Minutes1957FIP~T b~YiNG
Council Chamber,
7th. January, 1957.
In accordance with the provisions of The Municipal Act, the Council met
at ll. OO o'clock with all members present. The Council, included His Worship,
Mayor Hawkins and Aldermen G. H. Brooks, George Martin, Franklin J. Miller, Arthur
J. McKinley, Harold Morton, George Mowers and James G.White.
The Statutory Declarations of Office and Qualifications were filed with the
Clerk when the Oaths of Office had been taken by Magistrate John,tone L. Robert,.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Morton that a vote of
thanks be extended to Magistrate Robert, by His Worship Mayor Hawkins.
Carried Unanimous~y.
After this, the Council was duly organized and open for the transaction of
general business.
His Worship the Mayor then advised Council that due to the inability of the
Venerable A.T.F. Holmes, Archdeacon, to be present at the Inaugural Meeting, Canon
C. G. Eakins, Rector of St. Stephen's Anglican Church would open the meeting with
a prayer.
It was ordered on the motion of Aid, Brooks and Aid. Martin that the
Officiating Clergyman be thanked for his service at the meeting.
Carried Unanimously.
His Worship Mayor Hawkins then delivered his inaugural address.
In beginning m~ seventh termas Mayor of our wonderful City of Niagara Falls,
I do so with a groat deal of gratification on receiving an acclamation, which I feel
is an endorsation of the way in which I have carried out my duties as your Mayor.
I have endeavoured at all times to serve all of the citizens of our municipality
fairly and honestlyand you may be sure that I will continue to do 8o in the future.
The City of Niagara Falls is internationally known, not only f;r its
Mighty Niagara and groat power developments and the wonderful Park System that we
have here, but as the Honeymoon City, witnessing the fact that over 5,000 Honeymoon
Certificates were issued heredxring 1956. The combination of these attract huge
numbers of tourists anddignitaries each year and we can all be very proud of our
municipality of Niagara Falls and the Greater Niagara Area. We must continue to
make our visitors welcome.
We are beginning the year 1957 with the re-election of three Aidemen -
AldermanWhite, Alderman Martin, Alderman Brooks - and the re-election of Ex-Alderman
Nillet. I extend to the Aldermen n~ sincere congratulations and. I knowyou are vex7
proud of the sonfidence that has been placed in you by the electors.
To Alderman Mowers, Alderman M~inley and Aldermy Marton, you have another
yoar to serve! I know you will continue in your efforts to Justify the confidence
of the citizens.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have served for a ntunber of years with the
members of the Aldermanic Board and I have at all times found them to be most
sincere in their efforts to work for you, the citizens of Niagara Falls, most
To Alderman Vandersluys, who came to the Council to replace the late
Alderman Donald, I must hasten to say that he served in the Council very well and
was extremely conscious of his duties.
At this time, I would like to extend'to Mr. W. L. Houck, our Federal
Member, and to Mr. Arthur Jolley, our Provincial Member, and their fnm~lie8 our
very best wishes for their continued success and many, many thanks for the co-
operation we have received from them.
Speaking directly to the Aldermen, both re-elected and elected, and
the Aldermen with another year to serve, co-operation has been the essence of good
s~m~nistration and I trust your terms of office will at all times continue to be a
constructive contribution to the Government of our City. While at times, to some
it may seem8 things are too quiet around the Council Chamber, nevertheless we are
setting the policy for a beehive of activity which goes on at all times, day in and
day out.
The City of Niagara Falls i8 under the City l~anager form of Government,
the first in the Province of Ontario. It is, in my opinion, the best way for a
municipality to operate. It relieves the Members of Council of serving on many
conanittee8 which would have to be set up and administered throughout the year.
Under this form of Government, the Manager reports to Council, they in turn set the
policy which is to be admihistered, and he in turn is responsible for the staff and
employees. Me consolidates all these various items in hi8 reports to Council.
Time will not permit me to go ~,lly into expressing n~ appreciation to
all the various Boards on which the Hayor serves but I hasten to say that I have
received the utmost of co-operation at all times.
To Nr. Orr, our City Fhnager, Mr. Patton, our City Clerk, Nr. Dickson,
our Treasurer, Mr. Zimmerman, our Assessor, Hiss Henderson, our Tax Collector, and
to all the members of the Staff my sincere thanks for their very fine co-operation
during my terms of office. Without this help, Ladies and Gentlemen, it would have
been most difficult.
The Police Department, Fire Department and all branches of the
municipality have given to the citizens of Niagara Falls wonderful protection and
service. I am very proud of them. We here in the City of Niagara Falls enjoy so
many services that are not evident in other municipalities and we all should be
most thankful.
The regular services for the residents of the City were maintained
throughout the year 1956 and although it was not possible to inaugurate many new
desirable features, it was possible to maintain a fairly high standard for those
You all realize that heavy capital expenditures have been necessary
during recen~ years and undoubtedly the expenditures during 1956 are the highest
made by the municipality in many years.
The costly work of providing adequate storm ~ewers was continued
during 1956. These sewers, although eliminating flooding in business and residential
areas, de cot show in improved physical characteristics of the cowm,~ttty, but the
expenditures are necessal7 to protect the health and properties of the citizens.
The large storm sewer on Park. Street was completed between River ~ad
and Welland Avenue late in the spring of 1956 at a cost of $172,000.00. Eariy in
the spring, a sewer was constructed on North Street from ~orse Avenue t9 Drummond
Road to eliminate continued flooding of the cellars of dwellings located on the
east side of Dru~ond Road. This sewer cost $2,800.00 and was
property at a cost of $9,210.00. These sewers will provide relief from flooding
in the Emery ~treet area which was excessive even during moderate storms. As you
are aware, tenders will be considered later in this meeting for ne~: sewers on
North Main Street, between Sum~er Street and North Street estimated to cost
$16,O00;00; on Slater Avenue between McRae Street and Stamford Street estimated
to cost $13,700.00; on Huron Street from Third Avenue to Homewood Avenue estimated
to cost $~4,380.00. and on Homewood Avenue between Cedar Street and Maple Street
estimated to cost ~8,~60.00. Within a mouth, it is anticipated tenders will be
received for the continuation of the 72-inch storm sewer on Park Street, Buckley
Avenue and Valley ~ay. Xt is estimated that this sewer will cost $170,~15.00.
Later in the year, Council will have to determine the priority for the construction
of additional relief storm sewers.
Although the construction of relief storm sewers is absolutely necessary,
the programme may have to be curtailed somewhat if it becomes mandatory to proceed
with a sewage treatment plant. Municipalities have been advised that plans for
treatment plants mast be completed by July lst,1957. During the year, the
Provincial Government established the Ontario Water Resources Commission which is
empowered to construct sewerage projects for municipalities. The draft agreement
as submitted by the Commission is not acceptable to the municipalities in its
present form and the high hopes held for a fairly reasonable financial solution
of thepOllution problem have faded. The entire subject of construction of a
treatment plant for the City will require i.ntensive study bY Council beth with
respect to the design and construction of such work and the method of financing
the project. It is probably the major question that Council will be called upon to
deal with during the coming year. It is safe to predict that if an order issues to
proceed with the construction of such a plant, the financial burden on the taxpayers
of the City will be extremely heavy .and at present viewing, one that the average
householder cannot carry.
During 1955 and 1956, City Council considered the necessity of providin~
increased facilities at the Water Filtration Plant located at Chippawa. After a
thorough study of the revisions necessary in the rate structure, an agreement was
arrived at between the Township of Stamford and the City whereby the existing
facilities would be practically doubled and an adequate supply of water' would be
made available for the district. Later a satisfactory agreement was reached with
the Village of Chippawa respecting the supply of water to the Village under pressure
instead of by gravity flow as at present. Upon the completion of the agreements,
the Consulting Engineers, H.G. Acres and Company, were authorized to proceed with
the preparation of detailed design for the additions. It is expected that the
additional facilities will be available by June lst, 1958. The estimated cost of
the proposed work is $1,000,000.00. During 1956, due to a cold, wet summer, our
present facilities were adequate but it is anticipated that if the summer of 1957
is average for precipitation and temperatures, it will be necessary to rigidly
enforce sprinkling regulations.
During the early sunnner, through our Lo~al Member, Mr. A. C. Jolley, we
secured from the Honourable J. N. Allan, ~lnister of Highways, supplementary sub-
sidles for the paving of Stanley Avenue from Valley ~ay to the Thorold Stone Road
and Bridge Street from Victoria Avenue to Stanley Avenue. The estimated cost of
the work on Stanley Avenue was $105,2~O.00 of which the City Share is $58,78~.00.
The estimated cost of the work on Bridge Street was $119,800.00 of which the City
share is $71,000.00. Due to the cold, wet spring, it was not pOssible to cormnonce
work as early as anticipated and the poor weather during july, August, and September
slowed down construction, but the very favourable weather in late October and Novem-
ber enabled us to complete the entire project before freeze-up. As a result of the
work in 1955 and 1956, some of our through highways are capable of handling modern
traffic. Further paving is, of course, necessary but it is suggested that th~
annual expenditures can be curtailed somewhat to enable other capital expenditures
to be undertaken.
Even although the major paving Job for 1956 included Staniey Avenue and
Bx. idge Street, an extensive programme of pavement resurfacing was carried out. This
work included Queen Street from Buokley Avenue to Welland Avenue~ St. Clair Avenue
from Queen Street to Park Street; Park Street from Clifton Avenue to Erie Avenue;
Armour7 Street from second Avenue to Fourth Avenue! ~lmcoe Street from Victoria Avenue
to Second! Avenue! Heywood Avenue f~om !~ae Street to Stamford Street; Robinson Street
from Main ~treet to Allen Avenue; Firth Avenue from Morrison Street to Bridge Street!
V*]]ey Way from Victoria Avenue to Morrison Street and Valley Way from Willmort
Street to Sixth Avenue. The section of Vn]]ey ~ay .between ~Iorrison Street and
Willmort Street was widened by the removal of the central boulevard and now
royides safer traffic conditions. The cost of the asphalt resurfacing was
~ocal improvement ~ork undertaken during the year included concrete
curbs and gutters on Deleware Street from Pine Grove to Drummond Road and on Hose
Street from Peer Street to Robinson Street. Concrete sidewalks were constructed
on Clifton Hill from Fa!]s Avenue to the New York Central tracksJ on Fourth Avenue,
east 'side only, between ~aple Street and Bridge Street; on Lincoln Street, south
side only, between B~chanan Avenue and Stanley Avenue; on Terrace Avenue, east
side only, between Ferguson Street and Leader Lane; on Huron Street, south side
only, between Sixth Avenue and Homewood Avenue; and on Emery Street, north side
only, from Gladstone Avenue to 350 feet east of Gladstone. A sheet asphalt pavement
laid on a macadam base was constructed on Dyson Avenue between Buttrey Street and
Ferguson Street. An eight-inch water m~n was installed on the south side of
Clifton Hill to provide the necessary services for the two large hotels constructed
d~ring the year. In order to provide service for the new hospital, it was necessary
to extend the six-inch watermain on North Street from Gladstone Avenue to Temperance
During the year, construction of the new Greater Niagara General Hospital
was con~enced. The City of Niagara Fall8 contrA~uted $491,000.00 in 1956 and will
have to provide $327,000.00 durir~ 1957.
During the year, new street lighting was installed on the east side of
Victoria Avenue from Bridge Street to Bender Street; on l~ain Street from Lundy' s
Lane to Gulp Street; on Ferry Street from Sylvia Place to Math Street and on
Lundy's Lane from ~ain Street to Lowell Avenue. A schedule for additional orna-
mental lighting has been approved by Council and the work will be proceeded with
almost immediately.
The Board of Education presented a request to Council for funds to
renovate the public schools. The schedule presented provided for an expenditure
of $~50,000.O0 over a five-year period. An ,mound of $80,000.00 was provided for
the year 1956 and it is anticipated the Board will require $100,000.00 in 1957.
In the fall of 1956, the City p~rchased a property on Broughton Ave.
which will be used as a municipal garage. · It is hoped that with proper accom-
modation, it will be possible to provide motor.vehicle ~ntenance that will
result in longer truck life and more efficient service.
During the year 1956, the area owned by the ~oard of Education on the
east side of Ontario Avenue between Eastwood and Otter was filled in and graded
to supply a playground for children in the area. Although seeded in the fall, it
is expected it will have to be re-seeded early in the spring and should ba ready
for full use around about June let. The work of grading the playground area at
the southerly extension of Grey Avenue was proceeded with and was completed late
in the fall. A pertion of the work of sodding the. nlopes was completed, but the
fine grading and seeding will have to be proceeded with in the early spring. This
area should provide accommedation for the children of the area.
Du~ing 1956, the disposal of gar~b~,e and rubbish was continued in the
old sandpit on Valley Way. The available space in that location is rapidly being
used up and a determined effort will have to be made during the coming year to
provide suitable space for the immediate future. Our ex~rience 'over the last two
years indicates a very considerable saving by use of the land-fill method of dis-
Due to the very unsettled conditions in the work, it is considered
necessary to proceed immediately with a re-organization of the Civil Defence Unit
for the distract. It will be necessary for by-laws to be passed by the MAmieipal
Councils and it would appear desirable to employ a paranent co-ordinator. Only
one-quarter of the cost will have to be borne by the' mnicipalities.
The major construction projects in the City during last year in ~o!uded
the erection of the Park ~otel and Fallsway ~tel on ~Atf~n Hill and. the e~et-ion
of the Canadian ~Ara building at the corner or Vi~to~a Avenue
the wo~ on the ~and-Unton Carroll plaza on Victoria Awe~e.. . .:
During the year 1956, the cordial relations with the County of Welland
were maintained. The City of Niagara Falls Joined with the rest of the County
in celebrating the County's Centennial on Saturday, August 18th. Early in this
it will be necessary to renew the agreement with the County respecting the Admin-
istration of Justice, Registry Office Operation and Home for the Aged. The five-
year agreement expired at the end of 1956.
Th.e population of the City decreased by 590 during 19~6. The assessment
Commissioner reports the population as 23,818 but the Dominion Census conduc.~ed
during the past year, according to preliminary figures, placed the population at
23,~2. A decrease in the City population will affect the Per Capital Grant
receivable from the Province.
The taxable assessment for land, buildings and business rose to approximately
$~5,~30,810.00. This is an increase of $876,610.00.
On January lst,1956, ~he total debenture debt of the municipality ,was
$3,!3~,163.20, but on December 31st,1956 it had i~creased to $3,809,002.50 or an
increase during the year of $67~,839.30. As a result, the per capita debt increased
from $128.~1 to $159.92. Although the per capita debt increased substantially, it
is still very reasonable and the credit of the municipality is excellent as
evidenced by ~he sale of $888,000.00 of debentures early in 1956 at a yield of A.16
The matter of municipal financing has become extremely serious in recent
mon~hsl The increase in interest rates by the Bank of Canada is directly affecting
the municipalities.of the entire country. In the early months of 1956, we were
able to borrow from the bank at.~¼ percent.. This was increased gradually during
the year and since October 22nd, we have been forced to pay 5¼ percent. This
trend is also reflected in the interest rates that must be used for the sale of
debentures. At the present time we would probably have to pay at least 5½ percenh
for twenty-year debentures and considerably higher for five, ten and fifteen-year
debentures, as there is practically no market for the shorter term issues. It is
anticipated that this tight money situation ~All continue during the early months
of 1957 and could possibly remain throughout the entire year. Capital expenditures,
especially short term issues, should be reduced to a minimum until the money market
I believe it is necessary to again call to your attention the large amount
of property in the City that is exempt from taxation. The total taxable assessment
of land and buildings is $39,303,890.00 but ~hs amount of exempt assessment is
$17,2~6,O~0.00. Such a large assessment exempt from taxation means that the
financial burden is unfairly distri~utedwith the result that taxes on taxable
properties are higher than they should be. The municipalities of the Province have
requested a review of the money received from the Federal and Provincial Governments
for the maintenance of services for which the major governments 'are wholly or partially
responsible. In 19~6, the City of Niagara Falls .received a total of $~:~,127.99 from
the Provincial6overnment. This is equivalent. to approximately ten mills on our
assessment. This seems to be a fairly high payment, but as a matter of fact, the
Provincial Grants have not kept pace with increased costs. For example, it is
interesting to study the grants for Education. In 19~, the Provincial Grant par
pupil per annum for public schools was 60.2 percent higher than in 19~ but ~n the
same period, the increase in the~ity share was 177.1 percent. For the Collegiate-
Institute, the Provincial Gran~ was 62.~ ~ercent higher than in 19~ while ~he City
share was ~6.6 percent higher. For the Vocational Institute, the Provincial Grant
per pupil per annumwas 26.2 percent lower than in 19~5 but the City share was 2~8.8
percent higher. It must be obvious that the l~rge increase in expenditures for
education has been borne largely by the taxpayers of the City.
Previous to 191~, the Ontario Power Company ~as privately owned and paid
taxes to the City of Niagara Falls on an assessment of approximately $2,500,000.00.
In August,191?, the ~ydro-Eleotric Power Con,,~ ssion purchased the Ontario Power
Company and proceeded with very considerable extensions to the plant. Taxes were
paid to the City in 1918, 1919 and 1~20, but in 1921, N~dro refused to pay tams
to the Corporation and Court action to obtain payment was taken by the City.
In ~aroh, 1~22, an agroe~'ent was entered into between the Hydro-Electric
Power Co~aisston and the City of .Niagara Falls which provided that the Hydro would
pay the sum of $98~.~2 for ta~s for the year 1921 and a grant in lieu of ta~ss
amounting to $7~,O00.00 per year for a period of ten years. The Commission agreed
to pay all local improvement ~ates lewie'd against the properties of the Co~4ssion.
This on December 1931.
In 1932, the City of Niagara Falls appealed to the Hydro-Electric
Power Conmission to continue this grant in lieu of taxes on the same basis as
during the ten-year period of 1922-1931 and to renew the agreement for another
ten years. In spite of the representations of the City, the Hydro made
term of of $~O,000.00 plus local improvements for the year 1~32 and a grant of
a grant
$50,000.00 per year including local improvements for the years 1~33, 193~, 1935
and 1936. In 19~7, the Hydro again agreed to ~ke a grant of $75,000.00 par year
plus local improvement rates in lieu of ta~es. This grant has been paid annually
since that date. This grant would, on casual inspection, appear a reasonable con-
sideration for the City, but it must be borne in mind that the amount of the- annual
grant was made at a time when municipal expenditures were low and has not been
increased through the years as the mount of money to be raised by taxation has
increased rapidly.
When the grant was increased to $75,000.00 in 1937, our rate was 38.0
mills on the old assessment basis. In 19~0, a re.assessment was conducted in the
City which resulted in assessments being increased approximately eighty percent.
Even with the increased assessment values, it was necessary to levy a rate of ~2.0
mills in the year 1956. In order to arrive at an appraisal-of-what taxation should
be paid on the Ontario Power Company, it is assumed that the assessment of
$2,~00,000.00 appreved in the agreement of March,,1922, is reasonable. Using this
as a base and allowing for the increased assessment values established in 1950 and
the increased mill rate of 1956, the approximately amount would be $189,000.OO.
This may seem unreasonable but it must be kept in mind that the Canadian Power'
Company, a much smaller plant and privately owned, paid $31~,~5~.62 in municipal
taxes in 1953 and approximately $27~,000,00 in 1956.
It mat also be borne in mind that the assessment of the Power Com-
panies at Niagara Falls, New York, represents approximately twenty-three .percent
of the total assessment of that City and that the taxes paid by the Power Company
to the City of Niagara Falls, New York, was in excess of 2½ million dollars. The
amount paid by the Ontario Power Company to the Niagara Park COmm~ ssion for water
rental was increased very materially about the year 1951 with the result that in
1955, the Company paid the Park Commission $205,916.83. The City of Niagara Falls
presented date to Premier Leslie Frost in March, 195~, dealing with H~dro taxation
and have been advised that this matter will be discussed fully with members of the
City Council in the early days .6f 1957.
When the Rainbow Bridge Bill was passed in 19~1, the City of Niagara
Falls mere granted an annual payment of $12,000.00 in lieu of taxes. The City of
Niagara Falls protested at that time that .the payments were inadequate bet no
change was obtained. In 19~1, the mill rate on the basis of old assessments was
32.0 mills. In 1956, our rats is ~2.0 mills on the new assessment basis. It must
be obvious that a grant of $12,000.00 based on 19~1 values and mill rate is out of
line with existing conditions in 1956. In consideration of the grant of $12,000.
for the Rainbow Bridge, it must be borne in mind that the Whirlpool Ral~ids Bridge
~I~Z $23,918.58 in taxes during 1956; that the International Bridge pays Fort Erie .QO1 000 per year from 195~ to 1979 ~nd that a new Act passed by the Provincial
Legislature in 1956 provides for payments · the Peace Bridg~ to ~Fort Erie of
$~5,000.00 in 1956 increasing gradually to~,O00.OO i.n 1962. It appears desirable
to press for an amendment to the ~ainbew Bridge Bill.
In 1952, the Mmictpal Tax Assistance Act was passed by the Ontario
Legislature. The Hencurable George H. Dunbar, then !(tnister of Mmicipal Affairs,
agreed to make a grant to the City for the stores and offices used for comm. E'cial
parposes at the Rainbow Bridge. Pa~onts have been received for 1952,
and 1955. Representation has been made to Hencurable W. K. Warrende~, Nii~[~ter of
Municipal Affairs, for a similar pa:nnent for 1956. The matter is at present under
consideration by the Ninister and every effort must be .ma~de to secure a faycurable
decision from him.
eventually and it appears necessar~y that it be given immediate study by the
three levels of government.
As I have stated in previous Inaugural Addresses and on many occasions,
the City of Niagara Falls, like so many other municipalities, is feeling the
burden of increased costs of Hospitalization, Child ',~elfare, A~hlff~nistration of
Justice, Education, Grants in lieu of Tar~e, that it is paramount for Council' s
consideration immediately. I do feel that our meeting with Premier Frost in the
near future will be successful; that we can present our problems to him in such a
manner as to convince him of these inequalities. Some thirteen million dollars of
exempt Provincial-and Federal properties exist in Niagara Falls, receiving the
same services for which you and I pay and there is no reason why the Governments
should not share in these costs. Parts of this paragraph, I know, are repetition,
but they do bear repeating and careful thought.
I want to emphasize that Econom~ is very essential this year and in the
years that lie ahead and I trust the Chairman of Finance will maintain a rigid,
progressive, economic policy without impairing our present sen~ices. I will, and
I ,know the Aldermen will, assist the Chairman in this type of a programme and the
interests of the taxpayers will be kept in mind at all times.
The Chairman of Finance for the year 1956 has passed on but during his
illness, Alderman F~wers helped and brought down the Budget for 19~6 and acted
until his return and I must congratulate him in the work he did. Toward the latter
part of the year, Alderman Martin was appointed to the Chairmanship and he in turn
carried out the policy which had been laid out and the thanks of the members of
Council go to him in his efforts.
Ladies and Gentlemen, and Members of Council, there is so much more to
be said but we must proceed with the business at hand. I thank you so very much
for attending this Inaugural Meeting and being so civic-minded. I also want to
thank His Worship, Magistrate Johnst0ne Robarts and Archdeacon Holmes for being
with us this morning and on behalf of the members of Council and myself, I extend
to you all and to all the citizens of Niagara Falls, the sincere wish that the
year 1957 will bring. for ~ the very best of good health, happiness and success.
On the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Miller, the Mayor's Inaugural
Address was ordered spread on the minutes.
Carried Unanimously.
Aid. White referred to the late Alderman Grant Donald and the time and
energy he devoted to civic affairs while a Member of the Aldermahic Board, and
was of the opinion that some particular tribute for the time and experience he
gave to this municipality and the wisdomhe displayed on the several occasions
when he was Chairman of Finance should be recorded.
ORDERED on the motion of Aideman White and Alderman Morton that reference
to the late Alderman and the work performed by him in Council be incorporated in
the Nayor's Inaugural Address.
Carried Unanimousl.v~
The minutes of the previous meeting, having been received and read were
adopted on the' motion of Aid. Mowers and Ald. White.
The City Clerk eertified as to the result of the poll on the 3rd. Deeember,
19~6! aM on the motion 9f Ald. Mox~on and Ald. Brooks it was ordered that the oom-
mnicati~n be ~eoeived and filed.
The followin~ Resolutions were Vassedl
No. i - BROOKS - MORTON - RESOLVED that Alderman FrankLin J, NilleT be and is
hereby appointed the Chairman of the Finance Committee of the City Council for
the year 1957; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed,
Carried Unanimously,
HO. 2 - MARTIN - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that Dr. J. R. Davidson, Mr. George Borley
and Mrs. J. R. Kelly be and are hereby appointed as members of the Local Board of
Health for the year 1957; and the Seal of the Oorpo. ratfon be hereto a~fixed.
Carried Una~mnusly.
HO. 3 - MILLER - MOWE~ - RESOLVED that Mr. George H. Hnm~lton be and is hereby
appointed as a lepresentative of the City Council on the Public Library Board for
the years 1957, 1958 and 1959; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Un&nt. mously,
No. ~ - W}IIVE - MARTIN - RESOLVED that H. A. L~gan and Albert Benson be and are
hereby appointed members of the Cou~ of Revision for the year 1957; and the Seal
of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimousll~
No. 5 - McKINLEY - MIT.T~R - ~ESOLVED that Alderman James G. ~Pnite be and is hereby
appointed as the representative of the City Council on the Greater Niagara Planning
Board for the year 1957; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 6 - MOWE~ - WHITE - RESOLVED that His Worship, Mayor E. M. Mawkins be and is
hereby appointed as the representative of the City Council on the Niagara Parks
Comission for the year 1957; and t.he Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimousix.
No] 7 - MORTON - ~ROOKS - RESOLVED that His Worship, Mayor E. M. Hawkins be and is
hereby appointed as the representative of the City Council on the Board of 8overnors
of the Greater Niagara General Hospital for the year 1957; and the Se~l of the Cor-
poration be hereto affixed.
Carried UnanimouslY.
No. 8 - MARTXN - MckINLEY - RESOLVED that Alderman Harold C. Morton be and is hereby
appointed as the representative of the City Council on the Children's Aid Society
for the County of Welland for the year 1957; and the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
Carried Unani~us]~v.
Ho. 9 - ~ - M~RS - RESOLVED that Mr. Charles Norgate be and is hereby
appointed the ~eed Inspector for the City of Niagara Falls for the year 1957; and the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No,10 - MORTON - MARTIN - R~SOLVE1) that Aldermen Hugh O. Brooks, James C. White and
George M. Mowers be and are hereby appointed as members of the Property, Sm~itation
and Bailcling Committee of the City Council for the year 1957~ and the ~ml of the
Corporation be hereto afraid.
Ca ,~ed Unanimousl~.
No.ll - .B~0OKS. M~KIMX~f. M~OLV~ that AIdemen Harold .C..M~;~oh, J~'~' s O.White
No.12 - MILLER - MOWERS - RESOLVED that Aldermen Art~mr J. McKinley, George
Martin and Marold C. Morton be and are hereby appointed as members of the Arena,
Parks and Recreation Committee of the City Council for the year 1957; and the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried UnanimouSly.
No.13 - WHITE - MORTON - RESOLV~ that Alderman George Martin, Franklin J. Miller,
George M. Mowers and Hu~h G. Brooks be and are hereby appointed as members of the
Management, Negotiations and Equipment Con~mittee of the City Council for the year
1957; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No.i~ - BROOKS - MARTIN - RF~SOLVED that Aldermen Arthur J. McKinley and James G.'
White be and are hereby appointed as members of the F~nployees' Christmas Committee
of the City Council for the year 1957; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
Carri. ed Una. nimously.
No.15 - McKINLF~Y - MII2ZR - RF~$OLV~]] that Alderman George Martin and Harold C.
Morton be and are hereby appointed as representatives of the City Council on the
Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce Industrial Cormnittee for the year 1957; and
the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carri. e.d Unanimously.
No.16 - WHITE - MO~'~tS - RESOLVED that Alderman Arthur J. McKinley be and is
hereby appointed as the representative of the City Council on the Greater Niagara
Chamber of Commerce Tourist Comraittee for the year 1957; and the Seal of the Cor~
potation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unani ,ousl.y.
No.17 - MORTON- BROOKS - RESOLVED that R. W. Edwards and Park Whistler be and
are hereby appointed to the Exanttnlng Board of Plumbers for the years 1957 and 1958;
and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed,
Carried Unanimously.
No.18 - MARTIN - McKINLeY- RESOLVED that Alderman Franklin J. Miller be and is
hereby appointed as Council's representative on the County Committee re Reserve
Fund for the year 1957; and the Seal of the Corporation be hersto affixed.
Carried Unanimo~.sly,
Council adjourned on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Martin until 2.~0 p.m.
RFAD AND ADOPTED,i~th. January, 195?.
Council Chamber,
7th. January, 1957.
· The Council-re-assembled at 2.~O p.m. Monday, January 7th, 1957 fort the
purpose of considering the general business and finance which had been properly
presented to them. All members of Council. were present.
His Worship, Mayor Hawkins referred to the splendid service rendered by
by the Sheraton-Brock Hotel during the Inaugural Dinner and it was ordered on the
motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Mowers that the City Clerk be authorized to forward
a letter of appreciation .to the Sheraton-Brock Hotel for the services rendered ~t
the Inaugural Dinner on Monday, January 7th, 1957. Carried Unanimously.
Ald. Mowers referred to the presence of Dr. Win. Fingland at previous
Inaugural Meetings and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Brooks
that the City Clerk forward a letter to the Roy. Dr. ~n. Fingland, expressing
Counoil's wishes for his speedy recovery. Carried Unanimously.
Tenders had been called for the construction of trunk sewers on North
Moin Street, Slater Avenue and Huron 5treet-Homewood Avenue and it was ordered on
the motion of Ald. Mcwers and Aid. McKinley that the tenders received be opened,,
initialled by His Worship the Mayor and tabulated.
Laid over from a previous meeting:
No. 281 - Niaxara Falls Fire Fighters'. Local 528 - proposed amendments to agreement.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Brooks that the communication be
received and referred to the 1957 Negotiating Committee.
The following Communication8 were presented:
No. 1 - His Worship. Mayor Hawkins - representative on the Court of Revision.
ORD~ on the motion of Aid. White and Aid. Norton that the communication be
received and adopted. Carried. (Aid. Martin-contrary). An amendment made by Ald.
Martin that the matter be laid on the table for one week for farther consideration,
was not seconded.
Mo. 2 - Win. B. ~unnir~ - advising of inability to act on Greater Niagara Planning
Board. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley that the communication
be received and filed. Further ordered on the motion of Aid. Norton and Ald. NoKinley
that the matter of the appointment of two representatives on .t. he Greater Niagara Area
Plb/nmt~ng Board for a period of three years, be tabled and considered for one week
the members of Council.
No. 3 - Y.M.C.A. - requesting proclamation re Y.M. CjA. Week, Jan. 27th to Feb. 3rd.
1957. O~on the motion of Aid. Brooks and Aid. Morton that the communication
be received and filed and the proclamation published as requestode
No; ~ - Canadian Federation of Mayore and Manicim~lities. requesting proclamation
re National ~ealth Week, February 3rd, to 9th,1957. ORD~ED on the motion '~ ~ld.
Mowers and AId. McKinley that the con~nunication be received ~d fiied and the
proclamation published as requested. AId. White requested the City Cler~k~o prepare
a statement showing the amount expended on proclamat.~on duping 1956.
No, 5 - Greater ~anara Chambe~ of Commerce. Invitation to Annual Meeting, Feb. 6th,
0RD~PaD on the motion of AId. Me~on and '~/d, 9rocks that t~hein~ta~on be received
and accepted and the Clerk be authorized to raake similar ax?angements ~ in previous
~o. ~ . enclosing e~l~ea 'of
The following Reports were presented;
No. 1 - City Manager - on proposed agreement of Ontario Water Resources Com-
mission and submitting to Council certain objections to the agreement in its
present form and recommending that the resolution objecting to said agreement
be approved. OaDFaED on the motion of Ald. Nowere and Ald. Morton that the
report be received and adopted.
SEE Resolution No.l~.
No. 2 - City ManaEer and City Clerk - report on proposed by-law to license,
regulate and govern operators and instructors of driving schools, following
consultation with City Solicitor concerning pints raised by Members of Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and AId. Brooks that the report be received
and adopted and recommendations be incorporated in by-law number 5~61.
SE~ ~-law No. ~61
No. 3 - City Manager - recommending that the City advise H.E.P.C. of Ontario that
the proposed agreement for fire protection for properties of the Commission
located in the City is satisfactory. It was moved by Ald. Morton, seconded by
AId. Brooks that the report be received and adopted; this motion was defeated -
the vote being - Aye -Ald. Norton and Brooks; Naye- Ald. Mowers, Martin,
McKinley, Miller and White; an amendment by Ald. Mm~ers and Ald. F~rtin that the
report be tabled and dealt with after discussions are held with Premier Frost
at a forthcoming meeting. Carried by a vote of 5 to 2. (Aid. Morton and Brooks-
No. ~ - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDEtk~) on the motion of
Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and adopted and licences
issued accordingly.
The followin~ Resolution was ~assed:
No. 19 - MO~ERS . MORTON - RESOLVED that ~he resolution adopted by the City of
Windsor at the meeting held on December l?th, 1956 protesting the proposed agree-
ment with the Ontario Water Resources Commission be endorsed; and the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried UnanimauslI~
Laid over f-~om a vrevious meeting:
.No. ~61 - A by-law for licensing, regulating and go=erning persons who carry on
the business of teaching persons to operate motor vehicles and driving
instructors employed in such business and for regulating and governing
the equipment for such business and for revoking any such licence.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald.'Nower~ and Ald. ~Kinley that the
by-law be amended in accordance with the repor~ of the City Manager and City Clerk,
Rule 36 (2) be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading.-
Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading. -Ald. McKinley and Ald. Brooks - Carried Unanimously.
SEE Renort Numbe~ 2,
The followin~ By-laws were passed:
MO. 5/~6_G - To appoint members of the Court of Revision for the City of Niagara Falls
for the year 1957,
ORDERED un the notion of Ald, Mowers and Aid, Brooks that Aid. k~ite be
granted the privilege of introducing the b~-law and.the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously,
ORDERED on the notion of Aid, White and Ald. Mor~on that Male 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading, - Carried Unanimously,
Third Readin~ -Ald. Morton and Ald. Brooks - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5A67 - T~ appoint two members of the Examining Board of Plumbers for the City
of Niagara Falls.
ORDERI) on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Martin that Aid. Norton
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-lal~ and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mowers that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules .of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and Aid. Morton - Carried Unanimously.
~ - A by-law to authorize the borrowing of $500,000.00.
ORDERED on the notion of Aid. Mowers and Aid. Norton that Aid. Miller be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Filler and Aid. Brooks that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Males of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. Morton and Aid. Brooks - Carried Unanimously.
The following By-law was vresented:
No. 5~69 - To establish a certain lane.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. White that Aid. McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the byelaw be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously. '
ORDERED on the motion of Aid, McKinley and Aid. Miller that Rule 36 (2).
of the. Standing Males of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading, - Carried. (Aid. Brooks-contrary).
An ame_-amnt made by Aid. Brooks that the City assume portion 6f the lane
from Jepson Street to the lane coming in from Second Avenue, was not second~d,
Aid. Martin queried the progress made in connection with Mackenzie Place
and was advised by the City Manager that all agreements have ~een signed.and in the
near future a by-law will be placed before Council to assume this as a public thorough-
Council adjourned to the Finance Meetin~ on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald.
READ A~) ADOPTED, l~th. January,1957.
Council Chamber,
7th. January, 1957.
The Finance Noeti ng was held on Monday, January 7th,1957 for the purpose
of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Aid. Miller,
Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $155,8A~+.2~ were approved by
the Committee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion
of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Martin.
A communication from the Ontario Good Roads Association advising of the
forthcoming Convention to be held at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto on February
5th. and6th. and the amount of the membership fee, was presented for consideration.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid. Martin that the communication be
received and filed and the membership fee paid, and the Aldermen desiring to attend
be permitted to do so.
A communication from Morti~er-Bampfield and Company, Limited advising of
increased limits on Union Insurance Society of Canton Limited - Liability Policy -
was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Brooks and Aid.
Morton that the comnn,~ication be received and referred to the Management Committee.
........ The Statement ,of .Relief as of December,.1956 .was ,presented for ·consideration.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Mayor Hawkins that the statement be received
given the usual publicity and filed.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Aid,
of Finance,
Council Chamber,
7th · January, 1957 ·
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
appreved by the Connittee. All Members of Council were present. His Worship the
Bayor presided.
Council Chamber,
14th. January, 1957.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on ~bnday, January 14th,
i957 for' the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of
Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. ~nite and Ald. Mowers.
The' f011owir~. B~-law was vassed:
No. 5~70 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Aid. Morton that Ald. Miller be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Metton and AId. White - Carried Unanimously.
The City Clerk reminded CounCil of the assurance they had given to lit.
HcIntyre of the N. S. and T. Railway regarding an early meeting An 1957 to consider
bus lines. · ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Ald. Ho~'ton that the City Clerk
be authorized to advise Mr. Mclntyre that Council will meet with him as soon as the
information requested by Council is made available. Carried UnanimousiF.
Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Morton.
READ AND ADOPTED, 14th. January,195?..
The followin~ Connunications were Presented;
No. 7 - Bell Telephone .Co. of Canada - requesting permission to place aerial cable
on Rice Crescent.
No. 8 - Bell TeleDhone Co. of Canada - requesting permission to place 1 anchor and
aerial cable on Orchard Avenue south of Culp Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
McKinley and Ald. Mowers that these communications be considered together. ORDEPd~D
on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Brooks that the communications he received
and filed and permission granted.
S~E ~
No. 9 - Lions Club - requesting permission to hold Carnival July 10, ll, 12 and 13,
1957. at the Bridge Street Athletic Grounds, subject to satisfactory arrangements
being made with the Niagara Falls Softba]~ Association. ORDERED on the motion of
Aid. Brooks and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and filed and per-
mission granted subject to satisfactory arrangements.
J~o.lO - Ni'a~ara Falls Junior Chamber of Comnerce _ congratulations to Nayor and
Council on recent election. ORDERED on the motion o£ Ald. Brooks and Aid. Mowers
that the communication be received, acknowledged and filed.
No.ll . NiaRara Falls Girls' Work Board (C.G.I.T.) _ requesting Permission to hold
a tag day on May 4th. ORDEI~D on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Brooks that
the communication be received and filed and permission granted, as date is available.
No.12 - Kiwanis ~sic Festival - requesting gra~t for year 1957'. ORDERED on the
motion of Aid. Mowers and AId. Morton that the communication be received and referred
to the Budge~ Committee.
No.13 - Manager. Unemnlo.~nen~ Insurance Commission . requesting issuance of a joint
proclamation with the Township of Stamford and the Village of chippawa re "Let' s Do
It 'Mow Campaign,'. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Porton and Ald. Martin that the
communication be received, filed and Joint proclamation issued ae requested.
No.l~ . City of ~indsor - resolution re physical examination for all immigrants and
~iZ ~,,~ · cation be received, and the resolution endorsed. ·
~ ~ ~e~k"""""' "' ~.1~ - Niaxare Fans Nasonic Temple
; ' ' ' · · - mquesti~ instS-
ation of ~no ~r~l signs on ~he east side of V~ ~st~e Place. 0~ on the
' ~ , ~ . · ~ ~ ~r
-~ - t'. . b to the Tr~fic Coattee for a ~. be and
.The followinK Reports were presented-'
No.~ - ManaKement Committee - recommending appointment of Mechanical Superintendent.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. White and Ald. McKinley that the report be received
and referred to Conference for considerattPn.
MC.6 - Cit.v Clerk - report-on proclamations published in 1956 and mount expertdeal.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. White and Aid. Mowers that the report be received and
No.7 -'Citx Cle~ - reco~nendtng issuance of licences. OBDERED on the motion of Ald.
McKinley and Aid. White that the report be received and adopted and licences issued
At the request of Aid. Brooks the City Clerk advised that he would
check with reference to junk Licence for Niagara Auto Parts.
Ald. Morton referred to the recent fatality .which occurred on Stanley
.Avenue near Maple 3treet and the lateness of the arrival of the ambulance and
requested a report be brought to Council.
' !t
The followin~ By-law was ~assed;
~. 5A?l - To provide for permission to The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada to place
aerial cable on Rice Crescent and to place one anchor and aerial cable
on Orchard Avenue, south of Gulp Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Hartin and Ald. Mowers that Ald, McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the lat.
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on t~s motion of Aid. McRinley and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be Eiven
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. Mowers and Aid. Martin - Carried Unanimously.
The City Clerk advised Council that Could-Leslie representatives will
appear before Council next Monday evening and also Col. M. Batty Watson would be
present to report on Suburban Road Commission activities.
Aid. Miller referred to the adverse publicity for the. City of Niagara
Falls with reference to accident experience and its resultin~ effect on insurance
rates and indicated that he had tried to obtain information hs to how the increase
was arrived at, to date without success and advised that in his opinion, this
information could be obtained from an individual to whom he had been referred, who
resides in the City of London, Ontario.
'SEE Resolution 20.
The followin~ Resolution was passed:
No,20 - Nn.T.,mR~. M~ - RESOLVED that the City Clerk cOmmUnicate with Mr. lvor S,
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald.
Mow ers.
READ AND ADOPTED, 21st. January, 1957.
Council Chamber,
l&th. January, 1957.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, January 14th, 1957 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. ALl Members of the Committee were present.
Ald. Miller, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $96,200.16 were approved by
the Committee.
The Accounts su~wn!tted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered
placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Mayor
Hawkins and Aid. Mowers.
The communication from Mortimer, Bampfield and Co. Ltd. advising of
increased limits on Union Insurance Society of Canton Liability Policy, which was
referred to the Management Committee for report, was again ordered referred to that
Committee, on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Morton, due to the fact that the
Committee, had not as yet dealt with the subject.
The Summary of Tenders received on the construction of the North Main Street,
Sewer, Slater Avenue Sewer, and the Huron-Homewood Avenue Sewer, was presented at this
time for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. M~wers and Ald. Martin that
the tenders submitted by Cashmore and Sons be accepted at the following quotations-
North Fain Street $5,O36.~ Slater Avenue $5,397.~O; Huron-Homewood sewers $18,~97.36.
Carried by a vote of ~ to 3 - the vote being Aye - Aid. Mowers, Martin, Brooks and
Mayor Hawkins; Mayo - Aid. White, McKinley and Morton. The amendment of Ald, White
and Aid. McKinley that Lorenzo Contrasting Co. be awarded the North Main Street
contract, was lost, the vote being - Aye -Ald. White, McKinley and Morton;. Mayo -
Aid. Mowers, Martin, Brooks and Mayor Hawkins.
Before any action was taken on the' above, it was ordered on the motion of
Ald. Brooks and Aid, Morton that Mr. Cashmore who was present at the meeting be
heard. Upon being queried as to his ability to carry on two of the ~obs simultaneously,
Mr. Cashmore assured the Conanittee that it was his belief that they had the equipment
to proceed with the North N a in Street Sewer and'Huron-Homewood st the same time.
SEE Resolution No. 21.
The City Manager, s report on the completion of plans and specifications for
the ro~,mg!nder of the large trunk sewer from the coruer of Welland Avenue and Park
the intersection of Valley ~(ay and Huron Street and requesting permission
t6~':te~fO~ ~endere for this projeCt with the closing date February llth, 1957, was
for consideration. ORREREDon the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mowers
,~e'eeiVed and'~eo~me~dA~ion adopted.
The Management Committee' s report and recommendation for the purchase
of' an all-metal building 16 x 20 at a cost of $1,O59. to be used as an oil-house
at the new garage on Broughton Avenue, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. White and Ald. McKinley that the report and recommendation be
A report of the City Manager, which was not listed on the agenda, was
dealt with at this time. The report recommended the issuance of a permit to Dominic
Scozzafava, 1756 Ferry Street, who had. applied for a building permit to erect an
addition in front of the existing dwelling at 1756 Ferry Street, at an estimated cost
of $12,000.00. ORDERED on the motion of His Worship Nayor Hawkins and Ald. Brooks
that the report be received and adopted and permit granted.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Nayor Hawkins and Ald.
RE&D M~) ADOPTED, 21st. January, 1957.
At this time, the City Clerk reminded Council about the appointment of
two representatives on the Greater Niagara Area Planning Board and respectfully
'requested Ccuncil's due consideration on this matter.
Ald. Brooks expressed his dissatisfaction on the attention given to the
surface of Clifton Hill when icy conditions prevail and the City Manager was
requested to take this matter under advisement, advising however, that this hill
receives attention the same as M~rray Hill, etc.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. ~wers.
READ AND ADOPTED, 21st. January, 1957.
Mayo r.
Council Chamber,
l~th. January,1957.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
~eetiugs for the purpose of passing the by-lawwhich covered the accounts approved by
the Committee. All Members of Council were present. His Worship Mayor Hawkins pre-
The rollowin~ B~-law was ~ass.ed;
No. 5~72 - To provide monies for .general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin' and Aid. McKinley that Ald. Miller
be gra~ted the privilege of iHtreduoing the by-law and th~ by-law be given the first
r~ading.. Carried Unanimously. ' ·
ORDERE~ on the motion of A~d. Brooks and Ald. Miller that ~xle 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules or Council be temporarily suspended and .the by-~laW..~e..given the
second reading.. Carried Unanimously. '
Thi.rd Reading .Ald. Morton and AId. Miller - Carried Una_mimously.
The fol~owin~ Resolution =was .m~sed,
No. 21 ~
Board Room,
14th. January, 1957 ·
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of the
regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, January 1Z~tb,1957 for the purpose
of considering the items presented to them. All Members of the Committee were
present. His Worship Nayor Hawkins presided as Chairman.
A~ter consideration of the items placed before them, the Committee adjourned on the
motion of Ald'. Mowers and Ald. Morton.
READ AND ADOPTED, 21st. Jan.uary,1957.
_ ClerM
Council Chamber,
21st. January, 195?.
Pursuant to adjournmerit, 'Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, January
21st. 1957 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members
o[ Council Were present, with the exception of Ald. Miller. The Council, having
received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion
of Aid. White and Aid. FArtin.
A delegation was present at the meeting from the Board of Education and
before proceedings His ~orship Mayer Hawkins congratulated Mr. Horace C. Logan on
his appointment as Chairman of that Board for the year 1957. It was then ordered
on the motion of AId. Morton and AId. ~Pnite that the delegation be heard. Mr. Arnold
Smith acted as spokesman and referred to the submission Of th~ BEard of Education on
May '28th,1956 of their proposed budget for alterations and changes to the various
schools in the City and which Council had requested that the same be spread over a
five-year period.
He advised that the renovations designated for 1956 were almost
completed and that the Board was present to-night to place before Council their
proposed programme for 1957 and requested Council's faycurable consideration of the
SF~ Comm,ntcation 18
At this point, AId. Mowers arrived at the meeting.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. White and Ald. Morton that the BEard' s
request for $100,000. be set up in the 1957 Budget and a by-law be prepared and
referred to the Ontario FAmicipal Board for approval. Carried Unanimously.
A d~p~tation from ~ould-Leslie Limited was also present at the meeting,
and it was ordered on the motion of Aid. ~ttte and Aid. Brooks that the delegation
be heard at this time. The delegation consisted of Messrs. Dickson and Irvine and
~r. Dickson referred to the applications recently submitted to Council for three
permits to construct outdoor advertising displays in Niagara Falls, which were not
approved. He referred to the report outlining the signs now located in th~ City of
Niagara Falls, which had been distributed to Council for their perusal and desired
to know why the request of Could-Leslie Limited had not been approved, His Worship
~ayor Hawkins in reply to this query, advised' that CoUncil were not desirous of
having any more billboards on the main streets, with which the various members of
Council concurred. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Morton that the
communication be received and filed and no action taken.
SEE Communication 19
Cul. M. Barry Watson, Councils s representative on the Niagara Falls
Sub~rbun Road Commission was present at the meeting and on the motion of Ald. ~nite
and AId. ~orton it was ordered that he be heard. He distributed copies of the Annual
Report of .the Co,,~ ssion for 1956, accompanied by his comments on it and advised that
he' W~S ~eady to ansme~ any que~l~ which Council might' wish to direct. to him. ' His.
Worship the Mayor and all Members of Council expressed appreciation for the su~ss-
ion of such a report and it was ordered on the motion of Aid. ~e and Ald. MoweTa
that the report be. received and tabled for three wasks for pem_s_al-of--~ounoll.
~E~Ccnmmio~tion 20
The followin~ ~onununications were presented|
No. 18 - B~ard of Education - subhitting copy of Froposed Progr~xe for Renovation
of six public schools over a five-year period. ORDEreD on the motion of Ald. White
and Aid. Morton that the Board's request for $100,000. be set up in the 1957 h~dget
and a by-law be prepared and referred to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval·
No. 19 - Gould-Leslie Limited - outlining outdoor advertising displays in Niagara
Falls, ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Morton that the connunication
be received and filed and no action taken.
MO. 20 - Col. M. Barr~, Watson = enclosing Annual Report of Niagara Falls Suburban
Road Commission for 1956. ORDEL~D on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Mowers
the the communication and report be received and tabled for three weeks for perusal
of Council.
No. 21 - Bell Telephone Go. of Canada - requesting permission to perform work.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Mor~on that the coauunication be
received and filed and permission granted,
SEE By-law Number 5~73
No. 22 - Canadian Cancer Society. Greater Niagara Unit - requesting grant. ORDERED
on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid. Brooks that the communication be received
and referred to the Budget Committee.
No. 23 - The Salvation Army - requesting increased grant.
No.' 2~ - Greater Niagara Church Basketball Association - requesting grant. ORDEreD
on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid. McKinley that these communications be con-
sidered together. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton that the
comnunications be received and referred to the Budget Committee.
No. 25 - City of Fort William - resolution requesting approaching Senior Governments
for assistance in enforcement of Municipal Traffic Laws. ORDERED on the motion of
Aid. Mowers and Aid. White that the resolution be received and filed.
No. 26 - British-Canadian Veterans' Association - requesting cancellation of account
for'paving. The City Manager reported verbally in this connection, advising of the
worthiness of this organization to some consideration and recommending that the
request be acceded tS. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. McKinley that
the communication be received and filed and the request granted. Carried - the vote
bein~ - Aye - Aid. Morton, McKinley~ Mart. - with Mayor Hawkins voting in favouri
Naye- Aid. Mowers, White and Brooks. An amendment by AId. Mowers and Aid. ~mtte
that the connunication be tabled for a full report from the City Manager as to the
amount involved, and procedure followed in similar requests for such assistance, was
MO. 27 - Ontario Insurance Agents' Association - explanation re increased insurance
rates in Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Morton that
the comnunication be received and tabled and the City Clerk be requested to obtain
'further information on this.subject.
No. 28 - N. S. & T. RAilw~ - enclosing breakdown of operational costs, surplus and
deficits. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McEimlsy and Aid. Mo~rs that the communi-
cation be received and filed and the City Manager's recommendation be adopted, and
the ezisting bus service be maintained and an increase in fares of approximately,
2~%be allowed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 29 - T~ade and Industry Branch. DeDt. Plannin~ and Develonnen_t- requesting
· early decision re formation of a Niagara Regional Development Association. ORDERED
on the motion of Aid. White and Ald. Brooks that the conmmmication be received and
filed and the Chief Consultant of this Branch advised accordingly.
No. 30 - Lxnett's Ambulance Service - advising of service available. ORDERED on
the motion of AId. PMKinley and Ald. Mowers that the commuttcation be rdceived and
referred to the MaFor, City Manager and City Clerk fo~ submission of a report which
Will i'~olude information from the adjacent municipalities in the Greater Niagara Area.
Kvdro-Electx~o C~4. ssion of. Niaaara Falls - requesting provision of
n~e~ar~ ~ap~tal funds fo~ proposed' installation or flucrescent street lighting,
.on the mot%on of AId, ~artin and Aid. McKinley that the communication be
and filed and the necessary by-law probated,. for submission to the Ontario
Aid. White requested the City Clerk to contact Mr. A.C. Jolley, M.P.P.
to ascertain progress to date on forthcoming meeting with Premier Frost.
The followin~ Re~orts were presented;
No. 8 - City Mona~er - Trafftc'Connnittee's rec6mmendation that parking be eliminated
on the east side of Van Aistyne Flace. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and
Aid. Brooks that the report be received and adopted.
SEE Communication 15
MO. 9 - City Manager - Co~nenting on information supplied by N.S. & T. Railway and
recommending that the increase requested by the Company be favourably considered and
existing service be maintained. ORDERED on the motion df Ald. McKinley and AId.'
Mowers that the report be received ~nd adopted.
S~E Communication 28
No.lO - City Manager - report on attendance of Aid. White and City Nanager at meeting
in Sarni~, respecting sewage treatment projects, and submitting copy of Draft Agree-
ment of January l~th, 1957. OF~tED on the m~tion of Aid. No~ers and AId. Morton
that the report be received and tabled for further study by Council.
No.li - Traffic Committee '- five recommendations. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Norton
and Aid. Mowers that the report be received and adopted.
No.12 - City C~erk ~ report on Conference held January l~th. ORDERED on the motion
of Aid. Na i 'Aid. White that the report be received and adopted. rt nand
No.L? - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. O~D~ED on the motion oT
Aid. Martin and Aid. Morton' that the report be received and adopted and licenoes
issued socordihgly.
No.l~ - Fire Chief - Annual Report for year 1956. ORDERED on the motion of AId.'
White and Aid. Brooks that the report be received and acknowledged and the Chief
and his Department commended for their service during the year.
No.15 - Fire Chief = submitting recommendations. OFg)ERED on the motion of Aid.
McKinley and Aid. Mowers that the report be received, the City Nafiager submit a
report on' Item Number 3 a~d the other recommendations be referred to the' Budget
Committee for consideration.
The £ollowin~ Resolutions were ~assed;
No. 22 - WHITE - MARTIN. RE~OLv~ that Alderman H~gh G; Brooke be appointed Actin~
Chairman of Finance due to the absence nf Alderman Franklin J. NillerJ and the
of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 23 - M0h~S. NcKINLEY. RESOLVED that a messa6e of 8yml~.t~hy bn behalf, of His
~rship the ~ayor an~ Nerobets of the City Council'be f6~a~'~0:~he'!~ly of the
la~e Nrs. A~nee D~demu8, wife of the late Win. ~ldemus, ASSib~ant 1~ C~r for the
City of NtaZara Falle~ and the Seal of' the Co~poration be h~x~af,~i~s~-ffa o '.
_CamPed Unanimousl~
'or His
The followin~ By-law was vassed;
No. 5~+73 - To provide for permission to The Bell Telephone Company of Canada bo
replace one anchor and tv~0 poles, also place underground conduit and
underground cable on Robinson Street at Main Street and between Allen
and Stanley Avenue; and replace two poles and instal one new anchor
on Victoria Avenue. and place new pole and anchor on Ferguson and instal
buried cable on Victoria and Ferguson.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Ald. McKinley that Aid. McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and. the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. k~ite and Aid. ~rtin that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and Ald. Brooks --Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKiniey and Ald.
EAD.AND ADOPTED, 28th. January, 1957.
Council Chamber,
21st. January,1957.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, January 21st,1957 for the purpose
of appreving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them, All Members of the Committee were present, with the except-
ion of Ald. Miller. Acting Chairman of Finance, AId. Brooks, presided,
Sundry Accounts subnitted in the amount of $63,787.~3 were approved by
the Con~r~ttee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered
placed in the Money By-law for presentation, to the Council, on the motion of Mayor
Hawkins and AId. NcKinley.
The communication from Mortimer, Bamprield and Company Limited advising
of increased limits on Union InsUrance'-2ociety of Canton Liability Policy, was
ag~i~&~led and referred to the Nanagement Committee for a report on the motion
The connunication from the Canadian Good ~oads AssoCiation solicitin~
membership in their organization was presented for consideration. ORDereD on the
motion 0£ AId. McKinley and Aid. Norton that the communication be received and filed.
The City ~ana~er' s report on the application of Capitol Car Sales at
1550 Ferry Street for a permit to erect a frame addition to the frame office buildin~
presently located at the rear of their premises, was presented for consideration.
O~DEPJ~ on the motion of AId. Nattin and Aid. Mowers that the report be received and
referred to the Property Committee for consideration.
The City Hanager's report on the application of Notorville Car Sales
and Service for interior alterations to their ~jil&in~ at 698 Ontario Avenue, at
an estimated cost of $2,000. was presented for consideration. OPj)ERED on the motion
of AId. McKinley and Aid. Mowers that the report be.received and adopted and permit
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Nayor Hawkins and AId,
READ ~J~ ADOPTED, 28th. January, 1957.
~~;~m~'in of rinance;'
Council Chamber~
21st. January, 1957.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the re~tlar Council and Finance
Neetin~s for the purpose of passin~ the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the committee. All Hem~ere of Council were present, hrlth the exception of/LId.
~Lller. His ~orship, ~ayor Hawkins, presided.
The followix Bx-law was ~ssed:
~ - T.o provide for moni.e8 for gsneral purposes,
ORD~ED on the moticn of Aid, Nowera and AId, Norton th..a.~.Ald,~ Brsoks be
granted the privilege of introducir~ the b~-law and the by~la~ be given the first
reading. , Carried Unanimously. -
OPJ~PJ~ on the motion of AId. ~c~tnley and AId. Norton that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be .~Lven the
second reading. , C~rried Unanimously.
Third adinS. AId, Norton and AId,
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Ald. McKinley.
R~AD AND ADOPTED, 28th. January, 1957.
Clerk- , '
Board Room,
21st. January, 1957.
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of
the regular ~ouncil and Finance Meetings on Monday, January 21st,195V for the
purpose of considering the items presented to them. All Members of the Co~nittee
were present, with the exception of AId. Miller. His Worship Mayor Hawkins
presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items placed before them, the Committee adjourned on
the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. Mowers.
READ AND'ADOPTED, 28th. January, 1957.
Council Chamber,
28th. January, 1957.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, January
28th, 1957 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members
of Council were present.~ The Council, having received. and read. the.~inu.tes of th.e
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mowers.
In connection with increased insurance rates within the City of Niagara
Falls which has caused such adverse publicity for the City, the City Clerk who was
requested to obtain further information on this subject following Council's consider-
ation of the communication received from Mr. Ivor Brake of the Ontario Insurance
Agents' Association at the last meeting, advised at this time that a delegation was
present at the meeting from the Insurance Agents' Association and it was ordered on
the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Killer that Mr. Oarl Young and his associates,
Messrs. JoPm Hopkins and Ross Phemister be heard.
Mr. Young was spokesman and stated that he wished to clear up the
unnecessary misunderstandings which have been created and referred to press releases
which in his opinion were most unfair to the Aldermen, City of Niagara Frill s and
himself and referred to the fact that three weeks prior to this announcement in the
local press, there had already been an announcement that there would be a general
increase in all insurance rates across Canada. Mr. Young then proceeded to quote
facts and figures from statistics issuing from the Insurance Department to point out
that the City of Niagara Falls and the adjacent area were far from being the most
delinquent with reference to accidents and .proceeded to show that it was purmly an
economic matter from the standpoint of the insurance people a~d a case of making
income agree with outlay.
Alderman Killer complimente~ Mr. Yo~ung on the manner in which he sub-
mitted the information and clarified his previous quotation as to the number of
accidents in the City of Niagara Fails and deplored the releasing of the information,
and the method in which it was handled which .created the whole discussion.
His Worship the Mayor thanked the delegation for their presence at the
meeting and the e~planation given.
SEE Communication 27,
Lai~ over fma t~e m~v~eus meeting:
No. 27 - Ontario lns,a~anee A~ents' Association - re basis upon which insurance rates
are annually ~ ~ on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid. Morton that
the ccmmmication be received and filed.
No. 35 - Kinotto Club - requesting permission to hold a tag day, May llth.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. ~5ller and Aid. Morton that the communication be
received and filed and permission granted as date is available.
No. 36 - Greater Niagara Association for Retarded Children - requesting Annual
No. 37 - NiaEara Frontier Humane Society - requesting Annual Grant.
No. 38 - Niagara Falls Horticultural Society - requesting Annual Grant.
No. 39 - NiaEara Fnl]s Minor Hockey - requesting financial assistance.
No. ~0 - Niagara Memorial Band - requesting grant.
No. 41 - Niagara Falls City Kiltie Band - requesting grant. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. McKinley and Ald. ~wers that the communications be received and referred
to the Budget Committee for consideration.
No. 42 - Greater NiaEara Chamber of Commerce - appreciation re Christmas lighting.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and AId. Brooks that the communication be
received and filed.
No. ~3 - Greater NiaEara Chamber of Commerce - enclosing copies of resolution with
reference to Govermnent Taxes. ORDERED on the motion of ild. Mowers and Aid. Morton
that the communication be received and the resolution endorsed, the Chamber thanked
for their interest in this project and advised.that the resolution will be forwarded
as requested.
No. ~J+ - Probation Officer. Welland Coantv - Enclosing Annual Report. ORDERED on
the motion of Aid. Brooks and Aid. Morton that the report be received and tabled.
Carried. (AId. Mowers-contrary).
No. ~5 - City Solicitor. Hamilton. - re proposed amendments to The Police Department
Act and to The Fire Department Act. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Aid.
Martin that the communication be received and referred to the City F~nager and the
City Clerk for a report.
No. 46 - Central M~rtKa~e and Housin~ Corporation - re Project 8/48 and summarizin~
proposal in connection with request re increase in payments in lieu of taxes.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid. Miller that the communication be
received and referred to the City Manager for a report.
No. 47 - Department bf Nighways - further to Q.E.W. and MacDonald Avenue and recom-
mending re control of traffic. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Brooks and Aid. White
that the communication be received and filed.
No. 48 - Clerk-Treasurer. Welland County - requesting names on Committee to meet
with Welland County to discuss Agreement relative to Administration of Jusbice,etc.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. MoKiniey and Aid. White that the communication be
received and the Chairman of Finance and the City Manager be delegated as Council's
representatives in all negotiations in this instance.
The followin~ Reports were presented:
No. 16 - City Clerk - advising of date set by Liquor Li~ence Board for Cocktail Vote.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid. Miller that the report be received and
No. 17 - City Clerk - result of hearing held by Onta. rio Municipal Board on January
25th. re G.R. Bradley's application with reference to structures at corner of Stanley
Avenue and Cedar Street. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid. Martin that
the c~mmmication be received and filed, pending Official Order.
Me, !~ - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenoes. ORDERED on the motion of
Aid. ~.~in and Aid. Morton that' the report be received and adopted and licenoes
;~'Z~ Miller, in speaking on the subject of traffic violatars in ~he
irequested the Mayor to take up with the Chief of Police
of th~oFaition of a Citizens' Committee, from which he could
to be known only to himself, who would report any traffic
Council Chamber,
28th. January, 1957.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, January
28th, 1957 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members
of Council were present. The Council, having received and read. the. udnutss of the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mowers.
In connection with increased insurance rates within L|le City of Niagara
Falls which has caused such adverse publicity for the City, the City Clerk who was
requested to obtain further information on this subject rollowfi~ councll's considnr-
alien of the communication received from Hr. Ivor Brake of the Ontario Insurance
Agents' Association at the last meeting, advised at this time that a delega~ion was
present at the meeting from the Insurance Agents' Association end it was ot~ered on
the motion of Ald. Howors and Ald. Hiller that Mr. Carl You~Q~ and his assoolaLes,
!/assrs. Job~ Hopkins and Ross Phendster be heard.
Mr. Young was spokesman and stated that he w[ohed ts clear up the
unnecessary misunderstandings which have been created and referred to press releases
which in his opinion were most unfair to tile Aldermen, City of Nl~Qlax~n Fell s ,'rod
himself and referred to the fact that three weeks prior to this announceuwut ,~n the
local press. there had already been an announcement titat there would bs a &Ienet~nl
increase in all insurance rates across Canada. Pc.. Young ~,hsn p1~)cseded to quote
facts and figures from statistics issuing from the Intuit. ante Department ~c p(kint out
that the City of Niagara Falls and the adjacent a~a were far fr~n belt~B the meet
delinquent with reference to accidents and .px~)cseded to show that l~ was pua'~3~. an
economic n~tter from the standpoint of the insurance people add e case c~f maklIQ{
income agree with outlay.
Alderman ~filler complimented Hr. YoUng on ~he malu~er In which ha sub-
miLLed the information and clarified his previous quota~on as t,o the mu~ber of
accidents in the City of Niagara Falls and deplored the relsaall~8 of the lnfom~t. ion,
and the method in which it was handled ~ich .created tile ~xole dLeuuesim4
His Worship the Hayor thanked the delegation for Q~sir )u~sence at the
meeting and the explanation given.
Laia over from the ~revious metinK|
No. 27 - Ontario Insurance A~ents' Association - re basis ulxm ~dch insurance mte.~
are annually determined. O~D~ED on the motion of Ald. Howere ~ A16. l~ton ~J~at
the camnuhication be received and filed.
The following Communications were ~resented:
No. 3) - KAnette Club - t~que:~tl,\~ F~,x.n:i.~tton te h,,ld .~ (~ ,!a~. k.V l tfh.
~ on the motion of ~d. )Ltl!ex. ~md kid. M,,rL,,u ~h.~l th~ ,.,,tu ~u:fi,.,,( t,,,, t.~
No./+2 - QLN38~Cr NA(~I','{
received and filed.
GaPtied. (Ald. Mow. ru-o,,r L .a .y)
proJ~6~l l~ oonnocLl. on w.l. UI i.equ~uL i.e )fior~nne Ill j,tiyn,t, ul,,, IN, I I,,ll ,,r I,...r,.
ORDERED on the moLl.on or Aid. Nowet'~ and AI.d. t4111u~ t,h,,t I.l,e ,s,,.im, ii,l,ml.l,,,, h.
received and rOf~pp~d to tile Clby idan~l{.r fi,r is rnl,,,rl..
No. 12 - {~sDartmorl~ Of I[LghW(~yo - further i.o q. lr,.W. ,and |4/,cl~..,id Av,,,,,,- ,,,,.{ """""-
mendrig re control of braffJ. o. Oltl)~l~l~ OR tJl~ IIIOI. J,HI el' AId. Jll'isf,J(. ~l],J Aid.
that the Oo~UnJ. oation be reoeJ. vqd ttn,l rl:l,mJ.
No. 1+8 - Oler -Trfi~ror. V/elll d Cou,i~ - r'eq|l~.l, is E n,fi. ,., G,,, ,I .i,m, f, , ,,0-1,
ORD~ on the ~tton of A]d. ~l n] ey and AhJ. Whl L~ I. hhL I,h. ,t,,mu,,uH ,ml,I ,,,i h.
received 8rid bho Chalr~n of Finance 8nd Llle 0H,y Hnnnl~nr I~. dnl-lUd,ud ~.~ O-m.,I I~n
representatives in all negottation~ in I;ht~ }.n,l,~lrlo6.
The followAn~ Re~or~o wore
Ms. 16 - ,gitv glerk - advising of date act h~ M, quor Lt0once I~}ltl,I re#. 0,ohl. nll VoLe.
OR~ on the motion of ~d. ~wern a~ ~. HJ.llqP bhltt l,h. pal.u.I, Im t,uoel Vml ullll
I 7SJ ~j No. 32 - AtrDor~ Committee - SttCathari~es - invitation t~ aeatAr~ eq ,[~l~ary ?~h. No. 17 - 01e~rk - result of heaz.ing hell ~y Ontn~fn/4,rotell,a1 Ijnur,I nn .lanuany
' "' ~ceived and filed. 25th.
Avenue aml Cedar Street.
~. 33 - ~na~ ~tional Institute for -t~ ~ - ~ l~ ~ ~ the oo~cation ~ received a~ fA~d, I~l,n~ Official Order.
ation ~ ~te'C~e Week. O~ on ~he ~on ~ ~d ~ ~ ~d. ~ ~t-
the co~cation ~ ~ceived ~d fil~ ~ ~~ is~ ~ ~. ~. 18 - C~ ~
aries ~ B~theth~ Week. O~ On ~ ~ti~ ~ ,,~ ~, ~ ~ k~
that the ~eation ~ ~eeived ~d r~ ~ ". v~'~ :: - ~ ~n l~, in s~ ~n ~ eub~g~ ~t ~n~Lo vl.o~oPe ~ ~h~
he ~ssi~ of t~ fo~on of a ~lenee OoJd~ea~ tPom whl oh he could
", '.:.,;;::;'
..... . :: , · :....,
28~h, 19ST.for t!
of Councll,~re !
previous meeting
Council Chamber,
28th · January, 1957 ·
No. 35 - Kinette Club - requesting permission to hold a tag day, May llth.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. >illlet and Aid. Morton that the co.t':mnication be
received and filed and permission granted as date is available.
No. 36 - Greater Niagara Association for Retarded Children - requesting Annual
No. 37 - N~a~a~m m.~+4.- ,~-- - tl Grant.
mnual Grant.
ORDEreD on the motion
received and referred
re ChristmAs lighting.
]o con~nunication be
Falls which has ,
requested to obt~ .ies of resolution with
ation of the co"" . Mowers and Aid. Morton
~Sents' As~ociat: ed, the Chamber thanked
Fesent at the m, lution will be forwarded
the motion of AI,
~sss~s. John
L Report. ORDERED on
Mr. received and tabled.
UnneCesSary mieu'
which 4n his opi,
hi~'e~f S~d refe: ;o The Police Department
loc~l'Yp~bs, thel ' AId. Mowers and Aid.
in~,s.e_]Tin all ~ City t~nager and the
deli~e~;jWith r t 8/48 and summarizing
, tts f lie. of ta s.
inconre~._gNe with communication be
mitte~:~$he infonm told Avenue and recom-
accided~vi'n the
and in sroo s and ad. ' ite
Hl8~ Committee to meet
meeti.]n6, and the e:
/,!-77 '- · ation of Justice,etc.
!, ..' communication be
· -~.?~ ~, elegated as Council's
ard for Cocktail Vote.
The sport be received and
No. 32-
0RDEE on the moti~ ...... ~*~,,+.~.~.~a.=una~ 1;no cormuunlcatxon be ' ~ ~,-- ~A~y uAer~ - reedIt of hearing held by Onta. rio Municipal Board on January
received and:i~,~,= ~" !. 25th. re G.R. Bradley's application with reference to structures at corner of Stanley
'" ' : Avenue and Cedar Street. ORn~mED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and AId. Martin that
No. 33 - ~,,~i~n Nat$o~al Xnatituile+fo~;~the~Bjlihd . re.qU, esting i~suance of proclam- w the c0ununication be received and filed, pending Official Order.
ation re e'Clne We~k~ ORDE~:'~n th~'~"~,~a.'&~ooks ana ~ld. Morton that ~'
.......................... No. 18 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of 1Acenoes. O~DERED on the motion of
the communication be ~eceiwed and filed ana proclamitiOn.ieSu,d~.hs ~equested. : Ald. Max~i~ and ~ld. Morton that· the report be reeeived and adopted and licenoes
~oo 3~ of proclam ; issued accorditaly.
i~ e~nJunction.
· At~erman Miller, in speaking on the subject of traffic violators in .the
tChi. t~:~_;~a.Fn~s, l-equested the Mayor ~o take up with the Chief of Police
e '~e~i~{~ of th~ £oxqnatlon' of. a Citizens' Committee, from which he eould
· choose, , ~-l~dtviduals to be known onl~ to himself, who would report any traffic /
In referring to automobile licence examiners, the Alderman advised
that it is his inte. ntion to present a resolution at the next meeting, which could
be passed on to the Chamber of Connerce, the Ontario Municipal Association and
other municipalities in Ontario for endcreation, which would suggest the appoint-
ment of full-time salaried personnel.
The Alderman also suggested consideration of one-way streets and the
elimination of parking on one side of narrow streets.
Ald. Martin referred to numerous complaints received regarding
congestion on Summer Street, west of Main Street, caused by cars parking on both
sides of the street, and because of the heavy snow prevalent creating a very
dangerous situation, particulary when cars cannot park close to the curb, the street
is almost impassable and it would be an impossibility for fire trucks to get through
in case of fire. The Alderman suggested the possible use of the Loblaw parking lot
in the inmediate vicinity, which would help to elirain.ate this hazard. AId. Martin
requested the Mayor to contact the Roy. Street, Minister of the. Church on Summer
Street to solicit the co-operation of his congregation.
His Wore,hip Mayor Hawkins referred to l~.rrison Street and Valley Way
and the fact that cars are parking too close to the comer, thus impeding visibility
of motorists.
Aid. Miller referred to the necessity of installing a re~erved parking
space at the Memorial Arena which could be utilized by St.john Ambulance Corps, .the
p~ess or a physician' s car in case an emergency arose.
Aid. Mowers referred to the hazardous'condition creates on valley way
at Gracey's Imperial Station, on account of parked cars, Also frequent violations
of 'no left turn' from Loblaw parking lot to Mu~on Street.
These matters were referred to the Traffic Co~mlttee for their con-
The following By-laws were ~assed|
No. S475 - To amend By.-law Number 3?90, being a by-law for the regulation of traffic.
ORDERED on the motion of A~d. Brooks and LId. White that Ald. Norton be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
.reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of 'Aid. NcKiniey and 'Ald. Miller that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Caunc~l be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. Norton and Aid. Brooks - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5476 - To amend By-law Number 3791, being a by-law for the designating of
through highways.
ORDerED on the motion of A~d. Miller and A~d. Mowers that AId. Norton
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the let.
readAug.. Carried Unanimously.
O~DERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Brooks that ~al~ 36 (h)
of the Standing ~l~s of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading.. Carried Unanimously.-'
Third Reading .Ald. Nowere' and Ald. Morton - Carried Unanimo[s~3~,
The followip,~ Resolution was passed:
No. 26 - MOWERS - N~ILLER - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of Council be
held on Monday evening, February ~th. at 6 p.m. and the Seal of the Corporstion
be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously~
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, hth. February, 1957.
Council Chamber,
28th. January, 1957.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, January28th,1957 for the purpose
of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Ald. Fdller,
Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $113,~70.O9 were approved by
the Committee.
· The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered
placed in the Honey By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of AId.
Mowers and Aid. McKinley.
The communication from Nortimer, Rampfield and Co., Ltd. with reference to
increased limits under the Liability Policy, which was referred to the ~xnagement
Committee for a report, was again presented for consideration. Mr. Orr reported
verbally on behalf of the Committe, recommending an increase in the present Com-
prehensive Liability Policy from the present $100,000. across the beard to $200,000.
the increase in premium involved being approximately ~O.OO. ORDERED on the motion
of AId. Mentors and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted.
The City Menager's report on the application of Capitol Car Sales, 1~O
Ferry Street for permission to erect a frame addition to the frame office building
presently located at the rear of their premises, which was referred to the Property
Committee for consideration, was again presented. AId. Brooks, Chairman of the
Committee, reported verbally recommending that no parmAt be granted. ORDERED on
the motion of AId. Brooks and Ald. White that the recommendation be received and
adopted and the permit be not granted.
The City Nanager's report on the application of Arthur White, 1706 Ferry
Street for a permit to instal a ~,O00 gallon storage tank for gasoline and one
pump at an estimated cost of $8(X).,. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the
motlOll o~1 AId. Morton and AId. Martin that the report be received and adopted and
,, ,7,__
The City Nanager's report on the application of Jos. Biamonte,63~
Queen Street for a permit to make interior alterations to Jomar's ~abyland at an
estimated cost of $2,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion
of Aid. F~rton and Aid. Brooks that the report be received and adopted and permit
Council arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. F~wers and FAyor Hawkins.
READ AND ADOPTED, ~th. February, 1957.
Council Chamber,
28th · January,1957 ·
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings.for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Co~nittee. All Members of Council were present, His ~forship Mayor
Hawkins presided.
The followin~ By-law was passed:
Me. 5477 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Aid. McKinley that AId. Miller
b~ granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously,
ORDERED .on the motion of Aid. McKinley and AId. Mowers that, Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing ~ules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. -, Carried Unanimously.
· Third Reading - AId. Mowers and Ald. Miller - Carried Unanimously.
Ald. Miller at this ti~e queried the side of Victoria Avenue and
Ferry Street it is proposed to instel the new street lighting and His ~orship the
Hayor informed *-he Alderman that the lighting is to be installed on the business
-: ','.'~.Z ,"' side lnsorar as he was aware.
Council adjourned tc Conference on the motion of Aid. l,bwers and Ald. l~ller.
R~AD AND ADOPTED, ~th. February,19~7.
Board Room,
28th. January, 1957.
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of
the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, January 28th,19~7 for the
purpose of considering the items presented to them. All Members of the Con,mittee
were present. His Worship Mayor Hawkins presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items placed before them, the Committee adjourned on
the motion of AId. Mowers and Aid. ~'nite.
READ AND ADOPTED, ~th. Februa~y,19~7.
Council Chamber,
4th. FebruarY, 19~?.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 6.00 p.m. on Monday, February
4th, 1957 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members
of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid. White and AId. Mowers.
