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FIRST MEETING INAUCUP~L }.EETING Council Cho~uber, Yanuary 7, 1946. In accordance with the provisions of The Municipal ~'tct, the Council met at ll.00 o'slock with all members present. The statutory declarations of office and qualifications were filed ~'~lth the Clerk, ~en the caths of office had been taken by Magistrate Y.B.Hopkins. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott a~d IjcKinley that a vote of themks be extended by His Worship Mayor InSlie to l~agis%rate Hopkins. Carried un~nimousl~ After this, the council was duly organized and open for the tra~tsaction of general business. The meeting was opened ~,~th prayer by the Reverend ~ir. S.B.Stokes. It was ordered on the motion of i, ld. Twidale and L~ckner that the of- ficiating clergyman be thanked for his service at the meeting. Carried un.animous.l~, His Worship Nayor Inglis then delivered his inaugural address. On the motion of Ald. Oliver and Frank the ~byor's inau~Aral address was ordered spread on the minutes. Carried unaDimousl~ MAYOR'S INAUGURAL ADDRESS the m~nbers of the Board of Aldermen, '~I welcome to this inaugural meeting of the Council for the year 1946 three new members. I extend my congratulations on this, your entrance into public service. I congratulate Aldermen 0liver who has retained the confidence of the electors by being returned to office. I em sure that the Council as constituted, while honestly differing at times in our opinions, will work in harmony in the in- terests of those who elect you to your high office. I ask for your co-operation throughout what may be a difficult year because of existing world conditions. '~I take this opportunity of thanking the members of the various civic beards, the executive officers, the press and members of the staff for their co- operation, and I extend on your behalf our sincere appreciations end best wishes for the year that is ahead of us. May I, On your behalf, also express our apprec- iation to those individuals and organizations who, through civic pride, contributed much to our co~aunity life. This spirit of determination and unity entails no sac- rifice too great and we are proud that we are able to con~and the service of the meet successful leaders of our cormunity in the promotion of our best interests and we hope the~ will accept this recognition of the 'contribution they have made. ' rI wish to particularly mention the ladies of the Red Oross and those who lent assistance to tham in transportl~g end caring for the members of the armed forces. The welcome home was made more pleasant under difficult conditions. "The vat is over and we are now meeting conditions that adversely affect the economy of the common people and proper preparations nmst be made to met the situation. As yet we see no sigas that this serious situation is being or ~ill be met. Local governscent, notwithstanding their special knowledge of the needs and desires of the lccsl ~com~unitles, have been con~pletely ignored in whatever nation- al or provincial reconstruction plans have been prepared. We are just a little tired of the major governments asking us to get plans ready and than telling us that in due course something vdll be done. Some definite ~,~rd as to v,fiat and when the governments intend to contribute to the cost of public ~rks is greatly to be desired if we a~e to face this reconversion period ~h confidence. "As we move into the postwar period the big challenge facing us is to devise some effective means for control of capital spending. The annual levies for interest and repayment of principal n~st not reach the point where these lev- ies become greater annually and become unbearable. I suggest you now set up a plan of orderly capital budgetting. No capital sonstraction h.~s been authorized in this City since before ~he depresion period in 1930, and due to the expansion and growth of the City and due to certain of our assets having depreciated, we are now faced with demands through public appeal to commit ourselves to a variety of postwar plans. The last thing we want to d~ is to plunge into a postwar orgy of construction and buildihg with all municipalities 'competing against each other and against industz-y for materials, labour and money. "If there is to be unemployment, and it is becoming raore apparent every day that unemployment is increasing, then that is a greater reason why the polic- ies of the major governments should be divulged and for a very definite control of postwar plans and developments. For instance. in this at.ca alone, there is a great need for A modern airport, Removal of transmission lines' to pemit further development of the City in a westerly direction, Replacement of street cars by bus lin~es, Erection of a convention hall, Elimination of grade crossings, New C.N.R. station, sad elimination of smoke nuisance by removal of - C.N.R. Roundhouse to the new yard. These undertakings are that the major governments mu~t take under advisement and are necessary for the protection of life and prol~rty, health, better transport- ation and promotion of the tourist business. There should be as little confiction as possible between public works inaugurated by local and major governments for relief of unemployment. ' '~)uring the war years the 'Council has reduced the mill rate due to Reduction in tax debt, Rebates for Provincial Government, Increase in assessment, Borrowing from surplus reserves, Reduction in unemploymeat relief. However, in spite of the increased school grants we now receive, I do not see 'how we are going to keep our budgets from increasing to greater proportions in the years immediately ahead. A back log ~ five or six years uf deferred repairs, maintenance and improvements mu'st roesire in~diate attention. In addition, there is an urgent demand for Better street lighting. Increased costs for law enforcement (8-h~ar dsy and better facilities), Demand for increased health and recrea.tional facilities, ~uvenile delinquency and necessity for Juvenile court, Incrassed costs of fire protection and relocation of fire halls, Wage adjust.eats and increase in personnel, · Soyage disposal plaut and new ineinerator. I - There is also the p~blem that has been creeping upon us, year by year, that of exemption from taxation of crown properties, and 'also nev: legislation of govenments placing additional finm~cial burdens upon municipalities. '~/nfortunately, in the'last few years, surplus reserve funds have been used to l~ver the mill rates and show balanced budgets. ~is has only led to dec- eive the taxpayer and now that these. surplus reserves hnve bs en nearly di ssipated and the collection of tax arrears is beconbing more diffucult, the stabilization of an equitable mill'rate must be given more consideration. As the collection of taxes beeches more difficult, so drops the percentage of collection, increasing mill rates and necessitating bank borrowings. I again warn that I cannot agree with any system of budgetting which requires the ~se of reserve funds to meet a balanced budget, sad I would warn ~at such practice will eventually lead to ser- ious difficulty. If reserves are to be used they should be applied againbet de~t reducation, purchase of capital equipment, or earmarked for specific pestsvat cap- ital development. "~ again call upon your attention to the use of public u~lity surplus funds for tax reducation before depreciation reserves are set up for replacmement or ranewals. Depreciation is now written off as debt ~arges are reduced, but reserves should be set up for new installation for protectira against any distur- bance in water supply which is a most serious matter. "Personnel of the staff should receive consideration. The staff of this city is far below that maintained by other cities of comparative size and some vision of~ the future should be implemented through training of- Personnel to prev- ent dislccation in times of emergency. An insufficient or overworked staff is not a compliment to any corporation. Passing responsibilities to the executive does not relieve the elected representatives of their responsibility. "The year 1946 is before us and there is vision for ~he future, l~act- ical planning is necessary to implement that vision in the postwar v~rld. V,~ile the next few months rosy take us through a difficult period of unemployment, shorti ages of housing and fuel, etc., I am optimistic of the future. In the recovery period and the return to normal economic so~ditions, some sacrifice will be neces- sary during the transition. Through planning by capable experienced indivuduals, there is a great co-operative field of magnificient expansion possible for the garden of Canada, one of structural beauty and development. The Niagara District should assume its proper place in the passing parade. ,q~et us keep faith ~'~dth the men and women of the armed forces in rehab- ilitation into civil life and occupation. We are mindful of the sorrow brought to many homes through the l~s s of loved ones, so let us pause in silent tribute to the brave men end women who have made the supreme sacrifice in the service of our country so that our ideals ms~ live. Let us realize our obligations to their dep- endents and also to these who suiTered disability. 'rI coUld not conclude this address more fittingly than by voicing the feeling that is uppe~aost in our hearts - thankfulness for the end of the vmr, the victory that is ours, and for the noble services of the armed forces. We pray to be worthy of the trust which is ours, to help guide humanity and to dedicate our- selves to the preservation of human rights. In this spirit, I extend to one end all the compliments of the season. G.R .INGLIS." ADOPTION OF MII~bTES The minutes of the previous meeting, having been received and read, w~re adopted on the motion of Ald. Scott and Miller. CERTIFICATE The City Clerk certified as to the result of the Poll held on December 3, 1945; and on the motion of Ald. T~dsle and Miller the commanicatlon was received and. filed. , .! RESOLUTI 0NS The follov~ng Resolutions were passed: No. 1 - OLTVER - FRAh~( - RLiSOLF~D that Alderman Franklin J. Miller be and is here- by appointed Chsiman of the Finance Committee of the City Council for the City of Niagara Feels for the year 1946; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried The vote on the above motion was as follows: Aye- Ald. 0liver, Miller, Scott, and Frank. Nay -Ald. McKinley, Bucknor and Twidale. Subsequent to the above motion, it was moved by Ald. Buckher and McKin- ley that Ald. C.W.Twidale be named Chainacre c~ the Finance Committee, but this mot- ion was not voted upon. No. 2 - SCOTT - 0E~ER - .RESOLVED that Dr. y.H.Davidson, Mrs. Janet R. Kelly and Mr. Alex Collins be and are hereby appointed as m~nbere of the Board of Heslth of the City of Niagara Falls for the year 1946; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously No. 3 - 0LI~ER- McEINLEY- RESOLVED that Messrs. G.J.Emsry and M.F.Ker be and are hereby authorized as members of the Town Planning Commission for the City of Niag- ara Falls for the years 1946, 1947 and 1948; 'and the Seal of the Corpo~a_~tion be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously No. 4 - SCOTT - MIv.v~-R - RESOLVED that Mr. 0.A.Findlay be and is hereby appointed as a member of the Public Library Board for the years 1946, 194~ and 1948; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously No. 5 - MIv.v~.R - B~ - RESOLVED that 'Mr. James M. Cownan and Miss Winnifred M. Stoles be and are h~reby nominated as the representatives of the City Ccuncil upon the Mothers' Allowances and 01d Age Pensions Local Board in the City of Niagara Falls for the year 1946; and the Sesl of the Corporatim be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously No. 6 - MIT.LER - 0LIVER - RESOLVED that ~ldernmn Robert BAcknet be and is hereby ~pointed as the representative of the City Council on the Children's Aid Society of the County of Welland for the year 1946; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously No. 7 - 0v.TVER - SCOTT - RESOLVED that His Worship Mayor Inglis he and is hereby appointed as a representative of the City Council on the Chamber of Co~mmerce for the year 1946; and the Seal 6f .the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 8 - McEINLEY - SCOTT - RESOLVED that Mr. George Emery be and is hereby appoin- ted as Weed'Inspector for the City of Niagara Feels for the year 1946; and the Seal off the 0orporat~on be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously No. 9 - OLIVER - MclffNIEY - RESOLVED that Dr. Harris Logan be and is hereby ap- pointed as Medical Officer of Health for the 0try of Niagara Feels for the year 1946; and the Seal of the Corporation he hereto affixed. · Carried unanimously No. 10 - TWIDALE - MILLER - RESOLVED that Dr. ~rm~ris Logan dos and is hereby ap- pointed Hospitals Officer for the City of Niagara Falls fo~ theyear 1946; and the tS~ea~, of ~th, e 90~por. a~.tion be hereto 'affixed. ::~ f!:~ :"' ' '~ '.~ :/ ' ," !'~+ , '! :. ':: ':~.!~' ~a~: ~-~ ,I. ,!~-,~!: :V ::/<: ~!~: ' "~:~ Carried unanimously No. 11 - OLIVER - I'21JER - RESOLVED that Alderman A.W. Scott be named as Chairsiron of the Property Committee of the City Council for the year 1946; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried una~imously No. 12 - 0LI~R - McKIN~ - RESOLVED that the Chainm?~ of the Finance Collm~tttee, Alderman FranP~lin Y. Ililler be appointed as a meaber of the Property Conunittee of the City Council for the year 1946; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto af- fixed. Carried unanimously No. 13 - SCOTT - ~ILLER - RESOLVED that Alderman Bert Franks be ~md is hereby ap- pointed a member of the Proi~rty Co~maittee of the City Council for the year 1946; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously No. 14 - 0LIVER- FRANK - RESOLVED that an Equipment Conmittce c~ the City Coancil be appointed for the year 1946; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 15 - NcKII~LEY - SCOTT - RLCSOLVED that Alderman T.O.01ivor be and is hereby ap- pointed as Chairran of the Equipment Coxmnittee of the City Council for the year 1946; and the Seal of the Corporation be heroic affixed. Carried unanimousl~ No. 16 - ~.~LLER - Z"jIDALE - RESOLVE that Alderman A.I .McFdnley be and is hereby appointed as a member of the Equipment Conmmtttee of the City Council for the year 1946; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affin~ed. Carried unanimously No. 17 - SCOTT - 0LIVER - RESOLVED that Alderman Bert Frank be and is hereby ap- pointed as a roeabet of the Equipment Connnittee cf the City Council for the year 1946; and the Sesl of the Corporation be here to affixed. Carried unanimousl~ The Council adjourned until 2.00 p.m., on the motion of Ald. ~vidale and Scott. READ AND ADOPTED, January 14, 1946. Clerk ADYOURNED MCETING Council Chamber,, Ianuary 7, 1946. ' The Council re-assembled at 2.00 p.m. ~or 'the lmrpcse of continuing with the general business which had bean presented to them. ~ll members of the Council were 'pres ant. . C0}~EYNICATI 0NS laid over frets preyleas meetings: No. 369 (1945 File) - Charles Black - requesting liceace for Anthony Zaferris. OR- DEh~D on the motion of A~d. 0liver and Bucknet that the communication be received and filed, and the application be referred to the Liceace ConmLtttee for 'approval. No. 3V9 (1945 File) - Bo~rd of Police Con~aissioners - requesting additional accom- modation for the police force. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald. 0liver and Scott that the communication be received and laid on the table for consideration at the next meeting, to permit the mem~rs of Council to examine the quarters. No. 394 (1945 File l - Daughters of St. George Lodge - requesting pern~ission for tag day. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Buckner that the conmunication be received and filed, and the request be g~anted. No. 396 (1945 File) - St. Anne's Social Club - requesting lighting and flooding of skating rink. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Bcckner that the colmmun- ication be received and filed, and the request be granted. No. 399 (1945 File) - Dep~rtment of M~Anicipal Affairs - re possible grant to ret- urned men in connection ~,d th transient traders' licences. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. 0liver and BAckaer that the con~minication be received and filed, and the City Manager be governed accordingly. The following ComnsAnications were presented: No. i - His Worship ~a~yor In~lis - appointing representative on Court of Revision for 1946. 0RD~RED ca the motion of AId. Oliver and Miller that the com~Anication be received and filed. No. 2 - Ontario MUnicipal Association - re membership in .association for 1946. 0RDEED on the motion of A~d. ~idsle and McF~lnley that the communication be- rec- eived and filed, and the membership in the Association be renewed. No. 3 - Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities - re mmbership in Fed- eration for 1946. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and ~ldale that the com- mnication be received and filed, and the mambersblp be renewed. No. 4 - Canadian National Institute for ~e Blind - requesting grant for 1946. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Scott that the conmmnication be received and laid on the table for 'consideration when the 1948 Badget is presented. No. 5 - The Salvation Army - requesting grant for 1946. 0RD~RED on the motion of Ald. ~vidale and McEtnley that the conumnication be received and laid on the table · for consideration when the 1946 Badger is presented. No. 6 - Radio Station CHbl~ - offering services to City. 0RDEE on the motion of Ald. 0liver and Miller that the communication be received and filed, and the mat- ter be referred for consideration vdth the next item on the agenda. SEE Communication No. V No. 7 - Kenneth H. Wisby - appreciation of approval of application for radio stat- ion. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Oliver and ~itller that the co:mmunication be received and laid on the table; that this Council take sore active interest in the activities of ~r. Wisby in his andcaveats with a re,die station; and he enlighten the members of Coonell as to his success. ~/~ No. 8 - City of Bellerills - resolution re business of carrier of passengers. DEE on the motien of Ald. Scott end McKinley that the communication be received and filed, and the resolution be ruderseal. No. 9 - Carl D. Hanniwell, M.P.P. -.re traffic light on Queen Elizabeth Way. E~) on the motica of Ald. 0liver and Backnet that the comunicatton be received and laid on the table; ~d the Mmber be commended for his efforts ln. this ..comaec- tion. No. 10 - Yack Guest - requesting licenee to operate li~t lunch v:agon. 0RDEFdED on the motion of A.ld. 0liver and Scott that the co~,~nicati on be received and filed, and the application referred to the Liceace Connaittee for approval. No. 11 - County Clerk, Welland - re appointment of Rk·. Ed~'dn ~. }Bartlett. 0~i)E~ED on the motion of Ald. ~ckner and Miller that the comuunication be received stud filed, and this Council remain opposed to the appointment, ss it is felt the pos- ition should go to the ex-serviceman. No. 12 - Otta~a,Hlstorical Information Insbitute - re book 'Ottawa 01d and New'. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott m~d 0liver that the co~unication be received and fi led. No. l~ - Allied Industrials Limited No. 14 - Allied Yndustrials Limited - re Alberta hard coal. O~ERED on ~e motioi~ of Aid. Miller and Frank that the conmmnications be received ~d laid on the t~a~lo for one week; and the new members of Council be given information upon the subject. REPORTS laid over from previous meetings: No. 208 (1945 File) - City Nanager - re water rebate to Welland Chemical Works Limited. 0RDFE on the motion of Ald. Miller and Scott that the r~nort be rec- eived and filed, and no further rebate be made to the Comicany in thi~ commct~on. The follo~,~ng Reports were presented: No. 1 - City L~nager - re sick leave for civic employees. 0?OERn~Don the motion of Ald. 0liver and Frank that the report be received and laid on the table for study; and all meJahers of the Council be supplied with a copy of the report. No. 2 - City Nanager - reco~aending adjustments in staff. 0L~EPdO on the motion of ~ld. Scott and Buckher that the report be received and filed, and the recom- n~eadaticas be adopted. No. S - City Mo~ager - reco~ending employment of payroll and accounting clerk. 0RDEE on the motion of Ald. 0liver and Tuddale that the report be received and filed,. and the reconm~endati on be approved. No. 4 - City Mareget - recon~ending employment of engineer. O~O",~RE on the motion of Ald. Frank sad Scott that the report be received and laid on the table for con- sideration at the next meeting. No. 5 - Hydro-~ectric Conm~ssion of Niagara Falls - report on street lighting. 01~)ERED on the motion of Aid. 0liver and Miller that the report be received and laid on the table for two weeks to permitmthe members to study the same. No. 6 - Acting Dairy Inspector - report for month of December. 0!©~RhD on the mot- ion of Ald. Miller and McI~inley that the report be received and filed. No. 7 - City ManaGer - recom,~ending issuance of licences. 0RDERh~) on the motion of Ald. ~idale and Miller that the report be received ~nd filed, and the applic- ations be approved. ' ' The following Resolutions were passed: No. 18 - T~iDALE - SCOTT - i~0LVED that the regular meetings of the City 0o~ncil and Finance Cotmittee during the year 1946 be held at ?.~0 p.m. on each Monday; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. ....... " ................. · ................... '1 Carried The follo~ing By-laws were passed: ~V~N'~NCE I~ETI~E No. 3761 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. 0RD]~ED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and 0liver that ~dd. Miller be given the privilege of intzoducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. 0liver and Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Stauding Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading - ~ld. T~idsle and Scott - Carried unanimously. No. 3762 - To authorize the execution of a Deed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and MclGnley that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of intzoducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was thee ordered on the motion of Ald. ~idale and Bucknet that Rule 36 (2) cf the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspeeded and the by-law be given the second ~eading - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. Scott arfi McKinley - Carried unanimously. No. 3763 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. 0RDER~ on the motion of Ald. 0liver and I~ackner that ~ld. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and 0liver that Rule · 36 (2) of the Standing A~ales cf Council be tamporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. Frank and t~ckner - Carried unanimously. No. 3764 - To appoint members of the Court of Revision for the City of Niagara Falls for the year 1946. 0Pj)EE on the motion of Ald. Miller and 0liver that Ald. Scott be given the privilege of introducing the By-law, and the by-laa be reed the first time - Carried unanimously. It was thin ordered on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Twidale that the name of William Delaney be inserted in the by-law, that l~e 36 (~-) of the Stand- ing Rules of Council be temporaz~ly suspended and the by-law be given the second readlag - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. 0liver and Eitller - Carried unanimously. The 0ouncil adjourned m the motion of Aid. Twldsle and NeiGhicy-. REAB AI~ ADORED, Ianuary 14, 1946. · I Msyor Council Ctu~nber, I~nuary '?, 19 The Finance Committee met on Lionday, January 7, 1946, for the pub-pose of approving and also of passing the mrious accoants which h~d been properly certif- ied and placed before them. all me.~!~bers of the Co~m:ittee were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the CoImnitte, sanounting to Q59,J48.1~. The accounts submitted, being p~ssed or othcr~'jiso d~alt :-,'ith, v:ere ord- ered placed in the money by-law for Fesentation to the Cc~ncil, on the ~,ution of Ald. Scott and ~vidale. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. ~',,idate and LicKinley that a full report be submitted by the City IJanager v:ith re,yard to the s~aount paid to the Niag- ara Falls General Hospital in connection :,~i th the oilration of the ambulance. A report v~as prcscnted by the City 1,:anager regarding the costs of liCht- i~ facilities on a hockey rink. It ~us ordered on the moticn of His Worship Inglis and Aid. ik'ddale that the report be received -and filed, and the City Man- ager be asked to submit a full report upon the probable cost of rinks throu~out the :City for the current season. A comrmnication was presented from Victor Kiemele, requesting a purcLase price for part of Lots 105 and 188, Plan ~0~, Sirecos Street and St. Lawrence hue.. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Oliver and Frank that the co~lmunication be received, laid on the table, and referred to the Property Committee for a rec- ohmend ati on. An offer was presented from Alfred Spirehello of $50.00 for the pttrchase of Lot 143, Plea 6, BrouI~ahton Avenue. It was ordered m. the motion of Ald. 0liver and Scott that the offer be received, laid on the table, and referred to the Prop- erty Committee for a recorm.~endation. A comnnnication was l~esented from Mr. and Mrs. A. Robbins, requesting a refund on the pttrcbase of Lot 54, Plan ~7, Huron Street. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Scott and Frank that the communication be received and filed, srfi a refund of the purchase price of the lot, less the taxes for the period during v~ich the 'lot was in possesssiee of Mr. and Mrs. Robbins, be made. An offer of $200.00 for Lot 32, Plan 27, Cedar Street, was presented from Vernon E. Dunn. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. 0liver and Scott that the offer be received and lai~ ca the table, and referred to the Property Committee for a recolmleadati on. The comparison of t~x collections as of Deceaber 31, 1945, was presented. It was ozde~ed on the motiou of Aid. Twidale and 0liver that the statement be rec- eived and filed. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott and McFdnley. READ ~ AD0tTED, Zenuary 14, 1946. Clerk ....... : .............. ~ . , CGIRCIL T~ING C~ancil Ohmabet, January 7, 1946. The Ccuncil re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance meetings for the purpose cf passing the money by-law ~aich covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present. BY-lAW The relieving By-law was iresseal: No. 37.651 - To Provide Monies for General Purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Oliver and Buckher that Ald. l~[ller be given .the privilege cf introducing the by-law and the by-law be read a first tim - Carried uranimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Scott that Rt~e 36 (2) af the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspmded and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. 0liver and Scott - Curried unanimously. NISCELL&BEOUS His Worship Ms~r Irglis brought to the attention of the City Council the fact that the City of Niagara Falls is operating under a City Manager form of government, and that aby-law, defining the duties of the City Manager, is not in force at the present time. SEE Resolution No. 19 DtPUTAT[ ON ~"r. Y.H.Harrison, Assessment CommissionCr, was present and addressed the Council in connection with his position. Mr. Harriman advised that it was his inteatlon to reader his resignation in the near future. Discussion was entered into upon the subject; and the following Resolution was passed: No. 19 - MILLER - MctGNLE~ - ~RESOL~ED that the matter of the sUggested resignat- .ion of the Assessment Commissioner, and the re-organizatim of certain positions on the City Staff, be laid on the table for a full discussion by the Council at a special meeting, the tim and place of ~aich to be suggested by His Worship Esyor Ingl.is; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously His Worship set Friday, January llth at 7.30 p.m. as the time for the meeting mentioned above. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. 0liver and Scott. READ AND AD01~TED, ~snuary 14, 19~6. ~ECCi. D LEERING SPECI.~L I~ZETIh'G Council Ohmabet, J~auur.y 11, IDiO. i special meeting of the City C~ncil was held at 7.~0 ~.:n. on Friday, yanuam~ 11, 1946. All _~bers of the Council '/:ere Fesent. TIm :ueetin~ v:as c~l- led for the discussion of several matters vfiIich conuo before t~le Scard. On the motion of ~ld. ~k',idale sad Scott the Council moved into CoIimdttee of the Whole for discussion. READ mVD ADOPTED, Ym~uary 14, 1946. Clerk C01,2~ETTEE OF THE ~!~0IE Council Chainher, Yanuary ll, 1946. The Committee of the ~aole assembled at ?.30 p.m. on Friday, Yanuary 11, 1946, for the purpose of discussion matters placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank that ~he Conn~ittee aroise and ~epc~t to the Council. RFAD AND ADOI"~m~, Janua~ 14, 1946. Clerk Chai rman ADIOU~ED I~ETING Council Chamber, Zs~xuary 11, 1946. The adjourned meeting of the City Council ~as held on Monday, January ll, 1946, for the purpose c~ receiving the report of the Cormmittee of the All members of the Council were present. The Council adjourned on the motlob of Ald. Scott and Nil ler. R~Y~kD AND ADCPTED, January 14, 1946. Clerk EJUI~,~ _(EETI.wTG Council Ct~.nke r, Y~nuary 14, 1946. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Lionday, January 14, 1946, for the purpose of considerint~ general business and finance. ~11 nlem- bers of the City Couhcil we~ present. The Council, havix~Z received and read the minutes of the Fevious reS~lar and special meetings, adopted these on the motion of Aid. Tv~[d~l e and Miller. DEI~J'L~TI Ci.iS k deputati on v/as t~resent from the }[itchener Street Church Young Poe[lee' Society, and the msnL~rs were v~elcomed by tiis Worship Lie-or Ii~lis. The President, Stanley Taylor, th~aked His l,~orship for his remarks. In connection ~,lith Comnnnication No. 17, and on the motion of Aid. O1- tver and L~ller, L~. Kmne~ H. Wisby was psr:aitted to address the Council. I,:r. Wisby erplained his plans in connection '. ith the establisM:'_ent of a radio broad- casting station ill the City of hvia.~a~m Falls; and Save Council det~ls v:ith reSard to capital, staff, proposed advertising, aqd other matters. SEE Co~:municati on No. 17 COT~R,Ir~IC;.~ 0NS Laid over from a previous meeting: No. 372 (1945 File) - City-of Ottawa - resolution re classification of motion pic- tares. ORDERED on the motion of old. ~,ddale and ?,icI(inley that the conmmnication he received and filed, and the resolution be endorsed. (aid. 0liver is recorded as voting contrary to this motion. ) SEE Co~nunic~t~.o.n. No. 15 The follov~ing Communications were presented: No. 15 - Boazd of Education - approval of resolution from 0ttava. ORDERED on the motion of ald. T~idale and ]~cKinley that the conmmnication he received and filed. No. 16 - t,{eadows, Critoph & Co. - brochure re co~unity planning. 0F~DERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Oliver that the comaunication be m~ceived and filed. Ne. 17 - Kenneth H. Wlsby - re establishment of radio station. O}LgKRED on the motion of Ald. Oliver and Frank that the conmmnication be received and filed. No. 18 - Merle F. Ker - acknowledging appointment. Ot~DERED on the motion of ~ld. Scett and Nillet that the co~mnication be received end filed. No. 19 - Claude A. Findlay - acknowledging appointment. ORDERED on the moti.ou of Aid. Twidele and BackneP that the communication be received and fi]~d. No. 20- Honc~rable MinisteP of Highways - acknowledging endorsation of Belleville resolution. 0RD~IRED on the motion of Aid..Miller and ~tt that the conumnication be received and filed. No. 21 - William H. Sills - application for positiou ~lth permanent fire Depart- mont. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Scott and Frank that the co~mnication be rec- eived and filed for comideration when appointments to the Fire Department are being made. , ' - No. 22 - Niagara Falls Girls' ~*~rk Board - requesting permission for tag day on Febraary 18th. ORDERED ca the motion of Ald. Frank and Bucknor that the comaun- icatica be received and filed, and the request be granted. No. SZ - Rose Dunkel~m Chapter off Hadassah - requesting permission for tag day on Ms~ 3rd or 10th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~k,~dsl6 and Scott that ~he communication be received and filed, and the request be granted. No. 24 - Niagara ~ntier Hnmsne Society - requesting permission for tag day on May 1'8th. 0~dDERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and Twidale that the conraunication be received and filed, and the request be granted. No. 2~ - Hydro-Electric Co~m~ission of Niagara Falls - requesting authority to pay Conm~issioners' salaries. 0RDERE on the motion of Alf. Scott and T~dale that the communication be received and filed, and the salary rates be approved. Prior to the above motion it was moved by Ald. 0liver and Miller that the coml~.unic ation be received and laid on the ~ble for consideration with the 1946 Badger, but this me ti on was defeated. No. 26 - Canadian Legion Branch ~l - re reception for Lincoln and Welland Regiment. 0EDITED on the motion Of Ald. B~ckner and T~ddalo that the com~,lAnication be rec- eived and filed, the suggestion be approved, and the conmittee in clmrge of the reception be advised of the Council's wishes in this connection. No. SV - City of Kingston - resolution re taxation on Government buildi~¢s. ORD- ERED on the motion of Ald. 0liver and McKinley that the comnunication be received and filed, and the resolution be endorsed. No. 28 - Retail Gasoline and Automotive Service Association - re petition for by- law to close gasoline service stations. 0~DERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and Idiller that the con,,uunication be received and filed. In connection with this matter, His Worship I~yor Inglis expressed the opinion ~at the co~xunication should be referre.~ to the City Solicitor for advice, as His ~:orship felt the Coun- cil might be subjecting themselves to the possibility of court action in not pass- lng the by-law. No. B9 - Board of Education - requesting passage of money by-law as authorized at recent electlea. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Oliver and Scott that the conmun- ication be received and filed, and the necessary by-law be prepaxed. ~ORTS Laid over from a previous meeting: No. 1 - City ~&rager - re sick leave for civic employees. ORDERE]) on the'motion of Ald. 0liver and McKinley that the report be received and laid on the table for two weeks for further study. The follo~,~ng Reports were presented: No. 8 -Alden~an Robert Backnor -report on meeting of Welland County Ohildren's Aid Society. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and 0liver that the report be received and filed, and the Alderman be complimented for the splendid report. No. 9 - City ,Manager - re repairs to Orocker-Wheeler motor. 01~DERED 0n the motion of Ald. Scott and Miller that the report be received a~ filed. No. l0 - City M~nager - re small fire at incinerator building. 