Council Chamber,
3rd. January, 1955-
In accordance witb the provisions of The Municipal Act, the Council met
at 11.O0 o'clock with all members present. The Council, included His Wo-shir,
Mayor Hawkins, and Aldermen H. G. Brooks, George ~Mrtin, A. J. McKinley, Harold
Morton, George Mowers and James G. ~'~ite. Ald. Grant Donald, was absent from the
meeting, being confined to hospital.
The Statutory Declarations of Office and Qualifications were filed with
the Clerk when the Oaths of Office had been taken by Magistrate Jehnstone L.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Hotton that a vote of
thanks be extended to F~gistrate Roberrs by His Worship l~yor PAwkiss.
After this, the Council was duly organized and open for the t~ansactios
of general business.
The meeting was opened with prayer by Canon A.T.F.HoLmes.
It was ordered on the motion.of Ald. Brooks and Ald. Fartin that the
Officiating Clergyman be thanked for his service at the meetimg.
His Worship, Mayor Hawkins welcomed M~. W. L. Houck, M.P., ~.~. A. C.
Jolley, M.P.P., and their wives and the heads of the Departments to the meeting.
His Worship, Mayor Hawkins then delivered his inaugural address.
"In beginning my fifth term as Mayor of the finest City in the Dominion
of Canada, Niagara Falls, I do so humbly and very proudly. My re-election, I feel,
is an endorsation of the policy of Council and I most sincerely thank the citizens
for the confidence they have placed in me and the members of Council and I will
endeavour to uphold that confidence to the best of my ability and strive at all
times to bring dignity and honour to the office of Mayor.
We have Just passed our Fiftieth Anniversary as a City and I feel that
the co-operation which has existed between the members of Council, not only in the
present but in the past, speaks well for the fine progress and advancement of which
we can all be very proud.
The City of Niagara Falls is known all over the world, not only for our
majestic Niagara with all the great power developments, but as a honeymoon city
and some 3,500 Honeymoon Certificates were presented during the year 195~- We
have also our Great Park System extending from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario with the
beautiful Gardens which attract the huge nm~bers of tourists and visitors each
year and once again I can say, we can all be very proud of Niagara Falls and the
Greater Niagara Area.
We are beginning the year 1955 with the m-election of three Alder-
men and the election of one ex-Alderman with a great deal of municipal experience.
To Aldermen Martin and Brooks, I extend my sincere congratulations and I know you
are very proud of the confidence the citizens have placed in you. While Alderman
Donald is not able to be with us at this time owing to the fact that he is con-
fined to hospital, I do extend to him my sincere congratulations on his re-election
and heading the polls and I know I speak on your behalf in extending to him our
best wishes and our prayers that he will have a speedy recovery. He has a wealth
of municipal experience which is very valuable to this Council. I welcome Alder-
man James White to this Council and extend to you, Alderman White, sincere congrat-
ulations on your election. You have served the citizens of Niagara Falls for
sixteen years in the past and you bring to Council a great deal of valuable muni-
cipal experience which will be appreciated by all members of Council.
To Aldermen Mowers, McKinley and Morton, may I say this, that you
have served the citizens of Niagara Falls well and I know that you will continue
during the coming year to give sound administration for the future from your
experience gained in the past.
To ex-Alderman Franklin Miller, I e~tend to him and his fm~ily the
very best of good wishes, health and prosperity for the year 1955.
This being a Democracy in a free world as we know it, on my re-
election, I ask for Divine Guidance in my decisions in the conduct of my office.
We have had, as you all know, the very special privilege of a visit
from Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent and her daughter, Princess Alexandra.
We were very honoured and Her Royal Highness has expressed, on behalf of herself
and her daughter, many thanks for the courtesies extended to them on their visit
to Niagara. It has been m~r special privilege and honour to extend a very royal
welcome in the past four years to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, then Princess
Elizabeth, and her husband, Prince Philip, to the Duchess of Kent and Princess
Alexandra, to the Governors-General Viscount Alexander and Honourable Vincent
Massey and to so many more notable personages. They have all expressed their
sincere thanks and I pass them on to you, the citizens of Niagara Palls.
To-day we are located in our new City Hall and I know the Aldermen,
along with myself, extend to the Architect, Mr. V.C.Thomas, the Contractors,
Jolley Construction Company, and the Sub-contractors, our congratulations on a
very fine Job well done. I do extend personally to the Building Committee,
Alderman George Martin, Alderman George Mo~ers and Alderman Hugh Brooks, a very
sincere thank you and congratulations. Many hours of your time have been spent in
its cornpie%ion and I think you can be very proud of this very fine building. While
it is not officially completed, we are looking forward in the very near future to
having 'Open House' at which time we will have our official dedication and the
presentation of a picture of the first Mayor, His Worship Mayor Hanan, by his son,
Major Marry Hanan.
At this time, I would like to extend to Mr. W. L. Houck, our Federal
Member, and to Mr. Arthur Jolley, our Provincial Member, 'and their ~asilies our
very best wishes for their continued success and many, many thanks for the
operation we have received from them.
Speaking directly to the Aldermen re-elected, elected and the Aldermen
with another year to serve, co-operation has been the essence of good administration
and I trust your terms of office will at all times continue to be a constructive
contribution to the government of our City.
During the past eight years, it has been my privilege to serve the
citizens of Niagara Falls on many Boards and Committees and I have the utmost respect
for the members who serve on these Boards and they, at all times, have the affairs
of the City at heart and try in every way to serve the citizens faithfully and
Time does not permit me to continue naming the many Boards ~,d their
members but at this time, I hasten to extend my full co-operation armd my con-
gratulations on the work they are doing.
The sincereity and co-operation that I have received from l~nagement,
Heads of Departments and Employees has made my terms of office most p].easant.
Our Police Force and Fire Department are second to none and at this tithe, I
extend to all my sincere aFpreciation.
195~ was a year of adjustment in the City of Niagara Falls. During
1951 to 1953 inclusive, the increase in business and gener&l ]~rosperity of the
area was unprecedented due to the buoyant economy of the entire continent and
to the large construction program. carried out by the Hydro-Electric Po,.~er Com-
mission of Ontario in the development of Sir Adam Beck Project No. 2. However,
in 195~, there was a moderate recession in general business conditions throughout
the country. This resulted in a decrease in the tourist trade which directly
affected this area. The reduced purchasing power of farmers, beth in Canada and
the United States, resulted in a decreased demand for commercial fertilizer which
affected employment in local industries. Late in ].95&, the Ford strike had a
direct effect on employment in local manufacturing plants, esI:ec~ally in the
abrasive industry. To accentuate the general conditLons, Lhc local situation was
complicated by the gradual reduction in the number-of persons employed on the
power project. Although there is presently a fairly large force employed on this
work, the very material reduction in the working force has affected business
throughout the community. It is expected that further adjustments ~dll be
necessary during the early months of 1955.
In general, the City services have been maintained st a satisfactory
standard throughout the year. However, during the summer and early fall, we had
some extremely heavy rainstorms which emphasized the fact that our storm sewers
are inadequate as excessive flooding resulted in many areas throughout the City.
The average rainfall for Niagara Falls over the past few years has been one-half
inch of rain in twenty-four hours. On August 24th, between 1.30 p.m. and A.30
p.m., there was a fall of 3~ inches of rain. Excessive flood damage resldted.
On the night of September 13th, there was a fall of three-quarters of an inch and
and September 21st, almost one inch of rain. On the night of October 2nd. and
early morning of October 3rd, almost 1~ inches of rain fell. These heary rain-
stoms not only caused great loss to individual property owners but as a result
of heavy overloading of the sewers, some of the older mains failed with the
result that expensive repairs were necessary.
In order that this matter of storm sewers can be given in~ediate con-
sideration, a revised study of the sewage system of the City of Niagara Falls is
now being prepared and will be presented for the consdderation of the City Council
within two weeks of this date.
As you are aware, the large storm sewer on Huren Street to Third Avenue
and on Third Avenue between Huron Street and Hamilton Street was completed in the
spring of 1954 at a cost of $113,OOO.00. This sewer has already relieved flooding
conditions in the area and makes possible the construction of sewers that will
relieve the entire area north of Morrison and west of Third Avenue. In 1953, the
shaft to Tunnel No. 1 of the Sir Adam Beck Project No.2 was completed. After
Tunnel No. 1 was put into operation during the sunmler of 195~, work commenced on
the trunk sewer on Stanley Avenue to provide relief for the area of the City south
of McRae Street and west of Slater Avenue. This sewer is about 98 percent complete
at this date. The cost of this work is approximately $2~6,O00.OO. Upon the com-
pletion of this sewer, it will be possible to const,ruct the sewers necessary to
relieve the excessive flooding west of Stanley Avenue from Murray Street to Valley-
way. It ~ill also improve conditions i~ the ~Muddy Ru~ trunk sewer as an i~,ense
quantity of water at Valley Way and Stanley will be diverted to the t~nnel.
report under preparation will also outline the sewers necessa~' to relieve flooding
in numerous other areas of the City.
For a number of years, the International Joint Commission has been
pressing for the purification of sewage dumped into international waters and Just
recently, the Minister of Health for the Province of Ontario announced that all
municipalities would be required to have detailed plans for sewage treatment
plants completed by July let, 1957. This matter, therefore, requires immediate
For a number of years, the City of Niagara Falls operated an obsolete
garbage incinerator. It was necessary for City Council to consider either the
erection of a new incinerator or to adopt some other method for the disposal of
garbage and rubbish. A Committee of Council gave this matter very careful con-
sideration and after thoroughly inspecting the various types of disposal, recom-
mended that the City of Niagara Falls adopt the 'Land-Fill' method of disposal and
Furchase modern trucks for the collection of garbage and rubbish. Arrangements
were made with the Department of Highways to secure the old sand pit located north
of Valley Way between Stanley Avenue and Portage Road. As this pit is located in
the Township of Stamford, it was necessary to secure the approval of the Township
Council for the proposed use. This approval was secured and about the middle of
~y, the incinerator was closed down and the 'Land-Fill' operation commenced.
Alderman Grant had advocated the use of the pit for this purpose for several years.
Generally speaking, the new method has been satisfactory with a very considerable
sav~ng in operation costs. The new Leach Packmasters replaced the open trucks
about the end of June. The new equipment cost approximately $58,000.00. It is
anticipated that the facilities available at the old sand pit will be sufficient
for the years 1955 and 1956.
During the year 1954, resurfacing of permanent pavements was
continued. The work comprised the widening to twenty-six feet the portion of St.
Clair Avenue from Jepson Street to Simcoe Street and resurfacing the entire width
from Jepson Street to Queen Street. The surfaces on Epworth Place and Crawford
Place were renewed and similar work carried out on Buttrey Street from River Road
to Terrace Avenue; on Terrace Avenue from Buttrey Street to Ferguson Street and on
Ferguson Street from Terrace Avenue to Victoria Avenue. Due to the very wet
weather in the fall of 1954, it was considered advisable to postpone work on
Kitchener Street until the spring of 1955.
Early in 1954, City Council approved of widening North Main Street
between Lundy's Lane and Summer Street. The work provided for the installation
of an 18-inch storm sewer, an additional six-inch water main, a new ten-foot wide
concrete sidewalk on the east side and a new five-foot sidewalk on the west side
with a new road surface having a minimum width of ~6 feet. This work was completed
during the summer at a cost of appro~imately$~5,000.OO.
Due to the increase in motor traffic, it was considered advisable to
consider widening Drummond Road between North Street and Murray Street. The
Councils of Niagara Falls and Stamford approved the plans submitted and applied to
the Department of Highways for an additional appropriation to proceed with the work.
This approval was obtained and a beginning was made on the work. Due to the fact
that the work could not be commenced until late in the fall, no construction could
be undertaken on the portion of the road north of Lundy' s Lane.
South of Lundy's Lane, the necessary curbs and gutters and the grading
were completed but snow and ice prevented placing the asphalt surface for the
entire distance. The unfinished work will have to be carried to completion early
in the spring of 1955.
During the year 1954, the quantity of filtered water delivered by the
Filtration Plant increased approximately four percent over that delivered in 1953.
However, the increase from January to July was much greater but after July, due to
the reduction of water used by the Hydro Electric Power Commission, the quantity
pumped was less than during the previous year. It can be anticipated that the
water consumption in 1955 will be below that of 1953 or 195A, always provided that
normal weather conditions prevail. However, even with the anticipated reduced
pumpage in 1955, it is necessary to consider the provision of additional puri-
fication and pumping facilities.
On August 19th, 195~, there was a serious power interruption with
the result that the entire filtration Plant was shut down for two hours and 29
minutes. Portions of the City were without water for this entire period. This
matter was taken up with the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario and a new
transmission line has been constructed and will be connected to the transformer
station within a few days. This new line should eliminate the serious power inter-
ruptions of recent years.
During the year, a communication was received from the Township of
Willoughby respecting the supply of water for approximately 700 new ho~es to be
erected. A careful study of our facilities must be made before it can be deter-
mined if additional water can be sold.
During the latter part of 195A, the Hydro-Electric Power Col~l~ssion
were cleaning and repairing the original power canal. In order to do this work,
it was necessary to control the flow of water in the canal by use of the Control
Gate at McLeod Road. Although the gate was not comp].etely closed, it did affect
the quality of the raw water used at the Filtration Plant, espec~ ally during
storm periods. The first phase of the repair work on the canal has been compileted
and we are now operating under normal conditions. A further program.s of repair
work to the canal may be undertaken during the s~xaer of 1955.
As a result of the successful public subscription campaign conducted by
the Greater Niagara General Hospital, every effort to proceed with [~r, ediat, e co~-
struction is being made. Arrangements have been completed for the erection or the
new structure on Poplar Park. As a result, it k~ill be necessary to provEde play-
ground facilities in other locations to compensate for those lost when con-
struction work commences.
During the year, City Council passed a money by-law for ~250,C~)O.00 for
extensions at the Niagara Falls Collegiate Vocaticnal Institute. Th~s w~ll com-
plete the building prograr~ne at the Collegiate ~or some time.
Late in the past ~ear, the City Council made ~vailable a tract of laad
c staining approximately 3 acres for the erection of a Separate School on
Morrison Street opposite Oakes Park.
During the spring of 195A, small con~.~.ittees from Stamford and Niagara
Falls met to consider some of the problems affecting both municipaliti,~s if
amalgamation were considered. From the information available, it was appare~,t
that there is a considerable difference in Provincial Grants to Townships and
Cities or To~nns. This difference was quite apparent especially with respect to
the grants for education where the grant for Townships is much greater th~l! for
Cities. Until such time as there is a revision of the grant schedule, it does
not appear that amalgam~.tion is financially feasible.
A Brief dealing with the exemption from taxation of govern!,~ent-~ wned
properties in Niagara Falls was presented to Fremier Frost on ~.~rch 23rd,1954.
fhis has been referred to various C~vernment Departments by th~ Premier ~ith the
assurance that we will be advised after a complete report on t,he same has been
~ring the year 195~, the population of Niagara Falls decreased from
25,006 to 2~,667. The decrease was therefore 339. This is much less ~han
anticipated due to the considerable mmmber of men laid off the power project.
However, during the year, the taxable assessment for land, buildings and business
rose to $~3,980,905. Compared to an assessment in 1953 of $/~3,215,120., this
means an increase of $765,7~5.O0.
On January let, 195~, the tots1 debenture debt of the municipality was
$2,~09,218.85 but on December 31st, 195~, it had increased to $2,510,779.80 or
an increase during the year of $101,560.95. As a result, the per cal~ital
debenture debt increased from $96.36 to $101.78 during the year. The present
debenture debt is not, however, a true picture of the financial position of the
City as early in 19~5, it will be necessary to sell debentures amounting to
$832,117.17 for works under construction or just recently completed. Of t}ds
large ~nount, $250,000.00 is for the Board of Education and ~359,000.00 for
sewers. As the sum of $184,6~7.91 will be paid off the debenture debt during
1955, it canbe seen that the increase in debt will be at least $6;,7,469.26.
In spite of the increasing debenture debt of the municipality, the
credit of the City is still exceptionally good as witnessed by the fact that
during 195A, we refunded $292,000.00 of debentures at four percent to re[lace
debentures paying.~l and 4~ per cent ir:~erest.
There are many major problems that will have to be considered during the
year 1955. There are many capital expenditures that are necessary, but extreme
care must be exercised so that the total capital expenditure will not exceed the
ability of the taxpayer to pay for.
It is assured that construction of the new hospital will proceed early
in the year and it will be necessary for the City of Niagara Falls to provide at
least a portion of its share of $800,000.00 during the year.
As advised earlier, a complete survey of storm sewers will be available
for consideration. Although it would be nice to commence on the entire programme
im. mediately, extreme care must be exercised to prepare a program~ne spreading the
work over a reasonable number of years to maintain a safe financial position.
Careful study must be given to the operation of the water filtration
~lant. As Council has been advised, the existing facilities are overloaded especiall~j
during the months of June, July and August each year. It is essential that the
supply of water at all times be adequate and of good quality.
Council will have to give consideration early in the year to the
Re~Iional Plan providing for land use in the area.
During the construction of Sir Adam Beck Project No. 2, considerable
damage was done to some of the road surfaces in the City. It will be necessary to
determine the extent of this d~mage and to negotiate vfith the Hydro Electric
Power Commission with reference to the necessary repairs. Peer Street from
Gladstone Avenue to Allen Avenue should be re-opened to traffic at as early a date
as possible.
The traffic conditions in the City have become one of the major pro-
blems with which Council will have to deal. The improvement of main traffic
arteries is necessary and it would seem that consideration must be given to
improving the road surface on Stanley Avenue from Thorold Road to Ferry Street
and providing better traffic conditions on Bridge Street. This might be accomplished
by restricting parking on one side of the street.
Mow that the City Hall has been renovated, some thought should be
given to improving the market facilities. The areas between the walks could be
paved over several years and the canopies extended. Some of the concrete walks
are in dangerous condition.
Consideration must also be given to modernizing the fire halls. Queen
Street Hall especially should be either repaired or completely renovated or re-
placed by a suitable building in a more favourable location.
As you are well aware, the matter of unemployment in the area will
require very careful consideration and it will be necessary for Council to give
innediate consideration to this serious problem. It is impossible to deal with
this at the municipal level of government and assistance will have to be provided
by Provincial and Federal authorities. The problem i's vital at the present time
and requires inmediate action.
Early in the year, it will be necessary for Council to negotiate new
working agreements .with the Civic Employees' Union and Fire Fighters' Union.
General working conditions and wages have been improved considerably in recent
years and the pending negotiations must provide reasonable working conditions and
wage scales commensurate with the ability of the taxpayers to finance the same.
The programme of capital works must be very carefully considered to
ensure that the financial position of the City is not impaired. This can only be
accomplished if a definite programme of annual e~ependitures is adopted and rigidly
adhered to.
As I have stated in previous Inau~mral Addresses, the City of Niagara
Falls, like so many other municipalities, is fee]ir~ the burden of increased costs
of Hospitalization, Child Welfare, Administration of Justice and nor our increased
Unemployment, which will be paramount for Council' s consideration immediately,
having in mind the ability of the taxpayers to pay and p~rticularly those on fixed
pensions, etc. I feel that they should and we will work toward the Provincial
and Federal Governments sharing a greater burden of the costs. Some Eleven Million
Dollars of exempt Provincial and Federal properties e~ist in Niagara Falls,
receiving the same service that you and I pay for and there is no reason why the
Governments should not share in these costs.
I want to emphasize that ECONOI, Ff is ,{Lst ~ss,..~'ia] without interfering
with the services that weenjoy here in Niagara Falls ;~nd ]2,~.~ the Chai~r. an of
Finance, I ask that you plan and maintain a rigid economic and progressive
programme for the year 1955 and I am sure the Aldermen and myself, who are
members of your Committee, will endeavour to support you in planning your
I must congratulate Alderman George i[owers, as Chairman of Financ,~ for
the year 195;~, and his Comntit~ee for a very fi~e, progress;_ve policy .~nd I
sure he ~dll be of good help and service to the newley-elected Chairma~
Aldermen, Ladies and Gentlemen, there is so much raore that can be s'dd
but time will not perndt and we must proceed. I thank you ~or attending this
Inaugural Meeting and being so civic-minded. I extend to you on behalf of ~he
Mayor and Members of Council the very be:~t of good wishes for 1955."
On the motion of AId. McKinley and Aid.
address was ordered spread on the minutes.
Mowers, the ~.~yor's inaugural
The minutes of the previous meeting, having been received and read,
were adopted on the motion of AId. White and Ald. Morton.
The City Clerk certified as to the result of the poll on 6th December,
195~; and on the moti~m of Ald. Brooks and Ald. ~rtin it was ordered that the
communication be received and filed.
The foliowinE Resolutions were passed;
No. 1 - MCKINLEY - MOWERS - RESOLVED that AId. George ~rtin be and is hereby
appointed the Chairman of the Finance Committee of the City Council for the
year 1955; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. 2 - WHITE - MORTON - RESOLVED that Dr. J. H. Davidson, Mr. P~orge Burley
and Mrs. J. R. Kelly be and are hereby appointed as the members of the Local
Board of Health for the year 1955; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
No. 3 - BROOKS - MARTIN - RESOLVED that Mr. C. A. Findlay be and is hereby
appointed as a representative of the City Council on the Public Library Board
for the years 1955, 1956 and 1957; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
No. ~ - McKINrLEY - MOWERS - RESOLVED that V. L. Davidson and Albert Benson be
and are hereby appointed members of the Court of Revision; and the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. ~ - MORTON - BROOKS - RESOLVED that Aid. James G. White be and is hereby
appointed as the representative of the City Council on the Greater Niagara
Planning Board for the year 1955; and that Mr. W.B. Gunning be appointed for a
two-year term; and that Mr. E. A. Thomas and Mr. Carl D. Hanniwell be re-appointed
for a three-year term; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
'Y.>. / - V~i.~Z. - 1.3'~RTIN - 2Tq?L"D t. hat. Ills ":orqhlp, ZP.yo~' E. l-?. Yswktn~ b-.
h r~]y at;feinted ~s ~he rcir'~entatlv" cf tb~ ~ity Sou:c~l cn the ~liag:~ra Parks
~or~, add the ~ '~ o~ the Cor-or%t~on be b~roto a~Pixed.
r:o. 7 - i[cKl'~,pY - }.(O:~2Z - 2~32LViTD ~h~t
is h'~r,-~y ~I!ointe~ as th~ r,~r,~sentat[ve of the City Cound] on ~h~ ~%rd
Governors of the Gr-'~ter X~,g~r~ O,mer~] Hoslital %r the 1,o~ 195~] a~-] tb~ Seal
c~ tke Corfor~t~on he hereto
· '- ~ ~viTE _ FRCCK~ - PZZPL~r'TD that. AId. .]o C. KorLon be and is hereby
.~,,, _
apl'o~n'ed as 'k~ r~cr,.sen~at~ve of the C~~,, Cou,-,c;1 on the Chi]dren's ~d Society
~ ~ t~e Co~-,ty c~ Wel!~d For 'be y~ar !O~' and the S-el o~ the Goriererich be
~, _ :CR'i" , .... n George j. E~r-; ~ ~nr~ is ~a~b-~ appointed
Weed inspector for tLe Ci+y of "iagar~ Falls for the p~r 195~; and the Seal
the Cori~ratiDn ~ bereto affixed.
'Jo.lO - MO:ER$ - MCRT0Y - RESOLVED *,hat Aldernen A. J. McEintey~ Crones G. Z~ite~
Hu~}] ~pno~5 be RBd ~pe ~-~bv apFDinted as the r~embeps of ~be Property Co;~ttee of
the C~v Csuncil fo~ the reap 19~5' and the Seal of the CoPlopatie~ ~ hopere affixed.
vo.ll - BRaDKS - MCKIP~Vf - PSSOI,'~D that Aldermen George Mowers, Harold C. Morton
.v.d George ~r ~n ~. and are ~ appointed members of the Equipment Co~,dttee of
N +~. ~ berek-
the City Council for the ~ear 19~5' and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
N,. 12 hg{ITZ MO~,RS .
c .... REBCLTZ,,D that Aldet~nen A. J HcKlnley, George Marti~ and
Harol~ C. '..;orton be and are hereby appointed ~s m~rabers of the Traffic Corr~ttee of
the City Council for the year 19~f; end th~ Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No.13 - I,L~RTI,'J - MOWERS - RESOI.~D that ildermen Hugh Brooks, A.J.McKinley and
Harold Morton be and are hereby appointed as m~nbers of the Arena Committee of the
City Council for the year 1955; and the Seal Df the Corporation be hereto affixed..
rb.ll~ - }lcKI~W - WMITE - RZ3~L~D that Aldermen George Mower% George }~rtin and
Hugh ~rooks be ~nd are hereby appointed as members of th~ Management Committee of
the City Councjl for the year 1955; and the Seal of the Corporation be bereto
No.l~ - MORTON - BROOKS - RESOLVED that fidemen George Mowers, A. J. McKinley and
James G. White be and are hereby appointed as members of the ~ployees' Christmas
Com~dttee of the City Council for the yesr 19~] and the Seal of the Corporation be
herere affixed.
No.16 - MO't~RS - McKI~,~Y - R~SOLVED that Aldermen George Martin and Harold Morton
be and are hereby appointed as tbe representative of the City Council on the
Greater NiaSara Chamber of Commerce Industrial Committee fop the year 19~; and
the Seal of the Corporation b~ herebo affixed.
No. 17 - }.ZiRTIN - ':',~{ITE - '!v~LT]D t.hat Alderman i. J. ;.'c:
appointed as the representative of th~ City Co,moll on ~+.e 7r.-~',. ,. "i~g~ra 7'-', ~ ,?'
of Co,r~nerce Tourist Co~,itt,~ ecr hhe y~ar 79~5; and t]:-~
be hereto affixed.
rio. 18 - McKF~,Ff - BROOKS - R'ZZOLvZD that Aldermen George
and Jmmes !'~+e be and ape hereby aFfointed as ,embers ce
Committee of tb~ City Counc~l For the year ]°Sf] md ~h~ %C
be herebe affixed.
No. 19 - BROCKS - NcKIPH.ZY - RiTCIVED ~hat ,\]:~er,.en Gecrg,~ ;'-If,'..[ ~ "'~,'.]:~ lc,'f: ,
James ~'~ite and ~orge }l.3wers l~ and are b~r,.by h!~i~te~l a r6,l.~.
Union Negotiation~ Co,~,i ttee of t} e Cltl- S,~u,mi]. For tb,. ye:,r 1755;
of the Corporation ~ heroic af"~
::o. 20 - WHITE - MOhEr~Z - T,';BCIFFFiD th,'~t R. Zf. Ed.vard5 ann/,,r;<
are hereby appointed If:mEets of tt~e lxami~{~S N~Da~,~ {'P 7]~ ~'~: .... ~-. 71 '[' ,P
N~agara F~lls for t},,~ 7Pars 19~f ~nd ]9~67 an~~ the 3,~B] o~
here%o aff~ xed.
'If,. 21 - >iORTOJ- M,'dTI" - ~Z'~gLVZD ;ha,' Aldt~r,e.=
A. J. }{cKin]~.y be an~ a~ h,?r'eby apio~'~,-,d met:bars
of the City Council for th~ year ]9~D; ~nd the Sea!
The Coupci! adjc. urn~d on the motion ,,~ -\Id. kcKinl,:;y a~.{t .%ld. 7.">.;,:..:; ,.:t:~ ~ . .:.
T'AD i}rD ADOFTZD~ !O+.h January, ]955.
:---- / Maynr
C,,,rlcil Chartbet,
3rd. January, 1955.
The Council re-assembled at 2.~5 p.m. for the purpose of considering the
general business and finance which had been properly presented to them. All
members of the Council were present, with the exceptl om of Ald. Gra~t Donald.
COk" rj.'~ C ATI
Laid over from a prevLous ~,eetlng;
U~. 273 - Boy $co~ts Assoc[atlc" - r-- ~+h World Jamboree. CRDEE3D en ~he =~o~L~n or
~ received -~nd ref~mred bo the
A].d. HcKinley .~d '.'.owens tb%t ~be co~J, un~c~t~.~n
~dget Co~rittee.
No. 29l~ - Greater ~agara Chwrch ~.sketbal] Association - requestjng grant. ORDERED
cn the q~o~lon o~ ~]~. 'Topten and Mc]{~nley that the communication be received ~nd
refer".~d tc +be ~dge~ Corfuitte~.
No. 355 - ~e 2alvarich ArmZ - requesting welfare grant. ORDERD oD the notion of
%]d. ~'~r~ n and McKinley that ~he cormnunic~tion be rece{ red and referred to the
~j. dget Co~.i ttee.
No. 350 - Health League of Canada - requesting graDt. ORDE~ on the morton of ~d.
'.{cKi~nley and Mowers tha~ the communication be received and ~eferred to ~he ~ldgeL
Co~mni tree.
~7o. 3fl - Local 52~. ~riaKara Falls Fire Fi~]hters - alterations and changes in the
~l]~ct]ve AgreemeaL. ORDER~ on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Morton that the
cor~un[catior be received and referred [c the U~on Negotiations Committee.
rb. 370 - l~rch of ~mes Co~mnttbee - re january c~,~ign and allocation of t~r~ing
meter money. ORDERED on ~he motion of Ald. Mc~nley and Morton that +he co~a~i-
cation ~ received and referred to the ~ldget $o~,itt~e; it was suggested that the
Ch~ ~an of Fin~nc~ gtve this matter early consideration.
The following Co.,~unications were presented;
qo. ! - His :'YorehiD, 1Cayo~ Hawkins - appointing representative on Court of Revision.
ORDT~'O on the ,~otion oC A]~. McKinley and, B~ook5 that the communication be received
and adoI. ted.
No. 2 - Tourist Co~Tittee, Greater NiaKara Chamber of Commerce - re subject of taxi
solicitation. ORDERED on the ~otion of Ald. Morton %nd Brooks that ~he communicatim~
be received and referr!~.d ~ the Traffic Committee for an early report.
No. 3 - Ni%gara Falls Fublic Library Board - requesting interview early in Januar~J
re addition to main Library. ORDERED on the motio~ of Ald. McKinley and I~wers that
th~ comaunication be reced ved and referred to the I.~yor and City Manager to arrange
~ meeting with the Library Board and Council to be so advised.
?,e ~ollowing Report w~s ~,resented;
~,!o. 1 - Assessment Commissioner - re expenditure involved in connection ~ith forth-
comdng Convention ef Assessing Officers to he h~ld in t~e City June 13, 14 and 15.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks that the report be received end
-of erred to the Chairraan of Finance~ the City M~%nager and a comJ~ttee of Council to
consider this subject,.
R,e follo~in/tetitions wer~ presented; (received too late for inclusior! on ageads)
No. 1 - A. MinMle and 48 others - opposing the erection of any further gasoline
slations or garages on either side of M~!n Street from Mmdn and Deleware Streets
north to ~he corner of Main and North Streets.
No. 2 - Robt. S. Smith and 15 others - opposition to building permit being issued
Cot the erection of a service station on the lands in question at the north-west
intersection of Main and Culp Streets.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Martin that the petitions be
received and referred to the Finance Meeting to be considered along with Item 2~ viz;
City ~.~nager's report on application of Cities Service 0il Co. for a building permit.
BY-I,.i' ZS
~ !~ s~Co;~d r .!,,tinS. - S,- ~' 'L.-.<.
?bird Re!~ding - AId. UcEi']]ey a i Frooks - Ca~rie!.
READ ~tD ADOPTED, Inch JanuaC,, 1955.
Co~ ncil Cbamber~
3rd. Jarm~,,1955.
.'~e Fina~c~ Me-ling was bald on Mon4ay, 3rd. jr~nua~y, 1955 far
;~:rlcse ef ~!i,r~vfng ~]J ale> ias i~C th,~ v~ri.~us accounts which bad been .,ro~ly
c~r+l ~ied ~n,~ l=llced b~fqre tb~.. All me.,~b<:"s o
'~ e'.:-~l. ti~ ,~f AId. P~nald. AId./-f~r+,in~ Cb~!-man nF Finance, presided.
G!!ndry iccounts ~uh!~f t',ed in !h~ amourt cf ~,51~010.60 were api=roved ty
]~e %-co;nfg .~HbmRfed, b~ing passed or otherwise dealt with, 'were
ordered t]~ced i~ tL~ mcn'V by-la',' For presentarSon to the Council en the ~=oti,~n of
~s !~o~bii, -~ L Ha'./<=n~ AId. Brooks.
Del~g~ti,~ns were I reseDt at the ;;,eqtin~ in, connecttop with the two
~eti~ion~ '~ich h~d b~en ~err,':d to the F].n~ce Me~tlnl-, opposing the proposed
e~en"nn of a ga~l] ne s+.~fion a~ the corn~r o~ Xaln Sires{ ~nd Gulp 9treet, and
it was :Teared on tb~ motion o~ A1;i. Mowers an,~ t'[~$'or Fawklns that one of the
r;~] r=sertati,~s he
i.~. j. ~. Iranee, troFrie~er oF ~ompson~s Food I~rk~t addressed the
Co,,'n~U.e~ ~nd re? er~t~ the f'~elings o~ !be petitioners as e~ressed in their
~etltiens and on their beb'.lf requested the passing of a kv-law at this affternoon~s
meeting to ircbihit the erection o~ fbe t:ro[Qse~ sta~io~n.
A r':~] &!sousalon ensued during v~!.ch it was suggested by Aid. Brooks
that :~e n~ces~ry by-l~w could te Ilrepared for Council's action within two hours.
~,e City Solicitor was asked various questions concerning tb? situation
and the reques~ which ~,ms before Council and he pointed out that the Courts seemed
to be inclined to de?l ~itb any legal action concerning such by-laws on the basis of
equitable jurisdiction where such c~s~,s are decided on their individual ~erits.
The City Manager suggested that such a by-law might or should iDc] ude s
portion or Ferry Street and Lundy's L%ne bit it seemed +,o b~ the consensus of opinion
that any action taken at the present time should deal o.nly ~'lf.h the area under dis-
A :notion made by Ald. McKinley and Mower~ that a by-law be prepared for
presentat]on at the ne~t meeting sial. an to the one now in effect on Victoria Avenue~
was lo~t; the vote being Aye -Ald. McKinley, Mowers and ~6%yor Hawkins; Nays - ,tld.
Mor~n~ Brooks~ ~ite and ~rtin.
An mnendment ~ ~d. Morton and Brooks that the by-law be rrep~red this
afternoon; carried; the vote hein~ - Aye - .~d. Mo~ton, Brooks, ~ite and ~rtin;
Flays -Ald. Mc~nley~ ~,Cowers ind I<ayor Hawkins.
Pegitions h%mber 1 and 2 were ordered received and filed on the motion
of Aid. Mowers and F~yor Hawkins.
The City ~nager's rei~rt on the application of Cities Service Oil Go.
w~s received and tabled on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. Brooks.
?no City i'~nager pres~nLed a verbal re~o~.t on the application of ~th
Bros. for a building permit to erect a small addition to their office, 12 by 20,
two storeys in height at an estimated cost of $900. on the east side of Magdalen
$tre; t, being of block construction. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and
White that the City Manager's report be received and adopted and the permit issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of Harriman's Lumber Co.
for a building pen~it to erect a storage shed on Lots 19 and 20 on the south-east
corner of Simcoe St. and Welland Ave. at an estimated cost of $1,000. was presented
for consideration, with the recommendation that the building permit be issued at an
estimate~ cost of $2,500.00. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Mayor Hawkins
that th, re!c,r~ .?'J recclnr~en,"t],, l~ r~c.~ f~.', ,,; ' ', l'.~ ,. ,, ~ 7. "~',~ -
c,ntr r.,, Prion tc this act:o~ Ale'. F~,~,~ :~-~-,i test ..~",
referred t~; th,~ ['rorerty Conn~+b~? ~;,r ccr~9~d~ rt~o/) - C}":~ ~.'tj . .a~ u t
The co:,sMf+ e~ aro'n~ and r,-'i
m ork
TDe Coupoil re-assembled at th~ clos~!
Financ~ !",~etinJz ~or the ?urpose of
;~[]roved ~J the Committee. All menbees
axcel',tlon of lld. Do!~a] d.
The fo].lo~_ng By-law was passed;
5195 - To provi~:e monies for general
ORDERTD on th~ motinn of AId. iiowers ar:,~ v.>~t~.n ' =tt ~I. rXrtir be
gran+~ed the ~.ri~le~Ee of introducing the by-law and ~ ~e by-law he giver the ~irst
readlug. - Carried.
ORDERZD on the motion of AId. Morton and Brooks that Rule 3.~ (2) ~f the
Standing Rules of Council be tem[or~,rill, suspended and the by-law be given the 2nd.
r~-~,lTrc. -
~ird Reading - AId. Mowers and Morton - Carried.
The City Clerk advised Council concerning a co~mm~nication neceived by
h-Alderman Miller, about the forthcoming Directors Meeting on January 14th, in
London, Ontario and desired to know the wishes of Council in this regard, advising
that as the Ex-Alderman is Second Vice-Presiden~ on the Board of Directors, he
wished to know whether Council desired his attendance at this meeting. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. Brooks and Morton that ~mx-A],derman Miller be permitted to attend
as a representative of the City of Niagara Falls, Council to be kept infonned by
the attendant. The City Clerk advised that the attendant intends to report to
Council on such meetings,
Aid. Mowers referred to the un~4tisfactory o,reration of some of the
]~rking ::eters, which causes annr, yance t.L the public and requested the City
~t a ~r .....
~ ~n E- to ~'~ H~is mat'at und.~r ad'.isement.
~e following Resoltlticn w%s !eased;
T{o. 22 - i:CRTO,'I - FRO,~KS - R~C'LVE3 that congratulations be extended to ~he Ch~ e~ ~"
Pc!.ice and his st~F~ for their v~y efficient work 4u~ng I95/,; ~nd the Seal of the
AId. Brock, r~forr. d ~o the fact Ux~f: the temperature i~ the cell bloc;
at the Police ~tation is 15 to 20 degrees lower than the rest of the building and
The Council majourned u?~t;.1 such time as the b'-law
y d~aling with !,L%in ~treet is
remiy For presen~tit~ to th~ Counei]~ on the 'notion of AI4. XowePs and McKinley.
%'.XD A?~ ADOFTED, ]Oth J~nuary~ 19f5.
~,ird Read/rig - ,~18..'nr,,c.k:7 n!-i,? Slotton -
The Council a4jz,u'ned cn t'."~= "cA": u~/dI]. ?L;,':P; .:,l? Y','t' ~.
RTAD A'D ADOi'TED, 1Cth J ......
Council Chamber,
.Srd. January, 1955.
The Council re-convened at 4.50 p,m. to consider tho by-law prepared
excelLion Of kld. Donald. " · ' "
The rollowing, By-law was passedl
[~. ~17~ - To regulate, the heiZh%, bulk, location, size, floor area, spacing and
external design of buildings to be erechad on either aide of Main Street
between Delaware Street on the south and North Street on the north.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mar~in ~nd }[orton that Ald. Brooks be granted
~he privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. ~
16 17
SEOC'D h,',,',: L ,~ ·
o n,c Ch,vnbRr,
l~qth canv.~ry, 1955.
Furs,~ t ~o acjourr~.,~n% C'mnci] met ?t 7,33 ! .:% o~ T,!on,%y, lqtL.
j~nu~', I?13, '- %L~ puri'o~'~ o~ co~sid,~ring g~nert! bus~n~sr~ and Ci'nrce.
:f,~:~.:s ,~ ?suntiP ...~-. v~,~r.,-t~ -~' t',,~ e"cei:tlon o~ AlL ~r~l~. B~ Ce-tnct~
~v' C r~':iv~d an,' rea,-]'~be m?~ ~tes o~ El' ire',~ous n'e't'_"J, '~dci t,-d these
L\:2 ovqr fr', ~r '/fOr:
'k. ~ - T;Lagxra Fa]!s Diut-ict Trade'< an~ M~r ~c.ur:cil - requss~ing Counc~l's
sup~ ~" oC ah .~a].:; !..r.-.sen~',y~ t~ 7.>.je- goverrzr:ent% S~DE'{ED on the 'notio~ of ;~ld.
l~cEi q~y an~ floe+on th;~t the co:~nunicntion b~ receivc~ nn,~ ~ ccl.y eF this letter tie
%rwarr~ed ~o t,h~ trims Xim_'ster o~ Gana.la~ rri~.~ 1.finisis,- of OnLario~ our local
"-,. ~ - KL'..'~nis Kusic Festival - requ!~?ing gr~nt. O~DERED on the riotion of [d.
Norton md 17: .~rs th'~t the corn ,urAc~t!on be rec,.'ived sna r~ferrc,! to the ~idget
%. 7 - T,qaF, ara Mem~,:inl rand - requesting grant. O~DZPED on the rodtier, of Aid.
Mowers and ~roeks that the co;munication be received and referre~ to the ~dget
'L',. q - Bell Tea:phone Comyan~ - requesting approval, of location of outdoor phone.
,~ZDZRED on the motion ef ,~d. McKinley and l~it~ that tie cor~unication be receive~
and r,~erre4 Lo the Ci~ c Bu~ ldings Co,a~ittee for presentation of a repor+, at the
~,~xt :rie~ting.
Report Ao.2.
~!o. 9 - American Can. Co. of Canada - requesting advice as to continuance of agree-
ment for rental of p~-rking facilities. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brookr and
;.T~rto~ 'hat tb~ communlc.atjcn 'c.,~ reCeiVed ann filed and th.~ !ea~P rcne~,~d.
SEE By-law R'o.5197
No. 10 - N.F. Civic ~a[loyees' Federal Union, No. 133 - ready to commence negotiations
r~ 1955 Agreement. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McEinl~y and Morton that this com-
munication, not on this ~vening's agenda, be read. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Mowers an8 McKinley that the communication be received and referred ~o the Negotiation!
,"~.e following Reports were presented;
No. 2 - City MannRot - recommending that the location of the outdoor public phone
as submittsd by the Bell Telephone Co, be approved. ORDERF~ on the motion of Ald.
McKinley and White that the Pepopt bere$eived and referred to the Civic Buildings
Committee for presentation of a report at the next meeting.
A]c!. vcrtm,~ C/~u'cil's
~e County ~,~ '~ell~nd, a,lv:i ;ed $:;u.c'!
a"' S ' h~.F ' '~t,n,,: ~
~t ~,u1~ he toS~!'!r' for LV.~ City ~o gr~,d
share at
tractor, OZDEZZD on the ~:cL1on
b~ recejved and ~dolted and referred *D
The following Py-1;,ws were pas_fiedj
5r~.vt~d th.~ Ir!v~legP or lnl.rn. tluclng the ky-l,.w ar:Z f}, , l,;, -~n ~,, J,'_',' ~.- " ~:' t
reading. - Carried.
C~EICD on +.hP motion o~ AId. :.lotion .=:r~] McKi,~l,e7 ~h,' ~:',]~ 7~ (2~ .,"
the Standing Rules of Council he te~ porarily ~u~!.,:.nded add th~
the second ~sd~ng. - U~r~ied.
~drd Reading - Aid. LicKinley ~rd Brooks - C~,rried.
No. 519,8_ - To grant ai,t to Miagara v'dl,s Cataract Ben]or'
ORDE~D or! the motion c~ AId. Hower~ and iicKinl,=y !.hg \]!t. %.:a-t~n
El'anted ~he l,rivi)ege o~ introd,ming the by-l~w ~ncl the by-law l:e liver fJq
readinS. - Carfie :,
O~.DE~'~D on the mot, ion of AId. Brooks and I.lo~bo.~ ~'~a ~uR,~ ~f. (2) o? t)',
~tznding Rules of Counct! ba ~eml.orarily suspended a~-I ~he ly-la'< be 5i,',~, l'.,: 3~cor. d
reading, - Carried,
Third Reading - AId. lJorton ~nd Brooks - Carried.
by-law to a~send 9y-law Ntm, ber 4929 and to .r..rc/hibit t.l,e er~ctn~o~l or
consbt~'c+,ion of garages on either s~de of Vict, "1~ '.ve-,,
~,~oe - on 4h~. perth ~d Ferry
O~'DE~ED on the ,pctic,~ af ~ld. McKLnlsy an, l P:ar%on th',+ ~.].d. Hartin
y~nte~ the privilege of introducing the by-~aw ~nd the h~-],aw B~ giv, m tb9 ~irst
.. ~i ~. Z',.'L
ORDERED on the motion of Al.d. 'dhi he and gotten that Rule q~. (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and tbq by-law Be Si.,en the
second rea~ng. - Carr/ed.
Tnird Reading -Ald. }brton and McKinley - Carried.
The Council ~dJourned to the Finance Ment~,ng on the mot.~ cm of .? !. './c'(in]Py and
Ald. Mowers.
;m~ Ald. ~rcol'~.
Council 3haT, bar,
lOth J.an,mry. ] 955.
J~ Fin~,r;c,~ Ifr.?'~n~- ,,,as h~l.'] on >iord.~v~ ]9tb Janu~r,b 19~ re- the
iur~?~'= qf ~l'] rov~n,J and als?, f.ass~ng the /arjo.s ~cccurf,~ wb!]h bad been r,roferlv
cert~f'ed ~nd '~ce~ be~:m~ t~.:.. All r, eml~rs c~ the Comnitt~e were present~ wi~b
+~ ~>'~'~, Ljcq e "'1. ~,-~1% A!'I. '.' tbb Chairm~ of Fin~nc% presided.
T; ndrj Accau.~ts in fhe amount of ~14,5~2.88 were apt.rmred by the
mi t, tee.
ordered J~cnl ~n ~he 7:oney by-Z~ rot pr,~senLaLbm to Lhe gotnc~ on the ~oLbm of
i~,L McK~n~.Q- ~m~ kayor Ht.k~n% '
,; c',.~,,un~c~tion from ;he Ontario Good Roads Association regarding
~ r r ~comng A!mu~l ~nvention tc he ~eld in Toronto on Februa~ 21st, 22rid.
and 2~rC. was [r:-s~.nted ~er conslde~aLion. ORDZP~ on Lhe ~otion of ~d. llc~nley
an I '.:ower~ that th~ co, uni '
catl be received and filed aPd the usual practice of
~endinE reTresentation ~o bhis Conv~qtion be followed.
A co~unlcatiou ~rom tb~ A~vertisin~ Representative ef the publication
~no~m as 'Caneallan ~ r.s
- ~ bert", official journal of the Cana~ B~therhood of
Z~i!way 5hi loyees and Other TrR~sport ~ork~rs, advisin~ that their ~ptem~r Issue
~11 be devoted to the "Convention C~%F,, of Uiagara Falls and su~gestin~ the
~,urchase of eqe I.~Ee in this Issue by U~e City of ~lia~ars Falls~ was presented for
consider,'ic,,. ORDT2~ the
' ., on motion of AId. Mowers and Morton that the co~n~i-
caMe~ ~ rec,,ived and referred to the Chaiman of Finance and the City Manager
~ith p~er to act. AI8. Mo~nley suggested to the Chairman of Finance that the
¢hanber of Coheres n~ ht
g be interested in this matter also.
~e Cffty l'~nag~r's rei, ort was presented on the application of the
;l~ker Drag Company for an adairion to their store at the
'/~ctqria Avenue~ corner or Pai,ner an4
brovLdinr Pnr +~- ....
.... ,..'; .'i '~"'. < . .., ,
jssued. . .r.~ .ey J~. tr,~' rapopt be received and adopted and the pe~t
~e City I~nager's tempt on the app~caLion of D~lta Motors for a
petit to er-ct a Need si~ at 1635 Victoria Avenue, between W~lnuL and Centre,
an estimated gent, of ~6~0. was presented fop consideration. 0~ERED on the motion
of ~yor H~ins and ,~d. Morton that the tempt be received ~nd adopted, and the
~t issued.
A ecruniceties f~m Arthur and BeatNee
~unt or $2,~. b3i~ expend~d ~, the City of Niagara F~ls in connection ~h
the fortheo~n6 Conventinn of Assessing Officers to be held in this City, not listed
on the a~enda, was ordered read on the motion or Ald. Brooks and ~yor Hadins.
Cnl ',eLl
lr: :, jv
~e Cour:cjl .'n-~s::em~-l.:J "t the cl:,sn '" the rt ~,t~ar CTu'.?~] n~,d Fln',nce
Hastings fo~ +h~ !,up~se of iass~ng ~.he b -law
- - . y wb:l ch coy, r~d t~ ~cccunt ;: 'q t roved
bV the Col~Fittr. e. A12 members af Council were resent
i~e fcllowinK By-law was ]:assed;
No. ~290 - To trovide mon!~s f~r ~'eneral lur/os,:s.
ORDERED cn the motion off Ald. iCo~r,s and
gr%nteJ bhe privilege of intr'c, lucinZ tl.e by-law m] the bLr-l.aw
rea~ng. - Carried.
ORDERED on q~e motion c.f Ale. k.'orten .and ?&it~ th :t Rule y, (?) of hi,e.
%tanding Rules of Council be te"~[orarily sun[ended ~.nd the by-l!n, be S'!.vqn the
second reading. - Carr~ ed.
The City tC~nag:,r desired Council' s cor.~n, ent9 r~g~rdinS the t,os':ibility o?
meetin6 on Friday evening, January 14tb to consider th,~ Area Flan.
ORDERED on t, be motion of AId. McKinley and l:orton that Cound l meet on
~$ednesday, January 26th, co.~,~encin~ ~t 7.30 p...~. ~o discuss ".b~ Area r]a-u
(AId. Mowers-contrary).
7, S:.~ ,
Council Chamber,
lOth Janu,~ry, 1955.
?!e Conference Cou~tte,; of tile C[ty Council assembled at the close of
~be r SuIa:' C.:'mcil Red Fin~qc~ 1.:~!etings on Mondsy~ lOth Jantnry~ 1955 for 563
i;u.~se of c~r. sidering v~rious ire ns !resar;teJ to them. ill me~be-'s o~ th~ gem-
:'it~ce ~.ere tr~q~nt~ ~,i~b the exceed!on of Ald. ~na]d. His 'Jorsh].p~ Mailer Hawkins~
l,r-sided ~s Chatre:an.
After consideration of the items placed before them, the Committee adjourned on the
mat] o~ of Al~. i~it~ an'] 1,tartin.
R~:AD 'CD ,IDOF?ZD, 17t~ Janu~mJ, 1955.
~. Mabthe'.rs a:lvise] that be >.as a.r.c~at'~rlg ,', ~eb%l r a'
Service Oil Co. ltd. ~n cormnotion ~th thei~ pece;i a[.~lic~l,?
petit to construct a service station ~% the corn,,r c' T:ain &n,l ~ 7
outlined what had tra~spirr. d ~f,h r.lfn'enc,~ to th,~ :~!11ic'nLiu'~ fur' ~ Lull, lied
permit a~a pePe-~.e8 to the tel;oPt of tho Sit.X ::-~n.-~gee ~h] e~ r~co~nmj.:~l
gr2nting 8f such penrj. t and after ,l,~otlng 3j;~i l%r Court. cases an.1
banded dox~ at that time, requested that Councl] consider th,~ EP~DL~q~
permit to the C!ties 3er~ce Oil Co. as originally r,~quested, ro~ntinS out
he was not Dot did not intend to contest ff~e by-law which i~ !m~sep~ly before the
~tariO Municipal ~aFd for approva!~ an,j stressed the. fan~ that ~L~
l~w should not in any way a~fect the ~pr.licablon r,r b[.~ cli2n~.
Fol]o~4n3 a discussion. !.it. T<atth,,~ws suggested Coup'ill ;n]Zlfi~ t','fer the
matter be the City Solicitor FoP an oti~on ~ tc whether oP not uridep these
circumstances the De~t sboutd be gPant~-'d. ~8 rr,vok,=d Further di~scus~ion~
Follo~ng which i% was moved 1~ AId. Howers, seconde{] bz Ald. ].icK2i qlay hh%+. the
~atteP be ~efepPed to the City Sol lcitoP as ~P. I.~tfbm¢s .4uggnsbed. 'Dds motion
woe defeated, the vote ~ing - Aye - lld. Mowers and lfcl(~nley; 7:aye - ll~l.:'~it.r~,
f,for~on and MArtin.
Clerk "' "' '~ .....
Laid over From pre___~jo_Us meetinKn;
No. 3 - NiaKara Falls Futlic Ltbra~! Board - presentation or ~:icf ;;' ccnnecLicr,
with request for an addition to the main Library ~n 1955. ORDZR~ cln the motion
of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley that the commuhication and brie? be received and
Filed and the request gramted, and the necessary by-law in
be prepared.
No, 241 (1954 File) - Township of WillouKhby -
No, 289 (1954 File) - Township of Willoughby - requesting water suMly For
residential development. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, White and Y.~we~s that the
communications be ag~ip tabled until Council have had the opportunity of perusing
the' report of the City Manager in connection with this subject,
SEE Re~ort ,r¢o. 4'
7;. ~ - 2~11 T21,5;}z:.e 7a. - skeFch of/roI, osed location of outdoor pubic
trd~hone ~th. F~llo~dng a v~rha] i~por% ~pesen~d by AId. 14artin~ Chai~an of
",~ 7i'ic ~lldin '~ ~-:~Cttae~ r~com',ending that the both ~ [laced on the
DI 2 .~i Le corner to the nqe suggested, pro~dip~ ~n~ssion is obt~ned fpor2 the
TT.Z.?,. it was ordered on the motion of Aid. [~rt!n add W~ite that, the verbal retort
of U,~ Civic ~'2~ings C,''~:=[tte'~ ~e re, ce!v;=d a~d ~d6pted~ a~d the booth be located
on ~?,.~ ;~ubh-e=:t corner of lupen and Erie, subject to the approval of the I<.C.R.
Y,'~, ]q - '-;. L. ' ~n!' V.F. Ack. lett~-r re Trq les ~nd Labant ablea!s. 0RDE'vjD on
'~, ..... ' "" -nd +h~~ th,~ cemv:.unic~ticn ~ received ,lnd Filed.
. ,',,j.,+ tl r.~% ~r"~~. ?,orion .
., .t V.LF.C. nf Ontario ~nclosin,2 paTxept of grant re Sir Adam Beck. ~LD. No.2.
~.~ . ~ ~. ~nl i:icx.f.~rs that th~ co,rxxunic~tion he r.:ceived
~q.] f[]~I.
.c..~ Town-b t;, of C:-Dvlpn: r,~'~olution r.~ 3.~en&cenLs to .hbe Unem[loTaent Insur-
'-' O'T"~D ~n th.~ 7~t~.-,r, ~f ~.t .... "Site and Forten that the resolution Be
";. V _ P>ch-Cr}l:eus %eLf - pque~t!ng 2r~nt. CZ3EZ~D o~: the motion of ADd.!'~¢ite
., .~ ~ '~ cT, v:p,un~cqt~on be received and re~er-eJ to ~, ~xdSet Co~t~ee.
.'~. r - :.!'- .... ~. - re'p,"s*im~C sl,],i~Drt re Y.Z:.7.A. Week. C.?j]ERI'D on the ,notion of
.'dJ. "crton and f<owePs that the co~,unlcation be received and ~ proclamation issued
"' '~ - 23il.;v.- Assac~q~ .~ ~" C%nada - ~ayliEb+. qi~ving T~ne, 19~5, ORDERED on
thp ,F~tion uf "' '~Ft~ ari '.[owers that the communication be r~ceived and Daylight
C:pfin~ Ti,ae ~do}t~d ~s Ccnt,~l~d ['~ ~,be cc~:rlnic%ti~n.
'b. ]9 - F[:f~r 3~]]'. Li'r!ib!d - r~iumrt-Tng installer], n of Burglar alarm box. O~DERED
on ~}].; 'c~lDn o~ t!.'. Z'crton ~nd..ti%rtin that th~ conn]unication he received amd the
r,~iu~t focwarde,~ to tlnq Fol]ce Ccm'd, ssion with a recommen~htioq For fsvourab!e
c':'nsil]":'~'fon if f,~ciljties a~e available.
o~ R~or~ No.5.
.... - leard ~,C FMucaticn. Chaipm~n - ai~[reciatfon for co~ratulations. O~;~D on
the motien o~ Ald. Xowers and Z3cK[hley th~ this communication be read although not
listed on the agenda. O~DE'~ cn th~ motion of Md. Xowers and l.~rtin that the com-
m'zric~qon ~ Pec'-dved and fil,~d.
f'i ]ed.
7 '?n 7" '? ~ 'n ' ' . t Z .'. n
d '!k]'. :] -~' 'L 'l-" "'
~,e fo]]o;~in/~ ReSu]uf! D."S ~,rei"'~ i atse'~;
t ,. Col ci] ,tdjol!r'n,d to the F~n%nce *:eeting on t.b,~ mot]on a~ ,~l,']. Tt::,r'tor: n .C t,l!.
READ A:TD ADCFTED, 24t. h Janvary, 3955.
No. 2 - City !':ana~er - recom~f,qnding location of outdoor public telephone Co. as sub-
~tted ~n com~unicaLion no. 8, be appmved. ORDE~D on the motion of ~d. Martin
and ~',~d Le Lh~L the report ~ received and filed.
~e follo~nK Re~rts were presented;
No. 4 _ City ~naRer - detailed re~rt on e~etin~ facilities av~lable at Niagara
Falls Filtration Plant. ORDE~ on the moeion of kld. ~ite a'n5 Mowers that the
tempt ~ received and laid on the table for two weeks for the perusal of Council.
Counc[1 Chamber,
17th Ja-nu,qry,1955.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 17th JanuarT, 1955 fnr the
purpose of apl,rovin2 and also t~sslng the various acerunts whJ cll had Ixv~n pcoper]y
.rt' fL~,l and l-laced before fhem. All members of the Consnittee v~..re .bresent~ with
~he ~>ce!ti°n ~ A18. ~n~ld ~n8 A]d. ~rooks. AId. F~rtin, Chairm,~n of the
Fin,~nce Committee, presided.
3und~ Accounts in the ~ounL of ~31,33g.~4 were approved by the Com-
~ tree.
?.~ Accounts su~r~tt~d, being passed o~ othersrise dealt ~t}~,
o~de-.d ll~ceC !~ U~e money ~y-law fop p~esentat~on to the Council on t~e motion of
AlL ]'aw.~r=~ ~n~ May~r
~e ~ity >T~n~e~'~ ~e~t on th~TM application ~f Fower C~ty IToto~s ~o~
!.rr~+ ~o m0~e ~ neon sign ~ron~ 07~ Ur~ghf~n Aven-~ to 737 Victo~L? ~{venue
~-, s.nt~d f~r ~,,nsic].~aH. on. C~DT~ZD or. t~ motion of ild. Mowers and Xo~ton that
~h= ~c-]~rt be r~c~iw~d ~nd aao!'b=d and the ~rrd] be issued.
~' rage~'~ ren.o~t on the application oC N. M. 5aueF, 1771
: . :fit to a]t~r the stnre front at tbst address, at ~.n
Vi-~'oPi~ .%venuf PoP a ~r'~ OPDE~ED tho ::orion
' *~ ~Sn ,.~s tr,~sent~d for co~sidep~tior. on
c~s*~m~l-'~ ca~t o~-.~,~ '. p and the
~ AId. ]~cKin!ey m=l i;~yor ?{awki~,s ~hat the report ~ peceiv~d and ado
~ ~.~., ]l%:]a--~ss r~,c~f, o~ the ~pflic~tion of XPs. H. Brown E~P a
?trait to peruode], her motel located on ~ts 9 ~d 9, '~st side of ~ver
~ehw~ep ~'ie~n ~t. and }{uro~ T%. at a~ ~ztic.~ted co~t o~ l~9,OnO. ~.ms '2Pesente.:l FoP
?cn{~4,.v'aLiY;. C~DX~ o- fhe motion of AId. '~nU ~ ,~n,2 Mc;C4nl~l' tLab the r~t opf
r~., "et a:~d a:Icl te,]~ ~nd the -,.er:lit I e
?~ gi%t t<~nag,:r's pc?oPt on the &pplieation o~ ';alkeP Drug Oomp~n~
Cot 3n addition to the e~stipS bui!d~ng &t the oorneP or Pa]~.cr ~nd Vietcri~ Aven~b.
~ an E=ti~at31 ccst of ~2~0~0.99 was i.,Pesent~d fop ednsideP~ion. OP~S~ on
n,ot~,Dn o~ AId. ].[oPt-n and Hnwers th~% ~he ~lePt be received and adopted and the
l~r~t te issu-d.
A sor;~r'~iastlon Prom R~lph Bi&mon~e penuesting approval o~ his
or as-treaSons ~t Oake~ FaPk~ ~th a reduction or b~e renb&l ~Pom ~175- % ~125.
and suSgestin~ ~s ~n glternabi~e~ ~ lO-7eaP !e~se ~or the ~aPking lot at fhe re&P
+.'-r. Holly.'o0d ~eltpe~ in exchanEe ~or a E-~e~P l~.se &t O~kes Papk~ o~ ~ Tree
rental b&si% war [resented fop consider&rio% a!or~ vdbh · pepoPt of tee
V~2age~, GRDERZ~ cn the motfop oU ~!d. '~fte and MeK[nle7 that the eoi~munie~tion
b~ reee:v~.d ~c! riled tnd t.he ~ity 1.1anageP~s pepoPt ~ pegrived and ~dopted
re~,~r..nce tr tb,~ concession at O~](es T~rk fop the 1955 season CoP the sum oU ~125.
At this foi~t~ ~d. Mowers re~erPed to the I,~rki~ lot At the south
end of the 7itv :~nd w&s of the o/in]on that th,~ O!ty I,~nageP should investigate
%nd shb~t ~ lClsn to gounoil Of the entire 1era at that loe~tion to be used ~or
l~rkinE ~cilibies~ including the house and lo~ Peoently pupoh~sed from the To~sh~l
of St~n~oPd~ in order that consideration m~ght be given to ear17 gP0dtng &rid t,Poper
m~ntenxnee o~ ~ ]ripking are~.
AId. N~rtin ~ferred to the ~ation ~ieh the git~ Y~n~ger intends to
+Ak'b nam-lT~ the Qllling ro~ tenders fop the ~mov~l o~ the house on the !o~ Pecen~'
Turch~sea f~m Styford.
OF~2D on tbe motien of ~d. Mowers &rid }leKinle7 ~b~t the Of by
present ~ de~ailed Pearl on the p~Pking &Pea fn the ~4efnft~ of the Township
Psioft to eontaiP details on those lots whether le&sed oP
The Committee arose and relorted to Council on the motion of Mayor ttawkin8 and AId.
C:'vncil ']?.' :}
' 7' ' j ' ' ; ' 717.
by ~he Co,a'! ~,='e. &!l r!e~b~?.~ ,~ Ci',n~-"]. '."> i" ~'r!~ :"~':: L!
Do~al< and ~]I]. ~r~oks.
Th.__9 %llowinZ Ey-law w'~s ~:~ xs,{]:
No. ~201 - To . ro~,ide nonLee for S<:n,:r'a] i,:rl c =, '-
ORDZ:-IED on the ;~ot ~en oC Al!, '.Zsw~!'::~ ,"' 7la. rt/n '} '~ Rule '/
th~ St.~ndi~ Rul..~ of C~unc~l ~. ~etrl~'~t]y s',p i~,=:=,i-~1%':1 I.}., l~-la,~ l.~ p. ~-~
sectrod time. - C.sPP~
?n] rd Reading - AId. LiDri.oD and McKin].~y - C. rrie ].
Aid. Mowers ref~rr,"d to the suggestions :.r
1951~ Tour of Inst~pction r,,gardb~g tb~e ~4dening ~C v'ic*,,r~ ~ven~ fpo=n ~rijjc
S:.reob north ar, d was of the ~pir~on that the ~re~-nt
~rrants Council's consideratic~ '~F this ,,fork, t~, al]~v!~h~ this s~n'd,fon and
w~s also of the opinion that Council ndght apf.roacb t.~ ,~ 3.".%. reZzr, ilng '.he
rebuilding of fhe bridge over Victoria %venue. He str~:s-,,] ! is l~=~ ~',~ ~or
action on these mafters.
His Worshil, the Nayor re=luesL~d the Cit~. Tb. naS.,r to comr,ur,],mte wit}.
the ~sneral Nanager, Central Regioh, C.~.R. concennin5 th'_~ subjcc~.
Reference was ~lso mad{~ to ~ssible consul~.ttior,
Ch~r of Cormhence in orde~ to have representations made to the C.~!.]~.
The Council s/tjo, trned on the motion of Ald. Wb~ to. ~nd ~7,1. Uort.~.b
READ AND ADOFTSD, 24th January, 1955.
RZAD.A~'~) ADOFTED, 24th January, 1955.
~ ~F~ayor
Co!me il Chamber,
?' th January, 1955o
........ e~t 3ramell me+` at 7.30 l'.m. on Monday, 2Ath.
F-,,r~',:~rt !o %d ~ eno,-,.! }-uq~ness nrd Cir:~r, ce. All
for L'~? !url9'.:c of c,3nsider[DS g . ·
~ , ,;~ +, ~ ~-.-z,~:~ ~n ~f AId. Donald. ~,e uouDcll~
CO: :4j ','I C A ?I q :r~
= %l:c,i~S 7c,:.u;,~c~t%,m~ w=.re :lr<sented;
...... ri.~.sl~, o~ .'a-~ - furtb~' t,. vro',D,and Townat_,! r.sol tm?n co:-
v.' ,c.'~:+':~ 5''; $'*y :l.u'k ~scePtaSn U~,~ r,a'aes o? *,-see a**s~ag tc atten8
-- -~- ]pod :cads A~'~3ciatlom- suTges*inJ mem]er~ii~, It was moved by
2"' ~nJ ~d ?rcqk:' '}:at +',e co?,.m:n~c3*io'~ bc received and fi"ed.
-,:~i:,' .,":': ]oat. A~ amendmy~% ~Y ~]~. ::cKinley ~nd t!ort,~n tha~ th~ comjm~nic~ti?n
~ r' 3.l','e~ l:]d r=r~rred ~c ~}'e ?u~g~t C,~vu'ittee for pro~er atteutlon~ was c~rr!r.d;
"2'~,~v ::often, I.', tin~ ~iowersj Nave - Ale. Brooks
t~ 'xt ~tr'L - Aye - ,'ld.. Ju . , ,~r
~Zc. ~l+- C~=d~an C,~u.nc[! o~ ]hricti;ms ~nd je~s - rr.que':ting pr~cl~nation re
..... '~ -'" ' '~Z"~T~ ~ '~e .... ' ' ~ &]:l. ~:cTM 13y and Brook~ that %i-e co~r-
::~c ,' ',, ', I .: rc c, ! ve~ ~m~ filet 'rod ' L,: i reelre:ration !,ublish:ed.
'k. 2: - ~.:r'~ Fa]!- Ki]t!e Brass ~nd - re'iuefimg grant. OZD:E~]D on
:f '~ L ::,r~.)m ~,~ =rock' ~%~ ~, comx,m~c;~t[on '~ r--ceived aud re'errs,:] t> th,:
~:. ~/ ~-~',~ ':~-~,~ Co';.u"tv ]h,'s~, - '-~u~-tins grant. C2DEX~ on ~he mctic~
: ~ '~ ~ ::,S 'erf 'rod :~ U ]* ~b," compunicakL,)n b~ rece~v~rl and l-eCer",'~d
=' "" ,'it ,~
% '~" L ',~e of CanaC~ - r,bluestin5 i,rocl~m~tion ~e N~:tionq
-r, U: ~{:.',n e~ %~d. :?.t. k9 3,7t ~:cKinlr-y ,the'. {.~,~ co:mmlnication 'o.~
'::. 23 - ::i; 5re Fal'z :i-/ic Z~l l!ees' Federal Unio% Local 133 - ai'~recj '~ion
%r Y-i_~!:nas Fnrt[es %>~' ~du].~s ar:d chllJ~en. ~D~ED on the motion of Aldjlorto~
at..: ?r,o>~ tb~.t tk.~ c-m~mn~ ~ati.~r. ~ rectived ~.na file~.
L':. -c _ Li',Aara Falls District Trades and Labor C~uncil - re2uestlng replacement
of Y%'ar Fsrk playground. CRDE?ZD on the motion of ~l~. I.~rtin ~d EcKin!ey
". ~:: 'm'ca+]-.~ ~.~ ~,'c~ffv.'~ ~d ~ eo'.y o~ ~b~ ~erT..~ +uling ~.d~h this subject
?'o. 30 - NiaKara Falls Se[.arate School Poard - invitation to Official Opening of
n~.w 3t. Ann' s 3cbool, Februa~ 16th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and
l'~r~in that tb: comnunic~tlon be received and the invitation accepted and as many
members of Council whc find it possible attend.
No. 31 - Stratford City Clerk - resolution to amend Workmen's Compensation Act.
ORDZP~D on the motion of Ald. '~te and Brooks tha~ the communication be received
amd the resolution be endorsed.
Fes--1 F.:o~ s
The fcll~",~i~:~{ Rc'3cl:ffions y+ere !as~e:!i
~Ye. 2g - iCcK!'~'Yf - XA~Ti'! - ?:Z~I,'CD thai
His "/orsh[i; th,, Mayor n,n] Men,.be, rs oF Co,.u~c'l
Mr. Da~_d Megbathe a valued em~!oyee of tl~r
ponstion be bareto a~x, d.
- Aid. T!ow,'rs leer. th.:: ."f~nl; -
The following Py-law was presented;
an addition to the m~-in Library o~ th~ vla,arr Fails iu;,]~ ,: Library
ORD'gR'BD on the laotion of A3. rt. t,lcKinley %n,'l Morton *b
granted the y-ivilege of introduci~ the by-la'~ and the by-l~.w be Slv'u, 'be first
reading. - Carried.
- :.!d. Lfowers returned to the ~,'etiug -
CRDERZD 9~ tie motion o? AIJ. Pnosks ~nd 7.hrtin that Rule 36 (2)
of tI e Trending Rql~s of Council be temporarily !~us~ended ~n~J hbe by-]aw b,~ ~div~n
Hi:: ",b~;;hip :'kyo~ Hawkin~ distributed thq Potins }s.uae:] by the
,/,mr -m C~ , l-,:r ~-~ C~w. erce ~:-. connection ~th thei-"Young
at'; r-iu te~ ~o,:~cll ~c give con~ide'a+i
'Pc Counc'_! ~dj J'rneP' to +- - Yinnnce Meeting on the motion of A]?. ]%ov'cp-~ '~:d i!or~
'It'.. ~:o~ers.
Council Chamber,
24th January,19~5.
The Finance Meetin- was held on wonda 24t}1 January, 1955 for the
.urt cse of ~p}:rmdng and also pas:ing ~h~ various accounts which he, 1 been properly
certirietl ~nd i,]~ceC be~r.e the:n. ~I members of the Committee were present, ~th
the exceptioq of ~d. ~nsld. Ald. I'hrtin, Chairman of the Finance Co~nittee,
Courtties. 3,md~ .%coonines in t}:.~ ,~eunt of $137,47L05 were apl,roved by the
~,e Acemints subn~itted, ~ing Fassed or othemdse dealt ~th, were
ordered !bced in the money by-law for presentation ~o the Cramoil on the motion
of [~yor Hawkins ~nd k]d. ~ite.
~e City 1.Zanager's report on the application of Stein add Zuker for a
buU '?in,j ten~ ? t to make alL~raf, in~s fo +,~e ~-~ r.,-,~ ~. r~ %;,= _ ~, ,{: , . ,
" ; .,,? :. u~J ...... ~ on L}r,~ ::,or. ion of ~d. Howors and '~i~ that the
report. be received and adopted and the per~[ be issued.