Laid over from previous m. eetin~s|
No. 20 -Col. M. Barrv Watson - enclosing Annual Report of Niagara Falls Suburban Road
Commission for 1956. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and AId. M~r~in that the
co~unication be lifted from the table and received, filed and Col. Watson be thanked
for his interest in the subject and made aware that if any further i~formation is
desired he will be contacted. 8~R. Communication ~3.
No. h5 - City Solicitor. Hamilton. Ontario - re proposed amendments to The Police
Department Act and to The Fire ~epartment Act. ORDE~b~D on the motion of Ald. Martin
and Aid. White that the com~mAnicatios and resolution be received and filed and no
action taken. It was agreed that a copy of the City N~ager's and City Clsrkts
report on this matter be forwarded to the Hamilton City Solicitor.
.q~E Re~ort No. 19.
-Ald. Brooks arrived at the meeting
No. A6 - Central Mart~a~e and Housin~ Corporation - re Project 8/~8 and summarizing
proposal in connection with request for increase in payments in lieu of taxes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Mowers that the communication be
received and filed; the necessary resolution prepared and adopted.
S~ERe~ort No. 20
· ~F~ Resolution 27.
The followin~ Communications were vresented:
No. 49 - Bell Telephone Co. - requesting permission to place one pole and aerial
cable on Rice Crescent. ORDerED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. F~rton
that the communication be received and filed and permission granted.
SEE By-lawNo. 5478
No. 50 - Ralph Biamonte - application to continue concession at Oakea Park for 19~7.
ORD~{EDon the motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid. Morton that the communication be.
received and referred to the Parks and Recreation Committee for a report.
No. 51 - Junior Chamber of Commerce - requesting permission to hold a Light Bulb
Blitz. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Aid. Brooks that the communication
Be received and filed and permission granted,
No. ~2 - Thomas ~lakemore - requesting construction of a sidewalk in front of 10~2
Hamilton Street. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Aid. Morton that the
communication be received and referred to the City Manager for a report.
No. 53 - Niagara F~]qs Suburban Road Commission - enclosing ~nual Report. ORDSI~D
on the motion of Aid. Martin and AId. Morton that the communication be received and
referred to the ~Adget Committee for consideration when the Estimates are being
S~Communieation 20.
No. 54 - Cit~ of lxdbuxur- resolution for increase in grants re construction of under-
passes. ORDItED on the motion of Aid. Nowera and Aid. Morton that the communication
be re?sired and the resolution endorsed,
The following Reports were presented~
No. 19 - City Manager and City Clerk - report on resolution from City of Han~lton
re proposed amendments to The Fire Department Act and The Police Department Act.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. White that the report be received
and adopted and a copy of the same forwarded to the City Solicitor of Hamilton.
SEE Communication ,
No. 20 - cityMana~er ~ report on resolution to be considered, r~queeting an increase
in grants in lieu of taxes for houses owned by the Central ~rtgage and Housing
Corporation in Project 8/48. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Mowers
that the report be received and recommendation adopted.
~EEBesolution No,2~,
No, 21 - City Clerk . advisirdE of queries directed to Federal Member regarding the
proposed Federal Municipal Crants Legislation and attaching copy of conmmnication
from The Minister of Finance in ~eply, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, ~bwers and
Aid, Brooks that the report be received and filed and the subject brought to
Council's attention when details of the Bill are known,
No, 22 - ~sse~.so~ . Annual Report of Assessment Department for year 19~6, 0RDERED
on the motion of Ald, White and AId, Martin that the report be received and laid
on the table for one week for perusal,
No, 23 - City Clerk - recorm~ending issuance of licenoes, ORDE}LED on the motion of
Ald, Morton ~d Aid, Miller that the report
issued accordingly. be received and adopted and licences
The follo~n~ Resolutions were hassod:
No. 27 - MORTON . MOWERS . RESOLVED That the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls
request an increase in payments from Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation for
dwellings erected under the Agreement for Project 8/~8, it being understood that
any such increase in Payments in lieu of taxes will result in a corresponding
increase in rental rates levied by Central M~rtgage and Mousing Corporation; and the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimousl ,
Ald. Miller, in referring to the resolution he intended to present to
Council with reference to governing Provincial Examiners for automobile drivers'
licences, by the appointment of full-time salaried personnel, was of the opinion
that a further stipulation should be included insisting that before an applicant
for such license could procure the same, he must be able to read and write the
recognized languages of the Country.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Fartin and Aid. Mowers that the resolution
of Aideman Miller be received and adopted with the necessary change as to knowledge
of the-recognized languages of the Country.
Me. 28 - MARTIN. MO~ERS _ RESOLVED that the Provincial Government be approached
with the reqnest that provision be made for all Provincial Examiners for automotive
driving licences to be full time, salaried persons and if it is found.necessary in
certain locations, the territory he expanded to make this feasible; and further,
that the Government be requested to enact legislation which would make it mandatory
that before any automotive driver receives a licenee that he he required to be able
to read and write the recognized languages of the Country; and that a coplr of this
resolution be forwarded to the Ontario F~Anicipal Association, the Mencurable MAtmister
of~he Department of Highways, the I~cal Member of the Provincial Legislature and
the ~reater Niagara Chamber of Commerce~ and the Seal of the Corporation he hereto
af~i.Yryad. .,
',, 34
laid over from a vrevious meetin~l
~ - To establish a certain lane.
Third Reading - Aid. White and Ald. McKinley - Carried Unanimously*
The 'followin~ By-law was passedl
~o, 547S - To provide for permission to The Bell Telephone Company of Canada to
place one pole and aerial cable on Rice Crescent.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Nowere and Ald. Morton that Ald. McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and 'the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Roles of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given t. he
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading LAld. Morton and Ald. McKinleY - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald..
READ AND ADOpTED, 11th. Febru~ry, 1957.
Council Chamber,
4th. February,1957.
The Finance Meeting was held on MOnday, February 4th, 1957 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. fil M~m~er8 of the Committop Were pro'sent. Ald.
Miller, Chairman of Finance, presided. . _ 1
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $34,1~.28 were approved'by
the Committee. ..
The Accounts suhnttted,-being passed or o%herwisede.~l.t .;with, were
ordered placed in the. Money Byelaw;for' pr~senta~lon to ,,the~,d0Uno~i,' on],t~ motion of
. ,ho
Ald. Martin, Chairman of the Committee, reported verbally ~th reference to the
meeting last Friday, with the newly~appointed Garage Superintendent, and the
Superintendent's opinion that the City equipment is in such bad condition that it
would take considerable length of time to put the units into proper shape; and
felt the necessity of two mechanics. The Alderman then advised that his Committee
felt that there was need of a First-Class Superintendent, a mechanic and a helper.
The Committee were of the opinion that if all of the equipment had been in first-
class shape now, two men could have looked after it. ORDERED on the motion of Aid.
McKinley and His Worship Mayor Hawkins that the r%~rt be received and adopted and
that a further report be presented in 30 days as to the advisability of a second
man if necessary.
The Management Committee's report was presented recomaending purchase of
equipment for the Municipal Garage and attaching a detailed list of the equipment.
Ald. Martin, Chairman of the Committee, advised that his Co~nittee had studied the
list in detail and were of the unanimous opinion that all the equipment listed is
needed with the exception of the last two items, namely, 2 Twin Lifts; these have
been deleted for the present. ORDF~ED on the motion of His Worship the Phyor and
Aid. Mowers that the report be received and adopted.
Ald. McKinley queried as to the possibility of maintaining a separate
ledger sheet for each piece of equipment so that in future Council would have some
idea how the equipment is rendering service, and requested the City Manager to
prepare a report to explain whether such a suggestion would be possible. In this
connection, Aid. Mowers of the Management Committee advised that the Garage Super-
intendent had advised that a log will be kept on each piece of equipment.
The City M~nager presented a report on a communication from ~s. Gerald
Gibson, 1809 Gladstone Avenue, regarding expenses incurred due to sewer trouble
at her residence and recommending that an amount of $50. be paid to Mrs. Gibson
to reimburse her for needless expense, as it was later found that the difficulty
existed at the connection to the main sewer on Emery Street. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mowers that the report be received and adopted.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, llth. February, 19~7.
"" ..... C rma
Council Chamber,
4th. February, 1957.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-lawwbich covered the accounts
approved by the Committee. All Members of Council were present. His Worship, Mayor
Hawkins, presided.
_The following By-law was ~assed;
No, 5&77 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hartin and Aid. McKinley that Ald. Miller
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald. MdKinley that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ThirdReading- Ald. Morton and Ald. White - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Miller,
RFAD AND ADOPTED, llth. February, 1957.
Board Room,
............ ~th, Fe~ruar~,1957.
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of
regular Council and Finance Meetings.on Monday, February ~th, 1957 for the purpose of
considering the items presented to them. All Members of the Committee were present.
His Worship Hayor Hawkins presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items placed before them, the Committee adjourned on the
motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. ~hite.
READ AND ADOPTED, llth. February,1957.
Council Chamber,
llth. February, 1957.
Pursuant t~ adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, February llth,
1957 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of
Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. ~brton.
Tenders had been called for the continuation of construction of the Park
Street sewer, Bcckley Avenue and Valley Way sewers and on the motion of Ald.~rtin
and Ald. Brooks it was ordered that the tenders received, be opened, initialled by
His Worship the ~yor and tabulated.
Laid over from a previous meeting:
No. 30 - Lvnett's AmbUlance Service - service avail%ble. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Martin and Ald. Mowers that the co~unicabion be received and filed. Carried.
(Ald. N~rton-contrary). Previous to this action, it was moved by Ald. Morton ~hat
the same be referred to the Management or Budget Committee for consideration; this
motion was not seconded.
S.]E Retort Ntur. ber 24.
No. 50 - Ralph Biamonte - requesting renewal of concession at 0akes Stadium for
· 1957. ORDE.~ED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. FUller that the comunication
be referred to the Budget Committeefor consideration. Carried. (AId. Mowers-contrary).
The followin~ Communications were presented;
No. 55 - Department of MiEhways - acknowledging resolution no. 28 re Provincial
Examiners for automotive driving licences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~brton
and Ald. Brooks that the communication be received and filed.
Mo. 56 - Local Rvdro Commission - Recognition of National Electrical Week. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. MiLler and Ald. Martin that the communication be received and
No. 57 - Industrial Committee of Chamber of Commerce - requesting grant for 1957.
No. 58 ~ Tourist Committee of Chamber of Commerce - requesting grant for 1957.
MO. ~9 - MiaEara F~I!s and Suburban Area Plannin~ Board - requesting grant for 1957.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the comnunications be
received and referred to the Budget Committee for consideration.
Mo. 60 - Secretary. Police Commission - requesting usual retirement allowancefor
W. ~. Cart.. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mowers that the communi-
cation be received and referred to the City Manager for a report and preparation of
the necessary by-law. Ald. Mowers requested that the City Manager include in his
report information as to interruption in spa~ of emplo~nent.
No. 61 - Centre B~siness Men's Association - two requests re sand on street and
early painting of traffic lines. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mar6in and Ald.
Brooks that the communication be received and filed and the City Manager take these
requests under advisement and the necessary action when the weather is satisfactory
for such work.
No. 62 - Mayor of Sarnia - Advising of intention of the City of Sarnia to qonstruct,
finance, operate and own Sewage Disposal Plant themselves, O~DERED on the motion of
A1d· ~owers and Ald. White that the communication be received and filed.
MO. 63 - City of SudburY - resolution re Coroners' Amendment Act. ORDFaF~ on the
motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. B~ooks that the resolution be received and referred
to the City Clerk for a report.
No. 6~ - Retail Food Merchants' Association - requestin~ enforcement of by-laws re
store hours. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and ~ld. Martin that the communi-
cation be received and filed and the Association advised that action against violators
is v~thin their powers but .that any change in by-laws would necessitate a proper
At this time, the City Clerk advised Council that in accordance with
The Municipal Act, it is required that the Blanket Position Bond covering the
employees of the Corporation be filed with the Crown Attorney' s office in Welland
and requested authority to do so. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald.
Mowers that the City Clerk be authorized to file the Blanket Position Bond in the
Crown Attorney's Office in Welland.
The City Clerk advised that the renewal of the lease for a portion of
property owned by the City of Niagara Fails which is leased by Mrs. Anna Konkos is
now due and it was ordered that the matter be referred to the Property Committee
for a report on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Martin.
Laid over from the previous meeting:
No. 22 - Assessment Department - Annual Report for 1956. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton that the report be received and filed.
The followin~ Re~orts were presented;
No. 2~ - ~avor, City Muna~er and City Clerk - report on ambulance service presently
provided in the Greater Niagara Area. O~E~ .on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald.
Mowers that the report be received and adopted. Carried. (Contrary-AId. Morton).
Ald. Miller requested that the Proprietor of this Service be asked to surfeit a repo~
ehowin~ the number of calls made in the Township of Stamford and the City of Niagara
MO. 25 - Assistant C~.tv Engineer - report on attendance at two meetings of the City
Engineers' Association in Toronto. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and AId.
Morton that the reporb be received and filed.
No. 26 -.City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenoes. ORDERED on the motion .of
Ald. Morton and Ald. Brooks that the report be received and adopted and licences
issued accordingly.
· The following Resolution was ~assedl.
No. 29 - BROOKS - WHITE - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the City
of Miagara Falls petition the Department of Highways fop the Province of Ontario
for the Statutory Grant under The Highway Improvement Act on expenditures made
during the year 1956; and the Seal of the Corporation be be=eto affimed..
The following Resolution was presented~ Carried Unanimously.
No. 30 - MILLER ~ I~00KS - RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls
authorize the City Clerk to contact our _l~cal Membe~
to meet with the Renourahle R. H.
with ~efer~nce to 'PO~' ~fioe facilitieS, 2 if he
Who is
be hereto
The followir~ By-lm~s were passed_;
~No. 5~8~ - To appoint an Inspector to enforce The Trench Excavator's Protection
Act, 19~.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Ald. McKinley that Ald. Brooks
he granted the privilege of intmducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously..
ORDERED on the motion of kld. Martin and Ald. Mowers that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - CaxT. ied Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. McKinley and AId. Morton - Carried Unanimously.
No. ~1 - To establish a public lane known as b~cKenzie Place·
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Miller that Ald. Martin
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers~nd Ald. Brooks that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. Morton and Ald. White - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTeD, 18th. February, 1957.
Council Chamber,
llth. February,1957.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, February llth, 19~7 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All F~mbers of the Committee were present. Ald.
~lle~, Chairman 0~.F~nance, presided.
Sundry Accounts subnitted in the amount of $57,1~6.81 were approved by the
The Accounts submttted, being passed or otherwise dealt with~ were ordered
placed in the ~oney By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of AId.
~Kiniey and AId. Mowers,
The City Manager presented a list of applications for the position of
Junior Male Clerk and recommended the appointment of ~/m. A. Holowacz. Ald.~artin
then reported verbally that the Management Committee unanimously approved the City
Nanager's recommendation, and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald.
McKinley that the report be received and recommendaticn adopted.
The City Manager presented a report as to what is proposed under the
new set~up by which it will be possible to 'advise the exact cost of repairs and
operation of each ve.bicle of the City. ORD~P~ED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and
Ald. ~nite that the report be received and adopted.I
The City Manager's report on the application of Albert Iannuzzelii for
a building permit to construct an addition to his premises at 967 Clifton Hill, at
an estimated cost of $5,600. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Morton and AId. Mowers that the report be received and adopted and permit be
A communication from Gould-Leslie Limited requesting permission to rent
a pertion of the property on Park Street, at the south-west comer of St. Clair Ave.
for the purpose of erecting outdoor advertising displays, was presented for consider-
ation. 'ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the report be
received and referred to the Property Committee for a report.
At this time, Alderman Martin, Chairman of the Management Committee,
requested permission to present a report on behalf of his Committee. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Mowers and Mayor Hawkins that the same be included on the agenda.
Ald. Martin reported verbally that ~. Bruce Cooper ~.;as one of the
individuals interviewed when the City first advertised for the 'position of Mechanical
Superintendent when Mr. Cowlishaw was hired and the Committee thought highly of him
at that time. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mowers that the report
be r~ceived and adopted and Mr. Bruce Cooper be ap inted to the position of Mechanic
for the City Garage. Carried. (Ald. Morton-contraryr.
A brief discussion was held on repair work and 'the present mode of
operation at the new Municipal Garage and it was pointed out that it will require at
least some time as yet before things are put in proper and satisfactory operation.
The City Clerk then advised that a notice of renewal for the Fleet and
Non-owned Automobile Insurance 'Policies had been received and that the premium has
increased $600. over last year. He further advised that at the inception of the
Fleet, 6~ items were listed and now there are 70 and that it is his understanding
that for a matter of less than $50. the City can have the present limits of $25,000.
and $50,00. on Public Liability and $10,O00. Property D~mge increased to $100,000.
inclusive. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. Mowers that the City
Clerk be authorized to request the increased coverage. Carried Unanimously.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald.
READ AND ADOFrED, 18th. February, 1957.
Council Chamber,
!lth. February, 1957.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Committee. All. Members of Council were present. His Worship, ~yor Hawkins,
The following By-law was passed;
No. ~82 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley that Ald.[~ller
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. ~nite that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspand}d and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and AId. Brooks - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Fartin and Ald. McKinley.
READ AND ADOPTED, 18th. February,1957.
Board Room,
llth. February, 1957.
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of the
regular Council and Finance Maetin~s on Nonday, February llth, 1957 for the purpose
of considering the items presented to them. All Members of the Committee were present.
His Worship, Mayor Hawkins, presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items placed before them, the Committee adjourned on the
motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. White.
READ AND ADOPTED, 18th. February, 1957.
Council Chamber,
18th. February, 1957.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, February
18th, 1957 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members
of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Mowers.
-Ald. McKinley arrived -
Messrs. Harold A. Logan and Hugh Hart were present at the meeting and
on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Morton it was ordered that they be heard.
Mr. Logan was spokesman and advised that hew as present on behalf of the
Supertest Oil Company as they had made an offer to purchase a portion of property
at the corner of Main Street and Peer Street owned by the Misener Estate, for the
purpose of erecting a gasoline service station. However, an existing by-law
px~vents the erection of any further stations ohMSin Street and he stated that he
had been advised by representatives of the Estate that if they.cannot sell this
property by reason of the by-law, they will find it rather difficult to dispose of
this property. He referred to the evident changes along Main Street, the vacant
stores existing possibly because of encroackment of new stores on Lundy's Lane and
that Main Street is not developing commercially as anticipated. He requested Council
to consider all the factors which have developed since the passing of the by-law
prohibiting gas stations on Main Street.
Mr. Newton R~sener was also present at the meeting and on the motion of
Ald. Miller and Ald. Morton it was ordered that he be heard. He requested Council
to give serious consideration which will assist in the sale of this property.
His Worship the Mayor expressed appreciation to Messrs. Logan and Misener
and assured them that Council would earnestly consider the matter.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Miller that the presen-
tations made be referred to the Property Committee and the City M~nager for submiss.
ion of a report to Council. Carried Unanimously.
Ald. Mowers a Member of the Property Committee advised that as he will
be out of town all week, requested that the Mayor appoint some one else to act in
his place, when this matter is being considered.
Laid over from the previous meeting:
No. 63 - City of Sudbury . resolution fc~ an amendment to The Coroners' Amendment
Act, 1955, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Brooks that the resolution
be received and endorsed.
SEE Re~o~ MO. 27.
The following Co~mnications were ~resentedA
No.65 - South End ~Asiness and Professional MAn's Associatio~ . endorsing any move-
ment towards South End Post Office. ORDerED on the motion of Aid. White and Ald.
Mowers that the conmmmication be received and a copS, of the same forwarded to our
Local Member of the Federal House.
N°'66.~.Lind~S~.Press.-..requesting ~emoval o
and designation as a loading zone,' O~DERED ~t~h'Parking'meters.st.VS~.Val!ey. Way.
Mowers that the communication be receive he motion of Ald. Morton and Ald,
for a report. Carried Unanimously, d and m£erred t~ the T~af~0 ~m~ttee
The follo~r~nK Re~orts were presented;
No. 27 - City Cler~ - resolution from City of Sudbury for an amendment to Zne
Coroners' Act,1955. ORDEreD on the motion of Ald. ~,~ller and Ald. Brooks that
the report be received and adopted and the resolution be endorsed.
No. 28 - Property Committee - recomnending that the lease be not renewed to Mrs.
Anna Konkos in the vicinity of Robinson and Buchanan and the matter of eriering
unfavourable conditions be referred to the Police Commission for correction.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Martin that the report be received
and adopted. Ald. ~hrtin requested the City Clerk to check and ascertain whether
the 1957 Liceroe had been obtained bytes. Konkos.
No. 29 - City Manager - report on services of W. L. Cart off Police Depart,!~nt.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Motors and Ald. Brooks that the report be received
and filed.
SEE, ~y-law ~o. ~4e5.
No. 30 - City Clerk - report on Conference held February llth. ORDERED on the
motion of ild. McKinley and Ald. ~i!ler that th~ report be received and adopted.
No. 31 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenoes. ORDEP~D on the motion of
AId. ~brton and Ald. Brooks that the report be received and adopted and licenoes
issued accordingly.
At this time, it was ordered on the nmtion of Ald. LXller and Ald. ~wers
that a report containing the minutes of the meeting of a Co~:dttee regardin~ hhe
Ontario Traffic Conference of the Greater Niagara Chamber of Copseroe, February
13th, 1957 be read ~y the Clerk.
The report referred to the forthcoming Annual Meeting of the Ontario
Traffic Conference to be held in Niagara Fells, April 8th, 9th and 1Oth, at the
Sheraton-Brock Hotel.
Ald. Miller reported verbally that it is anticipated that 200 persons
would be present and that at a cost of $600..including gratuities, a dinner could
be arranged; cost to be divided between Stanfford and Niagara Falls; that the
Stamford representative at the meeting would be taking this suggestion up with the
Stamford Council at their meeting to-night.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley that the report be
received and referred to the Chairman of Finance with power to act.
FUR~ER ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that if
necessary, Ald. Miller be delegated to represent the City of Niagara Falls at the
meeting to be held in London on February 23rd. with the Board of Directors in oxder
to finalize some of the arrangements with regarding to the forthcoming Annual
Meeting of the Ontario Traffic Conference.
· Laid over from previous meeting. s:
No. 5396 - To authorize the borrowing of $ht,0OO.,qO for the purchase of road
machinery and appliances for the purposes of the Corporation.
Third Reading - (as amended) - Aid. Mowers and Ald. Martin. Carried Unanimously.
No. 5~1 - To authorize the borrowing of $325,000.00 for the construction of water-
mains on Clifton Hill and North Street and combined relief sewers on
Synanes Street, Main Street, Drummond Road, Barker Street, Temperance Ave.
Spring Street, Park Street, Buckley Avenue, Valley Way, Slater Avenue,
Huron Street and Homewood Avenue.
Third Reading - (as amended) - Aid. McKinley and Aid. Morton. Carried Unanimously.
The follo~in~ By-laws were ~assed;
To authorize the borrowing of ~327,000.00 for granting aid to the
Greater Niagara General Hospital.
ORDERED on the ,notion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that Ald. Martin
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first
time. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Mowers that Rule 36 (2),of
the Standing P~les of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading .Ald. Norton and Ald. Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5~8& - A by-law for the submission to a vote of questions 7 and 8 as set out in
sub-section 1 of section 69 and p~rsuant to Section 24 of The Liquor
Licenee Act.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mo~rs and Ald. Morton that AId. Brooks be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first
time. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mi]!er that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily s~spended and the by-law be given the
second reading.. Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading .Ald. Morton and AId. Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
.No, %85 - To grant a retirement allowance to a municipal employee.
0RDERE1) on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton that Ald. Martin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading.. Carried Unanimously.
0RDEREBon the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing R~les of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. ~ Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading . A~d. Morton and Ald. Miller - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Mowers and AId. Morton.
READ AND ADOPTED, 25th. February, 1957.
Council Chamber,
lgth. February, 1957.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, FebruaDj 18th, 1957 for the purpose
of approving and also passing the various accounts which had boon properly cerLified
and placed before them. ill Members of the Co,~dttee ~re present. Ald. ~ller,
Chairman of Finance,presided,
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $/+3,~77.40 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted, being passed or othersdee dealt with, were ordered
placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald.
McKinley and/ld. Mowers.
The con.~unication from Gould-Leslie Limited requesting permission to rent
a portion of the parking lot at the corner of Park and St. Clair, for the erection
of outdoor advertising displays, which was referred to the Froperry Co,~mittee at the
previous meeting, was again presented for consideration along h~ith a re~ort of the
Property Committee recommending that the request be not considered. ORDEILED on the
motion of Ald. McKinley and tld. Brooks that the report be received and adopted.
Carried Unanimously.
The Summary of Tenders for the Park Street, ~ackley Avenue and Valley Way
sewers was presented for consideration, along with a report of the City M~nager
which recommended acceptance of the lowest tender. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
White and Ald. Morton that the tender submitted by the Lorenzo Contracting ComF. r~n
at a quotation of $91,038.40 be accepted. Carried Unanimously. His Worship Mayor
Hawkins explained .his stand by virtue of the local employment conditions ,dth which
other Members of Council concurred.
SEResolution No.~l.
The City Manager's report on the application of Burroughes Furniture, ~54
Queen Street for a permit to erect a neon sign at an estimated cost of $1,500. was
presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. White
that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The communication from the Greater Niagara General Hospital enclosing a
statement of loss sustained regarding indigents in the year 1956, was presented
for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that
the communication be received and referred to the Budget Committee for consideration
when the Estimates are being prepared.
The communication from the Niagara Falls Illumination Board requesting an
amount of $1,85~. towards the operation of the lights for the year 1957, was
presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Mowers
that the conmmnication be received and referred to the Budget Commit~ee for consid-
eration when the Estimates are being prepared.
The Co,m~ittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald.
F~v~D Ar,~ ADOPt"51], 25th. Febmlsr~/,1957.
by the ~ttee. ~1 Members of Council were present. ~ Wors~p, l.~yor HaVens,
0~E~V on the motion of ~d. Norton and ~d. ~cKi~ey that ~le 6 2
.... s-..
~rd ~a~nE - ~d. Ne~ey and
' ' ton - Carried Una~odely.
~e fOllo~ Resolution ~ Pas~ed; . .
~ckl~y Avenue From Park Street ~o ~een Street, and Valle~
the Co~tion behereto affixed.
Mr. '~el ~Penzo, P~sident of ~he Gentle ~stne~e
present at the ~eti~ and on the motion ~ ~d. ~er ~d ~d. Moron,
~renzo then out~ned what h~ transpired ~th reference to bi~ boaM si
w~ch had been erected outside of ~a ara F~ls New ~
F~ls, ~ta~o. He e~l~ned the m~e ofce°~°da~i°n av~lable in the City of Nia ara a ~ ~i~at in t~s latter instance the eu sup~sed to play in the ftn~ct~,
Council Chamber,
25th. February, 1957.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, February 25th,
1957 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Couhci!
were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting,
adopted these on the motion of Ald. ~hite and Aid. Miller.
- Aid. Brooke arrived at the meetin~ -
~,~d ove~ [rQm th~ previous meetinR,
No. 66 - ~ ~dQay 3~m - ~questlng m~val of ~rki~ meters ~d designation of
loadi~ zone at 7 Valley ~y. O~ on the motion of ~d. ~rs and ~d.~on
that the o~udoation be again tabled for a fu~her m~ of the T~ffic Coattee.
SEE Re~ort No. 32.
Th~ fol~owAna Co{{j{un~e{~Aons were presented;
No. 67'- ~eral ~h~irman. F~uQation Week - requesting proclamation of Education Week,
Marsh 3rd, to March 9th. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Mowers that
the oommunacation be received and filed and proclamation issued.
No, 68 - ~floAals qo~tee. National B~ildin~ Code - Conference of Canadian
~u l/ttn~ to be held in ~milton, April let.to 3rd. ORDERED on the motion of
AId, N~Lnley and Ald. Mor~on that the communication be received and filed and the
Aaaistan~ City Engineer*authoriaed to attend.
SEE Report No. 33.
No. 69 - Si~qg~ qgWltY Ole,~k - resolution to petition Provincial Government to
%~l~,~ a o~ssion to investigate responsibilities of municipalities. OPa~dED° on
tAe motion of Ald, Mor~on and Ald. Mowers that the resolution be received and
No: 35 - Traffic Committee - ~ recommendations re elimination of parking-north side
of Bridge Street; north side of Morrison Street; north side of Robinson Street; and
east side of Buchanan Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Mowers
that the report be received and recommendations adopted.
No. 36 - Traffic Committee - recommendation that funds be provided in 1957 budget
for installation of traffic signals at four locations. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mowers that the report be received and referred to the
Budget Committee. Carried. (Aid. White-contrary).
No. 37 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. O[~DERED on the ,notion of
Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mowers that the report be received and adopted and licences
issued accordingly.
Aid. Mowers referred to his request made a.t the meeting of December 28th.
for appropriate warning signs at the intersection of Valley Way and Wilbnott Street,
where the centre boulevard commences and which the City Manager had acceded to; and
now requested that similar precautionary measures be taken to slow traffic down at
the comer of Second Avenue. The Traffic Committee agreed to consider this item.
Ald. White requested the Traffic Committee to inspect the situation at the
four comers on Valley Way and )brrison Street - automobiles parked on the boulevard
all winter. The Alderman suggested the removal of four cars from in front of the
His Worship the Mayor requested the Traffic Con~aittee to consider the
comer of Palmet Avenue and Jepson Street where accidents frequently occur.
The Traffic Committee agreed to also take udder advisement one-way streets
on Huro~ Street and Park Street.
Aid. Filler requested the Pruporty Con~aittee to consider the property at
228 Huron Street where it is proposed to construct a bungalow.
! referred to ~he City ~ana~er for a report. Ald. Martin referred to the unsightly condition e~isting' at the old City
I ~ Dump and the discussions which have taken place to do something to make this location
N~. ?0 - As%lug ~91: ~ ~% - advising of Sarnia's continuing participation in more presentable and was of the opinion that consideration should be given to at
~he e~b~eQ~ c~ ~ewe4e disposal plant. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. White and Ald. least start this year to improve this site, so that the entrance to the City would
N~Aale~ ~h~ the com~uldCa~ion be received and laid on the table. have a better appearance. The Alderman requested the Property, Sanitation and .
Building Committee to inspect this location and submit a report' at next week's
._~g~ o~ri~: prc~oUon ~d hiShN~y binbeards. ORE~{~D on the motion of Aid,
': M~tu and Ald. F~wer~ ~h~ the communication be received and filed and a copy be Aid. Morton referred to the prevalence of starling and the City Manager
given to Civic E~ployees for their years of service and it was ordered on the motion
. ~TS of Ald. Filler and Aid. Mowers that His Worship, Mayor Hgwkins appoint 8 Committee
? to study this subject and present a repor~ to Council.
. ~h¢: ~Ag~N~' ~.~,~.s.. )t~%W~ ~t~x~: ' His Worship the Hayor appointed Alderm~n Whites Martin and Miller; and
.~i~ MS. 32 - TIllage Q~nl~e~ - re request of Lindsay Press. ORII~) on the motion of the City Manager to thi~ Committee.
::]. "' AA~ ~.~e ~8~.'&].¢, M~t~oa ~b.~ ~h~ r~.~zt~ be received and tabled; and a further
~$Q~'~ ~ ~e~{~e~k ~ ~he T~c ~%ee. . . RESOLUTION
'! i Nm, - A,s .atag_ r a% The followi,z Resolution was assed: '
!] {Lt~AQ~ Q{ A~ ~ { A~d~ l~ea ~x% %he Ml~x~ ~e x~i~d And adep%ed, MS, 32 - HARTIN - WHIT~ - RESOLVED that Alderman ~eo,H, Mowers be appointed Enacting
; :. :', '- :~[b~ ~, ~ ' "~-~~~ ~ eli!dJ~ie~ e~ se~th .Mayor, February_ 26th, to March 2rid, inclusive, due 'to the absen&e of His Worship,
The Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Ald.
READ AND ADOP'A'Fa),~th. Narch,1957.
Clerk ~ ~ayor.
Council Cham~er,
25th. February, 1957.
The Finance Moeting was held on Monday, February 25th, 1957 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee wore present. Ald.
Miller, Chairman of Finance, presided.
3undry Accounts su~nitted in the amount of $265,528°88 were appreved by
the Committee,
The Accounts submitted, ~eing passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion
AId. Mowers and Aid. Nartin.
A communication fromCould-leslie Limited requesting parmission to erect
four 25-foot outdoor advertising displays on Stanley Avenue near Robinson Street,
owned by Mrs. Anna Konkos, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of
Aid. McKinley and Aid. Martin that the communication be received and referred to the
Property Committee for a report.
The City Manager presented a verbal report on an application received
from Joe. ~enese, 1~ Ferry Street, for a building permit to construct an addition
in front of the exLsting dwelling, which would be two arctoys in height to accom-
modate a store on the ground floor and the.upper floor would enlarge the apartment.
The CityManager proceeded to go into detailwith regard to the other buildin~e in
this block and requested that as the applicant did not wish to go to the expense of
preparing plans, if his request for a permit was not considered favourably, the
Property Committee meet to inspect this location at an early date Qnd be given power
to act. ORDI~E~ on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Mayor Hawkins that the matter be
referred to the Property Committee and submission of a report.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Aid. Mowers and AId,
READ ANDADOPTED, ~th. Hatch, 1957.
Council Chs~aber,
25th. February, 1957.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which cowered the accounts approved
by the Committee. All Members of Council were present. His Worship, Mayor Hawkins,
The followinN By-law was presented;
No, ~487 - To provide monies for general purposes,
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~'~ite and Ald. Morton that Ald. Miller be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martfn and Ald. ~brton that ~21e 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading.. Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. Mowers and AId. Morton - Carried Unanimously,
Council adjourned to Corxference on the motion of Ald. Brooks and AId. Miller.
READ AND ADOPT~D, ~th. March, 1977.
Board Room,
25th.February, 19~7.
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of the
regular ICouncil and Finance ~eetings on Monday, February 25th, 1957 for the purpose
of considering the items presented to them. All Members Of the Committee were
present. His Worship, Mayor Hawkins, presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items placed before them, the Conunittee adjourned on the
motion of Aid. White and Ald. Mowers.
P~7~4D AND ADOpTED,. ~th. March,19~7.
,of, .,,"&
Clerk · · · "· .......* ·
_ . ,.- dha rman,
Council Chamber,
~th. March, 1997.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.~ on Monday, March
1957 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. ALl Members of
Council were presented, with the exception of kid. Mowers. The Council, having
received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of
Ald. Morton and Ald. Brooks.
Mr. Harold Evans and Mrs. Clark Pattinson were present at the meetifig
in connection with the request of the Y.W.C.A. for a donation to their Building Fund
as contained in comwaunicatiofi number 73.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. ~q*ller that Mr. Evans
be permitted to address Council. He advised that he was appearing on behalf of PAr.
R. K. Duke, General Chairman of the Campaign, who was unfortunately out of town. Mr.
Evans answered any queries put to him by Council and advised that the total objective
is $80,000. - $~0,000. from Industrial canvass; $30,000. from special names and the
Members of Boards, Cowmercial Establishments and Professional people; plus municipal
donations totalling $10,000. such money to be used for the retiring of the mortgage
and improvement of the building, at 2135 Gulp Street.
Mrs. Pattinson also was heard by Council on the motion of Aid. Brooks
and Aid. Morton. She outlined the worthwhile work done by the Y.W.C.A. on behalf of
young women coming to the municipality; and also with children during summer vacation
period. Mrs. Pattineon pointed out that this is a Capital Expenditures Campaign and
is also the first time this organization have approached the public for funds.
His Worship Mayor Hawkins assured the delegation that their request would
receive careful consideration by Council at their forthcoming Budget Meeting.
SEE Communication No. 73.
Laid over from previous meetings|
No. 66 - Lindsay Press - requesting removal of parking meters and designation of
loading zone at 763 Valley Way. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. White
that the connnunication be received and filed and the recommendation of the Traffic
Committee adopted.
SEE Reverts 32 & 38.
No. 69 - Simcoe County Clerk - resolution re appointment of a commission to establish
municipal responsibilities. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton
that the resolution be received and endorsed.
SEE Revert .No. 39.
The following Communications were vresented|
No. 75 - Townshiv of Crowland - resolution re amencbn. ent of Income Tax Act.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Brooks that the res~.lution be
received and filed.
No. 76 - Township of Crowland - resolution re changes in Compensation Act.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. X~artin and Ald. Morton that the resolution be
received and referred to the City Manager for a report.
Laid over from the previous meetinR;
No. 32. - Traffic Committee - recommending that request of Lindsay Press for
designation of 'loading zone' at 763 Valley Way be not approved; but that two
parking meters be eliminated directly south of their building add the extension
of the area in which parking is prohibited to include the area now served by the
two meters.
~'~ Re~ort .Nlnnber ~t
The foliowin~ Re~orts were presented;
No. 38 - Traffic Committee - reco,unendtn~ that Report No.32 be approved. ORDET~ED
on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. %~ite that the reports be received and adopted.
No. 39 - City Manager - re resolution of Simcoe County re appointment of comn~ssion
to study municipal responsibilities. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald.
Morton that the report be received and adopted.
SEE Communication 69.
No. ~O - City Manager - recommending attendance of Welfare Commissioner at meeting
of Welfare Officers' Association in Toronto, March llth. ORDERED on the motion of
kid. Morton and kid. Brooks that the report be received and adopted.
No. ~1 - Traffic Committee - requesting enforcement of City By-law by Police Com-
mission re parking of cars and trucks on boulevards throughout the City. ORDh~ED
on the motion of kid. Morton and Ald. Brooks that the report be received and adopted.
No. ~2 - Traffic Committee - report on meeting with Messrs. Resberg and ~sters re
downtown traffic problems. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Aid. Morton that
the report be received and filed.
NO. 72 - Nirdster of Munlcival Affairs ~ Telegram re further advice to follow re
amendments and grants. ORD~IED on the motion of kid. White and kid. Morton that the
No. ~3 - Traffic Committee - recommendations re intersections of Valley Way and
Second Avenue; Valley Way and Morrison St; Palmet Avenue at Jepson Street. ORDERED
on the motion of kid. Morton and AId. White that the report be received and adopted.
No. ~ . Property Committee - recommendations re old City Dump. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. ~rtin and kid. Morton that the report be received and adopted. Carried
by a vote of ~ to 2 - Aye -Ald. Martin, Morton, Brooks and White; Naye -Ald.
McKinley and Ald. Miller. An amendment by kid. McKinley and Ald. Miller that paragraphs
1 and ~ be adopted and paragraphs 2 and 3 be referred to the Budget Meeting, was
defeated by a vote of ~ to 2.
rio. ~5 - Proverty Committee - recommendations re 228 Huron Street and l~ Ferry St.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the report be received and
No. ~6 - ProDeity Committee _ recommendations that no change be made in by-law 5352
governing erection of service stations on Main Street, unless a petition is received
from the majority of properties affected. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and
kid. Morton that the report be received and adopted. Carried. '(Ald. Mil~er-contrary).
NO. ~7 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of
issued accordingly.
re 1 ,ell ~ RESOLUTIOr~3
..... · he followin~ Resolutions were De_seed:
eslx .n,: .! tl No, 33 - BROOm. MARTIN . R__~DLV~u that the Council of the Corporation of the City
ORD~22 on the motion of kid. Brooks and AId. NcKinley that the resolution be received
and endorsed, ~a~ried. (kid, Miller and lfmtte-contrary), of RLagara Falls approve the proposed agreement between the Township of 5tamford
' -PUblic Library Board and the Niagara Falls Public Library Board to provide for the
inter-change of library services and the establishment of a branch library in the'
said Townshipl and the ~eal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
communication be received and filed. kid. McFdnley and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted and licences
No.?3 - General Chairman. Y.W.C.A. Bldg. Fund - requesting donation.
the metion of kid. Morton and Ald. NoKinley that the communication be received and
referred to the Budget Committee for consideration when the Estimates are being
'No. 7~ - TownsNiv of North York - resolution re defining of municipal responsibilities.
.... __i ....... , .......... j
· i!
' !
In connection with the a~ove resolution, the City Clerk read the
draft agreement between the two Library Boards concerned, for the information of
Council and advised that the resolution was necessary as under Section 12 of The
Libraries Act it is required that respective municipalities approve of the proposed
No. 3~ - WHITE - MORTON - RESOLVED that the matter of a Traffic Policeman and more
efficient servicing of parking meters be referred to the Budget Meeting or consi er-
ation; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried UnanimouSly.
Laid over from a previous meeting:
No. 5h37 - To authorize the borrowing of $50,000.00 for the acquiring and equipping of property for a mechanical garage.
Third Reading (as amended) -Ald. McKinley and Ald. Martin - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, llth. March, 1957.
Council Chamber,
4th. March, 1957.
The Finance Meeting was held on MOnday, March 4th, 1957 for the purpose
of apprcving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present, with the exception
of Ald. Mowers· Aid. Miller, Chairman of Finance, presided. -
Sundry Accounts ~ubmitted in the amount of $50,193.~1 were appro'ved by
the Committee.
The Accounts' su~nitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of
Mayor Hawkins a~d Aid. McKinley.
The request of could-Leslie Limited for Permission to erect four 25-foot
outdoor advertising displays on Stanley Avenue, south of Robinson Stre
been referred to the Property Committee was ai ' et, which had
, ag n presented along with the Property
Committee's report approving the request. ORDERED on the motion of ~Ald,. McKinley and
Aid. ~0rtOn that the communication be received and the report and reco~,ehdation be
adopted. '
A conununication from the Editor oF the publication of the Police
Association of Ontario 'Police News', with reference to the purchase of an ad in the
second quarterly issue for 1957, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. White and Ald. Brooks that the same be received and referred to the
Budget Committee for cons.lderstion when the Estimates are beinE prepared.
A conmunication from R. C. Young Insurance listing quotations on
additional insurance coverage for the Automobile Fleet of tPe City of Niagara Falls,
was presented for consideration. OP~)~{';ZD on the motion off Ald. l'L~rtin and kld. Brooks
that the cora, mnication be received and filed and the insurance company be advised that
Council are of the opinion that $100,000. inclusive is sufficient at this time.
The City ~nager's report on the application of Oscar i'~cLeod For a
buildin~ permit to construct an addition and make alterations to the New York Central
Railway Station at the Centre, to be used as a souvenir store and lunch counter, was
presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. ~ite
that the report be received and adopted and permit issued (earrind -Ald 1;often cone rarer)
The City Manager presented additional report containing the suggestion of
Oscar MacLeod that a basement could be constructed under the proposed addition to the
New York Central Station, which could be utilized for the location of a comfort station
for the City of Niagara Falls. The City Manager recom~nended that the Property Co,,,dttee
be requested to report on such possibility. ORDEP~ED on the motion of ~ayor Hawkins and
Ald. '~hite that the report be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report.
The City Manager presented a repo~t on the possibility of a building permit
being issued for the erection of a dwelling on Lot 259, at the sour.h-east corner of I.[cA~ae
Street and Ottawa Avenue, and rocomJ,ended that the matter be referred to the Property
Committee for study. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the
report be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report.
The City Manager presented a report on the necessity of leaving nearly
all the sheeting in the trench on a portion of the Huron Street sewer, directly west
of Third Avenue wh~.ch is now being constructed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley
and Mayor Hawkins that the report be received and filed,
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Nayor
READ AND ADOPTED, llth. March, 1957.
Council Chamber,
~th. March, 1957.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by
the C~mmittee. A~I Members of Council were present, with the exception of Ald. Mowers.
The followinf ~v-law was ~reeented:
~ - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDEreD on the motion of lld. White and Ald. Morton that Ald. Miller
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Miller that ~ule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading, - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Mckinley and Ald. Miller - Carried Unanimously.
READ AND-AIDPTED, llth. March, 1957.
Board ~oom,
~th. March, 1957.
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of
the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, March ~th, 1957 for the purpose
of considering the items presented to them. All Members of the Committee were
present, with the exception of Ald. Mowers. Mis Worship, Mayor Hawkins, presided
as Chairman.
After consideration of the items presented, the Committee adjourned on the motion
of Ald. Brooks and Ald. Martin.
EAD AND ADOFr~u, llth-. March,
Clerk '
Council Chmnber~
5th. l"~rch, 1957.
A SpecialMeeting of the City Council was held in the Council Chamber
at 7.30 p.m. March 5th, 1957, its purpose being to discuss the 1957 Rudget Estimates.
All Members were present with His Worship, ~yor Hawkins presiding.
His ]~orship advised of the purpose of the meeting and asked Alderman Miller,
Chairman of Finance, to take the Chair.
Ald. ~dller then suggested that the Members peruse the Statement before
them with reference to grants expected from Provincial Authorities. Following the
perusal of this Statement the Budget Estimates proper were considered, starting at
Page one.
Follo:~ing a discussion with reference to Aldermanic Remuneration, it was
ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and I~yor Hawkins that the Members of Council
be paid for attendance at Committee meetings commencing January lst,1957 on the
basis of $8.00 per meeting and an implementing by-law be brought in. Carried
Unanimously. ~
It was then ox~ered on the motion of Ald. ~rtin and Ald. McKinley that
the amount p~ovided in the Estimates for His Worship the ~yor be increased $100.
to the sum of $~,100.00. Carried Unanimously.
In order to implement the proposed increased remuneration for Members of
Council, the amount provided in the Estimates for this purpose was increased from
$6,500. to $7,500.
The Statement of Salaries appended to the Estimates was then considered
and a conmmnication from the City Treasurer requesting reconsideration of the amount
presided for him in the Estimates was read, the Treasurer having been asked to retire
from the Chamber. Following discussion it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Martin
and Mayor Hawkins that the Treasurer's salary as sho~m in the submitted Estimates be
i~creased from $6,300. to $6,600. Carried Unanimously. The City Treasurer then
returned to the meeting and was advised accordingly.
It was then agreed that the amount provided in the Estimates for the Deputy
Clerk, Miss Mallett, be increased from $3,~76.40 to $3,550.00.
It was then ordered on the motion of AId. Partin and Ald. McKinley that the
salary as shown in the Estimates for Miss N. Macovie be reduced from $3,350. to
$3,266.~0. Carried Unanimously.
It was agreed that the salary as shown in t~e Estimates for Mrs. N. Brown
remain as submitt~d, In this instance, Ald. Morton was opposed.
It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Brooks that
Mr. Thomas Macrae's salarybe shown in the Administration Salaries Section for the
full amount of $A,366.~O and the amount p~esently shown on the Fire Department
Salaries be deleted., Carried Unanimously. '
The Members then reverted to Page one of the Estimates and continued their
perusal. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mowers that a grant
of $1,500. be placed in the Grant Estimates for the Y.W.C.A. Building Fund for the
current year and that a similar amount be considered for the two following years.
Carried Unanimously.
Under Maintenance of Public ~Aildi~i, it was ordered on the motion of AId.
Mowers and Ald. McKinley that an additional ,~00. be provided fop alterations to
the Police Building, having in mind the provision of Lawyers' quarters and thus
increasing this item.to $2,500. and that the matter be then referred to the Manage-
merit Committee for consideration and a report. C~rried Unanim.ou~l~.
In connection with the Grants, it was pointed out that there was a typo-
graphical error with rafereno~ to the Salvation Army Hostel, Hamilton, it showing
on the Estimates as $7~0. and should have been $250.
It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. F~rton and Ald. Martin
that the Grant provided for the Cancer Society be increased from $100. to $250.
Carried Unanimously.
Ald. Brooks moved in connection with Car Allowances that the Assessor's
allowance be increased to $500. and this be split between the Assessor and Assistant
but this motion had no seconder.
It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. '~ite and Ald. McKinley that
- the item shown in the Estimates for Amalgamation Research in the amount'of $2,500.
be deleted. This motion was carried with all in favour, except Alderman M~ller.
It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Brooks that an item of
$2,500. be inserted at another point in the ~adget Estimates. This motion was lost,
the vote being - For -Ald. Mowers, Brooks, Mayor Hawkins and Aid. ~itller; opposed-
Aid. White, Morton, Hattie and McKinley.
Aid.. Martin then referred to, in his opinion, the deplorable condition
of the City-o~med premises at the corner of Buttrey Street and Welland Avenue,
terming it an eyesore and following discussion it was ordered on the motion of Ald.
Mowers and Aid. Martin that an item of $500. be inserted in the City Yard Expense
Estimates under 'Asphalt Plant' and that the matter be then referred to the Property
Conmtttee for consideration as to what could be done a~ this point. Carried
A discussion was then held with reference to negotiations by the Manage-
ment Com~Ittee with the Fire Fighters' Association and following discussion it was
agreed that since negotiations are not complete that the matter be left in the hands
of the l~nagement Committee.
Following discussion with reference to the item inserted in the Estimates
for Parking Mater Expense, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. Brooks
that the Estimate for Meter Expense be increased from the su~nittsd $12,83~.00 to
$20,000. to provide an additional Police Officer, a motor bike and. proper repair and
replacement of the existing meters and that a report be brought in by the Traffic Com-
mittee with reference to this subject as soon as possible. Carried Unanimously.
Considerable discussion took place with reference to overtime, which is
being paid in the ~arbege and Ash Department and the City Manager suggested that Mr.
Fry should be established as a Foreman and placed on an annual salary rather than the
present hourly rate. Following the discussion it was agreed that the matter of FAr.
Fry be left in abeyance. It was. then ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald.
Morton that the Estimates for the Garbage and Ash Department as su~xmitted be approved.
This motion was carried, the vote being - for - Mayor Hawkins, Ald. McKinley, Martin,
Morton; against, Aid. Mowers, Brooks and White.
~ith reference to the. Estimate for Direct Relief, Ald. Martin requested
the City. Manager to bring in a report as to the reason for the substantial increase
over the year 1956 and in the said report to indicate. what if any effect the unem-
ployment situation may have had.
with reference to the item in the Parks Department Estimates for a new
fence, at Coronation Park in the amount of $1,100. it was agreed that it be deleted.
With reference to the Estimates for the Mechanical Garage it was ordered
on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Mayor Hawkins that the Estimates as subalfred be
adopted. This motion was carried with all in fayour, except Aid.. Morton.
With reference to the Estimates for the S~imm~ ng' Pool, it was agreed that
an item of $1,100. he inserted for the. construction of a pedestrian way from. Sixth
Avenue to the Swimming Peel and for the construction of soma form of curb on Jepaon
Street to pmlvent erosion washing into the pool.
At this point it was agreed that the deliberations be suspended and that
the Council reconwene for further consideration on the evening of Thursday, ~arch 7th,
cornseeing at 9 p.m.
on the motion of Aid. Mowers and AId. Bin&' '~Cguncil.adJourned.
READ AND ADOPTE~,'llth. March, 1957-' '
Council Chamber,
7th. b~rch, 1957.
A Special Meeting was held in the Council Chamber on the evening of March
7th, 1957 commencing at 9 p.m. for the purpose of continuing the consideration of
the 1957 Budget Est~mtes. All Members of Council were present and His Worship,
Mayor Hawkins, presided.
His Worship the Mayor called the meeting to order and then asked Alderman
~iller, Chairman of Finance, to assume the chair.
The amount provided in the 1957 Estimates as submitted as a Grant towards
the cost for Indigent Patients in the Greater Niagara Hospital was considered
together with a communication from the Hospital setting out the actual costs for the
year 1956 and following discussion it was agreed that the amount as provided be not
Consideration of the Estimates was ~hen resumed commencing with the Cemetery
Department. At this point, Alderman Morton arrived.
A discussion was held with reference to possible Oapital Works facing the
municipality, with particular reference to the amount requested by the Board of
Education and the Niagara Falls Mydro Commission. In view of the situation as it
exists to-day AId. Mowers expressed the view that it might be advisable to meet with
the Board of Education to discuss the matter in detail.
Following discussion it was ordered on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald.
~m~ers that the City Manager and the Chairman of Finance contact the Board of
Education to advise of conditions that exist which affect the municipality, s financial
situation especially where CapitalWork is involved and advise the Board of Council's
attitude. Carried Unanimously.
The City Clerk then advised the Members of three items which had not up to
this momen been considered and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Martin and AId.
White that the lease for the concession at Oakes Park Athletic Field be renewed with
Mr. ~iamonte at the same price and under the same conditions as in the previous year.
Carried Unanimously.
It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. ~hite and Aid. McKinley that the
request for an ad in the Police News be acceded to and a half page be taken at a
price of $60.00. Carried Unanimously.
With reference to the conmmnication from St. Ann's S~mphonic Band requesting
a Grant, it was agreed that they be advised that it is not feasible to grant their
request, at the present time. - All Grants for 1957 purposes having been already dealt
With reference to the provision of Capital Funds for the extension of the
flucrescent lighting, Particularly at the Centre Street location, it was agreed that
the matter be left in the hands of the Mayor to advise the Hydro C~,w~ssion of
Ua~italWork conditions and to ascertain if anything can be done at the Centre location
without funding and report back to Council.
The Members then considered the Revenues as shown i~ the Estimates.
With reference to Parking Hater Revenue it was agreed that this item be
increased tO 23~,~00.0~ from$32,000.O0 as suhnitted.
A discussion was then held concerning the item shown for Wrestling Revenue
at the Area for the lmar 1~7 and during the discussion the City Manager advised that
he was confident that Mr. ~bel would be prepared to sign an agreement on the basis
of 4~ nights of wrestling at $170. per night and to pay an a~ditional $170. for
ever7 night wrestling was held in excess of the ~. It was then ordered on the motion
of AId. I~ite and AId. !~rton that a oontraot be drawn accordingly and left in the
Arena Coanittee,s hands with powe~ to ant. Carried Unanimously.
The subject of Grants in Lieu of Taxes for premises at the Rainbow
Bridge Plaza was dissussed and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and AId.
White that the City Manager ask the Local Member, ~r. Jolley, to obtain information
from the Department' of Highways as to the rents charged in the Rainbow Bridge Plaza.
Carried Unanimously.
The Members then finished the perusal of the Estimates.
It was ordered on the motion of ~ayor Hawkins and AId. Morton that the
1927 Estimates as submitted by the Chairman of Finance. be approved subject to changes
made by Council and adjustments to implement Department of l{nnicipal Affairs'
instructions. Carried Unanimously.
It was then ordered on the motion of AId. Mowers and AId. White that
Nayor Hawkins resume the chair.
The City Manager then advised of the situation with reference to the Park
Street 5s-wet and the inability at the present time of Mr. Lorenzo to obtain a Bid Bond,
and suggested that If Mr. Lorenzo could not in the immediate future obtain such a Bond,
that it would be advisable to consider the next lowest bidder, providing he is prepared
to accept on the basis of his tender and that failing tha~, new tenders to-be called.
It was ordered on the motion of AId. Mowers and AId. Miller that the City ]4anager be
empowered to act as suggested. Carried Unanimously.
The meeting adjourned on the motion of AId. Mowers and AId. White.
READ AND ADOPTer, llth. Nax'ch+ 1927.
Council Chamber,
llth. March, 1957.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, March llth,
19~7 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of
Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous regular and two special meetings, adopted these on the motion of AId.
Herton and Ald. Brooks.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 76 - Township of Crewland - resolution for changes in the Compensation Act to
provide for increased benefits. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and AId.
Martin that the resolution be received and endorsed. Carried. (AId. Mowers-contrary)
Prior to this action, Ald. Mowers moved that the resolution be filed in view of the
City Nanager's report; this was not seconded.
SEreport no.
The following Communications were presented;
No. ?7 - Junior Chamberof Commerce - requesting permission to erect a street
banner. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Martin that the communi-
cation be received and filed and permission granted provided that the period of
erection requested does not conflict with any other request the City my have had
in the past, during a similar period; also subject to the permission of the Local
Hydre Commission. Carried. (Aid. White-contrary).
. No. ?8 - Canadian Legion. Soccer Club - requesting permission to use Oakes Park
for all League tames. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and AId. Morton that
the communication be received and referred to the Parks and Recreation Co~nittee
with power to act.
No. 79 - City of Ottawa - resolution requesting Provincial Treasurer to give
consideration to question of exempting all municipally-o~ned transit lines from
the increased tax on diesel fuel and gasoline. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~hite
and Ald. BcKinely that the resolution be received and referred to the City Nanager
for a report. and the drafting of a resolution.
No. 80 - Niagara Frontier Humane Society - enclosing financial statement for year
19~6 and requesting an additional amount to assist in erection and equipping of
additional shelter buildings. 0RD~ED on the motion of AId. Miller and AId. ~c-
Hinleythat the comsmmication be received and filed and the Society be advised
that since their request has already been considered with other items in the Budget,
it is now impossible to give any consideration to their request for Capital Funds.
Me. 81 - Canadian Federation Of Maxors and Manicivalities . advising of final date
for su~aisalon of resolutions to be considered at 1957 Annual Conference. 0RDEBED
on the motion of AId. Bowere and AId. Morton that the communication be received, .
noted and filed.
No. 82 - Traffic Comaittee. Chamber of Comme~e - re official representatives of the
City Council on Chamber's T~affic Committee. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Miller
and AId. Morton that the cohm,unication be received and tabled pending contact by
ild. Hillerwith the Nanager.of the Cham~er on this subject.
No. 83 - Traffic Com.!ttee. Chamber of Cos=-rce - traffic situation in vicinity of
Clifton Hill and Victoria Avenue and possibility of extending Ellen Avenue through
to Victoria Avenue and constructing traffic circles. ORDERED on the motion of AId.
Brooks and AId. Howere that the communication be received and referred to the Annual
Tour of Inspection.
Be. 8& - Chief Consultant. Dept. of Planning& Develommen~ - requesting moetingwith
Council to discuss Cityss P~Pticipation in formation of a Regional Development Assoc-
iation. ORDerED on the motion of AId. libwere and AId. Martin that the communication
be received cud the writer be advised of to meet him at one
of and
No. 85 - Central Garage - requesting removal of parking meters in front of 1375
Ferry Street. As this communication was received too late for inclusion on this
evening's agenda, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Nowere that
the same be read at this time. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Brooks and Aid. Martin
that-the cosauniestion be received and referred to the Traffic Comm4ttee for a report.
The followinz Reports wore presented:
Me. ~8 - City Manager - recommending that the resolution from the Township of Crowland
seeking amendments to the Workmen's Compensation Act to provide higher benefits,
should provide definite r~con~endations of the adjustment in the amount of compen-
sation rather than a blanket request covering n11 categories. ORDERED on the motion
of AId. ~orton and AId. Martin that the report be received and filed. (AId. Mowers-
contrary). Previous to this action, it was moved by AId. Mowers that the resolution
be received and filed in view of the City ~anagsr's report; this motion was not
seconded, ~d~ Co~snunication 76.
Me. ~9 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licencee. ORDERED on the motion of
AId. Mowers and AId. McKinley that the report be received and adopted and licences
issued accordingly.
The followin~ Resolution was ~assed;
No. 3~l - Myr.x.~ _ ~0RTON - RESOLV~.n that the ~cil of the City of ~agara F~ls
~quest the ~nt of ~gh~ys to app~ of the transfer of $~,5~.08 f~m
~ad ~nstmction to ~d ~ntenance in the 1958 au~ Return; ~d the ~ of the
Cor~ration be heats allied.
The following By-law was presented:
Me. 5&89 - To strike uncollectible taxes from the Tax Roll.
Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. ~ite and Aid. Morton that AId. Miller be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and AId. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
The ronowinz By-law was ~assed;
Re, 5&~O - To amend By-law Number 3790, being a. by-law for the regulation of traffic.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. bore and AId, Miller that' ~_d. Morton be
granted the privilege of 'introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the tint.
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. 14swore and AId. Morton that Role 3~ (2). of
the Standing Roles of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading, - Carried Unanimously,
Third Reading - Aid, Morton and Aid, N~Kinley. Carried Unan4musly,
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 18th. March, 1957.
Council Chamber,
llth. March, 1957.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, March llth, 1957 for the purpose
of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present, Aid. Miller,
Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $53,591.10 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered
placed in the Money By-law for presentation to t~e Council on the motion of Ald.·
Mowers and Mayor Mawkins.
The City Manager's report on the application of Imperial Oil Limited for
permission to erect a painted [~,]]etin display for their Service Station at VaLley
Way and Victoria Avenue, at the southerly limit of their premises, against the wall
of Loblaws, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley
and AId. Mowers that the report be received and referred to the Property Committee
for a report.
The City Manager's report on the desire' of Martin Chikie to add a second
storey to the building at 683 ~elland Avenue and convert the entire premises into
ten apartments, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of AId.
McKinley and Aid. Morton that' the report be received and referred to the Property
Con~ttee for a report.
The City Nanager's report on the application of Ralph Salfi, for a permit
to construct an addition to the- office building at his motel at 1655 Ontario Avenue,
at an estimated cost of $3,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the
motion of Aid. Morton and AId. White that the report be received and referred to the
Property Committee for a report.
The offet~ of Mr. and Mrs. Riocards Barelli, 13~9 Hamilton Street to
purchase Lot 27, Plan 2~, Buttrey Street for SlSO,.was presented for consideration,.
ORE~D on the motion of Ma~or Hawkins and Aid. McKinley that the offer be received
and referred to the Property Committee fo~ ooncideration and a report,
The .Conanittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 18th. March, 1957.
Council Chamber,
13th. March, 1957.
A Court of Revision was held at 10:00 A.M. on Wednesday, March 13th,
1957 to hear an appeal under Section 12/+ of The Assessment Act.
Present were Albert Benson, Chairman and Harold A. Logan, member.
The following action was taken.
Appellant and Property
Carl L. Young for
McGlashan Clarke Ltd.
Palmer and Jepson St.
Matter Complained of
Vacancy during ear
1956 (32 monthsT
Decision of Court.
Reduction of $1,100.
on 1956 taxes.
Council Chamber,
llth. March,1957.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-lawwhich covered the accounts approved by
the Committee. All Members of Council were present.
The followin~ ~v-law was lmssedl
No. 5A91 - To provide monies for general purposes.
OPaERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Morton that Aid. Miller
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. White that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standkng Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously. ,.
Third Reading - Aid. Miller and AId. McKinley - Carried Unanimously.
Certified Correct,
Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Mowers and AId. Miller.
READ AND ADOPTED, lSth. March, 1957.
Council Chamber,
18th. March, 1957.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, March 18th,
1957 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of
Council were present. The Council, having received and road the minutes of the
provious meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Miller.
A delegation was prosent at the meeting in connection with communication
number 88, from the Niagara Falls D~strict Trades and Labour Council, containing a
draft ~y-law to stipulate terms of all contracts, and it was orderod on the motion of
Aid. Martin and Aid. Morton that any members of the Unions present at this meeting
who wished to speak to the Council be heard at this time.
Mr. Haig of Local 713 advised that he would like to state that if the
City did let out any contracts, the same be let to a fair contractor who will pay
the prevailing rates. .~- Conmxnication 88.
Laid c~er from the previous meeting;
No. 78 - Canadian Lotion 51, Soccer Club - requesting use of Cakes Park for rill League
6ames. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Miller that the communication be
roceived and filed and the request be granted, subject to the conditions of operation
in effect in 1955 and 1956. -q~.~. Report No.
No. 79 - City Clerk. Ottawa - rosolution roquesting exemption of ~l municipally-
owned transit lines from increased tax on diesel fuel and gasoline. ORD~ED on the
motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. ~hite that the resolution be roceived and filed as it
is not broad enough in its scope and they be advised that the Council are endorsing
Stratford' s rosolution on this subject.
SEE Report No. 51.
SEE Conanunication
-Aid. Brooks arrived at the meeting -
No. 82 - Chamber of Comaerce - concerning ropresentatives on Traffic and Safety
Committee. In connection with this matter, Ald. Miller reported verbnlly on his
discussion with Mr. ~Arie that he was a Member of that committee due to the fact
that he was a member of the Chamber of Commerce and therofore did not wish to act
in a dual capacity as a roprosentative from the City Council and the Aideman
reconnnended that Aid. White and Aid. Morton be appointed as Council' s rsprosentatives
on the Traffic and Safety Co,,~ttee of the Chamber of Commerce. ~ on the motion
of Aid.Miller and Ald. F~Kinley that the comunication be received and filed.
~ Resolution
The followin~ Co~Anications were prosented~
No. 86 - Nicholas Misibrock7 - ro classification of property at 1913 ~uchanan Avenue.
In connection with this matter, the City Clerk read a co~aunication from l~r. Mizi-
brocky under date of October 2~th, 1953 in which he requested the lifting of 1913
~chanan or a portion of it out of the residential area and placing it in the
business area. The Clerk then read the City Manager's report of Nov. 2nd, 1953 and
the advice Which was then forwarded to the applicant that ~eforo co.~encement of the
necessary action to lift the restrictions, contact would have to be made with the
owners of the property on the east side of ~achanan. Up until this: moment, no
further contact was made by ~r. Mizibroc~7. ORDerED on the motion of A.'ld. Martin
and Aid. Mowers that the communication be received and filed and the writer notified
of the correspondonce read at this meeting by the City Clerk.
No. 87 - Returning Office, C.M. Jacklin - requesting use of 3 locations as polling
booths at the next Federal Election. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald.
Morton that the communication be received and filed and permission granted.
No. 88 - Niagara Falls District Trades and Labour Council - enclosing copy of
by-law to stipulate terms of all contracts. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.bbwers
and Aid. Morton that the co~,unication be received and tabled for the perusal of
Council and the submission of a report by the City b~nager and the Union be so
notified that when the matter is again brought to Council they may have repre-
sentation present at the Council Meeting.
No. 89 - H. G. Acres and Co. Ltd. - enclosing report relating to the renewal of
pumping units at the Filtration Plant. ORD~2Ja]) on the motion of Aid. Morton and
Ald. McKinley that the report be received and tabled for the perusal of Council
for one week.
S_EE Re~__rt No. 52.
No. 90 - City Clerk, ~indsor - telegram ro forthcoming meeting with Premier Frost
ro financial assistance re sewerage works, March25th. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Morton and Ald. Miller that the communication be received and filed and
Council's reprosentatives, Ald. White and the City Manager, be empowered to attend
t|~s meeting and the writer be so notified.
No. 91 - Niagara Fulls Civic Employees' Union - advising of acceptance of terms re
1957 Agroement. ORDERE~on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley that the
con~nunication be received and filed and the necessary agreement be drawn accordingly.
No. 92 - City Clerk. Stratford - resolution ro exemption of municipally-owned
transit lines from increased tax. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Ald.
Miller that the resolution be received and endorsed and the City of Ottawa be
notified that Council have endorsed the resolution of Stratford.
SEE Communication 7?.
No. 93 - City Clerk. Fort ~illiam- rosolution ro exemption of municipally-owned
transit lines from increased tax. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Miller and Aid.
Morton that the resolution be received and filed and the writer notified that
Council have endorsed the resolution of Stratford.
SEE Co,,,~unication ~2~
No. 9~ - Clerk. Township of Stamford - requesting inclusion of $2,500. in current
City Badger towards survey to establish figures re unifications of services or
amalgn~tion. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Brooks that the com-
munication be received and filed and they be so notified. This motion was not
voted on. An amendment was made by Aid. Mowers and Aid. Miller that the commurn-
cation be received and tabled and Council invite to this Council Chamber for a
special meeting the Members of the Stamford Council and Members of the Survey
Conxaittee.of the Chamber of Commerce.to discuss this subject. The amendment was
lost by a vote of 5 to 2, the vote being - Aye - Aid. Mowers ~nd Aid. Miller;
Nays -Ald. ~hite, FrJ~inley, Martin, Brooks and Morton. An amendment to the
amendment made by Aid. ~hite and Aid. McKinley that the communication be roceiv~d
and tabled and they be advised that if'at any-time they wish to have amesring, we
are prepared to meet with them, was carried, the vote being - Aye - Aid. ~hite,
McKinley, Mortin, Brooks and Morton; Nays - Aid. Miller and Ald. Mowers.
Me. 95 - Niagara Memorial Band - requesting permission to hold a tag day, April 2Oth.
OP~RE~en the motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid. Miller that the communication be
received and filed and permission granted as date is available.
No. 96 - City of Ler~on - resolution ro abolition of means test re Blind ALlowance.
ORE~D on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. ~ite that the resolution be received
and endorsed.
No. 97 - Cit.v of London - resolution to protest proposal of Bell Telephone'Co. Per
amendment of rules of Transport Commissioners re apportionment of cost of railwa~V-
highway grade separations. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. ~fnite- and Aid. Norton
that the resolution be received and they be advised that the Council or the C~ty
of Niagara Falls have alroady filed a protest.
NO. 98 - Kinsmen Club - requesting issuance of proclamation re National Kin Week.
As this conmmication was received too late for inclusion on this evening's agenda,
It wss erdered on the motion of Aid. 14cKinloy and Aid. l~ller that the same be read.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mo~ers and Aid. Borton that the conmamication be
received and filed and the proclamation issued as requested.
The following assorts were presented;
No. 50 - Parks Committee - recommending approval of use of Oakes Park by Legion
Soccer Club for all League Games subject to conditions of operation in effect in
1955 and 1956. ORI~RED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Miller that the report
be received and adopted.
No. 51 - City Manager - re resolution of Ottawa and recom~nending exemption of all
municipally-operated vehicles including municip~l]y-owned transit lines from the
tax on diesel fuel and gasoline. ORD~MLED on the motion of Aid. Norton and Aid.
White that the report be received and adopted and Ottawa be advised that as their
resolution is not broad enough, Council are endorsing Stratford's resolution on
this subject. SEE Communication 79.
SEE Coanunication 92.
No. 52 - City Manager - commenting on report of H. G. Acres on replacement of
pumping units at Filtration Plant. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Norton and Aid.
McKinley that the report be received and tabled for the perusal of Council for One
week. SEE Communication 89.
No. 53 - City Manager - report on meeting with representatives of H.G. Acres and Co.
re plans and specifications for mixing chambers and settling basins for the addition
to the Filtration Plant and the anticipation that tenders for the work can be c~11ed
within a few days. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Bartin and Aid. Miller that the
repeat be received and filed and that the City Manager bring the Building Committee
of Council in on i~Ature discussions and periodic reports be submitted to Council.
No. 5~ - Chairman of Finance - report on Estimated Revenues and Expenditures for the
year 1957. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid. Brooks that the report be
received and- filed.
S~g By-law No.5~92.
No. 55 - City Manager - report on increase in persons on Relief Rolls. ORDERED on
the motion of Aid. l~artin and Aid. Brooks that the report be received and: filed.
No. 56 - City Nana~er - reconnnending attendance of Assessor at Convention of Assoc-
iation of Assessing Officers of Ontario at Windsor, Nay 27th to May 2~th. ORDERED
on the motion. of Aid. Norton and Aid. Brooks that the report be received and adopted.
No. 57 - City Nona~er - re appointment .of Junior Clerk in General Office and Clerk
in Accounting Office at City Hall. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid.
McKinley that the report be received and adopted.
No. 58 - Enuipment Committee - requesting permission to call for tenders for six
trucks. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Mowers that this report
withheld until discussion of by-law providing for appropriations for
SEE Adjourned Meeting
No. 59 - City Manager - recommending approval of Agre~mmnt, as amended, witch CoUnty
of Welland, re Administration of Justice, etc. ORDERED on the motion.of Aid. White.
and Aid. Norton that the fopoPt be received and adopted.
No. 60 - City .Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. CeDERED on the motion' of
AId. Mowers, and Aid. Morton that the rel~rt be received $nd adopted and licenoes
issued accordingly.
No. 61 - Welfar~ A~nietrato~ - re~rt On attendance at meeti~ of b~utive
Committee of Ontario Welfare Officers' Association in Toronto, on March llth.
~ on the motion of lid. Brooks and Aid. Norton that the report be re0eived and
filed and app~iation expressed fo~ the fine PepoPt.
His ~orship the Nayor requested the Traffic Committee to consider the
dangerous situation existing at Valley Way and Fourth Avenue, where another
accident has occurred and the advisability of installing a similar traffic
signal to that located at Fourth Avenue and Morrison Street.
Aid. Morton, Chairman of the Traffic Committee, advised that a meeting
of his Committee is to take place Tuesday morning and this matter will be con-
sidered at that meeting.
The following Resolution was passed;
No. 35 - MII.I~ER . MCkinley - RESOLVED that Aid. White and Ald. ~brton be
appointed as Council's representatives on the Traffic and Survey CoMmittee of the
Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
Carried Unanimously.
Laid over from a Previous meeting;
No. ~8~ - A by-law to strike uncollectible taxes from the Tax Roll.
3rd. Reading-Ald. White sad Aid. Morton - Carried Unanimously.
SSgAdjourned Council 1~
By-law Number 5~92.
The followir~ By-laws were passed;
No. 5~93 - To provide for givin~ the Collector of Taxes credit for the amount
returned by her to the Treasurer in the year 1956.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid. McKinley that Aid. Miller
be granted the privilege of introducin~ the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Morton that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. '
Third Reading - Aid. Mowers and Ald. Miller - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5~9~ - A by-law to provide for the remuneration of the Nombers of the Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid. Morton that Aid. Miller be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Ald. Martin that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading . Aid. Miller and Aid. White - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5/+95 - A by-law to amend by-law number 5335 entitled "A by-law to regulate the
use of land and the use, location, spacing, height and area of buildings
amt-structurss within the City of Niagara Falls."
ORDE~En on the motion of Aid. Nowere and AId. Miller that Aid. Martin be
g~anted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading..- Carried Unanimously.
ORDEfl~D on the motion of Aid. Nattin and Aid. Mowers that Rule 36 (2) of
the -qtanding Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading.. Carried Unanimously.
.Third Reading . Aid. MoKinley and AId. l~ox~on - Carri~.d Unanimously. '
No. ~4~6 - A by-law to amend By-law Number 5~37.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Miller that Aid. Morton
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Aid. Mcwers that Hule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. Mowers and AId. ~hite - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of AId. Mowers and AId. Morton.
READ AND ADOPTE~, 25th. March, 1957.
Council Chamber,
18th. March, 1957.
The Finance Moeting was held on Monday, March 18th, 1957 for the
p~rpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had bean properly
certified and placed before them. All Mcmbers of the Committee were present. Ald.
Killer, Chairman' of Finance, presided.
~undry Accounts submitted in the amount of $63,896.91 were approved by
the Co~w!ttee.
The Accounts eu~nitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation. to the Council on the .motion of
AId. ~owers and Mayor Hawkins.
The City Manager presented a further report' in connection with the
offer of Oscar HaiLsod regarding available space in the former New York Central
Railway Station at Clifton Hill, for a comfort station and the insection made by
the Property Com-4ttee and their recommendations. ORDERED on the motion of Aid.
M~{ialey and Ald. 'Mowers that the report be received and adopted and a further
report on any other location and the cost of erecting a cosfort station at the
Centre be prepared.
adopted and perUit be iSsUed.
The City Manager presented a report regarding the Property Committee' s
approval of an addition %0 the frent of 1~ Ferry Street, provided a satisfactox7
plan was presented for consideration and the fact that the plan had been delivered
this morning and the Manage'~ was therefore ~e~ommending the issuance of a building
permit to Mr. Joe, Nenese. ORDerED on the motion of Aid. M~kinley and AIde l~rton
that the report be received and adopted, '
The Property Committee'8 report regarding their inspection of Imperial
Oil premises at the intersection of ~ax~n Street and Victoria Avenub, Where it is
proposed to erect a display penal, was presented for consideration. ' ORDERED on the
motion of Ald, Morton and Aid. Mowero that the report be received and reoosmenda~ion
The application of Martin Chikie, owner of 683 Welland Avenue,
proposing to build a second storey and convert the bu~ ldin5 into 10 apartments,
which was referx~d to the Property Committee at the last meeting, was again
presented for consideration alone with the Property Committee ' s report. ORDFaED
on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. Morton that since the applicant was
present at this meeting, he be penmitted to speak. ~'. Chikie, being aware of
the Committee's opinion with regard to sufficient parking area in connection
with apartment buildings, advised that space would be available at the rear of
689 Welland, 50 feet by 5~+ feet. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~hite and Ald.
McKinley that the matter be referred ~ack to the Property Committee until such
time as the applicant su~its plans for consideration and that the report of
the Proparty Committee sub~Aitted at this meeting, be received and adopted.
The application of Ralph Salfi, for a permit to construct an addition
to the office building at his wtel at 1655 Ontario Avenue, ~nich had been referred
to the Property Committee for a report, was again presented along with the report
of the Committee. ORD~ on the motion of Aid. Mckinley and Ald. Mowers that the
report be received and adopted and permit issued for an addition, 9 feet in width
and 17 feet in length provided that the existing building and addition are altered
and constructed with a flat roof to correspond with other buildings on the premises.
The offer of MAr. and Mrs. Riccardo Barelli, 13~9 Hamilton Street, to
purchase Lot 27, Plan 2~, Buttrey Street, at a price of $180. which had been
referred to the Property Committee for consideration, was again presented along
with the Proparty Committee's recommendation that the said lot be sold for $500.
ORDERED on the motion o~ Aid. Martin and Aid. Morton that the report be received
and adopted.
The City Manager presented a report on the submission of a plan by Super-
test Petroleum Corporation, Limited, showing the approaches required for their
enlarged station at the corner of Bridge Street and First Avenue and reconnnended
approval of the same. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton that
the report be received and adopted.
