Minutes1951x Jr.C Comm. Optimist Club General Ad ;ou rn Pv -law 1,67 Milk License 10. Bordens Dairy Letter to 11. Stamford,Engl. Adiourn December 29,1950 6. Frior Bridge 7. Prior Scctherar! Sootheran Allan 9. Prior Allan Allan Sootheran Prior Bridge 12. Sootheran Allan "That the statement of General Accounts dated December 31st, 1950 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to :,62,197.11." Carried. "That we do now arise as a Finance Committee tc take up general business." "That a letter of commendation to sent the Jr. Chamber of Commerce and Optimist Club for their manv contributions to Civic betterment, both in Stamford and the City." "By -law No. 1367, 1950. A By -law to provide V for the borrowing of money pending sale of debentures." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "That the application for a Milk Distri- bution License from Bordens Dairy he granted subject to the usual inspections." "That the Clerk send a letter of Greetings to Stamford, England thanking them for kind wishes." "That we do now adjourn to hold the inaugural meeting of the 1951 Council, Tuesday, January 2nd 11 a.m." B Reeve Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Meeting Adjourned Hour 5 11. M. Statutory meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber on Tuesday, January 2nd, 1951, at 11 a.m. Members of the Public Utility Commission and the Board of Education were also present. All the members of the Council and the member of the Public Utility Commission took the Oath of Office before Clerk, A. C. Huggins. The Reverend Gustavus Munro gave the Invocation for the 1951 Council. Reeve Arthur G. Bridge gave the inaugural address as follows: Members of the Township Council, Public Utility Commissioners and the Board of Education, and also to all others present: It is my pleasure to be able to present to you, my first inaugural address as your Reeve for the present year. In order that you may be able to follow my remarks more closely I have made a new departure from previous years, and the responsible officials have a copy before them. In the first place, I wish to congratulate the Deputy Reeve, R. I. Prior, Councillors John Allan and William R. Sootheran on their re- election, and also wish to extend a very hearty welcome to the newly elected Councillor George White, who at his first attempt succeeded in being elected to the Council. I must also extend a very hearty welcome to Mr. James Wincott, who has been elected to the place on the Public Utility Commission, so long held by Mr. K. C. McLeod, and I sincerely hope that he and myself can work in harmony on that Commission. That the three retiring members of the Board of Education have been returned by acclamation, should be sufficient evidence that their work in the past two years has met with the approval of the electors. However, before going into the actual substance of this address I wish to express my sincere appreciation for the manner in which the clerical staff have carried out their very onerous duties during the past year. The greater amount of work caused by the many new sub divisions has been carefully taken care of, and they, one and all are to be commended on their work. To the Engineering Staff, and Road Officials, with the growth of the Township as it has been evidenced by the number of permits issued during the year, well over $3,500,000, and with the in- creased work by reason of the aforesaid mentioned sub divisions, I can find no fault with their work. In fact, the whole of the Township officials have done all that could be expected of them, and I, as well as the other members of the Council look for a continuance of their support in carrying out their respective duties. To the three different Fire Brigades, may they be able to continue the same efficient work in 1951, that they have done in the past years. There is one matter that I think it is incumbent to speak of. In the light of the serious state of world affairs, it does seem to me that all municipalities must begin to take stock of the ability of the property owners to be able to pay the ever increasing taxation. The fact is apparent to most of us that there will have to be some rather drastic retrenchment in municipal spending. By this I do not mean that there will be any diminution of funds for the welfare of the children, as it is on their well being that civilization will survive. We cannot afford to let down to a very great extent, the education of those who are attending school, and this may be out of my jurisdic- tion, but I would respectfully suggest that in the building of all new schools, that all the frills be eliminated with a view of saving costs. By this I mean, that whilst it is desirable that a building should be in keeping with the neighbourhood, it seems to me that a lot of money is being spent on the outside, and not enough on the inside. The best of teaching staff must be maintained, and I believe Stamford has a very efficient staff of teachers. I am sorry that I cannot hold out any hope for a reduction in the tax rate for 1951, and the only way that I can see at present, is that a certain amount be transferred from our surplus account. This sur- plus has been raised by the taxpayers of the past and may be required later on, should a depression come upon us again. However this matter will be taken up when we discuss the budget. During this year, the Council will have to consider the Hydro development. There are so many different points to be taken up, and I can assure you that there will be no agreements made, unless a majority of the Council are in favour of same. Whilst there have been some verbal promises made, that Stamford will not suffer, yet they must be in writing, signed by the responsible officials of the Ontario Hydro, and agreed to by the Council. As you know, we have an agree- ment with the Hydro now, whereby we are paid 05,000 in lieu of taxes, but this will have to be definitely understood that any buildings now being erected or acquired by the Hydro will have to be subjected to the full taxation as those owned by private individuals. I want to assure you that on all matters in connection with this projected construction your counsel and advice will be asked for, and I have no intention of assuming any responsibility myself. If it is deemed advisable to call a special meeting it will be done. As a member of the County Council, I will together with Deputy Reeve Prior do all that it is possible to see that Stamford receives a little more consideration in road work. For many years it has been apparent that considering that we pay possibly one sixth of all the County taxes, we have not been receiving any too much consideration. This we both will try to remedy. I am going to propose that our system of financial statements that the members of the Council receive every two weeks, be changed somewhat, so that the various committee Chairmen will be able to see just what is being expended in the committee they preside over, and they will be able to sign the statements. During this year, I am of the opinion that some consideration should be given to oppose the Private Bill being presented to the Ontario Legislature to validate the agreement entered into by the City of Niagara Falls and Public Utility Commission in regard to the supply of water. Ten years is long enough but to have same run for twenty years, is in my opinion too long. In view of the amount of water that will be required by the Hydro during the next five years and with the continued increase in our population, it would seem that if the agreement is continued for 20 years, we will be paying Niagara Falls, some $1,750,000 for water, and still own nothing. With regard to our Assessments, and in view of the fact that we are having our valuations gone over by a County Assessor, it seems to me that this should be hurried up, and not to have to wait to 1955, to know just what the valuations will be. I am sure the Deputy Reeve will assist me in County Council in trying to have the work completed long before the year stated. I have reason to believe that this year will see considerable agitation on the part of certain officials of the City of Niagara Falls to try to annex a certain portion of this Township or to amalgamate the two Municipalities. To overcome this I suggest that a special committee, not necessarily members of the Council, be appointed as soon as possible to gather the statistical information that will be necessary to have to present to the Ontario Municipal Board if and when the time comes that it will be incumbent upon this Council to protest against any encroachment by the City on the boundaries of the Township. Remember the American Cyanamid deal some years back. There are many other matters that will be discussed as the weeks go by, and I intend to seek your advice on all matters that may have to be discussed at the various Boards and Commissions that I have to sit on by virtue of being your Reeve. Recommendations will be made concerning the re- organization of our Police force, the Arena Commission, as well as the various appointments that will be made concerning various organizations that normally have some connection with the Council, all of which may be taken up in committee or in open Council. Before ending this address, I see I overlooked mentioning the splendid work being done by the Wel'.and District Health Unit, and also by the Victorian Order of Nurses, and their services are a very great asset to the community. I propose to be at the Township Hall three days a week, Monday, .Wednesday and Fridays, so that any ratepayer who has any problem or maybe grievance to speak of can see me, rather than at my home. There will however, be nothing definitely promised, but the Council will decide on all matters. In conclusion, I thank the electors of Stamford for the honour conferred upon me, and it would be very refreshing, if the ratepayers would come to the Council meetings to see how your business is con- ducted, and with a word of thanks to the Evening Review and to Radio Station CHVC for their news coverage, may I wish you all present a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year. atory 1. Sootheran ice Allan "That a hearty vote of thanks be extended to the Rev. G. Munro for the splendid dedicatory service." Carried. ke to 2 Allan y Flower Sootheran "That the Ferry Flower Shop be sent a letter of thanks for the loan of the beautiful flowers for our inaugural meeting." Carried. Jan.2nd,1951 Minutes 1, Allan Prior Sootheran Prior Sootheran Prior "That the inaugural speech of Reeve A. G. Bridge be included in the minutes of todays aleeting." Sootheran Allan "That Deputy Reeve Prior be the Chairman of the following committees: Parks, Property and Cemetery." Carried. "That Councillor Sootheran be Chairman of the following Committees: Finance Fire." Carried. "That Councillor Allan be Chairman of the following committees: Roads and Sewers." Carried. Sootheran Allan thetfollowingocommittees :itSiddwalks,mWater, Light." Carried. Prior Sootheran 'That Reeve A. G. Bridge be Chairman of the following committees: Welfare, Education." Carried. Sootheran Prior "That we do now adjourn to meet Ftiday, January 5th at 7:30 p.m." eeve Carried. Meeting Adjourned Meeting held in the Council Chambers on 5th, 1951 at 7 :30 p. A. C. Bridge R. I. Prior W. R. Sootheran J. N. Allan G. A. White "That the minutes of the last meetin $be ado a snd bl s h.d." Dec. 29th, 1950 Carried. "That D. C. Elsley Insurance Broker as previous years C. A. Kaumeyer, H Co.'s participate viously," Reeve Deputy -Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor and Co, be re appointed as our for 1951 on the same basis That the J. G. Collins, A. Marquis and R. C. Young on the same basis as pre ion of 3. it Hall ct water 4. Bad •erRd ing eers of Hall 6. Sootheran White ua11ing ns e s ist Home ers 9. r license Sootheran Allan "That the agreement re: operation of Community Hall with Falls View H se Brigade be extended until such a time as the budget for 1951 is struck. That the Brigade be reouested to furnish Council. with their needs for the year in connection with the Hall as soon as possible." Sootheran Allan Prior Sootheran Sootheran G. White Carried. "T;-at the Public Utilities be asked to make the water connection at 3616 Badger Road as soon as possible, as the fee }as been paid for weeks and with serious illness in the family, the absence of water is a distinct hardship." Carrie.:. "That Reeve A. G. Fridge and Treasurer H. W. Dawe be appointed signing officers to sign all cheques drawn on the Innerial rank of Canada, Main St. Branch, Niagara Falls Ont. for the year 1951 and that the Treasurer be authorized to carry on the usual banking business." Carried. "That the advisory council of the General Niagara Falls Hospital and the women's Hospital Auxiliary he granted permission to use the Township Hall the evening of January 10th, 1951 without charge." Carried. "That the following applications for victualling licenses be approved subject to inspection by the food control officer: Steve Chanady 2901 Drummond Road Ziko Bogdanovich 2469 Portage Road Simon Radawanowich 238/ Portage Road Frank Betik- Bohvmil Ondrejicek 2442 Portage Road Ralph Biamonte Stamford Memorial Arena Carried. C. White Sootheran "That the application for tourist home license from Margaret Magalos be approved subject to inspection." Sootheran G. White Carried. "That a Hawkers Pedlar Licehse be granted to Fred L. Brown, 2571 Cleveland Avenue, subject to the usual investigation." Carried. Const. 10. Sootheran Prior "That we concur in the report of the Township Engineer regarding the cost of road construction on Pettit Avenue and Belmont St. and authorize the Treasurer to refund to Mr. F. A. Branscombe the sum of $82.84 and to Mr. D'Arcy Cropp the sum of $341.45, in both cases being the surplus in the road construc- tion -of 1950." Carried. it Congratulation ll. P New Subdivisions Assessor's s Assistant Coholan Ave. 14. 'Roads Associa -15. !tion 1951 Fire 16. :Committee P Tenders for 17. 111Ydro Deben- ture issue 41:2211-12.02 18. 20. Sootheran Allan 12. Prior Sootheran Sootheran White By -law 1368, 1291 Allan White Sootheran Allan "That Inasmuch as Bob Douglas is no longer associated with C.H.V.C. a letter of congratulations be sent him for a fine job of reporting over the past months." Sootheran Allan "That the Fire Committee Chairman, Chiefs of the and the 1951 presider:ts Carried. "That the cost of any road construction on new subdivisions shall be as estimated by the Township Engineer, and such cost shall be paid before any work is started," Carried. 13. Sootheran Allan "That the Assessor be given the assistance of another man in his department, the matter as to qualification be discussed with assessor before advertising." Carried. G, White Sootheran "That Engineer Ker contact Mr. Lorenzo to see if he can carry on work on Coholan Ave. and a letter be sent to Council for next Monday meeting. Request Mr. Ker to draw up necessary plans and get the approval of same, also detailed statement as to costs." Carried. Allan Sootheran "That the Fee to the Good Roads Association be paid and as many of the Council and officials as wish be permitted to attend, Feb. 20 21." Carried. be composed of the three departments of the departments." Carried. "That the Clerk he authorized to call for tenders for the $754000.00 Hydro Debenture" issue authorized under By -Law 1362. Tenders to be in by January 29th, 1951." Carried. "By -law No. 1362, 1950. A By -law to authorize the issue of Debentures to principal amount of $75,000.00 to pay for improvements and extensions to the works for producing, trans mitting or distributing elecprical power or energy. Read a third time and .passed. "By -law No. 1368, 1951. A By -law to borrow money from the Imperial Bank for Relief and Roads a expenditures for the th passed. White Sootheran "By -law No. 1369 1951. A By-law to authorize the borrowing of 200,000.00." Read a first, second and third time and:passed. aw 1 70 21. Sootheran Prior 'By -law No. 1370, 1951. A By -law to provide for the borrowing of money pending sale of debentures." Read a first, second and third time and passed. a Board 22. White Prior Allan 23. Sootheran er Society White ne Society a. lien nce fi c ittee 0 ittee 28. Allan White Service "That Reeve A. G. Bridge and Deputy Reeve Prior be the Council representatives on tie Arena Commission. This being in line with the original by -law forming the said Commission." .:yes: White,Prior,Bridge.Nayes: Cc:ot }eren,AI w Carried. "That Councillor J. Allan to named representative to Cancer Society." Carried. Sootheran Allan "That Councillor George ',Mite he named Council representative on Humane Society." Carried. ping Bd. 25. Prior Sootheran "That Reeve Bridge be Council's member of Niagara Falls Suburban Area Planning Board." Carried. 26. Sootheran Prior "That Councillor Geor *e White be named Council representative on the Civilian Defense Committee." Carried. 27. Allan Sootheran "That Deputy Reeve Prior be named Chairman of Traffic Committee." Carried. "That Sootheran and Prior be named to the Hydro Committee,also Reeve Bridge." Carried. "That we recommend that the Ontario Municipal Board approve of the application of the Canadian Notional Transportation to provide bus service from Lundy's Lane through Royal Manor Subdivision via Royal Manor Drive, Strathmore Crescent Windsor Crescent and Royal Manor Drive to Lundy's Lane, in the Township of Stamford." Carried. "That we take out membership in Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce and that Deputy Reeve Prior and Councillor Sootheran be members." Carried. Sootheran White That we recommend that the Ontario Municipal Board approve of the application of the Canadian National Transportation to provide bus service over Rysdale, Beaverdams Road from Rysdale to Lundy's Lane, Lundy!a Lane from Beaverdams Road to Montrose Road, "That E. B. Martin, G. Martin, G. Martin be granted taxi licenses, pnbject to the anprovai of the Police Cornmisnion ant J. H. Thrt in be irranted a taxi driver's license suhZect to the same approval." "That the Department of Highways be asi<ed to initiate the installation of a 5 i-,av "Stop and Go" sign at the junction of No. g Highway at Thorol i Road, Portage Rd. and Jr'rnmond ad. and a copy of the petition be enclosed with our request." "That Gilbert D. Martin, 1835 fonrison St. be granted a vituallinr license subject to the usual inspection." "That we accept the invitation from the Junior Chanter of Commerce to their Diner, Jan. 17 and as many as possible to attend." "That requests from Niagara Falls Suburban Area Planning Fd., and Welland and District Health Unit: be referred to the 1951 ?udget meeting." "That we approve the stop at Collins Crescent as reouested by residents of Collins Crescent and now in effect by the local transportation company, at the same time commending, through Assistant Superintendent, W. V. Bray of the N. S. T. Railway on their co- operation in this matter." "By -law No. 1371, 1951. A By -law to regulate the use of lands and character, location and use of structures." Read a first, second aril third time and passed. "Whereas the councils of to-cnships are now not authorized by by -law to regulate speed on Highways under their jurisdiction but the only limitation thereon to effect a thirty mile speed limit zone is where a "built -up area as defined by the Interpretation Section, being Section 1 of the Highway Traffic Act, Chapter 167, R.S.O. 1950 exists. AND WHEREAS notwithstanding that areas are in fact built up as residential areas comparable with an any such residential area in the city but cannot qualify under the Interpretation Section by reason of the impossibility of meeting a require- ment that fifty per cent of the frontage be occupied by dwellings or buildings used for business purposes. Dorchester Road from Lundy's Lane to Barker St., Barker St. from Dorchester Road to Franklin Ave., Franklin Ai from Taylor St. to Ash St., Ash St. from Franklin Ave. to Drummond Road, Drummond Road from Prospect to Valleyway and Valleyway from Drummond Road to Portage Road." "That this Council concur with appointment by 1949 1950 Council of D. Elsley on Greater Niagara Planning Board." "That Deputy -Reeve Prior, Councillor Allan and 'bite be named to the Industrial Committee of the G. N. C. of C." "That Councillor Sootheran be Stamford representative on Greater Niagara Tourist Committee along with Reeve Fridge." Meeting held in the Council 8th, 1951 at 7:30 p.m.' A. G. Bridge R. I. Prior W. R. Sootheran J. N. Allan G. A. White weekly meeting; of Counci 1 Monday with the Finance same as last year." Sootheran. Allan "That we do now adjourn to meet Monday, Jan. 8 at 7:30 p.m." Meeting Adjourned Ijsyrr P M Reeve Deputy -Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "That the minutes of last meeting January 5th, 1951 be adopted as printed with exception of resolution #10, which is amended so that the amount shown in D. Cropp payment be reduced to $341.45." Carried. -f Assessor's assistant 1951 Budget 11. Sootheran Allan H.A. Haigh 12. Prior Health Unit Sootheran "That H. A. Haigh continue as Stamford Township representative to the Welland Health Unit." Lorenzo Con. HEPC Water- Mains I': Increase 1950 14. Construction of 'Aatermains Ad :fount Jan.8,1951 BE IT RESOLVED that the Minister of Highways be requested to add to the said Interpretation Section as clause (iii) of said Section 1 (a) the words "or an area designated as a built -up area by by -law of the Municipa]. Council of the municipality exercising control over such highway Passed by the Council of the Cor- poration of the Township of Stamford this 8th day of January, 1951. Carried. 10. Sootheran Prior "That the Clerk advertise for assistance to the assessor. Qualifications to be as set forth by the assessor, who will assist the Clerk in the preparation of the advertisement." Sootheran Allan Carried. "That the Board of Education, Police Commission Fire Committee and other spending bodies of the municipality be requested to bring in their budget before March 1st. Council re- presentatives on the County Council be asked to attempt to bring in the County rate by the same date." Carried. Carried. 13. Sootheran Prior "That the Wm. Lorenzo Contracting Co. be awarded the contract for the construction of H.E.P.C. watermains as per bid received. Cheques of unsuccessful bidders to be returned." Carried. "That the request of Lorenzo Contracting Co. for an increase of 6¢ for 8' mains, 5¢ for 6" mains be granted for the balance of their 1950 construction of watermains namely Vine, Coholan Kalar Rds." Carried. 15. Sootheran Prior "That we do now adjourn to meetr Monday, Jan. 15, 1951 at 7:30 Carried. Meeting Adjourned e rn- 3. ;tract 0n ,der "ran 5. h Door Co. 1 ri or Coot 1era Sootheran Allan Sootheran Allan. D ual build 6. Allan report White "Tr?, held 1d'_ is Der sari ...I' j :ct u L t the P I r. be 1 :J t „art, a 'ti do en ,;1 r" e .;,i, .ortc :e Road, in view of. the j op,1 7 -1 Stl "t, Icint of ti -P Hydro hower Tunnel, 1..hIct :i 3ne.c0 >sIt .e aa -0'- ilhie_ extr. t c ever the present r,!,_e, as per their order of 1950. Carried. IIr^':22t rP from the 1. Leho and fIie -ne,- he t T..,. he-,ma he- ,ma Jdnuary 25th at 7:30 Carried. Carried. Frior Sootheran "That we accept price tendered by Cak Lawn Gash and Door Co. ror snppl 'in and fitting etc. of storm sash at cemetery house, 306? Luindy's Lane as per letter of 3an. 13, 1951, and the design be left in hands of C :a:-. 'va n of Cemetery." "That the Building Inspector's report be accepted and his recommendation be accepted and a by -law be prepared as to cabins being permanent homes and Mr. Bradley be commended for his full report, and for his work during 1 "That the following applications ror v.ict�xailiu� licenses be granted subject to the usual in- spection: Mrs. Selina Price 1601 Glenholme Ave. Frank Willmack 29 Portage Rd. N." Carried. f! lh I?ort, e t. c 1 Di n {f 1 1(251 Budret J n r V.i it v -law 1372 a5. v -law 1 rMeoting re: 12. IIEFC Project R:ra] !minici -'13. C CanvFntior Sootheran Allan Scot hered: Mite Sootheran Allanr, Sootheran Allan, "That we request a ;Rea_ 1 tir with re rust and the Hydro Conp;;ls ion to imp out t.ile many dotsils In i ;r' ;it tl uew >.r, .d f,.t101J'n971 Proposed ;qE3 r-]t;. l{' to Le held week of n I, :ry 12 17)51." Prior White Parking By- 14. Prior law re: Arena White Allan Prior 16. White Prior "t T^ =:t ;ae refer the request of Community Welf-are Council for a grant to the budget meeting. Carried, "That Deputy -Reeve Frirr represent the Co! :nc'.-- at ti hcr'tic it1Ir%ai t'. :JG C;1e; dir Friday, c,9n:Iar'?7 1 :th rt i^ n n the r L 1r d. play 5i1 "That a strong resolution be setit the Ontario ,ov erg%; ne nt nh je:;t rt to t} proposal that tybe rt :t 1'El r 1 oens n, T--u '_i t Hai; .e t r.:- away In i. t y lee 'n- �'._y,'.. It 0 t._.e 71.E of c' J, cat- nt`t to tAe rlAAt to levy In view of t c iE J:. .rr�lt e�t t v proper operation of such estab1. .fed ts." Carried. al'i'led. Carried. "That we take membership in the Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities and as many of council and officials who are available at time of convention held in Kin,: Edward Hotel, Toronto, on Feb, Monday and Tuesday, 19 and 20 next, do attend sane." Carried. "That a by -law be prepared to prohibit parking in area in front of Stamford Memorial Arena on South side." Carried. "By -law No. 1372, 1951. A By -law to amend By -law #1318, 1 being a by -law to regulate the use of lands and character, locations and use of structures of lands lying within Regi- stered Plan #108 for the Twp. of Stamford." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "By -law No. 1 373, 1951. A By -law to authorize the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario to construct, use and maintain certain watermains on or under the soil of certain of the Corpora- tion's highways and to authorize the execution of an agreement respecting the same." Read a first, second and third time and passed, i! 1 ker sig- 17. Sootheran L.Lane Prior nester Rd. rsection 0 Transfer 18. ecombe i vision v is i on Stead ivis.ion er inage Grant 22. e Assoc. A's]an White "That the ii5hda6 dept. be asked to n t.;:l fl inSer I;'.1 at the corner cfl Lundy's Lane and Dorchester '.to=ad. The Clerk r; irt I e s&c t „let are ti "F �,1,_ i'_ _n v oce_ of the ,-aJe ',t;a I.,dred;; of pupils er daily. It n eit in CA ncil 1 at suci- -0 rr I L1n.'y's Lane to th Carried, y p_ we a. JFd'itL pe r: Sell that p Or A iH ;O $5 n or -be n, L' n n, k provided we secu e a deed n r L- or 1. c'" t 10 Id ao L i 100»: j„. 1 ...i+ south of .,1 ":l land," White. Prior "That we ap o. e 0" Ch's ed sJhdlys7lou of F. A -'ransceA _e ?juke 1 kf= Erwin, en North street uL 'CE to 'Js -n]- restric- tions and Township by-laws e services', u ao,rove of proposed iuldi-isior, of J. Conzc by R. Blake Erwin, 0.L on ca..e.d Rd. sut:y.ct to usum2 rea;rrct1 ltd; and Township by-laws re: services and one toot reserve. Th -t we return the subdivision of Frank A. Bransc•-vibe bt- R. Blake Erwin, 0.L.S. on I'aJleywav with the request that Mr. Branscombe endeavour to secure property to the North of this subdivision so that the Street at North end of property ..Call he 66 feet." Carried. 20. Prior Sootheran "That we approve of the Proposed Subdivision of Wm. Stead by R. Blake Erwin, 0.L.S. on Rinll St. subject to the folio:ing changes: That the subdivision extend only to the North side of the proposed sheet running East and West, that we receive a one foot reserve surrounding that portion that will become a street, and also subject to usual restrictions and Township by -laws re: improvements." Carried. 21, Allan Sootheran }°That the Engineer investigate the conditi on on the west side of Dorchester Rd. South and at the last house, to see if water can be drained off." Carried, Sootheran Prior "That a partial grant of 5150.00 be forwarded to the Stamford Minor Hockey Association to help defray current expenses." Carried. ii Ad iourn Jan.15,1951 No. 5 Fresent 141 notes General Relief Roads P.U. to use Hall for meet ings Park lands re: 6. New Subdivis- ions 23. Sootheran Prior Prior i'. i t e Allan ':Mite 3. White Allan 1,.. Allan Prior 5. Prior White Prior Sootheran "That we do now ad'oiirn t0 ;Ief. Non January 22nd at 7:30 p.m." "That this from park .s. i. Lt. A. Reeve Bridge I ri or Sootheran Allan bit Carried. Meeting Adjourned .r Regular Council Nee; ni, held to t.h e Council Chambers on Monday, J'annar•. 22nd, 1 at 7:30 p•m• "That the statement of' General Account;; dated Janttriry 15, 1951 as presented, be accepted and the accoet.s be paid amounting to };6$95$.17." Reeve lep :t` ;peev ::Ino11101' Councillor Councillor. "Tht-rt t net es O iii e :1e e t l nr of' 15th Ja 1951 be adopted as pri nted." Carr ied. Carried. "That the statement cf Relief' Accounts dated Janus9ry 15, 1951 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to .V015. 89." Carried. "TNa t t he statement of Roads Accounts dated Janu:+ry 15, 1951 as presented, be accep- ted arts th accounts be ,•id amounting to 12849.96.' Carried. F 1 4. "That we invite the Stamford Public Utilities to use the facilities of the Township Hall to hold their regular net tings." Carried. F. A. Branscom} ,e be notified that council feel they cannot deviate their overall policy re: lands for purposes in subdivisions." Carried. erx ;r.al Also! 7. .BBd.reeting 9. .2n .m. k License Srotheran Alban n' t `Sootheran Allan 14. Prior White "That. we ask the Nedi ca' Assoc LE: t. o:! re -a2 ?.l` e tte I r h roam t at there are always mo ro tha li t 00 call." Ave I. e rior. "fives: Al t i Goo t. `_erct `.l, '1n oo 1 ri F 11 John Zeh r :nr La,,,e t •ormar Bi n 2218 Culp St. Can Nan 31 St ley Av%.n_lle Erne;ta Isep iln vor. 1 Ri and Thor0 Rd. "Th the re -pest or a reeti!sr ;ii1, U e 1ublic Library Board be set as 7 p.m. Jan, 29th." 10. Allan Gooth! era n "That the ap :`lication '''r D; iryr ru a .lk distrtbui lice roe he approvs.1 subject to inspection." Carried. "That the a pr- lication for a Hawkers and i'edlars License from Mrs Reta Ant onelli of 21 McLeod Road be approved." Carl' led. "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized t0 peti tion !the 1`rovinci al Government for the statutory grant under the provisions or The Highway improvenie nt Act on expenditures trade duri n the year 1950 acnounti rig; to a total of 1111,162.82." Carried. law 13. Sootheran Allan "By -law No. 1374, 1951. A -law to prohibit parking on the south side of Frederica Street between Glenholme Avenue and Prince Edward Avenue." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "By -law No. 1375, 1951. A By law to regulate the use of lands and character and use of buildings and structures Upon the Linde comprised within Plan No. 114 for the Township of Stamford regi- stered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the County of Welland." Read a first, second and third time and passed. By -Law 1 /137$ 15. By -law 4 1377 16. Bldg.Permit F. E. Benson "Fly- nw No, 1376, 1951. A By -law to regulate tie use of lands and character aid use of buildings and sinuot4res upon the lands c :I ar >ii_r ise- svi.thin Plan No 115 for the Town .;hip or Stamford registered In the Re Office for the Reg st. y )ivision of the County or Jeliard." Read a first second and third time and passed. "By-law Nc. 1377, 1951. A By-law to regulate the use of lands and ciaaster and +se of buildings and structures upon t e lands comprised •r thin P1-an No. 116 for the Town- ship .,f Stamford re "ice for the Registry Division of the County of Welland." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "That Mr. Harold Smith be issued a permit to build a 10 unit Motel on Lot 73, North side of Thorold Road." "That F. E. Benson be issued a permit to build at liti-on to his present building on lot 3, Plan 92, Badger Subdivision, Montrose Road at Badger Road as per sketch." "That the assessor he granted permission to attend the Assessors' meeting in Hamilton, Feb. 1st and his expenses be paid." "That the new reflector light be placed on the existing pole on the north west corner of Garner Thor old Stone Rd. intersection, to be placed so it lights up south side of road. A light be placed on west side of Haler Road immediately in front of the hole of Mr. Hawkins being the first resi- dent on East side of Kalar Rd, south of Beaverdams Rd. Send to Public Utilities Commission." "That this Council reconcnend a license for a salvage yard to Mr. F, W. Reid of 218 Portage Rd. subject to the approval of the Bd. of Health as we have on file petition from residents in that area in accord," "That a meeting to consider the Salary by -law be held Thursday, January 25th at 8 p.m." $eetirg re: {ydro pro- ject A Special meeting of the Municipal Council was hel 1 Council Chambers on Thursday, January 25th, 1951 at 8 1 meeting was called to consider Salaries and Wages for the year 105f. Members of Council examined the schedules and agreed to a revised schedule for 1951. The Clerk was in- structed to have a by -law prepared incorporating the changes allowed for the next meeting to be held January 29th. A letter was read from the Hydro Electric Power Commission advising that they are agreeable to a meeting between their Commission and Council on February 13th to be held in Stamford. A list of the matters we desire to take up with the Hydro was considered by the Council and tentative instructions were given for the preparation of a brief. G. Bridge I. Prior R. Sootheran N. Allan A. White "That we approve to rneet the H. E. P. C. on Febrza ry 13, 1951 and the Reeve and Clerk select a suitable meeting place for this meeting with the Commission." "That Council approve Engineer's report regarding cost of sewer and water mains on Coholan Street and Mr. Branscombe be asked to forward cheques regarding same payable to the Corporation. Sewer main cost of 6,258.97 Water main cost of 5,406.15." "That the Engineer be authorized to act on behalf of the Council on the re- construction of roads by the H.E.P.C. in the immediate area of their present camp site." "That we do now adjourn to meet Monday, January 29 at 7 :30 p.m." }Reeve Deputy -Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Carried. Carried. B No. 7 31 Ha Bl. As; Present Minutes Reguter.iCouncil Meeting held in the Council Chambers on Monday, January 29th, 1951 at 7:30 p.m. A. G. Bridge Reeve R. I. Prior Deputy Reeve W. R. Sootheran Councillor J. N. Allan Councillor G. A. White Councillor 1. Sootheran Prior Park Provision 2. Sootheran Allan Garage Lie. W. Neil Moving of Bldg 4. Subdivision ;Blk 42 Pt. stBlock 37 7- C.Brant to 6. P.Kiemele s and Transfer Condition of 8. Road L.Lane Sal 3. Sootheran Prior "That we approve the granting of a Class "B" garage license to W. Neil, 2561 Bellevue Street." Sootheran Prior Fri or White Sootheran White Saj F. arbage Col. 7. Sootheran on Garner Rd. Allan Prior Sootheran "That the minutes of the last regular and special meeting be adopted as printed." "That the Chairman of the Highway Dept. re road on LunOtts Lane Carried. "That lot number 30 at the rear of the subdivision to be registered by owner, Mr. Alem Green,be deeded to the Township for park purposes." Carried. Carried. "That a permit be granted Stamford Men's Club for the moving of a building from Portage Rd. to a temporary location at the corner of Attlee St. Drummond Rd. The Men's Club to assure Council that the building will he moved to a permanent site within three months." Carried. "That we approve of proposed Subdivision Plan of all Block 42 and Part of Block 37, City of Niagara Falls Company Plan dated Jan. 29, 1951 as presented by R. Blake Erwin, b L.S. subject to restrictions as set out by Subdivision control by -law." Carried. "That Carmen Brant be granted permission to sell two lots to V. Xiemele providing that Mr. Kiemele sign an agreement to dismantle his proposed building if and when a request is mad. by Council and planning Board be so notified." Carried. "That Garbage and ash pick -up be instituted on Garner Road." Carried, Roads Engineer wait on condition of sides of Carried. 000 Deb. o. Sootheran e sold to Allan Daly Co. Fights dale St. ane Soc. nt 1 1 11. Sootheran White 12. Allan Prior hanaday 15. White Permit Prior Rysdale 16. Sootheran essoz's Allan rk essor's 17. White ort Prior Sootheran Allan Sootheran Allan "That the Debenture Issue for as advertised be sold to R. A. Da]v Co. Ltd. for the quoted price of 0 5.737 or "4, being 20 years at 3; rnaturinr 1452 to 1 Carried. "That Santo Beltrame be granted a building= permit for the erection of a restaurant on Churches Lane subject to approval of t.i e Building Inspector and the Welland County Health Unit." Carried. "That the Public Utilities be asked to instal the lights on Rysdale St. as requested by Council several months ago." Carried. "That the request for grant from the Frontier Humane Society be referred to our Budget meeting. Meet with them Feb. 12th at 7 p.m." Carried. "That a resolution of Congratulations and best wishes be extended Mr. Mrs. Thomas Hardwick on the occasion of their Diamond Wedding Anniversary." Carried. dolence to 14. Sootheran or D er Allan "That a letter of condolence be forwarded Major Dyer, Chief of Lundy's Lane Fire Dept. on the death of his father." Carried. "That building permit be granted to Steve Chanady, 2901 Drummond Rd to renovate building for boys' club subject to approval g building inspector." Carried. "That the recommendation of Assessor Ben. Prior to add Norman Rysdale to his staff at a starting salary of $1,900 per annum be approved." "That Assessor's annual report be accepted and he be congratulated on his work." Carried. Carried. —HEY Speed Zone s Letter he sent LaMarsh Rlt Ha; Appreciation 21. J. H. Arkell Blt F.1 Land Transfer 22. White As L.A.Hawkins Allan net 9 St) p• Parking 12 Ij Sd Mt, 25 from Branscombe for Parks 18. Sootheran Allan 19. Sootheran Prior 20. Scotheran White Sootheran Allan 23. Prior Sootheran Proclamation 24. Sootheran q Health Week White Tag Day i25. Prior May 12th Allan "That the resolution forwarded to the High- ways Department i•e:espeed zones be sent to the Good Roads Convention for their endorsation." Carried. "That the letter from Ross, Howard and Keenan be referred to our solicitor for a written report." Carried. "That a cheque for $$.525.00 for park purposes be accepted from F. A. Franscombe in lieu of lots 6, 7 and 8 of the Brooks Subdivision being based on the unimproved value of the land in question." Carried. "That a letter of appreciation be forwarded J. H. Arkell, Manager of Imperial Bank, South end branch, for his efforts on behalf of the municipality in getting the privilege or hav'ng To•.mship cheques negotiable without charge at any branch of the bank in Ontario." Carried. "That Mr. Leonard Arthur Hawkins be granted permission to sell to the Lionite Abrasive Ltd six acres as described by attached letters from McBurney, McBurney Durdan. This property in general is located on the west side of Stanley and lying immediately north of the Lionite Abrasive property and extending to the C.N.R. Spur line." Carried. "That the Clerk and Solicitor be asked to prepare a by law re: Parking on Township streets such as distance from corner and fDom Fire Hydrants." Carried. "That we approve the insertion of a Pro- clamation in the press, undgr the signature of Reeve A. G. Bridge, proclaiming the week of Feb. 4th 10th as National Health Week and calling upon the residents of Stamford to participate in its observance and give the Greater Niagara Branch of the League its full support." Carried. "That the Kinette Club of Niagara Falls be granted permission to hold a Tag Dav on May 12th, 1951." Carried. er Ped- 26. Sootheran License Prior 't.Lieen ses 27. Rue on en E. anon our .29,1951 Path 28. to Ave. White Prior Sootheran Prior chase of 29: Allan er Pump Sootheran or rates 31. Prior White d Sale 32. White lims to Prior folo Reeve "That a Hawkers and Pedlars license he granted Christina White to enable her to ork "er Niagara Home Portrait.;,." Carried. "That a Victualling License bo graht.ed Mike Poczos Jr., Drummond faraEre <Fr Lunchroom and ?'rs. Anna Bowman, 2513 Taylor St. subject to the usual inspection." Carried. "That we ask the Highways Department to stone a walk between the Queen E. and the end of Buchanan Ave. The Clerk to point out to the Department that many pedestrians use this path to their places of employ- ment. The Clerk to also point out that if such a walk were allowed it would shorten the distance to many'industries by several blocks." Carried. "That the Engineer he authorized to purchase a sewer pump at the price quoted $416.00 and suction pipe." Carried. law 1378 30. Sootheran Prior "By -law No. 1378, 1951. A By -law to fix the salaries and allowances of the officials of the Twp. of Stamford, to set the amount allowed the Council for Council meetings and fix the salary to be allowed Commissioners in the Twp. of Stamford for the year 1951, also to sPt the rate of nay for drivers of a team or one horse for snow plowing etc." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "That the rate for labour in the Township of Stamford effective Jan. 1/,51 shall be as follows: Ordinary labour $1.02 per hr. Garbage Dept.Labour $1.07 per hr." Carried. "That we grant Mr, Willims permission to sell to Mr. Toffolo two acres of his property on Portage Rd.as per Fraser Fraser's letter to Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Planning Board provided the property is set back so that Portage Road has a full width of 66 feet and Mr. Willims deed to the Township this small portion of land." Carried. 