Minutes1953(B)FIRST ~ETING Council Chamber, 5th January, 1953. INAUGURAL MEETING In accordance with the provisions of The Municipal Act, the Council met at 11.O0 o' clock with all members present. The Council included His Worship Mayor Hawkins and Aldermen W. C. MacDonald, F. J. Miller, H. G. Brooks, G. Martin, A. J. McKinley, Grant Donald and G. H. Mowers. The statutory declarations of office and qual~fications were filed with the Clerk when the oaths of office had been taken by Magistrate Johnstone L. Roberrs. It w~s ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Miller that a vote of thanks be extended to Magistrate Roberts by His Worship Mayor Hawkins. Carried Unanimously. After this the Council was duly organized and open for the transaction of general business. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Dr. William Fingland. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Martin that the officiat- ing cler~v,,~n be thanked for his service at the meeting~ Carried Unanimously. " His Worship, Mayor Hawkins welcomed Ex-Ald. J. G. White and Ex-Ald. Clara W. Twidale to the meeting. His Worship, Mayor Hawkins then delivered his inaugural address. On the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald, the Mayor' s inaugural address was ordered spread on the m~llteS. INAUGURAL ADDF~SS In beginning m~ third term as Mayor of our most wonderful City of Niagara Falls, ~hich has been termed by man~ as the Honeymoon City of the World, may I hasten to say how hnmble I am at heart and how proud I am for having been re-elected as your Mayor for 1953 and I most sincerely thank the electors of Niagara Falls for this great honour, and I ~]1 endearcur to uphold your confidence at all times with honour and dignity that befits the office, and I will endearour to ~epresent all of the citimens of Niagara Falls honestly and fairly at all times. We are starting the New' Year with some new members, one being am ex- alderman and a ~e-elected alderman. To Alderman Grant Donald on your re-election, may I say congratulations and you must be surel~ proud of the confidence the citizens of Niagara Falls have placed in you. I believe you will now be the senior member of the A.ldermanic Board. To Alderman Franklin Miller, congratulations onyour m-election. You have served as an aldsrnzn for a number of years and I welcome you again and feel sure you will give, as you have in the past, the utmost in your time and effort for the citizens of Niagara Falls. To Alderman Hugh Brooks, may I say congratulations to you on your election as alderman. You have served the City in another capacity for a number of years and I feel you have gained considerable experience which w~l l serve you we~1 as an alderman. To cur new member, Alderman George Martin, may I say congratulations and welcome to the City C~uncil. While you have not served as an alderman, you have served the City on the Court of Revision. I know you will give of your best to the citizens of Niagara Falls as yon have done on several com- mittees upon which I have had the henour of serving with you. To Alderman William MacDonald, Alderman Arthur McKinley and Alderman George Nowere, you have served in 'the past year sincerely and honestly and I am sure in the coming year of 1953 you w~ll continue to do so. It has been n~ pleasure in the past years to have worked with and been associated with Alderman George IngliS and Alderman Harold Logan. We are certainly going to miss the municipal experience of Alderman Inglis and I was very sorry to hear that he did not intend to return as an alderman. He has been a guidance to Council and I wish for him and his family the very best of good wishes and good health in the years to come. To Alderma~ Harold Logan, I feel sure he w~11 be back with us in the near future. Me served in the two years extremely well and always gave a good deal of thought to his decisions. My very best wishes go to him and his family for continued success and good health. At this time, I would also like to extend m~ thanks to Alderman Arthur JoLley for his very fine work as an alderman and as Chairman of Finance in the past year. He served the citizens of Niagara Falls well during his terms of office and I feel sure he will be back with us soon. 1~ very best wishes go to him and his family for continued success and good health. Also, to our N~mber of the Provincial Legislature, W. L. Houck and his f~ly and to Dr. NcNillan, Member of the Federal Legislature and family, I express m~ thanks. They have at all times co-operated with Council in any matt. or that we have taken u~ with them and it is most sincerely appreciated.. In the past six years, four years as alderman and two years as mayor, I have received the finest co-operation from MAr. err, 'O.B.E., the City Nanager; l(r. Clancy Patton, the City Clerk; Mr. Wilfred Soulsby, the City Treasurer; Miss Naud Henderson, the Tax Collector; Mr. Edward Morton, the Assessment Com- missioner; the staff at the City Hall and al 1 Civic Officials and Employees. This co-operation has made m~ terms of office very pleasant, and I sincerely appreciate the help so very nmch and I am sure I speak for Aldermen, Donald, MacDonald, NcKinley and Mowers. I am sure th~ newly-elected aldermen will appreciate this co-operation of the officials and staff as they move along during their terms of office. During the latter part of the year 1952, Mr. Stanley Price was appointed as Assistant Engineer to MAr. Orr, Our City Hansget and Engineer. This has been a w,ch needed appointment to relieve the City Nanager of ~ of his multiple duties and I feel Mr. Price cones to us with a great deal of e~perience and w~l] give very valuable service to the City of Niagara Falls. The Board of Health, with Dr. Davidson as Chairman, along with Mrs. KeLly, R.N., Mr. George Burley, Dr. Whitelock, our Medical Officer of Health; Mr. Robert Androws, the Sanitary Inspecter~ Dr. Hodgson, the Dairy Inspector; and our City Health Nurses, Mrs. Dorothy MacLean, R.N,'. and l~rs, Ivy Priest, R.N., are doing a wonderful work'in keeping ~ur City free from any epid~n_ics as far as it is human~ possible, I have had the pleasure of serving on this Board and know Just how much has to be done in continual vigilance at all times, I have also had the pleasure of serving on the Library Board, under the Chairmanship of Mr. Michael Quinlan, and I must say that all members of the Board have always at all times co-operated and worked with the City Council in every way that was possible. Serving on the Hydro Commission, the Police Commission and the Hospital Board, has been a pleasure and a wonderful experience and I can assure you, gentlemen, that at all tines the Council enters into the picture and at no tins has there been a lack of co-operation. If it were not so, you may be sure I would report to Council immediately. Many others come into the picture and time does not permit me to elaborate on all, but the sincerity and co-operation is there and I know it will continue. The splendid Police Force and Fire Department, under Police Chief Cecil Pay and Fire Chief Jack Shapton, have given the citizens of Niagara Falls the very best of service and I know they will continue to do so. I feel we have the finest in the Dom~uion and I congratulate the Police Department and Fire Depart- ment. To Miss Winnifred Stoke. s of the Evening Review, Mr. George McLean of the Niagara Fails Gazette and to Radio Station C. H. V. C. Mr. Howard Bedford, Owner and Bill Killough, Reporter, you have been very generous in your comments and remarks of the Council meetings and on behalf of Council, may I say thank you and we will look forward to another very pleasant year. During the year 1952, the ,,,nicipal services were maintained and in some cases, augmented. Undoubtedly, the most inportant improvement during the year was the increased facilities provided by the Water Dep§rtment. As you know, the City started in 1951 to construct a new auxiliary main from the Filtration Plant at Chippaws. Completion of the work was delayed due to the inability to secure materials and it was only on June 13th, 1952, that the new pumping facilities, additional clear water reservoir and the new 3e-inch and 2~-inch mains were put into service. On June 16th, the weather became extremely hot and dry and the demand for water was far in excess of anything encountered previous to that date. The maxiamm peak up to that date was at th.e rate of 12 m~ll ion gallons per twenty- four hours but on June 16th, the maxim~un peak of water delivered was at the rate of over 1~ million gallons per twenty-four hours. It can be seen that the additional facilities were not ready even a week too soon. The summer and fall of 1952 were fairly warm and particularly dry which undoubtedly accounted for the very large increase in the demand for water, but it ,,,st also be borne in mind that the development of both industrial and residential property in the area has also forced the delivery of additional water. Between June 1st, 1952 qnd November 3Oth, 19.52, the quantity of water delivered was thirty percent in excess of ~evious years. This increase mounted to 320 m~llion gallons. A very considerable portion of this increase was due to the additional water taken by the Township of Stamford which was 192 m~llion gallons in excess of water used by the Township during the same period in 1951. This increase in the 5tamford consumption was approximately eighty ~ercent. How- ever, it is startling to find that durin- October and November, the quantity of water delivered is fourteen percent in e~cess of previous years. It is obvious that further study of the Water Department facilities is necessary. If the demand for treated water continues to increase, it will be necessary to seriously consider the construction of eddltional filters to purify the mount of water required. It is possible that this work will have to be proceeded with in the immediate future. However, although it was possible to meet the demands for additional water and to maintain adequate pressures, we fo~n.d that our system was extremely vulnerable to special .weather conditions. On Monday, November l?th, 1~52, the Filtration M_ant suffered the most serious power interruption since it was put into operation. A prolonged dry spell was followed by a very heavy fog which resulted in the failure of insulators on the power lines, with the result that both power circuits ware badly ~wA~d and the plant was without electric power for apprcccimatel~ four hours and it was an additional two hours before normal wate~ pressure was restored. Fortunately, no fires were reported during this six hour period, but it is not likely that we would be so fortunate if similar interruptions occurred frequently. A preli~inary report has been presented to Council suggesting the cost of providing au~ltary power for the~Amps and it is respectful~ suggested that the 1953 Council give careful consideration to the advisability of providing additional filter capacity and a source of auxiliary power for the Filtration Plant at a very early meeting. In 1952, plans were prepared and permission obtained to construct a shaft to No. 1 tunnel of the ~ydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario. A contract was let for the construction of the shaft and work is now under way. It is anticipated that the shaft will be completed early in the year. It will be necessary for Council to study the need .for additional Zarge stolu sewers and determine when the sane shc~lld be proceeded with. The flooding, after even moderate storms, is bad in many areas of the City and the construction of relief sewers should be proceeded with as soon as the facilities of the shaft are available. Early in 1952 construction was started on the pedestrian underpass under the main line tracks of the New York Central Railway at Jepson Street. The work is now completed with the exception of the sidewalk to Ontario Avenue. It is felt that the walk should not be constructed until the spring of 1953. With continued construction on Ontario Avenue, this facility will be a pro- tection for children crossing to and from school. During 1952 the City purchased frm the Federal Government the old Customs Building at the comer of Park Street and Clifton Avenue. Plans and specifications are being prepared to alter the main building to provide accom- modation for the Police Department and for court room space. The smaller building w~l] be used by the Engineering Department. As soon as this space is available, the Council can consider alterations to the City Hall to provide much needed accnmmodation. During 1952 Council considered several methods of extending. Palmer Avenue. The matter has been referred to the 1953 Council and should be studied at an early date if it is desired to proceed with work during 1953. Late in the past m;mmar, a start was made with respect to re-surfacing some of the paved streets in the City. It has been felt that for s~ne time this work should be carried out over a period of several years. It will be necessary for Council to decide early in the year with respect to the 1953 progr~.,~. Late last year,~onncil decided to instel parking meters on l~ain Street; Ferry Street and Lundy, s Lane. A type of meter was selected but due to the fact that the contract for sale and installation varied from the price quoted to Council at the tins of selection, the matter was laid over for the consid- eration of the new Council. This matter should be reviewed at an early date. It is also suggested that Council should study earsfully the possib- ility of securing off street parking facilities for the three business areas of the City. If this matter is not dealt with at a reasonably early date, space that is now available may be used for Other purposes. Early in 1952, the Council of the City of Niagara Falls prepared information on the financial condition of the aunicipality and forwarded the same to the Ontario ~unicipal Board for use in dealing with the request of the municipalities of Niagara Falls, sta~ord and Chippaws to donate large sums of money obtained by the sale of debentures for the erection of a ~lew hospital estinzted to cost Three Million Do]]nrs. The YAuaicipal ~oard advised that they did not consider it advisable for the Township ef Starecord to sell the necessary debentures to raise its portion of the amount required and refused to validate the by-laws. As a ~esult, the Hospital Trust has been unable to proceed with the construction of a new hospital. Hewdyer, the need for additio-A~ hospital aocomodation is greater than ever before and undoubtecL~, the 0ouneil of 1953 will find it necessary to co-operate with the Hospital Trust and the Councils of the o%her two auntcipalities to find some method of pro- riding the ~,ch needed hospital facilities. DUFAn~ 1952, the City CounCil approved or expenditures of the Board F~Of $~0,000. to prowide a new heating system fo~ Xi~ahener S~ee~ School. eation in the mount of ~lO~,000. ~or an 'addition tc the Valleyway School of The Board of Education desire to improve the facilities of the Collegiate- Vocation_n] Institute and have submitted a letter asking for an early discussion of tentative plans estimated to cost approximately $~00,000. This matter will require careful study, having in mind the facilities required to adequately educate the yout~ of the c~unity and the tax burden that can be borne by the property owners of the City. During 1952, the City of Niagara Falls purchased considerable equipment to replace units that were becoming obsolete. Such a large expenditure should not be necessary in 1953 but some provision will have to be made for replacin~ some of the older units at present in operation. It was further ordered that a survey be made respecting the installation of modern equipment for the payroll and accounting department. Some of this ~n~ormation is available for immediate study and it is probable the matter can be dealt with early in the year. Although our Debt Position is not directly affected by the additions now under construction to the Court House at Welland, there is a contingent liability for the City' s portion of the work which is estimated at approximately $li0,000.00. As a result, the money to be provided for County purposes will have to be increased considerably in the 1953 budget. During the year 1952, Alderman Grant Donald, Chairman of the Arena Co~n~ttee, made a determined effort to secure revenue from the Memorial Arena during the 'surmuer season. His efforts were very successful with the result that the facilities were utilized to a much greater extent than in previous years. At the present time the installation of the heating system is nearing completion. With heat available, a more diversified use of the structure will be possible. During 1952 the population rose from 22,686 to 2~,158 or an increase of 1,~72. Although lots available for house construction are limited, it would appear that the population will continue to increase due to fuller use of available buildings and the tendency to erect apartments on suitable vacant land. There was also a very considerable increase in assessment during the past year. The assessment value of lands and buildings liable for tax levy increased from $35,295,929. to $36,617,685. or an increase of $1,321,756. Unfortunately, our debenture debt also increased during 1952. On January lst,1952 the total debenture debt was $2,167,689.20 while on December 31st, 1952 the debt was $2,356,629.~3 or an increase of $188,9~0.23. This meant that the par capita debt increased from $95.55 to $97.55. In 1951, the total money required for debt charges was $265,~97.72. In 1953 the amount required is $276,3~.26 or an increase of $10,8~6.5~. However, although our debenture debt is fairly large, it should be remembered that on December 31st,1930, the debt amounted to $3,729,089.22 or a per capita debt of $201.50. In 1931, it was necessary to raise $5~0,369.35 for debt charges. We cannot afford to permit our debt to even approach the condition of the 1930' s because t~e result was disastrous for Niagara Falls as wall as many other muni- cipalities. Earlier I have enumerated several major projects that will have to be considered by the 1953 Council. I would respectfully suggest that as careful a study be given to a Capital Budget as to the Annual Budget so that the debt position of the naxnicipality not be impaired. Some long needed and necessary improvements will have to be dela~nd and a priority list of projects must be compiled by Council to provide for-am orderly program of financing. At the . present time, the City of Niagara Falls is in good financial condition and reasonable care with respect to Capital Expenditures will make it possible to maintain a satisfactory condition. As I have stated on previous occasion, the City of Niagara Falls, like so ma~ ether ~,nicipalities, is feelfilg the burden of increased costs for hospitalisation, child welfare, unemployment relief, and administration of Justice, that ~ is comi~ to the point beyond the ability of the taxpayer to absorb, paz~icularly those on fixed incomes, pensions, and so on. I feel that the Provincial and Federal Governments will have to assist the municipality to a greater extent than' they are doing to help alleviate the burden without losing our autonc~ as a municipality and being dictated to by the provincial or Federal Governments. A great deal of provincial and Federal Crown properties exist in Niagara Falls and we provide the same services as we do to all taxable properties and in spite of grants, I do not f~el they are paying their Just taxation. These extra costs mmst be borne by the taxpayer and I feel, as a Council, we must keep on protesting these exemptions ao that we may eventually include them on the tax roll. I want to emphasize that ECONOMY is very essential this year and in the years that lie ahead and I hope the Chairman of Finance wfl] maintain a rigid economic policy without impairing our present services so that we can maintain as low a mill rate as possible. I might say here that the metvices we enjoy in Niagara Falls exist nowhere in a municipality of this size. I feel, with the co-operation of all members of Council, that the interests of the taxpayer w~ll be borne in mind at all times. In my opinion, the year 1952 has been a very successful year. Nany projects have been started and some completed and I sincerely hope that the deliberatiens of the Council of 1953 will be successful and fruitful. Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for attending this 1953 Inaugural Meeting ami bearing with us this morning, and I wish for y~u and yours very much happiness and good health during the coming ~ear, and may Niagara Falls and its unification with the Township be successful. ADOPTION OF MINUTES The minutes of the previous meeting, having been received and read, were adopted on the motion of Ald. Mo~ers and MacDonald. CERTIFICATE The City Clerk certified as to the result of the poll held on let. December, 1952; and. on the motion of Aid. Miller and Brooks the communication was received and fried. P~SOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed; No. 1 - NARTIN - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that Alderman. Gr~nt Donald be and is hereby appointed the Chairman of the Finance Committee of the City Council for the year 1953; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. No. 2 - DOWALD - NOWE~ - ~ESOLVED that D~. J. H. Davidson, Mr. George Burley and ~rs. J. R. Kell~ be and are hereby appointed as the members of the Local Board of Health for the year 1953~ and the Seal ~f the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. No, 3 - MacDONALD .)frTS.'~t . ~ESOLVED that Mr, J. Wallace Butters be and is hereby appointed as a representative of the City Council on the Public Library Board for the years 1953, 195~ and 1955; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed, Carried Unanimously, Me, ~ - BROOK~ - ~9T.1~ . ~EB0~VED that V, L, Davidson and A, C, Jolley be and a~e here~y appointed members of the Cour~ ef Revision; and the eel of the Cor- poration be hereto affixed, ~ O~rrted un~sly, ! No. 5-- MCKINLEY - DONALD - RESOLVED that Ald. George Martin be appointed for for the year 1953 as the representative of the City Council on the Greater Niagara Area Planning Board; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. No. 6 -NOWEt~S - MacDONALD _ RESOLVED that R. W. Edwards and Park Whistler be and are hereby appointed members of the Examining Board of Plumbers of the City of Niagara Falls for the years 1953 and 195~; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. No. 7 - MILLER - BROOKS - RESOLVED that His Worship, Mayor E. M. Hawkins be and is hereby appointed as the representative of the City Council on the Niagara Parks Commission for the year 1953; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed, Carried..Unanimously. No, 8 -MARTIN - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that His Worship, Mayor E. M. Hawkins be and is hereby appointed as the representative of the City Council on the Board of Governors of the Greater Niagara General Hospital for the year 1953; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. No. 9 - DONALD - MOWERS - RESOLVED that Alderman W. C. MacDonald be and is hereby appointed as the representative of the City Council on the Children's Aid Society for the County of Welland for the year 1953; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried ,Unanimously. No.10 -NacDONALD -MILLER . RESOLVED that George J. ~nery be and is hereby appointed the Weed Inspector for the City of Niagara Falls for the year 1953; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. No.ll - MARTIN - DONALD - RESOL~D that Aldermen W. C. MacDonald, H. G. Brooks and A. J. McKinley be and are hereby appointed as the members of the Property Committee of the City Council for the year 1953; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. No.12 -MacDONALD - BROOKS - RESOLVED that Aldermen G. Mowers, G. Martin and F. J. Miller he and are hereby appointed members of the Equipment Committee of the City Council for the year 19~3; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Up~nimously. No.13 -MARTIN -MCKINLEY - ~ESOLVED that Aldermen F. J. Miller, G. Donald and W. C. ~acDonald be and are hereby appointed as members of the Traffic Committee of the City Council for the year 1953; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. No.l~ - N0~ . NacDONALD _ RESOLVED that Ald. Grant Donald be and is hereby appointed as the representative of the City Council of Welland County Buildings for the year 1953; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried U.nanimously. No.l~ . ~frw.~R _ MARTIN . RESOLVED that Aldermen A. J. McKinley, H. G. Brooks and W. C. MacDonald be and are hereby appointed as the members of the Employees' Christmas Committee ef the City Council for the year 1953; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. C~rried Unanlmousl~. No.16 - BROOKS - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that Aldermen F.J.~tller and G. Martin be and are hereby appointed as the representatives of the City Council on the Greater Niagara Chnmber of C-r~mnerce Industrial Cnmm~ttee for the year 1953; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. No.17 - MacDONALD - MU.Tm - RESOLVED that Aldermen O. Mowers, G. Donald and H. G. Brooks be and are hereby appointed as members of the Civic Buildings C~=,~ttee of the City Council for the year 1953; and the Seal of the Corpor- ation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. No.18 - MARTIN - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that Aldermen G. Donald, O. Mowers and H. G. Brooks be and are hereby appointed as members of the Civic Improvements Committee of the City Council for the year 1953; and the Seal of the Corpor- ation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. The Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Donald and MacDonald until 2.00 p.m. F~AD AND ADOPteD, 12th January,1953. Clerk Council Chamber, 5th January,1953. The Council re-assembled at 2.15 p.m. for the purpose of considering the generalbusiness and financewhich had been properlypresented to them. All members of the Council were present. CO~CATIONB laid ever from previous ~Seetia~e~ No. 172 - (1952 File) - Niagara Falls Fire F tars. Loeal 28. ORDEEED on the motion of Ald. Donald and FeeDonald that~e .eommmieation be rmceived 'and filed a.a Permission be granted for the use ef the extrains lower r~ion No,266 - (1952 File) - Niagara Falls Fire Fighters, Local 52_8_8.-collective bar- gaining agreement. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Brooks that the commmulication be received and tabled until such time as a meeting can be arranged and also referred to the Budget Committee. No.269 - (1952 File) - Wade's Motor Sales - application for a license to operate a used car lot, cor~FV~c~&~a Avenue and Jepson Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Miller that the communication be received and filed and permission be not granted, but that consideration wi]l be given the applicant for any other site he may suggest. (Ald. Brooks - contrary). No. 275 - (1952 File) - Glenholme W. Glassbrook - requestir~ inclusion of his property in by-law n-mher ~883. ' ORDEP~ED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mac- Donald'that the communication be received and laid over for consideration at a special meeting at which time by-law number ~883 will be discussed ful]~. No. 28~ - (1952 File) - Board of Education - re additions and improvements to Collegiate-Vocational Institute. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Donald and Martin that the coummmication be received and filed. No. 290 - (1952 File) - Arthur _White - requesting inclusion of his propurty in by-law re,tuber ~883. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Mowers that the cnm,,,~ication be received and laid over for consideration at a special meeting at which time by-law n-tuber ~883 will be discussed fully. TENDERS Tenders had been called for the heating system at the old Custom building, recently purchased by the City of Niagara Falls to accommodate police facilities, etc. The tenders closed at noon, Monday, January 5th, 1953. 0RDEF~ on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that the tenders received be opened, initialled by His Worship the Mayor and tabulated. Upon tabulation of the same, another tender was received and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin that the tender be opened and considered. (Ald. McKinley - contrary). ORDERED o~ the motion of Ald. Miller and Martin that the tender of E. S. Fox, Plumbing and Heating Limited at the quotation of $~,797.00, the lowest tender, be accepted. Carried Unanimously. COMMUNICATIONS The foll._o~ C~nications were presented; No. 1 - His Worship. Mayor E. M. Hawkins - appointment of representative at Court of Revision. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the commun- ication be received and adopted. No. 2 - AlexThompson - appreciation. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Brooks that the communication be received and filed and the municipality pay another month's rent And the case be referred to Dr. W. H. Mean, M.P. with copies of correspondence with the Minister of Veterans Affairs in Ottawa, and he be advised that this munidipali~y are of the opinion that the veteran should'be taken care of by the Government. No. 3 - Secretary, Cana_d_i_a3_C~qrps Assoc. Unit 104 - no further connections with the Kiltie Band. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and ~4acDonald that the c~nication be received and filed. No. 4 - City Clerk, Fort William - resolution re increased interim assistance. 0Pa~ on the motion of A~d. f~nald and Mowers that the co~m,~nication be received and filed. the motion of AI~[ Mowers that the c~cation be received and laid On the table for two weeks. No. 6 - Civic Employees' Union, Local No.133 - requesting leave from employ- ment of delegate to attend Convention, January 16th and 17th. ORDE[~ on th~ motion of Ald. McKinley and MaCDonald that the cammunication be received and filed and the request granted. No. 7 - Juvenile Court Probation Officer - Annual Report. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald that the report be received and filed and a letter be forwarded to the Probation Officer congratulating him upon his excellent report. No. 8 - Jack Hogg - requesting permission to erect a 1C-unit motel. ORDEFd~D on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that the c~,~=unication be received and referred for consideration at a special meeting and that Council view these different locations which are requesting inclusion in by-law re,tuber ~883. REPORTS Laid over from previous meeting; No. 182 - (1952 File) - Chairman. Equipment Committee - recommending inclusion of an amount in 1953 Budget for the purchase of one sedan and four coupes. ORDEF~D on the motion of Ald.'Dov~ld ~MacDonald that the ~eport be received and referred to the special meeting of Council for consideration, and that a report be submittedby the Equipment Co.~n~ttee to the Council. No. 215 - (1952 File) - Arena Manager - operation of Memorial Arena. ORn~.RED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the report be received and tabled for the perusal of Council and to be discussed at the special meeting at which the Arena Manager will be requested to be present. No. 233 - (1952 File) - City Manager - Estimates for ~mproving road surface on Palmer Avenue from Bender Hill to Jepscn Street and for extendifig PalmsrAve. from Jepson St. to Huron St. 0RDE~ED on the metiofi of Ald. Martin and Mowers that the report be received and laid over for consideration at the Special M~eting tc be held at ~ p.m. on Monday, January 12th; members of Council to meet prior to this meeting at 3 p.m. to view the property. SEE Resolution 19.' No. 235 - (1952 File) - City Manager - re installation of auxiliary power at Filtration Plant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and MacDonald that the report be received and laid over for consideration of Council at the Special meeting. The following RePorts Were presented; No. 1 - City Manager - wash-water drain from the Filtration Plant at Chippaws. ORDERED on the motionc~ Ald. Mowers and McKinley that the report be received and adopted and the extension of thewash-water drain be approved by letter ' from the City of Niagara Falls to the H.E.P.C. of Ontario. No. 2- Cit Clerk - recommending issuance of licenoes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. M~ey and Miller'that the report be received and adopted and licenoes issued accordingly. RESOLUTIONS T~. followingResolutions were passed; at ~ ~ e' · . onl of Monday, January12th,1953; and that prior to this meeting, members of Council meet at the City Hall at 3.p.m. in order to view prepertiesJ and the Seal of the CorPoration be hersto affixed. 0arTled Unanimously. 11 No. 20 - MCKINLEY - MacDONALD - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of His Worship the Mayor and Members of the City Council be forwarded to Mr. Harry Iaur, upon the death of his mother, the late Mrs. Norman Laur; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. MISCF. T~LANEOUS Ald. Mowers referred to the fact that the City of Niagara Falls will be 50 years old in 195~ and desired to know whether the Mayor had anticipated the appointment of a Special Committee to study the matter of suitable cele- bration of this event. His Worship the Mayor advised that he would take this matter under advisement. BY-LAWS Laid over from a ~evious meeting; No. ~883 - For licensing, regulating and governing tourist camps and trailer camps, for designating areas of land to be used as tourist camps or trailer camps, and for prohibiting the use of other land for such purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Mowers that a special meeting of Council be held at ~ p.m. on Monday, January 12th, 1953 at which time by-law number ~883 ,will be ~ully discussed. The following by-laws were passed; No. 487~ - To appoint members of the Court of Revision for the year 1953. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Donald and MacDonald that Aid. Mc- Kinley be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Miller that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second re,~ding. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and MacDonald - Carried Unanimously. No. ~896 - To appoint two members of the Examining Board of Plumbers for the City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Mowers that Aid. Martin be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried Unanimously. 0RDEED on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and McKinley - Carried Unanimously. No. ~897 - T~ authorize the borrowing of $300,000.00 ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Martin that Ald. Donald be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried Unanimously, ORE~ on the motion of Ald. Mowers and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended an~ the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and Martin - Carried Unanimously. No. ~898 - To authorise the signing of an agreement with B.Perini and Sone, ~' Incorporated, Walsh Construction Company and Canadian-American Contractors. OFa)E~D on the metion of Ald. McKinley and Martin that Ald. Brooks be given the privLlege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried. (Ald. Donald - contrary) OPa]ERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Miller that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Coua~cil be ten~oorarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried. (Ald. Donald-contrary). Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Mowers - Carried. (Ald. Donald-contrary). On the motion of Aid. McKinley and MacDonald, the Council adjourned to Finance Meeting. R~AD AND ADOPTED, 12th January,1953. FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 5th Jamiary,1953. The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 5th January,1953 for the pur- pose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified aud placed before them. ALl members of the Ceanittee were present. Ald. Donald, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts submitted in the mount of $&4,506.30 were approved by the Cces~ttee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the .Council on the motion of AId. McKinley and Mo~ers. The City Treasurer' s Statement showing Debenture Debt Charges by years was presented for sonsidoration. 0RE~ on the motion of Ald.McEinljy and His Worship the Mayor that the same be received and laid on the table for further study. The City Treasurer, 8 Comparison ~f Tax Collections for the 'twelve a~nt~e ending December 31st,19~2 was presented for eonsideration. O~ on the too%ion of AId. M~ers and MacDonald that the same_ be receiveds given the usual publicity and filed. ' The City Manager' s report in connection with the application of N. Butkowski for a building permit to erect a store and apartment on Part of Lot 1 on the north side of Lundy's Lane, west of Main Street, at an estimated cost of $10,000.00 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mac- Donald and Mowers that the report be received and adopted and the pexwit issued. The Report of the City Manager recommending the purchase of a new tent for Fairview Cemetery from the Beacon Awning Manufacturers at a price of $357.50 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the report be received and adopted. The summary of quotations for Parking Meters, revisel, January 5th,1953 was presented for the consideration of the Committee, along with a communication from the Mi-Co Meter Sales and Service Limited, under date of December 30th,1952 contaialng a quotation of $68.10. Also a communication from the Dual Parking Meter Company of Canada with a revised Contract enclosed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Miller that the communications and summary of quotations be received and filed and ]J~O (Mi-Co Manual - singles) be purchased at $68.10 net; the meters to be purchased for cash, installed by the Corporation and the services of the meter man be retained at a cost of $1.00 per meter. 13 The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Miller and Martin. READ AND ADOPTED, 12th January, 1953. Chairman of Finance. COUNCIL ~A'ING Council Chamber, 5th January,1953. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council ware present. BY-lAW The following By-law ~as Passed: No. ~ . To provide monies for general purposes. O~ on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that Ald. Donald be given the privlleSe of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried Unanimously. ORDF2~D on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standin~ Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. ' Carried Unanimously. Third ~eadin~ -Ald. MacDonald - Mowers - Carried Unanimously. TENDE_R At this point a tender was received from Park Whistler for the heatinE system to be installed in the old Customs Buildin~ at the corner of Park and Clifton recentlY purchased by the City to accommodate police facilities. As the tender for this work had already been awarded, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Miller that the tender from Park Whistler be unopened, and returned with the explanation that the tender had ~lready been let. The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Donald and Mowers. READ AND ADOPTED,12th January,1953. SECOND MEETING SPECIAL MEETING Council Chamber, 12th January,1953. A 'Special Meeting was held by the City Council on Monday afternoon at ~ p.m. January 12th, 1953 for the purpose of discussing various matters which had been referred to the Council from the 1952 Council. All members of Council were present, with the exception of Ald. McKinley. COMMUNICATIONS -- Laid over from previog~ meeting; No. 275 - Glenholme W. Glassbrook (1952 File) No. 290 - Arthur ~l~fte"~'~ee) No. 8 - Jack Mpgg -~'(1953 File) - with reference to additional areas for tourist establishments. The following Communication was presented; No. 9 - Anthony Rose - with reference to additional area for tourist establish- mont. It was agreed that these communications together with the proposed amend- ing by-law be referred to the next meeting of Council for consideration. ~EPORTS Laid over from previous meetings; ,No. 182 - (1952 File) - Chairman~_E_quipmen~ Committee - re cars for officials. Ald. Mowers advised that the C6mmittee wished more time to consider this matters and would like the privilege of reporting later and on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald the report was tabled until the Committee have obtained further information and are prepared to submit their report. No. 215 - (1952 File) - Arena Manager - operation of Memorial Arena. Following the reading of the report a discussion was held with reference to the possi- bility of acquiring an additional compressor and other phases of operation of the Arena, following which it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that the report be filed and the City Manager prepare and submit estimates as to the costs involved to obtain an additional compressor and also the cost of implementing other suggestions contained in the report; the Man- ager's report to be submitted prior to the presentation of the Budget. SEE Resolution 21. No.,233 - (1952 File) - Uity Ma_nagQEr - proposed Palmer Avenue Extension. It was agreed that the report be tabled until the next meeting of Council when all members were present. No. 235 - (1952 File) - City Manage~,- re auxiliary power, Filtration Plant. In connection with this report the City Manager explained what action had been taken up to the present with reference to the possibility of'providing an addit- ional circuit on a separate pole line and following discussion on this point, it was moved~yAld. Donald andMacDonald that the CityManager prepare a further report on this additional circuit; the report to be submitted to Council within two weeks, time. A further discussion was held on the report and the methods of supplying auxiliary power contained therein, following which it was ordered byAld. Donald and~artin ~hat the Cit~Manager go into proposition number 3 as contained in his report and bring in an estimate and detailed costs as to the provision of auxiliary power and the replacement of Number 2 pump. SEE Resolutions 22-23. MISCELLANEOUS The City Manager brought to the attention of the Council the Amalgam- ation Report which had been submitted in 1952 and asked if it was the wish of the Council that info~nation be obtained and prepared for the necessary brier which would have to be submitted to the Ontario Municipal Board, pointing out that it would be essential that certain contacts be made in order to pro- ceed with the pre3~m~nary data. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and M~ller that the Civic Improvements Committee together with the City Manager proceed with the necessary contacts to provide preliminary information as to whether it would be a~visable to proceed with the application or not. SEE Resolution The City Manager then reminded Council of the fact that in 1952 different office equipment firms were requested to prepare schemes or pro- positions for the mechanization of the Accounting System and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that these propositions when ready be referred to the Equipment Committee for a report and recommendation. SEE Resolution 25. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed; No. 21 - M(~ERS - DONALD - RESOLVED that Report Number 215, submitted by the Arena Manager, be filed and the City Manager be instructed to prepare and sub- mit estimates as to the costs involved to obtain an additional compressor and also the cost or implementing other suggestions contained in the report; the City Manager' s report to be submitted prior to the presentation of the Budget; and the Seal of the Corporation be heMto affixed. Carried No. 22 - DONALD - MacDONALD - RESOLVED that the City Mav~ger be instructed to prepare a further report on the possibility of providing an additional circuit on a separate pole for the supply of power at the Filtration Plant; the report to be submitted to Council within two weeks' time; and the Seal of the Corpor- ation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 23 - DONAI2) . MARTIN - P, ESOLVED that the City Manager be instructed to go into proposition number 3 as contained in report number 235 and prepare estimates and detailed costs as to the provision of auxiliary power and the replacement of Number 2 pump at the Filtration Plant; and the Seal of the Cor- poration be hereto affixed. Carried No. 24 - MO~ . Wn.rxR . RESOLVED that the Civic Improvements Committee of the City Council, together with the City Manager proceed with the necessary contacts to provide preliminary information as to whether it would be advisable to proceed with the application or not, in connection with amalgamation with the Township of Stamford; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers, READ AND ADOPTED, lgth January,1953. Carried -J~ayor THIRD METING REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, 12th January, 1953. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 12th January, 1953, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. l'~cDonaid and Mowers. DEPUTATIONS The Electrical Contractors Association of Ontario was represented at the meeting by Mr. G. M. Rysdale, First Vice-President and on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Brooks was permitted to speak to Council. He outlined the reasons for the desire of the Association to have government legislation in order to protect the public from poor workmanship and cited a case where a bad fire was caused through faulty electrical installation. Under the new legis- lation a master electrician will be the only one allowed to take out a permit for a job; an individual doing his own work, however, will not require a permit. SEE Communication Number 23. Mr. Howard Bailey, of Bailey's Upholstery, 563 Jepson Street was present at the meeting and on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller it was ordered that he be permitted to speak to Council. He advised that he could see no reason for the petition being presented to Council at this meeting as he had complied with everything the Fire Chief and Fire Marshal had asked for. He further advised that rubbish is not burned on the premises, only fuel used are clippings from the frames. The refuse is all disposed of at the City Dump. He further stated that on the lower storey, a large furnace with a chimney recently installed, is' located and on the upper floor an oil burner, but that the Fire Marshal has allowed 12 months to makecertain changes. He concluded by inviting the Mayor and men~ers of Council to inspect his premises at any time. Ald. McKinley referred to the Smoke By-laws of the City and desired to know whether these governed 'evil smelling' smoke and was advised by the City Manager that the regulations governed the time allowed for the emission of smoke. SEE Petition No' 1. ·Ald. Brooks referred to conditions existing at 1602 Robinson Street because of plugged sewer and stated that the tenant of this property was present at the meeting. He further advised that he had been telephoned at 8.30 at night regarding these conditions and had visited the premises and found these very objectionable conditions existing and was of the opinion that some action should be taken to have the matter remedied. On the motion of Ald. McKinley and Miller, .Mr. Sampson, one of the tenants of the above building, was permitted to spea~ to Council. FAr. Sampson advised Council of the work he had, done to keep the sewer unplugged, without success. His Worship the Mayor stated that the case had been brought to his attention and that action had been taken by the Sewer Department on different occasions and the landlord, Mr. A. Brouillette was advised that unless he repaired the tile and covered the excavation, the plugging of the sewer would recur. The City Manager advised that in spite of the requests made to Mr. Brouillette, he did nothing, and the Sewer Department were advised not to return as it was not their responsibility to keep going back. HoweveT, the Manager then advised the landlord that the Sewer men would make one more trip on the understanding that the tile would be repaired but this has not been done. The City Manager fux~her advised Council that sewer laterals are the responsibility of the property owners. Although the City has given cleanout service, it is not the obligation of the City to do so. His Worship the Mayor advisedMr. Sampson that Councilwere in but that the landlord is responsible for the repairing of this condition and therefore should take the necessary steps to repair the same. SEE Resolution No 26. CO~CATIONS ~he following Communications were presented; Me. 10 - BellTelephone Company of Canada - requesting permission to place buried cable and move 1 pole 1 foot east on Robinson Street. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. NcKinley and MacDonald that the comication be received and filed and the request granted. SEE By-law No. 11 - Optimist Club - appreciation for Council's assistance with Optimist Progrease d=rin~V~2'j ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the cc~munication be received with than_ks. No. 12 - Kinsmen Club - appreciation for use of lot at corner of Queen St. and Valley Way for~'~le of Christmas trees. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Miller and MacDonald that the cosmmication be received with thanks. No. 13 - Charles Po~ers - appreciation for co-operation of Council in 1952. 0RDEED on the moef~n'~f Ald. MacDonald and Martin that the conmmnication be received with thanks. No. 1~ - ~AtrrayRuta - requesting consideration as one of the insurance agents participating in City insurance. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the ccmnunication be received and referred to the Insurance Pool. No. 15 - Ontario Good Roads Association - Annual Convention in Toronto on Feb. 9th, 1Oth and llth. OP~J~D on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mc~ers that the cce~cation be received and filed and the membership be renewed and a sm~11 delegation of Council attend the Convention. (Ald. Brooks-contrary). Prior to this motion, Aid. Brooks moved that the cc~cation be received and filed, b~t there was no seconder. No. 16 - Niagara Falls Church ~asketball Association - requesting~'ant. Om~ on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Miller that the cosaunication be received and referred to the hdget Coesaittee for consideration. No. 17 - Kiwanis~usic Festival - requesting grant of $300. ORDERED on the motion or Ald. Mowers and McKinley that the coesaunication be received and referred to the Bedget Committee for consideration. No. 18 - Niagara Falls Fire Department - requesting a raise in yearly aaxtnt of protection. O~D~ on the motion of AId. Brooks and Donald that the corn- mastication be received and filed and their request that the amount of insur- ance carried on Volunteer Firesan be increased to $~,000. be acceded to. No. 19 - Greater Niagara General Hospital - invit~tion to attend Joint meeting. O~DS~D on t he motion of Aid. MacDonald and Martin that the invitation be received and accepted and as many of the members of Council as possible attend. No. ~ - Department of Plannin~ and Development - Planning Meeting,January 20th. and 21st in Toronto. O~i,=~gD on the motion of AId. McKinley amt Mowers that the cc~mmnication be received and filed and the City Manager and Council' s r~prasentative on the Greater Niagara Area Planning ~card AId. Meltin, be delegated to attend thi& meeting. (AId. Brooks - contraryl. Prior to this motion, it ~a8 moved by Aid. Denaid and ~acDonald that the ccemmnication be received and filed; this ~s later withdrawn. No. 21 - Department of Planning and Develo~en~ _ Federal-ProvincLal Housing Projects. '~a~ '~ 'et~m~i~ 'c~ ~ and ~cXinle~ that the c~a- menicaticm end bredmrs be received and laid on the table pe~i~g the City Clerkt s submission,at his convenience, of a breakdown of the infor~aticm centaimed in the brechure, 8o that Council my ascertain its affect on the City of Niagara Falls. No. 22 - Niagara, S!.C+~a_t.h. arines~and Toronto Rail.w,.[ Su.p.~rintendent. - bus oper ations in the City of Niagara Falls and proposed increase in fares. ORDEHED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Miller that the comnunication be received and laid on the table for one week for further study by Couucil. No. 23 - Electrical Contractors' Associa__t_~9~ - re proposed legislation to license electricians. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Mowers that the c~mmunication be received and laid on the table until such time as the City Clerk'procures a draft of the legislation proposed. Ald. McKinley suggested that Mr. Rysdale be notified when Council intends to make a decision on this matter. The follo~dng Re_Looy~ was pres!n_tted; No. 3 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the report be received and adopted and the licences issued accordingly. At this point, His Worship the Mayor welcomed Ex-Mayor Carl D. Hanniwell to the CouncilMeeting. PETITION The followinE Petition was presented; No. 1 - David Mill~ And~9__o~t~.r~ - complaining against smoke nuisance, 563 Jepson Street. -Ald. Miller left the meeting - 0RREE on the motion of Ald. Martin and Meters that the petition be received and filed and the City Manager be authorized to maintain a check on this condition. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed; No. 26 -MARTIN - MOWERS - F~OLVED that the City Manager be authorized to instruct the Sanitary Inspector to inspect the property known as 1602 Robinson Street and if the same is found to be unsatisfactory for human habitation that immediate steps be taken to compel the landlord to make the necessary repairs; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanim.____ouJlZ. No. 27 - NacDONALD - DONALD - ~F~SOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of His Worship the Ma~o~nd Members of the City Council be extended to Mr. D. C. Patten, upon the death of his sister, the late Mrs. Alice Pew; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried ~nan~mously. The followin~ By,law was passed; BY-LAW No. ~900 - To grant permission to The Bell Telephone Compan~ of Canada to place buried cable and move 1 pole one foot east of its present location on Robinson Street. Olh~ on the motion of Ald. D~nald and M~wers that Aid. McKinley be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be reed the first time.. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and Mowers - Carried Unanimously. -Ald. Miller returned to the meeting The Council adjourned to Financeon the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley. READ AND ADOPTED, 19th January, 1953. FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 12th January,1953. T~e Finance Meetingwas held on Nonday, 12th January, 1953 for the pur- pose of approvingandalso passing the various accounts which had been properly certifiedandplaced before them. All members of the C~,--~ttee were present. Ald. Donald, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts subndtted in the mount of $65,~01.13 were approved by the Cosmlttee. .~. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Aid. Mowers and McKinley. At this time, Ald. Mowers referred to the Annual Meeting of the Chamber of Commerce and was of the opimton that Council show their co-operation with the Chamber by attending the same. ORDEF~B on the motion of Ald. Mowers' and Mc[tnley that the City ~anager make the necessary reservations for Council to attend the anrmal dinner meeting of the Chamber of Commerce. The city Treasurer'e Statement showing debenture debt charges by years, laid over from the previous meeting, was again presented for consideration. OP~ o~ the motion of His Worship the Mayor and Ald. Mo~ers that the statement be received and fil~l. The application of Ralph Blamerite to ooutinue the operation of the refreshsmnt soncessions a~ P. Oakee ark during 19~3 was presented for consideration. ON~ on the sotion of Ald. McKinley and Martin that the application be received and laid on the table for one week. The commurdcation from the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario containing a cheque in the amount of $8,000. representing a grant to the City to cover the costs incurred during 1952 of the additional work in administering the expanded municipal services resulting from Hydro's activities in connection with the Sir Adam Beck Niagara Generating Station Number 2, v~as presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of His Worship the l'~yor and Ald. Mowers that the communication be received and the cheque acknowledged. The City Manager's recomendation for the purchase of a Braden M3-10 Winch with 250 feet of half-inch cable to be installed on Truck N~mber 32, Cemetery Department, at a cost of $456.62 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Martin that the recommendation be received and adopted. The City Manager's report in connection ~lth the application of San~ Sentineal for a building permit to construct a building to be attached to his present dwelling to provide accomodation for six apartments, at an estimated cost of $22,000. was presented for consideration. ORDEI~D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Martin that the report be received and adopted. The City Manager's report in con~ection with the application of Henry B. La~g, for a building permit to erect a 10-~nit motel on his property at an estimated cost of $20,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks that the report be receiwed and laid over for discussion of by-law ~883. The City Manager's report in connection with the application of Mr.A.C. Jolley for a building permit to erect a store on the east side of North Main St. at an estimated cost of $25,000. was presented for consideration. $rdered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted. The City Manager's report on the application of Rosberg's Limited for a building permit to construct a first and second storey on their portion of store recently erected at the rear of their main building on Queen Street, at an est- imated cost of $30,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the m~tion of Ald. McKinley and Brooke that the report be received and adopted and the per- nit issued subject to the provision that a stairway satisfactory to the Fire Chief be installed and that certain alterations recommended by the Fire Chief be complied with. The City~nager's report regarding agreement with the Hamilton Mill- stock andMetal Compare, L~m~ted for the removal of scrap tin cans from the ' City ~,mp effective during theperiod January let, 1952 and January lst,1953, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted and the City advertise for concessions fromFebruary 1st, 1953 to February let,195~. The Statement of Relief' for the month of December,1952 was presented for consideration. ORDE~JED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the same be received, given the usual publicity and filed. At this point, the City Manager presented a verbal report on the appli- cation of the Burns Manufacturing Company, which arrived too late for inclusion on this agenda. The application consisted of additions to the present factory at an estimated cost of $1,900. OE on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Brooks that the verbal report of the City Manager and his recommendation be received and adopted. The Connittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKdnley and Mowers. P~AD AND ADOPteD, 19th January,19~3. Clerk Chairman of ~ Finance, COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 12th January,1953. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Cammittee and also to consider the matters referred to them from the Special Meeting. All members of the Council were present. BY-LAW The following By-law was passed; · No. 4701 - To provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Martin that Ald. Donald be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mo~ers and Miller that Rule 36 (2) of the S~anding Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Donald - Carried Unanimously. Laid over from a previous meeting. No. ~883 - For licensing, regulating and governing ~ourist camps and trailer camps, for designating areas of land to be used as tourist camps or trailer camps and for prohibiting the use of other land for such purposes. The followin~ C~n~,cications were considered; No. 275 - (1952 File ) -Glenboles W. Glassbrook No. 290 - (1952 File I ' Arthur White No. 8 - (1953 File -Jack HoF~ No. 9 - (1953 File ) - Anthon~ Rose with reference to additional areas for tourist establishments. Also City Manager' s report re application of H.B.Lang for a building permit for the erection of a lO-unit motel at 9 River Road, laid over from Finance Meeting. The proposed by-law was discussed at some length with particular reference to the areas as designated in the by-law and the ap~ax'ent extension ot the area as defined at Leader Lane and River Road. Ald. McKinley reiterated his previous stand on this matter and Ald. Sonald expressed the view that there should be :,o change from the original by-law 6 39 2. The purpose of the three by-laws, namely, 3962, A3~4 and h437 were explained and their effect and following further discusslob it. was ox~iered ~ the mo~ion of Ald. Donald a~i Brooks that by-law nu~,er ~883, comn~.nicat- ions 275, 290, a and 9 and the City/{an~ger's repor~ re Laz~ be laid on the table for one week. Carried. (Contrary -Ald. Mar~in and Mowers). with the extension and widening and as to whether such action is warranted at the present time, it being pointed out by the City Manager that there was a definite possibility that the anticipated traffic might not materialize and following the discussion, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Martin and Donald that the City Manager proceed with the resurfacinE of Palmet Avenue and that a traffic count be made at the intersection of Palmet Avenue and Eastwood at two periods, the first count to be made now, that is, at this season of the year and the second count to be made following the resurfacing and during the summer months. Carried. Prior to this motion, a motion was made by Ald. McKinley and Brooks that no action be taken on the Palmer Avenue extension at the present time until the housing situation improves. (This was later withdrawn). SEE Resol.ution No.28. RESOLUTION The following Resolution was passed; No. 28 - MARTIN - DONALD - RESOLVED that the City Manager be instructed to proceed with the resurfacing of Palmer Avenue and that a traffic count be made at the intersection of Palmet Avenue and Eastwood at two periods, the first count to be made now, at this season of the year and the second count to be made following the resurfacing and during the summer months; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. MISCELLANEOUS AId.Brooks referred to the parking of trucks at the coruer of Ontario Avenue and Queen Street which obstructed the view of vehicular traffic and His Worship the Mayor advised that the matter would be taken up with the Chief of Police. The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Donald and Mowers, READ AND ADOPTED, 19th January, 1953- Clerk Mayor 23 Letd over free a previous meeting; No. 233 - (1952) File) - Ci.~y Mane e~r - The report was discussed {n some ~e~ail proposed Palmet Avenue extension. as ~o the feasibility of proceeding FOURTH MEETING REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, 19th January,1953. Pursuant to adjournment, the. Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 19th Jannary, 1953 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Martin. DEPUTATIONS Mr. G. M. Rysdale, of the Electrical Contractors Association was present at the meeting and on the motion of Ald. Mowers and MacDonald was permitted to speak, in answer to Ald. Donald' s query as to who was responsible for the drafting of the proposed Bill and also advised in response to Ald. Donald' s query that it did not make any difference whether a nan owned one or six houses, he would be entitled to work on them himself, at least that was the thought of the Electrical Association. Ald. Donald explained his reasons for objecting to the proposed Bill, being of the opinion that the mnicipalities should not lose any more of their autonomy. Following the action of Council on the matter, Mr. Rysdale explained that the purpose of the Bill was simply to p~otect their organization ~nd business and felt that Council should give the matter further consideration. SEE Comnunications 5 & 2~. SEE Resolution No. 29. Ald. Brooks and Miller arrived during this discussion. Mr. Glenhoime W. Glassbrook and Mr. Arthur White, prosent at the meeting in connection with their communications regarding additional areas for tourist establishments, were permitted to speak to Council, as ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that anyone in the audience who cared to coment, be permitted to do so. They advised Council as to what they pro- posed in the event their locations were included in the by-law. Ald. Donald advised that owing to. the fact that there were several applications for additional tourist cabins and motels and being aware of several others that will be presented to Council, and also because of the sxisting by-law number 3962, proposed the following resolution - "that by-law number ~883 and the applications for a permit for the erection of a new motel and the communications requesting extensions of the areas where tourist cab- ins, tourist camps, etc. are permitted, be filed and the Solicitor be requested to draft a new by-law confirming the areas where licensed establishments of such nature are already in existence and providing for the naintenance, modern- ization or renovation of the said establishments and also providing that no new or additional accoamodation of such nature is to be permitted". There was no seconder to this resolution. Ald. McKinley was of the opinion that the resolution is ambiguous as submitted. His Worship the Mayor pointed out that the resolution' s intent was to file all the comunications and a new draft by-law be prepared. A!d. Brooks pointed out that people have applied prior to this by-law and have never received any ac~owledgment and referred specifically to Mr. Arthur White. The Clerk advised that any communications presented to Council wets acknowledged by him. The City Manager advised that an application made by Mr. White previous to the by-law, had been brought before Council. SEE Ccmmuniqations 2?5,290 8 9 SEE By-law Number No.~83 8BE Resol~tion Number 30. COFR~R~ICATIONS Laid over from previous No. 275 - (1952 File) - Mr. Glenholme Glassbrook No. 290 - (1952 File) - Mr. Arthur White No. 9 - (1973 File) - Mr. ose - with reference to additional areas for tourist establisP~nents. ORDEPd~D on the motion of Ald. Donald and ].[o~e~s that these co~ica~ions and by-law no. ~83 be laid over for consideration of a full Council. 0~E~ on ~he motion of Ald. ~cDonald and McKi~ey bh&~ 5hose ibem~ be considered. (F~i Council presen~ when ~his motion ~de). O~{DE~D on the motion of Ald. Miller and Mowers ~ha~ Co~c~ deal with By-law N~ber ~83, section by section. Ald. ~er re,erred ~o Sections 7, 11 ~d 13 and wad advised of th~ location and o~ership of the es~ablis~en~s thereon. Ald. Mowers e~ressed hi~ opposition ~o motels on ~he ma~ ~tree~s o~ the City and was not interested in what action was taken ~ 19~7 or 19~9. Ald. Brooks moved bha~ a by-law be brou~t in pa~ies that hay8 sub~bt~d applications alo~ ~th ~he old areas a~ ~h8 new ~re~s ~hat are requested by ~he different applicants. (~is was no~ seconded). Ald. Donald re~erred ~o the Niagara Parks Commission be~ b~lb ~ their ~rea and was of ~he option that 5h8 Cohesion ~ho~d be con- sidered. OFfEnD on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks bhab the De~men~ of H~h~ys and the Niagara P~rks Co~ssion be contacted in respect to their opinion regar~ng the const~ction of motels and the co~bions and by-law ~83 be laid on the ~able. (Ald. ~in-con~ra~). Ald. [~rtin was of the opinion ~hab Council sho~d ~ke their o~ decision. S~ Resolution N~. No. 5 - Ontario M~nicipal Association - re proposed licensing of electricians. No.23 - Electrical Contractors Association of Ontario - relicensed electricians. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Martin that these communications be considered together. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that the Council reply to the communication from the Ontario Municipal Association advising them that this Council are not in fayour of the Droposed legislation. Carried. (Ald. Miller and Mowers - contrary). Prior to this resolution, it was moved by Ald. Mowers and seconded by Ald. Martin that the Ontario Municipal Association be advised that Council are in fayour of the change in legislation. This motion was defeated - Aye -Ald. Mowers, Martin and Miller; Naye- Ald. Donald, McKinley, Brooks and MacDonald. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the communication from the Electrical Contractors Association be received and filed. (Ald. Miller-contrary). SEE Resold. No. 22 - Niagara, St.Catharines and Toronto Railway - re proposed increase in bus fares. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that the communi- cation be received and filed. (Ald. Miller - contrary). Ald. Miller indicated his opposition, requesting an expression of opinion from the members of Council. The following Communications were presented; No. 2~ - The Railway AssOciation of Canada - Daylight Saving Time-1953. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the communication be received and filed and the General Secretary be notified that this municipality will adopt Daylight Saving Time at 12.01 a.m. Sunday, April 26th, 1953 until 12.O1 a.m. Sunday, September 27th, 1953. No. 27 - Health League of Canada - appreciation for 1952 Grant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Martin that the con~unication be received and filed. No. 26 - Chamber of Commerce, Industrial Committee - requesting increase in grant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and ~acDonald that the comunication be re- ceived and referred to the Budget Committee for consideration. No. 27 - Chamber of Commerce, Tourist Committee - requesting grant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Nillet and Mowers that the communication be received and re- r~ferred to the Budget Committee for consideration. '26 No. 2~ - Niagara Fa~ls Horticultural Society.- requesting increase in grant. ORDENED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Mc ley that the communication be received and referred to the Budget Cmmmittee for consideration. No. 29 - Greater Nia~a C~t~Chest - requestinS grant. ORDERED on the motion of l'EY~.~s ~'~g~i~feyY~6'~he communication be received and re- ferred to the Budget Committee for consideration. No. 30 - Mr__s. ~.9.~McCol~ .- absence of indication of 'school zone' on Victoria Avenue. at Simcoe St. and ArmourySt. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the communication be received and referred to the Traffic C~muittee for a report. No. 31 - Miss ~ps~ie~e~eTerdik - Drug store hours. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Brooks that the communication be received and referred to the Niagara Falls Druggists Association. No. 32 - City Clerk~ London, ~Onta~rjS - resolution proposing Dominion-Provincial- Municipal Conference. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the communication be received and filed. This motion was defeated - the vote being - Aye Ald. Miller and MacDonald - Nays -Ald. McKinley,Donald, Marthe, Mowers and Brooks. An amendment by Ald. McKinley and Donald that the communi- cation be received and the resolution be supported, was carried. (Ald. Miller and MacDonald - contrary). No. 33 - County Council Section of Ontario School Trustees and Ratepayers Assoc- iatio_jn. invitation to Joinorganizatlon .and attend convention. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Brooks that the co~mmication be received and filed. No. 34 - Nia~ar.~F__~a~!s Girls' Work Board - requesting permission to hold a tag day, May 2nd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Brooks that the com- munication be received and filed and the request granted. No. 35 - Women's Christian Association of London - invitation to opening of new buildings at Parkwood Hospital. ORDEEED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Martin that the invitation be received, accepted and as ma~y of the members of Council as possible attend. No. 36 - Rapids Tavern - invitation. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, McKinley and Miller that the invitation be received, accepted and as many of the members of Council as possible attend. No. 37 - Perini-Walsh - requesting permission to place loaded and unloaded trailers on City streets. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Mowers that the communication be received and the Chief Engineer be requested to meet with Council to discuss this matter. MISO~.LANEOUS His Worship the Mayor advised the members of Council concerning the Firemen, s Annual Dance to be held at the General Brock Hotel on January 3Oth, 1953 and that tickets will b, available tc the members. His Worship the Mayor also queried the members of Council regarding the possibility of the representatives sf.the ~oard of Education meeting with them at 9 P.M. on January 26th, It was agreed that this would be acceptable. REPORTS The fo_...__ljowin~ Reports were Pressured: No. ~ . City Clerk . re heari~ by Ontario Municipal Board on January 19th,1953. OP~ED on the motion o~ Ald. Donald and Martin t~at the report be received a~d filed. No. 5 - tit Clerk - rec~ending issuance of licenoes ORDEFdED on the motion BY-LAWS Laid over from a previous~e~i~; No. - For licensing, regulating and governing tourist camps and trailer camps, for designating areas of land to be used as tourist camps and trailer camps, and for prohibiting the use of other land for such purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks tha~ the Department of Highways and the Niagara Parks Co~ndssion be contacted in respect to their opinion regarding the construction of motels andby-law number ~8~3 and the com- munications dealing with the same be laid on the table. (Ald. ~'~rtin - contrary). Ald. Martin was of the opinion that Council should make their own decision. The followS_rig By-law No. ~902 - To provide for the 1953 Expenditure on Roads or Streets in the City ....... of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and McKinley that Ald. Donald be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and Donald - Carried Unanimously. In connection with this by-law the City Manager advised that it was only an estimate forwarded to the Department by which a grant can be obtained for 1953, which must be in the hands of the Department before the 2~th of January. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed; No. 29 - BROOKS - DONALD - RESOLVED that the City Manager and City Solicitor study the matt~r'~Y'Yi?ensing electricians in Niagara Falls and submit a report; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. (Ald. Miller, Mowers and Martin - Contrary). Carried No. 30 - MOWERS - BROOKS. - RESOLVED that the Department of Highways and the Niagara Parks bomm~ssion be contacted in respect to their opinion regarding the construction of motels and by-law number ~883 and connnunications pertaining thereto be laid on the table; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried (Ald. Martin - Contrary). The Council adjourned to Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and ~c- Donald. READ A}~ ADOPTED, 26%h January, 1953. Clerk /Mayor Council Chamber, 19th January, 1953. The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 19th January,1953 for the pur- pose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. ALl members of the Committee were present. Ald. Donald, Chainuan of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts submitted in the mount of $5~,710.39 were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers. The request of R. Bi~monte for permission to continue operation of the concession at Cakes Park for the year 1953, laid over from the previous meeting, was again presented for consideration, along with the City ~anager's report. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and ~ecDonald that the report be received and adopted and the concession be granted to Mr. Biamonte for the year 1953 for the s~m of $175. with the understanding that he will make the necessary provements and pay for electric power used by him. The City Man~ger, s report on the application of Mr. H.B.Lang, 9 River Reed for a building permit to erect a lO-unit motel on his property, laid over from previous meeting, was presented for consideration. ORDEP~ED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the same be received and laid on the table. (See disposition of correspondence in Council meeting.) A cam~,nication from the Niagara Falls Evening Review regarding the P~rchase of space in their newspaper by the Corporation in connection ~r~th the Canadian Premiers of the motion picture "Niagara", was presented for con- sideration. Moved by Ald. Hartin and Brooks that a full page of advertisement be purchased. This motion was defeated with Ald. Mowers in favour .Ald. Mac- Donald, McKinley, Fdller and the Mayor dissenting. An amen~mentmsde by Ald. F~cDon~ld~nd McKinley that a h~if-page ad be P~rchased, was also defeated; the vote being - and the Hayor; Naye _Ald. Hiller, Brooks, Hartin Aye -Ald. MacDonald, McKinley, and Mowers. ORDE~ on the motion of Ald. Mowers and NisWorship the ~ayor that the matter be left in the hands of the Chairman of Finance. Carried Unanimo~sly. The City F~ager's report in connectionwith the application of W.R. MoT'san for a building per~it to make &Iterations to cabins and construct an a~ditional cabin at 32? Fer~son Street was Presented for consideration. O~J)ERED on the motion of His Worship the Mayor ~nd Ald. McKinley that the s~me be on the table. The City hanager, s rePortreco~,nending the rc counters for roads at a cost of a ro~dm~ pu base of two traffic PP te1~$66.00 each, was Presented for con- sideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the report be received and adopted. The City MAnager,s report regarding the standardization of hose threads for the Fire Departments was presented for consideration. ORDEHED on the motion of Hayor Hawkins and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and adopte~.Carried. ( d. Killer and Mowers _ contrary). A previous motion by Ald. Mil~er that the A1 report be received and referred to the Ec~ipment Committee with Power to act, was no~ seconded.) - ;npti~;~fThe offer or Anna Konkos (Stanley Garage & Auto Wreckers) to Purchase i~o o · to ' r~ at the offer be received and a~hPresented for consideration. ~eferred · C~tee w~t~ P~wer to act; with the underst~nd~ that ~t sold, i~ shall be fenced with a high board fence. ', .. i The City Manager advised that the Manager of the Seneca Theatre has requested permission to block off Queen Street from Welland Avenue to St.Law- rence Avenue from 7 u~til 8.30 p.m. the night of the Canadian Premiere of the motion picture "Niagara", January 28th, as a band will be in attendance and other arrangements are being made to acco~aodate the crowds. ORDERED on the motion of His Worship the Mayor and Ald. Martin that permission be granted. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers. READ AND ADOPTED, 26th January,1953. Clerk Chairm~n of Finance. COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 19th January,1953. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-lawwhich covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present. BY-LAW The following By-law was passed; No. A903 - To provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that Ald. Donald be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and McKinley. Carried Unanimously. The Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of A!d. Donald and Martin. MAD AND ADOPTED, 26th January,1953. ~Mayor. CO~CE Council Chamber, 19th January,1953. The Cohference Co~m~ittee of the City Council assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetings on Monday, 19th January, 1953 for the purpose of considering various matters presented to them. All members of the Co~nittee were present. After consideration of the items placed before them, the Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald. READ AND ADOPTED. a '~6t~ J~n~,1953. ---"""~ehaimnan. FIFTH MEETING ~IEGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, 26th January,1953o Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 26th January, 1953 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Councilwere present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. M~cDonald and Miller. DEPUTATIONS Mr. P. M. Putnam, Chief ~Ag~eer, Periniddalsh Company, was present at the meeting as requested by Council and on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin was permitted to speak. He outlined their requirements necessary in connection with the concrete operation of the Hydro tunnels and that the new trucks being acquired would be s~m~lar to those already in operation. Me assured Cotuncil, upon being queried, that Perini-Walsh would be prepared to repair any damage to the roads over which they would travel. SEE Commmn~catio._n_~.q,.}~ Mr. Steve Allen was also present at the meeting and on tile motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley was permitted to speak. He advised Council that he failed to see where the Niagara Parks Commission entered into the picture, as far as he is concerned, in connection with his proposal to build cabins on his property bn River Road and requested Council to arrive at a decision in his case. His Worship the ~ayor assured ~. Allen that as soon as Council have definite inforn~tion from the Niagara Parks Commission, they would be prepared to take action. TENDERS Tenders had been called for the removal of tin cans from the City Dump for the period from February let, 1953 until January 31st, 195~ and on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald it w~s ordered that the one tender which had been received, be opened, initialled by His Worship the Mayor and read. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mower~ and Miller that the tender of Morris Greenspan for $700. for the current year and $8.00 per load to the Dump Operator, be accepted. CO~4UNICATIONS Laid over from the previous meeting; No. 21 - Department of Planning and Development - brochure on Federal-Provincial Housin~ Projects. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the same be received and laid on the table until further information is obtained from Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation with reference to Rental Housing Projects. SEE ReportS9. 6. No. 30 -Mrs. A. G. McColl - restsonce of school zone markings on Victoria Ave. ORDERFJ) on ~:e ~o~ono~ld. Miller and MacDonald that the communication be received and as reco~aended verbally by the Chairman of the Traffic Committee, the City Manager be instructed t6 conduct a survey of the schools to ascertain where school zone markings are required and that such locations be so indicated. No. 37 - Per~nid~alsh - requesting permission to place Semi-Trailers, loaded and unloaded on Citl streets. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that th~ communication be received and filed and permission be granted subject to 'the provision that a by-lawwill be prepared authorizing the execution of an agree- ment between the Corporation and Perini-Walsh, compensating the City of Niagara Falls for any damage sustained to City streets during this operation. 31 The following ConmAnications were presented; No. 38 - Glenhelms W. Glassbrook - re application for construction of motel. 0~DE~ on the motion of Ald. Mowers and MacDonald that the communication be received and laid on the table together with all the other documents and by- law concerning tourist cabins, etc. pending replies from the Niagara Parks Cammission and the Department of Highways. No. 39 - ~ H.~a~..e__s - requesting permission to add two units to motel. OPd)E~ED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Mart~ that the ccmmnnication be re- ceived and laid on the table, together with all the other documents and by-law ccncerning tourist cabins, etc. pending replies from the Niagara Parks Commission and the Department of Highways. No. ~0 - R. C. Young - appreciation. ORD~.RED on the tooties of Ald. MacDonald and Martin that the communicatioe be received and £iled. No. ~1 - Ross Dunkelman Chapter or Hadesash - requestingc.~ormission to hold a tag day en~pril lOth. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Ma nald and Miller that the communication be received and permission be granted. motion of c y that the communication be received and re- ferred to the Budget Committee for consideration. No. ~3 - Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Plannin~ Board - requesting grant for 1953. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Mowers that the communication be received and referred ~o the Budget Committee for consideration. No. ~4 - R.C.A.F. Air Cadets, Squadron 126 - requesting grant for 1953. ORDERF~D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the communication be received and referred to the Budget Committee for consideration. No. ~5 - Niagara Frontier H,,_nt~ne Society - requesting grant for I953. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the communication be received and referred to the Budget Committee for consideration. No. 46 - Niagara Falls Civic Employees' Federal Union, Local 133. - requesting meeting with Committee of Council. 0RDf~,D on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the comnmnication be received and filed and the Mayor be em- powered to appoint the Committee of Council. Hie Worship, the Mayor, delegated Ald. Donald, Miller, Mm~ers and Martin and the Cit~ Manager. No. ~7 - Junior Chamber of Commerce - requesting proclamation. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley'that the communication be received and filed and the proclamation issued as requested. No. ~ - Elton F. Walker - "Civic Administration" subscription. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. N~11er and Mowers that the communication be received and filed and the subscriptions taken. Prier to this, Ald. McKinley moved that the matter ~e referred to the Budget Committee for consideration; there was no eeconder. T~.e followin~ Re. ports were presented; No. 6 - City Clerk - synopsis of Manual prepared by the Department of Planning and D~velopment. O.~DE.~ED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the report be received and laid on the table until further information is obtained · from Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation with reference to Rental Housing Projects. No. 7 - Cit~Ma~er . report on attendance at Planning Meeting. ~RDERED on the motion of A . Rowere and McKinley that the report be received and filed. 3 i No. 8 - City Clerk - report on Conference of January 19th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the report be received anu filed. No. 9 - City Clerk - recomnending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Martin that the report be received and adopted and the licences issued accordingly. No.10 - Assessment Commissioner - Annual Report. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mi~l~'~'t~ ~rt be received and laid on the table for perusal. BY-LAW The followinK By-law. No. ~90~ - To amend by-law numbe~ A13A being a by-law to provide for the install- ation of perking meters on certain streets in the City of Niagara Falls and to provide ~egulations relative to the parking of vehicles in the areas or zones where parking meters are installed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and },~cDonald that Ald, M~I 1 er be. given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the. Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald.- Mowers and MacDonald - Carried Unanimously. APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEE TO MEET WITH HOSPITAL BOARD His Worship Mayor Hawkins delegated Ald, Donald, Mayor Hawkins and the City Manager to this Committee. Council adjourned to Finance on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald. READ AND ADOPTED~ 2nd February, 1953. Council Chamber, 26th January,1953. The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 26th January,1953 for the purpose of approvingand also passing the various accounts which had been properly certi- fied and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Aid. Donald, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $98,376-31 were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or ethe~ise dealt with, were ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald. Moors and McKinley. The City Manager's report in connection with the sketch presented by the Central Veterans' Committee for the proposed plaque to be erected on the Cenctap~ on Clifton Hill, containing 1~2 names, at a price of $1,200. was presented for consideration. ORDEPED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Mc- Kinley that the report be received and adopted. The City Manager' s report in cunnection with the offer of Smith Bros. Construction Company to purchase Part of Lot 26, Plan 653, on the west side of Valleyway between Morrison Street and Victoria Avenue for the stu. of $100. was presented for consideration. Upon the verbal report of the City Clerk on behalf of the Proparty Committee that the City Manager' s recommendation be approved, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Brooks that the reports be received and adopted and the sale transacted. Ald. MacDonald, Chairman of the Property Committee, reported on the inability of the Property Co~n~ttee to agree on the disposition of the offer of Anna Konkos to purchase Part of Range 22, on the south side of Robinson St. west of Stanley Avenue. Ald. McKinley being in accord with the Chairman that at the present time the proparty be not sold, pointing out the failure of Mrs. Konkos to co-operate in the past to remedy the condition existing in that vicinity. Following further discussion, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. M~ller and Brooks that the offer be tabled for one week in order that Council might view the location and if following inspection, Council are agreed, the proparty be leased for one year with the option to purchase. On the motion of Aid. McKinley and Mayor Hawkins, the Committee arose and reported to Council. ~EAD AND ADOPTED, 2nd. February, 1953. Clerk · ,~' Chairman of Finance. Council Chamber, 26th January,1953. The Councll re-assembl.~j at the close of the regular Council ~ Fin- ance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. BY-LAW The fe~Wt~e ~y-law was xaSsed; No.. ,A~O~ j To ~rcvida monies for general purposes. OF~ on the motion of Aid. McKinley 'a~d Mowers that Ald. Donald be given t~e privile2e of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first t4-,, . Carried U~aly. t/ ORDEI~D on the motion of AId. Mowers and F~rtin that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and Martin - Carried. COM~UNICATION _The following Conumnication was presented; No. ~9 - J.M. Leskiw - re sewer trouble at 20~6 Allen Street. This co~tmnication was not included on the agenda, being handed to Council during the meeting. ORDErtED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Mowers that the communication be con- sidered. A full discussion following during which the City Manager reported verbally in connection with this case. The City Manager advised that he had received a telephone call at ll.30 p.m. Saturday, January 17th but the lady failed to give her address. However, at 8 A.M. Sunday, contact was made with the Street Superintendent who the Sewer Gang going from house to house on Allen Avenue in an effort to find out the location of the sewer trouble, without success. Apparently it was at Leskiw's house, but no answer could be obtained from this residence. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the communication be received and filed and the writer advised of the City's action and he be requested to contact the City Manager re any recurrence of this trouble. His Worship the Mayor advised Council concerning the meeting scheduled for this evening in the Council Chamber with the Board of Education. The Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Donald and Martin - (Aid. Brooks - contrary). READ AND ADOPTED, 2rid February,1953. Clerk Council Cha.mhe~, 26th January,1953. The Conference committee of the City Council assembled at the close of the re~lar council and finance meetings on Monday, 26th January,1953 for the purpose of considering vaxious matters presented to them. All members of the Committee were present, with the exception of Ald. Brooks. After considerati~A of the item placed before them, the Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley. READ AND ADOPI"ED, 2rid February,1953.. . Clerk ~ Chaix~nan SETH MEETING - Aid. Brooks left the meeting - Council Chamber, No. 53 - H. A. Logan - requesting by-law to permit encroachment on Buc]dey Ave. 2nd February,19~3. 0RDEED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that the con~vuinication be received and filed and permission be granted. SEE By-Law 4907. