Council Ch&mber,
25th August,1952.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approv!!l
by the Committee. All members of the Council were present with the exception
Ald. Donald.
The fo.llowing By-law was passed;
No. ~8~Q - To provide monies for general purposes.
Ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and M~ers that Ald. Jolley b~
given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first
time. - Carried.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that
~ale 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the
by-law be read the second time. - Carried.
Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and Mowers - Carried.
The Council adjourned on the motion of AId. McKinley and Logan.
READ AND ADOPTED, 9th September,1952.
Clerk ' '~' , L ~ · J~or.
September, for
Council, havmng recejve~
these on the motfen
Mr. Charles Gannett Preside. nt of ~o q~
Association was Permitted to'a]dr~s~; Counc~'~l[',,'~'_
at the last C~cml m~.etxn~ ~h t the Assoczat~on were br'in- to
this is not the intention of the Association. ~1,
In referri~ to Co~,~nication N~er 219,
paragraph in ~hich the Association requests the issuance
to residents & the mnicipality and members in good stan~inE in
be deleted, as he ~e.s not in fayour of this request, that. the j~cr-tarv
included this paragraph ~thout big knowledge.
Ald. NcK~ley advised f~r. Ua~ctr, H~t the r~,.~
co~icatien, upon which hi7 si~nstur~ ap~ear~ a~
bet paragraph oittsd, places tie Co~2c~3~.. ~ X
sideration to the Assoc!~U6n, s reXunst ~or a b---is:.:
Iicences to control the nur:':,:r o~ v~h~cl.~, in Z' ~"*'~-' '~
that the c~nunicatirn from 'To ?.st:co~ t~n be h~
be r~quested to have the ce~i,ic~,t~ c~ ~ex.,T~j-n ~=ir-: ~.
are in agreement as to th., i:uk,,:~ ~nc~ ~'i _' ....
ar , Aid. Jo~!ey stattd thnt hT- couldn't u[jl;f.~'-[..[(~,,ff.].(~f.
it n r u]
.~j~g to gamn an~ refe~r.ed tc. %:0 ~oin~z."'~TVi
uncil ~es not hcenc~. brick layers, thc;n ::by sh,r-u] ] t;Y,/['~.:ij
a ' ld. Mowers stated that ~bin. Cour,~ Hq we'
. ken by ~ta~ord in thir rT, tter ~nc' th~ :,~.-'
Falls Cmty Co~cll would only a~d con~uzicy~ be the ls2['j.'
Aid. McKi~ey then ~tatet~ that he L-!,hed it
governed by the actions of Sta~ord Tm.m:bl~. 3c.mci! at any time.
SZZ Communication Zc,.
~_~,~ ,:it :/c~,t,l.~$__t
In co~ection ~th C~cati~n ~io. 2] ~, Mr. 2j~.mr] Simon was ~.Tr-
~tted to address Council, on the r:,o~ior~ oF AlJ. Mowers and Jell%-. H,~ aJvised
that the prer~dses fo~erly used as a bu,,: terinal on ~ri,'j: S~rc~t :.ill b,~ r,mtcd
and desired to obtain Council~s favorable consideration to siDehating th~ bus
stand for three vehicles and risking prodsion for one bus stand
T~nders had been called for the installation of a steam heating system
for the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena and on the motion of Ald. ~,b~er$ ~n~ Mac-
Do~ld it was ordered that [hi, tenders received bo opened, initial!cd b~ His
Worship the ~yor and tabulated. It was further ordered that the tenders be
referred to the F~ance Coattee for consideration.
53 i
Tenders had also been called for the supply of an automobile for tho
Public Health Nurse and on the motion of Ald. Mowers and ~cDonald it was
ordered that the tenders received, be opened, initialled by His Worship the
Mayor and tabulated. It was further ordered on the motion of Ald. M~ers and
Logan that the tenders be referred to the Finance Co~dttee for consideration.
-Ald. Inglis arrived at the meeting -
The folloxWlnE Com~-mmications were presented;
No. 211 - Bell Telephone Company - requesting permission to place two poles.
OARDEED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Logan that the communication be
received and filed and the request granted.
SEE Report No.l~
SEE %y-Law
Ald. Mowers called attention to the condition of the trees on Morrison Stre.~t
whose branches have been cut at a right-angle V to accommodate the telephone
lines thus creating an unsightly condition and suggested that the condition was
reaching the point where either the wires or the trees would have to be remove
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Logan that this matter be referred to
the City Manager to present a report after consultation with the management of
the Local Hydro and Bell Telephone Company.
No. 212 - Perini-Walsh - re proposed sewer shaft in vicinity of Valleyway and
Stanley Avenue. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. Jolley and MacDonald that the
communication be received and request granted and the Ontario Municipal Board
be requested to grant tentative approval of this expenditure.
At this point the City Manager referred to previous requests from the
H.E.P.C. of Ontario for permission to drill concreting holes in two sections
of the Cemetery, the one being in the northerly portion, the other being in the
southerly portion and requested Council's favourable consideration so that Hydr0
might proceed with this phase of the work and following discussion it was
ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that permission be granted for
the drilling of the two holes in the locations mentioned but that the matter of
the access road to the hole in the southerly portion be left in abeyance for
further consideration.
No. 213 - Sheraton Hotels, Limited - requesting connection of Fire Alarm System
of Fox Bead Hotel to City Fire Alarm System. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Mowers and McKinley that the communication be received and the request granted.
(Ald. Logan-contrary).
SEE Repor~
No. 21~ - Chamber of Commerce - Amalgamation. Ordered on the motion of Ald.
Logan and Jolley that 'the Communication be received, acknowledged and laid on
the table.
No. Z15 - City Clerk, St.Catharines - resolution re Civil Defence costs.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Inglis and MacDpnald that the communication be
received and filed. (Ald. McKinley-contrary). Previous to this motion, the
City Manager spoke of entering into a satisfactory agreement with Federal
Authoriti~s and not to tie them down as having to go along with the first
proposition put forth by the Federal Govermaent and Ald. McKinley sugj~.,t.~i
that a resolution be drafted accordingly, not to go into detail, suggesting
that the Provincial Government enter into any necessary agreement with the
Federal Government for the benefit of the Province as a whole, that we should
intimate to the Government that we are going to give them some support, to
display our co-operation. Ald. Inglis felt that no action should be taken
with reference ~o the resolution of St. Catharines by this Council, the matter
should be left in the hands of the major government.
No. 216 -Edward J. Simon _ r,~ ~1,~-t l~ -
Bridge ....
D o th
Traffic Coattee for report an.d ~" '"
Three coanicati~n:~ n,~i li~tcd on ~T~- L' ~ 5.%
the motion of AId. McKinley an,~ N.-cDon,q~. = ' -l
No. 217 - ~ass Laura Hyat[ _ tra~Fi ..... oL]
Logan and Jolley that the co,m.-~V~-f~ ~ ...... ' '"' - 'r~
~g%of the. Traffic Co~ttee and't~,~':'~'~t~c?_~"~:~jiv .' ~..
t scertaln what traffic l~.h~,. a ~ ~-i '~" ~ ' :~ L: ' ~;'
stu~ the condition e~tin,~ at th~ co~-~,~r ' .... '
Avenue and ascertain whe~h,~r traffic lijhts c;~'. ', -
(This was later l~ithd~a~l) ' 't ~
In connection wiLh t.L,~ traffic s'tua~ L~: , '~lj. ~:L~q,O'.a~ '. r f-.:..,
the hazard e~sting at the co:~:~r, of 3hc~. 2~:..-, t ':hi Vitro?',
~s of the ophion that somethia~ shou!2 b~ 77~ b,~fsr. ri aL,:i~
Ald. Mowers referred to the Cac~ tktd. },v~7 '-r:'i..~ -_... u~:~j
Avenue. He also referred to t~;o bus z~c2_:; !~t.:,, i:: ~:"cng
the west side of Victoria Ave. at 5irnso.~ ~ "
a bus stop should be located a[ the a:out~_.-~..~ ....... :'
also at the north-eas~ corner. ..... ?orn~, Lf '.~2=~.?.-L,~
Ald. Inglis referred to the condLLic~ at Cul~ -~::~ ~i=.~,~
if the Traffic By-laws were elL~O~Ce.:i it v:o=!~ no[ b-. :b~:c-~,=
of the City and then consideration be gi'~er, to L~,7.=~ ts ex~t~L-
comers. Ald. Inglis was in Fayour of the siLua~i.*,n beln c>a~ .... -C~. ~rLjcu~nr
Ald. Logan ~s of th~ opinion that the vol~e o~ t~afC~
warrant traffic lights on a highw~.y, a;ht b? w-~ry 'iiffe~a, nt in the, City.
The City Manager referred to his report, n~mbe,~ 165, p~'csented on
August 5th, 1952 and stated that since ~esentlng tkia ~eport
hform~ion from the Department of Highways showiz~ traffic count~
~o warran~ installation of lights and retues~ed that he b.~ given a~thc','ity
to obtain a traffic count at the intera,~ction of Shco,~ an,~ Victoria, in ol',ler
that a better idea agh~ be obtained as t9 w}l~t the t~afFic s![-ua~!,m ia at
that poht. --
No. 218 - Canadian National Lxpress Aa~nt - re parkin-J in bus portion on f~rk
Street to make deliveries. OP~DERED on the metion of Ald. Mow! rs and NacDonI~Id
that the commullication be received and they be advise~ that Council cannot jrant
Permission to park at any tLme in authorized bu:; stops.
No. 219 - Dump Truck Association . outlining aims and objects of Association,
in connection with their reque:~t For a by-law for City Cartage Licenoes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Logan that the communication be
received and filed.
SE De'~utations
SE aei,ort .'!o.170.
.. Z:
The following Reports were presented;
No. 187 - City Manager - re request of Bell Telephone Company. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. McKinley and Logan that the report be received and adopted.
SEE By-law No.~852
No. 188 -,City Manager . re communication from Perini-Walsh offering to
construct shaft for storm water sewer at Valleyway and Hydro Tunnel. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Jolley and MacDonald that the report be received and
No. 189 - City Manager ~ request of Sheraton Hotels, Ltd. for connection of
Fire Alarm System. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that
the report be received and adopted. (Ald. Logan-contrary).
No. 190 - City Manager - request of [hump Truck Owners. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. MacDonald and Logan that the report be received and adopted.
No. 191 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. MacDonald and Mowers that the report be received and adopted
and licences issued accordingly.
No. 192 - Traffic Committee - recommend. establishment of no parking on east
side of Grey Avenue from Peer Street to Robinson Street. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Jolley and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted.
SEE PetitionNo.28.
The followi:~ Petition was presented;
No. 28 - J. Salfi and two others -. requesting elimination of parking, east side
of Grey Street from Peer Street to Robinson Street. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Jolley and MacDonald that the petition be received and the request granted.
SEE Report No.192.
Ald. M,~rs enquired as to whether a flusher had been acquired by the
Hydro for abatement of the dust nuisance and the City Manager that he had been
in touch with Mr. Mitchell, Project Manager regarding condition on Allen Avenue
and had been advised that this matter was taken up with Raynet-Atlas and if the
condition happens again, we have been requested to advise them. With regard to
a fluSher, the City Manager advised that no action had been taken. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. Inglis and Jolley that this matter be referred to the Chair-
man of Equipment and the City Manager.
At this point, Ald. McKinley referred to the condition existing on
Park Street caused by Scobie's Transports and the Mayor advised that he would
take care of this matter.
Ald. Inglis referred to the applications for the position of Assistant
City Engineer and was of the opinion that this matter should be expedited as
soon as possible. The City Manager advised of his attempts to procure the
names of possible prospects.
The following By-laws were passed;
No. ~8~1 - To Amend By-law Number 3790, for the regulation of traffic.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and M~ers that Ald.
Jolley be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be
re~d the first time. - Carried.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and MacDonald that Rule
36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-lm~
be read the second time. - Carried.
Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and Mowers - Carried.
No. ~352 - To provide Pemlis~dcn to Dell T,~lef. hon_ 2~ u ~n- '~ = Z _J~ ~ ~
Welland Avenue and 1 ~ole on Uuc'. ]%, ;.w .... . ~ ~ -'.' '..
It was ordered
the first time.. Caroled.
It was ordered
(2) of the Standin,
given the second rc, ad~n~.
Third Reading . A!~.
Ald. inglis ref,'rred +o tr'e '~ b e~' · ·
a~ch longer Victoria Av~Zue "oul~ b' :~' "lu~:~:'''''" C ,. rough the constench/on ~b~er~a,- b'~
wsed of th~ ,~orl. being 'Wne
as the si-Wwa]!-: is ccnc-rn-~,
of the rock excav&ti:,n n,,cf.:.:,~,. He
advisable to eli~jtnte pa-~,q-
bu~ this action wcuT.,~ ~'on!~lizr Lh,- -~, ::h:.nt.s '. .~ '* " '.' ' ;. :"
is ~provinE,
Ald. in5].is also r,"er.%d to t!:,, tr:.7%,.. bl.. '. ,.k
caused by trucks parkLn5 at right anjles wh ~:... w~r',.:
The City ~nager advised that the My/to ar.~ at ~r'-:~nt '
Ald. M~,.'ers referred to th,-~ s~oedwaw new e'r:%j:, cn 7'?' "" , ~t '
~ the continuation of the southern lan- be' ~;e,m 'r~Zjv~.-~.~
referred to the fact tha~'a ch~l~ hz'l bi,,n ']m'ov]r:"
of the Traffic sy-la , and th~ .....
assist the Police Department. · ..... , :b two or thr..: .n ,r.- '~.o~' .~ion/~..h2.~[''
It was agreed that the Ci~,, ~nager would ta'..e tLl~ matter up :'.~th
Chaimn of the Traffic Cont~tge.." "
The Council adJourne,1 to F~mnce r. Yeeti~ on the met bn c~ Aid. Lo,Zarn a:'?, rYo;...~rs.
READ ARgO ADOPTED, 15th September,1952.
Council Chamber,
8th September,1952.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 8th September, 1952 for the purpc ,:
of approving and also passing the various accounts ~,~ich had been properly certi~i::2
and placed before them. All members of the Committ>ee were present with the exc.%b-
tion of Ald. Donald.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $91,521.75 were approved by the Com-
The Accounts submitted being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the
moteion of Ald. Logan and M~ers.
The City I~mnager's report, laid over from the previous, wit}] reference
to the sale of steam by the Canadian Shredded P~eat Company for the heating
of the Memorial Arena, was again presented, along with a further report of the
City Manager regarding the price paid for steam in other municipalities.
ORDERED on the motion of His Worship the I.~yor and Ald. McKinley that the
reports be received and adopted and an agreement be entered into with the
Shredded ~eat Company. (Ald. Inglis - contrary).
SEE By-Law ~o.~
A comxamication from George Sawyer outlining the awards made during
the Swimming Meet on August 28th, an8 requesting a monetary contribution to
provide prizes for the victors, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that an amount of $42.30 be providel ~or
the partic]~ants acquiring first, second and third places. It was also suggested
that City Clerk take steps to have the medals on hand at the time of the present-
ation of prizes, next year.
The application of the Ukrainian Greek Orthodox Church for a permit
to erect a church on the east side of Sylvia Place on Part of Lot 2, at an
estimated cost of $20,000. was presented for consideration, along ~th a repor~
of the City Manager. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Mc-
Kinley that the report be received and adopted and the permit issued.
The application of Albert St. Angelo for a permit to erect a building
to be used as a dry cleaning establishment at the rear of the premises at 1620
StanleyAvenue, at an estimated cost of $4,000. was presented for consideration,
along with a report of the City Manager. It was ordered on the motion of ~yor
Hawkins and Ald. McKinley that the report ~e received and adopted and the permit
The application of Ingham and Smith for a permit to erect an addition
to the Valley Way School for the Board of Education at an estimated cost of
$79,000~ was presente~ for consideration, along with a report of the City
Manager. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Mayor Hawkins
that the report be received and adopted and the permit issued.
The application of M. Chikie for a permit to erect an addition and
make alterations to the building at 683 Welland Avenue, the building to be
conver~ed into eight apartments, at an estimated cost of $25,000. was presented
for con~.idcration. z!z~j ~.th ~ r?l-~rt, ~ ~- City ~'~n~Zer. It. ~s ordpred
on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Logan that the repo~t be received and
adopted and the permit issued.
The application of N. R. Malloch for a permit to construct a new
store at the south-east coruer of Queen St. and St. Lawrence Ave. at an
estimated cost of $15,000. was presented for consideration, along with the
report of the City Manager. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley
and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted and the permit issued.
A communication from Ambrogio GorgeDie advising of inability to
proceed with the construction of a dwelling at Lot 170, Plan 6, Hickson Avenue
and requ~,-t~.n,
-~ P~u~Z3 :ion to r ~.- !, ,..
for consideration. C]D[",'<ED c ~ . .~ iii !o~ ~nt.:
request b~ grant,~ Per ~ .... ". · .-r. ,?f .'.] . '~ ~' 7 '. ll
An o2fep Pecr,~vc T Frohl ?l]'~ ~ .~-.] ,_ ,
Avenue for the su~. o~ '~2~ ""~:' ~:' "n' j '2' .... ~ ~ x ' '- i : -
Dorothy ~.J2Ze~t, YFrran?ge~,:~'r"",~t.~'. _ ..,-,1 oft -- ,,~ , .. .+
~f nm~ Worship the i'~'or r~nl ~i" '~2'i Lo th,-, i?~% ~=- :.i ~- '.
.he Clty ~hnager ~~ni~d C" . · --,'ninl.~,~- th~ .; 'j. "' ' " -" =:
Ci~lian Deftnee ':7 ' ~ ~ur,_~: at ", ;.,~,/,j i~: ," ~".':'n-:: '-
The City Man~.r.e~ >r.~u,~,. ,. ~ ~.~ ,.~ .
total estlf~ted exp~ndi~urei ~ ~ ,r~r ct:.:U Co~.., ~ . ': '
rot the considepatign o~ fh~ a~!' th: ',:l'liLiona3 5.'~L ~ ':; :;rt' :-- ..~
and gcDonald tN~t th~ ~.~.e :,';i.t.-.=.cnn ::'%5 .., ::". j::
the Ontario Mur, i~jra1 So:~Or~o' V 5u~n rS.. b. r, ~"v ' ~,, "t, ,~, '~ :C ~. f.; ~-
A co~arison of taz collqctionr- to Au 'urn. ~ :~ n~, ~ ~"
consideration. 0 DS2 D on th~ ~ot~on ~r AId. ~,:,.... r%~'~ '/~"~h'~ ~= r.
The City :'~nag,ar'z report
an ~ditional ta~ For gasoline at fhF, Cit~ r.n~<q-~-i::'X,.a to J, 'u~r, ~riz..: ~cr
0~EED on the motion of Ald. McK~Icy and
and ~opted. (This resolution wzs defeate-~)~hc~?nald the'. th,-r-; ~.r~
~ · ~n amen,.h.mt by AI L
seconded by ~ld. Logan that the matte~ be r,~gerrc,! to the Ch~.~rmn of tb, U, iui~-
merit Co~ttee and the City Manager to artira a~ a s,~tt:fac~o-.
E~ey, ~cDonald and the ~yor. '-,
T~e City ~'~nager's report requesti~ Po~ission to obtain fr~c~:
stoker for t~e boiler at the Filtration Plant.
was Prcsentf:d for consideration.
0RDEED on t~e motion of Ald. McKinley and ~'~cDonsL~ that the matter b'~ r~fcrrc]
to the Chai~n of the Equipment Co~!t~e and the City I'hna,jer to arrive at a
satisfactory solution.
The tenders received for the instaXation o~ s~eam heating system for
the ~iagara Falls Memorial Arena. n~err,ed to the Finance MeetimZ for
ation. were Presented at this tL~e. ORDEED on the mo~don of AL-L Lc3an
McKinley ~hat the tender of E. S. Fox Pl~bi~,d an~ H.~ati~g Li~teL
Ontario. the l~est tender. at
. 7.00 for the s~p~, an~ in.~a!lrtio~.
all e~ipment mentioned in t~e sPccFications, i~c]_u~ing the install.~i,x~ ,~
Will 'or ~rsnt or other approve~ conduit, subject t,o an increase o~ ~5~. or
decrease of $4~. dependi~ on the type of conduit uced., be accept.~,~.
the meters of Council.
The tenders for the supply of an automobile for the i~blic Health ITurse
referred to the Fhance Coattee, were presente4 at this t~mc for
0RDEED on the motion of A].d. Lo.~an ana r'~.= .... ~ ~
~975. be accepted.
The Committe~ arose and re'potted to Council on the motion oF Ald. kc..
READ AND ADOPTED# 15th September
CouncU_ I[c~tin~
Council Chamber,
3th September,1952.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-lawv&ich covered the accounts approv=.d
by the Committee and also the by-law to authorize the signing of an agreement wit!:
the Canadian Shredded V~heat Company, Liaited for the supply of steam for heating
purposes at the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena. All members of the Council were
present, with the exception of Ald. Donald.
The foliowinE By-laws were passed~
No. 48~ - To provide monies for general purposes.
'It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that Ald.
Jolley be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read
the first time. - Carried.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Jolley that Rule 36
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law
be given the second reading. - Carried.
Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and McKinley - Carried.
No. ~5~ - To authorize the signing of an agreement with the Canadian Shredded
Wheat Company, Limited.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that
Ald. Jolley be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be
read the first time. - Carried.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that Rule
36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended ~nd the by-
law be given the second reading. - Carried -Ald. Inglis - contrary.
Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Logan - Carried -Ald. Inglis - contrary.
On the motion of Ald. Jolley and McKinley, Council adjourned to Sonference.
READ AND ADOPTED, 15th September, 19~2.
_ ----'Mayor.
The Conferenc.~
the regular council and finaries
purpose of considering wiri.z,u~
exception of Ald. Donald. His
After consideration of the items
on the motion of Ai~/. ~fowers and
READ AND ADOPTED, 15th September, 1952.
Clerk .....
5 4
Council Chamber,
15th September,1952.
Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 15th
September, 1952 for the purpose of considering general business and finance.
All members of the Council were present. The Council, havi~lg received and
read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald.
MacDonald and Mowers.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 216 - Edward J. Simon - requesting stipulation of one bus stand in front
of Bridge Street premises. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley
that the communication be received and one bus stop be installed as requested.
The following Communications were presented;
No. 220 - Greater Niagara Comity Chest - requesting permissionto hold a
parade on October 6th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley
that the conmmmication be received and filed and the request granted.
No. 221 - Children's_Aid Society - invitation to Annual Luncheon on September
17th. ORDERED on the motion of ~ld. Mowers and MacDonald that the invitation
be received and accepted and as many of the members of Council as possible
No. 222 - NiaKara Falls Horticultural Society - appreciation for donation
for Special Prize at Annual Flower Show. 0RDEED on the motion of Ald.
MacDonald and Logan that the comnmnication be received and filed.
- Aid. Jolley arrived at the meeting -
No. 223 - Valley Way Home and School Association - traffic hazard, vicinity of
ValleyWay School. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Jolley that the
communication be received and the Association notified that Council are taking
action in this regard.
At this point, Ald. Inglis desired to know what the City Manager
intended to do about repairing the south lane of Valley Way from Stanley Avenue,
east, being of the opinion that if the road were properly taken care of and
school signs were erected that the traffic would be slowed down, and maintained
that the school children are entitled to protection while going to and from
The City Manager advised of his plans in this connection and was of
the opinion that Morrison Street, one of the streets included in the resurfacing
program should be attended to first and then Valley Way proceeded with. He also
stated that he was waiting to utilize the spreader when making the road repairs.