33. Sootheran White "That we do now adjourn to/meet Monday, Feb. 5th at 6 p.m." Carried. Me,Q tit flg; djpurnec, Clerk No. 8 Present Hawker Peddler W.Wilson a Finance Regular meeting of the Council held in the Council chamber Monday, February 5th, 1951, at 1. White Sootheran 2. Sootheran Prior A. G. Bridge R. I. Prior J. N. Allan Wm. R. Sootheran G. A. White Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "That the minutes of the last meeting be adopted as printed." Carried. "That E. Selway be granted a Hawker's and Peddlers license for the sale of meat, subject to the usual approval." Carried. 3. Sootheran White "That congratulations be extended Mr. W. Wilson, caretaker of the Township Hall, and Mrs. Wilson on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary." Carried. 4. Prior Sootheran "That Council resolve into a committee of finance to take up accounts." Carried. 5. White Sootheran "That the statement of Relief accounts dated January 31st, 1951, as presented, be ac- cepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $172.01." 7. White Prior 8. Prior White Carried. 6. Sootheran White "That the statement of Roads Accounts dated January 31st, 1951 as presented, be accepted and the accogOts be paid amounting to $2,283.18." Carried. "That the statement of General Accounts dated January 31st, 1951 as presented, be accepted and the accoun s be,paid amounting to $63,928.66." Carried. "That Council arise as a finance committee to take up general business." Carried. tualling enses 9. l's r ve lieh -Can. 14. b. of ucation White Sootheran 11. White Prior "That victualling licenses be granted George Everingham, Montrose :toad, E. 2; Mrs. t. M. Thompson, 2334. Ker Street; and C. 3. carcpbell 2235 Drummond Rd., subject to usual inspections." Carried. k Com- sion 10. Sootheran White "That the Provincial Government be petitioned to include the Reeve of Stamford on the Park Com- mission when the 1-i11 changing the set up of the Commission is introduced in the Legislature. It is to be pointed out where the Falls,themselves, are in Stamford and much acreage controlled by the Commission is within the municipality and a copy of this resolution be sent to W. L. ±ouck." Carried. "That a dairy license be granted Dell's Dairy, 2495 Orchard Avenue, subject to usual in- spection." Carried. 12. Sootheran White "That congratulations and best wishes for a long and prosperous life be extended Reeve A. G. Bridge on the occasion of his 77th birthday." Carried. ber shops icitor 13. White Sootheran "That the Township Solicitor be authorized to petition the Department of Health to amend Section 98 of the Public Health Act so that the second line of sub- section 1 of 98 be deleted so that Stamford Township could be permitted to pass by -laws to regulate, con- trol and license barber shops and hairdressing establishments." Carried. Sootheran White "That a license for the erection of Polieh- Canadian Club be granted subject to the approval of the buil- ding inspector and providing the residents of the area show accord with the proposed building by signing a petition." Carried. 15, Prior Sootheran "That we approve of letter of Board of Education of Township of Stamford, February 5th /51 and request the final approval of Ontario Municipal Board for debenture issue of $275,000 re: same." Carried. 1 1 4 Bit .1 r v' traffic light Hydro A st. me( Staff riff Condolence SaYll F.1,d Powell Visentin Tax sale Wilms Property Tourists cabins Engineer tree trimming; 16. Sootheran Allan 17. Sootheran Allan 18. Prior White 22. Sootheran Allan "That the Highway Dept. be notified that our is to slow traffic the length of Lundy's La: we are still of the opinion that a traffic the answer to the problem at the corner of Road and Lundy's Lane.” "That we approve of the sale of a lot by Dor' Viser:tin to Santo Beltram, on Churches Lane, part of lot #43 providing the property cony: 33' from the centre line of Churches Lane. Planning Board to be notified of this resole Carried. Carried. That all property owners on list of lands to, be sold for taxes be notified that taxes sho be paid before the end of April 1951 or pro- ceedings will be taken to have their propert included in a tax sale." Carried. 19. Sootheran White "That we approve the recommendations of the Planning Board, re: Willms property as con- tained in letter of February 1st, 1951." Carried. 20. Sootheran Allan "That the Reeve and as many members of Counci as possible and the Engineer attend the meet with Chairman Saunders of the Hydro commissi Thursday, February 8th at 11 :15 a.m." Carried. 21. Sootheran Allan "That a special meeting be called for Wednesd. February 14th, to discuss a new tourist and cabin by -law, (7 o'clock)." Carried. "That the Engineer be empowered to employ the Wilson Tree Trimming Service to trim Townshi trees where he Peels necessary. A maximum o, $1,000.00 be spent on the work." Carried. 23. Sootheran Prior That a letter of condolence be sent George Powell, Lhairman of the Public Utilities, in the death of his father." Carried. i law to 99' St p up well .5/51 well Pl. 1379, 1951 feet of Caswell Street .A proposed By- law /to stop up th. Q westerly 99 'according to Registered Flan No. 78 and to autho2ize the sale of the soil and freehold thereof !:o an adjoining owner was considered by the municipal council. No person appeared at this meet'._ng in op- position to the by -law, wL ich was duly advertised for four weeps previous to this meeting. It was deided to table the by -law until the next regular meeting for passage. 25. Sootheran Allan what we do now adjourn to meet :onday, February 12th at 7 p.m." White Allan Reeve Special meeting of the council held in the council chamber on Monday, February 12th, 1951, at 7 p.m. A. G. Bridge Reeve R. 1. Prior Deputy Reeve J. N. Allan Councillor R. W. Sootheran Councillor G. A. White Councillor 1. Sootheran Prior "That the minutes printed." "That we acknowledge receipt of Local Improveaent Assessu.ent notice from the City of Niagara Falls re: Stanley Ave., sewer and the City be advised that we will not be entering an appeal." Carried. Carried. Meeting Adjourned of the last meeting Carried. 2. Sootheran Prior "That the final decision on the amount of grant for Greater Niagara Humane Society be referred to the budget meeting." Carried. Sootheran Allan "That Joseph Savriga be assessed $63.88 the amount the municipality has expended on advertising and legal fees re: the closing of the Caswell Plance. That no further action be taken in regards to closing the street." Carried. As a result of the above resolution and since Mr. Savriga has sold the property and abandoned his plans for registration, no action was taken in respect to By -law Number 1379 to close up the westerly 99' of Caswell Street, be adopted as tourist S camp 1 31: Ha] Ble j Playground 4. r CI Ili ViCtuallin& Salim 1 Sd Soda bar 4 Prior White 6. Sootheran Prior i ';'i -Sewer water 8. prior St ij� White Dept. Planning .10. Sootheran &Development Allan "That a permit be granted to Guisseppe Benvenuti, 1679 Kitchener Street, to construct an additional tourist cabin on the north side of Kitchener Street (on closed up portion of Liberty St.)' subject to approval of Bldg. Inspector." Carried. 5. Sootheran Allan "That the B.A. Oil Co. be granted a permit to install two gas pumps on the east side of Portage Road, range 15, street number 2442." 9. White Prior Carried. "That D. Georgieff be granted a building permit for the erection of a soda bar and a storage building subject to the approval of the building inspector and in the case of the soda bar the Board of Health." Carried. 7. Sootheran White "That the owner of several lots in the Biamonte Parkway be requested by Council to allow the Municipality the use of the grounds for a playground until such a time as he may use sa4e for building purposes. If the permission is forth- coming, the Hermes Club be requested to locate a summer playground in the area. The clerk pointing out that many children residing on both sides of Drummond Road would benefit from such a location." Carried. "That we instruct Wm. Lorenzo to proceed with the installation of sewer and water mains on Coholan Street in view of the fact that the owner has paid his estimated charges and the Clerk be authorized to have the necessary By -laws prepared." Carried. "That victualling licenses be granted, Mrs. Alice DeMarsh, 2309 Drummond Rd, Mr. Alex Kovacs,R.R. #2,Niagara Falls, Blazo Djonovich,R.R. #3,Niagara Falls, John Wiley, 2237 Lundy" Lane, Joe Savriga, 2535 Thorold Road, Robert T. Stewart, 2636 Barker Street, subject to usual inspection." Carried. "That the suggestion "B" contained in the letter from the Ontario Department of Planning and Development file No. T3912, part of Twp. lot 113 be accepted." Carried. tions ihts aw 1 80 13. aw 1 81 14. Fire rtment 15. urn 12/51 P go 1. t" at fordcentre t 11. Sootheran Prior "That the closing dates for receiving petitions for sidewalks, sewer and water be set at April 30th, 1951." 12. Prior Allan Carried. "That the report of Public Utilities re: broken lights be referred to Police Department to take action." Carried. Sootheran Allan "BP-law No. 1380, 1951, to amend by -law No. 990, 1946. (Polling eubdivisions)" read a first, second and third time and assed. Prior Sootheran "By -law No. 1381, 1951, to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute an agreement in writing dated the 8th day of Jan., 1951, between the corporation of the Township of Stanford and Lorenzo Contracting Co. Ltd., by affixing thereto the Corporate Seal and their signatures on behalf of the Corporation." read a first, second and third time and passed. Prior White "That a letter of commendation he sent the Lundy's Lane Fire Department on the efficient manner in which they brought the fire under control at the residence on Glands Crescent recently and also a copy of the letter from our insurance Broker D. Elsley re: the same." Carried. 16. Sootheran Allan "That we do now adjourn to meet Wednesday, February 14th to consider the revision of tourist and motel by -laws. TiMe of meeting 7 p.m." Reeve Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour: 9:30 p.m. 10 Special meeting of the Council held in the Council Chambers on Wednesday, February 14th, 1951 at 7 p.m. A. G. Bridge Reeve ent R. I. Prior Deputy -Reeve W. R. Sootheran Councillor J. N. Allan Councillor G. A. White Councillor Sootheran Allan "That the Engineer be instructed towrite the Department of Highways with regards to the installation of "Stop Go" lights at Stamford Centre intersection." Carried. erk. n d�� B1; j(fProhibit addi 19 diofla12MOte15::2, Adiourn Feb.14,1951 Sootheran Allan "That the Solicitor and Clerk be instructed to prepare a by -law prohibiting the grant- ing of additional Motel and Tourist Camp Building permits after June 1st, 1951 for the balance of 1951." Carried. Sootheran Prior "That we do now adjourn to meet in special session with members of the Hydro Commission in the General Brock Hotel at 11 a,m, on Thursday, February 15th." Reeve Carried. Meeting Adjourned H o A P. M. 14' Ith is t erk No. 11: Special Meeting of Council held on Thursday, February 15 11 a.m. in the General Brock Hotel for the purpose of presenting briefs to the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario in connection with matters that Council is concerned about re- sulting from the Hydro project to be constnic ted in this district All members of Council were present along with the following representatives of the Stamford Board of Education: Chairman A. H. ':talker, and Trustees, Mrs. A. W. F. McQueen, Gordon Bates, Jack Monroe and R. A. McLeod, Secretary- Treasurer. Judge H. E. Fuller and Secretary R. W. Dawe represented the Police Commission. Dr. Don Campbell and Dr. J. C. C. Dandier represented the Welland County Health Unit. The following Township Officials were also in attendance: Engineer M. F. Ker, Assessor Ben R. Prior and Clerk A. C. Huggins. The representatives of the Hydro- Electric Power Commission of Ontario were as follows: Chairman Robert W. Saunders; Dr. 0. Holden, Assistant General Manager; Mr. Gordon Mitchell resi- dent Engineer in charge of the Hydro project; and Mr. Fraser, C Construction Engineer. The following topics were presented by persons indicated: EDUCATION:- by Chairman Rev. A. H. Walker Mr. Saunders stated that the Hydro is prepared to look after pupils in the Trailer Camps by constructi -ng their own school or entering into arrangements with the Stamford Board of Education respecting education. If the Stamford Board will educate the children, the Hydro would be prepared to pay the actual costa for each pupil as well as the possible en- largements of schools to take care of these children. The pupils living in permanent houses, the Commission is purchasing, would attend Township schools and,the Commission would pay regular taxes on these houses. HEALTH:- by Dr. Don Cana"eil In a brief prepared by Dr. L. C. Dr. Campbell, it was pointed out that t would have to pay 551 for every j_ersoo Camp according to an agreement between the Township, Mr. Saunders agreed that the U7.11ry for Hydro employees stationed in their that the :matter be further discussed wi ROADS:- by Engineer M. F. Ker The 1_rief resented on s .:u:ij_ct :Na:; to Mr. Saunders and he State:. 11 a i, c Hy.; used by thud and at t J cnnclusion of the p'o ects c r reads used by then would be at least in the came condition they were is bd3re the commencement suggested ent of the work. He sug t} i c .,5�c.. at r_i:e details i regard to the roads be worked out by it Gordon Mitchell, resi- dent Engineer and Mr. M. F. Vier, Township Engineer. Duri r g the discussion of this matter it was stated t t, Btanley Avenue uu be widened from Thorold Stone icad to appaox n:ate1y the Chateau- Gal Winery at the expense of the Hydro. HOSFITALIZAT1ON. RELIEF CHILD WELFARE:- by Clerk A. C. Hui,eons Mr. Saunders stated that the out of pocket costs in connection with these three matters could Not he determined at this time because he felt that the Municipality should net be too much concerned. He felt that costs in this connection were intangible and stated that he would make some remarks about intangible costs at the conclusion of the discussion. The Hydro will be responsible for the 2000 workmen being brought out from the British Isles to work on this project for a period of two years. An emergency hospital will be erected by the Hydro in the vicinity of Churches Lane to take care of emergency cases resulting from construction work. o Sturgeon and read by .:.c Township of Jt,a';fCrtc hosed in the Hydro the health Unit and :Mould pay this charge casts and J sted th their Dr. Urquhart. 0 r FIRE PROTECTION:- by Councillor Wm. R. Sootheran Mr. Saunders agreed that the Hydro would pay Stamford Township a Stand -by charge of $1000 for the year 1951 plus 41.25 per hour for firemen attending fires that might take place on their pro- perty. He stated that the Commission would have their own fire fighting equipment and permanent firemen located at their project. POLICE PROTECTION:- by Judge H. E. Fuller The Chairman agreed that the Hydro would reimburse the Folice Commission for two or three ,hen that might be necessary to engage as a result of the influx of people to this area. The Commission will have their own Security Guards on their property and the Provincial Police will take care of Police matters within the camp confines as well as the property included in the project. STREET LIGHTING by Councillor G. A. White It was agreed that the Hydro Electric Power Commission would pay for. any street lighting requested. WATER SEWER SERVICES:- by Engineer M. F. Ker The Hydro agreed to instal and pay for all sewer and water services required as a result of their project. If sewer or water systems are damaged as a result of heavy traffic or blasting oper- ations and if liability exists as far as the Commission is concerned, they will be responsible. B1 ta st1jj1 PLANNING DEV: LOPMiN'T:- by Reeve A. G. Bridge The Chairman agreed to our proposal that all properties where housing development takes place will be subdivided at their expense ae cording to our by -laws gcverfine this :natter. GARBAGE SERVICES:- by Engineer M. F. Ker The Chairman stated that they would look after their own garb age collection and disposal. If they desire to use our disposal area for garbage and ashes, they will pay the rate requested at 1100 a year. CEMETERIES:- by Deputy -Reeve R. I. Prior It was agreed that the Hydro would pay doehle rates for any person buried in our cemeteries who resided at the Hydro Trailer Camp. WATER SUPPLY:- By Reeve A. G. Bridge It was pointed out that the Township of Stamford ias two wells at the North end of the Township. One well at the Benson and Patterson sand pit and another well located on Hydro pro- perty near the intersection of Drummond Road and Morrison Street and that the To :nship was concerned that the flow might be retarded or cut off as a result of Hydro operations. Mr. Saunders suggested that Mr. Fraser and Mr. Ker determine and report on 0;P flow capacity at the present time. If the flow is disrupted or damaged in any way during construction, the Hydro will be responsible. This responsibility will definitely be theirs as far as the Benson Patterson property is concerned but it was not too clear as to the liability in respect to our well located on their property. TAXES:- by Reeve A. G. Bridge Chairman Saunders agreed that the Commission would pay regular taxes on all houses purchased by the Commission in our municipality. These taxes to be over and above the 175,000 grant now being received in lieu of taxes. He would not agree to paving taxes on Hydro Construction buildings and pointed out that under the Provincial Acts, Hydro buildings are exempt from taxation. LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS:- by Engineer M. F. ger Mr. Saunders was in sympathy with our request that the Hydro pay Local Improvement charges otter and above the $75,000 grant given in lieu of taxes. He agreed that he will recommend to the Government that Local Improvements be paid to the Township of Stamford as well as the $75,000 grant for a term of three years. Approval for the $75,000 grant and the Local Improve- ments must be secured from the Provincial. Government. ADDITIONAL WORK IN DEPARTMENTS:- by Reeve A. G. Bridge The Chairman agreed that their project would create additional work in all Township Departments, and felt that the costs would be intangible at this time and would be taken care of by a statement -he would make at the conclusion.. TRAILER SITE It was mutually agreed that a By -law would be passed approving of the Hydro Camp site. .15 ,1951 6 C��� m Reeve 12 Special meeting of Saturday, February l7th, sent ut es divtion 2. 6,Plan ver 3. division SUMMARY:- by Chairman R. W. Saunders Mr. Saunders stated teat the Commission :woul1 in general be agreeable to paying costs that were tangible and agreed upon above. They would not agree to pay intangible costs tut were prepared to make a grant of a pproxl mately 38000 for a period of three years to cover our out or pocket expenses in w nn'ction with intangible costs. He stated that he would recommend that the agreement respecting the grant in lieu of taxes should be renewed for a period of three years and that Stamrded should recei ve Local Improvement levies in addition to the Grant they have been receiving. At the end cf tic Litree year period he proposed that the entire question of t ;e grant in lieu Of x(3s be reconsidered and perhaps some policy coeid Le determined set up for future tears. During his remarks, he Commission has no interest at the present time. He requested that no publicity ce giveu to the matters discussed to -day since the Commission approval wo have to be secured before his statements would be binding. Reeve A. G. Bridge on behalf of all present thanked 1 Mr. Saunders and the representatives or the hydro- Elect. :Ye lower Commission for attending at this meeting and their con- sideration shown under tatters of disco. SlAn. :Meeting Adjourned 1. Prior Allan Sootheran Prior Prior Allan A. G. R. I1 J. N. W. R. G. A. stated thud the ih dr.,- Pewee in the Canadian Niagara Power Company the Council held in the Council Ch.arnher 1951 at 4:00 p.m. Bridge Prior Allan Sootheran White Prior Sootheran "That this Council appro subdivision Part of lot dated Feb. 1951 as pres Erwin, O.L.S." y :15 F. lJ Y I a tiLll/ i on Reeve Deputy -Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "That the minutes of the last (Feb. 12, 14;.& 15) meetings be adopted as printed." Carried. ve of Plan of proposed 6, Reg'd plan 1791 ented by R. Blake- Carried. "That the request of Mr. Weaver for consideration of his plan of the Weaver Subdivision be tabled datil Feb. 26th when a decision will be given." Carried. "That we resolve as a finance. committee to take up and pass accounts." Carried. ff e Bla a ati ?de hL Relief 91 {tea General Roads Finance Bordens Dairy 9. 1 Hawk ar ?c Pedlar tic. Prior White Allan Prior 7. Allan Prior 8. Prior White Prior White Jls„i'jI me ?I t,i Optimist Air 10. Prior Cadet -Grant Allan Stq!! Dissolution 11. O H Industrial p. Committees I i t I�I Hawker 12. White r. Pedlar Lic. Prior Sa F 11 !1 1 116 1 l i Hawker 13 1 11 Pedlar Lic sa l IV "That the statement of General Accounts dated February 15th, 1951 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be ,Mid amounting to 168,036.82 Carried. "That the statement of Relief Accounts dated February 15th, 1951 as presented, be ac- cepted and the ccounts -'be paid amounting to :2,062.04. Carried. "That the statement of Roads Accounts dated February 15th, 1951 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $3,853.96." Carried. "That we arise as a finance committee to take up general business." Carried. "That application for Dairy license from Bordens Dairy be granted subject to usual inspection." Carried. "That request for Grant from Niagara Falls Optimist Air Cadets be referred to Budget meeting." Carried. Sootheran Allan "That the Chamber of Commerce be asked to write Council giving complete details as to the contemplated dissolution of the Industrial and Tourist Committees. The secretary of the Chamber to inform Council whether or not Industrial and Tourist.pro- motions will be curtailed, and to what extent if the Committees are dissolved." Carried. "That we grant a Hawkers Pedlar license to Pere C. Pearson, The- Merchants Portrait Co. Ltd., 759 Yonge St.Toronto, Ontario, to clear up present business license to expire April 15, 1951." Carried. Sootheran Prior "that no Hawkers Pedlars license be granted Dominion Readers:S4rvine." Carried. r ar Lice rio Shows 15. Transfer 16. aw 1 82 17. aw 1 8 18. Prior White 17,1951 r Meters "That we grant Hawkers Pedlars Licenses to the following: Rosino Gagliardi, Fuller Brush Co. Ltd., Hamilton, Ontario. Norman E. Slingerland, 2106 Virginia Street. Carried. Sootheran Allan "That Ontario Shows be notified no permit will be granted for the operation of their Carnival in Stamford in 1951." Sootheran Allan 19. Prior White "That the Planning Board be notified that Council approves the sale of two 50 ft. lots by Antonio Potenzo on North St." Reeve 13 Regular meeting of the Council held in the Council Monday, February 26th, 1951 at ,7:30 p.m, ent A. C. Bridge R. 1. Prior J, P., Allan W. R. Sootheran G. A. White 1. Sootheran White Sootheran White Carried. Carried. Prior Sootheran "By -law No. 1382, 1951. A By -law to authorize, ratify and confirA the sale of certain lands." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "By -law No. 1383, 1951. A By -law to write off certain w collectible taxes of the Township of Stamford for the year 1950." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "That we do now adjourn to meet Monday, February 26 unless sooner called by the Reeve." Carried. Meeting Adjourned Chamber on Reeve Deputy -Reeve Councillor N,Ccunc1ilor Councillor "That the minutes of the last meeting be adopted as printed." Carried. "That whereas the Council has been petitioned by over 2500 rate- payers who are opposed to the installation of water meters and inasmuch as the Public Utilities have stopped the instalUtion of .same until the matter is placed before the Municipal Board, this Council go on record as favouring a meeting with the Board in the Township Hall at the earliest possible date.' At this meeting the petition -.2O 72. wp. pI Der L..0 i;, era r. tiaruen `e;c White Pqt alit t 3ra, nte^ _&FrTIES -o j:r- oer;'. an i_ ...e'm`, hr e. w.,.... -t the _n Ler':..,s q u tt e. C�t pC 6pr, "What: we accept r4 L'rarr,conroe's cheque. fop 'x. 15O.00 as payment. of c,X., of the value of 5 iqt art ot- T%vp. gG. I2£ir, NQl'.t:il "'That fleitd:a11.1n.g _..verses be granted o. :1rs. e_en C Lczek, wow Eellevue -and 'tr e t taoimz: ady, 'Q_ j ;ica cane Q ::rt_ Collard, o :crtage Rd. rieorge t tiarrold., 1501 ,TrittL cr_d 'd. DeForze;, 1981 'alund St, s tthj,eet to usual_ iII,"-.pe-ction3.. Carried. t d e t. le. Wh_:te Itior ;t t i for a rei >ri'ct: L.: Lar.an .c`._ng on n t,c sell a c,. SIJY7Gt in any r7.ti:er t;LW 1. ..e St. L'e L i'.k arf_ betv:eel. the exlut I., ._�L GI: ube “L.. a4iitiL1 AliaL the i i:icie e CcL ell turt 0 c,'..; U.( j u' 111ljL.r Lu.LUtll. 1../' r ,1;. wt.1: 23 j; t..'l.u,:,:;." iwt;ud u t.Il.i11. 1.,i.-...... l)a..i :Jed. t "13y -Iaw ito, h i i.;; l A by-law 14, re;;uJRt,e the 123e of J.at,du and Cti>'.ta actui' ti i;Ci t.1:7c of bui. di»; ,ylnd stfuct.'1i'ec> 'Ay:Ft the 1ai:Je en Ike north and 5uuth si des of ku;;ae I b'treet 1.tetweur St.. Pat ris;kc Avenue and Ut, Qeorge hvonuc." Read a 1rst, df.scotld and .Iti rd .tit r B %/V Meeting with !•C Branscombe March 1st Tenders for Materials for ;1951 Sootheran Prior 21. Allah Sootheran "That F. A. Bransoombe be asked to meet with Council Thursday night at 7:30 p.m. to discuss his future plans for sub- division development in the Township." Special meeting the Council held in Thursday, March 1st, 1951 at 7:30 p.m. A. G. Bridge R. 1. Prior W. R. Sootheran G. A. White J. N. Allan "That Reeve A. G. Bridge be named Council representative on the new Hospital Bd." "By-law No. 1385, 1951. A; By -law to pro vide for the total 191.1 expenditure on Loade m in the Township of Stamford in the County of 'del land in the tota 1 amount of w150,0O0.00." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "That the Engineer, M. F. Ker, be authorized to call for tenders fur all materials for the year 1951 to be in by March 19, 1 951." Reeve Deputy -Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "That Mr. J. W. Gardner be requested to resurvey and register his property as shown on File No. 4$ -66, LLN97$ so that all lots will have the required acreage necessary where no sewer facilities are available. The Township to waive the usual .sewer, road and park charges as the plan is in a registered area." "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign Drawing No. n No a C14171, dated Railways Oct. 16, 1950 re: Portage Road Bridge." M7'. John Layng, Consultant for the Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Planning Board forwarded a copy revised plan for 1 p.. the area. The Ilan; indicated residential, :omlercial and industrial zones and was submitted in conj �.nci,_o with his report #9 and explained the entire plan, Council examined the plan and it was decided individual copies should bo secured for each member of Council in order to give them an opportunity to study the plan in detail and the following resolution was passed in this connection: Sootheran Allan That John Layng be 'ed,:e.sted to forward six ,raps of the Master :1 ,n for the. dreatec k e uara Area to enable Council to study further. :c1' Layng be asked to meet with ousmiI1 at a date after receiving plans." "That a r-ar C, R It o± i iGl�� to the Cross %a'9pa 1 be included in t?)is veaI''s L:_. afd payment made immediately." ".That.,we do. now adjourn to meet Londay '=larch 5th at 7:30 p.m,." meeting of the Council held in the March 5th, 1951 at 7:30 p.m. A. G. Bridge R. I. Prior W. R. Sootheran G. A. White J. N. Allan Reeve Deputy -Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "That the minutes of the last meetings (Feb. 26th and March 1st, 1951) be adopted as printed." "That an amending by -law be prepared to by -law #1226 so as to allow commercial establishments on lot #6, Plan 91." ations 3. Sootheran aw 11 6 Prior "That whereas petitioners on Keith Street maintain there are certain violations to By law 1156, and we are reasonably certain "the petitioners are correct in their charges, Abe building inspector kook into the matter, bring in a report March 12th and if found Jueti,.fied, to see that the by -law is enforced. Carried. 2.1;iiii :Mil I i' Roads Land transfer 4. Sootheran Allan Finance Relief General Finance 5. Prior White 9. Prior Allan J.Gonzo $240 10. Sootheran for:parks Prior St.Lights 12. White Sootheran "That M. Corkery be granted permission to sell a portion of his land on Dorchester Road, Plan 113, Lot Number one to J. D. Smith. The Planning Board to be so notified." Carried. "That we go into Committee of Finance to take up and pass accounts." Carried. 6. Sootheran Allan "That the statement of Relief Accounts dated February 28th, 1951 as presented, he accepted and the accounts be paid r emounting to $227.66 Carried. 7. Sootheran Prior "That the statement of General Accounts dated February 28th, 1951 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to *35,906.14.( Carried. 8. Allan Sootheran "That the statement of Roads Accounts dated February 28th, 1951 as presented, be accepted and the pccounts be paid amounting to $4,287115." Carried. "That we do arise as a Finance Committee to take up General business." Carried. "That we accept an amount of 8240.00 from John Gonzo for the 5% condition for parks in connection with his proposal plan of part of Township Lot #172, (File T.3902)." Carried. Vict,Licenses 11. Prior Sootheran "That victualling licenses be granted to the following: Harry Manson, 3280 Lundy's Lane Fiorina Giovanni, 141 Victoria Avenue subject to the usual inspection." Carried. "That we requisition the Public Utilities Commission to place street lights on every other pole on the East side of Montrose Road from Lundy's Lane North to the Wabash Railway." Carried. pital uation d Transfer 14. Sootheran ottola White d Transfer 15. Prior Derrick White ughter 16. White se Lic. Allan 13. Sootheran Prior "That this Council bring to the attention of the Provincial Government that a drastic step is necessary to bring the Greater Niagara General Hospital up to modern stan- dards insofar as size and facilities are concerned. That the opinion of the Govern- ment be solicited as to whether or not more of the 15% now collected by the Government from theatres etc., could not be allocated to the municipalities from which they are collected. It is the opinion of Council that if such was the case, the task of im- provements, etc. would ease the burden of those now attempting to bring the local hospital up to the proper standards." Carried. "That Peter Mottola be granted permission to sell a portion of his property on North St. as per letter of March 5th, 1951. The Planning Board be so notified that the Separate School Board wish to build a school in the area in the future." Carried. "That we approve sale of Mr. Mrs. J. Derrick property on Lundy's Lane as requested by Fraser Fraser, Barristers and Solicitors, letter of March 5th 1951 and the Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Planning Board be so notified." Carried. "That application for slaughter house license be refused Fiorina Giovanni, 141 Victoria Avenue." Carried. "That the Greater Niagara Veterans Central Committee be notified that we are in sympathy with the plight of the veterans who have been notified to vacate or change their residence. That this council will be glad to include representation in any protest to the Federal Government, on an early solution to the problem." Carried. rge Warden 18. Sootheran division Allan "That the proposed subdivision of George Warden, part of Lots 157 and 162 be approved *ubiedt- to the usual conditions." Carried. nals on 19. Sootheran rches Lane Allan "That we approve the installation of Wig Wag signals on Churches Lane providing the entire cost of installation and operation is borne by the,H.E.P.C." Carried. Sympathy 23. Sootheran Richard Winter Prior Road Inspec- 21. Allan tion Mar.21 Sootheran "That we have the regular road inspection March 21st, 10 a.m. starting at Township Hall." Adiourn March 5.1951 Present 20. Sootheran White "By -law No. 1386, 1951. A By -law to authorize the execution of an Agreement between John and Anna Gonzo and the Corporation and to authorize approval of a plan of subdivision." Read a first, second and third time and passed. White Carried. Sootheran "That the Clerk be authorized to invite tenders for the $285,000 debenture issue for the Public School on Dorchester Road. Tenders to be in our hands by March 19th by 5 p.m. Further that application be made to the Ontario Municipal Improvement Corporation to purchase $294,000 for waterworks extensions and the sewer and e water debentures of our 1950 local im- provement programme." Carried. "That a letter of sympathy be forwarded to the family of Richard Winter, long time resident of the Township who passed away yesterday." Carried. 24. Sootheran Allan "That we do now adjourn to meet Monday, March 12th at 7:30 p.m." Carried. Meeting Adjourned 0 10:00 P. M. luillifidiA peeve i e Regular meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber on Monday, March 12th, 1951 at 7:30 p.m. A. G. Bridge Reeve R. I. Prior Deputy -Reeve W. R. Sootheran Councillor G. A. White Councillor J. N. Allan Councillor "That we adopt the minutes of the last meeting as printed (March 5th)." Carried. Addition to L.L.Fire Hall 2. Sootheran Prior "That the revised plans of the Lundy's Lane fire hall be accepted and the Engineer call for tenders to be in hands of the Council by April 2nd." Carried. ves Plan 3. Sootheran t or not? Allan "That the plan for the residence of Mr. Grieves be forwarded to the Municipal Board and brought to the attention of Mr. Yeates to ascertain whether or not Mr. Grieves is en- titled to exemption of his property from the restricted area by -law." ers for Truck ist strial ittees ase in al rates acco land 7. sfer .Licenses 4. Sootheran White Carried. "That the Engineer call for tenders for the new tank truck as per specifications, tenders to be in by April 2nd." Carried. 5. Sootheran White "That whereas Tourist and Industrial Committees without representation from the City Council is not feasible insofar as Township municipal participation is concerned. That we contact the Chamber of Commerce that we are quite in accord with the disbanding of the Committees and the work be carried on by the Chamber from within their own organization." Carried. 6. Prior Sootheran "That the request for increase in Dental rates from Drs. Burgman, Smeaton and J. N. Wills be granted retroactive to January 1st." Carried. Soothe ran Allan "That Mr. Augustino Sacco be granted permission to sell a portion of his land on Keith St. to Mr. Vorpato." Allan White Carried. "That the following applications for victualling licenses be granted subject to the usual in- spection: Earl Hope Portage Road North Clemence Possum, 1286 St. Paul Street Gino Capitano, 3122 Drummond Road." Carried. vriga land 9. Sootheran sfer White "That this Council approve of the propert y transfer of part of Lot 57 according to plan 876 from Jos. Savriga to the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation. The property to be conveyed having a dimension of 146.40' by 191.53'." Carried. ry increase ice Dept. 10. Sootheran Allan "That we approve of salary increases to the Police Department as recommended by the Board of Police Commissioners the increases to be retroactive to January 1." Carried. Tourist Home 11. Allan License Sootheran Niag.Baseball 12. Prior Association White 1951 Grant Blanket Bond 15. Sootheran ij Insurance White D.Georgieff 17. Sootheran Bldg.Permit Allan "That D. erect a Portage camp." "That a Tourist Home License be granted Mrs. Goegan, 2055 Thorold Stone Road subject to the usual inspection." Carried. "That a letter be sent The Greater Niagara Baseball Association commending them on their 1950 activities and wishing them every success for the year 1951. That their letter requesting grant be referred to the budget committee with our endorsation." 'mg 1 •0 Carried. Meeting with 13. Sootheran Twp.Civic Emp- Prior "That permission be granted to the Stamford lovees Union Township Civic Employees Union to meet with Council to negotiate agreement and contract. Suggested date to be Tuesday, March 20th." Carried. Batten Drive 14. Sootheran Allan "That the Salvation Army be granted per- mission to hold a paper drive on April 11, the same assistance be given as in the past." Carried. "That the Blanket Bond Insurance on the Employees having been examined be approved as written on the Bond." Carried. Land Transfer 16. Sootheran Wilson Murri Allan "That approval of the sale of land by Mrs. Ethel Wilson to Nazzareno Murri be with- held until the report of Dr. Sturgeon re: septic tanks is received." Carried. Georgieff be granted permission to double cabin on the west side of Road, an extension to his present Carried. 1950 Tax 18. Sootheran settlement Allan "That we approve of a payment o &f $2.97 on the property assessed against Norman Beam and $17.83 on that assessed against Lawrence Young by Steve Nagy Jr. in full abttlement of 1950 taxes on the back 70 feet of the respective properties purchased by him. This forms part of lot 16, Plan 49 as per Assessment Act Section 135 (i) Carried. By -law 1187 19. Allan Sootheran "By -law No. 1387, 1951. A By -law to amend By -law No. 1226, 194$ providing restrictions on the lands comprised within Registered Plan No. 91 for the Township of Stamford." Read a first, second and third time and passed. r aw 1 8• 21. Sootheran Whit e :law 1 •1 23. Sootheran Allan "By -law No. 1391. A By-law to amend By -law No. 1294, 1950." Read a first, second and third time and passed. law 1392 24. Sootheran Allan namid Rec- 25. Sootheran tion Head- Prior rters ourn ch 12th,1951 17 sent lutea 20. Prior White 1. Prior White "By -law No. 1358, 1951. A By -law to authorize the execution of Agreement between Wilfred A. Stead and the Corporation, and to authorize approval of a plan of subdivision." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "By -law No. 1359, 1951. A By -law to amend By -law No. 1316, 1950, designating the area of land to be used as a trailer camp." Read a first, second and third time and passed. 22. Sootheran Prior "By -law No. 1390, 1951. A By -law to authorize the execution of an Agreement between Frank A. Branscombe and the Corporation and to authorize approval of a plan of subdivision." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "By -law No. 1392, 1951. A By -law authorizing an application to The Ontario Municipal Improvement Corporation for the purchase by it of certain Debentures." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "That a letter of appreciation be forwarded A. 0. Williams of the American Cyanamid for extending the privilege of inspecting their new recreational headquarters. The Clerk to commend the Cyanamid for the wonderful building." 26. Sootheran Allan "That we do now adjourn to meet Monday, March 19th at 7:30 p.{." o21,4, 4„ Reeve Regular meeting of the Council held in the Council Chem er on Monday, March 19th, 1951 at 7:30 p.m. A. G. Bridge R. I. Prior W. R. Sootheran G. A. White J. N. Allan Carried. Carried. Meeting Adjourned Hou P. M. ti JhIthta4 'I er Reeve Deputy -Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "That the minutes of the March 12th meeting be adopted as read." Carried. as Finance Corwin Crescent Subdiv. Plan 7. Sootheran Prior 2. Prior Sootheran "That we go into a Committee of Finance to pass accounts." 3. White Prior 4. White Allan 5. Allan White 6. Prior Allan Carried. "That the statement of Relief Accounts dated March 15th, 1951 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $1, 9 Carried. "That the statement of General Accounts dated March 15th, 1951 as presented, be accepted and the accounts -be paid amounting to $129,333.19.J" Carried. "That the statement of Roads Accounts dated March 15th, 1951 as presented, be accepted and the ac ounts be paid amounting to $3,612.80. Carried. "That we arise as a Finance Committee to take up general business." Carried. "That we accept the revision of the sub- division plan for Corwin Crescent as sub- mitted by R. Blake Erwin. The Planning Board be so notified of our decision." Carried. Mr. Jack MacPhee and a group of ratepayers presented petitions protesting the installation of water meters in the Township of Stamford. They requested Council to amend the by -law providing the expenditure of $7000 to purchase and instal an estimated number of 3500 water meters. 8. Sootheran White That in view of the fact that the Council has been presented with a petition of approximately 2600 names protesting against the installation of water meters, that this Council request the Ontario Municipal Board to rescind that portion of by -law No. 1323 dealing with the issue of $75,000 for the purchase and installation of water meters and the Board order a plebescite to be taken as soon as found feasible." Ayes and Nayes called by Reeve Bridge. Ayes: Sootheran, White, Bridge. Nayes: Allan, Prior. Carried. ers fof nt ure s nsion to ite Ahra- Plant Permit hankula ist Home 12. White nses Allan ist Camp en ses 9. Sootheran Prior "That the acceptance of tenders on the debenture issue for the new school be tabled until tomorrow night for further consideration." 