Minutes1939 1939; and the Seal of the Corporation
~f ,t City of
be, to make provision for certain expenditures but if circmstances pemit and ~ he Niagara Falls for the your
ue find ~uch r~quir~ents :n'e not absolutely es~ntial, we ~vc not and do not b~hereto affixed.
intend to spend these co~aitments merely because they appear in tile ~udget.
fortunat~ for every ~n~ concerned, costs for social ~rvices have been ~eat .. ~ ' h~t l'essr'~ F H Leslie and Clau~.e j~.Find-
forever. It ~s been my privilege on nmerous occasions to represent you mn lay be and are he'~ y ~ ~ e~919, 1940 and k9~; and tae ~ ~a - ~
Toronto in solicing support frm our ~ovincial ~verment in matter pertainin[. ~lty of Niagara Falls, or the y
to ~mciul service costn~ an~ while I m not in s~pathy uith tile p~'esent system potation b~ hereto affixed.
of handlin~ relief, neverth,~less, i feel it ~y duty to publically express my Li~
~y n'ovincial represent,,tives. In this regard, my I also offer my th~ls to thine~ 4 - ~; 1~ ~Zf-, i941;
i~nourable W.L.Houck for his many t~aely efforts on o~ behalf. pointed as a : ~ ~ a,~fixed.
~ the 5e~l of the Corporation be hereto -
",Je ~n, therefore, in spite of rising costs of special services, pre~>
ent to you a fair financial pict~e of your Gity's ~sition at the end of 1938. ~ - ~ tESTER - R~0LVVD th.~t idessrs. john Lo~n and C .... Dean b~ and
As much as vm need a nmber of m jot ~aprovem~:nts, such as storra soy:ors and vJat~ rNo~ 5 - ~C~Z~ -. ~ '. bet o~ th''~ Housin ~ G~z~issio;~ of th~ CIty ~ ijiag~ru
~dns, a tu~ei under the ruil~my at the Gentre, a convention hall, a ~asim, ar~ hereby appointed ~=s marl s .... ~ ' ' ~
a City i~ii and n~e~'ous other itmas essential to the hterests of the Gity and Fa~ls for the years 1939 ~d 1940; ahd the Seal of the Corporution bc beret a~fix~d
its citi~ns, t~e are not in a position to finance th~ at the present ti~ae. I ~ .
would like to see such improvemen~ accomplished, but it is utterly ilapossible tc ' ~ ' ~ ' t the an oin~ent of the members of the ~oard
. alrea~ overbUrdened tax-N&. 6 - DI~IS -. 5G~ - RESOI~Di~Zer unti~ a m~etiu'~ of ~he Con~aittce has be .n
increase our debt, ~'~lth con~euent further burden on an . ~ ee
o~ Review for the year 1939 be a ~ e~ andsthe Xeul of the Corporation be
payer. ,
h~ld for the purpose of d~scussing t
"We hope to be able to do something this yc~ar for those v~ho have car- ~yeto affixed. Carri~
tied this burden for so lo~; and i sincerely believe if Niagara Falls can car~ ~..7 - McANII~tI - f~.F.~NjZD - i~L~D t~t Alder~-n O.li. In~is be an:~ is hereby
on until the end of 1940~ even more consideration can be made and some of these
longsneeded improvements can be undertaken. By that time we will be ever the ~ ointed as a member of the G~mber of Commerce of the City of Niagara Falls for
peal( in our serial ~nd debentures and a bri~ter pict~e, by far, should be in ~ ~D year 1939' and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
store for us. ~ , ' *
"Tou~rds this cud we will try to give you our best In time and ability
~ ~d with your continued co-emotion and the support of our loyal and trust~orthy 8 - IN~IS - G.~N~D - ~SOLVED that Aldemmn T.N.Grim~ter be and is ~creby
civic employees, ~rely nothing c~n prevent Nlagm'a Falls from ~ing ~esd with ,ointed as the representative of the City Council on the Chil~'en's ~dd Society
tangible evideuce or civic advancement. the City of Niaga~~ Fslls for the year 1939; and the Sea1 of the Corporation
~ hereto affixed. Oarri~
"Once again m~y I t~nk the Council and civic employees ~d the cit-
i~ens as a whole for yore' past loyal support ~d, good will for the future.9 - Mc~CH - ~I~S~ - R~0LVED t~t Alder~n C.~'~ .~.~idale ~md the ~cvercnd
nominated as the representatives of the
"O~L D.X~N~'~." [~ L. Dou~as be and are hereby
~ ~y Go~cil upon the Mothers' Allov~ances aud 01d Age Pensions ~cHl Board in
A~ION 0~l~I~ ~ ~ra Falls for the year 19Bg;.and the Se~l of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
The minutes of the previous meeting, having been read mxd received, were
adopted on the motion of Ald. A.F. Do~ld ~d Grimster. CG~IGATIONS
following Go~aunic~tions were presented:
i - His Wor~ip ~yor l~mi~ell - appointing representative on the Com't or
The City Olerk certified as to the result of the Poll held on ~cmber ~isio~. ORD~D on the motion o~ Ald. I~glis and A.F. Donald that the c~unicHt-
~, 19~; and on the motio~ of Ald. ~?id~le and M~ninch, the comunication was or- ~ ~n be received ~nd the appointment be aceted.
doted received ~d filed, .- . . ..-
· - . ~. 2 - ~. J.G.Henderson - requesting reserved parking s~ce on Queen Street.
~ED on the x~tion of Ald. ~lc~inch a~d Grimetot that the cor:uaunic~tion be
ESJLUT~0N~ ~ved ~d filed; and the Oity Engineer be instructed to present a report upon the
.ssibility of Constructi~ a lane at the rea~ of the Queen Street properties on
~oltowing Re~luttons were passed: ~ch st~ of the street, between Ontario Avenue ~nd Welland Avenue.
' · 3 - The Homes Club - requesting use 0f Sw~ing Pool club-house in connection
~ .;:" :~.~-[,No..1 - ~c~i~H- ~ . E~L~D that ~demn '*ant ~nald be and is hereby th open-air ri~. ~R~ED on t~ motion of ~d. I~is ~d ~ddale that the -c~x" ,.~
~,~-;.:-:,:~:: ':' [ ap~in~d Ohaimn of .the Finance 0mittee of the Oity zCounei.l-.f~ 'the Oity of
"~ ~::~ Nla~a:Falle,.fo~he~Fe~i~39~ .and;~he~Seal~of. ~he,:CorR6i~ati~n,~be~he~to affi~d mication.~be~:meeived and referred to ~he Oi~y'Olerk for his report. ,:~
.. ....
to say, with your splendid co-operation, has left the City u considerable amount
oe the ri;;l~t siie of the ledger, It ~s been our policy, ~a will contimm to
be, to m~ke provision fo~' certain expenditures but if circmastsnces pem~it
we find queh rqquir~ents are not absolutely essential, we ~vc not ~md do not
intend to ~pend the~e coFaitments merely b~c~use they ~ppear in the judEet. Un-
fo:.tum~tciy, for every m~ concerned, costs for social services have been ~'~ater
..... ._ ~ ~+~m ~,~ municipal financing that is very ~dfficult
t~n expected. .........
forecast. It ~
Toronto in sol
to ::ocial scrv
of trundling' ~
pr~ citation fo~
by ~.ovincial
ent to you a
a City ;=all e
its citizens,
v:ould lik~ t(
pays r,
rind thisbu
on until the
pak in
store for us
and with yo~
civic enplo:
5, 19~8;
doted re~
The f_ollowing Resolutions ~erc passed:,
No..1 - McANINOH - GRI~BTER - RESOLVED that Alderman (~ant Donald be and is hereb
· appointed Chairman of the Finance Oommittee of the Otty Council for the Otty of
Nia~_~a Falls, .for the,,ye~r 19~B9% and the 8eal ]of' the CorporatiOn-be hereto affi~
~ ' Carried
Prior to the ~bove motion, it ~as moved by Ald. A.FoDonald and Scott
Al~. ~vidale be appointed Ohairman of Firmnee. Ald. ~4d~le requested that her
;neme be v, ithda'nWn]lin .re. your.-el,. ~he appeintmen$,o~. Ald. Donald. ' ~'~ ·
, .No, 2 - T.,I~'-LF- - C, ~t)N/d,D - RiBOL%sXD tlmt Dr. j,H. Davidson, i,_r~-. Jan t f~.il lly
~Z~sn,i L~, ~,~uU~[l~ar~ hereby apnointed as mt<ib,u's or the Jo:
::~f the City of Niafgura Fails for the year 1939; and the Soul of the Corporation
e hereto affixed.
~ Cur
~qo. 3- ~II.~Z~/.l)O~j~! - Ri~L~]D th~:t Lie~srs. P.H.Lcslie and Chin e
~,--- ~ ~2 ~-~ her,~bv aooointed as members o~ the Town Blannin~; '~ohi~ssim~ f~' he
the Scai of
uF! is h!-reby ap-
1939, ig~DD und 1941;
:.e.:.:bers cf the ooa!'d
le Sor.-~iittcc lqa s been
: tile Corporation be
gii~; be =n'] in her, by
3f Niuff:aru. Fulls for
CRryl .~.d.
er be anl is la'eby
ii~'en's Aid Society
of the Corporation
Carrio d
al~: mud tile Keverond
'esenz:~tives of tho
.s Local Board in
· be hereto affi~edo
rye on the Cotu~t of
Ld that the communicat-
~ on (.,uoen Street.' O~-
Y..u~unication bo rec-
ent ~. report upon the
8troct properties on
.3 - The JIe.rmes Club - requ~;sting use of Swirm~ing Pool club-house in conn~;ction
rink. ORD,I~ED on the motion of kld. Inglis ~md ~,idalc. that the
be received and referred to the City Clerk for his report.
following Resolution was pas3ed$
to re.y, :;ith your s;plendid co-operation, h~i.,: left ~hs City ~ considerable amount
on the: riOj~t si.]e of the ledger. It ~s been our policy, s~d bill continue to
be, to make Provision for certain exPendit~n.es but if circ~uastances Pemit and
we fi;~d such r::quil'~ients are not absolut~,ly essential, :';e ~ve not and do not
intend to spend thence coFmlitments ~lerely because they appear in the -;udget. Un-
foJt~ateiy, for ~v9~ ~nr~ concerned, costs for social services have beer ~,mter
tMn expected. This is an item in municipal financin~ that is very ~fficult
forecast. It Ms been my priviie~re on n~.ler)lls occasions to reprege3it yo~ in
Toronto in soli,~inC support fr~l our Provjncial Government in matter Pertaining
to :recital service costs; an ~ w~iie I ~ not in s~}pathy uith tile P~'esent system
of handling relief, n~verth,,less, Z feel it ~}y duty to Publically errross my
Pr'ci~tion For the courteous and considerable manner in whi,?h i have been roeely. d
by ~'ovinciaL rePresont~tives. In this r~bT~rd, nIiy i also offer my thaws to the
Honorable ~/.L. Houek for his many timely efforts on o~ behalf.
".is can, ther~fore, in spite of ririn~Z costs of ~oecial services, Pres-
ent to you a fair financial Pict~e of your City's ~sition at the end of 1938.
i,s much as ws need a n~ib~mr of mjor liaProvemoats, such as storr~ servers and water
m~,ins, a tumel under the r~=il~say at the Centre. a convention hall ~: ~ ., · _
u Ci~v ;~all and n~m.'ous oth~r ite~:~s essential to the ~terests o~'th~
its citl~ns, t~e are not in a Position to ?inunc~ them at the Present ti~ae.
' · - City and
would lik~ to see such improvemen~ accon~plishcd, but it is u~terly inpossible to
increase our debt, v~ith constituent further burden on an already overburdened tax-
paye r.
",'~e hope to be ahle to do 2oraethin~ this ?:at for those ~ho have car-
n d 'o"em time ~ can car~
~ . .mrs ~an be undertaken. 8y th'.t made ~md some of these
=, ~ we will be over the
peak in our serial bond debentures and a bri~tsr pietin. e, by far, should be In
store for
"To~rds this end v:e will try to Cive you our ~est in time an~ ability
~ with your continued co-o~tion and the support o~ our loyal and tr~st~orthy
clv~c e lPloyees, s~eiy ~othing c~n Prevent
tangible evidence of civic a~v~ncement. Nlagm. a Falls fro~ ~ing ~e~d with
"Once ~gain may i tMnk the Council and civic employees ~d the
lzsns as a whole for yo~. past loyal support and. good will for the future.
AD0~ION 0F IiiI~JTi~
The mY. hates o? the ~revlous ruesting, having been read and received, were
adopted on tile motion of Aid, A.F.Do~ld ~d Grimster,
The City Clerk certl~lsd as to the result of the Poll held on I)ec~bsr
T,~he,,,fol_~lov/ln~ Resolution'8 wer~: ~:
a~Xnted Oh.i~~-- R~L~O $hat Alde~n t'an~ ~nHld be aud is hereby
Finance O~ulttee of the Ol~y 0ouneil f~ ~he OtSy of
~n' ~J ~tor to'the a~ve motion, it wss moved by Ai~. A.F. Do~ld and scott
~ · ~' ~ f~vour of ~he ~poln~men~ o~ ~a, ~n~d, ~ . ~h~ he~ .
~:.. - ~
Car 2i ~ d
~{No. 3 - Ri~IS - X.F. DOI~'iD - RPZSOLV~gD that Idanets. F.H.Loslic and Clau'e
~~lay be and art hireby a]'~Ynted as marlbars of the To~'cn Biennial; Co:,~z~ssion fDF he
City of Niagara Fails, oct the years 1939, 1940 and 19~; and the 6cai of
potation bb hgreto affixed.
'~Ho, 4- T,jIit',LE - ~ - EESOL~,~D that Mr. 2~.Steui.:'t-jones be an-~ is k,-reby
~pointed as a member of the hb!~c Libr!iry ~' :d for the yours 1939, i9~ and 1941;
~,~sd the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
:;';! Ca rri u d
*,~o. 5 - SCO~ - ~E.~TER - R~0LVEi) that Llessrs. john Lo~n and C .... Dean
'are hereby appointed as neYlber~ of th~ Housing C~misslon of t]u~ City of
Falls for the years 1939 and 19.i0; ahd the Seat of the Corporation be hsr~t affix~d.
No. 5 - E;~IS - SCOTT - RESOL~D tMt the aopoinment of the ~.er.~bers of the aoard
of Review: for the year 1939 be laid over untkl a m~eting of the Conmfittee has been
held for the purpose of discussin~ the totter; and the 8eal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
No.-7 - lic;~NIl~H - A.F.~I~YiD - i~LFED tl~tt Alder~in G.l!.In~i~ be an:~ is her~by
appointed as a member of the CMmber of Commerce of the City of Niaga~'u Fulls for
the year 1939; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. 8 - INGLIS - G.~N~$~- I~SOLVED that AidaEgean T.N.Orimster be and is ~sreby
appointed as the represent~tive of the City Council on the~ Children's Aid Society
of the City of Niugaz'a Falls for the year 1939; and the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed.
No. 9 - Mc_AN~INCH - (~I~qT~R - RESOLVED that Alderman C.h .~';idale and the Atew~rend
~ir. Robert L. Dou~as be and are hereby nominalted as the representatives of the
City Co~cil upon the ~fothers' Alloysasses and Old Age Pensions heal Bo~rd in Nia-
~ra Falls for the year 1939; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Qa~?i ~
The following Oo.mraunications were presented:
No. 1 - His Worship Ma~or lianniwell - appointing representative on the Oom't of .
Revision. ORD-IICED on the motion o~ Ald. Inglis and A.F. Donald that the communicat-
ion be received and the appointment be accepted.
No. 2 - Rr, LC.Henderson - requesting reserved parking space on Queen Street.'
DkRED on the notion of Ald. Mctminsh and Grimstar that the coLu.~unication be rec-
eived and filed; and the City Engineer be instructed to present a report upon the
possibility of constructing a lnne at the rea~ of the Queen Street properties on
each side of the street, between 0nturto Avenue and Welland Avenue.
No. 3 - The Henass Club - requesting use of Swirmling Pool club-house in connection
with open-air rink. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Inglis and ~',idale that the
munication be received and referred to the Olty Clerk for his report.
No. 10 - L;c.~INOd - &~i~S7~ - i"~SOLFdD that the City Clerk be instructed to convey
to ~:r. O.E,Oex, ~AnaCer of the North ~lertc~n Cyan~id Company, the sincere i~ishcs
or the Co~cil and citizens of ]~la~ar~, F~lls for his spee~ recovery, by means of
a Jilt of flowers; that th~nks be e~tended for his excellent ~?ork in this City on
behalf o~ ~he eh~ t,:ren and young people; ~ad the Se~l of the Coiloration be lierote
Council ~dJourned on the motion of Ald. Scott and GoDo~mld, uz~til S.O0 p.m.
January 9, 19~9.
No. 1Z - 32~5L~S - Lic~.i~.~CY! ~ R~'SSOL~L~D th~_.t this ~ounc2: cu b2.:~
Csadi~n Corps f~ssoei~.tion fo~ the u~/pio3~a~nt oC the '.'~uth ,
Federal snd P2ov~neial ~o~'ef~l',yzlts he so :~ lvl cd thl',ildh ,~[~,
that they b~ a~ked for their su2po~-t of ti.~ pi~ll . il,=n iL i.
P~']ia"~ents this year; that th :nn:icipaliti~ s of t],~ F:3vjn
cities of th~ Dominio]~ be a, fvized of this actinn ;~n~ c 'f'.d %r
that copies also b~ sent so nile Canedinn Fe~erati~,n o~ ~=,~"cn',~
1,~yors' ~lssoci' tion for their consiieration; and the Seal of the C~f'~uratien
hereto affixed.
No. 13 - T,{i~E - J.i~i~D - ~dSjOLVED tn~t th=~ tb~nks of lhc,
tenderred to the [{evcrend Lit. k.~.'.jcissbach for ]-j s fi.n~ scrvi:,us
Age Pensions and li3thtc2a' Xllo::ul?'es ~ard during the past y.~ar; a~Id bh,, oc~l
the Corporation be here to a~fixed.
ell during th~ year 1939 be scLeduied to take place on each Lea day
and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
~,he _fol__t~._~_y-laW ;'~u s passed:
NO. 2721 - Aid. A.F.Donald - To appoint L~mh~rs of th~ Court sf ~cevision for the
0ity of Niagara Falls, Ont~irio, for the year 1939.
1st r,~ading- Ald. Scott an,] $.Don~Id.
2rid reading -Ald. O. Do~ld and A,F. Donsid.
Council Chorebet,
~nnuary 3, 1999.
The Council re-assembled at 2_00 p.n. for the purpose of continuinC with
the !~eneral business which t~d been placed before thei. All members of the 'Coun-
cil were present.
It was ordered on the notion of A!d. O.Donald and i~.~'.Donald th~:t bhe
name of ijilli,us Delauey be inserted in the By-la~, as the representative of tile
City Council.
3rd reading - Aid. Scott and Tuidale.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. T~,~idale and Scott.
The following Ropvrt,~ ~.d_sre received:
No. i - City Clerk - r.~ offer for purchase of b~llding by D. Strano. OR~D
the xaotl~h 0f ~ A.F.~ld ~d Scott tMt the report be received and ~opted.
No. 2 - City Clerk . re movinF of relief teneat by City T~ck. ~ED on the ..... ~~~ '
motion of ~d. ~cott and In lie thxt the re~rt be received and l~dd on the tab~ ..................
for further investigation by the Pos~ble new InVestigator of the Relief ~part-
meat. . Clerk
RF~D AND AiDPTi~9, ~anuary 9, 19.39.
h'tor to the above motion, it was me .
~"'~~ ' , ~._ ._ , . .: ' .
11:.~,~ 'P ~tion he hsz. e~o s~fl~d ~ lls fo~ the year
.C'f,',,' ~F::'j;b:j; .'. ,-.: '.:' ".'
Council Chamber,
January 5, 1939.
The Finance C~.fittee met on Tuesday, January ~, 1939, for the pur:.~se
of approvint: and also of p'assin{; the various accounts ;'fi~ich had been properly cert-
ified sad placed before them. .All members of the Comraittee were present.
Stmdry accounts were approved by the Gox:mLittee, a~unting to $23,555.81.
The accounts submitted, beir.'r passed or other, vise deal~: with, were ord-
cried placed in the ::ones by~law fo~.' presentation to the Council, on the motion of
Ald. Scott and A.F.Donuid.
The c~%munieation from the iliadare Frontier Hur~ne Society, requesting
aD incrcn~ed grant for 1939, ;7iAS presented. It was ordered on the notion of ~ld.
A.F. DonHld and ~.IcAninch that the co_~munication be received and referred to'the
Budget for consideration.
Th,, eorE~uniea.,tion fron the Niagara Frontier Humane Society, makin~ an
offer in lieu of ~: 5'ant, xvns presented. It v;as ordered on the motion of Ald. Lie
/mlnch and jjs .orship iisyor ihnniuell tb~t the communication be received and
referred to consideration r~ith the ~adget.
Ti~e report of the City Clerk, r~c~r~Aending the granting of a 5iscount
on all lice:Ices foc pro:':pt peynment, was pre-sented~ It ~ll, s ordered on the motion
of ,rid. Grimstor and Bxlminch that the report be received and adopted.
It ~':as orI~.ered on the notion of Ald. Inglis and A.F.Domild that the
City Clerk ~p into the matter off all licenses levied in t~ City of Niagara Falls,
~d re~rt thirteen to the Council.
Ti~u cor. parison of tax collections as of DeceIaber 31, 1938, was presented.
It ;~as ordered on the action of Ald. In~iis and His ilorship i,~yor Hanniwell that
this stl,.tvmeat bt, laid on the table until later in the meeting when the Financial
Statenrent is considered.
The report of the City Clerk, rec/~:mn.,en:lin~ the apeointment of ~.rs. Arkja-
son, as u tenporary visitor nt the Relief Pep rtment, was presented. It was ord-
ered ~n the matlos of Ald. Inglis and M~ni;mh ~at the report be received and
filed; ~d ~ m~itabie n~n be appointed ~o the position.
~le t,mtative Stateneat for the year 19~, and the 2e~rt of the Oity
Treasurer thereon, wa~ Presented. It was ordered on the notion of Ald. ingAs
and.His ,orship Mayor i~nxniwell that the staterelent and report be recei'ed and filed;
and t~.,t u~y surplus funds for the yea2 1938 be returned to the tax-payers in
the y-'~r 1959, by n¢ ::ns of n reduction in the mill rate, al~d that this amount be
not irereef erred to tbe Surplus Account as in previous years.
it wa:~ ordered on the notion of Ald. ~'ddale and A.F, Donald thst the
Comparison of ~x Collection, as of December Z1, 19~, be received and filed.
Ald. J.A.ilc,mlnch renuested that the City Clerk, Chairman of Finance,
an] the L~yor contact th¢ canors or property on Erie Avenue, to ascertain x~t
agr~emeu~s ~hey woul i be willing to enter into for the DaBreverent of this sec-
tion of the City. .
Th.~ report of the City Clerk, re the cost of Protection for team opsr-
ations, w~s Presontod. It was ordered on tile ~,~otion of Ald. l~c~mineh and Scott
that the report be received and filed.
Tee schedule showing; all lnsua'ances curried by the Corporation and
other Boards, was Presented, It ~'ms ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor
Hsnniv~ell and Ald. Grimetot ~hat the statement be received and l~id on the .table
until the nex~ meetJaR.
The statement of Relief figures, as of December 31, 1938, was Present-
ed. It was ordered en the motion of Ald. %~ddule-and-qeott that the report be
received und filed. -
" ['
The Co~nnittee adjourned on the L~otioa
january 9, 1.939.
~haj r: k~n ~17 Yi:]azcc
Jauuary :5, 1939.
The Council re-assembled at the close of th{? ?inancc L.<.etin!:. for the
purpose of assin,~ "
p _ the money By-law bhi ch covered the accounts upprovud by tke
Committee. All members of the Council were present.
_The f_ol_lowing 3y-law was passed:
No. 272~ -Ald. Grant Donald - To Gr~mt l~onies for General ?is'poses.
let readinF= -Ald. Grimetot and Scott.
· 2nd readin~ - :',ld. I~g!is and G.Donald.
3rd reading- Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimster.
........ RESOLUTIONS ...............
The fol, lov~in~ Re so_luti_ons wer:a paceS.d:
No. 15 - T!~ID'~LE - Mcf~Nii{GH - RESOLVED that the City i,]nginoer be instructed to
get in touch with Lh'. O.E.Katu~eyer, ~neral 1,1anager of tkc Nia{lara Pa:'ks Oo~ais-
sion, upon the mutter of the condition of t~ sidewalk along the east side of
River Road; and tlmt if no action is taken upon the request of the City; it be
presented to the Hencurable Mr. W.L.Houck, M.L.A., asking for his assist~nce;
~d the Seal of the Corporation be hereto sffixed.
No. 15 - ~{I1~ ~Mof~GH - ~]~L~D that the ~'emier of 0nt~rio be requested
to give consideration ~o the placing o~ a 'member of the City Council of iliaguru
~lls on the Niagara Purks Oof~ission; and the Se~l of the Go~oration be hereto
No. 17 - Lc~Zjll;Cii - I(LZjT-R - RESOLY'ZD that a suitable date be arn~nged as
as possibl.~ for the ~aeeti]~ of the 9ouncils of Niagara Falls~ New York and Nia-
gara Falls, Ontario, for '~he discussion of the ~mtter of the erection of a new
bridge at ~his point; and at which meeting the Solicitors for bo~h Councils be
requeqted to attend; ~d the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
The Council adjourned on the F, otion of Ald. T~&d~le and A.F. Donald.
january 9, 1939.
-. L'~iyor
Council Charibm21',
January 3, 1939.
The Cou;~eil re-asserl~led at the close of the regular Council and
ance rmetinUs, as a Conference ~r the dis~ssion of various matters placed bef-
ore them. i~l members of the Council were pres~nt,
The Conference then adjourned.
READ ~d~D ADOF~D, January 9, 1939,
Laid ow~:. fro~! Dr,!vio:~s
NO. 3 - TL~O :[2:'~:~es Club - rcquestin~ use of Or?f~.~iI~f: ~bol n]ub-h-~:,. ~n ~onu ,,~._
ion ~dth open-air !'i]~. OE~[)LD on the ~otion oi'-'.li. ?,idai~. hn' 'Z..~ .......
the coI~iunication 0e receiv,r~ and the: rfequ:-f.t bc Cr;:ntnd, 2rcvrn.!:::~' t}. j!'ab
gu~antce their responsibility for any da~ge conremitted durjn.- their occupancy
the building. ,
The followin~ Colamunicatious wel'c r~ceive~:
No. 4 - Uar De~{trn~nt~ l~n~iineer Office - notl~e o~ public hearfib- re
No. 5 - V]Lr DeF~r~:.Lnt, English-or Office - notice of postponer~,.~:.t ~f uhc ,?,.-
01{~{ED on the motinn o~ :-ld. G.Z~nald~n~] ?-id~,,ie th'.t th,~ co:- u i~utl, :.s
received and filed; and theft :h~m the date for the: Learin~ is set, as ninny of tile
Council as possible and the City Engineer attend the s~ae.
No. 6 - Unemplo?~ent ~{eiief Jranch _ re classification of e~:lployabi;,, an 1
Ployable persons os relief. OR)~ED on the motion of Ald. Scott and O. Domiid
, that the conmzunication be received and filed.
No. 7 - Ontario Munici~,~Ajsociu~ion _ notifie::tion that resolutions to be p es-
ented to i~n. i'ie Cross. ORD~¢D o~ th~ notion of Ald. Z~.idale and Grir~stcf
that the c~lnnaication be received and filed; and iiis b'or:~ip 1. layer ~nniwell be
requested to spe~ to the resolutions if necessary, ~vhen the ~me arc presented.
No. 8 - :~o-Electric Corm:fission _ reco~mmndi L~ remuneration for ~ard members.
~ED on the motion of Aid. A.l".Donald and Scott that the conmunlc~tion be rec-
eived and authority for the pa~aent of the ~:~ounts mentioned be given.
No. 9 - ~ff~ Parks C~;mission _ re'remo~dl of snowy frm River Road sidewttlk.
0R~ED on the ~a~tioXV' '
eived'and filed. of Ald. ~cott and ~vidale t}mt tt~e oof~mmnication be roe-,
lO - W.L.;~[~ . aPpr~ciation of ap~oin~a~-nt to Court of Revision.
D on the tootic
- n of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott that the cormmunication be rec-
eived and filed.
No. ll - Claude A.Findl~ _ aopreciation of appointrecur to Town PlaAuing
ORDEREl) on the motion of Ald. Gr~ster and G. Donald that the c~mnunication
be received and filed.
N0.12 -~. ~f~nces A.Cole . rmkin
.......... ~appll~tlon for,~sition on Board of Eeview.
~D~ on the motion of Ald. ~vidal nnd Grimster tMt the conmn~catlon b~ rec-
eived and filed; and the ap'olicnnt be advised that the ~rd has alrea~ been,re.
a~ointed. ' '
N0. 13 - O~nadiaD Co~I~ Association . wlllin~ess to co-operate durix~ Royal
Vi~. ORD~ED on the motion of Ald. Scott ~nd O.~nald that the communication
be reeeived and laid on the table until a c~lttee is appointed, an~ a letter
°~-i~PPreetation be for~mrded to ~he Corps for their offer of co-operation.
He, 15 - C.ity.~_l_e_rk,. ~.tr_i'-'tfcrd - r~solution protesting against cluinge in regul-
ations re transport of goads is bond thr.mFh Canad;~.
i;O. 16 - Canadian ~rothsrhood of ~{ailv;a_Z_jZmp~.o.Y~s
No. 1~ - International Brotherhood of Boiler },~akers, Iron Ship ~uilders, .elders
~ i~slpers
He. i,P, - ik'~th!:rhoo:] of ~o3::otive Zn~'ineers
No. 19 - jrctherhood of Loco:lotive fir .:sen
l~.>. 20 - Jfctha~hood of Hailr~aZ Gamin of
i~o. 21 - T;ade3 and Labcur Council - protesting' a{'ainst any chHnffe in re~uiations.
6i(DZ.{ZD on the ::~otion 3C .'~ld. G. Donuld and ~LF.Do~ld that the communications be
~ceivqd and filed; and the Resolution of the City of Stratford be endorsed.
I~o. 22 - ljiuiiu~_u_ja.lls ~-aHJ..;sslvc U.:he_.'~o]!~ Lssoci!~tion - prescnMn~ rcsoiutions
for considc2~tion. OXDK{~TD on the notion of Ald. Grim':t=~r and ~ id&l~ that the
r.que~t fur the apporpTiaticu br Christm~s Ohecr in the 1939 BudCot be r.~rerred
f~'r con~i~,~rati,',n ',t the L~u~,t ccnf,~r~nce. FU:JL~( 0R'E~ on the motion of Ald.
Yn~ri~ s and ~cQtt t~t ~he ~mcond and thim=. presentations be I'e[Ld alld the second
2esolution of the ;~ssoei.~'ion ~ dealt'~':ith. ~(Ti~ 0dD~{ZD on the motion of
;~I~. 2nf'lis and ;~.Y.~ona!d that the request for open c~lpetitiou to be pel~itted
v~hen v,i~nci.m occur in the civic staffs be referred for consideration at a con-.
f,~/'~'nce; an~] tht~t the r~que-~' for tb,~ ra~c~ndin.- of the Resolution of Council
endorsin~ the Cardinn Corps As~oci~tion plan for youth training. be f~ led.
Prior to the above last motion, Ald. Grimster presented a statement in
which h~, su,~.',,?ted tbj; the cndcrsntion of the Cabdiem Corps associ~ticn plan
b.~ r.'~ cinded, and offered an alternative in various works progr~es to take place
of such plan.
No. 2:~. - l:i~ D~ra Falls iTogr~ssive Unamp_!_oZed As. st~ciation - requesting ~naission
t~ hold ta.~ ~y. O~i~ED on th~ :lotion of ~d. '~'i~ster and G. Domdd that the
co~mni~tion be received Hnd pensission for the tag ~y on FebrUary ~Sth be
grant ed.
No. L4 - lbard of Police CoL~issioner__s - presenting list of men on Police Force
absent due to lilne ~s in 19M8. 0JDF~I~ZD on the. motion Of Ald. Twidale and Scott
that the cormcunicution be r~;ceived and filed.
No. 5 - City Clerk - re use o~ b~;i,mnin~ Pool.club-house by lierues Club. 0RDE~ED
on ~hb mellon of Ald. ~ddale and Grlms~8~ ~h~ %he repor~ be received and
No. 4 - ~iry ~3~.ector - re'q3rt for month of December. ORD~ED on the motion of
Ald. G.~mld and Grlms~er thet the report be received ~nd filed.
No. ~ - G~ty Clerk - r~mo~aendlng protest against sug~ested increase in ~soli~
tex, ~D~D on the motion of Ald. Grlmstcr and T,'fidule thnt the report be rec-
eived, and adop' ed; sad that the ~ver~qe~t be reque ~ted to refund at least one
cent of the present t~x to the municipality ~or the min~enance of local higlnvays,
~. 6 - City Clerk - re appoin~ent of tem~rary employee at Relief Department.
O,{D~ED on the ~o~ion or .~d. ~ddale ~d In~is that the report be received and
accepted. (Ald, Orlmster asked to be r~corded as being contrary to the above
· No, ? - ~rk~upertn%enden% . rec~endln~ removal of ~ree a~ 8~6 ~ple S~ree%,
O~{~{ED on %he mellon ~ ;~, ~lms~e~ and A,F,Donald ~hu% %he re~r% be received
No, 8 - ~sessaen~ C~iasloner - a~l repor~ fop Fear 19~, ORD~D on %he
motion of Aid. Scott and ~vtd~e t~t'the '~eport be received and ~ld on the teble,
ere.for Jhnior ~ntario :. k,~
~ i ~h~;pi~ns. Oi:~%~[iD ~n t~e :,.,t~ ~..~f ,.id. ~cott
and G. Donald that the petition be recelv{~d and the ~nount be 6ranted.
No. 18- 3.DOI:.ID ..... ~ ~=', ~-'~ .
- ~ u.. - ~u~ that tl ~ 3~al'd cf ,%,::;ti"'
...... :~:'v{ a
!93S b~ re--uppointed for the Zear 19Z9, nzlc,' ',h . ;~'.o canditSms ~s
and the Seal of the Coz'porntion be hereto af?i>:ed.
l~o. 19 - T..L~i y' il, iei~' _ ki~OLVZ%) tMt a v:~t:~ of :h=~s:n ~::~ , xtcr.~{==} to th.
~iwanis Club of i[iaff:'a ]"allB far th~,ir h'~soi~Ll~t,: in hav~n.--:: :-; .i , ',. ~t:
the Counci]. at Mneheon on Friduy, january hth; ~nd the 6c~:i of i;[~ Oar ~ar=
be hereto affixed.
No. :1~3 - ti. DOi~LD - SdS.bU~i~ -
~o into th~z !fat
......... _ icy ' cz:,~ id~,f" jr:'. ?h,':i'.;.' ....
, ....
report thereon
~Id. iLDonald rprLu,mt that the City C].~:rk ~'!~]'ort :~n~ th!, possibility
of rmkin:- rrlS:iations L'hieh wsu]~ requir{~ th%t the hedicn! O.~fice? o? hc.t!],th ap--
prove of all indigent adr~is2ions to the n~ospit~l before .'~uch adnissions are muds.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Scott end Grimster.
R'~D ..i~D ADO/~2ED Janu~'.ry 16, 1939.
· ' ' ~iayor
.................... FINANOE MEETING ....................
Council Chamber,
~anuary 9, 19~9.
' = The Fineuxce Ommittee met on Monday, ~anuary g, 1939, for the purpose
~ =of approving and also of passing the various accounts v~hich had been ~gpurly
.Certified and placed bufore them, ~1 me~ers.of the O~ittee, with the excep-
ties of Ald. rlc~Ininch, were prezent.
Sundry accounts were approved by the Corm~ittee, amounting to ~27,356.98.
The ac~.ounts submitted, being passed or other. lse dealt ~;itil, were ord- I
er.~d pi,-~ccd in the ~ney 3y-lay: for presentation to the Council, on the motion of
His Worship/,~yor Hanniwsll and fdd. A.F.Donald.
Ti~o schedule of ,:11 insurances carried by the Corporation, which had
been lni4 over frori the previ ~us meeting, was presented. It v:as ordered on the
motiou of Ald. in?lie snd T...~idale that the state~'ment be received and riled.
The report of the City Engineer, reco~maending an endearour to improve
the nppe~rnnce of the City :i, ll, ~Jas presented. It was ordered on the motion of
Ald..\.Y.Donald and His ~.orship Lmyor Hanniwell that the report be received skid
.~ su~.~wy of licenses levied by th!~' City, showin~ th. cost and discount
for prompt.pa,~ent, ~'Jas presented. It was ordered on the motion of kld. Inglis
and Grtmster that the stmmla~y be received and laid on the table for one week.
The cenl:nunlc~tion from the tiespiral for Sick Child]~en, upon the con-
dition of Yr,a.~Y. Dscicco, was p:'esented. It was ordered on the motion of Ydd.
T..id:~l~! and Scott th,t the c'~rmunic~tion be r,.ceived ~nd filed; and the Govern~
sent be approached in an effort to have the maintenance of this child charged
vdth patients in Tuberculosis Sanitoria.
The co~mnication from L~ssrs. L:ortimer-Bampfield & Coo, re teams lia-
bili~j insa "!nee, ~,:s~ presented. It was ordered on the riotion of Ald. Scott and
Gritaster that the comunic~tion be received and filed.
The comsaunlcatton frown the 01d Age Pensions and lionhers' Y~llowances
Local Board, requesting rmuneration for their work, ~de presented. It was ord-
er,~d on the notion of Ald. In~iis and A.F. Donald that the coF~aunication be rec-
eived and referred to tile Budget conference for consideration.
The co~.lunicutien fri~+~ the Board of Police Co~mlissioners, submitting
the ~udget for 1939, was presented. It vms orde~d on the mot Lon or Ald. A.F.
Dosed and Scott th't the c~n:aunicution be received and referred for consider-
~tlo~ t~t the Budge~ meeting.
Oo~nunic~tion~ from the Loyal Order of Lioose, the Niagara FallsKiltie
'Bank an~ the C~nadian N~timlel institute rot the Blind~ reuqesting grants for
19~9, were presented. It wee ordered on the motion of Ald. (~imster and AoF.Don-
ald that the connunications be received and referred to the BUdget meeting for
consideration. ~
The Conmtittee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott and His ~orship Mayor Han-
RI~'~D idqD A,]01~ED, January 16, 1939.
Ohaixmn of Fihance
Co;m ~i ] C!;a:,:~ .?r,
The Council re-asse:b~:led st th.~. close uf tL~ Finanv~ etin-, for the
purpose of passing the If~gney by_la~.~ uhich cowered the i cc,~:~::tl~ r.p'r,~v!d :~i.' the
Committee, and For the passin,~ of other F~y-lLus. All mer:lbers o:' tile
with the exception of Ald, k~ffu~inch, were present.
BY-L.'ff, S
The followin~
- i~ld. G.Donald - To Grant i.ionies for General ha'poses.
1st re~ding -Ald. Greasier anti i.F. Donald.
~nd rea~ng -Ald, Scott and Grins, ter.
3rd reading - ~ld. T~',.idale and A.F. Do~Zd.
of Milk vendors a e~d y~_a',.No. lo~o, 'To r~Eulat,- the Liecnz;inj
' "P- . sale and the suie of milk and
cro~ within the City of Niagara Falls'.
1st r~ading - Ydd. A,Y. Donald and Grimster.
2nd rea~ing - ~ld. T~ddale and A.F. Domld.
5rd reading - Aid. ?vidale and Inglis.
1.1o.JyZp,. Ald. ~.Donald - To t~end By-law No. 2692, 'To re~iate, supervise and
register coinsoperated vendlag machines'
1st readin[~ -Ald. Z~,idale an i Scott.
2rid readi~] -Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimster.
3rd reading -Ald, Scott ~nd Grimster.
No. 2726 -Al~. G. Donald- To ~mb~nd By-l~ No, ~9, 'To provi~]e for the licens-
ing and re~iating of Plm~bers and for the apL~intment of an Ex~iln-
ing Board~
1st reading - Aid. A.F.Donuld and Srimster.
2nd reading . Aid. Scott and T, idale.
3rd reading- Ald. ~k';idale and C~'hnster.
.The Council adjourned on the motion of :%ld. Scott and T~:idale.
READ AND ADOPTED, January 16, 1939.
Council Chamber,
january 9, 1939.
The Council re-~s:; E:bled as a Conference, at the close of the regular
Council and Fi:~nce meetings, for the pureose of discussLag v~;rious matters which
had b.~en plazed before them. ~'dl me~bers of the Cornrail, with th~ exception of
,~d. Lb~ntnch, were present.
~ft~r disossion upon tile ~utters~ the Council adjourned.
REaD ~d~)) AD0izTED, jauuury 16, 1939.
The City Council a-: erabled at 7.C0 p.zl, ~o2
confdrence v:ith menbeta Df tL: ljia~D~r~i Falls'Girl2
iconbern of the Council, '..ith the ex2cptien oC .Lid. l-c.
Civic elnployues u'cre feprcs,~nted by :ailliura Crah~l, Sidney
W.Z.l.l~im'ray and E.P. Scott.
Lh'. ~j.C, raham,;vas the chief spokesman aad pre;~ nte~ t".'.: reouzst of the
CiVic ~ployees for the restoration of th. ir :;allxries to the i971 L vsl, ':,m~. the
pay~ent for over-time at the ra~e of tires and one half, inciudin[ Sundays and hob..
i,lr. S.Raven spok~, for the Parks and Cc~mt.,ry employees anti z ;]:f;d the
s~ae consideration, also th!:t this )2p:~.rt.m~n~t be return.~d to a n:.'~ic-ho.l? flaY.
was also requested that James Brown, a gardener, be raised to tkc 2~:ue houa'i.'
rate as that received by Z. otrange.
hr. E.P.ocott spoke for the jtrcet Eaintcnancc D'~"art:.bvlt, and
the s~le consideration; also that th.3i2 organization be -.ec~Cniz.~d by the Coun?ii,
~d if v;or~.mn do not belong to t~m or~nization, tb~t they be not tr. ~.t~-d .~ith
the nerobets. He also asked t!mt th~~ rate of S.Ff;rro be raised to that of a. City
foreman. It r~as also requer:ted that in cases o~ overtime, t~t the I;[embe:s of the
org~ization be given preference over the ~n-Iaembers,
Mr. Ourliar spoke for the .jaterv~orks Department an.] as~ccd tL,.
ision of salaries us requested by the oth~r deD. ctncnt z. l.[z. Duriiat also asked
for himself and }h'. Farebrother, one. y s holiday per ~veeko du '
kr. l'aham stated ha had receive~ letters from C.?{i~!!.s, .~ho re,;usa'ted
that his salary bc adjusted fr~ $1;D0.O0 to ~13~.00, and th:~t he be relieved of
the doG-catching in 1959; and also fr~ G.Do..ming ~,h:~ requested a ~ary increa~:e
to ~1400.00. Air. l~ahs~, spe~ing on behalf of the ~rbagc ~partment, asked for
the s~ae consideration as the other Departments.
A~r. b.J:Mcidurray also spoke for the Soy;or Departm~nt, making a similar
request, and pointing out their their work was often dangerous.
His ;Yorehip llayor i~nniwell asked the representatives what their viev, s
would be upon the ap~in~ent of a spare ~ran to do extra work. ~'. Crab~ 5toted
that he, personally, wo~d be in favou~ of such a plan. ~r. Gcott stated that he
felt the elployees would be agreeable to such ~ appointcent.
The Conference then adjourned.
READ AND AiLPTED, January 23, 1959.
Council Cha!:lber,
January 16, 1939.
Purzuant to cdjounmont, the Council me, t at ?.,~0 p.xr. to consider genl;r-
al easiness and Yim.':ce. ill neebern of the Council, :.ith the exception of
~.i.ninch, were present. ~t.e Council, havinU received and read the n:iautes of the
Fevious meeting, adopted the;so on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott.
DEjiZN ~ .....
It was or,ier,~d on the notion of Ald. T,.;id~le and Scott that the des-
l~ns which had been submitted in comFtltion for the new city crest be opened and
i~tialled by ]~s ,orship L~yor Ha~iv~oll.
~E also x~pprt No. 10.
.T!!~, foil.cuing Co::;~unic~tions :;ere received:
No. 25 - lut Ni~a~ra Falls Hover Crew - appreciation of assistance in reoair of
Christmas toys. 0RD~.~D on the motion of Ald, A,F, Donald and inglis tha~ the
comn:unicetion be received and filed.
No. 26 - A. Steuart-Jones . appreciation of appointment to Public Library Board.
(RD-']~ED on the ~otion of Ald. ~':idele and Grimster that the communication be rec-
eived and filed.
No. :17 - Canadian LeF:ion Branch No. 51 - enclosing letter re arrangements for
Royal Visit. 0HD,~RED on tile motion of Ald. Inglis sod Scott tht, t the coramunic-
ntlon be received ,and referred for consideration ¥hen the c~m',aittee is function-
No. 28 - Provincial Secretury. enclosing particulars and itinary for Royal
No. 29 - Provincial Secretary - additional i:ffo~mt ion re above. ORD',E~ED on the
motion of :kld. ~Agiis and T~ i j!:le th:~t the ccennunications be received and ref-
erred to the Conmittee for attention.
be received and the resolution be endorsed.
SEE also Rpsoiution No. 21.
No. 30 - intt!nmt~nal Association of ~:achi~lsts _ Protesting against revision of
regulations r,, transport of' :~aoriccn goods in bond through Canada. ORili~ED on
the :lotion of Ald. Scott end G. Doxmld that the communication be received and
No. 31 - C_ity Clerk, Sarais _ ~ssolution Protesting against increase in gasoline
t~.~. 0~DE~ED on t~ notion of Ald. G. Donald and ~','idale that the conmmnication
salaries. 0?.Djr. XD o:'. +k? :: ~t: :~n of .~ld. ]ri::.:',' '~ an: ~.~tt
atioll be re~eivcd an~ raft:fred for coIlsifierlttirll '...k~n tile
No, 36 - C.L,:Ae. Si]livray - r:: u,:!! of S',:!x:mi,:,- ~.,,a~ cl',:b-i.~u-,
O:~LE.~ED oll the! ...ot]'.on of ~ld. Scott alld O. Donuid that
sired and filed.
Laid eve2 fro:.: ~revicus ::~ eti i~;_
in{; ilep:,,_.t,; :.ere :, cciv 'd:
No. 10 - City Sl:.rl: .- "cca::..:,n]j:~. c,~r~dt'cc of
.-r,'nt. 0.lj2fiED on the i.otion of :~ld. T.;idulo and Scott
eived and adopted.
No, 11 - C!~'' Gl..:'k - re; a~'tiqn tak:!n at eon~ renc~z '~.n jau::~ "C~:., ~'-.~-~. L: :.::
the ~:,otion uP ~kld. g. Donald and ~;idale tha~ ~le report bc rt~ceived ~n~' jii ed.
No. 12 - p_lt7 C1 !~'l<_ - :'e l:ospit:~l~:aL:tion of in-~i,l,:,.t o',ti~:nt,. ~L.iY?,Z]2 .so the
motion of ~d. ~n~:;iis and ~cott theft th~ report b~ :~:ceiv~ .~ an ~ a b~t~ d.
i{o. 13 - 3ity Sick .. l.,!co.,$~n~ini~ ":(; .n"'. ,: c" l'o:..dl.i;:- ~r: Z:,.~ ] jt:":x!t. u.[.~--
i~'.iED on the motion of ,~ld. Scott and Tuidale that the report be, ruceivud ~tnd ;ld.-
No. 14 - Nia~u'a ]?:' ~nti,:;- :i,~k,nc; 3peiet~ - resort fo:r month qf Dac~*~b,r. 0:. ,iLCi~
on the rstion of Ald. ~,-id~le and ~imstor thZtt the report be received unJ Tiled.
I~. 15 - Git~' Clark - enclosing report re l,..Christonh,~r on 'eli,,f. Oa~.~LD on
the motion of ~d. loglie and Scott that th~ re,oft'be r~,ccived and !old on the
table~ tMt the f~ily be gl~,en one vzeek in which to produce the infona~tion and
documents already requested.
No. 16 - City Clerk - enclosing report re candidates at rdcent eloctlon, ou rol-
ler. OXDE:IED on the motion of .'ld. Inglis and Scott tb t the resort be received
and laid on the table for one ~eek. '
The following alesolutions v;ere passed:
No. 21 - INGLIS - T-i~'.LE - RESOLVED tliut all reel,Abets of the City CouncJ ~, tog-
ether with Lh'. A.B. Dsmude, ~i.P., and the ~nourable ~aL.iiouck, ~.L.A., as ex-off-
icio members, be the committee In charge of all arrsngoxxents in coxmection '..ith
the visit of ~eir'~Jesties, King ~orve VIand queen Elizabeth to Niag~'a Fulls
on June ?th; and ~he ~eal of the Cor~tion be hereto affixed.
No, 22 - A,F,~LD - ~OTT - t~OL~D that the City Clerk be instructed to
municate ~ith the City of Peterborough to obtain all lnfon~ation available in con-
nection with the hosoitalization of indigent patients~ and the duties of the ~ied-.
ical Officer of Health; and the'Seal of the Ourpotation be hereto allied.
' Oarried
No. 23 - ~GLIS -'G.~I~D - t~SOL~D that the City Engineer be instructed to par-
.chase ~nd for the sanding of the city s~reets in the open ~rket, providing the
sine ~pplied meets with the specifications 'of the Engineer and that the price
not ~eator than that at prrsent being supplied by tender; ~d the Seal of the Our-
potation be hereto affixed.
;::: . ; Ib. 32 - His ,/orship Mayor Hanniuell _ re ~ct-ion taken at meetin of 0
· :~. f ' o. 33- ~lagara Falls _~essive Unemployed, Association . su~itting 'rLquests
2~'~., ' or consideration with 19Z9 Budget. ~D~D
~"~: Ing~s that the e~unication be received ~ on the rotion of Ald. Gr~ster and
~;~ ~ · the ~dget is Prepared, to see what can be d refer~d for consideration when
, , , ,.. -
"~.., .I,~ '~-:,~::~~.,~i~~he way of ~ P~og~e of wo~k~ fo~ ~ ' ~ ~r~ the MInister of
[':~ ~[~o '.' ' . o, ~ - ~lagara Fulls ~rtie~u~l. ~ ~e :' ~ ~''
,: '~i ~' ,: ' ~0 35 ~ :::' ~:"-' ,~ ....... :'-, g S p~epa~d"
........ . ' "~" ~ ~:'~'~ "~-~ ' ~L~~''~7''~' '~':'~:~'L;.:: .t: ':.~ . :"~:.L~ ~;. ,
Council adjourned on the :x'~ion of .~d. A,F.Donald and Orimster.
ii-~,j .did ,j~PTED, January 25, 1959.
G 3uric il Chhnb,' r,
January 16, 1939.
~.~c Fim~nce Co:m~ittee rm.t on Lbnduy, January 16, 1939, for the
of ~pprovin~' and aims of passing the various accounts uhich had be,~n properly
certi'~icd ~m4 ph. cod be~'e the ~1 members of the Oo~ittee, with the exce~t-
i on of Ald. l.;c~ninch,. were present.
Sundry accounts we ce approved by the Co,~aittee, amountin[ to ~30,86i.
n ~ccu xnt,; suhli tte~i, being passed or othenvise dealt with, v:er~
d~,r rd placed in the x:oney by-law for presentation to the Council, on the tactlos
of Ald. ~bF.Donald and G~'imstl;r.
?n.~ :;m~iry o~ iicences levi,~d in the City of Nia!F. ra Falls, which hLd
be,!n laid over f~Dm the pr~vi lus n~eting, was presented. It was ordered on
's3tion oF Ald. In~_lis ~nd Scott that the City Clerk and Chaimmn of Finance be a
coFnittee to go into this matter and report thereon to the Council.
The co,.~lunication frc~ ~h!~ Erie Avenue Gospel ?qission, reque stinC u
donation of coal, was presented. it uas ordered on the notion of His ,,ore.hip
iLy~r l'Hnniuell and Ald. Scott that the coF~sunication be received and referred
for consideration when the Bud~c~ is prepar. ed.
The I;~n,~unlcation from the Chief of Police, and the report of the City
Gl,~rk, rece:rmmnding,~ the payment or a reward for infonnation l!~ading to the ar-
rest of a person turning in false fire ulalmm, were presented. It was G'dcred
en the notion or Ald, Scott and ~D,,,'i,~ale th~'t the conmlunicetion and r.eport be
received and the rsccmmendat ion be adopted.
The communicatilm fr~ H.J. Brovm, and the report of the City Clerk,
upon the payment of taxes in tile year 1929, ware presented. It was ordered on
the motion of fdd. ~vid~le ~d l~s Worship B~yor 2~mdwell that the c~aunication
and repbPt be received ~nd= the report be adopted.
The re~rt of the City Clerk, as to the receipt foxes for tax arrears
pa~ents, was pressmeted. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Inglis
~ut the repor~ be received and adopted." · ' .
The o~parative stateme~t of reltef'expen~tures for the month of Dec-
ember, 19~, wee presented. I~ was'ordered on 'the motion of Ald. Scott and
Gramtot that the st~tement be r~ceived and ftled~
~he co;~.:lu'lia: tiDll fr
motion of .'~l~. Zn..:li.' Lr,= 'f i ':-l,:. t?:::! tL,: ~j:_:unir::ti ;:k b,j l'CCOiVStt [llld refer'-
red for consideration when th,~ 1939 ~dget is
The Co:u;ittee ~djourned on the motion o? Aid....i.uanald and :iis ..D2shiF Layer
2~um~ iwe 1i.
Ri~D ,L[~D .~D~i~]]D, Januury 23, 1939.
Go[lncj t Churlher,
janua.uy 16, 19~9.
T! e
~ Council re--ass~bled ut the close of the Fin::nee i,lceti ng, t'or the,
purpose of* passing] tti{~ ::oney ~y-luu uhich movered tii~ ~::ounta apDroved by the Com-
mittee. All members of the Council, with the exception of .'~d. iic.minch, were
pl' e 88 ~ t,
The followin~ ~y~law was ~.ass2d:
~N_o:t27__.27- Aid. O.~nald - To Grant },ionlos for ~neral ~rposes.
let reading- Ald. Twi~le and ~'imstcr.
:7nd readinG _ ~dd. A.F.Donal~ and Scott.
3rd reading - ald. Or~mter and ~ddale.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. ~idate and Scott.
READ ;[ND ADOPTED, January B3, 1939.
FO'b%TH LiL~Tiij__G
0cueoil Chan;ber,
Januury 23, 1939.
i:ursuant t:> ~.]Jourlr:ent, tile Council m~!t at 7.30 p.m. to consiler Ocn-
er!.l ~s~ncus and .,'inane,;. .all i.u~:~b;~r~: 9f th,~ Ccunc~l ::ere p?csent. The Coun-
cil, hayin' z~!cclved ~I:'~ r',~d th!! minutes of the previous meeting, adopted tiless
on the motion of ;rid. Scott and Grimster.
on the :Dtion of .~ld. TnLlis and A.F.Do,~dd, L.r.F.C..,ard, Secretary
of the 0haLlb~;r of Comm.~rce, has presented to address tile Council.
h-. ..~fsd advi!!~d the Council., briefly, the proposed activities of the
C.'~c'~',r Co:' th,~ u~inr' y ';tr, end '~' ]red that the Council siva con~ aleration to
making the increase of ~250.00 in the.~mount of the ~'ant for the year 1939.
", follouin;i Cs:~aunic~tian: '.ere received:
i~O. [~7 - as'; jc'~uts' .,zzoci' tion offering services during y Vi~it. OrlD-
fiClD ,m the r:oti~n "~ 'de. Twidale and A.F.bonald that the eo:z~u~cution be rec-
eiv.:d and ..ith thunk; nr, th- Cymcil, ~nd referred to the Comx~ttee in charge of
thc urrangcment s for the Visit.
i~. ?,9 - ,~.J.~:ud~b, h.P. - re Fedseal Govorn.,lont i'~blic"i~orks ProCry:me. 0~(D~
i~SD n. ;;he notion of .:ld. Lic,~ninch and Scott that the conmunication be received
mid filed.
i'b. 39 - Lake Sun=riot Cont;'uctin,~ c~ Developinlqo. . re~'uestin,~ 3ill to legal-
sw~upst, d~ ~. 0.~ ,Kl.~D on ~ne :.:otion o~ Aid. L[cAninch and T.:idal~ th~.t the
c.~z:unim~tion be received and laid on the table for one week, and tMt copies
of the cormnunication be fonmrded to the members of the ~uncil.
I;o. -i0 - ~.it[9~crk_.~4trutford _ resolntion r,~qucsting '3ov'~rm~mnts to assera
cost of relief. 0~D~(RD on the :~otion o~ Al,l. O.~id and Scott that the cola-
munie~tiox: b,, received mul th.- resolution b,' enderred; ~.] the City of Stn:tford
be r~ qu::ted to add a rider to the n~cm, askin:- thht all municipalities circular-
lze their citizens to endorse a petition nu~inG such request.
No. 41 -0static i.hniciDul ,~ssociation- notice of presentation of resolutions.
~.n{ED o[t~,j~~%U~nd A.F. Donuld th',t the co~maunication be
received and filed.
No. 4;~ - Child?,n's .rid So.c~cty . invitation to banqu~,t in henour 'of t~Zr. ~E. Jo'nes.
Oa;Yi(ZD on the action of Ald. i'in:~tnr an4 G. Donuld that the c~ication be
received ned filed; ~nd as ~m~ny of the Council as possible attend the function.
No. 4Z - The ~lvution 7m.xy - requesting financial ~ssi stance. 'ORD~ED'bn the
motion of~ld.~.Donsld and Scott tb,t the co~aunication be received and ref-
erred to the Budget meeting for consideration.
~. 44 - Nia/;,~u ~hlls. Alusic Festival Association . requesting' financial assist-
a~ce. ~D~D on the motion of Ald. Scott and ~lmster t~t the c~unication
be received and referred to.the Budget meeting'for consideration~
'~,,~7~... . (' 'j '~ ' ~f"
.... · ~,, ..... .; . .....
~o. ~? - ~ql.~]~:~ .~e selection o~d~awin 'ro~ amy Oity ~'es~. O~D on the
r, lotion of aid. ~.idale and Scott that the report be, rccc i '!i ,.n.! a "-t d.
No. 18 - Chiuf Constahl~ - :mnual report 'br :,,n:~r LD~, Cx"]...~jD
Ald. l'imster and alcott that the report be received and filed.
i~. 19 - i'ire Chief - annual reSo:.t %r yev: 19~8. O. CZ.;,%) on the :.;dtla:n ~;f _.i d.
Grimetot and Scott thut the report be receiw~d aBd filed.
]XED on the motion of .~Id, jrS::?tcr ~n;~ Zn-iiz th:~t th~ r~w,:
l:~id on the table 'or con?i;:e],:,~-icn n~t a fu::u '. Z:~t,~; all,,
vised of any future developzxents in connection uith this matt~r.
The feller;in4 Resolutions b6~re ]0eased:
Ko. 24- T.~D.~- jJ~Y2- REGOLVSD that th~ thanlos uni:.]-,i,~. ciu'
Council be ,~xten,fj,~%~he ju~Ees who acted in t},, ';,'lecti'u, ,'.,
ing for a new City crest; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. C5 - T.I]~E - g. DOl-,,iD - REJOL'LED timt tkt~ .]ity G!t'.S/b
musicate with tile ~ner,il LMnu'~er of the hiag, u'a Parks Cox,mis?io:q re-u, .-ti .' a
reply to the several ],ettf'fs Forwarded, und action n'os t_, :artere contained
therein; and the Seal of the Corporation be irarote affixed.
No. :~S - T=.XI-,L2~ _ :loLlS21( - ~OLVZD that thu appr,,cic.,ti~n o~' th,, Uit;,' Csu::ci i
be extended to :.lderm:tn Grant Dollill:l, tlae :,;e:ab,~r:~ of tile va~'!vus City :i ffs,
persons on relief and the };,~rth j~erican Cyan~:id CoreD!ray, for the excellent ;..ork
performed in connection ;,ith the out-door skating riffles throughout tim City; and
the Seal o f the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. 27 - Lic,'j~jCil - I1;GLIS - i~E~L'.]SD thtlt thr- City Clerk be instruet{~d to
a full report ~or the Council upon the approxiraat~ cor:t of levyinG tithes in tv;o
separate ~noullts, one for the General City business and th:~ other for relieF, tile
sah~ to be sho~n separately on the tkx bills; m~d the Seal of the Corporatiou be
hereto affixed.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Orbester and A...Soott.
Ri~kD AND ADOI~ED, January 30, ,1939.
Council Chamber,
January ~3, ,19590
The Fin,men Comraittee met on l.'ond~', January n~ 1939, for the ptu'pose
of ~pprovin,Z nnd also of possing the wtrious accounts which had been propsrly
certified and placed before th~. All members of the Comittea were present.
Sundry accounts were approved by the Cora~aittee, amounting to ~5,564.03.
The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt v~ith, lore or.i-
e~v,d placed in th~: oney jy-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion
of Ald. A.F. Donald and 9.4dale.
Tile col;naunic,:tion from the City of Peterborough, re the hospitalization
of indil'ent patient?, was p~esentud. It was ordered on the motion of i'lis ,.or-
chic ~'-'~yor Hemliu'~fil and _'~ld. A~idnle that the communication be received and
referi~d to the I4edical Officer of Health for his report.
The co~naunication from F°ij. Deline, re the purchase of the house and
a~,:c.m,~nt re the .~?~, ms pr,~sent.~d. It was ordered on the motion of His ',,or-
ship L.~r 2~nniwell and ~ld. A,F. Donald that the ~ommunicution be received
trap tb~ City Cl.:rk b~ instructed to get in touch vfith the prospective o~chn er
and es~crtain wh,.t re~ir~ he intends to make to the property,also whe~ he irl-
tends to do ~lch wor~, and report thereon to the Council.
The c~.municatlon fr~n th!? l~inister of H'alth re the maihtenance of
~ ,
Frank Docicco, :ms prez-nted. it ~a~ ordered on the motion of Ald. T~idale and
~icAninch tlmt tile cor,~nunication be received and filed.
THe estimate fi'om .~.Stevens, re the painting of the L~il o~ the old
S~voy l~tel oll Lbi<%t~, Street, was present,.d. it ~as ordered on the motion of
Ilia ..or!~hlp Lin."or iiannlwell imd Ald. Kc,~ninch that the estimate be received and
the City Clerk be Given pernission to negotiate '.dth the o:mers for the proopal-.
m.c of this '-'o~.k, ~vith the pol,er to act to the extent of Fifty Dollars.
A.F. Donald and Scott asked to be recorded as being contrary to the above motion)
The repoA't of tile City Clerk, as to the estir~; ed cost of alterations
to tile fr~,nt of the City Hall, was preesntcd. It was ordered on the motion of
Ald, LcAninch and Scott tl~tt the report be received and the work be proceeded
T~m report of the City Clerk, re the renewal of the fleet insurance
txfile'y,. was presented. it was ordered on the notion of Ald. T~ld~le and Grim-
st,~r t~t the report be received and laid on the table for one week.
l~'ior to the ubove l,ntion, it was moved by Ald. ~YcAninch and Scott
that ~he report be received and tile policy be' renewed with the present 0cropany.
This motion was lost..
The report or the 01ty Clerk, 're damage to a private car with walk
euow pleura, tins Presented. It was ordered on the mot[on of Ald. MeAninch end
The cc~muaication from ~-. ~.W. Beaver, ~ treatment for M.Reece, .a
~ relD~f recipient, ~'as Presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. *~stor
· m~ ~lcAnin~ tlmt the c~unication be received and that- authority, be' ~ven' to' ·
~' this patient to consult a de~tologist In Toronto.
it ~;as ordered on the motion o~ ~d. India and Scott that ~he Chair-
~ ~'~'" rune of Fh~nce und the City Clerk go ~to the matter with the Medical Officer
of }l~lth nr placing this officer on a ~a~ ;fr~ .the Oity as a fulltime
loyee to t~e c~re of the relief reoiPients,;aiso t~t the Me~1 Officer
a~ed wh~t services he ~ould be' re a~~'~, ~ ~ be
a - re~rt .~ to the Council '~. ~.<-~:<f ~.. ~.. s oh ci~e~stances, and
:u;ff~, j. . .... '. ,
The Cmmfittee adjourned on the motion of Ai~L. ~cott and
READ Ai~D AD0?~'i~D, January 30, , 1939.
OhaiP.nan of Finanne
O'anuary ;~:~, 1939.
A~e Council re-assembled at the close of th{~ Financ..~ .:Zeet~:~y ?or tl~.
PurDo,~m o:~ passing the money 3y-let which cover~,d the accounts appi'oved by the
Committee. All members of tile Council tvel'e present.
The fol].owinf~ By-lav~ was Passed:
l~.o. ,'_272~8 -Ald. Grant Donald . To O~'ant ~ionies for General Purposes.
let rending -Ald. Grimster and ~icAninch,
Znd readin~._ Ald. a.F. Donald and Scott.
5rd reading - Aid. Twidale and Cbimster.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Scott and Grimstar.
READ AND ADO}TED, January 30, 1939.
Clerk ........
Council Ch~!~ber,
January fZ3, 19[~9.
The Council rr,-as:eztbled at the close of th{~ regular meetings, for the
p'32~o:!e ,~ h~],!in- a conY! .' ,nee in or ,st to consider various nattars v~nich were
placed before th~... All members of the Council ~ere present.
after gener~d discussion os the matte-s before th~a, the Conference adjourned.
xtEaU ~hO ADU~fZD, January 30, 1939.
oral -jasinas:7 rind Tinante. -iil :::eLtbe '~ of ~2;- 3uu'~-]2 , . itS-; t: , -, ,~-,t~.--~ ,f
~I]. ilc,~ninch, ,.'cre pr,':;en~. Th~ C~unci], hhvin- 'ocejv=~d
of the prayleas meeting, ado~tc, d tLeae on the ::;otien of ,-ld, ~h.iduic
OIl the Iaoi'iDn of '~ '~ Grimst,,2 un,i '~ ] ~. '.
Communication l'~o. 45 Lit. j. Prue was Denaitted to ~tddrezs the
~Ir, 2rue un~ af;]~oulin~ to the CouLcll Yor consi ieration in hi~
ation ~or relic % ',Hlic]i bad been 2efusc] by th- i<oiief Depart]:i~nt ~n{i
of t~Vview~ i,,~'. ~'tl,~ wu:' udvi ='ed by the Counzf i to appian: -u ~n,
Laid ow;r from Py;!vious
i.~o. Z9 - ~uke Superior Gontructin~ & Developin = Co. - recu -ctin~: Jill to lefa]-
lze sweepstakes. 0RD~L~D on the motion of Aid. A.i".Donald and Scott th~ t the
co~nunieation be received and filed.
The follo~ing CoLn~uni~ations ~prs received:
Eo.45 . J.~ue - reque~ti~ n:eji~f assistance. O~{D~d;D on the motion of 7~d.
T:,idale and Gr~mster that the conmmnication be received an< laid on th~ table un-
til a reply has been received from the Department of i=iuniciI~l ~ffairs.
No. 46 - H.ii. Sch~cher _ ~nnission to go on nro~>erty. 0RDPkE~ on th~ motion of
Ald. G. Donald and ~vidale that the c~uunicatign Le received an~] filed.
No. 4~ . Niagara Falls Teachers' Couj~p~l - invitation to at<end arereal dinner.
0RD],~IED on the motion of Ald. Grimetot and Scott th' t the coi~munication be received
and filed, and as ninny of the Council as possible attend the dinner, those being
~ble to do so to advise the City Clerk before the next meeting.
No. ,~ - 0nturio 1.Myers' Association - resolution re ~v~r~ments' shur~: of relief.
0R~RED o~ ~h~'~otion of Ald. Ingl]~' and A.F. Donald that the co~munication be rec-
eived and filed; the subscriv~tioI~ with the Association be renewed; and that the
Council ~orse the principle' no~' submitted by the ~ve2maents for the pa~sent of
relief on a 40-40-~0% basis, and appreciate the efforts of the Association in
bringing the condition of the munici~lities before the Government.
No. ~9 - p~ty Clerk. ~ndon - resolution re exemptions in income tax. 0RD~ED
on the motion of Al~. Sc~'~' ~,nd ~i dele that the c~mmnication be received and
laid on the table ~til the ne~t meeting.