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 2rid. February, 1953 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All -Ald. Brooks returned to the meeting - members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Martin. No. 5~ - H. B. Urquhart - requesting permission to participate in City's ksur- ance. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that the communication be received and referred to the Insurance Pool for consideration. GREETINGS 1 No. 55 - Board of Education - requesting debenture issue of $400,000. to con- At this time, His Worship, Mayor E. M. Hawkins extended birthday struct additions and make alterations to the buildings of the Niagara Falls Collegiate-Vocational Institute. ORDERED on the motion of f~ld. Mo~rs and Mac- greetings on behalf of the Council, to Ald. Nowera and Donald. i Donald that the communication be received and filed and a by-law be prepared in the amount of $200,000. for submission to the Ontario Municipal Board for its DEPUTATIONS ~ approval and the Board be informed to the effect that this is part of a scheme ~: involving the expenditure of $~00,OO0. of which the additional $200,000. would be requested in the year 19~4 and that tentative approval be obtained for the A delegation was present at the meeting in connection with the request contrary) of the Army, Navy and Airforce Veterans organization to sponsor a Carnival, whole project. (Ald. Brooks - · operated by the Bernard & Batty Shows of Toronto, to be held on the Bridge Street grounds from April 17th to April 23rd, 1953. 0RDEED on the motion of No. 56 - County Clerk - Report of Niagara Falls Suburban Area CoMmission and Ald. MacDonald and Martin that Mr. Alex Gill be heard. He advised permission their request for $5,000. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that .~' has been obtained from the Canadian Cellucotton Company to use the Bridge St. the communication be received and referred to the Budget Com~dttee for consid- grounds and there will be no interference with the softball field. eration. ~ No. 57 - Clerk-Treasurer of North Bay - resolutio~ to amend Children's Pro- "' SEE Communication No.59. tection Act. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the com- munication be received and the resolution be referred to the Ontar5 o Municipal Upon consideration of Communication No. 60, His Worship the Mayor Association with no endorsation. gave a brief resume or the history of this case for the benefit of the dele- gation from the Arm~, Navy, Airforce Veterans Organization and .Mr. Gill was No. 58 - Benson Gas &EQuipment Ltd. - requesting permission to tender on City's ef the opinion that their organization, through their Canteen Fund may be able requirements of oxygen and acetylene gases. ORDErRED on the motion of AId. Donald to be of assistance and further advised that the Veterans Advocate will be and Brooks that the communication be received and filed and this firm be included asked to call upon Mr. Thompson. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and in the regular call for tenders. Miller that Mr. L. Stones, Secretary, be permitted to speak also. He queried as to the amount of rent and it was agreed by Mr. Gill that their organization No. 59 - Army, Navy and Airforce Veterans - requesting permission to hold would pay the February rent, to prevent any further hardshin in this case and permission has been received from the Canadian Cellucotton Company, ne,mbission · Carnival. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. M~ller and MacDonald that inasmuch as ~ thus enable them to investigate the case. His Worship the ~ayor on behalf of ~ the Council expressed appreciation for their interest and aid. be also granted by the municipality. Lot 861, Stanley St. Plan ll. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Mac inclusion on the agenda, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mac- replies from the Niagara Parks Co,mission and the Department of Highways. and Brooks that the communication be received and permission be granted with the understanding that the drilling between 10 P.M. and 8 A.M. will be suspended. ~ Aid. Brooks and Aid, McKinley arrived. (Ald, Donald - contrary), .~EPORTS ~;o. 31 - Sell Telephone . requesting Permission to replace one pole on Main St, No. ~2 - Bell Telephone . requesting permission to place buried cable on Home- The following R.eports were presented; wood Avenue, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, .Mowers and Miller that the communi- cation be received and filed and Permission be granted, No, 11 - City Clerk - two recommendations of Traffic Committee, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, MacDonald and McKinley that the report be received and adopted, SEE By-Law ~906, No. 12 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted and licences issued accordingly. BY-L~WS The following By-laws wer~e~.A~a. sse~; No. ~906 - To provide for permission to The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada to replace one pole on Main St. in the same location and to place buried cable on Homewood Ave. ORDEFED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Martin that Aid.McKinley be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried Unanimously. NOTICE OF MOTION Ald. ~ller gave notice of his intention to introduce a motion at the next meeting of Council with reference to exemptions on Fraternal, Service and Veteran organizations, pointing out exemptions presently in existence and also indicating that if his suggestion is carried out, the over-all cost to the municit~ality would be considerably less than 03,000. per ann~. The Council adjourned to Finance on the motion of Aid. McKinley and P~cOonald. READ AND ADOPTED, 9th February, 1953. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Miller that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the 2nd. reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and Brooks -Carried, Unan~nousl~. No. ~907 - To allow an encroachment upon Bucldey Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Martin that Ald. Mowers be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried Unanimously. ORDEFJ~D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Brooks that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and Martin - Carried Unanimously. ' ' =v. · · ' ' No. ~908 - To authorize the execution of a deed. FINANCE ~ETING ORDEE on the motion of Ald. Miller and Mower~s that Aid. Donald be ' Council Chamber, given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first 2nd February,1953. time. - Carried Unanimously. of t~e Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be . certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. read the second time. - Carried Unanimously. Ald. Donald, Chairman of Finance, presided. Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and Martin - Carried Unanimously. Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $~7,570.~6 were approved by No. ~90.____~9 - To authorize the signing of an agreement. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ORDE~j) on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that Ald Mart ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion The offer of Mrs. Anna Konkos to purchase Part of Range 22, Robinson · · · Street, laid over from the previous meeting, ~ms again presented for consideration ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that Rule 6 2 of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspanded and the by-law3be(g~ ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Brooks that the offer be received and yensecond filed and Mrs. Konkos be grantpd one yep. r's lease ~th the understanding if ~a~in.~. _ Carried 'jn~ni~ously. the general conditions of this and the surrounding property are kept in a condition satisfactory to the City of Niagara Falls, permission will be granted for the put- Third Reading .Ald. MacDonald and Martin . Carried Unanimously. chase of the same. FURTHER ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Mayor Hawkins that the lease be drawn for one year in the mount of $50. His Worship the Mayor requested the City Manager to include this l~cation on the Tour of Inspection. 4i A communication received from the Administration of the General Hospital with reference to the cost of caring for City Indigents for 1952, the ~nount received in statutory and special grants and the loss sustained, was presentei for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Miller that the com~.,unication be received and laid on the table and they be requested to delegate a small co~aittee to be present at the next meeting of Council to discuss this subject. A co~amication from the Niagara District Credit Association regarding the renewal of the Annual Contract with Dun and Bradstreet, was presente,t for consideration. ORDEP~ED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and b~cDonald that the co~,unication be received and referred to the Budget Conmdttee for consideration. The City Treasurer's Comparison of Tax Collections, month of January, 1953 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of ~'~yor Hawkins and Ald. Mowers that the same be received, given the usual publicity and filed. The City Treasurer's Summary of Taxes in arrears as of December 31st, 1952 was pre~ented for consideration. ORDEi{ED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin ~hat the same be received, given the usual publicity and filed. The Treasurer was requested to make a special effort to see that the arrears for 19~7 and 19~8 are taken care of without further delay. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mayor Hawkins. READ AND ADOPTED,gth February,1953. Chairman of Finance. COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 2nd, February,19~3. ,, +. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance · .'~'.~ri6- for ~hc purpose of Passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Co~ittee. All members of the Council were present. BY -LAW The following By-law was passed; ~ 4~lq - To provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and ~rtin that Aid. Donald be given the privilege of introduciDg the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-l~w be read the second time. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and Mowers - Carried Unanimously. MISCELLAneOUS Ald. Donald referred to the improvements presently taking place at the old Customs Building and it was agreed that a meeting be arranged with the Civic Building Committee for 5 P.M. On Tuesday afternoon. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley READ AND ADOPTED, 9th February,1953. Clerk ' ' ' ' ' ' ' _ ~ Mayor REGU~RM~TNG 9th February, 1953. Council Chamber. Pursuant to adJourmment, the COuncil met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 9th February, 1953 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of Council were present, with the exception of Ald. Donald. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Mowers. DE.~%.'TATION Mr. Fred Bailey, of Unit No.3OO of the Arn~, Navy and Airforce Veterans' Organization was permitted to address Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley an'i Mowers. He stressed the importance of Veterans' Organizations to the community and the Country and expressed the hope that Council would give faycurable conaid-ration to the resolution introduced by Ald. Miller for the ~urpose of uniform treatment in recognition of service supplied, that the City in the case of Veterans' Organizations, should provide exemption on General Taxation for a period of five years, exclusive of School Taxes and Local Improve- meet Charges. SEE Resolutio_~n~.31-32. No. ll~ - City Clerk - recomnend~ng issuance of licences. ,QilDiCF]D on the! motion -~f Ald. ~acDonald and McKirley that the report be received and abptc..'. and licenoes issued accordingly. ESCLUT!ONS The following Resolution was presented; No. 31 - ~LLER - (NO SECONDER) - EESOLVED that whereas it is 4ce=cd dc=ir~blc to recognize the services rendered to the municipality by variou~ or£anizations; and whereas for this purpose a uniform method should be established; Therefore Be It ~csolved That the Council of the City of Niagara Falls consider p. rovidin~ exemptions to Veterans' Organizations in the municipality from General Taxes excluding School ~ates and Local improvement Rates, for a period of not nor~ than five years and that Council also consider a Grant to Service Crganization~b Frat- ernal Organizations and similar groups, of an amount etuiva].ent to the General Taxes, excluding School Rates and Local improvement Rates for a s~mil~r period, namely five years; an~ the Seal cf the Corporation be hereto affixed. In introducing this resolution, Ald. I.~ller stated that some Organizations are not well fLxed financially an~ the City should at least show in some snml] way appreciation for the services rendered by these Organizations to the co~mnity. In referring to Organizations already enjoying exemption from t~xation, ~.ld. Hilter commended them for the services they were rendering, but was of the opinion that Veteran, Fraternal and Service Groups should also enjoy the same privilege, specifically' mentioning the Crange Lodge, l.~sonic Lodge, Army, i:aD~ anti Airforce Veterans, Glenview Social Club and the Marconi Lodge. Ald. HcKinley questioned the legality of the resolution. His Worship the 1-~yor advised that every member cf Council was fully aware of the work performed by the Veterans but that the ~+~ Solicitor's advice COMMUNICATIONS in this matter should be obtained. Ald. Brooks stated he would be prepared to support Ald. ITiller, butwas The followinX Conrmnications were presented; ~ of the opinion that Old Age Pensionsere also need assistance. No. 62 - Stratford CitX Clerk - Resolution re overnight parking of vehicles. ' SEE Resolution He. ~2. ' The following Resolutions were passed; No. 63 - Department of PlanninK and Development _ Trade & Indus t th I ' as delegates to this Convention. mm~ttee, be appointed the opinion of the City Solicitor be obtained and a report he prepared by the AId. Mowers and McKinley that the communication be received and referred to the Carried ~Adget Committee for consideration.(Aid. Miller - contrary). s a grant to the Local Unit. Niagara Falls, to the family of the late Mr. John J. Harriman, former Alderman, , · ~ · Carried led. No. 3~ - MCKINLEY - MacDONAID - RESOLVED t~at the Chairman of Finance and the City ~nager be requested to present a report on the pos~ib~ity of a contrihution tc the British-Dutch Relief Fund in aid of disaster victims; and the Seal of the Cor- SEE Resolutions 31-32. poration be hereto affixed. REPORTS ~ Carried wsr. r.sented; No. 3~ - MCKINLEY - MacDONAiD - RESOLVED that A~d. Mowers be appointed Enacting No. 13 - City Mant~er . report on meeting of February 8th with Hospital Trust. Chairman of Finance, due to the absence of Ald. DoOald; and the Seal of the Cot ORDERED on the me on of Ald. Brooks and Martin that the report be received and potation be hereto affixed. Carried laid on'the table for one week, for study, along with the reports submitted by Hospital Trust, copies of which have been supplied to the members of Council. .,j BY-IA'a~ The following By-law was presentedl No, ~911 - To authorize the borrowing cf $200,000. for the making of alterations and additions to the builiir~s of the Niagara Falls Collegiate-Vocat- ional Institute. ORDEED on the moticn of Aid. McKinley and MacDonald that AId. Mowers be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the let. time. - Carried. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried. (Ald. Brooks - contrary). O~)ERE~ on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Mowers that the by-law be referred to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval. Carried. (AId. Brooks- contrary).. Xhe following By-law was passed; No. 4912 - To authorize the execution of a lease. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and McKinley that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. M~.~ers and Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried. Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and Martin - Carried. BRITISH-~UTCH RELIEF FUhq) His Worship, ~yor Hawkins advised Council that he had granted per- mission for the Tag Day held Saturday, Feb. ?th which had been hasti~ organ- ized by the Dutch people here in the City in aid of the disaster victims in the Netherlands and reported that an amount of $1,765. had been realized, which would be transferred to the British-Dutch Relief Fund. He co~nended the Dutch people for their efforts. Aid. M~ers added his compliments to Mr. James Cowan of the Review for the immediate action taken upon receipt of the news about the flood disaster in Europe. Mayor Hawkins also commended Mr. Cowan, and the entire staff of the Niagara Falls Evening Review for their magnificient efforts. SEE Resolution No.~. The Council adjourned to Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Martin. READ AND ADOPTED, 16th Febnmry,1953. 01 FINANCE T.~ETING Council Chamber, 9{h Febrotary,l:)53. The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 9th February,1953 for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present, w.-'~th the exception of Ald. Donald. Ald. Mowers, Acting Chairnan of Finance, preside ~. Sundry Accounts submitted, in ~he .amount of B2,835.08 .rare approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or othervi~e dealt with, were ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on th~ motion of Ald. McKinley and I. Myor HawkLns. The City Manager's report in connection with the application of Albert Brouillette, for a building permit to erect an apartmen~ house on the north side of McOrail Avenue, bet'.~een Centre and l~gdalen Streets, at an esbimatet cost of $85,000. to accessedate sixteen apartments, was presented for consideration. In connection with his report, the City Manager expresL~ed the desire that if a pcr~rit is approved, there should be the understanding that an Architect wi].' be employed to supervise the construction of this building, in fairness to the tenants ~o will occupy the apartments. A full discussion followed and it was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Martin and 1.~yor Hawkins that the building permit be not granted until plans and specifications are submitted to Council that conform v~th the building by-laws of the City of Niagara Falls. The Comittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of AId. Mcllinley and l,~yor Hawkins. .READ A~B ADOPTED, 16th February, 1953. Clerk Acting Chairman of Finance. COUNCIL MEETING Council 9th February,1953. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present, with the exception of El4.Donald. The followin~ ~--law was p~sAe. d.~ No. l+913 - To provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and ~acDonald that Aid.Mowers be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first tLme. - Carried. OPaDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and M~vers that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried. Third Ecading - AId. MacDonald arfi ~rtin - Carried. The City Clerk, in accordance, with The Municipal Act, produced the Security Bond covering official~ of the municipality, advising that Council are required to direct where the bonds are to be kept for safe-keeping and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. b~cDonald and Brooks that the present policy be continued. The Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Miller and Martin. ~READ A3~D ADOPTED, 16th February,1953. Clerk CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 9th February,1953. The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetings on Monday, 9th February, 1953 for the purpose of considering various matters presented to them. All members of the Co~waittee were present, with the exception of Ald. Donald. After consideration of the items placed before them, the Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Miller· READ AND ADOPTED, 16th February,1953. ch~Y~,uan. E~GHTH MEETING REGULARMEETING Council Chambers, 16th February,1953. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 16th. February, 1953 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Martin. All members of Council were present. COMMUNICATIONS Laid over from previous meeting; No..275 - (1952 File) - Glenholme W. Glassbrook - No. 38 - (1953 File) - Glenholme W.Glassbrook - No. 290 - (1952 File) - Arthur White No. 8 - (.1953 File) - Jack Hogg No. 9 - (1953 File) - AnthonY Rose No. 39 - (1953 File) - Le~n R. Haymes . No. 50 - (1953 File) - Joe Cipparone - re additional areas for tourist establish- but that arUr of the existin~ buildin~s be remodelled or rsbuil~, if desired, prov~din~ no more land is used. This. motion was lost- the vote bein~ - Aye - Ald. Donald, MacDonald Mar~in. Nays -Ald. McKinley~ Mo~ers, ~kller and Brooks. Prior to this motion~ Xld. flex' m~ved ~hat the by-la~ be adopted and the com- mudcations in connection ~rith the ssme be dealt with on their merits. was no seconder to this motion). S~E. Finance Meeting £or Reports on Applications of H. B. Lan~ and W. R. Re. Lean SEE Gommunica~. SEE By-Lee Number ~883. The following Ccsmunications were presented; No. 67 - Department of Highways - re motels. No, 68 - Ni era Parks Commission - re motels. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald amd~cDonald that the cow~m,~ications be received and filed. No. 69 - Bell Telephone Co. of Canada - invitation to inspect new building. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the communication be received and filed and the invitation accepted and Counci~ visit the new building at 9.~ p.m; Monday, Febmary 23rd after the regular Council meeting. No. 70 - City Clerk - Fort William - resolution to amend Income TaxAct to pro- vide that municipal taxation on home owners be exempt. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the commAnication be received and filed. No. 7i - The Teachers' Council - req. proclamation re Education Week Marchi-7. ORDERED on the motion of-Ald. Mowers and MacDonald that the co~amication be received and filed and proclamation published as requested. No. 72 - O, M. Wade - application for license to operate a used car lot, comer of Ferry-andAllen. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Miller that . the oo~wm,,ication be received and filed and permission be granted. No. 73 - Niagara Parks Commission - req. by-law to el~m~ate parking on west side of River Road, between Elgin and Glenview. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. H~Kinley and MacDonald that the communication be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for a report. No. 7~ - Board of Education - appreciation for Council' s co-operation re pro- posed project ~n connection ~tth Collegiate-Vocational Institute, ORDEI~D on the motion of Ald. Mowers and MacDonald that the communication be received and filed, No. 75 - Lococo Bros. - requesting removal of parking meter in front of 10~O Victoria Avenue, ORDEKED on the motion of Ald, HcKinley and MacDonald that the coa~unication be received and referred to the Traffic Conan~ttee w~th a request for favourable consideration when submitting their report, Ho. 76 - Canadian .Corps, .Unit 104, requesting exclusion from Tax Exemption. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Mowers that the communication be received and filed. SEE Resolution No.31 REPORTS Laid over from previous meeting; No. 13 - City MAnager - report on meeting with Hospital Trust, February 8th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley that the report be received and filed, and the Hospital Board be requested to submit alternative plans re hospital accommodation on present site. (Ald. Mowers - contrary). It was then moved by Ald. Mowers that the Board of Governors be advised if they are success- ful in obtaining $500,000. of the $600,000. to be raised by private subscriptions and other donations, the Council would go along with the by-law to raise $~12,000. by the sale ef debentures. (There was no seconder to this motion). Ald. B~ooks moved that the report be tabled for one week and Mr. A.S.Robertson be requested to appear before Council to express his views in relation to an addition to the present hospital. (There ~as no seconder). The following Reports were presented; No. 15 - S,.~ry of Assessment and Taxes on Properties referred to b the pro- posed resolution re exemptions or grants. OR~ on the motion of ~ld.M411er and Mowers that the Summary be received and filed. No. 16 - City Solicitor - re exemptions from taxes. ORDERED on the motion of ·Ald. M~ller and Mowers that the report be received and filed. SEE Resolution No.31 No. 17 - City Manager - request of H.E.P.C. for use of Memorial Arena in aid of British-Dutch Relief. ORDERED on th.e motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hartin that the. report be received and adopted, His Worship, Mayor Hawkins appointed Ald~ McKinley manager of the teams which are to participate in a broom ball game scheduled as one of the events during that afternoon. No. 1~ - City Manager . report on meeting with offi.ci~ls of Department of H'nicipal Affairs, Feb.lOth,1953. re taxation on properties of the Highways Department in the vicinity of River Road. ORDEP~ED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and MAcDonald that the report be received and filed. ' No. 19 - City Manager . request of Central Garage to use portion of XcGrail AVe. for parking cars of employees. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the report be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for report'. No. 20 - 81ty Clerk . rec~maendi~g issuance of licences. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald. ~cDon~Id and ~artin that the report be received and-adopted and licences issued accordingly. No. 21 - p~%, Chief - 15th Annual Ropeft. 0RDEF~D on the motion o~' A~d.Ma~erS and Brooks tha~ the report be received, given the usual publicity and filed and the Fire Chief be requested to outline his recommendations in a further report. Laid over from previ_ojx_s~.~eeti~; No. 31 - ALD.MILLER - RESOLVED That Whereas it is deemed desirable to recoo~nize the services ~'~ed to the nmnicipality by various organizations; AND WHEREAS for this purpose a uniform method should be established; Therefore Be It Resolved That the Council of the City of Niagara Falls consider providir4 exemptions to Veterans Organizations in the muni- cipality from General Taxes excluding School Rates and Local Improvement Rates, for a period of not more than five years and that Council also consider a Grant to Service Organizations, Fraternal Organizations and similar groups, of an amount equivalent to the General Taxes, excludin~ School Rates and Local Improvement Rates for a s~m~]ar period, namely five years; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Mowers that Resolution 31 be tabled for one week and the City Clerk be instructed to co~mmAnicate with the Honourable Geo. H. Dunbar, Minister of FAmicipal Affairs with the request that he confirm his statement made to Ald. Miller with reference to this proposed resolution. Ald. Donald referred to the Committee which had been appointed to meet with the Civic Employees' Committee and Fire Fighters' Committee, in con- nection with their requests for the current year and desired to know what further steps are to be taken in this regard, stating that meetings have now been held. His Worship Mayor Hawkins expressed the opinion that the .Committee would keep the interests of the taxpayers as well as those of the Civic Employees in mind and should continue negotiations in order to arrive at a Just and equit- able agreement, and submit a report for the consideration of Council at a pre- liminary Budget Meeting. It was agreed that such a meeting be held on Friday evening, February 20th at 7.30 p.m. BY-LAW ~aid over from ~j~revious No. ~883 - For licensing, regulating and governing tourist camps and trailer ~' ' camps, for designating areas of land to be used as tourist camps or trailer camps, and for prohibiting the use of other land for such purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that a new by-law be drawn up that no more new or additional accommodation be permitted to be built but that any of the existing buildin~s be remodelled or rebuilt, if desired, pro- viding no more land is Used. This motion was lost - the vote being, Aye -Ald. Donald, HacDonald and Hartin. Nays - Aid. McKinley, Mowers, Miller and Brooks. Prior to this motion, Ald. Miller moved that the by-law be adopted and the com- munications in connection with the same be dealt with on their merits. (There was no seconder) The Council adjourned to Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald. AND ADOPTE~, 23rd February, 1953. Clerk FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 16th February,1953. The Finance Meetir~ was held on Monday, ldth February,1953 for the pur- poee of approvin~ and also passin~ the various accounts Which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Ald. Donald, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $43,887.99 were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion .of Ald. McKinley and Martin. In connection with the reports of the City Manager regarding the applications of H. B. Lang, 9 River Road and W. R. McLean, 327 Ferguson Ave. it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and ~acDonald that a new by-law be drawn up that no more new or additional accommodation be permitted to be built but that any of the existing buildings be remodelled or rebuilt, if desired, providing no more land is used. This motion was lost - the vote being- Aye -Ald. Donald, MacDonald and Hartin; Naye - Aid. McKinley, Mowers, Miller and Brooks. Prior to this, Ald. M411er moved that the by-law be adopted and the ccsmmlcations in connection with the same be dealt with on their merits. (There was no seconder). Mr. Douglas truthors and Mr. Harry Carwood of the Finance Committee of the Greater Niagara General Hospital Trust., .were permitted to speak to the Conznittee on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley, in connection with the co~znunication enclosin~ corrected statement for City Indigent Patients. Cruthers advised that he did not have ~,ch to elaborate but pointed out that two years ago, Council approved the payment of the full amount of the excess and in the last year, approved the payment of 75% of such excess. On being queried, he and Mr. Carwood explained the method of computation of the per dien rate, pointing out that it was simpler from the accounting view to utilize an average rate rather than attempting to go into the intricacy of individual patient costs. Following further discussion, the Chai~n of Finance thanked the representatives for appearing and advised that the matter would be given full consideration when the Budget was being drafted. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and His Worship the Mayor that the comnnmication be referred to the Budget Co~mittee. The offer of Stanley ~uir for the Purchase of the old ladder truck a~ the ~ Street Fire Hall, for the sum of $150. was presented for conaid- e~ation. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald~ Mowers and Brooks that the offer be received and laid on the table and advertisements he i~serted in the local newspaper And the Globe and Nail, calling for bids on this piece of equipment, with the stiPulation that the highest bid will be accepted. ' Ald. Mowers referred to the continaul parking of cars on the boutyard at 0ekes Park and deplored the results of such action. The City ~anager advised that this matter will be taken care of. AId. Hiller referred to the condition of the intersection at Allen .. and Robinson Streets due to the presence of ,w!d and stones, caused by the operations of the shaft in that vicinity and was advised by the City Manager that this matter will be brought to the attention of the Project Nanager, of the H.E.P.C. of Ontario. On the motion of Ald. HeKinley and Martin, the C~Uittee ares~ and ~epor~ed ' 't0 C~uncil. AND ADOPTED, 23rd February,19~3. COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 16th February,1953. The Council re-assemBled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Conm~ittee. All men~ers of the Council were present. BY-LAW The followin~ By-law was pa_spp~; No. ~?.1A - To provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Aid.Mowers and McKinleY that Ald. Donald be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried Unanimously. ORDE~D on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Dor~ld that R~le 36 (2) of the Standir~ Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald andMowers - Carried Unanimously. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers. READ AND ADOPTED, 23rd February,1953- Clerk COURT ~ ~VISION Council Chamber, 2Oth February,1953. The Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll for business was held at 10.00 A.M. on Friday, 20th February, 1953 at which the following action was taken upon the respective appeals. Members present: V. L. Davidson, Chairman; A. C. Jolley and O. W. Zimmerman. Poll Matter Decision Reduction or No. Roll No. Appellant and Proper~y Complained of of Court Increase 272 Burroughs Furniture Co. Vacated Feb.15, Granted Reduction 580 Victoria Avenue 1953 $1,O25. 4 273. E. N. Morton re 580 Victoria Ave. REAL PROPERTY ASSESS~NT 4 649 E.N. Morton re 681 Queen Street ! ',!~ 34 6113 !!~ 35 5306-5 !!!~ 39 6165 Should be in- Granted Increase creased Feb.15, $2,050. 1953 House removed, Granted Reduction should be $2,185. abatement P. Kokor 1772 Lowell Ave. W. Senttvany 1958 Buchanan Ave. O. Botyanski 2169 Main Street Supplementary assessment too Dismissed Bldg.razed Granted Refund Sept.22/S1 $5.94 Supplementary Granted Reduction assessment too $610. high St.Anne's Church Should be 1731 Lombard Avenue exempt Granted Ex~nption $8,435. ;~ Business AssesSments Increased $1,025.00  Real Property Assessments Reduced $2,795.00 Real Property Assessments exempted $8,435.00 .D Rebates or Refunds $ 5.94 ~ Certified correct, Chairman. S3 NINTH tdF. P~ING Council Chamber, 2Oth FebruaxT,1953. SPECIAL MEETING All members of Coumcil assembled as a Budget Co~l~ttee in the Council Chamber on February 2Oth, 1953 at 7-30 p.m. for the purpose of considering the Budget Est~mAt'es for 1953. Chairman of Finance, Ald. Grant Donald, p~esided. The Chairman of Finance advised the Committee that in the Estimates he was submitting, it was his intention to hold the mill rate at 36 m~]ls, outlining certain factors which enabled him to bring this about. He advised the Committee of negotiations with the Civic Famployees' Union, Local 133, supplying each member of the Committee with a sunmuxry of the requests filed by the Union, in- dicating that with the exception of two items, all other points as contained in the ~,mmaryw~re satisfactory to the Union. With reference to the provision of overalls for the members of the Garbage and Ash Department, it was agreed that overalls be supplied with the under- standing that one-half of the cost would be assumed by the employees themselves. Concerning the suggested deletion of-four holidays from the number presently allowed, following discussion it was agreed that this be left as at present. He also advised the Committee of negotiations with the Fire Fighters' Association, Local 528, again supplying the members of the C~mnittee with a summary of the requests filed. He advised the Committee that there does not seem to be unanimity with reference to salary provision and the request that the municipality assume Sick Benefit and Hospital payments, but that the Local were holding a meeting over the week-end and information would be available at the first Qf the.~eekbut that in the meantime there was no reason why the Budget could not he proceeded wi~h. The Chairman also advised the Committee with reference to certain adjust- ments in salaries and following discussion it was agreed that these adjustments were satisfactory. The Committee then perused the Budget in detail. With reference to the Grants to the Tourist and In~xstrial Committees of the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce, it was agreed that the amomlts of With reference to the Grant for the Kb~nisMusic Festival, it was moved by His Worship Mayor Hawkins, seconded by Ald. MacDonald that the Grant as Mowers, Martin, Brooks, Miller. With reference to the Grant for the Optimist Air Cadets, it was moved by His Worship Mayor HaWkins, seconded by Ald. Miller that this Grant as shown in the Estimates be left in the Budget. This motion carried, the vote b~ing - for -Ald. Miller, Mayor Hawkins, Ald. McKinley and MacDonald; opposed -Ald. Mowers, Martin. and Brooks. Adiscussionwas held concerningprovision for er allowances as contained in the Estimates, following which it was agreed that the allowances as shown, be adopted, with the understanding that the recipients carry proper insurance otherwise the n~owance would he reduced accordingly; the amount suggested being $100. deductible collision and an increase on proparty .damage. In this connection with regard to a car allowance for the Assessor, it was understood and agreed that that this allowance should be adjusted for the two individuals invol~ed. /% In connection with t~e SwiMming Pool axl~ndtturea,Ald. ~era that the Clerk rake arrs~ements so t~t ~en the S~ Meet ls held the ~rrent y~r, it be proper~ orE~d ~d a~ements rode we~ advance so as ~ p~vent a ~currence of ~at transpired ~ 1952. Aid. Mowers also suggested that the Traffic Conmittee might consider the provision of additional parking meters at the South End of the City with particular reference to Ferry Street. After perusing the Budget Est4m~tes in detail, it was moved by Ald. Mc- Kinley, seconded by Ald. MacDonald that the Estimates as submitted by the Chairman of Finance and as amended at. this .meeting, be adopted and the Budget be brought in on the basis pf a 36 mill rate. Carried Unanimously. On the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley, the Committee adjourned. READ AND ADOFrED, 23rd February, 1953. Clerk Chairman. TEN .T~ MEETING Council Chamber, 23rd February,1953. REGULARMEETING Pursuant to adjournment, the council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 23rd. February, 1953 for the purpose of considering general business and firbance. All members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meetings, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Martin. Mr. John E. Cosby, Manager of the Niagara Veteran Taxi Company and Mr. Sherman Teal, Manager of the Two-O-Taxi Company were present at the meeting in connection with their request fpr a loading zone or taxi stand in front of Loblaw's Store on Victoria Avenue and on the motion of Ald. Miller and Martin were permitted to speak. Both men outlined the difficulties experienced by their drivers, being charged with parking violations while taking on and dis- charging passeagers, patrons of the Loblaw Groceteria and asked Council's con- sideration to the designation of either a loading zone or taxi stand for this purpose, in front of the Groceteria. Ald. McKinley expressed his sympathy for the Taxi Companies and the citizens they are trying to serve, but could not condone double parking, pointing out the fact that the problemwas a contentious one and various delivery companies are e~periencing the same difficulties as the Taxi Companies but that the Traffic Committee have given consideration,time and study to this subject. He expressed hesitancy in trying to openup loading zones because so manywould be needed throughout the City and was of the opinion that Loblaws should look after this problem, due to the fact that they have a parking lot at the rear of their store. SEE_.__C~,unication No. SEE ReJR,,rJ;' ~N.o_,.2..~ CO M'm:3ATZ_,q .S_ Laid over from the previous meeting; No. 73 - Niagara Parks Ccmnission - req. by-law to el4m~nate parking on one side of River Road between Elgin and Glenview. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers andMacDonald that the communication be received and filed and that parking be el4m~nated on the west side of River Road in front of the Rapids Tavern from Ferguson south to the driveway leading into the parking lot and that the ditches on both sides of Fergusonwhere it approaches River Road be filled in so as to facilitate parkin~ on that street. SEE Re~_r~,_N_9.~2_2. No. 75 - Lococo Bros. - requesting removal of 1 parking meter at 1060 Victoria Avenue. ~RDEP~D onethe motion of Ald. MacDonald andMcKinley that the communi- cation be received and filed and that no change be madeat the present time. SE~ R~ep~rtNo.~ The followin~ Conmuntications were presented~ No. V7 - Bell Telephon~ Co. of Canada - requesting permission to place one anchor on North Street at Sta~ 'Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MAcDonald that the communication be received and filed and permission granted. SEE ~. 55 57 No. 78 - Wade's Motor Sal. es. - appreciation for grantin~ license to operate a used car lot at the comer of Ferry and Allen. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Mt]]er that the communication be received and filed. No. 79 - Lions' Club - invitation to "Civic Night", Feb.2~th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the con~cation be recei~d and the invitation accepted and as n~W of the members of Council as possible attend, No. 80 - Canadian Red Cross Society - Appeal. ORDEreD on the motion of Ald.Mc. K~nley and MacDonald, that- the com~cation be received and filed and the cheque be issued. No. 81 - ~arguerite LearninKs' Rainbow Str s - requesting dedication by City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion o~d. McKinley and Mowers that the communication be received and His Worship the Mayor and the City Manager be empowered to take whatever action is deemed necessary and report back to C~,ncil. No. 82 - Kinerrs Club - requesting permission to hold a tag day on May 9th. No. 83 - ~'&~ Cadets o Squadron 126 - req. permission to hold a tag day, May 16th. ' No. 8~ - I.O.D.E. Clifton Chapter - req. permission to hold a 'tag day on May 3Oth. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and MacDonald that the communications be re- ceived and filed and permission granted for the dates requested. No. 85 - Londo_n_City~Cle_.rk. _ resolution re B]~ndness Allowance. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and ]~artin that the connunication be received. and laid on the table and a copy of the proposed resolution forwarded to the Local Committee of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind for their opinion. -Ald. Donald arrived at the meeting - No. 86 - Toronto Deputy Clerk - resolution re Old Age Security Allowance. ORBFRED on the motion of Ald. ~artin and Brooks that the communication be re- ceived and filed and the resolution endorsed. No, 87 - Joe Cipparone - requesting permission to build a small motel. No. 88 - Anthony Rose - requesting permission to erect a small motel. Ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that owing to the fact that by-law number 3962 is still in effect, these cc,~nunications be received and filed and the correspondents notified to this effect. This motion was carried, the vote being- for -Ald. Donald, Mowers, McKinley and MacDonald. Against - Aid. Killer, Brooks, Martin. At this point Aid. Miller requested clarification in connection with the Allen property on River Road and desired to know what would prohibit this. man from building cabins. The City Manager proceeded to explain by-laws 3962, ~3~J+ and ~/~37, indicating that under the terms of by-law n,;mber ~3~4 any further use of lands for such purpose was prohibited, even although the area may be included in those as set out in by-law 3962. No, 89 - Arm~, Navy and Airforce Veterans, Unit 300 - supporting proposed resolution of AId. Miller to exempt votetansf' fraternal and service organizations frc~ Senoral Taxation. As this co~nunication was received too late for inclusion on the agerids, it was ordered on the motion of AId. McKinley and l~acDonald that the same be considered. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. FAillet and Donald that. the cenmmmication be received and laid over until such time as the-opinion of the Honour~ble G. H. Dunbar, Minister of Municipal Affairs, is received in con- nection with the proposed resolution. No. 90 - Nia_~V, eterans Taxi Co. and Two-O-Taxi Co, , requesting loading .on. or ,t,V- 'in oRDs on th, motion or Ald. MoKinley and Mowers that the ccmmmication be received and filed and the report of the Traffic Committee that permission be not granted, be adopted; and the Taxi Companies be requested to refer their request to the Loblaw Groeeteria for the Purpose of locating said stand on Loblaw's property, REPORTS Laid over from previou, s_.~meet~_iP~; No. 19 - City Man~afe~r - request of Central Garage for permission to use portion of McGrail Ave~u'[for parking of employees' ca~s. ORDEf~ED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks that the report be received and filed. SEE _Re~ort No..2~. No. 22 - Traffic Committee - request of Niagara Parks Commission. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted. No. 23 - Traffic Committee - request of Lococo Bros. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the report be received and adopted. No. 2J+ - Traffic Committee - request of Central Garage. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks that the report be received and adopted. No. 25 - Traffic Committee - 2 recommendations re installation of parking meters and request of Taxi-Companies for provision of loading zone on Victoria Avenue in front of Loblaws. ORDERED on the motion Of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the report be received and adopted. Ald; Mowers requested the Traffic Committee to study the east side of Valleyway regarding the installation of parking meters. Ald. Brooks referred to the vicinity of McRae Street on Victoria Avenue ~here t~w restaurantB are located and was of the opinion that the Traffic Com- mittee should also take under advisement the possibility of parking meters in this area. Ald. MacDonald also was of the opinion that the area where the new Bell Telephone Co. is located should be considered. No. 26 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. FAcDonald and McKinley that the report be received and adopted and licences issued accordingly. No. 27 - Fire Chief - recommendation. ORDEI~D on the motion of Ald. Donald and Brooks that the report be received and referred to the Budget Connnittee. A previous motion by Ald. Mowers to refer the report to the City Manager was not seconded. BY-lAW The following By-law was passed; No. ~915 - To provide for permission to The Bell Telephone Company of Canada to place one anchor on North Street at Stanley Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Donald that Ald. ~cKinley be ~i~n. the privj_lege~f introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - CarFied Unanimously. OP~E~ on the motion of Aid. Donald and Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing t bAles. of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third P~ading - Ai~. MacDonald and ~rtin - Carried Unanimously. The Council adjourned to Finance Meeting on the motion'of Ald. McKinley and ~wers. No, 78 - Wade's Motor Sales . appreciation for granting license to operate a used car lot at the cornjr 'of Ferry an~ A]_len, OP~DERED on the motion of Aid, Mowers and Miller that the communication be received and filed, motion of " t", Fsb.2~th. ORDEI~ED on the ommunta ction bs received and the invitation accepted and as man~ of the members of Council as possible attend. No. ~0 - Canadian Red Cross Society . Appeal, ORDERED on the motion of Ald,Mc. K~mley and HacDonald. that- the cor~unication be received and filed and the cheque be issued, No. 81 - Mar~aerits Lsarnings, Rainbow Strings . requestfling dedication by City of Niagara Fails. ORDERED on the motion of lld. McKinley and Mowers that the cownmication bs received and His Worship the Hayor and the City ~ager be sinpowered to take whatever action is deemed necessary and report back to Council, No, 82 - Kinette Club . requesting Permission to hold a ta da No. 16th. date, pe ssio nou 9th. hold a tag days No, 84 - 1,0,D,E, Clifton Chapter . req, Penmission to hold a tag day on May 3Oth, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Movers and MacDonald that the communications be re. coived and filed and Permission granted for the dates requested, No, 85 - London City Clerk . resolution re · motion Aid. that the eo ZZ' lowance.o, the the table i bs received a and aco the ro ,,d resolut o, o--rded to of the Canadian National Institute for the Bl~nd for their opinion, - Aid. Donald arrived at the meeting . No, 86 - Toronto Ds?uty Clerk . resolution re Old Age Security Allowance, ORDE~D on the motion of Aid. Martin and Brooks that the communication be re_ csivsd and filed and the resolution endorsed. No, 87 - Joe Cipparons _ requesting Permission to build ~ small motel No.. SS . inthony Ross _ rsqusstin~ nnts . an th, motion of ld. Don dby-law n er 3962 is stilZ in sffec~ these cc~uuntcations bs received and filed and the 1 motel. Ordered corresPondents notified to this effect, This motion was carried, the vote being. for . Aid. Donald~ Movers, McKinley and Martin. At this Point Ald, H~Llsr MacDonald, Against _ Aldo l~Lller, B~ooks, requested clarification in connection ~rlth the Allen proPerty on River Road and desired to know what would Prebibit this. man fro~ building cabins. ~hs City Manager Proceeded to explain by-laws ~/~ and ~/+37~ indicating that under the terms of by-law number ~3~ an~ further use o~ lands for such Purpose was Prohibited# even although included in those as set out in by-law ~62, the area 'may be No, 8~ . Ar~r, Navy and AJ[for ' rate' from General Taxation. As this comumtcation was received too late for inclusion , rnal and service organizations on the ageride, it was ordered on the motion of Aid, McKj~xley and MacDonald that the same bs considered, ORDerED on the motion of Aid, Killer and Donald that. the conmmication be received and la~d over until such t~ne as the-opinion of the Hencurable O, H, Duntar, ~lintstsr of 14unicipal Affairs, is received in oon- nsotion with the Proposed resolution, ' w Grooat P e of el rofe~ their request to the erie for the put os requested to ' oaating said stand on .Loblawss preparty· REPORTS Laid over from previou~ ~meeti~_~ng; No, 19 - Cit~l~n~_a~ _ request of Central Garage for permission to use portion of McGrail Avenue for parking of employees' cars, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Movers and Brooks that the report be received and filed, No, 22 - Traffic Committee _ request of Niagara Parks CommisSion. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Mowers and MacDonald that the report he received and adopted. No, 23 - Traffic Committee. request of Lococo Bros, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, MacDonald and McKinley that the report he received and adopted, No, 24 - Traffic Committee . request of Central Garage, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Movers and Brooks that the report he received and adopted, No, 2~ - Traffic Committee _ 2 recommendations re installation of parking meters and request of Taxi+ Companies for provision of loading zone on Victoria Avenue in front of Loblaws, ORDERED on the motion Of Ald, McKinley and Mowers that the report be received and adopted, Ald; Mowers requested the Traffic Committee to study the east side of Valleyway regarding the installation of parking meters. Ald, Brooks referred to the vicinity of McRae Street on Victoria Avenue where two restanrant~ are located and was of the opinion that the Traffic Com- mittee should also take under advisement the possibility of parking meters in this area, Ald, MacDonald also was of the opinion that the area where the new Bell Telephone Co. is located should be considered, No, 26 - City Clerk - reckending issuance of licences, ORDERED on the motion of Aid, MacDonald and McKinley that the report be received and adopted and licences issued accordingly, No, 27 - Fire Chief - recommendation, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Donald and Brooks that the report be received and referred to t~e Budget Committee, A previous motion by Aid, Movers to refer the report to the City Manager was not seconded, BY-lAW The following By-law was passed; .N.o, ~91~ - To provide for permission to The Bell Telephone Compan~ of Canada to place one anchor on North Street at Stanley Avenue, ORDERED sn the motion of Aid, Mowers and Donald that Ald, McKinley be ~i~en.'.t~e p~ivilegej~f introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time, - Carried Unardmousl~v, OP~E~ on the motion of Aid, Donald and Hartin that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules. of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. _ Carried Unanimously, Third Reading . Al.d, MacDonald and Hax~in . Carried Unanimously, The Council adjourned to Finance Heating on the motion' of Ald, McKinley and ~e'ers · S7 j READ AND ADOFlED, 2rid March,1953. Clerk FINANCEMEETING Council Chamber, 23rd February,1953. The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 23rd February,1953 for the pur- pose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Ald. Donald, Chairman of Finance, presided. SundryAccounts-submitted in the amount of $50,611.85 were approved by the Co,nn~ttee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Hartin. The City Clerk presented the Fleet Policy on Insurance which is scheduled for renewal at this time and advised that the overall increase amounts to $450.07 in excess of the previous y~ar due to the fact that four more vehicles are included. ORDEKED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and His Worship the Hayor that the Fleet Policy be renewed. The City Manager presented a verbal report in connection with the possible installation of an elevator in the Police Station at the comer of Park and Clifton and stated that he received a quotation from the Otis Elevator Company of a self-operating type, capable of lifting 1,200 pounds, having a platform~by 5 feet, at a cost of $18,660. but pointed out that it would be necessary for the City reconstruct the necessary walls for the well and advised that the estimated installation would amount to a rex~,m discussion followed and it was ordered on the motiPoP~ of rely $28,000. A full · Eartin and Mowers that the matter be laid on the table and the City Counc~Al~rrange to meet at ? p.m. previous to next week's meeting to inspect the buildin~. The City Manager presented a verbal report on the Possibility of purchasing an asphalt spreader at an estimated cost of $15,32~. and advised that the Barber-Greene Compan~ have two such units available at the moment. He Stated that in connection with the programme of resurfacing the City rented an asphalt spreader at $75. par d~y and paid out in rental ~,65~. The City ~anager stated that. the suggestion to Purchase an asphalt spreader was prompted by the East that the Cit~ are not able to rent one when it is neeessary andwas of the opinion that the expenditure will in time motion of Ald. Nillet and Mowers that the matter paY for itself. C~ on the referred to the Equipment Coeatttee ~ brine in a complete report, conta~ estimates on the proposed Purchase sf an asphalt spreader and also the costs involved in the renting of such a unit and als~ the tender figures received when the City called for tenders in oonneetion with the resurfacing Progreene. N.IAGA. RA A~ PLAN It was agreed that at the next meeting of Council, copies of the proposed Area Planning By-law, proposed amendments which Cotmoil foF~arded to the Platruing Consultant, Mr. John Layrig, and proposed amendments of the Real Estate Association, be made available for further study· The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Mayor Hawkins. READ AND ADOPTED, 2nd March,1953. Clerk Chaimn of Finance. COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 23rd February, 1953. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-lawwhich covered the accounts approved by the Co~m,~ttee. All members of the Council were present. BY-LAW The followin~ By-lawwas Passed; No, ~16 - To provide monies for general purposes. 0RDF~D on the motion o£ Ald. Mowers and McKinley that Ald..Donald .be give~ the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried Unanimously. ORD~2~ED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporaril~ suspended and the by-law be read the second time. - Carried Unanimously. 1 Third Reading .Ald. MacDonald and Hartin - Carried Unanimously. The Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers. READ AND ADOPTED, 2nd March,1953. Clerk COURT OF REVISION Council Chambers, 27th February,1953. A court of revision on Local Improvements, including Sewers, Sidewalks, and Curb and Gutter construction, was held in the Council Chamber on Friday, 27th February, 1953 at 10.OO A.M. The following were the members present; Hr. O.W.Zimmerman, Chairman, and Mr. A. C. Jolley. After the organization of the Court, it was found that there were no appeals. CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 23rd February,1953. The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetings on Monday, 23rd February, 1953 for the purpose of considering various matters presented to them. All members of the Co.~!ttee were present. The Court then adjourned, After consideration of the items placed before them, the Committee adjourned on the motion of Aid. Donald and Mowers. Certified correct, READ AND ADOPTED, 2nd March,1953. Clerk .... chai,=n 63 Council Chamber, 2nd March,1953. REGULAR MEETING Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 2rid. March, 1953 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Martin. COMMUNICATIONS Laid over from the previous mee~i~ No. 85 - City Clerk, London - resolution re Blindness Allowance. ORDERED on the motion of Al~.'°b'o'~Kl~'&ndMacDonald that the com,,,nication be received and filed and the resolution endorsed. S~Co~m~nication No.~ 91. The following Conmmaications were presented; No. 91 - Local Advisory Board, Canadian National Institute for the Blind - faycurable con~ents on resolution of City of London. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the communication be received and filed. No. 92 - Ontario Municipal Board - appointment for hearing of application of amalgamation with Township of Stamford. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Donald that the communication be received and the Board be requested to postpone thehearing scheduled for June 9~h,1953 until such time as the Town- ship of S~amford have completed their re-assessment progran~ne. SEE Resolutio. n./~. No. 93 -OntarioMunicipal~.B_o_a.r_d.d . tentative approval of Board of Education proposed additions and alterations to Collegiate-Vocational Institute. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Miller that the comnunication be received and filed and the Board of Education advised accordingly. No. 9~ - Board of Police Commissioners _ requesting by-law to supplement pension of r'r'~r~fi'c~a~.'~j~o~&s. 0RD~D on the motion of Aid. Miller and Brooke that the co~nunication be received and filed and the by-law be drawn whereby the annuity of $~3.17 w4~3 be supplemented by the City of Niagara Falls to the amount of $82. per month subject to the provision that the recipient will not be employed by the Corporation while in receipt of said allowance and the Board of Police Commissioners be so notified. Na~'9~'i'U~d&~ Secretary of State - invitation to the Mayor of Niagara Falls attend Corenation caremoSes at~estantnster Abbey, June 2nds1953. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that the communication be received and filed and His Worship the Mayor granted a leave of absence in order to accept this invitation and the appreciation of the City Council eTfcended toMSJoT Miller of the Herbert Morris Crane and Hoist Compar~ for his generosity in providing the funds necessary to cover tra~sper~ation e~penses. Prior to this action His Worship Mayor Hawkins advised Council concerning the offer he had ~ , received from JlaJorMiller to take care of the fare to and from England; of his first declining of the invitation of the Under Secretary of State and his subsequent acceptance of the same. His Worship fux~cher advised that in all fairness to such an offer as made bY MaJorKlllerand the citizens of Niagara Falls and also that only 22 Mayors had been invited by the Queen, it was his desire to attend these Ceremonies and that he expected to be gone about three weeks or less and was therefore asking for such leave of absencd. No. 96 - Project Manager, H.E.P.C. of Ontario . appreciation for use of Memorial Arena. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and b~cDonald that the connnuni- cation be received and filed. No. 97 - Civic Employees' Federal Union, 133 - appreciation for successful negotiations. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the com- munications be received and filed and the agreement be prepared for execution and the appreciation of Council extended to both the Civic Employees and the members of Council's negotiating Committee for the fine spirit of co-operation throughout the n~gotiations. NO. 98.- Greater Niagara Civic Employees' Credit Union L~mited - requesting pro- vision of office space in the City Hall. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Mar~in that the conununication be received and referred to the Civic Buildings Committee for consideration. No. 99 - Y's Man's Club - requesting use of Cakes Park, Easter morning for Runrise Service. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Miller that the conm,uni- c~tion be received and filed and permission granted. No. 100 - Lions' Club Carnival Committee Chairman . requesting permission to hold Carnival, July l~th, 16th and 17th at Bridge St. grounds. ORDEPaD on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the communication be received and filed and permission granted. No. 101 - City Clerk of Sudbury - requesting amendment to Disabled Persons Act. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the communication be received and the resolution contained therein referred to the Ontario Municipal Association for consideration in convention, in accordance with the usual policy. No. 102 - Arklus Machine ToolWorks - requesting construction of a sewer at 202 Muir Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks that the communi- cation be received and filed and the sewer constructed as requested. S~E. Report No.28. REPORTS The followin~ Reports were presented; No. 28 - City Manager _ re construction of a sewer on Muir Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks that the report be received and adopted. No. 29 - Chairman of Finance - report in connection with submission of 1953 Budget. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted and congratulations of Council be extended to the Chairman of Finance and Civic Officials responsible for the preparation of the Budget. No. 30 - dity Clerk - reckending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald andMartin that the report be received and adopted and the licences issued accordingly. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed; No. 36 - MOWERS . DONALD - RESOLVED that Whereas the City o~ Niagara Falls has filed application with the Ontario Municipal Board for an Order amalgamating the Township of Stamford with the City of Niagara Falls; And Whereas the date for a Hearing on this application has been fixed for June 9th, 19~3; and Whereas the Township of Stamford is carrying out a complete re-assessment program. s; and Whereas assessment is deemed to be one of the most iapor~ant factors for com- parison purposes; Therefore Be It Reso~ved that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls request the Ontario Municipal Board ~o postpone the Hearing presently scheduled for June 9th, 19~3 until such time as the Township of Stamford have com- pleted their re-assessment programme; and the 'Seal of the Corporatio~ be hereto affixed. Carrie~ Unanimously. 84 No. 37 - BROOKS -MOWEPa - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls petition the Department of H~ghways of the Province of Ontario for the Statutory Grant under The Highway Improvement Act on expendi- tures made during the year 1952; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. No. 38 - MO~RS - MARTIN - RESOLVED that a letter of congratulations be for- warded to the Manager, Coach and members of the Niagara Falls Collegiate- Vocational Institute Basketball Team for winning for the third time, the C.O.S.S.A. Championship; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. APPOINTMENT OF A CORONATION COMMITf~.w. In connection with tht forthcoming Coronation to be held on June 2nd., 1953, His Worship Mayor Hawkins appointed Ald. Donald, Martin, the City Manager and the City Clerk and himself to the CoroD~tion Committee. His Worship the Mayor then suggested that the Committee should also - consist of a member from the Board of Education, Central Veterans' Organization, Chamber of Commerce, Separate ~chool Board, Ministerial Association, Township of Stamford, Village of Chippaws, Niagara Parks Commission and that a letter should be forwarded to the above-mentioned requesting them to appoint their representative to the Coronation Co~nittee. BY-LAWS The following By-laws were passed; No. 4~17 - To provide for giving the Collector of Taxes credit for the amount returned by her to the Treasurer in the year 1952. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that Ald. Don~lld be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be ten~porarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and Martin - Carried Unanimously. No. 4~18 - To provide for the appropriations for the year 1953. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that Ald. Donald be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Miller that Rule 36 (2) of the Standin~ Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. MacDonald and McKinley . Carried Unanimously. - To authorize the levying and collecting of taxes for the year 1953 and defining the certain duties of the Clerk, Treasurer and Collector of the City of Niagara Falls. OPaEEF3) on the motion of Ald, Mowers and Martin that Ald. Donald be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Brooks that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unani3aously. Third Reading - Aid. Mowers and MacDonald - Carried Unanimously. No.___~9__20 - To authorize the manner in which taxes for the year 1953 shall become due, to provide a time for payment and penalties for non-payment. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Miller that Ald. Donald be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Martin that Rttle 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarilJ- suspended and the by-].aw be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and Mowers - Carried Unanimously. The Council adjourned to Finance on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks. READ AND ADOPTED, 9thMarch, 1953. C le rk FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 2ha March, 1953. The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 2nd March, 1953 for the purpose of approvin~ and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certi- fie~ and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Ald. Donald, Chairman of Finance, presided. ~Sundry Aecounts submitted in the amount of $117,A12.36 were approve4 by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were erasred placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Mowers. The report of the Equipment Committee was presented in connection with the re-surfacing programme and the purchase of an asphalt spreader. ORDEREB on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Mowers that the report be received and adopted, that the re-surfacing work be carried on by the City forces in the year 1953 and that a Barber-Greene Asphalt Finisher be purchased at a price of $15,325. with the understanding that this machine will be rented, when not in use by the City of Niagara Falls, to municipalities in the ~mmediate neighbout- hoed, at a rental of not less than $?5. per ds~v including operator; and that debentures be issued for this expenditure. This motion was carried, the vote being - Aye -Ald. MacDonald, Mowers, Martin, Miller, McKinley and the Mayor; Nays -Ald. Brooks. Ald. Brooks stated that his reason for not voting in fayour was that he did not fayour a debenture issue of this nature so soon after the m~] rate had been adopted. Ald. Brooks moved that the matter 'be laid on the table for one ~ek for further study; there was no seconder. The report of the Equipment C~,dttee recon~nending the purchase of a coin counting and coin wrapping machine which is used in connection with the revenue collected from parking meters, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Mayor Hawkins that the report be received and adopted and the unit purchased. The City Treasurer's report on the comparison of tax collections was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the same be received, given the usual publicity and filed. The Statement of Relief as of January, 1953 was presented for con- sideration. ORBE~ED on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. MacDonald that the same be received, given the usual publicity and filed. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Brooks. READ AND ADOPTED, 9th March, 1953. Clerk Chairman of Finance. COUNCIL MEETING 0ouncil Chamber, 2nd March, 1953. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and- Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members cf the Council were present. BY-LAW The following By-law was passed; No. ~,721. - To provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that Ald. Donald be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time- Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and Mowers - Carried Unanimously. RESOLUTION The foliowinE Resolution was passed; No.. 39 - BROOKS -+.~_TIN__- RESOLVED that a letter of appreciation be forwarded to Mr. Harold Jones, and the choir of the Niagara Fails Collegiate-Vocational Institute for the very fine programme rendered at the Lions' Club "Civic Night" which ~as held on February 2J+th, 1953 and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed~ Carri~ed~_~.n..anj mously. At this time, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that Council recess for 10 minutes before meeting with the Board of Governors of the Greater Niagara General Hospital, to discuss alternate plans in connection with hospital facilities. The Council re-assembled at 9.15 p.m. to hear the representations of the Hospital Board, the representatives comprising FAr. E.B.McGraw, Dr. R.G. Warminton, Miss Julia LaNarsh, Mr. Harry Ga~ood, Mr. Douglas Cruthers, Dr.j.H. Davidson and Dr. C. J. Brown. Miss Lal~arsh asked for permission to introduce the representatives of the Board of Governors who were present, in the order in which they would deal with the subject mtter and this was agreed upon. Mr. Crnthers was introduced, representing the m~nority group and advised the members of.Council as to his reasons for advocating expansion on the existing site rather than going to a new location and creating a condition where two institutions would be in operation. ~lr. McGrawwas next introduced, who elaborated in.detail on comparisons of the two propositions, namely, erection on the new site and expansion on the present site, pointing out that the new site was desirable, particularly from the sa~nnd. point that it allows for expansion and would provide adequate parking areas . angered ~he comment of FAr, Crnthers with reference to the additional cost for duplich~operation with the statement that this additional operational cost was a problem ~f administration and did not affect or have any bearing on the providing of funds by the respective municipalities, Dr. Warminton was then introduced, who presented the criticim.- of the Medical Association, advising that they did not approve of the present site for vaei~asreasens,,thatthere.was~not adequate area and the a~ternate plan was also inadequate. He stated that any change in the present site had been rejected by the Nedical Staff and urged a speedy decision as to whether Council would lend its support to the proposal submitted, Kiss LaNarsh then advised that ended the presentation of the Board of Governors and suggested that they would be prepared to answer any questions directed to them. Various questions were asked by members of the Council which were replied to by the individuals who had discussed the several aspects and following lengthy discussion, His Worship Mayor Hawkins thanked the members of the Board of Governors for their attendance and their able presentation and advised that Council could not be expected to make a decision at this time but that it would be considered. On the motion of Aid. Donald and Martin, Council adjourned to Conference. READ AND ADOFrED, 9th March, 1953. Clerk CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 2ndMarch, 19~3. The Conference Con~ittee of the City Council assembled at the close of the re&~lar Council and Finance Meettr~s on Manday, 2ndMarch, 19~3 .for the purpose of considerin~ various matters presented to them. All members of the Co~nittee were present. His WorshipMayor Hawkins presided as Chairman. After consideration of the items placedbefore them, the Committee adjourned on the motion of AId. Mowers and Martin. R~AD ~ ADOPTED, 9th March, 1953. Chairman. ThELFTH REGULAR Coancil Chambers, 9th March,1953. Pursuant to adjournment, the Counc~] met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 9th March, 1953, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the moticn of Ald. MacDonald and Martin. DEPUTATION Mrs. Theha Hurd was present at the meeting in connection ~dth the request of her son, Mr. Alex Thompson, for payraent of 1,~rch rental and on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Brooks was pelmitted to address the Council. Mrs. Hurd presented a certificate under date of March 7th, 1953 from Dr. W. H. Mc- Millan, M.P. to the effect that the I-~nister of Veterans ArCairs ha~ been con- tacted by him in com~ection with ~t~. Alex Thompson, 8~0 Victoria Averme and that the Minister promised to refer his representations to the Pensions Co~mm, ission and further information is expected in the near future. SEE. Comnunication No. ~1~. TENDER Tenders had been called for the sale of the 192~ ladder truck located at the Main Street Fire Hall and on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Mci~nley it was ordered that the tender received be opened, initialled by His Worship the Mayor and read. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin that the tender of Stanley Muir of Caistor Centre, (the only tender received, be accepted and the 1924 ladder truck be sold to him for $176.50. CO~4UNICATIONS The following Con~aunications were presented; No. 103 - Chief ~uPe.r~_~o_ErA Dept. of Municipal Affairs - re municipal tax exemptions in connection with Service, Fraternal Organizations,e~c. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the communication be received and filed and resolutionnumber 31 withdrawn. SEE ~solution No.31. No. 104 - Ontario _Mu~.'~al~ar~d - cancellation of appointment for hearing re amalgamation with the Township of Stamford. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Brooks that the communication be received and filed and the Township of Stam- ford be advised accordingly. No. 105 - Board o~...Ed.u~At.~.n' - invitation in connection ~ith visit of Governor- General. ORDEE on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the connnuni- cation be received and referred for consideration in connection with Report No. 31, dealing with the proposed itinerary. It was later ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that the communication be discussed in Conference. Ald. Brooks, Miller and MacDonald voted against this motion. SEE Re2 _t p._Ji No. 106 - The Honourable G, H. Dunbar, Min_ist_Jer~of__Mu_..ni_cjJ~_~_AfJaj_r.~ - enclosing valuation notices re stores and offices located in Rainbow Bridge building and the bus terminal. ORESRED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the com- nnmication be received and referred to the CityManager to forward the ta~ bills in triplicate as requested and the appreciation of Council extended to the Minis- ter for this very fair adjustment this year and enquiries be made in connection with future policy. No. 107 - Marguerite Learning' s Ra~.bow. Stri~ - Coronation Festival Progran~ne. ORDEED on the mo~i~'~ 'o~ Ald. Mowers and Donald that the commAnication be re- ceived and laid on the table until such time as the Sponsor and Manager of this Group meets with His Worship the Nayor for further discussion upon this matter. No. 108 - Lione___._/ss_ Club - re Second Annual Broom Drive. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F~cDonald and 'Brooks that the communication be received and filed and Council endorse this Drive which will benefit The Canadian National Institute for the Blind and the Canadian Cancer Society. No. 109 - Niagara Frontier Humane Society - requesting permission to hold Tag Day on May 23rd?' 'd~6~RE6 on the m6tiG~ of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the communication be received and fLled and permission granted. No. 110 - Llo~d G_. Bowman - urging poll tax for single women. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mc i~l~nd MacDonald that the con~manicatton be received and filed. No. lll- CityClerk of Stra_tford- resolution in connection with poll tax for · single women. ORDerED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the communication be received and filed. No. il2 - City Clerk of Galt o resolution re amendment of Highway Traffic Act in connection with speed limit in all school zones. ORDERED on the motion uf Ald. Miller and Brooks that the ccemunication be received and tabled and the City Clerk of Galt be com~mmicated with to ascertain whether Police protection is in operation at school crossings in that municipality. This motion was carried, with Ald. McKinley, Donald, and Mowers opposed. An amendment made by Ald. Donald and Mowers that the communication be received and filed, was lost -Ald. MacDonald, Miller, Brooks, Martin and Brooks in opposition. Previous to this action, Ald. McKinley moved that the resolution be endorsed; there was no seconder to this motion. No. 113 - Clerk of S_u_d_b_~u~ - resolution re unemployment insurance. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley end MacDonald tha~ the comunication be received and filed. No. 11~ - Alex Thompson - requesting payment of March rental. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin that the communication be received and filed and the rent paid for the month of March and Dr. W. H. McMillan, M.P. so advised. No. 115 - South End Business Men's Association - re proposed signs and request for additional~i'~h~'~'o~'~arking lot~RDER~D on the motion of Ald. M~Donald and Mowers that the communication be received and referred to the City Manager for a report. REPORTS The following Reports were presented; No, 31 - Itinerary. - Governor~eneral's visit to Niagara Falls, March 13th and lath. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, McKinley and Donald that the report be received and referred to Conference for discussion, (Ald. Brooks, Miller and MacDonald - opposed), SEE CommuniCatiOn No, 10~ No, 32 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences, ORDERED on the m~tion of Ald, MacDonald and Donald that the report be received and adopted and licenc~ is~ue~ accordingly. RESOLUTI_0NS The follewing Resolutionwas withdrawa~ No. 31 -W~EREAS it is deemed desirable to recognize the services rendered to the municipality by various organizations; AND WMERF~S for ~his purpose a uniform method should be established; THEEFOE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the City of Niagara Falls consider providing exemptions to Veterans' Organizations in the municipality from Conoral Taxes, excluding School Rates and Local Improvement Rates, for a period of not more than five years and that Council also considler a Grant to Service Organizations, Fraternal Organizations and similar groups, of an mnount equivalent to the General Taxes, excluding School Rates and Local Improvement Rates for a similar period, namely five years; ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Miller and MacDonald that Resolution No. 31 be withdrawn. The foliowi.r~..R_e_s. ql~ut.~o.n.was..paS. s_e_d; No. 40 -_MacDONALD -..MILLER - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy, on behalf of His Worship the Mayor and the members of Council be forwarded to Miss Winnifred Stokes, upon the untImely death of Mr. Percy Brooks, brother-in-law; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried UDa~i~_o~, MISCELLANEOUS His Worship Mayor Hawkins requested the Traffic Comittee to take under edvisement the parking conditions on Allen Avenue, both sides of the street, which is making it difficult for the people to get in and out of their driveways. He also requested consideration of parking on Ferry Street where parking meters are not in operation and also the fact that Gladstone Avenue and Peer Street are also being used extensively for parking purposes. BY-LAW~ The ~llowing By-laws w~rejoassed; No. ~22 - To grant a retirement allowance to a municipal employee. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that Ald. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - 0artled Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and MoweFs that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and McKinley - Carried Unanimously. - To amend By-law number L/34 being a by-law to provide for the installation of parking meters on certain streets in the City of Niagara Fall~ and to provide regulations relative to the parking of vehicles in the areas or zones where paMdng meters are installed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and MacDonald that Ald. 'Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unan~nously. Third Reading -Ald, MacDonald and Mowers - Carried Unanimously, No. 472~ - To authorize the execution of an agreemenb with The Niagara Falls Civic Employees Federal Union, Number 133. ORDERED on the motion of ~ld. McKinley and Miller that Ald. Donald be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that Rule 36 (2) of the StartdinghY-los of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and Martin - Carried Unanimously. No. 4~25~- To authorize the execution of a Quit Claim Deed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that Aid. Donald be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unauimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Donald - Carried Unanimously. No. 492~ - To authorize the execution of an agreement ~ith the H.E.P.C. of Ontario. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that Ald. Mowers be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Martin and MacDonald - Carried Unanimously. On the motion of Ald. McKinley and Martin, the Council adjourned to Finance Meeting. RDAD AND ADOPTED, 16th March, 1953. EINANCE Council Chambers, 9thMarch,~953, The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 9th March, 1953 for the purpose of approvi~g and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certi- fied a~d pXa~edbefore them. All members of the Committee were present. Ald. Donald, Ohairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts submitted in the mount of $24,137.24 were appro~ed by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the money bj-law for presentation to the Council on the motion or Ald. McKinley and Martin. The City Manager's report reco~ending the purchase of an engineer's transit at a cost of $39~. and also a wooden tripod for the level at a cost of $33. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Fdller and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted. The City Manager's report in connection with the applicati~n o~ Dr. J. C. Henderson, for a building permit to enclose the front verandah at 1079 Victoria Avenue for the provision of two office rooms, at an estimated co~t of $500. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted and the permit be granted. (Ald. Martin _ contrary). The City Manager's report in connection with the application of Wm. Saks for a permit to alter the buildings at 1863-1869 Ferry Street, was pre- sented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and ~artin that the report be received and adopted and a building_ permit be issued when proper plans have been filed. The City Manager's report re proposed erection of a four-unit apartment building at 2195 Buchanan Avenue by F. Nagy, was presented for con- sideration. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. MacDonald that the report be received and referred to the Property Committee for a r~port. The Statement of Relief for the month of Februa~,1953 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. Mowers that the Statement be received, given the usual publicity and filed. The application of F. Reber for a building permit to make an addition to the premises at 1719 Victoria Avenue at the rear of the existi,~ building to be used as oven space, which arrived too late for inclusion on the agenda, was permitted to be read on the motion of Aid. Mckinley and Mayor Hawkins, along with the report of the City Manager. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks that the report be received and adopted and the permit be issued. The Finance Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of AId. McKinley READ AND ADOPTED, 16th March, 1953. COUNCTL Council Chamber, 9th March,19~3. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-lawwhich covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present. BY-lAW No. 4927.- To provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that Ald. Donald be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporaril~ suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried UnanDaously. Third Reading ,Ald. NacDonald and McKinley - Carried Unanimously. The City Manager referred to the recent inspection made by the members of Council of the old Customs Building, to consider the possibility of installing an elevator for the use of the Police Department, and that it has been agreed at thattime to refer the decision of this matter until to-night's meeting. The City Manager ex~pressed the opinion that it did not seem to be feasible to alter the exising stairweLl satisfactorily so that an elevator could be instaLled and following discussion on the matter - The following Resolution was passed; No. ~1 - MOWERS - MILLER - ESOLVED that the City Manager be authorized to call for tenders on an alternative basis for the alterations and renovations of the old Customs building and in the one instance to include provision of an elevator well and in the other case, without this provision; and .the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. Consideration was given to the draf~ by-law designed to control the height, bulk, location, etc. of buildings on both sides of Victoria Avenue. The draft was read in its entirety and it was suggested that any changes the members of Council felt should be made he brought forward now. ~e, £~1~ ~-Jl~ti~lS~rA,Uassed; .... No.'~2 . DONALD . ~WERS . RESOLVED that the draft by-law to control the height, bulk, location, etc. of buildings on both sides of Victoria Avenue, be tabled, referred to the City Solicitor for redrafting in order to cover conditions complained of, for presentation at the next meeting of Council; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Sarriod Unan~n~usly. No. 43 - MO~ERS - DONALD . RESOLVED that the by-law be redrafted by the City solicitor or provide that it be effective on Victoria Avenue from Bridge Street on the north to Ferry Street on the south; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. Ald. Miller referred to the difficulty of the wholesale fruit dealer on Victoria Avenue and referred to the fact that in some municipalities rental is charged for loading zones and questioned the possibility of the rental of such a zone to this dealer. After discussion, it was agreed that the City Clerk be instructed to communicate with the City Clerk of St. Catharines to ~scertain their policy in this connection. His Worship the ~yor brought up the hospital situation and suggested that the City agree to an amount of money that they would be willing to debenture for this purpose and have a by-law drawn and the Board of Governors so notified that the City would be prepared to raise that amount of money, the decision on the site to rest with the Hospital Board, who would be answerable to the citizens. He expressed the desire for action as quickly as possible to meet with this great emergency. This precipitated a lengthy discussion on the hospital question during which Aid. Mowers reiterated his motion made at a previous meeting to the effect that the Board of Governors be advised that upon their attaix~,ent of at least $500,000. of the $6C0,O00.O0 to be raised by public subscription, that the Council would be willing to approve the authorization of the sale of debentures to the amount of ~412,000. for the proposed hospital. This motion wasnot seconded and was later withdrawn. AId. Donald expressed the opinion that he was in favour of the present site. Aid. Miller advised that he was in favour of considering the possibility of Poplar Park but could see no future in using the present site. Aid. Martin ~ms of the opinion that full information should be given to the people on the three proposals and it would then be the responsibility of the electors to indicate their desires. Following further discussion on the matter, the following resolution was passed; No. AA - MILLER - MARTIN - RESOLVED that the City Solicitor and the City Manager be authorized to investigate the possibility of obtaining Poplar Park as a hospital site and the effect on the recreational activities in the event this site is utilized for hospital purposes; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. The Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Aid. Donald and Mowers. READ AND ADOPTED, 16th March, 1953. Clerk 75 CONFERENCE Council Chambers, 9th March,1953. The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, 9th March, 1953 for the purpose of considering various matters presented to them. All members of the Committee were present. His Worship, ~yor Hawkins presided as Chainsart. After consideration of the items placed before them, the Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Martin. READ AND ADOPTED, 16th March, 1953. Clerk THIRTEENTH MEETING Council Chamber, 16th March,1953. REGULAR ~ZETING Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 16th March, 1953, for the purpose of considerlug general business and finance. All members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Brooks. CO>~'f~'~ICATIONS Laid over from previous meetings; No. 21 - Dept. of Planning & Development - Federal-Provincial Housing Projects brochure. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Donald and :.iiller that the communication be received and referred to the Property Co~m~ittee for a report. S?~S Report Ng. 6. SEE Cermnunication No.l]6 No. 112 - City Clerk, Galt - resolution re speed lir~it in school zones. on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the communication be received and filed. SEE Communica_tion ~o.11~ No. 115 - Chairman, Committee on parkinK lot, South End Business and Professional Men's Association. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hower~ ~hat th~ com- muDication be received and filed and 3 street lights be installed and application to erect signs on two poles on Main Street and one pole on Ferry Street, be for- warded to the Local Hydro Conm~ssion. SEE Rep.ort No~. SEE CoM.m~nication N.o.ll8 The followinK Communications were presented; No. ll6 - Dept. of Planni~lg & Development _ re row housing or walk-ups. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Fdller that the communication be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report. No. ll7 - City Clerk of Galt - re methods employed to protect school children at crossings, etc. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the com- munication be received and filed. No. 118 - South End Business & Professional Men's Association - confirmation of request re lighting & directional signs at South End parking lo~ at the rear of Main and Ferry Streets. ORDEREO on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the communication be received and filed and Ithe City Manager's recommendations adopted. SEE. Repor~ No. ~. No. 119 - Tourist Committee _ Chamber of Commerce . appreciation re grant, 1953. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and MacDonald that the communication be re- ceived and filed. ' No. 120 - Industrial Conmdtte¢ . Chamber of Commerce - appreciation re grant,19~3. 0x~DERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald ~hat the communication be re- ceived and filed. No. 121 - Niagara Falls Fire Fighters, Local 528 - advising of acceptance of alternative offer re 1953 S~lary Schedmle. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the communication be received and filed and the agreement pre- pared and presented for signature. No. 122 - Legion 51, Soccer Club - requesting use of Cakes Park. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and"'~cDcnald that the communication be received and filed and permission granted under the supervision of the City Manager. No. 123 -Ladies' Auxilia~_~Canadian Corps - requesting permission to hold tag day, June 6th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Brooks that the communication be received and filed and permission granted. No. 12~ - 0 timist Clu~ - requesting permission to hold Carnival at Poplar Park, Augu~I'27th and 28th. ORDEreD on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the connnunication be received and filed and permission granted. No. 125 - Ray~.e__r-Atlas Limited - requesting use of certain streets to place concrete for Tunnels i and 2 of the Sir Adam Beck, N.G.S. No. 2. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Martin that the comnunication be received and filed and an agreement be drawn to provide that Raynor-Atlas be responsible to damage to the road surfaces on the streets to be used by the trucks placing concrete in Moles No. 21 to 29 inclusive for Tunnel No. 1 and Moles 17 to 23 inclusive for Tunnel No. 2, as recommended in the City Manager's report. SEE R~Sp.Q~ REPORTS Laid over from a previous meeting; No. 6 - City Clerk - Synopsis of Manual of Dept. of Planning & Development re Federal-Provincial Housing Projects. 0RDEED on the motion of Aid. Donald and Miller that the report be received and referred to the Property Cor~,dttee for a report. RESOLUTIONS The followin~ Re..s. olu.t_i_o_n_S..w.e.r.e p~sse. d.; No. A5 - MCKINLEY - MacDONAlD - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of His Worship the Mayor and members of Com~cil be forwarded to Mr. George Dewring, upon the death of his father, the late Mr. William Dewring; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carrie_d__U. nan. iEp!s. lJ~ No. A6 - MILLE.~ ~_MOWERS - RESOLVED that a message of s~n~pathy, on behalf of His Worship the Mayor and members of Council be extended to Mr. Henry Durliat, upon the death of his brother, the late 1.~. Francis J. Purljar; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carrie~ ~na~lq~_s~,' No. ~7 - MCKINLEY - MacDONALD - RESOLVED that a letter of appreciation be for- warded to the Board of Education with co~nendations to Mr. Gordon Troup, Chair- man of the Arrangements made for the school children at the Niagara Falls Mem- orial Arena in connection with the visit of His Excellency, the Governor-General of Canada, Vincent ~ssey, to Niagara Falls on March 13th; to Mr. Harold Jones, Musical Director, for the very fine manner in which the Chorus was handled and to the school children for their fine musical rendition and to ~,~ss Winnifred Stokes, Vice-Chairman, who acted so capably as Mistress of Ceremonies; and that Council's appreciation be expressed to His Worship the t,myor, City Officials for their work in connection with the preparation off the itinerary and to the City Employees for their work in preparing the Memorial Arena for these ceremonies; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously_~ ~'~ i~i No. 48 - MILLER - BROOKS - RESOLVED that a letter of appreciation be forwarded ~ ~l The followinMReports were presented; to Mr. Krupp, of th~ H.~'.P.C. of Ontario project for the fine dinner served ~ in the Hydro Cafeteria during the visit of His Excellency, the Governor-General ~o. 33 - City ManaKer - r~ parking facilities at rear of Main and Perry Sts. of Canada~ and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. ~ RED on the motion of ld. Donald and Mowers that the report be received an adopted. Carrie__d~pan~o_____u_s_ly_~ No. 3~ - City ~ma~er - re request of Raynor-Atlas to use certain streets of the ity to place coHcrete for Tunnels i and 2 of the Sir Adam Beck, N.G.S. In connection with the visit of the Governor-General, His Worship the No. 2. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Martin that the report be Mayor stated that His Excellency, the Governor-General, was very impressed with [] receive and adopted. the whole ~our and the magnitude of the Hydro'ProJect and the manner in which d No. 35 - City Manager - re possibility of utilizing Poplar Park for hospital the arrangements were conducted at the Memorial Arena. s to. ' No. A9 - M0~ERS -MILLER - RESOLVED that a committee of Council be appointed . ' to work in conjunc't'i~'~ith a committee of the Board of Education to make suit- hospital site. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Miller and Mowers that the Basketball Teal, who for the third time have been successful in capturing the reports be received and tabled and a Committee appointed to interview Sir ~ S dney 0akes in regard to Poplar P~rk. Carried Unanimously. His Worship Championship; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. the Mayor appointed Ald. Miller, Mowers and the City Manager to this Com- Carried Unanimo_~u~l~. . $ motion of Al~. MacDonald and McKinley that the report be received and adopted · ~ and licenoes issued accordingly. himself to this committee. Na~. 38 - City Mana~er - recommending attendance of Waterworks Superintendent BY-LAWS Convention of the Canadian Section, American Waterworks Association. - C.ZDEor~D on the notion of Ald. Brooks and McKinley that the report be received a and adopted. The followin~ By-laws were passed; No. ~928 - To authorize the execution and delivery of an Agreement between the " Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls and Local 528, International Association of Fire Fighters. ORDEF~ED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that Ald. Donald be ~iven the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried Unanimously. ORDEKED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that Rule 36 (2) of the StandiDGRules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and Mowers - Carried Unanimously. No. 4929 - To regulate the height, bulk, location, size, floor area, spacing and external design of buildings to be erected on either side of Victoria Avenue between Bridge St. on the north and Ferry St. on the south. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that Ald. Mowers be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried Unanimously. 0RDEKED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Donald and MacDonald - Carried. (Ald. M~]ler and Brooks opposed.) An amendment by Ald. Miller and Brooks ~hat the by-law be tabled for one week, was defeated. (Ald. MacDonald, Martin, McKinley, Donald and Mowers, opposed). The Council adjourned to Finance Meetil~ on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Martin. READ AND ADOPTED, 23rd March, 1953. Clerk Ma~or FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 16th March,1953. The Finance Ve~ting was held on Monday, 16th l~rch, 1933 for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the C~,attee were present. Ald. Donald, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts submitted ih the amount of $35P:~:?.3~ were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Aldo McKinley and Martin. The report of the City Manager in connection with the application of Mr. F. Nagy, for a building permit to erect a 4-unit apartment building at 2195 Buchanan Avenue referred to the Property Cormmittee for a report, was again presented, along with the report of ~e Property CommitSee. ORDErtED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Martin that the report of the City ~.~nager be received and filed and the report of the Property Co~nittee be received and adopted and the permit be not granted. The report of the City Manager with reference to the suggestion of the Business Planning Associates to study the insurance policies of the City of Niagara Falls was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Brooks that the report be receiw~d and the co~nunication referred to the Insurance Pool for comment. The offer of Guiseppe Plantedi to purchase Lot 846, Plan 603, L~ard Avenue, for the sum of $500. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. McKinley that the offer be received and re- ferred to the Property Con~ittee for consideration. The offer of Pasquale Finella to purchase Lot 82, Plan 6, Dyson Avenue for the sum of $2~0. was presented for consideration. ORDEED on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. McKinley that the offer be receLved and re- ferred to the Property Committee for consideration. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers. READ ~ND ADOPTED, 23rd March, 1953. Clerk Chairman of Finance. COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 16th March,1953. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings for the purpos'e of passing the by-law which covered the accounts "~prdved by 'the Commit~ee~"AI1 members of 'the Council were present. I The followin~ No. 4930 - to provide monies for general purposes. 0RDE~D on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Mowers that AId. Donald be given the privilege of introduc~lE the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. M~wers and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council b~ temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and MacDonald - Carried Unanimously. OFF-STREET PARKING The City Manager presented a verbal rep6rt on the property formerly owned by MeNiron, on Queen Street, which has been considered as a parking lot and advised Council of the' difficulty in attempting to obtain an entrance off ~ueen Street to the two lots at the rear of this property, facing Park Street, which could be purchased for the sum of $5,000. After discussion, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that the matter be referred to the Property Committee for a report. Ald. Miller, Chairman of the Traffic Committee, reported verbally on the consideration given by his Co,~ttee to the parking conditions on Allen Avenue and recommended that no parking be permitted on the West side of Allen Avenue, from Ferry Street to Peer Street. With reference to Gladstone Avenue, it was suggested that this be left in abeyance for the time being. OPaEED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Mowers that the verbal report of the Traffic Comittee be received and adopted and the necessary by-law be prepared, that no parking be established on the west side of Alien Avenue from Ferry to Peer Streets. Mrs. Thelma Hurd appeared before Council with reference to her accident and was advised that it was not within the perogative of the Council but if she contemplated any action, it was up to herself as an individual. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Brooks. READ AND ADOPTED, 23rd March,1953. mm FOURTEENTH },fEETING REGULAR ~BETING Council Chambcr, 23rd ~rch,1953. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on I{onday, 23rd. March, 1953 for the purpose of considering general busrinses and finance. All members of Council were present, with the exception of His Worship, Mayor Hawk~s and Ald. Mowers. Ald. Brooks, presided as the Enacting Mayor. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley. SEE Resolution No.~O TENDERS Tenders had been called for the supply of grass seed for the year 1953 and on the motion of Ald. Donald and McK~dey, it was ordered that the tenders received, be opened, initialled by Enacting ~yor and tabulated. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the lowest tender, received from G.H. Clark and Company, at a quotation of $537.09, be accepted. COM~JNICATIONS Laid over from previous meeting~ No. 21 - Department of PlanninE & Development - Brochure re Federal-Provincial Housing Projects. No.ll6 - Department of Planning & Development -smalI apartment project in Niagara Falls, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the communications be tabled pending negotiations which are presently being carried on, SEE Reports 6 &.39. The following Communications were pre~ented; No. 126 - Secretary to the Governor-General - appreciation re visit to Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the communi- cation be received and filed and the wishes contained in the second paragraph be conveyed to Miss Stokes, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Education. No. 127 - Thorold-Merritton Optimist Club - requesting permission to drop pamphlets over the City. ORDEh~D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that the communication be received and filed and permission granted as requested, providing approval is obtained from the Department of Transport and no low fly-~ ing is participated in. No. 128 - St. Andrew's United Church - requesting parking on the west side of St. Clair Avenue and north side of Huron St. on Sundays during church hours, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Martin that the communication be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for a report. No. 129 - Lincoln and Welland Regiment - requesting use of football field in Cakes Park. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the c~nication be received and filed and permission granted. No. 130 - Hermes Club - requesting permission to use Poplar Park. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, MacDonald and Martin that the communication be received and filed and permission granted under the supervision of the City manager. No. 131 - H.E.P.C. of Ontario, Niagara Region - re City's request for a separate pole line to provide increased security of service to the Filtration Plant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the communication be received and fLled and the matter be taken up with the H.E.P.C. of Ontario before any decision respecting the separate circuit is made. SEE Repor~ No. AO. No. 132 - Simcoe Urban Mayors & Reeves Association - 2 resolutions. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that the con~nunication be received and filed. REPORTS Laid over from a previous meeting; No. 6 - City Clerk - synopsis of Manual preparedby Dept. of Planning and Development, re Federal-Provincial Housing Projects. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the report be tabled pending negotiations which are presently being carried on. SEE Report No.~ The following Reports were presented; No. 39 - Property Committee - re communications from Dept. of Planning and Development. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted. No. ~0 - City MansEer - re letter from Manager, Niagara Region,H.E.P.C. of Ontario. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted. No. ~1 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the report be received and adopted and the licences issued accordingly. No. ~2 - City ~nager - re Municipal Employer-Employee Relations Conference to be held in Montreal, April 24th.and request of Canadian Federation of ~Layors and Municipalities for attendance. ORDER on the motion of Ald. liacDonald and McKinley that the report be received and permission granted to the City ~nager to attend this Conference. PETITION The following petition was presented; No. 2 - Mrs. Keeq_~.~_iSothers _ re condition on Ottawa Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that the petition be received and laid on the table and the City Manager ascertain the ownership of the houses on both sides of this street and a report be submitted as to the costs, etc. of putting the street in satisfactory condition and the City Clerk be in- structed to write and ascertain when petition referred to was filed. MISCELLANEOUS Ald. Miller, who instigated the idea of the possible attainment of Poplar Park as a proposed hospital site, arose at this time and stated that he took strong exception to an editorial appearing in the Niagara Falls Evening Review, Monday, March 23rd, under the heading "Poplar Park Should. RemainAs Recreation Centre", and was of the opinion that the power c~ the Press was being used to sway individuals who should be individuals who should be intelligent enough to think for themselves, With reference to the grounds being used byMinor League Softball Teams, Ald. Miller stated. that he had been told that Poplar Park is not used for softball games. He further stated t~at he had yet to read of on~ pe~son in s~orts opposed to Poplar Park for a hospital site. Ald. McKinley referred to freedom of the press and that editorisis reflect comments made and referred to two specific instances at the South End of the Citywho questioned disturbing the status of Poplar Park. 85 REso ff. pN__s The followin~E_~e_so_l.ut.i. qn.s' .w. eF~e_j~a_ssed; No. 50 - MILLER - I~RTIN - RESOLVED that Ald. B.G.Brooks be appointed Enacting Mayor due to the absence of His Worship, l~yor E. M. Hawkins through illness; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 51 - DONA____~_Z..MARTIN - RESOLVED that the City Manager be instructed to take action to stop the smoke nuisance at the Bailey Upholstery Works at 563 Jepson Street; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. qarri~ No. 52 - MILLER~-__DO_N_A. LD____ RESOLVED that the City Manager be instructed to submit a report on renovations to the meat cutters' stalls located on the City liarket; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carrie~ ~..~SCELLANEOUS Enacting Mayor Brooks referred to dogs rmming at liberty from the north end to the south end of the City and was of the opinion that the situation under the supervision of the Humane Society is not satisfactory. Ald. Donald suggested that the City Manager get in touch with the Humane Society and advise them of the complaints received in this connection. The City Manager advised that an ad has been inserted in the local press,warning citizens who permitted their dogs to run at large, etc. Ald. Donald referred to complaLnts received about gravel on city sidewalks and was advised by the City Manager that a tractor with a broom has been in operation to cope with this situation. Enacting Mayor Brooks also referred to the smoke nuisance still existing on Armoury Street and the vicinity of Bailey's Upholstery Works, and also the objectionable odour caused by this smoke nuisance. Ald. Miller questioned the amount in the Budget for the purpose of repairing the meat cutters' stalls located on the City Market and state~ that their present condition is a disgrace. ~EE Re~o.1..uti. qon No.~2 WELCOME Enactin~ Mayor Brooks welcomed Ex-Mayor Carl D. Hanntwell to the Meeting. BY-LAWS The following By-laws were passed; No. 47pl - To amend By-law Number 3790, for the regulation of traffic ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Martin that Ald. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by=law and 'the by-Law be read the first time. - Carried. ORDEF~D on the motion of Ald. Donald and Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be~emporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried. Third Reading -Ald. Martin and Miller - Carried. No. ~932 - To authori~e the execution ef an agreement ~dtbRayner-Atlas Ltd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Donald that Aid.McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Miller and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of CounciA be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given ~he second ree~ing. - Carried. Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and ~/~rtin - Carried. The Council adjourned to Finance Meeting on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Martin. READ AND ADOPTED, 30th March, 1953. FINANCE MEETING Council Chambers, 23rd March,1953. The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 23rd March, 1953 for the purpose of approving and also passing ~he various accounts which had been ~roperly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present, with the exception of His Worship, Mayor Hawkins and Ald. Mowers. Ald. Donald, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $62,029.85 were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt ~rith, were ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of kld. McKinley andMiller. The report of the City Manager on the suggestion of Business Flaming Associates to study the City's insurance policies, laid over from the previous meeting, was again presented for consideration, along with a communication from Mr. Carl L. Young,' of the Insurance Pool, containing comments on this proposal. O~DERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and McKinley that the report ~f the City Manager, the communication 'from Mr. Y6ung, be received and filed and the Local Insurance Brokers be requested to carry out a complete survey on municipal insurance. 8 The offer of Guiseppe Plantedi to purchase Lot 846, ]'lan ~O~- Lombard Avenue for the sum of $500. laid over from the previous meeting, was again presented for consideration, along with the report of the Property Committee, and also a comnmnication from James E. Sacco, containing his offer to redeem this lot, formerly owned by his late father, Ross Sacco. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~iller and Enacting Mayor Brooks that the offers be received and laid on the table ~or one week for consideration of a full Council. The offer of Pasquale Finella to purchase Lot S2, Plan 6, Dyson Avenue for the sum of $2~0. laid over from the previous meeting, was again presented for consideration, along with the Property C~m~hittee's reconnendation. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the offer be accepted and the report of the Property Committe<~ be adopted and the lot conveyed to Pasquale Finella subject to the condition that a dwelling of at least $5,000. value be erected upon the premises within a period of six months. A revised plan of the proposed construction of an apartment building at 2195 Buchanan Avenue was presented for consideration. ORDEE on the motion of Enacting Mayor Brooks and Ald. Martin that the revised plan be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report. The City ~nager's report on the application of the Guaranty Trust Company for a building permit to make alterations to the building on the south side of Queen Street, between Ontario and St. Clair was presented for consid- eration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and McKinley that the report be received and adopted and the permit be granted. The Property Commit~ee's recon~nendation in connection with off-street parking area in the vicinity of Park Street between Bucklay and St.Lawrence Avenues, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Aid.Miller and Enacting Mayor Brooks that the report be received and adopted and the matter be tabled for the present. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Martin. READ AND ADOPTED, 30th March, 1953. Clerk Chairman of Finance. COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 23rd March,1953. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-lawwhich covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present, with the exception of His Worship, Mayor Hawkins and Ald. Mowers. Enacting Mayor Brooks presided. B Y-LAW The foll.owin~ .By-law ~as pass_ed; No. &93_3 -.To provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and }~cDonald that AId. Donald be granted the privilege of introducin~ the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald andMacDonald that Rule 36 (2) o£ the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried. .Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and Miller - Carried. The Council adjourned ~n the motion of Ald. Miller and Donald. READ AND ADOPTED, 30th March,1953. FIFTEENTH }~ETING Council Chamber, 3Oth March,!$53. REGULAR MEETING Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 30th March, 1953, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of Council were present, with the exception of Ald. Miller and Martin. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. ~iacDonald and Mowers. COMMUNICATIONS The following Communications were presented; No. 132 - Greater Niagara Civilian Defence Committee - requesting use of Relief Office adjacent to Portage Road as C.D.C.headquarters. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mo~ers that the communication be received and referred to the CityManager for a report on the costs and a~ocation involved. No. 133 - Board of Education - ack. appreciation of Council re Governor-generals' Visit. ORDEP~ED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the comnuini- cation be received and filed. No. 134 - Niagara Fails Police Association - requesting use of Oakes Park, August 3rd.for 7th Annual Field Day. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Mowers that the communication be received and filed and permission granted. No. 135 - Alex Thompson - requesting payment of rent until pension is settled. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and ~bwers that the communication be received and filed and the ~riter be informed that there ~dll be no further payment of rent. No. 136 - City of Waterloo - requesting amendment to Public Hospitals Act to increase statutory rate for indigent patients. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Brooks that the commmnication be received and laid on the table and an explanation regarding this resolution be obtained. No. 137 - Greater Niagara General Hospital - requesting advice as to financing project. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the communi- cation be received and laid on the table and a Special Meeting of a full Council be called for 7 P.M. on Wednesday evening, April let and the Councils of Stamford and Chippawa be invited to be present at 8 P.M. in order to discuss this matter and the meetin~ be open to press and public. SEE Resolution No.~4. At this point, Ald. Brooks requested the City Clerk to read his state- ment ~th reference to an accusation of playing petty politics which has been levelled at the City Council bythe Board of Governors of the Hospital. In this statement Ald. Brooks advised that at the first meeting he had attended with the Hospital Board and a few Council Members on January 15th, 1953, he stated that if they would agree to the extension on the present hospital site, the City of Niagara Falls would sell their pro rata share of debentures at once without a vote of the people. Ald. Brooks stated that he felt the rooms of the existing hospital should be used to their best advantage with new facilities of the most modern nature, added as an extension or as a step ,towards a completely new hospital on the present site. Adding further, that Council as a whole recognize the need of better hospital facilities but queried whether the Hospital Board realizes that the City of Niagara Falls also needs the minimum of Three Million Dollars for sewers that are not adequate and also wry unsanitary. The statement concluded that the Council as a spending body could be progressive with the taxpayers' money on actual necessities within two years, that instead of only partly being controlled by the Municipal Beard we would be entirely controlled by them, pointing out the needs of ~ewers, roads, garbage disposal, etc. would be in the neighbourhood of $6,000.000. was of the opinion that Council must plan wisely in the interests of all in the Greater Niagara Area; that the Greater Niagara Hospital comes first in the City' s financial endearours, but felt that an endeavour must be to obtain the most for our dollar and the present site looks like a two to one saving over the next l0 to 20 years. Ald. MacDonald also stated that he resented the remrks made by the .President of the BOard of Governors of the Hospital Board at their meeting last Thursday evening and further stated that as far as he was aware, he could truthfully say that Council never played petty politics. His Worship the Mayor stated that Council will have to refer to the taxpayers for the money needed for the project and that at the meeting scheduled for 'Wednesday evening, April let, Council can arrive at a proper solution to the problem for presentation to the Hospital Board and was of the opinion that the Councils have done their share and will continue to do SO. Mr. John ChristOpher also present at the meeting, was permitted to speak at this time, on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowess and he queried the number Qf beds in the Hospital on the present site and the numbe pro- posed for the new hospital, and was advised by His Worship the Mayor. No. 138 - Niagara Fails Y's Men's Club - E~ster Sunrise Service. ORDERED ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that the co~nunication be received and filed. No. 139 - Bell Telephone CompaRV - requesting permission top lace 8 feet of buried cable on Stanley Street between North and Emery Streets.. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the co~nunication be received and filed and permission granted. SEE By-law 4937. No. l~O - Mrs. Keen - re Petition Number 2 - ORDEE on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers at the communication be received and filed. SEE Petition No.2 & Report REPORTS The followin~ Reports were presented; No. 43 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDOnald and Brooks that the report be received and adopted and licences issued accordingly. No. A~+ . City Manager _ re request of Canadian Section of American Water- works Association that members of Council attend proceedings on April 7th, at Convention in Buffalo. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the report be received and adopted and the members of Council attend. DEE Resolution 55. No. 45 - City Manager _ re Petition Number 2. ORDEE on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the report be receivc~ ~n,~ ~ilcd and the City ~.knager bc in~tructel to proceed with the work as suggested in his report and that a further Engineer's report be submitted as to the construction of the side- walk. SEE Petition No.2. F~F I T I 0 N Laid over from the previous meeting; No. 2 - Mrs. Keen and 5 others - requesting that the condition of Ottawa Ave. be remedie'~V'~.O~E'~'on'~'~emotion of Aid. Donald and Howere that the petition be received and filed and the City Manager be instructed to proc~,ed with the work as suggested in his report and that a Further Engineer' r report be submitted as to the const~ction of the sidewalk. RZ~OLUTIONS The foll. o.w_!n~.Re___solutions .were passed; No. 53 - MCKINLEY - BROOKS - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of His Worshi'~YK~yo'~' }a~bers of the City Council and the citizens oF Niagara Falls at large, be forwarded to Her ].tajesty, Queen Elizabeth ii and members of the Royal Family upon the death of Her Majesty, the late Queen Mary; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 54 - DONALD - MacDONALD _ RESOLVED that a Special Meeting of Council be called for ? P.""~Lf.'~,~n~eiday evening, April lst,1953 to discuss the matter of the hospital project and an invitation be extended to the Councils of Stamford and Chippawa to meet with the Niagara Falls Council at 8 P.M. and the meeting be open to press and public; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 55 - MOWERS - BROOKS - R~SOLVED that the next regular meeting of the City Council be hel"'~'on Monda"'y evening, April 6th, 1953 at 7.30 p.m. and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Car____r. ied No. 56 - M(Y~ERS DONALD _ RPiSOL~ED that the City Fmnager be instructed to sub- mit a report on the Incinerator Plant and suggested improvements; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carrie_~d No. 57 - DONALD - ~_~O~_L~_.~ _ RESOLVED that the City Manager be instructed to sub- mit a report on rectifying the condition now existing where water runs off the Hydro Right-of-Way on to Homewood Avenue into the lots and cellars of residents in this district; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affLxed. Carrioj The followin~ By-laws worsted. ~~ - To provide for borrowing $3,863.11 upon debentures to pay for the construction of-sewers on Broughton Avenue and Victoria Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that Ald. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first tLme. _ Carried. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried. Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and MacDonald - Carried. - To provide for borro~ng $1~,717.3~ upon debentures to pay for the construction UF sidewalks and curbs and gutters on Dyeon Avenue, Homewood Avenue, Morrison Street, Sixth Avenue, Stanley Avenue, Valleyway, Union Avenue and Hunter Street. 0RDE',F-D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that Ald. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried. CEDE,tED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried, Third Reading -Ald. b~cDonald and ].|owers - Carried. No. ~9~ - To provide for borrowing ~18,669.31 upon debentures to pay for the construction of macadam roads on Valleyway, Alexander Crescent, Inglis Drive and Homewood Avenue, ORDEED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that Ald. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be. temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried. Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and McKinley - Carried. No. 4937 - To provide for permission to The Bell Telephone Company of Canada to place 8 feet of burie~ cable on Stanley Street between North and Emery Streets, Niagara Falls Exchange. ORDERED on ~e motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that Aid. McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried. ORDEi~D on the motion of Aid. Donald and Mowers that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time. - Carried. Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and Mowers - Carried. On the motion of Aid. McKinley and Mowers the Council adjourned to Finance Meeting. READ ANDADOPTED, 6th April, 1953. /,,-Mayor FINANCE 1-~ETING C~uncil Chamber, 3Oth March,1953. The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 30th March, 1953 for the pur- pose of approving and also pas=~iHg the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Co!~rdtte,~ were present, with the exception of Ald. ~/ller and ~,~rtin. Ald. Donall, Chai.~msn of Finance, presided. Sundry AccounLs submitted in the amount of $117,031~.00 were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, bei~6 pas~ed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of His Worship the Mayor and Ald. McKinley. 93 The Mayor welcomed Reeve Bridge of Stamford Township to the Meeting. The offer of Guiseppe Plantedi to purchase Lot 846, Plan 603, Lombard Avenue for the sum of $500. and also the comunication from James E. Sacco, submitting a cheque to cover the arrears of taxes on this lot, fo~rly owned by his father, which were laid over from the previous meeting for a full Council, were again presented for consideration, along with a further communi- cation from Mr. Plantedi, requesting that Council favourably consider his offer. Inasmuch as two members of Council were not present at this meeting, being delegates at the Industrial Promotion Conference in Toronto, it ~ms ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Brooks that the matter be laid over for con- sideration of a full Council, either at the Special Meeting to be held on Wednesday evening, April let, or, the next regular meeting to be held on April 6th. A communication from Provincial Engineering Company in connection with Lots lO0, 1el and 102, Muir Avenue, which had been conveyed to them on the condition that a building would be constructed thereon at a value of approximately $7,5OO. was presented for consideration at this time. ORDERED on the motion of Hie Worship Mayor Hawkins and Ald. Brooks that the commumication be received and filed and that the Provincial Engineering Ltd. be permitbed to retain these lots and a new by-law be prepared and the approval of the Department of Municipal Affairs be obtained for the transaction without stipulation as to btdlding. A communication received from Provincial Engineering Ltd. was presented, advising that since they are now the owners of the property on both sides of that portion of the 16-foot lane lying between Buttrey Avenue and Ferguson Street and Dyson Avenue and Acheson Avenue, Council consider their request to have the balance of the lane closed and conveyed to them to enable them to proceed with their building programme. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the communication be received and filed and the necessary by-law be pre- pared to bring about the closing of the rest of the lane. The report of the CityManager recommaending that a building permit be issued to Provincial Engineering Ltd. to erect a building on part of Lots 6 and 7, on the east side of Victoria Avenue between Buttrey Street and Ferguson St. at an estimated cost of $15,000. was presente~ for consideration. OI~E~F~D on the motion of His Worship Mayor Hawkins and Ald. Mowers that the report be received and adopted and the permit be issued. The report of the City Manager recommending that a building permit be issued to Provincial Engineering Ltd. to erect an extension to their machine sho~ on Lots 35 and 36 on the north side of Buttrey at the corner of Acheson Avenue, at an estimated cost of $1~,000. wae presented for Consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and His Worship the Mayor that the report be received and adopted and the permit be issued. The report of the City Manager recorm~ending that a building permit be issued to Provincial Engineering Ltd. to erect an extension to their crane assembly building to be located on Rots 67 and 68, west side of Dyson Avenue, at an estimated cost of $20,000. was presented for consideration. OE on the motion of Ald. Mowers and His Worship the Mayor that the report be received and adopted and the permit be issued. The report of the City Manager in connection with the application of Jolley Construction Co. for a building permit to erect a one-storey store on Part of Lot 9, north side of Queen Street, between St. Lawrence and Buckley Avenue at an estimated cost of $25,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the ~otion of Ald. MacDonald andNowers that the report be received and adopted and the permit issued. The report of the City Manager in connection with the application of Mr. D. Pisano, for a building permit to construct an addition to the rear of his dwelling at 1752 Peer Street, to provide accommodation for two apartments, at an estimated cost of $10,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Mowers that the report be received and adopted and the permit be issued. The report of the City Manager in connection with the application of the Hermes Club for a building permit to construct a storage and office build- ing on the south side of }~gdalen Street ~etween Ferry and McGrail, at an estimated cost of $10,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Mayor Hawkins that the report be received and adopted and the permit be issued. The City Clerk presented a report on behalf of the Property Committee which recommended that the revised plan as presented at the meeting of March 23rd, for the erection at 2195 Buchanan Avenue, be received and filed and a permit be not granted. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Aid. Brooks that the report of the Property Committee be received and adopted. A second revised plan was submitted for the erection at 2195 Buchanan Avenue owned by Mr. F. Nagy. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Mac- Donald that the revised plan be referred to the Property Conmittee. The City Manage~'s report re property north of Leader's Lane from a distance of one hundred feet west of the west property line of Welland Avenue to the rear of the Langand Allen properties on River Road, was pre- sented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and MacDonald that the report be received and referred to the Property Committee. The City Clerk presented a report on behalf of the Equipment Com- mittee, which recommended the purchase of an Underwood hand-operated adding machine, to replace a 16-year old Remington Machine, at a net price of $159. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Mowers that the report be received and adopted. The City Manager, s report re installation of parking meters on Valleyway and proposed Schedule of locations, was presented for consideration. ORDER on the motion of Ald. Mowers and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted to the extent that 35 meters be purchased. ' The City Treasurer's report requesting that certain business taxes be written o~f, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that th~ r~,ort be received and laid on the table and a subsequent report be submitted. The Balance Sheet and Operating Report of the Hydro-Electric Com~"~ssion of Niagara Falls for the yea:' ending December 31st,1952 was pre- sented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. MacDonald t~at the report be received and laid on the table for perusal of Council. A conm~mication from the Greater Niagara Civilian Defel~ce Co,m~,utttec, requesting funds as provided it. the Budget for C.D.C.purposes, be m~-de ava_~l- able in order that the organization may be proceeded with, was pro.Tented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Nowere that the comnmnication be received and laid on the table for the perusal of Council. The Con~aittee arose and reported to Council on themotion of His !'Jorship the Mayor and Ald. McKinley. READ ~D ADOPTED, 6th April, 1953. Clerk Chair, nan of Finance COUNCIL I.~ET!NG Council Chambcr, 30th F~rch,2953. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present, ~th the exception of Ald. Miller and Martin. BY-LAW The followinZ B_y~-l~a~ .w~as p+a~S~se.~dj No. 49~8 - To provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that Ald. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley anti b~cDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time. - Carried. Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and Mowers - Carried. The following Resolution Was passed; No. 58 - DONALD - MOWERS - RESOLVED that the City Manager be authorized to notify the proprietor of the Stanley Garage concerning the condition of both sides of Stanley Avenue and that the lease presently in force, will be cancelled failing their attempt to co-operate with the City to keep this area in a presentable state; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried The Council adjourned on the motion of A!d. McKinley and Donald. READ A~ID ADOPTED, 6th April, 1953. "Z~yor. SIXTEENTH SPECIAL MEETING Council Chamber, let April~lp53. A Special 1.~eting of the City Council was held in the Council Chamber on the evening of April lst,1953, at 7 P.M. for the Amrpose of discussing the hospital question. All members oF Council were present. Mayor Hairpins,in opening the meetixlZ,corrected an ~mpression to the effect that the Board of Governors of the Heel:ira1 were inviLe.l, this had not been done, but the meeting was open to the public. COmmUNICATION The follo)~Communication was ~p~r.~sented; No. 1/~ - Kiwanis Club of Ni,a~ara Falls . urg~g Z~nediate action to provide much needed hospital facYl'i't~e~' b]'~D~"RED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that the co~nication be received and filed. ~yor Hawkins then advised that the purpose of this meeting ~s to arrive at some decision in connection ~th the hospital project. He pointed out the tremendous ~ount of work that the B~rd of Governors had done on the matter and referred to previous meetings ~ich had been held and expressed the hope that a decision could be made this evening to facilitate action. Ald. Donald then read a resolution ~ich he proposed to place before the Co~cil. SEE Resolution No.59. KId. Miller in speaking to the resolution, pointed out that it had been explained that unit costs would be the same on any site and felt that because of · the population growth and other factors, that Poplar Park should be the site and that he therefore could not go along ~i~h the resolution. Ald. Brooks agreed that unit costs were the same but that the action as proposed by the resolution would provide facilities which should serve for aPproximately twenty years but that the same money on a new si~e would only pro- vide a portion of the eventual complete accommodation. Ald. Mowers referred to heated remarks which had been made by certain individuals and advised that he does not fayour the resolution as proposed but that however something must be done and he would not see the resolution defeated. In his opinion, any monies provided, the spending of these, would be the Board of Governors, business as well as a choice of site. RESOLUTION The following Resolution was passed; No. 59 - DONALD - XacDON~JLD _ ~ESOLVED that Whereas the Council of the City of Niagara F~'~'~c~i~'~'y~e fact that more adequate hospital accommodation is required to serve the needs of the community; And Whereas it is felt that by utilizing a small portion of the present site adjacent to the street allowance, parking facilities could be provided to accommodate 150 vehicles durialg visiting hours, which are the peak periods; And Whereas any capital payments incurred for such purposes should be subject to an agreement between the three municipalities to the effect that during the lifetime of such payments, they would be adjusted on a per caput basis; And Whereas any issues of debentures by the respective municipalities would be made with the understanding that the Greater Niagara General Hospital would by public subscriptions raise at least $500,000. of the total amount required; Therefore Be It Resolved That this Council inform the Board of Governors of the Greater Niagara General Hospital and the Councils of the Township of Stamford and the Village of Chippawa that the City of Niagara Falls is prepared to ask the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of a debenture issue to take care of the City' s proportion of approximately $1,306,000. being the estimated cost of carrying out Projects nos. I and 2, according to the Architect' s (W. L. Somer~_lle) plans and which would provide a total of 349 beds on the present site and that a joint meeting of the three councils be arranged as soon as possible in order that a decision may be made; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. (Ald. I.~l!er and Mowers opposed) Carried. Followi.~ the adoption of the resolution, His Worship stated that although he had hoped for a new hospital on a new site, nevertheless he would support any action taken which would remedy conditions. INDUS'rRIa PSpM~OT_Ip}' CONERm:~C~. Ald. Miller submitted a verbal report on his attendance at the Industrial Promotion Conference in Toronto, stating that the meeting had been very successful and informative. OFFER .O.F GIUSEPPE PLANTEDI TO PURCHASE L~_T 846, aA~ iO2,__LOLB~A~aO' A~s_. The offer of Giuseppe Plantedi to purchase Lot 846, Plan 603, Lombard Avenue; conmmnication fromMr. James E. Sacco expressing a wish to recover title to the property; and co,~mmnica~ion from Giuseppe Plantedi asking faycurable consideration to his offer. ORBERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Mowers that the commumtcations and the offer to purchase, be tabled and information be ascertained from Mr. Sacco as to his interest, if any, in this property. Carried. (Ald. McKinley and MacDonald-opposed.) Prior to this motion by Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that Mr. Sacco be given priority to purchase the lot at the assessed value, subject to a structure of at least $7,000. value being erected upon the premises and if this privilege was not exercised immediately, the lot be sold to Mr. Plantedi -- was defeated. Opposed - Aid.Mowers,Donald,Martin, Brooks and ~[ller. Aid. Donald then requested that the City Manager supply Council with a list of any and all lots owned by the nmnicipalitywhich are for sale. Council then adjourned to reconvene at 8 P.M. Council reconvened at 8 P.M. in Joint session with the Councils of the Township of Stanfford and the Village of Chippawa. All members of all three Councils were present, with the exception of Councillor Greenwood of Chippawa. His Worship the Mayor welcomed the Councils of the Township of Stamford are the Village of Chippawa and asked the Clerk to read the resolution which had Just been passed by the Council of the City of :flagare Falls in Following the reading of the resolution, His Worship advised that the matter was open for discussion and called upon Reeve Bridge for remarks. Reeve Bridge indicated that he would like more information .~ to Stamford's share, Wnereupon Ald. Donald outlined what the r~solution as proposed would accomplish, indicating that a net amount to be raised after Government Grants, etc. would be in the vicinity of ~500,OOO. Councillor Bates enquired as to what other facilities this prcgra~.ume would provide and this was explained in accordance with the Architeet~s plans. Councillor Sootheran enquired as to whether this was it and if it wss, the desire that the Township of Stamford adopt the suggestion and also would the City be content that Stamford's share be ~200,000. Ald. Donald point:;d out that in his opinion the three CouncLls should approach the Ontario Municipal Board and they probably would e,~:perience no difficulty in obtaining approval. Mayor Hawkins advised that alth~agh the City of Niagara Falls had been accused of delaying the matter, this was not the case but that the City is faced with a big debenture debt which must be considered. AId. Mowers explained his stand with reference to the matter as previously stated in the City Council meeting. Reeve Bridge enquired as to ~h~ther the City of Niagara Falls :.muld consider funding the whole cost, the other two mtmicipalities to pay their share annually. Councillor Sootheran stated that this metho~ had actually been suggested by the Ontario Municipal Board but he hardly expected the City would accept it. Deputy Reeve Moore stated that in his opinion the first problem was loc~tion; the second being cost distribution. He favoured the new site and explained his reasons for doing so, but however he was willing to support the resolution if it carried, being of the opinion that an approximate $500,000. would not be hard to allocate. Councillor Bates stated that the Township of Stamford had already resolved in fayour of a new site and felt that this only opens up the matter again and questioned the right of the Councils to make such a decision, whereupon Reeve Bridge advised that Stamford's resolution had at no time mentioned site and was critical of the failure of the .Board of Governors for not having made any attempt to raise funds. Deputy Reeve Moore felt that the Council was dictating as to site and yet they would only contribute one-third. Ald. Donald stated that the hospital had been erected primaril~v for the City of Niagara Falls and felt that on a new site, transportation would be a grave problem and referred to contributions made by the City of Niagara Falls throughout the years but that yet the munici~%lity had no say in connection with the hospital functions. Reeve Bukator referred to bequests that had been made to ~e Hospital in years past and the fact that he at that time had advocated utilizing the funds for expansion of the institution and stated that he, and speaking for his Council, favoured the present site, not because it was the best but because of the need and also stated that Chippawawill support the City of Niagara Falls resolubion and When funds are requiredwill make them available. C~ancillor Sootheran then stated tha~ he has supportei the new site and asked that the Reeve declare a ehorb recess for the members of the Stamford Council to permit discussion. On the motion of Ald. McKinley and Martin, a recess of ten minuteswas declared in order that the Stamford Council might meet im. committee. Following the recess, the Councils reconvened and Reeve Bridge advised of a resolution unanimously adopted by the Council of the Township of Stafford, to the effect that although a majority of the members of Stanfford Council are in fayour of a new hospital on a new site, however, they would financially support, subject to approval of the Ontario Municipal Board, any plan which would give the area ad_equate hospital facilities. Ald. Miller then explained his stand with reference to the Poplar Park site. Ald. McKinley referred .to the commtmication received by the City Council from the Chairman of the Board of Governors, requesting a reply before the 7th of April and moved, seconded by Reeve Bukator that a reply to the com- munication from the Hospital Board of Governors be forwa~ied, advising of the action taken at this meeting. Carried, with Ald. PLtller opposed. Deputy Reeve Moore questioned whether the resolution ~muld indicate that Stamford ~as in complete accord with the resolution, pointing out that they are only agreeing to the body of the resolution itself which was generally agreed to. Reeve Bridge then enquired .as to whether any decision had been obtained concerning the Poplar Park sites advising that the Township of Stamford were fully aware of the situation. Aid. Miller ad,~ised that he did not believe there would be any trouble in this regard. Deputy Reeve Moore referred to a statement that had been made as to the charges to the Township of Stamford in the event the Poplar Park site was used and was advised by Mayor Hawkins that this statement was erroneous and that no such statement had been made ~in Council, there had simply been a reference to the v~lue of the property ffutilized on a residential basis. On the motion of Ald. Martin and ~cDonald the meeting adjourned. READ ~D ADOFrED, 6th April, 1953. Clerk SEVENTEENTH ~EETING Council Chamber, 6th April, 1953. ~EGULAR MEETING Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 6th April, 19~3, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of Councilwere present. The Council, having received emirsad the minutes of the previous meetings, adopted these on the motion of Ald. ~acDonald and Mar~in. CO~4UNICATIONS The following Communications were presented; No. 1~2 - North Ki~__nis Club of Niagara Falls - repossibility of presentation of a flag by the City of Niagara Falls, On[a'ri6 in connection with International Swim Meet. ORDEffu~D on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Mowers that the commmi- cation be received and filed and the gayor be authorized to proceedwith the pur- chase of a flag for this presentation. No. 1J+3 -gayor of Rochester, New Y~~_r~, - invitation re Lilac Time in Rochester. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and ~acDonald that the invitation be received and accepted and as man~members of Council as possible arrange to attend. No. 1~ -Minister of National Defence - re armual training of Reserved Forces. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Donald and Mowers that the commmnication be re- ceived and filed and permission granted to any employee to participate in annual tra~n~n_~ in the Reserved Forces. ~&followtnK Reports were presented; No. ~6 - CityManager - arrangements to be made with H.E.P.C. of Ontario to eliminate flooding from right-of-way between Morrison Street and Stanley Ave. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the report be received ami laid on the table until further advice received. No. ~7 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of AId. MacDonald ap~ NcKinley that the report be received and adopted and licenoes ~iesued accordingly. No. ~8 - City Manazer - re petition of residents of Simcoe Court. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the report be received and adopted. Sm P. eti. tiou No. 3. The followir~ Petition was ~reeented; No. 3 - Ere, Beatrice Bullied and ~ other families - req. repairs to roadway and sidewalk on Siscos Court. OP~F~GT~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and Howere that the petition be received and. filed and the sidewalks and roadway be repaired and the necessary steps be taken to take over Simcoe Court, 101 I~SOIAITION8 The foLlowix~ Resolutions were passed; No. 60 - D(~ - McKINLEY - RESOLVED that a message of sym~tb~ on behalf of Hi~ Worship the Mayor and Members of the City Council be foEwarded to Arnold Teal, upon the death of his wife; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. No. 61 - MILLER - MccDO~ALD - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy behalf of His Worship' the Mayor, members of the City Council and the citizens at large, be forwarded to the family of the late Mrs. Amanda Misener, Niagara Falls* oldest resident; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. VERBAL XPORT At this time, Aid. Miller, Chairman of the Traffic Comaittee, pre- sented a verbal report in connection with the request of St. Andrew' 8 United Church for permission to park cars during church hours on S-ndays, and advised that the Camittee have recommended that His Worship the Mayor be requested to take this matter up with the Chief of Police. ~EE Conmmication No. 128. COMMUNICATION Laid over from a previous meeting; No. 128 - St. Andrew's United Church - requesting Council' s consideration to the permission of parking cars during church hours on the west side of Clair Avenue and the north side of Huron Street. ORDE[~ on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the ccmmnication be received and the matter be re- ferred to His Worship the Mayor to take up the matter of parking during church services only on Sundays, with the Chief of Police. At this time~ Aid. Mowers, Chairman of the Civic Buildings Committee, referred to the tenders which had been called for Construction and Plumbing Work to be performed at the former Customs Building and noted that the closing date was set for noon on Tuesday, April 7th, and suggested that if agreeable to Council, the Civic Buildings Co~nittee might be permitted to open the tenders for tabulation in time for the next meeting of Council. SEE Resolution ~o.~2. RESOLUTION The followinR Resolution was passed; 'No; 62 - MILLER - M~RTIN - BE~OLVED that the tenders received for the construct- ion and plumbing work at the former Customs Building, at the corner of Park and Clifton Ave. be opened by the Civic Buildings Committee and tabulated for the next meeting of Council; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried_ Unantmous. l,V. MISCELLANEOUS , AId, Donald referred to a recent article appearing in the local press in which it had been indicated that offices may be arranged in the basement of the City Hall and a third ster7 may be constructed to accommodate the inee a as they are authentic Y Coamittse, was unaware or such plans. P M~V r voiced agreement with the Alderman but assured him that who~Lans' are d~awn in connection with improZements to the City Hell, ell members of ,Council will receive same. ' Aid. Donald also referred to another recent announcement in the local press concerning an amount of $10,000. for Civilian Defence organization and advised that he was aware of $2,500. in the Budget, being of the opinion that the other municipalities in the area should contribute their share. Ald. Donald reiterated his statement that such stories should not be released to the general public until they are official. Ald. Donald was advised that the $10,000. referred to includes the Gov- ernment's- contribution which is-dollar for dollar contributed by the municipalities. Aid. Donald queried the MaC, or,as a member of the Local Hydro Commission, in connection with the progress. of 60-cycle changeover, and the difficulties of citizens contemplating the purchase of new electrical equipment for their homes, which they do with some hesitancy, fearin~ that new motors may be replaced by the Hydro with second-hand motors. His Worship the Mayor assured the Alderman that all replacements are brand new and notification of the changeover is received two weeks in advance. Ald. Donald was of the opinion that Hydro should be communicated with to ascertain the dates of changsevers in stipulated areas and when it is contemplated this work will be finished. His Worship the Mayor advised that it is expected that the work will be completed in 195~. Ald. Martin in referring to the fact that this is Coronation Year and that the Coronation Committee are progressing with their programme in celebration of this historic event, was of the opinion that samething further should be done to create a lasting monte of this occasion. He referred to the land in the Morse- Missnor Subdivision which it has been proposed to use as a playground for the children in this area and suggested that when the playground is finished, it be dedicated as Coronation Park. His Worship the Mayor was of the opinion that ouch a suggestion would be taken into consideration by the Coronation Committee. The followina Sy.-..law was ~ - To authorize the execution of an s~reement for sale and deed, ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that Aid. Donald be given the privilege of introducing the b~,-law and the by-law be read the let. time. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Howers and Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading: - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and Mowers - Carried Unanimously. The followinK By-law was. present. e_d; No~. To close and sell a portion of a lane which originally ran from Buttrey Street to Ferguson Street. OBDEBKD on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Miller that AId. Donald be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the fiTst time, - Carried Unanimously, OBDEI~D on the motion of Aid. Donald and Mowers that Rule 36 (2) of the Standin~ Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be rend the second time. - Carried Unanimously. The Council adjourned to Finance N~eting on the motion of Aid. Miller and Martin. ~EAD A~D ADOPTED, 13th April, 1953. Clerk FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 6th April,1953. The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 6th April, 1953 for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certi- fied and placed before them. All members of the Co~nittee were present. Ald. Donald, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $3,264.63 were approved by the C~A~Lttee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered ~ulaced in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Aid. McKinley and ~ayor Hawkins. The City Clerk presented a report on behalf of the Property Ce~-~!ttee 'in connection with the revised plan of ~r. F. Nag~ f. or an erection at 2195 Buchanan Aveme. O~J]ERED on the motion of AId. Mckinley and Brooke that the report be recsiwed and adopted and a pe.rmit be granted as prepesed~ providing proper detailed information is supplied and a proper application filed. A c~Is~nication, received toS late for inclusion on 'the agentis, was permitted to be .read, on the motion of Ald. Mowers and }{artin. The connnuni- cation from G. Plantcall, with a further request for fawourable consideration to his offer to p~rchase Lot 8~, Plan 603', I~mbard Avenue, was ordered ceived and laid on the table until such time as a repl~ has been received free Mr. James E. ~acco in connection with his offer to rodeen this property, former- ly owned by his f&%her, on the motion of Aid. M~ler and ~ac~onald. Aid. }~afers referred to t~e ~uery he had made at the last meeting in connection With the property on both sides of Stanley Avenue and the lease in force at proserot with Mrs. ~onkos concerning this property, and was advised by the City Manager of the nc$ion taken in this regard., The Council arose and reported te Couno~l on the metion of Ald. Martin and Brooks, AND ADOPTXD, 13th April, 1953 · Chaiman of Finance. COUNCIL NEErING Council Chamber, 6th April, 1953. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved b~ the. Committee. All members of the Council were present. The foll...~Owir~ By-law was passedl BY-LAW No. ~1 - To provide modes for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. HcEinley and Mowers that Aid. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried.Una~mousl~. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be ten~orarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time. - Carried Unanimously. Third Rea~ing -Ald. MacDonald and ~er - Carried Unanimously. Aid. Donald requested a financial statement on the operationof the Hemorial Arena for the first three months of 1953. The Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers. READ AND ADOPTED, 13th April, 1953. Clerk ~ore Council Chamber, 6th April, 1953. The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, ~th April, 1953 for the purpose Of considering warious matters presented to them. All members of the Co~aittee were present. His Worship FAyor Hawkins presided as Chairman. Afte~ eensideration of the items placed before them, the Committee adjourned on the motion of AId. Mn~er and !!ewere. 10S .I HEAD AND ADOFrED, 13th April, 19~3. i07 REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, 13th April, 195~. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 13th April, 1953 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Nar~in. Tenders had been called for alterations to the building at the coruer of Park Street and Clifton Avenue, to accommodate Police and Engineering Offices, containing Proposition No. 1 - not including an elevator hoistway and Proposition No. 2 - for the construction of an elevator hoistway and alterations pertaining to this construction. Tenders had also been called for plumbing alterations to the building at the comer of Park St, 4nd Clifton Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mc- Kinley and Miller that the summry of the above mentioned tenders be tabled for the consideration of a full Council. subsequent to the arrival of Aid. Donaldat 8.05 p.m. it was ordered cn the metion of AId. ~owers and Brooks that the tender of Zimmerman Construction Limited, at a quotation of $3,768.00 for Proposition No. 1 and$3,Zl2.00 for Proposition No. 2 be accepted, with the understanding that Proposition No. 2 might not be proceeded with,.and that the tender of the E. S. Fox Plumbing and Heating Limited, at a quotation of $1,837.00 be accepted. SEE Resolution No 6 SEE Communication No 1 CO~qlCATIONS Laid over from a previous meetin~ No. 136 - City of Waterloo - resolution re indigent per diem rates for public hospitals. Ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin that the resolution be received and forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Association. ~EE Communication No. The following Ccmnunications were presented: No. 1~5 - City of Waterloo - clarification of resolution re indigent per diem rates for public hospitals. ORDERE~ on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin that the communication be received and filed and the resolution forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Association. No. 1A6 -BuckinghemP a lace - ack. message of sympathy - ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Howere and MacDonald that the communication be received and filed, No. 1~7 - Canadian Kanufacturers' Association - Local Branch - resolution re additional hospital facilities. Hoved hy AId. Brooks that the communication be received and filed. There was no seCc~dor to this motion. No. 1~ - Greater Ni am General Ho~ital - resolution passed at Special Macr- ing of the Board o~ ~ernors on Apt 8th, 1953. ~ on the motion of Ald. M~[inley and Miller that the c~smunicationc be received and tabled until such time as Council meets with t~e Committee of the Hospital Beard. (ald.gowers-oontrary), bril lSth t wish that as many members of Council who find it convenient, plan to a tend t is meeting. -Ald. Donald arrived at the meeting - No. ~0 - Welfare Administrator _ Re Alex Thompson. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDon"~'~d'~f~al~y~at the repor~ be received and filed. NO. ~1 - City~anager _ recommendation re installation of sewers in three areas. ORDERED on the motio~ of Ald. Donald and McKinley that the report be received and adopted. 109 No. 150 - Bur es~ Batter~ C - re inadequate water pressure. ORD~'/~D on report of the City Manager, be referred to It~a 1 and 2 on the ageride under 'Reports'.. ORDE~ on the metion of AId. M~Ktnl ey and MacDonald that the ccm- mznication be received and the request granted, and an 8-inch watermain be installed on Buttrey Street between Victoria Avenue and Stanton Avenue. No. 151 - Alex T~ompson - requesting assistance in finding accon~odation. ORDERED on the mOtion of Aid. MacDonald and McKinley that the co,,m,~ication be received and filed. SEE Report No. 152 - BenJamJm Glove and Canvas Goods Mfgre - re tent for cemetery. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Donald and Mowers that the communication be re- ceived and referred to the City FA~ager for a report, - He. 153 - N_orth American Cyanamid Ltd, - reFourth Avenue closed. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Donald and Mowers that the comwmnication be received and filed and the proper agreement be draw~ protecting the City' s interests. No. 154 -,Niagara Falls. Bar Association - re consideration of continuing the elevator to the third floor of the proposed Police Office Building at the comer of Park and Clifton. ORDERED on the metion of AId. Mowers and Martin that the ccasmAmication be r~ceived and laid on. the table and the writer notified ~hat consideration will be given to this request. No. 155 - Ontario Munici Board - Appointment for Hearing, Restrioted Area By-law Number 4929. ~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the coamanication be received and acknowledged. At this point, on the motion of AId. Mowers and McKinley, Mr. Jock Inglis of 1081 Huron Street was permitted to speak to Council. FAr. Proceeded' to give his opinion in connection with the collection of ashes, the hospital question and the proposed facilities for the Police Department, with particular reference to the elevator which is at present under consideration. His Worship the Mayor assured Mr. Inglis that his suggestions will be given every consideration. TOUR OF INSPECTION It was agreed that the Tour of Inspection be held on Wednesday, April 22nd, 1953- VISIT OF C~0WN PRM_ OF JAPAN His Worship, Mayor Hawkins advised Ceuncil concerning the visit of . the Crown Prinoe of Japan to Niagara Falls on April 18th and of his intention of walcattng the Prince on that date. No. 52 - City Mana~er~ _ recommending 18-inch water main on Buchanan Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that the repor~ be received and adopted. Aid. Brooks requested the submission of a comprehensive report dealin~ with the proposed sewer programme. No. 53 - City Clerk - recommendin~ issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and N~!ler that the report be received and adopted and the licences issued accordingly. ~FaOLUTION The foil.owing Res3~lu_t_ion was passe._~;.d. No. 63 - DONALD. MARTIn. ' RESOLVED that the City Manager be instructed to sub- sit a complete report on the total cost of renovating the old Customs Building at' the comer of Clifton Avenue and Park Street; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Ca~rr~i~d U.nan/,z~,zoj.,s. lyA BY-TAW The followia~ By-law was Passedl ~ - To authorl~.e the execution of an agreement for sale and deed. O~DERED on the metion of AId. Mtl~er and MacDonald that Ald. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously, ORDERED on the motion of AId. Donald and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-la~ be given the second reading.. Carried UnanimousIF. Third Reading - Aid. MacDonuld and Martin - Carried Unanimously. The Council adjourned to Fihance Meeting on the metion of Ald. McKinley and Mewo rs, ~EAD AND ADOPTED, 2Orb April, 1953. .The follqwinX Rearms _were p~esentedI No, 49 - reque8~ of Bt~gess h%~ery, inadequate water pressure. " ~~~ ?~' .~ ~ '! ee red .sad adopted. of Aid. McKinley and MaeDenald that the report be re- . [~ i'i ",r v · v,.~,~f" i~ FINANCE REETING Council Chamber, 13th A~ril,19~3. The Finance Meetin~ was held on ~onday, 13th April, 1953 for the put'- pose of approvin~ and also passing the v~rions accounts which had been properly certified s~d placed before them. All members of the Cow~ttee were present. Ald. Donald, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $55,813.O8 were approved by the Conm~ttee. The Accomxts submitted, bein~ passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation ~o the Council on the motion of Aid. F~rtin and Brooks. The offers of Giuseppe Planterie and James E. Sacco to purchase Lot 8~6, Plan 603, Lombard Avenue, laid over from previous meetings, were again presented for consideration, along with comications from MAr. Plantode and FAr. Sacco. The City Clerk gave a ver~.al report on the opinion of the City Solicitor concerning this matter and it ~s then ordered on the motion of Aid. Fatten and M~ers that the matter be referred to the Departmen~ of Affairs, accompanied by all the facts in the case. The City Treasurer' e Comparison of Tax Collections as of March 31st, 1953, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Martin that the statement be received, given the usual publicity and filed. The offer of Dominic Barbells to purchase Lot 8~, Plan 6, Dyson Avenue for the sum c~ $2~O. was presented for consideration, alon~ with the recommen- dation of the Property Committee. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and M~]l~r that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the condition ' that a dwelling of at least $6,000. value is erected upon the premises within a period of si~ months. The repor~ of the City Manager in 'connection with the application of Eric Howleft for a permit to erect a concrete block building at the rear of his dwelling at 69~ Homewood Avenue, which w~H front on Huron Street, was presented for consideration. O~.E~ on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Martin that the report be received and referred to the Preper~y Committee. The statement of relief as of March, 1953 was prosebred for consi~er- ation. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Haw~n~ and Aid. NacDonald that the statement be received, given the usual publicity and fried, The City kanager presented a verbal report on the application of · Benson and Son, for a building punnit to make alterations to the interie~ of the Metropolitan Store on ~Aeen Street, which will consist of removing the wall between the store and the store located at 327 Queen Street, and ins~]tn~ a new front, .ec~ihi~ the two stores; the cost of the work $25,000. ORDE~D on the motion of Aid. Macl~n_a~d and Mowers that the recommendation of the City Manage~ be adopted and the permit be issued. The City Manager presented a verbal report on the application of Win. Springeft to construct a four-unit apartment building on Lots 71 and 2, at the comer of Stanley and Hamilton Streets, ~hich will face on Stanley Avenue; one storey in height, the work to cost $1~,000. OPd~D on the motion of AId. Mowers .and .Nattin.that t~ .rec~mmandatien of the City Manager be adopted and the permit be granted~S~bJ~ct ~ the conditi6~'~hat ~he location of the building upon the property is satisfact~ry to the City Manager. The Council arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mower s. READ ANDADOPTEB, 2OthApril, 1953. Chairman of Finance. COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 13th April, 1953. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and finance mest~s for the purpose of passing the by-lawwhich covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the Councriwere present. BY-lAW The followin~_~y-l__aw was No. ~9A3 - To provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that Ald. Donald be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time_. _ Carried Unanimously. ORE~KED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Killer that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be tamporarily suspendedandtheby-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Roadi~ -Ald. MacDonald and J(~er - Carried Unanimously. On ~,he motion of Aid. Kowers and Donald, Mr. Campbell, representing the Shoemaker' s Ball Club, was permitted to speak to Council. He requested permission for the ball team to practise at Oakes Park and was questioned by the City Manager as to the number of teams participatin~ this year and advised that only one teem would be in operation. AId. Donald advised Council about the medals whic~ are tobe presented to the Niagara Falls Collegiats-Vooabioaal YAetitute Basketball Team, on behalf of the City of Niagara Falls and that a presentation is to take place at the Collegiate-Audit~rium, 'Wednesday, April 22nd, It was agreed that the members of Counsel would arranges to attend, following their Tour of Inspection which is scheduled for that date also. 1t3 AId, Donald gays a comprehensive report on the arrangements being made by the Coronation Committee, in celebration of the Coronation of Quash Elizabeth lI on June 2nd, 1953. The progrins is to include a Church Service in the morning to be held at O~kes Park; in the afternoon a parade is to be held and in the evenin~ f A the Junior Chamber o Commerce have been permitted to use ~emorial rena for a Dance, the proceeds of which are to be turned over to the Hospital. There will also be fireworks at night, which will continue for about one hour and the cost will be $2,000, the Niagara Parks Coniclesion to contribute s b iAl illumination of the Falls that e~ening. With reference to AId. Hartin' s suggestion concerning the naming cf the proposed park and playground in the Horse-~iisener Subdivision, as Coronation Park, Aid. Donald advised that the Horticultural Society have asked permission to plant a tree in that area on Coronation Day. With reference to suitable decorations for this occasion, Ald. Donald advised that the merchants in the City will be asked to participate. The rollowin~ Res. qlution was ~assed: 1{o. 6~ - HeKIMLEY - I~0NEP, S - E~OLVED that the Coanittee appointed to deal with matters in connection with arrangaments for festivities on Coronation Day, be given power to act; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed, C~r~ied AId, Donald requested CouncLl to submit arOr other suggestions they my have, Aid. Hartin referred to the Village of Chippan and was advised hy the City Clerk that a communication has been forvarded to them to participate in the CoBnittee's arrangements and that She Village of Chippaws has indicated that they may hold their own celebration. Ald. Donald referred to the park at the corner of Alexander Crescent and Inglis Drive and what is proposed this year. The follo,ing By-law was ~assed~ No, ~9~- To p~ovide for the remuneration of the members o~. the Council, 0RBE~ID on the motion of AId. Hovers and ~acDonald that Ald. Donald be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the .by-law he read the let. tins. - Carried Unania~As~v. ~ on the motion of Aid, Meters and !~d~tley that ~xle 36 (2) of the Standing lxles of Council be tempornril~ suspended .and the by-law be read the second time. - Carried Unanimeusly. Third Reading . Aid. Donald and Movers - Carried Unanimously. The Council adjourned to Conferencq on the motion of Aid. Donald and l(owers, 9~AO UD ADOPT!~, 20th April, 19J3. CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 13th April, 1953. The Conference CobaLttree of the City Council assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, 13th April, 1953 for the purpose of considering various matters presented to them. All members of the Coanittee were present. His Worship F~yor Hawkins presided as Chairman. After consideration of the items placed before them. The Committee adjourned on the motion of AId. Donald and Mo~era. 9EADANDADOPTED20th, April, 1953. ;i NINETEENTH MEETING REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, 20~h April, 1953. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 20th April, 1953 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Martin. DEPUTATIONS Mrs. Tbelmn Hurdwas present at the meeting in connection with the cormmanication received from her son, Alex Thompson, which contained refusal to go to a nursing home. She also presented a further communication containing a request to the Souncil to obtain a veteran's house to accommodate. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that Mrs. Hurd be heard. She advised Council that her son is at present staying with his cousin, which he preferred to do rather than accept the offer of a nursin~ home. His Worship, Mayor Hawkins advised that the request for one of the veterans' houses could not be granted, as these are only for veterans, married, with two children and further stated that Council has done everythin~ humanly possible for Alex Thompson, are quite willing to find accommodation, have offered the opportunity of goin~ to a ~ursing home and this he has now refused to accept. SEE Communications 160-1 Mr. Revill andMr. Hanna of Jepson Street, were present at the meeting and on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin were permitted to speak. Mr.Revill advised that he appeared before Council as a representative from the residents of Jepson Street, on the east side of Victoria Avenue, to the/ntersection of St. Lawrence. and on their behalf outlined the problem existing due to the Lococo eros. Wholesale Business creating a traffic problemwhich makes it unsafe for children in this area. He referred to the noise, and paper excelsior strewn from one end of the street to the other and the inability of residents to use their own driveways, because of the trucks. He also had reference to the Used Car Lot at the south-east coroer of Jepson and Victoria which also adds to the traffic problem and also the employees of other merchants in the area, who park their cars along the street all day long. Mr. Hanna reiterated the problem outlined by Mr. Revill and His Worship the Mayor advised the delegation th~at the Tour of Inspection is scheduled for Wednesday, April 22nd and Council will include this area for consideration during this inspection. The delegation were agreeable to this action. Tenders had been called for supplies for the year 1953 and on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald it was ordered that the tenders received be opened, and initialled by His Worship the Mayor. It was further ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the tenders be referred for tabulation for the next meeting of Council. C0~UNICATIONS Laid over from the ~reJi_ouameeting; No. 152 - ~ Glove a~ Canvas Goods Mfgrs. - re tent quotations. ORDEa~D on the sotion of i~. Mowers and MacDonald that the commm%tcation be received and the writer advised that the lowest quotation for the tent was accepted and Council endorsed the actions of theManagerand CemeterY Superintendent. SEE Re or The followinK Communications w~re~p~[esented; No. 1~6 - American Can Company - relocation of steam lines under public lane, 13~Ang between~he~merican Can and the Shredded Wheat Companies and the possible location of the same under Lewis Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and MacDonald that the communication be receives and filed and the request granted. No. 157 - Greater Ni~ara Baseball Association - requesting improvement of the diamonds a~ Popl~~ Par~Ka~h~'~ '~f~oper backstops. ORDEreD on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Mowers that the communication be received and re- ferred to the CityManager for a report and the writer so notified. No. 158 - Civic Employees' Federal Union No. ~//_ requesting attendance of civic employee to Annual Convention fn'or~on68, as delegated by the Union. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and McKinley that the communication be received and filed and the request be granted. No. 159 - Hamilton Civic ~i.reort Committee - requesting Council's reaction to T.C.A. flights out of Hamilton. '~O+~D~D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the co~nunication be received and referred to the City Manager for a report. No. 160 - AlexThompson . refusing offer of acconsnodation in Nursing Home. No. 161 - _Al'lex~o~%~nn _ requesting accommodation in one of the veterans' houses. ORDERED on'the motion o'f Ald. MacDonald and Miller that the communications be received and filed and Mr. Thompson be advised that the best possible arrange- ments will be made through the Welfare Administrator. Carried. - the vote being - Aye -Ald. MacDonald, Miller, McKinley, Martin and Mowers; - contrary . Aid. Brooks. An amendment moved by Ald. Brooks that a further report be submitted by the Medical Officer of Health - was not seconded. No. 162 - NiaMara Memorial Band - requesti,lg permission to hold a tag day. ORDERED on the motion of Ald~acDonald and McKinley that the conmmmication be received and filed and permission be granted. No. 163 - Scobie's Trans2ort - requesting extension of line to permit install- ation of a'~ew~[onMuY~nue for the new warehouse on Buttrey St. property. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Miller that the conmuAnication be re-~ ceived and filed. REPORTS The follo~wJAnJ ~eR0,rt~ _we_re presented~ No. 5~ - City Manager . re letter from Benjamin Glove and Canvas Goods Mfgrs. re purchase of a new tent. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted. No. 55 - City Man~a~ _ recommending permission to the American Can Company as to the possibl~l~%cation of steam lines under Lewis Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted. No. 56 - City Manager - reconunending requesting Bell Telephone Company to move poles on Ontario Avenue in order to proceed with sidewalk construction. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted. No. ~7 - City Mana er - Revised Estimates of cost of renovations to former Cus~om, Bldg. ~){~D on the motion of Ald. Mowers and MacDonald that the Statement be received and laid on the table until Wednesday, April 22nd, durin~ the Tour of Inspection. No. ~8 - C ~Y C er~ - recommending issuance of licenoes. ORDERED on the motion or Ald.,,d McXi. .y tn t th, epo t bo received a.d adopted and licenoes issued accordingly. No. 59 - City ~na/- Muir Avenue 12-inch sewer. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Mowers that the repor~ be received and adopted. No. 60 - City Treasure.~r - Statement of Revenue and Expenditures, Memorial Arena. ORDERED on the mdtion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the Statement be received and laid on the table for one week for study. MISCELLANEOUS Ald. Miller referred to the statement made by His Worship the Mayor, which appeared in the local press, as to the satisfactory arrangem~,nts between the Council and himself for his forthcoming trip to the Coronation and was of the opinion that in fairness to the Mayor and to the Council, the citizens should be made acquainted with the facts of the matter and proceeded to point out that the monies that were being made available for His Worship were already provided in the Budget Estimates, it being understood that His Worship would relinquish attendance at two of the forthcoming con~entions. BY-LAWS The ~ - To authorize the signing of an agreement with T.W. Hand Fireworks Co. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that Ald. Martin be given the privilege of introducing the byilaw and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carriedj Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and Martin - Carried~ The followin~ By-law was ~.ese__n~te~dk No. ~___.9~/6 - T6 stop up and sell portion of Fourth Avenue, lying to the north of the Nis{ara, st. Catharines and Toronto P~ilway. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and MacDonald that Aid. McKinley 6e given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried. *, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Miller that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council he temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried. RF~OLUTION The followin~ Resolution wasJ. s. se.~id. No. 65 - MARTIN - McKiNLEY . RESOLVED that Ald. Mowers be appointed Acting Chairman of Finance du'~'~o the absence of Ald. Donald; and the Seai of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carrie__._jd The Council adjourned to Finance Meeting on the .motion or Ald. McKinley and Mowe~'S, READ AND ADOPTED, 27th April, Clerk FINANCE MEETING Coraloil Chamber, 2Oth April, 1953. The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 20th April, 1953 for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certi- fied and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present, with the exception of Ald. Donald, who arrived later in the meeting; Ald. Mowers, Actin~ Chairman of Finance, presided. SundryAccounts submitted in the amount of $30,547.47 were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed orotherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation ~o the Council on the motion of ~ld. McKinley and Mayor Hawki,~s. The City Manager's report reco~nendin~ acquisition of property to widen Leader Lane, laid over from a previous meeting, was again presented for consid- eration along with a report of the Property Committee. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the reports be received and referred to the Tour of Inspection, Wednesday, April 22rid. for consideration. -Ald. Donald arrived at the meeting . The report of the City Manager regarding the application of Eric How- left for a building permit to erect a concrete block building at the rear of his dwelling on Homewood Avenue, to be used as a garage on the grom~d floor and living accommodation on the second floor, which was laid over from the previous meeting, was again presented for consideration along with the report of the Property Committee. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and McKinley that the reports be received and the reconnendation of the Property Committee adopted and the permit be issued. (Ald. Martin-contrary), being of the opinion that that part of the building facing the street should be of brick constnm~ion. The City Manager's report in connection with the application of Alex Allan for a building permit to erect a dwelling on Lot 126, north side of Ellen Avenue, between Walnut and Centre Streets, at an estimated cost of $6,500. was resented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mac- E~nald that the report be referred to the Tour of Inspection for consideration. The City Manager, s report in connection with the application of the Foxhead Hotel for a building permit for an addition and alterations to the Hotel on the terrazzo just west of the main entrance of the hotel, at an estimated cost of $7,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of AId.Mac- Donald and'Brooks that the report be received and adopted and the permit be issued. The City Manager's report in connection with the application of Mr. A.G.Hacker for a building permit to erect a two storey building on the south side of Queen St. between St. Clair av~Welland, at an set/mated cost of $~6,0OO. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Martin that the report be received and adopted and the permit be issued. The City Manager, s report in connection with the application of Mr. F.B. Metherington, for a permit to construct an addition and alterations to 1176 Victoria Avenue, at an estimated cozt of $20,000. was presented for con- sideration. OFFERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted and the permit be issued. The City Manager's report regarding the application of O. Aello for a building permit to erect an apartment house on Lot 27, North side of Elm Street between Stanley and Homewood, at an estimated cost of $~0,000. was presented for consideration. O~D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the report be received.and .adopted.and the application be referred to the Tour of zAa .Ctio .................. . ......... The report of the City Manager reconm~nding the purchase of one Deluxe M. Scope Pipe and Cable Finder, at a cost of $268.11 for use by the Water Depart- ment, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and His Worship the Mayor that the report be received end adopted and the equipment purchased. T~e Couwulttee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald. READ AND ADOPTED, 27tb April, 1953- Clerk Acting Chairman of Finance. CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 20th April, 1953. The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, 20th April, 19~3 for the purpose of considering various matters presented to them. All members of the Con~nittee were present. His Worship, Mayor Hawkins presided as Chairman. After consideration of the items placed before them, The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Miller and McKinley. READ AND ADOPTED, 27th April, 1953. COUNCIL MEETiNG Clerk " 'Council Chamber, 2Oth April,1953. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Fin- anceNeetings for the purpose of passing the by-lawwhich covered the accounts appreved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present. BY4AW The followin~ By-lawwas passed; No.~9~7 - To provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Donald and McKinley that AId. Mowers be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Martin that Rule 36 (2) ' of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given th~ second ~eading. - Carried Unanimously.' Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and Martin - Carried Unanimously. The Council adjourned to COnference on the motion or Ald. McKinley and Martin. READ AND ADOPTED, 27th April, 1953. 'T TWENTIETH MEETIF~ Council Chamber, 22nd April,1953. SPECIAL MEETING The members of Council assembled in Special Meeting in the Council Chamber, at the City Hall at 1.45 p.m. on the afternoon of April 22rid, 1953. All members of the Council were present. His Worship, Mayor Hawkins presided. Laid ove. r .f.r.o.m_ t_h_e pr_e!i.o. us meeting; No. 57 - Cit~ Mana~E - Revised Estimate of sosts of alterations and renovations to the old Custom Bui!diag, including the consbr,~ctloa of a shaft and the installation of an elevator, totalling approximately $96,000. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the report be received and filed and the installation of an elevator in the old Custom Building be not entertained. Carried. (Ald. Mowers - opposed). It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley that the work which is to be done on the old Customs Build- ing be referred to. the Civic Buildings Committee and to be reported on by them in progressive stages. Carried Unanimously. Prior to this action, a length~ discussion of this report was held as to the advisabLlity of installing the elevators during which discussion His Worship the Mayor and Ald. Donald pointed out the fact that if the sums suggested were e~pended, insufficient monies out of the Reserve would be available for alterations and renovations to the City Hall. The Council adjourned on the motion of AId. McKinley and Miller. READ AND ADOPTED, 27th April, 1953. Council Chamber, 27th April, 1953. P~reuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 27th April, 1953, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meetings, regular and special, adopted these on the metion of Ald. MaCDonald and Mar~in. -Ald. Brooks arrived at the meeting - DEPUTATIONS ~r. F. M. Griffiths of Griffithe, Griffithe and Sharpe was present at the meeting in connection with hie communication concerning the owners of the Maple Leaf Tourist Court at 2163 Buchanan Avenue, ~no had consulted him with reference to the building permit issued to Frank and Mary Nagy for the erection of a building that will, upon completion, result in some of the Maple Leaft Tourist Court Cabins being situated i m the rear of the building. He referred to By-lawN, mher 1686andwas of the opinion that the erection now underway is contrary to the by-law and requested Council to take action to stop the erection. ' SEE C~~c_ation No. 1~ Mr. John Trost of 1070 ~ber~s Street was present and on the motion of Ald. McKinley and~acDonaldwas permitted to speak. He referred to his application for a tourist licence and of his contact with his solicitor in this connection. The CityManager advised that the building permitfor this preperty was taken out f~ran apartment building and that there has now been a change from the original desiga as the original plans did not indicate that tourist accommodation would be considered. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Mowers that the City Manager and the Assistant Engineer secure the original plans to ascertain a~ alterations to the building as to construction and the City Solicitor be requested to be present at the next meeting of Council. Carried Unantmous~. COMM~NICATIONS No. 1~9 - Hamilton Civic Airport Coanittee . re feasibility of scheduled T.C.A. ' · ..... flights out of Handlto~j ' ~ .~.. ORD~F~D On th~ motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that i 2~yor the c~-~ication be received and filed. The foil.ow/_J~g_ C~__~cam~An.i~._c_ations were presented; ] '-' ~ ~d t~t the c~tion be ~i~d a~ ~d a~ ~ssion g~, ~ ~ ' ~":~ ' · · :" ':' ~eelon of a ~ to C~, ' '. No. 166 - Chamber af Cc~nerce - re office1 opening of tourist season on May llth, sad requestin~ participation 'or city Counc~Z therein. ORDERED on the motion of Aldo Donald and Brooke that the comnnmication be received and laid on the table for one week. Boo 167 - Cit~ Clerk of Kitehonor - resolution re fireworks. ORDERED on the f motion of Ald. l~L~er and Brooks that the ccmmm~eation be received and iled. No. 168 - Mis~ar~ ~emorial Band - requestin~ financial support re uniform. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Killer that the conmw. ication be received and laid on the table for one week and the City Clerk be instrmcted to obtain farther information and report be submitted at the next Council Meeting. No. 169 - Kiwanis Music Festival - requesting permission to erect banner across Victoria Avenue at McRae Street re Festival. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Killer and Donald that the conxnunicatton be received and fried and permission granted subject to the approval of the Local Mydro Commission. ~ AND ADOPt',:,,, ~th May, 1953. No. 170 - F. M. Griffiths - re issuance of a building permit at 2195 Buchanan Avenue. ORDEF~D on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin that the communi- cation be received and referred to the City Manager and the City Solicitor ~ .~ .~ for a full report for the next meeting of Council and Mr. Nagy be requested . to stop construction until the matter has been dealt with. .' .... Laid ever from the previous mee. tin~; No. 60 - City Trea_surer - Statement on Revenue and Expenditures of Memorial Arena as of March 31st,1953. ORDI~ on the motion of Aid° Donald and Mac- Donald that the report be received and filed, The followin~ Reports were presented; No. 61 - City Manager - re scheduled flights of T.C.Aoout of Hamilton, OFaERED on the motion of Ald, Donald and Mowers that the report be received and filed, Be. 62 - City Kana~er - re attendance at Municipal Employer-Employee Relations Conference on 'April 2~th. OROSK[~ on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, No. 63 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald that the report be received and adopted a~d licences he issued accordingly. No. 6~ - City Clerk - submittin~ two applications for tourist licences. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Donald and Martin that the report be received and adopted and the licencee be not ~ranted, 3EE Deputations At this time, Ald. Miller referred to complaints from the Glenview section regarding the mohe nuisance at the Provincial Engineering Limited mad the soot pourin8 out of the chimney at that location. The City Manager ngreed to take this matter under advisement, The following By-law was ~assed; ~o..~9~8 - To provide for permission to The Bell .Telephone Co. of Canada to place one pole and anchor, on Ontario Street, north of Otte~ St. O~DE~D on the motion of Ald, Brooks and MacDonald that Ald. Mc- Kinley be ~ranted the privilege of introducin~ the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried Unanimousl~. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Mowers - Carried Unanimously. The Council adjourned to Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MowerS. ~yor FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 27th April,1953. The Finance Meetingwas held on Monday, 2?th April, 1953 for the pur- pose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had beeu proper3~ certified and placed before them. All mongers of the Committee were present. Ald. Donald, Chairman of Finance, presided. SundryAccounts submitted, in the mount of $~,~9.23were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Miller. Before dealing with the S~,,nary of Tenders, two tenders which were received after the date of the closing of the tenders, were ordered returned, unopened~ to the tenderere, on the motion of Aid. Miller and Mowers. The Summary of Tenders as Submitted at the last meeting, was con- sidered and the following action taken thereon; CRUSHED STONE FOR CONCF~ ~3FaALT SAND WATER WASHED SAND CONCRETE SAND GRAVEL FOR CONC~T~ ORDERED on the motion of Aid.Mowers and McKinley that the lowest tender, submitted by Calaguiro Bros, be accepted. 123 CEJSHED STONE FOR PAVING PLANT CRUSHED STO~E FOR ROADS OPaE~ED on the motion of Aid.Mowers and McKinley that the lowest tender, submitted by Quee.nston Quarries, be accepted. LIMESTONE DUST FOR PAVING PLANT 0RDEP~D on the motion of AId.Mowers and McKinley, that the tender of the North American CyaDam~d Ltd. be accepted. PAVING ASPHALT ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mac- Donald and Mayor Hawkins that the tender of Imperial Oil Ltd. be accepted. FOEL 0IL SUPPLY DUST LAYER SUPPLY MEDIUM LIQUID ASPHALT SUPPLY AND APPLY DUST LAYER SUPPLY AND APPLY MEDIUM LIQUID ASPHALT SUPPLY AND APPLY STONE CHIP SUPPLY EQUIVAI.~NTS OF MEDIUM LIQUID ASPHALT GASOLINE - WAGON LOT - CITY YARD GASOLINE AT PUMPS TRUCK TIRES AND TUBES Fi~E H0~E - 1~ INC~ FI~E HOSE - INC~ ORdErED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Miller that the tenders received be hid on the table for one week. It was agreed that the tenders received be not considered, as recommended by the City ~anagero O~DEF~D on the motion of AId. Mowers and McKinley that the lewest tender, submittedbyRia~ountQuarries, be accepted. ORDEEED on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. MacDonald that this material be purchased on the open market. ORDEI~D on the motion of AId. Brooks andMcKinley that the lowest tender, submitted byBritish American Oil Co. be aocepted. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Mowers that this gasoline be purchased on the open market. (Ald. Brooks - contrary). An a~endment by Ald. Brooks that the tender of Trinidad Leasholds be accepted, was not seconded. OPaSRED on the motion of Ma~ur Hawkins and Ald. MacDonald that these supplies be purchase.d on the open market. OPaEEED on the motion of AId.Mowers and.Ma~or Hawkins that these supplies be purchased on the opehmarket. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and AId. Mowers that the tenders of Bi-Lateral Fire Hose Division be a~cepted, ORE~I~D on the motion of AId. Mowers and Brooks that the tenders of Benson Gas. & Equi~nent Ltd. be accepted. The offer of Paulo D~rante to Purchase Lot 73, Plan 6, D~son Avenue for the sum of $2~. was presented for consideration. 0PaS~ED on ~axe mati~ The offer of Mike Fiere to purchase Lot ?A, Plan 6, Dyson Avenue for the sum of $190. was presented for consideration. ORDEF~D on the motion of Ald. M~ller and MacDonald that the offer be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report. The renewal of membership in the Canadian Tourist Association at a cost of $50. was considered by the Committee. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and MacDonald that the membership be discontinued. The City Manager, s report in connection with the application ofM rs. Mildred Linnenbank for a building permit to erect an addition at the rear of the premises at 600-602Victoria Avenue at an estimated cost of $2,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of AId. MacDonald and Brooks that the report be received and adopted and the permit be issued. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin. READ AND ADOPTED, Chairman of Finance COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 27th APril,1953. ..... The Council. re.assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings for thepurpose of passing the by-lawwhich covered'the accounts approved by the Conmtittee. All members of the Council were present. BY-LAW ~he following BY-la~w was~s..ed~ ~ - To provide monies for general p~rposes. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and McKinley that Ald. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. _ Carried Una~tm~,Asly' ORDE~D on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading.. Carried Unan~mnusly. Third Reading . AId. Donald and Miller . Carried Unanimously. Ald. Donald referTed to the condition of the road and tracks at the Simcoa Street, .M.C.E. crossing and AId. MacDonald referred to the same con- dition existing at Huron Street. The City Manager advised that the M.C.R. intends to relay the steel but if there is any further delay, he w~ request them to repair these cresein~s immediately. - TOUR OF_~,~SPECTIOM - Lot 27, Elm Street between Stanley and Homewood Application of O. Aello for a building permit to construct an apartment house. No. 26 - 157~ Ellen Avenue Application of Alex Allan, to erect a house on Lot 126. These two applications were ~e~erred to the Tour ~f Inspection at the Finance Meeting held on April 20th; and due to the fact that the applicants are desirous of commencing construction at an early date, it was agreed that a decisien m~6ht be Eiven at this meeting, foliowing the inspection given onthe Tour, April 22rid. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that the application of O. Aello for the erection of an apartment house on Lot 27, north side of Elm Streets between StanleY and Homewood at an estimated cost of $~O,000. be approved and the permit be issued. ORDE~D on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley that the application of Alex Allan, 1573 Ellen Avenues for a building permit to erect a dwelling on Lot 126, north side of Ellen, between Walnut and Centre Streets at an estimated cost of $6,500. be approved and the permit be issued. The Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald. F~AD A~D ADOPTED, ~.th May, 1953. After consideration of the items placed before them, the Con~nittee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin. ~EAD AND ADOPTED, kthMay, 1953. Clerk Clerk CounCil Chamber, 27th April,1953. The Canference Cemnit~ee of the City Council assembled a% the close of the regular Council and FinanceMeetings ouMonday, April2?th~ 1953 for the purpose of considering various matters presented to then. All members of the Committee were present, with the exeeptiouofAld. Brooks. His Wor- ship, ~ayor Hawkins, presidedas Chaim~n. Council Chamber, 30th April,1953. Council assembled in special session, following the adjourned Tour of Inspection, to consider the items inspected and action taken thereon. All members were present, His Worship~ Mayor Hawkins presidi~g. 2. Queen Street Fire Hall 3. Corner of Huron St. and Elisabeth Place, Market Stalls 4. Old Customs Building 5. and Annex 6. City Yard, Park Street & Welland Avenue 7. Park Street - South side - Welland Avenue to St.Lawrence Avenue, (Nagy structure - 2195 Buchanan) Widening pavement, Victoria Ave, Bridge St. to Buttrey No action It was ordersdon the motion of Ald. Donald andMcKinley that the City Hansget be requested to bring in a report as to what is contemplated, COstS, etc, No actions as these items had been previou81ydealtwith. No action It was agreed that the necessary repairs be carried out at this point. The condition of the Railroad property in the vicinity of Park and Welland was discussed and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that a letter be sent to the Superintendent of the M.C.R. with reference to the condition at Park Street, requesting that he come to the City to meet with representatives concerning the matter and that the matter of the M.C.R. crossings be taken up with the Super- intendout to have them placed in satisfactory conditions. At this point, the City Solicitor, W. J. MaBurney, appeared for the pur- pose of disCussing the situation at the Nogy property on Buchanan Avenue and the structure presently bein~ erected at that point. On heine queried, the 0ity Solicitor stated that he felt the objection which has been filed with Council was not grounded on proper premise and he could not see that the City would be involved in an~ liti- gation. He stated that the City would not be liable because of having issued a permit, that the present permit was not canoeliable after the work had been co~aenced. It was then agreed that the-matter be left with the City Manager to submit a repox~ to Council. It was agreed ~.hat the City Manager should seamonce negotiations with the 0,N.R. with a view to having the bridge wtdel%ed so that this wo~k ecttld event- e be proceeded with. New C.N.R. Freight Shed Buttrey and Acheson Possi~e widenin6 of Leader Lane 11. Possible extension of Muir Ave. 12. Leader Lane at Victoria Avenue 13. Victoria Avenue Dump Area, still available. 1~. City Incinerator 15. Walk .Repairs - 584-6 Fourth Ave. Lot 27, Elm St. application to construct an apartment building. Fairview Cemetery 18. Oakes Park · 1~. Park Lo~ and Flower Bed at Inglis Drive & Alex~.der Ores. No action The City Manager advised that a price of $1,0OO. had been quoted to hhu for the purchase of 20 feet from Mr. Smith for the purpose of widenin~ Leader Lane. Followin~ discussion, it was ordered on the motionof Ald. Martin and Mowers that the nnmicipality proceed to pur- Chase the necessar7 20 feet at the quoted figure $1,0OO. or less, if possible. Carried by a vote of 4 to 31 (For - Aid. Miller, Martin, Donald and Mowers; Against -Ald. MacDonald, Brooks and McKinley. It was agreed that no action be taken at the present time. At this point, Ald. McKinley referred to the fact that while on the Tour it was noticed that Hydro poles were obscuring the street signs on FoPSneon Avenue in the vicinity of Muir and Dyson and the Manager was requested to take this matter up with Hydro officials with a view to having the condition corrected. No action. See Item 10. No action. As this is a rather sizeable financial item, it was agreed that the matter would be considered later when the Manager has submitted a report. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that the Property Comnittee take up the matter of repairs necessary to'the house occupied by'Mr. Fry and submit a report thereon. It was agreed that these repairs should be carried out. Item previously dealt with; See Council Meeting of April 27th, 1953. No action was deemed necessary but it was ordered that the Superintendent be commended for his efforts in connection with a ~reenhouse which has been established and the econon~ brought about by its functioning and the City Clerk was to check as to the service of the Emery FamiS~ to the municipality and advise Council. No action was ordered except that when Hydro had finished with the down hole on the west portion of the ball park~ the area there is to he pat back in proper shape. It was agreed that the small park in the centre of the intersection sh~_!d be pat in shape and if possible, planted and that with reference to the park area, that this be graded with a view to planting in the fall. Drainage at Homewood Avenue and Valleyway. 2,1. Parkin~ area at Swimming Pool 3 · Siscos Court - repairs to walks and road surface Traffic conditions on Jepson St. east of Victoria Avenue 2~. Walnut Street Fire Hall 25. Lane fromWalnut St. to Centre Street 1573 Ellen Avenue - application for building permit to erect house. Accebs to rear of proper~y at 103OOentre Street Possible metered parking lot in Canadian Corps property 29. Memorial Arena It was agreed the City Manager take this condition under advisement and make the necessary contacts with the Hydro and the Badminton Club to correct the condition. Aid. Mowers also requested that the Boulevard inside the sidewalk on the east side of Homewood Avenue be graded and pointed out that Mr. Lorenzo on Stanley near the intersection of Valley- way, was carrying on a business which was prohibited in the area and he was advised that this matter has been taken up with the Police and that Lorenzo i8 rolecaring at another point in an unrestricted area. It ms agreed that the suggestions of the Manager for developing the area be adopted. No action, as it is understood the process of acquiring this property is underway. It was agreed that parking would be eliminated on the south side of Jepson Street, from Victoria Avenue to Rice Crescent and His Worship the Mayor was asked to take up with the Chief of Police the matter of Locoeot s activities at this point with a view to having street transfer of produce eliminated. The City Clerk was in- structed to advise the persons who appeared before Council previously about this condition, as to what action is being taken· No action· It was agreed that the CityManager take the nesessary action to eliminate the h~gh spots on this lane. Item previouslydealt with. See Council Meeting of April 27th,1953. No action. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Mowers andMcKinley that the City Manager submit a complete report on this matter as soon as possible. No action, it being understood that the crack in the floor will be repaired. It wag agreed that the City Clerk would bring in a by-law to eliminate parking on the east side of MacDonald Avenue from Stamford Street to Centre Street. It was then agreed that the Traffic Conmittee stud~ the whole parking situation at ~he Arena and in the ironedlate vicinity and submi~ a report to Council. 30. Lewis Avenue garage 31. Sidewalk at 1719 Stanley Avenue 32. Shaft 3A 3 · Poplar Park Coronation Park Possible widening of Drummond Road Sylvia Place - off street parking facilities. 37. Main Street Fire Hall Condition of Allen Avenue in the vicinity of Robinson Street 39. Conditions at 2158 Stanley Ave. Watermain at Buchanan Avenue and Dixon Street. No action. It was agreed that this sidewalk should be repaired. No actionbut the City Manager was requested to take up with Hydro Officials the possibility of additional stormwater holes. It was agreed that proper backstops should be erected. No action, as this seems to be well in hand. No action, as there is a possibility that this will be abandoned for the present. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Martin and McKinley that the City Manager submit a full report on this parking area, the ownership of the house and possibility of further development and the Manager was also requested to check on the installation of lightingwhich'was'previously agreed upon. No action. It was agreed that the City Clerk convey to the Fire Chief, Council's appreciation for the condition in Which the Halls are kept. It was agreed that the City Manager check with the Contractors as to the haulage of stone and splllovers. The City Manager was requested to take the necessaryaction to have Mr. Breuillette close up the manhole presently in existence near the comer of Allen and Robinson Sts. so as to eliminate the obnoxious condition. It was agreed that the Traffic By-law be amended to extend the one-hour parking restrictions on both sides of Ferry St. The Traffic Committee was requested to report on the parking conditions on the east side of Allen Avenue frem FerrySt. to Peer Lane. It was agreed that the Ma~or take up with the Chief of Police the matter of parking of cars on the boulevards at this point and he be requested to take the necessary action to bring it to a halt. No action. m~ 133 ~1. Filtration Plan~ (Parking on north side of Sumner between North Main St. and L~ell Avenue) It was agreed that the City Manager carry out necessary minor repairs. The matter of parking on the north side of Summer Street between Nort~ Main Street and Lowell Avenue was referred to the Traffic Committee for consideration and a report. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Martin. READ AND ADOPTED, ~th Nay, 1953. TWENTY-THIRD MEETING REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, /+th May, 1953. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, ~th May, 1953, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous regular and special meetings, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Brooks. -Ald. Martin arrived at the meeting - DEPUTATIONS Mr. F. M. Gritlithe ~as present at the meeting in connection with his communication mumbet 170, which had been tabled at the previous meeting, pending submission of a full report. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Martin that D[r. Griffiths be heard. He stated his opinion in connection with the buildi~ permit which had been issued to Frank and MaryNagy, and questioned the legality of such issuance, expressing the opinion that taxpayers should not have to go to Court to interpret the by-law. His Worship, Mayor Hawkins advised Mr. Griffiths that after full consideration by Council, the Manager and the City Solicitor, it was decided that the issuance of the building permit was quite in order. SEE C~.-mication No.i?O. ~SEE. Mr. John Trost of 1070 Roberts Street was again present at the meeting, in connection withb~s application for a Tourist Licerice, which had been turned down at the previous meeting. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley that FAr. Treat be heard. He reiterated his statements made previously and advised of his contact with his solicitor prior to making such application. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller a m i MacDonald that Mr. W. J. McBUrney be heard. He advised that Mr. Treat had spoken to him about having a couple of rooms in the proposed building for tourist acco~aodation, but was of the opinion that the issuance of a licerice would be at the discretion of the Council. He further expressed the desire not to enter into discussion of this matter. After f,,l] discussion, His Worship the Mayor advised Mr. Trost that Council were not prepared to reverse their decision. Mr. Thomas Graham, 'Secretary of the Niagara Falls Fire Fighters was present at the meeting in connection with their request to hold a Carnival at Poplar Park, June 13th, 1953 and on the motion of Ald. Miller and HcKi~ley was permitted to speak. Be advised that this circus sponsors a street parade, if permissible, and re~Aested Co~ncil's permission to such an event i~ con- Junction with the circus. SEE Cmmmmicatiou No.17&. Tenders had been called for excavation and hackfill in connection with an S-inch cast iron watsrmain on the south side of Buttrey Street, from Victoria Avenue to 3tantnnAvenue; an lS-ineh east iron watermain on the east side Buchanan Avenue, from Oakes Drive to Dixon Street; a 6-inch cast iron watemain ca the south side of North Street from BuchapAn ~venue to Slater Avenue and'a l~lnch sewer on Muir Avenue between Fer~uson Street and Buttrey Street. ORDERED on the motion of Alds~cKinley and HacDonald that the tenders received, be opened, intialled by His Worship the Mayor and tabulated. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and McKinley that the tender submitted by the Lorenno Contracting Company, be accepted. Carried una~n~mously. Laid over f. ro_m the previous meeti~g~ No. 166 ~ Chamber of Commerce - re official opening of tourist season, May llth. Oalumxm~ on the m~i'o'n of' Ally Martin and Brooks' that the ccanunication be received and filed and the Council attend all functions throughout the day and assemble at the usual time for the regular ~ouncil meeting, at 7.30 p.m. Carried. (The vote being - aye -Ald. l~artin, Brooks and McKinley. Naye - Ald. Killer and MacDonald). Prior to this, Ald.'Miller and MacDonald moved that the Council attend all functions with the exception of the tour of the Hydro Project in the afternoon, at which time the regular council meeting would be in session. This motion was lost - the vote being Aye -Ald. Miller and MacDonald; Nays -Ald. Brooks, ~cKinley end Martin). Ald: Mowers advised that he would be out of town on Monday, May Llth and therefore refrained from voting on these motions. Ald. Donald also rofraine.d from voting. No. 170 - Griffiths, Griffiths and Sharpe - re issuance of a hui]d~n~ permit at 2195 Buchanan A~enue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley _m_,~ MacDonald that the conmmmication be received and filed. (Ald. l~iller - contrary). SEE re~ort No,65. No. 1~8 -Niagara F~morial Band - requesting financial assistance for 'uniform f~nd'; ORDE~D on the motion of Ald. Miller and Mowers that the communication b~ re~eived and referred to the Chairm~n of Finance for consideration and a report. SEE Cosmunication No. 171 The followin~ Communications wore presentedl No. 171 - ~iaRara ~emorial Band - submitting further information regarding uniforms, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Mowers that the cc~nuni- cation be received and referred to the Chairman of 'Finance for consideration and a report. No. 172 - Miagara Falls Kiltie Band - requesting financial support re new UNIFOF~. ORE~I~D on the motion of Aid. Donald and Mowers that this co~- cation be considered prior to C~m~nication No. 171. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Killer t~at the communication be received and filed. No. 173 - Central Committee. Greater Niagara Veterans - re presence of Colour Parties at functions. ORDEF~D on the n~tion of Ald. Mowers and Martin that the ccsmmication be received and filed and the Central C~ttee b~ informed that the reception for the Governor-General at the Memorial Arena was in charge of the Board of Education; a copy of this letter be forwarded to the Board of Education; and the Ccemittee be further advised that their services are in demand by Council whenever the opportunity arises. No. 17~ - Bia~ara Falls Fire Fighters - requesting permission to use Poplar Park. June 13th, 1953. OE~EKED on the motion of Ald. ~acDonald and Donald that the ccenunication be received and filed and permission be granted. It was further ordered on the motion of Ald, McKinley and Mowers that permission be granted for a parade in conjunction with this circus, subject to the ~pproval of the Chief of Police, On the motion of Ald. D~naldanda~ers that the connunisation be received and filed and per- mission be granted and sentact be made wl~h the Softball ~rganisation requesting their ~-epe~ation to use the outfield in cenneotionwith the Carnival and the City Manager be instructed to take the necessary action to place the softball field in ~tis~aotory e~nditiOn. ~Reeolut~on No.66 No. 176 - Local Hydro CcmmissioR - requesting Council's approval to increase in salaries of the Commission. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin that the conzmnication be received and approval granted. Carried. (Ald. Donald did not vote.) No. 177 - Japanese Ambassador - appreciation for welcome tendered to Crown Prince. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald that the conmunication be received and filed. REPORTS The foLlowing Reports were presented; No. 65 - City~anager - re building permit issued to Frank and Mary Nagy. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted. (Ald. Miller - contrary). No. 66 - City Manager - Building permit issued to John Trost. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that the report be received and filed. No. 67 - City~anager - recommending attendance of S. S~e at Convention in Utica. OEDEBED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the report be received and adopted. No. 68 - City Manager - recon,,ending permission to Fire Chief to organize for mutual aid in the County of Welland. ORDEFd~D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Brooks that the connunicatiOn be received and adopted. No. 69 - City M~nager - re delivery of one pumper by Dominion Government for target area, re Civilian Dofence. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Mowers that the report be received and adopted, and the pumper be placed at Queen S~reetFire Hall. No. ?0 - City Clerk - re Municipal Beard Hearing, By-law No. ~929. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted. No. 71 - City Clerk - re application for Class 'A' licence to provide for repairing motor vehicles, requiring approval before being granted by Department of Highways. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and~er that the report be received and adopted. . No. 72 - Sit C rk - report on Superintendent of Fairview Cemetery. ORDERED on the motio~'r.]kewers and MacDonald that the report be 'received and filed and a suitable communication of congratulations be forwarded to Mr. George J. ~m~ry, c~suendi~ghim and the members of his staff for their very fine work in maintainingFairview Cemetery in such exceLlent condition, which distinguishes it as one of the finest cemeteries in operation. No. 73 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the report be received and adopted and licences issued accordingly, His Worship the Mayor extended the appreciation of the Ontario Church Basketball Association to the City Council for their very fine support. Mayor HaWkins referred to a telegram received from Miss W, Stokes, advisin~ that bronze medals will be presented to all the school students commem- orating the Coronation. 135 137 Third ~eadin~ -Ald, McKinley and Mowers - Carried Unanimously. The follow~n~ By-laws were ~a_ssed; No. Ag~O - To amend By-law Number 3?90, bein~ a by-law for the regulation of traffic. 0RDF~ED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and ]~cDonald that Ald.ltiller be granted the privilege of intreducin~ the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. OFaEF~D on the motion of Ald. Mc/(inley and Mowers that ~ule 36 (2) of the Standir~ Rules of Council be temporari],V suspended and the by-law be given ~he second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third ~eadin6 -Ald. Donald and Mowers - Carried Unanimously. No. A951'- To authorize the signing of an agreement with the H.E.P.G. of Ontario. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that Ald. McKinley be granted the privilege of introducin~ the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. M(~ers and Brooks that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing R~les of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - AId. Mowers and MacDonald - Carried Unanimously. No. ~952 - To authorize the execution of an agreement for sale and deed. ORDERED'on the motion of Ald. Mc~ers and Miller that Ald. Donald. be given the privilege of introducin~ the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unardmouely. ORDEF~D on the motion of Ald. Miller and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the 5tandin~ ~les of Council be temporarily cuspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously, Third Readihg -Ald. MacDonald and Mowers - Carried Unanimously. ~ESOLUTIO~ The foll~win~ Resolution was passed; No, ~6 - MCKINLEY - MacDONALD - I~SOLVED that the City Clerk be authorized to ask for a renewal of the lease from the Canadian National' Railways regarding a portion of the Bridge Street Athletic Grounds and to enquire as to the possibility of purchasing the property; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. The Council adjourned to Finance ~eeting on the motion of All, McKinley KasDOnald, · ~EAD A~D ADOPTED, llth May, 1953. FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, AthMay, 1953. The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, ~thMay, 1953 for the purpose of approvin~ and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Ald. Donald, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts submitted, in the amount of $89,445.6~ were approved by the C~nmittee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. MacDonald. The report of the City Manager dealing with quotations on fuel oil tenders was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and MacDonald that the tender for Fuel Oil be awarded to the British-American Oil C~pany, as recmended by the CityManager. The offer of PauloDurante to parchase Lot 73, Plan 6, Dyson Avenue for the sum of $250. laid over from the previous meeting, was again presented for consideration. Upon the reconmendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald it was ordered that the offer be accepted, subject to the provision that a dwelling of at least $6,000. value is erected upon the premises within a period of si~months. The offer of Mike Fiore to purchase Lot 74, Plan 6, Dyson Avenue for the sum of $190. laid over from the previous meeting, was again presented for consideration. Upon the rec~endation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Martin it was ordered that the offer be accepted, subject to the condition that a dwelling of at least $6,000. value is erected upon the premises within aperiod of s~xmonthe. ?he report of the Property Con~ittee regarding the residence occupied byMr. Fry, Foreman of the Incinerator, 97 Victoria Avenue, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of All. MacDonald and McKinley that the report be received and adopted. The City F~mager, s report in connection with the application of Rev. A. Bersani for a building permit to erect a 1C-car garage at the rear of 1068 Stamford Street, at an est4mAted COSt Of $5,000. was presented for con- sideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the r~o~b~'~eived and adopted ~nd permit be ~S'Sued~ The City Manager, s report was presented in connection with a change in the location for which a building permit had been granted to Wm. Springerr for the erection of an apartment building ouLot TA-?2 Stanley Avenue. The City Manager advised that the application is now amended to provide for erection of the same building on Part of Lot 36, Frotray Street between Main and Finley Streets. ORDERED on the motion of All. McKinley and Mowers that the report be received and adopted. The City Manager. s report regarding the application of Joe. Calabrese for a building permit to erect an addition to the rear of 1532 Lewis Avenue, at an est~mted cost of $3,000. was presented for consideration. 0RDE~D on the motion of Ald. M~er and MacDonald that the matter be referred to the Property Committee for consideration. Ald. McKinley, one of the member8 Of the Property C~=~lttee, extended an invitation to the Aldermen to accompany the Property C~=~Attee when this location is inspected, The City ~ana~er's report regardir~ the application of Steve Ns~.v for a permit to alter the double garage at 1~0 Ferry .~treet, at an estimated cost of $2,000. was presented for consideration. OR~E~F~ on the motion of Ald. Meters and Miller that the report be received and adopted and the pern~it be issued. The City Manager' s report regarding the application of Alex. Iwaszko for a building permit to construct an addition to the rear of 569 First Avenue, at an est~n~ted cost of $8,0OO. was presented for consideration. OR~EP~D on the motion of AId. liart~n and l~c~ers that the matter be referred to the Property C~ tree for a report. The City Manager' s report ~ith reference to the application of Albert Brouillette for a b~ilding permit to erect an apartment building on Part of Range 19, at the rear of 1~O2 Robinson Street, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ma~or Hawkins and Ald. ~acDonald that the report be received and adopted and the matter be referred to the property Committee with po~er to act with respect to the issuance of this permit. The City Hansget' s report recomendir~ the purchase of one Aeroil Industrial ~rker to be utilized for painting traffic lines on pavements, at an estim~ted cost of $210. was presented for consideration. O~DEP~D on the motion of Ald. HcKinley and ~acDonsld that the report be received and adopted. The City Treasurer' s Comparison of Tax Collections to April 3Oth, 1953 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the Statement he received, givon the usual publicity and filed. The Revenue and Expenditure Statement as of March 31st,1953 was presented'for consideration. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald. l~cKinley and Mayor Hawkins that the Statement be received and laid on the table for study. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of AId. McKinley and Mowers. READ AND ADOFA'.:D, llth May, 1993. The fol.1..o~..iAfi By-la_w was. ~a__sse~d; No~. ~95/- To provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that Ald. Donald be granted the privileF. e of introducing the by-law and the by-].aw be read the first time. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standi~ Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading .Ald. MacDonald and McKinley _ Carried Unanimously. The Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller. READ AND ADOPTED, llth May, 1953· 139 CONFEPa~CE : .l. '-,au,..th 1953. The Conference C~amtttee of the City Council assembled at the close s ' ' · regular Council and Finance ~eetings on Monday, ~th May, 1993 for the C~ttee were present. His Worship, Mayor Hawkins presided as Cha~nano --_ After consideration of the it*~___- placed before them, the Committee a~Joumed : ~ [ on the motion of AId. McKinley and Mowers. 81 READ AND ADOPTED, llth May, 1953. CounoLl Chamber, XaX, 1993. Council .Meeting The CoQncil ts-assemble~ a~ ~he el~e® of the x~gular Coun0Ll era F4nance ~eetin~s for the purpose ef passin~ the by-law which eove~ed t~ accounts app~eved by the Ccaxai~ee. All members Of the Council wets p~esent. / !I ,i4'0 Council ChBmber, llth l~y, 1953. Pursuant to adJourmnent, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, llth Hay, 1953 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. Hembets of Council were present, with the exception of Aid. MiZler and Mc~ers. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald..MacDonald and Hartin. COMMUNICATIONS The following C~,mmmications were presented; No. 178 - Greater Niagara Coneunity Chest - requesting permission to hold a parade on October 5th, 1953. 0RDEm~D on the motion of Ald. Donald and Brooks that the communication be received and filed and permission be granted. -Ald. McKinley arrived at the meeting - No. 179 - Lake Erie International Vacationland Association - requesting repre- sentation on 8th Annual American-Canadian Good Will Tour. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the c~--.~mication be received and filed. No. 180 - Ontario Traffic Conference -Re Annual Convention in Kingston, June 10, 11 and 12. 0RE~T~D on the motionof Aid. Brooks and Donald that the conmuni- cation be received and a member of the Traffic Conanittee be authorized to attend and the com..,nl cation also be referred to the Police C~-~Lssion for their con- sideration. No. 181 - Lions Club - invitation to dinner meeting, Hay 26th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Martin that the invitation be received and accepted and as many members of Council as possible plan to attend. No. 182 - Department of Highways - 1952 Road By-law over-expenditures. ORDERED on the motion af Ald. Donald and McKinley that the conmunication be received and filed and the appreciation of Council forwarded to the Minister of Highways for the cheque and also to Ex-Alderman A. C. Jolley for his interest on behalf of the municipality. No. 183 - South End Business and ProfessiOnal Nen's Association - re parking meters and also removal of a fire hydrant and parking of taxi cabs. 0RDEF~D on the motion of Ald..Donald and McKinley that the c~=unication be received and referred to the Traffic Co~.ittee for consideration, and that the location of the fire hydrant in front of Cupclot 8 Bicycle Shop on Ferry Street, brought to the attention of Council by Aid. Brooks, also be referred to the Traffic Ccemnittee. Aid. MacDonald referred to a letter he had received from the resident at 958 Armoury Street ~ about thetraffic hazard on Armoux7 Street alongside the Library. The City Clerk was instructed to b~ing this matter to the attention of the Traffic Committee also. His Worship, Mayor Hawkin; brought ~&'4~e 'A~t;~i~ '~f ~ibition of ~t~ at the CoVerts Auditori~ ~r~ the e~ d ~ l~h ~ ~h, ~ s~sored by the Ni~ara Dist~ct Assertion, REPORTS The following Reports were presented; No. 7~ - City Cler~ - report of Conference, May ~th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the report be received and filed. No. 75 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and McKinley that the report be received and adopted and the licences be issued accordingly. No. 76 - CityManager - re establishment of parking lot on Canadian Corps property. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the report be received and referred to the Traffic Committee to take up with the Canadian Corps Association, Aid. Hartin expressed the desire for the submission of a report by the Traffic Con~ittee on this matter in the very near future due to the heavy traffic occasioned by the forthcoming tourist season. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed; No. 67 - DONALD - McKINLE_/Y - RESOLVED that the. next regular moeth~ of Council be held on Tuesday evening, May 19th, at 7.30 p.m. and the Seal of the Corpor- ation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 68 - MCKINLEY - MARTIN - RESOLVED that Ald. Grant Donald be appointed Enacting Mayor during the absence of His Worship the Hayor, while attending the Coronation of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II comencing May 20th; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. · - · Carried HISC,:T.T.,L. NEOUS Aid. McKinley requested the City Manager to give his personal attention, if necessary, to the condition which has been brought about adjacent to the Rainbow Dairy on Buchanan Avenue, due to the operation of horse-drawn vehicles. Ald. Grant Donald presented a verbal report on the meeting held with the Superintendent of the Michigan Central Railways concerning the railway crossings and also the right-of-way on Park Street. BY-I~W3 The following By-lawwas passedI No. ~95~ - To authorize the execution and deliverance. of a deed. O~DE~ED on the motion of Aid. ~.~Kinley andMacDonald that Ald. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarJ_ly suspended and the by-law be given the second reading, and the amount of $160..be inserted in the deed, in connection with this transaction. - Carried. Third Reading - Aid. HcKinley and Martin - Carried. '! f4'2 The fcllewi. r~ By-law w_a~s_ ~.re_s.e, nte. dJ~ No. ~+~ - To authorize the construction of a 12-inch sewer on Muir Avenue from Ferguson StFeet to ~90 feet south of Ferguson Street, as a Local Improvement under the provisions of The Local Improvement . Act. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks ~nd McKinley that Ald. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried. ORDEF~ED on the motion of Ald~ MuKinleyandMartin that Rule'36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried. The Council adjourned to Finance Meeting on the motion of Aid. McKinley and RFAD AND ADOPTED, 18th Nay, 1953. The application of Fanny and Alex Iwaszko, 569 First Avenue, for a building permit to construct an addition at the rear of the residence, at an estimated cost of $6,000. which had been referred to the Property Conmuittee at the previous meeting, for a report, was again presented for consideration. Upon the rocam~endation of the Property Co~nittee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley, it was ordered that the application be received and the permit be granted. The application of Mr. Albert BrouLllette for a building permit to erect an apartment building on Part of Range 22 at the rear of 1602 Robinson Street, which had been referred to the Property Committee for a report at the previous meeting, was again presented for consideration, along with the Property Committee's recomendation that the matter be referred to the whole Council for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of His Worship the Mayor and Ald. Brooks that the matter be laid on the table for one week for consLderation of a full Council. The Report of the Property Committee on the above matters was oMered received and filed on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. Brooks. The CityManager's report regarding the application of the Wardens of Christ Church for a building permit to erect an addition to the premises at Clifton and Morrison, at an estimated cost of $16,0OO. was presented for con- sideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Martin that the report be received and adopted and the permit be issued. The Statement of Relief for the month of April, 1953 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. MacDonald that the Statement be received, given the usual publicity and filed. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Brooks and MacDonald. READ AND ADOPTED, 18th May, 1953. FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, llth May, 1953. ~he Finance Meeting was held ouMonday, llth May, 1953 for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present, with the exception of Ald. Millsr and Mowers. Ald. Donald, Chairman of Finance, presided. ' .. Sundry Accounts submitted in ~he amom~t of $3~2,503.~9 were approved by the Camnittee. Clerk Chairman of Finance COUNCIL MEETING The Accounts submitted, being ,passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and ~artin. Council Chamber, llth N~y, 1953. pert Committe°/~r 13, oct°st 8no. meetings for the purpose of passin~ the by-law which covered the accounts it Vas 0 pay Committee and on · motion of Ald. MacDonald and exception of Alde ]/tller and M(~ferse g ted. P BY-lAW ............ Me. A9:,6 - To provide monies for general purposes. ' OBDEB~D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Martin that Aid. Donald be giwen the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried. Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and Martin - Carried. RESOLUTION The following Resolution was passeqi No. 69 - DONALD - MARTIN - RESOLVED that a letter of sympathy on betrile of His Worship the Mayor, members of Council and citizens at large, be forwarded to ~r. Clayton Morningstar, upon the loss of his son, Private Clayton Morningstar, ser'~ing with-the Canadian Arm~ in Korea; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried His Worship, Mayor Hawkins thanked Ald. Martin and the other members of Council, for their expression of sympathy due to the illness of his mother. The Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Martin. READ AND ADOPTED, 18th May, 1953. Clerk ~ Mayer. Council Chamber, llth ~ay,1953. The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monds~, llth May, 1953 for the pur- pose of considering the various matters presented to them. All members of the Committee were p~esent, wit~x the exception of Ald. Nillet and Mowers. After consideration of the items placed before them, the Committee adjourned the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley, AND ADOPf~,,, 18th ~ay, 1953. TWENTY-FIFTH MEETING Cou~ncLl Chartbet, 19th May, 1953. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday, 19th May, 1953, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of Comlcil were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Martin. DEPUTATIONS Mr. W. S. Martin, Q.C., appeared before the Council on behalf of his client, Mr. Jules Juliani, who wished to renew his application for a tourist home licenee at his premises at 1815 Victoria Avenue, and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley was permitted to speak to Council. Mr'. Martin proceeded tp review the history of this case with reference to the application for the building permit in connection with this building, the investment of Mr.Juliani and his attempts to finance the construction and to obtain a municipal licerice to operate this establishment. He stated that there was a moral obligation on the City Council to help Mr. Juliani. Mr. Martin referred to By-law Number 4437, which has since been repealed, and was of the opinion that a permit was issued contrary to this by-law, that the construction, however, did conform with Clause 6 and requested Council to give serious and careful consideration to granting a licence for a tourist home in view of the fact that the establishment is all under one roof and that the applicant intends to reside on the pFemtses himself to supervise the operation of this establishment. Reference was made to the tourist licenee issued to Louis Vescio for the operation of a tourist home at 1715 Victoria Avenue. His Worship the Mayor, inI repl.ving to Mr. Martin' s remarks, referred to the fact that in a previous instance, or instances, FAr. Juliani had been given to understand that if he did proceed, a licerice would not be granted for the operation of the type of business which he proposed to operate and that in spite of this, he had proceeded. Followin~ discussion, it was ordered on the tooricO of Ald'. Donald and Mowers that the matter be laid on the table for one week for submission of a report by the City Nanager and City SOlicitor. Carried Unanimously. Mr. C. F. Masters, was also present at the meeting, and on the motion of Ald. M~ller and Mo~ers was permitted. to address th~ Council. Mr. Masters advised that he was present on behalf of the Y.W.C.A. who wished to perchase pert of the Gay property on Sirocco Street and having knowledge of Council' s interests with refer,ence to the extension of Palmet Avenue, desired to know whether Council' would be interested at this time in the purchase of a portion of the Gay property. ORDEF~D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and M~ler that the matter be referred to the Property Committee and the City ~anager for a complete and detailed report. Carried Unanimously. Mr. Charles Curris of .963 Armoury Street, was present at the meetif~ and on the motion of AId. McKinley and MacDonald was permitted to address Council. He stated that he was appearing before Council on behalf of the residents df Armoury Street where congestion exists due to the parking of Lococo Bros. tractor ~railer and referred to a specific instance which occurred on May 16th and the attitude adopted by Mr. Chae. Lococo on that occasion and requested Council take some action in order that the residents might obtain some consideration. He also referred to what he considered speeding on Second Avenue which has become hazardous to the residents and suggested the marking of the roadway to warn traffic and also trimming of trees near 'stop street signs' to facilitate the visibility of the signs but was of the opinion that the present 'stop' signs are out of date. However, he was advised by the City ~snager that these signs are made and erected in accordance with the regulations of the Highway Traffic Aot. Aid. Fa~in suggested that the Trellis Cmmi~tee investigate the surrounding area to ascex~ain a suitable parking. place for the trailers complained of and the owners be requested to uttliae the same. His Worship the Nayor assured Mr. Curtis that the ma~ter of speea~-_- will be taken up with the Chief of Police and steps will be taken to eliminate the eomtition ocewplained of on Araoury Street and he will be advised of the a~tion taken. TENDEt~,~ Tenders had been called for the painting of the interior of the former Customs Building at the comer of Clifton Avenue and Park Street and on the motion of Aid. Donald and Hovers it ~s ordered that the tenders received be laid on the table for one week and the tenderere be advised that an extension has been granted and a further advertisement be inserted in the press to this effect. SEE Ccemnmication No..iSA CO~JNICATIONS Laid over from the previous meeting; No, 183 - South End Business and Professional Ment s Association - re certain traffic matters. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that the c~nication he received and that no action be taken regarding the moving of the hydrant nor the e14m~nation of the cab stand and the suggested survey be referred to the Association to be carried out, but that the present Mail Transfer Box in front of Walker's Drug Store be moved around the corner on to North Main Street, S~:": Report No.77, The followin~ C~-~nications were presented; No. 18~ - Delaney & Son - requesting extension of one week for submission of tender. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the c~- cation be received and filed and the extension be granted. No.185 - City of Windsor - re 1OOth Birthday celebration in 195~+. ORDERED on the motion of Aid.McKinley and MacDonald that the co~cation be received and laid on the table until the Mayor' s return from the Coronation. No. 186 - City of Rochester - Lilac Festival. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that the communication be received and filed and regrets forwarded to the writer regarding the inability of Council to attend. No. 187 - Shut - In's Day Association - requesting proclamation. ORDEPdEDon the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin that the cc~munication be. received and filed and the proclamation published. No. 1~8 - Junior Chamber of Commerce - requesting proclnm~tion re Safety Week. 0RDEEE~ on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the communication be received an~ the' proclamation published. No. 189 - Junior Chamber of Commerce - requesting permission to erect two banners in connection with Safety Campaign. ORDE~ on the motion of AId. MacDonald and McKinley that the communication be received and permission granted; and that permission be granted for the barricading of Valley Way between Victoria and Herricon to accommodate their equipment, No, 190 - Radio Station C~VC - request~,g permission to broadcast baseball games and other sporting events from Oakes Park, ORDE~ on the motion of Ald. M~ler and MacDonald that the eon~cation be received and permission be granted, 191 - Greater Niagara General Hospital - requesting Council, s endorsement. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Nillet that the coemnudcation be r~ceived and endorsed. The following reports were presented; No. 77 - Traffic Committee - re communication from South End Business Men's Association. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that the report he received and adopted. At the request of Ald. Martin, who referred to the fact that lights have not yet been installed at the South End Parking Lot, the City Manager agreed to again contact the Local Hy~rc with reference to the proposed installation. No. 78 - Traffic Committee - Re Canadian Corps Property as Parking Lot. ORDERED on the motion of ~ld. Martin and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted. No. 79 - City Manager - recommending construction of a baffle at Filtration Plant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Donald that the report be received and the City Manager be instructed to call for tenders for the con- struction and installation of the baffle. No. 80 - CityManager - recon~ending attendance of City Treasurer at Convention. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted. No. 81 - Cit Clerk - re application for Class 'A' garage licence. ORDERED on the motio c.inlsy and MaoDon ld that the report re -i ed adored and tile application be not approved. No. 82 - City Clerk - re agreement with Niagara Township for supply of water. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the report be rec,~ive 1 a~d referred to the City Manager for a report. No. 83 - Traffic Committee - 6 recomendations. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MaKinley and MacDonald 't~ib ~he report be received and adopted. No. 8A - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the report be received and adopted and the licences issued accordingly. His Worship the Mayor referred to parking conditions on St. Lawrence at Epworth Oircle and requested .the Traffic ,Committee to take the matter und~ advisement. Ald. Mowers referred to West Simcoe Street and suggested that parking should be eliminated on one side. He also referred to the cab stand which is not bein~ utilized and was of the opinion that this should be eliminated. Laid over from a previous meeting; No. ~?~6 - To stop up and sell that portion of Fourth Street, lyir~ to the north of the N.S. And T. Railway. Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and MacDonald - Carried Unanimously. It was agreed that the consideration for the transaction should be calculated on the basis of assessment on North American Cyanamid property in the City of Niagara Falls. The follcwing~y4aws were passe~; N_q. ~957 - To a~thorize the execution of an agreement for sale and deed. ORDERED on the motion of Aid, McKinley and MacDonald that Ald. DSnald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried Unanimously. ORDF~D on the motion of Ald, Miller and Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing~ules of Courtell be temporarily suspended and the by-SAw be given the second reading, - Carried Unan~sly, Third Reading -Ald. FAtDonald andMowers - Carried Umani~ousl~. 1,{7 1t48 No./+gJ - To authorize the execution of an agreement for sale and deed. ~ on the motion of AId. Mowers and McKinley that Ald. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-low be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Miller that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given-the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and Mowers - Carried Unanimously. MISCELLANEOUS Ald. Donald referred to the proposed drainage at the Badminton Club and requested the City Manager to take action in this regard, as he had received a complaint from a resident to the effect that the tile in the base- ment has been ruined on account of the seepage of water. The City Manager advised that the matter will be dealt with shortly. Ald. McKinley referred to the blowing of the whistle at the factory on Palmer Avenue and the annoyance to the residents in that vicinity and requested that the matter be taken up with the proper authorities. Ald. Brooks presented a verbal report on his attendance at the Purchasing Agents' Dinner in Niagara Falls, New York. The Council adjourned to Finance Meeting on the motion of AId. MacDonald and McKinley. READ AND ADOPTED 25th, NAy, 1953. ~or. FINANCE MErINO Com~cil C~amber 19th Nay, 1953. The Finance Meeting was held on Tuesday, 19th Ma~, 1953 for the pur- pose ~f apprevl~g and also passing the various accounts .~ich had b~en properly certi~ied and placed before them. All members of the Co~mittee were present. Ald. Donald, Chairman of Finance, presided. ' Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $33,2~2.81 were approved by the Ccanittee. The Aceerrors submitted, bein~ passed or otherwise dealt wi~h, were ordered plaoed in the money by-laW for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Max~in. The City Manager's report and the Property Committee's report, laid over from the previous meeting, in connection with Albert Brouillette's application for a permit to erect an apartment building on Part of Range 22, at the rear of 1602 Robinson Street, at an estimated cost of $30,000. were presented again for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin am~ MacDonald that the reports be received and filed and the permit be granted provided proper supervision is given to assure that the proposed building is constructed according to specifications. The City Manager's report in connection with the application of James Moohey for permission to move a frame building from Lots 18 and 19, Elgin Street, to Lot No. 20 on Elgin and to convert the same into living accon~.~odation, at an estimated cost of $1,500. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Mowers that the report be received and adopted and the application be referred to the Property Committee with power to act. The City Manager, s report with reference to the application of Adam VuyaklJa for a sign permit to erect a sign, consisting of a win~lmill, at his place of business at 957 Clifton Avenue, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Miller that the report be received and referred to the Property Co .n~nittee for a report. The City NAnager's report with reference to the application of Gerber-Ogilvie for a building permit to erect two one-storey additions to their plant at an estimated cost of $23,800. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of AId. MacDonald and Mowers that the report be received and adopted and the permit he issued. The City Manager' s report in connection with the application of O. Aello to obtain a revised building permit to erect an apartment house consisting of four apartments, at an estimated cost of $30,000. was presented for consid- eration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and His Worship the Mayor that the report be received and adopted and a revised permit be issued. The City Manager' s report recommending the purchase of a Tore Power Mower at a price of $605. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. NacDonald and McKinley that the report be received and adopted and the mower be purchased. The offer of Pierre Blancbin to purchase Lot 175, Plan 6, Hickson Avenue, for the sum of ~2:~5. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the offer be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report. The offer of Edoardo Pizzolato to purchase Lot 17~, Plan 6, Hic~son Avenue for thes~m of $285. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the offer be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of AId. McKinley and Mowers. READ AND ADOPTED, 2~th May, 1953. Chairman of Finance. 149 .. ff COUNCZ~ Council Chamber, 19thMay, 1953. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Co~nittee. All members of the Council were present. BY-LAW The following By-law was passed; No. 4959 - To provide monies for general purposes. OP~Ff~ED ON the motion of Ald. McKinley and Martin that Ald. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-laws and the by-law be reed the first time. - Carried.Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Miller that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given th6 second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - AId. MacDonald and M~ers - Carried Unanimously. The City Manager referred to the plans which Council has requested in connection with the meat cutters' stalls on the City Market, and was of the opinion that the stalls should be moved back five feet and the sidewalk in front also moved back' five feet in order to widen the roadway at that location and recommended that if Council are in agreement, the sidewalk on the south side of Huron Street should be dealt with in the same manner up to Ontario Avenue, and requested permission to bring in a report on this basis and it was agreed that a report along these lines be submitted. The City Manager also advised that a Mr. Elkin desired to know if it would be possible to operate a summer skating club at the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena. But due to the inadequacy of the ice machine, recommended that he be advised that the City of Niagara Falls is not interested in his su~gestions at the present time. Ald. Martin also referred to the ice at Memorial Arena and the difficulty in trying to keep the ice hard enough in' the summer time and desired to know if any pla~e were proposed to remed~ the c6ndition. The City Manager referred to the costliness of another compressor but advised that more information will be obtained in regard to an ice making machine. The Council adJoumed on the motion of AId. Donald and Mo~ers, READ AND ADOPA'ED, 25th May, 1953. Clerk TWE~TY-FOUR~t I,~ZTIN3 Co~uicil ~hanb~.r 25th ]4ay, 1953. REGULAR EETING Pursuant to adjournment, the Council,met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 25tP. M~/, 1953, for the pulT~ose of considering gener~d business and finance. All members of Council w~re present, with the exception of His Worship ~yor Hawkins. Enacti,~ ~ayor, Grant Donald, presided. The Council, havif~g receLve4 and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. l. ZacDonald and Miller. TENDE.mS Tenders had been calle-t for the painting of the interior or the Uorra~,z. Customs Buildi,~, at the corner of Park Stree~ and Clifton Avenue, which is be.t~g renovated ~o accc~mods, te Police and Engineeri,~ Departments. OP.~DERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and MacDonald that the tenders received be opened, inltialled by the Enacting ~yor and tabulated. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that the tender of H. Deve~,e~u~ & Son, at a quotation of $3,2l~.00, be accepted. Carried. CO~UNICA_TI ONS Th fo.ll. qwin~ q__oje3unic~t.i~ns_~we_Ee~' e sente~ No. 192 - Children, s Aid Soci.e_t_l _ invita~Ion to Annual Meeting, June 3rd, at · 8 P.M. ORDERED o~ the moti~H of Ald. M~:ers and MacDonald that the invitation be received and accepted and as many members of Council as possible attend. No. 193 - Office of Fire Marshal . re Ontario Hose Threed Standardization Program. ORDEFeD on'~e~6~n"~FAY~j~&wel~ and Martin that. the conuminication be receive4 and referred to the Fire Chief and Mund.cipal Authori~].es who requin~ this inforr.,- abion a~l filed. No. 194 - Select LeKislative Cc~m~ittee on The Cemteries Act and Related Matters re review "" ~ .............. _ of Cemeteries Act and re~ations Ald. Mowers and Martin that the c~mnunica~ion be received and referred to the City Manager and Superintendent of Fairview Cemetery for a report. No. 19~ - Provincial Gas. Co. Ltd. - re J~roposed application for rate increase. ORDERED on the motio~Ykld. Eartin ~d Mowers that the cc~z~unication be received and laid on the table and the President of the Company be requested to attend the next Council Meeting prepared to submit further information regarding the request. No. 196 - Civic Emp_l_olreesJ Federal Union, No. 133 - requesting permission for their President to attend' Conve~f~r~'~r~]Z~a' from August 10th to 18th, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the conmmnication be received and filed and permission be granted. c o n~h rof Pie , ' hie. ORDERED on time motion Aid. Mowers and Martin that the o~i~,mmlcatton be receive I and 7.ai-1 on the table and a connit~es of CouncLl met with the Union to ascertaia other arrangements in this regard. Enacting Mayor Donaid named the members of the Negotiating C~md ttee which met with the U, ion earlier in the year, namely _Ald. M~]l er, Mowers,Martin, Donald and the City Manager. Prior to this motion, Ald. NacDo~ald and McKinl~ moved that the ccmmmmication be received and filed and permission be granted; this was later withdrawn. No. 198 - Chamber of C~e . requesting balance of grants to Tourist and Industrial COmmittee for year 19~3. 0~ERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Mar~i~that the c~i~nicationbe received and filed and the request be granted. No. 199 - Chamber of Connerce - requesting attendance of a City Official at Internatienal Trade F~F'o~ZYune 3rd to assist Industrial Ce~mtittee to make additional industrial contacts from among the exhibitors. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and MacDonald that the con~unication be received and filed and the City Mam~ger or City Clerk be delegated to attend. No. 200 - Townsh~p. of Stamford - requesting City to participate in the cost of repairsT ~mm~r~'R~dT'~rom N~rth Street to Stamford High School. CRDERED on the motion of AId. Miller and HacDonaId that the co~NmAnication be received and referred to the City Manager to present a report. No. 201 - Canadian L~i_o.n~Br_anch .~.1 - requesting full representation of Council at Annual .Memorial Parade and Service, June 7th. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. .MacDonald and McKinley that the invitation be received and accepted and as mar~v members of GouncLl as possible attend. Enacting Mayor Grant Donald presented a verbal report on his attendance at the Annual Conference of the Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves in the Township of Scarborough, May 20th, 21st and 22nd, 1953. He stated it was a very worthwhile convention and the discussions were most interesting. He further advised that the report of the Presidents and copy of the resolutions submitted for the consideration of the Conference and other infernorich considered at the Conference, will be left in the City Clerk's Office for perusal of the members of Council. REPORTS No. 85 - City Manager - report on application Tor permit for a lodging house at 1815 Victoria Aveme. ORBRED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Martin that the report be received and filed and Mr. Martin, his solicitor, be advised that consideration could not be given to the issuance of a licence for a tourist home. Carried. The vote being as follows - 4-e -Ald. MacDonald, Martin, McKinley and Mowers; Nays -Ald. Miller and Brooks. It was further ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Miller that. the matter of incorporating clause (b) of By-law ~437, which has been repealed, into by-law A3AA, be referred to the City Solicitor. Carried. (Ald. McKinley - contrary). A full discussion ensued prior to the disposition of this report. Ald. Martin felt bat there had been consistent attempts to avoid the by-laws of the City Of Niagara Falls and did not feel he could approve of any issuance of a licenee. Ald. Miller asked for clarification of two or three items contained in the report and expressed the view that the question of licerice or otherwise hinged around the fact that Clause (b) of ~J+37 was in effect and that if the strucutre was of this type, the permit for erection should not have been issued. Ald, MCKinley queried as to what alteration Mr. Juliani should make in order that he might qualify for a licenee ae a tourist establishment but received no satisfactory explanation. Ald. Brooks referred to the .time when the erection permit ~as issued - and stated that it was, ,in his opinion, understood that a permit was granted on the basis of the fact that the premises would only have one entrance serve the various units. Ald. Mowers referred to the fact that apparently there is no clari- fication as to whether Mr. Julian~ received advice, verbally or otherwise, to the effect that he would not be granted a licence when the structure was being erected and ~m~tted that ignorance of the Tuaw was no e~cuse, but that consideration apparentl~ was deserved in this instance. Enacting ~L~yor Donald going back to the begi]ming of this case, stated that all through the picture, the recluest had been for a permit to erect an unlicensed hotel and that in his opinion the premises az they stand to-day do not constitute a tourist hon~ but ths,t it is nothing more or le~s than a mort,1. No. 86 - City 1.~x~a~er - reconmaendfil~ attendance of Fire Chief at Conference in Toronto on May 27th. OilDEED on the motion of Ald. I.IC}~aqley and Y~cDon&ld that the report be received and adopted. No. 87 - City l~mna~er - requesting permission to post position for a permaneut fireman. ORDERED on the moticn of Ald. Mowers and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted. No. 88 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ODERED on the n~otion of AId. McKinley and Mowers that the report be recedved and adopted and Licenoes issued accordingly. INVITATION TO RE_L~IGIOUS SERVI~, ~Jh~ 22'.~, 195~_C.OP. pr~4ATIOi.~ DAY Enacting Mayor Donald advised Council concen~ir~ the hn~itation received by ~elephone from the Rev. R.C. Todd, to the Enactix~g 1.iayor, member.~ of the City Council and their '~ives to attend the Religious Service on Coronation morning, June ~d. at Cakes Park and his request that all should be seated 5 minutes before the co~mencer~ent of the Service. Enacting ~{~yor Donald referred to the meeting to be held I. Lzy 26th and requested as many members of Council as find it possible arterial, re Coronation fimctlons. t,[~3CELIA~EOUS Ald. McKinley referred to the beauty of the lilacs blooming along th~ Niagara Frontier occasioned by the efforts of ~he Niagara Parks Conmission and was of the opinion that the Conudssion should be encouraged and comaended and that Council respectfully suggest the continuance of the planting of lilacs. SEE Resolution No. 70 Ald. ~tiller referred to the matter of traffic conditions, occasioned by the trailer of Lococo Bros. which had been presented at the last Com~cil meeting by Mr. Charles Curtis, 963 Armoury Street and advised Council concerning his con- versation with Mr. Joe. Lococo, advising him of Council' s suggestion that an area would be made available on Armoury Street adjacent to the Local Hydro building. Ald. M~]ler stated that Counc]l's suggestion was received favourably by t.[r.Lococo, who was willing to do a~kything to alleviate the condition complained of, untdl such time as their buildi,~ is completed in another part of the City. S~.Resolu~ion .No. Ald. Miller referred to a sketch he had seen regarding the sewer ,plans from Lundy, s Lane to Misener Street, in ~hich Messrs. Shannon, Scotdine and Sidoff have interest in, due to the sale of a portion of Shannon, s lot to Seerdine and Sidoff, who will now require sewer connections. .SEE Reso. l~tion. No. 72 Ald. ~lil]er referred to the mount of money set aside in the 1952 Budget ,er :r io for the Chief's car ,d at the Centre, that these ....................... . ......................... Ald. Miller referred to the road marker for the Electrical Department and was of the opinion that the ~xisting marker requires only minor repairs. The City Manager advised that the Electrician had reported that the present machine is practically useless and a new machine was necessary. The City Manager further advised that the expenditure was inexpensive as it is not a power machine. Ald. Brooks queried the advisability of opening up Jolley Cut. for the summer season and was advised by the City Manager that such an attempt was not advisable due to the dangerous grade e>isting at that point. Ald. Brooks referred to the accidents occurring on the new Hydro Project and was of the opinion that an investigation should be proceeded with to ascertain the reasons. However, it was agreed that no action could be taken unless specific cases could be referred to. RESOLUTIONS The followinK. Resolutions were passed; No. 70 - MCKINLEY - ~acDONALD - RESOLVED that the Niagara Parks Cormmission be commended and encouraged and Council respectfully suggest the continuance of planting lilacs along the Niagara Frontier; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affked. Carried No. 71 - )ILLER - M__O~__ - RESOLVED that a cmmunication be forwarded to Lococo Brothers advising them of Council 's action contemplated to facilitate the parking of their trai!cr, andmquest~a~g them to co-nperate; and the Seal of thc Corporation be hereto affixed. Carrie__d No. 72 - NIZLER - MOWERS - RESOLVED that the matter of sewer com~ection for that portion of the Shammen property, purchased by Mr. Seerdine, be referred to the Property Committee for consideration and a report; and the Seal of the Corpor- ation. be hereto affixed. Carrie._d~ No. ~3 - McKINL~ - MO~___~.~ - RESOL~ that Ald. Killer be appointed Acting Chairman of Finance; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affked. Carriej meeting. }~KLCO~. Enact]~ Mayor Grant Donald welcomed Ex-Aldennan C. W. ~idale to ~jx*e The Com~cil adjourned to Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Brooks. READ AND ADOPTED, 1st June, 19~3. Clerk Enacting Mayor 25th - ~, 19~3. The Finance Meeting x~as held on Eondmy , 25th ~, 19~3 for the ~ur2o~e of appro~-hg mxd also ~ssing the various accounts :-.~aich bad beam properly certi- fied and placed before them. All meters of th~ Committee were promrot, vlLh the. exception of His WorDhi Ma, or presided. P, ~ Hawl:ins. Actii~ Chni!nan of Finance, AId.Mill.or, Smld~. Accounts subrib b.~ rl in the ,v~ount oF ~113, ?/2. 61 ;.m:..~ api* roved by the Co~,itte2, The Accounts submitted, being passed or othemdse dealt *~i~h, were ordered place. l in the money by-law for presentation tD the Council on the motlon of Ald, McKi~ey and Mo~ze:.s, · The application of James Mooney for a building pexvait to move a frame building- froan Lots 18 and 19, Elgin Street, to Lot 20, and to convert the same into li,~_ng acco~todation, at an est~'.mte.i cost of ,5 which had been $1 00. to ~he Property Cos~ittee at the last meeting~ was again presented for consideration. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Aid. McKinley and MacDonald, it was ordered that the application be received and pernission be grant~ed. The application of Adam VuyaklJa for a sign permit to erect a sign com- prising a windrdll in front of 957 Clifton Hill, which had been referre.l to the Property Ccmmittee at the last meeting, was again presented for consideration. Upon the reco~nnendation of the Propex~y Con~nittee and on the motion of Ald. Mac- Donald and McKinley, it was ordered that the application be received and the permit be issued provided angle irons are used for the support. The offer of Edoardo Pizzolato to purchase Lot 17~, Plan 6, Hickson Avenue, for the sum of $285. referred to the Property C~nmittee at the last meeting, was again presented for consideration. Upon the recc~m~endation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald..McKinley and MacDonald, it was ordered that the offer be received and filed and the applicant be advised that this lot is not presently for sale. The offer of Pietro Biaschin to purchase Lot 17~, Plan 6, Hickson Avenue for the sum of $285. referred to the Property Committe~ at the last meetj~g, was again presented for cons~eration. Upon the reccm~mendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald, it was ordered that the offer be received and filed and the applicant be advised that this lot is not presently for sale. The report of the Property C~ittee on the above .matters was ordered received and filed on the motion of Ald. McKinley and ~cDonaldo The Property Committee,s report recommending no action at the present tL.ne to acquire any of the propertywhich the Y.W.C,A. is presently considering; and, the City Manager,s report regarding the decision of Council respecting the extensi6n of Palmet Avenue, were presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin that the reports be received and tabled until such time as the Y.W.C,A. submit a definite proposition. Carried. (~dd. McKinley and MacDonald were contraV . AId. McKinley in~.cated that he felt l;l ~airae~ be the Y.W.C.A. a definite decision should be made. The City Manager,s report regarding an alteration in the layout of the house now under construction at Frank Nagy'.s, 2195 Buchanan Aveaue, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the re~ort be received and adopted to the effect that the change as proposed by Mr. Nagy is not satisfactory. The City Manager' s report regarding the application of A. Martin for a building permit to constr~ct a one-room addition to the front of his dwelling at an estimated cost of $1,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the moti6n of Enacting Mayor Donald and Ald. Mowers that the matter be referred to the Properby Committee ~or a report. Carried. ~rior to this motion, it was moved by Ald. MacDonald sad Martin that the report be received and adopted, but this was later withdrawn. A com~.,nication from Giueeppi Plantedi re~=arding the offer to purch-~se Lot 8~6, Plan 603, Lombard Street and requestj~k5 Counci!'s advice, was pre- sented for consideration. The City Clerk advised that he had been in conver- sation with Mr. Cartot of the Department of Municipal Affairs and that he had advised that the Estate was entitled to a conveyance of the property providing a]] taxes, interest and penalties were paid to date and that no strings could be atbached to such a conveyance. C~DERED on the motion of Ald. Broosk and MacDonald that the cosumdcation be received and laid on the table and a further report be submitted by the City Solicitor for the next meethE of Council. The Committee arose and reported to Comxcil on the motion of AId. ~L~rtin and MacDonald. READ AND ADOFrED, 1st June, 1953. COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 25th May, 1953. The Council re-assembled at the close of thc regular Council and Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. · Ai~ members of the Council were present, with the exception of His Worship, Mayor Hawkins. Enacting Mayor Donald presided. BY-LAW The fo!lo~.~,:~-._~.~.L-..~.s__2.As2e. d; No. 4960 - To provi4e monies for general purposes, 157 ORDERED on the motion of AI~. ~'~ci[ir]ey and ]:art~P. t! ,~~t LId. ?[']!,TM :.c granted the privilege of intrcducing the b~.-]aw and the bL--]m/bc tea_'. th,~ first time. - Carried. OHDE.'~D on the motion of Ald. Mowers and ~'~c'.~in!FLi that the S~mdix~ Rules of Counc~3. be tcmporar~y suspendc~, ~" the b~'-lav ~.~ the second t~e. - Car~ed. Third Reading - A!d, l.hcDons. ld and HcKinley - Carri~.<], The Comqc]l adjotu.nc:] on the motion of Ald. McEinley and ~-~%rLin. READ ~D ADOFrED, !st. June,1953. Clerk EnactinC Mayor° 159 TWENTY-FIFTH Council Chamber, 1st June, 1953. H~G~LAR MEETR{G Pursusnt to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, let. June, 1953 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of Council were present, with the exception of His Worship, Mayor Hawkins. Enacting Mayor, Grant Donald, presided. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Mowers. DEPUTATION Mr. J. T. Farroll, President of the Provincial Gas Company, L~m~ted was present at the Council Meeting and on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers was permitted to speak to Council. Mr. FarTell presented full partic~dars in connection with the proposed increase in gas rates, ~utlined in a statement sho~iag receipts and expenditux~s for the year 1952 and advised that the Company was awaiting the decision of other municipalities in the area served before the new rates would go into effect. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the necessary approval be granted for the proposed increase in gas rates. Ald. McKinley on behalE of the City Council extended congratulations to FAr. FarTell, formerly of the City of Niagara Fro11 s, on his appointment as President of the Provincial Gas Company. SFF. C~mudcation No. 195. Tenders had been called for the supply of unifoms for the Niagara Falls Fire Department and on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley it was ordered that the tenders received, be opened, initialle~ by His Worship the Enacting Mayor and ~abulated. CO~NICATIONS Ls,td over from the p. revious meet .ir~ No~ 19~ - Select Legislative C~m~lttee on The Cemeteries Act and Related Nattore - ORDEB~D on the motion of Ald. Mowers'~nd MacDonal~ that the comnunication be received and filed and a copy of the City Manager, s report be forwarded to this Conxmittee. SEE Report No. 89 No, 195 - Provincial Gas Company, Limited . requesting Council~s consideration to an increase in gas rates, O~ on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mac- Donald that the co~,unication be received and filed and the request be approved, No. 200 - Township of Stamford . suggesting the City participate on a ~0-~0 basis in repairs to Drummond Road from North Street to a point adjacent to Stemford High School. ORDEF~D on the motion of Ald, Mowers and M~ller that the c~unication be received ands the City Manager he instructed to advise the Township that the City.has not sufficient mone~ in this yearw s budget to do this work this year and would recommend that the Township and the .City place sufficient money in the 195~ B-_aEet to complete this work frc~ North Street to Lundy, s I~ne. SEE Ranoft No. 20 Aid. Brooks advised tb~t numerous complaints had been received on ~Ahe condition of Welland Averme, betw~en Ferguson and Buttrey Street, and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Brooks and McKinley that the City ~nager arrange to have the necessary repairs made on the road in WelLand Avenue, between Ferguson and Buttrey. The followir~ Con~nications were presented~ No. 202 - British-Canadian Veterans, Association . requesting permission to hold a tag day on August 8th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the communication be received and filed and permission be granted. No. 203 - Chamber of Conumerce _ requesting permission to erect a banner across Victoria Avenue in front of the office. OP~)ERED on the motion of Ald. k'i31er and MacDonald that the communication be received and filed and pe~mission be granted, and the Chamber be requested to keep the proposed banner in presentable condition during the period of its erection. No. 20~+ - St.PatriCk's Subdivision, C.W.L.. invitation to tea, June 7th. OREERED on the motion ~f Ald. MacDonald and ~L~x-th that the conmumication be received and filed and the invitation be accepted and as many of the members of Council as possible attend. No. 205 - Niagara Parks Ccemission _ appreciation for remarks re lilacs. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Fd_ller and MacDonald that the conm~mication be received and filed. No. 206 - Ontario Municipal Association _ Notice re forthcoming Convention and final date for submission of re~olu'ii~ons. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks that the cornintoxication be received e~d filed and the City Clerk be instructed to prepare a resolution regarding pa~nnent of taxes on Crown properties, and members of Council submit ~esolutions desired, before the final date. No. 207 - J. H. Smith and A. R. Pettie - requesting permission to operate a guide s~rvice. Moved by Ald. McKinley and Brooks that the communication be received and the writers be advised that the City of Niagara Falls do not issue a licence for this type of operation. This motion was defeated - the vote being aye -Ald. McKinley, Brooks and Enactin~ Mayor Donald; Nays -Ald. M~vers, MacDonald, ~-~iler and Martin. An amendment made by Ald. Fjl~er and l~rtir,, that the cornintoxication be received and tabled for one week and it be'ascertained from Mr. ~.x~m Gray, General ~mager or the Niagara Parks Commission what information was submitted when the application was made for the Park Ccemmission licence and that the Chamber of Commerce be supplied with a copy of the applicants, communication, and the. opinion of the Chamber be requested; was carried. The vote on the amendment was . Aye Ald. Miller, Martin, Mowers and I.~acDonald; Nays . and Enacting Mayor Donald. Ald. Brooks, McKinley No. 208 - Greater Niagara General Hospital _ re resolution of Waterloo, endorsed by St. Thomas towards solution of provi~ adequate funds for indigent accounts. OP~ERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Mowers that the Board of Governors be notified that Council has already dealt with the resolution of Waterloo, referring it to the Ontario Municipal Association for consideration in convention. No. 209 - Greater Niagara General Hospital _ re attendance of representative at Board Meetings. ODDEYeD on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin that the commm~i. carton be received and filed and the Board notified that Comaoil will co-operate with their request. M~SCELLANEOUS Ald. Mowers referred to the disgraceful situation prevailing at Fairview Cemetery, flower vases being removed and da~ed and desired to know whether a Warning Sign could be placed, to tho effect that Prosecution of offenders will be Proceeded with. The City Manager was insta~cted to obtain a report from the Super. intendent of the Cemetery, containing suggestions to combat this condition. i 6 i .i REPORTS The foLlo:.,inK~R. eports No. 89 - City F~n~a~e.r. - re conum~icatien from Select C~.;mitbee of the Legislature on The Cemeteries Act, etc. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and }.~cDonald that the report be received and a copy fo~,;arded to this Co~rdttee. No. 90 - City ManaEer - re con~r~nication from Stamford Teamship re ~_deni~ and surfacing of Drummond Road from Stamford Collegiate to North Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Diiller that the report be 'received and filed. No. 91 - City I~znaEe. r~ - reconmendD~ attendance of Welfare Administrator at Conference in Ottawa. ORDEI~D on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the repor~ be received and adopted. No. 92 - City Clerk - re application for Class 'A' garage license at 870 Hunter Street. 8rdered on the motion of Aid. Martin and MacDonald that the report be received and referre4 ~o t~e Property Committee ~or a report. No. 93 - City Cl_erk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Miller that the report be received and adopted and licences issued accordingly. RESOLUTIONS The follo,.~ng..R.e.s. ql.u.t.i_o. nR~w_ere passejl No. 74 -- BROOKS - MacDONALD - .RESOLVED that a letter of condolence on behalf of His Worship the Enacts_rig Mayor and Members of the City Council, and the citizens at large, be extended to the family of the late l, lrs. Catherine Elizabeth Hawkins; and the, Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried. Enacting Mayor Grant Donald voiced the s~lcere regrets of the Council upon the passing of Mrs. Catherine Elizabeth Hawkins, mother of His Worship Mayor E. M. Hawkins, at present absent from the City attending the Coronation of Her Majesty, ~ueen Elizabeth II. and advised the members of Council that he, accompanied by Ald. Martin had journeyed to the City of H~nilton to pay their respects. No. 75 -~0~RS -MacDONALD -RESOLVED that Ald. McKinley be appointed Acting Chairman of Finance; an~e Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried CORONATION DAY Enacting Mayor Grant Donald refen~d to the fact that each member of Council has now been supplied with a copy of the programme for the Coronation Day ceremonies scheduled and voiced his appreciation for the attendance of the different Organizations and the members of the Corenation C~mmittee at the numerous meetings which have been held to arrange the ceremonies scheduled and expressed the hope that the members of Council and their wives will attend these funct~iona, He requested the members of Council, before the meeting, ended, to help in the seating arrangements for these functions. BY-LAWS The~ £o~lewin~ By-la~w.s were paesed~ ~ - To authorize the execution and deliverance of a deed to the American Cyanamid Compa~. ORDERED on the ~otion of Ald. }[cKinl-~y an.l MacDoa-~]d tl:~.t AId. be granted ~h~ privilege of ~tr~uc-L,E the by-law ~d th,, b~r-]a~r be real first time. - Carried. ' ' ORDEItED on th=~ motion .~f AId. l.I~ers anti Xartli~ bhat Rule 36 (2) c, 2 th,~ 3tsndi~ R~des of Com~c~ be temporarl] ~ s~tspen4-~ and the by-lay h ~ gi'A';n the secon~ re~i~. _ Carried. ' ' Reading -Ald. ~%cDonald and Martin - Carrie.l. 0DERED on the notion of Ald. l.Io~;ers and Killer that th: mm of ~570, being the assessel value, be included h th~ Je~..J as a con~;i,!o.ation in this transaction. No, 49.62~ - To provide for leasing an.i estab!isk.nunt a paridn:3 let, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, l.k~.~ers and ,'.[cKiIfiey that Ald. 1U.!]er b.~ granted the privilege of introg~cLng the by-la!.~ and the by-law be rea, l t!r. fi=sb tL,ne, - Carried. 0RDEPED on the motion of Ald. YL~cDonald and Mo~ers that ~ule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-la~ be read the second time.. Carried. (Ald. ~.