10. Sootheran Prior "That Lionite Abrasive be granted permission to operate an aluminum oxide abrasive plant as an extension to their present plant." 11. Allan Prior 13. Sootheran White .License 14. Sootheran White .Permit 15. White _danovich Allan ane Society 16. Sootheran Da Ma 1 Allan g Permit Samitz Tenders be 18. led for enture issue lic School Carried. Carried. "That Mr. K. Shankula be granted a permit to construct a 4 unit motel on McLeod Road Lot 178 as per application." Carried. "That Tourist home licenses be granted Mrs. Ann Rienzo, 1248 Roberts Street Mrs. W. Fisher, 2510 Barker Street subject to usual inspection." Carried. "That Tourist Camp licenses be granted to Antonio Vig and Steve Vorkapich, subject to usual inspection." Carried. "That Milan Raosavljevich be granted a victualling license subject to usual inspection." Carried. "That Ziko Bogdanovich be given a permit to move existing building and alter it subject to approval of Building Inspector." Carried. "That Niagara Frontier Humane Society be granted permission to hold a tag day on Saturday, May 19th," Carried. 17. Prior Sootheran "That Peter Samitz be granted permit to erect a Motel on lot 134, Concession 295, Township of Stamford at approximate value of $30,000 subject to approval of Building Inspector." Carried. Sootheran Prior "That new tenders be called for the debenture issue for the new public school, those invited to tender to be limited to those who submitted bide on tenders opened tonight. Basis on the tender to be open interest rate and price. Tenders to be in by 5 p.m. March 28." Carried. Sewer Pipe k Purchases Acceptance of 21. White Material Tenders Prior Acceptance of 22. Prior Mat. Tenders White Meeting with 23. Prior Municipal Bd. White LandeTransfer 25. Prior ¢h Mrs. E.Wilson Allan By -law 1394 19. Prior Sootheran "That we adopt the report of Clerk,Carl Huggins re: Pension Plan in accordance with Pension By -law Number 1167." Carried. 20. Prior Sootheran "That sewer pipe purchases be split between the v Concrete pipe Ltd. and Niagara Concrete Pipe C on the basis of 75 25% with Concrete pipe having the higher proportion." 26. Sootheran White Carried. "That the tenders submitted be accepted subject to the Department of highways: ✓'Calaguiro Bros. for sand, *Walker Bros. for stone. 011. E. Law for cold patch, Hot Mix. Imperial Oil Co. for oils and greases. O W. B. Gunning for gasoline." for the following approval of the gravel, fill surface treatment Carried. "That the following tenders for material be accepted: kCanada Valve Hydrant for hydrants valves. ;National Iron for valve boxes pipe. 2 Niagara Foundry for man holes catchbasins and steps." Carried. "That the meeting with the Municipal Board be arranged for some other date than Thursday, March 22nd so that all members of Council and Utilities Commission can attend that meeting." Carried. Reeve to sign 24. Prior P.U.C. Cheque Sootheran "That the Reeve be authorized to sign cheque to Public Utilities in the amount of $12,003.50 as requested by the Public Utilities." Carried. "That Council does not approve of transfer &f property from Mrs. E. Wilson to N. Murri unless suitable sewer outlet is arranged for." Carr ied. "By -law No. 1394, 1951. A By -law to authorize the construction of a watermain on Coholan Street from Portage Road to Dayman Avenue as a local improvement under the provisions of the Local Improvement Act." Read ,a first and second time. -aw 1 27. Sootheran Allan "By law No. 1393, 1951. A By -law to authorize the construction of certain sewers as local improvements under the provisions er the loc=al Improvement Act." Read a first and second time. Li. hts 'urn ch 19,1951 18 sent 28. White Prithr 29. Sootheran Allan caA, Dudley, Dawson Ltd., verbal Tender by representative Mr. Trass Fairclough Company submitted by Mr. J. Pratt J. L. Graham Company and Bankers Bond Imperial Bank of Canada and Anderson Company "That we request the P.U.C. to place four street lights on Mulhern, Lee and Baldwin Streets as recommended." A. G. Bridge R. I. Prior W. R. Sootheran G. A. White J. N. Allan Carried. "That we do now adjourn to met Tuesday, March 20th at 7:30 p.m. in Committee." Carried. Meeting Adjourned J�I our P. M. eeve i Clerk Special Meeting of the Council held in the Council Cnamber on Tuesday, March 20th, 1951 at 7:30 p.m. Reeve Deputy -Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor The meeting was called for the purpose of meeting with the representatives of the Stamford Civic Employees Union No. 425. The representatives of tha Union submitted a proposed agreement between the Township and the Union. This agreement was reviewed section by section and thoroughly discussed by members of Council and the Union representatives. Mr. George Downing, the President of the Civic Employees Union for Ontario, was present and assisted the employees in presenting the agreement. No definite under takings were made by the Council but they informed the Union that the agreement would receive consideration prior to the time the 1951 budget is dealt with. The following alternative tenders were received for the school debenture issue of $285,500.00 at an interest rate of 3R 96.00 firm 97.25 option 98 50 option for 30 days 97.95 option until April 6th 97.50 option for 60 days The following resolution was lout in respect to the above tenders: 1. Sootheran "That the 30 day option of Fairclough Company Allan for the purchase of 300 bonds at a price of 98.50 for the debentures for the new public school be accepted." Lost. The Clerk was instructed to request new tenders from those companies that submitted bids on March 19th. The basis of the new' tender to be a bid at an interest rate and price. The tenders to be in by 5 p.m. March 28th, 1951. Niagara Area Master Plan 2. Sootheran Prior "That the meeting with John Layng in regard to discussion on the Master Plan for the Greater Niagara Area be held over until an early date in April." March 20,1951 No. 19 Present 3. Sootheran Prior Carried. Meeting Adjourned our F. M. l id d dr Special Meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber on Wednesday, March 21st, 1951 at 10:30 a.m." This meeting was called for the purpose of inspecting the Township roads. The members travelled through the Township and inspected various roads as well as the Hydro- Electric Power Commission project being carried out in the North end of the Township. A luncheon was held at the Red Casque Inn. Good Condition 1. Sootheran of Twp. Roads White "That the Engineer be commended for the excellent state of the roads of the municipality in spite of the rigorous winter. That further recommendations as to constriction and repairs will he made at a later date." 2. Sootheran Allan A Y//e--9H.s "That we do now adjourn to meet Wednesday in Road inspection at 10:30 a.m." A. G. Bridge R. I. Prior W. R. Sootheran G. A. White J. N. Allan "That we do now adjourn to meet Monday; at 7:30 p.m." March 21,1951 No. 20 Regular Meeting of the Council held in the Monday, March 26th, 1951 at 7:30 p.m. ,Present Reeve Reeve A. G. Bridge R. I. Prior G. A. White W. R. Sootheran J. N. Allan Carried. Meeting Adjourned H r P. M. 11 11 ,ffiitlikik 41 Council Carried. Clerk Reeve Deputy -Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Carried. er Chamber on Reeve Deputy -Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor nutes dg.Permit 2. Pierrynowski dg.Permit ed Code dewalk on snklin Ave. ur Mile Creek 7. .ainage system 1. Sootheran White Prior Sootheran 3. Sootheran White ct.License 4. Sootheran .A.Kiesz White 5. Sootheran White yell Oil B.A. 9 Sootheran 1 Co's tender Prior :roism of 10. Sootheran meth Vigh Jr. Prior A "That the minutes of the last three meetings be adopted as printed." Carried. "That the application for Building permit by Joseph Pierrynowski to erect a dwelling at south side of Russell Street, Part Lot 104 5 be not granted." Carried. "That Fred Code be granted a permit for the building of a 14 unit motel plus 3 single cabins on the south side of Lundy's Lane, pt. twp. lot 140." Carried. "That Mr. A. Kiesz be granted a victualling license subject to the usual inspection." Carried. "That the letter from C. H. Harris requesting sidewalk on east side of Franklin between Ker and Barker be referred to the meeting called to deal with Local Improvements." Carried. nd Transfer 6 Sootheran Potenzo Prior "That Mr. Thomas Potenzo be granted permission to sell 48 feet of his property on North St. The Planning Board be notified of our decision." Carried. Prior Sootheran "That the letter from Township of Niagara re: Assessment Sheet for Four Mile Creek Drainage System be referred to our solicitors LaMarsh and LaMarsh." Carried. nd Transfer 8. Sootheran T.Shalanko Allan "That Mr. John T. Shalanko be granted permission to sell separate lots to sons Jack and Leonard Shalanko on Stanley St. The Planning Board be so notified of our decision." Carried. "That Shell Oil and B. A. Oil Companies be notified that we cannot consider their late tenders for material." Carried. "That a letter of praise and commendation be forwarded on behalf of the municipality to Joseph Vigh, who risked his life in .saving a child in a serious Kalar Rd. fire todayl" Carried. GI 4I By -law 1395 J.Mulhern Subdivision Hydro Sewer Construction Adjourn Present 11. Prior Sootheran "That the letter from Association of letter carriers Federation re: the excellent job being done in our municipality in regard to hawkers and pedlars By -law enforcement be sent on to the Chief of Police." 12. White Allan 13. White Prior 14. Sootheran Prior 15. Sootheran White Special Meeting of the Council held Wednesday, March 28th, 1951 at 7:30 A. G. Bridge R. I. Prior W. R. Sootheran G. A. White J. N. Allan Carried. "By -law No. 1395, 1951. A By -law to authorize the execution of an application and agree- ment with the Canadian National Railway Company." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "That the proposed subdivision owned by John Mulhern, part of Lot 98 dated March 6th, 1951 be granted subject to usual regulations." Carried. "That contract for Hydro Sewer construction be awarded Lorenzo Contracting Co. at lowest tender." Ayes Nayes called by Deputy -Reeve Prior. Ayes: Sootheran, Allan, Prior, Bridge. Nayes: White: Carried. That we do now adjourn to meet Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. to open bid for debentures on the new school, and deal with the new Union agreement of Municipal employees." Carried. Meeting Adjourned P. M. Reeve Deputy -Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Thb special meeting was called for the purpose of discussing Township of Stamford Civic Employees Federal Union proposals in regard to Wages and Salaries. The Council considered the proposals and set suggested rates for the various employees and evaluated certain jobs. "That the tender of Fairclough Company for the purchase of debentures for the new school on Dorchester Rd. at a firm price of *98.00 per 100 on a 4% interest rate be accepted." Carried. ena Bd. di:t fees rwin Cres. bdivi si on eting with 4. White ployee's Prior ion ourn rch 28,1951 22 esent 2. Sootheran Prior 5. Prior White Labourers Garbage labourers Roller operator Asst. to Engineer Charles Wright Jr. Draftsman Victor Golchuk Jr. Instrument Man Mervyn Perkins Male Clerk Robert Hilts "That the Arena Board be billed for 450.00 to cover the cost of their portion of the audit fees." 3. Sootheran White "That the revised plan of the Corwin Crescent Subdivision as amended March 28th, 1951 be accepted. The Planning Board be so notified according to regulation." "That we invite negotiating committee of the Employee's Union to meet with Council to discuss agreement and classification." Reeve Purchasing Agent Timekeeper Harold Dell Foremen George Warden Gordon Weaver Foreman Truck Driver Bert Adams Jos. Merritt (deceased) Truck Drivers Race Green Alec Corfield Alan Dell per hour t, n It Carried. Carried. Carried. "That we do now adjourn to meet Friday evening at 7:30 p.m." Carried. Meeting Adjourned Hour P. M. VV Clerk Special Meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamberoon Friday, March 30th, 1951 at 7:30 p.m. A. G. Bridge Reeve R. I. Prior Deputy -Reeve W. R. Sootheran Councillor G. A. White Councillor J. N. Allan Councillor This special meeting was called for the purpose of presenting the Council's proposal to the negotiating committee of the Stamford Employees Union No. 425 covering dalaries and wages for next year. Co Council has previously decided to evaluate and classify all jobs and had set the rate pertaining to each job. The Nego- tiating Committee stated that they were not asking for job classifications at this time and requested that any increase be on the same rate for all employees. Council agreed with the request with the exception of the Engineer's Assistant, Junior Draftsman and Instrument man. The following rates and wages were agreed upon: $3036.00 3036.00 2736u00 2736.00 2636.00 2636.00 2636.00 1.08 1.13 1.30 3500.00 2500.00 2320.00 2236.00 li Janitor, William Wilson Clerk in Assessor's Office, Norman Rysdale Possible 1. Sootheran Divisionoof Prior "That the Clerk write the City of Niagara Welland County Falls informing them die have no desire to participate in a possible division of Welland County. It is the opinion of this Council that such a move would serve no useful purpose and the cost would be prohibitive." St.Lights Bldg.Permits 3. Sootheran Pierrynowfki Prior "That the Building Inspector be instructed to grant building permits to Mr. Mrs. Pierrynowski as it has been shown that By -law No. 1384 has not been approved by the Municipal Board and is not in effect as yet." Condolence Merritt family March 30,1951 Female Clerks grade 4 1300.00 grade 3 Iris Ness 1536.00 Theresa Nemeth 1536.00 grade 2 Barbara Bain 1736.00 grade 1 Marjorie Stephenson 2136.00 Mary Adams 2136.00 With the exception of the three employees of the Engineer's Department the yearly increase in remuneration is $136.00 which is generally an increase of 6¢ per hour for the number of hours worked in the year. The Council was of the opinion that adjustments for the three members of the Engineering staff were warranted due to the particular skilled work they are engaged in. No increased were allowed to the following employees at this time: 2. Sootheran Prior "That the Public Utilities be requested to make installation of lights on every other pole on Rysdale St." 4. Allan Sootheran 5. Sootheran Allan 41700.00 1900.00 Carried. Carried. Carried. "That a letter of condolence be sent to Mrs. Merritt and family." Reeve Carried. "That we do now adjourn to meet Monday, April 2nd at 7 :30 p.m." Carried. Meeting adjourned Ali Ili/AM P M. 23 esent nut es aughter use Lie. Regular Meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber on Monday, April 2nd, 1951 at 7:30 p.m. A. G. Bridge Reeve R. I. Prior Deputy -Reeve W. R. Sootheran Councillor 0. A. White Councillor J. N. Allan Councillor 1. White Allan 2. White Sootheran ct.Licenses 3. White Allan ter Meters 4. Sootheran White "That the minutes of the last meetings be adopted as printed." Carried. "That license for Slaughter house be granted Alexander Dawson, Dorchester Road, subject to inspections." Carried. "That victualling license be granted E. DeVito, 1497 Portage Road Fred Galle, 1B Royal Manor Drive B. Travers, 2671 Drummond Road Gilbert Murray, 3611 L,indy's Lane Herbert Haynes, 2510 Lpndy's Lane subject to the usual inspection." Carried. Mr. Jack MacPhee headed a delegation representing residents of the Township opposed to meters and requested that the Council take action to prevent the installation of water meters. "That in view of the fact this Council has been petitioned by approximately 2600 names protesting against ti installation of water meters, we do rescind the portion of by -law #1323 dealing with the issue of $75,000 for the purchase and installation of water meters. A plebiscite be called for the 21st day of May on the question of whether or not the municipality is to have water meters. That the steps recommended by our Toronto solicitors be taken immediately. Ayes and Nayes called by Deputy -Reeve Prior. Ayes: Sootheran, White, Bridge. Nayes: Allan, Prior. Carried. nd Transfer 5. Sootheran Potenza Prior "WHEREAS Fraser and Fraser at a meeting of Council on March 26th made application for a transfer of property from Antonio Potenza having a frontage of 4$' with a depth on the west side of 346.17'. AND WHEREAS by actual survey it has been established that the property to be conveyed only has a frontage of 46' on North Street and our original consent covered 4$'. THEREFORE ,be it resolved that wQ approve of the transfer by Mr. Antonio Potenza of a strip of land in Township Lot #126 having a frontage of 46' on North Street instead of the original approvalvhich covered a 4$' frontage granted on March 26th." Carried. xs vestigate 15. operty at 20 A rthur St. Vigh for li AWARD anley St. wermain Mr. Harold Dell, President of the Stamford Township Civic Employees Federal Union Number 425, stated that the Tiniori had agreed to the rates of pay and provisions suggested by Council. White Prior -law re: 16. Prior ion Contract Sootheran 1$. Sootheran Allan rwin Cres. 19. Prior termain White rchase of 20. Allan p.Lots on Prior llevue St. -law 1 22. Allan White "That we ask LaMarsh and LaMarsh to in- vestigate and take the necessary steps in regard to the property at 1720 Arthur Street." Carried. "That the necessary by -law be prepared to cover union contract according to agreement between Council and employees." Carried. 17. Sootheran Prior "That we endorse the letter of Stamford Centre Fire Dept. to Falls View Dept. suggesting they recommend Joseph Vigh for the Dow Award, for outstanding bravery." Carried. "That we accept the report of M..F. Her on Stanley St. sewer, constructed by the City of Niagara Falls. The Clerk to ascertain from our Toronto solicitors as to the procedure we should pursue assessing the improver/Ent charges." Carried. "That the Engineer be authorized to take the necessary steps to get the work under way at earliest possible time re: Corwin Crescent Subdivision watermain." Carried. "That the request from Mr. David MacArthur to purchase lots 241 242 Bellevue Street be not granted as Prince Edward Ave. sewer crosses these lots." Carried. nders for 21. Sootheran assis Pum. Prior "That the tender of C. F. Houck for an C Internatimelchassis be accepted as the only other tender submitted does not meet the specifications as called by the Engineer. The tender of Bickle Seagrave for a Class "B" pump of $8,$$0 be accepted. Bickle Seagrave to attempt to sell the 1924 Reo at the best possible price subject to approval of Municipal Board." Carried. "By law No. 1396, 1951. A By -law to repeal by -law Number 1353 1950." Read a first, second and third time and passed. of Commendationto 6. Stamford Soft ball Team 1 Sympathy Mr. lye j' License Budget Resolution re: 10. Prior business assess- Allan ment Public Hall 12. White Licensee Prior Sootheran Allan 7. Sootheran White Tender Fire 9. Sootheran Hall extension Prior Appreciation- 11. Sootheran Wm. L. Houck Prior 13. Sootheran Prior Ont.Mayors 14. Sootheran Reeves Assoc. Prior "That a letter of congratulations be for warded to Mr. Al Parsons, Manager of the Stamford Softball Team, on their achievement in winning the trophy for 1950 in the Niagara Falls Softball Association League." Carried. "That a letter of sympathy be forwarded to Mr. Russell J. Lye, Sales Engineer of the Asphalt Department, Imperial Oil, Limited, at Hamilton on the recent ddath of his wife, Mrs. Lye and the Township Engineer be requested to re- present the Township at the funeral." Carried. Tourist Home 8. White Sootheran "That license for Tourist Home be granted Mrs. Angelina DeVito, 2791 Lundy's Lane subject to usual inspection." Carried. "That the tender of Jolley Construction for the erection of an addition to Lundy's Lane Fire Hall be accepted at tender price of $6,640, the lowest price submitted," subject to approval of Municipal Board." Carried. "That we endorse the resolution from Town of Goderich re: business assessment." Carried. "That a letter of appreciation be for- warded to Hon. W. L. Houck for carrying our fight for representation on the Park Commission to the floor of the Legislature." Carried. "That Public Hall licenses be granted Stamford Collegiate Auditorium and Falls View School Auditorium." Carried. "That letter from St. Thomas Metallic Grave Vaults Ltd. be referred. to the Budget Committee." Carried. "That the membership fee in Ontario Mayor and Reeves Association be paid." Carried. By -law 1399 April 2nd, 1951 No. 24 Present Minutes Relief General 24. Sootheran Prior "By -law No. 1398, 1951. A By -law to authorize the issue of Debentures of the Township to the principal amount of $16,000 for a tank truck and an addition to Lundy's Lane Fire Hall." Read a first and second time. 25. Sootheran Prior "By -law No. 1399, 1951. A By -law to authorize the execution of an Agreement with Lorenzo Contracting Company Limited." Read a first, second and third time and passed. 26. Sootheran Prior Allan "By -law No. 1397, 1951. A By -law to authorize the issue of Debentures of the Township to the principal amount of $2$9,500 for Fublic School purposes." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "That we do now adjourn to meet Monday, April 9th at 7:30 p.m." Carried. Meeting Adjourned our 1 P. M. Reeve I l 11,1 Ass ii Clerk Meeting of the Council held in the Council Cha :er on April 9th, 1951 at 7:30 p.m. A. G. Bridge R. I. Prior W. R. Sootheran G. A. White J. N. Allan Reeve Deputy -Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor 1. Sootheran Prior "That the minutes of the last meeting be adopted as printed." Carried. Reeve A. G. Bridge presented the Township with a gavel set composed of the gavel and appropriate block for the presiding officer at meetings of the Municipal Council. 2. Sootheran Prior "That the statement of Relief Accoitpts dated March 31st, 1951 as presented, be accepted and the ac unts be paid amounting to $195.91.7 Carried. Sootheran Allan "That the statement of General Accounts dated March 31st, 1951 as presented, be accepted and t accounts be paid amounting to $35,466.83." Carried. oads Finance 4. Allan Prior Taking Over of 6. Prior Waterworks Allan Department? Hawkers Pedlars Lic Ditch at Slater Ave. 8. Sootheran Land Transfer 9. Prior Geo.Robin on White "That the statement of Roads Accounts dated March 31st, 1951 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $3,926.11.'' Carried. 5. Sootheran Allan "That we adjourn as a finance committee and take up general Council business." Carried. A large group of ratepayers attended the Council meeting in connection with the water meter question. The group was composed of residents both in favour of meters and opposed to meters. Mr. George Powell, Chairman of the Public Utilities Commission was also in attendance. "That since the majority of this Council does not consider the Public Utilities Commission, a democratically- elected body, capable of operating its own affairs, and since a resolution to rescind a by -law which honored the commitments of the 1950 Public Utilities Commission and the 1950 Township Council, was passed by this Council last week, and since the report of the Township engineer is being disregarded, and since the Watermeter question has aroused so much controversy, petitions and strife in the Township, that this 1951 Council submit the following question to the ratepayers at the next December election: "Are you in favour of the Municipal Council taking over the operation of the Waterworks Department of the Township of Stamford Ayes and Nayes requested by A. G. Bridge: Ayes: Prior, Allan. Nayes: White, Sootheran, Bridge. Lost. Before the above resolution was voted on the Reeve permitted a general discussion between 7:45 and 9:20 on the entire water meter question. The following spoke on the question: Jack MacPhee Cecil Lundy, George Powell, Luther Cartledge, Mrs. Harold Smith, Arthur Staines, M. F. Ker, A. Whatmore and members of the Municipal Council. 7. Sootheran Prior "That Hawkers and Pedlars license be granted Ido Condotta, Ann G. Wilk, George Caverly." Carried. Prior "That the Highway Department be asked to fill in the ditch at the end of Slater Ave. This Council is of the opinion that the ditch has no drainage value, and if left in its present state could develop into a health hazard." Carried. "That we grant permission to George Robinson to sell three parcels of land as outlined in .letter from W. T. McCallum, Barrister Solicitor, in his letter of April 5th, 1951." Carried. ij B Tourist Lic. i Cannot rescind 11. Sootheran B portion of White By -law 1323 A 10. Sootheran Allan "That Steve Kalapos be granted a Tourist Camp license subject to the usual inspection." Carried. "That in face of the opinions of the legal firms of Daly Thistle, Judson McTaggart and W. C. LaMarsh pointing out where it is impossible to rescind the portion of by -law 1323 dealing with etc: water meters, this Council rescind resolution No. 4. of April 2nd calling for a plebiscite on May 21st. The petition to be referred to the Public Utilities whose responsibility on the matter has finally been established." Carried. The Clerk advised that he had withdrawn the application to the Ontario Municipal Improvement Corporation to purchase certain debentures in the amount of $306,091.00 for extensions and improvements to the water works system in view of the situation that exists in respect to water meters. The Council agreed to the withdrawal and it was decided that no action would be taken until a later date. By -law 1402 12. Sootheran Allan "By -law No. 1402, 1951. A By -law to authorize the execution of an Agreement with the Township of Stamford Employees' Federal Union, Number 425." Read a first, second and third time and passed. R Thanks to 13. Prior Reeve Bridge White Adjourn April 9, 1951 No. 25 I Present Traffic Signals .1. 14. Sootheran Prior 0 A A, "That Reeve A. G. Bridge be thanked for the magnificent gift to the municipality of a new Gavel Set." Reeve A. G. Bridge R. I. Prior W. R. Sootheran G. A. White J. N. Allan Special Meeting of the Council held in the Wednesday,April llth, 1951 at 7:00 p.m. for dealing with the Draft Municipal Budget for Carried. "That we do adjourn to meet for a special budget meeting at 7 p.m. Wednesday." Carried. Meeting Adjourned Council C� tuber on the purpose of the year 1951. Reeve Deputy -Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Sootheran Allan "That we accept the Hydro's proposal for traffic signals and "Stop?! "signs and adding the Engineer's suggestion of a light at Stanley St. where their new mad intersects near McLeod. A atop sign to be PC Work Camp 3. Sootheran rchester__ Rd. White Lights ecord Sub. has.Damato erniit for arnival 2. Sootheran Allan 4. White Soothe ran 5. Sootheran White Sootheran White pril 11, 1951 Reeve suggested on their road at :itanlev 3t. beyond the Carborundam." Carrie, d "That Cat's ryes signals be installed on Garner Rd. near the Welland Chemical Company as requested by that industry." Carried. "That we request a meeting, with the Hydro officials to disctass the possibility or shirting their pro;o =.ei work caap on Dorchester Rd. to some ether loo In. TLat a copy or `'re petiLiin s :'_iii L. -1 by rate payers opposing the e;tabi sh nent „';e camp be forwarded to the Hydro. No building permit be i sued intl a o€ t:i Is arranged." Carried. "That we ask the Public Utilities Co :tnjssion to instal lights in the 3ecord Subdivision as sug;ested on map." Carried. "That the matter of selecting a successor to George Powell, Chairman of the Public Utilities Commission be laid over until Wednesday, April 18th. Each member of Council to bring in the name of a roan capable of holding the posi.tion.° "That Charlie Damato be granted a permit for a Carnival on his property May 7 12. The permit granted with the understanding no gambling will be permitted as stated in original application." Carried. "That we do now adjourn to go into Committee." Carried. The Council went into Finance Committee for the purpose of discussing the draft 1951 Municipal Budget. Meeting Adjourned Clerk w 6 B,, No 26 Present i Minutes Deputy- Reeve's 2. Resignation A P.U.Commissioner 3. 7 Resignation Ni j' Land transfer H by Robt.Niven j i N 71 Question,May 7 6. I; Election it �j Tourist Home 1 License By -law 1403 Special Meeting of the Wednesday, April 18th, 1. White Allan 5. A. W. G. J. Council held in the Council Chamber on 1951 at 7:30 p.m. G. Bridge Reeve R. Sootheran Councillor A. White Councillor N. Allan Councillor "That we adopt the minutes of the past two meetings as printed." Carried. White Sootheran "That we accept the resignation of Deputy -Reeve R. I. Prior effective date April 18, 1951." Ayes and Nayes called by Reeve Bridge. Ayes: White, Allan, Sootheran, Bridge. Nayes: Carried. Sootheran Allan "That the resignation of George Powell as a member of the Public Utilities be accepted effective April 18, 1951." Carried. Twp. Hall roof 4. Sootheran repair estimate Allan "That estimate of James Balfour for Township Hall roof repairs be tabled until a new chairman of property is named." Carried. Sootheran Allan "That Lancaster, Mix and Sullivan be advised that the plan submitted on behalf of Mr. Niven cannot be accepted. That they recommend to Mr. Niven that a new survey be made increasing the size of the lots to the necessary depth and the plan registered." Carried. White Sootheran "That a question be placed on a ballot to be voted on by the people on May 7, 1951 to be worded: "Who of the following men you wish the Council to appoint to the Public Utilities Commission." The names to be placed At the next meet- ing of Council." Carried. Sootheran White "That the application for a tourist home license by Mrs. Donald McCuaie, 2497 Lundy's Lane be.granted." Carried. Sootheran White "By -law No. 1403, 1951. A By -law to fix the rate to be levied and collected on the rateable property of the Township of Stamford to pay the current expenditures of the Muni cipality for the year 1951. Read a first, second and third time and passed. r Services 9. rose &Nbod- Area Sootheran White "That the Engineer bring in a report as to the cost of installing sewer services to the Montrose and Woodbine Area." Carried. ist Camp 10. Sootheran nses e Allan "That the following applications for tourist camp licenses be granted subject to the usual inspection:" Kaspar Schankula, McLeod Rd. Stephen Kovacs, 2267 Lundy's Lane Mrs. M.A.E. Clark, 274 Portage Rd. N. Wm. VanAlstine, 1442 Dixon Street." .Licenses 11. Allan White nt to L.L. 12. Sootheran torical Soc. White ise County 13. White Deputy -Reeve Allan ignation 8 14. Sootheran Allan .17 18 on 15. Sootheran nda tabled Allan approval 17. Sootheran terson land White' sfer Carried. "That the following applications for victualling licenses be granted subject to usual inspection: Mrs. M.A.E. Clark, 274 Portage Rd. N. Kaspar Schankula, McLeod Rd. Hugh R. Johnson, 927 St. Faul Ave. Charles Damato, 1681 Thorold Rd." Carried. "That Lundy's Lane Historical Society be granted X25.00 to aid in their commendable work." Carried. "That a letter be sent to the County Clerk advising them that Deputy -Reeve R. I. Prior's resignation has been accepted." Carried. "By -law No. 1398, 1951. A By -law to authorize the issue of Debentures of the Township to the principal amount of "16,000 for a tank truck and an addition to Lundy's Lane Fire Hall." Read a third time and passed. "That items 17 and 18 concerning Natters pertaining to the Ad. of Education be tabled until next Monday." Carried. ders for 16. Sootheran Truck White "That acceptance of tenders be confirmed for ition toga 1 the purchase of a new tank truck and the building of an addition to the Lundy's Lane Fire Hall." Carried. "That in view of the fact that the policy of this Council is against splitting parcels of land by metes and-bounda description, Council pass the request of Miss Jessie Patterson to sell land described in a letter dated April 13th from Fraser and Fraser to the Planning Hoard withbut- approval. Carried. 1 j -3 f, Ingham Smith 18. Sootheran Sub- division Allan park lands di 1 III Dogs at larg 19. Sootheran White B Inspect Race Track Area Ac, Wm.J.Walsh to 21. I instal i" water main A' 1 Purchase Plastic 222. Suits II!!! Daylight Saving 23. White Allan Sootheran Allan Sootheran Allan Municipal af- 25. Sootheran fairs school White I� I{ 'Sale of Water 26. Sootheran i Meters referred Allan 4 to P.U.C. "That Ingham and Smith be advised $125.00 will be charged for Park in lieu of 5% for their proposed division being part of lot 44." Carried. "That letter from Alfred Smith complaining about dogs running at large be referred to our dog catchers, the Humane Society for investigation and action." Carried. 20. White Sootheran "That the Welland County Health Unit be notified to check the Race Track Area re: Fly Odor Nuisance." Carried. "That Wm. J. Walsh be granted permission to install a 3/4" water rein from Thorald Stone Rd. north to his property, providing that if petition is circulated at some future date to extend water north he will sign same. The necessary by -law be prepared." Carried. "That the Engineer purchase plastic suits from Rosbergs as well as heavy hats from same store at prices quoted." Carried. "That we observe daylight saving time effective 29th of April, 1951 as set by City of Niagara Falls." Carried. that purposes sub- D.MacArthur 24. Sootheran garden lot White "That D. MacArthur be granted permission to use lots 241 and,242 Bellevue for garden purposes." Carried. "That as many members of Council and officials attend the Municipal Affairs schools in Welland on May 7th ais soon as possible." Carried. "That the letter from Thor old Township re: Sale of water meters be referred to the Public Utilities.P Carried. it Tabaka 27. Sootheran Allan YZThat we approve the proposed extension of the Brant Subdivision, being plan prepared by Barry Watson and dated March 30, 1951 subject to the conditions in our sub- division by -law. Approval also be given to the Peter Tabaka proposed sub- division being plan prepared by Barry ':Catson and dated March 26th, 1951, subject to con- ditions of our subdivision by -law." ivisi ons re repre 28. Sootheran ation to Allan De •t. 11ndle Transfer •urn 18/51 :e tes nee tral 29. White Sootheran "That we approve request of Wm. Hindle to sell pt of Township lot //73 on Portage Rd. subject to approval of Planning Board." 30. Sootheran White (214/ 4y, ;49-4 Reeve 2. Sootheran Allan Carried. "That City of Niagara Falls be advised that when future representations are made to the Highway Dept, re: the Dorchester Rd. traffic circle we will be only too glad to have them included in the negotiations. The City to be advised that the Dept. has promised to light the circle when materials become available. The Clerk to write the Department and suggest that perhaps some of the standards not in use on other parts of the Queen Elizabeth Way could be transferred to the Circle where they are so obviously needgd." A. G. Bridge W. R. Sootheran G. A. White J. N. Allan Carried. Carried. "That we do now adjourn to meet Monday, April 23, 1951 at 7:30 p.m." Carried. ing Adjourned Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor 1. Allan Sootheran "That the minutes of the meeting held April 18 be adopted as printed." Carried. "That we go into finance Committee to consider accounts." Carried. Carried. er 27 Regular Meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber on Monday, April 23rd, 1951 at 7:30 p.m. 3. Sootheran Allan "That the statement of General Accounts dated April 15th, 1951 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $90,342.65. j A.J.Bradley to rj confer- ence.Tnronto Names j 1((?) be added By -law 1404 7 B ite 11. !f Roads Finance Bldg.Permits 7. Allan to H.E.P.C. White By -law 1404 Tourist Home License Tourist Camp 12. White License Allan 4. Sootheran Allan "That the tatement of Relief Accounts dated April 15th, 1951 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $2,013.31yt' 6. Sootheran White 5. Sootheran Allan "That the statement of Roads Accounts dated April 15th, 1951 as presented, be accepted and the acc¢¢unts be paid amounting to $2,676.011" 9. White Allan 11. White Allan Carried. Carried. "That we adjourn as a Finance Committee and take up regular Council business." Carried. "That the H. E. F. C. be granted building permits covering the construction of their temporary buildings at the Queenston Work shop area, the whirlpool camp area and the Chippawa camp area, and the Hydro be asked to forward cheque in the amount of $225.00 covering cost of permits." Ayes and Nayes requested by Councillor Sootheran: Ayes: White, Allan, Bridge. Nayes: Sootheran. Carried. Sootheran White "That A. J. Bradley be authorized to attend the Building Officials Conference in Toronto, May 14th to 17th." Carried. "That the following names be inserted in by -law No. 1404 to be voted on by the people: Thomas P. Knight, Roland Booth." Carried. 10. Sootheran Allan "By -law No. 1404, 1951. A By -law to provide for taking the votes of the electors on their preference for ap- pointment to fill the 'vacancy of the Public Utilities Commission." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "That a Tourist Home license be granted Peter Warlo, 2502 Lundy's Lane, subject to usual inspection." Carried. "That a Tourist Camp license be granted Louis Ferencs, 3256 Lundy's Lane subject to usual inspection." Carried. ara Foundry 13. Sootheran e increase White ranted Hunt reme nt 14. White Allan k to clear 15. Sootheran in Ores. Allan ivision lene at ermain ]$t. White stru €tion Allan "That Niagara Foundry Company be advised that their request for 1/2¢ per lb. increase be not granted as their bid was on a Firm Bid basis." "That Mr. Abe Hunt be retired on suggestion of the Engineer effective date June 1, 1951 and that he receive his monthly pay for the full month of June." "That the Clerk be authorized Corwin Crescent Subdivision, receipt of a letter from the they will grant the deed and mentioned in a letter dated from R. Blake Erwin." Carried. Carried. to clear the Plan #3, upon Hydro stating easement April 23rd Carried. 16. Allan Sootheran "That the recommendations of the Engineer re: gasoline tax be approved setting the price at 37¢." Carried. transfer 17. Sootheran Penner White "That we approve of the transfer of lot, Park #3, Plan 1791 from Edward William and Myrtle Lucille Corby to Cornelius Peter and Rose Mary Penner and recommend its approval to the Planning Board." Carried. "That the Engineerts report be accepted Re: Watermain Construction approved by resolution August 17th, 1950 and a cheque be forwarded the Public Utilities Commission for the amount of $743 being the cost of this work." Carried. t with Bd. 19. Sootheran Education White "That matters concerning Board of Education 8th 1. 1 be referred to a special meeting to be held with the Board at some date early in May, preferably the 8th." Carried. .Sale for 20. White 0 Sidewalk Allan "That the Reeve, Engineer and Clerk be tru t on authorized to sell debentures for 1950 sidewalk constriction in a total amount of $2$,307.$9 if a satisfactory bid be secured." Carried. of osed Sub 29. Sootheran sion Lots White 17819 aw 1407_ urn 1 23/51 28 ent tes Bldg. c Cro. Permit Fossum Permit meet 30. Allan White 31. Sootheran Allan /r{ Boa 2. Sootheran White Allan. Sootheran "That the Clerk notify the Department. of Planning and Development that Council is in accord with the approval of proposed Subdivison, Lots 177, 178 and 179 and parts of lots 176 and 180 and part of lots 124, 125 and 126 as outlined in their letter or April 18,1951." Carried. "By -law No. 1407, 1951. A By -law for the collection of taxes for the year 1951." Read a first, second and third time and passed." "That we do now adjourn to meet next Monday foliowing the Nomination meeting." Carried. Meeting adjourned our P. M. Reeve Clerk Regular Meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber on Monday, April 30th, 1951 at 8:00 p.m. A. 0. Bridge W. R. Sootheran S. A. White J. E. Allan Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor 1. Allan White "That the minutes of the council meeting held April 23rd be adopted as printed." Carried. "That we approve the request of D'Arcy Cropp to build a road between Pettit Ave. and Drummond Road providing the necessary lands are deeded to the municipality and Mr. Cropp bears 100% of the cost of the road." Carried. 3. White Sootheran "That a building permit be granted R. S. Fossum for the construction of two additional double cabins on the existing Old Dutch Mill camp." Carried. "That a permit be granted Joseph Jamesty to build an apartment, also a motel on the north side of Lundy's Lane, part of Lot No. 133." Carried. I CI Ii Public Meeting 21. Sootheran :1 re: Montrose, Allan ti_ Woodbine sewer It Purchase of condenser for Stam.Arena Land Transfer Patterson to Dale pt yi Branscombe Subdivision y By -law 1401, lBy -law 1403 22. Sootheran Allan "That application be made to the Dept. of Municipal Affairs for approve -,l to use $11,678,69 from the Public Works reserve for the purposes of purchasing a con- denser for the Memorial Arena at a cost of $8079.00 and 3,599.69 to be used for the erection of a suitable fence and backstop at Prince Edward Community Park." 23. Sootheran Allan "That we approve the transfer of land from Patterson to Dale as requested in letters dated April 19th providing we have the assurance of a recognized 0. L. S. that registration of the land in question is underway." 