No. 50 -iIon. W.L..Houek, ~,i.L.A. - acknowleSging receipt of resolution re sale of
bread by chain stores. G(D~D on the motion of Ald. Grimster an~l G. Donald that'
the c~munication be received and filed.
No. 51 - Hen. W.L.Hp~ck, M,L.A. - ac~owledging ~eceipt of resoiution're custom
regulations for transport of bonded ~ods
Ald. A.F,Do~ld and ~vldale t~t the cen~ication be x'ecei~d and filed.
1:o. 52 - Ida .r'.ra Falls St · John ,'~,lbulanc~e .lssociation
No. 53- ~c.n'~ f~lls 9~ncr~l'i{o!sp~tal Timer - offering fir:~t aid fi~ci]ities
and mr::in,'~ services 4~n'in.i Roy~! Visit. 0R]ERED o~'~ the matron of Ydd.
an{~ Scott t]~t the cor~unie tlons be received, referred to the Conxfittee in
cP'a']e of the. a~.'r~mgf~:lents; laid the ~,ssociution and Trust be thanked for their
off[;~ of ~urvicss.
· ~ ! ovl;r fru:. j~r~Ji~us
Eo. 8 'u ';,'~nt Co:.~i~si;::d.' r?ort for y~ar 1939. dtDii~ED on the
of .d,:. in~'li- a:i~ ~.DF~]'~ tk.t th,, report be filed and tile ~.sses~qent Co~Iais-
sicnor be co:~n~ded upon the rt.port.
i'~,. :]I - City 'J.i-rk - report on co:ffpr,'!nce hcl~ on January '=[~-r:i. ~DEX:,D ~r. the
motion of ;rid. %Donaid ~md a.F. Donald th:,t the report be received ~md filed.
ib. 2~ - ~..e]i?;.l 0ffi '~r of .r ulth - re h!~nHiin- of in,H.T;nt nl ticnt~. in Petit-.
bs?~u,-h. o.C~ff.j;b on the ,moti!~n of ~icl. Scott and t;.Zon~ld tMt the report be
received and adopted.
1;o..i'3-- Clt;? O2.r.'-i - report on
!Zc2D an t'.;e motion of .rid. O.~on~,ld and Grilaster th~ t the r~,~srt be received
and flied.
i;o. L'4 - !]ity 3]. .3k - 'ey~:'t on confronts r~ DlaCi:Li Of pcr.~ons On fa2'L~. O~(-
Di'ld]~ ,m 'hc motion of .rid. Scott ~,x:d A. i,'. Donald the. t the report be received
an!l filed.
Lo. .1,~ _ Cl~v Clerk - r~ort on su~,Tg,:stion for prep.'~ration of two tax bills.
O.~i~L~iii) on the motion of ~.ld....F.D~mld and Scott tlmt the report be received
and ~doptcd.
No. r.8 - ii~.Zi~ - ldLIJT£R - RESOLVk~ that the City En[jineer be instructed to
sui~it ~: report to the Council at the next meeting upon the present condition
of the {.,~11 Fom~rly udjoinin,- the old &voy itot~l and the King ~orge ~estaur-
ant; and the Seal of the Co:portion be here~ affixed.
The follo:~i.n~ Jy~luw usa p_assed:
.~p., 272?.- ~ld. Gr~nt Donald - To appoi'nt Solicitors for the Corporation.
let reading - ~dd. A.F.Don~d and Grimster. '
End reading -Ald. Sco~t and A.F.~nsld.
3rd reading - fdd. ~'ddsle and Gr~lster.
Ald. Grir,,ster ~e,ad a' letter he h~d received from ~n Association organ-
ized for the assistance of the Coxindian volunteeps to the Loyalist krm7 in Spain,
in which a r~tuos~ was ~mde for permission to be grunted to hold a t~[ day in
this City. Ald. Grimetot made a motion that such .Permission be granted, but the
The Courteli udj~'urncd on ti:~! notion of ~ld.
R~'kD XI4D ,.DOTTED, il'ebru,~2j 6, 19[59.
janu~:'y 30, !~ 729.
The-~ Finance CoLn.qitu~f~ '.n.t on liar. lay, j~n:z~:y ['O, 19.79, for th :,a~'pc t
of apDrovin~- :.lid ~I~ OF IXtSSillfZ thh v'Fia~as ~ CCO~I~:b = ,.hiei h .: ':~ a :: ' =. 'ly :' ....
titled ~tnd phico ~ bofor~ them. ~il nlulrtbers of the Col~.littcc, uith tiiu ~e, t~r~
of ~{ld. ~Aninch, were present.
jun!h.y accounts u, ere' approved by tile Co::~'dt' ee, u:iountin;- to ~40, 0~111.47,
~.]he accounts subr,!itted, b.:in.c passed or' oth 'x:i. ....
ered pla, ced ill the ~,.on,<r ~-l~n: for pr ;sent~tion ~ ~ the Council, on tlt~ ::istion
of ilis '.ior ship iYayor iMnniwell and .~id. A.F. Do~Id.
It v~us ordered on tile Iaotjo;~ of liic ..or.~hip l.~y~,r l~:nni'.:el] and
Scott that the t~ndera sub~:itted for the r~nev;al o~ th,' Flt'et innu.'ance ~:o!icy
be opened, initialled and aonr:i 'Zered. Tender.~: '..ere suk~it~e.-] by ![.C.Y~mn~ and
R. J. Lor:rey. it was or~;ered on the notion of His .or,~hip llayor .[.. nir~el] and .] d.
A.F. Dom~!d theft the policy be renewed by the City uiil the present ceLlpuny,
el y .{. C · Young.
The statement of H.T. jamieaon ,~ Co::p{.ny, sho',;in< a co::pa ri.~:an :~ rel-
ief costs in 1937 ~ml 1928, '..;us present~.d. It v~as or,~ered oh the Listion of .d.d.
Tlwdalc and Grimster that the cor~,mnication bn reinlived and filed.
The Goxmmittee adjourned on the motion of ..]dd. A.F.Dojmld ~,ld Scott.
I(~kD AICO ADOF~ED, February 6, 1939.
Ohuin,mn of Finance.
Cormell Cb~aber,
January ZO, 1939.
The Cc'Imcil 2o-asscmbi!d ~.t the close of the! Finance i.)~etinJ, For the
~:~i'~Oj9 Of ~a:' '~n,' ~;Ile f,Dngy i:y-]u:.',which ~nv~ !'~d the a.rcnunt~, approvcd by the
C~.~:::itt:,~,. .d! ma[lbel's of thl~ Oo~mcil, with the sxce/~tion o~ ~dd. ~.c,~ninch, were
pr~ su ~t.
· ,~...t ~ - ~ifi. ~ant Lbm ld To Grant ~ionies for General Pur~oses.
1.:t f,:a:~i~!~ - .~ ,: ~ ~ 5,,1 , ..n ~ Grimst~r.
:;xd _'..h, l..{ ~.~ .... D~Jl/,l'~. and drott.
3rd re~ding - ,~ld. Gri~st~r and '~;idale.
Council adjourned on the :~oti~n of ,~id. G. Donald and Scott.
:C~.u~ ~,,).~O0i~ED, Yebru~ ry 6, i939.
Cctmcil Ch~l~be, r,
January 30, 1939.
The Council re_~m:.~e:c~blsd at the clo~ of the r~;gular meetings for the
purpose of holdin~ ~ cone,~r nee to discuss the Prelininary tdget which bad been
pr,~psr~d. all members el' the Council, with the exception of Ald, li~ninch, were
pr e sen t.
?~t',~r consideration as to the various items placed in the Budget, the Council
R~D ~,I~D ~dDPT~,~D. February 6, 1939.
Clerk """"'~'
Council Cha~aber,
Febru,.ry 6, 1939.
P~ior to the regular meetings, the City Council assertbled at 7.30 p.m,
for the purpose of holding conferences with the various Boards of the City for
the discussion of the 1939 Budget. All mesabars of the Council, with the except-
ion of Ald. l~icAninch and A.F. Donald, were present.
The executive of the Niagara Falls Civic ~nployees' Association, in
eluding ~essrs. Grant, lkn-liat, Raven, Graham, Mc~iu2.r.~,.y and Scott, were received
and stated that they were quite satisfied with the adjustments and changes which
had been made in the 1939 Budget with re~rd to salaries.
Messrs. Smith and Glares of the Ghildren's f~id Society were received by
the Council. Mr. Smith outlined to the Counc_-.1 the circumstances surrounding the
appointment of the new Chil6ren's Aid Society Inspector. The representatives
stated that they ~';ere quite satisfied with the grant made to the Society by the
Council for the year 1939.
The Board of Education, represented by Messrs. MuseFore, Reid, Camp-
bell, Potter, Young, Dr. Mahoney and Eellain, and ~,ir. W.H. Kribs, met with the
Council. Mr. Young outlined to the Council his suggestion for the erection of a
new ~ymnaslum for the OollegJ~e and it was suggested that the Board submit any
proposition to the Council in t~'lting upon such a matter. The adjustments upon
salaries were discussed by the various members of the Board, after which the
Chairman, Mr. Musgrove, stated that the Board was quite satisfied with the prov-
ision made by the Council for the year 1939.
Messrs. Jones, Fordham, O'Heaney and Psl~er, together with Liiss !.allace,
represented the PUblic Library Board before the Council, and discussed their ap-
propriation from the City, which was quite satisfactory.
The City Council held a private conference for the discussion of cert-
ain matters plac~d before them. All members of the Council, with the exception
of Aid. MeAninch and A.F. Donald, were present.
A report from the Chairman of Finance, Ald. G. Donald, recommending the
change in the maximam amount for constables in the Police Depsa-tment in the 1939
Budget, was presented. It was ordered o~ the motion of Ald, ~vidale and Qrimster
that the correction be accepted.
A report from the Chairman of Finance, making a recammendation in con-
nection with the method of administering the sum set aside for Humane ~Vork, dog
catching and water department collection, was presented. It was agreed by the
members present that this matter should be laid on the table for the time being.
A communication was presented from the Niagara Falls Oivic Employees'
Assiciation, requesting a copy of the 1939 Budget and schedules attached. It was
agreed by the members of the Council that this information could not be i~rniahed
before the Budget is approved and finally passed, but after that time, that the
request be granted.
The Oounoil adjourned on the mo~lon of Aid. Scott and ~imster.
READ AND ADOPTED, February 13, 1939.
Council Chamber,
February 6, 1939.
Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 8.45 p.m. to consider Gen-
eral Dasiness and Finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald.
MoAninch and A.F. Donald, were present. The Council, having received and read the
~mtnutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid. Grininter and
Air. D.Markeson addressed the Council in connection with the action of
the Relief Department and the Board of Review in refusing him relief.
After discussion of the matter it was ordered by Aid. 'Inglis and Scott
that no action be taken by the Council in this regard.
Laid over from previous meeting:
No. 49 - City Clerk, London - resolution re exemptions in income tax. 0RD~ED
on the motion of Ald. Scott and Inglis that the resolution be sndorsed.
The following Communications were received:
No. 54 - B.M.E.Church - requesting remission of arrears of taxes. 0RD~RED on the
motion of Ald. T~idale and Grimster that the communication be received and filed,
and the Church be advised to appeal to the Court of Revision for consideration.
No. 55 - W.S.Martin - requesting permission for bazaar to be held by St.Anne's
parish. ORD~ED on the motion of Ald. (~imster and G. Donald that the communicat-
ion be received and the request be granted.
No. 56 - City Clark, Port Arthur - resolution requesting proclamation of Act.
0RD~RED on the motion of Ald. b. Donald and Twidale that the communication be rec-
eived and laid on the table for one week, and that a report from the City Solic-
itor be submitted.
No. 57 - Board of Police Commissioners . recon~nendation re request for increased
aeeomnodation. ORBITED on the motion of AId. Inglis and C. Donald that the com-
munication be received and filed.
No. 58 - Board of Police Commissioners . re visit of Their Majesties to City.
0RD~ED on th"'~motioa of AId. Inglis and Scott that the comunicatlon be received
and referred to the committee in charge of the arrangmente for the Royal Visit.
No. 59 - Hon~ Chung - gvantin~ permission for repairs to wall. ORDERED on the
motion of Aid. Inglis and Grimetar that. the communication be received and filed.
SEE also_~DortNo. 26.
,ha ,.old.owing aports ,r, received,
NO. 26 - City Engineer . re condition of wall on Bridge Street. CRDI~ED on
motion of' AId. India ~d 6~lmster t~t ~he re~rt be received and adopted. the
No. 27 - ~i~ Ins~etor . r~port for mnth o~ January, 0R~'
AId. '~id~e and ~lmste~ that 'the re~rt be received and filed. on the motion of
~. 28 -Ohat~n of F~nee , ~e~nttng .~d: -
......... ·
~ae following Resolution was passed:
No. 28 - G. DO~LD- G~IMS~'~ _ RESOLVED that the City Clerk be instructed to
submit a report to the Council at the next meeting upon the levy of the charg~
of Five Dollars for,the use of a tent at the C~metery, and t he revenue received
therefrom during the past few years; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Grlmster and Scott.
RFAD~ND ADOPTED, February 13, 1939.
~, _ ~ayor
Council Chamber,
February 6, 1939.
The Finance Committee met on Monday, February 6, 1959, for the purpose
of approving and als~ of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert-
ified and placed before them. All members of the Gom~htttee, with the exception
of Ald. McAnineh and A.F. Donald, were present.
Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to $33,917.54.
~ne accounts su~xaitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord-
ered placed in the money By-law for pt'esentation to the Council, on the motion of
His Worship Mayor Harmlwell and Ald. Grimstar.
T. he report of the City Clerk, in connection with the hospitali?ation of
Gary Wllkerson, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Twidale and
Grimster that the report be received and adopted, and the account be paid.
~e report of the City Clerk, re arrangements for the purchase of 1803
Main Street by F.M.Deline, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of His
Worship Mayor Hanniwell and Ald. lngli s that the report be received and adopted,
and the property be re-advertised for sale.
The report of the City Clerk, re. the Physical disability of relief rec-
ipients as shown on the Medical Board reports, was presented, It was ordered.on
the motion of Ald, laglie end Scott that the repo~t be received. and .filed,
The oomunieation from the Department of I~alth, re the transfer of
Frank Decinto, was pl?esen~ed. Xt was oX'de~ed on the motion of Ald. Twidale and
Crimster that the conmuieation,be '=seeload and She suggestion for the transfer
',of this child be authorized.
The communication from the 0ounty Clerk, sub~ltting a statement of
the Suburban Road Co~mxission for the year 1938, was presented. It was ordered
on the motion of Aid. ~ida2e and Grimster that the co~uunication be rece~d
and filed and the appropriation be made.
The statement of Comparison of Tax 0olleetions for the month of January
was pr~.sented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and ~idele that the
statement be received and filed.
The report of the Relief Departscent, -re segregation of relief recip-
ients according to e.~ployability, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of
Ald. ~;idale and Grimster tl~t the report be received and filed.
The report of the Relief Department, re relief figures for the month
of 3anuary, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and His
Worship Mayor Itauniwell that the report be received and filed.
The Committee adjourned on the motion of Aid. Scott and His Worship Mayor Hsnni-
R~D AND ADOPTED, February 13, 1939.
Chairman of Finance
Council Chamber,
February 6, 1939.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the Finance Meeting, for the
purpose of passing the money By-law which covered the accounts approved by the
Committee; and for the consideration of other business, All members of the Coun-
cil, with the exception of Ald, MoAninch.and A,F,Donald, were present,
.The illowing By-law was. pa. ssed:
No', B?S_i -Ald, 0rant Donald. To (t~ant Monies for CeneraZ-Pttrposes,
1st reading - AId. ~tmster and Inglts.
2nd reading -Ald. ~dcle and 8cot~,
~rd x~ading - AId.- O~lmster and. Inglis.
No. 29 - INGLIS - ~ID/iE - RESOLVED th~it the sincere s~apathy of the citizeus
of Niagara~hlls bj passed on by the City Council to the f~mily of the late ~.
James Joseph Flynn in their recent bereavement; and the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed.
ca rA
No. 30 - ~ID~LE - CR]ZtgTER _ RESOLVED that the thanks of the City Council be ex-
tended to Mr. R"""~W.Sanders ~'or the gift of the book of poems which he so kindly
donated to all members of the City Council; and the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
No. 31 - SCOTT - (RIMS~_.~ _ RESOLV~ED that the permission of the City Council be
extended to Mr. W.S.0rr, City Clerk, to interview the Acting l~'emier in Tornto,
also the City Clerks of Toronto and igimilton, in connection with arrangements for
the Royal Visit to Canada; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto ~ffixed.
Carri ed
The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Scott and Ingii s.
RE~D AND ADOi~pED, February 13, 19~9.
Cotmcil 0hambet,.
February 6, 1939.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the Council and Finance meeting
for the purpose of holding a conference to discuss certain mattera. All members
of the Council; with the exceptiun of Aid. MeAninch and A.F.Donsld,. were present.
After the consideration of the matters presented, the Conference adjourned,
READ AND ADOPTED, February 13, 1939,
Council Chamber,
· February 13, 1939.
Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. to consider Gen-
eral business and Finance. All members of the Council, uith the exception of
Aid. MoAninch, were present, The Council, having received and read the minutes
of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimster.
LB~~ pFeF_~_ro~ previoup x~.etlng:-
No. 56 - Ci__ty ClerkJ Port Arthu__r- resolution requesting proclamation of Act.
ORII~ED on the motion of Aid. T~vidale and G. Dolmld that the resolution be endor-
The ~ollBwing communications v~ere received:
No. 60 - Nia~a Fa33) Const~ers'~p-0peratlve Society - invitation to attend
meeting. ORDEqED on the motion of Ald. Grimster and ~'~ldale that the communicat-
ion be received, the invitation be accepted and as many of the Council as possible
attend the meeting.
No. 61 - Canadian Le~l~m - re arx~ngementsfor Royal Visit. 0RDI~ED on the mot-
ion of Ald. ~.ddale and Scott that the conmunic~tion be received, the thanks of
the Council be extended to the organizations, and the matter be referred to the
Committee in charge of the arrangements for the R~yal Visit.
No. 62 - Ralph HexLmer &_.ot__h.e.rs - thanks for assistance to Baseball champions.
0R~E~ED on the motion or Ald. A.F. Donald and Grimetot that the co~unieation be
received and filed.
No. 63 - T.Sy~monds - suggestion of plan for attractive Bridge. 0RDEqED on the
motion of' Ald. Scott and Twidale that the communication be received and filed.
No. 64 - Sons of England Lodge - requesting permission to erect sign during
Royal Visit. ORDERED on the ~tion of Ald. A.FoDonald and Scott that the commun-
ication be received and referred for consideration by the Committee in charge of
the srrang~mnts for the Royal Visit.
No. a5 - Canadian National Institute for the Blind - requesting permission to
hold tag day on May 6th. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald. T~ldale and G~imster that
the communication be received and the permission .be g~nted.
No. 66 - Llons~Blub - requesting Pexm~lssion to hold e~rnival. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Inglis and A.F.Donald that the eo~mnication be received, the nec-
essary permission be granted, s~bJect to the usual conditions.
No. 6~ - LL.MacKenzie - requesting City to take over MacKenzie Place. ORDI~RjED
en the. motion of Ald. Inglis and A.F, Donald that the com~unication be received
an d referred to the City Clerk and Solicitor for a report.
No. 68 - City Clerk - invitation to attend Divine Service. (RD~RED on the motion
of Ald. Scott and G. Donald that the communication be received, the invitation be
accepted and as many of the Council as possible attend the Service.
No. 69 - Unemployment Relief Breach - re grant-in-aid for relief in 1939. 0RD-
~REIY on the motion of Aid. A,F. Donald and G~lmster that the communication be rec-
eived and laid on the table u~ttl the conference wlth the Honearable E~, W.L.
Ho~ck upon the matters · ~
,../~ ! ." . ~:. (.r! ' "' 'e]~':aleo'~{ePort. No, 29,_.
The _follo~ln~ Reports were rece___ive__d:
No. 29 - City Cker~k' - submitthug figures re relief grants in 1939, O~iD~j~ED on
the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald und Grimetot thdt the reDoft b?, received and laid
on the table for consideration at the conference to be'held with the iionourabie
~Lr. W.L.Houck.
No. 30 - .Nia~lj~ Fr_ontier. H__~_m_ane Society - ronort for month of January.
on the motion of Ald. Grinstot and Twidale that the report be received and filed.
No. 31 - City Clerk - re inspection of plane filed for ne~'J Bridge. OHYE~ED ou
the motion of Ald. Inglls and Grimetot t~,t the report be received, the City
be instructed to make application ?or a conrelate set of detailed plane of the now
bri~e, ~d infommtion re~r~Ying the prop~-y in the City which vdll be expFop-
riated for the construction of the ~ne; also that the City Clerk bring in ~ rep-
ort to the Council as to the city streets ~'hich may be affected by the new build~
i~, as to whether debentures u~n the s~le ale paid up or not.
No. 32 - CIjZ~Fk . re charges rode at Fairview c~etery. 0RDXIED on the
ion of Ald. ~'imster and Scott that the report be received and laid on the table
until the next meeting.
No..33 - .C,i~ty .C. ler_k~ - report on trip to Toronto. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Aid.
Scott ~nd Inglis tint the reoort be received and filed,
No. 34 - ~e..r~ - recon~aending that relief recipients be required to '.~ork
extra day in February. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Grinstot
that the report be received and adopted.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. ~Rvidale and Scott.
READ AND ADOPTED, February 20th, 1939.
Council Chamber,
February 13, 1939.
The Finance Committee met on Monday, Febrm~ry 13, 1939, for the purpose
of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cer-
tified and placed before them. All members of the Committee, with the exception
of Aid. MoAninch, were present.
Sundry a0oounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to $10,072.53.
The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord-
ered placed in'the money By-law for Presentation to the OeUncil, on the motion of
His Worship ttayor Hanniwell and Aid. Grimster.
The tentative B~,lance Sheet and Financial Statement, as of December
31, 1928, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Inglis and Grim-
ster that copies of the statement be ~repared and presented to the Council for
their l~formation.
The Committee adjourned on the motion of AId. A.F.Donald and Scott.
READ A]gD ADOFrED, February 20, 1939.
Chairman of Finance
CoUncil Chamber,
February 13, 1939.
The Council assembled as a conference at the. close of the regular Coun-
cil and Finance meetings, for the purpose of discussing various matters which
had been presented to them. All members of the Council, ~dth the exception of
Ald. MeAninch, were present.
After discussion upon the matters before them, the Conference adjourned.
RFAD AND ADOPTED, February ~0, 1959.
The Council re-as e:nbled at the close of the conference for a raeetlug
with the Honourable tit. ,~.L.Houck, ~.L.A., and for the consideration of vHrious
matters willeli had been laid over from the previous meeting. All members of the
Oouncil, with the exception of Ald. Meaninch, were present.
The Honourable 1~. Houck had been reque ~ted to sit in uith the Council
for the discussion of the decision of the Provincial Goverzment in regard to the
grant-in-aid for relief for the year 1959. His ~orship Mayor Hanniwell outlined
to the Minister the situation as it confronted the City of Niagara Falls; and
the Honourable }dr. Houck explained the position of the Provincial Government in
this regard. After general discussion, the following action was ~ken:
Laid over fromjqrevious meetixj!~:
No. 69 - Unenplo~n~ent Relief Branch - re grant-in-aid for relief in 1959. 0RD-
~ED on the mtia~7~h. G.~mld and Scott that the co:mlunication be filed.
La._.id o____v_e.r from previou_s m_e_e.tl~n~:
No. B9 - City Clerk - submitting figures re relief grant in 1939.
motion of Ald. G. Donald and Scott that the report be filed.
ORDLRED on the
The following Resolutions were J~a. ssed:
No. 32 - .I_N_f_GL_IS - G. DOI~ILD - RESOLVED that the matter of the relief percentages
to be paid by the Municipalities for the first three months of 1939 be taken up
with the Ontario Mayors' Association with the request that a delegation from that
organization be sent to Ottawa to interview the Honoarable Norxmn McL.Rogers,
and if necessary, the Right Honourable Premier King, in protest a~ainst the
creased percentage chargeable against the Municipalities; that His Worship ~iayor
Hanniwell be authorized tontrend such a meeting; and the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed.
No. 33 - INGLIS - (RIPIBT~R - RESOLVED that contact be made with thc various local
organizations, asking that they wire the Right Honourable Pren~ier King and Mr.
A.B.Damude, M.P., calling attention to the serious condition of unemployment in
the City of Niagara Falls at the present tim; and the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed. :
The :f'ollowingB_B_B_B_B_B_B_B_B_~X,..law was ~:
No. ~-73P- - Aid, Grant Don~.ld To Grant Monies for General Purposes.
!st reading - Aid. A.F. Donald and Ca'lmster.
~nd reading -Ald. Scott and Twidale.
~rd reading - Aid. Grimster and ~vidale.
The Council adjourned on the mo$1.on of AId. Orimster and T~ldale.
Council Chamber,
February 20,,1939,
Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at V.30 p.m. to consider Gen-
eral BUsiness and Finance. All members of the 0ouncil, with the exception of Ald.
In(~ts, were present. The Council, h,~ving received and read the minutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimstar.
In connection ~,ith C~munication No. ~0, and on the motion of Aid.
Donald and Grimstar, the delegation consisting of Messrs. W.W.~rmstrong, E.D.
Powers, and A. Blake Robertson, from the Township of Niagara, were heard.
A~r. Powers was the speaker and outlined, more fully, the request con-
tained in the communication to the Council, for the supply of ~mter to the Vil-
lage of Queenston and vicinity by the City of Niagara Falls.
SEE also Co~.~aunic.ation No.
The following Communications were received:
entrs dun, tag Royal 'Visit,
the omm~mlcatton 'be* '
No. 70 - E,D. Powers- requesting agreement for supply of water by City. Oi~!I~ED
on the motion of Ald. Mc~inch and A.F. Donald that the comunic~:tion be received
and the City Solicitor be authorized to draw up the necessary agreement with the
representatives of the Niagara Township, conprising the Village of Queenston and
vicinity, for the purchase of ~':ater from the City of Niagara Falls at the rate
of seven cents per thousand gallons, and as outlined in the proposition submitted.
No, 71 - City Clerk, Chatshem - resolution opposing change ill Act to permit tea-
chers certain privileges re~ Elections. ORDERED on the notion of Ald. G. Donald and
~idale that the communication be received and laid on the table until the next
meeting, and all members of the Council be furnished with a copy.
No. 72 - Ontario Good Roads Association - re convention and membership. ORDERED
en the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald end Scott that the communication be received and
No, ~ . FJank C?F~ore - requesting Pe~nission to o~rate auto-v~recking estahlish-
meet. OHDY~ED on the ~otion of Ald. A.F. Donald and G-Donald that the communicat-
ion be received and laid on the table for the next meeting, that all members of
the Council look over the situation; and the City Engineer be instructed to rep-
oft upon the request.
No, ~4 - Vlbra-Llte (Canada) Llml md- requesting lease of Property for advert-
ising. 0RD~ED on the motion of Ald. ~cott and MoAninch that the com~,:nication
be received and the permission for the slgn be granted, such erectlee to be under
the supervision of the City Engineer.
Prl~r to the above motion it was moved by Ald. ~?tdale a. nd G~lmster
that the cc~nnualcetion b9 received and laid on the table until the next m~etlng,
that all members of the 0cuenil inspect the location, ~nd the City Engineer bring
inn report en the same. When voted upon, this laotion was defeated. · ' ".;
No. 75 - Niagara Fails Brid~e Commission. reply to request for detailed plane.
(RD~ED on the motion of Ald. Grimstar and O. Donald that the connnunicatiox~ be
received and laid on the table until a. rePlY.~has. been
able T.B.Mcquesten. ' ~ ~ :, x ~ ,: :~'~ ~, .~ 'receiYed. ffrom the' lionour-
No, ~6 - Nta,~ara Renaere Chapter, I,~,D~./i~';~questtng ios~mfb!§ien~0 sell sony-
of Ale. ~O. Donald'and Scott ~hat
Laid over from j~vious m~!eti~:
No. 32 - Oity_Clerk - re charges made at Fairview Cer:~tcry. OkIDE~(ED on tee :..ot~
ion of Ald. G. Donald and Grimstar that the ch'~rge for the use of th-' t~;nt at the
Cemetery be cancelled, and the tent be erected without charge whenever weather
conditions make the same necessary.
The followin~ Reports were rece_ive_~d:
No. 35 - Gity Clerk - report on conference held on February 13, 1939. OdD;;.IED ell
the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Scott that the report be received and filed.
In connection with the Hbove report, Ald. '~imster stated that he ~us
opposed to the spending of a large sum of money for the erection of ~ dais to be
used in connection with the visit of Their ~L~jesties to this City.
No. ~6 - City Clerk - report on debentures owing on Alma Str~:et. 0RDK~ED on the
motion of Ald. Mc~ninch and G. Donald that the report be received and adopted.
No. 37 - City Solicitor - re request for transfer of ZiacKeazie Place. 0H~P~ED on
the motion of Ald. G. Donald and ~?idale that the report be received and adopted.
The following Resolution was bagsad:
No. 34 - Mc_.~2~INCH - G~ILBT,hR - RESCLVED that the City Clerk be instructed to com-
municate with Mr. A.B.Damude, M,P.and the Hencurable l.lr. ,~.L,Houck, M.L..%, ask-
ing what the City can expect in co-operation from the Governrants in De t to
res ,c
a works programme for the alleviation of the unenployment problem in the City of
Niagara Falls; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
The followln~ By-law was passed:
No. 273_~- kld. G. Donald- To provide for giving the Collector of Taxes credit
for the ~mount ceturned by him.to the Treasurer in the year 19~8.
let reading - Afd. Twidale and A.F.Donal~.
2nd reading -Ald. Grimstar and Scott.
3rd reading ~- Aid.. ~ddale and A.F. Donald.
Aid. MoAninch requested that the City Engineer bring in a report as to
the advisability and possibility of the e~ection of a second pipe line from the
Filtration Plant to the City; and as to whether such undertaking could be lnaugm'-
ated as a public works pr~gr~unme, with the assistance of the Onverrments.
Aid. MoAninch also suggested that the Niagara Falls Parks C~ission be
approached ~th a view to their purchasing four or five acre s of vancant lnnd In
the vicinity of Glenview. and constructing thereon a playground for the chil~'en in
this ca, ca. The Alderman felt tPat this, too, might be performed as, an unemployment
relief work.
Aid. GrAmstar presented a resolution, favouring the calling of a m~ss
lmeeting of the citizens for the consideration of the matter of the percentage of
relief costs te be chu~ged ageliner the municipality for the year 1959. After dis-
· ~ cUssion by the Council, and in view of the action of His Worship Mayor Hanntwell,
· -; An contacting the Ontario Mayors' Association in this regard, it was agreed that
'!:t:~the resolution be!.latd.on the .t .a.b~e::~O~.'ognStde~ation at .the text meeting.
lf.~L'~-~''- I: , . :, , ~ .. ~ ' "' - v' ,
The Cotmoil adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott and T~ideleo
RFAD AND AD01~, February 2?, 1939.
Council Chamber,
February 20, 1939 ·
The Finance C~nuittee met on Lionday, Febru,,ry 20, 1939, for the pur-
pose of ~pprovlnC and also of ]~tssing the various accounts which had been prop-
erly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee, ~ith the
exception of ~ld. inglis, ~'zere present.
S~ndry accounts were approved by the Co~mmittee, :~mounting to
The accounts ~ubmitted, being passed or othend~ dealt with, were ord-
ered phtced in the money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion
of His dotship ~k~yor Hanniwell and Ald. A.F.Donald.
The tentative Financiul Statement as of December 31,' 1958, was pres-
ented. It ~ms ordered on the notion o~ Ald. Scott and Tv~ldale that the st~te-
meat be received and laid on the table.
The report of Ald. Grant D~nald, recommending changes in the method
of handling Humane work, was presented. , It was ordered on the motion of Ald.
Scott and MeAninch that the report be received and laid over for consideration
at a oonfenmce meeting.
Specifications for the alterations to the 01ty Hall were presented.
In this connection, Mr. 0rr reported that he felt this totter should be laid in
abeyance for the tim being, until information has been obtained as to whether
this would be undertaken as an unemployment relief work. :[tlWas ordered on the
motion of~ Ald. Twiddle and C~lmeter that the' recommendation be received and ad-
" The report of the Cit. y Clerk, recommending changes in the lighting
· system on the lower floor of the (~ity Hall, was presented. It was ordered on
the mot ion. of Hi s WorshipJ~ayor-Hann!We!.l ~nd A~d, ~ McAnin0h %hat >She 'a~epor$ be
authorized to obtain prices and data upon a new motorcyle.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. LfcAninch and Orimstor tLut the
City Clerk be instructed to contact tim l~oyal Canadian iiount~d Police, the: ~t-
ario Provincial,Police and the Niagara Parks Cox.nqi,~;zion to asce~'t,dn ~vh~'ther
they tould be interested in the installation of a central police radio system
in connection ~vith the City Police Department.
The Colr~sittee adjoammed on the motion of ~td. A.i:. Lbnald and Grimster.
RE~x~D AND ADOPTED, February 27, 1939.
Chai~unun of Finance
Council Ch~nber,
February 20, 1939.
The Council. re-assembled at the close of the Firerace meeting, for the
purpose of passing the money By-law which covered the accounts approved by the
Cc~ittes. All members of the Council, ~vith the exception of Ald. In~lis, v~cre
present. -
The following By-law ~as passed:
No. 273~ -Ald. G. Donald- To Grant ~ionies for General Purposes.
1st reading- Ald. Scott and A.F. Donald.
Bad reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and Grims~er.
5rd reading -Ald. McAnincn and Grimster.
The Oouneil adjourned on the motion of Ald. ~vidale and A.F. Donald.
READ ANDADOPTED, February 27, 1939.
Council Chauber,
February 20, 1939.
The Council as.~mbled t~t the close of the regular Council and Finance
m~etings for the pro'poe:~- of holding :~ confer,race. All roetabors of the Council,
with the exception of ~kld. inglis, were p 'esent.
~ftsr the discussion of the matters presented, the Council adjourned.
R~kD :U~D ADOF2ED, February S?, 1939.
Clerk Chairman
Council Chamber,
February 27, 1939.
Pursuant to adjour~aent, the Council met at ?.~O p.m. to consider Gen-
eral Business and Finance. All members of the Council, iwth the exception of Ald.
MeAninch, were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these en the motion ~f Ald. A.F.Do~mld and Sco~t.
On the motion of Aid. ~vidale and A.F,Donald, representatives from the
Niagara Frontier Humane Society v~ere permitted to address the Council.
~. Y-R.Ooatts, President of the Society, together with the Reverend
Archdeacon G.B. Gordon and the Reverend Z~. William Fingland, spoke to the Council
and asked that the decision to reduce the grant from the City to the Society be
re-considered. The speakers outliaed the work which ~as being carried out by the
organization and explained the amount of work which was undertaken i~ the sur-
feudlag district.
SEE Resoluti_p~ No.
.L~_id .over from previous
No. ?1 - City Clerk, Chatham - resolution opposing change in Act to penaitteachers
certain privileges re Ele~ns. 0E~ED on the motion of Ald. Inglis and Gre-
ater that the comunicstion be filed ~d the re~lution be not endorsed.
No. V3 - F~ O.Fiore - requesting perulesion' to establi~ auto-~ecking yard.
0RD~ED o~' ~he'~oti~'~r ~d. ~id~e and A.F.~ld that the co~aunlcatlon be
received and the pemission be ~an~ed, providing the applicant will agree to
erect a six-foot board fence along the easterly ~undary of his property.
~~e~ No. ~.
The following Comu~cations were received:
No. ~ , ~n. T.B.M~
~. V8 - ~oa. W.L.Houck, M.L.A. - re.action of new bri~e and taxes on ~e.
G~ED on the motion of ~d. Ihglis and G.~ld t~t the co~mu~cstions be rec-
eived and laid ca the table until a reply ~s been received from ~e Hoaou~ble
~e ~ister; and l~ the meantime that the City Olerk keep In close touch wi~h
the Honorable Member of this riding.
No. ~9 - City Clerk, Stratford - resolutio~ requesting men~ent of Municipal
Subsidy Act. ORBED on t~ m~tio~ of Ald. ~imster aad India t~t the co~un-
ieatlon ~ received and laid on the table until the next meeting.
No. 80 - ~l~rk, Windsor - re~lution requesti~g m~iotpal tax on motion
pietu~ theatres. ~ on the motion of Ald. lnglis and G.~n~d that She
om~i~tion be roesired and filed,
No. 81 - Clerk, Vtl~ge of Chippaws - ~esolutions re Welland River and Brides.
OR~ on the motion of Md. G.~mld and Grimster t~t the comni~tion be
received, the resolutions be endorsed, and the C~r of Comeroe be requested
to ~ve Sheir sup~r$ to this
No. 8B - Niag~a Falls ~o~essive Unemployed Association - re mss meeting and
w~k re snow r~l, ~ on the mtion of ~d,~ale ~d Bcott that ~he
e~ea$ion be ~eeeived and. filed,
'~,~8~ - ~. ~Wa~ - ~e meeting ~o eonside~ fomation of Niagara F~ls ~plo~ent
-~ve; Cmi~[eeT'~D~ED on the rotion of Ald. In~ is and G. Ddnald that the
emnication be meeived ~d as m~ of the Counoil as possible attend .~e mee~-
The following Reports were received~
No. ~8 - Cit__/_q_ler_/k - recommending granting of application of Frank C.Fiore.
CSI~qED on the motion of Aid. Twidule and A,F. Donuld thet the report be received
and adopted. ~
No. 39 - City Clerk - report on conference held on February 20th. CRDEP~ED on
the motion of AId. ~vidale and Inglis that the report be received ahd filed°
No. 40 - ~Clerk - report on request of A.Lorne Reid re Dr. D~vidson's resid-
ence. C~DEqED on ~he motion of Aid. Scott and ~vidale that the report be reC-
eived and adopted; and the letter as requested be forwarded.
No. 41 - City ~)PF~' re remarks made by City employee. 0RD~REDon the motion of
Aid. A.F.Domld and Grimetot that the report be received and the matter be consid-
ered by the Council in Col~nittee of the Whole.
The follqwing .Resolution was p_assed:
No. 35 - T,'IlIi~LE - R~GLIS - RESOLVED that the Council give re-consideration to
the matter of the grant to be made to the Niagara Frontier Humane Society, at the
next meeting; that the City Clerk be instructed to report upon the Society and
its ~atus in doing t~e City work'; and the Seal of the Corporation be heroic af-
An amendment was presented by Ald. Scott and G. Donald that the Council
make m cb~ge in their decision upon the matter, and the new arrangements be tried
for the-period of one year. This was defeated.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Crimster.
READ AND ADOPTED, l~ch 6, 1939.
C le rk
.~ . ~ouncil 0hambet,
· · "~ "' ' February 27, 19S9.
The Council assembled am a ~mnittee of the Whole]' 'for the ;purpose of
'. conside~ing a ~eport which had been P~esented by the Oit Oler of
i .:~ :' 'the~CoU~ci~l~,:w~$-hF%heiexe~eP~ion..of~vld,-~ne~~ weir' y k. ,All members
The Council considered the report submitted, and also heard Mr. James
Bilotta and three gentlemen who we~ present at the Main Street Fire Hall on Feb-
ruary 22nd, when it was alleged that Mr. Bilotta used blasphemous language in
reference to His ~IaJesty King George VI.
After consideration of the information presented, the Committee adjourned to rep-
ort back to the.Council.
READ AND ADOPTED, March 6, 1939.
Council Chamber,
February 27, 1939.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the Conm~ittee me~tng, to rep-
ort on the action taken. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald.
MoAninch, were Present.
Lai_~d_over from Prpvio_us meeticE:
No. 41 - 01ty Clerk . re remarks mode by City employee. ORDI~D on the motion of
Ald. Scott an~ G. Donald that the report be laid on the table and the whole matter
be.laid An abeyance until the next meeting.
At this point, His Worship Mayor Hanniwell asked Ald. Twldele to take
the Chair, in order that he might present an amendment.
It was moved by His Worship Mayor Hanniwell, seconded by Ald. Grimster
the Mr. James Bilotta be given suspension for one month; that during that period
the Council consider the information, 'and the City Engineer be instructed to rep-
oft as to the eaP~bilities of this man, as to whether he feels he will be able to
fulftl his duties as a foreman or whether-he should be placed in the Position of
an ordinary employee.
When the motion was placed before the Council, it was carried and the
amendment was defeated.
.His Worship Mayor Haunlwell then returned to his place.
~e Council adjourned on the motion of Ald, Scott and Twidule,
I~AD!AND ADOPTED, Ma~ch 6, 1939.
Council Chamber,
February 27, 1939.
The Finance Cormittee met on Monday, FebruarY 2?, 1939, for the purpose
of ap]~oving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee, with the except-
ion of Aid. MoAninch, were present.
Sundry a~counts were approved by the Committee, amounting to $105,324.25.
The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord-
ered placed in the money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of
Ald. A.F. Dormld and Scott.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Inglis and Scott that the City
Clerk be instructed to make a statement to the Press upon the remarks made by ~.
Billotta, which had been under consideration by the Council.
The Comittee adjourned on the motion of Ald. A.F.D~nald and Grimetot.
READ AND ADOPTED, March 6, 1939.
Chairman of Finance
Council Chamber,
February 27, 1939.
The Council re-assembled at the close or the Finance Meeting, for the
purpose of passing the money By-law which covered the accounts approved by the
Committee, All members ofthe Council, with the exception of Ald. MoAninch, were
The foliowinE By-_law. was Pnssed$
N~,.;.2755 - Aid. O. Donald- To O~ant Monies for General Padposes.
let x~eading - AId, T~idale and ~i~ste~o
2nd ~end~ng -Ald. A.F, Donald and
The Ooun~l. adjourned on theemotion Of;'.A!d,:.-A,F,~Donald-and 0~ms~e~.,
READ AND ADOPTED, March 6, 1939.
Oouncil Chs/nber,
March 6, 1959.
The Council met at 7.00 p.m. for the purpose of holding a conference
with the executive members of the Niagara Frontier Humane Society. All roerobe.re
of th~ Council, together with Mrs. J.R.Coatts, Mr. Coatts, Mr. F.E.~L~rshall and
L~. A.E.Marshall of the Society were present.
The Conference was held for the pal, pose of discussing the decision of.
the Council to reduce the grant to the Society, and to combine humane work in
the City under the control of the Corporation.
~. J.R.Ccetts presented the case of the Society to the Council, and
also submitted a statement giving the proportional costs of the Frontier Humane
Work for the year 1938.
Mayor Hsnniwell spok~ to the Committee in connection with the charges
which had been made of cruelty to animals at the City lethal chamber. A c~mmun-
icerich fr~u the Canadian Legion B.E.S.L.Branch No. 51, protesting against the
reduction in the g~ant to the Society was also read to the Council.
After full discussion on the matters presented, it was ordered on the
motion of Aid. Scott and ~Aninch that the grant to the Niagara Frontier Farmshe
Society be not increased from the One Hundred Dollars already allocated.~I
A communication from Rev. Father J.T. Moynihan of St. Ann' s Church, req-
uesting that further consideration of the case of James Bilotta, be given in
cemera, was presented to the Conference. It was ordered on the motion of Ald.
Scott and GrJaster that the communication be received and referred to the Coun-
The Conference then adjourned.
READ AND ADOi~TED, March 13, 1959.
Council Chamber,
March 6, 19~9,
: · eil~'hav~n6~e0eived -.d ~ead,the minu~es of the P~evio'us meeting, adoplod these
on the motion of Aid. Grimster and A.F. Donald.
.h_id over from previous meetS:
aNT. 79 - Clj~Cle~S_tratford _ resolution requesting ~en~ent to Municoal Sub-
The folloy~ Co~muni ~tions were received:
No. 84 - ~{'~Jh~.~ _ e~:'essing appreciation of s~apathy upon the passing
of Roy. Father ~zzs. ORD~ED 0N the motion of Aid. T~i~le ~d Scott that the
com~unl~tion be received and filed; and that the Council e~ress their apprec-
letion of the fine services rendered by the late Father Zazza in this co~nunity.
No. 85 - Nlag~a Falls ~o~re[~ve Unemployed Association . expressing apprec-
lation for Pemlssion to hold ta~ day. OR;~ on the motion of Ald. Grimstar
and A.F.~mld that the c~mnl~tion be received and filed.
~, 86 - J.B, Hopkins . requesting Pemisslon to use land in connect:~on with Royal
Visit, on'~e~lf' ~Lions' Club. ~D~ED on the motion of Ald. G.~nald and Ing-
lie that the completion be received and referred to the C~uaittee in char~ of
the armngements for the Royal Visit.
No. 87 - City Cle~ndoa . resolution requesting Province to round share of
~sollne ~kx ~ ~unlci~les ~Dm~D
. ~ on the motion of Ald. India and Gr~ster
that the communication be received and the resolution be endorsed, Providing
there will be m further increase in the tax now placed on ~soline; and that our
~cal,Members be advised of the action t~en.
~' ~ - Canadian Federation of M~rs & ~lties
held. ~]E~ cn the motion of .... ~ - re conference to be
received and filed. ~d. Scott and ~idale that the co~aunication be
No. 89 - A.B.D~de, M.p. _ a~nowle~ing request for infon~ationre works proem.
0RD~ on the motion of ~d. G.~id and Mc~inch that the comunication be rec-
eived ~d filed.
filed. ' ' ' t that the comunlcatioa be received an~
No. 91 - Order of Italo-Oa~dtans . requesting Pemission to hold street dance.
~D~ED on the motion of Ald. Grimier ~d M~ninch that the c~unication be tee-
.aired ~d the ~ees~ry Per~s~on be ~ted, the location for the dance to be
decided u~n by the Olty Olerk ~d me~e~ngs who mt~t be affected.
No. 92 - Rall~y Ashelation of
t~e. 0R~ED on the rotion of Ca~ _ re unifom dates for &Flight ~ving
be ~eeived and filed. Ald. ~c~lneh and G. Do~ld t~t the comuntcation
No. 9B - Se~o~ & ~rd - reque~ing approval of stopping up of Queen Street,
Queenston. ~D~D on the motion of Ald. M~nineh and Scott ~at the
ion be reeeiv?d and referred to the Tqwn Pla~i~ Oomission for a report.
No. 94 - St.~,s Oh~eh - requesting that case of J~es Silotta be held In ~era.
~D~D on the motion of Ald. ~idale and Scott that the eom~ieatlon be teecried
and filed, and the ~eques~ be acceded to.
, ~].', .': :
consideration to the conference,
No, 97 - D,p,Mazzei - re~uesti-~ removal of tree, 0RD~RED on the motion of Ald.
Grimstar and Scott that the conmuntcation be received and the request be ~rantodo
SEE also RelYoft NoJ ~,
The following Reports were received:
No. 42 - Parks Superintendent - recommending removal of tree at 1269 Third Avenue.
0RD~v~ED on the motion of Ald. (~imster and Scott that the report be received and
No. 43 - Dairy Inspector - report for month of February. 0RDEED on the motion
of Ald. G. Donald end Grimeter that the report be received end filed.
No. 44 - Chuirnmn of Finance -submitting revised budget for 1939~ ORDERED on-
the motion of' k~'d. M~Aninch and Inglis that the report be received and referred
to the Finance Oomittee.
No. ~ - City Clerk - re placing of relief recipients on farms. (RDEED' on the
motion of Ald. Twidale and Inglis that the report'be received and when the-forms
are received, that they be filled out mder the supervision of the Clark, and
that we comply with the request of the Government for the placing of men on
Prior to the above motion, it was moved by Ald. MoAninch end Orimster
that the report be received and filed, and the matter be taken up with the Prem-
ier. When put to a vote, this motion was defeated.
No. 46 - Chaix~aan of Finance and City Clerk - re placing of Medical Officer of
Health on salary as full-tim employee. ~RD~RED on the motion of kld. M~Aninch
and A.F.Donald that the report be received and adopted.
The fpllowingResolutions were passed:
No. 36 - G. DONALD- SCOTT - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy from the City
CounCil be fommrded by the City Clerk to the family of the late LP. Walter Nor-
gate, upon the passing of this esteemed and valued employee of the Parks Depart-
ment; and the Seal.of the Octpotation be hereto affixed.
No. 37 - A.F.DONALD - INGLIS - RESOLVED that His WorshipMayorlIanniwell be auth-
orized to communicate with His WorshipMayor Corey, asking him to call a meeting
of the Ontario Mayors' Association in order that the representatives from each
citymayproceod to Ottawa to interview The Honourable The Prime Minister in an
effort to have the ~O-~0~B0 basis of relief payments made retroaotive to January
1, i939| and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed~';
The 0canoil adjourned on-the motion of Ald. 'Twirlale and A.F. Donald.
Council Chamber,
~arch 8, 1939.
TIle Finance Committee met on Monday, March 6, 1939, for the purnose of
approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert-
ified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present.
Sundry accounts were approved by the Coxmaittee, amounting to $4, 966.45.
The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt ;vith, were ord-
ered placed in the money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of
Ald. A.F. Donsld and Scott.
The comparison of tax collections for the months of January and February,
was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. iaglis and ~'ddale that the
statement be received and filed.
The list of relief figures for the month of February, 1939, :;as presented.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MeAninch and Grimst.er th~,t the statement be
received and filed.
The report of the Chairman of Finance, submitting the revised Budget, fox'
approval, which had been rarerived fi'om the Council meeting, was presented. It was
ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and A.F.Donald that the report be received and
the Budget be approved as presented; and it be ~eccmmended to the Council that the
Budget be forwarded to the Department for consideration.
The Gummittee adjourned on the motion Of Ald. A.F. Donald and Scott.
RRtD AND ADOPTED, March 13, 1939.
Chairman of Finance
0ouac'il Chamber,
March 6, 1939.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the Finance meeting, for the
purpose of passing the money By-law which covered the accounts approved by the Com-
mittee. All members of the Council were present.
~.~tm f~llowingBy-law was passed~
No. B~8 -Ald. G. Do~ald - To G~ant Monies for General Purposes.
let reading -Ald. Scott and Grimstar.
2rid reading - Aid. A.F. D0nald and Grimstar.
3rd readin~ - Aid. Twidale and Scott.
READ AND ADOPTED, March 13, 1939.
Laid over ,from previous moptin%:
No. 44 - Ohairm,m of Finance - submitting revised Budget for approval. (RD, ERED on
the motion of Ald. G. Donald and (trimster that the Budget be adopted as presented
and fon~urded to the Department for approval.
The _following Resolution was passed:
No. ~8 - Tr~I~ILE - A.F. D0~L~LD - RESOLVEDthat the appreciation of this Council be
expressed to Mr. and Mrs. J.R.Coatts, for their years of valuable services render-
ed on the boards of the Children' s Aid Society and the Niagara' Frontier Humane Soc-
iety end for the generous work they have performed throughout the Community; and
that regret of the Council be expressed that it is necessary that the humane work
in Niagara Falls in future be carried on by the City staffs; and the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carrie d
The Council adjourned on the motion of AId. G. Donald and f~vtdale.
READ AI~ ADOPTED, March 1~, 1939.
Clerk · ,,
8curtelY Chamber,
~areh 6, 1959.
The Oouncll re-assembled at the close of the Council and Finance meet-
ings for the purpose of holding a conference. All members of the Oounoil were
prose.at. ,.
After consideration of the matters placed before them, the Council adjourned on
the motio~l of AId. OeDoneld and A.F. Donald.
Council Chamber,
Ma~ch 6, 1959.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the Conference for the purpose
of reporting upon the action taken. All tietubers of the Council were present.
it ~s ordered on the motion of Ald. MeAninch and Scott ttmt the. City
Clerk report to the Council on behalf of the Cc~unn[ttee, as to the action take~ by
them in connection with the case of ;ames Bilotta.
Mr. 0rr reported that the Committee had duly r, oved that ~ir. Bilotta be
suspended until April 1st, 1939, and when taken back to work after that date, that
he be demoted to the rank of labouter, from his former supervisory capacity.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. ~vidale and AF. Donald that,the rep-
ort of the Conference con~alttee be adopted.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Tv:tdale and A.F. Donald.
READ AND ADORED, March 13, 19~9.
let r,~dln~ - Aid. Scott sad Grinstar.
2a4 reedJ ~ - Aid. A.F.~m~ld ~nd Grimstar.
Zrd readl~ - ldd. T~dale and
~o. 44 - c~J;~_~m_pr Fi.,n~pce - subhitting revised B~dget for approval. ~qDERED on
tj, e l~otion of ~dd. O.~ld sad ~Amster t~t the Bud~t be adopted as presented
sad forwarded to the ~p~en~ for approval.
READ AND ~M)OP~ED, March 15, 1959.
Cha irma n
~i.~_..Cfo_],lo?~lyE iresolution was passed:
No. 'J8 - T+'ilI~,LE - A,F. DONALD_ - RESOLVEDthat the appreciation of this Council be
e~pt'ussed to Mr. and L~s. J,R.Coatts, for their years of val~ble services render-
sd on th,, beards of the Childron's Aid Society and the Niagara· ~ontier Hmene
lety and for the generous work they ~ve perlemind t~oughout the Ginunity; ~d
that regret of the 0ounntl be o~rossed that i$ Is necess~y t~t the h,,m,~ue work
ht N~,Et, rn Fells in future ~ carried on by the City staffs; ~d the Sea.1 of the
Oor~x, utio~ bo hsr~to affixed.
Tua Ouunail adjourned on the motion of Ald. O. Dom~ld and ~vidale.
AND A~OPI~eD, ~laroh 13, 1939.
~oUnci~ Chamber,
March 6, 1939.
The Oounoil re-assembled a~ the close of the Council and Finance meet-
l,~ge for ~he P~rpose of holding a conference. All members of' the Council were
preeent~ ,.
After consideration of the matters placed before them, the Council adjourned on
She motion of Aid. O. Don~d and A.F. Domxl~,
Council Chamber,
},~ch 6, 1939.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the Conference fox' the purpose
of reporting upon the action taken. All members of the Council were present.
It ~xs ordered on the motion of AId. McAninch and Scott that th~ City
Clerk report to the Council on behalf of the Committee, as to the action taken by
them in connection with the ease of J~nes Bilotta.
~:r. Orr reported that the Committee had duly moved that Lir. Bilotta be
suspended until April let, 1939, and when taken back to ~ork after that date, that
he be demoted to the rank of labourer, from his former supervisory capacity.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. '~'ddale and AF. Donald that .the rep-
ort of the Conference cc~mittee be adopted.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Twidele and A.F. Donald.
READ AND ADORED, March lZ, 19,~9.
let reading -Ald. Scott and ~rimster.
~.nd reading - Aldo A.F. D0nnld and Grimeter.
3rd readin~ - AZdo T~dale and .qcotto
hid over fr~_m previous me_etin~
No. 44 - Chairmun of Finance - submitting revised Budget for approval. (RD, ERED on
the motion of Aid. G. Donald and Oftroster that the Budget be adopted as presented
and forwarded to the Department for approval.
T__he follow~
expressed ~,
ed on the b~
in Niagara t
The Oounci~li
lngs for
After con
the motion
READ AND ADOIrFED, Marsh 13, 1939.
Cha i~mun
Council Chamber,
Aia~ch 6, 1939.
~ference for the purpose
.uncil were present.
d Scott that the City
to the action taken by
ed tha't i;ir. Bilotta be
~'k after that date, that
~rvisory capacity.
AF. Donald that 'the rep-
Council Chamber,
~rch 13, 1939.
Pursuant to adjourncent, the Council met st ~.30 p.m. to consider Gen-
eral Business and Finance. All members of the Council with the exception of Ald.
McAninch, were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Tv;idale.
The follo~'~.in~t Co~mnications were received:
No. 92 - City Clerk, Stratford - resolution re grant-in-aid for first three months
of year. 0RDI~ED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Twjdale that the communicat-
ion be received and filed, and the resolution be endorsed.
No. 99 - A.B. Damudej M.P. - re resolution protesting against franchise for Inter-
1mtional ~fighway Forwarders. 0RDI~ED on the motion of Ald. ~,~idale and Scott tM~t
the con=nunication be received and filed.
No. 100 - Hydro-Electri c Commission of ~iagara Falls - statement of operation for
1928. 0RD~EDon the motionof Aid. Scott and A.F. Donald that the conm~unication
be received and filed.
The following Reports. were received:
No. 47 - City Clerk - re meeting~ Committee of the Whole, February 2?th. OBLI)F~]ED
on the motion of Aid. G. Donsld a~d Scott that the report be received and filed.
No. ~8 - City Clerk - re conference held on March 6, 1939. 0RDI~ED on the motion
of Ald. A.F.Donald and ~vidale that the report be received and filed.
No. 49 - .C.tty Clerk - re arrangements to take care of b,m~ne work in City. ORD-
F.~ED on the motion of Aid. G. Don~ld and Scott that the report be received and
No. 50 - ~rk - re for~ for relief recipients desiring to be placed on fangs.
0RD~ED on the moti"'on of AId. Scott and Twidale that the report .be received and
filed. .
No. 51 - City Clerk - re arrangements for s~reet dance sponsored by Order of Italo-
Canadians. 0Rb]~Eb on the motion of Ald. Twidale and G. Donsld that the report be
received and filed.
No. 52 - .City Clerk - reccxamending c~lXing for tenders for alterations to City
Hall. ORDERED on the motion of AId. ~,FAdale' and Scott that the report be rec-
eived and a~opted; end tendsors be called for t~ls ~rk. '
No. 53- Town Plasnin~ Comicsion - recommending approval of closing of Queen
Street in Queenston. ORD]~ED on""~he motion of Ald. Scott and A.F.Do~ald that '
the report be received and adopted.
also Resolution No. ~9.
The follow'in~ Petlti~m we_s received,: '"
re~eived ~d .filed~ and signs be o~oted on ~ho ~k, -advising ~hat au~obiles
are prohibited from the area.
The following Rp~9~u_t.ions~zer e _pas seal:
No. ~9 - G. D01~Li) - ~IIIkLE - RESOLVED that the stopaim~ up of th-~t portion oF
Queen Street, in the Village of Queenston, lying between the southerly 1D,~it of
Clursnce Street and the north,~rly li,nit of York Street, othemdse kno~'m as Hi~h-
way No. 8, be ~nd the same is hereby approved pm'suant to the provisions of Sec-
tion 1~ (1) of The Planning and Development Act; and the Seal of the Corporation
be here to affixed.
No. 40 - ~';I~LE, L .,ING~IS _ R~0LVED that the City Clerk be instructed to pre~re
a list of those persons in Niagara Falls who will c~me of a~e in 1939, in cr.ier
that arrangements may be made for a short ceremony possibly to take place on D~-
lnion i~y at the City Hall, at which time such n~; voters vdll be presented with
a mall card rerlinding them of their obligations to their C.i~y and country; and
the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. 41 - (R]t~ . SCOTT - RESOLVED that the City Clerk be instructed to cor~mn-
lcnte with the Hencurable l~r. W.L.Houck, M.L.A., asking that he make every effort
to have the Department of Public Welfare re-consider their decisio~ to remove sin-
gle persons from the Relief rollas as of April lst; the~ the. rloverr~annt be asked
to at least grant these persons relief until l~ay let; and the Seal of the Corpor-
ation be Hereto affixed.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimstar.
READ AND ADOPTED, March ~0, 1939.
01erk . .
~.AA ' aa4'
........ Mayor
Council Chamber,
March 13, 1939.
The Finance Committee met on Monday, ~rch 13, 19~, for the purpose of
approvi~gand also of ~seing the various accounts which had been properly cert-
ified and placed before the~. All members of the Committee, wlth the exception of.
Ald. M~Antnoh, were present.
SUndry accounts were approved b~.~he O~ittee, mounting to $10,98~.05.
The accounts su~xitted, being passed o~ otherwise dealt with, were ored-
e~ed placed in the~ney B~-law fo=,=f%he.l~eesention to the Oouncil, on the motion
of Ald. OA'imster and A,F.Donald.
The cut advertising the Royal Route, for use on business envelopes, was
presented. It was ordered on the motion of His ~/orship L~ayor Hanniwell and Ald.
Twidale that this cut be approved and any local business house or industry who
wishes to use the cut on business envelopes Be permitted to do se.
The communication from John E.Wriaght, requesting a refund of a portion
of the fee for ~wker's Licenee, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of
His Worship A~ayor tMnniwell and Ald. Inglis that the communication be received and
that a refund of eleven-twelfths of the fee paid be refunded.
The report of the City Clerk, recommending the adoption of a reduced seal
for fuel allowunce~, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of His ~lorship
Mayor Hanniwell and Ald. Scott that the report be received and the scale as in for~e
in April and l~y of 19~8 be adopted for the current year. Ald. Grimster stated that
he was opposed to any reduction in the allowance for the month of April, and felt
that the ~All winter allowa.nee should be made for this month.
The report of the City Clerk, reque sting permission to order certain
decorations In connectionwith the Royal Visit, was presented. It was ordered
on the motion of Ald. ~idale and Inglis that the report be received and the rec-
emendation be adopted,
The account from Mrs. L.Goo~vin for sewer repairs at 609 Buckley Avenue;
and the report of the Sanitary Inspector thereon; was presented. It was ordered
on the motion of His Worekip Mayor Hsnniwell and Ald. Scott that the account and
report be received and the report be adopted.
The above motion l~s then rescinded and it was again moved by His Wor-
ship Mayor Hanniwell and Ald. Scott that the account and report be laid on the
table until the next meeting, and the City Engineer be instructed to subfair a
report on the matter.
The Oc~muittee adjourned on the motion of Aid. T~ldale and Grimster.
R~ID AND ADOPTED, March N0, 19~9.
No. B75~V- Ald. G. Donald- To Grant ~ionics for Oeneral Purposes.
ist reading -Ald. Scott and Srimster.
2rid reading -Ald. A.F. Donald and Grimster.
5rd reading -~Lld. T~,,idale and Scott.
The followin~ Resol..utipn_ w. Za~s .'~asse~d:
hb. 42 - T, VID~LE - IN~B - RESOL~D that penallesion be granted to the lqta~ar8
Falls Lions' Club to erect ~.ands~ands on the Ne~mn and B='own properties on ~ueen
Street, on the ~y of the Visit of TheiF t~jesties, King George VI and ~ucen ~liz-
abeth, providing the Corporation ~dll be protected against any liabi~ity ia con-
neckion therewith; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
. ~
The Gouncil adjourned on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Scott.
READ'ANDADOPTED, March 20, 1939.
~ yo r
Chairman of Finance
Gouncil Chamber,
March 13, 1939.
The Council re-~ssembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
meetingS, for the purpose of holding a conference. All members of the Goaltree,
with the exception of Ald. MeAninch, were present.
After ~neral discussion upon the matters presented, the Council adjourned.
RE~D AND AD01mTED, ~rch 20,
Oouncil Chamber,.
Marsh 13, 1939.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the Finance meeting, for the
purpose of Passing the money By-law which covered the accounts approved by the
Oommittee... All members of the Gounoil, with the exception .of Ald...MoAnineh,. were
· : .!': --~ ~'::": ' The .r%l_l,owlM ~, ;iaw':wa~ ~%ss~;~j: ~:: 'ii'~4?:~%',,;~!~Vv'~!~~' j !..i~.., :::v:'?,'! ~:Lii:.;.:.~;,.~::~:,...,:~]: .,.[-y~,.,:!, ,.~ .'.,
i i..!!: ~. ';~ ;',:'.~,.' . .' :.. :/: ~" ' :. :.~ :;., ....
'Gounell 0hambar,
March 16, 1939.
The Gouneil assembled at lZ.00 o'slock noon on Thursday, Aiarch 16th,
1939, for the purpose of holding a special meeting. All members of the Couhcll,
.v~lth the excep%ion of Ald. AfcAnineh were present, together with liesare. A.J.B.
Gray end C.F.Nu~n, Supervisors of the Department of ~,lunicipal Affairs.
Mr. Gray outlined to the ramberg of the Council the position of the
Department of M~nlcipal Affairs and of the Provincial GoverI~aent regarding fixed
assessments in the Province of Ontario. He stated that it was the policy of the
G~vernment in the future to eliminate all fl~ed assessments and the intention
w~.s to appoint a Com~dssioner of Assessment who would have the authority to eq-
ualize industrial asses~aents throughout the Province.
Regarding the Private Bill to be presented to the Legislature validat-
ing the assessment on the Niagara River Lev~er Arch Bridge Company property for
the ten-year period, Mr. (fray stated that the Department of ~iunicipal affairs
was opposed to the passage of the Bill, and he had grave doubts that it would be
possible to secure s majority of the membersof the House in fayour of the same.
As an alternative, he suggested that an agreement be made with the Directors of
the Bridge Company, the Dep~rtment of Municipal Affairs and the Council of the
City, accepting the assessment of the property as made by the Assessment Coi~mis-
After considerable discussion on the matter, it was left in abeyance
until the meeting with the Directors of the Bridge Company in the afternoon.
Mr. Gray explained to the Council that he considered it was possible
to refund that portion of the Debenture Debt having callable features and sold
when the City debt was refunded at the end of 1937. The original debentures
carried interest coupons of four and ane-hatf per cent. and Mr. Gray stated
that he expected to be able to refund on.an average of three and three-quarter
per cent. The saving over the lifet3~ne of the debentures would be $25,000.00.
After considerable discussion, it was ordered on the motion of Alder-
emn Scott and Grant Donald theft Mr. Gray be given permission to negotiate for
the reigncling of a portion of the City Debenture Debt at a lmver rate of Inter-
est; ~nd that he report bask to the Council upon the progress of his negotiat-
The meeting then adjourned for l~ncheon.
The Council re-assembled at 2.50 p,m. for the purpose of considering
the matters which had been placed before them. All members of the Council with
the exception of Ald. MeAninch; Messrs. A.J.B. Gray and C.F. Nunn, Supervisors of
the Depsrtment of ~unicipal Affairs, together with Mr. Southsort and ~Ir. D.F.
Poplar of the Niagara River Lov~er Arch Bridge Gemparty and the City Solicitor.
~. F.O.~eB~rney, were present.
Mr, Gray outlined for the benefit of the representatives of the Nia-
gara River Lower Ai'ch Bridg~ Company the position of the Provincial Government
and the Del~rtment of Muniei '~1 Affairs in cannes~ion with fixed assessnecks in
· ~ha Province, The ~ound that had been severed in the morning 'ss'ss'ion Was gone
over aaain and eventually the ~epress~tatives of the Dslsartment of Municipal
Affairs and of the Niagara Rive= Lower Arch Brid~e Ccmlmny and membe=s of the
0ounoll were in agrsement on the mat~tex,.
: ' It was moved bF Ald..~!In~li~,andA.~,i~nald ~hat ~he 'Cltl~ Solioito~ and
the i~tdge authorities approach the City Assessor ~vith a vle~ to e satisfactory
settlement being made upon the assessment of the Niagar., River Loner Arch B;.idge
Company property for the year 1939, upon which 1940 taxes will be based, and the
parties re_oort back to the Council.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald, Grimstar and G. Donald.
READ AND AD0~TED, March 20, 1939.
Council Chamber,
March 20, 1959.
Pursuant to adjournsent, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. to consider Gen-
eral Business and Finance. All members of the Couacil, with the exception of
Ald. MeAninch, were present. THe Council, having received and read the minutes
of the previous meeting, adopted these on the notion of AId. A.F. Donald and Grind-
stot. On the motion of Ald. Scott and T~ldale, the minu~es of the previous spec-
ial meeting were also adopted.
In connection with Communication No. 101, and on the motion of Ald. A.
~ .Donald and Crimster, Zirs. Penn,e, Secretary of th~ Ladies' Grand Orange Lodge,
was permitted to hddress the Council. ~irs. k~nnie presented th~·- request of
their society to the Council foC a grunt in aid of the convention to be held in
this City in L~y. ;
His/;orship Mayor _farm,hell explained that it was the policy of the
Council to not make greats t~ Socieities, but had increased the grant to the
Chs~ber of Coreceres in order t~mt all convention work would be centred under
SE al~ Cordsun, cat,on ~101.
On the notion of Aid. %%,dale and Scott, tenders submitted for alter-
utions to the front of the City Fall, and repairs to the wall at ~18-220 Bridge
Street, were. received, ,opened nnd initialled by His Worship Mayor Hanniwell.
When the tenders had been read, it was ordered on the motion of AId.
Scott and %:idale that these be tabulated, the City Engi.~eer consult with the
Y~'chitect in connection with the work at the City Hall, and ~ke a report ~hereon
at the next meeting.