In connection with the discussion on traffic, the City Manager was of the
opinion that Sixth Avenue should be indicated as a through street.
Ald. Mowers referred to a traffic count taken by som~ individuals and
stated that the traffic was 2 to I going down Valleyway to that going down
Fourth Avenue. He was of the opinion that additional markers to the regular
stop signs would help; also enforcement of the present by-laws governing stop
streets and speeding.
Ald. Donald referred to the fact that the Board of Education were aware
of the problem of traffic on Valleyway because of the fact that the street was
intende¢ at the time of its construction as a short cut to the South End of the
Ald. Jolley and Logan agreed that Sixth Avenue should be designated as
a through street.
Ald. inglis rcf, rf._,! tn the hal
of Mackenzie lane.
ORDERED on the: mc,'ior ;- ,'],, /:a 'li
~th on Valley Unv e,a ~ c,- .........
erected for the ~ret,:c~L:?:: ~ th
: .c sn'h 'I cb2'
No. 224 - M2. John Civ~.
Avenue as ' :"' .....
.... ~ ~ ~ .....~
ordered on the m~ion .j't~7'~ c:m~-nt'.~-~
, :~ _,- -_ . - .
outlined the diffim~lties -recount ...... .~ ~:- ,~.
to hot m o i, -g']kh-t 'Lk[ "':: r :'"''
and requested Couhc_!~: ~:vourab!,= cons:~.-,.-~]~.T~,. :l ~ ~ ':"' ~ "" '"" d
Jolley and I.~ower: ~hat th' co~m,u~,i:~.t!,-,..
-. r,~:,.' ,,.~.~,.. ,
of Traffic and th~ City ~:',r ~:~r to i.' r~': .... .- , . . ' ~ " ':
s satisfacto.v az'f~m nt. ' -, * - . .- "
_,, ,
A1J..Xowers ref.~rr, ] to the '2m~!o~c~J
Shaft No. 3 of the Fydro Frnj~ct' parklug :',~
adjacent to Cakes 3all F~._: an,] 3tateJ that"w~W:
when frost an<~ thawing oc,'u',~s, su3h a prncttcc
The City Mpnng~r was re lu~st,~. to take this
........ T~
The____fojlowing Reports ware presenti
No. 1~3 - C~ty Clerk - re application oP E. :r.-,=:~[
the Department 'jr H~ghways. I.iov., ~ bj .1! i. 9onatvt
Clerk not to sign a~lication. (TLZ : .: 1~ '?
that pemission be 8rast<~ bj the Ol;:.::. (This
suggested that refc].?n,s l:: tb~ area be aske,' !~
business in this v~ ciaity.
- A!,!. Jsll,j i 2t
-. bafn whether residents in th~ s-ca ~-,
No. 194 -~?k - recomend~n- issuance
of Ald. NacDonald ~d M~Einlcv thai the r,~pert
licences issued accorJing].y.
The followi~ Petition was ~resented_~
No. 29 - R.F.Collins and 12 others - re/lu~sting no parking o~gns from R~or Lane
to Fer~ Street on Allen Avenue t~ prevent obst~c 4ion of drivew%~s. Mov~d by
Ald. Logan and McKhley that the petition be recelw~d and referred to the
Chai~n of the Traffic Co~ittee %r h-:~ n~c.~.r~H~,- r~ ...... ~ ..,
- AId. Jolley returned to the meeti:~ -
ORDEED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Donald that the periLion be received and
referred to the Chief Constable for proper action.
The followinK Resolution was passed;
No. 88 - MOWERS - JOHEY - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of Council
be held at 5 p.m. on Monday, September 22rid, 1952 to consider routine .matters
after which Council will adjourn for lunch, reconvening at 8 P.M. to discuss
the City Manager's reports on Amalgamation and the extension of Palmet Avenue,
and the City Hall Committee's report; that the necessary publicity be given to
this meeting, as to the time and date; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
Carried Una. n.'.mmqu_SlY.
Laid over from a previous meetir~;
No..~Z%~.' A by-law to provide for borrowing $53,000. for the construction of
a storm sewer from the intersection of Ontario Avenue and Seneca
Street to a point at Epworth Circle and for the construction of a
water main on Valley Way from Homewood Avenue to Sixth Avenue.
Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and Jolley - Carried Unanimously.
No. 48Q~ - A by-law to provide for borrowing $~0,000.00 for the purchase of two
cars, ten trucks, four tractors, a three-way radio and office
Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Logan - Carried Unanimously.
No. S06
- A by-law to provide for borrowing $~8,000.00 for the purchase of
a fire truck, a heavy duty truck, a snow 1pader, a sand spreader
and tax accounting equipment.
Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and Donald - Carried Unanimously.
Np. 4~1~ - A by-law to provide for borrowing $5A,000.00 for the re-surfacixlg
of deteriorated pavements at various points.
Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and Logan - Carried Unanimously.
No. A820 - A by-law to provide for borrowing $~0,000.00 for the remodelling
of the heating and ventilating plant at Kitchener Street Public
School and to provide for the issue of debentures of the City of
Niagara Falls therefor.
Third Reading - Aid. Donald and Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
- A by-law to provide for borrowing $105,000.00 for the erection
or a si,c-room additLon to the Valley Uay Pablic School ~nd to
provide for the issue of debentures of the City of Niagara Falls
Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and Logan - Carried Un. animously.
The f~llowingReso!utionwas vassed~
No. 89 - JOLLEY - MOWEPa - BESOLVED that a communication be forwarded to the
Canadian National Railways requesting information as to their final decision
in connection with the use of C.N.R. lands located on the south side of Buttrey
S~rest as an industrial site; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried UnanimouslY.
vicinity of Second
of Bridge Street~unJ
this also.
Comaoil adjourned to Yin~,n~_e I~,~l:t]~Z _m ' '-
The Finance r. eeti:~j :.:~s h~?
purpose of approvinS and also passing
certified and placed before th,Jn.
tttee. Sundry Accounl~s in
The Accoun[s submitted b-~-- p.qsjcd oth~r;.ise
---~ or dealt '~d. th,
ordered placed in 5he money by-law for pre.knLation t~ the Counci? on th~ n;ot!~n
of His Worship the Mayor and Ald. }fcXin!ey.
A c~cation from Lowell Salaw%- in connection with th~ pa.~:ible u'~e
of the Arena for operatta productions durj.~ the s~aer of 1953 f~r 12 ;.',=
presented for consideration along ~th a r%ort of th~ City 'i~nader. 0i~E~CED on
the motion of Ald. Logan and Ire ,~r~ that t~ conw. un~cr ti~z~ ~,, ~% ~' rec-'ve.:l
~d the totter referred to the City Managj~,' ~he C~4~,n
and the Arena Manager to negotiate with Mr. Salaw%~ for th,~ ~o~?i)?]<, r?ntr.!
the Arena for certain ~ghts in the week.
The City Manager presented a report on the condition prevai!SnJ
comeorion ~th the sLx ~ch sewer originally consteeLed for Lots 14 and 15,
Block L on the south side of ~ccn Str~t and a'~vin-~-- t~-~ -'~v'+" -
m~in sewer and ~i~i..j .~ th,~ ~tl~t for bL~ lr+t.~ral '.a~ th~ ~r, lj, sc!~tS;n
the problem. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald anJ McKinley that the
report be received and adopted, that the City do the necessary work and
One-qua~er of the cost, prodded the o'~ers of the proper,ty assume ~he balance.
The application of Henry Lane, 9 Riv~r Real ~or p.,rmit to enclose the
front verandah to provide a small apartment of three rooms and also e:'¢ct a
garage, was presented for consideration along with the City Manager{ s teloft.
O.~DE?JED on the motion of Aid. Donald and MacDonald that the City Manager's
report be received and adopted and a permit is ued for the construction of
the garage but a Cos~ttee of Council again rcview the application to enclose
portion of the verandah and the a~plicant be re,dua~{;,~d to submit a ~ore ~etail.u]
sketch of what is proposed.
The application of >free L. Lorenzo gora permit to erect a 2-car
garage with two apartments above, at the rear of 1~63 Valle~qaywas presented
for consideration along '~ith the City ~nager's report. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the report be received and adopted and the
applicant advised that no building peFndt can be issued for such construction·
The Committee adjourne~ on the motion cf Aid. Donald and M~qers.
EAD AND ADOPTED, 22rid September, 1952.
Clerk ,
Council Chambf>r,
15th September,19~2.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the p~rpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present.
The following By-law was passed;
Nq. ~8~ - To provide rashlos for general purposes.
It was ordered on the motion of AId. Donald and Mowers that Ald.
Jolley be given the privilege of intrddueing the by-law and the by-law be read
the first tithe. - Carried Unanimously.
It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald and McKin ey that Rule
36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law
be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
The Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Donald and Jolley,
EAD AND ADOPTED, 22rid September,1952.
Pur:u'!nt '.,~
September, 1952 for the
Members of the ~r.?~c-~3
DZ: ............
class ' - "- .[ -
S report at ~h~ la~ '2 '[':/" ~ :~oh ~;':~, u~r:-: ,'-:i.~ ,, ~7,
P tes to the Departm~n, ~ ~: %,-'a~, ~ i: nec: ~:~:.- ~,~ .
Ald. McKinley: ....... .lass ~' lic-.nc.. ': n -., .:.: Z ~ *:; ,.h :2 ,.',
l',"fe2r,3d Lo the 'i~fo~a-t~nn ,,- ,, , ..'
Mr. Greenspan said that t~is wac unbn~e. /;" fi,z'th~ ,~ ~'~!3-,~ that t~ ~.~..~ ,'=re nc~z,
mo~e than one o~ two cars in the ;cTrP at any the ~nff ~b,se ar.~ ~j:,.:E.Tt~,~j
Ald. Logan asked if a~one els,~ in the noighb. ourhood oF,z.: ~ed tF-i:
and Mr. Greenspan advise~ that & a%n ,q: U~ cF:..o.j[e s[ ~e oC the str.,~,,,t
~th a Class 'C' license. Al~. 2nglls was of the opinion ~h.%t if :b.
going to cont~ue go ope~atu the same t~pe of business, h~ coulr] see nc
granting ~ssion for the ento~sation c,f the CZass 'C' licc~c~. ~Z. Jolley
s~ated that he ~shed to make it Perfectly cl,:~a.~ that they,- wa:, to be nc chance
in the set ap other than the applicant would no:z b? abl~ to Fu~ok%'c
~be licerice plates to the Department of H~hways 8n.t scrap ~he cnrs.
2_E: Roy;oft
Tenders had been called for the supply of a stoke~ for !:ea[ing th,., boil;r at f. he
Niagara Falls Filtration Plant and on the motion of Ald.."lowers and Donlid it was
ordered that the tender received, be opened, initialled by His %'orchid. the Mayor
and tab~a~ed. It was further ordered on the motion of Ald. M~er$
that the tender be re~rr.,,~ F~ +~ ~.. ,. , ....... . ,
_Laid over from the Previous meetinK;
No. 22~ _ John Civak . objecting to stipulation of portion of ~[cGrail Avenue as
a one-way street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonal~ an~ M~ers that the
matter be left as at present for at least one month as a trial period.
SE_jE R~ort No, 195i
The followinK Communications were presented;
No. 225 - Department of Highways - Traffic report re MacDonald Avenue and
Queen Elizabeth Highway. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Jolley that
the report be received and laid on the table for one week for study.
No. 226 - G. W. Bishop - traffic conditions at l.~in St. and Culp St. ORDEED
on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the conmunication be received
and a copy forwarded to the Chief of Police for action as to the violators of
the 'no parkingT signs, and that the Traffic Committee take under advisement
the suggestion contained in the communication as to the establishment of parking
zone on one side only.
No. 227 - ~uecn Elizabeth Gift ticme and Rosanne Shop - detrimental affect to
business due to conditions existing at hew Bell Telephone Co. building now
under construction. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. Donald and ~cDonald that
the communication be received and referred to the City 1.~nager to take this
mztterupwith the BellTelephone Company and th~ Par-Tex Foundation of Canada
to complete this work as soon as possible and to assist these stores in every
way poszible.
No. 228 - LoMan and Lo:l~an - rc4uesting passage of a by-law permitting encroach-
ment of building at 915 Buckley Avenue. ORDER~qD. on the motion of Ald. Ing].is
an,q Mowers that the comr~nication be received and the request granted.
No. 229 - Greater Niagara Community Chest - invitation to participate in parade
on October 6th. O~DE?~D on the motion of Ai~. H~,~ers and Jclley that the
invitation bc r~ceivc] and accepted with thanks and the Parade T~rsh~] bc
requested to submit details of the programme in time ~or the ne~t meeting of
The following Reports were presented;
No. 195 - Trc, ffic Comnittee - recommendation as to request of John Civak and
also stipulation of Sixth Avenue as a through street st Valley Way. ORDEP~D
on the motion of Ald. T-~cDonald and M~crs that the report be received and
No. 196 - City Clerk - advising of tentative approval received from the
Ontario ~hnicipal Board re sewer shaft. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald
end M~ers that the report be received and fdled and the necessary by-law be
No. 197 - City Manager -trec trimming - ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Inglis
and }~cDonald that the report be received and the recommendation of the 14%raRer
that a member of the Parks Department be delegated to supervise the work and
all organizations notified that arrangements must be made in advance so that
proper supervision can be provided, be approved.
No. 198 - City Electrician - requesting permission to'attend convention in
Boston. ORDEP~D on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Jolley that the request
be received and permission granted. In connection ~dth this request, Ald.
Mowers was of the opinion that Department Heads should be notified that they
should direct their requests to the City Manager who will in turn make his
recommendations. The City Manager stated that he was of the opinion that Nr.
Sills sbou!~ So t~ thi~ Convention inae~xch ~e he b~longs t~ the St~t~ Organ-
ization, which is necessary, before attendance is permitted at this Eatioaal
Convention being held in Boston. He further pointed out that the Boston
Convention would be of the greatest value.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 193 - City Clerk - re applica[ion of Morris Greenspan for Class 'C' Licenee
of the Department of Highways. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Mac-
Donald that the report be received and filed and the City Clerk authorized to
endorse the application. (Ald. Donald contrary).
"' ....
only s 9-inc
~. The
hard to deal
problem. Ald.
Chai~r.n of the
was advise.1 by
Th6 followin;? 2 '91'_:t_i ,, ;.. ~ .i
No. 90 - Dg~J~LD _
City of I g n~a~; .... ~'.- iU"~0LVD U-~,t "c Cu ....
~or ~' = ~'2-i.~lo, rl the Dc~o~ '
Ontario ~ -nt,:,~im jpaat u:q , '55 ..... ~ .--J' .:. Lf '.. . .. '
male durina the ~eriod or Jamtn;- 1;t 5o · :~ 7;.:~.. -
Corporation be her~to afFiv:c,q.
The follot.~inF By-laws were passe];
N~o. L~.~6~ - To amend By-law Humbet 3790, bein~ a by-law p.~,: ':ctin-
It was ordered on the r~otion of Ald. Jolley :'k i iZ r Lh- L
be given the Privilege of int~odueing the by-]nw and th ky-lat~ bq r~:- ~
time.. Carried Unanimously. "
It was ordered on the ~otion of Ald. I?o~.~r.: and Dona!i that
of the Standhg Rules of Council he temporacily su%.m'.~-, and th,, b~_!~: bc
the second the. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading _Ald. Donald and i~cKi~ey _ Carried Unanincusly.
N~. ~y . To amend By-law M~bcr 3791, bein.. s by-law d~sigaatinj through
It was ordere~ on the motion of AId. :'ow~-rs an~ lfcKinl,~-. that Aid.
Donald be given the privilege of introducin5 ~.he by-!a;.= and tht. by[law bl rc !d
the first time. - Carried Unanimously.
It was ordered on the motion of AId. Donald and rlo;;ers that Rule 36
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-la~ be
read the second time. ~ Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading _Ald. Donald and MacDonald - Carried Unanimously.
~ - To authorize the execution of an agreement for sale and deed.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that A!d.
~olley be given the privi~ege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read
the first time.. Carried Unanimously.
It was ordered on the motion of AId. Donald and Mowers that Rule 36
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law
be read the second time. - Carried UnanLmously.
Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and McKinley - Carried Unanimously.
The ffollowing By-law was presented;.
~ - To authorize the execution of an easement.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and y~cDonald that Ald.
Jolley be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read
the first t~ae. - Carried Unanimously.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. M~.:ers and Donald that Rule 36
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law
be given the second reading. - Carried UnaDimously.
It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald ~hat
the by-law be referred to the City Manager and the City Solicitor for consid-
eration of the insertion of a proper protection clause - Carried Unanimously-
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald.
READ IND ADOPTED, 29th September,1952-
Council Chamber,
22nd September,1952,
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 22nd September,1952 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been
properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were
present. ~cccunLs ~mou~t o~ $31,858.87 were approved by the
in the
The Accounts submitted being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered,placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the
motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald.
An offer rec,liv-,
Emery Street, for th~ s,3~m c
on the motion c.~ A!d~ '
is erected on [be pr,:m2'. -'tu
An al:.~lic.tfi cn ?~r
Centre Street bcL,.'.:.m ::c~r.,~
OEDEED on the :m~t~.~r' c-~ j~
and Logan that
An ~pp!icati.:~ r
Hotel, for a bui!d!nj pe.nni[. ft.' ~l:t~..,~':.~~ : ~ ~ "'-i ~.2 .... : ....
sented for congid !-qt~jll~ .51om~ ~:'~ ~ r. h.~~' ~ ~.' ~..-. i,it~' j... l' l, ~ . _
the motionoff Ald. 2ngli:
be granted for the ,~ntirc, cc,~st~ 'uS ~ ~ '~ ~9,' ~ ~ ':'1'
by Ald. Donald th:t
the south side of tb~ hotel; an:! ~' :c :d -,: ':L: .. '! U: 7..'
fop alterations on the Cir'b floor c? ~ ', ~ ,~ ~ ,. ' '
the application ~cali:C :h '~:*.. ~i:n.: to t:', i LL:.~ S "': : 7 "', _
hands of the City ::anad :. ~-~ o,.,.,~ ,. :L:cuZu ',':L' ":-. ' ' '
seconded. .... - - -
south side of Lundy':-
-- ~ "b', 'h "
Of the City
san'~ be r~ceived an,-1 the
for tenders to finant .... i-+, ,1 ,,,u'-': ....... . ~ 'II
C,'~SED on the motion or
and pe~ssion Zranbed. - ·
The 3tstemgn+
consideration. ORDEIED on tb,~ m-~ion ~ 7ira ?Jorzk2.i ~U.:~ '%j ::. or, l .'.' ~. Y' .-, r::
that the statement be received, S~v,:n the usual ' "~c"" ~,~ filn.].
The tender recdved for ~l'!s supply of a stoker for tl',. 'i.'atin6 boiler
at the Niagara Falls Filtrntion Plant, ref.;rr~'d from tin_ Ccu:mil -
presented at this tLue for con'~iderat.ion. eRD~?CS on the I.mt"_~n
and Logan that the tender received from Jo}:n ~:carG Coal Coma:any at ,~ %oL':! trice
of $1,400. be accepted.
The Committee arose ~rd
READ AND ADOPTED~ 29th September,1952.
Council Chamber,
22nd September,1952,
The Council re~as~emblei at the close of the regular council and
.finance meeti,~s for the purpose of passing the by-lawwhich covered th~ accounts
approved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present.
The followi=n.~_By-law was passed;
No. ~860 - To provide monies for general purposes.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that Ald.
Jol].ey be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read
the first time. - Carried Unanimously.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and MacDonald that Rule
36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law
be read the second time. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. ~cDonald and McKinley - Carried Unanimously.
The City Manager advised that the Assessment Commissioner had
presented a report on the 1952 population - 2h,158.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mc~ers.
EAD AND ADOPTED, 29th September,1952.
~ P ~' ' th ~ ..... ~ '~"':':': ? "
ing r:1 ,c,rLs ,v: '-- n . ,, .... ~ ~ - , "" ' ' ,'_
~o c.?<',ei~ ?~3 ',' ' ' ~ ' ,~' ' ' '
of cltiFcns uho
The ~'- ,
- . ....
E:,~ensjon end
retain th
help tO s~!'ve t~: t ~.upi_- ,. ,
enter our C;ty,
problems and bhat. it u:,c ,..~ cc~:z: :,j ~7 t], · ~ .... '=' -" -
This :;~.4 e~ncur:. ? : 9 , Ic~--,
_.1 Lj
in a 'dit .on t. e.:, ' = '
to be for some cozlslde?,~b]t t~r.!:. .." ~'-, ': '-
Mayor Hawkins au-~i..,,l ,% to how '-rm,, %-~,.-..,., ,
~. ..,. ,: , ,
acquisition of the nece~*s~p ~Po"erti,-s Per ~,b~ e"t~x-~,~, 'n'. :'re .: :viz,,-~
the CitF Manager that ~ ~
ap~Po:4mzt.:.ly ben ~'n'_!i..:: :~,9,.1 ~. -27. ~'4~;
Ald. Logan suggested that in ~1] likelihood i~ aoul. l I. ?/:,-ib],- t~ :.:c,v{: sov,e
of the ~fected dwe!linds ~c ot.b,:r sites. l~-7or Ho',;:.in:. th<n .m~j::, [,. '. the
possibili~F of acquiring the hcuses or, the :ioPLh-easb co ?,., p Of St. C1;~ir Lyehue
and Jepson Street fop the purpose of Po'~Ylinj ouL th.. P':jhL-6n61ccl Lu..n ..- ~
point and ~hus facilitatin7 ~Paf?ic %o %he nopth end. TSc Citj,' l?:.':';~: r stated
~ha~, in his op~ion~ widening was not justified :Y,v but tWt h., .'5 1
~he Prohibiting of parking on th~ Paib:ay aide of ?almep Av.m,.,c and Lh,
poP~ion of the medea be sFenL on the lower end an] noL u~
Ald. inglis felt it was impoPbant ~o provide c~.:;j,- ='-co's:: %: tbc ~o~te
a~ the sou~hep~ end ~o get do~ bo %he 2uecn 3brcA bus~r.c:~z ar~-a .~n! f~!t bhqt
~ we ape goi~ ~o bu~d oP extend, it should be done i. ro~erli. }!..
%he possibiliey of ~d~ning %he pavement but jus[ to Onl.:,rio Aw~z,u.~ c~.
present, but in anF case, a ppoFep job. "
Ald. Donald favoured at %he proserib ~ime on!I partial exS.-nsion
Pe-supfaeing of the existin~ Palmep Avenue ~-vqmcr. 5/~n' ~- ~ %:' , "'~c
Ald. MoKinle~ felt ~hat the m~tep was e~Pemely in:~ortant an~
oppoeed ~o a ~e-supfac]~ Job, feeling %ha% the ~ole th~j should b.~ done in a
Following further discussion, it ~ms ordered on the motion of Aid.Logan
and Mowers that the City Manager be authorized to proceed with the project out-
lined Jan Table II of his report. In favour -Ald. Inglis, Logan, Jol]ey and
Mowers; contrary _Ald. MacDonald, McKinley and Donald.
5 5
The report of the City Manager on possible amalgamation or annexation
of the Township of Stamford was then considered, and on the suggestion of Ald.
Inglis, the Clerk read the proposals as set out in the report.
Ald. Inglis, in speaking to the report, stated that as far as he was
concerned, proposals One and Two concerning possible annexation, were out and
that he only intended to discuss the proposal concerning amalgamation. He
pointed out the disparities existing and referred to the manner of procedure in
the event action is taken and suggested a round-table discussion and questions,
if any, from interested parties in the audience, pointing out the need for actLm
concerning certain expenditures, etc.