24. White Sootheran "That subdivision owned by Frank A. Brans- combe, Lot #161 being part of lots 158, 161, 172, dated April 17, 1951 be approved with the stipulation that 25% of the road cost be deposited, The Sewer and water costs to be paid when requested for installation as stated in by -law governing this matter." Allan White By -law No. 1400 26. White Allan 2V. White Allan III! I;J q C l By -law 1406 20. White 1 l Allan "That a public meeting of those interested in sewering the Woodbine Montrose area be held May 2 at 8 p.m. in order to submit the Engineer's report in detail." Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. "By -law No. 1401, 1951. A By -law to regulate the use of land and character, location and use of structures." Read a first, second and third time and passed." "By -law No. 1400, 1951. A By -law to regulate the use of land and character, location and use of,structures." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "By -law No. 1405, 1951. A By -law to fix the salaries and allowances of the Statutory officials of the Township of Stamford, to fix the salari.es'of the Solicitor, Auditor, Firemen and Fruit Tree Pest Inspector, as well as payment for drivers of a team or one horse for snow plowing etc." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "By -1'aw No. 1406, 1951. A By -law to fix the salary and transportation allowance of the Reeve and to set the amount allowed .councillors for their attendance at Council meetings and mileage allowance." Read a first, second and third time and passed. Street Lights 7. White Allan S. White Allan Vict.Licenses 10. Allan White Sootheran Allan White Allan "That the N. S. T. be asked to give an opinion as to whether or not they would consider changing their present bus route which uses Barker St., between Dorchester Road and Corwin Avenue to another route as residents of the area Teel it causes a hazard to the lives of the children of the area." Carried. Ladies' Night 6. Sootheran White "That as many members of Council as possible qccept the invitation of the South End Businessmen's Association to attend Ladies' Night, May 14th," Carried. 1. One light on Hodgson Ave. between Rysdale and end of street. 2. 4 lights on Brookfield Ave. between Lundy's Lane and Barker Street.' Carried. "That Tourist Home licenses be granted to J. G. Robinson, 711 St. Paul St. John Paulo, 302cl Lundy's Lane, Mrs. Alma Williams, 2634 Lundy's Lane, subject to usual inspection." Carried. That Tourist Camp licenses be granted to Mrs. C.M. Craig, 3034 Lundy's Lane M. Saccomanno 1450 Kitchener St. E. Kalcic, 1105 St. Paul St. subject to usual inspection." Carried. "That victualling licenses be granted Mrs. Edna Bunions, 2760 Portage Road, Emil Kalcic, 1105 St. Paul St. subject to the usual inspection." .Carried. "That the treasurer be instructed to Merritt, equal the to late one salary." Carried. It Transfer 12. Sootheran onovich White span le Yard combe Plan 14. nt Ave. land Ave. 0 land Bltd. 13. Sootheran :;mite Soothe ran Allan tion 236 19. Sootheran essment Act. Allan "That Mr. D onovich be granted permission to sell a parcel of land described in a letter from Logan and Lager. dated April 24th to Auguste :eh-nit. The permission be conditional on Mr. Schmidt installing a water line to the property and agreeing to sign any future petition for water." Carried. "That we recommend to the County Council that Morris Greenspan be granted a permit to operate a salvage yard on the site of the old reaverdam ''.'inert' provided all business will be carried on yith:in the walls of the building." Carried. "That we approve the Branscombe plan of the further development of Belmont Ave. part Lot 132. The matter of distributing the cost of the watermain be referred to the ToT -nship solicitor for an opinion. The plan to be subject to restrictions." Carried. rnover'Ihx 15. Sootheran White "That we join with the Council of the City of Niagara Falls in protesting a contemplated 3% Turnover Tax and letters to that effect be forwarded to the Federal and Provincial Govts, Welland representative Dr. W. H. McMillan and Niagara Falls riding representative W. L. Houck." Carried. land Ave. 16. Sootheran const. White "That the petition of the residents of Woodland Avenue be approved for the construction of a curb around the boulevard and in front of their homes subject to the approval of the Municipal Board." Carried. ghter House 17. Sootheran nse Allan "That a slaughter house license he granted Richard Glintz, Kalar Road, subject to the usual inspection." Carried. 1$. Allan Sootheran "That the Clerk prepare a by -law changing the name of Woodland Ave. to Woodland Boulevard as requested by the residents." Carried. "That the County Council be advised that under the revision of the Statutes, section 236 Stamford is not obligated to pay the sum of 34 970.79, the estimated share of the County of the H .E.P.C. grant and will not be making the payment this year. Carried. is i $100 to Local i 11 Cancer Society yi 11 fi pp ii =s'�ti ,i Deb. sold to 21. Fairclough &Co. k! i Flowers to Mrs.BridLe Sewer Rental R. Mauro By-law 1408 20. White Sootheran "That the treasurer be authorized to issue a cheque for the amount of one hundred dollars to the local branch of the Canadian Cancer Society." Carried. Sootheran White "That the following debenture issue he sold to Fairclough Company Limited of Toronto at the rates and prices indicated hereunder: 1950 Sidewalk Construction $28,307M OF STAMFORD 44% Debentures Due 1st June 1952 -1966 Price: 99.00 and interest Cost of Tank Truck Addition to Lundy's Lane Fire Hall $16,000.00 TOWNSHIP OF STAMFORD 4% debentures maturing 1 June 1952 -55 as follows: 152- 1953 1954 1955 Price: ;.3,800 3,900 4,100 4,200 100.00 and interest Carried. Sympathy 22. White Chas.Wright Sootheran "That a letter of sympathy be sent Chas. Wright in the event of the death of his mother and a wreath." Carried. Carried. Both the debenture issues to be dated June 1st, 1951. All previous resolutions concerning the above issues are repealed.R 23. Sootheran Allan "That a letter be forwarded Mrs. A. G. Bridge expressing the wish of Council for a speedy recovery from the injuries suffered recently in a fall at her home. That flowers be sent." 24. White Sootheran "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign a sewer rental agreement between the Township of Stamford and R. Mauro. (Sewer on Carroll Ave.)" 25. Sootheran Allan Carried. "By -law No. 1408, 1951. A By -law to authorize the execution of two subdivision Agreements with Frank A. and Mildred Bransconte, each dated 27th April, 1951." Read a first, second and third time-and passed. e i; r ice on rd nue i ers For ri:cl; li u (4r 0r rn it 30, 1951 PUTy EVE Nominated outfeel U.) 28. Scctl,eran :Mite Calvin J. Bessey Donald Glintz Robert R. fteighan ThbL Lr_: ir,ee> Le aut}.or e Cali or ,sr.jers :.1::•C! a:3e U a new truck fa: F n iie. jerks as Let up in the u diet. "That we do adjourn to meet ..ednesdav, r Y p i C s �!s a 1.e tH, i U 7 t i t Loon.1 Irvrovele at 8 I'. if,0 ,e7 UU.'.1 f1E. t1 le: of; ISr,_LJ resident:"... of t; e .tl riee ve Move.d. by Raymond Smith Gerald Thomas George white Carried. Results of Nomination Meeting held Monday, April m 7 1951 30th, I. tn1 to 8 I )..n:. At the Township Hall, Niagara Falls, Ont. Seconded? 'vy Daniel Erwin W. Ross ovel;er Jas. Thos. Xeighan i 1' 1 1.11 n U 0 H IL' For it y it Reeve 11u! II Adjourn i! It May 2nd, 1951 NAME Calvin J. Besse; JunaId GiinLz Robert R. Keighan Qualified and going to the Lolls May 7th, 1751 IC a. m. to 7 p. m. 2395 Lundy's Lane 1695 Leonard Avenue 2519 FortaLre ltd. S. A. G: Bridge W. R. Sootheran C. A. White J. N. Allan OCCUPATION Kett red II. E. C emp3oye i.d fiCi1 !y.! 3upt Barber The electors will also vote on the folloylng question on Ma y 7111, "01ich one of th e following dc you prefer t he Munic i pa 1 Court...13. to appoint to fill the vacancy on the Public Rt:lttles Commiseite. NAME 000UFA TLoros F. knight ?;elding Engineer Roland F. Rooth Contractor No. 29 Special Meeting or the Municipal Coenci 1 held in the Council Chamber on Wednesday, May 2nd, 1951 at 7:00 p.m. Reeve Councillor Counci llor Counc illor The residents or the Woodbine, Montrose area appeared at the meeting by invitation and a discussion took place on providing sewer service to their area. The Enginen.r gave a complete report as to grades, profiles etc. of the area that might compose a new sewer area for their district. He also gave cost estimates a rd answered many questi ons asked by those present. The residents of the Woodbine Montrose di st riot complained that the soil being of clay loam was not satisfactory for septic tanks because the ater would not run in or absorb into the ground properly. It was decided that the Engineer would prepare a report showing the possibilities that existed of establishing a sewer system for the Woodhine, Montrose area and submit this report along with a few clans showing the area for sewer purposes to the residents or ithis area. The residents agreed to hold a meeting among themselves when the report is received. Petitions for 1951 Local improvements for exampleksewer, water and sidewalks were examined by Council. 1. Sootheran Allan "That we do now adjourn to meet Tuesday, flay 8th at 5 p.m." Carried. Meeting Adjourned our P. M. (2144 Reeve Clerk eputy Reeve uestion re b.U.C. acancy 'flihich aoland F. Rooth ne of the follcwine o you prefer the :uni ci pa 1 Council 1 Thoz b. knight o appoint to fill he vacancy on the utile Utilities onmisSion?" •-r ryr r`r? m n' 7 Donald Rlietz vin Leee ey Robert R. heiLlan 1493 Total number of eligible electors in harts 1 and 2 on the Voters' List A e .f e v d e ln 1'7 Y. el of eligible electors who voted at May 1951 election 04.09% ercentage of eligible electors who voted at Cec.1950 election 48.40% ercentage of eligible electors who voted at Dec .1949 election n 31.0(4 'ercentage of eligible electors who voted at Dec.194 election 43.342/0 A r, r$: TABULATION OF ELECTION RESULTS BY POLLS MAY 7th, 1951. 8 z N z g N M N 0 M H 1 25 30 3 2 13 4 0 3 19 38 6 4 15 37 12 5 15 50 22 6 13 84 11 7 17 47 37 8 18 37 16 9 11 45 11 10 25 32 13 11 36 28 1 17 12&13 64 62 10 14 23 27 11 15 50 41 8 16 50 36 6 17 49 53 4 18 9+ 36 11 19 19 t 51 5 20 10 37 8 21 8 64 1 22 20 28 11 23 27 1 51 13 i 24 42 21 i 12 25 66 17 1 14 26 30 44 15 29 36 1 3 748 1036 I 280 1 DEPUTY REEVE QUESTION 0 0 46 10 46 59 65 95 64 52 5 7 49 51 110 45 64 62 78 68 55 49 61 44 73 39 14-3 59 49 1493 10 7 18 5 22 14 33 17 9 18 2 7 16 34 26 27 28 21 12 16 20 28 48 26 19 529 er.t es 'a 1 nce }ermit rema n hermit 8. Carson Sped t 1 ii eeL i ng of t. }"e h1 1U;!? c i'c_i Council �_it i .i1 e U;a L ^.r co Tuesda v _ntz 5. Allan White White Glints White Glintz Allan Glints. t' 1� n 1 r+n "`i• },a', .t :;p_'i1 3C a r..1 .1;ay L Pee 2. A 1Jn Glints "Mc-it 'v.e Lt tLe E' pa SS t. -e a cou e is 3. Glints Allan "That e si.r i. E..'.•81it or General Ac: f f. daed April 3 C', ='91 as Lnebeni :et Le accepted ;:31J,.. aCc,i:: k: ;e _31d 3 a aouHLino to .341,550.16f Val 4. Allan uC }life "That ihe tateme�!t; of Roads Accoul!_. aL d' x-2113611 1951 presented, Le .:c ief:ted and tle acy6u2! „a Le j :ai d ..M ounting Cacri eJ. "That the Statement of Reii ic[ Account. dated April 3Gt 1251 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid al :Jaunting to q Carried. "That we do arise from finance committee and enter into general ineetin Carried. "That Maurice Foreman Le permitted Lo construct four (4) three (3) room cottages with bath on Lot No. 133 on north side of Lundy's Lane." Carried. "That the application from Robert Carson to build an 18 single unit Tourist Camp on Lot No. 134 north side of No. 20 Highway at an estimated cost of 0,000 be granted." Carried. "That Cora Craig be perrnitt.ed to con- struct an office B' x 8' on the south side of Lundy's Lane at 3034 Lundy's Lane." "That we request the fire committee and the 7 ;e11ana health Unit to investigate the old Eeaverdan-s ;;finery and LLe report be forwarded the Council." "That Tourist Camp licenses be granted Fred Grace Cade, Lundy's Lane Albert Geo. FuLo, 2537 Stanley Ave. F. H. Clement, 1521 Dorchester Road D. Georgieff,& Son, 2463 Fortage Rd. subject to inspection." "That we grant the Humane Society per- mission to sell dog licenses at pound and receive a fee of 25 cents per tag sold." "By -law No. 1413, 1951. A By -law to appoint a member of the Public Utilities Commission to fill a vacancy thereon caused by the resignation of Mr. George Powell." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "That in view of the very fine vote given Roland F. Booth on the Questionnaire, we appoint Mr. Booth to the Public Utilities Commission." "That we give garbage collection service once a week to the houses around Montrose Hotel and also up the Creek Rd..to the Welland Works." Carried. Subdivisions "That the Boyes and Ingham Smith /be approved provided 5% is given for Public purposes. We agree that roads will be con structed when building warrants same. The construction of sewers and water be under- taken under the Local Improvement Act when petitions are properly signed and presented." `Boyer -Fry Ave) (Ingham Smith- St.Andreas Ate Carried. rt to Stamford le late 20. "That the request of the ::'el]au. and D i.str''c LealU.. Unit for Staff;° ,ci i pay 1/ 2 of their last instalment by tuly l;;t be approved." "T} at e offer Cemetery :-oune we Jo this Balia ntyne be house ao aL pr i;errie: the TJ,�rchip :::5C.00 her menC1 and ._.e request t allo'::ed to otay in the esent." "That we endorse the Junior Chambef cF Commerce re: Outstanding young ;pan of the year award and advertise sage as suggested." "That we forward a cheque for the amount of fifty dollars to the Stamford Collegiate Institute to hel p with the expenses of their Track Team." "That we agree to the purchase of two school sites at a price of wl0,000 and financial arrangements be made." "That the request of the Board of Uducatiorl for Council to make the necessary application to the Welland County Council to form a larger Board of Education consisting of the Municipalities of Sta mford, Chippewa and Willoughby be approved and the necessary by -laws be prepared." "By law No. 1410, 1951. A By -law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute an agreement dated 7th May 1951 between Auguste Schmid and the Corporation, and to authorize the construction and maintenance of a private water main on highway." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "By -law No. 1411 1951. A By -law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute an agreement dated 8th May, 1951, between William James Walsh and Neta Walsh and the Corporation, and to authorize the installation and maintenance of a private pipe -line on a highway." Read a first, second and third time and passed. te ec ke 1 1. a w 1402, 8. ens es erson iv ion !r 'n Slints 10 1 4 1 L: l i t :z ;walk Court 11. Alel an Levisiont ½Ii te ty-Ileeve to 12. rittees hese Dear..“1--13. loader White Glintz "Hlr-2 iH r.r• ize itead a third f ri e ie ice I I 7 c 2tC a ;jintz -.le tr 1 1 Ve e e 'Lev 2 0 :L;n11,-; c*, :anon !nye :27 1 *re.: e f: 1:1! nor (.2 r re: ered st u' (e t;in :Let .re1 1 env: n,ect... ed. Al ion t e "'r; t. VirJ.LH lice in en be e j ,ra nt; ed el- e f't', 21.63 Lon So c 2178 Str subject, to the linual Lin:Test' en. "That we a y prove tile sirodi vi sion plan Ban t son iatterson prO I C:ei (p :ant Ilan 171 To wrint, 1 or C s nUje(A, tc.; usual rentricti onn, 51, for 111127 c services sue e:s ater a rd ewer cons ed Local Inv- ovement s, L:ads (0 i13Uiy ted Ly Len ere]. rate. "That t.bcr Court c:f Revision on 1950 Sidewalk. local improvements he held Lcionday, Lay 28th at 7:30 p Allan "That Deputy-Reeve 311 ntz assume all tin e chairmanshipeof a 11 cc WM i Ltegs heretofore annigned to 3•r•rr R. 1. hri or. "That the Engineer be given permission to purchase a Ford Dearborn Loader at :j690.00." Carri ed. The petitions for 1951 Local Improvements were considered by Council and a decision reached as LO the wo rks to be constructed this year. The Clerk to prepare a complete list of the said works and the Engineer to prepare 68th/tat/Ps and secure the approval of the blepartment of Health. len. Carriea. Carried. Carried. 1. t 1 Land Transfer 411 R o -erte to Rev e %T e alk r thg 1 Acti ourn Mi nutde,s Mortgage rrcrzi Tri "croft' to Stoya no ff Thanks. to South End Duni ness Men' s Ass cc 4250.00 from l3oyes 25. Glintz Allan Eperial f 0na mber n F y T1 n t Al 1, n 33Tt4 w a .do t Ps of eet. rg cf 7.-Tay the Sth prirted." 0. 3. I Q fl 011 ntz e 2 et..,/, 4 Olintz White 5. Gl intz Allan "That we do now adjourn to meet Friday, May llth, 1951 at 7:30 P.m." stir n 11 at 7 :3 t Reeve C. Clintz .1 1 Allan Carried. Meeting Adjourned F. M. 0- fl Jircii A tho Re-ive 7 Ccunci Councillor Carried. Cler "Tike, t, ;ice FE cern:7er :I t s n lif, Ara ra T'a 1 :2 and Sehurhar: Area 11 at, i rg 13o„.rd that we ail rove of the riortgat- be registered a r part lot 23, i Jan No. 7 Z havi a fro•ntdre on '.»'r' :l} Street of ite ft. x 173 "t, the said leortgage 'co ing free Tri fencr" to Stovarroff, with the nndersta flung that any furthe r bales in this lot, the pier ::tust be registered." Carried. "That a letter of thanks be fo nmrded the South End business and professional Men's Association for the lovely social evening." Carri ed. "Thit we recommend to the Niagara Falls and Suburban Area finny:ing roard that they approve of a conveyance of Part of Lot 71 having a frontage on Thorold Stone Road of 6/, feet by a depth of 250 feet Prom Mrs. EnzabethRoLerts to Rev. A. J Walker."' Carried. "That we accept ,.25(3.00 in cash in lieu of the 5't of lands for .publ ic purposes in connection with the E. Noyes 1 proposed sub-divi sion of part o Township lots 177, 178 and 179 and part of lots 176 and 180 and part lots 124 125 and 126." Carried. May Ilth .;en D 1;1L' I21" pit r: d t -1 r „i r r C :,a Deliver y ?iemonLe Cob- Div Sion 5 Regular o i ntl' "i I ��:7aJ i• ri a. 5 I i L-(4/4 v, dA '.711 Z 3 M-intz Mite Sootheran i+hi.t.e Gl "21.e. t we d o ad:ourn to meet oldav, May il 1951 at 7:30 p. Reeve n. J. t.. Carried. "Thal. (.h0 •'li nut or the isL C.-4U e ccepte:i ea priiwed.li "Mat r' C; fi L Fe 1 2 1 0:1 C: a i 1 t i "1 t, r 11Y "q_ vy an Hi _•fc coif; .L �er -in_t ".,r 2'.vor lire 0.) -it 15, 71;-o ;'c we F;l ct YiL pen 0..�r_..zi0 rt t,u 7•"t ••:U11. to se; .I a lot. on ;Thaw $Iii.,JeCL Lo approval of 1).e planning board." .171tu' pit• a: Y ai s e C i leu. 3ooLheran +lien ttTLat we a;ain pet. i ..i 1 Le `'ustmasLel' General rut' ina re 'iel every for the U1amonte .jlr'.e,` i v j i<,n TLe Clerk to point. out that the last survey disclosed a few feet sl•.cr: 0r i,i necessary its Lane e Lo warrant Lhe service and lie new buildin;; of th last few weeks completed, we feel Ley are now entitled to that. cyan; ideraLion, ;another letter to be sent ';1 H. i?ci dean asking 1'im to intercede with the 71epartttert on behalf of Lhe Township." Carried. "That Permission be given Lhcs. Langmuir Lo erect two Community signs Lo he placed at Murray Hill and at Dufferin Island Hill." Carried, "By -law No. 1415, 1951. A By- law -to authorize the execution of an agree- ment with Wn. Edwin Boyes and Ethel Haves." Read a first, second and third i aw 1414 5,000 lic School Transfer th to Bd. ducation ba e t. &Tourist 11. ense ter Plan Area 7. Sootheran Allan 8. Sootheran Glintz A delegation from the extreme North West section of the Municipality addressed the Council in regard to garbage being dumped by the Town of Merriton in :T'alker's Quarry. Residents in the area were concerned that water in that dis would be contaminated by this garbage and might create a serious problem since the water drank by their livestock might be harmful. They also spoke concerning the condition of one road in this district. 10. Sootheran Allan 12. Sootheran Allan "That we recommend to the Planning Board the conveyance of Part of Twp, Lot No. 80 having a frontage of 300 feet on Thorold Stone Road by a depth of 1264.33' from Mary Eliaabeth Smith to the Board of Education for the Township of Stamford." Allan Sootheran Sootheran WWh it e "By -law No. 1414, 1951. A By -law to amend By -law No. 1384, 1951, being a by -law to regulate the use of' lands and character and use of hail :sings and strictures and upon the lands fronting on the North and South si des of Russell Street between: St. Patrick Avenue and on the East and St. George Avenue on the West to a depth of 150 feet from the immediately adjacent side of' Russell Street." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "That we approve the request of the Board of Education for the construction of a new School at an estimated cost of $475,000. The Clerk to bring, in the necessary by -laws to expedite the matter." Carried. Carried. "That we inform the Town of Merriton that we will not condone the dumning of garbage within the municipal boundaries. The authorities to point out teat the garbage is contaminating water which several farmers are dependent on for watering of their livestock. The Merriton authorities and the owner of the land in question there the garbage is being dumped be informed it must stop immediately." Carried. "That a victualling and Tourist Camp license be granted to John Bermel, 2645 m Drumond Road subject to the usual. inspe ctions." Carried. That Council approve the Master Plan of the Municipality as submitted by John Layng with the changes suggested as of this date to be made." Carried. r 11 i l Agreement vii th 1;11 11. L. 1 C A; r9Pt 119 lit. 141 th 11 Tsxl l c eas e no t hor'H n on Ateraa l kes 2•a Ad ct urn May 14th4 1951 11, (Hint`), Whit e 14, A!1tin 111 ittt 9 1t4'Ra9 t:111'- 1(1, A1'11P L?l9914414__ iti1nt2 1 tir.t1.t1!er glints Fitt ire te l'i rt t hP lieeve a 11!1 Cier'k L n a+It Or 1 't,ed ''n 1 t,r thn rr n rot ton 0 t h e Pt)'r1119 1 t1 l' 11f it gw rt9 rtl I t'np$ the n pr. re 'IHa 1!1 9'199 1 1 ?1 ,3 1 I a 1 et.t e 'I t Pro A {'ri1 111911 1t1r jr'e ;rut, a }'v- 1991'1 1 '1191r1 P9l e'n /Pr'l A Hartle }''1 ttUn H!rdlrn l; 1 Pe•11'it' rel r IilnrPrl1RRI 1'9 91.49'11 r•gI•) 11919"+'9 `!1 r A I. g'ii I,#4.t i!IagRt'a ti. i, #2, F1!e 9111, 111;:9£9 mr)r -1,t Carr loll 1. !!qt. I P IiPPt 9191'! 1 `let h0 as9th h 1 39! t'tI 1•Phfi1 I or 1 hp `I't n Ili I II r ''9 991 1 •1',4 1 1' 89-999pf 1 /19 r hill /191119 1111.) !WI •1 111 n 1 9 1 9 Pr t l H l S r Illy Pt h I or; 1 e r r l 1) t I t 1 1 v 9 i l t t k l o t t l r 11'WPr I0' 1 111 1 /9 1 9 'll' 1 Mr tf 1 1 ,17 10'1 'l I t' Ari.9'n 1707.1 td 1 r .g 1 �p •w-. t•t't19 1 f'lir't 1 W 1111 rPgU9R1 91111 t 119 11911 1 91'9 11109 hs 9 /11991 111 q 1'9'99.91• 19'.1'99119111 Ire t•9 0RCta7'llt P.1 19919199• 9 hp B Pn 111 t 119 I't711'1119811t1 e91-1 9 Ito (Intro t•Ht 11119 1.1' I't'- 1`94, en i t 1 Prl 11 {lul! A 9 '9 1 4T'l 1' P1' u I I r•Pn0t I. 1`1'!319 foil :111 9 4899 1, Dlpnt;llpl' rail' 109'9 911 TIM 1 911' 9 110 N1 ice thini1tt I N9l tilt, 59 1.1nt't'Iet4, 11189 VP 119'1'1111 P i hP 1 9111'911 V 19411111 949 9111 9 9.991 197 i+t, 119ply Al Ntlit Rltl'd 11`1 s IOn r t 1,8t 1 t. tttrtt 41!1 p ltd #211 9111‘ 91 1110 ptlanht? u(' I tnl'h RI t e h -Ullt preRon1 a 11 9 9 tt Seth. 16 ht19.91et•i tip,, t.l!e 91111'• -t4at' :ae}1!t!,!1 yard on the tleel.,/ Untried, 1;', A119n it ttt.'a 11 14999 ;Sr, VAN :i0ttt.hernn t•P xt et! 1`tl.nnt`11 rerresenta9 4 ve 9191 Arena Ituartl tit ft 11 1 08111 unused LV the l'e i.t t %at. h591 1� r fir, 1i, 1, P Caryl ed, "'tinat we tto now adjourn to meet Monday, N,a.r :I t: at 7! 30 ion," Carried, Meeting Ad,!t+a.lrtHli. !lour f. 77 2 7 9117 %$r; :11 to G 'fJii'1l 1 1;¢, Al.r 1 r c1 t cy.7 r 41,. a l qi Y. 4, 1 g 1 :111! 0j, k .611 7 1 r1,. :t•k! ».G n.ai tt<V t`,:14• it I et X11 t.ti' 4 1 r v 1r• e 1, z a.l: It rri r; l r p C 1 1 1.;191 115Ld C iii P!LPQ ",P14 't h ?11`h: I:1 C Y l I" :`a. u c:,:iVG:t c•, ke9f1..:�c' 61, er4�� 11 li �wct. Ctsi'n'$44r Atla Toth Eldg Permit Post liar Reserve funds 10. Sootheran White 11. Allan White 12. Sootheran White "That G. A. Fischer be granted per- mission to construct 5�double cabins a. as an extension to exist;1ng camp on the forth side of Thoroll Stone Rd., Ft. Twp. Lot #73," Carried. "That a permit be issued Atla Toth to build 10 Unit Motel on 'north side of ho. 20 Highway, Lot No. 139 140." Carried. 'Yhereas it is intended to purchase a eondens'=r for the St r i rn�Or r_ Memorial Arena at a rust or '.G ,779.00 and to spend „3,5c�9.69 for erection of a suitable fence and backstop at Prince Edward Park making a total of "`11,67$.69 and Whereas the Dept. of Municipal Affairs has authorized that Post War works reserve funds be used for this purpose Therefore be it resolved that the Treasurer be authorized to sell 12,000.00 in Dom. or Canada Bonds out of Post War Works investment Account. 5,000.00 of this amount to be scld to Cemetery Reserve Account and the balance in open market." Carried. John Berme' Sr. 13. Allan Bldg Fermit ';,}iit.e "That a permit be issued to John Bermel Sr. to build a four unit motel on North side of Dunn Strcet, Lot No. 158." Flowers to Donald Glintz Funeral of A. S. Leith Viet. License 14. Sootheran Allan 15. Sootheran Allan 16. Sootheran Allan Carried. "That flowers and a wish ror a speedy recovery be forwardei Deputy -Reeve Donald Glintz v.ho is undergoing an operation in the General Hospital." Carried; "That as many members of Council and officials as possible r•epresent..the Municipality at the funeral of A. S. Leith, who for the past 25 years has been the auditor for the Township." Carried. "That Bill Holjak be granted a victualling license subject to the usual inspection. Carried. 'ist, Camp 17. arses lug with 10. resentative ;ort.Societw i st Home enses mend Niag. i. Assoc_ lic Garage 21. enses cold Smith d Transfer Sootheran ;:hit e 'Clan Sootheran 20. Allan White mont Subdi- 22. Sootheran ion White 23. White Allan "That s Tnilr i_st Camp i r<r t'a': i. d Andrew t.Lfal. so; S. ocv C. F'. r�' rare .:cn Alex le 1 ar ido; Ada Smith, 1' __el. "That the Clerk t skF to a rep- resent lti ve of the Horticultural cc.-e appear at next Monday's meeting co give us t detailed report nn exactly ld et work was done on _:amiante, 7.oy='1 end oo11=tn:1 3e ri runs before tt.eir account, is pald, rr "That Tourist Pr me uses be issued -:'c. }er �lose, i,5 Lundy'- Lane Mrs. May Knight, 1813 Brookfield Ave. Mrs. Jennie Cur-'oio, 1352 Stanley Ave. Mrs. Cecil Lundy; Lundy's Large subject to the usual inspection." Carried. "That a letter or appreciation be sent the Zvi ai-ma Riding Conservative Association for their fine work in expediting the light- ing of the rlorche Road traf_'i.c Circle. That special mention be vale of Franklin Miller and Wrr. Gunning for their interest in the matter when efforts of this Council had been stalemated in Toronto." Carried. Sootheran Allan "That Public Garage Licenses be granted A. C. Simons and Albert E. Stevens." Carried. "That we approve the original plan of the extension of the Belmont Subdivision dated April. 18th, 1951 providing he agrees to some equitable division of the water frontage charges and pays the sum of .800.00 for Public purposes." Carried, "That we recommend the selling of two lots by Mr. Harold Smith, the lots tieing on the East end of St. John Street. The purchaser to pay all expenses for the constructing of sewer and watermain, this" work to be supervised by the Engineer and Superintendent of the ';pater Works system subject to the approval of the Planning Board." Carried. Purchase of New Truck Sidewalk on McLeod Road Sale of Lands 26. for Tax arrears Condolence to C. E. Kirkby By -law 1422 By -law 1116 24, Sootheran Allan 29. White Allan Sootheran White Sootheran White 27. Sootheran ;:'kite 30. Sootheran Allan 31. White Sootheran "That the Treasurer he authorized to proceed with the sale of lands for tax arrears as appears on the revised list dated April 30, 1951, deleting those names who have paid taxes up to and incl eciing 1948 at time of advertising." "That the tender of Victoria Motors for the purc of a truck for ashes and garbage be accepted at the price quoted .5,67Q." "Tlat the petition for sidewalks on McLeod Road between Drummond Road and Dorchester Read }e added to our 1951 Local Improvements pro- gram providing; they are sufficiently signed." "That a letter of condolence to sent Cecil Kirkby in the death of his wife." 28. Sootheran Allan "By -law No. 1422, 1951. A By -law to authorize the execution of a subdivision agreement between John Mulhern and the Corporation." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "By -law No. 1417, 1951. A By -law to regulate the use of land and character, location and use of structures." Read a first, second and third time and passed. (Flan 121, Corwin Crescent, Branscombe) "By -law No. 1418, 195 regulate the use of location and use of 122, Brooks Subdivisi Read a first, second and passed. 'By -law No. 1419, 1951 regulate the use or 1 location and use or s (Pan No. 120, Wm. St first, second and thi passed. Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. A By -law to and and character, t ruc tur es sad) Read a rd time and 1, A By -law to land and character, structures. (Flan on Branscombe) and t hirci -ttme 32. Sootheran Allan "By -law No. 1416, 1951. A By -law to amend Fay -law No. 1292, 1950 intituled: "A by -law to provide f or for limits within the Township of Stamford and regulations regarding the construction, alterations, equipment and removal of buildings and structures." Read a first, second and third time and passed. law 1420 tter to s. Wtipp rurr��ondville vs's Club djourn ay 21st, 1951 o. 34 Regular Clamber resent mutes urist Camp ?tenses 33. Sootheran •d Tito law 1.421 34. White Sootheran "By-law Lo. authorize m the iG7!n Sh amount of purposes." 35. Sootheran White 36. White Allan 37. Allan White ontheran takes 1. White lace of Reeve Allan 2. Sootheran White 3. Sootheran White to "By -law No. 1420, 1951. it By -iarw L3 authorize the exe:ci.ior: cc a subdivjiaior" agreem ->nt between li;ga' Cnuith Co. and the Corperation. Read a first, second and third time and passed. 1421, 7;51 A By -law to the jostle of Debentures e r ip C: t'toii O!'d to the principal L.8` CGG for i u lic School Read a i'SL arl,i second time. "That the Clerk write a letter to airs. Cl 2 ries wife of the reporter covering Council proceeding ex -ress n tf cur regret at Ler illness and wishing a speedy recovery." Carried. "That a cheque be Forwarded Steve Chanady for.ti50.00 to be used to promote the Drummondville Boys' Club." Carried. "That we do now adjourn to meet :.ay 28th unless sooner called by the Reeve." A. G. Bridge W. R. Sootheran G. A. White J. N. Allan varr:Leu. Meeting Adjourned ur E. M. ca_A ,e4p Meeting of the Municipal Council held i the Council on Monday, May 28th, 1951 at 7:30 p,m. Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "That Councillor Sootheran take the chair in absence of the Reeve while attending the Court of Revision." Carried. "That the minutes of the last meeting be adopted as printed." Carried. "That Tourist Camp Licenses be granted Frank Mottola, Mrs. Catherine Leskiw, Ernest and Margaret Bacon, Mrs. M. L. Misener, and Ada B. Vandersluys subject to the usual insj:ection." Carried. •.(JUI Su Licenses i:one B. Kennedy 6. Land Trans fer Tabaka Subdivision J. McGibbon Bldg.Permit IroIC y 1,•; 55c per int i;iii ti t 1ty 4. Sootheran 5. Sootheran 7 :Mite White Allan "That we grant Mr. Bert Kennedy per- mission to sell 2 parcels of land fronting the Mountain Road by approxinately 147.7' to a depth to :make two three acre parcels in Tonship Lot. 26 and 35 as shown on plan by Chas. F. Ball dated August 6, 1948, file No. 48-147 Lin-1106 and Flanning Board be so notified." 7. Sootheran :cite 4 Beaverdam Winery 10. White Salvage storafe "That vie tua 11 ng 1 ice rises be grant ed Faul Cc at a, itargaret Champagne cc Walter Cdmpbell sub je c t to t he usual ins pecti on." Carried. "That Tourist Home Licenses he grant ed George Laslo, It fy N. Hottot, Frances ienn 7 ng ton john Binschedler, Mrs. Chas. Leys, Mrs. :•dna baxter, and ;11'a. :isener subject to the usual ins pecti on." Carried. Carried. "That the draft plan of Tabaka property being iNart of,Township Lot ho. 123 dated March 2tth, 1951 prepared by Barry 'atson, 0. L.3. and amended by Barry 'dat son, 0.1..3. by plan dated May 4th, 1951 be a in respect to the lots facing on Beaverdarns Road subject to the usual conditions." Carried. Allan White "That a permit be issued to John McGibbon to build a 3 uhit Motel on West side atinley St. part Lot No. 77, an addition to present camp." Carried. White Allan "That Mr. C. B. Daw be permitted to construct a Sheet Metal Shop and an apartment on south side of lerkins Street part of Twp. Lot No. 90." Carried. Allan "That the petitioners in "regards to the Beaverdam Winery building being used as a salvage storage" be so notified that the fire chief and health inspector reports find this building suitable to carry on the salvage work." Carried. 1 JH B. Daw 9. ::IC to pay 551: 11. er person 5n rai 1P/' orrratulate tamford r:eam uotheran to esume seat: t. Li hts nspe on of 15. codbine houses ondolence rime famil 12. Sootheran 13. White Al lan 14- White Al lan "That we request tie h. C. to srect a sUreeL light on the exiatinb pule in t'rcnt c f property on o24 St. George Street." Soetheran t.Ann's Church 16. Allan arish Tea 8O0 be paid lg. Sootheran tam.hort.Soc. White "Th:AL a letter UP apTrech• he :I 1 C. c-'0mc.e.riti;•iL L,, gn•irting a fee of 55 verts per persuai for the ersons i1ahitTh, t.1 traf1:: eat4 Carried. "That a letter D Lnd me. of the Cossa a, id field i foam of tc t Caundillcir aonti_ seat of Councillor on the Reeve A. C. Sridge." Carried, re;:fle- return of Carried. arrieo. "Tet t7 e rd re utier a 8 rtnte d Serta by asked to inspect the smaller houses of the Ioodtine area "rem a lire hazard viewpoint wi Lb t he i dea in mind or helparg; by 6u6L mprcved cn- s,rlictIon or 0 Imlieys etc. to frevent fur-ti er disastrous tires." Carried. White "That invitation from St. Ann's Church in- viting Council to their Annual iarist "ea, dune )rd, be accepted and as many members of Council as poss ible attend." Carried. 17. Sootheran Allan "That a letter of condol ence be forwarded the family of Mr. 0, 'jd'. Grime who for so many years has been the manager or the Stamford Centre Branch of the lmpe rial Bank." Carried. "That the sum of ;.800.00 be paid the Stamford horticultural Society as a progressive payment for their work on the Royal, Biamonte and Woodland Sub- divisions. That t the society be sent a letter of congratulations ror thei many contributions to the beautifying of-the community." Carried. i It Speeding on Dorchester Rd. 1101E1 Sewer' Rental BY-law 1426 Th By-law 1425 e ufi Closing of Two. roads St. Lizhts 19. Sootheran White 20, Sootheran White 21. U3te Allan 22. Sootheran Allan 25. Sootheran Allan 27, White Sootheran "That tine Engineer in work camp of the Hydr Road be asked to inst drivers to use a Litt in the matter of Epee hoads, particularly o in the vicinity of Di School." cberge of the o on Dorchester ruct his truck le discretion rg on Tot n ship n Dorchester Rd. amend Jubilee "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign a sewer rental a2,reement with Frank C. Bates for sewer service for part lot 28, Keith Street. The rental be 6.52 for a period of 30 years." "By-law No. 1426, 1951. A rep; ola te the use of land a location and i.se of trtic subdivision). Read a fina third time and passed. Carried. "By-law No. 1423, 1951. A By-low to 'exempt certain lands from taxes imposed by special assessment in respect of sewers in Sewer Area to, 2." lie.ad zieconci and third ti me and passed. By-law to nd characte ures." (Boyes t, second and 23 All an Sootheran "13y-law 2.:o. 1425, 1951. A By-law Lo amend By-law No. 1366, 1950, being a by-law to regulate the use of lands, character and use of structures thezeon of lands lying; within Rebis tered 'flan 113 for the Township of Stand'ord." Read a fi rst second and third IT. irne arri passed. 24. 'ithite Sootheran "By-law No. 1426 1951, A By-law to exempt certain lands from the taxes imposed by Special Assessment in respect of sewers in Sewer Area Lo. 1. Read a first, second and tlird time and passed. "That the matter of closing the roads as suggested by the Hydro-Electric lowcir Commission in letter dated May 25, 1951 be referred to the Township solicitor to prepare the necessary by-laws." Carried. Carried. Garage from 26. Sootheran "That the owners of the pz where Grantham Twp. Allan the garbage from Grantham Township is being dumped be informed it must stop imtnedi ately and the condi tion cleaned up. "No dumping" signs be erected and the Police be asked to patrol the area to see the law is enforced." Carried. "That we request the Fublic Utilities Commission to instal lights on Vine Street at their discretion." •C.Bates 1" clean Land -ans.fer ed Control irchase of •wn Mower i dewalk Lead Rd._ 29. Allan "'Dia t th.e 3cl1CJtor e ohe in rear. to F. C constructing a 1' water ma north aide of he ith ireet middle of lot 28 approxima 30. ',Mite Allan "That Mr. Mrs, A. 2. Holman be g iven permission to sell a parcel of land with 60' frontage on Foliage Road composing part of Township Lot to. 113 as described in letter dated illay,10, 1951 signed by R. Blake Erwin, C.L.J. tc Mr. and Mrs. G. id. Bonny. Banning Board be so advised." 32. Sootheran Wh it e 33. White Allan 34. Sootheran White "That Ccunc f 1 author' zed t Elecitric sewer Commission tc have tre Cana d ia n Kati o na 1 Rail 3. War Comp:11:y onstr let mai ntc, L;f1 d clorate railway aiEling across each thr 'E reets .Thfrpc.ol T, 1. rib ur oh 0:1 Lank:. uTE: 1:1 enile m o n .Road a :.o■fm. on D-2414 acecmianrJ q, letter of r e d 1 to prepare Yiatas in ...xn from UK? tely 15C feet." Carried, Carried. "That the extension of the Jones Froperty of Fart Lot 157 on Montrose Road adjacent to Elan No. 100 be approved subject to the usual conditions." Carried. "That the Engineer be empowered to contact the County Engineer with regard to eradicating the weeds in the Municipality. As the County is equipped to perform the work, we spend up to ;1,000 this year. The .Engineer to use his discretion on the matter of roads to be sprayed." Carr ied. "That the engineer be gi ven permission to purchase a "Bob-a-Lawn Special Mower at a price of 4497.50." Carried. "That, t' e resolution in regard to the construction of a sidewalk on McLeod Road between Drummond and Dorchester be re- scinded. That this work as well as the construction of a sewer on Drummond Road from Valleyway to Morrison Street be added to this year's list of Local Improvements." Carried. Playground on Culp Street Ad iourn May 28, 1951 No. S5 ['resent Minutes tes By -law 1412 By -law 1427 Congratulate Stamford Team 35. Sootheran Allan 36. Sootheran Allan L4 Regular Meeti ng of the i unicipal Council held in the trr1Cil Chamber on Monday, June 4th, 1951 at 10:00 a.m. 1. White Glintz Tourist Camp 2. White Licenses Sootheran "That we grant Tourist Camp licenses to Paul Savriga, 129 Stanley Street C. J. Stewart, 3074 Lundy's Lane subject to usual inspection." 3. Glintz White 4. Glintz White Sootheran White Reeve "That the Engineer be instruct,d to grade a portion of t land donated by Church Rudd on Culp Street to allow the children of the area to use it as a playground," "That we 30 now June 1 1951 A. G. Bridge Donald Glintz R. Sootheran 0. A. ;Mite Carried. adjourn to meet Monday, at 7:30 p.m. Q';arp.t Carried. Meeting Adjourned Hour 10:20 F. N. Reeve Deputy -Reeve Councillor Councillor "'that we adopt the minutes of last meeting as pri nted." Carried. Carried. "Bylaw No. 1412, 1951. A By -law to provide for borrowing the sum of 4'28,307.89 upon Debentures to pay for the construction of' certain local improvements." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "By -law No. 1427, 1951. A By -law ts declare the desirability of under- taking certain works as a local improvement under the provisions of The Local Improvement Act." Bead a first, second and third time and passed. "That a letter of congratulations be forwarded the coach and members of the Stamford. Collegiate track and field team who have brought great honor to themselves, their school and to the mundreipality by a con- vincing victory in the Canadian Collegiate Championships held in Montreal Friday and Saturday." Carried. erk lict.Licenses G. Finance Ge Relief Roads Finance Application for Woodyard '7 Land Transfers 14. to Bd.Education White Glintz 8. White e Glintz 9. Glintz White 10. Glintz White 11. Sootheran Glintz 12. Sootheran White By -law re: 13. White Tcnrist Cabins Sootheran White Sootheran 'That. aF1;Lc_rt. ion For Licenses be grated C. flew lCi rr, Stamford. ah lie Track Savriga, e y A v r al;i t. 129 i�a Avenue c) er', 1056 �Montrose Rd. subject to usual 0 a-rie :d. Sootheran Glintz chat. we adjourn Council is;r:ess to take up accounts." "That the statement of General Areo plated May 31st, 1 as cresentet, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to 22 ,680.52, Carried. "That the statement of Relief Accounts dated Nay 31st, 1951 as presented, be accepted and the accounts Fe paid amounting to 01.06."v Carried. "Tina t the statement of Roads Accounts dated May 31st, V'51 as presented, be accepted and !he account. be paid amounting to 63181.04. Carried. "That we adjourn as a finance committee and take up general Council Business." Carried. "T}:at the Clerk contact Armand harleau suggesting he submit a petition from l,is neighbors to the effect that they do not object to the establishment of a woodyard at 2324 Bellevue Street." Carried. "That the solicitor be notified re: the By -law prohibiting permanent occupancy of Tourist Cabins." Carried. "That we recommend that th e Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Planning Boa rd approve of property sales to the Board of Education of the Township of Stamford from Steve Michalovic, George Mucicko and Mrs. Wilba C. Wallace according to letter dated May 29th, 1951 from Martin, Calvert and Matthews." Carrie. f Larger Board of 17. .ducat i.on Area Ad.' ourn June 4th, 1951 Ito. 36 (resent P11 nut es Sootheran Glintz Soo theran 4Jhi 1$. Glintz Whit e 1. Sootheran Glintz 2. Sooth erari Glintz "That Mr. and Mrs. Smith be granted permission to sell a parcel of land 53' x 173 'on Woodbine St. The Planning Board to be notif ie d of our decision," Carried. '!That the Chairman of property, Engineer and Clerk be author ized to proceed with. the chargng of the offices in the Township Hall to the ext set asi de in tine budget. Adterat. ion to include Clerk's, Treasurer, Assessor, Engineer and Police offices, also conference noon and Court Hoorn." A. G. Bridge Donald Glintz W. it. Sootheran G. A. 