T~_ f~llowing Coz.maunieations were recei_.ved:
No. 101 - Ladl~s' Grand 0ran~s Lodge - requesting grant re convention. ORDR~{ED
on the motion of Ald. A.F, Donald and Grimster that the comnumication be received,
the depu~tion be heard, and the matter be referred to the Clmmber of Comeroe
for considersties.
No. 102 - 1.0.D.E.Cl~fton Chapter - offering co-operation re plan for coming of
age of new citizens. 0RDNiED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and A.F. Donald t~xt
the communication be received and fi led, and the offer of assistance be accepted,
the Ohapter to be called upun if necessary.
No. 103 - ~ll Telephone C~npany of Canad~ - requesting permission to instel bur-
ied cable. (IRD~RED on the motion of ~ld. A.F.Donald and Scott that the communic-
ation be received and filed, and the By-law be presented. .-
The follcwin~ Reports were receive~Ad~
No. 54 - Assesmeat Commissioner & Ci%y Solicitor . re assesmeat of Nia~ra Lower
Arch ~'id~ O~ny property. 0RD~ o~ the ~otion of AId' G. Donald and ~i~le
that the re~rt be ~eeeived and approved,
No. ~ - 91ty 01erk - reconferenee the~ '~n~f~r~ ~lZth. ~D~ on the motion of
:~ 'Ald. G.~n~d and ~lmster tha~?~he-~e~o~ be=~meeived ~d adop~d.
';7 ;' ;;:' ' ' - ' '"
No. 56 - ~ _ re operation of car vmeckin~7 yard at ;2004 Stu:~e.y ,',venus.
ORDER{LED on the reaction of Ald. Scott and Or,mater that the re;port b ! received and
adopted;.and the parties be notified that they must live up to their a=;reement.
No. 57 - City Clerk - rec.~b~aending transfers in positi.~ns at City :-l~dl.
on the motion of Ald. Twiddle and inglis tint the report be recc~ived and r~tified.
Tk.e f.olloui~n~...B.y..-.laws '.';ere pass,ej!:
No. 2j~_Z~_ - ~dd. O. Donald- To provide for the Appropriations for the year i9i, 9.
let reading -Ald. Scott and ~LF. Donald.
2rid reading -Ald. A.F. Dona]d and Crimetot·
3rd reading -Ald. ~vidale am~ Scott.
Aid. G. Donald- To authorize the levying and collect,hal of taxes for
the year 1939, and defining. the certain dutie. e of the Clerk, Treasurer,
and Collector of the City of Niagara Falls, Ontario.
let reading -Ald. Grimster and laglie.
2nd reading - Aid. A.F. Donald and ~idale.
3rd reading -Ald. Scott and Grimster.
~o.. ~740 -Ald. G. Donald- To authorize the mm~ner in whir, h t~xcs for the year
1939 shall become due, to provide a time for payment, and penalties
for non-payment.
1st reading - Aid. %~vidale and A.F. Donald.
2n4 reading -Ald. Grimefor and Twidale.
3rd reading -Ald. A.F. Donald and Grinstot.
N_o~ 27~ - Ald~ G. Donsld- To authorize the borrowing of $200,000.O0..
1st reading - Aid, Scott and A.F. Donald.
2nd reading - Aid. Grimster and i~'~idale.
5rd reading -Ald. ~h~idale end Inglis.
Ald. C.J.T~idele - To provide for the consent of the Corporation to
the Bell Telephone Company of Canada installing buried cable on the
north side of Bridge Street from No. 1357 to No. 1~93.
1st reading - fdd. A.F. Donald and Grimster.
2nd reading -Ald. Scott and G. Donald.
It was moved by fdd. !~'/idale and Scott that the By-law be read a third
time· An amendment ~ms then presented by Ald. G. Donald and Grinstot that the
third reading ~f the By-law be laid on the table until the Clerk has been in
touch with the Coopany to ascertain what they are prepared to do in connection
wi~h the hiring of local labour upon this work. l'~mn placed before the Council
the amendment was carried, and the motion was defe~ted.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Scott and G~Lmeter.
READ AND ADOPTED, March 27, 1939.
eeeee eellees,e,
01erk ·
Council Chamber,
l~arch 20, 1939.
.~ne Finance Committee met on Monday, March 20, 1939, for the purpose ~~
approvlng and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert-
ified and placed before th~'~. All members of the Committee, with tile exception
of Ald. ~-~cAninch, were present.
Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, a~ounting to ~ ,616.49.
The accounts submitted, being passed orothen'~ise dealt vdth, were ord-
ered placed in the money 3y-lm~· for presentation to the Council, on the motion
of His '~crship tmyor Hanniwell and Ald. Grimetot.
Thc report of the City Engineer upon the application for refund on
sewer repairs made at 609 Buckley .~v~ue, ~s presented. It was ordered on the
notLos of ~dd. ~ddele and Grinstot that the report be received and adopted, and
the account be paid.
It was ordered on the motion of His .?orship L~yor Hanniwell and fdd.
~.~idale that the City Clerk be instructed to have inserted in the local naw.~paper
an advertisement advising the ratepayers that in the future, when any disputes
as to sewer repairs arise, these will not be entertained by the Council unless
Remits for the work have first been obtained at the City Hall.
The report of the City Clerk, as to repairs to be made to the stop
ligut at Victoria Avenue and Bridge Street, was presented. It was ordered on
the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and t-imster that the report be ~ceived ~nd filed.
The off~:r to purchases Lot 62, Plan 14, on Sta~ley Avenue from Peter
Angslo, for the sum of ~1~5.00 was presented. The contamination from ~ir. James
Milne, Appraiser, recommending the sale of this lot at the price offered v~as ale0
presented. It ~as ordered on the xaotion of Ald. Inglis and His Worship Mayor
}~nniwell that the offer and co~l~unication be received, and that the lot be sold
on the reco~,mndation of the City Glerk,, subject to the usual .conditions, and for
the sum offered.
The comparative sta~.~ent of direct relief expenditures for,the month
of Febru~ry was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald, Grimster and.
Scott thut the statement be received and filed.
The Ce~sittee adjourned on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donsld and Grimetot.
READ AND ADOPTED, March 27, 1939.
Chainran of
L~lrch 20, le~9
The Council re-assembled at the close of the Yinl.nne
purpose of passing the money jy-la~'~ which covered the accounts;
Coz~Iaittee. All members of the Council, with the exception of ~dd. i;~ninch,
~ere present.
.T.h.,e rp_l_l_o~v__ln~-lav, ;'ins
No.____.27~3 -Ald. O. Donald- To Graft L~onies for (~noral i~rpo ~es.
let reading -Ald. ~':ida!e and Scott.
~nd reading -Ald. A.F.Dona!d and Grix~tcr.
3rd rsgding - Aid. Grimetot and T~idale.
The Council adjourned on the motion of ~ld. ~.'~idale and Grlmst~r.
i{E~ID' ARD ADOPi'ED, ~nrch 27, 1939.
Council Chamber,
~ reh 20, 1999.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Fin-
ance meetings for the purpose of holding a conference to discuss certain matters
which had been placed before them. All members of the Council, with the'excep-
tion of Aid. ~cMlneh, were present. ,
After discussion of the matters presented, the Council ~djourned. *;
RFAD AND ADOPTED, ~areh 27, 19~9.
:Oiel, k :',: ' :""." , ·
O~a i mun
Council Chamber,
March 27, 1939.
Pursuant to ~djourrmmnt, tlm Council met at V.OO p.m. to consider Gen-
eral Business end Finance. All members of the Council, ~vith the exception oF
Ald. ideAninth were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes
of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Grimster and G.
Domd d.
0._0~Ll2_~ iC:,TiCNS
_Th~_L~foilo.~vin~ Co;~.nica_t~l:Lns v(ere~ r,~cc!v_edj
Fo. 104 - Cl_~tv._C_l_~.r~_~_St~_r~tfor~___d ~ r~!solution re a. overlm, aent contribution for
relief rents. 0~D~ED on the ~.tion of Ald. G. Don~d and ~.ridale that the
c~mmfication be received ,~nd the City Cler~ be instructed to co~,~unicate with
th~ Clerk of Stratford to obtain further infoEmtion upon the resolution.
No. 105 - ~[~l~L~ ~blic Welfare ~d - ro~lution ~titioning ~verment to
in,u/~fate health insurance plan. ORD~ED on th9 r:mtion of Ald. Grh~ster and
~-;idule .t~t the c~unication b~ received and the resolution be adopted.
No. 106 - Nlagar~ Auto ,,'y~c_~kc_r_s - re condition of Huto wrecking yard. C~Dh~Ei)
on the motion of Ald. Orimster and Scott tlmt the coI~munication be received
and filed.
Re. 107 - ~d___~vatlon Ar.'~y - requesti.ng pcr~is:;ion to hold tag day. O~D~I~ED on
the l.gtlon of ;~ld. A,F.Doneld and Sco*~t that the colaqmxication be received and
the rsquest be granted.
hb. 108 - .Niagar? Frp~_tiJar i~m~ne Society - requesting porelesion to hold tag
day. OkD~ED on the motion of Ald..%ridale and Orimster that the con~municution
be received and the request be granted.
l'b. 109 - Cam~dian Le6ioj~.- re international celebration of ~agna Charts ,leek.
U~Z(ED on the motion of ,~ld. Grimetot and ~h,~iSal~. thet the conraunication be
received, that the Council ~iva consideration to the' augCoated celebration and
]'ds ,;orship LLuyor ~mniwell be requested to appoint a representative from the
Council to attend the meeting to be h~ld, In this eonnectien, His ',brship ~ayor
Hamniwell appointed Ald. Inglis and (h'lmster,
hb. 110 - Canadian ke~p.n - re representation on Committee in charge of Royal
Visit. 0RD~ED on the moti-m of Ald. O. Donald and laglie that the commanic~tion
bs received and referred to the Royal Visit Co~littee.
1~. ill - ~.~C.Popperell - re error in price submitted f~r work on Bridge Street
v~ll. ORDI~ED on the motion or Ald. G. Don~dd ~nd Scott thn~ the conm~mication
be received and filed.
8P~ also Re~_ No.= 58
No. 112 - ~1 ~leph~n~. 9onp~my of Canada - re local labour to be hired in
connection with Job. O~D~EI) on the motion of
the coA~unic~tion be ~eeeived and filed.
R~ ' .
~e followi~iRe~rts were recei~ed: . ~ ..
No. 57 - City Olerk- re conference 'held ~oh L~roh 20th. 0RD~D on the motion
of ~d. ~[dal~ and A.F.~n~d ~h~ $he~ re~t be reeeived~and~,filed.~!,/
· '~ ,' .:' , ~:, ":~ ..... :k: :~ L% ::~-U~~'" '4~ '~ ~']~, ? '-
sired and laid on the table, and the Clerk got all i;U'ori~atian upon thr; :nkttcr.
No. ~9- City Engineer -rcc';:m~cndin y::ccept:,nc~ of te:;der fo:. aL%,vat io~ ,: to
front of City iiall. OXjE[ZD on the motion o:' ,d~i0 G. Doaald and %~idalc tLu~ the
report be received and adopted.,
The f.ollo)~i~4 Rueelations
No. ~-3
Time shall be ~ effect in the City of Niu¢la't~ ~.lls, Cot the: yeaf l~if~, :~Lall be
from 12.01 a.m. Sunday, April 30th to 12.01 a.m. Sunday, September 24th; and the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
~ the a~ve connection, ~d. Scott and G.~rltld :na.lc tLu :r. otio!; ~'kut
the dazes for dayliffht sayira- time be from I;hy ~th to September 3rd. ,,hen the
motion was presented, the s~e was defeated.
The followin,Ij3Z~law
Nee 2?42 ' Aid. C.l..Twidale - To provide for the 2onm--nt o' the Co.
'~ ~ ion to
Bell Tslephom~ Co:~miny of Canada in ;taij i:~d bu2i~'d cable on the north
side of BrJ Sge Street from No. tZb? to No. 1393.
3rd reading -Ald. O.~nald and Grimster,
The Oouncii adjourned on ~he motion of Ald. G. Donaid and Orimster.
R~D~D ADOPTED, April 3, 1939.
Council Chamber,
~rch 27, 1939.
The Fim~nce Committee met on ~bnday, ~Iarch ~?, 1939, for th. purpose of
approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert-
ified and placed before them. All members of the Co~m~ittee, with the exdeption of
Ald. ~lcAninch were present.
SUmh'y accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to $4%001.90.
The accounts submitted~ being passed or otherwise de~t wi~lt, were ord-
ernd placed in the ::oney By-law for presentation to tile Council, on the motionof
.~ld. A.F. Donald and Grinstot.
T.~a~ c~Lmunte::tion of the Relief Administrator, as to the di3continu~c
of altowaacc.~ for certain scrvi~c'=, was presented. tt was ordered on the m~tior,
of Al~. Saott and Grin~-ter thf=t the co: municat ion be received and that a prot~t
b~ uude to the i'L,~nourl~blc Z:tc Cross, binlater of Public Lelfare, upon the dis-
continuance of these services.
It was ordered on the motion of AId, T~idale ~nd Scott that th~ City
Clerk be ~lven pe!-,ission to arrange for the sale of t~o bicycles at the Oity ~rd,
~nd an air tank at the asph'~lt plant.
it was ordered on the motion'of ~dd. Inglts sad Tuidale ~h~t the usual
prize be supplied to the Horticultural Seecity in coxmection with their am~ual
flower show.
it was order~;d on the I.:oti:m of ;.ld. ?..idalc and Grimstcr that the riore..
b~rship fee of One Dollar be pni~ to the Canadian Society for the G'~ntrol of Can-
cer~ and ~.s ~mrship ~ayor Hanniwell be appointed as the Council' s representative
in the City.
The Committee adjourned on the motion of Aid. Grimetot and A.F.Do,mld.
AND ADOF~ED, April 3, 1939.
· Chairman of Finance
Oouncil Chamber
latch aT, 1939.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the Flm~nce ~iestfng, for the
putRose of passing the coney By-law which covered the accounts approved by the
Cor~ttee. All members of the Council with the exception of Ald. ~eA~inch, we~
pro sent.
The followln~ ~y-law was Passed:
No. 274.._~._~4- A14. G. Donald- To el'ant Monies for General. Purposes.
.1st ~a~ing - ~d. Oftmeter ~d Sco~t.
~nd reading- ~d. A.F.Donald a~d
Brd ~readin~ - .~d~
The Corntell ~Adjourned on the :.motion of Ald. O. Donaid t.nd Scott.
R~kD vUqD :'~L~DPTED, April Z, 1939.
Co~Lr, eil Ch::nbt-r,
l. larch aV, 1939.
The Council re-asse:-:bied at' the close of tthTM. r...-- ~!ur GouLni] and Fi::anc =
meetings for tth~ purpose of holdinU a confer~u~ce t'.~ qiscuss certu!u na~tttrr.: ,kith
bud been placed before there. All members of the Council, ~ith tl~e cxceution of
/rid. i~Z~nlnch, were present. ~
After discussion upon the mtte;s presented, the Council adjourned on the motion
of Ald. G.D0nsld and A.F.Donsld.
Rl'h'iD AND ADOPTED, ~prtl 3, 1939.
April B, 1939,
Pursuant to adJourlment, the Council met at V.50 p.m. to consider Genersl
Business end Finance. ill member~ of the Council, with the exception of Ald.
Aninch were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the prev-
ious meeting, adopted these. on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott.
Tenders had been called for the supply of Grass Seed for the year 1959,
bu'~ due to the short time given for the submission of tenders, all fi~ns were not
eb'~e to Iamke quotations. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and ~vidale
that the tenders received be laid on the table until the next meeting.
The fpllowin_i_Go_~municati°__ns were_ _received:
No. 113- Niagara Falls Pro]Eressive_~ssoclation - requesting appeal be made for
work before Royal Visit. 0RD~RED on the motion of Ald. Inglis and Grimster that
the eo;municatien be received and filed; and an appeal be made to the citizens to
employ local labour whenever ~ossible in the interests of the Cornnullity, and also
that the citizens be asked to paint and decorate their buildings before, the Royal
Th__e_f331owin. aL.R.e,p_orts _were received:
No. 60 - Ctty._C_le.r_k. - report on conference held on March 2Vth. ORDERED on the mot-
ion of Ald. Twidale and Scott that the report be received and filed.
No. 61 - .City Clerk - re amendments to Highways Improvement Act~
No. 6~ - City C~erk - re action taken by Hon. W.L. Houck, M.L.A., upon matter. 0RD-
ERED on the motion of Ald. Inglis and A.F. Donald that the reports be received; that
the City Clerk be instructed to prepare a brief upon the matter of the construction
of a bridge in ,Niagara Falls; and the Bill to pernttt the expropriation of land for
that purpose; that the Honourab~e W.L.Houok, M.L.A., be asked to attend a Joint
meeting with the Council to go into this matter, after which representation be made
to the Legislature from Niagara Falls protesting against the passing of the Bill in
its present fore; and further that information be obtained as to the authority for
the construction of the Bridge and the activity of the Commission in this country,
No. 65 - OiJ..Clpr~k - invitation to demonstration re munitions. ORDERED on the mot-
ion of Ald. G. Dsnald and ~wid~le that the report be received, the invitation be ac-
cepted and as ma~y of the Council as possible attend the demonstration.
No. 64 - C~ity 01erk - fixll reuort re savoy Hotel wall. ORDERED m the motion of
Ald. G. Dcnald and C~imster that ~be report be received and that the corner vacant
lot be registered in the name of the Corporation for ~ax arrears; amd the ~le~k be
instructed to contact persons interested in advertising to ascertain if a reason-
able revenue could be derived from advertising splace on the wall.
No. 6~ - 01~le__rk- re meetings with Interdepartmental Csmittee on the Royal
Visit, (~E~RED on the motion of Aid..O. Donald and lnglts that the report be rec-
eived and filed; und M~. A.B. Damude, M.P. be contacted, advising him of the Oounit'~
protes'~ against the changing of the route through the Oltyl and that he be asked
to endearour $o have the ovlglnal route adopted,
Ne, 66. ~ Ott~ Clerk- =e allocation 'of= farms for PePs~ns on relief. 0RD~ED on
motion of Ald. 5~vidale and O. Donald that the report be received and adopted, and
Mr. Stock be authorized to visit Toronto in connection with this matter.
Th__e~fpllowin~ Re solutions_jvere Pa,ss.ed.:
No. 44 - G. DONf~LD - CRI3IST__E% ~ RESOLVED that the City Clerk be authorized to invest-
igmte the condition of Erie Avenue, that he approach the individual owners of prop-.
erties with a view to having such properties improved before the Royal Visit and
also that the Clerk be authorized to contact the local manufacturers with a view to
making display windows on the street; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto,af-
fi xe d.
No. 45 - T~Ilq)iJ.~E - INGLIS - RK~.~OLVED that the Oity Clerk tnvestignte the possibility
of establ'ishing horse-shoe courts st m~rious locations in the City for the recreat-
ion of unemployed and other persons; that he report upon the possible locations of
such courts; and the Seal of the Octpotation be hereto affixed.
C_ar,ri.e d
The foll_owlnt By-laws: ~_eF_e' passe__d:
Np.. 274~ - Aid. A.W.Scott - To authorize the signing of a construction contract with
Walter HowZett for the alterations and additions to the City of Niagara
Falls City Hall.
let reading - Aid. A.F.Donald and Grlmster.
2rid reading -Ald. G. Donald and Scott.
3rd reading- Ald. ~Rvidale and A.F. Donald.
Aid. G.R.Inglis - To authorize the signing of leases with the Hydro-Elec-
tric Power CoL%mission of Ontario, in connection with the properties knovm
as the Rights-of-way of the Comicsion, on each side of Fer~ Street and
on each side of Bridge Street.
let reading -Ald. Grimetot and Scott.
2nd reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott.
3rd reading -Ald. Twidale and (]rimster.
No..2747 - Aid. Grant Donald - To authorize the signing of a lease with the Vtbra-
Llte (Canada) Limited in connection with the property known as-Lots 3
and 4, on the Sou~ side of Queen Street between St.Lawrence Avenue and
Buekley Avenue, with approximately 100' frontage.
let reading -Ald. Scott and Grimetot.
~nd reading -Ald. ~vtdale and G. Donald.
3rd reading - Aid. G. Donald and Grimster,.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. G. Donald and Scott.
READ AND ADOPTED, April 10, ,1939.
Council Chmber,
April 3, 1939.
The Finance Committee met on Monday, April 3, 1939, for the purpose of
approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert-
ified and placed before them. All members of the Committee, with the exception
of Ald. MoAninch, were present.
Sundry accounts were approved by the Oommittee, mounting to $102,585.24.
The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord-
ered placed in the money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of
AId. A.F.Donald and Grimstar.
In connection with the cheque for the Niagsa'a Frontier Humane Society~
for the amount of the grant due for the year 1939, and against which there is a
gasoline account owing to the City of approximately $50,00~ it was ordered on the
motion of AId. Scott and His Worship Mayor Hanniwell that the whole account for
gasoline be deducted fr~a the amount of the cheque.
The c~mmunication from Inspector C.F.Nun~, of the Department of Municip-
al Affairs, was presented. It ~as ordere~ on the motion of His Worship ~yor Hsn-
niwell and Ald. Grimstar that the co~mmunication be received and laid on the table
for one week until a reply has been received reg~rding the figure quoted in the
communication; also that the matter of the gross montly relief costs be taken up
with the Hencurable ~Lr. W.L.Houck, M,L.A. whe~ h~ visits the Council.
The c~mmu~ication from Oh~ef Supervisor A.J.B.C~aF of the Department of
Municipal Affairs, in connection with the payment of debentures under By-law No.
25~7, was presented. It ~'~s ordered on the motion of Ald. Inglls and His Worship
M~yor Naaniwell that the co:munication be received and the Department be advised
that the Go~u~cil will be pleased to co-operate with them in this matter, providing
the plan does not interfere with the 1939 B~dget or the mill rate reducations ~vhich
may be passed on to the Municipality by theProvince.
The report of the City Clerk,,requesting a ruling re request for refunds
on lots purchased in Fairview C~uetery, was presented. It was ordered on the mot-
ion of A~d. inglls and Scott that the report be received and laid on the table;
and the Clerk be instructed to go into the matter with the Cemetery Superintendent
with a view to having the CemeteryBy-law re~lsed to pemit the transfer of part
The communication from the Niagara Cut Stone Company, offering to pur-
chase the air tank st the Asphalt Plant for the sum of $40.00; together with the
recemmendation of the City Clerk thereon, ,was raeeived. It was ordered on the mot-
ion of Ald. ~xidale a~d His Worship ~yor HannAwell that the offer and repor~ be
received, a~d the recommendation for the sale of the tank be adopted.
The cemmunication from H.T. Yemieson & Company, enclosing the report on
the Audit of ~he Trea~Ary Accounts for 19~8, was '~resented. It was ordered on the
motion of Ald. ~idale end His Worship M~yor Hanoiwell that the repor~ be received
and laid on the table. I n connection with this report, it was suggested that
copies of ~he Balance Sheet and the Revenue ExPenditure Stateset-be forwarded to
the members of the Council.
The communication from H.T. Jamieson & Company, 'enclosing the report on
the Ohildr~n,s Aid Society seecants for 19~B, was presented. It was ordered on the
motion of Ald. TWldale and His Worship ~ayor HamSweAl that the report. be received
and laid on the table,
The ~eport of the relief figures for the month of ~ar~h, was presented.
It was ordered on the motion o~',A~d. A.F. Donald and Scott ~htt, thee, ~eport be
elved a~nd ,filed, ,:! , -
eceived and filed.
The application from Mr. O.L.Dsley, for the Purctmse of Lot 9, 0tt~'r
treat, for the sum of $250,000; together with tile apprair~ul from Js~aes ldilne of
350,00, ~'as presented. It was ordered on tile motion of Ald. Inglis and Grimstar
Jaat the offer and appraisal be received, and the offer be for.~arded to the Depart-
ent of Municipal Affairs, asking Permission to dispose of the lot at the figure
The report of the City Clerk, upon the half-mill subsidy to ~e refunded
o the municipality by the Governrecur, was presented. it was ordered on the mot~
on of Ald. ~vidale and Inglis tb~t the report be received and tile Clerk be in-
trusted to take action to make the necessary refund to the tax-payers upon the
onfirmation of the refund from the Coyeminent.
he Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. (k'imster and A,F. Donald.
FAD AND ADOPTED, April 10, 1939.
Chairman of Ffimnce
Council Chsanber,
April 3, 1939.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the Finance Meeting, for the
of passing the money By-law which covered the accounts approved by'the Comm~t_
All members of the Council, with the'e. xception of Ald. MeAninch, were present.
, n~gBy-law was p~ss~d:
-Ald. G.D~nnld - To Grunt Monies for General P~ses.
reading .Ald. ~?ldale end Scott.
reading - Aid. A.F.~nald ~d ~ster.
~eading -Ald. ~idale and A.F.~ld.
Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Soot~ and A.F. Donald.
and Adopted, April 10, 19~9.
Council Chamber,
April 3, 193S.
The Council re-ass~abled at the close of the regular Gouncil and Fin-
ance meetings for the purpose of holding a conference to discuss certain matters
which had been placed before them. fall members of the Council, with the exception
of Ald. ~fcAninch, were present.
After discussion upon the matters ~resented, the Council adjourned.
READ lad AD01~R, April 10, 1939.
Council Chsuuber,
April 8, 1939.
A special meeting, called by His Worship L~yor Hsnni~vell, vms held in the
Council chamber on Saturday, April S, 193~, at lO.00 u.m. All members of the Coun~
~1, with the exc.eption of Ald. Twidale and Scott, were present; as well as ~Lro F.
C0~,~cBurney, the City Solicitor, and the following repre sentutivss from bordering
~mici~lities: Reeve W.H. Sheppard, Deputy Reeve R.O. Dawson and C~ncillor ,LL.Put-
terson of Niagara Township; Mayor W.-~.Singer and Oouncillor C.Butler of Niagara-on-
~he-Lake; Reeve E. Gorhsn of Bettie Township; Reeve J.S.Keumeyer and Councillor
Weaver of Chippawn; Deputy-Reeve J.H. Atwood and Solicitor EoW.Tyrill of Fort Erie
Reeve R.F.Booth, Deputy-Reeve D.Corfield of Stamford; Councillor Frank Lowrey of
St.Davids; and Reeve Clmrles Steele of Port Colborne. The Hencurable lqr. W.L.Houck,
~,L,A., was present, withehem the various representatives consulted.
The meeting trod bern called By His Worship Ztuyor ttsnniwell for the purpose
~f discussing, and protesting to the Hencurable Minister, the proposed Bill before
the Ontario Legislature which wo~dd give extensive powers to the ~inister of High-
ways for the expropriation of land.
-His Worship ~Iayor Naomiwell explained the matter and the Hencurable
~uck outlined the procedure and the powers of the Minister upon the passing of the
Bill. Mr. Houck stated that the clause which provides for the ~xpropriation of
lend for one mile back from the River, along the entire frontier, was unnecessary
a~d would be deleted from the Bill. Mr. Houck also stated that in connection with
t~e building of the new bridge, the Commission would pay taxes as long as he was a
member of the Government. Mr. Houck added that whatever property the Bridge does
~ake over for bridge heads, would be taEble.
Further discussion upon the matter was entered into and representatives
the other municipalities spoke.
~lr. F.C.A[cBurney, City Solicitor, outlined the procedure being followed in
with the p resen~ation of the Bill and the forming of the Niagara Falls
~ridge Germmission in the United States, for the erection of the Bridge.
After further discussion, the Conference adjourned.
The l~bers of the Council again went into conference ~th the Hencurable
Er. U.L. Houck, I~.L.A., for the purpose of discussing matters in connection with Rel-
ief in Niagara Falls.
ttis Worship Mayor Hanniwell and the members of the Council explained the
Council' s wishes that the City receive a percentage of the gross relief costs for
the year, r~ther than receiving their share from the Government upon the montly costs.
The Com~cil also protested against the new regulations of the Governmmt which de not
provide for the payment of rent for relief recipients in city-owned properties; as
well as tile dis-continuance of allowances for medical supplies,mattresses, seeds, etc.
The Honournble ~. Houck suggested that the Council send a delegation to
t during the n~-xt week for an interview with the Hencurable Mr. Eric
Mr. E.A.Horton, for the discussion of these nmtte~e.
It ~s ordered on the motion of Aid. A,F.Donald and Grimster ttmt a dele-
~tion be sent from the Council to the Dei~rtment fo~ an interview with the Honour-
~le}&. W.L. Houck, the I{onoumble Eric C~oss andMr. E.A.Horton for the discussion
~f~n~.~e~s pe=tair~ing to. Relief in this City.
T~o Council then adjourned,
READ AND AI~3PTED, April 10, 1959,
SE~r~A]A~EI~T.~{ 1,[EETIN~
.... ,
,kpril 10, 1959.
Pursuant to adjounLmnt, the Council F~et ut 7.,~50 o.~ . to consider,
al Business and Finance. All members of the Council, ,~ith the exception of
],fclminch and T~idale, wore oresent. The Cou~cil, havin.~ received and r<~u~l th,~ min-
ut. s of ~he previous meetings, adopted these on th~ motion of Ald. th,~l~. and
Tenders ~or ,~ene!ral supplil~s ~or the Co? ~oration in i9~9 ','.~.i'~' P~'esent~d;
and it v~as ordered on the Horizon o~ Ald. A.F. Donald and 'h'irmster that the tenders
be received, opened, initialled by His ~Yo~'ship Li<~or ~mxiwell ~md ~abuluted for
consideration at the nex~ meeting of the Council.
THe Follov~in~f. Communicstions u'ere received:
No, 114 - Cij. Cler~ltford . e~lonation of resolution re relief rents, Oh~
~ED on the motion of idd, ~imster - nd Scott thut the co'~nunication b~ recei~.ed
and laid on the table und ~he City Clerk be instructed to report upon the ~tter
~t the next meeting.
No. li5 - Women' s I~i tel Auxi li~
day. ...... · .... - requesting Permission to hold nm~ual tag
ORD~h~ on ~he motion o~ Ald. A.F. Do~mld and ~imsW tha~ the co~unication
be received and the request be granted.
No. ll5 - BoJ3,j. of ~lice Commissioners . racemeriding purchases of motorcycle. Oi~-
D~ED on the motion of Ald. Grimstar a~d Scott that the comu~entiou be received
and the reco~endation be adented. (~d. G.~ld requested th~.t he be recprdsd
as voting ~ntr~ry)
No. 117 - U~je~ States EnE~3~eJ Office - notice re public hearing r~ brid~-e.
~D on the motion of Ald. C.~nal~n~ Inglis that the co~mnicatio;~ be r~ceiw.d
~d filed, and His ,Vetship ~yor ~i~ell, the City Clerk and the City ~licitor
be instructed to attend the hearing.
No. 1t8 - A.B. Dmude, ~i.P. - re ~rrangements for Royal Route.
No. ll9 - Interd~F~ment~ Co~lttee on the ~y~l Visit - re visit under Falls.
~. 1~0 - InterdePart~ntj~ocm~lttee on the Royal' Vk~t - re acceptance of ar-
rantmonte rode. ORD~ED on the ~o~{on of Ald. Ing[~ had A.F. ~ld t~t the
comunications be received; the letters from the' Interdep~tmental Comittee be
referred to ~. D~ude, and he be asked to endearour to ~ve the rou~e revised to
t~e in the areas originally Pl~d.
No. 1B1 - Ontario A~yprs' Association . re conve~tion to De ~ld in Ottawa. O~-
ED on the motion of Ydd. In~ls ~nd '~ster that the c~au~oa~ion be received
His Worship X~yor Ha~lwell or ~s representative be authorized to attend the con-
vention, if found convenient.
No, 122 - ~ns of Endand -,re Presentation of Inflater. ORBED on the motion of
~d. G.~nd Scott ~ha$ the comunlcation ~ received and filed; and ~s Wor-
ship ~yor Hamiwell ~d as ~ o~ the Council as possible a~tend the meeting for
this Presen~ation.
No, lZ~ - ~blic O~aervance ~om~$~ee . re celebration of ~a C~ta Week,
~ o~ th~ motion of Ald~ India and *~ster t~t the comnication be received
and filed, ~d $~e Pemission ~ ~e Oou~cil be ~anted for the ~e of O~es
for the eelebra~ion on ~tu~d~,. ~u~ l?th, free of charge,
No. 1~4 ~ W,H, Shp~r~ , reques~ing Remission for removal of tree. ORBED on
the motion of Ald. (~imster and A.F.]bnald that the consaunicat~on be received
and the necessary ~eimission for the ,removal of the tree be ~ranted.
S~E also
The followin~ Repo?.,~ were received:
No. 67 - Parks .S~perintendent - reco~mending removal of tree at 849 Mc~ae Street.
0A{D~{ED on the motion of Ald. Grimetot and A.F. Donald that the report be ~ceivsd
and adopt*ed.
No. 68 - _Da~i.ry_ ~nspe.ct.o__r - report for month of ~garch. 0R]~RED on the motion of
Ald. G. Donald and Grimster that the report be received and filed.
No. 69 - Ci__tJ~ple. r.k - re payment of relief cheques during stunner months. O~D~LL
on the motion of Ald. In~jlis and Grimste~ that the report be received and the
r~coam..endation of the Clerk, thtt relief cheques be paid at the Relief Departsneat
{.uring the sun, nnsr months, be adopted.
No. 70 - .C_ity Engineer - re possibility of establishing horseshoe courts. O~DIC:~i;L
on the i~tion of ~Lld. A.F. Donald and Scott that the report be received and laid
on the table for one week.
No. 71 - CitJ Clerk - re disposal of Cemetery lots by o~mers. 0RDk~D on the mot-
ion of Ald, Scott and Grimster that the report be received and adopted.
~1~ foltovzin~_BX_-~lu~w__was prpsented:
~.. ~73+~9- Aid. G.Donald - To repeal By-lawNo. ~?~9; and to authorize the lev/ing
and coilsetting of ta%es for the year 19~9, sad defining the certain
duties of the Clerk, Treasurer and Collector of the City of Niagara
Falls, Ontario.
1st readj nE- Aid. A.F. Donald and Grimetot.
Bad reading- Aid. Scott and A.F.Donald.
It ~as ordered on the motion of Aid. G. Donnld and Grimster that the
third r~:ading of the By-lm. be laid on the table until the Council re-assembles
at the close of the Finance meeting.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Scott and G. Donald.
READ ANDADOPTED, ~pril 17, 1939.
CoLlnc~ i Ch!',z:!ber,
~.pri] 10, 1939.
The Finance Co~:littee met on llonda.4 April lO, 1939. Cot the! ~oui'osse of
approving and also of passin.fl tim w~rious accounts which lied been ~,i'ope~Jy' ~rt-
lfied and placed before them. All members of the Cor~mittee, l?ith the exception of
Ald. l~cAninch and T~vidale, were present.
Sundry accounts were approved by the~- Cor~aittee, ~mountinU to $1,P, 12.89.
The accounts sunlitted, being passed or other~:ise, dealt with, were ord-
ered placed in the money By-l~,.'.~ for presentation to the Council, on the motion of
His Worship Mayor Hanni~ell and Ald. Scott.
The offfor of Raleh Henry, for the purchase of Lot 124, Orchard Avenue,
together vdth the appraisH1 on the same, was presented. It was ordered on the not-
ion of Ald. InElis and (~imster that the offer and eppraisal be received, ~ld the
offer of Seventy-five Dollars be accepted; and further that the Counl~.il take up
the matter with the Department of the necessity for their approval upon the sole
of lots in the City.
The memorandum from the Hencurable Erie Cross, ldinister of Municipal ~f-
fairs, advising of the municipality subsidy from. the Gover~m~ent of one-half mill,
was presented. tt was ordered on the motion of Ale. Scott and His ~jorship Aiayor
Hanniwel], that the communication be received and the, City Ol~:rk's plan for the ded-
uction of the half mill on the sixth im'tatllment of ta~es, and notification of
all taxpayers of the reduction by postcard, be approved.
The con~unic~tion from Joseph Rym~l, offering to rent the (.uoen Street
10t, was presented. It was ordered on the moti<m of His k~orship idayet Hamdv. elJ
and Ald. Grimetot that the conununic. ation be received and the lot bc rented for
the sm of Five Dollars per month, ~ith the understandinj that in the e,'ent of the
sale of the lot by the City~ thirty days' notice only will be required.
The reoor~nendation of the City Clerk, re representation at the annual
~aterworks Convention, was presented. It was ordered on the riotion of Aid. A.F.
DOnald and Scott that the report be received and the reco~;xendation be adopted.
The communication from Inspector C.F. Nuim, re ~oss relief costs for
tg39,1was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimetot that
the communication be received and laid on the tabel until after the meeting with
the Dep~a'tment' s representatives in Toronto.
The conmlunication from R.C.Young, re purchase of the lot on Armoury
Street, was presented, It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimster and His ~or-
ship I,k~yor HarnfivJell that the co~aunication be received and laid on the table
pending a report on the matter from the City Clerk and the City Solicitor.
The c~nmunieation fi'~a Inspector C.F.Nunn, approving of the sale of Lot
Otter Street, to Mr. O.L.Daley, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of
Al~. A.F. Donald and Grimster that the coannunication be received and filed.
The offer frm t~r. Oh. aries Black, on behalf of L~r. C.Chapmsn, for Lot
iB, Bridge Street; tether with an appraisal upon the same, was presented. It was
ordered on the motion of His Worship ~yor Hanniwell and'Ald. Scott that the offer
and appraisal be recieved, and the offer of $150.00 be adopted, subject to the us-
ual conditions, and the Departeat of Municipal Affairs be so' notified.
The memorandum from the Relief Administrator, re rental of city-owned'
ho~ses by relief recipients, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald.
A.F. Domald and Grimetot that the memorandum be received and a rCport be tresgnted
by tIis Worship Mayor Hanniwsll, the Ohairma~ of Findante and the ~ity Clerk upon
the matter. ' · '
The coxmuntcation from l~r. H. Williams, upon the taxes assessed against
t~e lots purchased by him in 1938, and the report of the City Clerk thereon, were
[~,s?nted. It was ordered on the n~otion of His Worship Lieyet Hanniwell and Ald.
Grimetot that the communication sad report be received and the recorm!tendation be
The connunication from Mrs° B.L,HealeY, re sewer repairs for the prop-
erty at 857 iJ{mou~'y Street, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ale,
Scott and His ',;orship lhyor }~nni:~cll that the communication be received and laid
on the table until a report has been presented by the Sanit~a'y Inspector.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. C~imster and A,F. Donald that all
members of the Council be the delegation to visit Toronto for the discussion of
various ma~ers perthtiming to relief.
The Oon:aittee adjourrs d on the motion of Ald. Grimster and A.F.Donald.
READ ~d{D ADO ?rED, April 17, 19B9,
0haix~an &f Finance
Council Chamber,
April 10, 1959.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the Finance Meeting, for the pc:-
pose of passing the money By-law which covered the accounts approved by the
tee. All membe,rs of the Council, with the exception of Ald. ~icAniach and Twidale,
were pFosent.
The. fpllo~ing By-laws were passed:
NQ. 274__9'- Ald. G. Donald- To repealdBy-law No. 2739; sad %o authorize the levy-
ins and Collecting of taxes for the year 1939, and defining the certain
duties of the Clerk, Treasurer and collector of the City of Niagara
Falls, Ontario.
~rd reading -Ald. O. Donald and .lmster.
.No?_ .~7~ -Ald. G. Doaald - To ~rant Monies fox, General Purposes.
let reading - Aid. A.F.~ndd and ~s~.
~d reading-, ~d. ~is ~d
[~ ', .] ' ~ , ..... , , . , ......~ ~ , :~ , .
, ,, ~ ~, :. . :~,
· :. .,.
RFAD AND AEK3i~ED, April 17, 1939.
Me yo r
Council Cll~qber,
April 10, 1939.
The Council re~assembled at the close of the re~,Zulur Council and Finance
meetings for the purpose of holding a conference to discuss certain rlatta~s ~hich
.bad been placed before themj All members of the Council, with the exception of
Ald. ~IcAninch and 5~idale, were pro!sent.
After the discussion upon the matters presented, the Council adJou~med.
R~D I~D AiDED, April 17, 19~9.
80 81 ",
Counci 1 Oh'amber,
April 13, 1939.
A Special meeting of the Council' was held at ~1.00 a.m. on Thursday,
April 13, 1939. All members of the Council, with the ex-~'eption of f~ld. McAninch
end T~.~idale, were preF. nt. Inspector G.FoNun~ of. the Dsparmnent of Municipal Af-
fairs, ~as also prent.
The meeting was held for the purpose of considering a proposed By-law
to orevide for. the bertcrying of $437,803,63 upon debentures to redeem outstanding
debentures issued undeP By-la~I.'.No. ~97~.
~e followtn~Q ~JZ-luw was j~re seated:
]~o. 2751 - ?~-d. G. Donald- To provide for borrowing ~437,80~.63 upon debentures
..... to redeem all outstanding debentures issued under By-law No. 2577.
1st n!adin~ - Aid. Scott and Grimster.
2rid reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and GoDonald.
The third reading of the By-law was laid on the table until approval
has been received from the Ontario Municipal Board for the passing of such By-l~v:,
The followi.nA.Re_~r.t ~as received:
No. 7~ - City .Cl_er__k - re rates of remuneration for certain employees. ORD~OED on
the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimster that the report be received and approvel
3rd reading - Aid. G. Donald and Orimster.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. A.F.Donuld end Sco~t.
READ ~'~ND .bDOPTED, April 17, 1939.
Toe City Ole~presented to the Council a sealed envelope, believed to
contain a tender fon~, ~ich had been overlooked when the tenders were present~!d
at the previous meeting. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Inglis and Grimetot
that, inasmuch as the envelope had been received prior to the time set for the
closing of tsn~ers, the same be opened, initialled by His Worship ~yor Hsnniwell,
and considered with the other tenders.
The Council adjourned at 1~.15 p.m. until later in the day, on the motion of Aid,
Ing]is and G. Donald. ......
The Council re-assembled at 5.20 p.m. for the consideration of the
ters pla~ed before them. All members of the Oounoll, %~th the exception of Ald.
Mo/tninoh and ~dale, were present.. ,
N.o., ~?~1 'Ald, G. Donsld- To provide f~ borrowing ~37,803.B3 upo~ deben~es · 'to ~edem.a~ :oUtstanding devotees. is~ed under BF-~W No. ~57V,
Council Chamber,
April 1V, 19D9.
Purs-~!:nt to adjour~:lent, the Council met at ?.ZO p.m. to consider Gen-
pral i)lsiaes~ ~nd Finance. All members of the Council v;ero pr-sent. The Soused,,
hsvin~ received !{ad read the minutes of the previous regular mid special meetinC~,
adopted the~ on the notion of Ald- G. Donald and Scott.
In ~jnn~'ct~n tith Co~-~.Imficaries No. 134, and on the L~tion of Ald.
st ?r and Scott, L.r. Yes. Koim~ff was heard. Mr. Koinofr e:~lained to the Council
hi:~ u!she3 in co~mec~on with his ~pplication for the establishment of
~l~c purloin'. SE also Ccx/lunication 14o.
Laid over f~o~ pFsvieus scoot.in.G:
No, li4 - Ci_t~_~_li~k, Stra. tfprd - explanation of resolution re relief rents.
D~C.L) on the rot ion of Ald. Scott end Grimstar that the matter be laid on the
The ~ ilowini~
1~o. ]25 - CitizensJ Rese.aj'c.h~nstitute - notice of annual meeting. C~DK~ED on
the motion of
and a report of the ann~il m. eting be requested.
No. 126 - ;,..B.Danude~ I[.P. - n; action taken re proposed Royal Route. &[DERED on
the leoties of Ald. G. Donald sad 0rimstar that the cor~nunication be received and
No. 1~,? - Child~en's Aid Soldcty - invitation to attend annual meeting. (RDEi~]D
on the trotion of fdd, Grl~ster and i~'~ldule that the communic~tion be received, the
invitation be ~ccepted and as~mny of the Council as possible attend the meeting;.
No. 1P~ - Ch~unbe__r_p_f.,~o~a.er_c_e- invitation to revi taliv~tion dimmr. (RIlERED cn
the leoties of ~dd. In,Slis and Tv~idale that the conm~unication be received, the
vitation be accepted, and as many of the Council as possible attend.
No. 129 - Chamber of Oom~e.'ce - thanks to Council for co-operation. Ot{Dk~ED on
the notion o"l]~l"d, b'c0tV~l~'Grimster that the .communication be received and fih!d,
No. 130 - Public_D_b_se__rva.__nce C~r.~j[t,tee - thanks for use of Oakas Field. 0RDIId.iD
on the motion ef Ald, A.F.Doneld and GrJmster that the communication be received
and filed.
No. 131 - Kiwanis Club ~ requesting permission to operate concession on day of
Royal Visit, ~{DE~Db on the notion oF Ald. Inglismd G. Donald that the eelmusic-
sties bs received and referred for consideration to ~he Committee in charge of
the Royal Visit.
No. 132 - D.~.Ba}~ter~,ei~k-er' - requesting permission to opec'ate ~aus~aent par]{.
DERED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald ~nd India t~t the co~:launieatioh be received
sad the City Clerk he instructed to submit a report upon the ~tter at the
No. 1BB - F. Hof~eister.- requesting pemissio~ to erect fence on Oily property.
~D~D on She rotion of Ald. O.~n~d and ~im~er that 'the co~.unication be
eive!d sad that permission of the Con[eli be ~ranted to erect ci tempurarl,
as l'eque sted.
Queen Sty'at. 0RDFfiED on tl ~ :.'flea oP .d:l. Le.mj :~?L nnd G. ~nhi: tl,' t i hp
COl~'llL~ica~ioll be re~eive4 'rod ~l.~; and th.~ { Fs:,tjon ~ thi- z:ttn~s ~'inanei.~l
position be referred to ~he iBard of Review for invt=z:ti l:
1~o, l~ - J,ti,L[uttheL's - r~qu r']nd r<~ov'~! of tu'o tr~:.2~, O=~31id]D
of nld. Grimstar and ~ic~{nineh that the con~aunication be received ~m;l the requ~r't
be ~'anted.
No. 136 - Cj~ Cl,~rk - re memotunics re proposed Bill for Y~iaCura
No. 137 - i{cn. -'.L.ffouetr, i~..L.Y.. - te]e[~r~ to hluyur hzff!:j~,~ll r~quP~:ti~
. utica of p~tcst. Oi{D~kED on the motion of ~dd. ~.l~nald and ?,! ~hr t
m~ncran~. and ~leEr~m: be received slid laid on the table mltS1 after tile m~-ctinS
with the Olintuber of Conmince,
Laid over fr_~k ~rc!vi ~us :.i.ee~tiJi~:
1~o. 70 - C_ity F.:lQi.nee~r- re osthblishm~nt of ,horse-sna,~ eo'.u't.~ i:l Sit..% u.~bZ, dZD
on the motion of Ald. ~.:idulc emd G. Lbnald that the- report be recei~d and ad--
The follo;..in;lj]epo:~s w.erp_J;ecoived:
No. 93 - Ci_~v__Cler~ . re effect ar Strutfo 'd rqso!ution re :'e!icf r-nts. ~D]!lcill)
on the notion of .ild. S~ott and Grimstar that the report be '-'oceive Y and luJ~i on
the table until co~ff'irmation has been received from tile Minister or Municipal
fairs ~vith re~trd to relief.
No. 94 - City Clerk - re request for erection of fence on City 'proi,~rty. C~Dh>OS
on the Fotion of Aid. S. Donal6 and Grimstar that the report be received and the
suggestion of tile Clerk for the approval of this erection, be adopted.
No. 75- .C.i~.v. C].cr~k- r,. request i'or erection of shoe-shine p:rlour ut St. Clair
Avenue. 0~DF~ED on the motion of Ald. 1deAninch and O. Donald that the report be
receive d and adopted.
No. ~6 - Parks Superintendent - reco~mnencHnC removal of twotrees nt 130;.! Third
Avenue. ORD~IED on the motion of Ald. Grimstar and ~ic~dfinch that the report be
received and adopted.
N0. 79 - City Clerk - report on confermice held on .~pi, il 10, 1939. 0~D>MED on the
motion of Ald. A.F.DoImld and Scott that the rapport be received and filed.
The following Petition was received:
No. 3 - .E.J,Rix and other__s_ - re operation of amusement pixrk. OR~7~RED on the notion
of ~d. O. Do~ld and Inglis that the petition be received and referred to the Oity
0lark for his report.
._The followinA{ Resolutions were p~ssed:
No, 46 . .INGLI~ ~ ~IoAN~_~.II_ - RESOLVED that a letter of appreciation be for~mrdod
to the Hencue, able Er. Eric G Dss, and to the Hencurable ~2r. l.L. Houck, Li.l,.;'.,
for tP~ co-operation t1F~y have given the Council in ~:mnicipal affairs; and pt.r-
tiC~LP?ly With ~ference to the p~sent refin~ncing of a portion of the Oity~s
dobentu~ debt; ~md the Seal of the Corporation be hereto ~ffixed,
No. 47 - [E~'?r- ,l~iLB-'t'j~ - RESOLVED that a specitd reacting of the City Council
~chedulsd to t~e place on Tues~y, ~ril 18th, at 5.15 p.m; ~d the Se~l of the
~rporation be hereto affixed. C~rri
No./~ - fI{Zi~'i'][ - LLc.'d~E;CH - Ri;SOLt~£D that the City Clerk ~esont a repo~ t3
the Council upon the ~ossihklity of guarding ~e crossing at the N.S. & T. rail-
way at Fourth ,~venue,'cit~r by a wi~-wag signal or by a untc~m~ at this loc-
ation; ~md the S~al of the Corporation be here to affixred.
Tkc folio:ring By-la',.'s v:ere ?eased:
N_o.., Z?._5~. -Ald. 3, DJnald - To repeal By-lay: No. 2?38; and to provide for the Ap-
propriations for the year 1939.
let reading - ald. Twit'ale nnd Bicfminch.
:Fad r?ading - ~ld. a.F.Donald and griri~ter.
3rd readin~g- ald. Scott and klcAninch,
~l~p..._L'.7.5.3 - ~dd. O. DonHld- To repeal By-law No. 2741; and to authorize the borro::-
ing of $450,000.00.
],st readdng - idd. A.F.Doneld and ~[c}uninch.
2rid ro~dtn~, -Ald. Cl'imster and T~:idale.
3rd reading - ~dd. ~'ddale and Scott.
lfo. 2?5__4 -Ald. A.F.Donald - To authorize the execution of an Assignment of Lease,
1st 'coding - AId, Grinstar and 1.1cAninch.
find readi~:g - Md. G. Donald and %~.;idale.
3rd ~'eading.- Ald. Scott Had C. Donald,
~kld. G. Donald - To authorize the exeuution of sn Agreement for Sale
and Deed.
;st re~ding -Ald. Scott and Orimster.
~nd reading - Aid. A.F.Domdd and G. Donatd,
3rd r~.dix~ -Ald. Twidale and G. Donald.
.No. 2?5 6 -Ald. G. Dcn~ld - To authorize the execution of an ;lgreement for Sale
and Deed.
let reading -Ald. Twidale and A,F.Donaldo
~d reading - ~kld. Scott and Orimster.
3rd reading -Ald. Grimstar and G. Donatd.
Ald. In~lis advised the Council of the appreciation expressed by a
local citizen for the prompt and efficient service rendered by the Uaterworks P~p-
oftmeat in re?siring a lel~king ~ter main. '
AId, ~toAninch requested the Oity Olerk to re~ort upon the possibility
and the probable oost of installing a more .decoratiVe lighting system 'on Erie
-.. ,-,,
The Council adjourned ca the motion of Aid. ln~fi, is and
R~ID AND ,~DOi~IL~ID, april 24, i9159.
Council CharbeE,
'File Finance Conmittee met on L[!mday, Apirl ]7, 1939, "on' t~.-. r-u!'~<~==e of
approvlnC slid also of passin~j the various acc~,unts which ha~ be~n :~ .o.~e,r~v taFt-
iliad and placed before then. ~{1i memtbers of the Comit~ee w~re present.
Sundry accounts were approved by the Co~m~it-.,ee, ,~:munting to ~102, i?L.i~i~..
The accounts submitted, being pas~jed or othem,ise dealt '.;itl, v. cr,'; ored-
ared placed in 5he ':oney By-la~': for pres~ntatiou to the Council, on the motion of
Aid. A.F.Donald and Scott.
The c~mimunieation From l,/rs. B.L.Heu].ey re sewer repairc, as ].aid ore,~
fl~m the previous meeting, to,~thor with the report of the Sauitur/inspector,
presented. it :he ordered ~ the :.lotion of i/is Worship Lieyet Humiiwel], and
Cr~ster tkt the conmm~icf~tion and repo~'t bc received and filed; Had the account
for the repairs be paid.
The co~m~.unicutj on ~ron the ijiar~n~ Fulls Loss
ing the ~vuter bill for 1135 Fm~rth Avenue, r~As presented. Yt was ordered on the
notion of .'rid. T',';idals and Scott that tile coLqlun~eation bo received and a refund
be muds on the account overpaid.
The report of the City Clerk recar:~ing the cor, nauni eation of ~ir. R.C.Young,
presented at the previous meeti~xg, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of
Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimstar that the report be received end adopted.
The sun~ary of Tenders for General Supplies was presented; and the follow-
ing action was taken thereon:
ORD~ED on the motion of ~kld. Crimetar and Scott that
an International Truck, 1,:odel D.30, be purchased from
N.A.Hanna at-a net price of $1,185.00.
ORDIGtED on the motion of Ald. ~Icfminch and HAs Worship
~i~xyor Itanniwell that the tires be p~ased in the
open ~rket at the best prices,
~US~D S~E FOR O~E OI~D on the motion of ~ld. Scott and His Wor~ip
.' ,:' ~ Mayor l~well t~t this material be p~chased ~from
Queenston Quarries at $1.45 per ton.
ORDEqED on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Scott
that this tutorial be purchased from Queenston
Quatrio~ at $1,45 per ton.
G.3E;~iD ~n the rDtfon of His ,iorship 1.;ayor
well and ~dd, Lcfminch that this natotis3 be pur-
chased fT~z C~ueenston ~u~n'ri<~s at the prices tender..:~
upon ~r the various sizes of stone.
d(D~ED on the notion of .~ld. Scott and ?.;idal~ that
new tenders be called for this m~erial.
ORDE:(ED on ~he ~otion of His ,/orship Mayor
and/rid, t.i~uiter that ~his nmterial be purehatred
free the Briti~ i~eri~an Oil Co, at .0740~ per ~-
(P.D~P. ED on the hotion of .'rid. l.i:~-st,~r ~nd Scott
~n.~oline for the City Plant be pu~'ch~sed fro:. t~
open market. ~E' on tim :notion of .~id. ? i
end iiis .~or~ip }..ayor i~m~iwel] th,~t Caseline for
the motor nv, eeper be purch'~md froL Gunnings at twj
cents off the yev~iling c,~b price.
PiJ.rlljO F~d:T
OV. Di'i~;:.D on the :~otio n
that this ~n~rria! bP
i~an Cyanamid Company
of Aid. ?..~d,~le and ~,.l'.D"nu.
putchained from the North
at ~5.8b per ton.
P~Arll;$ AjF-~'J,T
G-:CE:~]D on the f. otion o ~ His ,,orship Kayor
l~.nd Ald. ~..F.Dona!d thLt this :I. terial b~'
fr,n the imperial 0il Limited at ~18.10 per ton.
O.:ilr.;(ZD on the motion of Ald. inCl~ :; and Mcfa~inch
that the contract for the applic~,tion and supply
Road 0il bc aLarde. d to John Pitson, proviSin:, his
machinery is ave liable when n, quired by the Ci~~
In the event that ~ir. Pitson is unable to supply
City ~hen necessary; the Enginc..r may arrange v~ith
R,E,Lm;~ Gonstruction Company for the work,
~i~DY~C~.D on the motion of His ,;or.~lip ~iayor ilan~:iv.'cll
.~nd ~dd, Grim~tl~r that this tender be divided bet-.
ween F,',;,Eas~land and Gee, Lianley at 75~ per ton.
G01~RETE ~'~iD
{/~FAF~OZD on the motion of Ald, Scott and His ,o
Mayor i~niwell that this tender be divided hetwccr,
F,W,Eustland and ~ i.~nley at ?5~ per ton, (~i.
Mc~inch a~ed to be r~rcorded as being contrary to
this action),
ORDExO~D on the motion of Ald. A.F. Domxld and ~'in-
stsr that this material bt~ purchased f~Et Gee. i,~ll"
ley et 75~ perton,'
0RD~IED on the motion of His Worship liayor Hanni%mll
and fdd. Grim.~ter that this material be purchased
from E,Wade at a total cost of $?~,00
(I~DtRED on the motion of Ald. A.F. Do~mld and
inch that the Eloctrolus unit be purclmsed, upon
the recc~mendation of the City Clerk, at a price of
$73.30 net.
motion was previously made by Ald. McAninch and
(]rimster that a Hoeveer cleaner be purchased. This
~aotion wa salefeared,
It was aSreed ,by the members of the 0ommittee that tenders should be
';,~ '~ ~atled fo~ a motor proper for the Fire 'Deprtlnent, such tenders to clbss on Msy
"~ · ls~ It was algq,agreed tt~t. ~en~e~s ,be~ael~ed ,at the same t~aefor a C, arba6e
Collection Unit to in{'ludc t;~, s'.Y~ci~i ty,~e of body and anA: ~ha~sis0
it '.'.as o:' ~er,;d on ~} !~ '. 't~m~. of .kld. ?'i LI,:
~y:>r ]MnnZ'..ell, thp 3}:uir,~a',~ ~!' Finance and ,tk-~ City En-inec:'
consult with the architect '.,.'irk rrf 7ri~n~o to the type ~
front of the City iMP, sHch coiz~:littee to have the p'>:er to Let.
it ':;at ordered on th' .."t~:,t~. of ills ,:ar'shlp hayor l~h~ni:ell ar~, .~,_',,j '~'~t
that the Ci,~rk be authorized th '~urcl,nse the necesr~ry
atm' and th,' stc;F~ rz!lor, in t!h, .:~?n market; an:! t};i.t t~ni,'r:z b,~ n~t ~i:li~d for
the time boin~ in ivew of the unsettled condition of the soft coal markets.
liis ljorshin Hal. or l~amni,,':,'ii~ rei. D:'t!~:] to the 3oun:~Ll un~n thr, :_, +i','-
which had boeIl held ill Chippawn, at whi~h the :'epre:~en":,.tiw'~; .':f ~h~ ,.,ari,~;;; .,.:r:i-.
icipa!i ties in the Diet rl ct '..'ere prr sent; for the di~cu ~sl-~u cf tl ~:, p~' ~ ~;i l)~ ] i ty
of opening ~h~ .lollan! .~iv,.;' tD :~aviCc. tion. it w~ls or:~ered on t ,' .. ,ti:rn r, ~' .n~.
...F.~nu!d an.~ 3tort tiw~t iIi~ ;,ort:ip Nayor Han~v.'~il or his ,:iJ',oj at ,' b- tk , r~k-.
orized repr,,s.,n%~:tive o~ tee Council at the' pr:~poscd jut ,rview in 0ttu~7u, with the
proper governmental officials ~hen this nm~r is discussed.
TIle Comsmittee adjourned on the motion of Aid, T'.~idale ~tnd Grjilster.
READ .-;]D AnOinTED, .~prii 24, 1939.
Cha~im{an :of 'Finan'co
Council Chcmber,
April 17, 1939.
The Council reassembled at the close of the FiInn~ce I~eeting, for the pur-
pose of passing the mouey 8y-la',v which covered' the accounts approved by tile Cola-
mittee. All members of tile Coucil wer,~ Dressier.
.T. he fot_l_oj.~i.n~ By-law y~s:.p~s se_d:
~_?~.i ~ZSy.- ~ld, O, Donald- To Grant Monies for General i'lmposes,
let reading - Aid. A.F. Donald and Orimstef~
2nd reading - Al'd. Scott and A.F. Do~{uld."
~rd ~eading -Ald. ~vidale and A.F.Donsld.
The Council adjourns d on tt~e motion of Ald, Scott and Twirlale,
i~EAD .'d~D A~DITED, April ~4, 1939.
Council Chad!her,
April 17, 1939.
,'~ Joint neetiny oF the City Cotmoil and the; directors o~ the GhLm~bcr of
Ce:~nerce ~.~us hold at 13.00 p.:;. on %~L~nday, April 17th; for the discession of the
x~.tters pertsinin!~ to the e~:ction of a nevl bridE~ at Nia{ara Falls.
n :~erl.~r.,ndun Crln t;~e City Cic~'k in con:,.,action ~ith the pr,'y~osed jill
for th.~ am.n~nt to the 21i-h :~:/s Traffic Act; and the ~legr~ from Hencurable
~,'.L.Houck, ~i.L~.~. to His '.jorj:~.p ~yor ~iwell, was presented.
Con.~idecabls discussion :was entered into by eli p=~'-'ties preseut; and
li'. l%C.L|c~urney, the City ~lieitor, e~luined th.~ matters in collection with
the p~oc~dure for obta]nlng a ch~rter to bujjd a bridge, etc.
The feller;lug R,!sohtion, moved by Ah.. D.L.Willson, secJnded by llderm~
,.~.~Jldalu, ,was then unaninously adopted:
T~hT h ~dl.;ht let~e~ be de'sited to P2o:,~ier Hnpburn, the }4inister of
~,'aya ~ to tim H:)no~'able W.L.Houck, ~i.L...., that we are in a~cord with the des-
i~ to have a brid~ built at Niagara Falls im:mdiately. Wc desir,~ that the
BridZe Co~ssion p~y ta~s on the bridge proper and on the approaches thereto;
thtt the proposed Bill should not allow the Bridge Cmmission to assume j~isdic-
tion to cover shy hridges o~her than the presently proposed one; t)~t we would
exp'css ou~' ~ish that the To~vn ~s~lng Comicsion be consulted with re~rd to
~y highways or eppronches proposed; and in or :er to ~ow our co-operation
tele~aph 0ttm~a nnd say that as ~r as we are censerrod, one bridge teather
~th the existing bridge, is ~fficient to take cure of traffic in Niagara Falls.
It .as ordered on the motion of Aid. Inglis and A.F. Donald tha~ the ap-
precution of the City Council be extended to the Chamber of Conlnerce for their
co-operation in attending this meeting, .in .order tlmt the ma~ters may be dis-
It was ordered that the two other itsyes on the AFonda for consideration
at the conference be laid on the table until the meeting to be held on Tuesday,
The Coherence adjourned on the motion 'of AId. O. Dolmld and Scott,
READ ~.j.~D ADJPTED, April ~4, i939.
Council Chamber,
April 18, 1939.
A special meeting of the City Council ~ms held at 5,15 p.m, on Tuesday,
April 18, 1939, for the purl~se of passing revised By-laws in connection with the
refunding of certain City debentures; sod other matters, All members of the City
Oouncil were present,
_~aS~C..o~.~ni~ca_t_ion fol.lo.win~ was received:
No, 138 - Mrs, H..Berofsky - requesting consideration in connection With deduct-
ions made from relief rents. (IRDIRED on the motion of Ald, Inglis and Scott
tnet the comunlcation be received and t~e amount of $94,~V deducted from single
rents payable to ~{rs, Borofsky be applied on the taxes at 1800 Victoria Avenue.
~Th~:fpllo_wi.._.,~J5 .Resolutions were ~.sse_/d:
No. '49 - ~II]]ALE - ING~IS - RESOLVED that the Chief of the Fire Department be
advised that it will be necessary for him to carry prtmry accident insurance
upon his automobile and that the Corporation make an additional appropriation
in the Chief' s car allowance of the difference between the normal rate of in-
sm'ance coverage and the rate ch;~rged for the special use of this car; and the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed,
No. ~0 - McANINCH , (R_It~__9.~__ - RESOLVED that any city employee who uses his or
her car on ~ny city business of any nature, must carry primary public liability
and property damage in~ua'ance; and must register a copy of such insurance policy
~fith tile Clerk; and the Seal of the Octpotation be hereto affixed,
No. 51 - SOOT~ - G. DONALD- RESOLVED that a period of ~vo-months' sick leave be
allowed for any City employee on a monthly salary and who is subject to a twen-
ty-four hour service without the payment of overtime; and the Seal of the Cor-
poration be hereto affixed,
follg.wing B~-laws were passed:
~758 -Ald. O. Donald- To repeal By-law No. R751.
reading - Aid, SCott and Grimster.
reading- Ald, A,F, Donald and Twidale,
3:eadtng - AId. Twidale and Mclntnoh.
2,V59 - Aid. G. Don~ld - To provide for borrowing $457,803.6S upon debentures
to pay for a floating indebtedness,
let reading-Aid. (l~lmster and Scott.
Znd reading- AId, A.F. Donald and ~tdale.
~rd reading - AId. TWldale snd MoAninoh,
The Oo~notl adJou:ne~ on the motion of Aid. '2eot~ and ~Jmste=.
READ ANDADOPTED, April 24, 1939.
,Council Chamber,
April 21, 1939.
The Court of Revision on the Assesanent Roll for Business and Incc~e was held at
2.00 p.m. on Friday, April 21, 1959; at which the following action was taken upon the res-
pective appeals.
Members present - Sheriff V.L. Davtdson, Messrs. W.L.Wtlklnson and William Delaney.
. APl)ellant and Property..
Bigger, Herbert,
2253 Dawlish Avenue
9821 Boyle, F. 0.
1457 McRae Street
9418 Bugg Bros.
913 Bridge Street
96?4 ~hell 0il Company,
J.T.Macha soy,
Victoria Avenue.
C,anp~ained o.f
Business discontinued
Decision of Cour_t
Appeal allo~d,
Assessneat cancelled
Assessment too high
As sosmeat too high
Appeal allowed. Asses-
smear to be on hasis of.
30% as for retailer
Appeal dismissed
9426 Canada Truss Company Appeal allowed, asses-
546 Clifton Avenue Business discontinued meat cancelled 520.00,
9439 Christoff, T. Assessment reduced for
562 Erie Aveme Business discontinued 3 months' operation 187.50,
9376 Davidson, A.
100 Bridge Street Assesmeat too high Reduced to $1,500.00~ 300.00,
9712 Falls Service Station,
787 Victoria Avenue Assessment too high
9909 Greenspan, M.
1686Spring Street
9638Menzieladies' Wear
434 Queen Street
Appeal dismissed
: ~ 9393 Trenuick Hotel,
: " 274 Bridge Street
9711 Thomas, N.
917 Victoria Avenue
Assessment too high
0hangs of Location
Appeal dismissed
As sessment reduced to 4
months' operation at this
Campany not liable Appeal dismissed
Assesmeat too high Appeal dismissed
(917 Vi,~toria Avenue)
Duplicate on roll Assessment cancelled
9759 Oo-Operative Society
767 Queen Street
87S6-Premiex, Trust 0o.
41 1828-86 Ferry Street
1547 Br,Meth,Episc~l~l Ohuro~
Pee~ Stree~
Appeal on 1938 asses. Appeal dismissed
Claim exemption as Assestaught canoelied on '
occupied by Savlation portion used as place o~ '
Army worship~ Amount to be
set-by assessor. Taxes 72.20
Unable to pa~ taxes ~azes ~o be rsmitted
.- '1068-Miehi~an 0ent~al RIF,
"' '.':- 59-69Erie Avenue ' ' Building removed
, ·, ,.q, ·
~' :'ApPeal'aLlowed~' ~ "':i,200.00
Tams' · - ' 64.80
Business Assessments Reduced
Remission of 19~8 taxes
Certified correct,
· i'
Council Ohamber,
April 24, 1939.
P~rsuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 n.m. to consider Gen-
eral Business and Finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald.
Xnglis, were present.' The Council, having received and read the minces of the
previous meetings, adopted these on the motion of Ald. (~imster and Scott.
On the motion of Aid. G. Donald and McAninch, Mr. W.B.Biggar of the Nia-
gara Co-Operative Dairy ~ms permitted to address the Oouneil.
A~. Big~r spoke to the Council upon the matter of the regulations
which prohibited the delivery of milk, during the ~,-,ner months, before 6.00 a.
m. The speaker asked that the Council consider the advisability of amending the
present By-law to permit delivery of milk from 4.00 a.m. during the period from
June 15th to September 1Oth.
~EE ~ls~ Resolution No.02.
Laid over fx~m previous me~ting:
No. 114 - City Clerk,. Stratford - explanation of resolution re relief rents;
D~ED on the motion of AId. McAninch and Grimetot that the comicorion be filed.
