ears, over ~ period of ye~s, h~ve been '~i~ed. Mr. O~r asked that t~ be ~ven to him in order that he mi~t Mlve the reason why this registraion had not ~en made. ~id. Mc. minch stated th-t he had been advised by the Z'ax D~.pr, rtment that no rent has bean applied upon th~s particulur piece ~ prop2~y, ~d no mo~y has been paid d~'l~ the six ~'s, for ~hich the taxes a~ ov:ing. The Alde~n vJished to be advf~d of the reason why preferential treatment is given to certain p~Dprty o~:ners, v~hile oth~rs do not ~ceive this; ~nd s~id tlb.t he felt it vJas the C~uncil's duty to ~ee that the affairs of t~ City are adminis- tered in ~ impsrti~ way. SEE also Yi~nce i:inut~j The Council adjourned on the motion of .~ld. Stephens ~md Scott. RE~J) .~ .~D01~_ED, July 26, 193~. FIN;a~CE L2E~ih'G Oouncil Chamber, J~ly 19, 1937. The Fineroe Gormittee met on Monday, July 19th, 1937. for the purpose of upproving and also of passing the various accounts which had bern properly certified and ~luced before the~. All me~mbers of the Committee, with the excep- tion of Aid. ~,~ld~le, were present. Sundr~ accounts were npp~oved ~y the Committee, ~mo~nt~ng to mit~ee on ths mgtJon of ~,ld. ~D~t ~md li~ni~,,fi] ordered that these be pl ~ced in the money by-lm,~ for presentations to th~ Councj, 1. Th,3 l~3v:7~ue and E.xpen~!tu!~.~ ;jtatm.F:~t for tLe .n mty ".:,!~n,-~ S:ln. ~'~t~', 1997, v.~as presented. it v~s ordered 'ut tba m?t'-'Dr o~ aid. i~anniwel] ~nd Donald tMt the Statement be .'eceivsd an8 ]aid on tb.TM. table. The repo~ of H.U.j~i son ~.So~j~a~xy, u~'n t_ho the ','/oil.re Learn. of th~ y~=r 19Z6, was pr~sen*..:.]. it ion .Dr ~ld. Donald and MeAninch that ~!e r:.%.~ b~ "!celved, of tile sans be supplied to the members of t]~ Council. it va" or:ter~.d on th~ moti3x~ 37 .~l,i. l;!;~.,! '.nd City M~ager be requ ~sted to mak ~ ~ full rq~:'~ u'-n et, rs of '-axes owin~- up n the pr.'~F, rty, as mere!enid by al~. C'~unci! meettnF, the address: off v;hich the ~idenlan ran {o ~'.lrr~h, ation to the Ci~ Council. al;ersmn i,[c~ninch ~.dvised tMt the location of the property in Question was 1~8i ~dver i~ad. The Go.~aittee adJourrs,: on the motion of ald. ~.fifite and ii~niu~,ll0 Ri-'~ h/!D xOUl~'iCD, July 26, 1937. Chaiiuan' of i,'in~mce. Clerk. COb]~CIL LZJETII:G C~a ncil Chefabe, r, July 19, lg37. The Council re-asse.~foled at the close of the Finance Liesting, ~or the purpose of passing the ~loney by-law ~overing the ccount~ v,h~ch ha,~ bee:: approv- sd by the Co.mmittee. all members of the CoUncil, with the exception of .~ld. Tv.d~ dale, were present. BY-LAW The followinF~ By-Law r~as passed: .Np.. 25~54 - ald. H.P. Stephens - To G~nt Zionice for Cone tel Purpses. 1st reading -Ald. Hanniwell end White. End reading - Aid. Donald and Scott. 3rd Peading -Ald. Scott and Stophens. TI~ Oommittee adJo~Pned on the motion of Ald. White and Stephens. 141 'N July 26, 1937. , 143 THIRT~-FIRS~ MEETING Council Chsnber, July 25, 1937 · REGULAR MERTING Pur~Aant to adJourmaent, the Council m~t at 5.00 p.m. to consider Gener- al Business and Fim~nce. All members of the Council, with the exception of Aid. Twidale, ~ere present. The Council, having received and read the minu~es of the previous geering, these were adop~d on the motion of AI~. Scott end Stephens. C~MMUNIOATIONS The following Co~manications were received: No, - Table Rock Loyal Oran/~e Lodge - requesting permission to hold carnivel on Barker Street grounds, August 5th and 6th. Oi~EPS) on the motion of Ald. Ste- phens and Scott that the oomunication he received and the request be grented. No, 186 - Private Secretary to Prime Minister of Canada No, ls7 - Dnminion Canmissionsr o~nemployment P~l.ie~f- acknowledging resolution re investigation into unemployment. Ot~DERED on the motion of Ald, Stephens and MoAninch that the com~;nications be received and filed. No, 188 - P,Mottola - requesting repairs to North Street. ORDERED see Repor~ No, No. 189 - Arthur E.Hallam - re previous letter and action taken thereon. OI~)ERED on the motion of Ald. MoAninch and Stephens that the cammnication be received end filed, No. 190 - Department of HigheaTs _ re traffic matters to be presented upon Mr. Bickell's return. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. White and Donald that the consaun- ication he received and filed. ~ORTS Laid over from previous meeting; No, 93 - City Engineer - re application of E.Fiocca for buildt~ permit. O~)ER~) on the motion of Ald, Harm!well end Stephe~s that the report be received end filed, and a building permit be issued to permit the addition to the front of Mr. Fiocca's dwelling of seven feet in width; providing the sene is used for dwelling purposes, ~d~ also Report No, The f_ollowing Rope=is w,e, re roe.sired: NO, 96 - Acting City Manager - re application of E,Ftocca for building permit, OR- DERED on the motion of Aid. K~n_ntwell and Stephans that the repor~ be received and filed, No. 97 - City ~mer - re application of P.Mottola and ropeire to North Street. OFW)ERED on the motion of Aid. M~Anin~h and Hanaivell that the report be received and adopted, and the Acting City uAm~er be instructed to ~onanunicate with the Town- ship authorities with a view to baring some ao~ion taken upon this matter. No. 98 - City Engineer - re wtde-~-S of Intomarion right-of-way. OEDF~ED on the motion of AId, Haantwell anti Scott t~f~ the ~eport be received ,end adored. RESOLUTIONS The following Resoluttca. s were passedz ~in closed on that date, and ~3lagare Falls, mad that all mnioipal buildings he ~eal of the Corporation be hemto affixed, Oar~led No. 65 - BA1TNIVfi~LI. - SCOTT.- i~ESOLVED that the Acting City Manager he instructed to comnunicate with the Canadian National Electric Railws~rs, asking their assist- ants in the elimination of unnecessary rioleo by the changing of the switch at the corner of Nellnan Rill and Victoria Avenue, in a mariner similar to that' taken to deal with the situation at Ferry Btreet and BuchAn-n Avonus, and the ~eal of the Corporatio~ be herrto affixed. No. 66 - el~If3 - DONALD - RESOLVED that the next meeting of the City Council be held on Mondays AUgust 9th, 1937, in view of the fast that August 2nd is Civic holidays and the Seal of the Corporation be her,to affixed. Car.rl.od The_ .f.ollo_wt_ng By-I~w was passed: No, .~535.- AId, J.O.White - To repeal the third reading and passing of Construct- ion By-Law No. 2529, of the City of Niagara Falls. let reading- Aid. Stephens and Honniwell, 2nd reading- AId. Do~]d and Scott. 3rd reading - AId. White and Donald. AId. Stephens brought up the matter of the nolss made by the bells on the wig-wag si~m~lS on the Michigan Central RailW crossings in this City, and asked whether it would he possible to request that these be modulated somewhat, The Ald- erann also mentioned that the whistles on the street-cars from St,Cath~inas to Nia- gara Falls se~m to he causing a Considerable amount of annoyance in the vicinity of their tracks, It was pointed out by AId. Sco~t that these warning signsIs were put into use upon 'the instructions of the Board of Railway Commissioners for Canada, and any action to make a change would have to come fz~m that boax~; and therefore, no setion was taken. AId, Stephens requested that the City Englreer lnvestignte and report at the next meeting, upon the advis~bility of the removal of the sinfill island on Val- ley Way, near the corner of Vietoxin Avenue, as it was felt that traffic tuning frog Victoria Avenue on to Valley Way, especially where the drlvees are not f, mil- tar with the corner, find it somewhat difficult. AId, Scott asked the Acting City Mana~gr whether any action was being token by this City to shun~ the traffls signs from the nzrktng of the old speed limit of 20 miles per hour to the new raguinticfi of 30 miles per hour within the City ltmlts, AId, HannAwell stated that he had noticed a new sign being erected at the entrance to the city on Stanley Avenue, by the Depe~=..ent of Highways, and that that Depar~ent appeared to be taktn~ ears of the matter. His Worship Mayor Anderson spoke upon the suggestion ~htch had been made b3r AId, Hannlwell, and l~At into force by the City ~fficials, of ma~king the cent re of the rrad-way on oex-tntn streets near the Intersections, for ~ha convenience of the travelling public, His Worship stated that this idea appeared to .he working ou~ very satisfactorily and suggested that this might be advantageous at the inter- section of Sirecon Street and St,Clair Awneeo The Council adjourned on the motion of AIdo Donald and S~ephens, READ AND ~d)01~., AUgust 9~ 1937. Clerk. FI.19/~E ~JRTING Cou~cl 1 Chamber, July 26, 1937. The Finance Committee mat on Monday, July 26, 1937, for the purpose of passing and also approvtng the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All.members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Twidale, werr present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, mounting to $11,719.68. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, the Can. mittee, on the motion of AId. Scott and ttannlwell, ordered that these be placed in the nDney by-law for pro sentution to the Council. The application of D.Swaeney, for the purchase of Lot 55, Acheson Ave- nue, for the sum of $60.00, vAich is the appraised value, was presented. It was ordered on the marion of AId. Nanniwell and His Worship Mayor Anderson that the application he rrceived and accepted; and the property be sold to the applicant, providing he is agreeable to the usual conditions for 9~he errsrich thereon of a building of at least Two Thousand Dollars' value; and subject to the approval of the Department of Municipal affairs. The report of the Deputy City Treasurer, upon the condition of tax ar- rrars at 1381 River Raad, was presented. It was ordered on the moti.on of Ald. ~-n~iwell and Scott that the report be raoetved and filad. The report of the City Engiueer~ upon the arxungegents made for the Application of l~ad Oil, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald, Wht~o and Scott that the report be received and ajploved, The application of RamAT Helte, for the pArclmse of the ~roperty at ' 754 Bridge St/Bet, for the sum..of $850e060 which lathe appratse,d value, was pres- ented. Xt was orderad on the motion of Ald. Raaniwel~ ~.a Scott that the applic- ation be rrseived and aeceptud, subject to the.approval or the ~epartment of Mun- icipal Affairs · The Acting city ~w-~r rrpo~tod upon the situation in connection with .the sale of the propex~y at.20~4 Staale~ Avenue; as follows: That the applicat- ion had been rreeived and accepted for the sale Of the propo~y ~o Mrs, Caterins lkzzons, and the necessax7 deed had been piepared, Mrs, Ma~-ono bad been advised of this and had been ~oquested to forward the paymont for the prrpox~y, Ai~OF this no~tfloaa~ton, a telephone me~e-Ze was raoetved a~ $ba City Hall that l~s. .....Ma~zono did no~ now want the px~pox~y; and two otha r applications, from Mrs, Pare Rose and .E.l!en .MaSze$, W,re accepted, Late~, Mr, M$.zzone advised M~, OXT tba~ he ~ld wish to pux~hase the pmpox~y, and that he would fox~urd his paymont'~'~k~ day, ~Uly 2~th, It was ordezed on the motion of Ald, gauniwoll and MeAninch that Mr, ldazzo, who 2oquostodan audionee, he hoarde 145 An amendmen~ was presented by His Worship Mayor Anderson and Aid. Scott that the report bf the Acting City Mnns~sr be recelved and approved, and that the original purchaser, namely, Mrs. Caterinn !nzzone, be permitted until Wednesday, ~uly ~Sth in which to claim the property; and upon the failure to do so, tha~_ other applic- ations be considered by the Committee at the next meeting. It was then ordered, on the motion of Aid. Hanaiwell and His Worship M~yor Anderson, that JAr, Mazzet be heard. Mr. Ma~-zel spoke and advised the 0ounctl that he desired to purchase the prope~y, repair the present building, and erect upon the other portion of the lot another dwelling, He stated that he had spoken to Mrs. Mazzone and had been ad- vised that she did not wish to take the property; and upon this infomation had arren~pd for the borrowing of sufficient money to ca~y out his plans; and had had prepared blue prints for the same. The C.--.~ttse adjourned on the motion of Aid, Donald and MoAnInch. RF~ AND ADOPI~EDs August 9, 1937, 0herman of Finance, C0~NOIL I~ETING_ Council Chamber, ,TUly 26, 1937, The Council re-assembled at the close o~ the Finance Meeting, for the purpose of passing the money by-law covering the accounbs which had been approved by the Cc~nmittee. All members of the Council, with the exception of Aid. Twirlale, were present, _The fpllowtng By-Law was passed: Ne~...25S6 - Aid. H.P. Stephsns - To (tran~ Monies 'for General Purposes. let reading- Aid. White and Nannlwsll.: P-nd rending e Aid. Donald and 8oott. 3rd reading- Aids White and Scott, The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid, Hanniwell and Stephens. READ AND AD01x~ED, AUgust 9, 1937, J~O?e THIRTY-SECOI~I.~ETING Council Chamber, August 9, 1937, RECATLAR MEET]}IG Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 5.00 p.m. to consider Ceneral Business and Finance. AJd members of the Council were present. The Council, hav- ing received and read the minutes of the previous meeting~ these were adopted on the motion of Aid. Scott and Stephens. TENDE:~ Tenders were submitted for the purchase of me two-door sedan, for the replacement of the City Nurse's car, and a stake-body truck, for the replacement of the G.M.C.Truck #21, in use by the Water Department. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Vrnite and Stephens that the tenders be opened, initialled by His Worship Mayor Anderson; and tabulated in a report to be submitted to the Finance Committee at the next racering. COMMFNIC~'~r IONS The following Communications were received: No. 191- W.L.Houck,,H.L.:\. No. 192 - A.B.Dsmude, M.P. - re suggestion for memorial cairn for 6-Natlea Indians, OFd)ERED on the motion of Aid. Donald and Stephen that the communications be rec- eived and filed. See also RapoFt' No...9.9.. No. 193 - Canadian National Electric Railways - re request for removal of switch. 0RDEE on the motion of Ald. Hanniwel and Stephens that the commanicaticn be rec- eived and filed; and the City Manager be instructed to communicate with the Rail- way C?mpsny, asking their co-operation in the elimination of the noise made by their drivers passing over this avltch at a nigh rate of speed, in an endeavour to do away with as much of the nuisance as possible. No. 194 - National Employment Commission - re request for report on investigation into unemployment. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, White and Scott that the commun- ication be received and filed. No. 195 - German United League of Ontario - resolution re boycott of Germm goods. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Hanniwell that the communication be rec- eived and filed. No. 196 - Canadian Legion - requesting penalscion to hold carnival. OEDEE on the motion of Ald. White and Donald that the communication be received and the quest be granted. REPORTS The following Reports were received:. No. 99 - City Manager - re progress made in matter of memorialcairn for 6-Nation Indians. 0RDIP~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and Stephens that the report be rec- eived and filed, No, 100 - City Engineer - re suggested removal of t. sland at Victoria Avenue and Valley Way. 0RDEE on the motion of Ald. White and Hanhiwell that the report be received and adopted, and the island be net removed at this time, An amendment was made by AId. MoAninch and Stephans that the report be received and filed, and that the matter be laid on the table for one week for the purpose of permitting the Aldelmen to observe the condition at this point, Upon the amendment being p.u~ to a vote, the 'anus was .not oa~ried. 147 148 No. 101 - ASsesman Commissioner - certificate that 85% of barbers have signed petiton. ORDERs~ on the motion of AId. ~aite and Scott that the certificate be received; and that notice of motion be given that a By-law to amemd the present By-law will be introduced at the next meeting. ~ PET~I~S The following Petit ions were received: No. 8 - D.Korofiloff & others - requesting amendment to By-law t9 provide for clos- ing of Barber shops at 9.00 p.m. on Saturdays. SEE Report No..101. No. 9 - Louis Sacco - petition for Billiard and Pool Rocks license. ORDERLY) on the motion of Ald. Vraite and ~fin~iwell that the petition for the licenee be received and granted. R~OLUTION The folloyrln~ ,Resolution was passed: No. 67 - S'r~HE~ - DON~LD - RESOLVED that wbereas the Government of the Province of Ontario has, within the recent months, boxu'owed large sums of mcaey for govern- mental purposes, ut a rate of Interest in the neighborhood of two per cent; AND V~IE REAS the Province of Ontario is composed of c ities, towns, vil- lages and rural communiities; AND ?fi~EREAS any benefit that is derived by qm portion of the Province is reflected in the balance of the Province; HE IT THERgFORE RESOLVED that tbe MUnicipal Council of the City of Nia- gara Falls requests the Goverament of the Province of Ontario to make the racescary arrangments whereby this and other municipalities may borrow their respective re- ~tuirements at the same, or approximately the same, rate of interest as that sec- ured by the ~overnment; AND BE IT R'.~OLVED Ft~:tTHER that copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Premier of Ontario, the Honourable Mr. M.F.Hepburn; o~r local Mmber of the Legislature, Mr. W.L.Houck; The O~tario Municipal Association; and to the cities of the Province, asking for tbeir endorsation of this resolution and the aid of their local Provincial representatives, and the Seal of the Corporatics be hereto affixed. · Oar~ie ,d BY-LAWS The following By-Laws wero presented for the third readings: N.o... 2~..~5 -Ald. O.D.Hanntwell - a By-law of the City of Niagara Falls, respecting traffic and the use of streets· It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Twiddle that the third reading of this By-law he laid on the table until word upon the same has bern rec- eived from the Department of Highways. ~o,. BBB9 - AId. J.O. White- To authorize the construction of a lig.t~ oiled macadam pavement on portions of Sixth Avenue, SIster Avenue, Buchanan Avenue and Kitchenor Street. Brd reading- Ald, Scott and Donald. AId. F~n,iwe31 brou~fit up the matter of the dismissal of Miss Leslie from thq City Staff, and stated that he understood this party had been in the ply of the Cor'~o~ation for sixteen/ears, and wished to be advised of the ~eason 149 for the action taken. Ale. Hannlwell asked whether it was for a reason of econ- omy, or was some other reason the cause of this remove, and stated that she had to;k- ed in the Assessment Departme:it for sixteen years, and he believed her to be very capable. The Alderman stated that he had been given to ur~erstend that the City Manager also thought Miss Leslie capable as at one time, upon her being offered a position with another firm, had increased her salary $10.00 a month to have her re- main with the City. If it was from a standpoint of econmy, how coufi. d the City Man- ager Justify the salary which had been paid to Miss Leslie for ten years. TFs Ald- ennan pointed out that Hiss Leslie had been placed in charge of the Waterworks DepaA-~ment, a department which involved a certain amount of tTpwriting and stenog- 'raphic work, and she had not done this type of work for over ten pars. The Alder- nmn stated that he had interviewed the head of the Assss~xent Department, Mr. Harri- m,~, and also Mr. Clendening, a fomer employer of Miss Leslie, and had been advised that both found her work satisfactory in every way, and no complaints were made by them. Ald. Hanniwell then ma:e the motion that the City Manager be lnstrucled to place Miss Leslie again in the Asscement Department, and that she be immediately responsible to Mr. Hartimam as the head of that Department. Ald. White spoke and pointed out that the Council had placed with the City Manager tbe responsibility for the City S~sffs, and s~g~sted that he be permitted to give his report upon the matter. Ald. McAnlnch spoke and asked why the City Manager had made the cha~ of Miss Leslie from the Asscement to the Waterworks Department, and stated that he felt sems seniority rights should be put inl~ effect in this case. The City ~.'~ma~er tben presented to the City Council a written memorandum upon the matter, and thanked Ald. Hanni~ll for having mentioned that he was about to present the matter to the CounSil, in order that th~ City Manager might have an opportunity of preparing a written mmorandm upon the subject matter. Ald. Hami~?ll stated that he felt the h-~ad of the department should have been given soma opportunity to state his views upon this matter, and if he stated that this employce's work was satisfactory, that should have been given considerat- ion, The Alderman also sug~sted that it might have been more satisfactory if Liiss Leslie had not been put in charge of the Department ~vith which she was not frailjar, but placed in a subordinate poSition at first. Mr. Coddard outlirsd his written rel~rt and stated that he was quite agr- eeable to the Council's placing Miss Leslie again upon the City staff, but he did not wish to assume responsibility for her work, if such action was taken. Ald. Stephens then spoke and stated that he felt the whole affair vms ex- meedingly unfortunate, but felt that there must be some definite reason for the action taken, such as a feeling of unrest, ordisagreement, and that perhaps co'op- eration was lacking. Aid. MeAninch made the motion that the Department of Municipal Affairs be asked to conduct a geseral investigation into the administration of all departments, but the marion did not receive a sec6nder. As no motion was made upon the matter; His Worship Mayor Anderson declared the discussion closed. The Oouncil adJ.ourned on the motion of AId. Donald e~d Stephens. READ AND ADOPTEDm August 16, 19B7. Me~'o r, FII~NCE ~ouncil Chanber, AUgust 9, 1937. The Finance Gon~mittee met on Monday, August 9th, 1937, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various account s which had been properly cert- · ified and' placed before them. All members of the Gonmittee were prorant. Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, mounting to $66,003.33. The accounts submitted, being passed or othervdse dealt with, the Commit- tee, on the motion of Ald. Donald and Twi:~le, ordered that them' be placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council. Mr. E.M. Proctor, of the G~aranty Trust C~npany of Canada, fiscal agents for the City, was permitted to address the Council on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hanoiwell. MAr. Proctor presented a written repor~ upon the actic~ taken by the Com- pauy and an alternative basis of the rei~AndiUg of the City' s debts, and explained the matter contained t hereon. At this ~oint, Ald. Donald loft the meeting. After gensrsl diseassion upcn the matter, it was agreed that Lit. Proctor should prepare a budget on the basis of the 1937 Budget, including thesuggestions made in his report, at a rate of Interlint on Debentures of 4%, and also a report showing the extimated expenditures and revenues as increased or decreased for the varisus years, ,for the considerion of the Council. This would thin be considered, and the Council would be prepared to interview a C~mittee of the Bondholders when they are in Toronto on September 1st, 2~d and 3rd mxt. The report of the City ~,~na~r, reconmending the use of both Elgin Swe- epers, and a minerandom, as to the purehas~ of the new machine, were presented. On the motion of Aid. ~vidulc and Hsnni~ell. Mr. R.Criger, mebhanic Of the City, ~s !