0RDI~ED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Scott that the report he received and filed. RESOLUTIONS The followin~ Resolutions were passed: 'No. ~0 - SCO~T - TWIDAI,E - RE,cnLVED that the City l~,nager be instructed to foxyyard a ~ssage to the fs~ily of the late :'jilli~ i=~enry Fost~', exla, essin~£ the sy:n~n~thy off the City Council and citizens of NiaGara Falls, upon the death of t. is ployee, who for the past tv:enty-tra'ee years has served the Corporation; and the Seal of the CorZ~oration be hereto affixed. Car tied unani:.:ousl~ No. 21 - B~CI~ER - MCKINLEY - .~SOL~fED that the City ]lknager he instn~cted, a the earliest olYportunity, be make a a~lrvey and report upon the matter of street signs throughcut the Ci~, ~vith a view to improving the condition of the s~ne; and ti~e Seal of the Corporation be h~eto affixed. Carried unani~ously PETITI6N The following Petition was presented: No. 1 - Charles S. Stuckey and 14 others - requestin6 restricti~ as to value of buildings in vicinity of St. Lau.!'ence from Ellis to Ar:ncu~ and Sirocco from Wel- land to Victoria. 0t~DERED on the motion of Ald. Frank ~md Scott taat the potion be received and referred for consideration at the Finance meeti~E when matters concerning this area are 'considered. Prior to this motion it was moved by 0liver and Bucknor that the petition be received and referred to the Proparty mittee and City l~'anager for a report at the next x~etinS. This motion was def- eated. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. ik, ddale and 0liver. READ E ADOPTED, Yanuary El, 1946. Clerk Mayor Council Ch~nber~ yauuary 14, 1946. The Finance Committee mot on Monday, January 14, 1948, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various acoonnts v~ich had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Sundry accounts, ~mounting to $21,555.94, were appreved by the Cormittee. The ace cants submitted, being l~ssed or other~,~se dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Coancil, on the motion of Ald. Scott and Oliver. 288 As referred from the previous n~etlng, a comnunication was presented frost Victor Yalemole, requesting a purchase price for Part of Lots 188, 105, Plan 603, Simcoe Street. Upon the reconxaendation of the Property Colamittee and on' the motion of Ald. 0liver and Bucknor it was ordered that the conxaunication be rec- eived and filed, and Mr. Kiemele be hdvised the lot is not for s'~le for the house suggested to be moved to i t. As referred from the p~vicus m~eting, an offer was presented from ~l- fred Spirehello for the purchase of Lot 143, Plan 6, Bro~u~ht~x~ Avenue, for the sum of ~O.00. Upon the recon~aendation of the Prol~rty Committee and on the mot- ion of Ald. Tvddale and Scott it was ordered that the offer be received and filed, and the offer be acesifted, subject to the condition ~hat a dv,~lling of at least ~4,000.00 value is erected on the premises v~ithin a period fo six months. ~s referred from the previous meeti~Z, and offer was presented from Ve~mon E. Dunn for the purchase of Lot .32, Plan 27, Cedar Stx~et, for the sum of $200.~0. Upon the recon~aendation of the Property Col~nittee and on the motion of Ald. McKiriey a~ 0liver it was ordered that the offer be received and filed, and Lk·. Dum~ be advised the sale price is ~225.00, providing p~Vment is con~pleted wit2~ in the year 1946. A con~lmnication was Fesented front W.Y.Nolson, requesting the refund of a deposit on part of Lots 96, Lot 95, Plan 20, I,iaple Street. Upon the reconmend- ation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. 0liver and Bucknor it was ordered that the communication be received and filed, and Mr. Nelson be advised no refund can be made as the taxes on the lot, during the period it was held by him, exceed the deposit. An offer was presented from A.H.Follett, for the purchase of Lot 49, Plan 2~, Nuron Street, for the sum or $50.00.' Upon the recommendation of the Pro- perry Committee and on the motion of Ald. 0liver and ~idale it was ordered that the offer be received ~d accepted, subject to the condition that a dwelling of at least $4,000.00 value is erected on the premises within a period of six months. An offer was presented fxom H.W.Ritson, for the purchase of Lot 80, Plan 27, Hemerred Avenue, for the sum of $50.00. Upon the reconmiendation of the property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank it was ordered that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the condition that a dwelling of at least $4,000.00 value is erected on the premises within a period of six months. An offer was presented from Leonard Moore, for the purchase of Lot 50, plan 2~, Huxgn Street, for the sum of $50.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Ollver and Frank it was ordered that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the provision that a d~elling of at least $4,000.00 value is erected on the premises within a period of six months. An offer was presented from Mrs. Muriel Beach, for the parchase of Lot 95, and part c¢ Lot 96, Plan ~0, Maple Street, for the sum of $?J)0.00. Upon the reconuaendation of the Propert~ Conmlttee and on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Scott it was ordered that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the provision that a dwelling of at least $4,500.00 value is erected an the premises ~thin a period of six months. An offer was presented fxom H.C.Tenbroeck, for the purchase of part of Lots 188, 105, Plan ~03, 2imcoe Street, for the sum of $75.00. Upon the ~scom- menclarion of the Property Committee and on the motion of Aid. 0liver sad F~a~ it w~s ordered that the offer be received and filed, and Mr. TmBroeck be advised the City will sell the lot for the sum of $125.00, subject to the provision that a dwelling of at least ~5,000.00 value:is erected on the premises within a period of six mouths. The report of the Property Committee, upm the above totters, was pres- ented. It vms ordered on the motion of 'Aid. 01iver.-and Frank that the report' be received and filed. The petition,~as. referred f~om the City Coinoil, was also considered. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. 0liver and Fmnnk that the petition be rec- eived s~d filed, and the petitioners be advised of the action of Couacil in con- nection with the sale of property in the area ~ntioned. The r.port of the City !.~,~ager, regardi~Vj the cost of lightinG facil- ities on hockey rinks, as referred from the Fevicus meetinS; and the fu~l/~er rep- ort on total costs of open air ~.inks for the vdnter, v~ere pr~'s_nted. It was o~d- ered on the motion of Aid. tllcKinley md Bucknor that the reports be Yeceived ~u~.d filed, and the Corporation carry out the provisions of a proviols motion to pro- vide recreational facilities for the young people of the City. Prior to the ab- ove motion it was moved by ild. Scott and Frm~k that the City do not continue rith another hockey rink for the current season, and that lijRs be installed to co J- plots the rink at Poplar Plark. This motion yes defeated. A report was presented flDm the Board of Police Conmbissicx~ors, reSard- ing justice of peace fees. It i'~as ordered on the motion of .jhd. elivet and Fmnuk that the report be received and filed, aad the account in question be accelnted as valid. A report was tinscented from tile City ~hnajer, regardinj the o?cration of the hospi'tal ~mbulanco. It wss ordered on the motion of ~d. C!iver and F~hTM. k that the report be received and filed, and the present Grranjements v:ith the Hos- pitel Trust for the ope:ati c~ of the ambulance, be continued. a conr.~unicati on was prese nte d froill the LIi ni ster of kunic i pal Affairs, el~losinG payment of one mill subsidy for the year 1945, amounting to It was ordered on the :,orion of ~ld. 0liver and =2uckmer that the con~aunication be received, filed, and acknowledged. A ~Bport was presented from the City Treasurer, re th~ postv~za· reserve I~nd. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. h%Kinley au~d ~,:idale that t~le report be received and fi led, and the reconnnendation be adopted. The sunm~ry of taxes in arrears at Dec~nber 31, 1945, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of kid. 0liver and Frank that the statenlent be ~eceived and filed, and the usual publicity be given the same. The Statement of Relief Expenditures for the year 1945, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. 0liver and M. cKii~ley that the statement be rec- eived and filed, and given the usual publicity. His Worship l~yor I~Zlis a~ed that a definite report be presented to ~he special meeting on Yanuary 17th, regarding the possible request of the Niagara Falls PUblic Library Board for propaced expenditures. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Aid. McKixley and Scott. RFAD AND ADOI~fED, Yanuary ~, 1946. Clerk 289 COUNCIL ~ETING Council Chamber, Ianuary 14, 1946; Tile Council re-~sser~oled at the close of the regular Council and Finance meeti rgs for the purpose of passing the nDney by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Com~nittee. All members of the Council vxere present. The fellowl ng By-law was passed: N.o. 5766 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. ORDERtD on tile motion of Ald. 0liver and Scott that Aid. l~ller be given ~he privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time - Cm,- tied unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. T~idale and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by- law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. 3~d reading - Aid. Scott and 01i~er - Carried unanimously. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. ~,~ldale and Scott. 1LEAD AND ADOP~ED, January, 21, 1946. Clerk OONF~ENOE Mayor Council Chintuber, January 14, 1946. At ~he clcse of the regular Connell and Finance meetings, the Conference Committee ass~abled for ~he discussion of mattars presented to them. All members of the Committee were present. After d~is cussion upon the m.atters tmesente~,~the Co.mm!t,t.ee adjo~t~ned. ~ .th.e. ~a.o.tr ion of Aid. 0liver and Miller. ~ ' READ AND ADOP~A~, ~anuary 21, 1946. -~ ~~, FCUR~I~t LEETIlE SPECI.t MEETII~, Counci 1 Chs~xber, Yaauary lV, 1946. A special meetix~ of the City Council ;vus held at 7.30 p.:n. on Thursday, January 17, 1946. All marlboro of the Council v:ere yesent. The nDeting v.'as cal- led for the discussion of severel matters ~,~ich came befom~ the board. On the motira of aid. Oliver and Scott the Council moved into Co~,u,ittee of the Whole for discussion. READ AkTD &DOFFED, January 21, 1946. Clerk COIiHfIT~EE OF 2tE I'~lt0LE Council Ct~mber, January 1~, 1946. The Committee of the Whole assembled on Thursday, Ytmuary 17, 1945, for the purpose of discussion the matters placed before them. All members of the Com- mit tee were present. It was ~'dered on the motion of AId. ~lddele and Buckner that the Conmnittee arise and report to the Council. EAD AND AD0~TED, January 21, 1946. Clerk Chairn~an 291 ~UDJOU~ED >~.;'_<TI?~ Counci 1 Cha~lber, January 17, 1946. The adjcurned meeting of the City Council was hell on ~[liursday, Y~nuary 17, 1946, for the purpose of receiving the report of the ConmLittea of the %~l~ole. All members of the Council were present. The Council adjoin'ned on the motion of ~ld. 0liver and L~llsr. REaD ~hq) ADOPTED, Janbury 21 , 1946. Clerk FIFTH LEETIIIG REGULdl Council J~iuary 21, 19-16. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council ]aet at 7,30 p.m. on i.(onday, Jan- uary 21, 1946, for the purpose of coasidering general business and fin~me. ~1! members of the Council were present. The Council, hav~i6 received and read the minutes of the previous regular and special meeti~Zs, adopted these on the _priori of AId. 0!ivef and ~iiller. DE>lrL"~I In commcti on with Coxlmiunication lifo. 30, and on the motion of =ild. 1..~c- Kinley and Scott, l,lr. Louis J. Scott,. Manager of the Niagara Falls Kiltie B~uld, %ms heard. Mr. Scott explained that the Band was asking for an increased Craut from the Council for the year 1946, and gave details of tile pi~posed progr~tni for the current year, if funds are available. SEE Co.munication No. SO COI,ZLvNIC ATI uNS The followinZ Conuaunications were presented: No. 30 - Niagara Falls I(iltie Band - requesting grant for 1946. 0}D~',=RED on the motion of Ald. ~,ddale and Scott that the co~mnmnication be ~eceived oJ~d laid on the table for consideration when the 1946 Budget is presented. No. 31 - Canadian National B~il~mys - re Irseti~Z to discuss proposal for Buses. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Oliver and l.lller that the coxmm~nication be received and laid on the table. No. 32 - Niagara Falls Junior Chamber of Conamerce - re nomination of outstanding young man. OFdDERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and McKinley that the co~mnunicat- ion be received and filed. No. 33- Niagara Falls Sports Committee - requestin~ permission to attend January 2Sth meeting. ORDERED on the motion of i, ld. McKinley and 0liver that the comnu~- ication be received and filed, and the permission be granted. No. 34- Recreation Bulletin Service - re possible coxffei~nce in Brantford. 0~D- ERED on the motion of kld. Oliver and McKinley that the co:,munic at ion be received and filed, and the City Eganager be instructed to fon';ard the desired information. No. 35 - Children's Aid Society - re cases of ne~lect and eviction. 0RD~PD on the motion of Ald. Scott and Buctmer that the coImlamication be received and filed. No. 36 - ;'Jelland Chemical V/arks, Limited - appreciation of water rebates. 0RO- ERED on the motion of Ald. ~'ddale and 0liver that the comaunioation be received and filed. No. 3V - Carl D..Hanniwell, M.P.P. - re lights on Queen Elizabeth Highway. 0iC- ERED on the motion of ald. NcKirdey and 0liver that the conultunication be racefred and laid on the table until the special meeting, the City Mana~ger to submit a rep- o~t upon the condition v~lth regard to lights on this ~oroughfare. No. 38 - Vincent E. Armstrong - re re-employment ~dth Electrical Depar~2nent. 01~D- ERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Franks that the coimunication be received and placed on file, and v~en work is available, that M~. Armstrong be employed by the Electrical Department. (Ald. 13uckner asked to be recorded as voting contrary to 'this motion, ) .' . - No. 39 - Allied Industrials Li~aited ,No. 40- 'Allied Industrialp Limited No. 41 - Allied Industrials Lilllited - re coal s~.orta~e and :ncetinZ in Toronto. 0.~DERZD on the motion of ild. L',cKinley and Scott that the communication~ be rec- eived and filed, and referred to the representative of His Worship who will be attendir~ the meeting. t,lo. 42 - Fire Chief Y.C.Shapton - enclosing request of staff re hcu~s and rates. ORDER on the motion of idd. T~,ddale and },~ller that the com:unication bs rec- eived and laid on the table; and the City Manager be instructed to obtain infona- ati on from the Department of Lab our regarding hotu~s of uork for firemen. ~o. ~3 - Niagara Foils Volunteer Fire~,~n - requesting5 increase in rate of pay. 0~'DEI~]D on the motion of Ald. Scott and Fr&nks that the comnunication be received and laid o~ the table for consideration v:hen the 1946 Budget is presented. Laid over from a l~'evi ous meeting: No. 5 - Niagara Falls Hydro-Electric Commissloa - survey of street lighting. 0R- DERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Twidale that the report be received and ref- erred for consideration at the forthcoming conference. The following Reports were presented: No. ll - City Manager - re conference held on Yanuary 14th. 0tOERED on the motion of Ald. 0liver and Scott that the report be received and filed. No. 12 - City Manager - recon~nendi~g issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Tvddale and Scott that the report be received and filed, and the licences be issued as recommended. No. 13 - City ~knager - re meeting of Committee of the Whole. 0I~)ERED on the mot- ion of Ald. Scott and 0liver that the report be received and filed. RES0 LUTI ONS The follo~dng Resolutions were tsssed: No. 22 - BUCEI~R - ~LLER - RESOLV]~) that the City Manager be instructed to inter- view officials of the Canadian National Railways, Win. RoSere Company Limited, the Niagara Falls General Hospital and the Niagara Falls Arena, to ask their co-oper- ation in the elimination of the smoke nuisance nc~.r created at their places of business; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously No. 23 - BUCKHER- McEINLEY - RESOLVED that an advertisement in the local news- paper be sponsored by the' City Council, appealing to all citizens to rent rooms or property which they may have available, to ease idle housing shortage; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Car ri ed No. 24 - ~LLER - OLIVE - RESOLVED that the City M~nager ascertain from the City Solicitor whether any responsibility would incur upon the Corporation for injur- ies to any person as a result of the dangerous condition of a property en Robinson Street; and the Seal of the Corporation be hareto affixed. Carri e___._.!d BY-LAWS The following By-laws were passed: No.. 3767 - To authorize the execution of a Deed. ORDERED on the motion of given the privilege of intzoduciu~] tilae - Carried nnani~i~ollsly. Oliver an~ Scott that ,~'~ ,,_illor be by-law, ani the by-law be read a 'first It was then ordered on the motion of .~ld. i~.c~,~intey eD~d r~:ckner that Rule 36. {2~ of the Standir~J .~ules of Council be tej~yorarily s~l ended and law be given the seconi l~adix~ - C~ried un~.i~aously. 5rd reading - ~ld. T~'ddalc and Oliver - Carried unanimously. No. 5768 - To authorize the execution of an AStute:sent for Sale and Deed. ORDEt~ED on the motion of ~ld. Z'lidule and Seott tlnt .~!d !+iller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read u first time - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. :LLller und Trl dale tX~t S6 (2) of the Standi~j .~les of Council be ~smperarily suspended ~nl the by-law ~ given the second ~adin~ - C~ed una~mously. Zrd r eadi nE - ~l d. Bac k~e r and FcKinl ey - Cm~ ri ed un~n iracue ly. No. 3769 - To authorize tile execution of an Agreement for S~le ~und Deed. 0FOERED on the motion of 7~.d. Scott and t~lckner that .4jd. klil!er be given the Ia'ivilege of intreducinE the by-l~w, and the by-law be !~ad a first time - Carried unanimously. It r:as ordered on time motion of ;rid. 0liver and Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing .Rules of Council be temporarily susy~nded and the by-law be given tke second reading - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. 'B',idale and Backnor - Carried unanimously. No. 3770 - To authorize the execution of an Agrea~xent for Sale and Deed. 0RD;~j~D on the motion of ~ld. ~vidoie and 0liver that Ald, },illlet be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Miller that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Cmmcil be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. 0liver m~d McKinley - Carried unanimously. No. 3771 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Oliver and EcKinley that 7rid. Lliller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time- Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. 'l~idale and I.'Xller that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules cf Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second ruadinC - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. Miller and Scott - Carried unanimously. N~o. 3772 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. ORDERED on the motira of Ald. Scott and Bucknor that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of intrcdacing the by-law~ and the by-law be read a first tim - Carried unanimously[. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. 0liver and McKinley that Rule 36 (~) of the Stending RUles of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously.. 296 297 5rd roadii~ -Ald. 1,k~nks and Olive r - Carried unanimously. No. 5??5 - To authorize the execution of an A~reeJ~nt for Sale ~id Deed. 0RDF. Rh~D on the motion of ~tld. T,,idale and Oliver that Aid. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first tiuD - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald, 0!iver and Miller t!~at Rule 36 (2) of the Sto~ldinZ Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. 5rd reading -Ald. Miller and Ti~dale - Carried unanimously. The follov,i~S By-law was presented: No.. 57?4 - To define the duties of the Uity of Niagara of the City of NiaEa~ ~alls. 0.~DER~]3 on the r.~otion of AId. Scott and I,Til]er that Ald. Olivor be giver, the privilege of int~Dducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time - Carried unal~lmously. It v:as then ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and 'l~'idale t_hat Rule 56 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried. It was then ordered on tlie motion of AId. 0liver snd 1,'r~mk that the by- law be laid on the table for one week - carried unanimously. The Council adj earned on the motion of Ald. Oliver and ~k~anks. ADOPTED, Y~iuary 28, 1946. Clerk Eayor FII~CE ~EETIh~ Council Ch~l~be r, Yanuary S1, 1946. The Finance Conunittee met on ~onday, Yanuary 21, 1946, for the pro'pose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly certified mid placed before them. All~members of the Conum~ttee were present. -~andry accounts, amounting to $5,645.09, were approvod by the Co~aittee, The accounts submitted,. being passed or otherv~ise dealt with, were ord- e~ed t~laced in the ~oney by-law for !2esentation to the Ccuncii, on th~ :u2ti~2 of Aid. Scott and Fr~i>~s. i co,'m~.unichtica v:as >resented fl~:.~ S::itli F, ros, Constixcti on ?omlruay, roquestinj a price cn Lot 50, ~1, Lc'jis avenue. Upon the reuen:.nonlation of th.: P~perty Corardtteo ~d on the motion of .~ld. Scott and O!ive r it v~as ordered t .xt the co~m~unication be received ~d l~id on the table for o~ra nook to !~mnit ~]s Comn~ttee ~ ex~nine ~ie p'emiscs. nn offer of >125.00 was Iresented fib:r_ Jo_~nl L. Reve!l to yurcZnse 2~'ts of Lots 27, 26, Plan 17, Drur, mio~fi Read. Upon the recoru~cnd~tion of the iq~-i:erty Co~nittee and on the moti on of kld. Oliver and Scott it v:us oD'lored th:it the offer be received and acceded, subject to the condition that z dv:c!!inS of at least ~4,500.00 value is erected on the prenisos v;ithin a ~a~iod of six months. The report of the l~Icrty Cornmittee on the above mutters, was y~'o:;entc.i. It was ordered on the raotion of .~ld. Oliver aund Scott tint the report be received and filed. The annual report of the Registry Office for the year 1945, v:as pi'es- ented. It was ordered on the motion of ald. ~k..dd~le and 0liver that the report be received and filed. A coxmminication was l~esented from the Departrant of ],mnici!~A1 .~ffairs re the examination of the surety bond covering certain city employees. It b;as ordered on the motion of Ald. Oliver and Scott that the comaullication be i~ceived and filed, and the reSulations complied ~lth. The Committee adjourned on tile motion of Ald. Scott and Franks. READ AiD ADORED, Yanuaxy g8, 1~46. Clerk COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, Yanuary Pi, 1946. The Council re-assembled at, the close of the regular Council and Fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the ~ney by-law which covered the ac- counts appxoved by the Connmittee. All members of the Council were present. The following By-law was passed: No. 3775 - To Grant t~onies for General Purposes. ORDERED on the motion of ald. Scott and 0liver that Ald. Miller be · given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-lal/~ be read a first time - Carried unmlim,~ously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Bucknor that Rule 38 (S) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by- law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. 8rd reading -Ald. Olivel and T~idale - Carried unanimously. RE S 0LUTI 0N The fellowl nG Resoluti on was Ins sod: No. 25 - 0LIVER - SCOTT - R~JDLVED that the action of His Worship L~yor Inglis, in al~ointi~E Ald. Tv~idale as Enacting }Jayor for Uednesday, January 25, 1946, be alE1 is hereby approved; and the Seal of the Uorporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. 0liver and h~ller. ~ ~FAD AND ADOFfED, Jan~ury S8, 19~6. C le rk. .................. CONFEI~ENCE Counci 1 Chambe r, Yanuary 21 , 1946. At the close of the regula~ C~ancil and Finance meetings, the Confer- ence committee asstabled for the discussion of matters lresented to Ithem. All mem- bers of the Co~nmittee were present. After discussion upon the matters presented, the Conbmittee adjourned on the mot- ion of Ald. Miller and Scott. READ AND .AD0tTED, January 28, 1946. Olerk ~ ~' ~ ~. 0hai rm?n Council C!n.ntc~, Y~nuary :26, 1946. A sl~ci~l metinfi of ti~e City Council r:as held at ;].aQ 1. -. ?n Sq??ay, yanuary 26, 1946. All :!~embers of the Council :'.'ere !~esent. '['he noetin~j v.~s ca!- led for the discussion of several matters vfi~.ich cc~ne herore the Soard. EFC '~ The fo 1 lov,i n6 Report 1,,~as Jar csented: No. 14 - City T.kmager - re accommaiation for Police Derart:nent, City h~!l Stff and Fire Detnrtment. ORDE_~D on the :notion of ~ld. Liillor and Scott that the roy- oft be considered during the meeti~E of the Committee of the .0n the motion of ~ld. Miller and Scott the Council moved into the Co:m~ittee of the ','~mle for discussion. lll~tD A~D ADOFf~.D, Ysa~uary 28, 1946. Clerk Mayor COMI,[TTEE OF THE ~'EIOLE Council Chalakysr, January 26, 1946. The Committee of the Whole assembled on Saturday, January 26, 1946, for the purpose of discussing matters placed before them. All members of the Co~nit- tee ~'~re present. It was ordered on the motion of AId. I',iiller and McKinley that the Com- mittee deal vdth the report of the City Manager re accommodation for the Police, City Hall staff and fire depar~aent. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Oliver and }liller that the Comn~tttee arise and report to the Council. RFAD AI9 ADOPTED, January 28, 1946. Clerk 8O0 ADJCURi'ED ]~EETING Council Chambe r, Yanuary 26, 1946. The adjoLu'r~d meotin~ of the City Council :','as held on Saturday, January 26, 1946, for the purpose of receiving the report of the Con~littee. of the All menhers of the Council were present. REPORT Laid over f~m previo~s meeti?~: No. 14 - City L'la~uger - re accommodation for Police DepartBat, City Hall staff and Fire Delnrtm~nt. 0RDEETi~ on the .'notion of ild. ~l:cIiinley and Frank that the report be received. The Council adjourned on the motion of 7rid. Bucknor m~d Fra~i. READ ~d~D ADOPi',~), January S8, 1946. Clerk Mayor C' u '.c i 2 Cl ~ ', -' Cn the :.:utica of _li. 7.Ti!I~2. url Sc~,tt, the lcl~'j~tion fro,' Falls ~lorts Co:.rdttce t'~c h~rd, Ih'. J.l,/.farc!~y, Cb;iu.:.m, fra:;s:,~u< ~ t.~-~ttcu brie~ iu aonneclion vith tha r~,l~cnt of the., Co:":dtt~ ts i.ur~ ti:~ ~! -,~ ~ ~ C~ ..s Y~rk loodlidhted. l.m. Z:unt Don~d and i,:r. l:.L.Kcuck a!s:; In connection with Co:n:m/nication No. i5, and on *'he hotlot, of .ill. Scott and T.vidale, the doleCart on flDm the Niagara Fz~nti er !iunl~nc S~ ic tj was ].~ar i. Lk'. }!.R.Gerrie, ~ea~mrcr, and LCr, I.li. Coatts, President, explained the n~eds of the S~iety for a graat for the year 1946. ~Z Com:~un!c ati ~n TIc, On the motion of ;~ld. Iiil!sr and I.!cI[inley, a delegation ',':a~s hcar(, !_t', ~.B.Ha;n~e presont~ the case of certain residents in the vici!~ty of t!:e Walnut Street Fire Hall, and outlined their objection to the stk;.jested elionCe of tkis hall flD]R a Fire hall to quarters for the Niagara FallsPolice Dei:Qrtment. i.~r. Hague also presented a written outline of his rea!nrks before the Ccunci!. SEE Cor'nt~nicati~n hie. CO!,C,.UNIC AIY ONS Laid over from previous mceti~L~: No. 37 - Carl D. tIanniwell, ~q.P.p. - re lighting on ~ueen Elizabeth High'.ay. 0R- DEE on the motion of Ald. McKinley and ~iiller that the com!.nnication ~ received and filed, and Mr. Hanniwell .again be asked to assist the Council in having more adequate lightireS installed on this thoroughfsa, e. SEE Report..I~o. 15 The follov.~nC Co~ununications were presented: NoZ 44 - Niagara Palls Sports C~lmdttee - re request for flood lights for O~kcs Field. 0RDERD on the motion of A!d. Bucknor ed~d Frank that the brief be I~c- sired and laid on the table for consideration when the 1946 Dadget is presented, at which time information as to the cost of the proposal he also sub~lnitted. No. 49 - Niagara F.rontier Humane Society - requesting grant for 1946. 0ROERE9 oh the motion of Ald. Scott and ~,~dale that the connnunication be received and laid on the table for consideration when the 1946 Budget is presented. No. 46 - A.B.Ha~/e - petitic~ from residents re Walnut Street Fire Hall. 0RD'/~tED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Idiller that the presentation be x~ceived and laid on the table. No. 47 - I~ycr MacDonald, St. Catharines - re recepti c~ for Lincoln and Welland Regiment. ON)ERED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Bucknet that the commnicat- ion be received and filed, and the invitation be accepted, and as lmy of the Council as possible, attend the ceremony. 303 No. 48 - Kenneth }I. ;'Jisby - requesting pe~nission to broadcast cotmoil !!:eetinSs. 0RDE~:Z on the motion of ,'Aid. Scott a~ Fl~nk that the com~m/nication be received ar~l laid on the table for tF,o weeks. Lo. 49 - Clerk, County of l, jelland - re suitable buil~inZ for old a.Ze convalescents. C~O~,~D on the motion of A!d. Scott and L!~cKinley t]~at the co:maunication ~e l~c- eived and laid on the table. ]'Io. S0 - Clerl:, County of i'Jellund - retort of Niagara Falls Suburban Area Co ~m_is- sion. 0d]EifZO on the motion of A!d. 'F,'id'~ol.e and Frc~ks thut the conm~unication be received and laid on the table for consideration vzhen the 19~i~ BudSet is presented. No. 51 - 'Fhistle Uhapte2, O.E.S. - requestin] i~ermissien for tag _d~y. CR)EX!~D o.~ ~.e motion of Aid. Frank and Bucknet that the communication be ~coived emd filed, and the request ls granted. tlo. 52 - City ~lerk, Guelph - resolution re numisr of Police Col:mlission members. 0RDEI~ID on the motion of Ald. hcKinley and !Iiller that the cormaunication be rec- eived and filed. No. 53 - City Clerk, Stratford - re juvenile delinquency yoble:u. 0POweRED on the motion of ~ld. Scott and FranP~ trot the conm~unication be received ~nd laid on the table for one week. P~i or to this motion it was moved by Ald. _E~ackner and Ec Fdnley tint the conmunicati on be received and information be for- arded that this C~lncil is trying to help in providing recreation'~l facilities both in su~mner and v~inter. This motion tas defeated. No. 54 - L'otion Picture Censorship and 'ffaeatre Inspection Branch - acknowledging m~orsation ~f Ottawa resolution. 0RDER~ on the motion of Ald. ~..ddale and F~nks tt~at the coml~anication be received and filed. No. 55- NiaCara Falls Civic Employees' Association - requesting co~mmittee to meet grievance conmittee. ORDERED on'the motion of Ald. Scott and L~tller that the c~mlnication be received and fi led, and t.he entire Council be the co~mnittee to meet tim employees. No. 56 - Greater Niagara Chamber ~ Commerce - requesting grm~t for 1946. 0RD- .v.t.D on the tact ion of Ald. Franks and ~tdale that the communication be ~ceived and laid on the table for consideration when the 1946 Budget is presented. No. 57 - Niagara Falls l~blic Library - estirmtes re ca!.ital expenditures. 0iD- ERED on the motion of Ald. Backnet and McKinley tlmt the co~nunicati on be received, laid on the lable and a delegation from the Beard be asked to attend the February 4th meeting of Council to discuss this matter. No. 58 - Niagara B~lts Horticultural Society - requesting grant for 1946. 0RD- EED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Idiller that the conmunieation be received and laid on the table fer consideration when the 1946 Budget is presented. ~REP0~TS Laid ov.er from l~revious meeting: No. 1 - City Mamger - re sick leave for civic employees. 0RD~D on the motion of Ald. ~idale and Fra~s that the report be received and laid on the table un- til the new agreement vdth the employees has been discussed. '! " The following Reports were lresentedL No. 15 - City Manager - re lighting on Queen Elizabeth ?fay. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Ald. McKinley and Miller that the ~eport be received and filed, and a copy be forwarded to I~,. Hanniwell vdtll the request that.he assist the City in . having this lighting approved. No. 16 - City Managers. re conference held. on Yannary 21, 1946. 0ROE~'E9 on the motion of Ald. T~idale and Scott that the report be received and filed. No. 1'7 - City Solicitor - rl sronsi] i] ity off Cori'oruticn re d~:d~?:cus f erty. 0i~EZ;D on ~ motion of .~ld. Tiller and F-~q<~ th~.t tie :'~_ oft and referred for discussion at the colefence I~o. lq - Alder!~un .=.D.F~nn!;s~ r,~ ;!~aetiuf eo!mcernilLf the motion of A],.1. ~:ida!e and ~c'nntr that the ~Dcrt the ..ll ennan be thanked for the full ion o? .kid, .Pr-.nks uS, d Scott tl~t 'h.~ l, port b~ }~oe~.iv.ed s!d !ai,~ on i:lk~ t,f l' for considePation by the s~ci~. ccmsittPo. The fo llo i uS Ly--l~'.: '. as !re s~_-/x i fop t'.c tl.{ r i :%~aa. izO: No. Z~V,i - a Ly-l~ to define the duties of the Girl- " ,'- Falls. It was cricked en the .oti{n of ~ld. l.:illur be laid on the table for consiie.ation ~t thu forthcc:~r,~ co:,f~runce. The Council ~djourned on thc n:otic~n of .~ld. %'.'idalo ani Franks. vREAD ~ilD .~D01TED February 4, 1946. Clerk Mayor Council Ch~'~be~, Y~xuary 28, 1946. The Finance Co~naittee last on Monday, Yanuury .%q, 1946, for the pureness of approving and also of inssing the various accounts which had bee:~ properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Co~l~ltt~, ~'dth the excep- tion of ~ld. 0liver, were present. .~undry accotmts, amounting to ~9,445.59, were approved by the Go~ldttee. Tile accounts s~bmitted, boiIC rassed or otherwise dealt v.dth, v~ere eri- ered placed in the money~}y-law for presentation to the Ccu~mi!, on tile motion ~ld. T~idale and Scott. The co:m~unic~ticn fx~m Zmith 3ros. Constl'dction Co., us laid over from the p~'evious l,'D eti,~LZ, requestinS a price on Lots 30, Zl, Lewis Avenue, cmd the report of the Pro!~rty Conunittec. was presented. Upon tile l~conu:~ndati on of tile property Con~nit tee and on the motion of j~ld. TAddale ~d F~anks it v.~as on~ere! that the communication be received and filed, and the Co:2.yany be' advised the pric~ of the lots v,ould be the assessed v~lue of $4SD.00 for each lot. A com;:unic~tion :':us Irascented from hl~jene P~ttui, regarding the build- ir~j of hoursos. Upon the reco~nendation of the l~'operty C011mittee and on the last- ion of Ald. Scott and Franks, the conmmnication was received and laid on the table for two weeks. A cont·.unication was presented from T;.Y.Law, requesting a roSarid on the tarchase yice of Lot 79, Plan 2V, Homewood Avenue. Upon the recomm~endation of ~he P~operty Com~dttee and on the motion of Ald. B~ckner and Twirlale, it was ord- ered that the coam~nication be received and filed, and a refund he granted of the purclnse price, less tile amount of the taxes on the p~operty for the period dur- inC which it was held by ].It. Law. The report of the property Com~;ittee on the above totters v:as presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald; B~ckner and %~,~idale that the report be rec- eived and filed. The Statement of Insurance in Force-on Yanua~y 28, 1946, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of ~kld. Scott· ~nd FranY~s that the statement be rec- eived and filed. The Statement of Housing Properties at December 31, 1945, was I~esented. was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Scott and Franks that the statement be rec- eived and referred to the P~operty Coxm!