-Ald. Brooks returned to the Meeting -
The City ~anager's report on the application of Allan Smith, Realtor,
365 ~ueen Street for permission to erect a metal sign on the Ontario Avenue side of
the B~nk off Montreal buildin~ was presented [or consideration. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Mowers and F~yor Hawkins that the report be received and adopted and
the permit he issued.
CnU'TCIL t.-:.T'Ti']q
,u c~l 7],a~ber
~"' ;-n.., y,1755
The Cot,,r;cil re-asternkled at the close oC tl,,~ r. Ln]a,- 3nu',,~'l ard Ftna,~ce
Meetings for the i,uri,oFe of pass[ng the by-law which :'o~'nnc,' tb. ,c,'c,,,' +.s %I !:roved
by the Cotamities. ii~ me,nber~ <,~ Council w q-~, ~ roe ~ ,-: u 4 ~ ' i on ,,F A] d.
Donald and Ald. Broo~s.
B'~- l 'j:
The foliowinE By-law was passed;
"o 5203 To provide monies for ~eneral i,url{ses.
ORDEItED on the motion of AId. i.iower~= and l~ite t]',;=~ AId. Marl,i,a bo
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law ~nd th~ ly-law ~: .Jl,/.'rl the first
reading. - Carried.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and ::o-ton that R,fie ~6 (2) of
the Standing Rul/~s of Council be temporarily :~srer:,],d and the ~y_nm,. be given
the second reading. - Carried.
Third Reading - AId. Morton and White - Carried.
was a .-n:Zl',
," n , ~;ard~ vh'c
With r/~fer,,n~,~ 53
lnd l~t~,t-/ [arlou, n: wo.,1,t '
y.~eo~<',~d ~5' AId. T:orLop
:{csi deqtial-2; +,his ,notion wo, 2
;'~',ib~ in fAv"uG l.hyor Hawkins
The follc!,ffi:~K Reso!utj_~n9 were
........ '~RCOKS . RESCT,'r'~D that th,. Smith P~o:~. C,,nstr,.ietjon
north of Lea.der ~m- ,~ Victorla Azenue b~ lnc?{ ;~' !:'~dm~trial-I]
and the Seal o~ t}:~ Corporat~on be l'.,re~o a~ixed.
%. 29 - i':cl[I~V~ , t'D',~llg - agzOLVEn that the area abuttin,J U~e north side of
Huron Street from CliOton Avenue to ~ver Road be/,laced in Cornre-,re[el-I]
t,he Seal of the Cort~ratinn be her, Lo a~Cjxed.
Ca rri ed
o 30 - 1,~RTIN - MOR~J _ R~S?L~D that the horUs-east side of
Ellen Avenue to D~.ds Aven.~ and the island at. the i'~tnrsecl'.i.
%nd Centre Street ~ 7 ...... ~: ........ ·--
', t . ;,"flx~,d. "1 " ' ': - -~ ', 7-.. ,:':.f,i,,, 1.,~
No. 21 - aRTI'] - NO~RS - RESO/JaD tha~ [he area l,lan of th,~
as now aended~ be subttted to the Greater Niagara Area Flannin;,
Seal of the Cor~ration be her-to allied. ~ '
(~iyor Hawkins, Aldermen Mowers, McKinley, Fartin ~nd k~i ~ in favour)
(Aldermen Brooks and Morton-opposed).
? .~ 7o:r cj] add~u~r'*d 'r' ~F,! l~+j. it: cf AId. H~rtin :,,:4 AId. ",3>;ecs.
· - t--:_/_,,,2 ~yor.
th~ fact ~hat 'O',en u ,. ~ 'i ~ to t~ !~1,] c,q *~ ''
neeLion k4t. L the n-,.~ Tt,:~ H~ql h;tTdin,Z~ .tb x.,:].] [e ir'D,~s.,jk]_,. P~,p ';c,;" .'1~ ~-,
tmcm't the
p j nvU,ation,
No. 2Z~ - Boy Scouts A'~socitt~on - re]u::stjn5 advicn ~ Lc Co'reeL? 's decisjen in
7.1oftre, and R~oks that t}'e co.~nu~Z, cn&ion k,e r~c'ived 'm,~ *,he '-niber b~ ~d'As ~d
bhat th~s matter wi]7 he Zi'..en conMaer~,tj~n b2 t,h,~ BudEft; .3,,-j,.it.',c. nr ur:l t'ie
end of Fel..ru'iry,
?:o. 25 - 'Iia.?,ara Falls Hortjculh~ral Soci,;f,y . req,,,stl,,j incr.~aae in anpu.~! gr,~nt.
ORD2~ED on the mobion cf ~lrl. Brooks and 7'orto., that fi. ke co,~uni~bLon ~,,,
' , Pqcoived
anti PeFeP~Q,'] tc the ~dZet Co~u~ttee Fop considetatioq.
rio. 76 - Greater N'iaKara Charabet of Cor~merce - req,!;stinzj dr%nt %i: In,:b.:sbrial
Commitf. ee. O~ERED on the motion of AId. Howers nqd Kor~on that lbe comm'rdcaL~on
he rec~-re4 and r'~ferre~ ~o ~".. ~lld~et Corrf~fte? f~,r ~q~b,p~,)n.
,%0. 27 - NiaF, ara Fal]s and SuburMn Area FlanoinE r~ard - rPqu!~.;tin,j ZranL for
19ff5, O~E'.?ED on the motion of AId, Morton and 1%lffte t.ba~ the cornmind .m~'iun be
received and referred to the Bu~et Cornpit. tee For conside~abion.
No. P~ , Local Hydro Commission - requesting resolution in connection ~{i~,h
Commissfoners' salaries being exempb from Income Tax. ORDERED on bhe motion of
AId. McKinley and Mowers that, the communication be receive,] and Filed and a by-law
be prepared.
SEZ By-law No. ~20~
';'." Be]] ~,~ ....... %%. ,-r r~q=% .... : '.'tirE ;erriqsZe~ to
.- - -~ . - ..... ~
sri Rob!nscn Street·
"., ~ ~ '1 ?.'l.:~ov- C , z? ?'.2~2~ - -e u~"4:~, .--:":_' ~$i~'q to r~llace ~le on
i' '. ?'cEi-:]~y ~d %}4 +e '), =+ ~'. co~,..+lP~ Jail ,'ns bc received ,:,d
..... :' ;~' T!Y-laws :v,~,r~ fassed;
t':. 520~ _ ' L._la., Lo/rov~,;~- °or ex~eri.~e~ inciden~ ~.o the discbarpe of the duties
' . . ~on, s ~f f',e City qf r~5.,~gara Falls.
C2DZ~ED on [he ;"o'ion of AId. i. Zowe~s an4 ,.:orion that Ald. tic~nley be
Sr~nte,] the kri~lege of introduci~ the by-law ad the by-law be ~iven the first
n~ - Cqrried.
O?DE2%D ~n t},e motion of A].d. Lowers and LTorten that Rule 36 (2) of the
St '~.U ug Rules of Councl] be t.mi~rarily susoended and the by-law be given the
s.mond rea~nZ. _ Car,ied.
ihlr,: 2cadtnj _A]d. ::c~ton and :':cK!nley _ Carried.
No~. 520_5 - To ;-rovide rot ~emission to ?ae B~il Telephone Co. of Canada to replace
one tole fcur fee. t west cf pre3ent location on Mc~e 3tredt and placing
unde~'J~umd cable ~nd bo place buried cable on Kdbiuson Street.
ORDERED on the motio~ of Ald. !'~owers .rid Morton that Ald. McKinley be
grant,ed the ~rtvjlege of intotinting the by_law and the ~v-law be given the first
reaJi E. - Carried. -
? 'n"'L ~ '
Y~%D A'D %DOF~'%D~ 7LI. 7ch,.ua~;, ~q-c
3]-!";, J-,nu:try, 1955.
The Finance I.;~eting was held on I.:ondV, 3].st. January, 1955 re' the
purr~se of apIroving and also passing the various accnunts which ~,~ her..~ Froperly
certified and placed before them. All laembers of the Co,~Mttee w,-.re pr~mcnb, with
the exception oF Ald. Donald. Aid. Martin, Chsdz~nan o~ the Finance Com'tittee,
Zun,']ry Acesirate ~,n the mount or 10 we-e &pl~'ove'i by the
~c,ym.'ltq s,'iyitt>d, teing pas:;ed or othemdse deal* wtth, we--e
the Kqey Ly-]¥' %r Ir.-~sentatLon to the CcFnc]l c.n the not~c,n
7.~ City !;=~aSer'; r~_lorf in c,>-,'-cctio~ 'f.t}: ~ request tc move ,
bfL'ln~ "re' Urrl,~ S~m" ::o+ ~l~ Lu,'dy's L~ne, Zo~hiI of Tt~fford, to ~t
Cr, t~r[o .%'~n:c .vd r~cc~'~end~,d t}',~t the rP!ue';t be reported to the rrol'erty
T.~..-~'.'-.e :,!It low-c to nct~ w~s/resented Cot considerati>n. CRD~ED ~n t':e
:..~t~:,n s" 'i's l/or',h'y ~hn ;.~vor ~md ~ld. rowars th,t the retort be recaive~ and
' ' ' .... · .... .It. oil c'm th~ :'orion of A]]. .Uower? a~d
':c K-'. ? ~y.
Clerk ,
?lu:" ' ' ......
· ~..:~
3hairln~ of Fin-~nce
Council Chaaher,
3!st January, 19~L
The 3ounY
~1 r~-~ssembled af the close o~ the re~lar Council and
~na,,ce Xe..ti~s ~or the putJose c~ ~ssfn~ the by-law which covered the accounts
~L'r°ved }V: t},~ ~a"ittm-. ~I m.'mt~rs or Council were pr,~s~nt~ ~dth th- excel.tien
oF AI4. Donald.
~ ,e following By-law was passed;
OFtDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Martin that Ald. -Martin be
Er%nt.,, the lri~lege of i~troduc~nE the by-law an~ the by-law be given the first
r~dirg. _ C~rried. .
O~ERED oD the motion of AId. F~rtin and !~or~n that Rule 36 (2) of the
St.ndi~ Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the ~-law he given the
second rea~ng. _ Carried.
~rd Re~d~ng . ~d. Z~rton and Mo~rs _ Carried.
7}Fo Conference Co,,~ii+,ee oe t~ C".f-,~ ?-,u~c',?
~ bh~ regu!~r 3ounc~l and ~ina, ce :.:,r. ti~.~: ,' :' '% , ?.lf.. J,.. :.- -. , ~?~" *---. "-
furpose of ccnsiderirj v',r!,;us ih:r';~ · r',~cn~.'i to the;a. :d] +;or ' ":. 3.~.-
,[ .~ittee were i,rese-ff~ blKh th~ eyc'el ti..,r; of AId.
4 Pnwklns, 1-r-'s[ ]eP a-; C}
READ AND AD^FTED, Vt.h Yebrugr-b ~qr5
Council Chamber,
7th February, 1955.
No. 37 - Niagara Frontier Humane Society - requesting increase in grant for
1955. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Mowers that the communication
be received and referred to the Budget Committee for consideration.
No. 38 - Collegiate-Vocational Institute - re All Ontario Basketball Tournament
and possibility of holding some of the games in Memorial Arena. O!{DEPSD on the
motion of Ald. Martin and Mowers that the communication be received and referred
to the Arena Committee for submission of a report at the nex~t meeting of Council.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 7th
February, 1955, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All
members of Council were present, with the exception of AId. Donald and AId. White.
The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted
these on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin.
A delegation was present at the meeting from the Canadian National
Institute for the Blind, and on the ~otion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley it was
ordered that they be heard. Mr. Edwin Parker introduced the Ontario Supervisor
of Field Services and also the Field Secretary of Welland, Lincoln and Haldimand
Counties to Council and Mr. Sparks, the Ontario Supervisor of Field Services
He outlined the necessity of constructing 28 additional rooms at
Linwell Hall this year, due to the large waiting List of those blind needing this
type of accommodation and advised that the estimated cost of such an addition
would amount to $150,000. furnished, and that appeals were being made to city and
county councils for grants on the basis of $100.00 per blind person resident in
their respective areas; the grant from the City of Niagara Falls would therefore
total $1,700.00 which could be contributed over a two-year period if the City
were financially unable to do so in one year.
His Worship Mayor Hawkins thanked Mr. Sparks for his able presenta-
tion and assured the delegation that their request would be given every consider-
ation by the Budget Committee.
SEE Communication No. 30.
L~id over from the previous meeting;
No. 30 - Canadian National Institute for the BLind - requesting a grant from the
City of Niagara Falls towards the construction of an addition to Linwell Hall.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Mowers that the request be received and
referred to the Budget Committee for consideration.
Th_~e foliowinE Communications were presented;
No. 33 - Ontario School Trustees' and Ratepayers, Association - Membership and
attendance at Conventionl ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks that
the conmmnication be received and filed and no action be taken.
No. 3A - Lions Club, Carnival Committee _ requesting permission to hold a Carnival,
Bridge Street Athletic Grounds, July 13th, l~th and 15th.
No. 35 - Army, Navy and Airforce Veterans . requesting permission to hold a
Carnival at Poplar Park, May 16th to 21st inclusive= ORD'~..~RED on the motion of AId.
Brooks and Martin that the co~mnAnication be received and tabled for one week and the
City Manager be requested to submit a report on this matter.
No. 36 - Jehovah'8 Witnesses , requesting permission. to erect a banner ac~ss
Victoria Avenue at Epworth Place. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and
Brooks that the com~uhication be received and filed and Permission granted under
the supervision of the City Manager.
The following Reports weF_e' presented;.
No. 13 - Ci__ty_Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDER~ED on the motion
of AId. Mowers and McKinley that the report be received and adopted and licences
issued accordingly.
No. 1~ - ~ Clerk - re applications for Hawker and Pedlar Licences. ORDERED
on the motion of AId. Brooks and Morton that the report be received and riled and
the licenoes be not granted.
Th__e following Resolutions were passed;
No. 33 - MORTON - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that WHEREAS complaints are received from
time to time that the heating ~ n rented accommodation is inadequate and a menace
to health; AND WHEREAS there is presently no authority in the Provincial Statutes
~hereby municipal councils aould pass by-laws to control or regulate such matter;
AND WHEREAS it is deemed advisable that such authority be provided for the pro-
tection of the public at large; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Govern-
ment of the Province of Ontario be requested to amend the Statutes ao as to vest
authority in municipal councils to require, regulate and control heating facilities
in and the supply of heat to, buildings in human occupancy and public conveyances;
and copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Premier of Ontario, the Local
Member of the Provincial Legislature and the Ontario Municipal Association; and
the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. 3~ - MARTIN - MOk~ERS - ~SOLVED that the City Manager and the Medical Officer
of Health be requested to submit a detailed report on the possibility of imple-
menting fluoridation of water in Niagara Falls; and the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed.
. Carried
No. 3~ - MCKINLEY . MOWERS . RESOLVED that a message of congratulations on behalf
of His Worship the Mayor, Members of Council and citizens at large, be forwarded
to Mr. James M. Cowan, N.B.E., M.M., former Alderman of the City of Niagara
Falls, upon completion of forty years as Editor of the Evening Review; and the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
His Worship the Mayor offered congratulations to Ald. McKinley upon the
occasion of the birth of his eighth grandchild. Ald. McKinley expressed his
appreciation for the same.
The City Clerk, in accordance with The Municipal Act, presented the
Blanket Position Bond which covers the officials of the City of Niagara Falls
and desired to know Council's wishes in connection with the same.
No. 36 - BROO~S - MORTON - RESOLVED that in accordance with The ~nicipal Act,
the City Clerk be instructed to deposit the Blanket Position Bond covering
officials of the City of Niagara Falls, with the Crown Attorney of the County of
Welland, in the usual manner; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
The Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and
Ald. Martin.
READ AND ADOPTED, 14th February, 1955.
Council Chamber,
7th February, 1955.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 7th February, 1955 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present, with
the exception of AId. Donald and Ald. White. Ald. Martin, Chairman of Finance,
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $53,263.30 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion
of AId. McKinley and Mowers.
The City Treasurer's Summary of Taxes in Arrears, December 31st,195~,
was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley
that the Statement be received and given the usual publicity and filed.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Morton.
READ AND ADOPTED, R4th February, 1955.
,L ' ·
Chairman of Finance
Council Chamber,
7th February, 1955.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Committee. All members of Council were present, with the exception of Ald.
Donald and Ald. White.
The following By-law was passed;
No. ~207 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and P~rtin that Ald. Martin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and McKinley that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried.
Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and Morton - Carried.
The Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers.
READ AND ADOPTED, 14th February, 1955.
Board Room,
7th February, 1955.
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of
the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, 7th February, 1955 for the
purpose of considering various items presented to them. All members of the Com-
mittee were present, with the exception of Ald. Donald and White. His Worship,
Mayor Halns, presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items placed before them, the Con~.mittee adjourned on
the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin.
AND ADOPTED, l~th February,1955. AAAA
Clerk ~ ...... ~rman
No. 36 - BROOKS - MORTCN - RESOLVED that in accordance with The ~kmicipal Act,
the City Clerk be instructed to deposit the Blanket Position Bond covering
officials of the City of Niagara Fails, with the Crown Attorney of the County of
Welland, in the usual manner; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
The Council adjourned to the Finance Meetin~ on the motion of Aid. McKinley and
Ald. Martin.
READ AND ADOFrED, l~th February, 1955.
Counc i l Chamber,
7th February, 19'~5.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts apl,roved
by the Committee. All members of Council were present, with the exception of Ald.
Donald and Ald. White.
The following .By-law was pasAe~d;
5207 - To provide monies for general pur[-oses.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Hartin that AId. Martin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and Lhe by-law be F, tvcn the fiFst
reading. - Carried.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and McKinley thaL Rule 3~ (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temF)rari]y suspended and the by-L'~w be gl yen
the second reading. - Carried.
Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and Morton - Carded.
The Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of A].d. McKinley and Mowers.
READ AND ADOPTED, lath February, 1955.
Council Chamber,
7th February, 1955.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 7th February, 1955 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present, with
the exception of Ald. Donald and Ald. White. Ald. Martin, Chairman of Finance,
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $53,263.30 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion
of Ald. McKinley and Mowers.
The City Treasurer's Smmaryof Taxes in Arrears, December 31st,195~,
was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley
that the Statement be received and given the usual publicity and filed.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Morton,
AND ADOPTED, lath February, 1955.
Chairman of Finance
Board Room,
7th February,1955.
The Conference Co.amlttee of the City Council assembled at the close of
the regular Council and Finance Meetings on F~nday, 7th February, 1955 for the
p~rpose of considerin~ various items presented to them. A]] member~, of the Com-
mttee were present, with the exception of Ald. Donaln and 'W~te. ihs ~orshlp,
Mayor Mains, presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items placed before them, the Con~ittee adjourned on
the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin.
~F~AD AND ADOPTE~, lath February,1955. ~
,. R,:.~LVtr~ that in accordance with ~ne Municipal Act,
'~. et~.d t.o deposit
· ~ o f ty of
~-~ ~ ~ ~.~, ~ ~r ~r~ , ~ here~o ~f~xed.
~ ~d :,' t]~. Fl,~ance Moeting on the motion of Aid. Mc.Ki.~iey and
"-h Febr'.:ar.:,L~':c.
-"he Ce~qcit re-assembled at :he '-lose cf the _-er:Lar ~:tl and Ftn~r'.:e
~eti~s for the ~rpcse
~ +~ ~-
Chairman ef l~n~'~
i at :>.~ close of
7, Io~. for Lhe
present, with the exception of Ald. Donald and '~.~ite. .is ~or~tiF,
Hawkins, presided as Chairman.
consideration of the items placed before them, the Coc:-~t'~ee adjourmsd on
motion of AId. Mowers and Martin.
AND ADOPt, l&th February, 1955.
Council Chamber,
12th February, 1955.
All members of Council were present, at the Special Meetin~ of Council
held on February 12th, 1955 fn the Council Chamber, commencing at 9 A.M. for the
purpose of considering the report of the City Manager on sewer conditions and
possible remedial action, with the exception of Ald. Donald. His Worship, Mayor
Hawkins, presided.
The followir~ Report was presented;
No. 15 - City Manager _ with reference to sewers throughout the entire municipality
and suggested Capital Works to improve the conditions complained of and to take
care of the situation in a most satisfactory manner. The report was road at length
by the. City Clerk. Following the reading of the report a lengthy discussion
ensued during which various queries were directed at the City Manager and
explanations given. During these discussions the matter of the existing agree-
ment between the City of Niagara Falls and the Township of Stamford as to storm
water and sewage disposal was considered and it was agreed that the City Manager
should obtain legal advice as to the possibility of having this agreement altered
in accordance with conditions as they exist to-day.
It was also agreed that Council should pursue the matter of Hydro Grant with the
Premier, having in mind some definite action on the part of the Government to
adjust the existing Grant on a more equitable basis.
Mayer Hawkins suggested that in carrying out that portion of the proposed sewer
construction adjacent to the downtown business area that it be carried out~dth the
least possible disruption to business activities.
Following further discussion it was agreed that the report be studied by the
individual members of Council and that a week from this coming Monday, a decision
be made on the priority of the various projects.
It was generally agreed that work in the Park Street area, North Street Area and
CentPe Street area is essential and the Manager was asked to prepare a draft
schedule of priorities for the consideration of Council at a meeting to be held
next Saturday morning, commencing at 9 A.M. at which time the Water Report would
also be considered.
Ald. Mowers suggested that the Manager bring in an additional report with reference
to existing water supply agreements with other municipalities and the possibility
of their alteration, having in mind future Capital Expenditure.
AId. White called the Chairman of Finance's attention to the recent action of the
City of Montreal in deciding to abandon practically all their Grants in the way of
assistance to groups and organizations and suggested that this be borne in mind
when the Budget was xmder consideration.
The Meeting adjourned on the motion of AId. Mowers and Martin.
READ AND ADOPTED, 14th February, 1955.
Council Chamber,
14th February, 1955.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, ~th.
February, 1955, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All
members of Council were present, with the exception of Ald. Donald. The Council,
having received and read the minutes of the previous regular and special meetings,
adopted these on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Morton.
Tenders had been called for the purchase and removal of the frame
dwelling known as 1937 Sylvia Place and on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Martin
it was ordered that the only tender received, be opened, initialled by His Worship
the Mayor and tabulated. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Mowers that
the recommendation of the City Manager be adopted and the tender accepted.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 3~ - Carnival Committee - Lions Club - requesting permission to hold Carnival
on Bridge Street Grounds. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that
the communication be received and filed and permission granted.
SEE_R~eport No. 16.
No. 35 - Army, NefF and Airforce Veterans - requesting permission to hold Carnival
at Poplar Park. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~brton and White that the co~nuni-
cation be received and tabled pending further investigation by Committee to be
appointed, as recommended in the City Manager's report, as to possible sites for
such events.
SFa~eport No. 17.
His Worship the Mayor appointed the Property Committee along with Ald.
Martin, Chairman of Finance to the Committee to investigate available sites, with
representatives of Service Clubs and Veterans' Organizations, etc.
No. 38 - Tournament Director. N.F.C.V.I. - re All Ontario Basketball Tournament
and possible use of Memorial Arena. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Mowers
that this matter be tabled until the arrival of AId. Brooks. Upon his arrival,
Ald. Brooks presented a verbal report, as Chairman of the Arena Committee, advising
that it was not the intention of the Committee to discourage the holding of the
Tournament here in Niagara Falls, but the removal of ice would be a very cost]~
proposition, and upon investigation it had been found that this could only be done,
at a minimum cost of around $1,200. notwithstanding that the school children and
Skating Club would also be deprived of the use of the Arena.
SEE Communication Namp_eL12.
_T~.~ f~o3~pwi' nZ Communications were presentedi
No. 39 - Tournament Director, N.F.C.V.I. - advising of application signed for the
use of the Victoria Avenue Arena. ORDERED on ~he motion of Aid. Brooks and Mc-
Kinley that the communications be received and filed and the writer be notified
of Council'e position in this matter, and also that Council are pleased to learn
that suitable accemmodati6n has been found elsewhere for this event.
In connection with the request for the donation of 120 felt crests with the City's
coat of arms as a memento of thetournament, it was ordered on the motion of Ald.
Mewera and Metton that the Tournament Director be advised that the City of Niagara
Falls will purchase the required number of crests for the visiting players with
the understanding they are a small type crest and the cost will not exceed $1.00
each. Prier to this motien, it was moved by Ald. Brooks that the Clerk contact
the Director to 'ascertain the crests desired and their cost and submit a report
te Council; this motion was then withdrawn.
No. 40 - Ontario Prime Minister' s Office - acknowledging resolution re heating
of premises. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Morton that the com~nuni-
cation be received and filed.
No. 41 - I.O.D.E. Clifton Chapter - requesting permission to hold a Tag Day,
May 28th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and McKinley that the communication
be received and filed and permission granted, as date is available.
No. ~2 - Niagara Falls Girls' Work Board - requesting permission to hold a Tag Day,
May 7th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and White that the communication be
received and filed and permission granted as date is available.
No. 43 - Niagara Palls Ontario Police Association - requesting penmission to use
Cakes Park August let, for 9th Annual Field Day. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
McKinley and Mowers that the communication be received and filed and permission
-Ald. Brooks arrived at the meeting -
No. 44 - Greater Niagara Veterans Central Committee - requesting donation of the
trophy to a band competition to be held in connection with V.E. Day Parade on May
7th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Mowers that the communication be
received and permission granted for the parade and the decision re trophy be
referred to the Budget Committee for consideration.
No. &5 - Greater Niagara Victorian Order of Nurses - requesting issuance of a
proclamation re V.O.N. Week, February 2Oth to 26th. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Mowers and Morton that the communication be received and filed and the
proclamation published.
No. 46 - Local Board of Health - requesting by-law to regulate and license Hair-
dressing or Beauty Parlout Establishments. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mc-
Kinley and Morton that the comunication be received and filed and a draft by-law
be prepared by the City Solicitor and submitted to the Local Board of Health for
their perusal and re-submitted to the City Council for consideration.
No. 47 - St. Thomas, Ontario - resolution re amendments to Voters' List. ORDEE
on the motion of Ald. Mowers and ~rton that the communication be received and
referred to the City Clerk for a report and recommendation.
No. ~8 - Ontario Municipal Association - report on presentation of Brief to
Premier of Ontario. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Martin that the
report be received and filed.
His Worship the Mayor reminded the Members of Council of the
Official Opening of the new St. Ann's School, which is to be held on Wednesday,
February 16th, 1955 at 8 o'clock in the evening.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 16 - City Manager . re application of Lions Club for use of portion of Bridge
Street Grounds for Annual Carnival. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and
McKinley that the r~port be received and adopted.
No. 17 - City Manager - re request of Army, Navy and Airforce Veterans to use a'
portion of POplar Park for Carnival. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and
White that the Deport be received and adopted.
No. 18 - City .Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDEE on the motion
of Aid. Mowers and Morton that the report be received an~adopted and licences
issued accordingly.
The Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and
Aid. Mowers.
P~AD AND ADOPTED, 21st. February, 1955.
Council Chamber,
lath February, 1955.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 14th February, 1955 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been
properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were
present, with the exception of Aid. Donald. I Ald. Martin, Chairman of the
Finance Committee, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $18,790.O7 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the
motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. McKinley.
The City Manager's report on the application of G. Grace Geary for
a peA-Aft to construct an addition to 18~ North Main Street and to close in
the ~ront verandah for office space, was presented to the Committee for con-
sideration. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and AId. Morton that the
report be received and the recommendation adopted and the application referred
to the Property Committee to be dealt with.
The City Manager's report on the application of Rosbergs for a building
permit to make alterations to the entrance to the store at the comer of Queen
and Erie, at an estimated cost of $2,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED
on the motion of AId. McKinley and Morton that the report be received and adopted
and the permit be issued.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and
Ald. Morton.
READ AND ADOPTED, 21st February, 1955.
Chairman of Finance.
Council Chamber,
l~th February, 1955.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved b~
the Committee. All members of Council were present, with the exception of Ald. Donald.
The following By-law was passed;
No. ~208 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and White that Ald. Martin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried.
ORDERFZ) on the motion of Ald. Morton and Mowers that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the 2nd.
reading. - Carried.
Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and White - Carried.
The Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Martin and Mowers.
READ AND ADOPTED, 21st. February, 1955.
Clerk /_.~ Mayor
Board Room,
l~th February, 1955.
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of
the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, l~th February, 1955 for the
purpose of considering various items presented to them. All members of the Com-
mittee were present, with the exception of Ald. Donald. His Worship the Mayor
presided as Chairman.
A~ter consideration of the items placed before them, the Committee adjourned on
the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin.
READ ANDADOpTED, 21st. February,
Council Chamber,
19th February, 1955.
All members were present at the Special Meeting of Council held in the
Council Chamber on the morning of Saturday, February 19th, 1955 commencing at
9 A.M. His Worship, Mayor Hawkins, presided.
Mayor Hawkins extended a welcome to AId. Donald on the occasion of his
first attendance of a Council Meeting in the year 1955, and congratulated him
on his recovery from his recent illness.
Mr. A. Shoppard of the firm of Martin, Calvert and Matthews, representing
Grand-Carroll Union, submitted for the consideration of Council a lay-out of the
proposed development of the Dobbie property on Victoria Avenue, showing the
location where the supermarket would be located, the parking areas, etc. He
explained to Council the action of the Ontario Municipal Board at the hearing
held on Friday, February 18th and its apparent intention. He advised that his
client is prepared to erect a fence along the westerly limit of the property
abutting the lane leading in from Jepson Street so as to prevent any use of the
lane by customer traffic and only utilizing the lane for truck service to the
supermarket itself; this service to be carried out on the property ovmed by
his client and not on the lane or lanes.
Mr. H. A. Logan, representing the residents on Second Avenue, advised
that his clients were not opposed to the development of the property in question
but were desirous of protecting their own interests. He elaborated at some
extent as to their reasons for desiring such protection and expressed the view
that Grand-Carroll Union should purchase property for an exit rather than try to
use the narrow lane or re-locate the supermarket to facilitate truck movement.
Me was of the opinion that unless Grand-Carroll provided their ~wn exit that
arrangements as suggested will not be satisfactory.
Mr. McBurney, Solicitor for the City of Niagara Falls detailed .his
understanding on the Ontario Municipal Board hearing and pointed out that
controls can be invoked by Council over public ways and expressed the view that
the concessions offered by Mr. Shoppard on behalf of his clients were reasonable.
Following further discussion, His Worship Mayor Hawkins pointed out
that since there apparently was not accord as between the Solicitors for their
respective clients, there was only one policy to pursue and that would be to
have the adjourned hearing of the Municipal Board carried out.
SEE Resolution No. ~7..
Laid over from a previous meeting;
No. ~ - City Manager - report on existing facilities of the Niagara Falls
Filtration Plant.
The following Report was presentedl
No. 19 - City Manager - further information relative to increasing the facilities
at the Filtration Plant at Chippaws.
The matter of the adjustment of water rates and surplus accruing from water works
operations, etc. were discussed at some length. Ald. Donald expressed the view
that the whole debt structure should be analyzed both for the present and in the
future and some decision made as to policy which would be pursued, following which
it was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Mowers that the reports be
tabled and the City Manager be authorized to contact Consulting Engineers for the
preparation of plans and specifications as to needed changes. Carried Unanimously.
The City Manager advised that it would be necessary to have Number One pump at
the Filtration Plant repaired and re-wound immediately. Aid. Brooks suggested
that publicity be given to the ~ater situation and what faces us in that regard.
But it was pointed out by the City Manager that the report in question had already
received extensive publicity.
The following Resolutions were passed;
No. 37 - BROOKS - WHITE - RESOLVED that the Ontario Municipal Board be requested
to hold the adjourned hearing on the application of the City of Niagara Falls for
approval of its by-law number 5188 as soon as possible; and the Seal of the Cor-
poration be hereto affixed.
No. 38 - BROOKS - DONALD - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the
City of Niagara Falls petition the Department of Highways for the Province of
Ontario for the Statutory Grant under The Highway Improvement Act on expenditures
made during the year 1954; and the Seal of the Corporation be heroic affixed.
The City Manager enquired as to whether it would be possible to have
a Budget Meeting on Saturday morning, February 26th and following discussion it
was agreed that a Budget Meeting be held on that date, commencing at 9 A.M. and if
it were not possible to complete the discussions on that morning, that a further
date and time be designated.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. M~wers and Aid. Morton.
gAD ~D A~OF]'ED, 21st. February, 1955.
Council Chamber,
21st. Februa~l, 195 5 ·
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 21st.
February, 1955, for the purpose of considering general business and finance .
All members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the
minutes of the previous regular and special meetings, adopted these on the motkon
of AId. McKinley and Ald. M~ers.
Laid over from the p_r_e__.vi_Ou~s_m_e_s_t_i~n_gl
No. 47 - City of St. Thomas - resolution re amendments to The Voters' List Act.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Morton that the resolution be received
and endorsed.
~EE Re_Ro_rt No.2~.
The followinZ Communications were
No. 49 - Chamber of Commerce - requesting donation of $5,000. for Tourist and
Publicity Promotion in 1955. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald
that the communication be received and referred to the Budget Co.~mittee.
No. 50 - City of London - resolution re endorsation of aims of Committee for
Promotion of Democratic Freedom. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Donald and Mowers
that the communication be received and filed.
No. 51 - Associate Committee on The National Buildin Code - 1955 Building
Officials Conference or Canada. ORDE~ED on the~~Ald. Donald and SrooRs
that the communication be received and filed. Prior to this, a motion was made
by AId. McKinley that the communication be referred to the Mayor and City Manager
for submission of a report at the next meeting; this was not seconded.
No. 52 - Bentley's SportinR Goods, Ltd. - appreciation to Fire Department. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Morton that the communication be received and
copy forwarded to the fire Chief.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 20 - City Clerk - report on resolution from St. Thomas, Ontario requesting
Provincial Legislature to amend the Voters' List Act, 1951. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Donald and Morton that the report be received and adopted.
No. 21 - City Clerk - report on hearing of Ontario Municipal Board, February 18th.
on four by-laws. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks that the report
be received and filed.
~o. 22 - _CitLMan_a~ - recommending submission of by-law number 5188 to Planning
Board. ORDERs]) on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Morton ~hat the r%ort be received
and adopted.
No. 23 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. McKinley and Martin that the report be received and adopted and licehess
issued accordingly.
No. 24 - City Clerk - application for Hawker and Pedlar Licence (Chip l~'agon) not
approved by Sanitary Inspector, MOH or Deputy Chief of Police. As this report
was not included on the agenda, it ~as ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and
Morton that the same be considered. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and
Morton that the report be received and the applicant be advised of the report of
{he Sanitary Inspector and be given the opportunity to correct conditions in a
manner satisfactory to the Beard of Health.
The following By-laws were passed;
No. ~209 - To authorize the execution of a covenant to the Beneficiaries under
the last Will and Testament of Sir Harry Cakes, dealing with public
playgrounds in the City of Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and White that Ald. Martin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Donald - Carried Unanimously.
~o. 5210 - To authorize the execution of a deed of Part of Lot No. 95, of the
Township of Stamford to the Separate School Beard of Niagara Falls,
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Morton that Ald. McKinley be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Brooks that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried; (AId. Mowers and Donald-contrary).
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and McKinley - Carried. (Aid. Donald and Mowere-contrary),.
No. 5211 - To establish a Public Lane known as Simcoe Court.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Morton that Ald. Brooks be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Martin that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading.. Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
Ald. Donald referred to recent publicity in the local press on crowded
conditions in a local hospital and suggested that this is the time to consider the
io=sihility of a larger institution, as the facilities of the proposed one would
be inadequate to take care of such peak loads, and following discussion it was
left in the hands of His Worship the Mayor to arrange a meeting with the Hospital
Board of Governors for discussion along these lines.
Ald. Morton advised of complaints that he had received that the sweeper
had not been utilized in the Pine Grove and Centre areas for s~me period of time.
It was pointed out that Particularly in the Pine Grove area the sweeper is not
normally used but the City Manager assured the Alderman that the condition
of would be looked after ~uring the current year.
Ald. Morton also referred to the request that he had received for
Council's consideration to the erection or provision of a public lavatory at
the Centre and the possible utilization of a parking area at the rear of the
Hi-He Restaurant. It was agreed that this location be placed on the Tour
of Inspection agenda.
Ald. Mowers referred to the condition of asphaltic road surfaces due to
the severe weather and requested the City ~.lanager to make some temporary arrange-
ments, particularly with reference to the worst locations.
The Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. {<owers and
READ AND ADOPTED, 28th February, 1955.
Council Chamber,
21st. February, 1955.
The Finance ~eeting was held on Monday, 21st. February, 1955 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Ald.
Martin, Chairman of the Finance Committee, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $28,883.80 were approved by the Committee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered
placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald.
Donald and White.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of AId. McKinley and
READ ~ND ADCFTED, 28th. February, 1955.
Chairman of Finance,
Council Chamber,
21st. February, 1955 ·
The Council m-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by tLe Committee. All members of Council were present.
The following By-law was passed;
No. 5212 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Morton that Ald. Martin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. Morton and Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
The Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Donald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 28th. February, 1955.
Council Chamber,
21st. February, 1955.
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of the
regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday· 21st. February, 1955 for the purpose
of considering various items presented to them. All members of the Committee were
present. His Worship the Mayor presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items placed before them, the Committee adJnurned on the
motion of AId. Donald and Mowers.
READ A~D ADOPTED, 28th. February, 1955.
Council Chamber,
23rd. February 1955. ·
The Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll for business was held at 10.O0 A.M.
on Wednesday, February 23rd, 1955, at which the following action was taken upon
the respective appeals.
Members present: V. L. Davidson, Chairman; A.
Benson and O.W. Zimmerman.
Roll Matter Decision Reduction or
No. Appellant and Prol~e_rt_y__Concerned Complained of of Court Increase.
20 J. & K. Hurdy, Not in business Dismissed
15 River Road for full year
2701- E. N. Morton for Walker's Dairy, Reconmnd.% be
2702 737 Fourth Avenue reduced to 30%
(Should be $885. instead of $1,765.O0)
2755- M. Thomas, 1063 Morrison St.
3739 Walker Stores Limited,
-1 48 Front Street, West,Toronto
classified at
421 Queen St.
The Borden Company, Limited 1195 Magdalen Allowed
(Percentage too high)(Should be $12,300. and
$~25.instead of $2A,600. and $850.)respectively.
E.N. Morton for J.R. Henderson Out of business Allowed
1904 Main Street Feb. l,1955
(Reduce Assessment from $1,975. to $165.)
Reduction $880.00
$12,300 plus
7123-3 Power City Finance Co. Ltd. per
Martin, Calvert & Matthews
7535 A. White
1720 Ferry Street
1893 Main St.
Proportion of
Assessment not
1720 Ferry St.
too high
on pages 54,55 and 56.
~ 0
Cou~ncil Chamber,
23rd. February, 1955.
A Court of Revision on Local Improvements, including Sidewalks and Curbs and
Gutters was held in the Council Chmnber on Wednesday, February 23rd, 1955 at
2:00 P.M.
The following Members were present; Chairman V.L. Davidson, and Albert Benson.
No appellants appeared before the Court.
The CouPt then adjourned,
Certified correct,
Council Chamber,
26th February, 1955.
All Members of Council assembled as a Committee of Finance in the Council
Chamber on Saturday, February26th, 1955 at 9 A.M. for the purpose of considering the
Budget Estimates as suk~nitted by the Chairman of Finance. A/d. Martin, Chairman of
Finance, presided.
Before perusing the data with reference to the Budget, the Clerk read
a communication from the Chairman of Finance of the Board of Governors of the
Greater Niagara General Hospital.
The followlnK Con~nunication was presen__ted_~I
No. 53 - Chairman of Finance, Board of Governors - Greater NiaKara General Hospital _
with reference to the indigent per diem costs and grant received from the City and'
the water rates as charged to the Hospital by the City. A lengthy discussion ensued
during which AId. Mowers moved that the Council agree to supply water to the Hospital
at a nominal cost providing the Township of Stamford and the Village of Chippawa
ma~e similar provisions. This however was not seconded. Following further debate,
it was ordered on the motion of AId. Donald and McKinley that the matter be tabled
for future consideration.
A summary of Salary Adjustments as contained in the 1955 Budget Estimates
was then perused and the following action taken.
0RDEE on the motion of AId. White and Morton that the salary as recom-
mended for the City Manager be adopted.
CEDERE]) on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Brooks that the salary as recom-
mended for the City Clerk be adopted.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Mowers that the salary as recom-
mended for Mr. H. Dickson be adopted. (Ald. Morton and Brooks-opposed).
OHDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and McKinley that the salary as
reco~ended Cot the Assessment Commissioner be adopted.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Nowere and Morton that the salary of the
City Treasurer, Mr. Soulsby, be increased by the amount of $200. for the balance of
time he will serve in 1955.
O~DERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Morton that the salary as
recommended for the Assistant City Engineer, Mr. Price, be adopted.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Mayor Hawkins that the Salary
as recommended for M~. Farroll, Payroll Clerk, be adopted.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and ~ayor Hawkins that the salary
as recommended for Miss D. Brown, Assessment Clerk, be adopted.
ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and AId. Norton that the sala~~
a~ reco~;.ended for :~ss ]:. Benson, Clerk in the accounting department, be adopted.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Brooks that the salary as
recommended for Mr. H. Palm, Purchasing Agent, be adopted.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Mayor Hawkins that the salary
as recommended for Fire 6~lief J. C. Shapton, be adopted.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Donald that the salary as
recommended for Dr. C. K. Whitelock, Medical Officer oF Health, be ~dopted.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that the salary as
recommended for Mrs. C. Barber, Public Health Nurse, be adopted.
ORDERED on the motion of kld. Morton and I~ite that the salary as
recommended for F des M. Bell, l~lfare Clerk, be adopted.
ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. Mowers that the salary
as recommended fop ~m. Charles Norgate, Cemetery Foreman, be adopted.
Upon being queried by Ald. Donald, the City }~nager explained the
negotiations which had been carr]ed out with the two Unions and what had been
agreed upon, subject to the ratification of Council with reference to wages, fringe
benefits, etc.
A Summary of the Increases and Decreases in Revenue and E~vpena/ture For
the Badget Estimates for the year 1955 was then su-hmitt&d and explained in detail
by the City Manager.
During the discussion on the explanations of the Sunmary, the Chainnan,
Ald. b~rtin, advised of his intention to propose to Council that the maximum~dth
reference to the fee on building permits as presently in effect be removed, pointing
out his reasons therefore.
Ald. Mckinley brought up the matter of satisfactory deposits concerning
walk damage, etc. by contractors throughout the municipality and suggested that
the City Manager at a later date, bring in a report on this subject. Ald. McKinley
also suggested the possibility of issuing instructions to equipment operators
pointjng out their responsibility while in charge of such expensive equipment.
The explanation of the Summary having been completed, consideration was
then given to the Grants as provided in the Eudget Estimates.
OPd)ERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and White that the amount as
contained in the Budget Estimates for a grant to the Bach-Orpheus Choir be eliminated.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and White that the amount as contained
in the Budget Estimates for a grant to the Salvation Army for welfare purposes be
eliminated. This motion was lost, the vote being - For -Ald. White, Donald, Mc-
Kinley and Brooks; Opposed .Ald. Mowers, Morton, Mayor Hawkins and Ald. Martin.
At this point it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that
the Co~sittee adjourn to reconvene for further consideration of the Estimates,
following the regular meeting of Council scheduled for Monday, February 28th.
READ AND ADOPTED, 28th' February, 1955.
C 1 erk ' '
Chai man.
60 6:,.
Council Chamber,
28th February, 1955.
Pursuant to adJourmment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 28th.
February, 1955, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All
members of Council were present. The Council, hav/ng received and read the minutes of
the previous regular and special meetings, adopted these on the motion of Aid. Mowers
and White.
-Ald. Brooks arrived at the meetin~ -
Mr. L. G. Blackburn and M~. I~lliam Sills of the Trades and Labour
Council were present at the meeting and on the motion of Ald. MoWers and Morton it
was ordered that they be heard.
Mr. Sills requested the permission of the City Council, on behalf of
the Trades and Labour Council, to hold a carnival in the City of Niagara Falls on
May 3Oth to June 4th inclusive, and it was o~dered on the motion of Aid. McKinley
and Morton that permission be granted as requested, providing grounds are available.
His Worship Mayor Hawkins referred to the Committee of 'Council which
has been appointed to investigate available sites ~dth the idea in mind of establish-
ing a permanent location for carnival purposes, and advised that a report will be
forthcoming from this Committee in the near future.
The following Communications were presented;
No. 54 - Canadian Red Cross Society - Annual appeal. ORDERS) on the motion of Ald.
Mowers and McKinley that the communication be received and filed and the City
Treasurer be instructed to forward the cheque in accordance with the amount pro-
waded in the B~dget.
No. 55 - Greater Niagara Home and School Council - invitation to meeting on Monday,
March 7th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and White that the communication
be received and filed and the writer adwised that it is with regret that Council
are unable to attend due to their regularly scheduled meeting on that evening.
No. 56 - T~achers' Councils of Niagara Falls and Stamford . requesting issuance of
pmclamation re Education Week. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Morton
that the communication be received and filed aHd the proclamation published.
No. 57 - Rose Dunkelan Chapter, Hadassah- requesting permission to hold tag day
on April 15th. OFJ)EIED on the motion of AId. Donald and McKinley that the communi-
cation be received and filed and permission granted.
No. 58 - Bell T~lephone Co. of Canada . requesting Permission to place a pole,
anchor and b~ried cable on Eastwood and Ontario Streets. ORDERED on the motion of
AId. McKinley and Brooks that the communication be received and filed and permission
SEE By-law No.5213.
No. 59 - Hia~ara Falls and Suburban Area Planning Board _ R,' by-law number 5188.
ORDERS) on the motion of Aid. Brooks and Mowers that the communidation be received
and forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Board and the contents of this con~mmication
alao be made available to the t.u Solicitors acting for the interested parties.
Carried - Contrary .Ald. McKinley and Morton.
No. 60 - Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Planning Board - re Niagara Area Plan.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks t~e communication be
received and referred to the City Manager.
No. 61 - Children's Aid Society of Welland County - short term care of children.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Hartin that the communication be received
and filed and the agreement continued.
No. 62 - Canadian National Railways - re Victoria Avenue overhead bridge. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Donald and White that the communication be received and
referred to Mr. W. L. Houck, Federal Member for this Riding for further attention.
The followin~ Reports were presented;
No. 25 - City Clerk - report on Conference held February 2]st. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. White and Morton that the co~nunication be received and filed.
No. 26 - Assistant City Engineer - report on City Engineers' Association meetings.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Martin that the report be received and
No. 27 - City Clerk - recon~r. ending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Morton and Martin that the report be received and filed and licences issued
No. 28 - City Clerk - Hawker and Pedlar Licence (Chip Wagon) not approved. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Martin and Brooks that the report be received and tabled and
the applicant advised of the Sanitary Inspector's report and given the opportuni ty
to correct conditions in a manner satisfactory to the Board of Health.
Ald. McKinley referred to an application by a childless couple, to the
Children's Aid Society, for the purpose of adopting a baby and the advice that they
had received to the effect that the waiting period would be two years or longer.
They referred to the possibility of the immigration of babies from European countries
and the Alderman desired to know whether this could be done.
His Worship the Mayor advised that he had no knowledge of what the procedur~
would be for this type of immigration but that he would take steps to ascertain
what the proper procedure would be.
The following By-laws were passed;
No. ~21~ - To provide for permission to The Bell Telephone Company of Canada to
place a pole, anchor and buried cable on Eastwood and Ontario Streets.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Donald and Martin that Ald. McKinley be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended ~nd the by-law be given the second
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Martin - Carried Unanimously.
No. ~214 - To authorize the borrowing of $175,O00.00 for the construction of asphalt
pavement and sidewalks on North Main Street, the completion of alterations
and renovations to the City Hall, the equipping of a garbage refuse and
disposal area and the resurfacing of various pavements throughout the
ORDERS'.]) on the motion of Ald. McKinley and White that Ald. Martin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
"cadinK. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the notion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that Rule 38 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second
reading, - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Donald and Morton - Carried Unanimously.
No. 591~ - To authorize the borrowing of $369,000.00 for the construction of water-
mains on Buchanan Avenue and Buttrey Street and sewers on Huron Street
and Third Avenue, water main on North F~in Street and a sewer on North
~m~n Street, a storm sewer along Valley Way and on Stanley Avenue,
Stamford Street and Spring Street.
ORDERED on the notion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks that Aid. Martin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the preamble only be read,
first time. - Carried Unanimously.
O~DERED on the notion of Ald. Donald and White that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
s~cond reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Readin~ -Ald. Morton and Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
No. ~21__6 - To amend By-law Number 5067 being a by-law to authorize the borrowing of
$250,000.00 for the completion of alterations and additions to the
buildings of the Niagara Falls Collegiate-Vocational Institute.
ORDER3D on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Morton that Aid. l~rtin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Council Chamber,
28th February, 1955.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 28th Februa~V, 1955 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. ~11 members of the Committee were present. Ald.
Martin, Chairman of the Finance Committee, presided.
. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $125,817.02 were approved by the Com-
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion
of Ald. McKinley and Donald.
A communication from F. O. Boyle and Sons Limited regarding their
proposal to remove buildinZs at the corner of Stanley Avenue and McHae Street
in order to erect a small modern service station, was presented for consideration
along with the City Manager's report to the effect that at the present time, there
are no restrictions on the use of the lots in question. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. White and Mowers that the communication and report be received and referred
to the Property Committee for consideration. Carried Unanimously. Previous to
· this, Ald. Brooks and Morton moved that penmission be granted; this was then
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Brooks that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standin~ Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and Morton - Carried Unanimously.
No. ~217 - To provide for borrowing $A,18~.50 upon debentures to pay for the con-
struction of sidewalks on Emery Street and Main Street and curb and
gutter on Doleware Avenue.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Molers and Brooks that Aid. Mar~in be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and White that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Ru~es of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second readiag. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Beading -Ald. Morton and Donald - Carried Unanimously.
R'ZAD AND ADOPTED, ?th March, 1955.
Clerk ~I~A~,, ~ _) Mayor
READ AND ADOPTEO, 7th March, 1955.
C 'e k""' ' ............
. ~a~a. Chairman of Finance
Council Chamber,
28th February, 1955.
The Council re-assembled at the'close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Committee. All members of Council were present.
The following By-law was ~assed;
No. ~218 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Donald that Aid. Martin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and Martin - Carried Unanimously.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Morton and Mowers.
READ AND ADOPTED, 7th March, 1955.
· E"/.--.- Mayor.
Council Chamber,
28th February, 1955.
Council assembled as a Committee of Finance following the regular
meeting of Council on February 28th, 1955 for the purpose of continuing consideration
of the 1955 Budget Estimates. t-]l members of the Committee were present and Alder-
man Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided.
The Chairman suggested that the Committee continue the perusal of the
Budget Estimates and Alderman Mowers pointed out that having considered at some
length the Summary of Revenues and Expenditures as contained in the Estimates, and
having been given detailed explanations by the City Manager, he was prepared to move
that the Budget be adopted as amended and the mill rate be fixed at 36.5 mills.
This motion was not seconded.
A discussion was then held on the item in the Grant Section of
$500.00 for the Salvation Army Welfare Work, following which it was moved by Alder-
man Mowers, seconded by His ~brship Mayor Hawkins tha~ th~ $500.00 presently shown
~or the Salvation Amy be transferred to the Conmmnity Chest item. This motion
was defeated, the vote being, . for - Aid. Mowers, and Nayor Hawkins. Opposed -
Ald. Donald, McKinley, Brooks, Morton and White.
Estimates. The Committee then continued the perusal of the details of the Budget
During the discussion, Alderman Donald referred to the Failure on the
part of the Premier to advise Council as to his previous promises concerning
grants particularly Hydro and it was ordered on the motion of Aldermen Donald
and Mowers that the Clerk contact the Local Member of the Provincial Legislature
pointing out our desire for a meeting with the Pre~der at the earliest possible
date to discuss the Grant situation, if possible before the Budget Estimates were
finally adopted. Carried Unanimously.
With reference to the estimates for the Board of Health, it was ordered
on the motion of Aldem,en Donald and Brooks that the item contained therein for
replacement of one of the Nurses' cars be increased from $1,200.OO to $1,600.OO.
With reference to the salaries for the Engineering Department staff, it
was ordered on the motion of Aldermen Mowers and McKinley that the salary of ~1~.
Arthur Strange, be set at $3,600.00. During the discussion with reference to the
foregoing item, Alderman McKinley suggested that the M~magement Com'"ittee go into
the matter of extra pay being received by members of the staff and situations
similar to that as outlined concerning Mr. Strange.
Alderman Brooks queried the amount contained in the Estimates for
developing parking areas adjacent to the Memorial Arena, being of the opinion that
the amount was inadequate. It was decided, however, that for the time being_ no
further provision be made.
Having completed consideration of the details of the Budget Estimates the
Chairman of Finance again asked the members of the Committee to consider the item
under Grants for the Salvation Army and following discussion, it was ordered on
the motion of His Worship Mayor Hawkins and Alderman Mowers that the $500.00
referred to be eliminated from the Estimates. Carried Unanimously.
With reference to the car allowances contained in the Estimates, it was
ordered on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Alderman McKinley that a car allowance
of $1OO.OO be inserted for the City Clerk and the car allowance for the City
Manager be increased $1OO.OO. This motion carried, the vote being, for - AId.
Mowers, McKinley, Hawkins, Morton. Opposed -Ald. Donald, Brooks and White.(Fore-
going eliminated - see Budget as adopted).
It was then ordered on the motion of Alderman Mowers and His Worship
Mayor Hawkins that the Estimates as amended be adopted and the mill rate for the
year 1955 be established at 36.5 mills and the necessary implementing by-laws
be prepared and brought in at the next meeting of Council. Carried Unanimously.
His Worship Mayor Hawkins then extended congratulations to the Chairman
and members of the Finance Committee and Officials on having brought in such
satisfactory estimates and having maintained the increase in the mill rate at as
low a level as possible under the existing conditions.
The City Clerk then read a communication from the Ontario Traffic Con-
ference which had been forwarded to Ex-Alderman Miller with reference to a meeting
of the Board of Directors of this group scheduled for the City of London on
Saturday, March 26th, at 10:OO a.m. and advised that Mr. Miller had asked that
it be brought before the Committee to ascertain whether it was their wish that he
represent the municipality on this occasion.
Following discussion, it was ordered on the motion of Alderman Mowers
and Donald that Mr. Miller be advised that $30.00 will be made available to him
for attendance at tHis meeting of the Board of Directors scheduled in London on
March 26th but that it is not within the power of Council to continue to have him
represent the municipality at such meetings. Carried Unanimously.
On the motion of Aldermen Donald and Mowers, the Committee adjourned.
READ AND ADOPTED, 7th March, 1955.
Council Chamber,
7th March, 1955.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 7th. Marc}l,
1955, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of
Council were present, with the exception of Aid. Donald. The Council, having
received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion
of Aid. Mowers and Martin.
_The following Communications were presented;
No. 63 -Kinette Club - requesting permission to hold a tag day. ORDERED on the
motion of Aid. Mowers and McKinley that the communication be received and filed
and permission granted for Saturday, May ]J+th.
No. 6~ - Niagara Memorial Band - invitation to Second Annual Inspection, April 3rd.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Brooks that the communication be received
the invitation accepted and as many members as possible attend.
No. 65 - Y's Men's Club - requesting permission to use Oakes Park. ORDERED on the
motion of Aid. Morton and Brooks that the communication be received and permissior
granted for their Annual Easter Sunrise Service, April lOth.
No. 66 - Ontario Traffic Conference - Brochure on First Traffic Training Course.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Morton that the communication be received
and referred to the Traffic Committee for a report.
No. 67 - Centre Businessmen's Association - requeetings to cope with traffic problems
in centre area. ORDERED on the motion of'Ald. Morton and Brooks that the communi-
cations be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for a report.
No. 68 - Township of Waterloo - resolution re operation of commercial cemeteries.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Morton that the resolution be received and
endorsed and forwarded to the parties suggested in the resolution.
No. 69 - Salvation Army - requesting use of City trucks for Salvage collection Day.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that the com~munication be received
and referred to AId. White, Chairman and the Sanitation Committee.
The followin~ Reports were Presented~
No. 29 - Chairman of Finance - report on 1955 Budget Estimates. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Mowers and White that the report be received and adopted.
SEE By-laws ~219-~222~
No. 30 - City Manager . report on meeting to discuss possible site for carnival.
purposes. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and White that the report be
received and filed.
No. 31 - Traffic Committee . recommending one-hour parking on both sides of McRae
Street from Victoria Avenue to a point ~00 feet west of Victoria Avenue. ORDERED on
the motion of AId. Martin and Morton that the report ~e received and adopted.
No. 32 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. White and Martin that the report be received and adopted and the licences
issued accordingly.
No. 33 - Oity Clerk - applications for Hawker and Pedlar Licences (Chip Wagons)
not approved. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. White and Brooks that the report
be received and tabled and the applicants advised to comply with the regulations
as laid down by the Board of Health.
Ald. McKinley queried asto whether our present by-laws or regulations
had any bearing on or applied to the taking out or delivering by licensed operators
of food establishments of light lunches and things of a similar nature and whether
such operation would be subject to the mobile lunch wagon licence.
The City Clerk advised that it was certain that whether applicable or
otherwise, the Local Board of Health would be very interested from the sanitation
The following Petition was presente_d]
No. 3 - J. A. McNamara and 22 others - requesting construction of curbs and gutters
on both sides of Cedar Street from Homewood Avenue to Stanley Avenue. Mr. McN~l,ara
spoke to Council on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks and advised that this
request was based on the need for proper road surface and requested Council's
favourable consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and !~orton that the
petition be received and referred to the City Manager for a report.
The following Resolution was passed;
No. 39 - BROOKS - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of His
Worship, ~ayor E. M. Hawkins and Members of the City Council be forwarded to the
family of the late Mr. William R. Lupton, former Mayor of the City of Niagara Falls,
New York; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Ald. McKinley expressed his appreciation to His Worship Mayor Hawkins
for the prompt attention given to his request at the last Council Meeting concerning
the adoption of babies from Great Britain and Europe and requested the City Clerk
to read the copy of the communication which had been forwarded to the Mayor from
the Officer in Charge, Department of Citizenship and Immigration on this subject.
The following By-laws were passed;
No. 521~ - To provide for giving the Collector of Taxes credit f~r the amount
returned by her to the Treasurer in the year 19~.
ORDER]r]) on the motion of Ald. White and Mowers that Ald. Martin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading.. Carried.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried.
Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Mowers - Carried.
No. 7220 - To provide for the appropriations for the year 1955.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McFdnley and Morton that Ald. Martin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried.
OPd)ERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and White that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried.
Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and White - Carried.
No. 5221 - To authorize the levying and collecting of taxes for the year 1955 and
defining the certain duties of the Clerk, Treasurer and Collector of
the City of Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Morton that Ald. Martin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried.
O:~D~ on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be tempoParily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. _ Carried.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and McKin].ey - Carried.
Ald. McKinley referred to the recent achievement of Canada~ Hockey
Team in winning the World Mockey Championship and was of the opinion that a
message of congratulations should be forwarded to the Mayor of Penticton, B.C.
upon the Penticton V's victory.
His Worship the ~yor advised that this action will be taken.
The Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. White and
READ AND ADOPTED, ]4th ~rch, 1955.
No. 5222 . To authorize the manner in which taxes for the year 1955 shall become due
to provide a time for payment and penalties for non-payment.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Morton that Ald. Martin be
granted ~he privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading.. Carried.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Mowers that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing ~xles of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. _ Carried.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Mowers ~ Carried.
No. 522~
- To amend By-law N~mber 5055, being a by-law to amend By-law (Building)
Number 1688, as re-enacted, ratified, approved and confirmed by by-Law
Number 2953 dated the 6th day of August,19~0.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mor~on and McKinley that Ald. Martin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
~eading. - Carried.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second
reading. _ Carried.
Third Reading .Ald. White and Mowers . Carried.
No__. 5224 _ To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and McKinley that Ald. Martin be
~ranted the PM~lege of ~ ntroducing the by-law and the byelaw be given the first
reading.. Carried.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. Carried.
Third Reading .Ald. Martin and Morton . Carried.
Council Chamber,
7th March, 1955.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 7th. March,1955 for the purpose
of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present,
with the exception of Ald. Donald. Ald. Martin, Chairman of the Finance Com-
mittee, presided.
mittee. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $A1,237.37 were app~oved by the Com-
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the money by-law for Presentation to the Council on the motion
of His Worship Mayor Hawkins and Ald. Brooks.
The communication from F. O. Boyle and Sons Limited laid over from the
previous meeting and referred to the Property Committee for consideration, was
again Presented. Ald. McKinley, Chairman of the Committee, reported verbally
and advised that his Committee were in fayour of granting the Permission requested
for th~ removal of buildings at the corner of Stanley Avenue and McRae Street in
order to erect a small modern service station. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
McKinley and White that a permit be granted under the supervision of the City
A communication from the Local Council of Women soliciting advertising
for the Year Book of the National Council of Women was presented for consideration.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Norton that the communication be received
and referred to the Chairman of Finance and the city Manager for a report.
The City Manager' s report recommending that the 500 horsepower motor
on Number 1 ~[igh Lift Pump be sent to the Sterling Electric for Pepairs was pre-
sented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and M~yor Hawkins
that the report be received and adopted.
The City Manager's report on the application of Walter Malkiewich
for a building permit to construct an addition on the south side of the Rapids
Tavern, 69 River Road and also an addition to the kitchen at the westerly side of
the building, at an estimated cost of $15,000.00 was presented for consideration.
ORDE on the motion of Ald. Morton and McKinley that the report be received and
adopted and the permit be issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of W. B. Styles, 535
Simcoe Street for a building permit to construct necessary walls to join two existin~
buildings at the rear of the premises, at an estimated cost of $2,500. was Presented'
for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Morton that the report
be received and adopted and permit be issued.
The City Manager,s report on the application of Mrs. Penhey for a
building permit to make alterations to one-half of a semi-detached dwelling at 640
Morrison Street, in order to provide three apartments, at an estimated cost of
$7,000.00 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley
and Brooks that the report be received and adopted and permit be issued.
The City Manager,s report on the application of Joseph Chiarella for
a permit to erect a wooden sign at 924 Victoria Avenue, advertising "Custom Tailors,,
at an estimated cost of $15. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion
of Aid. Brooks and Morton that the report he received and adopted and permit be
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Aid. Mowers and McKinley.
READ k~D ADOPTED, l~th March, 1955.
.... ~. ~..: .~ . ~
Chairman of Finance.
Council Chamber,
7th March, 1955.
.'he Council m-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the Purpose of Passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Committee. All members of Council were Pr.e_sent, with the exception
of Ald. Donald.
The following By-law was passe_d;
No. 522~ - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that Ald. P~rtin be
granted the pPix~lege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Morton that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried.
Third Reading -Ald. Martin and Mowers - Carried.
The Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley.
READ AND ADOFTED, l~th ~rch, 1955.
Council Chamber,
7th March, 1955.
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of
the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, 7th March, 1955 for the
purpose of considering various items presented to them. All members of the
Committee were present, with the exception of Ald. Donald. His Worship the
Mayor presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items placed before them. the Committee adjourned on
the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin.1
READ AND ADOPTED, lath March, 1955.
Council Chamber,
14th March,1955.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, l~th. March,
1955, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of
Council were present, with the exception of Ald. Donald. The Council, having
received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion
of AId. Mowers and Morton.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 67 - Centre Businessmen's Association - suggestions re traffic at Centre.
ORDERED on the notion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the con~.~unication be referred
to Conference for consideration.
SEE Report No.3~.
The followinK Communications were presented;
No. 70 - G. J. Emery - resignation as Superintendent of Parks and Cemetery Departmen.,
effective April 1st. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Mowers that the
resignation of Mr. Emery be received and accepted with regret and Council's best
wishes be conveyed to him and his family for good health and happiness in the future.
No. 71 - City Clerk, Penticton, B.C. - appreciation for congratulatory message re
Penticton V's hockey team's achievement in reclaiming World Hockey Championship.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and White that the co~n. unication be received
and filed.
No. 72 - Legion 51, Soccer Club - requesting use of Cakes Park Football Field for
this season. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Morton that the con~nunication
be received and filed and permission granted under the same conditions as last year.
No. 73 - Y.W.C.A. Board of Directors - requesting issuance of proclamation re Y.W.C.A.
Week from April 24th to 30th. ORDERE~ on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley
that the co~munication be received and filed and proclamation be issued as requested.
No. 7~.- Niagara Falls Fire Fighters - requesting permission to hold parade in con-
nection with circus on June 13th, 1955. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and
Mowers that the communication be received and filed and permission granted. Ald.
McKinley expressed the desire that the Board of Education might co-operate by allow-
ing earlier dismissal of the school children in order to see this circus parade.
No. 75 - Valley Way Home and School Asso~iation . requesting drainage of pond at
corner of Sixth Avenue and Valley Way due to the danger to children of this area.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Morton that the communication be received
and referred to the'City Manager for the necessary attention.
No. 76 - Bell Telephone Company - requesting permission to place an anchor on
Morrison Street, between St. Clair Avenue and Welland Avenue. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the communication be received and filed and per-
mission granted.
SEE ~-Law No,5226
No. 77 - Committee for Minor Sports . requesting financial assistance in their cam~
paign for funds to promote and develop minor sports. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Brooks and Mowers that the communication be received and refen'~d tothe City
Manager and Chairman of Finance for a report. Carried. Prior to this, a motion
made by Ald. Morton and Mowers that the communication be referred to the Chairman
of Finance for a recommendation and faycurable consideration, was ~ithdrawn. During
the fiscussion, Ald. Mowers expressed the view that the communication before Council
was a separate matter from 'the question of making available the funds offered in
1954 towards recognition of the Poe-Wee and Battery Shop Minor Teams. It was,however,
pointed out by the Chairman of Finance that insofar as he was ccncerned, the
year 195~ was a closed book and that he could only deal with funds for the
current year. Following further discussion, it was ordered on the motion of
Ald. Morton and Mowers that the whole matter be considered by the Citv Manager
and Chairman of Finance when the report is bein~ prepared.
No, 78 - NiaEara Fal_l__s.Separate School Board - re road built by H.E.P.C. as
service emit from Tunn~,l still in '~e~'on part o~ lot on which erection of
new school is planned. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks that the
communication be received and referred to the City Manager for attention.
The following Reports were presented~
No. 34 - Traffic Committee - re meeting with Centre Businessmen's Association re
traffic conditions and meters at Centre Area. OROERED on the motion of Ald.
Kinley and Mowers that the report be referred to Conference for consideration.
No. 35 -Ci~M~a_nage_r - concrete curb and gutter, north side of Huron Street.
No. 36 - City F~nager - concrete curb and gutter, south side of Huron Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin that the reports be received and
adopted and the necessary action taken.
No. 37 - City ManaKer - concrete curb and gutter, north side of Symmes Street.
No. 38 - City ManaKer - concrete curb and gutter, south side of Syn~es Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin end Morton that the reports be received and
adopted and the necessary action taken.
No. 39 - City ~anager - concrete curb and gutter, north side of Cedar Street.
No. AO - City ManaKer - concrete curb and gutter, south side of Cedar Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks that the reports be received and
adopted and the necessary action taken.
SEE Petition No, 3,
No, ~1 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licehess, ORDERED on the motion
of Aid, McKinley and Morton that the report be received and adopted and licehess
issued accordingly,
No. ~2 - City Clerk - two applications for mobile lunch wagons - approved by
Licensing Com~dttee. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the
report be received and filed and the licenses granted subject to observance of
requirements of the Local Board of Health. Carried. Prior to this, Ald. Brooks
moved that the report be tabled for one week and the City Manager and Clerk be
requested to prepare a report outlining reasons why similar requests for this ty~
of licenee, were not approved. There was no seconder to this motion. Mr. Olah,
one of the applicants, was permdtted to speak to Council on the motion of Ald.
Mowers and Brooks. He requested Council's faycurable consideration and assured
them that he would observe all the regulations of the Health Department.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 3 - J. A. McNamAra and 22 others - requesting construction of curbs end
gutters on both sides of Cedar Street between Homewood Avenue and Stanley Avenue.
ORDERED on the motion of i!d. Mowers and Brooks that the petition be ~cclved and
filed and the work proceeded with.
SEE Reperts.~9 &
The following Resolutions were passed;
No. ~O - MORTON - MCKINLEY- RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of His
Worship the Mayor and Members of Council be forwarded to the family of the late
William Hereford, a valued employee of the Corporation;and the Seal of the Cor-
poration be hereto affixed.
No. &l - MCKINLEY - MARTIN - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting be held on
Tuesday evening, March 22nd. coM,encing at 7.30 p.m. and the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed.
No. l~ - MCKINLEY - MORTON - ~RESOLVED that a congratulatory message on behalf of
His Worship the ~yor and Members of Council be fonmrded to the Niagara Falls
Optimist Boys' Choir, expressing Cowmcil's pride and pleasure on their successful
appearance. in the City of Buffalo; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. A3 - McKI~rLEY - MAR~N - ~RSSOLVED that a letter of congratulations on behalf of
His Worship the Mayor, Members of the Municipal Council and citizens at large be
forwarded to the Coach and Members of N.F.C.V.I. Buys' Basketball Team for their
fifth consecutive Cossa Championship; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
affixed. Carried
Ald. Mowers suggested that the Department of Highways be contacted with a
view to eliminating the dangerous conditions this season of the year along the reck
ledges of the approach to the Queen Elizabeth Highway, and the possibility of injury
to citizens through falling rocks. The City Manager was requested to take this
matter under advisement.
B fi,AWS
The following By-laws were passed;
No. 5226 - To provide for permission to the Bell Telephone Company to place an anchor
on Morrison Street between St. Clair Avenue and Welland Avenue.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks that AId. McKinley be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-lawand the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Mowers that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried.
Third Reading - kld. Morton and McKinley - Carried.
No. ~227 - To grant retirement allowances to municipal employees.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that'AId. Martin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the firsb
reading. - Carried.
ORDERED on the .notion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the 2rid.
reading. - Carried.
Third Reading - AId. McKinley and Morton - Carried.
?no Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and
AId. Mowers.
READ AND ADOPTED, 22nd. March, 1955.
Council Chamber,
lath Idarch, 1955.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, lath March, 1955 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present, '~ith
the exception of Aid. Donald. AId. Martin, Chai~nan of the Finance Co~ttee,
Sundry Accounts in the ~sount of $57,160.9A were approved by the Com-
The Accounts submitted, being passed or other,dee dealt with, were
ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion
of Mayor Hawkins and AId. McKinley.
The request of the Local Council of Women that the City purchase space
in their Year Book, which was laid over from the previous meeting, was again
presented for consideration along with a report of the Chairman of Finance and
the City Manager, which recommended that the request be not granted due to the
fact that no provision has been made in the 1955 Budget for such an expenditure.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and White that the report be received and
adopted, and the request be not granted.
The City Manager's report on the application of Nan's Dress Shop, 658
Queen Street, for a permit to erect a neon sign et an estimated cost of $150.OO
was presented for considerat[on. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and White
that the report be received and adopted and the permit issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of J. Juliani, 2276 Main
Street, to move the existing neon sign to a different location on his premises,
at an estimated cost of $150.OO was presented for consideration. OPd)ERED on the
motion of Ald. Brooks and Mowers that the report be received and adopted and the
permit issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of Burroughes Furniture
for a building perndt for alterations to the interior of the store at 55A Queen
Street, at an estimated cost of $1,500. was presented for consideration. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Morton and Brooks that the report be received and adopted
and permit issued.