~mitted to address the Conncil. Mr. Criger stated that h~ had inspected the new machine, and ~elt that it was, apart frc~ minor repairs and the belt, in good mechanical condition; It was then ordered, on the motion of Aid. Whi~ e and Scott, that Mr. Greene of 'the Elgin Corporation, be permitted to address the Council. Mr. Greene stated that although he had not seen the machine in question, he felt that it should have an average life of about six years more. He stated that the usual life of such a nachine in the variocs cities of Ontario is ll years, and he felt that, from an economical standpoint, the City of Niagara FaLls has taken very wise action in the purehas of the machine. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hanniwll and Scott that the report be received, and the two sweepers be kept' in o~ration for the tim~ hierig. The eormanicatian from Mr. W.S.Martin, offering to lease the ~roperty at B~B Bridge Street, was presented. In view of the fact that t'he present tenant had not yet given written notice of his intention to vacate, it was ordered an the moron of Ald. His Worship ~ayor Anderson and Ald. McAninc that the comunieation be received and lai'd on the table until ~efinite notice is received. The comuntsatton from the Township of Stamford, in connection with the repairs to North Street, was presented. It was ordered on the mot on of Aid. White aM Scott that the comtmication be received, and the approval of the expenditure of 50% of the m~eessar~ repairs to this street, be given. READ ~LND ~OOPTED, August 16, 1937. Cle r~. COUNCIL I,E~TING Sounell Chamber, Amjnst 9, 1937. The Council,re-assembled at tb~ close of the Finance Zigsting, for the pur- pose of pasaing the money by-law coverl~ the accents which had been propsrly ap- proved by tt~ Committee. All members of the Council, with the exception of ,rid. Donald, were present. BY-LA'.'j The following By-Law was passed: No. 2537 -Ald. H.P.Stephsns - To Grant ~onies for GensraZ Purposes. 1st reading- ~kld. Twidsle and Scott. 2nd reading- Ald. Hanniwell end Stephens. 3rd reading -Ald. Twidule and White. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Stephens and Tv~idule. RFAD AND ADOpteYe), August 16, 19~7. Olerk. The Committoe 'adjourned ~n the motion of Aid, Scott 'and Hanniwel.1. ......... ' 152 THIRTY-THIRD I~EE.~flNG CoOncil Chamber, Augact 16, 1957. REGLn~LR I~ET.ING Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 5.00 p.m. to consider Gener- al Business end Finance. All members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, these were adopted on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Scott. C0~!~UNICATIONS The follovdng Communications were received: No. 197 - Mrs. J.R.Coatts - re absence from Board of Review meetings. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Stephens and i~,idale that the co,~nunicat ion be received and filed, and an expression of goodwill be forwarded to Mrs. Coatts; and the approval of the Council he placed upon the action of the Board of Review. No. 198 - Department of Highways - re meeting of Counc.~ i re traffic. OEOEE on the motion of Ald. Stephens and Scott that the com~unication be received and filed, and the City Manager be instructed to advi ~e that the Council would sug~st that the proposed meeting be held on Saturday, September ~th, in the afternoonl.. No. 199 - W.L.Houck, M.L.A. - re resolution re bolTowing Of money. O~)ERED On the motion of Ald. Ste~hens and Hanniwell that the communication be received and filed, and the City Manager be instructed to express to Mr. Houck the appreciation of the City Council for his prompt reply and his assre'once of assistance. No. 200 - Dominico Rocco - requesting that additional pool room licence be not gr- anted. SEE Petition No. 10. No. 201 - J.A.Froats - re By-law for early closing of Barber Shops. SEE Petition No. ll. REPORTS _The followin~ Repox~ts ~re received; No. 102 - Dairy Inspector - report for month of July. ORDE]~ED on the motion of Ald. Stephens and Scott that the report be received and filed. No. 103 - Niagara Frontier H~ne Society - report for month of July. Ot©ERED on the motion of Aid. McAninch and I'~mniwell that the report be received and filed. No. 104 - 0ity Manager - re conference vdth represent,~tives of Depar~nent of Munic- ipal Affairs. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hann~ell and. Twidale. that.the report .be received and filed. The following petitions were received: No. 10 - N.R.Oarr & others - requesting that additional pool room lie once be not granted. ORDERS) on the motion of AId. Scott and ~vidale that the commumtcation and petition be lsid on the table for one we~ in order that the menhers of the Council might visit the location; and in the meantime, it was suggested that Mr. Sacco refrain from making any additional e~penditures in connection with the im- provement of his property until the matter has been given further consideration at the next meeting. No. 11 - J.A. Froats & Others - protesting against early closing By-law for betbet shops, ORDERS) on the moti~ of'Ald. White am~ ~widale that the petition and Coramunication No. 201 be received and filed, and the By-Law be given the third reading. SE~ a~so By-Law No,2538 R).'SOLUTIONS The follo~tng Resolutions were ~assed: No. 68 - HAI~iI',~FF~L - T~;ID,'~LE - R~jOLVZ~ that the City 1.1an~,~er be instrue ed to cor~unicate v~lth lir. ~.L.llouck, LI.L.~., and explain to him'the circmnstances in connection with the construction of the St.David's Hill rondv~ay, stnti.~Z that the Provincial Goverrment has been ho]d~n~ the gasoline refunfis due to the City of Niagara Falls and applying tt~ se against this; account; and as the City of Nia~a I'a Falls has protested a-ainst the assesment of this expe~diture since and before its completion, his assistance is requested to h~ve the refunds returne8 to the City, and the account for the construction of this improvement be c"~ncelled, vs assessed against the City, and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto afPixed. C.~rried No. 89 - ;','HITE - SC.0TT~ - RESOLI.~YD that the motto r of the dismi:,sal of Miss Les- lie from the City staff be discussed by the City Council at the private conferen- ce to be held at the close of the Council meeting, and the Seal of the Corporat- ion be hereto affixed.. Carried Prior to the above motion, it was moved by old. Hanniwell and McAninch that the City Manager be instructed to again place Liiss Leslie in the .issesa~nent Depax~ment, and that she be responsible for her work to Mr. tg~rriman, the head of that department. After consideration of tt~ matter, it was agreed tl~at the above ~sol- u~lon should be vo. ted upon, and this Was carried. BY-I~'d'i The follo~dng By-Law was passed: No. 25~8 -Ald. J:G.White - For tl~ Early Closing of Barber Shops. 1st reading -Ald. Donald and Hanniv~ll. 2nd reading -Ald. Stephens and Scott. 3rd reading -Ald. White and Tvddale. ~,~SCICLL.'dIZOUS Ald. ~-icAninch broug~ht up the matter of the condition of the ~'oadway at McGrail Avenue, near the corset of Victoria A~enue, 'and stated that at the present time this v:as high.?r than the sidewalk. It yes su ~:ested that a trou~h bs made along this area sothat the water wmdd not flood the sideyolk and houses in case of heavy rain. The Council adJouraed on the motion of Aid. Stephens and Donold. ~READ AND AD0~TED, August 23, 1937. ~ay~r, * Clef , 'Council Chamber, AU[mst 16, 1937. The Finerace Committee met on ~Ionday, August 16, 1937, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the v~rious accounts which had been properly certif- ied and placed before them. ;,11 members of the Committee were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to $13,835.09. The accounts submitted, being passed or oth~rwi.~ dealt with, the Cordnit- tee, on the motion of Ald. Stephens and Donald, ordered that these be placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council. Tb~ SU'TUAPy ,~r t~.n,lers for the purchase of one car and one trucF, were presented. It ms ordered on the motion of Ald. Hanni-^Bll and T:,,idale that a Hud- son be purchased from the F'~lls !:otors, at a net Fice of ~700.00. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and }~mniwell, that a O.M.C.Ttruck, Model T16HA be pturchased from the Wells Garage & Motor Company, at a net price of $4100.00. The comnunication fm~m the Kiwanis Club, requesting an option to purchase the lot on Bridge Street, mined by the City, yes p~ss,mted. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and His ;':orship 1.~kvor A3xderson tlmt the communication be rec- eived and t~ request for an option of one week, be granted. TI~ Revenue and Expenditure Statement for the :~onth of July, was presen- ted. It ms ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Donald that the statemeht he received and laid on the table. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Aid. Twidule and Scott. ~D AND ADOPT D, August 23, 1937. let reading- ~kld. Donald and Hamniwe!lo 2nd reading- Aid. T~id~'de and White. 3rd reading- Ald. Stephens and Twidale. Th~ Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. White a~xt Donald. R~D AkV0 ADOF?',~), August ?,3, 1937. Mayo r. C ie r k. CG~nCil Chunber, August 16, 1937. At the close of the Council,meeting, and at th-~ r?qus~ of the Cit- eget, a conference was held by the City Council. All menbets of the Council were present. The City Manger advised t~ City Council tlmt he had received a request from Mr. W.L.Houck, M.L.A., for permission that Mr. R.E.Aadrews, a member of the City Staff, have leave of absence to act as Returning Officer for this riding in connection with the appraoching Provincial Election. Chairman of Finance. Gle After consideration of the matter, it was ordered on the motion of .kid. McAninch and Hanniwell that the reque~ of Mr. Houck, as conveyed to the City ~iun- anger, in regard to Mr. Andrews' acting as Returning Officerfor the coming... Election, be granted, subject to the asproyal of the Supervisor. CQUNCIL M~ETING Oouneil Ohambe r, August 16, 1937. The Oouucil re-assembled at the close of the Finance meeting, for the purpose of passing the ~oney by-law covering the accounts which-had been properly certified by the Committee. All members of the Oouncil were present. BY-ZAW The followtn~ By-Law was pa.sse__d$ , Aid. H.P. Stephens. To Grant Menlo s for General Pml~oses. The matter of the dismissal of Miss Leslie ~as also discussed, and the City Manager read to the Council the correspondence ~hich had been forwarded to Miss Leslie, and also explained his situation in connection with the matter. The motion ?as made by Ald. Hanniwell and McAninch that the City Manager be instructed to place Miss Leslie in the Assesssent Depe~rtment, and that Mr. F~r- riman be held responsible for her work, and that the City Hsnager he inst~ucted to present a letter to the City Council, stating that he is unable to accept the res- ponsibility for Miss Leslie ' s work. Upon the moti. on being put to a vote, it v,~is lost, 6 to ~. The Co~aference adjourned on the motion o~ AId.. Twidule and White. READ AND ADOI~ED, August 23, 1937. Glerk. 155 156 0ounci ! Ch~qbe r, Aug. ust 23, 1937. RZGLFi~dl iL]LTil.'G Pursuant to adjournment, the CDun{Jl met ';t 5.00 p.m. to coneider General Business ansi Fin'ante. _~l]. m~:nber~ of the 9m, nci! :ver~ ~resent. T~ Cound], hav- ing received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, these were adopted on the motion of ald. Stephens ~nd Twid'ale. In connection with Com:'mnic,utions No. 200, ~0~, ~nd i:etition He. 1~, it ordered '~,n tb~' mc,tJ on of Ald. L:cA'.fin.mh ~md !Tnite that LIP. Louis Sacco and Air.. J.~occo, be pe~.mitted to address the Council.' L:r. Sacco spoke and outlined to th,.~ City Council his petition For '! lic- eme to operate a Bi~]iura purlour, and advi ~d the Council. tMt he h~d undertaken certain obligations i n connection therewith. Llr. Rocco advised the 3ouncil of Lis father's position in the matter, and the reason for their req~est that this licenee be not Cramted. SEE Co~n un i c_:t i on ~ No. 200, .~02, ~md Petition l.:o, 10. IONS L~id o~r f~m ITPvious meeting: No. 200 - Detainice i{occo - rsqu?stin,q that additional pool rOonX licence [~ not ~ran- ted. OllDiJl~D see Co.~'~unicution Lo. ~jOP. The foliorAng Com:,qunicatior~s ~.~ro received: No. 20~ - Loui;; Sacco - reque.qti~. is.~]e of Billlard mid Pool Room Licenee ~nd Vic- tualling License. OiOEI~:,D on the motion of ald. ?,'~i,!,do and Dor~ld that the comm- uni eftrich be received ~nd filed; and the repol~ of the Licenee Commissioners be acqepted, and the Licenee b9 not granted. Upon this motion being put to a vote, the same was ,lost and therefore tim action taken by the City CounQil at the meeting of August 9th, to grant the licenee to Mr. Sacco, ,was sustain~d. No, ~03 - W.L.IIouck, M.L.a. - r,~ protest e~ainst account for St.David's Hill con- structiqn. ORDEI~ on the motion of ild. Stephens and Scott that the cc~nunication be received and filed. No. 204. - Departcent of lligba~sys - re meeting With representatives on traffic ord- inances in the City. ORDEI~D on the motira of Ald. Scott and White that the com- munication be received and as .n~my of the C~ucil as pos~ble attend the proposed meeting, in view of the fttct tlmt the Council vdshes to point out their observat- ions in consection with the traffic by-law; and that the sugEestion be made to the Department that t.h~ meeting be held on Monday, Sept ocher 6th. No, ~05 - tIy,'ro-Ele attic Power Comission of Ont:,.rio - re location o'f new trans- mission lines. O~.EREi) s~e Repor~ No.. 106. _,R_ZPO The fol. lowing Re~orts were l~ceived: No. 105 - City Manager - re court case re violation of traffic ordinances. ORDER- ED on the motio~ of Ald, ~v.i,d~ale and Sco~t that the repprt ~..lp..cei~ a.nd. fi.le.d,. and. no action taken, 157 He. 108 - City Er~ineer - recme.~inC ap~rev:~'l of no:. tr!m~zds~i an ] ~,~r~. 0D- ER?D on the mot]on of .'.ld, St?phone and ~[annh"e~ tkt ti:e e~'~mmie..tlDn · nd ~- port be r'~ceived and the recon~'~ndution of tb C~ty Engineer be approveS. No. 107 - L'~tiona] i~aplo~l!?t Cc'~!issicn - interin rt,=o-, E'~D on the motion of Ald. V~ite sad j'~'V.~jZl~n2 t.b~t th~ r,-Dort be r,~cet. v,~.d and l~id on the table. L~i d eve r CroPs pr~viou !~ m ~e ti niL: No. 10 - N.i~.Carr ~. others - re~u~sting additional peel Peon !icence b~ not gr~ted, OiD~{.,~ED see Com'.~n~cation No, ~O~J. The folls:':ih~ P~;tit itms wet ~ receivSd; No. 12 - J~nes Lococ3 - p~tit l~n for pool r~sm licenee at 935 V~,'t,~ri~. Di~-CjD on the motion of Ald. ;'mite and .",ic~ainch tt~t the ],icenee be ~.n s~mend~ent w~s made by aid. Stephens and Devoid that the petition be laid on the table for one week, . Upon the un:en~hnent being put to a, vote, it was carried and the origLnal mot-- ion was, therefore, lost. No. 13 - A.S.Annst~n:xZ & 9 Others - prot~sti r~ affainst helP.-! :'.~.d.~ bv Ecrn~fi:.n 3h:~in Co:spry pl~t. O~O~{PJD on the motion of ,~ld. ~'idal~ ~ Zcott tb=,~ th~ '~etit~ou be r,,ceived and the City Lianaget be raquested to co-r~un~o ing for their co-o~rution in the elimination, us far as possible, or this nuisance. The followim~ Resolutions wer,~ pas. s.ed; NO. 70 - ST.'.Pii~ij6 -- T'.',~.d~ - i~:]0L~D t~nt the City i.~r-,r b.-e in~nlet~4 t:, ' rain from the City Selldirer, the necessary procedure to h~v~ s~ action taken to elimi~t~ t~ continual operation of the wig-wags on the crossings of the l,:i~h~ Central ~ilv:ay fn this Ci~, Farticulur]y at night, us t~- si.ne ur~ c usin~ a con- dition which id detrimental to the health of the ~ti. zens in the vicinity o~ these signals; and the Seal of the Oor~ration be hereto affixed. No. 71 - Mc~ENCII - ~'~ETE - R~SOLVED t~t the City Ma~ger be instn~cted to asc.~r- tain f~n the City Solicitor, w~ther ~y action cou]~ be taken by th]s municipal- ity to obtain from the tracking and tr~nspo~ati~ companies iose vehicles,puss throu~ the City streets, a prtion of the tax which is now naid to the Provincial ~vermen%; in view of the fact that tbss vehicles ~re usin~ our highways; and if such protest is possib]/~, that the s~e ~ fo~:~ded to our ioc~ llember of the islat~e, Mr. W.L.itouck, aM to the Pro~ncial ~vement; ~d the Soul of the Corpor- ation be hereto ~fixed. Carried The following By-Law was passed: BY-lAW .Np. ~540 - Aid. J.G.~Fnite - To previd~ for the early closing of barber s~opS. let reading- Ald. 'Donald and Hanniwell. Bad reading -Ald. White and Scott, 3rd reading - AId, White and Twidsle. MISO~sANEOU~_ Ald, Twidale brought up tim mount of noise which is muds by the long~rains 158 travelling along the Hichigan Central Ruih.:ay tracks in this City, and requested that the City )'[anager endearour to ascertain whether any action may be taken by' the City Council to have the length of these trains lessened, and-,so reduce the nuisance now created. Aid. HcAninch brought up the matter of the emi ttlng of dense smoke from' the Dominion Chsdn Conlmny plant, reported to be caused by the b~ning of refuse, and sug~,ested that the City '.[anager conuunicnte with the Company to ascertain whether it would be possible for them to co-operate in the elimination of this hui sauce. The Council adjourned on the motion of ~ld. Donald and Stephens. RF~ID .,1QD ,'d~OPr',.]), August 30, 1937. ,Mayo r. Council Chrmmber, August 23, 1937. The Finance Committee met on Lionday, August 23, 1937, for the purpose of approving and also of _~assing the various ac.~.ounts which had beenuproperly cer~if- led and placed before them. All members of the Comnittee were present. Sundry accounts were 'approved by the CoL~nittee, smounting to $10,E14.05. Tbe accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, the Commit- tee, On the motion of Ald. Twirlale and Scott, ordered that these be placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council. The con~aunications fr~n R.O.Young and the Ocean Accident Insurance Oompany, in connection with the necessary rep~drs to the motor at the Filtration Plant, wm presented. It was ordered on the motion of. Ald. Scott and His %'/orship !,{uyor 'Arttier- .son that the comnunications be rec~;ived, and in view of the age of the machine, ard the necessity of the same being rewound, that the offer of the Co,~pany to pay $300. of the total cost of $549.00 be accepted; subject to the appa'oval of the Supervisor of the Department of Municipal Affairs. The aocount for hospitalization for Mrs. R.Wedge, w~s presented ~or consid- eration. It wus ordered on the motion of A.ld. White and Hanniwell that the account be received and filed, and no action be tsken on the part of the Corporation, in~ view of the fact that Hrs. Wedge's husband is ~egularly employed. The comunication from the United Wax'ds Club of the City df London, in con- nection with their visit to the City, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald and I{anniwell that the communication be received, and His Worship Mayor Anderson be requested to bring the mat~,er to the attention of the Niagara Paxks Commission, with the request.~hat they take whatever action they are able on the matter., :~ ' The co~m~unication and fi~lres fron the Guaranty ~n~st Co,~.p.jmy in connection with the rs-.f,mdtny, v;~s presented. It was ordornd on the nlot~oI: of Ald. %'.~ite eel Hc;~ninch that the imro~L,~tion be received, and Lit. lhDct:~r b~ re'- quested to attend a meeting v'ith th~ City C~uncil on ]:ondny, _u~ust 2~A ~0th (see ~Iinutes of .~uFust ~Oth) at 10.00 a.m. to go into the matter in detail. The r,epo~ of the City .r.lanaFer, advisin~ of the reti~F :~l]o'.';auces i~', bzr.- derinC municipalities, v.ns pn~sented. It v/an orals. red on the :~L~ti~n and His Worship }~or Ymderson that the report be received and laid on the t'~ble. The Committee adJouraed on the motion of ~ld. Tl.,,id,.~le and Scott. Ibh',D ~ID ~kDOiT,~D, ~uF~ust 30, 1937. Chairman of Finance. Council .~ugust 23, 1937. The Council re-assembled at the close of the Fins!nee l~eetir~-, ~or the t'ur- pose of ~ssing the money hy-12w covering the ?,ccount s v.'hich h?d been aD~roved by the Finance Conmlttee. All members of the Council ~vere present. Tb~· following By-law was passed; .I{o, 25.4,1 -Ald. H.P. Stephens - To Grant lbnie s for General Purposes. let readir~, -Ald. Hanniwell and :'efite, 2rid reading -Ald. Donald and Stephms. 3rd'reading- Ald. ~,;idale and Scott. The Council adJouraed on the motion 'of Aid. Scott and Donald. R~& td'H) ~DOITED, August 30, 1937. ~vor. Olerk, 159 160 Ccunai 1 Chamber, August ~0s 19S7, CONFERENCE A Conference was held by the City Council with Mr. E.M.Proctor, Vice- president of the GUaranty Trust Company of Canada, Fiscal A~nts, at 10.00 On Monday, August ~0th, 1957. /Lll n~mbere of the Councils with the exception of Ald, Donald were present, Mr. Proctor presented a further report to the Council upon the refin- ancinE of the debt of the GIST, and an extended budget for the City, for the )~ars 1938 to 1942. After dlscusslou ul~n the matters the followin~ motion was presented: ORDERED on the motion of Ald, White and Twidale that the rel~rt of the Guaranty Tlust COmpany of Canada, eneloai~ a revised preliminary BudEet for the year 1938 to 1942s be ~coived and the approval of the Council be placed upon the proposition of the rsrundl~E of $500,000.00 of the City*s debt at Four par pent.; and Mro P~octor be instruc+~d to erronEs a meeting for the Council with .the Protective ConmiSses for Wednesday or Thursday 'af this week, to present the arEument of the City Council° Curried The Council then adjourned, on She motion of Aid. White and Hanniwell, to re-' assemble at 5,00 p.mo READ AND ADOPTED, September 7, 1957° Mayor. - Clerk. Council Cb~mbe r, AuEust S), 1937. Pursuant to adJourrm~nt, the Council met at 5.00 p.m. to consider Gen- ex~ Busimss and Ft~-oe. All rambets af the Council were present, TIle C~uncil, havinE =eoeived and read the minutes of the previous maetin~, these were adopted on the motion of AId. Twidale and Donald; providing the eorrestirm was made in the Finance Meeting minutes, that the roseSinE with Mr, I~outor be held on August 30th, mt~r Shell AuSust 28th, as ateted in the 'repox~° C.C~OATIONS. The f011owix Com~u-,4oaticns wore re~eiveds 206 - Department of Hi~hwal~s - re traffic re~ulatims and mexes~ed mse~in$. OI~)ERED on the motion of Ald. Stephen, and Scott that the telegram be recei~d and filed, pending the receipt of the Del~rtment's advice as to the general Traffic By-law. No. 207 - DOminion Chain Company - re noises of plants and burning of refuse. OI~DE~ED on the motion of Ald. MeAninch and Domld that the comaunication be rec- eived and filed, in view of the info rmution presented. No. ~0S - W.S.Halliday . requesting permission for the erection of coal hole chute. 