Ald. Logan agreed with the statements of Ald. Inglis to the effect that
proposal Three seems to be the answer for the benefit of the whole area for
orderly development and for adequate representation.
Mayor Hawkins stated that he would also favour Proposal Number Three
and deplored the incorrect rumours which apparently have been circulated con-
cerning personnel and the indication that the City might be, to use a term -
Ald. Jolley also favoured Proposal Number Three and felt there should
~e an analysis of the situation.
Ald. Mowers favoured Proposal Number Three, indicating that it would
bring about a unification of services and that the increased population would
place the minicipality in sixth and seventh position in the ProWince and would
enhance the possibility of obtaining industry.
Ald. McKinley favoured Proposal Number Three and referred to the
difference in Grants and queried what adjustments would be made. This was
explained by the City Manager.
The City Manager then clarified, what. in his opinion, was the procedure
to be followed and was advised by Ald. Inglis that certain enquiries have been
made and that the Department in Toronto has indicated what they would be prepared
to do, He quoted the report re assessments in the. two municipalities, debt
charges, etc. and referred to the effect of the Hydro Project on our economy.
Low taxation, in his opinion, was essential and that we would help ourselves by
helping Stamford to retain a low taxation rate. He also referred to the large
proportion of taxes paid by the business men.
Ald. Donald felt that the first step would be to have all the facts
prepared and presented, so that the electors themselves could decide what they
wish to do and that the Niagara Falls electors were entitled to know what
advantages, if any, would accrue.
The City Manager stated that, in his opinion, industry was the crux
of the whole situation and a combined manicipality seemed to be a necessity.
Mr. McBurney advised that amalgamation as compared with annexation
indicated a pooling of the facilities or resources and that a by-law authorizing
application would be necessary and it would then rest with the Ontario Maaicipal
Board as to whether a vote would be required.
Ald. McKinley questioned whether it was the intention to include
Chippaws in any action on the part of the Council and was supported by Ald.
Donald in this regard. But Ald. Inglis suggested that this phase be left in
abeyance for the present.
Following further discussion, it was ordered on the motion of Ald.
Inglis and MacDonald that a by-law be prepared to authorize an application to
the Ontario Municipal Board for amalgamation of the two nmnicipal.ities- Ald.
Donald was contrary to this motion.
The report of tint, City
Customs building on CliFton
· in~lis mtrie~]
renovati~ this stm~c~Tur~ an~ ~ts
The City ~fan~.ger aJvicc
if acquired, for th~z Po]i:.-~
out it would also be ncc,~s~Z to
Hall itself an,~ was of th~ ....
these e~enditures.
Aid. Jolley w~s oF the opinic.:-
to b~ the structure now an~
necessity cr filing an of m,.
~d ~cDonald that th,~ ~it-
purchase of the s~ctu=.~ ~t
The City Clerk th~n
of Ald. McKinley an,l Mowers"~
Poll ~der the terns of th- ]'.jl ~1~
be the same as that now in eff~,ct,
The Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Ecl'iin~ ~. i ,.
READ AND ADOFrED, 29th Sef.~,ember, 1952.
Clerk ' ' '
557 .
· . i
Council Chamber,
29th September,19~2.
Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 29th
September, 1952, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All
members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the
minutes of the previous regular and special meetings, adopted these on the motion
of Ald. MacDonald and Donald.
La__i~ _oyer ~ro_m_the_R. Xeyious meeting;
No. 225 - Department of Highways - traffic survey at intersection of Queen
Elizabeth Highway and MacDonald Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald
and Mowers that the communications be received and filed.
-Aid. Logan and Jolley arrived at the meeting -
The following Communications were presented;
No. 230 - Greater Niagara Community Chest - re time of Com~Anity Chest parade.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the communication be
received and the next meeting of Council be held at 8.30 p.m. on Monday, 6th
October due to participation in the Greater Niagara Community Chest parade.
No. 231 - Greater Niagar~ ~o___mnlAn=t_'~y~hes__t - req. permission to place red
feathers. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Logan and MacDonald that the com~,ni-
cation be received and permission granted, subject to the approval of the City
~nager as to locations.
No. 232 - St. Ann's Catholic Women's League - invitation to Social Tea, October
12th. 0~D~ mo~ of XY~i.~olley and Donald that the communication
be received and the invitation accepted with thanks and as many members of
Council as find it possible attend.
No. 233 - Greater Niagara and District Credit Union Chapter - requesting
proclamation of Credit Union 'Week and Credit Union Day. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. McKinley and Jolley that the communication be received and the pro-
clamation issued. Ald. Logan - contrary.
No. 23k - Lions' Club - requesting permission to hold Hallowe'en parade.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald andMacDonald that the communication be
received and permission granted.
No. 235 - Canadian Le__~ - requesting permission to hold tag day, November 8th.
ORDERED on the ~O~on of Ald. MacDonald and Donald that the com~,,nication be
received and permission granted.
-Ald. Inglis arrived at the meeting -
No. 236 - Canadian NationalRailways - re Buttrey Street lands. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. Mowers and MacDonald that the communication be received and
No. 237 - Ontario Fire ]'~rshal _ re Fire
ORDERED on'~Ci~n~f~8--bonald an~ Prevention ~'jeek, Cctobl2r 5_11,1o=S2'
· lqacDonald that the co~.~unicatioi~ be
received and referred to the Fire Chief with Council,s full co-oper~ion.
No. 238 - Greater Ni~ara Chamber of Co~nerce _
Prevention~e~."b~DEp~'~' ~ ~otion ~- ~d req. Proclamation re Fire
· :io~ers an~ Joiloy tLat the com-
munication be received and the Proclamation be issued on the sar~e basi~= as last
year, namely, jointly with the Stareford Cf Township and th~ Village o~' Chip/a~.~a.
Ald. McKinley requested the Chairman of the TrafFic Co~tte,' ~ln!~ the
City Manager to bring in a report at the next Council m~etin:- as to the Fossibility
of providing loading zones on ~ueen Street and any other str,~.ts the2', consider.
Ald. Donald referred tO Homewood Avenue and the desire of the residents
tO know when the road will be finished. The City L~nager advised of the inability
of the Contractor to proceed with this work due to sickness of members of his c~ew.
Ald. Jolley advised that the residents on Homewood Avenue are having
trouble with their sewers and the City l'~nager Proceeded to e~cplain construction
proposed with regard to sewers which will relieve this condition.
Ald. Donald referred to inforn~tion he had received with reference to
certain increases in assessment and quoted figures as to chan!jes in the assess-
ments in the first eleven polls, indicating that, in his opinion, it ~.:as not
necessaryto change assessments from year to year.
Ald. Logan expressed accord with Ald. Donald's comments as to changes
from year to year but stated that he was satisfied with the work of the Assess-
ment Cor~aissioner and that if the volume of changes as suggested by the Aldernmn
were to occur, it would seem that the previous re-assessment was not what it should
have been.
Mr. Morton referred to the fact that every year there is a new assessment
and a review of all properties was required and indicated that he would appreciate
the backing of Council in establishing a proper Assessment Roll; also stating
that many of the errors which he is attempting to correct have been in existence
for a nnmher of years and that previously aden[ate land descriptions records had
not been maintained.
Ald. McKinley was of the opinion that the basis of assessment was fair
and pointed out that Council does not have jurisdiction over the Assessment
Ald. Inglis referred to the machinery which is presently set up in the
Act to take care of any complaints of the persons assessed.
The City Manager when asked for an opinion stated that he felt the
assessment established by Charles Warnock and Company was fair and reasonable,
admitting that it was made in a hurry and that there was a definite possibility
for error. He felt however that these errors would not be of great proportion
and would like time and the opportunity to check into the matter.
His Worship the Mayor also referred to the rapidity with which the
re-assessment was made and expressed the opinion that if there was dissatisfaction
0n the pert of the person assessed, that they have access to the Court of Revision.
Ald. Mowers expressed complete satisfaction with the work of the Assess-
ment Commissioner.
Ald. Mowers referred to the condition of cars parking along the boulevard
adjacent to 0akes Ball Park, being those of employees of Perini-Walsh, who are
working at Shaft No. 3 of the Hydro Project. The City Manager advised of his
action in this connection and agreed to contact the Project Engineer in this
Ald. M~vers referred to the fact that most of the Companies in
Niagara Falls have pension plans for their employees and was of the opinion
that in fairness to those employees of the City who are not covered by such a
plan, efforts should be made to investigate the possibility of instituting such
a plan, which could be partially contributed to by the City and partially by
the employee.
SE Resolut. i.o.n_
Aid. Logan desired to know whether it would be possible to complete the
paving programme this year and was advised by the City Manager that this was the
intention providing reasonable weather prevails.
No. 239 - R. Condirston - traffic hazard, Ferry St. at Stanley Avenue. ORDERED
on the motion of Af~j'Eogan and Donald that the communication be received and
laid over for one week to ascertain re-action of the people in this area.
Previous to this, Ald. MacDonald and Jolley moved that the co~nunication be
received and the Traffic Committee report be adopted. This was then withdrawn.
SEE Report N_o: .1_9_9.
The followinE..R.ej~.o.r.t.s.,..we.r~e.
No. 199 - Traffic Co..n~.t_t_e~ - recommend. no parking on both sides of Stanley
Avenue north of Ferry St. for a distance of 75 feet. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Logan and Donald that the report be received and laid over for one
week to ascertain reaction of the public.
No. 200 - City Man.aie. r - recommending installation of conduit under pavement
at Fourth Avenue in connection with electric service for new office building
at the North American Cyanamid Company, ORDERED on the motion of Ald.l.~acDonald
and Mowers that the report be received and adopted.
No. 201 - CityManager - report on meeting in Toronto with Hydraulic Department
of H.E.P.C. of Ontario re details for proposed shaft to tunnel to carry storm
w~ter. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the report be
received and authority granted to the City ~?~ager as requested.
No. 202 - City Manager - re protective clause in agreements. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. McKinley and Logan that the report be received and adopted.
SEE By-law No.~859
No. 203 - Traffic Committee - recommendations, no parking on south side of Culp
St. fromMain St. to we~terlyl~m~t of Imperial Oil property and no change in
stop sign locations at the intersection of Valleyway and Second Avenue. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the report be received and adopted,
No. 2Oh - City Clerk - recommend. issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the report be received and adopted and
licenoes issued achordingl~.
The followinE,~o_l_u~o~_na ye__ra~passedI
No. 91 - MCKINLEY - MOWEP3 - RESOLVED that the next regular meetihg of Council
be held at 8.30 p.m. on Monday, October 6th, 1952; and the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed.
Carried UnanimouslY.
No. 92 - DONkLD , MaCDONALD~ , RESOLVED that a mess? ~,; :=f s.?:::Fathy en b~}u. lf of
His Worship, f~yor E. M. Hawkins and members of t} e'Ci .- C
ay an~er mployee of the City of
Car;ied Unani::,ousl~l.
No. 93 - MOh%RS _ LOGAN _ ,~ESOLVED that the City Xana.jer be authorized to
investigate and repOrt'on a pension plan For those civic em!-;loye~s not covered
by such a plan at the present time, both subsidized an~ contributox7; and the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. 9h - INGLIS _ MacDONALD _ RESOLVED that the" Carrio.1 Unanim, ously.
plans for the ~Provements of the old Cust~r~ Buil~inZ at the corner of
Clifton Avenue and Park Street recently purchased and al~o ettk'ates as to the
costs ~volved; that he also subz~t plans and estimates for the yro[,os,~a DaDrove-
meats of the City Hall buildS; and the Seal of the Corporation bc hereto
Ca. rried Unanimousl~.
Ald. Logan queried the City Hall Co~m~ittee about the Possibility of
proceeding with the renovation of the City Hall buildinS an~ was a ivised~ that
now the offer of the City to purchase the old Customs building. at the corner of
Clifton Avenue and Park Street for the sum of $16,500. had be~n accn~pted,
action will comaonce.
SEE~esolution ijo.94.
Ald. McKinley was of the opinion that if amalgamation with the Township
of Stamford materializes, plans with regard to facilities for the Police Depart.
meat and the City Mall will be changed.
Ald. Jolley referred to the autho~zation by Council at the meeting of
endorsation of a Class 'C~ liceace to Sam Greenspan to continue operations on
Buchanan Avenue and that he had received word that no lieonce has been issued to
Fm. Greenspan for his business facing Stanley Avenue.
The City Clerk advised that licenee is issued by the Police Commission
and the business referred to is a continuation of his operations on Buchanan Avenue,
the lot extending from Buchanan to Stanley.
Laid over from a previous meeting;
~o. ~8~ - To authorize the execution of an easement.
Third Reading _Ald. McKinley and Donald - Carried Unanimously,
S__EE_R_e_port No. 202.
T_he foll~o~_n~ By-laws were passed;
No._q~._._._._._.___~ _ To provide for an Advance Poll at the 1.~nicipal Elections.
It was ordered on the .,orion of Ald. 5olley and .swore that Ald. Donald
be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first
tDae.. Carried Unanimously.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and MacDonald that Rule 36
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be
read the second time. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading .Ald. MacDonald and McKinley - Carried Unanimously.
No. 4862 - To authorize the execution of art Agreement for Sale and Deed.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Logan and Donald that Ald. Jolley
be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley that Rule 36
(2) of the Standir~ Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be
read the second time. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and MacDonald - Carried Unanimously.
.No. 486~ _ To allow an encroachment upon Buckley Avenue.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley that Ald.
Mowers be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read
the first time. - Carried Unanimously.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Jolley that Rule 36
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be
read the second time. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Donald and McKinley - Carried Unanimously.
No. 4864 - To authorize an application to the Ontario Municipal Board for the
~malgamation of the Township of Stamford with the City of Niagara
It was ordered on the motion of AId. McKinley and MacDonald that
Ald. Inglis be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be
read the first time. - Carried Unanimously.
Ald. Inglis, in discussing the by-law expressed dissatisfaction with
the preamble but indicated that the matter was thoroughly covered by the City
Manager's report which could be utilized to explain to the Municipal Board our
reasons for approaching this subject of amalgamation.
Followir~ some discussion, during which Aid. Donald expressed oppo-
sition to the proposed action, indicating that the citizens should be first
irfformed on the mtter, it was ordered that a conmtttee be set up by the
to take the by-law to the Ontario Murdcipal Board, along with the City~anager's
report which will outline in detail the reasons.
SEE Resolu_t_~q.~N.q~J~
The followi__ng~_~Aolut.~ion was passed;
No. 95 - MCKINLEY - LOGAN -RESOLVED that the Mayor appoint a committee to
present By-law Number 486~ and the City Manager's report to the Ontario Municipal
Board in regard to amalgamation~ and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
(AId. Donald - contrary).
His Worship the Mayor appointed a committee consisting of the P~yor,
Ald. Inglis, Mowers and Jolley, the City Manager and the City Solicitor ~s a
committee to wait upon the Ontario Municipal Board concerning amalgamation.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that Rule 36
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law
be given the second reading. - Carried (Ald. Donald opposed).
Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and Logan -.Carried. (Ald. Donald opposed).
Council adjournedto Finance on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers.
t[EAD ~D ADOPTED, 6th October, 1952.
Council Chan~oer,
20th Septe:~ ~r,1952.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 29th September, 1952 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been i;roperly
certified and placed before them. All members of the CoaStLee wer~ present.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $102,161.27.were aplroved by the
~e Accounts subnitted being passed or otherdee dealt with were ordered
placed in the moneyby-law for Presentation to the Council on the motion of His
Worship the ~ayor and Ald. Nowors.
The application of Jos. Laslo to erect a concrete block building at
1255 Ferry Street, laid over from the previous meetLng, was again presented for
consideration, along ~rlth the City I'~nager's report. The matter had been laid
over to give residents in the area an opportunity to voice an opinion. 0iOEi~D
on the motion of Ald. Logan and Mowers that the application be received, the City
]'~nager's report be adopted and the permit granted.
The application of T. Kosloff for a building permit to construct an
addition to 1306 Victoria Avenue and also erect a garage at 773 Eastwood Crescent,
was Presented for consideration, along with the City Manager's report. ORDEA~D
on the motion of Ald. ~cDonald and Donald that the application be received, the
report adopted and the permit be issued.
The application of Sam Cupolo for a building permit to erect a second
storey at 1655 Ferry Street was presented for consideration along with the City
Nanager, s report. ~DERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and ~cDonald that the
aPPlication be received, the City Manager's report be adopted and the permit issued.
It was ordered on the motion of ~yor Hawkins and Ald. McKinley that the
next conm~cation, not listed on the agenda, be arced.
The City Clerk read the communication from the H.E.P.C. of Ontario regard-
ing tax grant for 1952, and enclosing a cheque in the amount of $76,773.29, being
the 1952 ~rant plus $1,773.29 for local improvements. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Mowers and Mayor Hawkins that the co~mmication be received and acknowledged.
Ald. Inglis referred to a cheque in the Finance By-law payable to
Stamford Memorial Arena and requested an explanation for its issuance.
The City Manager explained in some detail what had transpired and the
necessity for making arrangements to fulfil the contract with the Pittsburgh
Hornets team. Ald. Inglis indicated that tests should have been made in advance
of putting the equipment into nee and queried the construction of the floor for
the wrestling matches, pointing out that it is the function of Council to authorize
suchexpenditures. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Inglis and Mowers that
the Arena Manager be requested to submit a report to Council in full as to what
recommendations he has to make concerning the operations of the arena. Carried
Aid. McKinley then, with the permission of the Chairman, directed
certain queries to Ald. Donald as to his stewardship prior to the appointment
of the arena Manager, which Ald. Donald explained in full quoting from a communi_
cation from the Clerk indicating that Council had given him such authority.
Following his explanation, Ald. Dgnald moved that Oakes Athletic Field be not
given to any one outside of the City for use, before it is brought to the
attention of the City Council. He later withdrew this motion.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley
and Logan.
READ AND ADOPTED, 6th October, 1952.
Clerk ....
Council Chamber,
29th SePtember,1952.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and finance
meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present.
The following By_lawwas passed;
No._~_._._._._._._J~ . To provide monies for general purposes.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that Ald.
Jolley be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given
the first reading.. Carried Unanimously.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that
Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the
by-law be given the second reading.. Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading _ Aid. MacDonald an~ Lo~Jan _ Carrie-E Unan~ io,~..
The Council adjourned on the motion of
READ AND ~O~D, 6th Oc~obep, 1~52'
Council Chamber,
6th October,1952.
Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 8.30 p.m. on Monday, 6th
October, 1952 for the purpose of considering general business and finance.
All men~ers of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read
the mutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Mac-
Donald and Mowers.
Mrs. Thelm~ Hurd was present at the meeting and on the motion of Aid.
HacDonald and Jolley was permitted to address the Council. Mrs. Hurd referred
to the knee injury sustained through a fall on a City sidewalk and for which
she had not received any compensation and also her inability to keep on work-
t~, that an operation on her knee was required and therefore it would be
necessary for her husband to remain at home to look after their invalid son.
She referred to the subsistence allowance granted to her son by the Welfare
Department in the amount of $50. which does net pay the rent as it is needed
for drugs, needles, vitamins, etc. ~Ars. Hurd also advised of her inability
to earn $55. a month to pay the rent or to secure another house because of the
exorbitant rents charged.
Ald. TnSlis was of the opinion that the City Manager could make
adjustments to see that there are no eviction proceedings entered into.
His Worship the Mayor advised Mrs. Hurd that as the local Veterans'
Organisatione are studying the matter and are dotn8 everything possible, it
would be unwise for the Council to interfere until they have disposed of the
case and assured her that although Council could not give her an answer at
this evening's meeting, everything will be done as soon as possible to help
her. ORDE~D on the motion of Aid. Jolley an~ Logan that a full report be
made by the City Manager en what assistance is betn~ given and what possible
assistance the City could give in congunction with the Department of Public
Welfare. Carried Unanimously.
Mr. John Antonio was also present at the meeting, and on the motion
of Ald. Mowers and Donald was permitted to address the Council, He advised
Council of his desire to find living accommodation for his mother-in-law by
constructing said accommodation over his garage at 197~ Main Street, which
wc~tld be conver~ed into storage space after his mother-in-law had no further
need ef it. He asked Ceuncil's faycurable consideration te his proposal.
OP~F~D on the motion of Ald. Jelley and MacDonald that his request be
referred to the Property Committee, the City Manager and the City Solicitor
to bring in a report on this matter. Carried Unanimously.
Tenders had been called for debentures in the amount of $372,133.O3
to cover the cost of construction of Local Tmprevements, outlined in by-la~s
&790, ~791J Valleyway Public School 6-room addition, according to by-law ~787;
equipment according to by-laws ~805 and ~06; resurfacing of deteriorated
pavements at various points, outlined in by-law ~1~; the installation efa
heating and ventilating plant at Kitchener St. Public School according to
by-law ~20; and the construction ef a atom sewer, Ontario and Seneca and
watermain en Valleyway, Homewood to Sixth Ave. as outlined in by-law ~79~.
OR~RED on the motion ef Ald. Jelley and MacDonald that the tenders received,
be opened, initialled by His Worship the l~er and tabulated.
-Ald. De~d arrived at the meeting -
O~D~ED an the motiou If Ald. ~n~lis a~d MacDonald that the tender submitted
by J. L. Graham and Ce~PanF at the rate of ~9.02 cents en the dollar be
accepted. Carried Unanimously.
Laid over from th~~t
No. 239 - R. Condirston . re traffic hazard at intersection of Ferxy & Stanley.
ORDERED on the motion ~f Ald. Inglis and Mowers that the co~aunication be
referred back to the Traffic Com~ittee ~nd the City Manager for further study,
to confer with people in the area who areconcerned about this mtter.
The Followi_._ng Connunicationw~.rese S~E~ ~_~ort No.19~.
No. 2~O - Trade and Industry Branch of De r .
e~.e t .o_~f Plannin~ andAll* Develo~.nt _
oVi t on to ndust al omoao coterie
Mowers and Donald that the , .29th. OR~O ~'the mStion
ccmm~Anication be received and referred to the
Industrial Promotion Committee of the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce.
La~i~d,ov~erfrom the Previous meet.i~.
No. 199 - Tr~fic Co~ttee . reco~end~g no ~rk~g on both sides of Storey,
noah of Fer~ St. for a distance of 75 feet. 0RDE~D on the motion of ~d.
I~is ~d M~ers that the repo~ be referred back to the Traffic Coattee
~d the City ~ager for f~ther stu~, to co~er ~th people in the area
are concemed ab~t this ntter.
The foll_~_~Ang Re~orts were Presente~i
No. 205 -Cit~.~ . recommending Fire Chief's attendance at Study Forum
and also Co-ord~na"tors, Conference. ORDERED ON the motion of Ald. MacDonald
and Jolley that the report be received and adopted.
'No. 206 - City l~anager _ recommending Purchasing Agent's attendance at Conference.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Logan that the report be received and
adopted. (Ald. Mowers - opposed).
No. 207 - C_i.t~a~ _ reco~nendations re City Staff. ORDERED on the motion
of Aid. Inglis and Mowers that the report he received and adopted. (Ald.Mc-
EinleyandDonald _ contrary). An amendmentmade by Ald. McKinley andDonald
that the first three recommendations only, be adopted, was lost.
No. 208 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licehoe. ORDERED on the motion
of Aid. F~-cDonald and Logan that the report be received and adopted and licence
issued accordingly.
The following Resolution was passed;
No. 96 - H0~RS . DONALD . RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of Council be
held on Tuesday, at 7.30 p.m. October 14th, 19~2; and the Seal of the Corpor-
ation be heroic affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
The f011owin~ By-law was passed;
No, ~ , To authorize the signing of an agreement with the Crown Assets · Disposal Corporation.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Howere and HcKinley that Ald.