The City Manager presented a verbal report on the rental of the Arena
to the Chippawa Nockey Club. He advised Council the arrangement was made on the
basis of hourly rental and the amount paid minimum, which did not justify the use
of heat and the operation of the concession. However, arrangements were made for
heat and the operation of the concession for the game on Tuesday, March 15,1955.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of AId. McKinley and
Ald. Brooks.
READ AND ADOPTED, 22nd. March, 1955.
Chairman of Finance.
Council Chamber,
l~th March, 1955.
'he Council re_assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Committee. All members of Council were present, with the exception
of Ald. Donald.
The following By-law was passed;
No. ~22~ - bo Frovide monies for general purposes·
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Morton that Aid. Martin be
granted the Irivilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading· - Carried.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Mowers that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried.
Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Mowers - Carried.
The Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers.
PF~AD AtO !DCPTED, 22nd. ~rch, 1955.
· ..~..
Council Chamber,
l~th March,1955.
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close
of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, l~th March, 1955 for the
purpose of consideMng various items presented to them. All members of' the Com-
mittee were present, with the exception of Aid. Donald.
After consideration of the items placed before ~hem, the Committee adjourned on
the motion of Ald. Mowers and Morton.
READ A~ ADOPTED, 22rid. March, ]955.
Council Chamber,
22nd. March, 1955.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on hesday, 22rid. March,
1955, for the purpose of considering general business and finance· All members of
Council were present, ~dth the exception of Ald. Donald. l~e Council, havlng
received and read the ndnutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion
of Aid. McKinley and White.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 77 - Conunittee for I~nor Sports -requestinM financial assistance in csnpaign
for funds to promote and develop minor sports.
SEE Comr. unication U~ber 79.
Th._e following Communications were presen.~.~.~;
No. 79 - Committee for Minor Sports - clarifying appeal for financial assistance.
In connection with this matter, Ald. Mowers reiterated his statements made ~t the
last meeting that Mr. S~mpson had asked him to bring to Council's attention the
matter of reconsidering the One Hundred Dollars for each of the two teams as offered
by Council in 195~. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Howere that the com-
munications be received and filed and the recommendation of the Chairman of Finance
and the City ~nager be adopted.
SEE Report Number 43.
No. 80 - Niagara Falls Public Library - appreciation re proposed addition to main
l~brary in order to improve library facilities. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Mowers and Brooks that the communication be received and filed.
No. 81 - City of Windsor - resolution to obtain greater share of educational costs
for urban municipalities. ORDERED on the motion of ild. t~ite and Morton that the
resolution be received and tabled for further study and submission of a report by
the City I,~nager.
No. 82 - City of London - resolution requesting Provincial Government to provide
additional Provincial funds each year for education grants. 02DE~ED on the motion
of ild. White and Mowers that the resolution be received and endorsed.
No. 83 - Department of Planning and Development - requesting views on proposed
Conference of Ontario Building Officials; or possibility of delegating municipality's
Building Inspector to attend 1955 Building Officials Conference of Canada to be held
in Ottawa on April 4th and 5th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Mowers that
the c~mmunication be received and tabled and the City Manager be requested to submit
a report on this matter at the nezt Council Meeting.
No. 84 - Nia~ara,St. Catharine.~_anj_~oronto Railway Company - Minor adjustments in
bus service. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. P~rtin and Mowers that the co~i!unication
be received and filed.
:Jo. 85 John Chu~ka - ~' llc;Atian for zat~rir,~ lic,=r:c~. C~2'ZTSD an t' " ' ~
AId. Mowers and Morton that the co~nunication be received and l~id in abeyance until
Petition khamber 5 is considered.
SEE Petition Number
1he followinK Reports were pre~se_?~ted;
No, l~3 - Chairman of Finance and City Manager - report on request ¢ Co.,"unittee for
Min?r Starts for a donation for their work, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Morton
and Mowers that thP recon~nendation be received and adopted,
No, &it - City F~na~er - reooam3nding appointments within Fire Department, O}{DZR_ED
on the motinn of Ald. McKinley and Brooks that the re~ort be received and adopted.
No. 1~5 - City IianaMer -- recommending appointments in Farks and Cemete~ Department.
ORDERED on th~ motion of Ald. McKinley and Morton that the report be received and
3o. A6 - C~ty M~nager - r~col~mending attendance of ;Cater ,works Superintendent at
Convention. O~'DE~ED on the motion of Ald. kowers and Morton that the report be
received and adopted.
Me. A7 - City ManaF, er - tel oft on meeting v~th Centre Businessmen's Association re
traffic redeems at Centre. In this connection, Ald. McKinley, Chairman of the
Traffic Coa.-tlttee, reported verbally and advised that when the City ~.hnager had
completed the survey, it was ascertained that an expenditure of $~,O00. would be
involved; but that only a few meters will be installed on the parking lot, as an
experiment; Council's opinion to be obtained if ad&itional meters are required.
CRDERED on the motion of Ald. >:cKinley and Martin that the report report of the
City F~nager be received and adopted.
No. ~ - City Clerk - report on Conference held March lath. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. 1,L~rtLn and Mowers that the report be report be received and adopted.
No. ~9 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenoes. ORDEED on the motion of
Ald. V. cFdnley and White that the report be received and adopted and licenoes issued
The following Petitions were ~resented;
r~o. ~ - Wl~. Dodd and ~ ~tbere - requesting repairs and re-surfacing of Park Lane.
ORDERED on the motion of A!d. McKinley and Llorton that the petition be received and
referred to +he City!.~nager for sub~j_ssion o~ a report on costs ihvolved, report
t~ be l.rssented at the next meeting.
No. 5 ~ Fran' Rov"':. =:-.l i.', others - protesting issuance of licenoes to pedlars.
It was moved 6s the motion of Ald. McKinley and ~nite that the licenoes which were
aplroved for grantlng in the previous week be revoked or not granted; that the
ap~l!cation on hand to-night from John Chotka be not granted and that the signstoMes
on the petition be ~dvised of Council's action. This motion was lost, the vote beinS -
Aye - A;d. McKinley and White and Brooks; Nays -Ald. Mowers, Morton, ~rtin and the
Mayor. An amendment by A].d. Mowers and Morton that the petition be received and
tabled for one week and the City i~nager and City Clerk present a full report to
Council as to the licenoes concerned and ascertain whether the individual who was
licensed last week is operating his business in any other municipality besides
Niagara Falls was carried, the vote being - Aye -Ald. Mowers, Morton, Martin and
Mayor Hawkins; Nays -Ald. McKinley, White and Brooks.
In the discussion prior to the action taken, Ald. McKinley stated that contrary
opinion was expected but had this been known at the pre~dous m~eting, it is quite
ios.,itl~ that j~ncil wo~ld hav~ ~cL3d ascordlnoly.
AId. W~ite and AId. Brooks referred to the fact that although they voted in favour
the previous week, they were not actually in agreement but felt that the majority
Aid. Mowers expressed opposition to the granting in one instance and then shortly
afterwards the consideration of revocation.
Mr. Frank Revert, one of the signers of the petition, expressed the view that the
type of operation being considered for a licenee was detrimental to the restaurant
operators and suggested that the man licensed, has been operating for sometime
prior to the issuance of the lieonce.
Ald. White referred to ~he subject of 1icenoes f~r ~at ~re 'uw}>n as
chip wagons in the City of Niagara Falls and outlined hi~' ccnve-sation with
certain officials and the results obtained. At Ibis tbne, Dr. C. ]{. '.>ilelcck~
the Me~cal Officer of Hea]t> and fir. D. C./i~cad~m, issist'=nt S'~ntt~rv inspector
expressed their ~ews on the licensing ~r t>ese v~hicl~s a ~t t}~e~r r.~s..~.3ns for
f~ling to a~>rove of the ~tl.lic~tiq~s. Fq]lowinS rurr.}r-r dr rc~'ssi~ on t::e
mat'. er it was ordered or, the mellon cF ~d. ~'i~ '{p8 ~o'~cs t>~+ +I.~ ]ic:,~nco:~
for chip wagons, ~hafz is, tho~e w},icL >qv~ i.r-vjo~i.~!F ]~ee~ ~-~ ,l .-r.ti ,n in the
municipality, ~, j?ant. ~. ~ls ~otion was ] ~?t, [~,j volt P < .... A-e - A>L
~ite~ and 3ro</..~s~ Na,e '~ ~'
by Ald. 21cKinley and A~d. Mowers tk:~t the nat{er be C~bled for ~, ~'e~}: and tb.~ City
l,~nager and City Clerk icge~her ;vith ocCic[a].s or 5 r L3c~! ~ard ,'~ He~].t' bc
reou~s+ed to submit a report similar to that ~. u~:+~d csncernjr>j o+l~ nubil,=
lunch ~qagons licenoes, was carried; ~}.~ vct~ bein~ Aye - A].d. [ZcK}r+l~y~ lkA~'=~r3,
Martin and korton; N~ye - ild. hlqite and byeeke.
Communication >l,imber ~'~
-~.__- John Chotka - a~plication for cateri!~ ]~cence. 03I)S~LfD
on the motion or Aid. ITartin ~nd ~e thet the ap~lioat!o~i ~e ~ec~ive~ ~.~ P~ed
and l~ermj ~sion ~ not granted. ' ~
AId. :'~hite referred to l arking conditLons %disc=n! to the U.j. Consulate
and th~ lane at the rear of Bender Hil] and also the parking cond~.tions on :.>rris~c
Street between Vic~oria Avenue and ~ckley Avenue and reiiuested the Traf?ic Cun:-
nittee to give these matters their consider:{tion.
Aid. ~:&ite also referred to the apt,arent water leak in the vicinit" af
Sixth Avenue and Hamilton Street anti asked the City >Lanager to look into th~ marts;re
The followinK By-laws were
No. 5229 - re authorize the entering into a contract with The Mutual Life
Assurance Company of Canada for group insurance for City ~nployees.
ORDERED on the motion of kld. kowers &nd Morton that Ald. >~rtin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Martin that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried. (Ald. Brooks-contrary).
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Mowers. Carried. (AId. Brooks-contrary(.
No. ~2~0 - To authorize the redemption of debentures.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that Ald. Martin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried.
Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Morton - Carried,
The following By-law was presented;
No. ~2~1 - To authorize the borrowing of $~86,000.00, upon debentures for the
retirement of certain debentures.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and McKinleY that Ald. Martin
be g~anted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried.
ORD~ED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Mowers that Rule 36 (2) of
the S~anding Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried.
The following By-law was tassed;
No. ~232 - To provide for the 1955 expenditure on roads and streets in the City
of Niagara
the motion of Ald. McKinley and ~'~owere that Ald. ~rtin be
of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
granted the privilege
readin~. - Carried.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Eorton that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried.
?nird Reading -Ald. Morton and ]:artin - Carried.
The Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of ild. Mowers and
RZAD A~ ADOP"~D, 28th ~5%rch, 1955.
Council Chamber,
22nd. March, 1955.
The Finance Meeting was held on Tuesday, March 22nd, 1955 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All members of the Con~ittee were present, with
'~ ~'~t!l,n of AIL Do~.~'L A!'L Y~rtLn, ~T:a~rr:,~n oF ~h; r'inance Co;~ni tree,
S,mdry Accounts in the amount of $106,A06.75 were approved by the Com-
The Accounts submitted being passed or otherwise dealt with, were .
ordered placed in the money by-law for, presentation to the Council on the motion of
Mayor Nawkins and Ald. McKinley.
The City ~nager's report recommending tke suua of $25. towards the
trophy for the band competition sponsored by the Greater Liegate Veterans
Central Committee in connection with their V.E. Day Parade, May ?th, which
will be charged to the appropriation for contingencies and celebrations, 1955
Budget, was presented for consideratior. ORDERED cn the motion of l~hyor Hawkins
and Ald. McKinley that ~he report be received and adopted°
sign at 1856
rece~ red and
City iC%nager's report reco.~nending permit for the er~ctiun of a nenn
Ferry Street, at an estimated cost of $5~5oOO was i_resent~d for cen-
OPd)ERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Eorton that th~ r-~port he
adopted and perutit issued.
The City Fanager's report reco~nending l~rmit for the erection of a neon
sign at 1860 Fer~r Street, at an eetimated cost of $1,500. was presented for
consideration. ORDEP~,~D on the motion of i!d. Mowers an:~ 71orton that the relert be
received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager's report reco~nend!ng the issum~ce of a permit for the
erection of a sign at 1292 Ferry Street, at an estimated cost of .~!0~o was !re-
sented for consideration. ORDEreD on the motion of Ald. l~ite and ~%we~s that
the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager's report recommending the issuance of a Fermit fcr the
installation of two-23,000 gallon storage t~!ks mounted on concrete l~ases at
Buttrey Street - W.B. Gunning Limited, at an estimated cost of ~3,50~.OO was
presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of ~yor Hawkins and Aid.
Mowers that the report be r~ceiv~d and adopted and pe~ t issued.
Ald. Brooks, in referring to the recent fire at the Trost Ailartmeni,
house at 1070 Robert Street, reluested the City 1Mnager to subfit n reIort.
Aid. Brooks in referring to publicity on the editorial ~age of the
local press regarding fluoridatio~, was of the opinion that the public shoul~ be
informed that u~. to the present, Council have nDt reached a decision on this
The City Manager advised that he is collecting lite,ature containing
the pros and cons of fluoridation, in order that he :nay report to Coumci], bat
that primarily he is waitinS for the reiort which the Gover~,~ent has asked the
University of Toronto to protare after which he will present. his report as soon
as possible.
kld. Martin, being the first to introduce the subject of fluori,lation
to Council, stated that he b~d asked for a report, after bel. ng contacted by
citizens, and this rel~rt was only requested as a source off ilfformation for the
~.~uhlic in general; that nothing had been recommended as yet,
The Co~rjttee arose and reffrted to Council on the motion of }{is :Jorshii= the
Mayor and Ald. White.
READ AkrD ADOPTSD, 28th. I,~rch, 1955.
Chairman of Finance.
Council Chamber,
22rid. L[~rch, 1955 ·
The Council 're-%ssembled at the close of the regu].ar Council and
Finance Y. eetings for- 'he ,urposo of pzssin[ the by-law which covered the accounts
ap/roved by the Co:mnittee. All members of Council were present, with the exception
?C A!d. Donal<L
.'he following ~-!aw was tas__sej;
No. ~23} - Fc irevide monies for general purposes.
OF~DERED on the motion of Ald. Me'. ere and Morton flat Ald. Martin be
Sparred the j Fidlege of jntmducing the by-law ~d the ~-law be ~ven the fjPst
r~adLng. - Ca'tried.
ORDEED on the ~otion of ~d. !,ior5cn m~ B~oks tha~ Rule 3A (2) of the
Stand~ng Rules of Council be tem[orarily suspended and the by-law bs given the 2nd.
rc~ding. - Carried.
third Re~dlng - Aid. V. owefs and Brooks - Carried.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. :~owers and %~nite.
P_EIE A~rO ADOFTED, 2~th.i~rcb, 1955.
_ M~yor.
...... ~ ,. MEETL'~G
Council Chamber,
2~t}, I':~PcL, 1755.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council xne~ at 7.30 '.In. on !icn.~ay, 2?th.iL'~rch,
1955, for the purpose of considering general business And finance. All
of Council were presenl, with the exception of A!d. penal-~, a~d Ald. lifewere.
Council, having receive8 and read the minutes cf the previous .!co-tin.C, a~ob~ed
these on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Brooks. ' '
Tenders for the supply of grass seed for the 1955 whjch bad been received,
were ordered opened, initialled by His Worshit the Lhyor and tabulated, on th~
motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. i.~rtin. ORDERZD on the motion of Ald. '.letter
and Brooks that the tender of Fischer's Tobacco Store, the lowes+, tender, be
accepted. '
Laid over frcm the previous meeting;
No. 81 - City of Windsor - resolution re greater share of educational costs for
urban municipalities. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. ~ite and Morton ahat the
resolution be received and adopted and refferred to the Ontario Mayors and Reeves
Association and the Ontario ~nicipal Association.
SEE Repo~t !Vot~9
No. 83 - Department of Plannin~ and Development - requesting views on proposed
Conference of Ontario Builching Officials; or possibility of delegating municipality's
Building Inspector to attend 1955 Building Officials' Conference in Ottawa, April
4th and 5th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Brooks that the communi-
cation be received and filed and the Building Inspector attend the Conference.
SEEReport No. 51.
The following Communications were presented;
No. 86 - National Secretaries Association - requesting proclamation. O~DERED on
the motion of Ald. Martin and Morton that the communication be received and filed
and the proclamation published as requeste. (Ald. White-contrary).
No. 87 - Dr. R. L. Hears, Chairman, B.E.P.C. of Ontario - appreciation for congrat-
ulatory message upon appointment. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Brooks
that the communication be received and filed.
No. 88 - Niagara Falls Air Cadet Squadron #126 - requesting permission to hold a
tag day on April 30th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and F~rtin that
the coamunication be received and filed and the request granted.
No. 89 - British-Canadian Veterans Association - inT[tation to Joint Installation
April 1st. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mart~n ~nd Brooks thnt the inv;~tion
be received and accepted and as many members of Council as possible attend accom-
panied by their wives.
No. 90 - An~elo Cristelli - parkifig conditions, Stanley and Lincoln. ORDERlED on
the motion of Ald. Brooks and White that the conununication be received and referred
to His Wersh. ip the Mayor for consultation with the Chief of Police.
No. 91 - Board of Education - requesting by-lm~ restricting use of whole Arena and
School properties. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and White that the com-
munication be received and referred to the Tour of Inspection.
No. 92 - Grea____t_er Niagara General Hospital - re water charges and indigent paysrent.
In connection with this conenun|cat|on, Ald. Martin, Chairman of Finance, referred
to the full page i'lublic[ty in this evening's press, pointing out that if this had
been known that this wee to aptear, a mere detailed report would have been sub-
mltted to the Council, a statement with ~nich the City Manager fully concurred. It
was ind~ cared that a further report would be submitted and it was suggested that
the ~resent report be given full publicity. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin
and White that the communication be received and filed.
SEE Report No. 52;
No. 93 - ~nister of Municipal Affairs - special assistance in 1955 (unconditional
grant). ORDERED on the motion o~ Ald. Morton and Brooks that the communication be
received and the ~rant set up as a ~eserve, not to be used for current expenses in
1955. SEE Report No.
~e followinK Reports were presented;
rio. 50 - City Manager - resolution from Windsor seeking to obtain a greater share of
educational costs for urban municiF%lities. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White
and Morton that the report be received and adopted.
No. 51 - Sit| Fmn_aMe[ - rc letter from Department of Planning and Development re
the 1955 Building Officials' Conference in Ottawa; and recommending the attendance
of City's building inspector at this Conference. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Eclinley and Brooks that th- r-port be received and adopted.
No. 52 - City ~anager - re letter from Chairmnn of Finance, Hospital Board and
remarks in the press on ~rch 25th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and White
that the report be received and filed.
No. 53 - Ch__airman of Finance & City Manager - re letter from Minister of Municipal
Affairs and recommending the unconditional grant be set up as a Reserve. ORDERED
on the !notion of A~d. Morton and Brooks that the report be received and adopted.
No. 5~ - City Clerk - re expiration of lease re Part of FAngs 22, Robinson Street.
ORDE~.vD on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Morton that the report be received and
tabled for one week and the City Manager be requested to ascertain whether the
requirements stipulated by Council on the last Tour of Inspection are being complied
No. 55 - City Manager - report on exits provided in the apartment building at 1070
Robert Street and recommending further changes to protect the tenants. In this con-
nection Aid. McKinley queried as to the reason for these recommendations at this date
and was advised by the City ~nager as to the originat|on of the same. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. Brooks and McKinley that the report be received and adopted and
the recommendations processed as soon as possible.
No. ~6 - City l~Ana~er - re leak in vicinity of Sixth Avenue and Hamilton Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and McKinley that the report be received and laid
on the table to determine further correction of this condition.
No. 57 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. McKinley and Brooks that the report be received and adopted and licenoes issued
No. 5~ - C~ty !.ian~f~r - report on cost of rebntlding road surfsee o~ Par~ Lane fro~
· '~el21~nu AveL~e to Lh~ westerly li:it and suggesting consideration by Council on the
Tour of Inspection before any action is taken. ORDERED on the 'motion of Ald. Brooks
and Morton that the report be received and adopted. Ald. McKinley suggested that
Mr. Dedd, first signatory on the petition be contacted by the EnSineering Staff to
ascertain what their particular compleint is and if drainage, possibly some temporary
measure might be taken. This was left with the City Manager to consider.
SEE Petition No. ~.
N.e. 59 - ~!na~er and__q3_~_X. Cler~ _ detailed r~l~rt op the T4,n.~,io, of ce"t;,in
lzcences, v~z; motor vehicle lunch wagons, c~teen s-rvLce vehicles. O~D'];I~D
the motion of Aid. McKinley and RqffJe that ~h. nUcr~
that the licehoe grant.~d to lit. St,~ve Olah for ~he o} erarich u~ ~ nibile lunch
wagon at the me?tlng of l<a~ch 14tb be revoked and
of Mr. John Fayone for the operation of a sim~l{ .....
ORDEi{ED on the motion of AId. "~dt~ ar.q ~rooks '. }T ~+
?lorhacb for LLe op?ration oC x ch[i. wagon. Carri,~L
Laid over fr.~m +:he F-e,';lous me-tir~i
........... · ,
.he. 5 Z FranI: -'icyerr add li_o.!be[.q _ l.roteshlrS issu:;.nc~- of ' lc ~q.zes to i-' 12 = ~.~
for canteen ser~ce~ e~c. C'RDE%:ED on bhe motinto o~ AId. ffci(in? ~-' ~n"'
the petition be r~cel~,:d ~nd filed.
Sjf lj~l,2r~
~e follo~n~ Petition was. present efti
No. 6 - !,~s. R. Hemphill and 74 others - pro~es~in~ disconU. nuance oC
Avenue bus. C°DE~D on the mot|or of Ald. McKinley srd '.~d. te that the
be received and tabled and the N.S. a T. be contacted, i, oin~in~ out the disad-
vantage to residents of this area due to this actiom, ,md r~quest~ng that th~
Railway consider the ~of:sibilify of revifzin~ t~'e Scheda!e it, order to sul,I ly
possibly 2 or ] occasions during the d~y when residents ~Zht ~dsh to avail
themselves of the bus sererice on this route.
No. 7 - J. W. ~ilkinson and 4 others - requesting imn~ediate erection o~ a fence
on the eas~ side of Coronation Park. As this Fetition was received too late for
inclusion on this evening's agend% it was ordered read on the motion of Ald.
McFdnley and Ald. Morton. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. i~ite and !,Torton that
the petition be received and left in the hands of the City Manager.
Aid. Morton was of the opinion that the City Council should give their
moral support tO the idea of the Booster Club which is beinF ipaugurated for the
preservation of Senior Hockey kere in Niagara Falls.
His Worship the hayor commended those individuals for their fine efforts
in this regard.
The followinK By-laws were passed;
No. 5234 - To provide for 1955 Expenditures on Roads and Streets in the City of
Niagara Fql~r.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and ~ite that Ald. I~rtin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second
reading. - Carried.
Third Reading - AId. McKinley and Martin - Carried.
No. ~2~ - To appoint a Superintendent of Farks and Cemeteries.
ORDERZD on the motion of Aid. Martin and Morton that Ald. Brooks be
granted the t:rivilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the fj.rst
reading. - Carried.
ORDEPZD on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Morton that Rule 36 (2( of
the Stamding Rules of Council be temi~rarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Martin - Carried.
SEE Resolution No. 44.
No. ~2~o - To authorize the agreement with H.E.P.C. of Ontario for release of Part
of Lot N~ber 9~, Township of Stw~ford.
O~%DERZD on the motion of Ald. Martin and Eorton that Ald. McKinley be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first
time. - Carried.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. EcKinley and Brooks that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried.
Third Reading - AId. Morton and Martin - Carried.
The foliowinE Resolution was passed;
No. ZJ, - M~KIR?.EY - MORTON- gZSOU~Dthat Charles E. Norgate be and is hereby
appointed the Weed Inspector for the City of Niagara Falls for the year 1955,
effective April let, 1955; and the Seal 9f the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Ca rri eld
The Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 4th April, 1955.
6i;,, "' ..........
. 1 Chamber,
28hh March, 1955.
The Finance Meeting was he3.d on Honday, 2~th. M~rch, 1955 For the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been proD~rly
certified and placed before them. Ill members of the Co~ttee we,~e present, 1.dth
the exception cf Ald. Donald and Ald. l.~wers. Ald. ~rtin, Chairm~n o~ the Finance
Committee, presided.
Sund~- Accounts in th? amount oF ~7,599.74 we~.e approv,~d by the ConunitLee.
The Accounts subtitled being passed or ctherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the money by-law for Fresentation to the Council on the motion
of Ald. McKinley and Ald. White.
The Statement of Relief for the month of February, 1955 wss presented
for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Brooks that the
same be received, given the usual i-ublicity and filed.
The Comfittee acos~ and reportad to Council on the motion of AId. 19~it.~ and AId.
READ AND ADOFTED, 4th April, 1955.
' "&~AA~a ........ 6}]ilr.'nan of Finance.
Council Chamber,
The. Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Committee. All members of Council were present, with the exception
of Ald. Donald and Ald. Mowers.
__~,e_~qll~l__aw was passe__ddl
to. 5232 - To Frovide mcnies for general purposes.
O~E~D on the taction of ~. McKinley and ~'~ite that ~d. ~,~rtin be
Sranted the I-rivilege of introduci~ the bU-law and the ~-law be given the fimt
reading. - Carried.
O~E~ED on the motion of ~d. Morton and ~Artin that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of ~uncil be temporarily suspended and the by-l~w be given bhe
second reading. - Carried.
~ird ~]~nE - ~d. Morton and Brooks - Carried.
Th.~e Counc}! adjourned on the motion of Aid. McKinley and .~.d. Morton.
READ A:~]) ADOF~~ED, 4th April, 1955.
Council Chamber,
4th April,1955.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7-30 p.m. on Monday, 4th. April,
1955, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members
of Council were present with the exception of Ald. Martin. The Council, ha~_ng
received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the
motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Donald.
His Worship the Mayor welcomed Alderman Donald back to his seat at the
Council table following recuperation from his illness. He also welcomed Mr.
Selwyn Booth of Toronto who has assumed his duties as Accountant for the City of
Niagara Falls.
The following Communications were presented;
No. 94 - Niagara Frontier Humane Socie~V - requesting permission to hold a Tag Day
on May 21st,1955. OFg)ERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Brooks that the com-
munication be received and filed and the request granted.
Laid over from a previous meeting;
No. 5~ - City Clerk - re expiration of lease to Mrs. Anna Konkos for Part of
Range 22, lying south of Robinson Street. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley
and Mowers that the report be received and filed.
SEE Report No. 60
The foliowinE Reports were presented;
No. 60 - City Manager - recommending renewal of lease to Mrs. Anna Konkos. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the report be received and adopted.
No. 61 - City Manager - recommending appointment of Miss Mary Marabella, 1729 Peer
Street, to the position of Junior Clerk in the General Office. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Morton and Brooks that the report be received and adopted.
No. 62 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenoes. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Brooks and Morton that the report be received and adopted and the licenoes
issued accordingly.
No. 63 - Assessment Commissioner - Summary of Assessments, Population and acreage'
of cities in Ontario. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Whkte and McKinley that the
report be received and tabled and the Assessment Commissioner attempt to ascertain
whether comparative mill rates in the report were based on similar modes of assess-
ment. The Assessment Commissioner suggested that it be tabled until the forth-
coming Convention in June when he would be in contact with the various Assessors.
No. 64 - City Clerk - advising of approval by Ontario MunicipalBoard of Restricted
Area By-law Number 5188. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that
the report be received and filed.
The following Resolutions were passed;
No. ~5 - MORTON - MOWERS - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of Council be
held on Tuesday, April ~2th, 1955 at 7.30 p.m. and the Seal of the Corporation be
heroic affixed. Carried
No. ~6 - B~0OKS - MORTON - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of His
Worship the Mayor and Members of the City Council be forwarded to Alderman George
Martin and the Members of his family upon the death of his father, the late Mr.
Bert Martin; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. ~7 - BROOKS - MORTON - RESOLVED that a letter of thanks be forwarded to the
Canadian Corps Colour Party for the invitation extended to the members of Council
to attend the Annual Inspection of the Niagara Memorial Band and also the con-
gratulations of Council to the members of the Band for the success they have
attained; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried
No. ~8 - BROOKS - McKINlEY - RESOLVED that the members of Council meet on Saturday
morning, April 9th, at 9:00 A.M. for the purpose of inspecting and making a
decision as to alternative ball perks and recreational areas which are to be pro-
dded and if time permits, to also consider the pevements which are to be included
in the Paving Programme for the year 1955; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
affixed. Carried
No. A9 - MCKINLEY - BBDOKS - RESOLVED that the Building Committee be empowered to
proceed with the installation of a suitable railing on the front steps of the City
Hall; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried
No. 50 - MCKINLEY - MOWERS - RESOLVED that the parking meter in front of Roberrs'.
Credit jewellets be removed and 'a survey made of the entire block as to the
feasibility of extension of the present parking speces and the remedying of the
condition at the comer of Ontario 'Avenue and Queen Street; and the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried
No. 51 - MCKINLEY - MOWERS - RESOLVED that the City Manager submit a complete
report on the OMenspan Junk Yard on Stanley Avenue at the next meeting of Council;
and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. 52 - MOWERS - McKIN~.FY - RELVEDthat the matter of Canteen Service in the
City of NiagaraFaLls be re-opened at the next meeting of council, a further request
be submitted by the City Manager and Mr. Frank Royeft be notified of Council's
intention; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
(Ald. White- contrary).
No. 53 - MCKINLEY - MOWERS - RESOLVED that Ald. Morton be appointed Acting
Chairman of Finance during the absence of Ald. Martin; and the Seal of the CorporAtion
be hereto affixed.
The City Manager suggested that the Annual Tour of Inspection should
be held as early as possible in the current year, mentioning April 15th, April 22nd,
and April 29th as possible dates. During discussion as to t~e holding of the Tour
of Inspection, it was pointed out by Ald. Mowers that more might be accomplished if
it were done on two or more separate occasions, either in the morning or afternoon,
and Ald. McKinley suggested that in view of recent queries, the matter of ball parks
and recreational areas should be ~iven definite consideration at as early a date as
possible. Following the discussion, it ,as ordered on the motion of Ald. Brooks
and Mckinley that the members of Councilmeet'on Saturday morning, April 9th at
9;00 A.M. for the parpose of inspecting and making a decision as to alternative ball
parks and recreational areas which are to be provided and, if time permits,
to also consider the pavements which are to be included in the Paving Programme
for the year 1955.
SEE Resolution No. ~8.
The following By-law was passed;
No. ~2~8 - To amend By-law Number 3790, being a by-law for the regulation of
ORDEPZD on the motion of Ald. Donald and Morton that AId. McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first-"r~ding. - Carried.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and McKinley that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried.
Third Reading - AId. Donald and Mowers - Carried.
Aid. Mowers referred to the matter of licences for what are known as
Canteen Service trucks, advising that he was in receipt of a lengthy petition
and various communications from persons strongly advocating that this type of
service be licensed and made available, referred to the fact although he was
the mover for a complete report on the matter, the subject had been dealt with
during his absence from the last meeting of Council and requested that the
matter be re-opened at the next meeting of Council and a further report be
AId. McKinley speaking to Alderman Mowers' motion, expressed accord
with the re-opening of the matter and a further report enlarging somewhat on
his remarks at the previous meeting and indicating that he would have more to
say when the matter is again before Council.
SE Resolution No.~2.
The Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and
READ AND ADOPTED, 12th April, 1955.
Council Chamber,
4th April, 1955.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, ~th April, 1955 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present,
with the exception of Ald. Martin. Ald. Morton, Acting Chairman of the Finance,
Committee, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $15A,3A1-98 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion
of Mayor Hawkins and Aid. McKinley.
The report of the City Manager reco~msending the issuance of a building
permit to Mr. J. Trabucco for the erection of a store and two apartments on the
comer of Ferguson and Broughton at an estimated cost of $15,000.00 was presented
for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Mayor Hawkins that the
report be received and adopted.
The report of the City Manager recon~ending the issuance of a moving
permit to Mr. J. Trabucco to move a small building from 425 First Avenue to Lot 47
on Acheson Avenue, subject to the approval of the Property Committee, was presented
for consideration. ORDEE on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and AId. White that the
report be received and adopted.
The report of the City Manager recomnending the issuance of a building
permit to Mrs. Anna Konkos for the erection of a double garage at 1929 Victoria
Avenue was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and
Donald that the reportlbe received and adopted.
The City Manager presented a verbal report recommending that a
building permit be issued to Mr. John Vandersluys for the erection of a Flower Shop,
office and apartment on the east side of Victoria Avenue, at an estimated cost of
$A8,000.00. ORDERE~ on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that the report be
received and adopted.
The Statement of Relief for the month of March, 1955 was presented for
consideration. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Mayor Hawkins that the
same be received, given the usual publicity and filed.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and
Ald. M~,Kinley.
READ ~D ADOPTED, 12th April, 1955.
Chairman of Finance.
Council Chamber,
~th April,1955.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Committee. All members of Council were present, with the exception
of Ald. Martin.
The followinK By-law was passed2
No. ~239 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Brooks that Aid. MorSon
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given
first reading. - Carried.
ORDFED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Morton that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried.
Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Morton - Carried.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Brooks.
RF~ AND ADOPTED, 12th April, 1955.
Council Chamber,
12th April, 1955.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. onT~esday, 12th April,
1955 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of
Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Brooks.
-Ald. Donald arrived at the meeting -
Tendersfor general supplies for the year 1955 had been called and on
the motion of Ald. McKinley and Martin it was ordered that the tenders received, be
opened, initialled by His Wbrship the Mayor and tabulated.
In connection with licenses for the purpose of operating lunch wagons
and mobile canteens in the City of Niagara Falls, it was ordered on the motion of
Ald. Mowers and Morton that any one present at the meeting, interested in this
subject be allowed to speak at this time.
Mr. Frank Royeft, one of the signatories on a petition presented to
Council two ~eks ago, protesting the issuance of such licenoes. spoke on behalf of
restaurant operators, pointing out the employment made possible through the operation
of restaurants and was of the opinion that they should have the support of Council.
FAr. F. J. Matthews, Solicitor, spoke on behalf of Mr. John Chotka, whose
application for a catering licehoe had not been approved and expressed the opinion
that such a service as suggested by Mr. Chotka would not be detrimental to local
restaurant operators.
Mr. S. DeLorenzo, President of the Centre Businessmen's Association
and proprietor of a restaurant, spoke in opposition to the granting of such licences,
and pointed out that such operations have already interfered with local business
kid. MOors expressed the opinion that there is a definite need for
such catering service to industries, etc. in this community, although not suggesting
who provided the service, he felt that employers and employees were entitled to such
service; that since the Board of Health had approved the present applicants, it was
apparent the required standards were being met. He moved that Council grant canteen
licenoes for the Furpose of off-street operation. This was not seconded.
kid. Morton supported the restaurant operators and expressed the
opinion that they deserved Council's consideration and he therefore opposed the
granting of canteen licenoes.
AId. ~ok. refe.-r,~d to t~ proximity oT restaurants to most of the
~r~m.~e~ r~fsrD, U w in the ~ition filed ~d felt that it ~s therefo~ ~necessa~
~o ~cense c~teen se~ces.
Following further discussion it was ordered on the motion of Ald.
I~Einley and Br~eke that the City Manager'e report and all correspondence pertaining
this subject be received and filed. Carried. (Ald. Mowers-contrary).
SEE Communications 96 to 101 SEE Report Number 66
~ Petition No. 8
The following Communications were presented;
No. 95 - Canadian Legion. Branch 51 - invitation to Annual Memorial Service,
June 5th. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Donald and Mowers that the invitation
be received and accepted and as many of the members of Council as possible %ttend.
No. 96 - Centre Businessmen's Association -
No. 97 - South End Business and Professional Men's Association -
No. 98 - Downtown Businessmen's Association - '
No. 99 - Retail Food Merchants' Association - opposing l~,ch wagon and canteen
No.lO0 - Niagara Bakery- supporting application oF Niagara Frontier Lunch Service.
No.lO1 - Rudy's Metal Works - supporting application cf Niagara Frontier Lunch
Service. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Mowers that Communications 96
to 101 be considered together, along with Petition No. 8 and Report No. 66.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Brooks that the conmunications be
received and filed. Carried. (Ald. Mowers - contrary).
SEE Report No. 66
SEE Petition No.8
No.lO2 - LOgan and Scott - requesting binding agreement to erect and maintain a
fence re Grand Union Carroll project. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers
and McKinley that the communication be received and filed. (Carried). (Aid. Morton-
contrary). Prior to this action, Aid. Morton moved that the communication be
received and referred to the City Solicitor for his opinion. This motion was
not seconded.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 65 - City Manager - report on Lot 801, east side of Stanley Avenue between
Lincoln and North Streets. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers
that the report be received and tabled for ready reference sometime in the
future if necessary.
No. 66 - City Manager - report on applications for the operation of lunch wagons.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Brooks that the report be received
and filed. Carried. (Aid. Mowers-contrary).
No. 67 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. P~ite and Brooks that the report be received and adopted and licenoes
issued accordingly.
No. 68 - Assistant City EnArineer . report on Building Officials' Conference in
Ottawa. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Morton that the report be
received and filed.
The following Petitions were presented;
No. 8 - Industrial Concerns and employees - advocating continuance of canteen
service. ORDEREl) on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Brooks that the petition
be received and filed. Carried. (Aid. Mowers-contrary).
No. 9 - Joe Prest and 16 others - requesting paving of Slater St. between Stamford
and McRae Sts. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Donald and Morton that the petition
be received and referred to the City Manager for a report.
No.lO ~ Mrs. Nott and ~ others - requesting that Shredded Wheat Co. employees
park their cars on parking lot provided by the Company. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Donald and Brooks that the petition be received and the City Manager be
instructed to proceed with the preparation of the parking area on the Company's
property and the petitioners so notified of this action.
The following By-law was presented;
N__ol ~2~0_ - To authorize the construction of curbs and gutters on both sides of
Cedar Street from Homewood Avenue to Stanley Avenue; Huron Street from
Homewood Ave. to Stanley Ave. and Symmes Street from F~in Street to
Orchard Avenue as Local Improvements under the provisions of The Local
Improvement Act.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that Ald. Martin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading- - Carried.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the 2nd.
reading. - Carried.
READ AND ADOPTED, 18th April, 1955.
Ald. Martin arose at this time to express gratitude on behalf of his
family and himself to His Worship the Mayor, Members of Council, Official Staff and
employees of the Corporation for the kind thoughts extended and flowers forwarded,
upon the occasion of the death of his father, the late Bert Martin.
Aid. Morton requested the City Manager to submit a report at the next
Council meeting on the laid down price of asphalt per foot.
Aid. Morton referred to the forthcoming Conference of the Children's
Aid Society which is to be held in Toronto on May 19th and 20th at the Royal York
Hotel and desired to know Council's thoughts on the matter.
SEE Resolution No.54.
Ald. Brooks referred to the postcard racks on Victoria Avenue at the
Centre which interfere with pedestrian traffic on the sidewalk.
Ald. Brooks referred to the Complaints which he had received'on dust
and dirt on City sidewalks and streets and was of the opinion that action should
be taken to alleviate these conditions.
Ald. Brooks also referred to the Easter Sunrise Service held at Oakes
Park last Sunday and the omission of the names of Ald. White and Ald. Morton in
the report of this event in the local press.
The following Resolution was passed;
No. 5A - BROOKS - DONALD - RESOLVED that Ald. Morton, Council's representative on
the Children's Aid Society, be authorized to attend the Conference scheduled for
~y 19th and 20th at the Royal York Notel, Toronto; and the Seal of the Corpor-
ation be hereto affixed.
The Council adjourned to Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Donald and Ald.
Council Chs~nber,
12th April, 1955.
The Finance Meeting was held on Tuesday, 12th ApriI, 1955 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been
properly certified and placed before them. ill members of the Con~nittee were
present. AId. Martin, Chairman of the Finance Co.~nittee, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $29,250.22 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted being passed or otherwise dealt ~dth, were
ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the
motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. Donald.
A communication from the Secretary-Treasurer of the Civic Mutual Benefit
Society, offering to purchase from the City, the Town of Thorold Debentures in
the amount of $1,561.36, which is the balance remaining in the Post War Reserve
Fund, was presented for consideration, along with a recommendation of the City
Treasurer that the offer be accepted. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and
Mowers that the communication and report be received and referred to the City
Manager for a further report.
The offer of S. Petrullo, 1703 Lombard Avenue, to purchase Lot 907,
Plan 653, McGrail Avenue, being a triangular piece of land at the rear of the lot
which Mr. Petrullo owns on Lombard, was presented for consideration along with
the City Manager's report recommending that the offer be referred to the Property
Committee for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mayor
Hawkins that the report be received and adopted.
The City Nanager's report on the application of Peter Mottola, 1635
Ferry Street for a permit to erect a double garage at his premises at the north-
west corner of Ferry St. and Gladstone Ave. at ~n estimated cost of $1,000. was
presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald.
Donald that the report be received and adopted and the permit be issued.
The City Yanager's report on the application of Edd Masters for a
building permit to erect an apartment building on the north-west corner of Dawlish
Avenue and Murray Street, at an estimated cost of $~8,0OO.00 was presented for
consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Morton that the report
be received and adopted and the permit be issued.
The City Manager, s report on the application of Peter Fiocca, 1151
Kitchener Street, for a permit to erect an addition to the front of a wooden
garage facing MacDonald Avenue, to be used as a shoe repair shop, was presented
for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. Morton that
the report be received and adopted and the application referred to the Property
Committee for investigation.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald.
READ AI~I) AD<)rq"ED, 18th l~y, 1955.
His Worship the Mayor stated that the meeting having been held last
Saturday morning to view the areas, the purpose of discussion would be to
obtain the views of the members o~ Council as to what action should be i,plemente~.
Ald. !'~rtin expressed opposition to any further discussion on the matter,
pointing out that in the previous year a report of the Property Committee who
had been designated to go into this matter had been prepared, submitted ~nd
adopted but the reco~nendations contained therein had not been carried out and
suggested that the report he referred to, be produced and read for the information
of Council. However, it being the opinion of the majority of Council that this
had transpired in 195A and that the matter was now under discussion in 1955, a
further reading of the re~rt was ~nnecessa~y.
Following further discussion on the various areas, it was ordered on the
motion of Ald. White and Morton that the City Manager proceed with the preparation
of the diamonds on the Poplar Park area, the rolling of Glenview field, the erect-
ion of the backstop at Memorial School Grounds and the cleaning up of brush, etc.
in the Robinson Street-Grey Street area. Carried. (Ald. Martin-contrary).
Ald. White suggested that Council consider the abolition of certain
Committees, the matters to be considered by Council as a Committee of the Whole,
with a view to expediting the handling of varlous subjects; it was felt that the
time was inopportune for such a change, that it should come about at the co~maence-
ment of another year.
Council Chamber,
12th April,1955.
The Council M-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
apprev~d by the Committee. All members of Council were present.
The rollowin~ By-law was ~assed;
No. ~241 - To provide monies for general purposes.
OPaLRED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Morton that Ald. Martin be
granted the privilege of intpoducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
peading. - Carried. Unanimously.
O'~DE.-R:~) on the motion of Ald. Morton and White that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing .RUles of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the 2nd.
~eading. - Carried. Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. MArtin and Aid.. Morton - Carded. Unanimously.
~ foLlowix~ Resolution w~s ~assed;
~. 55 - WHI,'Z . BROOKS - RESOLVED that discussion on recreational or park areas
be held in open Counc/1; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
The City Manager suggested a special meeting be held in the imnediate
future for consideration of the proposed sewer construction and the road progreene
for the current year. The members of Council being consulted and being unable to
arrive at any satisfactory date in the balance of the week, it was ordered on the
motion of Ald. White and Mowers that Council adjourn for a short period and re-
convene for consideration of these matters.
Council reconvened at 9.35 p.m. and following an explanation by the City
F~nager as to what was proposed on Barker Street with reference to sewer con-
struction, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Morton that the City
Manager proceed along the lines recommended. It was then ordered on the motion
of Aid. ~rtin and Mowers that further consideration of the Sewer Programme be
delayed for a special meeting of Council to be held on the forthcoming Saturday
morning at 9 A.M. Carried. (Ald. White-opposed).
On the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin, Council adjourned.
REKD AND ADOPTED, 18th May, 1955.
d. 7 l.layor
Council Chamber,
16th April, 1955.
All members of Council were present at the Special Meeting held on
April 16th, 1955 in the Council Chamber at 9 A.M. with the exception of Ald. White,
for the purpose of discussing the proposed sewer programme and paving programme.
His Worship, Mayor Hawkins presided.
In connection with the Sewer Report No. 15 and suggested Priority List,
Report No. 69, on storm sewers to be constructed, Ald. Donald stated that he was
defin:~tely of the opinion that if a large sum of money was to be spent on the sewer
prograu~ae over the next year or years, he advocated putting a Question to the people.
He was quite concerned about the mill rate for the City of Niagara Falls and referred
to known expenditures now facing us and the possibility of the rate becoming excess-
ive, resulting in unpaid taxes and the condition such as the municipality suffered
Following discussion the report of the City Manager as to the suggested
Priority List was read and then ensued a lengthy discussion on the various items,
particularly those contained in the Priority List for the year 1955. Following the
discussion it was ordered on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Morton that the sewer
report of February 12th, 1055 (Report No.15) and the Priority List, Report No. 69
on stor~ sewers, dated February 19th, 1955 be tabled and that Authorization be given
for the carrying out of the 1955 programme as contained in Sheet i of the Schedule
attached to the City Manager's report of priorities. Carried Unanimously.
Prior to this, an amendment made by Aid. Mowers and Brooks that Council
approve the 1955 programme according to the 'Priority List plus the first ~ items in
the 1956 list totalling approximately $~65,000.00, was lost, the vote b~ing - For-
Ald. Mowers and Brooks; against - Aid. Donald, McKinley, Martin and Morton.
A motion by Ald. Donald that Council agree to start immediately on the
sewer works, particularly in the Park Street section; that tenders be called and the
City consider the doing of the work themselves and also tender, the whole programme
to be published, excluding the column indicating the year in which the work was to
be done, was not seconded.
The following Report was presented;
No. 70 - City Manage_Er - Tentative Paving Programme, 1955-1956, totalling $213,325.
which after deductions of estimated subsidies, etc. was reduced to a net of
$89,779.09. This report was gone over in detail and with reference to Sixth Ave.
it was agreed that the City Manager submit a report on a possible pavement for
Sixth Avenue fremWillmott Street to Jepson Street. In the discussion on Valley
Way it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks that the City Manager
submit a report, the report to be in two sections, as to the possibility of
eliminating the centre boulevard on Valley Way from Queen Street to W"lllmott St.
and the surfacing of the sections following removal. Carried Unanimously.
Following discussion on Stanley Avenue, it was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald
and Mowers that the City F~gineer take up with the Township of Stamford the pro-
posed work on stanley Avenue and Drummond Road and also ascertain what is the
specific intention with reference to the retaining wall at Stamfurd Collegiate,
Sirtied Unanimously.
Ald. Morton brought up the subject of Ellen Avenue and following remarks by the
City Manager, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Martin that the City
Manager bring in a report on Ellen Avenue and what is proposed. Carried Unanimously.
The tentative paving programme contained in Report Number 70 was tabled
and with further re~erence to Stanley Avenue, it was ordered on the motion of
Ald. Mowers and Donald that the City Manager, in conjunction with our Local
Member, Mr. Jolley, take up with the Department of Highways the possibility o~
having Stanley Avenue declared a connecting link for subsidy l_urposes. Carried.
In connection with possible Hydro contribution to pave;sent resurfacing
costs, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Brooks that the City
Fanager take up the matter with the H.E.F.C. of Ontario in connection with all
those streets utilized by Hydro, with a view to having them agree to pay at
least fifty percent towards the renovating costs. Carried Unanimously.
The City Manager then asked the Clerk to read a communication from the
Reeve of the Township of Stamford in connection with the Drunu~ond Road pavement
in which he states that he had taken action to stop the present construction work
pending completion of the Township curbs so that the entire surfacing could be
carried out more satisfactorily.
His Worship MAyor Hawkins and Ald. McKinley left the meeting and Ald.
Martin assumed the Chair.
The City Manager was opposed to the action taken by the Reeve in this
regard, pointing out that the people in that vicinity had been long suffering
and that it was desirable to give them usable road surface just as soon as
possible and felt that it would not be detrimental to the balance of the work.
Following a discussion it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald
that the City Clerk forward a conununication to Reeve Bridge advising of Council's
opinions with reference to his action concerning the Drummond Road work. Carried
Ald. Brooks referred to the condition on Powell Avenue between Robert
Street and Stamford Street and asked that something in the way of permanent
improvement be carried out at that point. Following a brief discussion it was
agreed that the matter be placed on the Tour of Inspection.
Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Donald and Ald. Mowers.
READ AND ADOPTED, lSth. Apr~l~955.
Council Chamber,
18th April, 1955.
P~rsuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 18th.
April, 1955, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All
members of Council were present, with the exception of Ald. White. The Council,
having received and read the minutes of the previous meetings, reg~dar and special,
adopted these' on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley.
Tenders had been called for a two-door coach, to replace the one now
in use by the Health Department, namely, Car No. 1 and on the motion of Ald.
McKinley and Morton it was ordered that the tenders received be opened, initialled
by His Worship the Mayor and tabulated. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and
Brooks that the tender of Motorville Car Sales and Service for a 2-door Chevrolet
(1955) Sedan, at a net price of $1,2h9.55 be accepted. Carried.
The following Con~nunications were presented;
No. 103 - City of Fort Williams - resolution re microfilming of municipal records.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Morton that the resolution be received
and endorsed.
No. lob - Local Hydro Commission - copy of Balance Sheet & Operating Report for
year ending December 31st,195~. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers
that the Report be received and filed.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 71 - City Manager - Cost of Asphalt used on City Work Programme in 197~.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Brooks that the report be received and
laid on the table until such time as the Paving PrOgram, s for the current year is
being considered.
No. 72 - City Clerk - amendments recently passed in Provincial Legislature.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin that the report be received and
No. 73 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. McKinley and Martin that the report be received and adopted and licences issued
No. % - City Clerk - re application for Hawker and Pedlar Licence (Chip Wagon).
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Mowers that the report be received and laid
on the table and the City Clerk be requested to obtain further inCormakion and sub-
mit a reI~rt on the t~'e of wagon used by the ap~!icant. etc.
Ald. McKinley, Chairman of the Traffic Committee, submitted the
following recommendations on behalf of his Committee;
1. That Council approve the elimination of parking on the north side of
Robinson Street, between Buchanan Avenue and Stanley Avenue, between the hours of
8 A.M. and 6 P.M.
2. That the City Manager be authorized to survey the 'stop sign' adjacent
to the King Edward Hotel at the corner of Queen Stre~ ~nd Clifton Avenue and
if deemed advisable, to erect an additional sign higher than the existing one
to which the flasher could be attached.
The following Reso.__l_utions were ~ass~
No. 76 - McKI~IJEy _ MARTIN - RESOLVED that parking be elD~inated on the north
side of Robinson Street, between Buchanan Avenue and Sta~l,~y Avenue, ~,;twel.n
hours of 8 A.M. and 6 P.M. and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. 57 - McKIk~f - MORTON . RESOLVED that the City Manager be authorized to
survey the stop sign adjacent to the King Edward Hotel at the corner of '~ueen
Street and Clifton Avenue and if deemed advisable, to erect an additional sign
higher than the existing one to which the flasher could be~tached; and the Seal
of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Laid over from a previous meeting;_
No. 52~1 - To authorize the borrowing of $~86,OOO.O0 upon debentures for the
retirement of certain debentures.
Third Reading .Ald. Donald and Ald. Mowers - Carried.
The City Clerk referred to the bY-law, prohibiting, regulating,
standardizing and governing the erection and use of signs, billboards, etc. which
is pending and on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Morton it was ordered that the
same be laid over for one week for further study by Council.
The Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Donald and
Ald. Mowers.
READ AND ADOPTED, 27th April, 1977.
Council Chamber,
18th April, 1955.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 18th April, 1955 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present, with
the exception of Ald. White. Ald. F~rtin, Chairman of the Finance Committee,presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $16,843.19 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of
Ald. McKinley and Ald. Brooks.
The Summary of Tenders as submitted at the last meeting, was
considered and the following action taken thereon:
ORDE.~D on the motion of Ald. Donald
and McKinley that the lowest tender,
Queenston Quarries, be accepted.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald
and Mowers that the lowest tender,
Calaguiro Bros. be accepted.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Donald
and Mowers that the-tender of North
American Cyanamid Ltd.be accepted.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers
and Morton that the tender of
Imperial Oil be accepted.
GASOLIi~ - Wagon Lots - City Yard
GASOLINE - at pumps
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers
and Brooks that the tenders be
received and tabled and the .City
Manager be requested to check with
these Companies to ascertain what
type of oil they are quoting on;
and report to Council.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Donald
and Mowers that the tender of
Ridgmount Quarries, be accepted.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers
and Donald that the tenders received
be tabled and the City Manager be
requested to submit a report.
Prior to this action, Ald. Morton
moved that the tender of Matt Cal-
zonetti for the supply of No. 1 grade
gasoline be accepted; this was not
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald
and McKinley tha~ the tender of
Goodrich Co. which was received the
day after the tenders closed, be not
ORDERED on the motion
and Donald that Tires
purchased on the open
of Ald. Morton
and Tubes be
The City ~znager presented a verbal
report on the Fire Chief's recoamendations
with reference to Fire Hose.
ORDEED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and
Norton that the reconmen~ation of the
Fire Chief be adopted and the tenders of
Apex Equipment Co. Ltd. be accepted.
ACETYLE~ ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and
Donald that the lowest tender, Benson
Gas and Equitymerit Ltd. be accepted.
The communication from Civic ~l~tual Benefit Society requesting per~ssion
to purchase Town of Thorold Debentures for $92.00 per $1OO. plus accrued interest,
which had been laid over from the last meeting for submission of a report by the
City Manager, was again presented for consideration, along with the City l~l~nager's
recommendation. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Mowers that the recom-
mendation of the City Manager be received and adopted and the offer accepted.
The City Manager's reI~rt on the application of John Szendroy of 16S2
Ellen Avenue for a building permit to erect an addition in front of his house
to be used as a restaurant, at an estimated cost of $5,000.00 was presented for
consideration. ORDERED on the motion of tld. Mowers and Morton that the report
be received and the recommendation that the estin~ted cost be set at $6,000. be
adopted and the permit be issued.
-Ald. Donald was excused from the meeting -
At this point, the City Manager referred to the next report on the agenda,
namely, his repor~ with reference to the application of Delta Motors (Niagara)
Limited, for permission to move a frame building on to the lot adjacent to the
old Bell Telephone Co. building, to be used as an office for a Used Car Lot and
his recommendation, that this application be referred to the Property Co~ttee.
Due to the fact that the building has already been moved, without the permission
of the City Council, although the applicant had been advised that it would be
necessary to obtain the approval of Council before proceeding with the work, the
City Fanager requested that his first report be rescinded and the City Solicitor
be asked ~o prosecute. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Mowers that the
verbal report of the City Manager be received and adopted and the action as out-
lined be taken.
The City Manager's report on the application of the Niagara F~lls
Revolver Club for a building permit to constr~ct a building on Lots 3, 4 and 5,
Buttrey Street between Terrace Avenue and Stanton Avenue, at an estimated cost
of $7,OOO.00 was presented for consideration. ORDFPdED on the motion of Aid. Morton
and Mayor Hawkins that the report be received and adopted, and the permit be issued.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and
Ald. Mowers.
READ AND ADOPTED, 25th April, 1955.
Clerk .ji.,,a .a.,, ..... ,g.-. ..........
'- Chairman of Finance.
Council Chamber,
18th April,1955.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Committee. All members of Council were present, with the exception of Ald.
Donald and Ald. White.
The following By-law was passed;
No. ~2~2 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley that Ald. Martin be granted the
privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. -
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be tem[~rarily suspended and the by-law be given the 2rid.
reading. - Carried.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley - Carried.
At the request of AId. Brooks, due to his inability to be present at
the Council Meeting scheduled for Monday, May 2nd, 1955, the following Resolution
was passed.
The following Resolution was passed;
No. 58 - BROOKS - MORTON - RESOLVED that the regular meeting of Council scheduled
for Monday, May 2rid, 1955 be transferred to Tuesday, Nay 3rd, at 7.30 p.m. and the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers.
READ AND ADOPTED, 25th. April, 1955.
Council Chamber,
25th April, 1955.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 25th. April,
1955, for the purpose of considering general business and Finance. All members
of Council were present, with the exception of AId. White. The Council, having
received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adooted these on the motion
of AId. Mowers and Morton. ·
Mr. Edd Masters, representing the Downtown ~asknessmen's Association,
was permitted to address Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that
any one present from the Businessmen,s Association who wished ~o co~uent, be heard.
Mr. Masters spoke in connection with Item B, in the co~nunication ~th reference
to their recomnendation that Queen Street }e flushed with the City flusher at
least three times a week in order to keep dust and dirt at a minimum and requesl.ed
that their recommendation be carried out on au experimental basis for the period
of a month, before business hours,
The City Manager gave a res~me on the activities of the Street Department,
being of the opinion that this Department is performing a good job and expressed
the opinion that Queen Street would remain in satisfactory condition after sweeper
attention, if the merchants would cease the practice of sweeping the dust and dirt
from their stores on to the sidewalks and road.
Ald. Brooks requested that the City Manager submit a Schedule as to what
streets are cleaned, when they are cleaned; in other words, a total lay-out of
the situation for the perusal of Council. ~e City Manager re~nded the Council
that such a Schedule would be affected by prevailing weather conditions.
SEE Communication No.lll
The followin~ Communications were presented;
No. 105 - Junior Chamber of Commerce . attendance of members at meeting, May 9th.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the conm~unication be received
and filed.
No. 106 - Canadian Corps - Unit 104, invitation to Clubhouse, April 29th at 8 p.m.
ORDERE~ on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks that the invitation be received
and accepted and as many members as possible attend.
No. 107 - NiaKara Memorial Band - requesting permission to hold a tag day. ORDERE~
on the motion of Aid. Donald and Morton that the communication be received and filed
and permission be granted for June 4th.
No. 108 - Bell Telephone Company _ requesting permission to place 3 poles and 2
anchors on Queen Street.
No. 109 - ~ell Telephone Company . requesting permission to place conddit,Drummond
Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Brooks tb~t th~:~e b~ I~or~.~c, icati~ns
be considered together. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Donald that the
communications be received and filed and permission granted.
S~E Report N~nber 76.
SEE By-law No. ~2~3.
No. llO - Hydro Electric Commission of NiaMara Falls - Street lighting.
No. lll- Downtown Businessmen,s Association - three recommendations. ORDERED on the
motion of Aid. McKinley and Mowers that the communication from Local Hydro Commiss-
ion be received, and filed and Council authorize the Local Hydro Commission to
proceed with the installation of lighting on the business streets similar to what
~o n-. h~f~ll.d -n 4u~en Jlre. L, lnatallaLlon to be parallel with the ~oad rather
th.,. ~n~dl ..d th~L . r.l,,,rt, be ublatned from Ume ~n~ger of the ~c~l H~
G,,.,~,l.~l,,h a. t,o Lhe lyi uut llght. lng Lo be used, source o~ manufacture~ costs~etc.
{,hl)~tt~]) ,,,, LIla m,,t. fun .r AId. M,,~.rs a~l Martin that the co~unica~ion from the
i.,,wnt,,w. m~si.~.,..,,'~ As~,,ctatl,m be r~celv~d ~d filed and the Association be
,~,,I it'i.,l -u t- C-un~i I'. d.ciulon on street l~ghtlng ~d that the matter of
fha~hih~ ~uu.n ~1 r.a .nJ Lh. tuttu.. c~Prylng out of sidewalk repairs be referred to
Ih,: Gily H.n.gur re,, a~Ljon. FU}c~{ER O~DERZD on the motion of Ald. ~n~d and
M.,,.r~ 'hH . c,,,,mudc~Lion b. terraced to the ~wnto~ ~sinessmen's Association
ro,l..M i,,~ o,.-ul,.r.t l,.~ .t th r. fe~.nc. t.o the use of containers for sweepings and
Ih- ~we~j,jng u[ ~Jde~ilk~ ill f~ont or ~JlelP places of business.
L=..t_,! ,:~:,~t., zj{x.~ t!,._~ i.v~vi.,us meet~nl;i
N.,. ]. - ~iLX q~_q[% - ~h~'t i,'~t h'': '.'or 'Chip Wagon' aFproved by Chief of Police
t,u(. h,t by ~,dt try b~}~ct,u'. O~(~iq~ on the z~tion of ~d. ~nald ~d M~e~
~h.~ ~',~ ~h,x't t~ ~tn l~[,I on the table for consideration of f~ ~1.
~A[,/. )-,:~hd~v-c,m~ ~'~ryx.
Report No. 75 ·
X,,. '% - C[~ ql2U~ - ~?-~dtt~,i ?'u';her re:.~rt from t>e Assistant $anitar7 Inspector.
~',<:'~X'~I~ ~;, th~ u.,cL.,n ..': -C.!. L~:!~IJ ~.nd Mewere that the ~port ~ tabled for con-
k.. '~ - ~.:v )~a, ~r - ~'.'~'-:;-:~=ic". oC 3ell ?~lephone Co. to .lace three
- - ..... ~-~. - '.~ -. o .Doles
~'; ~.,, ~',:~ u' ~ ~t~t. OYJ~ on the motion of ~d. Mc~nle7
E ~emm~anication -Vum~er LOS
~c" ~' ,' ,j~q.~_i_~'j:.% 4q~___'~J,~ - ~cc,~ne~ing purchase of ~ 3-1/2 Jaeger 'fit at a
;v~: ~ ~:,, ~k'. :;' ~ ~v,~,:~Q ~r, ~-./~t~at!cn~ chassis now in use fo~ the con-
t: j. ~c&i-F_~:,, Jo~,tl'~ r~.~r~en:ati're on the i-raster Yi~gara Shambe2
~.' Jo~.:~. ~un~ :~ss~e ~f~U so ~ m~tin6 he had artended this ~bemcon
ul~ :~ '~,, :~l~s s:le ~c~L Hyd~ J~s~i)n ha'm inVoiCed :ha~ ~he b~mer ~mu~7
~U ~' l:,d~ ?~ltd ~n /iCr..~r~ .~venue ~verSisi~g :he ~ber of ~merue office
~j ',:1 s,l~ iyuz~ jD~$~!Jn, ~d ~d~.hs,~ IoneLl or ~y $~estions which ~he H~
No. 60 - MO_JRTO,~ _ BROOKS - RI~9OLVED that a message of sy. lpathy on beha] ~ of H! s
Worship the ~ayor, Men%Tots of the CitZ~ Council and citizens at large be exterlded
to the family of the late John C. Shapton, Fine Chief For the City cr ,~ial.ara
Falls since April, 1938 and a valued member of the Fire Department since ~,is
aPPointment in May, 1922; and the Seal of the Corporation be h,~eto affixed.
No. 61 - MO~ERS _ DONALD _ RESOLVED that a message of synU;athy on behal~
Worship the Mayor, ~'Zem~rs o[ the City Council and c~tizens at large b~ fo~a~ded
to the rally of the late John ~gan, one of the sen~o~ citizens
Niagara Falls; long established as a merchant; a fomer met, her or the Council of
the To~ of Niagara Falls and also of the ['[iagara Falls Housing
an extensive period untj] its ab]ition; and the Se~l o~
hereto affixed. ,
9._a ,r_Ei.cj ~
The followin B -laws were~p_aqsed;
~O.j2/}3_ - To provide For P~r~ission to the Bell Telef,h:>ne Coml,:my of Canada to
place three poles and two anchors on ~ueen SLre~d, an,] Lo place buMed
conduit on Drunwnond Road.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and IIowers that AId. McKinle~ b-~
granted the privilege of introducing the ~-law and the by-law be given the
First reading. _ Carried.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mortor, a.d Brooks that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standring Rules of Council be temporarily suspended 'rod Lhe by-law be Fj. ven Lhr~
second reading. _ Carried.
Third Reading _ AId. MorLon and McKinley _ Carrier],
To amend By-l~w Number 3790, being a by-lAw for the regulation of
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and tfcKinley Lhat Ald. McKinley
be granted the ~rivilege of introducinp. the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. _ Cart] ed. ~
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Donald and :4ort~,n that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be gLven
the second reading.. Carried.
Third Reading (as amended) _Ald. Mowers and Martin . Carried.
The followinK By-law was presented;
N__o. 5245 . A by-law for prohibiting,
regulating, standardizing and governing the
erection and use of signs, bill boards, sign posts, hanging or swinging
signs or other advertising devices for the advertising of tourist
establishments and for prescribing the character, size and location of
any such signs.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mckinley and Morton that Ald. Donald be
granted the pPivi~ege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading.. Carried.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Mc~tnley that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. , Carried.
ORDERED ON THE motion of kld. Donald and Martin that the by-law be laid
on the table for two weeks , Carried.
:'- 09
The following, Resolution was passed;
No. 63 - MORTON - ~RTIN - RESOLVED that the next regular mgeting of Council be
held on Monday, May 2nd, at 5.30 p.m. and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
affixed. Carried
The Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of AId. Donald and
Following a lengthy discussion on gasoline, its }urckase and use by
municipal vehicles, it was ordered on the motiou of AId..Mo~.re ~l<l ik~,ald
that the City Manager submit a re~rt as tc the ~s<: or No.1 and No.2 gasolin,4
quantities, allocation, e{c. and the possibility of installation of an
pusnp and tank. Cart] ed. (Ald. ]'icKinley and !'forton-contrary).
The City Manager's report reco.mmending the purc?!ase of tuo-2/~-inch
Jacobsen Power ~iowers from Apex ~uipment Co. Cen~ re S~. Niagara F~l]s,Ontario
at a price of $425. each or $~4~. for two, was pressrated for consideration.
ORDEI~ED on the motion of Mayor Hairpins and Ald. Mowers that ~he report be
received and adopted.
The City Manager's report on the application of George Sainovieh for a
permit to erect a neon sign at the Prospect Hotel, 1~51 Fain Street advertising
the Prospect Restaurant, at an estimated cost of $500. was presented For
consideration· OPd)ERED on the motion of Ald. Herton and McKinley that the report
be received and adopted and the ~en, it be issued.
HEAD A.~FD ADOFTED, 2nd. MAy, 1955.
· ' ' ~- Mayor.
Clerk ~ ~&aAa a.
Council Chamber,
25th April, 1955.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 25th April, 1955 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present, with
the exception of Ald. White. Ald. Martin, Chairman of the Finance Committee,
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $798, 604. 96 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted bein~ pas~ed or oth~ise dealt '~_th, were
~!~'~' .] ~l~ed in ~he muney by-law for presentation ~ the Co~cil on the motion
of ~d. ~nald ~d ~yor Hawkins.
The City-Manager's report an~ recommendation with reference to the
tenders received at the last meeting for the supply of fuel oil and gasoline, was
presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and McKinley
that the report be received and adopted and the fuel oil be purchased from British-
~merican Oil Co. (6-B FuelOil-Bunker) at lO.58~gal; gasoline, grade 2, be purchased
from Matt Calzonetti at City Yard - 29.0 cents per gallon and at Service Station -
31.0 cents per gallon. (AId. Donald-contrary).
The City Manager's report on the application of Adams Furniture Store,
600 Queen Street for a pe~r~it to erect a neon sign at an estimated cost of $1OO.
was presented for consideration. ORDEPuED on the motion of Ald. Mort~n 3rid Nayor
Hawkins that the repor~ be received and 8dopted and Ferlnit be issued.
The City Manager' s report on the application of Eugene Jeremias, for
a permit to erect a neon sign at 927 Victoria Avenue, at an estimated cost of
$200. was presented for consideration. O+RDEED on the motion of Ald. McKinley
and Morton that the report be received and adopted and permit be issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of J. Halzone, for a p~rmit
to erect a neon sign at the White Rose Motel, east side of Stanley Avenue, at an
estimated cost of $1,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Morton and I~yor Hawkins that the report be received and adopted ~d
permit be issued.
The City Fanager's report on the application of I~ark Solomon, for a
permit ~o erect an addition to his premises at 835-8~1 Victoria Avenue, which
will include the erection of a second storey on the existing building, at an
estimated cost of $30,000.00 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the
motion of Aid. McKinley and Morton that the report be received and adopted and
peit be issued.
The City N~nager presented a verbal report on an application received
from Vincent Finucci, 1570 Ellen Avenue, for a permit to make alterations to a
frame building at the rear of his premises on Ellen Avenue, to be used as an
office for the car lot frosting on Victoria Avenue, adjacent to the old Bell
Telephone Building , in operation by T. Checkaloski (Delta Motors, Niagara, Ltd.)·
The City Manager advised that the proprietor of the used car lot has made
arrangements with the owner of the Ellen Avenue lot to rent the building and
the alterations would consist of installing one partition, constructing a door
in the rear of the building and also a window. ORDERED on the motion of Fayor
Hawkins and Ald. Donald that the application be referred to the Property Committee
for a report.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and
Ald. Donald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 2rid. May, 1955.
Chairman of Finance.
Council Chmnber,
25th April, 1955.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Committee. All members of Council were present, with the exception
of Ald. ~ite.
The foliowinE By-law was passed;
No. ~24A - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Morton that Ald. Martin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the 2rid.
reading. - Carried.
Third Reading -Ald. Donald and Mowers - Carried.
Ald. Morton brought up the question of smoking in the Council Chamber
and following a discussion it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald.
Mowers that smoking be not allowed in the Council Chamber and that a properly
worded and froned notice to this effect be erected. (AId. Donald-contrary).
Ald. Brooks requested the Traffic Committee to consider the parking
situation on First Avenue and the possibility of eliminating parking on First
Avenue north of the Review Office on the right-hand side in front of parking lot.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Donald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 2nd. l/~y, 1955.
Council Chamber,
Pursuant to adjoumqment, Council met at 5.30 p.m. on Monday, 2nd. i.L~y,
1955, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members
of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minute:~ of
the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Brooks.
Tenders had been called for the supply of uniforms for the Niagara Falls
Fire Department and on the motion of AId. Donald and Marti~b it was ordered tha~
the tenders -~ceived, be oilned, initialled by His Worship the f4ayor and tabulated.
The following Communications were presented;
No. 112 - Canadian March of DimesA- appreciation for support. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. McKinley and Morton that the communication be received and filed.
No. 113 - W. L. Houck, M.F. o re overhead bridge at Victoria Avenue. ORDERED on
the motion of Aid. Mowers and Morton that the communication be received and Mr.
Mouck thanked for his co-operation and he be requested to pursue this matter
further with the Board of Transport Co~mnissioners.
No. 114 - Downtown Business Men's Association - suggesting parking lo~ at the
corner of St. flair Avenue and Park Street be metered and blacktopped. OPd)ERED
on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that this communication, not lis~d on the
agenda, be read. ORDE~aH) on the motion of Ald. Morton and Brooks that the co~mml-
cation be received and referred to the Traffic Co,mndttee for a report.