01~)ERED on the motion of Ald. White and Scott that the canmunication be received and the request be not granted, but the gezrtlentqn be advised that a coal chute in the front of his building would be permissable. SEE Reper}.. Ng.' 108. R~PORTS The following Reports were received: No. 108 - ,City Engineer - recommending refusal of per~ssion for coal hole chic. OI~)ERED on the motion of Ald. White and Scots that the report be received and ad- opted. No. 109 - City Manager - re meeting with officials of tiichigan Central Railway. Oi~)ERED on tbe motion of Ald. Donald and Scott that the report be received and adopted, and the City Manager be instructed to comuunicate with the DeparthenS of Customs upon the matter. No. 110 - City Solicitor - re transport vehicles. 01~DBRED on the motion of Ald. MoAninch and White that the report be received and laid on the table until the next meeting; sad that copies of the reprt be forwarded to the members of the Council; and the City Solicitor be requested to furnLsh more concise information upon the matter, rather thtm the lengthy report as submitted. No, 111 - City Solicitor - re length of frieght trains and ol~retion of wig-wag si_mmls. OltDERED on the motion of/lid. White and Hanniwell that the retxrt be received and hid on the table untA1 the next meeting. IETITIONS Laid over fro~ previous meeting: No. 12 -Imes Leecoo - re licenee for bllllard parlout at 935 Victoria Avenue. O.~DER~D on the motion of Ald. MeAninch and Twidale that the petition he received and the licenee he not granted. ~s also l%tit_ign No. 14. In this connection, Aid. McAuinah advised the Council that he had been advised by Mr. Leecoo that the lie,nee as applied for, was not now requested, in- aresuch as Mr. Leecoo had made erreaSements for the operation of another type of business at the location. The followin~ Petition was received: No. 14 - E.T.Kella~ & Others - protastinE sEalnet issue of license for billlard parleer at 9~5 Victoria Avenue.. 0JiDEI~ on the motion of AId. M~Antnoh and Twi- dale that the petition be received and filed. RESOLUTIONS The followil~ Resolutims were lmssed: NO· V2. - ~TEi~ . MEANINGS'. RESOLVED that the next mooSinE of the City Coun- cil be held on Tuesday, Sep~emher Vth, 1937, at l~O0, p,m,, andthe Seal of tim Oox~oratiax be helmets affixed, 161 162 No. 73 - HANNIWELL - DOR~ID - I~SOLVED that e discussAm be held at tM next mseti~ of the Council upon t~ veTOes ~t~s ~nta~d in the Auditors* ~- ~rt for the ye~ 1936, at which t~ t~ ~d~men e~ ~ques~d.to pre~nt a~ m~te~s in ~ion t~th, ~d ~ ~ of the O~por~l.on ~ her~o allied, C~ed The following BY-Law was passed: .No..2542 - Aid. C.W.T~Adale - To appoint a Deputy City Cle~c. 1st reading -Ald. Donald and Stephans. ~nd reading - ~_ld, Scott and White. 3rd rending - Aid. Donald and ~ddale. The Council adjourned on the m~tion of Aid. StepSarts and Henniwell. READ AND ADOPTED, September 7, 1937, Mayo r. Clerk. FINANCE ME~rAN~ Council August 30, 1937, Tha Finance Commit%e met on Monday, August ~0th, 1937, for the pimpass of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had bean properly oel~ified and placed before them. All manbars of the Co~mittee were present. Sundx~ aoaounts were appeared by the Committee, -~unttng to $~4,447.52. The aacounts. submit~d, being passed c~ otberwise dealt with, the Oom- ndttee, on the motion of Aid. Donald and Scott, ordered that these be plaaed ~n the money by-law for presentation to the Oann~il,. In oonneoticn with the Auditors' Report, the matter of the apeolal Unemployment Relief levy on oertain fixed assessmants, was presented. Ifter dis- cussinn upon the matter, it was agreed that the matter ooul~ be oonsidered at the nex~ meeting; and the City M~nager was ~eques~ed to present a repox~ there- one The Oil7 Manager presented the ranttar to the Committee, $ha~ ~. B.M. ~oo~ of ~ F~Is ~s, ~nde~ w~ reoel~d $~ ~de~ fo~ the sup~ of a ~ to mpla~ ~he B~ ~alth oa~;'~ a~i~d ~ ~s ~le ~o Supply 163 the car tendered upon, but could furnish a later model at an additional cost of $37,50, It ms ordered on the motion of Aid. Scott and Donald that the report be received and the car at the mw price of $737.50 be accepted, mbJect to the approval of the Supervisor. ' Tlz report of the City Manager, upon the conference with the Cenadian Fire Underwriters' Association, was prestoted. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship M~or Anderson and AId. Twidale that the rapart be re0eived and filed, and the appreciation of the Conmittee be expressed upon this reduction. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Aid, T~idale and His Worship Ma~ur An- derson. READ AND ADOPiED, Septemter 7, 1937. Chairman of Finance. Clerk. CCUI~0IL MgETING C~Aneil Chamber, August Z0, 1937. The Council re-assembled at the close of the Finance meeting~ for the purpose of passing the money by-law navering the sacaunts which had been ripproved by the Ffnanae Canmit~ee. All members of the Coun~l were present. BY-LAW The following By-Law was passed: .N.o. ~543 -Ald. H.P.Stephens . To .$rant Monies for Ceneral Purposes. 1st reading - Aid. Hannawell end Scott° 2nd reading -Ald. Donald and Stepbane. 3rd rending- Aid, Twta-le and H~nn4w~lle The Counotl adJouJd on the mottan of Aid, White and Soott. AND ADOlm~D, -~eptember V, 1937e Olex, ko 164 THIRTT-SIXT~ I~r~;~TINO C~uncil Chamber, Sel~emher 7, 1937. REOUIAR M~ETING Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 5,00 p,m, to consider Gen- eral Bustles and Finance, All members of the Council, were present, The Coun- cil, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, these were ad- opted on the motion of Aid. White and Twtdale. DEFJTATIONS In connection with Oomunication NO. 210, Mr. W.J.Meagher, as represent- ative of the Railway ~mployees of Niagara Falls, was pe~nitted to address the Council, on the motion of Ald. Hanniwell and White. Mr. Meagher, outlined the request Contained in the comntmication sub- mitted, and asked that the City Council give consideration to the adoptdon of the .,same, for presentation to the Royel GOremission. SEE Connunicution No. P, lO. G(I~JNICf~PIONS The following Conmunications were received: No. 209 - Depa r~nent of Highways - setting out changes necessary before By-law No. 2525 would be satisfactory to them. 0RDER.~D on the motiou of Ald. Scott and VFaite that the communication be received and laid on the table until the next meeting; the City Man~r be instructed to en4eavour to arrange a meet ing, thr- ough our Local Member of the P. egislature, Hr. W.L.Houck, with the Minister of Highways, the Hencurable Mr. T.B.Mc0,ue sten, at the earliestpossible moment, for the discussion of the matters contained in the conmuni cat ion from Mr. ~.P.Blck- ell, Registrar of Motor Vehicles; and the opinion of the City Solicitor be ob- tained aS to the authority of the City Council in connection with the control of traffic and perking restrictions,etc. in the City. No. ~-10 -'Railway Employees of .NiaCar~a Falls - presentation for endcreation end submission to the Royal Conumtssion on transport problems. OlC)ERED on the motion of Ald. Tvddale and Hanniwell that the communication and presentation be rec- .eived, and that a brief .be prepared by the City Oouncil and fol~,mrded to the Roy- al Commission for their consideration; providing, h~vever, that the same refers to transport companies doing inter-urban basins as. No. all - Kingsmill, Mills. Price & Fleming - copy of letter re ope,,~tion of wigwags, on Michigan Central Railway Crossings. ORDERED on the m~tion of. Ald. Stephens and ~vidsle that the comunioation be received and filed. ~ laid over from Previous meeting: No. 111 - City Sollot'tot - re wigwag~ and freight trains on Michtgen Centrail Railway. OIlFeED on the metion of Ald. DomAld and Scott that the report be laid on the table until the next meeting. The following Reports were received: No. 112 - City M~_nager - re attendance at Ontario Municipal Association convent- ion. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Ranniwell and MoAninch that the report be received and filed; Aldexman ~.G. White,be oougratu!ated upon his appointment as ,a, ~.m~u..t~.F.p.f. ~.hp..E~e.o.ut~yp..o.f the ~kswolation; and app..re.ole~tior~ t~e adoption of ~he ~wo resolutions of the City of Niagara Falls, n~nelys 53, ~oquesting ~el~esentation of l~:d,o.'lpeJ.2teb upon the Fq~ro-Elootrie Pews,-+. ConmiSSi0n of OntariO| and No, 67, ~questi~g~he. Provincial Qove=mnen~ to make 165 arrangements for the bor:~'ov~h~ of money by municipalities at the same, or ap- proximately the same, rateof Interest as that secured by the Governn~nt. RESOLUTI ON The followin~ Resolutiou was passed: No. 74 - McANINCH- HAII~I;'[ELL - RESGLV~) that Aldermen Hanniv~ell, Tviidale, Mc Artinch and His Worship ~hyor Anderson be a conmittee to investigate the matter of obtaining a place of residence for A. Handerson and his family; and thereon report ot the City Council at :the next meeting; end the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. C~arried The let 2rid 3rd followin~ By-laws wore passed: 2.544- Aid, J,A,McAninch .- To authorize the signing of a lease with the Jas, Barclay & Co. Limited, in connection with the Welland Avmue building. reading -Ald. Scott and Donald. r~ding -Ald. Donald and Hanniwell. reading -Ald. ~ddale and Scott. 254~5 . Aid. J.G.thite - To provide for sub-division of the wards of the City for polling purposes for Municipal Elections. let reading - Aid. Hsnniv:ell and Donald. 2nd reading - Aid. White and Stephens. 3rd rending- Ald. Donald and Scott. IKSCELLAEOUS Aid. MeAninch brought up the matter of the regulations of the Election Act, in connection with the number of scrutineers and agents for candidates per- mitted in the polling places when ballots are being counted; and requ ~,sted that a report from the City Solicitor be obtained thereon; and also upon the powers and authority of these representatives; for the information of the Council. AId. Stephens mentioned the very andersirable condition of the wall of the building next to the vacant lot on Bridge Street, where the Savoy Hotel for- roefly stood, and asked the City Manager teascertain whether the City has the power to take action to have the unsightly condition of this wall improved; aud if so, whether this action could be taken. Aid. McAninch stated that he had noticed in the City of Toronto that a ntnnber of buildings in the business section hod been raneyed, and the vacant land was being used as parking spaces, to great adventage. The Aldermen ~gested that such action might well be taken in this City in the croweded areas. l~ld. McAninch requested that the discussion of matters contained in the 19~6 Auditors' Report be deX%rred until the next meeting, ~n view of the fact that there was certain infomatiou he desired; and r~quested that the City Man- ager supply h~n with figures as to the rimbet of hours, and the rate per hour, worked by relief recipients in the Welfare Board paper plant in the year 1936. The Council adjourned. on the motion of Aid. Twidale and-Hanniwe.ll. READ AND ADOPTED, Sept 13, 1937,' rd~UJ ~ ADUI.~3, 166 FINAEUE I~sA'ING Council Chamber, September 7, 1937. T~s Finance Committee mt on Tuesday, Sept saber 7, 19~F, for the pur- pose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been prop- erly certified and placed before them. All members of the Comittee w~ pres- ent. Sundry accounts were approved by the Comittee, mounting to $13,924.37. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, the Com- mAtree, on the motion of Ald. Doneld and I~mndwell, ordered that these be placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council. The report of the City Manager, in confection with the meeting of the Bond-holders' Protective Association, upon the refunding of the City's finances, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Anderson and Ald. T~ddale that the report be received and filed. The report of the City Manager, upon the spectral levy for uneraploy- ment relief on certain fixed assesmerits, ~as presented. It Was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hanniwell and MeAninch that the report be recei. ved and filed, and the City Mana~r be instructed to make the levy upon the AsseSsment Roll for the collection of the 1936 taxes on the preperties affected. The report of the City Manager, upon the re-registration of persons on relief, was prssented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. T~ldale and Don- ald that the report be received and adopted. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald'. lhvidale and Scott. READ A~ ADOPTED, Setpsmher 13, 1937. COIE~CIL Council Chamber, S.~ember 7, The Oouncil re-~:ssembled at the close of the Finance meeting, for the purpose of pas~ing the money by-law covering the accounts which had been approved by the Committee. All mauhers of the Council were preseat. _~lle followilia By-law was passed: No. 2546 - Aid. H.P.Stephens - To Grant ~Ionies for General Purposes. 1st reading- Ald. Donald and Harm~ell. 2nd reading -Ald. Scott and l~hite. 3rd reading -Ald. Scott and Tv~l~ale. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. White and Stephens. READ ~ ADOPT~D, Sel%ember 13, 1937. Mayor. Clerk. 167 168 THIRTY-Sk~YENTH L'EiZTING CDuncil Cherubs'r, September 13, 1937. P~GLr~R L~RTING Pursuant to adjournment, the Oouncil met at 5.00 p.m. to consider Gen- eral Business and Finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. White, were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, these were adopted on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Scott. CC~,~FONICAT IONS The following Con~munications were received: No. 212 - Griffiths & Oriffiths - suggesting amendment to Smoke Nuisance By-law. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Stephens and McAninch that the communicatisu be received and the matter be referred to the City Solicitor for his report. .No. 213 - W.L.tIoUck, M.L.A. - re request for meeting with Minister of High.ways. 0RDEED on the motion of Afd. Donald and Scott that the communication be rec- eived and filed. No. 214 - Harold F.Spengler - requestin;, removal of tree. 0RDERh~ see Report No · 113. REPORTS Laid over from previous meeting: No. 111 - Cit~S.'o_~l.i,c,itor - re operation of wigwags on Michigan Central Railray crossings. OL~DEA~MD on the motion of Ald. Stephens and Twidale that the report be received and filed, and the City Manager be instructed to comunicete with the Board of Railway Co~nissioners, asking what would be the responsibility of the City Council if they asked for the discontinuation of the balls or gongs on the signals; and also request a report from the City Solicitor as to whether the City Council woold be held liable should su accident occur on one of these crossings frcra which the bells would be renoved. .TIm following Repute were received: No..l13 - Parks Superinte.nd.e~nt - reconunending that tree at 1~O6 Ontario Avenue be not removed. Oi~)ER.~D on the motion of Ald. Stephens and Hanniwell that the report be received, and the matter be laid on the table until the next meeting, and in the meantime, that the Council inspect the tree in question. No. 114 - City Solicitor - re powers on control of traffic and parking restric- tions. 8RDEP~1) on the motion of Ald. T~'Adale and Donald that the report be rec- eived and laid on the table until the conference with the Hencurable The Minis- ter of Highways has been held. ~ No. 115 - Oity Solic~itor - additional report re transport vehicle~ ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MeAninch and Twidele that the repor~ be received and laid on the table until such tim as the brief ~hich is to be submitted in connection with coninertial transports and railways has been received by the Council. No. 116 - Board of ,Railway 0ommissioners - re actionSaMen in ooanection with case of Franklin Miller. 0BDER~D on the motion of Ald. MoAninch and Hsnniwell that the report be received and laid on the ~able for fUture discussion, when all members of the 0ouncil are present. No. 117 - City Engineer - re garage situated on registered property on Sirocco Street. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Hanniwell and Scott that the report be ~eeeived nnd approved, and an seensat be given to the Niagara Falls x.oau & Sav- ings Company for She pox~lon of the pxupex~ upon which their building is sit- Uated, No. ll8 - Niagara Frontier Hannane Society - report for August. OHDiCR~D on the motion of Ald. Stephens and T~[dale that the report be received and filed. RESOLUTI 0NS The followin~ Resolutions were passed: No. 75 - HANNIV~L - Mc~J~IMCH - R~SOLVED that Alderman C.W. Twidale be appointed as the representative of the City Council to attenl the annu, ff dinner meeting of the Chamber of Commgrce, scheduled to take place on September 15th; such attend- ance to be at the expense of the Corporation; and the Seal of the Corpor~ition be hereto affixed. Carried No. ~6 - PL'd~NI:7~JLL . DONf~LD - t["ITOLVED that the City Man~ger be instructed to forward a letter of condolence to the son of the late Ilh,. :7.W.Robertson, eM~res_ sing the sympathy of the City Council for him in his bereavement; and the Seel of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott and Stephans. vREAD AND ADOPT. h~), ~eptember 20, 1937.. ......... Clerk. FINAN3E/~TING Council Chcmber, September 13, 193~. The Finance Committee met on Monday, September 13, 1937, for the purpose Of approving and also of passing the various accounts which h~d been properly cer- tified and placed before them· All members of tbe Committee, with the exception of Ald. White, were present. Sundry accounts were appleveal by the Comittee, mounting to $6,656.31. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, the 0om- mittee,'on the motion of Ald. Scott and Twidsle, ordered that these be placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council. The report of tbe City Manager, as to the new schedule for Fire Insur- ance on City Buildings, was presented, Xt was ordered on the motion of Ald. Han- niwell and Scott that the report be received and approved, and laid on the table. The ~epor~ of the City Manager, as to the number.of hears worked by recipients on the Welfare Board paper p lent, was presented. Discussion was 169 170 entered into upon this and other matters pertaining to the Auditors' Report upon the Welfare Board accounts for 19B6, after which the follQwing motion was male| Ordered on the motion of Itis '~'~rship ~syor Anderson end Aid. McAn- inch that this matter be laid on the table until the next meeting; and the City Mana~r be requested to endeavour to obtain a report as to the activities of the Welfare Bosrd daring the years since 1934, as to the amounts of grants and monies received. an~unts expended in assistance to persons in need, and the costsof administration and operation; and say other information in connect- ion therewith, such as the mason for the reduction in the paper collections, etc. The mamoranima from the Relief Admlnist~tor, as to the new Order-in- Council gorefining residences of relief recipients, was presented. It was ord- ered on the motion of His ";orship L{ayor Anderson and Ald. Hanniwell that the mem- orandum be received, and the Conunitte nrotest their understanding of the nev~ reg- ulations, and request that the Department reinstate the fomer ruling in connect- ion with this matter, that persons must h~ve resided in a municipality for tw- elve months before they are ahargeable to such municipality for relief, and the request be made that this clause be enforced. The memoranudm from the Departoct of Public Welfare, in connection with the Horns Service Training Schools, for unemployed girls, was presented. It ~ms ordered on the motion of His Worshin Mayor Anderson sad Aid. Hanniv~ll that the memorandum be received and approv~d, and applications be referred to th?~ Employment Service of Canada, as requested. The discussion of th~ Auditors' Report upon the finances of the Cor- poration for the year 19B6, was ~ain laid on the table until the next meeting. The Committee adjourned on the motion of .~ld. Scott and Donold. ADOPTED, September BO, 1937. Ohairm~n of Finance. -' ' ..... Clerk. COUNCIL MEETING Council Chomber, September 13, 1937. The Council re-assembled at the close of the Finance meeting, for the purpose of passing the money by-law covering the accounts which had been apprnved by the Committee. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. White, were present. 'Th~ followA. ng By-law was passed: ~ BY-XAW ,No. 254X .Ald. H.P.Stephe ns . To G~nt Monies for General Purposes. let reading. Ald. ~'ddsle and H~nniwell. 2rid reading -Ald. Donald and Steuhens. 3rd reading .Ald. Step~ns and S~ott. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Steph~ns sad Donald. READ AND f~DOPT~.~3, September 20, 19~7. Mayor. Clerk. 171 mHIIrfY--~.IQarH ~ETINQ ,douncil Chamber, September ~0, 1937. REGULAR ~ETING Pars,met to adjournment, the Council met at 5.00 p.m. to consider General Business and Finance. All members of the Council were present. The Council, hav- ing received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, these were adopted on the motion of Ald. Twirlale sad Scott. C(t~.,~JNICATIONS The following Connunications wre receiyqd; No. 215 - Franklin J. Miller - setting forth his feelings in connection with the case. ORDERED see Repqrt No..llC. In connection with this matter, discussion was entered into by th~ var- ious members of the City Council. I~is Worship Mayor Anderson also spoke and ex- plained his and the Police Commission's attitude in the matter, at which time, Al- derman Scott was in the Chair as Enacting Nayor. 17hen His Worship Mayor Anderson had concluded his remarks, he again resumed his office. No. 216 - Department of Public Welfare - setting forth new regulations in connect- ion with ~btbers' Allowances and 01d Age Pension Boards. ORDEFc~D on the motion of Ald. Hanniwell a~d Scott that the corm~nnication be received end laid on the table, and copies of the same be forwarded to the City Council. No. 217 - W.P.Montgomery. - protesting against use of building on Cataract Avenue for relief families. 0RDEI{~D on the motion of AId. Hannl~ell and qh.~ldale that the cOmmunication be received and filed, and it be pointed out to Mr. I~Xontgomery that should the building be used for relief tenants, it would not necesSarily fol- low in the same becoming detrimental to the in~.~diate neighborhood. No. 218 - Bell Telephone Company - requesting permission to mak~ ch~nF. es in aerial plant. 