The City Manager's report on the application of Igino Mcriglia, for a
building permit to erect an addition to the house at 1~51 Ontario Avenue and
recommending that the application be forwarded to the Property Co~nittee, was
presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Mayor
Hawkins that the report be received and referred to the Property Committee for
The City Manager presented a verbal report on an application received
for a permit to erect a sign at 18~7 Ferry Street, between Main Street and
Temperance advising that the sign will be plastic and illuminated, 10 inches by
30 inches and hung on a pole supported by guy wires, 9 feet abo~e the sidewalk,
at an estimated cost of $22~. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald.
~hite that the verbal report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The Con~ttee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Aid. Mowers and AId.
RCAD AND ADOPTED, 25th. March, 1957.
Council Chamber,
18th. March, 1957.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-lawwhich covered the accounts approved by
the Committee. All Members of Council were present.
The following By-law was passed:
No. 5~97 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Mowers'that AId. Miller be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and AId. Brooks that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing ~ules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. McKinley and Ald. Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
The City Manager advised of the amount of capital works that is ready
for funding of which only a portion has been sold and indicated the extreme
difficulty in disposing of the balance of the issue which consists of short te~n
debentures and expressed the view that the monetary situation might worsen in the
near future. The situation having been explained, Mr. Smith then advised the ~yor
and Council that the Board of Education was willing to co-operate to the fullest
extent appreciating the situation as it has now been explained and that they as
representatives of the Board's Committee would return and advise of the information
as they had received it. Mr. Smith then asked if it was understood that any delay
on the proceeding with the Board's renovation plans would not interfere with the
carrying out of the original intention which Council in 1956 had approved of and
was assured that this stay of action was only temporary pending some indication of
improvement in the money market. Mr. Smith then asked if this advice could be put
in writing for record purposes and it was then ordered on the motion of AId. Mowers
and AId. Morton that a connunication along these lines be forwarded to the
Administrator, assuring the Board of Education that this delay was only temporary.
Carried Unanimously.
The Committee of the Whole then arose and reported to Council on the motion of AId.
Mowere and AId. Miller.
READ AND ADOPTED, 25th. March, 1957.
Council moved into a meeting of the Committee of the Whole on the motion of Ald.
Martin and Ald. Miller.
READ AND ADOPTED, 25th. March, 1957.
Council Chamber,
18th. March, 195 ? ·
Council assembled as a Co---~ttes 6f the Whole to meet with the Building
Committee representati?es, Board of Education. All Members of Council were present,
also Mr. Arnold Smith, Chairman of the Building Conntttee, Dr. W.A;Potter, Member
and Mr. W. H. Kribs, Administrator. His Worship, Ma~r Hawkins, presided at the
Mayor Hawkins outlined the agreement made with the Board of Education
with reference to the spreading ower a period of five years the alterations and
renovations necessary to the 'school 'buildings and 'poifited 'out 'the 'Situati~n and
with 'reference to funding of capital issues as it stands to-day. He then asked the
City Manager, ~r. Orr, to explain in mare detail to the representatives of the Board
of Education present.
· Clerk
Council Chamber,
18th. March, 19~7.
The Council re-assembled to consider By-law Number 5~92 and Report Number
All Members of Councilwere present. His Worship, Mayor Hawkins, presided.
The followin~ By-law was passed;
No, ~92 - T~ provide for the appropriations for the year 1957.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. 14cKinleyand AId. White that AId. Miller
he granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. White that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and Ald. White - Carried Unanimously.
The followin~ Report was presentedl
No. 58 - Equipment Committee - requesting permission to call for tenders for six
trucks. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley that the report be
received and adopted.
Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Miller.
READ AND ADOPTED, 25th. March, 1957.
Council Chamber,
25th. F~rch, 1957.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, March 25th.
1957 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of
Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Brooks.
Mr. R. B. Ports, Senior Consultant of the Municipal Development Division,
of the Department of Planning and Development, Trade and Industry Branch, was
present at the meeting and on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley it was
ordered that he be heard.
He proceeded to explain in some detail the advantages to be considered
by the City's participation in the formation of a Regional Development Programme
and referred to recent meetings held in Vineland and the fact that at the last one
when voted upon, there were not enough signifying yes to proceed with this Progranne,
which was devised to assist in the orderly development beyond municipal houndaries,
on an economic basis.
He clarified the misunderstanding that the Programme was for strictly
industrial promotion, by stating that this was only one phase; the others being for
highways, planned conservation, education, etc.
Mr. Ports then outlined the method of financing and the amount $735. which
Niagara Falls would be requested to contribute annually for a three year period,
which the Provincial Government would match dollar for dollar, pointing out that
in this region there are 66 municipalities, meaning a total of $]~,596. but there
are 11 municipalities contrary; ~/+ in fayour and ll who have not as yet reached a
He concluded his remarks by requesting the City Council to reconsider
Joining the Government of Ontario on a partnership basis.
Ald. White who had attended all the meetings held in connection with this
-subject, queried as to the amount of money still to be raised at the present time
and was advised the amount was $2,200.
The Alderman ~hen advised that he was at first in fayour of the forwation
of such a Programme, but later felt that the organization was getting beyond the
scope of this City as Niagara Falls had no area in which to expand and thus could
not gain by membership, but would only be donating to the cause of some other
municipality; and therefore at the last meeting held in Vineland was not in favour
and pointed out that up until the present moment had not changed his opinion on the
His Worship the Mayor thanked Mr. Potts for appearing at this meeting and
for the explanation given but pointed out that a decision could not be made at this
meeting until the matter has been given careful consideration, after which he
Department will be notified of the decision made.
F~iil 89 H O Acres and Co enclosi short re rt re renewal of'pumpi ts at SEE .Co .m.m..unication ~.
Laid over from a previous meeting;
No. 85 - ~ntral Garage - requesting removal of two parking meters in front of 1375
stre,t. o, th, motion of and rton that the co,,ni-
eation be received and fried and no parking spaces be eliminated but that two meters
be moved so.as to not interfere with the movement of automobiles from the show-room
floor. ' ~ Report r 6~,.
sports aria
The followin~ Communications were presented~
No. 99 - Chief Consultant. Municipal Development Division, Dept. Plannin~ and
Development - re presence of Senior Consultant at Council Meeting, March 25th. to
discuss City' s participation in formation of a Niagara Regional Development Pro-
gramme. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. Morton that the communication
be received and tabled pending a decision on this matter.
No. 100 - Minister of Municir;al Affairs - telegram re meeting to be held at 10 A.M.
March 28th. with regard to Bill !~/+.
No. 101 - Executive Secretary. Ontario Mayors' and Reeves' Association - telegram re
meeting March 28th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and kid. Miller that thes~
conmmnications be considered together. CRDERED on the motion of Aid. Miller and
Aid. Me'rton that the con~nunications be received and filed and the City Manager and
the City Solicitor be authorized to represent the City of Niagara Falls at this
No. 102 - Railway Association of Canada - Daylight Saving Time, effective 12.01 a.m.
Sunday, April 28th, 1957 until 12.01 A.M. Sunday, October 27th, 1957. ORDERED on
the motion of kid. McKinley and kid. Mowers that the communication be received and
filed and the Association notified that the City of Niagara, Falls will participate
in Daylight Saving Time during the period mentioned.
No. 103 - Secretary. Board of Police Commissioners - re action taken re 2158 Stanley
Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of kid. Brooks and Aid. Mowers that the conmaunication
be received and filed.
No. 104 - Secretary. Board of Police Commissioners - re enforcement of City By-law
with regard to parking of cars and trucks on boulevards throughout the City. ORD~'%ED
on the motion of Ald. Miller and kid. Morton that the com~nunication be received and
No. 105 - Inter-plant Softball._Lea~ue. Welland Plant. N.A.C. - requestin~ use of soft-
ball diamond on Bridge Street. ORDERED on the ,notion of Ald. Brooks and kid. F~wers
that the communication be received and referred to the Parks and Recreation Committee
for action.
No. 106 - Nicholas Mizibrocky - requesting inclusion of 1913 Buchanan Avenue in
business area. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and kid. Morton that the communi-
cation be received and tabled pendin~ subnission of a report by the Property Committee.
No. 107 - Bell Telephone Company - requesting permission to place cable on Hunter St.
and Victoria Ave. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. White that the
communication be received and filed and permission granted.
SEE By-law No.5~98.
No. 108 - City of London - resolution to amend The Municipal Act re licensing of
gasoline service stations. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MeKiniey and Ald. Brooks
that the communication be received and referred to the 0ity Clerk for a rspor~.
No. 109 - Boy Scout Association - requesting use of Oakes Park for Athletic Meet.for
Cub Scouts, May llth. ORDERED on the motion of kid. McKinley and kid. Morton that
this communication be considered, although received too late for inclusion on this
evening's agenda. ORD~.,~ED on the motion of kid. Morton and Ald. Martin that the
communication be received and referred to the Parks and Recreation Committee with
power to act.
Laid over from the previous meeting:
No. 52 - City Manager - commenting on H.G. Acres report re replacement o~ ptunping
units at Filtration Plant. O~DERED on the motion of Ald. l~0rton and Ald. Mowers
that the report be received and filed.
~ Retort Mo.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 63 - Traffic Committee - recommending that no parking spaces be eliminated
in front of 1375 Ferry Street, but that two meters be moved so that the same will
not interfere with the movement of automobiles from the show-room floor of the
Central Garage.
NO. 64 - Building Committee - re study of H. G. Acres' report and suggesting
additional expenditure desirable for complete new pumping equipment at Filtration
Plant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mowers that the report be
received and adopted.
SEE Communication
SEE Report Number ~2.
No. 6~ - Building Committee - recommending call for tenders for Mixing Chambers
and Settling Basins for Filtration Plant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and
Aid. Norton that the report be received and adopted.
No. 66 - B~ilding Committee - recommending call for tenders for re-inforcing steel,
for Filtration Plant. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. White that
the report be received and adopted.
MO. 67 - Building Committee - recommending that H. G. Acres and Co. be asked to
appoint a Resident Engineer for the construction of the extensions to the
Filtration Plant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. White that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 68 - Building Committee - submitting certain information re proposed extension
to Filtration Plant. ORDEE on the motion of kid. Martin and Ald. White that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 69 - Traffic Committee - recommending installa%ion of two 2-colour suspension
flashers at the comer of Valley Way and Fourth Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of
AId. White and kid. Morton that thereport be received and adopted.
The City Manager advised that in connection with the signal at VaLley Way
and Willmort Street, a long funnel could be placed on the west side of the same, to
e]~m~ ~ate the disturbance to residents in this area caused by the light flashing.
This matter was introduced by Ald. Miller.
No. ?0 - City Manager - recommending V. Armstrong be appointed as Lieutenant in the
Fire Department. ORDF~ on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald. Morton that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 71 - City Manager _ recommending installation of fire alarm sprinkler system at
Grand Union Carroll Store on Victoria Avenue. ORDEE on the motion of Aid. Miller
and Ald..McKinley that the report be received and adopted.
No. 72 - City Manager - Schedule of Pavement Re-surfacing for the year 1957.ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. White that the report be received and adopted
and the necessary by-law prepared.
NO. 73 - City Clerk - reconmmnding issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. McKinley and Ald. Miller that the report 'be received and adopted and licences
issued accordingly.
Laid over fro~ a previous meeting;
~ - ?o authorize t~e borrowing of $82,000.00 for the resurfacing of various
pavements throughout the municipality.
Third Reading - (as amended) -Ald. Mowers and kid. Morton - Carried Unanimously.
The followinK By-laws were passed;
No. 5498 - To provide for permission to The Bell Telephone Co. to place cable on
Hunter Street and Victoria Avenue.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton that Ald. McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. M~l]er that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standin~ Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
l~%trd Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5499 - To provide for ~he 1957 Expenditure on Roads or Streets.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley that Ald. Miller
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and AId. Miller that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standiv~ Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and AId. Brooks - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5500 - To authorize the levying and collecting of taxes for the year 1957, and
defining the certain duties of the Clerk, Treasurer and Collector of the
City of Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Mowers that Ald. Miller
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be. given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDK~il) on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. Norton and Ald. Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5501 - To authorize the manner in which taxes for the year 1957, shall become
due, to provide a time for .payment and penalties for non-payment.
ORDERED on the 'motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Morton that Aid. Miller
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Brooks that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried U~animously.
Third Reading -Ald. Brooks and AId. Morton - Carried Unanimously.
Mo. 5502 - To authorize the execution of an agreement with the Niagara Falls Civic
~ployees' Federal Union, Local 133.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Miller that Aid. Martin
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDerED on the motion of Aid. Miller and Aid. McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be 'temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading. Ald, Mor~n and AId, Brooks -.Car~led Unanimously.
~o...5503 - To authorize the execution and delivery of an Agreement between the
Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls and Loc~, 528, International
Association of Fire Fighters.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mcl(i~ley and Ald. Morton that Aid. Martin
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. k~ite that RAde 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temlmrarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and AId. ~[iller - Carried Unanimously.
kld, Miller referred to the incorrect rumour being circulated ~dth
regard to the vacant building at the corner of Palset ~nd Jepson, previously
utilized by McGlashan Clark Silven~orks and in whic. building it is being stated
only a silverworks plant may be located and the Alde.~nan was of the opinion that
it should be publicized that 40 other 'permitted uses' may be made of this building
for industrial purposes,
Ald. Miller also referred to the prevalence of dutch elm ddsease which
has penetrated the area and desired to know whether the City could go on private
property and remove such trees at the expense of the municipality.
The City Manager advised that a representative of the Department of
Agriculture is keeping in touch with the City with regard to this problem; and
requested any information with regard to the location of such trees.
Ald. Miller then referred to the unfavourable publicity which has come
to Niagara Falls due to the actions of the Iord's Day Alliance in their attempt to
close Sunday concessions and took exception to the remarks made by the General
'Secretary of the Alliance about the Niagara Parks Con~aission.
The Alderman stated that in his opinion it is only fair that Council
support the Mayor in his remarks concerning the Lord's Day Alliance Act, that it
should be revised to meet our modern standards.
He suggested the possibility of resolutions going forward from Council
to the Attorneys-General and the Local Members in this regard.
Following further discussion it was ordered on the motion of AId. Miller
and AId. ~hite that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls endorse the action of
His Worship the Mayor and his conmmnts with reference to the subject.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of AId. Mowers and AId.Morton.
RgAD AND ADOPT~u, let. April, 1957.
! O'Aerk
Council Chamber,
25th. March, 1957.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, March 25th, 1957 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various acbounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. AId.
~ller, Chairman of Finance~ presided.
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $187,935.59 were approved
by the Committee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of
Ald. Mowers and AId. McKinley.
The application of Igloo Marlgila, 1/+51 Ontario Avenue, for a permit
to erect an addition to his house, which had been referred to the Property Committee
at the last meeting, was again presented along with the Committee' s r~.port which
recommended that the applicant be advised that a permit cannot be issued until
proper plans for the addition are filed and a realistic estimate of the cost of the
work furnished. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and AId. McKinley that the
report be received and adopted.
A communication from Riccardo Barelli, advising of his inability to
purchase Lot 27, Plan 2~, Buttrey Street, for $500. the amount established by the
Property Committee in their report at the last meeting, was presented for consider-
ation. ORDEE on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and AId. Mowers that the communication
be received and filed, the refund of the depostt of $~0. be made to Mr. Barelli, and,
that a notation be made on the records in the City Treasurer's office that the sale
price of this lot is $500. in case any future offers are received for this property.
Carried, (AId. Martin-contrary).
The City Manager' s report on the application of the Sheraton-Brock
Hotel for a building permit to erect a stainless steel marquee, at an estimated cost
of $5,500. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F~wers and
AId. Morton that the ~epert be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of Mrs. Herdy, 15 River
Road for a building permit to construct an addition to the premises at that address,
at an estimated cost of $1,900. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. NcKinle. y and AId. Morton that the report be received and adopted and
permit issued.
The City Manager' s report on the application of Laurino Dicenzo, 2000
Allen Avenue, rot permission to erect a dwelling'at the rear ~f Lot 56, at the inter-
section of Peer Lane with the recommendation that the request be referred to the
Property Committee, was presented for consideration, along with the Property Gem-
mittso's report that they had advised the applicant that permission cannot be granted
until a plot plan is supplied showing the location of the proposed dwelling and the
dimensions of the same. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. W~ite that
the raparts be received and adopted.
The City Manager then reported verbally on an application from Super-
test Gasoline Station, corner of Victoria and Hunter, for the erection of a sign
advertising Hertz-Rent-A-Car and recommended that the application should be referred
to the Property Committee for a report. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and
Ald. l~Kinley that the application be re£erred to the Property Committee for a report.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Mawers and McKinley.
READ AND ADOP'rA~, lot. April, 1957.
Council Chamber,
25th. March, 1957.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Committee. All Members of Council were present.
The following By-law was passed;
No. 5~04 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McFdnley and Ald. ~.~rtin that Ald. Miller
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDEED on the motion of Ald. ~efite and AId. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sue[ended and the by-law be read the
second time. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and Aid. Morton - Carri.~.d Unanimously.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of A/d. Mowers and Ald. 14iller.
READ A~ ADOPTED, let. April, 1957.
Clerk "' ' : "'
~ Ma~or.
Board Room,
25th. l~rch, 1957.
T~e Conference Comraittee of the City Council assembled at the close of the
regular meetings of Council and Finance on Monday, March 25th, 1957 for the purpose
of considering the items p sented to them. m embers of the Co ttee
present, His Worship, Mayor Hawkins, presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items presented to them, the Committee adjourned on the
motion of Ald. Mowers and kld. ~'~ite.
, Chairman
Council Chamber,
let. April, 1957.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, April let.
1957 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of
Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Brooks.
hid over from the previqus meeting;
No. 99 - Chief Consultant, Municipal Development Division - req. reconsideration by
City of Niagara Fa!ls in formation of ~egional Development Prograu~e. ORDeReD on
the motion of Ald. White and Aid. Morton that the communication be received and filed
and the writer be advised that the City of Niagara Falls does not wish to participate
in this Programme. Carried. (Contrary-Aid. Martin and Mowers).
No. 106 - Nicholas Nizibrock~ - requesting lifting of 1913 Buchanan Avenue from the
residential area and includin~ it in the Commercial Area. ORDERED on the motion of
Aid. McKinley and AId. Miller that the comeunication be received and referred to the
Greater Niagara Area Planning Board, accompanied by a copy of the Proper~y Con~ittee's
report. SE~ Re~ort No. 7~.
The following Communications were presented;
No. 110 - Township of Stamford - suggesting Joint meeting of two Councils, concerning
proposed municipal survey. ORDERE~ on the motion of Ald. Miller and Aid. Mowers
that the co~mmnication be received and filed and the Township Clerk advised that the
date of April 15th. at 9 p.m. would be convenient to the City Council for such a
No. 1LI - Archdeacon A.T.F.Holmes - Invitation to Church Service, April 28th. CS]I~ED
on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. Brooks that the invitation be received and
accepted and as many Members of Council and their wives, Officials and Staff as find
it possible, be in attendance.
No. 112 - Niagara Peninsula Cerebral Palsy Association - requesting consideration re
Arena rental fee in connection with their All Star Western Jamboree to be held on
May 8th, 1957. 0RDERE~ on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald. Morton that the com-
manication be received and referred to the Arena Committee with power to act.
No. 113 - Secretary. Ontario Municipal Joint Commission on Sewerage Works - report on
meeting with Premier Frost and enclosing prepared resolution, seeking appointment
with Prime Minister of Canada for the purpose of obtaining assistance. ORDERED on
the motion of Aid. Miller and Aid. Morton that the report be received and filed and
the resolution endorsed and the representatives, Aid. White and the City Manager
who have artended previous meetings in this connection, be authorized to attend, if
and when called.
The followin~, Reports were vreeentedl
No. 7~ - Property Committee - suggesting that it is inadvisable at the present time
to extend the Commercial Areas off Ferry Street. ORDERED on the motion of. Aid.
McKinleF and Aid. Miller that the report be received and adopted and a copy forwarded
tq .the ,.G.r.e. ate, r..N.~agar.~ ,A~e.a .Planning Board.
~ Communication 3,_OOt
No. 75 - City ~naEer - reco~nending attendance of Fire Chief at Training Course
in Toronto, April 2~th, to 26th. OROERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald.
Mowers that the report be received and adopted.
No. 76 - BuildinK Committee - report on meeting with representatives of H.G.
Acres and Company, to discuss costs for design and supervision of construction
of extensions to the Filtration Plant, and costs involved for Engineering Services.
ORDER,~D on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Mowers that the report be received
and filed.
NO. 77 - BuildinK Co~mmittee - report on meeting with Director of Sanitary
Engineering Department of Health in Toronto re plans subndtted for ad,~tions to
Filtration Plant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. I~ller that the
report be received and filed.
No. 78 - ~lildinK Committee - report on meeting with Chairman of Ontario Phnicii. al
Board re extensions to Filtration Plant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and
Ald. Morton that the report be received and filed.
No. 79 - City ~naRer - report on meeting attended with City Solicitor in Toronto
re Bill No. l~. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. ~dller and Ald. Morton that the
report be received and filed.
No. 80 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenoes. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Morton and Aid. Mowers that the report be received and adopted and licenoes
issued accordingly.
At this time, Alderman White requested that the Management Committee
study the subject of water rates and su~mit a re~rt on whether the same are b&ing
assessed on the proper basis or whether there is justification for a change.
Ald. Martin, Chairman of the Committee, assured the Alderman that the
matter would be taken under advisement.
The followin~ By-laws were ~assed}
No. 5505 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement between the Corporation of the
City of Niagara Falls and the Corporation of the County ofWelland, in
connection with the Administration of Justice and other matters.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Aid. Morton that Ald. Miller be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unardmously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid, Mowers that Role 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily s~spended and the by-law be given the
second reading, - Carried Unanimously,
Third Reading - AId. Mowers and Ald. Morton - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5506 - To appoint the members of the Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Planning
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Aid. Morton that AId. Martin
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
~ ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Ald. Brooks that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald, Miller and Ald. Brooks - Carried
:' Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of AId. F~Kinley and Ald.
Ma or.
, ...... " ' ' "'
Council Chamber,
let. April, 1957.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, April let, 1957 for the
purpose or approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Ald.
Fdller, 'Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $65,866.75 were approved
by the Committee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the n~tion of
Moyor Hat~ins and Ald. McKinley.
The Property Committee submitted a report with reference to the
application from Laurino Dicenzo, 2000 Allen Avenue for permission to erect a dwelling
on the rear of his lot at the corner of Allen and Peer Lane. The report recomn~nded
that parmission be granted, Subject to the cgndition that the dwelling will be
erected ten feet from the east property line and the front of the dwelling is kept
in line with the southerly face of the dwelling known as 2000 Allen Avenue. ORDERED
on the motion of AId. Morton and AId. Mowers that the report be received and adopted.
Carried. (Aid. Martin-contrary).
The Property Committee submitted a report on their inspection of the
location of a sign advertising Hertz-Rent-A-Car at the Supertest Gasoline Station
at the corner of Hunter and Victoria Avenue, which recommended that no permit be
issued for the sign in the proposed location, bu6 advising that approval will be
recommended for a sign ~ected at the building always provided that the far side of
the sign is not further than ten feet from the face of the e~isting building. In
this connection, Mr. Buchanan, Agent for the Car Rental Service, wa~ permitted to
speak, on the motion of AId. Brooks and Mayor Hawkins. He referred to his connection
with the Car Rental Company and advised that he was quite prepared to hang the
sign higher; but referred to 'the interference of a tree branch. ORDERED on the
motion o~ Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton tha~ the report be received and referred to
the BUilding Committee with power to act, the City Manager to advise as to the
removal of tree limb and Council be notified of the action taken at the next meeting.
The City Manager presented a re .~ort on the application .of D. Radford,
1~9 Stanton Avenue for a permit to erect a single garage to be attached to his
dwelling; the report recommended that a permit be not issued due to the fact that the
property in question does not lend itself to the construction of a garage under tF~e
City By-law. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. McKinley that the report
be received and referred to the Proparty Comatttee.
The City Manager's report on the application of A. Gampel for a
building permit to make alterations to the store front at ~16 Queen Street, at
an estimated cost of $1,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the
motion of AId. l,~rtin and AId. Morton that the report be received and adopted
and permit issued.
The City ~nager's report on the application of H. Haynes, for a
building permit to alter the store front at 106A Victoria Avenue, at an estimated
cost. of $1,600. was presented for consideration. ORDERZ~ on the motion of Ald.
Morton and Mayor Hawkins that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City ~nager's report on the application of the Fallsway Hotel on
Clifton Hill for a permit to construct an addition to be used for kitchen and
office, at an estimated cost of $25,000.00 was presented for consideration.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Mowers that the report be received
and adopted and permit issued.
The City ~nager's report on the application of the S.S.Kresge ComlA~ny,
h39 Queen Street for a building permit for alterations to their store, in order to
incorporate the adjacent store, at an estimated cost of $25,000.00 was presented
for consideration. 0RDF~F~D on the motion of AId. Mowers and Ald. Brooks that
the report be received and adopted and pe.~nit issued.
The offer of Albert E. Lee to purchase portion of Lots 1~ & 15, at the
comer of Elgin St. and Terrace Ave. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of
Mayor Hawkins and Ald. Morton that the offer be received and referred to the
Property Committee for consideration and a report.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of MaLtor Hawkins and
AId. McKinley.
READ AND ADOPTED, 8th. April, 1957.
Clerk ' · a a ~ L'. .... C ,
Council Chamber,
let. April, 1957.
... The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance MiXstings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Committee. All Members of Council were present.
The followin~ By-law was ~assed:
MO. 5507 - To provide monies for general purposes.
O~BD on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Ald. McKinley that Aid. Miller
be gramted the privilege of introducing the t~-law and the by-law be given the first
~eading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. White that Rule 36
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be
given the second reading. ~ Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Aid. Miller.
READ AND ADOPTED, 8th. Apr$1, 1957.
Board Room,
let. April, 1957.
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close
of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, April let, 1957 for the
purpose of considering the items presented to them. All Members of the Committee
were present. His Worship, Mayor Hawkins, presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items presented, the Committee adjourned on the motion
of AId. Mowers and Ald. F~ller.
READ AND ADOPTED, 8th. April, 1957.
Council Chamber,
8th. April, 1957.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, April
8th, 1957, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All
Members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the
minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of AId. Mowers and
Ald. Brooks.
Tenders were called for supplies for the year 1957 and also For six
trucks for various City Departments and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. I~bwers
and AId. Brooks that the tenders received be opened, initialled by His Worship the
Mayor and tabulated.
Laid over from a previous meetings:
No. 108 - City of~ondon - resolution requesting an amendment to Section 388, Sub-
sections 121, 122 and 123 of The ~hnicipal Act so as to make it clear that
municipalities have power to license service stations. ORD~ED on the motion of
Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the resolution be received and endorsed.
~EE Rel~rt Nu~nber 81~!.
The followir~ Communications were presented:
No. ll~ - Chmnber of Commerce - invitation to Civic Dinner, April 9th. ORD~0 on
the motion of Ald. Mowers and AId. Morton that the invitation be received and
accepted and the Council and their wives and also City Officials and their wives
attend, the City Clerk to poll Council end advise the writer the number who will
be in attendance.
kb. 115 - First Ontario Conference on A~in~ - invitation to Conference from ~y let.
to June 3rd, 1957. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley that the
communication be received and the matter of appointment of representatives to attend
be left in the hands of the Mayor with the suggestion that there should be a repre-
sentative from Council and some Official and that the communication be also referred
to the Planning ~oard for their consideration.
No. 116 - Radio Station CHVC - requesting permission to broadcast sporting events.
0RDEREDon the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mowers that the co~nunication be
received and referred to the Parks and Recreation with po~er to Act.
,Mo. 117 - Herbert Morris Crane and Hoist Co. Ltd,- requesting further renewal of
resolution for 5 year period re erection of fence across Homewood Avenue and the
use of land so enclosed, north of the fence. ORDERED on the motion of AId. ~ller
and AId. Morton that the communication be received and referred to the Property
The fol~win~ Re~orts were presented:
No. 81 - ~ity Clerk -presenting further information re London's resolution in
connection with licensing of service stations and recommending endcreation of the
resolution. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the
report be received and adopted.
~SEE=Conmmicatton 108,
No. 82 - City Manager - report on request of N.F. DistM. ct Trades & Labour Council
re passing of by-law to stipulate terms of all contracts. 0RDERSSD on the motion of
~, Mowers and Ald. Miller that the report be received and tabled for the perusal
.~ Council and the Trades and Labour Council be advised that the matter will be
b~ Coun0il at the meeting of April 23~d.
No. 83 - City Clerk - report on Conference held April 1st. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Miller and Ald. Mowers that the report be received and filed.
No. 8~ - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenoes. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Martin and Ald. EcKinley that the report be received and adopted and licenoes
issued accordingly.
No. 85 - Assistant Clty En~lneer - report on attendance at Conference of Building
Officials at Hamilton. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Brooks that
the report be received' and filed and the writer congratulated upon his appointment
as one of the Directors of the Association.
Council Chamber,
8th. Apr] 1, 1957.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, April St},, 1957 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All ~n~ers of the Committee were present. Ald.
Miller, Chairman of Finance, presided.
At this time the City Clerk advised the members of Council concerning
the forthcoming Training Courses to be held at the University of Toronto from Nay
13th to May 23,th, 1957 comprising two types - Police Training Course and Traffic
Training Course for Engineering personnel. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers
and Ald. McKinley that the matter be referred to the Police Commission for consider-
ation and also to the City Manager for a report as to Engineering personnel.
Sundry Accounts subndtted in the ~nount of $116,627.87 were approved by
the Co:wnittee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the :notion of
Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mowers.
In connection with the recent application of the Hertz-Rent-A-Car
representative, for permission to erect a sign at the Supertest Station at the
corner of Victoria Avenue and Hunter Street, the Property Co:mmittee submitted a
report advising that the said application has now been withdrawn. O~%D'Yah~) on the
motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. ~ite that the report be received and filed.
The foliowinE By-law was presented;
No. 5508 - To authorize the borrowing of $263,000.00 for the construction of Mixing
Chambers and Settling Basins at the Niagara Falls Filtration Plant.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley that Ald. Miller
b~ granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the byelaw be given the
second reading. - Carried UnaniF~usly.
The application of Mr. D. Radford, 149 Stanton Avenue for a permit to
erect a single garage to be attached to his dwelling, which had been referred to
the Property Committee, was again considered along with the Property Co~nittee's
report which recommended that no permit be issued, but that the Comndttee are
prepared to recommend that the erection of a carport be permitted with the distinct
understanding that it cannot be enclosed at any time. CRDERED on the motion of AId.
Morton and Ald. White that the Property Committee's reco~nendation be received and
The Property Committee submitted a report in connection with the
application of B. Kurcin, 692 Welland Avenue, for a permit to erect a second storey
over the existing sunporch, which recommended that the application be not favourably
considered and that the applicant be so advised. (]~DERED on the motion of AId.
F~rton and Ald. White that the report be received and adopted.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. A communication from Central Garage requesting permission to move a neon
McKinley. sign from the corner of Jepson and Victoria to Packard Niagara Motors Limited at
1~7~ Victoria Avenue at Hunter Street, was presented for considerations along with
a report of the City Manager recommending that permission be granted. ORDERED on
READ AND ADOPTED, 15th. April, 1957. the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mowers that the communication be received and
il~d and the City Manager's report be received and adopted.
The City Manager presented a report in connection with the application
of . B. Alevizos, 1993 Main Street, for permission to erect a neon sign, at an
set =tsd cost ofORD on the motionBroo s and Morton
hat the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
..... ..... city Manager prese tsd a report in conn. Ction with the application
~a~ of Mr. Charles Knott, 1~32 Spring Street, for permission to erect a motel on Lot
- - ~ ~ at the intersection of Spring Street and Stanley Avenue, at an estimated cost of
$34,000. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. Morton that the report
be received and referred to the Property Combattee for a report.
The Committee arose and relyfred to Council on the motion of b~yor Hawkins and
Ald. Mowers.
READ AND ADOPTEO, l~th. April, 19~7.
of Finance.
Council Chamber,
8th. April, 1957.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Committee. All Members of Council were present.
The following, By-law was passed:
No. 5509 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Ald. McKinley that Ald. Miller
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. ~rttn that Rule 36 (2)
of time Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. I~rtin and Ald. Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of AId. bbrton and Ald. Miller.
REJ. D ~qD ADOPTED, 15th. April, 1957.
Clerk ' ' ...~a~.. Mayor.
Ald. Miller referred to the hazardous conditions now existing at
the Memorial School and advised that there are no signs designating a 'School Zone".
The subject of complaints received in connection with the old barn
on Simcoe Street, formerly owned by Gay Bros. was discussed; said barn being used
by children to play in. His Worship the ~yor advised that the Fire Chief makes
periodic inspections of these premises. Ald. Mowers was of the opinion that it is
up to the Police Department to prosecute offenders and the responsibility lies also
with the parents of the children in,mlved.
Ald. Morton referred to complaints received about the condition of the
lot at the c6rner of Simcoe and St. Clair where daily newspapers are unloaded and
the newsboys s~atter papers all over the place. The City Manager advised that he
would check into this matter.
Ald. Miller referred to the very bad condition of Grey Street and Fo
was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. McKinley that Grey Street be
included in the Tour of Inspection.
Ald. Brookd also requested that MacDonald Avenue in the vicinity of
the Memorial Arena be included on the Tour of Inspection.
Ald. Mowers referred to Traffic Hazards still in e~istence all over
the City, where motorists have no visibilityat intersections due to the presence
of Royal Nail Boxes, Globe and Mail Newspaper Boxes and municipal trash cane, stating
that he is definiteYy opposed to the present location of these boxes,being of the
opinion that they should be placed at locations other thanat the corner of streets
where they impede the visibility of the motorists.
Ald. Morton, Chairman of the Traffic Committee, referred to the
inspection made by his Committee at the intersection of Fourth Avenue and Valley Way
and it was the opinion of the Committee that the boxes did not present t~omuch of an
obstacle. .'
Aid. Mowers then referred to those at the corner of Maple and Fourth;
Morrison and Fourth and HomewoodandMorrison.
Board Room,
8th. April, 1957.
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of
the regular Council and Finance Meetings on ~bnday, April 8th, 19~7 for the
purpose of considering the items presented to them. All ~-~mbers of the Conmdttee
were present. His Worship Mayor Hawkins, presided as Chain,an.
After consideration of the item presented, the Committee adjourned on the motion
of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Martin.
READ AND ADOPTED, l~th. April, 1957.
Council Chamber,
15th. April, 1957.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, April 15th.
1957, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of
Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald. Mowers.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 117 - Herbert l~rris Crane and Hoist Co. - requesting renewal of present
privilege re Homewood Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald.
Morton that the communication be received and filed and the lease be extended for
an additional five year period.
SE Report No. 86
SEE P~solution 36.
The following Communications were presented;
No. 118 - National Secretaries Association - requesting procl.%mation re National
Secretaries Day, and arrangements made for a picture of the Mayor signing same.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. ~,~.ller that the communication be
received and filed and the proclamation published and the writer notified that the
~.~yor. wtll comply with their request.
No. 119 - Local H.ydro Comndssion - enclosing copy of Balance Sheet and Operating
Report for year ending December 31st, 1956. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks
and Ald. McKinley that the communication be received and laid on the table for the
perusal of Council.
No. 120 - Local Hydro Co;remission - requesting Council's approval of increases to
Chairman and Members of the Hydro Co~aission. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers
and Ald. Morton that the communication be received a~d filed and the increases be
No. 121 - Construction Safety Association of 0~ario - invitation to Inspector
appointed under The Trench Excavator'$ Protection Act, to attend lecture, April 22n~.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~brton and Ald. White that the communication be
received and filed and the City Manager's recommendation that Mr. G. Rodgets attend,
be adopted.
EReport No. 87.
NO~ 122 - dity of Chatham'- resolution re amendment'tO'The'Municipal Act and/0rThe
Assessment Act. In this connection the City Manager made a verbal report, advising
of the present method of levying taxes in the City of Niagara Falls, which is not so
cumbersome as that suggested by Chatham and as the system operating in the City of
Niagara Falls is entirely satisfactory, did not rsco~end endcreation of the Chatham
resolution. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinleythat the com-
munication be received and filed and the re~olution be not endorsed.
No. 123 - Martin. Calvert. Bates and Shev~ard - mquesting change in designation of
area for 1655 Banker Street. ORDERED on the motion or Ald. Brooks and Ald. Miller
that the co~mmnicationbe received and referred to the Preparty ~mmittee for a report.
FURIl~'RORDMREB on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Muwers that names of persons
who eo~ld be appointed to the ~m,{ttee of Adjustment ~e considered by C~uneil, the
City ~le~k to advise Council before the next meeting the type of parson eligible for
m~eh appointment.
~e followin~ Reports were presented:
No. 86 - Property Committee - reconm~ending renewal of ].ease to Herbert Morris
Crane and Hoist for Homewood Avenue property for additional five-year t~riod.
ORDERED on the motion of kld. McKinley and ild. }brton that the report be
received and adopted.
No. 87 - City MonaEer - recon~nending attendance of Inspector at lecture in
Toronto on April 22rid. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. White that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 88 - City Manager - re forthcoming Training Courses to be held by Ontario
Traffic Conference and suggesting that the same be not cons] dered at thiq time,
until after formation of a permanent traffic organization in the City, which would
then warrant sending a representative to such a school. OROERED on the motion of
Ald. McKinley and Ald. Brooks that the report be received and adopted.
No. 89 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. ~rtin and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and adopted and !icenoes
issued accordingly.
The following Resolutions were ~assed:
No. 36 - ~ITE - MOWERS _ RESOLVED that ~'~ereas The Herbert ~brris Crane and Hoist
Company, Limited, being the owner of all the lands on the east side of
north of the rear l~m~t o~ Lot 55, produced easterly across said Homewood Avenue,
according to Plan Number 2~, registered for the City of Niagara Falls, has petitioned
the Council to permit the said Company to erect a fence across the said Homewood
Avenue on the line of the said north limit of Lot 55, and to use and occupy the
lands north of the said fence line with other lands of the Company, at a no~dnal
rental of One Dollar per year for the period of five years, providing that no
building or other erection than the said fence should be placed ut~n the said
portion of Homewood Avenue, and that the servants or agents of the Corporation of
the City of Niagara Fails should be penaitted to enter thereon at any time for the
purpose of the Corporation; And Whereas by resolutions of May 2nd, 1927, August 15th,
1932, April 19th, 1937, April 21st, 19~2, April 28th, 19~7 and April 28th, 1952 such
petition was granted for periods of five years; And Whereas the said portion of
Homewood Avenue is not at present required for public use as a highway and the said
Company has petitioned the Council to permit the Company to continue the said fence
and the said occupation for a further period; Therefore Be It Resolved That the
Herbert Morris Crane and Hoist Company, Limited, be permitted to continue the said
fence and to use and occupy the said lands north of the said fence line with other
lands of the Company at a nominal rental of One Dollar per year for the period of
five years, subject to the provisions that no building or other erection than the
said fence shell be placed upon the said portion of Homewood Avenue, and that the
servants or agents of the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls may be permitted
to enter thereon at any time for .the purposes of the Corporation, and that the said
permission may be revoked by the Council of the Corporation at any time, upon one
month's notice of the intention of the Council to revoke the same; and the Seal of
the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
Nq. 37 - MARTIN - WHITE - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of Council be held
at 7.30 p.~ on Tuesday evening, April 23rd,. 1957; and the Seal of the Corporation
be heMto affixed.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Aid. Nattin and Ald.
READ AND ADOP'r~D, 23rd. April, 1957.
Clerk ' ,. =,~AAAA~, .. ~ -~layor,
Council Chamber,
15th. April, 1957.
The Finance F~etin~ was held on Monday, April 15th, 1957 for the purpose
of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Ald. Miller,
Chairman of Finance, prosided.
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $66,6~2.85 were approved by
the Committee.
The Accounts submitted, bein~ passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of
Mayor Hawkins and Ald. Mowers,
The Summary of Tenders for Grass Seed for 1957 as submitted at the last
meeting, was considered along with the report of the Management Committee, which
reco~nended that the same be purchased as follows:
Canadian Blue Grass
Kentucky Blue Grass
Chewin~ Feecue
Colonial Bent
Red Top
Perennial Rye
White Dutch Clover
- from Fischere' - quotation $168.75
- from Fischers' - quotation $180.00
- from McKenzie - quotation $105.75
- from Centre Hdwe.quotation $153.56
- from Montgomery Bros." $ 50.25
- from D.&B. Hdwe. quotation $ 29.35
- from Glenview Hdwe. " $ 29.40
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Aid. Mowers that the Summary of
Tenders and recommendations of the Management Committee be received and adopted.
The Su,~nary of Tenders for supplies for 1957 as submitted at the last
meeting, was considered at this ti~r,e~ along wibh the report of the 1,~nagement Com-
mittee containing their recommendations.
The following action was takenl
CR~SHED STONE FOR CONCRETE ORDERED on the motion of Nayor Hawkins and
CRUSHED STONE FOR PAVING PEANT Ald. White that the recon~endations of the
CRUSF~ 8TOE FOR ROAM Management Committee, that the tender of
Queenston Quarries, be accepted, ~e adopted.
at City Yard.
ORDtRED on the motion of l-~yor Hawkins and
AId. White that the recomr~endations of th.e
kanagement Comrlittee, that the tender of
Calaguiro Bros, be accepted~ be received ~nd
ORDERED on the motion of |.Tayor Hawkins and
AId. White that the recommendations of the
Fanagement Com3nittee, that the tender of North
American Cyanamid Limited, be accepted, be
OPJ)ERED on the motion of I;~yor Hand<ins and
Ald. ~'~ite that the recommendation of the
Management Co~mr~ittee, that the tender of
Imperial 0il Linf~ted,be accepted, be adopted.
ORDERED on the motion of ~vor Hawkins ~nd
Ald. White that the recommendation of the
}knagement Committee, that the tender of Inter-
lake Fuel Oils Limited be accepted, be adopted.
ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and
Ald. White that the reconm,endations of the
Fznagement Committee, that the tender of
RidEmount Quarries be accepted, be adopted.
ORDE~h~D on the motion of ~yor Hawkins and
Ald. ~ite that the recommendation of the
Fanagement Committee, that the tender of ~htt
Calzonetti, be accepted, be adopted.
ORDERED on the motion of }hyor Hawkins and Ald.
White that the recommendation of the Management
Committee, that the tender of Canadian Liquid
Air, be accepted, be adopted.
As recon~nended by Chief Wm. Wade, ORDERED on
the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. White
that the recommendation of the Management
Committee that the tender of Bi-Lateral Fire
Hose Co. Grade A for 2-1/2 inch and Grade B
for 1-1/2 inch be acce~ed, be adopted.
The Management Committee's report in this
connection advised that they had no recom-
mendation and requested Council to dealwith
this matter.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Mayor
Hawkins that these supplies be purchased in the
open market. Carried. (Contrary-Aid. Brooks
and Ald. MAllet).
Ald. Martin requested that a list be prepared
containing all the units operated by the
Corporation, to ~nom they were allocated for
Tires and Tubes last year and the service
The Management Committee advised in their
report that they did not consider the tenders
for Portland Cement and referred the same to
Council for their consideration.
It was moved ~y Ald. White and seconded by Ald.
Martin that the tender of Zimmerman ~ilders'
8~pplies be accepted.
This motion was defeated, t~e vote being Aye-
Ald. White, Martin and Brooks; Nays -Ald.
McKinley, Mcwers, Morton and Mayor Hawkins.
PORTLAND CR24ENT -continued
An amendment by Ald. M~Kinley and Fayor
Hawkins that Portland Cement be purchased
in the open market, was carried; the vote
being l~ to 3. Aye -Ald. Mc~irfiey, Mayor
.Hawkins, Ald. Mowers and Morton; Nays -
Ald. White, Martin and Brooks.
The Summary of Tenders for six tricks was presented, along with the
report of the Equipment Committee, which recommended as follows;
Galloway Griffiths -
Allen Motors
Light Delivery Truck $ 1,938.63
2-1/2 ton pick-up trucks $ 1,712.50 each
or a total of
1-1 ton pick-up truck $ 1,978.22
i tn~ck chassis and cab ~dth steel body
and hoist $ 3,730.97
1 truck chassis & cab $ 2,88~.O5
ORDKRED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Martin that the report
and recommendations of the 'Equipment Committee be received and adopted, It was
understood that all m~its to be purchased ~.~uld be 1957 models.
The P~perty Co~nittee presented a report, advising that the plan as
submitted by Igino Mariglia, for the proposed addition to b~ erected to his dwelling
at l~S1 Ontario Avenue, was approved at their meeting held on April 13th. and
instructed that the necessary building permit be issued. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Morton and Aldo ~lite that the report be received and adopted.
The application of Charles Knott, 1532 Spring Street, for a permit to
construct a motel at the intersection of Stanley Avenue 'and Spring Street, which was
laid over at the last meeting, was again considered along with the Property Co~nittee's
report whic~ reconnaended that the applicant be instructed to have the proposed building
staked on the premises so that it can be inspected by the Property Committee at noon
on Thursday, April !Sth. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. White that
the report be received and adopted.
The Property Committee presented a report to the effect that an
application for a building permit and a plumbing permit had been filed by Mr. George
Bradley to make the small building facing Stanley Avenue, situated at the rear of
1~70 Cedar Street, suitable for living accommodation. The Committee recommended
that the matter be referred to the City Solicitor for consideration and instruction.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Mowers that the report be received and
The Equipment Committee presented a report, recomending the purchase
of the following equipment:
One pavement breaker at a price of $~95.00 for the Street Department
One 2-3 inch Diaphragm .Pump for $~70.00 for the Sewer Department.
One 3".Hemelite Pump at a price of $5~1.00 for the Water Department
ORDERED on th~ motion o~ Nayor Hawkins and Ald. Morton that the repo~t
be received and adopted.
The Equipment Committee presented a report reconmBnding the purchase of
three trucks and a two-ton dolly for use at ~he Fmnicipal Garage at a cost of $~5~.00.
0RDEREDon the motion of Ald. Mowers and Mayor Pawkins that the report be received and
The Equipment Comedries presented a report recommending the purchase of
one typewriter desk for the main office, at an estimated cost of $153.00 advising that
no provision was made in the 1957 Budget for this item. The City Manager verbally
reported on the necessity of acquiring the desk for the Junior Clerk who is at present
a standard desk with a typewriter on top. ORDEEED on the motion of Nayor Hawkins and
Aid. Morton that, the report be received and adopted.
The Equipment Committee presented a re!,ort recommendinZ the purchase of
the following equi.:.ment for which provision was made in the 1957 B\~dget:
Duplicator $ .~50.00
Electric T~Zoewriter & 1-20" Standard ~mpewriter $ 700.00
Book Case for the Treasurer's Office ~ 175.00
Table for the Treasurer's Office ~ 75.00
Two book trucks for the Assessment Office ~
~ 337 · 50
ORDERED on the motion of ild. k.'owers and ~tayor Hawkins that the re~.ort
be received and adopted.
The Property Committee presented a report advising of the inadvisability
at the present time to purchsse 328 Huron Street or any additional l.rol_,erty at
this location for the extension of the City I~arket or Elizabeth Place. ~e pres~
were requested to refrain from giving any publicity to this itell! of business.
O?-DERZD on the motion of Ald. ~'~ite and Ald. Morton that ,~.he report be received
and adopted.
The T. Lanagement Co.~mittee presented a report dealing '~dth the City
~nager's efforts to obtain from the Glenview Social Club a right-of-way across
the vacant lot owned by the Club on Hickson Avenue, im order that the City
have access to the k~nicipal Garage from this direction, and the fec set by ~.he
Club of $100. for this privilege. ~e Co~m!dttee re, cobb;ended that the Oleoview
Social Club be advised that ~: paC~,ent of $50. is considered adequate. 0!~.ZEXD
the motion of Mayor Hawkins and A!d. Mowers that the tel.err be received and adopted.
The Property Committee presented a report in connection with their
inspection of the premises at 972 Jepson Street to consider the possible e~!ansion
of the building (Wilcon Haven-k~rsing Home) and the Corm~ttee advised that they
are prepared to approve of enclosing the verandah and the censtri,ction of a double
deck sunporch at the rear. ORD~vD on the motion of ~-ld. '-~ite and Ald. F~rtin
that the report be received and adopted.
The 5ailding Committee presented a report contain_~ ng recommendations that
a partition be removed in the Magistrate's Office and that a partition be cons~,x~cted
in the Court Room to provide office accommodation for solicitors and witnesses;
being alterations to the Police Building, p~vision in the amount of $2,500. was
included in the 1957 Budget. ORDF..~F]) on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Morton
that the report be received and adopted.
The Property Committee presented a report concerning their inspection of
the Used Car Lot at the intersection of Jepson Street and Victoria Avenue and their
advice to the owners that a permit would be recommended for the construction of an
office and two bay wash rack at the rear of the premises to replace the existing
office building which is to be removed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. l~hite and
Ald. Mowers that the report be received and adopted.
The City Manager presented a report on the application of Mr. Motman
Thomas for a building permit to construct a dwelling on Part of Lot 37, Plan 632,
Maple Street, at An estimated cost of $12,000.00. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
White and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and tabled and the ,matter
referred to the City Solicitor for a report. Carried Unanimously.
The offer of A. E. Lee to purchase Part of Lots 14 and 15, at the comer
of Elgin Street and Terrace Avenue, which had been laid over from the previous
meeting, was again presented for consideration. Aid. Brooks, Chairman of the
Property Committee, referred to action taken in the year 19A8 when a similar offer
was submitted by F~. Lee and which was turned do~n. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
White a~nd AId. Martin that the verbal report be received and adopted and the offer
be not accepted.
q~e Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and
Ald. MoKinley,
RF, AD AND ADOIs'rED, 23rd. April, 1957.
Council Chamber,
15th. April, 1957.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance ~eti,~s for the ~Arpose of passing the by-law ~nich covered the accounts
approved b~ the Committee, All Members of 'Council were present,
A ,t lnx wa . aesed]
~ - To px~vide too:ties for general purposes.
O~.n~_SD oa the motion of Ald, Mowers and Ald, Martin that Ald, Miller be
&Peated the ~u, ivilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
r~ading. - Carried Unaai~ously.
68J)ERED o~ the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McYdnley that ~ule 36 (2)
the $~anding EUles of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
~he secox~i ~adi,~, - Carried Uneaimuusly.
Readin6- Ald. Morton and Ald. Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
Ald. l~i3~al~Vs ~te, irman ef the ~s P~s ~ ~a~on ~,~.!tt~,
~!~ ~u,~l In t~ction ~th the ~ee, t ~est Ncef~d from h~o Sta~on
~ ~ ~~ ~o ~t ~r~i~ e~n~ f~ C~es [~K ~ the c~
~ ~%a~ ~ ~ ~t.%ee ~d ~ide~ the mtte~ ~ ~ ~ed the
Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Mowers and/tld. Killer.
READ A~ ADOPTED, 23rd. April, 1957.
Council Chamber,
23rd. April, 1957.
~rsuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday, April
23rd. 1957, for the purl~se of considering general business and finance. All
MEmbers of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the ndnutes
of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid. Morton and kid. Brooks.
A delegation was present at the meeting in connection with the proposed
by-law submitted by the Niagara Falls District Trades and Labour Council, to
stipulate terms of all contracts let by the City of Niagara Falls. It was ordered
on the motion of Al&. Mowers and Ald. !.~ller that their spokesman, ~. Wilfred Hague,
be heard. A report off the City F&anager on the proposed by-law was read at ~his time
which indicated that in the City ~nager's opinion the municipality was amply pro-
tected by the clauses in the tender forms. Mr. Hague queried as to whether the
General Conditions in the tender forms were being adhered to and cited a case where,
according to his statement, a local contractor l~id a tradesman thirty cents less
than the prevailing rate, particular reference being to a carpenter.
Following a discussion on the subject in which M~. Hague pointed out
that the reference to a rate lower than the prevailing rate was only cited as an
illustration, but that the main purpose of his group was to have the proposed by-law
pet in effect. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Mowers that the City
Manager's report be received and adopted and the communication be received and
filed. Carried Unanimously.
A previous motion was made by AId. r.brton and Ald. McKinley that the
Management Co~nittee along with the City Manager investigate the complaint of Mr.
Hague and report, was lost, the vote being - Aye - AId. Morton, McKinley, Miller
and Brooks; Na~ - kld. Mowers, ~rtin, White and Mayor Hawkins.
SEE Communication 88.
SE Reports Number 82 & 90.
Laid over from a previous meeting:
No. 88 - Niagara Falls District Trades and Labour Council - attaching draft by-lm~.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Mowers that the communication be
received and filed and the City Manager's report be adopted.
SEE Reports Number 82 & 90.
No. 123 - Martin. Calvert, Bates and SheDpard - requesting establisDment of a
Committee of Adjustment to deal with the application of their client concerning the
premises at 1655 Banker Street, for change in classification from Residential to
Commercial. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Miller that the communi-
cation be received and filed and the writer advised that it is considered inadvisable
to make such a change, until such time as ~hin Street between Summer Street and
North Street is changed from Residential to Commercial.
SPa Re~ort No. 91.
Tenders having been called for re-inforcing steel in connection with
proposed additions and extensions to the Niagara Falls Filtration Pla~ located at
Chippaws, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Aid. Norton that the
tenders received, be opened, initialled by His Worship the Mayor and tabulated.
Tenders having been called for the ] relicsad ]'t!>in6
Basins at the Niagara Falls F~l{ration }']r:'n~, ]~,ca:,~d a~
on the motion of AId. Mowers znd AId. :lller that tic t::nd.B-s
initia~ed by His WcrshiI the M~yor and "abulatcd.
~e folloxdnf. Communications were pros,rote_d;
No. 124 -Pell Telelbone Co. of Canada - rqojmsting pe:-iiissi,~m Lc l,lac,~ conduit
on Buckley Avenue, south of Park Street. 0RDZR~D on the mo+!e~ of lld. Zbw~_.ro
and Ald. McKinley that the communication be received and filed and !letre" ssi,~n
No. 125 - Canadian Corl,s, hdies Auxiliary - requesting permission to bold a Tag
Day, June 8th. ORDERED on the motion of A].d. Morton a,d AId. %Q~ite that khe
co~nunication be received and filed and permlssicn gr~.nted as this date is
No. 126 - Royal Canadian Air Cadets - requesting ierrd. ssion to hold a Tag Day.
ORDMED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald. %~ite that the communication be
received and filed and permission granted for $stu~xtay, l/~y 12th. the ne~% date
available during the month of l~y.
No. 127 - Royal Canadian Air Cadets - reeJ~est]nZ issuance of a proclan~tio,b
re Air Cadet Week. 0RDE}IED on the motion of AId. I,~ller and LId. :.iorf.on that the
communication be received and filed and the proclamation issued as requested.
No. 128 - Chamber of Comnerce - requesting attendance of a Cmmcil Member at Board
Meetings on a rotation basis. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid.~rton
that the communication be received and filed and the request acceded to. His
Worship Mayor Hawkins requested AId. ~rtin to attend the meeti~lg of ~y 15th; and
Aid. ~Hller to attend the meeting of June 19th.
No. 129 - Stanley Janusonis - requesting use of Memorial Arena, August 31st,1957.
in connection with Fifth Annual Canadian-Lithuanian celebration. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Brooks that the communication be received and
referred to the Arena Committee with power to act.
No. 130 - Manager. Local Hydro Oolmnission -roquesting conveyance of land in
connection with new sub-station site between Huron St. and F~rrison St. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Miller that the communication be received
and referred to the Property Conm~ittee for a report.
No. 131 - Chairman. Police Commission - request in connection with future policy
during negotiations on wage schedules. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and
Ald. Mowers that the communication be received and filed.
laid over from a previous meeting:
No. 82 - City Manager - report on by-law proposed by Trades and Labour Council and
suggesting municipality amply protected by clauses in City's tender forms.
SEE Report Number ~0.
The following Reports wore presented:
No. 90 - City Manager - further report on Summary of Information concerning
practice followed in other municipalities regarding contract work, which was
attached to Report No. 82. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Mowers
that the reports be received and adopted. (Carried Unanimously.)
No. 91 - Property Committee - re request of Solicitors re 1655 Banker Street and
recommending no change in classification at the present time. ORDerED on the
motion ef Ald. NaTtin and Ald. Miller that the report be received and adopted.
SEE Communication 12~.
No. 92 - City Manager - report on cars and trucks allocated to various dealers
in tires and tubes in 1956 and recommending allocations for 1957. ORDERED on the
motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. Brooks that the repel. be received and laid on the
table for Council's perusal for one week.
No. 93 - City I.hnaEer - recommending three appointments to the Niagara Falls Fire
Department. CRDYRED on the motton of tld. FArtin and Ald. White that the report
be received and adopted.
No. % - City Clerk - recentmending issuance of licenoes. O~DERED on the motion of
Ald. Morton and Ald. Killer that the report be received and adopted and liceaces
issued accordingly.
No. 95 - Ckty Clerk - ~port on ~oint Meeting held with Stamford Council on April
15th. for the purpose of discussing possibility of a survey concerning anmlg&mation.
ORDER~ on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. M. iller that the report be ~eceived
and filed. At this time, His Worship Mayor Hawkins apr~inted Aldermen 1-~rtin and
Mowers, along with the City F~lnager and the City Clerk as the -~iagara Falls repre-
sentatives on the Joint Co~nittee set up for the purpose of enquiFing into such
a survey and it was 6TdePed on the motion of kid. Morton and Ald. White that
Council approve of the ~yor's appointments in this regard.
No. 96 - City Clerk - requesting permission to prepare a by-law to provide for the
signature of the Treasurer and of any other person authorized to sign cheques
issued by the Treasurer, to be written, er~raved, lithegraphed, printed or otherwise
mechanically reproduced on cheques. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. B~ooks and Ald.
F~rton that the report be received and adopted.
The follo,dn~ .By-law was passed;
No. 5511 - To provide For permission to The Bell Telephone Company of Canada to
place conduit on Buckley Avenue, south of Park Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Morton that Ald. Mowers be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and kld. White that Rule 3e (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and Ald. Miller - Carried Unanimously.
Ald. Morton referred to the present inadequacy of space allotted to
parking meters and suggested that new model cars cannot be accommodated therein and
it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Miller that the Traffic Com-
mittee investigate this matter.
Aid. White referred to the issuance of building permits and was of the
opinion that such applications should receive further ecrutiny, especially the time
limit involved for completion of construction undertaken by applicants, the ty~ of
work performed and whether it meets the standards which should be demanded by the
Building Inspector. fRD~tED on the motion of Aid. White and AId. Morton that th~
Oity Manager he requested to investigate with reference to issuing of building
Ald. McKinley as Chairm~n of the Arena, Parks and Recreation Committee,
arose at this time and presented a verbal report containing the following recom-
That the backstop back of the hardball diamond at Oakes Park be
· installed b y City employees and that three se~s of portable bleachers
be p~rchased and the baekstop~ack of the softball diamond be replaced.
~at an e~tended overhang be l:,laced on the backstoI. at the Glenv-b.~w
hardball dimacrid.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. ,*,:orton that the
reconunendations of the Arena~ Parks a~d Recreation Co::t~ttee be %do~ted~ C~rr.[~d
Ald. ,~[iller referred to the ]tobinson Street playdround and fhe
taken by child~n to reach the sa, p.e - through the bacJrya~s of residents in that
a~a and was of the opinion fbat a ~ence should be ereclot] Cot [,he ~rotccbian
these property o~ers.
His ;qorship ?.:ayor Hawkins brought to the attention cf ':be Traffic Cemdt,t,=,~
the matter of three accidents in four days whic~ have occurred at th.,~. in~ ersection
of St. Clair Avenue and Huron Street.
Ald. |-Hller requested the Traffic Colm,dttee to report on the possible
discontinuance oe angle ~rking and the resumption of Isra]]e]. parking ~n
a ~tween Morrison Street and !'li]lmott Stre~t~ to fac-:lit~te the tr~C~ c :r,~blcu,
in e~st, ence. '
The Alderann also ra. rerl~d to the scatterinS of ne:~s!ai=ers ai t-b~ corner
of St, Clair Avenue and Sirocco Street and questioned the possiPility of ins~] ]inS
a trash can in that ares to eli~na~e this conditjo,,
M.d, Morton refeFed to the s~ne condition at Homewood Avenue
Morrison Street ~d ~ple Street. The City I-hnsger agreed to investigate this
Ald. McKinley queried the Frogross to date towards recognition to civic
employees with 25 years service or more and kid. White, Chair!.mn of the Co.-.~nittee
set up for this purpose, advised of x.~hat has transpired to date.
The Council adjourned to the Finance F~eting on the motion of Ald. ~.~rtin and Ald.
Me Ki nley.
READ AND ADOPTED, 29th. April, 1957.
· .__,_.~ Mayor
Council Chamber,
23rd. April, 1957.
The Finance Meetin~ was held on Tuesday, April 23rd, 1957 for the purpose
of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present.
Alderman Miller, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry. Accounts submitted in the amount of $32,130.66 were approved
by the Committee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion
of l,hyor Hawkins and Ald. McKinley.
The Property Committee's report on the inspection made at the site
where Mr. Charles Knott had applied for a building permit, at the intersection of
Stanley Avenue and Spring Street, was presented for consideration; the Con~mittee
advised that the proposed motel had been staked out on the lot ~d due to the
fact that there is 10 feet between the property line and the sidewalk on Stanley
and 15 feet between the property line and the sidewalk on Spring ~hich will provide
ample space surrounding the motel, recommended that the by-law be amended to
permit the erection of a motel on Lot 5 at the intersection of Spring Street and
Stanley Avenue. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. k~ite that the report
be received and adopted. Carried. Aye -Ald. Morton, White, Brooks, Mowers; Naye -
Ald. Martin, McKirdey and l~yor Hawkins.
The application of Norman Thomas for a hiilding permit to construct a
dwelling on part of I~t 37, Plan 632, ~ple Street, at an estimated coat of ~12,000.
which had been tabled at the last meeting for submission of a report of the City
Solicitor, was again presented along with the Solicitor's report. ORDeReD on the
motion of Ald. White and Ald. Brooks that the report be received and filed and the
reco~nendation oF the City Manager as contained in his report of April 15th. that
a permit be issued, be received and adopted.
The City M~nager's report on the application of Mrs. Ella Brown for
a permit ~or the construction of a 5-unit motel on the south limit of her premises
at 671 River Read, at an estimated cost of $14,000. which recommended that the
same be referred to the Property Committee for consideration, was presented.
ORDEE on the .~tion of Mayor Hawkins and Aid. Morton that the same be referred to
to the Property CoMmittee for a rel~rt and the proposed constn~ction be staked out
on the land to assist the Committee in their deliberations.
The City Manager's report on the application of Gerber-Ogilvie Baby
Food Limited, 1611 North Street for a building permit for an addition to their
premises at an estimated cost of $~O,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Morton and Mayor Hawkins that the report be received and
adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of the Niagara Parks
Commission for a building permit to remodel the existing frame storage building,
north of Murray Street, to contain public wash rooms, at an estimated cost of
$30,000. was presented for consideration. CRDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton
and Ald. Brooks that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of Gould-Leslie Limited
for peratssion to alter one of their panel boards to provide advertising for E1
Rancho Motel, which is located outside the City Mmits on Lundy's Lane, the sign in
question being located on Victoria Avenue opposite Victoria Motors garage. ORDERED
on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. Morton that the report be received and
referred to the Property Committee for a report.
The City Manager's report on the application of Motorville Car Sales
for a permit to erect a neon sign at the comer of Victoria Avenue and Jepson Street,
at an estimated cost of $1,~00. was presented for consideration. (RDERED on the
motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald. Mowers that the report be received and adopted and
permit issued.
The City 1,~nager's report ~n the application or Carmen Fabian for a
permit to erect a wocden sign at lAgS Ferry Street, at an estimated cost of $25. was
presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mewere and Ald. NcKinlsy
that the report be-received and adopted and permit issued.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Aid. McKinley
and ~ayor Hawkins. ~
AND ADOPTED, 29th. At~ril, 1957.
Council Chamber,
23rd. April, 1957.
The Council re-assembled at the close o F the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Committee. All Members of Council were present.
The followinK By-law was ~assed;
No. 5512 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and AId. McKinley that Aid. I.~ller
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDEPaD on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mowers that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
At this time, Mayor Hawkins, reminded the Members of Council about the
Church Service at Christ Church to which all departments or the Corporation had
been invited and advised that the Service commences at 11 o'clock Daylight Saving
Time, all who will be in attendance should arrive at the Church at 10.h~ A.M.
The City Clerk then queried Council as to their wishes in regard to the
appointment Of personnel to the 8ommittee of Adjustment and it was ordered on the
motion of Ald. %~ntte and Ald. Brooks that the matter be tabled for another week
for further consideration. Carried. (A!d. ~rtin-contrary).
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Miller and Aid. Mowers.
READ AND ADOPTED, 29th. April, 1957.
Board Room,
23~d. April,1957.
.The Conference Committ3e of the City Council assembled at the close of
the re..smlar Council and Finance Meetings on Tuesday, April 23rd, 1957 for the purpose
of considering the items presented to them. All Members of the Committee were
present. ~s Worship, l~yor Hawkins, presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items presented, the Comndttee adjourned on the motion of
kld. Mowers and Ald. ~i~rtin.
RZAD Al~ ADOPTED, 29th. April, 1957.
Clerk ' ' c Chairman.
[h~rsuant to sdjcurnment, Council met qh 7.30 F.m.
1,°57, for the purt;ose of considering Seneral husi~ess and fi:~nce.
of Council were present, ]]~e Cour~cil, bav'~ng received and read the :l!nutes
the previous meetlnlb adopted these on the motion of Ald. liewets and kid.
Mr. H. A. Logan was l-resent at tb~- meetg:~j and it was orde~',,d
motion of Ald. Miller and kld. kenton that he he heard. ~%r. bean aJvlsed
he was present on behalf off the Sul'~rtost 0]1 Co. Ltd. and the t,!isnl]er Estate
as was suggested by Council after their considerslion of a previous
chugs in category for the I,~sener p~Ferty at the corner off Feet and Main Streot,
was this evening presenting a [etitien signed b~, some of the prol~rty o~.~ers and a
few tenants, ~ich requested the re~al ef [,revisions of kv-law mu~ber
particularly those portions dealing ~th the erection of service stations and
pubic garages. Mr. ~g~ pointed out that fit was his oFinion that sentiment has
now changed on )~in Street since the last petit]on was slimed and that some concern
has arisen over the occurrence of vacant stores on l:~in Street but that his particular
interest ~s the exemption of one pro~rty only, that of the tiesher Berate and ~shed
to clarify his position that he was not bei~ retained by the South End ~sinessmen's
Asso~ation, but thought it advisable to obtain a ~tition For the general area.
~d. )~rtin raCerred to the information he had that the South End ~siness
Ments Association were definitely opposed to the proposed erection when the matter
was before Council Feviously and was of the opinion that the petition should be
laid on the table and that some ~idance should be obtained f~m the ~uth End
~sinessments Association. O~BD on the motion of ~d. ]~rtin ~d ~d. B~oks
that the ~tition be received and tabled for one week and a copy of the same made
avMlable for the Members of Council for their ~msal.
SEE Petition Number 1.
Laid over from the previous meetinK;
No. 130 - Hydro-Electric Commission of Niagara Falls - requesting conveyance of
land in connection with new sub-station site between Huron and ~brrison Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the communication be
received and filed and the report and recommendations of the Property Committee
be adopted.
SEE Repert ~knnber
No. 132 - Ontario Municipal Association - announcement of forthcoming onvention.
0RDI~ED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Brooks that the communication be
received and filed and reservations be made. Ald. Morton indicated his inability
to attend this Convention
No. 133 - Municipal Clerks' and Finance Officers' Association - 19,~7 Conference.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald~ Morton and Ald. Brooks that the communication be
received and filed and the'recon~nendation of the City Manager that the Clerk and
Treasurer attend, be adopted. SEE Re N~nber
· ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Nillet that the communication be
eceived and referred to the Parks and Recreation Committee with power to act
No. 135 - Niagara Frontier Hm,ane Society - invitation to "Open House" June 2nd.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Aid. Morton that the imritation be
received and accepted and as rrany as p~ssible attend.
No. 136 - British-Canadian Veterans - invitation to In~tal]atio;1 Ceremonies,
l.hy 3rd. ORDKtED on the motion of Aid. l~ller and Aid. Brooks that the invitation
be received and accepted and as many as possible attend.
No. 137 - B.M.E. Church - requesting permission to hold tag day, August 3rd.
ORDEFLZD on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mowers that the communication be
received and filed and request granted as date is avail~b!e.
No. 138 - Beam of Police Commissioners - advising of action taken re Konkos'
premises at 2158 Stanley Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. ~ller and Ald.
~ite that the co~mmication be received and filed.
No. 139 - Greater ~iag~ra General Hospital - requesting monthly instalments for
1957 Grants for the new Greater Niagara General Hospital, commencing September let.
ORDER.YDon the motio~ of AId. Brooke and Ald. Mowers that the communication be
received, request granted and referred to the City Treasurer for action accordingly.
No. 140 - Lorenzo Contracting Co. Ltd. - responding to press publicity concerning
wages to carpenters. ORDERED on the motion of AId. White and Ald. Brooks that the
communication be received and a copy given to the press with the request that the
same be given similar publicity as the charge made by the Iabour Organization at
at the last meeting of Council, in fairness to the Contracting Company involved.
No. 117 - City ~4~naEer- Asl,ha!t I'ave:nent - tTcm,:w.,c,d >,,,~. F-~.: 2rl.:S' to: r>,r'h LL' '~.
~o. 1!2 - City Manage r - AsI h~lt rave,~.mt - ?~cond Ave. fr.~', 3-i ~ -. tn '~r i ] ~ cn .]~.
No. 119 - City t~naZer - As!ha]t Pavement - hat le St. ore, '/lc~or~a to, f;,~c, r~d .i,,c,.
01tDE on the motion of kid. ',~.ite and Ald. 2often t} ~:t It.~::,s ?? ~.c, ]17 ~,-
ed at one time. O~F~DD on the motion of AI.i. ;a,~e .~d AI~. ::ortc, n t~.~ th.,
be received and adopted.
~" Resolution
~,.'o. ]20 - Management Conm,.ittee - recom~ftendin.g ccnstructlon of sewer en Dry,:,.; ~ nd Road
between Cul~, St. and Barker St. 0~DEED on the motion of ALl. I.brl on and A!d. I,;art1B
that the report be received and adopted.
No. 121 - 1.tanagement Co~lmittee - re pressure main to Chippawa Distrih~ticn
and reco~nending quotations be received or, valves and fittings nec~.saar2,.
on the motion of AId. Fuarf. in and Aid. Brooks that tke tel,oft Le received and ado!led.
No. 122 - Traffic Colm~ittee- three reco!mnendat~ons to r.~medy Valley Uay ~,rkjnG
between Willmort and Morrison Street. ORDE~h~D on the motion of Ale:. Y_ortor, and Ald.
~fite that the report be received and adopted.
No. 123 - Traffic Co:amittee - reconmendation re farking at ]ueen and Clifton Ave.
ORDF~IED on tl:e motion of Ald. Morton and Killer that the re~ort be rece]ve..i and
No. 124 - Traffic Co~nittee - recommendations re 3 traffflc signals. ORDE]:]D on the
motion of Ald. White and Metton that the report be received and adopted.
Laid over from the previous meetinK;
No. 92 - City Manager - report on cars and trucks allocated to various dealers in
tires and tubes for 19~6 and recommending allocations for 1957. ORDERED on the
motion of AId. M~rtin and Aid. Mowers that the report be received and adopted.
(AId.l~ller-contrary). AId. Miller reiterated his previous comments as to unfairness.
The following Reports were pr. esented;
No. 97 - Property Committee - recommending request of Local Hydro Commission for
conveyance of portion of Elizabeth Place, be granted. ORDE.~ED on the motion of Ald.
~rtin and Aid. ~rton that the report be received and adopted.
SEE Con~nunication 130.
No. 98 - City Manager - recommending attendance of Clerk and Treasurer at Conference
of Municipal Clerks and Finance Officers to be held June 2~th, 25th, 26th. Honey
Harbour. ORDERED on the motion of-AId. Morton and AId. Brooke that the report be
received and adopted.
No. 99 - City FmnaRer - Summary
1957. ORDEReD on the motion of
and adopted.
of Schedule for Pavement Re-surfacing for the year
AId. White and Aid. Morton that the repor~ be received
No. 100 - City Manager - Asphalt
No. 101 - City Manager - Asphalt
MO.'102 - City Nanager - Asphalt
No. 103 - City Nanager - Asphalt
No. 10~ - City Manager - Asphalt
No. 105 - City ~naEer - Asphalt
No. 136 - City~naMer - Asphalt
No. 107 - City Manager - Asphalt
No. 108 - City ManaKer - Asphalt
No. 109 - Ctty Mana~er - Asphalt
No. 110 - City Manager - Asphalt
No. 111 - City ManaRer - Asphalt
No. 112 - City ManaKer - Asphalt
No~ 113 - OityMana~er - Asphalt
No. llh - City Manager - Asphalt
No. 11~ - City ManaMer - Asphalt
No. 116 - Ci~yMana~er - Asphalt
Pavement - Temperance from North to Ferry Streets.
Pavement - Huron St. from Victoria to Second Ave.
Pavement - Huron St. from ~ird to Fourth Ave.
Pavement - Huron St. f~om Fourth to Sixth Ave.
Pavement - Sixth Ave. f~om ~rriaon to Bridge St.
Pavement - Clifton Ave. from Park to Bridge St.
tavement - Robinson St. from Allen to Buchanan Ave.
Pavement - Robinson St. from Buchanan to Clark A~e.
Pavement - North Main St. from Summer to North St.
Pavement - North Street from Temperance to North ~hin
Pavement - Welland Ave~ from Park to Queen Street.
Pavement - Buchanan Ave. from Murray to Robinson St.
Pavement - Buchanan Ave. from Robinson to Ferry St.
Pavement - St. lawrence from Simcoe to Jepson Street
Pavement - Kitchener St. fra. Pewell to MacDonald Ave.
Pavement - Buttrey St.'fromTerrace to Broughton Ave.
Pavement - Queen St. from Buckley to Victoria Avenue
No. 125 - Traffic Committee - re inadvisability o~ restricting tnrking at
and Ontario Avenue at the present time. ORDE,bED on the motion of AId. Forton and
AId. ~Pnite that the report be rece~ red and adopted.
No. 126 - Traffic Committee - re inadvisability of establishing a flashing light
at the comer of Huron and St. Clair. 0RDEED on the motion of Ald. I{iller and
Ald. Mowers that the report be received and adopted.
No. 127 - Traffic Committee - recommending elimination of one car space direct]y
east of the driveway leading to the Niagara falls Club on the south side of C1] fton
Hill. ORD~ED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley that the rei.ort be
received and adopted. Carried. (Contrary-AId. ~artin and Brooks).
SEE Resolution No.
No. 128 - Traffic Committee - re intersection of Spring and McGra]l and reco,mnenddng
purchase of small piece of lot to provide better traffic conditions at this location.
ORDErt~D on the motion of Ald. ~rton and Ald. ~'~tte that the report be received and
referred to the Tour of Inspection.
No. 129 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenoes. ORDERED on the motion of
AId. McKinley and Aid. Miller that the report be received and adopted and licenoes
issued accordingly.
No. 130 - City Manager - List for Tour of Inspection. ORDERI, D on the n:otion of kld.
Mowers and Ald. Martin that the report be received and the Tour of Inspection be
held on Friday, May 1Oth. at 9 A.M. Carried Unanimously. Ald. Brooks referred to
Glenview Park and it was agreed that this item concerning Glenview Playground and
the surrounding area be included on the Tour of Inspection.
The fonowin~ Petition was presented:
.. ,1-,Albert J. Pltts and 27 others- requesting repeal of provisions of B,-Iaw
petition be received and tabled for one week and a copy or the sine made
The following Resolutions were pas. s, ed;.
No. 38 - ~ITE - MORTON - RSSOLVED that Report L~mbers lOO to ll9 recommending the
resurfacing of pavement at various points throughout the municipality be adopted
and the work proceeded with; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimousl~
tb. 39 - MARTIN - MCKINLEY - ,RESOLVED that the Traffic Committee be requested to
investigate the entire length of Clifton Mill and present a report as to traffic
conditions and suggested remedies; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
Carried Unanimously.
The followin~ By.-la~was passed;
No. 5513 - A by-law to ~mend By-law No. 51~9 regarding tourist establishments.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Martin that Ald. Morton
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried - opposed Ald. ~rtin, McKinley and ~yor Hawkins.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. l,~ller - Carried. (Opposed- Ald. Martin,
Ald. McKinley, Mayor Hawkins)
The followin~ B~-law was presented;
No. 5514 - To provide for the establishment of a bank account and signatures on
cheques issued by the Treasurer.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Aid. ~ite that Ald. Miller be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Fdller that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
at the suggestion of Ald. Mowers it was agreed that the by-law be tabled
for an opinion of the Gity Auditors.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Mowers and AId. Brooks.