SEE also Rel~ort No. 73.
The followin~ Canmunications were received:
No. 139 - Canadian Militia__Jg~r~ - re publication of souvenir of Royal Visit.
ORESRED on the motion of Ald. MeAninch and A.F. Donald that the camaunieation be
received and filed.
No. 140 - Hen. P.J.A.Cardin - reply to telegram re bridges across Niagara River.
ORESRED on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott that the communication be rec-
eived and filed.
No. 141 ~ A.B. Damude, M.P. - reply to telegram re bridges across Niagara River.
No. 142 - Secretary to Pr~terHepburn - reply to telegram re bridges across Nia-
gara River. ORDI~D on the motion of AId. A.F. Donald and Grimster that the com-
munications be received and filed.
No. 143 - Canadian Federation of Mayors - enclosing copy of 'Moral Re-Armament'
by H.W.Austin. CRDE on the motion of Ald. Grimetot and~idale that the com-
munication be received and filed.
No. 144 - Clerk, County of Norfolk - forestry field day, June 14th. ORDERED on
the motion of AId. Twidale and Scott that the communication be received, the in-
vitation be accepted; and as many of the Council as possible attend.
No. 14~ - Home Aid Sepie$y - re endenvour to better living conditions of unam-
ploye d,'
No. 146 - 0cmmit.tee re Goodwill Store - re organization for utilizing second hand
goods. 0RDI~ED on the motion of Aid..MeAninch and SCot t that the eommanioations
be reoeive~, and a ccenmettee of His Worship Mayor Hanoiwell, the Chairman of
Finance an~ the Oity Clerk to look..into this matter and report back to the Ooun-
oil as to their findings.
No. 147 - Niagara Falls_PFo~essive Association - requesting work and wages p~o-
M~e be inaugurated by (]ovexlmen~s. C~l~.EDon the motion of Ald. Twidale and
O. Donald that the communication be Teesired and filed, and the Association be~.
thanked for their expression of eo-ope~ation. ,
No. 1~8 - A.H. Doan- requesting rmoval of tree. 0I~DkRXD on the motion of Ald.
A.F. Donsld and.Orimster that the communication be received and the request be
SEE also .~eport No. 79
No. 149 - Hermes Club - requesting permission to hold carnival. 0RDBRED on the
motion of Ald. ~idale and MeAninch tlmt the communication be received and the
request be granted, subject to the provisions of the Criminal Code,
No. 150 - Miss F. Bi.~g. ar._~an~ ~ s. G.Ware - requesting removal of tree. 0RD~RED on
the motion of Ald. Grimetot and MeAninch that the connuunication be received and
the request be gmnted.
~$ a~ ~e~ No. 7!
Laid___over frc~a previous .m.e.e.tin_n~:
No. 73 - C.it~ Clerk - re effect. of Stratford resolution on relief rents. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. MeAninch and ~rimster that the report be received and filed.
The fol_lowing Reports were receive~d:
No. 78 - Pa~rksSu~perintendent - recommending removal of trees at 718 Cook~an
Crescent. ORDRRED on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimster that the report
be received and adopted.
No. 79 - Parks Superintenden__t- recommending sinoval of tree at 618 Morrison
Street. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Grimster and MeAninch that the report be
received and adopted.
No. 80 - Ci~, Clerk - re use of northerly limit of Fairview Cemetery. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. ~rimster and Scott that the report be received and adopted.
No. 81 - City Clerk - re annual Tour of Inspection. OPd)E~ED on the i~tion of
A.F.Donald and OA'imster that the repor~ be received and filed; and the annual Tot~r
of Inspection be held on May llth.
.T.h~ following Re soluti..o.n,s were_~ua sse d:
No. 52 - MeANINCH - SCOTT - RESOLVED that the matter of the request for the rev-
ision of the By-law governing the delivery of milk be placed on the table until
the next regular meeting; and the ~eal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. $3 - T~IDALE _-, A.F. DONALD -RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the
Council be scheduled to take place at 5.00 p.m. on Monday, ~xy let, and the Seal
of the Corporation be heroto affixed.
The following_By-laws were passed:
N~.. 2760 - Aid. G. Donald -.To 'authorize the execution of an Agreement for ~ale and
let reading - AId. Scott and Twidele..
-'PAd reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and ~x'imster.
3rd reading ,Ald. Twidale and Scot~.
~TAT..~.~.AId, G, DOn~ld., To authorize the ex, eeution and aonvelmnce of a Deed of
land. .. : ( ..... , .~.. ~
~lst reading - Aid, Grimetot and A,F,Donald,
Bnd reading -Ald. Scott and Grimster.
3rd reading -Ald. ~idale and A.F.Donald.
The Council adjoUrned on the motion of Ald. Scott end A.F.Donald.
READ ~ AD01x~ED, ~y 1, 1939.
0curtail Chamber,
April 24, 1939..
The Finance Ccm~mittee met on A{ondsy, April 24, 1939, for the pul~ose
of approving ehd ale o of passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee, with the excep-
tion of Ald. Iaglis, were present.
~ndry accounts were approved by the Con~nittee, mounting to
~468, $~9.16.
The accounts submitted, being, passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord-
ered placed in the money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the mtion
of Ald. A.F. Donald and Scott.
It was ordered on the motion of Aid. (Irimster and Twidale that arrant-
merits be rande for the repair and improvement of the Bridge Street wall, and that
the ss~e be rented for advertising purposes at $1~0.00 per year for a three-year
period; the agreement for which to be presented to the Council.
The report of the .City Solicitor, re the transaction for the sale of
the lot to Mr. R.O.Young, w~s presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald.
A.F. Donald and MeAninch that the matter be laid on ~he table until the next meet-
When put to a vote, this motion was defeated.
It was then ordered on the'motion of Ald. Grimetot and His Worship
~yor Hanniwell that the report be received and filed;-and the lot be taken beck
by the City; and the pUrchase price paid byMr. Young, less the taxes for the
period during whichMr. Young held the same, and costs in connection with the
preparatioWof the deed, etc., be ~efunded..
This motion was carried, the vote .being:
Yeas - His Worship Mayor Hanntwell, Ald. ~imster, ~idnle, ~Don~td, ,Ohatrman..
Nays - Aid. M~Anineh, A.F. Donald and Scott. ·
Tile Revenue and Expenditure Statement, as of l~iarch 31, 1939, ~ms pres-
ented. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Scott and A.F. Do~tld that the State-
ment be received and laid on the table.
The comparative Statement of Direct Relief Expenditures, for the month
Of M~rch, w~s presented. It was ordered on the motion of His ;l~orship i,iayor Nann~
iwell and Ald. ~ddale-that the report be received and laid oh the table.
TIle report of the City Clerk, ~'e the application to purchase 1368 lJcl~ae
Street by James Bilotta, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Grim-
ster and His Worship ~yor Hsnniwell that the report be received and adopted; the
offer be acceptsd,,and the necessary agreements be prepared for the presentation
to the Council.
The report of the City Clerk, presenting a sunnnary of the overtime l~tld
to City employees in 1938, was presented.' It was or:~ered on the motion of Ald.
Grimster and A.F. Donald thet the statement be received and laid .on the table until
the next meeting.
The summary of clothing pu~'chased for the Fire and Police Departments
since 1931, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and ~'jidale
that the sunmary be received and filed; and the Clerk be authorized to call for
tenders for uniforms for the Fire Department for 1939.
The report of the City Clerk, setting out City-owned houses which mig~t
be sold, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. ~'~idale and Scott
that the report be received and adopted; and the Clerk be authorized to dispose
of the properties where possible.
The communication and quotation from the Canadian Industries Limited,
for the supply of Liquid Chlorine, was presented. It was ordered on the motion
of Ald. Tt~idale and Grimstar that the quotation be received and accepted. and the
t~ayol' and Clerk be authorized to sign the contract for the supply in the year 1939.
The connuunication from the automobile dealers of Niagara Falls, protest-
ing a~inet the purchase of the International Truck from sn unauthorized dealer,
was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimster and Scott that a
representative .be heard.
Mr. G.C.Macklem of Victoria Meters Lin~tted explained to the Council the
reason for,the protest on the part of the authorized dealers of Niagara Falls.
Mr. Bradley of the International Harvester Company, also spoke and explained the
conditions under which the truck would be sold by ~lr. N.A. H anna.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimster and Scott that the motion
of the Committee, made at a urevious meeting for the Purclmse of an Interna~onal
Truck from Mr. N.A. Ham:e, be'rescinded. ' '
It was ordered on the motion of Aid. T~idale and MeAninch that tenders
be again called for the supnly of a mall ~,~p truck to the Co~poration.
The offer to purchase Lot llO, Slmcoe Street, from M des D~rothy Job,
for the sam of $350.00 was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. ~vi-
dale an~ Grimstar that the offer be received and accepted, under the usual con-
ditions, and the necessary documents he prepared for presentation to the Council.
~le offer to purc~mse 824 Brid~e Street for the sum of $1,300.00 from
Mr. Charles E. Steele, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship
Mayor Hanaiwell and Ald. Scott that the offer be received and accepted, and the
necessary documents be prepax~ d for presentation to the Council.
Ald. G. Donald requested that the City Clerk make a report ot the Com-
mittee on the number of lots which have been sold by the Corporation in the past,
and on which dwellings have not been erected in accordance with the agreements
m~,de With the purchasers..,
A communication was presented from Mrs. W. ~.O'Brien, offering to pur-
0hase Lot, 6, Block 'H' on Brid~e Street fo~ the sum of $500.00. It was ordWred
on the.motion of Ald..~ott and MoAninch that the communication be received and
the party be advised that the price is $600.00, with taxes to be paid from the
date of sale.
The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. ~idale and A.F. Donald.
READ AND ADORED, May 1, 1939.
Chaimsn of Finance
Council Chamber,
April 24, 1939.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the Finance meeting, for the
purpose of passing the money By-law which covered the accounts approved by the
Conmittee. All members of the Council, ~'~ith the exception of Ald. Inglis, were
pro se
The folloWin~ By-l~. wa~ passed:
No. 276__2- Ald. G. Donald- To Grant Monies for General Purposes.
1st reading -Ald. Grimetot and A.F.Donald.
2nd reading -Ald. A.F. Donald andTwidale.
3rd reading -Ald. Grimster and Scott.
The Council adjoined on the motion of A~d. Twidale and ~cott.
READ AND ADOPTED, May 1, 1939.
Council Chl~mber,
April 2~, 1939.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
meetings for the purpose of holding a conference to discuss certain matters which
had been placed before them. All members of the Council, with the exception of
Ald. Inglis, were present.
After discussion upon the matters presented, the Conference adjourned.
READ AN]) ADOPTS), May l, 1939.
101 (T
Oouncil Chamber,
May 1, 19B9 ·
Pursuant to ad3onrr~!leat, the Council met at 5.00 p.m. to consider Gen-
eral Business and Fir~nce. All members of the Council were present. The Council,
having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on
the motion of kld. Scott and A.F. Donald.
In connection with Communication No. 1B1, and on the motion of Ald.
A.F. Donald and Scott, speHkers in connection with the suggested smend~ent to
the Milk By-~aw, were Rermitted to address the Council.
Mr. Hearn, Chairman of the Niagara Falls Milk Salesmen' s Association,
spoke and advised the Council of the objections of his Association to any rev-
ision of the present By-law which prohibits the delivery of milk prior to 6.00
a.m. Another representative also spoke and outlined additional objections on
the part of the salesmen and householders.
- A~. kL B.Biggar, Aiannger of the Niagara Co-operative ~iry, also
spoke to the Council and asked that a decision from the Council be deferred un-
til next meeting, when he will have further information to present.
SEE also Co~uaunicHtion No.151
Tenders for the supply of Ftremen's Uniforms, a small Dump Truck and
a Motor Pumper for the Fire Department were presented. It was ordered on the
motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and GrAmstot that the tenders be opened, initalled by
His Worship Mayor Hanniwell, and read.
It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. ~ddale a~d Grimster that
the tenders be sum~aarizedand a tabulation on the same be presented at the next
Thee .following. Commtml cation s were pro seated:
No. 151 - Niagara Falls Milk ~le~nen's Association - objecting to any change
in By-la~,, for delivery of ~milk. ORDEE, D on the motion of Ald. MoAninch and G.
Donald that the commenication be received and the matter be laid on the table
until the next meeting.
No. 152 - Oh~.st W__arnock & Co. Ltn~lted - recommending amendments to building
laws. ORDI~ED on the motion of~ld. McPmlnch and Scott tha~ the communication
be received and laid on the table until the next meeting.
No. 153 - Niagara Olympic Club - requesting use of Oskes Park on certain nights.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Grimster that the oomUnlea~lon be
received and the permission be granted.
No. 1M - H. Litherland - re~uesti~g removal of trees. ORIEED on the motion of
Aid. (tri,nster and MoAninch that the c~ieatton be ~eceived ~d referred to
the ~rks ~perintenden~, for lnvesti~tion wi~h the power W ac~.
No, 155 - Mrs, T.O,.Stewart - complaint ~e activities a~ Centre Clty garate, OR-
DERED on the motion of Aid. O. Do~ald and Twtdalethat the comunlcatton be
eived~ the write~ be advised tha~ the nuisance will be remedied as soon as
sible, and that cold patch be not,nxixed~he~e in~the f~ure.
No, 1~6 - Marina (]harts Oelebra~on Oom~ittee - o~x~lining progrnmme for colebrat-
ion. ORDRRED on the motion of Aid. T~tdale and Scott that the co~mmuication be
received and filed, that Ald. Inglis and Grimetot be a continuing connnittee in
connection with this totter, that the Oounell co-operate shenever possible; and
the Oomtttee be asked to report back to the Council upon the action taken.
No. 1Bg - E.C.NcNelly Estate and Others - requesting pavesrant be ~aid on area
at Victoria Avenue and Bridge Street. ORDERED on the motion of .rid. A.F.Donald
and Orimster that the communication be received and laid on the table and the
matter be considered during tile Tour of Inspection.
No. 158 - MJjs. Deallest und Mr. Barnes - re opening and operation of Goodwill
store. ORDRED on the motion of Ald, MoAninch and Grimster that the communicat-
ion be received and this store be operated providing the sales conforms wi~h the
municipal regulations a~d By-laws.
SEE also~_R_e. port No.
~The following R_eports were received;
No. 82 - C_.___o~Ittee of Council - re operation of good-tvlll store. ORDF~ED on the
motion of Ald. M~%ninch and Grimster that the report be received and edopted.
No. 83 - City Clerk - report on conference held on April 24th. ORD~]ED on the
motion of Ald. MeAninch andTwidale that the report he received and approved.
No. 84 - l~ir~ Inspector - re nort for the month of April. ORDRRED on the motion
of Ald. MoAninch and A.F.~naid that the report be received and filed.
No. 85 - ~it~ Clerk - reco~r~nding small signs be perndtted below tourist signs.
ORU~ED on the' motion of Ald. G. Donald and Scott that the report be received
and filed.
No. 86 - City Eng~ineer - re cost of protectl_>n of Fourth Avenue crossing. ORD-
~ED on the motion of Ald. MeAninch and Scott that the report be received sad
filed, and an additional report be requested from the City Olerk and Solicitor.
.Th.s ~ifqllowln6 Petitions were received:
No. 4 - F.II__~merton & 4 others - requesting permission to erect advertising signs.
No. 5 - Charles_ O.~rr & 3 others - requesting Permission to erect advertising
signs. ORJ)~ED on the m~tk~ o~ Ald. Twidale and Grimetot that the petitions be
received; that permission be given in the first case for the erection of the sign
on the property at Ferry Street, under the supervision of the City Engineer; and
in the second case, if the sign is erected on private property and with the ap-
proval of the Otty Engineer, such erection be permitted.
The____f_o.1..lowtng Resolutions w___e~:
No. ~4 _ SOO~T - A,F,DONALD _ RESOLVED that the City Cle~ be instructed to for-
ward a message of sympathy on behalf of the City Council to Mr, Henry Curlist
upon the passing of kl~wi~e; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No, ~5 - ~VIDA~E . MeANINCH . RESOLVED that the next meeting of the Finance Com-
mittee be scheduled to take place at 7.00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 3rd; and that a
meeting of the Committee In charge of the arrangements for the Royal Visit be held
at the close of the Finance Meeting; and the Seal of She Corporation he hereto
The following By-laws were passed:
No. 27~6~ -Ald. G. Donald- To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale
and Deed.
let reading - AId. A.F.Donald and Grimetot.
2~d reading - Aid. Scott and Twidale.
3rd reading -Ald. Scott and Twidale.
No? B7~6~ - Aid. G. Donald- To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale
and Deed.
let reading - Aid. Scott and Grimster.
2nd reading - Aid. A.F. Donald and G. Donald.
3rd reading -Ald. Twidale and Grimster.
No. 276--5- Ald. G. Donald- To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale
and Deed.
1st reading - Aid. Grimster and A.F.Donald.
2nd reading - Aid. G. Doaald and Scott.
3rd reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and ~idale.
No.. H,76.6 -Ald. G. Donald- To Great Monies for General Purposes.
let reading -Ald. Scott and Grimter.
2rid reading -Ald. G. Donald end A.F. Donald.
3rd reading - ~dd. Twidale and Grimster.
At this point, His Worship ~yor Hanniwell left the meeting, and Aid. !nglis was
asked to" preside.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Twi dale and MeAninch.
RF~D ~ND ADOPTED, May 8, 1939.
Council Chamber,
May 3, 1939.
The Finance Committee met on Wednesday, ~ay 3, 1939~ for the p~pose of
approving and also of passing the various accounts wh~d~ had been Properly cert-
ified end placed before the~. All members of the Committee, with the exception
of Ald. MeAninch and Twidale, were present.
Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to ~87,608.43.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord-
ered placed in ~he money By-law for prosestation to the Council, on the motion
of Ald. Grimetot and Scott.
The communicetion ~rom the Oanadian Postage Meters and Machines Com-
pany, re advertising of the Royal Visit, was presented. It was ordered on the
motion of Ald. Scott and GrAmstot that the communication be received and filed.
The report of the City Olerk, setting out a summary of vacnnt lots sold
and the building upon the s~me, vms presented. A~ter discussion upon this matter
it was ordered that the next order of business be considered.
~e report of the City Clerk, advising of an offer to Purchase 180Z
Main Street, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of ~dd. Grimefor and
His Worship ~yor Hanoiwell that the report be received and laid on the table
for one week.
The report of the City Engineer, recommending the painting of 630 Erie
Avenue, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. A.F, Donald and Scott
that t~e report be received and adopted, and the painting as set out in the rep-
ort, together with the painting ef the sashes of the downstairs windows, be.auth-
era zeal. .
The communication from Inspector G.F.Nann of the Department of Munic-
ipal Affairs, re the monthly breakdram of relief costs, wee presented. It was
ordered on the motion of His Worship ~iayor Hanniwell a~d Ald. Grimetot that the
communication be received, and authority be granted for the submission to the
Department of the monthly breakdown as prepared.
The com~aunication from Messrs. Flynn Bro s. re the repairs to the
Bridge Street wall, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of His ~orship
~yor HannAwell and Aid. Grimster ~hat the comunication be received; that Mes-
srs. Flynn Bros. be given the contract for the performance of this work at the
price quoted and that the soft spot on the wall be specially treated providing
the cost does not exceed an additional Ten Dollars.
The report of the Relief figures for the month of April, 1939, was
preached. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and A.F. Donald that the
report be received and laid on the table.
The comparison of tax collection for the month of April, 1939, was
presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F;Donald and Scott that the
statement he received and filed.
The communication from WIlliam (~ange, offerlug to purchase Lot ?0,
Valleyway for $200.00 was Presented. Xt was ordered on the mtion of Ald. A.F.
Donald and C~imster that the offers be ~eceived and accepted, and the lot be
sold subject to the usual conditions.
The communication from E.H,Fsrree Oompany, offering to purchase Lots
42, 43, 44, 45, Plan 269, on Le~is Avenue for the sum of $300,00, which is the
approvaleel value, was presented. It was ordered on the mol~on of Ald. Scott
and ~imster that ~he offer.for the lots be accepted, tha~ the loss be sold to
the Company subject ~o ~he usual conditions.
~ Theoffer of ~,F~eelnen, for the purchase of Lot 47, Plann20, Elm Street,
for ~h8 sum of $100.00, was presented. It was~ordered on the motion qf ~d.
Inglis and A.F. Donald that the offer be received and accepted, cAbJeer to the
Usual conditions.
The Comittee adjourned on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Grtmster.
READ AND ADOPlIED, May 8, 19~9.
Chairman of Finance
Council Chamber,
May B, 1939.
The Council re-asa~abled at the close of the Finance meeting, for the
purpose of passing the money By-law which covered the accounts approved by the
Oon~nittee; and for the consideration of other business. All menbars of the
Oouncil, with the excepticn of Ald. MeAninch and ~vidale, were present.
The following By-law was passe~:
N0. 27~7 - Aid. G. Denald- To erant Monies for Generel Purposes.
let reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimster.
2nd reading -Ald. Scott and G. Donsld.
3rd reading - ~j.d.A.F,Donald and Grimetot.
The'foil,owing Resolutions were passe~:.
No. 56 - G. DONALD- INOLIS - RE~OLVED that the City Clerk be instructed to com-
municate with the Deparinent of Municipal Affairs and ascertain whether it will
be permissible for the Corporation to sell vacant lots in their possession, without
the eXpense of having appraisals made on the 'same by a hired appraiser, and
without -the apl~oval of the Department| and the Seal of the Corporatio.~ ..b.e' hereto
c~aar.ri, e~
No. 57 - G. DONAII) -i ~.IM~T~R - RESOLVED that the City Clerk be instructed to
endeavour to ~ke armn~nxents to ob~e~ a Quit O~atm ~ed for the proper~y at
564 ~i~Avenu9; that nego~iations ~ made for the ~e~i~ of ~e building and
the revenue therefrom be used for She construction of a suitable fence; ~d also
that the Mi6hi~n Central Railmy be a~ed for pension to e~o$ ~e fete on
their ri~t-of-~y adJOining %~ ~opei'~;' and ~he 8e~- of. She Oox'pom~ion ~ here-
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. ~riraster and A.F.Donald,
READ AND ~LOOI~D, ~y 8, 1939.
Council Chamber,
~y 3, 1939.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regolar Council and Fin-
ance meetings for the purpose of holding a Conference to discuss certain matters
whiqh h~d been placed before them. All members of the Council, with the excep-
tion of Ald. MoAninch and Twirlale, were present.
After the discussion of the ~mtters presented, the Oonfereace adjourned.
READ A~D AD01~ED, May 8, 1959.
Council Chamber,
AEay 8, 1939.
Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. to consider Gen-
eral Business and Flr~nce. All members of the Council, ~vith the exception of
Ald. ~,le~kninch, were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes
of the previous meetings, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Gk'imster and A.F.
Laid over from previou_s. ,meetlpg:
· He. 15B - Chas.. _W_aFpock & Co___. Limited - recommending amendments to building By-
laws. 0RD~RED on the notion of Ald~'~vidale and Scott that the communication
be filed.
The___fp_llowin~ Comunications__w_e..re received:
No. 159 - County of Welland - resolutions re improvements to Welland County Gaol,
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. inglis sad Grimster that the communication be rec-
eived and laid on the table until representation has been received from the
County Council as to the expenditure contemplated.
No. 160 - Department pf ~lunicipal Affairs - change in policy re disposal of pro-
perties. ORDERED on the notion of Ald. Inglis and l~idale that the communic-
ation be received and the. suggested policy be adopted.
No. 161 - Robmet Service Statio..~ - application for permission to instel bulk
storage tank. ORDI~{ED on the motion of Ald. A.F,Donald and Grimstar that the
communication he received and laid on the table until after the Tour of Inspea-
tic n.
No. 162 - Clerk, Crystal ,Be.~q.h - resolution re one-day fishing licenoes. ORD-
iRED on the taction of Ald. O. Donald and Twidala that the communication be rec-
eived and the resolution be endorsed.
No. 163 - F. Hs]muerton - requesting permission to erect advertising sign. ORD-
ERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimster that the communication be received
and the neeessar~ permission be granted, subject to the regulations as set out.
No. 164 - Niagara Falls t~_os~er Coraltree - invitation to attend opening game
at Hyde Park. 0RD~RED on the motion of Ald. Inglis and A.F.Donald that the
ccemmnication be received, the invitation be accepted; and as many of the Coun-
cil as possible aStend the ceremonies.
During the presentation of the above motion, His Worship Ma~Dr tIarmi-
well was absent from the meeting; .and Ald~ Grtmster was in tl~ chair.
No. 185 - L.Morrison - requesting permission for removal of tree. 0RD~EB on
the motio~ of Ald. Grimstar and A.F.Donald that the co~aunication be received
and the permission be granted.
SEE also Report No. B7
No. 166 o Order of Ita~lo-Gaxmdiaas - re advertising in souvenir progrnmme re
Royal Visit. 0RD~RED on the motion of AId. Grimstar end inglis that the con~un-
learice be received; end the Society be advised that the Council is unable to
p~rtiel~te in advertising in the booklet as requested.
No. 167 - E.M.Lovell - requesting permission to erect advertising sign.
on the motion of Aft. C~imster and Scott that the cmmunleatton be ~ecelved
and the neceeema7 permission be granted.
Th__e. ,fo~low__lng Re~_Ft s were received:
No. 87 - Parks .Superintendent - recommending removal of tree at 97/~ -:{urea Street.
fRD~ED on the motion of AYe. Grimstar and A.F. Donald that the report be rec-
eived and adopted.
No. 88 - Cit~F Clerk - report on action taken at Conference on l,~y 3, 1939. 0M'ff-
~RED on the motion of Ald.. Gz, ims~er and Tvddale that the report be received a:~d
adopte d.
No. 89 - .Cit7 Engineer - re applications for erection of tourist cabins. CRDK~i~D
on the ~tion of Ald. ~vldale and Grimstar that the report be m~ceived and laid
on the table until after the Tour of Inspection.
No. 90 - City Solicitor - re Fourth Avenue crossing over N.S. & T.Tracks. ORDER-
ED o n the motion of A~. Ingjis and Scott theft the report be received mad laid
on the table until a formal application has been received for protection at this
ores sing.
The following _R~e.solutions were l~sse_~d:
No. 58 - (t{IJ4~T~ZI{ - SCOTT - Rk~OLVED that the present 3y-laws which provide for
the daylight delivery of mi.Lk remain as at present; and that no change be made in
the sa~m; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. 59 - G{II~IbTER - SCOTT - RF~0LV~3D that Saturday, 1,lay 20, 1939, be not proc-
laimed a civic ~oliday; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carrio d
The followin~ By-la_ws were passed:
N~o. 276~_. - Aid. G, Donald- To authorize the execution of a Deed.
let reading. - Aid. A.F. Donald and G~imster.
End reading- Aid. Scott and G. Donald.
3rd reading -Ald. G. Donald and Grimster.
No. ?7.69 -Ald. G. Denald - To authorize the execution of an A~'eement for Sale
and Deed.
let reading - Aid. ~rimster and Scott.
~nd reading - Aid. A.F. Donald and T~dale.
3rd reading -Ald. G. Denald and Twidale.
Ald. G. Donald- To a~thorize the exeuction of an Agreement for Sale
and Deed.
let reading - AId. Scott and Twidale.
gad reading -. Aid. A.F. Donald and Grimstar.
3rd reading -Ald. G. Donald and Scott.
N_o.. 27.7~1 -Ald. O. Donald- To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale
and Deed.
let reading -Ald. Twidale and A.F.Donald.
~nd reading -' AId. G~imster and G. Donald.
3~.d reading -. Aid. (].Donald and A.F.Denald.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. A.F.Donald and Scott.
READ AND ADOPTED, May 15, 1939.
Council Chamber,
May 8, 1939.
The Finance Committee met on Monday, May 8th, 1939, for the purpose of
approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert-
ified and placed before them. All members of the Committee, vdth the exception
of Ald. MoAninch, were present.
Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to $76,829.25.
The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt ~th, were ord-
ered placed in the money By-law for presentatiou to the Council, on the motion
of Ald. Scott and Grimster.
The report of the City Clerk, as to the Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.O.A.Health
Fair, was presented. It was o~'dered on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Grimetot
that the report be redeived and adopted.
The report of the City Clerk, recommending the sale of certain prop-
ertie~, wasp resented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. G~imster and A.F.
Donald that the report be received and adopted.
The report of the City Engineer, re repairs to the Savoy Hotel Wall was
presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimetot and ~vida~s that the
report be received and adopted.
The r!~,port of the ,City Solicitor, as to action necessary in the case of
~ Kenneth Wendover, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott
and His Worship Mayor Hanniwell that the report be received and the Clerk's rec-
onnaendation that a writ be issued ~aS~inst Timmine, be adopted.
The report of the City Clerk, re the offer to purchase 1803 Main Street,
w~s presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and ~%vidale that
the report be received and laid on tha table until the next mes~ing,
The application of Ben Yubasz, for the puroh~se of Par~ of Range
Buchanan Avenue, was presented. It was ordered ou the motion of A&d. Scott and
~rizaster that the application be received and laid on the table until the Tour
Of Inspection.
The report of the City Engin~er, recommending a new type of body in
the truck to be purchased, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of
Twidale and Scott that the report be received and adopted; and an~ tender el-
cop. ted witA the installation of the new body at the price submitted.
The sun~aary of tenders for mall dump trucks, was presented. It was
ordered on the notion of AId. Inglis and His Worship Liayor Harmi~.:ell than au In-
ternational Truck be purchased from the Universal Gea, age at a net price of
The stunmary of tenders for the supply of unifonus for the Fire Depart-
ment, ~s presented. It was ordered on the ~ction of His Worship llayor Hanni-
well and Ald. Scott that the suits be purchased from Bert S~psoa ~t a Dri~;e of
$~9.50 per suit. It was ordered on the motion of ~lld. A.F. Donald and ~idale
that the hats be purchased from C.W. Dosn at ~2.75 for the firemen's caps and
$3.25 for the Officers' caps. It was ordered on tile ;otion notion of ~ild. Grim-
ster and His Worship Mayor Hanniwell that the shirts be pro'chased from James Gul-
lion at ~2.00 each.
The sunmary of tenders for the purchase of a llotor Ptunper for the Fire
Department was presented. In this connection, it was ordered on the motion of
Ald. Inglis and Scott that the Fire Chief be heard, It was then ordered on the
motion of His '.'Yor~fip 1.iayor ~anniwell and Ald. C~'lmster tlu~t the representatives
from the Companies be heard. Explanations were made as to the various features
of both the Bickle-Seagrave and LaFrance units. It was then ordered on the
ion of His ~/orship I,~yor itsm~iwell sad Ald. inglis that a Bickle-Seagrave Motor
Punper be ~uirchased from W.O.Pretty at a net price of $8,875.00.
The City Clerk brougd~t to the attention of the Committee un editorial
appearing in the Niagara Falls Evening Review of May 8th, commenting upon the
sound financial position of Nls~ara Falls.
The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimster.
R~D AND ADOPTED, ~ay 15, 1939o
Chairman of Finance
Council Chamber,
A~y 8, 1939.
The Council re-as.,~emhled at the close of the Finance meeting, for the
purpose of passing the money By-law which covered the accounts approved by the
Canmittee. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. MeAninch, were
The following_By-law passe4:
N~o. 2~7~ -Ald. G. Donald- To O~ant Monies for General Purposes.
: l{O 111
The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Scott end ~vidale.
Rv~ :'dqD ADOIxIrED, llay 15, 1939.
Mayo r
Council Chamber,
i, luy 1O, 1939.
Pursuant to adjourm~ent, the Council met at 7,ZO p.m. to consider Cene. r-
al Business and Finance. All members of the Council, ,v:ith tile exception of f~ld.
Mcfminch, were plesent. The Council, having received e. nd read the rain,tee oF the
previous meeting,adopted these on the motion of Ald. Gr~l~ster and A.F.Donald.
Tenders had been called for tile con~,essions at the ~\~ixrming Pool and the
Athletic Field for the seasion of 19Z9; and on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and
~vidale, the tenders submitted were opened, initialled by His Worship L~lyor Hauni-
well and read. It was then ordered on tile ,,notion of Ald. lnglis and Grimstar that
the tender of E.J.Caselton at $15,OO for the two parks for the season of 1939, be
accepted. .
Council, Chamber,
May 8, 19~9.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Fin-
anee meetings, for the purpose of holding a Conference to discuss certain matters
which had been placed before them. All members of the Council, with the excep-
tion of Ald. llm~uinch and A.F.Donald, were present.
After the discussion upon the matters presented, the Conference adjourned.
RF_dtD AND ADOPTED, Nay 15, 1939.
_T~a_e follo_jw_t.n..~_ Connaunicatio~s ~vere received:
No. 168 - City Clerk, London - resolutions re Transient Un~,~pioyed of Canada.
t~ED on the motion of f~ld. Scott and Grimstar that the ccYnn;mnication be received
and laid on the table until the next meeting; and tl~at the City Clerk obtain ad-
ditional infornmtion upon the matter.
No. 169 - $.M. Osborne- suggestions for handling tr~ffic during Royal Visit. 0~D-
~RED on the motion of Ald. T~ddale and A.F. Donald that the conmxunication be rec-
eived and filed, and r./~.. Osborne be thamked for his suggestions; and the nmtter
be referred to the Conmittee in charge of the arrangements for the Royal Visit.
No. 1VO - Canadian Gor_vs .'kssociation - re invitation to formal opening of new
Club-house. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Grimstar and Scott t~t the con~munication
be received, the invitation he accepted and as ninny of the Council as possible at-
tend the ceremony.
No. 171 - _Board~pf Police Commissioners - re application for licenee of L.Scobie.
ORDERED on the motion of ~kld. Twidal'~s"nd Scott t~at the co~uuunio~tion be received;
end as far as the Council is concerned, that there be no objection to the grunting
of the licenee.
_The fol.l_owi_ng Report was received:
No. 91 - ,C.it~ Ole.rk . report on conference held on May 8, 1939. 0RI~RED on the
motion of Ald. Scott and A.F. Donald that the repor~ be. roeaired and filed.
s~ ~ 44, ~ ~ ~
At this point His Worship M~yor Hanniwell was. called frmu tile meeting,
end Aid. Inglis was asked to take his place.
The following Reso~ution was passed:
No. '60 - 6itlMST_I - TWIIILE, - REHOLVED ~hat the Dt~ec~ol~e and partioipan~s of the
Niagara Falls Music Festival be congratulated for the success they lave attained
in the presentation of the program, s Just recently; and the Seal of the Oorpor-
ation be hereto affixed.
At this.point, tiis Worship lI~yor Hanni~l returned to the meeting.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimetot.
RK~D AND ADOPTED, May 22, 1939.
~ yo r
Council Chamber ,,
May 15, 1939..
The Finance Committee met on ~bnday, May 15, 1939, for the pro'pose of
approving and alsoof passing the various accounts which had been properly cert-
ified and placed before them. All mmbers of the Comittee, with the exception
of Ald. ~'~Aninch, were present.
~undry accounts were approved by the 0ommlttee, amounting to ~15, 275. 72,
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donsld and Scott that the Prov-
incial Government be c~qu. mnicated with, in regard to the assessment for Public
Hall licenoes for the Swimleg. Pool and the Athletic Field.
The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord-
ered placed in the.money By-law for presentatio~ to the Oouneil, on the n~stiom
of Ald.. Grimster and Scott.
The report of the 01ty Clerk, re the offer for the purchase of 1803
}~ln Street', as laid over from the previous meetings, was presented. It was ord-
ered on the motion of Ald. G~imster and His Worship MayOr H~n~E[well that the rep-
ort be again laid on the table for oh~ week.
The offer to purchase Part of Range B4 on B~chansn Avenue, from Ben
Yuhasz, as laid over from the previous meeting, was presented. In this connec-
tion, it was ordered on the motion of Aid. Inglis and Grimster that }it. Yuhasz
be heard. ]f~. Yuhasz explained to the Council that he was now, a~eeable to pur-
chase the lot for the mount offered, ramely $150.00, and to build therein a
dwelllag of $2,000.00 value. It was then ordered on the motion of His Worship
Mayor Hanhiwell and Aid. Crtmster that the offer be accepted and the lot be sold
at the above,pries, providing a dwelling is erected on t. he lot which Will. equal
th& s~a~ed value; and subJes~ to the usual Conditions. . .....
1 i 3.
The tender for the demolition of the buildim,~ on Erie ..venus- was la~d
on the table for consideration at the Conference to he~eld at the close of the
0curtell meeting, on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Scott.
The eor~nunlcation from Albert Long, protesting a(~iast the methad the
City has employed for the disposal of vacant properties, ~as presented, It was
ordered on the rgtion of Ald. Grimster and ~idale thet the con~unication be rec-
eived and filed; ~d ~k'. Long be advised ~ the City Clerk of the teasea for the
action taken by the Council.
The offer of Ernest i~iclntee for the ptu'chase of the property at 1353
I{amilton Street, for the sure of ~180.00 under an Agreement For Sale, was presented.
It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Inglis and Scott that the offer be received
and accepted, subject to the usu'al conditions. The offer af ~ 00 cash for the
above property from Paul Kurcera, ~'~as filed.
The offer of Peter Liancuso, for the Dutchass of Lot 59, Te~nperance
Stre~t, was Presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Twirlale t'-nd Grh~ntsr
tlmt the offer be received and laid on the table; and the City Clerk commnicate
with the gentleman asking if he will consider the purehess of Lot 58 v~ith this
lot, in order that the entire piece of land, sixty feet wide, might be sold.
The communication frsm Mr. sad Mrs. Earl Davyes for the ourchase oF
203 But trey Avenue, was presented. It was ordered on the motion o~ Aid. Inglis
and Grimster that the cc~,~aunication be received sad the offer be accepted, mH~-
Jeer to the usual conditions.
The report of the City Clerk, in con..ection with the audit of the books
of the Public Welfare Board for 1~38, was presented. It was el'doted on the mot-
ion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Grlmster that the report be received and the request
for the audit be referred to the Welfare Board for their consideration.
The communication from the Boy Scouts' Association, ~'ecuesting assist-
ance, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald..GrDls~er and A.F,Don-
ald that the col,~aunicstion.be received and a grant of ~10.00 be made to the As-
The communication from the Bell Telephone Company, offering to sell
certain poles to the City; and the report of the City Engineers, thereon, was
presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott end ~Midale that the com-
munication and report be received, and the report be adopted.
The communication from the LaFrance Fire Engine and Foamits Co. in con-
nection with the purchase of the new motor pureper for the Fire Depart~ent, was
presented. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship 1,.~ayor Hsnniwell and Ald.
Inglis that the cm~uunication be received and filed.
The report of the City 01erk, in connection with the supply of water
for relief gardens, was presented. It ~as ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimefor
and A.F.Donald that the report be received. and adopted.
The cofmuunication fi'om the City Clerk, re r'-eeipt of Beverage Author-
ltles for the Olty of Niagara 'Falls, was presented. It was ordered on the motion
of His Worship 1,~yor Hanniwell and Ald. A.F. Donald that the communication be rec-
eived and filed.
The report re the request of hospitalization for,Miss Jane Black, 1479
Robinson Street, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Twidale
and G~lmster that ~he report be received; and the recommendation of the City
Olerk, the hospitalization be usatUned by the Olty for this patient, be adopted.
The Revenue and Expenditure starmeet as of April 30, 1939, was presen-
ted. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Sco~t and A.F. Donald that the state-
ment be received and laid on the table.
The ecnnnunleation from R.0.Young, re the purchase of Part Lot 5, Arm-
cUlT S~reet, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Hls Worship A~yor
Henniwell and Aid. 8eott that the e~mmunltoation be received, and the former mot-
ion, ,~e-ol~tmtng the lot for the City, be ~'esotnded. (Ohalrman of Flashes, Aid.
G. Donald, asked to be recorded as being contrary to the above action)
The Oonnittee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Grimetot.
Chairman of Finance
Oouncil 0hmbar,
May 15, 1939.
The Council re-asr~embled at the close of the Finance Meeting, for the
purpose of passing the money By-law which covered the accounts approvsd by the
Committee; and for the consideratiqn of other matters. All members of the Coun-
cil, with the exception of Ald. MeAninch, were pres~mt.
The items taken up ~hlle the Council was on Tour of Inspection, May
llth, were reviewed 'by the Council, and the following action taken:
1. City Hall Satisfactory
'B. Queen Street Fire Hall
Application for new covering over hot water pipes
in floor refused. installation of sink in l~ch-
room approved. Linoleum for floor of lunchroom
approved. Repairs to plaster in meeting room ap-
proved. installation of stormwindow in irEb-
room approved. Ordered that prices be obtained
upon changes to the mudg~ards of the Ladder truck,
painting of the chassis and the varaishing of
the ladders. Also the suggestion for the equip-
ment of all trucks with windshields.
3. Rosberg' s Store
repairs to sidewalk in front of store authorized.
4. SavOy Hotel Satisfactory
River Road sidewalk
Re stone ship. 0Ri~RED that action be taken to
enforce remowal of stone chip from the sidewalks.
River Road (Storage Tank on C.N.R.Porperty) ORDERED ~hat the ~anke be ape
proved~ providing the eres~ion of the dYkes ar-
ound the .same are satisfae~o~y ~o ~he Oity Eng-
· . inset.- =
Canadian National Crossing at Buttrey Avenue - 0R])E~E1) that the L(ailway Com-
pany be requested to improve the ~Hne by the
raising of the trucks.
Asphalt Plant & Paper Plant - Satisfactory
City Yard and InCinerator
Buttrey & Victoria Avenue
LRDF~EI) t~t the gasoline proape be reproved to the
front of the Building, and maces be submitted
for the construction of a ~.mll building·
10. Liichi~ln Central property. ORI)~I~ED that a req-
uest be made to have this property cleaned ap.
ll. Victoria Avenue & Bridge Street - 0RDkI~ED that *]~e EntWine. or submit prices
upon the paving of the area at ~icNslly's Store,
and also ascertain whotier the property owners
would be willing to pay a portion of the cost·
12. Victoria Avenue
Valley Way & Third Avenue
Fourth Avenue
from LTorrison Street to Sirocco Street. 0F~DE~ED
that the City Engineer report to the Council as
to the cost of repairs at this location.
OEDERED that curbs be constructed at this locat-
Oi{Dt~ED that necessary repairs be made to the road
and sidewalk.
Homewood Arccue & Bridge Street re locations for sigh~eeing cars and stands.
ORDbRED that those persons operatinf~ the stand at
the South-east corner of the intersection be ad-
vised they will not be !~aitted to park their cars
on the street~ and must ~mke arrangements to park
the cars at some other location and on private
Tom'Act Cabins, 1357 Bridge Stree~ - No action
18. 0akes Park
OREF~ED that the Superintendent submit a report
upon certain improvements,for consideration with
the 1940 Budget.
Satisfactory. ORDkRED that two of the small
bleachers be constructed and moved to the Bridge
Street grounds for the sunm~er months.
Relief Department and Isolation Hospital - Satisfactory
Stanley Avenue
CRD~RED that thisthoroughfare from 'Morrison Street
to MoRse Street be improved.
Niagara Falls General Hospital - 0RD~RED that the Clerk prepare an estimate
of the cost of paving the driveway.
Fence at Third Avmue and Armoury Street - ORDERED that Mr. Hoffmeister be
requested to remove his fence from the City prop-
.erty, inasmuch as the erection is not of a tem-
porary nature, as stated in his application.
Centre Fire Hall
Gentre Police Station
ORDt~ED that the interior of the building be pain-
ted and decorated; that the cornice, window frames
and doors be painted on the exterior; repairs be
made to the big doors; the floors of the small
room on main. floors be painted and a cover fo~ the
opening in the floors be constructed.
(RDER~D ~hat .repairs be earreid out'as soon as
possible;. and:that action be t~ken in oonnestion
with the frame buildings at the rear of Vict-.
Grin Avenue.
Victoria Avenue, vicinity Signs re sightseeing tours satisfactorY. Other
of Concrete Stone and Goal signs in this vicinity to be checked.
Buchanan Avenue, Ra. Pt.21 The sale of this lot had been approved by previous
meeting of the Finance Committee.
Spring Street and Lombard Avenue - re site of proposed ~prage. Satisfactory
Allen Street and Ferry Street - re location of sightseeing office. ORDERED
that the table on the boulevard be permitted only
if one persons is stationed at the same; and that
no loitering on the sidewalk be permitted. It
was also suggested that the Oity Clerk prepare
recommendations for tmifom signs of this nature
to be inaugurated in 1940.
Gladstone Avenue and Ferry Street - same action as above.
Poplar Park
Drill Hall and Racks at
~in Street Fire Hall
~lnStreet Fire Hell
0RDE~ED thnt the tower be taken doom and racks
be iustalled for the drying of hose.
ORDERED that painting and decorating be proceeded
with on the second floor; floors of bath and
toilet rooms be covered with linoleum; also the
lunchroctu floor be covered with linoleum; and
the cornice, window fr~nnss and doors on the out-
side of the building be painted.
Booster Station
Filtration Plant
Trees on Main Street
ORDERED that these be tri~aed or removed where
Laid over f~u~m previou.s meeting:
No. 161 - Robmet Service Stations - application for installation of bulk storage
tank. 0RRERED ~tmt' She =permission he granted, with the provisions as set out by
the Council after the Tour ~f Inspection,
Laid over fxum p~evlous meeting:
No, 89 - Oity Engineer - re applications for erection of tourist cabins in res-
idential'area, 0RDE Sh~t the report be filed,
The follow. i~g By-law was~ ~assed:
No,.~V?.____.A~- Ald, G,D~nald - To Grant Monies for General ~Arposes,
let reading - AId, A,F,Donald and ~imster,
~nd reading -Ald. Scots and Inglis.
3rd ~endin~- Ald. Twiddle and GrAmsSet.
The Oouncil adjourned on the motion of Ald. ~vidale and Inglis.
I~AD AND ADOPTED, May E2, 1939.
Council Cl~amber,
May 1~, 1959.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Fin-
ance meetings for the purpose of holdinS a Gonference to discuss certain matters
w~ich had been placed before them. All members of the Council, with the excep-
tion of Ald. Mcj~ninch, were present.
After discussion on the matters presented, the Oonference adjourned on the motion
of Aid. AoF. Donald and Grimster.
READ AND ADOPTED, May 2~, 1939.
with the frame buildings at the rear of Vlct-.
oria Avenue.
Victoria Avenue, vicinity Signs re sightlseeing tours sati~factory. Other
of Concrete Stone and 0oal signs in this viginity to he checked.
Buchanan Avenue, Ra. Pt.21 The sale of this lot had been approved by p~evious
meeting of the Finance Conu~lttee.
Spring Street and Lombard Avenue - re site of proposed g~rage. Satisfactory
Allen Street and Ferry Street - re location of sightseeing office· ORDERED
that the table on the boulevard be permitted only
if one persons is stationed at the same; and that
no loitering on the sidewalk be permitted. It
was also suggested that the City Clerk prepare
reconmendations for uniform signs of this nature
to be inaugurated in 1940.
Gladstone Avenue and Ferry Street - same action as above.
Poplar Park
Drill Hall and Racks at
Main Street Fire Hall
l~tn Street Fire Hall
Sati s~actory
0RDE~ED that the tower be taken dm~a and racks
be installed for the drying of hose.
ORD~ED that painting and decorating be proceeded
with on the second floor; floors of bath and
toilet rooms be covered with linoleum; also the
lunchroom floor be covered with linoleum; and
the cornice, window fr.ames and doors on the out-
side of the building be painted.
Booster Station
Sati sfa ctory
Filtration Plant
Trees on Main Street
ORDERED that these be tri~aed or removed where
Laid over from previous m~eet~in.~:
No. 161 - Rohmer Service Stations - application for installation of bulk storage
tank. ORDERED that' ~he permission be granted, with the provisions as set out by
the Oounsil after the Tour Of Inspection.
Laid over .from prevlgus~meetin~:
No. 89 -Oity Engineer - re applications for erection of tourist cabins in res-
idential area. ORD~E1) that ~he report be filed.
The fgllowi_ng B~_-law was p~ssed:
N9...2~7~ -Ald. G.~nald - To ~an~ Monies for ~ne~l ~rposes.
let reading - ~d. A,F.Doa~d and ~imter.
2ha reading - AId. Sco~ and Inglis.
3:d ~eadl~ - ~d. ~l~!e ~d ,ims~er.
Tl~e Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. ~.~idale ~nd Inklie.
READ id~D ADOP~ED, May ~2, 19~9.
Council C~m~lber,
May 15, 1939.
The Courtoil re-assembled at the close of the regular Oounail and Fin-
anee m~letin~s for the purpose of holding a Genrefence to discuss certain matters
wl. lich bud been placed before them. Ydl members of the Council, with the excep-
tion of Ald. },icAninch, were present.
After discussion on the matters presented, the Conference adjourned on the motion
of Ald. A.F. Donsld and Grimstar.
READ AND ADOPTED, May 22, 1939.
Council Chamber,
~ay P~, 1939.
Pursuant to adjournuser, the Council mot at 7.L~ p.m. to consider Gen-
eral Business and Finance. All members of the Oouneil ~ere present. The Council,
having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the
motion of Aid. Scott and Grimster.
On the motion 6f Ald. Scott and Grimster, and in connection vdth Commun-
ication No. 176, 1~. Fred F~mm~ertoa was permitted to address the Council. ~ir.
Hardnorton explained his request for permission to erect advertising signs at the
corner of D~mmaond Road and Lundy's Lane, in cormeerie with his sightseeing bus-
SEE ~lso~ C_pn~unication No. 176
~La_i~ 9y, e.rjFo~ 2revi cue meet i nB:
No. 1S~- D~O.B~heimeZ- reques~g pemissio~ to ~erste ~us~ent park.
0RD~IED on ~he motion of Ald. IcElie and A.F.~nald that the c~lcation be
received and referred for consideration at the Conference to be held a~ the close
of the regular meeting.
~E also Re~rt No. 93
No. 168 - Cit~ C1prk, London - resolution re Transient unemployed of Canada. ORD-
eRED on the'r~tioa of Ald. A.F. Donald and ~aidale that the conmunication be laid
on the table until further inform~tion is received.
The following Oonmmnications were received:
No. 1VB - City Clerk, Welland - resolutio~ re remodelling of County Cool. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Scott and Twidale that the eon~aunication be received and the
resolution be adopted.
No. lOB - Pub.lie Observance G.o~mmittee_ - re International Frolic, Oakes Park, June
l?th. ORD~LED on the notion of Ald. Iaglis and G~lmster that the eox~aunication
be received, the i~vitation be accepted, and the ~ayor or his representative be
reeuested to be present at the appointed time.
No. 174 - StsscfordPublic Utilities Commissio__n- requesting continuance of agree-
ment re supply of water. ORDERED on the motion ofAld. Inglis andTwidale that
the ccmmunication be received and laid on the table for the time being.
No. 175 - Town of Riverside - resolution re importation of automobiles. (EDGED
on the motion of Ald. Grimstcr and Scottlthat the co~unication be received and
laid on the table until the next meeting, a~d a copy of the reSe]~ion be forwarded
to the members of the Couucll.
No. 176 -'Fred Hemmet%on - reouesting permission to erect adverti~ ng sign. 0RD-
~ED on the motion of Ald. Twldale and MeAninch that the camm,micat~on be received
and laid on the table to permit the Aidemen to inspect the location, and Until
a Joint meeting with the Chamber of Commerce has been held.
No. 17? - AnonSanous Lptter - 0RD~RE]) on the motion of AId. A.F. Donsld and Grim-
ster that the c~munication be filed, unread.
No. 1~8 - E.G.Lovell - re action to romed~ condition about which complaint made.
O. RD~ED on the motion of A&d. ~%idale and Grimster
sired and filed.
No. 1V9 - Ch~ab~er. 9_f Corma___e.r..ce - requesting joint meeting re si rhtseein( cabs.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott that the co.u.unication be rec-
eived and the requested meeting he held on Monday, ~My 29th, at ?.00 p.m.
No. 180 - Chamber of Cormercp~- sugl~esting removal of pole on 3ri.l,m Street,
K~ED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Scott that the conununic~tiou be received
snd the Ghember be advised of the arrangements proposed.
No. 181 - Ch~u,~ber of Con%metes - enclosing report for improvement of li!~nting of
city streets. 0RDE{ED on the motion of Ald. In?~lis and Scott that the communicat-
ion be received and the City Clerk g9 into the matter ~nd report ~ls to the cost
and the proposals of the ttydro CoFaission ]n this connection.
No. 1BE - W.S,Liartin - requesting continuance of suspended building restrictions
on Victoria Avenue. 0RiI~RED on the motion of Ald. fda~ninch and Orimster teat the
communication he received and referred to the To%~i Planning Conmission for a
oft back to the Council.
No, 183 - ~bsdames Roberts and Gamero__n - re rent'al of windov:s in property at 562
Erie Avenue. 0RDkRED on the motion of Aid. In~:lis and Scott that the co~m~!lunie, at-
ion be received and referred to the Cc~amittee in chargeof the Royal Visit.
At this point, kld..inglis left the meeting.
~lp followi.ng Reports ~mre received:
No. 92 - City Clerk - report ~f conference held on LIay 15, 1939. ORD~]~SD on the
motion of Ald. Scott and ~vidale that the report be received and adopted.
No. 93 - City Clerk - re application for pemissiou to operate amusement park.
ORDERED on the ~tion of Ald. Inglis and A.F.Donald that the re!~rt be received
and referred to the conference.
SEE al,so Pe__t._~.ions No. 3u~,6_7'
I~id over ITom~revious mpe~i n~:
No. 3 - E.~..Ri~ & others - approving of application for operatiou of amusement
park. ORDerED on the motion of Ald. Inglis and A.F,Doimld that the petition be
laid on the table until the conference.
The fol__lowln~ Petitions ~re received:
No. 6 - ~ohn H. Smith & others - protesting against operation of amus~nent park.
No. V ~ K.S.Poole & Others - approving of application of operation of ~aus, ment
prk. (RD~RED on the motion of Aid. Inglis and A.F.Donald that the petitions be
received and laid on the table until the coffferenee.
No. 8 ~ M.McQuade & 5 others - protesting against blowin~ of dust from garages on
Bridge Street. 0RD~0~ the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Grhnster that the pet~
i~iou he received and the GAry Clerk be instructed to take the matter up with the
~arages, with ~he request t~tt they take action to remedy the nuisance. ~
The foll,o,win~ By-l.a_w_e were passed:
Aid. Gra~t Donald - To authorize the signing of a lease with N~.s.
O'Brien in connection with Lot 6, Block 'H' on the. south side of Bridge
1st reading - Aid. Scott and Grlmster.
End reading -Ald, A.F.Donald and Grimster.
3rd reading -Ald. Twidale and A.F. Donald.
1~. 27V~ - Aid. A.F. Donald - To authorize the delivery of a Deed.
let reading -Ald. Grimster and Scott.
Bad reading -Ald. Scott and A.F. Donald.
3rd reading -Ald. Twidsle and Scott.
At this point, Ald. inglis returned to the meeting.
No.. ~F7_6_- Ald. Grant Donald - To authorize the execution *of a Deed.
1st reading - Aid. A,F.Denald and C~imster.
P~nd reading -Ald. Scott and Twtdale.
3rd reading -Ald. A.F. Donsld and G. Donald.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimster.
Gotmoil Chamber, .
May ~, 1939~
The Finance Committee met o~ Monday, May 22, 1939, for the purpose of
approvXng and al~ of passing the various accounts Which had been properly cert-
ified and placed before Sham. All members of the Committee were present.
Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to
$516,~59.72. -~
The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise deals with, were ord-
ered placed in She money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion
of Ald. A.F. Donald and MoAninch.
The ~eport of the 0try 0lark, with regard to the sale of IBOS Main
Streel~, as hid ove~ from the previous meetings, was ,presented. 'It was ordered.
on ~he motion of Ald.~A.F. Dohald~and Scott* that'the ~epo~t'be agatn-=~tnd on the
on the table for one week.
The report of H.T.Jamieson & Company, as to the audit of the accounts
of the Board of Education for 1938, was pro seated. It ~as ordered on the motion
of His Worship Mayor Hamiwell and Ald. A.F. Donald that the report be received
and laid on the Sable, and printed in the usual marmot.
The matter of the catching of dogs witniu the confines of Queen Victoria
Park was presented. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor imnni~vell
and Ald. Scott that the Parks 0onnnission be asked ~o take cars of the catching= of
the dogs in the Psi area, transport the~a to the City pound, and that the pound~
keeper ho~se the same, charge the usual fees and destroy the anfi~ls when neces-
]Prior to the above motion, it was moved by Aid. A,F. Donald and Inglis
that the ma;ter be placed on the ageads for discussion with the Niagara Parks
Commission. When this motion was presented, the ss~us ~us lost.
The con~nicstion ~rom the Treas~n~y Depar~xnent, with regard to the lic-
enses necessary for the swimming pool and Athletic Field, was presented. It was
ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Hunniwell and .tld. Scott that the com-
munication be received and the Chairman of Finance be requested to tmke the matter
up vdth the Hen. N.F. Hepburn. (Ald. Inglis asked to be recorded as being contrary
to this motion. )
The cor~nuntcation from the Canadian Undem~riters' Association, in con-
nection with the Bickle-Seagrave motor pureper for the Fire Departraent, was pr s-
en! ed. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Hsnniwell end Ald. Ing-
lis that the comunication be received, and an order be placed with the Bicl~le-
Seagrave Limited for the prosper as tendered upon and tentatively accepted; and
before delivery is made that s test of the unit be rinds to see that the same vdll
live up to the specifications.
TIle comparative statement of direct relief expenditures for the month
of April, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimster
that the starmeat be received and laid or~ the table.
The Committee adjourned on the motion of Aid. Scott and A.F.Dommld.
READ AND ADOPTED, ~ay 29, 1939.
Chairman of Finance
Council Chamber,
~y 22, 1939.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the Finance AKeeting, for the
purpose of passlug the money By-law which covered the accounts approved by the
Coramittee. All members of the Council were present.
T~he~ following_P~-law was p~asse__d:
~o.. 2777 -Ald. G. Donald- To Grant '~lonies fox' General P~rposes.
let reading -Ald. Grimstar and A.F. Donald.
2nd reading -Ald. A.F. Dottold and Twidale.
3rd reading -Ald. ~vidale and A.F. Donald.
THe ~ollowing Resolution was passed|
No. 61 - McANYNCH - G. DOI~D - RESOLVED that the Press be requested to omit a rep-
ort of the discussion which has taken place in the Council meeting, in connection
with the order of presentation of the members of the Council to Their Majesties,
the- King and Queen; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
. Garried
The Council adjourned o~ the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimster.
Goun~ii Chamber,
May Z9, 1939.
The Council assembled at 7.00 p.m. on lQ~y 29, 1939, for the our~se of
holding a conference with the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Conmarco, to
discuss the operation of sightseeing cabs and estublis}ments in the City. All mem-
bers of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Lic~ninch, were present.
~a'. F.C.Ward, Secretaryo f the Chamber, spoke to the Council and out-
lined the feelings of the CM~xber vdth regard to the operation of sightseeing bus-
iness in the City. l~qr. W.SJ~iartin then pl'oposed th[tt a co~ittee comprised of men-
bars of the Chamber of Co,~nerce, the City Council and the si!*h';seelnC drivers, be
requested to ~ive full consideration to this matter, and report back as to ~heir
findings. air. .M.i.~cBride read a statement from an/~nerican totu'ist, ulie~d to
have been abused by a siF~tseeing driver of the City.
It was then a~'eed by all members are sent that a co~aittee should be
formed for the full consideration of'the matters pertaining to si~d~tsesing in this
City; the c~lnittee to comp~'ise two m~mbers form the Ch~Jibe'r of Goxvu~erce, appointed
by the President; two members from the City Council, appointed by the Liayor; three
members of the sigjutseeing drivers, to be appoin, ed by ballot from all such oner-
stors in the City; as well as Mr. D.L.Willson, P'esident of the Ch~m~ber and ~s
Worship ~h~yor Hsnniwell as ex-officin members. 4ire Vtillson annelated Messrs. V, .S.
Martin and Arnold Smith; em] His Worship Huyor Hanniwell appo~i~ted Ald. G. Donald
and Inglis as the representatives on the Comraittee.
READ AND ADOPTED, June 5, 1939.
READ AND ADOPTED, May 29, 1939.
Council Chamber,
May ~, 1939.
The Co~mcil re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
meeting for the purpos!~ of holding a Conference to discuss certain matters which
had been p~aced before them. All members of the Council were present.
After discussion upon the matters presented, the Confere~Ce adjourned on the mot-
ion of Ald. Scott and G. Dsnald.
' READ AND ADOPTED, May 29, 1939,
Council Chamber,
~y 29, 1939.
Pursuant to adjournerect, the Council met at 7.~0 p.m. to c~nsider Gen-
eral Business sad Finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald.
MeAninch, were present. ~he COuncil, having received and read the minutes of the
previous meetL~g, adopted these on the motion of Ald. ~rimster and A.F.Donald.
4~id over f~om previous meeting:
No. 182~ - W.S.Mart%n - re building restrictions on Victoria Avmue. (R E~ED on
· ~he motio~ of Ald. G. Donald and Twldale that the communisatio~ be filed, a~d
l~rtin be advised of the decision of the Town Plam~ing Commission.
SEE also_ Report No. 94
No, 183 - City GlerkJ~n_~d..o.n - resolutio~ re .registration of Transients. 0RD~RED
on the motion of Ald. ~'~ldale and Scott that the resolution be endorsed.
SE]E also C~onmj~un.~ication No. 18!
No. 184 - Town of Riverside - resolution re importation of automobiles. 0EDGED
on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and G. Donald that the comwaunication be received
sad filed.
No. 185 o F,Hsmmerton - requesting permission to erect sign. ORDERED on the mot-
ion of Ald. A.F.Donsld and Grimstsr that the communication be received and laid
on the table, and the ~ayor teke up the matter of the use of the ~ot with the
owner; sad report back to the Council.
The .fol~lo~__nK CommunicatipJkS~s~were received:
No. 184 - London Tran~s_ient Committee - explanation of plm~ for registration o~
transients. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~Tidale and Scott that the communicat-
ion be received and filed.
~o. 185 - Arthur C.Jolley - requesting pe. mission to erect bleacherS. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Grimster that the communication be received and
the request be granted, Subject to the supervision of the City Engineer.
No. 186 - Carmdian Red Gross Sotlet] -,re distribution of surplus butter. ORDERED
on the raGriGa of AId. ~rimster sad Scott that the communication be received and
filed; and the information be acted upon.
No. 187 - ~ames H. Bedard - requesting permission to erect sign. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Grimster and G. Donsld that the comuaunication be received, permis-
sion be granted tentatively; and the owner be advised that he makes the ert:ction
at his own risk and that it may be necessary for him to change the wording at some
future &~te.
No. 1BB - Niag,:ra Falls Badminton & Tennis Club - requesting permission to erect
bleachers. 0RDF~Eb on the notion of Ald. Grimster and A,F. Donald that the cc~Lmun-
icerich be received and permission be granted, abject to the approval of the ow-
ners of the sig~ on the wall adjacent to the property; also that the 01ty Clerk
check upon.the ~dditlonal sign.on the rear wall.
The follpwJA_Dg Reports were received:
No. 94 - Town Planning Cobsmission - re building restrictions on Victoria Avenue.
0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Twj~ale that the report he received and
No. 95 - City Clerk - report of conference held on May BE, 1939. ~RE~RED on the
motion of Aid. Twidale and G. Donald that the report be received and adopted.
No. 9~ - Town Plannl~ Cormmission - re building of British American 011 Company
on Victoria Avenue. 0RD~RED on the motion of Ald. ~vidals and Grimster that the
report be received andadopted.
The ~following Re solut ion was pa see d:
No. 62 - INGLI~ .- ~R~STPR - RESOLVED that the City Clerk be instructed to publish
full information in the Press in re~rd to the Royal Visit, as to routes, t~mes
and ~raf~10 arrangements; and the Seal of the Corpox~tion be he~etc affixed.
Car. rtpd,
~ae following L~r-la~ was p. as~sed:
No.. 2,.77.B -Ald. %Donald - To ~rant certain privll~ges to the ~ritish ~aeri~n
0il Company, Limited.
let reading -Ald. Scott sa~d Grimster.
2nd reading -Ald. A.F.Donald sad C.Donald.
3rd reading- Ald. Twidale and Scott,
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Grimetot l~nd Scott.
RZ~D ~ND ADOPTED, Y~me 5, 1939.
Council Chamber, ,'
May 29, 1939.
The Finance C~aittee met on Monday, A~y 29, 1939, for the purpose of
approving and al~ of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert-
ified and placed before them, All me~ers of the Conmqittee, with the exception
of Ald. MoAninch, were present.
Sundry accouhts were approved by the Committee, amounti~ to $605,365.50.
The accounts Submitted, being passed or otheruise de~lt with, were ord-
ered placed In the money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of
Al~. Scott and A.F. Donald.
The communication from the City Treasurer, re the request for a retired
on licenoes by the Great P. thlantic and Pacific Tea Coi~pany, was presented. It
was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Hanniwell and Ald. Crimetot that
the communication be received and the Company be advised that no refund would be
The matter of the payment of analyses for .ass Seed purchased in 1939,
was presented. It was ordered on the motion of ltis Worship ~yor ttanniwell and
Ald. T~idale that the recommendation o~ the Clerk, that the 0o~poration Tot the
analyses, be adopted.
The communication from Supervisor R.J.Moore, in regard to the sale of
certain properties, was presented. It was ordered on the' motion of Ald. ~ldale
and 0~imster that the con~aunic~tion be received and the 'instructions be acted
Upon, ;'
~ae offer of Peter Mancuso, for the purchase of Lot 58, and part of Eot
59 on Temperance Street, was presented. It was ordered ~hat the offer be ac- .
copted, subject to the approval of the City Treasurer and Assesmment Comisioner
and on the usual conditions. This motion was presented by Ald. Grimetot and
The report of H.T. Jamieson & Company, upon the audit of the books of
the Hydro-Electric Commission for the year 19Za, was presented. At was ordered
on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and His Worship biayor Hanniwell that the report
be received, .laid on the table and printed in the usual mariner.
The conm~unication 'from F.W. Bridge, offering to purchase Lot 69, Valley-
way, for $200.00 was presented. It was ordered on the _motion of Ald. A.F.Donald
and Scott that the conmunication be received, the offer be accepted, subject to
the approval of the City Treasurer and Assessment Conmfissioner, and subject to
the usual conditions.
It was ordered on the moti6n of Ald. G~imster and A.F. Donald the app-
roval of the C~ittee be given upon the action taken by the City Clerk in ob-
taining prices and arranging for the painting of the City Hall.
The City Clerk reported to the Council of the action taken in obtain-
ing a quit claim deed for the property at 588 Erie Avenue, and arranging for the
removal of the building in~ediately.
The Comanittee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott and A,F.Donald.
2nd reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and G. Donald.
3rd reading -Ald. Scott and Grimetot.
The following Resolutio~ was passed:
No. 63 ~ INGLIS - ~,rIi~'~LE - HESOLVED that the City Clerk and i~,yor be H committee
to consult with the City ~licitor to ~aw up a r. quest f~m the City of Nia~v~ru
Falls to the Halley Co~aission of Ottawa, for the classification of Niac~r~
Falls a s a l~e port, with regard to freight rates; and the Seal of the Corpor-
ation be hereto affixed.
The Oouacil adjourned on the motion of Ald. A.F,Donsld and Scott.
READ ~'d~D ADOPTED, June 5, 1959.
RFAD AND ADOPTED, June 5, 1939.
Chairman of Finance
Council Chamber,
May 29, 1939.
The Council re-asserabled at the close of the Finance Meeting, for the
purpose of passing the money By-law which covered the accounts approved by the
· Oomittee. All members of the Gownoil, with the excep~lon_..Of Ald. MeAninch,
were present.
The followtn~ By-law was passed:
No,, ~7.79 -'Ald. O.Donald - To Grant Monies fo..r General l~urposes.
ls eading -Ald, Scott .and ~imster,
Council Chamber,
June 5, 1959.
Pursuant to adjournment, tim Council met at ?.00 p.m. to consider Gen-
eral Business and Finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald,
MeAninch, were present. The Council, having received and read the ~inutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. A.F,Donald and Scot.t.
The following Communications were received:
No. 189 ~ Canada Coach Lines - requesting permission to instal gasoline storage
tank and pipe line. 0RDF~ED on the motion of Ald. Scott and G. Donald that the
communication be received and the permission be granted, providing the entire
installation is made on private property.