~tl].er - contl,a_-y). Third Readi~ _Ald. MacDonald and Mart]~ . Carri~.. (Ald. Mil].er_conb,,~5~) -The draft agreement, as submittel, was discussed in some detaU. and i~ was agreed that :hi Clause 2 that the wol~/s "if it so decj. des and if it does" be deleted. It }as agreed that this action be taken before submission o? the agreement to the Cana~li&n Corps Association. No-j963 - To amend By-law Number ~3~J,, passed the lOth day of January, A.D.i?4?. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McFj~nley and ]~rtin tha~ Ald. :-~owers be grante~ the privilege of introducing, the by-law and ~he by-law be read the fLrst time. - Carried. OP~)ERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers aml MacDonald that Rnle 36 (2) ! ~ of the Standing Rules of Council be t~mporarily suspended and the by-haw be given the second reading. _ Carried. (Ald. Brooks - contra~-J'). i~ Third Readin~ _ Aid. MacDonald and Martda~. Carried. (Ald. Brooks - contrary). ',L ': AOO rSD, Sth June, 19 3. · Enacting Mayor 163 Fi~{ANCE MEETING Council Charabet, Is t. June, 1953 · The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, let. June, 1953 for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certifie.l and placed before them. All members of the Conm~ittee were present, v, Lth the exception of His Worship, Mayor Hawkins. Acting Chairman of Finance, Ald. · McKinley, presided. Sundry Accounts submitted, in the mount of $36,739.83 were approved by the Comaittee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the CouncLl on the motion off.Enacting ~yor Donald and Ald. MacDonald. The offer of Giuseppe Plantsall to purchase Lot 846, Plan No. 603, Lombard Avenue, and the offer of James E. Sacco to redeem this lot, formerly owned by his late father, Ross, Sacco, were presented for consideration, ~fter having been laid over from previous meeth~g for a further repor~ of the City Solicitor, The opinion of the City Solicitor was considered at this time, ':Aich also contained a copy of an .opinion forwarded by the Department of Municipal Affairs. CEDEFED on the motion of Ald..Martin and Mowers that the property be turned over to the Sacco Estate, subject to the provision that all taxes, interest and penalties are paid to date; and that the offer of G. Plantedi be receiw;d and filed and he be supplied with a copy of the letter from the City Solicitor and the Department of Municipal Affairs, so that he may be made acquainted ~lth the Committee, s action to deal fairR,v with this matter. The application of A. Martin for a buildD~g permit to construct a one- room. addition to the front of ~51 Ferguson Street, at an estimated cost of · $1,000. laid over from the previous meeting, for a report of the Property Com- mittee, w~,s again submitted for consider3tion. The Chairman of the Committee gave a brief verbal report, but on complaint of men~ers of the Committee, it was decided that since there had not been full consideration by .the Property C~maittee, it be referred ~o them for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Enacting Mayor Donald and Ald. Mowers that the offer of A. ~rtin for a building permit he referred back to the Property Committee for consideration. The City Manage'r's report in connection with the application of Fra~ Monteloons for a buildin~ permit to construct an addition to. the rear of 1478 Robinson Street, was presented for consideration. ORDEEED on the motion of Enacting Mayor Donald and Ald. Mowers that the report be received and the applicant be advised that he must present more detailed plans regarding his proposition. The offer' of P. Brassoletto to purchase Lot 17h, Plan 6, Hicksou Avenue, for the sum of $285. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Enacting Mayor Donald and Ald. Mowers that the offer be received a~ accepted subject to the provision that a dwelling of at least $8,500. value be erected upon the premises within a period of six mouths. It was further ordered on the motion of Enacting Mayor Donald and Ald. Ho~ers that the City Manager bring in a report and a plan of the City-owned lots at the coruer of Leader Lane and Hickson Avenue, as to the possibLlitv of fronting these lots on Hic~on rather than on Leader Lane. ......... 'a i r'i o tion 'sewer problem and the Cit~ Manager proceeded to present a v~rbal report on the matter, stating that a~ inspection had been made and it was found that the property had not been graded inside ~he boulevard as maintained by Mr. Sidoff and therefore there is no reason ~ the sewer can't be eartied de~a inside the curb rather than e~t on the rea~ and was of the opimt~ t~at the whole matter should be discussed with Mr. Sidoff. It was ~hen agreed that the City Manager contact Mr. Sidoff as to a~rangements. to utilize the sewer to service the Bcordino PrcPex~y. Enacting Mayor refferred to the fact that Contractors breakh~ City pavenents to make installations,are not re~un~ed to satis. Cac~o~ condi6Lon and it was ordered on the motion of Enacti~l~ ~fayor Donald sad Ald. Mowers that the City Manager presexxt a report as to conditions throughout the City with refer~,nc~ to sewer cuts and their repair. Ald. Mowers referred to the British-American Service Station at the corner or Valleyway and VictorLa Avenue and the fact that pedel~rian~ cannot pass on these streets due to car washing being done on City streets and w~s advised by the City ~anager the. t the Police Department had been asked to check into this The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Aid. Maxnbh and M~,xers. READ AND ADOPTE~, 8th June, 1953. Clerk ActirG Chairman oC Finance, Council Chamber, lst,Jtme, 1953. The Council re-assembled at the clost of the regular Council and Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-haw which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present, with the exception of His Worship, Mayor Hawkins. Enacting Mayor Donald presided. BY-LAW The No._~_._._._._._._.~.. To provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Martin that Ald. McKinley be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. _ Carried. ORDERED ou the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temperariley anspended and the ~y-law be read the 2nd. time. - Carried. Third Reading .Ald. MacDonald and Mo~ers - Carri~. MISCELYANEOUS The Clerk asked how many members of Council c~template4 attendin~ the Annual Meeting of the Children, s Aid Society to be held at the Barclay Hotel in Welland on June 3rd, at 8 P.M.. All members of Council e~ressed their inability to attend due to other cemmitmen~s. Ald. McKinley asked for clarification as'to the reason for what seems to be the intention to grant a lodging house licence to the premise.s on Victoria Avenue, occupied by Victoria Inn and one is being refused to the Juliani establishment at 1815 Victoria Avenue, and pointed out the fact that tt did not seem advisable that persons should be lead to believe that they would receive a licence and on this belief proceed to e~qoend large sums of money on structures and then be informed that a licence would not be granted. The Council ad3ourned on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and ZClller. READ AND ADOPTED, 8th dunes 1953. Clerk ' ' EnactfiE Mayor. TWE~Y-SIXTH MEETING REGUI~R ~ETING Council Cha~,~er, 8th June, 1953. Pursuant to adjounmment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 8th. June, 1953, for the purpose of consider~ general business and finance. All members of Council were present, with the exception of His Worship, ~yor ltawkins. Enactin~ ~yor Grant Donald, presided. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. ~'~cDonald and Martin. DEPUTATIONS Mr. John P. Matthews, of Mart~n, Calvert and ~atthews, Solicitor for ~ir. Jules Juliani, was present at the meeting and on the motion of Ald. Mowers and. Miller, was permitted to address the Council. He advised Council that he had reviewed the relevant by-laws dealing with this matter; had made an inspection of the property after which he had advised ~LP. Juliani to again file an application for a lodging house licence. Mr. Matthe~s proceeded to quote from By-law No.20~9, Section 1, with reference to the meaning of lodging house and contended that a portion of the building in question is used as a gift shop,. the balance of which contains 10 bedre.as which are approached fro~ one common entrance, five belLrooms on each side, and ~as of the opinion that the building fully complies with the defirdtion as set out in By-law 2049. FAr. Matthews conclused by requesting Co~mcil's faycurable consideration to the application of Jules Juliani for a lodging house licence. SEE Communication No. 215L Messrs. Roberrs and Craig, residents of ~alleyway were present at the meeting and on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin were permitted to speak. ~r. ~oberts advised that they were resident on Valleyway ust be o · · ,,o01 a.d re erred to th, violations aga , Ahis a ::tL"es Ts that st speeding '~ a 20-mile speed limit be placed in~'effect. He was advised by the Enacting Mayor that this was not possible due to the fact that the Govermment made the speed limit uniform all over the Province, but assured Mr. Roberrs that all associations connected with municipalities intend to continue approaching the Goven~,~ent to reduce the speed limit in certain areas. Reference was made to warning signs in school areas for drivers to slow down and it was agreed that 24 signs having been delivered, action should be taken to have the same erected. Reference was also made to the persistence of residents in that area driv~ up the wrong side of the street and Mr. Craig was of the opinion that this could be overcome with co-operation from mnicipal authorities. He referred to the delayed action in opening up the closed portion of Valleyway and was of the opinion that this created a bottle-neck for traffic. Re was advised by the City Manager that this section will be-surfaced just as soon as weather permits. Ald. Mowers referred to the situation created by foreign born persons being licensed to drive motor vehicles while unable to read or speak the language and Ald. Miller agreed that this is a point which he would take up at the Traffic Conference schedulJd in Kingston June lOth, to 12th; also the matter of municipalities being given authority te reduce speed limits within their boundaries. Enacting Mayor Donald assured the delegation that he would take the matters referred to by the delegation up with the Chief of Police to try and obtain more rigid enforcement of the speeding by-laws an,1 the Chairman of the TrafCic Ceumittee w~uld be asked to take the situation under advisement with a view to bringing in a recommendation which would alleviate the conditions. · The City Manager was instructed to take up with the City S~liciter the matter of whether the existing traffic by-law-covers the situation with reference to the divided lanes on Valleyway and if not, that an amendment be brought in which weuld~ Ald. Mowers referred to the height of hedges, Particularly at intersections and was advised by the City Manager that in accordance with his recommsndation a year ago, an attempt is being made to keep them to a level of three feet. Ald. Miller desired to ]mow when the street flusher would be delivered by the P~uLro and was advised ~ the City Maaager that it was expected on Tuesday morning, 4me 9~h at ll A.M. 165 166 COM~JNICATIONS Laid ov____eF. No. 207 - Messrs. Smith and Pe_t_.ri.e. - requesting permission to operate a guide sexYice. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and McKinley that the communi- cation be received and filed and permission be not granted. SE__E Cammmic._~a_tions~O and 211 The followin~c~at~i.o.n~s~ _w. ere 2resented; No. 210 - ~ Pa~rk_s Commi____s~s. io+3n - re issuing of guide lieonce. ORDFPaD on the motion of Ald. Miller and McKinley that the communication be received and filed. No. 211 - Grsater____Ni_af~ar_a..C.h..amb_ef o~f O__o~m~e.r_c_e_ - re Messrs. Smith and Petrio. ORDF. F~D on the motion of Ald. Miller and McKinley that the communication be received and filed. No. 212 - Grea~e____._[r.N_i.a~a~ B__oa_t..in~__ql.u~b - rsquesting permission to hold Parade, June 20th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that the communi- cation be received and filed and permission granted. No. 213 - NiaKara Falls Fire Fifhters - change in plans to sponsor Circus,June 13th. ORDERED an the motion of Ald. ~hcDonald and Mowers that the communication be received and filed. No. 214 - Murray ManEo - re traffic condition on Sumner Street. ORDEFSED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the communication be received and referred to the Traffic Connittee. No. 215 - Marts,4 Calvert and Matthews - enclosing application for Lodging House Licehoe. 0RDEF~D on the motion 'o~i~. Mowers and Martin that the application be received and lald on the table for one ~eek for a full Council, which will be the week of June 15th, providin~ there is a full Council on that date. - HEPORT3 Laid over from the previous meeting; No. 92 - City Clerk - re application for a Class 'A' Garage License. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the report be received and filed and the license be not approved. ~_~__~B_~q..r~. .N.2. j~-, The follo.wi/lg Reverts were p._re~ No. 94 - Property Committee - reconmending application for Class 'A' Garage License, be not a~proved. OPaERED on the motion of Ald. Killer and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted. No. 95 - Licen. sin~ Ccmmit~_te_~e . referring application to City Council for consid- eration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin that the report be received and laid on the table for one week for a full Council, which will be the week of June 15th, providing there is a full Council on that date. No. 96 - City Manager - re rebuilding stalls on City _Market And also advising the amount required to widen roadway on Huron from Erie to Ontario. O?aEKED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Miller that the report be received and adopted with regard to the reconstruction of the stalls, at an estimated cost of $2,913.75 and the matter of widening Huron St. be referred to the 1954 Council for consid- eration. I No. 97 - City Clerk - draft resolution for submission to the Ontario Municipal ~sso- clarion in convjntion regarding taxation of Crown properties, etc. ORD~D on the motion of Ald. Mowers and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted and the resolution be forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Association. Press and radio were requested to give publicity to this resolution in order to acquaint the citizens with Council's efforts in this connection. SEE Resolution No. 73. No. 98 - City Clerk - recomraendin~ issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks &nd Mowers that the report be received and adopted and licences issued accordingly, with the exception of the application of A~S. T. Kosloff, to be laid over for consideration of a full Council. No. 99 - ~Nana_~ _ advising of presentation of Civi 'a June 16th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald McKinle and M~ n Defence Pureper on · Y cDonald that the report be received and filed and as many members of Council as possible be present on that occasion. No.lO0 . City Clerk - application for hawker and pedlar licehoe. ORDFPGD on the motion of Ald. Macdonald and McKinley that the reportbe received and filed and the licehoe be not granted. ~SCELLANEOUS The parking situation on Huron Street, between St. Lawrence Averme am~ Welland Avenue and from Welland Avenue to St. Clair Avenue was referred to and it was agreed that the same should be inspectedby the Traffic Committee at the time of'their consideration of the condition existh~g on Summer Street, con- rained in Ccmmmnication No. 214. Ald. Martin,at the request of Enacti~ M~yor Donald, gave a brief verbal report on information received from Colonel Crowe of the Department of Travel and Publicitywith reference to what might be tenued a Standard or 'dry' hotel and the licensir~ under the terms of The Tourist Establishment Act. RESOLUTIONS The followinapt. solutions were J~!sse~d~ No. 76 - MOWERS _ McKINLEy _ RESOLVED that the congratulations of the City Council be extended to th~ b~m~ion Committee a~dOivic ~roups Participating in the parade on June 2nd, 19~3; which resulted in one of the finest parades ever witnessed in Niagara Falls; also special appreciation be forwarded to the' employees of the City Street Department, who carried on duties necessary, thus relinquishing the pleasure in Joining in the festivities of the day; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carrie____jd. No. 77 -MCKINLEY -MacDONALD . ~OLVEDThatAld. Miller be aPPointed Enacting Chairman ofFihance;"a~e~Seal of the C~rporation be hereto affixed. · Carrie.~d. No. 78 - M0~F. RS _ MacDONALD . RESOLVED that Whereas public utilities and ~nter- prises owned and ~perated ~y goverr~ment or governing bodies, either directly or by coanission, are not subject to municipal taxation as are Privately-owned and operated utilities; , And Whereas such utilities and enter- Prises purport to supply services at cost; · And whereas nnmicipal tadteflon on such utilities or unter~prises should form part of the cost and do form part of the cost ' in PrivatelyeoperAted utilities; t6R And Whereas under present methods of municipal taxation services are supplied to publicly-owned utilities and enterprises almost entirely by taxation on privately-owned real estate and business, in effect bonusing such publicly-owned utilities and enterprises at the e~oense of the taxpayers of the municipalities; And Whereas recent amsndments to Dominion and Provincial Legislation whereby certain payments in lieu of taxation my be made, partially recognizes the principle that all assessments should be ta~vable; Now Therefore Be It Resolved That the Dominion and Provincial Governments be requested to amend the Statutes so as to allow municipalities to tax utilities and Crown properties on the same basis as privately-owned or operated utilities, companies and properties; a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Association for consid- ' erarich during their forthcoming convention; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carrie~d The £ ol _.owinf SZ-.la w.s' w ere !d ss ed; No. 496___~j5 - To amend By-law Number 4134, being a by-law to provide for install- ation of parking meters. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that Ald. Miller be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried. ORDE~F~D on the motion of Ald. Martin and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried. Third Reading .Ald. Mowers and MacDonald - Carried. No_2L~ - To authorize the execution of a deed. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and MacDonald that Ald. McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. _ Carried. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading.. Carried. Third Reading .Ald. MacDonald and Martin - Carried~ No_RA~ - To authorize the execution of an agreement for sale and deed. 0RDEF~D' on the motion' of Ald. Mowers and Martin that Ald. McKinley bb granted the, privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. _ Carried. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Howers and NLller that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time. - Carried. Third Reading .Ald. MacDonald and M~wers . Carried. The Council adjourned to Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. NacDonald and Miller. READ AND ADOPTED, 15th June, 1953. Clerk ' Enacting Mayor. FINANCE NF~ING Council Chamber, 8th June, 1953. The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 8th June, 1953 for the purpose of ~approving axed also passh~g the various accounts which had been properly cel~ifiod and placed before them. ' All members of' the Cmmmittee were present, with the exception of His Worship ~ayor Hawkins. Acting Chain~an of Finance, Ald. Miller, presided. Stundry Accounts submitted, in the amountof $46,368.32 were approved by the Committee. The Accotmts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald. Tenders for uniforms for the Fire Department, received at the meeting of June 1st and referred for tabulation, were again considered, along with the Summary of same. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that the tenders submitted by Marshall, s Men' s Shop, for the supply of suits, at a quotation of $6~. and caps at a quotation of $~.~0, be accepted. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald, upon verbal recon~endation of the City Manager, that the t~nder of T. Eaton Co. Ltd. at a quotation of $50. for the s~pply of overcoats, be accepted. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and McKinley that the tender submitted by Edd Masters, for the supply of shirts, at a quotation of $3.61 be accepted. "The application of A. Martin, for a building permit to construct a one- roon addition to the front of his dwelling at 5~1 Ferguson Street, at an estimated cost of $1,000. laid over from the previous meetLlg, was again presented for con- sideration. Upon the recc~anendation of the Property Committee and on the motion ad Ald. MacDonald and McKinley it was ordered that the application be received and accepted, and permit issued. The offer of A. Toneguzzo to purchase Lot No. 175, Plan 6, Hickson Ave. for the sum of $28L was presented for consideratiou. Upon the reconmmmdation'of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Mowers and MacDonald, it was ordered that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the condition that a dwellL1g of At least $8,000. value be er6cted upon the premises within a period of six months. The Report of the Property Committee on the above totters was ordered received and filed an the motion of Ald. Mowers and MacDonald. 169 The City Manager' s report in connection with the application of C. Quagliariello for a building permit to enclose the front verandab to convert it into part of a livi~ room and one small room, was presented for considersrich. ORDERED ~n the motion of Ald. Martin and MacDonald that the report be received and referred to the Property C~,s,ittee for consideration. The City Manager' s report in connection with the application of Frank Nagy, to erect a garage at the rear of the house now under constntction at 2195 Buchanan Avenue, ~as' presented for considerations' ORDERED' on' the motion of Ald. Martin and MacDonald that the report be received and referred to the Property Committee for consideration. The City Manager' s report submitting sketch re subdivision of Lots 172, and 171, Plan 6, Leader Lane, was presented for consideration. O~ on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin that the report be received and adopted. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers. ORDERED on the motion 0£ Aid. McKinley and ~Hller that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and tile by-law be given the second reading. - Carried, Third Reading _Ald. NacDonald and Martin - Carried. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Martin and Miller. READ AND ADOPTED, 15th June, 1953. READ AND ADOPT~.D, 15th June, 1953. COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 8th June,1953. ' The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council-and Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law ~hich covered the accounts approv~d by the Committee. All members of the Council were present, with the exception of His Worship, Nayor Hawkins. Enacting Na~or Donald presided. BY-~AW The fcll.~Ang By-law. was passed; No. &968 - To provide monies for general purposes. ORD~ on the metion of Ald. Mc~ers and Mertia that Ald. m!!~er be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the 'by-law be given the first reading. - Carried. 1erk "' ~ ' ' Acting Mayor. Council Chamber, 15th June, 1953. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at ?.30 p.m. on Monday, 15th June, 1953, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of CouncLl were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meet~, adopted these on the motion of Ald..MacDonald CONG A_Tb AT .ON His Worship, Mayor Hawkins, who artended the Coronation of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, in England, on June 2nd, upon returning to the Council Meettalg, extended hie congratulations to the Coronation Committee of the City of Niagara Falls, members of the City Council, groups and units participating in the Coronation Day Parade, for making Coronation Day in Niagara Falls such a huge success. He concluded his remarks by expressing his deep appreciation on behalf of his fmuif~v and himself for the sympathy extended by the members of CounCil, upon the deSth of his late mother. ._ . ~PUTATIONS FAr. John P. Matthews of Martin, Calvert and Matthews, representing Mr. Jules Juliani and his application for a lodging house licence, laid over from the previous meeting, was permitted to address the Council, on the motion of Ald. Mowers and MacDonald. For the benefit of His Worship the Nayor who was absent from the previous meeting, he reiterated his interpretation of the City By-law 20~9 and his request that faycurable consideration be given to the appli- eation. Ald. Donald, in replying to the Solicitor, for Mr. Juliani, quoted a section of The Municipal Act dealing ~ith the powers of Council with reference to licensing and indicated that the matter ef policy as to any license was within the complete Jurisdiction of the Council. The matter of the definition of the word 'motel' was again interjected, it being agreed that there is present]~V no legal definition. His Worship Mayor Hawkins again stated his stand with reference to the license for this property, indicating that until such time as the building was altered and the operation was carried on in a different ran-nor that he could not approve of the granting of an~ license. Ald. Falllet referred to other premises on Roberrs Street which had been previously refused a licence and expressed the opinion that since a permit was granted for the Juliani b,,{lding in spite of paragraph (b) of by-law ~437, that there seemed to be an onus ou the City to grant a licenee. Ald. M~wers referred to the fact that at a previous meeting of Council, he had had this restrictive clause re-inserted in the by-law governing this type of operation. Ald. Martin cAuoted from the report which had previously been submitted, on all phases of the Juliani matter and was ,of the opinion that i~ it were operated as an unlicensed hotel, a licence could be isSued but not for a lodging hourse or motel or tourist home, whichever designation it used and referred to advice obtained £rem Colonel Crowe of the Department of Travel and Publicity with refere.ce to the defiaitions of an irm and a lodge. SEE C~nication No. SEE CO~[~rICATIONS Laid over from a Rrevious meet.~j.~A No. 215 - Martin, Calve~ and ~tthews - enclosing application for Lodging House Licenee.' ORDEP~ 6n~i'~jy~ot~i~of Ald. ~ller and Brooks that the munication be received and filed and tRat Mr. Juliani be granted a licence to operate a lodging house at 181~ Victoria Avenue, in view of the fact that a permit for the structure had been granted, in spite of Clause (b) of By-law 4~37. The motion was lost, the vote being . Aye -Ald. ~Liller, Broo1~s, McKinley and Mowers; Naye .Ald. MacDonald, Martin, Donald and His Worship the Mayor. SEE Repp.rt.. N~..gi; The foll...c~i~'jt~.~C...~o~....c~at~i~on_~s we~.re. p..r. esez~tpd;. No. 216 - Greater NiCEare General Hospital . re account of Chu Yet. O}~ERED on the mot~~l b'~f~&n'd' l'foW'er's~tEat the communication be received and filed and Council authorize the payment of an amount of $763. conm~encing with the period of May 27th, 1952 and the Hospital be so advised. SEE Re~ort No.lO1. No. 217 - Ontario Provincial Command, Army, Navy and Air Force Veterans _ requesting Permission to hold a parade on June 28th. In connjction ~it'h this communication the Clerk advised that their representative had contacted him with reference to the route the parade should follow. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the communication be received and filed and permission be granted for the route so indicated to the Clerk. c--~ ay lo t. ORDE~ on the motion of Ald. Mowers and ~iil e cation be received, acknowledged and filed. 1 r that the No. 219 - Clerk of Burl~on, Ontario . resolution re speed limit. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ' resolution endorsedTr°°ks and M~I 1or that the communication be .received and the No. 220 - Nayor of Montreal , invitation to International Municipal Congress. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. NJ.ller and MacDonald that the com~mication be received and laid on the table until such t~me as the City Clerk obtains more information regarding this event, at ~nich time the N~yor's intentions will be considered. No. 221 - Laurence C. Crawford _ Financial Report for year ended December 31st, 1952. OR~ on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that the report be received and the Clerk be authorized to forward the same to the printer; and that the City Manager contact the City Auditor to ascertain the masons for the tardiness of · these Statements. The foilowing Co~,~nications were received too late for inclusion on the agenda but on the Motion of Ald. Fdller and MacDonald, it was ordered that they be con- sidered. No. ?~2 - Julia Niscevich-Krstid~ . re condition of curb at 909 ROberrs Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mc~ers and McKinley that the con~cation be received and referred to the City Manager to correct this situation and the writer be so notified. No. 223 - ~rs. Hawken _ re condition existing after rainfall at 917 Roberrs Street. 0RDE~ an the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the communication be received and referred to the City Manager for a report from the Divisional Engineer of the Department of Highways and the writer be so notified. 173 I~PORTS Laid ove~ from the previous meeting; No. 95 - Licensin~ Con~nittee - re application of Jules Juliani for a lodging house licence at 1815 Victoria Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. M~]]er and Brooks that the report be received and filed and Mr. Juliani be granted a Licence to operate a lodging house at 1815 Victoria Avenue, in view of the fact that a permit for the structure had been granted, in spite of Clause (b) of By-law ~437. The motion was lost, the vote being - Aye -Ald. Miller, Brooks, McKinley and Mowers; Hays -Ald. MacDonald, Martin, Donald~ and His Worship the Nayor. SEE Ccnmmnication No. 215. No. 98 - Application of l,~s. T. Eosloff - for a lodging house licence. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the application be received and the licence be. granted; Carried; The vote was - Aye -Ald. McKinley, Mowers, MacDonald, Donald and Martin; Naye- Ald. Miller; Brooks did not vote. Prior to this, Ald. Miller moved that the licerice be not granted; there was no seconder to this motion. The following Reports were presented; No. 101 - Welfare Administrator - re account of Chu Yet. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the report be received and filed and Council authorize the payment of the amount of $763. for the period commencing May 27th, 1952; and the Hospital be so notified. No. 102 - City Manager - re two lanes of traffic on Valley Way and authority therefore. ORREED on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, with the suggestion that the press and radio publicize . the same. No. 103 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Mowers that the report be received and adopted and licenoes issued accordingly. Ald. Mowers queried the reason for opening up the southerly section of Valley ~ay and was of the opinion that it should be closed, due to the terrible dust nuisance existing. The City Manager advised that this was done in an effort to consolidate it so that it can be oiled, but that calcium chloride w~]] be placed on it for the time being. PETITION The foLlowin~ Petition was presented; No. 4 - James E. Sacco and/* others - requesting construction of a sidewalk on the north side of ~aery Street. ORDE~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and Brooks that the petition be received and referred to the City Manager for a report. BY-LAW Laid ever from a previous meetin~ N_o.,/,955 - To authorize the construction of a 12-inch sewer on FAtir Avenue from Ferguson Street to 490 feet south of Ferguson Stree~ as a Local Improvement under the provisions of Th~ Local Improvement Act. Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and l~cKinley - Carried Una~ouslF. VERBAL ~PORT His Worship ~ayor Hawkins presented a verbal report on his recent trip to the Coronation in England and of his pride in representing the City of Niagara Falls. He outlined the pc~ and ceremony in connection with it and c~ the excell- ent seats he and ~rs. Hawkins were privileged to have. He concluded his remarks by expressing his thanks to CouncL1 on behalf of Mrs. Hawkins and himseE for the possibility of attendir~ the Coronation. ~ESCELLANEOUS Ald. Brooks referred to the bad condition of the curb on Victoria Avenue between Thorbum, s Drug Store and the Canadian Corps and the City ~anager agreed to take this matter under advisement. Ald. M~]]er referred to the condition existing on First Avenue from Bridge Street north and suggested the application of oil to alleviate the dust condition. The City Manager agreed to look after this. Aid. McKinley referred to the Niagara Frontier Huun~ne Society and was of the opinion that from information he had received, it did not ap~ ar that the Society is able to carry out its obligations and the inability of one Inspector to take care of the entire Greater Niagara ar~a. SE Resolution No.78. .The, fo~llowin_~ _R_esolntion was passed~ No. 78 A - MCKINLEY - MOWF~ES - RESOLVED that the City Manager and the Chairs~n of Finance be requested to submit a report on the Niagara Frontier Hmmane Society; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimo~sl~ The Counc~.adjourned to Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinleyand MacDonald. READ AND ADOFrED, 22~d June, 1953. Clerk FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 15th June,1953. The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, June 15th, 1953 for the purpose of approving and also passingthe'various accounts which had been properly certi- fied and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Ald. Donald, presided as Chairman of Finance. Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $3/*,814.65 were approved by the Connmtttee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald. N~Kinleyand~artin. The application of C. Quagliariello for a building permit to enclose the front verandah to convert it into part of a living room and one S/m~l l roo~, laid over froIn the previous meeting, was again presented for consideration. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and M~;ers that the application be tabled until Council inspect this location on the ground, A motion made by Ald. 1,~%cDonald, adopting the Property Committee' s reconmendation that the permit be not granted, was withdrawn. The report of the City Manager regarding the request of Frank Nagy, 2195 Buchanan Avenue to erect a garage in the rear of the house now under construction at that location, laid over from the previous meeting, was again presented for consideration. Upon the recommendation of the Property Conmdttee and on the motion of Ald. M~]ler and Y-cDonald it was ordered that the permit be not granted. The offer of Casper Teal to purchase Part of Lots 171 and 172, Plan 6, Hickson Avenue, for the sum of $2~0. was presented for consideration. Upon the rec~maendation of the Properby Conmuittee and on the motion of Ald. Mowers amd Mis Worship the Mayor, it was ordered that the offer be received and accepted subject to the condition that a dwelling of at least $9,500. value be erected upon the premises ~ithin a period of six months. The report of the Property C~Jttee on the above matters was ordered received a~d filed on the motion of Ald. M~ers and Nayor Hawkins. The report of the City,Manager regarding the application of the Pente- costal Church for a building permit to erect an addition to the rear of the Church on the south side of Huron Street, between Buckley and Victoria, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Miller that the report be received and adopted and the permit be issued. Ald. Mowers referred be the fact that construction is often commenced before the actual application for a building permit has been received and was of the opinion that this should not be ~ll owed. The Statement of Relief for the month of May, 1953 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and His Worship the ~ayor that the same be received, given the usual publicity and filed. The' Ccnnnittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mower s. AND ADOFrED, 22nd. June, 1953. Chairman of Finance. COUNCIL ~9EET]]~G Council Chamber, 15th Ju~e, 1953. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetings, for the purpose of pessing the by-law which covers4 the accounts approved by the Committee. ALl me~bers of the Council were present. His Worship, llL~yor Hawkins, presided. BY-LAW The followia~ By-l. aw. was No. ~76~ - To prgvide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that Ald. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unard]aously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and MacDonald that R~ule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and Donald - Carried Unanimously. VEF~AL REPORT Ald. N~!ler, Chairman of the Traffic Committee, who had been delegated by Council to attend the Ontario Traffic Conference in Kingston on June lOth, lltHand 12th, 1953 presented a full and comprehensive ~erbal report on the same. He commenced his report by expressing his appreciation to Council ~or the privilege of attending the Conference and advised that it was very interesting and instructive ar~l stated that there were 123 registrations representing different municipalities and that each day there were different discussions. He referred specifically to the Traffic Violators' School which has been inaugnrated in Kitchener and was in complete agre~en~ with this idea. MW m~nicipalities are faycuring metered parking lots, off street parking and one-way streets predominantly mentioned. Traffic problems should be considered along ~ith Town Planning particularly where municipalities have amalgamated. Ald. Miller had in his possession pamphlets regarding flasher lights which were distributed at the Conference and was of the opinion that such flashere would be beneficial to the City of Niagara Falls for road construction or repairs, and proceeded to make a comparison of costs in operation between these and kerosene lam~s. He advised Counc~ that he had taken up the matter of D.P. drivers and was assured by the Convention that this would be carried to the proper authorities with a view to having the conditio~ corrected. The speed limits in municipalities particularly in the vicinity of schools was again discussed and it too would be pressed for a change in legislation. Ald. Miller also presented a revised sketch on the intersection of Valley- Way and Victoria Avenue and informed Council of suggestions made as to how the condition could be properly handled at that point and that a Northern Electric representative, thoroughly ~ersed in traffic control, had expressed a willingsee to come to Niagara Fails to discuss such problems. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald. BEAD AND ANOFP~:D, 22nd, June,1953~' k~, . TWENTY-EIGHTH MEETING P~BULAH ~EETING Council Chamber, 22rid. June,1953. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. 'on Monday, 22nd. June, 1953, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of ~ld. MacDonald and Martin. DEPUTATIONS Mr. Fred Clark, St. was present at the meeting and on the motion of. Ald. MacDonald and Martin, was permitted to speak to Council. He presented the City Olerk with a letter, which the .Clerk read, containing favourable con~nents ~ith reference to the recent participation of the Niagara Memorial Band in the Second Annual Senior Drum and Bugle Corps Competition in Batavia, New York on Jane 20th, in which they won the second prize of $300. His Worship the M~vor thanked Mr. Clark for being present at the meeting and assured him that Council would be prepared to help to promote the Memorial Band as they are a credit to the City of Niagara Fal'ls. SEE Connnunication No. 224 Mr. Luther Cartledge was present at the meeting in connection with his comunication in which he requests removal of Lot No. 11 on the north side of Lundy's Lane, east of Drunmond Road from the residential section in order that he might demolish the e~isting premises dnmnEed by fire recently, and construct a modern service station thereon. ~{DERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and McKinley that Mr. Cartledge be heard. He outlined his plans in this connection. SEE Communication No. 225 Mrs. Mary Juliani was present at the meeting in connection with her communication in which she queried Council concerning what alterations would be necessary in order to secure a "Tourist Establishment" license. His Worship the Mayor advised Mrs. Juliani that this was not a decision for Council to make but rather. for her lawyers to decide. Mrs. Juliani addressed Council on the motion of Ald. Martin and MacDonald. SEE Communication No.226 COMMUNICATIONS laid over from a previous meeting; No. 185 - City of Windsor - re proposed centennial celebration of Windsor in 195~. (RDERED on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and McKinley that the communi- cation be received and referred to the 195~ Council and also a Committee be set up for the semi-centennial observance of the City of Niagara Falls. The following Communications were presented; No. 224 - Fred Clark. Sr, - re attendance of Niagara MemOrial Band at Competition in Batavia, New York. ORDERED on the motion of kld. MacDonald and McKinley that the communication be received and filed. No. 225 ~ ~uther Cartle~e - requesting removal of Lot ~o. II, Lundy' s Lane from residential area. Fd)E~D on the motion of Aid. Miller and MacDonald that the comaun~eation be reoeived and a b~-law be prepared to include this lot in the commercial area, for presentation to the Ontario Municipal Board. No. 226 - Mary JUliani - requesting information as to alterations necessary to secure a Tourist Establishment License. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mac Donald and Miller that the comunication be received and filed and no further action taken. No. 227 - Women's Division, Junior Chamber of Commerce - requesting permission motion of Aid. Brooks c connnunication be received and filed and permission be granted. TENDERS Tenders had been called for the installation of floor covering at the corner Customs Building at the coruer of Parr Street and Clifton Avenue, pre- sently being renovated for the accommodation of Police and Engineering Depart- ments. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the tenders received, be opened, initialled by His ~rship the Mayor and read° FURTHER ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and MacDonald that the tenders be referred to the Civic Buildings Committee for presentation of a report to Council. REPORTS The following Reports were presented; No. 10~ - City Manager - recommending construction of a concrete sidewalk on north side of Emery Street from Stanley Avenue to the west limit of Lot 17. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Miller and Brooks that the report be received and adopted and the work be proceeded with. SEE Petition No. 4. No. 105 - City Manager - recommending construction of a concrete sidewalk on the east side of Ottawa Avenue, between McRae and Stamford Streets. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley that the report be received and adopted and the work be proceeded with. No. 106 - City Manager - recommending re-surfacin~ 7 streets during 1953. ORDERED on the motion or Aid. MacDonald and McKinley that the report be received and adopted with the exception of Valleyway, which is to be left in abeyance for the time being. SEE Resolution No. 7?. No. 107 - City Manager - recommending increase in price of water to Township of Niagara. ~RDERED on the motion of Aid. Donald and Mowers that the report be received and tabled And the City Manager prepare a report giving a break-down of the costs referred to in his report and a comparison of rates presently in effect under agreements with other municipalities and any other pertinent information, to be considered at the next meeting of Council; and that the Township of Niagara be notified to attend a meeting on Tuesday night at 7.30 p.m. June 30th. to review the agreement. Ald. Martin suggested that the City Manager's report be placed in the hands of the members of Council prior to the next regular meeting in order that the same may be perused. No. 108 - Traffic Committee - 6 recommendations. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Hartin and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted. No. 109 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted. and licences ~e issued accordingly. 179 No. 110 - City Manager - re Audttor's P~port. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin that the report be received and filed. Ald. Mowers was of the opinion that it should not be necessary to have to wait six months for such a report; that it should he available within three and a half months. No. 111 - City ManaKer - re activities of Niagara Frontier Humane Society. Moved by Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the report be received and filed and the Humane Society be requested to redouble their efforts to overcome complaints received. This motion was lost; the vote being Aye -Ald. Donald, MacDonald and Mowers; Naye -Ald. Miller, Brooks, Martin and MCKinley. An amendment by Ald. McKinley and Brooks that this report be tabled and the City Manager suNnit a further report on two alternative methods for the apprehending of dogs, and the costs involved, be submitted; was carried; the vote being - Aye -Ald. Mc- Kinley, Brooks, Miller and Martin; Naye -Ald. Donald, Mowers and MacDonald. PETITION Laid over from the previous meeting; No. 4 .- James E. Sacco and 4 others - requesting construction of a sidewalk on north side of Emery Street. CRDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Brooks that the petition be received and filed and the work be proceeded with. Report No.104 RESOLUTION The followinK Resohtion was passed; No. 79 - MILLER - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that the Department of Highways be communi- cated with concerning the repairs necessary to Falls Avenue; and the Seal cf the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. MISCELLANEOUS Ald. Mowers suggested the installation of a drinking fountain at Poplar Park to accommodate children playing there and the City Manager agreed to take this suggestion under advisement. Ald. Miller referred to the complaints received concerning garbage collections on Buchanan, Spring and Robinson Streets and was of the opinion that something should be d~ne to eliminate the inconvenience caused when collections missed on certain streets and questioned whether this had arisen because of the lack of equi[ment. Ald. Brooks also referred to failure to collect garbage on Walnut Street. The City Manager proceeded to present a verbal report on the method used to Collect garbage and assured the Aldermen that those streets missed will be take~ care of in the morning; that a change in staff has recently occurred, which may have been the reason for the oversight. It was his opinion, however, that generally speaking the garbage was fairly well cleaned up. BY-lAWS The followin~ By-la~s were passed; Tt'o - To a~end By-law No. 4934, bein~ a by-law to provide for.~orrowing upon debentures to pay for the construction of sewers on Broughton Avenue and Victoria Avenue. O~DEF~ on the motion of Aid. Mowers and MacDonald that Ald. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and. the ~-law be read the first time. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Mowers - Carried Unanimously. ~ - To authorize the execution of an agreement for sale and deed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers thatAld. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Brooks and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and MacDonald - Carried Unanimously. ~ - To authorize the execution of an agreement for sale and deed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that Ald. Donald be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried Unanimously. OPaERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and F~tller - Carried Unanimously. The Council adjourned to Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers. AND ADOPTED, 29th June, 1953. Clerk -~--~- Mayor FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, .22nd, June, 1953. The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, June 22nd, 1953 for the purpose of approving and also passing the vatiotas accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Conmittee were present. Ald. Donald presided as ChaiTsan of Finance. sa. Sundry Accounts subsifted, in the amount of $~.5,b.70.~2 were approved by the Committee. The Accounts su~nitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Miller. The application of C. Quagliariello for a building permit to enclose a front verandah at 1306 Buchanan Avenue; the Property Committee's report; laid over from the previous meeting, were again presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MiLler and Martin that the matter be referred to the City Solicitor to ascertain whether this proposed alteration will con- flict with the existing by-law. The City Manager's report concerning the application of T. Fiorentino for a building permit to erect a dwelling on Lot 29?, north-east comer of Ottawa and Stamford Streets, at an estimated cost of $12,000. was presented for consideration. OF~)ERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and MacDonald that the same be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report. The City Manager's report on the valves on the filters at the Filtration Plant and his request to order 1-1A inch valve; 1-18 inch valve and 1-24 inch valve, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of His Worship the Mayor and Ald. MacDonald that the report be received and adopted. The offer of Orlando Osvaldo to purchase the south part of Lots 171 and 172, Plan 6, Loader Lane for the sum of $250. was presented for consider- ation. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Brooks that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the provision that a dwelling of at least $8,000. value be erected upon the premises within a period of six months. The City Manager's report regarding receipt of a letter from the Solicitors for Mr. Frank Magy, 2195 Buchanan Avenue, regarding his application for a building permit to erect a garage on his property, was presented for con- sideration. (RDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Brooks that the matter be referred to the City SoLicitor for a report. The City Manager's report concerning'the progress with grading or Canadian Corps property recently leased by the City of Niagara Falls as a parking lot, was presented for consideration. The report contained quotations from two Parking Meter Companies. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and ~owers that the report be received and the City Manager be authorized to proceed with the purchase of Mico-Meters to be erected on single standards and the posts be installed as soon as possible so as to indicate to the public that the lot will be a metered one. The Committee arose and reported, to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Martin. READ AND ADOPTEC, 29th June, 1953. Chairman of Finance. COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 22nd, June, ~953. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present. His Worship, Mayor Hawkins, presided. The following By-law was passed; No. h973 - To provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley thatAld. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time, - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and Mowers. - Carried Unanimously. The City Manager presented a verbal report on a sketch received from Mrs. Gaston, 1823 Gladstone Avenue, regarding her proposal to tear down the existing garage and build a concrete block garage with an apartment above it. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that the matter be referred to the Property Committee. Ald. McKinley desired to know when the vacancy in the Fire Department would be replaced and was advised by the City Manager that the position had been posted to-day. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller. READ AND ADOP'£F~, 29th June, 1953. TWENTY-NINE MEETING council Chamber, 29%h June, 1953. reGULAR MEETING Pursuant to adJourmment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 29th June, 1953~ for the purpose of considering general busihess and finance. All members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Mar~in. REPUTATIONS Mr. Clark Armstead was present at the meeting in connection with the application of Sorereefs Advertising Company for a Hawkers and Pedlars Licerice, and on the motion of Ald. Donald and Martin was permitted to address the Council. He outlined the procedure to be followed, namely a sales campaign by telephone for the sale of coupon books to the public, which would be beneficial to the merchants in the area. SEE Report 115. COMMUNICATIONS The following Communications were presented: Nol 228 - Bell Telephone Company - requesting permission to place cables, anchors and a pole on Dyson Avenue and Huttrey Street. No. 229 - Bell Telephone Company - requesting permission'to place one anchor on Stanley Street, north of Arthur Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mc- Kinley and MacDonald that the comunications be received and filed'and permiss- ion granted. SEE By-law ~97~. No. 230 - Indian Defense League of America - invitation and request for the use of Oakes Park on July 18th, 1953. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the'invitation be received and accepted and the request be granted. No. 231 - Niagara Falls Summer Theatre - re inability of Council to be present on ' Opening Night'. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and MacDonald that the communication be received and acknowledged. No. 232 - Hermes Club. Chief Supervisor - requesting use of Market Square property as playground. ORDERED on the motiofi of Ald. McKinley and Martin that the communication be received and permission be granted but the writer be noti- fied of Council's intentions with regard to possible removal of market stalls from Huron Street to the site on Elizabeth Place, and they govern themselves accordingly. No. 233 - Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce - enclosing resolution re bridge a~'~'~pan~ing the~ellA~d'Oa~al. ORDERED'On themotionofAld.'Millerand Mowers that the resolution be received and endorsed and forwarded to the FJnte- ter of Highways with the suggestion that the Bridge Tender be authorized to see that one line of traffic only crosses the bridge each waF and that signs in- dicating that it is a '~anal Bridge' be erected farther back on the highway than at present and higher up to facilitate visibility to the motoring public. No. 23~ - Provincial Engineering Limited . requesting permission to complete siding. 8RDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the commupi- cation be received and referred to the Traffic Committee with power to act. Carried Unanimously. A motion by Ald. Donald that permission be granted pro- vided the crossing is maintained in property condition, was not seconded. No. 235 - Eastern Canadian Greyhound Lines - New route. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the communication be received and filed and permission granted. No. 236 - Martin, Calvert and Matthews - Claim of General Hospital re account of Chu Yet. GRDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin that the communi- cation be received and the Solicitors be notified that the matter has been tabled for one ~ek and they along with the President of the Board and the Administratorcf the Hospital be requested to be present at the next meeting of Council to discuss this matter. Carried Unanimously. Prior to this, Ald. Donald and Brooks moved that the City pay the balance of the account and deduct same from the 1952 Hospital Grant. ( is was later Th withdrawn). AId. McKinley moved that the communication be referred to the City Manager for consultation · rlth the City Solicitor. _ this was not seconded. REPORTS The followin~ Reports were presented; No. 112 - City Manager - recommending construction of a 6-inch watermain on the north side of Murray from Finley to a point 210 feet east of Finlay Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted. No. 113 - City Manager . recommending appointment of K. H. Jamleech as permanent fireman. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the report be received and adopted. No. 11~ - City Clerk - recommending issuance of llcences. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted and licences issued accordingly. No. 115 - City Clerk - re application for a Hawker and Pedlar Licence which has not been approved. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Brooks that the report be received and laid on the table for further information. (Ald. Donald- contrarY).+ Prior to this, Ald. Mowers and Donald moved that the report be received and adopted and no licence be granted. This was later withdrawn. No. 116 - City Treasurer . Attendance at Conference of Municipal Clerks and Finance Officers' Association. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Mowers that the report be received and filed. PETITION The following Petition was presented; No. 5 - S. Mancuso and 12 others - re application of Mrs. Quagliariello for building permit. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Mowers that the petition be received and laid on the table, until Council considers report to be submitted by the City Solicitor with reference to this application and the petitioners be so notified. RESOLF~IONS The following Resolutions were p~ssed; No. 80 - McKIN~ . MOWERS - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of His Worship the Mayor and members of the City Council be forwarded to the family of the late Mr. Charles W. Warder, retired Superintendent of the Filtration Plant; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimousl No. 81 - MOWERS - BROOKS - RESOLVED that the matter of installation of parkin~ meters on the north-westerly side of Valleyway between Victoria and Morrison St=set, be referred to the Traffic committee for a report; and the Seal, of the Corporation be hereto affixed. tarried Unanimausly. MISCELLANEOUS Ald. Miller was of the opinion that the City Solicitor should be in attendance at every Council meeting and presented a motion to this effect. There was no 8econder. Ald. Miller in referring to garbage collections, offered the suggestion to the City Manager that a change in the mode of operation be made - empty containers be left in the front of the premises to be taken in by the house- holders. The following By-laws were passed; - To provide for permission to The Bell Telephone Co. to place aerial cable and buried cable, 2 anchors and 1 pole on Dyson Avenue and Ruttrey Street; to place one anchor on Stanley Street just north of Arthur St. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that Ald. McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and Mowers - Carried Unanimously. To amend By-law Number 3790, being a by-law for regulation of traffic. ORDERED on the motion of kid. Mowers and McKinley that Ald. MiLler be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and MacDonald - Carried Unanimously. To amend By-law Number 3791, being a by-law designating through highways. ORDFREDon the motion ef Ald. Donald and Martin that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read She first time. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKir~ey and MacDonald that ~ule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald, MacDonald and Martin - Carried Unanimously. No. ~97______Z - To amend By-law Number ~0~5, respecting restricted areas and the character of buildings to be erected thereon, and to amend by-law number 1777 respecting fire areas. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald thatAld. Miller be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading.. Carried Unani~usly. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Miller that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be tenporar[ly suspended and the by-law be given the second reading.. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Donald and McKinley , Carried Unanimously. The Council adjourned to Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers. READ AND ADOPTED, 6th July, 1953. ~erk - '~gayor FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 29th June, 1953. The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, June 29th, 1953 for the purpose of approving and also passing the various. accounts which had been properly petri- fied and placed before them. All members of t he Committee were present. Ald. Donald, Presided as chairman of finance. Sundry Accounts submitted, in the amount of $72,962.15 were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of kid. McKinley and MacDonald. The tenders submitted at the last Council Meeting for the installation of flooring in the former Customs Building, which is being renovated for the accolmodation. of. the. Poli~eand. Engineering Departments, were presented for con- sideration, along with the recommendation of the Civic Buildings Committee, O~DERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin that the Summary of these Tenders be received and filed and the recommendation of the Civic Buildings Committee that the tender of Jones Floor Covering, utilizing a combination of Item I and Item III, at a maximum cost of $~,59~,63 be accepted, be adopted, and that the Committee,s recommendation that Zimmerman Construction be authorized to carry out the construction of the dais for the Courtroom, at a cost of $2,110.00, he adopted. (Ald. Brooke - contrat-/). The application of FAr. T. Florentine for a building permit to erect a dwelling on Lot 297, north-east comer of Ottawa and Stamford Streets, at an estimated cost of $12,0OO. laid over from the previous meeting, was again pre- sented for consideration. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley, it was ordered that the application be received and permission granted subject to full compliance with the Building By-laws. The application of Mrs. Gaston for a permit to build a cement block double garage and four-roomed apartment above, on the premises known as 1823 Gladstone Avenue, laid over from the previous meeting, was again considered at this time. Upon the recommendation of the Proper~y Co,,,ittee and on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald, it was ordered that the permit be granted subject to full compliance with the Building By-laws. The Report of the Property Committee was received and filed on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald. The application of Frank Nagy and the opinion of his Solicitors, with reference to the proposed erection of a garage in the roar of the house, now under construction at 2195 Buchanan Avenue, laid over from the previous meeting, was presented for consideration, along with the opinion of the City Solicitor, concerning this matter. OFFERED on the motion of His Worship the MAyor and Ald. Miller that the matter be tabled and Council assembled at 7 p.m. at 2195 Buchanan Avenue to inspect this location on Tuesday evening, June 3Oth. Prior to this action, AId. Brooks and MacDonald moved that the permit be not granted. (This was later withdrawn). AId. Mowers moved an amendment that the permit be granted: (There was no seconder). The report of -the City Manager with reference to quotations for liquid chlorine for the Filtration Plant and his recommendation that a Contract with Canadian Industries, Limited, be signed, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of His Worship the Mayor and Ald. MacDonald that the report be received and adopted. The report of the City Manager on the insurance policy covering mach- inery at the Filtration Plant, and hie opinion with roference to two objects being under-valued, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of His Worship the Mayor and Ald. Mowers that the report be received and the policy be renewed and the matter of increasing the insurance on the two objects mentioned, be laid over for consideration, pending receipt of appraisal values thereon. Carried. (Ald. Miller did not vote.) The City Clerk presented a verbal report on behalf of the Equi[eent Committee with reference to the purchase of a new adding machine to replace the one in use in the Tax Collector's Office, at a net price of $320. and also two standard manual large carriage typewriters, as replacements, at a net price of $417.50. OFFERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of AId. McKinley and MacDonald. READ AND ADOPTED, 6th July, 1953. "~""'~'~~ ~~ Clerk ' ' ' . . . ..... Chairman of Finance. MEETING Council Chamber, 29th June, 1953. The Council re-assembled at the close of the re~Alar Council and Finance Meetings for the Purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of Council were present. Mayor Hawkins, presided. Hi-~ ~orship, BY-LAW The following By-law was Passed: No. ~978_ _ To grant monies for general Purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that Ald. Donald be grunted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be mad the first time. , Carried Unanimously. O[~)ERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time.. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading .Ald. MacDonald and McKinley . Carried Unanimously. The Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of A/d. Donald and Mowers. READ AND ADOPTED, 6th July, 1953. Clerk .... ' ' Mayo r Council Chamber, 29th June, 1953. The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, 29th June, 1953 for the purpose of considering the various reports Presented to them. All members of the Committee were present. After consideration of the items placed before them, the Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Miller and Donald. READ AND ADOPTED, 6th july, 1953. Clerk THIRTIETH MEETING SPECIAL MEETING Council Chamber, 30th June,1953. Council assembled in Joint session with the .Council of the Township of Niagara in the Council Chamber at 7.30 p.m. on June 3Oth, 1953, for the purpose of reviewing the Water Agreement with the Township of Niagara. All members of the City Council were present, with the exception of AId. McKinley and all members of the Township of Niagara were present. Mayor Hawkins in opening the meeting advised Reeve Hunter and the members of the Council of the Township of Niagara as to the purpose of the meeting, pointing out the increased costs involved in the production of water and the necessity of considering ~n increase in the rate presently being charged to Niagara Township and asked Reeve Hunter if he cared to make any comments, Reeve Hunter stated that he would first Like to hear, as ~ould the members of his Council, an explanation of the costs involved. The City Manager explained in some detail the various cost items and the amount or increase which has occurred since 1945 and pointed out that the City of Niagara Falls' metered customers had been increased 5 cents per thousand gallons in the year 1951, the same year in which the Township of Niagara was increased only 2 1/2 cents and advised of the rate of pumpage as at present and the need for additional capital expenditures in the immediate future. AId. Miller expressed the opinion that the representatives from the Township of Niagara should be informed as to the rate that had been suggested and also as to the possible effect of Hydro construction on the water supply. The City Manager then advised that he himself had recommended that the rate for the Township of Niagara be increased to 15 cents but that Council was pre- pared to fix the rate at l~ cents which is the same as the minimum rate presently charged to the Township of Stamford. Reeve Hunter enquired as to what, if any, effect it would have if the Township were to use water in other than off-peak periods in the future, and whether the rate would be affected. The City Manager stated that he felt that it would have no appreciable effect on the rate but the difficulty would be to obtain such supply of water due to the inadequacy of the existing mains. He felt, however, that if this was agreed upon, that rates could be adjusted, also the hours; and in reply to a query from Ald. Mowers, stated that it would be possible to allow water to be taken by the Township in the mornings up to the hour of 10 A.M. Re referred to expected changes in water mains serving the Queenston area in the event Hydro proceeded with the storage lake. Reeve Hunter stated that they were experiencing no trouble in the Township at present but it was necessary to look to the future and Ald. Mowers concurred with this statement and expressed the view that the future is a common problem and that the City as the supplier were attempting to equalize the various rates. At this pint, Reeve Hunter and the members. of his Council retired to discuss the preposition submitted by the City Council. Reeve Hunter and the members of his Council returned to the Council Chamber at 8.15 P.M. and the Reewe then advised the ~tayor and members o£ Council that he and his Council were eatiafie~ with the figure quoted and would accept an increase to a rate of 1~ cents but he did express the hope that Council would see its way clear to extending the time during which the Township can take water. The City Manager expressed the view that Council would look favourably upon this extension of time if the Park Commission would also agree and stated that a letter would be forwarded to the Park Commission indicating the City's approval of the extension of time, together with a copy of the agreement so that it would be in the hands of the Commission prior to being approached by the Niagara Township. Council. Mayor Hawkins then asked Reeve Hunter to have a resolution of his Council passed to this effect and forwarded to the City Clerk, and proceeded to thank the Reeve and the members of his Council for attending, to which Reeve Hunter replied that the manner in which he and his Council were received was appreciated. The Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Donald and Mowers. READ AND ADOPTED, 6th July, 1953. Clerk THIRTY-FIRST MEETING Council Chamber, 6th July, 1953. REGULAR MEv. TING Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 6th July, 1953 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous regtdar and special meetings, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Ald. Martin. DEPUTATION As requested by Council, Mr. Francis J. Matthews, Solicitor for the Greater Niagara General Hospital, Mr. A.E. Parsons, Chairman of the Board of Governors, Mr. Douglas J. Cr~thers, Chairman of the Finance Committee of the Hospital, and Mr. Garwood, Administrator, appeared for the purpose of dis- cussing the Chu Yet Account and on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mac- Donald were permitted to address Council. Mr. Parsons briefly outlined the hospital's difficulties with reference to indigent patients and asked for Council's favourable consider- ation to the payment o~ the. fUll account. Mrs. Cruthers then spoke at some length concerning the history of this account, pointing out action which had been taken and also suggested that the account be paid in full and not deducted from the Grant as provided in the current budget. A lengthy dis- cussion ensued as to the possible liability and apparent negligence which had permitted the account to assume the proportions which it had. SEE Communication No.236. 'COMMUNICATIONS Laid over from the previous meetir~l No. 236 - Martin. Calvert and Matthews - re claim of General Hospital respect- ing account of late Chu Yet. ORDEE on the motion of Ald. Donald and AId. Fdller that the matter be tabled and the Niagara Falls Welfare Administrator, Mr. C. E. Stock, be requested to appear before Council at the next meeting. The following Co,munication was presented; No. 237 - Boy Scouts Association - requesting permission to hold annual Scout Apple Day on Saturdays October 17th, 1953. $RDEE on the motion of Ald. Mac- Donald and McKinley that the communication be received and filed and permission granted. RE~O~RTS Laid over from the previous meeting; No. 115 - City Clerk - re application for Hawker and Pedlar Licerice, not approved. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacXbnald that the report he received and adopted and no licence be granted. The following Bopor% was presented; of Ald. · MacDonald that the report be received and adopted and licenoes issued accordingly. PETITION Laid over from the previous meeting; No. 5 - S. MancuJo and 12 others - indicating no objection to proposed alterations at 1306 Buchanan Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the petition be tabled and the City Manager and City Clerk consult with the City Solicitor as to the advisability of changing recent restricted area by-laws with reference to corner lots and flankage use, and a report be submitted. SE__E Finance__Me. etin_l. ~Y-LAWS The following By-laws were passed; .No.. ~977 - To authorize the construction of a railway siding across Acheson Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that kld. Miller be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading.. Carried Unanimously. CRDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin that Male 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - AId. MacDonald and Donald - Carried Unanimously. No. 4980 - To authorize the execution of an amendmenb to an agreement with the Township of Niagara, in the County of Lincoln, for the supply of water. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and MacDonald - Carried Unanimously. MO..~981 - To authorize the execution of an agreement for sale and deed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that AId. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading - Carried Unanimously. ' ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Brooks that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be 'given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Martin and McKinley - Carried Unanimously. The Council adjourned to Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald. READ AND ADOPTED, 13th July, k ~ ~ ~ ' 7 Mayor. i93 i FINANCE MEETIh~ Council Chamber, 6th July, 1953. The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, July 6th, 1953 for the purpose of approving and also passifig the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. AId. Donald presided as Chairman of Finance. Sundry Accounts su~,aitted, in the amount of $56,077.56 were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Martin. The application of Frank Nagy and the opinion of his Solicitors, with reference to the proposed erection of a garage in the rear of the house now under construction at 2195 Buchanan Avenue, and also the opinion of the City SoLicitor, laid over from the previous meeting in order that this location night be viewed by all members of Council, was again presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and MacDonald that the application be received and the permit granted. Carried (Ald. Brooks opposed). The application of Mr. C. Quagliariello for a building permit to enclose the front verandah at 1306 Buchanan Avenue, laid over from a previous meeting for submission of an opinion of the City Solicitor, was again presented for consideration, along with the City Solicitor's report. ' ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Mowers that the application be tabled and the City Manager and City Clerk consult with the City Solicitor as to the advisability of changing recent restricted area by-laws with reference to corner lots and' flankage use, and a report be submitted. The report of the City Manager regarding the application of Falls Construction Company for a building permit to erect a building on Lots and 185, Broughton Avenue, was presented for consideration. ORDEE on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and adopted and the permit be issued. The report of the City Manager regarding the application of Messrs. Stein and ~uker for a building permit to erect a store-and offices on the south side of Queen Street, was presented for consideration. ORDEE on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Mayor Hawkins that the report be received and adopted and the permit be issued. · The City Treasurer's Comparison of Tax Collections as of June 30th, 1953 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. McKinley that the report be received, given the usual publicity, and filed. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of AId. McKinley and Miller. READ AND ADOPT.:v, 13th July, 1953- Clerk COUNCIL EETiNG Council Chamber, 6th July, 1953- The Council re-assembled at the close of the r~gular Council and Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. ill members of the Council were present. }~ Worship Mayor Hawkins presided. BY-LAW The following By-law was passed; No. ~982 - To provide monies for general purposes. ORDE on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that Ald. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried Unanimously. OFFERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley end MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and Mowers - Carried Unanimously. The Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin. READ AND ADOPTED, 13th July, 19537 ' , --- yor CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 6th July, 1953. The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, 6th July, 1953 for the purpose of considering the various matters presented to them. All members of the Committee were present. Hi~ Worship, Mayor Hawkins presided. After consideration of the items placed before them the Commdttee adJourn.d the motion of Ald. Donald and Martin. READ AND ADOPTED, 13th JUly, 1953. Clerk ~airman THIRTY-BECOND MEETING REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, 13th July, 1953- Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met atT.30 p.m. on Monday, 13th July, 1953, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Martin. WATER pRESSURE The City Manager advised Council concerning the water pressure through- out the City to the effect that it has been extremely low, placing the area in a very dangerous position. This sutation having been created because of the incessant use of water for the sprinkling of lawns and the washing of cars. In order to off-set this difficulty, the City Manager suggested the following restrictions and recommended that the Township of Stnm~ord be requested to co- operate during this emergency, viz; that residents living in houses having even numbers be allowed to use the hose on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and those residing in houses having odd numbers be permitted to use the hose on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. The City Manager pointed out that there would be no restrictions on+ Sundays. On being queried as to the period of time these restrictions would be enforced, the City Manager advised that he did not know, but that the public will be notified through the proper channels when they are lifted. ORDERED on the motion of AId. MacDonald and Mowers that the verbal retort be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously. Ald. Mowers suggested that a very careful explanation will have to be made by the management of the City to the public as to why this situation exists& DEPUTATION Mr. C. E. Stock, Welfare ~dm~nistrator, was present at the meeting at the request of the Council, in connection with the case of the late Chu Yet, and the claim on behalf of the General Hospital as submitted by their Solicitors, Martin, Calvert and Matthews. On the motion of Ald. Rtller and HacDonald, it was ordered that Mr. Stock be heard. He reiterated his remarks contained i~ a report previously submitted to Council, in connection with the history of the case and advised Council that he was quite willing to interview the relatives of Chu Yet in Toronto, accompanied by representatives of the Hospital Board in an effort to have them contribute. His Worship the Hayor requested Mr. Stock to make arrangements to take the necessary steps in this connection and report to Council. SEE Communication No. 236 Mr. Arnold Smith and Mr. W. H. Kribs were present at the meeting in connection with the communication from ~he Board of Education concerning a site for the proposed Administration Building and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Martin, Mr. Smith was permitted to speak. Mr. Smith requested Council's faycurable consideration to the Valley Way site. SEE Communication No. 2~1 TENDERS Tenders had been called for the supply of Venetian Blinds to be installed in the former Custom Building at the corner of Park Street and Clifton Avenue, which is presently being renovated to accommodate the Police aha' ~n~in~lfi~ Departments' and on the motion- of AId,. McKtnle~ and. Martin, it was ordered that the tenders received, ~e opened~ initinlled by His Worship the ~ayor and ~ead, It was further ordered on the motion of AId, M~Kinley and ~a~Donald that the tenders be referred for ta~llation and considered ~ the Civic ~ildings C~mw4ttee, for submission of a report to Council, COMMU~[I C \TIONS Laid over from the previousmeeting~ No. 236 - Hartin, Calvert and Matthews - re claim of General Hospital respecting account of the late Chu Yet. 0F~)EE on the motion of Ald. Martin and MacDonald that the communication be tabled and the Welfare Administrator take further steps deemed advisable in order to collect this account. (Ald. Mowers-contrary). A motion made prior to this, by Ald. Donald and Mowers that the City Pay the account - was withdrawn. The following Communications were presented; No. 238 - Laurence C. Crawford - Cashier's records as of July 3rd,1953. ORDE~ED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Mowers that the communication be received and filed. No. 239 - Deputy Minister of Highways - acknowledging resolution re bridge at Homer. OFFERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and MacDonald that the communi- cation be received and filed and the City Clerk be requested to ascertain whether one of the things that the Department will consider would be better control of the traffic approaching the bridge. No. 240 - City Clerk of St. Thomas - resolution re service entrance. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and MacDonald that the communication be received and referred to the City Manager for a report. No. 2~1 - Board of Education - re site for Administration Building; ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hartin and HacDonald that the communicati on be received and tabled for one week and referred to the Property Committee and the City Manager and a sketch be prepared showing the Mount of property needed by the Board for the proposed building and stakes be placed thereon, and Council meet at 7 p.m. on July 2Oth, to inspect the proposed location. SEE Re~9. rt No.l18. REPORTS The following Reports ware presented; No. 118 - City Manager - re possible sites for location of proposed Administration Building of the Board of Education. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hartin and MacDonald that the report be received and referred to the Property Committee. SEE Commu.nt. cation No. 2~1. No. 119 - City Manager and City Clerk - re advisability of amending recent residential area by-laws re corner lots and flankage use. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted and the by-law be prepared. SEE, Petition No.~. ~.. SEE Finance Meetir~. BEE By-law ~98~. No. 120 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the report be received and' adopted and licences issued accordingly. .PETITION Laid over from a previous meeting~ No. ~ - · ~ancuso and 12 others - indicating no objection to proposed alterations at 1306 ~ohanan Avenue. OFd)ERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and HacDenald that the petition be received and filed and the petitioners .be advised that an application is being made to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of a byolaw which will permit the granting of the application. SEE By-Law Np.~98.4. 197 199 :J P~I~ON The following Petition was presented; No. 6 - Louis Vescio and 13 others - re erection of a new sign at the south- west comer of Falls and Clifton Hill. As this petition arrived too late for inclusion on the ~genda, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that the petition be considered. ~RDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the petition be received and referred to the City Manager for a report. RESOLUTIONS The follo~d. ng Resolutions were passed; No. 82 - MOWERS - MILLER - RESOLVED that the condolences of His Worship the Mayor, members of the City Council and citizens at large be forwarded to the family of the late Mr. Harold F. Logan, Q.C. well-known and highly esteemed resident of the City of Niagara Falls; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. No. 83 - MILLER - MacDONALD - RESOLVED that Council consider a recommendation of the Traffic Committee that ho parking be pe.rmitted on the west side of Stanley Avenue, between Ferry Street and Spring Street; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. No. 84 - MOWERS - MacDONALD - RESOLVED that the dangerous traffic conditions at the intersection of Huron Street and St. Lawrence Avenue and other inter- sections in that vicinity be considered with the thought in mind that possibly St. Lawrence Avenue be made a 'through' street at Huron Street or that Huron Street be made a one-way street for easterly travel; and the Seal of the Cor- poration be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. No. 85 - NILLBR - MacDONALD - RESOLVED that the City Clerk be requested to communicate with the Yar~m-ster of the M.C.R. at Montrose to ascertain whether shunting and the distribution of freight cars could take place at a later hour at night, particularly during the summer months, in order to facilitate the movement of traffic at the Centre; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto, affixed. Carried Unanimously. Ald. Mowers requested a report from the City Manager on what require- ments are necessary at the Filtration Plant in order to maintain a sufficient water supply for the needs of a possible population of 100,000 people. BY-IAWB The following By-laws were passed; No. ~983 - To authorize the signing of an agreement with The Pittsburgh Hornet Hockey Club. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Martin that Ald. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. 0RD~ED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standir~ Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be ~iven the second ~eadin~. - Carried Unanimously, Third Reading - AI~. MacDonald and Miller - Carried Una~imously. ~ - TO amend By-laws Numbers 402A, 4025, 4045, 4046 and 4692, being by-laws to establish restricted areas and regulate the character of buildings to be erected therein. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and ~511er that Ald. McKinley be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDKRED on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and MacDonald . Carried Unanimously. No..~98~ - To establish a parking lot on Canadian Corps property. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin that AId. Miller be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks that the by-law be amended to provide for entrance only on Victoria Avenue, Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and Miller - Carried Unanimously. The following By-law was presented: N~o. 4986 - To authorize the borrowing ~5,000. for the construction of a new Board of Education Administration Building. ORDERi~ on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that AId. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and MacDonald that Ru/e 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the by-law be forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval. · .' His Worship the M~yor welcomed Reeve Bukator of the Village of Chippaws and the members of his Council, to the meeting. The Council adjourned to Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley. READ AND ADOPTED, 20th July, 1953. Clerk FINANCE M~"TING Council Chamber, 13th July, 1953. The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 13th July, 1953 for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certi- fied and placed before them. All members of the Co~nittee were present. Ald. Donald presided as Chairman of ~inance. Sundry Accounts submitted, in the amount of $78,618.30 were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and His Worship the Mayor. The application of Mr. C. Quagliariello for a building permit to enclose the f~ont verandah at 1306 Buchanan Avenue, laid over from a previous meeting, was again submitted. ORDERED ,on the motion of Ald, Mowers and McKinley that the applicant be advised of the By-law number ~984, passed at this Council Meeting, which will amend recent residential area by-laws, to endearour to facilitate the proposed alterations to their front verandah, and Ithat permission will be granted, provided the Ontario Municipal Board approves of this by-law. The report of the City Manager regarding the application of Jolley Construction Company for a permit to construct a building at the Niagara Falls General Hospital to be used as the X-Ray Department, ~as presented for consid- eration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and His Worship the Mayor that the report be received and adopted and the permit be issued. The Statement of Relief for the month of June, 1953 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of His Worship the Mayor and Ald. McKinley that the statement be received, given the usual publicity and filed. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Martin. READ AND ADO}TED, 20th July, 1953. COUNCIL MEETIN~ ChaiPman of Finance Council Chambers, lSth July, 1953. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings for the parpose of passing t~e by-law which covered the accounts approvedby the Committee. All members of the Council were present. His Wor- ship the Mayor, presided. BY-~AW The followifiM By-law was passed; No. ~98______/7 - To provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and MacDonald that Ald. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. , Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading _Ald. MacDonald and Mowers - Carried Unanimously. The Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald. READ AND ADOPTED, 20th July, 1953. Clerk ' ~r -----"~yo r, CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 13th July, 1953. The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, 13th July, 1953 for the purpose of meeting with the Council of the Village of Chippaws. All members of the Committee were present, His Worship, Mayor Hawkins, presided. After consideration of the items placed before them, the Committee adjourned on the'motion of Ald. I Miller and Mowers. READ AND ADOPTED, 20th July, 1953. 20 . THIRTY-THIRD MEETING Oouncil Chamber, 2Oth July, 1953. REGULAR MEETING Parsuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 20th July, 19~3, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Martin. COMMUNICATIONS Laid over from the previous meeting; No. 236 - Martin, Calvert and Matthews - re claim of Greater Niagara General Hospital in connection with account of late Chu Yet. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Miller that the communication be received and filed and the balance of the account, x~z. $1,~77.00 be paid. SEE Reports 101 & 121. No. 2hO - City of St. Thomas, Ontario - resolution re service entrances. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the communication be received and filed and the resolution be not endorsed. SEE Report Number 122. No. 2~1 - Board of Education - requesting Council consider making available a site at the comer of Jepson St. and Valley Way for the new Administration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that the communication be received and filed and the area at the westerly end, at the comer of Valley Way and Jepson Street be made available to the Board for the proposed Adminis- tration B~ilding. Carried. The Vote being - Aye -Ald. McKinley, Donald,Mowers, Martin and Miller; Nays -Ald. Brooks and MacDonald. The CityManager asked to be recorded as being definitely opposed to this action, being of the opinion that the proposed building in that location Will not be an asset to the City of Niagara Falls nor the Swi~mmtng Pool; that the area was developed with the idea of having open spaces around the area of the Swimming Pool. SEE Report Number 118. The following, Communications were presented; No. 2~2 - Niagara Falls Police Association - requesting permission to use Memorial Arena on August 3rd, AnnualField. Day, if necessary.. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Brooks that the communication be received and filed and permission be granted, on a rental b~sis. No. 2J+3 - Junior Chamber of Commerce - requesting permission to place prize car on the streets of the City. 0RDEREDon the motion of Ald. Donald and Mac- Donald that the communication be referred to His Worship the Mayor. No. 2~ - Junior Chamber of Commerce - requesting permission to hold parade on Septamber lOth. 0RDEED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and MacDonald that the communication be received and filed and permission be granted. No~ 2~5 - W. H. Peterson - suggesting parking meters on both sides of Stanley north of Ferry Street and on Ferry Street, west of Stanley Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McEinley and MacDonald that the communication be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for a report. No, 246 - Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves - enclosing copy of minutes of Annual Conference, held on May 2Oth, 21st and 22nd, 1953, and requesting Council's endorsement oF the general principles. O.~DERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the communication be received and laid on the table until copies of this conmmnication and the minutes have been made available to the Council for their perusal, after which Council will be in a position to consider the request of the Association; and the Secretary oF the Association be so notified. I REPORT______~S Laid over from a previous meeting[ No. 101 - Welfare Administrator - re account of Chu Yet. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~bwers and Miller that the report be received and filed. SEE Re_4p_.~_N~___ber 121. No. 118 - City Manager - re request of Board of Education for a site for proposed Administration Building be not approved and suggesting another site. (RDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that the report be received and filed; the vote being - Aye -Ald. McKinley, Donald, Mowers, Martin and Miller; Nays -Ald. Brooks and MacDonald. The following Reports were presented; No. 121 - Welfare Administrator - report on interview with relatives of late Chu Yet. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Miller that the report be received and filed. SEE Co,mm.unication No. 2)6. No. 122 - City Manager - re resolution from City of St. Thomas and disagreeing with same. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication No. 2~. No. 123 - Deputy City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Mowers that the report be received and adopted and licences issued accordingly. PETITION The following Petition was presented~ No. 7 - Louis Gallardi and 7 others - re parking problem on Peer Street. 0RDEE on the motion of Ald. Mowers and MacDonald that the petition be received and referred to the Traffic Committee with power'to act. His hbrehip the Mayor expressed the desire that the City Manager, along with the Traffic Committee should take this matter up with the finn of Ray~er-Atlas in order to arrive at a solution to this problem. Ald. Donald referred to the operation of the chip wagon on Jepson Street and it was also agreed that this be taken under advisement by the Traffic Committee. Ald. McKinley presented several queries on behalf of citizens with reference to flooding conditions occasioned by the recent storm, mentioning in particular, Epworth Circle, At No. 79. Also on Symmes Avenue, where flooding conditions were supposed to have been eliminated by the constr~ction of the sewer on Murray Street; also on Otter Street. Ald. McKinley also questioned £he reason for granting permission to the Bell Telephone Oompany to lay cable and erect barricades on Victoria Avenue, in connection with their new building, at the height of the tourte~ ~eason, thus causing congestion ~t this point. 203 The City Manager in answer to these queries, was of the opinion that the flooding was not excessive on Epworth Circle, that this is now under control, but agreed to have the Sewer Department inspect the residence at 79 Epworth Circle, to ascertain where the trouble exists. With reference to the flooding on Symmes Avenue, the sewer on Murray Street will not control flooding on Symmes, but has stopped bad floods ~ich existed on Murray Street previously. He pointed out that Symmes Avenue is a block north of Murray Street and there is no sewer of appreciable size con- nected at this point. With reference to Otter Street, the City Manager explained the lo- cation of the sewer in that area and was of the opinion that the sewer will have to be enlarged, The City Manager advised that generally speaking where storm sewers have been installed, conditions have been improved. With reference to the Bell Telephone Company, the City Manager referred to the permission which had been granted for this purpose, but that when the excavation at Victoria is completed and backfilling is comwnenced, the inconvenience t6 the public will then be eliminated. Upon Ald. Martin' s query regarding the installation of proposed parking meters on Canadian Corps property, the City Manager gave a verbal report on their progress to date and stated that if the meters on order arrive in time, thCy will be in operation by the end of the week. Ald. MacDonald referred to a complaint received regarding the smoke nuisance occurring in the vicinity of the Niagara Laundry. RESOLUTION The following Resolution was passed; No. 86 - BROOKS - MOWERS - RESOLVED that the City Manager be authorized to proceed with the erection of the sign, to be supplied by the signatories of Petition Number 6, at the south-west comer of Falls Avenue and Clifton Hill; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. BY-EAWS The following By-law was presentedL No. 4988 - To authorize the construction of four foot sidewalks on Ottawa Avenue and ~nery Street as Local Improvements. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Martin that Aid. Donald be granted'the privilege o~ introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDEE on the motion of Aid. Mowers and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Martin that'the by-law be forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval. The following B~-law was passed: No. ~989 - To amend By-law Number 2159, being a by-law enacting rules and regulations covering construction, maintenance and operation of the Wate~ works Department. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Donald that Ald. Mowers be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. Ol~OE~EDon the motion of Aid. McKinley and MaCDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading, - Carried Unanimcus~. Third Reading -Ald. Martin and Brooks - Carried Unanimously. The Council adjourned to Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley Mowers. READ AND ADOPTED, 27th July, 1953. Deputy Clerk FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 20th J~y, 1953. The Finance ~eting was held on Monday, 2Oth July, 1953 for the purpose or approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certi- fied and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Ald. Donald presided as Chairman of Finance. Sundry Accounts submitted, in the amount of $&5,363.66 were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers. The Committee considered the Summary of the tenders received for ~he supply and installation of Venetian Blinds at the Police Office Building at the corner of Clifton Avenue and Park Street; along with the recommendations of the Civic Buildings Committee. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and McKimley that the Summary of tenders be received and filed and the report of the Civic Buildings Committee, recommending that the tender of Mr. S. Cart, in the amount of $?69.50 be accepted; that benches be purchased from the Globe Furniture Company at a cost of $708.00 and that a chair for the Magistrate~ furnished with casters, be purchased for the sum of $130. and that prices be obtained on necessary furniture for'the building and the painting of the exterior of the building, be received and adopted. (Ald. Miller-contrary). The City Manager presented a verbal report on estinmtes for lighting fixtures to be installed at the Police Office Building at the corner of Park Street and Cli~ton Avenue and advised that the estimated cost would be $1,831.~0. OBj)ERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and MacDonald that the report be received and'adopted. The City Manager's report in connection with the application of Lindo Marcheson for a building permit to erect am apartment over the service station at the north-west comer of Acheson and Ferguson, at an estimated cost of $8,000. was presented for consideration. The report recommended that the application be referred to the Property Committee. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and His Worship the Mayor that the report be received and adopted. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers. READ AND ADOPTED, 27th July, 1953. Deputy Clerk Chairman of Finance. COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 2Oth july, 1953. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present. His Worship, Mayor Hawkins, presided. BY-LAW The following By-law was passed; No. 4?90 - To provide monies for genera purposes. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Mowers thatAId. Donald be granted the pri*ilege of introducing the by-la~ and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and MacDonald that l~Ale 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time. ~ Carried Unanimously. Third Reading: AId. Mowers and Donald '- Carried Unanimously. The Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks. READ A~ ADOPTEU, 27th July, 1953. Deputy Clerk CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 20th July, 1953. The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetingz on Monday, 20th July, 1953 for the pur- pose of considering various items presented to them. After consideration of these matters, the Committee adjourned on the motion of AId. Donald and McKinley. READ AND ADOPTED, 27th July, 1953. Chairman. 208 2 THIRTY-FOURTH MEETING REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, 2?th July, 1953. Purseant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 27th July, 1953, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Brooks. Tenders had beam called for the construction of butcher stalls at Huron Street and Elizabeth Place and for the removal of the existing butcher stalls on Huron Street and cleaning up the site. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the tenders received, be opened, initialled by His Worship the Mayor and tabulated. -Ald, ~rtin arrived at the meeting - ORDERED on ~he motion of Ald. Brooks and MacDonald that the tender of Jolley Construction Company, at a quotation of $3,920. for the construction of the proposed butcher stalls and a quotation of $120. for removing existing butcher stalls and cleaning up the site, be accepted. (Contrary - AId. Mowers an~ Donald.) ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MiLler that the matter be referred to the City Hall Committee to study the plan and location of the proposed stalls and report to Council. (Ald. Mowers and Donald - contrary). COMMUNICATIONS Laid over from the previous meeting; No. 245 - W. H. Paterson - suggesting parkLng meters on both sides of Stanley, north of Ferry Street and also on Ferry Street, west of Stanley Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and MacDonald that the communication be considered when the Traffic Committee's Report is being considered. Upon consideration of this report, it was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Mowers that the communicatioM be received and filed and parking be eliminated on the east side of Stanley Avenue from Ferryto Spring Streets; and 4 parking meters be installed on the west side of Stanley, commencing at a point approximately 75 feet distance fromFerry Street and that parking be permitted on the west side of Stanley from the parking meter zone to Spring Street. Ald. Martin referred to the request of the business men in that area who desired parking meters on the north side of Ferry Street, which had been received by Council sometime ago,and also the fact that he had been approached recently in this connection. Me was advised that when the South End Business and Professional Msn's Association made the request t~ Council that a survey be taken to ascertain whether further meters were required by the residents on the north side of Ferry, it was suggested that this should. be carried out by the Association rather than by the municipality. SEE Report No.12~. The following Communications were presented: Agreement and possible game F o H ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the communication be received and filed and Clauses be amended to provide that the Pittsburgh Hornet Hockey Club agrees to arrange an Exhibition Game with either a Club of the American League or a Club of higher qualification or the Niagara Falls Senior Hockey Club and that the gate be divided three ways. SE~____~rt No.12i. No. 248 - Greater Niagara Baseball Association - requesting use of Oakes Park for Annual Benefit Gmne, free of charge. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the communication be received and filed and permission be granted under same conditions as previous year. No. 23,9 - Canadian Cellucotton Products Co. Ltd. - proposal to deal with traffic problem at entrance to Plant. ORDERj~) on the motion of AId. McKinley and Mowers that the communication be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for study and a report. No. 250 - Judge County Court - Court Order to consider increased per diem rate. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the communication be received and filed. No. 251 - Department of Highways - re bridge at Homer, and signs on its approaches. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks that the communi- cation be received and filed. No. 252 - Niagara Falls Kiltie Band - requesting permission to hold 2 ccncerts at the Municipal Swimming Pool, and the provisions of chairs by the City. ORDERED on the motion of AId. MacDonald and Miller that the communication be received and referred to the City Manager to co-operate with the Band to furnish the necessary chairs and the time and date to be arranged. No. 253 - Sun Oil Company, Limited - re condition of sidewalk on S~mcoe Street and proposed repair and extension of ramp approach. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and MacDonald that the communication be received and the recommen- dation of the City Manager that the same be referred to the Traffic Committee for consideration, be adopted, the Committee being given power to act. No. 254 - Canadian National Railways - requesting revision in by-law 4979, so that Acheson Avenue my be changed to Buttrey Street. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and McKinley that the communication be received and filed, and a new by-law be drawn. REPORTS The following Reports were presented~ No. 124 - Traffic Committee - six recommendations. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Mowers that the report be received and adopted. Ald. Martin requested the Traffic Committee to take under advisement the installation of parking meters on Ferry Street, and a communication be forwarded to Mr. E.A. Jones, President, South End Business and Professional Men's Association, to ascertain the desires' of the Association regarding the installation of parking meters on Ferry Street, AId. Mowers referred to the matter which he had brought forward at another meeting, concerning the installation of parking meters on Valley Way, between Victoria Avenue and Morrison Street and the concern of one of the merchants that meters have been installe~ in front of hie place of business, but not in front of another merchant's. Ald. Mowers was of the opinion that these meters should be continued up to Morrison Street, or, removed entirely. t , 110 Ald. Mowers also referred to the dangerous traffic conditions existing at the intersection of Huron Street and St. Lawrence Avenue and that complaints of residents in this area warrant some consideration. He desired to know why this matter was not included in the Traffic Committee's report to Council at this evening's meeting. Ald. Miller advised that this matter had been left in abeyance until the Traffic Committee have the results on the installation of the traffic counters on Morrison Street at Victoria Avenue, in order that they may arrive at a satisfactory solution to the traffic problems in this area. No. 125 - City Manager - suggestin4 amending Clause 7 of Agreement ~ith Pittsburgh Hockey Club. O~DERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted. No. 126 - City ManaKer- recommending letter from Sun 0il Company be referred to the Traffic Committee. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted. No. 127 - Deputy City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenoes. ORDEE on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the report beI received and adopted and licenoes issued accordingly. No. 128 - City Manager - repetition of Canadian Tire Corporation and 13 others, applying for permission to erect banner. ORDERSD on the motion of Ald. Mac Donald and McKinley that the report be received and adopted. SEE Petition No.8. PETITIONS The following Petitions were' presented; No. 8 - Canadian Tire Corporation and 13 others - requesting permission to erect banner across Victoria at Morrison Street. ORDEE on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the petition be received and filed and per- mission be not granted; the petitioners to be notified concerning the section of the Building By-law which prohibits such erection. SEE Report 128. No. 9 - Allison L. McCrea and ~ others - requesting ~onstru~tion of a curb only An the north side of Doleware between Orchard and Pine Grove Avenues. ORDERED on them orion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the petition be received and referred to the City Manager for a report. No.lO - G. L. Burley and 2~ others - disagreeing with the action of Council in making available site at the corner of Jepson and Valley Way for the new Administration Building of the Board of Education. OFFERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Mowers that the petition be received and filed and the petitioners notified that the' petition was not received in time for consid- eration prior toI the action taken by Council. Carried (Contrary-Aid. Brooks). A motion made by Ald. Brooks and Mowers that the City Manager submit a report concerning the possibility of procuring another site for this purpose, was lost; the vote being Aye -Ald. Brooks and Mowers; Nays - AId. MacDonald, Miller, Martin, McEinley and Donald. Laid over from the previous meeting~ No. 7 - Louis Gailardi and 7 others - regardi,~ parking problem created by Raynor-Atlas ~,ployees, on Peer Street. ORDERED that this petition be referred for consideration along with the Traffic Committee's report, on the motion of Ald. Mowers and MacEonalB. Upon consideration of this report, it was 'ordered on the motion of Ald. Brooke and Mowers that the report of the Committee be adopted, that'one-hour' parking signs be placed on both sides of Peer Street between OreyandOladstone; and the petition be received and filed. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed; No. 87 - MacDONALD - BROOKS - RESOLVE that the nex% regular meeting of the City Council be held on ~esday, August Ath, 1953 at 7.30 p.m. and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimousl . No. 88 - MCKINLEY - MacDONALD - RESOLVED that no ~gular meeting be held during the week of August lOth; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed, Carried Unanimously. BY-LAW The followin~ By-law was passed; No. 4991 - To authorize the construction of a railway siding on Buttrey Street; and to repeal by-law number ~979. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McF~nley and Martin that Ald. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. -Ald. McKinley left the meeting - Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and MacDonald - Carried. At this time, His Worship Mayor Hawkins voiced his regrets at the departure of Wm. Killough, reporter of Radio Station CHVC and extended the best wishes of Council for the success in hisnew endeavours. The Council adjourned to Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald. READ AND ADOPTED, ~th August,1953. FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 2?th July, 19~3. The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 27th July, 19~3 for the purpose clapproving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certi- fied and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Ald. Donald, presided as Chairman of Finance. 212 Sundry Accounts submitted, in the amount of $1~,933.68 were approved by the Committee. Aid. McKinley returned to the meeting - The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of His Worship Mayor Hawkins and Ald. McKinley. The application of Lindo Marcheson for a building permit to con- struct an apartment above the service station at the north-west corner of Acheson and Ferguson, at an estimated cost of $8,000. which was laid over from the previous meeting, was ~gain presented for consideration, along with the report of the Property Committee, which contained the opinion that Council should decide whether permits for the erction of apartments over service stations will be granted. ORDEP~D on the motion of Ald. Martin and His Worship the Mayor that the City Manager or the Property Committee be requested to submit full details concerning the construction of the service station and advice be obtained from the City Solicitor as to whether Council will have to amend the existing by-law to issue this building permit. A communication from the Niagara Foundry Company with regard to a 16 foot lane running through from Buttrey Street to Ferguson Avenue, midway between Victoria and Acheson and their interest in purchasing the lane between Buttrey and the railway siding owned by Provincial Engineering Ltd. was pre- sented for consideration. The City Manager explained that the Foundry desired to purchase the full width of the lane, but advised that the abutting property owners have the right to purchase the same and therefore it will be necessary to notify them that this property is for s~le. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, MacDonald and McKinley that the Property Committee's recommendation, that the by-law be prepared to close the 16 foot lane running north of Buttrey Street, between Victoria and Acheson to the northerly limit of the property of the Niagara Foundry Company, be received and adopted. (Ald. Martin - contrary). The Property Committee's report on the above matters was ordered received and filed on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and McKinley. A communication from F. M. Griffiths, Solicitor for Rudolph and Mary Zacek, requesting rebate on their 1953 Tourist Licence, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of His Worship the Mayor and Aid. Mowers that the communication be received and filed and the amount of $17.08 be refunded. P~. Arnold Banick was present at the meeting, and on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Miller, it was ordered that he be heard. Mr. Banick advised that he resided at 1737 McGrail Avenue, of which he is the owner, and was appearing before Council to complain about his neighhour who lives at 1729 McGrail Avenue and who also o~ns a lot adjacent to 1737 McGrail Avenue on which an excavation for a basement Was made, a drain i. nstalled, bu~ nothing.further has been done and the front part of the lot is .now being used for the parking Of dump truckS. ' As there is no retaining walt' against his garage, this tends to endanger his garage and Mr, Banlck desired to know whether a charge could be laid against his neighbout in this regard, or what action could be taken. In discussing this, the Committee agreed that no further permits be issued to Mr. A. Brouillette, until steps are taken by him to correct the condition complained of by Mr. Banick. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Aid. MacDonald that this complaint be referred to the City Solicitor ~d City Manager for a report at the next meeting of Council. Ald. McKinley queried the actions of the ~hgineerir~ Department in measuring in the vicinity of Epworth Circle and was advised by the City MAnager that a report will be subrifted to Council in this connection. 213 Aid. Movers desired to know when the PayinC Programme would be underway and was advised by the City Manager that it was expected to begin next week, upon completion of repairs to the roller. Aid. Martin desired to know whether the complaint regarding the sewer at 1602 Robinson Street had been taken care of and was assured by the City Manager that no further complaints have been received. u The Council arose and reported to Council on the motion of His Worship the Mayor and Ald. McKinley. READ AND ADOPTED, 4th August, 1953. Chairman of Finance. COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 27th July, 1953. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present. His Worship, Mayor Hawkins, presided. · .. BY-LAW The following By-law was Passed; No. 49~2 - To provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Mowers that AId. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading.. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. ~owers and MacDonald . Carried Unanimously. The Council ~djourned to Conference on the motion of Ald, McKinley and MacDonald. ReAD AND ADOPTED,, Ath August,19~3, Deputy Clerk CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 27th July, 1953. The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, 27th July, 1953 for the purpose of considering various items presented to them. After consideration of these matters, the Commlttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley. READ AND ADOPTED, ~th August,1953. Deputy Clerk THIRTY-FIFTH ~ETING Council Chamber, ~th August,1953. REGULAR ~MZETING Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m, on Tuesday, August, 1953, for the purpose of considering general business and finance° All members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of AId. and F~rtin. DEFUTATIONS Mr. Jack A Sco~t headed a delegation of the residents of the area surDounding the Municipal Swishing Fool and park, for the purpose of reconsidering the petition presented to Council at the last meeting and which was received filed at that time. On the motion of Ald. }~ller and MacDonald, it ~as ordered that he be heard. Mr. Scott advised that the residents in that area are w!~r much o]~osed to the construction of the proposed Administration Building for the Board cf Education on the property at the corner of Jepson and Valleyway, which bad been made available to the Boa~d by the C~ty Council, being of the opinion that this property should be maintained for park purposes for the b onefit of the children. He referred to the fact that the matter of a site had b~n discuss~ by at the meeting of July 13th, and which had received no publicity ira the press, pointing out that the residents in the area were noteare of Council's action, until after the following meeting, and therefore their petiticn opposing this action, was not presented to Council for consideration until the meeting of July 27bh. H~s Worship the F~yor ad~dsed the delegation that before a final decision on a site for this building had been made, no complaints had been received up until that time and that although he himself opposed this location, Counci~ after due consideration were of the opinion that this was the only possible location, after having considered the inadvisability of other silos, such as Simcoe Street School Ground, property at the corner of Ellis and St. Lawrence. Miss W. M. Stokes, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Education, in speaking on the decision of Council against the use of the two sites mentioned by His Worship the Mayor, advised that the Board of Education were of the same opinion, that the Board are Just as anxious as all concerned that playground areas be maintained for the use of the children; that the Board's chief concern is finding suitable location for their Administration Building. A full discussion ensued, following which it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Martin and McKinley that another location, suitable for the erection of the proposed Administration Building for the Board of Education be considered and the Board be so notified. Carried Unanimously. His Worship the Mayor thanked the delegation for their appearance at this meeting,and Mr. Scott expressed his appreciation on behalf of the delegation for Council's favourable reaction to their request. Mrs. Jennie Chennells of 770 Crawford Place, accompanied by Mrs. Wm. Brown, was present at the meeting and on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald, it was drdered that Mrs. Ohennells be permitted to speak. She referred to the severe flooding conditions existing after every rainstorm on Crawford Place and the inconveniences suffered through flooded cellars, and requested Council's immediate consideration to alleviate these condition. The City Manager on being queried regarding storm water sewers, proceeded to give a resume on the location of the sewers already constructed and those contemplated in the elaborate storm water sewer programme. It was agreed. that Crawford Place should be given top priority; but that some temporary measure should be taken to give these residents some roll'el from the conditions complained about. C~DEF~ED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Brooks that a special meeting be arranged and Council inspect this area to ascertain the cause of this sewer trouble and the possibility of a temporary solution to relieve the flooding conditions on Crawford Place. Carried Unanimously. It was agreed that this special meeting would be held on Friday morning, August 7th at 9 A.M. 2i6 COMMUNICATIONS The followinR Communications were presented; No. 255 - Jack A Scott - delegation to be present at meeting. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and McKinley that the communication be received and filed, and another location, suitable for the erection of the proposed Admin- istration Building, be considered and the Board of Education be so notified. No. 256 - New York Central Railway - re switching at Victoria Park. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Donald and McKinley that the communication be received and the matter be taken up with the Superintendent of the M.C.R. No. 257 - Ontario Association of Plumbing Inspectors and Affiliates. - Annual Meeting at Kitchener, September 10th and llth. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and MacDonald that the communication be received and filed and permiss- ion granted to the Plumbing Inspector to attend this meeting. SEE Report No. 129 REPORTS The following Reports were presented; No. 129 - City Manager - recommending attendance of Plumbing Inspector at Annual Meeting of Ontario Association of Plumbing and Affiliates, Kitchen~r. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted. No. 130 - City Manager - recommending attendance of Assessment Commissioner at O.M.A. Convention. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Donald that the report be received and adopted. No. 131 - City Manager - pavement on Epworth Circle. ORDERED ON THE motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley that the report be received and adopted. Carried. (Ald. MiLler- contrary). No, 132 - City Manager - Special Commtttee's recommendation re refrigeration equipment at Memorial Arena. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Mowers that the report be received and adopted. No. 133 - Civic Buildings Committee o quotations re furniture for new Police and Engineering Offices. CEDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and MacDonald that the report be receive~L and adopted. No. 134 - Deputy City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenoes. CEDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted and licenoes issued accordingly. No. 135 - Deputy City Clerk - application for a Used Car Lot Licerice, at 16tO Stanley Avenue. In connection with this application, it was ordered on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Brooks that Mr. Crosby, the applicant, be heard. He advised that the present owner of these premises is sub-letting. the business to him; that he has a Used Car Lot Licerice at the present time for his Stamford location, which .can be transferred to this lot, 1.6~O Stanley Ave. It was moved by Aid. MiLler, seconded by Ald. Mowers that the report be received and filed and the licerice be granted, providing the requirements of the Provincial Department are met. ~lis motion was lost. by a vote of 5 to 2. An amendment by Aid. Donald and Martin that the application be laid on the table, p~blicity be given to the same in order to give residents in the area an opportunity to voice their olinion and the City Solicitor and Cit~ Manager prepare a report for the consideration of Council at their Special Meet~ to he held on Friday morning, August ?th. was carried. (Aid. Miller-contra . No. 136 - City Manager - concrete curb and gutter - north side of Doleware, between Pine Grove and Orchard Avenues. ORD~tt~D on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the report be received and laid on the table until Council view this location on Friday morning, August 7th, and the City ~Mnager be instructed to submit a further report for consideration at that time. No. 137 - City Manager - recommending consideration o~ construction o~ a curb and gutter on south side of Doleware, between Orchard and Pine Gro~e Avenue. ORDERED on the motion o~ Ald. Donald and Mowers that the re~rt be received and laid on the table until Council views this location on Friday morning, August 7t~, and the City Fansget be instructed to submit a further report for consideration at that time. SEE Petition Not9. PETITIONS Laid over from the_previous meeting; No. 9 - A. L. McCrea and ~ others - requesting construction o~ a curb on Doleware between Orchard and ~i~ee, Grove Avenues. ORDL~ on the motioa of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the petition be laid on the table, to be considered at the Special Meeting to be held on Friday morning, August 7th. SEE Reports 1~6-137. The following Petition was presented; No. ll - Dr. H. McGarry and 31 others - re traffic hazard on Clifton Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Brooks and Mowers that the petition be received and referred to the Traffic Con~nittee with power to act and also to the Police Department for their attention. The subject of traffic problems in general was discussed at length by the members of Council. Aid. Miller queried as to a period check on the time set for traffic lights, and was of the opinion that such checks should be done. Aid. Donald was of the opinion that the Police should handle the traffic situation at certain corners when the occasion demanded ouch action. Aid. Miller referred to the fact that catch basins have been plugged due to grass cuttings being deposited in gutters, which are washed in the drains and plug the same and was of the opinion that receptacles should be used for such disposal and not the gutters. It was suggested that a warning to citizens could be circularized against such practice. Ald. Brooks referred to the necessity of curb and sidewalk repairs on Victoria Avenue between Centre Street and the Hotel. Aid. Miller enquired about the installation of the pa~king meters at the Canadian Corps property on Victoria and was advised by the City Manager that notice had been received that the meters will be shippod to Niagara Falls in a day or two. BY-LAWS Laid over from a previous meeting; -No. ~gll - To authorize the borrowing of $200,000.00 for the making of alterations and additions to the buildings of the Niagara Falls Collegiate-Vocational Institute. Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and MacDonald - Carried Unanimously. The following By-law was presented; No, ~993 - To repeal Section (d) Chapter XXIV, and Subsection (d) Section ' Chapter XXXI dealing with garage and public garages, By-law 1688. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Donald and McKinley that Ald. Mowers be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the .first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and MacDonald that the by-law be filed, Carried. (Contrary-Aid. McKinley and Miller). The Council adjourned to Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers. READ AND ADOFTED, 17th August, 1953, //' Deputy Clerk FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, ~th August, 1953. The Finance Meeting was held on Tuesday, ~th August, 1953 for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them~ All members of the Committee were present. Ald. Donald, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts submitted, in the amount of $53,136.72 were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley. The application of Lindo Marcheson for a building permit to construct an apartment above the service station at the north-west coruer of Acheson and Ferguson, at an estimated cost of $8,000. laid over from the previous meeting, was presented for consideration. ORDER~ on the motion of Ald. Brooks and r'~rtin that the application be received and filed and the applicant be notified that no permit can be granted~ due to the stipulations contained in By-law 1688. (Ald. Miller - contrary). The City Nanager's report regarding the excavation on a lot next to 1737 McGrail Avenue, was presented for consideration. 0~D.EI~ED on the motion of His Worship the MaFur and Ald. Martin that the report be received and adopted and a by-law be prepared prohibiting excavations for cellars before the proper plane have been filed for the etr~cture to b~ erected on the premises; and the location complained of be viewed during the inspection tour to take place on Friday morning, Aulust ?th. The communication from MortDner-B,~npgield wi~h nlrerence L~, f)le City Public Liability and Property Damage Policy, was presented for cons[der'~ion, alo~ ~th the City ~nager's re~rt relative to bhe inc,'ease in t}~] s l.;licy of $!,292. In co~ecticn ~th this matter~ it was ordered cn ths ~ot!on ~d. Mowers and ~ller [hat ~. H~st, representative of the Insurance S~mi any be heard. H~ s~k~ in connection ~th this increase ~nd of Lis conv,~rs~t'~ms ~th Mr. ~ss, of the Union of Canton Insur~',ce Society in connection w: th t~i s ~licy. ORDEP~D on the motion of His ~rship ~he ~yo~ ~r-~ the co~u~cation and re~rt be received and flied ~d th~ roli~:y be r~r. wed. (~d. Bmoks - contrary). The Comparison of Ts.x Collections as of July 31st,1953 ~as pr, sented f3r coqs]deratton. OPJ)ERID on t.h~ motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the sLj_,.~- ment be received, given the usual publicity and filed. The Revenue *rod Expenditure Statement as of June 30th, 1953 was presented for consj deration. GRDERED on the motion of Ald. Mo~ers and 5rec. ks that the Statement be received and laid on the table and the Auditor be r~quested to attend the Council Meeting and report on payroll procedure. The Conradtree arose and reported to Council on the motion cf Ald. L~arLLr; :rod McKinley. EAD AP~ ADOFTE~, 17th August, 1953. Chairman of Finance. COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, ~th August, 1953. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing th~ by-l=.w ',~bLt;h covered the accounts approved by the Coi~mLtte~. His Worship, Mayor Hawkins, presided. BY-LAW The following By-law was passed; No. ~99~ - To provide monies for general purposes. 0RDEREDon the motion of Ald. McKinley andMowers that Ald. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading.. Carried Unanimously. J! 22o ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and Mowers - Carried Unanimously. Ald. Miller, Chairman of the Traffic Committee, referred to Item No. ~ in the matters referred to the Traffic Committee for consideration, after the last meeting of Council, which dealt with traffic hazard at the corner of Huron and St. Lawrence and advised Council that the Committee now recommended that a stop sign be placed on St. Lawl-ence at Huron Street. ORDERED on the motion of. Ald. Mowers and MacDonald that Huron Street be made a through street at St. Lawrence Avenue. With regard to the plans for the market stalls to be constructed, it was agreed that these will he studied on Friday morning, August 7th, at the Special Meeting to be held. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers. READ A~ ADOPTED, 17th August, 1953. Deputy Clerk THIRTY-SIXTH }~ETING Council Chamber, 7th August,1953. SPECIAL ME~LLTING Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in Special Session at ? A.M. on the morning of August 7th, 1953 for the purpose of inspecting certain areas throughout the City where m~tters requiring Council's attention were located. All members of Council were present. Following the inspection Council convened in the Council Chamber to take action on the various matters. The following action was taken. Application for Buildin~ Permit Number 10351 - 188 ~a~ Avenue. AId. Brooks was of the opinion that the perndt issued for this location was contrary to the present Building By-law and following discussion it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Filler that Council view the loc~tion in question and that in the meantime the City Manager ~ry and have the work stopped. Carried. Crawford Place and Report No. 138, of the City MansEer. Council discussed at some length the flooding conditions on Crawford Place and what steps could be taken at the present time to alleviate the situation, following which it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Martin and MacDonald that the City Manager, as soon as possible, raise the level of the sidewalk on the north side of Simcoe Street and cut the road grade at that point so as to impede the flow of surface water towards Crawford Place. Carried. Petition Number 9 - A.L.McCrea and 4 Others - requesting construction of a curb on Doleware Avenue. Reports 136 and 137 and 139 - re curb and gutter and sidewalk on Doleware between Orchard and Pine Grove Avenues. The possibility of installing either a curb and gutter on one side or both sides, or the installation of a sidewalk, were discussed, following which it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that the matter be tabled and the City Manager contact the residents in this block in order to explain what was proposed, the comparative costs, etc. Carried. Cellar Excavation adjacent to 1737 McGrail Avenue, Following discussion on the situation at this point, it was ordered on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Mowers that a communication be directed to Mr. Banick, 1737 McGrail Avenue, advising him that the situation is under consideration and that a by-law is in the process of being prepared which will make it mandatory to have the condition corrected. In this connection it was also agreed that the City Manager take the necessarysteps to have the present practice of parking trucks on the City boulevard at this point stopped and a check also was to be made on the concrete piers which appear to be on City property immediately south of the excavation. Proposed Market Stalls - Elizabeth Places new market stalls, following which it was ordered on the motion of AId. Donald be re-located on Elizabeth Place. Carried. Fad. Brooks- opposed. ) Previous to this,motion by Ald. Brooks and Mowers that the stalls be placed at approximately ~0 feet from the west limit of the property at a 90 degree angle from the Huron Street walk and %o include a sidewalk, was withdrawn when AId. . . . ..... Report No. 135 - Deputy City Clerk - re application of Mr. Arthur Crosby for a Used Car Lot Ltcence at 16~O Stanley Avenue. Petition No. 12 - A. St. Angelo and 6 others - protesting proposed licence. Following a discussion on this application, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the matter be tabled and a full report ~e submitted at the next meeting of Council. Carried. Communication Number 253 - Sun Oil Co. Ltd. - re condition of side- walk on Simcoe Street, proposed sidewalk repairs and extension of ramp. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks that the Sun Oil Co. Ltd. be advised that they would have to pay for all repairs to the sidewalk and for the extension of their ramp on the west side of Simcoe Street, adjacent to Victoria Avenue. Carried. (Ald. Donald-contrary). Communication No. 258 - Chief ConStable Pay - re traffic conditions on Clifton Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the communication be received and filed and the petitioners be advised of the action taken. Carried. Communication No. 259 - Boyd's Ambulance Service - re proposed ambulance service. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the communication be received and tabled and the City Manager submit a complete report following the O.M.A. Convention scheduled for August 2~th to 26th inclusive. Carried. The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Donald and Martin. READ AND ADOPTED, 17th AugUst,1953. 223 THIRTY-SErENTM ~T!NG REGULAR k~TING Council l?th Augu ~t, 1,953. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 ].r:=. o:~ :.:o~day, ]7tL of August, 1953 for tbe purpose o.~ considering general business members of Council were presen~, with the excei-.tion of The Council, having received and read the minutes of the I~revious these on the motion ~,f Ald. ~-:acDonald ~nd k'cKinley. DEFUTATIONS Mr. Sam Hughes was pr~'sent at the meeting x~,J '.,n the ~,ction c,r ;~d. i[c- Kinlay and MacDonald was permitted to dd ass theoC<..n,c~1 . r'h~. iiuSht.~: :ACvL~e,] that he represented Mr. Herman Bl~wn, 3whir of 1~.. ~y Avenue an.j F~r. Heard, Predecessor in title to the property, which is leested behind 1~? Avenue in an easterly direct/on between May Avenue and River Read. He to the property owned by Mr. A. Gautier at 1~8 May Avenue a~d for which a building penfit has been issued for the ccnstructlon of an addition~ which ~dll extend his premises in a northerly direction, and was of the opix;icr, that if ~,~. Gaut] er succeeds in building this addition, he ~_1] block the acceus of !,[r, Bro!~n tc an easement which he has used for a great marO, years and his predecessor used before him. F~. Hughes was of the opinion that ~. Bmwn may have ~ case in Court if necessary to prevent this; that if the building is proceeded with, ~Tr. Bro~m ~11 be land-locked. He suggested that property lying to the north previously o,med by the City could have provided access and expressed the fear that the proposed erection would extend over the City's sewer easement. In this latter com]ection he was advised that it would not extend to the easement. His Worship, Mayor Hawkins stated that it was understood that l<r. Gautier was prepared to move the sidewalk and maintain it at the new location so that ~m. Brown would still have access but Mr. Hughes explained that this would be for pedestrian use only and would not provide access for service vehicles. Following further discussion, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donaid ~nd F~cDonaid that the matter be referred to the City Manager and the City Solicitor for a ref~rt. A delegation of the Board of Education was present at the meeting and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Martin it was ordered that Mr. Arnold Smith, Chairman, be permitted to address the Council. He requested Council to grant provisions for the purchase of the property on Ellis Street in order that the same could be remodelled as an administration building. He referred to the fact that this was the first proposal made by the Board early in the year which Council re~ected, requesting the Board to find another location. It was then decided to erect a new building on Simcoe Street school grounds, but Council had objected to 'the use of theplaying field for that purpose and had offered the property on Valleyway at the end of Jepson Street. But subsequently the residents in the area had made such a strong protest that the Council reversed its decision and for this reason, the Board of Education has now reverted to its original Proposition on the Ellis Street property. He P~inted out that the option on this property, the third the Board has had, expires on August 20th. Hie Worship the Mayor referred to all the ccntrovers~I ]n conn'~ctlon ~,ith the proposed Administration Building and was of the opinion that if the Board could arrange to purchase and renovate the existing building on this property at a cost of $25,000. that it would be satisfactory to the Council. Ald. Bons/d voiced his disapproval of such arrangements, being definitely against the expenditure of $2~,000. to renovate an old building, being in favour of a new building. Ald. Martin desired to know if the Board were unanimous in their decision to secure this property and was advised by Mr. Smith that all members present at their last meeting were in accord. Ald. Martin was of the opinion that zincs there does not seem to be any other land available and since the Board of Education do not wish to use school grounds for this perpose and the citizsns are opposed to the use of playgrounds; and the present proposal will save the City $20,000. that the Board's request should be granted. Ald. McKinley referred to the top floor of the old Customs Building at the comer of Park Street and Clifton Avenue which might be used if properly renovated and was of the opinion that since two members of Council were absent at this meeting, the matter should not be dealt with hastily due to the contentiousness of the matter, It was moved on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley that the matter be laid over for consideration of a full Cotmcil. .This motion was defeated, the vote being - Aye Ald. Donald McKinley; Nays; Ald. Brooks, MacDonald, and Martin. An amendment by Ald. MacDonald and Martin that the request of the Board of Education be approved a~d permission be granted subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board and a new by-law be sub- mitted to the Ontario Municipal Board in the amount of $25,000.00. Carried. SEE Resolution No.91. COMMUNICATIONS Laid over from a previous meeting; No. 2~9 - Canadian Cellucotton Products Co. Ltd. - re traffic problem at the entrance to their Plant. ORDEREB on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the communication be received and tabled pending the return of the Vice° President, when the matter will be given further consideration and studied while the Plant is in operation. SEE Report No.l~0. The following CommunicatiOns were presented; No. 260 - Chief Constable - traffic problems. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and MacDonald that the communication be received and filed. In this connection Ald. Donald requested the City Clerk to refer to correspondence from the Chamber of Commerce regarding the erection of signs directing the public to the shopping districts. No. 261 - Chamber of Commerce - 2 parking meters in front of office, for the use of Tourist Park~ing Only after six o'clock at night. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the communication be received and filed and the request be granted for the balance of the tourist season. No. 262 - Canadian NatiQnal Railways - re lease for Bridge Street grounds. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Martin that the communication be received and filed and .the lease be renewed. SEE By-law No.~995 No. 263 - New York Central System - re t~affic tie-up on Victoria Avenue and requesting daytime meeting with Council or its Committee. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the communicat. ion be received and filed and the writer be notified that the Traffic Committee will meet with him any time after the 26th of August. No. 26~ - Mrs. J. R. Campbell - re height of hedge between 119~ and 1207 Hoed. In connection with this con~uunicati~n, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that Mr. Price, Assistant City Engineer be heard. He referred to a call he had received from Mrs. Campbell about the ~edge and went to the premises and measured it. He advised that the hedge is over oh City property by about 12 or 1~ feet and that it is definitely a hazard, but, that it is apparently a disagreement between neighbouts. OF~.ERED on the motion of Ald. Brooke and Martin that the connnunication be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report. No. 265 - Co~unity PlanninK Branch, Dept. of Planning: ~_. Develoi~if2it subdivision of Part of Lot 11, F]~ No. 11 ow,led by A. Br:.Jl].leL~e. the motion or ~d. ~na]d ~d Mac~nald that the co,~lunicution be r~ceiveJ laid on the table until the retum~ of the City Manager. No..266 - ChMm~, StamFord TQ~lship Police Co;mMssicH - requesting Po~ce Cells, O~ERED on~he motion ~ AId. Mac~nald and Martin thai mu~cation ~ ~ceived and peission ~ granted, No, 267 - VillaKe of Chippawa - requesting renewal of standby on the motion of ~d. ~nald ~d McKi~ey that the co~unication be ~cclved filed and the agreement be renewed, No. 268 - Mayor of Town of St. Stephe$,N. B. - greetings to the kayor of Falls, As this cowmnunication was handed to Mayor Hawkins by Mm. Ernest Hellins- head during the Council meeting, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. !TeK[nley and ~tartin that the conu~unication be read. 0~DERED on the r,~otlc. n of l!d. Donald and Brooks that the communication be recelved and filed. REPORTS Laid over from a/~.rev] ouZ meeting; No, 135 - Deputy City Clerk - re application for a Used Car Lot License at 16~0 Stanley Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, McKinley and Mac~m~ld that the report be received and filed and the llcence be not grar~ted, SEE Report. F, Yo. !1+1. S.EE Petition No. 12. The following Reports were presented; No. 140 - Traffic Coramittee - re letter from Cellucotton Co.. ORD~iZ~ED on the Motion of Ald. McKinley and FmcDonald that the report be received am] adopted. No. l~l - City Clerk - report on Lot 805, Stanley Avenue adjacen4 to 16~0 Stanley Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the re]~r[ be received and filed. No, 142 - Traffic Committee - 2 recommendations. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, McKinley and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted, No, 143 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences, OF©~IED on the motion of Ald, b~cDonald and McKinley that the report be received and adopted and the licehess be issued accordingly, P~ETITION Laid over from a Previous meetinE; No. ~2 - A, St, Angelo and 6 others - protesting issuance of a Used Car Lot Licence at 16~0 Stanley Avenue, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the petition be received and.filed and the licenee be not granted, SEE~Reports Nos.l~_]yt] RESOLUTIONS ?,e follo~in~ Resolutions were passed; No. 89 - MCKINLEY - DONALD - RESOLVED that the regular meeting of August 2~th be dispensed with and the next regular meeting of Council be held on August 31st, 1953 at 7.30 p.m; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. C~rried. No. 90 - MCKINLEY - MacDONALD - RESOLVED that congratulations be forwarded to Ex-Mayor W. L. Houck upon his recent election to the Federal House as repre- sentative of the Niagara Riding; and also to Miss W. M. Stokes, defeated candidate in this election, upon the fine vote she received upon her first run in the political field;. and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried. BY-LAWS Laid over from a previous meeting; ~ - To authorize the construction of a four-foot sidewalks on Ottawa Avenue and Emery Street as Local Improvements under the provisions of. The Local Improvement Act. Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and MacDonald - Carried. The following By-laws were passed; No. 4~ ' To authorize the execution of a lease from the Canadian National Railway Company. ORDk~RED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Martin that Ald. Donald be granted the privilege offintroducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. I- Carried. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Donald and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried. Third Reading -Ald. ~%rtin and McKinley - Carried. No. 47~6. - To authorize the signing of a standby agreement with the Village of Chippaws. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Martin ~hat Aid. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the Ifirst reading. - Carried. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried. Third Reading -Ald. Donald and Martin - Carried. No. 49~Z - To amend By-law Number ~985, being a by-law to regulate, supervise and govern parking on Part of Lot 127, Plan 35, Victoria Avenue, ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and MacDonald.that Ald. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Donald and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried. Third Reading - AId. MacDonald and Martin - Carried. To amend By-law Number 3790, being a by-],aw for traffic. 0RDEED on tie motion of Ald, McKin!~y and .'..'artjn that i].d. be granted the priW~lege of introduc]ng the by-law and the by-law be given first reading. - Carried, ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and McKinley that lfi~ of the Standing Rules oF Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law ~=e given the second readb~g. - Carried. Third Reading - M.d. Don;rid and MacDenRld - Carried. To amend By-law Number 3791, being a by-law designating tbroug~ highways. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and }tartin that Ald. be granted the pri'~.lege of ihtroducing the by-law and the by-law b,~ re,~,! the first time. - Carried. 0RDEP~D on the motion of AId, >Mrtin and Donald that Rule 3~1 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and t}:e by-law t.~ given the second reading. - Carried. Third Reading - Ald..~cDonald and McFdnley - Carried. NO. 5000 - To amend by-law n~ber 4134, being a by-law to provide For the installation of parking meters on certain streets in the City of Niagara Falls and to provide regulations relative to the parking of vehicles in the areas or zones where parking meters are installed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, McKinley and Martin that AId. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law m~d the by-law be given the first reading - Carried. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried. Third Reading - AId. McKinley and M~rtin - Carried. The following By-law was presented; No. o01 - To stop up and sell that portion of a 16-foot lane running from Buttrey Street to Ferguson Street, between Victoria Avenue and Acheson Avenue, according to Plan No. 32, registered for the Town of Niagara Falls and being the southerly 225 feet, 3 inches thereof, running northerly from Buttrey Street. 0RDEREDon the motion 6f AId. McKinley and Donald that AId. }~rtin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Brooks and McKinley'that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading, - Carried. Ald, Martin referred to complaints he had received from motorists using the parking meter lot at the centre who put quarters in the meters and are not getting results, He suggested that it might be a good idea if the press were to .acquaint the public with the fact that if the parking meters are not operating satisfactorily than a call be placed with the Police Station in order that the meters might be repaired, 228 RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed; No. 91 - MacDONALD - MARTIN - RESOL~ that the request of the Board of Education be approved and permission be granted subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal ~oard and a new by-law be submitted to the Ontario ~hnicipal Board in the amount of $25,000. for the purchase of property and the renovation of the existing building to be used as an Administration Building for the Board of Education; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried. No. 92 - DONALD - MacDONALD - RESOL~ that the matter of the removal of parking meters from the east side of Victoria Avenue adjacent to the Centre Street intersection and the establishment of no parking be referred to the Traffic Co~ittee for consideration and a report; and the Seal of the Corpor- ation be hereto affixed. C_a rri e d The Council adjourned to Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald. r The report of the Assistant City Engineer regal.cling ~-.~ Of S. Biamonte for a building permit to convert an e-~dstin~ 3.carall llcat~-n was Presented for consideration O'RD~DED on t}'e motion of ~d "cK' ] to ~ ~ r m Fro~rty Co~ttee Co~ consideration, · ..... e ~. ~nr~ ~ n e2' / ,.~t}]e ~ZAD ArC ADO_PTED, 31st A~Cust' 1953. Clerk ' .-~ -. Chai.~nan of F!nv~eo 229 READ A~D ADOPTED, 31st August, 1953. Clerk ~oro COUNCIL ~'P~.ETiNG ~ Council Chamber, \ 17th August,1953. - ; The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance ' Meetings for the Purpose off passing the by-law which covered the accounts apt:rove by the Committee. His Worship Mayor Hawkins Presided. All members were [,resent *- .-' with the except ton of Ald. ~iller and Mowers. FINI~CE KEETING ~ouncil Chamber, The followin~ By-law was Passed~ l?th AuguSt,1953. ~ ~ To provide monies for general Purposes. The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 17th August, 1953 for the Purpose of approving and also.passing the various accounts which had been properly ' ORD~iLT~ on the motion o . ' e ' r ' with the exception of AId. Miller and Mowers. Ald. Donald, presided as Chairman ~ ssi~ ~ the Priwilegeof tntroduc dt~ hn that Ald. Donald Sundry Accounts submitted, in the amount of $93,268.59 were approved the Standin ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald ~, · by the CoF~ittee. the se g Rules of Council be temporaril s and -~rt~n thah Rule 36 (2) of n reading.. Carried. Y uspended and the by-law be given The Accounts submitted, with the exception of Voucher No. 23~3 in the Third Reading _Ald. McKinley and Martin . Carried. amount of $16~. being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, op t~e ~c+~on oe Ald. k~c- Kinlcy ~nd :'~rtin.' nece After hearing the Assistant Cit , . meeting was again presented for consideration. CRDERED on the-motion of Ald. so by the Chief Constable ajd the ne new PoLice office McFdnley and Martin that the Statement be referred to the next Regular Meeting.y a so for sidewalk repairs that the be em wered to act on the matters brought ro~th by the ~sistant City hgineer in codecrOon ~th the new Police Head- qu art e r s, It was agreed tha5 the Property Co~dt~ee ~uld meet a~ ~.~0 Co~cil Chamber, Friday evening, August 21st to consider the t~ matters wkich had been referred 31st August,19~3. and the application for a buil4ing pe~t on Peer I~ne. ~rsu~t to adjou~en~, ~cil met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 31st. Au~st, 1953, for the pur~se of membeps of ~u~cil were present. ~e ~uncil ~djeurned on the motion of ~d. ~nald and Brooks. ~d ~nald. ~e ~uncil, ha~ng received and read ~nutes of the Previous meeting, R~tD A~ ~r~O, 21st, AuCust,l?~, members of the ~a~, was present at the meeting and on the motion of ~d, I~ller ~ ~~ and ~ac~nald was ~tted to s~ak, He stated that as far as the ~ard are ~ ~ concerned, the pretty on ~lts Street is in a satisfactory conditio~ for the Pur~se of renovating into an a~nistration building for the ~ard of ~ucation and ad~sed that seven members of the ~ard had ~ted ~animously in fayour of .......... ~ the site. Clerk .... . ......~. ~d. ~na].d s~ke in oP~sition to the by-law which ~s being considered c / ~yor. for the pur~se of authorizing the novarich and eq~pping of the btlding ~der ~scussion, stating that one member of the b~lding was in ve~ ~or con~tion. ~d. ~nald stated optsod ~o that ~o~t of money bein~ s~nt for this b~l~ng as the fo~dation this fact, he was definitely going to veto ag~nst the by-law. that o~ng to ~d. ~ller desired the Purchase of the pm~y, the fu~sM~s ~d the renovation of the b~l~n~ ~d was ad~sed by ~s Worship the MaWr that this ~o~t included ever~hing in ~ection ~th the b~l~ng. ' ~d. ~rtin stated tha~ citizens have the idea that the ~o~t of ~25,000. is for the Purchase of the b~l~ng only. He stated that he voted in fa~ur of the Purchase of t~s b~lding ~d ~s of ~he opinion that the ~aM of ~uca~lon ~11 not s~nd $2~,~0. fop a b~l~ng ~ich is not satisfacto~, that cert~n m~bers of ~eir ~ard have ~owle~e of construction details. ~s ~rship was of the opinion that if the ~ard of ~ucation are satis- fied ~th the b~l~ng in question then Co~cil should also ~ satisfied, o~ng tO the fact that it is s~table for the needs of the ~aM. ~he motion of ~d, ~ller ~d ~in., it ~s ordered that she be ~tted to s~ak, Mrs. ~lli~s requested ~cil to do so~tMng to stop the noise or the on Jepson St~et. In ~swer to the que~ of members of Co~cil, the City M~ager ad~sed that ~cil can o~y insist that the Proprietor keep the ~ndo~ in tha~ pa~ of his establishrant from which the noise em~ates, closed. His Worship the ~yor ad~sed Mrs. Willi~s that the City Manager ~ll contact Mr. Darrah of Logan and In anre v, nu,. ,s sent at th, --,tin f:presenti A. °--tier of ~ P e~ses at 188 ~y Avenue It ctmng ~ ad~tion A d ~c~ ~ his rd,~s ~ ~se of ere · nalr~ and Ydller that ~ Darrah b ' ~s ordered on the ~tion con~tions e~sting ~d stated that the mt~ heard. He gave a reave of the P~vate ~tter ~t~en these t~ tn~ u er ~der ~scussion is entirely ~l~ng ~t be grated to his client ~ ~d res~ct~ly.su~ested that .. autier. Mr. Heman Brown of 182 May Avenue, also present at the meeting, was permitted to speak, on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Mowers. He referred to the fact that his residence is in the rear of Cautier's property and desired to know ~hether he had been assessed for the right-of-way over his property and .was advised by His Worship the Mayor that Council cannot make a decision in this respect, and referred Mr. Brown to the Court of Revision for judgment on his assessment problem. SEE Reports 147-1~8. COMMUNICATIONS Laid over from a previous meeting; No. 246 - Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves - requesting Council's endorse. ment of general principles contained in Minutes of last Annual Conference of the Association. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the communi. cation be received and filed and Council endorse the action of the Association. No. 264 - Mrs. J. R. Campbell _ re hedge between 1199 and 1207 River Road. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Donald and MacDonald that the cogmaunication be received and filed and the occupant of 1199 River Road be requested to have the hedge on his Property trimmed to a height of 3 feet above the wall back for approx. imately 12 feet. SEE Report No.14h -Ald. Brooks arrived at meeting - No. 26~ - DePartment of Planning and.Development ~ re proposed subdivision by A. Brouillette of Part of Block No. 11, Plan 11, Muir Avenue. ORDERED ON the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the co,~nunication be received and filed and the owner of the property be notified that he will be requested to pay a considerable portion of the expense involved in connection with the installation of sewer services. SEE Report No.145 No. 271 - Louis Gallardi . aPPreciation for Traffic Committee,s action with reference to par~ing problem on Peer Street. ORDERED on Mowers and Martin that the communication be received and the motion of filed. No. 272 - Chief Constable C. R. Pay - re Truckers, Union Strike. ORDERED on the motion' of Aid. McKinley and MacDonald that the con~nunication be received and filed and a letter be forwarded expressing aPPreciation to the Chief Constable for his efforts. No. 273 - Ontario Fire Marshal,s Office _ Fire Prevention Week _ October hth- 10th. O~DERED on the motion of Aid. Donald and Miller that the communication be received and filed ~nd the observance of Fire Prevention Week be carried out. No. 27h - H. Clark Pattinson _ Sewer trouble at 1846 Symmes Avenue. O~DERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the co~aunication be received and the writer he advised that steps will be taken to clean the sewer on Symmes Avenue for its entire length; that Council were unaware of this condition on S~nes Avenue; and the City Manager's r~port be received and adopted. No. 27~ - Canadian Shredded Wheat Co . . copy of lether re conditions for parking lot. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the communi_ cations be received and laid on the table for one week and referred to the City Solicitor and City Manager for a re of the Traffic Coattee ref port on costs involved. Ald. Miller, Chairman erred , to the efforts put forth by t~e Traffic Com- mittee and the City ~anager to acquire this Property for par~ing Purposes for the use of patens of the Memoria~ Arena, which has resulted in this faycurable communication from the Company in question. Ald. Mowers suggested that Council should investigate the possibility of maintaining a snpervised parking lot and could see no reason why a nominal charge should not be made to offset the cost of such maintenance. No. 276 - Flett and Beccario _ req. Council to enact a by-law releasing Part of Lot 178, Plan 35, east side of Victoria Avenue from restrictions imposed by by-law 1713. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and M/ller that the communi. cation be received and filed and a by-law be drawn as requested. 233 .... TENDE______~ ~ No. 277 - Canadian Ice Fantasy encl. contract . ~fton e~ ' e. Memorid Arena, December 12th, 1953. O~ERED on the motion or ad, ~nald and n.a, i~ti~led ~ ~s Worship the ~yor and tab~ated. · painti~ of the New Police Station; and $71.~ for the ~nti of the d $95 · Corked Un~imusly. P~or to this motion, ~d. ~nal~, s condad by ~d. MacOnold moved that the lo~st tenders be accepted for Jobs ~ SE ~-law No.5003 2 and 3 ~d the to. tier for ~.tl~ the e~erior or the Police 8tation be re- 'had ad Mcnnleyl N~e - ha. roller, Brooks, a~iY;d Moors?~d' ac - ha. ~n~d then left the meeting . ~CA~ONS ~e follo~nK ~rts ~re P~sente ~e foRc~ ~m~cations were presented; ' ~;. ~/:& - Pro~y ~ttee . tacomarid an U on the motion of ~d. ~n~d and' here at llS? rover ~ad be trimed. co~cattcn be received-~d Sled. and filed S~ ~tcatton No. 265. No. 146 - City Manager -re sewer trouble at 1846 Symmes Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication No. 274. No. 147 - City Solicitor - Opinion re Gautier's application for a building permit at 1S8 May Avenue. No. 148 - City Manager - report on building permit applied for by Mr. Gautier. ORDER on the n~tion of kid. McKinley and MacDonald that the reports be re- ceived and adopted and the building permit be issued subject to the provisions provided therein. Carried. (Ald. MacDonald, McKinley, Mowers, Martin, in fayour; kid. Brooks - contrary; kid. Miller refrained from voting; Ald. Donald-absent). No. 149 - City Manager - request of Victoria Motors to pave lot at corner of Magdalen and Ellen Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted and the request be referred to the Traffic Committee with power to act. No. 150 - City Manager - recommending attendance of Fire Chief at Convention in Toronto. ORDERED on the motion of tld. McKinley and Mowers that the report be received and adopted. No. 151 - City Clerk - report on hearing of Ontario Municipal Board re by-laws ~977 and 4984. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the report be received and filed. No. 152 - City Clerk ~ application for a Bake Shop Licenee at 239 River Road. ORDERED on the motion of kid. MacDonald and Mowers that the report be received and the licenee be not granted. No. 153 - City Cler~ - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of kid. MacDonald and Martin that the report be received and adopted and licenoes issued accordingly. VERBAL REPORT kid. Miller, Chairman of Traffic'Committee, referred to the matter of ~he possible removal of parking meters from the east side of Victoria Avenue, adjacent to the Centre Street intersection and the establishment of no parking alqng that side, which was referred to the Committee at the meeting of August 17th and advised Council that due to the lateness of the season that the matter be laid in abeyance. ORDERED on the motion of kid. McKinley and MacDonald that the verbal report be received and adopted. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed; No. 93 - DONALD . MacDONALD - RESOLVED that the Contract between the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena and the Canadian Ice Fantasy of 1954 be completed for the showing of the Ice Fantasy on Saturday, December 12th, 1953; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. ~o. 94 - MARTIN - MCKINLEY . RESOLVED that a communication be forwarded to kid. Grant Donald expreaeing Council's congratulations upon his election as Vice- President of the Ontario Municipal Ass6ciation; and the Seal of the C~rperation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. No. 9~ - MOWEN~8 - McKINIa.Y -RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of Council be held e~ Tuesday, Sel~ember ~th, 'at 7.30 p.m. and the ~eal of t~e Corporation be hereto affixed. CalTied Uanimously. No. 96 - MacDONALD _ MOWERS _ RESOLVED that Whereas Sangster Lumber Company Limited, being the owner of all lands on both sides of Hamilto~ Street, east of the rear limits of Lots ll and 10, Range 2 north of Chestnut Street, Flan 632, Produced northerly across the said Hamilton Street, has Petitioned the Council to permit the said Company to erect a fence across the said Hamilton Street on the line of the said east limits of Lots ll and lO, Produced northerly across Hamilton Street and to use and occupy the lands east of the said fence lines together with other lands of the Company, at a nominal rental of $1.00 per year for the period of five years Providing that no building or other erection tha~ the said fence should be placed ~pon the said portion of Hamilton Street, and that the servants or agents of the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls should be per- mitted to enter thereon at any time for the Purposes of the Corporation; And Whereas the said portion of Hamilton Street is not at present required for public use as a highway and the said Company has Petitioned the Council to peml~t the Company to erect the said fence and to perair the said occupation. Therefore ~e It Resolved that Sangster L~nber Company, Liaited be Permitted to erect the said , _ fence and to use and occupy the said lands east of the said fence line with other lands of the Company at a nominal rental of $1.00 per year for the period of five years, subject to the Provisions that no building or other erection than the said fence shall be placed upon the said Portion of Hamilton Street, and that the servants or agents of the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls shall be per- mitted to enter thereon at any time for the purposes of the Corporation and that the said Permission may be revoked by the Council of the Corporation at any time upon one month,s notice of the intention of the Council to revoke the same; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carrie______~d. No. 97 - MILLER . MOWERS _ RESOLVED that the City of Niagara Falls contact the Canadian National Railway officials with reference to the widening of the Victoria Avenue Bridge so that this highway may be Properly developed to handle present day traffic and the support of the Greater Niagara Chamber ov Comnerce be solicited; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. ~arried. No. 98 - McKI~TLEy'_ MOWERS _ RESOLVED the City Manager be instructed to make a strong protest to the Bell Telephone Company for the most disgraceful condition of Stamford Street, resulting from the work performed by their contractors in connection with the excavation and laying of cable on this street; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried. ~Y-L4WS The followinK BY-law was Presented; ~ - To authorize'the borrowing of $25,000.00 for the P~pose of Purchasing an existing building and renovating and equipping said building to be used as an administration building for the Board of Education for the City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of tld. Miller and Donald that kid. Martin be granted the Privilege of introducing the reading.. Carried Unanimously. by-law and the by-law be given the first ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. _ Carried. (Contrary .Ald. Donald, McKinley and Mowers). (His Worship the Mayor asked to be recorded in fayour of the second reading.) The followtnR By-laws were Passed: ~ - To authorize the signing of an agreement with The Senior ,,Ae Hockey Team of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and MacDonald that Aid. McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. ~ Carried. 235 . 236 ORDERED on the motion of aid. Mowers and Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried. Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and Martin - Carried. No. 5005 - To authorize An alteration in an A~reement with the Imperial Bank of Canada in regard to the building line on Victoria Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Miller that Ald. Martin be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried. Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and Martin - Carried. RESOLUTION The following Resolution was passed; No. 99 - MacDonald - Martin - RESOLVED that Ald. Miller be appointed Acting Chairman of Finance during the absence of Ald. Donald; and the Seal of the Corporation be heretO affixed. Carried The Council adjourned to Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and READ AND ADOPTED, 8th September, 1953. Clerk ~Mayor. FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 31st AUgust, 1953. The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 31st August, 1953 for the pur- pose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of t he Committee were present, with the exception of Ald. Donald. AId. Miller, presided as Acting Chairman of Finance. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $101,863.91 were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or other~dse dealt with, were ordered placed in the moneyby-law for Presentation to the Council, on the motion of His Worship the Mayor and Ald. McKinley. With reference to the account of S. M. Peterkin and Company in the amount of $165. which was deleted from the last Finance Meeting, held on August 17th, upon exPlanation of the City Manager that this was the fee charged for checking over the proposed refrigerating system in the Memorial Arena and pre- paration of report including travelling expenses _ for 2 trips made by repre- sentatives of the Company, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Martin and His Worship the Mayor that the account of $165. payable to S. M. Peterkin and Company, be placed in the next Finance Meeting. The Revenue and Expenditure Statement as of June 30th, 1953 laid over from a previous meeting for a report of the City Auditor on Pa3~oll procedure, was again Presented for consideration, along with the Auditor's report. In this connection, it was ordered on the motion of His Worship the Mayor and Ald. Martin that Mr. L. C. Crawford be heard. He referred to his report which had been dis- tributed to the members of the Committee and asked if there were any questions with regard to it. ORDERED on the motion of AId. MacDonald and McKinley that the report be tabled for two weeks in order that Council may peruse the same and that a schedule be prepared by the City Manager in connection with this report. The application of S. Biamonte for a building permit to convert an existing garage at 2005 Stanley Avenue, at the comer of Peer Lane into a four- room apartment, at an estimated cost of $1,000. laid over from the previous meeting, was presented for consideration, along with the Property Committee's report Upon the recommendation of the Proper~y Committee and on the motion of AId. Mac~nald a~d McKinley, it was ordered that the report be received and adopted and the permit be granted. The Su~mnary of Tenders 'for construction of Huron Street Storm Sewer and also the Summary of Tenders for construction of Third Avenue Storm Sewer, were Pre~ented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the tenders of the Dick Construction and Engineering Co. Ltd. Welland, Ontario the lowest tender, at a quotation of $16,937.60 for the Huron St. Storm Sewer and $33,413.70 for the Third Avenue Storm Sewer, be accepted. The City Manager's report in connection with the quotation of $710.. received from Kerrio's Welding Works for the installation of bars on the windows of the ceil block at the new Police Station at the corner of Park Street and Clifton Avenue, was presented; ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mckinley and His Worship the Mayor that the report be received and adopted. The City Mannger,s report with 'reference to the application of Mr. J. Marchose, 1267 Ontario Avenue for a building permit to construct a one-storey frame addition at the rear of the existing frame dwelling, was presented for consideratioh. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and His Worship the Mayor cost of the w~rk to ~e recorded The City Manager,s report with reference to the application of Harry Poleseh~nski, for a building permit to erect an addition at the rear of the echorote block garage at 1719 Stanley Avenue, the entire structure to be used as a butcher shop, was Presented for consideration. 237 Mr. Dominic Fiore was permitted to address the Committee in connection with this application, on the motion of His Worship the Mayor and Mowers. He asked the Committee to give favourable consideration to the granting of this permit, ORDERED on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Martin that the report be received and adopted and the permit be issued. The statement of Relief as of July, 1953 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of His Worship the Mayor and Aid. McKinley that the state- ment be received, given the usual publicity and filed. The City Treasurer advised the Committee that he had received a request. from the Administrator of the General Hospital in connection with the City's grant of $5,000. to the Hospital. ORDERED on the motion of His Worship Mayor Hawkins and Aid, MacDonald that the request be tabled for one week and referred to the Chairman of Finance and the City Manager for consideration and report. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Martin. Clerk ' ~Chairman Of Finance. COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 31st August,1953. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Fin- ance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. His Worship Mayor Hawkins presided. All members were present, with the exception of Ald. Donald. BY-LAW The following By-law was passed~ .No. ~006 - To provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and McKinley that Ald. Miller be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. }/cWd,,ley and Mowers that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading, . Carried Unanimously, Thin Reading .Ald, MacDonald and}4artin . Carried, READ AND ADOPTED, 8th September, 1953. Mayor. THIRTY-NINTH MEETING REGULAR MEETING Counci1 Chamber, 8th September, 1953. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday, 8th September, 1953, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of AId. MacDonald and Mowers. APPRECIATION His Worship Mayor Hawkins expressed the sincere appreciation of him- self, Mrs. Hawkins and members of her family to the City Council and Civic Departments for the messages of sympathy and floral tributes received in the passing of Mrs. Hawkins' father, the late Mr. James Wadge. COMMUNICATIONS The following Communications were presented; No. 278 - Joseph Caverson - req. permission to purchase portion of lane. No. 279 - Leo Gallins - req. permission to purchase portion of lane. No. 280 - GriMor Grigoreff _ req. permission to purchase portion of lane pro- posed to be closed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the matter be laid on the table for one week and the City Manager discuss same with Niagara Foundry Company to make them aware of the situation and to ascertain whether they still wish to have the lane closed. No. 281 - Ben Yuhasz - req. permission to erect motel. It was moved by Ald. Brooks and MacDonald that the con~nunication be received and tabled for one week to permit members of Council to view the property. This motion was defeated, the vote being - Aye: Ald. Brooks, Miller; Nays: Ald. Donald, Mac- Donald, Martin, McKinley and Mowers. An amendment by Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the communication be received and filed and Mr. Yuhasz be advised that this application is contrary to existing by-laws, was carried. (Contrary- Ald. Brooks and Miller). No. 282 - G.H.P. Woodall - re conditions on Drmnmond Road near the intersection OF Doleware Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Miller and -MacDonald that the communication be received and filed and the report of the City Manager be received and adopted. SEE Report No.154 At this point, AId. Miller asked the City Manager if he had any additional information re the sidewalk or curb and gutter on the north side of Doleware and was advised that to date only four replies had been received, and these were io fayour of a curb and gutter being constructed. No. 283 - Frank Anthon~ - req. construction of curb at 779 Crawford Place. ORDERED on the motion ef Ald. Mowers and McKinley that the communicatJ on be received and filed and the report of the City Manager be received and adopted. SEE Report No.155 XEPORTS The following Reports were presented: No. 154 - City Manager - recommend, that the portion of street allowance on Dmmnnond Road between the travelled road surface and the sidewalk from Doleware Street to Murray Street be surfaced to eliminate dust and to provide proper drainage. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Miller and MacDonald that the report be ~eceived and adopted. SEE 0osmunicatien No, 282. No. 155 - City ManaKer - recommend. that if Mr. Anthony so desires, th,. CRy could construct a curb, subject to an agreement for paJ~,ent being ..maJe ]etween the Corporation and the o~er. ORDER_ED on the motion of .~d. ~.~e'~ers and Mc- Kinley that the re~rt be received and adopted. No. 156 - City Clerk - reco~end. issuance of lic~nces ORDE~D on t~.e '~,-.t~, of ~d. McKinley ~d MacDon~d that Lhe ~Frt be 'r~ce~ved' an~ adoproS licehess issued accoMingly. No. 157 - Traffic Coattee . reco~end. that Homewood Avenue l~ made a 'through' street at Huron Street. O~EP~ on the motion of the re~ be received and adopted. SEEFetition P~o.1 . PETITIONS The followinK Petitions were Presented; No. 13 - Mr. and Mrs. Fred Alderton ~nd 8 others - objecting to the noise created by Globe and Mail Carriers on St. Clair Avenue. ORDEP2D on the motion Of Ald. Dona]! anc~ MacDonald that the PeLition be received and filed and the matter left in the hands of the City i~anager to take u1! with the ~;roper authorities. No. 14 - A. Follett and 62 others - re traffic conditions at the comer of Street and Homewood Avenue. OKDERED on the motion of Ald. Mc~in].ey and Mowers that the Petition be received and filed and the report of the Traffic Co~dttee be received and adopted. RESOLUTIONS The followin~ Resolutions were passed; No. 99A- DONALD . MACDONALD _ RESOLVED That a message of sympathy on behalf of His Worship the Mayor and Members of the City Council be forwarded to the family of the late Mr. James Wadge; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimousl . No. lO0 - DONALD . MacDONALD . RESOLVED that a message of symPethy on behalf of His Worship the Mayor and Members of the City Council be forwarded to the fandly of the late Hr. William A. Delaney; asd the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimousl . MISCELLANEOUS Ald. Brooks referred to the condition of Buchanan Avenue where the new. sewer was installed and was advised by the City Manager that the matter had been taken care of. Ald. McKinley asked if the conditions on Stamford Street created by the Bell Telephone Company had been taken care of and was advised by the City Manager that it had been considerabl~ improved. Ald. Miller inquired as to whether t~ tr~f~c ?fg?al, e,!uL],n~!nt b~d been r~ceived and ~as advised by the City l, hnager that t~ had and it was hoped to have it installed the following week and that then the representative of the Company would be asked to come over. Ald. Donald referred to the excessive amount of stone being spilled off Hydro trucks on various streets and was advised by the City Manager that an intensive campaign had been inaugurated against the drivers and the condition was very much improved. The following By-law was passed; No. 5007 - To authorize the signing of a contract with the Dick Construction and Engineering Company, Limited. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that Ald. Donald be granted the pFivilege &introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and MacDonald - Carried Unanimously. The Council adjourned to Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKdnley and Mowers. READ AND ADOPTED, lath September, 1953. Mayor FINANCE ~ETING Council Chamber, 8th September, 1953. The Finance Meeting was held on Tuesday, 8th September, 1953 for the purpose of appruving and also passing the various accounts which~ had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Ald. Donald presided as Chairman of Finance. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $27,387.75 were approved by the Conmdttee. The Accounts cubmitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the money by-law for Presentation to the Council on the motion of His Worship the Mayor and Ald. MacDonald. The request of T. Kahlan for a building permit for alterations to his cabins at 2212 Stanley Avenue was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of His Worship the Mayor and Ald. MacDonald that the request be tabled for one week and that the members of Council view the l~cation at 7:00 on Monday evening, September l~th. The City Mansger,s report ~th reference to the application of Loblaw Groceteria to construct a new s tore at 1772 Main Street :~as presented ~or con- sideration. ORDERED on the motion of ~/d. ~:acDonaldand McEinley that the re~or. be received and adopted and the permit be granted. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and ~;mrtin that the plans fcr Loblaw GroceteFia be referred to the Traffic Committee for perusal in order th:~t recommendations may be made as to traffic control in that area. The Treasurer,s Report on Comparison of Tax Collections as of August 31st, 1953, was Presen6ed for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Hi s Worship the Fayor and Ald. MacDonald that the report be received, given the usual publicity and filed. The Committee arose and reported to Cotu~cil on the motion of ~is =,Vo~shiF t4e W4yor and Ald o MacDonald. READ AND ADOPTED, lath September, 1953. 2'13 Chairman of Finance COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 8th SePtember, 1953. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings for the Purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. His Worship Mayor Hawkins presided. __~-LAW The followinR BY-law was Passed; No. 5008 - To provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin that Ald. Donald be granted the Privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the 'first reading_ Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Mowers that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temparapily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading.. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading .Ald. MacDonald and Mowers . Carried Unanimously. VERBAL REPORT The City Manager advised Council that considerable difficulty had been experienced with the underground cable on Main Street and requested authority from Council to permit the Niagara Falls Hydro-Electric Commission to instal temporary multiple lighting on Main Street. Ald. Donald expressed the view that a meeting should he held with the Hydro-Electric Commission to discuss proposed plans for business street lighting. Aid. Martin referred to a complaint he had received about ~treet lighting on Drtumaond Road between North Street and Summer Street and was advised by the City Manager that this portion of the street was lighted by the Township of Stamford. Following further discussion, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Mowers that the City Manager be authorized to arrange with the Niagara Falls Hydro-Eiectric Commission for the installation of multiple lighting on Main Street as a temporary measure only and also discuss the question of the proper lighting on Drummond Road north of Lundy's Lane. SEE Resolution No.lO1. His Worship b~yor Hawkins advised that he would take up the question business street lighting with the Commission in order to obtain information for Council as to what is proposed and how soon it would be inaugurated. MISCELLANEOUS Ald. Donald, Chairman of Finance, referred to the request of the Greater Niagara General Hospital for their grant towards indigent costs and a discussion was held with reference to the mode of payment and following dis- cussion, it was agreed that the mount of $5,000.00 as provided in the budget be paid in full without any deduction. By-laws Noe. 3962, 4344 and ~933 were produced and read for Council's information; these by-laws dealing with motels and tourist cabins and locations where they are permitted. Following discussion, itwas ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the matter be referred to the City Solicitor for consideration and a report as to whether the existing by-laws permit renovations, modernization and replacement of existing buildings and to what extent and also as to whether there was any prohibition as to increasing accommodation. SEE Resolution No. 102 RESOLUTIONS The followin~ Resolutions were passed.