Jolley be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read
the first time. - Carried Unanimously.
It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald and Mowers that Rule 36
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-l~w
be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. FacDonald and Donald - Carried Unanimously.
The Council adjourned to Finance on the motion of Ald. Donald and Logan.
READ AND ADOPTED, lath October,1952.
Council Chamber,
6th October,1952.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 6th 0ctober~ 1952 for'the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been proper-
l~certified and placedbefore them. All members of the Committee were present.
Sundry Accountsintheamount of $])+,6~4.81 were approvedbythe
The Accounts ~ubmitted being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the
motion of Mayor Hawkins and Aid. McKinley. ·
An offer was received from Irma Zorsitto for the purchase of Lot 86,
Plan 6, Dyson Avenue for the sum of $190. OP~D on the motion of Aid. Donald
and Mowers that the offer be received and referred to the Propex~y Committee
with power to act.
motion of Me~or Hawkins and Aid. Mowers that the c~amication and report be
A coamanication from the Canadian P§raplegic Association regarding'
Johannes A. Van der Sluis and suggesting the City of Niagara Falls assume one-
half the cost of his treatment at Sunn~brook Hospital,'was presented for con-
'sideration, along with a report of the Welfare Adm~uistrator. ORDERED on the
At this point, the City Manager presented a verbal report regarding
the application of the North American Cyanamid Limited for a building permit
to construct a new office building at aa estimSted cost of $2~0,000, He
advibed that the building would be 1~0 feet wide and A1 feet deep, two storeys
in hei2ht with a basement, standard construction; concrete walls, above brick
and block.
He recommended the issuance of a permit. ORDERED on the ., .
and Ald. MacDonald that the rec~nmtendation be adopted anim~l~n of Mayor Hawkins
' e Permit issued.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and
READ AND ADOPTED, l~th October, 1952.
Clerk ' · ·"
Cba ........
i:rman or Finance.
Commil Chamber,
6th October,1952.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the reamlar Council and Finance
meetings for the Purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Commitbee. All members of the Council were present.
The following By. law was password;
No. A86~ - To provide monies for general purposes.
It was ordered on the motion of AId. McKinley and Donald that Aid.
dolleybe given the privilege of introductn~ the by-law and the by-law be read
the first time. - Carried Unanimously.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donal~ that Rule 36
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law
be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading .Ald. MacDonald and McKinley - Carried Unanimously.
The followin~ Resolution was passed;
No. 97 - McKINLEy _ MOWEP3 - RESOLVED that the congratulations of the City
Councilbe extended to the President, Miss Winnifred Stokes, and the Greater
Niagara Community Chest upon the success of the Community Chest parade held
this evening and wishing the Comeunity Chest every success in their campaign;
~ging the citizens of Niagara Falls to give their whole-hearted support; and
th~ S~al of the Corporation be hersto affixed.
Ca. rrie. d Unanimousl/.
Miss Stokes expressed her appreciation to the Mayor and members of
the City Council for delaying their Council meeting in order to participate in
the Community Chest Parade and the Mayor replied that Council were very happy
to co-operate in any way possible.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Logan.
READ AND ADOPTED, l~th Octuber,19~2.
Comlcil Chamber,
l~th 0ctober,1952.
members of the Coun.cil were Present. The Council, havin~ rece' d finanje. All
and MacDonald. ,Y
-Ald. Logan arrived at meeting
Laid over from the Previous meeting~
No. 239 - R. Condirston _ traffic hazard at comer of Ferry Street and Stanley
Ave. ORDERED ON the motion of Ald. Mowers and Logan that the communication be
received and no parking be established on both sides of Stanley Avenue north
of Ferry Street for a distance of 75 feet.
SEE Report No..13/a'
The following Ccm.,mications were Presented;
No. Pill _ North American Cyanamid Limited -invitation to ceremony at WeLland
Works on October 22rid. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Mowers that
the conmlnication be received, the invitation accepted, and the City Clerk be
instructed to contact the members of Council on Wednesday morning, October 22rid
to ascertain the number of members who plan to attend and so notify the Vice-
President of the Cyanamid Company.
No. 2~2 - Jehovah's Witnesses . requesting permission to erect banner on
Victoria Avenue in connection with an assembly to be held the week end of Novem.
bet 1~-16. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the communi-
cation be received and permission granted under the supervision of the City
Manager. Ald. Mowers questioned the title of the banner, being of the opinion
that something other than the one outlined in the communication might be used.
Prior to the resolution passed, Ald. McKinley, seconded by Ald. MacDonald
moved that usual permission be granted and the Hydro so notified. (This was
later withdrawn).
No. 2~3 - Township of Stamford _ requesting detailed assessment information.
ORRERED on the motion of Ald. Inglis and Mowers that the com~;nication be
received and the Township be notified that the assessment of the City of Niagara
Falls is open for inspection and that our Assessment Commissioner be authorized
to work in conjunction with the Township Assessor or any other authorized person
of the Township of Stamford to supply any information needed.
No. 2~ , Business Plann~,~ Associates - analsis in connection with amalgamation.
ORE~ED on the motion of ~fd. Inglis and Logan that the communication be received
and the writer advised that a petition for amalgamation has been filed with the
Ontario Yamicipal Board and the Business Planning Associates' letter will be
tabled u/ltil such time as the City decides to hire any experts for the purpose
of analysis, at which time they will be advised.
So. 2~5 . Win. A. Sn~der - remarks re Palmr Avenue extension. ORDERED on the
motion Of Aid. Mowers and Logan that the c~,,mication be received and acknowledged
to t~e effect that the suggestions contained in the letter will be taken into
consideration when the survey is being proceeded with. AId. Inglis requested
that two reports be presented .on the subject of Pa~mer AvenueI one with reference
to the exist~nE width and also a report containing an estimate required to widen
the road an additional six feet.
No. 2J+6 - Perini-Walsh - requesting permission to place two more concreting
holes in the Cemetery and one more in the Ball Park in connection with Tunnel
No. 2. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Inglis and Jolley that the connmxnication
be received and laid over until the City Manager' s return and he be instructed
to submit a report. Ald. ~cKinley was of the opinion that the Contractors
should be allowed to proceed with the two additional holes in the Cemetery but
that the drilling of the hole in the Ball Park should be with-held until the
City Manager reports thereon.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 199 - T_raffic Committee - no park~n8 be established on both sides of
Stanley Avenue north of Eerry Street for a distance of 75 feet. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Mowers and Logan that the report be received and adopted.
The following Re~orts were presented;
SEE Communication No.239.
No. 209 - City ManaKer - meeting with Ontario F~nicipal Board, October 9th to
discuss proposed amalgamation. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Logan
that the report be received and filed.
No. 210 - City Manager - requesttn8 permission to attend Annual Convention of
Can. Institute on Sewage and Sanitation, Nov.3, ~ and 5. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Jolley and MacDonald that the report be received and permission
granted and His Worship the Mayor appoint a Committee of Council to attend.
No. 211 - City Manager - re claim of Mrs. Thslma Hurd. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. ~acDonald and Joltey that the report be received. and adopt6d and the
Department of Veterans' Affairs be cmntcated with, soliciting their efforts
on behalf of her son' s case.
No. 212 - Property Committee - request of J. Antonio to erect living accomeod-
ation over his garage at 1974 Main St. ORDE'~ED on the motion of Ald. Donald
and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted.
No. 213 - City Clerk - rec~nding issuance of licehoe. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. MacDonald and Jolley that the report~b~l received and adopted and
licence issued accordingly.
Aid. M~.Kinley suggested that it might be advisable ~o have a Committee
known as a Licehoe Committee to examine applications for licenoes. He ~eferred
to the fact that there are now 1~ restaurants in a certain section of the City
and that one restaurant will have to close because of the competition in the
area. The City Clerk advised that Co-ncil does not have any power to limit the
type of operation referred to. As long as the individual meets the requirements
of the municipality, he has every right to operate the business. The Clerk
further pointed out that Council has every right to grant, refuse or revoke
any licence.
Ald. Inglis referred to a delegation which had waited upon the ~iagara
Parks C~ission during their meeting last Friday, protesting against parkin~
on both sides of River Road from Buttrey Street north and also the erection or
a sign in connection with a Tavern located on River Reed. He further advised
that the Commission, after locking into the situation, decided that this was
a matter for Council to deal with and not the Con~issien.
His Worship the Nayor advised the Alde~-nn that the ma~ter of parking
would be referred .to the Traffic C~mittee for consideration and requested
the Chairman of Traffic to consider the problem. The Nayor then advised that
the erection of the sign will be investigated by the proper authorities.
The Council adjourned to Finance on the motion of Aid. Mowers and McKinley.
READ AND ADOPTED,20th October,1952.
Comqcil Chamber,
l~th 0ctober,1952.
The Finance Meeting was held on Tuesday, l~th October, 1952 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accotmts ~ich had been
preparly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were
Sundry Accounts in the amotu~t of $52,8~3.15 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the
motion of~ayorHawkins and Ald. McKinley.
The Communication from the Canadian Paraplegic Association and report
of the Welfare Administrator in connection with treatment charges for Johannes
A. Van der Sluis, laid over from the previous meeting for a further report,
was again presented for consideration. $rdered on the motion of Ald. Inglis
and Hayor Hawkins that the matter be referred to the Federal Department of
PUblic Welfare. (Ald. Logan - contrary). Previous to this, Ald. McKinley,
seconded by Ald. MacDonald moved that the City agree to assume one-half the
charges with the understanding that the Citywill be reimbursed by any other
payments Mr. and Mrs. Van der Sluis cculd m~ke.
The report of the Property Committee recommending a permit be 8ranted
to Mr. Langforalterations to 9 River Road, in accordance with the revised
sketch as submitted, October 14th, was presented for consideration. O~DEHED
on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the report be received and
adopted. .
The offer of Dominic Rachello to purchase Lot 83, Plan 6, Dyson
Avenue for the sum of $240. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Logan and MacDonald that the offer be received and accepted,
subject to the condition that a dwelling of the ~alue of at least $6,000.
be erected upon the premises within apetied of six months.
The Comparison of Tax Collections to September 30th, 19~2 was presented
for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of His ~orship the Mayor and AId.
NatDonald that the 8tatement-be received and given the usual publicityand filed.
The Ceemittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and
p~AD AND ADOPTED, 20~h October,1952,
Council Heeting
Council Chamber,
l~th October,1952.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and
finance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the
accounts approved by the Com~4ttee. All members of the Council w~pa present.
The following By-law was passed;
~ - To provide monies for general purposes.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that Ald.
Jolley be given the privilege of introducin~ the by-law and the by-law be
read the first time. - Carried Unanimousl~v.
It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald and Mowers that Rule
36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the
by-law be read the second time. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and Donald - Carried Unanimously.
The following Resolutions were passed;
No. 98 - DONALD - JOIAEY - ~ESOLVED that the condolences of His Worship the
Mayor and Members of Council be extended fonts. Finglah and familyupon the
death of her husband, the late John Finglah, a valued employee of the City
of Niagara Falls; and the Seal of the Corporation be heretoaffDced.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 99 -DONALD - Hc~KINLEY / F~SOLVED that the City~anager be requested to
consult with the Purchasing Agent and submit a report and recn~mendations on
municipal purchasing; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried UnanimousLY.
Prior to voting on this resolution, Aid. Mowers re~erred to the
Pun'chasing Agent and the present system of lack o~ system in accounting for
purchases and moved a resolution, seconded by Ald. Inglis that the Purchasing
Agent be asked to submit a report with reconnendations, through the City
Manager. This resolutionwas later withdrawn.
Ald. Jolley desired to know whether any further information had been
received from the C.N.R, with reference to the~ailability of Buttrey Avenue
lands for industrial sites. He was advised that nothing further had been
received since receipt of a con~nication advising that the mtter was in hand.
Ald, Donald agreed to contact the Railway on this matter.
Ald. Inglis requested the Revenue and FocPenditure Statement up to
September; this to be submitted alor~ with the Arena Manager, s report, which
had previously been requested.
Ald. Logan queried as to the Progress of the City Hall Co~nittee and
was advised that further action would be held in abeyance until the report of
the City Manager w~s submitted as to Proposed alterations in the two structures.
Ald. McKinley queried as to the action in connection with additional
gasoline tank for the City storage yard and was advised by the Chairman of the
Equipment Committee that the matter was still under consideration.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Inglis and MacDonald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 2Oth October, 1952.
Clerk ' "' ·
Council Chamber,
2Oth October,1952.
Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at ?.30 p.m. on Henday, 2Oth
October, 1952 for the purpose of considering general business and finance.
All members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and
read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald.
MacDonald and Mowers.
- Aid. Logan and Inglis arrived .
Laid over from the previous meeting{
No. 2~6 - Perin~-Walsh - requesting permission to drill 3 more down holes on
City-owned property. OEDEED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Mowers that
the communication be received and filed and the report of the City Manager
adopted with the understanding that there will be no interference with events
taking place in Cakes Park or ~ith funerals in Fairview Cemetery.
SEE Re~ort No.214.
The following Ceamnmications were presented~
No. 247 - Radio Station. CHVC - requesting permission to broadcast Remembrance
Day ceremonies. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald that the
ccam~cation be received and the request granted.
No. 2~8 - Ontario Fire Marshal - Training Course for Fire Chiefs. Oct.23-2J+.
ORDEE on the motion of Ald. Logan and MacDonald that the communication be
received and filed.
No. 2~9 - San~ster 4,mher Co. Ltd. - requesting price of property on Hamilton
Street. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. Jolley and Mowers that the communication
be received and referred to the Property Committee and the City Manager to
discuss this matter with Mr. Sangster and submit a report to Council.
No. 2~0 - Michael Scotdine - requesting installation of 'no parking'signs in
front of Lot 11, Sylvia Place. 0RDEt~D on the motion of Ald. Jolley and Mac-
Donald that the co..m,~ication be received and referred to the Chairman of the
Traffic Corntree for a report.
The following ~eports were presented~
No. 2~ - City Manager~- recommending Perini-Walsh be permitted to construct
1 concre~fitg' ho'le for T~mnel Not 1 in Cakes Park, 2 concreting holes for
Tunnel No~ 2 in Fai~;~lew Cemetery and 1 concreting hole in Cakes Park for
Tunnel No. 2. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Howera that the
report be received and adopted with the understanding that there will be no
interference with events taking place in Cakes Park or with funerals in
Fairview Cemtery.
No. 215 - Arena Nanseer - report and recommendations re operation of Memorial
Arena. OP, DEHED on the motion of Aid. Inglis and Mowers that the report be
received and laid on the table for one week along with the Revenue and Expend-
iture Statement. It was further ordered on the motion of Aid. Inglis and
Mckinley that the Revenue and Expenditure Statement on the m~-orial Arena be
released to the press. Carried. (Aid. Logan-contrary).
The followin~ Petition was Presented;
No. 30 - Mrs. Eleanor McLellan and 22 others . reoues~i . . .
The followin~ By-laws were Passed;
No. ~86~ _ To amend By-law Number 3790, for the r~gulation of traffic.
It was ordered on ~e motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that
Aldo Donald be given the Privilege of introducing the
be read the first time, . Carried Unanimously, by-law and the by-law
It was ordered on the motion of Ald, Mowers and t"'~cDonald that
Rul~ 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the
by-law be read the second time, . Carried Unanimous],v,
Third Reading ,Ald, Donald and McKinley ~ Carried Unanimously,
. No__, 4870 . To authorize the execution of an agreement for sale and deed,
It was ordered on the motion of Ald, McKinley and Donald that Ald,
Jolley be given the Pri~/lege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given
the first reading . Carried Unanimously,
It was ordered on the motion of Ald, Jolley and MacDonald that
Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporily suspended and the
by-law be read the second time, . Carried Unanimously,
Third Reading _Ald, MacDonald and McKinley ~ Carried Unanimously,
The Council adjourned to Finance on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Donald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 27th October, 1952.
Council Chamber,
2Oth October,1952.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 20th October, 1952 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present.
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $13,299.37 were approved by
the Committee.
The Accounts submitted being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to Council on the motion
of Ald. McKinley andMayor Hawkins.
The City Treasurer presented a Statement on the Reveme and Expend-
itures of the Memorial Arena as of September 30th, 1952,
SEE Report No.214
The City Clerk presented a repor~ on behalf of the Property Co~n4ttee
in connection with the offer of Provincial Engineering L~m~ted to purchase
Lots 100, 101 and 102, Muir Avenue, for the sum of $1,050. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. MacDonald and Logan that the report be received and adopted and
the of£er accepted subject to the condition that a structure of at least $7~500.
value be erected upon the premises within six months.
The Statement of Relief as of September, 1952was presented for con-
sideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and His Worship the Mayor
that the Statement be received, given the usual publicity and filed. A further
motion was moved byAl4. Inglis that it be referred back to the Welfare A~m~n-
istrator for a report. This was not seconded.
The City Manager presented a report in connection with the application
of Mrs. Martha Parker for a building permit to erect a 3-car garage at 1/415
Elm Street, with the recommendation that the application be referred to the
Property Committee with power to act. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley
and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
A Statement prepared by the Assessment Co~missioner showing the
assessment made in the year 1952 for 1953 taxes, exclusive of business assess-
monte and prior to court of revision action, was presented for consideration.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the Statement be
received, given the usual publicity and filed.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and
1F, AD AND ADOPTED, 27th October,1952.
Council Chamber,
20th October,1952.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular councLl and finance
meetings for the Purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Committee. All members of the Council were Present.
_Th~ followin~ By-law was Passed;
No. 48~ _ To provide monies for general Purposes.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and ~cDonald that Ald.
Jolley be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read
the first time. - Carried UnanL~ously.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley that Rule
36 (2) of the Standin~ Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law
be read the second time.. Carried UnanDcously.
Third Reading _Ald. Donald and Jolley - Carried UnanLmously.
FAr. Clifford Teal was present at the meeting and on the motion of Aid.
McK~n]ey and Mowers was permitted to address the Council. He referre,l to the
traffic hazard existing at the comer of Ontario Avenue and Morrison Street
and was of the opinion that a 'stop' sign should be erected on Morrison Street,
thus allowing through traffic to proceed on Ontario Avenue
Ald. Mowers advised that at the request of the City Treasure;, he as
Chairman of the Equipment Committee had given consideration to a revision of
the methods of accounting in the City Hall. He referred specifically to the
handling of Unemployment Insurance payments and the modernization of the dis-
tribution portion of the accounting ~systemand was of the opinion that experts
from firms engaged in the production of this equipment be requested to make a
survey of the situation locally and submit a report.
It was pointed out by Ald. Inglis that there is to be a display of such
equipment within the next few days at the Collegiate Institute and this would
serve as an opportunity for the Chairman and any members of the staff to contact
these officials with a view to obtaining their suggestions.
SEE Re~.qlution No,lO1.
Ald. Logan referred to the meeting held with the Real Estate Een regarding
the Area Plan and suggested that consideration be given and action taken so that
the Plan could be adopted and the necessary by-law be considered. Following dis-
cussion on the subject, the City Manager suggested that Council meet with
representatives of the Real Estate Men's Association to consider the Association's
Mrs~.estions and that then these, if approved by Council, could be forwarded to
~ hng with a request for a complete repor~ on these and suggestions made at
the las~ meeting withMr. Lang.
Ald. Logan suggested that the City Manager also prepare a list of the
suggestions which were previously forwarded to Mr. Lang after the last meeting.
SEE Resolution No.102,
58 u
Ald. Inglis referred to the shortage of cement and queried whether
this could delay the work now underway and was advised by the City Manager
that steps would be taken to alleviate this condition.
The followin~ Resolutions were passed;
No. 1OO - JOT.L~.y _ M~WERS - F~OLVED that the traffic hazard existing at the
comer of Morrison Street and Ontario Avenue, referred to by FAr. Clifford
Teal, 39~ Morrison Street, be referred to the Chairman of Traffic Committee
and the City Manager for study and discussion on the site with Mr. Teal; and
the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 101 - LOGAN - JO.I~..! - RESOLVED that action be taken to investigate the
possibility of modernizing the payroll and accounting system of the City and
any antion deemed necessary to obtain adequate information; and the Seal of
the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 102 -McKINLeY -LOGAN - RESOLVED that a meeting be arranged with the
Real Estate Men's Association for 9 p.m. following the Council meeting on
October 27th, to which any interested citizen is invited; and the City Manager
be instructed to present his report; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
Carried Unanimouslit.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 27th October,1952.
p Mayor.
Council Char~er,
27th October lo~2
, ...
Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 27th
October, 1952 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All
members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the
minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald
and Mowers.
Tenders had been called for the supply of two mobile three-way radio-
telephone units for the Niagara Falls Fire Department and on the motion of Ald.
Mowers and MacDonald it was ordered that the tenders received be opened,
initialled by His Worship the ~'~yor and tabulated. '
The present Ccnmsinications were Prese~ted~
No. 2~1 - Collegiate-Vocational Institute _ invitation to business machines
e~hibition, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Jolley and I'~cDonald that the con~mini.
cation be received, the invitation accepted and as many members of Council as find
it possible attend,
-Ald. Logan arrived at the meeting _
No. 252 - Stratford City Clerk - resolution re country-wide system of Daylight
Saving Time. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the
communication be received and filed and no action taken.
The following Reports were Presented[
No. 216 - City Manager . policy in effect re purchasing for City. Moved by
Ald. MacDonald, seconded by Ald. Logan that the report be received and filed.
An amendment to this motion by Ald. Inglis and McKinley that the report be
tabled for further consideration, was carried. (Ald. Donald, Logan and MacDonald
contrary). '
Aid. Mowers in speaking to the report could see no reason why Purchasing Agent
could not be advised in advance of the materials required, that a great deal
more work could be done by the Purchasing Department if proper administration
was set up in that Office thus relieving pressure on the City Manager.
Ald. Logan queried the feasibility of a full-time Purchasing Agent.
Ald. McKinley was of the opinion that a reflection was being cast on the City
Manager Form of Government. He was also of the opinion that the City has a
Purc.hasing Agent in name Only.
Ald. Inglis felt that there was no reflection cast upon the City Manager and
that this matter was being discussed to improve the efficiency of the City' s
.operation and was of the opinion that the Purchasing Agent should be advised
of the materials needed and when they are needed.
The City Manager respectfully suggested that the present system of purchasing
be allowed to continue; that he could obtain better results in ordering tile,
waterworks equipment, etc. that such purchases and those by tender should be
made from the City Hall where the records are and that the nmnant of time
involved to purchase such major items was very small in proportion. The City
Manager pointed out that the Purchasing Agent also keeps records of stock.
His Worship the Mayor was also of the opinion that the work was being performed
satisfactol. ily~ that the best prices possible were being secured.
No. 217 - City Manager _ revised estimate for shaft for storm water for the
sewage system. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Inglis and MacDonald that the
repor~ be received and the recommendation be adopted. (Ald. Logan and Donald-
contrary). Prior to this action, Ald. Jolley and MacDonald moved that the
report be received and adopted and the project proceeded with. (This was with-
drawn). An amendment to this motion by Ald. Donald that the City advertise
for tenders for the construction of this shaft, to ascertain whether a lower
estimate could be obtained, was not seconded.
In speaking to this report, Ald. Logan was of the opinion that an estimate
should also be obtained from Raynor-Atlas to ascertain whether the estimate
submitted by Perini-Walsh is reasonable. Ai~. Inglis was of the opinion that
the Council should be guided by the advice of Engineers. Ald. McKinley felt
that Perini-Walsh should be ready to grant concessions, as the City Council
have allowed them to construct drill holes in the Oakes Ball Park and Fair-
view Cem%ery.