No. 190 - I~blic Observance Committee - appreciation re decorations. ORDFAtED on
the motion of Ald. Grimstar and A.F.Donald that tile c~mmunication be received
and filed.
No. 191 - Council of Labour OrEanlzations - requesting permission to use Poplar
Park. (RD~ED on the motion of Ald. ~-idale and Scott that the communication be
received, the coran~anication be laid on the table until the next meeting, and the
Clerk be instructed to ascertain what organizations are represented.
No. 192 - T.Kelagher - requesting permission to use vacant lot for parking.
DIERED on the motion of Ald~ Twidale and Scott that the communication be received,
the perilscion for this lot be not granted, but that the applicant be asked to
request some other lot for the purpose.
No. 19Z - Douglas Filet - requesting permission to use parking lot. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimstar that the communication be received and per-
n~lssion be granted, providing the parking will not interfere with any gardens
under cultivation.
The followinjE Re~orts were received:
No. 97 - Dairy Inspector - report for month of May. ORDRRED on the motion of Ald.
Scott and Grimster that the report be reeeived and filed.
No. 98 - OitF Clerk - re request for .~eeting to discuss changes to County gaol
and buildings. CRDE~ED on the motion of Ald. Inglis and Grimstar that the report
be received and that a deputations from the Gounty Council be asked to meet the
City Oouncil at the next regular meeting.
The following Resolution was passed:
No. 6~ - A.F.DONALD - TWIDALE - RESOLVED that Wednesday, June V, 1939, be pro-
' claimed a half holiday in the City of Niagara Falls, by His Worship Mayor Hanni-
well, in celebration of the visit of our Gracious Sovereigns, King George VI
and Queen Elizabeth to our City; and ~he Seal of the Corporation be hereto af-
Carrio d
The_ following ..By,:laws. w_ere. passp.d~
N.o...2780- Ald. A.F.Donald - To authorize the execution of v~n Agreemcnt for Sale
and Dee d.
1st reading -Ald. Grimstar and Scott.
2rid reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and *l~vidale.
3rd reading -Ald. Scott and G. Donald.
No. ~781 -Ald. G. Donald- To authorize the execution of an Agreement for
sad Deed.
1st reading - Aid. Grimstar and .l.F. Donald.
Sad reading:. -Ald. ~,,~id-.le Had Scott.
3rd reading ~ -+'~ld. G. Donald and T~;idale.
The Council adjourned on the notion of Ald, ~ik, ddate and A.F. Donald,
RK."~D 2d'iD ADOPTi~JD, June 12, 1959.
Council Chamber,
June 5 1959.
The Finance Oon~nittee met on Honday, June 5, 1939, ~br the ourpose of
approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert-
ified and placed before them. All members of the Committee, with the exception
of .Ald. ~{cAnineh, were present.
Sundry accounts were approved by the Comi~ittee, amounting to $17,851.55.
The accounts submitted, being .passed or otherv~ise dealt with, were ord-
ered placed in the money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the~ motion of
Ald. Scott and Grimstar.
~e communicatioh from the Relief Admfifistrator, enclosing a letter
from the Department of Public Affairs, ~as presented. it was ordered on the mot-
ion of His Worship Mayor Hanniwell and Ald. Twidale that the com~aunication be
received, tlmt Mr. Stock be authorized to attend the conference, and he be asked
to take up with the Department the matter of relief rentals.
The connnunicHtion from the City Treasurer, requesting permission to at-
tend a conference, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. 0a'lmster
and Scott that the comunicntion be received and permission .be .granted.
The comparison of tax collections for the month of ~ay, was presented.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and A.F.Donald that the statement be
received and laid on the table.
1.3 0 -
The c(mmiunication from the Relief Administrator, enclosing statement
of the issue of butter allegiances, was presented. It was ordered on the motion
of Ald. Twidele and Grimster that the comnunication be received and filed.
The comlaunication from the Relief Ad~ainistrator, giving figures for
the month of ~.iay, was .presented. It was ordered on the taction.of Ald. Scott and
~vidale that the commnication be received and filed.
The report of it.T. Jamieson & Company, as to the audit of the books of
the Public Library Board for the year 1938, was presented. It was ordered On
the .,notion of Ald. Grimster and Scott that the report be received, laid on the
table and printed in the usual manner.
The report of H.T. Jamieson & Conpuny, as to the audit of the books of
the Housing Commission for the year 1938, was presented. It v~as ordered on ~he
motion of Ald. ~ddale and A.F.Donald that the report be received, laid on the
table and printed in the usual mareher.
The Con~mittee adjourn.ed on tile motion of Ald. ~idale and Mis ~iorship Mayor Hun-
RE~D AND AEOFfED, June 1B, 1939.
Chairman of Finance
COuncil Chamber,
June 5 1939.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the Fi~mnce Meeting, for the
purpose of passing the money By-law which covered the accounts approved by the
Committee. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. ~cAninch,
were present.
The followin~ By-la~ w.as passed:
N_o._2_7.B2- Ald. G. Donald- To Grant Monie~ffor Genm'al Purposes.
-lst reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimster.
~nd reading - AId. Scott and Twidale.
3rd reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and Twirlale.
~he Council adjourned on the motion
READ AND ~Une .12,
and A.F.Donald.
Council Ch~-,~].,,
June iZ, 1959.
Pursuant to adjourrnI~,ent, the Council met at 7.30 o.nl. to consider ]ene.'al
Business end Finance. All manbore of the Council, with the e~c. eotion of
inch, were present. The Council, tmving 'eceived and rec, d the n~inutes of the pl'e v-
ious meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Grimster and Scott.
C0ii~IF. qiCATI 0NS
Laid over from p,~'evious meetlaG:
No. 191 - Council of Labour 0r_3~_Snizations _ recue-stial~ pl;rmis:;ion to use Poplar
Park on July 15th. 0RD~z~ED on the motion of Ald. Grimster and ~,~i k~ie that the
conmmnication be filed, and the permission be granted.
SEE also Coz~.Auni~a tion iio. ]9 ~
The following Coumqunications v~ere received:
No. 194 - Council of Labour 0r~anizatious - listing orgnnizations rePresented. Off-
D~ED on the motion of Ald. Grimster and T~vidale that the cox~aunicat-ion be received
and filed.
No. 195 - Ontario MuniciB~1 :~ssociation - re resolutions for considecation at Coi1-
vention. 0RDF~{ED on the motice of Ald. ~vidale amid G. Donald that the cox~saunicat-
ion be received and filed; and troy resolution to be subn~itte, d be preoared for the
time specified. ~
No. 196 - C_ou:nt.y Clerk, Welland - enclosing data and estin~te:: re, proposed timages
to County buildings. 0RDF.,{ED on tile motion of Aid. ~vtdale and Ot'imster that the
e~aunication be received and filed.
~E also i~e!qr~o~' 9~
T_h_e_ f.oti~owing Reports were received:
No. 99 - City Clerk - re meeting with County officials and proposed ckanFes to
County Gaol and buildings. OR])F~<ED on the motlea of Ald. ~vidale sad Grin star
that the report be received and filed; and the changes as proposed by the Committee
be approved.
l~,ior to the above motion, an e~aendJaent was put, presented by ;~ld. G. Don-
ald and Inglis that the report be received and laid on the table for one v~eok, that
each Alden:~an be provided with a copy of the inform~,.tion and the order of the Depart-
ment as to the necessary repairs, This amen~:~ent wasdefi~ated.
No. 100 - City Clerk - re meeting for consideration of sightseeing cab operations.
0RIERED on the motion of Ald. Inglls and Scott that the report be received and ad-
opted; and as many of the Committee as possible attend the meeting on Thbwsday even-
.The followt~ Res~o_lutigns wp.re pa~sed:
No. 65 - INGL.IS - TWII~LE - RESOLVED that His Worship Mayor Harmiwell and the City
Olerk be authorized to sign the fennel application to the Board of Transport Com-
missioners for Canada, requesting that Niagara Falls and district be classified as
a lake port with re~rd to freight rates; and the Seal of the'Corporation be hereto
affixed. ............... ........ , .........................
No. 66 - RXGLIS - G~BISTiR - RESOLVED that the City Clerk be authorized to for-
ward a message of sympathy to th~ family of the late h~. J~aes ~rrixmn,,upon the
passing of this esteeled citizen of Niagara Falls; and the Seal of the Corpor-
ation be hereto affixed. Carried
No. 67 - T, IDALE - A.F. DON;,LD - RF~q0LVED that the appointneat of Alden,~an Grant
Donald as Enacting Mayor, d'u~ing the absence of Mayor Hanniwell for the v~eek of
June 19, 1939, be approved; and the Seal of the Corporatiou be hereto affixed.
No. 68 - INGLIS - (RII~ISTER - RESOLVED that the City Ciel~ be instructed to foulard
a letter of thanks and an~reciation of the Council and the citizens for the
sist~mce ~iven during th~'Royal Visit, to the heads of the Royal Canadian Nounted
Police, the Ontario i~-oviacisl Police, the Toronto Gity Police, the Niagara Falls
City Police, Dr. G. 0.LWC~rry, the St. John/unbu]~nce Association, the Hospital
staff, School teachers, RPttu, r~.d Men~s Organizations, the Nia~ara Parks Commis-
sion for t4qe facilities placed at the disposal of the City on that date;~ to h~r.
0rr and his steff; and to all or.her individuals sad groups; and the Seal of the
Oorporation be hereto affixed. Carried
Ho. 69 - G. DONt.3~D - ~Ii,~T~R - RESOLVED that the City Clerk be instructed to com-
iaunicate with the i{onourdbleMr. T.B.McO~ue~ten, Chnin.~un of the Niagara Parks
Commission, and endearour to ascertain what action the Gonuaission is prepared to
take upon the r~quests presented by-the Council; ~nd the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed. Carried
The. fol~pwing By-laws ~lere passed:
No. ~783 -Ald. G. Donald - To authorize the execution af an Agreement for Sale
and Deed,
1st reading - Aid. Scott and Grimste~.
Bad reading - Aid. AoF. Donald and G. Donald.
3rd reading - ~d. Twidale and Scott.
278.4. - A1 ~. G. Donald- To authorize the execution of an Agreement for.Sale
and Deed.
let reading - AId. Grimster and ~,ddale.
Mad reading - Aid. Scott and ~i,~le.
3rd reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimster.
No. S?8~5- Ald. G. Donaid - To authorize the execution of aa Agreement for Sale
and Deed.
1st reading - Aid. A.F.Donald and inglis.
2nd reading -Ald. Grimster and Scott.
3rd reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott end Grimetot.
READ AND AD0~TED, JUne 19, 1939.
june li~, 1939.
The Finallee Committee met on Lionday, Jun~.
approving and also of passinS the w~rious a~coun~s whi.d; h,'td
iliad and pincad herore then, .,ull members of the Oonmittee, '.;it:~ ti~e execution
of Aid. i:ic~ninch, were present.
Sen dry accounts were aperoved by th~ Conm~ittee, ~m~ountihd to .~13,92~.i].
The accounts sub.uitted, bt'iR~ passed ur otlPrwi~e j.e:fit ,;in}i, weF.
ered .Placed in th.~ ;noae, y 3y-!avl for presentstir. lion to the Council, on
of Aid. A.l,'.Donald and %'luster.
The conmlunice, tion Crom the, Soli<;itor for the.
pany, ~iitll reference to the ~ordinF of the ugr,~ement
A~nue; toOther with the re~rt oF the'City Soiicito~.', th:~,'Qon, was orosented.
It was ordered on the r.~otj.on.of Ald. ~;iS'.ie '~nd His l, or~nip ,..ayor i~nni,.eii that
the eorn'mnications be received and the advice of the Solicitor be approvcd, for
the clause to be added to the Agreement.
~ae rspoFt of H.T. Jamieson & Coupany, as to tile audit ,oC the M~oks of
tha \lelfere Boar ~ for ,~he year 1998, was presented. It was orde','l.~d on tz,e ,oti,,n
of Ald. l.Y.Donald and Scott that the report be received, laid oil the table and
printed in the usual rammar.
The Gonmittee adjourned on the ~otion of Ald. Scott end liis ~lorsilip ~iayor
READ ~'dl'D .kDOPTE]), June 19, 1959.
Chairman of Finance
Council Chamber,
June 12, 1959.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the Finance meeting, ~or the
purpose of passing the money By-law which covered the acco~mts aDDroved by the
littee. All members of the Gouncll, with ~he exception of Ald. ~icAninch, were
The, folio.wing By-_law .w. as._pa ssed:
I.~9. 27B6 -Ald. G. Donald- To Grsnt Ironies for General Purposes.
lot reading - Aid. Twidale and Grimster.
2nd reading -Ald. Scott and Twidule.
3rd reedlag -Ald. A.F. Donald and Twidale.
The Goutoil adjourned on the motion of Ald. O. Donald and Orimster.
READ ~]D ADOPr~D, June 19, 1939.
C~unc!j Chzr.b,~ r,
june l~J 19~9.
RF. GUl~d I.D~]TIiIG
Pursuant to ~'~djourln,m~t, the Council met i;~t 7.ZO p.n. to eonsi k'2 6~.n-.
oral Business and Fin~.nce. ill mentbers of the Consoil, ',:ith the exception of ~lis
Worship t.ayor Hanni~?ell and ~lld. ilclnineh, were, present. ,kid.
acting ~'ayor. The CoLmoil, havin~ received and feud the minut..s of the previous
meeting, adopted these on the notion of Ald. Grimetot and Scott.
Council Gimunber,
June 12, 1939.
The Council re-asser~bled at the close of the regular Council and Fin-
ance meeting, s for the purpose of holding a conference to discuss certain mature
presented to then. All Iaembers of the Coramittee, with the exception of Ald. ;'.lc
Aninch, were present.
Afti-~r discussion upon the matters presented, the Gounel~ adjourned.
READAND ADOPTED, June 19, 1939.
Clerk Chairman
COIE.-%~E3 ' ~ Ci :S
The follo:',int~ Coz~nunic~.tions ~;erc received:
No. 197 - South End Libgra! Club - protesting a~(ainst married uamen r~orkinF v, nen
husbnnds hoidin~ a~uate positions. ORD~ED on the motion or .rid. Im !is ~md .'.."'.
Donald that the co~uni~.tion be received and laid on the table until the next meet-
No. 198 - Children.' s j~ld S.oc_i~.ty - appreciation of co-operation. Ojl~l{hD on tee
motion of Ald. A.F.Doneld and Grimster teat the conumunication be received and filed.
No. 199 -.'ulfred A. Bp.mber~- requesting permission to pr~!pt.re ~ortr~ it o~' :~.r-iaj-
esty, Queen Elizabeth. ORD]~ED on the motlon of Ald. T, fid:~le und Scott theft th~
communication be received, acknov;led~ed with teeeke, ~nd th{-~ britcr be advised tn~-t
the Council is not preps, red tom~ke such u pu ~chase at the oresent tim% tnu~useh ~s
the present portrait in the Co~cil Gh~ber v~as ~ gift fro~:~ u fraternal or~mnizat-
No. 200 - i.B.Daraude, 1, LP. - enclosing letter free Iiinister of Labour re
ion of transients. 0RD~,ED m the motion of Aid. T,~idalo and lngiis that the com-
munication be received and filed.
No, 201 - ~irs. E.Kcdninsky - requesting pc-mission to continue use of ~nve. s cabins.
0R])~r~ED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimetot that the conmunication be received
and the regdations as set out in the By-law and in the resolution of Couacil of
May 9, 1938, be enforced.
The, following i~eports }yore received:
No. 101 - p~ty Clerk - report re confrerenee held on June 12th. (Ri)]~ED on the mot-
ion of Ald. Twidale and A.F.Donald that the report be received and adopted.
No. 102 - City Clerk - report on oo~fference re sightseeing cab operations. 0:{DERED
on the motion of Ald. Inglis and Twidale that the report be received and adopted.
No. 103 - City Clerk - report on conference re mutual benefit scheme. 0:{D~RED On
the motion of Aldo Twidlae and Grimster that the report be received and adopted.
The following Resolutions were passed:
No. 70 - A.F.DONALD- G~I~ST~R - RESOLVED that the appointment of directors, rep-
resenting the City Council, of the Niagara Falls City Employees' Mutual Benefit
Society for the year endh~g July l, 1940, be laid on the table until the next meet-
ing; that before that time all employees be requested to state whether or not they
desire to Join the Society; and that any employee with c~splaints or desiring in-
formation upon the same be asked to ~e. presented at the next meeting; and the Seal
of the, Gotpotation be hereto affixed.
" OaFtied
No. Vl - ~dI'5'~lE - SCOTT - RESOLdrED t~mt the Eraacting Mayor, Aidaxe. an Grant Don-
ald, and the City Clerk be and are hereby authorized ~,] instrncted to sign a
p~'chase order to the Bickle-Sea~'ave Gompa~y Limited, for the purchase o~ s
motor proper for the Fire ~nar~ent, in acgordance with the specifications sub-
mitted in their ~nder of A~ril 29, 1939, nnd as accepted by t~e Finance Oo~mit-
tee of the City Council on May 2g, 1939; and the Seal'of the GotpoTation be here-
' to affixed.
Garr ied
Tile following By-_law was passed:
No. 2V87 -Ald, A.W,Scott - To amend By-law Number g124, and Raspeating Traffic
and the use of Streets in the City of Niagara Falls.
1st reading - Aid. Grimstar and A.F. Donald.
2rid reading - AId. A,F.Dorkaid and Twidale.
3rd reading - ~lld. Scott end Tividale.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. ~hvidate and A.F.Donnld.
READ AND ADOFielD, June 26, 1939.
Enacting Mayor
0curtell Chamber,
~une 19, 19B9.
The Finance 6onumittee met on lionday, Yune 19, 1939, for the purpose of
approving and al,9of ~ssing the various accounts which had been properly cert-
ifiad and placed before them. All members of the Committee, with tt~e exception
of His Worship Mayor Haraliwell and Ald. MeAninch, were present.
Sundry accounts were approved by the 0or~littee, amounting to
The accounts submitted, being passed or otherx~se dealt vdth, were ord-
ered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Douald a~d~Cot~ to be placed in the money By-law
for presentation to the 0curtoil.
The Revenue end Expenditure statement as of May 31, 19~9, v~s presented,
It was ordered on the motion of Aid. A.Y. Donald. andTwidale that the statement
be received and filed.
The Oommunication from W.S.Ma~tin, ~eqtesting a lease of lot on Bridge
Street, Was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. G~imster and A.E.Don-
aid that the oommunieatio~ be re0eived,. the lease and option be granted subject,
to the conditions outlined ::~ ~ha i¢;tt,:r; and the neeass :rv
for preparation to the Counc'il. ' '
Offers iFror, t Z.ila'rc ~ilr. and i.lrs. joion Kroinyj
171 ~uttr~y Street, ;/ere ]~resent,ed. it i/as order.
and ZX:idalc that tile offers l)e rcacived, :.nJ tl::.t
provi,~in~ s';tisfantory :irl~'~ ":t~ntS Cilll bO rift,l(' 'br
aim his [~arden until his produce has been removed.
Tile nr3ort e? t?t., City ,n~,5
~llreI ~'3 ~o t, firetilL;- Of th'. ~ ;~I~ ~ ~:l] ~"~ll-
once Offers' ,'~sso~ti~n, x,,r.s p~sented. It was order~ on tLe ::orion of f.id.
!.F.~nald and ~'imster that the report be received and
The %~>p!ication for a rcfun,i or r. Vintu!~i5
nak, for the business t~t 117 River lloa,i, was Dr(?selll:¢,,~. It u:.; 3:' ;er,:! on the
motion of Ald. O~imstcr an:x Scott that the refnnd
The request of the CitJ Clerk, re considcrl,tion of t: c inet~!],ution of
a system of office ecui'Oment, x'q:xs pres ,nted. It ','cs c,r~lf~rc~ by the Coun,.~] % t
a meetinky should bs held on ~cdnesday, ~une ~th, at ?.~0 p.m. for the 0uroose
of considering this matter. ~ ' '
The offer of ]i~mlev J, O'Lau~!lin, i'o~' tile mn'ch~:!:e of Patti of knts a
and 6, Plan 2Z, on De]ew'u'e '~velluo for th~ 2LRY1 Of ~,~!~D q)0 I~Yi2 Drcsente(i. Yt ! s
orqered on tDe :notion of :'rid. Inglis and Grimstcr that the cor~xunication be rec-
eived and the offer be accepted.
The statement of Direct ~(elL:f Expenditur,,s fen t:'..,, ;.oath nf i::,,v .,'as
presented, it was ordered on tile xaotion of Ald. Scott and Z~]daic t:u~t the
statement be received and filed,
The Gol!mqittee adjourned on the notion of Old. A,l,l. Do~u~ld and Gri~:mter.
R~kD AND $:DOPTED, June 26, 1939.
GllaiHaan. of Finance
0ouncil Char.lber,
YUne 19, 1939;
The 0ouncil re-assembled at the close of the Fin~mce lleeting, for the
Purpose of p~esing tha money By-law Which covered the accounts approved by the
Conuaittee. All members of the Council, with the exception of His ~rship Lmyor
Hanniwell and Ald. MoAninch, were present. Ald. Grant Donald was Enacti~g Mayor.
.T.h_e. followj.n.6. BJ_.la.w' w,a~s ~.a, ssedl
No. 2788 -Ald. G,R.Inglis - To Grant Monies for General Purposes.
1st reading - ldd. T~idalo and Grimster.
2rid reading -Ald, A,F.Donald and Scott.
3rd reading -Ald, Twidale and inglis.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. In{~lis and A.F.Donald,
RFJ~D i2'~D AIDi~Ei), June 26, 1959.
Council Cha:nber,
June 26 1939.
Pursuant to adJournrqent, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. to consider Gen-
eral Business and Finance. All members of the Council were present. The! Council,
having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the
motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimster.
Council Chamber,
June 19, 1939.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regulor Council and Fin-
ante nestlugs, for the purpose of holding a conference to discuss cert,_~in
preuented to thou. full members of the Oov~litteo, with the exception of Ald.
Anineh and His Jorship l. layor Hanniwell, were present. Alderman ~-~'ant Donald was
G~mirman of the meeting.
After discussion upon the mutters presented, the Oonference adjourned on the ~ot-
ion of Ald. ~ddale and A.F,Donald.
R~D ~ID ADOPTED, June 26, 1939.
On the motion of Aid. Scott and Grimetot, and in connection with the Mut-
ual Benefit ~ciety scheme for the City employees, Mr. W,W,~de of the Fire Depart-
ment was permitted to address the Council. Mr. Wade asked certain questio:Ls in
connection with the proposed scheme and received the inform~.tion from ~he members
of the Council.
Laid over from previous
No. 197 - South End Liberal Club - protesting against xmrried women workin(~ when
husbands earning sufficient salaries. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~vidale and
Inglis that the s~amunication be filed.
SEE also Cozmmnlcation No.20E
Prior to the above motion, it was moved by Aid. Gri~mster und A.F. Donsld
that the c~nnaunieation be laid on the table until the next meeting. When pres-
ented, this motion was defeated.
.The following5 Communications were received:
No. 202 - L~n%ghts of the Round Table - re employment of married women whose hus-
bands also employed. OR]iERED on the motion of Ald. ~vidale and Inglis that the
con~auni~tion be received and filed.
Prior to the above motion it was moved ~yAld. Grimster and A:F.Donald
that the conm~unication be received and laid on the table until the next meeting.
When put before the Council, the motion was defeated.
No. 203 - Chief Constable - re City Employee s' Mutual Bone fit Society. 0RDk~:~ED on
the motion of Ald. McAninch and O. Donald that the cqnmunication be received, and
the Committee of the Council meet with the Police Commission at their next meet-
lug, for the pm'pose of preseinting an explanation of the scheme to the Commission.
SEE also R__e~q~.ons No. 72-3
No. 204 - Lipns Club - re new location for am~ual carnival. 0RDRRED on the motion
of Ald. A.F.Donald and~vidale that the communication be received and filed.
No, 205 - Sightseein~Ar' Operators - re standard rates for sightseeing cabs.
D~ED on the nEtion of A_ld. G. Donald and ~vidale that the communication be rec-
eived and referred to the Committee appointed for the consideration of these
matters, for their report.
No. 206 - Chamber of Commerce - requesting further meeting re sightseeing cab op-
erations. 0RD~ED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Grimster that the communic-
ation be received and the C~mittee be requested to hold a further meeting.
No. 207 - A. Strange - requesting appointment as official photographer.. C~DE~ED
on the motion of Aid.. lnglls ,and Scott that the ccaumunic~tlon be received and '
No, .~.o8 - ora..__nA .Or.ange Lodgs ~ appreotation of arrangements re reoent meeting.
0RDI~ED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grindstar that the con~aunlcation be rec-
eived and filed.
No. 209 - Amelia Spenf=ler - requesting permission to erect fence on City prop-
erty. CRD~RED on the motion of Ald. Scott and McAninch that the communication
be received and the requested permission be refused.
No. 210 - Hon. W.L.Houck, M.L.A. - acknowledging letter re guards at Plydro
plants. 0RDE~IED on 'the motion ~f Ald. A.F. Donald and Grimster that the commun-
ication be received and filed.
No. 211 - Stamford Public Utilities Commission - requesting consideration of mat-
ter re sunply of water. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McAninch and Twidale that
the communication be received and laid on the table; and the matter be considered
when the report and information has been compiled by the City Engineer.
.No. 212 - Hon. T.B.McQuestpn, K.C. - acknowledging communication requesting con-
sideration of matters by 0omission. ORDI~ED on the motion of Ald. MeAninch and
Scott that the donmunication be received and filed.
No. 213- D.G. Bawtenheimer- requesting permission to operate miniature golf
course. ORDtRED on the motion of Ald. MeAninch and Grimstar that the communic-
ation be received and the request be granted.
The following Reports were received:
No. 104 - City Clerk - report of conference held on June 19, 19~9. ORBERED on
the motion of Ald. Scott and A.F. Donald that the report be received and adopted.
No. 105 - City Clerk - re agreement with Hydro re supply of power. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. Twidale' and G. Donald that the .report be received and filed;
and the City Olerk and Solicitor be requested to submit a full report upon the
No. 106 - City Solicitor - re restrictions in residential areas. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald~ Twidale and Scott that the report be received and filed.
The following Petitio~s_~were~F_ec~e~ved:
No. 9 - A. Manuette & !.other.- requesting section of River Road be put in fire
area. 0RDEIED on the motion of'Ald. MeAninch and G. Donald that the petitio~ be
received and filed.
,No. 10 - Lee Pock & ~ others - requesting removal of trees. ORDERED on the mot-
ion'of Ald.!Scot~' a~d Grimst'or that the petition be received and laid on the table
Until the next meeting~ and a report be presented by the Pa~ks I Superintpndent:
The follow. in_~_R.e.sp,lutions were pas_sed: '
No. 72 - G. DONALD - MeANII~H - [{ESOLVED that two members of the City CounCil be
appointed as representatives' of the Council upon the executive cnmmittee. of the
Niagara Falls City Employees' l~ttual Benefit SoCiety; and t~e Seal of the Oct-'
pox~t~on be heretel affi,xed.. , . . - ' Carried
No. ~3 - A~F. DONALD - INGLI3- RESOLVED that Aideman O. Don~ld and ~imster be
appointed as th$ Couneil's rsl~esentatives upon the executiv~ conmittee of the
Nlagam Falls City Employees' ~u~ual Benefit Society for the yea~ ending july 1,
1949.; and the 8eel o~ the Oorp9,~ation.'be he~o;aff~ixed. ..... "'O_aF~_ip_d
No. 74 - SCOTT - McANII~3H - RESOLVED that the City Clerk be instructed to commun-
Icate wit}Y'th~ Bo~'~°~ucation, asking if some action can be taken to eliminate
the blowing of dust fr~a one section of the Sirocco Street School grounds; and the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
The followip_g By-laws were passed:
No. 2789 - Aid. G. Donald- To authorize the execution of a Lease.
let reading -Ald. McAntnch and Grimstar.
2rid reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and G. Donald.
3rd reading -Ald. Gri~qster and Scott.
No. 279.______~0 -Ald. G. Donald- To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and
Dee d ·
let reading- Ald. Scott and A.F. Donald.
2rid reading -Ald. Grimstar and Scott.
3rd reading -Ald. G. Donald and ~idale.
Ald. G. Donald spoke to the Council and stated that he felt the Chamber
of Gcmmerce should be com~mnded for the excellent advertising folder they have
prepared upon Niagara Falls and district.
It was agreed by the Council that the ceremony for the congrntulation
of those persons who have become of age or who have become Canadian Citizens this
year, be held at the City Hall at 10.00 a.m. on Saturday, July let; and that the
City Clerk be empowered to advise all persons concerned and have the necessary
cards printed.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. ~vidale and Scott.
READ AND ADOPTED, July 3, 1939.
Council Chamber,
June 26, 1939.
The Finance Coram!ttee met on Monday, June 26, 1939, for the purpose of
approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been p~operly de~t-
lfied and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present.
Sundry accounts were approved by the Conn~ttee, amounting to $88,337.51.
The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord-
ered placed in the money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of
Ald. Grimster and Scott.
The communication from the Ganada Goach Lines, re the ptmchase of prop-
erty and use of siding, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of His Wor-
ship ~yor Hanniwell and Ald. TWidale that the communication be received, and an
appraisal on the property be secured, after which the Clerk be instrueted to com-
municate with the Gompany.
The report of the City 01erk, as to the supply of labour to the paper
plant of the Public Welfare Board, was presented. It vms ordered on the motion
of His Worship Mayor Hanniwell and Ald. Inglis that the repor~ be received and
laid qn the table until the next regular meeting.
The communication frcm J.B.Robinson, offering to purchase 630 Erie Ave-
nue for $1,000. cash, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott
and His Worship Mmyor Hanniwell that the communication be received and the offer
be not accepted, inasmuch as it does not equal the appraisal value.
The application of Kr. and ]~rs. Louis Ferencz to purchase Part of Range
24, Buchanan Avenue, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Twidale
and His Worship Mayor Hanniwell that the application be received and filed; and
the City Clerk be instructed to advise the applicants that they will be given
first consideration if additional offers. sa'e received for the lot; .and that they
be asked to again communicate with the Council when they are able to comply with
the terms of the standard agreements for the sale of property by the City.
The communication from kLiss M.E.Sty~es, re the purclmse of 1803 Main
Street, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MeAninch and His Wor-
ship Mayor Hanniwell that the communication be received and filed; and the City
Clerk be instructed to con~aunicate the facts in connection with the purchase of
this property to Miss Styles.
The Committee adjourned on the motion of Aid. A.F. Donald. and Grimster.
'READ AND AD01mTED, JUly 3, 1939.
Clerk '
Ohairman of Finance
Council Chamber,
June 36, 1939.
The Council re-assenbled at the close of the Finance Meeting, for the
purpose of passing the money By-law which covered the accounts anproved by the
G~ittee. ~ ~rs of the Council were present.
The fotlowin&_Byzlaw was p~ss%~:
No. 2791 -Ald. G.Donald - To G~ant Monies for General Purposes.
let reading -Ald. Grimster and A.F. Donald.
~d reading -Ald. Scott and Twidale.
3rd reading -Ald. Grimster and A.F. Donald.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Twi dale and Grlmster.
READ AND ADOPTED, July 3, 1959.
Council Chamber,
June 26, 1939.
The 0ouncil re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
meetings for the purpose of holding a conference to discuss certain matters ~xich
had been presented to them. All members of the 0cmmittee were present.
After discussion upon the matters presented, the C~nference adjourned.
- READ AND ADOlmTED, ;Uly 3, 1939.
Council Chamber,
june 28, 1939.
Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.~0 p.m. fGr the purpose
Gf holding a special meetin{~ for the consideration of the various types of office
equil~ment. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. MoAninch, were
present ·.
The Council were prepared to receive the presentations and proposals
of the various companies fGr the installatlGn of a modern system of preparing as-
sessment records and tax billing.
~h'. J.D. Haggert of the AddreesGgraph-HultigraPh Gompany addressed the
Council, and outlined the various features of his units. Mr. Haggert explained
how the additional equi!maent could be used in conjunction with the Addressograph
equi~xaent now in possessign of the City; aad how this also could be combined
with the machines of the other companies which will perform the accounting work.
Mr. Abr~mson, representing the Burroughs Adding Machine Company, out-
lined to the Council the particulars of their machines for use in cm~piling the
assesmeat ~ tax rolls, computing assessments, taxes, sad for the printing Gf
all necessary forms in connection with this work.
A representative of the Unde~wood Elliott Fisher Company then explain-
ed to the Council the various features of the accounting machines available from
their company.
The Council were advised by the representatives of the various manic-
ipalities in which the respective units are in operation, and where they may be
inspected by the. City' s. representatives. ' '
The ,foliowinE_Resolution was p_a_ss~.e. dj
No. ~5 - SCOTT _-.~_~{ST~{ - RESOLVED that a Committee of the City Council arrange
to inspec~: the systems o~' tax accounting and billing, as installed by the various
companies in other municipalities; and that the Committee repor~ back to the Coun-
cil as to their findings; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Oar ri e.d.
It was agreed that the Committee should consist of as many members of
the Council as possible, together with the City Olerk, Aseessment 0ommiesioner,
City Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer.
The 0Gunoil adjourned on the n~otion of Ald. Scott and A.F. Donald.
READ AND ADOPTED, ~uly 3, 1939.
Council Ch~unber,
July 3, 1939.
Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. to consider Gener-
al Business and Finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of His
ship Lieyet Hanniwell and Ald. MeAninch, were present. Alderman/~.:,:.Scott was
acting l~hyor in the absence of His Worship Mayor II~mxiwell. The Council, having
received ~nd read the minutes of the previous .meetings, adopted these on the
ion of Ald. Grimster and T~idale.
In connectign with Petition No. 13, and on the motion of Ald. Ingiis end
G. Donald, ~ir. W.S.Martin, K.C., was pem~itted to address the Council. Mr. ~,~rtin
explained to the Council the circumstances which had n~ 'e necessary the rues eat-
ation of the petition, and the action of the persons about whom the comp],aint was
SEE also_o Ppti,t.i.~ j~o. 1~.
The following Communica_t_i.9..ns' were receiv_e~d:
No. ~14 - Boa__rd of Educatio__n- re elimination of dust nuisance at Simcoe Street
School grounds. 0REd~A~ED on the motion of Ald. Grimstar and~viCale that the com-
munication ~e received and filed.
No. 215 - Public 0bservan_ce Committee - appn~.ciation of co-operation. ORD~I~ED on
the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Twi dale that the communication be received and
No. 216 - A. Spengler - requesting elimination of two steps leading to property.
~RD~ED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and G~imster that the con~unicatiCn be, rec-
eived and filed, and that no action be taken upon the request.
Tee following ReJ~OFt. s_JCere racelyre. d_:
No. 107 - City Soli~ij~r_- re proposed By-law providing for new schedule of g~s
rates. ~RDERED on the motion of Ald..Inglis and Grimstar that the report be rec-
eived and laid on the table until a full Council is present to deal with the matter.
No. 108 - Perks Superinte.n..dent~- recommending removal of trees. 0RD~ItED on the
motion of Ald. G. Donald and G~imster that the report be received and adopted.
SEE ul.so_.Pe_.tltion___Np.,_ l__qO
No. 109 - Dairy I-nspector - report for month of June. 0RDI~ED On the motion of
AId. Twidale and !riglie that the report,be received and filed.
No. 110 - City Fm~inee~r - recommending installation of street lights. 0RD~I~ED on
the mGtion of Ald. Twidale and Grims~er that the report be rcoeived ~nd adopted.
No. 111 - City Clerk - report of conference held on June 26, 1939. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. ~vidale and G. Donald that the report be received and adopted.
Laid over ~from p~evious meetlng:
N~.. 10 - Lee l~_k and 2, othprs - requesting remcal of two trees.
0RDP~ED on the
motion of Ald. G. Donald and Grimster that ~the petition be filed and the request-
ed pex~nission be granted.
The following Petitions were received~:
No. 11 - John H. Youn~ & 20 others - re unsanitary condition of stable. 0REF~°J~D
on the motion of Ald. Grimster and ~,fidale that the petition be received, and
that a copy be forwarded to the Medical Officer of Health with the request that
he investigate the condition'and report thereon to the Council.
No. 12 - E.K. Proctor & 10 oth~r__s- recuesting removal of railway ~litch. 0RI~ED
on the motion of Ald. Inglis and ~vidale that the petition be received and refer-
red to the City Engineer for his report.·
No. 13 - ~s. ~.Maloney & ~8 others - re business restrictions on River Road. OR-
DERED on the motion of Ald. Inglis and Grimster that the petition be received,
that the semebe laid on the table until the next regular meeting, that a report
from the City Clerk and Solicitor be requested upon the matter; and that definite
action be taken by the Council at, the next regular meeting.
The following Resolutions were j~assed:
No. 76 - C~tlMST~R - A.F. DONALD_ - RESOLVED that the appointment of Alderman A.W.
Scott as Enacting ldayor during the absence from the 0ity of His Worship Mayor
Hanniwell on July 3rd, 4th and 5th, be and the same is hereby approved; and the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
' Carried
No. 77 - G. D01~D - T~JIDALE - RESOLVED that the City Clerk be instructed to pres-
ent a full report as to the advisability and possibility of erecting tennis courts
in various locations throu~lout the City, that the probable cost and possible loc-
ations of such courts be mentioned; and the Seal of the gorporation be hereto af-
No. 78 - G. D01~LD - GtIMSIER - RESOLVED tha~ the'City Clerk be instructed to com-
municate with the Board of Education and request that they take some action to el-
iminate the dust nuisance at the Kitchener Street School grounds; and the Seal of
The Gorporation be hereto affixed.
following By-laws were
2792 - Aid. G. Donald- To authorize the execution of a Lease.
reading -Ald. Grimster and Twidale.
reading -Ald. A.F. Donald and G. Donald.
reading - AId. Grimetot and ~.Donald.
~p? 279.~ -Ald. G. DOnald- To authorize the execution of a Deed.
1st reading ~ Aid. Twidule and Xnglis.
. 2nd reading -Ald. ,imster and A.F.DSnald.
$rd reading -Ald. G. Denald and Twidale.
Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Twidale and G~imster.
eeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeet
Clex'k ·
Enaeting Mayor
Council Chamber,
July 3, 1939.
The Finance Gom~lit~ee met on Monday, July 3, 1939, for the pu='pose of ap-
proving and ale o of passing the various accounts which had been m'operly certified
and placed before them. All members of the Comraittee, v~ith the exception of
Worship Mayor Hanniwell and Ald. MoAninch, were present.
Sunda'y accounts were approved by the Committee, amountiag to ~24,580.6'?.
The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord-
ered placed in the money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of
Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimster.
The report of the City Clerk, as to the supply of labou:~ to the Public
Welfare Board Paper Plant, as laid on the table from the previous meeting., was ag-
ain presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Ingkis that
the report be received and filed.
The communication from the Canada Coach Lines, in connection with the
purchase of a Park Street lot, as laid over from tile previous meeting, was present-
ed. An appraisal of the value of the lot from James Milne was also presented. It
was ordered on the motion of Ald. ~vidale and A.F. Donald that the recommendation
of the City Clerk, for the sale of the lot at the appraisal price, if satisfactory
to the Gompany, be adopted,
The connaunication from the Secretary to the t~'ime Minister, in connection
with licenoes for the 8~immingPool and Athletic Field, was presented. It was
ered on the motion of Ald. Inglis and Grimster that t~e cc~mmnication be received
and filed.
The communication from Mr. B.R.McNally, requ~sting purchase of a portion
Of a lot on Valleyway, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott
and Inglis that the comunication be received, Mr. MeNally be advised that the
Counci~ will be unable to sell a small portion of a lot as recuested; and that the
Clerk advise Mr. MeNally that the Council would be willing to sell two lots for
the erection of one house, or perhaps he would be interested in another lot on
Valleyway with. a greater frontage.
The cormnunication from Mr. Joe Trabucco, offering to purchase a garage
on Ferguson Street for the sum of Twenty-five Dollars, was presented. It was ord-
ered on the motion of Ald. Tvddale and Grimster that the communication be received,
and the recommendation of the Olerk, for the sale of the buildings, be approved
and adopted.
The offer from William Calvert, to purchase Lot 5, Plan 17, Pine Grove
Avenue, for Two Hundred Dollars, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of
Ald. Twidale and Scott that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the
usual conditions with regard to building and subject to the approval of the City
Treasurer and Assessment Commissioner.
The comparison of tax collections for the month of June, was presonted.
It was ordered on the motion of Aid. A.F. Donald and Grims~er that the statement
be received and filed.
The statement of Real Estate sale~ in 1939, as of June 30th, was present-
ed. It ~as ordered on the motion of Ald. lnglis and Grimster that the statement
be received and filed; and that in the future, on sales of lots by the City, a
clause be added as part of the Agreement for the payment of cur 'rent taxes by the
purchaser from the first of the month nearest the date of the Agreement.
The City Clerk brought to the attention of the C~mmittee, the provisions
of the National Housing Act, with respect to the erection of dwellings and the
offer for sale of lots by the municipality. The Clerk recommended that certain
lots on Dr,i,,nond Road, between Doleware and 3~mnes Avenues, and three lots on
D~um~ond Road, at the comer of Murmy, be offered for sale for Fifty Dollars per
lot. It was ordered on the motion of Aid? midale and Grimster that the rec-
ommendation of the Clerk be adopted; that he go into the matter with the City
Solicitor and report to the Council as to the advisability of taking up this
govermaent plan, and whether the necessary By-law should be passed.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. ~;ldale aad Grimster.
READ AND AIDED, July 10, 1959.
Chairman of Finance
Council Chamber,
July 3, 1939.
~l~e Gou~cil re-assembled at the close of the Finance meeting, for the
purpose of passing the money By-law which covered the accounts approved by the
Gcmmittee, and for the consideration of other matters. All members ~the Council,
with the exception of A.ld. NcAninch and His Worship Mayor Hanniwell, were present.
Ald. A.W.Scott was Enacting Mayor.
The following .BZTlaw. was passed:
No. 2~94 -Ald. G. Donald- To G~ant Monies for General Purposes.
let reading -Ald. A.F.Donsld aad Grimster.
2nd reading -Ald. G. Donald and midale.
3rd reading - AId. A.F.Donald and Gr~,nsSer. ,
PjEAD AND ADOPTED, July 10, 1939.
Enacting ~'iayor
P~__0L.UTION .
The ~ollo~in~ Resp~tio~waApassed:
No. 79 - INax.IS - G. DO.N~L__D- RESOLVED ~hat the matter of the lmyment of overtime
for certain holiday work for employees of the outside departments be laid on the
table for consideration when the 1940 Budge~ is prepared, and the Seal of the
Oorporationbe here~o affixed,.
The,~Couneil adjourned on She motion. ofAld. ~l~lmste~ and G. Donald. '
Council Chamber,
July 10, 1959.
PUrsuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. to consider Gen-
eral Business and Finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald.
MeAninch, were present. The Council having received and reed the minutes of the
p~evious meeting, edopted these on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Grimetot.
The following Comunicatiens wer. e received:
No. 217 - Chamber of Gemores - enclosing ne~ advertising booklet. ORD~ED on
the motion of Ald. inglis and Twiddle that the communication be received and
filed, and the Ghamber of Commerce be advised of the appreciation of the Council
for the services they are rendering to the cc~nunity.
No. El8 - Mrs. Grace Campalgae - requesting permission to build garage in fire
area. 0RD~RED o~ the motion ef Ald. Inglis and A.F.Donald that the ccmmunication
be received, the request be gra~ted and a By-law be prssented at the next meet-
ing of the Council which will revi se the building By-law to permit the erection
of private garages with a floor area Of four hundred square feet in the fire area.
No. 219 ~ Niagara Parks Commission - re consideration of matters presented to the
Council. 0RDFRED on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald a~d Twidale that. the commun-
ication be received and filed.
No. 220 - Del~artment of Highways - re inability to approve Traffic By-law.
E on the motion of Aid. G. Donald and Grimster that the communication be rec-
eived and referred to the Local Member, the Hencurable ~lr. W.L. Houck, with an
explanation as to why this action was taken by the Council, and a request that he
take the matter up with the Department of Highways.
No. 2R1 - Ontario Safety Lea~e - re membership in organization. 0RD~RED on the
motion of Ald. Scott and Inglis that the communication be received and filed.
No. 222 - Order of Italo-CanadianA - requesting penmission to use Poplar Park
for picnic. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Inglis that the communicat-
,'ion be received and laid on the table until the next mee~g; ~nd m~re inform-
ation be obtained on the request.
The followin~ _Reports we.re received:
No. 11~ - Medical Officer of Health - re action taken ~n connection with unsan-
itary barn. ORDERED on' the motion of Ald. G. Donald and (Irimster that the report
be received and filed.
No. 11~ - City Clerk - reccmnending no action be taken re petition until next
meeting. ORII~tED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Twiddle that the report be rec-
eived and adopted.
No. 114 -Oity O_lerk - re petition for removal of railway switch. ORDERED on
the motion of Ai~. A.F.Dona. ld and Scott that the report be received and filed.
No. 118 - City Clerk - re erection of houses under National Housing Act, and
lots to be offered for sale. 0RI]~ED on the motion of Ald. t'widale and O. Donald
that the request be received and adopted.
· .. -:: ! .SEE. alsa B~-law N~.. ~9~.
Th___e fol__lo~v__in~esolutions w__ef.e_~psssed:
No. 80 - G. DON~D - (2~I~BTER - RESOLVED that the City Engineer be instructed to
present a report to the Council as to the advisability of making Buchan~m Avenue
a tPa'ough street at Lincoln Avenue; and the Seel of the Corporation be hex'eto
Currio d
No. 81 - G..DON]'~D____~_f~(~RI~I~T~,~__- RD<SOLVED that the City Clerk be instructed to com-
municate ~ith the Hencurable Eric bross, K.C., to ascertaia v~hether it ~vould be
possible for the City of Niagara Falls to rei~nd the remainder of the Debenture
Debt at a lower rate of Interest than is now being paid; and the Seal of the Cor-
poration be hereto affixed.
C arri e d
No. ~79__~ -Ald. O. Donald- To provide for the sale of lots, and for the erection
of houses under the National Housing Act, 19~8.
let reading -Ald. ~';idale and Crimster.
~nd reading -Ald. A.F. Doxmld sad Scott.
5rd reading -Ald. G. Donald end Twidale.
2796 - Aid. G. Donald- To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and
let reading -Ald. Scott and A.F.Donald.
2rid reading -Ald. Grimetot and ~vidale.
3rd reading - Aid. ~ldale and Scott.
The Oouncil adjourned on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott.
READ AND ADOPTED, ~uly 17, 1959.
Council Chamber,
July 10, 19~9.
The Finance Oonnnitteemet on'Mondays July 10, '19~9, for the purpose of
aPp~oving and also of passing the various accounts which ha'd been properly cert-
:ified and placed before them. All members' of the COmmittee, with the exception
~ Ald. MoAninch, were present. · ' '
Sundry accounts we~,e approved b~y the Oommittee, amounting to $11,802.~8.
The accounts s~hmitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord-
ered placed in the ~roney By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of
Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimster.
The cc~munication from R.S.W. Fordham, K.C., with reference to the pay-
ment of the balance of the hospital account for the late ~[rs. Mary B. McGreal,
was presented. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Haaniwell and
Ald. ~vidale that the commmnica~ion be received and the balance of the account be
pal d.
The connnunication from the Relief Administrator, giving the figures for
the month of June, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald..Scott and
Grimster that the communication be received and filed.
The matter of the o~r from lit. and MArs. John H. Stewart to the Housing
Cormmission for the purchase of the property at VO Terrace Avenue, together with
a report from the City Solicitor upon the matter, ~as presented. It was ordered
on the motion of Ald. Twiddle and Scott that the comunication and report be rec-
eived, the approval of the Committee be given to the acceptance of the offer; and
th~ Commission be supplied with a copy of the Report of the Solicitor.
The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott and A.F. Dorald.
READ AND ADOFPED, ~uly 1V, 1939.
Ohairm~n of Filmnee
Council Ohamber,
~uly 10, 19~9.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the Finance Meeting, for the
par.pose of passing the money By-law which eo~ered the accounts approved by the
0ormiStee. All members of the 0curtell, with She exception of Ald. MoAninch,
were present.
Thp followi_ng By-law. was..passed:
No~.. 77'.97 ~ Ald. O. Donald- To (l~ant Monies for General Purposes.
1~ ,.readin~ -AId. A.~.nouald and ,(,]~iimster...
Bud reading -Ald'. ,Suot~ an.d A.Y. Donald. .
~rd reading .- Aid. Twi'dale and O~ilas~er. . , ~ .. ./~ ~ ~ , ;, ~i ,',,: ::' .
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. T~vidalc and Grimster.
READ AND lIDOPTED, ~uly 17, 1959.
Council Chmnber,
~uly 10,
The Council assembled at the close of the re{~lar Council and Finance
meetings, as a conference for the lmrpose of discussing matters which had been
presented to them. All members of tile Council, with the exception of Ald. MoAn-
inch, were present.
After the discussion upon the matters presented, the Council adJoul'ned on the mot-
ion of Ald. Scott and 5ddate.
RFAD ~d~D ADOPTED, ~Uly 17, 1939.
· Uly 14, 1939.
The City Council met at the City Hall on Friday, July 14, 1939, at 1.15
p.m., all members being present, with the exception of Ald. MeAninch.
The Council then proceeded to the City of Kitchener, arriving there at
approximately 3. ~O p.m.
Between 3.30 p.m. end 5.30 p.m. the Council inspected the operation of
the A~dressogrpph Unit and a Burroughs ACcoullting unit, working in conjunction,
on the Assessmat and Tax Rolls of the City of Kitchaser. Representatives of the
Burroughs Company explained the installation and the method of operation. Every
assistance ~ms given to the members of the dvlegation from the City of Niagara
Falls by Mr. R.V.Alles, Tax Collector end Assessor M.E. Bollert.
The Council returned to Niagara Falls in the evening.
READ AND ATX)PTED, July 17, 1939.
Council Chulnbei~,
Juiy 17, 1939.
Pursunnt to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. to consi:l~r
al Business and Finance. All members of the Council, v~ith the I;xception o." Aid.
MoAninch, were present. ~le Council, hnving received alld rend the minutes eC tile
previous meetings, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Grimstar and T~¥idale.
In connection with Communication No. 223, and on the notion of/~ld. leg-
lie and A.F.Donald, the deputation ~om the Police Department was referred for
he~ing at the confernee to be held following the regular meetings.
~ior to the above motion, it was moved by Ald. O.~nald and Grimstar
that the deputation appear before the Council.
SEE ul%~>!~mn~ttjon i~.~
On the motion of Aid. Scott and G. Doaald, a~ld iu commctioa with the re-
port from the City Engineer to he presented to the Conference Co~mfittee, Mr. L.
~cco was pe~aitted to ad~ess the Council. 'Mr. ~cco e~lained to the Council
his reque~ for assistance in the construction of a new sewer from his property at
1536 Fer~ Street.
Mr. Sacco also advised the Council. that he had a nmn-hole form which ke
desired to sell for the sum of Thirty Dollars; and if the Corpo.:'ation :torchused
the same, he will be willing to apply the revenue upon Water rates which he is
SEE Reprt to Conference Cam-
Lai___d_ over from ~_revi ou s m.e_e_t_i n_Eh
No. 2~2 - Order of It_sb-G.a._nn_d_i]~.n.s. - requesting permission to use Poplar Park for
picnic. ORDEREd' Sn the motion of Ald. Inglis and Grimstar that the communication
be filed.
SEE also Gonmunication No.
224 & 225
,The followin~_o/n:m_u_~n.19a_tionA_w_er~eFp. ceAvpd9
No. 223 - Niagara Falls Police Benefit Society - requesting permission to address
Council to explain reason fo~ not desiring to join Mutual Benefit Society.
~RED on the motion of Ald. inglis and A.F. Donald that the connaunioation be rec-
eived and laid on the table for consideration at the Conference.
No. 2~4 - Order of Italo-Canadians - requesting permission to use Park on Monday,
August 7th. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Inglis m%d Grimstar that the communic-
ation be received and Remission be granted.
No. 225 - _Lo~d',s _l~_y_~A.l_lianee of C_anada. - protesting against holding of Sunday
Picnic. ORDFaED on the motion of AId. lnglis and G~imster that the communication
be a?eoetved and filed.
No. 226 - Mrs. B. Stpwar~ - re sale of goods and traffic condition on River Read.
CR, D~ED. on the motion of Aid. O~imster and Scott that the ccmnunication be rec-
eivedand laid on the table untLl othe~ matters in connection with this section
Of River Road,are considered.' ~
No, 227 - Victoria Park C~raJe. - requesting parking restrictions oh Falls Avenue.
· ORDI~RED on the motion of Ald, Inglis and Twidale that the comnunication be rec-
eived and referred to the City Engineer for his report,
No, 2~8 - Nia~ra Fall~s. _Gen__eFal Hosp.i.t.a.1 - requesting Joint meeting. 0HL~RED on
the motion of Ald. Inglis and G~'lmster that the cor~aunication be received, and
the entire Council be the Cormnittee to meet the members of the Hospital Trust,
No, 229 - Hen, W,L,Hou__ck.~...M_,L__,A:' - acknowledging letter re traffic By-law. 0RD-
t~RED on the motion of Ald, G, Donald and A,F, Donald that the communication be rec-
eived.and filed,
No, 230 - Canadian'~ational E__lectrlc Railways - re switch at Victoria Avenue and
Cooknan Crescent, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Scott and A,F,Donald that the
co~au~ication be received and filed,
No. 231 - Win. S. MacKen~.i.e_ - requesting permission to use vacant lot for parking,
ORDERED on the motion of Ald, G, Donald and Grimstar that the comaunication be
received and the perulesion be granted for the rental of tile lot,
No. B32 - J,Rowle~ - requesting] permission to remove tree, 0RDMIED on the mot-
ion of Ald, A,F, Donald and Grimstar that the communication be received and the
request be granted,
SEE__also_ Re_.por.t No, 118
The foll.~__in_g_R__e.p_o~s wp.rp..received:
No, 116 - Gig.Solicitor - re residential area and Petition presented,
No, ll7 - City E_E_n~fneer - recommendations re business conducted on River Road.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Grimster and Scott that the reports be received
and laid on the table until the matter now before the Police Court in this con-
nection has been settled,
SEE also Petition No, 13
No, lib - Parks Superintende~t - recommendin .~moval of tree, ORDERED on the
motion f ~ld, A,~',~J~hal~ and Grimster that ~he report be received and adopted,
No, 119 - City Clerk - report on conference held on July 10th, 0RDI~ED on the
motion of Ald, ~idsle and Scott that the report be received and adopted,
No, 120 - City Clerk - re establishment of tennis courts, 0RD~RED on the motion
of Ald, Inglis and ScO~t that the report be received and laid on the table for
the time being,
· No, LB1 - City Clerk - re requests for additional tourists signs, ORDIGRED on the
motion of Ald, Inglis and Twidale that the report be received, that the signs
now ~ected be permitted, and that no further requests for duplication of signs
be entertained,
l~rior to the above motion, it was moved by Ald, Grimaster and Scott
that the report be received and only one sign be permitted for each property,
This motion was defeated,
No. 122 - City Clerk - re request for sidewalk. repairs at Canadian Legion Club-
house, 0RD~RED on the motion of Ald, Tw~ale and Scott ~that the report. be rec-
eived and the recommendation be adopted,
: TZ'm:J.
_Lp~: pveF,. f.r',oln. previou.s..mpet.ing:
NO,. 13 - _Mrs, ,FoMa__loney .&. 28 .o.~h~r_s - re business operations on River Rend° CR~
~ED on the motion of Ald° Grimste~ end Scott that the petition be laid on the
~ble untilthe Police Court case in this connection h~.s :been settled,.,..,....
The following Resolutions were p.assed:
No. 82 - CRI1AST3~ - ING~IS -RESOL~D that the invitation of the :;la~'ar,~ Ful.]s
Civic lployees' As~ciution, to attend their sm~ual picnic ut Queen:;~n !if~l,Zhts
on ~turday, Yuly 2~d, be accepted with t~ts; and as many <ff th~ Council ~,s
possible attend; ~d the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
NO. 83 - A.F.~N~D - SCOT~ - R~OL~ED th'.~t the City Clerk be instruct~d to for-
ward n mes~ of s~pathy to ~. and l~s. Colin J. Bro~m upon the ~eath of tn,dr
i~ant son; and tile Seal of the 0orporation be hereto affixed.
· The followinf~..By-law was passed:
No, 2798 -Ald, A.F.Donald - To regulate the ~;rection and provide for the safety
of buildings in the City of Niagara Fulls.
let reading- Ald. Grimstar and Scott.
2rid reading -Ald, G, Donald and Scott.
3rd reading -Ald, G, Donald and ~vidale,
The Oouncil adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimstar.
READAND ADOtVED, July 24, 19.39.
Oouncil Oh~nber,
July 17, 1939,
The Finance Oomnllttee met on Monday, July 17, 1939, for the purpose of
approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert-
ified and placed before them. All members o£ the Committee, with the exception
of Ald. MeAninch, were present.
Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, s~ounting to $10,597.08.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and A.F.Donald. thet the City
Clerk be instructed to ascertain the necessity for the Corporation' s paying for
.an inoquest performed for a man who died in the General Hospital.
!; The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, v/ere ord-
ered placed in the money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of
Aid. Scott and A.Y.Donald.
An offer from lY. A.C. Jolley, to purchase Lots 187, 188, and 189 on
Valleyway for the stm~ of $900.00, was presented. It was ordered on the motion
of His WorshipMayor Hanniwell and Ald. Inglis that the offer be received and
accepted, subject tO the usual conditions and subject to the approval of the
Assessment C~muissioner and City Treasurer.
An offer from l&a. Mitchinson, to purchase Lot 38, Murray Street, for
the sum of $50.00 was pres,'nted. Itwas ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimster
and Scott that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the usual condit-
ions and subject to the approval of the Assesanent Commissioner and City Treas-
The communication from the Toronto Hospital for Consumptives, re
clothing required for patients chargeable to the Corporation, was presented.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimster and ~idale that the communicat-
ion be received and the Hospital be authorized to make the necessary purchases.
The report of the City Clerk, as to the payment of April Relief by
the Governments, was presented. It was ordered on the m~tion of Ald. -Scott and
q~ldale that the report be .~eoeived and filed.
The report from the City Clerk, recommending action in regard to cer-
tain registered properties from which the City is obtaining no revenue, was
presented. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship l~ayor tianniwell and Ald.
Scott that the report be received and laid on the table for one week in order
that tim members of the Council may view the properties in question.
The statement from the City Clerk, as to properties acquired by the
Corporation, and showing Insuranee carried on the same; together with the rep-
ort thereon from the City Solicitor; was presented. It was ordered on. the mot-
ion of Ald. q~vidale and A.F.Donald that the reports be received and laid on the
table until the next meeting.
The conmanication ik'un William Grange, re the assessment for taxes
on the lot .t'ecently ptu'chased by him, was presented. It was ordered on the mot-
ion of Ald. Ingli s and Grimster that the communication be received and an ad-
Justment of taxes be made to the date of pureha.se.
It was agreed by the Committee that as many of the Council as possible
would travel to Rochester on Thursday, July 20th, for the purpose of viewing
tile modern accounting mstixods installed at the Rochetser City Hall.
The Gcumittee adjourned on the motion of Aid. A.F.Donald and Grimster.
Gounci 1
July 17, 1939.
The Council re-assembled at the close of ~h~ Fl:P~nce i e~in,~ FO:' ti,e
purpose of passing the money By-law which covered the account:~ approv,~d ~y the
Comxtittee. All members of tile Courtell, witt~ the exception oF A~d. McAnincn
were pro sent. ,
The followi_n_~By-law was lm :seed.:
No. 2799 - Aid. G. Donsld- To Grant A!onies for General l~rposes.
1st reading -Ald. Orimster and A.F.Donald.
2nd feeding -Ald. 'Avidale and Scott.
3rd reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and 'l~fidale.
The Council adjourned cu the motion of Ald. ~'~idele and A.F.Donald.
RE~D A~) ADOPTED, July 24, 1939.
READ AND ADOPTED, JUly 24, 1939.
Clerk , _
Ohairman of Ftuance
Council Chamber,
July 17, 1939.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Fin-
ance meetings, as a conference for the purpose of discussing certain matters
Which had been presented to them. All members of the Committee, with the ex-
ception of Ald. MoAninch, were present.
After the discussio~ upon the matters presented, the Co~mittee adjourned on the
motion of Ald. Scott and Grimster.
READ AND ADOPTED, July 24, 1939.
July 20, 1939.
The City Council met at the City Hall at 11.00 a.m. on Thursday,
July 20, for the purpose of visiting the City of Rochester to investigate
the installation of accounting equipment at the City Hall in that City. All
members of the Council, ~th the exception of His Worship ~xyor Hanniwell
and Ald. MeAninch made the iota'hey.
The Committee of the Council met the Controller and Deputy Control-
ler of the City of Rochester, who extended every courtesy to the local com-
rmittee. Mr. Brown of the Department of Finance showed the delegation the
operation of the accmnting units and eXplained in detail the method used by
the City of Rochester in controlling the collection of taxes. The Units in
use v~ere supplied by the Underwood Elliott Fisher Coopany and the trade name
of the units was the 'Sunstrand'. The demonstration of the units was very
interesting and instructive and the whole committee were convinced that the
nithod in use in the City of Rochester was most efficient. As the City of
Rochester has approximately eighty thousand properties on the tax rolls,
and as the City of Niagara Falls has only about six thousand properties,
there would, of necessity, be considerable adaptation of the Rochester ~ys-
tom to meet the needs of this ~mmunity.
READ AND ADOPTED, ~uly 24, 19~9.
Council C;~nlnb~:r,
Ja~y ~4, 1959.
Pursuant to adjourx~.xent, the Council met at 7.15 p.m, to consider (]eu-
eral i~siness and Finance. All mer.~_bers of the Council were present. The Council,
haviniE received and read the mix~tes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the
motion of Ald. Grimster and Twirlale.
On the motion of Aid. Scott and 'R'dd~le, !k-. E.T.Kellam, Chief Coroner
for Niagara Falls, was permitted to address the Council. Dr. Kelhsn caxae bufore
the Board to explain certain features of the Coroner' s T~ct vd;ich recuired th~ ser-
vices of a Corn,mr upon the death of a person under certain circumstauces.
S}'JL also Kesolution ~;o..85
Laid over fi'om previous meetlaBS:
No. 227 - Victoria Park C~n-a~e - requestin[; parkinj regulations on Falls AVeaue,
0RD~l.v',]) on the notion of Ald. Grimster and MeAninch that the co~mnication be rec-
eived and filed; and a con~nittec of the City Engineer and two alder~aen int~rvi~w
the owner of tile Victoria Park Garage property to ascertain what ~rking signs
are requested, and report back to the Council.
His ~orship Mayor Hanniwell appointed Alderman Ok'imster and A.F.Donald
as members of the Conumittee.
Prior to the above riotion, it was moved by Aid. MeAninch and Grlmster
that the cor~mxnication be received and filed and three-hour parkin{: signs be er-
ected on the East side of Falls Aveme, opposite tile property of the Victoria
Park Garage. This motion was defeated.
S, .EE. No. lsz.
The. following Conml_u_ni_cations wpra received.:
No; 233 - W,R.Phillips - requesting portion of City business. (RDERED on the
motion of Ald. Twidale and HcAninch that the conmunication be received and filed,
and ~.{r. Phillips be advised that he ~vill be permitted to bid on any City insur-
ance polices which come due fr~a time to time.
No. 234 - F.E.Macartney - re tenant and conditions on River Road. O~]~'RED on
the motion of Ald. MeAninch and Grimstar that the coxmunication be received and
laid on the table until a report has been received from the Oily Solicitor as to
the possibility of ceasing this nuisance.
No. 2~5 - Dirpct Transport Limited - resummons for parkin&.. 0RDE~ED on the mot-
ion of Ald. G. Denald and Scott that the communication be received and filed.
No. Be6 - N.iagara Falls 0ivic Fmploypes' .Association - thanks for cooperation
duri~E picnic. 0RD~RED on the motion of Ald. A.F~Denald and ~vidale that the
noommunication be received and filed.
-No. 237 - P~oy.inelal Gas Compan;F Li,l~ted - requesting matter be laid ever until
,later date. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scottrod Twidale that the eommunie-
f~,.ation be received and request be granted.
!ff,_No. ~8 - Department of Lah~uxT - information re assi~anee with relief projects.
'~.-B~ED on the motion of Ald. Xnglie and MoAninch that the conmxunication be rec-
'~i~ed and filed; and a communication be forwarded to ~. A.B. Ds~aude, M.P., ask-
'-~,.'~j~ha$ has been done on behalf of this City for the elimination of the
Hill erossing.
SEE also Resolution
_The fp_llow_ing Reports w__er__e__r_eceived:
No. 125 - Olty._C_l_ef_k' - re request for regulations on Falls Avenue. ORDERED on
the iaotlon of Ald, Grimster and MeANinch that the report be received and filed.
No. 124 - ,C~itJ~ Clerk - re conference held on Yuly 1Vth. ORDErlED on the ~otion of
Ald. Twidsle and Scott tb~xt the report be received and adopted.
No, 125 - City Clerk - re augfrosted stop street at Buchanan Avenue and Lincoln
Street. Oi{D~RED on the motion of Ald. inglis and G. Donsld that the report be
received and laid on the table for further eonsideratbn by the City Engineer.
No. 1B6 - Ci__t~v__Cl_.e.r.k - re matters before Niagara Parks Commission. ORD~ED on
the motion of Ald. Scott and G. Donald that the report be received and filed.
.The fqllowin~.Resolution was present~__d a__n_d_ defeated:
No. 84 - MeANINCH - (RIMSTK~ - RESOLVED that if the reply received from Mr. Dan-
ude, ~I.P., to the request for action in connection with the Olifton Kill crossing
is not satisfactory, and does not satisfy the Council that he has done suffic-
ient to place the responsibility in such a way that we will have something def-
Inite to go by, that the Mayor arrange a Joint ~eting with the Stamford Town-
ship Council, the Chamber of Commerce and the Board of Trade to select a deleg-
ation to go to Ottawa and interview the Hencurable Norman ~ieL. Rogers upon this
matter; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
The following Re solut io~~s sed:
No. 85 - A.F.DONALD - GRIMSTF~ - RFSOLVED thatthe thanks of the Gouncil be ex-
tended to Chief Coroner ~. E.T.Kellm for coming to the meeting and e~laining
the feerums in comesrich with the Ooroner's Act; ~d the Seal of the Corpor-
ation be hereto affixed.
-No. 66 - G~i~j ~I~- R~OLVED t~t the City of Nia~ra Falls petition
the Ontario Municipal Association to request the ~ovinclal ~venme~t to~pr-
cash the ~lnion ~verment ~o provide t~t the hospital costs of all ~digent
per~ns, other than those confined to Bacteria, be borne by the ~minion ~d
~incial authorities on an eq~l basis and thus relieve the munici~lities or
the ~lnee of an inereasin~y hea~ b~den; and the Seal of ~he Corporation
be hereto affixed. ~
No~ 8~ - T~IEE - A.F.DO~D - R~OL~D ~t the suggested resolution, petit-
ioning for ~ men~ent to the ~blic ~spitsls Act wish ~rd ~ indi~nt
patients, be laid o~ the table u~ll t~ ne~.meeting;, ~d the ~al of the Oor-
~riation be here~o affi~d ......
~ ~' · Oartied
No. 88 - (RIM~gT~ - McANINCI{_- RESOLVED that whereas 3ulphate of Alumina is not
manufactured 'in the Dominion of Canada;
AND WHEt~EA8 many munieipa~ities use 8ulpha~e of Altm~lna in the putire
toutton of Water supplies;
TH~EFORE the City of Niagara Falls petitions the Onta'~o Municipal
Association to forward to the Dominion ~overrmen~ a request that munieil~lities
imlwoting ~ulphate of Alumina o1' similar ohemteal~ used entirely fo~ 'the purif-
ication. of water supplies~ and whi~h-ax~ notmnufaetu~sd in the Dominion of Can-
adam'be refun4ed the du~y on the ohemi'oalS imported| anCl~helSeal of ~he'Oorpor-
atlon be hereto affixed,
No. 89 - A.F. D0i{,LD - LIcfd-~INCH - RESOLVED that uhereas in nany muni,;ipalities it
is still necessary to issue direct relief for persons ',mable t~ find ~-:aplo.~aent;
AIrD ;.~E4EAS the entire cost of ali:,inistrntion of relief is borne by
the municipalities of the Province of Ontario;
TI'f~EFOP~ the City of Niagara Falls petitions thf~ Ontario L[unicipal
Association to request the Coverm~ent of the Province of Ont,~rio to app~.'oach
the Dominion Govermmnt to secure exemption for the municipalities of 0nt:.rio
from placing excise stamps on cheques issued to and for persons :'or direct reii~t~
in the municipalities; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed,
The followin__~ By-laws ¥:ere passed:
No. 2800 -Ald. G.Donald - To authorize the e~ecution of an Agreement for Sale
and Deed.