0~DEFdED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Stenhen~s that the communication be received and the appmuval of the City Council for the work be ~iven, subject to the supervision of the 0ity Engineer and the local Hydro-Electric Ool~nisslon. No. 219 - C.Pascuzzi - requesting permission for removal of tree. 0~)EPJ~) see Report No. llg. No. 220 - Mrs. H.D.Harshall - requesting permission for taxi-stand. 0~OERk~) on the motion of Aid. A~cAninsh and Stephens that the conu~nication be received and the request he granted, the City Manager and Endnear to decide u~on the location for the same, sad the traffic By-law to be amended aeco~:dingly. REP0i~S, Laid over from erevious meeting: No. 113- Parks Superintendent- recommending a tree at 1406 Ontario Avenue be not removed. 0F~ERED on the motion of Ald. %~dsle and Stephens that the report be received and adopted. No. 116 - ~oard o.f Police Commissioners - re case of Frenk]~m Miller. Ot]DERED on the motion of hld. White and Hanniwell that the 'report be received, sad the City Manager be instructed to advise the Board of Police Commissioners that the Council does not feel it is their, or the City Manager's, responsibility for Miller'e reinstatement on the police force; that apparently re.. Miller is going to improve in health and in view of that fact, the Council requests ~het the Cam- mission re-conatder M~. Miller's re~to rat ion if and when he is able to fill a P~lios 0ffioeF's duties. 173 : The following Reports were received: No. 119 - Parks Superintendent - racerremanding removal of tree. 0iOEiL~D on the mot- ion of Ald. HcAninch and ~vidale that the repor~ be received and adopted, and the tree be removed. No. 120 ~ City ~olicitor No. 121 - ~Ci~y Solicitor - re powers of scruitiaecrs or agents. 0?-DER'~D on the motion of Ald. Donald and Twid21e tho. t the repo~s be received ,ind filed. No. l°-2 - City L~nager - re unsig~ntly condition of v:all on B~dte Street. 0 D:EJ~CD on the motion of Ald. HcAninch trod Stephens that time report be received aRd laid On the table for one ~veek. hb. 123 - City Solicitor - r.~ responsibility of Council in connection v'ith wiOvacs on railw~,s. 0~DERED on the motion of Ald. White and ilunniwell t~t time report be received t;nd laid on the table for one week. No. 124 - Cit~ Solicitor - m surgested ~u~ndmsnt to smoke nui.~unce By-law. 0.~- ER~D on tP2 motion of Ald. Twidale and Scott that the n, port be received and filed. Y~CSOLUTION The following Resolution was pa. sse~d: No. 7~ - ST'J~I~HE~ - D01U~LD - RESOLVED that the meetings 9f the City Council, dur- ing the p~ic~ of Standard time, be held at 4.00 p.m. ~nch Henday, unless arranged otherwise, and tb Se~ of the Co~ration ~ hereto ~fixed. Carri e d ~s above motion was an ~en~ent, t~ o~nal motion being m.~de by Ald. MeAninch and %'~ite that the meet~gs be held ut ?.00 p.rh duMng st~dard the. ~oon the ~en~ent being put to a vote, It ~s carried, ~d t~ motion was, theft- fore, lost. lfi[ ~C ELL,'~EOUS Ald. Va~ite advised the City Council that duril~ the Conference of the Trades and Labour Congress in Ottawa, recently, he had presented an invitation~o hold their next convention in the City of Niagara Falls, and had been successful in having the invitation accepted. The convention will be held here in September, 19S8, and will result in the attendance of about one thousand members for ors week. In connection with this matter, Ald. White su~gested that it might be wise to fon~ a committee, early next spring, comprising the City .Council, Ch~nher of Commerce, interested citizens of Niagara Falls ouch as Tourist Home om~ers, hot- el keepers, etc. to arrange for this convention. AId. %Tnite also advised the Council that the National Employment Com'%is- sion had appropriated a large sum from tbe Dominion Covermmsnt for the bcautificat- ion of certain areas in Ottawa, and sug~ested that such action might well be taken in this City, v~lch is one of the entrances to t-he Dominion of Canada, insofur as certain properties in the vicinity of the L~er Arch Bridge, are concerned. The 0cueall adjourned on the motion of Ald. Stephens and ScOtt. READ ANDADOPPED, September,.Z~.,, 19S7. 174 FIN~'dqCE flEETING Council Chamber, Sspt~aber 20, 1937. The Finance Committee met on Monday, Sept~aber S), 1937, for the pttrpose of a~proving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cer- tified and placed before them. All members of the Con~mittee were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the CoMmittee, amounting to $14,879.90. The accounts submitted, being_ passed or otherwise dealt with, the Com- mittee, on the motion of Ald. Twidole and Donald. ordered that these hee placed iu the money by-]~w for presentation to the Councll~ A discussiam too k place upon the matters contained in the r~port of the Auditors, for the year 1936, and the following motions were made: It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Itanniwell and licA~finch that the recommendation of the Audito:s, for the use of prenumbsred for~as in com~ction v:ith all licences and receipt forms, be c~u'ried out, this system to c~n~nenc,~ in 1938. It was ordered by Ald. White end Scott that the City ~4anaaer be author- ized to carry on with the improvement of the present gara~qes at the rear of the North End Fire Hall, should sufficient monies be aVaihble after the completion of tbe rebuilding of the first garage, and subject to the approval of the Depart- ment of 14unicipsl Affairs. It was ordered by Ald. Hanniwell end Tv,i da]s that the City ~nager be instructed to prepare a comparative statemsnt on the administration of the City, in the years 1987 and 1936. for presentation to the Council in ors month's time. It was ordered by Ald. Hanniwell and McAnind~ that the suggestion be made to the Children's ~id Society, that they adopt ths rsconmsndatim of the City Auditors, in connection x,~lth calling for ~nders for the pureb~ se of supplies and v~rk of a major nature, in the future. It vms ordered by Aid. Twidale and Hanniwell that the report of the Aud- itors, upon the finances of the City for the year 1936. be received and approved. The communication from the Children's Aid Society, giving particulars of the monies in the special account, was presented. It ~ms ordered on the motion of Ald. McAninch and Hanniwell that the communication be received and filed. The cormtmication froa the International City 1,{anagers' Association, in connection vdth the coming convention at New Orl~;sas, v~ns presented. It was ord- ered on the motion of His ?lotship ~-yor Anderson and Ald. White that the conmun- ic. at ion be received and filed. The Revenue and :expenditure Statement for the mon.t.h ending August 31st, 1937. was presented. It ms ords~ on the motion of Ald. White and Hanniwell that thee statement be received and laid oh the table until ]~he next mee~lxE. The 0emmAtree adjourned on the motion of AId. White and tIanniwell. RFAD AND ADOPIED, September ~?, 1937. Chairnx~m of Finance, ' 175 :, ' COVI~CIL L:JL'TtNG Cou:~c il Ch~:fik~ r, September 20, 1937. The Council re-as'el:xbled at the close of the Finance Leetint, fox' th ~. ~ur- pose of passing the money by.-law covering the. ~ ccounts v:hich had been approv~d bjy the Committee. All members of the Council were piesent. The fol_lowi~g ~jjr-law ;~a_s passed: No.. 2548 - Aid. !I.P.Stsphs ns - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. 1st rsading -Ald. Scott and Manniv, ell. 2nd reading - Aid. Donald and Stephens. 3rd reading -Ald. ~ldale and Scott. Ths Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. ~ddale and READ AIO f~DOiaT_h]), September 27, 1937. Mayor. 176 177 T,'n3TY-~.F.m'.H Council Ohmhers September 27, 1957. Pursuant to edJournm~nt, the Council met st 4.00 p.m. to consider Gen- erbl Business and Finance, All members of the Council were pxesent. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, thes~ were adopted on the motion of Ald. Donald and Fanniwell. C(~CAT IONS x.aid over from previous meet ing: No. 216 - Dopar~nent of Public _t.~lfa~.o. - setting forth new re~latious in con- nection with Mothers* Allowances and 01d Age Pension Boards. O~DERED on the mot- ion of AId. Fanniwell end Donald that the regulatlous be received and filed, and the nonrinses of the City Council upon the Boexd to be appointed, ~e Ald, C.W.Twi- dale end Mrs. W.J.McM~rray. In the above connection, Ald. T~dale thanked the Council for the confid- enee placed in her in making the appointment; and also pointed out that this chan- ge in the teeelations would greatly increase the amount of work required by the Local Boards, ~.a the increased number of meetings which would probably result. The foliowAng Comunicaticns wore recetve~: No. 221 - King,mill, Mills, Price & Fleming - plat,sting against removal of bells f~nn wigwags. No. 2~.. Board of l~iil~y C~Aissioners for Canada - advising of responsibility of Council in case of accident. O~DERED On the motion of Ald. Stephens and Aninoh that the comunieatiou be laid on the table for one week. ~ ~eo..~_e~t ~o.,!~p.,~ No. 22~ - City Clex~, St. Thonme - enclosing resolutions re inves$1gatim Of Roy- al C~AlSSiC~ into Transportation. CEDERED on the. motion of Ald. Twiddle and Scott that the somn~Anioetian be received and filed; and the Cl~y of St. Thehas be furnished with a copy of Resolution No, 78~ and the City ~,sager be advised to state that the Council are quite in accord with the resolutiou presented, but feel that rather the- endorsing the same, it would be more effective if the Coun- ell, s own resolution was p~esen~ed to the Conmission. Laid over from previous meeting: No. 3a2 - City Man-get - :e un-t ghtly condition of wall on Bridge Street. 0~- E~ on t~ motion of ~d. 8~JJ aM S~tt that t~ mpo~ be Joefred and ~led, ~d the Oi~y ~ez ~ i~t~ted ~ ~t in to~h wi~ t~ i~eres~ed ~ ties, ~o asoe~n whether their contract f~ ~ d~olition of the old building provided f~ ~e ~1 of ~is ~, ed if ~, ~eth~ they ~d be wi~ing to ~-o~a~e in ~ t~ ~ p~ce~ ~ a ~ dee~able condition. No. 123 - City Solicitor - x~ ~osponsibllit7 of Courtell in connectinn wt~h wig- wags on Enlivens. O~DE~ED on the motion of AId. Stophens a~d MoAninch that the Fepo~t 'be laid on the table for one week. 8K~ al~so C_~,mnunA~aticn.s No.221-2: The foliowAng. Re~orts wore mooiv, d| No, led - City Manegot - ~e reqnssted taxi-stun4 on ~ison Street. OFd)EI~ on the motion of AId, Scott and Twiddle 4hat the ~eport to received and adopted, an8 the By-law be introduced, SEE also By-L~_w_ No.. 2249. ~SOLX~XON .~he ~ollo~.ng ~e.~l.u~ipn ?as_ present, as No. 78 - STEPHENS - HANNi~EtL - V~IERFAS it appear8 to the Co~l of t~ City of Ji~a F~18 th~ it is unjust t~$ t~ cl~ze~ should be tamd for the up~ep of hi~ays which am u~d by tmns~ ~hicle s ~d b~es, in contrition to the r~lw~s; ~ V~ t~ ~lw~s p~ a consecrate s~ of money to e~ch munic- ip~ity in ~lch t~y op~te, ~ ~Js a~ derived t~mfr~; wMch is a direct relief to t~ or~n~ pm~y ~vner; ~ ~ t~ a~ ~st of ~rs to streets, r~ds and bridges, lncl~i~ deFee~tion and such, in t Ms m~icip~ity is enomous; ~ ~ ce~ain fees are ~eeived from the cobmiss operating mot- or vehicles car~ing pas~n~rs, ~ich in o~ opinion, ~e not s~ficient to ~y for t~ use ~ch t~y ~e of our struts; ~ W~ it no doubt co~d be ascert~md by t~ Roy~ Oo~s~ f~m ~e statistics available f~m t~ ~er Arch Brl~e Comply, t~ a~nt of t~n~rt frei~t ar~vi~ at and depa~ing from t~ Ol~ of N~g~a Fells; ~ IT ~0~ ~ S~t it be ~itted to the Roy~ ColOssAl, appointed by $he ~i~ ~e~, to i~tig~te $r~spo~ problems, that t~m shou~ be e mo~ equitab~ dist~b~tion of tM m~ey delved from the tran~ po~ and bus c~as, In as mu~ as t~ citizens of N~gum F~ls ~ve paid sideruble s~8 for the co~tructi~ and m~ntemnoe of hig~s u~n which these vehicles o~te; ~ IT ~ FC~ ~L~ t~t we ream to the Gobs,ion t~t ade- q~te taxes ~ pla~ upon the tran~o~ v~icbs .,a buses, ~ complete ~e mun- ici~lity for t~ up~ep.~d ~nten~n ce of hi~a~ ~ed by t~, w~ch vehicles o~rate ~ co~tition to t~ nilmrs p~l~ ~s in the P~lnce of 0nt~lo% ~ BE IT ~R ~0LV~ t~t the copies of this resetion ~ fo~de~ to t~ Ro~ C~m4ssion, aM to the 0nt~io Mu~el~l As~ciat~n, ~ski~ for t~ir c~o~ration in ~ng these s~st~ns m~do effective; and the S~i of the Cor- ~ra$i~ be he~to affixed. CarrA ed BY-___~ The following By-law was passed: .Np.. ~4_/9- AId. A.W. Scott- A~By-law respecting Traffic and the Use c~ Streets. let reading -Ald. TWiddle and F~mniwell. ~nd reading -Ald. Donald and White. 3rd reading - AId. ~dule and Stephens, The Council adjourned on tho motion of Ald. Doffaid and Henniwell. AND ~a)01mPh~, 0orebet 4th, 19~7. Olex~k. A 178 ,,Council O~ber, September 27, 1937. The Flnance Comudttee met on Mo~de~, September 27, 19~7, for the purpose of epprovtng and also of passing the warices accounts which had been properly cer- tified and placed before them. All meubers of the Canmitteo were px~sant. Sundry accounts were approvod by the Camnlttee, amounting to $37,704.97. The accounts su}wnltted, being passed ar otherwise dealt with, the Camsit- tee, on the motlea of AId. Twldale and Donald, ordered that these be placed in the money By-law for presentation to the CoUncil. Ald. Stsplzns expressed the good wlsbes of the members of the City Coun- cil to His Worshlp Mayor Anderson and Mars. Andersc~, upon the celebration of their thirty-fifth wedding an-lversary, and it was ordered on the motlea of Ald. Haunl- well and Donald that this expression he fommrded to His Worship and Mrs. Anderson, with the hope that they would enjoy many mere years of happiness together. His ~rshlp Mayor Ande~eon thanked the members of the council for their felicitations on Mrs. Anderson' s and his behalf. The Revenue and Expenditure Statement, as of August 31, 1937, was pres- ented to the City Council, the same having been laid over flora the previous meet- isg. It ms ordered on the motira of Ald. Twidale and Scott that the report be received and file&. The report of the City Mane Car, upon the offer.for the purchase of ?54 Bridge Street, was presented. It me ordered on the marion of His Worship Mayor Anderson and Aid. Twidale that the report he received and filed, and the offer be accepted, aml the matter he fox~arded to the Department of Muntoil~l Affairs for npp xuval. The matter of the Olty Managetee attendance at the School.for Municipal Officers at Western University in October, was pz~sented. It was ordered on the marion Of Ald. Scott and Hanniwell that the City M-nagar be authorized to.attend. this school for the scheduled f~Ar days. The Commtttse adjourned on the motlou of Ald. Twidale and ~_~nuiwell. BEAD AND ADOPPK), October 4, 19~V. Chairman of Finance. Clex~. COUNCIL Council Ohmabet, September 2~, 1937. The Council re-assembled at the close of the Finance meeting for the pUx~)se of passing the money by-law covering the accounts which had been approved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present. BY-LAW The following B~-Law was passed: No, 2550 -Ald. H.P. Stepbsns - To Grant Monies for Gereml Purposes. let reading - Aid. Donald and Scott. 2nd reading - AId. T~idale and Stephans. 5rd reading - AId. Hanniwell and Twidale. Ald. MeAninch spoke to the City Council and stated that he regretted having to take his present position. He recalled to ~1~ City Council that a few weeks a~ discussion took place upon the totter of the discharge of a City em- ployee, and $he City Manager had stated that he would not be responsible for the affairs of the City Hall if she was taken hack upon the staff. The Alderman stated that he had moved a motion for the Depar~nen~ to investig~l~ the general adminis- tration of the City, bu~ this action had not ~ecelved a ssea~der. He had since received information that an investigation was coming, but nothing further had been heard. The AIdeman said that he had made the statement, about three wkeeks ago that he would not see the citi ssn~ money being spent, and the City hiring lab- our when relief lgbour was being given to the Welfare Board. No action had been taken upon these matters, and the Alderman stated that while the City A~anager con- tinued. as City Manager, Clerk and Treasurer, and while the affairs of the City were a~.~istered as at prewar, and Mr. Coddard continned to do things contrary to 'good business,. he could not sit as a member of the Council, and that this would be his last day as an. alderman.. The Council adjourned. on ~he motion of Aid. Stepbans and Scott. After adJoun~nent, the Aldemsa requested that his action be reported to the Depar~nent of Municipal ATfatrs, but as the Council had already adjourned, no action was taMen. READ AND ADOPPED, October 4, 1957. oro OlaXk, 180 COUi~ OF REVISION Council Chamber, "September 30, 1937. The Court of Revision on the Assesshen, Roll ms held et 10.00 a.m. on Thursday, Sep- tember ~0th, 1937, at which the following action was taken upon the respective appeals: Hambars l~nt - Sheriff VL.Davidson, !~'. W.L.Wilkins~n and Mr. Arnold Smith; Roll No. App ell ant 1118-24 Bampfield, J.J. Bell, V~n. & Phoebe De s~ription Lan~d ~ Pt.l,2, Plan 35 638-54 Erie Avenue 5,000. 14,000. E.Pt.7, Plan 35, 488 Bridge Street 600. . 1,600, Decision of Court Reduced $2,000. on Bldg Dismissed. ~97 7802 47~ 9093 3324 6~ 1658 Bell, Margaret Bell, Mrs. ~ohn Benran, Maggie Boyd, F~ed & Bertha Beyd, F~ed Bushell, 0eorge Betts, Robert & F. Carpenter, ~eg. & A. 0hanady, ~eo · & IL Chong, Hong 01imenhague, Win. A. Pt.7, Plan 35, 496 Bridge Street lot 107, Plan747, 751 Eastwood Crescent Pt,9, Plan Main Street Lot 105, Plan 29, 369 Him Street I~t 106, Plan 29, Hirm, Street Lot 60, Plan 20, 1311 Maple Street Lot 41, Plan 1835 Murra}- Street Pt. 36o7, Plan 25, 930 Fifth Avenue . S.Pt.Lot 21, Plan 2195 Buchanan Awnue W. Pt.9, Plan 35, Bridge Street E.Pt. 10, Plan 20~5 Maih Street COOk, ROnald A. Correll, Alice & Oeo. 600. 1,750o Dimhissed, 650. ~-,250. Dismissed. 400. ~00. ReduCed $100, on Bldg, 1,500. 3,500. Reduced $200. on Land. 1,200. Reduced $200. on Land, 400. 1,400, Reduced $~00. on Bldg, 300,. 1,200, Reduced $100. on Bldg. 325. 1,575. ReduCed $75, on Bldg. 400, .2,400, Dismissed, 3:000. 4,500. RedUced $500. on Bldg. 1,200. Lot ~5, Plan River Road 1,520. Pt.3,4,5, Plan 42~ Pax~ Street Lot S, Plan 1841-5 FOXTF Canadian Southern ~allwe~ - ~ememl Appeal Reduced $100. on Land and $100. on D~ ~"! seed. 1,220, Change ~o Pt~blic School .... Supper,,-, RedUCed $100. on Bldg, 9,820. DismiSsed, Appeal Withdrawn Dim~esed, 7290 7790 1610 DtStllllo, A., by · R.S.W.Fordham Welsh, H.L. & R., by R.S.W.,Fordhem DtRuslcio, Gee. Dltmars, H.O. DeFo~, ~as, & G, Lot 117, Plan 12 DeVlllters, Pierre Flynn, 1096 · Flynn, J..O. G10 Kirk Estate by F.W. Gri fitthe 79~9 7618 1~0 7795 2,200. Paduoed $,'~O. on Bldg. De sc ri pti o n Lot 160, Plan 6, 479 Ferguson Avenue Lot Pt.142, Plan 303~, 908 Walnut Street E.Pt.7, Plan 35, 238 Bridge Street Lot 10, Plan 35, 743 Phron Street Lot 1, Plan 9, 1720 Main Street Pt.3,4, Plan 35, 254 Perk Street Pt. 3, 4, Plan 600-6 Erie Avenue Pt.14,13, Plan 35 152 Bridge Street Renry, Alice Hucklebridga,' GeOrge Hyatt, Laura A. Jaonsky, Pearl ;epson, M~ry MaAvoy, Mary A. McCltve, W.W. Estate Pt.1, Plan 35 Bridge Street Lot 25, plan 1, 1767 S,~ring Sire. t Lot 15, Plan Benker Street Lot 8, Plan 653 1255 Ferry Street Pt.3,4, Plan 35, 616-8 Erie Avenue Lot 619-20, Plan 946, 1187 Kitchener Street E.i°t.4, Plan 9, 18~ Strainer .Street ~Nam-ra, M, LOt. 27,8,9, Plan 27, Cedar Street MoNemara, M, Lot 5, Plan 27, Morrison Street MeNivan, Agnes &M.;, Lot. 9,10, Plan 35, ~81queen Street Mango, F~ank Pt,6, Plan ~3, 1696 Main Street Molnar, Mike Lot 4, Plan 6~3, 1953 Buchanan Avenue MoMox~an, Fred Lot 223, Plan 90 .2161 Detroit Avenue Land 550. 2,1~0. 1,000. 520, 800. 3,000. 5,200. 1,700. 320. 250. 1,220. 1,~00. 620. 400. 225. 225, 225. 325. 575. Decision of Court ~,000. Di~issed. 2,450. Dt~nlssed. 7,200. Dismissed. 1,200. Reduced $200, on Bld g. 1,600. Reduced $300. on Bldg. 1,200. Reduced $200. on Land and ~200. o~ Bldg.~~ 12,000. 12,000. Di~m~iesed. Change of ownership~[o Herman Begcast & red- uced $4,000. on Bldg. 3,800. Change to PUb.Supporter. 1,020. Reduced $200. on Bldg. Reduced $50. on Lend. 1,300. Reduced $220. on Bldg. ~.,500. Reduced $200. on Bldg. 1,~. Redu~d $~. on BMg. 1,~0. Reduced ~2~. on Bldg. and $1~. on ~d. ~duced $~. on ~duced $50. on ~d~ed $50. on ~duoed $25. on L~. 1,0~. Di~ssed, 1,150, Reduced $1~, on 1,~, Diessad, ; ,i· Roll No_..~_, 481-2 ~40 5796 974 5250 AJ~ellext Niagara 0oncesstone Ltd. TwpoLot, 92, 76, .Plan ~5, River Road Pye, Fz~derick E. Pt.126-7, Plan 10, lleZ Humn Street Quagliariello, Win. Pt.l~l,~., Plan 17~-, 1025-3 Cantre Street shipston, W.C., by AoLorne Reid Pt.7,6, Plan Z5 549 Cataract Avenue Shipston, W.C., by A.LoIna Reid Pt .9,8, Plan River Ro~d ~,A.F. Pt.159-aO, Plan 747, V ]~werth Circle Security Loan & 8ev. Pt.9,3,11,10, Plan Bridge Street Smith, Leme, by Fraser & Fraser Spoke, Frank & H. Saecol~xnno, A, & Me Taylor, Bertha Teal, Willism Zabawnuk, Alex, Let ~0, Plan 558 Morris~n Street Pt.Ra,26, P~an 655, 1928 Clark Street Pt. 6~0, Plan 746, 14~1 MeDonnld Ave. Lot S, Plan 774 Erie Avenue Pt,ll, Plen 632, 999. Maple Street W.Pt.ll, Plan Third Avenue Lot 195, Plan 9, 12~0 De~ reit Avenue AD~US~M~T. 0.F TAX~S 1004 Langs, ~.,000. 1~,000. Decision of Oourt ~educed $3,000. on Bldg ~75. 1,925. Dismissed. ltRO0. 5,900. 1,500. 5,000. April WithdraW~ 3,600, 350. 1,750. 3, BOO, 900. 1,~)0. Dismissed. Reduced $2,000, on BIAg Dismissed. Assesssent to be adj- usted according to cor- rected frontage of Z4 feet. Reduced $5). on Di~nissed, with recoa- manclarion that Assessor consider general red- uction in this area ~a making n~xt assessment. Reduced $~00. on Bldg. 500. 1, ~00. Dismissed. 160. 1,000. 800. B,~>O. S60. ~,~50. 300, 1,950. ~876. 1,800. Pt. lO, 3, Plan 35, 542-7 Clifton Avenue 2,400. Dismissed. Reduced $~-00. on Bldg, Reduoed~ $150. on Bldg. Reduced $100. on Bldg, Reduced $7~. on Bldg. 3,000, Building removed. Rem- ission or taxes grant- .~-~ ed, $114.00 for 12 Months. 8 Months ale lomd- $76.00. 9841 188 Appe lieat De sc ri pt i on Winters, ~n. Transport 549 Cataract Avenue Young, G.Evan 100 Bridge Street Business- $~00. Decision of Court Dismissed. AdJusted for 5 months. Renission of $15.52. Reduction . Building T~pd Busine ss Totel Remissions $15,125. 1,0~5. 75. 91.52. Certified correct, ShetAll. 185 FOI~IETIt L~RTING ,, Oouxmil Ch~abe r, petebet 4, 1937. REGUI~R ~,~ETING Pursuant to adJourm~ent, the Council met at 4.00 p.m. to consider General Business and Finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of Aid. Mc Aninch, were presen~. The Council, having received and road the minutes of the pl~vious meeting, these mrs adopted on the motion of Aid. ~%idale and Scott. See also Communication No. 224. .COA~/ONIOATIpNS Laid over from previous meeting; No. 221 -King, smill, Mills, Price ~ Fleming - protesting against zerooval of bells from wigwags. No.. 2~2 - BOard of Railmy Com~isaleners for Canad~a- ndvising of responsibility of Council ~m case of co oldant. 0RDEE~D on the motion of Ald. Stepl~ ns and Twiddle that the matter be again laid on t~s table. SEE also Report_~Np~. The follow.ix~ Com.u._ni~.cat~o~.,s~ .were No. 224 - City ~ana[er - advising of objection to minutes as presented. OYOERhl) on tbe motion of Ald. Twidale and Scott that the communicat ion be received and filed. No. 2~5 - C~di.an Nat~ional Electric R~,..lw_j~.