~ No. 101 - MILLER ~ MOWERS . RESOLVED that the City Manager be authorized to arrange with the Niagara Falls Hydro-Electric Commission for the installation of multiple lighting on Main Street as a temporary measure only and also discuss the question of the proper lighting of Drummond Road north of Lundy's Lane; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. ' Carried Unanimously. No. 102 - DONALD . MOWERS - RESOLVED that By-laws dealing with motels and tourist cabins be referred to the City Solicitor for consideration and a report as to whether the existing by-laws permit renovations, modernization and replace- ment of existing buildings and to what extent and also as to whether there ~as any prohibition as to increasing accommodation; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. · Carried Unanimously. The Council adjourned on the motion of A!df DonHld and Mowers. READ AND ADOPTED, l~th September, 1953.. I TlffRTIETH }'~TiNG REGOL4~ ~.ETING Council 14th Se~.~ ,'r',b,.r, 1953. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, lath of September~ 1953, for the purpose of considering general business and fit ~ members of Council were present, with the exception of Ald MacDo . ~.c~. All The Council, having received and read the minutes of the pre~ious theeSin.., adol~ted · n, ~ ~nu rJ1]er. these on the motion of Aid. Martin and Bmoks. ~ DEPUTATIONS Mr. J. Shahfield was present at Lhe meeting in connection w~t}l kis nequ!.st that his property at !645 Ferry Street, be designated for the cons~'uction of a first-class tourist establishment, and on the motion of Ald. ~owers and Donald was pemnitted to address the Council. He advised that this building would not he in the category of a motel but an extension to his Present residence. His Worship the Mayor suggested that a pencil sketch be ~repRred for sub,~ssion to the City Manager for his opinion. SEE Co'mmunication No. 296. Mr. Luther Cartledge was present at the meeting and was permitted to speak to Council on the motion of Ald. Donald and Martin. He complained about the recent decision of the Ontario Municipal Board to dismiss the aPplic~tion the municipality for approval of by-law number 4977, which was designed to lift a portion of Lot A'o. l~ on Lundy,s Lane, adjacent to Drummond Road, owned hy him, out of the residential area and to place it in the business and fire area. He advised that this property had been Purchased in order to construct an extension to his garage. He queried as to the possibility of tearing do.~n the e~dsting buildlng located on this lot fn order that the land could be used as a driveway and requested Council's Permission for an entrance off Lundy's Lane. After further discussion, it was suggested that If Mr. Cartledge had any Proposition to offer, that he submit the same in writing for the consideration of the City Council. SEE~ COMMUNICATIONS hid over from a Previous meetingl No. 275 - Canadian Shredded Wheat Co. - copy of letter re conditions for parking lot. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Donald that the communication be received and filed and the municipality enter into an agreement for the use of this lot. SEE~ No. 278 - Joseph Caverson . ~equesting Permission to purchase Portion of lane. No. 279 - Leo Gallins . requesting Permission to Purchase POrtion of lane. No. 280 - Grigor Grigoroff . requesting permission to Purchase Portion of lane. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin that the co~.un~cations be laid over for consideration along with by-law n~mber 5001. After third r~ad~ ~g of ~his by-lsw. it was ordered on the ~otioq ~f Ald. McKinley ~nd Mowers that the communications be tabled for one week and the City Manager .be instructed to submit a report on the amount to be charged for the purchase of these parcels of ProPerties. 2,1 S 24' The following Communications were presented; No. 28~ - Greater Niagara Co~m~unity Chest - requesting permission to erect red feathers for their 1953 campaign. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the communication be received and filed and penmission granted. No. 285 - Local Insurance Agents - requesting permission to discuss insurance survey. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and B~ooks that the conmunication be received and filed and the writer notified that this discussion will take place at the Council Meeting on Monday, September 21st. No. 286 - J. Shanfield - application for designation of 1645 Ferry Street as tourist establishment. OP3)~ on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that the conmlunication be received and filed and the writer notified that no per- mission can be granted as t~]e proposal is contrary to the municipal by-law. SEE Deputations The fol]owinM Reports were Presented; No. 158 - City Manager - reparking lot at inbersection of Centre Street and Lewis Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. b~rtin and Donald that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication No. 275 No. 159 - City Manager - recommending attendance of S. Sills at Convention. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks that the report be received and adopted. No. 160 - City Clerk - re dismissal by Ontario Municipal Board of application for approval of by-law number ~977. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the report be received and filed. SEE Deputations No. 161 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenoes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Martin that the report be received and adopted and licenoes issued accordingly. BY-LAWS Laid over from a previous meeting] ~ - To stop up and sell that portion of a 16-foot lane running from Buttrey Street to Ferguson Street, between Victoria Avenue and Acheson Avenue, according to Plan No. 32, registered for the Town of Niagara Falls and being the southerly 225 feet, 3 inches thereof, running northerly from Buttrey Street. Third Reading .Ald. McKinley and Brooks - Carried. 'The follewin~ By-laws were ;mseed~ ~ - To amend By-la~ number 3791, being a by-law designating through highways. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that Ald. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-laW be given the fiTst reading. - Carried. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that Hul~, 3(~ of the Standing Rules of Council be temi!orarily sue[ended and the by-law be given the second reading. _ Carried. Third Reading _Ald. Donald and ~fcKjnley. Carried. ~ - To authorize the execution of ~n aCtcement between the Sorpor~tiou of ORDERED on the motion of kld. Mowers and McKinley that A~d. Dcr~,'.ld be granted the privilege of introducing the by~law and the by-]a~ be giv~,n the first reading.. Carried. ORDERED on the motion o~ AYd. Brooks and Martj~ fhat Rule 36 f9) of the St~ding R~es of ~uncil ~ temporarily suspended and the by-law be give:~ the second ~ading. _ Carried. ~ird Rea~nE . ~d. Mowers and [~Ptin - Carried. RESOLUTION The followinR Resolution was Passed; No. 103 - MOWERS . DONALD . RESOL:~ED that Ald. George Martin be appointed Enacting ~%yor, during the absence of His Worship, Mayor Hawkins from the City September 19th to 24th inclusive; and the Seal of t~e Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried The Council adjourned to Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley ~nd Mowers. READ AND ADOPTED, 21st September, 1953. FINANCE MEET/NO Council Chambers, 1/~th SePtember, 1953. The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, l~th September, 1953 for the Purpose of approving and also Passing the various accounts which had been Properly certified and Placed before them. All members of Present, with the exception of Ald. MacDonald and Miller.. the Committee were as Chairman of Finance. Ald. Donald Presided the Committee. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $57,83~.~6 were approved by The accounts submitted, being Passed or otherwise dealt with, were eMered Placed in the money by-law Jot Presentation to the ef AId. MoMinley and Ma~in.on the 2 '48 The Revenue and Expenditure Statement as of June 30th, 1953 and the Audttor's Report on payroE procedure,~ laid over from the previous meeting, were again presented along with a report of the City Manager. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and His Worship the Mayor that the same be tabled until the arrival of the City Auditor and discussed in Conference. The request of T. Kahlan, 2212 Stanley Avenue for a building permit to remodel cabins, laid over from the previous meeting, was again presented for consideration, along with a report of the City Solicitor. OFgERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the request be received and he be advised that a permit will be granted subject to Counc!l's approval of plans for the pro- posed remodelling. Carried. A communication from Mike Fiere requesting refund of the purchase price paid for Lot 74, Dyson Avenue, was presented for consideration. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Brooks that the communication be received and filed and the request be granted. The report of the City Manager in connection with the application of L. Levine for a building permit to construct an addition consisting of an extension to the second floor of the building at 521 Queen Street, at an estimated cost of $25,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and His Worship the Mayor that the report be received and adopted and the permit be granted. The report of the City Manager in connection with the application of Charles Damate, for a building permit to make alterations to the building at 836 Victoria Avenue, at an estimated cost of $25,000. was presented for con- sideration. ORDERED on the motion of His Worship the Mayor and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and adopted and the permit be issued. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Martin end McKinley. READ AND ADOPTED, 21st September,1953. Chairman of Finance COUNGIL MEETING Council Chamber, 1;~th SeFtember, 1O~?. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council ~nd Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Conmdttee. All members of Council were present, with the exception of Ald. MacDonald and Miller.. His Worship M~or Ha~kfns presided. The followln~ By-law was Passed; BY-LAW ~ - To prDvide monies for general PUrposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~bwers and McKinley that AId. ~n~]-~ be granted the Pri'~lege of introducing the by-law ~d the by-law be given the first reading. _ Carried. OFLDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Donald that Rule 34 of the Standing Rules of Council be eem}~rarily suspended and the by-law given the second reading.. Carried. Third Reading _Ald. Martin and Mowers _ Carried. RESOLUTIONS The followinR Resolutions were passed; No. 104 - DONALD _ M0r~.%S _ RZSOLTED that the City Manager be instructed to sub~t a m~. ~n connection ~tb the ~ssible erection of a sign at the easterly end of Queen Street fo~ the direction of traffic to the business section of the City~ ~d the Seal of the Cor~ration ~ bed-ere affixed, Carrie__~d He, 105 - McKINLEy . BROOKS _ RESOLVED that the City Manage~ be instructqd to submit a report on the possibility of the erection of a suitable Plaque of Churchill Place; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed, The Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Aid, Donald and McKinley. READ AN~ ADOPTED 21st SePtember, 1953. Clerk ' ~ ... CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 14 SePtember, 1953. The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, September 14~h, 1953 for the Purpose of considering various items Presented to them. After consideration of these matters, the Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers. READ AND ADOpTED 21st Septembep#1953. 249 THIRTY-FIRST ME~TING Council Chamber, 21 September,1953. Pursuant to adJourmment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 21st of September, 1953 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of Council were present, with the exception of His l~rship, Mayor Hawkins and Ald. MacDonald. Enacting Mayor, George Martin, presided. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of AId. Mowers and Donald. COMMUNICATIONS Laid over from the previous meeting; No. 278 - Joseph Caverson - offer to purchase portion of a lane. ORD~ERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Donald that the communication be received and filed and the portion, having a frontage of 75 feet, 3 inches, be conveyed to the applicant at the price of $50.00. SEE Report No.162 No. 279 - Leo Gallins - offer to purchase portion of a lane. ORDEF-jZD on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that the communication be received and filed and the portion, having a frontage of 33 feet, 4 inches be conveyed to the applicant at the p-ice of $25.00. SEE Report No.162 No. 280 - GriEoro. Grigoroff;- offer to purchase portion of a lane. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that the communication be received and filed and that l~rtion, having a frontage of 66 feet, 8 inches, be conveyed to the applicant at the price of $45.00. SEE Report No.162. TENDERS Tenders were c~lled for the supply of coal for the lq53-195A season and on the motion of AId. Donald and M~ller it was ordered that the tenders received be opened, initialled by His Worship, Enacting Mayor Martin, and tabulated. The following Communications were presented; No. 287 - Collegiate-Vocational Institute - requesting permission to use Oakes · Ball field, on the evening of October 16th, 1953. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Donald that the communication be received and filed and permission be granted, if this date is available. No. 288 - Ship-By-Rail Association - invitation to view film on October 14th, 1953. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the commuhication be received and the invitation be accepted and as many of the members of Council as possible attend. No. 209 - ~'Ydro--~lectric on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the communication be received and filed. No. 290 - Select C~mmittee of LeMislature Investigating Leaseholds and Rentals - re termination of rent control, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks · ~hat ~he .eommuni. cation be received and laid over for consideration of the 1954 Council, No. 291 - Jr. Chamber of Commerce - appreciation for co-operation du-ing 'Niagara' Exhibition. ORD~RED on the motion o~ Ald. McKinley and ~,Towers that. the communication be received and filed. No. 292 - W. C. La.~rsh - re proposed driveway by Luther Cartledge -'~nd traffic hazard. O~DERF, D on the motion of Add. ~rcEinley and B~oks that the com~unicat~on be received ~d tabled until such tin,e ~s %n o~r]cia] reQu~Ai~ is receiv~ in connection ~dth this matter. No. 293 - Stuart Sweeney - re traffic hazard, at Fourth Avenue ~nd Maple Street. (RDER?D on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McFdnley th%t the com~unicatio~ be received and referred 6o the Traffic Conu,~ittee for Further study and ]'os~Yble immediate action. No. 294 - ~: Parm- requesting leave of absence. OP~EL'D on the motion of Ald. Miller and McKinley that the conmmnication be received and filed and permission be granted. No. 295 - A. C. Jolley - tendering resignation as Member of Court of Revision. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Donald and Mowers that the communication be received and filed and the resignation accepted with regret. REPORTS Laid over from previous meetings[ No. 136 - City Manager - recommending construction of curb and gutter on north side of Doleware Street, between Orchard Avenue and Pine Grove Avenue. No. 137 - City Manager - suggesting consideration of construction of curb and gutter on south side of Doleware Street, between Orchard Avenue and Pine Grove Avenue. No. 139 - City ~naKer - cost of curb and gutter and sidewal~ on Doleware, between Orchard Avenue and Pine Grove Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of kld. Mowers and McKinley that the reports be received and filed. SEE Petition No. ? The following Reports were presented; No. 162 - City Manager - recommending property on lane north of Buttrey Street, lying between Victoria Avenue and Acheson Avenue, be offered to the abutting owners at various prices. -. SEE Communications 278-9-80. No. 163 - City Manager - recommending construction of curb and gutter on north side of Doleware Avenue, between Orchard Avenue and Fine Grove Avenue as requested; and the advisability of same construction on south side also. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that the report be received and adopted. SEE Reports 1~6-7 and 1~. · ,,.. ~- .SEE Petition & - AId. Donald left the meeting - No. 16~ - City Manager - re signs advertising shopping district. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that the report be received and adopted. - AId. Donald returned to the meeting - No. 1~5 - City Clerk - re date of meeting representative of C.N.R. re widening of bridge across Victoria Avenue right-of-way. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Mowers that the report be received and filed and the City Clerk and City Manager arrange for a meeting with this representative of the C.N.R. and a full Council, on Monday, September 28th at 4.30 p.m. SEE ..Resolution No. 106. No. 166 - City Clerk - population of City of ~.~iagara Falls. OP])ERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the report be received and filed. PETITION Laid over from a previous meeting; No. 9 - A.L. McCrea and 4 others - re construction of a curb on Dsleware Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that the petition be received and filed and the construction of a curb and gutter be proceeded with on both sides of Deleware Avenue between Orchard ~nd Fine Grove. SEE Reports 136-7,139-163. RESOLUTIONS The followinK Resolutions were passed; No. 106 - MILLER - BROOKS - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of Council ~ held following Conference with official of Canadian National -Railways, which }s scheduled for 4.30 p.m. on Monday, September 2~th, 1953; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. 0arPied No. 107 - MOWERS - DONALD - RTSOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls petition the Department of Righways of the Frovince of Ontario for an interim grant under The M~gbway Improvement Act on expenditures during the period of January let to August 31st, 1953; and the Seal of the Cor- poration be hereto a~fixed. ' Carried The Council adjourned to Finance Meeting on the motion of AId. McKinley and Mows r s. ~, READ AND ADOPTED 28th September, 19~3. Enacting Mayor S535 The Accounts submitted, being t~ssed or otherwise dealt wi~.~, were ordered placed in the money by-law for Presentation to the Council, on motion of AId. Mowers and McKinley. ~e tempt of the City ~mnage~ in connection ~th the apblicatie~ Joseph Blash for a building pe~t to make ~tePations to the dwelling Ontario Avenue, at an esti~ted cost of $6,0~. was presented for consideration. O~ER~ on the motion of Ald. 1.rcKin]ey and Xoweps thai. lhe peropt be adopted and the pe~t be issu~d~ snbJect to pro~.er sup~sion by the Inspector.. ~e reFpt of the CSty [~ger in connectien wj~h the ap]lic,tion Niagara ~alls ~d~nton Club for a building ]emit to erect % screened on the west side of their building at an estimated cost or C3,500. was for consideration. ~DE~ED on the motion ef Ald. ~'/~].ler and Erects t~a~ th.~ re,"opt be received and adored and the permit be issued. Offers were received fmm F. Brassolotto and E. Voll~i~~ for the ,~ rchase of ~t 7A, ~son Avenue and it was ordered on the mo~,ion or Ald. ['fc~inley Miller that the offers be received and referred to the F~perty Co~ttee for conside ration. ~e tempt of the City ~nager reco~ended alteratiens a~ the ~-~emorial Arena be ~roceeded with, at an estimated cest of $1,AZJ. ~as ]?resented fnr con- sialstation. O~EED on the motion of ~d. ~iller ~d Rattin Lhat the Council meet a~ the ~'~emo~al Aren8 cn blonday, Se~ten:~r 2~th at 3.20 i d~. for an inspection. Carr~]. FrYer to this action, it was moved hy ~d. Mower3 McKinley that the report of the City ~Llnager be r~ceive<~ ~d adopted. motion was defeated:_ the vote being . Aye - ~d. r~ewers ~d McKinley; Na-e ~d. ~ller and B~oks and Enacting ;~ or that a sketch of the Pro~sed alterati~ Martin. ~ ~endment by ~d B~oo~ at the $be sub~tted to ~uncil for ne~ meeting· was not seconded. . .... The requester the City Manager for permiss]on to advertise th~ position of Janitor for ~he new Police Office ~d Engineering Office, at a salary of $3,0~. ~r an~, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the mo~ton of Enactin~ Mayor Martin and ~d. Mowers that the re~rt be received and adopted. ~e Statement of Relief For the month of August, ]953 ~.as presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of A!d. Mowers ~d b~rtin that the statement be received, giver the usual publicity and filed. : i' PhEAD A~3 ADOPTED, 28th September 1953. ' ~mcfl Ch~ber, 21 September, 19~3. ,-_ pur~se of app~ng and ~ee ~Ssing tMe ~ous acco~te ~ich had been ~ttee~d~ Accounts in the ~ount of $~0,200.17 were app~o~d by the ...... ~j. : 25'4 COUNCIL ~ETIk~ Council Chamber, 21 September,1953, The Council re-assembled at the close of th~ regular Council and Finance Meetings for the purpose of p~ssing the ~y-law which covered ~he accounts spprov~li by the Committee. All members of Council were present, ~dth the exception of His Worship, Mayor Hawkins and AId. MacDonald. Knacting Mayor George Martin presided. BY-LAW The following By-law was passed; No. 5012 - To provide monies for gmneral purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that Ald. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried. ORDEPSD on the motion of AId. Mowers and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried. Third Reading - AId. Donald and Brooks - Carried. VERBAL REPORT The City Manager advised Council of the condition that had come about with reference to the sewer serving Mount .Camel College partially created by the construction of the City's 30-inch watermain and of the inability of the Township sewer to handle ~he lo~d and recommended that since the City had disturbed the previous service, that it was their responsibility to see that the condition was corrected, stating that he estimated the cost of installing, slightly in excess of 200 feet of 12-inch sewer, in the vicdnity of $700. SEE Resolution 108. The followinK Resolution was passed; No. 108 - DONAED - MOWERS - .RESOLVED that the City Manager be authorized to proceed with the installation of satisfactory sewage facilities for Mount Camel College in accordance with his verbal report and estimate; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Enacting Mayor Martin referred to a report which had been requested with reference to lighting on Drummond Road and was advised by the City Manager that he had been in discussion with the Solicitor of the Township of Stamford and that the matter was to ~e taken up at the next meeting of the Township Council. Ald. Miller desired to know when the instailatio~ of control equi]~ent for the stop lights at Victoria and McRae would b~ carried out and was advised by the City Manager that due to the illness of the City electrician, this had been delayed, but such installation will now be made without any further delay. Ald. Miller, Chairman of the Traffic Committee, suggested that the bus stops at the intersection of McRae Street, Epworth Place and Vic6oria Avenue be moved approximately ~ bus length away from the intersection in either directi~. A discussion was also held in connection with the school busses which have been loading at this intersection. SEE Resolution No.109 The following Resolut~cp wee passed; Mo. 109 - MOV~E~S - BROOKS - R'*:SCLVED +,h~t the matter c~ b!~=~ stoi,s at U,e ~t~r- section of Victoria Avenue, Epworth Place and McRae ~r~,et a~d school loading in that vicinity, be rolefred to the Traffic Corer=]tree Cot and -econ~menda+~ion; and t~e Zeal of the Cort~ration be her~to affixed. Ca:tied INSURANCE A delegation of the Insurance ~gent..~, ~.~ th r.~r. Car] Young a,~ appeared before Council for the ~r~urpose o~ discussinE t!~. survey o~ insur~nc~ which had been requested ~y Council someti:z!e ago. Mr. Young, ~t the request of En%cting !Cayor ~Tartj~, briefly ontlired the important items of the survey, indicating that in order to gc into th- matter in detail, ]t would be more satisfactory if a Cc~nittee of Council and a of the Agents were to discusF the matter ~nd bring in ~ refort and reconm~en']atls~s; copies of the survey to be made available. SEE ReSolution .lip... 110. The foliowinE Resolution was passed; No. 110 - DONALD - MOWERS ~ R]~SOLVED that a small co~ttee of Council be ap~-ointed to study the survey or insurance add a discussion be held with the Insurance Agents' Committee; a report and recommendations to be suhnitted; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Ald. Miller queried whether a meeting had been arranged '~ith the Board or Education for the purpose of discussing possible parking area and was advised by the City Clerk that possibly a meeting could be arranged on Tuesday, September 29th. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald. READ AND ADOPTED, 28th September, 1953. 255 "'7TM THIRTY-SECON]) MEETING Council chamber, 28th September, 1953. RZGULAR !.xEETING Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.OO P.M. on Monday, 28th of September,1953, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Miller. DEPUTATIONS Mr. Michael Barto of 2021 Stanley Avenue, was present at the meeting in connection with Petition Number 15, signed by himself and 56 owners, residents of Stanley Avenue, Buchanan Avenue, Robinson Street and a portion of Peer Lane. On the motion of Ald. MaKinley and Mowers it was ordered that Mr. Barto and anyone else present at the Council Meeting who wished to speak in connection with this petitidn be heard. Mr. Barto requested Council's fayour- able consideration to the request of the petitioners that the request of B. Yuhasz to replace his auto wrecking location with a motel, in order that the properties in that area of the City might be improved, as the wrecking yard is an unsightly place and detracts from the value of the existing properties. He was of the opinion that since Mr. Yuhasz is willing to sacrifice his established line of business, he should be grantedthis exchange and therefore the by-law prohibiting erection of motels in the City should be amended. He stressed the fact that although 90 percent of the petitioners were against the existing wrecking yard, they would not have signed the petition, if it meant that Mr. Yuhasz would not be allowed to exchanSe it for another type of business. A full discussion followed. SEE Petition No.15. Mr. Gordon Dorst of the Collegiate Institute was permitted to speak to Council on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks. He asked that Council fore- go their share of the charges for lights at Cakes Park with reference to the Red Feather C.O.S~S.A. games, scheduled for the evening of October 16th, in view of the fact that the costs were to be borne by Mr. Buell of the Niagara Wire Weaving Company. In this connection Ald. Mowers queried as to whether it was not true that it was the intention of the Wire Weaving Company to deduct this expense from their contribution to the Red Feather Campaign; something which Mr. Dorst was unable to answer. ORDERED on the motion of kid. Donald and MacDonald that the request be granted providing that Stamford Public Utilities will bear their share of out-of- pocket expenses. Carried Unanimously. Mr. W. W. Laird, representativeof the Legal Department of Loblaws, was present at the meeting in connection with their request to have the residential ~estrictienslffted.on a portionof Spring Street, upon which a section of their proposed store which is to be constructed on North Main Street will be situated, as it is proposed to afford the greatest amount o~ off-street parking in front of the store. He assured Council of full co-operation in connection with any subject pertaining to the store, which might be raised. SEE Communication No.301. COMMUNICATIONS Laid over from the previous meeting; No. 293 - Stuart Sweeney - re traffic hazard at intersection of Maple St. and Fourth Ave. ONgERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that no action be taken at present until a survey has been made as to the flow of traffic at that point. SEE Report No.16?. 575 . The followinK Co~nunications were ]rresented; No. 296 - Brink's Incorporated _ %pFlicafion for insfall~t~on station. O~DERE13 on the motion of A]d. ~nald an' cation be received and arrangements be made ~th tl,e Bell '7~letbone Co. .e.-~.~ ] . No. 297 - The Poll T~lephone C,~m~ny _ request!ng!en~is~ion to tl~ce Fark St. e~st of Clifton Ave. ORDERED on the n~otion cf AId. TiacDona]f that the communic~tlon b~ received and f~led znd the request be Sr~nt~-]. s Zp No. 298 - Niagara Falls Folice Association _ requestlnZ use of room on tLi Pd ~loor of new police headquarters. ORDSRED on the motion of Ald. ~:owers and Nc!(inlev that the communication be received ~nd referred to the Civic Buildings Cor~n!tfe. submission or a report to Council. No. 299 - Township of Crowland . resolution re proposal of l'ror/nce to c~=ase rent. control after March lot, 19f~. O'~DERED on the ~:otien of Ald. Droo~s ~nd T.i.~cDonq~ that the comunication b~ received 1rid the r~'solution be t~b]ed a~,~ ~,h~ be notified that the ~atter ha~ been resorted tO the 1954 ~unc~l ~or No. 3~ - Ch~ber o~ Commerce -r~ ~denin- of bridd~ on Victoria · o ' - ~veP,.le. O~DEr~ZD on the motion of Ald. ~'Iowe~s and B~ooks that the comunicat~cD b~ ~ce~v~d and filed and the %ppPeci~tion of Ccuncil be ex[.~essed to the Cb;unber Off~c~ ~.3 For their efforts ~nd they be notified of the meeting of Council ~th the offici%ls scheduled For t~is date. No. 301 - Loblaws - application got amendment of reslde~tl. al area bv-l~w. C~D'~'CD on the motion of Ald. Pro~ks and .~.iowers that the cc~munic~{~ on b~ l~i~ over untLl the arrival of the solicitor, Further ord~reJ on the mot~nn of AId. ]'ti!!-r ~n.~ Mart!n that the communication be received ~l~d ~'l~ r,' ~k~ n~c~ssqrv ~,.]c--, be prepared as r~qu~sted. ' .... No. 302 - Separate School Board - requesting caution s~dn a,~A ~uarA O~Dr~-.D the motion of Ald. Mowers ........ t ,, on and Brooks that the communication be~rec~iv.B an~ referred to the Treffic Coffmittee. '- REPCRTS The followinK Reports were Presented; No. 167 - Traffic Committee _ recommending no action re intersection of Fourth Avenue and Maple Street until survey has been made as to the Flow of trafFjc. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald end MacDonald that the report be received and adopted. No. 168 - City Manager - reco~nending permission to Brink's Inc. CRDERED on the motion of kld. Donald and MacDooald that the report be received and adopted. No. 169 - E~ui~nent Committee . report on mechanized equiFanent. (1RDERED on the motion of kid. Donald and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted and the equipment be ordered. P~ITION The fnl]ow~nK Petit.~om No. 1~ - M. Barto and 56 others - requesting reconsideration by Council to B. Yuhasz request to replace his wrecking yard with a motel.' (RDE~D o~ the motion of Ald. Martin and Mowers that ~he petition be received and laid on the taSle and the Mayor appoint a Committee to interview Mr. Yuhasz to ascertain whether some agreement could be reached regarding an alternative use of his property. Carried. (Ala.:MacDonald and McKinley _ contrary). Prior to this, kid. MacDonald, seconded 258 by Ald. McKinley moved that the petition be received and filed and no permit be granted. (This motion was defeated . the vote being - Aye -Ald. MacDonald and McKinley; Nays -Ald. Miller, Brooks, Fmrtin, Donald and Mowers. Prior to this action, AId. Mill er moved that the by-law be amended to remove this property out of the area restricted; his salvage licence be discontinued and permission be granted for the erection proposed. There was no sacenticE. His Worship the Mayor appointed Ald. Martin, Donald and k,'owers to the above- mentioned Committee. - AId. Donald left the meeting BY-LAW~ Laid over from a previous meetinK[ No. ~00~ - To authorize the borrowing of $25,000. for the purpose of purchasing an existing building and renovating and equipping said building to be used as an administration building for the Board of Education. Third Reading - AId. McKinley and Brooks. Carried. (kid. Mowers_contrary). The following By-laws were passed; ~o. 5017 _ To provide perraission to the Bell Telephone Co. to place cable across the sidewalk on Park St. east of Clifton Ave. ORDER~JD on the motion of kid. McKinley and MacDonald that Ald. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law ~nd the by-law be read the first time. - Carried. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second read/rig. - Carried. ~ Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and MacDonald - Carried. No. 501~ - To appoint members of the Court of Revision for the City of Niagara Falls for the year 1953. ORDERED on the motion of kid. McKinley and MacDonald that Ald. Mowers be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. _ Carried. ORDERED on the motion of ald. Martin and Mowers that Rule 3~ (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried. Third Reading - kid. MacDonald and Mowers - Carried. ~o. 5015 - To authorize the signing of a lease vdth the New York Central Railroad. ORDERED on the motion of kid. Mowers and McKinley that kid. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading , Carried. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of th, 3t:~r. ding Rules o7 Council be t~mborarily sust~nded and the by-law be given the second reading.. Carried. Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and Miller - Carried. The foilre.rinK Resolution was Passed; No. 111 - MacDOnALD _ ~"-,tRTIN _ ~ESOLV."D ~.at Ald. r:cK~nl,y h~ ~.~Y~inted Chairman of Finance due to the absence of AId. ~nald~ and ~h. Seal of ~ration ~ hereto affixed. ~.. The Council adjourned to Flounce Meeting on the r:oti?~ READ ~D ADOFYE-~D, 5H, Ocf,~er, !957. FINANCE Council C.~,~ 23th SePter. b~r, 19~3. The Finance Meeting was held on 5~cnday, 2~th September, 1953, for PurPose of approving and also passing the v~rjous accou~gs which had lean ceI~iFied and placed before ~hem. All members o~ the Co~:~ittee w~r,e ~rese~lt, ~th the exception of ~d. ~nald. Acting CbaiPman, ofFiEa~ce~ Ald. ~!cEinley, presided. ~ittee.gu~drY Accounts in the aount of $57,711.97 were sprayed by the ~e Accounts subSfred, ~ing passed or orberase dealt with, ~ere o~dered placed in the money by-law for Presentation to the ~uncil, on the motion of ~d. Mowers ~d MaWr Hawkins. ~e S~a~ of Tenders for the supply of coal For the 1953-1954 season, was Presented fo~ consideration. O~E~ on the motion of AId. Mowe,,s and Haw~ns tha~ the S~a~ of Tenders be tabled, ~d the Ci[y M~agep's reco~endation that a ~ttee be aP~inted to sub~t a Pe~rt and ~co~endation, ~ adopted. Carried. Prior to this, it was moved by Mayor ~aw~ns and ~d. ~r~in that the S~a~ be received and tabled for one ~ek for consideration of ~ Full Council. (~ls was ~hdra~). It was then moved by kid B~ ,~q+ ~ ~ seconder to ~bis motion). ' ' ' ' ~e City M~ager's tempt ~th reference to alterations at the Niagara F~ls Memorial Arena, l~d over f~m the Pre~oUs meeting, was ag~n presented considerltion. The Coattee had met earlier in the afternoon to insect the PreSses. ~DE~ on the motion of ~d. ~ller and Mac~n~d that the reSEt be received and ~o~ed ~d the tender be awarded to quotation or $1,443. (~d. Brooks . Zi~eman Construction at a central), 260 Offers received from T. Brassolotto and E. Volpini, for the purchase of Lct 74, Plan 6, Dyson Avenue, laid over from the previous meetin,g were again presented for consideration. Ald. McKinley of the Pnoperty Committee submitted a verbel report to the effect that it is recommended that the offer of P. Brassolotto to Purchase Lot 74, Pl~3n 6, ~rson Avenue, for the sum of $190. be accepted, inasmuch as his offer was received first and it is the pracbice of Council to sell lots at the assessed value and in t.bis instance the assessed value is $190. CPDERZD on the motion of kld. Martin ~nd Mov:ers that the report be received and adopted and the offer of F. Brassolotto be accepted, subject to the provision that a dwelling of at least $~,O00. value is erected upon the premises within a period of six ~nontbs. he City ~hnager's request to call For tenders for replacing the roof at the Filtration Flant over ~be filter beds acd the room in which the electrical apparatus is located and to make minor repairs to the caulking to the roof over the pump house and s-ttling basins, was presented for consideration. OPj)ERED on the m.~tion of ild. F~cDonald and Brooks. th~_ the report be received and adop~'~. The City :fanager's r. port in connection vith the application of W.B. Styles for a building permjt to erect a building to be used as a garage and storage structure on the north side of Simcoe Street between kelland Avenue and St. Clair Avenue, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ]~lrtin and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted and the permit be issued for a building of the estimated cost of $6,500. The City Manager's report in connection with the application of the Niagara Hotel for a building permit to erect an aluminum and mica cancry on the face of [he building fromring on Centre Street, was presented for consideration. 8RDZRED on the motion of kld. MacDonald and Martin that the report be received and adopted and the pe~bit be issued. A communication received from the Army, N~vy and Airforce Veterans requesting the ~rchase of an ad in the program being prepared in connection a concert to be held on October 17th, 1953, was considered by the Committee on motion of Mayor Hawkins and lld. Mowers, having been received too late for inclusion on this evening's agenda. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Miller that a full page ad in the amount of $2~.O0 be purchased. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. MacDonald. READ AND ADOPTED, ~th October, 1953. Clerk COU~!CIL !'EETING Counci] ChI~b~r, The Council re-assembled at the close of t! e regular Council Finance Meetings for the purpose of passinE the bil'-law which c~vered the Rccl:uld apFroved by the Committee. All members of Council were presenL, wit!] th- or Ald. Donald. BY-LAW The following. By-law was_as_p_~!~; ~ - To provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and ~rtin that. Ald. McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. }Liller and kacDonald that Rule 36 of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended ~nd the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried. Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Mowers - Carried. APPOINTMENT OF COMNITTEES To meet with Committee of Insurance ~ents - His Worship Mayor Hawkins appointed - Kld. ~ller, Chairman Ald. Donald Mayor Hawkins City Manager. To consider Summary of Coal Tenders and to submit a report an~ recomme.ndation__._- His Worship Fayor Hawkins appointed The City Manager Ald. Fartin Ald. Mowers. To meet with the Board of Education on Tuesday evening at 8 P.M. I~s Worship Mayor Hawkins appointed - Ald. Miller The City Clerk Ald. ~{cDonald Assistant City Engineer. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald. READ AMD ADOFTED, 5th October, lot?. THIRTY-THIRD MEETING REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, 5th 0ctober,1953. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on MondV, 5th October, 1953, for the purpose of conside~_ng general business and finance. All members of Council wer~ pr-sent, with the exception of Ald. ~cDonald. The Council, having received and read'the minutes of the preViouS meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. ~ller and McKinley. TENDZRS Tenders were called for re-roofing the Filter Building, Control Room at the Filtration Plant and inst~lling the main roof gutter between the Filter Building and the Pump Room. ORDERED on the motion of ild. McKinley and Mowers that the tenders received be opened, initialled by His ~rship the Mayor and read. Further ordered on th~ motion of AId. Donald and Eowers that the tenders be re~erred to the City Hansget for tabulation and recommendation. Finance MeetinK CO~.~UI~CAT!ONS The following Con~unications were presented; rio. 303 - Collegiate-Vocational Institute - requesting Council to waive share of the gate re rugby games. ORDER~D on the motion of AId. McKinley and ~ller th~L the con~nunication be received and Filed and the same privilege be granted as in the previous year; '~iz; that the 2~% City Share be dispensed with on Students' tickets turned into Oakes Park for the football games in which the Niagara Falls Collegiate Institute will participate in this f~ll of 1953 with the understanding that this will not apply to g~aes in which N.F.C.V.I. play Stamford C.V.I. and with the further understanding that this will net apply to any admissions paid at the gate or to outside te~s. No. 30A - Chamber of Commerce - invitation to membership meeting, October 9th. ORD~ED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and McKinley that the co~nunication be received and the invitation be accepted and tickets purchased for the members of Council. No. 305 - Ch.amber of Com. merce -'requesting aplointment of one member of Council to Ch~nber's Tourist Committee. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. }~wers and Donald that the communication be received and filed and His Worship the Mayor appoint kld. McKinley as representative on this Committee. Mayor Hawldns appointed Ald. McKinley to this Con~nittee. The following Reports were presented; No. 170 - City Clerk - meeting with Board of Education on September 29th to discuss the possibility of utilizing portion of Kitehonor St. School grouns for the parking of cars of patrons of the ,Memorial Arena. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that the report be received and filed and s formal request be forwarded to the Board of Education for its consideration. No. 171 - City Clerk - advice from Gordon Dorst re reply from Stamford Pulbic Utilities in connection with his request that they consider foregoing their share of out-of-pocket expenses for the Red Feather Games scheduled for the evening of October 16th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Miller that the report be received and filed and Mr. Dorst be notified that this amount will b~ ~aken care of. 'Car~ed." The Vote being --Ald. Martin, Miller, Brooks - Mayor Hawkins; Contrary -Ald. McKinley, Mowers and Donald. l An amendment made by Ald. Donald that the City's proceeds be not disturbed but that a contribution be made - was not seconded. 2635 , No. 172 - City Clerk - r~eommendinS i,~.qm mc~ cf !icences. ?'DT'.f_', z,. ~!o., '!,, of .tld. McKinley '~n'j ::~,'~f.r. thai the r-l,~rf t- r-c-i;-' ;v] =:], i"-~ ~ l~ :.:, be issued accordingly. " Me. 173 - Cit~' Clerk - r'~ .{iill:-Jicn f<-.,. ,:~ '-.,. =,.'l ' " , . n ..... repoct :v,? not 113~-t on the ~g t, .",.: ~"'d "~ ,., ':~ .i~ '. Eower'~: and ::i!]e~ %~,.,~ and X~rtin th'~ No. 17~ - %rqitt-- re B. Yuhacz - C'DE'CD on t}.- =::tt,:,,-~ ~,~ AIj. 5tp~13 -q' 7-.. ..... th,et tb- z, port ~e receive l '-r,'{ =::~o~t ed n'~ :1"- ~'R:'~ ~"'* ;: F~ ~ r: ' .... ,~: F,ETIT!CMS Laid over fr~n the Fr~H_ou? meetir,~; No. 15 - M. Barto and 56 ot, her______qs - r-,luesting ,-censider~ti,,n be dispense '~th his auf, c wrecking o;eratfons or+ Steals-,, Avenue ~u:C L~ .... rlt"~4 tc erect a motel. C?DE~iD eD the motion of petition be rec~veC t~d fi]ed -,~,~ Mr. Barh~ ~e :q< f, lfi~d. (L],rL r.[il.l..., - 'c, ~.'.~--~ Sv2 _3/i~'t "o . The follo~,~ng retitic, ns were .[resented; No. 16 - J. A. Froqts and 7 others - re draintEe system ~,n ~,bert Str~'. on the motion of Ald. i,:owers end 3rook:~ that the letltjo~ }'e receiv:,~2 an,l ':l"e C,ity l~nager's reco~nen<htion h~ 2tl>tted "h%t the u~tter be !aken wit}, tLP He. 17 - C. F. ~e and Steve E. N~Ey .. requ~ctinC designariD ~ ?f a 1,:x, dinS zone one-hour pa~king on nort~ side of Queen Street, west of Buckley Avenue. on the motion of Ald. [,iowers and Martin that the ~tition he received and referred to the Traffic Comittee [cr a report. No. 18 - T. }~ngle and 4 others - requesting removal of t~.D tr~?s in fm~ of 1983 and 1977 Lundy's ~e. As this petition ~s received too late for inclusion on the ageads, it was ordered re~d on the motion of Ald. ~lrtin %nd Mowers. ORDERED on the motion of .~d. Mc~nley and Mowers that the petition be received and referred to the Parks Superintendent and Traffic ~ittee for a report. RESOLUTIONS The foliowinE Resolutions were passed; No. 112 - MILLER - P~RTIN - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting or the City Council be held on Tuesday, afternoon at 4 p.m. on October 13th, ]953; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. ll3 - MCKINLEY. - MO>gRS - RESOLVED that AId. Brooks be appointed Enacting Chairman of Finance due to the absence of Ald. Donald; and the Seal of the Cor- poration be hereto affixed. .garried MISCELLANEOUS Ald. Donald advised Council about several telephone calls he had received concerning increases in assessments, and desired to know when such increases were going to be discontinued and also queried the worthiness of the re-assessment which took place in this municipality in 1950. The Assessment Commissioner was of the opinion 'that every municipality having a re-assessment is faced with s~,dlar problems and referred to the in- adequacies of records and inconsistencies in valuations of properties, which had accrued over a period of years and that re-assessment is vital to local government. -5 He pointed out that ]i. usually takes three years to make the necessary adjustments and that it is very difficult f~r taxpayers to realize this, but that next year should be the final year for any contentious matters regarding assessments. BY-LA!~'S The following ~f-laws were presented; No. ~O17 - To authorize the borrowing of $69,000.00 for the construction of a pedestrian underpass at the foot of Jepson St. and re-surfacing varicu~ pavements throughou~ the municipality. OPj)m~ED on the rotion of AId. ~i !er and Martin that A/d. Donald be gr%nted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the f~ r~ ~eading. - Carried. CPDEFtED on the motion of A!d. McKinley and Brooks that Rule 3~ (2) of the StandinE~Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried. ~o. ~O18 - To authorize the borrowing of ~l?~,OOO.OO for the payment of excess costs of wa*er supply main to Filtration Fl.mt; construction of water mains en Valley IVay and Victoria Avenue; a storm sewer on Murray Street and a storm water disposal shaft on Valley Way. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and .Miller that AId. Donald be granted the privilege of introducir~ the by-law and the by-law be ~iven the first reading. - Carried. ORDERED on the motion o~ Ald. Piller and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the 2nd. reading. - Carried. The followinK By-laws were passed;. No. ~O19 - To amend By-lawNumber ~692 as amended by By-law ~Jumber ~717, bein< a by-law respecting restricted areas -md the character of buildings to be erected thereon, and to amend by-law number 1777 respecting fire areas. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that Ald. F~ller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried. Third Reading -Ald. Howers and Donald - Carried. ~o. ~O20 - To authorize the sale of the southerly 225 feet, 3 inches of the lane lying between Victoria Avenue and Acheson Avenue running between Buttrey Street and Fergueon Street, according to Plan No. 32, registered for the Town of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin that Ald. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules uf Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried. Third Reading . AId. Mowers and 2hrt'n _ Carried. The Council adjourned te Finance Meeting on the i.btiom of ,~d. ~/cKirll.~y and Brooks. READ A'~D ADer:.~,13th. October, 1953. Clerk ' ' FINANCE EETING Council Chamber, 5th October, 1953. The Finance Meeting was held on Mood%y, 5th October, 1953 for the pur/~se of approving and also passing the ~arious accounts which had been l'roperly certi- field and placed before them. kllmembers of the Co~ttee were present, wltb the Conm~ittee. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $32,339.09 were approved by the -~l.e Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the money by-law for Presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. ~iowe~s and ~ffcKinley. The Summary of Tenders for Coal for the 1953-1954 season, laid over from the previous meeting, was again presented for consideration, along with the and +t e report be recemved and adopted and , quotario chestnut coal and $2,100. for steam ~ n of $2,248.00 for buckwheat callowayata uotationof forcZ JcoTff rd c:r t : tonderofA. . e City Fanager's report regardi ~ to utilize underground cable in connection with fire alarm and Police telegraph , t of Welland and the necessity system which are at present carried on wooden poles, be placed in the same trench as the Local Hydro conduits, was PreSente~for consideration. O~DEE,?~D on the motion of His Worship the Mayor and Ald. Mowers that the report be received and the recommendation be adopted. The City Manager,s report in connection wi~h the application of T. Kosloff for a permit to erect a sign advertising the Victoria Inn Hotel, at 1306 Victoria Avenue, to be erected above the present sign advertising ~be restaurant, was Presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and McEinley that the report be received and the application be laid over until the Provincial Authorities license this establishment as a hotel. 26'ea The City l~nager's report regarding the plans submitted by T. Kahlan, 2215 Stanley Avenue, for rebuilding the tourist accommodation as these premises, was presented for consideration. 0RDEREDon the motion of Ald. Mower~ and I~s ~rshit F~yor Hawkins that the report be received and adopted and the plans be approved. The City Treasurer's statement showing the comparison of tax collections to September 30th, 1953 w~s presented for consideration. ORDERZD on the motion of His Worship the ~yor ~nd Ald. McKinley that the statement be received, given the usual publicity and filed. The tenders subfitted at the Council Meeting, re roofing to be done at the Filtration Plant, referred to the Finance Ccmad*.tee, were considered at this time. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Liewere that the tender of Steve's RoOfing Company, the lowest tender, at the quotation of be accepted, upon th~ recommendation of the City Manager. [~SCR;.LANEOUS The CityM~nager advised the Coamittee that the position of Janitor for the new Police Office and Engineering Office, had been advertised and a number of applications had been received and recommended that the application of b~. C.P.Hicks, having seniority, be accepted and requested permission to advertise the position of Janitor at the City H~ll. ORDEL~D on the motion of tld. McKinley and Mowers that the verbal report be received and adopted and C.P.Hicks be appointed as Janitor at the new Police and Engineering offices and the position of Janitor at the City Hall be advertised. The Committee a~ose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers. READ AMD ADOPTED, 13th October,!953. Acting Chairman of Finance O?UMCIL -~.ZTINC 267 The Council rc'~as?emhled a~ l~e c!c. se of t.h.~ r,~gq]ar ~:>:':r'! '.,= ?'..~:..~ Meetings For the ~ur~ese '~ passir~ t~,~ by-]~w w}.ic}. c~v~r~..~ ~p,,~ q<,. j" ,~.~r '~ by the Ccs~tt. ee. ~1 ~.;c'mbers of ~urcil w.~-e ir.:e~:~, ~)~ ~ e.?c-:"~ The fclle'.~inX By-law was :.is. ~071 - To pro~d~fe monies fcr ge~ersl ~u~los~s. O~DERED on the mctimlcr AI~L granted the priglegs oF introducing the bv-law'an~ reading- Carried. O~DERED on the ~,iotien of AlL ;tar~il: a~d :.ic:~[inley t;',~t 21_de ~J (~) ~'C bhe Standing Rules of ~unci] be tem2. orarily susI_ende,~ ~nd the bv-]~.~ :,~ Siren the second reading. _ Carried. ~ Third Re~ding _ AId. Martin mad Kower's - Carried. The Co,mcil adjcurned to Conf~ence on t.be !action of %] d. i:owers ~r=d &iv, tf,~. READ A.~JD %DO~'.~-~ 13th October, J953. .... , Clerk I t ~ I' ~uncil ~ber the regu ar Council and ~n~ce Meoti~ on Monday, 5th October, ]-953, for the Durkee of considering various items presented to them. ~1 members of the ~ttee were present, with the e~ception of Ald. : ~n~d and Faceraid. After consideration of the various matters presented 5o them, the Committee adjourned on the motion 'of Ald. McKinley and Mowers. READ AND ADOPTED, 13th October, 1953. Clerk Chairman ]268 THI.FrY-FOURTH F~ZTiNG REGI.TLAR ~ET!~ Council Chamber, 13th October, 1953. Pursuant, to adjournment, Council met at 4.00 F-m. on ~lesday, 13th Cotebet, 1953, for the ~urpose cf considering general business and finance. All members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the frevicus meeti,.g, adopted these on the motion of Ale. [~cDonald · nd r.~rtin. DEPUTATIONS Mr. A. A. !'~cBain, of Fraser and Fraser, was present at the meeti.-g in connection with the application of T. Keeloff for a peanit to erect ~ sign advertising the Victoria I~ Hotel at 1306 Victoria Avenue, which was laid over from the last ~eeting until the establishment is licensed as a hotel by the/rovinci~l Au+~.o~it'e ~. - m-s. It was ordered on the ~oticn of ild. liartin and L~ller that Mr. ~[acPb~n he beard. He requested Council to grant penmission for the erection of this sign, pointing out that his client now holds a license under ,_'he Tourist Establishments Act to operate an inn (which includes a h~tel, as ~'.rovided by the regulations made by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council,)the said Provincial license being issued to him by the Cler~ of the City of Niagara Falls ~s required by The Tourist Establishments Act. SEE Communicstion No. 31/~. CO~4UNICATIONS Laid over from the previous meeting; No. 302 ~ Separate School Board - requesting additional school caution sign at corner of Maple and First and an additional guard at corner of North and Stanley Streets. ORDERED on the motion of tld. ~acDonald and }~rtin that the communi- cation be received and the additional school caution mien be granted, but that the question'6f an additiodal school guard be left in abeyance until a survey is made. BE Report 175. The followinK Communications were presented; No. 306 - Greater NiaKara and District Credit Union Chapter - requesting pro- clamation of Credit Union Day, October 15th. CRDm. qED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and MacDonald that the co~.unication be received and filed and the pro- clamation be issued. No. 307 - Canadian LeKion, Branch 51 - requesting permission to hold tag day, November 7th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~ller and Fa~cDonald that the communication be received and filed and permission be granted providing this date is available. -Ald. McKinley arrived at the meeting - No. 308 - Radio Station C H 7 C - requesting pervaission to broadcast Memorial Day Service. ORDERED on th~ motion of Ald. ~acDonald and McKinley that the communication be received and filed and permission be granted. No. 309 - Lions' Club - requesting permission to hold two Hallowe'on parades, munication be received and filed and permission be granted. No. 310 - Collegiate-Vocational Institute - appreciation for waiving City's share of gate receipts and free use of lights At Oakes Park on October 16th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Martin that the conmunication be received and filed. No. 311 - Department of -r, ee to condition or .treet. O~E2~D cn +he m~n ........ r~iE°~'~Y b~'W~": bef~eceived a~d laid " l o~ A' shm ~ ...... ~ n . ~ d. llc~nl~- and [ar.f on f be table a~d Zr. J · of Petition Vo. 1~ be so noti~ie~ ' .... - --~ld. Zc.o~,,ers arrived a,~ ~he 'hectic,,. O.F Ald. Brooks d hat ~, , _t ~ :,he ~otmnunLcation b~'ecaived ~n,] f~le~ ~-,[ 'r:,- SE? RejJ,z,t No. 313 - Office of Fire Z.farshR1 _ Training Course for ]]unic~ pal Fire the University of Toronto, November · Mowers and McKin]~.y tha6 [be ~-5-6,1953. C°D~RYD on ~be m'~LL n TSrt. b ~]4 - ~. A. ~:ac~in _ re Hotel Victoria inn c~, 1]O~ Victori:, Av-nue. ~'~'t. hen of ~d. ~i]er ,an'] ~'lac~,nald that the con¢'~mnic.d~cn he :.,~¢. ~o ~d referred t,o the CitF Solicitor fOP ~ re~)rt. SaDtied, Ffiop to this Ald. Mowers moved that the NO. 315- F. R. P~iee- t~a~Pjc p~oblea a~ the soFne~ ~ ~ellanC Avenue Street. OP~E~ on {he motion oF ~d. l,/c~nle~ and B~oks that the corn be ~ceived and ~Fe~ed [o the T~ffie Cor~ttee top a re~orL .~PORTS The foliowinE Reports were Presented{ No. 175 - Traffic Committee . 3 recommendations. ORDE,~D on the motion of tld. · ~b. cDonald and ~rtin that the report be received and adopted. SEE Co~-~unicatjo__n No._~. ~o. 176 - Traffic Committee _ recommending 'no parking between signs' notices be erected at mouth of driveway between ~36 and S42 Valleyway. Me. 177 - City Clerk _ application for lodging ~EE Conmmnication No. 312. Ald. McKinley' and MacDonald that the report be houses. OPJ)ERED on the motion of be issued accordingly. received and adopted and licenoes No. 178 - City Clerk . aPPlication for hawker and podlap licence, not approved. ORDERED on the motion of A!d. Miller and }~cDonald that the report be received and adopted and the application be not approved. PETITIONS _Laid over from the ~revious, meeting; No. 17 - C.F. Ede and Steve E. Navy . requesting designation of a IondinE one-hour parking limit on ~,-,r~ -~ L, , ~ -, ....... .,:'-r 7tre,t a'~j~c-nt tu 743-747 ~ueen jtceet. OFDE.~) on the motion of Ald. Brooks and MacDonald that the petition be received and filed and one-hour Parking be eetablished on the north side of Queen Street fro~ Bucklay Avenue to Victoria Avenue. SEE Report No.l?5 No. 18 - T. Mingle and 4 others - requesting removal of trees in front of 1993 and 1977 Lundy's Lane. O~DZRED on the motion o~ Ald. MacDonald and Martin that the petition be received and filed and the request be granted and the trees be removed. SE Report MISCELLANEOUS tld. ~ller referred to two complaints be had received regarding the dusty condition on r,!orth Street from Temperance to }~in Street s, due to the fact that oil and stone chips have been placed upon the street. The City Manager advised that the excess chip ~dll be swept off, thus -alleviating this condition, but was of the opinion that such process will not be ha~ul to asphmlt pavement. kld. Miller also referred to the condition of Spring Street f~m Stanley Avenue to the concreting holes used by the Hydre %nd advised that citizens are complaining. The City Manager adv-ised that the Street Super- intendent has received instructions to take the necessary action before the cold weather sobs is. Ald. ~,bwers voiced his approval of the new stalls cn the 6Xty ~rket but was of the opinion that parking should not be allowed on the south side of Huron Street in front cf these stalls. It was agreed that 6he Traffic Committee would take this suggestion under advisement. -Ald. Donald arrived at the meeting The followinK By-law was passed; .BY-LAW .~:~e Flr=:.iC~, .i',~,-+~ , .vas held or! ?u~.:;a:-- PurBme of aperoving ~nd a]'~-.assing the ' ' ?c~°~ ' ~ ..... ~d. Donald, Chfrm~n cf Zlnarme, preslde~. ' Cc~?itt .~. ~n~ttee. Sundry Accounts in the ~c':,~t of ~5,'u229.91 v~r~ or ~d. ~ZcKinley ;qd l~owers. iras:'ntation to the ~uncll o~ th~ R~.4D AP~ ~FTZD~ !Bth Ccgober, 5022 - To prohibit the abandonment of ice-boxes, refrigerators or sinilar containers in places accessible to children. ORDERED on the motion oF Ald. Mckinley and -MacDonald that Aid. Miller be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second re-ading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. MacDonald and -Mll r Carried Unanimously. le - COUNCIL f'ETINC council Chamber, 13t~ October',1953. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved The Council adjourned to Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks by the Co.~mlittee. All members of Council were present. READ AK~) ADOPTED, 19th October, 19~3. The followinK By-law was Dassed; BY-LAW ~ .... . . ~eading, . Carried ~n&"imously ~ Lhe by-Zaw be Siren the LPirst " ' the Standir~ Rules o~ Council be tem/orarilv sus~,~na~d ~ ..~ ~. _._ C ..~ .... ,, ,. 9{~ . . ,- Y THIRTY-FIFTH :IEGUL %R/~ETING Council Chum, bet, 19thOctober, 1953. Pursuant to adjourmment, Council net at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 19th October, 1953, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the ;::reudous meeting, adopted three on the motion of AId. M%cfknald and !!cKinley. CCF,~NI CATIONS Laid over from the previous meeting; No. 313 - Ontario Fire Marshal - Training Courge for Munici[al Fire Chiefs, at the University of Toronto - .~rovember !~-5-6,1953. ORDERD on the motion of .~d. ZcKin]ey an~ Mac~m~ld that the co~unicatlcn be received and filed and the Fire Chief be ~tted to attend thls ~urse. SEE Re~rt TYc. 177, No. 31,!~ - ~. A..~cEain - re Vietoriz inn Hotel. OPDER?D on the ~otion of .LId. Miller and Mowers that the cor.~ur,ic~tion be received .~nd laid on the t~ble for one week. SEE Retort No.I~C The fol]e:.~ln~ Communications were presented; Me. 316 - Children's Aid Society of Welland Count3 - imdtation to annual luncheon on October 21st. ORDERED on the !notion of Ald. Mowers and MacDonald that the co~municstion be received ~nd filed and the City Clerk be authorized to lombard Council's regrets. No. 317 - Welland Bar Association - invitation to administering of oath to His Honour, JulC~ Harvey Hazlewood. ORDE2ED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mac- Donald that the communication be received and the invitation accepted and as many members of Council ~s findit I~ssible attend. SEE Resolution r':o.l!!~. No. 31~ - South End Business ~nd Professional Men's Association - appreciation and requesting continuation of new type of lighting on certain streets. ORDERTD on the motion of Ald. Ndller and MacDonald that the co~nunication be received and laid on the table and the Local Hydro Commission be invited to meet with the City Council to discuss type of street lighting. No. 319 - Mrs. Mary L. Trask - service service for Ellis Lane. CRD~EDon the motion of AId. Donald and Mowers that the communication be received and filed and sewer be installed. SEE Report No.l~l. REPORTS The following Reports were presented; .... ~y - ~., Xanal~er - reco~nendlng ,~tLendance of Chief Shapton at Training Course. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted. No. 180 - City Solicitor - re application for sign - Victoria Inn. ORDERED on the motion'o~ AId. Miller and Mo~ers that the report be received and tabled for one week for perusal of the members of Council. F' No. 181 - City Mana,~,er _ re sewer on Ellis Lan~. CPD.?,?ED on the Donald and M. owers that the report be rece'iv,.d :~r,r~ be instructed to sub t~ ~,. a ~rther report Pec~nstruct~sn of ~h~ ]'rctc. s.d No. 182 - City Clerk - reco~iendinj issuance of lic,:nc~% CDD~PED motion o~ ~d. Mqc~n=ld and ]/cKin!ey that the ~F?rf he received licences issued E.~SCELL/NFDUS AId. McKinley referred to fh~ fact, that he h~d received a bitter corrl. iU.:ir~t from a citizen because his assessment has been increaser] by $!,20,q. ~'n~ w~s opi~on that such questions are embarA'assLng to ~ ;~dermar, :.ud that ~uncZ] shc',u]d have an explanation of what is going on. ~s Worship Eayor Hqw'dns ~einted out that [he Chas. Warnock ~,n,-~ Co:=i ~ ,: had ~dvised that i~ would take three years for re-adjustments after ~ merit. Ald. ~ller was of the opinion that citizens ~quTrinF a~ ~xi l.~n.~an ~th reference to any incre.=.se [n their assessment shc]!d contact the Co~i ssi one r. ~e Assessment ~,r ~issioner desired to s;e~k Dn t},is subject, =c,d the motion Of AId. ~Ziller and ~7~c~nald it w~s ord~,'~d that he ~ b~-ra advised ~uncil that 29 polls have new been covepsi Co~ ~-=~d 'ultm~s '~n,~ are still 11 Flls to be reviewed ~nd will be ~viewed duping the ccrr[[n~J He stated that aDyone who has oP'jected to assessment, u~on ~'o,d mJ ~o the -lssc~s- ment 0f~ic~, bud invariably been s~tisfied wiLL the exllanat~n With Pe~rence to the ~1 '~ppeals which ape to be ~ea~d by th~ Cou-t Revisien, the Assesqnent Co~'~ssione~ s~ ~ted ~,h~t not one ~?~.ell.u.[ has co~r~e his office to find out why his ~ssessment has changed. ]{ith Fefe~ence ~c the comrlain~nt '~o has a?l roacbej A]a. McEin]e2,' he was of the opinion ~hat if this m.'u'~ h~d sought a~ exllRn'~tlom ~om tFe O~ice, he would have be~n ~d. Martin referred to the ~act that he w'~s a n[em}~er of the Court of Redsion when the Pc-assessment w~s taking place ~d w%~ of the opinion that is now plain to see that tho Pc-adjustment i$ gradually taking l]ace a~d o~ncu~red ~th the other members o~ ~uncil that if the complaints w~ directed to the Assessment ~issiener fop [Pop~ explanation, and if not found sa~is~ac[oFy, the aprilants have access to the Court oC Redsion. Ald. Mowers was ef the opinion th%t the fublic should t~ told tb~ 29 ~s h~ve now been ~e-adjusted and 11 pemaini~ ]~lls will be Petewed, and was in fRvour of ~lacing an annoYcement in the pFess to this ~ffect. SEE Resolution ~o. 1]~. AId. Mowers stated that on numerous occasions he had noticed tracLcr trailers and dump trucks using Queen Street, Victoria Avenue a~d Valley ?i~y ~nd was of the opinion that these vehicles should not be nllowed upon these streets unless deliveries are being made. He was of the opinion that the Tra~"[c Com- mittee, the City Manager and an official of the Po]ice Department, in other words, a Special Committee, be set uF to submit a report regarding establishment of certain routes for these vehicles. S,TE Resolution No, 1]~ RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed; No. ll~ - DONALD - MacDONALD . RV~OLVED that a message of sympathy be forwarded to the family of the late Jud~ L,B.C.Ltvingstone; and the Se~] o~ tH. Cor~r~ Carried Unanimously. No. 115 - DONALD - MCKINLEY - R~S0LVED that the City Manager and the Assessment Commissioner be ihstructed to bring in a report as to adjustments on assessment values. indicating when it is expected the review ~dll be completed; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. C~rried Unanimously. No. 116 - MO'~2~{S - DO,'~ALD _ R2SOLV'ED that a Si.~cial Committee, -rith the Traffic Co~mlittee as a nucleus, be apF~in,ted to consider the traffic situation, particularly in the Business Areas ~th r*ference to tractors, truck!;, etc. and the ~ssible establishment ~f ~Ick routes qnd,/or one-way streets to more efficiently handle the traffic at those ~x,ints; ~nd the Se~l of the Corporation be hereto affixed, Carried Unanimously. r~o. 117 - ~RCOKS - ~C"~RS - ~EOLVED THAT the next regular meeting of ~he City Council be held at ~ ~.m. on Monday, October 26th,1953; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously BY-LUWS The following ~y-laws were passed; ~b. ~02~ - To amend By-law Number 3790, being a by-law for regulation of traffic. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McEinley and Donlld that AId. !~!ler be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading, - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be tompots-Sly suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. -,Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Donald and McKinley - Carried Unanimously. .~o. ~02~ - To authorize ~he execution of an agreement for sale and deed· ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Filler and Lbwers that Ald. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-l~ and the by-law be given the firFt reading. - C~rried Unanimously. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that Rule 36 (P) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Re~ding,.,"i Ald. MacDonald ~nd )511or - Carried Unanimously. The Council adjourned to Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Donald and BroOks READ AND ADOF!'ED, 26th October, 1953. I Clerk ' ' ______- J Mayor Z7 5 ...... ['1 READ/C,rD AD.?FTED, 261Y: Cc~ -her, 1753. C1 e rk " CCU~'C/L i'ffjETiK'G Council Chmnber, Finance MeTh'e~C°un~cil+~re'assembled at th~ close oP ~be 19tb October, 1953, BY__-LAW The follpwinE By-law was Passed[ ~ - To provide monies for general Purposes . ORDF.~ED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Martin that ~ld. Donald be gr~nted the pri~dlege of 19~ reducing the bF-!aw and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of .lld. }Jartin and Mowers that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing ~ales o2 Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. ~ Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - A!d. ~L~cDonald ~nd gartin - Carried Unanimously. The Council adjourned on the !!~otion of fild. :.~l!er ~.nd Brooks. RFAD A~ AD?FTED, 26tb October,19~3. Clerk ~:~yor. C_OU~T____OF a_EV~smr,r Ceunci ] Ch.~mber, 2~tb Oc tober, 19~3. The Court of Revision on The Assessment Roll commenced sitting at 10:00 26th October, 1953, at which the following action was taken upon the respect~ vc apt eals. Members;present; Sheriff V. L. Davidson, Chairre;in, Mr. O. W. Zi~merman and -"'if. Albert Be n so n · P~ll 2715 6269 7120 6715 : 6242 33 3163 17 118 1 3954 21 6391 3~ 5272 29 628 3 6479 34 3818 20 4349 24 6271 33 6268 33 7284 39 3321 18 4~31 25 3547 19 645 3 3438 18 3840 258 2 479O Poll No. 14 33 38 36 Angrisani, p. Barker, Natalie Barr, James Battachio, Sisto Beaupit, Mrs. Edwin Brenohley, Harold Brown, Herman Bugg, Thomas, 917 Bridge. Cartledge, Luther Conely, Jos. DeVil]iers, p. Didemus, A. M. Respectin~ 1001 Huron Street 1768 Summer Street 19~O Lundy's Iane 1938 Grey Street 1785 Spring Street 1445 Alexander Crescent 182 May Avenue 585 Ryerson Crescent 2189 Lundy's Lane 871 Hunter Street 430 B~idge Street 1948 Summer Street Dumas, W. Attorney 975 St. Clalr Avenue 9 Aldrich May, Wilmington, Deleware, for Mrs. A. Duneas Bigland, C.H. 1128 Second Avenue 1754 Summer Street 1782 Summer Street 1928 S~m~es Avenue 1036 Ontario Avenue 997 Armoury Street b~5 John Street 590-6 Cataract Avenue 983 River Road Findlay, Lily French, James & Nora Fretz, Arthur Garrett, J. Glynn, Joseph Groat, Robt. & Jessie Hopkins, John B. Hopkins, John B. ~e_qisi,.n off ~_~urt Dismissed Withdrawn Dis,~ssed Dismissed Bldg.reduced $~75. Dismissed Bldg. reduced $550. Dismissed Bldg.reduced $750. Dismissed Bldg.reduced $450. Dismissed Dismissed Dismissed 'Withdrawn Withdrawn Bldg.reduced $190. Bldg.reduced $~90. Dismissed Dismissed Iseppon, A. 104 Broughton Avenue King, Jessie L. ~napp, Lyle LeBlanc, ~rs. E. Leitch, Jos. Leitch, Jos.18~5 Ferry St. ~3~ Philip Street 1180 Slater Avenue' 52~ Bridge Street 18~5 Ferry Street Main St. land Dismissed Dismissed Off Iseppon On Spironella $70. Dismissed , frontage to be adjusted. Dismissed. Dismissed Dismissed Dismissed. Dismissed. 278 Roll No. 2950 5383 6082 6083 6696 6698 2185 2186 Poll __ No. Appellant 30 Low, Daniel 15 MacLean, A. & N. 29 Manson, Jennie 33 Martin, Calvert & Matthews 33 Martin, Calvert & Matthews 36 Martin, Calvert & Matthews 36 Martin, Calvert & Matthews 10 Marshall, Catherine A. 5052 28 Mazzotta, Joe 860 4 McCallum, W. T. 3666 19 McCallum, W. T. 3667 3543 19 McLeod, J, & H, 6100 33 McMurray, E. M. iF , i 3899 ~ 4323 62o 6389 3279 25o4 4731 6o81 7033 ~121 29/d~ 7o18 · 999 1001 Megannety, J. J. 17 Meszaros, Mary 13 Misener, Hartford 26 Mitchell, D. 33 Morgan, J. W. 40 Nemeth, J. 25 Nielsen, Anne 33 Olmstead, Gracia 15 Overs, R. G. 38 Potter, D. E. 10 Potter, Thomas 21 Ridgway, Fred E. 24 Rolston, B. J. 3 Salaccioli, E. & L. 5 Sangstep, Lumber Co. 6703 36 Scotdine, Albert 3993 2~ Stephenson, J. & C. 921 ~ Stevenson, R. B. 6381 3~ Todd, Henry 2755 14 Thomas, Norman 3897 21 Yallop, Lillian Respecting 1473 MacDonald Ave. 1138 Willmott St. 1581 Victoria Avenue 1867 Ferry Street 1855-7 Ferry Street 1828-36 Ferry Street 1848 Ferry Street 851 River Road 951 Kitchener Street 4~6 Queen St.(767 Queen) Decision of Court Dismissed Dismissed Dismissed Dismissed Dismissed Dismissed Dismissed Bldg.reduced $3~O. (garage) Dismissed h~6 Queen St.(1471 River) Bldg.reduced $200. 487 John Street 1850 Main Street 1622 Lowell Avenue 1435 Valley Way 669 First Avenue 1226 Jepson Street 1885 Ferry Street 2185 Gulp Street 1062 Valley Way 1652 Main Street 1084 Willmott Street 2086 Barker Street 464 Morrison Street 1102 McGlashan Cres. 905 NcRae Street 356 Bridge Street 425 First Avenue REBATE OF TAXES Appellant 1973 Grey Street 695 Armoury St. 541 Welland Avenue 17OO Lowell Avenue 1063 Morrison Street 1083 McGlashan Crescent 943 38 E. N. Morton for Firestone Automotive Supply 3928 26 E.N. Morton for L. Knapp 357 9 819 34 668 29 5357 36 Dismissed 84 3 942 38 Bldg. reduced $160. 556 19 Dismissed - Land to be adjusted. 2327 16 Dismissed Dismissed 63 3 Bldg.reduced $140. 267 4 Dismissed Dismissed 1038 3 Dismissed 5988 40 Dismissed Dismissed 622 24 Dismissed 3992 27 Dismissed Bldg. reduced $300. ~ 381 9 Dismissed 382 9 Dismissed dismissed ~679 31 'L~smissed 516 19 Bldg.reduced $200. Dismissed Dismissed Dismissed Dismissed Dismissed E. N. Mrton For Dr.J.C. Henderson E. N. Mrton for Dr.J.K. Annstrong Morton, E. N. re Thorburn Drug Co. Morton, E. N. re Ukrainian Greek Orthodox Church Morton, E. N. re Mitchell Kriminsky Morton, E. N. re Sam Seigel Morton, E. N. re Niagara Falls Club, Morton, E. N. re D. McLaughlin Morton, E. N. re Shelly's Aluminum Windows Morton, E. N. for The Record Bar Morton, E, N. re Rosbergs, Ltd. Morton, E. N. re Susan Mingle Morton, E. N. re John Vandersluys Morton, E. N. re J. B. Wallace Morton, E. N. re Mrs. E. Brown Morton, E. N. re Mrs. E. Brown Morton, E. N. re Joe. Laslo, 2373 Cor~rln Avenue E. N. Morton re A. Iannuzzelli In C . Respectin~ 1970 Lundy's L&ne vacated 28 APt.1953 1180 Slater Avenue 422 Queen Street vacated Mar. l,1953 1743 Main Street vacated ~y 4,1953 1731 Victoria Avenue Sylvia Place Pt. Lot 2, Pl. 653 370 Bridge Street out of business Drummond Road Out of business Robinson Street 1460 Cedar Street 112 Bridge Street vacated ,May 9, 1953 560 Victoria Avenue vacated APt. 28,1953 327 Queen Street vacated APr.30,1953 2178 Pine Grove Ave. Bldg. removed April 30,1953 1155 Victoria Avenue 1168 Florence Avenue 671 River Road store open ~ months 671 River Road motel open 5 months 1255 Ferry Street house demolished Oct.12. 967 Clifton Hill in operation only 6 months 279 . c~ ~on of Court Granted; Abatement $24.67 Granted; on Real Fropetty R':fur. d $1~. Granted; Business _ Abatement ~61. ~C Granted; ~lsiness _ Abatement ~12.15 Granted; Business _ Refimd $10.~0 Exempt L~nd - granted Refund . Granted _ Business Abatement $21.60 Granted _ Business Abatement ~10.~O Granted . Business refund $116.66; Abatement $232.00 Granted _ Real t'roperty Refund , $27.18 Granted _ Business Abatement $22.86 Granted . Business refund $6.12 Granted _ Business Abatement $76.32 Granted _ Abatement Real Property $5~.90 Granted - Business refund - $~.45 Granted . Real property Abatement $7.20 Granted . Abatement $28.26 Granted; Abatement $32.22 Granted; . Abatement $1,740. Assessment Granted; Refund $6~.80 '280 The Cou~t then adjourned, SUMStRY OF ACTION TAKEN BY COURT Building Assessment reduced Assessment Abatement Abatements - Business Abatements - Real Property Refunds ~,2~5.oo 1,740.OO 522.68 62.10 310.87 THIRTY-SIXTH MEETING REGL~AR ~{EETING Council Chamber, 26th October, 1953. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 5.00 p.m. on Monday, 26th, October, 1953, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of Council were present, with the exception of A3d. Donald and PXller. The Council, having received and mad the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Martin. COMMUNICATIONS Laid over from the Previous meeting; No. 31~ - A. A. MacBain . re Sign for Hotel, Victoria of Aid. McKinley and MacDonald that the communication Inn. ORDERED on the motion by a full Council. be tabled for consideration Certified correct, .... Chairman. ~No.__~18~O The foliowinE Communications were Presented; No. 320 - City Clerk of Kiteberet _ resolution re ice box fatalities. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the communication be received and filed in view of the fact that Council has passed leEislation to protect local citizens. No. 321 - Nicholas Mizibrocky , requesting inclusion of 1913 Buchanan Avenue in business area. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and McKinley that the communi_ cation be received and tabled and the City Manager be instmcted to present a report to Council concerning the entire area, with ~ecommendations; and the Press give this matter proper publicity to acquaint the residents in this area with what is proposed. No. 322 ~ Local Hydm Commission . re ornamental stree+ lightin O ~ and permission be for temporary lighting on Ferry Street and a meeting be granted air filed arranged with the Local Hydro as soon as possible. c e~ c t n ee~ and laid on the t ethe {or one week for perusa/of Court Inspecting o opportunity of site and to ascertain the opinion of residents in this neighbourhood. ~REPORTS Laid over from the previous meeting{ No. 180 - City Solicitor . re application for sign at Victoria Inn. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McFdnley and MacDonald that the report be tabled for consideration by a full Council. The following Reports were presented; No. 183 - Assessment ~ommissioner , re changes in assessments. of Aid. Mowers and Brooks that the report be received and laid (RDEPuED on the motion on the table for one .iE~__._,,'II8~ week for consideration of a full Council. * a~.,,~ ~ No. 18~ - City Clerk - reco~ending issuance of ~c~ces. ORDE~ on the motion ~d. ~c~nald and Mc~nley that the m~rt be received and ~opted ~d licenoes 282 MISCELt. ANEOUS Ald. Mowers desired to know whether another Junk yard had been approved for the location at the comer of Clark and Robinson Streets, pointing out the fact that there is a pile of scrap iron at that point. The City }~anager advised that he had requested the Chief of Police to check into this matter and that Myer Salit was to be contacted regarding its removal. The City Manager advised that Myer Salit does not hold a licence for this site. Ald. Martin advised that this scrap iron is the result of the steel being torn out of the tunnel at such a speed that it is impossible to obtain the necessary transportation to remove it from the City but assured Council that within 2 or 3 weeks it would be removed. Ald. Mowers referred to a number of cars for sale located in front of the house located between White's Service Station and Macklem Motors on Ferry Street and desired to know whether a Used Car Licerice had been issued for this location. His Worship the Mayor suggested that this matter be referred to the City Manager for investigation and a report. RESOLUTION The. followinK Resolution was passed; No. 118 - MacDONALD - MARTIN - ESOLVED that Ald. McKinley be appointed Enacting Chairman of Finance due to the absence of Ald. Donald; and the Seal of the Cor- poration be hereto affixed. Carried The Council adjourned to Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers. READ AND ADOPTED, 2nd. November, 1953. Clerk FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 26th October,19~3. The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 26th October, 1953 for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts ~hich had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Cormit~ee were present, with the exception of Ald. Donald and Miller. Ald. McKinley, presided as Enacting man of Finance. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $86,O~6.9~ were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or o[herwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of His Worship the Mayor and Ald. MacDonald. A communication from Paulo Durante requesting refund of the purchase price for Lot 73, Plan 6, Dyson Avenue, was presented for consideration. on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Mowers that the communication be r~'ceived and filed and the ref~md be granted. The Statement of Relief for September, 1953, was presented for consid- eration. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Mayo~ Hawkins that the State- ment be received, given the usual publicity and filed. The Revenue and Expenditure Statement as of September 30th, 1953 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Hawkins and Ald. MacDonald that the Statement be received and laid on the table for perusal of Council. The City Manager presented a verbal report with reference to an application for a building permit for the construction of a new block on the north side of Queen Street, between St. Lawrence Avenue and ~ckley Avenue, at an esti- mated cost of $37,000. which will accommodate two stores and offices, and recom- mended that a permit be issued. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Mayor Hawkins that the permit be granted. The City Manager presented a verbal report in connection with the appli- cation of Raynor-Atlas for permission to pour concrete in the down hole on Allen Avenue, south of Ferry Street, at Tunnel Number Two of the Hydro Project. He advised that they desired to commence operations about November 2nd, for a period of about one week during which time Allen Avenue will be blocked. ORDErRED on the motion of Ald. F~cDonald and Mowers that the verbal report be received and per- mission be granted. The Committee arose snd reported to Council on the motion of His Worship Mayor Mawkins and Ald. Mowers. READ AND ADOPTED, 2nd. November, 1953. Clerk ...... ing Cha2 n o COUNCIL MEETING Counc~ 1 Ch~nber, 26th October,1953. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council w~re present, with the exception of Ald. Donald and Miller. BY-LAW The following ~.-law was passed; No. 5027 - To provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Fartin that Ald. McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried. THIRTY-Sh~ENTH M~ETIRG REGULAR ~EETING Council Chinher, 2nd. ~!cve,ub-er, 1953. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Mowers that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried. Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Martin - Carried. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on I{onctay, 2rid. November, 1953, for the purpose of considering general bus~ness and finance. All members of Council were present, w~th the exception of Ald. ~cDonald. The Coumcil, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Martin and ~ller. The City Clerk advised that the Assessment Commissioner was in receipt of a letter from the President of the Association of Assessing Officers of Ontario, in which he advised that at the next Executive Meeting of the Association a decision will be made regarding the municipality to be chosen for their 1954 Convention, and requesting that the Assessment Commissioner ascertain the feelings of the City Council as to the possibility of holding this Convention in Niagara Falls. ORDZ~ED on the motion of Ald. Mower~ and Martin that Mr. ~rton, the Assessment Commissioner, be heard. He advised that. although he would like to have this Convention at Niagara Falls, he desired to utilize all his time to complete his adjustments on assessments, and therefore suggested that the Asso- ciation be advised accordingly, and that they consider Niagara Falls in 1955. He further advised that the City of Niagara Falls would be expected to provide dinner for approximately 400 people. It was agreed that the Assessment Commissioner, being aware of the feelings of Council, advise the Association accordingly. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Mowers and NcKinley. READ AND ADOPTED, 2nd. November, 1953. DEPU__~TATIONS Mr. F. J. Matthews was present at the meeting in connection with the recent application of B. Yuhasz for a permit to erect a motel and on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Mowers it was ordered that he be heard. He requested that Council again give consideration to the granting of a permit for the erection of a motel on the premises owned by Mr. Yuhasz, fronting on Stanley Avenue and Buchanan Avenue. He pointed out that following the interview with the Com~nittee of Council, Mr. Yuhasz had given serious consideration to the suggestions made as to alternative use of the property but did not feel that the suggestions were feasible and was still of the opimion that he would like to erect a motel. Mr. Matthews, on behalf of his client, suggested that possibly in the interim, because of the change of the conditions, there might have been a change of view point on the part of Council and the whole question of such structures might be re-opened. Ald. McKinley arrived at the meeting during this discussion. Ald. Donald pointed out that there is a by-law presently in effect whereby no more such erections shall be permitted and referred to the fact that other appli- cations of a similar nature have been refused. AId. Martin was of the opinion that in view of the by-law referred to by Ald. Donald that there was only one course open and that was to refuse the granting of the permit. Ald. Mowers referred to the Area Plan and its possible effect on this type of thing, which was agreed, and following further discussion it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that the matter be tabled until such time as Council reviews the Area Planning Report. Carried. (Ald. Martin-contrary). It was further ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that a  Special Meeting be held at 7.p.m. on Tuesday, November lOth, to review the Area Planning By-law. Carried. ~ ':' ! .: ...... : ....... SE Comm~unication Number ~1, ;t !"~ ~ . He gave a res~e of what had transpired at the various meetings of Council since the . car~,the ~tt~r. to f~gher court~~ t to addition~ e~ense in order to ' rear of the e;tablis~en~ wa;~ng that the entr~ce was to ~ located at the ~ 2 i ~ ' .. ~ ~ _' COMMUNICATIONS Laid over from previous meetings; No. 3]A - A. A. MacBain - re Hotel Victoria Inn Sign. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Martin that the communication be laid over until Ald. McKinley arrives at the meeting. It was later ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Martin that the matter be laid over until the next meeting and the City Solicitor be requested %o be present. No. 321 - Nicholas Mizibrocky - requesting lifting of property out of residential area. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that the comunication be received and filed and the necessary by-law be prepared and the owners in the area contacted to ascertain their desires. SEE Report No.185._ No. 323 - Could-Leslie - requesting approval of erection of an additional panel at the end of present pester panels at Stanley and Elm Streets. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Miller that the conmmnication be received and filed and permission be granted. The. following Communications were pr_esented; No. 32~ -Rev. Dr. Wm. FinKland - invitation to Divine Service. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Martin that the invitation be received and accepted for the 22nd. of November, 1953. His Worship the Mayor expressed the desire that all Civic Departments, officials and Council be present at this Service. No. 325 - Greater Niagara Veterans' Central Committee - invitation to Annual Re- membrance Day Service. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Brooks that the invitation be received and accepted and as many as possible attend.' No. 326 - International Joint Commi§sion - Notice of public hearings. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that the Notice be received and filed. No. 327 - Niagara Falls Kinsmen Club - requesting permission to use'vacant lot at the intersection of Valley Way and Queen Street, for the sale of Christmas urees. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Miller and Brooks that the communication be received and filed and permission be granted, subject to the usual stipulation that the premises will be placed in the same condition as they presently exist, following completion of the sale. No. 328 - Separate School Board - appreciation for the use of Oakes Park for Field Day. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin that the communication be received and filed. No. 329 - St. John's Ambulance Brigade - requesting adequate accommodation at Memorial Arena. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Brooks that the communi- cation be received and referred to the City Manager for a report to be submitted at the next meeting of Council for immediate consideration and the writer be so notified. No. 330 - Township of Crowland - resolution re Canadian Natural Gas Pipeline from Alberta to Eastern Canada. ORDEE oD the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that the resolution be received and filed. -Ald. McKinley arrived at the meeting at 7,55 p.m. - No. 331 - Martin, Calvert and Matthews - requesting reconsideration of appli- cation of B. Yuhasz for a motel pe. rmit. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Donald that the communication be received and tabled until such time as Council reviews the Area Planning report. Carried. (Ald. Martin-Contrary) It was further ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that a special meeting be held at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, November lOth, to ~e~iew the area planning by-law. I No. 332 - Peter Lorenzo - explanation re application For Class 'A' gara;Je liceroe. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Mowers that the communication be received and tabled for one week, and referred tothe Property Committee for a re~ort. RE~ORTS Laid over from a previous meeting; No. 180 - City Solicitor - application for Sign-Victoria Inn. OFdDZ2!.:D on the motion of Ald. Donald and Phrtin that the matter be lald over until the next meeting and the City Solicitor be requested to be present. No. 183 - Assessment Commissioner - report on effect of re-assessments. OPDiE[ZD on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the report be received, given proper publicity and filed. The foliowinE Reports were presented; No. 185 - City Manager - application of N. Mizibrocky to remove Lot 1 on west side of Buchanan Avenue, south of Ferry from residential area. ORDERED on the ,notion of AId. Mowers and Donald that the report be received and filed and the necessary by-law be prepared and the owners in the area contacted to ascertain their desires. No. 186 - City Fmnager - Referring to Oct. 19th, report on cost of 8-inch sewer on Ellis Street as Local Improvement; and recommending properties now be assessed sewer rental. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Donald and Mowers that the report be received and adopted. No. 187 - City Manager - recommending leasing New York Centrsl lot on Cataract Avenue for the establishment of a parking area for the use of Police and Engineering Offices. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and ~ller that the report be received and adopted. No. 188 - Equipment Committee . recommending calling for tenders for the replacement of trucks in Street and Water Departments. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the report be received and adopted. No. 189 - S. Sills ~ report on attendance at Convention of International Municipal Signal Association. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Nattin that the report be received and filed. RESOLUTION ~he following Resolution was passed~ No. 119 - MCKINLEY - MARTIN - RZSOLVED that a letter of congratulations be forwarded to Ex-Aldennan A. C. Jolley, recently elected as a Member of the Provincial Legis- lature; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried______.~. MISCELLANEOUS Ald. Brooks referred to complaints he had received concerning the conditions existing on Stanley Street caused by dump trucks and it was agreed that the City Manager would submit a report on the conditions on Stanley Street and the parking of trucks. ild. Donald desired to know when the Arena facilities will be made avail- able to school children for skating and was advised by the City Manager that the matter will be discussed with the Arena Manager to ascertain whether skating for these children will commence at an early date. 2'88 Ald. Miller desired to know when the traffic signal equipment will be installed at Victoria Avenue and McRae Street; pointing out that the school term is now under~ay and no action in this direction had been noted. The City Manager advised that a part for the actual oilration of this equipment has not as yet been received from the States; upon receipt of this, action will be taken. The Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers. READ AND ADOPTED, 9th November, 1953. The Comparison of Tax Collections as of October 31st,1953 was pre- sented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and His l~rship the ~%yor that the Statement be received, given the usual publicity and filed. Mr. Joe. Sayriga, Proprietor of 1~88 Victoria Avenue, being a restaurant, was present at the meeting and on the motion of His Worship the Mayor and Ald. Martin was pem:itted to present a sketch of the addition he proposes tc erect at his premises. It was later agreed that Mr. Sayriga submit an application of what is proposed, in order that the matter could be considered at the next meeting. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley. 289 ~'*"~*"'~ _)Mayor FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 2nd. November,1953. The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 2nd. November, 1953 for the purpose of approving and also ~assing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present, with the exception of Ald. MacDonald. Ald. Donald, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $39,&63.0~ were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Miller. The City Manager's report on the application of John Besch for a building permit to erect a frame and stucco addition to the rear of his dwelling at 1592 Robinson Street, at an estimated cost of $~,000. was presented for con- sideration. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Miller that the report be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report. The City Manager's report 6n the application of Peter and Victor Lorenzo for a building ~ermit to erect a garage at an estimated cost of $5,200. on Lot 805, on the east side of Stanley between North Street and Lincoln Street, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Martin that the report be received and referred to the Property Committee for consid- eration. It was agreed that Ald. McKinley and Brooks act in th~ capacity of Co-Chairman of the Property Committee for the balance of the year 1953. The Clerk's report reconnending an increase in fees for election officers, was presented for consideration. OFd)ERED on the motion of AId. Mc- Kinley and Mowers that the report b~ received and adopted and the fees be established as follows: Poll Clerks $8.00; Deputy Returning Officers $10.00; Polling Places $12.OO. The offer of P. Brassolotto for the purchase of Lot 73, Plan 6, Dyson Avenue, for the sum of $250. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Mowers that the offer be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report. READ AND ADOFTED, 9tb ~bvember,1953. Clerk Chairman of Finance. COUNCIL }.RElaTING Council Chamber, 2nd. November, 1953. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present, with the exception of AId. MacDonald. BY-LA______W The followinK ~BY-laws were passed; ~ - To provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that AId. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first rea~ing. _ Carried. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Miller that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading.. Carried. Third Reading .Ald. Donald and Martin - Carried. ~ - To provide for the remuneration of Deputy Returning Officers, Poll Ulerks and Constables, and for the rental of Polling Places. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Mowers that Ald. Donald be granted the Privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading.. Carried. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading.. Carried. Third Reading .Ald; Mowers and Martin - Carried. The Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald. THIRTY-EIGHTH ~ETING READ AND ADOPTED, 9th November, 1953. Clerk Mayor Council Ch.%plber, 9th ~'~ovember, lq53. REGULAR ~ETING Pursuant to adjournment Council met at 7.30 ~ m. on ~,'onda,~ Oth November, 1953 for the purpose of considerin , ,~ members of Council were rese · g general business and f~nal]ce' i~] Cou~i ' · . ' ' , he exception of lld MB , ~ ese on the motion of Ald. Martin and Brooks.°f the previous meeting, adopted CO~FERENCE Council Chamber, 2nd. November, 1953. The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, 2rid. November, 1953 for the purpose of consideration of various matters presented to them. All members of the Com- mittee were present, with the exception of Ald. MacDonald. After consideration of the items placed before them, the Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Martin. DEFUTATIONS Mr. A. A. MacBain, Solicitor for ~. T. Kosloff, was present at the meeting in con~ection with the mat~,er of a sign at the Victoria Inn ;~otel, 1306 Victoria Avenue, and on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks it was ordered that he be heard. He requested Council,s decision, one way or the other, at this meeting, and was of the opinion that there should be Do objection to the granting Referring to his remarks at the a · g, pointed out th not meant as a threat. He requested ' at his remarks were that if the Council arrived at a negative answer at this meeting His Worship the Mayor instruct the Clerk to forward to him a formal letter to this effect. FAr. W. J. McBurney, City Solicitor, was also present at the meeting and in his remarks referred to the many ways in which the word 'hotel' is defined in the various Acts; stating that 'hotel' is used loosely in the various Statutes for the purpose of a Particular Statute. He pointed out, however, that in the City of Niagara Falls, building by-law 'hotel' was referred to as a structure having 15 or more habitable rooms above the first floor. SE Comm_unication Number 3]t SEE Report No. 180 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur White were also present at the meeting and on the motion of Ald. Miller and McKinley, F~s. White was Permitted to that they were not aware that they required a municipal licence speak. She advised ~ for the operation of a used car lot, since they already had acquired a Class 'A' garage licenee from the Provincial Authorities for this purPose. READ AND ADOPTED, 9th. November, 1953. SEE Re~ort No. ..~... Laid over from ~revious meetings; Ald. McKinley and tuner that the communication be received and the permit be not granted. His Worship Mayor Hawkins advised Mr. MacBain, who was present at the' meeting, that the decision of Council will be forwarded to him, in writing. No. 329 - St. John's Ambulance Brigade . requesting adequate accommodation at the Memorial Arena. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Nowers and Donald that the communi- _The following Communications were presented; No. 333 - Bell Telephone Co.. requesting permission to place anchor on Alexander Crescent. ORDEE on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the communication be received and filed and Permission granted. 292 No. 334 - Port Arthur - resolution re trans-Canada Gas Pipeline. ORDEPgD on the motion cf Ald. Brooks and Martin that the co~ununication be received and tabled and the Federal and Provincial Members of Parliament for this Riding be con- tacted to obtain more information concerning this subject. No. 335 - Wm. Taylor - re lane between Elgin and May Avenue. OPDERED on the motie5 of Ald. Miller and Donald that the communication be received and referred to the City Manager for a report and the Sanitary Inspector be instructed to inspect this lane to ascertain the source of the garbage. No. 336 - Optimist Club - requesting proclamation re Optimist Week. ORDERED on th~ motion of Ald. McKinley and Martin that the communication be received and filed and the proclamation issued. REPORTS Laid over from a previous meeting; No. 180 - City Solicitor - re application for sign at Victoria Inn. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Miller that the report be received and filed. The following Reports were presented; No. 190 - City ManaEer - re establishment of accommodation at Memorial Arena for St. John's ~nbulance Brigade. ORDEPaD cn the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that the report be received and tabled until inspection of the proposed alter- ations by Council at 6.30 p.m. Tuesday, November lOth. No. 191 - City Manager - cost of parking facilities for Memorial Arena, corner of Kitchener and MacDonald. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks that the report be received and tabled and referred to the 195A Council for consideration. No. 192 - City Manager - Use of Memorial Arena by school children. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and FUller that the report be received and filed. No. 193 - City ManaEer - parking of used cars at 1706-20 Ferry St. ORDERE~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and Martin that the report be received and Mr. White be notified that it will be necessary to make application for a used car lot licence. No. 19k - City ManaRer - re application of Raynor-Atlas to construct a pit on Allen Avenue near Peer Street to facilitate placing concrete for the lining of Tunnel No. 2. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and McKinley that the report be received and adopted and permission be granted to proceed with this work. SEE Resolution No.120 No. 195 - City Clerk - Traffic Committee's recommendation. CRDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that the report be received and adopted. No. 196 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licence. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that the report be received and adopted and licence issued accordingly. PETITION The following Petition was presented; No. 19 - A. St. AnEelo and 11 others - objecting to establisP~ent of garage on Lot 805, Stanley Avenue. ORDEE on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the petition be received and laid on the table in view of the fact that the original application for this particular establishment has been referred to the Property Committee for consideration. RJSOLUTION The following Resolution was passed; No. 120 . DONALD _ BROOKS _ RESOLVED that the City Manager be i~structed to make arrangements for the Council to inspect the Storm Wa~er Dis~.o~] Shaft, on Sunday afternoon, November 15th; and the Seal of the Corporat~ cn be hereto affixed. Carried BY-LA~S The following By-laws were passed; ~o. ~0~ - %o provide for Permission to The Bell Telephone Co. to place one anchor on Alexander Crescent and remove one anchor. O~DERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Martin that AId. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. , Carried. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and 3rocks that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. _ Carried. Third Reading , AId. Martin and Mowers _ Carried. ~ - To appoint Deputy Returning Officers, Poll Clerks and Folling Places for the municipal election in December 1953 for the year 195k. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that AId. McKinley be given the Privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time.. Carried. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. _ Carried. Third Reading _ AId. Mowers and Martin - Carried. The followinK By-law was Presented{ No__. 503~ , To authorize the construction of a curb and gutter on both sides of Deleware Street between Orchard Avenue and Pine Grove Avenue as a Local Improvement under the Provisions of The Local Improvement Act. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that AId. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-lawand the by-law be given the first reading.. Carried. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. _ Carried. M~SCELLANEOUS Ald. Mowers referred to complaints he had received concerning t~e oPeration of the sidewal~ plo~ghs on Saturday, November 7th, causing deep furrowes on lawns, Particularly in the residential sections and was of the opinion that this should not occur each time we have snow, and was of the opinion that the operators of this equipment should Proceed~ at a slower pace and the equipment should be so devised that lawns will not be interfered with. Me was also of the opinion that the lawns so damaged, should be attended to immediately. The City Manager advised that the operators of this equipment have been instructed how to use these ploughs but that the matter will be checked and the drivers instructed to proceed more slowly. 29 '! The Council adjourned to Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers. RF~D AND ADOPTED, 16th November,1953. ' ~yor FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 9th November, 1953. The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 9th November, 1953 for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present, with the exception of Ald. b~cDonald. AId. Donald, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $121,190.03 were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald. Mowers and His Worship the Mayor. The City Manager's report in connection with the application of J. Savriga for a building permit to ~nstruct an addition to his restaurant at 1~88 Victoria Avenue, at an estimated cost of $3,000. was presented for consid- eration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin that the report be received and adopted and no p~rmit be issued. The City Manager's report recommending the purchase of 2,000 feet of snow fence at a total appro~imate cost of $520. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Martin that the report be received and adopted. The offer of O. Massi, for the purchase of Lot 73, Plan 6, Dyson Avenue for the sum of $250. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin that the offer be received and referred to the Property Committee for censider- ation. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of AId. McKinley and ~wers. READ AMp ADOPTED, 16th November, 1953. Chairman of Finance. COUNCIL ME2TING Council Ch{mber, 9th Novembe~ lo51 The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council ana Fin:~uce Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts aJ.iroved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present, with the exception of Ald. MacDonald. BY-L~4 The followin~ By-law was passed; ~ - To provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Martin that Ai~. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-l~w be given the first reading. _ Carried. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Martin ~hat Ru/e 36 (2) o~ the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-l~w be given the second reading.. Carried. Third Reading .Ald. McKinley and Mowers - Carried. The Council adjourned to Conference on the motion oC Ald. READ AND ADOFTED, 16th November, 1953. Clerk McKinley and Mowers. ""'~yor CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 9th November, 1953. The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, 9th November, 1953 for the purpose of considering various matters presented to them. All members of the Committee were present, with the exception of AId. MacDonald. After consideration of the items placed before them, the Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Miller and McKinley. READ AND ADOPTED, 16th November, 1953. '~""~Clerk '~' · 295 THIRTY-NINTH I~ETING SPECIAL MEETING Council Chamber, 1Oth November,1953. Pursuant to adjour~.ent, Council met in special session at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, the 1Oth day of November, 1953, for the purpose of considering the Area Plan and implementing by-laws. All members of Council were present with the exception oC Ald. MacDonald. COMMUNICATION Laid over from a previous meeting; No. 329 - St. John' s Ambulance Brigade - requesting accorm~odation in Memorial Arena. ORDER~Z]) on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Brooks that the communication be received and filed, and the request be granted. REPORT Laid over from a previous meeting; Report No.l?O No. 190 - City Manager - repossibility of establishing accommodation in Memorial Arena for St. John's Ambulance Brigade. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Brooks that the report be received and adopted and the necessary alterations authorized, subject to re-location as agreed upon by Council. MISECLLANEOUS Ald. Donald referred to complaints which he had received with reference to the postponement of the Mulligan funeral and expressed strong objection to the fact that this had been necessary. Following discussion on the matter it was agreed that the City Manager investigate and submit a report. AREA PLAN The following Report was submitted; No. 197 - City Manager - certain information pertaining to the propo%ed by-law to regulate the use of land, etc. for the City of Niagara Falls. His Worship the Mayor asked the Clerk to proceed with the reading of the City Manager's report summarizing what had been done and suggested to date concerning the plan, and following the reading of the first few paragraphs, a general discussion was held on residential areas, following which Ald. Mowers queried as to whether it was the wish of Council to relinquish their authority which would probably come about if the plan was adopted. This phase of the matter was discussed in detail with reference to the need for a plan and various other aspects, following which His Worship the Mayor polled the members of Council and all indicated that they were in fayour of a Planning Board and an Area Plan. Ald. Miller expressed a reser. vation with reference to his being in favour of the plan to the effect that certain changes might be necessary and he would not want to see this delayed or interfered with. The report was then proceeded with, item by item. In connection with Residential Number (1), Ald, Martin expressed dis- approval of the one area being placed in this category, being of the opinion, on a comparison basis this was not satisfactory. In connection with Residential (3) AId. I'Xller expressed oi2osition · to the adoption as it stands, referring specifically to a portion of Stanley Avenue which would be affected and also referring to the Coca Cola ~!ant and possible expansion. In connection with Commercial (1) it was agreed that this he extended to the centre line of Huron Street, running from Victoria Avenue to Erie Avenue then utilizing the present limits to Fdver Road. It was also agreed that the triangle containing the old Meats' property between Cataract and kiver ~cad should also be included as well as the north side of Ferguson as far east as Stanton Avenue. Commercial (2) - no co~nents were made. Industrial (1) - some discussion was held and then Aid. i'!owers left the meeting. Following this a genera] discussion ~,~$ held on procedure which would have to be followed in the event the Plan is approved and adopted and it was agreed that before further discussion is held that the Ci ~y I~nager prepare maps for the use of the members of Council depicting existing areas throughout [he municipality. In view of the importance of this matter and the fact that there was not a full Council, it was then agreed that Council would meet again on Tuesday, November 17th, at 7 p.m. Providing all members of Council would be present and prepared to discuss the matter. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Martin and Miller. READ AND ADOPTED, 16th November, 1953. 298 FORTIETH MEETING REGULAR F~EETING Council Chamber, 16th November, 1953 Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 16th. November, 1953, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of Council were present, with the exception of Ald. MacDonald. The Coup~ cil, having received and read the minutes of the previous regular and special meetings, adopted these on the motion of kld. Martin and McKinley. TENDERS Tenders had been called for the supply of trucks to replace one in the Water Department and two in the Streets Department and on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald, it was ordered that the tenders received, be opened, initialled by His Worship the Mayor and tabulated. COMMUNICATIOk~S Laid over from previous meetings; No. 332 - Peter Lorenzo - requesting approval of application for a Class 'A' garage licerice. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the com- munication be received and filed and the application be not approved. SEE Report No.198 SEE Petition 19 No. 335 - Wm. Taylor - re lane adjacent to his property and unsanitary conditions existing in the lane. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Mowers that the communication be received and tabled for one week pending submission of report by the Medical Officer of'Health and a copy of the City Solicitor's opinion of IMay lOth, 1952 as read by the City Clerk, be forwarded to Mr. Taylor for his information, and the owner of the garage encroaching on this lane be informed and requested to remove same to private property; and the City Manager be requested to consider the situation with reference to the lane and report as to the advisability of installing lighting. SEE Report No.199 The followinK Communications were presented; No. 337 - Chamber of Commerce - re engagement of'a traffic expert. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Martin that the communication be received and acknowledged and the Chamber of Commerce be requested to arrange a meeting with the Parks Commission, Township of Stamford and the City of Niagara Falls to discuss the traffic situation. No. 338 - Henry LanK - application for erection of additional motel accommodation. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Mowers that the Communication be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report. REPORTS The followinK Reports were presentedl No. 198 - Property Committee - recommending application of Peter Lorenzo for a Class 'A' Garage Licence, be not approved. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the report be received and adopted. No. 199 - City Manager - re letter from W. A. Taylor, requesting closing a lane between May and Elgin. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Mowers that the report be received and tabled for one week. AHZA FLAN It was agreed that the Council would meet in Special Session on evening at 7 p.m. November 24th. No. 200 - City ManaKer - re widening of North Main St. f~om Ferry to S~l~er ORDERED on tb~ motion 'of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that the repert be received ~ ' and tabled and Council arrange to inspect this property on the ground, Saturday mo~ning, November 21st at !C No. 201 - ~aE _ reconunending two street lights on Eroughton lyehue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley that the report be received and adopted. No. 202 - City Clerk . recommending issuance of licenoes. 02DEfiED on t~:e motion of Aid. Fertin and Brooks that the report be received and adopted and !he licenoes iesued accordingly. (Ald. Mowers- contrary). PETITION Laid over from a previous meetinK; No. 19 - A. St. AnZelo and 11 others, objecting to use of Lot ~05, Stanley Avenue as garage site. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Donaid and Mo~vers that the petition be received and filed. RESOLUTIONS The followinK Resolutions were passed; No. 121 - McKINLEy _ BROOKS _ RESOLVED that the matter of parking on Epwortb Circle be referred to the Traffic Committee for a complete report; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried. No. 122 - DONALD . MOWERS - RESOLVED that a letter of congratulations be forwarded to Miss Winnifred Stokes upon her appointment as City Editor of the Niagara Falls Evening Review; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carrie~ His Worship the Mayor welcomed Tony Fredo, who now succeeds F~ss S~okes, as reporter at the Council Meetings, and expressed the ~ish that his report on the Council Meetings will be as fair and unbiased as those prepared by Miss Stokes. No. 123 - BROOKS . MARTIN . RESOLVED that His Worship the Mayor appoint a com- mittee to investigate the possibility of acquiring property at the rear of Stamford Township Hall for parking purposes; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried His Worship Mayor Hawkins appointed the Property Committee to investigate this matter. CHURCH SERVICE Mayor Hawkins reminded the members of Council about the Church Service to be held at St. Andrew,s United Church on Sunday morning, November 22nd at 11 A.M. and expressed the desire that all might be in attendance. Aid. Miller referred to the lane leading off Centre Street, between Lewis and MeGrail and the fact that he had received another telephone call with reference to its condition. 299 300 The Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers, READ AND ADOPTED, 23rd. November,1953. Clerk FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 16th November, 1953. The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 16th. November, 1953 for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been pro- perly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present, with the exception of Ald. MacDonald. Ald. Donald, Chairman of Fin- ance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $57,h76.41 were approved by the Com- mittee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the 'motion of Aid. Martin and McKinley. The application of Peter and Victor Lorenzo for a permit to erect a building on Lot 805, on the east side of Stanley between North and Lincoln Streets, laid bver from the previous meeting, was again presented for consid- eration. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin arid Brooks that the application be received and filed. SEE Council Meeting - Report 198, Petition 19 The application of John Beech for a building permit to erect a frame and stucco ~ddition at the rear of his dwelling at 1592 Robinson Street, ~t an estimated cost of $4,000. laid over from the previous meeting, was again pre- sented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Mowers that the recommendation of the Property Committee, that the permit be granted, be received and adopted and the permit be issued. The offers of 0. Massi and P. Brassolotto to purchase Lot 73, Plan 6, Dyson Avenue, for the sun of $250. laid over from the previous meeting, were again presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Miller that the recommendation of the Property Committee be received'and adopted and the offer of O. Massi be accepted subject to the condition that a dwelling of at least $7,000. value be erected upon the premises within a period of six months. The report of the City Manager with reference to the necessity of insulation in connection with replacement of a portion of the rSof at the Filtrati0a Plant covering the filter beds and the room in which the electrical apparatus is located, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of His Worship the Nayor and Aid. McKinley that the report be received and adopted and the insulation be placed at a cost of $532.80. The City Manager's report in connection with plans submitted by l~fr. Reinhart for revision of tourist accommodation at the rear of the Darlir,g Inn on Clifton Hill, was presented for consideration. ORDEPED on the motlot, of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the report be received and referred to the Tour of Inspection which is to be held on Saturday morning, November 21st. The City Manager's report on the Progress Estimate Number 3 covering the work completed to November 14th by the Dick Construction and Engine,~ring Co~ for the construction of the storm water sewer on Huron Street, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. I'Lartin and McKinley t,hat the report be received and laid on the table and the si~e be insFected on Saturday morning, November 21st. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of AId. Mowers and Martin. READ ANq) ADOPTED, 23rd. November, 1953. Clerk Chairman ~f Finance. COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 16th November,1953. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present, ~Lth the exception of Aid. MacDonald. BY-LA_._._._W The following By-law was Passed; ~ - To provide monies for general Purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Martin,Aid. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law' and the by-law be given the first reading. _ Carried. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Mc~nley that R~e 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended ~d the by-law be given ~he second mading.. Carried. ~ird Reading . Aid. Mc~nley and Mowem . Carried. The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. ~nald and Brooks, ~ A?,~ ADOPTED, 23rd, November, 1953. 301 30'2 COURT OF APPEAL Council Chamber, 23rd, November,1953. The Court of Appeal in connection with the decisions of the Court of Revision on the 1953 Assessment Roll, was held at 2.30 P.M. Monday, 23rd. Novemb,~r, 1953 in the Council Chamber, City Hall, by His Honour Judge Harold E. Fuller. The following action was taken upon the respective appeals; Roll No. Appellant Description 6100 E.M. McMurray Land over- 1850 Main Street assessed. 4349 C.H. England Barn over- 1128 Second Ave. assessed. Decision of Court Land reduced by $1,050.00 (Bate per foot to be instead of $100.) Dismissed Certified correct, Clerk Judge 303 * . FORTY-FIP~ST MEETIN__G Council Sh~r. ber, 23rd. ~'~vember, 1953. R~GULAR ~ZETING Pursuant to adjournment, Council ,net at 7.30 p.m; on Monday, 23rd. November, 1953, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. ~hrtin and ~L~cDonald. DEPU~,~ION Mr. Les Davey, President of the Greater Niagara Hotel Asscciation, was present at the meeting and on the motion of Aid. Donald and MacDonald it was ordered that he be permitted to speak. He advised that in the opinion of the Association, there were sufficient liquor outlets in the vicinity of Niagara Falls and Stamford and it was their desire that Council endorse a resolution and advise the Liquor Licence Board accordingly. o Co~mAnicatio_n No. 3h~ COFJ~U~CAT~ONS Laid over from the previous meeting{ No. 335 - Wm. Taylor - re lane. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Miller that the communication be tabled until such time as the writer receives a copy of the City Solicitor,s opinion of May lO, 1953. No. 338 --Henry Lane - re additional motel ~ motion of Ald. MacDonald and HcKinley that accommodation. ORDERED on the the communication be tabled until the arrival of Aid. McKinley. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Miller and Brooks that Mr. McBurney, the City Solicitor, be requested to appear before Council at this meeting; if not available, to come to the Special Meeting of Council Tuesday evening, November 24th. SEE Adjourned Co__uncil Meeting The following Communications were presented; No. 339 - Junior Chamber of Commerce _ endorsing suggestion of Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce re traffic situation. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that the communication be received, acIcnowledged and filed. No. 3~0 - Mrs. W. A. Climenhage _ re high assessment on property. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the communication be received and re- ferred to the Assessment Commissioner with instructions to approach the writer advising her of the Procedure to be followed; No. 3~1 - Niagara Falls Fire Fighters . requesting use of lower Portion of Poplar Park, May,2~ to 29, 195~. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald that the communication be received and filed and permission gra~ted. No. 3~2 - City of Windsor _ resolution re amenc~nent o A on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Mowe t ssessment Act. OFFERED filed. (Ald Miller did not vote that the resolution be received and · , ). rs , No. 343 - _American Can COmpany . parking facilities. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin that the communication be received, acknowledged, ~he necessary lease be dra~n, and the City Manager be ~nstructed to submit a report on the costs involved. No. 3A~ - Greater Niagara Hotel Association - opposing further liquor outlets. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and MacDonald that the communication be received and tabled for further consideration at the next Council Meeting; and the City Clerk be instructed to communicate with Fro. H. J. Browns, Registrar of the Liquor Licerice Board of Ontario to ascertain whether Council would be in order to support the resolution of the Hotel Association. No. 345 - Board of Education - requesting Council to take up the matter with Police Commission to assure that the Kitchener St. School grounds are not used for parking purposes until requirements of the plan are met. As this communi- cation arrived too late for inclusion on the agenda, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Miller that the communication be read. ORDBFuED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that the communication be received, acknowledged and the Board be advised of Council's full co-operation in this matter, and the recent erection of a snow fence to eliminate parking on the school grounds until Board's requirements are met. REPORTS Laid over from the previous meeting; No. 199 - City ManaEer - re letter from !~m. Taylor re lane. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Miller that the report be tabled. SEE Reports 203-204. No. 200 - City Manager -preliminary report re widening of North Main Street between Ferry Street and Summer Street. ORDSR.,rD on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Martin that the report be tabled and the City Manager be instructed to submit a ~ull report on the total costs re watermains, sewers, etc. the necessary by-laws for the establishment of building lines be prepared and the City Manager be authorized to approach Loblaws and the owner of 1742 Main St. with a view to obtaining the purchase price necessary to acquire sufficimt lands. SE Report No.205- The following Reports were presented; No. 203 - Medical Officer of Health - re lane. No. 204 - City Manager - recommending installation of light on lane. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Miller that the reports be tabled. SEE Communication No.335 No. 205 - City Manager - further report and information re widening of pave- ment on North Main Street. CeDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin that the report be received and tabled and the City Manager be instructed to submit a full report on the total costs re watermains, sewers, etc. the necess- ary'by-laws for the establishment of building lines be prepared and the City Manager be authorized to approach Loblaws and the owner of 17~2 Main Street with a view to obtaining the purchase price necessary to acquire sufficient lands. No. 206 - Traffic Committee - three recommendations. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Miller that the report be received and laid over in connection with Item 3, until the arrival of Ald. McKinley. Further ordered on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and McKinley that the report be received and adopted. No. 207 - City Clerk - report on hearing of Ontario Municipal Board, November 2Qth re by-law 5019. C?DLRED on the ,notion of Aid. Donald and Mowers that the report be received and filed. No. 208 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licence. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Miller and MacDonald-that the report be received and adopted and licence be issued accordingly. BY-L~,Y The following ~y-law was presented; To authorize the borrowing of $174,000.03 for tb,~' ]aj~ '~e~-,t of excess costs of water supply main to Filtration Flint; cons[r'~ct Y. t,n of a watermain on Victoria Avenue; a aLe. m, ~ew~-r on ]-.urr~y 3Lr'eet ~nd a storm water d]sposal shall on Valley Way. ORDEED on the motion of AId. -Ucwers and 5[acDona]~! that ~l,Y. Dor~,ld be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law ;~nd the by-law '},~ rt-~C the first time. - Carried. -Ald. McKinley arrived at ~he meeting - ORDiRZD on the motion of ~ld. i'~rtin and MacDonq]d that 2u].~ 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temLorarily suspended and the b~'-law he gicen the second reading. - Carried. " ~SCELLA~OUS Aid. Brooks referred to complaints he had received with reference to the laying of asphal~ on the sidewalk adjacent to 922 St. Clair Avenue and was of the opinion that this should be removed. The City Manager explained the reason for this action. Aid. Mowers referred to the laying of asphalt on a section of sidewalk on Victoria Avenue and the fact that the owner has been in accord with this action, as a temporary measure. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed; No. 124 - F~LLER - F~cDONALD - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of Council be held at 5 p.m. on Monday, November 3Oth; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carrie_____~d No. 125 - MARTIN - MILLER . RESOLVED that the regular Council Meeting scheduled for Monday, December 7th, be cancelled and the next regular meeting be held on Tuesday, December 8th; and the Seal of the Corporation be bereto affixed. Carrie__d The Council adjourned to Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. ~5ller and Mowers. READ AND ADOPTED, 30th November, 1953. Clerk 305 307 FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 23 rd. November, 1953. The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 23rd, November, 1953 for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which has been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Aldo Donald, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $44,856.98 were approved by the Com- mittee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of AId. Miller and Martin. The Summary in connection with tenders received at the last meeting of Council for trucks to be replaced in the Water and Street Department, was presented for consideration, along with the report of the Equipment Committee. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted and the following vehicles purchased;- 1/2 ton pick-up truck from Machlem Motors for the sum of $1,300. 3 -1/2 ton stake body truck be purchased from S.H. Carson for the sum of $3,635. and a 3 and 1/2 ton dump truck be purchased from S. H. Carson for the sum of $3,600. The Progress Estimate P~mber 3 covering work completed to November l~th, 1953 by the Dick Construction and Engineering Co. Ltd. for the con- struction of the storm water sewer on Huron Street, as presented by the City Manager at the last meeting of Council and which had been referred to the tour of inspection held on Saturday morning, November 21st, was again presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that the Progress Estimate be approved for payment excluding the item for sheeting left in place. The City Manager's report in connection with the application of Albert Brouillette for a building permit to erect an apartment building on the north side of McGrail Avenue between M.C.R. siding and Magdalen Street, and recommend- ing that the application as filed be not granted until additional information and revised plans are received, ~as presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of His Worship Mayor Hawkins and Ald. Mowers that the report be received and adopted. The City Manager's report in connection with the application of W.A. Cook for a building permit to construct "Cook's Garden Hotel" on the west side of Victoria Avenue between Jepson Street and MoRse Street at an estimated cost of $200,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Mowers that the report be received and tabled and referred to the Special Meeting scheduled for November 24th when the Area Plan will be consid- ered and the City Solicitor prepare'a report with reference to the effect of any by-law applicable to the area in question. The Statement of Relief as of October, 1953 was presented for consid- eration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and His Worship Mayor Hawkins that the statement be received, given the usual publicity and filed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and .~Hller that the Con~nittee adjourn for a brief consultation with the City Solicitor. Following the consulation the Committee reconvened. The report of the City Manager with reference to the plans submitted by Mr. Reinhart for revision of tourist accommodation at the rear of the Dar- ling Inn on Clifton Hill, laid over from the previous meeting for inspection on the morning of November 21st, was again presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Miller that the application be approved subject to plans and specifications being submitted to the City Manager. Carried Unan- imously. The City Manager's report in connection with the application of Joseph Halzone for permission to erect additional cabin accow~odation at his premises at 1772 Stanley Avenue, was presented for consideration. ORDErRED on the motion of AId. Miller and MacDonald that the application be approved subject to plans and specifications being submitted to the Cit~- Manager. Carried Unanimously. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of AId. McKinley and Martin. READ AND ADOPTED, 3Oth November,1953. Clerk Chairman of Finance COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 23rd. November,1953. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present. BY-LAW The following By-law was passed; ~ - To provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin that Ald. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - AId. MacDonald and Mowers - Carried Unanimously. The following Communication was presented; No. 338 - Henry Lang - requesting permission to erect additional motel accommodation at 9 River Road. CPD2RED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and ~cDonald that the application be approved, subject to plans and specifications being submitted to the City Manager. 308 RESOLUTION The following Resolution was passed; No. 126 - DONALD - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that the City Manager be instructed to submit a detailed plan and report on Sylvia Place in order that the same may be studied by Council to ascertain the possibility of acquiring land in this area for parking purposes; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously The Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley. READ AND ADOPTED, 30th November, 1953. Clerk COnfERENCE Council Chamber, 23rd. November,1953. The Conference Co~nittee of the City Council assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, 23rd. November, 1953 for the purpose of considering various matters presented to them. All members of the Committee were present, with the exception ~f Ald. MacDonald. After consideration of the items placed before them, the Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin. READ AND ADOPTED, 30th November, 1953. · Clerk Chain · FORTY-SECC~.D A~.iYETiNG SPECIAL MEETIrE Council Chamber, 24t, h November,1953. Pursuant to adjournment, Council ,net in Special Session at ? p.ln. on Tuesday, 24th November, 1953 for the purpose of gi,~ng further cc.nside~'~tien to the proposed Area Flan and implementing by-laws. All members of Council were present, with the exception of Ald. MacDonald. The City Manager, as previously requested, submitted a plan delicting thereon the existing areas, that is, residential, business and fire. Following perusal of the Plan, Council proceeded with consideration of the City report under date of P~vember lOth, 1953 item by item. Co~nercial I (1) - It was agreed that the area bounded by the centre line of Huron Street from Buckley Avenue to ~llaad Avenue on the south and the limits of the present commercial are~ on the north .be included in Commercial (1) and extended ~long the present limits of the Con~nercial Area to River Road. (2) - It was agreed that the area on both sides of Lundy's Lane not presently included in the Commercial (1) area to be included with the exception of the Cemetery and Church ~roperties. A discussion was held on the section of North 1.~in Stree~ lying between Summer Street and North Street, but following the discussion it was agreed that it be left as presently shown on the proposed plan. It was also agreed that before any finalizing of the pro]osed Plan is considered that there should be a meeting with the Stamford Council or its re- presentatives in order that there might be uniformity, with particular reference to boundary streets and areas immediately adjacent thereto. 2o Industrial (1) - It was agreed that no change be made. Industrial (2) - It was agreed that no change be made. With reference to suggested changes to the Area Plan, the following action was taken; That the area bounded by Buckley Avenue on the east and on the west and north by existing Commercial Areas as far south as Simcoe Street be included in Commercial (1). - AId. McKinley arrived at the meeting - Having completed consideration of the City Manager's report, discussion was held as to what the next step should be and it was agreed that the proposed Plan be redrafted in accordance with the changes that have been suggested in addition to the proposed By-law and that when this has been completed, Council give further consideration to both the Plan m~d the By-law before any meeting is arranged with Township representatives. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Application of W. A. Cook for a building permit to erect a hotel on the west side of Victoria Avenue between Jepson Street and McRae Street at an estimated cost of $200,000. and report of the City Solicitor. The report of the City Solicitor with reference to the by-law affecting the area in which it is proposed to erect the Cook Garden Hotel was read and 309 :310 311 following a discussion on the report and motels or things of a similar nature in general, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Donald that the application and report be tabled for aweek, the City Manager advise llr. Cook as to the contents of the Solicitor's report and the Press be riven full information as to the location of the proposed structure. Carried. ~Ald. Brooks- contrary) · The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald. ~READ AND ADOFTED, 30th November, 1953. Clerk ~May~ r', FORTY,-T.HI2D ;,~ETIr~C Co u cl] Chln~.ber, 5CLh 77c'~,~r:;b,.r,]?53' F~v:GUL~R iZ-]TING F~xrsuant to adjourr~nent, Council met at 5.00 p.m. or, :'..'e,:jay, 30ti. November, 1953, for the purpose of considering general business and fi!~nc~. All members of Co~cil were present, with the exception of ~d. I.~c~-.r:~ld. The Co~cil, ha~ng received and read the ,~nutes of the t. revious r~guhar amd 5] ecial meetings, adopted these on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers. CO~NiCA~OUS The folloWrig Co~icati~ns were presented; No. 346 - International Joint Co~ssion - pollution of bo~]a~ waters. O~DERED on the motion of ~d. Mc~nley and Mower~ that the com~sunicatdon be received ~d laid on the table until the ne~ meeting of Council and the City Lianaget be instructed to subr~t a brief pre~nary report on this matter. No. 347 - Catholic Women's ~a~ue - inkration to Bazaar. ORDE:ED or, the motion of ~d. Mowers and B~oks that the co~mication be received and the invitation accepted and as many of the members of ~uncil ~d their wives as find it ]mssible attend. No. 348 - Fire FiKhters' Local 528 - re collective agreement and proposed s~nend- ments. ORDERS) on the motion of Ald, Brooks and Donald that the com,unication be received and referred to the 1954 Council for consideration. No. 349 - First Baptist Church - re proposed hotel. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the communication be received and laid on the table for one week. No. 350 - Mrs. ShuKg and Mrs. McKinty - re asphalt on sidewalk. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Martin that the communication be received and the writers notified that this is only a temporary measure; that the sidewalk will be repaired in the spring. ELECTION SPEECHES OI~R RADIO STATION C H 7_________q_C The City Clerk advised the members of Co~mcil concerning the requirements necessary in connection with the forthcoming broadcast on Thursday evening, p.m. December 3rd,1953. REPORTS The follo~n~ Reports were presented; No. 209 - City Manager . cost of developing parking facilities on American Can lot on Lewis Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Miller that the report be received and adopted and the necessary agreement be prepared. No. 210 - City Manager . re closing of crossing to traffic for repairs on Lewis Avenue by New York Central Railroad. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Martin that the report be received and adopted. No. 211 - City Manager . re Township lot for parking facilities. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Mowers that the report be receivedand a communication be forwarded to the Council of the Township of Stamford regarding the possibility of purchasing Lot Number i on the west side of Sylvia Place. No. 212 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Martin that the report be received and adopted and the licences be issued. VERBAL REPORT The City Clerk, on behalf of the Traffic Committee, recommended one- hour parking be established on the west side of Buckley Avenue between Queen Street and Park Street. SEE Resolution No.12? RESOLUTIONS The following Resolu~iqns ware passed; No. 127 - MCKINLEY - MARTIN - ~RESOLVED that one-hour parking be established on the west side of Buckley Avenue between Queen Street and Park Street; and the Seal of the Cgrporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 128 - DONALD - MOWERS - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy be forwarded to the family of the late James A. Brooks, Sergeant in the Niagara Falls Pclice Department, on behalf of His Worship the }hyor, members of Council and through them the citizens at large; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried MISCk~LANEOUS Ald. Mowers referred to traffic congestion which has occurred on Queen Street, between Welland and St. Lawrence, occasioned by a City truck picking up refuse, during the busiest time of the day, around 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and was of the opinion that some other arrangement could be made. The City Manager advised he would check into this matter. The following By-laws were passed; No. 5037 - To authorize the execution of an agreement with The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company , Limited. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that Ald. Miller be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Brooks that Rule 36 (2) o~ the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried. Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and Miller - Carried. No. ~0~8 - To authorize the execution of an agreement for sale and deed. ORDERED on the motion. of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that Ald. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council Be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried. Third Reading - kld. Martin and McKinley - Carried. Council adjourned to'the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers. READ AND ADOPTED, 8th December,1953. FINANCE ~.TING Council Chamber, 30th ~ovember, 1953. The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 3Oth November, 1953 for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present, ~th the exception of AId. MacDonald. Ald. Donald, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $12,921.29 were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Martin. The City Manager's report in connection with the application of William McLean, 327 Ferguson Street for a building permit to enlarge his tourist accomod- ation on Lot ll, Ferguson Street, and also to erect 3 cabins on Lot 26, Glenview Avenue, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and Mowers that the report be received and tabled for one week and the whole Council inspect the location. 3t3 The City Manager's report in connection with the application of Joseph Malzone for a building permit to erect 12 cabins and a lunchroom at an estimated cost of $20,000. at 1772 Stanley Avenue, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and His Worship Mayor Hawkins that the report be received and laid on the table until Mr. Malzone obtains approval from the Department of Travel and Publicity for the erection of these structures as proposed and a permit then be considered. The City Manager's report regarding the application of Henry Lang, 9 River Road, for a building permit to construct 10 additional units for tourist accommodation at an estimated cost of $20,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and McKinley that the report be received and adopted and the permit be issued. ills City Manager's report on the application of Tothfaluse Bros. for a building permit to erect a building on the east side of Victoria Av.nue, i~ front of house n~nber 1146 Victoria A~en~e, at an estimated cost of $20,000. was pre- sented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Martin that the report be received and adopted and the permit be issued. The City Manager's report on the application of W. B. Styles for a building permit for the construction of a second storey on the building presently under construction at ~3~ Simcoe Street, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and McKinley that the report be received and adopted and a permit be issued, the fee to be based on an estimated cost of $5,000. The City Manager's report on the application of Mrs. Theresa Reinhart 933 Clifton Hill, for a building permit to alter tourist accommodation at that location, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mc- Kinley and Mowers that the report be received and laid on the table until Mrs. Reinhart obtains approval from the Department of Travel and Publicity, and a permit then be considered. ORDEreD on the motion of Ald. Mowers and ~[iller that in future that applications for building permits be scrutinized with a view to having a fair valuation based on construction for the purposes of the building permit. The City Manager's report recommending purchase of an auxiliary attach- ment for the M.S.A. Pneolator at a cost of $238. and six automatic timers for M.S.A. all-service masks at $1~.67 each, for the Fire Department, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and McKinley that the report be received and adopted and the equipment be purchased. The City Manager's report recommending that scholarships of $15.00 and $10.00 be donated to students standing first and second in the Commercial Department of Niagara Falls CollegiateQVocational Institute, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of His Worship the NAyor and Ald. Mowers that the report be received and adopted. The Committee arose and reperted to Council on the motion of Ald. Martin and Mayor Hawkins. READ AND ADOPTED, 8th December, 1953. Chairman of Finance. Clerk COUNCILMEETING Council Chamber, 30th November, 1953. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of~ Council were present, with the exception of AId. MacDonald. The following By-laJ4was passed; No. ~037 - To pro.vide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Martin that Ald. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the bXTlaw be given the first reading. - Carried. ORDS{L~D on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that R!,le 36 (2) c,f the Standing Rules of Council be temiorarily suspended ~Id the b-,-]a ~ b,, given the second rea~ng. - Carried. ~ Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Eiller - Carried. P~SC~LLA~.~US A!d. kowers referred to co;re{tents of Queen Street merchant s c.-llcernlng the proposed expenditure with reference tc t!re new b-~blau' Chain 3[cr~ end of the tit~, ~o had ~inted out that they are g tax]:ay~:~s - , lare the municipality and would still like to see ~almer Avenue ext~nff.;d su~este~L i{e comFleted his remarks by suggesting to the C.l~.y DranaJer t},aL he give further consideration to the prof~sed Palmet ~[venue extension. The, Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of AId. E~n-~ld ?~,!,l .tEe,:, to. READ ASD ADOFTE]), ~th December,1953. Clerk COkT~NCE Council Chamber, 30th November, 1953. The Conference Con,nittee of the City Council assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Eeetings on Monday, 30th November, 1953 for the purpose of considering various matters presented be them. All members of the Committee were present, with the exception of Ald. MacDonald. After consideration of the items placed before them, The Conmdttee adjourned oM the motion of Aid. Donald and Mowers. READ AND ADOPTED, 8th December, 1953. Clerk FORTY-FOURTH MEETING Council Chamber, 8th December, 1953. Pursuant to adjourmnent, Council met at 7.30 p.m; on Tuesday, 8th. December,1953, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of Council were present, with the exception of AId. MacDonald. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Miller and Mowers. CO~R{UNICATIONS Laid over from previous meeting; No. 33A - Port Arthur - resolution re trans-Canada Pipe Line. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the communication be received and filed. SZE Report No.213.~ No. 346 - International Joint Co~mdssion - requesting further information as to action taken by Council to arrange for treatment of municipal wastes. ORDEP2D on the motion of AId. Donald and Brooks that the communication be received and laid on the table. SEE Report No.214. No. 3&9 - First Baptist Church - expressing view of congregation re proposed structure on the Dobbie property on Victoria Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley. that the communication be referred to the Finance Meeting, to be considered along with W.A.Cook application for building permit. SEE Communication No. 351. SEE Petition Number 20. SEE Finance Meeting. The followin~ Communications were presented; No. 351 - Greater NiaEara Finisterial Association - opposing erection of a motel or hotel. CRDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley that the communi- cation be received and referred to the Finance Meeting, to be considered along with W.A. Cook's application for building permit. SEE Finance Meeting No. 352 - Frank Mottola - requesting amendment to by-law, to allow erection of a motel on Lots 632 and 633, Robert Street. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Donald and Mowers that the communication be received and filed and the writer be noti- fied that Council are not contemplating any change in the existing by-law at the present time. No. 353 - Kiltie Band - requesting provision of bus service during Christmas Carol Programme. GIDERED on the motion .of Ald. Miller and Donald that the communi- cation be received and filed and the necessary arrangements be made to supply this bus for the accommodation of the Band. No. 35~ - Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Plannin~ Board - requesting copy of mended Area Plan. OFd)ERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that the ~of~aunication be receivedland filed and the Board be advised that Council have in principle agreed upon the Plan with only slight variabion from that as submitted previously and that upon furthex' consideration by Council together with the proposed implementing by-law, the Plan will be forwarded to the Area Planning Board. No. 355 - Bell Telephone Company - requesting permission to place one anchor and buried cable on Maple St. and Fourth Ave. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Martin that the communication be received and filed and permission be granted, subject to close supervision to avoid repetition of conditions which existed on Stamford Street during work performed by the Bell Telephone Company. SEE Report No. 215 SEE By-law Number REPORTS The following Reports were presented; No. 213 - City Clerk - re proposed Trans-Canada Pipe Line. 0'~O2~2D on the motion of Ald. Donald and MoweFs that the re?~rt be received and filed. No. 214 - City Manage~ - re communication from International Joint Conunission. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Brooks that the report be received and laid on the table. No. 215 - City FmnaEer - recommending permission to Bell Telei~aone Company for installation of cable and anchor. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Martin that the comn, unication be received and adopted~ and work be proceeded with, subject to close supervision to avoid repetition of conditions which existed on Stamford Street, during work performed by the Bell Telephone Company. No. 216 - City Mana%er - re incinerator plant. ORDERED cn the motion of ild. Donald and Martin that the report be received and adopted .and His Worship the Mayor appoint a committee to report on this problem. COF3~ITTEE TO REPORT ON CONDITION OF IYCINZRATOR His Worship the ~yor appointed AId. Martin, Mowers and ~ller of the Equipment Committee, Ald. Donald, Finance Chairman, the City IIhnaJer &nd the Assistant City Engineer. No. 217 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of barber shop licence. O~DERED on the motion of Al~. Mowers and Brooks that this report be considered, although not included on this evening's agenda. ORDEW_ED on the motion of Ald. and Donald that the report be received and adopted and licence issued accordingly. PETITION The following Petition was presented~ No. 20 - Mrs. T. Green and 52 others -opposing erection of a hotel or motel on the Dobbie property on Victoria Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Donald and McKinley that the petition be referred to the Finance Meeting, to be con- sidered along with W. A. Cook's application for a building pemdt. SEE ~inance Meeting. RESOLUTION The following Resolution was passed; No. 129 - DONALD - MOP~RS - RESOLVED that ~he 26th day of December, 1953 be declared 'Boxing Day'; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried CO~N~bATION FROM ALD.W. C_. MacDONALD. At this time, His Worship, Mayor Hawkins read a communication received From AId. MacDonald, expressing a~reci~tion to the City Co~ncll for theLr co- operation during the past 8 years and also to the staff at the City Hall as well as all other City Employees during his term of office. Mayor Hawkins voiced the opinion of all members of Council that Ald. MacDonald had given excellent service during his tenure of office and expressed the wish that all would take the opportunity to visit Ald. MacDonald. BY-LAWS The following By-laws were passed; No. 50~O - To provide for pernission Lo The Bell Telephone Company of Canada to place one anchor and buried cable, on Faple Street and Fourth Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Martin that Ald. McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Miller that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried. Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and Martin - Carried. To amend By-law Number 3790, being a by-law for the regulation of traffic. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Donald that Ald. FUller be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Donsld that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried. Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Martin - Carried. No. 50~2 - To authorize the execution of a Lease ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Mowers that Ald. Miller be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried. Third Reading ~ Ald. Donald and McKinley - Carried. The Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley. READ IND ADOPTED, ]3+th December, 1953. FINA?jCE [,Z:ETI~JG qtL Dec~,'b-r The Finance l. Yeeting was held on Tuesday. qth December, ]?55 f:.r the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been irei er!y ossified and placed before them. All members of the Committee w~re prrsent, the exception of Al~. MacOnaid. Aid. ~nald, Chairman of Fin~mc., i re~;iJed. S~d~ Accounts in the amount of ~1~,3~5.22 were aLe roved hy the atetee. · · The Accounts submitted, being passed or ,:,thorwise ,~'~]L wLt~:, ~,re ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to t}:e Council ~;n t},e ~:!.-ti,~n of Ald. Miller and Brooks. The application of :V. A. Cook, for a building penn;.t t,, constrict 'Cosk's Garden Hotel' on the west side of Victoria Avenue, between Jepson Street a~d Hcrae Street at an estimated cost of $200,000. was again presented for co~side!r~[ion along with the City Manager's report which suggested that the ap~alicanL should be advised that the City of Niagara Fails will give tentative al~I roval to his cation subject to the approval of [he same by the Liquor Control Board of Ontario. ORDERED on the motion or Ald. Fartin .and Mowers thzt the report be adopted. (Aid. McKinley and Donald-contrary). Prior to this n!otion, Ald. 1Cc;(inley mov~_d that the application be net granted; there was no seconder to this motion). LAID OVER FROM ~ COUNCIL ~2ETING: Communication Number 3~+9 - First Baptist Church - expressing view of congregation re proposed structure on the Dobbie property on Victoria Avenue. Communication Number 351 - Greater Niagara Ministerial Association _ oiFosin~ erection of a motel or hotel. ' ..... ~ ~ Petition N~aber 19 - Mrs. T. Green and 52 others - ot[osing erection cf a hotel or motel on the Dobbie property on Victoria Avenue. OP~)ERTD on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin that the communicaLht:z~ ]'etitjon be rec~-ived and filed and the com~aunicants and petitioners notified of Counc]l's action with ~eference to h.he Cook apflication and informed that it is their privilege if they so desire, to place themselves on record with the Liquor Control Board. The City A~hnager,s report re the application of ;Villi~n k'cLean, 327 Ferguson Avenue, for a building pe]~it to enlarge his tourist acconm~odation on Lot 11, Ferguson Street; and also to erect three cabins on Lot 26, Glenview Avenue, was again presented for consideration. ORDERED on bhe motion of Ald. ~rtin and Mowers the report be tabled and the City Manager make arrangements for the members of Council to inspect the location. The City Manager's report recommending purchase of installation of one cast iron radiator at the Memorial Arena for the use of St. John's Ambulance Brigade~at a cost of $80. was presented for consideration. ORDEED on the motion o~. Ald. Mowers and Martin that the report be received and adopted. The City Manager's report in connection with alterations at 539-5~1 Erie Avenue as requested by Chas. Black on behalf of a client, was presented for con- sideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and M~rUP t~, ~ ..... cr*, ~,~ received and ~dopted ~nd the writer be advised that there is no objectio~ to the premises being brought in line with properties on either side but that there is objection to the front being constructed as an open counter where customers would be occupying the sidewalk in order to obtain service. The City Manager's report in connection with the application of Sam' Eozarac, tenant of the California Lunch, 568 Erie Avenue, for a building permit to make alterations to the front of the building at an estimated cost of $700. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Brooks that the report be received and adopted and the permit be issued. 319 320 The City Clerk requested Council' s .~iews with regard to the issuance of Christmas Cheer cheques to those on Relief and advised that such a gesture would amount to approximately $95. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Martin that the rellort be received and adopted. Tt~FFIC PROBLEI~ His Worship the Mayor referred to the difficulty being experienced through parking on the north side of Huron Street in the vicinity of the new storm sewer installation and was of the opinion that no parking should be established during this construction. Mayor Hawkins also referred to the intersection of Victoria Avenue ant! Bridge Street and consideration of the possibility of placing a Police Officer there around 5 P.M. during the busy period, Ald. Mowers referred to the congestion on Huron Street between Buckley and Valley Way and was of the opinion that no parking should be allowed on the north side, and requested the Chairman of ~raffic to consider this suggestion. Ald. McKinley referred to the bus stop on the south side of Queen Street and the sign indicating 'bus stop here to corner' and was of the opinion that is is confusing to motorists for parking purposes and requested the City Manager to take this matter under advisement. The bus stop referred to is adjacent to Victoria Avenue. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. ~wers and FAyor Hawkins. READ AND ADOPTED, 14th December, 1953. Clerk Choirman of Finance COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 8th December,1953. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of Council were present, with the except- ion of Ald. MacDonald. BY-LAW The following By-law was passed; No. 5043 - To provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and McKinley that Ald. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried. ORDEED on the motion of Aid. ~hrtir, and Donald tL~t :ku]~ 3~ (~3 ,~ the Standing {ules of Council be tem~rarily suspended and the i:y-lsw b~ given the second reading. - Carried, Third Reading -Ald. :TcKinley and Martit, - Carried. The Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of ~dd. McKinley READ AND ADOPTk~), 14th December, 1953. Clerk Mayor CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 6th December, 1953. The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on December 8th, 1953 for the purpose of considering various mat6er~ presented to them. All members of the Co~nittee were present, with the exception of Ald. MacDonald. After consideration of the items placed before them, the Co~nittee adjourned the motion of Ald. Donald and Martin. l th December, 19s3. ~irman 322 FORTY-FIFTH MEETING Council Chamber, U, th December,Z953. REGULAR MEETING Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, l~th. December, 1953, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of Council were present, with the exception of Ald. l~cDonald and Martin. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, ado~t?d these on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley. DEPUTATION .Mr. Wm. A. Jsmieson, 1245 PaLmet Avenue, was present at the meeting and on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley it was ordered that he be permitted to address the Council. He complained about the speeding on PaLmet Avenue and the hazards which this creates for the children on the street and also the inade- quacy of parking facilities for residents, referring to the fact that motorists parking on M.C.R. property were warned by the local Police and requested that parking be allowed on the City boulevard. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Mowers that the City Manager submit a full report to Council. Carried. His Worship the ~yor assured Mr. Jamieson that the mat~.er of speeding will be brought to the attention of the Chief of Police; also he will be advised concerning the City Manager's report. COmmUNICATION The following Communication was preach_ted] No. 356 - Hydro-Electric Commission of Niagara Falls - requesting closed conference to discuss new ornamental street lighting. ORDERED on the motion cf Ald. Donald and Mowers that the communication be received and referred to the '195A Council and a meeting be arranged for the second week in January. The City Clerk advised Council that he had been supplied with a blue print indicating that the main building of the ~ire Weaving Company encroaches at a slight taper on Robinson Street and that the Company desires that the Council pass a by-law allowing this encroachment to continue. ORDEREB on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that the request of the Wire Weaving Company be granted and the necessary by-law be prepared. REPORTS The followinK Reports were presented; No. 218 - CityManager - re meeting of Special Committee with representatives Insurance Companies. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the report be received and adopted. No. 219 - City Manager - Traffic Committee's recommendation re 2-bouffp~rking on west side of Centre Street from Lewis Avenue to Borne Avenue between the hours of 8 A.M. and 6 P.M. Monday to Friday inclusive. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Brooks and FUller that th~ rel~rt be received ~nd adopted. VERBAL REPORT On behalf of the Traffic Committee, the City Clerk recommended the elimination of parking on the north aide of Huron Street from St. Lawrence Avenue to Valley Way; ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Miller that the report be received and adopted. No. 220 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenee. ORDE'.~D on of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the report be received and aJoj~f,,~d and ]icenc,-- issued. No. 221 - City Manager - recorm. ending surrendering of !,rose for ]~,Ad. P~DEX~D on the motion of ild. Donald and Brooks that the r,rort }.~. rec,~i-.'~,~ ;atk~ idoi %.ft, RESOLUTiC?,YS The following Resolutions were passed; No. 130 - MILLER - DONALD - RZ3OLV£D that a message of stmnlathy tn/chaff f His 'Worship the ~Myor and members of the City Council be foru~rd~d t? the family of the late Peter Sacco, a faithful and value~emllc.yee of th, Cor;I:r.-~i~n for a m~mber of years; and the Seal of the Corlroration be hereto affixed. Carried No. 131 - DO~ALD _IOWERS - R~CLVED that the City -~ianager and City S~lieitor submit a full report in connection with the. aiipeal of Jules Julianni before t{is Honour, Judge Harold E. Fuller on November 16th, 1953, :~A ch has been sustained; and that the report also contain details as to the validity ef the b--laws of the City of Niagara Falls; and the Seal of the Cot[oration b~ hereta.'aff[xed. Carried No. 132 - DONALD - ~!..ER$ - RESOLx~ED that a communication be forwarded to the Welland County Council to determine when the new Court House Building will be completed and also when it is expected expenditures in connection %dth the same }~11 cease~ and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 133 - MILLER - BROOKS - RESOLV~D that a communication be fom.~arded to the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce to a~certain when the existing freight shed on Bridge Street will be demolished, as this was Council's understanding upon completion of the Canadian National Railways, new structure on Buttrey Street; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried .~Y-LAWS The following .By-law was presented; No. 50~ - To authorize the borrowing of $136,000.00 for the construction of water mains on Buchanan Avenue and Buttrey Street and sewers.on Huron Street and Third Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that Ald. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading.. Carried. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Brooks that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be tem]~rarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried. L~id o,:er from a ~rtvious meetinK; To authorize the borrowing of $174,O00.OO for the payment of excess costs of water supply main to Filtration Plant; construction of a water main on Victoria Avenue; a storm sewer on Murray Street and a storm water disposal shaft on Valley W~y. Third Reading -Ald. Donald and McKinley - Carried. 32. ;i The following By-law was passed; ~ - To provide far expenses incident to the discharge of duties of the Mayor of the City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that Ald. Donald be El'anted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried. ORDEP~ED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Donald that ?~le 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-la~ be given the second reading. - Carried. Third Reading - Aid. McKinley and Brooks - Carried. }([SCELL~NEOUS Aid. Donald referred to the criticism of the general public, which is being levelled against the City Council and the City of Niagara Falls because of the lack of decorative lights on the main streets of the municipality, and was of the opinion that it should be brought to the attention of the citizens that in other cities where these lights are installed for the Christmas Season, the expense is borne by the merchants and not the taxpayers. It was understood that a Committee had been formed by the Retail Merchants and the Chamber of Commerce to consider the matter of lighting the main streets during this period, although nothing has materialized to carry out this programme. It was agreed by Council that these associations should get together and study this matter. The Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Aid. Donald and Mowers. READ Ar~] ADOPTED, 21st December, 1953. FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, l~th December,? The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, l~th December, 1953 for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present, with the exception of Ald. Martin and MacDonald. AId. Donald, Chair- man of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $~5,696.78 were approved by the Com- mittee. A coamunication from Provincial Fagineering Li,aited, not i~lcluded this evening's agend~., was ordered read, on the motion of ~is ~Vor~bi, the FAyor and AId. McKinley. ~e letter requested ~m~endrnent off a buj. ldi~:- n~ber 10273 in connection ~th the construction of a concrete blcck on ~ts 6 and 7 on the e~st side of Victoria Avenue; the Coral.any no..; ask,~d for pelssion to erect a steel b~l{ng in place of the concr.ete block structure. ORDEED on the motion of .~d. ~]owers and His listship the i/'~yor Lh~[ tFe com- m~ication be received ~d Filed and [=er~sslon granted. The re~ort of [.he City ![anager regar~ng the apl lic.~tiom 9f Mc~an, for a b~lding permit to enlarge his tourist accc~m::o~]ati,l.n c~, k~t !1 , Ferguson Street, at an estimated cost ef $2,0OO. and alsc for ~e~nissicn erect 3 cabins on ~t 26, Glenview Avenue, at an estimated cost of laid over from the pr 'vieus meeting, in order that the Co~t[,ec s.,i.dht insicet the locaLions~ was again presented for consi~jera[ion. C]DEi~ZD -n ~he of ~d. Mowers and McKinley that the ~l~rt be received and the reco~mr~m~ation of the City Manager in connection ~th the issuance of a termit to enl%rge his tourist accommodation on bt 11, Ferguson Street, ~ ~o~+,ed, but, that no petit be issued for bt 26, on Glen~ew Avenue, as this parcel of land is net included in the by-law governing this type of erection. ~e ~prt of the City ManaZer regarding the ai.l.licatior~ cf jessI h }~lzone for a b~lding le~t to erect 12 cabins and a lunchroom at an estimated cost of $20,~0. at1772 Stanley Avenue, laid over f~m the pre~ous :neuting, ~til ~. ~lzone obtained approved from the De~rtment of Travel and [ublicity for the erection of these structures as pro~sed, was again presen!ed for con- sideration along with a communication from the De~rtment wai~ng "siz feet from side or rear of prot arty bo~da~ line" reg~aticn since the proposed change would im]sl~ve the Establisheat. O~D on the motion of Ald. ~Xller and B~oks that the re~rt and respiration be received ~d filed and the remit be issued subject to compliance ~th the b~lding by-la~s of the City of Niagara Falls. The report of the City ~nager regarding the application of Theresa Reinhart for a building permit to alter her tourist acconm~odation at 933 Clifton Avenue, at an estimated cost of $25,000. laid over from the previous meeting, until Mrs. Reinhart obtained approval from the Department of Travel and Publicity for the erection of these structures as proposed, was again presented for con- sider~tion along with a communication from the Department waiving the "six feet from side or rear of property boundary line" regulation since the proposed change would improve the Establishment. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Miller that the report and co~.unication be received and filed and the permit be issued, subject to compliance with the building by-laws of the City of Niagara Falls. The City Treasurer requested the Committee's opinion as to the advisability of calling for tenders for the sale of those debentures for which by-laws were approved. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and His l~rship the ],~yor that the debentures be placed on the market. The City Manager presented a verbal report regarding the receipt of a cheque in excess of $77,000. which is the mount of the grant in lieu of taxes, from the Provincial Government. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and McKinley that a letter of appreciation be forwarded to Mr. Arthur C. Jolley, M,P.F. for his efforts on behalf of the City of Niagara Falls in connection with this grant in lieu of taxes. His Worship the F~yor called to the attention of the Co}mnittee the invitation received from the Commanding Officers and Officers of A. & D. Companies of the Lincoln and Welland Regiment to attend their 'At home' ~n the .qFficers' -.,SS on -'~ew --- ~ Day. It ~,'as agreed that the City Clerk ~uld remind the members of this invitation and advise the Conunanding Officers of Council's intention to attend this affair. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Brooks, The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers. READ AND ADOPTED, 21st December,1953. Clerk Chairman of Finance. COUNCIL ~LTING Council Chmnber, ll~th December,1953. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts a~] ro,~ by the Committee. All members of Council were present, with the exception of Ald. Martin and MacDonald. The following By-law was passed; No. 50~6 - To provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that AId. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried. Third Reading - AId. McKinley and Donald - Carried. The Council adjourned to Conference on'the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley. READ AND ADOPTED, 21st December, 1953. Clerk ~~yor CONF]R'~rJSE C,:ul~c~ 1 C!~am~er, ]J~th D~ce,nbrq,, 1953. The Conference Committee of the CiLy Council assembled at th.? clcse of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Eend.ay, 1/+th Decel, b~r, ]-953, for the purpose of considering various matters presented to them. All ~!=.mbt.'.s of t?.e Committee were present, with the exc~l.tion of AId. i'~artin anc'] F['~cDo!~ ~],L After ccnsideration of the items tlaced b?for,+ bhe~n, the Col,~r, ittee ~dj~,uFnc=d on the motion of Ald. Donald and ,',,'owers. READ AND ADOFTED, 2!st Decemb,~r,1953. 327' 328 FORTY-SIXTH MEETING REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, 21st December, 1953. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 21st. December, 1953, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. members of Council were present, with the exception of Ald. MacDonald. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these On the motion of Ald. Miller and Martin. All COMMUNICATIONS Laid over from a previous meeting; No. 344 - Greater Niagara Hotel Association - re further liquor outlets. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Miller and Mowers that the comunication be received and filed and the Association be advised of Council's action. SEE Communication No.357 The following Communications were presented; No. 357 - Liquor Licence Board of Ontario - re resolution from Greater Niagara Hotel Association. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Miller and Mowers that the communication be received and filed and the Association be so advised. No. 358 - Salvation Army - requesting financial aid for Band. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Mowers that the communication be received and referred to the 1954 Budget Committee. -AId. Brooks arrived at the meeting - No. 359 - New York Contrai System - re property on Cataract Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Miller that the connnunication be received and laid on the table. No. 360 - Board of Education - re land on Ellis and St. Lawrence. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Brooks that the communication be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report. No. 361 - S. H. Carson - re Used Car Lot Licence. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Martin that the communication be received and referred to the Property COmmittee for a report. REPORTS The following Reports were presented; No. 222 - City Manager - re parking on boulevard, east side of Palmer Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Miller and Brooks that the report be received and tabled until such time as COuncil is further contacted by Mr. Jamieson. No. 223 - City Clerk - re Canadian National freight sheds. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Brooks and Mowers that the report be received and filed. (Ald. Miller - contrary). PETITION The following Petition was presented; No. 21 - S.R. COok und 4 others - requesting further consideration to application of B. Yuhass for the erection of a motel. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Brooks that the petition be received and referred to the 1954 COuncil for considera%io,. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed; No. 134 - MOWERS - BROOKS - RESOLVED that the Hydro Electric COmmission of Niagara Falls be requested to prepare a report on the cost of decorative lighting for use during the Christmas Season on the main streets of our City, for sub- mission at the meeting which is arranged for discussion of other phases of street lighting; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 135 - DONALD - MCKINLEY . RESOLVED that the Niagara, St. Catharines and Toronto Railway COmpany be requested to consider the possibility of half hour bus service for the convenience of residents at the west end of the City; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affimd. Carried His Worship the Mayor referred to the delay in receiving a letter from the Chairman of the Junior Chamber's Civic Night Committee, which contains an invitation to the Council and City officials to attend their Annual Civic Night on Wednesday, January 6th, 1954 at 7 P.M. at the King Edward Hotel. BY-LAWS The following By-laws were passed; No.__zj_9~ - To amend By-law Number 3790, for the regulation of traffic. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~wers and Donald that AId. Miller be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Miller that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried. T~ird Reading -Ald. Donald and Mowers - Carried. No.J _ To authorize the signing of a lease with New York Central Railread Co. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that AId. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of COuncil be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading.. Carried. Third Reading - AId. Donald and Mowers - Carried. ~ - To allow encroachments upon Robinson Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Brooks that kid. McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. _ Carried. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Brooks that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of COuncil be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading.. Carried. Third Reading - Aid. Howere and Martin - Carried. The COuncil adjourned to Finance Meeting on the motion of AId. Donald and Mowers. 329 330 READ AND ADOPT'EU, 28th December, 1953. Clerk FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 21st December, 1953. The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 21st December, 1953 for the purpos~ of approvingand also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present, With the e~ception of Ald. MacDonald. Ald. Donald, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $78,~19.72 were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers. The report of the City Manager in connection With the application of Smith Bros. for the building permit to make interior alterations to the Bank of Montreal building and the vacant store on the north-east corner of Queen St. and Ontario Ave. at an estimated cost of $25,000. was presented for consider- ation. ORDERED on the motion o£ Ald. Miller and Mowers that the report be received and adopted and the permit be issued. The Committee arose and reported to Council on.the motion of Ald. McKinley and Martin. READ ANDADOPTED, 28th December, 1953. Clerk Chairman of Finance 331 COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 21st December, 1953. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of Council were present, with the exception of AId. MacDonald. BY-LAW The folloWing By-law was passed; ~o. 5050 - To provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and McKinley that AId. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law he given the first reading. - Carried. ORDERED on themotion of Ald. Miller and Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. _ Carried. Third Reading .Ald. Miller and Martin - Carried. His Worship the Mayor advised Council of the invitation of Ex-Alderman Arthur Joliey, now Member of Parliament for this Riding, to an 'Open House' to be held on Thursday afternoon, December 2J+th, at the Jubilee Apartments on Valley Way between the hours of 3 and 5- COMMUNICATION The folloWinF, Comsnunication was presented; No. 362 - Chairman, Special Hospital Committee - report on meeting held on December 2rid, With representatives of the Department of Health. As this report had been distributed to the members of Council, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Martin that the same be read by the City Clerk. ORDERED On the motion of AId. Mowers and Donald that the same be received and tabled. The Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers. READ AND ADOPTED, 28th December, 1953. .m 332 CONFEENCE Council Chamber, 21st December, 1953. The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetings on Monday, 21st December, 1953 for the purpose of considering various matters presented to them. All members of the Committee were present, with the exception of Aid. MacDonald. After consideration of the items placed before them, the Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers. READ AND ADOPTED, 28th Docember,1953. FORTY-SEVENTH MEETING REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, 28th December,1953. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 28th. December,1953, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of Council were present, with the exception of AId. MacDonald and Brooks. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of AId. Donald and Mowers. COMMUNICATIONS Laid over from the previous meeting; No. 361 - S.H.Carson, Ltd. - requesting a licerice to operate a used car lot on the north-west corner of Valley Way and Morrison Street. 0RDKRED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Miller that the communication be received and laid in abey- ance until the arrival of AId. McKinley. - AId. McKinley arrived at the meeting - ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Martin that the communication be received and filed and the request granted. ( Aid. Donald - Contrary). The followin~ Communications were presented: No. 363 - Clerk-Treasurer of Welland County - re alterations and additions to the Court House and Jail. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mowers that the communication be received and filed. No. 364 - W. S. Martin. Q.C. - re silent policemen, and Niagara Dry complaint. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Donald and Martin that the communication be re- ceived and referred to the City Solicitor for his perusal. No. 365 - Loblaws - amount to be charged for conveyance of land to City. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Donald and Miller that the communication he re- ceived and referred to the 1954 Council. RKT~LUTION 'ins following Resolution was passed~ No. 136 - DONAIj) . MILLER . RESOLVED that a communication be forwarded to AId. W. C. MacDonald expressing Council's very sincere regrets for his being unable to continue as a member of Council and expressing wishes for continued good health and good luck in the years ahead; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried. On the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald the Council adjourned to Finance Meeting. · ~,AD AND ADOPTSV, 4th January, 1954. Clerk 333. FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 28th December,1953. The Finance Meeting was held on Monday, 28th December, 1953 for the pur- pose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present, with the exception of Ald. MacDonald and Brooks. Ald. Donald, Chairman of Finance, · preeided. · ~i Sundry Accounts in the amount of $11,O84.25 were approved by the Com- mittee. The Accounts submitted, ,being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of AId. Mowers and Martin. The Statement of Relief for the month of November,1953 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and His Worship Mayor Hawkins that the Statement be received, given the usual publicity and filed. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Martin. READ AND ADOPTer, ~th January, 195~. Clerk Chairman of Finance COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 28th Docember, 1953. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of Council were present, with the exception of Ald. MacDonald and Brooks. M-LAW The following By-law was passed; No. ~0~1 - To provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Mowers that AId. Donald be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be tamperarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried. Third Reading-. AId. McKinley and Martin - Carried. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mow~!rs. READ AND ADOPTED, ~th January, 195~. Clerk 335 336