1st reading -Ald. (Irisaster and A.F.Donald.
End rending -Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott.
3rd reading -Ald. Grimster and Twirlale.
No__. 280__1 ~Ald. G.Denald - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for S~le
and Deed.
1st reading - Aid. ~idale and A.F.Donald.
2rid reading - Aid. Grtmster and G. Donald.
3rd reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and ~vidale.
No. 2802 -Ald. A.W.Scott - A By-law respecting Traffic and the Use of Streets.
1st reading - Aid. A.F.Donald and ~rimster.
2nd reading - AId. O~imster end G. Donald.
3rd reading -Ald. ?~idale and Grimster.
Ald. McAninch requested that the City Clerk report upon the advisabil-
ity of making angle parking compulsory on the streets rumring east into River
Read, where there are deep grades.
he C adjourned the motion of Ald. Grimster and A.F.Donald.
· T curtell on
READ AND ADOPTED, . July 31, 1939.
Hill erossing.
SEE also Resolution No. 84
The following Reports w_er_.e__r_e. eeived:
No. 123 - Gl_~__O_l_ef_k_ - re request for regulations on Falls Avenue. ORDI~ED on
the restion of Ald. Grimetot and MeANinch that the report be received and filed.
No. 124 - _qity. Clerk - re conference held on July 17th. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Twidale and Scott that the report be received and adopted.
No. 1~5 - C~l.ty. Clerk - re sug~,-sted stop street at Buehanan Avenue and Lincoln
Street. OP, DI~ED on the motion of Ald. Inglis end G. Donald that the report be
received and laid on the table far further considerslim by the City Engineer.
No. 126 - City_ Clerk - re mat ~ers before Niagara Parks Gemlesion. ORDerED on
the motion of Ald. Scott and G. Donald that the report be received and filed.
The foil ow.l_n_~ .R_esplu~io n was preson_~Ld_._a_n_d_!~_f~ea.tp~:
No. 84 - McANINC.~H...-. (RIN~f,hR - RESOLVEI) that if the reply received from ~r. D~.~-
ude, N.P., to the request for action in conm~ction with the Clifton llill cronc~nl?
is not satis~ctory, and does not satisfy the Council thet he has done suffic-
ient to place the res~nsibl Aty in such a way that we will ~vo somethinF def-
inite to go by, that the Mayor arrange a Joint ~eting ~dth the St~naford Town-
ship Council, the Ohmbet of C~murce ~md the Board of Trade to select a dolcE-
ation to go to Ottawa axtd interview the Hencurable Ibman geL. Rogers upon this
mtter; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
T_h~:followinE Resolutio]ls
No. 85 - A~.F.DO.N_ALD - GRI~3T]~ - RESOLVED thatthe thanks of the Council be ex-
tended to Chief Coroner ~. E.T.Kellm for ecruira{ to the mastlug and e~l~ining
the features in comeorion with the Coroner's Act~ m~d the Seal of the Gotpot-
ation be hereto affixed.
No. 86 - .~..mj~pf ~In~! - RESOLVED t~t the City of Nis~ra Fulls petition
the Ontario Municipal Y~sociation to request the ~ovinelal ~ve~unent
each the ~inion ~verment to provide t~t the hospital costs of all ~digent
porous, other than those confined to 8emtoria, be berne by the ~minion ~d
bovinnial authorities on an eq~l basis and thus relieve the munici~lities
the ~ovince of an increasingly h~W burden; and the Seal of the Octpotation
be hereto affixed.
No~ 8V - TWI. I)ALE - A.F.DONALI). - RI~OLTED that the suggested resolution, petit-
ioning for an amendment to the Public Hospitals Aot with regard to indigent
patients, be laid on the table until the next.meeting; and the &~enl of the Oor-
poriation be hereto affixed. .:-.- ~
~" · Carried
No. 88 - (ttI34ST~11 - MoAjq~GH - RESOLVED that whereas ~ulphate of Alumina is not
manufactured in the Dominion of Canada;
AND WI~{FA8 mm_ny munieipa~ities Use 8ulphate of Alumina in the putire
isntion of water supplies;
TH~EFORE the City of NinEare Falls petitions the 0nta]to }~Anieipal
Aesosia~ion to fox'ward to the Dominion ~ove~mnent a ~equest tha~ munieilmlities
lmprotin~ ~lphate of Altoira o~ similsT ohemianl~ used entirely for the purif-
ication' of water sttpplies, and whieh~are n~manufa~ed in the Dominion of Can-
ada~ be refunded the duty on the 'ehemioals impol~ed; and ~he Seal of'~he0orpo~-
a~ion be hereto affixed.
No. 89 - A.F. DOI~.LD - McMIINCH - RESOLVED that lJhereas in l La hi:: m ni ~i p'. ] i ti ,' ~: ] t
iS still nssessa~V to issue direct relief for pareses unab~.: t,~ C[Ld
MrD ~fd~}~b~S the entire cost of a~finistration of r~iief is bores by
the munici~litles of the h'ovince of Ontario;
T}~EFOi!E the City of Hia~ra Fulls ~etitions tn,. Ont~:ri, l,~,micjpa!
As~ciation to request the ~vurm~aent of the ~'ovinne of Ontario to
the ~minion ~ver~,lent to secure exemption for th, municip~,lities oi' 0nt'.rio
from placing excise stamps on che(lues issued to und T'or p, rs-m~ f'or direct
in the munici~lities; and the Seal of the Corporation be hmreto affixed.
The follpw__in~g~B_y-luws we.re ~oass~d:
No. 2800 - Aid. O.lbnald - To authorize tits execution of au A{~reement foe Sale
and Deed.
let reuding- Ald. Orhnst{;r and A.F.Donald.
End roedinE- Ald. A.F.]bn~xld nnd :~eott.
3rd raading- Aid. Grilast,r and Twldnle.
Ald. G.Lb~mld - To authorize the execution of an AF~'ee~ent i'or ~le
and Deed.
let readier -Ald. Twi<hl~ und A.I,'.Donald.
2rid rending -Ald. Grimstar ned O. DonulS.
3rd reading -Ald. A.F. Donald trod q~ddale.
No. 280? - Aid. A.W.Scott - A By-law respecting TrafFic and ths Use of Streets.
1st roading- Aid. A.I". '.)onuld and OI'imst{~'r.
Bad r~,adinF, - Aid. Grimster and G. Dom~ld.
3rd reading - Aid. ~idalo and ~5ter.
?jkd. },,fcAninch requested that the City Clerk report upon the advisabil-
ity of m~lng angle p~n'king c~spulsory on the streets running east into River
Road, where there are deep grades.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. OTimster and A.F.Donald.
P~EAD/dqD ADOPED, - ~Uly 31, 1939.
Hill crossing.
.SEE also Resolution No. 84
The fo_llowing Reports ~_Le!e__r_e~ceive_d.:
No. 123 - City~C_l.e_r~k_ - re request for regulations on Falls Avenue. 0RDE~ED on
the rantion of Ald, Grimster and McAlqinch that the report be received and filed.
No. 124 - Ci~ Clerk - re conference held on July 17th. ORDERED on the nDtion
Ald. ~hvidale and Scott that the report be received and adopted.
No. 125 - City Clerk - re sugff{;sted stop street at Buchanan Avenue and Lincoln
Street. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald. Inglis and G. Donald that the report be
received and laid on the table for further consideratbn
No, 126 - C~*-,, ~ .....
the motion.
No. 84 -
ude, N.P. ~ t
is not satis
lent to plac~
inite to go ~
ship Council,
ation to go t
matter; and t,
No. ..
tended to Chic:
'No. 86- G. DOI~'.
the Ontar~'o M~n'.
cash the Domini<
persons, other
Provincial autho
the Province of
be hereto af.fixe!
No. 87 - TWID&LE, i
ionlag for an me
patients, be laie~
poriation be her
No. 88 - (RIMST~R~
ioa~ion of ~er e~
~ hereto afrO.,
.... ,,.~, ~eal of the Cotpot- j
Io, 89 - A,F,DOI~LD - McidIINCH - RESOLVED that ~hereas in many municinali ties it
is s~ill necessa~ to issue direct ~lie~ for persons ~mablc to Cind emplo~qnent;
.~FD ~fHt]~S the entire cost of a~inistration of relief is borae by
the munici~lities of the ~'ovince of Ontario;
T}~EFOP~] the City of I]ia~ra Falls petitions tlv· Ontario Municipal
As~ciation to request the ~vermment of the ~'ovince of Ontario to approach
the ~minion ~ver~aent to secure exemption for the municim~iities of 0ate.rio
from placing excise stamps on cheques issued to and for pe~sons tim' direct relieC
in the munici~lities; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed,
The followt~; ....
.n of an Agreement for Sale
of an Agreement for Sale
and the Use of Streets.
~ort upon the advisabil-
ning east into River
163 ;!,*i '
Council Chamber,
July 24, 1939.
.The Finance Committee met on Monday, July 24, 1939, for the purpose of
approvtng and also of Passing the various accounts which had been properly cert-
ified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present.
$13, 341. 56.Sundry accounts were approved by the Connmlttee, amounting to
It was ordered on the motion of kid. Scott and Grimstar that the ac-
counts submitted, being Passed or otherwise dealt with, be placed in the money
By-law for presentation to the Council.
An offer of Joe. ~rabuceo; to p~rchase Lot 138, Plan 6, Broughton Ave-
nue, for the sum of $35.00, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald.
A.F. Donald m~d His Worship Mayor Hanniwell that the offer be received and ac-
copted, subject t8 the usual conditions, and subject to the approval of the As-
sessment Commissioner and City ~k~easurer. °'
The report of the City Clerk re registered properties from which no
revenue received, as referred from the previous meeting, was considered. It was
ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Hanniwell and Ald. Scott that the
report be received and the City Clerk be instructed to notify the persons men-
tioned as to the recommendations made for the payment of rentals by them. In
connection with the property at 1803 Main Street, the recommendation was not
adopted, as it was anticipated a purchaser will be found for this property.
The reports of the City Clerk and City Solicitor, lh connection with
insurance on properties acquired by tax arrears certificates, and as laid over
from the previous meeting, were presented. It was ordered on the motion of
Ald. Scott and Twidale that the report of the City Solicitor be received and
filed, and that of the City Clerk be adopted.
The report of the City Clerk, re cheque in payment of services of a
coroner, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and
Scott that the report be received and filed.
The report of the City Clerk, recommending the purc]~se of a new gar-
bage unit to replace Truck No. ll, was presented. It was ordered on the motion
of His Worship ~$~yor Hanniwell and Ald. Grimstar that the report be received
and tenders be called for a new unit with a scow body.
' The report of the CiZ Clerk, recommending the purchase of a testing
set, was Presented. It was or red on the motion of Ald. Twldale and Scott
that the report be received and adopted, and the Purchase made.
The report of the City Clerk, recommending the purchase of a ran-hole
form from L.Sacco, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Twidale
and His Worship Mayor Hanniwell that the report be received and adopted.
The revenue and expenditure statement as of June 30, 1939, was pres-
ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and A.F.Dcnald that the
Statement be received and laid on the table.
· The Geminitree adjourned on the motion of Aid. Grims~er and Scott.
READ AND AD0t'i'ED, Jttly 31, 19~9..
· :,~'.0haiman of ~'inance
COUk~iL }.L~TiNG
Council Ch~unber,
July 24, 1939,
The Council re-assembled at the close of tile FinaAc,,, ideatint, for the
ptn'pose of passing the r:.oney By-law,which covered the accounts approved by tile
Comrmittee. All members of the Council were present.
The follow_i_njE By.-_l~_w was EAs.sed:
No. 2803 - Aid. G. Donald- To Grant Monies for Genez~l Purposes.
let reading -Ald. Twidale and Grimstar.
2nd reading- Ald. A.F.Donald and ~idale,
3rd reading -Ald. Scott and A~F. Donald.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Gr~ister and A,F.Donald.
RFAD AND ADOPTED, July 31, 1939.
Council Chamber,
July 24, 1939..
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and fin-
ance meetings, as a conference for the purpose of discussing certain matters
which had been presented to thrum. All members of the Comittee were present.
After the discussion upon the'matters presented, the 0on~mittee adjourned on' the
motion of Ald. ~idale and MeAninch.
READ AND ADOi~ED, July 31, i939.
I 1-66: i'
Council Chamber,
July 31, 1939.
Pursuant to adjourm.lent, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. to consider Gen-
eral Business and Finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ale,
].icff~ninch, were present. The Council, having received mxd read the minutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these 0n the mQtion of Ald. lnglis and Grimster.
On the motion of Ald, Grlmster and Inglis, and in connection with Rep-
· !err No. ll7, Mr. H.J. Brown was pen]itted to address the Council. ~Lr. A~rown ad-
vised the Council of the condition which existed on River Road where merehandis~
is being displayed oul~ide the buildings,. ~nd the reason that these ,displays had
been made.
It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Donsld and Grilaster that
Mr. R.S.~LFordham, K.C., be penaitted to address the Council, Mr. Fordham also
explained other features in connection with this matter.
SEE also Report No. ll6-?
Tenders had been called for the purchase of a nm'~ truck to replace
Truck Number ll, now in use by the Garbage Department. It ~ms ordered on the mot-
ion of Ald. Scott and ~'ddale that the tenders be received, opened and initi~,l].ed
by tiis Worship },'~yor Hanniwell. When this had been do~e, it was ordered by Ald.
Inglis and Grimster that the tenders submitted be tabulated and a rppo,z~ .thereon
presented at the meetin!~-of August 14th.
Laid over from previous ~e_e_.t~i,ng~s_:
No, 2~6 - Mrs. B. Stewart- complaint re rug-selling on River Road.
No. ~34 - F.E.Macartney - re condition on River Road and possible loss of tenant,
ORDERED on the ~.qotlon of Ald, Scott and Grimster that the connunications be filed,
SEE _also Reports No. 116-7
The followin~ Communi.cations were received:
No. 239 - Department of Finance - approval of By-law re housing scheme under Nat-
ional Housing Act. 0~D~RED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and T~idale that the
conuaunication be received and filed; and an advertisement be place.d in the local
newspaper, advising of the pl.ax~.
No. 240 - A.B___.Damude, M.P. - re meeting x~gar,~ing proposed dam and locks at Ment-
ress.. 0RD~RED on the motion of Aid. Twidale and Scott thatmthe com~aunication be
received and filed.
No. 241 - Sir Adam Beck Memorial C.ommittee - re annual memorial service, August
13th. 0RLI~ED on the motion of Ald. Inglis and A.F.Ibnald that the coauaunieation
be received and filed; and as many of the CounCil as possible attend the service.
No. 242 - Royal, Blaek Kni~_.sp~__I~eland . re celebration and parade on August
12th. 0RD~RED on the motion of Aid. G. Donald and Grimster taut the sonnunication
be received and filed; and the request that citizens be requested to co-operate
in the decoration of their premises, be endorsed.
No. 243 - War Del~r~ment~ U.S.Engineer Office - notice of public hearing. ORD-
.~.D on the motion of Al~. A.F.Donald and ~idale that the comuni~t~on be rec-
~i~ed ~n~' ~'ma~ of she council as possible, ~o'~her ~vi~l[ the City ~l~citOr'
and Clerk, be authorized to attend the meetin6.
No. 244 - Ki~nis Club - recuestinZ filmn,~ial as~dst.'.h,'~ '. i+,h .~!'D. 0ljN. ,D ~n
the iaotion of Aid. Scott and '3.~o~id thut the c9:u.:nnication be recei~e~ and
referred for consideration at the Finance Neeting.
L'di d over from_,p!_~y~ip.u.%
No. 116 - City Solicitor - re residential ereas and s;le of LP:'cKt~ndise.
NO. 117 - City. Clerk - reconm~en~ng notice re displa~y oF ru~s. 0~.])]li(,T~) on t],e
motion of .~ld. Scott ~m~ Grimetot thht the reports be received and fileo; and the
recommendation of the City Clerk be endorsed.
~;iR .~A~ P~titiopJlp~f~
No. 125 - City Clerk - re suggested stop street at 3uchnn~:a A,~enue and Lincoln
Street. 0RD'IK4ED on the motion of Ald. Scott and ing&is that the tenoft be filc~x.
S]~ also Rt~ort
The following Reports we~r?_j'_e.cRi. Xe!:
No. 127 - O.ity LJ]kgui.neeF - further su~!:estion re traffic at Buchanan Avenue hnd
Lincoln Street. 0RD~fiED on the motion of Ald. Scott ~nd Inkdis th~tt the report
be received and adopted, and the matter be given further consideration on Au~;ust
No. 128 - O_it_~y. Oj_er_k - report on conference held on July 2.tth. O:[DL,L.{_.iD on the
motion of Aid. ~vidule and Grimetot that the report be raceive. d mid ado:>ted.
No. 129 - C~it~. Clerk - re conference on parkin~ on Falls Avenue. O~,'..Di'I{ED on the
motion of Ald. Grimetot and Scott that the report be received und adopted.
No. 130 - City .Gl.e.r.k_ - suggesting meetlug with tiydro Cex~aission re request for
lighting. ORDF~'.ED on the motion of Ald. Grimster and G.Donald t~n..t the report be
received and adopted.
SF~_: also _lkt_it ion!'io.___l_4'
Laid over from p_revious ~m.e.e_t.i_n.~sj
No, 13 - Lh's. F_.!.[al~o_n_ey..&..o!Aey.~ ~ re business operations on Miver Road. O. IDE~ED
on the motiou of Ald. Scott and Grimetot that the petition be filed.
Th_/e fo__llowi~P_e__t_i!i_o_n__w_as__r.e_c_e~iJp_d..:
No. 14 - ~_!e~rppp.l.i.t.s~...S.t.o.r.e.s.~&_.l.O.1._o_tJl_e.~ ~ requesting ~mprow',d lighting of bus-
iness district. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Grimetot and G. Donald thnt the
petition be received and laid on the table until after the meeting with the Hydro
Gemini ssion.
The.__f..o~llowing. j~Ss,~olu~t. ipn__s_v~e_.r_% p_assed:
No. 90 - TI,'~I~LE - A._F. D0jt~L_~D - RESOLVED that His Worship Mayor Hanniwell be auth-
orized and instructed to proclaim Monday, August 7th as Civic Holiday for the City
of Niagara Falls, and that all civic buildim,'s remain closed on that date; and
the ~eal of the Corporation be hereto affixed,
No. 91 - G. DO._._j!f_uL_D.- ~.'~ID~LE - RF~SOLVED that the next regular meeting of the Ooun-
ell be scheduled to take place at ~.30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 8th, instead of on
Monday, August ~th, which will be celebrated as Civic Holiday; and the Seal of
the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. 92 - G.tLI_NOLI__S_.-..G..._'~_j.~'.J.]). - RESOLVED that tits City Engineer be instructed
~o present a report to the Oouncil on August 14th, upon the traffic conditions
which e~lsted at a recent fire on Clark Aveanal and the Seal of the Corporation
be here to affixed.
The followin. g. B_~y-laws ~ere .p_a_ss.e.d:
No_. 2804 -Ald. G. Donald- To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale
and Deed.
1st reading -Ald. Grime, or and A.F.Donald.
2nd reading -Ald. A.F.Dolmld and Scott.
3rd reading -Ald. Scott and !hvidale.
N9_. B805 -Ald. G. Donatd - To authorize the ptFchasa of thirty-seven poles from
The Bell Telephone Cc~apany of Canada,
let readi~ - Aid, Twt dale and Grimster.
2nd reading - Aid. ~fidale and A.F. Donald.
5rd reading -Ald. Scott and Twirlale.
}]o. E806 -Ald. A.~LScott - To prohibit the sale of goods,' v~ares and merchandise
on any private lends within the r. esidential areas of the Oity of Nia-
gara Falls and on any lands abutting on any defined highways or parts
of highways to which F~-law No. 1776 and ~uaendments thereto apply,'
let reading -Ald. A.F. Donald and G. Donald.
2nd reading - Aid. Scott and Twidale.
3rd reading -Aldo Twidale and G~imster.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Grimstar.
R~EAD AND ADOFlED, August 8, 1959.
COU~lC~i Ch[tulher,
July :'i, 1939.
The Finance C~nmittee met on lionday, July 31, ~ 9'~9 for the ourpose off
approving and ~lso of passin~< the w~rlous accounts which had b~-.-n oro~erly cert-
ified and p laced befoi~ tibia. .'~1 members of the Cor,u:~ittee, v~itn tim exception
of Ald. M~ninch, were present.
Sundl~y accounts ~Iere approved by the Coxxaittce, ~m~ountia.ff to ~6~,822.42.
It was ordered on the motion of/kid. A.l'.Donaid and Scott th.~t
counts submitted, being passed or 6thorwise dealt ~vith, be plaa~d in th~ money
By-law for presentation to the Council.
The co~.n~unication from Messrs, Mortii,ler-B~m:pCi~ld & Co., re tar
Liability and property dojaaFe insurance policy, as laid on the table froi,1 LLe prev-
ious meeting; and the report of the City Clerk as to the experience in oti;e:'
cities, were presented. It was ordered on the ]=lotion of Ald. Scott and
that the communication and re]~rt be received and filed; and the policy be roe-
awed for one ye~r.
The stateinca, of direct relief expenditures for the neath oC June, was
presented. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. T~.~idale and'~k'imster that the
statement be received and filed.
The report of the City Clerk, as to the costs of operation of the. ~3'.r-
ba~Ze trucks, was presented. It was ordered on the notion of Ald. Scott and
Donald that the report be received and filed,
The offer of P.J.Calaguiro, to pUrch~,se 1986 ~'.llen Avenue under an ,~.f~-
reemen~ for Sale at a total cost of $550.00, ~,~s pre~nted. It was ordered on tile
motion of Ald. A.F.Do~i~ld and Scott that the offer be received and laid on the
table for further consideration at the meeting of August 14th.
The offer of D'ircy Cropp, for the purchase of Lots 4, 5, and 6, on
Stanley Avenue, for $50.00 per lot, was presented. It was ordered on the ~.:otion
of His Uorship ]:layer Halmiwell and Ald. F.A. Donald that the offer be received
and accepted, subject to the usual conditions and subject to the approval of the
Assessment Cc~nmissioner and City TreaSurer.
An appraisal of thevalue of the property at 1190 Bridge Street, was
presented. It was order on the motion of Ald. l.F.Donald and ffk~idale that the
appraisal be received and the property be adw~rtised for sale at the amount of the
aoprai sal value,
The report of the City Engineer., reconn~endinF, repairs and extension
of the firera alarm and police telephone system, was presented. It was ordered
an tile motion of Ald. ~vidale and A,F.Donald that the report be received and laid
on the table until an additional report has been received, advising of the cir-
cumstances in connection with the sable which is at present stgred at tile Can, re
Fire Hall.
The report of the City Clerk, t:ecommending the sale of certain City-
owned properties at the prices listed, was presented. It was ordered on the
ion of Ald. Scott and A.F. Donald that the report be received and laid on tl~e table
for further consideration at the meeting of August 14th.
The report of the City Clerk, re the offer to purchase 1739 Buchanan
Avenue by S.Ferro, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. ~'ddale
and Grimster that the report be received and adopted, and sn Agreement for Sale
be entered into for the sale of the property for $560.00, payable at the rate of
$20.00 per month, such ~mount to be deducted from Mr. Ferro's wages while in the
employ of the Corporation.
The c.ommuntcatton from the Kiwanis Club of Niagara Falls, requesting
financial assistance in connection with their camp, was pres,~nted. This commun-
' lestion had been referred to the Oo~i.ttee f~om the Council meeting, It was ord-
ered on the motion of ~jid. Ingli s and Scott that the communication be received;
and the club be advised that the Council is whole-heartedly in support of the
enterprise, but due to the fact that the Budget for the year 19~9 has been drm'in
without including an recount for such a pu~3ose, it would be impossible for the
Council to create a precendent by m~uking a g?ant; and further that the general
public be requested to contribute to this very worthy cause.
The Committee adjourned on the restion of Ald. Gritaster and ~idale.
RFY~D AND ADOPTIonS), August 8, 1939.
Chairman of Finance
Council Chamber,
July 31, 1939.
The Council re-assenbled at the close of the Finance Meeting, for the
purpose of passing the r~ney By-law which covered the accounts approved by the
Committee. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. ~ckninch,
were present.
_T/n~e ~011o3~ing By_-law .w.a_s~ padssad.:
N~. ~8p7 -Ald. G, Donald- To Great Monies for General Purposes.
1st reading - Aid. T~idale and A.F.Donald.'
2nd reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and (]rimstar.
3rd reading - AId. Scott and Gri~ster.
The fpllgw.i~ng _Re~.solut__i.o_~n
No. 93 - G. DONALD -_~j._]~.~._ - RESOLVED that the matter of prese~ting a resolut-
ion to the OntarioMunicilml Association, requestihg study of the increasing
cost to municipalities for protection to persons for acoidents='due to snow end
ice and defective walks endlroadways, be leid on the table until 1940; and the
Seal of the Corporation, be'lheretoaffixed.
The Oouncil adJourned: on the motion o f 'Aid, G. Donald and' Twi dale
t ~ ..
RFAD AND ADOPTED, kugast 8, 1939.
Council Cn'-~uber,
JUly ~t, 1939.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Fin-
ance meetings, as s conference for tile purpose of discussin~ certain matters
which h~d been presented to theLh All members of the ComJaittee, v~ith the ex-'
ception of Aid. McAntnch, were present.
After the discussion upon the rmttsm's presented, the Oc~imittee adjourned.
RFAD AND ADOPTED, August 8, 1939.
Fg.'~TI~TH .~F!*~T~G
Oouneil Ghanber,
Au~ust 8, 1959.
Pur.~unnt to ~djounu:~.nt, the Oouncil met at 7.30 p.m. to consider Gon-
etel Business and Fin~nce. All n~bers of the Counci!~ with the oxenion of Aid.
Heffminch and 3cott~ ~.;ere aresent. The Council, havimz received and read the rain'-
urea of the previous meeting% adopted these on the motion of Ald. Grimetot and
O. ~nui d.
The !oilowing Coxmmnlci~tlons were received:
No · 245 - Chis~Su~.e.r_vi .~97 A. J. B. Gray_ - no legislation for re~endin~ of balance
of debenture debt at lower interest rate. 0R~ED on the motion of Ald.
~ld and ~ddale th'~t the cormunie~tion be received and filed; and that un appoint-
meat ~ nr~n~d for memb~rs of the Co~cil with the ~mier or , member of his
Cabinet, to discuss this nattot when the Council are in Toronto at the end of
No. 246 - 1M.E. Ghurch- reeuesting De-rmisstoa to hold tag day. ORr/~IED on the
moti,m of AId. Inglis and ~imster that the co~muication be received and the rec-
uest be ~sated.
No. 247 - A.2.D,'u.mde, Z:.~. - re assistonce of Oovernn~.nt re Clifton Hill
O'.~DX~'iD on the m~tton oC Ald. In~lt s and ~tmster that the communication be rec-
eived and laid on the table for one week.
No. ?48 - Unst.~ned letter - re petition and soliciting of tourists in City. OYI~-
D~(ED on the ~mtion of Ald. T~.~idale and G. Donald that the eo~aunication be rec-.
sired qnd filed.
No. 249 - Canadian ~egto~- revuesttnz~ gemlesion to hold Indoor Circus. 0RD~I~ED
on the motion of Ald. T~'zi~].e and Grimetot that the coratulnieation be received
nnd pe~,ission be granted providing the Club will comply with the ~lations of
the Licenee ~-law.
~E. also. Report No.
R EFd{ T.S
The following Reports were received:
He. 151 - Deputy Clerk - re application for permission to operate Indoor Circus.
0.q)Fj~ED on the motion of Ald. ~Avidale and Grlmster that the report be received
and adopted.
No, 132 - City Clerk - re conference held on July 31, 1939. 0RDFRED on the mot-
ion of Ald. Grimetot and T~idale that the report be received and adopted.
No. 133 - Datr~ Inspector ~ report for month of July. OR~ED on tile motion of
Ald. Grimster and A.F.Donald that the report be received and filed.
The following By-laws ~ere passed:
Ald. G. Donald- To authorires the execution of an Agreement for Sale
and Deed.
.- let reading -Ald. ~fidale and A.F.Donald.
., '~ ~nd ~teadtng -Ald. Ceimster and ~idale.
~-:: ~:' ~ ~d reading ~ A1d. A~F.Donald and Gridstot.
No. 2809.- Ald. O. Donald - To v. uthorlze the execution of an .~jreement for Sm].e
and Deed.
let reading - Aiit. Ca'imster and ?.,ida!e.
2rid re,~ din~ - :'.ld · A.F. T)on:~i d and 3. ~anald.
3rd reading - ~d. Twidale and A.F. Donsld.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. T~'~idale cad l'imstez.
READ AND ADOFTI'ID, Aur~st i4, 1939.
Deputy Clerk
Au,~ust 8, 1939.
TIle Finance Cor~alttee met on Tuesday, August 8, 1939, for the purpose of
~pproving ~..nd also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert-
ified and pDxced before them. All members of the Co~uuittse, with the exception
of Ald. MeAninch and Scott, were present.
Sundry accounts were approved by the GoDnaittee, ~mmunting to ~15,676.60.
The accounts s,~bmitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord-
ered placed in the money ,~J-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of
Ald. A.F.Donald and ~vidale.
The comparative stnteraent of tax collections for the month of July, x,w.s
presented. It was ordered on the notion of His Uorship Hayor Ham~iv~ell and Ald.
Grimster .that the statement be received and filed.
The oonnuunication ~fom the Cataract ice Co:apany, subhitting estimates
on water coolers, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of A].d. InFlis and
A.F.Denald theft the oonmunication be reee, ived and referred to the Gity. Clerk for
his report.
The co~amunieatton ik'~,~ the E.O.McNally Estate, requesting certain pav-
ing work, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of His Wor~xip Mayor tlan-
niwell and Ald. Orimster that the communication be received and the request be
granted, the work to be completed as soon as possible.
The commu:~isatlon from Ernani DeVito, re inability to erect 'house on
lot purchased under Agreement, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of
Ald. 6~lmster and His Worship Mayor Hanniwell that the communication be received,
the agreement be rescinded and a refund of the purchase price,, less the taxes
f~om the date of pu~e~se to the present -time, be made to. the ,purchaser.
The account fror, l the L[cc~rry Clinic, for medical services to ]ir. Joe-
enh Prue, v~:s presented. it wee ordered on the not:on of. Ald. Grtmster and
dale ;hat the ,,ecount be received nnd laid on the table for the time being. it
v~us fiLrthar ordered on the Fation of His Worship ~.[ayor i~mniwell and Ald. A.F.
Don,aid t~.t ~ connaunic~tion be fon~arded to the Mothers' Allowances Commission
in Toronto, asking' whether the report of Dr..~lcGarry is not sufficient ericenos
tb~,t this n~n is pex~aanent!y disabled.
The eor~nunication from the City l,~ana{-,,er of Nia~-'qra Falls, New York, re
the cost of improved ~i~htina on the business streets, ~s presented. It
ordered on the action of .ild. In~lls and ~,;idale that the comnunication be rec-
elw~d and ]ai~ on the table for consideration when the conference has been held
with the itydro-Electric Cannel scion.
The second a~alie~tton from P.J.Cala~-airo, and :,.n offer from .Geor~_e
:~,.rnes, for the purchase of 1986 Allen f.veme, were preacHted. It was ordered
on the motion of'.'.ld. _~dd,de e. nd A.F.Don'dd that the offers ba received, tD~t
of G,!or,ze .~rnes be accepted, for the percent of ~650.00 at the rate of ~100.O0
in cash 'rmd ~20.00 per month, plus the taxes on the property and with Interest
at six per cent.
The Oonmittee adjourned on the motion of His ~brship iKayor Haniwell and Ald.
RF~'.D AI'ID AtDI~ED, AugUst 14, 1939.
~epu y e
Chairman of Finance
Council Chamber,
August 8, 1939.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the Finance Meeting, for the
purpose of passing the ~ney By-law which covered the accounts approved by the
Committee. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. MeAninch and
Scott, were present.
The following By-law .wp.s passed:
N~o.., 28~1.0 .Ald. G. Donald- To G~ant Monies for Gel~eral P~'poses.
~st ~ending -Ald. Grimstar and A.F.Donald. '~
2nd reading -Ald.. ~vidale and laglie. ·
~rd,lseadlng.~ Ald~.~A.y. Donald and .Gl~imste~ ..... . ~.
The following Resolution wile
No. 94 - r. TILIS - GRIiI;~t - i~i330L~'UD that the City Clerk b., instructed to ~tscer-
tain from the Provincial Gas Coru~nny, wh.~thrlr "-hi'- Cht-llCes h' W~ b~'eI! ~': de in the
~cns nttes i'ald the m~thod of billjar' '; n the City of iiiad~u'a Falls; and thIB Sea]
of the Corpor,'ition be hereto affixed.
AId. lui:lis recusat,,~d th~:t the City En=dneer teeart to the Count!i] umu~
the cost of paving the ure:~ in front of tile 1,0.C.'~. ]i':11 on ik~in Street, and unat
al'rangemei~ts could be muds for the paysent of such costs.
,lid. 9rimste, r reruested that the Cit-v =Fllri .,,;or take action to h'~ve the
sidewalk on Fourth Avenue, north of bridge Street, repaired ~'s soon us possible.
The Council adjourned on the motion of .kid, C-.Doimjn:i ~nd
P~kD AND ADOPTED, ~kugust 14, 1939.
Deputy Clerk.
Council Chmnber,
Au!mst 8, 1939.
The Council re-assenbled st the close of the regular Council and Finance
meetings, as a conference for the purpose of discussing certain matters which had
been presented to them. All members of the Committee, with the exception of Ald.
MeAninch and Scott, were present.
After the discussion unon the matters presented, the Council adjourned on the mot-
ion of Al~. GoDonald and (Irkaster.
RFAD AND ADOPTED, August 14, 1959.
j'~PUty Clerk
· Ohuirmun
17..6. 177
F&~Ti~-FY~ST I~E~I!~G
Council Chamber,
August 14, 1959.
B~rsuallt to ,,tdjoulT~ient, the Council met at 7.30 n.n. to consider Gen-
eral Business nlld Finnnee. All r~enhers of the Council, with the exception of
Ald. l[c.qnineh, wel'e pres!-nt. The Couucii, h~-vin~~ ~'eceived and r~,'ad the minutes
of tile previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid, (}.Donald and ~'fidale.
Mid ov,~a'frcn previous meeting:
No. ;>iV - .~.ihDamude, .':.P. - re assitance of %vetrelent re Clifton Hill proneeel,
OF.D~: ~D on' till motion of '~ld. Zn~iis and Grimetot that the c~m~unication be filed
sad the ~lcrk be a~'in instructed to cmumnicate with t.[c. Dimrode and e.x~ess the
re~et of the Council that no deliaits info~mtion is provided upon this project
from the Goveri~aent.
The follo~dn,~ Communi~mtions were received:
No 2'd) Provincial C,'m CouDlnX Limited - re method of billing for ~as rates in
City. 0i',IE.:E: on the ~tion of Ald. G. Donald and Scott that the coEuni~tion
be m~ceived and filed.
1.,¢o. 251 - Fire Ci~ief, Uoodstock - re convention to be held in St. Thomas. ORi)~RED
on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimetot that th~ com~u~ication be received and
the Fire Chief be authorized to attend the convention.
Lo. 252 - Canadian National Electric Railwa~s. - re switch at Cooham Crescent and
Vie, toria J, venue. ORDE!~:D on the motion of Ald. ~Iidale and Scott that the com-
munication be received and filed.
No. 253 - Lo_~val Order of i,'o.ose - appreciation of assistance during convention.
0RI)~I{ED on the !!rotion of Ald. Grimetot and ~idale that tile cmmmnication be rec--
,~ivcd and filed.
The~ following. Reports were received:
No. 134 - De~ut~. Clerk - re confersues held on August 8th. 0RDk~ED on the motion
of Ald. G,Donald and ~';idale thct the report be received and filed.
.No. 135 - CitF Clerk - re recuest for construction of pavement on Main Street.
GROinlED on the riotion of Aid. In~is end Scott that the report be received and
No. 136 - C.i.ty ~3ngi~ee~_~ - re traffic co~gestion at recent fire. 0RD~ED on the
motion of Ald. Inglis and Grimster that the report be ree.~ived and adopted, sad
as ~,mch publicity as possible be given to the ~ae.
No. 13V - City Engineer - re tourist signs on River Road. 0RD],RED oR the motion
of Ald. S~ott ,u~d Inglis that tile report be received and adopted.
No, 1~8 - City Engineer - re application of EIrs. Becket re tourists signs. G~D-
~RED on the motion of Aid. Twldale and Grimetot that the report be received and
No. 139 - City .Solicitor - re II.O.R. lands end right-of-way. 0Rt~RED on the mot-
. ion of AId. laglie. and Grimster that the report be received and adopted; end the
City Solicitor be asked to cornunite.re. wi~h the solicitors Tor~ ~he Rail~ys'0om-
~any ~o the 'effee~ o f the rep~r~.~V'.: <: . ,jr - i-'
~T~.e__foi__jto~n_~ 3;~fflaw was passe~d:
Lo. ,°j911 - .kid. O.Donald - To authorize the execntion of an A~reenent for
and Deed.
let reading -Ald. Scott 4nd ~.id?.lc.
2nd reading -Ald. A.F.Dona3 ~, and Gri,aster.
5rd reading -Ald. ~vidale and A.F. Dom~ld.
l ilSC~LL.?~EOUS
It uas a~reed by thf.' members of the Council t!r:t
the Aldermen wau]~ ~ttend the r'reeting of tee Hy,h,o Coru':ission on Tuesday,
15th ut 9.00 p.m. for the purpose of discussing the request for iLlproved ii~:htinq
on the business streets.
Tee Oouncil adjourned on the motion of AId. Scott and Grimetot.
ADOPTED, August 21, 1939.
Council Ch~n~lber,
AU~,,~st 14, 3.9,%9.
The Fibamos Cor,~raittee met on lionday, ,'~u!~st 14, 1939, for the ms'pose of
apDrovin~ and also of passira.,, the w. rious accounts which had been pronefly cert-
ified and placed before them. All members of the con~iittee, with the exception of
Ald. MeAninch, were present.
Sundry accounts were apnroved by the O~amittee, s~otmting to ~9,831.60.
The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord-
ered placed in the ~ney By-law for presentation to the Couneil~ on the motion of
His Uorship Mayor Hanniwel! and Ald. Grimster.
The matter of insu ~v~nse on City-owned properties, as laid over from
previous meetings, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Inglis
and Grimster that the matter be again laid on the table for one week and the Cl~k
be requested to go into ~he matter again and submitt a f~rther report thereon.
The report of the City Engineer, as to cable stored at the Gentre Fire
Itall, and the report ef the City Engineer, laid over from a previous meeting,
recommending certain additions and repairs to the Police and Fire Alarm System,
were presented. It was ordered on thee motion of Ald. Inglis and His Worship Nsyor
Hanniwell that the reports be received'and filed, and the recommendation of the
City Froginset for the work to be e~rried on, be approved.
The s~mry of tenders sabmitted for a truck for the C~rba(e Depart-
m~;llt, to~a. tr~.r with the co~va~nication from O~orC~ Allen xv~th rafereuce to his
tende~, were present,~d. It was ordered on the motion of ltis ~orship t. Myor ~n-
niwe].l and ild. l. imster t.~:t the sa~ry be received and laid on the t~,ble for
one 'jeek, and th,~t the Clerk ~ instructed to c~qmnlicate ~vith the B~_,ntford
Go~.ch end Body company to ascertain ~hether ~n error was re, de in the quotation
to 1.Kr. ~len for the special hoist, as stated in his letter.
The c~u~uniention frgn Messrs. i.hrtin l,.nd Cnlvert, reque sting an option
on the Diatillczy Building for fir. H.j.~ro~ln, was nresented. It was ordered on
the motion of Ald. Orimster and ~kddale th~!t the c~fer he received and laid on
~,!:bie for on~ week, and an a~.~rnisal be obtained upon the property. It w~s fur-
thor orders d on the mot ~ on o f :{i z jotship ~b yet Hznn ivmll and Ald. A.F. Dor~ 1 d
that ~. Brown be coiamunicuted with, and asked what his offer to :marchase ~ould
be ·
The report of the City Clerk, re the quotation on the installation of
water coolers at the City ~hll, was presented. It v~as ordered on the motion of
Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimstar tb~t the report be received sad adopted.
Tee c~lmunieztion fr,~,l tile ~[others' f. llowances Conmission, with refer-
ence to the case of tdrs. Anne Pru~, v~:~,s presented. It was ordered on the znotion
of Ald. ln~!is :,rod Scott ~hat the co~mmunicetion be received ~ad the Clerk be in-
structed to take up the matter of aid for this family vdth the Department of Pub-
lic Uelfare.
The report of the City Clerk, as to the n~Tsin~ aee. ount for John
risen, wi,.s ~resented. it wee ordered on tile motion of Ald. T,;idale and Scott
that the re~rt be received and the recomendation be adopted.
Offers were pror~ented from 1,ft. Steve l'ln[~ end J.Louis Hull, for the
purchase of the property at 2216-22?.0 I,~.in Street, It was ordered on the mot-
ion of Ald. InFiis ~nd Tu'id,~le th~It the offers be received and th;~'t of ~,'Ir. ~n!] ,
at :~650.00 be accepted, subject to the conditions ~;s outlined in his letter, but
with t::xes Fayable by the purchaser from the date of the Agreement.
TIle report of the Relief Administrator, as to the relief fitful'as for
the ~;~onth of July, was presented. It was ordered on the .notion of .Zld. GrLmster
sad Snort that the report he received and filed, and a further re~ be peas-
sated us to th,~ n~aber of heads of f~silles are on relief, and the reduction made
fron ~nth to month,
The report of the City Clerk, reco~aendin~ ch~.nges in connection with
the resi~netion of Miss Lbrothy -~rris Crom the City i~ll staff, was presented.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. ~videle and A.F.Donald that the report be
received and Miss .~Fnes Sills be given the ~sition of Cs~ier. It ~ms f~ther
ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott nnd His Worship Mayor ~nniwell that the
~stter of the appointment of s J~ior clerk be laid on the table until the next
The offer of Arnold R.Reavley, to purchase Lot 8OV, at the corner of
Pewell Avenue and Stamford Street, for the st~a of ~':o Hundred dollars, was pres~
anted. It was ordered on the motion of His Wors~ip Mayor Hanni~ell and Ald.
Scott that the offer be r,!ceived and accepted, subject to the usUal conditions
and subject to the approval of the Assessneat Commis:~ioner and 0ity Treasurer.
The communication fl.~va the Assessment Conm~issioner and City Treasurer,
with reference to the sale of lots to Mr. D'Arcy OrOo~, was presented. It was
ordered on 'the motion of His Worship Mayor Hanniwell and AId. ~ddale that the
Assesem~ent Commissioner be heard, 1,ft. Harriman explained to the Council the rea-
son for the recommendalice as made by him and by the City Treasurer. It was then
ordered on the motion of Ald, T~ddale and His Worship ~.~yor Hanni~ell that the
comunication be received and the matter be a~fin referred back to the Assessment
CSm~aissioner and C.lty T~'easurer for further consideration.
The Ocmmittee adjourned oh ,the motion of AId. Scott and 'A.F. Donald.
Ra~d) ~'~i'~) ~.DOT~ED, :iua~ust El, 1939.
Council Oh'!mber,
~kugust lfi, i939.
The Council re-asseimbled at tile close o~ the Fin.,n~e m~still!~, for the
purpose of D~ssing the !lone.v By-law which covered the account~ i'..DoFoved by the
mittco. All roelabors of the Council, with the exce'0tion of ~d.d. i'ac~ninch, v~ere
pro sent.
The fol.lo~ing By-law was passe.d:
No .= ?_dl~2~- Aid. O. Donald- To Grant-~ionies for General Purposes.
let reading -Ald. %idale and A.F. Donald.
Sad reading ~Ald. Scott and Grimstar.
3rd reading -Ald, A.F. Donald and ~'~idale.
~le Council adjourned on the faction of Aid. A.F.Donald and Grimslot.
READ AFD ADOPTED, ~ugust 21, 1939.
180 1:8'1'
Council Chamber,
August 14, 1939.
The Council re-assembled st the close of the resuD'.r Council and Fin-
ram,; meetings, as a conference for the purnose of discussing certain mstters
which had been presented to them. All members of the Council, with the excep-
tion of Ald. Mc~knineh, were present.
After discussion u,'oon the matters presented, the Council adjourned on the motion
of Ald. Scott and Twidale.
REXD MID ADOF2ED, AugUst 21, 19~9.
'P0~v-S:~C°~ D 1.2CLTii!'~
Counail ~':', ,-'
...... mrr
~ku;:usl 2l, 1939
PtLrsuallt to ad.iauF)l,F It, the Council i:!,~t at
oral RMsiness and Finnnee. All members ~ the CouncNi were!
heyinK received and read the minutes of the previous mee~in!% adopted these on
the .notion of Ald. A.tP.Donald and Orimster.
Cz~2. f&~l 3:'.UiOL'S
Th.e fol lea ing C_oi uauni c., t i ,> ns ".. ere r~ c e iv e d:
No. 254 ~ :'.B.!tu:lude,. K.P. - re assists.nee off ~ov~.rru~nt r~ Cli %on 'H] i D;',>'~os:.l.
No. 255 - L, ;.D~u~ude, M,P, - further c~mmunicatien in resoec~ to C] i~t~n
pos:,l. OR])E-C~D on the ruetiara of .'rid. ').D,,~n.d& :.n,t ilc.'.uinah th:~t the City Clerk be
instru~ted to eoz~zunie~te with ]Cr. i. LD~u;ude, .i P. to o~cert:'in iff the
of Tra~s~rt will contribute as hiEh us 70% towar,i tee cost of the Clifton hill
subway project.
No. 266 -
Aid. G.~m, ld and Scott t)r't the recor'axendation o':' the City C]erk be :-doo~d t-nd
~'.. Knspsr be noti~imd thet it will be in~ssiblu to reserve the b:di 7ie]d for
Thnrs~y night, Auflust Edth, as a g~e had m'eviouslF been scheduled by a local
No. ~57 - A.{L-;lugF;ins, Clerk, VillJ. iie
Odl3~E)) on the motion of A1 i. T~ddale and Grimst,or that the
City of Nia~r~ Falls and the Village
o~ emergency, be renewed for a period of one year,
No. 258 - Cannda StearnshiD Lines Limited - re. frei~:'ht fetes ~'or City of
Falls and suggesting a.m~lie.'~tion to Bogrd of Transport Con~is:sioncrs be withalfarm.
No. 259 - Ch~aber of Cotmarco - freight rates granted on mu.F~ basis to City of
Niaa~ra Fells as those char~d to water ~rts in Penlns~a, ~md su~estimT apnlic-
utica now before the ~Dartnent of ~ansport be with~a~m. 0R'~d;;O on the motion
of Ald. Inglis and O.Donald that the cGuaunieations be received, ths re~Pt of the
Oity Clerk be adopted, and the request for a hearing before the B~rd of Transport
Comicsloners be with~.awn.
No. 260 - Resolutions fo_'warded to Ontario Munie_iJZa1 A:~soci!~tion - ORDFiIED on the
motion of Aid. G. Doneld and ~idale that the list of resolutions pertaining to the
Ontario Municipal Association be laid on the table.
The____ibj~lg~d__n~Reports were received:
No. 140 - City. Clerk - re conference held on August 14th. 0RD~lqh~) on the motion
of Ald. Scott and A.F. Donald that the report be received and adopted.
No. 141 - City. Clerk - re changes in staff. ORDERED on the motion of Aid, MoAn-
inch and G. Domdd that* the report be received and adopted.
No. 142 - Relief Administrator ~ re Ontario Municipal ~ssoctation meeting, August
29th. 0RDE~ED on the motion ~f Ald. I~rtmster and Twidale that Mr. Stock be
grax~ted permission to attend the conference of Wel~tre Officers in the City of Tor-
onto on Tuesday, August 29, 1939.
following Petition was x'e~eivedl"" ·
-. -,,. ,- - ~.,
l:o. 15 - t.h'. E.H.',';inn & 35 others - re parkimp' area on l~u'k Street. 0R])?]{!qD on
the riotion of Ald. ~..~i~!le and Scott t}~at the matter pertaining to the .~.aykln~
eros at the corner of Pdrk Str~-et and St.Clsir Avenue be referred to the Finance
meeting when an aoDrai~al Of the lots will be (:iron.
followin_g_ Resolutions were
No. 95 - T;ID.'~LU] - A.F.DOI~'ID -W--~EREf~S the Niag~,ri! Falls Brid~e acemission have
advertised that they have deposited a description of the sit? and the plans of
the proposed brid~e to be built over the Niagara River;
/dllD ~S.m~.~Ir~S s~xch description states that all land between River i~oz~d
the East; Ne~sq!~n Hill on the Uest and South; ;~nd j]ender Hill on the North will be
ac~uired by the Nia~ra Falls BridL/e Conmission;
Yd.H) ~)~]~S the Intarnutional Railway Corepuny proposed and were prep-
ared to re-construct n brid,'e on their old site at a cost of $1, 500 , 000 . 00 in
tiles to take care of the World' s Fair traffic in the Spring of 1939;
f~,D ;,';~,XF~',,S the prooos~l of the International Rsihvny Goml:~,ny ~as for-
cod out by lordelation obtained on both sides of the Inter~mtion~ border by
ties interested in a private company ,rod sines theft t~e there has been a consid-
eruble delay for advantage in both political trod financial q~rters;
.'~D .~.~F.'~S as a result of pressure brou,d~t by merchants on Fall s '..venus,
!:i..ly,.I;~l~ F~ lls, ~c"r York, the ioc:~tion of the ~mer]c~:n en] of the structure has
been oh,- aged to the exact position of the former Falls View Brid~e;
,'dID .FIE;,.~L',.-; the plans filed at Welland, Ontario, show that the Canadian
and of the proposed bridge will be at approxim~xtely the centre of Nevmmn Hill;
fd~D './~l'b'~S apparently ~o consideration has been given to the rights
of ~ra. operty owne:'s on the Cuaadisn side. of the River, in selecting a loc~tion
for the proposed bridge;
j~ID ;iig. I{~S one firm alone has ~or the past ninety years conducted an
ever expanding trade on a portion of the proposed site and is prepared and anx-
ious to be permitted to continue their csllin~': on the same sits and other firms
affected by the proposed site are equally desirous that their businesses should
not be dis' urbed and that they be forced to find locations in n less advantageous
~LND V~glQEAS Over 200 persons are employed in the businesses that are
located in the urea proposed to be used for a bridge site, and a greut ~uuount of
money is exportdeal each year in those businesses by the million or l.Dra tourists
%vho tx~trOnize the area for food, li~lt, and shelter;
Ai~rD WI~'RF~"~ the City of Nisg,~ra Falls receives a very considerable rev-
enue from the said businesses each year for land. taxes and business tuxes;
T}II~FGRE BE IT RI".SOLVED that the City of Niagara Fells rejectfully
request the Hendurable Mitchell F. Hepburn to Five careful consideration to the
location of the Curiadine end of the proposed bridge, and respectfully sug~est
that the site of the Falls Vi~,w Bridge on the Oanadian side of the Niagara RiVer
be utilized for the proposed Bridge; that the Hencurable W.L.Ibuck be requested
to endorse the action of the City of Niagara Falls ill tbJs mutter and asked to
arrange an appointment with the Premier of 0ntari9 to discuss this matter at
the earliest possible date; and the Seal of the Corporation behereto affixed.
No', 96 - Mo~dqlNOH - SCOTT - RES0]~VED that the City of Niagara Falls request the
HonouEable P.~.k. Ourdin, Minister of Public Worsk to withhold approval of the
Niagara Falls Bridge Commission plans until such time as a location for the pro-
possdtb~tdge is selected that will not be detrimentut to the Municipality of the
~ity of Niagara Fells, and that Mr. A.B.Damude, M.P., be ~equested to communicate
with %~e ~Ho~ourabl, e MinisSet on behalf of the Municipality.- ·
,'~ID B?C IT Flt~_~,K'fi ~I~S0iV"i] th:t the attr:ntion t~f the lzs:u.,m,':bie i.r.
Car}in and/~.lLD. u.~ade, I;.P. be ~ulied to the f':et th~
alrei,~b~ be~n made hy the ~ljai~:t~.' o~ :ii,rhLuys of the
loc~ ties tlu~t is considered detrim.~ntal to the jet !~'~sts of the City of hiay,;ra
~lls; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. 97 - iie.'~ZiYCi! - i~i[,~]T)'R - R qLDI.XPT] th-t the City :Cn~'in?,~r b,~ instruete!d to
present a report on thp !~!nds suitable in i'hp q!~nvi~-~w .-ii~:ric't '~or ti,. o!,t:,b~,i ~h--
meat of a plsy,!round l,lld s:nai3 swi~min~ pool, ,,n-] the t:p~ro-<irl..t<, '~!;t of coast-
ruering the ~tme; and the Seal of the CorpoxT~tien be hereto affixed.
The .fpl,l_e',;i~_-lnws ~.era
2813 - f.id. C.Donald - To authorize the execution of ~n f. gre~!iqent for S~,le and
let reading - .kid..~ddala ~nt Ik'inster.
2nd re~din{,: - ~ld. A.l.'.Don~]d and Scott.
3rd readiI~ -Ald. ~hvidals and Scott.
The Council adjourned on the motion of :kld. O. Donald and A.F. l)onsid.
RF~kD Yd',~D ~;jOim_~D, Au,~l~st 28, t939.
Council Ghamber,
.~ugust 21, 1939.
TIle Finance Conunittee met on lionday, frogust P~lst, 1939, for the purpose
of approving ~nd also of passing the various accounts ~,hich had been properly cert-
ified and placed before them. All neiebers of the Conmittee,v~ere present.
Sundry accounts were approved by the 0onmlittee, aresrotting to.$44,960.66.
The accounts submitted, being passed or othendse dealt with, were ord-
ered placed in the Money By-law for pxesentation to the Couhcil, on the motion of
Ald, leglie and His Worship }~yor Hanoiwell.
The matter of the purchase of a ~ruck for the Garbage Deparment as
laid over from previous meetinggs, was presented. It was ordered on the motio~
of kid. LicAninch and Grinstot that the Studebaker model be purchased at the ten-
der price of $1,235.P~5.
The report of the City Clerk, re ~he insurance on City-oxmed property
ac~,uired by ~:x ~r~xrs Certificates, was presented. It v~s ordered on ~he mot-
lea of ~S. A.F.~m~ld and His Worship ~R~yor Ha~i~mll ~h~t the report be rec-
loved and adented, but ~ch Policy be issued separately.
Tim Revem~ and Ex~enditu~~ Statereact for the period ending Yuly ~st,
1939, u~,s presented. It ~jas ordered on the notion of Ald. Orh~ster and Scott
theft the s~tement be received and laid on the ~ble.
The c~F~unication from ',,.i{.Phil]i ~s, representing the 1, Zerchants' Fire
Imam'ante Conp':ny', Toronto, for a Fire Insur,~nce Policy on the building foDmrly
occupt,;d by J..mes '~,,rcl~y ~nd CO;ipuHy, 600 ~Velland ~.venue~ at nn annual n~te o~~
$1.o0 per ~.nmm, vn~s nresentud. It ~as ordered on the motion of ilia ,~orship
l;~yor ~gmniuell and A~d. '.~.imster thqt the co~.mmnication be received and filed,
and his applic tion be given consideration for future business.
The cox~naunic~tion ~n the City Treasurer and/;ssessraent Commissioner,
uith respect to the sale of Lots 4, 5, and 6, Stanley Avenu,~,
~ms ordered on the :.otion of ;~i~. Grinstar i~nd Sqott that the letter from the
City ~'eusurer and Assess'~ent Gor~ssionerbe adopted.
The cor~mnication fr~ Arthur T. Ba~nquet of the ~nm'tm'ent of hblic
~'~elf,?re, re Jos~ph ~ue of Nin(grn Falls, was ares, nted. It was ordered on the
motiox~ of Aid. llcf.ninch and 9..idale that the City Clerk be instructed to co~mun~
ic~te with tk'. K.J.Wisby, the loc~l inspector of the Department of ;inUre, and
ascertain the rome ~f the pro~rty party to contact in this case.
Appr~.isuls for Part Lot 1 to 8, known as 600 '.rolland Avenue, received
from !.h'. U.k.~l"_ser '~:nd ll'. J~,ss Milan, wer~ presented. it uas ordered on the
notion of }:is Worship Rayor !~nnivmll end Ald. Tx;idale that the property be ad-
vertised fox' ~.le at n price of $15,000.00 and a sign be placed on the building
to this effect.
The report of the City Clerk, givinf~ a summary of persons on relief
in the :~oney of July, 19,~9, and a co.'mpsrntive table for 19:B, was presented.
It ~ms ordered on the. i~otion of His Worship Mayor Hanniwell and Ald. A.F. Donald
that the report be received and filed.
The recommendation of the City Clerk, re the condition of the light
Ford truck now in ope~.atinn in the Sewer Department, vms presented. It was ord-
ered on the notion of !:ld. Scott and Grimster thet the City Clerk be instructed
to edvertise for'tenders for a light truck suitable for the use of the Sewer
The report of the City Clerk, stud the rocoranendation of the Co~.ittee,
~?ith reference to the sule of propsties, was presented. it was ordered on the
motion of Ald. Scott sad His Worship t,k~yor Hnniwell that the report of the
mittee be adopted. Ald. MeAninch and Grimstar voted contrary to the motion.
The repol~ of the City Clark, with reference to the supply of school
hooks to children of indigent familiels, was presented. It was ordered on the
notion of Aid. Ox'imster and ~kl, idsle that the City Clerk he instructed to
mumJests with the Secretary of the Board of Education, to ascertain if the Board
can sontribute any portion of the ~seunt required for this purpose.
The tenders for repairs to the Wellend OountV Gaol and Gourt House were
presented. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Hanniwell and Ald.
MeAninch that the co,~mhicntion be received and laid on the table.
The ccmmuni~ation from Mrs. L.G. Cra~ford, 986 Bridge Street, request-
ing permission to sell one plot of her ground in Fairview Gemetery, situated in
Lot No, 159, Section N, was presented. It was ordered on the motio~ of Ald.'
MoAninch ~nd Twtdate ~lmt the sale of thls lot be granted.
~ ,-.'~ ~ae communication l~ B,R,MoNally, 49~ QTepson Street, reciuesttng ~n
Option to purehoe. Lot No. 6(~, V~G le. l,a,:~y, '~:' D,'esehted. it v,':n o;d~r~;d ')n t]~c
motion or lid. Scott and ~'im~ter th: t until such tines as .;.r. =- 'i.' Ely cor:'q~ t s
arr~m[:~ment bith the C/Jvermn.uR for a ;3uikding Loan, h,~ be ~iven first consider-
ation in the sale of this lot.
?he communication fro:~ j.Louis Hull, deciininJ the, ~;fv,;r to plu'ch:.ue
the m'o~erty loe~:te4 at ~.916--fE.°.f]O Ik, in Street, was Dre~;ent.~d. it u'._-; erq "ed on
the motion of .:Tie '.lorehie Ik~y'~r Hanniweil znd :..ld. Scott that tn,~
be r{!eeived and filed and tht~ City Olerk be instructed to e~_¥;unic=:tc
Steve 1~!~7, 19~0 Stanley .~venue, ,'u~ d notify him that the Cou~cii are prepared to
accept his offer of $600.00 in cash for this property.
The Co{n~ittea adjourned on the notion of iiis ,,orenip tlayor ihJmiwell a'nd __ld,
A. F · .'~nald.
R~'~D ~'d'[]) ADOi~ED, August 28, 1939.
C}lai:c~u~ of ?'innnee
Cotnlcil Ch~lllbar,
AU~USt 21, 1939.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the Fint,.n,~e ]:: .ericU for the
purpose of l~ssin-' the ~lonay By-law vd~ich covered the accoullts approved by the
O~mittee. All members of the CoUncil uere pr, sent.
The following B~v-le.w v/as passed:
lip. 2814 - Aid. G. Donald- To 0rant liehies for Ceneral Purposes.
lat reading -Ald. Scott and A.F.Donald.
Sad reading -Ald. A.F. Donald and ~.~idale.
3rd reading - kld. Grimstar and Scott.
The Council adjourned on tl~e motion of Aid. lisAninth nnd G. Donald.
REM) AND ADOPTED, August 28, 1939.
i t86
OouUcil Ohrimb~-r,
August B1, 1959,
The Council re-asse'.~bled nt the close of the regdlar Council and Fin'_=nc.
meetinF:s~ f~s ,'~ conferlines for the puts. see of discu! sine, certain matters which had
been presented to thefa. All members of the Council ~ere present.
After discussion upon the matters presented, the Com~cil adjourned.
READ AND ADOPTErs]), August 28, 1959.
Council Chamber,
August 28, 1959.
l~'suant to adJounment, the Council met at 7.50 p.m. to consider Gen-
eral Business and Finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald,
MeAninch, were present. The Oouncil, having :eceived and read the minutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. A.F. Do~mld and Scott.
Tenders were submitted for the purchase of a light delivery truck to re-
pleee Truck Nmber 5 now in use by the Corporation, and these ~-ere opned, initial-
led by His Worship Mayor Nanniwell and read, on the motion of Ald. Orimster and
A.F. Donald, It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and (Irinster that
the tenders be considered at the Finance meeting. l~ior to the above motion, it
was moved by Ald. Inglis and Scott that the tenders be tabulated and considered at
the next meeting, but this motion was defeated.
The followinf~ Oonnuunications were .reck!vexed:
No. 261 - Board of TranspOrt Conmissioners - file r:. application for classill cation
as water pert now closed. ORD~I~EB on the motion of Ald, A,F.Donald and Orimster
that the c~snmnieation be received and filed, and the thanks of the Oom~cil be for-
warded to the Board for their efforts in this matter.
No. 262 - A.B. Damude, M.P. - re requested assistance for subway. 0RDk~ED on the
motion of Ald. G. bonald and A,F. Donald that the communication be received and L~r.
D6mude be cor~muni~ed with, referring to the file in which this information was
No. 263 - Hon. W.L.Ho~ck~ M.L.A. - acknowle dgtng receipt of resolutions. 0RLI~RhD
on the motion of .~d. G. Donald and ~idale thaS the cgr~nunication be received and
The followia_g Report was r_e_celved:
No. 143 - Ci_t~v_Clerk - report on conference held on August Blst. 0~D~ED on She
moSion of Aid. Twid~e and ~lmste~ Sbat the report be received and adopted.
The follow~ By-law w~s passed:
Ald. A.F.Donald - To authorize the execution of an AgreemenS with the
Corporation of ~he ~lllage of Ohippawa,
~st reading -Ald. SeeSt and (~imster.
2nd reading- Ald. Grimster and G. Donald.
Brd reading -Ald. G. Donald and A.F. Donald.
;': scz , Zous
: ' - WiSh the approval of She members of She Council, His Worship MAyor Itan-
niwell set ~he date for the next regula~ meeting of .the Oouneil for Wednesdays
'.,p~mbe= 6Sh, 1959, at 7.~0 p.m.
188 189
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott and G. Donald.
RF~D AND ADOPTED, September 6, 1959.
on the motion of Ald. T~vidale and Grimster that the tender fens be approved and
tenders be called inrnediately for the requirements of the Corporation fox' the com-
ing season.
The tenders which lind been submitted at the Council leesting, for the pur-
chase of a light delivery truck to replace ~ruck N~,xber 3, were considered. It
was ordered on the motion of Ald. Twidale and His Uorship i.~yor Hanniwell that a
G.M.G. truck be purchased fr~a the United C~rage at a net price of $593.00.
The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott and Twirlale.
READ AND AIDPTED, September 6, 1939.
Council Chamber,
August B8, 19B9.
The Finance Gomittee met on Monday, August Z8, 1939, for the purpose
of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All n~mbers of the' Committee, with the except-
ion of Aid. McMinch, were present.
Sundry accounts were approved by the Comritttee, amounting to $30,734.0i.
The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord-
ered placed in the money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of
Ald. ~rimster and His Worship Mayor Hanniwell.
The report of the City Engineer, recommending the construction of a cun-
opy over a portion of the City market, was presented. It was ordered on the mot-
ion of Ald. Orimster and Scott that the report be received and the recon~mendation
be adopted.
The communication fr~a S.Nagy, re an offer from John Koczian, to pur-
chase~2216-2~O Main Street for $600.00 in c~s~, was presented. It was ordered on
the motion of Ald. Scott and A.F. Donald that the c~munication be received and
the offer be accepted, subject to the condition that the buyer be appraised of
the necessary improvements which must be made to~ the property before it will be
fit for habi~tion.
~le c~aunication from the County Glerk, enclosing a copy of the tender
form and s~eeifications re repairs to the County buildings, was p~mented. It was
ordered on the motion of His Worship M~yor Nanniwell and Ald. ~im~r tha~ t~
c~iu~cation be received and the City of Welland be co~aunicated with, and ad-
vised of the dis-approval of this Council of this ~pe of tender fern aS Fepared
by the County council, ~ioh included ~.~,~0.00 contingent ~nd. ·
~e e~mAnication from Mrs. Edith DePottie, offering to purchase 965
St.Lawrence Avenue for the s~x of ~S00.OO was presented. It was ordered on the
motion of His Worship Mayor Hanniwell and Aid. Scott that the Comnumication be
resolved, the offer be accepted and the prospective purchaser be advised that the
~ale is .made subject to .the proviso tha. t sanitary repairs a~ least must be made
b~rO,~ a.,deed will be'issued. ' · : '
~=' T~e~ende~ form for the purchase of coal ~xs presented. ~1~ was ordered
, ,
C1 ark
Chat~mxan of Finance
Council Ch~aber,
AugUst 28, 1959.
The Council re-assembled at the close of tbe Firthnee meeting, for the
purpose of passing the money By-law which covered the aceousts approved by the
0omm~ttee. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. ~[cAninch, were
The follpwingHesolution was passed:
No. 98 - TWIIIALE - G. DONALD- RESOLVED that the action of His Worsbip Z~yor Han-
niwell in appointing kldermsn A.W. Scott as Enacting Mayor during His Worship' s
absence from the City on AUgust BOth, 31st, Septmaber letand 2nd, be and the same
Is hereby approved; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
_~arrie d
_The foil.owing BJ-law__w_~s passed:
No. BS.~l_~6- Ald. G. Donald- To ~rant Monies for General Purposes.
let reading -Ald. A.Y.Donald and (Irinmter.
,2nd reading -Ald. Scott and O. Donald.
$~d ~eading - Aid. (~imster and Twidale.
Aid. Inglts $mntloned the necessity of signs at the corners of Stanley
Avenue and ~lcLeod Road, and else at Ferry Street end Main Street, directing truf-
fle into the City and to the business section, for the in£~matiea of the travel-
~lng public.
Ald. Twidale drew to the attention ef the Council the necessity for s
sign at the corner of Lundy's Lane and Main Street, to the effect that cars may
drive through the grees light when a street-car is standing at this point. It was
also spaggested that the operators of the local street-cars nig~at be requested to
signal motorists to proceed past the standing cars at this point and also on the
various v~vitches tkroughout the City.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Grinstot and G. Donald.
READ AND ADOPTED, September 6, 1939,
M a yo r
Comlcil Chamber,
Sept~nber 6, 19~9,
Pursuant to adjourument, the Council mot at 7.30 p.m. to consider Gen-
eral Business and Finance. All meubers of the Council, with the ex~!eption of Ydd.
~cAninch, were present. The Council, having received and read tile minutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. ~idale and Grimster.
Tenders were submitted for the supply of Coal and Fire Hose for the
Corporation. In view of the fact that only tv~o tenders were submitted for Coal
supplies, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimster that these be
not opened and that they be laid on the table until the next meeting. It was
then ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimster and ~vidale that the tenders for
Fire Hose be opened, initialled by itis I~crship k~yor Hsnniwell and read. It was
ordered by Ald. T~idale and Orimster that these tenders be considered at the Fin-
ance Meeting, when the Fire Chief, J.C.Shapton, would be present to make his rec-
Prior to the above motion, it was moved by Ald. O. Donald and Inglis
that the tenders be referred to the City Clerk and Fire Chief for a report at
the next meeting. This motion w~s defeated.