READ AND ADOP'A~U, 6th. May, 1957.
The Fine, rice Meeting was 1..].1 o~ 'bl~c];U,-' A, ri] ~ 11 ~qr~ .-,.
' . , , · ,. -. ~L.' ,u,.. .,
of ari'~rovin,S and also Dassin.S the ,.ar'lou:~ acccu,~ .,~h;cu b,~.l ~- .~ ~ ~..>l.r]t < .... ;"'
and placed before them. All ~5~mb~-'3 of LLc Cn:'s !it--~ '-:-r,- ,. r' :. L.' Ald. "' ]1 ....
Chairman of Fi,-znce, L-.- si~ed. ' ' ' ~
The kccou::ts sub:LLLt3d~ L-ql-r!j l~s3cd crct. herwise c57.-]_' ',.iLL~ :::'~ ,.z"t:-. l
Flaced ir the ~'bney Ly-!aw for ~]'.~sentat}o:~ to th,: Ccurql] ,.n t}t> ,:-' l,,' ,:' :at or
Hawkins and Ald. XcKin]eZ.
The 3u,saary of Tender3 for .r, SDd ng Ch~FL~-rs rind i~tt lirS :-asi~,.~ at tLe
Niagara Falls Filtration Dlant, Chip~awa Cn~io, '.~z p~es~-nted ale,6
munication fror:l H. C, Acres ~ Co. Ltd. Co~s,~If-irS En~inei~s, '.:be ~ad con.:idered
the s~rte ~d recenm,ended the awarding of ti:.~ Co,~tract to the S,~Lth trr, t.t,crs
Oonstructio~ Co. Ltd. at a ~uota~iou or ~1~2~6.9~j a tel oft. o' the
Co~niLtee which el>proved the recon'jnendatjc, n oC P. C. Acres & Co. Ltd. we.' also
considered. ORDER~ on the motio~ of kld. McKinley ~d Al,% ,often that the
Sugary of Tenders and the con~c~,tiom be received and f~led and the teloft of
the l~nagement Committee be received and adol,ted.
.... ge:.olution No,/tO'.
The Summa~]r of Tenders for the liarchase of re-inforciDg steel in
connection wit}, the additions to the Filtration Flan[, Chippawa Ontario, was
presented for consideration along with a re!~rt or the ~nagement Cor.,m]ttee which
contained information as to their discus.~:ion with a relmesentative ,~ H. G. Acres
and Co. Ltd. recormnending that the steel be awarded to Burlington Steel ComDan=~
on the basis of price and delivery which reco,.m,endatien the Com~,dttee r,~.cor~qen~ed
to Council be accepted; the Com~,tittee further reco~mnending that the ~ddit]rma!
steel amounting to 33 tons necessary for the completion of the Ifx~ng Chambers
and Settling Basins, be also purchased from Burlington Steel Company. (Lh,o quotat] on
for the re-inforcing steel being ~15,6~5.88). 02DERED on the ,notion of AId. Morton
and Aid. No.era that the Summary of Tenders be received and filed and the recom-
mer~ations of the l'~nagement Co.~xdttee be received and adopted.
The ~nagement Committee also presented a reZort on the quotations
received for wire mesh for re-inforcing concrete for the Fdxing Chambers and
Settling Basins at the Filtration Plant and recommended that the mesh be purchased
from the Lundy Fence Company, at a price of ~653.84. ORDERED on the n~tion of Ald.
Mowers and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted.
The application of Gould-Leslie Company for permission to alter one of
their panel boards to provide advertising for the E1 Rancho [,~tel, located on
Victoria Avenue, opposite Victoria Motors garage, advertising a motel located in
Stamford, which was referred to the Property Co~nittee, was again presented, along
with the report of the Property Committee which recommended that the advertising be
permitted but that the sign cannot bear the word 'motel' at any place on the panel,
in order to conform~fith the existing City By-law. ORDERED on the motion of leayet
Hawkins and Ald. Brooks that the report be received and adopted.
The application of Central Notors for a building per,~t for the erection
of an office at ~mte~ and Victoria was presented for consideration, along with the
report of the Prol~rty Committee which reco~u.ended that no l~rtait be issued for a
one-storey building, but that a permit can be issued providing the height of the
building is 20 feet. ORDERED on t~e motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. Brooks that'
the report be received and adopted.
! 13
The application of Mrs. ~lla Mae Brown, 671 River Road for a building
l~r~dt to construct a 5-unit motel on the south lira~t of her pre~dses, which
referred to the Property Committee for a report, was again presented for consider-
utica along with the Conmittee's report, which recommended the issuance of a pern~t
provided that the construction is 4 feet from the south property line and that Kr~.
Brown be requested to put the Service .Room at the westerly li,~it of the addition
rather th.~n adjacent to ~iver Road. 0RDERZ'D on the motion of Ald. Kowers and Ald.
Morton that the repor~ be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
The report of the City Solicitor on the application of Mr, George
Bradley for a building and plumbing penmit for repairs and alterations to the small
building at the rear of 1~70 Cedar Street, facing Stanley Avenue, was presented for
consideration. Following the reading or the report, which indicated that in the
opinion of the City Solicitor a permit could not be refused, it ~s the consensus
of opinion of the Members of Council that in fairness to the residents of the area,
pernits should not be gra~ted and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. I~rtin and
Ald. M~rton that the report be received and tabled and per,~ts be not granted.
Carried, the vote b~ing - Aye - Aid. ~artin, Morton, Brooks, McKinley, ~Vhite and
Fayor Haveins; Naye - Aid. l,lowers.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Bayor Hawkins and Ald.
READ A,'~) ADOPTED, 6th. t~y, 19~7.
Council Chambe~
29th. April, 19~7.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Committee. All Members or Council were present.
The followin~ By-lawwas passed;
~o. ~515 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers end Ald. Mar~in that Ald. Miller be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-lawbe given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
i 1 i';
ORD~R~ZD on the motion of Ald. ].!cKinley and Ald. Morton that .~ul~ ?f (.":')
of the Stan~n~ Rules of Counctl be temi;oranily suslend~d and the h-y-lz,w b~, 31yen
the second ma~ng. - Carried Una~mously.
Reading - Aid. Brooks and Ald./.tiller - Carried ]'nani, lcusly.
The followinK Resolution was passed;
No. ~0 - McKINlEY - I.IORTO.'.' - RE.SOLVED thaC the tender of Smith D~tl.ers &~rstruc~.tor.
Company, LiW~ted, for the construction of I.X~nS Cha:nbers and [~[+linC rasin:;
Niagara Falls Filtration Plant, Chippawa, e, har~o, at a quotation oF 5132~36.93 he
accepted and the ~%yor and ~erk be authorized to enter inX;o a,~d deliw.r an aLreen:~,,~l
and/or contract for the carrying out or such work; and the Se~l o7 t,h,~ Cc~!orat~,.,~
be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanbnouzk..
Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. [.liller and Al.i. ]'owers.
E%AD Ah~ ADOI:Tf~, 6th. Mzy, !957.
i' 116
Council Cha:...ber,
6th. l:~y, 1957.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, May 6th,
1957, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of
Council were present, with the exception of Ald. Mowers. The Council, having
received and read the ..,dnutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion
of Ald. Morton and Ald. Brooks.
The follo:.,'inz Com!,un].cations were [,resented;
No. 141 - Dept. Plannin,% & Dovelot.merit - attaching latest sum3~ry of i~11 of
interest in Regional Econonjc Development Progranmxe. ORDErlED on the motion of
Ald. ~.ite and Ald. Brooks that the communication be received and filed.
No. U~2 - R. Blake Erwin, Township EnFineer - Enclosing plan and requesting
per~mission for emergency connection between water systems of Township of Niagara
and Que,;ns[on-Niagara Poulevard ~,';aterworks I~'ain. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Morto:l and Ald. Brooks that the co~nunication be received and filed and the
temporary connection be apt,roved, as recozm~ended in the City I,i=.nag,~r's re~;ort;
the General M~nagcr of the Niagara Parks Com~sion be made aware of Council's
SEE Re~ort No. 131.
No. 1/+3 - J. L. Graham and Company - advis]r~ of dispoy~ition of Debentures and
requesting further time extension re City's ten-year debentures. ORD~LED on the
motion of Ald. DHller and Ald. Morton that the co,mmunication be received and filed.
No. 1~ - Niagara Falls Badminton Club Limited - invitation to Mayor or representa-
tive to attend opening ceremonies and also invitation to Council and their ladies
to attend "open bowling evenings" scheduled for May 21st. to June 2th. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Brooks that the communication be received and
filed and the Mayor accept the invitation of ~ay 20th. at 2.30 p.m. and ascertain
from the writer as to a satisfactory date for the whole Council's attendance.
No. 1/6 - Canadian Legion, Branch 51 - invitation to ~nnual F~morial Service and
Parade, June 2nd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald. Morton that the
invitation be received and accepted and as n~ny Members as find it possible attend.
No. 1~6 - SoUth End Business & Professional Men's Association - expressing
opposition to any change in by-law number 5196 in order to persit further gasoline
stations or garages on Bain St. or Ferry St. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton
and Ald. Miller that the communication be received and tabled for one week for
perusal of Council.
SEE Petitions 1 & 2.
The following Re~orts were presented;
No. 131 - City Manager - reco~aending temporary connection between Niagara Township
Waterworks Main and Queenston-Niagara Boulevard Waterworks Main. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. ~brton and Ald. Brooks that the report be received and adopted.
SEE Com~umtcation 1~2.
No. 132 - City DfanaKer - reconm,.endinS at ;,,ndance of S. nil. is at El!,lir,.~ 3e:~ ,n
of the International I,~nici~al Signal Association Conveution at Zchnect~dy, i.kL,
9th and 1Oth. OXD~D on the motio~ of ~d. !~llcr :u~d Ydd. ForLos tb~t the
report be received and adoi ted.
No. 133 - City F~%naKer - recolmnendation re hedges throughout the CiLy. CiID.:;X. iD
on the motion of ild. l,!artin and Ald. Z.Zorton that the rerort }~ recuj v,~d and
tabled and the City I,Mnager ~ requested to list specific locations for
eratics on the forthco~n~ Tour of Insection to be herd on Friday, ihZ' ]Dth.
No. 134 - City ~.erk - recormaendi~tZ revision and consolids!ion of traffic
by-laws 3790 and 3791. ORDER[qD on the :notion of Ah;. 5rooks a,~d Ald. Ibrtan
that the report be received and oriole,ted.
No. 135 - City Clerk - reco:mnendi~E issuance of licenoes. CRDEI!+']D ,_m lhe motio,~
of Aid. Morton and i!d, Brooks thai, the rel;cr[. be received and adopted and licenc~,s
issued accordingly.
Laid over from the previous meetir~,[
No. 1 - Albert J. Pitts and 27 others - req,,estinS rep,~sl oC irovision=- of by-law
no. 5196, dealfinE with erection of service ~:t. aticns and l:ublic 6ara:Ses,
on Main Street.
S,E~ Fetition rjo. 2.
~e following, Petition was presented;
No. 2 - A.F.Marshall and 51 others - exi, ressing o~,fositie~ t.o any acLiun L}-:s.t.
allow further service stations on Main St. or !"{.rrJ~
ORDE}L~D on the motion of AId. Morton and AId. i,iller that the ~,etl tic, ns t,t.
tabled for one week For perusal of Council. Carried Unanil!lously.
oa,~ Cora~up_ication ]
DLr. H. A. Logan who was present, together ~ith reI r-:,entatives off t!,~ gout}!
End Business Men's and Professional iLen's Association, expressed the ,CLsh the
opposing parties would like to ha.re an oil;ortunity ef discussing this matter before
the final issue is deterndned by Council.
The followinK By-law was presented;
No. ~16 - To authorize the borrowing of $60,009,00 for the resurf~cing of various
pavements throughout the municipality.
ORDEP~]D on the motion of AId. P~rtin and AId. McKinley that AId. Miller
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the firs~
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORD~{ED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and AId. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
The following ~[-law was passed;
No. ~17 -' To amend By-law number 3790, being a by-law respecting traffic.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooke and Ald. Miller that Ald. Norton be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be ~iven the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and AId. Morton that Rlde 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Readihg -Ald. White and Ald. Mille~ - Carried Unanimously.
Ald. Miller re. ferred to parking restrictions which were put into
effect ~lhile the City Hall was temporarily located at Marconi Hall on ~Lagdalen
Avenue and was of the opinion that such restrictions should now be changed.
ORD,ZRED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Aid. Morton that the Traffic Committee
be requested to consider changing the prevailing 2-hour restrictions for 24 hours
a day, to a period of 7 A.M. until 6 at night.
At this time, His ~rship the Mayor expressed appreciation to the
Board of Education for supplying Council with tickets to the Spring Concert to be
held at the Collegiate Auditorium on Thursday evening, 1,~y 16th, 1957.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald.
RFAD A.~I) ADOPTED, 13th. May, 1957.
Council Ch~sber,
6th. May, 1957.
The Finance Meeting ~as held on Monday, l.~y 6th, 1957 for the purpose
of appreving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present, ~flth the
exception of Aid. Mo~ers. Ald. Miller, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts, submitted in the amount of $832,407.30 were appPoved
by the Committee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or othendse dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Mossy By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion
of Aid. McKinley and Mayor Hawkins.
The City ~nager's report on the application of the New York Central
Railway to erect a metal sign at their office on the west side of Erie Avenue,
at an estimated cost of $75. was presented for consideration. ORDERED ON THE
motion of }~yor Hawkins and Ald. McKinley tha~ the report be received and adopted,
and I'erm~t issued.
The City ~%nager's report on the application of John Walters, 1581
Murray Street for a building permit for alterations to the restaurant at the Rainbow
Motel, at ~n estimated cost of $8,000. was presented for consideration. O~DERED bn
the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and adopted
and permit issued.
Street for '~ bdll-'l~nL i"~'zfit 5, ..... ct ~ s~'~,~f '. ~ :v. ? y-.'n'g':"~ ,','
pr=~sented for ccnsicZ~u'qL~ ~.'. : - i'~- ,~' ~ .... :,f A] ~. j
The City l'Lan~lger'y reiorb ,.,n '.~ · sli!ic'-i~n of 'ilmumd C}:: f~r
permit for alt<raLj..~ns at 1020 C~.ut~-e 3'~re,~'~ ~;e the ~r,u"'l fl,~:r c~.]
a restaurant, wr, s iresspied for considh'ation. C'IDF~RI]D ',n []'.~- :::.~i~
McF~nley and ,~d, .~:ite that the ~lort be r=~cej ied ant! adc~t,'d an.i i~r.t'j_t is: cd.
~xe Gity l.~nager's rg~.ort orl the apl!icaLion of ib's, ills ~-o.'.,
Road, for a buildi~E 1,erl!!t to conyerE the c~5[i,;g u~lliLy ro~:. at
limit of the ~,iote! into an additional motel unjt~ at an estimat.~] c~.,~t
was presented for c~nsidera~;ion. O!{D;~L%D on the :..otlon of ~]:~. i.lcKi.,ley a,~.l .dd.
i. brton that the tel.orE be received and adopted a~d ~erl.tlt
The OiLy ~.~]aZer Dr~sented ~ rel o~t in con,~ection w~th t.b,~
cf a new water s,~rvice at 929 Am~oury Street~ wl:lch r,'~co:fr~e:]decl t~,zL
an ~lounb of ~/~0. toward bhe bill D~n,]erec] for '.hi:: ~ork. OllD;Z~D on
of l.~yor Hawkins and ~d. %',~ite that the relo~- ];e ~eceived and adoI:t~d, $arr~d.
(Contra~,-~d. Brooks).
The equipment contn~ttee's telerr recom~endln/~ the l,urchR:~e Of
~37, A.L~Ck Mi.meogral~h ~th cabinet, at a net irlne of ~,~1. was ~:.esemt,~d
consideration. ~DE~L~ on the motion of A!,~. i.lcKin].cy and Ald. L~orton tl',a~ the
tempt be received and adopted.
The City Treasurer's Statement of Comparison of Tax Col]ect~,ns ~or four
months to April 3Oth, 1957 was iresshred for consideration. OiDE?ZD on the motion
of ~d. l~rtin and ~d. ~ite that the Statement be received, given the usual
publicity and filed.
~e Oo~x~ttee arose and reported to Council on the motion of l.Ltyor Ha~tklr, s and
~d. l'~rtin.
READ AND ADOFT.'3), 13th. May, 1957.
"'~k~C im~n &of Fina~
air ce,
Council Chamber,
6th. May, 1957.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Committee. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of Ald.
The followin~ By-law was passed;
No. ~18 - To Provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and AId. Norton that Ald. [~ller
be granted the privilege or introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
.%j:~nI,AR KZ.:TI~Y;
ORDEF~ED on the motion of Ald. [~ller and A].d. h~ite that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Fartin and Aid. ~Kinley - Carried Unanimously.
On the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. 1,~ller Council adjourned to Conference.
READ A.~D ADOPTED, 13th. l~y, 1957.
Boara Room,
6th. Fay, 1957.
~e Conference Co~,dttee of the City Council assembled at the close
of the regular Council and Finance ~etings on Monday, ~y 6th, 1957 for the purpose
of considering the items presented to them. All Members of the Co~mnittee were
present, with the exception of Ald. Mowers. His Worship, }~yor Hawkins,presided
as Chairman.
After consideration of the items presented, the Committee adjourned on the motion
of Ald. White and Ald. Fartin.
PursuaIR to edjour!~nent, Ceuncl! :nc't at 7.30 i .m. o': !)today, ~'%- l~!: ,
1957, for the tu-i..ose of consid~:ing general business an,l fi,-._a.~c,~. A!] ~:~.:),.~.,-
of Council were present. '~e Counc!l~ hav!nL received
the l'revious meet. i,~d, ado['Left th~:~e on tke motion of
Tenders had re?:! called for tt:e SUl:i]s' ~f Unifo:'mns for it,~ Ul'~g-~.~.a Fnl~:s
Fire Defartment ~nd on the mo+i~n of Ald. ,"ow,,rs anl A],~. ~ZcKi,qe~y it
that the tenders received, ]-e opened, initialled b:.. :~!s :~ors.hii the Fiay.,-
A delegation was iresent at the meeting in counection with ~ be t:.'o ietiti.,ns
~ich Council had tabled at the ~:revious meeting, in connection with by-law numl,er
5196 governing gasoline service stations and garages on ~hin Straet and it was
ordered on the motion of fold. ~brton and AId. Hartln that they be heard.
~. H. A. Logan advised that he had studied herb petitions which had beer]
presented to Council and [,roceeded to !imke a comparison of o~mers and tenants whose
signatures appear thereon and queried the idea of whether tenants in the district
should be allowed to govern what is to happen on ~ain Street, heirS] of the opinion
that the owners of property should detenaine the ~olicy of the street, as they |lay
the majority of the taxes and are the ones whose opinion should be given consider-
ation at this time.
[~. Logan then referred to his representation of both the [lsener Estate
who desire to dispose of the property at the corner of Main and Peer ~d also the
Supertest Station, stating that the beneficiaries of the Estate are tied by the
by-law which is now in effect against the erection of additional service stations
and garages on ~hin Street and reiterated his previous presentation to Council for
consideration to amend the by-law only in respect to this particular property.
Ald. Brooks referred to the position of tenants in this matter and was of
the opinion that they have equal rights due to the fact that tenants a~y vote on
any question except money by-laws.
Mr. Peter l,hrshall of the South Znd BUsiness and Professional'Men's
Association also spoke in opposition to any change to the existing by-law, being of
the opinion that there are sufficient gasoline stations on the Fain Street; that
vacant stores occur in other locations also, and that business is improving,
Ald. Miller expressed his opinion at this time, advising that at his
request the matter had been tabled at the previous meeting for further investigation
on the petitions submitted. He stated that the two petitions are so confusing, he
would not allow either of them to sway his decision, an opinion concurred in by AId.
READ AND ADOPTED, 13th. May, 19~7. F~artin.
. EE CommuniCation i;~6.
or Aid.
The followinZ CoMmunications were presented;
No. 147 - ~,L Snyder - presenting otinion on the subject of hedges and traffic
hi-laws. O.RD~jRL'D on the motion of A!d. McKinley and Ald. Brooks that the communi-
cation he received and tabled until inch time ss a report is presented on the
suhject of hedges and the City Solicitor iresent a draft by-la,z on traffic.
No. 1l,~ - Chamber of Corn, acres - endorsation of City Traffic Co.:.,tttee's el"errs.
ORDEPJ'JD on the :notion of ALJ. Mowers and ild. illlet that the conm~,unicati:,u be
received and filed.
,':o. 147 - Crawford, Burley and C6:npan. V - re prc, l~osed by-law nmnber 551~, re
signing of cheque~ mechanically. O2D~]D on the :notion of Ald. l{orton -and Ald.
l'Lartin that the co.~raunication be received and filed and the :~uZgestions as
contained therein be implemented by the Treasurer.
No. I[0 - R.C.A.F. Air Cadets, ~!uadron 126 - requestir'~ use of football field at
Cakes Park on June 7th. As this commnicqtion was received too late for inclusion
on ._s evenin~'s agenda~ ~+ was ordered re%d on the notlcn o~ '~d "*~ and ~d.
Xcrton. 0~DEF~D~on the motion of ~J. i,hrtln and kld. ~iowers that th~ com~nuni-
c~tien be received and pef,3pped to the Parks Co:a~ttee ,,dth ~,c'aeF to act.
will allow further service stations or, ',<aim
ORDF, PED on the motion of A1.]. Id.-tin :-u],] AId. r~rock,; [h-d 1.be i{.tlh~li=
be received and filed and no a~tion t~ken with reFer,~nc,> tc the hy-la.. Sarri-d
Unanimous ly.
The fol]o~d~F. Resolution was |nosedi
No. 41 - MO',~Y~ - McKI,'~EY - RX~LV£D that the next reEdlap meet~e~ ~f Cc, u~cjl ~,~
held on ~esday evening, P~y 21st. aL 7.30 l,.m. and the Seal of t),~ Corl.oraticn
be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimou~=l~
Laid over from the previous meeting.;
No. ~l~ - To provide for the est~.blishlaent of a bank account an,] s'.,jnatur~s on
ckeques issued by the Treasurer.
Lsid over from the I, revious r. leetin.~;
No. 133 - City ZanaXer - rec~nendations re heigh~ of hed~es thr,,ughout the City.
CRD~I9 on the motion of AId. ItsrEin a~d Ald. :.rcrtcn tha[ the ret~ort be tabled
and the City Cl~rk enquire as to whether any by-laws .~Rh refer~r, ce to tki,~ subject
,~re in effect in other municipalities and failing that, as to what the telicy of the
municipality is, and a rel~rt be later subrAtted; and that in the near future the
Traffic Coff~!it+ee conduct a survey of conditions in this regard as they exist
throughout the municipality. Carried Unanimously.
,~.e follc~d~ Reports were presented;
No. 136 - Traffic Committee - recon~ndations re standard signs to advertise public
parking area; parking meters on Clifton Hill; cones for Falls Avenue; parking on
Clifton }{ill; Magdalen Street-2 hour parking; and elindnation of parking on F~gdalen.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton that the report be received and
adopted and that angle parking on Clifton Hill be at 37-1/2 degrees.
Ald. Eowers referred to the existence of a tripod sign on the sidewalk
at Morrison Street and Victoria Avenue.
No. 137 - Committee of Council - report on Tour of Inspection, lg items. ORDF~RE, D on
the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley that the CoMnittee's report be ~eceived
and adopted; the width of North Street in Item ~ to be 34 feet; and the directions
changed on the one-way street in item 12.
No. 138 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenoes. OFDERED on the motion of
Ald. ]~artin andAid. McKinley that the report bereceived and adopted and licenoes
issued accordingly.
No. 139 - City Manager - recommending attendance of Waterworks Suparintendent at
Convention in Winnipeg, June 17th. to 19th. 0RDEREDon the motion of Ald. Miller
and ild. Morton that the report be received and adopted.
I~id over from the previous meetinK:
No. 1 - Albert J. Pitts and 27 others - requesting repeal of provisions of by-law
-- no. ~196, dealing with the erection of service stations and public garages
on Main Street.
Third Reading - AId. Mowers and Aid. }U_ller - Carried Unanimously.
Ald. llartin, Chairsnan of the Nanagement Con~rjtL~.~e, rolefLed verbally
the quota'ions received for the valves and fittings necessary for th~ I r'~ssure
connections for the Village of Chipt~awa -~nd referr,d to t},e riagara rlur=~bind
Supply quotation 1,~ich was ~90. higher and ~dvised Lhnt it ~as the unanlu,ous
oLinion of his Co:amittee that since this was the type of valve already in use,
reco~mnended that the tender received from Niagara F]_u=!!bind Supl!y For valves and
fittings at a quotation of ~3,790.20 be accepted. O]~Dh~{SD on the i::otion of Aid.
Martin and Ald. Morton that the verb,~l relcrt and recoamen{:ation t,e n;ceived and
adopted. Carried Unanimously.
:,%T SC>,~ .T .ANEOUS
Ald. ~brton referred to a com,Llain received from a resident in G].e.,!v]nw
that balls beinc thrown in the plavin~ field ar,~ still reachinS his proIerty and
it is feared that d~age may occur ~o the windows,
..... ~.-j ,anaj~, advised that material is now on order for the provision
of a backstop at this field,
Ald. Mowers referred to two diseased eh.~, trees on Valley ',{ay between
Fifth and Sixth Avenue and the City Manager advised that action :.rill be taken to
remove the same.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of AId. McKinley and Aid. ~!;I
Counc~_l Cha.~ber,
13th. b~a,y, 1957.
~ne Finance Meeting was held on iJonday, ~.Lay 13th, 1957 for the Fur/ose
of apl~roving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Cor~mittee were present. Aid. l. Li!ler,
Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of ~16~,92~.54 were approved by
the Co~,ittee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, we~
ordered placed in the l.bney By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of
Ald. 1.bwers and ~yor Ha~lins.
The application of O. Aello, 1333 Mc~tae Street, for a Fernit to erect
a second storey Over a 3-car garage at his premises, which was referred to the
Property Coa, mittee was again presented along with the Co,lunittee's retI~rt which
reco~?.ended that no permit be issued.
A report of the City Manager on a revised application for a ]~rmit to
enlarge the premises at 1333 McRae Street was also presented.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and ~'hyor Hawkins that the
applications and reports be referred to the Property Committee for further consider-
ation. The rei~rts of the City ~hnager on the applications of B. Djosich for
I~rmits to erect a facet sign attached to the buildi~ on the south-west corner of
River Road and Queen Street at an estimated cost of $100. and an additional sign at
the intersection of River Road and Queen Street, at an estimated cost of $80. were
presented for consideration. It was moved on the motion of kld. Morton and Ald.
McKinley that the reports be received and referred to the Traffic Committee. This
motion was lost by a vote of 4 to 3; an amendment by Ald. ~bwers and Ald. ~hrtin
that the reports be received and adopted and permdts issued was carried; the vote
being - Aye -Ald. Mo~mrs, l~rtin, White and Mayor Hawkins; Nays - Aid. McKinley,
~'brton and Brooks. .
The City Manager's report on the application of Edmund Chu for a permit
to erect a neon sign at 1020 Centre Street, at an estimated cost of $750. was pre-
sented for consideration. O~DERED on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. Morton
that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The application of M. Vaccaro, 1705 Victoria Avenue, for a ]~rndt to
erect a neon sign, at an estimated cost of $1,500. was reported by the City Manager.
O2DERED os the motion of Ald. Mowers and ~ayor Hawkins that the report be received
and adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of S. Gampel, ~16 Queen
Street for a permit to erect an illuminated plastic sign at an estimated cost of
$350. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of tld. Mor~on and Ald.
Brooks that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The application of Chas. J. Dtodati to purchase part of Lots 106 and
107, Menzie Street for the s~m of $50. was presented along with a report of the
Property Commnittee, suggesting the form of stipulation to be contained in the deed
with reference to its use. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that
the application and report be received and tabled and contact be made with the pros-
pective purchaser to ascertain whether he is prepared to purchase at the price
suggested and to abide by stipulations with reference to its use.
Ald. flowers, a me:abet of the Joint Co~a~dttee, appointed to study survey
on possible amalgamation, advised that the next meeting of the Co~.ittee is to be
held on Tuesday, at 2 p.m. May l~th.
Ald. White, member of the Com.dttee appointed to study possibility of
recognition to employees of 2~ years' service, advised of the delay at present
while awaiting the arttst's sketch on the type of pin being considered.
.~]e Com:':!,il;tee ~zx,se ~!.n-] ,'e~c, rt-:,l 'n CeLt .eli a,! t, . t-r!, 7:;,2 7'%--:- }! ..,'::
Aid. :'.fcKin!ey.
READ ,\T.~
"OL;""CTT '
IPtk. f.la,y, ]-957.
The Counci] re-asser_,,b],ed ~t ~he close of the regular Counc"_l an4 Finance
Meetings for the purt-ese of Isassing the by-law which covered th,~ p-ccounts a~l roved
by the Co:mnitbee. All I.:embers o~ Council were present.
Tile foliowinE ~.-law was passed;
No. ~19 - To frovide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. 1,~wers and ~d. Morton that Y&d. }~],ler be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED od the motion of Ald. kowers and Ald. McKinley that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be tem~>orarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Ald. Hallet - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley.
Board Room,
13th. May, 1957.
The Conference Comndttee of the City Council assembled at the close of
the regular Council and Finance Meetings on ~bnday, Fay 13th, 1957 for the purpose
of considering the items presented to them. All Members of the Committee were
present. His P~rship, Mayor Hawkins, presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items presented, the Committee adjourned on the motion'
of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Martin.
READ AND ADOPTED~ 21st. May, 1957.
RH;_~UI,AR !.!ZZTI,','G
Corrci]. Cha!ahc, r,
Pursuant to adJourrLment,, Council met at 7.30 F.,n. o~ Tuesdaj%
1957 for the purF. ose of considering general business and finance· All
of Council were present, vjth the exceptj,n
received and read the mj_nutes of the l'revious ::setinS, ado~ted these
of AId. P~iite and AId. Morton.
l~e followin,% Comm. unications were l-resente{___J.:
No. 151 - Kiwanis kusic Festival - apl,recf~tion for 19~7 C-rant.
motion of .~d. Mowers and ~d. l~]ite that the conur~unic,~tion be r.~ce'ved an.t rlle].
- AId. L"rooks arrived %t the !e..'tin.j -
No. 152 - Boy Scouts Association - apl,reciation for use or Oakes F'wk. CRD£R CD
on the motion of :lid. Morton and Ald. Brooks th-~t tl,e co,L,unic~til~n be recc;.v~?d
and filed.
No. 153 - Sh. ut-In's Day Association - requestlnS pnoclaw. at] an. CIDi]iI?r,
motion of A3_d. Mowers and Ald. -;'{orton Lhat the conm:unicatit, n be r~ceived ~n,~' filed
and the proclamation issued.
o 154 - Catholic Women's Leaf, ue - invitation to Annual "*~ ORDXIZD
of ~d. ].forton and ild. ~ite that the invitation be recef, v,,d
m~ as flDd it ]~ossibl.,~
No. 155 - Crawford. Burley and Company - enclosiqi; financial report:~ for the
ended December 31sh~]956. ORDERED on the motion of AId. NcKinl,.%~ amd Ald. %~nlte
that the re~orts be received and pl-~ced in the hands of the Printer.
No. 156 - Ontario '~ater Resources Co,~/ssion - Fourth Ontario Industrial WasL~;
Conferenca. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and .4/d. Brooks that the corm.tumi-
cation be received and filed.
No. 157 - Bell Telephone Company - requesting permission to instal an anchor and
pole on North Street, west of Stanley Avenue. ORD!.]I.EO on the motion of AId. Mowers
and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and filed and pemission granted,
and the by-law be prepared.
$EE B.y~law l~b, mber 5~20.
No. 158 - NiaKara Memorial Band Booster Club - requesting permission to conduct a
canvass. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and/ld. Morton that the co~mmmication
be received and filed and perndssion granted.
The foliowinE Reports were presente__d;
No. 140 - City ManaKer - recommending attendance of Arena Manager at Course on
Arena Management in Guelph. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mor~on and Ald. Brooks
that the report be received and adopted.
No. 1~1 - City Clerk - recon~nending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. White and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted and licences
issued accordingly.
Laid over from previous ~eetinKs:
No. ~286 - To authorize the borrowing of $66,000.00 for the reconstruction and
widening of the road surface on Stanley Avenue and Allen Avenue.
Third Reading _ (as amended) -Ald. Mowers and Ald. White - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5402 . To authorize the borrowing of $80,000.00 for the renovation of the
Public Schools and Collegiate-Vocational Institute and to provide for
the issue of debentures of the City of Niagara Falls.
Third Reading - (as amended) - Aid. ~-brton and Ald. Fewere - Carried UnanDaously.
No. 5420 - To authorize the l~rrowing of $71,O00.O0 for the reconstructien ~nd
resurfacing of ~ridge Street from Victoria Avenue to Stanley Avenue.
I~ffrd Reading - (as amended) - AId. Morton and AId. Brocks- Carried Unanimously.
~e followinK By-laws were rassed;
No. 5520 - To ~rovide for permisslon to The Bell Telel hone Company of Canada to
place one anchor and one pole temporarily on North Street, west of
Stanley Avenue.
OI{DEPaL]D on the motion of Aid. i~hite and Ald. l~orton that Ald. Mowers
be granted the priorilegs of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried UnanDlously.
ORDER/ZD on the motion of' Ald. Brooks and Ald. l.brton that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and Ald. h.~ite - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5521 - To amend By-law ~mber 37~O, being a by-law for the regulation of traffic.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. 1.bwers that Ald. Morton
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. _ Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be teml~rartly suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. _ Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading .Ald. Morton and Ald. Brooks - Carried Unanimously.
The followin/{ R~solution was passed;
C~aino~n ~f Finance due ~o the absence of Alderman Franklin b~ller] and the Seal Df
the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
Counc~l 5djo]!'.:ed to '.l!e ~'~nr, nc.: Y/t .-b" '!.,-- :z'i .:, I~ ;I,'. k=..: . :-"
.R:~AD AI:D .'~DC']TED, 27[I..."by, 17~7.
Tile Finance Eeeti,~g was J,e]d on Tue'.;da.y, May qlst, ]757 For
of a~proving and also passing the various acco;~nts whlc.h Lad
and [,laced before them. tli .'.i6mhers of the C.'n:.ffttlee were
of Ald. I~E. 11er. Ald. F_cKir].ey, ActinS Chair!nan of Financ~, presided.
Sund~3~ Accounts sub,uitted in the amount oC ;'76,550./,O we~'e a~! roved by
The Accounts '~ubmi+~'ed being leesod or other~se dealt wiL}b were ordered
placed in the i(oney ~-law for presentation to the Council on e'he mct~on of layer
Hawkins and .~d. Morton. '
The 3tL~kary Of Tenders received for the sul_rly of Fire D~i.artmen5 uniforx!~s
was presented, along ~.dth 5he reco~r. endations of the City Manager. OllDERED on the
motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Mowers that the Sum~,~nry be received and filed and the
report be received and adof,ted and the tenders awarded at the follohq[ng q,~otations:-
Tip Top Tailors - Single breasted suits
Tip Top Tailors - Firemen's Caps
Tip Top Tailors - Officers' Caps
l'~rshall's Men's Wear -double breasted suits
~rshall's Fen's Wear -reefer coats
Gullions - shirts
Gullions - burberry coats
The offer of Charles J. Diodati to purchase part of lots 106 and 107,
F~nzie Street and the report of the Property Committee ~ich contained the stipulation
that the proI,erty is not to be used at any time in the futur,: f~r' i!:Ci.'! iunl d;~ellin&
accommodation, which was laid over from the previous meeting, so that the applicant
could be advised of the provisions of such a sale and the sale price of the lot of
$125. was again presented along wfth a communication from~. Diodati to the effect
that the terms of the sale were agreeable. ORDFaED on the motion of Ald. 'Suite and
Ald. Brooks' that the offer be accepted and the necessary agreement and by-law be
The application of O. Aello, 1333 McRae Street for a perndt to erect a
second storey over the front portion of the garage to be used for storage purposes
and to remodel the north wall of the existing building, was presented for consider-
ORDZRED on the motion or A!d.I.brton and Ald. ~Pnite that the rel,ort be received
and adopted to the effect that a p~rmit be.. issued for the erection of a second
storey havinG a width of 35 feet and a depth or 25 feet with the stipulation that
the said addition shall not be used for dwelling accom~nodation and that the repairs
to the north wall of the building be romodelled as proposed by ~m. Ael]o, and Mr.
Aello be made to understand that the run-ofF or water was to be as agreed upon.
The City ~nsger's report on tb.e formal application of Charles Knott,
1532 Spring Street, for a building permit to construction a mo~.el on Lot :,b. 5,
at the intersection of Spring and Stanley, at an estimated cost of ~34,000. was
presented for considerstion. O.~D~&B on the motion of Ald. Eorton and Aid. Mowers
that the retort be received and adopted and $'en~dt issued. Carried - the vote
bein~ - Aye -Ald. Morton, Mowers~ Brooks and ~'~fite; Nays - !.~yor Hawkins, Ald.
~rtin and Ald. HcKinley.
The Revenue and Zrpen&itures Statement as of l<%y 6th, 1957 was
presente~ for consideration, ORDE~ED on the :notion of i~yor Hawkins and ~d.
Brooks that the Statement be received and tabled for one week for ~uncil's
The Com~:dttee arose and reported to Council on the motion or Mayor Hawkins and
Ald. Brooks.
Council adjourned to Co:florence on the notion cf .'d I.
READ 'UJD ADOi"T!~D, 27t.h. l.~ay, 1957.
Clerk .
ray, 1.957.
~e Conference Cotmldttee of the City Council assembled at the clo~.~e of
the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Tuesday, Hay 21st. 1957 for the
purpose of considering the items presented to them. All N~mhers of the Co~r.ittee
were present with the exception of Ald, Nillet. His Worship, t~hyor Hawkins,
presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items presented, the CoL~!!tt~;e adjourqed on
of Ald. Morton and Ah]. Mowers.
Council Chamber,
21st. Nay, 1957.
The Goun~i! re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approvedby the Committee. All Nembers of Council were present.
Th.e ffollowlnZ ~.~y.-law was passed~
No, ~22 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton that Ald. McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion or Ald. McKinley and 'Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2)
~f the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - 0artted Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton- Carried Unanimously.
7~Eh~Y-~!IRD I.~ETIP~
Council Chamber,
2?th. l.~y, 1957.
Pursuant to adJourr~nent, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, I.L~y 2?th.
1957 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All ;%'embers of
Council were present, '~ith the exception of Alderman Fiowers. The Council, having
received and read the minutes of the previous peetin~, adopted these on the motion
of Alderman ],~ller and Alderman Brooks.
M~. T. Pester and P.~. J. A. ?&alen were iresent at the meeting and it
was ordered on the motion of A!d. McKinley and Ald. l~rten that they be heard.
1.~. ~ester addressed Council on behalf of the petitioners re$]esting that Bender
Hill be re-opened for traffic at Palmet Avenue and the reasons for this request.
Or~Z~ on the motion of Ald. [~rton and Aid. McKinley that the petition be
received and tabled and referred to the City Solicitor for a report on the legality
of such a move and if this is l.~ssible, a further report be obtained from the City
Engineer with respect to costs, etc.; and when all this information is obtained, a
complete rel~rt be submitted to Council by the City ~anager.
SE Petition
The followinK Comnunications were presented:
No. 159 - NiaKara Falls Lawn BowlinK Club - invitation to competition on ~.i%y 29th.
ORDE,ZEDon the motion of Ald. l,~rtin and Aid. NcKinley that the communication be
received and filed, the invitation accepted and as many members of Council and
their wives as ~,ossible attend.
No. 160 - Stratford City Clerk - resolution re suburban roads. CEDED on the
motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. ~.brton that the communication be received and
filed and the resolution endorsed by the City of Niagara Falls.
No. 161 - Welland County Flute and Drum Band - requesting donation. ORDED on
the motion of Ald. Brooks and Aid. Morton that the communication be received and
referred to the Chairman of Finance for a report to Council.
No. 162 - Welland County, Clerk-Treasurer - requesting appointment to WeLland
County Civil Defence Co.mdttee. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald.l:dller
that the communication be received and filed and Ald. l'~ite be appointed as the
representative of the City of Niagara Falls.
The followinK, Re]~rts were presented:
No. 142 - City Manager - recommending attendance of Waterworks Superintendent,
Assistant City Engineer and City ~[lnager to Organization meeting. ORDFIRED on the
motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Mdller that the report be x~ceived and adopted.
"* ~' ~ Citj Cl~r_k r~con~.:endi:lg issu, ~c~ of licenoes. OXDEXZD on the motion of
Aid, McKinley and ~d. FallloP that the report be received and adopted and licenoes
issued accordingly.
No. 1~+ - City Clerk - Stunmary of replies received from cities with reference to
by-laws regarding hedges. ORD~{ED on the motion of AId. Brooks and Ald. Morton
that the report be received and tabled until the Traffic C~mmittee has completed
its survey.
No~ 145 - City Manager - requesting permission to proceed with construction of
Barker 3t. Sewer. ORD~IEDon the motion of kid. Morton and AId. White that the
report be received and filed and pePmission granted.
~b. 146 - City [t-'~naZor - R~!sijn:~t[on as City Zrjir!..r n.? r. c-.::L., '=
l~. S. R. Price. CRD~ED on t.b~' .3L~o, nF AId. Nattin :~::,] %];1. ',).i~..
report be received '~nd tiled a~d ~h':' r~c,~n~,e~f ~:_i,~ ?~cib,j. Fig '>r~=]:'
Hawkins then extra?seal ~ilrecinti~n t" l~,-. Crr ,m },-ha!C sf t}'.~ ",'::~ r:= <,C 3~ .:c:]
for his years of service. [o ',]..e nm,lciFa!itj ~n th, cni'tcLtJ Jr SU, y ~ual u~ .......
~dshed ;.jr. Price ew, ry succes:~ in his ne:w Io
No. 147 - ~uiF~ent Cc!!~-d.ttT_e - reco~z!:erdatien re i;irchase ,'F 3(-tpl~ v~l,-er f, r
ol,:enings between two clear wate~ reservoirs. .~Id.
rel:ort on beh~!f of the ~tuilment Co~a-~tte,, n~cos~:.en{'ini;
Florin6 3ul-~ly Comt.ai~- ~mlte] For Jenkins' w~l'/,~c aL a i ric~ ,~f ;/b~.] .V". 1,-'
accepted. ORDZ'.ED on the ,uoticn of Ald. :-hrtin and ild. :[~.Ficn U.~t the tel oft
be received and adoI ted.
No. ],4~ - Negotiatin.~ Co:$~ittee - re ~ensiol!s rot ?ire Fitlhtnrs. A!d. 1. '~rtin
presented a verbal re~orL on l'eh~lf of the D~SotiatiniZ Cu.~r ll ! ..~ regnr{:in~ t' e
n~w set of rates which kave been l,laced in effect by ! ].c qo'zerrment Au:-,.~ities
Branch. He ad~sed that ~T'plicatior~ for the
}{~y 31st. and reco~:~ended tha'. t}:is t
of Ald. Fsrtin and AId. 1.~l]e~ that Lie
The follo~dnK Petition was prescribed;
No. } - T. Be. ster and 3 - requesting re-ol eninS of !}~nder Yil! ~t F~!m~;:. Av,-u.,·.
ORDZIP]D on the :notion of AlL ,'.%r't un and AI,]. IUcKin] ey ~ h~ t U?~: e '.i ti, n
be receiv~d ~ncl tabled ~nd p2Cerr~d to the City So2/ci~cr for ~
legaltry of such a 'hove anr~ ~ F thi'; [s l,ns:;il,,]~=b a fur'~er r~!o,~ be c. bt.q~n'.~ Or,....
the 3ity Engineer ~,dth reslect to costs, etc., and w] en all this
obtained a comi,le[e re]oft bc submit4ed tc Cuuneil }y tY~ City ::anader.
The foil. owing. Resolution was lasso(I;
No. 43 - i'IcKIhrL,'UY - r. CRTO.'J - }EESCL'IED that Ald. Jnm{.~s G. :,~.iLe I.e xi.,i olnt,.~d
.in. acting I.~ayor from .'-~%y 2~th. to June ]st. inclu~Ave, du,~ to th.? '~bs.~r=c~-, ,ff ilia
Worship Mayor Hawl<ins From the City; and the S,..~l of P-he Ccrl,,~rqt~on h,_: 1.er~.tc
Carried Unf, nim,~us~
Aid. l. liller referred to the fact that since ~ionday, june lOth, was
Election Day, it i,dght [~ advisable to change the date of the Council Meeting Uiat
week. Followin,j discussion, ti was agreed thaL a decision coul/~ ~ made a[ the
next meeting of Council.
lld. Morton referred to the possibili ty off renovatinj tl~ t}:lr:l fl,~or
of the Police Station to provide a n,.eeLin,g room M:ich could be used for
Traffic Clinic. 'rbe City r.~an.~ger advised that the }.~nage:r. ent Co,mtitt~e had
authorized that prices be obtained for the installation of an elevator and that
the esti~mtes would be available shortly. lie re~luested that the matter be left
in abeyancc until such tithe as this report has been subLmttted to the Buildings
Conmittee and to Counci 1.
The following By-laws were passed;
No. 5523 - To authorize the signing of an agreement with The Niagara Peninsula
Shrine Club.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and lid. ~-tin that AldJll]er
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading.. CarMed Unanimously.
ORD~ED on the motio:~ of Aid. Brooks and Aid. Morton Lha, Rule 36
(2) of the Standtag Rules or Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be
given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
l~ird P~eadinE -Ald. Killer and Lld. Brooks - Carried Unanimously.
No..~.52!~ - To appoint an Engineer for the Corporation for the City of '~iagara Falls.
OF. DE,LED on [,he motion of Aid. Miller and AId. !,?~rton that ll~.Martin
be .ranted the privilege of introducing the kS'-law and *In by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried U~animously.
CPJ),~TZD on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Brooks that Rule D6 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temponarily suspended and the by-law be ~iven
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ThLrd Reading C Ald. liorLon and Ald. ].~l].er - Carried Unanimously.
The followin.~ By-law was ~resented;
No. 5525 - To amend By-law :~mber 52~6, beixE a by-law to authorize the borrowing
of ~6/~,O00.00 for the reco:2struction and ~.,idening of the road surface
on Sta~qley Avenue and Allen Averole.
OI~DS-'],~'.~D on the :notion of A]_d. %~'~ite and Ald. McKin]ey that ild. 1.[iller
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDS°SD on the motion of Aid. ~rtin and kld. Morton that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be tem[orarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjoumed to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald,
READ ArD ADOFED, 3rd. June, 1957.
6lerk .... "' ' "j "
~ Mayor
T The Re'.,enue ~nd Exl,enditur~ Ztste~:.erLt
been tabled for one week for the 1~~] ~.f 3cun,3~], '-.~s ir,:~.'r~]. CXD-:'.;~ ~,r.
the motion of ~,~yor Ha,-'kins ar, d ~d. ;artln l! a'_ the '~'-t ..... b .....c,-'v, i ',:'-~
The Statement of P~].ief for t~,~ :,~ntL
consideration. OP~ERED on the :notion o~ i-~[,or
Statement ~ r~ceiw~d and filed ~nd Siv'm the usu'~l
The City Ma,:ager's ~! oft on t~ e ati,!'lt!ati~,u o~ "r. _. j. '{occc !~, ,'r..e'
a sign adve:'tisln~: Si~]ht 3~eLr'6 T~:rs .~L 13]( w'.a: ]r.q ,r'.L-d ','r c ~ ~L,~t",LL.h.
ORDZ~D on the ~Iption of Ald. ~iorL,~: ~" q ,'.] d. is,-'. ~ ;. t ~ ~i ( ' "~ } -.'c- i v
and adoi~d =~nd ie~:"!t !s-;u~-~ f~r 1316 F~'~'o' 3~ z'e~:!.
T!:e City 1,iz:nX~'r's re!orL o~ L~e a,=]i~ti,~,~ ." :d.. :',c~,~:~ ' ",* '-
erect an ad~itinn lo the r~,~r DF h,[~ stor.~ n', 7~3 Y-,r-y Z'r , ,, '~z: . '.'.::,',
cost of $(.,Oa~.On w% ; i re:-cnthd For cons~
I,icK~nqev ~n~ AlL gotten t'nnt ']-. r~i ,.-L ' .... ",,,~ ~.' ' = ",- ' '~ -, "
The Cit-~ ':'~ ~ .-' ',rote o~
.:i'ect ~ sic-n ,m the roof 5~ !~'~ir ~Lc,a'o~n.
.roseriteS{ for cor:sid raLicn. ,~l.n.Vi]D ',n !], t= . ti<,fl ,.,f ;2_d. 2.,.{'t u, a,~,] .%].l.=~{-,-.,kj
+ha~ th= r~crt be received ani] a{',o~ied
?.he City I.'anager's re~.ort o:: t.i;e al. llicati>u
perl:ission to ~rec[
Strev L cud Stanley Avenue,
of AI,L ~ite md ~d. i-'ort,~n that ~h~ rel ort b,~ r~cei-ed an/',,] ~i Led. C'~r:'i~:] -
the vote b.~inS - iye - A!~L :~ite~ Morton, eroc',~, and tiller; ~:~ye - a~,d. ~.t~rLi:b
McKinley and T.hyor Hawkins.
A co:m.."unlcation was received fro:a Tin. C.Y. Lindengcen, Fre~:id~nt t,r C~'r:t:'al
Motors, requesting that his aplzlication to erect an office- a[ t'.ue coroner of Hunter
and Victoria be reconsidered by Council. 02DE'.{ED on th~ m~,tion of ~d. EcK[nley
and l,~yor Hawkins that it be placed on th.~ ageado for conslderation. ~-~. Lind~udrvp
was l~resentat the meeting and on the motion of Aid. Hotton and Mayor Haw~i~s, iL
was ordered that he be heard. Mr. LindenSran advised ~uncil of the ~fficulties
he was experiencing and stressed the fact that an office bui!~inl; at this location
was an absolute necessity. ORDE~ on the motion of Mayor Hawkins an.] fieLD'orion
that the coxmnunication be received and referred to th~ r~1 crty CoB~ittee for a
further report.
The Committee arose and re[erted to Council on the motion of -"dayor Haw'<ins and
Ald. McKinley.
READ AND ADOPTED, 3rd. J~me, 1957.
Council Chamber,
27th. May, 1957.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, May 27th, 1957 for the purpose
of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. AllMembers of the Co~dttee were present, with the
exception of Ald. Mowers. AId. Miller, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $91,107.11 were approved by
the Committee.
The Accounts subntttted, being passed or othem~ise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of
AId. White and Ald. McEinley.
an of
'!!'!!' i 36
Council Chamber,
27th · Fay, 1957 ·
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance M~etings for the purpose of passing the by-lm~ which covered the accounts
approved by the Committee. All Members of Council were present, with the exception
of Ald. ~bwers.
The follovdng By.-lawwas passed;
No. ~26 - To ,provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and A]d. Morton that AId. Filler
be granted the privilege of intn~ducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
firs~ reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on. the ,notion of Aid. Morton and AId. Mdller that Rule 36 (~) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
~ird .Reading -Ald. McKinley and Ald. Brooks - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of ARd. I.brten and Ald. Brooks.
RgAD A?fl) ADOPTED, 3rd. June, 1957.
Clerk ' .~a~r
Board Room,
27th. ~y,,19~7.
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of
the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, May 27th, 1957 for the purpose
of considering the items presented to them. All Members of the Co~,~ttee were
present, with the exception of AId. Mowers. His Worship Mayor Hav~dns presided
as Chairman.
After considerationof.the .itemspresented, the .CoLviLttee adjourned on the motion Qf
AId. Martin and Ald. White.
READ AND ADOPTED, 3rd. June,1957.
T,f':UTv- F^ :' ? T!' ' ~? ""' "'~
Pursuant to ;tdjcun~,enl_, Co,.t:~cll Let '-C ?.30 i .::-. ,~ '-', us., , .: .-.,. q~'i
1957 for the putlose ~f ceusider!n~ 3cn-':"l b'!jLneLs aKd St' race. All :'em~,'r, cg
Council were present. Tke Counci!~ kayinS received qnd r~ad t, Le ~ru:,,. '.,'~ ~ ,-J ',~ ,:
previous meeting, adopted these on the mot ton of AId. ':ort.D,~ and ,~ld. 3rjok~'.
Mr. Fred Rowan, a merchant at 1435 ':ridbe Z',ree'~, -n5 lermltted tc
to Council on the mstlcn of AId. McKinley and AId, TTowers. He outliu,~d
affect on his business due to the installation of 'no larklnG' signs cn the north
side of [ri~e Street and desired Council to reconsidor tl.~lc action, and if,
support ef his request suggested what he considered qlternative ~iL~,~s of
this condition.
Y-~. ~orge Crawford oe Craw~ord's Tieat ~rket also ~fem'ed to the
elimination of larkinS on the north side of Bridge Street ~nd in Lie i~art[cu]af
case of eli~nated parking on the south si,,~e off Bridge Strew' across fro.r.
presses which served to aggravate the con~tion.
~r[ng the discussion ~ich ensued it was t.ointed out that the
Council in this rcga~l was duly published s_nd %t the ~ime when reconstnction
authorized it vas clearly understood that followi~ coral lotion or the r-~con-
stmction parking would be eliminated on one side off the street, the ~:orth sid,'
ha~ng been selected as the most desirable'. Ald. Nowors r~i~.ex-ated his previous
suggestion as to the possible use of the N.S. a T. r~ght-of-way For an a!terna'A~
hea~ traffic route. Follo~ng further dismmsion it was ordered en the ~,~otion
~d. Morton and ,lld. ~Xller that the Trqffic Cermnittee give s,.n,xe consideration to
the condition referred to on the south side oF Bridge Str.~et just east of Fourth
Avenue with a view to establishing at least one or two parking sI aces at that polar.
Carried. (~d. ]~rtin, B~oks and McFdn!ey - contrary).
The followinz Communications were presented;
No. 163 - Board of Governors, tinwell Hall - invitation to Cfficial Oiening of N~-w
Wing on June 8th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald. Mowers that the
invitation be received, accepted and as many of the Mewbets as find it possible
No. 164 - NiaKara Falls Separate School Beard. etc. - invitation to a~end B!essinE
and Official Openin4J of ~hree schools. ORD------------------EI,r~D on the motion of Ald. Marti:~ and
AId. ~4iller that the invitation be received, accepted and as nany of the Members
as find it possible attend.
~atd over from a orevious meetir4~;
No. 1~/~ - City Clerk - Sununary of replies received from cities clrcularized re
policy in effect regarding hedges and shrubs at str-et intersections. ORDZRZD on
the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. White that the report be received and filed.
SEE Report No. 1~9.
The followin~ Reports were presented;
No. 1~9 - Traffic Committee - reco,%mendtng that all hedges and fences on City
re rty at street intersections be restricted to a hei ,ht nCt in excess of 27
ORDERED the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. e~ite that the report be
received and adopted.
SEE Resolut, ion No.
No. 150 - Traffic Cocrittee - no recoL:l ~ndaLion r,
and Otter St. and reco~nending re~oval of mail box, raising cf Arena sign at t. Le
corner of raC~na].d
intersez~io:~. ~DE2~ on tLe motion uf Aid. lbrton and All. 13wars tL~L Ll.e reiert
be ~ceived and adopted.
,,% 151 - City ~ .rK - reco:~:.ending issuance of licenses. ORD~d;D on the ~otion or
~'1. L3rton and ~d. 3rookn tb~t th.: report be received ~nd adDpte~l ~n~' llcences
i~sue=l accordingly.
~e fo!lowi~{ Resolution was passed;
f:o. L/~ - I-:CR:~DP~ _ ~'U{I?Z - ~jr_KDLV%D LhsL all hec'ges m~d ?ences on 3iLy ~ro~.erLy at
street intersections be restricted to a height not in e;~cess of 27 inches; ~d t}:e
Seal of the Co~]:oration be heroic affixed.
Carried Unanimouslj,
B Y- L A
Laid over f~m the previous :neatinK;
No. ~2~ - To amend Py-law n,uaher 52P6, being a by-la',: to authorize t1:e borro'~dng
of 9~6,~0.00 ~cr the r~cons[m~ction and widening of the road surface
Stanley Avenue and ~len Avenue.
~ird P~ading -Ald. Mowers and Al~. ~ite - Carried Unanimously.
~e following By-law was passed;
No. pp27 - To establish and maintain a system for the collection, removal and
disl:osal of ashes, garbage and other refuse in the City of Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. 14owers and kld. Morton that Aid. ;¢nite be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
OPAl)EkED on the motion of Ald. h~nite and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sus/~nded and the by-law be given the
second reading.. Carried Unanimously.
Third Readir~ - Aid. Mowers and Aid. i~brton - Carried Unanimously.
Ald. Morton requested the City b~anager to present a report on the cost
of opening the road through on Hamilton Street from Homewood Avenue to Sixth Avenue
as he had had complaints about traffic on Bridge Street, being of the opinion that
if Hamilton Street were opened this could be made a truck route to relieve the
pressure of traffic on Bridge S~reet.
The City Manager advised that a portion of Hamilton Street is already
opened, from ~econd Avenue through be Sixth Avenue but it will not stand hea,~
trucks but would have to be rebuilt and advised that any costs reported would have
to inClt~de rebuilding of the entire street. The Manager agreed tosub~dt two
reports, one containing an estimate with reference to the approximate cost of
rebuilding so that a suitable traffic surbace would be established,
Council adjourne,l to the Finance i!,!'eLlr~ cn M:~ ~!, ,t ~ .... r All. :~.~I- ~ ,,: A]-:.
Mowers. '
READ Ar'D :!DCPT..vD, IOth. june, 1957.
Clerk ~ . k' . ..
]r,l. jlu:e~ l.°~7.
~D!e Finance k'eotin6 was held or. :bfid~y, june 3rd,
or ap~rovin,J and also passing the v~nious accounts w}',ich had he-n l,rcier]y
certified and placed ~fc~ ~he~.. All l.:emb~rs of the Co~rmdttee were bresent.
~derm~ ~ller, Chairnsn of Finance, ~,resided.
SundrF ~ccounts submitted in the amount of ~29,476.65 ~ere a~,rov.:.d bJ
the Co:meXLtce.
The AccounLs submltLed, being l.,assed or obhendse dealt wit. h, were
ordered placed in the !.forey 5y-law for ~.resen tation to ~he Cc, u.nc~l un the
of Ald. licKinlay and ~yor Hawk[ns.
~le m.,,luest of Central !ioLors for reconside~.ation oF at,ldicabion's '-'-rest
an office at },~nter and Victoria Avenue, ~,ich h~d been laid oveF
meeti~,was again discussed ab this time. AId. ~rmoks~ Chair:~%n ~f +be Frolofty
CopJ~ttee, rel~rLed ver~y thaL it was the consensus of ol.ixdon, that the issuance
of a retailers~, ~dt at this location, could be consideped, having a [!+ne liLd[ cf
three years. ~her members of the Council des]red Lo see a sketch before a: y
deC!SleD 15 ~'~d,>. ~D~ on the motion of ~d. ~owers and Ald. letter] that the
~a~er be referred to the Frope~y Conradtree for a further r~Tort and submis'~!on
of a sketch. Carried Unanimously.
The application of V. j. Rocco for a psrndt to erect a sign at 1316 Ferry
Street to advertise Sightseeing Tours, which had been referred to the Pro~.~rty
Committee for consideration, was again presented alodg '/ith the relorb oF Lhe Com-
ettee which ~co~mnended that a ~ndt be issued. ORDERED on the mellon oC Ald.
)brier ~d ~d. Mowers that M~o -eport be received and adolied and I en~t issued.
The appli~tion of Mrs. Anna Konkos for a l>cx~t to erect .~ ,joLel on par~
of ~qnje °2
~ , a[ the ]nt~r~ec[l. n c,f ~',biLson Sbr~L a:.d 3taz:iej ,,vc;:u,., ,4,1ci; h~,d
been referred to the Pro~r~y Co~ttee for consideration, was again presented
along ~th the Com~ttee's report which centSned a majority reco;maendation that
the application be favourably consideNd prodding that the ~rtion of land o~ed
by the City 83 fee~ in loath and ~0 feet in depth ~ purchased by the applicant;
and a ~nority reco~mnendation that the application b re~sed. O~E on the
motion of ~d. ~tte and ~d. Mowers that the majority reco~.endation be received
and adopted. ~is motion was defeated by a vote of 5 to 2, the vote being - ~e
~d. ~lte and ~wers; N~e - ~d. Morton, Brooks, ~in, Mc~nley and
The City ~%nager's report on the application of Anthony DiVito for
a permit to erect a motel at 616 Cataract Avenue was/,resented along with a report
of the Property Committee which recommended that the application be refused on
account of insufficient space. ORDERED on the motion of l~yor Hawkins and Ald.
~hrtin that the report be received and adopted and no permit be issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of George Chanady, 1797
Hanan Avenue, for pennies,on to erect a n:otel on the scuth-east corner of Ferry
Street and Clark Avenue, was presented along with the Property Comaittee's report
which recon~nended that the application be approved and the necessary amendment to
the by-law to designate it as an area for motel construction be drmm up. ORDI~RED
on the motion of Ald. White and A!d. bowers that the report be received and adopted;
This motion was defeated by a vote of 5 to 2; the vote being - Aye -Ald. I'~qite
and ]lowers; Contrary - Ald..'4orton, Brooks, l.t~rtin, McKinley and .~ayor !Iawkinso
Ald. Mowers in referring to the action taken at this meeting in
connection l~L)~ certain applications ~or ~crn:its for the er orion of motels,
questioned whether there was any use in referring such aIplication to lh~ ProperLy
Corm!zittee for consideration and stated that it was not his intention to ins~.ect
any other proposed locations, if Council intended to take this attitude. Ald.]-~lle,.
concurred with the Alderman in his ~emarks.
His "~orship tile ~tayor reiterated his previous opinion that motels
should not be established in business areas.
Alfi. Brooks ex~'ressed his el, in, on that preLosed mot~l n~ Ferry and
Clark would be an asset to the City as far as assessF_ert was concerned, but was
nevertheless not in favour of granting this ~nrdt until previous ap~!ieations made
for other sites on the street were given the opportunity to r~-a;jfly and have ler!!,its
D~e City Manager's report on the application of Steward :brine and
Sl~rtir:g Limited, 1970 Lundy's Lane for n. permit to erect a Flastic illulalnated sign,
at ~n estimated cost of ~0. qas presented for consideration. CRD~ED or: the motion
of AId. Mor~on and Ald. ].:cKinley that the report be received and adopted and ~ermit
CCU'2~. ilj~21'l~
2r.L j ,r'b ~,...
The C~unci! re-as.'~em] led a[ ~!.e r-lose of t
geetiDes for the furpose oF passirS the bj--]aw .4-: -:h =<voted U,e acz,,~z?~ .-;; r,r,'.mi
by the Cozmdttee. A~ Members of Co,.mc;1 were !
The follo~d_ag. E.V-la.,,' was .o.a.ssed;
No. ~28 - To provide r!onLes for general
be granted the brivilege
firs~ reading,. - Carried Unar,iFo,lslv.
CRDEPED on tke motion of i!d. -::o'.'ers a~d AI.i. !:~-,!,-,?~ thn!. !~uq,:, 2( (2.~
of t]!e Standing -Rules of Counc;1 be Le!:,.,,ornrilJ su.~.~end~d and t):e Lj.-l:w b.. ,Ziv, '!
the second reading. - Carried Unan!mouslj~.
~.:ird reading - AId. -"'fforLon and AId. I.:arl-in - Cnrr'i~d Un~,~i:,:o,,.s].y.
Ald. PcKinley arose
l.L~yor Hawkins as Vice-F:-~:sident of ~he Ontario i-layers' .~.nd Y. eeves' ;:ssocl;.tl., :.nd
was of the olin, on that Counc:'l shou]d go on ~ecord in l>ay[ng tribu[e to tL,.
for this henour to Council and the City of Niagara Falls.
i 4i
The City I"~nager's report on the ap!lication of S. S. Kresge Company
for a/:ermit to erect a racer sign at ~33-~3 ~ucen Street, at an estimated cost of
$~00. was presented for consideration. ORDE~I) on the motion of ,t~yor Hawkins and
Ald. Morton that the report be received a~nd adoi:ted and perndt issued,
~:e City K~nager's report on the application of T. G. Rookley for a
permit to erect a garage at 731 St. Lawrence Avenwb and recem~nending that the same
be referred to the Property Committee for consideration, was presented. ORDk~.ED on
the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and referred
to the Pro[~rty Committee with power to act.
The City Manager's report on the application of Dawson N. Benson for
a permit to tear do~ part of the existing frmm welding shop adjacent to house
number 1613 Victoria Avenue and to replace the building torn down with a concrete
block building, at an estimated cost of $20,000. which recomr. ended that the same
be referred to the Property Co~mntttee for consideration, w~s presented. ORDERED
on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. ~forton that the report be received and
referred to the Property Committee with power to act.
The CoMnittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. I,lartin and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 10th, ~n~, 1957.
The follo~dnE Resolution was ;a seed;
No. ~5 - I'-~cKII~LEY - F~DRTON - RF~CLVKD that the congratuls. tions of Cou:,c~l be
e~ended to His Worship, ~Layor Ha~ins, ulon his apl,oinbmcn! as V.kce-Fr~s].~ent ~f
the ~tario I<ayors' and Reeves' Association; and the 3e~ of U.e Cc. rl.,~rati. or: be
hereto allied.
Carp,e-'. Unanimcusl.,.
Hls ~rship the I~yor then reported briefly on his aLLen?ante at the
Convention held in Chath~ on }.by 2gth. to May31st.
Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton.
READ AND ADOPTED, lOth. June, 1957.
Clerk '" ' ' ' ~ .....
Council Chamber,
1Cth. June 1957. ·
Darsuan~ tc a,U. our:l~ent, Council met at 7.30 ~.m. on Mcnday, June IOth.
1957, For the purfose of considering general business and finance. /ll }Tombere of
Council were present. ~le Council· having ~c=~ived and read the ~nutes of the
previous meeting, adopted ~hese on the motion of AId. ',bwers and Ald. Norton.
The followin. j: Com. aunications wec~: ~resented;
};o. 165 - St. [iartin's Church - invitation to Dedication of Parish Hall, June 20th.
ORDE:%]D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Tiller that the invitation he
received and accepted and as many as find it possible attend.
No. 166 - rise Canada PaKeant - Tour of Niagara Falls and requestb~ City' s
participation in expenses involved. ORDEP~D on the motion of Ald. H. cKinley ~nd ild.
Brooks that the cormnunication be received and referred to the ~%yor, Chai.~nan of
Finance and City Fanager with power to act and submission of a report to Council on
whatever arrangements can be made with the Niagara Parks Cormmission, Chamber of
Commerce, H.E.P.C. of Ontario and the Sheraton-Brock Hotel with the understanding
that the City of Niagara Falls would participate on a portion basis only. Carried
by a vote of 4 to 3, the vote being - Aye - kld. 14cKinley, Brooks, Morton and Miller;
Naye -Ald. ~hite, F~artin, Mowers.
No. 167 - S. F. Shar~e -
No. 168 - G. & O. Hutchleon - requesting installation of a curb on T.hrray Street.
ORDERED on the r~otion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Korton that the communications be
received and referred to the City Manager for a report as to the costs involved.
No. 169 - John Broderick - requesting reconsideration of the application of George
Chanady for a permit to construct a motel at the corner of Ferry Street and Clark
Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Mowers that the communication
be received and filed and the permit be issued. This motion was defeated by a vote
of ;, to 3, the vote being - Aye -Ald. White, Mowers and Miller; Nays -Ald. F. orton,
Brooks, Martin and McKinley. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Brooks
that the co~mnication be received and filed. Carried - Contrary-AId. Miller, Mowers,
and ~ite.
At this moment, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. ~ite that
Mr. Chanady be heard. He stated that he only had an option on the prol-erty concerned
and had no time to wait until previous applicants in the area, re-applied for
similar pem~ts,
No. 170 - CalaEuiro Bros. Ltd. - advising of increase in the price of sand, lO cents
per ton effective ~y lst,19~7. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~]~.ite and Ald. Kc~dn]ey
that the conm~unication be received, filed and action taken accordingly.
~e fel!owip~ Reports were presentedl
No. 1~2 - Equipstent Committee - recommendations re purchase of a Harley-Davidson
8ervi-car and a two-way radio unit and the referring of the same to the Police Com-
mission for their decision as to the type of radio to be installed. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mowers that the report be received and adopted.
No. i53 - NeKotiatinM Conradtree - re request of Fire Fighters' Local ~28, for
revision in existing Pension Agreement. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and
'Ald. Morton that the report be received and filed.
to ,~nt,:r ir!bo arid /"'J, te ' " h;,-. !~ *:' :' ~
e ~ 1 %- l!,,l-':'_,.,h- bet';..,-: :'~.' ]:~ju. :- -:' *- ~-- '
Canada rclr,~s.~'.ed by tb. :<: later of L~:,.r -u:] "e ::~'1 '*'~' ' "" '-' ': c''
... ~ . __ .~
;ulr=uitF Co]:%r%c! }~Im1,eP G.~e~ lnd *'. l.-,l ~P '.~e +.,, ..... _ ~-, ...
Aid. :~.q~ite ref.crte,l verbally >P acL]c:! take,: tZ' ~-;~ ]']ah,,h,g L.:.:,*,i '. U
Co~::itt,-'e of Adjusb::~ent .'ln,] m:]v!se! Lh~l th:' 'T: -,atr~ Ft!I: LT,.:.fi'.u':: o,-,1 ~ .~ 11".
Ald. ~.~]fi. te 'qso rel=orted ,,'mbai!~.' on his atteLdance at the ;::~,~t h'.6 :,:Id
in ?/elland last ~;ednesday, by the ~;el!and CuuuLy Civil Defe~ce CrSm~lzaL:,,n
and outlined the ~Jrou!i~:g, and Lhe cosL: be t'.e nLu:~ic.!.~ aliLi,~s~ .'ad.C.~ip~ LhaL
Niagara F~Is will have be rai:~e ~1,!45. A res~luLion was drc_ftnl f,,;' s.fiL.L k:h.n
at the ne~ m~etir,g of the ~ounty Council after which t},e City '~.]]. ~e naLif= ,'d
and will receive a co!,y of the minutes.
Ald. Morton referred to the CiLy's use of Clcnvieu Ikial Club }'r~erby
and that to da! e nothing had been done to compensate the c!uh for t!:e u'.~, .by thc
City of their right-of-way.
The City I~%nager advised of the fee which Council had been prepared to
offer - an amount of $~0. but that the Club wanted $100.
Ald. Fdller referred to the hazardous condition of Ne;.~..,an due to the
seepage of water in the walls and advised that a lady received injuries and that
due to the fa~ing of rocks, others ~ be hurt. The ~dennan suggested LhaL
contact be rode with the ~parbment of ~ghways. ORD~ on the motion o~ Ald.
~ller and ~d. Brooks that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls co~unicate
~th the ~nister of ~ghways, requesting him to send ~ Engineer to investigate
the condition of these walls and whether there is ~y possibility that the ~p~rt-
ment could face the sme with concrete as a precautionary ~asu~. Carried
Ald. Brooks referred to Leader Lane and requested the City }~anager to
take immediate action to have tree branches trimmed.
The foliowinE By-laws were passed~
No. 552~ - To authorize the execution and delivery of a Deed to the Hydre ElectM. c
Commission of Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. %,lowers and Ald. McKinley that Ald.
Miller be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given
the first reading. - Oarried Unanimously.
ORD~]) on the motion of Ald. l.."cKinley and Xld. !,%orion that Rule 36
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the ~,-law be
given the second reading. - Carried Unanbnously.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5530 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for S~le and Deed.
ORD:Z~,~D on the motion of tld. Brooks and kld. McKinley that Ald.!ltl!er
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
O.RDRP~"D on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. i, lart~n that Rule 3A (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suq[,ended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unani:!:ously.
Third Reading -Ald. ]'owers ,and Ald..~icKinley - Carried Unmlimously.
T]:e ai_ll Lcati,'n ,,9 ~ C. ilo,'hl-y r :. -, isr-.Z.: :; , · .' -. .....
St. La,qre:lce .~v~nue~ :I}.ic!. 'c~s :'~f'L','~,1 [- t~. T:. . :..'.~ ~' ._ ,:' ~.', -'. ~11,: ] = ~
C ' ' ~' ' -' ~ ,' ':~ ': "'.
meetlnS, Was aga~E l. reseqL.~] ~I~'~L wl L! '>,~ .... l. · r.. - v.,,, .
0RD~ on the motion of lid. ~iew, ;.~ ;,: j ~!.-l. '.:'.~Le '~ 'x', [' ' 'r- 'L ~, 'c '~ ....'
and adopted.
The sl;!icatio,u of D. N. %uson for a l_ -r:::'~t ", ~:'tL n !
conepete block buLldinS ',djace.t to 151~ '&cbccl. Av~.::u% '~,lc:: ~',-' :,
to Lhe rr,i, le~y Cor:E~tttt at t?'me last meutin6, ...'as again i ':s..n': ! ~!:,,,.~ ~.l{' tl.~
Committee ' s report on their Oiscussl,m ~d [h th,' 'q-i ilc"'-:" v...,.~'rni::~ tL-. i <' f:
of reinGrinS the ~r~:~e iortion ,~r th'z !ui],dina at Lie ~-'ar of ~:t~ lc' .n
the s~ne wit> a one-storey concrete !lcsk struc'..u~'e m~d t2.:t tl., 'I ~ 1i
advise later cenceruina Lie d~,cisio~. CRD~ED c:. ~,L,~ :.,.'.io:~ of 114 T'.::~.oh
~d. McKir~ley that t!.e re~ort b,~ r,~c,:i,.ed ,tn'j fil~-] at,' lhe Sl[y l-'n':a~"' ~"-1"""'~'
to act.
The City Fsnager's re. ort ou
fgr a building ~r,~t to erect a dw,~!li~&
cost of $7.5~. and the re!oft ,." th.~ Proierty C,mu~Zt~e,-- Pcccn;,~.u,'!:,6 ~"al lT.e
~nlt ~ issued with the Irevision that
is kept at least two feel Frc:n U:e !inZt of ~h,~ Inn.. io,'.':te l <.n ~ ..... ~s~. ;['> ~,F
the lot. was ~resenLed for
and .qd. gotten that the ~ports ~- recef red sad a.lal. ted.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion cf AId. Howera and Ald.
READ AND ADOPT'ZD, 17th. JuDe, 1957.
T!:e City v.,hnager's reiort -:'u !he ai,!]icatl,m ,-'f I..~n
Simcoe Street for ~errrisston t.o er,~ct a ~r~:ae C~rAd,% And the Di!crt .,f
Prolerty CoFd:,ittee recotm.,endin~ ~hn'. the l er,,.L[ 1',] ref-.seJ l'~cqu~. .,r U~,.fTZ':!'nt
s~ace. was i r,-sen{:ed for consideratk'~n. C'~D'~ ou LL,~ , ~[.~ ,:. of Xlc
and Aid. Mow~rs that the r.~I ~.u~t~ be rec,;~iveJ aq.i ~,I~.. '..,.C.
The City lhnager's reierL on t-ks al!lic'R1o" of jack !'od.,
Avenue fc'r a l.el'~it, to erect a concrete block gar's6,4 abuU.[]l6 th
his dwellinS, the F~ierLy OonvitU,~.'s r.~port a.~ r~co:;>,en lntLe. couc,.r, ': ~ ' h.'
provisions und,"r '..:Lich said terrtLI. could 1~ is :ue-I nrv] ,~ sql.:,que~
City ~,hnager tLat the spillcan[ now l. Dr, iose:4 to ~,t'ez[, Lhq garaj,~
real' of his c>.:elling and on the sout'.~ lot line a,,d r co:.; ,'..xdi~:g the Ls: u-,::c.
the perni[~ were ~.I l_resqnLed for ceE:~kd,~at2.,p. C2DZY2D u~; the
Morton .rod/rid. Mowers Lltat the r,:i,oeLs L,-. ree.fi wd n..J Cilad ~clJ
of the City l.hnaGer be spl roved.
The City l,ianager's reFor't or. L.Le a~l.licati,,,~ of >h'. D. I]...:!'!.,, 1752 l>-~r
Street for a permit he enact a greenl:::'vse at ~.n estjmat2d cos[ ,,f YC?. ~n'i
reco:vz:ending the all:!ication k' referred to t_e Ii~icrty Co, ~,dtt.' :' .'iaS
for consideration. ORDEZD on the .totio. of ~d. ;.:oft,,. a.d AId. SPooks '.'
re~rt ~ received and ado}Led and the al, q',licat ton referred to ~Le Frcq,-;,t.
nittee for a m~rt.