The follo~ing Reports were presented;
No. 79 - City Manager - recommending promotion of Captain William Wade to the
position of Fire Chief. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Brooks that
the report be received and adopted,
No. 80 - City ~naEer - recommending promotion of Thomas Macrae and Edward Hughes
in the Fire Department. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton a~d Mowers that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 81 - City Manager - recommending appointment of Ken Feren and Andrew Hunter
to the Niagara Falls Fire Department. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and
Donald that the report be received and adopted. (Aid. Morton-contrary). Prior
to this action, Ald. Morton moved that the report be tabled and the two recommended
be requested to appear before Council at the next meeting; this was not seconded.
No. 82 - ~tty Ik~aEer - Ylot Plan of ilospital Buildings; and possibility of placing
a hard ball diamond on Memorial School Grounds instead of Poplar Park. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Donald and Morton that the report be received and filed and
the City Manager be authorized to request the Board of Education to permit use of
Memorial School Grounds for the installation of a hardball diamond.
Laid over from the previous meetinM;
No. 74 - City Clerk - application for 'Chip Wagon' licence approved by Chief of
Police but not approved by Sanitary Inspector. (See Report No.75).
No. 83 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. McKinley and Donald that the report be received and adopted and licences
issued accordingly.
No. 75 - City Clerk - submitting further report by Assistant Sanitary Inspector.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and McKinley that the reports be received and
filed and licence issued. Carried. The vote - Aye -Ald. White, McKinley, Brooks
and Martin; Naye- Ald. Donald, Mowers and Morton-
The following Petition was presented;
No. 11 - Murray Exelby and 19 others - requesting correction of dust nuisance on
River Lane, between Eastwood Street and Philip Street. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Brooks and Morton that the oetition not listed on the agenda, be read. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. McKinley a~d Martin that the petition be referred to the City
Manager for a report; report to contain costs of paving, etc.
His Worship Mayor Hawkins excused from the meeting
at 6 p.m.
Ald. 1.~rtin, acted as Chairman of the meeting.
_~e following Resolution was passe~d;
No. 6~ - t.~.ORTON - MOWERS - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of His
Worship the ~yor and Members of Council be forwarded to Maude Henderson, upon the
death of her sister, the late Mrs. Margaret Reid; and the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto 'Affixed.
Laid o~er from a previous meetinE;
._No. 52/~O - To authorize the construction of curbs and gutters on both sides of
Cedar Street from Homewood Avenue to Stanley Avenue; Huron Street from
Homewood Avenue to Stanley Avenue and Symmes Street from F~in Street to
Orchard Avenue as Local Improvements under the provisions of The Local
Improvement Act.
Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mowers - Carried.
The foliowinE By-law was passed;
~Io. ~2~7 - A by-law to correct a deed at the corner of Palmet A~enue and Eastwood
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley anal Morton that Ald. Mowers be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the 2rid.
reading. - Carried.
Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and Morton - Carried.
The Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the .motion of AId. McKinley and Ald.
Mows r8.
'j. i5
gAD AND ADOFTED, 9th May, 1955.
--~ !.:aye r.
Council Chamber,
2nd. i'~y, 1955.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 2nd. May, 1955 for the purpose
of approving and also lassing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All members of the Conumittee were present,
with the exception of His Worship the I/~yor. Ald. ~rtin, Chairman of Finance,
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $93,098.~5 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the
motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. White.
The application of Peter Fiocca, 1151 Kitchener Street, for a building
permit to erect an addition in front of a wooden garage, facing MacDonald Avenue,
to be used as a shoe repair shop, which had been referred to the Prol~rty Com-
mittee~ for a report was again presented for consideration. Upon the recommendation
of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Morton and White, it was
ordered that the permit be issued, with the understanding that the addition will
not encroach on the street allowance. (Contrary-Aid. Mowers).
The offer of S. Petrullo to purchase Lot 907, McGrail Avenue, which had
been referred to the Property Committee for a report, was again presented for
consideration. Upon the recommendation of the Property C~nmittee and on the
motion of Aid. Mowers and Donald it was ordered that Mr. Pettulle be advised
that the City do not desire to sell Lot 907, McGrail Avenue at the present time
but will lease the same to him for $1.00, the lease to run for five years and to
be terminated on 30 days' notice by either party.
The application of Vincent Finucci, 1570 Ellen Avenue, for alterations
to the garage at the rear of his premises on Ellen Avenue, to be used as an office
-for the car lot fronting on Victoria Avenue, adjacent to the old BeLl Telephone
Building, which had been referred to the Property Committee for a report, was
again presented for consideration. Upon the recormendation of the Property Com-
mittee and on the motion of Aid. Morton and Brooks it was ordered that the
application be approved and a permit be issued for the portion of the garage
permitted to be used as an office for the car lot on Victoria Avenue.
The Froperry Committee's report on the above matSere was ordered
received and filed on the motion of Ald. Morton and Brooks.
The City Manager'e report on the application of the Fox Head Hotel
for a building permit to erect a small building located 1A feet north of the
northerly limit of the Hotel at an estimated cost of $7,000.00 was presented for
consideration. ORDERED on the motion of lid. McKinley and Donald that the report
be ~eceived and adopted and the permit be issued.
The City F~nager's report on the application of Gerber-Ogilvie for a
building permit for the er,~,ction of a one-storey concrete block building on the
north-west corner of North Street and Stanley Avenue to be used for cold storage
purposes, at an estimated cost of $52,000.00 was presented for consideration.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Morton that the ~eport be received and
The Equipment Committee's report recommending the purchase of a Semi-
Automatic Postage -u~ter Unit, at a net price of $571; and a standard 15-inch type-
writer at a p~ice of $237.50 was presented for consideration. ORDEEED on the
motion of Ald. Morton and Mowers that the report be received and adopted.
The report of the Traffic Com~rdttee reconu~ending the installation of
44 l.arking meters (additional) on Victoria Avenue at the Contee, was presented for
consideration. O={DEPSD on the motion o[ Ald. Morton and McKinley that the report
be received and ado~e~. Carried. (Ald. Donald-contrary).
It was then moved by lid. McKinley, seconded by Ald. Brooks that the
time limit be extended to 10 p.m. on all parking meters in the Centre A~ea; this
motion was tied, the vote being -Ald. McFdnley, Morton and Brooks in layout; Ald.
Donald, Mowers and White, against.
An amendment by AId. Donald and White that the matter of extension of
time limit on the parking meters at the Centre Area be left in abeyance and the
City Manager submit a full and detailed report on paMdng meters in the municipality,
was carried, the vote being - Aye -Ald. Donald, White, Mowers and Martin; Nays -
Aid. Morton, McKinley and Brooks.
The City Manager's report on gasoline purchased by the City of Niagara
Falls during 195~, was presented for consideration, which recommended a trial
period or appro~cimately one month of No. 2 gasoline, before additional equipment is
purchase. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Donald that the report be
received and adopted.
The Co~mnittee a~ose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and
Ald. Donald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 9~h May, 1955.
A of Finance.
2nd. May, 1055.
The Colmcil re-assembled at the close of the regular Council a~,d
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-la~ which covered the ac~:ounts
approved by the Committee. All members of Council, were present with the
exception of His Worship the Mayor, Ald. ~larSin, presided as Ch~i~nnau.
~e followinK By-law was passed;
No. ~248 - To p~ovide monies for general purposes.
ORD~.ED on the motion of lid. Mowers and McKinley that Ald. Martin be
granted the privilege off introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first
time. - Carried. ~
ORDERED on the ,notion of lid. Morton and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried.
Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and Morton - Carried.
The Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Mowers and Donald.
READ A~9 ADOFTED, 9th May, 1955.
Sie k"" "'
Council Chamber,
9th May, 1955.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 9th. May,
1955, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of
Council were present, with the exception of Ald. Mowers. The Council, having received
and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid. White
and Ald. Brooks.
His Worship, Mayor Hawkins extended a welcome to Mr. Robert Smith~
President of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, his Officers and Members, to the
Council Meeting and expressed appreciation for their interest in civic affairs by
their attendance.
Mr. Samuel DeLorenzo, President of the Centre Businessmen's Association
was present at the meeting in connection with the petition requesting extension of
the time limit on parking meters to the hour of 10 P.M. in the Centre Area and on the
motion of Ald. Brooks and McKinley it was ordered that he be heard. He thanked the
Mayor, Members of Council and City Manager for the interest and co-operation extended
to the Association in connection with their parking problem and outlined the problem
confronting the merchants due to unlimited parking hours after 6 p.m. when the parking
meters are not in operation.
SEE Petition No, 12.
Mr. Bob Barnes was also present at the meeting and on the motion of Ald.
Martin and McKinley, it was ordered that he be heard. He spoke on behalf of the
Niagara FaLls Juvenile Baseball Team and their request for permission to use Cakes
Park on the evening of Tuesday, May 31st. in order to play bali with the King and
His Court, the purpose of the game being to raise funds to finance the team. He
requested use of the field free of charge. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and
Aid. Donald that permission be granted to the Niagara Falls Juvenile Baseball Team
to use Cakes Park, Tuesday evening, May 31st, subject to the usual arrangements in
cases such as this,
Mr. Barnes expressed appreciation for such prompt consideration.
The foLlowinA Communications were presented;
No. 115 - Brooklyn National League Baseball Club - requesting use of Oakes Park for
a 3-day tryout camp. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Martin that the
comnunication be received and filed and permission granted for July ?, 8 and 9.
Carried. An amendment by Ald. Brooks that choice of two sets of dates be made
available, preferably the earlier one, was not seconded.
SEE Report No. 8~.
MC. 116 - Y's Men's Club - requesting waiver of license re,aired for hawkers and
pedls,~, in connection with their selling campaign. Or~JERED on the motion of Ald.
McKinely and Morton that the communication be received and filed and permission
granted. (Ald. White-contrary).
No. 117 - Niagara Falls Horticultural Society ~ requesting donation to~;ards prizes
for Annual Show. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Morton that the conununi-
carton be received and referred to the Chairman of Finance with power react.
No. 118 - M~rt[n, Calvert and Matthews - requesting preparation of necessary de,d
in connection with Poplar Park pro}~rty for Greater Niagara General Hospital.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Don,~ld and White that the communication be received
and referred to the City Solicitor for a ret~rt,
No. 119 - City of Windsor - resolution re fireworks. ORDERED on the ,notion of
Ald. Morton and White that the resolution be received and endorsed. (Ald. D>nald-
No. 120 - Local H.vdro Commission - street lighting. ORDERED on the motion of Aid
White and Morton that the con~nunication be received and tabled for one week for
submission of a report by the City Manager and Mr. ?~illiamson be requested to
attend the next Council Meeting.
No. 121 - Plant Manager, Cyanamid - re leasing of property to City for carnival
purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Brooks that the communi-
cation be received and referred to the City Manager with authoxization to proceed
with the preparation by the City Solicitor of a five-year lease; stipulation ae
to "playground and park use, if City insists" to be deleted.
No. 122 - L. C. Crawford - Financial Report of City of Niagara Fails for year ended
December 31-~t,19~2+. As this communication was received too late for inclusion on
this evening's agenda, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Martin and Brooks that
the same be read. ORDERED on the motion of A]d. NcKinley and Morton that the
Report be received and forwarded to the Printers.
Ald. Morton referred to his recent request on the number of Displaced
Persons coming into this area and His Worship Mayor Hawkins advised that he had
~aken the matter up with Innntgration Authorities who had no statistics on the
ntunber coming into Niagara Falls, only into the Province of Ontario. He advised
that with reference to the 21 Portuguese who had arrived a week ago in Niagara
Falls, after remaining overnight at a local hotel, paying their own expenses for
such accommodation, they were inn~ediately placed in farm employn~ent.
The Mayor concluded his remarks, referring to the serious unemployment
problem prevalent in the area, and the reports that the situation will ease some-
what during the months to follow.
SEE Re.~solution No. 6~.
The followin~ Reports were presented;
No. 8~ - City Manager - report on request of Brooklyn National League Baseball Club.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Martin that the report be received and
No. 8~ - City ManaKer - recommending attendance of S. Sills at the Spring Meeting
of the International Municipal Signal Association in Elmira, N. Y. Nay 19th and 20th,
ORDERs']) on the motion of Aid. Brooke and Martin that the report be received and
N~. 86 - City Manager - Schedule of Sweeper and Flusher Operations. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. White and McKinley that the report be received ~n8 filed.
No. 87 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenoes. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. McKinley and Morton that the report be received and adopted and licences issued
The followin~ Petition w~s presented~
No. 12 - F.R. ~awkhiestone and 18 other merchants - requesting extension of time
limit of parking meters to 10 P.M. at the Centre. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
McKinley and Brooks that the petition be received and filed and when the parking
meters are installed in the Centre Area, the time limit be extended to 10 P.M.
Carried. (Ald. White and Donald . contrary).
' .20
The followin~ Resolution was ~aseed;
No. &5 - MORTON - BROOKS - RESOLVED that Whereas the present unemployment situation
is rather grave and can worsen; AND WHEREAS the Federal and Provincial Governments
have indicated the importance 'of the matter by scheduling a Conference; And Whereas
certain works presently too onerous for the municipalities could be carried out if
assistance were forthcoming; Now Therefore Be It Resolved That the Federal and Pro-
vincial Governments be requested to take immediate steps towards establishing a
method for providing adequate financial assistance to enable municipalities to carmy
out much needed capital works programrues, thus alleviating unemployment conditions
and acquiring permanent assets, and that copies of this resolution be forwarded to
all cities in Ontario, the Local Federal and Provincial Members of Parliament, the
Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities, the Ontario Association of Mayors
and Reeves and the Ontario Municipal Association, requesting their endorsation; and
the Seal of the Corporation be heroic affixed.
Ald. Donald requested an explanation with reference to the trouble
being experienced with the furnace in the City Hall and what action would be taken
to remedy the condition.
Ald. Martin, Chairman of the Civic Buildings Committee, advised that
a meeting with the Committee, the City Manager, Gas Company and the Contractor who
installed the heating system had been arranged and a report would be presented to
Aid. Martin presented a verbal report on the official opening of the
Bellehaven School for Retarded Children, during which he had represented His Worship
Mayor Hawkins and referred to the fact that the City of Niagara Falls had contributed
$1,250. towards the purchase of the b~ilding; the City Manager and the Mayor putting
a tremendous amount of work into procuring the building from the Ontario Hydro and
also the work entailed in having the building moved from Stamford to its present
location. He commended the Mayor, Manager and last year's Council rot their splendid
efforts and co-operation and expressed sincere appreciation on behalf of the Niagara
Association for Retarded Children.
His Worship the Mayor expressed pride and pleasure for the work of the
Association and cobended AId. Martin for his hard work on their behalf.
Ald. Brooks asked the Traffic Committee to take under advisement the
installation of a bumper on the opposite side of the Canadian Corps Parking Lot and
the removal of the existing snow fence.
Ald. McKinley requested the City Manager to have the traffic lanes on
the roadway at the Centre painted and the City Manager advised that this will be done
as soon as weather permits.
Laid over from a previous meeting:
No. 52~5 ~ A by-law for prohibiting, regulating, standardizing and governing the
erection and use of signs, bill boards, sign posts, hanging or swinging
signs or oth~-r aSvertts~ng devices for the advertising of tourist
establishments and for prescribing the character, size and location of
any such signs.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and McKinley that the third reading
of this by-law be laid over for a full Council. - Carried. ·
The Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and
Ald. Morton.
READ A.~ ADOPTED, 16th May, 1955.
Council Chamber,
9th May, 1955.
Tlxe Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 9th May, 1955 for the purpose of
approving and also passing the v arious accounts ~mich had been properly certified
and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present, with the
exception of Ald. Mowers. Ald. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $350,26/~.08 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted being submitted or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the moneyby-law for presentation to the Council on the motion
of AId. McKinley and Donald.
The Swmnary of Tenders for Fire Department Uniforms together with the
recommendation of the City Manager, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that the Summary be received and filed and
the recommendation of the City M~nager adopted, as follows: 28 suits be urchased
purchased P v ~
· sfrom
Marshall's Men's Shop at $31.OO each; 2 garbardine coats from
Marshall's Man's Shop at $41.2~ each and 27 caps be purchased from MarshaLl'e
Man, s Shop at $~.50 each.
a b 1 ~te City ~hnager's report on the application of Albert St. Angelo for ui ding permit to make alterations to the Lococo building at 1060 Victoria
Avenue, to be used as a dry cleaning establishment, was presented for consideration.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Brooks that the report be received and
adopted and permit issued.
The Statement showing Comparison of Tax Collections to April 3Oth,1955
was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald.
Mor~on that the same be received, given the usual publicity and filed.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and
Ald. McKinley.
~v. AD AND ADOPT.~D, 16th May, 1955.
Chairman of Finance.
Council Chamber,
9th May, 1955.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passin~ the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Committee. All members of Council were present, with the
exception of Ald. Mowers. Mayor Hawkins presided as Chairman.
The foll0winK By-law was passed;
No. ~24~ - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Morton that Ald. Martin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and McKiDley - Carried~ ~
Action on the Tour of Inspection was laid over for a full Council on the
motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Martin.
Ald. Brooks requested the Traffic Committee t~ take u~der advfsement the
possibility 9f eliminating parking on Rosedale Drive.
AId. ~ite referred to p~rking meter violations and referred to the
recent action by Council at this meeting, to extend time limit on parking meters
at the Centre and desired to knownhat policywill'be instituted to police the
same. His WorshipMayor Hawkins assured the Alderman't~at this matter would be
taken up with the Police Commission.
Toe Council adjourned on the and Donald.
Council Chamh~,r,
16tb ~%y, !.q55.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 16th ~y,
1955, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members
of Council were present. The Council, having received ~d read the ~minutes of
the previous meeting, adopted these on the ,notion of Ald. I~rtin and McKinley.
Mr. J. A. Williamson, Manager of the Local Hydro Con~ission appeared
as requested by Council, to answer queries concerning the proposed installation of
flucrescent lighting on the business streets and on the motion of Ald. ~%rtin and
McKinley it was ordered that Mr. WilliAmson be beaM. He explained that the
quoted unit price would include new capital installation charges and that the
old capital upon cessation of use would be written off. He advised of the intention
to wherever possible use existing underground cable so as to make installation as
economical as feasible.
Following Ms explanation, the appreciation of Council was expressed by
His Worship Mayor Hawkins.
SEE Communication k'umber 120.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 120 - Hydro-Electric Commission of NiaMara Falls - street lighting. OFFERED
on the motion of Ald. ~bwers and Donald that the conmaunication be received and
filed and Mr. Williamson be requested to put the explanation as given at this
meeting, in writing, addressed to the Clerk for record purposes.
The following Communications were presented;
No. 123 - Brooklyn National Leaaue Baseball Club - requesting use or Oakes Ball
Field August ~th, 5th and 6th instead of July 7th, 8th and 9th. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Morton and McKinley that the comsnunication be received and filed
and the dates as requested be allocated to the tryout camp.
No. 12~ - Junior Chamber of Co.mmrce - four requests in connection with "Get-
Out-The Vote Campaign", for the Provincial Election. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Donald and McKinley that the communication be received and filed and permission
granted for suggestions No. 2 and 3 in their communication; No. A is not to be
considered and with reference to No. l, the Junior Chamber are to be advised that
in this connection they should make contact with the Local Hydro and that it would
also be advisable to obtain clearance of the Local Hydro Commission for Item 3.
No. 12~ - Catholic Women's League - invitation to Tea, June ~th. 0RDERI~D on the
motion of Ald. Martin and Morton that the invitation be received' and accepted and
as many of the members as find it possible be in attendance.
No. 126 - National HIghway Safety Conference - congratulations to City of Niagara
Falls for having no fatal traffic accidents in 19~. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. McKinley and Martin that the communication be received' and referred to the
Police Commission with Cbuncil's commendations to the Police Department and Mr.
W. L. Houck, M.P. be requested to act on behalf of His Worship Mayor Hawkins, in
accepting the special certificate to be awarded to the City of Niagara Falls on
May 2~th in Ottawa.
No. 127 - O~timist Club - requesting permission to hold Annual Carnival at the
Cyanamid Grounds on August 2~th, 25th and 26th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Mowers and Martin that the communication be received and filed and pemdssion
granted as dates are available.
No. 128 - Ontario Fire Marshal - appointment of Fire Chief William Wade as District
Deputy Fire Marshal for Welland County, to replace late Fire Chief Shapton. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the communication be received and filed
and the appointment be approved,
No. 129 - Canadian Manufacturer's Association - extending support to Civil Defence
acti~ities. In connection with this communication the City Manager advised that he
had suggested to the Assetlatter that a copy of this letter be forwarded to the 3
Councils. He agreed that some action will have to be taken toward Civil Defence
organization by the 3 municipalities but pointed out that such organization would
never be a success until definite action is taken, divorced from municipal affairs.
The City Manager respectfully suggested that a small committee, two members of
Council, be appointed to meet with two members of the Stamford and Chippaws Councils
to canvass the situation and report back to Council as to what should be done. He
pointed out that the Federal and Provincial Governments have now reached accord as
to costs; namely 50% Federal; 25% Provincial, leaving 25% to be borne by the muni-
cipalities. O~ERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Mowers that the communication
be re,:eived and filed and a committee be appointed to meet with Stamford and
Chippaws representatives, foliowinE which a report is to be submitted to Council.
No. 130 - SoUth End Business and Professional Men's Association - Parking Area,
Sylvia Place. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that the communi-
cation be received and referred to the discussion on the Tour of Inspection.
No. 131 - ~rooks, Cremefry and Baker - application for decrease in gas rate. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the communication be received and filed.
Laid over from a previous meeting;
No. 63 - Assessment Commissione~ - report on assessments, population and acreage of
cities in Ontario. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the report
be received and filed.
SEE Re~ort No. 88.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 88 - Assessment Commissioner - comparative mill rates for cities in Ontario.
ORDF~ED on the motion of Ald0 Donald and Mo~ers that the report be received and filed.
No. 89 - City Manager - report on parking meter revenue. In connection with this
report, the City Manager suggested verbally that the ~5 meters on Valley Way and
Queen Street from Buckley to Victoria Avenue could be moved up to the Centre Area
for better results and suggested that limited parkir~g might be tried in the Valley
Way area as a method of controlling traffic in this area. He pointed out that
the ~ meters ~hich had been approved for purchase at the Finance Meeting of May 2nd.
have not as yet been ordered for the Centre Area, 0RDERE~) on the motion of Ald~
Morton and Donald that the report be received and referred to the Traffic Co~atttee,
for a report.
No. 90 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Martin and McKinley that the report be received and adopted and licences
issued accordingly.
No. 91 - City Clerk - a~plication for CHip Wagon X~cence, approved by Chief of
Police but not Sanitary Inspector, 0~d)ERED en the motion of Ald. White and Ald.
Nattin that the report be received and filed and the applicat~on approved and
]tc~,~c~ ~e ~s~ued. (Ald. XcKic,ley voted in Fayour, along wlth Aid. White and Martin
and the Mayor, who tied the vote.) Those contrary were Ald. Donald, Mowers, Brooks
and Mor~on. )
Ald, McKinley, CHairman of the Traffic Co~aittee, referred to parking
problem on Rosedale Drive due to the proximity of the General Hospital.
Resolution No~ 66.
Aid. Donald referred to the traffic problem at the corner of Morrison
Street and Valley Way and referred to the provisions under which the licenee for
the Used Car Lot had been issued, that the car~ would be kept off of City propert;..
The Alderman stated that cars are still out on City property making conditioqs
hazardous for motorists.
His k~rship the Mayor pointed out that the business has now changed
hands. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the p~prietor of the
Used Car Lot at this location be notified of t, he tenr, s under which a licenee was
granted and that if conditions do not improve, the licenee be cancelled.
kld. White referred to parking conditions on Valley Way, both sides, is
the vicinity of the Review Building and on Morrison Street half way up to Second
Avenue and also on First Avenue.
AId. McKinley, Chairran of the Traffic Conunit. tee, advised that this
area had been eYa~ined by his Committee, prior to this meeting, but that the
Con~aittee are not prepared yet to offer a solution, that the matter is still
under consideration, but it is expected that a rerx)rt will be submitted to
Council after further deliberation. Also the possible elimination or the bouleva[~l
which will come before Council at the discussion of the I'our of Insp~-ction.
AId. Mowers desired to know the legal distance of yetking from inter-
sections, being of the opinion that this information should be publicized as a
safety measure for motorists, suggesting that the. co-oyeration of the Chief of
Police might solve this problem and avoid accidents. He suggested the Traffic
Co~mlittee take this under advisement.
AId. Martin re.f erred to his request for a report on fluoridetier from
the City Manager and the Medical Officer oC Health and desired to know whether
any progress was being made.
The City I~anager advised that he has on hand the ~e~)rt of t~e Health
Officer. but was now awaiting an analysis of City water whick was recent. ly forwa~.ed
to the Department of Health of Ontario. The Dental and Medical Associations have
already been contacted for their opinions and ut. on receipt of the necessary
information, a report will be forthco~t:.n~ for consideration of Council.
AId. Mowers referred to a recent petition from the residents of S.later
Avenue that Council consider paving the street between Stamford and McRae Street,
and suggested that the petition was a fair one, that tile petitioners were most
anxious that action be taken.
The City Manager advised that a report on the costs of such paving will
be made available for Council at the next meeting, along with other reports on
paving of streets which will arise out of discussions on the Tour of Inspection
at to-Night's meeting.
The followln~ Resolutions were Passed;
No. 66 - MCKINLEY . MORTON - RESOLVED that parking be eliminated on both sides of
Rosedale Drive For a distance of 150 feet west of Fourth Avenue; %nd from that
location parking be eliminated on the north side of Rosedale Drive to Sixth Avenue;
and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 67 - MCKINLEY ~ MORTON - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of Council be
held on Tuesday evening, May 2~th, 1955 at 7.30 p.m. and the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed. '
Carried Unanimously.
No. 68 - DONALD . MOWERS ~ RESOLVED that a letter of commendation be forwarded on
behalf of His Worship the Mayor and the Members of C~uncil, to the Board of
Education, Principal and Instructors of the N~agara Falls Collegiate Vocational
Institute, upon the splendid exhibition of the Cadets last Friday; and the Seal
of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unani~.oualy.
The following Petitions ~a~re presented;
No. 13 - W. S. Buchanan and 8 others - requesting paving of Florence Avenue from
McRae Street to Rosedale Drive. OFdSERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers
that the petition be received and referred to the City Manager for a report.
No. 1/+ - Zetta E. Sharpe and 2 others - requesting construction or a curb and gutter
between intersection of PAne Grove and Murray and the intersection of Dawlish and
Murray. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Morton that the petition be
received and referred to the City Manager for a report.
A/d. Brooks referred to a lot on Buttrey Street opposite the property
of Col Barry Watson, upon which a foundation, now cared in, was dug and desired to
know the particulars surrounding the sale of this lot, name of purchaser, terms of
agreement of sale and whether the City still have control ever it, as a few people
are interested in acquiring the lot.
hid over from a previous meeting;
No. 5214~ -. A by-law for prohibiting, regulating, standardizing and governling the
erection and use of signs, bill boards, sign posts, bragging of swinging
signs or other adver~isLng devices for the. advertising of tourist
establishments and for prescribing the character, size and location of
any such signs.
Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Morton - Carried Unanimously.
The Following By-law was passed;
No. $~0 - To authorize the execution of an agreement for sale and deed.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that Aid. Martin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the 2rid.
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
-Ald. Martin left the meeting -
Third Readin~ - Aid. Morton and l~wers - Carried.
The followin~ By-law was presented;
No. ~2~l - To close and stop up portions of Temperance Avenue and Tugby Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Donald and Brooks that Ald. Mor~on be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried.
- AId. Martin returned to the meeting -
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Donald that -Rule 36 (2) of the
Stan~n~ Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the 2nd.
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
The following By-laws were passed;
No. 52~2 - To authorize the execution of an agreement with the Niagara Falls Civic
E~ployees, Federal Union, Number 133.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Donald that Ald. Martin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Donald that Fm].e 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second readinS.. Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and Morton - Carried Unahimously.
- To authorize the execution and delivery of an agreement betwe~ the
Gor[~ration of the City of Niagara Falls and Local 52~, Intem~aLional
Association of Fire Fighters.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and McKinley that AId. Martin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be Eiveu the first
reading.. Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Brooks that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be give,] the 2nd.
reading.. Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading . Aid, Morton and Brooks . Carried Unani,nensly.
.No. 525~ - To authorize the execution of a lease.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mactin and Morton thaL Ald. McKinley be
granted the privilege of introducing ~he by-lm~ and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given ~he 2rid.
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. Morton and Brooks - Carried Unanimously.
No. ~255 - A by-law respecting penalties.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Brooks thab Aid. ;4art[n be
granted the privilege or introducing the b~-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously .
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Donald and Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
The Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and
Ald. Mowers.
READ AND ADOPTED, 2~th May, 1955.
Council Ch~uaber,
16th May, 1955.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 16th May, 1955 for the purpose of
approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and
placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Ald. Martin, Chairman
of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the mount of $57,817.20 were approved by the Committee.
The Accounts submitted being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of
Ald. White and Morton.
A communication from the True Kindred Association requesting Council's
insertion of a message of welcome, in their Directory in connection with the Grand
Session scheduled for the Sheraton-Brock Hotel, March 22rid, 23rd and 24th, 1956, was
presented for consideration. ORDERB on the motion of AId.White and McKinley that
the communication be received and referred to the Chairman of Finance with power to
In' connection with a communication from Charles Chef Coy enclosing pre-
liminary drawing and description specifications of the hotel which it is proposed to
construct on Clifton Hill, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Brooks
that Mr. Chaffey and his associates be heard. Re furnished each member of Council
with a copy of the preliminary drawing for their perusal. 0RDEP~'D on the motion of
Ald. Mowers and Brooks that Mr. Chef roy be granted tentative approval on the pla~
submitted to Council and that he forward detailed specifications and plans to the
City Manager for a permit when they are completed. Carried Unanimously.
The City FAnager's report on the application of Mrs. C.W. Linnenbank
for a building permit to construct an addition to the front of the building at the
south-east comer of Park Street and Victoria Avenue at an estimated cost of $5,000.
was presented for consideration. ORDEF~'D on the motion of Ald. Morton and Mowers
that the report be received and adopted and permit be issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of J. Grader for a b~ilding
permit to construct an addition to 613 Queen Street, at an estimated cost of $2,000.
was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and White that
the report be received and adopted and permit be issued.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley.
Clerk ' .7' . ~'. Chairman of Firerice.
Counc~ 1 Chamber,
l~h T~.~y, 1955.
The Council re-assembled at the close oC the regular Counci.! and Finance
Meetings for the Furpose of passing the by-law ~ich covered the accounts ap/,mv~d
by the ~ttee. ~1 members of Co~ctl were present. His UorbhLp, Mayor Ha~i~,:~
presided as Ch~ man.
The followinK By-law was_~sse_~d.
~ - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. WhLte ~d Donald that Ald. },L%rtin be
granted the privilege of introducing the b.,-law and the by-law be given the first
reading.. Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED or, the motion of AId. Mowers and Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the 2nd.
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading .Ald. Norton and Donald . Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks tha~ Council recess for
ten minutes before consideration of the Tour of Inspection.
Consideration was then given to the various locations which ~re inspected
during the Tour of Inspection, held on May 6th, 1955; and the following action
taken thereon;
2. Queen Street Fire Hall
Lunch Room at rear of Con~ort
ORDEP~D on the motion of AId. Donald and
McKinley that the City Manager and the
BUilding Committee submit a re~)rt with
details as to what is needed at this
No action.
Police &Engineering Offices
Park Street and Clifton Avenue.
City Yard - Park St. & Welland Ave.
Parking Lot - Park and St. Clair
AGR~EED that kick plate be installed on
the door at the ~hgineering Office ~d
that the erection of the garage for police
cars and motorcycle be proceeded with.
AGREED that the weigh scale office be
finished off.
AGP~"ED that the matter cS iavlng a~Ad
installation of met,red parking at this '
location be left in abeyance'but that
the surface be treated with oil to lay
the duet and that the Traffic Committee
in conjunction with the City Manager,
prepare and submit a rel~rt on the
estimated cost of some form of paving and
possible revenue to be derived from met,red
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and
Mowers that Communication No. ll~ from the
Downtown ~Asinesemen,s Association, be
received and filed and the writer advised
ae to the action taken.
7. Park Lane
8. City D~unp - Victoria Avenue
9. Asphalt Plant - Buttrey Street
10. Glenview PlAyground - North end
of Welland Avenue
11. Leader Lane - Welland to Victoria
12. Victoria Avenue overhead bridge
13. Second Avenue, Morrison to Willmott
Huron Street, Second to Third Ave.
15. %~lird Avenue, }hxron to Hamilton St.
16. Fairdew Cemetery
17. Maple and Stanley
18. Morrison St. and Stanley Ave.
19. 0akes Park
20. Old Isolation Hospital
21. Swimming Pool
22. Sand Pit - Valley Way
23. Stanley Ave.-Valleyway to Ferry St.
24. Spring St. Stanley to Buchanan Ave.
25. '/an Alstyne Place
26. Ontario Avenue School Site
AG.'uEED that the mad surface on Park
Lane be repaired.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and
McKinley that the City Manager submit a
report on the possibility of cleaning up
this site and the installation of further
tile to enable additional use and estimated
cost. This motion was carried, the vote
being, Aye -Ald. Donald, MCKinley, White
and P~rtin; Naye- Ald. Mowers, Morton
and Brooks.
AGRED that the necessary painting and
minor repairs be carried out on the house
at 97 Victoria Avenue.
No action.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and
Morton that the field be put in shape
and a regular hackstop erected.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and
Mowers that the city Manager proceed
with the necessary steps to acquire the
land fromMr. Arnold Smith to enable the
widening of this street and subnit a
report and also to look into the removal
of the wood pile eiisting near the
westerly end. Carried.(Ald. Brooks-contrary)
No action.
ORDEP~2) on the motion of Ald. White and
Mowers that the pavement on these streets
be proceeded with.
No action.
AGREED that the grading be proceeded with.
AGeD that grading of the site be pro-
ceeded with.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and
Donald that the buildings at this
location be painted in the current year
by daylabour.
AGREED that the site be cleaned up and
that the garage be turned over to th~
demolition contractor.
Drainage is being taken care of and
catch basin installed,
NO action.
Paving to be left in abeyance pendiD4
negotiations with the Hydro.
No action.
(RDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley
and White that the Ontario Avenue
School Site be graded as requested by
the Board of Education.
River Lane - Fastwood to Philip St. AGREED that this t~ considered when the
City ~anager's report as to c,,sts is
28. Memorial Arena
ORD~I~.ED on the motion of AId. McKinley
and W:nfte that the Board of F~]ucation
be assured that w~en the Area Plan is
dealt with the restrictions requested
will be established.
29. Po~eLl Ave. - Stamford to Robert.
30. Walnut Street Fire Hall
ORDERED on the m,~tion of A]..t. ~,~ite and
Martin that the City [,hlmger obtain
information and prepare a report as to the
cost of painting the structural steel in
the Memorial Arena.
AGreED that the City ~hnager submit a
report as to the estimate<{ cost of
attention to this road.
O~DE~ED on the motion of AId, Dona:d and
Brooks that the City Manager prepare and
submit a report as to the cost oC painting
the exterior of the ~alnut St. Hall.
31. Police Office - Ellen Avenue
32. Lewis Avenue Garege
33. Memorial School Grounds, corner
Gladstone and Emery St.
CRDERED on the motion of AId. I~orton and
Brooks that action be taken to establish
parking along the side ~f the Walnut
Fire Hall for employees. ThLs motion was
defeated by a vote of 5 to 2; (Contrary-
Ald. White, F~rtin, McKinley, Donald and
NO action.
No action.
No action.
3~. Emery St. and Banker St.
3~. Summer St. Main to Temperance
36. McKenzie Place
37. Drummond Road
38. Murray St.-Pine Grove to Dawlish
39- Symmes St.-Pine Grove to Dawltsh
~0. Murray St.-Orchard to Main St.
AGREED that the City Manager present a
report on the cost of re-grading roads,
rebuilding walks, etc.
AG~REED that the City Manager present a
report on the cost of re-grading roads,
rebuilding walks, etc.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and
Mowers that the City Manager be authorized
to approach Mrs. McKenzie with reference
to the acquiring of a title to McKenzie
ORDERED on the motion of A3d. McKinley and
White that the necessary steps be taken to
repair and re-instal damaged sidewalk on
the City side of Drunmoal ~a,l fr,~n L~.~'s
Lane to Murray Street.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Donald and
Martin that the City Manager submit a
report as to estimated costs of carrying
the construction of curbs and gutters.
Imperial Oil Station - G~lp & Main
Main Street Fire Hall
Sylvia Flace
Feer Street - Gladstone to Allen
re opening road,
45. Peer Street - Gladstone to Main St.
/+6. .Ross Street. - Peer St. to Robinson
Allen Avenue - Ferry to 300 feet
north of Robinson Street
Stanley Ave.-Robinson to Murray St.
2158 Stanley Avenue
Marray St. - Stanley to Buchanm~
51. Filtration Plant
AGREED no action, but it was understood
that the City Manager would see that
weeds are taken care of in the portion
between the Service Station and the
property to the south.
AGR2ED that mastic tile be installed in
the bathroom.
Communication No. 130 - South End Business
Men's Association - OF~)ERED on the motion
of Ald. Morton and Mowers that the communi-
cation be received and filed and they be
advised of the action proposed, that
that the property will be graded, Just as
soon as conve:~ent and as the necessary
fill material can be obtained.
AGREED that this be left in the hams of
the City Fznager to take up with Mr. W.A.
Fraser of the H.E.F.C. of Ontario.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and
Martin that the City Manager submit a
report as to recommendations and costs
concerning these two streets.
AGREED that these streets be left in
abeyance pending negotiations with the
H.E.F.C. of Ontario.
No action.
AGReeD that the City Manager be
authorized to proceed with the con-
struction of the gutter as suggested.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and
Morton that the City Fansget be authorized
to proceed ~dth the repair of the side-
walk in front of the Filtration Plant and
of the doors at the main entrance.
The Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Donald and Ald. McKinley.
READ A,~9 ~DOPrs, 24th May, 1955.
~3ard ~OJri~
The Conference Co~aittee of t4e City Co,n~eil assembled at ~,he clo~e
the ~e~la~ ~u~cS~ ~8 Finance Meetings o~, ~c, n8ay~ 16th May, ~95~
of considerrig various items presented to t}.em. ;~ members of f,},e C~m~,It,~,ee were
present· ~s Worship, M~yor Ha~ins, presided.
After consideration of the items placed beCore them, ~he Co~]ttee ad~oum,ed on the
~notion of AId. ~nald and ~ite.
READ AND ADOPTED, 2l,th May, 1955.
~" Chairmsun
Council Chamber,
24th May, 1955.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday, 24th.
May, 1955, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members
of Council were present, with the exception of kid. White. The Council, having
received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion
of kid. Brooks and Ald. F~rton.
Mr. Albert Miller headed a delegation representing the Safe Water
Cornre] tree of the Better Living Society of the Greater Niagara Area and on the motion
of kid. Brooks and Morton it was ordered that he be heard. He, along with Dr. G.E.
French, local dentist, gave detailed reports on the subject of the fluoridation of
water, speaking in opposition to such practice.
His Worship the Mayor complimented the delegation on their able
presentation of their side of the case and advised that Ald. F~rtin had first
introduced this subject to Council and the City Manager had been requested to gather
all the data and present a report to Council; upon receipt of this report it will
be thoroughly considered and all groups and organizations will have the opportunity
to engage in the discussions before any decision is reached.
kid. F~rtin expressed his appreciation for the interest shown by this
delegation and was of the opinion that any group or society should be encouraged to
appe~.r before Council to express their opinions, whether pro or con, in order that
Council will be able to make a decision.
kid. Mowers stressed the f act that the matter was purely in the
investigation stage only and Council had not expressed their intention to adopt
following Communication was presented;
No. 132 - Greater NiaKara Chamber of Commerce - requesting delegates to Trade Fair,
may 31st. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that the con~unication
be received and filed and kid. Harbin and Ald. Morton, Council's representatives on
the Industrial Committee of the Cha~nber of Com~rce be authorized to attend.
The followin~, Re~orts were presented;
No. 92 - City Manager - Asphalt Pavement, Curbs and Gutters on Slater Avenue between
Stamford SL and McRae St. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mor~on and Brooks that the
report be received and referred to the City Manager and the Chairman of Finance for
a further report.
SE~ Petition MO. 9.
No. 93 -Cityl,~nager - Asphalt Pavement on River Lane between Eastwood Street and
John Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the report be
received and adopted and the City Manager be authorized to proceed with the work.
Carried. (Contrary-AId. D~nald).
SEE Petition No.ll.
No. % - Ct~j ~Ana~er. Asphalt Pavement on Florence Avenue from McRae St. to Rose-
dale Drive. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Morton that the report be
received and adopted and the City Manager be authorized to proceed with the work.
Carried. (Contrary-Aid. Donald).
SEE Petition No.13.
No. 95 - City Manager - Asphalt Pavement and Curbs aid ,Gutters on Sixth Av,~nu~
from Jepson St. to Willmort St. ORDERZD on the motion of Ald. Mowers and B~oks
that the ret~ort be received and adopted and the City Manager ~ authorized to
p~ceed with the work. Carried. (Ald. 5~na]d-cont~,ary).
No. 96 - City hnager - reputing and resurfacing asphalt surface o?] Securd Av~n'.le
between ~ll~t% S~. ~d MDrrison St. ORDER~ cn the motion of Ald. Morton and
~wers that ~he ~port be received and adopted, and ~he City [;~n%ger ~ autLo~ized
to p~ceed with ~he work.
No. 97 - City ~hnaEer - recom~nending resurfacing of t~vement on T]lq rd Av,=!lde from
Huron St. to Hamilton St. ORDER~D on the moti,~n of Ald. Morton s~d Donald that
the report be received and adopted°
No. 98 - City ManaKer - recommending resurfacing of pavemebt on Huron St,. from
Second Ave. to Thint Ave. ORDERED on the motion of AId. i.,,'owers and Donald tha+
the report be received and adopted.
No. 99 - City [~AnaMer - Relief Storm Sewer on R~nder }{ill fro:~ Falls Ave. to
Victoria Ave. and on Victoria Avenue from Bender Hill to Walnut Street.
on the motion of Ald. Mowers and i.brton that the report be receLved and adol,ted
and the necessary by-law be prepared.
No. IO0 - City ManaKe~ _ Relief Storm Sewer on North Street fr~n Stanley Averrue
to approximately 393 feet west of Portage .Road. ORDEP~D on the motion of Ald.
Morton and Brooks that the report be received and adopted.
No.lO1 - C__ity Manager - Estimate on cost of removing the boulevards and re[~ving
Valley Way from Queen St. to Willmott St. ORDERED on the ,sotion of Ald. McKin]ey
and Donald that the report be received and tahled for consideration by a full
No.102 - City ManaKer - report on time foundation for a house constructed on
Buttrey Street. ORDERED on the motion of ,tld. Donald and I{orton that the r,;,x,rt be
received and adopted. ·
No.103 - City MAnaEer- recomr~ending Welfare Administrator's attendance at Fifth
Annual Meeting of Welfare Officers' Association in ~rLh Bay, June 13th, U{th & 15th,
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Brooks that the retort be received and
No.104 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of ]icences. ORDEB~'D on the motion of
kld. McKinley and Morton that the report be received and adopted arid licences issued.
Ald. McKinley, Chairman of the Traffic Cormmittee, referred to a recent
request that perking be eliminated on one side of First Avenue between Morrison
Street and Huron Street advising that his committee have given the matter study
and after having investigated, discovered that there is a spece of 18 foot clesr-
ance between cars parked on both sides of the street and thsrefore could not
recommend any change at this time, ORDEP~F~D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald.
Morton that the Traffic Commlttee's reco~aendation be adopted. Carried.
Ald. ]'~rtin referred to the reference made at the last meeting of Council
concerning the perking of cars by the Used Car Business at the cox~er of Morrison
~nd Valley Way. He advised that the new l,ropri~tnr~ w~ nnt ~.41,-:. '.} ~ [,},~e car~
w~r- l~rklh~ ~n Cit~ prol~rty.
He also advised of the full co-operation of the Business in question and
that the situation at this comer is much i.~roved now.
Laid over from a previous meeting:
No. 9 - J. Prest and 16 others - requesting paving of Slater St. from Stamford to
McRae St. OFFERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Brooks that the petition be
again tabled pending fux~her report of the City Manager and Chairman of Finance.
sm t__ ma_ ji
No, 11 - M, Exelby and 19 others - requesting correction of dust nuisance on River
Lane. ORDF~2ED on the motion of Ald, McKinley and Mowers that the petition be
received and filed and the City Manager be authorized to proceed with the construction
of an asphalt pavement, Carried, (AId. Donald-contrary),
SEE Report No. 93.
No. 13 - W. S. Buchanan and ~ others - requesting paving of FlOrence Avenue from
McRae St. to Rosedale Drive. ORDEPJD on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Morton that
the petition be received and filed and the City ~nager be authorized to proceed with
the work.
Report No. 94.
Th~ followinK Resolutions were passed;
No. 69 - MORTON - DONALD - RESOLVE]) that a message of sympathy on behalf of His
Worship, Mayor E. M. Hawkins, Members of the City Council and the citikens at large
be forwarded to the family of the late Mr. George W. Hughes, retired Deputy Chief
of the Niagara Falls Police Department; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
Carried Unanimously.
No, 70 - DONALD - MOWERS - KESOLVED that the City Manager be requested to submit a
complete report at the next meeting of Council on proposed fence at Coro~mtion Park;
and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed,
Carried ~animously,
No. 71 - BROOKS - DONALD - RESOLVED that the City Mm~ager be requested to submit a
report on the resurfacingof kn.oury Street at the next meeting of Council; and the
seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
The Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald, Mowers and Donald,
READ AND ADOPTED, 30th May, 1955.
2,Lth ;.by, 1955.
The Finance iqeeting was held on D~esday, 24th I~y, 1955 ~or the
o~ at,provi~ and also ~,sLng the various accoun~ which had ~ee~ l~i~rly
and placed before them. .~1 members of ~he Co~f~[Ltee were F~esenL, wtLh rye
ion of Ald. '~ite. ~d. Martin, thai man of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $22,222.34 were al.pnoved by th~ C'~m,:[~ tec.
~e Accounts subStrod be[Dg passed or oLh,-~se dea]t wi!b were ordered
placed in the money by-law for ],resen~atio~ to the Council cn'm the. moti.:.r, of
Worship the ~yor and Ald. ~nald. '
The City Manager's ,~port ~ln the application of Mr. E. Cr;pp,J for a F~j L
to erect ~ al~n~ and pl~glass il]~nated sign af. 35~ Queeu Street, at an
estimated cost of $350.00 was presented for cons!dec,el. ion. ORDE~EO on the moti,~n
of ~d. Mowers and Morton that the ~,rt be received and adopted and the Ien~Lt ~
~,e 3ity !'~nager's report on the apl,]icat[on ,f H. M. Sauer
to erect an illuminated metal sign at 1771 Victoria Avenue at an estlmated
~1.,,. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of kld. Mortc,n and
Brooks that the report be received and adopted and portrait be
The City ~nager's restart on the ai',i~licat~n of Loblaws ~.l~ a permlt to
erect a neon facet sign in front of their premises at 790 Victoria Awmue~ at an
estimated cost of $2,000. was presented for consideration. O~ERED on the rm,tion
of Ald. Mowers and Donald that the report be received and ado~lted and ~;ennit be
The Committee arose e~d reported to Council on the motion of AId, Mckinley and
Mayor Hawkins,
READ AND ADO FTED, 30th May, 1955.
Chairman of Finance.
Council Chamber,
2l~th May, 1955.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose or passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Committee. All members of Council were present, with the exception of Ald.
White. His Worship, Nayor Hawkins, presided.
The following By-law was passed;
No. ~2~7 - To provide monies for general purposes.
CEDERE an the motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks that Aid. 1.~rtin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the ~irst
I'eading. - Carried.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and McKinley. that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Bales of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - C.~rried.
Dlird Reading -Ald. ~Kinley and I~rton - Carried.
Ald. Morton, Council's representative on the Children's Aid Society,
presented a verbal r~port on his recent attendance at the Conference in Toronto and
advised Council that the average operating rate of the Welland County Children's
Aid ?~ciety $1.2~ per day, was found to be the lowest reported at the Conference and
was o[ the opinion that we ie this area are very fortunate that such is the case.
His ~rship the ~yor expressed appreciation to the Alderman for his
fine report, and complimented the local Society on their management of the affairs of
the Society.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley.
RZAD AND ADOPTED, 30th, N~y, 1955.
Board Room,
2~th May, 19~5.
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of
the regular Council and Finance Meetings on T~esday, 2~th May, 1~55 for the purpose
of considering various items presented to them. All members of the Committee were
present, with the exception of Ald. White. His Worship, Mayor Hawkins, presided.
A~ter consideration of the items placed before the~, the C~r~ittee ~djo~;.~d on the
~'.tl ~n ~f Ald. D~:ald a~ll McF~nley,
READ AND ADOPTED, 30th May, 19~5.
Council Chamber,
3Otk NAy, 1955.
PUrsuant to adjourrment, Council met at. 7.30 p.m. on :,[or,,]ay, 3oth. May,
1955, for the purpose of considering general busiDese and Finance. All memher.~ cf
Council were present. ~Ae Council, }laving received and read the mLnu~es o~ t]'!e
previous meeting, adopted ~,hese on the :Lotion of Ald. Morton and White.
Mr. Norman Thomas, fir~t signatory on a ~tltion from residents i~ the
vicinity of the residence known as 75/~ Fourth Av,=!nu,~, was [:e~r{dbted to addA.~ss
Co~cil on ~he motion of ~d. !'~ite and McKinley.
Mr. ~omas and Mr. WinshiD elanrating on the petition, queried a.~
whether a building permit had been' obtained by the ~arty at 754 Fourth Avenu,- ~or
the building which they state is being used for a chicken coop. Follo~nS a check
by ~he City ~nager and Clerk, ~uncil were advised that no petit bad be.r. ohtai~ed
and that there is presently no by-law in effect either regulating or proh]Liting
the keeping of domestic fowl. ~e ~erk also advised that there were two au[.~or'[t~es
in ~]e Fm~ct~l Act, the first p~viding for by-l~s regulat~mg the keepi.g or
domestic fowl and the second providing for by-laws prohibit[n6 the keeping of
Follo~ng a ~scussion it was ordered that ~.r~,secut] on be in~tj Luted
against the in~vidual erecting the buil{ng w~thout a ~r~iL and that a Ly-].~w
pre~red ~o prohibit the keeping of domestic fowl {~hin the are~ compl~ed
Ald. Mowers referred to a recent petition signed by j, Prest and 16
others requesting ]~viag of Slater Avenue fn~m Stamford Street to Mcgee Street a:.~d
the fact that Mr. Prest was in the audience at this me~ti~g and it was o~'~]er~d on
the motion of ~d. Mowers and ~ald that he be heard,
~. Prest ad~sed ~hat he had received no ~]vice as yet on any act~on
contemplated %0 meet the situation and referred to the rloo~ conditions prevalent
on Slater Avenue. ~s Worship the ~yor ad~sed the speaker that as " ·
year when the installation of a atom sewer in the area ~11 take place. Mr. P~st
insisted on attention to the sewer this ~ar [o alledate the flooding condltions
but was advised that this instalht~on is not included in the P~gr~ne for 1955.
O~E~D on the motion of ~d. Brooks and Morton that the p~blem presented by the
petitioners be referred to the F~i~rty CoYOtes for a retort. (~s was labor
~thdra~). ~ ~en~ent by Ald. ~nald and ~ite that the City I~nager take care
of the complaints on Slater Avenue and ~ix the street, was carried Unanimously.
~. Or~ll CaugMll was s~kesman on behalf of the ~tition presented ~
28 local barite and on the motion of Ald. ~te and Moron it was ordered that he
be heard. Mr. CaugMll ad~sed that this ~ti~ion was to protect the barber shops
now in operation fmm the infl~ of operators fmm other countries who do not
understand the regulations or by-laws goveming this type or business and ~bat the
restrictions requested wo,~ld be a morris o~ ~ducation.
SEE.~etition No.
Laid over from a previous meeting;
No. 118 - Martin, Calvert and Matthews - re deed for property known as Poplar Park.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and ~"nite that the communication be received
and filed and the Solicitors for the Greater Niagara General Hospital be advised
of the information received by the City Solicitor from the beneficiaries of the
0ekes Estate.
Remr No.lO ,
The follo'~inK Communications were presented;
No. 133 - Shut-In's Day Association - requesting proclamation. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the communication be received and filed
and proclamation published as requested.
No. 134 - AdvertisinM & Sales Club - invitation to meeting. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Martin and Mortonthat the invitation be received And accepted and as many
members of Council as find it possible attend.
No. 135 - City of Windsor - requestin8 appointment of members to special con~aittee
re sewers and sewage disposal works. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mo~ere and
Morton that the communication be received and filed and a comn~ittee appointed by
His Worship the F~yor.
No. 136 - Stasfford Township Clerk - Re Drttm~ond Road from Lundy' s Lane to North St.
CRD-~IED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Brooks that the communication be received
and filed and the Township advised that the. City of Niagara Falls is prepared to
proceed. Carried Unanimously.
Laid over from the previous meetingl
No. 101 - City ~naKer - Estimate of Cost of Removing the boulevards and repaying
Valley Way from Queen St. to ~'Hllmott St. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and
Donald that the report be again tabled, ponding submission of summarized report on
all the local improvements contemplated.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 105 - City Solicitor - re certificate of l~rmiss[on signed by beneficiaries of
0~kes Estate re Poplar Park. ORDURE on the motion of Ald. Mowers and White that
the re{ox~ be received and filed and the Board of Governors of General Hospital be
advised accordingly.
~. 106 - City
No. 107 - City
No. 108 - City
No. 109 - City
No. 110 _ City
Manager - Curbs and Gutters - Ross Avenue,
~nager - Concrete Gutter - Symmes Street,
Manager - Curb and Gutt.er - Murray St, from Drummond to Pine Grove,
Manager - Curb and Gutter - Murray St, from Orchard to Main Street,
Manager - Curb and Gutlet - Falls Avenue, ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. White and Mor~on that the reports be received and tabled pending su~aisslon
of su~,xarized report by City Manager.
No. 11] - City ManaKer - Armoury Street resurfacing. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Donald and M~rt~n that the retort be received and tabled pending submission of
summarized report by City Manager.
No. 112 - City Manager - Properties on Hanan Avenue abutting Coronation Park.
CRDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and F~rtin that the repOrt be received and
No. 113 - City ManaMer - recommending attendance of City Treasurer at Convention.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~rtin and Brooks that the report be received and
The following Petitions were presented;
~' ~ - 'i^.~"D-~" -'~-~ ~ .~ 2~ ,/Jx~lo _ protesting construction of a building at 75~
Fourth Avenue, to be used as a chicken coop. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald
and Morton that the petition be received and filed and prosecution be instituted
against the individual erecting the building in question withotis permit. Carried
Unanimously. FURTHER ORDERED on the motion of Ald. 'White and Martin that a by-law
be prepared to prohibit the keeping of domestic fowl within the area complained
Carried Unanimously.
No. 16 - E. Ray S.dtb and 27 other barbers c.~ [he Hisdata Fa].]s P~ai~. c,f !} e
Ontario ~rbers' Association. - requesting ~nen~]~e[ts ~.~ by-law ,",~i~r 4675.
O~DERED on the motion of Ald. ~ite and Yortcn ~at the petition ~ T~ce[ved a~Ac]
referred ~o the City Solicitor for a ~[~ori.
His >~orship th~ Mayor asked the City Cler~ tc read a com~mn,lcatior
Mr,. W. L. Houck. M.F. who r~prese~ted the City ,-,r r/iagara Fal]~ aL the irese~.(at.i,,n
of a S]~cial Award to the Ci~.y for [be di~tin<:ti~,n ~,~ h.=vq~g comple~,ed tL,, year
]95~ ~thout a fatal traffic accide,d..
~e followfry. By-law was ~resented;
No. ~2~8 - To authorize the borrowring o~ $]3~,C41q,.0~ Cop the construction o~ ~[er
st(Pro sewers oh ~ender Hill, Victoria ~vcr]ue ar~ North Street.
ORDERED on the motion o~ Ald. McKinley ~nd Ec, wer~ tha~ Ald. ~'t%rtin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and ~,h,=~ by-law be g~.ven the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~(owers and :4ortori th%L Rule 3f, ~o~
Standing Rules of Council be ten,~rarily sus~,,~r,d,-d and t, be by-]~w be given the 2nd,
rea~ng. , Carried Unanimously.
The Counc]l adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald, Mowers and AId.
READ AND AIXOFTED, ~th June, 1955.
Council Chamber,
30th May, 1955.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 30th May, 195~ for the purpose of
approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Ald. Martin,
Chairman of FinanCe, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $36,377.78 were approved by the Committee.
The Accounts submitted being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the raotion
of Ald. Mowers and Mayor Hawkins.
The C~ty ~nager's report on the application oP I,~. H. Lynett, tenant
at 1929 Victoria Avenue for a building permit to erect a car port on the south side
of the dwelling and to rebuild the porches at the front and real' of the dwelling, at
an estimated cost of $500. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on f, he motiun
oF Ald. McKinley and White that the report be received and the verbal reccmmendation
of the CityYanager be adopted, and permit be issued.
The CityManager's report on the application of 2,eraSer Hotels Limited
for a permit to erect a neon sign at the small building at the rear of the Fox Head
Hotel at an estimated cost of ~00. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. ~wers and Morton that the rel~rt be received and adopted and
t~rmit be issued.
The City F+~nager's report on the application of Imperial Oil Limited for
a ]~rmit to erect an addition and make alterations to the Service Station operated
by D. G. Webh at the corner of Victoria and Bridge at an estimated cost of $9,000.00
was presented for consideration. ORDEED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Brooks
that the pepoft be received and adopted and per,rdt be is.~,~ed.
~- ~, n~ni~t.~e arose an~ ~pcrted to Counc-'l on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald.
Mc ~',' [ n iey.
READ A~'~ ADOPTED, 6th Jut:e, 1955.
Clerk .'~& ~', Chairman of Finance
Council Chamber,
30th May, 1955.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the put]see of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Committee. All members of Council were present. His Worship Mayor Hawkins
~ - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Brooke and Morton that Ald. Martin be
granted the privilege of Introducing the by-law and the'by-lm~ be ~iven the first
reading. , Carried Unanimously·
ORDERED on the ,robion o~ Ald. Mort.on and K.o,ve:,~ that R,~I~ 3~
the St~ding Rules of Council be Lemtcrarily susperkl~d arm the bv-] ~,~ bff gi wn
the second reacEng.. CaPPied Unanimousl~,
~ird Reading . AId. ~'~rtLn and l'~owers - Carried
On the motion of AId. J{artin and k'owers 'l>uncll adjourned be,
RZ~,D AND ADCPT~D, 6th june, 1-955.
COp~.z~v, NCE
3Oth l.hy, ]955-
The Conrepents Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of
the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, 3Otb, 1955 for ~he purl.~se
of considering various items presented to them, and also to meet ~¢i~ h a delegation
from the Board of Education. His Worship, Mayor Hawkhns, presided and all raembers
were present.
After consideration of the items placed before them, the Committee adjourned on the
motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 6th June, 1955.
Clerk ' ' '. "
. Chairman.
Council Chamber,
6th June, 1955.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 6th June,
1955, for the ]ur;ose of considering general business and finance. All members of
Council were present, with the exception of AId. Donald. The Council, having received
and read the minutes of the prevLous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald.
Mowers and McKinley. Ald. Brooks, then arrived at the meeting.
On the motion of AId. Moors and McKinley~ itwas ordered that Mr. Vito
Perri be beard. He outlined his difficulties to Council with reference to his
efforts to obtain employment and was ~sured by His Worship the Fmyor that his case
will be taken into consideration.
On the motion of Ald. Mowers and White, it was ordered that Mr. G.
Plantedi be heard. He requested Council's consideration to giving him at least six
~nths' employment during the year and was advised by His Worship the MAyor that his
request would be considered by Couscil.
The followirA Communications were resented;
No. 137 - Board -~f Transport Commissioners - re widening of Victoria Avenue bridge.
0RDERI~) on the motion of Ald. ~%rtin and Mowers that the con~nunication be received
and Mr. W. L. Houck, M.F. be requested to arrange a meeting with the Board of Trans-
~>rt CoMuis~ioners to discuss th~s matter.
No. 138 - Indian Pefence League of America. - invitation to Celebration, July 16th.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. N~rton and Brooks that th~ invitation be received and
accepted, His Worship Mayor Hawkins arrange to be present, and as many members of
Council as find it possible attend also.
No. 139 - City of London - ~esolution to exempt m.~nicipal purc}:ases from Sales Tax.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Morton that the resolution be received and
endorsed and referred to the Ontario I,~nicipal Association for consideration in
No. l~0 - City of KinKston - resolution re certain designations on Voters' Lists.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowe~'s that the resolution be received
and endorsed.
No. 1A/- Niagara Falls Police Association - requesting permission to hold Horse
Show ia conjunction with Annual Field Day. ORDERED on *,he motion of Ald. Brooks
and Morton that the communication be received and permission ~ranted for that
~rticular day.
No. 1A2 - NiaRara Falls Citizens Ball Club - appreciation and request for City's
S~are ef gate receipts. ORDE.R~. ,qn the motion of Ald. McKinley and Morton that
the communication be received and referred to the City Manager for a report.
No. 1~3 ~ London Theatre Co. Ltd. - requestin~ permission to erect banners, OP]SEP~ED
on the motion of kld. Fartin and Bro~k~ t~%t ~e ~o~-~l~%~!~l: ~ recei'.'ed a/~a
],~m~,i~i.'~ j~r:t~d for ~F,~ er~ctiu=, ~f the banner at Victoria and Epworth Place
subject to the approval of the Hydro Commission.
The followin~ Reports were Dresentedl
N~. llA - City Clerk - advising of appointees to small committee to meet with
Special Co,,,{ttee set up in Windsor for purpose of seeking financial aid from the
two senior gover~aents For the conetructl on of works abetlug
waters. O~DE~ED on the motion of A]d. McKinley and 'iowe,'s that the re!~rl be
received and adopted.
No. 115 - City Clerk -
Ald. ~rt.in and Morton
No. 116 - City Clerk -
Ald. ~brton and I'~rtin
2sport on ConFerence oF
that the mI~rt he received
No. 117 - City 1;~n~p, er - reix, rt on meeting with }~nt ster of :{lghw~y:~ i.,n Juue
discuss propo,sed paving of Dmunmc:nd Road betweel~ L,m,}y's l~n~. and ;Jor!~ S{.e~;,.t
the paving of Stanley Avenue between Ferry Str~.et and Valley ija~. C~DE~VCD
motion of AId. McKinley and Howere that the report Le r~-celved ~Di] flied ,-~,d a
letter of ap[,reeiation be forwarded by His Worship t),,~ l.hyor on b~balc oF the City
Council and the City ;,hasget to Mr. A.C. Jolley, I(.I.A. who arrang~.d this n
No. 118 - City 1&shaKer - Estimate for removb~g existing L~,u]~va~ on Vall~y lYay
opposite the A. and F. parking lot. ORDERED on the motion ,~r Ald. ~-~rt~, n,,d ild.
White that the report be received and laid on the tells noti] such ~/i,m~- a.~, fi.ances
are available to proceed wlth the work.
No. 119 - City ~anaF. er - Sidewalk and Gutter - south side of Peer between i~] ,', and
No. 120 - City ~anaMer - Curb and C~Atter - north side oF Peer between ~,~D and
No. 121 - City ~,~a~eP - Concrete ~tters - both s~des of E~ery St. bet;wean
Tem.~rance Avenue and 5%nker Avenue.
No. 122 - City ~naEer - ~ncrete Guttops - both sides of Banker A~+~. between
~ery 5~. and See~ St.
No. 1~3 - .C~ty ]~naMer - Concrete Gutters - both sides of S~m~er St. between Noah
~in Street and Temperance Avenue.
No. 124 - City ~ager - sidewalk - west side of Lombard Avenue f~>m Spring Street
to appro~mately 155 feet no~herly.
No. 125 - City ~nager - sidewalk - east side of ~m~rd Avenue Fmm Spring Street
[o appro~mately 105 feet northerly. O~ERED on the motion of A!d. ~ite and ~d.
Mowers that these rel~rts ~ received and referred to the s~mx,aPized repor~ of the
City [~n~ger, to be dealt ~.th in ConTeMnco.
Ald. McKinley, Chairman of the Traffic Committee, referred to traffic
problems at Barker Street, MacDonald at Kitchener and May Avenue.
SEE Resolutions 72-7}-74.
Aid. Martin, Chairman of Civic Buildings Committee, referred to the
question of the condition of the three fire halls, which had been left with the City
Manager and himself to view and submit a report. He advised that the fire halls
had been inspected and the painting of the three halls has been found in very bad
condition. He further advised that finances at this time would prohibit any major
changes to the Queen St. Hall, but submitted to Council at this time the possibility
of painting the exteMor of the three fire halls, in order to save the wood and make
the bulldines more presentable.
Ald. Mowers referred to ~ evePal intersections in the City where a 'slow'
sign has been erected in one direction and a 'stop' sign in the other direction.
He requested that the Traffic Committee investigate these signs and if necessary
take the matter up with the Stamford Traffic Committee, bein~ of the opinion that
such signs only confuse motorists.
Ald. McKinley advised that the Traffic Committee will deal with this
matter and report to Council at the next meeting.
~. rollowttW. Resolutions were passed]
,~.,. 72 - McKIYg-EY - 1/ARTIN ° RE?f.,LVED that parking be eliminat6d on the north side
o~ Bark-.r S"ire-L [ma,edi&t~,ly w-.st of ~in Street, back to a designated point; and
~h,' Se'~l i,f the Cori,~raLlon Lo hereto affixed. ~arrte__d
N,,. 73 - McKINLEY - MORTO. TQ - RF. SOLVED {,hal Kitchener Street be made a through street
Cr,.m Vlc{,~r{a Av.nue t- MacIbnahl Avenue; ~d the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
a~ xed. Carrie~
N,,. 74 - MCKINI,F,v - MORTOt - RE~OL~D that the Local ~ylro Commission be requested
~,, move a ~l. adJac,mt Lo the prc~osed driveway of ~. H. D. Bro~, 182 :~y Avenue;
:ntd th,, Se'~l ~,f the Cot}oration be hereto affixed. ~rried
N,,. 7~ ' MARTI'~ ' WHITE - R"Z,~LVED that tenders be calls3 for the painting of the
.xt~rL,r ,~ tile! thx~,= fire halls; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
~]ITE - MORTC': - R?-SO1xr'UD that a message of sympathy on behalf of His Wbrshit,
Members oC t~:e City Council ~ foraged to the f~ly of the late
Ne~,~t, eor'.:~-r n~mbrr of the City Council, fc~er CMef of the ~iagara Falls
!~-}artm,,nt ~or sevc"Al years; mid the ~al of the ~r~ration be hereto affixed.
.'"}:e f~,!l~w'l:k< [5_'-l~ws were passed;
N~. ;2.~ . T., Amen.l ~y-law ~ua~r ~1~3, bei~ a by-law to grant a ~tirement a~ow-
~ce to a ~unici~ em~!o~.
C~D~ on the ~t~on of Ald. Mc~nley and Mowers that ~d. F~in be
~a.ted ~he privilege of h~tmduci~ ~he by-law ~] the b~-law ~ given the first
ms,lipS, - Zarri~l.
~RDFj~v~ +~e motion of ~d. ~ite and )br~n that ~e 3d (2) of the
3t~xd~:.4 ~les of Jo~¢~l be t~cra~ly susandeal aM the b~-law ~ given the second
.'~.:_.,'d ,~ea~iir~ - AI~..Metten and YAhwere - Carried.
~-. 5261 - re aaend _~t-law ~a,%sr 51~, being a by-law to grant a retirement allow-
anne to a mttaicli~/eaFloyee.
C~n[)EDon the ~tion of Aid. Mowers and McKinley that Ald. Martin be
the Frivilege of [ntmducin6 the Ly-law and the by-law he ~ven the first
- Carried,
CRDER~D on the motion of AId..Morton and Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the
~'tAndin6 .~ules of Council be temFerarilF suspended and the by-law be given the 2rid.
~adl,4, - Carried,
~k,. ~62 - To FroMbit the keepir~ of d~es~c fowl ~.tMn defin~ a~as of the ~ty
vf ~a~
the ao~i~n of Ald. ~nley ~ ~on that ~d. ~te ~ grated
int~l~ ~he ~-h~ ~d t~ ~-law ~ given t~ firet rea~ng -
OM~ED on the aotio~ of Ald. ~klte and .~Xinley that ~ule 36 (2) of the
Staadi~e~ ~alee of Co~xcil ~ temporarily m~spended and the by-law be given the second
The COUnCil adjourned to tl,e Finance }.[eetin~ on
AId. Morton.
READ ,%:~ ADCPTED, 13th.june,1955.
C,..t,~c[1 Chmf.ber,
6th du'!e, 1955-
The Finance Nearing was held on l{onday, 6th Jun~, ]955 Cur '~,l,.~
of approxdng and also passing the various accounts wh1 ch bad helen l,rop. r]y certiUied
and placed before them. All members of the Cormm[thee were present, with the
except[on of Ald. Donald. Ald. Martin, Chairman of Finance,
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $69,112.37 were apl.r~ved by t.}!,~ '3~nu~dttee.
The Accounts subm]tLed being f~assed or otherwise dealt. wit]b were ordered
placed in the tat, hey by-law for presentation to the Council ~r, the L,otion
McKinley ~md }~yor Hawkins.
D~e City Manager's report on the application off the T. Eaton Comtany for
a building perndt for changing ~rtitions at ~30 Vic[oria Avenue, at an estimated
cost of $1,~. was presented for consideration. CRDE~% on the motion of Ald.
Mowers and B~ks that the ~port be received and ad,'~pte~d and th~ len~t be issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of the Grand Restaurant, 1993
Main Street for a permit to erect a neon sign at an estimated cost of $~00. was
presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and White that
the report be received and adopted and permit be is,ned.
The City FAnager's report on the application of Mr..Sam DeLorenzo, 1759
Victoria Avenue, for a permit to erec~ a neon sign at an estimated cost of $1,665.
was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. 'Morton and Ald.
Mowers that the report be received and adopted and the permit be issued.
The CityManager's ref~rt on the ap?]~ca+io~ .-.o ,t~ Y-'i>a~ q,~tel ~r
~ le'~it t', ~t',~ct e~ neon sign, ~t an e:~t.imated coat of $350. was presented for
consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Morton that the report
be received and adopted and permit be issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of Joseph Kocsis, 2062
Stanley Avenue for a building permit to erect a new house on Lot 2, Plan 10, on the
east side of Stanley between Robinson and Ferry, at an estimated cost of $6,200.
wa~ presented for consideration; the report also advised that Mr..Kocsie was
a~plying for permission to move a portion of ~he existing dwelling known as 2062
Stanley Avenue, 12 by 16, to the rear of his lot to be used for dwelling accom-
modation while the new residence Is under construction. ORDEreD on the ,notion
of Ald. Morton and His Worship the Mayor that the report be received and adopted
and the permit granted, with the stipulation that the portion being moved to the
rear of the lot, cannot be used for living accommodation after the completion of
the new dwelling. Carried.