~Ittee for consideration. The Statement of Occupied Registered Pro!~rties at December 31, 1945, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Franks that the ~mtter ~f Property hhmber 487 be referred to the City Solicitor ,.,~lth the request that he advise if it wo~d be possible to take this xmtter before the C~nty Iudgo to effect the eviction of tile occupant; and that the ~ecomnended action be taken. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Franks that the staterant be received and referred to the Property Co~m~ittee for consideration. The report of the City Treasurer, presenting a draft balance sheet and revenue and expenditure statement for 1945, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. SQott and Buclmer that the statement be received and laid on the table. The Sonunittee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott and 'l~'ddale. READ AND ADOPT~]D, FebruaFy 4, 1946. Olerk CCUYffCIL ;iE~T!.UD Cz~znci! ~" ' · The Cou. r, ci! counts app!Dved by the Com:;it tee. of _~!d. Olive_', were :2c sent. ~' - By--LZ.I The fo!lo:'in.~ ~'-].av.' v. as 'rids ned: NO. 3776 - To Grant Lonies for General Purl os.s. 0iDER:~D on the !:oticr cf Aid. Scott and FrL~:l-cs th;t .;il, I'll!, r :. Given tb.e y~'ivilege of ihtzeduci~ the hy-lau, and the hy-l~..' be ;'c~d a fitwt time- Ce~zied. It ;'.'=s then eriered ell the motion of .;lfi. Tui !ale anl I..cl,.i .l,av that i~le 36 (2) ~ the StandixE Rules of Council be '~sr.~i;orurii~ sus2ended ~nd zle law be r~d a second ti~;~ - Cs'ried. 3rd ~adinj - ~d. Fra~cs ~nd Scott. The Council adjouuuied on the motiQn of ~ld. i,lcKinl%l and jill!or. ~ Ai/FD-~.DOPf~D, FebruaS~ 4, 1946. Clerk Mayor C011FkREilCE Counci 1 Chatabe r, January 28, 1946. At the close of the re~Jalar Council and Finance meetinCs, the Confer- ence coxmaittee assembled for the discussion of matters presented to them. all members of the Committee, wi th the exception of Ald. 0liver, v~ere present. After discussion'upon the matters presented, the Conm~ittee adjourned on tile motion of Aid. IJiller and Scott. ~D .~vD ADOFfED, February 4, 1946. Clerk hairman 3!~]CI.L T,~ETIiFd -[s!~ci'~l meeti:Z of the City Council ?.~as day, F~bruary 2, 1940. .~11 men]:e~s of the C~ncil, ...~t 0liver, i'~e pFessI]b. The meethb'g was c~led for the discusion ~f several tars which c~ne bsfo~ the ~d. On the motion of Aid. Scott and Llllsr, the Ccunci! moved into the Co~maittee of the l'l~ole for discussion. RFI~D =~iD aDOP2ED, Februaa, y ~, 1946. Clerk I.:~yor C0~,R~Tf'z'EE OF THE Counc i 1 Chonnhe r, Febru'ary 2, 1946. The Committee of the Vfi~ole assembled on Saturday, February 2, 1946, for the purpose of discussiDg lifttars placed before them. All m~nk~m,s of the Co~m~it- tee, with the exception of ~Lld. 0liver, were Feeant. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Fra~s and Backnet that the Go:lmittee m'ise and report to the ~om~cil. READ AND ADOF2ED, February ~, 1946. Clerk . Chairman Council Ctnm'ber, Feblusty o 1946. The adj~nrned meeting of the City Council v;as heZd on Saturday, Feb- r~ry '~ 1946, for the rur~e of receiving the report of the Con~nittee of the V~nole. Z~ll m~n~rs of the Com~ci!, vdth the exce'ptim of ~d. O~ver, were ires- O nt. The Council ~djoulu'~d on the motion of ;"~ld. Tvddale ~nid IdcKimley. h~D ~'J'ID ADCPfED, Febru"a~y 4, 1946. Clerk NINE MEETING REGUIAR MEETING Council Chamhe r, February 4, 1946. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on i~onday, zeb- ruary 4, 1946, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. 0liver, were present. The Coun- cil, having received and read the minutes of the previous regular and special meet- ings, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Scott. DEPUTAT I 0NS In connection with Coramunication No. 57, and on the motion of Ald. Scott, and Frauks, representatives of the Niagara Falls Public Library Board were heard. Mr. G.H.Hamilton spoke and explained to Council that the Bosrd had been unable to extend the lease for their Main Street branch for a longer period than six months. As it was also impossible to find a suitable building in this area, the Beard felt it would be necessary to build. Mr. Francis Parmer also spoke and advised the Council that the estimated figure- was for the building only, and did not include the cost ~ land. SEE Coxmuunic~tion No. 57 In connection with Comnmnication No. 59, and on the motion of ~ld. Sc- ott and Bucknet, representatives of the Yunior Chamber of Con~,erce were permitted to address the Council. Mr. Hawkins stated it was the hope of the Ch~aber that all members of Council would be present at their civic night. MAr. Hawkins also mentioned the poll being conducted for the election of the most outstanding young m~n of the community, and expressed the hope that this endearour would be rode an annual affair. SEE Communication No. G9 In connection with Conumnication No. ~, and on the motion of Ald. Twi- rlale and ~cKinley, Mr. AM. Barclay was pemitted to address the Council. ~r. Bar- clay advised Council of the progre~ms of the Health League for 19~6, and said this week was to he proclaimd Health Week in this co~l~Anity. S22E Communi.c.ation No. 64 COM~rNI CATI 0NS Laid over from previous meeting: No. 53 - City Clerk, Stratford - requesting information re Juvenile delinquency. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Fzanks that the cormnunication be rec- eived and filed, and the Oity of Stratford be advised that Niagara Falls has made a strong effort to counteract Juvenile delinquency. No. 57 - Niagara Falls Public Library Board - requesting appropriation for cap- ital expenditures. ORE on the motion of Ald. ~anks and Twidale that the com- municatim be received and filed, and the Council place this request before the. Ontario ~,nioipal Board for consideration. The following Comnmnications were presented: No. 59 - Niagara Falls ~unior Chamber of Commerce - invitation to dinner meeting. 0FdA~P~ED on the motion of Ald. Scott and McKinley that the communication be rec- eived and filed, the invitation be accepted, and as many of the Council as poss- Ible attend the dinner. ~m~ Reso!_u~ion No. 30 No. ~0 - Niagara Falls Civic Employees, Associa$ion - ~e committee to meet negot- iating ec~unittee. 0RDEI~ED on the motion of Ald. Scott and ~,~dsle that the com- n~Anication be reeeived and filed, and the request k~ granted. No. 81 - Clifton Chapter, 1.0.D.E. - requesting permission to hold tag day. O~D- EEED on the motion of Ald. Franks and T~idals that the comnmnication be received and filed, and the request be granted. No. 62 - Railway Association of Canada - re dates for d~ylight saving time. 0RD- ERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Scott that the conmmnication be received and laid on the table, and the Association be contacted for more infonuation upon this matter. No. 65 - Ontario Horticultural Association - invitation to convention banquet. ORE on the motion of Ald. T~dale and Buckner that the conxnunication be rec- eived and filed, the invitation be accepted, and His Worship ~ayor Inglis be asked to comply with the request that he extend an addxess of welcome to the convention. No. 64 - Health League of Canada - requesting grant for 1946. 0RBER~D on the mot- ion of Ald. Scott and McKinley that the communication be received and laid on the table for consideration when the 1946 Budget is presented. SEE Resolution No. 26 REPORTS The following Reports were presented: No. 22 - City Manager - re conference held on January ~-8th. 0RDEE On the motion of Aid. Twidale and Scott that the report be received and filed. No. 23 - City Manager - re meeting with representatives c~ Deparmemt of Highv~ys. ORDEE on the motion of Ald. Miller and Bucknet that the report be received and filed, and negotiations be continued to ascertain what will be the cost to the mun- icipality for this traffic signal; and farther that the lccai M~mber be asked to make every attempt to have the Government assume the whole cost. No. 24 - Relief Administrator - re housing situation in City. 0t~]~ED on the mot- ion of Ald. B~ckner and Miller that the connuunication be received, laid on the .table for one week, and two members of this Council be appointed to attend the meeting on Wednesday, February 6th, in connection with this matter, a report upon the same to be made to Council. In this connection, His Worship appointed Aid. Bucknet and Freaks to attend the meeting, together with himself and the 0ity Nmn- ager. No. 25 - City Manager - ~,mmnry Of applications for position of Assistant To City Engineer. N0~ .26 - City Manager - w,m~ry of applications for positica of assistant to sessment Comm~s sicnet. No. 27 - City Manager - summary of applications for positien of male clerk. 0RD- ERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Franks that the sunumries be received and laid' on the table for two weeks, and the City Mmnager obtain all information pos- sible in connection with the applicants. personal interview to be arranged where thought advisable. No. 22 - City Manager - recommending issuance of licenses. 01~ERED on the m,otion of Ald. Twidale and Miller that the report be received and filed..and-the recom- mendation be adopted. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were lassed: NO. ~-.6 - McEINLEY - TWIDAIE - RESOLVED that the thanlm of this Connell be e~ended ~ ~. J.M.~cl~ for a~earing ~f~e thin ~ e~i~ten ~m u~ ~e wrk of the l~al bmmh of t~ Health ~ ~ Camda, that ~ls Co~cil e~orse H~lth Week being held in this Oity; and the ~ of t~ Oo~omtion be hereto affixed. No. L>~ - ~[[IZER - BUCIGIER - RESOLVED that the than~cs of this Council, and the cit- izens of Niagara Falls, be extended to the ladies of the co~,~aunity for,their v,~n- derfal work in meeting the troop trains as they pass through the oity; and the Seal of tee Corporation be hereto affixed. .C~.ried No. 28 - ~TIDALE - SCOTT - RESOL'~ED that the City i~Zanager be instructed to forward a message to the family of the late ~x-mayor C.N.Clendenning, expressing the sym- pathy of the City Council and citizens of Niagara Falls, upon the dealth of this life-long resident of the comraufity who, for so many yssrs, served the Corporation as an ~,derman, the Chief i~agistrate and as Assess:rant Commissioner; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. .C.arri ed No. 29 - MIL~.R - I~IO~NER - ~ESOL~..~D that the City ~anager be instructed to convey to the fsumily of the late l,Ars. Stanley Sills. a msssaa~ expressing the sympathy of the City. Council and citizens of Niagara Falls for them in their sad bereave- meat; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. C.arried No. 30 - McEINLEY - t~J(XA~R - RESOLVED that this Council endorse the v~rk of the Niagara Falls Junior Chamber of Commerce in their movement to show recognition to the most outstanding young man of the coinunity for the year 19~5; and the Seal , of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 31 - T,?IDAIE - I~JCKNER - RESOLVED that the gratitude ~f this Council, and the citizens of Niagara Falls, be extended to Lieutenant-Colonel Yames S~'~ayze and the first battalion of the Lincoln and Welland Regiment, for their wonderful achieve- ments overseas; and a welcome be extended upon theirm~turh home; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. C_arried No. 3~ - FRANEB - MILI~ER - RESOLVED that the City Manager be instructed to inw:st- igate and take steps to remedy the c6ndition whereby men ~rking on the ash col- . lection trucks are covered with ash and dust; and the Seal of the Corporation be here~o affixed. Carrie~d BY-LAWS The follo~ng By-law was passed: .No. 37~7 - To authorize the bertowing of $150,000.00. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Twiddle and Scott that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first tim~ - Carried. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. Bucknet end McKinley that l{ule 36 (2~ cf the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read a second time - Carried. 3rd reading -Ald., Franks and Twidale - Carried. The following By-law was read a ~irst and second times: No. ~77,8 - A By-law to raise, by way of loan, the sum of ~20,000.00 (being the amount of the first of three sets of debentures, the sum total of which is $570,000.00) for the purpose of erecting an auditorium, agym~meium. a ceatral heat- ing plant, a four-room addition to the Vocational School wing, a cafeteria wing, a new wing for the Academic Section, and to make alterations and additions to the existing Academic Section, including the parchass of additional equipment for both Sections, under a planned building schedule, the first of such sets to be issued within two years and all such sets to be issued vatbin three yea~s after the pas- '8tl s~n6 of this By-law. 0RDEFa~D on the motion of Ald. Scott and Buckner that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be road a first time - Carried. It was than ordered on the motion of Ald. l~.Llller and T~idale that Rule 56 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law read a second time - Carried. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Franks and Bucknet that the By-law be laid on the table and represmtatives of the Council obtain an appoint- merit vdth the Ontario T~Anicipal Board for discussion of this matter. MISCRT.T~N~DUS Ald. Bucknet asked that consideration be givento the eliminati on of dumping graounds throughout the City; that the v~rious areas he cleaned up as soon as possible by the City departaent; and citizens be warned that dumping must cease as a properly prepared area is provided for this purpose. The Council adjourned 0n the motion of Pad. Twidsle and Scott. ' READ AND ADOPts/), February 11, 1946. Clerk Mayor FINANCE MEETING Council nb.m~er, February 4, 1946. T~s. FInance Committee met on Monday, February 4, 1946, for the lmrpose of apl~oving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of. the Committee, wi th the excep- tion of Aid. 0liver, were present. : ~,r~y. aCcoUnts, amounting to $4,835.30, ware approved by the 0ommitt.ee. The accounts submitted, being passed or othex~vise dealt with, w.are ord- ered placed in the money by-law for l~esentation to the Coumll, on the mot.ion of Aid. Scott and Franks. t em The s a · t of occupied registered properties as at December 31, 1945, as laid over flora the 4~evicus.meettng, ~as considered, ~Upon She recommendation of the Property Committee, and on the motion of Aid. 'i~',idale and Franks it was ordered that the statement be received and filed. The statement of housing agreements as at December 5t, 1945, was laid over fmom the previous meeting, was considered. Upon the recon~sndation of the Property Committee, and on the motion of Ald. Bucknet and 'fi':idale, it was ordered that the statement be received and filed. A corm~mnication was l~esented from J.J.Sheedy, requesting an extension of time for building upon a lot purchased by him. Upon the recomn~ndation of the Property Committee, and on the motion of Ald. Bucknet and idcKinley, it was ord- ered that the communication be received and filed, ,and an extension of six months be granted. A conmn/nication was presented from Sraith [k~os. Constraction Co., regard- ing the prices of lots. Upon the recommendation of the Property Conmittee, and on the motion of Ald. Tiwdsle and Bucknet, the conuaunication was received and filed. A conmnAnication was presented from Joseph Besch regarding the pu2'chase of Lot 24, Robinson and Bachanan. Upon the recon~I~endation of the Property Co~nit- tee and on the motion of kid. RAcknet and Franks it was ordered tkat the co~mun- lcation be received and filed, and Mr. Besch be advised the property is not for sale if it is proposed to move a house to it. A communication was presented from J.G.Collins, regarding the Cedding- ton property. Upon the recommendation of the Property Conm~ittee, and on the mot- ion of Ald. Scott and Franks, the c0numnication was received and laid on the tabl~ · for consideration at the meeting of the Conference comndttee. An offer was presented from Michael Scordino of $275.00 for part of Lot 2, Plan 653, Peer Street. Upan the recommendation of the Property Cor~mittee, and on the motian of Ald. FrsnMs and Backnet, the offer was received and accepted, subject to the condition that a dwelling of at least $4,000.00 value is erected on the premises within a period of six months. The report of the Property Committee, upon the above matters, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Franks and Buckher that the report be received and filed. The comparison of tax collections for the month of January, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the ~otion of AId. Twidale and Franks that the stateme'nt be received and laid on the table. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Aid. Scott and Twidale. READ AND ADOPTED, February 11, 1946. Cl, erk COUNCIL EEE~ING Council Chamber, February 4, 1946. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance msetings for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All mmbers of the Council, vdth the exception of kid. Oliver, were l~esent- B -LAy( The following By-law was passed: No. 3779 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. Ot~)Ei~D on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Scott that ~ld. M~ller be Eiven the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time - Car~ tied. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. i~cklnley and Scott that Rule 36 (2~ of the Standing Rules of Council he temporarily suspended and the by-law be read a second time - Carried. 3rd reading - Aid. Scott and Miller - Carried. The 0cuncil adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott and Miller. AND ADOPTED, .February 11, 1946. Clerk ./-' · ........ : ' Counci 1 .Chamber, February 4, 1946. At the close of the rogular Council and Finance meetings, the Gc~ference committee assembled for the pxrpose of discussing the matters presented to them. All members of the Committee, vAth the eEeptica of Aid. 0liver, were present. After d~seussion ul~ the matters resented, 1~he Committee adjourned on the-motion of Ald. Scott and Bucknet. IF~D AND ADOPTED, February 11, 1946. Clerk ,. ;I ;116 REGULAR IEETING Council Chan~ber, February 111, 1946. pm, suant to adjournment, the Cenncil met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, Feb- ruary ll, 1946, for the parpose of considering General Basiness and finance. ~ull members of the Council, vrith the exception of Ald. 0liver, were present. The Coun- cil, having received arfi read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Scott and Miller. COE~.~GlfiCATI ONS Laid over from previous meeting: No. 48 - Kenneth H. Wlsby - requesting permission to broadcast council meetings. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Franks and Twidale that the con~aunication be rec- eived and laid on the table, and the matter be referred back to M~. Wisby for more detailed information. The following Conuaunications were presented: No. 65- Chamber of Commerce No. 66 - Greater Niagara Citizens' War Services Conumittee No. 67 - Wartime Housing Lin~ted - re erection of dwellings. 01DEED on the mot- ion of Ald. Scott and Twidale that the communications he received and filed. SEE Report No. 28 No. 68 - Niagara ~dls Public Library - appreciatiSn of interview. O.~D,'..~ED on the motion of Aid. Twidale and Scott that the communication be received and filed. No. 69 - Ontario Manicipel Board - appointment to discuss capital expenditures. ORDERED on the motion of ~dd. ~'4dale and Backnet that the conxuunication he rec- eived and filed; and a delegation from this Council meet the Board. In this con- nection, His Worship stated the delegatioa v~uld be the Chairman of Finance, Ald. B~ckner and the City ~ianager. He. 70 - Niagara Fells Baseball Association - requesting a grant for 1946. 0RD- ERhl) on the motion of Ald. Scott and Franks that the communication be received and laid on the table for consideration when the 1946 Bedget is presented. No. 71 - Niagara Falls l~asic Festival Association - requesting grant for 1946. 0RD~ on the motion of A~d. T~dsle and Mclfinley that the con~xunication be rec- eived and laid on the table for consideration when the 1946 Badger is presented, and a strong reeonmiendation be made for this Association. No. 72 - Stamford 'Hockey club - requesting grant for 1946. 0t~)EP. ED on ~he motion of Aid. Granks and Backnor that the communication be received and laid on the table for consideration ~hen the 1946 I~Adget is presented. No. 73 -Oity Clerk, st. ~xomes - resolution re daylight'saving time. 0~)EED on the motion of Ald. Franl~ and Miller that the coranunication be received and filed, that the resolution be endorsed, and the matter also he t~ken up with the Federal Government in an effort to obtain uniformity-throughout Canada as to the dates for de~light saving time. A prior motion was made by Ald. McKinley and Twidale that the communication be received and filed, but this motion was defeated. No. 74 - Niagara Fails Sports Committee - re lighting system for 0akes Park. 0RD- ERED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and McKinley that the communication be rec- eivnd and filed, and referred to the aleloCation appearing before the Ontario Mun- icipal BOard on February l~th.. : No. 7~ - Niagara Falls Sports Con~aittee - requestin6 r,-presentatio~ from Council on Connlittee. 0tOEPalED on the motion of Ald. LLiller and T~idale that the co:!nnuu- ication be received and filed, and the request be granted. His Worship h~'or Inglis appointed ~Lld. McKinley and Bucknor as the representatives of Council upon this Conmmtttee. RERTS Laid over from previous meeting: No. ~4 - Relief Administrator - re housinZ situation in hriagara Falls. 0i~D~RED on the motion of AJ.d. Scott and T~ddale that the report be r~ceived and filed. SEE Report .No. 29 The follo;~ng ~eports were presented: No. 29 - City Manager - re conferences re housing situation. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Aid. Scott and Twidale that the report be received and filed. SEE Resolution No. 33 No. 30 - City i~ianager - re conference held on February ~, 19~6. 0ICERED on the motion of Aid. Scott and Frs~ks that the report be received and filed. No. 31 - Acting Dairy Inspector - report for month of ~anuary. ORDkRED on the mot- ion of Ald. L~ickner and Frank~ that the report be received and filed. No. 32 - City Manager - recommending issuance of licenoes. 0RDKqED on the riftion of Aid. T~idale and i~iller that the report be received and filed, and the recom- mendations be adopted. No. 33- City Marsget - re unemployed persons in City. ORDERED on the motion of A.ld. Backnet and Scott that the report be received and filed. SEE Resolutiom No. 34 RESOLUT~ The following Resoluti one were lnssed: No. 33 - I~JCKNER- LLIT~XF.R - I'~EREA~, in the opinion of the members of the Council of the City of Niagara Falls, there is a shortage of housing accommodation for war veterans in the municipality; AND V,~tEREAS it is felt that the constraction of private dv~ellings dur- ing the present ~ear will not be in sufficient volumne to relieve the said housing shortage; A~rD WHEREAS it is desirable to obtain the erection of small homes which may be rented by veterans for a low or moderately low rental; ~ WHEREAS Wartime Housing Limited has advised that they can erect ap- proximately fifty houses within a period of four months; TER~0RE BE IT RESOL~ED that the Council of the City of Niagara Fells request Wartime Housing Limited to erect one hundred dwellings in the City of Nia~ gara Fells; that the erection of fifty such dwellings be proceeded with immedia~e- ly and the balance of the number erected when requested by the mnncipal council; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 34 - BUCIG~ER- SCOTT - RESOLVED that the City Manager be instructed to comlmn- icate with the Dominion Government, advising that the unemployment situation in this comity is increasing rapidly, and ma~ reach a crisis unless action is taken; that the Govel~ment be asked to advise what steps vAll be forthcoming in the immediate future with regard to a postwar programme of work; that this nntter be drawn also to the attention of the Provincial Government, the local members of i{ parliament far this riding; the Ontario 1myers' and Reeves' Association, and the Ontario ~lunicipal Association; and the .Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. ~' Carried No. 35 - BUUkNER- TWIDALE - RESOLVED that the City ~ansger be instructed to com- runic ate with the Board of Rallyroy Commissioners for Cauada, the Provincial Govern- ment, and the local members for the Dominion and Provincial Goventments, advising that another fatal accident has occurred at the Clifton Hill crossing within the past few days; and asking that immediate consideration be given to the possibility of eliminating this level crossing; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto fixed. Cattle d No. 36 - FRAX~T~ - TVEDALE - ESOLV~ED that the City Manager be instructed to com- municate ~ith the provincial ]~inister of Lands and For?ate, calling his attention to the promiscuous cutting of Christmas trees which occurred in 1945; and asking that action be taken to prevent another such occurrence; and the Seal of the Cor- poration be hereto affixed. Carried No. 37 - T~IDALE - FRANE$ - RESOLVED that the Fuel Controller be asked what ae-- tion is being taken to assure an adequate supply of coal for residents of this area, and as to why Canadian fuel cannot be supplied here; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Car tied No. 38 - MI!~,R - I~JCKNER - RESOLVED that the City Manager be instructed to com- manicabe with the City of St. Thomas, asking for a copy of their by-law regarding smoke nuisances; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried The following By-laws were passed: No. ~78,0.- To authorize the execution of a Deed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Frank that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-Law, and the by-law be read a first time- 0artled. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott ani McKinley that Rule 36 (2} of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second tim - Carried. 5rd reading -Ald. Twirlale and B~ckner - Carried. No. 5781 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. (RDERED on the motion of ~ld. Scott and McKivley that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the l~y-law, be read a first time- Carried. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Twirlale and Ruckner that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of 0ouncil be temporarily suspemded ~nd the by-law read a second time - carried. - ;"~." '" Brd xsading- Aid. ~Kinley and Scot~t ' ~a~ried. The Council adJourmd on the motion of Ald. Scott ann Twirlale. READ AN.~ ADOITED, February 18, 19~6. Clerk Nayor FINkI~JE L'FF~FihD Council Ch~lbsr, February 11, 1946. The Finance Conunittee met on Monday, February 11, 1946, for the putlose of approvirg and also of passing the various accounts v;tdch had been properly certified and placed beefore them. All members of the Co~aittee, with the excep- tion of Ald. 0liver, vBre present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Co~nmittee, amounting to $31,665.95. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt ~ith, ~,':ere ord- ered placed in the money by-law for l~esentation to the Council, on the ;:Dtion of Ald. Scott and I.lcKialey. The conur~nication from Eagene Pattui, regarding the building of dwel- lings, as laid over from the previous meeting, was presented. Upon the reconuaend- ation of the Property Committee, and on the motion of Ald. ~idale and Bucknor it was ordered that the conununication be received and filed, and Iir. Pattui be asked to call at the City Hall within one v~ek to discuss this matter. A report wns presented from the City Solicito~, regarding the property at 260 Huron Street. Upon the recommendation of the i~'operty Committee and on the motion of Ald. Franks and Twidale it was ordered that the report be received and filed, and the necessary action be taken to obtain possession of the prop- erty. A report was presented from the City ~D~nager, l'eg~rdixE an offer from Joe. Beach for Lot 24, Robinson Street and Buchauan Avenue. Upon ~2~e zecol~nend- ation of the Property Cozmllttee and on the motion of Ald. B~ckner -and ~'rank~ it was ordered that the report be received and laid on the table for one week, and the Con~ttee interview k~r. Beach before the next meeting. An offer was presented f~om Stanley Coorobs for part of Lots 110, 111, Menzie Street, for $50.00. The recoMaendation of the Property Cor~iittee was that this offer be considered after discussion of the report on housiz~ conditions. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Franks and ~h~idale that the offer be rec- eived and accepted, subject to the provision that a dwelling of at least ~4,000. value is erected on the premises within a period of six .,:~onths; and providing the purchaser is agreeable to the purchase in view of the possible use of other vac- ant lots in this area for the erection of Wartime Housing Limited dwellings. An offer was presented from Joseph Gauthier for part of Lots ~7, 36, Huron Street, for the sum of $150.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Franks it was ordered that the of- fer be received and laid on the 'table for one week to permit the Con~mittee to in- spect the premises. The report of the Property Committee on the above ~atters was presented. It ~as ordered on the motion of Ald. ~'ddale and Franks that the report be rec- eived and filed. The invoices for the tenroyal of the fleet and automobile contingent liability insurance policies, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Franks and Scott that the policies be renewed for one par from January ~l, 1946, with R.C.Yonng and Company, at a total premium of $2,540.22. An account was lm~esented from the Parks and Recreation Association of Canada, for membership for the year 1946. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. ~'~Adale and Franks that the s~bscripti on be termed for the year 1946. The statement of Relief Expenditures for Yanuary, 1946, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Twirlale and Scott that the statement be rec- eived and laid on the table. The Connnittee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank. AND AD0tT~D, February 18, 19~8. Clerk COUNCIL MEETKNG Council Chamber, February 11, 1948. The Council re-assembled at the close of the re~lsr C~ancil and Fin' ance msetings for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the ac- counts approved by the Committee. All members of the Caxl ncll, vdth the exception of Aid. 0liver, were present. The following By-law was passed: No. 378.2. - To Gx~nt Monies for General PUrposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~cKihley end Scott that Ald. Miller be given the pA. ivilege of introdacing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time- uarried. It was then ordered on the motion of ~Lld. 'l~dale and Becknet that Rule 36 {~) of the Standing Rules c~ Council be temporarily suspended ani the ~y-law be read a second tim~ - Carried. Srd reading - ald. McKinley ancl Scott - Oartied. The Council adJouraed on the motion of Aid. Scott and ~ar~k. ~ AA~D AD0~TED, February 18, 1946. 01erk . Mayor CON~CE Counc~.! Ch~nbs r, February !1, 1948. At the close o~ the re~alar Council and Finance m~etings, the Confer- ence committee assembled for the purpose of discussing xmtters presented to them. All members of the Oon~nlttee, v.d th the exception of Ald. 0liver, were present. After discussion upon the matters presented, the Comn~ittee adjourned on the mot- ion of Aid. Twidale and ~ank. RF~D AND ADOPTED, February 18, 1946. Clerk Chairn~n F.I,EVEBFfH I~EETING REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, February 18, 1946. position. No. 87 - Bell Telel)hone Company of C~nada - requestin6 per~ission to move F.~le u:ul anchor. 0RD~ on the aPtion of ~d. Scott and i,:c~ley that the co~;:unic~tion be receiv~ and filed, and p~I~ission be granted. SEE B~-lur~ No. ~7~ Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, Feb- ruary 18, 1946, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. A/1 me~abers of the Council, vrith the exception of Ald. 0liver, were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid. Twidale and Scott. C0MIa3NICATIONS The following Communications were presented: No. 76 - Bight Hencurable Prime Minister of Canada - acknowledging conu~unication re daylight saving time. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Franks and Bucknor that the comnmnication be received and filed. No. 77 - Hencurable prime ~nister of Ontario acknowledging communication re day- light saving time. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ',~ank and Scott that the com- mnication be received and filed. No. 78 - Hencurable btinister of Labour - acknowledging communication re Clifton Hill crossing. 0~DEPaD on the motion of Ald. Scott and Miller that the conm~nic- ation be received and filed. No. 79 - Hencurable Prime Minister of Ontario - acknowledging com~aunication re Clifton Mill crossing. 0RDEHFa on the motion of Ald. ~¥anks and 'l~idale that the connmnication be received and filed. No. 80 - Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada - acknowledging co~ununication re Clifton Hill crossing. 0RDEE on the motion of ~kld. Bucknor and l~cltinley that the conuamication be received and filed. ~ Resolution No. 39 No. 81 - lioncurable Minister of ldines and ~'orests - acknowledgiB~ cox~unication re cutting of Christmas trees. ORDERED on the motion of ald. Miller and B~anks that the conumnication be received and filed. No. 82 - Ontario Municipal Association - acknowledging communication re increasing Unemployment. 0~D~a~ED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and ~l~nks that the commun- ication be received and filed. No. 83- Niagara t~rkm Commission - enclosing brief re regulations on parkway. ~DEI~Ta on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Franks that the communication be rec- eived and laid on the table, and a conumittee of the Commission be asked to meet Council for the discussion of this matter. No. 84 - Niagara Falls Civic Mutual Benefit Society - requesting reimbursement for benefits paid in certain cases. 01~)EE on the motion of Ald. Scott and Fr- ank that the communication be received and filed, and a Committee of Council met the Society for the discussion of the matter. No. 85 - City Clerk, Sarnia - resolution re amendment to Minors' protection Act. 0RDEE on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Franks that the cceanunication be rec- eived and filed, and the resolution be endorsed. No. 86 - Maxwell K. Weaver - requesting permit for bus service from 0ryetel Beach to City. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Twidale that the communication be received, laid on the table and referred to the Oity Solicitor for a report; and Mr. Weaver be asked to attend the nex~ meeting of Council to explain his pro- i.~?ORTS The followings Reports were prcse:lted: No. 34 - Aid. n~ckner and Mct~dntey - re meetin~l of Chil!ren's =~id Society. 0Pe- ERED on the motlea of ~ld. q~idole and Frank that the repoi't be received an.i filed, and Ald. EcKinlsy be tt~anked for his attendance. No. 35 - Aid. Bucknor and McKinley - re msetinZ with NiaS~'a Falls Sports Cot. unit- tee. 0RDE~ on the motion of AId. ?:.idale and Scott ti~t the re:Jort be I~ceived and filed. No. 36 - City T,~nuger - re eoxffereHce held on February 11, 1916. 