· No. 218 - City Manager . suggestions re Area Plan. OR~EFa~Don the motion of
Ald. Mowers and McKinley that the report be received and laid over for con-
sideration at the meeting with the Real Estate Men's Association scheduled
for later in the evening.
No. 219 - City Manager _ suggesting inspection of old Customs building at the
coruer of Clifton Avenue and Park Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.Inglis
and Logan that the report be received and laid on the table and arrangements
be made for inspection by the City Council and the Police Commission at an
early date.
No. 220 - City Manager _ retirement of FAr. D. CalagUiro, Foreman of the Sewer
Department. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Logan that the report
be received and the recommendation adopted. It was further ordered on the
motion of Ald. Donald ann Jolley that a letter of appreciation be forwarded
to Mr. Calaguiro for the valuable service he has rendered to the Corporation
during the entire period of his employment. Ald. Inglis suggested that the .
City Manager should contact Mr. Calaguiro to request him to remain'in the
employ of the City until such time as it is possible to obtain a replacement;
that lighter duties could be allotted to him while he assists in the training
of the replacement.
No. 221 - CityManager . resignation of Assessor, FAr. Ralph Zimmerman, effective
Nov. 7th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Mowers that the report
be received and adopted and the City Manager be instructed to advertise for
this position,
No. 222 - Traffic Committee - three recommendations. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Mowers and Jolley that the report be received and adopted.
No. 223 - City Manager , re proposed closing of Clifton Hill by M.C.R.
OPd)ERED on the motion of Ald. Logan and Mowers that the report be received
and adopted and suitable signs placed to notify the public.
Laid over from the Vrevious meeting:-
No. 215 - Arena Manager _ report and recommendations. 0RDEREDon the motion
of Ald. Donald and Jolleythat the repor~ be referred to the 1953 Council.
In Connection with the Revenue and Expenditure S~atement on the Memorial Arena
as of September 3~h, 1952, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and
Jolley that the same be received and filed. Contrary- Ald. MacDonald & Inglis.
In speaking to the report, Ald. Inglis was not in favour of Bingo Games being
held in the Arena and referred to the Financial Statement which indicated that
the City had been reimbursed te the amoun~ of $7,000. due to the operation of
Bings, and was of the opinion that this was not lawful. Ald. Inglis fUrther
advised that he was not opposed to Bingo Games for charitable purposes, pro-
viding the City was not a beneficiary. In referring to the Pittsburgh Hockey
Club~ he advised that the Club were no% satisfied with conditions this year
and referred to their use of Stamford Arena. He voiced agreement with ~e
Arena ManagerI~hat another compressor should he installed.
He was of the opinion that the Arena Manager, s job is to Pr~note the Arena
and all its activities without any interference to
referred to the fact that there would be a deficit any gre,lt extent.
while Stamford Arena is Providing the required servic-s for skate,s, which
the Memorial Arena has failed to rovide Aa~ the ~nd of the yea~
to clergy his Position on
sho d ' Ptter, opi or c
made Public and it was his intention to t~rn ove~ the
tadvised that in ord rinrormation
minutes of conference to the Press. ~s onFe ~ence e
Ald. Logan was of the
have been fully opinion that all matters with reference to the Arena
i ce reports to the Press, Ald. Logan was of the opinion
that no Alderman should take it upon himself to release these to the Pre!;s
without the consent of Council.
Ald. Inglis referred to the fact that Stmm~ord Arena was operating at a surplus
while the CitY Arenawas not and was of the opinion that a Commission would be
the best way to operate the Arena. He advised that the Public are not satisfied
The arena was erected for the Public and to Provide the children with healthful
recreation. With reference to the F~klncial Statement, Ald. Mowers was of tie '
opinion that the Public should be correctly infonaed as to the amount netted by
the City in the operation of the Arena.
Ald. Donald in speaking to the report and financial s~atement, referred to the
statement made that the Provincial Government had granted $5,000. to the
Stamford Arena and advised that this Grant was given because Stamford nominated
a Commission to operate the Arena, but Pointed out that this was the only
amount received. Ne Pointed out also that Council were of the opinion that the
Arena cottld be more economically operated other than by a
reference to the former Manager, Ald. Dona~.d stated that he had left of
own free will and accord. ~ lassion. W'th
referred to the comn,~nts made concerning bingo and cited the
fact that in a neighbouring County, no Service Club could carry on any philan.
thropic or charitable activities due to a ruling of those administering Justice
and expressed the hope that such a ruling would not be inaugurated in this
conmulnity, because of the effect it would have on the many worth~ile services
to the conmmmity rendered by such Clubs.
The followir~ Resolution was Passed~
No. 103 - _LOGAN . INGLIS . RESOLVED THAT the City Manager investigate the
Possibility of U~ing eFectrically-operated apparatus for the Purpose of cleaning
out sewers; and the Seal of the Corporation be he~etc affixed.
The following By_lawwns passe__~;
~ - To appoint Deputy Returuir~ Officers, Poll Clerks and Polling places
for the municipal election in December, 1952 for the year 1953.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Jolley and MacDonald that Ald.
McKinley be given the privilege of introduci,l~ the by-law and the by-law be read
the first time. _ Carried Unanimously.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley that Rule 36
(~) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be
given the second r~ading.. Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading .Ald. MacDonald and Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
The Council adjourned to Finance on the motion of AId. Donald and McKinley.
READ AND ADOPTED, 3rd November,1952.
.... ~ayor
Council Chamber,
27th October,1952,
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 27th October, 1952 for the
purpose of approvlng and also passin~ the various accounts which had been
properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were
-Ald. Inglis left the meeting -
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $10?,964.16 were approved
by the Committee.
The Accounts submitted being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the
motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. McKinley.
The City~ana~er presented a report on the offer of J. H. Lock & Sons
to purchase the 75 horse power manual motor starter for the sum of $200. for
consideration. ORDE~ED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and MacDonald that the
report be received and adopted and the offer be accepted.
The City Manager presented a report recomnending the purchase of two
Ford Tractors, equipped with DearbornUnlversal Frame & Snow Plough Blade at
$~,1~2.56 and also two VAI Case Tractors, equipped with Anderson One-Way Plough,
Model SW 37 at $~,7~2.00. ORDERED on the motionof Ald. MacDonald and McKinley
that the report be received and the rec~endation adopted.
The CityManager presented a report recommending the purchase of a
FrinkOne.Way Snow Plough for installation on the new International Truck at
a price of $1,495. which includes power hydraulic control. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. MacDonald and Mowers that the report be received and the
recommendation adopted.
The offer of Richard and Helen Price to purchase Lot 84, Plan 6,
Dyson Avenue for $2~0. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on
motion of Ald. Logan and Mayor Hawkins that the offer be received and accepted
subject to the condition that a dwelling of at least $7,800. value is erected
upon the premises withina period of six mouths.
-Ald. Inglis returned to the meett-=.
The Committee arose and reported to Cot~cil on the :::oti,,n
Ald. MacDonald.
READ AND ADOFrED, 3rd November
.......... l .........
ChaLm~m of F[,~ance
Council MeetinE
Council Chamber,
27th 0ct, ob~r,1952.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the re&~lar counc[1 and finan,:e
meetings for the Purpose of Passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Committee. All members of the Council were Present.
The following By-law was pas. eed;
~ - To provide monies for general Purposes.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Logan a~d McKinley that Ald.
Jolley be Permitted to introduce the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. Carried Unanimously.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Logan and McKinley that Rule 36
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporaril~ suspended and the by-law be
given the second reading. _ Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading _Ald. McKinley and MacDonald . Carried Unanimously.
~1~e followin~ Resolution was passe.~d.
No. 10/~ . McKINLEy . ff~S - P~ESOLVED that Report Number 218 be stricken from
the agenda and place~ ~eT'oo~ the members of Council at the meeting to be held
with the Real Estate ffen'e Association at a later date; and the Seal of the
Corporation be hemto affixed.
Tabulation of the tenders received for the supply of two -3-way
mobile radio-telephone nn~ts for the Niagara Falls Fire Department, havin~
been completed, was considered at this time. ORDERED on the motion of Aid.
McKinley and Mowers that the tender of Canadian Marconi Company at a price of
$1,520. be accepted. Carried. An amendment made by AId. Legan that on~ one
unit be purchased at this time, was not seconded.
The following Resolution was ~assed;
No. 105 - MCKINLEY - JOLT.k'Y . RESOLVED that the commendation of the City
Council be forwarded to ~he Police Commission expressing the appreciation
Of the co-operation rendered by the Police Department during the fire which
occurred at the Metrepels Hotel on Bridge Street; and that the Fire Chief
be requested to express the appreciation of the City Council to the members
of his Department for their fine work in cornbatting this conflagration; and
the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Ald. Mowers referred to the fact that his name was on the streets
of the City after the last Council meeting in connection with proposed
installation of time clocks and was of the opinion that this conveyance of
matters dealt with in Conference should be discontinued. The City Manager
was instructed to take some means to discourage such practice.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Donald and M~ers.
READ AND ADOPTED, 3rd. November,1952.
The Court of
day, 28th Octob+-r,
appeals; -.. ~ :it ' -. ·
Members present: 5h ~Pi?~
Zimmennan. 7. L. ~ v; '- ~ , 3.' i ':, , :..
Iio. A~.ell".nt X~ ,--~,.
375~ Birket, Yru-i ~-1 f!qr' .v;:.l
293 Bugg, Thos. ';'h.:'~.rZ! I:: %
917 BrilZe St.
2024 Cities jetvice Cil 7.7 'f,'o 'l
1179 Yonj=~ ~.Torouto
27l~5 Campbell, :-r] th
1509 Cha-mbers, C.F.
886 Course, Flor~.nce
~775 Cristello,.n~lc
3613 Curtis, i~uth
361A Morton, E.
3878 Donald, Grant
684 Armour* St.
!%'b7 _iv !r ( '
7;: j2:i~
l(h~O :!ri! '.
127? Je_.' ;ou j[,ruqt
3584 Dobbie, l.~ry
859 Eden, Philip
1171 '.'~ctoris . v.uue
~'22 'P'l:ir! ..v.'nq,' 177
Famous Players 62h-532 ~ue~n jtr.~.t 12,175
Royal Bank BIdS.Toronto ].,2.!,~
Firestone Tire &: 2ubbcr Lots '. q;
~,.,, on 10,170
Beach Road,Hsmilton Victoria ,~ve.
2658 Garrett, E. J.
1036 Ontario .A,,mue toq
737 Garrett, G. N.
965 Bridge Street 720
5922 Gergely, Jean
2021 .)ele::are :';venus 730
3871 Graham, William !~j! J,!rson Street 3AO
3~72 ~ ?,n .' , --, ~
383 Gregeroff, G.
3060 Grant, C.A.
~ 775
~)o Victoria Avenue
105~ 'jr.Lawrence Ave. ~00
2261 Henderson, J.C. 1115 Valleyway 1,010
Hughes, L. King
881 Yonge St.Toronto
Hunt, H.A.
399 Buttrey Street 1,515
6.'~ Fourth Avenue 6AO
185 Imperial Oil Ltd. 799 Bridge Street 700
150Laird Drive,Leaside
2: ur't
- n i:z: .... ! 135.
1 T '. r. .... ~ laq5
i~ l.'I ~. r~ !uc .-, i ;300.
' I
Kennedy, S.
Ls~,~rsh, :Y.C.
1881 Ferry Street
E. N. Horton
479 Eastwood Strec!t 1,285
1842 Ferry Street 490
1828-36 Ferry Street
Levrin, Harry
266 Elgin Street 380
Logan & Logan 615-625 Cataract 1,940
313 Queen St. 390
Marshello, A.
1725 Robinson St. 810
Martin,Calvert & Matthews -152 Bridge St. 4,125
520 ~ueen St.
& Matthews
1,~rtin, Calvert
& l.~tthews
Martin, Calvert
& Matthews
580 Victoria Ave. 2,300
2235 Zain Street 2,400
417 Ellis Street 1,105
2332 Drmmond Rd. 630
McAninch,J. & F. lll4 Bridge Street
McKinley, A.J. 87 Epworth Circle
Michigan Central Rly.2~2 Park St.
Fred Eastland
Naish, Nellie
Peacey, A.S.
Romano, Vincent
145 Epworth Circle
1177 Rosedale Drive
160 Victoria Ave.
Robinson, Edward
Rolston, A.J.
Saucedo, Ralph
Scott, A.
Stuart, W. A.
995 Jepson Street
905 McRae Street
709 Jepson Street
337 Simcoe Stre,~t
10~6Bridge Street
25,320 P)
5,080 S)
3110 William, Miriam 560 Jepson Street 500 2,065
Land reduced
Land increase!Z
30,100 Dismissed
5,025 Dimmissed
4,1OO Bldg.red.
4,1~O Dismissed
3,790 Disn~ssed
500 dismissed
610 2,555 Dismissed
770 5,000 Dismissed
435 2,900 S) Dismissed
150 970 P)
915 3,750 Dismissed
835 4,330 Dismissed
560 ~,120 Dismissed
840 5,565 Dismissed
830 3,165 Bldg.red.
The Court then adjourned to re-convene on Wednesday, 29th October, 1952 at 10.00 A.;i.
Certified Correct,
The second sittin: ~'
~ I.~ th,' 3-,urt ~,' ~ --' '
1C.O0 a.nh .:;-!n,r: D.- '7 ~ i:'.r: , ~ . , ,
upon ~he r,~,: cctS~,, ~, . ~ -.
Members Pr,?:;enf.3 j':r"'f V.
No. A..p.~ q ~nt
1354 BucMley, :. ~..
1338 Davey~:iot.!].:s,LL '.
KcUarter, 7:
2209 Lua !-': L:m.e
3 · ~Ie
2594 iiorin, Don
3L~+2 Nigh, Uil!ian
3575 Sauer, S.
865 Armoury ~t.
63~ Sekowski, ~.
2408 Sparer, 3eor.%e
1222 Storie, Jean
5757 Vicary, Edith
437 DeVilliers, P.
167 Visentin, 2ose
W. T. McCallurn
1551 Wolf, M.
2438 Young, G.
5786 Zulich, Marion
1277 'r.- , --l! 1':':,:, .!L:] 5
7',, Far: ~tr ~
1/12 ::uron ;trc,::t
1330 U~i.: Le ~t.
22%~. FiLky St.
439 Bri ] :c jt.
12.3 -che ~on .'.v.,.
767 :ueen it.
~ 5o
110 MortOn, E. H.
539 Morton, E. N.
4778 Morton, E. N.
6163 Morton, E. N.
~56 Morton, E.M.
2, ?45
335 Erie ,re. S*O
1465 Lorrison St. 520
1953 littray Street 505
" :', c= · ! r '0' 0
Ai' s Valet Service
545 Erie Ave.
N. El&monte, 1~51 Fsl!s Ave.
J. Booth, 12;~l Fe~'uy
T. & J. Boyd,870 Maple
Canada Bread Company,
905 Buckley Avenue
~-: :.s' :uc,: ,2OC.
] .", h:2,-I
i,' ::: re Zuced ]'290.
'?I-T :.r~;duced ~265.
Bld:.reduce,l j~400.
~bate;aent ,14.51
Abatement 356.88
2cfund 315.87
Abatement ~h.86
ibmfund ~52.92
736 Morton, E.N.
2~1 Morton, E.E.
247 Morton, E.N.
5558 Morton, E.N.
700 Morton,
380 Morton, E.N.
397 Morton, E.N.
627 Morton, E.N.
5101 Korton, E.;!.
546 Morton, E.N.
5358A Morton, E.N.
99 ~rton, E.N.
688 Morton, E.N.
47A4 Morton, E.N.
353 Morton,
519 Morton, E.N.
289 Morton, E.N.
210 Morton, E.N.
831 Morton, E.N.
1969 Morton, E.N.
The Court then adjourned,
Certified Correct,
Firestone Tire & llubber Co.
634 Victoria Avenue
John Fowlie,627 Queen St.
John Fowlic,613 ~een St.
l.~a~ 3eorge,2158 Allen Ave.
J. & R. Grader,613 ~raeen St.
Olive Henry,~58 ~ueen St.
International Chemical WorkerS'
Union, 362 ~ueen Street
M. & B. Lewish
722A Bridge Street
Elizabeth Mancuso
1822 Summer Street
McKay, Charles,392 Hir&m St.
Michigan Central Railway
Clarke Avenue
Williem Morosi
548 Clifton ~venue
Packard Niagara Motors
852 Hunter Street
Andrew Peace
1815 Buchanan Avenue
J. Ramsoy
358Queen Street
Emily Ross, 725 Bender Hill
G. K. Seibel,.611 Welland Ave.
E. Simon, Electric Motor & Radio
567 Erie AvSnue
George Smirnos,
2163 Buchanan Avenue
C. & E. Turner
733 First Avenue
Refund '~54.91
Abatement ~56.88
Abatement ~70.O2
Refund ~106.38
Refund ~33.63
Abatement ~32.17
Abatement ~21.2~A
Refund ~47.92
Refund ~4.68
Refund ~136.80
Abatememt ~29.86
Abatement $~3.7~
RIffund ~6.OO
Abatement !!30.C~
Abatement ..~20.70
Abatement ~83./,7
Abatement ,~3.60
Abatement ~.86
Land Assessment reduced
~uildin? As-,~ssment reduced
Tax Rebates.
$ ;615.00
osq .op.
$ 952. 0
Council Ch~Lmber,
3rd Novemb,~r,1952.
Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.50 p.m. on Monday, 3rd.
November, 1952 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All
members of the Council were present, with the exception of Ald. Mowers, Inglis
and Jolley. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous
meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. I'VeDonald and Logan.
Mrs. Thelma Hurd was in attendance at the meeting and on the motion
of Ald. McKinley and Logan was permitted to address the Council. Mrs. Hurd
desired to know what could be done to get the Insurance Compan} to accept its
responsibility in connection with injuries she had sustained by falling on a
City sidewalk. She produced a letter from the Solicitors representing the City
in which they stated that they acted for the insured and had been instructed to
deny liability and therefore nmst respectfully deny the claim.
Ald. Logan stated that the Insurance Company makes the decisions and
not Council and was of the opinion that Mrs. Hurd should take her case to her
solicitor. His Worship the Mayor advised also that Mrs. Hurd should seek the
advice of her solicitor and act upon his judgment.
Then Mrs. Hurd proceeded to state that from conversation with the City
Manager, apparently he and the Council are under the impression that her knee
injury is not due to the fall on the sidewalk. She referred to her visit to
Dr. C. J. Brown who prepared a report on her injuries and the fee of $25. in
connection with this report.
Ald. Logan stated that Mrs. Hurd overlooks the fact that every person
who falls on the City sidewalk does not necessarily have a claim against the
City and was satisfied that the Insurance Company is fully conversant with the
Law. He was of the opinion that Mrs. Hurd should satisfy herself by having the
matter checked into by an independent solicitor. Mrs. Hurd stated that she
couldn't pay a solicitor and Ald. Logan then advised that where persons are
unable to pay for the services of a solicitor, arrangements can now be made
with the County Court Clerk who designates one.
His Worship the Mayor then advised Mrs. Hurd that she has the privilege
of appearing before a full Council next week if she so desired.
l~.Robert Willjams, 560 Jepson Street was also present at the meeting
and on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Logan was permitted to address the Council.
She referred to the noise created by the use of sanders and saws in the building
occupied by upholsterers at 563 Jepson Street, directly opposite her home and
requested Council, s consideration to the elimination of this disturbance. Mrs.
Willjams stated that she was not trying to interfere with the livelihood of the
parties concerned, but was of the opinion that some consideration should be shown
to the neighbouts who have to endure the noise and suggested that the removal of
themchines to the rear of the premises and the shutting of the doors of the
establishment might be the answer to coping with the situation. She also referred
to the parking of trucks over the sidewalk, which interfered with pedestrians.
Ald. Donald referred to the fact that he happened to be present at the
Court of Revision when Mrs. William. appeared to appeal against her assessment
because of the conditions existing in the area and referred to several complaints
he had received about the burning of materials, and was of the opinion that Mrs.
Willlame' complaint was Justified.
The City Clerkadvised that the property concerned had been removed
some years ago from the residential area and stated that the question of the
burning of refuse, etc. is nowunder consideration by the Fire Chief who is
definitel~tak~-8 action.
His Worship the Mayor assured Mrs, W~l]iams that the trouble
be investigated and a full report w~]l be obtained for next Honday' s meeting.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the matter
complained of by Mrs. WillisIns be referred to the City Manager for submission
of a complete report.
Mr. S~m Long, 1331 North Street, appeared before Council and on the
motion of Ald. McKinley and Logan was permitted to speak. He advised that he
represented the Niagara Falls Cataracts Hockey Club, Senior "B" and desired to
know whether Council would be interested in inserting an ad in the Hockey
program and stated that the Township of Stamford were purchasing a full page
at the price of $100. He advised that the prices ranged from $5. to $100.
half page being $50. and a quarter page $20. ORDEP~D on the motion of Ald.
Logan and McKinley that approval be granted to this request and referred to
the Chairman of Finance with power to act as to the size of the ad to be
inserted on behalf of the City.
The following Communications were presented;
No. 253 - Niagara Falls Kinsmen Club - requesting use of corner lots at
Queen Street and Valleyway for the sale of Christmas trees. ORDE~J) on the
motion of Ald. DOnald and McKinley that the comm.,nication be received and
the request granted.
No. 254 - Central Committee of Greater Niagara Veterans - invitation' to
participate in annual Remembrance Day Parade, Sanday, November 9th at 2.15 p.m.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the ccmmmmication be
received, the invitation accepte,d and as many of the members of Council as
possible attend.
No. 255 - Laurence C. Crawford - Cashier' s records' as of September 3Oth, 1952.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the commanication
be received and filed.
No. 256 - City of North Bay - resolution re Police Commission e~penditures be
under ultimate approval of City Council concerned. ORDEP~D on the motion of
Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the resolutiSn be received and laid on the
table for consideration of full.Council.
The following Report. was presented;
No. 22~ - City Clerk - valuation notices of H.E.P.C. properties. ORDEreD on
the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that the report be received and
adopted and a Comittee be appointed to Interview the H.E.P.C. authorities
along with the City Manager, so that the matter may be clearly understood as
to the position of the City of Niagara Falls now and in the future.
*he following Resolution was passed;
No. 106 - MCKINLEY -MacDONALD -RESOLVED that Ald. Donald be appointed
· Actin~ Chai~nn of Finance during the absence of Aid. Jolley; and the Seal
of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
The kollowingBy-laws were Rassed~
NO. 4874 - To amend By-law Number 3791, being a by-law designating through
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKimley and i'~AcDonald that
Ald. Donald be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law
be read the first the. _ Carried.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Logan that Rule 36
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law
be given the second reading. _ Carried. ~
Third Reading _Ald. Donald and McKinley _ Carried.
Ne!~8]~- To authorize the execution of an agreement for sale and deed.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that Ald.
McKinley be given the privilege of introduci,~ the by-law and the by-law be
given the first reading.. Carried.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Logan that Rule 36
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law
be given the second reading. _ Carried.
Third Reading ,Ald. MacDonald and Logan _ Carried.
N~o. ,~8__~ - To authorize the execution of an agreement for sale and deed.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Logan that Ald.
McKinley be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law
be given the first reading.. Carried.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald, Donald and MacDonald that
Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the by-law be giv~ the second reading.. Carried,
Third Reading - Aid. MacDonald and McKinley - Carried.
~o. ~877 - To authorize the execution of an agreement for sale and deed.
It. was ordered on the motion of Aid, Donald and Logan that Ald,
McKinleybe given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be
given the first reading. - Carried.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Logan and McKinley that Rule
36 (2)' of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law
be read the second time. - Carried.