'nli J. h. Allan Carried. Yhi Glintz "That t he attached request providing for the esta biisn Tre nt of a Board of Etu- cation and High School District to include the Municipalities of Chippawa VJillage Willoughby Twp. and Starr Township be approved by this Council :u:1 the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign the said request." Carried. "Tied t we do now adjourn to meet at the call of the Reeve." Carried. Meeting Adjourned 'r :ur 11:50 A. 1. 1;..t Ail id it Reeve Regular Meeting of the Municipal Council held in the Council Chamber on 'lot; day June i1_thr, 1951 at 7:30 'p.m. Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Coupe i i?,.r "That the minutes of the last meeting be adopted as printed," Carried. "That Tourist Camp licenses be granted Mrs. Harriet Scheu Mrs. Steve Toth Bert- Fairchild William Komaromi Garnet May subject -to the usual inspection." carri ed. 9ict.Licenses jsL ii ;ti o- v -1=iw 1431 d lety Week 3. Soothe ran .;L z 5. j,o her an o. Soot'neran White 9. Sootheran Allan Sootheran Glintz "That '•I1 tualt 1 1l a. oo ''jeer: :e butt -1 ne J .r, r��.u.'!,c rt;;. "'That as aa,,y :neii.bei s n.. -,,eet. wit!! tt.t i i.L; nee: to i.ti5peCt; LLe .acoJUir;e (ill ntz Sootheran "That. Dngi nee ,et in tc:, .iek.ictee J. two 'LiS. tl,Le t' 1iwn is to Carried. Carri ed. Carried. 5 possible 3a t:11 U Leir,- ed or; L:.ndy'ti, Loi ±e. Cue ,eai Doi c e Road, to other near high Le. rid Avenue e ;f6 3ehool .:Lese e c :s ;;ry to protect the school• children t k o have to cross No. 20 highway." "L Iow Ne. 1/ 1 jl A 13y-Law for ;('erl i regula ting a iid goy en .1 g ¶[oar ist Ca 11)8 and Traler Caulps all. �'�t %-1 113!Li n add it1o_na1 provisions to ti:te contained In the rEgo.,at ions male nn :er• The "c st 5La blii v ents Act." Read a first, second and t ti me a nd passed. Deputy -Reeve Donald Glintz opposed.. "'That we endorse the Safety Week Campaign of the Jaycees a rd i ssue a rocla'nati on over the signature of the Reeve to that effect.l "That we recommend the following transfers to the ivi_agara Falls and Suburban Area Planning hoard: 1. Ralph Miller to Stamford Public Utilities Commission, Ft, Lot, 139 having a frontage of 60t on Kalar Road by a depth of 60 feet." 2. Thomas Sharp, permission to sell six parcels fronting on St. Patrick St., each t►arcel having a frontage of 51.81' by a depth of 150' and beir part of Lots 51, 52 and 53 flan 1791." Carried. !1 By -late 1430 Auditor's Salary 3t. Lawrence :'taterway R M. Niven Subdivision Jr Honour Roll 11. Glintz White 12. Glintz dootheran 13. Sootheran White irest Subdi 14. Sootheran White 15. Glintz Wh it e Street Lights 17. White Glintz Central Mort 1g. Sootheran gage subdivi- Allan sion "By -law No. 1430, 1951. A By -law to appoint a Municipal Auditor." Read a first, second and third tine and passed. "That the salary or Colin C. cto'An, ,';unreal Auditor, be set at the rate of ;i,b &0.UC for the year 1 Carri ed. "That we endorse the resolution of the Toronto City Council in regards to the development, of the St. Lawrence waterway and 1 he i'ederal Gov ernme tit be so petitioned." Carried. That we approve of' the Mrs. A. (rest proposed subdivision of part of Township Lot No. 113 according to plan dated May 23 1951 drawn by R. Matthews, U.L.S. subject to the usual conditions." Carried. "That we approve of the R. N. Niven proposed sub division of part of Township Lot No. eo according to plan dated Nay 30, 1951 drawn by R. J. Matthews, O.L.S. subject to the usual conditions and providing the surveyor suhmi is another plan showing the co ntours of the land to be acceptable to Council." Carried. 16. Allan Sootheran "That in view of the conditionC of the present Honour Board in front of the Township Hall it be taken down and some suitable honour roll be considered to be placed in the Memorial rink.'r Carried. "That. we request ■the Public Utifiti. eS Commission to install 2 lights on Montrose Rd. between Montrose Hotel to the Bridge,suggestion being a light on the 3rd pole and 7th pole going in a southerly direction." Carried. "That t e approve of Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation proposed subdivision of part of Twp. Lots 172 and 161 according to plan numbered LA101 submitted in Corporation's letter dated May 31st, 1951." Carried. s, Fortage Rd. 20. P•;ountain Rd. od and eement. ith H.E.I:C. -law 1'2$ -iaw 1 _2 Glintz Dosiheran Allan 21. i ^itito 'indintz "That in vi ew 0 t.i" e 23t. i 1; 1ri sub- mitted we e;iS 1..arle au 2322 Bellevue St. permission to establish a aroodvard." 22. Sootheran A1].an 23. Glintz White 24. Sootheran Allan to Li hts 25. White Glintz "illat we recari nerd e 0 parr. o; `i, Lot e i ni; at the easterly Street iovinc lr. .irea (air reco l on to the Niagara "a__ s a/a fianni £:oard." transl•lo• end of $t. ,,iin O 100' Cy 130 he f or: carded t Suburban Area °That a strong, protest be made to the Canada Coach Co. protesting; tce can cel]a Lion 1 the :er e on ior•ta ,e Road to the ;.o; u; n i.oad. ∎e are of ti e opinion 1,j,at, the ;iarhrl.ton :'is can easily carry on id 1: Sere_ ,e without, cisarralL r any b us schedules." r Carried. "That re approve tine preparation of an agreement between the H. 1. C. and the Tc1• ;ns} ip re: the 1 e}:al__?.it.ation of the certain, .'o roads as out, lirred in a letter over the si gnatnre of Or. holden and dated Nay 30, 1951 and a further letter dated June 4, 11151 over the signature of Mr. :•.i tolrell.' "By -law No. 1425, 191;1. A By -law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute an Agreene nit dated 7th June 1951, between rater Calaguiro and Elizabeth Calaguiro and the Corporati et a nd to authori ze the installation and maintenance of a private pipe -line on a highway." Read a fir st,, second and third time and passed. "By-law No. 12,29, 1951. A By-law to provide for borrowing 1j upon debentures to pay for the value of outlet liability of lands in the Township of Stamford assessed in the 4 !Wile Creek Jrairage system of' the Township of Niagara, County of Lincoln, under the Municipal Drainage.Act." Read a first and second time. "That we -request the Ii.L. :,C. to submit a plan showing location of stop lights to be i.nstal]ed within the Township together with description of each, so that the Township may prepare the necessary by -lawvr to submit to the Department of highways for approval of same." Carried. 1. L fi -n Adjourn June 11, 1951 No. 37 Present Minutes Finance General Relief Roads Financd St. Dance Stam.Legion (i i 26. Sootheran Glintz Regular Meeting of the Municipal Council held in Chamber on Monday, June 18th, 1951 at 7:30 p.m. 1. White Glintz 2. White Glintz 5. White 21lan White Glintz "That we do now adjourn to ineet Jat at 2 p.m. to inspect ood ne area." Reeve A. G. Bridge Donald Glintz W. R. Sootheran G. A, White J. N. Allan Carried. Neetir Ad ourned E 4 1' r. 'LJ ilia Clerk e Council Reeve Deputy -Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "That we adopt the minutes of the last meeting as printed." Carried. "That we now adjourn to go into finance committee to consider accounts." Carried. 3. Glintz Sootheran "That the statement of General Accounts dated June 15th, 1951 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $36,042.22. Carried. 4. Sootheran Allan "That the statement of Relief Accounts dated June 15th, 1951 as presented, be accepted and the accountss be paid amounting to $1,042.20. Carried. "That the statement of Roads Accounts dated June 15th, 1951 as presented, be accepted and the account be_paid amounting to $13,678.951" Carried. "That we do arise from finance committee to return to council work. Carried. 7. Sootheran Glintz "That the Stamford Legion be granted permission to hold a street dance on Frederica Street between Prince Edward and Glenholme on the night of July 27th." Carried. urist Camp 8. White censes Sootheran ct.Licenses 9. Glintz White urist Home censes rber Sho ail :r g Permit brasive 10. White Glintz s 11. Sootheran Allan n That the following applica Tourist Camp licenses he a Henry Papst 1228 Mrs. Ethel C. Wilson 2090 Blanche McGibbon 87 2754 1947 3225 4511 129 W. John Fraser Mrs. M. Benyo Frank Borse Joseph Iancezzelli Paul Savriga Maurice Foreman George A. Fischer H. Forde tions for pproved: Roberts Thorold Rd. Stanley Ave. Thorold Rd. Thorold Rd. Lundy's Lane Lurtly's Lane Stanley Avenue Lundy's Lane No. 8 Highway Portage Road." 2809 Carried. "That the following applications for victualling licenses he approved: Mrs. Ethel C. Wilson, -2090 Thorold Rd. W. John Fraser, 2754 Thorold Rd. W. John Fraser, 2788 Thorold Rd. Geo. A. Fischer, No. 8 Highway." Carried. "That application for Tourist Home Licenses be granted the following: Jennie Misik, 1241 Kitchener Street Mrs. M. Benyo, 1947 Thorold Stone Rd. Mrs. T. Lundy, 2818 Lundy's Lane Mrs. M. W. Baty, 2069 Lundy's Lane Mrs. Myrtle Sloggett, 3014 Lundy's subject to the usual inspections." Carried. ;That the petition by the Barbers of Stamford for the passage of a by -law regulating Barber Shops be tabled for a week, the Clerk, in the meantime to refer the by -law to the Welland Health Unit to check." Carried. PC to control 12. Sootheran st nuisance Allan "That the Engineer be asked to contact the H.E.P.C. to ascertain whether or not they will he responsible for laying the dust on the roads used by their trucks. The Engineer to point out they agreed to the maintenance of the roads and it is the opinion of Council that control of the dust nuisance comes in that category." Carried. Carried. Lane 13. White Sootheran "That we contact the Hydro Electric Power Commission to hasten the completion of the Trailer camp to house the trailers that are now moving in all over the Township." 14. Sootheran White "That the building inspector be empowered to issue a permit for the construction of a building 42' 102' by the Lionite Abrasive to be used as a washroom and locker room." Carried. i El r! 1 r j EI �!I ii .urn e 18th, 1951 sent e 16, 1951 39 -sent 20. Sootheran Allan "That we do now adjourn to meet Thursday at 5 p.m. to inspect trailer and Tourist Camps." alAry d Reeve 38 Special Meeting of Council held Saturday, June 16th, 1951 at 2 p.m. A. G. Bridge Reeve Donald Glintz Deputy -Reeve W. R. Sootheran Councillor G. A. White Councillor This meeting was called for the purpose of visiting the Woodbine area of the Township to consider remedial action to be taken in respect to sanitation problems affecting the district. The inspection disclosed that sewage from septic tanks and drainage from private house drains was causing serious sanitation conditions. The drains from some of the houses lead into ditches on private property and the side of the road and this affluent is not being carried away since the ditches have hot been graded to provide gravity flow. The septic tank situation appears to be caused from the particular type of soil not being able to absorb the affluent from the drains from the tanks. No decision to remedy the situation was reached but it was suggested that the owners in that area work out a scheme to have proper.- ditches constructed on their property to carry the waste liquids away. Reeve Carried. Meeting Adjourned Hofer P. M. Meeting Adjourned H.ur P. M. 1 4 1 Clerk June 21st Special Meeting of Council held Thursday afternoon at 5 p.m. A. G. Bridge Reeve Donald Glintz Deputy -Reeve W. R. Sootheran Councillor G. A. White Councillor J. N. Allan Councillor The purpose of the meeting was for the inspection by members of Council of certain Tourist Establishments catering to Trailer accommodation. The inspection of these premises was carried out and a report will be submitted to Council at the next meeting. •enture S= le 1. Glintz White "That we approve sale to Fairclough Co. Ltd. If $78,777.02 Township of Stamford 40 Deben- :tures due July 16th, 1952 -66 at a price of #98.25 plus'accrued interest to July 31, 1951, to finance water and sewer mains constructed as local improvements in the year 1950. There is to be no accrued interest after July ilst, 1951, it dsiklyery- notycompleted. ir 111 5' �s. L M C Ji Curb faced 15. Sootheran Sidewalk on Glintz "That the petition for a curb -face side Woodland Ave. walk on Woodland Ave. be added to this year's list of local improvements in view of the fact that their petition for curbs has been withdrawn." Carried. Land Transfers 16. Sootheran Glintz "That Mrs. Rosa M. Ecker be granted permission to sell a six foot strip of her property on Garner Rd. to B. C. Warren,adjoining property owner." "That Amodio Piva be granted permission to sell a portion of his property to his son as shown on sketch accompanying letter from Logan and Logan dated June 14th. "That sidney and Evelyng Harris be granted pernission to sell part of lot 160 on Drummond Rd. to Mr. Gregoire as outlined in a letter from Fraser Fraser dated June 18th. "That Mr. Mrs. J. Savriga be permitted to sell a part of Lot 57, Plan 876 as out- lined in a letter from Fraser Fraser dated June 18th. "That Mr. Fricis Sirmis be granted per- mission to sell a portion of his lot on Montrose Rd. as outlined in a letter and sketch from Fraser Fraser dated June 12th, 1951. "Mrs. Chas. Snyder be granted permission to sell a portion of his property as shown on sketch accompanying letter dated June 18th to Ambrose Nigh. The Planning Board be so notified." Carried. Salary Increase 17. Glintz Wm. Wilson Sootheran "That we give Wm. Wilson the increase of $11.50 per month agreed upon at the time the Union agreement was settled between the Township employees and the Township as it is the opinion of Council W. Wilson is doing a better job than formerly." ii $308,000.00 Wptermains 1 By -law 1432 Carried. 18. Sootheran Allan "That we approve of the request.of the Public Utilities Commission for a debenture issue of *308,000,90 for the construction of water mains on Lundy's Lane, Dunn Street and Dorchester Road and the Clerk be authorized to have the necessary by -law prepared." Carried. 19. Sootheran Allan "By -law No, 1432, 1951. A By -law to authorize the execution of an agree- ment between the Corporation and Carmen Brant." Read a first second and third t ime and passed.:; si ourist Home icenses y -law 1434 ebentures y -law 1437 t 5. White Glantz our 1st Camp 6. White icenses Glintz Glintz White Y law 1433 11. Glintz ebenture: White Y -law 1 436 12. Glintz e.eal i White 13. ''VLew No-_ lintz "That application for Tourist Home license be grantedthe following: Mrs. Hartzner, 2941 Lundy's Lane Mrs. W. S. Loney, 1835 Brookfield Ave Mrs. Helen Dixon, 1701 Dorchester Rd. Mrs. James A. Bird, Portage Road Frank Ungaro, 1359 Kitchener St. Mrs. Eugene Booth, 3742 Lundy's Lane Arthur M. Elkins, 145 St. James St. W. Mrs. Goldie Washington, 2553 Prospect subject to usual inspections." Carried. "That applications for Tourist Camp licenses be granted the following: Guiseppe Benvenuti, 1679 Kitchener St. William Reechia, 1511 Kitchener St. Sesto Battachio Michael Ricci, Oakes Drive Motel Buchanan Ave. Clara Holmes, 3104 Lundy's Lane Andrew Tothfaluse, 3895 Lundy's Lane subject to usual inspection." Carried. ict.License 7. Sootheran Glintz "That Sesto Battachio and Michael Ricci be granted a victualling license subject to the usual inspection." Carri e.l. ld: Permit 8. 8 Sootheran White "That a building permit be issued to 1 Elma Fieck for the construction of a double garage providing he will sign an agreement, prepared by our solicitor to the effect he will start the erection of a permanent home within six months and When the home is completed, will immediately vacate the garage and not rent for residential use." Carried. "By -law No. 1434, 1951. A By-law to authorize the borrowing of $308,000.00 upon debentures for waterworks purposes." Read a first and second time. 7 -law 1435 10. Sootheran e�_al 1 2 0 Allan "By -law No. 1435, 1951. A By -law to repeal By -law No. 1323 1950." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "By -law No. 1433, 1951. A By-law to .authors se the borrowing of ;294,000 upon debentures for waterworks purposes." Read a first and second time. "By -law No. 143 1951. A By -law to repeal By -law No. 1392, 1951. Read a first, second and third time and pasaed. "By -law No. 1437, 1951. A By -law author izing an application to The Ontario Municipal Improvement Corporation for the purchase by it of certain debentures." Read a first, second third time Passed.. 3 f Ad our A' Ia J71. Apt. Bldg. 839 Drummond Ii m 1 'I June 21st,1951 No. 40 Present 1. Minute¥ Lots on Garner Rd. Land Transfer 3. I1 Higgins- Wilson 2. Glantz Sootheran 0 -114r/ Reeve Regular Meeting of the Municipal Council held in the Chamber on Monday, June 26th, 1951 at 7:30 p.m. 1. Sootheran Allan "That the minutes of the last three meetings be adopted as printed." 2. Sootheran Allan "That the Clerk be asked to contact the Planning Board with the possibility of reducing the size of lots on Garner Road to 66 ft. frontage by approximately 200 ft. depth as it is the opinion of Council that Garner Road with its water main and excellent road :surface is a natural area for housing development." Sootheran Glintz "That we do now adjourn to meet Monday, June 25th at 7:30 p.m." A. G. Bridge Donald Glintz W. R. Sootheran G. A. White J. N. Allan Carried. Anon Reeve Deputy -Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Carried. Carried. Carried. g Adjourned "That we recommend approval to the Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Planning Board of the property transfer hereunder from Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Higgins to William T. Wilson, Part Lot No. 81 having a frontage of 100' on Kalar Road by a depth of 300'." lerk .S Sootheran White "That the building inspector in- vestigate the condition of 839 Drummond Road where the converting of a barn into an apartment building been done without a building permit and bring in a complete report *at:dthe next meeting. the owners of the property to be asked to appear before Council." Carried. A letter from the County Clerk enclosed a copy of By -law 1772 passed June 14th which equalizes the assessments of the various municipalities in Welland County for the purpose of rating in the year 1952. The equalized assessment for Stamford Township for 1952 has been set at $13,025,879.00 which represent, an, increase over the assessment equalized last year of $1,288,901.00. The by -law met with the:- approval of Cgungfl and'it ,Was .ordered filed. t( By -law 1438 14. Allan debentures White By -law 1439 15. Sootheran C. N. R. Allan "By -law No. 1439, 1951. A By -law to authorize execution of an undertaking with the Canadian National Railway Company dated 25th June, 1951." Read a first, second and third time and passed. Park purposes 16. Sootheran Patterson Sub. White St.Mary Street 17. Wig Wag on Montrose Rd. Canada Coach Line Sootheran Allan 18. Sootheran Glintz 19. Glintz White. 20. Glintz White "By -law No. 143$, 1951. A By law to authorize an application to The Ontario Municipal Improvement Corporation for the purchase by it of certain deb- entures." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "That the Council will accept a payment of 4100.00 in full payment of the 5% condition in respect to the Mrs. Jessie Patterson proposed subdivision of part lot 44, Plan 1791. This payment being for the 5% for public purposes other than roads." Carried. "THAT whereas St. Mary's Street does not extend westerly beyond the limits of Registered Plan 65. AND WHEREAS there are existing two dwellings on the north side of a proposed extension of St. Mary's Street and one dwelling on the south side of such proposed ex- tension AND WHEREAS it is desirable to con- form with the Master Plan Township Lot #73 so as to render available for subdivision the balance of the lands owned by Harold Gallinger and Mr. Goegan BE IT RESOLVED that the Township Solicitor be authorized to negotiate the acquisition of lands for the extension westerly of St. Mary's Street a distance of 270 feet." Carried. "That letter from Mrs. Ungaro be referred to the Public Utilities for a report." Carried. "That as we feel that a wig wag or some other suitable warning should be placed on Montrose. Road at the Wabash railway crossing. That the Engineer follow up and report at our nexp regular meeting on any resolu- tion which may have been moved in regards to this warning signal and the progress being made." Carried. That we thank the Canada Coach Lines for their letter and the promise to u HEPC to move 21. Sootheran steel over Rds. Allan Housing o s at Large 25. 22. Glintz Whit e Traffic Lights 23. Sootheran by H.E.P.C. White Sootheran Allan resume their bus service to Mountain Road from Niagara Falls, Ontario." Carried. "That the necessary permits be granted the H. E. P. C. to move steel over Township Roads under the jurisdiction of the Engineer." Carried. RE: HOUSING STAMFORD NIAGARA FALLS WHEREAS there is a serious shortage of housing in the Niagara Penninsula due to the constriction of the Hydro Project and other greatly expanding industries, AND WHEREAS there is a heavy demand for low rental and small down payment housing with a monthly payment to pay off Principal and interest. THEREFORE we hereby respectfully petition the Provincial and Federal Governments to implement some form of legislation that will enable those people in the lower income brackets who cannot make a down payment of more than 10% of the cost of a home to own and pay for a shelter within their earnings. At the present there is no available shelter, either to buy or rent, therdbre, leaving families in one room cabins, trailers and one and two room apartments without proper living conditions, therefore, creating a heavy demand for a low priced compact house that can be purchased for a small down payment with monthly payments to take care of principal and interest. THAT a copy of this resolution be sent to the Honourable Robert Winters, Ottawa and the Prime Minister of Ontario." Carried. "That the Clerk to write the Department of Highways asking approval for the installations of traffic lights as requested by the H. E. P. C. The Hydro4Electric Power Commission to bear 1009 of the cost." Carried. Sewer Agree 24. Sootheran ments Allan That the recommendations of the Engineer re: sewer agreements with B. Perini Sons re: Area #2 be adopted." Carried. "That the Humane Society as our dog catchers be contacted and find out what they are doing re: dogs running at large." Carried. 1 Meeting with 26. Allan 'Thu Twp. Sootheran "That we Road Committee Thorold at 6:30 Thorold Tabaka Subdivision Refund to Mrs H.A.Smith Adjourn June 25, 1951 Sootheran Glintz 28. White Glintz Sootheran Glintz meet the Road Committee of Township Tuesday, July 3rd p.m. at the corner of Stone Road and Townline." "That the Clerk advise Logan and Logan that watermain extension to the Tabaka Subdivision will be granted providi ng the owner will sign a petition requesting the service. The owner to deposit with the Clerk the cost of a six inch main and sign the usual agreement re: restrictions etc." "That the Treasurer be authorized to return to Mrs. H. A. Smith the sum of $10.65 for taxes paid in 1948, 49, 50 for which she was wrongfully charged and the Clerk be authorized to write off the 1951 taxes." 29. Sootheran Allan That we do now adjourn to meet with the Road Committee of Thorold Township Tuesday, July 3 at 6 :3 0 p.m. unless otherwise called by the Reeve." Carried. Meeting Adjourned Hour P. M. I• 2 c4 7 e Reeve Clerk On Tuesday, June 26th, 1951 at 10:30 a.m. the following members of Council met with Mr. William Moore, Vice Chairman and Mr. Roy Kennedy,of the Ontario Municipal Board in respect to our application for approval of By-law 1434, being a by -law to authorize the borrowing of *308,000.00 upon debentures for waterworks purposes: The application for the Board's approval of by -law 1434 was presented along with certain other documents required. The application Wes considered-in detail and although a tentative approval had been given to the second phase of our programme represented by this by -law, Mr. Moore stated that the matter would have to be referred to the Chairman before a decision could be made. Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. -"That Reeve Bridg Deputy -Reeve Glints and the Clerk with'the Corporation for tfE iale of water -worke debentures.* Adiourn June 26, 1951 No. 42 Present 2. Sootheran Glintz Allan White Sootheran White 4 Reeve "That we do now adjourn to accompany the Municipal representatives on an inspection of proposed local improve- ments." Reeve Carried. Meeting Adjourned of the Council held on Wednesday, p.m. in the Township Hall. A. G. Bridge Donald Glintz W. R. Sootheran G. A. White J. N. Allan Carried. Carried. Clerk Reeve Deputy -Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor The meeting was called to consider our application to the Municipal Board for approval of our by -law number 1434 being a by -law to authorize the borrowing of $308,000.00 upon debentures for waterworks purposes. The Reeve advised that our application for approval of this by -law submitted on June 26th had not been approved and he had arranged for a meeting with the Municipal Board on Thursda June 28th at -9U15 a.m. Sootheran White "That as many members of Council as possible attend the meeting with the Municipal Board in Toronto, Thursday, June 28th. That Deputy -Reeve Glintz and Councillor Sootheran be granted mileage of $10.00 for use of their cars." "That it is recommended to the Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Planning Board that the Welland Securities Ltd. be granted permission to sell part Twp. Lot 192 to the Trinity Anglican Church. The said parcel having a frontage of 66' on Portage Road by a depth of-$79.34'." "That we do now adjourn to meet in Toronto at the call of the Reeve." 7 i No-. 43 Present Minutes Bldg. Permit 2. Glintz Mr. Cropp Allan Town Line Rd. 3. Allan Glintz Tourist Camp 4. Allan White Viet. Licenses Regular Meeting of the Municipal Council held in the Council Chamber on Tuesday, July 3rd, 1951 at 7:30 p.m. 1. Sootheran Allan 5. Allan Sootheran Tourist Homes 6. White Glintz A. G, Bridge Donald Glintz W. R. Sootheran G. A. White J. N. Allan "That the minutes of the be adopted as printed." Reeve Depaty -Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor last meetings Carried. "That the building inspector issue a building permit to Mr. Cropp so he can finish a building which he ur- gently needs to house farm help." Ayes and Nayes called by Reeve Bridge: Ayes: Glintz, Allan, Bridge Nayes: White, Sootheran. Carried. "That we ask Thorold Township Council to agree to the following arrange- ment re: construction and maintenance on Stamford Thorold Town Line. That Councils agree that general maintenance be carried out ari ea h municipality y 50% the cost, at c a �b ed .tore construction pa se out THOROLD TOWNSHIP down line ?ro m' Beaverdams Rd. to Lundy's Lane #20 u on; t Highway). Town line from McLeod Road t South. STAMFORD TOWNSHIP Town line from Walker Quarry to Beaverdams Road. Town line from Lundy's Lane #20 Highway) south to McLeod Road." Carried. "That a Tourist Camp License be granted Millicent Douglas, 4618 Lundy's Lane subject to the usual inspection." Carried. "That victualling licenses be granted: Mrs.'Doris Smiley, 3197 Stanley Ave. Millicent Douglas, 4618 Lundy's Lane A. W. Lamkin, 2334 Ker Street N. P. Crick 3654 Woodbine St. Mrs. Alice C oughlin 1706 Dunn St. subject to the usual inspection,.' Carried, "That application for Tourist Home License be granted the following: Mrs. C. Risto 2940 Barker Street Mrs. Percy McAteer, Portage Road Mrs. Sarah Toomath, 2671 Stanley Ave. Mrs. Bertha Shainholdts 2549 Cleveland Sophie Bomans, 3770 Lundy's Lane Mrs. Joseph Bomans, 3762 Gurdy's Lane Arm. Frank Snider,.2392 Ker St. Mrs. Albert King 3077 Lundy's Lane Mrs. Lottie Nesbitt, 2260 Lundy's Lane tamford Centre 7. Sootheran ire De t, White ub. Uti lit ie s na _er e.tic Tanks rivate atermain -law 1440 ubdiv,agree- nt 8. Sootheran Allan 10. Bridge Glintz 11. White Allan 308.00 to 12. White nt.Municipal. Allan card 13. Glintz White Mrs. Martha Marquis, 2942 Lundy's Lane Mrs. W. D. Leeper, 2557 Cleveland Ave. Mrs. P. H. Shriner, 2781 Lundyls Lane subject to usual inspection." Carried. "That a letter of congratulations be forwarded the Stamford Fire Department in view of their splendid showing at the Niagara District Firemen's Convention over the weekend." Carried. "That the clerk be instructed to write a letter to Cecil Kirkby who is resigning as manager or the Public Utilities to take a new position. That this Council go on record as appreciating his many years of faithful service to the co;nnuntty and extend our best wishes for a successful future in his new position. Carried. railer Cam .s 9. 8 Sootheran Allan "That the clerk be instructed to write Mr. Galliford that while we appreciate his offer to supply a trailer camp, that under existing by -laws no additional trailer camps are permitted in the Township." Carried. "That in future no building permit be issued to any applicant euttide of the sewer areas, unless the applicant has been shown or given a plan showing what kind of a septic tank must be installed in accordance with the Welland District Health Unit regulations." Carried. "That A. L. Dale be given permission to instal a 3/4" watermain on St. Patrick Street from Riall Bc.his lot and solicitor be asked to prepare the necessary by -law." Carried. "That the Treasurer and Reeve be author- ized to issue a Cheque for $308.00 to the Ont. Municipal Board re: Waterworks programme, second stage, this to be billed the Public utilities Commission." Carried. "By -law No. 1440, 1951. A By -law to authorize the execution of a subdivision agreement between Jessie Patterson and the Corporation." Read a first, second and third time ,and passed. 1,8 Roads Relief Finance 6. Sootheran Wh t e "That White ...at we adjourn as a Finance Committee with general council business." tourist home licenses Tourist camp licenses Corby sale of property 4. Sootheran Allan 5. Sootheran White "That the statement of _eliei' a cc:ants dLt_d June 30th, 1951, as presented, be accepted and the ac- counts be paid amounting to 56.03.K 7. White Sootheran 8. Sootheran Glintz 9. Sootheran Glantz Bermel 10. Glantz sale of White property Stamford 11. White Centre traffic li gam ''That the state ent of Roads accounts dated June 30th, 1951, as presented, be accepted d ,he accounts be paid amounting to 0_5,587.17.V Carried. Carried. Carried. That we grant the application for tourist Lome licenses to the following: Mrs.Brownyn Mitchell, 2085 Dorchester Rd., Anna Hrcek, 1620 Montrose Road, Mrs. C. Preston, 2063 Dorchester Rd., Mrs.Chas.Pearson, 2526 Portage Rd., Mrs. Dorothy Ettinger 2541 Portage Rd., Mrs:: Chas vcy` fort) 1621 Hi:hl:;_nd Ave., subject to usual inspection." Cartied. "That tourist camp licenses be granted Arpad Molnar, 3701 Lundyts Lane, A. Dominik avid Mrs. Nagy, 4911 Lundyts Lane subject to the usual inspection.1 Carried. "That Edward and Myrtle Corby be granted per- mission to sell a lot on Stamford Green Drive to Annie ,Marie Adamick as shown on plan ac- companying letter from Martin, Calvert and Mat- thews dated July 9, 1951. The planning Poard to be so notified." Carried. "That we grant Mr. John Dirmel Or permission to sell two parts of Township lot #158 Town- ship of Stamford, subject to the consent of the planning board as outlined in the by -law #1294 to Mr. Huyter of Thorold south." Carried. Glintz "That we request the Hon. Georbe Doucette to personally investigate the Stamford Centre traffic problem re traffic lights with our Council, also the Dorchester Road intersection and Lundy's Lane.tchool." Carried. and proceed 1 .y ;g I• ii Bridge over CNR Tracks Grade Pumphouse 15. Grounds Ad.iourn July 3rd, 1951 Present $tntte s Finance 4 General 14. Sootheran White Wh it e Glantz "That the clerk write the Dominion Railway Board asking when the new bridge over the Canadian National tracks on Portage Road is going to be constructed. The clerk to point out the order has been issued for some time and the need is greater than ever." "That the engineer be instructed to grade the grounds at pump house on Morrison St.,? build a traffic bound road into the pumphouse and bill the Public Utilities Commission for the same." 16. Sootheran Allan "That we do now adjourn to meet in committee with the Falls View Fire Department Thursday,evening at 7:30 p.m. Discussion on the Building Code to be taken up at the same meeting." 1. Sootheran Allan 2. White Allan -L Reeve A regular meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chamber on Monday, July 9th, 1951, at 7:30 p.m. A. G. Bridge Donald Glintz J. N. Allan Wm. R. Sootheran Geo. A. White i iI/iniui, I Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Carried. Carried. Carried. ar er "That the minutes of the last meeting be adopted as printed." Carried. "That we do now adjourn to go into finance to pass accounts." Carried. 3. Sootheran Allan "That the statement of General accounts -dated June 30th, 1951 as presented, be accepted and the account% be paid amounting to $52,316.910 Carried. t Engineer 20. Glintz Hite "That the Engineer install 3 swiii:s a::d 2 sand boxes at the Arthur Street park." Nedick property 21. Glintz White "That we usk thc Pl.,_L_ihg h=oard to E; rant per mission for rs. Mary _:"edich to sell n. parcel of her land in the Township of S ta._ford to Mr. Mrs. Bicanouskus as described in a letter to this Council as of July 5/51.'i iahaka agreement 22. Sootheran Glintz "By-law No. 14.44, 1951, to auti:oriae exe- cution of an agreement between Peter Tabaka and _'aria Tabaka and the Corporation." Branscombe 23. ?;'kite Rd. allow- Glintz ance Weeds hydro 24.. Allan White AIjourn 25. Glintz Sootheran "That we do now adjourn to meet at the call of the Reeve." ciar, Reeve O Carried. Carried. "That we deed to F. A. ranscombe tne e .t'hor1 561 feet of unopc od ruad aitlowa. vested by statute in i across the Stevenson property and the balance thereof to the adjoin- ing o vner to tha north. Bristsccn'be to pay for said 56= ft and for his 55; of the proposed sub division the sua of (•500.00." Carried. "That the Hydro Commission be asked to cut the weeds and grass on t-:ir property ut Falls View, north west corner of Stanley and Dunn and south east corner of Stanly and Dun. Same to be done at once as it is unsightly as well as a fire hazard." Carried. Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour 10:2C p.m. 1: Dale Agreement 18.. Sootheran (1441 Allan "By -law Ido. 1441, 1951, to authorize the execution of an agreement between Albert E. Dale and the Corporation." read a first, second and third time 2 and passed. it li Debentures 12. Sootheran Allan l "That Fairclough Company be advised that we can not entertain the suggestion that our re- cent debenture issue of 478,777.02 covering principal and interest be made payable at par at the raain office of the Imperial Bank in Montreal." Carried. Merritton Council 13. Sootheran Allan "That a meeting be arranged with the Merritton Council be garbage disposal. That Stamford residents objecting to the dumping of the re- fuse be informed of the meeting and invited to attend on July 12th 7 p.rn. at the Town. Line at Thorold Stone Road." Apple day 14. Glintz tliite hair dressing estb. 16.• Allan T Sootheran Barber shoes Carried. "That we grant permission to the Boy Scouts asso- ciation of Niagara Falls and district to hold its annual apple day on Saturday, October 20/51." Carried. Polling 15. Sootheran subdivision Allan "That Council approve the suggested changes re- commended by the Clerk and assessor for polling subdivisions. The necessary by -law be prepared for early consideration. Polling subdivisions 5, 5A, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13." Carried. "By -law No. 1443, 1951, to license, regulate aid govern the owners of hair dressing establish- ments and for revoking any such license." read a first and second time. 17. White Sootheran "By -law No. 1445 to license, regulate and govern the owners of Barber shops and for revoking any such license." read a first, second and third time and passed. Woodland Blvd. X1442 19. Sootheran Allan "By law No. 144 1951, to change the name of Woodland Avenue to Woodland Boulevard." read a first, second and third time and passed. Ft I�. I No. 45 A regular meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chamber on Monday, July 16th, 1951, at 7:30 p.m. Present A. G. Bridge Reeve Donald Glintz Deputy Reeve J. Allan Councillor Wm. Sootheran Councillor Geo. A. White Councillor Minutes Subdivision 2. Allan roads Glantz 1. Sootheran Allan "That the minutes of the last meetin„ be adop- ted as printed." Carried. "'That the Engineer be instructed to construct all subdivision roads on which the cost has been paid, providing that all services are installed. The first road to be so constructed shall be Corwin Crescent, section 1; 2 and 3; if the latter section has all the services in- stalled. This work to be proceeded with on the completion of the Barker Street project.'' Carried. Niven 3. Sootheran subdivision Allan "That the Department of and Develop- ment be notified that there is now no op- position to the adoption of the plan of the Niven subdivision, the owner having satis- fied Council that there was no foundation to our previous opposition." Carried. Memorial Hall 4, Sootheran White "That a public hall license be granted for Stamford Memorial Hall to Stamford Women's Institute.!! Camp licenses Carried. 5. Sootheran Allan "That a tourist camp license be granted Robert Carson, 4691 Lundy's Lane subject to the usual inspection." Carried. Victualling licenses 6. Glintz Allan "That victualling licenses be granted to G. A. Iesulauro; (The Hub); Stamford Centre; .George Jackson, 1985 North Street; subject to the usual inspection." Carried. Historical Society 7. Glintz Allan "That the letter from the Lundy's Lane His- torical Society be adknowledged, and that as many members of Council as possible at- tend this service.!! Carried. ii Local Improve ment tenders tourist home licenses N.S. &T. re :fares 8. Allan Glintz "That. t r Ker, ':e instructed to ad- vertise for tenders for the construction of sidewalks, watermains and sewers for tb-e year 1751. "'_iis is ordered after conversation ;.itl: a a ee :Ya r of ti Ontario. Municii a1. Board, 'o1hc has Live.: Reeve Clerk, tentative approval today, and does net incuue any project that the 0.14. Board represehta.tives on their tour of inspection, did not cive ,.heir a to. Tenders to Le in by Friday, _Jsgust 3rd." 9. White Glintz C:- cried. "That we !;rant the applications for tourist home licenses to the follo:.i Mrs. H. Woodcock, 1822 Mouland Ave., Mrs. S. Bredin, 1615 Pi ;hland Ave., Mrs. A. Misener, 1795 2.in I; A' c., Mrs. Doris A:lsloc;, 3'i. 1`ara:da St., Mrs. H. 'Velstead, 2470 Lundy's L-__ e, H. 12. Carter, 2674 LL...tjt:. Lane, J. C. Day, 2570 Portage Road., Robert Koighan, 2519 Portage Ra., subject to usual inspections." unr rle•a. Lorenzo :arreett 10. Sootheran White "That Lorenzo Contracting Company iio asked to contact their insurance coma any asking; for a complete report on the damage suffered by Mr. Barrett on Kalar Road at the end of February.” carried. Land transfer 11. Sootheran Allan "That we recommend approval to the Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Planning ;'oard of the transfer of part of Township lot No. 60 from the Lionite Abrasives to the H.E.P.C. of Ontario." Carried. Beaverdam Road 12. White Sootheran we request the County of Welland Road Committee to establish tae Beaverdam Road to a 30 mile an hour limit from Lundy's Lane to Town Line." Carried. 13. Sootheran Allan That the suggested chap.ges in fares by the N.S. T. be referred to our solicitor to ascertain whether or not it is according to our agreement. The council to ask the N. S. T. whether they could eliminate the height test for children and subttitute an age limit as children are apparently growing taller at an earlier age and to have them classified as adults, subject to adult fare when only ten or eleven years old is working a hardship on the parents of those children using buses." Carried. No 46 Present Minutes Accounts Roads Relief General Finance Peter Zeiter 8. Sewermain A regular meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chamber on Thursday, July 26th, 1951 at 7:30 p.m. A. G. Bridge Donald Glintz W. R. Sootheran G. A. White Reeve Deputy -Reeve Councillor Councillor 1. Sootheran White "That the minutes of the last meeting be adopted as printed." 2. Sootheran White 6. White Sootheran Carried. "That we adjourn regular Council business to take up accounts." Carried. 3. White Sootheran "That the statement of Roads Accounts dated July 26th, 1951 as presented, be accepted /'and the accounts be paid amounting to 1 $3693.4 Carried. 4. White Sootheran "That the statement of Relief Accounts dated July 26th, 1951 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to V$115 Carried. 