0!DEffZD o:~ the motion of Aid. Scott and I~cKi~ley that the report he received and filed. No. 37 - City lilanager - re meeting v,'ith Ontario !,Mnici~nl Board. 0ROEi~D on the motion of kld. T~'ddale and Frar~l that the report bc received .and filed. No. 38 - City Manuger - re locations for "jartime Housing Limited houses. 0?OERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and McKinley that the report be received, adopted ~d filed. SEE Resolution bye. 40 No. 39 - City Manager - recom~l~ndinG issuance of licences. 0RDE~I~D on the n~otion of Ald. ?~idale and t~Ackner that the report be received, adoZted and filed. RESOLbTI GI,vS The followin~ Resolutions were passed: No. 39 - BU(XER - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that the local Members of t'arliament be asked to attend a meeting vdth the City Council at the earliest possible moment, for the discussion of possible action to be taken to olinthere the hazardous con- dition at the Clifton Hill railway crossing; and the Seal of the Corporation be heNto affixed. Carried No. 40 - t~JG{NER - ~'ffDAIE - RESOLVED that Wartime Housing Limited be asked to proceed with the construction of the first fifty houses, as provided in Resolut- ion No. 33, as soon as possible; and to make plans to proceed vith the second fifty houses as soon as possible this summer; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 41 - McEINIA~Y - MILLER - RESOLVED that the City E-~nager he instructed to for- ward a massage to the family of the late Willisas Ford, expressing the sympathy qf the City Council and citizens ~f Niagara Fells upon the death of this former em- ployee of the Corporation; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried The following By-law was l~ssed: ~No. 3783 - To provide for permission to The Bell Telephone Company of Canada to replace one pole and anchor thirty feet east of its present locatio~ on Ellis Street, in the City of Niagara Falls. 0RDEED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Miller that Ald. Scott be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time- Carried. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Buckner and IMidale that Rule 36 (21 of the Standing Rules cf Ccnncil be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read a second time - Carried. 3rd reading -Ald. Scott and Miller. The CounCil adjourned on the motion of AId. Tv&dale and McFdxfLey. READ ANDADOPTED, February 25, 1946. Clerk Mayor FINAidE ~.TiNG Counci 1 Chambe r, February 18, 1948. The Finance Committee met on Monday, February 18, 1946, fQr the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts witch had been properly cer- tified and placed before them. All members of the Committee ,,with the exception of Aid. 0liver, were present. Sundry accounts, amounting to $4,519.05, were approved by the Committee. The accounts submitted, b~eing passed Or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of ~ld. Scott and Frank. The report of the City Manager, as laid over f~om the 1revious meeting, and with reference to the uCfer of Joe. Sesch for Lot 24 at the corner of Robin- son Street and h~chanan Avenue, was presented. The report of the Property Comait- tee was also submitted. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and mclttnley that the report be received and laid on the table until further information is received as to how ~ar. Beach is to move the house to the property, and the sugges- tion be made that he use the route through the residential rather than the busin- ess areas. A eomnunieation from Euguene Pattui, xegarding the building of houses, as laid ever from the previous meetihg, was presented. Upon the recommendation of the l~ol~rty CornmittS,. an~ on ,the motion Of Ald. McKinley and ~eank the c0~aun- ication was received and filed, and the necessary action be tak~. an offer from Yc~eph Gauthier, to purchase part of Lots 3V, 36, Huron Street, as laid over from the previous meeting, v:as presented. Upon the reco~,~aend- ation of the Property Connmtttee, and on the motion of ~kld. q3.'.idale and Scott it was ordered that the offer of ,150.00 be received and accepted, subject toque I~ovision that a dr:oiling of at least .$4,500.00 value be erected on the prenuises ~thin a pe=*iod of six months. A eom~lmnication was presented from Mr. YoG.Collins, regardinS the Cod- di~Zton property. Upon the reco~aendation of the Property Conradtree, and on the motion of Ald. Frank and T~idale, it was ordered that the com'aunication be rec- eived and filed. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship I,~or InOlis and Ald. Scott that the City Manager be instructed to co~l~nicate v.~th Mr. F.H.Leslie to ascer- tain at what price he would be willing to sell the property at the northv.lest cor- ner of Stanley Avenue and Liorrison Street. A comnnnication vms presented from Messrs. Lkrtin and Calvert, on behalf of Mr. F.S.Hunt, asking for an option on part of Lots 1, 2, Block I, Huron Street. Upon the reconmendatian of the Property Committee and on the motion of His Wetshie Mayor Inglis and Ald. Scott it was ordered that the offer be received ~d the fir~,~ be advised the City is prepared to grant an option for sixty days for the sum of $100.00 and will sell the property at $850.00, subject to the condition that a building of at least $14,000.00 value is erected t!mroon vdthin a period of six Rlonth S, An offer was Iresm~ted from Ruth Levasseur for the purchase of Lot 959, Lornc Street, for the sum of $50.00. Upon the reconunendation of the Property Com- mittee and on the motion of Aid. T~ridale and Frank it was ordered that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the condition that a dwelling of at least $3,500.00 value be erected on the premises within a period of six months. An offer was presented from Dominic A~mcuso of $75.00 for the purchase of Lot 803, Stanley Avenue. Upon the recommendation of the Property Cox~nittee and on the motion of Aid. McKinley and B~ckner it was ordered that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the provision that a building of at least $4,000.~0 value is erected on the premises vdthin a period of six months. A commmnication was presented from W. Fehr requesting prices on lots on Stanley Avenue and Robotto Street. Upon the recommendation of the Property Com- mittee and on the motion of A/d. Twidale and Scott, it was o= dered that the com- munication be received and filed, and Mr. Fehr be advised the City will sell either Lots 801 and 80B, Stanley Avenue or Lots 280 and ~81, McRae Street, for the sum of $400.00, subject to the provision that a dwellinG of at least ~4,000.00 value is erected on the premises ~tthin a period of six months. The report of the Property Committee, on the above matters, was pres- ented- It was ordered on the motion of Ald. ~hvidale and Scott that the report be received and filed. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Twirlale and McKinley. READ AND ADOPTED, February 25, 19~6. + Ole rk ,COUNCIL I~E~ING Cou:_cil Chamber, February 18, 1946 The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Fin- ance rl~stin6s for the purpose of passing the :rDney by-lm': which covered the ac- counts apFoved by the Comnittee. All m~bers of the Ccuncil, v~th the exception of Ald. 0liver, were present. BY- LIW The follo~,~lng By-law v.us passed: No. 3784 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. 0fOERED on the motion of Ald. T~rldale and Scott that told. Liiller be given the privilege aC introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first ti~.e- Carried. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and McKirley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be tempoarily suhpended and the by-lay: be read a second ~irae - Carried. 3rd reading -Ald. ~idale and Frank - Carried. The Council adjcurned on the motion of Ald. Scott and Miller. READ A~D ADOPTED, February 25, 1946. Clerk Mayor C011~ERENOE Oouncil Ch~nber, February 18, 1946, At the close of the regular Council and Finance meetings, the Conference Coramittee assembled for the purpcse of discussing matters presented to them. All members of-the Committee, with the exception of Ald. 0liver, were present. After discsussion upon the matters presented to them, the Committee ad- Jot~rned on the motio, n of Aid. Scott hod Franks. EEAD ~tqD ADOPf"~, February 25, 1946. Clerk BPECI:'i ~IEETING Council Chamber, February 22, 1946. A special meeting of the City Council was held on Friday, February 22, 1946, at 1.30 p.m. ~L1 meanhers Of the Council, with the exception of :~ld. 0liver, were present. The meeting vms Called for the consideration of the prelininary budget for the current year. On the motion of Aid. Frank and T~'~[dale, the Council adjourned to consider the Bud- get during the finance meeting. READ A~'~D aDOPTED, February 25, 1946. Clerk Mayor FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, February 22, 1946. The Finance Committee assembled at the close of the special Council meeting on Friday, Febauary '22, 1946, for the purpose of considering the budget estin~tes for the year 1946. ~ members of the Committee, with the exception of Ald. 0liver, were present. 1946, taken: Ald. F.J.Miller, Chairman of Finance, presented the draft budget for Consideration was given to the individual items and the following action 0~DEE that the following slaries be set: W.S. 0rr, $4,475.00; M.E. Robinson, $1,800.00; W.SoUlsby, $3,000.00; C.Ratben, $3,000.00; y.J.Harriman, $3,000.00; and V.Leslie, $1,750.00. It was ordered on the motion of~.ld. ~dale and McKinley that Muude J. Henderson be paid $1,875.00. ~ It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Frank that P.O.Thom~s be paid at the rate of $1,944.00 plus $75.00. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor I~glis and Aid. Franks that Charles Harris be paid at the late of $1,824.00. ~ was 'ordered on the motion of Aid. Twidale and McKinley that B. Til- ton be paid at the rate Of ~1,620.00 plus $75.00. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. I:~Kinley and ~'a:i that H. Dickson be paid ~b the rate of ~2,250.00 plus ~VS.00. It w~ ordered on the motion of His ?,~orship 7.1ayor IDalie and ~dd. ~k~ank that Margaret Mallerr be paid at the mrs of $1,620.00. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. McKixley and Fzn~i that Ressie G~nt be paid at the rate of -~1,368.00. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship X,i~or Ir~lis and Xld. McKin- ley that Ianet Mathieson be paid at the rate of :$1,250.00. It was ordered on the moti on of His Worship Xjayor Inglis and ~dd. McKin- ley that Jean Hat per be paid at the rate of $1,200.00. It :':as ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor injlis and i..ld. Frank that an additional clerk to be employed be paid at the rate of ~1,620.C0. It was ordered cn the motion of lld. Frank and %,idale that the assist- ant to the Assessor to be hired be paid at the rate of ~2,400,00. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship I;~or I~lis and Ald. McKin- ley that the amount of :~1,125.00 as the increases due the me.,nhers of ~e Department be adjusted and approved. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Mc!Ci~ey and T~vidale that ount for contingent salaries be set at $600.00. It v;as ordered on the motion of Itis Worship Ms~vor Inglis and ~'~!d. Fran~: that the appropriation for the City Solicitor be set at ;~1,800.00. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor II~lis and :rid. Frank that the Auditor be paid at the rate of ~$2,000.00. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship ~..Tayor Inglis and Ald. l~cKin- ley that Charles Hick~ he l~uid at the rate of $1,875.00. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Fruli and Ruck~sr that the maxilatmx fo~ the position now held by J.R.McBridge be set at '$2,000.00, and the City Clerk to make a report thereon. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Buckner and Frark that an ~nount of $400.00 each is to be included in the Budget for the 5ounty Judge, the Magistrate and His Worship the. M~Vor, as members of the Board of Police Co~Idssioners. It was ordered on elfice rs, included on Page Handwick and the Secretary, arfflum~ the motion of Aid. Buckher and Frdnk that all police 22 of the Badger, vith the e~z.;eption of So Welch, Harold Dickson, be given an increase of $75.00 per It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Buckher and ~vtdale that the pol- ice officers listed on Page 23 of the Budget be given the maxima as listed. It was ordered on the n~tion of Aid. Bucknor and Frank that Fire Chief Shapton be paid at the rate of $2,800.00. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Tvddale and Frank that the salary for William Dldemns be left as.is for the time being-, and the Fire C~def be asked to bring in a report upon the matter. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Backnet and Frar~ that the three FJ~e Department lieutenants and the firemen on Page 23 he paid at the rates rec- ommended, plus an increase ~f $75.00,per annum for each individual. It was ordered an the motion of His Worship M~vor lnglis and Ald. Frm~k that Fireman Thomas and G!~aham be.pa, d at the ra.tes recommended, plus an increase of $75.00 per annum. It was ordered on the rotion of Ald. Frank and McKiltley that the sslary for Y~aes McGuire be set at ~1,200.00', b~t it was agreed that this should be left in abeyance unti i after the meeting with the Fire Chief. It was ordered m the motion of Ald. Frank and Bucknor that Mark Hanna be paid at the rate of ~,620.00, plus $75.00 per annum. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Frank that A. Robinson be paid at the rate of $75.00 per annum. It was ordered on the rotion of ~[ld. McKinley ard Backnor that the ap, prepriation for the bunker man be set at $2,700.00. It vFas ordered on the motion of ~d. Bucknor and. Frank that the approp- riation.for contingencies be set at $300.00. It was ordered on the raotion of Ald. McKinley and Frark that $100.00 be set up for Inspection and Fire prevention in the Fi~ Department budget. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Frank that the matter 'of additional men for the fire Department be left in abeyance Until the meeting on February 25th. It was ordered on ~he motion of P~ld. ~cKinley and ~ckner t.hat the rate of payment for volunteers ef the Fire Departsdent be left in abeyance until the meeting of February 25th. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. ~ldale and Frank that the rats for Stanley Sills be set at $~,300.00 'plus $75.00 per annum. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. ~Kinley and Frank that the rate for George Downlng be set at $2, 052.00 plus $75.00 per annum. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Inglis and ~ld. dale that the rate for the Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Logan, be set at $2,000. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Inglis and Ald. Frank that the rate for Mrs. B.MacLean be set at $1,944.00 plus $75.00. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. McKinley ~d His Worship Mayor InZ- lis that the rate for Dr. H.H.Hodgson be set at $1,250.00. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Inglis and Ald. Frank that the rate for R.E.Andrews bet set at $2,200.00 plus $75.00. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship ~yor I~nglis and Ald. l~cx~in- ley that the rate for C.E~Stock be set at $2,400.00, plus $75.00. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. ?~ddale and Basknor that the rate for Yune MacPherson be set at $1,080:00. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and Twidale that the rate for G.J.Om~obell be set at $1,344.00. plus $75.00. It was ordered on the motion of' ~. Bucknor and Frank that the rate fo~ G;J.Emery be set-at $2,328.00 plus $75.00. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Frank that the rate for y.A.Nacpherson be set at $2,652.00. (Ald. McKimley voted contrary to this mot- ion. ) It was ord. ered on the motion,of Ald..B~ckner an~ Frank that the~rate for Nancy =ames be ~et at $1,368.00. It was ordered on the motion of kid. ~vid~le ~ml F~nk that the r~to fcr George Bell be set at '~1,752.00 plus ..~75.00. It was ordered on the motion of =~!d. ],ic]~i'ley ~nd Frank t!:at the rate for E./.Farcbrothcr be set at ~j2,280.00 ?lus ~75.00. It was ordered on the motion of .l!d. ].icKirley ~d F~u~: tb.=t ~:!: n,te for H.Durli~t be set Qt .3--, 010.00, plus .~75.00. It was ordered on the ::.or!on of ~!d. LieKi>!ey ~,! Fraff< that hi:..= z~!ar- ies for the Filtration ~lamd employees be as set out, plus -S7~.00. It was ordered on the m~tion of ..!~. Fr~l~r -:.d E~.nei' t_.~t the ~.ut,-'s for H.Luur ~md E.St~anGe be as set. cut, plus C~75.00. It was ordered on the motion of ~.ld. Mc!(inley and FIu!:l,z that th5 h~uriy rate schedules be approved a s recoI~,mnded. It :':~s ordered on the dotion of .~d. I.lcKin!ey and !~'~clmcr that S. Ferrc be paid at the rate of a foreu,.an. It was ordered or. tile motion of ~ld. 3uckner and 3~'an]<s that the request of D,CalaXuira be filed. It was ordered on tL, e ::Dtion of .~ld. l~ckne:' ai~ ~'~u.uk that l'j.Y~,!len be paid on an hourly basis, as at present. It was ordered on the motion of ,~ld. i.{cXil~ey ~.1 Frank that the request of the ., oa~a Frills Civic i~:lployeeS' Association, for ~ ~crease of seven cents ~r ho~, be referred to ~e C~ncil ~d the negoti~ting conmittoe. The Committee adjourned cn the rag ties of Ald. Frank and l~cKinl%~ to m~et again at 1.30 p.m. on Saturday, February 23, 1946. Clerk THIRTEEk~H ~,.EETINO SPECIAL L~ETING Counci 1 Chamber, February 23, 1946. A special r~eting of the City Council was held on SaturdaY, February 1946, at 1.50 p.m. All raembers of the Council, vith the exception of ~ld. Oliver ani Scott, v~ere pr~sent. The meeting was called to continue consideration of the treliminary bulget for the current year. On the motion of AId. Frank and ~B~idale, the Council adjourned to consider the Budget during the finance hooting. READ ~bXD ADOFrED, February 25, 1946. Clerk FINANCE ~..F. ETING Council Chamber, February 23, 1946. The Finance Committee assembled at the close ~f the special Council meeting on SatttrdsY, February 23, 1946, for the px~pose of considering the budget estimates for the year 1946. All members of the Committee, with the exception of AId. 0liver and Scott, were present. It was ordered on the motion of AId. McKinley and ~'~ldale that the previous motions for maxima for salaries, as made on February 22rid, be rescinded; and an increase of ST0.00 per annum be made to all salaried employees, and an in- cruse of three cents l~r hoar be rode to employees on an hoarly rate. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and McKinley that the motion of February 2k~ad, regarding exceptions to t~e. $?5.00 per annum increase, be with- drawn. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and Bucknet that the amount of $35,815.00 for salaries for the City Managcr's and City Treasurer's Department be, approved. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McFdaley and Backnet that the sal- ary for the City ~licitOr be set at $1,800.00. It was ord~ed on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Frank that the centin- · gent amount, in ConnectiOn with the Solicitor, be Set at $50.00. It was ordered on the motion of Xld. Fran'..: and T,'.ida!e tha b the itor's Fees be set a~ ~2,000.00. It :'.'as ordered on t,l e menion oF ~dd. FpaM_~ and Z'jida!e thab the' ul?Zl~ol-- fiation for the Court of Revision be set at ,~200.00. It was ordered on the motion of .~ld. Ir.~ida!e and I,:cKi~.ley that the ~n- ount for Printing and Advertisi.~j be set at ~2,500.00. It was ordered c~u the n~otion of i~ld. Frank and T,';idule that ti..~ a:::cunt for Straps be ~1,100.00. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. '~vida!e ~ld ~l'ank ti~at the aiacunt for Maintenance of L.~nicipal h~ildings be ~6,725.0C. It was ordered on tt~e motion of ~ld. T~idale and LicKinley that ount for Electi on ~pense be $1,400.00. It was ordered on the motion of ~kld. if,.~ dale and ~'r~u1 that the to. the Niagara Frontier Humane Sos iety be ~,00.00. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. McKi:~ey and ~l'anh that the grant to the Niagara Falls Horticultural Society be fjS00.00. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. 9'~idale and ~ank tint the gr~nt to the Town Planni~ Co~mission be $25.00. It was ordered on the motion of Ydd. Frank and McI(i'_~ley that the az:lount for M~scellaneous Gl~nts be increased to $70.00, $29.00 to be ~id to each of the Press reporters. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Frank and ~idale that the ~l~ount for Contingent Grants be set at ~150.00. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Frank and ~%jidale that the grant to the Canadian Corps Band be set at $500.00. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. ~idale and Bucknor that the gmnnt to the Greater Niagara Chamber of Co~nerce be set at $1,000.00. It v:as ordered on the motion of Aid. t~lckner and .~JcKialey t!mt the grant to the Canadian Corl~ Association be $194.00. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. l'~cKinley and Frank that the grant to the Salvation AM~y Hostel be r$150.00. It w~S brdered on the motion of ~'~ld. Tvddale and Frank that the grant to the Niagara Falls ~sic Festival Association be ~200.00. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and l~Kinley that the grant to the Local Auxilary Services Conmtttee be ~100.00. It was ordered on the motion of ald. McKinley and Frank that the grant to the Niagara Falls Coalunity Chest Fund be $775.00. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Z'~idale and Fx~ank that the grant to the Nia~ara Fells Health League be $100.00. ' It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and B~ckner taat the gYant to the Niago~a Fells Baseball Association be $100.00. It ~s ordered ~ the motion of ~kld. ~dale and Baclmer.~at the grant to the Stamford B Hockey .Team be ~50.00. It was ordered on the motion of x~ld. ~idale and Frank that no g~nt be made to the Greater Nlagsra P~ost War Planning Comnntttee. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Fr~mk and Tvddale that the approp- riation for Insurance b.e set at ~4,~40~00. It v:as ordered on the motion of idd. T~'~dale and LbKinley that the ap- propriation for Travelling--' Expenses be set at $1,V00.O0. It was ordered on the motion of ~'~ld. ~ackuer and ]~'cKimfhey that the ount for discount on taxes be ~3,500.C0. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. %~'~idale ~u~d Franks that the approp- riation for Contingent and Celebrations be $1,ZO0.CO. It was ordered on the laotion of aid. 1,1cKtmley and Frank that the approl- fiation to the Ij~yor's Contingent Fund be ~500.00. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Z~idale amd McFdnley that the ap- propriation for J,~tual Benefit Assistance be set at $1,200.00. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Fr~k and i;~Ki~ley that the al~prL- riati on for Dog Catching Expense be ~605.00. It v,,as ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and Twidale ,that time approp- riation for Interest on Loans be .~1,400.00. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and McKi~D_ey that the am- ount for car allo~,:unces he ~1,550.00. It v:as ~rdered on ttie motion of Ald. Bucknor and Fra.,k that the appro- priation for ta-~:es on City-ovmed Property be ~$3,300.00. It was ordered on the motion of .'~ld. Frank and TJcFdnley that the appro- priation for Unemployment Insurance be $900.00. It was oalered on the motion of Ald. Buc!~or and T~',ddale that the ap- propriation for Registry 0fflc~. Expense be ~00.00. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. LicKinley and I~ckner that the p~priation for Office Equipment and ~Mpplies be ~2,000.00~ It was ordered on the motion of ald. T~idale ~nd Fra~k that the c~nount for Interest on PretnYments be .~050.00. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. l~icKimley .and Frank that the c~aount for Salaries in the City yard Department b~ ~,900.00. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Tvddale and Bucknor that the euaou:~.t for the Maintenance and operation of the utility truck be $~O.00. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and Twidale that the o~nount for Operation and Maintenance of Asphalt ]llachimry be .$500.00. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. ~T~%ddale and Bucknor that the amount for Hardv~are, etc. be $400.00. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. ~.ddsle and Buckner that the amoun~ 'for Repairs to Buildings, etc. be $1,~00.00. It was ordered on the motion Of Ald. T~'Adale and ~,'IcKinle'y that the ap- propriation for New Equipment be $150.00. It was ordered cn the n~ion of ~Lld. Twidale and Frank that the approp- riation for Repairs to the Roadway be $B50.00. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKix~ley and Frank that the appro- priation for Light and Heat be $450.00. It was order el on the motion o£ 'Aljh Fxunk and Bucknor that the appro- priation for the County .~ate be .$9,100.00. It was ordered on the motion of ~fLd. Tr~_da!e and Fran~-: that the ~mount for Police Salaries be :)~0,952.59. It was ordered on the motion of ~]_d. Lic_;iin!ey amd F~u~c that the a!:oer!t for Unifornns and Equ ipment be .~'3,000.00. It was ordered on the motion of ,~ld. FrapJc and ~k.ner t,~at the bal- ance of the Police Dep-sr~aent ~)adget he ~8i,977.59, plu~ $~00.00. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Z'~idale and F~l.:~.k that the appro- priation for Street Lighting be .~28,200. O0. It was ordered on the motion of ,~ld..LicKinley and Frank that the q!pro- priation for Witness Fees he ~l,O0O.00. It was agreed that the consideration of the Fire Department cstinntes should be laid over until Ii~.onday, February 25th. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. LicKi.n!ey and L~clmer t _at the ap- propriati on for the Electrical Department should be .~12,0o0.00. It was ordered on tlie motion of Ald. Fr~ik and 5;.ridale that t!ie app- ropiration for a Yuvenile Pdnily Cc~rt be ~1,000.00. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Tv.idale and Fnm~k that the apf~lo- priation for the Maihtenance of Public works be $94,450.00. It urns ordered on the motion of Ald. T. viiale 'rind Frm~k that the appro- priati'on for the extension of Huron, Home~'~ood and ~ralleF. vay, be ~,500.00. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Fznnk that the app- ropriation for Street Oiling and Sidewalk Levies be ~4,746.03. It was ordered on the moti on of Ald. F~nk and ~k'ddale that the approp- riation for the Engineering Department be $10,300.00. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Twidale and McKimley that the an- propriation for Suburban Roads be $1,500.00. ' It was ordered on the motion of Ald. T, vidale and Frank that the appro- priation for Health and Sanitation be $9,369.00. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Frenk that the approp- riation for Garbage and Ash Adepartment be $45,395.00. It was ordered on the motion of aid. Buckner and F~a~ that the appro- priation for Sewer Maintenance be ~ll,V00.00. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Frask that the ap- propriation for Relief Administration be $4,5?5.00. It was ordered cn the motion of Ald. I~lcKinley and T~idale that the ap-. propriatlon for the Care of Indigents be ~37,903.81. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. },icKinley and Frank that the ap- Propriation for the Chlldren's Aid Society be $6,000.00; the Secretary to the Loc- Pensions Board be $100.00; and the Pension Board Members be $300.00. It was ordered m the motion of Ald. Bucknet and T~dale ttmt the dri- ver of a car to Children's Aid Society meetings be allo~d ~2.00 per meeting. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and ti~c~ner that the ap- propriation for Market and RAildirgs be $1,669.00. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. BuckMr and Frank that 'the appro- priation for the Parks Depart~.nt be $8.995.00. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. I,IcKinley and Frank that the appro- priation for the Althletie Fields be $5,615.00, and ~xe amount for the Glenview playground be increased by ~200.00. It was ordered on the motion of Md. Frank and ~,dilale that the appro- priation for the Swimre:inS Pool be $8,085.00. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. }.~cKinley and Frank that the ap- propriation for the Tllumination of the Falls be $1,0b0.00. Tb was ordered on the :notion of Ald. Mucknor and Frank that the appro- priation for the Cemetery Department be $2~,450.00. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and T~idale that the ap- propriation for the Administration of Office of the hater Delnrtment be :~6,810.0~. Tt v:as ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and Bucknor that the appro- priation for the Filtration Plant be .~1,090.00. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Tv&dale and Buck nor that the appr- priation for Maintenance and Construction of the Water Depar~aent be ~22,~0.00. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Bucknor and Frank that the Debt Charges appropriation be :$~0,464.00 plus It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and McKinley that the appro- priation for the Niagara Falls Public Library Board be ~,6?0.00. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and ~,~idale that the appro- priation for Public Schools be $195,985.2~. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Bucknor and Frank that the appro- priation for Vocationel Schools be $98,5~8.?1. It ~ms ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and ~.tdale that the ap- propriation for the Collegiate be $V4,4~.~4. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and Bucknor that the appro- priation for Separate Schools be $15,07B.09. It was ordered on the taction of Aid. Frank and Bucknor that the appro- priation for Debt Charges be $205,293.79. It was ordered on .the motion of Aid. T~idale and B~ckner that the Chair- man of Finance, in 1Tesenting the Budget, give a sumnmry of expenditures and rev- enues so the publie will understand the way in v~ich the rate is arrived at; and also, that it be shown how the G~nt for- education isused. The Committee adjourned on the motion .of Ald. Frank and McKinley. ,READ AND ADOPTED, March 4, 1946. FCURTEZiIZ! ],ZJETIU:G Counci 1 Chcu:ber, Febru~aw 25 h!46. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.~0 I.m. on '..ion.lay, Feb- mary 25, 1946, for the purpose of considerinS Sonora! business and fincame. m~nbers of the Council, v.d th the excel:tien of His V.brship ;.[ayor Inllis, ent. In the absence of His Vjorship, ~dd. Scott was Enacting 1.4=or and the foi- lo~xlnG resolution was presented: RJ~SOLUT/0N No. 42 - ~licKII~//~y - FP~%~\~( - RESOLVED that the action of lids '.'orship Lhyor Irg!is, in a'~.~ointing Alderman A.i'l. Sc~t as Enacting; Y.D ~or -- ~ on February 25th and 26th, dur- ing the abs~ce of His Vlorship due to illness, be ~d is hereby approved; and the Seal ~ the Corporation be hereto ~fixed. Carried ~ I~JT ES The Cobu~cil, having received and read the Ininutes of the p~cvious red- ul&r meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Tvddale and DEPUT~Yl 0HS In connection ~ith Communicati one No. 86 and 88, and on the ::Dtion of Ald. Miller and idcKinley, Mr. I,~mvell K. Vjeaver was heard. l.lr. lieaver sxp!a~ned that it w~s his desire to o~rate a bus service fx~m Cryst~ B~ch to Hia~a~a Falls, and asked that ~he Council Give him a letter statinZ the service is neces- sary. 0n the motion of Aid. Mc~nley and Ijiller, Mr. Farebrother of the Canada Coach Lines, was hoard. I.ir. Faa~brother advised that his Com~ny was makin~ ap- plication f or pcrmis si on to o~er ate ani milar servic c, and ~s ke d that the C~nci! endorse his application in view of the fact t~at he felt his Coml~ny was 'a local one, and employed all load employees. SEE Co~munications I'!o. 8G~88 At the request of the City Council, ~.Tr. C.D.H~niv~ell, IJ.L .... , was yesent to discuss the matt~r of action to eliminate t~ level aiDssinC at Clif- ~n !~ll. It w~s order~.d on the motion of ~d. Miller ~d L~cKirley that ~,. Mwell be be~d. Mr. Hmmniwelr c>io!~ined that tlmrc w~s little the ~vincial Govermf. ent could do in this connection and s~Egcsted that prinl~ an i:nprovemcnt of the sitnation might ~ nnde by the inst~lation of c~ssing Sates and the l~- ation of a.watchm~ at the crysing. ~e l~al ma:~r stated he v.tuld be f~ad to ~m~e a meti~ for the Council vdth the I~Rnister of tiiJnvays, if it were felt this would be a~isable ~d e~edient. SEE Communications No. 92~3~4 CO]a,TU'NIC ;~I O?CS Laid over from previous roerings: No. 86 - Mareyell K. Weaver - requestinC endorsation of bus service fi~m Crystal Beach to Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. 0liver o~d r.[iller that the communication be received and filed, and a letter be issued to the effect that the Council is of the opinion that a bus service bet~.~en these two points is nec- essary would would be benefici.al to the residents in the area. SEE Communi~_a.tion No. 88 No. 48 - Kenneth H. Wisby - requesting permission to broadcast council meetings. 0RDERk~) on the motion of .lid. Franks and 1,1cKinley that the commaunication be red- eived and laid on the table uatil such time as Mr. Wisby has received a license for a broadcasting station in Niagara Falls. A prior motion was nmde by ald. 0liver and t]iller that the communication be received and the nntter be discussed with Mr. Wisby in conference to ascertain details in cormserich with his plan. This motio~ was lost. SEE Conm~nication No. 89 No. 6~ - Railway Association of Canada - re dates for daylight saving timno. 0RD-- ERED on the motion of Ald. F~snk and Dack~r that the conmuniq ation be received and laid on the table for tv,D weeks. SEE Conmunic~tion Lb. 90 The fellerring Coar~aunications were presented: No. 88 - Canada Coach Lines, Limited - requesting endcreation of application for permission to opera te bus service. 0RDEre on the motion of fa.d. Oliver and ler that the connnunication be received and filed, and the Comlnny be given a let- ter stating the Council is of the opinion that a bus service between the two points is necessary and would be beneficial to the residents of the area. An am- endment by Aid. I~:cKinley m~d Bucknor, that the application of the Company be end- orsed by this Council, was lost. No. 89 - Kenneth H. Wisby - further ixffor~sation re broadcasting. ORDERED on the motion of ild. Frank and LbKinley that the comnnanication be received and laid on the table until suci~ time as TA'. Wisby has received a license for a broadcasting station in Niagara Falls. A prior motion was made by Ald. 0liver and Miller that the co~nanlcati on be received and the matter be discussed with Mr. Wisby in con- ference to ascertain details in connection vAth the~ ~atter; bat this motion defeat ed. No. 90 - Railway A~sociation of Canada - further information re daylight saving · time. ORD~ED on the motion of Aid. Frank and Bucknet that the communication be received and laid on the table for two weeks. No. 91 - Niagara Parks Conmission - re meeting to discuss proposed agreement. 