~s - requesting extension of agreement as to fares. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Twiddle and Donald that the conmunic- ation be received and the e~tension be granted for another year, as requested. No. 226 - Department of_ N_~a~tional Reve_nue - re request for higher speed of trains on Michigan Genital Railw~r in City. OtDERED on the motion of Aid. V~ite and t~n- niwell that tbe conmmnicatien be received and the Co-operation of the Departmez~ of National Revenue end the officers of the Michigan Central Railv~y be again re- quested; with a view to obtaining further azistance in handling tbe cuetans in- spection at the Mont rose Yards, rather them at the west e n~ of the Nta~mra River Bridge; and it be pointed out that these Ya:~ls are situated only approximately four miles from the Frontier, rather th~n Seven as stated in the communication. No. 227 - Niagara Falls :San~toriu~,. Aux~.l_i~ry - invitation to attend meeting in connectiota with Health Week. 0RDER~D on the motion of Ald. DOnald and Twidale that the communieatian be received and the invite~ion be accepted; and as many of the Council as ~ossible be reque~ed to atte-a the meeting. SEE also Resolution No. ~9. Laid over frp,.m prev.i,o.u~s._msetinj~: No. 123 - City.. SoltcitOr ,- responsibility of Council in connection with wigwags on railrays. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Stephe ns and Twidsle that the matter be again laid on the table. ae_fo lowing ne _.waa race_iv.ca: No. 126 - City Engineer a Parks Superintendeat - re application for perulesion to move building. (RDEI~D on the motion of Ald. Ha-n~well and Scott ~hat the :e- port be received and the recommenderich be adol~ed. i RESG~UAflONS ~ followi~ Resolutions wre l~ss.~: No. 79 - DONALD - T~.,~1I)yuLE . RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls heartily endorse the~'~cti"~n of tbe Niagara Falls Sanatorium Auadlisi-y in holding the sixth annual Health :'Jeek frcm October llth to 16th; and tlmt ths co-operation of the Council be extended to the Auxiliary in tbeip work; end tbe Seal of the potation he hereto affixed. Carried No. 80 - .HANNII~ELL . S~i~p}D. ENS . RESOLVhD that the thanks of the Council of the City of Niagara Falls be~te~'~ded to ~r. W.L.Houok, M.L.A., for the success in his efforts to have the bill a~jainet the City, for the St. David's Hill construct- ion, assumed by the Provincial Government; and also in having the gasoline tax re- funas due to the Cit~, which had bee~ withheld by the Departcent of Highws~ s for application against this account, returned to the City; end the Seal of the Corpor- ation be hereto affixed. No. 81 - STEPPEltS . SCOTT - I~ESGLVED that In ~ew of the fact that 0c~r llth is to be ce~b~ted as T~sgivi~ Day, t~ next meeting of t~ Coumil s~ll be sch- eduled f~ Tuesday, 0cto~r l~th, at ~.~ p.m.; ~d t~ ~ of the Oor~rati~ ~ hereto ~xed. C~rrie~d The following B~-law was Ng. ~.~1 - Aid. C.W.Twidale . To au~horiz8 the execution of an Agreement for Sale. let reading _Ald. Donald and Scott. 2nd reading -Ald. Stephens and VPnite. 5rd reading -Ald. Hanniwell a~ Twidale. - The Ooancil adjourned on the motion of Aid. Scott and ~tephens. READ AND AD0tTED, October 12, 1937. .FINANCE MEETING Counei 1 Chambe r, October 4, 1937. The Finance Cormcities met on Monday, October 4, 1957, for the purpose of approvtng and also of passing the various accounts which had been pmpe~3y certif- ied and placed before them. All members of the Onmmittee, with the emeptim of Ald. MoAhineh, were pxe sent. Sundz7 a cooant s were approved bF t he Comm*~te ·, amcunting to $34, ~65,06. 1,86 187 The accounts submitted, being Iressod or otherwise dealt wi~h, the Com- mittee, on the motion of Ald. Twirlale and ~Taite, ordered that these be l~aced in the money by-law for presentat ion to the Council. The communication from the Guaranty Trust C0mpeny of Canada, in connec- tion with the refunding programme, yes presented. It v~s ordered on the motionof Ald. Harmiwell and His Worship Mayor Andersen that the communication be received end laid on the table; and that Mr. Procter of the Oompany be requested to attend the next regular meetir6 of the Council for the purpose of discussing the refund- ing progr~nms; and that he be also asked to obtain from the Dcminion Mortgage & Investments Associatica a definite proposition as to whet they ~ould be prepared to recommend to their associates; the lowest rate of interest that would be ac- ceptable to them; and further ~hat other conditicns they would submit in conact- ion with the .Guaranty Trust Ocmp~ny' s preliminary refunding report. At this point, it was necessary for the Chairman of Finance, Ald. Stephers, tD leave the meeting, and he appointed Aid. Twirlale as Acting Ob. irman of Finance for the remainder of the mating. Th~ report of the City Manager, in ccunection with the application for the purchase of the property at 659 Cataract Avenue, was presented. It was ord- ered on the motion of Ald. Vraite and Scott that the report be received and adopted subject to the approval of,the Depament of Municipal ~ffairs. SEE also By-Law No. 2553. Council Chamber, October 12, 19~7. ~Iayor C .W.Anderson, John J.H~ri~man,/,ss os snent Cc~n~i,s si onsr, and H.E.Coddard, City Clerk, met on Tuesday, 0c~ober 12, 19~7, for the purpose of selecting the Grax~ and Petit Jurors for service in the Sup- erior and Inferior Courts respectively, of the County of ~.elland, for the yesr 19~8. The Ccmm~ittee adjourned on the motio~ of Ald. White and His Worship Mayc~ Andes- Grand Jurors .fp.r~S~u~ne+rior CouPs - 15 names we.:~ selected fr~a the 1936 Voters' List - Letters 'Y' to 'F'. son. Grand Jurors for inferior Cou~s - 1~ nmues we~ selected from t~ 19~8 READ ~D ADOi~PED, October 12, 1937. Voters' List - Letters 'Y' to 'F'. Petit Jurors for~_Su~.ri~o_r..Courts - 30 nsmes were selected from the 1936 Voters' List - Letters 'Y' to 'F'. ~ Pe.tit_.~Yu~ors for Inferlout Courts - ~0 names were s~ected from the 1936 Voters' List- Letters 'y' to 'F'. Chairman of Fineace. '. O~ncil Oh~r, The ~euneil re-as~b~d at the elo~ of ~e Fimn~ me~ing, for the p~poss of pa~ing the mmey by-~w, ~d ano~er b~-law. ~ mmey ~-~w covered t~ aegis wMeh had bo~ apSered by the ~mi~ee. ~1 meters ~ ~e ~un- ell, wi~ the exception of Ald, Mc~in~, ~ pre~nt. "vv The followin~ ~y-laws were passe~.: 2552 - AId. H.P.b~ephens - To Orent Monies re= ~meral Puxpo ss. ls$ reading - AId. HannAwell and 2nd ~ea~ing- AId. Stephans and Twirlale. 3~d leading- AId, Do~ld ~ 187 ., ,! .No,. 25_5_3' _Ald. H.P. Stephsns . To authorize the signing of a deed for the trans- fer Of lands to MLrs. Anna Sanrune. 1st reading . Aid. Scott and Donald. 2nd reading- Aid. Donald end I~mniwell. 3rd reading -Ald. 9sidale and Scott. The Council adJourmd on the mo~im of Ald. Scott and Twidale. RPlQD AND ADOITED, October 12, 1937. FORoff-FIRST ~gJETIN_G. Council Ch~rnbar, October 12, 1937. FINANCE ~ETING The Finance Committee met on Tuesday, October 12., 1937, for the purpose of epproving and aloof passing the various ~ccounts which had been properly cer- tified and placed before then. Owing to the fact that the Chairman of Finance, Ald. H.P~Stepbens, had to leave the meeting e~rlier then nsuel. it w~s ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Scott st the Finance meeting be held prior to the Council. All rambars of the Ooramittee, with the exception of Ald. McMinch and White, were present · Sundry accounts were aplmoved by the Ooramittee, amounting to $3,420.67. The accounts sulmaitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, the Commit- tee, on the motion of Ald. Hanniwell and Twiddle, ordered the~0 these be placed in the money by-l~w for presentation to the Council. His '~rship M~yor Anderson conveyed to Alderm~n Stephens and through him, to ~Lrs. Steltmns, the best wishes of the Council upon the celebration of their fortieth wedding anniversary. Ald. Stephens thanked the Council for their expres- sions of congratulations. A communication from the Children's M.d Society, requesting permiss~on for a representative to address the Conunittee, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Twidele and Scott that the comnunicatiou be received end filed, and the representative be heard. The representative of the Society, Mr. Theodore ~mith, spoke and read to the Committee a communics~ ion which had been received from another municipal- ity in Ontario, in connection with the sug~sted changes in the status of the Chil- dren's Aid Societies of the Province; and also advised the Council that the Soc- iety felt there was a necessity that the Inspector should be provided with an of- fice other than that which is now used in his home, and at least a part-time sten~ ographer. Aid. Stophens pointed out to the deputation that any consideration of the employmen~ of additional assistance or the procuring ofan office for the In- spoetor's work would h~ve to be deferred until the 1938 Budget is considered, as all 1957 expenditures have now been arranged. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. T~idele and Hanniwall that tbe Fin- anee Canmittee of the 0ity Council go on record as being astirely satisfied with the management and status of th~ Ohildren's Aid Society of the City of Niagara Falls, as at present constttute~ , A copy of a comm,,n~cation from rIB Children' s Aid Soeiet~'s Treasurer to the Editor of the Evening PayJew, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Hanni~ell and His Worship Meqrar Anderson that the comunic~tion be rec- eived and filed. The c~.~i=unicsJ ion fram the Guaranty Trust Company of C--nda. ~hich had been laid over fran-the previous meeting; together with a copy of a communication from the Dominion Mortgage ~ Investments Assoalation. rto Mr. Proc~Or,,:,Vice-Pres- ident of the Guaranty Trust Company, were presented. Mr. Proc~or wee also pres- ent at the meeting and explained to the Council t~nt the letter from the Domin- ion ~brtgage 8~ Investments Associ atian represented the decision of the eo~nittee of the bond-holders in cometion with the refunding of tbe"0ity's finances. The letter was as follows: "Re Ct~ of Niagara Falls Refunding "A further study of the financial data perjured by th~ Otty's Fiscal Agents ames It quite clear that it is wail within the Oi%~'s ability to pay 4~ interes~ on the basis which ms sug~sted at the meeting recently helA1 betwan this Assuelatton's informal Niagara Falls Com- mittee, ~ourself ~d ~he City Council.., 189 "The proposal was that past due principal be met, partially by cash and perticily by a new issue of 15-year serial debentures callable at par in reverse order of maturities; To facilitate matters, the City suggested that it would be advantageous if the institutions interested could take up $500,000. of the new debentures, thus enabling distrib- ution of cash in full settlement ~ the other debe~turs holders. As was stated at that time, the Committee would be prepared to reconnend .the acceptance of the proposal to the institutions, that is that they participate in subscribing to a $500,000. issue of .4,%~ 15-year serial debentures, and to use its best efforts in acting with ths Fiscal ag- ent in obtaining subscriptions to the mount required. "It is of course understood that it would not be necessary to disturb in any way unmatured debenture principal." Discussion was entered into upon the matter, after which the following motion was made: Ordered on the motion of Ald. Twirlale end Scott that the commun- ications be received and that the City of Niagara Falls accept the proposition of the reihnding of the Corporatic~'s fimnces upon the basis as outlined in their proposal, at the rate of four and one-half per cent. under the conditions outlined in the comnuni catica; and that Mr~ ProclD r be empe~ered to proceed to concurmusts the refunding scheme. A communication from the Imperial Bank of Gan~a, stating thet addition- al loans which might be required in connectiota with the refunding, would be exten. tied, was presented. It was ordered on the motinn of His Worship Mayor Ymderson and Ald. Donald that the co~uunicaticm be received and filed; and the appreciation of the Co~mlttee be conveyed to the Bank. The Revenue and Expenditure Statement for the month ending September 30th, 1937~ ~as presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott end Donald thet the statement be re ceived end laid on the table. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Scott. READ tuND ,'~)OIxpED, October 18th, 1937. Chairran of Finance. ' Clerk. council Chamber, October t~, 19B7. . l~suent to adJouz~mmnt, the Council met at the close of the Finance meet- ing, to consider ~eneral Business. All mm~m of the Council, wit ~e exoe~ton of Ald. Me~neh. Stephens a~ ~$e, wm print. The C~ncil, havi~ received aM mad tM minutes ~ the pr~i~s met~g, t~ ~e added on the motion of Aid. ~w~l ~d Don~d, DEPUTATIONS In connection with Oonmunication No. ~8, and on the motion of kld. Don- 190 aid and Hanniwell, Chief M.D.Tisdale, as representative of the Lions Club, was permitted to address the Council. Chief Ttsdale outlined the request of the Club as p~esented in their comm~ntoation, for pemission to hold a Hallowe'en parade in the City, finishing at the Narket .Square on Monday, November,let; sad that the City ogials co-operate with the Club in the erection 'of a suitable grandstand and the preparation of a bonl~re. SEE Comunication No. 2~8. G~UNI CATIONS The following Cormmunicsti_c~s were received: No. 2~8 - Niagara Falls Lions Club - requesting co-operatim in preparation for Hellowe'on parade. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hanniwell sad T~ldale that the cc~!mni cation be received and the Club be advised that the City Council heartily endorses their wrthy project; that His Worship Mayor Anderson be authorized to proclaim Monday, November 1st, to be celebrated as Hellowe'on; and the City of- ficials be instructed to give their co-operation. in the preparation of this cele- bration. No. 229 - Mothere' Allowances Commission - re appointees of Council. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hanniwell that the communication be received and laid on the table until the next meeting. In connection with the above communication, Ald. Twidale advised the Council that she would be willing to withdraw as a member of the Local Board, should the Council desire to nominate a gentleman for the position, as suggest- ed by the Omission. His Worship May~r Anderson thanked the Alderm~n for her very fine gestua'e in offerlug to relinquish her position in favour of the other appointee of the City Council. No. 2~0 - Local Board of Health - suggesting heroines for membership upon Health League of Canada. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Tvrldale and Donald that the com- munication be received and filed, and the sug~9 sted nsmes of Dr. Logan sad Miss W..I.I. Stokes be fonvarded to the League, as the represnetatives of the City 6f Niagara Fells. No. 231 - Ontario Municipal Assoctsd;ton - re meeting of Royal Commission on tran- operas. O~)ERED on the motion of Ald. Twldale and Scott that the conmu~ication be received and filed; and the City Manager be instructed to advise the local rep- resentative of the Railway Employees that this information has been received and that if he desires any further informriGa or support from the Oity Gownoil, the same will be forthoming. RE2ORTS The f ellowing Reports were. received: No. 12,7 - Cit~r Manager - m deed for H.p.N-... property. O~DEI~ED on the motion of Ald. Hanniwell a~d Scott that the report-be received and adopted, and the deed' he prepared and presented to Mr. Heman. ~- ~ No. 12,8 - Assessment Cc-,~,~lssimer- certificate as to si~atories on petition ~rom hardware merchants. ORDEreD on the motion of Ald. Scott a~d Henniwell that t~e report be received and filed. SEE also Petitira No. 15. No. 1B9 - City'Solicitor - re pe~ttm fo~ hardware tarchants. 01t)gR~) on the mottin of Ald. S~t aM ~niwe~ ~a~ t~ mpo~ be received ~d filed. ~. ' 8~ ~ ~t~tion N~. 15. Tho following Petittin was receive.d: No, 16 - O.H.Ole~k a 0o. a 40~hers - re Wednosda~ afternoon closing, O~EI~ on the mo$1o'n Of AId, ~o$~ and He~niwell ~bat the pe~i~im be received and , 191 ' ' '1 filed; sad the merchants he advised it will be necessary that the Council rec- eive an additional petition, requesting that the present By-lax~ be repealed before a By-law as requested could be c~nsidered. RESOLUTI ON_S The followin~ Resolutions were passed: No. 82 - HANNI~f]~L _ DON~^~D . RESOLV~1) that the congratulations of the City Coun- cil he conveyed to the Hencurable Mr. W.L.HoUck, by the City Manager, upon his appoinl~ent as a member of the Cabinet for tha Province of Ontario~ and the Seal of the Corporation be hemto affixed. C_ar rio d No. 8S - HA~l~L . T~DALE . ESOLVED that the City Council haartily endor~ the efforts of the Little Theatre Guild of the City of Niagara Falls, in their membership anmpaigne, and that the Society be congratulated for their good work in this Gomn,,nity, and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. C_a~_ried BY-LAI:B The following By-laws were ~assed: No. 2,$.j~. Ald. C.W.Twldale . To Grant Monies for General Purposes. let reading -Ald. Donald and Hanmiwell. Bnd resting. Ald. Scott sad Henniwell. $rd reading. Ald. Twidale and Donald. No. P~$.___j$. Aid. G.D.H~iwell _ To provide for the consent of the Gorporation to the Bell Telephone Con~0any of Canada raconatructi ng a portion of its Plant in Nia~m,a Falls. let reading -Ald. Scott and Twi dale. Bnd reading -Ald. Donald and Hanaiweli. $rd reading -Ald. Hemniwell and Donald. The Oouncil adjourned on the motion of Ald. HannAwell sad Donald. READ AND ADOlPh), October 18, 19~. ::t .. ~ORTY-~EQOI~) I~"_~INQ Council Chamber, October 18, 1937. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 4.00 p.m. to consider General Business and Finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Mc~ Aninch, v~re present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, these ~ere adopted on the motion of Ald. Twidale acd Scott. · DEPUTATIONS_ On the motion of Ald. White and Tvldule, lit. Alex Collins, representing the Master Plumbers' tussociation of Niogara Falls, was pensitted to address the Council. SEE re. soluticn No. 84. C(~,~R~ICATtC~CS Laid over fromTevious meeting: No. 229 - l~thers' Allowances Commission - re appointment of nomir~es of Council, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Twirlale and ~hite that the appointee of the City Council, in the stead of Mrs. G.G.McMurmy, be Rev. ~r. M.C.Weisshach of 1055 ~mou~ Street. SEE Comraunicaticn No. 232. The follow.lag Communicatica was received: No. Z3Z - Mrs..G..G.McM~rra~' - tendering ~ssignation as member of the Local Moth- era' Allowances Board. 0~E.~ on the m~lon of ~d. ~te and Sco~t that ~m~lc~l~ be received; md Mrs, M~M~my's msi~tl~ be ~cce~ed. 0~F~ on the motion of A~. ~ite and Hannawell t~t the City ~ager ~ i nst- mcted to write to Mrs. Mc~my, t~ki~ her for her s~ces reread ~ the munici~liW for themany ye~s, as a ~mber of the ~c~ Mot~rs' Allow~ces Bo~d; th~ it Is with deep re~t t~t the Oo~cil accepts the msi~tion. No. 233 - Ball Teleehone Com-~any - requesting permissim to meke certain changes in plant. 0HDEiLMD on the motion of Ald.' Hanniwell and Stephens that ~he comun- ication be ~ceived · SEE Report No~ 130. The follmvin~ Report s were received: No. 130 - Oity Engineer - re changes inBell Telephone Company plant. 0FOER~ on the motion ef Ald. Hanniwell and Stephens th~ the report be received; and the City Mana~r be instructed to comuntcate with the Company stating that the Cor- portion is not in a positica to purchase the poles not now used by the ConKoany, or to give definite decisles upon the change; but would request that the Company consider the grautiug of perulesion to the City to retain the poles required until sufficient funds are available t~ m,~ the changes in oar Police Signal and Fire Alarm System. No. 131 - Niagara- Frontier H-~-ne Society - rel~ort for month of September. 0RD- ERRD on the motion of Ald. Sco~t and D~rald ths~ the report be received and filed. PETITION The following. Partition was rece%_ved_: No. 16 - G.H.Ol~n'k & Co. and _4 others - requesting repeal of By-law No. 1637. 0HDERED fi~e~By-laWfNo.?2557. TI~ fpllowing .Re?p_l,u_t.ion. was passedi RESOLUPIONS_ 193 No. 84 - V~qaITE- S~/E~]'IS - VFIlSit~AS Mr. Alex Collins, repre~nt!nC tPe lidstar Plurahers' Associatioa of Nl~ara F~ll]s, has appeared before the City Coun,~ll and has asked for the passing of a By-law to license plumbers; operating- in 1,'iagai~ Fall s; BE IT T~E~REF0~ RESOL!~D that the City Engine~ and City Solicitor be authorized to prepare, for the cor~ideration of the City Council, ~ By~l:n.~ ~a~ich will provide for the licensin~ of plumbers who do work in this C~ty; /~;D IT BE I,vJ~rHER E~SOLVv9 that ~r. L~cBurney be t~mtructed, toC~ether with the City Engineer, to revise the present pl~nbing By-l~_w e~d thud the sam~ be subnitted to the Council at the earli~t opportunity; and the Seal of the Cor- - potation be hereto affixed. " BY-LJJ'.~ The following By-laws ~ere p.assed: No. 255~6- Ald. C.U.Twidale . To authorize the signing of a of lands to 1,{Hry Ann I,{urmy. -TLst -regding- Ald. ;':hit e and' Donald. 2nd reading - Xld. Donald !rod Scott. 3rd reading- Ald. q%idale and Hanniwell. deed for the t ranafar 25_57 -Ald. C.D. Hanniwell . To rescind By-law No. 1637, which provides for tbe early closing of Hardv~are shops. 1st reading - :lld. Scott and rYhite. 2nd reading - Idd. White and Donald. 3rd reading .Ald. ~vi dale sad V~hite. No. 25___.__~ -Ald. H.P.Ste~hens - To p~ovide for the eely closing of Hardware Shops. let reading -Ald. Hsnniwell and Scott. Bad reading -Ald. Donald and Hanniwel l. 3rd readihg -Ald. T~ddale and Donald. Ald. Step~ns intmuduced the matter of the erection of building upon lots which have bean sold by the Cornor~.tion. and sW'ge~tod that the minimum value of such erections might well be varied ac~ordi ng to the location of the lots in the various sections of the City. It was ordered by Ald. Stephans and Haxmiwell that the City Z~na~r ~nd Engineer be instructed to bring in sug~p~ions as to the different w~lues of lots upon which might be placed buildings; and whic hmight be sold by the Corporation. Upon the motion being put to a vote, ~hs same was lost. The Oouncil adjourned on the motion of Aid. Stephens and Scott. I~.AD ~JD ADOPT~), October ~5, 1937. Mayor, Olerk. 194 Council Chamber, October 18, 193V. The Firerace Oomittee met on Monday, October 18, 1937, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been p~operly certified and placed before them, All members cf the Oomtttee, wi~h the except- ion of Aid. McAninch, were presen~. Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, am~anting to $38,694.55. The uccounts submitted, being pus~d or otharwise dealt with, the Com- mittee, on the motion of Ald. Donald and T~ddsle, ordered that these be placed in the money by-law for pzB ~ntation to the Council. The report of the City Manager, upon the special Unsmplo3~ment Relief levy on certain properties, vae pre mnted. It was ordered on the motion of White aud T~,~ldsle th~.t the report be received and adented. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Lbhaald and Scott. AND ~)0P!)ED, October ~5, 1937. rman o nauce. e~ · Gouncii Chamber, Octob~ 18, 1937. The Council re-assembled at the close 9f the Fi:mnce Neering, for the pur- pose of passing the mor~y by-law c~ve~ing the accOunts which had been approVed by the Committee. All rambets of the Council, with the e xc~tion of Aid. Mc~kninch, were present. BY-lAW The following B~-~Aw was passed: Np. _2~9_-Ald.~H.P.Stephens- To Grant Monies for General Purposes. let reading- Aid. Scott and White. 2nd readin~ - Aid. Donald and Hann,~vell. 3rd readi~ - Aid. ~vida!e und Scott. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott ~nd l~ite. READ AI~ ~I)0PT:'j]), October 25, 1937. ~ayor. O!e rk. t96 Council Ch,,.he r, 0cto~sr 25, 1937, Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 4.00 p.m. to consider Gen- eral BuSiness and Finance. All members of the Oouncil, ~th t~e oxcpption ef Ald. MeAninch, were present. The Council, having received and mad the minutes of the previous meeting, these wxe adopted on the motion of Ald. Stephens and Han- niwell. G0_~I,.G~ATIO~S. The following Communications yore received: No. 2~4- Hen, Mr. W.L.Houek, M.L.A. - acknowledging resolution of congratulation. 0RDEHED on the mcf~lca of AId. Twidale and Stephens that the communication be rec- eived and filed. No. 2~5 - Ninacs & y,,h-sz - making appiica$1on to o1~ rote auto-wrecking yard. 0R- DERE~ on the motion of Ald. Steplsas and Scott that the applicatice be received and laid on the table until tie next meeting; and the City Manager, Engineer and Chief of Police be requested to lopoft thereon. No. 236- Bell Telephone C.omDa~y of Canada_- requesting permission to place plant on searain properties. 01~gER~) nee Report No. 132. The ~olloWing Reports were.. receive.d: We. 132 - City Engineer - rec~umending perahlssic~l to Bell Telephone Company. 0R- DIERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Stephens that the report be received and adopted; and the necessary permission for the installation be given, subject to the usual conditions. No. 133- City Manager- re attendance at School.for Munlcil~el Officers. 0HDERED on the motion of Ald. ~widele and Scott that the report be received and filed. BESGLtPI'I ON The following Resolution was passed: No, 85 - 8TEPI~_NS - ~0~T - RESOLVED that tie City l~-n~ger be instructed to com- maionic with tie Depaz~mant of Highways, requesting that a reprenentative be sent to this Ctt~ for t~ purpose of discussing with the City Octmoil the matter of traf- fic problems, and the proposed traffic by-law for the City of Niagara Falls, end the Seal of the Corporation be heroic affixed. Oa~ej Tie following By_-.la.w wa.s p_mnented: BY-LAW No. 2560 -Ald. C.D.Eanniwell - to p~ovide for the licens~xg and regulating of Pl-m~ers and for the appointment of an examining Board. 1st readl~- AId, Twidale and Stepbans. 2nd Isading - AId, D~]4 and I~anniwell, It was ordered on the motion of Aid, Twidalo and Stephen, that the third .~eadtng be laid ca the table f~t me week; and that tbs B~-law be advez~issd in ~tbs local press in orde~ that the citizens ma.v be a~a~e or the oonditians of the The Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Stephens and Hanniwell. READ AND ADOi~D, November 1, 193~. Mayor Clerk. FINANCE b~.TING Council Chamber, October 25, 1937. The Finance Con~lttee met on Monday, 0cto~er 25, 1937, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accotuat s which had been properly cer- tified and placed before them. All members of the Committee, with the exeption of Ald. MoAninch, were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Geminitree, amounting to $8,918.95. TIB accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, the Com- mittee, on the motion of Aid. Scott and ?rnite, ordered that these be placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Coun~l. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Anderson and Ald. Twi- ddle that the City Manager be instructed to again comunicate with the latereaSed parties, in an endeavour to have the appearance of the wall remaining after the demolition of the Savoy Hotel, improved. The oC~mnunication from the 6uarsnty Tmst Co,~peny of Canada, together with a copy of the report to the bend-holders, was prenented. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Anderson end Ald. Twidals that the report and com- namicatlon be received and laid on the table. The conmuni cati. ce fx~m the Imperial Bank of Canada, in connection with the capital loan and re-financing, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of IIis Worship Mayor Andersen and AId. IIanniwell that the comnuntoation be rec- eived and filed; and the appreciation of the City Council be expressed to the Bank for their co-operation in this matter. A sealed tender-from Messrs. Flynn Brot'hers, for the stuceo~ng of the incinerator, w~s presented. It was ordered on themorion of His Worship Mayca- An- derson and Aid. Scott that the tender be received and net opesed; and the matter of repairs to this building be laid on the table until all m~mhers of the Oannoil have had an aoppo~tunlty of Inspecting tie same. The report of the City Manager, in connection with the offer for the Im~ohase of Lot 126 on .Wsllan~ Avenue, ms pro neared.. It was ordered on the ion of Ald. White and Twidale that the rapoPt and offer be roesired; the offer be ae0epted, subject to the eonditians eat reich in the report for the erection of a dwsllin~ within &no yea~ f~om the date ot the A~=eement for ~ale. The eomunioatian from the Ohmbe~ of Co, heroes reques~ lag assistance in e0nnsetica with the dinner to. be tendere~ to the I~onourable Mr, W.L.Houok, was P~sen~ede l~ was ordered on the motion of Ald, White and His Worship ~a~o~ ~nder- 198 son that the comnunication be received and filed; and that the City M~n-gsr be instructed to advise the C~amber that it would be impossible to contribute to this fund under the cireumstan~es; but that as tony of the. members of the Coun- cil as possible will attent at tbelr own expense. The Oop~aittee adJourm d on the motion of Aid. Twtdale end ~anutwell. AND ADOFrED, November 1, 1937, COU~ OF AP~ Board Room, October 28, 1937. The hesring held by HAs Nonour Jud~ L.B.C.Livingstone, upon the appeals rode from the decision of the Court of Revision, on the Assessment Roll of the City of Niagara Falls, for the year 1937, commenced at 10.30 a.m. on Thursday, October ~8m 1937. Chaixlmn of Finance. Clerk. COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, October 25m 1937. The Council re-assembled at the close of the l~An~nce meeting, for the purpose of passing the money by-law covering the accounts which had been approved by the Committee. All n~mbers of the Council, with the exception of AId. MCA-~nch, w~ra present. following By_-_law was passed: BY-LAW lows: His Honour ~udge Livingston~ made his decision upon each case, as fol- Roll APPellant Bell, ldrs. Bell, Mrs..Yobn Dlstillo, &., by R.S.W.FOrah~.~ Kirk Estate & H. Seg- seat, by Oriffiths & Orlfflths Premier Trust Company by In~rsoll, Peplet & Strathy Taylor, ~ex~ha 496 Brid~e Street 751 Eastl~od Crescent 479 Ferguson Avenue 158 Bridge Street ~t-9,3,11,10, Plan 35,. 172 Bridge Street 774 Erie Avenue Decl s ion Dismissed. Dismis sad. Reduced $300. on Building. Reduded $~,600. on Land, and $2,100. on Buildl~s Reduced $1,700. on Land. Dismis seal, His Hononr then adjourned the Court. No.. 2~61_ -Ald. H.P. Stephens - To Grant Monie s for Ceneml t~xrposee. let reading- Ald. Scott and Twidals. ~nd reading -Ald. Donald and l~_~n!well. ~rd madtng- AId. T~ddale and Scott. The Council adJoux. ned on the motion of Aid. Stephen, and Twirlale. READ AND ADOPTED, Novemher 1, )4slroX'e -· : ,- ~ud~e ~f the County Court J .,' 'wm"W , WW w~ 2O0 FOl~-F0t~r~ J~.ETING MEETING Council Ch~nber, November 1, 1937, Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 4,00 p.m, to consider ~eneral Business end Finance. All rambars of the Council, with the exception of AId. MoAninch and I~anniwell, were px~sent. The Council, ~avlng resolved end read the minutes of the previous meetl~g, adopted these on the motion of Aldo Donald ~nd Scott° COA~NICATIONS I~id over from previous meeting: No, 235 . N~os ~ Y~sz - requ~ti~ ~m1~ton to conduct aut~cki~ e~-' ~lt~ent, ~D~e Re~t No, 1~5, The _following Co.~n,~icattons were received: No. 237 - Canadian National Electric Railways - re request for removal of sw- itch. OI~DEP~ on the motion of Aid. White end Twldale that the comuntcation he received and filed; and the m~tter be laid on the table for the time being. No, 2~8 - Minister of Highways . re requested meeting re traffic,, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, White and Donald that the c~nlnunication be received and filed. No. 239 - Alderash C.D.I~anulwell . tendering resignation as marAbet of C~AnCil, ORDERED on the motion %f AId, Stephens ~nd ~widale that the communication be rec. aired and filed; the ~esi~A~ntion of the Aideman be accepted; and t~e City Man- ager be instructed to advise the Alderman accordingly and to' recipracate the good wishes of the Alderman as expressed in his conmnAnication, No, 240 . Canadian Legion - requesting permission to hold Poppy Da~ and request. i~g Council ~o psrtAcipate in Almlstice Day service, 0HDERED on the motion Of Ald, Donald and Stephen, that the c~nmunicatlon he received; the pexmiss~on for Poppy Day be gx'anted; and asmany of the Council as possible he l'equested to at- tend the service. l~, ~t - R,S.W,Fordham. racemending Third Avenue be stop street at V~ley W~. No. E~ _ FI~ BrOthers No. 2~ - ~.H.Llnd~y. ~st~g stop streets at co~r of Sirocco, ~cond ~d V~F Way, 0~ on t~ moti~ of ~d, ~d~e ed D~d t~t t~ ations be ~oeived and laid on $~ table; and a ~port upn the matters ~e~ from the City ~age~, E~'and t~ Chief of ~lice; and S~ bars of the Council also visit t~ locations in que~ion, 'T~e followin~ Re~orts were received, · , , No. 134 - Dairy Inspector. report ~or month of October, 01~ERED on the motion of Aid, Stepbans and White that the report be received and filed, No. 13~ - C~mmlttee of Chief of Police. City lganagex. & l~nginee~ . re application for aut~oka~ Y~d. 0~ o~ the motion of ~d. Scott ~ F~tte that the m~ ~ meetwed ~d adopted; ~d $~ a~lloa~lon for. She es~ablis~nt be not ~ to4, 136 - City M,,,,e~er, X,e list of Lie~nees frcxn Police Commission, 01~F~ motion'o~ AId, White and Twirlale. that the relK~t be ~eeeived and adopted, The foll.o~x Resolution was passed: P~L~TION No. 86 . DONAID . 8TEpp~S . R"~OLVED that a comit tee consisting of the Chief of Poli~, Oity.-~ager, ~d Cit~ ~gAneer, be ~P~inted to investi~te ~d ~ ~r$ So the City OoUneil u~n the advl~blity of m~g a stop street ~t the co~ ~ of P~k Street and Welland Aven~ and the Seal of the Cor~r~tion ~ haste affixed. , Laid over flum reviou s meeti : ~ ....... AAU~ reviouS meeti No, 2560 . ~ld, C.D.i~anniwell . To Provide for the licensing and re~lating of Plumbers and for the aPPointn~nt of an E~amimlng Boa~d. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. White and Scott that the third read. ing of this .l~-law be laid over until the meeting of the new Council in 1938, ~he followin~ BY-laws ~ere Passed: NO~,~5~_~. Ald. J,G, Whitc. To authorize th~ execution of an Agme~nt for Sale a~d Deed. 1st reading. Aid, Scott and Stephens. 2nd reading _ Aid, White and Twirlale, 3rd .reading. Aid, White and Scott, No, 2563. AId, C.W. Twid~i.e ~ To Provide for the execution of an Agreement for the · ' rental of lands. 1st reading. Aid, Donald aml White, ~nd reading _ Aid. Twidele and Stephen,, S~d reading. Aid. Donald and Seo~t, The Council adJ~Arned on the. motion of AId, Stephens and Twirlale, READ A~D Yd)OPP~., Nov~er 8, 1937, Mayor, 201 Council Chamber, The accounts submitted, belng passed or otherwise dealt with, the Committee, on the motion of AId. Scott and White, ordered t~.a~ these be placed tnl the money by-law for presentation to the Council. The matter of the repairs to the City Incinerator Building, was dis- cussed. Xt was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and l~onald that the matter be laid on the table for the time being; and that the tender received be returned to the tenderer, unopened. The oonnumicat ion from the Guaranty Trust Company of Canada, upon the meeting with the bond-holders, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of A/d. Twtdale and White that the corsnuntcation be received and filed; and the Fiscal Agent be advised that the Otty Council are agreeable to the 'acceptance of the proposition as outlined in the comunlcatton, which provides for a modified form of supervision for five years; Vlz: that the Department of 3Aaniclpal Affairs should approve of each annual Budget for the period; and that quarterly state- ments of revenues and expenditures should be submitted for inspection. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Twidale HEAD AI~ ADOrwPED, Nov~ber 8, 1937. and Stephens. TIm City Mnn~ger reported upon the matter of the grant made to the Nia- geru Falls General Hospital upon the Ambulance Account; and advised that no ded- ueation had been made in 1936, for the amount of revenue received by the Boax~l I from the Welland County patients. It was ordered on the motion of ltis Worship Mayor Anderson and Aid. Scott that the report be received and that the addit- ional amount be sredited to the Hospital as a grant; and the e~unt of the debit to the Corporation be cancelled. The Committee adjourned on the n~tion of AId. Donold ,ha Scott. READ AND ADOFF~, Novaabet 8, 19~7. CONFERENCE Ohat~r~- of Finance. Oouncil Chamber, November 1, 1937. The City Council assembled as a Committee of the Whole for the purpose of giving consideration to the list of Election Officers, as submitted. All mere- hers of the CoUncil, with the exception of Aid. MoAninch, were present. Changes and adjustments were made upon the list of Election officers, in accordance with the wishes of the Council, and the City Manager was instructed to prepare the By-law accordingIF. C0UI~IL K~.ETINO Council Chamber, Novenber 1, 19~7. The Courtell re-assembled at the close of the Finance meeting, for the purpose of passing the money by-law covering the accounts mhioh had been approved by the Committee. All membex's of the OoUnotl, with the exoel~icu of AId, No~x- inch, were l=esent. BY-IAW . The following By-law was passed: Re, 2564 - AId, H.P.S~ephens - TO.Gx~nt Monies fo~-'~Oe.n~m1 !~pases,' reading. AId. Twidale end SootS, _ · Reading- AId, Donald and Scott, . . . reading. - AId, Twidalo end White, The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Twidale. READ AND ADOPTED, November 8, 1937, 204 FOE-FIFTH ~:ETINO Cotu~11 Chamber, Novenber 5, 1937. Speclal Nestlng A speolal meetlng of the Clty Councll was held on Frlday, November' 5th, 1937, at 12.00 o'clock noon. All members of the Counoll, as well as the Clty Solicitor, Mr. F.O.McBurney, were present. The meeting wee called for the purpose of discussing a c~.~-unlcatlon which had been leoelved by the Clty Solicitor, In connection wlth the anx~xatlon of a portion of the Tox~shlp of Stamford to the Olty of Nlagara Falls. Mr. MoBurn, y, the Clty Solicitor, outlined to the Clty Council the situation In connection wlth thls matter, and road the communication from the Hencurable the Minister of Municipal Affairs; and discussion upon the same took place, after which the following motion was made: RESOLUTION The following Resolution was passed: No. 87 - MoANINCH - S',~I~.~ - RES0~VED that the City Solicitor, Mr. F.C.Mc Burn,y, be authorized end instructed to attend the me~tlng, as requested, wlth the Hencurable the Minister of Municipal Affalrs, In connection with the an- nexation of alert of the Township of Stamford to the City of Ntegsra Falls; end the.t Mr, McBurney he tnsturcted to enter a protest from the City against the re-opening of this matter, as the Council is of the opinion that the same has been closed; end the Seal of the Corporation be heroto affixed. The Councll adjourned on the motion of Aid. Twidale and Donald. READ AI~ ADOPTED, November 8t 1937, FORTY-SIXTH ~F, ETING Council Chember, November 8, 1937. PaGULAR MEETING Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 4.00 p.m. to consider Gen- eral Business and Finance, All members of the Council, with the excention of Ald. MeAninch, were px~sent. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous regular and special meeting, adopted these on the motion of AId. Stephens end Scott, a correction having been nnde in the regular meeting minutes as submit- ted, COI~qICATIONS The following Comm..~ cations were. re+cetv___e_d: No. Z44 . Canadian Federation of Mayors & ~unicilnelities . outline of proposed brief to be submitted to Ro~l Commission. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Stephens and Twldale that the conmnunication be received and laid on the table until the next meeting. No. 245 - Royal Cc~m~ ssio.n on Tran.s/~ortatton _ copy of Order-in-Council. ORDEPaD on the motion of Ald. Twid~ie'~t~hen'd 'that the communication be received end filed, No. n46 . Depar~nent of Highways _ re requested interview. 0RDEtL~D on the motion of AId. White and Scott that the co~munication be received and the City Manager be instructed to request that the Delmrtm~nt fol~ard to the Council copies of the reports end information mentioned in their letter, of which they are in possess- ion, in order that the Council might consider the S-L~_. NO. PA7 - Department of labour . re Dominion-Provincial Youth Training Progre~nne. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald. Twidals end Donald that the e~-mnication be rec- eived and the matter of the organization of this rally he forwarded to the Chamber of C~mnerce for their action. No. 2~8 . Oneida Ltd. - requesting improvement of eight-foot right-of-way. 0RD- ERED on the motion of Aid. Donald and Twidale that the communication be received; and the City Manager be instructed to prepare a report as to the cost of the sug- gested improvement, for presentation at the next meeting. No. 249 - Roll Telephone Company . requesting permission to instel underground cable on Bridge Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Stephens and Do--~ d that the communication be received and the necessary permission be granted; subject to the usual supervision. _SEE also By-la.w No. The following Repox.~._ was received: No, lS7 - Committee apppinted by Council - recommending certain ThrouCh ~treets, OffERS) on th~ motion of Ald, White and Scott that the report be received and ado- l~ed; end the By-law be introduced accordinglye RESOL_~TION The followi. ng ResolutioA .w. as passed: No, 88 - WHITE . TWIDALE- RESOLVED that Axmisttoe Day, November II, 19~7, be claimed a civic holiday in the City of Niagara Fal~s| and all munisipal buildings shall ~"~n closed on tha~ 4:~y; end all citizens be ~equested to obserre $wo min- utes' silence a~ lle00 aem. on ShaS dare; and the Seal of the Corporation be he~eto affixsd, : , 206 207 Th~ ,follo~t ng By__-laws were. ~assed.: No. ~_5_6_5_ -Ald. C.W.i~widale - TO provide for the opening of the boulevard on e portion of Bridge Str~et by the Bell Telephone Company, for the stalinrich of an underground conduit. let reading - Aid. White and Twidale. 2nd reading - Aid. Donald and Stephens. ~rd reading - Aid. Twidale and Scott. No.t ~5.66 - Aid. A.F.Donald - To appoint Deputy Returning Officers, Poll Clarke and Polling Places for the Municipal Elections to be held in December, 1937, for the year 19~8. let reading - Aid. Saott and Twirlale. 2nd reading -Ald. Donald and White. ~rd reading - AId. ~idale and Vrait8. w~s ordered on the motion of Ald. ~'~tte and His Worship ~[ayor Anderson that the co~nunication be received and that the Co~nittee agree to the exchange of the vsrieus bonds held by the City Council, for the ne~ issue at four and one-half per cent. interest, Under the refunding prngra~me. The communication f~om the Niagara Falls Cener~l Hospital, in connect. ion with the ownership of the ~bulance, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and His Worship Mayor Anderson that the co~mnication be received; and the matter referred to the incqming 0ouncil of the year 1938~ to determine the ownership of the Ambulance. The communication from'the City Manager, in connection w~th the con-' farerice of the National Municipal League of New York, was Presented. It was ord- ered on the motion of Ald. ~idale and Scott that the conuunication be received and filed; end the City Manager be authorized to attend the Conference. The oomnmnication from Mr. R.C.Yoeng, requesting an option to purchase Part of Lot 20,~1, end 22 on ~htn Street, was presented. I$ was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Donald that the conmlunication be received and referred to the meeting of the City Council. The Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Stephens and Scott. ~ AND ADOI~ED, November 15, 19~7o The Reveaue and Expenditure Statement for the month ending October 31, 1937, was presented. It was ordered on the m0tioh of His Worship M~yor Andersoa and Aid. White that the statement be received and laid on the table. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Scott. FINANCE ~ETING Council Ohmher, Novembe~ 8, 19~7. The Finance C:-.~,.~ttee met on Monaay, November 8, 19~7, for the purpose of appreving and also of passing the various accounts which had been~'Aproperly cer- tified and placed before them. All members of the Comittee, with the exception of Ald. MoAninch, were present. Sundl7 accounts ware appmved by the Committee, amounting to $6,361.14. The accounts submitted, being passea o~ othex~eise dealt wish, the Com- mittee, on the motion of AId, D~e~ d and His Worship lg~yor Anderson, ordered thct these be placed in the money by-law for p~esentation to the Council. RFAD AND ADOPP~, Nove~er 15, 1937. Chairman of Finance. COUNCIL ~ING Council Ch~nber, November 8, 19BY. The Council ~e-assembled at the close of the Finance meeting, for the purpose of lmssing the moneyBy-law covering the accoUnts which had been app~oved by the Council; and other business. All members of the Council, with the except- ion of Ald. MoAninch, wexe present. The communication fxum the International Union of Operating Engineers, ~eqUes$tng a subscription towards their booklet, was px~sented. It was ordered on the motion'of AId. Twidale and Scott that ~he eom~xunioation be received end filed; and ~he City Manager be lns~ueted to advise that the~ are U~able $o ~e a subscriptions owing to the lateness of ~he Season and in view of the fact ~ha~ the BudSet has already been expanded, The eommtmieation fxona the Guannt;~ Trust Cmnpanlr of Canada, in connect- 'ion with the exci,~n~ of certain holdings of the Corporation, was presented. It The followi.n~ Connunioation wu_s, received: l~. P~0. R.C.Yo,,-~ . ~eques~ing option to purchase pa:ts of ~ots ~0, 21, end on Main Street. OBDEE~ on the motion of AId. White and Stephens that the unieation be ~eeeived and that an option be 6ran$ed fo~ the period of ninety days, as ~questod. 