The City Treasurer'a Comparison of Tax Collections as of May 31st,
1955 was presented for cunsideration. ORDERD~D on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and
AId. ~cK]nley that the Statement be ~ceived, given the usual [,ubl[city and filed.
The Co~Littee arose and reported bo Council on ~he motion of Ald. Mower~ and ~.L%yor
READ A'~D ADOPTED, 13th Juee, 1955.
Cha]rman of Finance.
Council Chamber,
6th June, 1953.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance ."4eetings for the pu~f~se of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
appPoved ~j the Comaittee. All members of Council were present, with the exception
of Ald. Donald.
The following By-law was passed;
No. $26~ - To p~ovide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of AId.Mowers and McKinley that Ald. Martin be
granted the privilege oF introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
readin-. - Carried.
ORDE-~RED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and l~rton that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second
reading. - Carried.
~,ird Reading -Ald. Martin and Mowers - Carried.
The Council 'adjourned to Conference on the motion of AId. Mowers and Ald. McKinley.
READ AND ADOPTED, 13th June, 1955.
Board ~
6th jut,e, ]-~5;;.
The Conference Committee of the City Co.ir.c~l a~serlbled at t,}le clique
the regular Council and Finance Meetings on ~.icndav, 6t.h Ju~, 1955 for *.he
of considerin~ va~ous i~ems presented to them. All Member~ o~ %b~, C~.ittee
were present, with the e~cept~on of ~d. ~nald. His Womh!~, i~a~or [hwk.[hs,
presided as Chair~n. '
After consideratlon of the items placed before t!~em, the Coltam, tree adjourned on
the motion of AId. Mowers and i'i:~rti~,,
READ A'~ A~gPA."V~D, 13t~: June, 1955.
Co,Ancil Chamber,
13th June, 1955.
~rsuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.50 p.m. on Monday. 13th. june.
1955, For the purpose or considering general business and finance. All members of
Council were t,resent. .n~,e Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previo.e meeting, adopted these on 5he moti-n of AId. 'White and Brooks.
Mr. Alan G. Fewlet, was the spokesman for the Brotherhood of Painters
and Decorators and Paperhangers o~ America, Local 1716 and on the motion of Ald.
Donald and White it was ordered that he be heard.
He queried the i~sslbility of the City Council placing a clause in all
contracts issued by them, that Union Men only be employed on work done for the City
c~ Niagara Falls, referring to the latest tenders being called for the painting of
the three ~ire halls.
His Worship the I~yor assured the delegation that Council ~ll study
their r~quest and -will do everyt],ing possible to assist.
BEE Communication No. 144.
followinK Co,~nunications were presented;
No. ]3~'~ - Brotherhood of ?_airtore, Decorators and PaperhanKers,Local- 1716 - presen-
tation o~ bri~;f. ORDERED on the mot[on of AI~. Brooks and Morton that the co~au~i-
cation be received and lald on the table ~or future consideration.
No. ~5 - Lincoln Historical Society - invitatb~n to Laura Secord Walk. OR])ERED on
the motion of Ald. Morton and Donald tha~ the invitation be received and accepted
and as many of the members of Council as find it possible attend.
No. ]3+6 - Optimist Club - d~clinkng use of Cyanm~d grounds for cam~ival. ORDERF~D
on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that the co~mnunication be received and filed.
No. 147 - Greater Niagara General Hospital - requesting permission be obtained from
Ontario Municipal Board for the raising of the allotted debentures in connection with
hospital project. Hie Worship Mayor Hawkins indicated that in view of the communi-
cation it would now be necessary that the three interested municipalities meet and
arrive at a method o~ allocation of the debenture costs of this project and follo~ing
discussion on the matter R was ordered on the motion of Ald. Martin and Morton that
the communication be received and a coamunication be directed to the President of
the Board of Governors requesting approximate completed costs of the structure or
structures in order that when this meeting is called, a satisfactory decision can
be arrived at and that the City ~hnager make available to the members of Council
data which had been discussed previouslywith reference to the possible basis of
financing; this information to be available for the next meeting of Council.
Laid over from previous meeting;
No. 110 . City Manager - Curb and ~utter - east side of Falls Avenue
No, iii - City Manager - Armoury Street resurfacing,
No, 121 - City Manager - Concrete Gutters - both sides of ~ery Street,
No, 122 - City Manager - Concrete Gutters - both sides of Banker Avenue,
No, 124 - City Mana~er - Concrete Sidewalk - west side of Lombard Avenue,
No, 12~ - City Manager - Concrete Sidewalk - east side of lembar4 Avenue,
SEE Reports 126-132,
The followini_Re~rts were presentedj
No. 126 - City YanaKer - Dru.,malond Road l~vLng, North to i, Rlrray Street.
No. 127 -~nS~.e~l. - Asphalt Faremort - Fourth Avecue behwe.~n Bridde
H~lton Street.
No. 12~- Ci~~ - Asl.halt Pavement- Si~.h Ave,',,_[e be~w-~n !'iLl] ,ott
and ]{orrison Street.
No.129 - C~M~nager - Asphalt Favemen~ - Fifth Aver>is l~twe~n V~ll~v ~a,
Morrison Street~ ~' '
No. 130 - City ~nager - Asphalt Faveme~t - Fi[t.h Aven~e b~.t.~e~m J,-i=~n Street
and Valley Way.
No. 131 - City ~naEer - ]~hcad~ ~ads - Hu~on-Cedar-Zme~ ~nd Rare'or
No. 132 - ~ty T~na~e~r - Asphalt P~vemeh~ - F%erence between ~'cRa~ SiPe~ .-u=d
~sedale Drive. ORD~ED on the motion of Ald. :',~dte and T<owez~ t~a~, ~he
be received and adopted, viz; Hearts 110~ 111,121, 132, 124, I75, ZE~., 127,
129, 130, 131, and 132.
~Io0 ]33 - Cfty Clerk - recommend;re issuance o? !iconcos. C~DER~D
Ald. McKinley and Morton that L}',e report }~ received and .-~k~pt~.,]
No. 13;~ ~ City Solicitor - opinion in co, u~ectioa with Fe'ition receiv~,] fr~)m
Falls Bract of ~d. ario ~r~rs' Association. C'~ cr~ the motion of ~d. Br4.~ks
and McKinlq that the repo~t be c~,nsi{]ered, Although not ]iste,i on {his
agerids, b~ing received to~, late ~or inclusion on t},e agerids. ORDE~ZD ,,o the
Or !ld. Martir~ and i,[owers Lha~' the r~e~ort. be received and a cc,~y eoF~'~rde.: tu
Laid over from a previous mee[.in~;
No, I~ - E, ~a.v Smith and 27 other barbers - re. qua-stirS ~ne~idmer:t t{, by-law
governing barber ~hops. ORDERED on the roe[,ion ~:f AId. ~'~rt,in and Mowers that the
petitioners be supplied with a ~py of the City SoliclLor~s opinion.
SEE Report No.l~.
Laid over f,~m a previous meeting;
No. 5251 - To close and stop up portions of Teml'~rance Avenue and Tugby Street.
Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Morton - Carried Unanimously.
~e following .By-law was ~as~ed;
No. 526~ - To provide for the 1955 Expenditure on Roads or Streets in the City of
Niagara Falls.
O,~DERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Morton that Ald. Martin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Cart;led Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the 2nd.
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Brooks - Carried UnanD,~usly.
The followinK By-laws were presented]
to. 52~ - To authorize the borrowing of $7,000.00 ~or the macadam resurfactng of
various pe, vemenbs throughout the municipality.
ORDER~D on t'qe motion of Ald. Mowers and N_orton that Ald. ~Lartin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDEFED or, the motion of Ald. Xorton and k'owers that Rule 36 (2) of the
Stanching Rules of Council be teml~raril.v suspended and the by-law be Miven the 2nd.
reading. - Carried Unanimou$1y.
No. ~2~..A - To authorize the borrowing of $~,000.00, for the asphalt resurfacing of
various pavement~ throuehout the municipality.
ORDERXD on the motion of A!d. Mowers and Brooks that AId. Martin be
eranted '.he privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanlmous]y.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Brooks that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be give~ the 2nd.
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
The Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald.
READ A;,~ ADOFTED, ?Oth June, 195~.
Council Chamber,
13th June, 19~.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 13th. June, 1955 for the
turl~se of approvlng and also lansing the various accounts which had been p~operly
c-~r;ified ~d kla~ed l~.fur-. them. All menhero of the Committee were present. Ald.
F~rtin, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $21,122'.37 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of
Ald. McKinley and Meyer Hawkins.
The City Manager's report on the apt.]ication of B. ?Cha],,vi~s ~'or a
permit ~o erect. a masonite sign at ]020 Ce,,tre Street at. an estlmate,! c.,~L of
$80.~ was presented for consideration. ORDERi~D on the n,~,i.~on of A14. T.iowers
and Mo~,n that the report be received and adopted and ]~rm]~ be ~ssued.
The City Manager's report c,n the applicati~;n of R. G. Smith ~r a mcvir~S
permit to move the house: kno.~m as 1143 Victoria Averole to Fart o? Lot 5~,
the north side of Annoury Street between Victoria a,,d St. lm--ence Avesue,
presented for consideration. ORDERED un the moti{,n {,f Ald. kcKin!ey and
that the report be received and adopted a~;d le~,it issued.
The City Manager's report on the ai.plfcatie~ of M. Chikie for a iermtt
to erect an addition to his premises at .'~9 Welland Aver, ue a~ an estimated cost
of $2, 5~.~ was presenf. ed For considerati, m. O'?DERED on the motion of ~d.
McKinley ~d Morton that the report be received a,~d adopted a~:d the ]ermLt issued.
The City ~t%nager's rei~r~ on the app],icat~on of T. DiVito, ~,16 Cataract
Avenue For a perm/t to erect an [1]uminated ~iastic si~ and recordner,din~ tb~t the
application be referred to the Fn,perty Ct~rd tree ~t~ l~.~er tc acL~ ~as t.?esent~d
for consideration. ORDER~ on the motion of l~yor ]iawkin~; and .~,]. tb~.on ~hat
the report be received and Motied.
The City }~nager's retort on the al¥.lLcaLion of F. 2igiacomo fi,r a
b~ldtng permit to erect a store with a two-~om alartme,.t
Part of h>t ~, Plan 3039, on the m,rth side of Centre between ~]en and Victoria
Avenue, at an estimated cost of $7,O~. was t.reseni.~d for cor,~]d~ratLon.
on the no[ion of ~d. Mowers and W~itethat the report be rec. ei~ed a,,d adopted md
penMt issued.
The Ci. Ly F~nager's report on the sketc}, of Daniel S},aw ~or the cor,st. rueLion
of t,,ur~ st acco,m~+odation on the vacant lots at the cor,~er c.f John Street and
F~ad, was presented for consideration. ORD~D on the ,,,orion or H~s Worship the
I~yor and AId. ~nald that the m~,rt be ~ceived and adopters. Aye - Mayor Ha'~] ~.:~,
Ald. McIQ~eF, Donald and }~rt[n; Nays- ~d. Mowers, ~xite~ Xorton and Brooks.
I~e City ManaZ,,r'~ r, l.ort .:. 'h-, request of the Veteran Taxi Com?m~y for
the remov~ of a large .elm tree and reco,m~ending the re. lu~st be r~erre,1 to
P~perty Co~ittee for a rep~rt~ was presenl.ed ~ar consideration. ORDERED on tke
motion off ~d. ~wers a~J l~yor Hadins that the ~port b~ received and adol,ted.
~d. ~rtin suggested that when this matter is considered by the Fro!erty
a menbee off the Parks Department be available for advice wher, this tree is ~n ~I,ected.
IT, e Statement of Relief for the ~,~onth off i~'y, 1955 was presehted For
consideration. ORDERED on the motion of NAyor Hawkins and Ald. McKinley that
Statement be received. given the usual publicity and
The Committee arose and reported to Courtoil on the motion of Ald. McKinley and
Ald. Mowers.
READ A:~9 ADOPTED. 20th June, 1955.
Chairman of Finance.
Counckl Chamber,
13th June. 1955.
The Co,mc[1 re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the t.url~}~e o~ l,~ssing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by
the Conm~lttee. All members of Council were present.
~;e follo~n~ By-law 'Was [~ssed]
~'.'o. 526j - To provide monies For general purposes.
ORDERED on tb~ mote_on of kld. Mowers and McKinley tha~, Ald. W~rtin be
gra~t--d the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
rea&iDg. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDE~,ED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Morton that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
,"hlrd Reading -Ald. Martin and korton - Carried Unaniraously.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald.
READ A~] ADOPTED, 20th June, 1955.
Cot!,v.] ]. Cha,r.~ er,
2Oth June, I~55.
Pursuant to adjoumment~ Council met at 7.30 p.m. '-,.
19~5, for the lurtx~se of considering general business aud f[nar, ce. A]] ~ne,nbers
of Council we~ i,resen+.., with the excel%ion of ~ld. ~.iortc, m.
received and read the ~nutes of the pre~ou~ meetinS, ad~l,te
of ~d. ~]ite and
Tenders had been called for the painting ,:,f the ~xU~r[.~.
Fire Halls and on t. be motion of k]do Mr.wets af~d kIcKin],.-,y~ it was ,!~L,u,:.d
tender~ received, },e opened, lnlt[~llled bZ His ;~oF:;hip the Na'y~,r and ~.abu],af.cd.
Laid ower f.ro__m I/r_evious meetings;
No. 1~2 - NiaRara Falls Citizens Fall Club - re,luestj n~j dopatiun of City' s .%hare
of gate receipts For game played with the King and His Court on ,',L,y Dlst. ORDERED
oil the motion of Ald. Martin and Mowers that the ccmmu~lcation l~~. received al,d
filed and the request granted, the amount being
No. 147 - Greater Niagara General Hospital - re,,u,,stinS actic,~x or, C:,unci]'s part
to obtain necessary appnsval f~m the
debentures for proceed hospital.
SEE G~a~,u,~lcat; or, No. 148.
The foliowinE Communications were presented;
No. 148 - Greater NiaKara General Hospital - latest audited finaucial statement of
hospital campaign, etc.
The City Manager advised Council or a recent conversation with Mr. E.R. Davey,
President of the Board of Governors in which he aa..ised Mr. Davey that C<hmcll
would be unable to apply for approval from the Ontario }.[unicipal Hoard For the
proposed expenditures until they had concrete information as to the tender prices
on the ~Arses~ residence for comFarison with architectural estimates which would
then give some indication as to the eventual over all cost. OPaS".JtED on the motion
of Ald. Mowers and Brooks that the communicatlons l~ received and tabled until the
information is obtained to enable necessary application to the ~tario Municipal
Board for approval.
No. 149 - Bell Telephone Company - requesting permission to place buried cable on
Sylvia Place at FerFy Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald
that the co~n~ication be received and filed and l~rmission granted.
S__EE By-law No.$268.
,,~. ~ - EleGbrical Contractors As:;ocia~ion - x.~ amen~aex,L bo D[ll 'G. 7].. ORDE]ED
on the motion of Ald. Donald and ~it, e that 6he conmnunicat] on be received and filed.
(A!d. Brooks-contrary). An amendment made by Ald. Brooks that the co~nunication lie
received and tabled until such time as the communication is considered by the Ontario
Association of Mayors and Reeves, and the Ontario Municipal Association - was not
No. 151 - Board of Education - Stipulations re use of Memorial School Grounds~
OPa)EREDon the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the co~nunication be received
and filed and the stipulations~as outlined be agreed to.
No. 152 - Department of PlanninF~ and Development - re establishment of shopping
centres. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and McKinley that the cormaunication
be received and filed add a co.~y forwarded to the Local Flatruing Board. (Ald.
/artiD-contrary) ·
Jo. 153 - Town of New Tomrote - resolution re mentally retarded cases. ORDEFu~) on
the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the communication be received and filed.
No. 154 - RosberKs Limited - requesting use of t~le to instel a floodlight. O°OEFGD
on the motion of Ald. Martin and kowers that the communication be received and
referred to the Property Committee for a report.
No. 155 - Richard Reilly - application to operate a Used Car Lot. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. McEtnley and Brooks that the communication be received and referred
to the City F~nager for submission of a re. port at the next, meeting.
~e follo!dnK Reports were presented;
No. 135 - City }~naKer - recommending donation of City's share of gate receipts to
Juvenile Ball Club. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~hrt3n and Mowers that the
report be received and adopted.
SEE Communication
No. 136 - City ManaEer- Summary of Table re allocation of proposed debentures for
Greater Niagara General Hospital. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and McKinley
that the report be received and laid on the table for consideration at the Special
Meeting to be held to discuss this matter.
No. 137 - City ManaKer - Re]~rt on Fluoridation.
No. 138 - Medical Officer of Health - Report on Fluoridation. ORDERZD on the motion
of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the reports be received and laid on the table for the
perusal of Council.
No. 139 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Mowers and 'Donald that the report be received and adopted and ltcences issued
Ald. McKinley, Chairman of the Property Committee, referred to a report
which had been considered at the last Finance Meeting and referred to the Property
Committee with Power to act, viz; the application of Mr. T. DiVito, 616 Cataract
Avenue for a permit to erect a sign advertising "Quick I.unch" to be operated in
conjunction with his souvenir store. The Chairman advised that the Property Committee
were aware of the traffic congestion which would exist and for that reason decided
not to grant the permit for the sign at this time.
Ald. McKinley, also referred to the request of Veteran's Taxi Company
at the corner of Bridge and Second for the removal of a large elm tree, which had
been referred to the Property Comndttee at the last Finance Meeting and advised
that the decision of the Committee was not to grant the request. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Mckinley and Fartin that the verbal recommendation of the Property
Committee be received and adopted.
~]d. Xc~[n~ey, ~,alr~, ~f the Traffic C-m!nLL~e~, referred t,> a r~cent
complaint received b~ His Worship the Meyer inconnecttonwith the hazardous traffic
condition existing at the corner of Stamford and Second and which had been referred
to the Traffic Committee for consideration and advised that the ~ommittee are of the
opinion that the painting of wide white strips on beth sides of the intersection
might remedy the condition; he advised that the City ~nager has agreed to take this
Ald. McKinley advised that a survey will be prepared as to the number of
parking meters which will be required on Falls Avenue.
Ald. W~qite ref,~rred t,, the deFl,,,,abl~ cob~E"]~,ns exi.dj,-
3t,rek. t, at the r,~ar or a gre,~n~ouse r~x,nti l,5 <..r, ?err? 3Ll',,-t,
or ~eeds and it was ordered ~n ~e motion uf AId. %~1~.,: and ~;~,ks '.~8. L ".'
be r~erred to, the City ]Tana~er tc jllstrnc{. T.h~- ~[.-,:t] Ih'-~;t.u".cr
~ ,I~-.
Al.,:], i~}~ite rererr,~d to
t, llereon, located adjac=.nt
Victor[a, ar, d destrod
b~ing or Ue cplnlon ~LaL i'. ~k.,.Jld ],e
His Wor.~hil. th+ ;.ia~,,- referred
occurr~d aL L~e oorner of ;(,~rr[.:ob St. and
TraFfic Comr. lttee t.9 cvnsider this area.
The follo~dnF. Petition ~as p.;'eeent,ed.i
No. 17 - Car___i...D.~clcco ;rod 28 others - req,~e. sting attic,, o,, gt~,]e? Stre,~t,
surface. ~e CiLy r'hnager advised Lhat h,~ did r,~L. anticipat~ a,,y ~' f~icu].Ly as
far as the Del, art~:eqt gr Highways ~d tl,e H.E.F.C, of C/~a}'~o art~ cc, ncer. c~d and
tbaL it is the int, e~tion of U'm City to corer,once work o~, t,hc- sll'~t ir] I.],e
i~diate Cuture, O~ER~ on I. he motion o~ AId, Mc~rs and ~)~it,=~ that
FtiLlon be received and the verl~l l~purt of the CitySi~nager Forwarded rot the
inCormstion or the i,etlLioners.
The following Resolution was pas_s_ej;
No. 77 - ~{ITE - It~0!6]R3 - RESOL".FED that Ald. Hugh G. Brooks l,e api~inted Enachi,~g
Kayor during the absence of His k'or~hip Fayor Hawkins frv.n the City, June
to 25th inclusive; and the Seal of the Corporation 'oe herei.o affixed.
Ald. McKinley desired to know what effect the ~unicil~l by-law has on
the practice of motel advertisments appearing on bill boards in the City of
Niagara Falls and the City Manager advised that it was his intention to make a
survey of all illegal advertising of motels. He further advised that if the
Company upon whose billbard the advertising appears will not co-operate, the
City can withdraw their licence. ·
The following By-laws were passed;
No. ~268 - To provide permission bD The Bell Telephone Company to perfo~va work.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and ]~rtin that AId. McKinley be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
readlag. - Carried.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Mowers that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the
second time. - Carried.
Third Reading - tld. Donald and Brooks - Carried.
~ - To amend By-law No. 3790, being a by-law for the regulation of traffic.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks that Ald. McKinley be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried.
ORDEFED on the motion of Ald. V~rtin and Mowers that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second
reading. - Carried.
Third Reading -Ald. Donald and Mowers - Carried.
No__. 5270 - To amend By-law No. 3791, being a by-law destgnat!ng through highways.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that Ald. McKinley be
~ranted th~ irivilege of inbroducinJ the ~j-law and the by-law be given the First
~ead].~. - Carried. ~
ORDE~ on Lhe motion or Ald. ~rtin ~d ~n~d that Rule 36 (2) or the
Craning ~les of ~cil be t.em~rarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second n}a~ng. - Carried.
~iM Rea~ng - ~d. ~n~d and Mowers - ~rried.
No. $271 - To apb~int a Treasurer for the Cori~ration of the City of.Niagara F~ls.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks ~d ~in that Ald. ]~owers be
granted the }.,ri~lege of intmducing the by-law and the by-hw be given the first
rearing. - Carried.
O~DERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules o[ Council be teml~,'ar[ly suspended and the by-law be given the second
re~ding. - Carried.
Third R.~ading - Aid. bhrtin and i4cKinley - Carried,
No. ~272 - To appoint a Deputy City Clerk and a Deputy City Treasurer.
ORDEreD on the motion of Ald. McKinley and I~%rtin that Ald. Mowers be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. t'~rtin and Brooks that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second
reading. - Carried.
Third ~leading -Ald. Donald and McKinley - Carried..
~. ~273 - To authorize the execution of a duplicate deed.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks that Ald. Martin be
granted the privilege of tntroducin~ the b~,-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried. ~ ~
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried.
Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and Brooks - Carried.
The Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald.
READ A~,~] ADOPTED, 27th June.
Ci:,L.I}c~ ]
2Otb Jur!e,
~,~ Finance l']eetb.~ was held or, M.~h.]ay, 2Oth J,me, 1955. For t!:,~
of approving and also ~assh~ the vaHo.~ aoco, u]Ls ~%~i,:}, bad bern, i.r..~lerTv
and placed before them. All mem~rs of Lhe Co,uhit.t..e wev~ i.r',:se,,t., w~L:-
excel,tjon oF ~J. ;,Torton. ALl. T'%rt]q, Chalema, ~r F.[n;~ce, i~r.=sided.
SuudrF Account~ in the an:ount of $I~1,701.~ we'-e a.inDv-~,] bJ U:~
9~o Accounts submitted he.i,k~ passed ,~r otherwis,~ deaq t wit~, were orde~ell
placed in the money b?-]aw For presentaL]ou to the Council on
McKinley and Donald.
The City I'~%nager's repc, rt on the alTlication of D. Zan~.n!ello, 7,~4 Fourth
Avenue, for a building perwit to be used as a greenhouse at the rear of his
dwelling, at an estimated cost of $2,~0. was presented Fur consideration. ORDERvD
on the motion of ~d. Rrooke~ and McKinlq that th~ ml.or~ he received and adopted
and the pe~t issued.
The City ~anager's report on the application of Reliance Fetroletun Limited
for a building pemit to make alterations bo their station at 519 Bridge Street,
at an estimated cost of $2,000.00 was presented for consideration. ORDE2.ED on
the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the reAort be received aud adopted
and the permit issued.
The Co~.ittee arose and PepoPted to Council on tile mot]on of Kld. McKinlev.~d AId.
Donald. '
READ AND ADOPTED, 27tM, June,19~5.
Chairman of Finance.
Council Cha.,nher,
20th June, 1955.
?f,e Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of ~ssing the by-law which covered the accosts app~ved
by the Coi~ttee. ~l members of Council were present, '.ri~h the exception of Ald.
~e fo~lo~n~ ~-law was ~esed]
~25 - To provide monies ~or general pur~ses.
granted the prl~lege of int~ducing the by-law and the by-law be given %he first
reading. - Carried.
0~EED on the motion of ~d. Mowers and ~nald that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temlorarily suspended and the by-law be given the second
peadinE. - Carried.
Third .Reading -Ald. Mowers and Donald - Carried.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Dor, ald.
PJ..AD A,ND ADOPTED, 27th June, 1955.
June, ~ q~.
Pursuant to adjour,t, nent, Council met at 7.30 p.m. ~}r, illmalay, 27th. June,
!955~ for the puri~se o~ considel'Lng gene~'al business and finance. All :heathers
o¢ Co~cil were l.,~esent. ~e Council, ha?ing ~ceb~ed and r~ad the mlnuf.es
previous meeting, adopted tb,,se ,.n I, be motion of AId. :e;j te aud 7.icK~nIey.
I,h". Robert Orr, rep?esenLlng the Site-S~!eirlg As;~ociat.io,b ~a.~ i.~,.~: Ued
to speak to Council on the motion cC ~d. Mortnn ar,d Ald. ~D,ite. He outlined
method of ot-~ratlon of the Assoclatiora and r.,iue~ ed Co,lqc [] ' s Cot si{]~at~ on
grating thPee o~ Four stands at the lower ~rtion of glift{~r, }{]II o~, a
basis, ~ing of the opinion that this section, would be mor.~ aJva,,Lage,u~ Cbar~ ~.~
location prol.ose, I on t},~- east. ~ide <~ Falls n,n'th ,~f C] [ft.:,~, Hi]q.
A full discussion eqsued, during which AId. McKi,]~v an,~ ;.lotion si.~ke
~avour of granting the request oC the Association. AId. '~lte a~d r.~rtin w,:r~
hhe opinion that the locati,m on Falls lyehue would afford less c~mge:-.ti.m; wb~!e
the City i~nager was of the opinion that before any stands are allocated tbu matL,-,r
should be referred to the ~partment of Highways due ~'. the Fact that a l~,r~l,u
Clifton Hill and Falls Avenue are umde~ the control o~ th~ Delarbm-n~ uF HigLwajs.
Ald. Mowers did not concur~ slating theft the taxpayers of *.he City of MisgaPa
should receive first c.,nsiderati,,n.
SEE ResoluLi,m ~,,. 7
~. Nelson ~ke, an applicant for a licerice to o~rate s usea car ~ot at
1550 Ferry Street, was l,em~dtted Lo speak to Council on th~ motion uf Ald.
and Mc~nley. He advised that he is a life long resident of r:iagara Falls .~,',,l
worked For MotorSlie Car Sales and it is now hi.~ inteotion to take over their
at this location.
SEE Conm,,micaLion "kunber ].64.
Laid over from a previous meeting,.|
No. 154 - RosberEs Limited - requesting i,ermission to erect a sl,~,t oP ~loodLight,
on a City-owned pole. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ?'!o~ers aud '-,qorton that the
Communication be tabled until after the Finance Meu[ing at which time- the ProperLy
Committee will rei~rt.
The follo~dnK Communications were presented;.
No. 156 - Better I/vinE Society of Greater Niap. ara - requesting permissioe to dis-
cuss [luoridation. O~ERED on the motion of ~d. ~ite and D~nald that the comun-
ication be received ~d filed and the ~ciety be requested to sub~t their views
on this subject in a written tel,oft to ~uncil, which will then ~ considered along
~th the m~ of the City Manager ana Lhe ~dical OPPice~ ,~P Wealth, du~
t,, b~ giv¢:~,, :;~, :,hat all inb~,,.~bted ,~ay b~ 7,~al-u ~hen th~ ~ul.j~t i~ .~, f~n' dis-
SEE Resolution No.
No. 157 - ~11 Telephone ~m~ny - request] ~ pem~ssion to sho~en an anchor lead
on St~ord Steer. ORDE~ on the ~tlon of ~d. Mckinley and Mowers that the
co~unication be received and filed and the request granted.
sss ,hLaw No.
No. 1~8 - Canadian Cancer Society - appreciation for contribution. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. White and Morton that the cormnunicatton be received and filed.
' '; 62
No. 159 - Greater N~agara Veterans Central CormSites - apIIreciation For donation
of t~ophy in cornsection wlth V.E. Day celebration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
M,~rtor, and Brooks that the co~mmicaLion be received and filed.
Nu. I~0 - Y.M.C.A. - requesting use of Mur, ici.~l Fool Tro.r. July ~t}', to 22nd, from
1? n,on to 1.30 p.~. ORDERED on the m,~tion of Ald. Broo~$ and Morton tkat the com-
munication be received %n~l Filed and re+luest graqted.
3Z? Re~ort ;¢o. 1~O
Me. 161 - Lundy's Lane United Church School - requesting use of Coronation Park on
Sunday, July l~th) From ?.30 a.m. to 10.45 a.m. for Church 5ch~ol Programme.
o~ L!!~ motion '~f Ald. kbrtDn and Brooks that the consmmica~ion be received and Filed
and th~ re {uest ~ranted.
~,"o. 162 - .Radio Station ChTC - re'!uesting permission to broadcast baseball games
and other sI~rting events f~m Oakes Fark. ORDZRED on the re. orion o~ A!d. Brooks
and Mowers that Messrs. Austin and Somerville be heard. There was no objectio~
expressed in regard t.o each broadcasts. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and
Morton th~L the communication be received and Filed and }ermission granted.
No. 163 - Pastor, British-Methodist Episccpal Church - requesting permission to
hold a tag day on Set ternbet 24th. ORDERED on the motion of A]d. McKinle. y and Ald.
korton that the Con~m~njcation be received and filed and permission granted.
No. 164 - Nelson Lake - appli~;ation %r licence to operate a used car lot. ORD~I~ED
on the motion cF Ald. Morton and Brooks that the coramunlcation be received and filed
and ]~rmlssion granted.
No. 1~5 - ~L~na?.er, Greater Hiagara Chamber of Com~nerce - requesting representation at
traffic conference in july to be conducted by Professor Pleva. ORDER~"D on the motion
of Ald. Morton and Donald that the communication be received and referred to the
Traffic Coi~aitt~e; iL being understoud that no one will be authorized to attend such
a meeting without the authority or Council. (Contrary- Ald. Mmrtin and Mowers. )
No. 166 - Greater NiaMara Chamber of Commerce. ProKramme Supervisor - appreciation
For assistance in the installation of tourist banner across Victoria Avenue. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks that the communication be received and filed.
Ald. McKinley, Chairsnan of the Traffic Committee and Council's representative on the
Tourist Co~rittee of the Chamber expressed commendation on the prompt action taken
by His 'Worship the Mayor in the expedition of the erection of this banner by the Local
No. 167 - City of London - resolution re assessment appeals. ORDERED on the n~tion
of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that the communication be received and referred to the
City Manager and Assessment Commissioner for a report. The Assessment Commissioner
briefly outlined the situation with reference to the handling of appeals with
reference 5o assessability.
No. 168 - F. B. Duquette - requesting Fission to discuss hockey situation for the
coming season. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Brooks that the co~suni-
cation be received and tabled until the arrival of the delegation.
No. 169 - Greater Niagara Fish and Game Protective Association - requesting action
by Council to overcome pollution in streams and rivers. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Mowers and Martin that the comunication be received and the Association be advised
that this matter is under advisement.
No. 170 - Ad-Bench Company - requesting permission to erect benches at bus stops.etc.
O~DERED on the motion of Ald. White and McKinley that the communication be received
and f] led. (Contra~y-A~d. Ne~to~ an4 Mowe,'s).
The foliowinE Remrts were presented;
No. ~,0 - City Manager - recommending confirmation of arrangements with Y.M.C.A. re
use of Municipal Pool, and approval be gr~nted. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Brooks and Morton that the ro]~rt be received and adopted.
No. ~ . City Manager - requesting survey for re-conversion of Filtration Plant be
carried cut by Provincial Enginel~ring Limited. ORDEI~ED on the motion of Ald. White
and Donald that the report be received and adopted.
Me. ~2 - City Manaier - report on
erected in the for accom-
D~D~ <m the mot~,m of
and adopted and the City
f. he by-law be fully c-replied
rTo. 143 - Cif..w ~/ana.~er - re F,s:dlilLty of 3t.snlev i ,. ,. ,
t',e',.we~n, Fr,>vlnc~al H[gl,~ays. C~D~?~ n.~ the 'z~t.L,m
tha~ the ~e~rt l,e received and Labled ~,.~r Furq, L~:r. i'~C.,rm. atl,n.
north ¢,f 5'[mc.,~ Street. CRDE"ED Oh Ills ::~,,t-io, ,~ AId. Enrt,,r~ and ]'/.','~,-:'s fba~ ~I,
rei~rL be received and flied a,HI :he lea.~e }, ....
the N.Y.C. be u~ade aware uf the i~'..,b~bl]ities af
No. 1;,5 . City Clerk - reuoam,.hd; ,,. is~ua~]ce ,,~ lice.v.~s.
of AId. Mc~nley af~J i,:owez,~ that thP b.p--Ft b.~ r~oe; red arh] acL,],fer~
issued accordingSly.
No. h6 - City Treasurer - rei:~,rL on atLcrtd,~c~ at. Cn,weP!iu., u? i':.mlcipal Clerks
and Finance Officers' A~sociatL,x~. ORDERED o.
that the report be received and fil,:d. ' '
hld. McKinley, Chat omen of the Traffic Co~,!lH~;, re/ort.d as ~ullows:
1. In connection with the request ~hat a st,,p sign be e~c[e,] aL the
intersection of Merrison Street and St. Lawrence i'/~mie, the C~nrai~ %. ab this
time desired not to reco~,~n] any changes %L ~his
2. In co~ection ~ith the opl~sitj. on expressed by ild. i,~wers
si~s a[ various in~er'sections, the Co]mnitte.~ at the present time have asked the
City l~ager to paint the reverse side o~ such signs; ~_th the word 'slow'
these signs were originally erected For the preLacY]on of scho~,l children.
3. ~e ~,;ittee recotrJnend the app~Dval of the plans su~Lbted by thu
~irlt~ol hpids Bridge Co. in cnnnect'[,m with th~ ~dberat.i~,,~s to th~ entrance
on ~ver ~ad.
O~ER,,~) on the mot, ion of Ald. l~b;~ePs and I'~rtin thai the verbal r~.~,rt .f
the Traffic CommitLe~ be received and adopt~.d. (Ald. Donald-co~t. rary).
hld. McKinley, Chai~an of the Traf~ic Con~nlttee. rel<,r.ted as Follows;
1. ~at the Colm~ttee cecommend that i~rking ~ eli~nated on the west side
of ~ver ~ad between Ferguson and Elan in the vicinity of the ~plds Hotel, due
Lo congestion in the evening hours.
It was then moved on the motion oE ~d. McKinley and Norten thaL the
verbal m~rt of t},,~ Traffic Co~,dttee be received an,~ adopted. ~is ~t]on was
lost. the vote being - 4e _ ~d. McKinley. Morton and i~artin; Nays - AId. Donald,
Brooks. ~ite and Mowers.
~ ae~ent to the motion ~de by ~d. ~n~d and Erects that the verl~l
re~rt be ~abled and all members of O~uncil inspect this location ne~ week, was
carried - the vote being 4e -Ald. ~nald. Brooks. ~ite and Mowers; Naye- kld.
McKinley. Morton and ~rtin.
AId. l:".,~iLu cefcr','ed to kds recent complaints about traffic problem on
First Ave. Morrisoff St. and Valley Way in the vicinity of the Review Building; and
the parking of cars too close to intersections. His Worship the Mayor advised that
this matter will be brought to the attention of the Police Department
· Ald. White also referred to the meter violations prevalent on Victoria
Avenue from Ryeteen to Morrison Street.
AId..Martin ref.;~red to the effort~ ;f t|!e Tr;tffj c Committee in
endeavcurlng to ~lve these problems and in ~articular reference to the area of
First, Morrison and Valley Way~ expressed the opinion ~hat tb!s problem had been
solveJ to a certaD, extent, but at no time had be~n recommended thst they be
p=~tted to park in the nanner referred to. ~t U is ~s a problem for the
,:.nployees on both si,qe~ of EcRae Street, f~m Victoria Avenue to ~cond Avenue,
requested the TraF?ic Cc~vittee to investigate the less;bility of the ~11 Telephone
~. prov[dkng their o~ }erking area, thus relie~ this congestion on
His Worship :,hyor Hawkins rele~e8 ver~lly on his recent attendance
at the C.nvention of ~Lbario MAyors and Reeves in North Bay, staling there was a
total ~gistnathn of 250 d~legates along ~ith their wives.
We r~Jerred t,u the hours of discussion held in connection with the
X,rol~sal df m~ici~llt.ies apl,x~ching the two major govermnents [or grits,
.if set the bur 'enLng o~ ta~p~y~-r~ .~n4 the ~dress and resolution o6 the Mayor
Toronto in thLs regard.
i.~yor Hawkins concluded his re~rks that he he~ vn hand the ndnutes
and n~,Jubi,ms of this Coqvent[on ~o~ Lh,~ p~rusal of any o~ the members of Gmncil.
D,e f'lla~ ~ R~solutions were r~ssed;
No. 78 - ~DRTC, V - MoKIN~Y - ORD~ED that the SLte Seeing Association be provided
Cenotaph ~th the mderstandLng that they ~11 relinquish their positions during
ceremonies at the Cenotaph; and the Seal of tl',e Corporation be heroic affixed.
(Contrary-AId. '~dte, F~in and ~nald). Carried
No. 79 - ~R~N - ~ITE - EL~ that the City Clerk arrange to include on the
agenda of July llth, the re~rts of the City V~nager and the Me~cal Officer of
Health on fluoridation and the public be made aware to this effect; and the Seal of
the ~rioration ~ heroic ~ftxed.
Carried Unanimously.
No. ~ - '~HITZ - MOR~N - ~E~L~D that a message of s~i~thy on beh%lf of His
Worship the ~yor and Council be forwa~ed to the f~ly of the late Mr. Joseph B.
~11; and the Seal of the ~ri~x'ation be hereto affixed.
Carried Una~mously.
;:= !! ' The followinK By-law was passed;
shorten an anchor lead to '13 feet on Sts~ford Street.
: '.,~i
i .~ i' ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and 'Martin that Ald. McKinley be
granted the privilege of introducing .the by-law and the by-Taw be ~iven the first
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the
2 ':d Standin~ Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law b~ given the
' ' ~e~nnd r~adiqZ. - C~rrt~a Unan~mon~ly.
~ '~1i ~~ Third P~adtng - kld. ~orton and Donald - Carried Unanimously.
· Z The followin~ By-law was prssented;
"'( ii[j 276 - To authorize the execution of a deed or roplar Park to the Greater
Niagara General Hosldtal,
~i ORDERED on the motion of Ald, McKinley and Donald that Ald, Martin be
_ ~!" granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
:: ..iril reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. ~ulald an.t M,,wers thai furth. r r,>adlngs
of the by-law be delayed and the same }.'e referred tn ~}..~ tit z 7-:,ltcLl,,r t.. a:~cert,~Ln
if it would be possible to ]-cluJt a c~au~e ~movTd]l,~. rdr I,he
City in the event {,hat at a later dale the use ceases, _ ~arri-~d
Tie Co,moil adjourned to the Pit,anc'e Me-ling ,'m the c,aI,].,r, ,,~
V~ite - Carried UnanLmously.
READ AT~ AD:~FT,Tb, 4tb July, 1955.
Clerk &AAaAa
Councj 1 Churlbet,
27th Jm.% 1955.
The Finance i~eLLng was helfl on Monday, 27th June, 1955 Corth. purl~se
of approvlng and also passing the various accounts which had b~e,l pn.,1!~r]y cert, iF~ed
and placed before them. All members of the Conradties were pr.so. rd,, Ald.
Chairman of F~nance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $111,0l+9.96 ~e,'e ai,lc, l~ove. c] b2 th,,
The Accounts submitted being passed or otherwise dealt ~:ith, w~re
ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the ,notion
~hyor Hawkins and Ald. Donald.
The Summary of Tenders for }aintLng the exterior of the three Fire T~all ,;
v, as llr~sented for consideration. ORDERED on the toorich ,,f AId. Mowers and AId. White
that the ~ be received and the Estimate tobklling $~45.~ 1~ a<lopted; and the
tenders awarded as follows:
Queen Street Fir6 Hall - D. P. Mazzei
Walnut Street Fire Hall- R. J. Barwick
Main Street Fire Hall - H. DevereuI
~179, CO
The City Manager's report on representatives 9[ the Cataract ar~[ Kepttot
Baseball Teams, request for the use of the floodlights a~ Oakes Park' fop the month of
July and recommending that for the month of July, 1955 only that a rate of $1~. per
game be offered to the Clubs, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. McKinley and Mayor Hawkins that the report be received and adopted.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Whi~e and kld. Brooks that the City Manager
take under advisement the possibility of putting the lower portion of Oakes Park in
condition to be used by the older residents of the municipality during their leisure
t tree.
The offer of Vatthew J. Calzonetti to purchase Lot lll, Plan 32.
~iir Avenue FoP the sum of $510. to be used for the installation of storage tanks,
was l~resent,ed for consideration. OP~ERZD on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald.
Y~rton that the offer be received and referred to the Froper~y Conradtree for a
re [~ rt.
The City F~mager's re~rt on the application of Frank Nagy, 219~
Buchanan Avenue For a building ~.r~nit to construct an addition to the rear of his
dwelling, was pres~.nted for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and
Donald that the report be receLved and referred to the Property Cormnittee Fo~ a
The Coamittee arose and reported to Council on the motion oP Mayor Hawkins and Ald.
EAD A~) ADC["F~V, ~th july, 19~5.
Chairman of Finance
G~uncil Chamber.
27th June. 195~.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Metrings for the ~:urpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Comaittee. All members of Councll were present.
The followin~ By-law was passed;
t~o. 5277 - To provide monies for general purposes.
the I,robabiliLy oF such ,.recti~:n wo:.~l,] 1,,~
and therefore his Co~.itt.~,~ wet.
ORDerED on the nob!on or AId. Z,!cKin]~y au, l
At this time. on the
Coufici] r~Cess For- ~. periud
Follo~ng this zho~ P~cess,
F,~U, ez" and ~¥. Bert D,qw~tte,
City of r~.tagara Falls, E,;tb
~he de~is iu their
Pace And f"llowin6
the K'~yrn. assured Dr.
relorL of [}:e City i&,,a~er
- i ,,~ H. O. Acre.
to tke Filtration ~ant, was
orBered on the motion
Cow,ctl be held ~,,', t.h~.
The followi~ Co~,,unicathm wa.~ 13.esenLr~_j
r~o. 17] - Mr. W. L. Houck. k.F. - re :w~etir~ wihh L:,ar.d <,f L.a:~sl<,rL . t,=[,~-: .--'s.
Ff,]low~ t},~ ~adir~ of thi~7,~o~awxica~on in whZc' C~,ur~nil w,.r.~ advised
befor~ consid-ratior, ~ the ~3aB1 of D,ansl,op! C~;l~,i~u;i.:,r.er.~ u]d L~k~ llat. e
cerning the Victoria Averue bridge over the C.N.R. ih would b,: nec,~ssary tc
a fomal appllc~.bio~] ac,~oml,anl~d by pl~ls, speci~icatlc, n~, el c. IL was
on bhe mobion of AId. i~,] te and A].,~. 16,~er's tha[ t},~ ~]ty i,:anag,:P be .~tat, l, },-Lz ~,'
tO arrange a meeting with the top man&gement oF t, ke C.N.R. m~d representatives
Crom the City of Niagara Falls in order ~.},at this ,~tter x~ght be
discussed. it was s~,~esL.d by the mover oF the Coregoing :,ao~,ion that at
the Cit~ Xanagef. ~d the Chajrman of Finance sh,ni]d atLe~ta tL ~ meetinf'
arranged. ....
Councl] adjourned on l. he motion of AId. McKin].el and Dunaid.
!~[:f ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Morton that Ald. Mar~in be
granted the privilege of intToducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first READ AND ADOPTED. l~h. jul~, 1955.
reading, - Carried Unanimously.
ORDER~ on the motion of Aid. Mort, on and Mowers that Rule ~6 (2) of the
~! 'L' Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the 2nd.
reading. - Carried Unanimously. ~ ~,I
'!11 i / Third Reading - Aid. Mowers and Donald - Carried Unanimously.
,' 'ai ' .....
~ ' ~' I Laid over fmm the previous meeting;
[, ~i' a City-owned pole.
~! ;! Ald. McKinley, - Chairman of the Property Committee. reported verbally, stating that
Cour~c-: 1 Ch,~nber,
3Oth June, 1955.
All members were present at the Special Meeting held on Thursday, June
3~th, 1955 at 9.10 p.m. for the l,urtoee of discussing i.l,e re~rb of H. G. Acres and
C-m]'~%ny on the pro~,sed ~terations and additior~s to tL~ Filt~atlon Fl~t and the
ne~rt of the CLt~ Har, ager on debt structure. His Wor~hlp I.i~or Ha~ins presided.
.~.,e foll~winM Re~rts were_ Freseated;
No. 147 - H. G. Acres and Company. Limited - re proposed alterations and additions
to F[Itratlon Flant. OP, DER~,D o~ the mot[on ~f AId. Mowers and FArtin that the
]'e~t be received a~d tabled and thai Co,incll consider favourabl/the ad~tions to
the F[Itra~,on Pl~t as recommended b~ H. ']. Acres and Com~nF~ and that they also
conaLder an increase of aFprox~ely 2O tercent in ~ater rates across the ~ard to
meet th~ annual charges for this work and tha~ a meetinZ be arranged as soon as
losslble ~th the '~jor cons~rers in ~his regard. Carried. (/!d. Morton-opposed).
The City I,knager in cormection with the foregoing ret-~ort outlined the
exp,~rience in th~ past few days and the drastic need for some action in order ~.o
alleviate U~e condition and expressed the view that it would be necessary to
establish complete l,eterlr,£ or increase the capacity of the Plant.
A len~hy discussion then ensued with reference to revenue received and
the vari-.us aspacts of the situation now facing Couhcil and ways and means of raising
the annual charges which would be involved ~or the suffocated debenture issue to cove...
the pD~posed alterations and additions.
Db. 14~ - City FAnaMer - refert with refference to debt structure and possible Capital
Commitments in the ~orthcoming years and Su~nary showing possible reductions in the
Frogra.:ne ranging from 20 to ~0 percent. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and
Donald that the rei.~rt be received and tabled and the Board of Education advised that
for the current year nothing in the way of funds for capital expenditure can be
provided but that if their request and plans are submitted early in the coming year,
consideration will be given. Carried. (Ald. Brooks and Mowers-opposed).
Frior to this, a motion by Ald. Mawera and Brooks that the Board of
F~ucation be advised that nothing can be provided in the current year, that the City
find it necessary to curtail capital expenditures by25 percent and that the Board
be requested to in the years 1956 - 19~9 inclusive, reduce their capital expenditures
by 25 percent and that no more than $100.000.00 in any one year be provided, was
defeated, the vote being - Aye -Ald. Mowers and Brooks; Nays - AId. ~ite, Morton,
F~rtln, McKinley and Donald.
In connection with the foregoing report the City Manager outlined the
picture as it exists with n~ference to assessments and other factors affecting capital
cussion ensued during which Ald. Mowers reiterated his previous stand with reference
to existing exemptions on Hyd~o property and it was ordered on the motion of Ald.
Mowers and Morton that the Local Member of the Provincial Legislature be requested
to arrange an immediate meeting with Premier Frost in order to follow up on previous
contacts in this regard. Carried Unanimously.
:J~. 8]. - MO;~E3 - I~.CRTC',;_ REZC. IVED fiat the L.,cal 2'/-:zn~',,-r .:,f t~,-
~gislatu~e be r~,l~esi. e,l t~. arran~Je af, imJ',-~i~t,~ ,rA~,I t,x.6 wit.h r~'e n~.~r irc.qe
if] ~lPdep t~ fOllOw Up c,.nLace,~ concernln,J ;:v,]p. qra,,'.; =n ,i rLe Seal :f
Cn hhe !mDti,,n of A]-i. ~,'al. 1 and k,'owers
READ A'/D ADOFTZD, 4th Ju]y~ 1955.
Mayo r.
'j. 69
SEE Resolution No.81.
Ald. Mowers advised Council of action taken to date with reference to
the possibility of installing Christmas decorative lighting in the business streets
of the City of Niagara Falls, and of the proposed trip to Toronto on Wednesday, 6th
July, to see what has been set up. ORDERED on the motion or Ald. McKinley and Martin
that Council approve of this visit to Toronto with reference to Christmas decorative
Council ChaI,~b~-r,
4th July, 1955-
Pursuant to adjour~aenb, Council met at 7.30 l'-m. on Monday. 4th.
july, 1755, foc the pur!"ose of consida-ring general business and finance. All
meml~rs of Council were ].resent. rne Council, having received and ~ead the mi.utes
of the prerlous regular and special meetings, adopted these on the motion o.." Ald.
F~owers and Ald. E['.nald.
L~id over from the previous meetin£;
No. 167 - ~ of London - resolution re assessment appeals. ORDERED or, the motion
of A]d. Mowers arj'~ Morton thab the ~esolution be ~eceived and endorsed.
SEE Re~rt No.U~
!'he following Co~gunications were presented;
~o. 172 - AssessinK Officers Assodation - appreciation in coxmection with Convention.
O~E~ on the motion of Ald. ~hrtin and Mc~nley that the co~unication be received
~nd filed.
No. 173 - ~ 3routs Association - requesting ~ndssion to hold Apple Day, Oct.15th.
O~D on Lhe motion of Ald. Morton and Bmvks t.h~t the comnunication be received
and filed a~d Fem~seior, granted.
No. 174 - Institute of }~icil~ Assessors of ~tario - Courses of Instruction.
O?DER~ on t~ motion uf Ald. Mowers and 5mald that the comaunicat[on be recei~d
and re~erred to the City ~Tanager for a re~rt.
No. 175 - bc~ ~ard of Health -requestLng ~-law governing haiMressers. ORDERED
on the motion of ~d. Xowers and i.~rtin that the co~un[cation be received and the
by-law ~ referred to the City ~licitor for the necessa~ amen&rents and again
presented to ~uncil on July lgth.
The followinK Re[x~rts were presentedI
No. 149 - City MansEer and Assessment Commissioner - reco~mmendlng endorsement of the
resolution of the City of London. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Morton
that the rel~rt be received and adopried.
No. 150 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licesees. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. bbwers and ~.~rto~ that the reporL be received and adopted and licences issued
No. ~278 - To amend By-law Number 3790, being a by-law for the regulation of traffic.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin that Ald. McKinley be
granted the privilege of introduc[ng the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Mowers that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be tem]~rarily suspended and the by-law be given ~he 2rid.
reading. - Carried. (Ald. Martin-contrary).
Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and Morton - Carried. (Ald. Martin-contrary).
READ .... T, ' ,, 195
F!~:A TCE .......
july, 1955.
of alT'~o~ng and also p~ssin6 the vari,~us acc<,un[,:~ wl,i.:h had 1,.~..,-, I c'-T"'rTy .>'rtlFi,~d
and placed before them. All memb~,',i of Lhe Conr~i!.t~-e w.r. t .~t. A]I. l.L~r'.' .~
Chairm~n of Finance. presided.
5:mrlry Aecotu ~.S
~e Accounts sub~dt[.~d
placed in the money by-law For l~resentath~ to the ~uncLl or, t!~,r f,cfi;i,,n .~: :lid.
McBU.nL~y and Mayor Hawkins.
Pne City ~.hnager~s r~;~,rl, or', tile alal licatiu. ,:,r Fra,,l~ rqagy, 2195
Avenue, for a b~lding p~,~.U to consi.ruc~ an addition at tP,e rear oP hl~ dw~]]ing
to increase the size of the roc,m at present used ~,,r laund~y p~r1,~ses, which had
been referred to the Froperry C{'>~ittee F~,r a rel~r't, was a~ab+ i,r.~;-.~mted
consideration. A]d. McKinley, Chat man of the Froi~Pty Cc,;mdLbee, H.e~ented a
ver~l re~r~ 'h~ this connection. advisin~ tha~ this wts not a unanimous rep,~rt
but rather a majority report and it has b~en reco~:~ended thqL the at,l,].ication be
granted as there are ~ or 5 apartments already constructed under one roof aL the
rear of bMs b~].~ng and this aM,1ication merely affects an ~te,]sion of this
b~lding. O~EED on the motion of ~d. McKinley and ;.~,ite that [he apl,llcation
be received and the reco~endation of the City Mahager tba~ a ierndt be
be adopted. Carried. (Ald. B~oks-contra~).
i8 onl~ a 3-root ~ssage for an e~L ~o ~hese aDrLmantI &r:d AId. ~ibe
5hat the appEcation s~ply meant ~ha eonsbrucLion o~ one wall as a eon~in,~a~ionl
and the gfb~ ~ager advised that wh~ the original ~d{tlor~ was consbrucLed~ the
~citor had inspected the pro~sed work a~ advised ~hat it was in full combines
~h the City ~-law as ib e~sbs.
M ~8n~en5 by AId. ~nald, seQo~ed b~ ~d. i. brton that the matter be
laid over and all members or Council insect ~he locabfon~ was withdra~; and a
second ~en~enL made ~ Ald. Brooks bha~ bhe masher be laid o~r so that dl
members or Council ~gh~ ~ew it, was not seconded,
The Report of the City Manager on the application of H. Lynett, 1929
Victoria Avenue, for permission to erect a sign, reading, "Lynett Funeral Home",
was presented for consideration. ORgERED on the motion or Ald. Donsld and Ald.
F~lnley that the report be received and adopted and permit granted.
The City Manager' s report on the applicatif,n of H. Lynett, 1929
Vicboria Avenue, rot I~r~sion Lo erect a plastic sLgn, readi~ "Lyne~L and H~nt"
was ~esented rot conslderatlon. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. B~oks and Ald.
Mo~ers tha~ the ~ej~,rt be received and adopted aud penalL granted.
The City M~nager's report on the application of Ostrander's Jewel]ere.
5~6 ~een Street. for pe~ssion to erec~ a neon sign at an estimated cost of
was presented for consideration. O~EED on the motion of ~d. Mor~on and Don~d
that the m~,~t be received and adopted and ~t granted.
~e City i,~nager's ~port on the app~cation of Niagara Falls Public
Ltbra~ for a building ~t bo erect an ad~tion to the Niagara Falls B~blic
~brary, at !017 Victoria Avenue, at an esttraated cost of $3~,~.~ was presented
for consideration. ORDEEO on the motion of F~yor Hadins and ~d. Morbon bhaL the
r~rt be received and adopted an~ ~dt be granted.
~e C~ty l~nager's re~rt on ~he app~cation of Nick Sul~Lycky, 625
F~fth Avenue, for a ~r~t to t~ar do~ an exist~g brick garage abtached L,:, the
dwelling a,d tc erect a larger garage ~bh an al~rtm~nt ~bove the same.
presented for eonsideratlon. It was .~oved by Ald. ~orton and Donald bhat the
report be r~celved and adopted; this motion was defeated the vote ~ing - Aye -
~d. >:o~o,~; Nays - A1d. Me. were, ~',n~]'L B~,ok% McKinley ~nd ~Ite and >~yor
Hawkins; an ~en~inent made by A!d. Mower:~ ~d i~kyor Ha~ins that the al~p~cat[on
~-.~ r~f~rr~,~t ~o the Prol,erty 3o.~Ltee ~J.h ,~er to act, was ~rried witL Ald.
bb~,m In op~sition.. ~d. McKinley suggested that the other members of Council
accoml~ny the FroDerby ~niLtee to ins~ct tbi~ location.
B~e offer of Scol'ie's Transl~rt ~t~d to Furchase ~b ]39. Plan
Uelland Avenu~ for the s~ of $5~. ~as br,eser:ted ~or consideration. O~D~ on the
mot~o~ o~ ~d. Mowers am1 McKi,~l~y ~,hat ~e offer be ~c~Lv,~d ar, d re~em'ed bo the
P~p~ty Co~dttee with l,ower Lo ac~,. It was ~gree,'l that all members of Council
acc.,q~ny the F~rty Co,~,dttee to insect this location, also. (SE 3~th Meeti~, -
verbal ~rt or Chai~an of Property Co~ttee).
~e ~ttee t~se and rei orted ~.o ~,~mc~ 1 on ~'~,e ~:~otion of Ald. McKinley a.d Atd.
READ A'~D ADOPTED, llth July, 1955.
Chainsart of Finance.
Loo 527? - T.:, l:r.',vld,~ 'a,..L-.'~ for ,~.-,e .:fi
?hi r'd R,.~ading - AZ d. Eo rton and i{owe r's - Carried Unit, [ m~,usly ·
Ald. Morton ne,luestpd Lhe D%:r:'o,.r'!~ {.c view t.~id tra~,~ic
~gin and Ferguson on th,~ west side ~.f River ~.~a]. :n t. he .~icir, t{y
Ho{.,~l, while on the{ r tour of ino~¢tion ~dth r,~gard to two ,,'..b~r
at ~his evening's meeting.
The C,~ua,cll adJour~md on the motion of ill i.k,wers and AId. r'~rtin.
vREAD AND ADOFrED, llth July, 1955.
Council Chamber,
llth. July, 1955.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, llth.
July, 1955, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All
members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes
of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Morton.
Lai6 over from the previous meetinM;
No. 174 - Institute of Municipal Assessors 9f Ontario - re courses in Assessment
Practice and Principles. OEDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Martin that the
communication be received and filed and the City Assessor be authorized to enroll
for the instruction course.
SEE Report No.151.
The followin~ Con~nunications were presented;
No. 176 - Safe Water C6mmittee - Report opposing fluoridation. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Martin and Mowers that the communication be tabled until after the
Finance Meeting.
No. 177 - Ontario Municipal Association - advising of deadline for receiving
resolutions to be considered at the forthcoming Convention. ORDERED on the motion
of Aid. Brooks and Mowers that the communication be received and laid on the table
and Council be governed accordingly.
No. 178 - Association of Welland County Conservation Clubs - requesting alleviation
of pollution of streams and rivers. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and AId.
Brooks that the co,munication be received and referred to the City Clerk for reply
to the effect that the City Council has this matter under advisement.
No. 179 - Welland CountyClerk-Treasurer - enclosing copy of MacLaren Report dealing
with the control oP development in Welland County in view of the St. Lawrence Seaway.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Morton that the Report be received and
referred to the City Manager for a report to Council.
No. 180 - Greater NiaKara Chamber of Commerce - requesting Council's sanction of
"wooden Nickel" project. ORDEE on the motion of Ald. Morton and Brooks that the
communication be received and filed and Council grant official sanction as requested,
with the understanding that the City will not be involved in any expense in this
No. ~81.- Logan and Scott .. requesting stipulation in egreemeDt.of sole.between
Arnold Smith and the City of Niagara Falls re parcel of land for the widening of
Leader Lane. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Morton that the communication
be received and referred to the City Manager for a complete report with recommend-
No. 182 - Ma__t_~.he_w_s_a_n_d _Ma_t_t_h.ewJ . copy of letter to City S~licitor re inclusion of
a clause providing for the reversion of the title to th~ City in the event that at
come future date the proposed use of the Poplar Park land as a hospital, ceases.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Brooks and White that the communication be received
and filed and the reversion clause as requested by Council ~e inserted. Carried.
(AId. McKinley-contrary). Prior to this action, it was moved by AId. McKinley that
the agreement be signed as requested in this letter. There was no seconder.
j. 75
No. 183 - LoKam and Scott - requesting approval of the city council to an
increase in the rates of the Maid of the ~et. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Mowers and F~rtin that the co~nunication be received and filed and permission
SEE Resolution No.~2.
Laid over from the previous meetinK;
No. 137 - City Manager - fluoridation of water.
No. 138 - Medical Officer of Health - fluoridat[on of water. OFDERZD on the motion
of AId. ~rtin and Mowers that the reports be referred for consideration ~ftep the
Finance Meeting.
The followin~ Reports were presented;
No. 151 - City ManaEer . recommending enrol~nent of City Assessor for the
instruction course in Assessment Practice and Principles. ORDERED on the motion of
AId. Mowers and ~rtin that the report be received and adopted.
No. 152 - City F answer - recommending attendance of Fire Chief at Convention llth
to 16th of September. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Mowers that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 153 - City Clerk - report on behalf of Committee with reference to Christmas
Decorative Lighting and their meeting with Noma-Lites of Canada Limited. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Martin that the report be received and adopted.
No. 154 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of
AId. Morton and McKinley that the report be received and adopted and licences issued
follows: AId. McKinley, Chairman of the Property Committee, reported verbally as
That as the Committee had been given power to act in connection with the
application of Nick Sulatycky, 625 Fifth Avenue, for a permit to tear down an
existing brick garage attached to the dwelling and to erect a larger garage with
an apartment above the same, the Committee had approved of the same and reco~nended
issuance of a permit;
AND in connection with the offer of Scobie's Transport Limited to purchase
Lot 139, Plan 32, Welland Avenue for the sum of $500. which had also been referred
to the Property Committee with power to act, the Committee upon inspection agreed
to lease this property, as all members of Council felt that the property should not
be sold; therefore the Committee recommended that for a consideration of
annually, subject to 90days's notice of termination at any time, the City required
this property, the property be so leased to Scobie's Transport Limited.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Fartin that the report of the
Chairman of the Property Co~,ittee be received and adopted.
The following Petition was presented;
No. 18 - Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Teal and 5 other residents or Hickson Avenue-requesting
construction of sidewalk on both sides of the street and road repairs. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald..Mowers and Morton that the petition be received and referred to
the City Manager for a report.
The followin~ Resolution was passed;
No. 82 - MO~PS and ~.~RTIN - ~CLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls
approve of the applic .tion of the }~id of the I,~st Steamboat Company, Lindted for an
increase in fare from 90 cents to $1.00; s~nd the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
The following By-law was presented;
No. 5280 - To authorize the construction of curb and gutter on Falls Avenue, Banker
Avenue and Emery Street; sidewalk oa Lombard Ave. and pavement on Florence
ORD~n~D on the motion of ~d. ;iowers and Mc~ey that ~d. ),~rtin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried.
O~DSPi]D on the motion of Ald, I;.cKinley and .~brton that Rule 36 (23 of the
Standind Rules of Council be temporarily suspended ~nd the by-law be given ~he second
read~ nS , - Carried,
· ~he followinK By-law was passed;
No. ~281 - To auLhorize the execution of an agreement for sale and deed.
ORDEE on the motion of Ald. McKinley and ~wers that Ald. ~rtin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be teml=oraMly suspended and the by-law be given the 2nd.
reading. - Carried.
Third Reading -Ald. Martin and Mowers - Carried.
Ald. Brooks referred to the manner of laying asphalt at presently being
carried out by the municipality, expressing his opposition and suggesting other
methods and following discussion, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and
White that the City ~mnager present a report on the situation.
The Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. White and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 18th. July, 1955.
Counc~ 1
l!th July, 1955.
The Finance Meeting was held on ~bnday, llth. July, 1955 for the lurpose
of appro~dng and also passing the vantous accounts which had been proi_erly cert]fied
and placed before them. All members of the Co~;dttee were present. Ald. I<art~n,
Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sund~y Accotmts in the amount of $28,263.66 were apl.rcved by the Conradtree.
The Accounts submitted being passed or otherwise dealt ~'ith, were ordered
placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the uot.io~ of AId.
McKinley and Mayor Hawkins,
The City ~nager's report on the application of George Chanady for a
building permit to erect an addition to his dwelling at 1797 Hm~an Avenue, at an
estimated cost of $5,300.00 was presented for consideration. The City Y~nager
pointed out that he had no objection to the permit being issued but that some
direction should be given with respect to the encroachment on Coronation Park
during the construction of this addition. ORDERZD on the motion of AId. McKinley
and I~ite that the report be received and adopted and the l;ermit be issued and
that instructions be issued refusing the use of Coronation Far]<.
- AId. Donald arrived at the meeting -
The Cormmittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of AId. McKinley
and Ald. l~nite.
READ AND ADOP'rED, 18th July, 1955.
Clerk ' '
Chairman of Finance,
Council Chamber,
llth July, 1955.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Committee. All members of Council were present.
The following By-law was passed:
No. 528__2 - To provide monies for general purposes
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and White that Ald. Martin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Car~ied Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the 2nd.
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and McKinley - Carried Unanimously.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
Communication No. 176 - Safe Water Committee - report opposing fluoridation.
Reports 137 and 138 - City ManaEer and Medical Officer of Health - re fluoridation.
Ald. McKinley suggested that the matter be tabled for a week until
further study has been given but it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Brooks and
Mowers that the Brief as submitted by the Safe Water Committee be read in its
Following the reading of the brief, a lengthy discussion ensued
during which Messrs. Stoddard Jones, Bud McLaughlin and Dr. Simpson expressed their
views which were in favour of the fluoridation of the water supply.
Those supporting the brief in opposition to fluoridation were Louis
Salapat, Manford Pauiun, Albert ~Hller, Roy Soderkrlst and John Manuel.
-Ald. Farton was excused from the meeting -
The matter of fluoridation having been discussed quite extensively,
it was moved by Ald. McKinley and seconded by Ald. Brooks that the reports and brief
be filed and no action be taken at the present time. This motion was defeated, the
vote being - Aye -Ald. McKInley and Brooks; Naye- Ald. Martin, Mowers, ~dte,
Donald and the Fayor.
An amendment by Ald. Martin and Mowers that the reports and brief be
tabled and the matter placed on the agenda for the Joint meeting with the Council
of the Township of Stamford, scheduled for Friday evening, in order to ascertain
the views and opinions of the members of the Stamford Council, was carried; the
vote being o Aye -Ald. Martin, Mowers, White, Donald and the Mayor; Naye- Ald.
McFdniey and Brooks.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and ~L%rtin.
READ AND ADOPTED, 18th. July, 1955.
C ] e
Council Chamk~r,
13tb. July, 1955.
Council assembled in Special Session in the Council Chamber, Ju].y 13th,
1955, for the purpose of considering the ret~ort of the City 1,~nager on the
bility of financing additional facilities. All members of Council were present.
His 'Worship, Mayor Hawkins, presided.
C O~,:U ~ri C ~TI ON
The follo~inK Communication was presented~
No. 184 - David T. James - requesting reconsiderat[on of instructions as to the use
of Coronation Park. ORDEPa~D on the motion of Ald. White and McKinley that the
communication be received and filed and the former instructions be abided by.
Carried. (Contrary -Ald. Mowers; AId. ~L~rtin refraining from voting).
Th__ie following Report was presented;
No. 155 - City ManaKer - re possibility of financing additional facilities at the
Niagara Falls Filtration Plant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald.
Mowers that the report be received and tabled and that at the Joint Meeting with
the Township of Stamford, scheduled for Friday evening, July 15th, Stamford Council
be advised that if the proposed increase in facilities approximating in cost three-
quarters of a million dollars be proceeded with, it will necessitate an increase of
20 percent in the water rates chargeable to the Township and in the event th~ full
scheme approximating in cost one and one-half million dollars is proceeded with that
it will necessitate a ~0 percent increase in the water rates in the Towns.hip of
Stanford; that in any future rate structure for the Township the sliding scale
method be eliminated and that the City ~nager prepare a new estimated schedule of
rates and a further report for the use of Council at the joint meeting. Carried
In the discussion concerning the report and the various aspects of the
water situation as touched on therein, Ald. Mowers referred to industry, present
difficulties with regard to water, the possibility of expanding industry, etc.
suggesting that the whole scheme should be proceeded with now and that an agreement
be entered into with the Township providing for the first $75,000. of profit to come
to the City of Niagara Falls and that any additional profits be shared on a basis
to be established.
Ald. Martin was of the opinion that at the joint meeting, Council should
put all the cards on the table for proper discussion. The possibility of development
of this area and tentative rates or what should be suggested to the Township of
Stamford was then discussed at length.
Ald. White was of the opinion that since the increase in production of
water was required for the Stamford people that the Township should pay for such
additions and if they were not prepared to assume additional charges that the ,~tter
should be left status quo.
Following the discussions it was agreed that Council should meet at 6.15
or 6.30 on Friday evening prior to the Joint meeting to discuss the additional report
requested from the City Manager.
The City Manager advised Council of contact that had been made with
him by Mr. Fraser of the Sir Adam Beck ~2 Project and during which he was assured
that Hydro will pay towards the cost of Stanley Avenue construction as originally
requested by Council.
Ald. Brooks referred to the parking condition in the vicinity of the
Centre Pfre Hall and suggested that some action should be taken to provide two or
three parking spaces for employees at that location.
On the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald, Council adjourned.
P~ZAD A~ ADOPTED, 1,~th July, 1955.
Clerk "
Cc. uncl 1 Chamber,
15th. July, 1955.
Council assembled in joint session with the Council ~,f the Townshil of
Stamford in the Council Chamber on the evening of July 15th, 1955, at 7.30 t..m.
for the Burpose of discussing Filtration Plant extensions, water supply, rat.:s,etc.
His Worship, F~yor Hawkins presided and all roerebels of the City Council were press. hi
together with all members of the Township Council, with the exception of Depu~.y
Reeve W. R. Sootheran. Also present were I~Lr. Brownhill of the Fublic Utilities
Commission of Stamford and Mr. M. F. Ker, Township Engineer. His l~!orshit, I-L~yor
Hawkins, in opening the meeting, explained its furposes.
CO~E.~ r~I C A TI 0 NS
The foliowinE Communications were presented;
No. 185 - Reeve A. G. Bridge - re material desired before agreement to be entered
into with reference to additions to Filtration Plant.
No. 186 ~ Reeve A. G. BridEs - expressing opposition to discussing fluoridation at
the Joint Meeting.
Reeve Bridge having been supplied with a statement concerning the Filtration Plant
which met most of his requirements and the reference to Flucridation havi~ been
explained by His Worship Fayor Hawkins, it was ordered on the motion of Aldem~an
~rtin and Alde~anMcKinley that both c~r~unications be received and filed.
~e following Re~ort was presented;
No. 156 - City Manager - containing Sun~sary of Information re Water Supply -
Township of Stamford and City of Niagara Falls and Supplementary Report re Capacity
of Filtration Plant and M~ins. ORDE.~RZD on the motion of Aldermen Mowers and Morton
that the reports be tabled and that we do agree as to the need for the ~roject as
outlined in the report concerning the Filtration ~ant and that arrangements be
made on a reasonable basis. Camded.
Prior to the foregoing motion being dealt with, the City ~nager, at the
request of His Worship the Mayor, outlined the existing situation with reference
to water supply and referring to the various tables contained in his report and
gave brief explanations thereof and advised that a twenty ~er cent increase in
water rates to all consumers was suggested in Table 7.
Reeve Bridge inquired as to when City rates had been raised and what the
present rates were, which information was supplied by the City ~L~nager.
Councillor Bates expressed the view that the surplus in the operation of
the Filtration Plant through the years should be made available to the Township
members, as, in his opinion, this factor was relevant to the troposal. The City
Manager pointed out that any increase in City rates wo,lld, in effect, be only to
supply Stamford users and that citizens of Niagara Falls would gain practically nil.