0R- DERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and ~vidale that the comnunication be received and filed, and the meeting be arranged for Council ~th the con~aittee of the Com- missions. No. 9B- Beard of Transport Commissioners for Canada No. 93 - Honearable N~. HuSphrey Nitchell - 'acknowledging conm~unication re Clif- ton Hill erossing. No. 94 - Hencurable ]Jr. Humphrey Mitchell - re meeting tD discuss above matter. (RD]~qED on the motion of Ald. Tv&dale and McKinley( that the conmnications be rec- eived and laid on the table. SEE Resolution N~. 43 No. 195- Honearable Vdnister of l~blic Welfare -acknowledging resolution re un- employment. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Bucknor and Frank that the co.~mnicat- ion be received and filed, an4 th~ Federal Government be advised it is the opinion of this Council that the unemployment situation, the care c~ it, and its solution, is their responsibility, and not that or. the Provincial or municipal authorities. No. 96 - Kinette Club of NiaBara Falls - requesting permission for tag day. OB)- ERED on the motion of Ald. ~vidale and' Oliver that the .esmaunieation be received and filed, and the permission be granted. No. 9V - Welland C~nty M~nlcipal Association - re convention, March let. 0~ER/TD on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Bucknet that the oo~mnication be received and filed, tee invitation be acsel~ed, and as many of the statutory officials and mem- bers of the City Council attend, as found convenient. No. 98 - City Clerk. St. Tho~ms - enclosing copy of by-~aw ~e ~moke nuisances. ORDERED on the motioA of Ald. Oliver and Frank that the co~mAnication be received and lead on ~he ~le, and copies. ofithe St. Tho~mas by-law, and the by-law now. in force in this City, be forwarded to members of the Council. No. 99 -Ncw york Central System - onelosinS ugi~e.uents re uttacluunts cn poles. ORDERED on the motion of _'lid. McKixley and Fran!~ tMt the ~na:mmication be rec- eiv~ and filed, a~ the ag~C, ents ~ entered into. R~LOOR TS The followiRZ Reports :':ere i~'esen_ted: No. 40 - City Liax~Gor - re confrerenee held on February 18th. 0RD~RZD on ~:e :.~ct- ion of Ald. q~,~idale and Frank that the report be received cmd filed. No. 41- City TiTansget - re meeting :':ith hiad~'a Falls Civic Bi~ployees' ~ssociat- ion. 0RDK~EUD on the ;Dtion of ~kld. IllcKinley and F~-a~fii that the report be rec- eived and filed. No. ,t~ - City },~nager - re survey of police cells by I~pector of Prisons. O~=D- ERED on the motion of ~kld. Frank and ~.:idale ti~t the report bc received ~d filed. No. 43 - City Manager - recommending issuance of licenses. 0!D~]RD on the notion of Ald. ~h,.idale and Frank that the report be received-and filed, and tile recom- mer~ation be adopted. No. 44 - City },hnager - re invitation of Junior Chinher of Co::~nerce. 0I~DE~]DD on the motion of Ald. Miller and Bucknet that the ~port be mucei~,e d ~d filed. SEE Resolution No. 44 The fol!ovirg Resolutions were passed: No. 43 - BUCI(lqER - FRAI',~( - .~SOLVh~D that the appreciation of this Council be ext- ended to Mr. C.D.Hanniwell, M.L.A., for his attendance at this meeting, that the Council or a coan~,ittee of Csu~cil meet the federal member for this riding for the discussion of the nmtter of the Clifton Hill crossing; after which I¢~. Itanni~ell be asked to arrange a meeting for Council vith the Provincial Mixister of Hi~x- ways; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. · Carrio d No. 44 - MIIZER - BUCKNER - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the Cit/ Council be scheduled to be held at 5.00 p.m. on I~onday, March 4, 1946; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 45 - T, TIDAIE - McEINLEY - RESOLVED that the City Manager be instructed to for- ward a message, exIl'e ssing the sympathy of the City Council and citizens of Niag- · era Falls to the family of the late Mrs. Dominic Compisano, in their recant ber- eavement; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Cos. tied No. 46 - ~,{ILLER - BUCKNER - RESOLVED that the City Manager be instructed to for' ward a message to the family of the late Mms. Ye~.~s Hatt, e~q~essing the sympath[ of the City Council and citizens of Niagara Fells upon the loss they have sus- tained; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried" No. 47 - BU(I{NER - MILTF. R - RESOLVED that the City T,~anager be inetrac ted to for- ward a message to the family of the late Mr. Benjamin Cook, expressing the sym- pathy of the City Council and citizens of Niagara Falls upon the death of this esteemed citizen uf Niagara Falls;. and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto af- fixed. Car rio d BY-IA WS The folioring By-laws vlere passed: No. 3785 - To authoM ze the execution and delivery of an Agreer~nt ~;ith the york C~tral R~lr~d Com~ny, and an Ag~ent vdth The Uestern Union Telegraph Cor%oany. It w~s ordered cn the motion of Xd. [~..lalc and C!ive r that i~d. Fj. nley be jiv~ the privilege ~ int~duci~ the by-law, and ~e by-lav~ be reai first tin~ - C~ricd. 0iDERED on the motion cf ~l,l. Olivcr ~nd Miller t!ut ~let 36 (2) or ~xc St~ndi~ ~ler: of Council be ta~por~'ity suslncnded ~d the by-hw be tea d second time - C~ricd. 3rd roa&inJ - ~uld. ~ck~r and Trddale - Carried. He. 3786 - To autkorizc the exocution of un ~igrcement for Sale and Deed. 01DERkD on tile motion of i.ld. TecKinley and Cliver that ~].d. Lliller be given, ~jle privilege of introducing the ~-lav:, and the by-lau' be.road a first time- Carried. It x'~as then o~dered ~n the motion of ,'rid. ?.'~idale and Bac.M~er that Rult 36 (2) of the Standing Rules or Council be temporally suspended ~d the by-law be read a second tme- Carried. 5rd rOadinS -Ald. Flurile and IJcFdnley - Carried. No. 3787 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. It was ot. dered on the motion of Ald. 0liver and ~jcFdnley that Ald. let be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Oartied. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Bucknor and 0liver that Rulq 56 (2) of the Standings Rules of Cotmoil be temporarily suspended and the by-lay,~ read a second time - Carried. 3rd reading -Ald. Twigale and Frank - Carried. Np.. 3788 - To authorize tt~s execution of an ~'~Sreement for Sale and Deed. OTDERE~) on the motion of Ald. Oliver ~d ~xckner ~at ald. liiller given the priv$1ege of introduci~ the, by-laW, ~d ~e by-law be r~d a first time- Carried. It was then ordered on the n~tion of ~'dd. HcKixl~ ~d ~kner ~.at Ru],~ 36 (2~ of the Zt~dix~ R~es of Council be temporarily suspended ~d ~e by-h~ be r~d a second tix~ - Carried. 3rd reading - ~d. FraDk ~d ~'4dale - Carried. No. 3V89 - ~o authorize the exertion of an ~ement for S~e ~d ~e.i. 0~h~ED on the motion of ~d. Tv~dale and McI~iey that ~d. I~ller given the privilege of int~du~ing the ~p~w, ~d the by-law be ~ad a,first t~e- C~ed. It was then ordered on the motion of ~d. Frat ~d ~ckner that Rule 38 (2) & the St~d~g Rules ~ Council be temporarily s~i~nded and ~e' by-l~vi ~ given the second re.dinS - C~i~d.. 3rd rea~ng- A~. Fr~ ~d McKinley - Carried. ' ]II SCi-IL d~;C US A motion '.'!as l~rcsented by ..ld. Frank and ~le]z:n,=r ~1~ council meetit~s ~ Fep~ed as of F~'iday noon, that it bs ;'.=fi!ed l~ C{~tn-- oil so it v, ot~d be in their hands on Satnrday mornthE %r con~ilcratio~ ]r! cr to the ~:'se tins on }.ion'lay; tkt a brief nl:urary of the conb~ts of each also forvz~rded for the information of Council; that no itc:ns be inc!ule~ ~n ti_e agenda subnequent to Fri.lay a6tcrnoon, ezcept in urgent eases, ut tl:ich [i:ate the decision as to v, hether or not the ::Liter shonld be included r,~uid be ut L!., dis- ererich of tlxe City Ma!~jer. This motion xc~s d~fu~te l '.h~n ~:ut to a veto. The Council ~,ij uurned on ~e :':ction of .j~. Z':ii~!e and =ucla;~P. R'~D ~_~D AEO!"21CD, Lf~rch 4, 19.t6. Clerk Enacting .Li. cr Counci 1 Chin he r, February 25, !9.16. Tim Finance Co.~;mlttec n~t on L:oniay, FGbruary Z':, 1946, for the of api. rovi~lS ~d ~so of Ins sing the vario~ accounts viioh had ~en propr!y tilled and placed before tM;a. ~1 mcnhu~s of the Co:m;ittec, vdth the cx~ption of His Worship l~ayor In6lis, were p~sent. ~undm~ accounts were approved by the Conm~ttee, ~aounting to i)54,781.57. The accounts subnlitted, bein~ passed or othervise dealt v.,it]!, i'~- oPd- ered placed in the mon. sy by-law for presentation to the Council, on the :.lotion of Aid. Scot.t, and ~'~idale. A co~au~lication was resented from Iir. Eugene Pattui vith record to ~xe buildi~ ~ houses on I~n Street. Upon the ~coxm~tendation of the Pro~rty Com- ettee and on the motion of nld. 0liver ~d Frai it wus ox~ered that the conmmun- ication be received and filed, ~d the Solicitor ~ co~mnicated vAth in this reg- ard. A communication was I~essnted from Mrs. F.H.C.Yorauld, regarding the purchase of Lot 22, Plan 8, Leader Le~e. Upon the reconm~ndation of the Prol~rty Committee and on the motion of Ald. 0liver and Fran]~ it w~s ordered that the com- munication be received and filed, and the lot be sold for the sum of ~00.00. A communication was presented from Victor Hurley, l~questing a price for 1356 Menzie Street. Upon the xeconmendation of tile Property Comn~ttee, and on the motion of y~ld. Fre~nk and 0liver it was ordered that the colmmnication be received and filed, and tgc. iturley be advised ~e sole price of the house v!ill ,be '92,800.00 with a down payment of twenty-five per cant of lae purchase price and the balance at the rate of ~0.00 per month. An offer was presented item Emrys '~iebb to purchase Lot 51, Plan Huron Street for $50.00. Upon the recomnDndation of the property Coxmnittee and on the motion of Ald. Frank and Bucknet it was ordered that the offer be accepted, subject to the condition that a dr.oiling of at least ~4,000.00 value is erected on the premises vdthin a period of six months. An offer was presented from Hazel E. TenBroeck to purchase I.ot 48, Nel- son Crescent end Lot 37, McGlashan Crescent, for the stun o~ $1C0.00. Upoh the recommendation of the property Conunittee, and on the motion of Ald. Tvidale and Frank it was ordered that the offer be received and laid on the table for one v~eck to permit the Conunittee to inspect the premises. An offer was presented from Mr. y.W.Norkett to purchase Lot 21, Plan Cedar Street for the sum of $50.00. Upon the recoxmnendation of the property Com- mittee and on the motion of Aid. Bucknor and ~h-amk it v~"as ordered that the offer be received and accepted, s~bject to the provision ~hat a dv.~lling of at least $4,000.00 v~lue be erected on the premises vdthin a period of six months. The application of yes. Bosch for a moving pe~l~it to move a dr~lli~ from the corner of tlunter Street and Victoria Avenue to Lot 24, Robinson Street, vas presented. Upon the recommendation c~ the property Committee and on the mot- ion of A.ld. Scott and Frank it Was ordered that the permit be is sugd for the route as considered satisfactory; and the lot sold to }~r. Bosch for the assessed value. The report of the Property Committee on the above matters was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and F~nk that the report be received and fi led. Ald. l[,tller made the suggestion that members of Ccuncil should be paid for their attendance at con~aittee meetings with other boards and organizations, at the same rate at which they receive remuneration for rean~lar council roe rings. It was suggested that this matter be taken up vAth the Solicitor, to see if the Municipal Act v~uld pe~ait such payment. The Conm~tttee adjourned on the mation of Ald. ~vidale and Frank. AND ADOPIED, l~arch 4, 19~6. Clerk Counci 1 Cha!,!hcr, February 2!% ii'46. The Council asserabled as a Conn:littee of tile Lho!s for the consk !ernti,r,n of totters presented to them. .j[1 marebets of the CoIz.ittee, :,~ith the of His i,'orship I.hyor I~lSlis, :.:ere yesent. The Cornmitts gave conside,'ation to the t:',c i',r~posed by-la~.':s, re.;arding traffic and throu~ hi6!n..,ays in the City of !'~iagara Falls. After discussion, it v:as ordered on the motion of 21d. ?.'~idalc ~d Fr~'_qcs that the Corm~.ittee adj cu~,n to Coahcil. P~lU ~k!iD A_vDt;TED, Msrch 4, 1946. Clerk COUI~IL ~$ETIIG Council Ch~ker, February 25, 1946. The Council re-assembled at the close of the reXular Council and fin- ance meetings, and the Committee of the V~qole, for the purpose of Inssing the money by-law which covered the accounts appreved by the Co~mittee. ~ll members of the Council, vith the exception of His :',~orship T[~/or InSlie, ~'~ere present. Ald. A.W.Scott was enacting nnyor din-inS the nDetinS. The follovdng By-laws v, ere given a first readi~: No. 379_00 - A By-law for the regulation of traffic. 01DFRED on the motion of Aid. Miller and Frauk that f~l. 0liver be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the. by-law be read a first tim - Carried. ~ae by-law was then laid on the table until after the l~eting v~[th var- ious interested bodies for. discussion of ~raffic conditi~xs in the area at the Ratnbow Bridge. No'_~. 3791 - A By-law designating Through Highways. OIt0ERED on the motion of Ald. 'l~vidale and ~clttnley that kid. Bucknet be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read a f~t time - Carried. The By-law was then laid on the table until after the meeting with var- ious interested bodies for the discussion of treffie conditions in the area at the rai nbow Bri dge. The following By-law was passed: No..5792 - To Grant Monies for General purposes. ORDERED on the mot ion of Ald. McKinley and T~dale that kid. Miller be given the privilege of lnt~oducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time- Carried. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and Bucknet that Rale 56 (9-1 of the Standing Rules of COuncil be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read a second time - Carried. 5rd reading -Ald. Twidale and Fl~nk. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. F~nk and Twidale. READ Ali) ADOP~ED, March 4, 1946. Clerk ~-v~cting Mayor Council 0b_mmber, February 9-0, 1946. The Finance Committee re-assembled at the close of the COAucil meeting for the purpose c~ givi~ consideration to the prelimina~ budget for the year 1946. All members of the Committee, with the exceptiOn of His W~shtp Mayor InS- lis, were present. Fire Chief 8hapton was presen~$~ and explained to the 0ommittee various - irons in oonneeti on with the Fil'e' Department estimates. At was then ordered on the motion of Ald..McKinley and Fxenk that the Fate of salary for the assistant fire chief be set at $756.00. It was ordered eel the motion of' Ald. Bucknor and l~enk that the salary rate for Ian~s M~Cuixe be $17-00.00. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. FEenk and BuckneT that p~ovisiOu be made for the addition of nine me, lneludi~g Hanna, for a sixth-hour week, plus two extra men for ~xty, whish would emmant to $~088.00 above the budget as submitted. It was o~dered on the motion of Aid. MoEinle~ and Blakne= that the volunteer .rote be set.a~ $1.00 per hour. It was ordered on the motion of kid. Frank and ~cKixiey that the appro- priation for Licmces be ~9,9-2D.00. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and Backnet that the estim- ated revenue from ~tscellaneous sources be set at. $53,460.01. It was erdared on the motion of Ald. Buckher sad Frank that the estim- ated revenue from the Police Court be set at ~,0D0.00. It was ordered on the motion of kid. McKinley and Twidale that the est- imated revenue from P~otection of Persons and Property be ~P/,789-.00. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Buckner and Frank that the estim- ated revenus from Plumbing Permits be set at $400.00. It was ordered on the motion Of kid. Frank and Backner that the revenue fl~m Highways, be set at $2,880.00. It was ordered on the motion of kid. ~.ddale and ~cKinley that the rev- enue from ParIra and Recreation be set at $1,400.00. It wea ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and Bucknor that the estim- ated revenue from Relief contributions from the Government be set at ~n,581.91. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Scott that the estim- ated revenue from Education be set at $164,611.~. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Twidale sad 0liver that the estim- ated revenue from the Cemetery Detmrtment be set at $8,000.00. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Buckner and mckinley that the est- irated revenu~ from the Water Department be set at ~1~1,400.00. It was ordered on the motion of kid. Frank and McKinley that the estim- ated revenue on account of General Debt Cherges be shown as $64,4~8.9B. It was ordered on the motion of kid. McKinley and Buekner that the fig- ule for totsl tamtim be set at $731,967.83. It was ordered on the motion of kid. 0liver and Scott that the Chair- man of Finonce be emptysteal to stri~ a mill rate of 56.5 mills, if necessary, to balance the preliminary bndget for 1946. T~ Committee adJoarned on the motion of Ald. Frank and Scott.. READ AND ADORED, March 4, 1946. Clerk · FIF~ MEETING Oounci 1 Chamber, February 28, 1946. A special meeting of the City Council was held on 'ihursday, February 28, 19~6, at 5.00 p.m. All members of the Council, with the e~ception of ald. 0liver and Scott, were present. The meeting was called to give further consider- ation to the preliminary budget for the currant year. On the motion of AId. McKinle~ -nd Bucknet, the Oouncil adjourned to consider the Budget during the flrmnce meeting. REAU AI~) ADOPTED, Marcfi 4, 1946. 01e rk FINANOE ~A~E. TING Council Ob~mber, February 28, 1946. The ~'tnance Committee assembled at the clse of the special Ocuhcll me~t- ing on 'A'htmsday, February 28th, 1946, for the purpose of coneiderjmg the budget eatimates for the year 1946. All members of the 00_remittee, with the exceptice of AId. 0liver and Scott, were present. It was ordered on the motion of Aid, Bucknet and l~--k that the mill ~ate be struck at 37 mills so tha~ a reduction in the debt charges nu~V be placed in reserve for the capital expend'itures for which the electors voted at the ioipal electAon in December, 1945. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Aid, Twidale and ~mnk, ~ AND ~J~0PTED, u~Ch 4, 1946, _../n eeee®.eeeeee$,~eeeeee~.ee%%eSeee CXerk ~an of Finance SIX~v_~NTH MEETI}~3 P~GUIAR ~EETING Council Chamber, March 4, 1946. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 5.00 p.~'a. on Monday, ~arch 4, 1946, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All mem- bers of the Council, with the excelSion of Ald. 0liver, ~re Iresant. The Council, having received and mad the minutes of the previous regular and special meetings, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Scott and Miller. COMLUNI C~TI 0NS Laid over from previous meeting: No. 98 - 0ity of St. Thorns - enclosing copy of by-lav~ re smoke nuisances. 0RD- EP~ on the motion of AId. Scott and Frank that the co~nunication be received and laid on the t~ble for one week. The following Communications were Iresented: No; 100 - Alderman T.0.01iver, Jr. - tendering resignation from Council. 0hDEHED on the motien of AId. McKinley and Bucknet ~hat the communication be received and filed, ann the resignation of AId. 0liver be accepted with regret. No. 101 - Honourable Mr. HUmphrey Mitchell - re unemployment situation. 01cOEE on the motion of Aid. Frank and Scott that the communication be received and laid on the table .for one week. No. 1O~ - Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves - enclceing reply from Minister m unemployment situation. C~DERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and ~vldale that the comnunicatlou be received 'and filed, and His W~ship Mayor Inglis and any other member of Council who desixm be empowered to attend the meeting of the lcoal committee with the Honcurable Premier in Toronto on this matter. No. 103 - Office of Coal Controller - re supply of coal to this City. ORDERED on ,~a motion of Aid. McKinley and Frank that the communi catien be received and laid on the table for one week, and copies of the cor~nunication be forwarded to 'the members of Council. No. 104 - Minister of Lands and FeTe eta - re wanton cutting of Christmas Trees. 0RDEE on the motion of AId. Frank and Scott that the communication be received' sad laid on the table for one ~ek. No. 105 - Deputy Minister of Hospitals and Health - re railway tax distribution, 194~. ORDERED on the motion 'of AId. Scott and Frank that the communication be mceived and filed. No. 106 - Board of Education - re%uesttng funds for architect's fees. 0N)ERED on the motion of AId, Twidale and Frank that the communication be received and filed, and the necessary funds be financed. ' No. 107 - Niagara Falls Public IA~mary Board - resolutian re purchase of branch library. 0A~DEI~ on the motion of AId. McKinley and Scott that the communication be received and filed, that the 0ity ~ngineering Department be instructed to pre-. pare a lrel!minax~ plan cf the building, and meet with the Board to discuss the mtte~, J0. 108 - t~:o-Electric 0o~mission of Niagara Fails - enclosing balance sheet lot 1945.' 01~ERE) on ~he motion of AId. Twidale and Frank that the communication be received and laid on the table for one week, 109 '-Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce - xe meeting-of airport committee. 348 " G49 (RDEIe on the motion of Ald. Twidale and ~cKinley that the conmunication be rec- eived and filed, and Ald. Frank be appointed as a m~mber of the Conunittee, and that the Councll's representatives attend the meeting. No. ll0 - Eamiltion Centennial Committee - re advertising in programme. Ot~EE on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank that the comnunication be received and ref- erred to the Chamber of Commerce for consideration. No. lll- 0auadian Good Roads Association - tentative programme for convention. OA~DERED on the motiou of Ald. mcEinley and Frank that the communication be rec- eived and filed. No. ll2 - City of 0shawa - resolution re g~soline tax refund. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Ald. Frank and McKinley that the com~mication be xeceived and laid on the tahle. No. 113 - Women's Hospital Auxiliary -,requesting permission for tag day. Ot~- EI~ on the motion of Ald. Twidale and McKinley that the enxnmunication be received end filed, that permission to hold the tag day be granted, and a suitable date be selected as both dates mentioned are reserved. No. 114 - Chief Constable M.D .Tiedale - recommending appointmint of Liquor InsP- ectors. 0~DEI~ on the motion of Ald. Miller sad Scott that the conmunication be received and laid on the table for one ~ek, and the City Manner consult with the Solicitor upon tkis matter. REPORTS The relieving Reports were presented: No. 45 - City Manager - re meeting with railway officials re sinelm nuisance. Elt~ on the motion of Ald. Bucknet and Twidale that the report be received and filed, and the matter be discussed at the forthcoming meeting with Mr. Pringle of the Canadian National Railways. No. 46 - City Manager - recomm~nding locations for fifty houses. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank that the report he received and filed, and the rec- ommendation be adopted. No. 47 . City ~nnger - recomnending issuance of llcences. Olt)]~ED on the motion - of Ald. Twidale and l~ank that the report be received and filed, and the recomm- endations be approved. The application of A.Iannuzzelli and F.Bcrelli, which had been rejected by the Chief Constable was considered also. It was ordered on the .ntion of kid. Flank and Scott that the app~ication be received and laid on the -table until the next meeting, and the opinions of the Medical Officer of Health and the Sanitaly Inspector be obtained. A prior motion was made by kid. McKinley md Bucknor that the licenee be approved and the City Yansger be instructed to submit the sam~ to the Medical Officer of Health and -c.~-ttex7 Inspector for ploval, and if approved, ,the licenee be issued. This motion ms defeated. No. 48 - 01ty Treasurer - re convention of Municipal' Finance Officers' Assoc- iation. ORDERS) Ca the motion of kid. McKinley and Twidale that the report be received and 'filed, and the Treasurer ,be gi,ven l~=missicfi to attend the conyen~ No. 49 - Chairman of Finsice, Alderman F.I.Mi11e~ - presenting Budget for 1946. 0~DtltED on the motio~ of Ald, Mcwin~.,~y.~and ]Flank that the repcwt be received and ' ~' ~ -q~ By-law No. 3794 , -- RESOLUTIONS , =. .... The followin~ Resolutic~ was Dessod: " OLVED'that ~be action of His Worship ,Mayor I No. - TWIDALE - SCOTT -, nglis, in appointing Alderman F.Y.la[ller as enacting mayor on March 5th and 6th, during the absence of His Worship from the City, be and is hereby approved; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried At this point Ald. Frank left the m~eting. BY-IAWS The following By-laws were l~ssed: No. 3793 - To provide forgiving the Collector of Taxes credit for the amount ret- urned by her to the Treasurer in the year 1945. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and mckinley that Ald. lailler be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first tin~ - Carried. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Bucknor 'and Scott that ralle ~6 ~) of the Standing Rulesof Ooancil be temporarily suspended and the by-law read a second time - Carried. 3rd reading - kid. Twtdale and hc~Linlay - Carried. No. 3794 - To provide for the Appropriations for the year 1946. 0huEnED on the moti on of Ald. mckinley and Scott that ald. miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first tim- Carried. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. Twidale and Buckher that Rule 36 (~-} of the. Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-laW read a second time - Carried. 3rd reading -Ald. McKinley and Twidale - Carried. No. 3795 - To authorize the levying and collecting of taxes far the year 1946, and defining the certain duties of the Clerk, Treasurer and Collector of the 0ity of Niagara Falls, Ontario. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Scott that A/d. Miller be given the privilege of inbroducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time- Carried. . It was then erdared on the motion of kid. Scott and Twidale that Rule 36 (B) c[ the Standing hlxles af 0ouncil be temporarily suspended and the by-law ~ead a second time - Carried. kid. Franks retunsed to the meeting. ~rd ~endin~ -Ald. Twidule and Frank- Carried. ~NO. 3796 - To authorize the manner in which taxes for the year 1946 shall become -z ,. due, to provide a ~lme for peyment, and penalties for non-lmyment. 01~D~%ED on the motion of AId. Scott end ttlckner that Ald. Miller be 8iron the privile8e of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time- 0arTled. . % It wee then ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Frank that Rale 36 ~2) of the Stsnding Rules cf Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law read a second tin~ - Carried. 3rd reading -Ald. Fx~nk and ~[dale - Carried. No. 3797 - To authorize the execution and conveyance of a Deed of I~md. ORDERED on the motion of ald. Twidsle and Fraff~ that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of int~u~Acing the by-law, and the by-law be mad a first time - Carried. At this point, Ald. B~ckner left the meeting. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Sts~ding Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-l~w read a second time - Carried. 3rd reading -Ald. Scott and Frank - Carried. No. 3798 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. ORDERED on the motiou of Ald. Scott and Frank that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of lntxoducing the by-law, and the by-law be raad a 'first tim - Carried. It was then c~dere~ on t.he motion of Ald. McKinley and Frank that I~Ale B6 ~2~ of the Standing Rules of Council be tsmperarily suspended and the by-law read a second time - CarrAed. 5rd reading - AId. Flank and Scott - Carried. No..3?99 - To auth~lze the e~ecutAon of an Agreement far Sale and Deed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Twtdale and ~ank that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of lntroductn~ the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was then ordered,ca the motion of Ald. ~ddale and ~cainley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by- law be reed a second tim - Carried. Ald. Bucknet returned to the meeting. BEI feeding - Aid. Frank and T~idale - Carried. No. 3800 - To authcwize the execution of an 0ptAm, Agreement for ~ale and Deed. 0R~ERED on the motira of Ald. McKinle~ end Frank that Ad~. Miller be g~ven the privilege of intreducing the~by-law, and the by-law be read a first time.- Carried, .-' It was then ~dered on the motion of Ald. Twidale and BAck~sr that Rule 36 (2) of ~e St~ng ~les ~ Cou~l ~ temporally s~d~ ~d ~e by-~w ~ ~ a sound time - ~ed, ~. ' leading- AId. Fx~nk and Soo~t - Carried. The O~Ancil adjourned on the motion of Ald. TwAdale and Frank. READ AND ADOPEED, March 11, 1946. Clerk layer Council Chsmber, },t~rch 4, The Finsnee Committee met on Monday, l~rch 4, 1946, for the p~rpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert- ified and placed before them. All members of the Oommittee ware present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Oommittee, amounting to ~5,287.38. The accccnts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt ~ith, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for l~e sentation to the OoAncil, on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank. An offer was presented from Mrs. H.E. TanBroeck for Lot 48, Nelson ores- cent and Lot 37, McGlashan Crescent, for ~lO0.00, as laid over from the previous meeting. Upon the xecomendati on of the Property Committee and on the nntion of Ald. T~idale and B~ckner it was ordered that the offer be received and i~rs. Ten- Broeck be advised the City will sell the properties for the sum of ~250.00, sub- Ject to the provision that a dwelling of at least ~5,000.00 value is erected on the premises within a period of six months. An offer was presented from Ralph Harris of ~125.00 for part of Lots 25, B6, Plea 1V, Drammend Road. Upon the recommendation of the Property Commit- tee, and on the motion of Ald. Fra~ and Scott it vms o~ered that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the provision that a dwelling of at least $~,00.0.00 value is arected on the premises within a period of six months. A communication was presented from S.Scalise, r:4uesting a price on lots on Hickson Avenue between t~Attrey and FerguSon Streets. Upon the recoomend- atlon of the P~operty Committee, and on the motion of Md. Twidale sad ~Ackner it was ordered that the communication be received and filed, and Mr. Scalise be advised the City is holding the se lots for the tAme being, and they are, there- fore, not for sale, The report of the Property Committee, upon the above totters, was pres- e~.ed. It was omlered on the motion of Aid. Twidale and BAcknet that the report.. .~e. ,~l~ed and filed. The comparison of tax collections as at February 2B, 1946, wee pres- ented. Xt was ordered on the motion ef Ald. Scott ami Fra k that the statement ~e xeee~ved und filed. The Committee adjourned on the motion of AId, Scott and t~c~ne~, RFAD AND ADOPIED, ~ar~ ll, Olerk ! Ooun3il Chamber, Msrch 4, 1946. I~ Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Fin- anne n~etings, for the purpose of passing the money by-law, ~hich covered the ac- Counts approved by the Oommittee. All members of the Council were present. M-LAW The following l~-law was passed: No. 3801 - To Grant Monies for Genersl l~urPoses. OI~ERED on the motion of Ald. ~dale and Scott that Ald. Mill~ be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time - Carried unanimouslY. It ~as then ordered on the nEtion of Ald. ~vidale and Scott that l~xle 36 (~-) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarilysuspended and the.. byFlaw read a second time - Carried una~im. ously. 3rd reading -Ald. Bu. ckner and Frank - Carried un~uimously. The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Scott and Miller. RFAD AND ADOPTED, March 11, 1946. Clerk CONFEEENCE Ccincil Chamber, l~rch 4, 1946. The Conference Committee assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetings for the purpose of discussing matters v~aich had been pres- ented to them. All meabers of the Committee were present. After discussion on the matters presented, the Committee adjccrned on the motion of Ald. Scott and BAcknet. I~D AND ADOPTED, MarcA .11, 1946. Clerk S~T2~ ~,EI~ING REGULAR EETING Council Chamber, March 11, 1946. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, March ll, 1946, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All mem- bers of the Council, with the exception of ~ld. Twiddle, were present. His Worship Mayor Inglis and the aldermen welcomed the new member, Alderman Wm. C. MacDonald, who had qualified for the seat left vacant by the resignation of Thomas 0. 0liver, Junior. The Council, having received and read the minutes c~ the previous meet- ing, adopted these on the motion of AId. Miller and Scott. DEPUTATI 0NS In connection with Communic. ation No. 115 and on the motion of Ald. Mc- Elnley and ~iller, representatives of the Labour Progressive Party werepermitted to address the Council. Mrs. Nora Nlnacs spoke to Council and asked that they en- dorse the plan for housing throughout Canada. Mrs. Ninacs advised the Board that the proposed programme would provide for the eroction of two hundred and fifty thousand houses throughout Canada, the building to be spread over a period of five years. SEE Communication No. ll5 On the motion of Ald. Scott and McKinley, representatives of the Niag- ara Falls Sports Committee were permiSted to address the Council. Me. LM.Barclay spoke und outlined the progress of the Committee in connection with the proposed endeavour to raise funds for the erection of an arena for the community. Mr. Bar- clay stated the two points on which the Connnittee wished assurance from the Coun- cil were would the Council permit the use of a piece of Poplar Park for the pur- pose, and if the Committee raises as much money as possible from public subscrip- tion, would the Council be willing to submit a by-law to the people for the rais- ing of the reaminder of the cost as a capital expenditure. SE Resolution No. 49 C 0~TUNIC AYI 0NS ' Laid over from a previous meeting: No. 62 - The Railway Association o~ Canada - re dates ~or daylight saving time. 0RDEE on the motion of AId. Scott and Miller that the communication be received and laid on the table until a later date. A prior motion was made by AId. McKin- ley and Buckher that the communication be received and filed, and the dates sug- gested be adopted for this City; ~but +this motion was defeated. No. 98 - City Clerk, St. Thomas ~-' enclosing by-law re smoke nuisance. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Scott and Bucknor that the com~mication be received' and filed. No. 101 - Honourable Mr. Humphrey l~ttchell No. 102 - Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves - re unemployment situation. 0RDt~ED ca the motion of AId. Scott and l~ank that the commnications be received and referred to the Honou~able Premier of Ontario-for-Consideration. _-J~ -~L..'