5. White Sootheran "That the statement of General Accounts dated July 26th, 1951 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to J $58,689.85." Carried. I "That we do now arise from finance committee and resume council business." carried. Advertising 7. Sootheran Signs Glintz "That the building inspector be instructed to inform the Gould- Leslie Advertising Agency that the erection of their sign at the corner of Portage and Perkins St. is a contravention of our building code and they be asked to remove it immediately. The Solicitor be instructed to prepare a by -law restricting the area as outlined in a petition from the residents of that area." Carried. Sootheran White "That the request of Peter Zeiter to lay a sewer on Leeming St. west of Prince Edward be considered favourably sad the Reeve cea# Q erk:rbe.tautlotteddt,t6 as#ogn-a peetttl.!'ental agreement with Mr. Zeiter. The rental to be $3.61 per year for a period of 34 years." Carried. G1 f. By -law 1.449 h Jones Amalga ation and annexation Central Mortgage By -law 1447 Branscombe Engineer windlasses Adjourn July 16/51 14. Sootheran P1site 15. i,ite Glintz ''That we acceopt the plan from Central `icrtgage and Housing dated June 20th, 1951, being part .f Stamford lots 161 a._d 172 subject to usual ton ditioa.s• acceptance and the planning board be so advised." 16. h'hi:te1 Allan "By -law No. 1449 to authorize the execution of an agreement between Larry Francis Jones and the Corporation." read a first, secont and third time and passed. 17. White Glintz "By -law No. 1447 to authorize the execution of a grant from the Corporation to Frank A. Brans combe." read a first, second and third time, and passed. Branscombe 18. White Glintz "That we will deed back to t-ir. F. A. Branscombe 3 lots at a price of $900.00 this being in the plan #109 and the Reeve and engineer decide which 2 lots we retain and Mr. Branscombe pay for the services on the 3 lots in cash." 19. Sootheran Allan 20. Glintz White "That we do now adjourn the Reeve." Cat "That our solicitor and municipal officers be ask gather all information that may be necessary to present against amalgamation or annexation by the City of Niagara Falls." Reeve. Hour Carried. Carried. Carried. "That the Engineer be empowered to purchase the necessary windlasses to carry out our sewer work.' Carried. to meet at the call of "Carried. Meeting aditourned Adbiliii Clerk. a St. Lights Traffic Fraser St. St. Lights 11, Glintz Sootheran "That we ask the P. U. C. to place one more light at the corner of Montrose and the Creek Road. The light be placed on the north east corner." Stamford 12. Sootheran Race Track White Viet. Lio. 13. White Glantz Memorial Service 9. Sootheran White "That the Public Utilities be asked to continue the lighting on every other pole on Dorchester Rd. between Leeming Street and the Queen Elizabeth Highway." 10. Sootheran Glintz "That the Chairman of the traffic Committee investigate conditions children of the Fraser St. area face in walking to and from John Marshall School, as mothers of the children involved feel that with the increased traffic due to Hydro con struction, is endangering their lives." 14. Sootheran White Purchase 15. Sootheran Wreath White j.and Transfer 16, Glintz Holman,Pelle- White tier Carried. Carried. Carried. "That the Belleville Driving and Athletic Association be granted per- mission to erect fingerboard signs directing traffic to the Stamford Race Track." Carried. "That application for Viet. licenses be granted the following: Harold McDonagh 29 Portage Rd. John Maclver, 1677 Morrison St. subject to usual inspection." Carried. "That as many members of Council as possible attend the Memorial Service arranged by the Stamford Horticultural Association for the evening of Aug. 19th, That permission be granted to close Portage Rd. from O'Neil St. to Stamford Green Drive from 6:30 to 8ip.m. the same evening." Carried. "That the municipality purchase a wreath to be laid by a Silver Cross mother at the Memorial Service August 19th," Carried. "That we recommend to the Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Planning Board that they approve of the transfer of part of Twp. Lot 113 from A. J. Holman to R. 0. M. Pelletier. The said parcel having a frontage of 200 feet on Portage Rd." Carried. is Washroom L.L. 17. Glintz Cemetery White Sewer Rental 18. Sootheran Agreement White Meet with 19. Glintz City Council White Salvage from 20. Sootheran Twp. Dump White Hawker Pedlar Lic "That the Engineer be requested to get a price to provide sanitary toilet facilities at the Lundy's Lane Cemetery as soon as possible. We ask that there be one for Ladies and one for Men." Carried. "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign a sewer rental agreement on behalf of the Township with G. Volpato in respect to sewer sertices to part lot 27 on the south side of Keith St. The rental to be $9.95 for a period of 30 years." Carried. "That we accept the invitation of the Niagara Falls City Council to meet with us to discuss certain matters and we ask that the proposed meeting be held in the Stamford Township Hall, but due to members taking vacations and with the wrk in connection with the 0. M. A. Convention being held here in Sept. 17, 18, and 19 we ask that the meeting be held near the end of September." Carried. That the letter from Mr. Black on behalf of his clients re: salvage on the municipal dump be referred to the Engineer for a report." Carried. 21. White Sootheran "That application for Hawker Pedlar license be granted Mrs. C. Stewart, 2083 Dunn Street." Carried. By -law 1448 22. Sootheran White "By -law No. 1448, 1951. A By -law to authorize the execution of an agreement between B. Perini Sons Incorporated and the Corporation." Read a first, second and third time and passed. By -law 2450 23. Sootheran White "By -law No. 1450, 1951. A By -law to provide for borrowing $78,357. upon debentures to pay for the construction of certain local improvements." Read a first, second and third time and passed. By -law 1452 24, Sootheran White "By -law No. 1451, 1951, A By -law to authorize an agreement between the Corporation of the Township of Stamford and the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario re: sewer construction." Read a first, second and third time and passed. 14 4� By -law 1451 25. Glintz White By -law 1454 26. Glantz White Transporta- 27. Sootheran tion to Glintz School Marriage of 28. Sootheran Assessor White Purchase Biggar Property Adiourn July 26, 1951 No. 47 4 30. Glantz White "By -law No. 1 1951. A By -law to authorize the execution by the Corpora- tion of a deed to Frank A. Branscombe dated 26th July, 1951." Read a first, second and third time and passed, "By -law No. 1454, 1951. A By -law to dedicate as a highway a one -foot strip of land at the easterly end of St. John Street." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "That as the Board of Education is responsible for the transportation of pupils to schools under their jurisdiction under certain circum- stances, the Council write them asking whether or not the 31 pupils in the Fraser St. area attending John Marshall School come within that category and whether or not trans- portation will be supplied." "That congratulations and Best Wishes be extended Assessor Ben Prior on the occasion of his forthcoming marriage." Reeve A regular meeting of the Council was held in the Chambe,rron Ftiday, August 3rd, 1951 at 7 :30 p.m. A. G. Bridge Donald Glantz M. R. Sootheran G. A. White J. N. Allan Carried. Carried. 29, Glantz White "That the Treasurer be authorized to issue a cheque for 55,500.00 to cover the purchase of property at the rear of the Township Hall. The said amount to be changed to surplus." Carried. "That we do now adjourn to meet at the call of the Reeve on August 3rd, 1951." Carried. Meeting Adjourned 111 MIs r i�,� 9:45 P. M. Reeve Deputy -Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Acting Clerk 1. Sootheran. White "That Mr. Dave be appointed Acting Clerk in the absence of the Clerk." Carried. Cler cal 9lnutes 2, White Sootheran "That we alopt the of last :eet as r ted." iieturn Tender 3. Unopened Tenders for bocal Impr. Traffic Fraser St. ulii tz Soo the :all y.. taintz Wili `.e Fence for 5. White Playground Glintz Tourist Home 6. Sootheran Allan 7. Sootheran Allan St.Lights 10. White Glintz C:t ri "TnAt in 'view of t,1:.} .31iP S =F:. En.ii!.::1° we Ths6rdct Ci2rit 2::t the L_sde_ t.. _he _alt.n Contr.1Ct ?fl ua.:{l-l:.le, C "''hat the Ei. per on all toala_s r ew.a_ae, and. se.o -3r :ai .s." re "That a snow fence be erected around the Arthur Street playground, the opening in front of Arthur Street." Carried. "That a Tourist Home License be granted Mary V. Fagan, 2495 Maranda Street subject to the usual inspection." Carried. "That a copy of De uty -Reeve Glintz's report on traffic conditions children of the Fraser Street area must undergo to attend school, a copy of the letter from the Board of Education on the same matter be referred to the Department of Highways with the re- commendation of Council that something be done by their department to assure the safety of our children along Provincial Highway No. 8." Carried. Carried. Tourist Camp 8. Sootheran Allan "That Peter Samitz of R.R. #1 Niagara- on -the- Lake be granted a Tourist Camp license subject to the usual inspections." Carried. Taxi Driver 9. Sootheran White "That George Starostic of 1458 Morrison Street be granted a Taxi Driver's license subject to the Police Commission's approval." "That we request the Public Utilities Commission to erect stredt lights at the following places: 1 light on West side of St. Mark at the corner of Caswell Street. 4 lights on west side of Sinnicks St. com- mencing at the existing light north of St. Mary's St. and placing them on every other pole. 1 light on lower end of CarldoanAvenue, the 5th pole going in southerly direction (I St.Lights },I (Cont'd) By -law 1434 1011 Debentures 1 Race Track 14. White Ponds 1 By -law 1433 g Debentures Redess 1 &athSoobheran Whit eWhite 12 i t eWhite GlirtGlintz Byy-law lt5$ l3; n; Glintz Sign erection ;tiiteWhite 15A Glantz White Kerrio Tender 15. Sootheran Sidewalks White Damore Tender 16. White Sewer Water Allan Uneeecessful 17. Sootheran Tend9rers White Bragg Premises ..18. White. §ootheran of the existing poles. The existing light at the corner of Carlton and Lundy's Lane be changed to the other side of the street as its present position serves no purpose to light the corner. A light be placed on west side of Lombard Street at the discretion of the Public Utilities Commission. "By -law No. 1 433, 1951. A By -law to authorize the borrowing of $294,000.00 upon debentures for waterworks purposes." Read a third time and passed. "By -law No. 1434, 1951. A By-law to authorize the borrowing of $308,000.00 upon debentures for waterworks purposes." Read a third time and passed. "By -law No. 1458, 1951. A By -law to prohibit the erection of signs or other advertising devices and the posting of notices within a defined area." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "That the Medical Health office be notified to investigate the manure and garbage piles at the Race Track and the necessary precautions be taken and examine the ponds located between the Queen Elizabeth Highway and Montrose Road and a report be sent Council so the proper steps be taken." Carried. "That we do now recess for twenty minutes." Carried. "That the tender of KerriorCenstruction Company for 1951 Sidewalk Construction at a tender price of 37i per sq. ft. for 4' sidewalks and 4514 per sq. ft. for curb faced walk be accepted." Carried. "That 8emore Bros. be awarded the contracts for Sewermains and watermains to be constructed in the Township for the year 1951." Carried. "That a letter of appreciation be sent to the unsuccessful bidders on our Local Improvements and their cheques be returned." Carried. Bragg Premises Harold Dell 19. Sootheran resignation White By -law 1457 Local Impr. Adiourn August 3, 1951 No. 48 Present Minutes 18. White Allan 20. Glintz White 21. Glantz Soothe ran Kister Rd. 2. White Waterline 1. Allan Whit e Glintz "That a copy of Welland Health Unit report be sent Mrs. Bragg and she be so notified that the premises be cleaned up and put in a suitable condition,this to be done within 30 days." "That in view of the long and faithful service Harold Bell has rendered the municipality during his 28 years employ- ment and taking into consideration that his present ill health makes it impossible for him to continue in our employ, we regret- fully accept his resignation and pay him a sum equal to sip months salary. The Clerk to write Mr. Dell further expressing our appreciation for his co- operation in the past and hoping his health will improve in his new surroundings." "By -law No. 1457, 1951. A By -law to authorize the construction of certain works as local improvements under the provisions of The Local Improvement Act." Read a first and second time. "That we do now adjourn to meet at the call of the Reeve Tuesday August 7th, 1951 at 7 :30 Tam." Reeve Carried. Carried. Carried. Meeting Adjourned r 10:00 P. M. A regular meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chamber on Tuesday, August 7th, 1951 at 7:30 p.m. A. G. Bridge Donald Glintz W. R. Sootheran G. A. White J. N. Allan Reeve Deputy -Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "That the minutes of the meeting held August 3rd be adopted as printed." Carried. "That we request the Municipal Board to reconsider their refusal to instal a waterline south of Kister Road to part of Township lot 217." Carried. P t 4 Watermains 3. Glintz Green Drive White Mulhern St. Wm. Rootes 4. Sootheran Bldg Permit Allan "That William Rootes be granted a permit for the erection of a business block and apartment &n the west side of Carroll Street, lot #77, Plan #56 providing it meets the requirements of the building inspector." Bhad. Head 5. Land Transfer Bd.Education 6. White exceed budget Glintz Sewer on 7.- .Sootheran Victoria Ave. Allan "That the Engineer be instructed to contact the City Manager informing him Council is in agreement with the extension of the sewer on Victoria Avenue from Leader Lane but would prefer it be extended to Thorold Stone Road." Rescind 019 Aue.3 /51 Harold Dell Sootheran Glintz "That the Clerk be instructed to write the Ontario Municipal Board asking them to reconsider the deletion of the watermain on Green Drive and Mulhern Street. An investigation made today by the Reeve shows that on Green Drive another house is under construction and so far advanced that the rafters for the roof are already up. On Mulhern Street the materials for two additional houses are already on the grounds and construction will be started within a few days. These two streets were eliminated when Mr. Ker and the Reeve consulted the Board on Tuesday, July 31st. The Board's favour- able consideration to this request will be greatly appreciated." "That this Council approve of the application of Chas. Head to the Planning Board to sell 2 lots on Portage Road." "That we authorize the School Board to exceed their requested budget by an amount not to exceed $30,000.00 this is to accommodate emergency buildings, the overdraft to be levied against their 1952 rate." Sootheran Glintz "That resolution number 19 of August 3rd, 1951 meeting be rescinded. Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Sootheran White "That Harold Dell be retired from the .service of the Township as of September let. 1951 with full pension rights of past service and future service payments because of ill health. That in view of the 28 years of service that he has rendered to the Municipality that he be granted six months full pay." Carried. Finance i Relief General Roads Finance Adiourn 10. Allan Glintz 11. Glintz White 12. White Glintz 14. Allan White By -law 1455 17. Glintz White By -law 1456 18. White Sootheran "That we do now adjourn and go into Committee on Finance." Carried. "That the statement of Relief Accounts dated August 7th, 1951 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $41.66." Carried. "That the statement of General Accounts: dated August 7th, 1951 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to V40,014.51." Carried. 13. Sootheran Allan "That the statement of Roads Accounts dated August 7th, 1951 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to X5,079.16." Carried. "That we now again resume Council business." Carried. J. Burcuil 15. Sootheran Glintz "That the application of J. Burcuil be referred to the Engineer for a report as to its location in relation to a proposed new residential subdivision in the area." Carried. bylaw 1452 16. Sootheran Allan "By -law No. 1452, 1951. A By -law to authorize the execution of an Agreement between Roland John Brooks, et al and the Corporation dated the 30th July, 1951." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "By -law No. 1455, 1951. A By -law to regulate the use of land and character, location and use of structures" (Ingham Smith Subdivision) Read a first, second and third time and passed. "By -lsw No.r1456jt195h nAeRy4l &wntoani eagulater %hbouseiof latduandoehataotbr.,es• location and use of structures (John Mulhern)" Reed a first, second and third time and passed. By -law 1459 19. Allan Sootheran "By -law No. 1459, 1951. A By -law to authorize the execution of an agreement dated 3rd August, 1951 between Elmer Feick and the Corporation." Read a first, second and third time abd passed." tt ri 4. Bv-law 1461 20. White Glintz Bv-law 1460 21. Sootheran Allan By -law 1462 22. Sootheran Glintz Bv-law 1463 23. Glintz White Signals at 24. Allan Stanley White McLeod Rd. Mountain Rd 25. Sootheran Bus service Allan "That the Clerk contact the Canada Coach Lines asking them to restore the hourly bus service along Portage Rd. to the Mountain Rd. The Clerk to point out that the present service is working a great hardship on the residents of the area who are dependent upon the service to go to and from their places of employment. A copy of the petition continuing over 150 signatures be en- closed with the letter." Mrs.Wm.Hill 26. White Svmoathv Glintz 'Invest/ate 27. White 55 McMickina 24 Glintz "By -law No. 1461, 1951. A By -law to authorize the execution of an agreement ddted 7th August, 1951 between Damore Bros. and the Corporation for the construction of sewer mains." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "By -law No. 1460, 1951. A By -law to authorize the execution of an agreement dated 7th August, 1951 between Guerrino Volpato and the Corporation." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "By -law No. 1462, 1951. A By -law to authorize the execution of an agreement dated 7th August, 1951 between Damore Bros. and the Corporation for the construction of water mains." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "By -law No. 1463, 1951. A By -law to authorize the execution of an agreement dated 7th August, 1951 between Charles Kerrio Construction Co. and the Corporation for the constriction of sidewalks." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "That we ask the Welland County Council for action to rectify the dangerous condition at the intersection of Stanley Street and McLeod Road as theme havehbeen numerous accilents at this point. We recommend a flashing red and yellow light or a positive traffic light." Carried. Carried. "That we send a letter of sympathy to Mrs. Wm. Hill Sr. on the recent]oss of her son Wm. Hill Jr." Carried. "That we request the Medical Health Officer to investigate the premises at 2455 MoMicking and take the necessary steps to clean them up." Carried. Ad ourn August 7, 1951 N o. 49 Present Minutes A.G.Rupp Bldg Permit Tourist Homes 3. 2. Allan White Vict.License 4. White Glintz Township Boundaries Mrs.Konkos Bidgjermit 28. Sootheran Glintz "That we do now adjourn to meet Monday, August 13 at 7:30 p.m." A regular meeting of the Coan*l. :vas hell in the Co .i1 Chamber on Monday, August 13th, 1951 at 7:30 p.m. A. G. Bridge Reeve Donald Glintz Deputy Reeve G. A. White Councillor J. N. Allan Councillor 1. Glintz White "That we adopt the minutes of the meeting held August 7th, 1951 as printed." 5. White Glintz B Glintz Inspect #20 6. Glintz et #8 hiway White Glintz Allan Reeve Carried. Meeting Adjourned o 10:22 P. M. Clerk Carried. "That a permit be issued to Mr. A. G. Rupp to construct a Hotel on t'ie North side of. Lundyts Lane, Lots No. 48 and 65." Carried. "That application for tourist home he granted the following: C. E. Osborne, 2376 Maranda St. L. A. Canham, 2374 Maranda St. subject to the usual inspection." Carried. "That application for Victualling license be granted Mike Procuik, 29 Portage Road subject to inspection." Carried. "That the Clerk be instructed to ascertain from Blake Erwin and Murray Watson, 0. L. Surveyor as to the probable cost of establish- ing the correct boundary lines between the Township of Stamford and the Township of Niagara and also the Village of Chippawa as per Township Engineer's report." Carried. "That we renew our efforts to get a representative from the Highway Depart- ment to come here to go over highway #20 and #8 to view the places where we feel it necessary to have stop and go or some suitable warning lights for the safety of our school children." Carried. "That the building inspector be requested 1± i Mc In Zit B+ Move bldg 8. off Arthur St dust from 9. Allan Glintz B Hydro Rd. By Glintz White Letter re: 10. White Community Hall Allan Si St National Housing 11. Glintz White Erect sign 12. White Royal Triangle Allan St. Lights, 13. White Glintz 1 $450.00 for 14. Glintz Mr Pblic roe Allan 4 a rma n D ra nt By-law 1443 15. White Hairdressing Allan to issue a building permit for a house on Arthur Street owned by Mrs. Konkos." Uouncillor White recorded his vote against resolution. Carried. "That in view of the petition from residents of Arthur Street that we ask Mrs. E. Hutcheson to move the two room build- ing off Arthur Street." Carried. "That the Clerk contact the Hydro officials by phone and if no satis- faction received from them, contact Mr. Saunders by phone and request that steps be taken immediately to eliminate the dust nuisance off their new road crossing Dunn Street at Falls View." Carried. "That a drafted letter be sent to the residents of the Wartime Housing re: the Community Hall." Carried. "That we ask the Clerk to arrange a meeting with Dr. McMillan, M.P., re: low down payment loans of 10% on a National Housing scheme here." Carried. "That the Royal Subdivision Planning Committee be given permission to erect the sign proposed on the landscaped triangle. Carried. "That we ask the Public Utilities Commission to erect lights on Althea Street. These to be installed at the discretion of the Public Utilities Commission." Carried. "That we accept $450.00 for the 5% condition Dior public purposes in respect to the Carman Brant proposed subdivision." Carried. "By -law No."1443, 1951. A By law to license regulate and given the owners of hair establishments and for revoking any such license." .Bead a third time and passed. John Burcuil 16. Glintz Junk Yard Allan Bp -law 1464 17. Allan Polling Sub. Glintz Parking by -law 18. White Stanley Avenue Allan Nowak-Ulisko 19. White Land Transfer Glintz Rental agree- 20. White ment re: Water Glintz Clark Tourist 21. Glintz License Bridge .Salvage from 22. Glintz Dump Black White Tapp Kobzey 23. Allan Transfer Glintz Hutiness with F. Hrgnecombe 24. White Glintz "That Mr. Nowak's proposal to sell Mr. Ulisko property on Churches Lane be refused and Mr. Nowak be asked to have his proposed subdivision plan registered." "That the Council disapprove of the request for Mr. J. Burcuil establishing a wrecking yard on his property on Beaver Dam Road." Carried. "By -law No. 1464, 1951. A By -law to amend By -law No. 990, 1946 as amended by By -law No. 1380, 1951." Read a first, second and third time and passed. Carried. "That we ask our solicitor to draw up a by -law to prohibit the parking of automobiles on the west side of Stanley between the intersection, of Portage Road north to Murray Street suggested by Chairman of Roads." Carried. Carried. "That we request the solicitor to draw up a rental agreement re: watermain south of the N. S. T. to Woodbine Avenue. The people on this to pay their share of the main at the rate of $0.15 per foot per year for 15 yrs. That the P. U. C. advise persons making application for water on this section that they must first sign this agreement at Township Hall before con- nection will be made." Carried. "That we grant Mrs. Clark a Tourist Camp License." Carried. "That we accept the Engineer's report re: salvage from the dump on Montrose Road and C. Black be so notified." Carried. "That we approve of the sale of a portion of Block "G" Plan No. 876 from Mr. Mrs. Frank Tapp to Mark Kobzey and wife and the Planning Board be so notified." Carried. "That we do now go into committee to discuss business with W. F..Branscombe." Carried. i Resume Council 25. White BY Business Glintz That we do arise from committee and resume council business." Adjourn August 13, 1951 26. White Glints Carried. "That we do now adjourn to meet again Monday, August 20, 1951 at the call of the Reeve." Reeve Carried. No. 50 A regular meeting of the Council was held in the Coun Chamber on Monday, August 20th, 1951 at 7:30 p.m. Present Minutes Relief General Roads Finance 1. White Glintz "That we adopt tyre minutes of last meeting as printed." 2. Sootheran Allan 3. Glintz Allan A. G. Bridge Donald Glintz W. R. Sootheran G. A. White J. N. Allan Reeve Deputy -Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Carried. Carried. "That the statement of Relief Accounts dated August 20th, 1951 as presented, be accepted and the acco,nnts be paid amounting to $1,038.36.0 Carried. 4. Allan Glintz "That the statement of General Accounts dated August 20th, 1951 as presented, be accepted and the accou is be paid amounting to $37,646.34 Carried. Glintz Allan "That the statement of Roads Accounts dated August 20th, 1951 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $13, Carried. Sootheran Allan That we adjourn as a Fina Committee and proceed with regular Council buiinesa," Carried. Min.Golf 7. Sootheran Course Glintz Gould- Leslie 6. Allan erect signs White Meet with 9. Glintz Twp. Union Allan R. W. Dawe 10. Sootheran Acting Clerk Allan "That Treasurer R. W. Dawe he appointed Acting Clerk from August 27th to September 10th, 1951, while the Clerk' is on Vacation. unopened end il. Sootheran Dixon St. White Trailers to Cam 14. White Sootheran ,Wurster 15. Soothoran Land transfer "That Mr. Crichton be granted permission for the operation of a miniature golf course and driving range on Lundy's Lane at Beechwood:= Road." Carried. "That Gould Leslie Limited be granted a permit to erect 2 standard poster display signs on south side of Thorold Stone Road lot No. 77 150 ft. from Street line." Carried. "That we agree to meet with the Stamford Township Employees union Local 425 here in the Township Hall Thursday, August 23 at 4:30 p.m." Carried. Car Le (.1 "That before anything is done to close the unopened section of Dixon St, the H.E.P.C. be contacted to see if they would waive their right to purchase and would consider exchanging the lot in question for a like area to the south, as the proposed purchaser, Mr. Ricci, is the owner of Oakes Drive Motel and wishes the land for the e erection of a $15,000 residence." Carried. Survey o8 12. White Trailers Sootheran "That the trailers in the Township of Stamford be moved into the trailer site of the H.E.P.C. and those that are not permitted to locate there be moved out of the Township within the next two weeks" Lostiei.. Trailers 13. White Sootheran "That all trailer occupants not employed by the H.E.P.C. must move out within the next two weeks,this to be enforced by the police force." Lost. "That all H.E.P.C. employees living in trailers must move into the trailer site provided aadepolice force be notified to enforce this resolution." Carried. 31 St Mc B.; Wurster t property transfer 15. Sootheran Glintz Meet with 16. Glintz B•; Rep.Dept. White of Hiways Vict.Lic :i 17. White Glintz Tourist Home 18. White Licenses Glintz Ditch on Vine St 19. Glintz Allan Creek Road 20. Bridge Moi! Glintz By -law 1466 21. Glintz Patterson Allan Subdivision Mrj S 1 Hawker 22. White ii Pedlar Lie Glintz "That the request for a transfer of property from Aubrey Wurster to his eon,Harold Wurster, be granted subject to the approval of the Planning Board." Carried. "That we notify the representative of the Dept. of Highways we can meet to view traffic conditions on Thursday, August 23rd, 1951 at the Township Hall at 5 p.m." Carried. "That we grant a victualling license to Santo Beltrame, 1840 Churches Lane subject to usual inspection." Carried. "That we grant Tourist Horne licenses to the following: Frank Voice 2 485 Maranda St. Mrs. W. J. Kent 2 959 Lundy's Lane W. Peabeyc23193L9ndy's Lane subject to usual inspection." Carried. "That this Council agree with F. A. Branscombe regarding the ditch on Vine Street as per meeting of August 13th and in accordance with the report of the Twp. Engineer." Carried. "That a strong letter be sent to the Road Committee of the Welland County Council concerning the condition of the Creek Road and suggest that the road be classified as a Class B road thus limiting the truck load to not more than 20 tons." Carried. "By -law No. 1466, 1951. A By -law to regulate the use of land and character, location and use of structures.(Jessie Patterson subdiVision). Read a first, second and third time and passed. "That the Hawker Pedlar license Bor Mrs. Sidney Smith, 1999 Keith St. will not be granted because Keith Street is in a restricted area." Carried. Adjourn Aug.20 /51 No. 51 Present Cost of 1. Living Bonus Increase N.Rvsdale 23. Sootheran 'smite "That we do now adjourn to meet Th rsd>ay at 4:30 p.m. with the Union's Employee Committee." Special Meeting of Council held in the Court Thursday, August 23rd, 1951 at 4:3 p.m. A. G. Bridge Donald Glintz W. R. Sootheran G. A. White J. N. Allan Council met with th Committee of the To Union, Number 425: Bldg.Perrnit 3. Sootheran Sep.School White Board Reeve e following members of the wnship of Stamford Employe arr Meeting adjourned Carried. Carried. Carried. Reeve Deputy -Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Negotiating es Federal Alan Dell Alec Corfield Race Green Charles Wright Richard Nicholson The Union discussed the following natters with Council: 1. A Cost of Living Bonus was requested because of the rising cost of living. 2. The Council was reminded that it had been verbally agreed that Norman Rysdale be given the sane increase as othersemployees received at the time the Union Contract was executed. Sootheran Allan "That we give further consideration to the request of the Employees Union for a Cost -of- Living Bonus and agree to meet with their representatives to hall down a decision within two weeks." 2. Sootheran Allan "That Norman Rysdale,upon the completion of his first 6 months service with the Township be given the same raise in salary that was granted other employees when the Union agreement was signed." "That we approve of a building permit being issued to the Niagara Falls Separate School Board for a 9 room school on North Street providing the specifications are satisfactory to the Building Inspector." 6't B4 Adjourn Park purposes 4. Sootheran Prest.Riven Allan "That the following amounts be ac- cepted as satisfactory for the 5% condition for public purposes for the subdivisions named hereunder: Mrs. A. Prest, File T.4298 50.00 R. M. Niven, File T.4306 400.00 Carried. Mr. Fiander, a Traffic expert of the Department of Highways, net with Council and the following traffic problems were discussed in detail with him: 1. The five roads leading into Stamford Centre. 2. The intersection of Lundy's Lane and Dorchester Road. 3. The traffic hazards the pupils from Fraser Street district are confronted with in going to the John Marshall School. 4. The approach to the Queen Elizabeth Way off Drummond Road. After the discussions the members of Council and Mr. Fiander made a tour of the Township and examined the various locations under dis- cussion. Mr. Fiander agreed to have traffic studies made at all the locations mentioned and report the circumstances to the Minister of Highways. August 23/51 No. 52 Present Minutes 1. Glintz White "That we adopt the minutes of the last regular and special meeting as printed." Carried. Tourist Homes 2. 5. Sootheran Glintz Reeve A Regular Meeting of the Council Chamber on Monday, August 27th White Allan "That we do now adjourn to meet with the Dept. of Highways representative." A. G. Bridge Donald Glintz W. R. Sootheran G. A. White J. N, Allan was held in the Cou 1951 at 1951 7:30 p.m. Carried. Meeting Adjourned Reeve Deputy -Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "That Tourist Home license be granted the following: Mrs. F. Coleman, 2542 Culp St. Roy Deline, 2549 High St. subject to usual inspection." Carried. 3. Glintz White "That we grant permission to the Community -Chest to hold a parade forming at Green's Corners and going along Lundy's Lane to Ferry Street." Vict.License 4. Com.Ch est Parade Purchase 6. Dixon St.end Bldg.Permit 7. Allan Ulisko Glintz Lights on Belmont Ave $60.00 Grant 9. Ladies' Aux. Allan Sootheran 5. White Glintz Sootheran Glintz Sootheran Allan Enforce By- 10. Sootheran Law re: Glintz Trailers Sign- entrance 11. Sootheran Queenston Allan Quarries "That a victualling license be grar.te' Albert R. Cornell, 3174 Drummond Rd. subject to tl usual iP_s j`evf, i.)n. "That the bring in erecting entrance Carried. "That as many 9Le-t or coilnil as j CS 1 le N, participate in ._<<e Community Chest parade to be held Ccto?_er 2nd, 7951." Carried. "That app1icat.tnns of thole iesiring to purchase dead eni or Dixon Sr.. be tabled until a letten is received fna on Lite matter." Carried. "That the building inspector issue a building permit to Mr. Ulisko on the property now owned by Mr. Nowak subject to the approval of the Flanning Board on the property." Carried. "That the Chairman of Light Committee investigate the possibility of erecting lights on every other pole on Belmont Avenue." Carried. White a Sootheran "That we forward /cheque for $60.00 to the Ladies' Auxiliary of Canadian Legion Brunch ff479,this being the grant for the flag." Carried. "That the Chief of Police be asked to proceed with our request to have the trailers occupied by hydro employees moved to their camp. The Chief to be advised that it is the enforcement of a Township By -law and it is not necessarg,Lo wait until the Commission meets to enforce the matter." Carried. Chairman of the Traffic Committee a report on the possibility of a sign at Queenston Quarries off Stanley St." Carried. I Sewer rental 12. Sootheran Feick White Munce Konkos Dwelling Si with Stj Falls View 21.5H Fire Dept. Hydrants, B 13. Glintz Allan 14. Glintz Allan 15. White Sootheran B law 146714627. White R. .Niven Allan "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign the following sewer rental agreements for the properties and at the rentals indicated hereunder: Samuel "iunce property at St. John St year rental of 30 years Elmer Feick property at St. John St year rental of 30 years east end of at $5.35 per for a period east end of $5.35 per for a period Carried. A delegation of residents of Arthur Street interviewed Council in respect to the Konkos dwelling at 171$ Arthur 'Street. Mr. W. C. LaMarsh was also in attendance and this building was discussed in detail. The delegation was informed that since the building permit had now been granted they did not think it possible to take any action on the matter. "That we ask Mrs. Konkos tch appear before this Council at our next regular meeting to discuss a house she is repairing on Arthur Street." C "That we meet with the Falls View'Firemen on September 1 at 5 p.m. to talk over the future of the hall at Wartime Housing." Carried. "That we ask the P. U. C. to investigate the hydrants that are creating a nuisance and take necessary steps to rectify same, this being in front the properties at the fo lloiing places, at the corner of Churchill St. and Drummond Rd, on Arthur St. in front of the home of Mr. Wm. Whitehead, and in front of the home of Mr. Bud Scott on Thorold Stone Road. If the cost of the moving of these hydrants is t� be paid by the landowners they be so notified before action is taken." Carried. By -law 1465 16. Allan Parking White "By law No. 146 1951. A By -law to prohibit parking on the west side of Stanley Avenue from the intersection with Portage Road to a point 250 feet north of the said intersection." Read a first, second and third time and passed. Carr iezi, "By-law No. 1467, 1951. A By -law to authorize the execution of an Agree- ment dated 24th, Eugust, 1951 between Robert N. Niven and the Corporation." Read a first, second and third time and passed. Sidewalks On 18. White West Side of Drummond Rd., Adj ourn Aug. 27, 1951 No. 53 Present Minutes Finance Roads General Glintz That we irai.rjct the c ontra; ..or ,r silevalka to J L•i the 3i ie a lk. the west side of Drtm'ionr Raaa the be changed to include this work." 19. Sootheran White 1. Allan Glintz 3. Allan Sootheran Sootheran Allan Carried. "T'nat we do now adjourn to m et Saturday, S 1st to 5 p.m." Reeve A. G. Bridge Donald Glintz W. R. Soothe ran J. N. Allan Carried. 11 1 A Regular Meeting of the Council was held in the "incil Chamber on Saturday, September lst, 1951 at 5 p.m. Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor "That the minutes of the meeting held on August 27th be adopted as printed." Carried. Carrie d. "That the statement of Roads Accounts dated September 1st, 1951 as presented, be accepted and the acco, is be paid amounting to $3,570.42." Carried. "That the statement of General Accounts dated September 1st, 1951 as presented, be accepted and the account be paid amounting to $107,603.41. "v Carried. Cler Meeting Adjourned MRS. KONKOS In response to letter of August 28th Mrs. Konkos appeared before Council and explained she did not think a permit necessary to make internal alterations and add insul brick to house at 1718 Arthur Street. She was not enlarging the home. She was in- formed that the Health Unit will have to approve. COMMUNITY HALL 4r. Geo. Wilson appeared in response to letter of August 28th. It was suggested that. the Firemen hold a meeting and consider making an offer for the property, including two lots and house. To meet with Council at next, Council Meeting. Mr. Wilson said he would advise the Clerk when Firemen would be ready to :meet with Council. 2. Sootheran Allan "That we go into finance committee to take up accounts." Adjourn Sept.1,1951 No. 54 Present Adjourn Sept.7 /51 13. Sootheran Allan Instructions were given tha an estimate of the cost or bonus to all union members September 1st, to be ready 14. Glintz A l la n Sootheran Glintz "That the Engineer advertise the positions of Timekeeper and truck drive- in the store -house ani 'eke the ipnointment from the most capable r;, replying, taking into considera Lion, .seniority. Tha t th e position of Maintenance Foreman be advertised at the storehouse. "That we do now adjourn to meet at the call of the Reeve. Reeve A special meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chamber on Friday, September 7th, 1951 at 7:30 p.m. A. G. Bridge Donald Glintz W. R. Soothe ran G. A. White J. N. Allan "That all employees of the Municipality be paid a cost of living bonus of $8.00 per month payable 34.00 each pay." Carried. The Engineer was asked to write the bidders in connection with Township boundary survey requesting them to reconsider their bids on the following basis: Niagara Town line from Portage Road East to the River and Chippewa Boundary from Portage Road to the River. 2. Sootheran White "That we do now adjourn to meet in regular session Monday, September 104, 1951 at 7:30 p.m." Carrie d. t a .05¢ per hour cost of living in their Departments from for next Council meeting." C d. Meeting Adjourre d Hour 1'. M. Acting Cleric Reeve Deputy -Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Carried. Meeting Adjourned H.