Council Chmmber,
10t~. June, 1957.
~e Finance Meeting was held on Monday, June lOth, 1957 for the
..... x cc~.mts w!:icL '..ad Leon iruI. erly
~uri. u~e .2r a~p~,liuS and ~Is. t~s~in6 '~ various c
certified and placed befom theat. ~1 Members of t~ ~o~ttee were present. ~d.
~ller, Chairm~ of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts- su~ultted in the amount of $38~,777.2~ were approved by
the Committee.
The Accounts sukmitted, being ~ssed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion
of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Brooks.
The City I.hnager prose:etc,1 a rope fie on the ~,roterty ~t t!.e covn,_q'-~f
Cedar Street and Stmlley Avenue whec,~ 1.~. George Bradley *'as n'>~ ,..,~ve,!
into th, small buildln~ at the rear of 1470 Ce:isr Sire .t, al'zh~uS!l ~c::.,its l.ad
been refused for r,,pair!n~ the int, rinr of the on,~-storej Building aqd
inst~lation of p!~nbing. ORDT.~ on the ,~otion of ~d. Eowers and .~d. Er~ok~
that the ~port be received and filed and Um City ~lici[or be irstructcd
p~ceed with Coup{ action. Carried - AId. T-~artln-contrary -Ald. I~rtin i,~]icated
that in his opinion it was not advisable to ~:roceed along this c~,urs,~
obtaining the Solicitor' s advice.
ORD~ on the motion of ~d. M~r~In aa~d kld. gotten that the Clt~ ]IanaSer
fnstmict the San~',ary Insi'~c~or ~o ,drit tb]s t r'olerty i:z":e~i~.t ,l.:' '.nd ~rDC ih a
fu~ r~l~rt on the sanitary c~n~t.ko~,s uf t}z~ l,i'ol~'[y :4, i ~I,:.i[ -.
~ndi~s at the next meeting of Council. ~rried Unanimously.
%]~e request of the Niagara Fsl!s Horticultural Society for a donation
-towards the prizes for their Annual Flower and Vegetable Show tc bc he].d in
August was presented for consideration. ORD~ED on the ,!totion of >ayor llawklns
and Ald. McKinley that the comnunicatio:~ be received and filed and the request
be approved as in previous years.
The Equipment Committee's report on their consideration of Esti,~tes
submitted for the InstallaLlen of a two-way radio for the Fire ~q'artment was
presented. OHDERED on the motion of Ald, Martin and Ald. McltLnley that the reDor~
be received and filed.
The Nerobets of Council were reminded abc uL t!!e C.[vic Danehoot: to
be held at the Park Hotel on Friday, June 14Lh. at 1.30 I .h,. i:~ conjunctim_ with
the Canadian Fire ,vsrsha!s' Conference.
~.e Co.lr.:~tte,~ arose and reported to Council on the :.~c,tion ~,f AIC. '.L...:rs ar, d .arid,
..... ~ A..v .tDOP.~D, !7th. Jun% !~,-~:.
C!e rk
Council C}:aml~r,
lOMb. Jur:e, lP~7.
The Council re-assembled a~ the close of the r~galar Council and
Finance Meetings for the Fuci~ose of IassinE the by-law which covered the accounts
a~i roved by the Conradtree. All I,lembers of Council were t.,resent.
The followin~ B.v-law was passed;
No. 5531 - To provide monies for aeneral i~urposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. ].icKinley and Aid. I-Towers,that Ald.~i!ller
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDEI{ED on the motion of Ald. }~bwers and Ald. iI~%rtin that Rule 3~ (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. McKinley and Ald. F~%rtin - ~arried Unanimously.
Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Miller and Ald. Mowers.
READ AND ADOPTED, 17th. June, 19~7.
' ' ~yor.
Council ChamL\~r,
17th. June, 1957.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 }.n,. on Monday, June 17th.
1957 for the purpose oF considering general business and finance. All I(embers
of Council were present, with the exception of His Worship, ~yor Hawkins.
Enacting Mayor George ~rtin, presided. The Council, having received and read
the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid. l,bwers
and Ald. I~Hller.
The followin~ Co~nunications were. presented_].
No. 171 - Local Hydro Commission - re proposed installation of underground feeder
main on An~oury Street, etc. and arrangement to reimburse the City for replacing
concrete in sidewalk and refinishing roadway. ORDEPd~D on the motion of Ald. l~ller
and/rid. Mowers that the communication be received and filed and the City Manager
be instructed to prepare an agreement with the Local Hydro Couldscion as to cost
per foot, for replacing the sidewalk and roadway where necessary. Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 1~6.
MO. 172 - City of Woodstock - resolution to regulate operation of carnival rides,
etc. ORDB~ED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald. White that the resolution be
received and endorsed. This motion was defeated by a vote of 3 to 2, the vote
being - Aye - Aid. Brooks and Aid. White - Naye - Aid. Mowers, McKinley and Miller.
MO. 173 - John Broderick - further to application of George Chanady and subxmitting
a list of applications received for permits to erect motels in 195~. At this time,
His Worship, Enacting Mayor Martin advised Council that Ald. Morton who was absent,
was attending a Cancer Society meeting and. would therefore be late in arriving.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Brooks and Aid. Mowers that the communication be
received and laid on the table for one week until a full Council is present.
Carried, the vote being - Aye - Aid. Brooks, Mowers and McKinley; Naye - AId. Filler,
and White. Before this motion was put, Aid. McKinley and Aid. M~wers ordered that
FAr. Chanady, who was in the audience be heard. He advised that as his option on
the property where it is proposed to construct a motel expires to-morrow and the
owner would desire $11,000. more for the land, therefore under the circumstances
he could not wait one week for a decision. An amendment was then made by Aid.
Miller and Ald. White that the communication be laid over until later in the
evening and the arrival of Ald. Morton; the amendment was lost by a vote of 3 to 2,
the vote being- Aye -Ald. Miller and White; Naye -Ald. Brooks, McKinley and
Mo. 17~ - NiaRara Memorial Band Booster Club - requesting extension of time in
their canvass. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and McKinley that the com-
munication be received and approved.
No. 175 - Clerk-Treasurer of Welland County ~ re inadequacy of Probation Officers'
quarters and advising of plans to move quarters and the amount required from the
City of Niagara Falls towards this expense. The City F~nager presented a verbal
report on conditions that presently exist with reference to the Probation Office
and 8heriff's office and indicated that the final cost would probably be nearer
$30,000. than the $23,000. quoted but that because of the activities of the
Probation Officgrs' Department this would be more than off set ~y monies returned
to the County. ORD~tED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Mowers that the
communication be received and the County Officials 'be advised that the City of
Niagara Falls are in accord with the action taken; it being understood that no
allocation o~ the City's share will be made until 1958o
No. 176 - Sanitary Inspector - report and reconmmndation re buildings owned by
Mr. George Bradley at the comer of Cedar Street and Stanley Avenue. ORDEK~D on
the motion of Ald. Mower8 and Ald. Brooks that the report be received and tabled
for one week. The City Manager advised that an Information has been laid against
Mr. Bradley.
The following Reports were presented~
No. 156 - City Manager - re proposal of the local hydro commission for underground
feeder main on Armoury St. etc. and recon~nending that the method of installation
be appreved. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Mowers that the report
be received and adopted. ~ -
SEE Conmmnication 171
Me. 157 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion
of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Miller that the report be received and adopted and licences
issued accordingly.
Ald. Miller referred to traffic conditions on Bender Hill where cars
are parked, due to the introduction of a parking fee to use the Sheraton-Brock
Hotel parking lot and it was moved by Ald. Miller, seconded by Aid. White that no
parking be established on the north side of Bender Hill from Falls Avenue to the
Michigan Central right-of-way. Carried Unanimously.
- Aid. Morton arrived at the meeting -
Mr. Nicholas Mizibrocky, 1913 Buchanan Avenue, who was present at the
meeting was permitted to speak to Council on the motion of Ald. White and Ald.
McKinley. He indicated that there was an apparent misunderstanding as to his
desires with reference to his property at the rear of the Niagara Plumbing Supply
and on the west side of Buchanan Avenue and expressed the view that he was not
receiving co-operation. It was clearly pointed out to Mr. l&izibrocky that if he
cared to re-submit plans or a rough sketch of what was proposed, consideration
would be given. Following further discussion it was ordered that the Property
Committee view the location, discuss the matter with Mr. Mizibrocky and report
to Council. Carried Unanimously.
The follo~in~ B.v-law was presented;
No. 5532 - To authorize the borrowing of $30,000. for the installing of an elevator
in and necessary alterations to the Police Administration Building.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald. Mowers that Ald. Miller
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Brooks that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
The City MAnager advised Council concerning the saving that could be
derived by taking advantage of the purchase of the proposed elevator in the Police
Administration Building from the Otis-Benson Elevator Company; as their business
is slack a reduction of 8% on the purchase price would be'allowed if the order is
immediately placed and delivex7 of the elevator would be cut down from 6 to ~ and
1/2 months at a saving of $1,370. The 'City Manager advised that the Elevator
Company are Prepared to accept our order subject to approval of the by-law by the
Ontario Menicipal Board. ORDERE~ on the motion of AId. Mowers and AId. Brooks that
in view of the two readings of by-law ~532 and in view of the verbal report~ the
City Monaget be authorized to purchase the elevator from 0tis-Bonson Company, with
the provisions that failure to receive approval of the Ontario ~Anicipal Board will
mean cancellation of our 'order. Carried Unanimously.
Ald. Miller, Chairman of Finance, referred to the communication from
the Secretary of the 'Welland County Flute and Dn~m Band, requestinZ a contribution
from the City Council towards the costs of the Celebration off the Relief of London-
aletry, scheduled for August 1Oth. in Niagara Falls, which had been referred to him
for consideration and a report and moved a motion which was seconded by Aid. Morton
that a contribution in the amount of ~2OO. be made towards this cause.
The benefit to merchants in the area because of the presence of this
celebration was discussed by Council; also the precedent which would be set, was
considered. The motion was lest by a vote of 5 to 2, the vote being - Aye, tld.
Miller, and Morton; Naye- Ald. Brooks, McKinley, Mowers and Ald. ~hite and
Enacting Mayor Fartin.
Ald. Miller, Chairman of Finance, also referred to the communication
from Miss Canada Pageant, soliciting assistance from Council with reference to a
side trip to Niagara FaLls when the Pageant participants are in Hmnilton, which
had been referred to a committee consisting of the Mayor, Chairman of Finance and
the City Manager, and stated that he himself was not in fayour of approaching the
Parks Commission, Chamber of Commerce, H.E.P.C. of Ontario and the Sheraton-Brock.
Hotel, to share in the cost of probably $150. ORDEED on the motion of Ald.l'~nite
and Ald. Mowers that co,~,unication no. 166 be received and filed; Carried;
(AId. Miller-contrary).
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald.
READ A~ ADOPTED, 24th. June, 1957.
Enacting I,~yor.
Council Chamber,
17th. June, 1957.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, June 17th, 1957 for the purpose
of appreving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All Members of the Com~.ittee were present, with
the exception of Mayor Hawkins. Alderman Miller, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $73,756.~5 were apprsved by
the Committee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or othez'~ise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion
of Ald. McKinley and AId. Mowers.
The application of D. Pieano, 1752 Peer Street, for a building permit
to erect a grsanhouse, which had been referred to the Property Committee, was
again presented along with the Proparty Committee, s recommendation that a permit
be issued with the stipulation that the greenhouse cannot be used for commercial
purposes.at any time. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. McKinley that
the reports be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of Mrs. M. K. Fuller,
for a building permit to erect an addition to 930 Sirecoo Street, at an estimated
cost of $9,000. was presented along with the Property Committee's report recom-
mending issuance of the permit. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald.
McKinley that the reports be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager' s report on the application of Mrs. A. Overfield,
dwelling at an estimated cost of presented along with a report of the
Property Committee recon~aending that the proposed addition be constructed of
concrete block as the premises are located in the Fire Area. ORD~RED on the
motion of Ald. White and Ald. Morton that the reports be received and adopted.
4i; '~i~ The City Manager's report on the application of Macklein Motors for a
po t to erect a sign on Lot No. 12, at an estimated cost of $400. was presented.
!~i ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mowers that the report be received
,, and adopted and permit granted.
i i The Property Committee's report on their inspection of the carport
i i presently under construction at 1~+9 Stanton Avenue and recommending that the walls
.: as erected with a height of five concrete blocks is satisfactory and the construct-
i.. ion of the balance of the work proceeded with, was presented for consideration.
!!!~ ORD~ on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Morton that the report be received
:~ and adopted.
The City Manager's report and recommendation that the Contract for
the supply of liquid chlorine for the Water Filtration Plant be renewed with
Canadian Industries, at the price quoted, as it is identical with the price paid
at the present time, was presented for consideration. ORDEE on the motion of
Ald. F~rton and Ald. White that the report be received and adopted.
The City Manager's report advising of considerable cracking to the
inside of the sidewalk on the south side of Park Street where the 72-inch sewer is
being constructed and the necessity of installing sheeting and walers, was presented
for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Brooks that the
report be received and adopted.
The Statement of Relief as of FAy, 1957 was presented for consideration.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley that the report be received,
filed and the usual publicity given.
Council Chamber,
17th. June, 1957.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Committee. All Members of Council were present, with the exception
of His Worship Mayor Hawkins. Enacting Mayor 1.~rtin presided.
The following By-law was passe~;
No. 5533 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Filler that Ald. Miller
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Brooks that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Ald. Brooks - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Miller.
RF. ADANDADOPTED, 24th. June. 1957.
Enacting M~yor
Ald. Brooks, Chairman of the Property Committee, referred to the recent
request from Central Motors for reconsideration of their application to erect an
office at the corner of Hunter Street and Victoria Avenue, which had been referred
back to the Property Committee for a further report and submission of a sketch.
The Alderman passed the sketch around for the perusal of Council at this time.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Brooks and Ald. White that the building permit be
granted on a year to year basis. Carried Unanimously.
The Committee arose and reported to 0ouncil on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId.
READ AND ADOPTE~, 24th. Ju~e, 1957.
Board Room, ,,
17th. june, 1957.
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of
the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, June 17th, 1957 for the
purpose of considerin~ the items presented to them. All Members of the Committee
were present, with the exception of Mayor Hawkins. Enacting ~yor Martin presided
as Chairman.
After consideration of the items presented, the Committee adjourned on the motion of
AId. Brooks and Ald. Mowers. '
AmenD,Jun., 19 7.
~ ' ~"'
Council Chamber,
21~th. June, 1957.
PUrsuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, June 24th.
1957 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of
Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid. Brooks and Aid. Miller.
Tenders had been called for the rental of conetruction equipment and it
was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley that the tenders received
be opened, initialled by His Worship the Ma~ur and tabulated.
Laid over from a previous meetinK;
No. 52 - Thomas Blakemore - requesting construction of a sidewalk in front of the
premises known as 10~2 Hamilton Street. ORDerED on the motion of Ald. Morton and
Aid. Brooks that the conmmmication be received and filed and the request granted.
Carried by a vote of 5 to 2; (Contrary-Aid. Mowers and White).
SEE Report No.158.
SEE Resolution ~8.
No. 167 - S. F. Sharpe - requesting installation of curbing adjacent to his property
abutting Fmrray Street.
No. 168 - G. & L; Hutchison - requesting installation of curbing adjacent to his
property ab~tting Nutray Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald.
Brooks that these communications be considered together. ORDERED on the motion of
Aid. Miller and Ald. Martin that the comn,,nications be received and requests granted.
Carried, by a vote of 5 to 2; Contrary-Aid. White and Brooks.
SF~ Reports No. s. 159-161
~-~ Resolution Number ~9.
No. 173 - John Broderick - re George Chanady' s application for a permit to erect a
motel at the corner of Ferry Street and Clark Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
White and Aid. Mowers that the communication be received and the permit granted;
final plans to be submitted at a later date. This motion was defeated by a vote of
~ to 3, the vote being -Aye-Aid. White, Mowers and Miller; Nays -Ald. Brooks,Martin,
McKinley and Morton. In the discussion held prior to the putting of the motion, the
various Members of Council reiterated their previous stand with reference to the
motel situation.
Ms. 176 - Sanitary Inspector - report on 1~70 Cedar Street buildings. O~ERED on
the motion of Aid. Mar'tin and Ald. McKinley that the communication be laid on the
table. - Carried Unanimously.
The followinA~ Communications ware presented;
No. 177 - Matthews and Matthews - requesting removal of a tree at 10~3 Centre Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Morton that the communication be
received and referred to the Property Committee and the City Manager for a report
and recommendation.
No. ' 178' ' Y;M.C;A;' - reqUesting use of Mmlicipal Pools. · Aid, .McKinley, Chairman of.
'the Parks Comm~ tree reported verbally on his Committee' s unanimous opinion to approve
this request. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Martin that the com-
munication be received and filed and permission granted, as in previous years.
No. 179 - Niaxara Memorial Ban~ - requesting use of cakes Park. ORDERED on the
motion of AId. Miller and AId. White that the communication be received and referred
to the Parks Committee with power to act.
No. 180 - ~tinister of Highways - requesting co-operation in forthco~:fi. ng study
engineering requirements on streets. 0RDEtED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and
Ald. McKinley that the comalunication be received and the Engineering staff and
the City ~ianager be instructed to co-op,~.rate.
No. 181 - Clerk-Treasurer of Welland County - requesting passing of a ]>/-law t,~
establish a Civil Defence Co.,"tmittee. O~D~]LED on the notion of Ald. Morto:~ and
Aid. 'A~qite that the communication be received and the necessary by-law he
The followin~ Reports we~ presentedI
No. 158 - City I~anager - concrete sidewalk on the south side of H~,dlton Str~;.~*
between Third Avenue and Fourth Avenue. 0RD~ED on the moilon of Ald. Ko~lon and
~d. Brooks that the ~port be received ~d adopted add work preceede0 with.
Carried. Uontrary- ~d. ~,~ite and PZowers.
S:~S Resolution No.Y+~.
No. 159 - City ManaKer - curb and gutter on north side of Eurray Str~et between
Pine G~ve Avenue and Dawlish Avenue.
No. 160 - City l~naKer - curb and gutter on north side of Idurray Street between
Dawlish Avenue and Dmond Road.
No. 161 - City }~naKer - concrete sidewalk on north side of ~.l[rray Street between
Orchard Avenue ~d Pine Grove Avenue. ORDER~]D on the motion of ~d. i,X1]er and
~d. ~in that the re~rts be ~ceived and adopted and work proceeded with.
Carried, by a vote of 5 to 2; (Contra~-~d.~ite and Brooks).
SEE Resolution No.4?.
No. 162 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenoes. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. McKinley and Aid. Martin that the report be received and adopted and licences
issued accordingly.
The followinK Resolutions were passed;
No. ~8 - MORTON - BROOKS . RESOLVED that Report Number 158 for the construction of
a four-foot concrete sidewalk on the south side of Hamilton Street between Third
Avenue and Fourth Avenue be adopted and the work proceeded with; and the Seal of
the Corporation be hereto affixed.
(Aid. White and Aid. Mowers-contrary) Carried
No. A9 - MiLI.m.R _ MARTIN . RESOLVED that Report Number 159 for the construction
of a concrete curb and gutter on the north side of }~rray Street between Pine
Grove Avenue and Dawlish Avenue; Report Number 160 for the construction of a
concrete curb and gutter on the north side of Murray Street between Dawlish Avenue
and Drummond Read; Report Number 161 for the construction of a four-foot concrete
sidewalk on the north side of Norracy Street between Orchard Avenue and Pine Grove
Avenue, be adopted and the work proceeded with; and the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed.
(AId. White andAId. Brooks-contrary). Carried
No. 50 - MORTON - MOWerS . RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the City
Council be held on Tuesday, at 7.30 p.m. July 2rid, 1957 and the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
Ald. McKinley referred to his recent representation of His Worship
the Mayor at the Rose Show of the Horticultural Society and the request made by
the officials that public appreciation be expressed to the City Council for the
space which had been made available to the children, in Fairview Cemetery for
their garden plots and that Council be made aware of the co-operation received
from the City Fmager and the facilities which were made readily accessible.
His Worship M~yor Hawkins expressed appreciation to Alderman McKinley
and also to Alderman Martin for representing him during his absence from the City.
His Worship the ~%yor gave a brief resume of his recent attendance
at the Convention held at }~%nor Richelieu in Quebec of the Canadian Federation of
Fayors and Municipalities, which was very successful. He outlined the outstanding
subjects which were brought to the delegates~ namely Grade Crossing financing and
the fact that a brief will be presented to the Federal Gover~nent for a possible
increase; National Housing Act and the problems faced by all Provinces, for which
a brief will also be presented to the Federal Government; Telephone and Fire Alarms,
this subject to be referred back to the Executive for further investigation and
study; and Education, the possibility of the Provincial Governments and the
municipalities presenting a brief to the Federal Govermuent, strongly desiring
Grants to assist them, the Mayor pointed out however that the ~mnicipalities fear
losing their autohoney but feel that the major governments should be responsible..
The followin~ By-law was passed:
No. 553~ - To amend By-law. Number 3790, being a by-law for the regulation of traffic.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~.b~srs and Ald. Martin that AId. Morton be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and AId. Miller that ~ale 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the
second time. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and Ald. Miller - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of AId. Far~in and AId.
READ AND ADOFrED, 2nd. July, 19~7.
Council Cham. ber,
2~th. June, 1957.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, June 2l~th, 1957 for the purpose
of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Ald. ~lller,
Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $32,266.85 were ap] roved by
the Committee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion
of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. ~bwers.
The City Manager's report on the application of Mrs. J. ~cartney, 929
Armoury Street for a building permit to tear down a fr~e garage and replace the
same with a carport on the east side of the brick veneer dwelling and to construct
a storage shed on the east side of the dwelling, at an estimated cost of $300.
was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald.
Morton that the report be received and adopted and application referred to the
Property Committee with power to act.
The City Manager's report on the application of Sheraton Hotels Limited
for a permit to erect a neon sign at the Foxhead Hotel at an estimated cost of
$350. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and
AId. Brooks that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
At this time, the City ]~anager presented a verbal report ~n an application
which had been made by Mr. Fiorentino late this afternoon. OPd)ERED on the motion
of ~yor and AId. F~wers that the report be heam~. The application was for the
removal of a one and a half storey frame dwelling from 1291 Ottm~a Street to Lot
291; and the enlarging of the existing concrete block garage into a five car
garage located at 1291 Ottawa Street, the garage to be joined to the north side
of the Poultry Shop located at 1299 Ottawa Street. ORDEPd~) on the motion of Ald.
McKinley and Ald. {~rton that the verbal report be received and referred to the
Property Committee for a report.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the ,notion of Ald. White and AId.
READ AND ADOPTED, 2nd. July, 19~7.
Council Chamber,
24th. June,195?.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-lawwhich covered the accounts
approved by the Committee. All Members of Council were present. Mayor Hawkins
The follov~_ng By-law was passed;
No. 5535 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley that Ald. Miller
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the let.
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of ald. Morton and Ald. Brooks that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read
the second time. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Aid. McKinley - Carried Unanimously.
Before adjournment to Conference, Ald. Miller stated that in future
he does not intend to sit in on Conference proceedings, unless his presence iS
warranted because of citybusiness dealing with employees. The Alderman gave as
his reason for this action, because a confidential matter which later became
public knowledge, placed him in an embarrassing position.
Council adjourned to Conference On the motion of AId. Mowers and Ald. Morton.
· READ A~H) ADOPTED, 2rid. July, 1957.
Clerk _ Mayor
Board Room,
2~th..June, 1957.
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of
the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, Jane 2~th, 19~7 for the purpose
of considering the items presented to them. All Members of the Committee were
present, with the exception of Ald. MiLler. His Worship, Nayor Hawkins, presided as
Chai m~n.
After consideration of the items presented, the Committee adjourned on the motion of
Ald. Mewere and AId. NaFein.
O1 erk
Council Chamber,
2nd. July, 1957.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 2nd.
1957, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members
of Council were present. The Council, having received s~d read the minutes of
the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Brooks and AId. Morton.
Laid over from a previous meetinK;
No. 177 - Matthews and Matthews - requesting removal of tree in front of lO&3
Centre Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. Miller that the
communication be received and filed and the request granted.
SE Report No. 16~
The foliowinE Communications were presented;
No. 182 - E. A. Thomas - objecting to sidewalk construction on north side of Murray
No. 183 - J.B. Meats - objecting to sidewalk construction on north side of l,Mrray St.
ORD~ZED on the motion of Aid. Brooks and Ald. Miller that these two items be con-
sidered together. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Aid. Morton that the
communications be received and filed and the work be not proceeded with. Ald. Brooks
then moved that curbs and gutters be constructed on one block only on the north side
of Murray Street bet~en Dawlish Avenue and Pinegrove Avenue, at the present time.
This motion was not seconded.
No. 18~ - Fdnister of HiEhways - re Newman Mill. ORDERED on the motion of Aid.
Filler and Ald. ~rtin that the co~msunication be received and filed.
No. 185 - Deputy Reeve of ChiDDawa - attaching copy of letter to Hydro-Electric
Power Commission re dangerous conditions e~isting near the Hydro intake. O~DZt~ZD
on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. l,~rLin that the co~nunication be received,
filed and endorsed and the endorsation be forwarded to the parties being contacted.
No. 186 - leaan and Scott - on behalf of the Greater Niagara Tourist Court Assoc.
re additional motels. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald. Morton that
the co~mmnication be received and filed.
-Ald. Mowers arrived at the meeting -
The follo~dnE Reports were presented:
No. 163 - Proi~rty Committee - recommending removal of tree at 10~3 Centre Street.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Miller that the report be received
and adopted.
No. 164 - City ~nazer and City Solicitor - re opening of Bender Hill. ORDERED on
~he motion of Ald. ~lller and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and tabled
for one week for the perusal of Council end that a copy of the re~ont be foF~arded
to Mr. Bester.
No. 165 - Traffic Committee - seven recommendations. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Morton and Ald. White that the report be received and adopted.
Me. 166 - City Clerk - recom~aending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Morton and Ald. Miller that the report be received and adopted and licences
· issued 'accordingly.
No. 167 - City MAnaRer - recommending tenders for filter equipment be ol~ned by
His Worship the Nayor and the Chairman of Finance. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Mowers and Ald. Morton that the repox~ be received and adopted.
Laid over from a previous meeting;
No. 3 - T. Bester and 3 - requesting re-opening of Bender HiLl. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. McKinley that the petition be further tabled for
one week in order the members of Council may peruse the report of the City
Manager and City Solicitor.
SEE Report No.16~
The following Resolution was vassed;
No. 51 - MOW'fitS - BROOKS - RESOLVED that a letter of congratulations be forwarded
to Mr. Laurence C. Crawford upon his recent election to the Council of the
Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario; and the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
The followin~ By-law was passed;
No. 5536 - To provide for participation in the Civil Defence Committee of the
County of Welland.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley that AId. Miller
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. F~rton that NUle 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read
the second time. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and Ald. Miller - Carried Unanimously.
Council Ch~nber,
2nd. July, 1957.
The Finance Meeting was held on Tuesday, July 2nd. 1957, for the purrose
of approving and also passing the various ~ccounts which had been properly certi-
fied and placed before them. All Members or the Com~tte,~ were. present. Alderman
Miller, Chad man of Finance, presided.
SundFF Accounts submitted in the ~mount of O121,655...q~ were ali roved ~'
the Co~u~ittee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or othendse dealt wiLh, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Cou~cil on the motion
o~ FRyer Hawkins and Ald. McKinley.
A S~mmary of the Tenders for Rental of Construction F~quipment was
presented for consideration. ORD~JRED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. White
that the tender of Calaguiro Bros. be accepted.
The application of ~. T. Fiorentino for a permit to remove a one and
a half storey frmme dwelling from 1291 Ottawa Avenue to Lot No. 291; and the
enlarging of the existing concrete block garage into a five-car garage located
at 1291 Ottawa Street, was again presented along with the Property Conunittee's
recommendation that a permit be granted with the stipulation that the addition is
to be used for the storage of cars and trucks only. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
White and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The application of Mrs. J. Macartney, 929 Armoury Street, for a permit
to erect a carport and storage shed on the east side of the dwelling at an
estimated cost of $300.00 was again presented, along ~dth the Property Co~mittee's
recommendation that a permit be issued, subject to certain provisions. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted
and permit issued.
The City Nanager's report on the application of Mr. J. Strazzeri, for a
permit to make alterations to the small dwelling known as 919 Walnut Street, at an
estimated cost of $1,000.00; and the report of the Property Committee were
presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald.
Morton that the report be received and adopted.
Ald. Martin referred to the traffic conditions at Victoria Avenue and
Centre Street and suggested that perhaps the Traffic Committee could study the
possibility of 'no left hand turn' onto Centre Street.
Ald. Morton again referred to complaints he had received regarding
the Austin Estate at Victoria Avenue and Mogdalen Street and requested that the
The City Manager's report on the application of The Falls Taxi, 1785
Victoria Avenue, to erect a sign advertising 'Sighteeing Tours' at an estimated
cost of $1,0OO.O0 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Morton and Ald. Brooks that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager's report on quotations received for repairs to the fence
at Fairview Cemetery and recommending that N. L. Benson and Son's quotation of
$8OO.00 be accepted was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
City Manager check into the situation. McKinley and kid. Morton that the report be received and adopted.
Ald. Mowers referred to 'the recent election of the Municipal Auditor,
Mr. laurence C. Crawford, to the Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants
of Ontario and moved that a letter of congratulations be forwarded to him.
SEg Resolution ~l.
Council adjourned to Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers.
READ AND ADOPTEi), 8th. JUly, 1957.
Clerk """' ....
The City Manager' s report on the application of Provincial Engineering
Limited for a building permit for an addition to their office building at an
estimated cost of ~26,0OO.00 was ]~resented for consideration. ORDERED on the
motion of kid. Brooks and kid. Morton that the report be received and adopted and
permit issued.
The City ~anager's report on the application of Provincial Ihgineering
Limited for a building permit for the demolition of part of the existing machine
sMop and the const ction of a .sw machi.. shop at an estimat.d cost of 69,0 .OO
was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Mayor
Hawkins that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
NayOr. from Burlington Steel at a base price of $5.30 par hundred pounds was presented for
and :o.A :.motion of ki.. c in sy and Nayor a i.s that the
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of [~ayor Hawkins and
Ald. McKinley.
READ AND ADOPTE~, 8th. July, 1957.
Council Chamber,
2nd. July, 1957.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Moetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Committee. All Members of Council were present.
The followinK By-law was passed;
No. ~537 - To provide mor~ies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Ald. McKinley that Ald. ~[ller
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on th~ motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald. ~ller that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
The City Manager referred to the visit of members of Council just
prior to the Council Meeting to Buttrey Street, adjacent to Stanton Avenue, and
suggested that it might be advisable to see what could be done with reference to
purchase of land to do away with the right-angle turn. Following a discussion, it
was ordered on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald. Morton that the City Manager be
authorized to contact the Canadian National Railways with a view to ascertaining
whether land is available for the reposed re-routing of Buttrey Street and if so,
at what cost. (Ald. Martin-contrary~.
SEResolution No.52.
Ald. Mowers reported on the meetings which had been held by the Survey
Committee to investigate the possibility of a merger between the City of Niagara
Falls and the Township of Stamford and of their progress to date, advising that
a meeting was scheduled in Toronto on July llth. to interview fimns which have
submitted proposals and that following this meeting, it was preposed to call a
Joint meeting of t~e tw Councils,
Ald. '~nite reported on the progress of the Com_nittee wkich had been
set up to deal with some fo~ oC recoomlition for employees having 2~ years'
service or more with the Corporation m~d su~[tted a sample of the proposed tin.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. l-~ller and Ald. Moz~on that the die be
ordered and the necessary pins procured.
SE Resolution No. 5~ ·
The followinF, Resolutions were ~assed;
No. 52 - BROOKS - MORTON - RESOLVED that t¥ City ~nager be authorized to
contact the Canadian National Railways with a view to ascertaining whether land
is available for the proposed re-routing of Buttrey Street and, if so, at what
cost; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Contrary-AId. ~rtin.
No. 53 - ~ELL~ - F~RTON - RF~SOLVED that the die be ordered and the necessary pins
procured in connection with the recognition of City Employees who have 25 years'
service or more with the Corporation; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Fartin and Ald. Miller.
READ AND ADOPTED, 8th. july, 1957.
Council Chamber,
8th. July, 1957.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, July 8th.
1957, for the purpose of considering general b~siness and finance. All Members
of Council were present, with the exception of Alderman Brooks. The Council,
having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on
the motion of Alderman Morton and AId. Miller.
Laid over from the previous meeting:
Me. 176 - Sanitary Inspector - conditions at 1~70 Cedar Street. The City Manager
reported verbally on what had transpired at the recent Court action concerning
the instanation of plumbing without a permit and the possible steps which could
be taken by the applicant. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Miller and AId. Mowers
that the communication be again tabled and the advice of the City Solicitor be
obtained as to Council's procedure at this pint. Carried. (AId. McKinley was
opposed, in view of the City Manager' s remarks, was of the opinion that any
positive action at this time would be unwise. )
The foliowing Comm-nications ware presented;
No. 187 - J. L. Graham & Co; - appreciation 'for co-operation received during recent
transaction concerning $1,0~6,000. debentures. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton
and AId. White that the communication be received and filed.
No. 188 - Board of Education - confirming request for funds in the mount of $~0,000.
for installation of two new boiler plants in Simcoe Street and Memorial P~blic
Schools. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mowers that the communication
be received and filed and the Board be advised that Council are in accord with their
request and that details be submitted regarding the estimated cost of such install-
ations. Carried Unanimously.
No. 189 - Hwdro-Electric Commission of Niagara Fnl !s - advising of dangerous
condition of Bates lee located on the west side of Victoria Avenue. ORDERED on
the motion of AId. ~rtin and AId. Mowers that the consmmication be received and
tabled pending a report of the Management Committee.
No. 190 - John Bredcrick - re application of George chanady for a permit to
construct a motel at the corner of Ferry Street and Clark Avenue. ORDERED on the
motion of AId. Martin and Ald. Morton that the com~mication be received and laid
on the table for consideration by a full Council.
No. 191 - Deld~ca Food Products - requesting permission to use 16~8 Stanley Avenue
for the processing of various canned food products. ORDERED on the motion of AId.
Nillet and AId. Mowers that Mr. M. Delduca be permitted to speak at this time.
Mr. Delduca referred to the present classification of the .property, in question,
and outlined in some detail ~hat is proposed and requested permission to temporarily
establish operations in the building at 16~8 Stanley Avenue. ORD~P-wn on the motion
of Aid. Mowers and Aid. Morton that the communication be received and referred to
the Co~ttee of Adjustment of the Greater Niagara Area Planning Board with Councirs
recommendation that faycurable consideration be given to said application.
No. 192 - H. G. Acres & Co. Ltd. - report on t endere received for Filter Equipment
to be installed at Filtration Plant extension. AId. Martin, Chairman of the
Management Co,,,~ttee reported verbally on his Gem~ttee's consideration at a
meeting held prior to the Council Meeting and advised that his Committee wished to
unanimously recommend that the tender of Francis Hankin at a quotation of
$205,873.60 with the Leopold type bottom, incorporated in the filter constrnotion,
be ascepted. ORDerED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Mowers that the
recommendation of the Management Committee be resolved and adopted. Carried Unani-
SEE P~solution Number ~.
Laid over from a previous meeting.
No. 164 - City ManaEer & City Solicitor - in connection with request for the
re-opening of Bender Hill crossing. AId. McKinley advised Council concerning
contact which had been made by Mr. Bester, one of the petitioners, requesting
that the matter be tabled. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Aid. Morton
that the report be tabled.
SEE Petition No. ~.
The foliowinE Reports were presented:
No. 168 - Property Committee-%hree recommendations in connection with recent
request of Provincial Engineering Company re Dyson Avenue, 16-foot lane and Muir
Avenue. 0RDE~ED on the motion of AId. White and AId. Martin that the report be'
received and adopted.
No. 169 - City ManaEer - curb and gutter - Detroit Avenue between McRae Street
and Stamford Street. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Ald. Martin that
this report be moved forward for consideration along with Petition No. ~. after
consideration of said petition, it was ordered on the motion of AId. Martin and
AId. MCKinley that the report be received and adopted and work proceeded with.
SEE Petition No. 4-
SEE Resolution ~.
No. 170 - City Clerk - report on hearing of Ontario Municipal Board, July 8th.
which appreved the applications of the City of Niagara Falls for capital expendi-
tures for resurfacing pavements and installing elevator in Police building.
0RII~oaED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Ald. Miller that the report be received
and filed.
Me. 171 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDE on the motion
of AId. McKinley and AId. Morton that the report be received and adopted and
licences issued accordingly.
Ald. McKinley, Chairman of the Parks Committee, reported verbally on his
Committee's consideration of the request of the Niagara Memorial Band for the
use of Oakes Park for practices, which had been referred to the Committee with
power to act. The Alderman advised that his Committee recommended that the matter
be left in the hands of the-City Manager for discussion with representatives of the
Band, that permission would be granted for the use of that portion between the top
of the slope of the ball field and the fence dividing the baseball field from the
football field on a week night, but not on Sundays. ORDERED on the motion of AId.
McKinley and AId. Martin that the verbal recommendation of the Parks Committee be
received and adopted.
Laid over from a previous meeting:
No. 3 - T. Bester and 3 others - requesting re-opening of Bender Hill crossing.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Norton that the petition be again
tabled. '
SEE Report Number 16~.
No. ~ - Ernest Simon and 28 others - requesting inst~!!ation of curb and gutter on
Detroit Avenue.. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. McKinley that the
report be received and adopted and work proceeded with.
SEE Resolution No. ~
No. 5 - S.A. DeLorenzo and 23 others - requesting police protection during the summer
months at Victoria Avenue and Centre Street. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley
and Aid. Miller that the petition be received and referred to His Worship the Mayor
for consultation with the Chief Constable.
Aid. Miller referred to the Austin Estate property at the corner of
Victoria Avenue and Magdalen Street and was advised by the City Manager that
have been issued to the Parks ~uperintendent to have this are
up, the costs of labour to be charged to the owner of the premises.
i6 i
Aid. Mowers referred to deplorable conditions in the vicinity of the
Swimming Pool where the general area is subjected to storm water running off Sixth
Avenue, resulting in a muddy thoroughfare through which citizens have to pass to
reach the Swimming Pool. He requested immediate action to remedy this objectionable
situation and the placing of waste paper receptacles to eliminate the scattering of
AId. Morton, Chairman of the Traffic Committee, referred to the fortix-
coming Convention of the International Municipal Signal Association, to be held in
Miami, Florida this year and his desire to attend the same. His Worship the ~ayor
requested the Alderman to submit possible costs for such attendance for the consider-
ation of Council.
The followin~ Resolutions were ~assed:
No. 54 - HARTIN - H~ - RESOLVED that the tender of Francis Hankin and Company
Limited for the installation of filter equipment at the Filtration Plant Extension
at Chippawa, Ontario with the changes as suggested by H. G. Acres and Company,
IZunited, at a total cost of $205,873.60 be accepted and the Nayor and Clerk be
authorized to enter into and deliver an agreement and/or contract for the carrying
out of such work; and the Seal of the Corporation be her,to affixed.
Carried Unanimously,
No. 55 - MARTIN / NaKINLEY - RESOLVED that Report Number 169 for the construction
of a concrete curb and gutter on the east and west sides of Detroit Avenue between
MeRe, Street and Stamford Street be adopted and the work proceeded with; and the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Ca__rried Unanimously,
The following By-laws were passed;
No. 5538 - To amend By-law Number 3791, being a by-law designating through
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Nattin and AId. McKinley that AId. Morton
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORD~tED on the motion of AId. Miller and Ald. Nartin that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Ruies of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
T~ird Reading - AId. Martin and AId. Morton - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5539 - To amend By-law ~mber 3790, being a by-law for the regulation of traffic.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Ald. ~cKinley that AId. Morton
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first. reading. - Carried Unanimously.
O~ on the motion of AId. Morton and Aid. Martin that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Mor~on and AId. McKinley - Carried Unanimously..
Cpunc.il adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId.
i 6 i;
READ Ak~ ADOPTED, 15th. July, 1957.
Council Chamber,
8th. July, 1957.
The Finance MeetinE was held on Monday, July 8th. 1957 for tile purpose
of approving and also passing the ~trfous accosntu which had been properly
ce~ified and placed before them. AI3 Members of the Co~mnittee wove present with
the e~el,tlon of ~d. Brooks. ~d. l~ or, Chairman of i'~nance, presided.
~undry Accounts submitted in the amount of $281,758.30 wore approved by
the Committee.
The Accounts submitted, being l~esed or otherwise dealt with, wore
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion
of Mayor Hawkins and AId. McKinley.
The application of Mr. J. Strazzeri, 921 Walnut Street, for a permit to
make alterations to a small dwelling at the rear of his house, known as 919
Walnut Street, which had been laid over at the previous meeting was again submitted.
The City ~anager reported verbally on his investigations as to how long this
property had been occupied as a dwelling and that it had been ascertained from
City directories and information frol old residents that it had been used as such
since around the year 1927. ORDERED on the motion of AId. White and AId. Mowers
that a permit be granted as requested. Carried Unanimously.
The Council arose and reported to Council on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 15th. July, 1957.
Council Chamber,
8th. July, 1957.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance'Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Committee. All Members of Council were present, with the exception
of Alderman Brooks.
The followin~ By-law was ~assed:
No. 55~0 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERE~ on the motion of Ald. Mewers and AId. Martin that AId. MiLler be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. MiLler that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. W~ite and AId. Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
The follo~in~ Resolution was passedl
No. 56 - MARTIN - MOWEPS - RESOLVED that a radio system for the Fire Department
be purchased from Rogers Fajestic; purchase to be on the basis of monthly rental
~f $127.50 for the year 1957 and when the B~dget Estimates for 1958 are being
prepared that an outright purchase be considered at the cost of $~,215.50 less
the rental paid; and that a second hand radio system be purchased for City
Departments from Sattler's at a cost to the municipality of $500. subject to it
proving satisfactory after inspection by General Electric'Technicians; and the
Seal of the Corporation be hemto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. White.
READ AND ADOPTED, 15th. July, 1957.
AId. Martin, Chairman of the Management Committee referred to the
meeting of his Committee held before the Council Meeting this evening and the
request of the Fire Department for the installation of radio equipment, which was
considered. The Alderman referred to a radio system which had been suggested, which
Could be purchased outright for $~,215.50.
The system could be supplied and installed in the Fire Department
vehicles and the Queen Street Station for a monthly rental of $127.50 and at the
and of 195V when the new B~dget is being considered, Council would have the
alternative of purchasing the equipment outright at a cost of $~,215.50 less the
rental paid. The rental price would be paid out of the Reserve alread~ set up
in the 1957 B~dge~ ($1,~00.00). AId. Martin on behalf of the Management Committee
recommended that this equipment be rented immediately for $127.50 per month.
AId. Martin then referred to a second-hand radio system that could be
purchased very reasonably. The original price of the equipment was $1,952. and it
had been used by a ta=i service in Fort Erie for a year, the taxi service having
now gone out of business, leaving a balance owing of $~00. The Alderma~ advised
that the City have the opportunity of purchasing the equipment for $~00. The
system could be used by the City Manager for contact with various departments, thus
eliminating delays. AId. Martin further advised. that if the equipment is proven
Satisfactory by General Electric after their inspection, the City would then have
the opportunity to purchase it. He recommended on behalf of the Management Com-
mittee that the Radio Unit be purchased.
SEE Resolution 56.
7! 68
Council Chamber,
15th. July, 1957.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7-30 p.m. on Monday, July
15th. 1957, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All
Members of Council ~mre present. The Council, having received and read the
minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Miller and
Aid. Mowers.
Laid over from the vrevious meeting:
No. 176 - Sanitary Inshector - conditions at 1470 Cedar Street. A discussion
ensued about the unfitness of the building at the rear of the lot for human
habitation and what recourse Council could take and it was ordered on the motion
of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley that the report of the City Solicitor be tabled
and consolidation be made of all information pertaining to this matter and the
City Solicitor be requested to be present at the nex~ Council meeting. Carried
.~.~m. Report 172.
The followir~ Communications were presented:
No. 193 - John Broderick - withdrawing application of George Chanady for a permit
to erect a motel at the comer of Clark and Ferry Street. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. NIlier and AId. Morton that the communication be received and filed.
No. 1% - Fred Bo.vchak - requesting permission to place a tire rack on Morrison
Street adjacent to the store. A discussion ensued about the prevalence of the
practice of e~b/biting merchandise on the City's street allowances in various
areas, particular reference being given to the Goodrich Store on Valley Way, Andy's
Store on Victoria Avenue and sign boards on Clifton Hili. ORDE~ on the motion
of AId. Martin and Ald. White that the co~nunication be received and referred to
the Traffic Con~nittee for a report on this request and also other areas in the
City. Carried~ the vote being Aye - AId. Martin, White, Mowers, Brooks and McKinley;
Nays -Ald. Morton and Miller. An amendment made by Ald. Morton and Ald. Miller
that the comom~nication be received and permission be refused, was lost by a vote
of ~ to 3, the vote being - Aye -Ald. Morton, Miller and White; Nays -Ald.
Brooks, McKinley, Martin and Mowers.
No. 195 - Ben Yuhasz - application for used car lot licence at 1255 Ferry Street.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Miller and AId. Norton that the communication be
received and referTed to the P~opurty Comic{tree for a report.
The followin~ ~eDorts were presented;
tro~.172 - City ~oli~ito? - re 1~70 Cedar Street. ORDerED on the motion of AId. Mowers
and Ald. NcKinley that the report be received and tabled and consolidation be made
of all information pertaining to this matter and the City Solicitor be requested to
be prsserr~ at the next Council Meeting. Carried Unanimously.
Sl~ Conmunioation 176
No.173 - Chief Constable - rs polloin~ at Centre A~ea. O~D~ on the motion of
Mowers sad kld. Miller that the report be receded sad the petitioners be so advised
~EE~etition Me. ~.
No. 174 - Traffic Committee - recommending no action be taken re suggestion that
left-hand turns be prohibited from Victoria Avenue to Centre Street; and recom-
mending the purchase' of a double faced plastic sign with fluorescent lamps be
erected to direct traffic to metered parking lot at the Canadian Corps. ORDERED
on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Miller that the report be received and
adopted. Carried. (AId. Martin-contrary).
Ald. Morton, Chairman of the Traffic Committee, referred to the inter-
ference of the movement of traffic aggravated by the switching of freight cars
into the Dominion Chain which interrupted the passing of traffic at the crossing,
and queried as to the understanding that the City has with the New York Central
that such switching would take place around midnight so as to not interfere with
traffic. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Miller that contact be
made with the New York Central regardin~ this matter, assuring them of Council' s
His Worship Mayor Hawkins then referred to the diesel engines on the
New York Central in the vicinity of Welland Avenue and Park Street, the noise of
which interrupts the slumber of the residents of that area and the City Manager
agreed to take this matter up with the Railway.
No. 175 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and adopted and
licences issued accordingly.
Ald. White referred to complaints received about conditions at the comer
of Third Avenue and Morrison Street where garbage is strewn all about and dogs
are running at large and asked that appropriate action be taken to remedy this
objectionable situation.
AId. Miller referred to the recent report submitted to Council for the
construction of curb and gutter on Detroit Avenue and queried what action is
contemplated to satisfy petitioners who have requested the paving of Slater Avenue,
and who were advised that paving would be considered after the completion of the
trunk sewer. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and AId. Mowers that the
petition ~eferred to be brought forward for Counc~l's consideration, along with
a report on the costs involved for such work. Carried Unanimously.
Ald. Morton rsported verbally on the costs involved in connection with
the forthcoming Convention to be held in Miami, Florida, by the International
Municipal Signal Association, namely, plane fare and registration fee and it was
moved by AId. White that the matter be not entertained - there was no seconder
to this motion. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. FdLler and Ald. Brooks that the
matter be tabled for a week for further infonuation as to the amount involved for
three conventions which could have been artended by the Alderman. Carried, the
vote being, - Aye -Ald. Miller, Brooks, MoKinleyandMorton; Nays - AId. White,
Martin and Mowers.
Laid over from the previous meeting:
No. 5 - S.A. Betorenzo and 28 others - requesting police protection during the
summer months in the Centre Area. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Ald.
Hiller that the petition be received and filed and the petitioners be advised of
the Chief Constable's report on this subject.
.S~E.E. Report Me. 173.
The followim~ By-laws were passed;
' ~ - To appoint an Inspector under The Bread Sales Act.
ORDE~ on the motion of AId. MCKinley and Ald. Miller that Aid. Mowers
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be ~iven the
fi~st reading., - Carried Unanimously.
0~D~n on the motion of Aid. Mowers and AId. B~coks-that ~ule
of the ~tandin~ ~ules of Cauncil be temporarily suspended and the by-law x~ad the
second time. - CaxT~ed Unanimously.
Td~n~ Aid Brogk8 and AId Mills? Ca~ed Unanimously
No. 55~2 - To authorize the signing or an agreement with Central Mortgage and
Housing Corporation.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Brooks and Ald. l'~srtin that Ald. Miller
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-l, aw and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. _ Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Miller and AId. Brooks - Carried Unanimously.
The followir~ By-law was presented=
~o. 55~3
- To close and sell the westerly 8 feet of Dyson Avenue from Buttrey Street
to Ferguson Street and the 16-foot lane running from Buttrey Street to
Ferguson Street and located between Dyson Avenue and Muir Avenue according
to Plan 32, registered for the Town of Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Ald. Martin that Ald. Miller be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and AId. Brooks that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley 'and AId.
READ AND ADOPTED, 22nd. July, 1957.
Clerk ' ' ' ' ~ Bayor.
Council Chamber,
15th. July, 1957.
The FinanCe Meeting was held on Monday, July 15th. 1957 for the purpose
of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. AId. Miller,
Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundr~ AccOunts submitted in the amount of $66,195.5/~ were approved ~y
the Commdt. tee.
The Accounts su~aitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law fop presentation to the Council on the motion of
Ald. Mowers and Ald. MoKtnlq~r.
The City Manager's report on the application of D. C. Vicarv, 127~
Victoria Avenue, for a building permit to enclose the front verandsh, to provide
office accommodation and recommending that the application be referred to tile
Property Committee, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Morton and Mayor Hawkins that the report be received and referred to the Property
Committee for consideration.
The City Manager's report on application for construction of a frame
garage at 991 Huron Street and recommending that the application be referred to
the Property Committee was presented. ORDER~) on the motion of AId. MOwers and
AId. Morton that the report be received and referred to the Property Committee for
cons iderati on.
The City Manager's report on the application of Alfred Silveri, 1687
Stanley Avenue for a permit to erect an apartment building at the south-west corner
of Stanley Avenue and Emery Street, to be attached to the rear of his existing
dwelling at 1687 Stanley Avenue, and recommending that the request be referred to the
Property Committee, was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald.
White that the report be received and referred to the Property Committee for con-
The offer of Dominic Costs to purchase Part of Lot 1, Allen Avenue for the
sam of $38~.00 was presented. ORDER~X) on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. Morton
that the offer be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report. This
motion was lost by a vote of/+ to 3, the vote being - Aye -Ald. McKinley, Mayor
Hawkins and AId. Morton; Naye - AId. Martin, ~hite, Brooks and MOwers. An amendment
made by AId. Martin and AId. ~tite that the offer be not accepted, due to the fact
that-the lot is not suitable nor in compliance with the by-law, was carried, by a
vote of 6 to 1, the vote being - Aye -Ald. Martin, ~hite, Brooks, F~wers, Morton
and Mayor Hawkins; Naye - AId. McKinley.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of AId. Mowers and AId.
RF~D AND ADOPTED, 22nd. July, 1957.
Council Chamber,
15th. July, 1957.
The Committee re-assembled at the dose of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-lawwhich covered the accounts approved
h~the Com.~ttee. All Members of Council were present.
The followinf By-law was ~assed;
~ - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERS) on the motion of AId. Mowere and Ald. Martin that Ald. Miller be
the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
- CarTled Unanimously.
ORDERE9 on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing ~ules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton - Carried Unanimously.
Council recessed on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Martin pending the arrival of
the Members of the Councils of the Township of Stamford and the Village of Chippaws.
READ AND ADOPT,:.,, 22nd. July, 1957.
Clerk Mayor.
Council Chamber,
15th. July, 1957.
Council reconvened at 9 p.m. in joint session with the Councils of
the Township of Ste~ford and the Village of Chippaws. All Members of all three
Councils were present with the exception of Reeve Bridge. P~s Worship, Mayor
Hawkins presided.
~yor Hawkins extended a welcome to the Councillors of the other two
municipalities, explaining the purpose of the joint session and then asked Ald.
F~wers, Chairman of the Survey Committee to submit his report.
Ald. Mowers first read the terms of reference which had been prepared
for submission to any firm wishing to submit a proposal concerning the possible
merger of the municipalities of the City of Niagara Falls, Township of Stamford
and Village of Chippaws and then outlined what has been done by the Committee to
date. He advised that the Committee was unanimous in its decision to recommend that
the proposal of Deacon, Arnett and Murray be accepted, subject to the 'Committee's
approval of the auditors or financial agents used in the preparation of the survey
for the first phase. He indicated the Committee's suggestion that the allocation
of costs should be on an assessment basis utilizing the assessment figures which
were the basis for the Budget Estimates in the year 19~7. He suggested that a
contract should be entered into but that the mode of authorization would still
have to be determined. He also advised that it had been agreed amongst the Committee,
requesting the several councils' support in this regard, that no press releases
would be made until co~acts had been established with other elected bodies and
appointed groups who will have a very definite interest in what is proposed, but
that at that time full publicity would be given. He also advised that it was agreed
by the Committee i~ conjunction with the persons submitting the proposal that no
report would be made available to the respective Councils prior to the forthcoming
elections. He also indicated that at this stage the work of the Committee established
has been completed but that he felt sure that if the Councils so desired, the Committee
would continue to function if re-appointed, in conjunction with the firmworking on the
Discussion then ensued during which various questions were directed to
the Chairman of the Committee and satisfactory answers given. Follo~dng the
discussion, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Councillor .~.. !~tchelsen
that the joint Councils endorse the report of the Committee and that the firm of
Deacon, Arnett and Murray be employed to carry out the survey, at a n~axkm. u~a cost
of $~,800. and that qualified accountants be utilized in the preparation of the
survey. His Worship, }~yor Hawkins, then polled the Council of the City of Niagara
FaLls, with all Members beD~ in fayour with the exception of Ald. ~-~ller. Deputy
Reeve Sootheran then polled the Council of the Township of Stanford and all Members
were in favour; in this connection the Deputy Reeve advised that Reeve Bridge had
assured him that he also was in favour. Reeve Bukator of Chippaws then polled the
Members of his Council and all Members were in favour. It was then ordered on the
motion of Councillor Howard Clark and Ald. Morton that a vote of thanks be extended
to the Chairman and Secretary of the Survey Conmdttee. Carried Unanimously.
It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Councillor Keighan
that the basis of allocation of costs be the assessments as utilized in the
preparation of the Budgets for the current year 1957. Carried Unanimously.
It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Councillor Clark
that the three Solicitors of the three municipalities be requested to draw up a
proper contract or agreement for signatures by the signing officials of the
respective municipalities. Carried Unanimously.
It was then agreed that press releases will be withheld pending the
contacts previously mentioned and that there would be no submission of the ~!roposed
survey to any one of the Councils until after the forthcoming elections.
The matter of a continuing committee to work with persons carrying out the
survey was then discussed and it was ordered on the motion of ild. McKinley and
Councillor Allan that the present Sunny Co~m~ittee be re-appointed to work ~_th
Deacon, Arnett and Murray with the substitution of Councillors Watson and Clark
for Reeve Bukator and Councillor Somer~iale. Carried Unanimously.
There being no further business, it was ordered on the z,~tion of kld.
Martin and AId. ~bwers that the Councils adjourn.
READ AND ADOPT~, 22nd. July, 1957.
Council Chamber,
22nd. July, 1957.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, July 22nd.
1957, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members
of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Miller.
Laid over from the previous meetinE~
No. 176 - Sanitary Inspector - re 1470 Cedar Street buildings. The City Solicitor,
who was present at the meeting, advised Council that in his opinion it would be
inadvisable to discuss the matter in open Council due to possible litigation and
it was therefore ordered on the motion of Ald. ~rtin and Ald. Mowers that the
communication be tabled until after the Council Meeting and then discussed in
Conference. Carried with Ald. Miller contrary.
SEE Communication 196~.
SE Reports 1E-- 176.
No. 19~ - Fred Boychuk - requesting permission to place a tire rack on municipal
property at the corner of Morrison Street and Victoria Avenue. it was moved by
Ald. Brooks and Ald. Morton that the comunication be tabled for one week pending
the Traffic Committee' s report on this request and other areas where similar
practice is carried on. This motion was lost. An amendment made by Ald. Miller and
Ald. Mowers that Mr. Boychuk's request be dealt with at this tim, was carried by
a vote of ~ to 3, the vote being - Aye -Ald. Miller, Mowers, White and Morton;
Naye -Ald. Brooks, Martin and McKinley. ORDerED on the motion of Ald. Miller and
Ald. Mowers that the communication be received and filed and the applicant notified
that the erection of this structure on City property is contrary to the City By-law.
0arried with Ald. Brooks, Martin and McKinley opposed.
No. 195 - Ben Yuhasz - application for a licerice to operate a used car lot at 1255
Ferry Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald. Miller that the com-
munication be laid over for one week. Carried Unanimously.
The followin~ Conmmmications were presented:
No. 196 - Se.vmour. Lam~ard. Coldring and Youn~ - requesting Coancil's advice as to
what is necessary for Mr. Bradley to obtain a permit to do plumbing work in the
building at the rear of 1~70 Cedar Street. On the advice of the City Solicitor ~ho
was present at the' meeting, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald.
· Mowers that the commnnication be tabled until after the Council Meeting and then
discussed in Conference. Carried with Ald. Miller contrary, who was of the opinion
that the press would not divulge information arising out' of discussion in open
Council if so requested.
a~.~. Beporbs 172--176
No. 197 - International Silver Co. - requesting permission to instel 2 additional
footings on B,,ttrey Street for three dust collector systems on the north side of the
factory facing Buttrey Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Whitle and Ald. Mil~er
that the communication be received and filed and Property Committee report recom-
mending approval of the request be adopted. Carried with Ald. Norton contrary.
SEE Re~ort No. 177
S~. Resolution No. 57.
N~., 198 - Presentation of 0anada Limited - requesting Nayor' s signature on
pro~iamation "~mergenciee Don't Wait Week". ORDEF~D on the rotion of ~d. ~in
~d ~. B~oks that the oo~cation ~ moei~d a~ p~ol~tion issued.
No. 199 - C. H. Thompson - advising of appointment of Mr. Charles Blume as County
Civil Defence Co-Ordinator for a trial period ending December 3let. 1957. ORDB~E~
on the motion of Ald. Norton and Ald. Mowers that the connunication be received and
No. 200 - C. R. Ha~ey En~ineerin~ & Associates - requesting permission to cross
Filtration Plant property re sewer installation. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
White and Ald. McKinley that the communication be received and filed and the reports
of the City Manager and Property Committee that the request be granted, be adopted.
Reports 178-179
No. 201 - City of Windsor - resolution to assist home-owners in mortgage payments.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Brooks that the resolution be received
and endorsed.
laid over from the vrevious meeting;
No. 172 - City Solicitor - opinion re 1470 Cedar Street. On the advice of the City
Solicitor who was present at this meeting, it was ordered on the motion of Ald.
Martin and Ald. ~wers that the report'be tabled until after the Council Meeting and
then discussed in Conference. Carried with Ald. Miller contrary who was of the opinion
that the press would not divulge information arising out of discussion in open Council
if so requested.
a~. Re~ort No. 176
The followin~ Reports were presented;
No. 176 - City Nana~er and City Clerk - report consolidating all information pertain-
ing to the structure on the rear of Lot 32, Plan 27, corner of Cedar Street and
Stanley Avenue owned by George Bradley. On the advice of the City Solicitor who was
present at this meeting, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Martin and AId. Mowers
that the report be tabled until after the Council Meeting and then discussed in
Conference. C~rried with Ald. Miller contrary, who was of the opinion that' the press
would not divulge information arising out of discussion in open Council if so requested.
No. 177 - Property Committee -reconnending approval of Internationai Silver Company's
request for permission to instal 2 additional footings on Buttrey Street for three
dust collector systems. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Wl~ite and Ald. Miller that '
the'report be received and adopted. Carried with Ald. Norton contrary.
Communication 197
No. 178 - City Manager - recommending request of C. R. Hagey Engineering for an
easement for sewer instnllation on portion of Filtration Plant property be granted
subject to the conditions that the location be satisfactory to the City and that the
condition of the property be restored after completion of the work.
No. 179 - Property Committee - recommending request for easement for sewer be granted.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. White and Ald. McKinley that the reports be received
SEE Conmmuttcation 200
No. 180 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. McKinley and AId. Norton that the report be received and adopted and licenoes
issued accordingly.
No. 181 - City Manager - asphalt pavement and concrete gutters on Slater Avenue between
Stamford Street and McRa~ Street.
No. 182 - City M2naaer - concrete sidewalk on the east side of Slater Avenue from
V~Rae ~tre~t to approximately 130 feet south of M~Hae Street. ORDB~ on the motion
of' Ald~ Mowers and AId. M~ller that the reports be received and adopted and work
proceeded with. Carried with AId. White contraxT.
for the .veer 1955.
2~E Resolution
over from a previous meeting;
Mc. 9 (1955) - Joe Prest and 17 others - requesting paving of Slater Avenue.
ORDFARED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Miller that the petition be received
and filed and work proceeded with.
SEResolution No.58t.
The following Petition was presented;
Mc. 6 - Wm. Becket and 12 others - requesting construction of a sidewalk on the
east side of St.lawrence Avenue between Simcoe Street and Ellis Street. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald. McKinley that the petition be received and
referred to the City Manager for a report. Carried Unanimously.
In this connection the City Manager felt that Council should given con-
sideration to setting a dead line after which no applications for local improve-
merits would be received in the current year and the date suggested was June 1st.
because of the time involved in getting the necessary approvals and have the work
setup for carrying out.
The following Resolutions were passed;
No. 57 - WHITE - MITL~.. RESOLVED that permission be granted to the International
Silver Company of Canada, Limited, for the erection of two additional footings for
dust collector system on the north side of their factory facing Buttrey Street;
and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
(Contrary-Aid. Morton).
No. 58 - MOWI~ - MITLRR - RESOLVED that Report No. 181 for the construction of
asphalt pavement and concrete gutters on Slater Avenue between Stamford Street and
McRee Street and Report No. 182 for the construction of a concrete sidewalk on
east side of Slater.Avenue from McRae Street to approximately 130 feet south of
McRae Street be adopted and the work proceeded with; and the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed.
(Contrary-Aid. White )
No. 59 - McKINLEY - MIT.T.ER - RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk are hereby
authorized to enter into and execute an agreement with the Hershey Hockey Club of
the American Hockey League providing for the use of the Niagara Falls Memorial
Arena for training and exhibition games during the period connencing September 16th;
1957 and the S~al of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.~
Ald. Norton, Chairman of the Traffic Committee, who had been requested by
Council to submit a report on the amount of the costs involved for a trip to Fdami
in' order to attend the International Municipal Signal Association' s Convention and
also the amount of money which would have been required for attending three .other
conventions, had he done co, reported verbally at this time, stating that as he
had previously indicated if Coancil's decision to approve of his request was not
unanimous, he would not attend.. The Alderman then advised that he was reporting
as requested but will not attend regardless of what Council might decide.
Ald. Miller requested the Traffic Committee to study conditions of parking
at the intersection of Centre Street and Ellen Aven~e. His Worship the Nayor
referred also to hazardous crossing at Second and Wil]~aott Street.
AId. McKinley referred to the possible moving of the existing bus stop
in front of the Post Office to a new location in front of Thorburn's Drug Store
and the installation ell2 minute parking meters in front of the Post Office.
AId. Brooks made reference to the recent fire which occurred at the
Prospect Hotel at the south end of the City and asked the City Manager to submit
a complete and detailed report as to the costs involved, equipment used, personnel,
etc. This provoked some discussion during which the City Manager outlined briefly
the equipment used, the men, footage of hose, etc. Following the verbal advice of
the Manager, Ald. Brooks still requested that the report as originally asked for
be submitted.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED 29th. July, 1957.
Council Chamber,
22rid. July, 1957.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, July 22rid. 1957 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before thems All Members of the Committee were present. AId.
Miller, Chairmaq of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $~1,088.98 were approved
by the Committee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion
of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. McKinley.
The application of D. C. Vicary, 1274 Victoria Avenue for a permit to
enclose the front verandah for the purpose of providing office acconmodation, which
had been referred to the Property Co,,,!ttee for consideration, was again presented
along with the Committee's report advising that the application had now been
revised to provide for fireproof construction and that if the second storey is
not completed a penpot wall will be erected so that the min4,wun height of the
front of the building will be 20 feet. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and
Ald. White that the Proparty Co,~!ttee's report be received and adopted and permit
issued providing that the minimum height complies with the by-law. Carried Unani-
The application for the erection of a frame garage at 991 Haron Street
which had been referred to the Property Committee for consideration, was again
presented along with the Commlttee's report recommending that as the proposed
construction is merely the replacing and enlarging of an existing structure that
a permit be issued. ORDER~ on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. ~hite that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
The application or Alfred Silverl, 1687 ~tanley Avenue for a permit to
erect an apartment haildipZ at the south-west comer of Stanley Avenue. and Emery
-~treet which had been referred to the Property Co,,~ttee was again presented along
with ~he Con~i%tee's report recommending that the construe%ion be permitted subject
to the filing of detailed plane and provision for entrance to the perking spece on
the westerly portion of the property. O~iED on the motion of Ald, .Moginley and
Ald, Morton that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously,
A report of the Property Committee advising of their inspection of
the addition at ~19 Huron Street and that the walls were constructed of frame,
whereas the building permit issued specified the use of concrete block and stucco,
was presented for consideration. OI{DER~D on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald.
Morton that Mr. J. Smyth, applicant for the permit, who was present at this meeting
be permitted tospeak. He advised Council that he had misunderstood the permit and
asked whether any alternative could be taken so that it would not be necessary to
tear down the work already done. The City Manager advised that the applicant had
gone ahead with the work before picking up the permit. ORD~tED on the motion of
Ald. White and Ald. ~owers that the Property Comnittee's report recent,ending that
the owners be advised that the constm~ction of the addition must conform to the
conditions outlined in Building Permit No. 11533, be received and adopted. Carried.
The City Manager's report on t he application of Roebergs Lin~ited for a
building permit to erect a building at the south-west coroer of Victoria Avenue
and Simcoe Street, at an estimated cost of $29,900. was presented for consideration.
ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. Mowers that the repo~t be received
and adopted and permit issued.
0 The Revenue and Expenditure Statement as of July 8th, 1957 was presented
for consideration. ORDFj~D on the motion of |~ayor Hawkins and Ald. l.~rtin that
the same be received and laid on the table for perusal of Council.
Tenders had been called for Hot ~x Asphalt and it was ordered on the
motion of Mayor HawMine and Ald. ~owers that the tenders received be opened,
initialled by His Worship the Mayor and tabulated. ORDERED on the motion of AId.
McKinley and AId. Mowers that the tabulation be considered in Council.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the notion of Ald. ~cKinley and
Ald. Mowers.
READ AND ADOPTED, 29th. July, 1957.
of Finance.h
Council Chamber,
22nd. July, 1957.
The Council m-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
~eetings for the p~rpose of pessing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Committee. All Members of Council were present.
The followin~ By-law was ~assed|
No. 55A5 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Norton that AId. ~Hller
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first
time. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDEIII~D on the motion of AId. Brooks and AId. MArtin that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. Morton and AId. Niller - Carried Unanimously.
The City Nanager reported verbally on the two tenders which |lad been
received for Hot Asphalt Nix and that Warren Bttmninous Payin8 Co. the lowest
tendeter had quoted S33,570. ORDF2~ on the motion of AId. Norton and AId. Brook.
that the recormnendation of the City Ranager be adopted and the tender of the Warren
Bituminous Payin8 Co. be aocepted. Carried Unanimously.
AId. Rtller made reference to a 8uegestion which had beun made by
AId. Nowers that Fastland Brothers be given the opportunity to ~urfaoe one bloo1{
of a city street in a demonstration of their latest methods and advised Council
that one block of Buchanan Avenue front Lincoln and North Street had been treated
without Com~cil's knowledge. The City Manager advised that 5 coats had been
placed on the street in question and that Council would be asked to consider the
ssme Just as soon as prices are obtained from Eastland Broo. as to the actual oo.t
per square yard for this work.
Council adjourned to Gon£erence on the motion of Aid. Nattin and Ald. Nowor,J.GarM.,I.
with AId. Miller-contrary.
READ AND A~OPTID, 29th. July, 1957.
Clerk F~yor.
Board Room,
22rid. July, 1957.
The Conference Co~mnittee of the Ci Ly Council as'Jembled at tl~ close of
the regular Council and Finance Meetin~',s on Monday, July Z~nd. 1957 for the
purpose of considert~ the co~nuni. cations aod reports in coenection with the
Bradley p~y at the corner or Cedar Street and Stanley Avenue. All Me,,,be,.~
or the Co..mxlttee were present, with the excel,tier of Alderman M[1]or. IIi:~ Worst[p,
Mayor Hawk].us, presided as Cba~.mnan.
After con. i. deratl. on of the | terns i,re:moted, th, Co:m.,lttce adJ,~urn.,I on the m,,t, ion
of AId. Mowers and Ald. ~Art[n.
Itl6AD AND AIX.)I"rI,;I), :!')t.|,. .h|].y, 19'~'/.
Council Chamber,
29th. July, 1957.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, July 29th.
1957, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. ALl Members of
Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. F~rton and Ald. Brooks.
Laid over from the previous meeting:
No. 195 - Ben Yuhasz - application for a licence to operate a used car lot at 1255
Ferry Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Morton that the communi-
cation be received and filed and the Property Comm~ttee's recommendation that no
licence be granted, be adopted. Carried with Aid.Martin-contrary.
SEE Report No.183
The followin~ Comnunications were presented;
No. 202 - Niagara Falls Horticultural Society - invitation to view Junior Garden
Competitors' display at their gardens at the north end of Fairview Cemetery. ORDE
on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Brooks that the invitation be received and
accepted and as many as possible attend.
No. 203 - Y.M.C.A. - appreciation for use of Municipal Pool for Day Camp program.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald. Marton that the connnunication be
received and copy forwarded to the staff of the Pool for their information.
No. 204 - Daniel McLau~hlin - requesting cleaning up at 1~70 Cedar Street. The City
Manager advised verbally of his efforts to contact Mr. Bradley, but found him away
at present. ORDmRED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Morton that the com-
munication be received and the writer be informed of Council' s steps to contact 14r.
Bradley. Later in the evening Mr. McLaughlin was present at the meeting and he was
advised concerning the disposition of his request and that the City Manager would
contact Mr. Bradley or failing this, his Solicitor.
MS. 205 - John Broderick - advising of Mr. Chanady's purchase of Austin Estate pro-
perry and his proposal to remove buildings presently on this land and erect a motel
building. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Aid. White that the communication
be received and by-law 5149 be amended to include this location where proposed motel
my be erected and a permit be granted subject to approval of proper plans and
specifications. This motion was tied, the vote being - Aye -Ald. MiLler, White,
Mowers and Mor~on; Nays -Ald. McKinley, Martin, Brooks and Mayer Hawkins.
Chanad~ who was present at the meeting was then permitted to speak on the motion of
Aid. Martin and Aid. HdKinley. He referred to the advantages which would be gained
by the cleaning up of this land, thus eliminating the present eyesore to the community
and questioned the difference between a motel or a hotel, which definition was then
S~ By-law No.5552
S~ Communication 208.
The followin~ Beports were ~resented:
Be. 1~3 - Pro~ertx Co~ttee - recommending that no licerice be issued to B. Yuhas--
for used oar lot at 1255 Ferry Street. OF~ED on the motion of Ald. White and Aid.
Berton that the report be reseived and adopted. Carried with Ald. Nartin-contraxT.
No. 18h - City Manager - concrete sidewalk - east side of St. Lawrence Avenue
between Ellis Street and Simcoe Street. ORDh~ED on the motion of Ald. Mowers
and Ald. Martin that the report be received and adopted and work proceeded with.
SEE Petition No.6.
SEE Resolutions 60-61.
No. 185 - City Manager - attached Fire Chief's report on fire at the Prospect
Hotel on July 20th, 1957. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald. Morton
that the report be received and filed and copy given to press for publication.
Carried. (AId. Mowers-contrary).
No. 186 - _Property Committee - re Mr. Mizibrocky's request for a change in class-
ification of 1913 Buchanan Avenue and suggesting inadvisability to deal with an
Individual property, and that no change in classification requested be made, until
such time as it is considered desirable to extend Commercial Areas on to the streets
intersecting Ferry Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton
that the report be received and adopted.
No. 187 - Traffic Committee - recommending change in parking conditions at the
intersection of Centre Street and Ellen Avenue; opinion re Second Avenue and
Willmort Street; recommending no change in bus stop from in front of Post Office;
suggesting one driveway only for the use of Inter-City Transport L~m~ted on River
Road and that the entire property be not restricted to parking. ORDF2tED on the
motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. McKinley that the report be received and adopted.
No. 188 - Traffic Committee - revision of location of parking meters, resulting in
removal of 29 meters which could be placed on Clifton Hill, along with spare meters
not in use on Valley Way during sewer construction. ORDF..RED on the motion of Ald.
Brooks and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted.
No. 189 - Traffic Committee - results of inspection of main streets regarding
encroachments on sidewalks by advertising material of merchants. ORDERED on the
motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Fdller that the report be received and adopted.
MS. 190 - City MariaMet - re proposed encroachment by Sheraton-Brock Hotel on Falls
Avenue and action contemplatedby Highways Department to turn back Falls Avenue to
the City of Niagara F~ls.
No. 191 - City Manager - further report on above matter. ORDEPm~D on the motion of
Aid. Miller and Ald. McKinley that these reposes be considered together. The City
Manager advised verbally at this time regarding a further telephone call from
Sheraton-Brock to the effect that the height of the cantilever section of the
building above the sidewalk will be 12 feet, 3 inches rather than 13 feet as shown
on Report No. 191. The City Manager stressed his amxiety over Hillside Place and
the Highways Dept. possible sale of the same to the Sheraton-Brock and the fact
that City sewers and watermains located on this proi~rty must be protected and
suggested prompt action before the City's position is jeopardized, regarding Falls
Avenue and vicinity. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. ~rtin and Ald. Morton that
the reports be received and laid on the table and our Local Member, liv. A. C. Jolley,
be contacted to arrange a meeting with the Minister of Highways and the Premier of
Ontario as soon as possible and that prior to this meeting, the City Manager submit
a plan showing all of the property owned by the Department of Highways in that area.
Carried Unanimously. The City Manager then requested Council to indicate whether
they would consider granting an encroachment to the Sheraton-Brock Hotel if the
control of Falls Avenue reverts to the City. All Members agreed that although they
ware willing to co-operatewith the Sheraton-Brock Hotel, they were not in a
position at the present time to commit themselves.
No. 192 - City Clerk - report on Conference held July22nd. ORDERED on the motion
of Aid. BeKinleyand~ld. Berton that the report be received and adopted.
No. 193 - Dem~ty Clerk - recommending issuance of licenoes. ORD~EDon the motion
of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Martin that the report be received and adopted and licences
issued accordingly.
Ald. MiLler brought up the subject of refreshment vehicles, pointing out
that one of the Canteen Services has more vehicles operating in the City than those
for which he is licensed.
~ Resolution No,~.
T~!d over from the previous meeting;
no. 6 - Wm. Becker and 12 others - requesting construction of sidewalk on the
east side of St. Lawrence Avenue between Simcoe Street and Ellis Street. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. ~rtin that the petition be received and
filed and work proceededwith.
SEERe,oft No.184
SEEResolution MO.60.
The City Manager presented a verbal report on the Board of Education's
request earlier in the year for $40,000. for heating systems in Public Schools and
stated that Nr. Kribs, had now advised that the Arohitect's estimate for the work
is $25,000. which would provide a new heating plant in Memorial School and would
repair the existing heating system in Simcoe Street School. Mr. Orr suggested
that the debenture by-law be drawn and presented to Council at the next meeting.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Miller that the verbal report of.
the City Manager be received and adopted and the by-law prepared for presentation
to Council at the next meeting.
SEE Resolution No. 64.
Ald. White suggested that Nayor Hawkins take up with the Chief of
Police the matter of the parking of Inter-City Transport trucks on City boulevards
on River Road.
Aid. Miller brought up the subject of refreshment vehicles, pointing
out that one of the canteen services has more vehicles operating in the City than
for which he is licensed and suggested that action be.taken to discontinue such
SEE Resolution No. 62.