.:Communtcatton No. 116 No. 103- 0fflce of Coal Contreller - re supply for thls area. 0RIlERED on the motlon of AId. Fx~wJc and McKinley ~hat the communication be reoetved and referred to the 0ntarlo Municipal Association for dotton to prevent a similar condition arising in the future aS has bean~xperieneed during the present winter. No, 104 - Honourable Ninister of TA-ds and Forests - ~e cutting cf Christmas trees. OvPd)EED on the motion of Ald. LLiller and Frank that the com. munication be received and filed. No. 108 - ttydro-Electric Con~nission of Niagara Falls - enclosing balance sheet for 1945. ORDEE on the motion of Aid. Scott and Frsn~ that the conn.mnication be received und filed. No. 112 - City of Oshawa - resolution' re gasoline tax refunds. ORDERED on the motion-of Aid. Frank and Scott that the cor~mnication be received and filed, and the resolution be referred to the A~ssociation of Ontario Mayors and Reeves. No. 114 - Chief Constable M.D.Tisdale - requesting appointment of tiqu6r inspec- tors. 0RDE~ED on the motion of ~ld. Frank and Scott that the connI~nication be rec- eived and filed, and the By-law be l~resented. SEE $~-~m~ No. Z802 The fellerring Coramunications were .presented: No. 115 - Labour Progressive Par~y - requesting endorsation of housing plan. 0RD- ERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and MclGnley that the communication be received and laid on the table and the City Manager be authorized to prepare a report on housing for consideration of the Council in two weeks, time. No. 116 - Right Hencurable Prime }~nister of Canada - re unemployment situation. .0RDFE on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank that the communication be received and a copy be forwarded to the Honearable Premier of Ontario for his attention and cofament. No. 117 - Hencurable Mr. Humphrey Mitchell - re proposed meeting vdth Council. 0R- DEE on the motion of Aid. Buckner and Frank that the co~mnication be received and filed, and the Council continue to pr.ess for this meetin~g at the earliest pos- sible date. No. 118 - Deputy Minister of Highways - re proposed traffic light on Pewell Ave- hue. 0RDEi~ED on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the communication be received and filed, and the Deputy Minister be advised that the condition at Pewell Avenue did not exist prior to the construction of the Queen Elizabeth Highvmy ex- tension; that there is no other traffic artery in the City which would be so af- fected in regard to school children; that the Council feel the installation of the light and its maintenance should be the responsibility of the Department; and also that it be pointed out that the traffic signal at Stanley Avenue is maintained by the Department anti very few school children are affected at this point. No. 119 - Inspector of Prisons - enclosing copy of report on police cells. ORB- ERED on the motion of AId. Scott and Frank that the com~aunication be received and laid on the t.able for consideration during the Tour of Inspecthn. No. 120 - International Silver Company of Canada, Limited - re r~strictions adjac- ent to parkway. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Buckner and Frank that the commun- ication be received and filed, and the Cotpany be assured that as faras this Council is concerned, they will not ente~ into any arrangemerit which would prev- ent the expansion of their factory. No. 121 -Dr. Harris Lagan, M.O.H. - tendering resignation. 0RDEED on the mob- ion of AId. Scott and Miller that the communication be received and filed, and.Dr. ~ogan,s resignation be accepted to take deflect when a successo~ has been ap- pointed. No. 122 - Wartime Housing Limited - enclosinJ proposed agreement re constr~ction, of dwellings. 0RDE~ on the motiDn of~Lld. McKinley and Scott that the co.m~- ' learich be received and flied.. SE~..~esport No. 50 No. 123 - Salvation A~my - requesting permission for salvage drive. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Miller .and Frank that t. he communication be received and file, d, and the permission be granted. I ~ , No. 124 - Canadian Legion Branch 51 - resolution re housing situation. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Bucknor that the communication be received and filed, and the Legion be advised that it has been the practice of the Council for some +considerable time to offer vacant land for sale at a nominal sum for the building thereon of dwellings. ' No. 125 - Dunington-Grubb and Stennson - re public recreation and beautification. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Bucknet and Frank that the communication be received and referred to the Chsmber of-Commerce. No. 126 - ~ntario Good Roads Association - re membership in Association. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Miller that the communication be received and filed. No. 127 - Recreation Bulletin Service - re conference to be held. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Bucknor and Miller that the com, n.,nication be received and filed, and referred to the Bosrd of Education with the ·hope that it may be possible to send a delegate to the conference. No. 128 - Canadian Red gross Society - re membership campaign. 01~)ERED on the mot- ion of Ald. Scott and McKinley that the communication be received and filed, that a membership be taken out, and the Chairm~n of Finance and the .~ity Manager ar- range for the amoun~ to be paid. No. 129 - Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves - re membership in Association. 0RDEt~ED on the motion of Ald. Bucknet and Frank that the conuamication be received and filed, and the membership be taken out. . No. 130 - yunoir Chamber c~ Commerce - requesting permission to hold circus. ORD- ERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Bucknor that the communication be received and filed, and the permission be granted. The following Reports were presented: No. 50 - City Solicitor - re proposed agreement with Wartime Housing Limited. 0R- DEED on the motion of Ald.~McKinleY and Scott that the report be received and filed. SEE By-Law No. 3803 No. 51 - City Manager - re conference held on March 4, 1946. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Ald. Scott and Miller that the report be received and filed. No. 52 - City Manager '- re Private Bill of Canadian Legion Branch '51. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Frank that the report be received and laid on the table for consideration during the conference. ' No. 53 - City Manager - recommending certification for ArthUr Strange. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Basknet a~d Frank that the report he received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. No. 54 - City Manager - reecmmending issuance of licenoes. 0RDEi~ED on ~he motion of Ald. Frank and Miller that the report be received and filed, and the xecommend- ations be adopted. In couneotton with the application of A.Iannuzzelli and F. Borelli for licenoes for 1393 Ferry Street, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Fr~k and Scott that the application ~e received and laid on the table for one · week and the Chief ~ P~lice be asleed to meet with the Council to give them the faclm. 'The vote on this motion was: Aye: ~ld. Frank, Scott, MacDonald and His Worship Mayor lnglis; Nay: Aid. Miller, B~ckner and McKinley. A prior motion was made by Ald. _Miller and ~Acknor that the licenee be issued, ~mt this motion was defeated. ~ No, 66 - Dairy X~ster - report for month of February. 0~)ERED on the-motion Of Aid. ~eo~t a auk that the report be reOeived and filed. '~ -' ' . No. 56 - Assessment Commissioner - report for year 1945. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Miller that the report be received and laid on the table. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 49 - MILLER - SCOTT - RELVED that the Niagara Falls Sports Conunittee be asked to meet with the counsi 1 of the Township of Stamford to ascertain their at- titude upon the proposals set forth by the Committee for the erection of an arena in this community, after which another meeting held by the Committee and Council to discuss the matter; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Prior to this it was moved by Ald. Buckner and McKinley that the City Council meet with the Township Council and the Sports Committee to discuss this matter; but this motion was defeated. No. 50 - MITIER - FRANK - RESOLVED that Alderman Robert Buckner be and is hereby appointed as a member of the Equipment Committee of the City Council for the year 1946, to replace Ex-alderman T.0.01iver; that the Committee appoint their chair- man for the balance of the yes~; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 51 - MCKiNLEY - MacDONALD - RESOLVED that the good wishes of this Counci be extended to Alderman C.W.Twidale, with the hope that she ~ill have a speedy rec- overy; and the Seal of tee Corporation be hereto affixed. C.aF. ri ed. No. 52 - t~JGERVER- SCOT~ - RESOLVED that a message be sent to Mr. William S. 0rr and his family, expressing the sympathy of the ·City Council and the citizens of Niagara Falls upon the death of his mother, Mrs. M.L.F.0rr; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carrie~ No. 53 - FRANK - BUCE1TER --RESOLVE that from this date, the agenda for council meetings be prepared in the office of the City Manager and forwarded so that the members of Council will receive the same on the Saturday previous to the meeting date; and that copies of or information concerning the matters to be presented be also forwarded; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried ~e CoUncil ~d~ounred, to meet in Cqnference, on themotion of Ald. Scott and Frank. AND ADOPTED, March 18, 1946. Clerk Mayor Oouncil Chamber, March 11, 1946. The Conference Cormnittee met at the close of the regular council meeting for the purpose of discussing matters presented to them. All members of the Comm- ittee, with the exception of Ald. Twirlale, were present. After discussion upon the matters presented, the Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott and Miller. READ AND ADOPTED, March 18, 1946. Clerk Chairman COUNCILMEETING Council Chamber, March 11, 1946. The Council re-assembled at the conclusion of the conference to continue consideration of the matters before them. All members of the Council, with the exception of His Worship Mayor Inglis and Ald. Twidale, were present. Ald. Scott was Enacting Mayor during His Wc~ship's absence. BY-LAWS The following By-laws were ~assed: No. 3802 - To appoint prosecutors to enforce the provisions of the Liquor Control ~" Act (Ontario) within the .Ymmicilmlity of the City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McEtnley and Frank that All. Miller be given the privilege of introduci~ng theory'law and the ,by-law be read a first'' · time - Carried. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. B~ckner and MacDonald that I~le 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By- law read a second time - Carried'; $rd reading - A~. Frank and McKinley - Carried. No. 3803 - To authorize the signing of an-Agreemen~ with Wartime Housing Limited. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Frank that Ald. Bucknor be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be road a first time- Carried. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Miller that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and tile by-lar~ read a second time - Carried. 3rd reading -Ald. McKinley and Miller- Carried. No. 3804 - To raise by way of loan from the Imperial Bank of Canada the sum of ~Y~,000.00 for the payment of architect's fees for the Niagara Falls Collegiate- Vocational Ins~tute. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MclGnley and Bucknor t~t Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-lmv and the by-law be read a first time - Carried. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. McIGnloy and Frmuk that Rule 36 (S) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspmded and the by-law be read a second time - Carried. 3rd reading -Ald. Frank and McKinley - Carried. No. 3805 - To authorize the execution of a Deed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Buckner and Frank that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-lmv be read a first time - Carried. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Bucknor that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law read a second time - Carried. 3rd reading - ~. Frank and McKinley - Carried. No. 3806 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. ORDERED on the motion Of Ald. McKinley and Frank that Aid. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the bylaw and the by-law be read a first time - Carri ed. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. McKihley and Buckner that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law read a second time - Carried. 3rd reading -Ald. Frank and McKinley- 'Carried. At this point His Worship Mayor Inglis returned to the meeting and took the chair. RESOLUTI 0NS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 54 - MILT~R - I~IOKNER - RESOLV]hl) that the City Manager be instructed to com- maulcats with Welland Securities Limited to ascertain the price of the property sxtending fxom Clifton Hill to Robinson S~reet; and the. Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Nosy55 . B~IGKNER - MoEINLEY - RE~0LVED that a sultans plaque ~ pepared, for in- stallation in the City Hell, showing the names of all members of the civic empl- oyees who served with the armed forces during the recent w~r; also that consider- ation be given to the preparation of a Roll of Henour to include the names of all men and women from the City who enlisted in the armed forces; and the Ss~l of the Corporation he hereto affixed. Carried No. 58 - MI~J.E~ - SCOTT - RESOLVED that a communication be forwarded to the Chief Constable, asking that he take steps to have enforced the parking regulations on Centre Street; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 57 - NIT.TER - McEINI~ - RESOLVE that a committee be appointed to study the traffic regulations now in force throughout the City; and report upon the same prior to the passing the proposed traffic by-laws; and the Seal of the Corporation be hersto affixed. Carried His Worship Meyer Inglis appointed Ald..Miller, Frank and Buckr~r as the abo~ comn~lttee. MISC~,v~NEOUS Ald. Miller asked that the City Manager issue instructions to the Cem- etery Department staff to improve the condition whereby dead flowers from the graves are not picked up and beoomastrewnthronghout the graounds. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott ~and Frank. READ ANDADOPTED, March 18, 1946. Clerk Mayor FEE EETING Council Chamber, March 11, 1946. The Finance Committee met on Monday, March ll, 1946, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert- ified and placed before them. All members of the Committee, with the exception of Ald. Twidale, wore present. -~ Sundry accounts were approved b~-the Committee, amounting to $25,607.94. The accounts submitted, being i~ssed or othex~iSe dealt with, Were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the COLmCil, on the r. Dtion of Ald. Scott and Frank. A revised offer was presented from ~s. HZ.TenBroeck of ~200.00 for Lot 37, McGlashan Crescent and Lot 48, Nelson Crescent. Upon the recommendation of the Property Cosm~ittee and on the n~tion of Ald. Frank and Bucknor it was ord- ered that the offer be received and filed, and ~s. TenBroeck be advised the price of the lot is $250.00. Communications were presented from John H. Flett re E.Pattui and the building on Main Street. Upon the recom~aendation of the Property Connnittee and on the motion of Ald. Scot t and Frank it was ordered that the conmunications be rec- eived and filed, and the matter be left in abeyance until the return of l~r. Pattui from hospital. A communication was presented from Martin and Calvert re the agreement for sale with Mr. Cunningham. Upon the recommendation of the Property Con~nittee and on the motion of Ald. Mclfinley and MacDonald it v~s orde. ed that the conmxunic- ation be received and filed, and Mr. Cunningham be granted an extension of six months · An offer was presented from C.E.Wales of $50.00 for the purchase of Lot 53, Cedar Street. Upon the recoramendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Scott and Franks it was ordered that the offer be received and ac- cepted, subject to the provision that a dwelling of at least $4,000.00 value shall be erected on the premises within a period of six months. The report of the City Manager, regarding ~he purchase of Lot 122, 0rch- ard Avenue by Gordon Robb, was presented. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. McKinley and M~cDonald it was ordered that the report be received and the recommendation be approved. The report of the Property Committee, upon the above matters, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley sad MacDonald that the rep- ort be received sad filed. The report of the City Manager, regarding the new form of approval of sales of property, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank that the report be received and filed, the suggestion be approved, ard the committee to make appraisaials on properties be the City Manager and Assessment Commi~ si oner. The Statement of Relief for the month of February, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Scott that the statement be rec- eived and filed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Backner and Frank that a special meting of the 0ity Council be held on Saturday, March 16th, at 2.00 p.m. for the consideration of various matters which are pending at the present ~ime. Committee ad~our~xed on the motion of Ald. MclGnley and Scott. ,I~ANDADOPTED; March 1B, 1946. Clerk COUNCIL Council Chamber, March 11, 1946. The Couhcil re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance meetings, for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee, and for the consideration of other matters. All mem- bers of the Council, with the exception of Ald. ~'~ldale, were present. ~he follov~ing By-law was passed: No. 3807 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. OtOERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Scott that Ald. Mdller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read a first time - Carried. It was then ordered on the motion of A~d. Frank and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time - Carried, 3rd reading -Ald. Scott and Bucknor - Carried. RESOLV~I ONS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 58 - McKINlEY -MI~-~R -RESOLVED that the proposed by-law, to amend By-law Number 3502, respecting the fire limits, be presented for consideration at the next ~egular meeting; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 59 - MIT.TER- SCOTT - RESOLVED that the Property Committee be authorized to consider the sale of a lot on Stamford Street, ~hich has been included in the list of lots on which Wartime Housing Limited dwellings ware to be constructed; that other lot be substituted for such cohstruction; ~nd the Seal of the Corporation be hereto.affixed. Carried No. 60 - McEI}F.~EY - FRANK - RESOLTED that the Fire Chief be asked to attend the special meeting of 0curtoil on March .16th, .n~ to present applications he has rec- eived for the positions on the fire depart;merit up to that date; sad the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. CarFie.d. No. 61 - MIT.tm.R. SCOTT - RESOLVE~ that the matter of payment of bunker men of the Fire Department for attendance of fires during the night be considered at the special meeting to be held on March 16th; and She Seal of the Corporation be here- tO affixed. ~ Carried No. 62 - MILLER - FRANK - RESOLVED that the sketches which have been prepared, be submitted, ~n~ the Niagara Falls Public Library Board he asl~d to be present at the special meeting of Council on March 16th, for the discussion of the building on Main Street which. has been suggested as a location for. thq, .bran.oh. ~$.b~.y; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried. ~xe Council adJou~med on the motion of ~eeeee ee eeeeeeeeeeeeesee.ee~ 01e rk Lller and Mayor EIGICEENTH I~'H~ETING SPECIAL A~EETING Council Chamber, March 16, 1946. A special meeting of the City Council vas held at 2.00 p.m. on Saturday, March 16th, 19~6, for the purpose of considering several ~atters presented to ~em. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. ~ dale, were present. DEPUTATIONS On the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mdller, representatives of the lic Library Board were permitted to address the Council. l,Lr. G.H.t!amilton spoke first, upon the matter of a building for the Lranch library at the south end of the City. Mr. Hamilton advised the Board had not yet ~Sone into the matter in full det- ail, and they asked that an architect be employed and hoped to ~mve some advice on this soon. Mr. t~milton felt the proposed building v:as suitable for a br~ch lib- rary, sad it is ideally located on T~iain Street; it is spacious and there is suffic- ient room for the requirements. Board is uncertain v.'hat to advise, but are anxious to obtain the best accon~aoiaticn possible. Fir. H~nilton stated he cou]finot state definitely whether the lease to the present building would expire shortly. Mr. Y. Wallace Butters spoke and pointed ou that the Bom'd is not spendin~ their ov,n money, but that of the taxpayers. He felt they could not make a decision unless they hew if the building as altered v~uld be satisfactory, at a price. Tke speaker said the Council were not forced to make a sudden decision because if the Oddfellows' build- ing is sold, there are other alternatives; and felt a decision should not be reached until two or three alternatives had been considered. He felt it might be possible to build on vacant land and have a new building for about the same price. 1~. Ham- ilton advised that Mr. Mowat, Inspector of Libraries, had inspected the premises and will make a report. He also suggested that the premise~; occupied at present might be available and suitable. ~.ld. Scott spoke and said he felt the building Was suitable, the location right and the price 0.~. AId. Miller said the Board had advised that the location should be on Main Street. The floor space in the Odd- fell~vs' Oonnnittee would like to sell to the City. His Worship Mayor Inglis ag- reed with the Board that the be~-accommodation is required, and because a buildi.ng is available, is no reason to rush into a parchase. Aid. McKinley said the Council is trying hard to cooperate sad felt there was need for immediate action. AId. Miller asked if the building and site are suitable and ~r. Hamilton replied that the location and site are satisfactory but they seek advice as to whether the build- ing is suitable. Ald. Freak felt the Board vmnted to change for the better v~aen they do so, and required the advice of an architect upon the matter. ~r. Hamilton said the Board wants to know the property purchased will be suitable. ~EE Resolution No. On the motion of Ald. Scott and MacDonald, Fire Chief Shapton was per- mitted to address the Council upon the matter of appointmznts to the Fire Depart- ment. The recommendation of the Fire Chief was for the appointment of the follow- ing persons: Win. Sills, Ray Hudson, H.E.McPherson, A.Didemus, W.Connor, V.Arm- strong, Y.Beer and W.B~own. After discussion upon the matter, the Chief amended his recommendation to replace the name of W.Bro~m by that of A.ThonJzon. RE, E Resolutions No. ~4,5,6,~ The Assessment Commissioner, Y.Y.Herriman was presented and spoke in connection with the proposed appointment of an Assistant to the Assessment Commis- sioner. Mr. Harrimsa recommended that R.Y.Lawlor be appointed. Section 247 of The Municipal Act was read. · SEE Resolution No. VB RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 63 - M~KINLEY - FRANK - RESOLVED that the City Manager be instructed to ecru- municate with the 0ddfellows' Comlmtttee to see if a decision to purchase their building on Main Street can be postponed for fourteen days; that an architect be employed to prepare plans for the use of such building as a branch library, at a cost not exceeding $250.00; and the Seal of the Corporation be hare to affixed. C.a.r. ried No. 64 - MclGNIEY - MacDONALD - RI~0LVED that the recommendation of Fire Chief Shapton for .the appointment of Win. Sills, Ray Hudson, H.E.McPherson, A.Didemus, W. Connor, V.Armstrong, Y.Beer and A.Thompson as ramembers of the Niagara Falls Fire Department be accepted; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 65 - MacDONAlD - McI~NLEY.- RESOLVED that the new appointees of the Niagara Falls Fire Department be paid at tl~e rate of $1,600.00 per annum; and the Seal of the 0orporation be heroic affixed'. Carried No. 66 - MILLER - MacDONAI~ - RESOLVE that not change be rode in the rate of pay for bunker men of the Niagara Falls Fire Department, and the Seal of the Corporat- ion be hereto affixed. - Carried No. 67 - SCOTT - MclGI~ - RESOLVED that the recommendation of the Fire Chief, for the employment of the new firemen on April 1st and a training period of two weeks lnau~rated, be appreved; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No..68 - SCOTT - HICHNER - RESOLVED that each medical practitioner, resident in the City be written, notifying that applications for the position of Medical Of- ricer of Health would be received by the Corporation until March 25, 1946; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 69 - ~LER - MCEINLEY - RESOLVED that the matter of the police cells be laid over for consideration at the meeting on March 25, 1946; and the Seal c~ the Cor- poration be hereto affixed. 0artled No. V0 - ~UC]~ER - SCOTT - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the City Coun- cil be held at 5.00 p.m. on Monday, Ns~ch 18, 19~6; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 71 - SCOTT - FRANK - P~ESOLViD that consideration of the proposed by-law, def- ining the duties cf the City Manager, be laid over until the Council meets in con- ference; and the Seal of the 0orporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 72 - X~rT.LER - MOEXNI~ - 1F~SOLVED that the matter of the appointment of an As- sistant to the Assessment Commissioner be laid over until the meeting of March 25, and the opinion of the City Soli~itor be obtained=; a~d the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carrie.d. No. ?3 .- Ft~ - MILLER - RESOLVE that the matter of the appointmotor of a male clerk be laid on the table until the Council meets in Conference; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. -~ .... ~ .... ......... Carried. No. V4 - MIT.T.~.~ - INOENER - RESOLVED that the matter of the employment of an M- sister to ~e City E~inee~ ~ laid on the table until ~e Co~eil meets in Con- ference; a~ t~ 3e~ of the C~tion be heret0 aff~ed, ~ C~rie~. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Frank. READ AND ADOPTED, March 18, 1946. Clerk NINETEENTH MEETING CONFERENCE Council Chamber, March 18, 1948. Prior to the' regular meeting of the City Council, the Conference Commit- tee met at 5.00 p.m. on Monday, March 18, 1946, for the discussion of various mat- ters presented to them. All members of the Committee were present. After discussion upon the matters presented, the Connuittee adjourned on the motion of AId. Twidale and Frank.' READ Y~TO ADOP~), March 25, 1946. Clerk ..... Chairnmn REGULAR ~F.F. TING Council Chamber, Ma~ch 18, 1946. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council mt on Monday, March 18, 1946, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Coun- cil were present. The Cotmoll, having received and read the minutes of the prev- ious regular and special meetings, adopted these on the motion of, AId. Frank and Miller · DEPUTATION In connection with Communication No. 144, and on the motion of Aid. Frank and MacDonald, Chief Constable M.D.Tisdale addressed the Council. Chief Tiedale advised the Council of his reasons for not approving the application for a licenee by A.Iannuzzelli to operate a pool room. - ,-' "SEE Communication No. 144 COt~JNICATI ONS Laid over from l~evious meetings: No. 62 - The Railway Association of Canada - re dates for daylight saving time. ORDERLY) on the motion of Aid. Bucknet and Frank that the con~aunication he rec- eived and filed, a~d the dates set for daylight saving time in this city be April 28th to September 29th, as in the majority 'of Canadian cities. The following Connnunications were presented: No. 131 - Mr. C.D.Hanniwsll, M.L.A. - re Bill Ntunber 43 before Conmittee. O]DE~ZD on the motion of P~ld. Miller and Frank that the conmmunication be received a~ fil.=d, and one member of the City Council, the City Msa~ager and City Solicitu- be a com-- mittee to appear when the Committee meets. Later in the evening, word vas received that the Private Bills Coxm~littee v~uld meet at lO.gO a.m. on Thursday, March 21st. His Worship Mayor Inglis appointed the Chairman of Finedme as the member of the Commit tee. No. 132 - Association of Ontario M~ors and Reeves - acl~owledgi~; resoluLion re gasoline tax refunds. OlOERED on the motion of Ald. ~,'ddale and Frank that the communication be received ~ad laid on the table until after the Provincial'Domin- ion conference in April. No. 133 - City of Brantford - resolution re Board of Educati on budgets. OiDERZD on the motion of ild. ~vidale and MacDonald that the conmunication be received and filed, and the resolution be endorsed. No. 134 - County of Welland - resolution re tolls on Peace Bridge. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Bucknor tlmt the communication be received and filed, and the resolution be endorsed. No. 135 - Niagara Falls Optimist Club Air Cadets - reque sting financial assistance. ORED on the motion of ~ld. Bucknet and Twidale that the coi~aunication be rec- eived and filed, and a grant of $50.00 be made to the Club. No. 136 - Niagara Falls Opticmist Club Air Cadets - requesting permission for tag day. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Frank that the co~mnunication be received and filed, that permission for a tag day be granted, and a suitable day be selected. No. 137 - Lundy's Lane Chapter, I.O.D.E. - requesting permission for tag day. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Bucknet and MctCinley that the connmnication be rec- eived and filed, that permission be granted and a suitable date be arranged. No. 138 - Starsford Hockey Club - requesting permission for tag day. ORDER]9 on the motion of AId. McKinley and Scott that the communication be received and filed and permission for the tag day be granted. No. 139 - Niagara Frontier Humane Society - thanits for increased grant. OFOERED on the motion of AId. I~ldale and Scott that the communication be received and filed. No. 140 - Baron de L'Eveille - suggesting awards for music festival. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Bucknet and Twidsle that the conmunication be received and filed, and referred to the committee of the Niagara Fulls Music Festival Associa- tion for conm~ent. No. 141 - K.H.Wlsby - re request to broadcast council meetings. ORDERDD on the motion of AId. Frank and Scott that the communication be received and filed. No. 142 - Niagara Fulls Junior Chamber of Commerce - re cancer campaign. ORDhP~ED on the metion of Aid. Frank and Bucknet that the communication be received and filed, and two representatives from the Council be appointed by His WorShip the Mayor to attend the meeting. His Worship M~yor Inglis appointed AId. MacDonald and McKinley. No. 143 - Department of Municipal Affairs - re provincial subsidy and notation on tax bills. ORDERED on the motion of AId. %~vldale and Scott that the conmunicatfon be received and filed, and the necessary action taken. No. 144 - A.Innuzzelli - making application for licenee. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Miller that the eonnnunicaticn be received and filed, and the licenee be issued. The vote on this motion was: Aye: Aid. MacDonald, McKinley, Bucknet, Miller and Frank. Nay: Aid. Scott, Twtdale and His Worship Mayor Inglis. REPORTS The following Reports were presented: No. 57 - City Manager - re confex~nce held on March ll, 1948. 0RDEE on the mot- ion of Ald. Scott and Frank that the report be received and filed. No. 58 - City Manager - re condition of Jepson Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank that the report be received and laid on the table until the Tour of Inspection. No. 59 - City Manager - re Morse and Mis mer property subdivi sion. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank that the report be received and laid on the table for considering during the forthcoming conference. No. 60 - City Manager - recommending issuance of licenses. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and Scott that the report be received and filed, and the reco~nend- ations be adopted. No. 61 - City }~Aanager - re conference 'held on March 16, 1946. A riotion was made by Ald. McKinley ap~i Frank that the report be received and adopted, with the in- sertion of Ald. Buckner's name ~o be shovm as voting Aye on the motion at the bottom of Page I of the report. The vote on this motion was; Aye: Ald. McKinley, Miller, B~ckner and Frank. Nay: Ald. MaCdonald, Scott, ~idsle, and His Worship Mayor Inglis. The motion was, therefore, lost and no further action was taken." No. 82 - City Manager - re conference with con~mittee of Niagara Parks Commission. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank that the report be received and filed. No. 63 - City Manager - re conference held on March 18, 194~. 0tOERED on the mot- . ion of Ald. Twidale and Frank that the report be received and filed. No. ~4 - City Manager - re office accommodation at City Hall. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Ald. Frank and B~ckner that the report be ~eceived and laid on the t~ble for one week. ES~U~0NS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 75 - INOE2F_~ - T~IIDALE - RESOLVED that the proposed Agreement with the Civic Employees' Association, Local 133, be adopted as presented; and a by-law prepared for presentation at the next roering; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. -Carried unanimously No. 76 - FRANK - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that the City Manager be instructed to con- sult with the Solicitor to clarify the matter of voting upon reports, as to whether a motion to receive a report is to adopt the report as being accurate, or whether such motion approves of the action covered in such report; and the Seal of 'the Corporation be hereto affixed. ' 'Carried unanimously No. 77 - INOKNER - FRANK - RESOLVED that the City Manager be instructed to report, ' durin~ the course of the next two or three weeks, on the possibility of instal- ling refuse baskets or boxes at several intersections throughout the City; and the ~eal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. ,, Carried unanimously No. 7~ - B~0E~ER - MoEXNLEY - F~SOLVED that the City M-~ger ~e instructed to pre- pare plans, spec~ications and costs on the various projects as outlined in the programme sUggested for capital exp~enditures, that ~uch:~p~la~s be submitted.to the Ontario Municipal Board ibr approval; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto fl xed · Carried : The following By-laws we~,'e passed: .No. 3808 - To amend By-la~v Ntunber 3502, respectixYg the Fire Limits. ORDERED on the motion of ~dd. McKinley and ..V. iller that :~ld. MacDonald be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, ~d the by-law be read a first time - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the :notion of Aid. Tv;'idale and Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-lar: read a second time - Cs/'ried unanimously. 