'BY-~A.W_S. fo~lowing ~-laws were presented: No... 2~5~V -Ald. H.P.Stephens - To Grant Monies for General P~rp~ses. let ~eading- AId. White and Dom~ld. 2nd reading- Ald. Donald and Stephens. Srd reading -Ald. Twidale and Scott. No.. 2.5~8 - Aid. 0.W.~vidale - To amend By-law No. 1776, respecting residential sec- tions and residential streets in the City of Niagara Fells. 1st reading- Aid. Stephens and Scott. 2nd reading - AId. Donald and White. 3rd reading -Ald. Twidale and Stephens. N~. 2569 -Ald. J.G. White- To amend By-law No. 1777, respecting Fire Limits. let reading - Aid. Donald and Scott. ~nd reading - Aid. Stephens and White. 3rd reading - Aid. Scott and Twidale. _~No. BS~0. - Aid. A.F.Donald - To fix the asses~nt of property to beacquired by the Coca-Cola Company of 0anada Limited, for a period of ten pars. let reading- Aid. Scott and Stephens. 2rid reading - Aid. Donald and Stephens. .257.1 - AId. A.W. Scott- To submit By-law No. 2570 for the assent of the el- ectors qualified to vote on Money By-laws. let reading -Ald. t~nite and DOnald. ~nd reedi~g o Ald. White and Twirlale. 3rd reading -Ald. Donald and Twidale. The Council adjourned on the mot1 on of Ald. Stephens and Twirlale. READ AED ADOPTED, November 15, 19~7. ,, .. a. · · · · · · - 209 FORTY-SEVENTH A[ETING Council Chamber, November 15, 1937. ~REGDIAR L~,~i'ING Pursuant to adJourranent, the Council met at 4.00 p.m. to consider Gen- eral Business and Finance. ~al n~mbers of the Council, with the exception of Ald. MeAninch, were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Stephens und Donald. I).E .P UT A.TI_.O}__~S In connection with Communication No. 250, and on the motion of Ald. TwAdale and Scott, Mr. H.G.Cole was permitted to address the Council. Mr. Cole outlised his request as stated in his communication, that the Council pass a By-law removing his lot from the residential district and placing the same in the fire area, to permit him to build a house thereon. .SEE Co~uni_c.at_~lo_~n No. 250. On the motion of Aid. Stephens and Donald, Messrs. Ninacs and Yuhasz were permitted to present their request for permission to operate an auto-wreck- ing yard to the Council. In view of the fact that the parties' communication making this request had not yet been received by the Council, it was ordered on the motion of AId. Stephens and Donald that the matter be laid on the table until the conumnicatiou has been presented. C0~ICATION The following Cgmunicatton w~.s received: No. 250 - H.G.Colp . requesting the placing of Lot 137 on Bender AvenUe in fire area. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Stephens and Twidale that the communication be received and laid on the table until the next meeting; that the City Manager and Engineer be requested to report upon the matter; and as many of the Council as possible visit this location~ The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Stephens and White; the balance of the Council business having been deferred until the later Council meeting. READ AND ADOPTED,~ November 22, 1937. 210 'Council Chamber, November 18, 1937o The Finance Committee met on 3~onday, November 15, 193V, for the pur- pose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been pro- ' perly certified end placed before them. All .,ambers of the Committee, with the exception of Aid. M~Aninch, were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Corsnittee amounting to T~e accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, the Com- mittee on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Scott, ordered that these be placed in the money by-law, for presentation to the Oouncllo · It was ordered that Items No. 6 and V on the Agenda. be discussed at this. time. The report of the City Manager, re his m~eting with the representatives of the Guaranty Trust Company of C_~sda _..no the Dominion Mort~ge & Investment Association, was px~sen~ed. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Anderson end Ald. '~nite that the report be received and filed. Mr, E,M.Proctor and Mr. J.W. Berry of the Guaranty Trust Company of Canada were present; and advised the Co~maittee of the progress made in connect- ion with the refunding progr-nr~_~e for the City, General discussion upon the mat- ters presented took place and further antion was laid over until the necessary By-laws had been presented at the Council meeting to follow. The co,-m,_uication fzom the Niagara Falls General Hospital, re the ded- ucations made from their grant, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Scott that the report of the Niagara Falls General Hospital be received and the a"'ount of $~86.70, which is the amount collected by the Hospital Board for ambulance services f~o., the residents of the 0ounty of Welland, be ref- ·unded .to the Hoard. The eomunication fro., the Employees of the Filtration PlaDt, request- ing consideration in connection with their salaries for 19~8, was presented, It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald and Twidale that the connn,antcation be received; and the employees be advised that the matter has been laid over until the next Budget meeting. The application for the purchase of Lot 21 and Part of Lot ;~ on Val- ley Way, by Kr, ~.R.Shapl~rd, was presented. · It was ordered on the motion of AZd, White and His Worship Mayor Anderson that the offer be received; the same being the appraised value, namely $600,00, and acce!~od, subject to the usual conditions, The report of the City Manager, upon the comparison of Revenv~ and Expenditures for the year 1927 and 1936, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Anderson un.d Ald, Scott, that the report be ~ecetved and laid on the table, ~ The ComiCtee adjourned on the motion of AId, White and. Donald, READ AND ADOi~ED, November ~B, 1937. : . f_,=aA~a,, _ Ohai~,~n of Finance, 211 COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, November 15, 1937. The Council re-assembled at the close of the Finance b~eeting, for the purpose of conducting the General Business which had been deferred from the prev- ious meeting. All members of the Council, with the e~ception of Ald. MoAninch, were present. R~OLUTION The foil,owing Repolu.tion._was ~assed: No. 89 - STEPHENS -'T¢:IDALE - RESOLVF, D that it be suggested and recoamended to the Guaranty Trust Company of Canada, the fiscal agent for the City of Niagara Falls, that any debentures necessary in connection with the refiinding programme, be prin- ted in the City of Niagara Fells; and the Seal of the Corporation be hemto af- fixed. .C.~urried The followi,ng By-laws were presented: No. 257__J2- Aid. H.P.Stephene - To Grant Monies for General Purposes, 1st reading - Aid. Donald and Scott. 2rid reading - Aid. Stephens and %~ite. 3rd reading -Ald. Tv~idale and Donald. No.._~.. 257_._~- Aid. H.P.Stephens - To provide for borrowing $500,000.00 upon debentures to pay a floating indebtedness incurred by the City of Niagara Falls. 1st reading - Aid. Scott and ~ite. 2rid reading - Aid. Twidale and Stephens. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. White and Stephens that before the third reading of the By-law, an explanation be made for the benefit of the general public, in connection with ,the preamble of the By-law to the effect that these 'bonds to be issued are for the purpose of retiring debentures at present in default, and is not for the purpose of issuing new bonds. It was ordered on the motion of A14. Donald and ~vldale that the third reading of the By-law he laid upon the table. N_o.. 257_4_ - AId. H.P.Stephenc - To provide for the opening of a Bank Account by the Guaranty Trust C~apany of Canada, IN TRUST, 1st reading - Aid. Scott and Twidale. 2nd reading- Aid. Donald and Stephens. 3rd reading- Ald. Scott and Twidale. At thie point, Aid, Stephens left the meeting, with the pemis~on of His Worship Mayor Anderson and the City 0cueoil, O0~e~JNICATIpNS. laid o_ver l~m previous meetings No. 244 - Caneallan F_ede.,Eatlon. of Mayo~.s__end. M~ntotpaltttes - re outline of brief and request for membership. 0~DEE on the motion of Ald. White and T~idale that the eomuhicetion be received and filed; aud referred to His Worship Mayor Anderson for a reply to the Association. The following Oom~unicat.ions were received: No, 251 - Civic Employees - requesting permission to organize. ORDERED on the 'motion of Ald. White and Scott that the comunication be received and filed; and the City ~ana~r be instructed toadvise tbe Secretary Pro-tern that the Council has no objection to an organization of the Civic employees being reined. No. 252 - City Clerk, 0wen Sound - resolution protesting against assessment of costs in connection with Provincial Voters' List. OI~)EPS1) on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Donald that the communication be received and the resolution he en- dorsed; and advice of this action be forwarded to the Hen. Mr. H.F.Hepbura, Prem- ier; and to our Local Member of the Lcgislature, the Hen. Mr. W.L.Houck, for their information. No. 2~3 - Canadian Underwriters' AssesClarion . re request for decision on key rate for city. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. V~ite and Scott that the communic- ation be received and laid on the table. REPORTS The following Repprts we_re received: No. 138 - Niagara Frontier Humane Socie_!~K. report for month of October. Oi©- EI~1) on the motion of Ald. Donald and Twidale that the report be received and ' filed. No. 139 - C~it~Engir~.9.r . re costs of improvement of right-of-way at 0aside Ltd. plant. 02)F~c~JD on the motiou of Ald. Scott and V~hite that the report be received and adopted, and the Company be advised of the recommendation in connection there- with; and that temporary repairs be made to this right-of-way at the present time. B~Y-4kW The follow~lng By-.law was passed: No. 2.5?5 -Ald. A.W. Scott- To amend By-law No. 2124, respecting Traffic and the Use of Streets in the City of Niagsra Falls, 1st reading -Ald. V~ite and Twid~de. · Bad reading. Ald, Donald and Scott. 3rd reading -Ald. Twidale and White, The 'Council adJouxmed on the motion of Aid. White and Scott. RF~kD AND ADOPTED, November FORTY-EIOIIrH ~DL~TiNG Council Chinaher, l'lovenber 22, 1937. I~ZC~U~'~R :.ZETiNG ~"~rsnant to adjournment, the Council met at 4.00 p,m. to consider Cen.. eral Business and Finance. All members of the Council, vd. th tile exception of Ald. MeAninch, were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, these were adopted on the motion of Aid, Stephens and Donald. - C 0~ ~ICf~ I 0NS The following Con~aunications were received: No. ~54 - ~ry & A.V.Ssnson . protesting u~inst ren~ of Lot 137, Bender Street from residenti~ area. OiOEY~ on the motion of ~.ld. Scott and ~idale that the no~mnication be ~ceived and l~d on the table. SEE ~_Report No. 140. No. 2B9 - Board of ~lice Commissioners . re resl~ation of Constable W.~.Loney. 0~ on the motion of Ald. Sten~ns ~nd F~ite that the co~,mni~tion be ~c- eived and filed, ~ No. 256 - Niagara Falls Peace ~.ction Council - invitation to Coming of i~ge Din- ner. O.~DEt~D on the motion of Ald~ Donald' and Scott that the con~municstion be received, the invitation be accepted, and as m~my of the Council as possible at- tend t he function. No. BS? - British ~ethodist Episcopal Church . invitation to attend snniversary ceremony. 0iCERED on the motion of Ald.'~dale and Scott that the cornintoxication be received, the invitation be accepted, and as many of the aldermen as possible attend the s~ne. No..258 - Chamber of Co;metes , invitation to Youth Movement Rally. 0igEPj~D on the motion of Ald. Donald ~nd Stephens that the eonmunication be received, the invitation be accepted, and as many of the Council as possible attend the Rally. No. 259 - .City Clerk, Str~tford _ resolution re endcreation of Unemployemnt In- surance and reductions in ages for 01d Age Pensiotas. 0~ER~D on the motion of Ald. White and Stephens that the comuunication be received and the resolution be endorsed; and such action be forwarded to our Local Members of the Legislature, the Hencurable Mr. W.L.tlouck, for his information. No. 2~0 - City Clerk, Ssrn_jia. resolution re reduction in number of statutory holidays. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Stephens and ~idale that the communic- ation be received and filed. No. 261 - Denartment of Highways. _ for~arding report upon traffic conditions in City,, ORDERED on the motio~ of Ald. V~nite and Scott that the conmanicution be received; and that the City Manager be instructed to request more information that might bear upon the subject matter and which would cause the Council to . change their views upon the By-law; as they feel they have acted in the best in- terests of the Municipslity in the passing thereof; and cannot agree with the Del~A-tment's report as submitted; and further, that an inte~view with some of the Delmr~nent officials be again requested, No, 2~ . Bell Telephone Company- requesting perulesion to install buried cable. OI~E~ED on the motion of Ald, Stephens and Scott that the connunioation be rec- eived and the necessar~ psimission be granted, subject to the usual conditions, S~E also Report No. 141. No, 263 - A, Whtte- requesting removal of tree, OID~ o~ the motion of Ald. Twtdale and DOnald that the communication .be reqetved and the tree he removed, .~EE also Report No, 14B. 214 No. 26~ - Nlnacs, Yuhasz & .Fareritz - requesting permission to operate auto-wreck° ing yard at2004 Stanley Avenue. CeDERED on the motion ~f Ald. Scott and Stephens that the corm~unieation be received and laid on the table; thst a repo.~ from the City Mam~ger, City Engineer and the OhieT of Police be requested thereon; and an appraisal be made upon the two lots, owned by the City, as mentioned in the com- municat ion. REPORTS The following ReDoft s were receive~: No. 140 - Committee of Council - re request for removal of Lot 137 on Bender Street from residential area, 0]tOERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and ~vidale that the report be received and adopted, and the matter be referred for report to the Town Planning Comicsion. No. 141 - Clt}, Engineer - reconmending granting of permission to Bell Telephon~ Company, as requested. ORDEI,e on the motion of Ald. Stephens and Scott that the r~port be received and adopted. No. 142 - City_ En~inser & Parks Superi_ntendent - reco~aending xemoval of tree at 1V20 Ferry Street. 0R!)ERED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Donald that the report be received and adopted. No. 1~3 - City Manager -snnusl repor~ on administration for 19~7 . (RDER~) on t~ motion of ~ld. ~'~ite and Do~ld that t~ ~port be received and lsid on the table; ~d the City ~a~r be ~structed topr~lde for t~ publica~ion of the No. 144 - City L~mager - re attendance at National ~unicipal League Conference. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Tvddale and Steph'ms that the report be received and filed; and the City ~mager be commended upon the seine. R~SOLUTI ONS The followln~ Resolutions were passed: No. 8~A - STEI~HENS - ~'.~DALE. - PSSOLVb~D that the public meetings for the candid- ates at the forthcoming election, be held at the following times and places: On Wednesday, Decer~ber let, at 8.00 p.m. at Glenview School; On Thursday, December 2nd, st 8.00 p.m. at Esmorial School; On Friday, December 3rd, at 8.00 p.m. at St..Patrick's Hall; and the Seal of the Octpotation be hereto affixed· Ca.__~Trie__d No. 90 - TWIDALE - D0}R~LD - RESOLV]~ that the next regular meeting of the City Council be scheduled for TUesday, December 7th, at 1B.O0 0' clock noon; and the Seal of the Oorporation be hereto affixed. ~ 0~arri_e~. No. 91 - SO0TT --WHITE - RESOLVED that the Chainsan of Finance, Ald. H.P. Steph- ens, be delegated to present the brief on behalf of the City of Niagara Falls, to the Royal Commission on Transnortation; which is to sit on November 29th, 19~; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. 9ary.i.ed BY-~AWS ~.~e following-B},-laws were passed: No. P~6 -Ald. H.P.Stephsns - To provide for the repeal Of the firs~ and second readings of By-law NO. SS~S. let ~eading -Ald. Donald and Wkite, 215 r 2nd re~,:ding _Ald. White and ~vidale. zrd reading -Ald. ~'n~dale and Scott. .Np. ~57"/. ~Ald. H.P.Stephens _ To provide for the borrowix~; ~iSoO,O00.OO anon d:!benttu, es to pay ~ floating indebtedness incurred by the City ~F Nia- gara Falls. let reading- Ald. Scott and While. .Bnd reading -Ald. Donald ~md Steohens. Srd r~ading- Ald. T~vidale end Wh{te. ~I.o.. 2578 -Ald. A.F.Donald . To authori7~ the execution of an .~z~cn~nt for Sale and Deed. let reading- Aid. Tvrldale and Styhens. 2nd reading - Aid. V.q~ite and Donald. 9rd reading- Ald, Dormld ~nd Scott. Np.. 2579 -Ald. C.h'.Twidale - To authorize the execution of an Option. let reading- Ald. t~,~ite and Step1Bns. 2nd reading. -Ald. Donald and Scott. 3rd reading -Ald. ~,q~lte and Twirlale. The Counciladjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott and Twirlale. R~ A~ID ADOPTh~), December 7, 1937. Council Chamber, November 22, 1937. The Finance Committee met on }.fenday, November SBx~, 19~?, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been pronefly mr- tilled and placed before them. All members of the Committee, with the exception of Ald. MeAninch, were preser~. · qundry accounts were approved by.the 0onmittee, mounting to $V~,15~. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, the Com- mittee, O~ the motion of Ald. ~hvidsle and Scott, ordered that these be placed in the money by-law for p~esentation to the 0cueoil. The offer fxom Victor Sawyer, for the nutchase of Lot 590 on Roberrs ~reet, for the s~m of $250.00, which was ~he a])~r~al va~u~, was presented. i! 216 217 it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and ~Taite that the offer be received and accepted, s~bJect to the usual conditions. The offer frola M.J.Qutnlan, for the purchase of Lot 20, Valleway,.for the s~m of $375.00, which was the appraised value, was presented. It was ord- ered on the motion of Ald. White and His l',~orship Mayor Arfierson that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the usual conditions. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott and T~vidale. ~P2J~D' ~ ADOPIED, December ?, 1937. The 0onmlttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Twiddle and Donald. ~READ AND ADOPT~, December ?, 1937. Chaiman of Finance, GOUI~;0IL ~.FAETING_ Council Chamber, November 22, 1957. The Council re-assembled at the close of the Finance meeting, for the purpose of passing various By-laws including that which covered the accounts pas~ sed by the Committee. All members of the O'ouncil, with the exception of Aid. Mc Aninch, were present. following By-laws were pa~sed: No. 258__0- Aid. H.P. Stephens - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. 1st reading - Aid. White and Scott. 2rid reading -Ald. Donald and Scott. 3rd reading -Ald. Scott and Twidale. No. 2501 - Aid. J.G.White - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. let readthg - Aid. Stephens and Donald. 2nd reading - Aid. Stephens and White. ~d ~eadin~-.-.Ald. Do~-ld and Twiddle. N_~.= 2~82 - Aid. C.W.Twidale - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for . Sale and Deed. let reading -Ald. Scott and Stephens. 2nd reading- Ald. Donald and White, ~d reading .-Ald,'Stephens and Twiddle,-,:,: 218 Council Chamber, December g, 1937. Pursuant to adJounrnsnt, the Council met at 12.00 p.m. to consider 9sn- ersl Busim~sss and Finance. All metabets of the Council, with the exception of Ald. ~/~Aninch were present. Th-~ Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Donald end Stephens. COkE ~:~ICATION ~Ths .followin~ Co~uunication was received: No. Z65 - George Fr~_ - requesting removal of tree. 0RDER~]) see Report No. 145. RLPORTS The foRlowing~ Report_ s l~ere rece_iyed: No. 145 - Parks Superintendent & City Engin~e~r - reconn~eading removal of tree at lBS Victoria Avenue. 0RDER~ on the motion of Ald. Stephens and White that the report be received and s.dopted; and the tree removed, No. 146- Committee_o~f_p.ounc.__i_~l- re request for permission to operate auto-wreck-. ing ysrd. 0i~EPd~D on the motion of Ald. ~filite and ~,~ldale that the report be received and the matter be referred to the lneomin~ Council. No. 147 - Local ,Board of Health - annual report for year ending October 31, 1937. 0RD!-Ln~D on the motion of Ald. Stephens and Donald that the report be received and laid on the tshle. No. 148 - Canadian Underwriters' A.ssociati.on - report on municipal fire protect- ion spplisnces. OFDEt~) on the motion of Ald. ¥Inite and Scott that the r~port be received stud laid on the table. The fo_llok~lnF~ By-law was passed: No. S~85 -Ald. J.G.',.a~ite - To grant permission to Bell Telephone Gon~pauy to open roadway on Drammend Road to install underground conduit. let reading -Ald. Scott and Stepbeam. Sod reading -Ald. Donald and Stephens. 5rd readfi~ -Ald. Stephens and Twidale. The Council adjourned on the motion 'of Ald. Donald and V~ite. READ AND ADOPPED, December 13, 1937. Mayor. FI~L'dICE Council Ch'iqlbgl', Decerlber 7, ~.937. ~he Finance Cor~nittee met on Tuesday, Decelabs. r V, 1o,~? for the Fur- pose of spystoring sod also of Das,~in~ the various . acounts whijh'hu~ be,~n pro- perly certified and placed bsfjro then. ~ll membe2s of the CosmiCtee, v,'ith the exception of Ald. Hohninch~ were present. 328.29. Sundry accounts were a.pnroved by tile Cox!~ittee, amounting; to ~i29, The accounts submitted, being passed or oth,~rr.'ise dealt with, v:ere ordered placed in the money By-law for oresentation to the Couacil, on tile mot- ion of Aid. Scott and Domald. ' The cocmunications from Lit. :'LS.1Yartin, in contraction with tb~ :~pDlic- ation for the rental of 242 Bridge Street, ~ere received. It w~s ordered on the motion of Aid. ~'~ldnle and Donald that the com~mnicutions be received and laid on the table, for consideration by the incoming council. The corm~unication from the Board of l~ducation, z~ the Five-year BUd- get, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of His Uorship iluyor .lodet- een and Ald. White that the con~aunication be received and a copy or the s~me be sent to the Guaranty Trust Company of C,l~mada, Fiscal/~ant; the Department of Municipal Affairs; and also that all further correspond]enos ~nd letters in i'.ny way connected ~lth, or Pertaining to the refundil~; !;chains of the City of l!iag- ara Falls, be referred for consideration by the incoming council. The com~unication ~om the Oneida Ltd. in connection ~vith the condit- ion of the road-way, ~'~s present,~d. It was ordered on the motion of ~'.ld. ',Tnite and Scott that the communication be received and the matter be referred for con- sideration to the incoming council. The communication from the Board of Police Oor~dssioners, presenting the petition from the mer,~bers of the Police Force, ~as presented. It was ord- ered on the motion of Ald. ?fi~ite and ~ idale that the communication he re~e~v~d and the matter be laid on the table for consideration by the ink}ruing coanc~'J.