Reeve ~ridge reiterated his r~ ~es~ '~ Lt i:,f:.r:nati,/~ c~,'~cem~,nS tr,,fiLs and where
it had been utilized and Alderman Mowers expressed the view that if this information
were made available to the Township, the City in turn should have information as to
the profit figures of the Stamford Public Utilities C~mnission. Alderman Martin
pointed out that if there was any thought on the part of the Township representatives
that the rate presently being charged was exorbitant, it could be shown by comparative
figures in other municipalities that this was not the case. Councillor Mitchelson
was of similar opinion as Councillor Bates and felt that all the facts on both sides
should be made available.
Following further discussion, it was ordered on the motion of
Councillor Bates and .Alderman Donald that the request of Reeve Bridge be acceded
to and that an exchange of information as to receipts and expenditures of beth
the City of Niagara Falls and the Stamford Public Utilities Commission be made
available for the period from 1950 to date. Carried. (Alderman. '~j_te, contrary).
SEE Resolution No.83.
Reeve Bridge then extended his thanks and appreciation to the
and members of Council for their reception and advised that he and his Council would
consider the matter very thoroughly.
Councillor Bates then referred to the matter of Fluoridation, indicating
that there were other members of the Stamford Township Council present who n%ight care
to discuss the matter and His Worship the Mayor advised that the sole purpose was to
ascertain whether members of the Township Council had had any expression of opinion
either pro or con from their residents. Councillor Mitchelson inquired as to whether
the City had any reports on this subject which could be passed on for Stamford
Couecil's perusal and it was then ordered on the motion of Alderman ~%rtin and
Councillor Bates that the report of the City Manager and the Medical Officer of Health,
Dr. ',~itelock, be made available to the members of the Stamford Council. Carried.
SEE Resolution No.84.
The followin~ Resolutions were passed;
No. ~3 - BATES - DONALD - RESOLVED that the request of Reeve Bridge be acceded to
and that an exchange of information as to receipts and expenditures of both the
City of Niagara Falls and the Stamford Public Utilities Commission be made available
for the period from 1950 to date.
(Alderman White - contrary.)
No. 8~ - ~L~RTIN - BATES - RESOLVED that the report of the City Fmnager and the
Fedical Officer of Health, Dr. Whitelock on Fluoridation be made available to the
members of the Stamford Council.
On the motion of Aldermen Morton and Donald, the Councils then adjourned.
READ AND ADOPTED, 18th July, 1955.
Council $h~mb ~r,
19th Ju].~ lo~c
Pursuant to adjour;zqent. Council met at 7.30 f.;,. on Lk, mhy, ]~th. J~d.y,
1955, for the pur~.ose of considering general business amd finance. ill members
of Council were present. The Council. having received and read the ~,in~t,~.s <.~
previous meetings, regular and sy~cial, adopted these on the motion o~ Alderman
~rtin and Morton. '
- Alderman '-'&ire arrived -
Miss ~iith Goodsir, 921 Kitchener Street. was i~,tltte, l to address the
Council, on the motion of AId. Brooks and Ald. Martin.
Miss Goodsir spoke in connection with the hazardous con,:ition existing
at the corner uf ~alnut and Kjtchener Streets and was of the opinion that an
existing pole should be moved and the corner righted.
The City l~nager gave his opinion in this co~ect.;.on and expressed
hesitation on taking any action to bruaden the corner out, which would -esult in
a dangerous condition beth to pedestrians and motorists.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. I.hrtin and EcKinlev that ~tl]. me~,l'~rs of
Council meet at the corner under discussion at 7.15 next I..'Lnday
to the Council Meeting. Carried Unanimously.
Laid over from the previou__e raeetin~.,;
No. 181 - Logan and Scott - re stipulation with reference to th~ sale by Arnold
Smith of property to the City for the widening of L=ader La~!~. 0Ri~]V{~ .. the
motion of Ald. :.:orton and ~lowers that the com~u!-,ication be received and filed and
the recon~lendations of the City ,',lane
g adopted. (ConLr~tryiA]d, Brooks and Donald])
SEE i_~l,ort No. 1~7.
The followinK, Con~nunicstions were presentedl
No. 187 - LundF's Lane Historical Society- invitation ~. Memorial Ser~ce, July
25th. 0~ on the motion of ~d. Brooks and Mowers that the iovitation be
received and Council's regrets fo~arded to the 3ociety for their inability to
attend due to the Council ~.[eeting sched~ed ~or that s~ne eveniDg.
No. 188 - W. L. Houck, M.P. - enclosing letter from C.N.R. re Victoria Avenue
overhead bridge. 0RDEED on the motion of ~d. Mowers ~d Moron that the communi-
cation be received and tabled until such time as wo~ is ~ceived from r'ir. W. H.
Kyle, Vice-President of Central Re.on.
No. 189 - C~adian Indust~es (195~) ~ted - notification of e~iration of
contract re ].iq~d chlorine. 0~ on ~b~ motion of A]~. ~'nrtcr~ ~d ", ~eru ~.,L
the coi~,,~ication ~ received and filed and the Contract be renewed.
Sr~. Resolution No.
The followir~ Reports were presented;
No. 1~7 - City Manner . recommending purchase of land from Arnold Smith for the
wideningof L~ader no. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Mowers that the
report be received and adopted. (Contrary-AId. Brooks and Donald.)
In connection with the following Reports, the City Manager advised
verbally, that the City are making application to the Ontario Municipal Board for
the carrying out of these works under a different Section of the Act and these
reports are merely a confirmation of previous reports submitted.
No. 158 - City ~%naKer - Macadam Read on Banker St. from SuMmer St. to ~hery St.
No. 159 - City Fanager - Macadam Road on Emery St. from Temperance to Banker St.
No. 160 - City ManaMber - ~cadam Road on Cedar St. from Homewood Ave. ~ Stanley.
No. 161 - City PD~nager - ~cadam Road on Huron St. from Homewood Ave. to Stanley.
ORDER on the motion of Ald. White and Morton that the reports be received and
In connection with the following Repox. t, the City F~nager advised
verbally that this Report is to be forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Board with
the request that a hearing be held to dispense with a vote of the people on this
work. He further advised that the Report was revised to eliminate a portion of the
road lying within the Township of Stamford and deals only with that portion between
North Street and Kitchener Street West. Application is being made to the Department
of Highways for additional subsidy, a supplementary by-law has been prepared and
provision has been made for the contribution by the H.E.F.C, of Ontario for the work.
The City ~knager also advised that the Chairman of the Ontario Municipal Board has
suggested that application be made for the entire work even though it is only con-
templated to complete half of the work this year, the Report is therefore drawn on
that basis.
No. 162 - City F~na~.er - Re[~rt on repairs to roads in the City used extensively in
the construction of the Sir Adam Beck Project No. 2. by the H.E.P.C. of Ontario and
their Contractors. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Martin that the Report
be received and adopted.
No. 163 - City Clerk - reco~,~nding issuance of licences. ORDEIZD on the motion of
Ald. MottoE and McKinley that the ~port be received and adopted and licences issued
Ald. 1,~%rtin referred to the existence in this area, of one of the
most dangerous sections of the Queen Elizabeth Highway, namely, the Clover Leaf at
Dorchester Read and where two more fatal accidents occurred over this past week end.
He stressed the necessity of the City Council taking immediate action to have the
Provincial Government make a study of this Circle to find out what is the cause for
these frequent fatalities and how they can be corrected.
SEE Resolution No.86.
Ald. Morton requested information concerning the cost of the Civic
Employees' (adults) Christmas Farty.
At the request of Aid. Brooks, the City Clerk read a communication
from Corporal and Mrs. C. E. Dill, expressing appreciation for the hospitality
extended during their visit to this City recently; the trip being a contest vacation
]~rize won by Corporal Dill in Georgia's Courteous Cop Contest.
Laid over from a previous meeting;
No. ~276 - To authorize the execution of a deed of Poplar Park to the Greater Niagara
General Hospital.
(The City Clerk advised that the by-law now contains the reversion clause).
OPaERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second
reading. - Carried. (Ald. McKinley-contrary).
Third Reading -Ald. Martin and Morton. - Carried. (Ald. McKinley-contrary).
Tb.e followrinK By-laws were passed~
~ - To license, regulate and govern the owners ~,~ !~irdressirC esL ,blish-
merits, and for revoking any such license.
ORDEiv, D on the motion of Ald. I,:cKinle? and Donald [},at kld. :,:ow?rs ] ~'
gramted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be giw~n the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Korton ahd Howors thai the effective
date, August let. be inserted, Rtde 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Sour, cil be
temF, orarily suspended, and the by-law be given the seco~d readb~g. - ?arriml
Una~ mously.
Third ReaSing -Ald. Mowers and -~'?artin - Carri,~d Unanimcusly.
Nq. 5284 - To provide for sut.ilemental 1955 expenditures on roads and st, re~,ts.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and McKinley that AId. I.L~rtin be
granted the lrivilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Oi{DERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and [hrtin that Rule 3,/; (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be giv,m the 2nd.
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. McKinley and Morton - Carried Unanimously.
No. ~2~ - A by-law to authorize the purchase of a strip of land for the widening
of ~eader Lane.
0RDEREDon the motion of AId. Mowers and Morton that Ald. [~rtin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-l~ and the by-law be given the first
reading - Carried Unanimously.
ORDE°al) on the motion of AId. F~rtin and Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the 2nd.
reading. - Carried. (Contrary-AId. Brooks).
Third Reading - Aid. Morton and ~rtin - Carried. (AId. Brooks-contrary).
The foliowinE By-laws were presented;
No. ~286 - To authorize the borrowing of $66,000.00 for the reconstruction and
widening of the road surface on Stanley Avenue and Allen Avenue.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Morton that AId. )~rtS.n be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. }brton and ~'owers that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-l~w be given the 2rid.
reading. - Carlied Unanimously.
No. 2S7 -
To authorize the borrowing of $16,000.00 for the reconstruction and
widening of the road surface on D-umnond P~-~,
i,h~rray Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and White that Ald. Martin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Mowers that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing ~ules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
No..52g.3 - To authorize the borrowir~g of ~2~,000.00 for ~he aspha~ ~o~u~fac~ of
va~ous pavements ~hroughouL ~he m~c~tby.
granLed the privilege of intmduci~ the by-law and the by-law be given the firsb
rea~ng. - Car~ed Unanimously.
0~E~ on the motion of ~d. Morton and Mowers that ~e 36 (2) of the
Stan~ Mes of Council be temporaMly suspended and the by-law ~ given the second
rea~ng. - Carried U~mously.
The following Resolutions were I~ssed;
the renewal Contract with bhe Canadian Industries (1954) Li~ted for th pp y
liquid chlorine from July lst,1955 to June 30th, 1956; and the Seal of the Corpor-
ation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 86 - .~iART/:,' - ~D;~RS - RE3OLVZD that a letter be forwarded to F~. Arthur C.
Jol!ey, E.P. requestkng that he take the necessary action to have the Department of
Highways m~e a study of the Dorchester Road Cloverleaf of the Q~een ~izabeth ~gh-
way, in order to ~cer~n the cause of fatal accidents at t~s location and arrive
at some solution in order to correct the s~me; and the Seal of the Cort~ration
~,3rried Unenimous]y.
The Council adjourned to the Finance l.leeti~Z on the motion of Ald. ~bwers and Ald.
Finance Meeting
Council Chamber,
18th July, 1955.
The ~inance Meeting was held on Monday, 18th. July, 19~5 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All members of the ConmuLttee were present. Ald.
Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $96,993.10 were approved by the
': 37
The Accounts submitted being I,assed or otherwise d~a]t w~th, were
ordered tlaced in the money by-law for presenLation t~ the Council on [}:e motion
of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. McKinley.
The City 1.~%nager's report on the application off the Royal Inn Hotel,
152 Bridge Street, for a building permit to make alterations and ad~]iLions, at
an estimated cost of ~14,OOO.O0 was presented for consideration. In connection
with tMs Re~rt, the City ~nager ad~sed verbally that trds pe~t is !.sing
issued exclusive of the canopy, until such time as the r, ecess~ry by-law is
passed. O~EED on the motion of ~d. EcKi~dey and Ko~on that the r,~port be
recei~d and adopted and the i,ermit ~ issued.
-The Committee arose and reported to Co,mcll on the -.oti~:.n of AId. :~dte ~nd Ald.
READ A~D ADOPt, 25tb. July, 1955.
Chairman oF Finance,
Council Chamber,
lSth. July, 1955.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
M~etings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Conmdttee. All members of Council were present.
The following By-law was passed;
No. 528~ - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORD.,'~RED on the motion of ~la. ~fcE~r]ev ;~ iic~r~-. ih.', .%]:h Far~.:, l?
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law ~nd the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the 2rid.
reading.. Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Brooks - Carried Unanimously.
In connection with Voucher ~umber 2306, in the name of Nabisco Foods
Limited, for steam snpllied in June, 1955, in the amount of $19.25, it was ordered
~n the motion of kld. Brooks and ~d~e that the City !iLanager suledt ~ r~;l.ort on
On the motion of Ald. ~dte and Morton, Council adjourned to Conference.
READ A'~D AIXDFTED, 25th. J~dy, 195~.
'' ~"' ..... · ' ~ ''' ~ -~ ~ayor
Council Chamber,
l~th. July, 1955.
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of
the regalar Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, 18th. July, 1955 for the purpose
of considering various items presented to them. All members of the Committee were
present. His Worship, I,~ayor Hawkins presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items placed before them, the Committee adjourned on the
motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mowers.
READ AND ADOPTED, 25th. July, 1955.
Col,,nci] Cba; l't r,
25tl~ July~
Pursua.t to adjourr~nent, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on kror,day, 25Lh. Ju].y,
1955, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All ~.~,~mb,~:.5
of Cotmcil were present, with the excelLion ef AI.~. !(orLom. Th~ Cou,~cil, having5
received and read the winurea of the previous meeLin-~, a,]opLed the. so on t!!e l!qt~l n
of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Kartin.
A delega~,ion from the Id, ncoln and Welland Regiment c~nsisti!,g of
Thomas Keel.,, Everett ~ger, Ernes~ Hart and H~h Patterson, w~s present at the
meeti~ and on the motion of Ald. i.iowers and McKi~ey it was order,~d that the
delegation be heard.
ll~. Keep, s[~kesman, advised that two years ago a request had be~:a nmde
for funds to aid in the cost of having a book printed containing the history of
the Lincoln and ~elland Regiment, to which Council had responded and on behalf of
the Lincoln and Welland Regiment, presented a coty of this book to the City of
Niagara Falls to be placed in the archives of the City for future re~erence.
His We '
rshi on behalf of the City Council, expressed api~reciation for
~ p,
this presentation, and assured the delegation that the History of the Re6ime~!t will
be placed on file.
The followinK Communications were presented;
No. 190 - Stamford Volunteer Firemen - appreciation fox' co-operation in connection
their annual Carnival. ORDEP~D on the motion of AId. Brooks and McKinley that
the communication be received and filed.
No. 191 - Canadian Legion, St. Thomas, Ontario - excursion to Niagara Falls,
August let. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and ~dte that the co~nunication
be received and acknowledged and the Legion be advised that on the Civic Holiday,
the Annual Field Day of the Niagara Falls Police Association is being held ~ich
they might wish to include in their itinerary.
No. 192 - Child Evanelism Fellowship - requesting use of Swimming Pool grounds for
five days during the week beginning August lath, at 2.30 p.m. OKDEI{ED on the motion
of Ald. F~rtin and Mowers that the conmunication be received and filed and permission
SEE Report k'o. 16~.
No. 193 - Separate School Board - requesting School Zone Warning Signs in vicinity
of St. Ann's School. ORDERED on the motion of kld. Mowers and Brooks that the
comnunication be received and re~erred to the Traffic Committee with l~wer to act.
No. 194 - N. S. & T. Railway - suggesting change in routing of busses in the
vicinity of Buttrey and Victoria. ORD,~RED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Donald
that the communication be received and referred to the Traffic Committee with
power to act.
No. 195 - City of Windsor - resolution re international vehiculr traffic. ORDER,riD
on the motion of kld. Mowers and Donald that the resolution be received and endorsed.
No. 196 - Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities - enclosing copy of letter
from Unemployment Insurance Commission re certain changes, re municipal employees.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Mowers that the co~unication be received
and tabled for one week for the perusal of Council and submission of a rel~rt from
the City Manager.
The followinK ReSorts were l~resented]
No. 164 - City F~nager - recommending pe~.nission be granted to Child Evangelism
Fellowship for the use of Swima,~ng Fool grounds. CRDZR~"D on the motion of Ald.
Fartin and Lbwers that the report be received and adopted.
.~lo. 165 - City I~naF~er - re~ort on use of ateran in Memorial Arena during, June,1955.
02DER. ZD on the motion of Ald. McKinley and 5~qald that the report be ~eceived and
r;o. 166 - 3ity Clerk - re.~ort on Conference ',eld Ju~.'/;.~t'~. ORDEL~ on the :notio..~
Ald..:.ic}~inley ahd .'/o~ers 'J a~ '~he retort be received and adc. pted.
The folZo~dnK Resolution} were Fassed;
'Ic. 87 - i'.cKI."~ZUY - WYETE - Pd.'~OL%~ that .~Lis !v'orshii,, ~,hyor Haw~ns be requested
to issue a procl~nation declaff~ng Monday, let. A~ust, 1955 as Ci~c Holiday, in
the City of ]~i~gara Falls] that all civic b~ldi~s rem~n closed on that date;
th=t the next regular meeti~ of Council ~ held at ?.30 p.m. on ~esday~ August
2nd. and the Seal oF the Corioration be hereto affixed.
No. ~ - M0i'EPa - i,~RTIN - RZSCLVED that the regular meeting of Council on lqonday,
August 8th, 1955 comnence at ~.30 p.m. and the Seal of t}!e Corl,oration be hereto
Ald. ~.~%rtin ~ferred to the prevalence of weeds in the vicinity of
Summer St. and Lowell Ave. and also in the area at the rear of the Police Station.
Ald. Mowers mentioned the area at the comer of Fine Grove and Culp
and Ald. White requested action ih connection wi~h the existence of weeds on Third
Avenue and other sections of the municipality.
Ald. McKinley referred to the confusion due to tourists trying to
avoid the traffic jmn on Clifton Hill, entering Oneida Lane only to discover that
it is a dead end street and suggested that the sign signifying 'Oneida Lane~ be
Ald. Brooks and Mowers were of the opinion that another sign stipulatir~
that the Lane is a dead end streeb, might facilitate the condition referred to and
following further discussion it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Ald.
Mowers that the matter be referred to the Traffic Committee with power to act.
A discussion ensued with reference to parking in the Walnut Street area
and the possible provision of space to acco~xodate at least four ears at the rear of
a lane for the Fire Department employees.
SEResolution No. 89.
The following Resolution was passed;
::~. "~ -',;FITS - i,~KINZEY - REGCLWED that parking be eliminated on both sides of
Walnut Street back to the lane south of the Walnut Street Fire Hall; and the Seal of
the Corporation be hereto affixed.
(Ald. Brooks-contrary).
An amendment by Ald. Brooks that provision also be made for four cars
off the lane near the Fire Hall, was not seconded.
A discussion was held in connection with the insyection t,efcTe th~
Council Meetings with reference to the recent request of iilss Goodslr conc~r~ml~
the danger existing to pedestrians at the corner of '.'jalnut and Kitchener 3treets
where trucks and automo}iles pass over the curb and sidewalk. .a/kd. Martin cou-
curred in the opinions expTessed by i.i[ss ~oodsir and felt that if trucks were
driving up over the curb, he was definitely in fayour off moving the curb.
Ald. Mow
., ere ~!oved that the pole in ~uezticn be moved easterly sufficiently
far to allow the City ICanager to widen the sideva!k on the insdae to the ,;xtent off
four feet. There was no seconder tc this moti on.
ORiOSED on the mot, i,,n of A/d. McKinley ~md Donald that t,~e matter be
tabled for one week and the City ~Zanager prepare a detailed rep<,rt s'_~wl nE the coat
of moving the curb one foot and also t},e distance the sidewalk should b~, moved.
The followinK By-laws were passed;
No. 5290 - To sanend by-law number 42~5, being a by-law to aln~nd by-law number
4134, being a by-law to provide ~or the installatica and regulation
of parking meters in the City of Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that Ald. i'~Kir~ey be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the 1st.
reading. - Carried.
0,RDSRED on the uotion of Ald. ICewere and l.~rtin that Rule 36 (2) c,f the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law Le given {he 2rid.
reading. - CarMed. (Ald. Donald-contrary).
Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Ald. Martin. - Carried. (~ld. Donald-contrary).
No. 5291 - To grant permission for the construction of a canely iu front of the
Royal Inn Hotel.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and ~bite that ~ld. ['~rtin be
granted the [,riv-ilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried.
ORDEREd) on the motion of Ald. Donald and Brooks that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temForarily suspended and the by-law be given the 2nd.
readj. ng. - Carried.
Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Mowers - Carried.
No. ~272 - A by-law for the opening and widening of Leader Lane.
OPt)ERE]) on the motion of Ald. Mowers and !,icKi:~ey that Ald. l,L~rtin be
granted the privilege cf ini~',-;dLming the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried.
ORDERED on the motion of kld. b~rtin and White that P~le 36 (2) or the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the 2nd.
reading. - Carried. (Ald. Brooks-contrary).
~ix.~' ReadLq~ - Al,i. l'~ite and Don~.Id - Carried. (ild. Brooks-contrary).
On the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. White, Council adjourned to the Finance
AND ,'{POPTED, 2nd. August,1955.
Deputy Clerk
Council Charfiber,
25th. July, 1955.
The Finance }~eting was held on Monday, 25th. July, 1955 for the
purt~se of al,proving and else passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present, with
the exception of AId. Morton. Ald. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry. Accounts in the amount of $3lb260.75 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of
Aid. McKinley and Ald. Mowers.
The communication from the Project ~nager of the ~3ro Electric
P~er Commission of Ontario, enclosing a cheque in the amount of 1,O25.72 being
their share of the cost of rebuilding sections of Stanley and Allen Avenue, used
by Hydro during construction of the Sir Adam Beck, N.G.S. 2, was presented for con-
sideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mayor Hawkins that the communi-
cation be received and acknowledged and a letter of appreciation be forwarded to the
Project Manager for his co-operation.
The City Manager~'s report on the application of A. St. Angelo, for a
permit to erect an illuminated plastic sign at 10gO Victoria Avenue, at an estimated
cost of $125. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers
and Donald that the report be received and adopted and the permit issued.
The City ~nager's report on the application of J. Cupolo for a
building permit to erect an addition to the rear of 1510 Ferry Street, at an
estimated cost of $9,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED en the motion of
Ald. McKinley and Brooks that the report be rece~ve~ ~8 ~dopte~, a~d the permit
The Statement of Relief as of June, 1955 was presented for consider-
ation. ORDERED on the motion of AId. White and Mowers that the Statement be received,
given the usual publicity and filed.
The City :Manager presented a detailed verbal r,=j err on thp
paving of Stanley Avenue from Ferry Street to North 3treet and advised c~-.cerrj.r%
quotations received from l{arren Bituminous Faring Cot,I any and the inabj li%
Law Construction to proceed with any portion cf the work ~nd rec~,l~ern~ed
City proceed with the excavation ~ork, but that the layinS of the n.acadan~
asphalt base and ast.halt wearing surface be done by the Tarpen Pitu:dnous P~v~hg
Company, whose prices are as follo~;s;
h'acad&m Base - 96 cents l.,q. square yard
Asphalt Base .~.~,5 ~r ton
Asphalt Wearir,g 3~lrface
[{.O. 3 ~9.h5 !~r ton
M.D. 2 ~9.70 t~r ton
which includes the cost of placing, st,reading and rolling of the '^ear].ng surface
at $2.50 per ton and which in his opinion, was very reasonable. ORDE'IED
motion of .~d. }towers and :.~yor Hawkins t}i~,t the verbal ~Dort or t,h~ Ciby r,%nagef-
be adopted and he be authorized to l;roce~d as
The City ganagep r,~ferred to the decision last fall with th,: Townshi}
Styford to erect one sign near the cornr r <ff ~uchanan and ]bu,ra2*, di~ectit~g
tourists to the motels in that area an,'l this s~gn was to replao~ o~e City stS. P.r.d
2 or 3 To~ship signs im existence. He re~iuested persissionto proceed and
sign erected, ~bh the understln~Hng that tie cost w'ill be borne jointlJ b~'
City and the Township. O~E~ED on the motion of/'~yor Hawkins and ~d. ]<owa.ps Lhat
the si~ be placed at ~he corner of Buchanan and Elmr~y, jointly with !he
oC Stamford and that the cost be assu,~d equally by the two mu,ici~ ~']
AId. Ignite referred to the size, of the sign al. the 7E-l{o e~tablishlne{:t
and queried whether there ha8 been any change in the by-law to allow this e-ectiah.
Upon heinE queried by Ald. EcKinley, re6ardil,g the billtoard ~ign on
Welland Securities property on Clifto~ Hill adve,bisin,j ~ motel located in Stanford
To~ship, the City }~nager ad~sed that he was besitanL about oNering its remov~
due to the c~paign underway in Niagara Falls, N,=w York t,., dtscaur',~ge tour] sis
entering Canada. ~e City Manager desired to know whet)nor Council still desired
the removal of such signs i~edlately or not and was advised [n th,~ aFfirma~i~.
Ald. Eci[inley advised of conditions existing in the City of Niagara Falls
where sight.seeing cab drivers, licensed by the Police Cottoni st;ion, wet',~ t,al:ir~
business away from lees] mot.q aiep:tors t,', fdur :.Dtels in l.artic~r, loc~ted
in the To~as~f of StamFord and stated bbat the Cb~er of So,~.ePc~, ~as l~arLiuulerly
interested because the con~ssions [~d to the drivers we-e reing ad=b~d to the i~rtce
of the accommodation,which is poor ~ublic]ty for +he Ji[~ off Niagara Fall2.
On the motion of Ald. Vad. te and Ald. Donald t}.e Coumitt.ee arose and reported to
READ AND ADOfT~3, 2n,h August, 1955.
Deputy Clerk
Chairman of Finance.
CCUNClL , ~,
Cou~cil Ch~'~ber,
25th. July, 1955.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council ~nd Finartce
l:eetinCs for the .~ur!ose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts ap,r, roved by
the Co:,~mittee. All me!LbeFs o,~ COUnCil were ~,Pesent, with the exception of Aldj,iorton.
iT.e followini: B_y-law was passed]
~ - To [;rovide monies for general Farloses.
O,RDEvLZD on the mot5on of Aid. Mowers and Aid. Brooks that Ald. l'L~rti~ be
gr~nted the lrivilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
readb~5- - Carried.
G,~DERED on the motion of AId. )tartin and Aid. ;{kite that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Co, moil be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried.
Third Reading -Ald. Donald and Ald. i.'_owers - Carried.
Council adjourned on the taction of/ld. Donald and I..'owers.
AID ADOF~, 2nd. August, 1955.
Deputy Clerk
TFIRT','-NT;,iTH 1.Z33Ti!~G
FC3UL~R F'.' ]'Fr, fU
Pursuant. to adjourm{,ent, Council met at 7.30 i .m. on Tu=s,lay~
August, 195.q, for the t, urpoae of cunsldeM n6 g~neral bus'iness and finance.
members of Couocil were !,reser:t. ~e Cou¢cil~ ha~drM rec~ ve~' and re~d the
m~nutes of the t.re~ous meeting, adopted these on the rlob~orm o? AId. iCarti '..
.~d. PTowers.
- kld. i(cKi nley ax'r[ved at b+e ,neet[~L -
CC!,.Z _'U 'C ,5 AZ C
Laid over from the previous ,I!eetinF.;
o 196 - Canadiar Federation o_f_i-k~v_._ofs and Municil:alities - enclosing l~t,'.,,~r
From the Up. employ!,lent Insurance Com~dss~on re proposed changes for
employees, including members of lolice foroe~;. CP~D2~RED on the moti c~-, ~,C Ald.
Morton and Ald. i/.,owers that the consnunication be r~ceived and filed and the
City {'~nager be authorized to advise the Federation that tile CitZ: off Diiagara
Falls have no objection to unemploy~nent insurance covering l:ol],ce fief a t;~o-
year ~eriod, according to the ajaendment to the Act,
3Z~Z RetLort ,Yo.
The followinK Commurdcations were presented;
No. 197 - Village of Chippawa - requestinS renewal of Standby Agreement. OPDEED
on the motion of AId. Morton and AId. Brooks that the communication be received and
filed and the agreement be renewed for ore year.
Me. 198 - NiaEara Falls Folice Association - requesting storage space beneath
grandstand at Oakes Park. ORDE~'D on the motion of AId. Fewors and Donald that
the con~nunication be received and referred to the Property Con~ittee with H,wer to
No. 199 - Husband, Robertson and Wallace - sketch showing entrances and exits
proposed for Grand Union Carroll Supermarket. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.~rtin
and Ald. Mowers that the co~nunication be received and referred to the Traffic
Committee for a report.
Report No.168
No. 200 - Lloyd G. Bowman - re parking v~olation on Lorne Avenue. ORDEP.GD or! the
motion of Ald. McKinley ~nd Mowers that the comnunication be received and filed.
Prior to this action, the City Fanager presented a verbal report, indicating the
obstinate reaction of the party concerned, to the Folice Department's request
for co-operation.
No. 201 - John Batik - requesting removal of a tree at the comer of Stamford
Street and Third Avenue. As this conmunication was presented to Council duri,~g
the meeting, it was ordered on the ,~9~i lri cf A/~. laz'tir, ~,,d ~:~rley that the
s~=:e be ~?ad. C~DZL'D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Morton that the communi-
cation be received and referred to the Superintendent of Parks for a report.
The followin~ Reports were presented;
No. 167 - City Manager - re communication from Canadian Federation of b~yors and
Municil'~lities, re changes in tmemployment insurance for municipal employees to
include police; and report s,lgSesbLng the ac~/isability for the City to consider
the possibility of certifying many of the employees for whol.~ unemplo~,ent insurance
is p~d at the present time. ORDE~ on the motion of ild. ~dte and ~d. Donald
that ~he re~ort be received a~d referred to the ~nagement Co~,dtLse for a report
~o Council.
No. ~68 - City ~.~naEer - report on sketch of Architects ~or proposed Grand U~on
Carroll Supe~rket, m en~rmces and e~ts prol~sed- O~E~ Or'~ the motion o~
~d. :.~rtLn and ~d. i.lowers that the report be received and referred to the Traffic
Co~ttee for a re~ort.
No. 189 - City }~na~er - report on intersection of Walnut Street and Kitchener St.
and the estimated cost for ch~es to curb and sidewalk. ORD~D on the motion of
~d. I,~rtin and Mor~on that the re~ort be received ~d the work be proceeded ~th as
suggested inthe r~Fo~. ~s motion was defeated, the vote being Aye - ~d. }~rtin,
Morton and ~nald; Naye - ~d. ~ite, llc~ey, Mowers and B~oks. The City ~nager
went on record as bei~ opl.osed to the ~dening out of t~s intersection, thus
creating a hazardous co~ition for school children due to speeding motorists turning
the ~orner in question. SEE Resolution No.89.
"' 170 Deputy City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERZD on the
motion of Ald. Morton and Al~. Brooks that the report be received and adopted and
the licenoes issued accordingly.
In answer to Ald. Brooks' queries concerning parking meter licences,
His lVorsbip the ]'~yor advised of the stipulations contained in the by-law.
AId. ;.brton inquired as to the regulations governing hedges on corner
lots, advising that he had received complaints regarding conditions at the corner of
Su~er St. and Drmnmond Road and also at ~ple Street and Stanley Avenue. The City
~nager advised that the maTimum height was three feet.
Aid..White advised of complaints received regarding soliciting for
tourists on Falls Avenue, at the Eowat Gate and at the Brock Hotel and requested
action to eliminate this practice.
Aid. Brooks advised of unsightly conditions at the corner of Fourth
Avenue and McRae Street where newspapers had been scattered all over the area.
Aid. '~ite referred to the new trunk sewers for which tenders are
being called, in the North Street area and Bender Hill-Victoria Avenue area, and
advised that it was his understanding that the work on these sewers was to be done
by contract along the same lines as the Stanley Avenue sewer and referred to the
many complaints received that fill had been used around the pipe instead of sand
and was of the opinion that the City should supply the same in the same manner as
pipe for the contract, with which Aid. Morton agreed.
The City Manager advised that the tenders referred to were now in the ~
hands of the Contractors and it would be difficult to change the specifications at
this time. He was of the opinion that there would be no advantage in having the
City supl.ly the sand but in the case of the pipe, there was a saving of approximately
15%. Aid. Brooks concurred.
Ald. Martin was of the opinion that Contractors should be obliged to
use the type of sand called for in the specifications, with which Ald. Brooks agreed.
A full discuss[on ~n~ued will, r.,j;rd 'c :..-c~nt ?2<.aJ!nS3 in various
~,>:Li,,q5 of 'fi,~ XLy due to the incapacity of the sewers in question to accommodate
the flow or storm water. Sections mentioned were Centre St. McRae St. Gladstone
and North Streets and the City Manager outlined future plans to remedy these conditions.
Ald. McKinley again referred to the bottleneck on Cltrton Hill due to
the sign indicating "Oneida lane" and requested immediate action. In answer to his
query regarding the time limt being changed on the traffic lights at Centre and
Victoria Avenue, the City Manager advised that this had been attended to.
tld. ~.fcEinley a,l,dsed th'd.
sfdewalk on Cl-[ ~ton H~]I f~m the ;.i.;.R.E. t~ the ,];'ire-,.';{/, ~,,r C] i r~on inn w'.' :,~
was gravel and was e~ the o!,~nion
[~nager exblained ~Lat usually []:ls was
Bc~l Improvenent ~n which case 6q]
the Cor;craMon,
Oneida bn,, st,told
Falls :~verut~ near the .~,erln;,p '3,~nsn]ab~ a~l ~h,> Cry'art,'. ?r~v~] E ~"~u ~-'~,,'.r:
A]d. Domald ee:'luest~:] .~ jrj'z~'-~2' ,~l~r'c,~:~ d! l,,q,q? ']~.L-,w,',"-,
~!e CollewirK Resolutio~ w~s ]
No. ~9 - }~DRTC>' - BECnKS . RZ3CL\CD tha', ~O Ce~t, ~f
the Ceutre Fire Hall coru,encing at the south f~nc~ be allott~d
For city employees ~nd f, ruc~'s :.C the ~ec*.rlcal Depdr~.meut; ~nd t} e 3.-:,1 cf ~,l:e
Cor/~fa[]ol] },e hereto affixed,
Ald, Moron and B~oks roLlrig if. fayour; Z~d, :'~ite, t.'arLj r.~ ~:c;~lnl,.y~ Dcn-1,]
and ~d. l.bwers were conbra~¢.
The followi~ Resolution was pas.~ed;
No. 90 - KcKI~VLEY - DCNALD - ,TESOLV?,D that the City l,L~mager b~ re,luested to
submit a re~-.ort on the cost of taking the necessary action to macad~uLlze the
strip between the road and the sidewalk on Clifton Hill from the E.C.R.F.. to the
driveway of Cliff, on inn, thus eliminating the flow off gravel down Clifton Hill
du~irlg rainstorque; and the 3eal of the Corporat[orl he hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
The followin~ By-law was passed;
~o. 5294 - To authorize the signing of a standby agreement with the Villege of
ORDERED on the ,notion of Aid. Mowers and McKinley that Ald. l~tartin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law ~ given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
0PDE~-'D on t},~ mutic;n of Ald. Zo,~ers and D~nald that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the 2rid.
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
~drd Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Donald - Carried Unanimously.
The Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the ,notion of Ald. Mowers and Ald.
READ A~,]) ADOFTT~, 8th. August,1955.
2~ttv' Cler~ ....
CoIlncil Chamber,
2rid. August, 1955.
The Finance Meeting was held on Tuesday, 2nd. August, 1955 for the
purpose of aM.roving and also lassing the v~rious accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Ald.
Martin, Chainsan of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $99,757.56 were approved by the
Col~aittee ·
The Accounts submitted being passed or othendse dealt with, were
ordered placed in the money by-law Cor presentation to the Council on the motion of
Ald. McKinley and Fayor Hawkins.
The City Manager's report on the application of Wm. Petrie for a
building permit for an addition to his premises, 722A Bridge Street, to be used as
a paint room in connection with the garage service, at an estimated cost of $2,000.
was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald.
Morton that the report be received and adopted and the permit issued.
l]~e City Fanager's report on the application of the Canadian Pacific
Tickets and Telegraphs for a permit to erect a plastic illuminated sign at their
premises at 351 Queen Street, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Morton and Mayor Hawkins that the report be received and adopted and
the per~dt issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of Matt Calzonetti for a
permit to erect one-20,OOO gallon and one-5,000 gallon storage tank on Lot No. lll,
Muir Avenue, at a cost of $5,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Brooks and Morton that the report be received and adopted and the
permit issued.
_~le City T'An~.g~r'~ "~I-~r~ on the aH'licat~on c~f T. D~_'V~to for a permit
to erect a neon sign at 625 River Road, at an esti~eted cost of $5OO. was pre~ented
for consideration, with the recommendation that the application be referred to the
Property Committee for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and
F~yor Hawkins that the report be received and adopted.
The City Manager's report on the application of Sabatino Pingue, 362
Huron Street, for a building permit to erect an addition to his dwelling, at an
estimated cost of $5,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion
of AId. Brooks and Donald that the report be received and referred to the Property
Connittee with power to act.
The Conmdtt~e arose and !'t~.rted
and ~d. Brooks.
READ %~D .! D~ "'~L "" A J ~'-s' 1955.
Deputy Clerk
CCU~J3IL i~EE~f~%~
Jcunci] Cba~nbI~r,
2nd. August, 1953.
~.e Council re-assembled at the close oC t},e regular C{i.mc%l ~nd
Finance Meetings for the purtx~se ~,~ passing the by-law which roTered Lhe ~_cceunts
apl,roved by the Co~rittee. ~]. members of Council were present.
The followinF. B.v-law was passed;
No. ~29~ - To provide monies for general purposes.
CRDEr~ED on the motion of AId. Vowere and Donald that ild. I,l~rtin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of kid. P,~artin and Morton t},~[ Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be tem]~rarily suspended and the by-law be given the 2nd.
reading. - Carried Unanimous]y.
Third Reading .Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley - Carried Unanimously.
The Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. [~rtin.
Clerk (Deputy).
Council Chamber,
2nd. August,1955.
The Conference CoiImittee of the City Council assen~led at the close of
the regular Council and Finance Meetings on .Tuesday, 2rid. August, 1955 for the
purpose of considering the report of the City i<anager as to appointments to the City
Hall Staff. All members of the Cc~sidttee were present. }ns Worship, }&%yor Hawkins,
presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items placed before them, the Conn~ttee adjourned on the
motion of Aid, Donald and Ald. ~wers.
~]AD A-'~ AOOFT~]), ~th. August, 1955.
Deputy Clerk
/ Chairman.
Ri.iG' ;L ~R i<~ ]TINS
~ ,>2.
Fursuar, t to adjournment, CourteLl met at ~.30 i,.m. on :ionclay, :~udust
8th, 1955, for Lhe lurpose of considering general bus[r, ess :ind [i lance.
members of Council were prescott, ~th the excettlon cr AId. 7o>~ers. D,e C,,uncLl,
ha~ received and read the ainutee ,,' the !.re~,,us m~.;LinS, ad, lt. ed these
the motion of Ald. Martin and ~d.
A delegat. Lon of United Electrical ?iorkers was im~:ser,t at the ,'.ed,in~ to
presen~ a brief on behalf of the XcGlashan Clarke workers, members of ~c3! 505
U.E. recently discharged from their jobs after as much as 57 y, %ps s,~p~,~..~. with'
the Coralany. ORDERED on the motion of ;ld. ]brton end DonalJ Lx~at the deTega~i,,n
be heard. EP. C. V. Cou]son~ U.E. rel.ri~sentativ~, requ,~sted the 3it.y 9]erk to
read the brief which had be,~n distributed to members of Council.
- kld. McKt,fiey arrived at tile meeting -
The brief contained a re:luest that CDuncil help the workers ~r;d the
Union to force the Coml,auy if, ,-lu~.sti,-m, if l,ossible, to l,ay these workers an
amount of severance lay ~'~.~ic}! is rig~-.tfully theirs for the ve.,rs of servic~ th~.v
have given. " ' '
ldr. Coulson informed t}.e Council that a meeting wit}! the Cor~,i,any is
supposed to take place tomorrow to discuss seversrice kay issue and ?'e,luest.ed t. hat
the I<ayor and Council use their good offices to try and influ.~nce the Gout}any tc
take the ~roper action to accede to the request of the workers.
Ald. ;'~rtir,, Council's representative on the Iqdubtrlal Conmittee uf the
Greater Niagara Chainbet of Colm,,erce referred to the efforts of time Com,:~[tt,.~; to
have this Company reinsin in Niagara Falls, but to no avail.
His Worship, Fayor Hawkins, assured the delegation that he m,,1 every
member of Council was in s~apathy with the workers but was of the opinion }.hat
Council should wait for the results of the proposed meeting between the Com,,any
and workers and Council could then troceed.
SEE Communics ti on N~m~ber 202.
Laid over front the pre~ious meeting;
No. 199 - Hust~nd, Robertson and '4allace - enclosing sketch re entrances and exits
of proposed Grand Union Carroll Supennarket. the City 1,~anager advised verbally
that the Traffic Committee are more or less in agreement with ~is recommendation
contained in his report at the last meeting. ORDERL1) on the motion of Ald. Yorton
and l'~rtin that the conunurdcation be received and filed and the recommendation of
the Clty ~7~qE~r qd~+ ~.c].
SEE Repor.t No. 168.
No. 201 - John Batik - requesting removal of a tree at the corner of St~aford St.
and Third Ave. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Ald. Morton ~hat the
communication be received and filed and the request granted.
QEE Report No. 1.71_~.
Tenders had t,e--D c~lleJ for the constr/,,cti-~, or tru:,k se~;ers ~m Vofth
Ltre.~t anJ Victor[~ Av~n~ ~-D,~nd~r Hill are~l. A n~otion ;,~ade by il~. ~rooks %rid ~d.
1.~orLo~ that th~ t.n,~eps ~ec~lved~ h~ oi,~ned~ ieiti~lled by ~s ~orshif th~ :.%yor ann
t,ab,~!at,,~d, wa~ ~, iuL. .~d. i..c~'ir~e'j' moved ~n ~mevdme~t ~l',~b the t,enders L,e not
etched ~t, bbls ti::,e ~ut pe?ery~d back Lo the bjdde].s requeotjn~ a rm~sion oF the
Lenders o~. the basis of the City sup~l~ 5he sand op an alternative bid on such
L~sls. Carried. D,e vote berne - Aye - ~d. i(cr~,~Y~ Eorton~ ;~t~ ~.n~ Don~d;
D{~.e - AId. 5~oks an,9 ~.~rtln. AId. bna]d then :;eyed tha~, all Lenders l,e ot.ened
wl~h the exc~ption of those fir t.h~ wcPk o~ Z~o~t.h 5LFe~L but ,1us Lo %he iT,ability
tc disti~sb }~e[weep LLe b,:Ddeps, Htis ~as no% ices]tie.
CO~2:.?d ?CI S ATI C 'jS
The following Jo~runic%ti.',r-s were ~resented;
L'o. 2D2 - U.i. Uor_keis_ - fresentln5 bfi ef on behalf ef EcGl~han Clzrke workers.
CF~ZZ~ on the Motion of Ald. Donnld ~nd Morton that the co7.1unicat~.on ~ received
and filed and the brief be t~bled.
No. ~03 - Cnt~_o Assoc. oC fl~.binK Inslectors and AFfiliates - re Annual Meeti,~
to k~ held ~n i~iag~r~ F~ls, September 2~bh~ 29th and 3O~h. CFDE~ on ~he motion
of ~a. ]loTion ~nd ~rooks that the coimnunic~tlon ~e received and filed ~nd the
~anita~V iT, elector an,] the Assistant Sanital~ Ins~ctor be authorized to attend.
"n 2el Greater Niagara Chan~r of Co~m~erce - i,inutes of meeting held on J~y 29tb.
on traffic. Or~ZL~ on the motion of ~d. >IcKinley and Doc,~d that 5he coam,u~icatioL
be received and Council ap~ rove of the for~m. tion of a co~ttee as a ~raffic ad'~sor2
grouI and representatives f~m Council and the Engineering Department attend.
No. ~05 - ~ectrical Contractors Association of ~ta~o - enclosi~ draft by-law to
provide CoT the qualification of master electricians and journe~en electricians.
CPDE~ on ~h~ motion of ~d. ~nald and Eartin that the coEunication be received
and filed.
Laid over from the previous meetinK;
No. 168 - City Manag. er - recomanending reduction of exits to proposed Grand Union
Carroll Supermarket to three, etc. ORDERI'D on the motion of Ald. ~forton and Ald.
~Llrtin that the royoft be received and adopted.
The followir~. Reports were presented;
No. 171 - Parks Superintendent - recon~nending removal of tree located at 1001
Stamford Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Ald. Morton that the
re~rt be received and adopted.
No. 172 - City |'~na~.er - Cost of constructing concrete sidewalk on east side of
l~ckson Avenue between Leader Lane to a point 178.65 feet southof Leader Lane.
No. 173 - City l'~nager - Cost of constructing concrete sidewalk on west side of
Hickson Avenue between Leader Lane to a point 69.7 feet south of Leader Lane.
ORDEP,G~ on the motion of ild. Donald and Ald. White that the reports be received
and adopted and the work proceeded with.
SEE Petition No.18.
SEE R solution 9] ~
zE Resolution ~2.
No. 17~ - City ManaKer - report on conference held August 2nd. 0[~)ERED on the motion
of Ald. Donald and White that the report be received and adopted. Oartied. (Ald.
No. 17~ - City Clerk - recentheading issuance of licences. ORDER3.I) on the motion of
Ald. Donald and Y~Kinley that the report be received and ado[ted and liceaces issued
Ald. McKinley, Chairman of the Traffic Committee, reported verbally
and recommended that a bus stop be placed on the east side of Erie Avenue, at the
south-e~.st corner of Erie nl ~nd lark
~.;cKinley ~nd .~d. l,hrt.ie ~at the
.LZ'i ZL,.:ol u~" on ::,% ;'L_
Laid over fro:z: a prpv~ ~ ~s n~eti'~hi
No. 18 - Mr. ~nd k,'rs. C. Teal and 5 others
on both sides n~ Fief:son Avenue. C:TOZf~ _
'~:ite that the ietit~on t~ z'e,~.~,~ &;-,,~ f':l.~::
SC ] ,iJL:yt _:,,.
The fo!lowinZ reH'io s ~,,:.re ln-~,~nt*!!j~'
','o. 19 - 1,L~. an,~ Mrs. i. T:'Lcoletti :di~ ] c,*!!er
dUSt condition on ~k;(z' Avenue ~%~.~er, Perguscn ~nd [~utL-PeZ,
~Yo. 20 - Mr. and Krs. A. '~cnleL~ - re,iue~H;:
of Liu/r Avenue. ORDERED on the ~totlon of
l,etit},:,ns be received and referred to the Cit,L.'
kld. b~rtin ~.nd Ald. BI~>oks referred k,:, conditions on Ki'~chen~r
between Victoria Avenue sin:, Second Aven~e~ 1,'here water ren~ir, s
due to driveway %/_.l D adobes stol!ing ~he Flow of watch to
height of the driveway aplroach~s interCoring ~ith the ~4ssaiJe cF L,c.dern c; r's.
Ald. 1CoTton re~erred to the condition at D~ir,~ Avenue anit :h,ror, -]treet,
where water reinaLas a_lso, insl.ead uC flowing to catc}~ ].asins.
o~.~ Resolution ~ju. :
Aid. l~%rton referred to the drainage at the P~xids Tavern at. the corner
of Ferguson and .River Road ~nd the flooding which occurred durU% Lhe last rainfall.
~5o fleeing in front off the hpids Tavern. ~e City I. lnager add se.'] [hat the
sewer on Feeguson Avenue is not large enough to accon~,,odabe the flow oC w~ber and
until such %~,ne as a new sewer is constructed on Terrace ivenue~ no relief can be
ext>ected. ~d. lqorton s~gested that a whole in the pavement to bring the flood
waters over the ba~ ~i5ht be considered.
~e City 1/anngeT ad~sed that the ie~ssion of the Niagara Parks Com-
assign would be necessary before such a suggestion could Be carried out.
SPE Resolution :4o. ?~t
Ald. Morton referred to the daily practice of transport trucks making
deliveries to the Canada Dry establisbnlent on Robinson Street, parking over the
sidewalk and even over the curb~ extending at least 7 feet out into Robinson St.
thus creating a hazardous condition to pedestrians, who have to walk out in the
road at that location. He requested a report from the City Manager.
/td. Brooks referred to recent notices being sent to persons where
hedges have been allowed to grow over three feet in height and r-,ferred to the
comer of Walnut and Victoria; also the corner o~ Rose~?~ Dr'z- :..~ Sld_~r .'.v,.
~r.~ ~cseJ~le Drive a,.d 3i:~th Avefl~e dud ~uggested that action should be taken at
these locations also. The G. ty b~nager was requested to take these locations
under advisement.
The following Resolutions were passed;
No. 91 - DONALD - :',."qlTZ_ - RL~iCLVFJ3 that the City .%anager's re~ort on the cost of
construethug a concrete sidewalk on the east side of Hickson Avenue~ between Leader
Lane to a t~int 178.~5 Feet south of Leader Lane be received and adopted and the work
peoceedsd with as soon as convenient; and the Seml f the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unaninlo_uslv__~.~
No. 92 - DCNAZD ~ ',~ZT~ - RESOLVED that the City 1.L~nager's royoft on the cost of
cor,structin£ a concrete sidewalk on the west side of }~ckson Avenue between ~ader
~ne to a point ~e.7 feel south of ~der ~ne ~ received and adopted and the work
rroceed~d with as soon as con'~er,ientj and the Y~,~ of the Corf,oration ~ heroic affix-?.
Carried Unanbnously.
:Y,. 73 - I.lcKi;J,SY- :iA~TiN- {ZZ3CI'/ED :hat, a bus sLo~ be !laced on the south-east
corner of Erie Avenue ~.nd Park 3ireeLi an8 the Se~ of the Corporation be heroic
Carried Unanimou~lL.!
No. 94 - ]C~RTIN - BRSCi3 / RZS~LI?~ that Counc~l arrange to meet at the eorDer of
Kitch,~rier Street arid Second ~venue and also at the corner of Huror, Street and 9drd
.~venu~j t~or to U e ne~, C6,mcil meetiqg, in order to consider steps to elD~dnate
the water r;:::min~ ~',~ in the ~utt~r at these %cabions; and the Seal of the Cor~rati,'m
be >,eretv affixed. Carried Una~ ously.
,No. 95 - ..'iCRTG:' - PR?OK3 - R2'~U.ED that, the City N%nager be authorized to aplroach
the Niagara [;~r~S C ,~; lesion for their lennission to allow the necessary drainage
cff rleo:l waters over the ?aver 3ank at the ht,tds Tavern at the corner of Ferguson
Avem ,~ ~nd river F~,ad; the se~ of the Corl;oratlon 1~ heroic affixed.
SaPPied Una~dmca:.,lff.
P,e %llowin,- By-law was
L'_E. ,~2.~, - To amerd 5y-law T;,~n!,~r 37$g, b~in£ a by-law fat, the rag,~Intj on o~ t, rafri,.
~ ~ iS~rl.; n and
O~3~ZZD on t?.~ ,.orion of "d. ;~d. M~rtor, that AId. llc~nley be
granted the Irtvil.'Se of introduci,'~ the by-law and the by-law be ~en the first
r.~a,tl nS· - C~rried.
C~DZ'ZD c,r, LLe ,o~[~r, of Ald. ~:,~Id an:l ~l,d. :,lotion U~at
t~v.~a--:,~ly s,ts~.:n,led :u.~ the b.-law be glv.q~ t],e
s..c,;nd r~ding. - Carrie,1. (Ald. Zrouk~-cvnbrary).
_ o eatrat
Thin] ~adinE - .~S. i<cKin~ey ~,d ~. ~te Carried. (~,1.
~e Council adieumeal ~ the Finance I.ieeU ng on the nobler, of ild. Dor, ald and ~d.
,'.ZAO A~ ,~3CF~D, 15th. August, 1.955.
Clerk ~ ..~ ~yor
of az/.rovtr:G ahc] also
add llaeed l~f¢u',::
],,u of kld. :,:ower,~. AId.
-"-undrv Ac'ou~ds in the -L,:,,,+.,t
2he caxr~l,:nieatLot~ FI'Di:. U'e r,'~nlst, er of i)ud cii al Afr!,i;'s,
chf*que in the ~:~mu'~ e' ~'2,515.r>3 b~ir~d the ,i,,cc. ndiLio~,~] gr~,.[
For 19~5, was }rose] ed for Cons!.b r',r]~. C'SDE'.~D orl the ,
and ~Id. Brnokz~ tha{ t.],e aon, x,~r~ <':,~i,m l.e l'ec~]~,ed ~'~,' f~l~'{] an~ il,: r,.~, ura}'l¢
l,]idst, eP thanked,
Yhe City I'[~a>~r's report on the cost r,f
concrete surface on the strip ,i>iaved on
to th~ New York Central deiot, w~s l.resented. OPDEll]O
and l~tte t}-,at. the re~ort be received 9.m,] filed. (ALl. ZicKinely-contra~7).
t.o [his action, Ald. llcKlnley move-] U_at
quoted in the City Nanager's reportj there w.,s no seechalet.
The City Treaaurer's r~.l.c. rt ou [,be ComrM.is,,n oF Tax 3,.d]=,ctior,:~ to
July31st, l~55 was presented for consi,leration. OPDET~D el, the ,notion uF layer
Hawkins and tld. Donald that the re, or!, be recel. ved~ Given the usual publlciLy and
The City Nanager referrGd to a revlsed plan being i,re~ented by ;if. John
Briscall, in connection ~[th the probesod hotel on 3lifton Fill, for which an
application had been accepted by Council at ~he meeting of Co'anti1 ir DecH?!ber. 29Lh,
1954, subject to subn,ission of Froper
ORDE'~) on the motion of His Worship the 1,L~yor an~ Ald. '.~fite tbaL the
revised plan be placed on the ageads for consideration at tlis time.
ORDERz~D on the motion of His Worship th~~. l'~yor and Ald. Brooks that
owing be the fact that the building prol~sed is a hotel, and as long as
application coma,lies with tile building by-laws oF the City oF Niagara Falls and
the changes in the plan are not out of order, that the building ~endt for the
hotel and stores on Clifton Hill proposed by V~. John Briscall be aM!roved. Carried.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of ~yor Hawkins and AJ.d.
.READ AND ADOPTED, 15th. August, 1955,
Council Cham. ber,
~tb. August, 1955.
The Council re-asset.hie] at the close of bhe reEular Council and Finarc,,
,~:eetings for the turlose of I~ssinS the by-law which cove~ed the accounts approv~d
by the CoLln~tLee. ~] members of Council weFe pFesent~ with the exception of
The followin,~ By-la=~ was passed;
No. 5297_ - TO provide monies rot general p.,rpcses.
OFd3EP~"D on the m~tion of ~d. kcKin~ey and 2d. 14arton tb~t ~d.
l'~in be granted U~e iriS]ego of introduci~ the by-law and the by-lsw be giver:
the first rea~ng. - C~rried.
OP~EP~D on the n.ution of AId. lk, rtcn and AId. Donald that Rule 36 (2)
of the St'm~ Rules of Council be ~eml~rarily suspended and the by-law be give:-.
the second rear~q~. - Ca~rled.
]bZrd k~ad]Dg - .~d. kcK~nley -lnd ~2d. i,.orton - Carried.
D,e City iC~nager ~resented a verbal report in connection with an
aM.lication received firam t!e GlenTlew Baptist Church, requesting permission to
erect an arrow, indicating t}:e direction to the Church, on the city-o~ed pole
at the corner 6f Fergusop and Privet :~. 0~ on the motion of ~d. Xcl~nley
~nd f~d. ~rocks bbat the verbal m!,crt '~ received and adolied and pen~dssion
Sr~nt~d ·
C,~ur, eil adjourned on the motion of kld. Donald and ~.d. kcKinley.
RSiD At3 ~DOI'FFrjD, 15th. August, 1955.
C1 erk
I U ~ D, YI.$7 T_ ..!,,, .r j,.
D,- [ollo~¢iu,.. Con,~',',~Li.';d,ir, n~ wepe [,res~t!f, edi
No. ?Oq - CLty of Fort :fi]It.~,r.- r'~:;,,1,1bi.w, Lo .n:~,rt ~.'j.;i.,t.L ,n r~,l
l,alities of costs re Ju~n~le ~nd P~.~/1j Ccu,.tn. 02D~ or, the P~,,tLou ..,r
licKinl,~y .~nd Mort.~r, that. tb~..-es01ut, Lo~, ~.~ r,~ceiv~d a,.d r, .~n ap.
wa~mi to our L~c~l t':.~r4-r of [he F..ovi,~clal
"- ~*' 1.1% ~n,: ~"r ,..~. 7: x,l ~!:~ i - re '. ~ - tl n ' ~%;d rs t~ s~,levall< ,-,r~ a .~, de
:lqr .~v.n,,,~. CYDV~ c,n t},e r.,,{.~on ,~f AId. :Zl,~te ~nd Denaid that the petition be
rrC,'.l"u.'] ,Xn,]*: '~* :.n,.] ~.h~ r,~co~J.,end~t~ un or the Sif. v {,'ariaget adopted.
SEE P~Lort, jo.lT'h
.]:e ~611o:linX ~esolutior,s wept..rassed;
· ,. ;'5 - i:C2X;: - DO:TILD - ;Lj3CLV~ that bhe Corioration of the City of Niagara FatY. s
aSrees not to levy real l,roperty taxes for general or school purposes against the
OCC,AAen+S of the dwellings at the Anr.oury building at 10~9 Victoria Avenue and the
Post Office building at, ~00 ,~ueen Street for ~he year 1955; and the Seal or the Cor-
~oratiun be }Aereto affixed.
:2 ~. Z',: :%7 =I.
1~ t h iuZ::sf:,, 19~5.
?pc Fin,u,ce il.~.;tlnC was held or.
o~ al,l,~vi n~ and a]so lass~p~ tl~e ,,AnJous accouut'- whlc'n !.~,l ~ .... ' i r"i:::r]L Cer'ti-
fie'd and flacad befor~ them. .~i rne,r,b'~rs u~ the Co,,~,il l'~. ~..=r, ir,_,s,~nt~ wit1, it,,-
exceI,tion of AId. E0w,~rs. ~d. :.Mrt, ln,
,.k&& ' aa4,
15th A, LSust,1955.
,~ -: . ..r.,.. 69 ~.i,..ih4 ti.a by-l,w hl~,:h covered th~ accounts al,lroved
the ~o~,ittee. All memh,~rs oF ';ounci], were Freeend, ~,th ~be exception or Ald.
~e follo~inF. By-law was passed;
LL. 529,~ - To pr,',vide monies for general l.urpo~es.
, _]
Clef ~ c it'm~n.
iT,. ?]-5 - Hus] ~n.l. Z.~berb-~on and .(allr..e,e - pe e~it..~ r~n,l .nbrarmCt~ tO lral~sed Cr~r,d
Uni~,,, CartofT '~ ~u!~r;~a,'k,~b. CP~ERD on the mo',ior~ or ~d. I-icEl~ey and Donald
that the com,,,~tnicaLien be received and filed and hhr~ telOrb OF the City ~nader
adsI ,t eJ.
S~ F~eport No.18?
No. 214- Bell ?eleph,>m Co. of Canada- re'p.!esting 1:.enrias!~n to ],lace one iole at, c1
'i, ,:~=.~..a,lg41u:, },,~ r-ceive,1 and f]l~J and the retvrt Of the City Manager t=e ado~t-,].
33 l~[or% No.i~3.
SE BY/LAW ~0.5301.
~ :t,,l,T/n? ¢':'.
3,:d :'1
2:'nd. Au-dhs L, 1955.
The Goui~cil re-assell,bled at the close or the redular '~lt:hC;1 and Final,c,~
Meetings For the purr~s,,~ oF 1,asslnC the by-3aw which cov,~r-d t. he accents: s a.t.l,voved
by ~he Co~a,,itt. ee. ~l .'.~r,bers of Council were/resqn~. ~5 ',rorshiI L~yor/;awki¢:s
· )"' 'C. - · ' ,' ,', ·
"-. ~!5 - C:,'~-ta:", L,.c'.i 5.,ai'd of E.';,i;.h - ~J;3 ,i % .f ,'..slgn-.:.16n ufiC,'. D.C.
7h,*',,'~. ~r 7 r-2, .;~i",g l="~kl:'io', t, 'dv-rf ~;~ ~{,;' r,~l'n<'e,..,,t. C?DiYD ,',b
,.c, ti~...,f AId. ]]cTT;r=l:y an'. iD,'Lcr ',b;.L 'h. a~c,.,ni,:a~l,~n b,~ r=,:.-tv~,d ui? ri]...l
.~,'.is .', ~. jr,:?~,:l. (i],l. lDd~,~-,~cntr;tr2-~. Ar .:~n,lm-,r.L ~! AId. l~'te th.%h the
:'z,-ir=d.l.~ ~..~ ,'e2~rr,.,-I Lo tl. ]7~6 G-,,c~l was hot ~enonded.
'3 b ""'2 :~.d fO;:f'ilPd Ct,Ltnc; l
islet" n~
The ^ l",,.i r ....
",j,' ....
foilcain, D,;-l%~,; wa~- . ':..s,~' ad'
:.b. 530~ - For 7jc:~,l:
the 3t',andl n~ Rules of Co,a~c'l h,. +,e,~,f, ocar'~ly ~;usi,,.n,l~d and the ~,j,'-];~::
the second PeadlnE. ~,l:~ motion v'~s ].ort~ the vck~ kei.'lG - Xv~ -
arid Brooks; Naye - ~ld. l,.clC~,~]~y, l.%~,l,',, l'hfite .'{nd !./owers. kn ~j:ia,]d;,.,'nL ty AId.
McKinley, seconded by AId. l,TaH'.ir~ thaL th,=~ by-L~w l,e tal.led unlil
of Council and Lhe City 3nlicitor l;e r-,-!ussted to l,~ iresent~ :,'as
bein~ . ~e - Al,% EcKinley~ l~8dto, Vartln 3rid iZow.',rs; Na,,e - A]:'..Don~,Td nr~.ol..s
~Dd ~7Ol~O!l, '
GCU~S:L ::: ?I".;
The Council r,~-as.s~,,bl~:4 at l.h,.~ c].os,,~ <,C :La t'egl,lar C,,,.,c:l .Tm,] F[r,a ,c,~
~'fe~tin~s ~01' tl e pu~.lo~e oF 1..~.s;sing ~,b.~ },~r-]aW Wh[c% cov~:','i H. ac,.'<,,Lt,L~ all
,.,, . .I" ' ZI,
Council Chamber,
12th September, 1955.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 12th.
September, 1955, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All
members of Council were present, with the exception of Ald. Morton. The Council,
havdrg received and read the .minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the
motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald. Martin.
Mr. R. R. Harcourt, General Manager of Meter-Ad Sales, was present at
the meeting, in connection with bin proposal for the installation of advertising
signs on parking meters and also to present further information in connection with
the opinions expressed by the City Manager in his report to Council at the meeting
of August 3Oth. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that he be
permitted to speak.
Mr. Harcourt expressed a desire to obtain the approval of the City
Council to instel the advertising signs on parking meters subject to the City
Solicitor's opinion as to the legality of the agreement.
SEE Communication No. 216.
SEReport No. 187.
Messrs. Wm. Ard and Walter Lapp were present at the meeting in connection
with the petition presented by residents of the area objecting to the use of the
M.C.R. property at ElLis St. and Ontario Ave. being used as a parking area in connect-
ion with Motorville Sales Ltd. and on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers were
permitted to speak to Council. Both speakers concurred that the said lands if
allowed to be used as a parking site would deprive the children of the neighbourhood
of playground facilities and requested Council to co-operate so that this may not
The City Solicitor presented the City's position in this matter and
a fuLl discussion ensued.
SEE Petition No. 23.
Laid over from a previous meetings;
No. 179 - Industrial & Publicity Committee of Welland County Council - copy of the
MacLatch Report re Control of Development of Welland County in view of St. Lawrence
SEE Comunication No. 217
SEE Report No. 190
No. 211 - Meter-Ad Sales Ltd. - proposal to instel advertising signs on parking
SEE Communication No. 216
SEE Report No, 187
The foliowinE Communications were presented;
No. 216 - Meter-Ad Sales Ltd. - further communication in answer to City Manager's
opinion contained in his report of August 3Oth. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
McKinley and Donald that the communications be received and ~lled and Council not
adopt the installation of advertising signs on parking meters at this time. Carried.
(AId. Mowers-contrary). An amendment by Ald. Newera that the matter he laid over for
consideration by a full Council, was not seconded.
No. 217 - Industrial & Publicity Committee of Welland County Council - re meeting
to be held in Welland, September 29th in connection wi~ the MacLaren Report.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that the communications be
received and filed and the City ~nager, Alderman !'~ite, Council's representative
on the Greater Niagara Planning Board, as well as any other .a. ldez~an interested,
be authorized to attend and submit a report of this meeting to Council; and that
the Planning Board be so advised.
SEERsFort No. 190t
No. 218 - Lady-Baden-Powell _ appreciation for City's hospitality during Boy
Scouts' Jamboree. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and ~Pnite that the com-
munication be received and filed.
No. 219 - Bell Telephone Co. - requesting permission to change location of pole
on Buckley Avenue. ~RDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the
communication be received and filed and permission granted.
SE By-law No.~06
No. 220 - J.Wallace Butters _ resignation from Library Board. ORDEED on the
motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks that the resignation be received and accepted
with regret and a letter of appreciation be forwarded to Mr. Butters and the
matter of a replacement be considered at the next meeting of Council.
No. 221 - Niagara Falls Dental Society , endorsing fluoridat~ on of water supply.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McFdnley and Brooks that the cormnunication be
received and filed. Carried. (Ald. F~rtin refrained from voting.)
No. 222 - Alan G. Fowler - re traffic hazard at the collier of Welland Avenue and
Morrison Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin ~nd Mowers that the com-
munication be received and referred to the TrafFic Committee for a report.
No. 223 - Clerk, Chipsawe - requesting meeting to discuss water supply. ORDERED
on the motion of Aid. Donald and McKinley that the communication be received and
the writer be notified that Council will meet the Council of Chippawa at 9 p.m.
on September 26th.
No. 22~ - John Layrig, Architect - proposed changes to Area Planning By-law.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and White that the communication be received
and the contents incorporated in the by-law to be presented at the next meeting
of Council.
Laid o~er fr~n a previous meeting;
No. 187 - City ManaEer - re proposal of Meter-Ad Sales in connection with install-
ation of advertising signs on parking meters. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mc-
Kinley and Donald that the report be received and filed, and Council not adopt the
proposal at this time. Carried. (Ald. Mowers-contrary). An amem~nent by AId.
Mowers that the matter be laid over for consideration by a full Council, was not
SEE Co.~mnunication No. 216.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 190 - City Manager - re Report prepared by James F. MacLaren Associates.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that the report be received and
filed and the City Manager, Alderman White, as well as any other Alderman interested,
be authorized to attend and submit a report of this meeting to Council.
No. 191 - City ManaRer - recommending attendance of Chairman of Traffic Committee
Martin that the report be received and adopted.
No. 192 - City Manager - recommending attendance of Assistant City Engineer at the
Convention of Canadian Institute of Sewage and Sanitation at Schumacher, Sept.28th
to 30th- OF~)ERE1) on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that the report be
received and adopted.
No. 193 - City Clerk - report of Conference of August 30th. ORDEE on the motion
of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the report be received and adopted.
No. 194 - City Clerk - report on M.C.R. property at Ontario Ave. and Simcoe St. now
about to be leased to Motorville Sales for use as dead storage for new cars. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that the report be laid over until consid-
eration is given to the petition objecting to the use of this property for such
purpose. ORDERED on the motion of kld. Martin and Brooks that the report be received
and filed. SEE Petition No. 23..
No. 195 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. McKinley and Martin that the report be received and adopted and licences issued
The following Petition was presented;
No. 23 - Mr. and Mrs. Aubrie Smith and lO1 other residents - protesting use of M.C.R.
p~operty as a parking area. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Brooks that the
petition be received and filed and M.C.R. officials be communicated with, accompanied
by an explanation that the City have leased this property since 1908; that it has
been used for playground purposes; that the City do not desire to waive the 60 days'
requirement, but wish to renew the lease, pointing out the fact that the City Council
have on hand a petition signed by over lOO residents of the area for a continuance
of the playground.
No. 2~ - W. N. Rickard and ~ others - requesting curb on both sides of Deleware St.
between Pine Grove Avenue and Drurmnond Road and a sidewslk on south side. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks that the petition be received and the
petitioners notified that it is not possible to carry out the work this year but the
matter will be referred to the 1956 Council for consideration.
His Worship, Mayor Hawkins, presented a verbal report on his attendance
at the Ontario Mayors' and Reeves' Convention held in Edmonton, which commenced on
A~ust 28th, referring specifically to the attempts which are to be carried out to
have the British North America Act amended so as to enable municip~l~ ties to
participate more extensively in revenues derivable and also to the active interest
and work being carried out with reference to civilian defence.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 5303 - A by-law for licensing, regulating and governing vehicles from which
refreshments are sold for consumption by the public and for revoking
any such licence.
Ald. McKinley recounted what had transpired to the present time in
coanectionwith refresMAent vehicles and then q,~eiied the City Solicitor as to
whether the proposed by-law would give as good or better control than the one
'presently ineffect.
Mr. McBurney outlined the legislation undeF which the proposed by-law
is prepared and pointed out that in the proposed by-law the vehicle will be licensed
rather than the individual.
Following further discussion as to the effectiveness of the by-law and
the various queries having been answered by the Solicitor, it was ordered on the
motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley that the by-law be referred back to the City
Solicitor with a view to having more rigid or closer control over the type of
operation the by-law is designed to control. Carried.
The follo~tnE ~.-laws were passed;
_No. 5306 - To provide for permission to The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada to
place one pole 2 feet south of present location on Buckley Avenue.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and White that Ald. McFdnley
be granted the privilege of introduc]n~ the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. _ Carried.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin that Rule 36 (2) of
the standing rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. _ Carried. -
Third Reading .Ald. McKinley and Mowers - Carried.
N0. 530~ - To allow an encroachment upon Ferguson Street.
ORDEED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and White that Ald. Donald be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law ~nd the by-law be given the first
reading. _ Carried. -
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading.. Carried. ~
Third Reading _Ald. Donald and McKinley _ Carried.
The followinK By-law was presented;
No. 5308 - A by-law to authorize the construction of a sidewalk on the east side
of Hickson Avenue from Leader Lane to a point 178.65 feet south and
on the west side of Hickson Avenue from Leader Lane to a point 69.7
feet south as Local Improvements under the provisions of The Local
Improvement Act.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and McKinley t_hat Ald. Martin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. _ Carried.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading.. Carried.
Ald. White desired to know when dirt now available from the North Street
sewer excavation will be allocated to the parking area at the rear of Sylvia
Place, and was advised by ~he City Manager that when the exeavation proceeds up
near Main Street, the earth so removed will be placed on Sylvia Place, but at the
present time it is a matter of saving on the truck haul.