Ald. Mowere brought up the matter of excessive acceleration and braking
of automobiles which is being done all over the City and suggested that something
be done to remedy the situation. The Alderman was of the opinien that if there is
not already aby-lawander which a charge could be laid, then one should be drawn.
AId. Mowers also referred to the traffic lights at the corner of Queen
Street and St. Clair Avenue and suggested that they be lowered for the benefit of
the motorists and also that the 'no left turn' signs be placed on the same poles
as the traffic lights, to eliminate confusion.
The City Manager assured this matter will be taken under advisement.
-AId. Brooks con~nented on the improvement in the Niagara Falls Memorial
Arena since it had been painted and offered congratulations to the Parks and
Recreation Committee. The Committee suggested the congratulations should go to the
-Manager of the Arena.
AId. Miller said that something must be done with the traffic situation
around the City Hall on Saturday morning and suggested the Traffic committee study
the situation and suggest some way of alleviating this condition.
In answer to AId. Miller's query, the City Manager proceeded to give a
report in some detail as to what was anticipated with regard to paving on Temperance
Avenue and North Nain Street; also the work completed on sidewalks and curb and
gutter on Temperance Avenue and preliminary work to be done on North Nain Street .this
week. The .City MAnager advised of his desire for Council to inspect North l~.in St.
and also Fattray St. before the installation of curbe and gutter.
Ald. Morton enquired as to whether anything further had been do~e
regarding the use by the City of the right-of-way over Glenview 3ocial Club land and
Was advised by the CityManager that~. Gastaldi had been contaoted and the City
Was nowwaiting to hear from him.
The following Resolutions were passed;
No. 60 - MO~,~ERS - MARTIN . R-~SOLV~D that Report Number 184 for the construction
of a four-foot, six-inlh concrete sidewalk on the east side of St. Lawrence Avenue
between Ellis Street and Simcoe Street be adopted and the work proceeded with;
and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimous~y~
No. 61 - ~L~R___TIN _ MILLii:R . RESOLVED that an ad be inserted in the local press in
the early part of the year advising citizens that any application for local
improvements most be in the hands of the City Council on or before June 1st. due
to the time involved in the preparation of schedules, for proceeding with the work
and in obtaining the necessary approvals of the Ontario l'Mnicipal Board; and the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimouslye.
No. 62 - MO~ERS _ WHITE - ~ESOL~EDthat a conmmnication be forwarded to all
operators of refreshment vehicles advising that the City of Niagara Falls will not
condone the operation of more refreshment vehicles in the municipality than those
for which licences are held and any infraction of the ruling ~dll result in
cancellation of all municipal licences; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
Carried Unanimously.
No. 63 - MARTIN -MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that His Worship, I'~yor Hawkins be requested
to issue a proclamation declaring Monday, 5th. August,1957 as Civic Holiday in
the City of Niagara Falls; that all civic buildings remain closed on that date;
that the next regular meeting of Council be held at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday, August
6th, 1957; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affi~d.
Carried UnanDnousl_i
No. 64 - MCKINLEY . MI;~.ER . RESOLVED that the 1957 expenditures of the Board of
Education for the proposed installation of a new heating system in Memorial Public
School and repairs to the existing heating plant in Simcoe Street Public School
be approved subject to formal requisition by the Board of Education for capital
funds; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of AId. McKiniey and Aid.
READ AKrD ADOPTED, 6th. August,1957.
Deputy Clerk .....
*' ,. / ~ Nayor
Council Chamber,
29th. July, 1957.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, July 29th, 1957 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All Members of the Comr~ttee were present. AId.
Miller, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts submitted in the &mount of $~2,437.10 were approved
by the Committee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or othendse dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion
of Mayor Hawkins and AId. Mowers.
The City Vznager's report on the application of Albert Iannuzzelli for
permission to erect a plastic illuminated sign at 967 Clifton Hill, at an estimated
cost of $200. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~brton
and AId. Brooks that the report be received and adopted and permit be issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of Mr. F. Valentini, 1321
Morrison Street for a permit to erect an addition to the rear of his house, and
recommending that the application be referred to the Property Committee, was
presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Fartin and Ald. Morton that the report be
received and application referred to the Property Co~sittee for a report.
The Conmdttee arose and' reported to Council on the motion of Ald. ~bKinley and AId.
READ AND ADOPTED, 6th. August, 19~7.
Deputy Clerk
Council Chamber,
29th. July, 1957,
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the Furpose of passing the by-lawwhich covered the accounts
approvedbythe Committee. All ~mbers of Council were present.
The followin~Bv-law was passed~
No. 55~6 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDE on the motion of Ald. 1.~rtin and Ald. McKinley that A!d. 1.111er
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. I~wers and Ald. ~ller that F~le 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. P~rtin and Aid. Miller.
READ AND ADOFrED, 6th. August,1957.
Deputy Clerk .=~AAA~,'i ~ ' Mayor
Council Chamber,
6th. August,1957.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday, August
6th, 1957 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. ALl Members
of Council were present, with the exception of Ald. Mowers. The Council, having
received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion
of Ald. Morton and Ald. Brooks.
The followin~ Communications were presented;
No. 206 - Greater Niagara Minor Baseball Association - requesting permission to use
Oakes Park on August 9th- and the waiving of the cost of the lights on that evening.
ORDHRED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Miller that the communication be
received and referred to the Parks Committee with power to act.
No. 207 - Association of Ontario Mayors andEseves - requesting authorization of
travelling expenditure of a municipal member of the Executive of the Association
in attending meetings of the Executive. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and
Ald. Morton that the communication be received and filed and the Association be
advised that this practice has always been followed by the City of Niagara Falls.
No. 208 - John Broderick - re presentation of plans by Mr. Chanady of the building
it is proposed to erect on the property located on Victoria Avenue at Magdalen St.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. t~nite and Ald. Miller that the communication be
received and filed, by-law no. 5149 be amended to include this location where the
proposed motel may be erected and a permit be granted subject to filing of plans
and specifications. Carried, the vote being - Aye -Ald. White, Ald. Miller, Ald.
McKinley and Ald. Morton; Nays -Ald. Brooks, Ald. Martin and Mayor Hawkins.
SEE By-law No.5552
No. 209 - Mrs. Anna Konkos - re-applying for permission to erect a motel at 15~6
Robinson Street with the intention of closing the Stanley Garage located directly
opposite this property and clean up the area and convert the garage into an apart-
ment house. As this conmmnication was received too late for inclusion on this
evening's agenda, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. MiLler and Ald. McKinley
that the communication be read. ORDHRED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald.
Miller that the communication be received and referred to the Property Committee for
a report.
The followin~ Rederts were nresented;
No. 194 - City Manager - advising of regulation height of 14 and 1/2 feet as
required by Department of Highways for traffic signs. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. ~artin and Ald. White that the report be received and laid on the table for
perusal of full Council.
No. 195 - Deputy Clerk - recommending issuance of licenoes. ORDEP, wO on the motion
of Aid..MoKinleyandAld. Morton that the repor~be received and adopted and
licenoes issued accordingly.
The following Petition was presented|
No. 7 - Antonio ~trianni and 13 others - objecting to s~able on Emery~reet.
ORDEF~D on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Morton that the petition be
received and referred to the Property Committee for a report.
No. 65 - BROO~S - MORTON - RESOLVED that a message of s~npathy on behalf of His
Worship the Mayor and Members of the City Council be extended to tile ftmily of the
late Floyd MoRse, faithful employee of the Corporation for a n~nber of years; and
the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimous__ly_~
The followir~ By-laws were presented;
No. 55~7 - To authorize the borrowing of $25,000.00 for the renovation of the
heating system in Memorial Public School and for repairs to the heating
system in Simcoe Street Public School and to p~ovide for the issue of
debentures of the City of r~agara Falls therefor.
ORDERED on the p:otion of Aid. '~ite and Ald. ~rtin that Ald. ~ller be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
O~DERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Brooks that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
No. ~5~8 - To amend By-law Number 3790, being a by-law for the regulation of traffic.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. ~ller that Ald. Morton
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. ~ Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. McKinley that the by-law
be tabled and referred to the Traffic Committee for a further report on ?~llen Avenue.
SEE B~-law kk~mber ~553.
Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 12th. August, 1957.
Brooks to the Finance
Deputy Clerk . = ' ~ ~ J .~__ Mayor
Council Chamber,
6th. August,1957.
The Finance Meeting was held on Tuesday, August 6th, 1957 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present, with the
exception of Ald. Mowers. Ald. Miller, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $50,696.38 were approved
by the Committee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of
~yor Hawkins and Ald. McKinley.
The Property Committee's report on their inspection of the premises
of Mr. F. Valentimi, 1321 M~rrison Street, with reference to his application for a
permit to erect an addition to the rear of his premises, was presented, containing
the Committee's opinion that the addition proposed will be an improvement to the
premises but that the decision as to the exceeding of the 30 percent lot coverage
should be left to Council. ORDERED on the motion of Nayor Hawkins and Ald. McKinley
that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager's report on the application received from Mr. George
Bradley for a plumbing permit to make repairs to the plumbing in the small building
facing Stanley avenue at the rear of the lot at the corner of Cedar Street and
Stanley Avenue, at an estimated cost of $130. and advising that the work will be
done by a licensed master plumber, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the
motion of Nayor Hawkins and Ald. Fartin that the report be received and adopted and
permit issued. Carried - AId. White,contrary.
At this time, the City Manager presented a verbal report on an
application which had been received from Mr. George Sainovich to cover repairs to
the Prospect Hotel, at 1951 Main Street, which was recently destroyed by fire. The
Manager explained that the application and sketch were vague because the applicant
did not have his plans back and they have not been approved as yet by the Liquor
Control Board, hut suggested that a permit be authorized to proceed with the work
of repairing the floors and putting on a new roof, with the understanding that
detailed plans as approved by the Liquor Control Board must be filed with the City
of Niagara FAlls. He requested this tentative approval in order that the City
would have control of the type of floor and Joists being installed. ORDERED on
the motion of Aid. Morton mad AId. B~ooks that. the City Nanager be empowered to
grant a tentative permit for temporary repairs until such time as approval has been
received from the Liquor Control Board of Ontario. Carried Unanimously.
The Committee arose and reported to. Council on the motion of Nayor ~awktns and AId.
READ AND ADOPTE~, 12th. August,1957.
Deputy Clerk
Council Chamber,
6th. August,1957.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law w~ich covered the accounts
approved by the Committee. All Members of Council were present, with the exception
of AId. Mowers.
The following By-law was ~assed;
No. 5549 - To provide honies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that Ald. Fdller
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORD~PJ~) on the motion of Ald. Brooks and AId. Miller that Rule 36 (2)
Of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. McKinley and AId. Brooks - Carried Unanimously.
At this time the City Manager advised Council that a new plan was now
available showing the land now owned by the Highways Department around the vicinity
of Falls Avenue and the Rainbow Bridge Area, which Council had requested in connection
with their forthcoming meeting with the Minister of Highways on Wednesday morning,
August 7th.
Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Miller and Ald. Morton.
READ AND ADOFrED, 12th. August, 1957.
~eputy Clerk .e.a. IaAii~.~ ~ ~ Nayor.
Council Chamber,
12th. August,1957.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on ~bnday, August
12th, 1957 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All
Members of Council were present, vdth the exception of Ald. Mowers. The Council,
having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the
motion of Aid. Brooks and Ald. Morton.
Aid. l~ller advised that Mr. Nicholas Mizibrockywas in the audience
and desired to speak to Council. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~fller and Ald.
~rtin that he be heard.
Mr. Fdzibrocky referred to his recent application to have his property
designated as Commercial Area and again requested Council's consideration, as his
property is now only 20 feet away from a comnercial establishment. He was advised
that the Niagara Area Planning Board had dealt with the application and had recom-
mended that no change be made. Mr. Mizibrocky then asked Council what their decision
would be regarding the construction of a motel in that area and was asked to submit
formal application which could then be dealt with by Council.
Ald. Brooks advised that Fm. E. McBurney, 1172 Morrison Street was
present and desired to speak to Council. ORDEPJa]) on the motion of Ald. Martin and
Ald. Fdlier that he be heard.
Mr. McBurney advised that he had received a building permit from the
City of Niagara Falls to construct a patio in front of his home at 1172 Morrison
Street and had now been advised by the City Engineer that he could not erect a
canopy or awning over the same, and requested Gouncil's faycurable consideration.
The City Manager explained that-he had advised Mr. McBurney that no
a~ting could be erected as the building permit had been issued to construct a patio
only, not a verandah, and that it had been specified that this could not be
enclosed as the original verandah had already been enclosed and this patio was
constructed beyond the same. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton ~d Ald. ~rtin
that the complaint be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report
to Council next Monday.
Laid over from the previous meetinE:
No. 209 - Mrs. Anna KenAce - application to erect a motel at 15~6 Robinson Street,
with the intention of closing the Stanley ~arage located opposite the same and to
clean up the area and convert the garage into apartments. ORD~I~ED on the motion
of Ald. Miller and Ald. White that the communication be received and the Property
Committee' e report be adopted, their recommendation being that a by-law be prepared
to permit the erection of a motel at the intersection of Stanley and Robinson, but
that no building permit for the erection of the motel be issued until such time as
the premises on both sides of Stanley Avenue are cleaned up and the conversion of
the building at present used as a garage is under way. Carried, with Ald. Martin
and Mayor Hawkins contrary.
The followir~ Communications were ~esented;
sf~.Report No. 196
No. 210 - Association of Canadian Fire Marshals - appreciation for hospitality given
to their Association while meeting in Annual Conference, June lO-1A, 19~. ORDt~ED
on the motion of kid. M~rton and Ald. Miller that the communication be received and
No. 211 - Ontario Association of PlumbinK Inst~ectors and Affiliates - iuvitatiun
to Annual Meeting in Windsor, Sept. 2;~th. to 27th. ORDZTZD on the ~!otion of Ald.
Brooks and Ald. Morton that the invitation be received and accepted and ~-~r. KeLth
Eady, Plumbing Inspector be permitted to attend.
No. 212 - .Ontario ~ater Resources Com~issio~ - enquiring about progress of the
construction of a sewage treatment plant. ORDF]tED on the motion of Ald. ~.~ller
and Aid. Brooks that the com,mnication be received and tabled and a report be
submitted by the Management Committee and the City Manager and City Clerk.
The followinK Reports were presented;
No. 196 - Property C~nmittee - recommendation in connection with Mrs. Anna KenAce'
application to erect a motel at the intersection of Stanley Avenue and Robinson
Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~dller and Aid. Whit~ that the report be
received and recommendation adopted. Carried,with Ald. ~rtin and Mayor Hawkins
SE Co~l~nication 202
No. 197 - City ManaKer - recommending attendance of Plumbing Inspector at Annual
Convention of Ontario Association of Plumbing Inspectors and Affiliates in Windsor
September 24th. to 27th. G{DE~JED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald. ~brton that
the report be received and recommendation adopted. Carried Unanimously.
SEE Co,mnunication 2]/.
No..198 - City Manager - re communication from Ontario W~ter Resources Co~mission.
0RDEREDon the motion of Aid. Fdlierand kld. Brooks that the repor~ be received
and tabled pending submission of a report by the Fmnagement Committee, City ~nager
and City Clerk.
SEE Communication 212.
No. 199 - City ManaEer - recon~nending attendance of Mr. Keith Eady, Sanitary
Inspector at Convention of Ontario Association of Sanitary Inspectors to be held
at Kingston, September 16th. to 18th. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald.
McKinley that the report be received and recommendation adopted.
No. 200 - City ManaRer - report on meeting of Council representatives ~dth Fdnister
of Highways on August 7th. re possible extension of Sheraton-Brock Hotel and the
Department's possible action with reference to a portion of Falls Avenue. ORDk~GD
on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Morton that the repor~ be received and filed.
No. 201 - CitvManaEer - r~co.~nendlngMayor and Chairnmn of Finance be authorized
to open and initial tenders for extension to Filtration Plant building & equipment
on Thursday,morning, August 15th. at 9 A.M. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White
and Ald. Morton that the report be received and recommendation adopted.
Resolution No.66.
No. 202 - City ManaRer - re width of road for ~rray Street. OEDS~gD on the motion
of kld. McKinley and Ald. }brton that the report be received ~nd adopted.
No. 203 - Traffic Committee - recommending parallel parking on Erie Avenue between
Huron St. and Queen St. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Brooks that
the report be received and recommendation adopted.
No. 204 - Traffic C~mm~ttee - traffic conditions on Ellen Avenue between Ferry
S~. and Walnut St. and recommendation that parking be eliminated on south-east side
of Ellen from Centre to Walnut St. ORDerED on the motion of Ald. 'Morton and Ald.
McKinley that the report be received and recommendation adopted.
No. 205 - Traffic Committee - re possible widening of Magdalen Street and suggesting
preparation of a report on the same. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald.
Mor~on that the report be received and recommendation adopted.
No. 206 - Property Committee - re possible moving of c~elling from }~gdalen Street
and recommending that no permit be issued for the same to any location within the
cit~. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. F~rton that the repor~ be
received and recommendation adopted.
No. 207 - City ManaEer - recommending attendance of City Engineer at the Fall
Meeting of the Ontario Building Officials' Association in Cooksville on October 5th.
O~ on the motion of Ald. Miller and AId. Brooks that the report be received
and recommendation adopted.
No. 208 - Deputy Clerk - recommending issuance of licencee. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Morton and Ald. Fdller that the report be received and adopted and licences
issued accordingly.
No. 211 - Property Committee - report on inspection of stable on Emery Street between
Stanley Avenue and Gladstone Avenue and Sanitary Inspector's recommendation. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received and a
copy fortystaled to the first signatory on Petition No. 7.
Petition No. 7.
Laid over from the previous meeting.;
No. 7 - Antonio Sirianni and 13 others -complaining about stable on Emery Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the petition be received
and filed and a copy of the Property Committee's report be forwarded to the first
signatory on the petition.
SE~Re~ort No. 1211.
The following, Resolution was ~assed|
No. 66 - WHITE - MORTON - RESOLVED that the Nayor and Chairman of Finance are hereby
authorized to open and initial tenders received for the extension to the Filtration
Plant building ~nd equipment, said opening and initialling to take place on the
morning of Thursday, August 15th. 1957 at 9 A.M. and a summary and recommendation be
prepared for the consideration of Council at the ~ext regular meeting; and the Seal
of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
Ald.' White referred to the situation which had arisen in front of the
driveway at 1052 Victoria Avenue owing to the relocation of parking meters in that
area., advising that the owners could not use the driveway and requested that some-
thing be done.
The City Manager advised that Mr. Dawson and he were going to check
into the matter on T~es'day morning and relocate all meters in that block, since it
was not thee intention to allocate a full 2J+ feet or 25 feet to o~mers for this
d ri veway.
~ld. McKinley requested that Council discuss the latter to the Minister
of Highways which was referred t~ in report number 200, but was advised by the City
Nanager that he did not want it publicized at the present time.
Ald. MAllet referred to the condition at the comer .of Fourth Avenue
a~d Valley Way wh~re the Globe mid Nail Box and also a ma~l box at present block
the view of motorists at the intersection and advised that milk containers were
new 'being lef~ at this comer which added to the hazard. ORDERE~ on the motion of
Ald. Miller and Ald. White that the City Manager be instructed to see that the
Globe and Mail Box and the Nail Box are rolecared and that the Dairy be advised
that these containers must not be lef~ at this location.
Laid over from a previous meeting;
No. 55A3 - To close and sell the westerly .'.~ feet of Dyson Avenue fr,v.m j~u~trey
Street to Ferguson Stre?b and the 16 foot lane ru~irLZ fr~,:! Suttrey
Street to Ferguson Street and leested betweem ~ysom Avemue and !.~ir
Avenue according to Plan 32, registered for the Town o~ ;'?iagara Falls.
Third Reading - AId. ~.,~qite and Aid. iqcKinley - Carried Unanimously.
The foliowinE By-law was passed:
No. ~0 - A by-law to amend B~v-law ~.ber 51A9 reEarding tourist establishments.
ORDEREd) on the motion of ild. McKinley and Ald. P~ller that Ald. ~&ite
be graBted the privilege of i~,t~x~ducir~ the by-law ~qd the by-law be giver, the !st.
reading. - Carried. (AId. ~rtin and ~yor Hawkins-contrary).
ORDERED on the taction of Ald. ~Liller and Ald. ~,lorton that Z~le 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be gi'~en
the second reading. - Carried. (Aid. Brooks, Martin and i'~yor Hawkins-contrary).
Third Reading -Ald. P~ller and AId. McFdnley - Carried (AId. Brooks, Eartin and
1.L%yor Hawkins-contrary).
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 19th. August, 1957.
Deputy Clerk .........
.~ Mayor
Council Chamber,
12th. Angust,1957.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, August 12th, 1957 for the purpose
sf approving and also passlag the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present, with the
exception of Ald. Mowers. Ald. Miller, Chairman of Finance, presided.
· andryAccounts submitted in the mount of $58,86~.58 were appreved by
the Committee.
The Accounts submitted,being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered
Placed in the Noney By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Mayor
~awkins and Ald. Martin.
The City Manager's report on the application of Cities Service Oil Co.
for a permit to erect a porcelain steel pedestal sign at 1336 Victoria Avenue at
an estimated cost of $500. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Morton and Ald. Brooks that the report be received and adopted and permit
Tae Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTEl), 19th. August, 1957.
Deputy Clerk
Council Chamber,
12th. August,1957.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Committee. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of Ald. Geo.
The followinR By-law was passed;
N~o. 5551 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. McKinley that Aid. Miller
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-l~w and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Miller that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. Martin and Ald. Morton - Carried Unanimously.
The City Manager referred to the inspection this evening by the
Members of Council prior to the Council Meeting, with .regard 'to th~ proposed paving
of North Main ~treet between Summer-S~ree% and North Street and advised that the
original estimate was ba. sed on a roadway 40 feet in width and that on the Tour of
Inspection the Council had instructed that everything possible be done to maintain
the trees. The City Manager then etated that Mr, Williamson of the L~cal Nydro
Commission had advised that the installation of flucrescent light~ :viii he
hampered if the trees are left on the we~t side of the street; poles ~dll have
to be placed on the inside of the sidewalk and the lights vdll not }? effective.
The City ~%nager requested Council to discuss the matter 'and desired
to know whether Council ~ere desirous of the F~reparation of a report sbe'.~ing the
cost of the construction of a ~5-font roadway, includin~ the co:~t of ~e~_oving the
trees. ' ~ - '
A full discussion ensued regarding the wisdom of removing the trees and
their condition.
ORD~',~RE~ on the motion of Ald. I,brton and Ald. r.iiller that a re~rt be
submitted as suggested k~y the City Manager. Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. X'Liller and ,lld. Morton.
READ AND ADOITED, 19th. August, 1957.
Deputy Clerk
Council Chamber,
19th. August, 1957.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, August
19th. 1957 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members
of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous meeting, adopted the~e on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Morton.
Laid over from the previous meetinK:
No. 212 - Ontario Water Resources Commission - enquiring about progress of the
construction of a sewage treatment plant. AId. Martin, Chairman of the Management
Committee, advised Council that two meetings were held to-day on this subject by
his Committee and as it is apparent that there is information the Committee feel
should go to Dr. Berry and therefore he requested Council to allow the City Manager
to consult with Consulting Engineers and submit a full report of their findings at
the next meeting of Council. ORDERED on the motion of AId. b~rtin and Ald. Mowers
that the verbal report oft he Management Committee Chairman be received and adopted.
S.EE Repor~ No.198
The followin~ Communications were presented;
No. 213 - Brigadier Commander M. S. Durm - appreciation for use of Oakes Park
Stadium on August 4th, 1957. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and AId. Morton
that the coMaunication be received and filed.
No. 21~ - Local Kvdro Commission - re property at 329 Morrison Street and advising
of their wish to dispose of the southerly part of this lot, ~4th the house thereon.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and AId. McKinley that the communication be
received and filed and the Commission be advised that Council have no objection to
the sale of this property.
No. 215 - Local Insurance A~ents - Boiler Insurance. ORDERED on the motion of AId-
Morton and Ald. ~.~ller that the communication be received and referred to the
Property Committee for a detailed report.
No. 216 - Nicholas Mizibrocky - application for a permit to construct a motel at
1913 Buchanan Avenue and requesting inspection of the property where such erection
is proposed. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald. Miller that the com-
munication be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report.
The next two communications No. 217 and 218were ordered considered
together, on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Mowers.
No. 217 - Bell Telephone Com~amv of Canada - enclosing copy of application filed
with the Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada seeking approval of increase
in rates. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and AId. Miller that the communi-
cation be received and the Bell Telephone CO. be advised that Council are forwarding
a protest against this application.
No. 218 - United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America - enclosing col y
of telegram protesting increase in telephone ratesand requesting Council's
endcreation. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Brooks that the com-
munication be received and the organization be advised that Council are in sympathy
with their protest and that a protest is being forwarded also by this Council.
No. 219 - Twin City Motors - application for used car lot licenee, at 1265 Ferry St.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and AId. Martin that the conmmnicaticn be
received and filed and the writer be advised that it is contrary to the Zoning By-law.
No. 220 - Fifth Lithuanian Day in ~anada - re,luesthmg publicsitch of a
clamation. ORDER~]D on the motion
0or~}unication be received and ~iled and the ~roc!ar!ati,m issued as re located.
No. 221 - Secretary, Nurses' Alulmae Association -/nvitatjo~ to tunoil
wives to attend Tea in the new ;'}urses' }~esidence, Sunday, Sei tember 2L],, 1957.
As this co~ication was received after ~he agenda was comFlet~d, it ~,ns
on the n~otion of Ald. F~ller and Ald. EcKinloy that it be placed on the
read. O~E~ED on the motion of ~d. l~rtin 3nd =~ld. Horror that 'h~
received and accepted and as many members of Council and th,~ir wives arterial.
Laid over from the ~revious meeting;
No, 19~ - City ManaKer - re height of traffic signal. lights. The City i-fanaSer
reported verbally at this time also, staling bhat the r.~.gulations ~s contained in
the report referred to signs] but that rei~:lations re[;ardi,15 traffic lights st]dul;~te
that they must not be lower than 9 feet, However, the height of traffic li6hts have
been checked on the Queen Elizabeth Highway ~d were found to be !~ ~nd 1/2 fe~t
above the ground, ORD+~jZI~N) on the motion of Ald, ~iiller and Ald. Martin that the
report be received and filed.
No. 198 - City l'~naKer - re co~mnunication from Ontario Water Resources
0RDER~D on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. I,bwers that the verbal report of the
Chairman of the I,hnagement Com.nittce requesting CouncL1 to Febnit the City I,ianaS~r
to consult with Consulting Engineers in order tc give the O.W.~.~. further
infoxvnation on this subject, be received and adopted.
SEE Co~sauni cat~ op. ?io. 212.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 212 - City I.~naKer - recommending attendance of Fire Chief at Annual C.~nference
of the Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs at Kentrills, Nova Scotia, S-Ft.!6-19.
O~E~ on the motion oC kld. ~rtin and ~d. Z-lord. on that the ~} orb be received
and adopted.
No. 213 - 1;~naF. ement Conm,ittee - recentending appointment of man to gr~as~. trucks
and other equips. err at Municipal Garage; the Co~,m4ttee t,o reI :.,rb at a lab~,r d:~.t,~ on
the operation of the garage. C~E~ZD ~ the motion of ~dd. ]4artin %nd Ald. i.~llcr
that the report be received and ~opted.
No. 21~ - City I.~nager - applic3tion of Jmnes ~riand to erect a motel at the south-
east corner of Ferry St. and Clark Ave. (RD~ZD on the motion of Ald. ~,lller and
Ald. Morton that the report be received and referred to the rre~erby Co~.ittce for
a report.
No. 215 - City ~D{nager - report on the paving of North 1.L~in Street beb~,,een Summer
and North Street and enclosing a copy of letter from the }hnager of the Local Hydro
Commission regarding the wisdom of removing trees. ORD',~ED on the motion of ~d.
~ller and ~d. B~oks that the ~port be received and the City Fanager's recom-
mendation that a ~-foot ~adway, at a cost of $12,3~.00 be adopted. Carried with
~d. ~ and ~d. Mowers-contrary.
No. 216 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. McKinley and Ald. l~rton that the report be received and adol.~ed and licehess
issued accordingly.
The foliowinE.Resolution was passed:
Me. 67 - M~ERS - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of Council
scheduled for Augus~ 26th. be cancelled and the meeting of Se?~ember 2nd. be trans-
ferred to September 3rd. at 7.30 p.m. and the Seal of the Corporation be heroic
Carri~ed_ U.nanimously,
Ald. Miller referred to various locations throughout the City where weeds
are prevalent.
Ald. F~rton queried about the installation of flucrescent lighting on
Ferry Street and when it is expected that the same would be carried out..
.BY-L. AW8
The foliowinE By-law was presented;
No. 55~2 - A ~,-law to amend By-law N~nber 5149 regarding tourist establishments.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. ~rtin and AId. Mowers that Ald. ~ller
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORD~ED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald. McKinley that the by-law
be tabled until action is taken by Mrs. Konkos to implement the stilulations
concerning the cleaning up and renovation of her holdings. - Carried with Ald.
FURTHER ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Mowers that a
communication be forwarded to Mrs. Konkos advising her of the first reading of the
by-law and the requirements to be fhlfilled. Carried Upanimously. '
The followin~ ~r-law was passed;
No. ~553 - To amend By-law Number 3790~ being a by-law for the regulation of traffic.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. 1,brton that AId. l~orton
be granted the privilege of in6roducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Brooks that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. Mowers and Ald. Brooks - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of AId. Mowers and Ald.
READ AND'ADOPTED, 3rd. S~ptember, 1957.
Council Chamber,
19th. August,19~7.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, AuguSt 19th, 1957 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the vari6u~ acc6unts ~hich had been p~operly
'certified and placed before them. All Members of the Co~uittee were presen6. AId.
Miller, 0hairman of Finance, presided.
Sund~ Accounts submitLed in the ~nou,'..t of ~!17,354.79 ','er~
Mm Co.n~ittee.
The Accounts submitted, bei~ ~assed or otherwise dealt ",it~ , :;or, ordered
placed in the lbney By-law for }:rosenration to th,~ Council on Lbe
Haw~ns and ~d. I.:cKinley.
The SuL~nary of Tenders ?or the ne~v Filtc. r ~:ildini. :.iq~}: .rlle~' lU,:q
eXtenSion to the Filtration ~lapL located i~ CbiI.~a~-~a, OnU:.trio, :-;is
consideration along wjth the fc]_lo,.,5
1. Co~nu~cation from H. C. Acres and Co. LLd. Conbul~ir~!i ]n~,'~ne~r%
men~D~ tha5 the tender of Mebaan Pros. ~:2ited of St, Cal l,a-<.~ at
of -~114~090.05 be accept. ed. ~ .......
2. Com~nunication r~:,, D.:e~tap Pros. Ltd. ad,Asinj :~F cc,,:it,-:tic
project if P-warded the tender.
3. Report of the lhnagemenh Co~sti[ Lee P~com.iendinj That the
~gineePs' reco~r:enclation ~ath refepance to Novroman E~s. be ap: ~oved; i~e copsld. q.-
ation having ~en given to the coml-lebion date.
Aid./hrLin, Chai~aan of the Minagement ~m~:.ithee, referrqd [o Lhe ~act
that Ne~.~ Pros. Li~ted wePe an out-of-to~ Firm, and it is d,~sired that it be
included in the Cona~dtte~s ~eport thab Ne~aan Pros. Li2%t. e6 iP,~ t~ und~ysLc, qd
as much loe~ labour as possible is to be used on this p~jec[.. ORDP. UD on the
motion of ~d. ~'~ite and ~d. Broo'xs that the Smr2nary of Ten~eps, comuunieations
be received ann the report or the Management Co~pittee b~ ~ecelw.6 ~nd ado[ted.
Carried Unan~ously.
SEE Resolution
The City Managep's report on the aM&ieation of ~lessrs. KP.~nep and Ellis
for pe~ts to erect two signs and a display bcx ab ~6(, Victoria Avenue, at a
total estimated cost of ~3~. was presented. OiDEED on the ~otior, of .ld. MeKinley
~d ~d. Mo~on that the mpopt he received and adopted and i.ennits issued.
The re~rt of the Property Coneties ~e proposed e~eetion of an m,~ing
ovep a patio at 1172 Morrison Street, was presented for eonsidepation. ~fope
deali~ ~th the rs~rt. it was ordered on the motion of ~d. Brooks and Ald.~rtin
that any one p~esent at the meeting, opposed to this erection, ~ pen~tted be speak.
~. Sheldon ~laney ann Mrs. M. Weir~ adjacen~ p~o~ty o~mePs, spoke in opposition
to what was proposed by ~. Mc~rney, being of the opinion that it would not be
fair to the ether residents in the apes. as it would interfere with theip visibility.
It was then o~dered on the motion of ~d. liartin and ~d. Morton bhab ~. Mc~mey
be hea~.- He was of the opi~on that the structure ~uld be an imB~vemenb to his
pm~rty and ~equested ~hat an inspection be made to verify his cleans. O~l%gO on
the motion of ~d. ~in and ~d. Brooks that the repo~t of the P~operty ~ttee
be laid on the tabh for two ~sks and all members of ~uncil view the ppemises.
The City l~nager's report on the application of gp. ~gh L~uet~ for a
~t to construct an section at the rear of 2062 l~in Street, at an estimated
~st of $9,0~. was pmsented fo~ considepation. ORDER on the motion of AId.
Brooks ann ~d. ~rton that the report be received and adopted and pemit issued.
The City hnager's ~por~ on the application of ~goljub Djosich of 562
Victoria Avenue for a pe~t to make ~tepations at an estitaated cost of $1,000.
~s p~sented for consideration. ORDE on the motion of AId. Bmoks and ~d.
Morton that the repel be recei~d and adopted and pe~t issued.
~e City Clerk rer~r~ea to by-llw no. 5%3 ~,ich had been mad a third
time at the hs~ meeting ~d has been ~egistemd, ~i~ a by-law to close and
the westerly 8 Feet of ~son Avenue F~m Butt~ey Sireel ~,¢ Fe~son 3tre,;t and the
16-Foot lane ~n~ng from hitroy st. to Fer~son St. and located between ~,son
Ave. and Muir Ave. acco~ to Plan 32. ~e Clerk requested that consideration
be given to fi~ng the price on the ~rtion 0f lands to ~ conveyed to the Provtnoial
~ginee~ng ~m~ny in o~der that the City Solictto~ can be inst~cted to draft ~he
deed. 0E on the motion of ~yor Ha~ins a~ ~d. Moweps that the ~rb~ ~est
of the City Clerk be received and referred to the P~ope~y Co~ttee fo~ a report.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Mowers and
Ald. McKinley.
READ A~,,I) ADOPTED, 3rd. September,1957.
Council Chamber,
19th. August, 1957.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finant,
~etings for the purpose of passing the by-law v~ich covered the accounts approved
by the Committee. All Members of Council were present.
The followin~ .~.-law was passed;
~o. 555~ - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~.hrtin and Ald. Morton that Aid. Miller
be grantedlthe privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Martin and Ald. Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
The followinK Resolution was passed:
No. 68 - WHITE - BROOKS - RESOLVE~ that the tender of Newman Brothers Limited,
St. Catharines, Ontario for the construction of the Filter Building Wash Water
Pump'~oom extension to the Filtration Plant located at Chippawa, Ontario, at an
quotation of $11~,990.O~ be accepted, with the understanding that as much Niagara
Falls local labour as possible will be used on this project; and the Mayor and Clerk
be authorized to enter into and deliver an agreement and/or contract for the carrying
out of such work; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
Council adJouraed on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton.
September, 19~ 7.
R';iiLA?, r_]ZTIN3
Dr,L1. 3e[temb./r,
Pursuant to adjournment, Council :net at '7.30 l..m. on 3ae:'day,
3rd. 1957, for the [urpose of copsidering general business and Fjtlanc3. A]!
Members of Council were present, The Couacil~ having received an.~ r~?ad the
of the previous meeting, adopted these on the ::totion of lid. Beooks and AId.
Laid over from the previous meetinK;
No. 216 - N. [~zibrocky - appl~4ng for a ~eradt to cons~ct a motel at 1913
Buchanan Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Freeks and A].d. kowers t!!a~ the
communication be received and filed and the applicant advised that a i.emit
be issued for such erection as it is contrary to by-law nuther 514~.
m~m Rel,orL I;o. 213.
The followinK Conu.unications were presented;
No. 222 - Bell Telephone Co. of Canada - requesting permission to perform ~ork
at various locations. ORDEP~ED on the motion of Ald. Plowera and A!d. ~.2c~(inley
the communication be received and filed and perndssion granted ~nd the bj-law be
SEE By-law Ho.
No. 223 - Greater NiaF~ara General Hospital - invitation to Couecil and adminis-
trative staff to attend Tour of Inspection of the new project on September 25th.
· at ~,30 p.m. ORDEr~D on the ,notion of Ald. ~ller and Ald. Mowers that the
invitation be received and accepted and as many as l~Dssible be in attendance.
No, 224 - Chamber' s Traffic and Safety Co,~ittee - commendation for erect]on of
parking sign at the Centre. 0RD~IED on the motion of Ald. ]~artin and Ald.~<owers
that the communication be received and filed.
No. 22~ - Chamber of Commerce - requesting municipal re].resentatien at Directors'
meetings, September, October and November. ORD~ED on the motion of Ald. %~ite
and Ald. Morton that the cor~nunication be received and filed and the Clerk notify
the Chamber that on September lath. 'Ald. Brooks ~ill be in attendance; October 16th.
Ald. Mowers will attend and on November 20th. Ald. Morton will be present.
No. 226 - Board of Transport Commissioners - notice of sittings re apt!lication of
Bell Telephone Co. for increase in rates. ORDERED on the motion of A]d. ]'~rtin
and Ald. McKinley that the communication be received and filed, as a protest against
such increase has already been registered with the Board and the ~cll Tcl~ L,ne
by the City of Niagara Falls.
No. 227 - United Towns Organization - advocating membership in organization. ORD~tED
on the motion of Ald. White and lld. ~rtin that the communication be received and
Jo. 228 - Harrl/F. Bent - appreciation to Fire Department for the speed and
efficiency exercised in extinguishing the blaze at 661 Homewood Avenue. ORDEiED on
the motion of Aid. Brooks and Ald. Miller that the communication be received and
copy forwarded to the Fire Department for their perusal.
No. 229 - Welland County A~ricultural Society- requesting declaration of a half-
holiday for the school children to attend Welland Fair, September llth. Following
exPlanation by the City Clerk that copies of this communication have been forwarded
te the Public' and Separate School Boards, it was ordered on the motion of Ald.
~bwers and Ald. Brooks that the communication be received and filed in view of the
Clerks' explanation.
No. 230 - NiaKara Parks Commission - Dutch ELm Disease. 02DERED on the motion of
Ald. Mowers and Aid. Filler that the communication be received and the Commission
thanked for supplying t.his infomation and the press and radio be requested to
give all publicity possible to this subject.
No. 231 - Ontario }~nicipal Joint Committee on SewcraMs Works - re arrangements for
a meeting in Ottawa. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mo~rs that the
communication be received and the writer advised that the City of Niagara Falls are
in fayour of arranging such a meeting and that our fo~uer representatives DAncries
as previously.
No. 232 - County Civil Defence Committee - requesting City's share of payment
towards the operations of this Committee. OPd)ERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers
and Ald. Brooks that the Commuuication be received and filed and their request
hid over from the previous meetinE;
No. 21~ - City ManaK~r - re application of J~nes Briand for a permit to erect a
motel at the south-east coruer of Ferry Street and Clark Avenue.
Report No.217.
The foliowinE Reports were presented;
No. 217 - Property Committee - recommending amendment to by-law number 5149 to
permit the erection of a motel ~y J. Brland at the south-east Corner of Ferry Street.
and ~_ark Avenue. ORDF~tED on the motion of Ald. Falllet and Ald. 1,~rton that the
reports be received and adopted. Carried ~dth Ald. Martin and Fayor Hawkins contraST.
No. 218 ~ Property Committee - re application of N. P~zibrocky for a motel permit
at 1913 Buchanan Avenue and recommending that the applicant be advised that a permit
for such erection cannot be issued as it is contrary to By-law Ntn~ber 5149. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald. Mowers that the report be received and adopted.
SEE Communication
No. 219 - City 1JanaKer - recommendation re installation of a street light on Hm~iltos
Street between Third AvenUe and Fourth Avenue. ORDE~E]) on the motion of Ald. Morton
and Aid. Miller that the report be received and adopted.
No. 220 - City ~na~er - re installation of a street light at the intersection of
Broughton Avenue and Leader Lane. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald.
Morton that the report be r~ceived and adopted.
No. 221 - ManaEement Committee - interim rate for water delivered to Chtppawa.
Ald. Martin, Chairman of the ~nagement Committee reported verbally and stated that
his Committee recommended the adoption of this report other than the interim rate
and that the' figure be changed from 10 cent~ to 9 cents per 1,000 gallons. ORDERrED
on the motien of Ald. Morton and Ald. ~rtin that the report be received and' adopted
accordingly, as recommended by the Chairman.
No. 222 - Property Committee - setting prices for the portions of land to be
conveyed'to Provincial Engineering Limited. ORDERED on the motion of AId. I~ller
Aid. Brooks that the report be received end adopted.
No. 22~ - H. G. Acres and Co. Ltd. - Summary of Tenders received for new pumps at
extension to Filtration Flant and recommending acceptance of the ~mbustlon
~ngtneering-S~porheater Limited tender. CRDERED on the motion of Ald. ~rtin and
Ald. Mowers that the recommendation of the Management Committee that the recom-
mendation of H. G. Acres & C~. Ltd. be accepted, be received and adopted.
8E~Resolution No.69.
No. 22~ - City Clerk - submitt;_n~ draft agree:~,:,:t
and ~reater Niagara Area municil. alities re p~posed ~urve~, C'~DZuZD
of ~d. Mowers and AId. l.tarhlr, that this re~ert k- remow.d fro::.
referred to the Survey Co~m~d~te~ for ~ ~cussion.
No, 225 - City Clerk - recom.,~!endjn~ issuance o~ llcences, O:tDEIU, D .~: t}-e :.~ti~.n of
~d. McFinT_ey and .~d. Martin that the tel-orb be rece'!,ved and ~Jo~tefi ~; ]ice~-cc~
issued actordimly.
,~jl~3OLUTI O? iS
The following Resolutions were ,~assedj
No. 69 - F~iRTIN - .MO','~ER$ - RF~SCLVZD that the reccm'.!en,lalio!-:
Ltd. Consulting Engineers, as -ecolr~ !~l:dec: ,~, the l~'-~naGement Cons,,j
and the tender for pumps to be lnstal]ed in ~he ~iltrstion [lant aL Oh-'!:] o.i,!a ~.'-e
awarded to the Co:nbustion F~gineering-SuIerheater Limited at a total cost of
$1~2,293. plus -Z~2,541. for spare parts an4 the i~hyor and Clerk be authorize,! to
enter inte and deli,z~r an agreement and/or contract %r the c:~rry! nC out of s~ach
work; and the Seal of the Corporation be, hereto ~ffi-,ed.
No. 70 - I..;ORTON - BROOKS - RESCLV']D that a messaZe of s~:!atby o:: !eh:~lf
Worship the l'~yor, Members of Council and citizens at lar6e, k~- For,.'u.~i,,d to tke
family of the late Mr. Gordon Troup, ke.~!~bers of the Bcard of lF, ucat~ou uf tb~ C~ty
of Niagara Falls and highly esteemed resident of the co:mnunity; and the Seal
the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimo~sl.,/.
The foliotrinE Petition was presented;
No. 8 - J.Barrv Erskine and 53 other children - requesting installation of a traffic
light at the comer of MacDonald Avenue and ,Robert S4reet. It was moved by Aid.
Brooks and seconded by ild. McKinley that the petition be received and the ~d, nister
of Nighways reminded of this City's former re~est and a col.y of the petition be
forwarded to him. This motion was defeated by a vote of 5 to 2, the vote being,
Aye -Ald. Brooks and McKinley -NAYE -Ald. Miller, ~rtin, i~rton, ticwets and
An amendment by Ald. IKller and Ald. Martin that a copy of this petition be forwarded
to the Premier of Ontario along'with all that has transpired to date and a copy of
the same be sent to Mr. A. C. Jolley, our Local Member, requesti~Z so,as results,
carried by a vote of 6 to 1 - AId. Brooks-contra~a
The foliowinE By-law was presented;
No. 5555 - A by-law to authorize the construction of sidewalks on Handlton Street,
Slater Avenue and St.lawrence Avenue; curbs and gutters on V~rray St.
and Detroit Avenue and asphalt pavement and gutter on Slater Avenue as
Local Improvements under the provisions of The Local Improvement Act.
0RFERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. ~:artin that Ald. L~ller be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standjn6 F, ule3 of Council be temi~or~rily suspended an~ the by-law b~ given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
The followin~ By-laws were passed;
No._q~_~- To provide for permission to The Bell Telephone Company of Canada to
place poles, anchors, aerial cable m~d buried cable and remove poles and
aerial cable on Philip, John, River Lane, Falls Avenue, G~tario Avenue
and the lanes between Philip Street and John Street and John Street
and Hiram Street.
ORDSi~ED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and tld. Brooke thit l!d. Foi-~r$
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the 1st.
reading. - Carried Unam~nously.
ORD~Zo~D on the motion of Ald. 1,~rtin and Ald.~orton that Rule ~d (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carded Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. lziller and Ald. Mowers - Carried Unan~nously.
No. 5557 - A by-law to amend By-law Number 5335 entitled eA ~-law to r~gulate the
~ use of land and the use, location, spacing, height and area of building
and structures within the City of Niagara Fells.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that Ald. Brooks
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried UnanimouSly.
ORDER~ on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Brooks that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton - Carried Unanimously.
Ald. 1,~ller brought to the attention of Council the crossing used by
the children on Lundy's Lane on their way to Barker Street School and it was ordered
on the motion of Ald. F~ller and Ald. Morton that this matter be referred to the
Traffic Cmrmittee for a report.
Ald. Miller referred to the condition of Peer Street which Council had
agreed to do something about and advised that if something is not done, a petition
will be forthcoming from the residents in that area. The City Manager referred to
a report which had been submitted regarding construction of sidewal]~ and gutters and
simple repairs to the road surfaceuntil sewer installation takes place, and stated
that he would go over the report and advise Council at the next meeting.
Ald. FUller desired to know whethe~ Mr. Sills, the City k~ectrician had
made any request to attend the Convention of the International Municipal Signal
Association to be held in Miami this month, being of the opinion that any knowledge
gained by him at this Convention 'would be beneficial to the City. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Miller that Mr. Sills be authorized to attend the
Convention of International F~nicipal Signal Association in Miami. Carried, with
Ald. White contrary.
Ald. Miller referred to the welcome received by the Lord F~ayor of London
and his party last Wednesday and desired to know the reason for the absence of the
~mbers of Council on this occasion. His Worship the Mayor advised that this was
not a formal visit as the Lord Mayor was a guest of 'the Mayor of Hamilton and he
and Mrs. Hawkins were invited to be with the party while they were in Niagara Falls.
Aldj Mowers was of the opinion that the whole affair was poorly handled from the
publicity angle.
Ald. McKinley requested the City Manager to check the basement foundation
of a property on Peer Street and if he was of the opinion that the same is hazardous
action be taken to make the same safe because of children in the area.
Ald. Brooks referred to soliciting of tourists in t~ vicinity of the
Brock Hotel and requested the City Clerk ~o read an excerpt from'the press on this
subject. His Worship the Mayor advised of the action of the Police Commission who
are keeping a close scrutiny in this area.
Aid. 14cKinley asked the City C!~=rk to ~--~
Parks and Recreation Co~z~ritt.~e cc~nc.~rnin:~ ~:e ~ortbcom!r~ incr.~a~e i,~ ~'.e o.- st
of purchasing steam F~m the Nah~ sco Coral,a:V fi.r the i.~mo~ia] Ar~-ma~ and r,~c,.:~-
mended on behalf of his Conmitt.~e that the n~or
resolution be prepared. CRDE'VD on ~ h,~
that the re!~rt be received anJ adoI k.'l ~nc' :t.?-lut:l~.:~ ~ra.'r. C .... i. ] ',* "r~ ;..:=i~.
The foilowl ;-' -%eso!utloD w~s · asse~:
Mo. 71 - Mc~IL~L~, - I.iOR?C,~y - Ezi%CI~/:D i~haL
enter into an aSree,nent t~- c<,~j r-ac!
- , ...... ~ ·
rate as quoted by Nabisco Foods I,i::_!t,-.l;
AId. Erooks reques~ed t~!n!. a'btei~.~L.: ~:e
in front of Vict. cr's store at 10~]. Oe:~bre Street.
The Alderh,an com.~!aln,::d abcut
property and also a fa].rly large excavabio,~ in the i~r:,:,~diat= vicivL~-y ,~,. L.~-'.d~-r
Council adjourned to the Fiuanc~: Meeting on the -'notion of .Lld. -"iewers ~r,:: Ald.
READ t~'D ADOPTED 9th. September, 1957. * ,
C le rk
/ ,-'.kyor.
Council Gha~.ber,
3rd. September, 1957.
The Finance Meeting was held on Tuesday, September 3rd, 1957 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. ALl 'Members of the Cormmittee were present. Ald.
~ltller, Chairman' of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts submitted ir the s~aount of ~91,958.97 were approved by
the Committee.
The Accounts submitted. being passed or othersrise dealt with, ~ere ordered
The Property Committee' s repert and recommendation regarding the
canopy at 1172 Morrison Street, which had been laid over from the last meeting,
until an inspection of the same had been made by the Members of Council, was
again submitted. ORDE4ED on the motion of Ald. ~rtin and Ald. Morton that the
matter be ~gedn tabled and the City Solicitor be requested to go into the matter
of covenants or restrictions which may be contained in deeds along that pertion of
would still be valid and govern any erection at this time. Carried Unanimously.
Mr. McBurney, the applicant, who was present at this meeting was permitted to
speak on the motion of ~ayor Hawkins and Ald. McKinley. He gave a brief restme
concerning his application for a permit and queried the reason for havi~lg to obt.sir~
The City b~anager's report on the application of R. Biamonte for a
permit to erect a wooden sign at 1i~ Ferry Street was presented. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Brooks that the report be received and adopted and
permit issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of j. Laslo, 12.55 Ferry
presented for consideration. ORDEE on the motion of Ald. i4orton and AId. McKinley
that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City 1,~nager's report on the application of Swalm's Television for
a permit to erect a masonite and wooden sign at 623 Queen Street was presented for
consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald. I~brton that the
repoI~ be received and adopted.
The City Manager' s report on t~e application of Shell Oil Co. of Canad~
for a p~rmit to erect a modern streamlined outdoor advertising display at the :vest
side of the service station at the corner of Victoria Avenue and Valley Way was
presented for consideration. ORDEREB on the'motion of Fayor Hawkins and Ald.~rtin
that the report be received and adopted and the application be referred to the
Property Committee for consideration.
The City Manager's report on the application of Shell Oil Co. of Canada=
for a permit to erect a modern streamlined outdoor advertisin~ display at the north
side of the service station at the corner of Stanley Avenue and McRae Street was
presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mowers that the report
be received and adopted and the application be referred to the Property Con~aittee
for consideration.
The City I~anager's report on the application of J. L. Schwarz for a
Fennit to erect an apartment building at the south-west corner of Bridge Street
and Homewood Avenue, was withdrawn from the agenda on .the motion of Ald. Martin
and Mayor Hawkins, at the request of the City Manager.
The City Manager's report on the application of I~s. Yolanda Schenck
for a ~t to erect a second storey to M~32-1~3~ Fer~ Steer, at an e sti~ted ,.
cost of $~,~0. ~r the accommodation of tourists, was presented for consideration. -.
0~ on the motion of ~d. ~rtin and I~yor HawMns that the report be received
and referred to the Prope~y Colttee for a repo~.
~e City ~nager's report on the application of ~orge Saino~ch, 1951
~h Street for re~rs and an ad~tion to the Prospect Hotel, ~in StMet, at
estimted cost of $8~,~.00 was pNsented. ORD~ on the ~tion of ~yor Hawkins
and ~d. Mowers that the repo~ be ~ceived and adopted and ~t issued.
The Statement of ~ef as of July, 19~7 was presented. O~E~ on the
motion of ~d. Brooks and Md. Morton that the' statement be received, given the
usual ~blicity and filed.
The City ~nager's report on the app~cation of ~lter 8tb~ns for a
peMt to erect a hotel on the north side of Fer~ Street bet~en Tem~r~ce A~.
and Noah ~n ~. was p~sented. ~D~ on the motion of ~d. ~nley and ~d.
Mo~bn that the Npo~ be mcei~d md referred to the ~opF~y ~ttee for a
The Co~amittee arose and re[orted to Cnunci! on L!.e ;ketj.on of .,'~yor !{'wk'ins
'and Ald. McKinley.
READ ~D ADOIVXD, 9th. Sel,tember~ 1957.
3rd., Sei.bt~."::b._~r,!%'~?.
The Council re-assembled at the c].ose of the regular Council !in,1 Finlncc
Meetings for the l,urpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounLs api roved
by the Comnittee. All Members oC Council were present.
The followinK By-law was ]>assed;
No. 5558 - To provide monies for a~neral ~,urposes.
ORDERED on the ,notion of Ald. McKinley and i[[d. ],:orton that Ald. 1.iller
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-la:.: be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. l,;~ller and AId. Mowers bhat Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - M.d. Mowers and Ald. l,~ller - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Falllet and Ald. k'owers.
~EAD AND ADOFrED, 9th. September, 1957.
Clerk ,, ..kaJia, ,. ~..~yor
I ti
CouncL1 Chamber,
9th. September,195~.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on l.bnday, Sept~mb=.r
9th. 1957, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. ill
Memb.~rs of Council were present, with the exception of Ald. i'Aite. The Council,
having received and.rQad the ~inut~s of the previous meeting, adopted these on the
motion of Ald. Morton and Pad. Mowers.
-Ald. Brooks arrived at the meeting.-
Tenders had been called for the supply and supervision of the erection
of electrical equipment and appurtenances for an extension to the Filtration Plant
and also for three 1000 KVA transformers ~nd ib was ordered on the motion of kld.
McKinley and Ald. Brooks that the tenders received, be opened, initialled by His
Worship the 1,~yor and tabulated.
The following Communications were presented~
No. 233 - City Clerk of O~awa - resolution re amen~nent to The Hi~,jnway Traffic Act
to establish 20 mile limit iD school zones. ORD.ff~ED on the motion of Ald. Mowers
Ald. Morton that the resolution be received and endorsed.
The followir~ Reports were presented;
No. 226 - City~na~er - recommending attendance of Purchasing Agent at Convention
in Toronto, Oct. 3rd. to ~th. ORDE on the motion of Ald. ~rtin and Aid. Morton
that the report be received and adopted.
No. 227 - City ManaKer - recommending attendance of City Engineer at "Parking Pro-
blem Workshop in Kitehonor, .Sept.lOth. ORDF..~ED on the motion of kld. Morton and
Aid. Mowers that the report be received and adopted.
No. 228 - NanaKement Corm~ittee - recommending approval of Hydro Agreement re Recon-
~ersion at the Filtration Plant. ORDERED on th~motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid.
Martin that the report be received and adopted.
SEVeResolution No.j~
No. 229 - Management Committee - reconnr. ending purchase of jack for use at b~nicipal
Garage, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Norton.and Aid. Brooks .that the report be
received and adopted.
No. 230 - Management Committee - recommending preparation of report for Council's
consideration on revised permit form to provide n~re stringent control over the
construction of buildings in city. CRDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and.Aid.
Fdller that the report be received and adopted.
No. 231 - CityManaEer - report concerning Local Improvements on Peer Street.ORDERED
on the motion of Pad. Miller and Ald. Morton that the report be received and filed
and this work be included on the Works Progrsm~e ~or 1958; and in the meantime,
attention be ~Iven to repairs to holes, etc. in the road surface where necessary, for
the ~ime being.
No. 232 - City Manager - recommending application of double seal amour surface to
Centre Street between Lewis and McGrail A~enues by Eastland Bros. ORDERED on the
· motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Miller that the repor~ be received and adopted.
Carried - AId. Martin-contrary.
No. 233 - City C!er~K - reccL~nen~]]:,.T issuance of lic,.~--ees. O7"DZ~qD
of ~d. 1.1o~on ~nd ;~d. rl!ller t)'~b Lb:~ rep:,'t he r~celv d 3no' ~flc.!t,-,.' :Lnd liC, r~C,,S
issued accordingly.
7{-.;261 UTICT;q
The follo~vin~ Resolutions were [,~ssed;
No. 72 - McKINL?~' - k~{TIrj - ~ZZOI./ED ~at the l,;~;T,r ~rd Cle>"-; ~, :h~th.r~zed t:'
execute and deliver Conversioq ,llle'.-;=~ce anJ
Electric Power Cor~ffssion of Ontario ~nd
Fa~s in cop~ection ~ith the cc. nversion oc 25_cy~].e .~Tfi~menL l?,::.; ~d '~t he
Niagara Falls Filtration Flsnb, !!st.~d
and fom~ing part of the Agree~,~eut d~t~,d
Seal of the Gor!orat~on b~ Lereto ~f~i:.~d.
No, 73 - MO!:r~iIS - iilLI,?;P, - R~SCL'.',D That a ,~.~.ssa.?: 3e sy:.,l -: [.!,j- be "~u' at..'.! .'u
behalf of His l~orship the ;-~yor a'qd L~"~be:'s of Council to tl-:' fa ~]y cf
~arles Wilson, f~ithful e~'.~l;loye,~ of t~c Ct~rF3rabien ~oc a
the Seal of the Corporation be h-rebo affin~.d.
Aid. Kowers reiherated his n~ma?.:s: ed-. ~+ ' . re"~
excessive acceleration and braking of auto!nobi]..~s and "J~.~
bad on ~ur,day evenin~ last and ~fecr~d to tb,~ raci~..~
his neighbourhood and the ignori~ of stop si~;ns ~r~J sujJest~d tha~
action must be taken ~r either the lolice Com'ission or Follce DgA art;w. nt .tr, ordec
to protect the citizens aud children. The ~,derman was of the oi inLob t, hat .~ur
present by-laws are sufficient if they ~re enforced and su~jested that so~::P conside:r-
ation should be given to the~ti-noise by-law.
~s lIorship the ~yor assured the ~derman that this will be take~ ul
to-morrow at the Police Co~ission meeting.
AId. ~ilter desired to know what progress is being ,'~ade ;vL~h r-?%ard to ~be
25-year pins which are being made in recognition of ci~:ic employees in [ha~ cate_;t~ry.
The City I, lanager advised that the order has been placed and we are awaiti.~:~ delivery
of the pins. Ald. l,~ller suggested that the City l,;anager contract the ~inl! to
ascertain the reason for such a delay.
The foliowinE By-law was passed;
~ - A k~y-law to amend By-law N~aber 5149 regarding tomi:-=t establishments.
ORD,ER~D on the motion of ~d. Mowe~ and Ald. McKinley ~hat ~d. Brooks
be grated the priglegs of int~o~ci~ the by-law and the by-law be given the first
re~. - Car fled Unanimously.
O~E on the motion of ~d.. Filler and ~d. Br~ks that ~le 36 (2) of
the St~ding ~les of Council ~ tem~rarily sus~nded and the by-law be given the
second ~ading. - Carried - ~d.F~in-contra~.
~ird ~ading - ~rl. Kowers and ~. ;-~ller- Carried.
Council a~ourned ~o the ~nance Meeti~ on the motion of ~d. McKinley and ~d.
~ AND ~, 16th. September, 15
Council Chamber,
9th. September, 195 7.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, September 9th, 1957 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All Members of the Coramittee were present, with
the exception of Aid. I~nite. Aid. Faller, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the mount of $37,151.88 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt ~dth, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion
of Ald. Mowers and kld. McFinley.
The Property Comndttee's report on their inspection of 1172 ~brrison
St. which was tabled at the previous meeting, pending submission of a report from
the City Solicitor, was again presented along with the Solicitor's report. F~.
McBurney, Mr. Sheldon Delaney and F~s. Weir were all present at the meeting in
connection ~th this subject and were given the opportunity to express their views,
on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Mayor Hawkins. Mr. F~Burney indicated that he was
still of the opinion that approval should be granted. Mr. Delaney on the other ha~!d
reiterated his previous stand in opposition, with -Which ~s. Weir expressed accord.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and ild. Morton that the Property Cm~nittee's
report be received and filed. FURTHER GIDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and
Mayor Hawkins that the report of the City Solicitor be received and filed. It was
agreed that the matter be referred to the Property Committee for discussion with
the interested parties with a view to obtaining a satisfactory decision.
The application of Shell Oil Co. for a permit to erect a modern st:earn-
lined 2~ by ll foot outdoor advertising display panel on the west side of the
service station at the comer of Victoria Avenue and Valley Way, which ~as referred
to the Property Con~dttee at the last meeting, was again presented for considerart,,!
along with the Comnittee's report and recommendation that as such location would
adversely affect the property directly north of the station, reco~maended that per-
mission be not given, but, that a display panel could be erected on the east side
of the station building which should be satisfactory in view of the fact that it is
probable the island on Valley X~ay between Queen Street and Victoria Avenue will be
removed shortly. ORDERED on the motion of Ald..Morton and Ald. Mowers that the
report be received and adopted. Carried with Ald. Fartin-contrary.
The application of Shell Oil Co. for a permit to erect a modern strea.:-
lined 2~ by ll foot outdoor advertising display panel on the north side of the
service station at the corner of Stanley Ave. and McRae St. which was referred to
the Property Con~aittee at the last meeting, was again presented for consideration
along with the Committee's repoTt recommending that as such erection would adversely
affect the property directly north of the Company's premises no permit be issued for
the erection proposed at that location. 0RDE on the motion of Aid. McKinley and
Aid. Brooks that the report be received and adopted.
The City Nanager's ~eport on the plan submitted by Walter Stevens for
Hotel Stevens on the north side of Ferry St.. between Temperance Ave. and North Main
St. which was referred to the Property Committee for consideration, was again pre-
sented along~ith the Committee's report recommending that the application be
favourably considered. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mayor Hawkins
that thor sport be received and. adopted.
The City Manager's report on the application of Mrs. Yolanda Schenck
for a permit to add a second storey to 1~32-143~ Ferry Street, to equip 12 rooms
for tourist accommodation, at an estimated cost of $1~,000. which was referred to
the Property Committee for a. report, was again presented for' consideration along
with the Committee's report on their inspection of these premises and containing
their recommendation that no action be taken on Mrs. Schenck's application at the
present time} this report was accompaniedwith a further report from the
Manager on a communication from the applicant applying for a permit to erect a
motel on 1/.20-1~3~ Ferry Street. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Nartin and AId. Mowers
that the report of the City Manager dated September 3rd. be received and filed;
FURTh"ERORDER~Don ths' motion'of'AId. McKinley and~d'. Mowers that, the report of
the Property Committee and the City Manager's report of Septembe~ 9th. be received
and referred to the Proper~y Committee for a further report.
Ald. Martin referred to the Bridal Suite i<:,t~J1 at ttne S~'n-r',= an,i
desired to know whether the sa':,e is stE1 ol,e. rabi,j w.:.'_}out a ]!c-';uce ~:!.! ;}.ether
this is now included in the are~. ~a~,ere such t~.ur~.;t cstal'lis'n ~en:,s ~_~,~ erarAt! ed.
The City Clerk advised that he .ould cb. eck t}i2 .~at t,.r a~d !,av~. this h~2-r.-7~'., ion
2i .[
The City ),hnaSer's r,~i, ort on the rcujb ske!>c]: s'~b:'.j tie-'. ~..~ D,!!f,n;c C .,~ta~
202~ i~en Avenue, and his desire to erect :~ r, otel acco,:~;odat ;on ~ his i
and reco~nen~n8 that the reque~;t b~ refer,'..~d I.o the Property Jo:~i,.~ltt~.~ far can-
sideration~ was presented. O]tDLE;~D on the :nution off ,kl~i. l.,e:~er~; '-ad Ald.
that the ~port be received and referred to tT.e Eroi~erty Co~=~t~ee f~r s r~iort.
The City Fanager's re~ort on the aH, lication of f~orge S}:an~('y ar.,d
detailed plans submitted, in con!~ection ~.r[th the !,,rol,osed ccnrtr~ctic~ of
u~ts a~ the intersection of Victoria .~venue and Ma.Zds!e~ 3treet, ~t an
cost Of ~102,0~. amd ad,~sin~j that plam~: ere not ava~l~Lle at this t~.e fcr
office and restaurant buildinj~, was !.resented. ORD~YSD on [.~e ~.stion
and Ald. iqcKi~ey that the rei, ort le receive6 au~ aden,ted :rod pe,ni;:b i~'s, Le-i, C'~i.:,(. ,'~
the vote being - Aye - ~d. :.brtou, ~;.o~.-~rs, McI(in!ey ~,] I-~ycr ~{~.wk~ns~
Bmoks and Ald. F~rtin.
~l ~y l.:anager' 9 recom~nen ~:t ].~ ,n re;coco !endin j t~e Inrc! a?.~ .:-? a Le~L-.y
Digger and Spade, Model ]31 fro,.'n the 31, ra~t Fzl ii!~xer,b ~o. 'tt ~, ,3:st of )3fL ~a~
presented for consideration. ORDERED on t~e :',.~,tlc:! off .-'Id. o~_-~;n ~.~,_! ,L~/:..~ o:f-,r..:
that the repor~ be received and adopted.
The Committee argse an~ .~eported to Council or the , ob~.n ,~.~ .~3.,",..."cICL ,I.:-' ~ -..t
Ald. Morton.
READ ~,YD ADO}=T..ED~ 16th. September, 1957.
Council Chamber,
The Council re-as:~embled '~.t the close of the regular Council and Finance
l~ettngs for the purpose of passing the by-law which cove~ed the accounts aptroved
by the Connnittee. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of Ald.
The followinR B~v-law was ~assed:
H_o. ~}60 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERL'D on the motion of kld. Mo~:ers and Ald. McKinley that .%ld.liiller
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be gfven the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDEP~wT) on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Brooks that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. Morton and Ald. ~ller - Carried UnanDnously.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton.
READ IND ADOPTED, 16th. Septsaber,1957.
Clerk Mayor
Board Room,
9th. September, 195?.
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close
the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, September 9th, 1957 for the
purpose of considering the items presented to them. All Members of the Connmit6ee
were present, with the exception of Ald. Mowers and Aid. ~nite. His Worship
Hawkins presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items presented, the Committee adjourned on the motion
of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Filler. ! ..
READ AND ADOPTED, 16t~. September, 1957.
Clerk '
Fursuant to adjournfront, Cour:cll met '~t 7.30 t-.l:!. on I :nl k;', :;.-!i.t~l!b r
16th, 1957. for the purpose of cor, stder!-~ ~ezrn'al business .m", financ~.
Members of Council were ;ores~mt, '~th the exceition of Ald. l,ower~
The Cornoil, having received and read t] e ~n,~t. es ~f the I re,.,[< us ..;e.L[:-:,, "]-'i '-u '.
these on the motion off Ald. l-Ell,st and Ai:i.
C31 ,i,:UI'iI ,q/,T IC,,LS
~Th.e followin/, Co~aunications were presented;
Re. 23~- U.E. :forkers - co~nending City Couucil re losit-ion tak.~n i,,
with proposed increase in telephone rates. 0~13~;.'C3D on ?. ~ i:lction
and AId. l,~!ler that the co:~:uniczt]on be received and Cil~,d.
No. 235 - Boy Scouts Association - r,~quectf.,tg l:eT..r. i2s[on
Oct.19th. ORD~?ED on the motien off Ald. ]:iller and kl,i.
ca%ion be received and Filed and reque:~]; Sra.n.Sed.
No. 236 - Principal. C.V.I. - requestinK waivln,; of Cih,'s st .':r'c o~ .ff~'/- ~,~cell ts
in home rugby games, e,xcludlng Thanksgiving Day g.m, ae. O:IDZIiED ~n the ~:oti,,n of
~d. Ma. rtin and ~d. ],iorton Lhat the corr~3unication be receivr.d and l~rerreC to th~
Parks ~d Recreation CeE~it~ee ~dth ~wer to ac~.
No. 237 - Toronto City Clerk - resolution re increasin6 pension.:. O:2D~i',ED 2n t!b,~
motion of Aid. Morton and AId. Bn'~oks that the r~so]utien b:~ r!~.ce:_-~.d sr, d tablad
for one week pending a full report.
No. 238 - Ontario Safety Leasue - requestin,~ representation at Safety Conference
to be held on September 19th, 1957 in Toronto. O2DZ:llD on the motion of AlC.I,,artin
and Ald. McKinley that the co~mnunication be received and the l'rr~fFic Go~;u-dt:~.e be
authorized to attend.
The followinF, Reports were presented;
No. 234 - ManaF, ement Committee - reconunendlng ~peci~ications be dr,%~m anj tenders
called for alterations to Police Station to permit instal].atio~! of aim eL_rarer.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald, llcKinlay and Ald. Brooks that the r~.per~ be ~.~ceived
and adopted.
Aid. ,~iiller, a member of Lhe ILanagement Conu,~ittee voiced his jisai,l,rova
of Saturday morning CoI~3ittee meetings and the short notice Siren fur the one held
on Saptenter 14th. The City 1,hnager thor jays ;.n , xplan,:,tion in r~g.u'd to the
meeting referred to.
No. 235 - City ManaEer - re forthcomfng "Study of Urban Needs" for str,,'ets in all
municipali£ies in Ontario to be conducted by the Department o~ Highways. I~ this
connection the City l/,~aZ,~
c~lled at the City Hail and had discussed with the City Clerk and }d~llself this
proposal of the DepartmenL and advised that the representaL],;e bad travelled all
over the City to check division of roads into different classes. The City >,~nager
further explained that it is the intention of the Department of Highways to stnd~
the future needs as far as traffic problems in the whole province are concerned.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. ~artin and Ald. McKinley that the report and plan be
tabled and the City Manager and Traffic Committee be requested to subsLit a full
report at the next meeting..
No. 236 - City EnF, ineer - report on attendance at "Parking Problem l'forkshop"
held in Kitchener on September 1Oth. ORD~PaED on the ,,notion of Ald. McKinley and
Ald. ~lorton that the report be received and tabled pending receipt of P~ further
No. 237 - City Clerk - recormnending issuance of licenoes. ORDEED on [he motion
of Ald. Mor~on and kld. Brooks that the report be received and adopted and licenoes
issued accordingly.
The followi~ Resolutions were ~assed;
No. 74 - MCKINLEY - MORTON - ,RESOLVED that e message of sympathy on behalf of His
Wore}alp the Fayor and Members 'of the City Council be forwarded to the family of
the late Kr. Paul Megyesi, a valued employee of the City for a number of years; m~d
the Seal of the Corl~ration be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimouq~._!.
No. 75 - MARTIN - MILL~ - R~SOLTED that the Council of the Corporation of the Cit2
of Niagara Falls petition the Department of Highways of the Province of Ontario for
an interim grant under The Highway Improvement Act on expenditures made during the
period of January 1st. to August 31st, 1957; and the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
Carried Unanim6usl..
The follo~nK Petition was presented:
No. 9 - Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Fusco 'and 20 other families - requesting the paving of
Grey Street and construction of a curb on the east side. In explanation the City
Manager advised that the petition was received after the preliminary construction
of a macadam road had been undertaken which had been authorized by Council on the
Annual Tour of Inspection and pointed out the difficulties involved in the event
Council did approve or authorize construction of a permanent pavement surface. Ald.
X~ller pointed out that the wishes of the people in the area affected by the
proposed works should be considered add felt that if p~ssible the work should be
carried out in the immediate future. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~%rtin and Aid.
McKinley that the petition be received and referred to the 1958 Council and the
petitioners so notified.
Ald. l~ller queried the possibility of giving publicity to the fact
that the time limit of the parking meters located in the Centre area and other parts
of the City is not the smne as that for streets in general. Citizens are not aware
that these meters are in force untillO p.m. The City F~nager suggested that stickers
could be placed on the meters in question which would bring this fact more force-
fully to the travelling public.
Ald. McFdnley referred to information he had received concerning the
failure of two driving instructors from this area to pass tests in Toronto conducbed
by the Ontario Safety League and pointed out that there is no stipulation in the
City's by-law requiring any form of test as a conbingency to the issuance of a licenc%
and was of the opinion that some such requirement should be incorporated. The City
Manager pointed out that licenses are only issued on recommendation of the Chief of
Police. His Worship the l~yor assured the Alderman that this matter would be dis-
cussed. ~dth the Chief.
SEE Communication
Aid. Morton referred to the accident involving the ambulance, which
occdrred at the Wtnona stop light on the Q.E.W. and that the ambulance was completely
demolished and a student nurse received such injuries that she will be invalided for
a year or more. The Alderman requested the Mayor to submit a report on this matter
containing the insurance coverage on this vehicles, etc. 'for the next meeting of
ild, McMinley
~reet and advised thnt
~d. Brooks requested ~.t, Ci:<..
p~rty at the conl~r of
referred to a btd].din. J in
~d. ].brton referr~ed
~tchener and ~wis and l~a~ut Stre, L and
consider it.
His WorehiI. the ]fayor refer~,d to t'.'!e Of!7ici~! 5ere::.ony q~ St:,' ~or,! !.c
unveil their Cenotaph and it was ajre,:d thai b~e Cit
ORDERED on the motion of AId. liill, er and ,ll,]. i-lcKi-~ley thai the
Niagara Falls procure a w~eath which ,;ill he laid du~inG
at the unveiling of the StamFord Ta,.-n:,hii~ Ce:Dta!J~. Carried Un&ni.ht, ur!j-.
Council a~ouPned to the Finance ]'.iceflu=' on tLe r.:ot]un '~
READ AND ADO[TED, 23rd. September, 1957.
C1 e rk
16th. September,1957.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monda~v, September 16th, 1957 for the
the exception of Ald. Mowers and Ald. White. Ald. l{iller, Chairman of Finance,
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $271,295.60 were approved by the Coimaittee.
The Accounts suhnitted, being passed or othendse dealt with, were o~dered
placed in the Money ~--law for pr~<'ent%ti~n to
,Ha~dns and AId. McKinley.
The Summ~l7 of Tenders for three 1000 EVA transformers for the extension
that the E~glish Electric tender be accepted at a price, exclusive of tax, of
$1~,910.00 ~nd enclosing a detailed Comparison of Tenders, were presented for
consideration. Ald. ~rtin, Chairm~n of the ~anagement Committee, reported verbally
at thi~ time that he and his Committee had studied the report of Acres Co. and also
sPecifications and wished to endorse the recommendation of the Consulting Engineers.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald~ McKinley that the Su,~nary of Tenders,
commUniCation from H. G. Acres & Co. Ltd. and verbal report
mAttee ,endorsing recommendation of H.G.Acres & Co. Ltd. be received and adopted.
,' :,],j?je~:'.%~Z"; , 31EE P~solution No.76
.... '{ :,n,~,
The Stunmary of Tenders for the supply and supervision of erection of ~
electrical equipment and appurtenances to extension to the Filtration Plant, com-
munication from H. G. Acres and Co. Ltd. recommending the acceotance of the Canadian
C~neral ELectric Comt~ny tender, at a price of $79,180.O0; price exclusive of
Federal Sales TAx to ~/nich lO percent must be added, if applicable; were presented
for consideration. AId. Martin, Chairman of the Management Com~mittee, reported
verbally that his CoL~aittee had checked the Summary and recon~aendation of the Con-
sulting Engineers and were in fayour. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Korton and
AId. |.L~-rtin that the Stumnary of Tenders, conmunication From H.G. Acres& Co. Ltd.
and verbal repoff~ of the Management Co~nittee endorsing recom. mendation of H,G.
Acres and Co. Ltd. be received and adopted.
SEE Redolution
The Property Conunittee's report on their meeting held on Septenter !~.,.
in connection '~_th the l. rotosed canopy at 1172 l.-'orrison Street and advising that as
t.be two parties opposed to the erection advised that they would not discuss the
matter further, no conference was held, was presented for consideration. Ci~DER~D
on the motion of I:~ayor Hawkins and Ald. Morton that the report be received and
The Property Co.~ittee's report on their meeting of September 14th,!9~?
to consider the application of Mrs. Yolanda Schenck for tourist accoxmnodation at
1~32-143~ Ferry Street, and advising that the sketch submitted for the construction
of motel is not satisfactoxV, and recon~nending that no action be taken on this
proposal until a more satisfactory arrangemeht is proposed by' the applicant, was
presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton
that the report be received and adopted. On the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald.
Morton it was ordered that Mr. Schenck be heard. Mr. ~[itchell was spokesman for
Mr. Schenck and advised that application had been made for addition of a second
storey and they had been advised to present a sketch of the property and stated
that it was not their ~lsh tc go to the expense of architect's plans, if a permit
could not be obtained. Ald. I.~ller, Chainsan of the Finance Meeting, suggested that
the applicant discuss ~dth the City l,!anager the proper distances required for
location of cabins from property lines.