� Y.M. SI Mc, 111 1 l 111 Relief Finance Cheques re- 7; Soothe ran turned to Allan Contractors "That a's the contractors doing local improvement work are 100% bonded, cheques deposited with the Corporation be returned." Road improve- a. ment_ pm Report on Survey Tenders Inspect Weeds Barrett Claim 5. Sootheran Glintz 6. Sootheran Glintz Sootheran Glintz 9. Soothe ran Glintz 10. Glintz Allan 11. Soothe ra n Alla n Donhcilt]here went t btenCbhatitVee resolution was passed: "That the statement of Relief Accounts dated September lat, 195 as presented, he accepted ani the accL fints be paid amounting to $334.90. "Tha t the Financ e Committee having con sid ered tte accounts and passed same, the Committee do now arise and resume the balance of agenda." "That the improvem off whe n taken." Carried. Carried. Carried. Engi neer pro teed with his Roa d ent program where it was left sub division work was under- Carried. "That Engineer be instructed to bring in a report on the tenders submitted by Blake Erwin and Barry Watson for Twp. survey at next meeting of Council." Carried. "That the Chief of Police for the Town- ship view the condition of the weeds which overhang on our sidewalks and which are soiling the clothing of those using the sidewalk." Carried. "That a copy of the letter received from •Vicary Claims re: the Barrett claim be sent to Mr. Barrett." Carried. Holman -Plilf 12. Sootheran Transfer Allan "That we approve of the transfer of a described in arletter 1McBurnney McBurney dated August 30th to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Flit. The Planning Board be so notified." Carried. btalbsoiihaleuttqwhich the following No. 55 Pr esent Minutes Corwin Cres. 2. Subdivision 1. Sootheran White Sootheran White Foreman 3. Sootheran Subdivision White Nowack Subdivision 4. Sootheran White Petition re: 5. Glintz Speeding Allan Traffic 6. Glintz Conditions Allan A Regular ?fleeting of the Council was held in tht Council Chamber on Monday, September 10th, 1951 at 7:30 p.m. A. G. Bridge Donald Blintz W. R. Sootheran G. A. White J. N. Allan Reeve Deputy -Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "That the minutes of the meeting held GI, September 1st and the Committee meeting on Sept. 7th be adopted as printed." Carried. "That we approve of the last section of the Corwin Crescent subdivision as presented by R. Blake Erwin and acept a payment of "450.00 as payment for Park purposes. The necessary agreements for sewer and water construction be signed provided a one foot reserve is provided at the end of Corwin Crescent." Carried. "That we approve the registration of ten lots of the proposed Foreman subdivision as shown on a plan presented by R. Blake Erwin and dated August 9, 1951. This resolution be forwarded to the Planning Board for their approval." Carried. "That we approve the registration of 8 lots on Church's Lane by Stanley Nowack as shown on a plan presented by R. Blake Erwin and dated September 6, 1951. That $50.00 be assessed Mr. Nowack for park purposes. The Planning Board be notified of our decision." Carried. "That the petition presented by Mr. Johnson be accepted and be turned over to Chief Worm for his personal attention.." Carried. "That the letter`from the Minister of Highways regarding traffic conditions in the Township,more especially at Stamford Centre in which he states that the Township is well taken care of in the matter of traffic lights be referred to the Chairman of Traffic Committee, with the suggestion that an interview be arranged for with the Minister." Carried. Foreman Sub, 7. $150 for park purposes Flooding on Woodland Ave Trailers Housing Grass Seed Royal Sub. 8. Sootheran 1 9. Sootheran White Glintz Allan 10. Sootheran White Bill Holjak 11. Glintz land Transfer Allan 12. Sootheran White Cave Springs 13. Sootheran Cam) Tag Day Allan "That Mr. Foreman be notified that he is to pay $150.00 for park purpcs. :i on his stTh it' _s o:? "That the Engineer invest ;L ;ate the floodiri� co ^onlitions o" 00'lanI Ave. that is�cansin so ,alfl to the resi dents ':,r tt a v' -4 to Ti:tte the condition. A copy of his report be sent to all residen:., Carried. "That as we know the Hydra Tra i is filled and that as yre <;no a It viii be 30 days before additional trailers can be taken in we ask Chief Worrn not to enforce the by -law until instructed as we now consider tese 1; living in trailers are laborers and tradesmen vital to the Hydro project." Carried. "That. the Housing situation in Stamford as a direct result of Hydro construction and increased Industrial production has reached the point where something must be doe to solve the matter. As this Council requested the area be designated an Emergency Area for Hon. -;i ng corietructibn and was turned down by the Federal`Covern- ment is soliciting the aid of the Niagara Falls City Council, the Cham'.er of Com.nerce and our Dominion representative Dr. W. H. McMillan to have the matter reopened and reconsidered." Carried. "That we grant permission to Bill Holjak to sell his property on Garner Road." Carried. "That the Engineer be instructed to purchase and deliver immediately enough grass seed to seed the Park at Royal Subdivision. The residents' Committee of the subdivision be sent a letter of commendation for the Cork they are doing in y he area and their offer to rake and seed the park." Carried. "That permission be granted Cave Springs Carnp for bad :lholding of a Tag Day on November 3, 1951." Carried. P -1 3 I Reroute Stamford Centre Bus Kister Rd. 15. Glantz Bus Service Bridge By -law 1468 16. Glintz Stop up Sts. White Kennedy Property Adiourn 14. Glantz Bridge 17. Glintz White "That the Clerk be instructed to com- municate with the N. S. T. Railway to see if it would be possible to reroute the Stamford Centre bus from morrison Street along Portage Road to Morden Drive, thence to Stanley Street, and continuing with their present route. This chanbe is asked for as the Bus fro 0 St. Catharines generally follows behind the Stamford Centre Bus and it adopted would give a much better service to the Oaklawn district." Ayes: Glantz, Allan, Bridge Nayes: White, Sootheran. Carried. "That the Clerk be instructed to adcertain from the N. S. T. Railway if it would be possible to have the Kister Road bus which invariably has a •ait of about ten minutes at the Kister Road to make a trip up the road, thus saving the people a long r:alk to catch the bus on its return trip to the corner of Main Street." Carried. "By -law No. 1468, 1951. A By -law to stop up portions of Church's Lane V. Victoria Avenue (First Concession) Thompson Road and a side road from Thompson Road to the northerly limit of the Hydro Electric Power Commission lands in Township Lot No. 2." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "That since Portage Road from Thompson Road to Niagara line w as originally a given Road and since the Township of Stamford a few yearsago had this road surveyed in order to determine which properties should be given t6..establish ±t,•a 0 foot roadh•and sinciPmesf ofnthe_v pro been'giNenoafter $hiead urvey, that we grant rMr,• :Victor: Kennedyt petnlission tbraeilnapifroitidetel:p 100Fleet,n'oflhjs proptety to.Reland.. J.- and.sChi•istinasilipBilon ofiaNiageraoFa3 ,3's1prdvided'rMri Kennedyidedds to WtepTownshipstnatiportjio of laddnin front difrthee:landdhetpreposesi.to $eat ifieerder to widenePti tagei-$oad sat t :tlaighpoinet:tor66hfeet. deed. "The Township will pay the cost of the deed. Carried. 18. Sootheran Allan "That we do now adjourn to meet again on Saturday afternoon, September 15 at 5 p.m." Carried. 9. Albert Adams Robert Hilts M. Wagner G. Stacey Engineer's 19. Sootheran Staff Glintz Sept.10 /51 ho. 56 Present Minutes ReDatz Gara;sq 4. Committee Meeting following regular Council Meeting of September 10th, 1951. It was decided to meet with City Council Hall on Thursday, September 27th at 8:00 Council to be reminded of the meeting by Following advertisement authorized at Committee Meeting of September 1st the Engineer recommended the following appointments effective September: loth: 1 'White Glintz Maintenance Foreman Time Keeper Salary Truck Driver lct Truck Driver 2nd "That we accept the recommend-. tions of the Engineer on the appointment to his staff." I Reeve A. e >ridse Donald Glints: J. Allan W. R. Sootheran G. A. White "That we adopt the ;air as printed." in the Township p.m.(Members of phone on September 2400.00 per annum Carried. Meeting Adjourned Hour P. M. heevo Depati Reeve co ..tc_11or L ,ot: 0illo1 Jcancillor 'cting Cl su1ar keel, lld of t,lie Jounell was held in the .:,i i on :Saturday, deptomooi :5 h, 1)4, at t es of tit3 last mee.t Carried. Motel A petition from the rosfie=:Ls in the vicinity of tale intersection of Lundy's Lane and Eyng Avenue was received W_rerein the pro- posed erection of a hotel or motel at this intersection was pro- tested. It was ordered that the matter be referred to our Solicitor for a report. Victualling 2. White Glintz "That we grant the application for a victualling license to Peter Cerautola, 242 Drummond load, subject to usual inspection." Carried. Cbholan Ave. 3. Sootheran Glintz "That the Engineer be instructed to proceed with the construction of Coholan avenue as soon as possible as F. A. Branscombe has paid the required: amount." Carried. Sootheran Glintz "That Phillip Symond be granted permission to operate a repair garage at the corner of Frederica and Glenholme Avenue." Carried. Pheasant Licenses house Hairdresser License Cemetery Boundary Lin Sootheran Allan "That pheasant licenses for resident and non resident hunters be the sane as last season." 7. Soot's_eran Allan ti. Sootheran Allan 9. Glintz While 10. Glintz White "'That the Reeve, Engineer and Chairman of Cemeteries attend the Cemetery Convention at the General Brock Hotel, October 17th, 13th, 19th, year 1951." 11. Sootheran Glintz "That this Council vigorously protest the pro- posed increase in telephone rates to be instituted by the Bell Telephone Company as of October 1st, 1952. The clerk to point out that the rapid rise in costs of this essential service is working a distinct hardship on those who subscribe to theii services." 12. Sootheran Allan "That we petition the Provincial Government for interim payment of the statutory grant under the Highway Improvement Act on expend- itures made in tiro year 1)51 between January 1st 1951, to Hugest list, 1951, in the amount of :;79,734.33." Carried. "That Wilbert Bray be advised that Council is not considering the sale of their property on Sylvia Place at the present time, but if and when they decide to dispose or the property his offer will be given further consideration." Carried. "That the letter from Chief Worn re traffic conditions involving children ateending J' n Haraha11 School be referred to the Police Com- mission with recommendation that i:.i :iediate action be taken to place officers at the sections ,mentioned." Carried. "That the application for a hairdresser's from Violet hiller be considered and the inspection be made before the license is Carried. Carried. Carried. "That we accept the tender of R. Blake Erwin for establishing the boundary line between the Town- ship of Stamford and Township of Niagara at a tender price of $825.00 being the lowest tender submitted, providing Niagara Township agrees to pay 500 of the cost." Carried. license usual granted.• "That we do now adjourn to meet Monday, Sept, 24th at 7 ;30 p,m,"' Carried. Se No. 57 Present Minutes Relief Roads Fire Truck Chassis A regular meeting of the Oo:ncii Chamber on Monday, Septe,rrber 24th, A. G. Bridge Donald Glintz W. R. Sootheran G. A. White J. N. Allan 1. Allan White 2. Glintz White 3. White Allan General 4. White Sootheran 5. Sootheran Glintz :ieeve s held in the Council 1951 at 7:30 p.m. Reeve Deputy -Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor A letter dated September 21st, 1951 from Township Solicitor advised Council £6 1ssue a building permit for the proposed hotel at the corner of Lundy's Lane and Byng Avenue. In view of the solicitor's advice it was decided to take no action on a petition received from the residents of that area pro- testing the erection of a hotel at that location. It was further decided that resolution number 2 passed August l3tk authorizing the issue of a building permit would apply. "That the minutes of the meeting held September 15th be adopted as printed." Carried. "That the statement of Relief Accounts dated September 15th, 1951 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $976.98." Carried. "That the statement of Roads Accounts dated September 15th, 1951 as presented, be ccepted and the accounts be paid amounting o $11,287.71." Carried. "That the statement of General Accounts dated September 15th, 1951 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting /to *164,817.74." Carried. "That the Clerk write Bouck Sons informing them their account is $147.00 over the firm bender for the fire truck chassis and it will not be paid unless a satisfactory explanation is forthcoming." Carried. Carried. ie--- F. Benson 6. Sootheran Bldg Permit White "That the building inseector be instructed to give a building permit to F. Benson for t, the erection of an addition to his business at the corner of Badger Road and Montrose Road." 1; �!a �71 i; Rescind Sec.2 By -law 1416 Aubrey Wurster 8. Glantz land transfer Allan Clerk to City 9. Sootheran Court of Rev;- Allan Cemetery house 10. White t55 a month Sootheran "That a lease be drawn up for 2 yrs to rent the entire cemetery house to Mrs. Ballantyne, a rent of $55.00 a month." Caswell St. for Gardenink Manley land transfer 7. Sootheran White Sootheran White "That as by -law No. 1416 which prohibits the building of further motels until the end of the current year has served the purpose for which it was intended, to wit, to slow down constriction, it be now rescinded. This action is taken to give those who contem;,late building such units after January 1st, 1952, the opportunity to start construction before frost sets in. That the building inspector be instructed to issue building permits to John Turner and John Strange for the erection of motels providing they meet the building requiremenLs." Carried. "That we recommend approval to the Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Plann- ing Board that Aubbey Wurster be granted permission to sell part of Township Lot No. 168 having a frontage of 100 feet on larner Road by a depth of 218 feet to his son. That the resolution passed by Council August 20th, 1951 be rescinded because of a difference in description." Carried. "That the Clerk represent the munici- pality at the Court of Revision of the City of Niagara Falls, October 2nd in respect to the exemption of a portion of the land recently purchased at the rear of the hall." Carried. Carried. "That Geo. W. Caswell be granted per "mission to use a portion of Caswell Street for a garden until such a time as it is needed by the corporation." Carried. 12. Allan Sootheran "That Mrs. Nellie Manley be granted permission to sell half of her property namely, 40 feet by 300 feet on west side of Kalar Road and the Planning Board be so notified of this Council's decision." Carried. Sell Cominunity 13. White Hall 'Falk:•. Sootheran View Firemen Parking Lot 14. Soctheran rear of Hall Allan Hairdresser's 15. Scotheran License Allen Chamber.of 16. White Commerce Hcus- Sootheran ins Committee By -law 1470/51 17. Allan Jones Subs White By -law 1469/51 19. White Tabaka Sub, Allan "That we sell the EL,]_, 2109 Cadham Street situated on lots 19, Plan 71 and lot #86 '7r:n 72 for tie sum of t20 .00 to 1..1 :0 fa. s ViEW Firemen." Carried. "That the South End Businessmen be granted permission to u;;e the Lini recently acquired at the rear of the hall for parking purposes. The solicitor to draw up an agreemeirt, t etv;een the parties pointing out that it can be terminated at any time by Council." Carried. "That Hairdresser's licenses be granted Janina Frances Scibik and Mrs. Violet Hiller providing they meet the require a.en of t he by- law. That a notation as outlined in a letter from our solicitor he included in the granting of the license." Carried. "That we authorize the clerk to attend the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce housing committee to be held September 25th, 1951 at 4 o'clock." Carried. "By -law No. 1470, 1951. A By law to regulate the use of land and character, location and use of structures (Henry Jones Subdivision)." Read a first, second and third time and passed. By -law 1471/51 18. Sootheran HEPc disposal Allan "By -Law No. 1471, 1951. A By -law to Rd. authorize the crossing of Stanley Avenue by a private disposal road of the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "By law No. 1469, 1951. A By law to regulate the use of land and character, location and use of structures." (Peter Tabaka Subdivision) Read a first, second and third time and passed. Advertise for 20.. Sootheran Assessor's Allan "That the Clerk be instructed to advertise Assistant for an assistant to the Assessor due to the resignation of Mr. Norman Rysdale." Carried. St. Lights Crosswell Property_ Adjourn Sept.24, 1951 Minutes 1 Trees �'li Mr. Bg nans 21. Sootheran Allan 22. White Sootheran "That we request install a light Dorchester Road existing lights Lundy's Lane on same." 23. White Sootheran No. 58 A regular meeting of the Council was Chamber on Monday, October 1st, 1951 Present A: G. Bridge Donald Glintz W. R. Sootheran G. A. White J. N. Allan 1. Sootheran Glintz 3. Sootheran Allan "That the Engineer proceed with the construction of Coholan Avenue by October 1st and at its completion continue with repairs to other roads," the P. U. C. to on the east side of between the two at the end nearest the south side of Carried. Carried. "That we recommend to the Planning Board that before this request is granted that Mrs. Crosswell provide a 66' road entrance to the Hoch and Lundy property." Carried. 24. Allan Sootheran "That we do now adjourn to meet Monday, October 1st at 7:30 p.m." Carried. Meeting Adjourned our 1S 00 P. M. held in the Council at 7 :30 p.m. Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "That the minutes of the last meeting be adopted as printed." Carried. Vict.Lic nse 2. Sootheran Glintz "That a victualling license be granted Ireton's Drug Store, 24$ Portage Road North subject to usual inspection." Carried. That the request of Mr. Bsw:nans to remove trees from in front of his property on Lundy's Lane be referred to the Dept. of Highways for action with our recommendation that he be given some consideration." Carried. along .E.Hiwa ndolence ended plan nt ra l Mort e Subdiv. 4. Sootheran Glintz st of Living 5. Sootheran nus- Police White treet Li 6, White Sootheran ongratulate 7. Sootheran seball Clab Allan 8. Glintz Allan ublic Saran 10. Sootheran Allan 11. White Glintz "That Logan and Logan be informed that the muncipality is not interested in securing a 6.6 ft. strip alone the Queen Elizabeth Jay from Mr. Punter or ,i pros pective purchaser for Road purposes eld if there is any desire on th p; rt of the purchaser or Mr. Punter fur tee ai t o r a road, now or L r l t e r e, It lest be done in the same manner as oz`-er subdividers." Carried. "That the cost of living bonus recently paid Municipal Employees be extended to include the members of the Police Department." earrted "That we request the Public Utilities Come to install four lights on Garner Road south of Thorold Stone Road. The lights to be placed where they will do the best for the tenants." Carried. "That letters )f congratulations be sent Mr. Bob Linnenbank, Manager of the Ford Baseball Club and Mr. B. L. Walker, sponsor, for their good work in taking the local club, many of the players, who are Stamford residents, to the Ontario Senior Baseball finals," Carried, "That letters of condolence be sent to the families of the late J. J. Kelley and to the Mitchell family." Carried. y law 1472 9. Allan end #1416 Sootheran "By -law No. 1472, 1951. A By -law to repeal Section 2 of By -Law Number 1416, 1951 amending By -law Number 1292, 1950." Read a first, second and t'ird time and passed. "That a public garage license be granted J. Ference and O. Minov, 2033 Thorold Stone Road." Carried, "That we approve of the amended plan of Central Mortgage and Housing Subdivision of part Twp. Lots 161 and 172 subject to the usual conditions." Carried. :sr, JO Traffic Lights 12. Sootheran Stamford Cents: White Mrs. Mewburn Land Transfer Adjourn Oct.lst, 1951 Minutes Finance Relief 13. White Glintz 14. Sootheran Allan A regular Meeting of the Council Chamber on Tuesday, October 9th, A. G. Bridge Dorald Glintz W. R. Sootheran J. N. Allan 1. Allan Glintz 2. Glintz Allan Glintz Allan Allan Glintz That W. L. Houck, our representative in the Provincial Legislature be asked to intercede on behalf of Stamford to try and persuade the Dept. of Highways to inst:,l1 Traffic lights at Stamford Centre." Carried. "That we recommend to the Planning Board the selling of one acre of land by Mrs. Percy Mewburn." Carried. "That we do now adjourn to meet Tuesday, October 9th at 7:30 p.m," Reeve Carried. Meeting Adjourned H.ur P. M. Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor "That the minutes of the meeting held October 1st be adopted as printed." Carried. "That we do now arise to sit as a finance committee." Carried. Carried. "That the statement of General Accounts dated October 9th as• presented, be accepted and the accounts le paid 'amounting to _126.7,407.86. Glintz Allan That the statement of Relief Accounts dated October 9th as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $47.90." Carried. "That the statement of Roads accounts dated October 9th, 1951 as presented, V f be accepted and the accounts he paid amounting to $4,$54.80." Carried. Finance Bldg Permit V. Takach Hospital Condolence W. S. Martin Tabaka Sub. Watermains Barber Lic. Apple_ Day Clerk for Assess.Dept. 6. Scctheran Allan 7. Sootheran Allan 8. Sootheran Allen 9. Bridge Glintz 10. Sootheran Glintz 11. Glintz Allan 12. Sootheran Allan "That we adjourn as a Finance Committee and proceed with regular council business." Carried. "That Victor Takach be grnnted a permit for the erection of a grocery and butcher shcp at 2345 Lundy's Lane, providing it meets with the requirements of the building code." Carried. Mr. M. F. Jones and Miss Judy LaMarsh presented a letter from the Board of Governors of the Greater Niagara General Hospital requesting the Council to submit a question to the electors of Stamford at the December election to determine if they are in favour of the Township azsuming an expenditure of ¶819,000,00 for a new hospital to be located on the Scott property at the intersection of Portage Road and Morrison Street. "That the necessary steps be made to present the Hospital Building Ey -law to the electors of the municipality at the December elections as outlined by M. F. Jones at tonight's meeting." Carried. "That the Clerk be instructed to send a letter of condolence to W. S. Martin, K. C. and family on his recent bereavement." Carried. "That the necessary steps be taken to assure the construction of the watermains for the Peter Tabaka Subdivision as the work is being paid ty the subdivider." Carried. "That the application for Barber Shop license from Albert R. Cornell, 3174 Drummond Road be granted subject to the usual inspection." Carried. "That the Boy Scout Association he granted permission for Apple Day Saturday, October 20th." Carried. 13. Sootheran Glintz "That the assessor be empowered to hire Herbert E. Bennett as a clerk in his office at a starting salary of 42200 per annum." Carried. p 1• Rock from Tunnel Sympathy Puppy Fund Tag Dav I Report re: Woodland Blvd 14. Glintz Allan 15. Soctheran Allan Congratulations 16. Sootheran Rosbergs Store Allan Wills transfer 17. Allan refused Glintz 18. Glintz Sootheran Hairdressing 19. Sootheran EEstab.License Allan 20. Sootheran Allan "That as we have had many requests for fill from Township ratepayers and as there will be rock from the Hydro Cannel that could be used as fill. Therefore, we request our engineer to take the necessary steps with the Hydro to make arrangements, that may be suitable to all parties concerned." Carried. "That the Clerk be instructed to send a letter of sympathy to the family of the late Thomas Parsons, Stamford Centre." Carried. "That a letter of congratulations be sent Rosbergs Ltd. on the occasion of their 32nd Anniversary and opening of a new, enlarged store." Carried. "That the application of E. G. Wills for permission to sell 2 properties on Riall Street be not approved and we recommend that a plan be registered for his property." Carried. "That the request from Mr. A. C. McCallum re: Poppy Fund Tag Day be granted." Carried. "That a Hairdressing Establishment License be granted Isobel Candlish, 2397 Ker Street subject to the usual regulations and inspection." Carried. "That a copy of th Engineer's report on flooding conditions on Woodland Blvd. be sent all residents in the area concerned, with a notation that we will immediately reduce the size of catbh basin connections and next year will recommend that the cost of a relief sewer be included in the 1952 budget." Carried. Housing Com. 21. Sootheran C of Commerc$ Glintz By -law 1446 22. Sootheran Allan "By-law No. 1446, 1951. A by-law to authcrize execution: by the Corporation of an agreement between the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario and the Corporat ion of the Toy •nship of Stamford respecting ar easement for sewer and water main crossing transmission line right -of -way on Lot 158, Township of Stamford, Corwin Crescent subdivision" Read a first, second and third time and passed. By -law 1,47k 23. Sootheran Glintz "By -law No. 1L74, 1951. A By -law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Charles J. Brass and Claude E. Braes." Read a first, second and third time and passed. By -law 1475 24. Allan Branchard Ed Sootheran "By -law No. 1475, 1951. A By law to dedicate and name Branchard Road." Read a first, second and third time and passed. By -law 1476 25. Glintz Com Hall Allan By -law 1473 26. Glintz Sidewalk Sootheran Woodland Blvd Adjourn 27. Sootheran Glintz "That the Chamber of Commerce Honsir:g Commission he commended for their zeal and efforts on behalf of the Housing situation in the area. That they keep up the good work and this Council will be only too glad to co- operate in any -t manner p6ssihle." Carried. "By -law No. 1/76, 1951. A By -law to autiorize the execution by the Corpora- tion of an Agreement between the Falls View Hose Brigade and the Corporation of the Township of Stamford respecting the conveyance of lot No. 19, Flan No. 71 and lot No. 86, Plan No. 70." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "By -law No. 1473, 1951. A By -law to authorize the construction of a sidewalk on Woodland Boulevard as a local improvement under the provisions of the Local Improvement Act." Read a first and second time. "That we do now adjourn to meet Friday at 7:30 p.m. to discuss the matters recently laid before us by the City of Niagara Falls." Carried. Meeting Adjourned i6 ii No. 60 Present Brief re: Meeting with City Council Adjourn Oct. 12/51 No. 61 Present A Special Meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chamber on Friday, October 12th, 1951 at 7:30 p.m. 2. Sootheran Allan A. G. Bridge Donald Glintz W. R. Sootheran G. A. White J. N. Allan Reeve A Regular Meeting of the Council Chamber on Monday, October 15th, A. G. Bridge Donald Glints W. R. Soothers G. A. White J. WA Allan,: Reeve Deputy -Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor The meeting was called for the purpose of studying the submissions of the Niagara Falls City Council presented to Stamford on September 27th, 1951. 1. Sootheran Allan "THAT the Engineer be empowered to prepare a brief to be presented at a meeting with the City of Niagara Falls, October 19th. That the brief be so compiled to sho:•i we are not pre- pared to enter into an agreement to share the cost of a shaft at the corner of Valleyway and Stanley as it is our opinion that it is no benefit to us at the present time. If at a future date the City is forced to construct a plant for sewage treatment, Cog,noil is agreeable to further negotiation. In the matter of garbage disposal we will discuss a proposal to have the city construct a disposal plant at our site. In the matter of Civic Buildings, the Council is of the opinion that our facilities, with recent renovations and land acquisitions are adequate. The Clerk to enlarge on this phase of the question. When the question of a Public Library grant is considered for 1952, Council will give serious consideration to a more equalized contribution. Insofar as Hydro grants are concerned, this Council is agreeable at anytime to join with the City in opening negotiations with the Hydro." Carried. "That we,do now adjourn to meet Monday, October 15th at 7 :30 p.m." Carried. Meeting Adjourned n was held in the Council 1951 at 7:30 p.m. Reeve ..Deputy -Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "That the minutes of the meeting held the 8th October;,be adopted as printed." Carried. Barber Shop 2. Licenses Viet. Lic 3. White Allan Allan White "That we grant the following barber shop licenses: Floyd Mills, 2245 Lundy's Lane Robt. Keighan, 2515 Portage Rd. Orville LeLand Caughili, 15 Portage Rd. N. subject to the usual inspections." Carried. "That Victualling licenses be issued to P. G. Smith, 3572 Lundy's Lane Alvin B. Fry, 2303 Lundy's Lane subject to the usual inspection." Carri ed. l Glover Land 4. Sootheran Transfer Allan "That Mr. Mrs. John B. Glover be 1 Restricting by -law on Arthur St. Unveiling Portrait Inspect Shack on Arthur St. 7. Ad.iourn A delegation of residents from Arthur Street protested concerning the type of construction of a building on the South side of Arthur Street, which is apparently owned by Mrs. Hutcheson. Mrs. Hutcheson and her relative, Mr. Hartley, informed Council of what they propose to do with this building and the property. The Council explained that the building had been condemned and that they would not allow any person to occupy the building. 5. Sootheran Glantz "That.the necessary by -laws be prepared to restrict the south side of Arthur Street between Stanley St. and a point 450 ft, easterly from the easterly limit of Portage Road as requested by a petition signed by the necessary number of residents of the area and outlined in the petition presented to Council." granted permission to transfer a parcel of land to their son -in -law and daughter, Mr. Mrs. Arthur Ellerbeck on O'Neil' Street as outlined in a letter from McBurney$ McBurney dated October 13th, 1951. The Planning Board be notified of our decision." Carried. Carried Sootheran Allan "That as many members of Council as possible attend the unveiling of the portrait of the late Hon. Humphrey Mitchell in Welland as the former Minister of Labor contributed much to the community during the years he so well represented the riding." White Glantz Glints White Carried. "That we request the Stamford Centre ,x firement; to inspect the shack under question on Arthur Street and that he contact Reeve Bridge before doing so." Carried. „That we do now adjourn to meet at the call of the Reeve." Carried. d14 A Regular Meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chamber on Monday, October 22nd, 1951 at 7 :30 p.m. A. G. Bridge Donald Glintz W. R. Sootheran G. A. White J. N. Allan Reeve Deputy -Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "That the minites of the last two meetings be adopted as printed." "That we do now adjourn to go into Committee of Finance." "That the statement of Relief Accounts dated October 22nd, 1951 as presented, he accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to t Carried. "That the statement of General Accounts dated October 22nd, 1951 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $14,407 59: "That the statement of Roads Accounts dated October 22nd, 1951 as presented, be accepted and the accpu nts be paid a amounting to $6,233.11V" Carried. "That we do now arise as a Finance Committee toss &t as a Council." Carried. "That The letter from the Solicitor for Mr. Hartley be filed." Carried. "That Bert Kennedy be granted permission to sell a 3 acre lot, part lot #35 front- ing on Montrose Road subject to the approval of the Planning Board." ,Carried, Punter Transfer Hiway Dept. Tile Ditch "That Mr. T. J. Goodman he granted permiss for to se11 a portion of their land on Althea Street providing they agree to pay Mr. Gallinger a sum equal to his costs for Road Constriction on the portion of the 1:nd in ouest.ior,. That the restri ctions in effect on the Gallinger subdivision, be included in the lots in question, 54 ret. tc be nid, Si.` fr•c',. 1.O be re n.,.,'d for Hle'i r The Planning; to be so notified." "That we grant permission to Mr. Bertram, George Punter to sell part lot 51 to Mrs. Walter Banasik subject to the approval of the Town Flanrllt, Board." "That the Department of Highways be asked to ti le the ditch which fvnc throu»i Jot LL, El "ja. Fnrkwav, Th Clerk to point out that the resi de' is of the area will fill, grade and lands:`apo the lot if this is ticnn. condition the ditch serves to take water fr<rn the Jneen Elizabeth ay atd is a breeding ground for Mosquitoes and is a menace to the health of the Correcat_t' "That we request the Welland County Good Roads Committee to meet this Council as soon as possible as we have county roads that must be repaired." "By -law No. 1t79, 1951. A By -law to restrict the area hereinafter mentioned." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "That we rescind the resolution for bus'service on Morden Drive as there a strong petition against this bus service and as I moved the previous resolution I take pleasure in moving this one." "That, the necessary by law be prepared re: appointing Mrs. H. Lamb, Stewart Moore and Don Bracken to the Arena Board. That new members Jack and Godfrey Shrimpton be named to fill the vacancies on the Board. That letters of appreciation be forwarded from this Council to'Joe Rosberg and A. G. Peckham, for their two years of service to the Community as conscientious workers. tor the Arena during their tenure of Wine. Parking Lot 15. Glintz White !'.'oodbi ne Drainage Blash -Batik 17. Mite Transfer Glintz By -law 1422 1$. Glantz Brant Sub. Sootheran "By -law No• 1477, 1951. A By-law to regulate the use of land and character, location and use of structures." (Carman Brant Subdivision). Read a first, second and third time and passed. Adjourn October 22/51 No. 63 Present 16. (flirt?, White 19. Sootheran White Reeve A regular Meeting of the Council Chamber on Monday, October 29th, A. G. Bridge Donald Glantz W. R. Sootheran G. A, White J.: N. "Resolved that that part of the lands on Sylvia Place purchased by the Corporat.iori from the Biggar Estate which is not used with and appurtenant to the dwelling house thereon, may be used by the South End Business Mens Association and their customers as a parking lot, without charge, until noti ce to the contrary shall he given by the Council to tie South End Business Mens Association; AND permission is granted to the said licensee to grade the said lands and to maintain thereon a solid base for the parking of motor vehicles." Carried. "That as tdere has been little or no ditching :lone in the Woodbi ne area this summer as was promised by the land owners we ask our Engineer to once again view the situation and bring in a report which may show improvement on the poor drainage system in that section." Carried. "That we recommend to the Planning Board the transfer of part of Township lot #77 from Mr. J. Blash to Mrs. John Batik." Carried. "That we do now adjourn to meet at 4 :30,1;,Thursday, October 25 with representatives of the City Council of the City of Niagara Falls." Carried. Meeting Adjourned was held in the Council 1951 at 7 p.m. Reeve Depflty -Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor a o 1 Mr. E. D. Dudley, District Manager, Cities, Service Cil Coiranv of Yonge St.re' »t, Toronto in company with J'r. W. C. Sifter, iln Her St Catharines and Niagara District, presented ieeve A. Charcoal portrait of himself, drawn dv Egbert C. Heed a Caada:n Artist.. Mr. Dudley in raking the pre_e tatior explained t.}at, the presentalion ofothe portrait was on behalf of the citizens of Stamford to the Reeve and was the follow up to a programme their co'n Fre:..e-ted on their Radio programme "Ontario Marches On" in which :Thornton! Township was featured. Reeve Fridge expressed his ar1re.iaticr, of the portrait and thanked the Company for featuring cur Township in their Radio programme. Minutes 1. Sootheran White Cemetery Moose 2. Calaguiro Subdivision Viet. License Proposed Subdivision Roads in 6. Brooks Sub. Grant to Hockey Club Sootheran `:hate 3. Sootheran Glantz 4. Sootheran White 5. Glantz Sootheran White Glantz "That the minutes of 11 e la: -t. r:eoti iii; to adapted as i- iii n' i.ed Carried. "That the report of the Chairman of froperty in retard to the Cemetery Hou e be accepted and work recorr-endei carried out immediately." Carried. "That the plan of the proposed Calaguiro Subdivision on Mountain Road he tabled for one week to enable the Council to look over the land and far the subdivider to ascertain from the H.E.P.C. whether or not they will permit houses to be built on the lots where their transmission lies cross." Carried. "That a victualling license be granted Miss Jeanne Hamilton subject to the usual inspection." Carried. "That we approve of the draft plan of the proposed subdivision, Fart of Block D, Plan 2483, part. of Tovnship lot No. 2I6 of the Township of Stamford." Carried. "That we authorize the Engineer to contact Harvey Construction and see if he can build the roads in Brooks Subdivision at the cost estimated. I.f this can be built at the price paid by Mr. Branscombe, the Engineer be authorized to let the contract to Harvey Construction to do this work." Carried. Sootheran White "That a grant of $100.00 be given the Stamford Junior "B" Club to aid in the formation of a team in the Township." Carried. ij Mewburn Transfer Accident on McLeod Q.E White Glintz Curb Speeding, 10. Glintz White By -law 1481 White Borrow money 12. Glintz Sootheran Glintz 11. Glintz Sootheran "Ey -law author. i waterma local i of The a fi rst "That we recommend approval of the sale of a 3 acre parcel of property in Lot 27 fronting Mountain Road from Mrs. Mewburn and the Flanging Board be so notified. This approval given as requested by McBurney, McBurney and Durdan in their letter of October 25th, 1951." Carried. "That in view of the serious accident at the corner of McLeod Rd. and the Q. E. Highway we ask the Dept. of Hi_ghr :-ay and the County Council to investigate this corner and install stop and go lights. This corner has always been a hazard and with the traffic increasing it is becoming more so." Carried. "That we ask Chief Worm to instruct his men who are patrolling in the Police cars to check the speed of traffic on Dorchester Road from the Q. E. Highway to Lundy's Lane, Barker St. and Kitchener Street." Carried. No. 1480, 1951. A By -law to <e the construction of a in on Beaverdam Road as a mprovernent under the provisions Local Improvement Act." Read and second time. "By law No. 1481, 1951. A By law to provide for the borrowing of money pending sale of debentures." R„ad a first, second and third time and passed' By -law 1482 13. Sootheran Hospital Mite "By -law No, 1482, 1951. A By -law to provide for taking the votes of the electors entitled to vote on money by -laws on the fallowing question: "Are you in favour of the Township of Stamford raising by debentures the sum of 4819,000.00; and donating the same to the Greater Niagara General Hospital conditthonal upon the City of Niagara Falls so donating $1,053,000,00 and the Village of Chippawa so donating 478,000,00 and the said Hospital tetfig :;b. publlo prrbairiptiontarminimum or44oGri9o0.00 and the said Hospital erecting a new Hospital to cost not less than 42,500,000.00 Read a first, second and third time and passed. By -law 1478 14. Glintz Lease 3467 LL White By'-law 143 15. Glintz Railway Agree- White "fly -inw No. 11,83 1 A Hy -law to rsent execute r.,i?r:} ,r,.. Head first- ecC:r:r' urci third tine ;:ac gas City to remove sirrn VanAlstine Remove Trees Adjourn Oct. 29/51 No. 64 Present Minutes 16. Glintz White "That we recn2est the Cit:v of Niagara Falls to move the in or L Lane to tie East side of Dru or(! Road a this si which states the population of the City is obst.ruet.ir:L- r fire hydrant," 17. Allan. Sootheran Reeve 1. Sootheran Allan "By -law No. 1478, 1957. A fly-law N' to authorize the exeuct ion: },y the Corporation of 1eSA in f ,gong of Mrs. Evelyn F. M. r:rtvnp "o, the proper'' F. .ihed as 316 Lur:dv'c Lane." Read a fita;t., second and third time and pass-mod, A. G. Bridge Donald Glintz `;nothcr G. A. White J. N. Allan Carried. "That. Mr, Wm. \ranAlst 1 ne t e granted permis:.•icr to have poplar trees removed from in front of his property ccmrer of Buchanan St. and Dixon, at no cost to the Township." Carried. C.N.R.Crossinn 18, Glintz White "That the Reeve and Clerk be auth sign Hydro- Electric flans No. S. Oct. 11, )951 and S. D. 3501 da 1951 on behalf of the Corrora Township of Stamford ap }:roving o plans for the installation of pr flashing lights and warning tell crossings of the C. N. Railway o Stanley Street and C Lane Carried. 19. Sootheran Glintz "That we do now adjourn to meet Monday, November 5, 1951 at 7:30 p.m." Carried. Meeting Adjourned H.ur F. M. IA `i A Regular Meeting or the Council was held in the Council Chamber' on Monday, November 5th;, 1951 at 7:30 p.m. Reeve D°puty -Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Thaat the minutes or tit, ]aat mee=tin be adopted as printed." Carried. era, orized to D. 3503 dated ted Oct. 11, not the f the said otec'i i v at two ver n C erk F. 0 P: N 1I Finance I C one 1 Finance L C. C1 Cheque re- turned to T3ransco ice 7• 2. Ali..: Ben Gallon 10. White Collect Junk Glintz we t9 ;c.•..r to e Finance to pass accounts." Car 3. hi,t.o Abell "T- et i, stet. event 23li=, Jaited is e. 5th 1 bn accepted. 1 Le annntats Le 4•lf.r u� 5. 3Piite .lintz 4 10 tie A113 6 Glints White Glintz S. Sootheran White 9. Sootheran Allan "That t,ne s Ye t?ment. or Tina is 1c "o dated November 5th, 1951 as presented be accepted and the acco� t- paid amoont,in6 i s i. 1.7r? rt uar,- ic t te:nent oi' General :Acceants d a t e d No vevl ti' n _.i 1 t' acco'i2 be p id -1 amounting to :3'39 ,342.90." Cernd rr ea "T, e d "That arise frov Finance a 7'i Lte8 to resent basin-b._ or Council." "That d t -c grant ictna.. ng Unense to 'r M 1i;nn Rajcetjca!, Uncle San's Hotel Subject to usual 11iz'peCl, lii.:. r• "That the Public Utilities be asked to instal a light on Dorchester Road between Spence and Barker Streets,;0 also.at corner of 3t. Peters and Colborne Street." Carried. "Th.lt the cheque received last week fro n F. A. BraNsco,nbe he returned ds it i3 impossible to build the road at the present.time." Carried. "That we grant Mr. Ben Gallon per mission to collect junk in Stamford to be resold to dealers and the Welland County Council be so. notified." (No storage of junk in own yard) Carried. fleet with Housing Co!