Upon being queried as to when the residence of Fictoria Avenue, Number 97,
will be painted, Ald. White was advised that work will commence this fall.
Ald. McKinley referred to the condition of the lot at the corner of Stanley
Avenue and Morrison Street, still causin8 infiltration or du~t into the ho~es in
that area and was advised by the City Manager of the action to be taken if weather
permits to alleviate the dust nuisance.
The City Manager outlined anticipated relief upon completion of the
installation of the North Street Trunk Sewer.
The Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Donald and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 19th. September, 1955.
Council Chamber,
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, September 12th, 1955 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts wich h been properly
certified and placed before them. All members of he mmittee were present with the
exception of Aid. Morton. Ald. Martin, hairman of inance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $118,435.99 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion
of Alderman Mowers and Donald.
The City ~nager's report on the application of J. Batik for a permit
to erect an illuminated circular aluminum and lexiglass double-sided sign, at
1001 Stamford Street, at an estimated cost of ~5. was presented for consideration.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that the report be received and
adopted and permit issued.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and AId.
READ AND ADOPTED, 19th. September, 1955.
.+.. :, ...., ......... ;. Z-
Clerk ~ Chairman of Finance.
Council Chamber,
12th. September, 1955.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Conmdttee. All members of Council were present, with the exception of Ald.
The follo~n~ By-law was passed;
No. 5309 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that Ald. P~rt~n be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading.. Carried.
ORDERED on the motion of A1.]. Ma:+in and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Councj.1 be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading.. Carried.
Third Reading . A].d, Fartin and McKin]ey - Carried,
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Martin and Brooks.
READ AND ADOPTED, 19th. September, 1955.
C1 erk '
Council Chamber,
19th. September, 1955.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 1Teh.
September,1955, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All
members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes
of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. h~nite and Morton.
The following Communications were presented;
No. 225 - Children's Aid Society - invitation to Annual Luncheon, September 21st.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Morton that the invitation be received
and accepted and as many members of Council as find it possible attend.
No. 226 - Chief Executive Commissioner of the Boy Scouts - resolution of appreciation
for Dinner tendered during Jamboree Conference. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Brooks
and Mowers that the communication be received and filed.
No. 227 - International Commissioner for Canada, Boy Scouts - appreciation for Dinner
tendered during Jamboree Conference. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald.
Mowers that the communication be received and filed.
No. 228 - Ontario Fire Marshal - Fire Prevention Week, October 9th to 15th, 1955.
ORDER~vD on the motion of Aid. Donald and Mowers that the communication be received
and referred to the Fire Chief.
No. 229 - Canadian National Institute for the Blind - requesting grant for building
now under construction. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Donald and Morton that the
co~unication be received and filed. It was noted that the grant as already
promised by the City towards the construction of the new wing of Lipwell Hall, was
included in the Money By-Law at this evening's meeting.
No. 230 - Village of Chippawa - advising that a date later than September 26th.
would be more convenient for the meeting between City and Village to discuss water
supply. ORDERED on the motion of AId. White and Morton that the communication be
received and filed and the date be left open until such time as discussion has
been held with the Township of Stamford.
No. 231 - New York Central System - re lease of land, Ontario Avenue. MOVED by
AId. Mowers and Morton that the communication be received and filed and the City
of Niagara Falls endeavour to lease the property for the amount quoted in the
letter. This motion was lost, the vote being - Aye -Ald. Mowers and Morton; Naye-
Aid. ~bite, Brooks, Martin, McKinley and Donald. An amendment by Ald. White and Ald.
Brooks that the matter be taken up with senior railway officials to ascertain the
possibility of continuing the present lease, was carried; the vote being - Aye -
Ald. Brooks, White, Martin, McKinley and Donald; Naye -Ald. Morton and Mowers.
No. 232 - Niagara Parks Commission - erection of fence easterly side of Drtumnond
Sill Cemetery, thus eliminating opening left for pedestrian traffic. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. White and Mowers that the communication be received and referred to
the City Manager to contact the Niagara Parks Commission and the Board of Education
for full particular~ and submit a report to Council.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 196 . City Manager - requesting permission to attend City Manager's Conference.
0RDEREDon the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that the report be received and
adopted, and permission granted.
No. 197 - ~e_r__k - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Martin and McKinley that the report be received and adopted and licences
issued accordingly.
The following Resolution was passed;
No. 100 - BROOKS - ~DRTON - RESOLVED that a message of s~pathy on behalf of His
Worship the Mayor and Members of Council be forwarded to the fmnily of the late
Wm. R. Kinghorn, Constable of the Niagara Falls Police Department; and the Seal
of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
The followin~ By-laws were mssed;
No. ~10 - To authorize the execution of a deed.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. l~Kinley and Morton tha~ Ald. Martin
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. ~qite and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading , AId. Morton and Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
No. ~11 - To authorize the execution of a deed.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Morton that A!d. ~rtin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. ~bwers and Morton - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5312 - To authorize the execution of a deed.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Donald and McKinley that Ald. ~rtin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second
reading.. Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Donald - Carried Unanimously.
~ - To authorize the execution of a deed.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowere and Donald that Ald. A~artin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mow~-s and Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second
reading.. Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading .Ald. Morton and Donald - Carried Unanimously.
A by-law for licensing, regulating and governing vehicles from which
refreshments are sold for consumption by the public and for revoking
any such licence.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Martin that Aid. McKinley be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDEP£D on the motion of Aid. White and Brooks that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second
reading. - Carried. (Ald. Mowers-contrary).
Third Reading - Aid. Morton and Brooke - Carried. (Aid. Mowers-contrary).
It was moved by Aid. Brooks and Aid. McKinley that ~[r. Basil Clark be
appointed to the unexpired term of office of Mr. J. Wallace Butters, on the Niagara
Falls Library Board.
An amendment was made by tld. Mowers and Martin that Mr. Murray England
be appointed to the Niagara Falls Library Board to fill the unexpired term of Mr.
J. Wallace Butters.
The motion and the amendment were not put, but it was later agreed that
His Worship the Mayor contact the gentlemen in question to ascertain whether they
would be prepared to accept the appointment; the Mayor then to report to Council at
the next meeting.
The Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of A/d. Donald and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 26th. September, 1955.
Council Chamber,
l~th. Septemb,~r,
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, !Toh. September, 1955 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various account~ which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Ald.
Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $145,~32.88 were approved by the Com-
The Accounts submitted being passed or othem~se dealt with were
ordered placed in the money bl-law for presentation to the Council on e,~
motion of I,~yor Hawkins and Aid. Donald. "'
The City Manager' s rer~t on the application of L. M. Kramer and C.C.
Ellis for permission to erect two signs ~t 416 I~ueen Street, "Niagara Foto
Centre", was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley
and I~yor Hawkins that the report be received and adopted and permits be issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of W. R. McLea~ for a permit
to provide for the moving of 1 cabin nearer to the sidewalk and for the erection
of two units cormecting them so as to make a motel unit of the cabins in question,
was presented for consideration, with the recom~nendation that the application be
referred to the Property Committee. ORDEED on the metion of AI~:. Mowers and
Donald that the report be received and adopted.
The City ~nager's report on the application cf Messrs. Stein and Zuker
for a building permit to erect an apartment buildir~g on Part of Block 36,, Plan
653, on the ~:est side of ~Mn Street, ~etween Syntaxes and Murray, at an estimated
cost of $70,000.00 was presented for consideration. OROE'.{f,O on the motion of Arid.
Brooks and Mayor Hawkins that the report be received and adopted and permit be
issued. (See Report Number 233.).
The Conuaittee arose and reported to CouncL1 on the motion of ka:.or Hawkins and Ald.
McKinley. ~
F~EAD AND ADOPTED, 26th. September, 1955.
Chairman of Finance.
C~uncil Chamber,
19th September, 1955.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose or passing the by-law which ¢overe~ th? ~cc ,~rts api.:.ov~.d
by the Co~,dttee. All members of Council were present.
The foliowinE By-law was passed:
No_~. ~3~ - To provide monies for general purposes.
23' 3
.:. 9 r
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Morton that Ald. Martin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given.the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Morton that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and Morton - Carried Unanimously.
The followin~ Report was presented;
No. 198 - City Manager - re distance from the ~in Street street allowance of the
apartment building to be constructed by Stein and Zuker on Part of Block 36, Plan
653, Main Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and McKinley that the report
and recommendation be received and adopted.
At this point, Mr. John Layng, Architect and Planner for the Greater
Niagara Area Planning Board appeared before Council for the purpose of discussing the
re~sed draft by-law to implement the area plan. F~. LaSmg, explained in detail the
changes as contained in the revised draft by-law and plan.
Ald. Donald retired shortly after the commencement of Mr. Layng's
During the discussion the following action wastaken;
It was agreed that the McGlashan-Clarke property at the corner of
Palmet Avenue and Jepson Street be put into Industrial (1). Carried. (AId. Morton-
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin that the block
bounded by ~iver Road, Bender Hill, Falls Avenue and Hiram Street be entirely
placed in Commercial (1) rather than part Commercial (1) and Part Industrial (1).
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley that the
land owned and occupied by the Coca Cola Company on Main Street be shown as C~a-
mercial (1). Carried.
Following further discussion, it was ordered on the motion of AId. Mowers
and McKinley that the plan, as mended, be approved and the necessary by-law be
prepared for the next meeting of Council, Carried; the vote being Aye - AId. White,
Martin, McKinley and Mowers; Mayo -Ald. Brooks and Morton.
It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that a
meeting be arranged with a representative of the Department of Travel & Publicity
to have their standards for new motels explained. Carried.
The Meeting adjourned on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Martin.
READ AND ADOPTED, 26th. September, 195~.
Council Chinbet,
26th September, 1955.
Fursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on ICon~ay, 26th. September,
1955, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of
Council were present, with the exception of Ald. Donald a~ McKinley. The Council,
having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the
motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin.
The followinK Co~nunications were presented;
No. 233 - Boll Telephone Co. of Canada - requesting pemdssion to place buried
duct on Clifton Hill, south of Victoria Avenue. ORDEED on the motion of Ald.
Mowers and Morton that the communication be received and the request granted.
S_~E~__p~-law No._~31~
No. 234 - Greater NiaEara Community Chest - invitation to operdng ceremonies, Oct.
6th. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Brooks that the invitation be
received and accepted and their request for a public announcement in the press
on the part of the Council endorsing this Campaign, be acceded to.
No. 235 - Junior Chamber of Commerce - Safety Lane on VictoFia Avenue in front of
the Armouries, October 19th, 2Oth and 21st. ORDEPdED on the motion of AId. Brooks
and Morton that the communication be received and filed and the request granted
providing this project meets with the approval of the Chief of Police, in the
area proposed,
No. 236 - Board of Education - invitation to opening of buildings, C.V.I. Oct.28th.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and White that the invitation be received and
accepted and as many ~mbers of Council as possible be in attendance.
No. 237 - ColleEiate-Vocational Institute - requesting per~dss]on to use 0akes Park
for Rugby G~nes on the same basis as previous years. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Martin and Morton that the communication be received and filed and permission
granted under the same conditions as in preW. ous years.
No. 238 - Canadian Lesion, Branch 51 - requesting permission to hold Annual Poppy
Day. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Morton that the communication be
received and filed and permission granted as requested.
No. 239 - City of London - resolution urging additional Provincial funds for
educational grants. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and ~brton that the
resolution be received and endorsed.
No. 240 - Greater NiaEara Chamber of Commerce - resolution commending City &rid
Township on steps taken to secure additional taxes from H.E.P.C. of Ontario and
recommending further action to press for further consideration to achieve this
goal. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin that the communication be
received and the Chamber be informed that the matter is under advisement.
No. 241 - Department of Travel and Publicity - two representatives will attend.
October 3rd. meeting to discuss motel standards. ORDERED on the motion of A~d.
Martin and White that the communication be received and filed.
No. 242 - Select Con~ittee of Ontario Leiislature - re representation on Committee,
to study all matters pertaining to ~oll Roads, ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers
and Brooks that the communication be received and referred to the City Manager for
a report.
No. 243 - Welland County Clerk of Assize - Copy of presentment of Grand Jury.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and White that the report be received and
No. 2L~ - Greater Niagara General Hospital - requesting Council appointee on
Committee to approach Municipal Board regarding their approval for the issuance of
debentures for construction of new hospital and student nurses' residence. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Morton that the cormnunication be received and
filed and the Chairman of Finance and the City Manager be appointed to this Com-
The followin.~ Reports were presented;
No. 199 - City Manager - recommending attendance of E. J. Farebrother to course of
instruction for Senior Waterworks Operators at Toronto, during week of October 17th.
O~)EPF_j)on the motion of AId. Brooks and Morton that the report be received and
No. 200 - City Manager - report on construction of a storm sewer on Park Street
from River Read to Welland Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald.
Martin that the report be received and adopted and the necessary by-law prepared.
SEE By-law No.5317
No. 201 - City Clerk - population figures for 1955. ORDERE~on the motion ofAld.
Mowers and Morton that the report be received and filed.
No. 202 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of
AId. ~rtin and Mowers that the report be received and adopted and licences issued
accordingly. Carried. (Ald. Brooks did not vote.)
No. 203 - Chief of the Fire Department - report on attendance at Canadian Fire
Chiefs Conference at Arvia, Quebec. ORDER~D on the motion of Ald. Martin and AId.
Brooks that the report be received and filed.
The following Petition was presented;
No. 25 - Mrs. L. A. Beal and 67 others - requesting action to eliminate traffic
hazard at the intersection of Welland Avenue and Morrison Street. ORDERED on the
motion of AId. Mowers and Morton that the petition be received and referred to the
Traffic Committee for consideration and a report.
The following Resolutions were passed;
No. 101 - BROOKS . MORTON - RESOLVED that a letter of congratulations on behalf of
His Worship the Nayor and Members of the City Council be forwarded to Mr. Norman
Garrett and Members of the Senior Baseball Tem. upon winning the Niagara District
Baseball Senior Championship; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
;jo. 102 - i,L~RYIN . BROOKS - ?RESOLVED that Mr. Murray England be appointed as
Council's representative on the Niagara Falls Public Library Board, to fill the
vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. J. Wallace Butters; and the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
In connection with the above appointment, it was pointed out by His
Worship the Mayor who had been requested by Council to contact beth Mr. Basil Clark
and Mr. Murray England regarding their interest in such an appointment, that Mr.
Clark, now associated with Martin, Calvert, Bates and Sheppard, Law Firm, although
interested in such an appointment, due to further studies for examinations, would
not have the time he would like to give to the Library Board.
AId. White referred to the deplorable condition of the two buildings
adjacent to the softball diamond on the Bridge Street Athletic Field.
k].d. Mowers referred to the confusion now existing due to the difFerer:ce
in tin,e and the hardship upon conunuters to both Canada and the United States, due
to the fact that Niagara Falls, Ontario has feverLed to Standard Time w!lile
N.F.N.y. remains on Daylight Saving Time, and was of the opinion that the matter
should be investigated in order to arrive at uniforndtv thus avoiding confusion
in other years. ~
Ald. Morton referred to the hazardous traffic condition exist~mJ at the
interestion of ~L~cDonald and the Q~een Elizabeth Highway, and suggested that the
matter be brought to the Traffic Committee sometime in May, 1956.
Ald. Brooks referred to the seine condition at the intersection of Second
Avenue and the Q.E.H. and also the fact that a Department of Highways sign blocks
the view of motorists coming through Second Avenue, and sug~es*ed that the sign
should be moved. ~' ~
The City ~nager advised concerning the traffic count which was t,lken
by the Department when the tourist traffic was not as prevalent and was of the
opinion that such count should be taken when the traffic is normal.
His Worship the Mayor promised to take up the matter of speeding
referred to by AId. Morton with the Chief of Folice.
The followinK By-law was passed~
No. ~316 - To pro~dde for penmiss[on to The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada to
place buried duct on Clifton Hill, south of Victoria Avenue.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Brooks that AId. Mowers be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. _ Carried.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Morton that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. _ Carried.
Third Reading . AId, Mowers and Martin - Carried,
The following By-law was presented;
~o. 531~ - To authorize the borrowing of $172,000.OO for the construction of a
relief storm sewer on Park Street from River Road toWelland Avenue.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Brooke and Morton that AId. Martin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading.. Carried.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading.. Carried.
The City Manager with reference to the foregoing by-law advised that the
estimated cost did not include the work below the bank but that it was the intention
to call for tenders on this part of the work separately, it being his opinion that
better results would be obtained.
With reference to the proposed by-law to implement the area plan in
Niagara Falls, the City Clerk explained in some detail the terms of the Planning
Act affecting such by-laws and the need for adoption of a plan prior to the con-
sideration of such a by-law.
Following the explanation it was ordered on the motion of Aid. Mowers
and Martin that the most recent amendments to the Niagara Falls portion of the area
plan and the proposed implementing by-law be forwarded to the Area Planning Board
for consideration and formal recommendation to Council of adoption of the area
plan. Carried. (Contrary-AId. Brooks and Morton).
Mr. F. C. Thomas was given pen~ssion to address Council on the motion
of Ald. Mowers and ~rton. He voiced objection to the terms of the restricted
area by-law affecting l'~in Street at the south end of the City, indicating his
possible problems in the event of development of his property and was assured that
when this time arrives that consideration would be given.
The Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald.
Marti n.
READ AND ADOFTED, 3rd. October, 1955.
Council Chamber,
26th. September, 195~.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 26th. September, 1955 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present, with
the exception of Ald. Donald and McKinley. Aid. Martin, Chairman of Finance,
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $61,581.56 were approved by the Com-
The Accounts submitted being passed or otherwise dealt with were
ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion
of Mayor Hawkins and Aid. Mowers.
The application of Wm. R. McLean, 327 Ferguson Avenue for a building
permit to provide for the moving of one cabin 12 feet nearer to the sidewalk And
for the erection of two units connecting them so as to make a motel unit of the
cabins in question, which was referred to the Property Committee for consideration,
was again presented along with the Property Committee's report. ORDERED on the
motion of Mayor Hawkins and Aid. White that the report of the Property Committee
recommending the issuance of the permit, be received and adopted. (AId. Brooks-
The City b~%nager's report on the application of Mrs. D. Clark, 575
Fourth Avenue, for a permit to erect a sign, at an estimated cost of ~95. was
presented for consideration. OrdDZ;~ZD on the motion of Aid. Brooks and All].
Morton that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City bL~nager's report on the application of A. Fiorentino, for a
building pemmit to erect an addition to the fr~une building at 1299 Ottawa St.
presently being used as a poultry shop., at an estimated cost of $1~,00C. was
presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Brooks and Ald.
Morton that the report be received and adopted and permit be issued.
The City ~nager's report on the application of A. Roc, co for a perurat
to erect an addition to 1380 Ferry Street, at the corner of Ferry Street and
Buchanan Avenue, at an estimated cost of $2,0OO.00 was presented for consideration.
The City Manager referred to the by-law respecting restrictions on Ferry
Street which will be considered by the Ontario Munici~.al Board on October 5th,but
was of the opinion that the additdon under consideration, although not in conformdry
with the by-law, being only 22 feet in de[Ith, would improve the appearance of Ferry
Street and be an asset to the area. ~
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and b~yor Hawkins that the perFit be
issued, Ald. Brooks voted in fayour of the laotion, and the vote was tied with Ald.
Martin, Morton and Mowers contrary.
An amendment was made by Ald. Mowere and Ald. Eorton that ~+he application
be tabled and the City b~nager present a report as to the setback on Ferry Street
and Lundy's Lane, the area covered by the proposed by-law, in order that Council
might consider any necessary sunendment to take care of existing conditions. Aid.
Martin voted in favour of the amendcent and the vote was tied with Ald. %~ite,
Brooks and Mayor Hawkins contrary.
The City Manager's report on the application of the Niagara Lower Arch
Bridge Compa.lv for a building perndt to construct a new building on .River Road
to he used as Toll House and Customs building, at an esti,mted cost of $55,000.
was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks
that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Hayor Hmvkins and
Ald. Mowers.
READ AND ADOPTED, 3rd. October, 1955.
Chairman of Finance.
Council Chamber,
26th.September, 1955.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
.Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Committee. All members of Council were present.
The followin~ By-law was passed;
~ - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~rtin and Mowers that Ald. Fartin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried.
ORDEP~D on the motion of AId. Martin and Mowers that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second
reading. - Carried.
Third Reading - kid. Morton and ~2ite - Carried.
The Council adjourned on the motion of kid. Martin and Ald. Mowers.
READ AP/D ADOPTED, 3rd. October, 1955.
· ?~..¢ .... ~. ;.-. ....
Council Cha~lber,
3rd. October, 1955.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 l~.m. on l<o,.day, 3rd. Cctober,
1955, for the Furpose of considering general business and finance. il] ,:erld ere
of Council were present~ The Council, having received and r?ad the minut,~s of
the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Morton ~,nd Ald. I,i,>wers.
Messrs. Brown and McHattie of the Department of Travel ar~! _vubllcity were
present at the meeting and on the motion of ild. Mortol~ and kowe.s,
that they be
His Worship the ]'~yor explained the reason For t)',~~. re.luest that these
representatives of the Department appearing before Council~ h~vinS in ~rdnd an
explanation of the standards presently in effect under the Department of Travel
and Fublicity with reference to tourist es~ablish~r. ents.
Aid. McKinley who ~;as the mover of the motion requesting their apl~earance
also explained briefly his ideas in moTing the motion.
Mr. McHa~tie then referred to the standards in the regulations issued by
the Department and answered any queries directed to him by the Members of Council
pointing out that in every instance the standards of the Department were mirLimum
only and anything of a more rigid nature ~:as the responsibility of the municipality.
OR.DE.RED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and .aid. Mowers that the repre-senta-
tires of the Department of Travel and Publicity be thanked for their appearance at
this meeting. Carried Unanimously.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 232 - NiaEara Parks Con~nissi__o_n _ erection of fence on the easterly side of
DrLumnond Hill Cemetery, thus eliminating opening left for pedestrian traffic.
ORDEED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Morton that the communication be
received and laid on the table pending receipt oC Parks Conrrdssion's decision
regarding the installation of a gate.
_S. EE Report No.204.
The followinK Communications were Presented;
No. 2h5 - Bell Telephone Company - requesting permission to make installations
on Orchard Avenue and Culp Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and
McKinley that the communication be received and filed and permission granted.
SEjReport. No.2Olt
SEE ~,-law 5319.
No. 246 - Cpn~.~Jpjt_2J_Chest C~mlai%n - re,iu-st]rE ai,,i,rcca1 of the erection of a
street banner advertising campaign. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and
Mowers that the communication be received and filed and permission granted and
His Worship the Mayor refer this erection to the Local Hydro Co~aission.
No. 247 - Tourist Com{ittee . Chamber of Commerce - appreciation for installation
of a tourist banner this year. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Brooks and Donald
that the communication be received and filed.
No. 248 - Canadian Corps, Unit 104 - re violations on metered parking lot.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. NcKinley and Brooks that the communication be
received and referred to the Police Commission. FURTHER ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Martin and McKinley that the City Treaeurer be requested to submit a report
on the revenue derived from this metered parking area of the Corps lot.
2 '4A O
No.2~9 - Electrical Contractors - further re registration of Electrical
Contractors and Electricians. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Ald.
White that the con~,unication be received and filed. (Aid. Brooks-contrary).
No.250 - Safe Water Committee of Better Living Society of Greater Niagara -
further to brief opposing fluoridation. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~nite
and Ald. Donald that the communication be received and filed.
No.251 - NIagara Falls and Suburban Area Planning Board - adoption of Official
Area Plan. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Donald and Partin that the conu,unication
be received and filed and the necessary by-law be prepared to adopt the Official
No.252 - H.E.P.C. of Ontario - re sale of portion of Tugby Avenue. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley that the communication be received and referred
to the City Mznager for a report.
No.253 - New York Central System - further re Ontario Avenue Playground. It was
moved by Aid. Mowers and Ald. McKinley that the communication be received and
filed and the City proceed to rent this land at a price of $300. per year as
stated in the communication. This motion was lost, the vote being-Aye -Ald.
Mowers, McKinley and Fzrtin; Nays -Ald. Donald, Brooks, White and Morton. An
amendment by Aid. Donald and Ald. W}dte that the conununication be received and
tabled and a by-law prepared prohibiting the use of the land in question for the
storage of cars, was carried - the vote being - Aye - Aid. Donald, White, Morton
and Brooks; Naye- Aid. Mowers, McKinley and FArtin.
No.254 - N.S. & T. Supervisor - confirming appointment to meet Council at 9 p.m.
at this evening's meeting; As the delegation had not yet arrived, it was agreed
to carry on with the agenda until after the Finance Meeting. ORDERED on the motion
of Aid. Donald and Movers that the communication be received and filed.
The followin~ Reports were [,resented;
No.204 - City ManaKer - re proposed erection of fence at Drummond Hill Cemetery.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Morton that the report be received and
tabled pendSng receipt of Parks Commission's decision regarding the installation
of a gate.
No.205 - City l.~nager- recommending granting of permission to Bell Telephone for
installations on Orchard Avenue and Culp Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Mowers and McKinley that the report be received and adopted and the by-law be
SEE ~V-law 5319.
No. 206 - City Manager - report on buildings on Bridge Street Athletic Grounds,
and recommending City workmen remove buildings immediately for storage until spring.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Brooks that the report be received and
No. 207 - Chairman, Traffic Committee - report on attendance at Convention of
International Municipal Signal Association, Rochester. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Mowers and Morton that the report be received and filed. In connection with
this report, Ald. McKinley suggested that Council support the resolution as
appended, and forward it to the Ontario Municipal Association, there was no seconder
to his motion.
No. 20~ - Assistant City EnKtneer - report on attendance at Annual Convention of
Canadian Institute on Sewage and Sanitation at Schumacher, Ontario. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. White and Mowers that the report be received and filed.
No. 209 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licence. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Morton and McKinley that the report be received and adopted and licence issued
Th__e following Resolution was passed;
No. 103 - MO~EPS _ MORTON _ Rg~SCLVED that the nex~ regular meetling cf Council
be held on Tuesday evening, October llth, at 7.30 p.m. and the Seal of the Cor-
poration be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimons!~k
The following By-law was passed;
No. 5319 - To provide for pertmission to The Bell Telephone Comt,any of Canada to
place conduit, aerial and buried cable and anchors on Orchard Avenue
and Culp Street.
OFFERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Brooks that AId. Mowers be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the fSrst
time. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading _ Aid. Morton and Martin - Carried Unanimously.
The Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of A].d. McKj n!ey and
Aid. Mowers.
'vREAD Akq) ADOPTED, llth. October, 1955.
Council Chamber,
3rd. October, 1955.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 3rd. October, 1955 for the purpose
of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All members of the Comndttee were present. Ald. Martin,
Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $55,722.50 were approved by the Committee.
The Accounts submitted being passed or otherwise dealt with were ordered
placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald.
McKinley and Mayor Hawkins.
At t.his time, Mr. R. C. Young introduced Mr. W. H. Dunbar, representing
Canadian Tire Corporation, and it was moved by Ald. Mowers and ~yor Hawkins that
Nro Dunbar be permitted to address Council. He referred to short term optionsthe
Corporation have on the properties known as 713 Victoria Avenue and 849 Huron St.
upon which it is the intention to erect a modern retail store, providing a building
permit can be obtained subject to plans and specifications being approved by Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldo Mowers and Ald. Donald that tentative approval for
the construction of the store in question is given, providing plans and speci-
fications are in conformity with the building by-laws of the City of Niagara Falls.
The City Manager's report regarding properties on both sides of Ferry
Street, affected by by-law no. 5300, t~ssed by Council on August 22nd, 1955 and
which will be considered by the Ontario Municipal Board on October 5th, 1955 was
presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and ~yor
Hawkins that the report be received and adopted. Carried. (AId. Brooks-contrary).
FURTHER ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Brooks that a
b~klding permit be issued to N~. A. Rocco for the construction of an addition to
13;~0 Ferry Street at the corner of Ferry Street and Buchanan Avenue. Carried.
(Contrary-Aid. Mowe,-s and [.t~rtin).
The City ~.~nager's report on the application of John Zolotopupenko,
1305 Ontario Avenue, for a building permit to erect a ~-car garage on Lot 32, on
the west side of Ontario Avenue, between Eastwood and Bender Avenue, which is to
be used as living quarters pending completion oF an apartment building he proposes
to erect on the front portion of Lot 32, was presented for consideration. ORDERED
on the motion of A.ld. Lowers and Donald that the report be received and referred
to the Property Committee for a report.
The City Manager' s report on the application of James Nutford for a
building permit to remodel tourist accommodation, at 2163 Buchanan Avenue, the
Faple Leaf Tourist Court, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion
of Aid. Mowers and Morton that the report be received and referred to the property
Committee for a report.
The City Manager's report on the plans which have been filed for the
foundations for the proposed hotel on the west side of CliFton Hill directly west
of the Niagara Parks Co..~ission boundary line, was presented for consideration.
These plans are in connection with the hotel proposed by F~. Charles Charley, etc.
The City Manager recommended in his report that permission be given to proceed with
the construction of the foundations with the understanding that complete plans
will be filed and a building permit applied for within a period of two weeks.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Morton that the report be received and
The Assistant City Engineer's report on the application of Mr. Ralph
Salfi, 1583 Ontario Avenue for a building permit for alterations and additions to
the existing tourist establishment on Ontario Avenue near Bender Hill, at an
estimated cost of $27,000.00 was presented rot consideration. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Morton and Brooks that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Mowers that the City Solicitor
be requested to submit an interpretation with reference to ~ection l(h) and its
relationship to the present by-law, by-law 5300, that is to be considered by the
Ontario Municipal Board, October 5th, 1955, as it applies to garages and service
stations. Carried. (AId. Donald, McKinley and Morton-contrary).
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Maynr Hawkins and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, llth, October,1955.
Chairman of Finance.
Counc[1 Chamber,
3rd. Cctober, 1955.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accourts a[} roved
by the Committee. All members of Council were present.
The following BXfJaw wasj29_~d_i
~ - To provide mordes for general Furposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Morton that Aid. ~'~rtin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the First
time. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~rtin and Morton that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended ~md the by-law be given
the second reading. _ Carried Unanimously.
~rd -Reading _Ald. McKinley and Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
Reference was made to excessive speeding on Stanley and Morrison in the
vicinity of the recently installed traffic liShts and His Worship ad~_sed that
he ~dll take this under advisement,
At this time, Mr. L. Storr, Supervisor at ~aagara Falls, and his
Associates, Messrs. Henderson and McIntyre and Mr. ~th, were welco~ed to the
meeting by His Worship the Mayor.
Mr. McIntyre of the N.S. & T. Railway Company was the spokesman, and he
advised Council that due to the severe losses in revenue sustained by the Local
Bus Line, through the ',se of automobiles and the attraction of TV home entertain-
ment by residents, it has been found necessaryto curtail bus service and as an
experiment for 60 days, only two buses will be running on Sundays, between Lower
Bridge and Main and Ferry; one operating up through Lundy's Lane and out through
the Stamford area and the other out through the Drummond Road area. He requested
Council's co-operation in order that the Company's costs of operation may be kept
in line with revenue received.
His Worship the Fayor thanked the deputation for their able presentation
and requested them to give this matter their most serious consideration, pointing
out, however, that the Company at the present time has no other alternative but to
curtail service, as the present agreement does not require the Company to operate
at a loss.
DAe Assi~tant City Engineer reported verbally with reference to the
application of George Brown, Ontario Dry Cleaners, 560 Victoria Avenue for a permit
to erect an illuminated plastic sign at an estimated cost of $215.00. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. McKinley and Morton that the permit be granted.
The Assistant City Engineer reported verbally with reference to the
application of Messrs. Mrmak and Macesic, 1451 Stamford Street, for a permit to
remodel and make alterations to the Queen Elizabeth Motel, at an estimated cost of
$23,000.00. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald. Mowers that the permit
be granted.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Brooks.
~EAD AND ADOPTED, llth. October, 1955.
., /
Board Room,
3rd. October, 1955.
The Conference Con~nittee of the City Council assembled at the close of
Lhe regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, 3rd. October, 1955 for the purpose
of considering the items referred to them. All members of the Committee were pre-
sent. His Worship Mayor Hawkins presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items placed before them, the Committee adjourned on the
motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. F~rtin.
READ AND ADOPTED, llth. 0ctober, 1955.
~le rk '
Council Chamb!-~r,
llth. Oc[ob ~r, 1755.
Pursuant to adjournment, Councz'l met at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday,
October, 1955, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All
members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the
minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the n,otion of Ald. Brooks and
and Ald. McKinley.
Mr. Luther Cartledge of 1846 Drummond Road was present at the meeting
and it was ordered on the motion of AId. Brooks and Norton that he be penlitted
to address the Council. He advised Council concerning his desire to build an
extension to his service station on Drunmtond Road and his inability to do so
under the present by-laws. The situation at this location as it stznd~ to-day
was explained by the City Clerk and during the discussion Mr. Cartledge was
advised that if the proposed zoning by-law is put in effect he would be in
Conmercial (1) and therefore in an area where what he desires could be
ac compli shed.
SEE Conm~un_icatio!, Number 260.
Laid over from a previous meeting;
No. 222 - Alan G. Fmder - requesting consideration to the installation of a
stop sign at the intersection of Welland Avenue and }~rrison Street. Ald.[~Kinley,
Chairman of the Traffic Committee submitted a verbal report in connection with
this maU.er, and advised that it was the unanimously reco~mmendation of his Com-
mittee that Morrlson Street be made a through street from Victoria Avenue to
· River Road on a trial basis and it was therefore moved by kld. McKinley, seconded
by AId. [~rtin that the communication be received and filed and the recommendation
adopted. ~e motion was defeated, the vote being - Aye -Ald. McKinley,
Morton; (The ~yor also indicated that he was in favour;) ~ye - Aid. Mowers,
Donald, Brooks and White. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Mowers that
the City Clerk be instructed to ascertain the legality of the installation of a
stop and go sign, and submit a report. Carried Unanimously. In connection with
the suggestion of Ald. Mowers, it was agreed that the Engineering Department be
instructed to prepare a sketch of the entire area, houses located close to street
lines, existence of trees marring the visibility of motorists, etc. in order to
obtain some indication of the problem involved and also to make a survey of the
flow of traffic in the area.
The followinK Communications were presentedk
No. 255 - Board of Education - re request to be presented early in 1956 for
Capital Funds. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Brooks that the communi-
cation be received and referred to the 1956 Council.
No. 256 - British-Canadian Veterans - invitation to E1-Alamein Night, October 21st.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley that. +be i~'~
~nd acce~ted and as faam~. members of Council and ~heirwives as find it possible
plan to attend.
No. 257 - N.A. Cyanamid Plant Fanager - invitation to Plant, October 28th. ORDEE
on the motion of Aid. Morton and Mowers that the invitation be received and accepted
and as many members of Council as find it possible attend.
No. 2~8 - Greater Niagara Veterans Central Committee - invitation to Annual
Remembrance Day Service and Parade, November 6th. ORDEP~"D on the n~tion of AId.
Mowers and Mo~on that the invitation be received and accepted and as many as
Possible attend.
No. 259 - Downtown Businessmen's Association - congratulations on street lighting.
ORDEiiED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Mowers that the communication be received
and filed.
No. 260 - Mr. Luther Ca~le~de - requesting permission to speak to Council. ORDER~ED
on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that the communication be received and
tabled pending further consideration of the proposed by-laws affecting 1.ir. Cartledge'~
property and interpretation as to whether modemdzation or extension of existing
builc~ngs would be permissible in the event the by-laws were approved. Carried.
(Ald. Brooks-contra~). Aid. Brooks moved that approval of by-law no. 5300 with
only the minor changes as to depth and frontage requirements be sought. This
motion was not seconded.
No. 261 - .r~iaEara Falls Citizens Juvenile Baseball Team - requesting donation to
Fund for the purpose of paying travelling expenses to Ottawa to compete in
Ontario Juvenile Championship Series. As this co~nunication was received too
late for inclusion on tkis evening's agenda, it was ordered on the motion of Ald.
F~%rtin and Morton that the s~me be read. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and
Mo,~'ers that the communication be received and referred to the Chairman of Finance
with power to act.
The fol] owing Reports were presented;
No. 210 - City Clerk - report on Ontario Municipal Board Hearing, October 5th. re
by-law number 5300.
No. 211 - City Solicitor - report on the same hearing.
No. 2L? - City Solicitor - Interpretation of Paragraph l(h) of by-law number 5300.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that the reports be received and
tabled pending further consideration of the proposed by-laws 5300 and 5321 and an
interpretation as to whether modernization or extension of existing buildings would
be permissible in the event the by-laws were approved. Carried. (AId. Brooks-
contrary). Ald. Brooks moved that approval of by-law no. 5300 with only minor
changes as to depth and frontage requirements be sought. This motion was not
No. 213 - City Solicitor - submitting draft by-law re Ontario Avenue land. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Donald and White that the report be received and filed.
SE By-law No.5322
No. 21~ - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. McKinley and Morton that the report be received and adopted and licenoes issued
No. 215 - City Electrician - report on attendance at Convention of international
Municipal Signal Association in Rochester. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and
Donald that the report be received and filed.
Ald. McKinley presented a verbal report on behalf of the Traffic
Committee concerning the erection of 'slow' signs on both sides of the right-angle
curve on Buttrey Street Just below the Burgess Battery Company.
SEE R~solution No.104
ilJ. Lbwers w~s excuse', from the n~et. lng at 3.30 p.m.
Laid over from a previous meeting;
No. 2~ - Mrs. L. A. Beal and 67 others - re conditions at intersection of Welland
Avenue and Morrison Street. Following a verbal report by Ald. McKinley, Chairman
of the Traffic Committee, it was ordered on the motion of JJ.,-]. :._'cFd. nley, sec~,nded
by Alderman ~h%rtin that Morrison Street be made a through street From Victoria
Avenue to River Read on a trial basis. The motion was defeated, the vote being -
Aye -Ald. kcKinley, ~rLin, Morton; (The ll~%yor also indicated that he wa.~ in
fayour). Nays -Ald. Mowers, Donald, Brooks and l.~ite. ORD']i{ED on ~.he r'ot[on of
Ald. Brooks and ):owers that tile Ci Ly Clerk be instructed ti~ asc{~rtain the ]l~gality
of the installation of a stop and go sign and sub~t a re~ort. Carried Un-~nilI!ous!y.
In connection with the suggestion of Ald. Mowers, it was agreed that the Er~Uineeri ng
Department be instructed to prepare a sketch of the entire area, houses located close
to street lino. s, existence of trees marring the vi:~ibility of motorists, etc. ! n
order to obtain some indication off the problem involved and also to make a survey
of the flow of traffic.
The following pet__i_t_io__ns__~;er__~_fxesentedi
No. 26 - 1,Lisses Common and 30 others - requesting installation of light on Ontario
Avenue side of Jepson Street underpass. Ot°d)ERED on the motion of AId. i'cKinley
and Ald. Donald that the petition be received and tabl,d ',nd the ~ity Manager
submit a report on the cost of installation of s~id light.
No. 27 - Joseph Booth and ~1 others - advocat]~lg the api~vsl of bL.-law mu;Iber
~300 in its submitted form without'arO~ other change than with reference to the
depth and frontage req~drements. ORDERED on the raotion of Ald. Mowers and Arid.
Donald that the petition be received and tabled pending further consider,~,tion of
the proposed by-laws 5300 and 5321 and an interpretation as to whether moderrdzatl on
or extension of existin~ buildincs would be rgdssible in the event the by-laws
were approved. Carried.'(Ald. Bro~ks_contrary~. Ald. Brooks moved that apt royal
of by-law no. 5300 with only minor changes as to depth and frontage requirements
be sought. (This motion was not seconded. ) ~
The followinK Resolutions were passed;
No. 104 - MCKLVLEY . MARTIN - RESCLVED that two "Go 31o~' signs in both directions
be enected on the right-angled turn on Buttrey Street; and the Seal of the Cor-
poration be hereto affixed.
~arried Unanimously.
No. 105 - McKINLEy _ MORTON - RESOLVED that the City Fanager submit a report on
the lot sold by the City on Buttrey Street, with the usual stipulations, and
which to date has not been completed; the excavation and foundation walls which
are now a hazard to children playing in the area; and the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
The followinK By-laws were passed;
A by-law to regulate the use of land and the use, location, spacing,
height and area of buildings and structures within the City of Niagara
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Donald and Morton that Ald. McKinley be
granted the privilege of introducinZ ~he by-l~w and ~e ~y-la~-o he gi'~n th,~ fir~,t.
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. White and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried. (Ald. Brooks-contrary).
Third Reading .Ald. Donald and Aid. McKinley - Carried. (Ald. Brooks-contrary).
. ~~Z vehicles upon
No. 5322 - A by-law to prohibit the storage of new or used motor
· ' .~' ~ Lot No. 82, Lot C Clark's Plan, registered as No. 603 for the Town of
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Brooks that Ald. Donald be
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rulesof Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Brooks -'Carried Unanimously.
The Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKiDley ar~J Ald.
READ MS ADOPTED, 17th. October,1955.
Council Chamber,
lift. October, 1955.
The Finance Meeting was held on Tuesday, llth. October, 1955 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present, ~with
the exception of Ald. Mowers. AId. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $63,654.57 were approved by the
.~.~ Accounts subFitted being inssod or at.h.~r~&se dealt with were
ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion
of Ald. McKinley and AId. Donald.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and th~Mayor that Mr. Bammy
Phillips, representing the Niagara Fails Cataract Senior "B" Hockey Club be heard.
Mr. Phillips advised that the Club is starting from scratch and needs financial
assistance and that two sponsors will be willing to help provided the City will
contribute to the cause. He suggested an amount of $1,000. Ald. Martin, Chairman
of the Finance Committee advised Mr. Phillips that a financial report on the
operation of the Arena has been requested in order that [he stone :~av 1 e studied
and as the same is l~ow in their bands, a re!,ly will l!e forthcomLl~S to-morrow
after a decision has be,m reached.
The application or John Zolotopupenko for a t~r;:dt to erect a
garage on Lot 32, on the west side cf Ontario Avenue between lhs*~wcod Street
and Bender Hill, to be used for living acco~nodation until an a! arUn,:nt wlich it
is proposed to erect on the front ~ortion of Lot 32 is ready for occupancy, wldch
had been referred to the Property Co:.mltt,~e a'. the la.';L meeting, was agaln pre-
sented for consideration. A verbal report was give~ h~. kl~i. ilcKinlay, 3h~Lrma,
of the Con~ttee, a.,~d it was moved by Ald. l(cKinl,ey, sec,lnJed by ill. :'~:i~e t~ at
a permit for the garage and the apartment be ~ranted, but that .he [:. rt,dsslon be
issued for using the garage as living quarters. ?his motion was Inter
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~dte and Morton !.bat the entire mar tar he laid on
the table until a report is receive~ from th,- Engineering Departnent and th",t
definite instructions be issued to the applicant to cease construction al!] be
be advised that the garage cannot be used for living acconullodation. Carried
The application of james Hutfeed for permission to reFqodel tourist acc,,r.~-
modation at 2163 B~lchanan Avenue, which had been referred tc U:e Property Com-
mittee, was again presented for consideration. t!d. ~2c?L[n]ey, Chairman of the
Conu~mittee, reported verbally and it was moved on the !notion o~ Ald. I, TcKinley and
His Worship the [L~yor that permission be granted as requested.
The report of the Assistant City Engineer on the ap[lication or ilver Sallt
Limited of 1391 Robinson Street for a hu'm!djng perutit to construct a wareL,-mse
and maintenance shop on the east side of Clark ,%t. between Ferry an~ Robinson at
an estimated cost of $4,00.9.O0 was presented for consideration. ORDER~ED on the
motion of Ald. McKinley and Morton that the report be received and adopted and
perndt issued.
The report of the Assistant City Engineer on the ap[lication of C. J.
W)~tehead, 1900 ~bin Street for a permit to erect an illm~nated plastic sign,
was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald.
V~nite that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The report of the Assistant City Engineer on the application of M. Murafsky,
for a building permit to erect an addition to the stores at 343-3~9 Queen Street,
on the north side between Erie Avenue and Ontario Avenue, but suggesting that the
estimated cost be $9,000. instead of $6,000. as indicated by the applicant, was
presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Brooks that
the report be received and adopted and p=rmit be issued subject to change in the
permit value.
The Comparison of Tax Collections as of September 30th, 1955 was presented
for consideration. ORDEWED on the motion of Ald. ~'~mite and }ia~r Ha~.~<ins that the
report be received, given the usual publicity and filed.
The Committee arose and reported to Council o~ the motion of ~yor Hawkins and
AId. McKinley.
READ AND ADOPTED, 17th. October, 1955.
Chairman of Finance.
Council Chamber,
llth. October, 1955.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by
the Committee. All members of Council were present, with the exception of Aid. Mowers.
The foliowinE By-law was passed;
~p. ~323 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDE'~D on the motion of AId. McKinley and Morton that Aid. ~rtin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried.
ORDERED on the ,notion of Ald. Fartin and Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing BLles of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the 2nd.
reading- - Carried.
~%ird Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Donald - Carried.
The Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Martin and McFdnley.
READ ~D ADOPTED, 17th. October, 1955.
Board Room,
llth. October, 1955 ·
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of
the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Tuesday, llth. October, 1955 for the
purpose of considering the items referred to them. All members of the Committee
were present, with the exception of AId. Mowers. His Worship, Mayor Hawkins,
presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items placed before them, the Conunitte. adjourne.i
on the motion of Ald. Donald and Ald. ~':artin.
READ AND AEOFTi~D, 17th. October, 1955.
Council Chinbet,
17th. October, 1955.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on ~nday, 17th.
October, 1955, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All
members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes
of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of kld. I~artin and Ald.}brton.
Tenders had been called for the tent for Fairview Cemetery and on the
motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers it was ordered that the only tender received, that
of Benjamin Glove and Canvas Goods 1.~grs. be opened, initimlled by His Worship the
~yor, and accepted, at a quotation of $358.02. Sales Tax Included.
Prior to the opening of the tenders received on the installation of
the relief storm sewer on Park Street, from River Road to Welland Avenue, the City
~nager was requested to give an explanation for the necessity of using stone dust
around the pipe rather than sand, which would cost the City 56 cents more per ton
and he proceeded to advise that in his opinion, stone dust was Considered a better
bedding for tile than sand; stating that it was not a question of the cost but
rather which would give the best results, due to the fact that the tile is being
laid in a rock trench. Ald. White was of the opinion that prior to the calling
for tenders Council should be informed as to what would be specified in the tender
ORD~RED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Morton that the tenders
received, be opened and initialled by His Worship the ~yor, in view of the Yanager's
explanation - the majority of Council agree that the $1,600. difference in the pm~cc
of sand and stone dust is worthwhile.
FURTHER ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Morton that the tender~
be summarized, tabulated and presented to Council.
The City SoLicitor was present at the meeting in connection with
Co~muhication No. 260, Reports 210, 211 and 212, and Petition No. 27, which were
laid over from the previous meeting, until the return of the City Manager, and
pending further consideration of the proposed by-laws 5300 and ~321 and an inter-
pretation as to ~mether modernization or extension of exLstingbuildings would be
permissible in the event the by-laws were approved.
The City Solicitor proceeded to advise Council as to the several
sections of the Statutes applicable and governing restricted area by-laws, their
contents and their effect. Following the explanation there was considerable dis-
cussion with reference to the possible interpretation of the words "automotive
sales and services" and also as to whether major reconstruction or alteration would
be ruled out if the by-lsws in question were in effect.
Following this discussion it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers
and Ald. Donald that the intent of Council having now been made known, that the
City Solicitor, City Manager and the City Clerk consider the matter and present at
the next meeting of Council a report as to the necessary changes or amendments to
implement the intent of Council with particular reference to the areas ab,~ting
Ferry 5tr.;et and L~ndy's Lane.
Laid over from a previous meeting;
No. 252 - H.E.P.C. of Ontario - re possibility of purchasing a portion of Tugby
Street closet. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Mowers that the communication
be received and they be advised that the City are prepared to sell the strip of land
~0 feet by320 feet, at a price of $9~0.00.
SEE Rspor~ No.21_6
No. 260 - Luther Cartledge _ respecting addition to service stat!ol~ located
at 1846 Dr'l~,jncnd Road, on property facing Lundy's Lane. ORDZ2~ o~ the
of Aid. Mowers and Donald that the coxr~nunication be tabled ,~endln~ re.r orL from
City Solicitor, City ~L~nager and City Clerk as tc Lhe neces~%ry char~es cr
amen~bnents to implement the intent of Council with i~rticular roPe-once to
areas abutting Ferry Street and Lundy's Lane.
The followinK Communications were proserred.
No. 262 - Obildren's Aid Socie!y _ invitation to OFficial Oten~.n[ and Dedicatic, n
of new Administration Buj. ldimg. Ord)ZP~D on the motto:! or Ald. ]:owers and
Donald that the invitation be received and acce~ted ~md as m!inoJ as loss] !e attend.
No. 263 - Town of Bram~ton - resolution petitionlr~ ~ii~]ster of L%bour of
for Provincial Ldcensing jr persons making gas installati,ms. ORDZF~D on the
motion of Aid. EcKinley and Eartin that the resoluti~:n be received add re~erred
to the City Manager fcr a report. (Contrary-Ald.prooks).
No. 26~ - C H C H- T V - requesting Permission to film Council i.:eetin:Z so,netime
in November. CRDEFLE~)"on the motion of Ald. Eorton and Brooks that tba
carton be received and filed and per~&ssion granted. (Ald. i'.~ite and !qartin-
contrary). in amendaunt by Ald. ~rtin and ~-~ite that [.he con~ unlcatiori be
tabled and information be obtained as to any possible confliction with local
radio station, was defeated.
No. 265 - N.S. & T. Railway. _ closing oCfice at Bridge St. and Yic[,o,~a Ave.
ORDE~D on the motion of Ald. iqowers and Brooks ~h~t the conmunication be
received and referred to the Traffic Committee for a re]jr'(..
No. 26L - ~j. 3, & T. F~ilwai._ new schedule eFsective Octobc~r 3Oth, ORDERED on the
motion of ~d. ~;owers and ICc~nley that the co~un,;r~[cation be received a:ld filed.
(~d. ~rtin-con~rary).
Laid o~er from the previous meetin_n_Ei
No. 210 - Ci~!~Clerk _ Report on hearing by Ontario Municipal Board on by-law
number 5300.
No. 211 - City Solicitor . Report on hearingbyMun~cipal Board on by-l~w no.5303.
No. 212 - City Solicitor _ Interpretation o~ Paragraph 1)h) of by-law no. 5300.
ORDEP~J) on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that the reports be tabled pending
further report from the City Solicitor, City Fanager and City Clerk as to the
necessarT changes or amendments to implement the intent of Council ~ith particular
reference to the areas abutting Ferry Street and Lundy,s Lane,
.The following Re~orts were presented;
No. 216 - City Manager - reco~nending sale of land to H.E.P.C. of OntarLo.
0RDEP~D on the motion of Ald. Norton and Mowers that the report be received a~
SEE Comm~unicat!on Number 2~2.
No. 217 - City Manager - recommending erection of one street light of 200 Candle
Power capacity at the approach to the pedestrian underpass from Ontario Avenue.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and l~artin that the report be received and
adopted a~d the work proceeded with in~ed]ate!-j.
SEE Peti~i,on Np. 26.
No. 218 - City Manager . report on attendance at Convention. ORDE'~ED on the
motion of Ald. Mowers and Morton that the report be received and filed.
No. 219 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the report be received and adopted and licences
issued accordingly.
The followin~ Resolutions were passed;
No. 106 - MCKINLEY - F~RTI~ - RESCLVED that the Council of the Corporaticn of the
City of Niagara Falls petition the Department of Highways of the Province of
Ontario for an interim grant under The Highway Improvement Act on expenditures
made during the period of January let to August 31st,1955; and the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 107 - McKI~LEY - DONALD - RESOLVED that a letter of congratulations on behalf
of His Worship the ~,~yor and Members of the City Council, be forwarded to the
Niagara Falls Citizens Juvenile Baseball Team on their achievement in winning the
Championship of Ontario; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimousl_12
Laid over from previous meetings;
No. 26 - Misses Common and 30 others - requesting installation of a light on the
Ontario Avenue side of the Jepson St. underpass. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
]4cKinley and l,~rtin that the petition be received and filed and the work proceeded
with immediately.
SEE Report No.21~
No. 27 - Joseph Booth and 31 others - advocating the approval of by-law number 5300
in its submitted form without any other change than with reference to the depth and
frontage requirements. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that the
petition be tabled pending further report from City Solicitor, City Manager and City
Clerk as to the necessary changes or amendments to implement the intent of Council
with particular reference to the areas abutting Ferry Street and Lundy's Lane.
The Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McFdnley and Ald.
READ AND ADOFTED, 2Ath. October, 1955.
Counc~ 1 Chamber,
17th. Cctober, I~5.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, l?tP, o Cctob~r, 1955 for the
purpose of appro~ng and also ~ssinS the various accounts wYdch bad beer ] r~ierly
certified and placed before them. ~] mem~rs of the Conu.At~.ee were ~resent.
.~d. ~'~rtin, Chairman of Finance, presided. ~
Sundry AccEunts in the amount o? ~57,136.07 were api roved t~L· t}'!e Com-
The Accounts sub~dtted bein~ passed or otherwise dealt wLth, were
ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the
of Ald. }:owers and Ald. Donald.
The applicat]on of John Zolotopa[enko, 1305 Ontario Avenue for a bull,ling
per~dt to erect a f,-car garage on Lot 32, Ontario Avenue, to Ye used as living
acco~uodation pendint] completion of a 6-unit~ 2-storey apartment bu~Idlng whY c.h
had been tabled pending a report of the Engineering Department, was again presented
for consideration, along with the report of the Assistant City Engineer, who advised
that the garage will not be ~sed aL any time for living acconu:lodation, and t}!at
the proposed apartment building will cost al~proydm~tely $25,003.00. 0RDE~GD on
the motion of Aid. McKi.ley and Brooks that the r~-port be received a~8 adopted
and the pernLits be issued. (Alc:.Iqorton-cor~trary).
The City ~,~nager presented a report in connection '4th the proposed
relief storm sewer on Park Street fr,m River Road to ~'Iel]am! Avenue, and Lhe
quotations on pipe received and recommending that the Chairman of Finance, City
l~nager and Assistant City Engineer be empowered to select the 11i[~ ~o be used
and authorized to place an order for the same in~nediately. ORDE~ED on the motion
of AId. Mowers and Mayor Hawkins that the report be recei~ed and adopted.
The City ].~nager's re~rt on the application of H. Coop For a permit to
erect a neon sign at LaFiesta Fish and Chip Shop, at an esti.mted cost of $700.
was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mo~ers sa~d A/d.
Morton that the tel;oft be received and adopted and permit issued.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion oF A/d..McK]nley and
I,~yor HaWKins.
.READ AND ADOPTED, 24th. October, 1955.
Council Chamber,
17th. October,1955.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law ~ich covered the accounts
approved by the Committee. All members of Council were present.
The following ~y-law was passed;
N__o. ~24 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDE~D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that Ald. ~rtin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDEreD on the motion of Ald. I~rtin and Eorton that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the 2nd.
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - i].d. k'owers and Donald - Carried Unanimously.
AId. Brooks advised His Worship the ~hyor that he wished to again
register his complaint with reference to the report of the City Manager which was
submitted at a previous meeting during his absence, to the effect that any report
of such a nature making a recommendation as to a change in a by-law should not be
submitted unless the City Manager were present.
Ald. ~rtin queried the amount charged by the City for the rental of
the asphalt spreader and the number of hours constituting a day's work, stating
that it has come to his attention that the equipment is being used 12 hours per
day; He was of the opinion that the stipulation should be made that the average
day is 8 hours.
The City Manager advised that the rental is $75. a day, the City
supplying the operator.
The Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of AId. ~bwers and Donald.
READ AN~ ADOPTED, 24th. October, 1955.
Board Roc!,
l?th .Octob,:,r, ]
~e Conference Com~nittee of the City Council assembled at the clc,~e
the r,!gular Counc]l and Finance keetir~s on Eond,%2,, 17tb. Octob~r~
purl~ose of considering the ite~!s referred to thor,. All members or
were present. His ~orship ~Lqyor Hawkins, presided as Chcdrman.
After consideration of the items placed before them, T~e CorL~itte~. adjcu.-~-d cn
the motion of ild. Ik,¥~ld and !ld.
READ A~D ADOPTED, 2;4tb. Cctorer, 1955.
· ~ ' ~ airman.
Council ChamberJ
24th. October, 195%
Pursuant to adjournmentJ Council met at 7.30 p,m. on Monday, 24th.
October, 1955, for the purr~se or considering general business and finance. All
membeFs of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes
of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. ]-:owers and AId. Brooks.
M~. Luther Cartledge was again present at the p~eting and on the mot]in
of Ald. ~-~rtin and McFdnley, it was ordered that he be heard. ~Lr. Cartledge desir~
to know the present status of his property on Lundy's Lane as he is still desirous
or making use of the same in connection with ~he construction of an extension to hi
garage at F~'46 Dmm~nond Road.
Ald. ].Lartin referred to the efforts of Kr. Cartledge to obtain a
b,dlding ~ermit For such construction, and the advice he had received from Council
to the effect that consideration would be given after the passing of the Area Planr!l~
~y-law but the Alderman pointed out that as the area in question is designated as
S-l, faycurable consideration would not be possible, with which all members agreed.
CRDE%ZD on the motion of Ald. k'owers and ;,L%rtin that the by-law to approve the
O~ficial Plan for the Niagara Falls and Suburban Area be tabled at this time.
Laid over from previous meetinKs;
No. 2;~2 - Select Committee - re Toll Roads. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald
and Mowers that the communication be received and filed and the Select Committee
be advised that the City will not present any representation on the subject.
SZm~ Report No.22~%_
No. 263 - Town of Brampton - resolution to control installation of gas equipment.
It was moved by Ald. White and }~rtin that the communication be received and filed.
This motion was lost. An amendment by Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the resolntion
be received and filed and the repOrt of the City Manager recommending definite
regulations respecting the installation of all heating systems and the provision
of municipal inspection, be adopted. (This amendment was carried with AId. White
contrary)./and submission of a further report.
SEE Report No.221.
No. 265 - N.S. & T. Railway - re possible change in location of bus connections
for the Fourth Avenue, Stamford Cen~re and St. Catharines coaches.
SEReport No.222
SEE Communication 26~
_The followinK Con~,u__~_ca_t!%n_s ~er~ 2~res__e~nt_e.d;
No. 267 - N.S. & T. Railw~v - further communication requesting accomodation for
bus stop on south side of Bridge St. at Victoria Ave. As this communication was
received too late for inclusion on this evening's agenda[ it was ordered on the
motion of AId. Martin and Morton that the same be read. ORDERED on the motion of
AId. Mowers and Donald that Report No.222 be tabled and the additional comunication
be referred to the Traffic Co~mtttee so that the entire matter may be reported upon.
Carried, with Ald. McKinley, Martin and Morton opposed).
Ald. White referred to the commuuication from the N.3. & T. Railway
received by Council at their last meetinS regarding the new sched,!]e effective
October 30th, and which had been ntisleading to the public regardlog the
continuance of the Fourth Avenue bus; pointing out that the bus would still be
in operation except on Sundays and holidays.
No. 26~ - Bell Telephone Company - requesting permission to replace pole on
Starter Avenue. ORDERLY] on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ebnalj that the
musicaries be received and filed and f.errm[ssion granted.
No. 269 - Radio Station CHVC - requesting approval of Annual Service oF
Broadcast on November llth, ORDEEZD on the motion of A!d. ~,iort ~n an~] :Zowers that
the con~nunication be received and filed and perndssion gra,~ted.
No. 27r] . Central Committee, Greater NiaF, ara Ve~era:is - refluesting all veterans
who are civic employees penpission to attend the Romembr~nge Service on November
llth. ORDERED On the motion of Ald. Mowers and White that the com'nun]c~tion be
received and filed and the writer be notified that as ~his is a Statutory Holiday,
their attendance is entirely on their own volition.
No. 271 - Department of Hi,~_~h~a_I.3 _ re centrally suspended, illuminated signs over'
intersections. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Pierton that the com-
munication be received and referred to the City ~nager and City 5elicitor to jve
advice to the Traffic Co~nittee.
No. 272 - Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Planning Board - enclosing co~v of Area
Plan and Official Plan Text for ~doption by Council as Che designated ,~icipality.
ORDERED on the motion of AId, McKinley and [~rtin that the co~z,unication be read,
although received too late for inclusion on this evening's ageode. ORDF~ED on
the motion of Ald. I'&ite and Mowers that the conuTlunicat~on be r.}ceiv~d and
approval given at this meeting.
szz v-L w roe.
The followinK Reports were presente~i
No. 220 - City ~naKer - re co~nunication from Select Conmittee on Toll Roads.
O~)ERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the retort be received and
No. 221 - City l,~naKer - resolution from Town of Br&~pton. ORDZ,~ED on the motion
of Ald. McKinley and l~bwers that the report be received and adopted and a Curtb r
report be submitted. Carried. (AId. White-contrary).
SEE Communication ~h~nber 263.
No. 222 - Traffic Conradtree - re N.S. & T. Railway's request to change location
of bus stop adjacent to the intersection of Victoria Ave. and Maple St. ORDERED
on the motion of AId. Mowers and Donald that the report be tabled and the additional
co,~unication, Number 267, be referred to the Traffic Conmittee for the submiss] on
of a further report covering the two subjects.
No. 223 - Traffic Committee - recommending elimination of parking on the south side
of Huron St. just west of St. Clair Ave. intersection for a distance of
two car lengths. ORDER?D on t~e 'nedled, sF \]?. Xo~;r's ~z~, ;brton that the ~iort
L~ received and adopted.
No. 224 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Martin and McKinley that the report be received and adopted and licences issued
In connection with Petition No. 28, Ald. F~rtin voiced his support out-
lining what had transpired and requested the Mayor as Council's representative on
the Niagara Parks Commission to again take the matter up and obtain their favourable
consideration of allowing the installation of a gate for the convenience of the
school children attending Barker St. School.
His ~orship Mayor Hawkins advised concerning his unsuccessful
efforts to have the gate installed in the fence erected by the Commission around
Dmun~rond Hill Cemetery and the fact that he was over-ruled, but promised that he
would be willing to carry the matter Parther.
The followir~ Petition was presented|
No. 28 - W. H. Peterson and 48 others - urging Council to use their influence on
the Parks Co~dssion to allow the children to go through the Cemetery to reach
Barker Street School. 0Pj)ERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that the
petition be received and tabled for a further report, in view of Ald. ~rtin's
The foliowinE Resolution was Dassed;
No. 108 - BROOKS - DOHALp. - RZSOLTSD that a message of sympathy on behalf of His
Wbrship the Mayor and Members of the City Council be forwarded to Chief Constable
C. R. Pay upon the death of his wife; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
CarFled Unanimousl~
The followin~ By-law was passed;
No. 53~ - To provide for permission to The Bell Telephone Company of Canada to
replace pole 12 feet south of present location, on Stunton Avenue north
of Ferguson Avenue.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~hrtin and Mowers that Ald. McKinley be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
The followinK ~v-law was presented;
No. ~6 - A by-law to approve an Official Plan for the Niagara Falls and Suburban
It was moved by Ald. McKinley and Mowers that Ald. White be granted the
privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading -
but this was later withdrawn.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin that the by-law be table,].
SEE Deputations.
Ald. Brooks, Chairman of the Arena Committee, reported verbally on a
recent meeting of his Committee and submitted the following recommendations for the
consideration of Council;
1. En~ineer's salary be increased fro!-: ~3,~)9. to 34,]~S. wU h ,~?.e
provision that he be on 24-hour call, with ~o overt~ !::,~ ~],low~d,
Staggering of em.tloyees' hours thus he!pitE to elif,inaLe
Purchase of an ice planin~ machine.~ a~ a c st oC ~1,4~9.
~. ~jrestling receipts be increased.
$175. minimtu~ charge per night whicL covers t
over and above, City take a 20% cut on the balance wh'ch would net al:i,rc~Tr~al e]~
$750. e~ra a year.
5. Ext.loration of advertising signs on tLe uF.er e!].] of the Arena ;'~xl- io
tLeclock '
It was agreed by Council that tL~ matter he discUSsed further iI~
Conference this evening.
The Council adjourned to the Finance fleeting' on tLe !notion c.f Ald. i:cKlr,!ey and
Ald. Mowers. ~
READ A:,D ADOFTED, 31st. October, 1955.
" -- -'~ iayor
Council Chamber,
24th. October, 1955 ·
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 2~th. October, 1955 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All members of the
Mar!in, Chqirman ,7,~ Ylf.'~r.c.;,
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $60,222.58 were approved by the Committee.
The Accounts submitted being passed or othem,&se dealt with were ordered
placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Mayor
(.~wkins and Ald. McKin~ey.
~e Smmary of Tenders in connection with the Park Street Sewer was
presented for consideration. ORD~,TREDon the motion of Ald. ~:ers and Morton that
the Sm,,~ary be received and filed and the Tender submitted by Lorenzo Contracting
Company at a quotation of $65,623.25 be accepted. Carried Unanimously.
The City Manager's rei~srt on the application of Felice Motor Sales
For a permit to instal a 2,000 g~llon storage tank to replace an existing 500
gallon tank and to .'hove the existing island with one Fump and relocate it with an
additional pump at an estimated cost of $1,?00. was presented for consideration.
ORDEFuZD on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Donald that the ~port be received and
adopted and permit issued·
a pe~mit to erect a steel sign, at an estimated cost of $35. was presented for con-
side~.ation. ORDER~ED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Brooks that the report be
received and ~dopted and permit issued.
The Statement of Relief for the month of September,1955 was presented
for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of .Mayor Hawkins and Aid. Morton that
re[~rt be received, given the usual publicity and filed.
;,~owe rs.
Chairman of Finance.
Council Chamber,
2~th. October, 1955.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by
the Committee. All members of Council were present.
The foliowinE By-law was passed: ,
~ - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of kid. Mowers and Morton that kid. Martin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERf~D on the motion of Ald. l't~in and ;:often that Rule 36 (2) o? the
Standing Rules of Council be tem]erari]_y susI ended and the by-lr.w be gi,.,e~, the
secoud rea~ng. - Carried Unani,nously.
ThiM Reading - AId. ;.~cKinley xnd AId, Morton - Carried Unanimously.
The Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. I:o:,;ei's and kld. Dori.dd.
READ AUD ADOPTED, 31st. October, 1955.
Board Room,
24th. October, 1955.
The Conference Corsrdttee of the City Council assembled at the close of
the n~gular Council and Finance ~etings on Monday, 24th, October, 1955 for the
purpose of considering the items referred to them. All members of the Cormaittee
were present. His Worship I~ayor Hawkins, presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items placed before them, the Conmittee adjourned on
the motion of Ald. Donald and 'White.
READ A~ ADOPTED, 31st. October, 195~.
Council Chamber,
25th. October, 1955 ·
~he Court of Revision on The Assessment Roll commenced sitting at 10,O0 A.>. Tuesday,
25th. October, 1955, at which the following action was taken upon the respective appeals.
Members present: Sheriff V.L.Davidson,Chairman; Mr. O. W. Zimmerman and Mr.
Roll Foll
No. No. Appellant
60 1 H.B.Lewin
442 2 Luigi Gastaldi
621 3 Olive Pfoh!
690 3 W.C. La~rsh
691 3 F~rSaret Fallett
852 4 Leslie Wauchope
1007 5 Christine Skory
1829 8 DominLc Ferranta
2177 10 J. DiFillipo
2275 11 Mary Martens
2993 16 Mrs. Richard Walker
3486 19 E.N. Morton
1989 9 Kingsmill, Kills,Price
3490 19 & Fleming, Toronto.
3788 20 E.N. Morton
37R9 20 do
4259 23 J.A. McCarthy
4323 24 B.J. Ralston
5031 28 Fred Spironello
5435 30 Mrs. F. Greenlay
5601 31 Sandy Menno
5677 31 M.J. Allen
5775 31 Albert St. Angelo
6080 33 Sam Maccarrone
6130 33 Lorne H. McBride
Albert Benso!..
266 Elgin St.
734 Ferguson St.
368-70 Bridge St.
465 Park S~reet
455 Park Street
728 Park Street
Decision of Court
Bldg.reduced $1OO.OO
BidE. reduced $500.OO
558 First Ave.
1435 ~ple Street
~48 Ontario Ave.
594 Huron Street
733 Fifth Avenue
668 Bender Avenue
M.C.R. properties
Allowed - Separate School SuD:c"~
Allowed- Sep. School Supporter
Land reduced $1,160.00.
616 Simcoe Street Land reduced $110.OO
602 Simcoe Street Land increased $110.00
1314 Victoria Avenue Dismissed
905 McRae Street
1119 Kitchener St.
1107 Centre Street
1798 Buchanan Ave.
1283-91 Ferry St.
1620 Stanley Ave.
1748 Emery Street
17~ ~r+h
Land reduced $100.00
2791) 1~
48%) 27
5157) 28
5070) 28
5276) 29
5368) 29
5464) 3o
5769) 31
5691) 31
5641) 31
5757) 31
5639) 31
5624) 31
5868) 32
6521) 35
6568) 35
6703) 36
6706) 36
6701) 36
6805) 37
1894 9
1894 9
Dominic Dmmore
A. Fineo
g. !'Y. ~rton
Louis Sallardi
Frank ~eorge
~s, ~'j/na Manuel
Daisy Junkin
Lest. er B. Anthes
J. Sakcwski
for N.F.Folish Home
Sarah Gibb ~ Audrey
~rtin~ C.~lvert,
Bates & Sheppard
imperial Bank Bldg.
Niagara Falls,Ont.
Lucien Gallant
George V. Donohue
!506 Robinson St.
1916 Allen Ave.
1720 Ferry St.
1659 r~,r Stre~L
215~-62 Allen Ave.
1~05 P~,b]nsoI~ St.
1~ Barker St.
2065 Culp St.
2~2 Lundy'e Lane
P_e_ci~jP! qf_ C_lurt
Land r.~duced
~ldgs. reduced
i]lo~;.l-Fub. Scb. ~1 Suflt pL~r
Bldg. ru,Mced ~1~.2~
1944 Deleware Ave. Dis.missed
662 Thi;~ Ave.
1267 McRae Street
~6q StamFord
1219 Robert St.
902 Hunter St.
1675 Victoria Ave.
ll6g Kitchener St.
1720 Stanley Ave.
17~6 Lombard] Ave.
1773 Buchanan Ave.
1384 Spring St.
1753 Buchanan Ave.
1629 Buchanan Ave.
1635 Ferry Street
2029 Bucksnan Ave.
1292 Ferry St.
1973 Grey Ave.
1943 Grey Ave.
)A]lowed -Sep. 3cbool SuI 'i nrter
Gladstone Ave. ) Allowed -Sep. School Supl~rter
All en Ave. ) ,,
734 Clifton Ave, Dismissed
734 Clifton Ave. Dismissed
657 3 Louis Rosenberg
737-39 King St. East
Hamilton, Out.
690 3 W.C. LaMarsh
Clifton Avenue
Nick Bartolazzo
465 hrk St.
Abatement allowed
Abatement allowed
6241 33
62~ 33
6272 33
6428 3~
6462 34
Filomena Rondinella
Mrs. F. Luciano
Rev. A. Guenther
Steve & Ida Toth
Paul Barva
1793 Spring Street Dismissed
1767 Spring Street DiSmissed
1823 Temperance Ave. Bldg. reduced $1OO.OO
1781 Main Street Allowed - Sep. School Supporter
1892 North Street Allowed - Separate and
Public School Supporter.