Third Reading -Ald. Donald and Logan - Carried.
The Council adjourned to Finance on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald.
READ AND ADOPTED, lOth November~ 1952.
Council Chamber, '" '
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 3rd November, 1952 for the
purpos. approvi. .so passi the rious acc ts hich had been
properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were 61erk'~ · . ..'
present,the .=coprich of Ald. M.ers, Inglie and Joll.y. Ald. Donald
Acting Chairman of Finance presided.
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $A3,576.16 were approved
by the Committee.
The Accounts submitted being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed L~ the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the
motion of Ald. McKinley and Mayor Hawkins.
The report of the City Ma~ager~ recommending acceptance of the
offer of Frank Fiore for the old batteries at the Filtration Plant, at the
price of $90. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Logan and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted, and the offer
The report of the City Manager, recommending annual Awards of $15.'
and $10. to the students in the First and Second Grades, Comuercial Depart-
ment of N.F.C.V.I. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the report be received and adopted.
The City Clerk presented. a report in connection with FAr. Johannes
A. Van der Sluis, a patient in Sunnybrook Hospital a~d advice received from
the Federal Department of Health and We.lfare and also Canadian Paraplegic
Association. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. MacDonald that
the report be referred to a full Committee for consideration.
The report of the City Manager, recommending holding tender submitted
by the Canadian Marcomi Company in abeyance, for the supply of two 3-way
mobile' radio-telephone units for the Fire Department vehicles, was presented
for consideration. ORDEF~D on th.e motion of Nayor Hawkins and Ald. MacDonald
that the report be received and adopted.
The report of the City Manager recSmmending issuance of a building
permit to Bentley' s Sporting Goods L~m~ted for the erection of an addition
to their office building on First Avenue at an estimated cost of $5,000. was
presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and
Mayor Hawkins that the report be received and adopted And the permit issued.
The report of the City Manager in connection with the application of
E.E.McIntosh of 9A5 Clifton H~ll for a building permit to construct a second
storey over his building at the tourist camp on Clifton Hill at an estimated
cost of $20,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of
Nayor Hawkins and Als. Donald the report be ,received and adopted and the
premises be visited by Council and the matter discussed subsequent to the
inspection, as recommended by the City .N~nager.
The report of the City Manager in connection with the application
of the Queen Elizabeth Tourist Camp for a building permit to modernize the
cabins and bring the court up to date at a tentative e~penditure of $50,000.
and also the application of Mrs. Theresa Reinhart for alterations to cabins
at 933 Clifton H~3~ and recomme~dimg that this matter be laid over for
i~Specti~n by members of nouneLi; the application ~' b~ ~ts~s~ea after' Such
inspection, was presented for consideration. ORDERED e~ the motion of Nayor
Hawkins and Ald. McKinley that the repcr~ be received and the recommendation
The Statement of the City Treasurer regarding Comparison of Tax
Collections for the 9 months' period to October 31et,1952 was presented for
consideration. CEDEBED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mayor Hawkins
that the Statement be received, given the usual publicity and filed.
The Comnittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of AI~. McKinley and
Mayor Hawkins.
Actin~ Chairnsn of Finance
Council ChB~mber,
3rd Novembe~',1952.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the re~alar Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
appreved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present, with the
exception of Ald. Mowers, Inglis and Jolley.
The following By-law was passed;
No. A878 - To provide monies for general purposes.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that
Ald. Donald be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be
read the first time. - Carried.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley that Rule
36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law
he read the second time. - Carried.
Third Reading _Ald. McKinley and Logan - Carried.
Th__e _followin%~ Resolution was passed;
No. 107 - ~ONALD - MacDONALD - ECSOLVED that the Real Estate Men' s Association
be contacted t~ a~r'~a'nge~for a meeting on Monday, November 10th, 1952 tentatively
at 9 p.m. to discuss the Area Plan; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
(Contrary -Ald. MacDonald)
READ AND ADOPTED, 10th November,l~52.
CouncLl Chamber,
3rd November,1952.
The Conference Cornindites of the City Council assembled at the close
of the re~tlar Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, 3rd November, 1952
for the purpose of considerin~ Earious matters. All members were present,
with the exception of Ald. Mowers, Inglis and Jolley. His Worship the Mayor
pre side d.
After consideration of the various matters presented to them, the Committee
adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Logan.
READ AND ADOPTED, lOth November,1952.
the notion of A!~. Dc.U,-'j!-' an' , < , r' bh': b!/ " ,/-' -' ' ' "
with regret and a
No. 260 - City c'~i~_in_i;~ - :"_~l=;i';,; ...... -;-' ~ .... j L ', .... '.
motion of AId. ]!ow~r= ;--n'; LoSr-.r. that t} dut"',' :, . ,;. 'v
Inglis enTaired az tct~ ,: :~t~-~,.n~t.s b,'ia~ ;,:ad., :t .; '- ~ ,t '.' ' v
~ed ~ this City and ',:a:. a_vl ,~j. '~ the City 21:
The follov~ Report was presented;
::o. 225 - ~',_l~.na_ger - recommendinS permission to Raynut-Atlas to haul rock
on Ferry Stre,:t and Lun'i~rl s L:.ne. O:DEPSD on the motion oF A!d. Jol!ey and
Inglis that the report be receive~] and r,~fcrr:d to ~}]~ City l:an~-ger ':rith power
to act, with the sugge:'tien that discretion be used and a ztr~Z rccormn,~n.'!ation
that Lhe haul~ of ~tone b,~ carried out dur~g the eve~ng hours. (A1 I. Donald -
contrary). Ald. Donald moved that th? 'ntt-r be taT:ca up with the '~uthnrit:~es tc
ascertain ff another route could be tak.d~ instead of ~sing Ferry :treet. There
wac n9 seconder to this motion. ~
The follo'~ria~ Re::__o!utions were psssed~
No. 108 - DONALD - VacDO.UALD - .T]SOLVED that the cordolenc,.'s on behalf of His
:;orship, l:ayor E. V. Hawkins, members of Council and the citizens at large~ be
forwarded to the F.mnily oF th.-? late Mrs. McMur:ay, wife of the former Tr,2asurer
of the City of ::iaSapa Falls, the late Er. '::illtam HcI[urray; an.". th.~ Se>] off the
Corporation be he-.%o
Carried Unanimously.
No. 109 - INSLiE - ~"TO:Z!~% - I~,:SOLV'SD that a letter be for~,mrd~d to ITr. Dominic
ColagulFs, reLi:'cd Foreman of the Sewer Detriment, e::pres:;inS Councilw s
appreciation For his past service:~ wbl!~ in the employ oF the City of Niagara
Falls; -~kt the Seal oF the Corpor%tion be hereto afeixe.l.
CarrL~i Unan~nously.
The followin~i By-law w~s passed;
retirement allowance to n mnicipal employee.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Logan and ]:acDena!d that Ald.
Jolley be Given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be
the first tLmc. - Cnrri~d Unanin~usly.
It was ordered on the motion of A!d. Yewera and DollaM that Rule
(2) of the Stand; n~ Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-L
, aw
be given the second reading. - Carried Unani:nously.
Third ReadinG - Aid. MacDonald and Jolley - Carried
Aid. Inglis exprsssed the opinion that any servicec r=ndered to the
City by ~'. Colagulfs n,~w that he is retired, should be remunerated ard the
City Man?~er advised that ~. Calaguire has given assurance that his services
will be available and that he will receive remuneration for such service~.
His Worship the ~yor reminded the members of Council about the Civic
.Remembrance Day Cereme,~, to be hel~ at the Cenotaph at ll A.M. on Tuesdey~mcrni-._,
will be it, attendance.
Ald. FacDonald desired to kn~ if any progress had been made in
obtainin~ the gasoline tank which the City Manager had requested permission to
obtain prices on and was advised by the Chairman of the Equipment 8ommittee
that t]~e City Manager has the matter in hand and is obtaining prices.
1?t' ;
certified an..'l pl.s'_ ' ;-
the Co:a':'&t!,
The -'~ZtCUii~ 2 ' : -': ' ' ' - , ,
ordered p!ac-d in "_ --'~ '" ]_- -' ' ^2 ." '
of Mayor Hawid. ns zr.' ,'.!~i.' !.c':;~.' '~
-~ ~-~ .... r-, '-t, l'l "~ ": =' " ; .... !. ',s
Johannes A. Van jet Sluiz~ .,'as Lr' .... -. ,
of Ald. Mowers and D:L~'_ t +~=; i-. ~ . ~, ' ' =
k'owers advises the Co~'~f. ttee th-at a "foul, iL it? Ui:..' , , . . ,
and sufficient money may be
The reports of the Cit; :ion ........
the T~rist C~"on all .................. ' .... '
previous ~e~ were presence5 for con$.'.'i,~ratlon. kXs.
Donald ad~sed tkat it was his ~der'~tarxdin
the by-laws to LTlo.,' renvv~i~ r:'j ,'/.],~r~i."ti'4,
law ~d possible ~er,':t-~'r. tr 'Ztb su~, ctign~
exerted. Both re~clution: uerc csrr~ ~ ~'_.-.~.
The Revenue and
Presented for conr:Sder:.tior ;,. v,.:.i., : --. ,, ,, .... ,
Sm~ of this Ztat.d'~'rt. ~_iDZjjZL '.,'
that the Pepoft be recefved an~ m!ease~ tc
At this point, Ald. inglis advised that he understood a pe'iV.r,n is
being prepared for presentation to Council at the next ~etinS with refi~rence to
parking meters at the South En.i of the City and stated he was in favour of two-
hour parking r'eters throughout the City ~ere 2 nickels could b~ qeposlted so
that the public could park for one or two hours.
The City ~'.hnagcr presented a report on the application of John Tro~t
for a building permit to construct an ap~rbment house on the south s~ h' cf
Robert Street at an estimated cost of ~20,000. OlDSlED u. tb,' notion of AId.
~cDonald and Mowers that the r i:ort be rceiv,-rt anJ adopted, but that the
esti'nated cost be amended tc at lea:st ~O,OOO. considering the fact th:L Lh~s
builair~ i: 'to contain '13 apartments.
The City Hanager presented a rc~crt on the a2.~]ication cf the
Canadian National F~ilway for a bui!din~ pezmjt to c~nstn~ct a freight shed
on Buttrey Street ~t an estimated cost of ~lO0,O00. OZ~EYSD on the ~oticn cf
AlL inglis sn~ Logan t~at the re~ort be received and ~epte~ and the
be issued and that the Greater Niagara Chamber cf Goamerce be ccmplincnted
on the s~ccess of their efforts and the C.N.R. be co~men~e~ for proceeding
with this erection.
The Committee arose and reFerted to Council on the motion of Ald. Jo12..%- and
MOw e r s,
2EAD AND ADOPTED, l?th November,1952.
' ,,,.
Council Chamb,u',
10th I! ovt, r~b,. r
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-lawwhich covered the accounts approvcd
by the Conumittee. All members of the Council were present.
The followinK By-law was ~assed;
~ - To provide monies for general purposes.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that
Ald. Jblley be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be
read the first tD~e. - Carried Unanimously.
none ha i ]- ;, ~'-
ir,g the r,a'.l':,j.-" '
The feller, it:,: l: m2 :t: .
l,Io. 110 - ~ ...........
pare t!]
next ~e~tiz-C ,,1~ L-_ '~'l~
be hereLo
(Ald. Don~l-~ _ so.'... ....
Messr:. J. q. C.,121.., 'L q. -.:..~' . 7',, -~ ., :., .,-)....
McMillan app c. a,-c t
ing the proposed .'.r ~': Inn. - ..... '. ;. "".' :'u-
The s'.tg6~_t
the Real Estate ra?rcs,::t t~:,. -' ~ i:'.fm .... ~ ...... ,.~
~d follo~nJ this ,'~ ~,z~"' ~ -,'.~ .... :-'-'. ' '..h' :b -. , ,
from the 2eal
Council as t.o t'ne ch'.~"-:. ,:,r
Area Pla~.in~ ~ocrl ~o~
have the repD"3cllt, a',iy2,:
them on the di:;cu';:'~ ,n:. T: i-' ~ . ~I:'.' , :.' :,'" .'.Z 7 ',- ....... ,"',, -
Jepson Stre~-t n,n-] .;cl!~ -. !~ '..~ "u, ~," :' ~", . :'_ , - ,: ....
his type of businto:!. "~:"'~, '.~, c!a: Vj. d. :b ';?.: ^ 'v' ,' ~ :,/. ~ '
been received con~,rz~:~
effect of the propose] ,*z'
The Council adjourned to Conf.,r:nce
Council Chamber,
!Cth :l re ~ber,I?52.
The Corff,~r,;nco Conm. dtt~.e of the City Council ask, mbl:d at the close of
the regu!ar Council ~nd Finance meetings cn TTonday, 10th Novemb r,!952 for the
purpose of consida, ring various matt:,rs. i!l member: ~,mre present, Hi2 Worship
the I,~y~>r presiA~ed.
;;fret considerntion c? the various i.'-ntters pro:-~nted tc them~ tl% Co~iittec
adjourned on the motion oF Ald. Dons!d and Jolley.
READ A*ID ADO.-~dZD, 17th November,1952.
mLnuU .? ",. ,
~+- th,,
that Y':,..
th,? ~, . ,-, '. ·.. ·
port t~(']i':.(
weight: -,~ ~i ,-
endor?~ti , -
bri,;f. (', '-?'.-,
....... ',' : t 7
the Ship-b~'-ib.~ ! if' " .
',r~ck for ~1-,~ "r:' ' [ ,,
City LSnn.ng,-
No, 262 - 2,adic C"l' ~. 771 .... . . . ..... . .
motion of 2'-I %']IT.7-7.~%'' t' ,,
· :-_:: j. -.,. '..-',.:, '!.-
available time :,'n T',::-:-~ j~ "",v ::~" :-'j."' ; '
so advi,~ed Pft:r "--'~. ~ '- ' 2 ....
...... '.L'~ 1- " --. ............ .
and the suhmi ~ ?~: ..... . ' %- :: h,o i- .; '" t : ~ · ' , '
be hel4 at
and acce~cd
ORDERUD on the ,,rotion
adopted and for, rar,'led to th,. 9ntario Hm~,ici/q Boar.*l,
McKinley _ contrary. )
The fol!oxdng Reports were presented;
No. 226 - City Manager - re power intermx~t:on~ Novemb=!r 17th, resu!t~ng in dis-
tribution in water system. OPDERED on the motion of Ai']. Donall r:rl ]!ow~rs
that the r~Iort b~ r~coive4 and th~ City Xc'-n'n6{n' n~:': furbh-r inv,:~tig~tion nnd
sub~t reco~endations to aTx,t futuru intcL'?~ptior.~ in water li stribution from
the Niagara Falls Filtr~tlon 71snt.
Yo. 227 - City Hall Committee - recosmending p!anc ~=~ -~ cif]c~tions be 9bt~in.d
for heati!~ system in ol] Customs building, recently purchased for Fn!ic~ ZLati~,n
faci!iti~s. C2DEi~D on thc motion of Ald. I~cDonal~ and Logan thai, bhe rc~,ort b~
received and adopted.
Xc. Z27 - City Solicitor - re proposed amendinj by-laws ~er tour"-: i camps.
OiDER'ZD on the i::otion of Ald. Donald n.nd MacDona!l~ t,hat the rei~,ort be received
end laid on the tt!ble and members of Council be supplied xdth copies oF the
proposed by-law f,o ~zend by-law number 3962, to bc considerr~ at the next
meeting of Council.
The follo~dng Resolutions were passed;
No. 111 - LOGAE - MacDCNALD - RESOLED that the ~etition to grant ~n Order
amalgamating the Corporation of the City cf Niagara Falls with the Corporation
of the Termship of Stamford, be forwarded be the Ontario ]~nicipal Board; and
the Seal cf th~ Corporation be berate affixed.
(Ald. Donald an,l T!cKinl,;y - contra~O.
No. 112 - I:iGL!S - -MO".EEZ - RESOLVED that the no;or regular Council ~-eebing be
held on !Tonday afternoon at 4.00 p.m. L~ovember 2!+th; and that the Council
Meeting scheduled for December !st be held on December 2nd at 7.30 p.m.; ~nd
the Seal of the Corporation be hereto ~ffixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 113 - D~ALD - }iO~2S - ESOLTED that a communication be for~mrded to the
Central Veterans' Committee to ascertain whether they have any objections to
the removal of the guns located at the Cenotaph in ~ueen Victoria Park; and
the Zeal of the Corporation be hereto affD~ed.
Carried Unanimously.
Me. ll4 - MacDONALD - INGLIS - rtESOLVED that as Council approves the install-
ation of Parking meters at the South End of the City, that the City Manager be
requested to submit a report on the proposed locations, various types of park-
ing meters and prices of same, to enable Council to choose the type of meter
to be installed; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
(Ald. Donald - contrary).
With reference to the proposed installation of the parking meters, Ald. Inglis
requested the City T.~nager to take under advisement the area between Clark Ave.
and Buchanan Ave. also.
The follo~in~ By-law was passed;
No. 4881 - To repeal By-law No. 4437, of the Corporation of the City of Niagara
Falls, passed the 18th day of July, 1949.
Thr; Con c~l ~'j,,u ', I '~. l'l
6 0
Council Chamber,
17th Novemb~r,19fS.
The Finance Meeting was held on 72cndsy, 17th Novemh?r,l?}2 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed befor.z,~ then. All members of the Committee were pr?sento
Sund_~, iccoun~s submitted in the amount of C65,325.92 were aF~roved by
the Co~uittee.
The Accounts submitted beiDg passed or other.:ise dealt with, vere
ordered placed in the money by-low for presentation to the Council cn the
motion of AI~. Xclli~ey and Mowers.
~e recommendation of th? City ~.~nager for a regiscement of ths
roof of the Uahut Street Fix~hsl! was present,,d for consideretion, along ~...ith
two quo'~ations received. 0RDEPSD on the motion of AId. inSlie and Logan that
the tender submitted by W. J. Amour at an estimate of ~750. be accepted.
The City I.~nager's report requesting p rmission to call for tenders
to paint the interior of the Main Street, ~ueen Street and Walnut Street fire-
halls was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Injlis
sn] Uis Worship the Mayor that the report be received and adopted.
The City Manager's report recommending a new roof be placed on 'the
bath-house at the Municipal S~&mming Pool at an appro~imate cost of $600. was
presented for consideration· 0ZDEED cn the motion of Ald. ~ZcDonald and
M~.mrs that the report be received and adopted.
Ald. Logan and MacDonald moved that the condition of the Queen Street
Fire Hall be considered and the City Hall Committee take into consideration
renovation and rome/oiling generally.
The City l-~.nager's report requesting permission to replace cavestrough
on the Main Street Fire H~ll at an estimated cost of ~150. wa2 presented for
consideration. OKDERED on the motion of Ald. Don~l:l and MacDonald that the
report be received and adopted.
The City f.~nager's report recommending the construction of a 6-inch
water main on Buchanan Avenue from a point 145 feet south of North Street to
North Street, at an estimated cost of ~783.26 and a 6-inch water main on North
Street from Buchanan to Slater at an estimated cost of $2,758.62 was presented
for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and }.~yor Hawkins that
the report be received and adopted.
The City ~,~nager~s report recommending the purchase of the vacant lot
on the south-east corner of Smnmer Street and Lowell Avenue and maintained as a
small park, was presented for consideration. OPaEED on the motion of Xayor
Hawkins and MacDonald that th~ report be received end the members of Council
view the lot in question.
~he offer of Sandy DelGobbo to purchase Lot 71, Plan 6, ~yson Avenue
for the sum of $2~0. was presented for consideration. 0iCERED on the motion
of Ald. Logan and Mo~:ers that the offer be received and accepted subject to
~r~mis.~ -.:ibhin a ~'iarl of si4 months,
The offer of Ingham and Smith to purchase Lots 5,6,7,8 and 9, Plm~ ~6,
in the neighbhourhood of Robinson Street, at a price of $1,650. was presented
for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Inglis and ~cDonald that the
offer be received, and referred to the City Manager to confer with the applicant~
and submit a recommendation at the next Council ~eting.
The Statement of Relief for the month of 0ctober,1952 was presenteJ for
consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the State-
ment be received, given the usual publicity and filed.
Th S 7.,, " _, ..' ,
He~'ting f~r ~
by t~t, Cnl L' 7~, ,~-
oF th,; 3tLndD~ .... '. , , ,_ ~
given the se~.,' '-' C r:'; ' .', ,. ]
Third 3eading - .iZ:!. ' ~_,~:," , -,' ....
The Council ~,q ....... ' ....
READ M:D ADOiCED, 2/,t,h :iv;',."'!'
! I
Council Chambcr,
The ~ r'"e ',' m~ of thc ~=~-' Council assen-;n!:~"t a~ th,~ close of
ths regular Co~znci! and Finni:c':~ ~%.~n 'm Iion,laj, 1~ Xovember, ~ ~" t,hc
purpose of consXicr!ng vsrf?us :::att_~rs. All m~mbs, r~
the '~=' 'r ' '=
~ _ pr.'
.... "~ "~ JDQFT2D, 24th 1952
last meeting cf
Meagher ;:as
which co:it~in*!d ,?
Xr. l~,; ,, c -
in the r<rorb.
seated by t?:~ Cat.-
Coittec for r!ju::;tm,:
local autono~% Tk. ~'~ ' , ....
exact wordin5 of tb.. r, :<,~'.:.-,~%,.::, : . ·
was bein~ a~',c~l Lo ~.% IZL,' ' !~ ~ ~ -
the s~e and was of the o~ini;,a .... '
their streets.
-Aid. Lo:an art'iv,':', ~; ..... Jim '~,-!
ORDERF. D on the mc':i,m t,F 7.]h D.:.' ' .:.' ~ ,;'k,n .~
Manager and the r..;olu'.-'cq th .~,ib ~ :~ ,~. , . ,~'
Yea - AId. Donald~ ,~.iacDonal% .~c~.-,- "n' 'c:"' ~ ~' "' :"'" f' '?t b,.,in.
eration~ was defeatgd. ...... .,t., ~1:.[ .Ic ........
SE.__j..Rel;.q[t N%.. 229_t
Tenders hs ! be,,n called for t~ ~ paintin~ :f th-, intu:'j c:':~ of tim three
Fireballs and on the motion of A!/i. i'cnq ~n! licK]hi,V, i[ v. orl..:,.~
one tender receive~, be reburned to th t, ~: '~r'~ r, unc.I_ ,?, ~, m'
aga~ for another~;o wee'.~i'. 7.:u'ri,'~ Un~nirnously. Ul m being m':
one tender had b~cn receivc I, a not. i~n ~. '~ '. r'~.:cr ~" .~c.: 2 ' tk-,i "
tenders be opened~ ini[.ia].] kl *' 'if.: .-Y .....
The followin~ Conmualc~ti,.;h:: .:.: ~: :',hi. :'.;
No. 26~ - Association of Cnt, ar:'o ih,,:_, : -!.'" - :' ",.' '.' l] ., to
Government of Ontario on October !.'.U-~
motion of AId. Jol]cJ :n! Dean!! that "no com'::uul-'%i,',:i -. ' r~ u", '~ _ ~' :.
for one week.
No. 266 - XiaZara Falls Fire Fi,~hters - rc proposed mnended collective agre~mcx%.
ORDZP~D on the motion of A?_d. Logan and 12~cDona!t that th~ cem~nunicaticn be
received and a meeting be arranged early in 19~3 ~th the new Council to discuss
this subject.
.~!o. 267 - r~ent-A!l Service - re proposca location ~f business at 905 Bucl~ey Ave.