The following Communications v~ere re_ceived:
No. 264 - Attorne~-C~_nJFal Conant - memorandum re local guards and special con-
Stables. 0RDBRED on the n~tio~ of Ald. Inglis and A.F.Donald that the communic-
ation be received and referred for consideration to the Conference.
No. 265 - Mortlmer, Bempf_t. eld& Co. - re liability coverage for special guards.
(RD~P~ED on the motion of Ald. Grimster and Scott that the ccgm~unication be rec-
eived and filed.
No. 266 - Nlag~na Falls ito?ticultural Soclerby - appreciation of trophy donated.
0RD~RED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and A.F. Donald that .the communication be
received and filed.
No. B6~ - Se~r.e_~a__~ ~9 ~__e~er Hepburn - re resolution re pro.~sed site for new
bridge. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and G~'imster that the communic-
ation be received and a further communication be a~dressed to the Hencurable Prem-
ier, requesting an interview with him.
Prior to the above motion, it was moved by Ald. ~ddale and Scott that
the con~untcation be received and filed. This motion was defeated.
No. 268 - Hen. ~.~.A~r~hur Cardin - resolution ~f Council acd action taken by Dep-
artmort. C~DERED o~ the motion of Ald. SCott and A.F.Donald that the communic-
ation be received and the matter of the advertisement mentioned in the communic-
ation ~e ~;~. ~. ~e. ~ S~licttor for his advice, ..........................
.The following Reports. were received;
No. 144 - Dairy Inspector - report for month of August, ORDIRED on the motion
?f Ald, Scott and C~imstex, that '~he repox~ be ~eoetved and filed,
No. 145 - City Engineer - re t~affio condition at Buchanan Avenue and Lincoln
gtTeSt. ORDI~ED on the motion of AId. G. Donald and Twtdale that the report be
reoteved and adopted, and slow signs be e~eotsd at this intersection.
THe following Resolutions were passed:
No. 99 - ~'JIDf~E - (R~qTE~ - RESOLVED that this Council express, on behalf of
its members an~ of the citizens of Niagara Falls, the loyalty and determination
to place all our resources at the call of the Goverm~ent at this time; and pray
and hope that success will attend all undertakings on behalf of our country;
and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. 100 - G. DONALD - ~RI~T~R - RESOLVED that this Council guarantee the Senior-
ity for services with the Corporation for any employee who may leave his position
to act in any wartime capacity; and that such seniority will continue from the
time of his leaving the Corporatton's employ until his hencurable discharge frox=
his war work; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
, Carri e d
The following Byfl.aw was passed:
No. 2817 -Ald. G. Donald- To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale
and Deed.
1st reading -Ald. Scott and A.F.Donald.
2nd reading - Aid. A.F. Donald and Grimster.
3rd reading -Ald. Twidale and Scott.
N~o. 2B18 -Ald. G. Donald - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale
and Deed.
1st reading -Ald. Orlmster and Twidale.
2nd rea~ng - Aid. A.F. Donald and Scott.
3rd reading -Ald. ~vidale and ~imster.
N~._~P~- Ald. G. Donald- To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale
and Deed. ~
1st reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott.
End reading - AId. Grlmster and Scott.
~.d reading -Ald. Twidale and A.F.Donald.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott and G. Donald.
READ AND ADOPrED, September 11, 1939.
~ouncil Ohamber,
Sept enber 6, 1939.
The Finance Cclmmittee met on Wednesday, September 6, 1939, for the pur-
pose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been proper-
ly certified and placed before them. All members of the Cormmitre, with the ex-
ception of Ald. McAninch, were present.
Sundry accounts were approved by the Co~naittee, amounting to $19,140.00.
The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt witix, were or-
dered placed in the money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion
of Ald. A.F. Donald and Grimstar.
The report of the Chief of Police, as to convictions obtained as a res.-
ult of certain searches, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald.
A.F. Donald and ,irestar that the report be received and filed.
The statement of relief figures for the month of August ~s presented.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and ~vidale that the report be rec-
eived and filed.
The comparative statement of tax collections as at Au{~ust 31, 1939, was
presented. It yes ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimster and A.F.Donald that
the report be received and filed.
The report of the City Engineer, recentmending new doors for the Centre
Fire t~ll, ~m~s presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Twidale andGrim-
ster that the report be received and adopted.
An estimate for the construction of a canopy over a portion of the Mar-
ket, submitted by P.Moreau, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of His
Worship L~yor Hanniwell and Ald. A.F. Donald that the estimate be r.~ceived and
given consideration. An smend~nent was presented by Ald. inglis and Scott that
the estimate be received and the matterbe laid over temporarily. The amendment
was defeated. It ~s then ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott
tlmt the estimate of Mr..Moreau be received and filed, in view of the fact that
it was higher than the tender submitted at the previous meetihg.
The tenders for the purchase of Fire Hose, as received at the Council
meeting, were considered. U~on the reconm~enckAtion of the City Engineer and Fire
Chief, the tender of the Bi-Lateral Fire Hose Company, for Union Hose at $1.25
per foot, was accepted on tlxe motion of Ald. Scott and Grimster.
The 0ommlttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott and A.F.Donald.
READ A~D ADOPTED, September 11, 1939.
Ohatrman of Finance
Council Chamber,
~ptember 6, 1999.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the Finance J~eeting, for the
purpose of p~ssing the money By-law which covered the accounts approved by the
Committee. All members of the Council, with the.exception of Ald. MeAninch,
were present.
The ~ollo~ng By-lawv~.sj~a~se~:
No._~2~.29 - Aid. O. Donald- To Grant Monies for General I~AI~O~S.
let reading - Aid. Grimster and T~idale.
2ad reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott.
3rd reading -Ald. Twidale and Scott.
The 0ouncil adjourned on the motion of Aid. Twidale and Grimster.
RFAD AND ADOPTED, Set~mber 11, 1939.
Oouncil Chamber,
September 6, 1989.
The Oouncil re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Fin-
ance meetings for the purpose of holding a conference for the discussion of cer-
tain matters which had been presented to them. All members o~ the Cc,~mittee,
with the exception of Ald. MeAninch, were present.
After discussion upon the matters presented, the Council adjourned on the motion
of Ald. Scott and O.I~nsld.
Council Chamber,
September 11, 1939.
Pursuant to adJourm~ent, the Council met at 7.30 p.m, to consider Cen-
eral Business and Finance. All members of the Council, with the excention of Ald.
~cAninch, were pr!sent. The Cousci!, having received and read the rai~utes of the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Grimster and ~vicale.
Tenders were submitted for the supply of Coal for the Corporation. It
was ordered on the motion of Ald. ~vidale and G. Donald that the tenders be opened,
initialed by His Worship ~yor Hanniwell and read. It was then ordered on the
motion of Ald. G. Donald and ~ldale that the tenders be considerated at the Fin-
ance Meeting.
The following Ccanmanicatioas were received:
No. 269 - A..B. Damude, M.P. - enclosing letter from Secret~ry to ~nister of l~bour
re subway. ERDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald a~d Scott t~t the communic-
ation be received and laid on the table.
No. 270 - A.B. Damude, M.P. - acknowledging resolution of loyalty. O~DEQED on the
motion ofAld. A.F.Donald and Grimster that the communication be received a~d
No..271 - Local Mothers' Allowances Bo__ar__d- re request for leave by Rsvernend
Douglas. 0RDIED on the motion of Ald. Inglis and T~idale that the communication
bs received and the request be granted.
No.. 272 - Chamber of Commerce - acknowledging grant and appreciation of co-oper-
ation. 0RD~RED on the motion of Ald. Cvimster and A.F. Donald that the communic-
ation be received and filed.
No. 2?3 - Canadian National Electric Railway - re request for motormen to signal
automobile traffic. 0RDI~D on the motion of Ald. ~vidale and Scott that the com-
munication be received and the City Solicitor be requested to prepare a report
upon the liability of the City should warning signs be erected.
No. 274 - Ontario Municlp_a_l Assocaition - copy of Address of the President. 0RD-
EqED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Orimster that the address .be received and
No. 275 - ~lvation AxW - requesting pexunission to hold tag day. 0RIleD on the
rotion of Ald. ~idale and laglie that the connaunication be received and the req-
uest be ~anted,
No. 278 - Provincial Gas Company Limited - copy of proposed agreement. re use of
gas for heating. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. laglie and Grlmster that the copy
of the agreement be received and filed.
· _The follo_w_lng Reports were reeeived~
No. 146 - City Clerk - report on conference held on September 5, 1939. ~E2~ED
y~n ~ rotion of ~d. 'A,F, ~nald i~d ~Seo~$~Mt.the. re~rt be received and ad-
party, Limited. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Inglis and G~lmster that the rep-
ort be received and filed.
No. 148 - C~lt~ ~licitor - re proposed Bridge across Niagara River, 0RD~I~ED on
the motion of Ald. G. Donald end Grimster that the report be received, copies of
the same be forwarded to the members of the Council, and also to ~ir. A.B.Damude,
M.P., the Noncurable Mitchell F.Hepburn, Prmier of Ontario, and to the Honourabls
T, B.McQue sten, Chairman of the Coralscion.
7no foil_owing Resolutions~.,w.ere passed:
No. 101 - G. DONALD- SCOTT - RESOLED that the City Clerk be instructed to for-
ward a message of sympathy to Chief of Police M.D. Tisdale, exloressing the sorrow
of the Council upon the passing of his father, Air. Lafayette Tiedale; and the Seal
of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
' C.arried
No. 102 - Ct{IIIST~R - A.F. DOii~LD - RESOLVED that the City Clerk be instructed to
forward a message of sympathy to Zliss V;innifred Stokes, expressing the sorrow of
the Council upon the passing of her father, ~ir. R.M.Stokes; and the ~al of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Car rt e d
No. 103 - ~IIF~.v.E - G. D01~j~D - RESOLVED that the Council give fm. ther consider-
ation to the action of the Board of Police Commissioners, in authorizing the pay-
ment of additional salary to a police officer, absent from work through illness,
at the following Council meeting; and the Seal of the Corporatio~ be heroic af-
No. 104 - G, DONALD- T,'~I1Y, w.E - RESOLVED that the City Clerk be instructed to com-
~mnicate with the Wartime Prices and l~rade Board in Ottawa, to ascertain what
action is being taken to preVen profiteertag and raisl~ of prices of conmodities
during wartime; and the ~al of the Gorpor~tlon be hereto affixed.
No. 105 - CRiLMABTtR - IE01F - RESOLVED that the 0ity Glerk be authorized to insert
notices in the local newspaper, notifying the citizens that prosecution will fol-
low the apprehension of any parson found depositing refuse on any vacant property
in the City; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
The followin~ By-law was passed|
~Np:.: a82~ - Aid. G:Donald - To authorize the variation in an Agreement for ~le to
Arthur. 0.Jolley and the execution of four separate deeds.
let reading- Ald. Scott and Grimster.
2nd reading - Aid. ~rimster and A.F.Donald.
3rd reading - Aid. Scot~ mad ~idale.
The Oouncil' adjourned on the motion of Ald. ~cott and A.~?.Donsld.
~ ~ ~ ~, September 18, 1939.
. .. .,.
-' . ', .......,.
' ' ". ,' s? ~/.' - ,'
FINAI~],] ~Eh~TllqG
Council Chamber,
Sept~aber ll, 1939,
The Fi~nce Ccnmittee met on Lionc~y, Septexaber ll, 1939, for the 'tarpose
of approving and also of passing the various accounts ~vhich had besm~properiy ce:'t-
lfied and placed before them. All members of the Committee, with the exception of
Ald. I,~Aninch, were present.
Sundry accounts Lere approved by. the Comxrdttee, amounting to ~6,965.38.
The accounts Submitted, being passed or othen~ise dealt with, were ord-
ered placed in the money By-lay; for p~sentation to tile Council, on the motion of
Ald. A.F. Donald and Scott.
The communication from Arnold R,Reavley, re inability to e;ect house on
lot pin'chased, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of/dd. ~'ddale and
A.F.Donald that the comunication be received and filed, and ~he request that the
Agreement be cancelled be granted.
The commnication from ',/.Calvert, re inability to erect house on lot pur-
chased, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and fiis ',~orship
~,~yor ttanniwell that the communication be received and the purchase price of the
lot be refunded, less the proportion of 1939 taxes on the lot for the time during
which the same was in the possession ef AIr. Calvert.
An offer to purchase Lot lO?, Plan 32, Buttrey Street, for ~he s~n. of
$75.00, .was presented, from Mr. S.Seigel. tt was ordered on the motion of His
Worship Mayor tianniwell and Ald. O~lmster that the offer be received and accepted,
subject to the Usual cond~ions, and subject to the approval of the City Treasurer
and Assesanent Cc~nnissioner.
The totter of the payment to C. 80 M. Ftynn, for repairs to the Savoy
Hotel Wall on Bridge Street, was discussed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald.
A.F.Donald and His Worship Mayor Itanniwell that ~Ir. Flynnb s asked to attend the
nex~ Finance meeting for the purpose of advising the Committee upon the ~vork.
The tenders which had been received at the Council meeting, for the sup-
ply of Coal, were presented. It was ordered on the action of His Worship Dayor
Hanniwell and/kld. Scott that the tender of John Meats, for the supply of anthrac-
ite coal at u total cost of $1,933.98 be accepted. It vms ordered on the motion
of Ald. ~vidale and Grimster that the tender of John ~l~s for the supply of steam
coal, at $6.45 per ton, be accepted. It was ordered on the notion of Lld. Orim-
ster and His .Worship t~layor .Hanniwell that the tender of .John Meats,. for. Alcorn l"
8lack Stoker Coal at $6.80 per ton, be accepted.
The C~nmittee adjourned on the motion of Ald. ~idale and A.F. Donald.
READ DID ADOI'~D, September 18, 1939.
Ohairman of Finance
Counc 11 Chamber,
Septsnber 11, 1959.
The Council rc-asse;abled at the close of the Finance Meeting, for t~Ae
purpose of passing the money By-la~ which covered the accounts approved by the
Co~ai~tee. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. McAninch, were
Th% followin~ By-law ~s passed:
No..2~.22. -Ald. G. Donald- To Gr~nt Monies for Ceneral Purposes.
1st reading -Ald. A.F.Donald ~nd Twldale.
2nd reading -Ald. Scott and Grtmster.
3rd reading -Ald. Grimster and Scott.
T~e _fpllowing He solutlo.n_..w.a.s. p~a~ss_.e~d:
No. 106 - A.F, DON~LD - (~.IL~ST~R - R~SOLVED that the matter of pa~nuent of addition-
al salary D a Police Officer, absent from duty duo to illness, be referred to t~
City Solicitor for an opinion as to whether the Council have the power to take
action upon s,,ch matter~ and the Seal of.the Corporatio~ be hereto affixed.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott.
READ/d4D ADOPTED, September 18,. 1939.
Muy or
Council Chamber,
September 11, 1939.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Gotmoil emd Fin-
ance meetinge .for the pUrpo.se of holding a conference for the discussion of cer-
tain matters ~ich had been presented to them. All members of the Committee,
wish the exception of Ald, MoAninch, were present.
· After di~oUssion upon the: ~al~ters 'presented, the Council adjourned on
the motion of Ald. Grimster and A.F, Donald.
READ AND ADOPTED, Sept~nber 18, 1939.
COuncil Chamber,
Sept~aber 18, 1939.
t{ECj//~'a ~E~TING
Pursuant to adJou~.'maent, the Council met at ?.SO p.m..to consider Gen-
eral Business and Finance. All menbets of the Council, with the exception of Ald.
~cAninch, were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous lacering, adopted these on the mot.ion of Ald..Grimstar and T~vidale.
20 1'
No. 150 - City Solicitor - re Canadian National Electric ~ail~ays ~nd ,~r=~ction
.... of si~s. 0~]) on the motion of ~ld. $.Donald and ~;i,k~ie that the r~poi, t b~
received and adopted, and ~he si~s us su~ ssted be erected.
No. 151 - Re__lipf Admieis~rator - re con 'erenee in Toronto re cultivation of land,
etc. CRD~I~ED on the motion of Aid. ~?idale and O. Donald that the report be rec-
eived and laid on the table.
The following By-law was Damsad:
On the motion of Aid. inglis and Grimstar, l,~r. F.C.Ward, Secretary of
the. Cham~er of Commerce, ~as permitted to address the Coun~ 1.
Mr. Ward explained ~o the Council the reason for the rise in price of
certain food-stuffs in the City, and the temporary snortage in sugar.
The followi.ng Conmunicati_ons wprs re_ceived:
No. 277- Honourahle Minister o~f Pub__l~ic Works - re approval of plans given for
proposed b~'idgs. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Inglis sad Grimstar that the con-
muni=ation be received and referred to the City Solicitor Tor his com~ae~ts.
Prior to the above motion, it was moved by Aid. ~'~idale and Scott that
the ccnusunication be received and filed; but this motion was defeated.
No. 3?8 - Secretary to Premier Hepburn_ - re appointment with Council f or meeting.
CeD~{ED on the notion of Ald. G. Donald ~nd Inglis that the communication be rec-
eived and filed.
No. Z~9 ~ .Se.~cretary $o Premier Hepburn - ackrnwledging City Solicitor's report
rs bridge· ORDE~{ED on the l~otion of Ald. Scott and Grimstar that the comunic-
ation be received and filed·
No. P~O - Niagara Falls Brid,~e Con~ission - acknowledging City Solicitor's rep-
ort re Bridge. ORDEttED on the motion of Ald. Grimstar and G. Donald that the
co~cunication be received and filed.
No. Z81 - Secretary to Premier King - acknowledging resolution of loyalty. ORD-
kRED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and G~lmster that the.coxmunication be rec-
eived and filed·
No. ZaZ - Honourable Minister of National Def._en~e- ackno~vledgieg resolution of
loyalty. 0RD]~IED on the motion of Ald. ~idale und Grimster that the cc~maunic-
ation bs received and filed,
No. S83 - Secretary t9 Attorney-General - re protection of utilities and guns.
ORD~{ED on the motion of Ald. Scott and G. Donald that the c~unication be rec-
eived and filed.
No. P~84 - Wart_ims Prices and Tra~ Boar__d- acknowledging resolution und action to
be token. ORDerED on the~otion of Ald. ~qidele and Grimetar that the coa~unic-
erich be received and laid on the table. ~"
The__following Reports were recpived:
No. '149 ~ City 01erk - re conference held on September llth. ORIII~ED on the mot-
lqn o~ Ald. A,~.Donald and Scott ~hat ~he report be received and .adopted.
No._ ~8~Z3 - ild, O.Donald - To authorize the execution of an Agreecent for Sale
and Deed·
1st trading -Ald. A.F.Doxmld and Grimstar.
2nd reading -Ald. Scott and A.F.l)onald.
3rd reading - ild. Grimstar and G, Donald.
The Council adjourned on tile ~aotion of Ald. Scott and O.Donald.
Council Oheunber,
September 18, 19~9.
Tile Finance Cosmlittee met on ~{onday, September 18, 19~9, for the purpose
of approving and also of passing the various accounts which h:ad been properly
certified and placed before them· All members of the Committee, with the excep-
tion of Xld. E~Aninch, were present.
b~undry accounts ~ere approved by the Committee, mounting to $12,148.071
The accounts su~itted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord-
ered placed in the money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the' motion
of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott.
The account for repairs to the wall at 218-220 Bridge Street, by G.
M. Flynn, was presented. It was ordered On the motion of Ald. T~vidule and Grim-
ster that Mr. M. Flynn be per?alfred to address the Oommittee in this connection.
~. Flynn advised ~he Oom~ittee of the work which had been perfomed by his finn
upon the well. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. A:F. Doneld and Orimster
that the account be i~aid. ....
The appraisal fr~ ~.B,Robinson u~on the property at ~eZ S%.4a~Tence
'Ave~nue, was presented~ It was ordered on the motion of His ~orship l~yor Hanni-
~vetl and Aid. A.F.Donald that another appraisal be obtained from another Real
Estate agent, and that this communication be received and, filed.
The report of the City Clerk, re revision of power costs at the Filt-
ration Plant, was presented. It ~as ordered on 'the motion of Ald. Inglis and'
Twidale that the report be received and adopted; and the appreciation of the
Council be extended to ~Lls Worsh~p.lleyor P~nniwell, ~.ir. J.E.Teckoe and the City
Clerk, L~r. W.S. Orr, for thei~ ~ork in this connection.
The Revenue and Expenditure Statement for the ~nth of Au~ast, was
anted. It was ordered on the motion of His '~jorship ~iayor Hannlwell sad Ald.
Scott that the statement be received and filed.
The report of the City Clerk, recommending the purchase of a typewriter,
was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Twidela~and A.F. Donald that
the report be received and adopted.
The City Clerk advised the Committee of the action taken by him in
c'~nn,~ction with the installation of a new sewer at ~B16-SE30 ~iain Street; and it
was agreed by the members present that this action was satisfactory.
The City Clerk also advised the Co;~aittee of a request which had been
received, that Palmar Aveaue be made a stop street at Eastwood Crescent. No
action was taken upon this matter.
The Committee adjourned on the motion of His Worship L~yor Hanniwell e~ad Ald.
A. F. Donald.
READ ~D ~kOOPTED, September B~, 1939.
Chairman of Finance
Council Chamber,
September 18, 1939.
The Council re~assenbled at the close of the Finance ~leeting, for the
purpose of passing the money By-lm~ which covered the aceoumts approved by the
C~r~tttee. All rambars of the Council, with the exception Of ~d. M~inch,
were ~ese~t..-~.
~nd reading; -Ald. A.F. Eonald and T, ddale.
3rd reading -Ald. Tv~idale and Grimstar.
The Council adjourned on the s~otion of Ald. G. Donald and A.F. Donald.
BEiD AI~ ADOPTED, September 3D, 1939.
.B~f..- LAW.
The',following By-law was passed~.
Council Chamber,
September 25, 19S9.
A'~Arsuant to udJourm~ent, the Coux~cil met at ?,~0 p.n, toconsider Gen-
eral Business and Finance. f~ll m~ber:~ of the Council :iere present, The Coun-
cil, h~xving received and ..,cad the ainutee of the previous meeting, adopted these
on tile ~otion of Ald. Scott al~d Orlmster.
The; foilroving Co:m.mnications we~'e received:
No. i~,5 - Hydro-~lectric Co:~uniss~on of NicEera Falls - change in billing for
Filtration Plant end rebate for years 19~5 to 19H8. ORD~fi{ED on the .action of
Ald. Grimstar and Twidule that the co~:~unic~tion be received and filed. '
No. P~6 - A.LLDcrrick - requesting removal of tree. OkD~I~jED on the ~!~tion of
~CLd. A.F.Donald and Scott that .the com~mAnieat~on be received and the request be
granted. _b~E also Report No.
No. 28V - Dr. L.i~,Li~l~.s -re~'uesting removal of tree. OKD,t~:D on the ::lotion of
Ald. Grimstar and G. Donald thst the connnunication be received and the request
be gl'anted.
SEE also ~(eport No. '~53
The rollowin~ Repo~'t s were received:
No, 152 - Parks Superistendent - recom::mnding reincyril of tree at 8[55 Victoria
Avenue. Or',Dk~ED on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Scott that the report be
received and adopted.
No. 153 - P~r.k.s b~pcrintendont - rec~Lraending removal of tree at 868 Stamford
Street. O.~D~teED on the motion of Ald. Grimstar and G. Dor~ld that the report be
received and adopted.
No. 154 - City Solicitor - re Police Salaries, 0RD~RED on the motion of Ald.
(k, imster and G. Donald that the report be received and laid on the table; and a
joint meeting be arranged fo:c the Police Ccanmission and the City Council for
the discussion of this mat, tar,
lb. 155 - Cit7 Engineer - re cost of improved lighting on Queen Street. OED-
-~]ED On the motion of Ald. InKlie and Grimstar that the report be received and
adopts'i; and the Joint ml;eting be arranged. It was agreed by the members of
the Council that the meeting should take place on Thursday, September Beth at
7.~O p.m. at the City Hall.
No. 156 - City Clerk - re possibility of playg~'ouud in Glenview section.
k~ED on the motion of Ald. Mc~inch and Orims~r thatmthe report be received and
adopted, an~ the Council look over the suggested site before the neX~ meeting.
Th%.fO_lloF~inKR_esplution was pap_~__dJ
No. 107 - MeANING_H - ~W, III~LE - RESOLVED that the City Engineer be instructed to
prepare a r~port upon the possibility and cost of l~aoing the sum, received as
a refund on power coats from the F~Fdro-Electric Gemmission, in s reserve f%md
fo~' u%e in the installation of a diesel unit at the Filtration Plant, an aux-
· llia~ p~pe~line to the Ci~y o~ a ~eservoir at the 8~uth end of tl~ Oityl and
the Seal of the Corporarice be irarate affixed.
Tile Council adJou~med on tile notion of ~'dd. Scott ~nd A.F.Donaid.
READ AND ADOPTED, October ~, 1959.
i.~a yor
Counci 1 tlhauber,
Septembe.:. 25, 1959.
The Finance Cc~;uaittee met on lionday, ~dptuzaber ~5, 1939, for the
of approving and also of ~ssinG the vm'ious ucco~mts which had been propsFly cer-
tified and placed before them. All members of the Conm~lttee w~re present.
Sun~'y accounts wave ~pproved by the ~ittee, ~aounting ~
The accounts suhaitted, being passed or otherales dealt with, were
ered placed in the L~oney By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motice of
Ald. Scott and His Worship 3~yor ~iwell.
An offer of D'Arcy Cropp of One Hundred and Fifty ~ollars for thu pur-
chase of Lots 29, SO, 31, 32 and 3~, Plan 35, TUgby Street, was presented. It ~Tus
ordsred on the motion of Ald. MeAninch and Inglis that the offer be received and
laid on the table until a joiat meeting of the Council and the Town Planning Com-
mission may be held for the discussion of what may be the effect of bhe new higja-
way enteriag the City near this location.
The report of the Relief Administrator, re reduction in persons on rel-
ief due to presen~ conditions, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of
His Worship ~[ayor Hanniwell and Ald. Grimstar that the report be received and
filed; and a copy of the same be forwarded to each member of the Council. ·
The report of the Relief Administrator, as to esttm,!tes Cot direct rel-
ief for September, was presented. It ~as ordered on tim motion of Idd. ~idale
and A.F.Donald that the report be r, calved and filed.
The report of the City 0lark, reco~l~snding the purchase of shot-guns
for the guards, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of ~'~ld. Scott and
A.F. Donuld that the report be received and filed, that seven shot-guns at
each be purchased, tra'ee of ~vhich to be paid for by the local,Hydro 0~nmission.
The report of the Oity Engineer, recemneading the plmhase of a new g~s-
~li~e storage tank and pufap for,the City Yard, was presented. It was ordered on
~he lootion of AId. MoAninch and His Worship ~yor"Hanniwell that the report be
received and adopted.
The comparative-statement of direct relief cXpenditurLs for thenDntil
of ;.ul~st, was presented. It was ordered that the statement b received
filed, on the riotion of Ald. ~,ddnle and Grimster.
The Cozmittee adjourned on the motion of Ald. AoF. Donald and Scott.
RKt,D ~D ADOPT~D, October 2, 1939.
Chairman of Finance
GO i~ZL~ ElqC E
The Council re~us ~e. ibiod at the close of the r,3Fulaf C~uncii ani Yinance
meetings for th~ purpose of h:~idin~ a conferone e to -iiscuas
v:hich lind been presented tb them. All laembers of tim O~lmittee v;crc 'prc~;ent.
A~t~'r discussiJu upon the n-utttrs presented, the Council adjoui. n~d upon the mot-
ion of Ald. beAninch and A.tc. Donnld.
RjlD AND :'dDFi~ED, October 2, 1959.
Ohu irLl~ill
Council ChaI~ber,
September 25, 1939.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the Finance Alesting, for the
purpose of passing the tx~xxe~,' -~y-luw which covered the aceountQ approved by the
CQ~m~ittee. ~11 members of the Council were present.
The fpllpying By-law was p_a_sso__d:
lb. 2825 -Ald. O. Donatd - To Grant Monies for General Purposes.
let rending- Ald. ~{idalo and Grimster.
~d reading- Ald. A.F. Donald and Scott.
'3rd reading -Ald. Grimster and A.F.Donald.
The follo)~ing ReSolution x~as passed:
No. 108 - ~I,I~LE - G. D01~kLD - llESOLVED that the 0ity Clerk be instructed to for-
ward a message to Ex-~iayor Charles W.Anderson, expressing the Gouncil' s regret
upon hating of his ~ent injuries; and extending the wlsh~: that he will have a
safe and speedy ~'ecovery; sad the Seal of the Oorpo~'ation be hereto affixed.
The CoUncil adjourned on the motion of Aid. A.F. Donald and (k'!mete~.
GO'd~T 02
Council Charaber,
September 30, 19:5.,
The Court of Revision on the ;~ssess~'leat i~oll ;:as h~;ld at 10.O0 u,m, on Seturda-,
Septenber 30, 1939, ut which the Colicwing action was taken upon the respective app~<~ls:
present - Sheriff V.L.i~vidson, ,ir. '..L.Lllkinson and LLF. William Delaney.
r.~ .. A~_i~llant Description Land
4958 BarraCer, G,F,
Decision of Court
Lot 39, Plan 747,
1105 licGiashen Ores.
8Z34 hlxter, leabelle A. Pt.l,13, Plan 653,
~095 Barker Street
500. 1,700. BuildinE reduced
~O88 L~Arden, TIles. & ?.
To be assessed as 2.1 -
2,000. lie School Supporter,
70?5 Eenclh Ethel & A.
Pt.14, Plan 235,
768 St.Lawrence Avenue
4?00. Dismissed.
222~8 Cairns, W.J.
Lot 102, Plan 25,
Velle yway 800.
Land reduced
5205 Campbell, J.R.
Lot 1, Plan 55,
580 Victoria Avenue
1,500. 10,000.
Pt,45,6, Plan 29,
1207 i{ivur Road
5205 Canadian Nationel kailv~ays
1,800. 3,900.
General Appeal
Can. Shredded Wheat Co. bts b3 to 56, 64
to 68, Pt.69,70,765,
966,7, Lewl s Av onus
· 1517 Gan. PerJiortgage Corp. Lot ?2, Plan
1437 ~aple Street
lO,O00. 317,000.
1696 Canevan, James
400. 1,600.
Pt.3,2,1,10, Plan
Park Street
300. 100.
7917 Germinate, Beatrice I~.54, Plan 17, 653,
1710 Spring Street 320. 1,900.
· 1885-TClendening, 0.14,
1889-93 Glendsning, G.N,
l~t 12, Plan
613-5 Queen Street
5,000. 150.
1894-7 Glendening, G.N.
Lot 13, Plan ~,
621-25 Queen Street 5,009.
1555 E~vidson, George
Lot 14, Plan 35,
631-5 Queen Street
55?6 Davidson, J.H.
Pt.84,5, Plan 24,
1370 ~mllton Street
4372 iiuron cc Erie 2oft-
&age Cot'potation
8359 Tuft.s, Janet
~964 Jarfett, G.F.
1761 Loudon Life ins. Go.
Building reduced ~. ?i59' London Life Ins
Building reduced qJO0. 1559, London Life Ins.Co.'
Laid over until L.Gn-
day's sitting of Cou:t, 5596 Malloct4 1LR. '
Withale'awe and dismissed
Building' reduced
'9168 Malioch, N'.x{.
6~71 k%nson, Jennie
Assesam.at re size
lm~d ordered cor:eck. d,
M54 i~rk Street
Ft. 20, PEnn 50,
Lots 3~ to 4~, PLan
14, Fulls Avenue
Ft,25,6, Plan
1~10 Ferry Street
1005 L~rshall, Catherine
8221 LfcFnerson, Janet
Pt.i5i, Ph.n i8
1Oi5 '.iiimott Street
· / ~921 Miller, John L.
Land reduced $t000.
Pt. 37, Plan 632,
61~ Third Avenue
~/ 1936 ~Li sorter, ~'Tank
1,600.Land reduced
Pt.6, l~un 35,
34~9 QUeen Street
R.6, Plan
340-2 Old Lkrket
400. Land reduced $1000.
225. 1,575.
Pt.135, Plan 3039,
1691-89 Victoria Avenue l, 200,
Pt.70, Plan 17~,
1078 Victoria ~venue
· Lot 84, Plan 17,
2523 ~ine Grove Avenue
Lot 13, P~xn 3059,
1548 Lewis Avenue
Pt, 158,158A, 157,157A,
P1.37,747, Victoria Ave. 1,800.
650. 825.
Pt.?O,V1, Plan 603,
851 River Road' 5,000.
Lot 5, Plan 26,
~175 Barker Street 500.
Lot B, Plan 653,
1927 .Buchauun Avenue
Building reduced
Ovmership to be
BUilding reduced ~2000,
Di shi see a,
sod at
Co2c'! cti,u. of
4700. Lurid .cuucca ~uO.
~hitding redalcoa vZO0.
Laid av.r until
day':~ sitti~;. of court.
Laid over until
duy's sitting of Court.
...SbO.z ·
Buildin6 reduced ~
Laid over until ].ion-
day's sittie6 of Court.
~,250. Building reduced
]Lot 11 ,, Plan 25,
901 Sixace. S~reet 800. 3,100. Di~aissed.
Pt.9, Plan 36,
621 S~.Glalr Avenue 400. 4300.
Building reduced ~500. y'
Niugara Falls Loan 79
Savings Co.' ....... 20g
69 6
Epwortll Circle 550. 1,650. )
Te'l'~ace Avenue 300. '1,550. ) ..................
Bridge Street 1,000. 700. )
Bridge Street r/50, 1,750. )
Kitchenel' Stree~ 400. 15,00. )hdd over until ~4on-
Second Avenue 300. 1,VO0. )day's meeting of
Ellen Avenue 350. 2,000. )Court.
Peer Street 4CO. 700. )
Jepson Street 600. l, 950. )
Epworth Circle 550. 1,300. )
Palmet Avenue 300. 1,950. )
Buckley Avenue 650. 2,100, )
Wellend Avenue 250. 1,400. )
St.01air Avenue 400. 1,300. ~
546 Abrrlson Street 850. 1,900. )
274 Bridge Street 5,000. 1V,000, )
8114 ii, rriman, J.J.
480 lliaf%rn Concessions
Z156 Phillips,
· 95,100 Pollard h;f j. Co.
29?-5 Pollard Lifgo Co.
De s cri pti on
Pt. Lots,ta,59,
Pt.76,92, River Road
Lot,c~3, Plan i0,
541 Fourth ,~venue
~brs~xson Street
500 ·
?50 Steele, Charles Pt.b, Flan632,
· 8r~ briugl~ Street 400.
- 372? .%nnant .:]state, Pt.gl,2, Plan
i',u's. E.~. ~arber 1309 Liorrison Street ~00.
~:~: ldin~ Decision of Cou~'t
had reduced
12,000. ]mid ov~r until ....
duy's sitting of Couzt
C0~iT ~i' R~Tljvblj
Octobc~ L, 19Z9.
The Court oF .levision re-asne:abled at
. ,
Dr the purpose o-~ collsi :stingy the ~ppeal from the .tsses::l:v:lt ::aii '-hi ch ned b~un iai~
~ver from the pr ~vious session. :~l lamabets of the Co~'t were present.
ianl reduced ~iO0. :.. i ~205
as pc~r schedule of 4983
Co~mli s s ioner. 44~
1,400. ~dthdn~wn and
~,400. Building ~educed
2b. AoD~ilunt Descriotian Luu,h
C~na;~iun iiatiomii Lot l~, ~[i ~n Street i,~0. 3,EOO.
~ts 9,10,11, Pt,13,4,
bender Avenue 4,800.
5696 Lalioch,
.'~DjUS'.IL/,'T OF
· 9994 lbllywoed Lunch 207~ iiain Street business 400.
1~16 la ~ara Concessions River Rend Business
· 9723 Renlingtou Rend Ltd. ~ndef tiill Business 6,~0.
· 9967 ~minion Stores Ltd. 1894 l&in Street Business 900.
' 9?75 G~t ~tluntic ~ 1076 Victoria Avenue Hostess 1,
~cif[c Tea
91~ ~[alloch, N.J.
Ft.70, Plan 17~,
1078 Victoria Ave;hue
Lot ,84, Plan 17,
~22~ Pine Grove Avenue
C, D05 ~hi'shall, CatJ~trine ?t .?O,71, Plan 603,
851 ~(ivcl' t{o~d
~,p.~al allowed. He£1- 4~80
ission of ~6.44
Laid over until
day's sitting of Court,
Appeal nllov,'ed.
ission of $10b.37.
~ppeal ai'lowed.
ission of ~8.
Appeal allowed.
mission of ~35.
The 'Court then adjourned to sit a~in at 10.00 a.m. on Monday, October 2, 1939.
Certified correct,
~aj_idi.51 Dcci ~i~:. ~ f d~u:t
,,ppeals uiio;:ed ~s
to ,~ha.r.=: of in
o%lll[?l' ship.
4,000. ~uifiing
~,OOO, Dismissed.
4,000. Di.~'~issed.
Nia-~xra Falls Loan
& Savin.'s Co.
Niagara i,'al].s Loan
& Savings Co.
Lot i?SA, Plan
79 Epworth Circle
I~. ,i9, Plan 30,
208 Terrace ~WOI~Ue
Building reduced ~ZOO.v
',~ithch'avnx and dismissed.
674 Nia!~'ara Falls Loan
& 8~vings Co.
Niac. tu'a ?hlls Loan
Savings Co.
Pt. 6 Plan 35,
470 Bii'dG,: Street
Lot 4, Piun 632,
986 Bridge Street
Land reciuced ~b(3G. ~''
6~58 Niagara Falls Loan Lot 935, Plan 1042
& Savings Co~ ' 1206 Kitghener Street 400.
· i2 Niaf.nra Falls ~an Pt.505, Plan 746,
~ ~vings Co. 14~ ~cond Aveme
~92 Niagara i~lls ~an Pt.?b,4, Plan 30~9,
& ~vings Co. 1707 Ellen Avenue 350.
91~ Nia,~ra Falls ~an ~t, 6, PI~ 653,
& ~vings Co. 1702 Peer Street 400.
B34 Niagara Falls Loan Lot 70, ~au
& Savings Co. 696 Jep~n~ Street 600.
4~? Niagara Falls ~an bt ~3, Plan
& 8,~vings Co. 99 Epworth Circle O50.
5107 Niagara 1,hlls b~n Pt. 6, Pl~
& ~vin~'s Do. 1209 Pahner Avenue
~304 Nlagm. a Falls Loan Lot 4, Plan 769,
~ ~vin~s Co. 834 Buckley Avenue 650.
~0 Niagara Falls Loan ~.11,7, ~1~ 35,
' & ~vings Go. 533 Welland Avenue 250.
~9~ Nla~ra Falls Lo~ Pt.1, ~an ~,
~ ~vings ~. 610 St. Olair Avenue 4~.
~99 '[Nlagara Falls Loan Lot ~9, Plan 603,
& Savin~s 0o, ~46 ~[orri sen Street
1,5907 . D!e. fissed~
1, 7 O0.
l, 950.
i, 400.
t, 900.
Di mni sse d.
Wit hdrawn and di saissed.
Building reduced ~lO0; ~/
Land reduced ~ZO0.
Withdrawn and di~ais~d.
~ilding reduced ~100.~,
~ilding reduced ~3~.~/~
~ilding reduced ~200. w.
~Io. ~ellent
640 Nia{?~l~a Fulls Loan
& Savings Co.
480 ~]iugara Concessions
ADJUj'IiE~T OF T,';i,~jS
10016 Nia~ara Concessions
Certified Correct,
De.; c r iot i ;3 n
Ft.4, Plan
274 BridL, e Street
Pt.?6,92, Chein
Reserve, River Road
River Road
~ildi ng Assessnears
Land ~ssessm~nts
ke:aj salon of Business
Bu__i~l:~ings Decision of Court
17,000. Dim~issed.
12,000. Dishissed.
~, 100. Dis~ai ssed.
Octobl-lr k', 19~3~j.
Pursuant to adjsurl~:unt, tll{~, Council I,lot at 7.~0 p.m. to s.sn;si-h i' U< ll-
oral i~siness and Finance. All :ae::bem's of the Couneii, with tLe e-xcc;~tlon of
l'[c]~Ilillch~ were present. The Oauncii, ]lavin~: received oil ~ read ti,, r:inat,.~- o~ the
previous -~aeetin~J, adopted these on the motion of Aid. :i.Y. Dsnald and G. Doln~id,
~ith the cons{.~nt of the Council, lk'. . J iiea{-h~,~
~ess the Dbard. ~ir. Liea:ih,.r asked that ~he Co'~cil give "u;'thor cansi
to the Ghevrier Report on Trans~rtation, and su{npsted that if the Council Lurid
appr~h the ~ver~Elent and user fo~. the cmplo}=umt of the findings of the Col~unis-
sion, these vmuid b~ very heneficiai to the tax-paycrs.
COIi. ZL~iIC.~'~Tibl{S
Th.J_e follo~:in.g Co;.zauuieations 2ie<e received:
No. 288 - }l.F.Lo,<an, K,G. - re l'e-quest for ptu'c xu~ of ianu by 7,, Distillio. O~lJ~
F~ED on the I-lotion o'f Ai'~. Y~.i".Donal,] and Scott that tile comlmlnication be receivtetl
and referred to the City Clerk for his report.
No. ~9 - .0n,tar_io liunicipal .lssoci.'~tioi, ~ c:rlosing n.~sDiutions p~,ssed by tht~ Con-
vention. ORDErtED on tile notion of Afd. G, Dolmld and Oreroster that the conmunic.-
orion 'be received and filed.
No. 290 - De~j~ertuont of AZunicipsl .~ffairs - su~rmlary of ].egislntiou enacted us spec-
ial session. (I~j~ED on' the riotion L~f ~d. G. Donald and ;~,idale that the col~mlun.-
ication be received and filed.
No. E91 - Ontario hiunicipal Ele_c~ric Association -, enclosinE resolution far con-
sideration"ofbom~cil. ORDERED on the :action of Ali. ~.ibnald and ~vidale that
the c~nmunication be received and the resolutio4 be presentud.
S]~ also Easo~u~ion NO.. ll.O.
~. 292 - Morrj~n Street Unit~d Church - requestinff removal of trees. ~D~D
on the motion or Ald. ~rimster endicott that the communication be received and
the requ~st be grm~ted,
SEE also Rupo!,tj~. 157.
~. 293 - A.}.ia~ette - re lieensln~ of tourists, By-law, etc. Oi(DERED on the mot-
ion of Ald. scbtt and T, ddale that'~the co~mnication be received and filed.
.Laid over fr_._om previous meetl.ng:
No. 156 - C_i~y Clerk - re possibility of playground in Glenview section. ORIEI~ED
on the motion o~ :kl~. O. Donald and Grimetot that the report be laid on the table
until the entire Council is present.
The fol.lowin6 Re~orts wer.e rl!ceived:
No..157 - Parks Superintendent - rec~nending removal of trees. ORDEt~ED on the
motion of ~l~r~mst~r and Scott that the report be received and adopted.
~o. t58 - 'C~l_t~v Clerk - re conference 'held on September ~5%h. ORD~{ED on the mot-
ion of Aid. ~'~idale and A.F.Dom~ld that the r~port be received and adopted.
Eo. 159 - Ci.__~J C~e.rk.- re conference held with Hydro Cor~nission, 0henbet of Com-
matale, re 0,ueen Street li~lting. O.~EuZ~{EO on the notion of ;rid. In.lie and Grim-
ster that the report be received and adopted.
SE also Resolution NO. lll
lb. 160 - City Clerk - re'conference with Town Planning~ Commission. ORDE-~D on
the notion bf A'ld. ~idale and ~.F.Dolmld that the report be r~-~ceived and adopted.
Th,~. following fiesolutions w~re
No. 109 - INGLI2 - itLZ~Ti~ - ~L~Z~;D th-~t Lr. i~.J.Liea~mr bn requested to file
a broil ~lth the City Clerk, upon the portion of the Clm~rier Report on Transpo:'t-
~;tion uhich he desires the Council to give study; and the Sc~l of the Corporntio~
be hem'eto affixed. Carrise
No. 110 -- j. DOi[~LD - T..lff.LE - ',iiE:iE~ the Do;.dnion of Canada ~urin~c the Great
War provide'3'%rot,!ction for vital public institutions of 0~xllada, inckudinj eiec-.
tric generating stations and their associated tran~.i.,~sion and distribution f~e-
~d';D ,.li~2S this protection was provided -.;ithout cost to the Dominion
by ntili'.'~iing the services of the n~ilitia in training;
;G~D .fi~l{~S at the pre~; nt time in Ontario the Provincial Goverrmi6nt is
providinU civilian a~ards, ut an estimat.~-d cost of ~E,000,000.00 per year, for
the protf,cti~ln of vital eluztrie g~.nereti~r plants end facilities necessary for
the production of the major part of Cnna~a'e wHr sup'~-lies; and the individual mun-
ici~lities are providinJ at great additional cost civilian ~tards for the prot-
ection of their own electric pi~nts laid distribution facilities~
~'d~D i~l~{~kS an interruption in supply of po~'~er from any one of the vit-
al .,~enerating plans or transmission facilities will cut off a meier block of power
and slmt down for many months essential industries engaged in the manufac.ture of
war materials;
~D Wlfil~K~S the Dominion Coverresent is already providing nullitary prot-
ection te transportation works, and to a large number of private industries;
Tnis lllunicipal Gouncil after full consideration Resolves as foliovie:
1. It would not only be more economic, but just and necessary, to extend
this same'military protection to the power phmts and distribution systems which
provide, and will continue to provide, if protected, electrical energy to those
industries manufacturing war munitions and war materials so vital for Canada's
best contribution in this present war;
2. It views with allies the presser extremely costly and inefficient meth-
ods of p~viding.civilian protection to electrical plants forced apon the munic-
ipalities and the Province of Ontario, and feels that more efficient means of
guardling these vital facilities can be effected by th~ Dominion Covertruest using
the militia now in training without any additional expense tothe taxpayer, and
with the added advantage of giving valuable practical elxper. ien. ce to the militia;
3. It respectfully urges that the Dominion Government immediately take over
and supply all necessary protection for all vital hydro-electric and public ut-
~!Uring the Gruat War. and is now being done in many cases for pr~.viate industry.
ility plates and power distribution systems in the same way as they were ~aurded
4. ' It directs that a copy of this Resolution be sigaed by the 'Mayor and
Clerk end n copy of seine fo~warded to the Right Honourable the PA'~me Ministel'
C~n~a; the Honourable 'the Minister of Defense of 0anada| the Honourable the
Prime llinister of Ontario; the }.lumber for thi ~n :(i lin~: in ti.e ibz.i.:i,u'. z: .u~'c;
the ~d~-El~ctric ~wer CoL~ission of Ontario; and the Seal of the Corpo.vation
be hereto affixed.
Ald. inS],is and Uri21stcr vot~:d contrary
No. lll.- ~]Z,]3,IS - SCOUT - i{}LOLVECD that this Count!] support th~ m'ouosition
of the ~ual division of the costs of the instaih~tion of
syst,ml on queen Str~et betw, ,'n .,,~llund Avenue and ,~2i:, jcJenui,; on, ~hulf of the
ad ]itiollal cost to be bj)flle by tile prpcrty o,.+nern an.i ol~e-h::lf O!' th{ J ~ t t? bu
brne by the Corporation; and th~ Seal of the Co~'poration be norere affixed.
h~. i12 - G. DON/iD - ~0'~ - XESOLVED theft the City
icate with the ?ownskip of St~E~ford, askinj that th-U ex~n~d tke :a~,, p:iviloC~r
to pheasant hunters froln tile Ci~y of Niagara Falls,
residents; that is to say that a fee of ?.only-five cunt.~ bc
three days' hunting, instead of the usual fee of One Dollar per d~y for non-acid-
eats; and the jeai of the Gorgeration be hereto affixed.
At this point Ald. G.Donald left the meeting.
No. 1i3 - I~GLI~ - !i<tl.I~TE}~ - I{E~OLUHD tLut tk~ Sit'. Clerk b~ inst:uct- d tc c~.-
m~icatu with Attorney-general J.D. Cenuut, a~kil!~' t~at th~ m.~. r~.'ulu~ion:j ,.ith
re{~Lrd be the Veterans' Gm~rd for public util iti~ s be :'alex d sol'let. hat eL,! the
physical requirements for these men be made so that those at pre.'cnt "':2~loyed r, ill
not be relieved of. their positions; and the Seal of tile dol'poru~ion b~ i~ercto af-
No. 114 - IJIGLIS - A.F.i)0i~L~D - P,-]SOLV"'.D that the City Cl~;rk be instructed to for-
ward a suitable letter of thanks to Miss 'Fannie 3ig~r for the rift of ~fin~ scroll
which ~'.as presented to the family of the la~e ~. Hujdai ~i~6ar 'by a former
ell; and the ~nl of ~he Goreration be liarere affixed.
C ajfyA e D
Yt was agreed by the members present that the m,i~t nesting' of the Coun-
cil should be scheduled to take place on Tuesday, October iOth at 4.00 p.m.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donaid and Scott.
REaD ~'d~rD IkDOFi~D, October 10, 1939.
................ L~Ayor
Council Chamber,
October 2, 19L~9.
7no FinL. nce Co;~nitzee nqet on Monday, October 2, 19-~9, for the purpose
of approvin~ and also of ~s~in~Z the various acco~Its u'hich had b,:en properly
certiCi~d and placed before them. ~1]. roeabets of the Cornsit~:ee, v~ith the excep-
tion of the Chair~n of ffin~ee, kld. G.Donald and ~ld. ~i~;nlnch, were present.
On the :,orion of/~i'L k.F.D3nald and ~Jrimst~ r .iis .orship myor t~iwell was
pointed us ,~etin5 CheirI~n of ffinuace fo~' the meeting.
Sundry accounts ~vere approved by the Oo~ittee, ~ting to
The accounts mi~aitted, being passed or otlnm~';ise dealt vdth, v, ere ord-
ered placed in the nancy By-la~ for presentation to the Council, on the motion
of ~ld. Ok. inster and
The r,~port of the 3ity Clark, re fu,-i aileron. noes for reiiuf recipientre,
for the :;onth o~ Octob,:r, v;us pre:;entud. It '.LS ordered on the ,lotion of kld.
~idale and YbT. Donule that the report be received and the schcdul~ be approvcd.
'Fnc co~un~cation fro::: ~le liiaFara l,'alts ~aatcur ~ eb~l k~soci' ticn,
requestinE a grant, was pb~sented. It '.as or,~ered on the .:orion of Ald. injliu
und .~.ff.L)3naid timt the coxmaunication be received and u ~'ant of ~:ehty-five
~ilars be iaudo.
The offe~r of S~ott 1)~Jor to purchase Lot ~, Elm Street for QSO.O0,
was pres~nt,~d. It ~ms ordered on the r:otion of ~ld. ~i]ale and Scott that thu
offur be r ,calved and accepted, subject to the usual conditions and subject to
the approval of the City Tre~surer und Assessment G~unlssioner.
The co:.qnrison of tax co!]actions as at Sept~b,~r ZO, 1939, was pr~s-
nnt~d. it vms ordered on 'the motion of ~ld. Orimste~' ulld ~..id~e tt~t the state-
merit be received und filed.
The feiicf firurea for the month or 3op~;llber, i9:%9, vmre present~:d.
It w,s ordered on the motion of ald. Scott and Grimstar that the stutement be
received and filed.
The i~aile. tin f~r. the ])apartment of iiunicipal Affairs, with r~rerence
to the cultivation of Vacant Land, was presented. It ~as ordered on the motion
of Ald. inglis and Gr~ster that the City Clerk be uuthori~d to conduct a com-
plete survey oC the City uith regard to vacant hind suitable for gardening pur-
poses; ~md to advertise that we M~ve at present a ~-lav~ covering this activity
and uppli~tions will be received for pe~its to cultivate vacant lots;
?:lo Ceuncli rf-a:; e:.'!l!,'~ at t!lF cioso oC tile
Goz~aittee. .,il i3,31.1boI,~; of tile 0oulloii~ with %no exception
Mc~ninci~,, were pros nt.
The follo::i:~L]3_y_-jIp~; :.,us
1~o. ::826 - His Lorehip i.~:,'or
1st n~adill ~ -- ~id .... Y. DonuEd and 3r~aster.
P~d r~:adin7 - .&d. Scott ~.n~i
3rd roa~ng - ~ld, ~rimstor NZ~d ~idaie.
~lo Coullcii adjourned oil the _,zotion of .rid. a{;ott and OriinstPr.
RE~kD/cLj nDui~'ED, October i0, 1939.
The Co~nittee adjourned on the notion of Ald. 9lidale and Scott.
RB,.D AND aDOPTED, October 10, 1939.
' 2. 8. " 2t9
Goullcil Cht~l~bf:r,
October 10, 1959.
i~arsuant to t, djourr~m~nt, tile Council met at 4,00 p.m. to consider Co-n-
oral Business and Yim~nce. ~ll members of th~ Council, uith the exception of
Ald. i[oqninch here oresent. The ninutes or th~ pr:.vious meeting, huvin~ been
c'srrecte] to shou t~ut ~dden~en inClis a~,d G_'~stcr had voted ~ntra~y to ~(esol-
utiDn No. llO, were received and read on the notion of ~ld. Grimster and G. Dun-
On the Icetics of Aid. t~vidale and Sere;t, :.h'. F.C.~jard, Secretary of
th~ Chan~;r of Co r~,';'~e, im~ ~crnitt~d to ~,ddr as t.:e S~uneil. i~. ;,ard advis~:i
the Comeoil in connection hith Petition No. 16 that the :;ignat~a'es nat yet rep-
eived on tim petition ~.en. those of owners of property r,midin~S outsidc th~ City
and tM~t it ,as believed these sleuth'as v~ill be received in the n.ar t~ttn'c.
~ also l:~ti~ion iio. id
11o. :~8 - i[.~".._Lo_~i'_an. LK.C. - re rcqncst fief purchase of lt:nc by A. Distillio.
O.{Di%h~D on the notjoe of ]&C,. Scott and ~,'~idale that the ec~.iunication be laid
on the table until the next nesting.
Th~ follo:~inll Cs~n.~.djficpti: s v;e'-TM ~'{~ceivcd:
1,io. 294 - L~'.s.. ?_.~.~lJi~_n__htr__t - re location of fence. O,~;)i~D on the motion of
indlis and Scott that the ca.~unication be received and laid on ire ~hl.e.
No. Zgi3 - S,~cfc t'.;rv to Priial; L:inint~er of Canada - ttckdxowled['iud resolutioL re
protection of utilities. O~(D~ED on the r~otion of Ald. G. Donuld and Grhnster
tlmt the communication be received and filed.
No. g96 - Asstent Scc2etary to PrlJ9 1.Ilntste_r of _On__t_~r_jo - acknouledging res-.
olution r~ protection of utilities. ORD~ED on the motion of Ald, G. Donald and
Grimstor that th9 c~lmaxnication be received and filed.
!io. 297 - Hy,h'o-Electric Power Co~alssio_n - acknowledl~in? resolution re protact-
ion of utilities. 0R.~El) on the ~tion of Ald. Orimster mad ~,~idale that tim
cox:naunication be received and filed.
No. 298 - H~nour~,% htr.. !7.._L.ilouok~ ~,.L.A. - acknowledging resolution re prot-
ection of utilities. ORD~ED on the notion of Ald. Scott and ~imster that the
comm~lcntion he received and filed.
14o. 299 - Hencurable 1dr..W.L,Houck~ M.L.A. - acknowledging copy of letter re
guurds. 0RE&liED on the notion of Ald. ~idale and G. Do~mld that tile comraunic-
aries be received and filed.
No. 300 - i~_s~_s_t_ant Secretary_tp Prime Minister of 0static - re apeointment
for Council ~or October l~, 1939. '~RDkxtED on the x:~ot{olT~f Ald. ~h~ldale and
Scott tlmt the comnunicatten be received and filed, and the appointment be
No~ D01 -Henour!ibis ],jr. W.L. HoU%k, M.L.A. -re appointment with Hencurable
T.B.McQueeten. 0RDkRED on the rotion of Ald. Inglls and ~ddale that the
munieation be received ~d a'~ml1',.'de~u~lon of :the Council attend ~he m~t-
~ofhi rays in 01~. OR~D
laid oll tile ~doie until el'till' tile lzeetin{; x;ith
l[]]D oB th~ notion ~f 1',1~]. 5,.i htl, and In,'Si:~ tlR.t tim con~.nmicut2o:: b ~' c~iv~ ,:
and laid on th.~ table until tim n,::xt
a~l the :letion of _lid. 2.iduit unrl :;ri:~st.~r th:_t
and !aid on tb } tabl., m~ti} th.. n,-:{t neetin-l,
City Solicitor and City Clerk upon the :totter.
- u.~
OND~-'ED on tLe :lotiota oF ~d,l. OriJIbster and j. 3'. ~:i:,.~d ti.tlt ti.e c, . .l, hi '_~: h b
receivud and filed, and AideBean O.i~onald be u~Dointed as tile rnpresentutive of
the Council.
Th.u f2jSoui~_~ort v:us pr!~zu:~tud:
No. 161 - Dui?7 In~s~Jetoc - r~port ?or 'aenth o~ je:>t,<'b~r. ~.~')Zi[ 5:) on the ,orion
of Ald. A.F.Don~ld and Scott titt the report be received and filed.
~lto follm'~int: ?etiti ~n was receiv_%d_:
No. 16 - N.:{.ih~lloch and 215 others - requestin~ irll)rov,!d iiFntinj s/~:tc . un
tics of C, ueen Street. O,{i)~G~D on the notion of Aid. ~,Zlis ~,d 'ADonat ~ that
the pcti bion be received nnd the work be proceeded uith under The Local
ment Ac~.
follovdng !~v-l~.~s v~erc .tossed:
Aid. t]r~xnt Dom~ld - ~b authorize the execution of un A~'eemeat for
~le and Deed.
1st reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimste, r.
r~d reading -Ald. Scott and Tui hle.
3rd readihg -Ald. Tvddale and Grimster.
N~o_. 28,L~__- Aid. T.N. Grimster - A By-law as to sick leave for employees.
let reading -Ald. Scott and G. Donald.
and reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and C~imster.
3rd reading - Aid. G. Donald and !kvidule.
.No:. ?JJ29 -.Ald. Grant Donald- To authorize the exeeution'of'aE'Agreenent 'for'a'
common right-of-way.
let reading -Ald. A.F. Doaald and Grimtel..
~nd reading -Ald. Scott and A.F.Donald.
3rd reading - Aid. ~vidale and Scott.
=The Council adjoul~ed on the motion"of Ald.'Twidale :and A.F. Doxmld.
:"' ' ' ' "::'
:.. ..... ::, ., ,..::" .....::. ,j::.....:..:...
k"/9~O ~'d~D Z, DOiVED, October 16, 1939.
h~y or
Council Cha.uber,
October 10, 1939.
The Finance Connuittee met on Tuesday, 0ctobeL' lO, 19:59 for the purpose
of approvinE and also of passing the wirious accounts which h~,d been pr3perly
certified and nlaced before them. [~11 members of the 0o~mmitteo, with the excep-
tion of Ald. L~Aninch, were present.
Sundry accounts ~ere aphrov.ed by the Cormlittes, amounting to $4,427.4]..
The accounts submitted, being passed or othcr~ise dealt ;~ith, wen~ ord-
arid pl,:ced in the money By-!m~ for presentation to the Go~c~ on the motion
of Ald. Scott end A.F. Donald.
The offer of x[r. R.T.P. Pailing, to purchase Lots Pt. 28 and 29, Vall~V-
way for the stua of Q)300.O0, ~as presented. It '..us ordered on the ~otion of liis
Worship ~kyor itam~iwell and Ald. A.F. Donald ttmt the offer be received and the
City Clerk be instructed to a4vise Lb. Pairing that the Council will agree to
sell the lot ill question at the sane price per foot frontage as other lots in
the A,mediate vicinity have been sold.
The Gt~uaittce adjourned on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donuld and Scott.
R~D AND ADOPTED, October 16, 1939.
0hairman of Finance
October l~, i939.
Tile Council r~-asse::]bi~j:t t:.~! close of the 3i:~.n~,c i.. l! ]7l..' -, for
pu-'~os~ of passinF the iaoll~y Jy-l~u~ ~;hich covc~cd the ~ccoullt~ :~'.~fov, r.i ! c
Cozmit ~ee. .'all members of th~ Council, with the exception of ~.id. ~..e~nlnch,
were present.
The fol!p~,__ijlfi 3y-law ~:~.
Ib. :BJO - A-ld, Grant Donald - To Grant Lonies for OeLera~ ~urpo~s,
1st reading - ~ld, ?~'iSule and )2ir. st~r,
End readinl~ - ild, :i,F,Dsn~Id mind
5rd reading - ~ld, C-l~imster and Scott.
The Council adjourned on ths ;action of Ald,
I{i~D ~dqD AD0_'~TI'iD, October 16, 1939.
Council Ohar~b~;r~
October 10,
The Council re-asse .bled at the close of the reEulur Council and Fin-
ance meeting, for tile pua'pose of holding a conference to discuss cert~dn matters
which had been presented to thml. All members of the Committee. with the excep-
tion of Ald./~bAninch, ~ere pre~ent.
After discussion upon the matters presented, the Couucil adjourned on the motion
or Ald. T~idale and A.F. Donald.
fuND ADOii7~ED, October 16, 1939.
Council Chamber,
October 16, 1939.
Pursuant to adJourx~ent the Council met at 7.30 p.m. to consider Gen-
eral B~siness and Fim~nce. All members of the Oouncil, with the exception of Ald.
MeAninch, were present. The Council, having received und read the minutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Scott.
Laid pver from previous me~_tl~:
No. 288 - H.F.Logan, E.C. - re request for purchase of lend by A.Distllio. ORD-
ERED on the motion of~l"~, Scott and G. Don~ld that the communication be filed,
and the request be not g~anted.
SEEalso Report No. 162
No. ~03 - Canadian Legion - re resolution of Council re Veterans' C~ard. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Inglis and Grimster that the communication be filed and the
Hencurable W.L.Houck, M.L.A., be thanked for ~his representations in this matter.
No. 305 - Kin~smill, Mills, Price & Fleming - re Oneida right-of-way. 0RDI~ED
on the motion of Ald. ~imster and Twidele that the conmunication be filed; and
the Oneida L~m4ted be advised that the Corporation will be willing to accept a
deed to the property providing they will not expect expensive local improvements
performed thereon.
The _following CommunicatiOns..werp. ~_c_e_iy_e_.d:
No. 307 - Niagara Falls Lions Club - requesting permission to hold Hallowe'en
Parade. 0RDFRED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Twiddle that the communicat-
ion be received and the request be granted.
No. 308 - Canadian Legion - requesting permission to hold Poppy Day. 0RD~ED on
the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimster that the c~m~unication be received and
the request be granted.
No. 309 - Cataract Lodge. I.O.0.F. - requesting permission to hold Bingo Party.
ORDERED on the ~$otion of Aid. Orimster and Scott ~at the communication be rec-
eived and the request be granted.
No. 310 - Township of Stamford - re fees for Pheasant hunters.
No. 311 - Deputy Min~ister of _Game_ ,and Fisherlea_ - re schedule of fees Chargeable.
0RE~RED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Grimster that the communications be
received and filed, and a copy of the Department' s comm,,nication be forwarded
to the Township of Stemford with the request that they ~e-consider their former
No. 162 - City Clerk - recommending lane be not clos~:d. 0i~Dt~Z]) on the motion
of Ald. Scott and G. Donald that the report be received and adopted.
No. 163 - City Clerk - re Oneida right-of-way. ORI1B~ED on the motion of Aid.
Grimster and ~vidale that the report be received and adopted.
No. 164 - .P~.rks_ Superintendent - reconncending trimming of tree. 0RD~ED on the
motion of Ald. Scott and ~?idale that the report be received and adopted.
No. 185 - C~_t_y~Cler~k - re conference held on October lOth. ORDt~ED on the mot-
ion of Ald. Twidale and A.F.Donald that the report be received and adopted.
No. 166 - City Clerk - re use of relief labour mxd memrandum from Department.
0RD~RED on the motion of Aid. Scott and Ingiis that the report be received end
No. 167 - Pa~,rkp _Sul.~.rintendent . recomaending removal of two trees. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. ,imster ~d Scott that the report be received end adopted.
No. 16S - Parks Superintendent - recommending promotion of Charles Norgate. ORD-
~ED on the motion of Aid. Orimster and ~nglis that the ri~port be received and
laid on the table until the next meeting, and the 01ty Clerk be requested to make
a further report thereon.
No. 169 - Fire Chief - re University of Toronto extension 'Course. eRDalED on
the motion of Ald"~'~'~'~imster and ~idale that the report be received and adopted,
and Chief Shapton be authorizOd the attend the course.
No. 170 - Fi~e Chie.f~ - reconuending changes when new pureper is received. 0RD-
I~ED on the n~tion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott that the report be received and
The~f_o~llowinK B~.-laws. were lmssed:
~p.: 2831 -Ald. G. Donald- To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale
and Deed. ' ' '
let reading -Ald. A.F. Donald and Grimster.
2nd reading -Ald. Twidale and Scott.
3rd reading - Aid. Grimster and A.F. Donald.
No. 283.._..~2_- Aid. G.R.Inglis - To provide for imposing a special rate to pay for the
o~mers' pertion of the annual cost of street lighten on certain
let reading -Ald. Scott and A.F. Donald~ Aid. Grimster voting contrary,
2nd reading -Ald. G. Danald and Inglie; Ald. Grimster voting contrary.
3rd reading - A~d. G. Donald and Scott; Aid. (Irimster voting contrary.
Th~ Council .adjourned on .~hs motion of Aid, A,F,Donnld.and.Grimster, ............
No. 512 - Da~rtment_ of Attorney General - acknowledging ~esolution re guards
on utilities. 0RDI~E~ on the n~tion of Ald, lnglis'and Gr!~,ter that the eonm-
'unication be received and filed.
READ AND ADOPTED, October 23, 19~9,
No, 313 - ~.~,C_,Fluhre__r - requesting removal of tree, 0RE~qED on the motion of
Aid. Scott end Twiddle that ~he c~mmuniea~ion be received and the trees be
pmne d,
~E also, Re~or~ No. 164
%eeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeel
OXs k
Council Chamber,
October 15, 1939.
The Finance Connaittee met on Monday, October 16, 1939, for the pua'~se
of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee, with the excep-
tion of Ald. ~cAninch, were present.
Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, sraounting to $1~,599.72.
The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were or-
dered placed in the money By-law for presentation to the Oouncll, on the motion
of Aid. ~vidale and His Worship Mayor Hanniwell.
The Revenue and Expenditures Statement as at September 30, 1939, was
presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. ocott and~vidale that the
Statement be received and laid on the table.
/bu offer from W.R.Phillips to purchase the property at 609 Cataract
Avenue for the sum of Three Hundred Dollars, was presented. It was ordered on
the motion of Ald. Grimster and His Worship ~{ayor Hanniwell that the communicat-.
ion be received and the offer~ be accepted.
The offer fromMrs. A. Fiorentino, to purchase Lots 298, 299, Stamford
Street for the sum of Fifty Dollars each, was presented. It was ordered on the
motion of Ald. ~vldale and His Worship M~yor Hanniwell that the communication
be received and the offer be aCcpeted, subject to the usual conditions and sub-
Ject to the approval of the Assessneat Oonnnissioner and 0ity Treasurer.
The report of the City Clerk, with reference t9 certain collections,
and recon~aeading the hiring of an additional dog tax collector, was presented.
It ~s ordered on the motion of Aid. ~vidale and Scott that the repo~ be rec-
eived and the recc~n_mendation be adopted.
The comparison of relief expenditures for the month ending September
50, 19~9, was presented. It was ordered on the motion-of Ald. A.F.Donald and
G~imster tlmt the statement be received and filed.
The Ga~nittee adjourned on the x~tion of A.ld. A.F.Donald and Twidale.
READ ANDADOPTED, OCtober ~3, 1939.
Chairman of Finance
C0bqqcIL ~'v~EETING
Co~mcil Chamber,
October 16, 1959.
The Council re-asseubled et the close of the Finance meeting, for the
purpose of passing the money By-law which covered the accounts spproved by the
Committee. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Ale~h~inch, were
pro sent ·
Thp follo~w_ij~-law wasj~se~d:
~9..~.28~ -Ald. G. Donald- To Grant ~[onies for General Purposes.