Business - 1955 Taxes
382-1 2 E.N. M~rton
619-1 3 do
Peter Brassolotto
655 Ferguson St.
Karl Tufford
330 Bridge St,
Allowed -
Abatement $5,00.
Allowed -
Abatement $16.79
Business - 1955 Taxes
745-3 3 E.N. MoF~on
752-3 3 Do
752-2 3 Do
890-5 4 Do
897-1 4 Do
865-1 4 Do
2474-1 12 Do.
2373-1 11 Do
2012-3 9 Do
2777-2 14 Do
2777-1 14 Do
3929-1 21 Do
3107-1 16 Do
4401-1 24 Do
~00-2 24 Do
5217-1 29 Do
5201-1 29 Do
4407-1 24 Do
5215-1 29 DO
5215~2 29 Do
5257-1 29 Do
7110-1 38 Do
7107-1 38 Do
Dr. Robinson
630 Ontario Ave.
J.W. Butters
305 Queen St.
James Barr
305 Queen St.
Abatement ~25.60
Abatement $26.82
Abatement $ 9.12
London Life Ins. Allowed
509 Queen St. Refund $51.10.
J.E. Koch
621 St. Lawrence
Wm. Philips
709 Queen St.
Walker Drug Co.
830 Victoria Ave.
M. Chikie
683 'Welland Ave.
Gordon Mclnnis
305 Queen St.
Kitney Bros.
787 Second Ave.
Walter NayloT
973 Morrison St.
McGlashan Clarke
PalmeT Avenue
E. Stanbury
1207 Morrison St.
John Vandersluys
1155 Victoria Ave.
Leyland Roofing Co.
1]-75 Victoria Ave.
Power City Cleaners
1026 Centre St.
James McCallum
1073 Centre St.
E. Joremias
1127 & 927 Victoria
J- Mazzotta
Centre Street
Frank Nazzotta
Centre Street
Spasa Vasoff
1681 Ellen Ave.
Murray& Pennto
Main Street
Edwin Willems
2023 Natn Street
Abatement $12.59
Abatement $82.00
Refund $52.20'
Refund $14.83,
Abatement $15.87
Abatement $27.74
Abatement $ 6.39
Abatements 951.00
Abatement $11.68
Refund $122.64 -
Abatement $15.33
Abatement $20.4~
Abatement $21.17
Refund $ 8.40
Abatement $16.43
Abatement $27.74
Abatement $11.32
Abatement $27.92
Abatement $29.56
Business , 1955 Taxes
7100-1 38 Z. :j. i.,oxton
Re.__a~ p~opert~95~ Taxes
678 3 E.N. ~orton
1016 5 Do
2259 11 Do
439~ 24 Do
4400 24 Do
4401 24 Do
4406 24 Do
5359 29 Do
7107 38 Do
2060 9 Do
APPears _ Business
641 3 H, Dickson
637 3 Do
646 3 Do
6~2 3 Do
763 3 Do
824 29 Do
826 29 Do
827 29 Do
7~0 36 Do
Nick Bab~_cbu~-
61~ Erie Avenue
Sangster Lumber Co. Allowed
425 First Avenue Refund
Carroll, s Ltl]. A]lowed
I]~7 VictoMa Ave. R~fun~
CarroLl, s Ltd. All owed
1175 7ictcria 4re. ]efU,d
Carroll ' s Ltd. Allowed
1155 Victoria Ave. Refund
C~rro] 1' s Ltd. Allowed
11!,3 Victoria Aw-. R~fund
L. & D. Vesch,
1711 Victoria Av~.
J Di~L~rti le
2017-29 Main St.
Leonard Feal
7~2 Welland Ave,
All owed
.... 6~
33;,. 33
~3z. ~6
Abztement S76.65
Refund ~96.36
Refu~]d $
Mary Kaye
232 Bridge Street
226 Bridge Street
304 Bridge Street
John Carpenter
56~ Erie Avenue
Louis Gatto
257 Park Street
Speedy Ca,
16,'+~ Vicu,~ia Ave.
Polo Club
1695 Vieto,~a Ave.
Goldfield Club
1695 Victoria Ave.
M. Mueller
1894 Main Street
Recom,lended struck off.
AbaterenL 1954 - ~t5.88
Recolmnended struck o~f.
Ab%tement 1953 - ~5.33
1954 - S 6.92
Reco~nended struck off.
Abatement 1952 - ~15.40
1953 - ~2~.61
1954 - ~25.~4
Recormlended struck
Abatement 1954 - $10.20
Heco~u,,ended struck off.
Abahement 195~ - ~14.24
Recoilended struck off.
Abatement 1952 - $51.53
1953 - ~25.22
Recommended struc~ off
Abatemen~ 1954 - $24.42
1955 - $24.64
Recommended struck
Abatement 1954 - $103.33
Roll No. '~o. A~pellant
722 31 F'. Dickson
730 3~ Do
757 3 Do
661 29 Do
Cnt.F~plipment Co.
1060 kagdalen St.
Cbas. Lyons
1951 }kin $Lreet
A. i. loskalalo Ltd.
630 Ontario Ave.
Fro d · M. Hartl ey
1039 3snipe Street
Decision of Court
ReccnLmended stm~ck off
Abatement - 1954 -
Reco]T~aended struck off
Abatement- 1954 - ~ 3.~2
Reconv. ended struck off
Abatement - 1754 - ~,42.7]
RecoF. fiended struck off
Abatement- 1954- ,~29.~C'
Th,.' Court ~,,~,, adj.?urned,
Tjf".'AR" CF
BuildinS Assess!jent re ]uc~,d
Land Assessment re ],Iced
I~and Assessment increased
Abatements A!]owed Under DecLion 124 ~ 163.~l
Al-,atenmn~ ~ and R~fuxl,]s - Busihess ~ 1,6,~O.13
Abatements and R~,funds - Real Property 746.35
Reco~nended Struck OFF
Arrears of Business Taxes
Certifi~.d Con'eeL,
Cc,.~ ,?! 1 C} .'tr?-,'.
3'. t. ? I,c~ ..,
Fursuant to adj~lurnment. Councll :i~.~t at 7-3? i.m. cn i.;,,~,;a:~
1955, for the purpose of ccr, sLder[ g~neral buslq,~
~ and f]n.r~ce. All ::.,.:.I
Council were present~ with the excelti,,n ,,~ AI,L D,~:,ald. The i,uu,'il. b',vlng
received and ~ad the minutes of the I r~w["us me,~tin6, adc,~Led tbe::e on t}
of ild. MortOn and Ald. Brooks.
CCr ?..lrrI S AT! ,q"S
The following Coma .anicati one wer,~ i,~ie?J_[!t_T!j
No. 273 - Kisses E. & O. Co,~,:on - apl rec~atlo-~ f,n- ~.ro,npt action with refer nce
installation of light on the Ontario Avenue slde of Je~ son St. unrJerl,as:s.
on the motion of AId. Mowers a.d Morton that the corsnun~c d,i,~n b~ received
No. 27!+ - ~N.F.____District Trades and hbour Council - coninTending Counc~l's s!,and on
Hydro increase. CF~DERED on the motion of Ald. lowers and I.iort. on that tb.~ conr,unt-
cation be received and 6[led.
No. 275 - O_p_t.i~_mist Club - requesting publication or procls~natjcn. ORDZrCD on th,.-
motion of AId. McKinley and Mowers that the co~uY,~_cation l,e rece],red and filed
and the proclamation published as requested.
No. 276 - St. Ann's Subdivision of C.;~.L. - invitation to Annual Fall Bazaar.
0tDv~RED on the motion of Ald. b~rtin and Morton that the invitation he recelvi.~d
and accepted and as many as possible attend.
No. 277 - Lions Club - invitation to hear On, ario Attorney-General on rJovember 29th.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~brton and McKinley that the invitatien be received
and accepted a~ as many as possible attend.
No. 278 - Ontario Fire M~rshal - Fire Ckte C's Training Course, Nov.16,17~l,q, Toronto
University. The City Manager presented a verbal recommendation with reference to
the attendance of the Niagara Falls Fire Chief. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.l'iorton
and Brooks ~hat the communication be received and filed and the Fire Chief be
authorized to attend.
No. 279 - General l'~naKer, C.N.R.. latest development with reference to proposed
overhead bridge at Victoria Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId.
Morton that the communication be received and laid on the table.
No. 280 - Clerk of the Court of Revision - list of arrears and recommendation that
the same be struck off the Roll. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Morton
that the communication be received and tabled for one week. (AId. White-contrary).
No. 281 - South End Business and Professional Men's Association -' requesting
application of stone on South End parking lot at Sylvia Place. The City Manager
presented a verbal report in connection with this matter, explaining his reasons
for not wishing to proceed to any great extent with the preparation or +h~ 2arkirg
area due +o the fact that th~ Sr.-Jnd i~ not consolidated ~d the p~ssible liability
that might develop. ORDERED on the'motion of Ald. McKinley and Morton that the
matter be referred to the Mayor and the City Manager to so advise the Association
and submit their reaction to Council at the next meeting.
No. 282 - John La,ynR - explaining procedure and recommending adoption of Area Plan.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that the co~mmmtcat~on be received
and filed.
_SEE By-law Number ~26
The FollowinK Reports were presented]
No. 225 - Chalmaan of the Arena Committee - rec-~nmendations. ORDE:~ZD on the motion
of Ald. ~Lartin and Mowers that the report be received and laid on the tabl~ for con-
sideration of a full Council.
No. 226 - City Manager_ - recommending City approach Stamford Township to share the
cost of the construction of a storm water relief sewer on North Street from Morse
Avenue to Drummond Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F~rtin and Morton that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 227 - City ~hnaEer - report on attendance of City Council and officials at
CyansK~id Plant to inspect latest methods to eliminate gas and dust. ORDERED on the
motion of kld. Mowers and McKinley that the report be received and filed.
No. 228 - City Clerk - report on Conference held on October 2Ath. ORDERED on the
motion of AId. I~rbin and }~wers that the report be received and adopted.
No. 229 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licerice. O~I)ERED on the motion of
AId. ].Towers and McKinley that the report be received and adopted and lieonce issued
acc o nLi ngly.
~:.e followi~< Resolution was passed;
:]o. 109 - F~ARTIN - 1.:C;,~ERS - R~SOLVED that ~erndssion be given to the Niagara Falls
Hydro Co~dssion to erect Christmas lighting for the North End and South End Busins
men' s Assc, ciations on the main thoroughfares for the forthcoming Christmas Season;
and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Ald. ~rtin was of the opinion, with which all members of Council con-
curred, that a vote of thanks was due to Alderman Mowe~.s for the efforts he had ~ut
forth in connection with the protosed Christmas lighting, the arrangements he had
made for demonstration for the benefit of the merchants, etc.
The following Resol___ution was pa~.s_ed_i
No. 110 - '~2TE - MOWERS - RX-~3CLVZD that the City F~%,~ager, City Solicitor
the City Clerk be ~quested to submit a report c~,ntain]ng information.
advantages or disadvantages of amalgamation or annexation; also tb~
revision of the b undarics of the municipality; and the 3eal of t}}e eerieration
be hereto affixed.
The Council adjol/~ed to the Finance ~.~ting on th,~ ,notion or A3C, Mowers amd Ald.
}brton. '
READ A",FD ADCFTZD, 7th. November, 1955.
The followinK By-laws were passed;
No. $~26 - - A by-law to approve an Official Plan for the Niagara Falls andBuburbar,
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and McKinley that AId. '~ite be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Mowers that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the secor, d
reading. - Carried.
Third Reading - AId. Morton and Aid. McKinley - Carried.
No. 5328 - To appoint Deputy Returning Officers, Poll Clerks and Polling Places f~r
tLe ~,~,dcip~t Zlec~ion in December, 1955 £or the year 19~6.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Morton that AId. McKinley be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the b~-law be given the first
reading. - Carried.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Brooks that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second
reading - Carried.
Third Reading - Aid. Morton and AId. Brooks - Carried.
Council Chamber,
31st.October, 1955.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 31st. October, 1955 fox. the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present, with
the exception of Ald. Donald. Ald. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $56,937.96 were approved by the Committee.
The Accounts submitted being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered
placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council o~ ~ r~o~ ~f A]d.
M~e~s anJ A].~. ~te.
The City Manager's report on the application of Frank BaleS, 2053
Buchanan Avenue for a building permit to erect an addition to his residence at an
estimated cost of $10,0OO. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Mowers and Morton that the report be received and adopted and ~rmit issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of Salvatore Picirrello,16~3
Ellen Avenue for a permit to construct an addition in front of his existing dwelling
and recommending that the application be referred to the City Solicitor for advice,
was presented for coneideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mayor
Hawkins that the report be received and adopted.
27 .I
The City M~nager's report on the application of Fred Swain, 2090
Main Street for a permit to erect a neon sign, at an estimated cost of
was [resented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Ald.
EcKinley that the report be received and adopted and t~rmit be issued.
The City [~nager's report on the application of Doncraft Advertising
Co. for a permit to erect a facet sign at an estimated cost of ~450. advertising
PlayemCigarettes, on the south side of the building at 1769 Victoria Avenue,
owned by H. M. Sauer, was presented for consideration. ORDE~D on the motion of
Ald. Hotton and Ald. White that the report be received and adopted and l~rmd. t issued.
The City ~Z~nager's report on the application of Supertest Oil Company
for a peit to rebuild a service station at the north-west corner of First Avenue
and Bridge Street, at an estimated cost of $15,000. was presented for consideration.
OFFERED on the motion of kld. ~,'~%ite ~nd Mowers that the report be D~'ceived and
referred to th~ City Solici!.or for his interpretation as to whether the proposed
construction conforms with the by-law, and if so, the City F~nager be eml~wered to
issue the permit; if not, the City Solicitor b~ retuebt'~'c~ t~ :~ubmit a further
The City 1.L~nager's report cn the application of Victoria Motors for
a I~rmit to erect a sign on their used car lot on the west side of Victocia Avenue
south ~f Je~son Street, at an estimated cost of ~jSOO. v~as presented for consideratf
O:~DERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and KcKinley that the retort be received and
adopted and perndt issued.
It was ordeped on the motion of AId. [~wers and Mayor Hawkins that
City ~Zanager be permitted to rel~rt verbally on the application o~ Victoria ~tors
for a per.~t to erect an office, at an estimated cost of $1,500. to be erected on
the used car lot at 1125 Victocia Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Hawkins
and Ald. Mowers that the verbal report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Treasurer's rel~rt on Reven~e and Expenditures as of Septemb-~r
30th, 1955 was presented. O~DZE]D on the motion of ~yor Hawkins and Ald. Brooks
that the s~e be tabled for one week for the perusal of Council.
Ald. Brooks expressed the view that some action should be taken to
enable existing businesses such as service stations, to expand, always providing
that the same type of business was carried on.
Ald. Morton queried Voucher No. 3482 on the Finance By-law, being
travelling expenses For Ald. Mowers on the occasion of the interview with the
Honourable Wm. K. Warrender, Vice-Chairman of the H.E.F.C. and the reason for his
attendance was explained.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and
Ald. Mowers.
READ A~ tDOPTED, 7th. November, 1955.
Cler~ : ......
The Council re-assembled at tl- close of th~~ r,~Sular
Heetings for the t urix~se of passing the by-law whlch cev,~!.ed kh,- accounts
by th,~ ConzTittee. All members o? Cou~,~c]] were [rese,!~ with th'~
.~q. follo.wlng _By-law was t,aSsed;
No. 532P - To provide monies for geu.:~ral purposes.
CP~Z~ED on the ~ltotion of Ald. :,:cKi,~ey and !iorto~, that A] i. :t'~rtin 1~
granted the privilege of introducing the by-!~w a~! %h,~ by-law be give~: tLc ~irst
reading. - Carried.
CRDERED on the riotion of Ald. r.~rtin and I,'or~.on
the Standing RuIes of Council be tem[crarllj,' sue[ended and the by-law
second reading. - Carried.
Third Reading - AId. Eorton and Ald. Mowers - Carrie~.
READ A~,D ADOFTED, 7th. November,1955.
Board Room,
31st. October, 1955.
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of
the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, 31st. October, 1955 for the
purpose of considering the items presented to them. All members of the Committee
were present, with the exce]~ion of Ald. Donald. His Worship, ~yor Hawkins,
presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items placed before them, the Committee adjourned on
the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mowers.
READ AND ADOPTED, 7th. November,1955.
Council Chamber,
7th. November, 1955.
Pursuant to adjour~nent, Co,moil met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 7th.
November, 1955, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All
members of Council were present. 9.is Council~ having received and read the minutes
of the Frevious meeting, adopted those on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks.
Pie '.~orship, Fmyor Hawkins welcomed Messrs. Rodgers and Brown of the
staff of CHCH-TV who were present at the meeting in order to ills proceedings for
their Station. Mr. Nzloney of Radio Station CHVC was also welcomed.
Laid over from the previous meet[nF,]
No. 280 - Clerk of the Court of Revision - atl.aching list of arrears of business
taxes which the Citj Treasurer has reco~aended heinz struck off as uncollectible.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and McKinley that tLe communication be receiv.'
and the Clerk be authorized to proceed.
No. 281 - South End Business and Frofessional Men's As~ociatton - requesting actio~-~
concerning the parking lot at the end of Sylvia Place. The City I,~anager reported
verbally on the action he had taken and the contact made with the writer of the
communication who was satisfied w[th what is proposed, namely, the maintenance of a
strip 2{~ feet wide, which would provide additional parking for cars and then
gradually the whole area will be put in shape. 0RDEPu~'D on the motion of A]d.i.iortol
and Donald that the matter be a~ain tabled for one week.
The follow~ ng Comnunications wer_~e/oresented]
No. 2~3 - Greater NiaKara Victorian Order of Nurses - appreciation for co-operation
during opening of Community Chest Cami~ign. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton
and Donald that the con~nunication be received and filed.
No. 2~ - St__._P_at__rick's C.W.L. - invitation to Annual Christmas Bazaar. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald.l,~rtin and Morton that the invitation be received and accel.ted
and as many members of Council as findit I~ssible attend.
No. 285 - Junior Chamber of Conmerce - appreciation for co-operation re Safety Lane
on Victoria Avenue. ORDEP~D on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the com-
munication be received and filed.
No. 286 - Greater Niagara Association for Retarded Children - re "Retarded Children's
Week" November 13th to 23rd. and invitation to Open House on November 14th. ORDERED
on the motion of Als. }bwers and Donald that the invitation be received and acknow-
ledged and the Association advised of the inability of the City Council to be prese~+.
on November ll~th, due to the regularly scheduled Council Meeting on that evening,
but that Council will avail themselves of the first opportunity to visit "Bellehaven".
No. 287 - NiaKara Falls Citizens Baseball Club - appreciation for contribution to
send the team to Ottawa for the Juvenile "A" finals. 0RDEE on the motion of Ald.
McKinley and Donald that the conmuntcation be r~ceived a~d ~l~d, Council Already
~avi~' cecoc,jed tLeir co.~endation or, the team's success in winning the Championship.
No. 288 - Polish National Union of Canada - invitation to First Polish Union Ball on
November llth, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton andsBrooks that the invitation
be received and accepted and as many of the members of Counc] 1 as find it possible
Laid over from t~yious meetin~q~ir'
to. 225 - Chairman of Ar~_en_a_~pfiL~i_t_t_,:f . five recomJ n,lations. As
recomanendations have ~ready been imFle~:~ented (SEE Confe'ence i(i. mu~es c,f Cco}~,r
2l~th), Council dealt ~th the three ~m~ning recom~er, da~ions.
motion of ~d. ~nald and ~Zowers that ~ih refer+ nce to Item ~c,. 3
receipts - that a profit and loss sheet be Irepared on the o},er'ttion of wr~sL]ic~
up to the end of October. ORDEED on the motion of .~d. ~r/dd and Mowers that
~th reference to Item No. A - i~stallation of advectisi.~ sixths - tha~ tk!~ it,~:!
be left ~th the Arena Co~xittee for a further rep,~.. CRDE~?]D on %}~e m:~[i,,~] cf
~d. Don~d ~nd Nowe-s that Item No. ~ re pu~hase of an ice planer
~tter be referred for the consideration at the first of 17~6.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 230 - City Clerk - reco~mnending issuance or lice~ces. CRDZrSD on th~ :,~Lio~
of A!d. McKinley and _tiorton that the tel.oft he receive,] and 'tdclpLed and ]]cenc~s
issued accordi~Zly.
The followin,~ Resolution was passed]
No. 111 - .McK__i~'~7~EY - DO.',J,aZD _ RESCLVGD that ~d. J~,es O. '~],ite b~
~ac[,i~ l'~yor, November 1Oth and llth, du~ng the absence cf His
E. M. Hawkins; and the Seal of the Corporation be herato affixed.
AId. Brooks referred to conditions existing in the vicinity of :.'cGrail
Avenue and Lex.ds Avenue and the complai,,ts he had ceceived from reri~ekts in
proximity to a garage which has been built in the ce.~tre of two pro.tevti~!s
complete with a ramp; the City having now placed stone on the al]eF.~ay~ some of
which has been dumped on abutting land to the dissatisfaction of }ropefry ownarE.
In addition to this nuisance, a trailer providing living accon~:odation is also
in existence. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Brooks, seconded by ild.
Morton that the City F~nager be renuested to sub,dr a complete report on the
matters referred. '
Ald. Martin referred to a re]oft which had been requested outlining a
study of the traffic lights on the corner of Valley Way am'. Victoria Avenue ar!d
including Morrison Street.
The City Manager advised that both General Electric Coml~ny and the
Northern Electric Company had submitted Estimates, resulting in the erection of
one island and ~he lessening in the width of another island.
ORDERED on the motion of Ale]. Martin and McKinley that these two reports
be brought to Council at the n~xt meeting.
N~o. 53~0 - A by-law ~o re-open those ~ortions of Peer Street and Gladstone Avenue
stopped up by ~-law N~ber ~662.
ORDERED on the ,notion of Ald. McKinley and l.~artin that Ald. Donald be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading.. Carried Unanimously.
ORDEP~D on the motion of Ald. ~bwers and Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the byelaw be given the second
reading.. Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading . M:d, Morton and Ald, Donald - Carried Unanimously.
The C~uncil adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of AId. Mowers and
AId. Donald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 14th. November, 1955,
Clerk \\
Council Chamber,
7th. November, 1953.
The Finance F~etin~ was held on Monday, ?th. November, 1955 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Ald.
Martin, Chairman of Finance, Presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $69,008.19 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of
Ald. l~Kinley and Ald. Donald.
The City Manager's report on the application of S; Ptcirrello for a
building permit to construct an addition in front of the existing dwelling at 1643
Ellen Avenue, ~ch was laid over at the previous meeting for an opinion by the
City Solicitor, was again presented along with a report of the Solicitor. ORDERED
on the motion of Aid. Morton and Donald that the application be refused and the
report of the City Solicitor be received and adopted.
The City Manager's report on the application of Supertest Oil Co. for
a building permit to rebuild a service station at the north-west corner of First
Avenue and Bridge Street, which was laid over at the previous meeting for an opinion
by the City Solicitor, was again presented along with the City Selicibor's report.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Mayor Hawkins that the City Solicitor's
report be received and ~dopte~ and a ty-law as suggested replacing by-law number
5321 be prepared for the next meeting of Council; and also a by-law be prepared
replacing by-law number 5300.
The Sunmary of Revenues and Expenditures as of September 3Oth, 1955
which was laid over from the previous meeting, was again presented. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that the same be received and filed, due tO the
fact that another report is now being prepared containing more detailed information
to the end of October.
The City Manager's report on the ap!licatlon of ~s~n CIh.olc f,,r a rI'r!!tt
to erect an illLu~nated plastic sign, at 1463 Ferry $trel=t, a,. an estiua~e~ ~ast
of ~500, was presented For consideration. 0~'DE!ED on ~'.':e l!otion of lld. I]c![inley
and Dcnald that the reiort ~e received an,] mloi. ted an{~ ],~r.~jt is.~{u~,d.
~e Cit~ ~.Lanager's retort on the apillcation of 3. B. Au:ust for a F,r!it
to erect a masonite facet sign at his real estate office, 627 ~j~enGtre. t, an
an estimated cost of ~60, was presented ~ur consideration. ORDZR?D on hhe n~rtion
of ~d. Morton and kld. Mc~nley that the MI oft be received ap~] adopted and
pemtt issued.
The City !,~nagec's report on the application of Ros~:e:.gs Limited to ~rect
a neon sign on their parking lot at the south-east corner of E~e A'~enue arc <ue,m
Street at an estimated cost of $125. was presented for consideration. OI.9E??D on
the motion of Ald. Donald and ].lowers that the re~ort be received and adolied
permit issued.
~e City ."~%nager's report on the aptlicatior. of Roy Smith for a i=~,r~rL~ t tO
erect an addition to the one storey building at 1024 Centre Street, %t a:~ esiL!~=~leJ
most of $4, O~. was presented For conside~.ation. C~DZ%SD on the totion cf il{].
Mowers and ~d. ;.lotion that the re~ort be rc. ceive.~ and a.lopted ~d
'~e City Manager's ~ef.crt on the ap[lication of 1.klcLael i~cci for a per,.dt
to erect a building on the east side of Victo~qa between f. lorrison St. and Crawfor.]
Place on the premises known as ~O Victoria Avenue, at an e;~t~mated cost of -~.3~,0S9o
was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the :notion of Ald. Eowers and fdd.
Donald that the repel6 be received and adopted and !~rmit issued,
The City Manager,s report on the application of inter-City Forvarders fox'
a permit to inst~l two 4000 gallon storage tanks at 393 Piver Road, at an
estimated cost of ~300. was presented for consideration. CruDE ?D cm the motion of
Ald. Morton and Donald that the report be received and adopLed and permY t issued,
The City M~nager's report on the application of jolley Col,struction Co.
for a building permit for alterations to U':e building used as an Armcuries at 1~51
Victoria Avenue, at an estimated cost of ~55,O00.OO ~.Ias presented For considerati~,n,
O~D~D on the motion of Ald. McKdnley and !forton thai the report b,~ r.~c~ived ~nd
adopted and per,~t issued,
The City Manager's report was presented on the aFt'lication of Charles
Knott for a permit to erect a me|el on the vacant lot at the south-west corner
of Stanley and Spring, to provide 12 motel u~lits, at an esiimat,d cost oF
the report contained the requirements of the Dep~rtment of Prayel and Fublicity
and advised that the plan submitted will not meet these rl~q;lirements. ORDEF~D on
the motion of Aid, Donald and Mowers that the report be received and adopted and
the applicant advised that the application submitted does not meet the regulations
of the Department of Travel and Publicity.
The Comparison of Tax Collections as of October 31st,1955 was submitted
for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald thag the report
be received, given the usual publicity and filed.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of AId. Mc-~inley and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 14th. November, 1955.
Chairman of Finance
Council Chamber,
~e Council re-assembled at the close of the r.~gular Council and Fina~c,-
]~etings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts apiroved ~;~
the Committee. All members of Council were present.
The following, By-law was passed]
No.j331 - To provide monies for general purpose.
OiiDERED on the motion of AId. kcFinley and ,',Towers that AId. I.Lartin be
granted the privilege of introducirkg the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading· - Carried Unanimously.
ORDi~P2D on the motion of Ald. }.~rtin and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the sec<,.,'
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
I]~ird Reading - ild. -~'~%rtin and AId. Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
Die Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Mowers and AId. Donald.
READ AND ADOPTED, lath. November, 1955.
Clerk ' ' ~ ......
j~ .L .4, ~ ? J!un' I -.1'~
Pursuant to adjourn'n~rH.~ Coun,;l] :..~ at %3¢ ! .~. , ~ Zl,'r:,T%', l,'~f'
f,Iover,lb,~r. 1~5, for t},~
memb~rs ,~ Council '..~re !resent.~
ha~'inZ received and r~ad the m',nute.~ of t~.~ ir.-v~'~,;s ,,e, !]n~ &it. t.v ~:
motion c,P ATd. l~ite and ;'~I~. Tierto-. ' :~" '
A delegation Crel.n the South -~d Business and Fz'o?. s-:i, hal i;t-,',';
was tres~nt el. t~e rreetlnZ and on tLe ""~ti,~. ,,,F AId. l./ow~,-s vJ ~r,,.7~s if. ~.,'~s
ordered that the2. be beard aL t} ;.s time. Lir. j. 'L irmes~ acbL] as si3kesfna,~ for
the group pad asked for $ rei~.pt '.'.<th ~Sard L U,e Cj, t
v~th the t ar~ing lot at Sylv]a Ylac% advi~in5 t,h~,t test,~ h,,,- /,~,,~- mace ,,~ tLe
grourid an~ an ~hcu ,, the
+.ake the stone ~2tb,u~ sink!hE too far~ thus rro.,i,H r.2 sult'fi]~ caci2 ~.~
mercD:~nts~ custo.ne-s at tb~ Gout}. in~ ~f the ~ity.
The City l:anader im~.~ent.~d a ve-k,al l'e:.,,-~ on 'hr; %Ct~,,r; ',.a'~n
tourninE ~th re%fence to tb~ tart:inZ ar~a in .r,,~st~,r, an, l e~ :-~.ss~.,~ U e l':'i-
the work h~l] Be c~:%leted~ wear,bet ier~it, t.i,~2. ::S s :Icr:;hit. assured the
that the City ~anaSer w: 11 Jo his t{ ::,.~vt to co~nt Iota Lh~ ,york ls aooh as re5 sV1,L,.
AId. i.:cKi.ley desired to know whether this ~,as ~ ,'': f",.:'.,.-: to. t~,e del,Zati~,~ and
was assured l=,y Mr. l',nes that the Associ,~tion was well s,~tis?iol with tLe '.','rb~
report given.
*~' - ""'T .....
U'.--i"-~,ttIu,~ tO. 231.
2.:r, K. Y. !;/r, ton of }L~rtln~ Calvert.~ Bates an,:. Sbe. pi.~r. 1 was pr.~-;.% a
me~'~timZ and on the motion of Ald. L'orton and Xowe,'u '~t was ordered tb..~t be be 'r:e.%rd.
He requ.~sted Councll's favourable consideration to changlag the desiSoati.or, c,F
i,roperty at the corner of Stanley Street and kcRae SEreeL to Co!n,I..~'rc[al
of the present con,:Ut!on of the buildings thereon, ~f, heine the intention of the
prospective ]urchaser oF the property to erect a mder.n service station. ORDE2ED
on the motion of Ald. Mowers and r'Lartin that Con, un;c%tion 291 be r~ferred t.o
of City Solicitor for consideration.
~. tatbony Rocco one or the signatories on Petition ~. 29, requesting no
change in by-law number ~300. was permitted to speak to Council on the loebion of kld.
Mowers and l'~rtin. He advised that the petitioners were satinflied with the by-law
in its present form but they did not wish to see ABv
5J03~ so as ~o permj. t the erectio~ of a service station on the Cartledge property
on tundyes Lane~ Hr. Rocco advised that the petition included the signatures of
persons living adjacent to this property.
SEE Petibio. n Nq. 29.
Lald over from tt:e pr.:vlous meetln~
?b. 2~1 - South End Business ~nd Professional Men'$ Association - re Sylvia Place
parking lol. ORDERED on the mot]on of AId. McKinley and lid. Mowers that the com-
munication be received and ~i)ed as the work is [rogresslng as reported verbally
by the City I.~nager.
D~e Pol!oy~_~r~' Co~:~ur!cations were [resented]
:;~. 2~9 - Greater :4iaF, ara Chamber of Co~-,erce - re observance o? Boxing Day,?~esda~
December 2?th. ORDERED cn the motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks that the co,m:uni-
cation be received and tabled and the three Businessmen's Associations be contacted
to ascertain their opinion i~ the matter, being advised of the City~s position re-
EardinS suspension of municilal services for such a lengthy [eriod cr time.
No. 290 - Chcistine Skory - re flooding conditions. ORDERED on the motion of Aid.
Mower3 and McKinley that the corm'auntcatiom be received au~ referred t.o the City
I,L~qaEer for a report.
No. 291 - ~rtin~ Calvert, Bates and ShepL~_r_d - requesting change to Cot~mercial 2
for Lots 332, 331 and 330, at the corner of Stanley and i. lc~. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. ~.~cKinley and Norton that the commun'i cation be received and laid or,
the table for one week.
No. 292 - Junior Ohmabet of Commerce - Re Get Out The Vote C~Jnpaign. ORDERED on
the motion of AI:]. Mowers and White th'~t the con~Iunication be received and filed
and th~ Junior Chamber advised that Council endorses their ~rogrsJ~me to encourage
anyon~ to attend the Council :-!eetlngs, but that Council cannot foresee nor publici
the agenJ. a for the Council k'eetinl;s, being unaware of its con~ents until the ti~!e
the meeting.
The foliowinE Reports were presented;
No. 231 - City ~hn~,~er - re lane between Vialnut St. and Centre St. ORDERED on the
motion of Aid. Brooks and Morton that the rel;ort be received and filed and the
trailer referred to at the last meeting be disposed of inm, ediately.
No. 232 - Ci__tff Clerk - re notice from t;ew York Central cancel]ing lease re Ontario
Avenue site. ORD~,ERZD on the motion of kld. Mowers and Brooks that the report be
received and filed.
No. 233 - City Clerk_ - l~corm,~ending isnuance of licenoes. ORDERED on the motion
Ald. Korton and Mowers that the report be received and filed and licenoes issued
No. 234 - City Solicitor - proyosed a.mendments to By-law 5321. OFJ)~'TtED on the
motion of Ald. McKinley and Morton that the report be received and laid on the tabl.'!
for one week.
The followinK. Petition waspresented{
No. 29 - Ernest .A. Jones and 71 others - requesting no change in by-law number 530a.
ORDERSD on the motion of AId. McYdnley and Morton that the petition be received an8
laid on the table for one wee~ and a cofy of tb~ r~m.rn~d Yy-]~" +~ ~7]': ] -~
r~ ~ "-.:'~:,I '., l'r. ' .... ~',: f~,~,tl,k; an o~ir, ion in ~iting ~fo~ the ne~
By, LNq --
A by-law to regulate the height, bulk, location, size, floor area,
spacing and external design of buildings to be erected on either side of Ferry Stroll
be, we.:~ Vicborla .~,ferl,_',:- ,,!, !~.~ --' " ..
side c?tl,,n,~.~ Ltr-. ~,-~t.~:.~,~ Z'r~+
o~red la~d ~n t~. f.~hle Cur o,,e w~'ak
who are [..~ forwar,] ~,:tr ,,L~',Z:h~
READ A?~ AD(3t 'FED, 2] st. Vove:'!her, 1955,
Colmc; 1 Cha',,t.er~
11; L ~, .',:orestar, t95f.
The Finance M~;,-tin5 was held on !6~nday, ]/,th. vovemL,;r, 1955 fc,r the
Furpose of al,lmovinj ~nc'. alamo passing the varjcus accounts w} ]cb bad be-;n jFo!erlLl
certified and placed before them. All ~I, em. bers r,~ tLe C(um~iLtee were tI'~!~ffr',[,
*,.he exception of Ald. Donald. Ai~. Lartin~ Cbairm~r uf Fluamos, [+resil]ed.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of ~55,537.54 were ai:[.roved by the Co~r~,.ittee.
The Accounts submitLed bein8 ],assed or othervtise dealt ~dth, ,veto.~
o,'~lered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the laotion
of Ald. McKinley and }~yor Nawkins.
The City ~L~nager's report on the akllcation of Llmdy's Lane UniLed
Church for a permit to erect an addition to the Sunday School, at an estimated cost
of $60,000. was presented for consideration. O%OL]IED on the ,,otion of Ald. L'o!,mrs
and McKinley that the report be received and ~dopted and pen~(t issued.
The Corm,titles arose and reported to Council on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald.
Howe rs.
.jAD AND ADOITED, 21st. November, 1955.
.~, '!
Chairman of Finance
Council Chamber,
14t h. ?~ovel,~ber, 1;~5 5.
The CounciZ re-assembled ab the close of the r~gular Ct.ur~cil and Fin~
~Ie~tings for the l,urgose of ],-assing the by-law wkich covered ~he accounts approv~d
by the Col~itt,'e. Xll members of Council were ~ resent, w~th the excepLior, of Ald.
The following By-law was passed;
"o 5332 To provide monies for general furposes.
OP~ED on the ~tion or AId. I.~Kinley and ~,[artin that kid. ~,~rtin be
granted the trivilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried.
O?j)XF~D on the motion of Ald. Martin and Morton that ~:~le 3(~ (2) or
Standing R, des ef Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be give~ the 2nd.
reading. - C~r~ed,
Third Treading -Ald. I4orbon and Mowers - Carried.
The followinK Resolu~don was passed;
No. 112 - McFZT%EY - MO~RS - RESOLVED that 'Election Me,~tings for this year be
confined to one Radio Broadcast and one public meetir~; anU the Sea], of the Ccr-
:.or~tion be bereto affixed.
The Council adjourned to Conference on tLe motion of Aid. Mowers and Ald.1,:orton.
R!,;AD A~ ADOPTED, 21st. November,!955.
.... sLrlc'_ion~ ,,~ h~. ]52~ t'laq 3~ ~r,.:' Far', :,' r] >,,I: .':,',~
Ald. ~X.t.c-> '.be 3;.ty [:anager and hi.,solr. Fe ~k, lsc:+l ~},at th+: Sl.~,9.~r cf
~<>nt"aerce C,,h~,iti.ee ar;: t,, '~e,~ thr~ Tionov~ab]~ '/al.+,e~
r~oLel on ~esclaS~ .~ornipjJ rT, Dv~r,~)~r 2o.cl. at ll A.Y. and
pr:r~ssion Cot th~ al,hendance or Ald. ~'B~i+.e ~, this
r ~Ti '71 CY
-t ,-'i-;'jj' -_LL
2'~-.1. o~' U1,a Cori.oP,~tjun 1,c- herato aF~Lxed,
C3mia4 U,,anl
Gi~rK ' \-
C}iai. r,:ar Of Y,[
,"":Tl;"EO 'l ............. "'
-~,e ConTerence Cor-~!,[tt
reSular Ccunc[1 ana Firmnee l:eetl uds on
considerinS the ite~:ts tresente,] t,) ther..
,lEAD AhD ADOPTED, 2'!t.h.T.Yov~.mber~1955.
Council Chamber,
28th. November, 1955.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 5.00 p.m. on Monday, 28th.
November,1955, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All
members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes
of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald. McKinley.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 299 - Niagara Parks Commission - re Fmddy Run Sewer Outlet. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Mowers and AId. Morton that the communication be received and filed
and the Commission be notified that as the level of the Niagara River is beyond our
control, it is felt that this matter is not the responsibility of the City of Niagara
SEE Report No. 237,
The following Communications werepresented;
No. 303 - Greater Niagara Church Basketball Association - requestinE grant. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that the communication be received and
referred to the 1956 Council for consideration.
-Ald. White arrived at the meeting -
No. 30~ - Ontario Traffic Conference - Training Course in spring of 1956. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. Martin and Morton that the communication be received and referred
to the 1956 Council for consideration.
No. 305 - Arthur White - application to construct a motel at 1706 Ferry Street.
ORDEPJEDonthe motion of AId. Donald and White that the communication be received
and filed and the applicant notified that the location is not one of the areas in
which such type of construction is permitted. Carried. (Aid. Brooks-contrary). Ald.
White indicated that he was prepared to consider on their merits any such application
providing they were accompanied by proper plans and specifications. Prior to Council
action, a motion was made by Ald. Brooks that the applicant submit drawings and
obtain a tentative permit and other applications which are in a satisfactory location
be entertained. This motion was not seconded.
The followin~ Reports were presented:
No. 237 - City Nana~er - re Parks Commission letter on M~ddyRun Sewer Outlet.
ORDERE~ on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Morton that the report be received and filed.
No. 238 - City Manager - report on meeting at Chatham re sewage treatment plants.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Martin that the report be received and
No. 239 - City Manager - report on areas in the City of Niagara Falls in which erection
of service stations would be permitted. ORDEE on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald.
Mowers that the report be received and tabled pending the'submission of a supplementary
No.2~O - City Clerk - report on Ontario Municipal B~ard Heari,g and approval of
By-law 5322 designed to restrict the use of Lot 82, at intersection of ELlis St. and
Ontario Ave. (M.C.R. preperty) for the storage of cars. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
~owers and Brooke that the report be received and filed.
Toron[o ~th the Honoura~le 7Elter E~rris for the iurp-~j. .f di~cu~:=i,L r:.,- j~.
~ence ~ver and l{el]an,7 Canal Dev,]ol m,-.t~ ~]vl. si~ g thj
=~scussic- it was {reed that ~hP doleSates re[ur,: and .
action to arraaZe For a Fort Authopi[.y.
kid. i.2aetin ~,rouz;ht u
lighti~ in U:e ~_cipity of the public lavatsries ~t ~he r~.ap ,.P ~',-= .'~c er, 3t?'...~
Fire H~ and pe~erre-I
seconded by All. l.brton that action I,,- '~ker to },rv.~ iro} er l;Lh, :"a ', .s'al'.',d :.~
this loc%bton. The. 7,utiou '~'ts deF~tbeP bL- avc: P ~ f,*, ~. A~ ~m,.,~,].,'h[ l,... ~J,.
Donald ~,,H ?Dire Lh,~t tb~ Sity ]:a.~-,.J,,'p l'rl,~; ~ -~ r.el,:,..r .... ~.~ ": ,-r-~ ~'
fdd. ].irt, i,b ii~rtoq and rr,~oks.
The folTo~_u.h
ReadinS - All;. llov'.rs arid Al!. Donald -C,',-ried UDan]:~cusl2-.
The GouT:c5] adjourned to the Ylnat,c~ T'~;=L".nl. on 'he :.<,t!l~r or ~,~ l,lr,ber=' a,,! k~d.
PLEAD A'..,"D AD2FTED~ 6th. Deca!nl,er,] 955.
,______ . I.[ap~r
2j.kD ~:'D A~CFUT), "' Dece,,?,-r 1955.
thai ruan ef ."inat,¢ .
The followin~ By-law was passedJ
~ - To Frovide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Ald. McKinley that Aid. ~rtin
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. Mov:ers that Rule 36 (2) of the
· Standing R~les of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Aid. Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
At t~is time the City Clerk advised Council concerning a commmnication
received from Mr. L. R. 6kumming, Chairman of the Ontario kffmicipal Board regarding the
accepted date of the proposed meeting of the Hospital delegation, namely, Friday af~er-
noon, December 9th at 2 p.m. in the Board's Chambers at 1~5 Queen Street, West,Toronto.
~e Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid, Mowers.
EAD ~D ADOPTED, 6th. December, 1955.
Council Cha,~,L~r~
The Council re-assembled ab the clos? oP the re6ular Council and
FinaDce iqe~tings for bbe ]'uriose of passin~ the by-law which coveted tile accounts
apl:'oved };y ~,[!e Col,w:ibbee. All members of Council were Iresent.
... 296
Council Chamber,
6th. December, 1955.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 6.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 6th.
December,1955, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All
members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes
of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Mowers.
-Ald. Brooks arrived at the meeting -
Tenders had been called for the supply of coal for the 1955-56 season
and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton that the tenders
received, be opened, initialled by His Worship the Mayor and tabulated.
Laid over from previous meetings;
No. 265 - Niagara,St. Catharines and Toronto Railway Company - re possible change
in location of connections between Fourth Avenue, Stamford Centre and St. Catharines
No. 267 - Niagara,St. Catharines and Toronto Railway Company - requesting consideration
to a change in the bus stop on Victoria Avenue near Huron Street. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. M~rtin and Ald. Morton that the communications be received and filed.
SEE Report No.242.
No. 296 - Seoarate School Board - requesting 'no parking' signs in front of St.
Batrick's School, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, to Friday. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Brooks and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and filed and parking
be prohibited on the west side of Victoria Avenue from Maple St. to the steps in
front of St. Patrick's Church on Victoria Avenue.
SEE Report No.2~3.
The followir~ Communications were presented;
No. 306 - Junior Chamber of Commerce - requesting pennlesion to hold 'Community
Carol Sing' December 8th. on City Hal! steps. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton
and Ald. Brooks that the communication be received and filed and permission granted.
No. 306A- Niagara Falls Fire FIghters' Local 528 - requests for 1956. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Brooks that the communication be received and
referred to the Negotiating Committee of the 1956 Council.
-Ald. MCKinley arrived at the meeting -
No. 307 - City Clerk, Toronto - Air Pollution Regulations. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Brooks and Ald. Morton that the cormnunication be received and referred to the
Ontario Municipal Association.
No. 308 - Niagara Parks Commission - further re Muddy Run Sewer Outlet. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald. Mowers that the communication be received and
filed and the Parks Commission be informed that CounciI/will grant permission to the
Niagara Concessions Limited or any other company to elongate the pipe in question
to remedy the condition at the expense of the individuals prepared to do this work.
No. 309 - Niagara,St. Catharines and Toronto Railwa~y - reduction in St. Catharines-
Niagara Falls interurban bus route, effective December 4th, 1955.
No. 310 - Niagara, St. Catharines and Toronto Railway - effective date v~_l! now be
December llth, 1955- ORDZP~D on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Fartin that
the communications be received and filed.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 239 - City Manager - areas in which erection of service stations would be
perndtted under the by-laws now in effect or by by-laws already approved in principle.
~E~_~rt N~nber 2~1.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 241 - City Manager_ - breakdoom into three categories of areas outlined in
Report No. 239. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Ald. Mowers that the
report be referred to the Traffic Committee for study and report.
No. 2~2 - Traffic Con~r~ttee - recommending no action with respect to the re~est
of the N.S. & T..Railway for bus stops on Bridge St. at Victoria Avenue and on
Victoria Ave. at ~.~ple Street. ORDEP~F~D on the motion of Ald. ~rtin and Ald.
Morton that the report be received and adopted.
No. 2~3 - Traffic Committee - recommending no parking on west side of Victoria
Avenue from Faple Street to the steps in front of St. Patrick's Church. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald. Morton that the report be received and
No. 244 - City Manager - recommending the engagement of services of H.G. Acres.
and Company to make a preliminary study concerning possible schemes that miSht be
utilized with reference to a sewage treatment plant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Donald and Ald. Brooks that the report be received and tabled and the ~nager be
authorized to ascertain the cost involved.
No. 2~5 - City Manager - recommending change in old type bracket light on Emery
Street west of Stanley. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Donald
that the report be received and adopted.
No. 2J+6 . City Manager . recommending installation of street light on wooden pole
located at southerly limit of City garage on Market Square. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Morton and Ald. Brooks that the report be received and adopted.
No. 247 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Brooks and Ald. Donald that the report be received and adopted with the
exception of Item i which is to be tabled for one week for consideration.
Ald. Mowers, Chairman of the Christmas Party Committee reported verbally
on the change in location of the forthcoming Children's Christmas Party, scheduled
for Wednesday, December 14th, commencing at 2.30 in the afternoon; which will now
be held at Mareoni Hall on Magdalen Street due to the fact that Christ Church
Parish H~11 will be occupied very early in the afternoon by the Ladies Organization
of the Church making preparations for a Church Supper scheduled for that evening.
Ald. Mowers announced that Ald. White would act as Chairman on behalf of
the City Council at the Children's Christmas Party.
The Council adjourned to the ~inance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and
Ald. Brooks.
READ AND ADOPTED, 12th. December, 1955.
' --= Mayor
Council Chamber,
6th. Becember, 1955.
The Finance Meeting was held on Tuesday, 6th. December, 1955 for the
purpose of approvtng and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. AId.
Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the mount of $82,75~.81 were approved by the Com-
The Accounts submitted being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion
of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Donald.
The application of Orazio AellO for a building permit to construct
additions to his property at 1333 McRae Street, which had been referred to the
Property Committee at the last meeting, was again presented for consideration,
along with the Property Committee's report. ORDER~D on the motion of Ald. White
and Ald. Brooks that the report be received and adopted and the permit be granted.
The report of the City Manager in connection with the application of
~rs. Ellsen Hamilton for a building permit to construct an addition in front of
the dwelling at 719 Bender Hill, at an estimated cost of $20,000.00 was presented
for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Brooks and Aid. White that the
report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The report of the City Manager on the application of Doncraft Advertisi~
Company for permits to erect three signs at James Gordon Cigar Store at 1858 Ferry
Street, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and
Ald. White that the report be received and adopted and permits be issued.
The report of the City Manager on the application of D. Burland for a
permit to erect a neon sign on the north aide of Clifton Hill in front of his
premises at 953 Clifton Hill, at an estimated coat of $2,670. was presented for
consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton that the
report be received and adopted and permit issued.
At this time the City Clerk requested Council's permission to issue the
usual Christmas Cheer Cheques for the less fortunate members of the municipality
and it was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Hawkins and Aid. McKinley
that $3.00 for single persons and $2.00 for each additional person be granted.
His Worship the Mayor referred to the recent election results and the
fact that present members were returned to office, indicating the satisfaction of
the electors of the municipalitywith the Aldermanic Board.
The C~'u~!c' I r,~-~sseub]
by the 2e~.:itt~e.
The followinK By-law was tlassed;
5337 - To l,rov~de ,.',hies for ger, eral l,.uTose~;.
ORDEIED or, the motion t.C AI.G. i:ow~rs a~!.-] .U4. ::c}Ciul~v t.l,a~ l].%;'mq ~,
be grants,1 th.-= ;~i~]ege oF i,,trcducinS the by-la~. aqd ~h,~ 1V-law b,. g] v.~n ~ e
First rearing. - Carried.
02DE,~?j) on the motion of Aid. L~rtin and A] d. ko::er,' thaL l~!e 3~ (?)
the Standing Rules of Council be tempgrsri]y suspended and ,the by-law Le given
second reading. - Carried.
Third Reading -A]d. }fcKinley and Ald. Eorton - 3arcied.
AId. White referred to two nmtters which bav~ been FendinS and suggested
that they be given consideration before the end o~ this year~ first, arranging an
au~ence ~th Fre~er Frost ~dth reference to Hyd~ and secon~y, meetings ~ tb
Sta~ord and ChipFawa to ~ecertair, their feelings regar~ng extension to the Fil-
tration Plant. OPteD ,~n the motion of Ald. ?~,ite
Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Aid. Morton.
READ AND ADOPTED, 12th. December, 1955.
RZgULAR , ,~
',~our!c-'l Chanbcr~
12th. Decemb~ r, 195 ~.
Pursuant to adjourr~r. ent, Council met ~t 7.30 p.m. on go,]day, 12th.
DecemheF~1955, For th~ lurDsse of considering genera] bus~nes~ and Finance. .~,]
]nei~bel's ,sf Ceu~.n'l .-'ere iresent. The Council, h%~n~ rec,~i';~:d and I'.?%J ~'~e
e~ tb~ Fre~lgu5 reetln5. adolied ~hese on the motion ,'f AId. Donald and
Laid o~r from ~, frevizus meeting;
'Yo. 301 - i.:3[cr~,iTle C~r 3aleu and Servic~ L[~. - ra,luesW nf lif[ind o~ res~.ricti o'
,~' 3't,:~coe S+.re~f .'rol. e~Z,'. O~DEP~D on tb~ ,no~,~ :,n ? A~d. '~*.e ~n.l AId. ].:or~,~l ['
The fsllo-rLnL
Fo. ~I^ D.?~rt'%~,~L ,..P l:~-,.llt~h rnvirenme~;t'~l
'f:rks C. ier,U~rs' ~,.lr--', Y~l./t;',-19~h,l?~~. T~,- City
S.~,a: ".'= Zcf':'j nt~J.,"'.'. oF ~te %Jaler !5rk'% L-:i%rS~,.mf. h~
~:'.:,;h ',s hio at'.en.d~ ,'n ,-: _k"' ,'izej" S .tncl! For the
t'J ,).,. ~-.,_,,, ,:; ,f ..,,x .-~lcm t.f t}'~ ~!lli,:~t:~,q ~:; 'tt.?nil
- A].d. Brooks ~rrj_ver~, a+ ~h.~ .i~eting -
,'I,9. 3]3 - CltZl of .'Lor.!qs - m~so]ution r.~ a_,.!-~nlb,ler,! to ~e Highway Traffic
!icen~ e~',t trnc[or~ and Farm tra~!er's 'xsin~ the hlShx,~yS. C~D~ZD :,n the
or AId. Z:crtun anJ AId. ~:o~ers thrH the cemv~lh'.catio~ be received and th.; r~soluti '
the fcl!ox,!n.< Reports were ;,resented;
ho. 9, '~ Cit. F, Lana~,er reqSlest of Hotorville Sales prohibited by bv-].aw no.5335.
C~D2'~ cn the ,,xoti,m of A].d. ~ite and ~d. Korton that the report. be received
adopted. (Md. Kowers-contrary).
No. 249 - City I't~nar. er - report on meeting with Ontario Municipal Board to discuss
construction of new hospital. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~.Lartln and AId. Mowers
that the report be received and Filed ~nd a meeting be arranged for Tuesday evening,
7.30 in the City Hall, DeceL~ber 20tb, with St-~nford and Chit.awe Councils.
:L . ')3 - $;.'. ~le,'k - recorml,ending issuance of licences. ORDERZD on the motion of
kld. licKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted and licenoes
issued accordingly. .
The City Clerk referred to the application for billlard licehoe which
had been tabled at the last meeting for further consideration by Council, and
advised that the o~mer of 579 Erie Avenue, where the business was to be located
was in the audience at this time for the purpose of finding out whether Council
would grant a licence for the operation of a barber shop instead, but that the
equipment necessa~ for such operation has not been set up, due to the fact that
the applicant did not wish to invest money unless he is assured that a barber shop
licence would be granted.
ORDEE on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley that 14r. Leslie
Sebo, the owner of 579 Erie Avenue be permitted to speak to Council. He proceeded
by advising Council that at this time he was not prepared to give a definite answer
as to whether it will be a barber shop or a pool room. After hearing Mr. Sobo's
comments and indication of what was proposed he was advised that he should approach
the proper authorities in this regard.
Ald. Martin referred to recent press reports on the refusal of the
Niagara Parks Commission to instal a gate in the fence at Lundy's Lane Cemetery
for the benefit of school children going to Barker Street School and advised that
he and a number of residents at the South End of the City did not agree with their
decision, and that he had been requested to ascertain whether it would be possible
for the City or the Board of Education to procure a right-of-way to the Barker St.
School Grounds. He was of the opinion that the petitioners who had asked for a
gate, were not now demanding a right-of-way through the Cemetery as their only
interest is the safety of the children and to overcome the necessity of having to
travel the business section of the City to get to School and a shorter route
would eliminate this hazard.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~rtin and Ald. Mowers that the City
Manager submit a r~pert containing the possibility of the City or the Board of
Education procuring a right-of-way to Barker St. School grounds. Carried Unanimously.
Ald. Brooks, Chairman of the Arena Committee advised Council that no
progress has been made with regard to better financial arrangements with regard
to the City' s share of wrestling receipts.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Ald. Morton that approval be
given to approach Wrestling Officials this evening to attempt to acquire the
minimum previously agreed upon or in effect issue an ultimatum concerning an
agreement embodying these figures. Carried. (Aid. White-contrary).
The Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and
Ald. Mowers.
RFAD AND ADOPTED, 19th. December, 1955.
Mayo r ·
Council Chamber,
12th. December, 1955.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 12th. December,1955 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Ald.
Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $37,671.O2 were approved by the Con~
The Accounts submitted being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of
His Worship the Mayor and Aid. McKinley.
The Summary of Tenders for the supply of coal for the 1955-1956 season
was presented for consideration. ORDEP~ED on the motion of Ald. Donald and AId.
Morton that the tender of W. L. Houck Coal Co. for the Stoker Coal at a quotation
of $12.15 per ton be accepted· Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
McKinley and Ald. Donald that the tender of Fred Eastland for Anthracite Coal at
a quotation of $1,211.00 be accepted. Carried Unanimously.
The City Manager reported on the communication from Gould-Leslie
regarding the erection of standard poster panels on C.N.R. property and recommended
that permission be granted as requested, for the four locations within the City
Limits. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Morton that the report be
received and adopted.
The City Manager's report on the application of Geo. R. Bradley for
permission to move a 1-1/2 storey frame dwelling from 713 Victoria Avenue to the
vacant lot at the south-east corner of Stanley Avenue and Cedar Street, was
presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. Donald
that the report hnd verbal recommendation of the City Manager be adopted and permit
The City Manager's report on the application of S. Gizzie for a buildiN
permit for alterations to the front of the building occupied by DeLorenzo Coffee
Shop at 1751 Victoria Avenue was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Morton and Ald. Brooks that the report be received and adopted and permit
As Council's representative on the Tourist Connittee of the Greater
Niagara Chamber of Commerce, AId. McKinley moved and Ald. Donald seconded the
motion that the City Manager submit a report on suitable locations at the entrance
to the Rainbow Bridge and Whirlpool Rapids Bridge where the City might erect a huge
sign welcoming tourists to this area.
The Co~mnittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 19th. December, 1955.
Council Chmnber,
12th. December, 1955.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts spproved
by the Committee. All members of Council were present.
The following By-law was ~assed;
No. 533~ - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Brooks that Ald.l.~rtin
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the let.
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and AId. Morton that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and AId. Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
The Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Morton.
READ AND ADOPTED, 19th. December, 1955.
Board Room,
12th. Docember, 1955.
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of
the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, 12th. December, 1955 for the
purpose of considering the items presented to them. All members of the Committee
were present. His Worship, Mayor Hawkins, presided as Chairman.
after consideration of the items placed before them, the Committee adjourned on
the motion of Ald. Donald and Ald. Mowers.
READ AND .~DOFTED, 19th. December, 1955.
Council Chamber,
19th. December, 1955.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 19th.
December, 1955 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All
members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes
of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. ~ite and Aid. Morton.
hid over from a previous meeting;
No. 300 - Local Hydro Commission - re Street Lighting on Victoria Avenue.
SEE Communication No. 314-
The followinK Communications were presented;
No. 31~ - Local HZG~ro Commission - in answer to Council' s query re possibility of
continuance of new installation at South v~nd of the City prior to Victoria Avenue.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Donald that the communications be
received and the Commission advised to carry on with the programme as originally
considered. The motion was tied, the vote being - Aye - Aid. Mowers, Donald,White,
and Mayor Hawkins; Nays - Aid. McKinley, Brooks, Morton and Martin.
An amendment was made by Aid. McKinley, seconded by Ald. Brooks that the communi-
cation be tabled for one week to ascertain the thoughts of the South End Business-
men in this connection. The vote was also tied - Aye -Ald. McKinley, Brooks,
Morton and Martin; Naye -Ald. Donald, Mowers, White and Mayor Hawkins.
No. 315 - Lincoln and Welland Regiment - invitation to 'At Home', on January 2,1956.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Ald. Morton that the invitation be received
and accepted and as many of the members of Council as find it possible attend.
No. 316 - Junior Chamber of Commerce - invitation to 'Civic Night' on January~,1956.
As this communication arrived too late to be included on this evening's agenda, it
was ordered read by Aid. Brooks and Ald. McKinley. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Morton and Ald. Martin that the invitation be received and accepted and as many as
possible attend.
The following Re~ort wae ~resented;
No. 251 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of Halrdresser's licence. ORDF~RED on
the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Martin that the report be received and adopted
and licerice issued accordingly.
The following Resolution was passed;
No. 117 - MOWERS - BROOKS - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of Council be
held on Tuesday evening, December 27th, 1955 at 7.30 p.m. and the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed. --
Carried Unanimously.
The Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. ~cKinley and
Ald. Mowers.
READ AP~ ADOPTED, 27th. Becember,1955.
Council Chamber,
19th. December, 1955.
The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 19th. December, 1955 for the
purpose of appreving and also passing the various accounts which had been
properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were
present. AId. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $166,133.52 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted being passed or otherwise dealt ~dth, were
ordered placed in the moneyby-law for presentation to the Council on the motion
of Ald. McKinley and Aid. White.
The communication received from Canadian Industries Limited regarding
an increase in the price of Chlorine effective January lst,1956, along with a
report of the City Manager was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the
motion of Aid. McKinley and Mayor Hawkins that they be received and filed.
The City Fanager's report on the application of Mrs. Mannette to erect
a masonite sign at 1052 Victoria Avenue, advertising a Beauty Parlour, was
presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid.
Brooks that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The Statement of Relief as of November, 1955 was presented for consider-
ation. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. ~wers that the Statement
be received, given the usual publicity and filed.
The Con~aittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of A!d. McKinley and
~'~yor Hawkins.
READ AND ADOPTED, 27th. December, 1955.
Chairman of Finance.
Council Chamber,
19th. December,1955.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Conmdttee. All members of Council were present.
The following By-law was passed;
No. 5339 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that AId. Martin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDEP~D on the motion of Ald. Martin and Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the 2nd.
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and McKinley - Carried Unanimously.
Council then recessed on the motion of Ald. Mowers and AId. McKinley
to await the arrival of a deputation of Wrestling Promoters.
Messrs. Sobel and Wybrow and the Arena Manager were present at the
meeting as requested by Ald. Brooks, Chairman of the Arena Committee for the
purpose of discussing revenue derived from wrestling.
Ald. Brooks referred to the decrease ~]ich has come about recently
and suggested that Mr. Sobel or his representative express their views on the
Mr. Wybrow speaking on behalf of Mr. Sobel outlined the difficulties
experienced by the Promoter and indicated that they were prepared to enter into
some form of arrangement which would guarantee no operating loss to the City. The
suggested arrangement was that the Promoter guarantee the sum of $8,500. for a
year, this being based on 50 nights of operation at a cost figure as quoted by
the Chairman of the Arena Committee of $170. and that if attendance was good the
20%would still apply but in any case the guarantee of $8,500. would stand.
Following the discussion it was ordered on the motion of Ald. MeKinley
and AId. Donald that the matter be tabled and referred to the Arena Committee of
1956 with no publicity in regard to this evening's discussion. Carried Unanimously.
Council then adjourned on the m~tion of Ald. Donald and Ald. Mowers.
READ Ai~D ADOPTE~, 27th. December,1955.
Clerk -mAyor.
Council Chamber,
2Oth. December, 1955.
Council met in Joint session in the Council Chamber on the evening of
December 2Oth, 1955 at 7.30 p.m. with the Councils of the Township of Stamford
and the Village of Chippawa for the purpose of discussing allocation of the
proposed hospital debentures. His Worship, Mayor Hawkins, presided. present
were all Members of the City Council, all Members of the Council of the Township
of Stamford ~4th the Member-Elect Mr. Robert Keighan and the representatives
from Chippawa being Reeve George Bukator, Councillors Somerville and Watson.
Also present were the Clerks of the three municipalities and the City ~nager.
Mayor Hawkins briefly outlined the purpose of the meeting and what was
considered to be the procedure to be followed and referred to the statement of
figures concerning the allocation of costs which had been supplied to all present.
He then asked the Clerk of the City of Niagara Falls to read from the minutes of
the Special Meeting of July 9th, 195~ the resolution passed at that time as to the
mode of allocation. Following the reading of the extract from the minutes His
Worship queried Reeve Bridge as to any comments he might have and Mr. Bridge
stated that the figures as presented were satisfactory in that they included
assessments under Section 51A, Reeve Bukator on being queried by ~,~yor Hawkins
also expressed approval.
Reeve Bridge then asked Mr. Huggins, Clerk of the Township of Stamford
for remarks concerning the contribution from the County of Welland which it was
proposed to issue debentures for and the Clerk advised that of this contribution
Stamford would have to pay approximately 20 percent through the County rate and
Mr. Huggins was of the opinion that this factor should be discussed and settled
at this point.
Reeve Bukator pointed out that Chippawa would also be affected in a
similar manner but that it was not his intention to make an issue of the matter.
Councillor Bates then stated that the opinion of the Reeve and Clerk was not
necessarily the opinion of the whole of the Council of the Township of Stamford.
Ald. Donald then raised the question as to how the capital funds involved
would be raised and paid, which brought about a discussion on the mode of financing.
Following the discussion the City Manager suggested that this was a matter that
should be discussed with the Hospital Board as to the possible requirement sched~de
and the debentures would then be issued accordingly.
It was then ordered on the motion of Alderman Martin and Councillor
Mitchelson that the adjusted figures for allocation containing assessments under
Section 51A as submitted to the meeting be approved as the initial ~asis for
debenture issues and in the amounts as shown thereon. This was carried unanimously.
It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Deputy Reeve Sootheran
that His Worship the Mayor, Reeve A. G. Bridge and Reeve George Bukator be a
committee to take up with the Hospital Board the matter of a requirement schedule
so as to facilitate the debenture issues on an established schedule; Carried
Reeve Bridge threw out the suggestion that t}le City of Niagara Falls
consider the issue of the total amount and that it be pro-rated throughout the
years which suggestions did not meet with layout.
Reeve George Bukator expressed his appreciation on behalf of himself
and the Members of his Council at being present and the manner in which things
were handled and indicated that it might be necessary in the future to again sit
in at such a meeting, referring apecifically to the question of water supply and
garbage disposal.
Councillor Bates suggested that the Solicitors of the three
municipalities should get together promptly for the purpose of drafting an
agreement and moved, seconded by Alderman Mowers that the Solicitors be requested
to consider as soon as possible an agreement with reference to the payments through-
out the lifetime of the proposed debentures which would embody the time of year
in which the payments should be adjusted and that they also consider the legality
of this action and the possibility of obtaining a Private Bill to confirm. Carried
Unanimously. Councillor Bates then suggested that it might be advisable to approach
the Municipal Board and the Hospital Board for the purpose of clarifying the
suggestion from Mr. Cureruing, Chairman of the Municipal Board that deficits be
assumed by the three municipalities, but following discussion in which His Worship
Mayor Hawkins pointed out that this was not necessarily the municipalities' problem,
his motion was withdrawn.
Alderman Mowers then referred to the recurring discussions concerning
indigent costs and suggested that it might be advisable to set up a committee to
investigate and report on this subject with a view to establishing a common basis
for treatment of this subject. But it was generally agreed that this matter should
be left in abeyance and not disturbed as of the present.
On the motion of Ald. Donald and Councillor John Allan, the Councils
READ AND ADOPTS, 27th. December, 1955.
council Chamber,
27tb. December, 1955.
Pursuant to adjourrmmnt, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday, 27th.
December, 1955, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All
members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the
minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Morton and
Ald. Brooks.
A delegation of the South End Business and Professional Men's Association
was present at the meeting and it was ordered on the motion of AId. Mowers and Aldo
Fartin that they be heard. F~. J. W. Innes acted as spokesman. He spoke in
connection with the petition presented at this meeting by the merchants at the
South End for the installation of the new fluorescent lighting recently installed
in the Queen Street business section, prior to a continuation of the lighting on
Victoria Avenue.
His Worship the Mayor outlined what had transpired and the authorization
which had been given by Council to the Hydro Commission and the financial aspects
of the installation and also the problems involved at the South End due to the
relocating of poles and lines. A full discussion then ensued after which it was
ordered on the motion of Ald. l~rtin, seconded by Ald. Donald that Mr. Williamson,
Manager of the Hydro Commission of Niagara Falls be requested to meet with Council
at their meeting on January 9th. in order to discuss details, folloldng which a
full report will be prepared for the infon~tion of the South End merchants and
others, so that the City's position and the merchants' position will be understood.
SEE Petition No. ~0.
.Laid ove. r from previous meet!hE;
No. 300 - H_~.v~_ro-Electric Commission of Niagara Falls - Street Lighting on Victoria.
No. 31~ - Hy~-'~-'/'Ef~ectric Commission of NiaRara Fall"~ - in answer to Council's query
re possibility of continuing new installation at the South End of the City prior to
Victoria Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin, and Ald. Donald that the
communications be again tabled.
SFS Petition Ng.~.
The foliowinE Communications were presented;
No. 317 - President. Hospital Trust - requirements for hospital building project.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Brooks that the communication be
received and filed and the City Clerk be authorized to proceed with the preparation
of the by-law containing the recital that the City of Niagara Falls has agreed to
contribute $818,0OO. of w}dch approximately $500,000. will be required in 1956.
~. 318 - W. J. McBurney - enclosing copy of draft of proposed agreement re
hospital project. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Morton that the com-
munication be received and filed and the agreement be approved, the by-law be
prepared and consideration be given to the insertion of a date by which the
calculations shall have been made; the suggested date being January 31st.
No. 319 - N.S. & T. Railway - attaching information on survey re bus transportation.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley that the communication be
received and laid on the table for perusal of Council.
No. 320 - Board of Police Commissioners - requestin~ meeting w~th the Traffic
Committee on January 0rb,1956 at 3 p.m. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks
and Aid. Donald tha~ the communication be received and filed and the Traffic
Committee meet with the Commissioners as requested.
No. 321 - Martin, Calvert, Bates and Sheppard - re application on behalf of Super-
test Oil Co. for the tearing down of a house and the existing service station at
Bridge St. and First Avenue and the erection of a new station. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the communication be received and filed
and permit granted subject to submission of detailed plans and specifications.
Carried. (Ald. Brooks-contrary). It was then ordered on the motion of AId. White
and Ald. Martin that the representatives of Wm. Gunning who desired to erect a
service station at the north-east corner of Stanley and McRae be notified that
by-law 5335 now in effect will permit such erection. Carried. (Aid. Brooks-contrary).
The following Petition was presented;
No. 30 - W. J. O'Reilly and 85 others - requesting installation of flucrescent lights
at the South End in the same manner as Queen Street section, prior to installation
on Victoria Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin, seconded by Ald. Donald
that the petition be received and tabled, and Mr. Williamson, Manager of the Local
Hydro Commission be requested to meet with Council on january 9th. in order to
discuss details, following which a full report will be prepared for the information
of the petitioners and others, so that the City's position and the merchants'
position will be understood. Ald. Mowers queried the limits of the proposed
lighting requested by the South End merchants and was advised that Main Street
from Oulp St. to North St. and Ferry Street from Stanley to Drummond Road would
be acceptable.
The followin~ Resolution was passed;
No. 118 - _MARTIN - MOWERS - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of PUs
Worship the Mayor and Members of the City Council be forwarded to the family of
the late Mr. Thomas O. Oliver, retired employee of the City of Niagara FAlls; and
the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 3rd. January, 1956.
Council G~amber,
27th. December, 1955.
The Finance Meeting was held on Tuesday, 27th. December,1955 for the
purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been ~,roperly
certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present.
Ald. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the ~moun~ of $1S, 5~.30 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Counci~ on the motion
of Ald. Mc~_nley and}~yor Hawkins. ~
The City l&~nager's report an the application of I'~ke Zahorchak for a
building permit for alterations and repairs to the Hollywood Theatre, damaged by
fire, was presented for consideration. ORDE~"~D on the motion of 1-~yor Hawkins
and AId. Donald that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City ~nager's report on the application of N. Kottick for a permit
to erect a neon sign at the Cataract Restaurant, 1986 Lundy's Lane was presented
for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Brooks that the
report received and adopted and permit issued.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of ~,hyor Hawkins and
AId. McKinley.
READ AND ADOPTED, 3rd. January, 1956.
· &,~,~, Chairman of Finance.
Council Chamber,
27th. December, 1955.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finarc?
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Cor~dttee. All members of Council were present.
The foliowinE By-law was passed;
No. 2340 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDE~ED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Morton that Ald. Martin be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the
Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the 2rid.
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Donald and Ald. Morton - Carried Unanimously.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers.
READ AND ADOPTED, 3rd. January, 1956.