0RDEP~D on the motion of A]~. Nower~ ~nd Logan that the co~unicatio~
~n" th~ nccessarJ st~ps b:: tr.]:cn to ~mcnd the by-law tc de-=iSn~t,- t~'iz
for co~ercial purposes. - Carried Unan~noustj.
Lo. 26~¢ 2er~ni-::alsk enc!osinS sketch ra . ro,oseJ reeds to co::cr:tixS holes
in Fairvie>: Cemetery and Oakes ~Pn!! Park. CZD~LIED on the motion of AI~]. Logan and
i',acDonal~ that the eOr~unicati~n 1 e r~ceive~ and filc<~ and th~ roads be p!sce2 i:-+
. 'e':ort · ,~ s -;rit',~r, ~Sreem~ut
th~ IcesLions as .j, eoigi~obed in the City Hsnager's
he entered into v~_th Y~rjni~Yalsh accor.nlin~!y. Ca:ri~ ~ Unan:'.mcusly.
"o o'3 l;ade's iZctor Sales reiuet~ti'ag pert/sol:;:: t- ~ .... 2tu use,! crr ~*' aL
the corne~ of J,:'Z :on St. ~n-1 Vic+,or.'.n Ave. C2DE~D on t'n~ mctn~on C .'.],f.Don01d
',n' Hc!lffrley that ~he co~nication be receive] ~na ~ ' over ~or o!i .... ~' in
order that Council ~y vie,,r the locztion.
Laid ever fror: the previous meeting;
L'o. 228 - City Solicitor - re Tourist Ca~.ps. O:'.DEtED on the mot. ion of Ald.inj~lis
and MacDonald that the report bc received and laid over for consideration ~.rith
the by-la:,o
SEE By-law
The folioring Reports ~re presented;
No. 229 - City ~.tanaxcr - re Brief of the Ship-By-Rail Association. CRDE2j]D on
the motion cf ild. Donald and MacDonald that the report be reedred an] the
resolution therein be adopted. Yea -Ald. Donald, MecDon~d,d~ Jollcy and McKirGey;
Naye -Ald. Inglis, Mowers and Logan.
No, 230 - City ManeuVer - re Perini-Walsh roads to concreting holes in Fairview
Cemetery and Cakes Ball Park. O.~DERED on the motion of ild, Logan and MacDonald
that the report be received and adopted and a v.mitten agreement be entered into
~ith Perini-Walsh for construction of the roads as designated in the City Manager'
report. - Carried Unanimously,
No. 2D1 - City Manager - re meeting with H.E.P.C. or ontario re Grant. ORDEP~D
on the motion of A!d. Mowers and Logan that the report be received and filed.
No. 232 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenee. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. ].~cDonald and Logan that the report be received and adopted and lieonce
issued accordingly.
The following Resolution was passed;
No, 115 - iE3LiS - IiC.~;~ - ~CLOLI~ZD that a letter bt 2omvar!c:l ~o .h~ ;.irisbu.'
of National ,Revenue requesting that remuneration of City Councils for services
rendered as Councilmen be made income tax free; and the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed.
(Ald. Donald - contrary).
READ A~D ,~DO2TZD, Zn',~ Dsce b, r,!?~2.
Clerk ~
FiITANCZ ..... r
Cc, unc',! Cha:aber,
27 tk .Ucvember,!952.
The Fine. uc,~' Meeting was held on Tlondsy, 24th '.icyember,!952 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before then. All members of the Committee were present.
Sundry Acc,ounts subr'Ltte~ in the at, oust af ~1T~,902.54 ;.,ere approvecl by
the Committee.
The Acccunts submitted being pasFed or other,:i~e 'l-;'~' ,-:*h were.
ordered ~!aced in %l:e money by-lAw for presented!on %o the Counc5] on the
mc%~ , ~ of ,'is Uorship the l.hyor and AId. Donald.
The offer of inghmm an~ Smith to purchase Lots 5,6,7,8 & 9, Plan !~6,
for the sum of ~1,650. ].~]~ over from the previous meeting, was~Zain presented
for consideration, along with a report of the City Manager on the cost of
services necessary to open Grey Street from 1,~in to Robinson Streets and the
desirability of developing all lots on the plan in order to secure adequate
tax .~eve'nue to make the development of the area reasonable. ORDZPSD on the
motion of Ald. Donald and H~,mrs that the offer and report be receive/and the
City Manager be given perniseisn to negotiate for the sale of the ~aid ? lots
in the area for development.
The report of the City Manager recomaending purchase of the vacant
lot on the south-east corner of S~ur, m~r Ztrect and Lowell Avenat and maintained
as a small park, which ~.ms laid ov~r from the previous :neering in order that the
members might ,flew the lob before a decision is marie, ~as again presented for
consideration. CPj]EF~ZD en the motion of Ald. t'[cK~n~ley and llacDonald that the
report be received and adopted and the City ![anager be authorized to proceed with
the purchase of this lot.
The application of Victoria Motors for a building permit to construct
an addition to their building at the corner of Victoria Avenue and Xagdalen Sire Jr
at an estimated cost of $1S,OOO. was presented for consideration along with a
repor~ of the City '.-'~naSer reconmnendinj issuance oE ~ pemit. ODEfED on the
notion o? Ald. KacDon~l~ an l ."o:~e:'s that the re!mort be receiv,~ aD.~ s.dopted and
the p~'rnit issued.
The City Xanager's recormm.~ndation that a building5 permit be issued to
Er. E.E.NcIntosh to erect a second storey ev,v.r the main bui].di~J at 94~ Clifton
_:{ill, was presented for ccnsidera[ion. 32DEFZD c.v the notion of Ald. ]'-cKinley
and MacDonal~ that the rc!.~ort be received and adopted and the permit be issue/.
The City ~nager's rzport recommending issuance of a building ~ermit
to the ~ueen Elizabeth Tourist Camp to mede-m~ize the cabins and bring the court
up to ~ate at an estimated expenditure of ~50,000. was presented for consigerati<L,
OFSERED on the motion of AId. !iacDonald and Mciiinley that the rel.ort be received
and adopted and the pemit be issued.
The Ci%y Manage~'s report recommending a building permit to Mrs.
Theresa Reinhart, to move one double cabin and make alterations to oLdsting
cabins at the property, 933 Clifton Hill, subject to the condition that such
changes are made with the approval of the Provincial Department of Travel and
such approval has been obtained~ was presented for consideration. ORDEfZZD
on the motion of Ald, M~ers and ~cDonald that the report be received and adopted.
A co~nunication from the Glenview Baptist Church requesting refund of
purchase price on Lots 1,2,3,~,5,6 and 7, Plan 16, located at the corner of
Buttrey Street and Terrace Avenue was presented for consideration. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. MCKinley and Mowers that the 9o.nupunication be received and
filed and the request granted.
The foil. s,'! ~',i "~LL ~ '
Jol].cy bcji'. u "' ~.'i, 'i ~ ~ Z L '-
first tiue. - 3'. ....... ', i"
36 (2) ~f thr :'.'ulb~ ._. ' ~ "~ '
be rea~! t.hc , .... '" - .... ' "'."
Third-llea~ii. nc, - A] 1, X ~'.' .,-~ '
The Counc';] ?~',~u!~,-! :z: ']. ' '.
Council Chamber,
2nd December,1952.
Pursuant to adjourmment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday, 2nd.
December, 1952, for the purpose of considering general business and finance.
All members of the Council were present, with the exception of Ald. Jolley.
The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting,
adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Mowers.
Mrs. Thelma Hurd was present at the meeting in connection with a
communication she presented on behalf of her son, Mr. Alex. Thompson, in which
he queried about the payment of his rent for the month of December. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley that Mrs. Hurd be permitted to speak
to Council. She advised Council that her husband, step-father of Alex Thompson,
is not now in Niagara Falls, but has gone hack up North looking for work. She
then proceeded to give Council a resume of her son's condition since leaving the
Army. The City Manager advised Council that as instructed, after Mr. Thompson's
last appearance before Council, the rent had been paid but that Toronto are not
absorbing their share and that the City has been paying this rental sh~ce August.
Ald. Loganwas of the opinion that the Corporation seems to be providing a home
for the whole family and that the step-father should assume more responsibility,
but, assured Mrs. Hurd that he had every sympathy for her son and his condition.
Ald. Inglis was of the opinion that Mr. Thompson should be sent to Sunny~rook
Hospital and that the proper effort in this direction has not been made and
that application for his entrance should be made by this Council. In this
connection Mrs. Hurd advised that overseas service was a requirement for
entrance into Sunnybrook Hospital. She further advised that the Welfare Officer
of a local Veterans' Organization has advised her son that a hearing of his
case will be expected to take place in December, but that all the worry about
his rental is not helping his condition. His Worship the ~yor advised Mrs.
Hurd that Council has endeavoured in every way to help. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Logan and MacDonald that inasmuch as a hearing is scheduled for December,
strong representations should be made on behalf of this Council with the proper
local Veterans' Organization and also the Department in Ottawa to see if this
veteran can be admitted to Sunnybrook Hospital and that the rent be paid for the
month of Deceraber. Carried.
SEE Communication No. 276.
Mr. G. W. Glassbrook was also present at the meeting in connection with
his application to have Lots No. 130 and 131 on the north side of Bender Street,
included in the By-law No. ~883, to designate tourist camps, etc. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. Inglis and MacDonald that Mr. Glassbrook be permitted to
speak to Council. He reiterated the requests contained in his communication
and assured Council that if his request was granted, that any building erected
would be of the best construction.
SEE Communication No. 2~.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 265 - Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves - enclosing Representations
submitted to the Government of Ontario, October 14,1952. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Logan and Donald that the communication be received and adopted and a
letter be dispatched to the Prime Minister of Ontario, expressing concern and
keen disappointment at his statement and urging that the Association's repre-
sentations respecting an interim adjustment of the mnicipal position respecting
costs of social andwelfare services be now given favourable consideration so
that it will be of benefit in the 1953 budgets of municipalities. (Ald. Inglis-
No. 269 - q:_ ~.!. j,,!adg. _ ap: lic:~tion for a !ic
COt{NE}~ of Victoria Avenue and Jepscn 3tre,~L. C
and Donald that the co~u~nication be r~cei,.,,;
perkssiGn be no~, gramLed. _ was
The followin~ Cornruminations were ~re
...... o.
No. 270 - Minister of Nati>n~d -~evenue - ~-ck.
Aidethnic '~e~u~eration for incs<e tax 'rrr, og,~ . ~ ..~..] ..... y, '~.. , ."~=
Mowers and i'~cDon~].d that th~ co::Lt:nic thD~,
No. 271 - De~artmenL of Munici~al AFCa~m~ .
connection ~%h the old Custo.z~ ~u:~,li~. C Lb 2,Z, :. t,,=' :-L~..~ "-.' . e .. ~
and Loaan %hal %he co{~nun[caLion bu r-~ccived
No. 272 - NiaZa_r~a' Falls Cl~arir~d ilclu5~ is soci,,tion - re 3, "nit : ': t ,, ,rl', L~
Holiday. ORDEi~i;D on the mottc, n gf A'i i. hc} in~ ~- an . .cj n ] i -: 'c '~_ cc::i .un!-
cation be received and filed and the rel~-F,::t Zraat~ ~.
No. 273 - Greater Nia=ara Cha;.~.!r of Co~r Aerc~ - offerl.~ s,~m'lcl~.~. C... ,. LiD on
the motion of Ald. l~owers and Logan that the cor.~vmi,~-.ti.~q b- r.~.ceiv,i ;:nJ
ac~owledged an] Council' s aFi~reciabi.m be e::tended For th,~ir inter,~:~t an'i th.'~t
they be advised that the xmtter oF suFFiD~nj au'd ~.iary power for the oForatiDn
of the Filtration Plant is alrea.ly unde~ cons~deratbn.
'NO. 27~ - ~iq~_O~ ~he P~Lme ;,~in~ster of Ontario - an':. receiLt of ~soluti~,n
requested by Ship-By-Rail Association ~ O'ok,~'rmaent' s clom~r s~7 ~rvis ~, of
t~cking and highway mintenance. O3DEibiD on the ~:~otj,~n o~ A!d. i-lacDon~Li and
Logan that the co~n~ication be received and filed.
No. 275 - G~le_.nho__~]e_~_._ Ol!sj_by2o.k' ,_ reinssting inclusi,~n of Lots! 13¢! and ljl in
By-law governing tourist camps, etc. O!{DELED on the motion of Ald. !ngLis and
Mowers that the coml~nic~tion b~ receivs. X and referred for con~.:id.~ration when
the by-law is read.
No. 276 - Alex ThomRs.o.n. - requesting pa~aent of rent for monLh of Deccmb.~r.
ORDERED on the motionof Ald. Logan and l:acDonald that the con~,mnization be
received and filed and the request granted, that strong representations be
on behalf of this Council with the proper local Veter!ms' Organization and also
the Department in Ottawa to see if this veteran can be a.imitted to Sun,~brook
The following _Re_p_qr_t_S_~e_r.e'
No. 233 - C. ity ,.M~.na~er - report on Palmet Avenue extension as previously submibted
in September,1952. An amendment made by Ald. McKinley and Donald that the report
of the City Manager on altemative plans for the propose& extenskon to Palmet
Avenue be referred to the 1953 Council, was carried - the vote bein6 - Aye -Ald.
McKinley, Donald, 1,~cDonald and i,~yor Hawkins; Nays -Ald. Inglis, Logan, Mowers.
The previous r~oti~n .~.ade by .%l.t. 1,o'~%~ and ~iow~ th%t th~ work a': vot,~ on by
Council previously, be carried out ~s expeditiously as
No. 23~ - Cij Man. a~_e_r - request of Mr. E. Weightman of Chippaws for delivery
of stone by trucks from shaft of Rayne~-Atlas shaft on Alien Avenue. O]{DZiU']D on
the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Mowers that the repor~ be receiv,!d and filed
and permission be not granted.
' : ': ')'l
No. 235 - Cit_!!L~n__aE!E - report on installation of auxiliary power at Niagara
Falls Filtration Plant. 0RDE}~ED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and MacDonald
that the report be received and the proposal of the construction of an addit-
ional circuit on a separate transmission line, be adopted immediately; that
further proposals contained in the report be referred to the 1953 Council for
No. 236 -Ci~_.Ma_n_a_g~E - re installation of parking meters at the South End
of the City. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Logan and MacDonald that the report
be received, tabled and the City Manager be instructed to arrange for a demon-
stration of parking meters at the next Council meeting.
No. 237 - City.~aEe~ - requesting permission for attendance of the Welfare
Administrator and himself at a Conference in Toronto re Civilian Defence Wel-
fare Services December 5th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. >~cDonald and
Mowers that the report be received and filed and permission be granted.
The follo~dng Resolutions were passed;
No. ll6 - LOGAN - MacDONALD - RESOLVED that the City F~nager proceed with
the calling for tenders to complete the renovation and remodelling of the
old Customs Building as soon as possible and the City Hall Committee be con-
sulted in commction with the plans and specifications; and the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. 117 - McKINLE~ - MaCDONALD - RESOLVED that Friday, December 26th, 1952
be declared a Civic Holiday; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. 118 - },~cDONALD - MCKINLEY - ESOLVED that a communication be forwarded to
Ex-Alderman Clara W. Twidale, expressing congratulations on behalf of His Wor-
ship the Mayor, the members of Council and the citizens at large, upon her
appointment by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth to the position of Serving Sister
of the Order of St. John, in recognition of her long service to the organi-
zation; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. ll9 - DONAID - MG~ERS - RESOLVED that the matter of smoke nuisance in con-
nectionwith Murray and Pennie Laundry at the comer of Ellis Street and St~
Clair Avenue, and also the Greater Niagara General Hospital be again taken up
by the City Manager, in order to have conditions remedied; and the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. 120 - DONALD - LOGAN - RESOLVED that the City Manager be instructed to
prepare a report on the approximate costs, etc. to provide off-street parking
at the North, Centre and South Ends of the City for consideration by the 1953
Council; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Aid. Inglis referred to the fact that a lady had fallen in front of
the theatre at the South End of the City on Ma~n Street, due to the condition
of the sidewalk and desired to know what action is being taken to correct icy
conditions. The City Manager advised that the Street Superintendent had checked
the sidewalks in the afternoon and they did not warrant sanding at that time.
However, the intersections were taken care of with the use of salt.
Laid over from the ~-reviou:. ::b etin:j
No. ~_8_~ - For l~censinj, r ~j'a!a~i:~. an l ~D~,,.~. ' .... . .
camps, for des~.~naLin.~ areas cfia. nd tc b r.. t .: =. ~.j :-
or trailer c~.l] s ~,] for ?rahibiti: t . .' '
At this poir.t., the City Cl
this by-law which had be~u: 3a~,l ov~'r
trailer c~ps from the Ly-law
report. The Clerk advin;~t~ that [hi::b<~
ager and himseE, the City So!loiter
law as sub~tted, that is, wil.h ref=,...no
his opinion, it is not advi:~able for
~th trailer caps, sdnce Cc, unci] h
through the licensir j provi::~ions; also
he feels it would not be a'h'antageous.
The city manager airice:! that the h'-~x;- un
desmgnated areas more csref,~]y +kan
areas and adding anoth .r one.
Aid. Donald qu,=ried ,.~2 th refcrl:r;ce to 'iifficul,ty which:
with the Parks Cormmission by the desiSnaticn of a c~rtain ar,;a in th,z bZ.'-la~-:.
Ald. Logan was of the opinion that the oi ,:n:: - u'_ of c,.rta.ln
areas is not unr,,asonab].e but would not agree, to. sue~, j~:tY,bli~:.:n,,:&z on",'ic~oria
Avenue, although he was ef the o?inicn that Fer~ otr:,:t c,,Ct b~ ..nmh 2:~:rovcd
by such establislu,mnts.
Ald. Mowers could not. agree to such establishmeg,t:: on the :rlin stre. ts
of the City but pointed out certain areas '~ere th. se establishn.mi.~ had ::roved
to be an asset. '
Aid. Inglis was of the opinion that certair, areas shcul.] be given con-
ORDEi~ED on the motion oF All. inglis and Mowers; that tile by-law be
tabled for one week and the Aldem:en present '-;pecified areas which cou] t he
included in the by-law. Carried - lhe vote being - Aye - A!d. !n,~lis, ilowers,
Logan and the IQayor - Naye - Agd. Donald, i.icKinley and :(acDona]/~'.
An amendment made by Ald. Donald and iicKinley that the who~.e ;,~tter be
referred to the 1953 Council, was defeated, the vote beinZ - Aye - ild. Donald,
McKinley and >~cDonald - Naye - i!d. Logan, l(owers, illfills and .zyer Hai:kins.
The folio}ring By-law was p.r_e!e_nt~e_dj
No. 488~ - To amend By-law No. 1776, respectirg residential s.~ctioi,!3 and re2id-
ential streets, in the City of Niagara Falls and to a::mend By-law
No. 1777, respecting fire areas.
ORDFg{ED on the motion of A].d.l.cFLinl~y and 1.kcDonald that Aid. Logan
be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the C~ rat
time. - Carried.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Kowers that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law b,~ given
the second rcY!i'~Z. -
OHDEED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and MacDonald that By-law No.
4885 be referred to the 0ntarioMunicipal Board.
The following By-law was passed;
No. ~886 - To authorize the execution of a duplicate of the deed dated the 30th
day of December,19~6, to Joseph J. Simon.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that Ald. Donald
be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried.
Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and McKinley - Carried.
The City Clerk advised Council, as a point of information, concerning
a communication from the Canadian National Railways, addressed to Lococo Bros.
~th reference to their proposed new plant in the vicinity of Victoria Avenue
and Buttrey Street on railway property, outlining the stipulations required to
].ease the same.
SEE Res_o_l_u. ti~o.n.
_Th__e fol_!o)~ing~.Re solut_i_on_E_we_rp_pa. ssed;
No. 121 - MO~I~ - LOG~N - RESOLVED that a ccmmunication be forwarded to ~r.
A. J. Lomas, Vice President of the Canadian National Railways asking for a
definite answer as to what they propose to do with the property in the vicinity
of their yards adjacent to Buttrey Street; and the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
No. 122 - MOWERS - LOGAN - FtESOLVED that Ald. Donald be appointed Acting Chair-
man of Finance during the absence of Ald. Jolley; and the Seal of the Corpor-
ation be hereto affixed.
The Committee adjourned to Finance on the motion of Aid. Mowe~ and McKinley.
READ AND ADOPTED, 8th December,1952.
by th~ Colm:~ittee
The Accounts sub. litt,: }, }-, i- ~rze; c -
ordered placed in the ::',or,~'/ ...... ~" fr~
' "" ..... ]:c-=-nt..'~!n-, ,,.-,
of His Worship the k'~;,,- an~ ,~!.
The City hm-ia 'e~-' ~ o ·
Motbota for a buildin~ ~ r " ' rt in ccnl,-,,zr.l,-~-. "ibh t..: .:. i'.' .t~ . -' :. r
~ ].e r:;l~. t,~ ~r~..~[ a i~d:,: -~']: ?t L',,,, ::~ ~. A-.:. 3[, :o"h :' '
Fer~ Street and q!2 ~:Lom~ at ?-n ,:'.;bi:~[.-.~ co
consideration. CAD:.Ai:i,f,n or. the ;-<,tion c.C "t~.
repor~ be receivmt and th,~ r~co ~.~mhti=n b, ,~
being the Furchase ~rice oF L~L ~, ]Lan 5~ 37.'~on-:~v, mt;.% wa, ~:r. ~mt. { k'~:~~ '
consideration. O[~DS:iCD an thQ FiOtl ~[1 OF ~({~ ,~r' ~_.i~'_ IS ~:~; 2 ~ ..o.;e.. tfi;{h t, hc
co~a~nication be received an,~ Ziled and the r~?l./,h~L .12=.nte i.
The City Treamn, er'~: Cump~rison oC Ta:< C,~liectic, r.=' ~o:'
ending November 3Oth~ 1952 ,~t3 ]~re~umt,. I For corn
motion of Aid. l.[owers and McEin!ey th?,t th.:: ~ar.~=: b.-. rec,;iv~d~ liven ~2~,~ u~ua]
~blicity and fi].ed, -
The Con~TLittee arose an! reported to Council on the .:,l~t. ion of A!.], :[e,,h.s and
His Worship the Mayor,
READ AND ADOPTED, 8t.h December,1952.
Acting Chairman of Finance.
Council Chamber,
2nd December,1952.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Committee. All members of the Council were present, with the exception of
Ald. Jolley.
The following By-law was passed;
No. 4887 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that Aid.Donald
be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that Rule 36 (2)
Of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be
given the second reading. - Carried.
Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and ~cDonald - Carried.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Mowers and MacDonald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 8th December,1952.
December,1952, for
members of the Cour. e~]
mhutes of the i'revious
and McKinley.
His Worship, ;ia>'or Ha'4dn..
appointed Asr;istant C]tj
Tenders were called for the =i~ntil:l .>f the interi-~r ,.~' L. . =..~ ~'. t
Firehall, Ilain Street Firehall an:i t~.k .';tin.It S! :. ~ :' -.: "-
motion of Ald. Donal.~ ~n-i ~:o~.~r5 that L~:,
by His Worship the Mayor an! t~butated.
ORDEirED on the ~.:otion of ?.l,:h Donal i at,, L, ;l r: t' ~: =, ~ =~: :,~r ,~f 7caLeb:
Bros. for the pahting of the interior of the ~u~er. Str~' = .... "
~in Street Firehall interior at $75A. and th~ !nt~,rior
at $685. be accepted.