The Property Co~mmittee's report on their meeting of September l~tb. to
consider the application of Dominic Costa for a permit to erect a motel at 2024
Allen Avenue, and recon~nending that no permit be considered at the present time as
there is not sufficient space available for the erection of a motel and the perking
of cars, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley
and l~yor Hawkins that the report be received and adopted.
The City Manager's report on the application of Emil Badovinac for a
rmit to modernize the store front at 2203 Lundy's Lane, at an
~1,200. was presented for consideration. ORD~tED on the motion estimated cost of
of Ald. McKinley
and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City l~-mager's report on the application of Goodyear Tire and Rubber
Co. for a building 'permit to m~ke alterations to the interior of the store at 1~75
Victoria Avenue, to provide accon~modation for a restaurant, at an estimated cost of
$6,000.00 was presented for consideration. ORDEP~]) on the motion of Ald. McKinley
and AId. Morton that the, repo~o be received and adopted and permit issued.
The application of Shell Oil Go. f6r a permit to e~ect a poster advert-
istng display, at the comer of Stanley Avenue and Ferry Street, was presented for
consideration along with the Property Committee's report on their inspection of the
proposed location and recommendin~ that permission be refused. ORDERED on the motion
of Aid. Nattin and Aid. Brooks that the same be received and the recommendation of
the Property Committee be adopted and permission be not granted.
The Property Gcnnnittee's roport on their meeting held oYi September l~tb.
to consider the application of Mr. Divito for permission to erect a motel at his
premises at the intersection of Cataract Avenue and River Road, and recommending that
in their opinion 'there is not ample 'pa~king accomnodation for eleven units and that
no permit be issued at the present tame, was presented for consideration. ORDERED
on the motion of N~yor Hawkins and AId. Morton that the report be received and adopted.
Prior to this action, Mr. DiVito was pennitted to speak, on the motion Df AId. Morton
and AId. B~coks. He referred to the space between the house and his store which ce~d
be used for parking, but it was suggested that he present a revised plan.
requestinZ Council~s ccnsi~e~'=:.!,~r, f !.'.a '-,rc'l '~ .c '~ ~' :'tieinS al-.ace :.n the
D~ce Progra',~qe in co~ecti~m '.~7 hi, :/;<. 30' v. .~,un? "'~ u.',
presented. O]tDE',G] on th,> --~ff, i ,., ~C ,~I.:. l.ac,' ',: ,~ ~ J '. i .~:', "':'. ~'4 = z;
co~unicaticn !~ racelved an,ff c?%,-:'~--d [.~ "[6 C .al~~-. ,L.c rD;~ ,_.~, ', '- . ,,,~
The City lku~a~er's
size filing cabinet at ~8~.~
Office, was presented. ORDE~PD ,:,,,
the report be received and a~o~t~,i.
The Coxmnittee arose add repor~d [.~. Cou;]c::]_ !~,~ t~'e .2~,!'io'r: '-C ~a;',-!. '-~ut:i~::- -.. ~'
AId. McFdnley.
,READ AND ADCFTED, 23rd. 3epte:ake~b ]75:,.
C.u!!c;_! Cha;qber,
16~P,. ~e.bt~-mbcr, 1'257.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the rcg~!~r Counc~ 1 and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law v&ich covered the accounts approved
by the Co~dttee. All Members of Council were present, ~ith the exception of Ald.
Mowers and Ald. White.
The foliowinE By-law was passed;
~ - To provide monies for general l. urposes,
ORD~RF/) on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. KorLon that Aid. Miller
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading, - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and AId. Rrook.,~ that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be tem~rarily suspended and the by-lay: be given the
second reading, . Carried Unanimously,
Third Reading -Ald, )',ox4~on and Ald, 1.Liller - Carried Unanimously,
The foliowinE Resolutions were ~assed:
No. 76 - MARTIN . MCKINLEY - RFZ~LVED the tender of English Electric Company, Lin~ted,
for the supply of three 1,bO0 KVA transformers to be installed in the Niagara Falls
Filtration Plant be accepted at a price of $15, 910. exclusive of tax and the Mayor
and Clerk be authorized to enter into and deliver an agreement and(or contract for
the canTAng out of such work; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimousl.y.
No. 77 - MORTON - MARTIN - RFf~LVED that the tender of Canadian ~ene ral Electric
Company, Limited for the supply and supervision of erection of electrical equip~nt
and appurtenances at the Niagara Falls Filtration Flant be accepted at a price of
$79,1~0. exclusive of Federal Sales Tax to which 10 percent must be added if tax
applicable and the ~yor and Clerk be authorized to enter into and deliver an
agreement and/or contract for the carrying out of such work; and the Seal of the
Corporation be hex~to affixed.
Carried Unanimous]i.
Ald. Martin advised that tb~ Bestpipe Company have a film they would
like to show the Members of Council and they have requested that Council be invited
to see this film. follo~dng the Council Meeting next week, at the Park Hotel.
The City Clerk advised that advance notice had ]~en received by Mr.
BoydSlemon consenting the Fiftieth Anniversa~; celebration to be held by the North
.~nerican Cyanamid Company oh October lOth. Mr. Slemon advised that invitations
be forwarded to the Members of Council shortly.
The City Clerk advised Council concerning official approval received
from the Minister of Hea!tb concerning Dr. C. K. V~nitelock, Medical Officer of
Health, who is to remain in office until December 31st,195~.
T}~ City MAnager ad~_sed about infor~abion received from the raanufaclu;-
of the 25-year pins which arc to be awarded to civic employees, to the effect thai..
the sketch of the City Crest was lost enroute to them and it will be necessary far
another sketch to be fon~arded, thus causing s further delay in the delivery of
Aid. IJiller suggested, a suggestion ~.dth which His ','~orehit, the ~-~aycr
concurred, that Council be inform. ed as to what was pro.~sed by tb~. illumination
with reference to new lighting and explained in br'.-f det:~il what is proposed and !"!-
mode of financing.
Council adjourned on the motion of ~ld. ~rtin and Ald. I,iiller.
F~ZAD AND ADOPTED, 23rd. September, 1957.
,_ l~ayor.
Council Chamber,
23rd. September, 1957.
l~xrsuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, September
23rd. 1957 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members
of Council were present, with the exception of Aid. l, fillen The Council, having
received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion
of Ald. Norton and Ald. Brooks.
2*; 9
Messrs. Joseph Laslo and l~ton Anger were present at the meeting in
connection with their communication requesting extension of used car lot license
to include 1265 Ferry Street, and it was ordered on the motion of Aid. Moffeon and
Ald. Mowers that Mr. Laslor or Mr. Anger be heard.
Mr. knger requested Council's favourable consideration to their request,
advising that the lot will be kept clean and not used as a wrecking lot. His ~rship
the Mayor advised regarding the Zoning By-law and the City Clerk explained the steps
which would be necessary with reference to any amendment which might be considered.
SEE Communication No..2~
Laid over from previous meetinEl
No. 237 - City of Toronto - resolution re possible increase in the various forms of
pensions and allowances. ORDERE~ on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Brooks that
the resolution be received and endorsed and the City Clerk's report be received and
~EERepprt Number 238~
The following Communications were Presented;
No. 239 - B~siness and Professional Women's Club - requesting proclamation. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Norton that the communication be received and
filed and the proclamation issued as requested.
No. 240 - Greater Niagara Unit, Canadian Cancer Society - requesting name of Council's
appointee on Board of Directors. ORD~IRED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid.
Brooks that the communication be rSceived and filed and Aid. Morton be named Council's
No. 241 - Niagara Falls Horticultural Society - appreciation for Council's support
in connection with Flower and Vegetable Show. CRDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers
and Ald. EcKinley that the communication be received and filed.
No. 242 - Realtors, Association of Greater Niagara - invitation to Civic Night Dinner
Dance on October 2~th, 1957. ORDE~JD on the motion of Aid. Brooks and Aid. I~rton
that the invitation be received and accepted and as many Members of Council and their
waves be in attendance.
No. 243 - City Clerk of Ottawa - resolution re increased aid to municipalities re
cost of education. 0RDEREDon the motion of Ald. White and Ald. ~rton that the
resolution be received and endorsed.
No. 2Jd+ - Joseph hale and Milton W. AnF, er - requesting extension of used car lot
licerice to include 1265 Ferry Street. It was first moved by Aid. ~hite and Aid.
Brooks that the connnunication be received and filed and the writer notified that
this would be contrary to the Zoning By-law. Upon discussion and the making of an
amendment by kid. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and
rbferred to the Property Committee, Aid. Brooks withdrew his seconding of the
motion and the amendment therefore became the motion and was carried by a vote of
5 to 1 - Aid. White being contrary.
The followin~ Reports were presented;
No. 238 - City Clerk - report on resolution from City of Toronto re increase in
various forms of pensions. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Brooks
that the report be received and filed.
SEE Communication
No. 239 - Nayor Hawkins - re driving school operators and instructors. ORDERED on
the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Mowers that the report be received, and filed
for the time being. Aid. McKinley in speaking before the motion was put, advised
that it was not his intention to cast any reflection on the Police Department; nor
to force a person trying to make a living to take a university course; further
stating that he was not prepared to take any action at the present time but that
it was his intention to discuss it further with his informant; that he my require
affidavits for those persons referred to.
No. 2~0 - Traffic Committee - recommending that First Avenue be made a stop street at
Huron Street. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Mowers that the report
be received and adopted.
No. 2~1 - Traffic Committee - recommending that parking be prohibited on Fourth Ave.
for a distance of ~5 feet from Motrich Street on beth sides of the street. ORn~aED
on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Brooks that the report be received and adopted.
No. 91:i> _ Traffic Conm~ tree - re necessity of removing one meter on Main Street
directly south of Lundy,s Lane to enable the bus to poll into the sidewalk to
discharge passengers. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. McKinley that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 2~3 - Traffic Committee - recomending that the crosswalk be placed to connect
driveways on the north and south side of Lundy's Lane directl~ in front of the
right-of-way leading from Lund~,s Lane to Barker Street School grounds. ORDERED on
the motion of Aid. Morton and kid. Brooks that the report be received and adopted.
No. 2~ -'Traffic Committee - reco~nending the traffic block on Dm,mm._ond Road directly
south of Lundy' s Lane be moved back six feet southerly. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. 'Morton and kid. l~wora that the report be received and adopted.
No. 2~5 - City Manager. - recommending attendance at Annual Convention ~f the Canadian
Institute on Sewage and Sanitation in Toronto, October 28, 29 and 3Oth. In this
connection, the City ~anager advised verbally that as this is one of the most
important'conventions of the year, at least two members of Council should also. be
in attendance. ORDerED on the motion of kid. MOrton and Aid. McKinley that the
report be received and adopted and two Members of Council be authorized to attend,
along with the City Manager. and City Engineer.
No. 2~6 - City Clerk - enclosing coW of Joint agreement between Deacon, Arnett and
Murray and the three municipalities r~. proposed survey to ascertain whether a merger
would be in the poblic interest. OHE~RED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Aid. Morton
that the report be received and adol~,ed.
~ By-law No. 5562.
The following Resolution was passed;
No. 78 - BROOKS_ MORTON - RESOLVZD that Aldenan George l'~rtin be appointed
Acting Chairman of Finance due to the absence of Alderman Franklin l,~ller; and
the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried UnanimouslZ.
The followin~ By-law was passed;
No. 5562 - To authorize the signing and negotiation of a joint agreement.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Morton that Ald. Mowers be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley that Rule 36
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be
given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. ~rton and Aid. Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
Aid. White referred to the exorbitant price charged by a metered taxi
cab for transportation from his home to the C.N.R. depot on Bridge Street and
compared this with taxi fares in other c~ties in which he had hired cabs.
His Worship the Hayor advised that this was the first complaint he or the
Magistrate had received and assured the Alderman that he would take the matter up.
Aid. Mowers referred to the fact that truck rou~es have not as yet been
~stablished in the City and requested the Traffic Committee to consider the same.
Aid. McKinley referred to two complaints he had received about the inter-
section of St. Clair Avenue and Queen Street - that the no left turn should be dis-
continued altogether and that the no left turn sign is not clearly visible at night.
He requested the Traffic Committee to give consideration.
Aid. Morton, Chairman of the Traffic Committee, who had artended the
Safety Conference held in Toronto on September 19th, 1957 under the auspices of the
Ontario Safety league, gave a brief report on what had transpired at the Conference
and referred to the remarks of the different speakers, and the necessity of training
· students to dr$. ve, pointing out that it has been found that there are 50% less
accidents among those who have taken such a course; that 5 out of 8 high schools in
~aterloo include a driving course in their ourriculams. A resolution was passed to
ask the Attorney ~eneral to supply m6netary aid to produce a film costing about
$25,000. which would be distributed. Ne advised that industry would be asked to
assist, also service clubs, by membership drives for which a ~embership fee would
be $1.00.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley.
READ AND AEOPA'~-, 30th. Septamber, 1957a,AA~a
22 .:.
Council Chamber,
23rd. September, 1957.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, September 23rd, 1957 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present, with
the exception of Ald. Miller. Ald. Martin, Acting Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $128,971.95 were approved by the Con~ittee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion
of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. McKinley.
The City Manager's report on the application of Jasper Antonio of 657
Queen St'roet for a permit to make alterations and construct an addition to the
building at the rear of his store, at an estimated cost of $7,500. was presented.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mayor IHawkins that the report be
received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Nanager's report on a revised sketch presented by Mr. Divito,
for the construction of a motel at his premises at the intersection of River Road
and Cataract Avenue was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of
Mayor Hawkins and Ald. Morton that the report be received and the sketch forwarded
to the Property Committee for consideration.
The Comm~ tree arose and reported to Council on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and
Ald. McKinley.
READ AND ADOFrED, 30th. September, 1957.
Acting Chairman of Finance.
Council Chamber,
23rd. September, 1957.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the parpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Co~Alt%ee. All Members of Council were present, wit~ the exception of Ald.
The following By-law was vassedT
No. ~563 - To provide Monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. 1.brton that Ald. l.~rtin
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~!owers and Ald. ~brton that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - C~rried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Morton and kLd. Wbite.
Council Chamber,
3Oth. September, 1957.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.35 p.m. on Monday, September
30th, 1957 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All M~mbers
of CounCil were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of AId. Miller and Ald. Martin.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 2~+ - Messrs. Laslo and AnKer - requesting permission to extend used car lot
licerice to include 1265 Ferry S~reet. ORDerED on the motion of AId. Mowers and
AId. Miller that the communication be received and filed and the repor~ of the
PPoperty Committee be received and adopted.
SE~ Report No. 2J+7
The following Communications were presented;
No. 2~5 - Premier Leslie M. Frost - ack. request for stop light on Q.E.W. at Mac-
Donald Avenue.
No. 2~6 - ~imister of Mi~hwa.vs. Recretar.v - ack. request for stop light on Q.E.W.
at MacDonald Avenue and advising that another survey will be held, following which
a report will be forwarded. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and AId. Miller
that the com~Anications be received and laid on the table pending receipt of the
results of the survey.
- · petition no.8
No. 2~7 - Chamber's Traffic and Safety Committee - invitation to Organizational
Meeting to be held October 8th. at 7.30 p.m. in Drummond Branch Public Library.
ORDIiRED on the motion of AId. Miller and Aid. Mowers that the invitation be
received and accepted and the Traffic Committee as a whole attend along with any
other Members of the Aldermanic Board desiring to attend.
No. 2~8 - Ontario FAmicipal Joint Committee on Sewerage Works - meeting of the
Committee to be held in Chatham on October 16th. at 2.30 p.m.S.T. ORDERE~ on the
motion of AId. Martin and Ald. ~cKinley that the communication be received end
Alderman White and the City Manager represent the City of Niagara Falls at this
No. 2~9 - Canadian LeKion. Branch 51 - requesting permission to hold Annual Poppy
Da~ during the evening hours of NovemberSand on November 9th. ORDERED on the motion
of AId. Mowers and AId. Morton that the comnunication be received and filed and
permission granted as requested.
No. 2~0 - Canadian Federation of Mayors and F~ci~alities - Joint Manicipal Action
in connection wit~ application of Sell Telephone Compar~ for increase in rates.
O~nRRED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the comaunication be
received and tabled until further information is obtained as to the employment of
legal counsel.
No. 251 - City Clerk. ~ondon. Ontario - resolution re establishment of a commission
to review, revise and'modernize The Municipal Act, and other Acts affecting
NAmicipal Authorities. ORD~%ED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Aid. Martin
that the resolution be received and endorsed.
No, 2~2 - City Clenk. London. Ontario - resolution re amendment to The Etghway
Traffi~ AC~ 'to establish dpeed limit in school zones. ORE~RE~ on the motion of Ai~
McKinley and AId. Miller that the resolution be received and fried and the writer
notified that the City of Niagara Falls has alread~ emtoTsed a similar resolution
' of the City of Ottawa.
~~~i~;~i~' c~, >~!~ c.~: ~! .~=.:~ ':~¢~.::,., ~ .~',: Ci ,-. ,, ~'i;'/,"~.:- -'; ' ~ -
No. 253 - NiaRara Veteran Taxi Co. ~ in answer to remarks concerning taxi rates.
No. 25~+ - Falls Taxi - in answer to remarks concerning taxi rates. ORDERED on
the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Mowers that these conm~unications be con-
sidered together. Alderman White referred to the variation in the rates charged
by the Taxi Companies, stating that he is still not satisfied, being of the opinion
that the fare should be the same when travelling the same distance in either
direction. He queried whether the rates were calculated on measured mileage, and
was advised by the Mayor that the meters are tested every six months on a measured
mile. It was pointed out that the calculation was a combination of time and
distance. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Brooks that the con~uuni-
cations be received and filed.
No. 255 - Crawford. B~rley and Co. Auditors - re Annual Auditor' s report. ORDl~D
on the motion of Ald. Norton and Ald. Brooks that the communication be received
and the Auditors be notified to continue as in the past. This motion was defeated
by a vote of ~ to 2; an amendment by Ald. 14owers and Ald. l.!cKinley that the co~auni-
Cation be received and tabled and the Management Co.~mittee meet with ~. Crawford
for a thorough discussion following which the subject be resubmitted to the City
Council for final disposition. Carried with Ald. Brooks contrary.
No. 256 - Chief Wm. Wade - appreciation for attendance at Canadian Fire Chiefs'
Conference in Nova Scotia. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Brooke
that the comunication be received and filed.
The followin~ Reports were presented;
MO. 247 - Property Committee - recommending that Messrs. Laslo and Anger be
advised that it will be necessary for them to make application to use adjacent
land at 1265 Ferry. Street for a used car lot, to the Committee of Ad'ustme . ORD,
S~ Co~unication 2~.
No..2~8 - City Clerk - recom~endin~ issuance of licences. OPd3ERED on the motion
of Aid. Mowers and AId. McKinley that the report be received and adopted and
licences issued accordingly.
Laid over from a previous meetinR;
No. 8 - J. Rerry Erskine and 53 other children - requesting erection of a stop light
at MacDonald Avenue and l~obert Street. ORD2~t~D on the motion of AId. Mowers and AId,
Miller that the petition be again tabled pending receipt of the results of the
sur~ey to be conducted by the Department of Highways.
SEE Com~unica_tion 2~5-~6
Laid over ~rom a vrevious see.rinK|
~ - To authorize the constnActton of sidewalks on Hamilton Street, Slater
Avenue and St. Lawrence Avenue; curbs and ~utters on Murray Street and
Detroit Avenue and asphalt pavement and gutter on Slater, Avenue as
Local Improvements under the provisions of The Local Improvement Act.
Third Reading . AId. Mowers and Aid. Morton - Carried Unanimously.
*Tb, e:~{o~losd,n~ Bx-lawe were ;assed~
,To: amend ~F-lsw Number 3790, being a by-law for the regulation of traffic,
' . . 0RE~RE~ on the motion of Aid. ~owers and Aid. Martin that Aid, Marton be
~_~{~j~vilege of introducing the by-law and ~he by-law be given the first
; ~;~,~ed Unanimously. '
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Morton that Rule 96 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley - Carried Unanimously.
No. 556~ - To amend By-law N,,mber 3791· being a by-law designating through highways.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. ~LLler that Ald. Morton
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first readir~. _ Carried Unanimously.
ORD~ltED on the motion of Ald. ~rton and Aid. Brooks that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Nowere - Carried Unanimously.
Ald. Miller referred to Council's action at the last meeting, when
authorization was given to the City Manager, City Engineer and two members of
Council to attend the forthcoming Convention of the Canadian Institute on Sewage
and Sanitation to be held in Toronto, October 28th, 29th. and 30th. and desired to
know why the Sanitary Inspector was not included.
Ald. Miller referred to Grey Street and advised that he has received
complaints; he requested the City Engineer to check and see what is going to be
done to eliminate the dust nuisance,
Ald. Miller referred to First Avenue and advice he had received concern-
ing the absence of the City Sweeper. Re referred to a hole in the road in front of
the entrance to the IAunber COmpany. The Alderman also suggested that the proprietor
of the Builders' Supplies be requested to place oil on cinders at that location.
Ald. Miller also referred to his understanding that the boulevard was
to be removed on Valley Way between Queen St. and Victoria Avenue upon completion of
the sewer installation. The Alderman also referred to the work being done at the
comer of Buckley, ValleyWay and Queen Street which will result in a sharp curve
at the intersection of Valley Way and Queen Street.
The City ~ngineer proceeded to give a resume of the work anticipated
and the intention to leave the small island as it is at present at Queen and Valley
Way similar to the one at Victoria Avenue and Valley Way.
AId. Miller requested the Traffic Committee to consider the advisability
of discontinuing the parking meters located on the westerly side of Valley Way
between Victoria Avenue and Queen Street due to the fact that this block does not
contain any business establishments.
AId. Killer also requested the Traffic Committee to study the possi-
bility of removing the meter heads from the west side of Victoria Avenue, in front
of 1809 Victoria Avenue to the Ford ~arage due to the lack of cars at this season
of the year, using the parking spaces in this area.
Ald. Killer referred to the importing of freite from the U.S.A. and
the selling of the same from a box car on the Park Street siding of the N.Y.C.
advising that a carload is e~pected to arrive on Tuesday morning. The Alderman was
of the opinion that everything possible should be done to protect our local merchants
against this competition. The City Clerk assure~ the Aid. man that this would be
Aid. Mcrton requested the Traffic Committee to inspect the Traffic lights
at 3imcoe Street and Victoria Avenue and the confusion which is being caused, being
of the opinion that them should be no rum on the red light.
The Alderman also referred to the action being taken by some cities,
increasing the wattage of traffic light bulbs and it had been noted that there was a
reduction in traffic accidents. He requested the Traffic Committee to ~ive consider
ation also.
Ald. Mowers requested the Traffic Coa~,~ittee to give consideration to
the adjustment of the timing of the traffic lights at the intersections of
Queen Street and St. Clair Avenue; Simcoe Street and Victoria Avenue and also
McRae Street and Victoria Avenue. Time limit should be changed if it is warranted.
Ald. Martin referred to the new 'walk, signals which are installed at the
comer of Main Street and Ferry Street and desired to know why the ss~ae are not yet
in operation and the City Engineer advised that another I:;iece of equipment necessary
is expected shortly. ·
The Council adjourned to the Finance Meetin~ on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 7th. October lo57
Clerk \,.=..
Council Chamber,
30th. September,19F7.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, September 30th, 1957 for the
poPpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
c~rtified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present· Ald.
Miller, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the mount of $~1,519.31 were approved by the COmmittee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered
Placed in the NoneyBy-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Mayor
~awkin8 and Aid. McKinley.
The Property Connittee,s re~ort on their inspection of the premises of
Kr. DiVito at the intersection of Cataract Avenue and River Road and their consider-
ation of the layout and plans of the revised motel application, was presented.
0RDEREDon the motion of Ald. ~orton and Ald. Mowers that the report and recom-
mendation that the request for the construction of a motel be approved and By-law
No. ~1~9 be amended to permit the tourist establishment to be operated on this
· Property, be received and adopted. Carried -Ald. ~artin and Nayor Hawkins opposed.
The City ~gineer's report on the submission of a revised plan for the
construction of a l2-roommotel Just east of1~32 Ferry Street hyKrs. Yolanda
8ehenOk, was presented for consideration. OBDERED on the motion of Nayor Hawkins
and Aid. Norton that the report be received and referred to the Property Committee
for a~eport.
The City ~gineer's report on the application of Leonard' s Pharmacy, 1237
Victoria Avenue for a permit to erect a neon sign at an estimated cost of $700.
The City ~hgineer's report on the application of Goodyear Tire and
Rubber Company for a permit to erect a diamond-shaped plastic illuminated sign
at 858 Kitchener Street, at an estimated cost of $2,000.00 was presented for
consideration. O~ on the motion of AId. Morton and Aid. Mowers that the
report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Engineer's report on the application of H. Coop, 2072 Main
Street, for a buildin~ permit to construct an addition at the rear of the LaFiesta
Restaurant to house the cooking equipaent, thus enlarging the restaurant area,
was presented for consideration. O~RED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId.
Morton that the report be received and referred to the Propert~ Committee for a
The City E~gineer's report on the application of Joe Moretta, 12+29
MacDonald Avenue for a building permit to construct a one storey concrete addition
at the rear of his store, at an estimated cost of $2,000. was presented for con-
sideration. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. F~rton and Ald. McKinley that the
report be received and referred to the Property Corm~ittee for a report.
The Statement of Relief as of August, 1957 was presented for con-
sideration. ORDEREB on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and AId. Brooks that the
statement be received, given the usual publicity and filed.
Aid. Martin was of the opinion that the Engineer should be given
protection with regard to the estimated costs appearing on building permits and
other standards required in connection with building permits and it was ordered on
the motion of Ald. Nartin and AId. Mowers that the Management Committee, City
Manager and E~gineer study this phase re building permits and su~mit a report to
Council as soon as proper information can be gathered so that the Engineering
Department and City Manager can ascertain the cost of buildings by square or cubic
footage in order to arrive at the accurate cost of a building permit. Carried
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of AId. Mowers and
~ayor Hawkins.
READ AND ADOPTED, 7th. October, 1957.
of Finance.
Council Chamber,
30t h · Septembe r, 1957,
The CounCil re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
~ee~ings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
the Co.,.!%tee. All Hembets of Council Were present.
The foLlowin~ By-law was passe~.
No. ~66 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton that Ald. l-~ller
be granted the privilege of introducing the by~law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORD~{ED on the motion of Ald. I'lllet and Ald. McKinley that ~h~le 36 )2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the ~y-law be give n
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. Miller and Ald. Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
His Worship t~s Mayor advised Council concerning the "kick-off" of the
Community Chest Campaign to be held on Friday evening and requested Council and
their wives to be present if possible on that evening at the corner of Culp Street
and Main Street at 8.30 p.m.
The City Clerk advised that Mr. Earl Thomas, Chairman oF the Greater
Niagara Area Planning Board advised that on Thursday, October 17th, at 6.30 p.m.
at the Niagara Falls Club there will be a dinner meetin~ at which a representative
of the Department of Planning and Development will be present to clarify procedures
as to area plan, zoning by-laws, adjustments, etc.
The Planning Board and Committee of Adjustment will be present and would
like all Council Members and Senior Officials, City l~nager and Clerk present.
Stamford and Cbippawa will also be present. Tickets will be ~3.75.
The City Clerk requested that Council might have this information ready
for the next meeting.
Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley.
READ AND ADOPTED, 7th. October, 1957.
Council Chamber,
7th. October, 195v.
Pursuant to a~ourument, CounCil met at 7.30 p.m. on Nonday, October
7th, 1957 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members
of Council were present, with the exceptSon of Ald. Mowers. The Council, having
received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted ~hese on the motion
of Ald. Morton and AId. Miller.
Laid over from the previous meetings|
No. 250 - Canadian Federation of Favors and Fmicipalities - Joint action proposed
in connection with application of Bell Telephone Company for increase in rates.
SEE Conununicatiop_ ~SY
The' f011owinK Conmnnications were presented~
No. 257 - Canadian Federation of M~Vors andMunicipalities,Secretary - Ack. our
communication of October 1st. containing our enquiry as to the reasons for employing
Mr. Arnold H. Hirsch, Public Utilities Consultant of Washington, D.C. for prepar-
ation of this case. At this point, the City Clerk read an excerpt from a communi-
catio~ received by His Worship the Mayor from the Federation regarding the quali-
fications of Mr. Hirsch. ORDEF~D on the motion of Ald. Martin and AId. Brooks
that the communications be received and filed and the Federation be advised that
the City of Niagara FAlls are prepared to support the action anticipated. Carried
No. 258 - Ontario SafetyLeague - referringto newspaper report concerning driving
instructors from t~e N~agara'Area. ORDERED 6n the motion of Aid. Brooks and Ald.
Morton that the communication be received and filed and a copy given to the press.
No. 259 - Community Plannin~Association of CanAda - re Ontario Urban Renewal
Conference, October 17th. and 18th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald.
McKinley that the communication be received and filed.
No. 260 - Childron's Aid Society - invitation to attend luncheon on October 15th.
ORD~2ED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald. Filler that the comraunication be
received and filed and Alderman Morton be delegated to represent the Nayor and
Council at this luncheon.
No. 261 - Greater Nia~areand District Credit Union Cha~ter - requesting issuance
of a proclamation re "Credit Union Day" on October 17th, 1957. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and filed
and the proclamation issued as requested.
No. 262 - Fia~ara Falls Branch. United Nations Association in Canada - invitation
to meeting, October 2~th. ORDerED on the motion of Ald. Filler andAid. McKinley
that the com~m~ication be received and filed, the invitation accepted and as many
of the Members of Council as find it possible attend,
No. 2~3 - H. A. Parm - appreciation for attendance at Purchasing Agents' Conference
and referring to method of purchasing of traffic paint followed in other m~ni-
cipnl~ties by tender. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald. McKinley that
the communication be received and filed· It was suggested that consideration be
given to Mr. Parm's reference to the purchasing of traffic paint.
No, 26~ - Industrial and PUblicity Committee of Welland County Council - brief from
~elland Canal Development Association.- C~{ED on the motion of Aid. Morton and
Aid. ~cEinley that the communication and brief be received and referred to the
Haaaganent Committee for a report at the next meeting of Council,
The followin~ Reports were presented;
No, 249 - City ~naMer - copy of City ~nagcr's report to Traffic C~. '!. ee under
date of September 23rd, re parkin~ problem at Memorial .Arena. O~ID~EDon the
motion of Ald, Morton and Ald, Brooks that the report be received and referred to
the 1958 Council,
No. 250 - City~lqEineer - Traffic Coxmldttee's reco~mmendation. ORD~LD on the
motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the rel~rt be received and adopted
'with the exception of Item No. 1 ~mich is to be laid in abeyance at the present
No. 251 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. O~DE~IZD on the motion of
AId. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted and licenoes
issued accordingly.
No. 252 - City Clerk - petition for licence for hawking and peddling. The City
Clerk advised that this application dealt xdth the handlin~ of fruit on a whole-
sale basis by a resident of N.F.N.Y. which had not been ap~roved by the Sanitary
Inspector or the Chief of Police. Ald. Miller, who had brought this complaint to
Council last week, pointing out his concern about this competition against the
local merchants, reiterated his feelings at this time and stressed the advisability
of Council to take some action to protect local merchants. ORDERED on the motion
of AId. Martin and AId. Brooks that the report be received and filed and the
licerice be not granted.
The followin~ Resolution was passed;
No. 79 - MORTON - MCKINLEY - resolved that the next regular meeting of the City
Council be held on T~esday evening, October 15th, 1957 at 7.30 p.m. and the Seal
of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
Aid. McKinley queried as to whether the City F~nager or the Management
Committee had received any complaints concerning the carrying on of car repairs
at the residence at the coruer of Otter Street and River Road, advising that he
understood that this individual is repairing cars and using inflan~able materials,
acetylene torches. The Aideman suggested that immediate action be taken to
stop this practice. The Mayor assured Ald. McKinley that the complaint will
definitely be investigated.
Aid. Miller referred to the lengthy delay in receiving the 25-year pins
for civic employees and the City Manager advised of what has transpired and ~hat
hew ill follow the matter up.
The followin~ By-law was ~assed;
by-law to amend By-law Number 5149 regarding tourist establis~nents.
ORDE on the motion of' Ald. McKinley and Aid. Norton that Ald. Brooks
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
' QRDEREDon the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. White that Rule 36 (2)
. of the 3taalding l~ules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second .reading. - Carried -(Ald. Narti. n-contrary).
Third ~ading ~ Ald. Norton and Ald. White - Carried (Aid. Martin and Mayor Hawkins
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald.
EFAD AND ADOPTED, l~th. October, 1957.
Clerk , ' - Nayor.
Council Chamber
7th. October,1957.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, October 7th, 1957 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present, with
exception of Ald. Mowers. Aid. Miller, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry AccOunts in the amount of $75,437.26 were appreved by the
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion
of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Martin.
The Property Committee' s report on their study made in connection with
the application of Mrs. Yolanda Schenck for a permit to erect a motel east of
1/.32 Ferry Street, which was laid over from the last meeting, was-presented for
consideration. Ald. Brooks, Chairman or 'the Property Committee,-advised verbally
that his Committee were unanimous in their opinion that ~he proposed location is
too tightly surrounded by buildings, resulting in insufficient space for circulation
of air. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald. White that the report be
received and adopted. Carried, the vote being - Aye - Aid. White, Morton, Brooks,
Fartin, McKinley and Mayer Hawkins; Nays -Ald. Killer.
The Property Committee's report on the application received at the
last meeting from H. Coop, 2072 Fain Street, for a permit to construct an addition
to the rear of the LaFiesta Restaurant, to accomodate the cooking equipment thus
enlarging the restaurant area, was presented. The Comw~ tree recommended that a
pel~nit be granted with the provision that the applicant be advised that the exhaust
from the air conditioning unit most be carried at least 10 feet above the roof of
the existing building. Mr. Coop, who was present at the meeting, was permitted to
speak to Council on the motion of MayOr Hawkins and Ald. White. He explained that
it was his intention to remodel as the restaurant is not large enough and also to
make a larger kitchen; the frozen food activities are merely on an e~perimental basis
and if the business expands; it is his intention to move out altogether. The City
Manager advised that is is his understanding that Mr. Coop is not going to carry on
anything more than what he did previously. ORDERS) on the motion of Ald. McKinley
and K~vor Hawkins that the report be received and adopted and permit issued, pro-
viding the reconmsndation 'of the Property Committee is complied .with. Carried, with
Ald. ~orton contraxTe
the Property Conunittee,s report on the application of Joe koretta,
1~29 MacDonald Avenue for a permit to construct a one-storey addition to his
store, was presented. The Con~.ittee advised that as this property is located
in a residential area and therefore the .application must be made to the Con~mittee
of Adjustment. 0RD~°a2) on the motion of l~'ayor Hawkins and Ald. ~hite that the
report be received and adopted.
The report of the City Manager on the application of Mr. J. Herdy for
a permit to constreet a R-unit motel on his pre~mises at Leader Lane and |~iver
Rqad was presented alon~ with the Property Co~nittee's report reconu,endin~ that
the by-law be amended to permit the proposed erection and that a permit be issued
providing that the garage at the rear of the existing buildi.~I is removed. ORDEP~D
on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. W]~ite that the re ,orts be received and
adopted. Carried (Aid. Martin and l'~yor Hawkins-contraryl.
The City Manager's report on the revised sketch submitted by Dominic
Costa for the construction of a 10-unit motel adjacent to 202~ Allen Avenue and
recommending that the same be referred to the Property Coxs~dttee for consideration,
was presented. 0RDE on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the
report be received and adopted.
The City ~lnager's report on the application of G. Sward, 217~ Barker
Street for a permit to erect an addition to the rear of his dwelling at an
estimated cost of $5,000. was presented, along with a report of the Property Com-
mittee approving of the application. OiIDK~ED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and
Ald. Morton that the reports be received and adopted and permit issued.
A con~unication from the Motorville Rockets Hockey Club requesting that
the City purchase space in their programme was presented for consideration.
ORD~%ED on the motion of Ald. l. Lartin and Ald. Brooks that the com~nunication be
received and referred to the Chairman of Finance, with pmer to act.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. i'~rtin and
F~yor Hawkins.
READ AND ADOPTED, 15th. October, 1957.
Council Chamber,
7th. October, 1957.
The Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings 'fOr the 'purpose of 'passing the by-law which covered the accornts approved
by the Committee. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of Ald.
The followin~ B~-law was ~assed;
No. 5~68 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDE on the motion of Ald. ~ite and Ald. Brooks that Aid. Miller
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald. F~rton that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Martin and Aid. White - Carried Unanimously.
The City Clerk polled the M~mbers of Council to ascertain those who
would be attending the dinner meeting at the Niagara Falls Club on Oct.17th. at
6.30 p.m.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Morton.
READ AND ADOPTED, 15th. October, 1957.
Board P~om,
7th. Octobe r, 1957.
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of
the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, October 7th, 1957 for the
purpose of considering the items presented to them. All Members of the Cones, tree
were present, with the exception of AId. Mowers. His Worship Mayor Hawkins
After consideration of the items presented, the Committee adjourned on the motion
of Aid. Martin and AId. McKinley.
READ AND ADOPTED, 15th. October, 1957.
Olerk '
Council Chemiber,
15th. October, 1957.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. o,; Tuesday, October 15th.
1957 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All ~.:embers of
Council were present. The Council, having received and read the ndnutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these on Lhe motion of Ald. l/~rtin and Ald. i-iller.
laid over from previous meetings;
No. 255 - Crawford. Burley and Company _ form of audit. Ald. A.~rtin, Chairman of
the ~nagement Committee reported verbally that his Conbmittee had studied the same
and wished to recommend that the same for. of audit be continued as in the past.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the co,,municatior, be
received and filed and the verbal report of the ~L~nagement Conurn, tree be adopted.
No. 264 - ~el~and County Council - enclosing brief re Welland Canal. ORDERED on
the motion of AId. Mowers and Aid. Morton that the conununication be received and
resolution endorsed and the 1.~anagement Committee's recon~nendations be received
and adopted.
S~ Re[x~rt No. 2~_.
The followin~ Communications were presented_i
No. 265 - Department of Highways - advising of transfer of portion of Falls Avenue.
ORDE1F~D on the motion of AId. Mowers and Ald. l~Liller that the communication be
received and filed.
No. 266 - Chairman. Traffic Improvement Commission of Lincoln-Welland Area - forth-
coming meeting dealing with north-south road linking Welland and St. Catharines.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. McKinley that the conununication be
received and they be notified that the City of Niagara Falls wish to be placed on
their mailing list, as was indicated in our letter to them February lath, 1956
when we advised that the City of Niagara Falls is very vitally interested in any
action regarding the Homer Bridge and that we enquire at this time what the future
is going to be regarding the Homer situation. Carried Unanimously.
No. 267 - City of Sudbury - resolution to amend The Municipal Unconditional Grants
Act, to allow dissatisfied municipalities the opportunity to request the Department
of Municipal Affairs to rodeterm, re the population so that grants may be received
on a fair basis. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the
resolution be received an~ endorsed.
/Aid o~r from a Previous meeting;
No. 235 - City ManaEer - re Highways Department "Study of Urban Needs" for streets
and recommending that the City proceed with the traffic count. Ald. ~orton, Chairman
of the Traffic Committee, reported verbally that his Committee is in fayour of con-
ductlog such a count, the information from which would be available for future use.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and AId. White that the report be received
and adopted and the count proceeded with.
The following' Re~ort was prssentedl
No. 2~3 - Management Con~ittee - re resolution of Welland County Council and brief
of Welland Canal Development Association. ORD~I~D on the motion of AId. Mowers
and AId. Mo~ton that the report be received and recommendations adopted.
.... ....... " ...... SEE Communication 264~
The followin~ Resolutions were passed;
No. 80 - MCKINLEY - MIt~.~.R - '~RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of His
Worship the Mayor and Members of Council be fon;arded to the family of the late
Mrs. James J. Matthews, highly esteemed resident of the City of Niagara Fails; and
the seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimou~sll~.
No. 81 - MCKINLEY - Frt.T.ER = RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of His
'abrship the Mayor and Members of Council be forwarded to the family of the late
Philip C. Thomas, a highly esteemed resident of the City and former Alderman; and
the Soil of the Corporation be hereto affimd.
Carried Unanimousl3..
No. 82 - MORTON'- MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that no parking be established on the south
side of Ferry Street adjacent to the exit of the Car I~ashing Establishment and
Just west of the bus stop at the comer of Stanley Avenue and Ferry Street; and
the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimous.lJk
No. 83 - MIT.Y,ER _ MORTON - RESOLVED that the Council of the Township of Stamford be
requested to consider approaching the Locai Member with a view to requesting that
the Department of Nighways consider establishing an additional entrance to the Queen
Elizabeth Highway at Portage Road, designed to handle future volume of traffic at
this point, anticipated when the Hospital is in operation; and the Seal of the Cot~
potation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimouslj~
The followin~ By-laws were passed:
No. ~67 - To amend By-law Number 3790~ being a by-law for the regulation of traffic.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. McKinley that AId. Morton
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. White that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Miller and Ald. McKinley - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5570 - A by-law to amend By-law Number 51~9 regarding tourist establishments.
ORDERED on the motion of lld, McKinley and AId, Morton that Aid, Brooks ..
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first -";
reading. - Carried Unanimously. ~
ORDerED on the motion of AId. White and Aid. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of
Third Reading - AId. Morton and Ald. White - Carried (AId. Martin and Mayor Hawkins-
~o~ncil adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of AId, McKinley and Morton,
READ AND ADOFSD, 21st. October,1957.
Council Chamber,
!Sth. October, 1957.
The Finance Meeting was held on Tuesday, October 15th, 1957 For the
purpose of approW~ng and also las~:i~,Z the va:rLors accouvts which had been properly
certified and placed before the,;!. All l'ie!~ht~rs of the Con~iittee were present. -{ld.
~11er, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the s~rount of ~50,/~35..~4 were a~,[-roved b~, the Coh,~,it~ee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or othemdse dealt with, were ordered
placed in the Money ~-law for presentation to the Council on the ,~otiorl of ald.
McKinley and ~yor Hawkins.
The City Fmnager's report on a revised sketch submitted by Dominic Costa
for. the construction of a motel adjacent to 2024 Allen Avenue, ~ich :vas referred
to the Property Committee for consideration at the last meeting, was presented.
At this point, the City Clerk advised that the Ontario Municilal Board had reserved
their decision on the by-law which is before them now with reference to tourist
establishments, the Clerk pointed out that the Eoard is opposed to "mixed uses" -
it was therefore ordered on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald. !-+-bwers thst 1,~.
Costa's plans be left in abeyance until the decision of the Ontario Mtmicipal Board
is received.
Mr. W. J. Mars, representing Mrs. Yolanda Schenck, was present at the
Finance Meeting and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald. Mowers
that he be heard at this time. M'r. l'~%rs advised that he was appearing on behalf
of Mrs. Schenck in cormection ~dth her application for a permit to erect a motel
on Ferry Street, for which a sketch had already been presented. He proceeded to
go into detail regarding the location of this property and the buildings at
present thereon and what is proposed. Mr. Mars then advised that he wss making
formal application to have this application admitted. The City i'~nager advised
that this is exactly the same preposition that the Property Cox~nittee dealt with
the last time that they were up on the grounds to look ever the premises. .tld.
Brooks, Chairman of the Property Committee, advised that his Committee were
unanimous in their decision due to the lack of ventilation for the units. Ald.
Mowers referred to the traffic problem which would be created due to the establish-
ment of a motel in the centre of a business block. O,]D'-~D on the motion of l'hyor
Hawkins and Ald. Morton that in view of the fact that this subject does not appear
on this evening's agenda, it be subnitted in written form for consideration. Carried
The City Manager's report on the application of B. Djosich for a permit to
erect a neon sign at 562 Victoria Avenue at an estimated cost of $550. was presented
for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and AId. Brooks that the
report be received and adopted and permit be issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of Gould-Leslie Limited for
a permit to erect a sign board at 16~0 Stanle~ Avenue and recommending that the
same be referred to the Property Committee, was presented. ORDERE~ on the motion
of~Nayor Hawkins and AId. Morton that the report be received and adopted and
application referred to the Property Committee for consideration.
The City Nanager,s report on preliminary plans filed by the Sheraton-Brock
Hotel for an addi,tion to their premises on Falls Avenue, and recommending that
tentative approval be given always provided that detailed plans will be submitted
before a building permit is issued, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the
motion of Nayor Hawkins and Ald. ~rtin that the report be received and recommendation
adopted. ... -- . .
A communication from the Greater Niagara Baseball Kerrios Ball Club
requesting a contribution of $200. from the City towards the purchase of Jackets
as a memento of their winning the 0BA senior championship, was presented for
conaideration. A motion made by Aid. Brooks, seconded by Ald. Morton that the
communication be received and referred to the Chairman of Finance with power to act,
was defeated, the vote being - Aye -Ald. Brooks, Morton and the Mayor; Nays -Ald.
M~W~..te, Mowers, Martin, McKinley. The amendment made by AId. Martin, seconded by AId..
Ald. Mowers was of the opinion that something in the way of a
permanent memento to be awarded on such occasions.
The Communication from the Niagara Falls Committee of Adjustment
requesting a grant of $1,000.00 to cover expenditures until the end of January,
1958, was presented for consideration. The City Manager presented a verbal
report recommending that the Committee should be advised that the City will take
care of any out of pocket expenses from now until the end of the year and it
was ordered on the motion of Ald. Martin and Mayor Hawkins that the comnmnication
be received and the Committee o£ Adjustment so advised.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and
Ald. McKinley.
?READ AND ADOPTED, 21st, October, 1957.
Council Chamber,
15th. October,1957.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
appreved by the Committee. All Members of Council were present.
The followink By-law was passed;
No. 5571 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. McKinley that ~ld. Miller
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
O~DERED on the motion of Ald. MiLler and Ald. Norton that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. Norton and Aid. Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
The City Clerk at this time queried Council's approval to the alternating
of the Remembrance Day Services between the City of Niagara Falls and the Township
of Stamford and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and &ld. Brooks that
the City of Niagara Falls concur with the suggestion that the Remembrance Day Services
be alternated from year to year. Carried Unanimously.
Ald. Mowers referred to the untidy condition at the corner of Simcoe
Street and St. Clair Avenue where some of the newspaper boys are completely
littering that area with newspapers despite the fact that a trash container has
been placed there. The Aideman was of the opinion that the neighbouts should
not be exqscted to l~t up ',dth that sort of condition. The City I~anager advised
that the area was cleaned up but that he would have a report from bhe Street
Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Filler and Ald. Morton.
READ AND ADOFrED, 2!st. October, 1957.
Council Chamber,
21st. October, 19~7.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, October
21st. 19~7, fort he purpose of ccnsidering general business and finance. All
Members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes
of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Fnrton.
The followin~ Communications were presented;
No. 268 - Stamford Canada Guards - requesting permission to hold a tag day on
November 2nd. ORDRRED on the motion of AId. Miller and Ald. McI~nley that the
communication be received and filed and permission granted as requested.
No. 269 - NiaEara District Firemen's Association - resolution to safeguard bathers
on beaches by providingat least one lifeguard for every hundred bathers. ORDEP~D
on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Brooks that the resolution be received and
endorsed in principle. Carried with Ald. Fartin, contrary. The Alderman advised
that he ~ms not contrary with the idea but with the resolution as presented.
No. 270 - Co~nittee of A~iustment - Notice of hearing re 1470 Lewis Avenue.
No. 271 - Co~nittee of Adjustment - Notice of hearing re 1648 Stanley Avenue.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F~wers and Ald. ~iller that these com~sunications be
considered together. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~aite and AId. ~rton that
the communications be received and filed.
No. 272 - Community PlanninIBranch - invitation to Community Planning Worshop
in Welland, November 12th. and 13th. It was moved by AId. Brooks, seconded byAld.
McKinley that the communication be received and filed and as many as possible attend.
This motion was defeated by a vote of 4 to 3. Aye -Ald. Brooks, McKinley and Morton.
Nays -Ald. Mowers, White, Martin and Miller. An amendment by Ald. Mowers,seconded
by Ald. White that the Mayor appoint at least three members of Council to attend
these sessions, was carried by a ~ to 3 vote, A~e -Ald. ~bwers, White, Martin,
Miller and Nayor Hawkins; Nays - AId. Brooks, McKinley and Morton. His Worship
Mayor Hawkins named Ald. Brooks, Martin and Nillet and expressed the desire that as
many of the Members of Council, along with the City Manager and the Clerk, attend.
No. 273 - Greater NiaEara Chamber of Commerce - re setting up of special committee
to consider possibility of new bridge in vicinity of Queenston-Lewiston and
doubting the logic of proposed location. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and
AId. Martin that the co~enunication be received and filed and the ~kyor appoint
representatives to sit in with the Chamber of Commerce on this committee.
The followir~ Report8 were presented~
No. 25~ - City NanaEer - report on meeting at Chatham, October 16th. of Ontario
Water Resources Commission, and the decision made to have All municipalities forward
an up-to-date summary of capital expenditure situation, to be ihcluded in a brief
for submission to the Hencurable M~.. Monteith, Minister of Health and Welfare.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and AId. Miller that the report be received
and filed and the City Manager be instructed to prepare the necessary data as
No. 25~ - City Clerk - recommending issuance of lieonce. ORDERED on the motion of
AId. Norton and Ald. Nowera that the rcpor~ be received and adopted and licence
issued accordingly.
The foliowinE Resolution was passed;
No. 84 - ~LLER - MORTON - RESOLV~D that a message of s~npathy on behalf of His
Worship the ~yor and Members of Council be forwarded to the family of the late
Mr. George James highly respected resident of the City of Niagara Falls; and the
Seal of the Cor]~ration be hereto affixed.
Carried Unaninlo__uply.
Ald. Mowers referred to the recent appointment of Detective Sergean~
Howard Johnson of the Niagara Falls Police Department to the position of Chief
of Police of Bertie Township and was of the opinion that the training given to
Members of the Police Department by the Chief of Police and the Police CoM~ssion
was advantageous to those aspiring to higher positions. Ald. ~bwers suggested
that a letter be forwarded to the Chief of Police complimenting him on the training
given to his men.
AId. Brooks referred to 1171 River Road where car repairs were being made
and advised that citizens were still complaining.
His Worship the A'xayor advised of the assurances givenbythe o~mer of
these premises that said repairs were only being made to hds own and his wife's
car. The Mayor further advised that the Police have warned against any noise
being made.
It was pointed out, however, that action could not be taken to prevent
this man from working on his own cars.
Ald. Morton requested the City }~nager to outline what is proposed to
remedy the flooding conditions on Victoria Avenue, particularly 78,86 and 94
Victoria Avenue, w~ere drainage has been cut off ~.~en work was done on Leader
Lane. The City ~nager advised that instructions have been issued regarding
installation of drainage on Leader Lane and that it was intended to go to this
property to-morrow morning.
Council adjourned to the Finance Neeting-on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 28th. October, 1957.
Council Chamber,
21st. October,1957.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, October 21st, 1957 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts ~aich had been properly
certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. AId.
Miller, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $33,583.99 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion
of ~yor Hawkins and Ald. Brooks.
The City Manager's report on the ap!Jlication of Mr. Jules Juliani for
a building permit to make alterations to the Bridal Suite Motor Lbtel at 1~15
Victoria Avenue, at an estimated cost of Q3,500. was p~sented. ORDEP~'~ED on the
motion of tld. t/~rton and ~yor Hawkins that the report be received and referred
to the Property Co.~ittee for a report.
The City Manager's report on the application of Mr. Frank Nemeth for a
building permit to erect a brick veneer dwellin.~ on Part of Lot 11, Maple Street,
at an estimated cost of ~10,500.00 was presented for consideration. Oi~DE;~'~) on
the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton tha~ the same be received and
referred to the Property Committee for a report.
The Statement of Revenue and Expenditures as of October 7th, 1957 was
presented for consideration. ORDerED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and ~d.
Mowers that the same be received and laid on the table for two weeks and the City
~%nager prepare a report.
2 S
The request of the OBA Senior Champions (Kerrlos) for a grant of $200.
from the City of Niagara Falls towards the purchase of jackets as a memento of
winning the Championship, which was referred to the Mayor, Chairman of Finance,
and City Fmnager for a report, ~as again presented for consideration. AId. Miller,
Chairman of Finance, reported verbally, advising that it was the intention to accede
to the request made and it was ordered on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald.
Morton that the request be received and approved. Carried Unanimously.
A communication from Wm. J. Mars, Solicitor, on behalf of Mrs. Yolanda
Schenck's application for a permit to construct a motel in the 1~00 block on Ferry
Street, was presented, along with the Preporgy Committee's report advising that the
Committee did not consider the site as suitable for the proposed erection. In this
connection, Mr. Mitchell, brother of Mrs. Schenck, who was present, was permitted
to speak to Council on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley. Mr. Mitchell
advised that if it was necessary to remove the restaurant building, this would be
done. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. White that the application be
received and filed and the report of the Property Committee be received and adopted
and Mr. Mitchell be advised that if he wishes to prepare a sketch indicating the
existing buildings and what it is proposed to be removed, including the suggestion
that consideration be given to the possibility of removing the souvenir-store,
re-application could be made for the consideration of Council.
The Property Committee's report cot he application of Could-Leslie
Limited, for a permit to erect an advertising panel 10 feet by2~ feet at Giffen's
garage, 16~0 Stanley Avenue, wee presented fo~ consideration. The ~ommittee
recommended that permission be not gramted. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. White
and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted.
The City Manager's report on the application of Pino's Bar-B-Qfor a
permit to erect a neon sign at 1~7~ Victoria Avenue, at an estimated cost of $900.
was presented for consideration. Adiscussion ensued, due to the fact that the
sign was already in the process of erection before a permit had been obtained, but
it was pointed out by the City Manager that the owner of the restaurant was not at
fault, but that the onus is on the Sign Company; the City Manager outlined what had
transpired before the application was received. Ald. Mowers was of the opinion
tha~ the Sign Company should be notified that this application was being appreved,
but in future failure to apply for a permit prior to erection will not be tolerated.
ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. McKinley that the report of the City
Fanager be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of Critelli's ~urniture
Store, ~00 Queen Street for a permit to erect a neon facet sign, at an estimated
cost of $1,600.00 was presented. ~DERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald.
Mowers that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The Property Committee's report on the appLication of Mrs. H.A. Drake,
to construct a garage at 1068 Second Avenue, advising that the Committee could not
approve of the proposed erection which would be attachedto the house, She southerly
wall of which would be only 6 inches from the south lot line and recommending that a
permit could be issued for a garage at the rear o£ the lot provided it is ~ feet from
the dwelling, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton
and Ald. White that the report be received and adol~ed.
· ~'~'!~/;~'~*='A~/' ....... ,,¢,;. ...............i-/
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the ,,~otion of i~%yor Hailins and
AId. F~rton.
READ AND ADOPTED, 28th. October, 1957.
Council Chamber,
2let. October,1957.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by.law which covered the accounts approved
by the Committee. All Members of Council were present.
Sr- Aw
'fhe followin~ By-law was ~assed:
~ - To provide monies for general purposes.
OP~ERED on the motion of Aid. Mar~in and Ald. ~bwers that Aid.
Miller be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be
given the first .reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid., Morton and Ald. ~rtin that Rule 36
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law
be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
T~ird Reading - Aid. McKinley and Aid. Martin - Carried Unanimously.
The City Clerk requested some indication as to how many members
Council will attend the Realtors' Dinner meeting on Friday night.
Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Miller.
READ AND ADOPTED, 28th. October, 1957.
Council Chamber,
25th October, 1957.
Court of Revision on The Assessment Roll commenced sitting at 10:00 A.M. Friday, October 25th,
at which the following action was taken upon the respective appeals:
Members present: H.A. Logan, Chairman, A.W. Benson and D.D. Mac~Lillan.
Roll Poll
No. No. A~ppellant ~_e~pec~ng
56 1 Jas. W. Lawrence 2~O Elgin Street
~60B 2 Orlando Osvaldo 90 Hickson Street
670 3 Antonio Galati 5~3 Erie Avenue
710 3 Ing Chan Too 427 Queen Street
862 ~ Steve Nagy 7~7 Queen Street
951 5 Emil Badovinac 816 Bridge Street
978 5 Thomas Bugg 913 Bridge Street
1055-1 5 George Foster 305 Second Avenue
192A 9 Agnes McKee 228 Huron Street
210~ 10 R.F. Zimmerman R.G. Nelson
247 ~]!ie Street
2211 10 Rocco Quaranto 517 Simcoe Street
2251 11 Ben Kondrat 753 Buckley Avenue
3063 16 Eric Kennie 1236 Maple Stree%
327~ 17 Daniel Hinschberger . 1385 Valleyway
3495 19 Sheraton Corp.of America Sheraton Foxhead Ltd.
3513 · 19, Sheraton Corp.of America Sheraton Brock Ltd.
3877 21 Thomas Haymes 1065 Mutton Avenue
3899 21 Marie Corbi 1102 McGlashan Cree.
~560 25 Michele Fasano 1101 Stamford St.
5208 29 Frank Digiacomo 1033 Centre St.
~052 ~32 Frank Grece 17~O Temperance Ave.
6118 ~3 Anthony Lococo 1678Mai~ Street
6616-17.35 Joe Herman 20Oh Stanley Ave.
6847 37 Frank Zeng 2100Main Street
6861-62 37 Nykola Komar 22~NainStreet ·
7287 ' .39 BrianOlsen 195~ S.1~mes Street
7376-78 AO MeaTs &Willjams Lid, 2035 Murray Street
c/oMartin, Calvert, Bates sad Sheppard
Granted - to Public School
BuLlding reduced $2AO.00
Granted'- to Separate School
Refund of $18.75
Granted - to Public School
Granted - to Separate School
Building reduced $~00.00
Granted - to Public School
Building reduced $100.00
B,,.~]ding reduced $120,00
Granted - to Separate School
Building reduced $290,00
Building reduced $60Oe00
Building reduced $980.00
Granted - to Sepav&te School
providing affidavit filed
Building reduced $500.00
Building reduced $A,OAO.OO
29 Lorne L, Evans
Niagara Falls
Separate School Board
1719 Morrison Street
2~O Hickson Avenue )
635 First Avenue )
936 Stanley Avenue )
1059 River Road )
696 McDougall Cres. )
1231 Kitchener Street )
1008 Centre Street )
1020 Centre Street )
1697 Ellen Avenue )
851 Hunter Street )
1828-36 Ferry Street )
1925 Orey Street )
1886-90 Main Street )
197~-8 Main Street )
2020 Allen Avenue )
2066 Grey Street )
1662 Peer Street )
Decision of Court
Granted - to Separate Schocl
R.F. Zimmerman
(Carlo Romano)
1695 Victoria Avenue Reduced $860.OO
Abatement - $~0.85
R.F. Zimmerman
(A. Ciccone )
(450 Bridge St.)
City Lane Refund allowed - $2.75
515 Fergueon Street
R.F. Zimmerman
(Sun 0il Co.
1608 Walnut St.
Philadelphia 3,Penna.)
482 Bridge Street
Refund allowec~- $43.30
- 9 Gay Bros. Ltd,
9 Gay Bros. Ltd.
' 20 Gay Bros. Ltd,
10 Logan and Knight
Cot. Bridge St. and
Second Avenue
Refund allowed - $~29,15
A10-I:I~ Queen St,
~09 Huron Street
~88 Ellis Street
Harold & Leonard Heximer 1847 Robinson Street
2372 Maitland Street
Resberg,s IAmtted
Rosberg,s Limited
31 Joe. & Helen Laslo
32 Gould-Leslie Sign Co.
33 Walter St,vans
R.R. ~l,Niagara-on-Lake
991 Victoria Avenue
977 Victoria Avenue
1265 Fen;I Street
Lot 12, North Street
1769 FenTStreet
Reduce to 30%
Abatement =11, owed - $223.88
Reduce for vacancy
Abatement allowed - $103.47
· Business Tax eliminated
Abatement =]1 owed _ $~A.65
55% Reduction on 1957 taxes
Abatement allowed - $~38.67
40% Reduction on 1957 taxes
lower floor
Refund allowed - $100.A6
Refund allowed - $80,83
Refund allowed - $129.1S
Abatement allowed - 2~7-75
Refund Allowed . $18.05
55% reduction on 1957 taxes
Refund allowed - $328.16
Roll Poll
g~. No. A~._an~
6722 36 E. Delaney
6932 37 Angelo CarPie
7113 38 P. Yerich
680 3 E,L, Breaugh
Business - 1957 Taxes
2 R.F. Zimmerman
57 2 do
34 2 do
m 3 do
189 3 do
273 k do
321 ~ do
239 ~ do
~ ? do
~ ~ do
508 11 do
612 ~7 do
7~ ~ do
7~ ~ do
763 ~ do
e~6 2.9 do
189~ Main Street
1685 Robinson Street
1979 Main Street
628-30 Erie Avenue
Dp_e_,~ sA_o_n' of_
10% Reduction on 1957 taxes
Refund allowed - $5~.91
Abatement allowed - $~.72
Rebate allowed - $19.00 on
property tax
Rebate allowed - $9.50 on
business tax
Falls Plasterers
76 Dyson Avenue
Abatement - $~.75
A, GPOs 80
719 Ferguson St.
Abatement - $~.75
Sexsmith Tire Shop Allowed
Bridge St. Abatement ~ $11.OO
Lifetime Stone
Rebate - $3.60
A. Gampel & Co. Ltd. Allowed
427 Queen Street Rebate - $311.12
Mario Iofrate
623 Queen Street
Two-O-Taxi Co.
619 Welland Ave.
Bridge St. Lunch
7~0 Bridge Street
LaMe Kramer
~+16Queen Street
Abatement - $17.57
Abatement - $22.33
Rebate - $1~.02
Abatement - $97.10
Gay Bros, Ltd.
~jJ+ Queen Street
Abatement - $26.33
Nancy Patterson
656 Queen Street
Abatement - $1~.13
Frank Reid
1~30 Inglis Drive
Albert Ferro Allowed
106~ Victoria Avenue Abatement - $2~.38
Dr. W.j, Martin
l156Victoria Ave.
Abat~nt - $37.05
Fred Page Higgins Co, Allowed
9W Victoria Ave, Rebate - $12.~7
Niagara Launder,ft, Allowed
10~O Centre Street Abatemere. - $63.1~
B5287 29
876 29
908 31
912 31
978 33
99/+ 34
1004 34
11.] ~. 37
1130 38
1132 38
No. Appellant
29 R.F. Zimmerman
29 do
Elisa Coscarella
1035 Centre Street
Vincent Quaranto
1033 Centre Street
Florida Fish & Chips
1037 Centre Street
Gunning,s Tire Ltd.
1467 Victoria Ave.
Vancairn Candy Co.
1393 Lincoln Street
Sid,s Auto Electric
1921 Ellen Avenue
Rose Nemeth
1343 Ferry Street
De~islon of Court
Abatement - $10,69
Abatement -$19.32
Abatement - $1~.O7
Rebate - $75.60
Abatement - $37.~8
Abatement - $~3.46
Abatement - $19.68
Ont.Elect. Const. Co. Allowed
1791 FenT Street Rebate - $21.22
~ay Bro8. Ltd,
1997 Lundy's Lane
Abatement - $~3.70
Dr. Peter Seed Allowed
1793 Main Street Rebate - $19.00
Fred Swain
2090 Mai~Street
Abatement - $~7.20
Eliz. Somerville Allowed
2083 Marker Street Abatement - $11.40
HeG, Acres & Co, Allowed
2136 Marker Street Rebate - $575.84
Business - Arrears
3A H. Dickson
3A do
1 do
5 do
2A do
5 do
2 do
3 do
Dan Dragicevich
1037Centre Street
Recommended struck off
A~atement 1956 - $AO.80
John Ferare Recommended struck off
1073 Centre Street Abatement 19~6 - $18.40
California Fish & Chips Recommended struck off
568 Erie Avenue Abatement 1956 - $10.78
Charles ~authier
1850 Ferry Street
Recommended struck off
A~atement 1956 - $~.92
Frank Reid
1AIO IMglt8 Drive
Recommended struck off
A at. ement 1956 - $ .56
Bamboo Gardens
18% Main Street
Recommended struck off
Abatement 1956 - $52.59
Merle Mae Recommer~ed struek off
Quem St. & River Rd.A~atement 1955 - $33,71
C~W Bro8,
Stmooe Street
Resemmended struck off
Abatmnt 19 6 - $ .60
Roll Poll
No. No.
Business Arrears
801 4 H. Dickson
801 4 do
820 2 do
822 3 do
83A 3A do
83~ 3A do
836 3A do
Ve~c_i.si~o~n' _o~f_ CoUr~t
Peter Lorenzo
1629 Slater Avenue
Re~ gmended struck off
Abatement 1953 - $6.40
Peter Lorenzo
1629 Slater Avenue
Recommended struck off
Abatement 195A - $14.18
J. BoseHi Recommended struck off
880 Victoria Abenue Abatement 1954 - $33.A6
Leonard Ross Recommended struck off
958 Victoria Avenue Abatement 1955 - $92-54
Angus ~arbett Recommended struck off
1695 Victoria Avenue Abatement 1954 - $42.19
Angus Garbett Recommended struck off
1695 Victoria Avenue Abatement 1955 - $60.10
Waterproof Aluminum
Windows & Doors
1695 Victoria Avenue
Recommended struck off
Abatement 1956 - $78.46
Court then adjourned,
Building Assessment Reduced
Business Assessment Reduced
Abatements and Refunds under Section 124
Abatements and Refunds - Business
Recommended struck off -
Arrears of Business Tax
Certified Correct,
$ 7,270.00
$ 860.o0
$ 2,087.68
$ 1,616.75
$ 577.69
Council Chamber,
28th. October,1957.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on F~nday, October
28th, 1957, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All
Members of Council were present, ~rith the exception of Aldermen Brooks and
The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting,
adopted these on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Morton.
The following Communications were presented;
No. 274 - Township of Stamford - re access road to Q.E.W. at Portage Read.
Ald. ~brton, Chairman of the Traffic Committee, reported verbally that
Councillor Keighan of the Stamford Traffic Committee had made contact with him
and a tentative date had been suggested for a meeting of the two Traffic Com-
mittees, stating that if the Mayor so desired, the meeting would be held.
ORDE-P~D on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Miller that the communication be
received and filed and the Joint meeting of the Traffic Committees be arranged
for Wednesday, October 30th. at ~ p.m. in the Township Hall.
- Aid. Mowers arrived at the meeting -
No. 275 - British-Canadian Veterans Association - invitation to festivities to
be held on November 1st. at 8 p.m. ORDE on the motion of Ald. F~rton end
Ald. Miller that the communication be received and filed, the invitation
accepted and as many Members of Council and their wives attend, aspossible.
No. 276 - Greater NiaEara Veterans ~ Central Committee - invitation to Remem-
branc~ Day Parade and Service at C.V.I. auditorium on November 1Oth. ORBERreD
on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Morton that the communication be
received and filed, the invtiation accepted and as many Members of Council as
find it possible attend.
No. 277 - Radio Station CHVC - requesting permission to broadcast Armistice
Day Service from the Cenotaph on November llth. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Martin and Ald. Mowers that the communication be received and filed and
permission granted as requested.
No. 278 - Chamber of Commerce,Special Committee - requesting appointment of a
representative on Committee to study the question of additional bridge
facilities in this area. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald.
Martin that the communication be received and filed and Alderman Mowers be
authorized to attend the meeting with the Chamber of Commerce when they
interview the Minister of Highways in Toronto.
No. 279 - Chamber of Commerce - enclosing document outlining the present and
· he~ae~woMc~he~I~dus, rial Committee. ~l~DSR~Bv~hemotiul~oT-Al~.. .......
Mowers and Aid. Morton that the communication be received and filed.
No. 280 - City Clerk of London , resolution re el~r~natingall property
requirements in connection with voting privileges at Municipal Elections.
O~ on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Ald. Morton that the resolution be
received and endorsed and forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Association for
consideration in convention.
No. 281 - Jones Floor Covorin~s - requesting permission to place a piece of
Sandran floor covering in front of the store at 1832 Ferry Street and across
the road, for demonstration purposes. The City Clerk advised that this com-
munication was received too late for listing on this evening's agerids, and it
was ordered on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid. l~ller that the same be con-
sidered at this tim. It was then moved byAld. Morton that the conmamication
be received andpermission granted providing that a letter is received from
Jones relieving the City of Niagara Falls of all responsibility in connection
with the proposed installation. , this motion was not seconded. It was then
moved by Aid. Mowers, seconded by Aid. McKinley that the communication be
received and referred to the Property Committee and the City Nanager with
power to act. This motion was defeated by a vote of 3 to 2, the vote being -
Aye .Ald, Mowers and McEinley; Nays - Aid,. Morton, Martin and Miller ORDERED
on the motion of Aid. 1,~ller and Aid. ~rtin that the comm. unication be received
and referred to the City Fanager upon his return to the City to toutact l',r. Jones
to arrange a date and time, and any 1/~mber of Council may see, if he so desires,
what is contemplated. Carried, ~dth Ald. Mowers contrary.
The follmdr~ Reports were presented;
No. 2~6 - City ManaEer- recommending attendance of Waterworks personnel at
meeting of South Central Ontario Waterworks Association at the Brant Inn,
~xrlington on November 8th. ORDER~D on the ,notion of Ald. Xqorton and Ald.llLartin
that the report be received and adopted.
No. 257 - Christmas Party Committee - recoamendation regardin~ continuation o~
present policy re season's festivities, for the current year. O~DEZED on the
motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Martin that the report be received and adopted.
No. 258 - City Clerk - :'ecorm~ending issuance of license. ORDER'Z~) on the motion of
Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted and lieonce
issued accordingly.
The follo~dng Resolutions were passed;
No. 85 - MORTON-M0h~RS . RESOLVED that a message of syn~athy be fom~arded on
behalf of His ,~orship the ~yor and ~bmbers of the City Council to the family of
the late Mr. Cecil Wm. Fryer; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Un.___janimous_~.
No. 86 - MORTON - MOWERS . RESOLVED that a message of sympathy be forwarded to the
family of the late Mrs. John B. Jamieson on behalf of His Worship the Mayor and
Members of the City Council; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 87 - MORTON , MG~ERS _ RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of His
Worship the Mayor and Members of the City Council be forwarded to the family of
the late Mr. James Miller; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried U.._____nanimousl_A~_
Aid. Miller referred to a recent editorial in the local press regarding
a decrease in tourist trade in this area and referred to the fact that a year ago
he had brought before the Chamber of Commerce and the Niagara Parks Commission
the possibility of extending the tourist season each year; suggesting that the
season could commence at an earlier date, with an Easter Parade. The Alderman
was of the definite opinion that some concerted action must be taken to protect
the tourist trade.
SEE Resolution No.88
No. 88 , MILLER _ MCKINLEY , RESOLVED that the ma6ter of possibly prolonging the
tourist season in this area be referred to the 19~8 Council for consideration
early in the year, with the suggestion that something in the form of an Easter
Parade or equivalent celebration be also considered; and the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed.
Ald. Miller queried whether the City has any control over the proper
heating of houses by landlords for their tenants during the winter months and was
advised by the Mayor that there is no by-law governing the same; calibrated
thermometers having been considered but found to be too expensive a proposition.
The subject of such heating is now under the consideration of the Medical .Officer
of Health.
Ald. Mowers again referred to conditions at the corner of 3t. Clair
Avenue and Simcoe Street, where newspapers are scattered, the trash can turned
upside down and milk crates are in evidence. He stated the area was an absolute
disgrace last Sunday and was of the opinion that the out-of-twon newspaper concerns
whose papers are delivered to this corner for distribution to the newsboys should
be held responsible for these conditions. His Worship the Nayor advised that the
matter will be taken care of.
The followin~ By-law was passed;
No. 5573 L To appoint Deputy Returning Officers, Poll Clerks and Polling Places
for the Municipal Election in December 1957 for the year 1958.
ORDEP~ED on ~he motion of Ald. Movers and Ald. F, Artin that Aid. McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standixlg Rnles of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, ~th. November,195?.
The application oF Mr. Jules Juliani for a building permit for
alterations to the Bridal Shite Motor Motel at 1815 ~;ictor]a Avesue, at an
estimated cost of $3,500. which was referred to the Property Committee for
consideration, was again presented along with the Property Committeo's report.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~rtin, and Mayor Hawkins that Item No. 1 of the
report recon~nending that the area occupied by the :._o~el be classed as a tourist
establishment and that by-law number 51~9 be ranended accordingly, be received
and adopted. Carried Unanimously. It ~las Then Ordered on the motion of ild.
Mowers and Ald. McFdnley that Item No. 2 of the re~rb reco~mendinb, ~hat the
application for alterations be approved and a building perunit issued for the same
as soon as the amendment to by-law 51~9 has been approved by Council, be received
and adopted. Carried with Ald. ~rtin-contrary.
The application of Frank Nemeth For per~rissiou to erect a brick veneer
dwelling on part of Lot ll, Maple Street, at an estimted cost of .310,500. which
was referred to the Property Committee for consideration, was again presented
along with the Property Co~m~ttee's report which rec~mnended that it is not
possible to issue a permit for the proposed dwelling under by-law n~u~ber 5335 as
there is not sufficient area for the existing dwelling 935-939 Maple Street and
the proposed new dwelling~ ORDERE~ on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Mowers
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
The City Clerk's report was presented advising that a further revised
sketch of the area on Ferry Street on which Mrs. Yolanda Schenck proposes to
erect a motel, had been received and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Morton
and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and adopted and the sketch be
referred to the Property Committee for consideration.
The Statement of Relief for September,1957 was presented for consideration.
ORDERED on the motion ~f Mayop Hawkins and Ald. Morton that the same be received,
given the usual publicity and filed.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Fayor Hawkins and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 4th. November, 1957.
Council Chamber,
28th. Octobe r, 1957 ·
The Finance F~eting was held on Monday, October 28th, 1957 for the
p~r[ose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present, with
the exception of Ald. Brooks and Ald. White. Ald. MiLler, Chairman of Finance,
~ndry Accounts in the amount of $182,163.~2 were appreved ~y the
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with~ were
ordered placed in the Wo~ey By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of
Fayor Hawkins and Ald. ~cKinley.
Council Chamber,
28th .October, 1957.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Committee. All Members of C6uncil were present, with the exception
of Ald. Brooks and AId. White.
The following By-law was passed;
No· 5~74 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. F~wers and AId. ~brton that AId. MiLler
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
0RDERm]) on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mo~rs that Role 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. Morton and Ald. Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned ~n the motion of Ald. Miller 'and AId. McKinley.
READ AND ADOFrED, ~+th. November, 1957.
~ Fayo r
Cour!cil Chamber,
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on l..,'on,;~, !Cove,!ber
~th, 1957, for the purpose of conslderi~ general business and finance, All
Members of Council were present. Th, e Council, havin~. received and read the
minutes of the previous meetin,~, adopted these on the motion of Ald. 1,3~l]_er and
Ald. Morton.
Tenders had been called for the elevator hoistway and third floor
renovations in the Police Building at the corner of CliFton Avenue and Park Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. IIowers snd Ald. McKinley that the tenders received,
be opened, initialled by His %~orship the Mayor and tabulated.
Laid over from the previous meetinK:
No. 281 - Jones Floor CoverinKs - requesting perFdssion to place floor covering
for demonstration purposes. ORDERED on the motion of AId. I, iorton and Ald. I,~ller
that the communication be received and filed, and that the liability coverage be
checked by the City Solicitor to ensure adequacy before permission is granted.
SEE_~rt No. 2_~.
The foliowinE Communications were presented;
No. 282 - Dell Telephone Co. of Canada - requesting penaission to place one inter-
spaced pole on Ferguson Street at b~ir Avenue.
No. 283 - Dell Telephone Co. of Canada - requesting permission to place anchor and
aerial wire and remove pole, on Drummond Road and place anchor on Culp Street, this
work being requested by City Engineer to clear location for new sidewalk. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. Mewera that-the communications be received
and filed and permission granted.
S_3E B~-law Number 5~77
No. 28~ - District ~6, Association of AssessinK Officers - invitation to Fall Meeting
on November 28th, at 10.00 A.M. at Prudhomme's. The City ~nager presented a verbal
report recommending that Mr. Ralph Zimmerman, Assessor and Mr. Thomas ~crae of the
Assessment Department be permitted to attend. 0RDEi~.'2) on the motion of Ald. Morton
and Ald. Mowers that the communication be received and filed and the recommendation
of the City Manager adopted.
No. 285 - Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce - enclosing copy of progrmmme for
Industrial Seminar to be held on November 18th. and 19th. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and filed, and
the Invitation accepted and as many Members of Council as find it possible attend.
All Members of Council indicated their intention of attending, with the exce]~ion
of AId. McKinley and A!d. I.[orton.
No. 286 - Canadian National Railways - enclosing plan of parcel of railway land
which City had indicated their desire of purchasing and setting a price of $3,075.00
on the same. 0RDERE~ on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Fdller that the com-
munication be received and filed and the C.N.R. notified that the City is not
interested at this price.