1st reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and ~'~ida~e.
Bad resding- Ald, A.F.Do:mld and Scott.
At this point Aid. O. Donald left the meeting.
5rd reading -Ald. Grimster and Twidale.
The followi.~Resolution was passed:-
Ng. ll~ - ~IDALE - A.F. IDNALD - RESOLV]ED that all me:abets of the Council be the
delegation from ~he City of Niagara Falls to intervim~ the ~no~able ~. Mitchell
F.Hepb~rn, ~emier of 0ntar~o, at his offices on Wednesday, Octo~r 18th, 19~9,
and the Se~ of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and ~vidale.
READ AND ADOPTED, October B3, 1939.
2 16
Counci 1 Chamber,
October 16, 1959.
The Council re-assembled ate the close of the regular Council and Fin-
ance Meetings for the pro. pose of holding a conference to discuss certain matters
which had been presented to theJs. All members of the Committee, with the excep-
tion of Ald. MoAninch and G. Donald, ,were present.
After discussion upon the matters presented, the Council adjourned on the motion
of Ald. Grimster and Scott.
READ AND ADOPTED, October 23, 1939.
Council Ghamber,
October 10, 1939.
Mayor C.D.!~rmlwell, John J. Harriman, Asses~uent C~n~ssioner,
met on Tuesday, October i0, 1939, for the purpose of selecting the L~rand
~nd Petit Jurors for service in the Superior and inferior Courts respect-
ively, of the County of Welland for the year 1940.
Grand Jurors for Su~perior C:>urts - 15 names were selected from the 1958
Voters' List- Letters 'N' to 'S'.
Grand Juror:S/or .I_n. ferior .Co_?.ts - 15 names were selected from the 1938
]~oters' List- Letters 'N' to 'S'.
Petit Juro~r~s for Superior Courts - 30 names ~vere selected from the 1938
Voters' List - letters 'N' to 'S'.
Petit Jurors for Inferior Courts - 30 names were selected from the 1938
Voters' Lis[~'~e'tt~ers ~ ~o '~'.
City Clerk.
· 229
Council Chamber,
· October 23, 1939.
of the year and that the City E:lgineer be instructed to connaunicute uith tile
Department of High~'~ys for an appointment to go over the plans for the aer~
way into the City.
Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. to consider Gen-
eral Business and Firmrice. All members of the Oouncil usre present. The Min-
utes of the previous meeting, hnvlng been corrected to ~ow that Alderman Grim-
ster voted contrary to By-law No. 2832, were received and read on the motion of
Ald. Scott and G~imster.
Th__e_ followil~J Co~aunicatiens ~ere received:
No. 314-- Gee. H. Holmes - requesting consideration re re~:xoval of hydrant. ORD-
]I4ED on the notion of Ald. Grimster and Scott that the con~aunicstion be received
and Mr. Holmes be billed for the ~uaount of the damsMe to City property.
No. 315 - T.~.Hand Fireworks Co. - re maroon shels for Armistice Day. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Twidale and' Inglis that the com~mnication be received and
No. 316 - Niagara Falls Civi_.c..l~.p_loyees' Associatio. n_ - requesting consideration
re promotions. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Grimster that the
cozmaunication be received and tile request be approved.
No. 317 - Niagara Falls Civic ]~n~plo~ses' Association - requesting consideration
of holiday allowance for S.Mingle. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Inglis and
Scott that the communication be received and filed; and the practice, as out-
lined by the City Clerk, that enployees be allowed holidays in accordance with
the time wor~sd by them during each year, be approved and continued.
Laid over .from previous meetings:
No. 156 - City Clerk - re possibility of establishing playground in Glenview
area. ORDk~{ED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald aad ~[cAninch that the report be
received and filed; and the City Clerk be instructed to negotiate with the ow-
ner of the property to acquire the land from V, elland Avenue east to the property
owned by ~h's. Grey; and trom Leader La~e to the Thorold Stone Road, for the am-
ount 'of the taxes owing on the entire property owned by ~'[r. S.McMshon.
The fotlowln_e Resolutions we,'e p_a. sse_d_:
No. 116 - G. DOh'~LD - ~]OTT - RESOLVED that tile City Clerk be instruct~.d to for-
ward the By-law, providing for parking on the ,;eat side of ~{iver ~{oad, to the
Department of High~mys for re-consideration; and the Senl of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
No. ll7 - ~fojd4]~,XCH - T, JID~LE - RESOLVED that the City Clerk be instrue:ted to
take up with the City Solicitor the matter of the, operating of loud spe~king
units on vehicles travelling through the City, as to ~.hetlnh. the activity could
be controlled by the Council; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto af~'ixed.
Th__e._following By_laws were passed:
.N9,. f~8_/_34_ -Ald. G. Donald- To authorize the execution of an Agreement for ale
and Deed.
1st reading - fdd. A.F.Do~mld and Ori~uster.
2nd reading - Aid. Scott and '[~'~i,.ale.
3rd reading .Ald. ~vidale and Grimster.
No.__'_a3.~3~_ -Ald. G. Donald- To authorize the execution of a Deed.
let reading -Ald. Grimster and A.F. Dorarid.
2rid reading -Ald. A.F.Donuld and Scott.
3rd reading -Ald. Grimster and Twidale.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Grimster and A.l,'. Denaid.
READ AND ADOPTED, October 30, 1939.
No. 168 - Parks Superintendent - reconmending promotion of Charles Norgate. 0R-
D~RED on the motion of Aid. bicAninch and ~rimster that the report be filed and
MAr. Emery submit an additional report as to how he Justifies the various rates
paid to the employees of the Parks and Oemetery~ Departments.
SEE also Report No..l_T1.
~le followi.n.g. Reports were received:
No. 171 - Gi.ty. Gl_~e.r.k. - re chea~ges in staff at Cemetery. 0RDI~ED on the motice
of Ald. MoAninch and Grimster that the report be received and laid on the table.
No. 172 - Ci_~__C_le___l~,- re conference held on October 16th. 0RD]~ED on the mot-
ion of AId. A.F.Donald and Twidale that the report, be received and adopted.
Mayo r
No. 173 - City Clerk - re conference with Provincial Officials. ORDERED on the
motion of ~ld. ~?idule and McAninch that the report be received and adopted;
and the City Clenk be instructed to draw up an Agreeanent whereby the City and
the Niagara Parks Omission will share equally the cost of the maintenance of
~i~er Road; that the matter of taxi-cab stands be considered a~ the beginning
/ +
Council Ghamber,
October ~5, 19~9.
Pursuant to adjourmaent, the Council met at ?.30 p.m. to consider Gen-
eral Business and Finance. All meIl~ers of the Council were present. The Min-
utes of the previous meeting, having been corrected to ~xow that Alderman Grim-
ster voted contrary to By-law No. 2832, were received and read on the motion of
Ald. Scott and G~imster.
Th_._e fgllowin~ Comunications were received:
No. 314-- Gee..H..Holm__e__s- requesting consideration re renoval of hydrant. 0RO-
aRED on the motion of Ald. Grimster and Scott that the con~aunicetion be received
and Mr. Holmes be billed for the mount of the damage to City property.
No. 315 - T.W.}~nd Fireworks Co. - re maroon shels for Armistice Day. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. ~vidale and'Inglis that the communication be received and
No. 316 - Niagara Fall.s_C_.i_vi_c Emp._loyees' Associatio~n.- requesting consideration
re promotions. ORI~ED on the motion of Ald. G. Danald and Grimster that the
coi,~aunication be received and the request be approved.
No. 317 - Niagara Falls Civic Employees' Association - requesting consideration
of holiday allowance for S.Ming~e. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Inglis and
Scott that the co~aunication be received and filed; and the practice, as out-
lined by the City Clerk, that employees be allowed holidays in accordance with
the time worked by them during each year, be approved and continued.
Da_id oyer from previous meetings:
No. 106 - City Clerk - re possibility of establishing playground in Glenview
area. ORDErlED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and MeAninch that tl~e report be
received and filed; and the City Clerk be instructed to negotiate with the ow-
ner of the property to acquire the land from Welland Avenue east to the property
owned, by ~[rs. Grey; and from Leader Lane to the Thorold Stone Road, for the
ount of the taxes owing on the entire property owned by Mr.
No. 168 - Parks Superintendent - recommending promotion of Charles Norgate. 0R-
DI~ED on the motion of Ald. MeAninch and C~lmster that the report be filed and
Mr. Emery submit an additional report as to how he Justifies the various rates
paid to the employees of the Parks and Cemeteryv Departments.
SEE also Report No,.. 1.~.1
Thp followi.nj~ R.eports were received:
No. 171 - Oily. Cl__eF~'- re changes in staff at 0emetery. C~ED on the motion
of AId. MoAninch and Grimster that the report be received and laid on the table.
No. 172 - Cij_9~e_.l!j' - re conference held on October 16th. ORDI~ED on the mot-
ion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Twidale that the report. be received and adopted.
No. 175 - City Olerk- re conference with Provincial Officials. 0RDEREDon the
motion of ~ld.'~ldale and MeAninch that the report be received and adopted;
and the Olty Clerk be instructed to draw up an Agreement whereby the City and
the Niagara Parks Conmission will share equally the cost of the maintenance of
~i~erRoad; ~hat the mattercf taxi-cab standsbe considered at the beginning
of the year and that the City Engineer be instructed to co-'ulaunic~te ~ith the
Department of Highv~ays for an appointment to go over the plans for the aev: i~igjl-
way into the City.
The followin.( Resolutions werc aj~!:
No. 116 - G. DONkLD - ~'OTT - RESOLVED that tile City Clerk be instructed to for-
ward the By-law, providing for parking owl the. ,;est side of ~iver f(oud, to the
Department of ilighways for re-consideration; and the Seal of the Corporation be
heroic affixed.
No. ll? - M_cANI}ICH r .T'JIIt~uLE - RESOLVED that the. City Clerk be instructed to
take up with the' b'lty SoYl'cl~or the matter of the? operating of loud speaking
units on vehicles travelling through the City, as to bhethdr the activity could
be controlled by the Council; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto afi'ixed.
Th__e_fp_llowing By-laws wer_e p_assed_:
No. ;~8~_3~_ -Ald. G. Denald - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale
and Deed.
1st reading -Ald. A.F.Denald and GrjaUster.
2nd reading -Ald. Scott and 'l~vi,,ale.
3rd reading -Ald. ~vidale and Grimster.
No.__~.._~5_ -Ald. G. Donald- To authorize the execution of a Deed.
1st reading -Ald. Grimster and A.F. Donald.
2rid reading- Ald. A.F.Donald and Sco~t.
3rd reading -Ald. Grimster and Twidale.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Grimetot und A.F. Donald.
RFj~D AND ADOPTED, October 30, 1939.
M~yo r
Council Chamber,
October 23, 1939.
The Finance Comaittee met on Monday, October 23, 1939, for the purpose
of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present.
Sundry accounts were approved by the Geminitree, amounting to $5,515.55.
The accounts submitted, being passed or others;ice dealt with, were ord-
ered placed in the money by-la~'~ for presentation to the Council, on the motionof
Ald. Scott and A.F. Donald.
The c~muunication from the Citizens' Research Institute of Canada,
the ~urce-Brief Service, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald.
Inglis and His jotship k~Vor Hanniwell that the connaunication be received and
the City obtain a membership with the institute for this new service.
The offer of ~. John Rohaly to purchase 1803 Main Street for $800.00
cash, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Inglis and Grimster
that the col~aunication be received and the Clerk be instructed to interview Z~.
Robsly in an endeavour to obtain a more satisfactory offer.
The report of the City Clerk, giving the estimated relief figures for
the month of October, was presented. It was ordered on the motion ofAld.
dale and Scott that the report be received and filed.
It was ordered on tile faction of A.ld. McAalinch and (]rimster that the
City Clerk take up with the Federal Member, ~[r. A.B. Damude, the question of the
Federal Government providing the guards for menicipal utilities.
The report of the Relief Administrator, re an application for relief
from a feu~lly in Quebec, ~as presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald.
Scott and Mc~minch that the report be received and filed.
The report of the Relief Administrator, as to the supply of fuel for
single recipients, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship
~yor Hanniwell and Ald. Grimster that the schedule be adopted and the City
Clerk be instructed to co~aunicate with the Department of ~unicipal Affairs to
ascertai~ whether an increased allowance co~ be made for fuel, commensurate
with the increased cost.
The 0onmittee adjourned on the motion of AId. Scott and Twidale.
READ AND ADOPTED, October 30, 1939.
Chairman of Finance
Council Cham~r,
October 23, 1939.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the Finmice Meeting, for the
purpose of passing the money ~-law which covered the acco~ts approved by the
Committee. All members of the Council were present.
The followi_n_g By-law was passed:
.No..2~36 - Aid. G. Donald- To Grant Abnies for General Purposes.
1st reading -Ald. Twidale and Grimster.
2rid fending -Ald. A.F. Denald and Scott.
3rd reading -Ald. Twidale and A.F.Donald.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Grh~ster and Scott.
READ AND AD0i~I~:D, October 30, 1939.
O 1 erk
C0X ___m NC___AE
Council Ohmabet,
October 23, 1939.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the reguhr Council and Fin-
ance meetings for the purpose of holding a conference to discuss certainmatters
which had been presented to them. All members of the O~amittee were present.
After discussion upon the matters presented, the Con~aittee adjourned on the mot-
lo~ of Ald. Grimster and Scott.
RFADAN~ADOPTED, October ~0, 1939.
0ouncll 0hembar,
October 23, 1939.
The Finance Committee met on Monday, October 23, 1939, for the purpose
of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present.
Sundry accounts were approved by the 0ommtttee, amounting to'$Y,515.55,
The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord-
ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, .on the motionof
Ald. Scott and A.F. Donald.
The c~mmunication from the Citizens' Research Institute of Canada, re
the Source-Bri,ef Service, was presented. It was ordered on the laotion of Ald.
Inglis and His jotship Mayor Hanniwell that the connaunication be received and
~the City obtain a membership with the Institute for this new service.
The offer of Mr. John Rohaly to purchase 1803 Main Street for $800.00
cash, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Inglis and ~imster
that the co~enunication be received and the Clerk be instructed to interview ~.
Rohaly in an endeavour to obtain a more satisfactory offer.
The report of the 01ty Clerk, giving the estimated relief figures for
tile month of October, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of-Ald. ~vi-
dale and Scott that the report be received and filed.
It was ordered on the ~otion of A&d. McA~linch and Grimster that the
City Clerk take up with the Federal Member, ~. A.B. Dsmude, the question of the
Federal Govermaent providing the guards for mnicipal utilities.
The report of the Relief Administrator, re an application for relief
from a family in Quebec, ~as presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald.
~ott and MeAninch that the report be. received and filed.
The report of the Relief Administrator, as to the supply of fuel for
single recipients, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship
~yor HaB_niwell and Ald. Grimster that the schedule be adopted and the City
Clerk be instructed to communicate with the Department of Municipal Affairs to
ascertain whether an increased allowance coul~ be made for fuel, commensurate
with the increased cos~.
The 0omittee adjourned on the motion of Aid. Scott and Twidale.
RFAD AND AD01~TED, 0ct~ber 30, 1939.
~,, ....~" Chairman of Finance
Council Chs~ber,
October 23, 1939.
The Council re-asse!n~led at the close of the Finance Meeting, for the
purpose of passing the money By-law which covered the accounts approved by the
Committee. All members of the Council were present.
The f__ oilowing By-law was passed:
No. _2836- Aid. G. Donald- To Grant Monies for General Purposes.
1st reading -Ald. ~ddale and Grimeter.
2rid m'eading -Ald. A.F. Donald and Scott.
3rd reading -Ald. Twidale and A.F. Donald.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Grhnster and Scott.
READ AND ADOF~]D, October 30, 1939.
C 1 erk
After discussion upon the matters presented, the Oonm~ittee adjourned on the mot-
ion of Aid. Grimster and Scott.
READ ANDAD01:TED, October B0, 1939.
Olerk .'
The 0ouncil re-assembled at the close of the regu~r Council and Fin-
ance meetings for the purpose of holding a conference to discuss certain matters
which had been presented to them. All members of the 0ommittee were present.
Council Ohmabet,
October 23, 1939.
Mayor '] "'::.
Council Ch~ber,
"October 30, 1939.
Pursuant to adjourmient, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. to consider Gen-
eral Business and Finance. All merehers of the Council, with the exception of
Ald. McAninch, were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes
of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and
The followin~ Co~nnunications were received:
No. S18 - Department of Municipal Affairs - Bulletin No. 1~ re patriotic grants.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and A.F. Donald that the ~ommunication be
received and filed.
No. 319 - T__ow.~n~hip of Stamford - re request for reduced hunting liceaces. 0RD-
ER~D on the notion of Ald. G. Dona~d and Grimster that the comunication be rec-
eived sad filed.
No. 320 - Barnet E.Laxer & Company. Limited - requesting By-law taking lot out of
residential area. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~hvidale and Scott that the
comunication be received and referred to the Town Planning Co;remission for their
report at the next meeting.
No. 321 - Oneida Ltd. - agreeable to proposal re rei,~t-of-way. 0PIERED on the
motion of Ald. Inglis and Grimetot that the communication be received and filed,
and the City Solicitor be instructed to proceed with the necessary transfer of
the land.
No. 322 - Mr. A.B. Dsmude, M.P.. - acknowledging letter of protection of utilities.
0R.D~ED on the motion of Ald. Scott and A.F.Donald that the communication be
received and filed.
No.. 323 - Department of ~lunicipal Affairs - re By-law for new lighting on Queen
Street. 0RDP~D on the ~ntion of Ald. Grimetot and ~idale that the communicat-
ion be received and laid on the table until the next meeting.
No. 324 - City Cierk- ~e invitation of Fir~ Department. OPd)ERED on the motion
o~Ald. ~Denald sn~ddale that the communication be received and filed, the
invitation be accepted, end as many of the Council as p~ssible attend the show-
Laid over from: previous__meeting:
No. 171 - City Clerk - re promotions in 0ometery Department. ORDERED on the mot-
ion of Ald. Inglis and Scott that the report be received and filed.
~u~E also Report No. 174
The follow_i_n~ Rpports we_re. received: ..... .
No. 174 - Par~s Superintendent - re activities end rates for employees. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Vnglis and Scott that the report be received and filed,
that Mr. Emery be instructed to m-arrange his s~aff for the remaining two mon-
ths of this year; and that the matter of salaries and the appointment ofla fore-
. man be referred for consideration~w~th ~he'1940 Budget.,~
O~J~on ~he mot-
ion of Aid. Grimetot and Scott that the report be receive'd and adopted.
No. 176 - Clt~C~lerk . re meetin!~ with officials of Departme, at of ~{i~ffhways,
~'~o. 177 - ci_~ty ~Ye~- re above and The Klng's Highway. 0RD~{ED on the motion
of Ald. Inglis and'~.F.Donald that the renorts be received and fil~ad; and the
City Engineer be instrncted to prepare a l'eport ~owing an alternative propo;~-
ition that may be considered, along with estimated costs, in connections u'ith
setwere, etc., for consideration st the proposed meeting with the Deoartment
of Highways. ,
No. 178 - Ci~ Clerk - recommending connuittee to accept Fire p~aper. ORD~a{ED on
the motion of ~ld~nglis and Crimster that the report be received and the recGx-
l~n~tion be adopted.
No. 179 - ~!neer - recozmending install~ltion of bracket street.light. 0R-
No. 180 - ~ ~licltor . re pro~sed By-law for ~ltting Questions to elec-
t°re. ORD~ED~n~h~ motion of Ald. ~vi~le and India that the report be rec-
eived and filed; and the By-law be Presented.
~ also B~-law No. 283~
~The foliowinE By-law was_j~r_e sen te~d_:
No.J3~ .Ald. G. Donald_ To provide for taking the votes of the electors on the
following questions: 1. Are you in favour of the election of Mayor
and Cotu~.cil being continued as at aresent? or 2. Are you in fayour
of the election of the Mayor and ail the Council for a one-year teIm
(election every year)? or 3. Are you in favour of the election of
the Mayor end all the Council for a two-year term (election every two
let reading _Ald. *imst~,r and Scott.
~d reading _ Aid. A.F.~nald ~d ~ddale.
' It was orde~d on the motion of Ald. G.~nald and 'Grimetot that 'the ' '
third reading of the By-law be laid on the table ~til the next roering.
The~p~pxvl~ ~-law was ~sej:
No. ~_ ~d. A.F.Donald _ To autlmrize the confin the purchase of ~t No. 58
on the west side of ~mperance Street acording to Power City Pi~ No..
2 for the P~poses of the extension of a hi~n?ay.
let rea~ng .Ald. ~idale and Scott.
2nd reading . ~d. A.F.~nald and Grimster.
3rd reading - Aid. Scott and ~.~nald.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott and ~vidale.
READ AND ADOPTED, 'November 6, b-939.
· ' F]iqAI'IOE ~'TING
0ouncil Chanber,
October 30, 1939o
The Finance Comittee met on Nonday, October 30, 1939, for the purpose
of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee, with the excep-
tion of Ald. MeAninch, were present.
Sundry accounts were approved by the Ooramittee, amounting to $86,663.26.
The account s submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were .ord-
ered placed in the money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion
of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott.
The offer of Eir. R.A.Marquis, to purchase Part Lot,5 and Lot 6,. Otter
Street for $250.00, w~s presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimetot
and Scott that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the usual condit-
ions and subject to the appro~ml of the AsseSsment Commissioner and the City
The report of the City Clerk, re a request to rent City land for the
sale of Christmas Trees, was presented. It was ordered on the nxotion of Ald.
A.F.Donald and Twidale that the report be received and adopted.
The Cormittee adjourned on the motion of Aid. Scott and Grimster.
READ AND ADOPTED, November 6, 1939.
Ohairman of Finance
Council 0hembet,
October ZO, 19~9.
The Oouncil re-assembled at the close of the Finance meeting, for the
-.purpose of'passing the money By-law which cove~ed the accounts approved by the
Committee. All members of the Council, with the eXoep$4on of Ald. MoAninch~ were
present. ,.
1st reading- Aid. A.F.Donald and ~vidale.
2nd reading - Aid. (k'imster and Scott.
3rd reading -Ald. Scott and ~'~idale.
The Oouncit adjourned on the motion of Ald. A.F. DonHld and Grimetot.
READ AND ADOPTED, Novstub'or 6, 1939.
Council Chamber,
, 'October 30, 1939.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council'and Fin-
ance meetings for the purpose of holding a conference to give consideration to
the List of Election Officers to be appointed for action at the forthc,~ming El-
ection; and to discuss certain matters which had been presented to them. All
m~xbers of the Co~mittee, with the exception of Ald. MeAninch, were present.
Al~r discussion upon the matters presented, the Oo~mittee adjourned.
READ AND ADOtTED, November 6, 1939.
· - rlhe following By_-~aw was passed: < ' ,, ,., ., ,.ff;
Council Ch~aber,
'November 6, 1939.
Pursuant to adjourmment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. to consider Gen-
eral Business and Finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald.
McAninch, were present; The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald, Grimster and A.F.Donald.
On the motion of Ald. Grimster and G. Donald, representatives of the Chin-
her of Commerce were peIunitted to address the Council. Mr. F.C.Ward, Secretary,
spoke and asked that the Counc'l advise what action was being taken at the pres-
ent time with reference to the scheme for improved lighting on Queen Street.
Nr. D.L.Willson, President, also spoke on the matter. The Deputation was advised
that this matter would be given consideration by the local Hydro-Electric Com-
mission at the meeting to be held on Tuesday, November Vth.
Laid on table from previous meetings:
No. 323 - Department of Municipal Arfairs- re By-lmv for new lighting on Queen
Street. 0RDEILED on bhe motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and ~vi~ale that the co~aunic-
ation be received and laid on the table.
The following Communications were received:
No. 325 - Mr. W.L. Wilkinson- tendering resignation of member of Court of Revis-
ion. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Grimster and Scott that the con~unication
be'reeemved and filed, and the resignation be accepted.
No. 326 - Voluntary Service Registration Bureau - acknowledging resolution of
assistance. 0RDEED on the motipn of Ald. Scott and G. Donald that the communic-
ation be received and filed.
No. 32~ - Canadian Legion Branch No. 51 - invitation to attend Remembrance Day
Church Parade. .ORDERED on the motion of/Ltd. A.F.Donald and G.Donald that the
communication be received and ,filed, the invitation be accepted, and as many of
the Council as possible attend th~ service.
No. 328 - Niagara Falls Red Cross Society - re annual campaign and flying of
flag. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~'~dale and Grimster that the communication
be received and filed, and the requested permission be granted.
The following Reports were received:
No. 181 - City Clerk - recommending installation of street light.
the 'motion Iof Ald; 'A.F.'Donald and Scott that the report 'be 'received 'and 'approved~
No. 182 - City Clerk - re conference held on oc,tober BOth. ORDERED on t~le mot-
ion of Aid. G. Donald and Scott that the report be received and adopted.
No. 183 - Dairy Inspector - report for month of October. ~RDERED on the motion
o. 184 '~ Town Planning Commission - recommending removal of building restri6t-
~A~ns from portion of victoria Avenue~((RDEl~,D on the motion of Ald. Scott and
G. Donald that the report be reoeived~ and. ado ted. .
". ,,.,s .:;, '·;' :.. ..?... p :.:a .so Sy- .aws, X,,o. 8840
:..::i ..--./'
iEC j0LUTIOi,:.j
...T, he following Resolutions were passed:
Re. 118 - A.F.EOi,L, LLD Gkr--~-..
' - ....... 3{ - EZjiOIN'ED that in co:Inaction .'.ith Lh: ,'.o:'thcom-
ing munici :el lJlection, on Pro-election meetfin,] be hold on l"riiay, Decc. :bet
at St. PaLrick's Hall; and a Post-election mactint: be held on the c.v$z~i:,_!- of bhe
Election, December 4th, also qt St.Patrick,s }{all; and the l]eal of the Cor~mr~.t_
ion be hereto affixed.
C a .' :'i z d
No. 119 - T..'IOf~LE - G. DO:;ALD - i~E-f0L~ED titat i~emembrance Davy, Hove. b, riith, be
~d is hereby proclaimed a l.h~nicipal IIoli~ay, mind all civic buildinjTz zh:~ll rem-
ain closed on that date; and the Seal of the Co~l~oration be herate ai'fixed.
The following By-lar:s were
.N..o. 28S_X7_ Aid. g. Donald- To provide for inking the votes of ~he elecbor~r on the
following questions: "1. Are you in fayour of the election of' L:ayor
and Council being continued as at present? or 2. Are you in fayour
of the election of the Mayor and all the Com~cil for a one-year ~m~
(election every year)? or ~. Are you in fayour of the election of the
Mayor and all the Council for a two-year tern (oleetion every two
3rd readfag -Ald. Twidale and G. Donald.
N~o. 28~0 -Ald. A.Z?.Scott - To areend By-law No. 1~76, respectin=j Residential ~ec-
tions and residential streets in the City of Niagara Falls.
1st reading _Ald. Scott and A.F. Donald.
2nd reading -Ald. Gri:nster and Scott.
Zrd reading -Ald. G. Donald and Twidale.
No. 28~! -Ald. G.Donald - To amend By-law No. 17VV, respecting Fire Limits in
the City of Niagara Falls.
-lst reading - Aid. A.F.Donald and Grimst~r.
2nd reading -Ald. Scott and G. Donald.
3rd reading _Ald. G. Donald and A.F. Donald.
N~o. 284~ - Aid. A.F,Donald - To authorize the pruchase of lands of Simon Peter
Joseph MaMahen.
1st reading - AId. Grimster and Scott.
'2nd reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and G. Donald.
. 3rd reading _Ald. T~idale and Scott.
No__2. 2843 -/Ltd. T.N. Grimster _ To aubhorize the execution of an Agreement with -the Niagara Parks Commission.
1st reading -Ald. Scott and G. Donald.
2nd readinM -Ald. Grimster and A.F.Donald.
3rd reading -Ald. G. Donald and Twidale.
N~o, 2844 -Ald. G. Donald - and Deed.
To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale
1st reading -Ald. Twidale and A.F.Donald.
2nd reading -Ald. '/~idale and G. Donald.
3rd reading -Ald.. Gritaster and A.F. Donald.
i~'/Lld~ G.R.lnglis . To app0iht Deputy RetUrning Officers, Poll Clerics
% ; ', ~nd Polling Plaoes.for:l, the.-Munictpal ,Elections in December, 1939,for
~' " ' ":~: he year 1940, , ' :'
1st rcadin4: -Ald. A.F.Donald and Twidale.'
2nd reading - Aid. Scott and Grimsttr.
Brd reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and Twidale.
The Council adjoulmed on the rootion Of~tld. Scott and A.F.Donald.
t{EAD AI~D ADDPTED, h~ovember 13, 1939.
1,~ayo r
Council Chamber,
November 6, 1959.
The Finance Cowe~ittee met on Monday, November 6, 1939, for the purl.oso
of approvinS and also of F~ssing the various accmmts which have been properly
certii'ied and 'placed before the. re. All members of the Committee, with the excep-
tion of Ald. MeAninch, we .e present.
Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to :~17,088.69.
The accounts submitted, being DaBsod or otherwise dealt with, ~.;ere
ered placed in lhe honey By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion
of His Worship Mayor Hanniwell and Ald. Tv;idale.
The statement of comparison of tax collections for the n~nth of 0ctobcr,
1939, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Twidale and A.F.Don-
ald that the statement be received and filed.
The statement of relief figures for the month of October, 1939, was
presented. It was ordered On the motion of Ald. Grin~ter and Twidale that the
statement be received and filed.
The report of the Town Planning Commission, recesssending the sale of
lots to D'Arcy Cropp, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald.
T~dale ~nd Scott that the report be received and adopted, the salO be ap~
proved a~d the necessar~ ByTlaw be prepared. .---'
The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and, Scott.
. READ AND ADOP~ED, Novembe~ 13, 1939.
Chairman of Finance
Council Ch,~:bcr,
Nove:',bcr 6, i~;jg.
The Council re-assembj_cd nt the close of Lb, e 2'insnee :~:~etin:% 'or the
purpose of passinG the mo:cy By-lzw which covered the account~
Co~ittee. All members of the Council, with the ezce~tion of Ai~'.
Were present.
The following By-lay; was passed:
No. 2846 - ild. O.Donald - To Grant ',',ionlos for General ~rposes.
1st r~ading -Ald. Grimstcr and T'aidale.
2nd rending - A!d. A.F.Donald and Scott.
3rd reading -Ald. ~vidale and Grimster.
The Council adjourned on the motion of ild. 'l~;idale and A,F.i)onald.
Council Chamber,
Novenber 6, 1939.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Fin-
ance meetings, for the purpose of holding a couference for the discussion of
certain matters which had been presented to them. All members of the Committee,
with the exception of Ald. MeAninch, were present.
After discussion upon the matters presented, the Co~mmittee adjourned.
READ ANDADOPTED, November 13, 1939.
,, '01erk
-Council Chr~aber,
November 13, 1939.
t~rsuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. to consider Gen-
eral Business and Finance.. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald.
MeAninch, were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimster.
1st reading - A].=t. A.F.Donalj, and Grin:ster.
2nd rcadin~ -Ald. Scott ~:nd (I. ~onald..
3rd reading -Ald. T;'ridale and In,jlis.
The Council adjourned on the motion of ~kld. Scott and Grimetot.
t~EAD i~\ID AD0~fED, November ~0, 1939.
The following Cozmnunication was received:
No. 329 - Department of MunicipalAffairs - Bulletin re extension of tc~as of of-
fice for members of Council and local Boards. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. C.
Donald and Crimster titat the communication be received and filed, and the City
Clerk be instm~cted to continue his efforts to obtain info~ation as to how this
ruling will affect the City of Niagara Falls.
The following Reports were received:
No. 185 - City Clerk - re conference held on Wovember 6, 1939. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Orimster and ~fividale that the report be received and adopted.
No. 186 - City Clerk - re conference with members of Department of ~Mnicipal
fairs. 0RDE!~jD on the motion of P~ld. G. Donald and Scott that the report be rec-
eived and adopted.
No. 187' - City Clerk - re conference with members of Niagara Parks Car.~nission.
0RDEI[ED on the motion of Ald. '~vidale and Scott that the report boresolved and
The following Resolutions were passed:
No. 120 - SCOTT - GRII~TER - RESOLVED ~hat His Worship Mayor Hanniwell and the
City Clerk are hereby au~orized to sign a Consent to the construction of a house
of the approximate value of Four Thousand Dollars on Lot 69, Plan 25 on Valleyway;
and the Seal of the CorpOration be hereto affixed.
No. 121 - GRIRtS~Z~R - INGLIS - RESOLV~9 that the City Clerk be instructed to for-
ward a message of syn~athy to Miss Victoria Leslie upon the passing of her fatItem',
Mr. George Leslie; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. 122 - INGLIS - A.F.DONALD - RESOLVED that the City Clerk be instructed to for-
ward a message of sympathy to the family of the late Lieutenant Horace Overall,
who was killed during service with the Royal Air Force in England; and the Seal
of the Corporation be hereto affixed. ~'
' Carrie__d
Clerk .......... ; ............. ~
Council Chamber,
November 13, 1939..
The Finance Committee met on Lionday, ?Icyamber 13, 1939, for the purpose
of approvin~: and also of passing the various accounts :vhich had been P~perly cert-
ified and placed before them. All members of the Conm~ittee, vrith the exception of
Ald. ldcAninch, were present.
Sund~ accounts were approvod by the Co}mnittee, s~nounting to 939
The accounts submitted, being passed or othcnvise dealt with, were ord-
ered placed in the money By-law for Presentation to the Council, on the motion of
~d. Grimster and A.F. Donald.
The communication from the Junior O.il.A. Club, soliciting funds,
Presented. It was or:!ered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Crimstor that the
communication be received and a grant of Ten Dollars be made to the Club..
The con~rmnication from H.T. Yamieson & Company, she:Tin.Z the loss' to the
City as a result of Fauna Placements, was presented. It Was ordered on the motion
0f His Worship l~ayor Ifanniwell and Ald. A.F. Donald that the communication be rec-
eived and filed.
The comparative statement of Direct Relief Expenditures for the month of
October, was Presented. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Scott and. Twidale
~hat the statement be received and filed.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. ~vidale and Inglis that a grant of
~ve~ty Dollars towards the Publication of the booklet commemorating the T~enty-
first Anniversary of the Loc~ Council of Women, be ~de; and IIis Worship l,iayor Ilan-
dwell be asked to send a letter of aPPreciation to the Club for the excellent work
they have done in the past. .
The Co~mnittee adjourned on the
,R~d). A~) ADOFI~9, l~ovember 20,
dale and His Worship Mayer Hanni-
Chairman of Finance
..Council Chamber,
November 13, 1939.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the Finance Meeting, for the pu':-
po:e of passing the money By-law which covered the accounts approved by the Coramit-
t~e. i~ll members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. MeAninch, v~ere present.
The following By-law was passed:
No. 2848 -Ald. G:Donald - To Grant Monies for General hrposes.
1st reading -Ald. Scott and A.F. Donald.
2nd reading -Ald. Orimster and G. Donald.
3rd reading -Ald. Twidale and Scott.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Grimetot.
REA~ AlqD ADOHU~D, November ~0, 1939.
0ouncil Chamber,
November 13, 19~9.
The Council re-ass~ablod at the close of the regular Council and Finm~co
meetings for the purpose of holding a conference with theHydro-Electric Commission
of Niagara Fall~ and ~r.' LCaster of the Hydro-Electric Power Conmission of Ont-
ario, in order that the matter of an improved street lighting system for a portion
of Queen Street might be discussed. A1! members of the Committee, with the excep-
tion of Ald. MoAninCh, were present. ~
After discussion upon the matters presented, the Co~mni~tee adjourned.
READ AND AIDFEED, November .20, 1939.
Hoverebel' ~0, 1939.
Prusuan~ to a~journ:n~nt, the Council mot at 7.30 !:.m. to consifmr Centr-
al Business and Finance. All members of the Council, ~vith the
Ecfminch ~d Grimefor we:re present. Aldczuan T'vi.laic, h:r~in'f rcni"n~d fron
Council vms al.::o absent. The Council, havinZ received nnd fca3 4h~ ,.~iiuIs ,o of the
previous meeting, cueprod these on the motion of Ald. G. Donala and -;cobt.
Thc follo;vinIj Co-,~nunications were received:
No. 330 -Ald. C..'j.~D,';idale - tenderin[, resignation as mcmbzn, oC Council. OL ~,l [jD
on the motion of Aid. A.F.Dona!d anal 3cott that th~ co~mamication -,~ r~ccivod anu
filed, and the resignation be adopted.
No. 351 - 3ritish Liethodist Episcopal Church - invitation to attend jmniversary
dinner. ORDEilED on thc motion of Ald. InGlis and A..7. Donald that Zhc co:i~aunicat-
ion be received and filed, the invitation be accepted, and as many of the Council
as possible attend the celebration.
i'io. iff, U~2 L'i a-s .'a
- ,, ~ Peninsula Sanatorium Association - invituti,3n to at con,l
meeting. ORDk~ED on bhe motion of ~d. G. Donald and In[l!is that the co:r:'uniczRi
be received and Piled, the invitation be accepted, and as many of the Council as
possible attend the meeting.
No. 333 - lion. ]Eric Cro3s - ro proposed Bill re municipal elections. OF.,)L:iLD on
the motion of A~d. A.F. Dgnald and ~cott that the corlmmnication be received and
No. 334 - Niagara Falls Hortica!tural 3celery - requestflU] oem;~iss,ion be use Coun-
cil Chamber. O[nDERED on the motion of Aid'. InClis and A.F.bonald that the coi!~nun-
ication be received and filed, and the request be granted, subject to the usual
fee for the use of the Chamber.
No. 335 - N~ia[;ara Falls Pl~abcrs' Association - requesting no further licenoes for
out-of-term plumbers, OBDXMED on the r~tion of tld..Scott and A.F. Donsld that the
co~mumication be rcc~ived and filed; and the Association be advised that the Lic-
ensin~ By-law already takes care of the matter.
No. 336 - Niagara, St. Catharines &~ Toronto Railway - requesting penslesion to con-
tinue taBsent fares. ORDEY[XD on the motion of AlL A.F.Doaald and Scott that the
coramunication be received and filed, and the request be granted.
~he following ~epo~ was presented:
No. 188 - City Clerk - report on conference held on November 13, 1939.
cn the motion of Aid. G. Donald and Scott that the report be received and adopted.
~he following Resolutip~ was passed:
No. 123 - SCOTf - A..F.~0NALD - RESOLVED that the next meetix~Z of the Council be
scheduled to take place on Monday, November 27th, at 5.00 p.m.; and the Seal of
the Gotpotation be hereto affixed. ' '
The following By-law was na~ ssed:
2849 -Ald. O. Donald- To authorize the execution of ~ Deed.
let reading - tkli. Scott and In:Zlis.
End reading - luld. A.F.Donald and InZlis.
3rd Feading -Ald. inglis and Scott.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott and A.F,Donald.
READ ~fi{DADOPT~D, November 27, 1939.
Council Cha~aber,
November 20, 1959.
The Finance Col~mlittee met on Monday, November 20, 1939, for the pu~>ose
of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been ~roperly
certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee, vdth the excep-
tion of t~d. McA~i~ch and Grimster were present.
Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to $33,099.50.
The accounts submitted, being passed or otheF~jise dealt with, were ord-
ered placed in the money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the'motion of
AId. A.F.Donald and Scott.
The offer of t~lph liens7, to purchase'Lot 125, Plan 17, Orchard Avenue
for the sam of Seventy-~ive Dollars, ~ms presented. It was ordered on the motion
of ttis Worship Mayor H~tniwell and Aid. Scott that the offer be received and filed,
and Mr. Henry be notified that the Co~aittee is unable to accept the offer on the
conditions suggested, but would be pleased to sell the lot at the Drice, quoted for
the purpose of bui~llng thereo~, according to the usual conditions~ or would sell
the lot, nO building to be erected thereon, for the amount of the tax arrears
outstanding against the property. -~"
The offer of A.E. Stevens, to purchase the hose tower for the sum of
Forty Dollars, was presented. It was ordered .on the motion of His Worship Mayor
Hanniwell and Ald. Scott that the offer be received and laid on the table until
the next meeting; and that one insertion be placed in the Evening Review, asking
for tenders.on this building, the same to close at nool~ on Monday, November BTth.
~-.~ .. The offer of Harry COOp :t0;,!~dhase..1803 Main Street for $900.00 on a
five-year instullment u.lan, r/as 1; nesc~
- ~ ..... ~. Ib Was o_-!,gr~.~d
L'orship Mayor lianniwell and All. Scott ~hat the coF~aunication b9 r~c~ived and
~he offer be laid on the %able.
The offer of Charles Fozc, to purchuse d58 Fer 'uson Art!hue .D',_ :.h i:',:
bent lan, at the rata, of -b-O.90 per uonth until
' -.~ l, 19,L0 amj ~hcn
Donald that the con~.!unication be received anq " '~' '
i!led, the off,sr be ucc~.rLefi, 'sub-
ject to the coadibions as set fori;h rcCardin,~ the pay~:~ant of ta~j~s and 'vu r'i~l
addition to the instahlonts, and provi,lin~ L;r. Fox ~,~il make an
his wages for the amount of the installments as they becume due.
The estimate of the ~o.='b of Dir,,ct i{oljcf ?or O]b :_onth of
1939, v~as pre~-~entcd. It was ordered on the motion of ]ij s .,o:'ship [luyor ]ianni-
well and ~d. Scott that the estimate be received an~i filed.
The Revenue and l'];~cnditu~,e Staboment ~'oi' the ~:onth of 0etabeg, wuc
cubed. I[ was ordered ca the ::Dtion of ~d. Scott and A.F.Donald that the
ment be received and laid on the 'Lable.
The report of Lhc City Clerk, !D{'lardinj; car allowances fcf two cibv
ploy~es, was Pr--senbed. It was ordered '
ship Mayor Hanniwell bkab the repor~ be ~!~ ]{~j:D.~i~:~.~?~' All. ~n,.?_is an.!
-ecuz~ ed ~n.. ~-~lcd; uxq~ ~he verbal r~poft
of the City Clerk thab an additional Thirty Dollars be allowed to ouch of thsse
two employee~ as additional car allowance to the end of 1959, be adopted.
The Committee adjourned on the motion of Al~t. A.i,TM. Donald and scoLt.
RF~tD A/qD AD0i~q~D, November 29, 1959.
k~A ~
Chaii~nan of Finance
Council Ch~n~ber,
November ~0, 1939.
The Council re-assembled at the c~ose of the Finance Meeting, for the
purpose of passing the money By-law which covered the accounts approved by the
Committee. All members of the Comxcil, ~dth the
-Grimster, were present.
The followingBy-law was passed:
~!,~ ,
exception of Ald. NcAnineh and
N_9_o. 2.8.5q -Ald. G. Donald- To Grant Monies ~oI, General Purposes.
7-: · r
~st '~eading -Ald,. Scott and A.F,Donald. '-~
: 'iI
2nd reading -Ald. A, F. Donald and 'See Bt.
5rd rending -Ald. Scott and inglis.
Tile following Rcsolutiom were passed:
No. 124 - A.F. i)0!:~LD - jCOZT - REGOL'~ED that Ex-Al:]erman W.L.Wilt:inson be o:apow-
ered to present the resolutions of the City of i,/iaf;ar~ Falls at the executive
meetinq of the 0n~ario }.Mnicipal Associution on Thursday, l'iovember 23, 1939, in
the absence of i~ldorman A.F.Donald, an executive member; and the Seal of the Cor-
poration be hereto affixed.
No. 1;75 - O. DOIr'~D - INGLL: - REjOLVjD that a .qrant of vivc -'iuni2ed Dollars be
made by the City Council be the Red Cross Society of Nia~,Zara Falls, as assitnnce
in their 1939-1940 csjapaign; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Scott.
E~D A~D. Ai/0PTED, November 27, 1959.
Clerk Mayor
Council Chmnbor,
Nov~nbor 20, 1939.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Fin-
ante meetings for the purpose of holding a conference to discuss certain matters
which had been placed before them. All members of the Cor~l~ittee, with the excep-
tion of Ald. MeAninch and Grimster, were present.
After discussion upon the matters presented, the Committee adjourned.
READ AI~DADOPTPJ~, November 27, 1939.
Council Chamber,
November 2?, 1939.
Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 5.00 p.m. to consider Gen-
eral Business and Finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of
Ald. McAntnch, were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes
of the previous meeting, adopted 'these on the motion of Ald. Inglis and Scott.
The following Communications were received:
No. 337 - Minister of Municipal Affairs - re new regularions dealing with election.
ORDERED on the motl~ of AId. Scott and Grimster that the communication be rec-
eived and filed.
No. 338 - Minister of National Defence- acknowledging resolution re protection of
public utiliites. 0RDE~ED on the motfen of Ald. G. Donald and Scott that the com-
munication be received and filed.
No. 339 - Canadian Legion, Branch No. 51 - appreciation of assistance during Rem-
embrance Day observances. 0RDERED~ t~e motion of AId. Inglis and A.F. Donald
that the connnunication be received and filed.
No. 340 -Knights of Columbus - requesting permission to hold tag day on December
9th. 0RNERED on the motion ofAld. G. Donald and Inglis that the communie~tiou be
received, and permission to hold the tag day be granted.
No. 341 - Louis Chekeviez - requesting permission to use lot for parking on Dec~
ember llth to 14th. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Grimster and G. Donald that the
communication be received and the permission be granted.
No. 34~- - D'Arcy Cropp - requesting deed to Property and Permission to build on
lots on North Street. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Scott and Grimster that the
communication be received; that permission be granted to Mr. Cropp to build an
addition to his factory on the lots on North Street instead of on StanleyAvenue
as perposed originally; and that he be given the deeds to the Stanley Avenue lots
only when the building has been commenced.
The following Reports were presented:
~o. 189 - City Clerk - re eonferenee held on November ~0th. ORDERED oh the motion
of AId. G. Donald and Seott that the report be received and adopted.
~o. 190 - Chairman, Board of Review - recommending reduction in -m~ount of time to
be worked ~y relief resipients. (R~ on the motion of Ald. G~imster and lnglis
that-the 'repor~ be tensired and adopted.
No. 191 - City Clerk - re necessity for temperex7 investigator a~ Relief Depart-.
mont. C~I~ on the motion of AId. Gx~ns~er and Seot~ that the report be rec-
eived and the action be appxxed.
No. 19~ - Chairman of Finance - p~eeenting summax7 of finances fox, 1939. 0RD~
on the motion of AId. ~rfmstex, and Seo~t that ~he ~epo~ be received and filed.
.The follo~n~ Resolutions wex,e ~x~sented:
No. 126 - GRIIIS'r~ - HANNIP/ELL - I~{EI~AS thePrime Minister of the Province of
Ontario has declared that after Ianuary 1, ,1940s them will be no more I~_-ioipal
Elections for a period of two years, or the duration of the war;
AND WIi~S this is absolutely contrary to our civic liberties, our
rights and privileges, to elect municipal representatives for periods or terms
as the M-nicipal electorate may decide;
AND I~IEREAS the franchise of municipalities is the very foundations of
our present-day democracy; ~
ANDW~EAS this seems to be one of the outstanding issues of our munic-
ipal elections of 1939;
AND ~TKEPaAS the Council of the City of Niagara Falls stands firmly op-
posed to any infringement upon our priceless heritageof Freedom;
'I'H~L~FORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls,
on behalf of its sitizens; submits this vigorous protest to the Honourable Mit-
chell F.Hepburn, Prime Minister of the Province of Ontario, against such measures
or proposals as outlined by him during'the past few weeks;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this preamble and resolution be
forwarded to the Hencurable W.L.Houck, M.L.A., and to all municipalities in the
Province of Ontario, asking for their endcreation thereon; and the Seal of the
Corporation be heroto affixed.
After the presention of the above resolution, His Worship Mayor. ~nni-
well asked A~dermanA. W. Scott to take the Chair, in order to enable Mayortlanni-
well to second theResolution and toepeak to the same. Alde~n-n Scott was in the
Chair until after the Resolution had been discussed and voted upon.
No. 127 -A.F.DOHALD- G.R. INGLIS -RESOLVED that the Preamble and Resolution as
submitted by Alderman Grimstar be received and laid on the table until after the
vote of the Electors upon the Question; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
No. 128 - INGLIS -A.F.DONALD - RESOLVEDthat the next regular meeting of the Coun-
cil be scheduled to take place on Tuesday, December 5, 1959, at 5.00 p.m.; and the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
The following By-laws were passed:
Nq....~51 -Ald. G. Donald- To authorize the execution of an Agreement with the Nia-
gara~arks Co~m~ssion| and to repeal By-lawNumber284~.
1st reading - AId. ~rimSter and laglis.
~nd reading - A~d. A.F. Donald and Scott.
5~d reading - AIde Scott and ~.Donald..
No, 28~52 -Ald. O..Donald - To authorize the execution of an Agre~aent fOr Sale and
Deed. :.."~ ;. :
1st reading - AId. A.F. Denald and Grimstar.
~nd reading - AId. Sco~t and S.F.Denald.
5:d .reading -. AId. 'Gx~Amster and. Inglis.
No. 2853 - AId. G. Denald.- To G~an.~ .aid to b. Canadian Red Oxuss scolety.
3rd reading - AId. lnglis and Grimster.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimster.
READ AND ADOPA'~j~, Decamber 5, 1959.
Council Chamber,
November 27, 1939.
The Finance Committee met on Monday, November 27, 1959, for the purpose
of approviag and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cer-
tified and placed before them. All members of the Committee, with the exception
of Ald. MoAninch, were present.
Sundry accounts were appreved by the Committee, amounting to $252,662.28.
The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord-
ered placed in the money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of
Ald. Scott and A.F. Donald.
The offer from A.E.Stevens, to wreck the hose tower on Ferry Street, for
the sum of Forty Dollars, was presented. Inasmuch as no other tenders had been
received, it was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Hanniwell and AId.
A.F. Donald that the tender be awarded to Mr. Stevens, and he be notified that he
must assume all responsibility for the work, and lea~e the area in a satisfactory
The conmumieat~on from Mrs. B.L.Healey, re the payment of a water meter
account, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimstar and Scott
that the communication be received and filed.
The conanunication from Scott Major, requesting permission to erect a
0neThousand Dollar house on the lotpurehased from the City, ~s presented.
Was ordered on the motion of AId. Ssott and Grimstar that the communication be
received and Mr. Major be advised that he must live up to his Agreement for the
Purchase of the lot.
The Committee adjourned on the motion of Aid, Scott. and A.F.Denald.
READ AND ADOPA"SD, December 5, 1959.
Chairman of Finance
Council Chamber,
November 2?, 1959.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the Finance Meeting, for the
purpose of passing the money By-law which covered the accounts approved by the
Committee. All members of the Council, with the exception of AId. MeAninch, were
The following By-law was ~uassed:
No. 2854 -Ald. G.Donald - To Grant Monies for General Purposes.
1st reading - AId. A.F.Donald and Grimster.
end reading -Ald. Scott and A.F. Donald.
3x~l reading -Ald. Orimster and Scott.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Grimster and G. Do~8!d.
READANDADOPTED, December 5, 1939.
Council Chamber,
Decamber 5, 1938.
Pursuant to ~dJournment, the Council met at 5. O0 p.m. to consider General
Business and Finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Grim-
ster, were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the prev-
ious meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Scott and A.F.Donald.
The following Communications were received:
No. 343 - Yunior O.H.A. Hockey Club - thanks for grant from Council. ORDERED on the
motion of AId. A.~.Donald and Scott that the communication. be received and filed.
No. 344 - Ontario Municipal.Association _ enclosing copy of brief submitted to Gov-
ernment. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Scott and A.F.Donald that the communication
be received and filed, and the brief be kept available for the perusal of the Coun-
The followix~Reports were received:
No. 193 - City Clerk - re request of S.Mingle for leave of absence. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Scott and G. Donald that the report be received and filed, and the
request be granted.
No. 194 - City Engineer - re columns on McRae Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
G.Donald and MeAninch ~hat the report be received and the recommendation be adopted.
The following Resolution was passed:
No. 129 - A.F. DONALD- G.DONALD - RESOLV~ that the presentation of Alderman Grim-
ster,. dealing with the election moratorium plan as tentatively planned by the Pro.v-
lncial Government, be laid on the table until Alderman Grimster is present; and the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
AId. MeAninch suggested that a committee comprised of His Worship Mayor
Hanniwell, the City Engineer, the Mayor-elect and the Chairman of Finance should
contact officials of the North American Cyanamid Company to ascertain if some ac-
tion could be taken to eliminate the dust nuisance in the vicinity of their plant.
The Council adjourned on the motion of AId. A.F. Donald and Scott,
F~DANDADOPTED, December 11, 1939.
25 2
Council Chamber,
Decamber 5, 1939,
The Finance Committee met on Tuesday, December'5, 1959, for the purpose
of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee, with the excep-
_tion of/kid, Grimstar, were present.
Sundry accounts, amounting to $15,896,96, were aiDproved by the Comzaittee.
The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord-
ered placed in the money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of
Aid. A.F. Donald and IngZi$.
The report of the Relief Administrator, giving figures for the month of
November, 1939, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of*AId. Scott and
A.F.Donsld that the report be received and filed.
The report of the City Clerk, reconu~ending the purchase of a new type-
writer, was presented. ~t was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Hanni-
well and Aid. MeAninch tllat the repor~ be received and adopted.
The communication from the Hospital for Sick Children, making an appeal
~or assistance, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of His WorohipMayor
Hanniwell and Aid. Scott that the communication be received and laid on the table;
and a report be submitted at the next meeting by the Ohaiman of Finance and the
City Clerk upon the appeal.
The eonnnanication from BAr, and MrS, H,F.Woosmam, re hospital account
for Yohn Reynolds, was presented. It was ordered on the motion 'of Ald. Scott
and His Worship Mayor HannAwell that the communication be received and laid on
· the table, and the City Clerk'be requested to submit a report upon the request
at the next meeting.
The comparison of Tax Collections in the month of November, 1939, was
presented, It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Henniwell and Ald.
A.F.Donald that the statement be received and filed,
The Committee adjourned on the motion of His Worship Mayor HannAwell and Aid,
A, F. Denaid.
AND ADO~, Decamber 11, 1939,
Chatnnanof Ytnnnce
Council Clmmber,
December 5, 1959.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the FinanceMeeting, for the
purpose of passing the money By-law which covered the accounts appr~ved by the
Committee. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Grimster, were
The following By-lawwas passed~
N~o. 2855 - Aid. G. Donald- To grant monies for general purposes.
1st reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott.
2nd reading -Ald. Scott and Inglis.
3rd. rending - Aid. McAninch and Inglis.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Scott and A.F.Donald.
READ AND ADOPTED, Decamber 11, 1939.
Council Chamber,
December 11, 1959·
Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m· to consider 6on-
oral Business and Finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of
,Ald. MoAninch and Grimstar, were present. The Council, having received and read
the minutes of the previous mse. ting, 'adopted these on the motion of Ald. Scott
and G. Denald·
The following Communication ~as received:
No. 345 - Yo, mE Women's Christian Association - acknowledging grunt for 1939.
OItom~LED on the motion of AId. A.F. Denald and Scott that the communication be rec-
eived and filed.
The following Reports were received:
No. 195 - Dairy Inspector - report for month of November. ORDERED on the motion
'of AId. A.F. Danald and G. Denald that the repor~ be received and filed.
No. 196 - City Clerk - re sale of lot to Arnold R.Reavley. ORDERED on the mot-
ion ofAld. G. Denald and Scott that the report be received and the recommendation
be adopted.
The following Resolutions were passed:
No. 130 - INGLIS - O. DONALD -RESOLv,:,.that the presentation of Alderman Grim-
star, dealing with the election moratorium plan as tentatively planned by the
Provincial Covernment, be laid on the table for consideration by the 1940 Coun-
cil; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. 131 - INGLIS - A.F.DONALD - RESOLVED that the City Clerk be instructed to
forward a message to Alderman T.N.Grimster, extending the good wishes of the Coun-
cil for his speedy recovery, and expressing the hope that he will soon be able
to return to the Council meetings; and the Seal of the Corpox~xtion be hereto
The Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Scott and A.F.Donald.
READ AND ADOFA'mD, December 18, 1959.
Council Chamber,
December 11, 1939.
The Finance Committee met on Monday, December 11, 1939, for the purpose
of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cer-
tified end placed before them, All members of the Committee, with the exception
of Ald. Grimstar and MoAninch, were present.
Sundry accounts, amounting to $89,550.59, were approved by the Committee.
The s~counts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord-
ered placed in the money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of
His Worship Mayor Henniwell end Aid. Inglis.
The communication from Mr. H.F.Woosnam, re hospital maintenance for
· oha Reynolds, which had been laid over from the previous meeting; an~ the report
of the City Clerk thereon, were presented. It was ordered on the motion of His
Worship Mayor Hanniwell and Aid. Scott that the communication be received and
filed, and the report be received and the recommendation be sdopted.
The communication from the Hospital of Sick Children, requesting assist-
ante, and the report of the City Clerk as to admissions to the Hospital from this
City, were presented. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Inglis and A.F. DONAld
that the communication and report be received and filed, and the matter be ref-
erred for consideration with the 1940 Budget~
The communication from the Canadian Mothercraft Society, requesting a
contribution, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor
Hanniwell and Ald. Scott that the communication be received and filed.
The report of the City Clerk, recommending the purchase of a Burroughs
Adding Machine, was presented· It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor
Hanniwell and AId. Scott that the report be received and the recommendation be
adopted. '
The communication from Nlagar~ Fruit Distilleries Limited, making offer
to purchase the Welland Avenue Building for $7,500.00, end requesting an option
for six months for $250.00, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald.
Inglis and His Worship MaYor Hanntwell that the communication be received and
the City Clerk be instructed to negotiate further with the Company in an effort
to arrive at a more satisfactory offer, and also to obtain further information
concerning the Company and its proposed activities.
The comparative statement of direct relief for the month of November,
was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Scott and His Worship Mayor
Hanniwell that the statement be received and filed.
The Committee adjourned on the motion of His Worship Mayor Hanniwell and AId. A.
F. Denald.
RFADANDADOpX'ED, Dece~nber 18, 1959.
Clerk *""'**
Chairman of Flnange
Council Chmnber,
December 11, 1939.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the Finance Meeting, for the
~urpose of passing the money By-law which covered the accounts approved by the
Co~n~tttee. All members of the Councils with the exception of/lId. Grimstar and
MoAninch, were present.
The following By-law was passed:
No. 28~,6 - Aid. G. Donald- To Grant Monies for General Purposes.
1st reading- Aid. A.F.Donald and Scott.
2nd reading - Aid. Scott and G. Doneld.-
3rd reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and Inglis.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. G. Donald and Scott.
HEAD ANDADOPTED, December 18, 1959.
Clerk Mayor
Council Chamber,
December 18, 1939.
P~rsuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. to consider Gen-
eral Business and Finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald.
Grimster and McAninch, were present. The Council, having received and read the
minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and
The following Communications were received:
No. 346 - Department of Finance - re National Housing Act and building to take
place. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. G. Donald and Scott'.that the communication
be received and filed.
No. 347 - Local Council of Women - appreciation of donation. ORDERED on the mot-
ion of Ald. A.F.Denald and Scott that the communication be received and filed.
No. 348 - Hermes Club - requesting permission to use swimming pool building and
water. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Ing]is and G.Donald that the conununication
be received, and permission for the use of the building and vater be granted.
No. 349 - County Clerk, Welland - report of special Gaol Committee re work on
buildings. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Inglis and Scott that the communication
be received, and the representative of the City of the Committee, Aid. G. Donald,
be instructed to submit a report thereon.
No. 350 - City of Winnipeg - resolution protesting against action of Russia ng-
ainst Finalnd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G:Donald and Inglis that the comm-
unication be received and laid on the tabl~ until the next meeting; and a copy of
the same be forwarded to the members of the Council.
No. 351 - Niagara Falls Clearing House Association
No. 352 - Niagara Falls Business Men's Association - requesting that Boxing Day
be proclaimed civic holiday. 01~EREI) on the motion of Aid. Scott and A.F.Donald
that the conmunications be received and the reques~ be granted.
SEEalso ResolutionTo. 132
The following Resolutions were passed:
No. 152 - SC0~[T - A.F.DONALD - RESOLVED that Boxing Day, December 26, 1959, be
proclaimed a municipal holiday; and all civic buildings be closed on that date;
and the Seal of the Corporation be herQto affixed.
No, 153 - INGLIS - A.F. DONALD-RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the
Council be' scheduled to take place on Wednesday, December 27th, at 5.00 p.m; and
the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed,
No. 134 - INGLIS - A.F. DONALD - RESOLVED that a letter be sent from the City Coun-
cil to Wing Commander Iack Griffiths, congratulating him upon his recant award
of the Distinguished Flying 0ross; and the Seal of the Corporation be.hereto af-
fixed, ·
Aid. Inglis requested that the City Clerk compfie a list of all men
from the City of Niagara Falls who have Jointed the active forces for service
overseas, in order that a record may be prepared and plac~d in a conspicuous
place for the information of the public. Aid. Inglis also suggested that con-
sideration be given to the presentation of some.small gift from the City to
the men who leave for overseas, in appreciation of their service.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Scott and A.F. Donald.
READ ANDADOPTED, December 27, 1939.
if it would be possible to have their fiscal year end at the same time as other
City boards, namely December 31st.
The Revenue and Expenditure statement as of November 30, 1939, was
presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott that the
statement-be received and filed.
It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Scott and Inglis that a donation
of $200.O0.be made to the Mayor's Christmas Fund.
The Committee adjourned on the motion of Aid. A.F. Donald and Scott.
I~ANDADOpTED, December 27, 1939.
Council Chamber,
December 18, 1939.
The Finance Committee met on Monday, December 18, 1939, for the purpose
of appreving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly-
certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee, with the .excep-
tion of Aid. Grimstar.and MeAninch, were 1 resent.
Sundry accounts, amounting to. $17,876.99, were approved by the Com-
The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwiese dealt with, were
ordered placed in the money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the mdt-
ion of Aid, A.F. Donald and His WorshipMayor Hnnniwell.
The conm~nication from the City Treasurer, enclosing a circular letter
to be sent re prepayment of taxes, was prasent~d. It was ordered on the motion
of HisWorship Mayor Hanniwell andAid. A.F.Denald that the communication be
received and the action be approved.
The report of the City Clerk, with reference to funeral expenses for
a veteran who died while employed as a guard, w~s presented. It was ordered
on the motion of Aid. Scott and Inglis that the report be feesired and the'~lez~
be instructed to receive payment for the cemetery lot..
The repox~ of the City Clerk, re the estimated cost of relief for Dec-
ember, ~s presented. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Hanni-
welland Aid. A.F. Donald that the repox~.be:reoeived and filed. - ~
The repor~ of H.T.Iemieson & Company, Audi. tors, re The Children's Aid
Soelet~., for the ~ear ending Ma~sh 31, 1939,. was presented. It was ordered on
of ,,ersh,p or.Manm,,., and Aid. t .t r.po:
red and filed, and the 'Ole~;~!.h~]~ted'to asoex~ain frem ~ho society
Chairman of Finance
Council Chamber,
Decanber 1S, 1939.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the Finance Meeting, for the
purpose of passing the money By-law which covered the accounts approved by the
Committee. All members of the Council, with the exception of Aid. Grimstar and
MeAninch, were present.
The'followin~ By-l~wwas passe~:
NO.; 2~57 -Aid. O. Donald- To Grant Monies for ~eneral Purposes.
let reading - Aid. A.F.Donald and Ssott.
$nd reading - Aid. Scott .and G. Donald.
3rd reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and G. Donald.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Scott and A.F.Donald.
260 .-
Council Chamber,
~'.-December 27, 1939.
Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 5.00 p.m. to consider Gen-
eral Business and Finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of
Aid. Grimerefund MeAninch, were present. The Council, tmviing received and read
the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid. A.F. DOn-
aid and Scott.-
Laid over from previous meeting:
No. 350 - City of Winnipeg - resolution protesting against action of Russia ag-
ainst Finland. 0R~r~l) on the motion of Aid. G. Donald and Inglis that the
munication be filed and the resolution be endorsed.
The following Communications were rqceived:
No. 383 - Yo,,.8 Men's OhristianMsoclation - appreciation of grant made by Coun-
cil. ORDEREl) on the motion ofAld. A.F. Donald and C. Donald that the communicat-
ion be received and filed.
No. 354 - Boa rd of Education - suggesting Committee to discuss new Gymansium and
Assembly Hall building. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. G. Donald and Scott that
the commAmication be received and laid on the tabl~ for consideration by the 1940
No. 355 - Niagara Parks Commission -'enclosing mended draft agreement re maint-
enance of River Road. 0Fd)ERED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Inglis that the
communication be received end laid on the table for consideration by the 1940
Council; that copies of ~be original draft agreen~nt and the one proposed by the
Niagara Parks Connission be forwarded to the Council; end the opinion of the City
Solicitor beobtained upon the proposed changes.
The folio_wing Resolution was passed:
No. 155 - G. DONALD- INGLIS - RESOLVED that a Cozzuittee consisting of His Worship
Mayor Hanniwell, Mayor-elect G.R. lnglis, Aldexman G. Donald, Chairman of Finance
and the City Clerk be appointed to interview Inspector Chris F.Mrey of the Prov-
incial Police with reference to the dismissal of certain guards from the Hydro
Canal Guard, and endearour to obtain information as to the reasons for these dis-
missals; end that the Committee be given power to act in this connection and that
they report hack to 'the Council as to their findings; and the. Seal of'the Octpox~-
ation be hereto affixed.
. ' ' Carried
M~or Hanniwell thanked the Council for the oo-opelmtion which had been
extended to h~m during the time when he.had bees Alderman and Me~or, and extended
hast wishes to the Council for 1940. All members of the Council who were piesent
replied to Ma~or Hallniwell end expressed their pleasure in having worked with him
end their x~Srat that he was retiring from the Council Board. Mr. 0rr, the City
Clerk, e;~ressed his appreniation end that of the City staffs for the eo-operat-
· ion and assis~anee which had been 81van '~b~ Him[ Woieh~.p the i~.ox' and all members
of the Council. ' ' . ' ,' ~ ' , 'U ~;'~ :j;~!:~!~i%~ [::~:· ' ·: ' · ::: ' ,- ,.:
::"' ':; ` :.-:"',.. ,.;.; ,:
The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Scott and A.F.Donald.
READ AND ADOPTED, ;annsty 2, 1946.
Council Chamber,
December 27, 1939.
The Finance Committee met on Wednesday, December 27, 1939, for the pur-
pose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee, with the excep-
tion ofAld. Grimster and McAninch, were present.
Sandry accoents,,emounting to $3,670.52, were appreved by the Committee.
The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord-
ered placed in the money By-law for presentatio~ to the Council, on the motion of
Ald. A.F. Donald and Scott.
A communication from Mortimer, Bampfield & Company, with reference to
the expiration of the Compensation Insurance Policy, was presented. It was ord-
ered on the motion of Aid. A.F. Donald and Scott that the communication be rec-
eived end filed, and the policy be renewed with Messrs. Mortimer, Bampfield & Com-
pany and the Union Insurance Society of Canton.
The report of the City Clerk, re the end of the fiscal year for the
Children's Aid Society, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Scott
and His Worship MaYor Hanniwell that the report be received and filed.
The report of the City Clerk, re the grant to the Niagara Falls General
Hospital for the year 1939, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of His
Worship Mayor Haaniwell undAld. Scott that the report be received and a grant
be mde to the Hospital on'the same hasis as in 1938, the same to amount to $1,746.
The Committee adjourned on the motion of AId. Scott and A. F.Donald.
I~ANDADOPTED, ~anuary ~, 1940.
Chairman of Finenee
"~ Council Chamber,
~ Decamber 27, 1939.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the Finance Committee meeting,
Tot the purpose of passing the money By-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Committee. All members of the. Council, with.the exception of Ald. Grim-
ster and MoAninch, were present.
The followingBy-law wass passed:
2858 -Ald. G. Donald- To Grant Monies' for General Purposes.
1st reading -Ald. Scott and A.F. Donald.
2nd reading - Aid. A.F. Donald and Scott.
3rd reading -Ald. Inglis and A.F. Donald.
The Coanotl adjourned ont~e motion of Ald. Scott and Inglts.
I~ANDADOFA'ED, ~anuary 2, 1940.