COl<: :U, iC i'Ic:i:z
The following qo_mm_uAi.qa_tipp~ ~e_r~e p. Fis~_n_t_e.d.i
No. 277 - Dr. W..H_~,, .Z.l_c~lii_l]~n., k_.,~. - Ccngr-tu!ati, ~. C2:~L..23 ~n the -ct~ s,: of
Aid. Mowers'~%nd MacDonald that the com,unication be received ~nd filed.
No. 278 - Ministe_~_of._H.ilhways_ - ack. resoluticn aski:,; for ad]itior.al as_istance
bF the Province on Cfty streets. CiOE:LD on the moti,:n of i!d. 3c::ald an 3 .:ac-
Donald that the co~nunicat~on be received anj file%
No. 279 - Board of Education - invitation to Annual Christras Concert cf i~blic
Schools. ORDERED on the m~ion of Aid. i-~o~ers and XacDonal] LaaL the co~.unlcatio~
be received and the appreciation of Council be for,:arded
tickets and the Board be notified that as many members of Council as ~o:::.i?,le will
No. 280 - k-Ald. C.W.Twidale - appreciation for message of conEratulation3.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that the c~mnicaticn be received
and filed.
No. 281 - Greater Niagara Baseball Association - ack. donation of ~125.
on the motif:. ~ :. I ]:' U ' ~ ' ' ' ' "' ..... ""' ' ' ...........
No. 282 - Bell Telephone Company - requesting permission tc move 1 pole 3 feet
north on Hickson Street, north of Ferguson Avenue. 0FDEi~D on the motion of
Ald. McKinley and Logan that the cormmunication be received an'] filed and per2szion
SEE Bg:-lJ_w.j:o.~S88.
No. 283 - Greater NiaEara Veterans' Central Committee - removal of trophy
guns at the Cenotaph. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Logan that
the communication be received and filed and the Niagara Parks Commission be
notified that if they so desire, the guns may be removed to any of their
historical sites, otherwise the same are to be scrapped and the Parks Com-
mission be requested to proceed with landscaping the area around the Cenotaph
after the removal of the guns.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 236 - City Manager - re installation of parking meters at the South End
of City. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Jolley that the report
be laid over until remainder of agenda is completed and a full Council are
in attendance.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 238 - City Manager - recommending change in date of business assessment
and return of Roll to Clerk. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. 1,~cDonald and
Donald that the report be received and adopted.
SEE By-law~S89
NO. 239 - City Manager - recommending revision of clause in agreement between
the Local Hydro Con~,ission and the City of Niagara Falls re Part of Lot ~, on
east side of Grey Street. OP&ERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and ~cDonald
that the report be received and adopted.
Aid. Mowers advised Council concerning a call he had received from
an Insurance Agent concerning the regulation of the installation of oil burners
and the fact that there is a penalty of approximately 20 cents per premium
because the proper by-law is not in force and was of the opinion that the City
Manager should bring in a by-law to govern the installation or oil burners,etc.
He advised that this subject was also to be presented to the Stamford Township
Council at their meeting to-night. The City ~anager advised that at the present
time the City By-law is not drawn in the proper manner to de~l with the install-
ation of small units, space heaters, etc. and therefore the proper control over
such installations is not in existence, and agreed that some action is necessary
to protect the comity. Ald. Donald stated that the City should have been
approached before this date, as the City has been paying higher insurance rates
unnecessarilywhen the proper control would have reduced the rates.
-During this discussion, Ald. Inglis arrived -
SEE. Resolution 123._
Aid. l,~cDonald in referring to the smoke nuisance at the laundry at
the corner of St. Clair Avenue and Ellis Street, also referred to the paper
strewn along St. Clair Avenue every day in the week and was of the opinion that
some action should be taken. The City Manager agreed to take the matter under
Laid Over from the previous meeting;
No. 488~ - For licensing, regulating and governing tourist camps & trailer
camps, etc.
Ald. Logan mentioned two areas which could be designated, namely,
Stamford Street and around the Maple Leaf Tourist Court, but was of the opinion
that ~he matter might be deferred for another week or for the new Council and
in the meantime, the Tourist Committee of the Greater Niagara Chamber of
Commerce be asked for any suggestions which they my have.
SEE Resolution 12A.
O]b):]l!ED on the :,~ti~n :' '
be given the privilege of i~% 'i.
first time. Cattle./Un:hLuo,~:~;.
ORDE~L;I) or. the :,-~-
given the second remainS. _ Carri.
Third Reading - ild. -acUmun' .; m ~ Dmv] ~ _ Cv-,~-~ '
...... r.~ .
OilDEi~6D on
be given the yrivile~e ~f intro~
first t~ae. - Carried Unaniru~us] .y. '~ ' '~ ' ' .... ' '
02DE!IE;) on the ..~otion ,-I~ 4% Jo!tuy an :.:chin].~:- th.:,L :{ule 36 (4)
of the Standing Rules oC Coun,2/1 be tamI cr,~ri l-, s,:,.:: ..r b"i rj~ the b':-!:~,l,~ giv,u
the second rea~ng. _ Carried Unani:aaus]Z'
Third Reading - A!d. 2Zow~;r.s and Lie!tin] ,ly _ Carrbq !hmnimt,urly.
No. ~O - To authorize the e.<ecution ~C an agreement. f,~r'
ORDEF~ZD on the motion of AId. ZcKinley and bss.~.!.t that il!~. Jo!ley
be given the privilege of introducing the by-law au'] the by-l=.w b~ given the
first reading. Carriel Unanimously.
ORDERED on the notion of Aid. Lowers and XacDonal-! that i~u!e 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be tem]:orarily suspen!kd anr~ the by-law be
given the second reading. - Carried Unaninmusly.
Third Reading - Aid. l'lacDonald and Donald - Carx. i,n l Unani:rously.
Th__e f oilowing R.e.s.o.l.u_t.i_on~ _w_.eF_e_ 2a ~_s_e_d~
No. 123 - MO__.WE~..-. _L .OG.A_.~! - RZ:~0LVED that the City l.~nager be instructed to
present a by-law governing the installation of oil burners anj. heatin~ equipment
and the City F~anager also present a report, after consultation with the Insurance
Agents; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
C a__r.r. ~ed_ _U.n_an_i_m.o.u_s
No. 12~ - LOGA_N..-.,M,q~L~' - ,~ESOL~ZD that by-law number ~83 be referred to the
19~3 Council along vrlth suggested areas which may be included in the by-law;
that a com~unicaLi~i, 'o.. f:,z',.~r~i :-- ], f.'~,'_' .... it' ~ ~' U:' '
Niagara Chamber of Commerce, requesting their suggestions; and the ~eal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
The Council adjourned to Finance on the motion of Aid. M~,ers and Donald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 15th December,1952.
Council Chamber,
8th December,1952.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 8th December,1952 for the pur-
pose of approving and also passing the ~rious accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present.
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $67,938.78 were approved
by the Committee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the
motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald.
The m~tter of hospitalization for Mr. Johannes A. Van der Sluis, was
again presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Logan and
Mayor Hawkins that the City of Niagara Falls assume fifty percent of the
maintenance charges for Mr. Van der Sluis in Sunnybrook Hospital, with the
understanding that at least $1,000. will be made available through interested
parties, to apply against the municipal costs.
The Statement of Relief for the month of November,1952was also
presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers
that the statement be received, given the usual publicity and filed.
The City Manager advised'the Committee that as a result of a recent
accident in which Truck Number 32 was involved, that when .r~pair wBs considered,
it was found to place it in satisfactory condition to cam7 out the work for
which it was designed, involved an expenditure of approximately $900. and
therefore it was deemed advisable to consider the replacement of the unit by
a new one. Enquiries were made and prices obtained and the Chairman of the
Equipment Committee and himself were prepared to recomend on the basis of
quotations received, that a Dodge truck be purchased to replace the damaged
unit, at a price of $3,0~1.11.
Following discussion, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Inglis
and MacDonald that the recommendation of the Chairman of the Equipment and
the City Manager be adopted. (Ald. Donald-contrary).
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley
and Logan.
I~]AD ANO ADOF_'ED, 15th Dece:;ib %~lu~
C'w: r. .... ~ flu ' . .
CO~rt2: ~ Chamb~;r~
The Council re-assemb!e,l at the close of the regular Counc'.! an!
Finance Meetings for the I:.urpose of passin6 the by-law which covered the accounts
approve4 by the Co~.dttee, All menbee,~ of the Council were Fresent,
The followi_n_a_B/__l_a.~{.w_a_s_~!ss_/ed_i
N.o,/~_9_1 - To provide monies for general purpose:;.
O~DEREi) on the motion of Aid, McKinley and i.iox;~.~s that AId, Jolley be
given the privilege of introducinS the by-law and the by-law be read the first
time, - Carried Unanimously,
ORDEi{ED on the motion of Aid, Logan and l.:ower:~ that Rule 36 (2) oF the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading, - Carried UnanLmously,
Third Reading - Aid. McKinley and l~cDonald - Carried UnanDr, ously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. llowers and i.L~cDonald that the gentlemen
present be allowed to demonstrate their parkir~ meters one at a time.
Council ;;h~rl wilt;,;; 2. i ' . .., ,: · :. '.. ~ f, C . r' . ' ' :'L:
Meter; Mr. Jones of the Dual Parking Metir; Mr. McGowan of the Park-O-l,ieter
and Mr. Monnell of the Mico-~utom~tic ~n. All the foregong being autocratic
meters; a~ by Mr. H~ilton o~ the Mico Meter - a mnua]_ meter.
Following the demonstration, a discussion was held on the relative
merits of the different meters.
ssj. e.s_o.i_ut_ i qn Lo,A2I,
The followi~ Resolution was ~assed;
No. 125 - LOGAN - MacDONALD - RFSOLVED that Dual Twin Meters be purchased from
the Dual Parking Meter Company of Canada, Limited and installed, to control
approximately 140 car spaces, locations to be as recom-aended; and the Seal of
the Corporation be hereto affLxed.
(Ald. Donald and McKinley - contrary).
It was agreed that the meters should be purchased outright and liquidated
from their revenue.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Inglis.
READ MqD ADOPTED, 15th December,1952.
Decen~ber,1952 for
members of the Council
The Council, havln,,
these on the mot ion
T--he--f-°-l-lPO'-"!n~l-C°=';=~!icaticln we:'-
No. 284 - Board of i']ducabicn _ rc I ro~osen
Vocational'I~tfit,ite. Ct.:: ..3 or, the :labia!. ]~f 'Cu.
co~nunication be rece]v?d an~ referred tc ':he ! ,:~ C~anc,'
-Aid. l~ ,~ .~
No. 285 - fq~t, >~[il!imn - r~';clution re
on the motion of ~ld.' D,vnal,,i an' ]lo'..;s.~-}
filed. '
No. 286 - D_~j~rtme:~t of Veterans Af ai
motion of AId. i.[o-..'e'rs an, 3on.=l~ t.h~{ 'l:lt. cL~:.~ if:t;". ": ""' ~ 11': .... r. *,:,,:
ro~arded to ;it. Harold :[orton~ Lblfare
to Mr. Thompson, an~ hc!d in abej'anc?
No. 287 - County Clerk-Tre=,;urer . invibat!o.: tc ~:.'..:'il .
Mr. A. J. ~b{on. ehDl:~13 Sn the marion of
in~tahion be received and acknz.;l~iSe,_i ~r,j L>:- aFsi_ji.=,, ~f qs:r f'.r'.' .. ,
for those who will b~ unable to atten'j.
No. 288 - A_.__& D.._ Compqnie% lincoln ~ :jellan: ]teLLme:.t._/:v:t~;. 7 ,;; ,.,.;
on New Year' s Day. OltD3]L,lD on 't~.e :notj,~:~ cT AId. :.lo',;~-: ::- .lc: inb;-' that '.r,
invitation be receiv-;1 and acce?tel aaq as ::a:s2- nc'?,~:~ :~
attend; the City Ul~-k to canvass the ~enh-~"~ oi' Co'neLl a-=ftr
No. 289 - Junior Chamber of Con'aerce - re ?l,_ t!ni ?o'_:,ci(' :.n R:'..t[,.. t~ cut-
door Christms '!~ '~t-,, ' -
~o- ~p campaign. O:tDEiLb on th~ ::.otign ~f Ale. ~c,,~. . a:.l
Mowers that the co:mmnic~ntian be r~,ceive,i an l endor=e ~.
No. 290 - Arthur i'~ite - requ,~'Dtir~j desiJ;~..:i,.,.~. ~f L~.t l_, . l= r.
Fer~ Street fo~'~o~ii Furposes. C]O~?ZD on the r. otion c~ ;ld. "~.~..rt ~,...>c-
Donald that the co~:~unication be ~ceived and :'eferrc~ to the IL. j3
The fo!],owin? u ..... +-.-,.~ ..... , ~..-,.
No. 2~0 - City Manage_r - smoke conditions. CiOi'?L/3 on the vti'~r. of ~.'_'j. 3/,nald
and MacDonald that the report be rec:~-ived and filed.
No. 2~l - City ~anager - Dual ?~in Parking :.:etcrs. CRDE?ZD on ~le :;,ctior, of
Ald. Inglis and Mowers that the report be received and th~ City :3nI~L'~r r~turn
the contract to the Meter Company to be consunm~ted in the ~roper way an ~ the
whole matter be referred to the 1953 Council to F~ke the decision.
No. 2~2 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the report be received and adopted and the
licences issued accordingly.
No. 243 - City Manager - recommending ~. Ralph Zimmerman be permitted to resume
his employment as Assessor, with the City of Niagara Falls, effective December
17th, 1952. ORDEF~D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that the report,
(not included on the agenda) be considered. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mc-
Kinley and Mowers that the report be received and adopted.
The following Resolutions were passed;
No. 126 - DONAID - M~ERS - RESOLVED that the City 1.~nager proceed with the
erection of the Christmas trees the same as last year, with the co-operation
of the Local Hydro Coinlesion; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. 127 - DONAlD - MOWERS - RESOLVED that contact be made with the Greater
Niagara Chamber of Commerce,. Retail Merchants Division, to ascertain whether
arrangements could be made to have the merchants participate in Christmas
decorations on the City streets as in other Cities; and the Seal of the Cor-
poration be hereto affixed. Carried
No. 128 - MO~RS - DONAlD - RESOLVED that the regular Council Meeting scheduled
for December 29th be dispensed with; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
affixed. Carried
No. 129 - MacDONALD - DONAlD - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf
of His Worship the ~yor and Members of the City Council, be forwarded to the
family of the late Mr. Gilbert Doucet, retired City Employee; and the Seal of
the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. 130 - DONALD - MOWERS - RESOLVED that the Hydro Electric Commission of
Niagara Falls be request.ed to meet with the 1953 Council early in the new year
to discuss the lighting situation on the main streets of the City; and the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. 131 - DONALD - MOWERS - RESOLVED that Ald. McKinley be appointed Acting
Chairman of Finance, due to the a~sence of Ald. Jolley; and the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried______~.
Laid over from a previous meeting;
No. ~88~ - To amend By-law No. 1776, respecting residential sections and
residential streets, in the City of Niagara Falls and to amend
Byelaw No. 1777, respecting Fire Areas.
Third Reading - Aid. McKinley - Mowers-- Carried.
-At this point, His Worship the Mayor excused Aid.
Inglis from the meeting -
The Council adjourned to FLP~
READ AN) i~.)OPTZD, 2i.ud Decc -b.m,17f :~.
The Finance Meeting was h~l,1 on l.lon-!aD-, ]Tth Dec,. n,~:r,19:... for
pur~se of approvinS ~md al:.o ~-as.zinS ',hE vari~u,: ~ecou,~t; ,,'::lc~ '--.: '. ,..~
certified and placed before the:r.. ,',12 members of the Co;u.httee :..'+'r,~ . r.:..:nt,
with the exception of itd. in :li~", jol]ey anJ I_o :at.. .'.I ~..:c iu~.-'', ..ct.i:~ 3h [r-
mn of Finance, precid~d. ~
Sundry ,'~ccouuts submitted in th.i: amount of !~0,556.E5 were ap.rrov~:d by
the Cormnittee,
The Accounts subr, itted, being ::assed or other,ise tle-:lt wit:i, were
ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council orl the motion
of His Worship the it%:or rind All, Howere,
The City Zanager's re:;ort r!,cor. mending permission be granted to Fire
Chief J, C. Shapton, to purchase eiuipzcnt amounting to ~1.,~,75,95 :,~.~s pr.":.lnted
for consideration. OiIDE:~;D on the notion of Hi.~' ','jotship the IMyo.' and A!d.
MacDonald that the report be received and adopted,
The City Clerk advised Council concerning the usual Froce:!u:',; at
Christmastime to issue Christmas Cheer vouchers to those on the .]elief Rolls
and advised that on the basis of last year, the amount required would bc .~52,50,
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Tiewere that th,~ u~ual i'rocedur,' be
carried out and the amount be doubled,
The Conunittee arose and reported to Councgl on the motion of Aid. :lowers and His
Worship the l~ayor.
READ AND ADOPTED, 22nd December,1952.
Council Chamber,
15th December,1952.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Fin-
anceMeetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present, with the
exception of Ald. Inglis, Jolley and Logan.
The follov&ng By-law was passed;
No. Ad392 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that Ald. McKinley
be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the
first time. - Carried.
OFtDEED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that m~le 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be
given the second reading. - Carried.
Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and ~cDonald - Carried.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Donald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 22nd December,1952.
December,!952 for the u:: -: n'~ c?::,:i r':'f ] :r l .u-
members of the C.:rncll
minutes of t]u~ ~.re:riou:: ¥;. t~. -' ~ -
and Mcliinley. ' '
The following, Corn uni.z~ D ,!
No. 292 - 172nd. Li.jht/.nti-.'.ircr=fft !htt-:~- - invlt:~t[:.: to ',i .I: '7 ,,..~'.
elIDE!lED on'the motiZn oF AI~. Jell,5- '.hi L.: ID.z;nt~: L:.:~' t,
and accepted and as m.~ny of the 'u.=mb.~.r~' >f Cu, c'~ ',j fln! 1- .-,.
-AId. isg!i{: ar'ived at the r~.:eti~- -
posed extension of wash '.';~ter drain to Fi!tr~tion Plant.
of Ald. McKinley and LacDonald that the co~m~ication be
the necessa~ steps be taken by the City l.hnu.der to inau.<urat.r
by resolution or by-law.
The fo_ll_o2fi_n=g,,_i!~Eo_~t_! .V~qj'r~sent_ed;
No. 244 - C_i_tX :.'.~.n, at q_r - r~com:enJing alternative as aug.jested by !{. :.:'. :.
eration Engineer re wash water drain to FilLcatLon Plant. O:Ol]:t]'] on the untion
of Ald. McKinley and KacDonet!d tha.t thai refort be received an! aiopted.
No. 2~5 - Ci.__tj(.j~anag.eE - reconmending permission to Ferini-Ualzh to cmE;brucb
road in Fairview Cemetery to deliver concrete to the conc~.=tinS holes as
on sketch submit:.ed November 19th. OtDZ2ED on the motion of A!I!. ilo,~ rs and inglis
that the report be received and adopted. Carrle l; the vote being Aye - All.ilowers,
Inglis, Jolley~ MacDonald and ~.icKinlcy; Naye - A!d. Logan and Donald. An amcntnent
by Ald. Logan and Donald that the matter be laid over for considef'ation by the 1953
Council, was lost; the vote being - Aye -Ald. Logan and Donald; Naye - Ald.i.,owers,
Inglis, Jolley, MacDonald and McKinley.
The followin_&..BZ-.l_a_w_ w~,as .p.~a_ss_ejl/
No. ~893 - To provide for permission to The Bell Telephone Company of Canada to
place one anchor for Magdalen Street.
ORDEllED on the motion of Ald. Logan and Mowers that Ald. McKinley be
given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read th<; first
time. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and MacDonald that Rule 36
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law
be read the second time. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and Mowers - Carried Unarffunously.
Ald. Logan referred to a report he had requested regarding the possi-
bility of acquiring a machine to properly clean out sewers. He further referred
to the magazines in which advertisements have appeared in connection with such
units and was of the opinion that even if such could not be obtained by the City,
at least manually operated machines would be a great improvement over the pre-
sent cables being used for this work.
The City Fmnager advised that he has attempted to get prices on the
machines suggested but that one firm contacted has now discontinued manufactur-
ing them. He also advised of his attempt to contact a man in Stamford who uses
one of these machines, but no information could be obtained as the man was
reluctant to divulge this information, fearing that his own business will be
At this point, His WOrship the Mayor expressed regrets at the
departure of Ald. Inglis, Logan and Jolley from the aldermanic board and praised
them for the time and service rendered to the citizens of Niagara Falls and
concluded with sincere wishes for their health and prosperity and that they
might decide to return to municipal life in the near future.
Ald. Donald, McKinley, Mowers and MacDonald concurred in these remarks
and rexpressed the wish that they might return to the aldermanic board.
Ald. Jolley in acknowledging the remarks of His Worship the Mayor and
the four remaining aldermen, expressed his appreciation and offered his
services whenever they may be required. He concluded by extending an invitation
to visit his office on Wednesday afternoon, where 'Open House' is being held~
Ald. Inglis expressed his appreciation for the remarks directedat
the retiring aldermen and stated that the years 1953 and 195~ will be important
years for the Council of the City of Niagara Falls and the changes in employment,
cost of living and taxation which will be affected by the possible conclusion
of the Korean War, changes in the United States Government, etc.
He also referred to the serious affect on employment, business and
real estate through the cessation of the Hydro Project in this area and con-
cluded with a sincere wish to the 1953 Council for every success in the delib-
erations of the problems which they will have to face, and also expressed
appreciation to the Council, members of staff, press and radio for consideration
and services rendered during his years of office.
'Ald. Logan in acknowledging the remarks of His Worship theMayor and
the four remaining aldermen, expressed his appreciation and referred to the
experience gained as a member of Council and regretted that he was unable to
continue to serve the City for another term. He concluded by wishing all the
compliments of the season.
On the motion of Ald. McKinley and M~wers, the Council adjourned to Finance
READ AND ADOPTED, 5%h Janu,~7,1953.
Deputy Clerk . - MaWr.
-- ., . :.
purpose of alvprovl k( '-,.i :i']r i-~ i.j T.,. .' :,:..~: ...
certiffied and ~]ace] ~, 'or t.,:. ~. '.!': :.:, ' "-" it
S,ln.-! ,.y 'icccu l. z~:," t , [: : -. ....
the Co~m~ittm~. , . ·
ordered place1 i.u th.~ :l,; .,!i· ;L,-_!¢. ,~ Fur .
The Conradtree aros.! arc.c] :u:y-.rL.. [,r C~,; ..'? "- ':' , u] :.
REAT) ;dY:) A3OPTED, 5th January,1953.
Deputy Clerk
The Council re-assemble! at th,a close of
meetings for the purpose of ~assinJ the by-!R~: ~:hic:, caw~re i t,h~ accou! t.~ ai.i roved
by the Cor~.mittee. All -membt~rs of the Council w,~r,:
The f. qlAo.~i~g BX~!av{ _w~s_
No. ~89A - To provide monies for general p.urpos~;s.
ORDE[~ED on the motion of Aid. l. icXjnl ey anti Xow,ar~ that AI~. Joi],ey be
given the privilege of introduciag the by-law am.~ the by-law b~; r~r~ the first
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. 2.:owers and Donald that %fie 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspend.~d and the by-law be
given the second reading. o Carried Unan~aously.
Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and Donald - Carried Unanimously.
Ald. Mowers expressed the opinion that the tarpaulins which are
supplied to City trucks, be used during this season so that ashes and other
refuse may not litter the streets.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers.
READ AND ADOPTED, 5th January, 1953.
Deputy Clerk.