No. 287 - Peter Biamonte . application for Used Car Lot Licence on Lot 805, east
side of Stanley Avenue. (~DERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald. Morton that
the communication be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report.
The followinf~ RepoM~s were presented;
No. 259 - City ManaRer - report on revised request of Jones' Floor Coverings to
place a sample cowring in front of the door leading to his store at 1832 Ferr7 St.
ORDERED on the motion of ~ld. Morton and AId. Killer that the report be received
and adopted and the liability coverage be checked by the City Solicitor to ensure
adequacy before pemdssion is granted.
No. 260 - City ManaKer - report on meeting with Department of Highways'representati'~-a
on November 4th. respecting status of Falls Avenue, Clifton Hill and Bender Hill.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F~wers and Ald. Morton that the report be received and
tabled and arrangements be made for a meeting with Mr. A. C. Jolley, Local Member
of Parlimnent (Provincial) to discuss the whole matter as to future procedure.
No. 261 - City FanaEer - report on Francis Hankins' request for permission to use
Honeywell Control Equilxaent instead of Peacock FoxborG Equipment for the new filters
at extension to Filtration Plant, and recommending Council approve the use of
Peacock FoxberG Equipment. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Mowers
that the letter from H. G. Acres and Company, Limited which accompanied the City
Manager be received and fil~ed a~d the report of the City Fansget be received and
No. 262 - Clerk of the Court - recommending that Council approve striking off of
the ta~es submitted on list of City Treasurer as uncollectible. ORDEF~D on the
motion of Ald. Mo~ers and Ald. Brooks that the report be received and adopted.
SEE By-law No.~575
No. 263 - City Engineer - report on attendance at City Engineers' Association
meeting bold on October 27th. in Toronto. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and
Ald. McKinley that the report be received and filed.
The followin~ Resolution was passed;
No. 89 - MCKINLEY - MORTON - RESOLVED that the next regdlar meeting of the City
Council be held on Tuesday evening, N~vember 12th, 1957 .at 7.30 p.m. and the Seal.
of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
The followtr~, By-law was presented:
No. 5575 - A by-law to strike uncoll~ctible taxes from the Tax Roll.
O~DERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Martin that Ald. Miller be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the .by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be t~mporarily suspended and. the by-law be given
the second reading. -Oarried Unanimously.
The follo~inM By-laws were passed;
No. 5576 - A by-law to amend By-law Number ~1~9 regarding tourist establishments.'
ORDER~ on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Miller that Aldl Brooke
be granted t~e privilege of introducing the by-law and the .by-law be given the
first reading. - Oartied Una~imously.
· ORD~ on ~he motion of Ald. Mo.era and Ald. Miller that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Oouncil be temperarll~ suspended and the by-law be given
th~ second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Martin and Ald. MoKinle~ - 0artled Unanimously.
No. 5~77 - To provide for permission to The Bell Telephone Company of Canada to
' place one interspaced. pole on Ferguson St. at l.~ir Ave. and to llace
anchor and aerial wire and reraove p~le on Dmm~nond Road and place
anchor on Culp Street.
ORDEreD on the motion o~ Ald. Brooks and Ald. FbPton that :kld. McKinley
be granted the privilege of introdilcing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDF~IED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald. McKinley that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. F~rton and A].d. Brooks - Carried Unanimously.
At this time, Ald. Morton, Chairman of the Traffic Co.uittee, reported
v~rbally on the joint meeting of the Traffic Comittees of the City and Townebr.>,
which was held last Wednesday, October 30th. to discuss a proposed access road to
the Q.E.W. at Portage Road which would facilitate the future volume of traffic at
~his point, anticipated when the new General Hospital is in operation.
The Alderman ad~dsed that as a result of this meeting, the To~sh~l and
City Engineers are to draw up a plan of what is desired and sub;idt a report, for
the consideration of the two Conmdttees, following which each Conunittee will report
back to their respective Councils.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald.
READ AND ADOFTED, 12th. November, 1957.
Council Chamber,
~th. November, 1957.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, November 4th, 19~7 for the
p~rpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which bad been properly
certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee we,~ present.
Ald. Miller, Chairman of Finance, presided.
~And~y Accounts in the amount of $36,~09.33 were approved by the
T~e Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in ~he Honey By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion
of Mayor Hawkins and AId. McEinley.
The City Manager's report on the application of Fu-. Earl O'Neil,
1968 Dr~unmond Road for a permit to erect an addition to the rear of his dwelling,
to provide accommodation for two apartments, at an estimated cost of $8,O00. was
presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Mowers
that the report be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report.
The City F~nager's report on the application of Galloway and
G~iffiths, 589 Bridge Street for a permit to erect an addition, at an estimated
cost of $2,000. was presented for consideration. ORDEREB on the motion of Ald.
Brooks and Ald. Mckinley that the report be received and adopted and pannit issued.
THe City Manager's report was presented on the application of
A. Divito for a permit to erect a motel on Lot 199, at the intersection of River
Road and Cataract Avenue, at an estimated cost of $40,000.00 and reco~mlending the
issuance of a permit subject to the provision that suitable arrangements for cross
ventilation are made and that complete plumbing fixtures are not installed in
units designated for office and linen room, A motion ~, Ald. Mowers and Ald.
Morton that the report be received and adopted and permit issued, was withdrawn.
0RDERE~ on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mowers that the report be
received and adopted and the recommendation of the Property Committee as previously
submitted be complied with. Carried, with Ald. X'iartin and Mayor Hawkins-contrary.
The City Fanager's report on the application of ~Ir. Walter Stevens
for a permit to erect a 20-room hotel on Part of Lot 6, Plan 653, north side of
Ferry Street, between Temperance Avenue and North F~in Street, at an estimated
cost of $150,O00.00 was presented for consideration. ORDERE~ on the motion of
Ald. McKinley and Ald. '~nite that the report be received and adopted and permit
At this time, the City Manager reported verbally on his tabulation
of the tenders received for the proposed elevator hoistway and third floor reno-
vations in the Police Building, at the corner of Clifton ~venue and River Road,
and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Brooks that the lowest
tender, at a ~uotation of $12,610.20 subndtted by W. Benson & Son, Limited be
SEE Resolution 90
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and
Mayor Hawkins.
READ ~J~D ADOPTED, 12th. November, 1957.
Council Chamber,
4th. November, 19~7.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law w~ich covered the accounts
approved b~ the Committee, All Members of Council were present.
The followin? By-lav w~s passed;
No. 5578 - To provide monies for general !:urposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. i.fcKinlev and Ald. -:.-brton bhat Ald.i-]l].er
be granted the privilege of introducin~J the by-l~w aud the bv-]a,,v be given the
first reading. _ Carried Unanimously.
ORDerED on the ,notion of A/d. !(o:-e-:~s ~:-;<] ;rid. Y'~ler tb.'~L -~ule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rl~les of Counc]l be tem. l~rarily suspended and the by-law be .five
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. k'orton and Ald. I'bwers - Carried Unanimously.
~e following Resolution was p~sse~;
No..qD - ]-~fi{TIN - BRCCKS - RESOLYED that the tender sub. itted by W. Benson and
Son, Limited, for the protx~sed elevator heistway and third floor renovstions in
the Police t~ailding at the corner of Clifton Avenue and Park Street, at a
quotation of $12,610.20 be accepted and the l'~yor and Clerk be authorized to
enter into and deliver an agreement and/or contract for the carrying out of such
work; and the Seal of the Corporation be lnereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
Ald. l~rtin queried whether any investigation was being carried out to
find further dumping areas and the City ~nager advised that a co~mmunication had
been received froIn Windsor requesting submission of a C~pital Report for the next
five years and that he desired to meet ~.~th Council after adjournment of the
regular meeting, as a statement has been prepared containing a reconm~endation
regarding dumping facilities.
Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. ~bwers and Ald. McKinley.
READ AND ADOPTED, 12th. November, 1957.
Clerk .....
Council Chamber,
~th. November,!957.
Council assembled as a Committee for the consideration of several
reports concerning the capital position of the municipality. All Members of Council
were present.
After consideration of the s~ne, Council adjourned on the motion of Al.i.
~rtin and Ald. Brooks.
READ A~ ADOPTED, 12th. November,1957.
9th. HOV-!_i] -'C~ ] 257,
Council convened in Special Ses.{-iun i:, the Counci:. C},~_!:het- at ? A.i-.. on
the morning of '.,(evetuber 9t}b 1957 for the i. uri~ose of c~i~cuszin~l w] tb U~,!. k~cal
Member o~ the ~gislature various ~roblems facial the ~nu~icil,$!ity and the ~o:s!t-le
mode of procedure. ~1 ]~[embers of Council b,ere present. Hiw 'Iorsbi} the ~'ayor
The Mayor a6vised Council as to the [urpose of tl',e '=,eeti'lC !nqj c?ting that
it is the desire of ~uncil that ~4r. jelleD, arran=~e For meetinZs 'vith the Premier
and if neeessay, Cabinet Memhers~ pa~icul~r reCez'ence hai~g ,~de to the I,;ipister3
of Highways ~nd of i,klnici[~%l &~fairs, ~o that djscussiom~ cou]d be h~ld concern-ln~
~d~ Grants, the ~inbow Bridge Bill and aHj. ed matters, and then called uLon
Mr. Jolley suggested to the Members of Council tLat in his o[~inio~ i{', was
desirable to first meet the |,'j. nister of HiZhways, T4r. James L'. Allan, i:,dj catinK
that he had already s~nce he had ]<nowledge of tke I,url'~ose of this meeting, m~8e son!e
contacts and had hopes of arranging a meeting if it is so des~red~ ,wit}] ~r. Allan
on the morning of Thursday, November 1;+th. and if possible, ~dth +,,he Premier, on
the afteM~oon of the s~me day. He ,~as of the oi:inion that if thls policy were not
Fursued and a direct contact ~.~as made with the Premier, bbat he would probably only
refer it to his 1,[inister in any case.
The City Manage~ Mr. Orr, then exl,lained his attitude with ~ference to
recent action on the part of the Department of Highways and the complete inadequacy
of the grm]t under the e~llsting t~tinbow Bridge Bill and the [ossibility of future
loss of the Police Grant in connection with the Rainbo~v Bridge Plaza. A general
discussion then took place as to the local situation and the manner of procedure
in order to attempt to correct the situation, follo~dng which it was ordered on the
motion of Alderman Fdller and Alderman Morton that the Local I,!ember of the Ontario
Legislature, Mr. A. C. Jolley, proceed to make appointments as he had suggested and
that if satisfaction was not obtained fr~n the respective ~.~nisters, that further
contact be made with the Premier. Carried Unanimously.
It was agreed with reference to the proposed meeting that the City ~nager
prepare infonmtion ~ich could be utilized at that time.
On the motion of AId. l'~rtin and AId. Fswers Council adjourned.
READ ~ND ADOPTED, 18%h. Novenber,1957.
' Mayor
Council Chamber,
12th. November, 1957.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday, November
12th. 1957 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members
of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these oK the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Brooks.
Messrs. Giffen and Biamonte Were present at the meeting in connection
with a request for approval of an application for a used car lot licence to be
operated by ~. Peter Bi~aonte on Lot Number ~O5, next to Giffen's Garage on the
east side of Stanley Avenue. ORDerED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald. Morton
that they be permitted to speak to Council if they so desired. Mr. Giffen queried
as to the reason for not permitting this operation on the lot as applied for and
Mr. Biamonte outlined his intentions with regard to this location, advising that
he would clean up the same and keep the cars in an orderly fashion. He further
advised that his present grocery business was not very profitable and he wished to
go into the used car lot business to improve his financial condition.
Hds Worship the Ma3~r advised that the main objection to the proposed
operation was the complaints of residents in the neighbourhood.
S,EE Coxmux~cation_No~..~7.
SEReport No. 26~
SEE Petition No. 9
Laid over from the l~revious meetinK;
No. 287 - Peter Biamonte - application for used car lot ltcence. It was moved by
Ald. ~dller, seconded by Ald. ~Brooks that the application be granted subject to the
procuring of the necessary Provincial Licence from the Department of Highways.
This motion was lost by a vote of 5 to 2; an amendment by tld. White and AId. Martin,
that the application be laid on the table for one week so that Council may be
provided with a sketch of the building it is proposed to erect on this lot and all
members of Council view the premises, was carried by a vote of ~ to 2, the vote
being - Aye - AId. White, Martin, Morton, McKinley and Mowers; Naye- Ald. ~ller
and Brooks.
SEE Re~ort No. 264
~EE Petition No. 9
- AId. McKinley w~s excused from the me~ting -
The followin~ Communications were presented~
No. 288 - John Ho~vard Society of Ontario - requesting grant in 1958 ORD~R~I) on the
motion of Ald. Moveere and Ald. Morton that the co,~n. un~cation be received and referro~
to the Budget Committee in 1958.
No. 289 - St. Ann's. C.W.L. - invitation to Annual Fall Bazaar, November 13th.
ORDerED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Brooks that the communication be
received, the invitation accepted and as many of the Members of Council as find it
possible attend.
No. 290 - 3t. Patrick's C.W.L. - invitation to Christmas Bazaar, November28th. and
29th. 0RD~E~ on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. Mowers that the communication
be received, the invitation accepted and as many of the Members of Council and their
wives as find it possible attend.
No. 291- Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce, Tourist Co;~ittee - activities,
and suggesting meeting with three b~o'u~ils to discuss the brief. O{D~ED on ~he
motion of Aid. ~'~rtin and Ald. Mowers that the co~mm~nication be rec~ ved
filed and congratulations be forwarded to the Chair.~la:~ of the. Teuris~
for this Brief and advising that Co,.n~cil :~ill be pleased te ..~e~.t the
when such a meeting can be arranged.
No. 292 - City of Windsor - resolution re unemploJ~ne~t assistance Lo 'nunlci~,.allties
by major governments. ORDERED on the ~!ction of .~,. {~ite ~nd AId. T'owers that th~
~solution be received and endorsed. Carried U~s~imous]y. p~'~ously to 5~i?
it ~s moved by ild. Brooks that the ~solution be receiued a~d l~L~ o~ the t~ble
for Council's pe~sal. This r~otion was ~ot seconded.
The follov.~n~. Reports were presented;
No. 264- Pro~ert.v Con~,~ttee - re.r~rtinS thesic d~sagreem~ent re]ardin~/tb~ a~.}lication
of Peter Bis~nonte for a used car lot licehoe on Lot t;O5 Stanley Avenue and referrin~
the matter to the entire Council for consideration. Moved on the i,,otion of Ald.llill~r
and Brooks that the report be received and the apllication be grantl~.d subject
the procuring of the necessary }'rovincial Licehoe f~m the Department of
This motion was defeated by a vote of 5 to 2; an amendn!ent by Ald. Fnite and Ald.
I:~%rtin that the application be laid on the table for one wee~ so that Co~ncil may
be provided with a sketch of the building it is pro~osed to erect on this lo[ and
all members of Council view the premises. was carried; the vote being - ;ye - Aid.
~?nite, ~%rtin, Morton, McKinley and Mowers; Nays - AId. IlL[ller and Brooks.
No. 265 -Citv Clerk . report on' the meeting of the Colm~!ittee of t}~e P~hole Council
held on November ~th. O~Dv~F(ED on the motion of Aid. Mov:ers and Aid. Morton that
the report be received and filed.
No. 266 - DeJ~ _ rec~nmendin~ issuance of licenoes. ORDF~ED ou the ~ohion
of Ald. Morton and AId. Mowers that ~he report be received and adopted and licenoes
issued accordingly.
T~e following Petition was presented;
No. 9 - Albert St. An~elo and l~ others - opposing used car lo~ on property o~,~ed by
Mr. Giffen on Stanley Avenue. It was moved by ild. P~-iller and Brooks that the
petition be received and filed and the application granted subject to procuring of
necessary Provincial Licence from the Department o~ P{ighways. This motion was
defeated by a vote of 5 to 2; a~ amendment by Ald. i~ite and PL~rtin that Hhe
application be laid on the table for one week so that Council may be !,royideal '.~ith
a sketch of the building it is proposed to erect on this lot and all members of
Council view the prenises, was carried, the vote being - Aye - A].d. ~.+~ite>
~orton, McKinley and Mowers; Naye- AId. }iiller and Brooks.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No_~.. 557~'- A by-law ~o strike uncollectible taxes from the Tax Roll.
Third Reading .Ald. White and Ald: Morton - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Howere and AId.White.
READ AND ADO}TED, lgth. November, 1957.
Deputy Clerk
Council Chanter,
12th. November, 1957.
The Finance ~eting was held on Tuesday, November 12th, 1957 for the
purpose of appro,.dng and also passing the various accounts which }mad been properly
certified and placed before then. All Members of the Committee were present. Aid.
Filler, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $6~,961.82 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted, being p~ssed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion
of Ald. Mowers and Mayor Hawkins.
The application of Mr. Earl O'Neil, 1968 Drummond Road for a pen,it to
erect an addition to the rear of his dwelling to provide accommodation for two
apartments, was again presented ~long with the Property Committee's report, recom-
mending that the permit be issued. ORDERED on the ,notion of Aid. White and Ald.
Morton that the report be received and adopted and application approved.
The report of the Property Committee on their consideration of the
revised application submitted by Mrs. Yolanda Schenck for a motel at 1~20-1436
Ferry Street, was presented, recommending that no permission be granted for the
erection of a motel on these premises. Ald. Morton and Ald. Brooks referred to
anonymous telephone calls received by them threatening them to vote in fayour of
the application, which they strongly protested. It was then moved by Mayor Hawkins
and Ald. Martin that Mr. MitcheLl, brother of Mrs. Schenck, be heard. Me denied
that any member of his family had made telephone calls. Ald. Fartin, queried as to
the reasons for the Property Committee's refusal to approve the application.
ORDERZ1) on the m6tion of Ald. White and Ald. Brooks that the application be tabled
for one ~ek and all Members of Council ~dew the ~remises. Carried Unanimously.
IT WAS FURTHER ORDFA{ED on the motion of Ald. ~rtin and Aid. Brooks that the
Property Gommittee's report be received and filed. Carried, with Ald. Mowers-
contrary. A previo~smotionwas made by Ald. Mor~on, secondedby Ald. Brooks that
the report be received and adopted, was withdrawn.
-Ald. McKinley returned to the meeting -
The Property Committee's report on the application of Roberto Pierreben
for a permit to erect a motel on Lot 173, Lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, facingLeader Lane
and at the end of $tanton ~venue, was presented for consideration. The Committee
advised that they could not approve of the proposed erection due to the fact that the
premises are in Residential ~ area. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald.
White that the report be received and adopted.
The Property CoL~nittee's reconm'end~iion that a ~,erm; .~ he i! suaj to
Mrs. ;-Hldred Linnenba,i< for an a&It]on to f,~ N~rdses ~t tb~~- corn:r of Vic. to~'-"a
Avenue ~nd Park Street, at an estimated coot of .~;8,000. was i-,-'3en;.eC Fcr
consideration. ORDFA~F~D on the motion oF 7;ayor Hawki:m and Alc~. :'ar%in that the
report be received and adopted and ie~nit Zrnnted.
The City Manager's relort on the apilicaticn or Crosl-.y Hotor 3_%]es, 1736
Stanley Avenue, for a Dennit to erect a si,]n '~t an esti~,ated cost cf :]~5.00 was
presented. ORDERED on the motion of il~. '.,bwers and .kld. Norton !hat the rey~rt
be received and adopted and t,e~nit ~ssued.
~]e Co!!jc!ttee arose and re,opted to Counc-:l on ~: ~ :,,oh.i.i~n 3~ A]
PdEAD .~vD ~'~DO}T%O, lSth. Novelabe. r, 1957.
Dep~tJ Clark
Council Chamber,
12th. November, 1957.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the r,;gular Council and Finance
Meetings for the lmr~ose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts apl. roved
by the Con~nittee. All Members of Council were present.
The foliowinE ~.-law was passed;
No. 5579 - To provide monies for general pur!~ses.
ORD~ItED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that kld. l,~ller
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORBED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. l~ller that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and AId. White - Carried Unanimously.
At this time, His ~'~rship the ~yor reminded the Members of Council
about the scheduled meeting ~ith the Minister of High~ays in Toronto, %~dnesday
afternoon at 2 p.m. and the tentative appointment with Premier Frost.
Mayor Hawkins then referred to the Civil Defence Meeting which is
also scheduled the same day in l~elland, which Ald. ~'~nite and the City l~nager
attend, providing they return in time from the Toronto meetings.
In connection with the Community Planning ?~orkshop in Welland on
Wednesday, morning at the Hotel Barclay, to which three members of Council had been
delegated, along with any other Nember of Council, the Fayor advised that there
will not now be any representation, due to themeetinI~s in Toronto. The City
Fanager was requested to notify the Director o~ the Community Planning Branch to
this effect.
His ?~orship ~.~yor Hawkins advised concerning the meeting to be held
in Welland on Friday evening, November 15th. at 7.30 p.m. oC the Go~nittee which
has been appointed to go to Ottawa about toll charges for the Welland Canall and
that it was requested that a representative from the City of Niagara Falls be
present at this meeting.
S~ Resolution N~.9!
The followinK Resolution was ~assed;
Ho. 91 - ~'~ITE - k'cKINLEY - KCSOLVED that Alderman Franklin J. Av~ller be api ointed
the representative of the Council of the City of Niagara Falls on the delegation to
go to Ottawa to interview the Honourable George Hees, ~L~nister of Transport on the
toll aspect of the operation of the Welland Canal, and that he also attend the
meeting of the delegation to be held in Welland on Friday, November 15th, 1957 at
7.30 p.m. and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimouslj.
Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. ~rtin and Ald. Brooks
READ AND ADOPTED, 18th. November, 1957.
Deputy Clerk
1]tb. r'ovember, ] q57.
~lreuant to adjournme,]t~ Counc~! ,net at 7.30 i'.m. on liou=Tay,
1957 for the purpose of considerinZ general business and Cj.,~a'~e. i]]. Ye',,~.~r=~ of
Council were present. The Counci]~ hayin5 recei-;,ed a:]c~ r~9.d the :,.[r:,,L~r o"
pre~ous meetin[~ and also the special meet]nj~ a~of. ted lbe~=e on the r,obion
1,~er and Aid. Brooks. '
Laid over from the ! rcv~ous meetin,~i
No. 287 - Peter Bia~:.onte - .~l..ulicat~ol~ ror used c:ar lot lic,-'~ce on Lot ~5~ east
side of Stanley Avenue, next to Giffen's GaraJe.
S,~: Cc~mun] cation
The followipi~' Conmmnicabi on5 wece i.resented[
No. 2Tf - Peter Liamon~ - withdrawing apllication for used car l~t
on the motion of i!d. Martin aud ALL Hotton that ~he co:',ra~nicat].~,,~s be r~ce~ved
and filed.
p. SS Re}'o~ Nu~'~her 26;~,
S~ Petj.tion go.
No. 294 - Boil Telephone ComBny of Canada - rec~uesbing l~eF~issiou to plac,~ buried
cable, entrance to the new Hospital, Portage P~d, opposite Frostoct 3treet.
on the motion of ~d. l, lcKinley and ~d. ~bwers that the conmm,]lcation be received
and filed and pem~ission granted as requested.
SE ~v-law ',kuaber
No. 295 - City of bndon - resolution to amend ~e l~nicii~l Act, Section 52.ORDE~r~D
on the motion of ~d. I'(cKinley and Ald. I.~ller that the resolution ~ received and
referred to the ~ta~o I, iunici~l Association for consideration in conventlop.
No. 296 - City of St. Catharines - resolution advocatinZ assistance of major gove~-
monte in assistance to unemployed employables and the inauguration of t-,ublic works
projects. ORD~ED on the motion of ~d. Mowers and ~.d. ]qartin that the resolution
be received and endorsed ~d referred to the ~taMo Mu~cipal Association for con-
sideration in ~nvention.
No. 297 - City of Windsor - resolution re Daylight. Saving Time. ORDI'~C~D on the
motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Brooks that the resolution be received and filed.
No. 298 - Benjamin taker - re Lot 39, McGrail Avenue. ORDEi{~'D on the motion of
Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley that the co/mm/nication be received and referred to the
Property Committee and City Solicitor for consideration.
SEE. Report Number 26y.
laid over from previous meeting;
No. 26~ - Property Committee - re application of Peter Biamonte for used car lot
licence. ORDERED, on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the report be
received and filed.
The followin~ Reports were presented;
No. 267 - City F~naEer - re status of Lot 39, McGrail Avenue, and recoMnending that
the matter be referred to Pro!~rty Committee and City Solicitor for consideration.
ORDE_~ZD on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley that the report be received
and adopted.
No. 268 - City F~naEer - report on meetings held in Toronto on November 13th, 1957
with l,Hnister of Highways and I~Hnister of Munici}al Affairs. ORDER'~D on the motion
of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Brooks that the report be received and filed.
No. 289 - City Clerk - application for Hawker and Pedlar Licence not approved.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Horton that the report be received and
filed and licerice not granted.
No. 270 - City Clerk - recommending ism~ance of licence. ORDF~RED on the motion of
Ald. McKinley and Ald. ~brton that the report be received and adopted and licerice
issued accordingly.
No. 271 - City Clerk - re decision of Committhe of Adjustment on application of
Myer Delduca fox, carrying on a food processing business on Stanley Avenue. ORDED
on the motion of Ald. Filler and AId. Mowers that the report be received and filed.
Ald. Miller, Council's representative on the delegation to go to Ottawa
to interview the Honourable George Hees, I~dnister of Transport on the toll aspect
of the operation of the Welland Canal, reported verbally on his attendance at a
meeting held in Welland, last Friday evening and advised that the nine persons
present at that meeting will go to Ottawa on November 2~th. to meet with the Fdnist~,r
of Transport at ~.30 p.m.
The followinK Resolutions were passed;
No. 92 - MARTIN - WHITE - RFf~LVED that a message of s~npathy on behalf of His
Worship the Mayo~ and ~mbers of Council be forwarded to the family of the late
Mr. Merle F. Ker, Engineer of the Toxmship of Stamford and highly esteemed resident~
and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 93 - MORTON - MCKINLEY - RI~0LVED that the next regular meeting of Council be
held at 5 ~.:',:. on Monday, Novelabet 25th, 1757 and the meeting scheduled for Monday,
December 2nd. be held on Tuesdaj, Deceml~r 3rd. 1957 at 7.30 p.m. and the Seal of
the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unan~aously.~
Ald. McKinley referred to what he termed a monstrosity which had been
constructed by the Local Hydro Commission at 9~1 Kitchener Street and queried as to
why this could not have been erected at the corner of the street. The Alderman
requested a report from the City Manager on this matter.
The City ~nager advised that he along with~. ~illlamson, Manager
of tLe F, ydro Colamission would look into this.
Ald. Miller requested the Traffic Committee to consider the hazardous
traffic condition at the intersection of I,brrison Street and B~ckley Avenue and
advised that in the last thre~ months five acgidents have occurred.
Laid over from t},e FrevLous meetin~l],
No. 9 - Albert St. Anf;elo and/~ others - ol..,osj_n~b i'~sed ca,,- ~o~ on Lot
Avenue. Oi{DER~D on the motion of AI~'. i~rtiu a~d Ald. orfo,~ L~mt L}-.~ ,
be recei~d and filed, in ~ew of the api 1~ can~'s wi~hdrawa] of L' ~' ~ipilcabi~n
for this licence.
SZ,~ Co,~::m~icntion 2
The following By-law was t:tssed;
No. 5580 - To provide for permission to 'P~e Pell Tele!hone Co. oF Sa, xada to pl~.ce
buried cable, entrance to the ne~v hospital on Fo,ta.ge ioad opposite
Prospect Street.
ORDIIZD on the I'.~otion of .~3_d. !.lowers an5 Alc~. illlet that ~l,"..hcKinley
be gra~ted the Drivilege of introducing t-he by-law and the by-law he gi~en the ]st.
reading. - Cam'ied Unani,,!ously.
ORI)E~ED on the motion of Ald. Lowers and Ald, !(cI(ix~.!ey that Rule 3~ (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be te~: porarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second readi_ng~. - Carried Unanilnously.
Third Reading - AId. r,brton and -~ld. l.lller - Carried Unani:nously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the .orion of Ald. McKinley aml Ald.
I.Liller. ~
READ AI~D ADOPTED, 25th. ~ovember,!957.
Mayo r
Council Chamber,
l'~t~.::c, vc~:ber,1957.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, November 18th, 1957 fox, the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Ald.
MAllet, Chairman of Finance, presided.
~ndry Accounts in the amount of $89,17~.72 were approved by the Conmdttee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or other. vise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion
of Ald. Mowers and Mayor Hawkins.
The revised sketch of the proposed motel of Mrs. Yolanda Schenck,
at 1420-36 Ferry Street, which was submitted at the last meeting, and laid over
until all Members of Council had viewed the premises, was presented at this time.
ORD"~YL~Don the motion of Ald. 1.~rtin and Ald. ~rton that the application be
received and filed and no permit be granted. Carried, with Ald.~ller-contrary.
The City l~nager's report on the application of Whitehead's Grocery
Store, 1900 ~in Street, for alterations to the store front, at an estimated cost
of ~500. was presented. ORDEP~])on the motion of kld. ~ite and Ald. Mowers that
the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City ~Zanager's advised Council as to the condition existing at 1CO1
Stampford Street concerning the use of v~at was formerly a grocery store and indicated
that after consultation with the City Solicitor, it would be in order to pen:~it
res~unption of the former use but that nothing else in the way of use other than the
former use could be condoned and was assured that Council would look wifJ~ fayore~ on
licesees for the individual concerned when proper application has been filed.
The Coxmidttee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald.
READ AND ADO~V~D, 25th. November, 1957.
0;{DER~D on the motion of ALl. ]io~.',~rs ;:'.I .U.d. ]lotion iT,at (],I. Y_il].~r le
granted the privilege of introducing the b.--!a~, ~n,~ the by-law 1-~ gi~.e., the fi rat
resinS. - Car~ed Unanimousl~a
ORDT,%i.D on the motion of ild. !-_'cKin]e- am~ Alc]. i.arti:~ tha',, 'b~le ~ ~'
of the SLa3din~] Rules of Council be temp~rarily susi ended ar.d the b?,,-la~v b~ -jiv~m
the second rea~ng. - Carried Unanimou?ly.
~ird Reading - .lid. }lowers and A1,L i'%~trtin - Carried Unm~imously.
The City Clerk queried Counci] 's inten~ier~ ~.~ith regard to
meeting in cormection with the forthcorrL~n~ i, ktnici!~l ~ecLi on and ~dvis, d ~at }'e
had taken the precaut~ on of reserving the Collegiate Auditcriu,n For hhe night of
November 29t1,. ~,~th the understan~ng ~bat the ~oard of ~ucat]o~ is bo be advised
if the City does not intepd to ut]lize bhe Facilities. it was agreed that tPe
meeting be cancelled.
Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. l'~rtin and/kid. 1.tiller.
READ ~D ADOIT,[D, 25th. hovetuber, 1957.
· 1.1ayor
Council Chamber,
lath. Moverobe r, 1957 ·
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Committee. All Members of Council were present.
The followin~ By-law was passed:
No. 5581 - To provide monies for general purpSses.
272 27,
Council Chamber,
25th · Novcrabs r, 195 7.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 5.00 p.m. on Monday, November
25th, 1957 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members
of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. !.~ller.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 298 - Ber41amin Laker - re Lot .39, McGrail Avenue. ORDF..RED on the motion of Ald.
McKinley and Ald. Morton that the communication be again tabled and the matter
referred to the Property Co~nittee and the City Solicitor for further consideration.
SEE Retorts 267-2?2.
The followinZ Comnmnications were presented;
No. 299 - Co~dttee of Adjustment - notice of hearinS re application of Jos.Laslo
for permission to carry on the business of a used car lot. OKDER~D on the motion of
Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton that the comnmnication be received and filed.
No. 300 - Co~mmittee of Adjustment - Notice of official ~thdrawal of the application
of Service Machine and Tool Co. Ltd. 1/,70 Lewis Avenue. ORDERED on the !notion of
Ald. ~dller and Ald. McKinley that the communication be received and filed.
-Ald. Brooks arrived at the meeting -
No. 301 - Nla.~ara Riding School - requesting permission to conduct canvass. ORDv~DED
on the motion of Ald. Mowers and AId. Martin that the comnranication be received and
filed and the request be not granted.
No. 302 - Galloway and Griffiths - application for new car storage licence. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. White that the communication be received and
referred to the Property Comndttee.
No. 303 - Ontario Temperance Federation - requesting grant. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. ~fhite and Ald. McKinley that the communication be received and filed.
Carried by a vote of ~ to 3, the vote being - Aye -Ald. l'~ite, McKinley, Mowers
and Brooks. An amendment by Ald. F~rton and Ald. ~.~Ller that the communication
be received and referred to the 1958 Budget Committee, was lost by a vote of ~ to 3;
the vote being, Aye -.Ald. Morton, I,~]3.er and Martin; Nays -Ald. McKinley, ~lite,
Mowers and Brooks.
No. 304 - South End Business and Professional Men's Association - pedestrian traffic
signal at Main St. and Ferry St. ORD~ED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Aid. Morton
that the communication be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for a report.
No. 30~ - South End Business and Professional Men's Association - street lighting
at the ~utb End o~ the City. .~nis com~nicatio~ w~s not listed on the agen8%, but
individual members of Council were in receipt of the letter and it was read at this
timeby the City Clerk. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. F~ller and Aid. Mowers that
the comnication be received and filed and the Association be advised that the
matter is being handled and is pending re satisfactory arrangements with the Bell
Telephone Company and the Niagara Falls Hydro Commission.
R ]_=_FCRT3
Laid o~.~r from the previous meetir~;
No. 267 - City l~:anager _ re!fort on 3et::er rrC:,k Eenj~{rdr~
McGrail Avenue and reccm~nendin,3 referrinj the sather
and City Solicitor for consLderation.
""' ;~' .... 272.
The fo!low~n;i Re[~Drts were presented;
l':o. 272 - Property Conurittee - reco~{~endin,~ z.eCerrinS the sul ject of ~t- qe
MoOrail Avenue, to the Fro~'srty Connittee and Cit,, Solicitor
consideration. ORDER~ on the motion of Ald. LicKinlay and Ald. i-lotion that the
re[ort be received and adopted. '
No. 273 - Ci___t~ Manager_ - advising of the installation of radio in the Fire
Detartment vehicles. ORDERLY) on the ,notion of AId. Eartin and Aid. Erocks that
the rot-oft be received and filed.
No. 274 - HanaKement Co.~qdttee - x~port on !neetinZ held en November 25th. ~dth
the Ci~c ~nployee's Grievance Co~ittee re men on temporary staff ~ho may be
retained after the general lay-off of tem]~rary employees. ORDEreD or, the motion
of ~d. l,~ller and ~d. Mo~:ers that the re~rt be ~ceived and filed..~d. :~ibe
in~cated that be ~shed coml~lete details on the whole situation when the matter
comes up for further consideration. Other Members of Council indicated that fu~
details would be available as soon as the matter has been com]'letely investiSated.
No. 275 - City ~erk - recem~nending issuance of licenoes. ORDZIZD on the motion
of AId. McKinley and ;rid. Mowers that the rear[ be received and adooted and
licences isseed accordingly.
The followinK Resolution ~.~s passed~
No. 94 - MO~ERS - MORTON . RESOLVED that a message of sL~npathy on behalf of His
Worship the Mayor and ]/-embers of Council be forl,,arded to the family of the late
Mr. Walter Clemo, valued employee of the City for a number of ~,ears; and the Seal
of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously..
Council adjoumaed to the Finance EeetinP on the motion of AId. Mowers and Ald.
P~EAD ~J4D ADOPT~.~D, 3rd. December, 1957.
-- Mayor
Council Chamber~
25th. Moverobe r, 1957.
The Finance Meeting was held on I,:onday, November 25th, 1957 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All Members of th~ Committee were present. Ald.
Falllet, Chairmm~ of F~nance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of Q4~,243. Sh x~re approved by the
Co~m~dt te e.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or othendse dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for px~sentation to the Council, on the motion
of Ald. McKinley and Mayor Hawkins.
The City 1.~nager's report on the contribution made by the City towards
Christmas lighting in 1955 and recor~,~nding that the City contribute on the sims
basis in 1957 as requested by the Retail Merchants, was presented Cot consideration.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Forton mid ~.d. Mowers that the re~ort be received an3
The City I,~nager's report on the application of l:,r. H. Haynes for a
perulit to erect a neon sign at 106;~ Victoria Avenue, was presented for eonsideratic,;.
ORDERED on the motion of ~dd. Morton and Ald. Brooks that the report be received
adopted and peru,it issued.
The con~nunication of i'Lr. Charles Knott was presented, ~nlch requested
renewal of building I~rmit number 11~98 which was issued to him for a 12-unit motel
at the comer of Stanley Avenue and Spring Street. OrdDr~lED on the ;notion of Ald.
Brooks and Ald. lqcKinley that the con~e. unication be received and filed and permit be
renewed. Carried. :dth Aid. Martin-contrary.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Mayoc Hawkins and Ald.
Mows r S.
AND ADOPT~M), 3rd. December, 1957.
of Finance.
Council Chamber,
2~th. November, 1957.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by
the Co~nittee. AllMembers or Council were present.
The follobrinp. By-law was passed;
No. ~82 - To provide monies for Sen~ral .~url. o~.es'
O[LDEP~D on the motion of il,.:. I-;cKinle-~ and J~d. :,c~o:~ that .~Id. Zlille~.
be grated the privilege of int~ducinj the by-li~w and the by-law t.e .;i~n the
first rea~ng. _ Csrried Un~imously.
OED~Y~D on the motion of AId. Brcoks an,] -~d. l_orto~ that E' le 3/, (2)
of the Standing Rules of ~uncil be tempora~,ily suspended and the b~-law be Siren
the second rea~ng. _ Carried Unanimously.
~qird Rea~ng _ ~d. l(cKinley and ~d. Mowers _ Carried Una~in:cusly.
Council ~ourned on the motion of Ald. i[owers and ~d. killer.
~TXAD AND .~DC'FTED, 3 rd. De cember, 1957.
~v°j~UL~R 1.LE~TING
Council Chamber,
3rd. December,195?,
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on TueSday, Decen~er
3rd, 1957 for the purl~se of considering general business and finance. All Members
of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of kld. M~ller and Ald. Morton.
P~aid over from a previous meeting|
No. 298 - Benjamin I~ker - re Lot 39. McGrail Avenue. OPJ)ER~D on the motion of Ald.
l~ller and Ald. ~ers that the colmnunication be left in abeyance until another com-
municiation is received either frols hr. Sol Atlin or his Solicitor, Mr. Laker.
SE Reports 267-72-76.
No. 302 - Galloway and Griffiths - application for a new car storage licence on the
Solomon property on Valley Way. ORD~qED on the motion of AId. ~ller and Aid. Mowers
that permission be granted provided that the lot is graded and stoned and that the
grading be of such a nature that water and mud will not be carried out over the City
sidewalk at any time, as reco~nendedby the Property Con~dt~ee. Ald. Brooks, Chain~!a~
of the Property Conmdttee, reported verbally that it was the Co~dttee's desire also
that the matter is to be brought to the attention of Council annually.
SEE Report Number 277.
The followin~ Commm~ications were presented:
No. 306 - Junior Chamber of Co~q~rce - requesting Council's permission to hold their
Annual Christmas Carol Sing on City Hall steps, December 12th. from 7.30 p.m. to
8.30 p.m. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mowers that the co~nunication
be received and filed and permission granted.
-Ald. McKinley arrived at the meeting-
No. 307 - Mr. Cyril A.G.Overall - eyq~ressing appreciation to Folice and Fire Del~rt-
ments for assistance duMng recent fire. ORDERS.I) on the motiou of Ald. 1.bwers ~nd
Ald. Miller that the convnunication be received, acknowledged and copy of the
forwarded to the two Bepartments so mentioned.
No. 308 - Port Arthur - resolution re proper Remembrance Day Observance. ORDERED on
the motion of &ld. Mowers and ~d. White that the co.muni~tion be received and lald
on the table and the I.~yor contact the Veterans' groups to ascertain their views on
this subject for Council's guidance in dealing with this resolution. Carried, with
Aid. Morton-contrary. A n~tion made by Aid. Morton that the resolution be received
and endorsed and our Local Members of Parliament be so advised, was not seconded.
No. 309 - Clerk-Treasurer of Welland County Council - resolution containing three
reconm~ndations in connection~dth university and higher technical education for
students. The City Manager was of the opinion that something should be enforced
to protect the Country against students leaving Canada after receiving their
education paid for by Srants made by Canadian Taxpayers. A motion made by Ald.
Morton, seconded by Ald. McKinley that the resolution be received and endorsed,
was withdrawn; and the:fore the amendment made by Ald. Fdller and Ald. Brooks
became the motion, namely, that the resolution be referred back to the County
Council for clarification of paragraph2 and they be advised concerning the City
Manager's suggestions, in order that the Council of Niagara Falls may deal with
this resolution.
No. 310 - Greater Hiaggra Tourist Court Assoct'erich - r~- rres.~r', eihmtion ,~f ,~.ote]_
business in Greater Nia~ea add advise rift thai ~ reseqt ~cccr~.oda~.iou ~vsilal'l~
is adequate. OXDE~j~ on the motion of i!d. Brooks and k!d. ~brton t],a+ the co,.-~.unl-
cation be recei~e8 and filed. Carried Unani~.Lou~ly.
No. 311 - Nia=srs Falls Fire Ei,'~bte~s', Local 52~ - out] ~ninj reque"!s "~.r let'L
in com~ection ~.dth :-~rking aZreel.~ent. O2DE;ZZ~ or. the :,ot~on oF ild, 'b-~,ck~ =rg ,kid.
Eorton that the ccnm~unication he rr-ceived aU~ re "erre~a Lc t}-= 173~ ':c'~,oL,:-atin2 Cr~:,-
mittee of Council.
No. 3]2 -Cour. ty Solicitor - al.!ojnt!:r.~,',L %r h~ari!]g 1:y Cr. t nr~ ,~ Ii,=:-~ cil al Eo:,'~ c r.
Decenter 9b':. CDDERJD or, ;is motion of A]a. i. la~.~ Lu a~-d iLL S_,'~ ';'<-s t!,aZ '>- c~!:_-
munication be recsived and fi!eC.
No. 313 - To;onsbil: of SLainford - el.i >ip_tm,,~,,b ",~r !t~arin. Ly Cnt
on Decem~ er 9tb, ORD~ZD on the motion oF AId. !_e.~,.~i's and A] 3. , .;..rLin
mun]cation be received and filed.
hid over from a ];revious ,neetin,,;;
No. 267 - Ci__ty Kana~;er - rel.ort on letLet fro:n Fenjmnil~ Lak~r re Lot 39, l. lcCr~[1
Avenue and reco~mxending mferrillg the s~,:e to Property Com~:ittee and City Solicitor
for consideration.
No. 272 - Property Comadttee - recom~nendin6 refer:inZ the subject of Lot 29, Mc[|rail
Avenue to the Property Commdt~ee and City 3oliciLor For further consideration.
SEE Rei oft !I,~nb r 276.
The following reports were presented;
No. 276 - Property Conradtree - suggestin[ matter be left in abeyance until a coin-
munication is received either from Mr. Atlin or from his i~licitor, I.~. L~ker.
0RDE{ED on the motion of AId. iLiller and Aid. 14owers that the report be. received
and adopted.
S~E Com. munication ~!o. 27~
It. 277 - Property Corm~ittee - reconm~ending pst~iss~ on be granted to Galloway and
Griffiths for new oar storage lieonce providing lot is graded and stoned and that
the grading be of such a nature that water and mud will not be carried out over the
City sidewalks at any time. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. I~iller and Ald. flowers
that the report be received and adopted. Ald. Brooke, Chairman of the Frol. erty
Conradtree reported verbally that it was the Conmdttee's desire also that the nmtter
is to be brought to the attention of Council annually.
SEE Communication No. ~02.
No. 278 - City ManaKer - advising of receipt of 25-year pins for employees. OPt)ZIP
on the motion of Ald. Miller and Ald. Morton that the repgrt be received and filed
and the City Finnage: and City Clerk be authorized to set a date for a banquet, and
invitations for~.~arded to the heads of the different departments and to those entitled
to a 25-year pin, in order that presentations may be made. Carried, with AId. White
and Ald. Mowers-contrary. An amendment made by Ald. ~ite, that the presentation
of the pins be made at the forthcoming Employees' Christmas Party, was not seconded.
No. 279 - Alderman ~ller - report on meeting with tile ~inister of Transport in
Otta~a on toil aspect of "~el!and Canal. ORD~I,D on the :notion of AId. :.Towe~-~ and
Ald. Brooks that the report be received and filed.
No. 280 - City Manager - referring to Financial S~atistics as compiled by Citizens'
Research Institute. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Ald. Morton that the
report be received and refenred to the Management Committee of 1958 and a report to
No. 281 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. McKinley and AId. Morton that the report be received and adopted and licences
issued accordingly.
The followinK Resolution 'was passed;
No. 95 - MILLER - MARTIN - R~cSOLVED that a message of s~napathy on behalf of His
Worship the Mayor and Members of the City Council be fomqarded to the fan~ily of
the late Mrs. Ed~:ard H. Fryer, highly esteemed resident of the City of Niagara
Falls; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
The foliowinE ~v-law was passed;
No. 5583 - A by-law to provide for borrowing S23,032.78 upon debentures to pay for
the constn~ction of sidewalks on Terrace Avenue, Fourth Avenue, 2}nery
Street, Lincoln Street, Huron Street, and Clifton Hill; curbs and gutters
on Ross Avenue and Deleware Street and asphalt pavement on Dyson Avenue.
ORDERED on the motion of Pld. Mowers and Ald. Morton that Ald. l~l]er be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be re~d the First
time. - Carried Unanimously.
OHDERED on the motion of Ald. !4artin and Aid. L'orton that Rule 36 (2) on
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the byJ_aw b~ given the
second re~ding. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. k'owers and AId. T~B. 11er - Carried Unani~aously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting or the motion of tld. Martin and A].d. Mortc.m
BAD AND ADOPTF~D, 9th. December, 1957-
Clerk .. '~. 'Fayor
Council Chamber,
3rd. December,1957.
The Finance Meeting was held on Tuesday. December 3rd, 1957 for the
purpose of approving and also i~ssing the various accounts w~ich had been properly
certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee ~re present. kld.
Filler, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the mount of $235,352.09 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered place~ in'the Money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of
Ald. McKinley and Ald. Nowere...
A com~nunication was received from I.~rs. Cath.rin,~. :Hl].;r ~'e%~stin- '.;,e
consideration of Council in issuing a buildinj pe~ait for an a!artm,n~L
on her 1 rol-ertY' on the south side of Huron St. between Fourbh Ave. and T~:~ Pd
A report of the Proi~rty Co:s, itbee was ~resented, a~visinZ that tRe Co~:~.
could nob reco~nend the I ~Fosed erection due to by-law 'mmk-er 5335 %nd the fact
that the vacant land did not conform to the I ~o~slons of the by-law a,nd tkat
lot coverage proi-osed is in excess oF that periritted. At this ti":e~ it was orde
on the motion of Ald. Brcoks and Ald. Marbin th%t lir. ~ssell 3~id of ~57
Street be peMnitted t9 speak to ~uncl!. Llr. Reid l.roceeded to outline the reasons
for ~shinZ to acquire the bu!].dinZ !~rrait. ~oint]n,Z out t~'nt },~ and the Curtie
family were interested in purchssing this ~roi.~rt2- i~ ord~r ~.o build a bhree-~n;t
aB~rtment For owner occu[ancy; that tl~e enhire buil IjnS ;~euld l',e oct ~:]--d b'7'
of the fatally as joint o=-mers. He further advised that kbe afttee ~nt tc lurchase
the land was contingent u]:on the !ossibility of ohtaininl- the nec~-ssnry l,uild~n,Z
pernit and he requested Council's con=id~ralion. A discuss[on ~heq ellsLied
the by-law governing lots in residential areas and the cow~raJe allowed.
on the motion of Mayor }rawk~.ns and ild. i'i].]er that the ',atL~F be ~ferr~d to' th
Area Pl~Dimg ~ard with the recon~..endaticn of favourable consi~Ln-ation on tbe
of Council, that the ap]!lcatlen be hardled l'~mptly and th<~ jnter,,,sted !arty,
~ssell ~id~ be notified l~len this ,natbe.- ~.~!11 be before bhe [~ard.
~e re~rt of the Froperry Con~ittee on an alq lica[,ion to erect a
at 2179 Lundy's Lane. between Hanan Avenue and Dru~.Lond R~ad and reco::c.endin.j t}:at
by-law number 5E~9 be aended to retail hhe proposed erection. ~[hh the provision
that the living acconunodation erected at the front will not be riore than or!e storey
in height and that sufficient drainage ~11 be Lro~del so thab rim-off rm:k the
paved ~rking area ~dll not affect i.rol,erty adjlcent to the i~remises. was ~:resenL,=d
for consideration. ORD~ ou the motion of kid. McKinley and A].d. ~'4%ite that the
report be received and adekted. Carried. with ].Zyor Ha,vkins and .~d. L~rtin-ol~oued.
The Co~ittee arose and re[orted to Council on the rDtion of k].d. ].~c]~nley an,I ~.d.
READ M~D :4J?,OFT',,i,'D, 9th. December, 1957.
Council Chs~,ber,
3rd. December, 1957.
The Council re-assetabled at bhe close of the regalar Council and Finalace
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Cox~dttee. All Members of Council were present.
The followin~ ~,-law was passed;
~ - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORD~tED on the motion 6f Ald. [bwers and Ald. Morton that Alrh[~ller
be granted the privilege of introducigg the by-law and the by-tav: be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of ild. Brooks and Aid. ~ite that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried bnanimous!y.
Third Reaming -Ald. h'owers and Ald. Brooks - C-~rried UnanD,qously.
At this time the City Clerk suggested that the ProFerry Coa~ittee take
under advisement the premises at 334 Iiorrison Street as to its possible disI~sitio~.,
indicating that the situation was urgent.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of kld. Mowers and ild. McKinley.
READ ,~4D ADOPTED, 9th. December, 1957.
Clerk 1.1a~, o r
Council Chamber,
3rd. De cembe r, 1957.
The Conference Con~nittee of the City Council assembled at the close of
the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Tuesday, December 3rd, 1957 fdr the
~rpose of considering the items presented to them. All Members of the Committee
were present. His Worship, Mayor Hawkins, presided.
After consideration of the items presented, the Committee adjourned on the motion
of Ald. Mowers and Aid.
READ AND ADOPTED, 9th. December, 1957.
Clerk _ ,~hairman
FIFTY-TI2DT i.L] rI:dq
Coupcil Chn.,:~ber,
9tb. DeCcrab.? ,_] !offT.
Fursu1Dt to adjouzmment, Council uet ~t V,33 ,.:.m. or, i-ion,Iv% De?eml,?r 9tb
1957, For the Fur.rose of considerin/, ZeDe~,sl bu.~ipe~,~ and .~]nanc,h All l->.,I!l,~rs of
Council were present. Die Council, haw..'n.J received and l~d t}:e ,ffn,~t.~s c,F *~.e
previous meeting, adopted these on the I!~otior, of Ald. i'liller ~-nd ild. }.;artjn.
The follo~dnE Co~mnunications were presented;
No. 314 - ~ueenston Quarries Lindted - condratulationh. to successful ca.udidatcs at
recent Election. ORDEPZD on the riotion of Ald. i.iowers and Ald. [:iller that the
con~nunication be received and filed.
No. 315 - Ontario Municipal Association - Meeting with Cabinet on December l~th.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Ald. Brooks thai the co:s,mn~ication be
received and filed and the Association informed of the reasons ~_.y there 'rill be
no representation from the City of Niagara Falls at that meeting.
No. 316 - Niay-~ara Frontier Humane Socie~ - remuneration for services - 195e and
suggesting an early meeting with Council to discuss this subject. OPDZRZED on the
motion of Ald. ~'~dte and Aid. Morton that the con~nunic~tion be reced. ved and
referred to the 1958 Budget Committee and the Chairman of ~'inance and meanwhile
Council will endearour to arrive at some understanding as to what decision may be
reached; the City izana<er to submit a report.
No. 317 -Rev. :'L J. McKeo~m - reouesting week 's delay on amen&merit ~o by-law mul~ber
51~9 in connection with proposed ,~otel constnlction a~ 2179 Lundy's Lane, opposite
Drummond Hill Presbyterian Church. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. }~cKinley and Ald.
|,forton that the co.-wnunication be received and tabled for one week as requested in
order-that further representation may be made.
No. 318 - Ontario I,:Un~ cipa] Boar{] - advising regarding ap[]icstion for apl,roval of
by-law number' 5557 which would permit intrusion of comn,ercial uses into residential
areas. ORDEP~D on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Ald. ],tiller that the communication
be received and the City I,~anager and City Clerk redraft the by-law alone the lines
suggested by the Board, dealing with Section 2.
No. 319 - Chamber of Commerce - enclosing copies of Brief re proposed International
Bridge in the Q~eenston-Lewiston Area. ORDnatED on the motion of Ald. V~ite and Aid.
]~bwers that the Brief be received and endorsed. Carried Unanimously.
Th~ followinK Reports were presented;
No. 282 - ProPerty Comait.tee - re 334 Morrison Street and recommending inm,ediate
vacancy. ORDERED on the moti6n of Aid. ',',~.ite an~] Ald. Morton that t:~e cor,:-~unicat~.o~
he ~,,ccived an'! ~do~ted.
No. 283 - City ~anaKer - report on kiosk constructed at 941 Kitchener Street. ORDERZ0
on the motion of ild. McKinley and Ald. Brooks that the report be received and copy
forwarded to the property owner at 941 Kitchener Street.
-No. 284 - City Clerk - recS~nendtng issuante of licence. ORDERED on the motion of
ild. Morton and AId. McEinley that the report be received and adopted and licenee
issued accordingly.
r'282 [
At this ti!~e, the City Manager outlined the quotations Milch had been
received by H. G. Acres and Company, Limited, Consulting anjineers, on butterfly
valves for the Filtration Plant and advised that the 1,~an~gement Committee, after
consideration, were approving of the recommendation of H. G. Acres and Company,
Limited, that the quotation of F. B. Leopold (company~ (Canada) Limited of
be accet~ed and were so reconmlending. ORDERZD on the motion of Ald. Martin and
Ald. Mowers that the verbal report be received and adopted.
SEE Resolution 96.
The followinK Resolution was ~assed;
No. 96 - M~{TIN - l~[O',a]S- R5T~gLV3Dthat the tender of the F. B. Leopold Company,
,(Canada) Limited for butterfly valves for the Niagara Falls Filtration Plant, be
accepted at a quotation of $38,588.00 and the }ayor and Clerk be authorized to
enter into and deliver an agreement and/or coiltract for the carrying out of such
work; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
Council adjoumed to the Finance Meetin~ on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Aid. Brooks.
R~iD A!O ADOPTED, 16th. December, 1957.
28 j
-The City _}.lanaZer~s re[oft rs'coa, v~ndin~ th,, i=urchase of a concreto Lr.~aker
from the Spratb Equil3nent Co. for the sm-i~ of ..,;5/~O. w;.s ] resented .Uo,' cansiderat[om.
ORDERZ1) on the motion of Ald. 1,:cFin!ey and i!d. Norton that the r,!., ort t e rece5 ~d
and adopted.
The Froleery CoP. zlittee's re~ort ol~ their In'stection ,>~ the al~-.er.=.tions to
the Folios ~tilding and relorting on the ccnditio~ of th.~ I lastc, v on the thl,'d
floor of the buildjail, was presented. Of DEYeED on the ,~otion of AI,I. ::cK>~ley an.l
Ald. Mowe-s that the report be received ~nd adol:t~d.
At this tins, the City l.lan~Zer reyorted nn the ~r.-.lerty
meeting tc consider the estimates by ~]ens',m a!~d ]~n. ~,~ ~,utlkn.~d the
alternatives subnitted by ~nson aqd 3o~ ~uc; s:]vised that th~ Pcolecty 9c::~ ~i. tt~:,~
were reco~mnendinS to Council that alternative nv. 1, at a quoh:~Lic
be accepted. OkDE:{D on the motion of .~d. EcI~ riley and Ald. No,qer~ that the
report of the Froperry Conv~tteo be received and adopted.
333 RescU. uLion
The City I'i~nager referred to bhe _~cur Christ~::a~s trees w'qidq t!~e City
h~ve installed at Cdfferen~ locations thoughout '.,L;~ City and bhe disapi
of electric light bulbs from the saAe, indicatinj tbst 6~ bn]bs ~,~r~ Hr~sln- lnr~t
Friday, '~hich had to ~ replaced; 70 bulbs bei~ rc~laced ~his e ~eninS and it leash
7 or ~ were taken from the trees outside the C:[ty Hall. Ee sugEesbed thaL
citizee ~o sees the bu!F s heinE taken s]:ouh~ notifj the }'olice or ~o..~c,~,~ at l'be
City Hall so that action may be t~{en. OiID'~'~ZD on the motion cf ~.d. Lk~,~m; and
~d. i'hrtin that this subject ~',e brought ',~ 'fie abt,n',tioh of the Foar,3. of ~'luc~tivz~
and the S~la~at~ School ~oard requestinS th~;w to bring this m?~t~r ~c, th? att,~,,tLon
of the teachers in order that Lbe q~ces'-ary co-obcpa[ion i.my ln-~ obtained fn'<>~:~
school children.
_~e Ccm~nittee arose and reported to Council on the ,notion of !:a'yor Ha,l~dns and
Ald. l.lcKin!ey.
READ ~'D ADOFTED, 16th. December, l.o57.
Council Chamber,
9th. December, 19~7.
The Finance Meeting was held'on Monday, December 9th, 1957 for the
lmrpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Ald.
Miller, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $117,639.04 wen approved by the Corn-
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered 'placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of
Fayor Hawkins and Ald. ].~rtin.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Brooks that the subject
~.," 8f heating the Memorial Arena be referred to the Arena, Parks and Recreation Commi. ttee
i~>., for a report.
Council Chamber,
9th, December, 1957.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Fin~lce
Neerings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Committee. All Members of Council were present.
The follovrinM By-law was passed:
No. 5585 - To provide monies for general purposes.
OR. DE on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Farton that Ald.
Nillet be granted the ~rivilege of inL~ducing the by-law and the by-law be
given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
0RDE.~ED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. ~ller that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be
given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
~ird Reading -Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
The followinK Resolution was passed;
No. 97 - McKI~EY - MOI'r~S - RESOL~:~D that one of the alternative proposals
submitted by~'~.. Benson and Son for repairs to the plaster, etc. on the third
floor of the Police Building at the corner of Clifton Avenue ~nd raM= Street,
in the amount of $1,320.00 involving the use of factory cotton, be accepted
and the ],~yor and Clerk be authorized to enter into and deliver an agreement
and/or contract for the car~ing out of such work; and the Seal of the Cor-
l~ration be hereto affixed.
Carried UnanDnously.
Judge's Chambers,
December 13th, 1957.
An appeal was heard before His Honour, Judge Harold E. Fuller in his
chsmbers in ~elland at 2.30 p.m. on Friday, December 13th. 1957 from the decision of
the Court of Revision on the assessment of the building at 2035 Murray Street as fixed
by the Court of Revision in the year
Roll No,
5~40-1376 -7378
A.F.Sheppard of Martin, Calvert, Bates
and Sheppard on behalf of Hears and
Williams Limited for the property a~
2035 Murray Street.
Decision of the Judg~
The parties consenting, that
the assessment on the building
be fixed at $86,040. and the
assessment on the land be fixed
at $1,650.
Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. l~ller and Ald. Brooks.
READ AND ADOPTED, 16th. December,19~7.-
Certified correct,'
Council Chamber,
16th. December, 1957.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Nonday, December
16th. 1957 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members
of Council were present, with the exception of Ald. Miller. The Council, havinB
received and readthe minutes of the previous meeting. adopted these on the motion of
Ald. McKinley and Ald. Brooks.
Rev. ~, J. McKemm of Drummond Hill Presbyterian Church was present at
the meeting in connection with the proposed construction of a motel at 2179 Lundy*s
.Lane, opposite the Church and for vhlch he had requested a week*s delay on the part
of Council at the last meeting, in order that representations my be made. ORDERED
on the motion of AId. Mowers and Ald. Martin that Rev. McKeovn be heard at this
time. He expressed appreciation for Council's courtesy in extending the time for
one week and pointed out to Council the traffic conditions in existence at Chat
location, referring to Council's attitude with reference to motels in arems where
traffic situations exist. He harther advised that the Church was endeavouring to
do something about off-street parking for its members.
Mr. Luther Cartledge, a property owner in that area, also kspoke and
referred to the traffic situation, being of the opinion Chat the same is caused
through the Church.
SEE Communication No. 317.
Laid over fromprevious meetings;
No. 30~ - South End Business and Professional )fen's Association - traffic control
at intersection of)fain gtreet and Lundy*s Lane. GRDERKD on the motion of Ald.
Morton and Ald. t~hite that the couumniuation be received and the report of the
Traffic Conmittee be adopted. FURTHER ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and AId.
Morton that a hrCher investigation be made on the 'walk* siSxml at this intersection
and a report be submitted. Ald. Martin eicpFeseed diesatis~action with reference to
the length of time for the 'walk' signal.
SEE Report Number 285.
No. 316 - Niagara Frontier Humane gociety - requesting increase in grant. ORDERED
on the motion of AId. Hartin and Ald. Morton that the communication be tabled and
presented at the IeauSural Meeting of the 1958 Council.
SEE Report Number 286.
No. 317 - Drummond Hill Presbyterian Church - re proposed motel at 2179 Lundy's Lane.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and AId. McKinley that the whole matter be
tabled until the Inaugural Meeting of the 1958 Council.
The following Communications were presented;
No. 320 - Junior Chamber of Commerce - congratulations on recent election, CiDBRED
on the motion of AId, Brooks and Aid, Hovers that the communication be received and
No. 321 - Greater Niagara Clearing House - re observance of Boxing Day,December 26th.
ORDgRSD on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aids Brooks that the communication be
received and filed andHoxtuSDmy be denlared,
SKB Resolution No. 98.
No.322 - Lincoln and Welland Regiment Association - construction of a sidewalk st
Cenotaph, illEl) on the motion of AIds 14~linlnyandAld, Norton that the cosmuni-
cation be received end referred to the City Nouager for submission of a report at
the XnauFaraX Meeting of the 1958 Council,
NO. 323 - Unemployment Insurance Commission - inauguration of an Advisory Conanittee to
assist in 8~tmulating winter employment. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Brooks and Aid.
Nowera that the co~munication be received and filed and the Nayor's appointment of two
representatives from the City Council be approved.
SEE Re~__~_~_~solution Number 99.
No. 324 - DePartment of Public Welfare . copy of Ontario Government Press Release re
garding eligibility of unemployed for assistance under administration of the respective
municipalities etc. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Brooks and Aid. Morton that the
communication be received and filed.
The following Reports were Presentedl
No. 285 - Traffic Con~ittee - 6 recommendations with reference to letter from the South
End Business and Professional Men*s Association re traffic control at the intersection
of )fain St. and Lundy's Lane. ORDERED on the motion
the report be received and adopted. FURTHER ORDERED of AId. Morton and AId. ~hite that
on the motion of AId. Martin and
Ald. Morton that a further investigation be made on the "walk" signal at this intersection
and a report be submitted. AId. Hartin expressed definite dissatisfaction with reference
to'the length'of ti~e'alioWed 'for the "walk" Signal.
No. 286 - City Manager - report on request of Niagara Frontier Humane Society for an
increased grant for the work of the Society in 1958. ORDERED on the motion of Aid.
Martin and AId. Norton that the report be received and tabled and presented to the 1958
Council at the InauSuraI Meeting.
No. 287 - Traffic Committee - recommending that Morrison Street be made a through street
! at Buckley Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. ~hite that the report
be received and adopted.
No.288 - Traffic Conmitten - recommending that traffic be prohibited from moving from
the parking lot of the A. & p. Store directly on to Victoria Avenue. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Norton and Ald. ~hite that the report be received and adopted.
AId. Mowers referred to parking on both sides of Buckley Avenue between Park
St. and Queen St. and expressed the opinion that the street is not wide enough to allow
two cars to pass as well as the parking of care and requested the Traffic Committee to
take this matter under advisement.
N0. 289 - Traffic Committee . recommending traffic control heads for the intersection of
M0rrison St. end Valley t~ay be erected. ORDBRED on the motion of AId. Morton and AId.
~hite that the report be received and adopted.
N0. 290 - Hanagement Conmitten . progress to date on consideration of pension plan for
on the motion of AId. Nowere end' ld. Morton that t,e report
N0. 291 - City Clerk - recomnending issuance of licenee. ORDERED on the motion of AId.
· e following Resolutions' were passed;
Carried Uemnimousl .
No, lO0 - MORTON - BROOLS - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of His
Worship the Nayor and Members of the City Council be extended to the family of the
late Mr. Arthur Strange; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed,
Carried Unanimousl~
No. lO1 - MOW4xng - MARTIN - RESOLVED that Alderman A. J, McKinley be appointed
Acting Chairman of Finance due to the absence of Alderman Franklin J. Miller; and
the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimousl[
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of AId. !tartin and AId.Mowers.
READ AND ADOPTED, 23rd. December ,1957.
Council Chamber
The Finance Meeting was held on Nonday, December 16Ch. 1957 for the
purpose of approving and also passinS the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All Hembars of the Committee were present, with
the exception of Ald. Miller. Acting Chairman of Finance, Alderman McRinley,
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $56,~66.~5 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, v~re
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of
Ald. Mowers and AId. Nortin.
The CityManager*s report on the application of J. Herdy, 15 River Road
for a building permit to erect a I2-unit motel on Part Lot 180, River Road, between
Leader Lane and the northerly City Limits and containing seven recommendations for
the Property Committee*s consideration, was presented, ORDERED on the motion of
Mayor Hawkins and Ald, Morton that the report be received and referred to the
Property Committee.
The City Manager's report on the application of R. LenS, 9 River Road
for a building permit for alterations at the motel at that address and racesmending
issuance o~ the same, was presented for consideration. ORD!~D on the motion of AId.
Morton and AId. Brooks that the report be received and adopted and permit be issued
subject to the fiXing of the necessary detailed plans,
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of AId. Mowers and AId.
READ ANDADOPTED, 23rd. December,1957.
Clerk ~ ~n o Finance~ '
Council Chamber,
16th. December,1957.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passinS the by-law which covered the accounts approved by
the Comittee. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of Aid. Miller.
The following By-law was passed;
N0. 5586 - To Provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and AId. Marten that Ald. McKinley be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERxD on'the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Brooks that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second
reading, - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. White and Ald. McKinley - Carried Unanimously.
'AId. McKinley, Chairman of the Christmas Party Consnittee, reminded the
Hemberg of Council of the ChrisCums Party scheduled for Tuesday evening, Decemberl7Ch.
1957 at the Sheraton-Brock Hotel,
Council adjourned on the motion of AId. White and AId. Norton,
READ A!eADOFrED, 23rd. December, 1957.
Council Chamber,
23rd.December ,1957.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met aC 7.30 p.m. on Monday, December
23rd, 1957 for the purpose of considerin~ general business and finance. All
Members of Council ware presepC, with the exception of A~d. NortOn- TheCouncil,
having received and read the minutes'of the previous meeting, adopted these on the
motion of AId. Miller and AId. McKinley.
The followinn Coummnications were presented;
He, 325 - Lincoln and Welland Regiment - invitation to '~C Home" on New Year's Day~
ORDKRKD on the motion of AId. Mowers and Ald. Miller that the invitation be received
and accepted and as many Members of Council as find it possible attend.
- AId. Brooks arrived at the meeting -
He. 326 * 57th,LiZht Anti-AirCraft Regiment - Invitation to '~t Home*' on New Year*s
Day. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Ald. McKinley that the invitation
be received and accepted and as manyMembers of Council as find it possible attend.
No. 327 - Canadian Foundation for Poliomyelitts - requesting Counciles endorseties
of '~4others"March' Co be held Januax7 29th. ORDERED on the motion ofJ~ld, ~hite
and Ald. Mowers that the conmmnication be received and filed and the campaign be
The following Reports were presented;
He, 292 - City Clerk -advisinS of favuarable decision by Comertree of Adjustment
on the application of Joe. Laslo for relief from By-law. 5335 to enable the operation
of a used car lot on Lot 5, Plan b53, Ferry Street. OKI)B~ED on the motion of AId.
Mclinley and AId. Brooks that the report be received and adopted,
No. 293 -Management ComiCtee - recozeeuding purchase Of check valves from the
Hiagara Plumbing Supply Company. (~DERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid.
White that the report be received and adopted.
No. 29~ - Manaaement Cameltree - recoemendin$ thaC the 7-1/2 ton crane in the pump
room at the Filtration Plant be electrified co replace the manual controls.
this connection, AId. Martin, Chairman of the Management ComiCtee, re~erred Co the
~errific amount of equipment which is Co be used in connection with this crane in
the next few months and advised that his Conmittee were of the opinion that the
sum of ~3,500, would be worthwhile BrantinS at chic btme because the amount of
labour which would be sa~ed woul~ practic~lly p~y for the cost iuvolved aud then
the craue would be available to the City for the ~atnfe. Th~ Clty aanagar then
proceeded to advise Council Chat the crane will be mobile and that it was sac the
intention Co electrify the crane itself but to ~Ut on a ~-tou [ttachmenC on one of
the girders which will cut down the capacity from 7-1/2 con Co ~ ton but that the
7-1/2 ton manually controlled crane will still be intact. ~RDK~KD on the motion
of Ald. Norris end kld. Nowere that the report be received and adopted, with the
understanding that ~hen prices have been obtained, they will be submitted to Council.
The following By-law was passed;
MS, 5587 - To mud By-law Number 3791, being a by-law designating through hi$hways.
i on the motion of AId. McKinley end AId. Martin that AId. White
be Brancad the pkivile$e of iutrodu~iq the by-law and the by-law be $1ven the first
rnadiu~ ,Carried Unanimously,
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Ald. ~4hite chat Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be gLven the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. Miller and AId. McKinley - Carried Unanimously.
The Council adjourned to the Finance Meetin~ on the motion o£ AId. McKinley and AId.
READ AND ADOPTED, 30th. December, 1957.
~ ..... ~yor
Council Chamber,
The Finance Meeting was held on Nonday, December 23rd, 1957 for the purpose
of approvinS and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present, with ~he exception
0f~.ld. Morton, Ald, Miller, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $1~0,752.67 were approved by the Committee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt wiCh~ were ordered
placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Mayor Hawkins
and Ald. McKinley.
The Property Committee's report recommending installation of new watermain
0s Terrace Avenue and also on Leader Lane was presented for consideration. In connection
uith this report, Ald. Martin queried as to whether there were other areas in the muni-
cipality in a similar situation and was advised by the City Manager that he did not feel
there was any other location that could be considered in the same category. He'did,
however, point ouC that in his opinion it was necessary that prompt action be taken in
this location. ORDERED on the motion of Aid, Mowers and Ald, White that the report be
received and adopted subject to the submission of a further report as to caeca and any
other locations in the City of Niagara Pails which reqqire attention.
The application of Mrs, J. Herdy for a building permit to erect a 12-unit
etel on part of lot 180, River Road between Leader Lane and the north City Limits,
~hich had been laid over at the last meeting was presented along with the Property
C0enitteeee report containing the recommendation that the permit be issued sub ect
certain conditions, At this point. Ald, Brooks and AId, McKinley moved that M~s, j~o
hrd~ who was present at the meeting, be allowed to ~peak, Mrs, Herdy indicated her
ehaqe of opinion as to the elimination of one o~ the 12 units with which she had
Previously agreed, pointing out that if this were done they would not have ~ull sense
0t'the land presently held, Ald, Brooke, Chairseta of the Committee, explained hie
altered views concerninS the proposed motel and following discussion with
reference to what has been reco,~ended by the Committee and the suSgestions of
~rs. Herdy, it van ordered on the motion of ~ld. NcKinley and Ald. Brooks that
the application of rdrs. Herdy, the report of the Property Con~nittee, be tabled,
the location in question to be staked out and all Nembers of Council to view the
location at 7 p.m. on Nonday, Desember ~Oth. prior to the regular Council )joetinS.
Carried Unanimously.
The Property Committee's report on the plans and sketch submitted by
)Jr. George Chanady for the office and restaurant to be erected at the site of his
motel at the corner of ,Victoria Avenue and Nogdalen Street, was presented for
consideration. At this point, it was ordered by Mayor Hawkins and AId. Nowers
that Fd:. Chanady who ~as present at the meeting, be permitted to speak. 14~.Chanady
explained his intentions in order to comply with By-law Number 4929 and it was
ordered on the motion of AId. I~hite and &ld. Nowers that the report of the Property
Committee be receiwed and adopted and the applicant be advised to submit a plan in
accordance with By-law 4929.
The COmmit~.ee.arOse and .reported Co Council on,themQtion of Mayor,Hawkins andAld.
READ AHD ADOPTED, 30th. December,19S7.
Council Chamber,
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance HeetiuBs for the purpose of passix~ the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Comxittee. All Hembars of Council were present, with the exception
o~ ~ld. Norton.
The follo~ina By-law was ~assedi
No. 5588 - To provide monies for general purposes,
ORDBRKD on the motion eliLid. Howers and AId. HcKtnlo7 that AId. Keller
be Branted the privilege o~ introducinB the by-law and the by-law be Siren the ~irs~
reading. - Carried UnanimoUsly.
ORDKIE on Cbe motion of AId. Brooks' and AId. White that Rule 36 (2) of
the StaudinS Rnles of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-lay be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. )jciinley and AId. Brooks - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Nowors and Ald. Hattie.
U.~I) A~ ADOPTED, 30th. December,1957.
Council Chamber,
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of the
regular Council and Finance Neetinge on Nonday, December 23rd, 1957 for the purpose of
considerinS the items presented to them. All )jambors of the Committee ~ere present,
~ith the exception of AId. )jotton. His worship, Idayet Hawkins, presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items presented, the Counittee adjourned on the motion of
Ald. )jiller end Ald. Nowere.
READ AHD ADOPTED 30th. Dec_~mber, 1957.
Council Chamber,
Pursuant to adjournment Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Nonday, December
30th. 1957 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All
Ne~bers o£Council were. present~with the exception-of AId. McKinley..The Council,
having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the
motion of Ald, Morton and Ald. tVhite.
The following Con~unicetions were presented;
Re. 328 - Do~mtown Susinesemen's Association - expressing appreciation for the
City's participation in the decorative lighting during the Christmas Season.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Nillet and AId. Nowere that the co~nication be
received and filed,
No, 329 - Nr. Harold A. Logan * tendering resignation as member of the Court of
Revision. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~hite and AId. Norton that the reefS-
marion be received with regret and the communication filed.
The following Report was presented;
No.295 - Management Committee" recommending that the quotation of the Herbert
Morris Crane end Hoist Limited for the installation o£ an electric hoisting unit
co be used with the 7-1/2 ton crane in the Pump House at the Filtration Plant be
received and accepted. ORDERED on the motion of AId, ~rnite and Ald. Miller tHat
the report be received and adopted.
Council adjourned co the Finance Conmittee on the motion- of Ald. Martin end Ald.
Council Chamber,
30th.December, 1957.
The Finance Neering was held on Nonday, December 30th, 1957 for the purpose
of approving end also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Nembers of the Committee were present, with the exception
of Ald. NcKinley. Aid. Biller, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $109,891.77 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted, being passed or other~ise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Honey By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of
AId. Bowers and Ald. Brooke.
"The application Of Hrs. J. Rerdy for a building permit to erect a 12'-
unit motel on part of lot 180, River Road, between Leader Lane and the north ~ity
Limits, which had been laid over from the previous meeting, in order that Council
might view the location before this evening's meeting, was again presented along with
the Property Committests report of December 23rd. which contained the recommendation
that a permit be issued subject to certain conditions and the elimination of one
motel unit thus reducing the number of units from 12 ~o 11. A full discussion ensued
during which the pros and cons of the close proximity of the proposed.units on River
Road were thoroughly considered. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Brooks and AId.Norton
that the matter be laid on the table for one week for consideration of a full Council.
Carried Uv~nimously. A previous motion by AId. Nowera and Aid. ~hite that the report
of the Property Co~ittee be received and adopted, was withdrawn.
The Co~ittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of AId, Nattin and Aid.
Brooke. d '
Rg~DANDADOPTED, 6th. January, 1958.
READ Ale ADOFTED, 6th. January, 1958.
Council Chamber,
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
eetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
y the CosmiCtee, All Members of Council were present, with the exception of AId.
~e followinn By-law was passed;
'~ - To provide monies for general purposes,
~DBZED on the motion of AId. White and AId. Morton that AId. Miller
be Siren the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading, - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId, Brooks and Ald. Martin that Rule 36 (2)
of the S~andinSRules of Council be temporarily suspended and Che byolaw be read
the second time. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. Norton and Ald. Brooks - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Brooks and AId. Mor~on.
RE~DAND AD01~ED, 6th. January, 1958.