[ ' The comunicetion from the Solicitor to the Fiscal A.gent, Messrs. Leon- ard and Leonard, enclosing a proposed By-lay,- For a modified supervision of the Deparl~ent of L~nicipal Affairs, was presented. It was ordered on the xeotion of His Worship ~,~ayor Andersen and Ald. White that the communication and By-law be received and referred to the incoming council for consideration and action. In connaction ~ ith the Clause No. ~ contaix~d in the above n~oposed By- law, His Worship M~yor Anderson spoke arfi read the p~uvisions of the ~lty ager's By-lat, No. 1597~ passed on December 15, 1927, ~md also the minutes of the Council of the same date. His Worship l~ayor ~derson pointed out that it would be impossible,to approve of the Clause in view of the present By-law erning the City Z~mager; and in view of the fast that this By-law has been in effect since '1927, and es the Ahnicipelity is now in a position to become sol- vent, such a clause would add to the restrictions and remove further autho~[ty fro~ ~the City Council. Aid. %Taite also spoke on the m~tter and stated that he ~muj. d second His Worship Nayor Anderson' s notion for the resin that it would be nnwise for an outgoing council to deal with the By-law, which would tske authority from the incoming council. The Alderman felt that the incoming Council should be per- mitted ~o devil with the matter which would be their responsibility in the fut- ure, and which had caused such commend during the past election !cam.raigu~. AId. Stephens, Chaiman of Finance, spoke and stated that he felt that if a~y action was to be taken in connection with the By-laws, that should be taken by the incoming 0canell. The Alderm~u felt t~mt the proposed By-law would be taking away authority from the Council, and vesting it in the Department of '~Munioipal A~faira and he objected to this. The Alderman further pointed out 219 that the Council is agreeable to areedified type of su_nervision, and was glad to have their fin~mces inspected as often as desirable; but did not feel that the By-low should be p~4ssed which would'permit any outside body to say how the internal ~xnagement of the Corporation should proceed. Aid..~vidale requested information from the City Manager, as to whether the city e~ployees who had v. orked ovel~tim in connection with the elec~ tion and other ma~te~s, received nsmuneration for the same. The City Manager advi sod the Alderman that when a City employee is orqered to return to work after regular hours, overtime is paid to such employee. The Committee adjourned on the motion of His Worship Mayor ~knderson and Ald. Scott. AND ADOPi'~2), December 13, 19~?, Chairman of Finance. Council Gh~ber, December 7, 1957, The Souncil-re-sssembled at the close of the Finance meeting, for the purpose of passing the money By-law which covered the accounts passed by the Committee. All members of the Council, vrlth the exception of Ald. Mc~minch, present. BY-XAW The following B},-law w~.s pc.seed: N.9. P~84 -Ald. H.P. Stophens - To Grant Monie, s for General Putpaces. let reading- Ald. ~ite o. nd Scott. 2nd reading -'Ald. Donald and Stephens. Brd reading - A!d. Stephens and Twiddle. The 0oun~il~, adjourned on the motion of Aid. ~,~idsla.~nd Scott. RFj~D AND ADOPPEI), December 18, 1937. ~ayor, FIFTIk-'~H MEETXNG Couacil Chamber, December 13, 1937. REGUL'.RMEETING Pursua~ to adjournment, the Council met at 4.00 p.m. to consider Gsn~ oral Busideas and Finance. All members of the Council were Proseat. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, these were adopted ca the motion of Ald. Stephens and Scott. C0~HYNICATION T~e follOwln~ .CommuM, cat lon was received: Ne. 266 - Canadian Federation of Mayors and 1~unicipalities , re Joining Federation. 0~)EREB ~ the ~otton of Ald. Stephens ~d Nlaga~ Falls not m~l~ation be received and filed. · · Scott that the c~- REPORT The folio_wing Re_~ort was received: No. 149 - Town Plannin~ Commission , re application of H.G. Oole. O~EHED on the motion of Aid. Stephens and Twidale that the report be received and adopted; and Lot 1~ o~ Bender Street be not ~moved from the residential area. RESOLUTIONS T~e following Resolutions were P~ssed: No. 9~ - STE~HE~B , TWIDALE _ RESOLVED that those persons using the skating rink at the west e~d of Jepson Street for hockey Purposes, be Permitted to use the dres- sing rooms of the SwimAug Pool in eo~nection therewith, under the supervision of the members of the Hermes Club or persons designated by the~; and the Seal of the Corp~ration he~ hereto affixed, Oarrio d No. 93 - T~T/DALE . SCOTT . RESOLVED that the members of the Fire Department be re- quested to co-operate with the citizens of the Oity, in the flooding of out-doer ranks; such assistance to be under the authority of, and with the sanction of the City Manager and City Engineer; end the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carrle,~d NO. g~ , WHITE , SCOTT , RF~0LVED that the City Manager be requested to make an e~planatiou, and present to the Councll such files as he may ~ave upon the matter of the deductions of sums of money from the employees of the'Corporation; which a candidate at the recent election had stated ~ad taken place; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried ~Ald.McAnineh votin'g' 'con~r'ary} N0. 95 - WB1TE , STEPHI~S . R~0LV~ tha~ a re~n~ of ~s s~ of $~.~ ~ rode to the employees f~ wh~ a dedue~ion ~s mde in the ye~ 1931; ~d the ~ of the O0~ration ~ her. to affixed. C~e d sc us l~io~ to the above tw resolutions, Aid. Scott ~eques~e~ pe~n~ss~on to as~ t~ City ~r for ~ exphnation of ~e statements which had ~en rode at t~ tee.at e~eti~ ~p~, as $o t~ ~olleetion of eer$~n aonies f~m City n~en ~ 222 should b~ oxpl~ned by the Manager; and the ganel~l public given an explanation 'as to the ~lr~st~oos ~undin~ t~ ease, Aid. ~ite al~ spoke on t~ m~tter; ~ stated t~t h~ ~so felt the ~ole c~ ahoulfi be ai~d for t~ infomation of t~ citi~ns; ~d eh was inter- ested as he ~s a roomer of the Co~c~l w~n ~he ref~d of ~e deducted money w~s made to om of the employee. After this, Resolution No, 94 was presented and passed. Aldo MoAninch spoke on the matter and stated that he had read free the press that a complete file upon the matter was at the City Hall and could he seen by coming down and asking for it; that he had asked for it, but was told that it was not a complete file, and one wo~ld have to be prepared. The Aldel~n_nn_ then asked for other ~formation end got it after a Clerk had ~one through a file for it. The Aldern~n felt that the only one to investigate and determine the rotscon- - duct of an Aldel~mn or an employee would be the County Judge, under the provisions of the Statute; and he did not think the presentation of a report from the City Manager would get the Council anywhere. The City Manager would only be present- ing his side of the story and would not be giving the other angle. Th~ Alderman stated that had he been a member of the Council at the time, he would have asked for a proper investig~tion, as the Council of the Manager has no authority to pass 3udSment upon people and set fines; as they were not appointed for that purpose. The Alderman thought it would be only right to place the matter before the County Judge and let the ax fall ~here it may. His Worship Mayor Andetch asked whether the Alderman did not know,that he (His Worship) was not a member of the Council at the time the mattbr v~e placed before them; and the Alderman stated that he did. AId. Stephans stated that this matter had come before the public' s at- tention, and this had placed a certain stigma upon the me:~bere o~ the City Council because of the same. The Aldex~aan felt that while the matter could be taken bef- ore the County Judge, he would like to have it debated st this time; as he wanted to know, and have the citizens know, the exact details of the case. At this point, the City Nianager presented the file upon the matter to the Council; and Ald. White again spoke stating that he felt the report had made the matter quite clear that the money had been put into the treasury, and had later been paid back to the one employee, by a City cheque. The Aldormnn pointed out that the matter had occurred in the years 19at and 1932, and that it was ev- ident ttmt the refund was made upon the recommendation of the City Solicitor. He stated that while he was a ~mber of the Council when the refund was made, he had nothing to do with the original deductions; and as far as this action was concerned, it was merely to correct a wrung. Ald. Stephens stated that the confidence of the officials of the municip- ality was absolutely necessary for the success of the municipality; for the suc- cess of the cornunity and the pieace of mind of the citizens and for the munictp- ality's general ~lfare. The Aldermen stated that the way the matter was px~sented to the general public, it appeared that this moneF was taken from certain indiv- iduals and did not go any further. The Aldenran was glad that the matter had been discussed and it had been shown that though a mistake 'had oscarred, the money was paid to the City and receipts for the same issued; and the refund was made in the regular way. The Alders- was of the opinion that the matter had placed the fabriouof the g0var~.~nt at stake. Ald. Donald stated that he was the acting Chaix~an of Finance in the Council when ~e account for the ref,;na was passed, a~d he felt it was evident from the c0rrespondenee prosenSed that a mistake had been made in the fining of the employees; and the mistake had later bo~n metflied. From this, the Alderman did not feel there could be any stigma pla~od upon the members of the Council, AId.' umAninoh spoke and s~ated that the ~opor~ had 2ads the matter more clear to him than it had bee~ when he bad spoken of it to the 0itY previousl~| and that he had learned f:om ~ha Oit~ employee tha~ he was not ~uilt~ of the offense of whish he had bean accused; and so was not ~uil~, The Alderman felt that ~ba Oouneil should hea~ the otho~ side; an~ asked wh~ a refund had been made to the otbs~ employee 1dish it was shown '$bat ~he deduction should not have been .made, e 223 After further discussion upon the matter, the City Manager stated that he felt a refund should be made to the other employee concerned; for the deduct- ion which was made; and Resolution No. 95 was presented. The Council adJoux, ned on the motion of Ald. Stephens and White. READ AND ADOPTED, December 20, 1937. May or. Council thembar, December 13, 1937. The Finance Committee met on Monday, December 13, 1937, for the pun'pose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cer- tified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Conmfittee, amounting to $~I,127.82. T~ accounts sutlnitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, the Com- mittee on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Scott, ordered that these be placed in the money By-law for presentation to the Council. The gommuntcatton from the Department of Public Welfare, In connecttea with relief for single persons, was presented. It was ordered on the molUlon of His Worship Mayor Anderson and Ald. Donald that the communication be received and the Department be again contacted and be requested to give further conside:~ution to the matter of relief for single persons; and that the City Manager be instructed to advise the Department as to the eonfiition of affairs in the 0ity of Niagara Falls with regard to employemnt. The communication from H.T. Jamieson & 0cropany, Auditors, in connection with the special levy for unemployment relief purposes, on certain assessments, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Scott that the comm-nio- ation be received and filed. The report of tba City Manager, upon the account to the Township of Stam- ford, for Chest 01inieal services, was presented. It was ordered on the ~otion of AId. Twidale and His Worship Mayor Andersen that the report be received and the ac- count against the Township of Stamford for these services be oaneelied, in ~iew of their, contribution towards the ~atorium through the County of Welland. The Revenue and Expenditure Statement for the month ending November B0, 1937, was pFesented. It was. o~od on the motion of AId.. ScotS. and. l~Aa Wox~hip, . !~Ol, Anderson, tha~ the report he received and laid on She ~able. The Cit~ _x~nagor made a verbal report $o the Council as ~o the matter the show removal during the feeant stem; and the estimted cost of the s~ ~ which w0~ld ~Otal approximately $5,000,00, ITM 224 Aid. Scott, at this point, requested permission to leave the meeting. In the above connection, Aid. MoAninch suggested that the Province of Ontario might possibly assist the mtmicipality in the ~ayment of these extra costs, · if they were approached through our Local Member, the Hencurable Mr. W.L.HoucIq and it was agreed by the Oo~mittee that,.this matter should else be mentioned by the OAty x~nagsr when cc~municating with the Department of Public W~fare, upon the matter of relief for single persons. The Conmittee adjourned on the motion of Ald, White and His Worship Mayor Anderson. READ ~ ADOFlED, Deeember B0, 1937, Chat~'aun of Finance, COUNCIl, MEETINQ council Ch~nber, Deemher lS, 19S?, The Council re-assembled at the close of the Finance Meeting, for the purpose of passing the Money By-law which cove~ed the accounts pusned by the mi~ee, All. members of the Council were present. The following By-law was passed: No, ~58~ - Aid, H.P, etephens - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. 1st reading -Ald, White and Twiddle. 2nd reading - Aid, Donald and White. 3rd reading - AId. Stephens and Twirlale. The Council adjourned on the motion. of'Aid, Wl/ite and Donald. READ AND ADOPTED, December 20, 1937, ~IFTY-FIRS~ Council Ch~uber, December 20, 1937. 225 7 Pursuant to adJourxmlent, the Council met at 4.00 p.m. to consider Gen- eral Business and Finance. All members of the Council were p~-~sent. The Coun- cil, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Stephens and ~,ddale. DEPUTATIONS On the motion of Ald. Stephens and Donald, ~h'. R.S.W.Fordham, Chairman of the Finance Committee of the Public Library Board, was penaitted to address the Council. M~. Fordham advised the Council that the Library Board had received their final cheque for the year 19Z?, and had found the same to be $25.00 less than the mount which had been approved by the Supervisor at the beginning of th;; year; and the speaker asked that an explanation be made upon the, reduction. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Stephens and Scott that the City ~anager be requested to explain this reduction in the amount of the grant to the Library Board; and the City Manager stated that he was unable to state definitely the reason, but believed the difference was due to the amount of money payable on taxes on registered properties, However, the City Manager agreed to present a full reDerr upon the matter at the nex~ meeting of the ~ouncil; and this was capted by the City Council and by i~r. Fordham. COL~.~JlfICAT IONS. The following Corm.~_~j.ca.t,ipns were receive~: No. ~67 - Lions Club - re streets for chlldren's sliding. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Stephens and T~,~dale that the communication be received; the Club be than- ked for their interest in the welfare of the children of the City; end a report upon the matter be requested from the City Solicitor before any action is taken by the Council. No. 268 - Bell Telephone Oo__mpan_y - re use of Company poles by Corporation. ORD- ERED on the motion of Ald. Twiddle and Stephens that the co~:m~unication be received, and the matter be referred for consideration to the incoming Council. No. ~69 - Guaranty Trust GoBparty of Canada - re position of Corporation as regards to refunding. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Stephens and ~'~nite thut the communic- ation be received and placed on file, as the Council feels that the matter of the refunding had been successfully dealt with. No. 2VO - Fidelity Trust Coup.any. - requesting permission to erect billboard. ORD. ERED see Report No. 150. The follOwil~ ~eport.s._we.re received: No. 188 - Oity Engine.st - re application for erection of billboard. O/DEE on the motion of Ald. Stephens and Scot~ that the repor~ of the City Engineer he rec- eived and fllsd; and the m~menda$ton of the 0ity E~ineer be ado~ ed, which 'provides for $iB emotion o~y if ~ ~ard contains adve~lsing of the Oompa~ ~d Is e~oted .u~n the Comp~y's pm~rty, No. 151 - City Manager - re papers and addresses given at School for Municipal Af- facials, Oi~DEEED on the motion .of Aid, White and Donald that the ,=epox~ be etved and filed, 226 The following Pe_ti tipn was received: No. 17 - .Unemployed Citizens - requeating increased allowance for Christmas. 0R- DERF3 on the motion of Aid. White and Scott that the petition be received and ref- erred to-the Finance Oo~-,~ittee for eonsideration. RESOLUTION The. fOl.lowing Resolu.tl.on wus passed: No. 96 - SOOT~ - V~tlTE - I~OLV~.I) that the next regular meeting of the City Coun- cil be scheduled to be held on Monday, Dealember 2Vth, at the x~gular time; and the Seal of the Corporation be. hereto affixed. Carried MXSC~JANEOUS The 0ity Manager brought up the matter of Resolution No. 93, as passed at the previous meeting of the Council, and asked for a more definite understand- ing as to whet rinks were to be ordered flooded by the Fireman. It was agreed by the Council that the matter of flooding rinks should be left in the hands of the City ~nager and City Engineer; and that any rinks of a reasonable size, upon which children are pex~itted to skate, and which are not private rinks, be flooded for,the first time by the Fire Department. The Oouncil adjourned on the motion .of AId. S. cott and White. READ AND A~0Pr~, December ~7, 1937. Mayor FINANCE I1EETING Council Olmmber, December 20, 1937. . 'The Finance Oommittee met on Monday, December 2D, 19~7, for the purpose of approving and also of passin6 the various aceounts which had been properly cert- ified and placed before them. All members of the 0ommittee were. present. ~undx7 accounts were approved by the Oommittee, amounting to The accounts submitted, bein~ passed or othe~wise dealt with, ~a~e ord- ered placed in ~he money By-law fo~ presentation to the Council; on ~hs motion.of AId. ,geott and TwiR,,m:e, port of the Relief Administrator, in contaction with relief for sizzle men, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Donald that the com- munication and report be received; and that the able-bodied single men who h'~d made application for relief (totalling approxinmtely 100) be given ohe day' s work by the Corporation before Christmas. C~arried (His Worship Msyor Anderson & Aid. l',~ite voting contrYsT) Prior to the above motion, it WdS moved by Ald. V~ite and His Wetshie ~yor Anderson thst the communications be received and that a voucher be issue~ for these persons~ up to the end of the year on the same basis as they'heretofore received relief. lost. Upon the amendment being put first, it was carried; and the motion ~vas The report of the Relief Administrator, in connection with the earnings of parsoRs on relief, for snow-shovelling, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship }&~yor Anderson and Ald. White that the report be received; and that no deudction be made for the amount of money earned by such relief recip- ients, over and above the regulation one-third of their food o~er; such regulat- ion to apply upon work done up to the present time; and that this Hotion be taken in appreciation of the co-operation of the workers in the removal of the snow dur- ing the emergency. The petition from the Unemployed citizens, which had been referred from the Council meeting, was considered. It was ordered on themotion of His Worship l~ayor Andersoa and Aid. Scott that the petition be received end filed; in view of the fast that m~ny of the persons at present on relief would be receiving assist- ante at Christmas time from the many civic organizations, Churches, industries, etc. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Tv~ldale and Scott. READ AND ADOPr23), December ~7, 1937. Chairman of Finance COdiCIL MERTING Council Chamber, December B0, 1957. The Council re-assembled at the close of the Finance Meeting, for the pur- pose of receiving a communication and passing the Money By-law which oove~ed the accounts passed by the CoralStee, All members of the Council ~ere present. 227 228 arrears of taxes. ORDEPaD on the motlon of Ald. MoAninch and Vrnlte that the communication be referred .to the incoming qouncil for consideration. BY-LAW The following By-law was passed: No. ~.586 -Ald. H.P. Stephens - To Gr~nt Monies for General Purposest 1st reading -Ald. Donold and Scott. 2nd reading -Ald. ~'~nite and Stephens. 3rd reading -Ald. Twidale and Donald. The Council adJourned;;on the motion of Aid. Twidale and White. RF~D AND ADOI~E~), December M~yo r FIFTY-SEO01~D I;~EETING Council Chamber, December 27, 1937 Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 4.00 p.m. to consider General Business and Finance. All members of the Council, iwth the exception of Ald. Twi- rlale, were present. The Oouncil, having received and read the minutes of the prev- ious meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Scott and Donald. R~PORTS T~ following t~eport~s wer_e received: No. 15~- - City Solicitor . re use of streets for play by children. 01~DEHED on the motlon of Ald. White and Scott that the report be received and filed; and the Lions Club be advised accordingly.' No. 153 - City Mannget _ re deed for Lot 20, Valley Way. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~tephens end White that the report be received end the recomendatlon be ud- opted. No. 154 - City Manager . re Board Of Review cases. OffEReD on the n~tion of Ald. White and Scott that the report be received and laid on the table for action to be taken by the incoming Council. RES0_LU~I_0N The following l~esoluti~on was Passed: No. 97 - ~ . ~E . ~V~ that t~ matter of the convention of the T~es ~d ~boUr Co~ss to be held in this City in Sep~r, 19~, be brou~t to t~ attention of ~e inc~ C~ncil; with t~ i~omation t~t it is ~ticipated t~t t~s convention will re~t in t~ ~e~i~ of In t~ ~l~borhood of $1~,0~.~ In t~ City for the bern fit of restsrants, hotels, r~ming houses, ~d other trades ~ople of tM City; ~th tM advice t~t t~ ~vincial ~ve~nt Is to he approached ~th a view to assisting in ~mction with tM fi~cing of the abo~ oo~ention; and t~S ~e Council for tM ye~ 19~ be a~ed to consider ~ing a g~S also; the S~l of ~e Cor~mtion ~ hemto affixed, The Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Scott and Stephens. READ AND ADOPTED, ~anuary 3, 1938.