-ni tee 1 1. Sow:: Calaguiro 12. Sooti'0 it.e Subdivision Central Mort 'age Housing dorp.Subdiv.is. 13. Sootheran 01l.ntz Sewer Uent.al 14. Sootheran Routes Allan Monroe Land 15. Sootheran Transfer By -law 145 16. Sootheran Brans Sub. Allan By-law 14$6 17. Glintz Divert portion White Whirlpool Road By -law 14$7 18. Allan Agreement: with White Branscombe meet it, the Committee c e r f.. 30 "Th. the pla❑ rot CH ru .9b- di inn :sniff is be ;,pp:.,,V, Ljedt or t. .2 .i- an:�;_ 3.ar1 "Ttat. t 3 Clerk .r. u.j ..i S oval 530 :'l 3.)(. "That the itenv° :,1 Clerk be auYi crized to sin a sewer :'ent.:.__ aI.L i<al oJieS to p1')Ti_ sewer a rll:_a Carroll_ Aqen The is i ro be 3.80 per r for a period Dr 15 Ve Carried. Allan "That we re Co'q': er approval to the Planning Boa! or the transfer of par:, Lot No. 7$, owned by 'rs. Agnes Monroe to ;Mrs. Monroe and her son, F?•j:1k1in ')ale Monroe. Her property being described as 2824 Thnro l_1 ioad tang being in accordance with de:;_-t'110.10-a in- aorporaLed in a letter Frill hlcBurnev, r McBurney -c 0urdan dated November 3rd, 1951." Carried. "By -law No. 1485, 1951. A By -Law to regulate the •Ise of land and character, location and use of structures." (Brads Bros. Subdivision). Read a first, second and third time and passed. "By -law No. 1486, 1951. A By law to authorize the diversion or a portion or Che road known as "the Whirlpool Road" in Township Lots 42 and 57." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "By -law No. 1487, 1951. A By -law to authorize the execution of an Agreement dated 5th November, 1951 between Frank A. Branscome e and the Corporation of the Township of Stamford and to approve of draft plan." Read a first, second and third time and'passed. 0 ji rl: ill Ajourn Nov•5th, No. 65 Present 19: Sootheran Allan "That we do now adjourn to meet Tonle y, NeveJihel' 12th at 7 :30 029 Reeve ii )ur Car_ ._;d. Naeui u" nlJaurned A Special meeting of Council held Friday afternoon, November 9th, 1951 at 5:45 p.m. A. G. Bridge Reeve Donald Glintz Deputy -Reeve W. R. Sootheran Councillor G. A. White Councillor J. N. Allan Councillor leek The meeting was called to meat with the Housing Committee of the Chamber of Commerce to discuss the proposed rental housing unit for the Township of Stamford. The following members of the Housing Committee attended: R. L. Connell, A. W. S. Bennett and F. A. Bra nscombe. On behalf of the Committee Mr. Branscomhe presented the following resolution passed by the Chamber of Commerce: "To the Reeve and Council of the Township of Stamford: WHEREAS the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce, with the full approval of Stamford Township Council, recentl appointed a Special Committee tostudy the housing situation and to endeavour to find ways and means of relieving the distressing local condition,‘ and WHEREAS representations by the Council of the Township of Stamford to the Dominion and Provincial Governments urging legislation to declare Greater Niagara an emergency housing area and to authorize a 10% minimum down payment for purchasers of newly con- structed houses were not productive of the desired Government action, and WHEREAS the Chamber's Committee, following con- siderable investigation, (a)- confirms the conclusion of the Council of the Township of Stamford that there exists a serious shortage of housing in the Greater Niagara Area, (b)- regards the immense pro ject of the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario as having intensified the shortage, and (c)- considers that cons 'truction should be pro- ceeded with as soon as possible of at least fifty (50) low rental houses: THEREFORE, the Chamber of Commerce recommends: (1) -that all information in possession of the Special Committee be made available to and carefully studied by Council (2) -that Council consult the appropriate Depart- ments of the Dominion and Provincial Govern- ments with the view of setting up under The National Housing Act, 1944 (and subsequent amendments) a Housing Authority for the purpose of effecting Section 35 of the said Act whereby the Dominion and Provincial 'Governments assume 92j% of the cost of a low rental housing:project in.conjunction y lerk Housing Plan 1. Sootheran White Adjourn Nov 9, 1951 with a municis::lity and on a non subsidy basis on the part of the municipality, and (3)-that Council confer :cith the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario toward the ac- quiri ng of land from the Com^;i osion at very low coot for a lot,- rental housing project, and (4) -t'•at the aforementioned procec e w! ich has been exhaustively studied by the Special Committee, sha l entail no increase in the Township's general tax rate ar.d that additional tax revenue should accrue from the proposed development. Dated at Niagara Falls, Ontario, November 5th, 1951." After the presentation of the above resolution a General discussion took place ont':•e project. This brought out the fact that the Hydro property Was considered to be large enough for approximately 50 houses, which would cost an estimated H9,000.00 each and rent for between $50 and $60 a month. If the mun:icl•-alit'- receives the property from the Hydro for nominal amount, the value of the land would Fe considered as the municipality's share. Actually the municipality's share would be 7.5% of 4450,000.00, which amounts to 433,750. If the value of the land was appraised at $20,000.00 the municipal participation would be approximately :13,750. If this amount was amortized over a period of 15 years at 6% it would mean that the municipality would have to pay $1,377.00 per year. The Committee stated that full taxes would be paid to the Township and that the Housing Unit would be administered by a'housing authority. The Committee requested the Council to take immediate action in the matter of acquiring the property from the Hydro and asked that no publicity be given in the matter of the Hydro property at the present time. After the Committee adjourned the Council discussed the matter further and finally passed the following resolution. 2. Sootheran Allan a he°lv dy8 "That the Council make immediate application to the Hydro for the purchase of lands for a nominal charge, said lands to be used for a rental housing plan. The land in question is located west of the Hydro canal, south side of No. Highway. If the Hydro agrees to the transfer of this land, further steps to be taken immediately tb" implement the plan as outlined to Council by the Housing Committee of the Chamber of Commerce." Carried. "That we do now adjourn to meet Monday, November 12th at 7:30 p.m." Carried. Meeting Adjourned Ho P. M. ai MAIL. 1 Reeve No. 66 A Regular Meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chamber on Monday, November 12th, 1951 at 7:30 p.m. B1dg,Permit Chas.Kerrio Mrs. Misik B ji Bldg. Permit tfl Present Acting Reeve Minttes Vitt Li tense Funds toPUC Letter to Police Com. 1. White Allan 5. White Allan Donald Glintz W. R. Sootheran G. A. White J. N. Allan Deputy -Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "That e appoint Deputy -Reeve Glintz as acting Reeve in the absence of Reeve A. G. Bridge." Carried. 2. Sootheran Allan "That the minutes of the last meeting be adopted as printed." Carried. 3. Sootheran White "That Charles Kerrio be granted a building permit for a 38 unit motel on Kitchener Street providing it meets the requirements of the build- ing inspector." Carried. 4. Sootheran White "That Mrs. Jennie Misik be advised that no permit will be granted for the erection of a motel at 1241 Kitchener Street as the area of her land with its existing house and garage is not sufficiently large in area to allow the erection." Carried. That we grant a victualling license to Harry C. Manson, 3611 Lundy's Lane subject to usual inspections." Carried. 6. Sootheran Allan "That the Treasurer be authorized to pay over to the Stamford Public Utilities commission the proceeds of x Debentures dold under By -laws 1433 and 1434 amounting to *616,591.23, less advances made under Bank Loans in- cluding interest uhpaid and other expenses accrued in connection with water works extension program." Carried. Sootheran White That the letter received from Upper, Musgrove Harris be referred to the Police Commission as the incident referred to therein comes within their jurisdiction." ;Carried. y -law 1484 8. Polling Places Letter to C. N. R. Wills Sub. By -law 1488 Arena Board Forman Sub. Stone on Brookfield Allan Sbotheran "By -law No. 1484, 1951. A By -law to appoint Polling Places, Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks for the Township of Stamford." Read a first, second and third time and passed. 9. White Allan .10. Sootheran White "That we approve the plan of the Wills Subdivision as drawn by R. Blake Erwin, File #708 providing Mr. Wills agrees to register only the three lots facing Riall Street at the present time, subject to the usual restrictions." 11. White Allan 12. Sootheran Allan "That we approve the revised plan of the Forman subdivision as drawn by R. Blake Erwin as amended November 5, 1951, subject to the usual conditions." 13. Allan Sootheran Survey 15. White Portage Rd. Allan "That a letter be sent to Mr. Gove, Division Engineer, C. N. R., London, Ontario asking him to proceed with the filling the approaches immediately as we feel they have hKd sufficient time to complete this work." Carried. Carried. "By -law No. 1488, 1951. A By -law appointing members to fill the unexpired term of A. Guerin Peckham and Joseph L. Rosberg on the Stamford Community Centre and Memorial Arena Board." Read a first, second and third time and passed. Carried. "That the Engineer be asked to place some stone on south Brookfield Avenue so the residents can get in and out with fuel etc." Carried. Lots on 14. Sootheran Depew High Allan "That Clerk look into the sale of the lots at the corner of Depew And High St. to ascertain whether or not there was an agreement to build within a certain time when the purchase was made. If such condition was in the sale, the present owner be advised to build or return the lots to the municipality." Carried. "That we request Mr. Blake Erwin, 0.L.S., to make a survey of Portage Rd. from O'Neil St. to Stanley Ave., establishing frontages on both sides of this road and submit a plan showing these portions of this road which will be required to establish this as a 66 foot Road from O Nei' St. to Stanley Avenue." Carried. 1 Land Transfer Julie- Faragher "That we recommend approval to the Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Planning Board of the conveyance of part lot 24 from W. Julie to Marjorie and Arnold Faragher. The parcel in question having a frontage of 150' by a depth of 133 feet." A. 0. Bridge Donald G1_ntz W. R. Sootheran G. A. White J. N. Allan A Regular Meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chamber on Monday, November 19th, 1951 at 7:30 p.m. Reeve Deputy -Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "That the minttes of the last meeting be adopted as printed." "That W. M. VanAlsti_ne be granted a permission for the erection of an room motel apartment on Buchanan Street cor. Dix°, subject to the approval of the building inspecter." "That we approve the plan of Blake Erwin, for the Wills Subdivision dated November 12th subject to the approval of the Planning Board and our usual conditions." "That the increase in Relief Allowances as outlined by the Department of Public Welfare be inaugurated as of 'December 1st." Sootheran Glintz :"That as many members as possible attend the 'Bazaar of the St. Ann'A Sootheran Allan 10. Sootheran Whit_ 11. Gli_ntz White Reverend A. H. Wa1' of the Board of Education presented a letter dated November 19th, 1951 to the Council requesting that the cost of the new Drummond Road Public School be increased to y5560,000.00. Women's Society Lo to io Gibe Star or Canada Hall, Wednesday, Novea, 21." "That we go into finance Committee to consider ec s." "That 1'.3 .'1P_ statement r �.0 C. ^':ni.F dated No'. n er loth, 1951 as r be accepted and flue accounts 'c f: amo'irtl rI ter .31.. o "That General i� -��Q St8t2m ^pt. f fir= u_ 'iCc Ou!:La dated November 1 -I _It, =t i_ as presented, 1 be accepted and the c:counts be paid amounting to 3!:1,5Y5.64." "That the statement of Relief Aet,ed November 19tL 1131 as be accepted and 'die :.cco':ntb amounting ting to 1,35o.r1." "That we adjourn as a Finance C,lmi to t :ice alp general Council ha. "That we donate an order i �f groceries to the Navy League and the Sea Cadet Committee so they may give a Christmas party for the boys from Stamford and Niagara Falls who belong to the Sea Cadets. The amount not Lo exceed 135.00." "That W. Sommerville be granted permission to sell a lot and house 36 x 150 feet on Dunn Street shown on plan of survey or the City of the Falls plan and dated November 19th, 1951 subject to the approval of the Planning Board." "That the Clerk amend the by -law to construct and equip the new Public School on Drummond Road to provide 4560,000.00 and the by -law be submitted to the Municipal Board for approval." II B 'I B 0 l I'; C.M.&H.C. Flan Ad iourn November 19/51 No. 68 Present Minutes J.Tabaka Mr. ',ire --lesworth oft-the Central Mortgage Housing Corporation and Mr. Heximer discussed the proposed plan for registration of the Central. Mortgage Housing property located near the intersection of McLeod and Drummond Road. 14. Glintz White 15. Sootheran Br1d1 e 1. Sootheran White Bldg Permit 2. Sootheran White Land Transfer 3. Sootheran Taylor Brant Glintz H. E.t.C. "That upon entry by each into agree- ment with the Township Corporation that the Corporation approve of plans of Frank Heximer for registration of lands north of Margaret Street ns shown and of the Heximer subdivision, the area pay the cost or services on Margaret Sreet and of Central fiort -age and Housing Corporation South of Margaret Street and that the Township Corporation -crept the park area as s°lo. .1n thereon as the contribution or 5 nor public purposes for loth xt r 71.ionnUs r1' przt n ?approval tt Carried. "That we do now ad'oitrn to :fleet Saturday anternoort at 2 p.:1." Reeve A. G. Bridge Donald Glintz W. R. Sootheran G. A. White V 1_ Carried. Meeting Adjourned r I P. M. u v A Regular Meeting of the Council was held in the Council fl-;noel on Saturday, November 24.th, 1951 at 2 p.n. Reeve Deputy -Reeve Councillor Councillor "That the minutes of the last meeting be adopted as printed." Carried. "That Joe Tahaka be granted a permit for the erection of a garage on Beaverdam Road providing it meets the approval of the building inspector." Carried. "That we approve the transfers of parcels of land from Mrs. Stephanie Taylor and W. J. Brant to the H.L.PLC• as shown in letters from the offices of Martin, Calvert Matthews datdd November 22nd 1951 providing 1951 taxes are paid and it meets,the approval.or, the Planning Board." Carried. Clerk By -law 1473 Woodland Blvd Sidewalk Meet with union #425 By -law 14GO 6. Agreement with F. A. Branscor ^be Public Hall License 4. Sootheran Glintz Sootbe:ar. Glintz Mite GL'ntz By -law 148° 7. lt'l ite Public School Debentures Glintz 8. Glintz White Raise Tires 9. Glintz ov. 24., 1951 11. Sootheran Glintz -e Reeve "By-law No. 1473, 1 A Rv -law to authorize the construction of side-walk on Woodland Bo!tle' nC4 as Inc in vl q'' 4t t}ie provisiors of the Local Improvement Act." ire.td a tl_rd tie and' asked. "TM'it t.nrn "ofd Tou-nsdl Emplover-c ,]ara he advised Council will -P 1 n meet with them on December 5 at 7:C Carried, "5v-law O. e 1 mo to aiitho.ri:_ _.he Renye and Clerk t'- ='r a E y eemF'ilt on a l(' o f the Township A. with F. A. "nscoirj}tt' re: new S 'iYdivlsion c.r: the '.e i ';le of i tn,. nvelitje." Read a fi; t, second and third time and passed. "Bu-law No. 148 1951. A °v -Law to authorize the issue of Debentures of the Township of Stamford to the principal i nro of for Public School Purposes." Head a first, and second time. "That we approve of the application for Public Hall license for St. Johns Patishi Hall. Carried. Witte "That we ask the C. N. R. to raise the telegraph telephone wires on the Portage Road Bridge." raise Hydrant 10. §ootheran White "That Wm. Lorenzo Construction Co. be asked to raise the hydrant on the north side of the Portage Road Bridge on the east side of the Road." Carried. Carried. "That we do now adjourn to meet Wednesday, December 5th at 7:30 p.m. with the representatives of the Municipal Union Local 425." Carried. Meeting Adjourned P. M. lerk i I II I II B'jBOARD OF B 8DUCATION REEVE DEPUTY REEVE COUNCIL 1 PUBLIC 'UTILITIES Results of Nomination Meeting held Monday, November 26th, 1951 7 p.m. to 8 p.rn. At the Township Hall, Niagara Falls, Ont. Nominated Arthur Geo. Bridge Walter M. 'Jeans Rnhart. T Prinr Donald Glintz Stuart A. Moore J. N. Allan Gordon H. Bates Robert R. F. Keighan Harold Smith Wm. R. Sootheran Geo. C, Todd Wm. Morley VanAlstine Geo. A. White Meredith F. Jones Warren J. Kent Lily May McQueen C. J. Monroe Herbert Roberts A. H. Walker E. F. •Sweezey Roland F. Booth Moved by D. Glintz Wm. M. VanAlstine Earl Sweezey Gerald Thomas C. J. Bessey A. G. Bridge C. J. Monroe Michael J. Repa A. G. Bridge D. J. Myer H. Roberts G. F. Knight Donald Glintz A. G. Bridge A. G. Bridge C. J. Monroe S. A. Moore Warren J. Kent P. C. Calder C. J. Bessey A. G,- fridge Seconded by Earl Sweezey Jas. A. Hill A. A. Marleau A. A. Marleau C. J. Monroe Calvin J. Bessey Calvin J. Bessey A. J. Crichton E. Sweezey D. 0. Zimmerman J. N. Allan Geo. White A. G. Bridge O. White Harold A. Smith A. F. Johnson Lily M. McQueen J. E. Clement Hope Rose E. K. Raham W. R. Sootheran FICE r eve r puty eve r Council to be ected r Board Education to be ected NAME Donald Glintz Stuart A. Moore r R. George A. White r Public Roland F. Booth lities Earl F. Sweezey Qualified and going to the Polls December 3rd, 1P51 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Arthur Geo. Bridge (Acclamation) J. N. Allan Gordon H. Sates Rcbert. R. F. Keighan Harold Smith Sootheran George C. Todi 'rm. Morley VanAlstine Meredith F. Jones Warren J. Kent Lily May McQueen C. J. Monroe Herbert Roberts A. H. Walker 189 Drunrtond Road t O 22386 Sarkc=. =a 2 Willi St. 1624 Dunn Street 34 Strathmore Cres. 251q Portage Road Thorold Stone Road 1677 Dorchester Road 121 Drummond Road 1442 Dixon Street 1702 Norden Drive 1776 Dorchester Road 2959 Lundy's Lane 2077 Corwin Avenue 78 Dorchester Road 2274 Lundy's Lane 580 Fortage Road N. Creek Road 35 Royal Manor Drive uCCU:,;YiUP Accountant Lai; ric 5 Life insurance Sutervisor Railway Conductor Barrister- at -lay Barber Operator Advertising Salesman janitor Locomotive Engineer Insurance Salesman Vice President Superintendent Housewife Fruit Groner Traffic Clerk Clergyman Contractor Salesman The electors will also vote on the following question on December 3rd, 1951: "Are you in favour of the Township of Stamford raising by debentures the sum of ;$819,000.00; and donating the same to the Greater Niagara General Hospital conditional upon the City of Niagara Falls so donating $1,053,000.00 and the Village of Chippewa so donating $78,000.00 and the said Hospital raising by public subscription a minimum of $400,000.00 and the said hospital erecting a new Hospital to cost not less than $2,500,000.00 Reeve Deputy Reeve Council District Board of Education SUMMARY OF TOWNSHIP OF STAMFORD ELECTION RESULTS DECEMBER 3rd, 1951 Arthur Geo. Bridge Stuart A. Moore Donald Glintz George A. White William R. Sootheran John N. Allan Gordon Bates Robert R, F. Keighan Wm. Morley VanAlstine Harold Smith George Todd A. H. Walker Meredith F. Jones C. John Monroe Lily McQueen Warren J. Kent Herbert Roberts Public Utilities Roland F. Booth Earl F. Sweezey Hospital Question Yes No Elected by accla- mation for 1 year 2731 Elected for 1 year 2110 2491 Elected for 2221 Elected for 1921 Elected for 1747 1345 1214 639 294 1 year 1 year 1 year 3108 Elected for 2 years 2882 Elected for 2 years 2859 Elected for 2 years 2836 Elected for 1 year 2594 Elected for 1 year 2521 Total number of ratepayers eligible to vote on Hospital Question 6,944 Percentage of ratepayers who voted on Hospital Question 58.20% Total number of eligible electors in Parts 1 and 2 on Voters' List 9,474 Percentage of eligible electors who voted at 1951 election 51.09% Percentage of eligible electors who voted at 1950 election 48.40% Percentage of eligible electors who voted at 1949 election 31.06% 69 Present Repair damage caused bvFire Kerrio to Repair Hall Appreciation to Fire Dept Adlourn Dec. 1, 1951 A Special Meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chamber on Saturday, December 1st, 1951 -at 11:00 a.m. 1. Sootheran White 2. Sootheran White 3. Sootheran Glintz Sootheran Glintz A..G. Bridge Donald Glintz W. R. Sootheran G. A. White Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor "That the Chairman of property be empowered to supervise the necessary repairs to the Township Hall as the result of damage caused by the Fire of November 3Cth." Carried. "That the Charles Kerrio Construction Company be awarded the jot of repair ing the damage to the Township Hall." Carried. "That a letter of appreciation be sent the Niagara Falls Fire Dept. for their x splendid job in combating the recent fire at the Hall. That Sgt. Fred Boutili_er and other members of the Police Department be commended for their part in keeping the blaze under control until the firemen arrived." Carried. "That we do now adjourn to meet in .regular session Wednesday, December 5th, at 7:30 p.m." Carried.- Meeting Adjourned ir k n n P. M. z. O I a DEPUTY REEVE F 1.-1 0 COUNCILLORS z H O m A O H 4 H 6 Ca Z E H 0 0 X Z .-1 2 a as 1 g W ee V :n 1 73 761 75 36 30 22 64 13 24 71 2 29 38 27 30 5 16 28 3 36 21 3 106 79 69 54 53 30 81 12 51 90 1 4 69 31 50 25 19 18 36 7 42 47 5 146 76 83 61 106 22 71 11 31 109 5A 68 55 44 54 36 24 45 6 25 73 6 135 124 73 84 100 62 86 25 74 133 7 68 67, 50 26 69 16 43 3 28 62 8 84 99 85 52 62 17 84 5 27 113 9 71 59 61 47 28 14 49 16 23 61 10 105 122 78 93, 74 31 86 20 62 97 11 85 156 113 98 56 22 134 13 73 126 1 77 96 79- 59 45 20 93 11 41 94 13 44 96 59 72 28 19 80 5 32 89 14 104 170 105 139 85 25 140 19 87 119 15 62 116 75 71 35 12 110 5 36 102 16 69 154 102 99 32 22 125 15 62 141 17 87 76 61 63 43 22 63 11 41 80 18 53 78 58 58 32 10 53 6 33 71 19 92 71 54 64 46 32 58. 11. 44 67 20 78 57 50 47 1,1 17 68 6 26 67 21 105 29 31 27 27 13 91 5 10 61 22 55 110 45 50 49 12 93 7 46 118 23 51 113 55 59. 34 23 74 14 46 73 24 33 131 87 48 49 17 87 '9 47 97 25 23 155 86 74 32. .16. '86 7 57 119 26 68 170 76 93 88 55 101 11 56 106 27 70 127 "90 64 51 30 92 18 54 84 TOTAL 2110 2731 1921 1747 1345 i 639 2221 294 1214 .2491 ii TABULATION OF ELECTION RESULTS BY POLLS DEC. 3rd, 1951 1 TABULATION OF ELECTION RESULTS BY POLLS DEC. 3rd, 1951 80 3 BOARD OF EDUCATION Z En H W 0 a Ho c4 cs1 66 40 3 94' 106 4 40 49 5 117 122 5A 61 63 6 148 133 7 74 75 8 120 118 9 64 69 10 127 1201 11 160 1351 12. 107! 97 13 102 981 14 1 1881 151 15 134 116 16 167 135 17 94; 86 18 68 65 19 951 81 20 77 1 59 21 1 50 1 40 22 102 84 23 85 67 24 117 84 25 121 98 26 145 127 27 113 110 TOTAL 2882 2594 PUBLIC HOSPITAL UTILITIES QUESTION O 0 0 cn 77 76 64 98 96 50 68 45 33 46 31 47 42 22 23 25 103 112 95 114 130 53 112 64 51 48 45 67 88 13 42 3 107 116 107 138 147 73 119 56 67 72 64 72 77 43 51 36 144 f 150 143 14$ 135 124 127 52 61 80 51 68 95 32 50 28 107 108 87 121, 109 62 103 52 62 i 65 70 I 66 82 44 86 25 119 124 12 1 146 131 87 123 76 175 147 143 1781 139 96 148 53 108 97 95 113. 113 58 99'1 57 107 80 72 89 97 I 43 96 29 188 182 160 205 163 i 110 163 67 132 101 117 1 111 118 51 131 37 143 158 133 1 166 147 69 141 55 99 78 9 1 105 122 j 38 85 58 76 70 861 84 89 j 38 60 45 75 88 82 96 107 1 54 81i 64 72 79 62 82 93 I 41 881 31 43 47 34 49 97 28 541 45 96 98 72 101 102 61 i 117 35 87 97 76 99 103 54 89 1 56 106 121 97 114 89 68 89 40 116 .37 97 133 92 78 j 132 1 23 160 151 118 157 164 66 153 1 54 122 131 109 141 140 58 1 131 37 2836 2859 2521 '3108 3107 1614 12761 1281 No. 70 Present Minutes 1. Allan Gli ntz "That the 'ni n1l4, 4 43 OC the last. Pi etin be Adopted as printed." Union requests foxing pax, Remove Tree Inaugural Meeting Raise Catchbasin A Regular Meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chamber on Wednesday, December 5th, 1951 at 7 :30 p.m. 2. Sootheran :mite 3. Sootheran White Xmas Allowance 5. aootheran Allan 6. Allan White A. C. Bridge Donald Glintz 1. R. Sootheran G. A. White J. N. Allan Reeve Deputy Reeve Gonnciilor C th unci 11Or Councillor Carried. "That the request of Union 425 of Municipal Gnployees for consideration of several requests be referred to the Engineer for a report as to their cost and where necessary, their elimination. The Union to put their requests in writing to be considered by the 1952 Council." Carried. "That Boxing Day, insofaras Township Employees are en ncerned,be observed on Monday, Dec. 24th to enable those concerned to have the long holiday Weekend. That as the preceding Saturday is a half holiday all employees be given an additional half holiday. Municipal of °ices and services be closed Friday evening." Carried. 4. Glintz Allan "That we authorize the Engineer to remove a tree in front of 23e6 Barker Street." Carried. "That:. the Christmas allowance for relief recipients be raised to $7.50 per person with the farnilz maximum be raised from $25.00 to 440.00." Carried. "That the inaugural meeting be held January 7, 1952 at 11 a.m. and a by -law be so prepared." Carried. 7. Glintz Sootheran "That we request the Engineer to raise the Catchbasin in front of 170$ Dixon Street as this was promised, to avoid so many motorists going into the ditch at this point when the snow is on the roads." Carrdied. 4 i!C ij Lot Nos. 18 19 8. Sootheran Franklin Ave. Allan DeLazzari to connect to waterline Selling Debentures 10. Sootheran White Invitation to 11. White Welland County Allan Home Press Grants 13. Sootheran White Report on HEPC Grant "That Charles Maves be advised that Lots 18 19 on Franklin Avenue are reserved for a future entrance to our proposed Carlton Avenue Park and are not for sale." Carried. 9. Sootheran Allan "That Edward DeLaz :.ari be granted permission to connect to the water line on Dorchester 'toad. The :Clerk to prepare the necessary agreement." Carried. "That irvnedi -te attention be iven the matter of selling the 3560,000 debenture issue for the proposed new school on Drummond Road. That in vie0 of the uncertain bond 'market, the reeve, treasurer and Clerk be asked, to visit Toronto and contact the various Bond Houses as to their opinion or the market future." Carried. "That we accept the invitation from' the superintendent -of the Welland County Home to be held December 12, 1951 and as many members of Council as possible attend." HEPC to instal 12. Sootheran traffic lights White "That the request of the H. E. F. C. to instal traffic lights on Stanley Avenue between Thorold Stone Road and Church's Lane at points in- dicated be approved and the Clerk be authorized to make application to the Department of Highways for their approval. The said traffic lights to be furnished and operated by the H. E. P. C." Carried. Carried. "That the regular press grants as set up in the be paid as follows: $25.00 to the radio reporter $25.00 to George McLean, $25.00 to Bill Prior and $25.00 to Charles Whipp, who covered meetings for the local newspaper for 10 months." Carried. 14. White Glintz "That we request our solicitor to submit a report re: the H.E.P.C. grant, this to be ready for Monday, December 10t11, Council meeting." Carried. Hairdressing License Vict. Lic. Grant CHVC 15. Allan Sootheran 16. Allan White 17. Sootheran White Agreement Falls 18. Sootheran View Hose Er._ Allan St.Martin's 19. White Parish Hall Sootheran Money from Ins. Co. Stamford United Church Suns 20. Sootheran White 21. Sootheran White "That a license ba te to Flowe 21 iortace oad for a Hairdressing .:;Uablishrnert." Carried. ira "That a 'ii ct-'-,al.i :_n: _:_e 3'1. ..o Loots s Feren 280. undy �L 3 L Lane, sub to tie usua in p__ti.in." Carried. "That a cheque for :L55.00 ,r 1.he hutiTet be 2 crwaried i ,:91 ∎n iVC fo Or 3 "J ^dl no J °jc_t L�'_5 of t e station during the recent elections. arri e 1. "That, an agreement between the Falls view Fire Dept. and the P. mUn].C1 })a 1i.ty be drafted .nve f in the contents o the hall, as of t} is date to the firemen." Carried. Carried. "That the clerk get in touch e get with the owner of 3t, Martin's Parish Hall Miss G, Bi >ar and see if it is true this building is for sale and if this being so, the eN7ineer be asked to inspect this b'tilding along with the police ief and give a report as to its usability for a police station." Ayes and Nayes requested by Deputy Reeve Glintz. Ayes: Sootheran, Allan, White. Nayes: Glintz, Bridge. "That any monies derived from the insurance company for decorating the Township Hall as a result of the recent fire be held in abeyance until the 1952 Council decides what provisions will be made for Police quarters in 1952." Carried. "That Stamford United Church be granted permission for the erection of directional signs as requested in a letter from D. C. Elsley, dated Nov. 27th. Mr. Elsley be advised that it is the opinion of Council that the signs should be erected on posts other than those holding our street signs." Carried. Deputy -Reeve Minutes Finance Relief Genera 1 Roads Finance Pringle Sub. 1. Allan Soot n 2. .mite Allan Sootheran Allan Scotheran White Sootheran Allan White Sootheran Sootheran Allan Sootheran Allan )f the Counci 1 Docemeer Cth Donald Glints R. doothe'an A. ..site J E. Allan "That we as printed." was held in the Council 1951 at 7:30 p.m. "1,} a Deputy "That �ept.rt reeve Glintz take the chair in the absence o^ the Reeve." "That the statement. of Relief dated November 3Ct.h, 1951 as he accepted and the accounts amountinfp to $128.08." Deputy R cc :ei 1 c Gen: Cirn Councillor Carried. es of last, meeting Carried, "That we adicurn as a Council to s'o into Finance Committee to consider accounts." Carried. Carried. "That the statement of General Accounts dated November 30t}1, 1951 as presented, he accepted and the accounts he paid amounting to $73 316.18." Carried. "That the statement of Roads Accounts dated .No'rember 3 Dth, 1951 as presented, be accepted and the accounts }e paid amounting to 5;11,455.04." Carried. "That we adjourn as a Finance Committee to consider the regular Council business." Carried. Carried. "That we recommend the plan of John Pringle be retunledwith the recommendation that the lots be extended, to come within our minimum requirements for subdivisions without sewer and water. That further Mr. Pringle bring before the Council a plan showing the future development of the entire area," cu Sootheran to Chair Reev's Allowances Accounts to be paid Move Hydrant 22. Glintz Allan 23. Allan Glintz Glintz 24. White "That we ask the Reeve to leave the chair and the Chairman of Finance, Mr. Wm. Sootheran to chair the meeting to meet in COtnnittee." "That we adjourn as a finance Committee and' continue with regular Council business with the Reeve in the Char." "That the sum paid the Reeve for 1951 be a maximum of $1,000 being $600.00 salary and an additional 4@0.00 allowances for travelling expenses etc. The sum is spat up in the 1951 budget." 25. Sootheran Glintz "That the following accounts be approved end paid: Damore Bros Roads 897.74 Damore Bros Public Works 96.00 Kerrio Construction Co. 97$.53 Kerrior 1951 Construction 18229.52 Damore Bros: 26. white Allan Niagara Falls Public Library Grant_ 5 00.00 3 277.23 'That we authorize the engineer to move the hydrant north of the Portage Road ,bridge to a spot satisfactory to him- self and at a time he sees fit." Investigate 27. Sootheran 1751 Va11 ay Glintz "That the Welland County Health Unit be asked to investigate the condition existing at 1751 1 faTleywav giving Council their opinion as to whether or not the house should be condemned." Dec. 5, 1951 28. Sootheran Allan "That we do now adjourn to meet Monday, December 10th, 1951 at 7:30 p.m." Reeve Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Meeting Adjourned P. M. Add to Bus Se1"ice Used Car Lot 10. Sootheran White "that Gabriel Rapatt.oni be advised that council will not grant a rermit, for operation of a Used Car Lot at 156 Forta.e Road." 11. White Allan Colored People 12. Sootheran White Maintenance 13. Allan Bonds Sv,=ite Ad iourn 14.. Sootheran White "That the N. S, T. be asked to consider the possibi lily of adding to their bus service to take in the area to be served by the James Morden School, at least during the periods when the children will go to and from school." Carried. Carried. "That we retort end approval to the Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Planning Board of a transfer of part Lot. 24 from the Chateau -Cai Wines to the H.E2.I.C. of Ontario as described in letter from Martin, Calvert Matthews dated December 7th, 1951." Carried. "That Whereas it has been brought to the attention of this Council that there are certain indications of Radial di in the employing of qualified colored people within our municipality; that this council go on record as vigorously protesting such actions. That letters be sent to the Un employment Bureau and all industries in the Greater Niagara Area asking every considerate on be given to the hiring of these persons." Carried. "That the maintenance bends on Lorenzo Contracting Co. Ltd. for 1950 local improvement work be released to the insurance Company holding the bond. "That we Monday, Carried. do now adjourn to meet December 17th at 7:30 p.m." Carried. Meeting Adjourned No. 72 A Regular Meeting of the Council Chamber on Monday, December 17th Deputy Reeve Minutes Land Transfer 3. Sootheran Wilson- Brihts Allan New Pumper Bank Loan for P.U.C. Hospital 1, Sootheran Allan 2. Sootheran Allan Receipt for 7. Allan Fire equipment Sootheran Donald Glintz W. R. Soothera G. A. White J. N. Allan was held in the Council 1951 at 7:30 p.m. Deputy Reeve n Councillor Councillor Councillor "That Deputy Reeve Glintz take the Chair in the absence of the Reeve." Carried. "That the minutes of the last meeting be adopted as printed." Carried. "That we recommend to the Planning Board the approval of the sale of land, part Township lot 77 by Mrs. Wilson to Bright Canning Co. as described in a letter from Hetherington, Cavers Goodwin under date of Dec. 13, 1951." Carried. 4. Sootheran White "That the payment of $9,043.22 owing Bickle- Seagraves for the new pumper recently delivered to the Township be paid as it has passed all tests. Carried. 5. Sootheran White "That the Hydro Electric Power Commission be contacted to ascertain whether or not they swill approve a bank loan of $100,000 fending formal application for a debenture issue for use by the Stamford Public Utilities. If approval is given, Council negotiate a loan with the bank to enable the Public Utilities Commission to meet current accounts." Carried. 6. Sootheran White "That a letter be sent the Hospital Board asking them to give every consideration to local labor and local contractors when the time arrives to let the contract for the proposed new hospital." Carried. "That the Reeve and Clerk be empowered to sign form acknowledging receipt of Bickle Seagrave fire equipment." Carried. 1; Return Hydro Bills 1 r• Cheque to Assessor Milk license New Canadians for Xmas Dinner By -law 1489/51 13. White *570,000 Allan Debentures By -law 1480 Watermain on Beaverdam Rd By -law 1491 15. Allan Agreement White DeLazrari 8. White Sootheran 9. White Allan 10. Allan White 11. Sootheran White "That we return the Hydro Bills re: Pringle cabins to the P.U.C. to deal with; we feel this is not a council matter." Carried. "That a cheque be forwarded to the Assessor for the amount of $250.00 being the amount granted in the budget. This being for the collection of dog taxes." Carried. "That a milk distributor's license be granted Rainbow Dairies subject to the usual inspection." Carried. "That the Kiwanis Club he commended for their efforts on behalf of the New Canadians who have recently arrived in the Greater Niagara Area. Through their efforts it is hoped that many will be invited into the homes of our community for Christmas dinner. That a proclamation endorsing the move be prepared by the Clerk to appear in the local press on Thursday, December 20th over the signature of the Reeve." Carried. Lighting of 12. Sootheran Circle 'Write "That the Clerkwrite a letter of appreciation to the Highway Dept. for the fine job they have completed in the lighting of the Dorchester Road Traffic Circle. It is the feeling of Council that the lighting will be instrumental in lessening the number of accidents at the hazardous circle." Carried. "By -law No. 1489, 1951. A By -law to authorize the issue of of Debentures of the Township of Stamford to the principal amount of *570,000 for Public School Purposes." Read a third time and passed. 14. White Sootheran "By -law No. 1480, 1951. A By -law to authorize the construction of a watermain on Beaverdam Road as a local improvement under the provisions of The Local Improvement Act." Read a third time and passed. "By -law No. 1491, 1951.. A By law to .authorize the exeuction of an agreement between Edward DeLazzari and the Corporation of the Township of Stamford." Read a first, eecond,and third time an passed. By -law 1492 Inaugural Meeting By -law 1493 Agreement M. Foreman Cheque to Kerrio Con. Adjourn 19. Sootheran White "That we do now adjourn to meet Wednesday, December 26th at 7:30 p.m." Dec.17 /51 No. 73 A Regular Meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chamber on Wednesday, December 26th, 1951 at 7:30 p.m. A. G. Bridge Reeve Donald Glintz Deputy Reeve W. R. Sootheran Councillor G. A. White Councillor J. N. Allan Councillor Present Minutes Finance Roads 16. Sootheran Allan 17. White Allan 18. Sootheran Allan 1. Allan Glintz 3. Glintz Allan "By -law No. 1492, 1951. A By -law to fix the fir meeting of the Council of the Corporation." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "By -law No. 1493 1951. A By -law to authorize the execution of an agreement tetreen M. Foreman and the Cor:orat.on of the Township of Stamford." Read a first, second and gird time and passed. "That a cheque for 1326.25 be paid the Kerrio Construction for authorized repairs to the house on Lundy's Lane owned by the Corporation." Acting Reeve Carried. Carried. Meeting Adjourned Hour 9:30 F. M. "That the minutes of the last meeting be adopted as printed." Carried. t 2. Allan Glintz "That we adjourn as a Council to go into Committee to pass accounts." Carried. "That the statement of Roads Accounts dated December 26th, 1951 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $6,851.95." Carried. 7 Relief General Finance 3 hood over tractors Debentures Allan Glintz 5. Glintz Allan Allan Glintz Glantz Allan Claims Release 8. Glintz Allan White Glintz Halfway Bus 10. Glintz Service White 11. Sootheran White Milk License 12. White Glintz "That the statement of Relief Accounts dated December 26th, 1951 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to 2,760.75." Carried. "That the statement or General Acco_znLs dated December 26th, 1951 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to X101,727.30." Carried. "That we do now adjourn as a finance committee and proceed with regular council business." Carried. "That we recommend approval of a transfer of Part Township Lot No. 3 and Lot No. 18 from A. J. Holman to the Hydro Elecpric Power Commission of Ontario. The said property having an area of 3.60 acres." Carried. "That we authorize the Reeve and Clerk to sign the claims release to the British America Assurance Co." Carried. "That the engineer be given permission to purchase 3 hood overtrectors from the Victoria Motors." Carried. "That the Clerk contact Canada Coach to see what has happened to the bus service at the halfway." Carried. "That the Clerk contact all Bond Houses who it is felt may be interested in purchasing the debenture issue for the proposed new school on Drummond Road and the issue of $200 000 needed to underwrite expenses of the Public Utilities Commission. That tenders be in for consideration at ,a special meeting to be held January 9th, 1952." Carried. "That we grant to Russell iller2536Thorold subject to usual inspections." Carried. Relocation of Vliewas By -law 1494 14. Sootheran Wilbert Bray Allan By -law 1495 15. Allan Norwack Sub. By -law 1496 Yerich Sub. Community Hall 17. White Glintz Adiourn Dec. 26, 1951 13. Sootheran Allan "That applicat'on be made to the Dominion Railroad Board asking; ror a new order covering the relocation of the wig wag signals by the M. C R, R. as outlined in a letter received from M. F. Ker, dated December 21, 1951." Carri ad. "By law No. 1494, 195.1. A Sy art-.,' to auto i ze the execution of a lease d :,ted the 19th day o_f D ece:nber 1951, between 'Albert R. Fray and the Corporation." Read a first, second and third time and passed. Sootheran "By -law No. 1495, 1951. A By -law to authorize the execution of an Agreement dated tie 14th day of "e 1951, between S. Norwack and the Corporation." Read a first, second and third time and passed. 16. Sootheran White 18. Sootheran Glintz8 aA -y7a4z-a. "By -law No. 14C6, 1951. A By -law to authorize the execution of an Agreener:t dated the 15th day of December, 1951, between P. Yerich and the Corporation." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "That ownership of all chattel property within the Community Hall he transferred to the Falls !view hose Brigade, they having taken possession Df the same at the same time as they took posses ion of the real property and title thereof having passed therewith." Carried. "That be do now adjourn for the year 1951." Carried. Meeting Adjourned Hour P. M. Reeve