3rd reading - ald. Buckher'and Miller - Carried unanimously. No. 3809 - To authorize the execution of an A~/'eement for Sale and Deed. ORDERED on the re. orion of ild. Scott and ~'~i/ale that Ald. h'iller be Giv- en the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-lav~ be read a first time - Carried Unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of A]~d. IdcIfinley end Buckher that Rule 36 (~) of the Standing Rules of Council be te~porarily suspended and the by-law read a second tin~ - Carried unani~aously. 3rd reading -Ald. Frank and Busliner- Carried unanimously. No. 3810 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. T~idale and Bucknet that Ald. LYillor be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of ~Lld. Frank and Scott that Rule 36 (~) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. McKinley and Frank - Carried tmanimously. THE Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. ~vidale and Miller. READ AND ADOPTED, March 25, 1946. Clerk MayOr 369 FIN~kNCE EETING Council Chamber, March 18, 1946. The Finance Conittee met on Monday, March 18, 1946, for the parpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert- ified and placed before them. All members of the Committee, with the exception of His Worship Mayor Inglis, were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to $7,503.18. The accounts subntttted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed ~n the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank. A communicatio-u was presented from Charles Black, requesting and exten- sion of time for building on the lot purchased by Meretin Kayter. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and ~acDonald that the conmunication be received and filed, and the extension of time be granted. An offer was presented from Mrs. M. Homes for the purchase of Lot 47, Plan 2?, Cedar Street for the sum of $50.00. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Scott that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the prov- ision that a dwelling 'shall be erected on the premises, of the value of at least $4,000.00, within six months. An offer was presented from Norman V. Chevers for the purchase of Lot 48, Plan 27, Cedar Street for the sum of $50.00. It was ordered on the motion of A~d. Frank and Buckner that the offer be received and accepted, subject tO the provision that a dwelling, of at least $4,000.00 value, shall be.erected on the premises within a period of six months. An offer was presented from A.B.Hicks for the purchase of Lot 79, Plan 27, Homewood Avenue, for the sum of $50.00. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Bucknor that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the provis- ion that a dwelling, of at least $4,000.00 value, is erected cat he premises in a period of six months. An offer was presented from F.M.Chisholm, for the purchase of Lot 17, Plan 27, Cedar Street for the sum~of $50.00. It was ordered on the motion of AId. B~ckner and Scott that the c~fer be received sad accepted, subject to the condit- ion that a dwelling of at least $4,000.00 value be erected on the premises within a period of six months. 1~ae schedule of lots, upon which the seccad fifty of the Wartime Housing IAmited ho~es, are to be erected, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Bucknet that the schedule be received and approved aa amended. The Finance Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. l~ank and Scott. READ ,~D ADOPTED, March 25,!1946. of Finance COUNCIL ~,'~ETING Council Ch~,ber, Lku~ch 18, 1946. The Council re-asse_~bled at the close of the regular Council and Finance meetings, for the parpoe< of passing the money by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Con~nittee. All members of the Council, vdth the exception of tiis Worship Mayor Inglis, were present. l~ld. F.J.i,~ller was enacting mayor during the meeting. BY-LU.'IS The following By-lav~ was passed: No. 3811 - To Grant Menis for General Purposes. 0tlDEE on the motion of ~ld. Scott ~u~d Buckn~r that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be r.~ad a first time - Car- ried. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. ~kvidale ~nd ~ckner that t~le 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law read a second time - Carried. 3rd reading - Aid. Frank and Mci~inley - Carried. REPORT Laid over from previous meeting: No. 59 - City Manager - re Morse and Missnor property subdivision. 0DERED on the motion of A~d. Twidale and Frank that the report be received and hid on the table for one wee~. ~e Council *adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Frank. ~READ ~ND ADOPE, March 25, 1946. Clerk m TV,ENTIETH 1,ZETING REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, March 25, 1946. Prusuant to adjournment, the Council met on Monday, March 25, 1946, for the purpose of considering general business and finance.. All members of the Coun- cil were present. ~GNUTES A motion was nndC by Ald. Scott and ~vidale that the minutes of the pn:v~ ious meeting, having been received and road, be adopted. An amendment was made by Ald. Nille~ and Frank that the passing of the minutes be laid on the table until after the reading of Report No. 66. Neither .the motion nor the omendent v;as voted on. It was then ordered' by Ald. Frank and Miller that Report No. 66 be read. ttis Worship M~yor Inglis asked that the City Solicitor be brought to the meeting. When Mr. F.C.McBurney, E.g., was present he explained the correct procod~ ure in connection v~ith the passing of minutes of meetings, and reports. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. Scott and ~,~idale that the minutes Of the previous meeting, having been received and read, be adopted. DEFJTATION In connection with Communication No. 145, and on the motion of Aid. Scott and Bucknet, a representative from the Niagara Falls District Trades and Labour Council, Mr. Hicks, was permitted to address the Council. Mr. Hicks spoke on the critical housing shortage and advised that his organization had asked the Provincial Government to enact a Provincial Housing Act to provide low-rental housing. It was also asked that the Council request the govermaent to subsidize the constraction of an additional one hundred houses in this community. It was also asked that the Wartime Housing Limited dwellings, proposed to be erected, be provided v~ith basements. It was asked that the Government be asked to place an · embargo on the export of building materials, with the exception of shipments to devastated Europe. SEE Co~unication No. TENDERS Tenders were submitted for the supply of grass seed f~r the year 1946. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Miller that the tenders be opened, initialled by His Worship ~yor Inglis, and rea~. It was than ordered on the mot- ion of Ald. Scott and Frank that the tenders be laid on the tabl~ for one week and the City Manager make a report upon the same. APPLI C A TI ONS Applications Were submitted from Dr. C.K.Whitelock and Dr. A.G.Minnes for the position of Medical Officer of Health for the City of Niagara Falls. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Frank that the applications be rec- eived and filed, and Dr. C.K.~hitelock be giye~n ~he-appointment. The voting on this motion was as follows: ~/ Aye: Aid. McKinley, Buckner, Miller, Frank and ~vidale. Nay: Aid. MacDonald and -qcott. Prior to the above motion, it was moved by Aid. Scott and MacDonald that ' Dr. A.G.Minnes be given the appOintme~t; land the .voting on this motion was as fol- · lows: i~ Aye: Aid. MacDonald and Scott. Nay: Ald. McICinlsy, ii~ckner, T.liller, Frank and T~vidale. COIlZ.,~j~ C~TI0?IS Laid over from previous meeting: No. 115 - Labour-Progressive Party - re housing programme. 0,DELIED o:~ the !action of Ald. Frank and },McDonald that the connuunication be received an,~t filed. SiZE Report Tie. 65 No. 119 - Inspector of Prisons - re Police-,De!~rtment and lock-up. 0~DE-'~D on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Frank that the conunnnication b~ received and the Ont- hrio Municipal Board be approached to ascertain v~hether permission could be ob- tained to use a portion of the ~150,000.00 now held in reserve for the ccnstruction Of a new city hall, for the purpose of constructing a new police station. The followi~ Contnunications were presented: No. 145 - Niagara Falls District Trades and Labour Council - re ~uesting action re housing crisis. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. Buckher and L:c}~inley that the conmun- ication be received and filed, that this Council pass along to the Do:uinion Gov- ernment the remarks of the delegation; and support their resolution. No. 146 - Niagara Falls Public Library - ackmov:ledginE receipt of Budget for 1946. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. T,,,idale and Bucknor that the co:m.aAuication be rec- eived and filed. No. 14V - Deputy Minister of Highways - re proposed traffic li~;ht at Pewell Avenue. 0RDEE on the motion of kld. Frank and E~llor that'the co~,~unication be received and laid on the table for one week; and a report be made by the City Manager as to the cost of installation and operation of a light which could be turned off and on from a s~,dtch in the neighborhood. No. 148 - Ontario Municipal Association - acknowledging correspondence re coal situation. 0RDEt~D on the motion of Ald. n3.;idale and Frank that the co~.mnication be received and filed, and a r~solution be presented for presentation at the ~xt annual meeting. No. 149 - Railway Association of Canada - acknowledging dates for daylight saving time. 0RDEED on the motion of ~Lld. Frank and Scott that the co~inunication be received and filed. No. 150 - Hencurable Provincial Treasurer - acknov~ledging ~solution re City of Brantford. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MclCinley and Bucknor that the conm~unic- ation be received and filed. No. 151 - Y~m~s Y. Connolly - re appointment of assistant to assessment co.,~niss!on- or. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Miller that the co~maunication be received and replied to by a telephone call, followed by letter, advising of the action to be taken in this connection, and stating that if the building trade of the City is interested, that they got in touch v~lth the assessment commissioner; and fUrther that. the ~ssessment commissioner be advised of this motion. SEE Conmmnication No., 15.2. No. 152 - Assessment Co.~mmissioner - re applicants for position of assistant. 0R- DEED on the motion of Aid. Bucknet and T~idale that the connmnication be reco'ived and referred back to the Commissioner, that he be instructed to make the 'appoint.- meat, and report back to Council. No. 153 - gasper Beta - re erection of tourist cabins. 0RDE~ED on the motion of ~_]d. McKinley and Bucknet that the con~unication be received and referred to the Finance Committee for consideration by the Property Con~nittee. No. 154 - Hencurable Premier of Ontario - re responsibility for unemployment. ~CRDEI~D. on the motion of Ald. Bucknor and Bvidale that the communication be rec- eived and a copy be forvmrded to the Hencurable Htunphrey Mitchell. No. 155 - Department of Education - acknowledging resolution of City of Brantford. ORDERED on the motion of ~.ld. ~h'ddale and Buokner that the co~znunication be rec- eived and filed. No. 156 - Second Battalion, Lincoln and Welland Regiment - re illustrated lecture. 0RDEED on the motion of AId. Bucknet and MctGnley that the co~mnication be rec- eived and filed, that the invitation be accepted, and publicity be given in the local press vdth the request that as many persons as Imsible attend the lecture. No. 157 - Niagara Falls Music Festival Association - appreciati on of grant. 0RD- EE~D on the motion of A/d. Twidale and Scott that the conmunication be received and filed. No. 158 - Niagara Falls Public Library - reports on survey of branch and main lib- raries. OPaERED on the motion of Ald. Backner and Frauk that the conununication be received and laid on the table until a decision is received from the OntariQ Municipal Board upon the application for funds for capital expenditures. Prior to this motion it was moved by A/d. Scott and Miller that the conmunication be received and filed, but this motion was defeated. No. 159 - City of ~ngston - protesting against Bill NUmber 83. ORDERED on the motion ofAld. Twidsle and MacDonald that the communication be r~ceived and filed. SEE REPORT No. 68 RiPORTS Laid over from previous mating: No. 59 - City Manager - re development of Morse and Misener property. ORDEE the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank that the report, be received and laid on the table for one week, and the members of Council inspect the property prior to the special meeting with. Stamford Township Council. No. 64 - City Manager - re office accommodation at City. Hell. ORDEED on. the mot- ion of Ald. Bucknor and Frauk that the report be received and laid on the table until a decision has been received from the Ontario Municipal Board with regard to a new police station. The following Reports were presented: No. 65 - City Manager -re local housing conditions. ORDEE on the motion of kld. Frank and MacDonald that the report be received and filed. No. 66 - City Solicitor - re voting on reports. 0RDEED on the moti on of Aid. Scott and~Buckner that the report be received and filed. No. 67 - City Manager - re tenders for clothing for Fire Del~rtment. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and.~Bac~ner that the report b~ received and filed, and the reconm~endation be adopted. No. 68 - City Manager - re several Bills before Legislature. 0FOERED on the mo~- ion of Ald. Scott ~ra Frank that the report be received and filed. No. 69 - City Manager - recommending issuance of licenoes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Frank that the repOrt-be received and filed, and the recom- mendation be adopted. No. V0 - City Solicitor - re wording of proposed by-law re duties of City Mana~or, ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McIGnley and Frank that the report be received and laid on the table.' No. 71 - City Manager - re meeting~thPrivate Bills Committee. 0RDEPaED on the morton of Aid. Scent and McDonald that thereport be received and filed. No. v2 - Chu',r,'.zr~ of Finance -r~eoNu!lendin~- ~,~'ants C'[.~X!i~Oon the "~ ~r, el' ~ McKinley and MacDonald that the report be received and fi!od, uni the :eco~u':cr,!- ations be approvcd. No. ?3 - Aid. A.J.LTcKinley and ;'l.C.?,~.acDonald - r.~_ectin aign. 0RDEP~D on the motion of .kld. 9.vidalo ar:d ~a kner that the _,'apart ',~e r~'c- aired and filed, and the Aldernmn be thanked for their attendance anl the good report. No. ?~ - City Solicitor - r~. prcposeq agreement v:ith Civic Employees' .~sociution, Local 133. 0P~DERED on the motion of .~ld. Scott and Tv.'idXu that tim r~.port be received and diseased in Cosmittee of the SE~ ~y-lav: l!o. D~]12 The follov;ing By-law was read a first time: No. 3812 - To authorize the execution and delivery of an A,3reement betueen the Cor- poration of the City of Niagara Falls and The Civic E::~ployscs' Assoc- iation, Local 133. 0RDEltED on the motion of Ald. ~vidale and I.lacDonald that ;rid. Uillor be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-lav:,be read a fist ti:ac- Carried unanimously. On the motion of AId. Scott and ~'jidale the Council adjourned to meet in Co::mittee of the ~'~aole for the discussion of Report No. ?4 and By-la~v No. 3812. READ AND :iDOPTED, April 1, 1946. Clerk OOIa~ITTEE OF ~{E V,~t0LE Council Chamber, March 25, 1946. The Cormnittee of the Whole assembled at the close of the regular meet-. ing of Council on Monday, March 25, 1946. ~/1 members of the Council were pres- ent. The Committee met to discuss the report of the City Solicitur and a proposed ~-law. · It was ordered on the motion of A~d. Frank and Scott that the provisions of the proposed by-law, and the report, be read. It was ordered on the motion of .AId. Frank and MacDonald that the proposed Agreement with the Civic employees' Association, Local 133,, and the changes as recommended by the City Solicitor, be , taken up v:ith the AssoCiation:~ Committee, with the suggestion that the recommended changes be made. ~' It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and Scott that the Committee arise and report to Council. READ AND ADOPTED, April 1, 1946. Clerk C allE~r, COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, Nsrch 25, 1946. The Council re-assembled at the close of the Committee meeting, for the purpose of continuing with the business before them. All members of the Council Were present. The following By-laws were passed: No... 38,1.3. - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Bucknor that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Twidale and B~ckner that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules o~ Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading - AId. Scott and TWidale - Carried unanimously. No.. 3814 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. ORDERED on the motion of AId. 'Scott and Twidale that AId. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read a first time ~ Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald. that Rule '~6 (2 ~ of the Standing Rules cf Council be temporarily suspended and the by- law read 'a second tim - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading - AleS. MacDonald and McKinley,--Carried Un.n.i.m0usly. ' ' - No. 3815 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for g.alo and Deed. 0RDEED on the motlea of Ald. McKinley and Frax!h that fad. Lrillor be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law b~ read a first time - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of ~l],d. Frank and .'.,(acl]onald that !~ale 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council he temporarily suspended ani ij~o by-law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading - Aid. T~':idale and Scott - Carried un,:nimously. No. 3816 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale ~md Deed. ORDERED on the :notion of AId. Scott arid Tl'idalc that Ali. '~ill~!' be given the privilege of introducinS the by-law, and the by-lav~ be road a first tirae - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of ~kl:1. Bucknor ~d McKinley that i~.ule 56 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily susI~snded s~d the by-law read a second time - Carried unani:nously. 3rd reading -Ald. Fra~ and Scott - Carried unaniraously. No. 3817 - To authorize the execution of an :'~Zreement for Sal~ m~d Deed. ORDERED on the :notion of A!d. T~.~idale and LicKinlay that :ild. LTiller be given the privilege of introducing the by-la~v, and the by-law be road a first time - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. Frank and b~ckner ttiat Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules ef Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. Buckher and LIacDonald - Carried unanimously. No. 3818 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and B~ckner that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read a first time. Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. MclGmley and Bucknor that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading - AId. Scott and MacDonald - Carried unm~imously. .N.o. 3819 - To declare certain properties to be required for the purposes of the municipality. 01~ERE~ on the motion of Ald. Scott and ~vidale that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. Frankand Bucknor that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the. by-law be read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. Scott and 9;idale - Carried unanimously. The following By-law was read a first and second times: No. 3820 - To close and sell a portion of a lane running from Buttr~y AVenue to Ferguson Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Twidale tha~ Ald..Miller be , : 78 given the privilege of introducin.g the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time - Carried unanifaously. It was ordered on the motion of kld. Frank and LIcKinley that Rule 36 of the Striding Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law tea d a second time - Cos'tied unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of ~kld. Buchmr and MacDonald that by-law be laid on the tab]ere permit the advertisement of the s~uae - Carried unan.. imously. t~ESOLUTI O~B The followin~ Resolutions were passed: No. 79 - FRANK - McEINL~Y - RESOLVED ti.-at the report of the conference held on Yea'oh 16th, and the proposed by-law, defining the duties of the City thnaGer, be presented for consideration at the meeting on Monday, April let, the same to be dealt with part by part; .and the Seal of the Corporation be here to affixed. The follo~dl~ was the vote on the above m~tion: A~.e: Ald. MacDonald, L{cKinley, Bucknet, Iiiller and Frs~H~. Nay: Ald. Scott and qh..~dale. Prior to the above resolution, it was moved by Ald. ~',idale and L_~cDon- ald that Igr. A.G.L'.artin be appointed as accounting clerk; but this ~tion ~:as def- eated. No. 80 - T,',~D~LE - MITI,ER - ,tF~SOLVED that a Joint meeting v~lth Stamford To~mship Council be held on Friday. ~iarch EPth, at 8.00 p.m.; that the Niagara Falls Sports Co~ittee be also asked to be present; further that the Council view the korse and Misener properties at 6.30 p.m. on the same date; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unaninously The foliorAng Resolution was defeated: No. 81 - FRAI~K- BUCDIER - RESOLVD that in the future, the general public shall not be excluded from any conferences which the Council may hold; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. LOST The vote on the above motion was: · Aye: Ald. McKinley. l~ckner end Frank. Nay: Ald. MacDonald, Miller, Scott and ~tidale. MISCF~iANEOUS Ald. B~ckner asked for information as to the progress being made in the erection of new street signs. The Alderman asked whether refuse cans were avail- able for installation at various points throughout the City. T~e City Manager advised of the action taken In this connection. The Alderman also suggested the refuse basket now at Centre Street and Victoria Avenue be moved to a more conven- ient location. Ald. l~Ack~mr spoke about the dumping of fill fr~n the excavation of the new A. & P. store on Victoria Avenue. on the City dump. Ald. l~Aekner asked concerning adjustments in salaries for the members of the Police Force for the year 1946. : AId. Miller e~oko-uboU~>~he-low' lawns on ,~ictoria Avenue, north of Eer- ~lson Street, v,~ere th~ side elk hes been r~ised; ani suj"estud th ~t Fill thB buildi.g on Victoria ~venue bc used for the Du']~¢sc of r~isin6 the l~vel of the lawns. Ald. L~ckner sufEestsd that the City !.:ariaSet invcsti.;=~te the pos::ibili~y of usi~ muturial, mentioned in The Listening Post, for tile cxtorn~inatioa of rats at the City dump. Ald. Freak zu~'.Zested that a icy: extra copicz of the adcud~ b~ prc!~n'cl, to be used by the public attending the meetings of Council. Ald. LTacDonald asked f'cr information concernin'i a rc:!uust of citi;suns for the extension of bus services to various sections of the City. Tee Council adjourned on the fretion of :tld. LictCtnley and L:il!el'. READ AI© iOOPTL~D, April 1, 1946. C le rk FINAlICE LEETING Council Cha:qber, Ilkarch 25, 1946. The Finance Connnittee met on Lionday, Llarch 25, 1946, for the purpose of aptmoving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert- ified and placed before them. All members of the Con~nittee ~',ere present. SAndry accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to ~73,186.49. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherr:ise dealt :':~th, were ord- ered placed in the. money by-law for presentation to the Cotmcil, on the :action of Ald. Scott and Bucknor. The offer of A.H.Eastland, to purchase Lots 280, 381, LicRac Street, for $~00.00. was presented. Upon the recommendation of the Property Co~aittee, and on the motion of AId. Prank and Scott it was ordered that the offer be received ~d ~%ed. ~d ~. Eastland be advised the price of the lots is ~00.00. ~ ~fer was prosestad from Willi~a Ska~n, for the p~c~q~ of D~t 86, ~ 15. ~ird Avenue for $100.00. Upon the roco:~,mndation of the ]'reports. Ccm- ~t~e ~d on the motion of ~d. Scott ~d Fr~k it was o~iored the6 the ~fer be ~c~ved ~d accepted, subject to the provision that a dwelling of at least ~,~,000. ,~ue,be ~ected on ~e pre~sos within a period-of six months. 379 given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and McKinley that Rule 38 of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law tea d second time - Carried unanimously. It wa by-law be laid imously. The following ~ No. V9 - FRANK March 16t~ presented for c dealt vdth part~ The following Aye: /kid. MacD, Nay: Ald. Scot' Prior ald that Mr. A.( sated. No. 80 - .Council be held Committee be all Misener props rt be beret0 affix The following Re No. 81 - FRA!NY- not be excluded the Corporation The vote on the i A~e: AId. McKin: Nay: AId. MacDot erection of new ~ able far ins tolls advised of the u~ refuse basket nca~ ~ lent locution. ' Aid. Buckher 'spoke about the dumping of fill from the excavation of the new A. & P. store on Victoria Avenue, on the City dump. AId. Backnet asked concerning adjustments in salaries fc~ the members of the Police-FarCe for the year 19~6. Aid. ~Miller spoke about the low' lawns on,Victoria Avenue, north of Eer- guson Street, where the side'.alk has been raised; and sugSestcd that fill from th~ building on Victoria Avenue be used for the ptn'pose of raisinG the level of the la~ms. A~d. Buckher suggested that the City M~nager investACute the possibility of using material, mentioned ~n m~ ~-~ .... - ~ extermination of rats .he a6cnla be pre!x~red, request of citizens e City. Ller. N Council Chamber, March 25, 1946. for the purpose of en properly cert- .e present. tang to ~73,186.49. it v/ith, were ord- , on the motion of ........ ~u:a, ~o purchase Lots 280, 281, McRae Street, for "U~:.'~DV00, was presented. Upon the recommendation of the Property Conmittee, and on the motion of AId. Frank and Scott it was ordered that the offer be received and filed, and Mr. Eastland be advised the price of the lots is $300.00. An offer was .presented from William Skakun, for the purchas. o of Lot 86, Plan 15, Third Avenue for $100.00. Upon the roconnaendation of ~;he Property Com- mittee and on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank it was oxvlored that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the provision that a dwelling of at least 01~,000.. value be e~ected on the premises within a period of six months. given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be road a first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and McKinley that Rule ~6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law tea d a second time - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Bucknor and T~acDonald that th~ by-law be laid on the tab~to permit the advertisement of the same - Carried unanl- imously. RESOLUTI The following Resolutions ~vere passed: . No. V9 - FRAh~( - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED flat the report of the conference held on March 16th, and the proposed by-law, defining the duties of the City ~nager, be presented for consideration at the meeting on Monday, April let, the same to be dealt vdth part by pert; and the Seal of the 0orporation be here to affixed. . Csa. ried The following was the vote on the above m~tion: Aye: Ald. 1.~acDonald, McKinley, Bucknor, L~ller and Frar~. Nay: Ald. Scott and ~h~idale. Prior to the above resolution, it was moved by Ald. ~,ddale and MacDon- ald that I,~r. A.G.M~rtin be appointed as accounting clerk; but this motion was def- eated. No. 80 - T;ffD'~IE - MIT.~ER - RESOLVE that a joint meeting v~th Stamford To~nship -Council be held on Friday, E~rch 29th, at 8.00 p.m.; that the Niagara Falls Sports Conumittee be also asked to be present; further that the Council view the Morse and Missnor properties at 6.30 p.m. on the same date; and the Seal of the Corporation be beret0 affixed. Carried unanimously The following Resolution was defeated: No. 81 - FRA~Y - ~JCKNER - RESOLVED that in the future, the general public shall not be excluded from any conferences which the Council may hold; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. LOS~T The vote on t~e above motion was: Aye: Nay: Ald. McKinley, Bcckner and Frank. Ald. MacDonald, Miller, Scott and ~ldale. MISC~r,'~.~YEOUS Ald. B~ckner asked for information as to the progress being made in the erection of new street signs. The Alderman asked whether refuse cans were avail- able for installation at various points throughout the City. The 0ity Manager advised of the action t~ken in this co~nnection. The Alderman also suggested the refuse b~sket now at Centre St~re~t ~'~nd Victoria Avenue be moved to-a more conven° lent. locati on. ·Ald. Becknor spoke about the dumping of fill from the excavation of the new A. & P. store on Victo:ia ~A~venue, .on the 0ity dump. AId. Bcck~er asked concerning. adjustments in salaries for the members of the PoliCe Fomae for the ~ar 1946. ~.l'-'Ald..Miller spoke .about'!the low' lawns on,Victoria Avenue, north of I~er- guson Street, whore the sideu'alk has been raised; and suSSestcd that fill from th~s building on Victoria Avenue be used for the p~u'pose of raising the level of the layms. Ald. Bucknor suggested that the City Manager investigate the possibility of using material, mentioned in The Listening Post, for the extermination of rats at the City dump. Ald. Frank auGSeated that a few extra copies of the aScnia be pro!urea, to be used by the public attending the meetings of Council. Ald. l,~cDonald asked for information concernin'~ a request of citizens for the extension of bus services to various sections of the City. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. McYdnley and Miller. READ A~XD ADOPT"D, April 1, 1945. Clerk l~,ayor FINANCE T,~EETING Council Charaber, March 25, 19~6. The Finance Conmittee met on Monday, T~'~rch 25, 1946, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert- ified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were ~resent. Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to $73,186.49. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherv~ise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in t~e money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald.- Scott and BAcknor. The offer of A.H.Eastland, to purchase Lots 280, 281, McRae Street, for $100.00, was presented. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee, and on the motion of AId. Frank and Scott it was ordered that the o~fer be received and filed, end Mr. Eastland be advised the price of the lots is $300.00. : An offer was presented from William Skakun, for the purchase of Lot 86, Plan 15, Third Avenue for $100.00. Upon the reconnnendation of the Property Com- mittee and on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank it vms o~ored that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the provision that a dwelling of at least 0~,000.. value be erected on the premises within a period of six months. An offer was pr-::sented from D.G.Bawtenheimer Limited of -$400.00 for t:~ C0~tCIL I~'I']ETI_".TG purchase of part of Lot 50, St. Ctair Avenue. Upon the reconm.~endation of the Pro- perty Colamittee and on the motion of f~ld. 2Midale and Fra~k it v.~as ordered that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the provision that a dwelling of ~ at least $4,500.00 value shall he erected on the premises, or a dwelling moved tc Council Chac.l. ber, the premises, within a period of six months. h'arch 2~, The Council re-as:;en'.bled at the close of the rc~l:u. Cou::cil and I~in- A co.~n. mnication was presented from Dr. tI.A.Wrong, regarding the purcha..~. ance meetings, for the purpose of passing the ::~or..ey by~lav: v~ic'a covered th~ of vacant land, adjacent to his property. Upon the rzconuaendation of the Propez't:. counts approved by the Coh~aittec. All members of the Ccuncil ~':erc present. Conmxittee and on the motion of Ald. Frank and Buckn~er it was ordered that the mtu~ication be received and laid on the table for one h~ek, to permit the Cormlkittee to inspect the premises. A communication was presented from Y.W.Norkett, requesting a refund on The follov:ing By-law was I~assed: the purchase price OF Lot 21, Plan 28, Cedar Street. Upon the recoxmnendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Bucknet and Frank it was order_d No. 3821 - To Grant Monies for Gene:.al Parposes. that the comnmnication be received and filed, and thc refund be granted. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. },icKinley and T~';ida!c that ~ld. hillor be A communication was pr2sented from }~rs. N.I.Phillips, requ.:sting a ref- given the !~ivilege of introduci~S the by-law, ~nd the by-la- be read a first und of the purchase price of Lot 3~, Lo~.rls Avenue. Upon the reconunendation of time - Carried unanimously. the Property Committee, and on the motion of Ald. ~','ldale and Frank it was ordered that the communication be received and filed, and the refund be made, less the It was then ordered on the n~oticn of ~kld. Fr~:): and Scott that .Rule a second ti~B - Carried une~-imously. A communication was presented from D.Iiancuo, requesting the exchange of 3rd reading - ~ld. Bucknor and Frank - Cal'ried unanimously. Lot 803 for Lot 80~, Stanley Avenue'. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Buck- . nor and l,lcKinley, upon the recommendation of the Property Committee, that the communication be received and filed, and the request for the exchange of lots be granted. RESOLUTI The followring Resolution was passed: The matter of applications for the erection of toruist cabins at 1953 Buchanan Avenue by gasper Beta, ~'~ich had been referred from the Council roetingE; No. 8~ - T,'/IDAIE - FRAI,.~{ - RESOLViB that a co:.~mittee, co~sisting of thc Chairman and at 1980 Buchanan Avenue by Steve Kish, was considered. Upon the recommend- of Finance, the City Eanager and the Chairman of the Local Bo~rd of IIcalth, be ation of the Prop~ty Committee and on the motion of Ald. Frank and Tvddale, it named to make s.uggestions for a suitable function and presentation to Dr. IKam'ris was ordered that permits be issued for. such erections, providing the cabins are Logan upon his retirement as l~iodical 0ffice.r of Health for the City of I~iagara -constructed uhder the sul~rvision of the City Manager. Falls; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. The report of the Property Committee, on the above matters, was pros- Carried unani~.n. ousl}~ ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and T~ldale that the report be received and filed. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank· The Statement showing the breakdovm of the mill rate for 1946, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank that .the statement READ DID ADOPTED, April l, 1946. be received aud filed. A report was presented from Fire Chief Y.C.SHapton, recommending the purchase of a Chemox Oxygen B~eathing Apparatus, and extra eannisters, at a total cost of $164.50. It vms ordered on the motion of Ald. McElx~l ye and ~idale that the report be received stud filed, and the recommendation be adopted. The Committee adjourned on the motion of .Ald. Scott and Twirlale. Clerk . ' RFAD AND AD0~TED, April 1, 1946. " - Council Chamber, April 1, 1946. Pursuant to 'adjournment, the Council met on Monday, April 1, 1946, for ~he purpose of considering general business and.finance. All members of the Coun- cil were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the prev- ious meeting, ndopted these on the motion of Ald.. Twidale and MacDonald. ~A~A~TATXON In connecti on with Resolution No. Ba, and on the motion of Ald. Frank and M~-w~nley, Mr. MacGillivray of the Niagara Fails Sports Scommittee was per- matted to address the Council. Mr. MacGillivray spoke in connection with ~he res- olution which had bee submitted for consideration by the Councils of Niagara Falls, Stamford and Chippaws, and stated that the 'Committee v~uld be glad if the resolution were passed by. the Council. ~ Resolution No. 86 C0t~nNICATI01~S The following Comn~nications were presented: No. 160 - Department of Muntcipai Affairs - re consideration of resolution of City of Brantford. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Frank and Twidale +.h, t the com- ~n~ cation be received and filed. No. 161 - Wartime Housing Limited - approval of Housing Committee for one hundred houses. ORDEI~ED on the motion of Ald. l~xckner and Fr~r~ that the communication be received and filed. No. 162 - Office of Fire Marshal - seventh ~--ual firamon's ~raiming school. 0R- DERED on the motion of Aid. Miller and McKinley that the o~,~ication be xec- eived and laid on the table until the applt~a.tton bla~s are received. No. 162a -Natio-~ Aeronautical Association - re First Canadian International Air Show. OI~ERED on the motion of Ald~ Fr~-~ and Sco~t that the communication be received and filed. " No. 163 - The Navy league of Canada - requesting permission for tag day. 01~ERED on the motion of AId. Bucknet and Fr~n~ that the oommanication be received and filed, the request be gx~nt~l, and permission for a tag day on May llth be ap- proved. No. 164 - The 1~11 Telephone ComEany of C-~a - requesting permission for cer- tain work. ~F~ID on the mo~i~ of ~. ~nley ~ S~t t~t ~he cogitat- ion be ~c~X~ ~d filed, ~e application be gr~t~ ~d t~ by-~w presen~d. No. 165 - Minister of Reconstructtou and SCRDly - acknowledging brief re housing situation. 0~DEt~D on the motion for Ald. l~AO~-~r and Miller that ~hs COm~AU- ication be received and filed. ,,~,_--~:.r~'- No. 166 - Department of Municipal Affairs - ~e accommodation for Police Del~rt- ment. OftPEttED on the motion of AId. Fx~nk and MacDonald ~hat the cormsInjection .be received and filed, and the Cit~ Manage~ be instructed ~o relxmt on possible 'locations and plans for a new pol~e.e building. so the sans ma~ be proceeded with. t~ior to this motion it was mowed by Ald. Twidale an~ Scott that ~he co~xunicat- -ion be received and laid on the table unt.ll m~lui~ed fol. an~ project that is undertaken. Thts~otion was. defeated.= ~=. ,~ · · ' :' · ~, ' S. , ' :, ,: !"' - No. 157 - Ontario Municipal Board - ORDER approving expenditure for Niagara Falls Collegiate Vocation-l Institute. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller end Buck- net that the com~-ication be received and laid on the table until next meeting to Remit the members to study the sam. No.. 168 - Niagara Air Service - requesting sale of certain buildings. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Buckher that the communication be received and filed, and if it is felt the Corporation has no immediate use for the t~u of the buildings mentioned, the City ~nager be empowered to sell the same to the applicant. SEE Resolution No. 8~ No. 169 - New York Central System - requesting adjustment of lease for Kimberly- Clark property. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Miller that the coamun- ication be received and filed, and the lease be adjusted. No. 170 - New York Central System - requesting adjustment of lease for property at Ellis Street and Ontario Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Scott that the cOm,.~ cation be received and filed, and the lease be adjusted. No. 171 - Assessment Commissioner - re appointment of en assistant. 01~DERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and Miller that the communication be received and filed, the recommendation be adopted, and an advertisement be made for an assistant to the assessment oommtesioner with experience. REPORTS laid over from previous meeting: No. 59 - City M-~ger - re Morse and Misener subdivision. 0RD~RED on the motion of Aid. l~Ackner and ~vidale that the report be received and filed, and the general public be acqnianted with the possibility for opening up the property, to ascer- tain the reaction before any further steps are taken. No. 61 - City Manager - re conference on M-~ch 16, 1946. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Frank that the report be received and adopted. The vote on this motionwas: A~e: Ald. MacDonald, McEXnley, Becknat, Miller and Frank. Na~: Ald..Scott, Twidale and His Worship Mayor Ingiis. No. 70 - City Solicitor - re wording of by-law to define duties of the City M-~- ager. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Frank that the report be rec- eived and laid on the table. r SEE Resolution No. ' ' By-law No. S~7__ No. 64 - City t~n~_~er - re office accomm~lation in City Hall. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Ald.' Frank and l~xckner that the report be received .ns filed, and temporary offices be built until arrangements are made in connection with the city ~ail and further accommodation is available in the City ttall. ~he following l~eDort was presented: No. ~5 - City Ma~age~ - recommending issuance of liemess. ORDERED on the motion ~f AId. Miller and Scott t~at ~he report be received and filed, and the rec~nmend- ations. be adopted. ~e followin~ Petition was l~osonted: NO. 2 - I~.Woodhead and 12 others - protesting against erection of tourist Cabins. C~DE~ED Ca the motion of Ald. Bucknet and Fmn~ that the petition be :eeeived and 1,aid on the table until next meeting, that the m~nbers. inspect the premises, and the erection of the cablns, now in progress, be stopped pendlng the declston of the Council on the matter. RESOLUTIOEB .~xe following liesolutions were passed: No. 83 .- MOBINIaY - FRANK - RFa0LV~n that a by-law be presented et the next reg- ular meeting of Council, ~hich will provide for the appointment of Mr. Patten as City Clerk; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Car ri ed No. 84 - S00Tr - BUC~R-- RES0LV~n that the 'Reverend Mr. MaeFsrlane of Glenview Mission be permitted to purchase two small buildings, now in the hn~as cf the Corpsration, if he so desires; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously No. 85 - TWXDALE - MacDONALD - RESOLVED that the City Manager be instructed to · forward a massage, exprssslng the sympathy of the City Council and citizens of Niagara Falls, to Ex-alderman T.N.Grimster and his family, upon.the death of Mrs. (Iramater; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto ,affixed. Carried unanimously No. 86 - MIT3A~ - McEINLEY - W~EREAS the Greater Niagara Sports Committee has undertaken to raise as mUch money as possible for the erection of a Greater Nia- gara Memorial Artificial Ice Arena by public subscription; AND VP3EREAS the Cnmm~ttee has asked that the Councils of the three mun- icipalities of Niagara Falls, Stamford and Chippaws submit to the ret epayers, at the m-n~cipal election in 1946, a by-law t0 assure the procuremant of fUnds req- uired to absorb whatever portion of the cost 'is not provided by l.m. blic subscript- ion; BE IT THEEEFCea RESOLVED that the ~reater Niagara Sports Committee be assured that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls will prepare such a by-law to be presented to the electors at the election for the year 1946; and the Seal cf the Corporation be hareto affixed. Carried unanimously No. 87 - MILLER - INCKNEH - i~ES0~VED that a sun of $10,000.00 be included in the application to the Ontario Municipal Board, such amount, if approved, to be used for the erection of ecrufort stations at the south ..a centre sections of. the City; and the Seal of the Corporation be hareto affixed. Car ed No. 88 - FRAI~ - I~CKNER - I~ESOLVED that the matter of the hiring of an assistant to the assessment c~wm~esioner, as toeether such appointment should be made by the Assessment commissioner or the City Couhotl, be refarred to the City Solic- itor lot an interpretation of the Act; and the;Seal ~f the Corporaticu be hereto affixed. , :. ' ~ '.~ .-. :. Oarsled unanimously BY-lAWS The followin~ By-law was presented for the third No. 5?74 - A by-~aw to define the duties of the City U--~ger c~ the City of Nia- gara Falls. It was ordex~d on the motion of AId. M~Kinley ,I ~-~ F~ank that ~he b~- law be ~er~ ~ok for ~vision, -'- ' . : · .~ followAna ~x-laws weme msse&~ oa~t~ - To pEGvide fo~ 1M~mis s~ca'. to The Bell .Telephone Cc~pan~ ~f. Canada to place underground condiut on Buchanan Avenue and a pole and two an- chors on North Street, in the City of Niagara Falls. 0RDEI~D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Miller that A/ft. Twidale be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first t~.~ - Carried unanimously. It was ~hen ordered on the motion of Ald. Freak and Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 5rd reading -Ald. Bucknet and Scott - Carried unanimously. No. ~8~3 - To appoint a Medical Officer of Health. 0RDFU~lU on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Miller that Aid. McKinley be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time - Carried, Ald. Scott voting cantrary. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. Miller and Buckher that Rule 36 (~-) of the St-nding Rules of Council be temporarily suspended ~.a the by-law read a second time - Carried, Ald..Scott voting contrary. ~rd reading -Ald. Frank and Buckner - Carried, A/ft. Scott voting cmtrary. No.. 3824 - To authorize the axecution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. 0R/lEE on the motion of A/d. McKinley and Scott that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be road a first time - Carried unanimously. It was then ~dered on the ~otion of Aid. Buckher and MacDonald that l~Ale 56 (2) of the Standing l~xles of Council b9 temporarily suspended and the by- law · ead a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. Twidale and Seo~t - Carried unanimously. No. ~8~5 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. 0RDEt~D on the motion of Ald. Bucknet and Twidale that Ald. Miller be give~ the privilege of ihtroduceing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first -t~n~ --Carried unanimously. _= It was then ordered on the motion of AId. McKInley and Bucknet that Rule 56 (2) of the Standing t~les of Council be .tmporarlly suspended and the by- law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. Scott and BUeknar - Carried unanimcusly. No. 3826 -To authorize the execute'on of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. ORDFaED on the motion of AId. Twidale and McKinley that AId. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law he read a first time - CarrAed unanimously. It was then c~dared ou the motion of AId. Bucknor and Scott that Rule ~6 (2) of the Standing Rules of C~unoll.be temporarily suspended and the by-law · ead a second ttmo~- Carried Bn~n~otxsly. 3z,d reading - AM. F~ank and McKinley - Carried unanimously. AId. Bucknet spoke abo~ the difficulty pedestrians were experiencing in arcs sing River Road and B~Adge Street, when ears are lined up waiting to cress '~e :i~3,wer~ ATok~Brtdge , ~ S~sted ,that: thek city, Mazeget take t~e matte~ Up with . the Police Department in an endeavor .to improve the .condition before the ~eav~ tourist season coarseness. Aid. Miller asMed wlzt action had bee~ taken with regard to the prep- station of plans amd costs of the 0aMes Park lighting, and alterations lo the yAhlie schools. ~xe City ~sger advised that the matter of Oakes ]Park lighting would be presented at the fin~ee meeting. Aid. l~xckner spoke of the had condition of the public lavatories et the City Hall, and suggested that steps be taken to. place the same in a more agile- factory condition, The Council adjourned on the mottc~ of Aid. McKInley end Scott. AND ADOPT~n, April 8, 1946. .Clerk FFV . ,ew'q FXNA~'K. MEETING Council Chamber, · April 1, 1946. The Finance Committee met on Monday, April 1, 1946, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been prol~rly cert~ iliad and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present, total cost of $622.50, be accepted, and the summary be received and filed. The request of Dr. H.A.Wrong, to purchase a strip of land s~acent to his property at 2180 Main Street, as laid over from the previous meeting, was presented. Upon the recommendatic~ of the Property Committee and on the motion of Aid. Scott end Frank it was ordered that the communication be received and laid on the table for one week. The offer was presented from Mrs. A. Konkos for the purchase of Part of Range 22, Plan 653, Robinson Street for the sum of $25.00. Upon the recommend- atlon of the Property Committee and on the motion of Aid. Frank and ~vidale, it was ordered that the offer be received end filed, and Mrs. Konkos be advi seal the property is not fur sale at the present time. An c~fer was presented from Louis GUerriero, St., for the purchase of Lots 42 and 45, North Street for the sum of $290.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Frank and MacDonald it was ord- ered that the offer be received aad Mr. Ouerriero be advised the City will sell one lot for $50.00, subject to the provision that a dwelling of.at least $4,500. value is erected thereon within six months. An offer was presented from D.Y.Aleo for the purchase of Lot 46, Plan 2, North Street for the sum of $50.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Aid. Twidale and Frank it was ordered that the of- fer be received and accepted, subject to the provision that a dwelling of at least .$4,500.00 value is erected thereon within six months. An offer was presented from Ralph Howlerr for the purchase of Lot 55, Plan 27, I~ron Street for the sum of $50.00. Upon the recomendation of the Prop- erty Committee end on the motion of/rid. Scott end Frank it was ordered that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the pr~tsion that e dwelling of at least $4,000°00 value is e~ected nn the premises withln six months. An offer was presented from S. Scaiise for the lmrchase of Lots 24, ~, Plen is, l~ttrey Street for the aum of $150.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Aid. Buckn~ and Frank it was ord- ered that the effer be received and accepted, subject to the condition that legal !reaPers will be preI~re~ when the building are ready to be proceeded with. An offer was presented from W.H.Reece for the purchase of Lot 52, Plan ~-7, I~Aron Street, fur the sum of $50,00. Upon the recnmmeedation of the the offer he received and accepted, subject to the provision that a dwelling of at least $4,000.00 value is erected on the premises within a !~ertod of six months. An application was presented from M~. Laslo, requesting permission to : . constx~xot four single and twe double tourist cabins on port of Lot 180, River S~ndry accounts were appreved by the Cm~nittee, amounting to $10,777.34. Road. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Aid. .The accounts submitted, being passed 'or otherwise dealt with, were ord- additional information, regarding the location of the cabins, is received. ered placed in the money by-law for piescriterion to the Cruxnell, ~n the motion of Aid..MeEinley ~ Fre-~. . I bee, His Woeship Mayor Inglis and the manberg of the C~amitbee discussed t~e ~oI that the offer be received and accepted. posed staff changes of the City Hall. The City Manage, City Trsas~er and Ac- countant made statements upon the matters discussed, l~ls: Worship Mayc~:Ing~iS ~_ report of the Property Committee on the above nmtters, was pres- srated he was o~posed to the ch~n~s as authorized by t~.Coun~il. ..~ · ' ' " '/· be meetwed 'and filed. " ~ City Manager submitted figures in connection v~lth the proposed ~wts-..Wc~ship the~ lef~ tbs mse~tng, ...." .; .... - lighting of 0aMes Park. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Twidale ' '. '~ . !.~ ' "' '(! : that the City Manager be empowered to obtain from the H~ro-olElectric Commission ...... of Niagara Falls the estimated 8~st c~ the erection c~ poles ~for the lighting A s,,~x7 of the Unss seed ~emde~s was submitted, It was o~derad on .~-~.~m0~*!0/n:ofcAld~.~d~e.l~.e~d~.~.~.e~ha$.A~.~.: ~ender 0f.-~s..~FAa~h~e~, ..at~-a~ · b Clty Manager advised that M~, Cheat c~ the Hydro-Electrto Power Commission of Ontario had beea in the City and had advised that the Commission is lrel~red to sell the smell frame dwelling adjacent to the property owned by the City, and formerly used as.the Relief Office. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Bucknet and Frank that the ccmmussion beadvised the City does not desire to lxtrchas8 the prol~ty at the present time for the 8tun of $3,000.00, His Worship returned to the meeting. A communication was presented from R.E.Andrews, concerning his car al- lonce. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. B~ckner aud Scott that the commun- ication he received and laid on the table, and the matter referred to the Chairman of Ftnnnce tO report at the next.meeting. The matter of fare protection to a certain area of the Township of Stan~ for was discussed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley .and .~xckner that the City Manager endearour to arrange a meeting with the Ceancil of the T~vn- shl~ of Stamford for the discussion of certain matters; and that an agenda for such meeting be prepred and presented to the ~ouncll in advance of the. meeting. Committee a~Arned on the motion of Ald. Scott and l~ank. READ Ai~ ADOPIeD, April 8,'1946. Clerk '=~'~9' Flnanee $ COUNCIl Council 0hmher, Ap~ll 1, 1946, The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and fin- an~e meetings, fo~ the purpose of passing the roenay by-law wfiich cowered the counts app~owed by .the Committee. All members of the Cmnoil ware px~san~t?.: :/L :: · . . ~he follyowing l~y-law was ~assed: No. ~827 - T~ O~an$ Monies for General Purposes. be Siren 0RDE~ED on the motion of AId, Twidalo and MacDonald that Ald. I~Lller the 'ImAvilege of tn~x~duot~he by=law, and the by-law be read a fire% $ $ t4rm _ Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Twldale and MCKinley that Rule 36 (Z) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd readlng -Ald. Frank aud Twirlale - Carried Unanimously. The Conncil adjourned on the motion of AId. Frsnk and McKinley. READ AI~ ADOPTED, April 8, 1946. Clerk , : 90. REGULAR ~EETING Council Chamber, April 8, 1946. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met on Monday, April 8, 1946, for the purpgse of considering general business and finance. All members of the Coun- cil were present. The CoUncil, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion Of Ald. Scott and Killer. D~L~UTATION In connection with Communications No. 172 and 173, and on the motion of Aid. Twiddle and B~ckner, Mr. Hawkins of the.. Greater Niagara Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society was permitted to address the Council. Mr. Hawkins explained the est- ablishment of the new unit and the reason--for the appeal for funds. SEE Communications No. 172-3 COMM~NICATIONS Laid over from previous meeting: No. 16V - 0ntarioMun~cipal Board -,re $10,000.00 expenditure for BOard of Educ- ation. 0RDE~ED on the moti6n of Aid. Twiddle and Frank that the comminication be received and filed, and the authority acted upon. The followinK Com,,~nications were presented: No. 1?2 - Ontario Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation - appeal for funds. No. 173 - Greater Niagara Unit, Canadism Cancer Society - re formation and appeal. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Miller that the communications be rec- eived and filed, and a grant be made to the org.-~zation, the amount to be decided by the Find_nee Committee. No. 174 - Stamford Athletic Club - requestiltg use of facilities at 0akes Park. OR- DEE on the motion of AId. Scott and Frank that the communication be received ,ha laid on the table for consideration at the Joint meeting with the Stamford Township Count i 1 · 'No. 175 - Kia~ara Falls EEltie Band - acknowledging grant for 1946. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Miller and McEinley that the communication be received and filed, and the Bank be advised that in the year 1946 there were m~wymmJor expenditures which made it impossible to met the request for an increased grant; and it is pos- sible that in the year 1947 it might be possible.Eo favourably consider same. No. 176- Town of ~norold - re steel bleather stands. ORREZt~ on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Miller that the comuunication be~reCeived and laid on the table to permit the members ot inspect the stands during the tour of inspection. · No. 177 - International City Managers, Association - re 6onvention in Montreal. 0RDEI~ED on the motion of Aid. Bucknet and MacDonald that the communication be rec- eived and filed, and the City ~-~ger be ,authorized to attend the conference. No. 178 - City ~reasurel~- re Municipal Finance'0ffieers, Association covention. 0RIIERED on the motion of Aid. Seot't and Miller that the communication be received and filed, and the City ~reasurer be authorized to attend the convention. No. 179 - A.H.i~xrrell - requesting permission to purchase one amay hat. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Frank and ~Aokner that the ce,,~xnication be received and filed, and ~f sufficient parts for a hut are available after previous sales, that Mr~ Murrell be permitted ~o pur~hane the same. Prior to this motion it ~as moved by, Ald. Mille~-and Fx~nk that~ t~xe-cc~m~hioation he ,received and filed, ..~na M~. Nutroll be advised of the price of the hut and given the privilege of buying the same. After consideration of Commnication No. 180, it was ordered by the mover and seconder of the motion that the same be withdrawn. No. 180 - E.G.Hicks - requesting permission to purchase two army huts. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. B~ckner and Miller that the communication be received and filed, and the application of Mr. Hicks, an ex-servicemen, be accepted. No. 181 - National Aeronautical Association - re membership and convention. OR- DERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Frank that the communication be received and laid on the table f or one week to permit the Council to study the communicat- ion. No. 182 - Hencurable Minister of Reconstruction and Supply - re restriction of issuance of building permits. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and McKinley that the communication ~e received and laid on the table for one v~ek. SEE Petition No. 2 and Resolution No. 89 No. 183 - Depurtmemt of Health - re by-iaw appointing Medical Officer of Health. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and TwidAie that the communication be rec- eived and filed, and the requested change be made in the by-law. SEE By-law No. 3833 ~e followinK Ranerrs were presented: No. 76 - City M,n~ger - recommending issuanc~ of licenoes. OI~)ERED on the motion of Aid. Twidale and Scott that the report be received and filed, and the recom- mendation he adopted. No. 77 - City Solicitor - re appointment of assessor. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. t~lckner and Frank that the report be received and filed, and the motion, made on March 25, 1946, to appoint an assistant to the assessment commissioner be res- cinded. ~'dRTHER (RDEE on the motion of Aid. Bucknor and Frank that the Assess- ment Commissioner and His Worship Mayor Inglis be instructed to appoint an asses- sor. (Aid. Killer voted contrary to both motions. ) No. 78 - Committee of Council - report on traffic conditions. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Ald. Scott -~d T~idale that the report be received and referred back to the Committee for further consideration of Item i of sub-section (b). No. 79 - City ~-na~er - re Welland Securities Limited property. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Scott that the report be received and filed. No. 80 - City u--nRer - recommending change in lot for Wartime Housing building. 01~ERED on the motion of Aid. Twiddle and Sucknor that the report be received a,a filed, and the recommendation be adopted. No. H1 - City Ma~aRer - re meeting of Greater Niagara Municipal Association. 0R- BEltED on. the motion of Aid. Twiddle and McEEnley that the report be received and filed, the invitation of the Village c~ 0hippaws be accepted, and as m. ny Of the Council as possible attend. No. 8~ - City Manager - re attempted opening ef cash registore. 0RDEE on the motion of Aid. Frank and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and that in the future, the cash ~egisters be left open when the same have bean emptied at night. PETXTIOI~S T 393 No. 2 - H.Wocdhead and 12 others - re tourist cabins on Buchanan Avenue. 01~)ERED m the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the petition be received and laid m the table for one week, and the matter be referred to the City Solici tot to ascertain whether there is any possibility of the City being involved in a law suit if the cabins are not permitted to he proceeded with. S~E.Resolution No. 89 The following Petition was presented: No. 3 - S.R. Cristalli and 97 others - re j,m~ yards on Stanley Avenue. 0F~ERED c~ the motion of Ald. McEinley and Miller that the petition be received and ref- erred to the Board of Police Commissioners; also that the sanitary inspector be imtructed to investigate the condition reported, and if it is found to be as submitted, that he make a report thereon to the 0ommis sion. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were ~ssed: No. 89 - FRANK - McEINLEY - RESOL~-D that, in the matter of the erection of tour- ist cabins on t~Achanan Avanns, where no building has been commenced, the permit be cancelled, and in the case where construction has been started, the owner be advised that, if he cotpletes the structure, the Council will notissUe a tourist licenee to him for the same; further that the City Manager be instructed to not issue any further permits for cabins; that he be instructed to write to the Dep- artment of Reconstruction ~ Supply tO ascertain the anti cipated amount of build- ing material which will be available during the balance of 1946; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. C. arrie d No. 90 - FRANK - SCOTT - t~LV~D that in consideration of the fact that the Civic Sports Committee of Nlagara Falls, Stamford ~ Chippaws has qndertahen to raise as much money as possible for the erection of a Greater Niagara Memorial Ice Arena by public subscription in the City of Niagara Falls, the Township of Stamford and the Village c~ Chippawa, the m,,nicipal councils of theaforesaid municipalities resolve to su~m~tt to the ratepayers of their respective mn!ci pal- itles at the m,,uicipal election in 1946 each by-law or by-laws as will assure the proeurenant of the funds required to absorb whatever portion of the cost of the * pmpesed arena as may not be provided by public eabsclription; It is further resolved that the ownership of the proposed Arena is to be fully vsste~ in the municipalities concerned, and its operation is to be in the hands of a comm~msion responsible to the councils of the said naxnicipallties; It is further resolved that all m~tters pertaining to the proposed arena such as proportion of debenture debt, operating costs, personnel of the .commission, etc. s~l l be duly shared by the municipalities of the City of Niag- ara Falls, the T~nship of Stanford and the Village of Chippawa on a per capita basis, based on the pop~lation of each municipality as shown by the assessment roll f~ the current ~ear; ~-d the Seal of the Co?potation he berets affixed. C,arr-led Prior to the above motion, a similar resolution, with the addition of the following paragraph: "It is further resolved that in the even that one of the ~oresaid m~nicil~lities should decline tO participate in the proposed agree- m~-t as outlined above, the remaining two shall consider their agreement as · legal and binding.. was proposed by AId. ~aller and MeEI~, ~but ,this motion · was defeated. ' ~ · - ' No. 91 - IN~ER - 1~ - ItESOLVED that the City Manager be instructed to eom- m~nicate with the officials of the Canadian National Railways to obtain some definite information in coanes~len with the matters of the transportation system in Niagara Falls, and also the proposed conference to discuss the smoke nuis- ance at the railway yards; and the Seal of the C~$po~atlon-be hereto ~af.~!xed. · , , ; -,,,, ........ - - Carrted BY-LAWS The foliowin~ By-laws were passed: N9..38~8 - To authorize the execution of an A~reemnt for Sale and Deed. 0RDEREDon the motion of Ald. McKinley and Scott that AJ~d. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by. law and the by-law be read a first time - Curried unanimously. It was then ordered ca the motion of Aid. Frank and Buckher that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reqding - AId. Bucknet and Scott - Carried unanimously. .No.. 3829 - TO authorize the execution of an 'Agreement for Sale and Deed. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Twidale and Frank that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read a first time - .Carried unanimously. It was than erdered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Bucknet that .R~le 36 (2)-of the Stmding Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by- law be read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading - Aid. Twidale and Scott - Curried unanimously. .N.o. 38~0 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. ORDERED on the motion of. Ald. l~Ackner and Frank that Ald. l~iller be given the privilege of intzuducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first tim - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Twidale and McKinley that l~tle 36 (~) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarilymspended and the by- law be read a second time - Curried unanimously. 3rd reading - Aid. Frank and Scott - Carried un~nimously. The folloxin~ BY-law was presented: No. 3831 - To appoint a City Clerk and a Deputy City Clerk and Deputy City Treas- urer. 01~)E~ on the motion of Aid. McKinley and ~Acknsr that Aid. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Frank that the Council adjourn to Committee ~ the Whole to discuss By-law Number 3831. ' AND ADCi~I~D, Al~il 15, 1946. Clerk Mayor C0~ITTEE OF ~tE WHOLE Coucnil Chamber, April 8, 1946. The Canmittee of the Whole assembled, for the purpose of considering by-law Number 3~l~l. All members of the Committee were present. On the motion of Ald. Frank and McKinley, Ald. Scott was chairman. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and McKinley that an ad- ditional clause be inserted in the by-law, providing for the appointments to be made as of October l, 1948. The CoTrot:tree then arose and reported to the Council. AND ADOPTED, April 15, 1948. Clerk COUNCIL MEE.',NG Council Chamber, . April 8, 1946. The Council re-assembled at the olcee of the meeting of the Committee of the Whole, for the consideration of matters before them. All members of the Council were Iresant. The chairman of t2xe ~omm!ttee meeting, Aid. Scott, repor- ted On the action t~ken .thereat.. r The folloxing By-law was read a second and third times: .No. 3831 - To appoint a City Clerk and a Deputy City Cle~k~nd .Deputy City Treas- urere · ~nd reading -AId. McKinley and Frank - Carried. $rd ~eading -Ald. Fx~n~k ~d Miller - Carried. ~he' following By-law was ~e~ented: No. 3832 define the duties of $~e City Manager ar the City ar Niagara Falls. 0~ ~ t~ motion ~, ~. ~oF ~ ~okn~ t~ ~. ~l~r ~ given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time _ Carried. It was then ~dered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Frank that the Council ad- Journ to the Committee of the Whole for discussion of the by-law. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Miller that the chairn~n be Ald. T~ldsle. RFAD AND ADOP~n, April 15, 1946. Clerk Meyer C0~ff~fEE OF THE W~OLE Council Chamber, April 8, 1946. The Committee of the Whole assembled after the Council meeting far the discussion of By-law Number 383~. All members of the Committee were present and Ald. T~idsle was chairman. The provisions of By-law Number 3832 were discussed, together with the report of the City Solicitor, dated March El, 1946, upon the matter. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and Miller that the by-law be sent back to the City 8elicitor for his opinion as to whether the proposed by- law will conform to the Niagara Falls Act -~ the Municipal Act; and if not, that a new by-law be drawn in accordasce with the tw acts. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and 'Miller that the Committee arise mad report to.Council. READ AND ADOPTED, April 15, 1946. Clerk Chairman 395 COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, April 8, 1946. The Council re-assembled at the close of the Conmittee of the Whole meeting for the purpose of continuing the business before them. Aid. Twirlale, Chairman of the Committee meeting, reported upon the action taken.' All members of the Council were present. BY-LAW The follewin~ By-law was presented: · No. 3832 - To define the duties of the City Manager of ths City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley end Miller that the report of the COmmittee of the Whole be adopted, and the by-law be referred back to the City Solicitor. The following By-law was passed: No. 3833 - To appoint a Medical Officer of Health. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Miller that AId. M~Kinley be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law he read the first time - Carried (Ald. Scott voting cmtrany). It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. Miller and Twidale that Rule 36 (2} .of the Standing ~Ales of Council he tempoarily suspended and the by- . law read a second time - Carried (AId. Scott voting cantrary). 3rd reading - Aid. Twidale and McKinley -. Carried (AId. Scott voting cantrary). RESOLUTI ON The following Resolution was passed: No. 92 - SCOTT - FRANK - RESOLVED that the ~--,xal totu. of insl~ection be held by the City Council on Thursdey, April 25, 1946; and the Seal of the Corporation be he~eto affixed. ' Carried unanimously be Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Twidale and MacDonald. READ AND ADOPT~), April 15, 1946. ~ FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, April 8, 1946. The Finance Committee met on Monday, April 8, 1946, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts iich had been properly cert- ified and placed ba~ore them. All members of the Committee were present. SUndry accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to $46,392.42. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Twirlale. His Worship Meyer Inglls left the meeting. Aid. Frank extended an invitation on behalf of the Yunior 'Chamber of Commerce to the members of the City Council and their wives, to attend a function of the Chamber on Wednesday, April 17th. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Buckher and Scott that the invitation be accepted, and as many members of the Council as possible attend the meeting. The communication from R.E.Andrews, regarding his car allowance, as lead over from the previous meeting; and the report of the Chairman cf Finance, recommending an adjustment in several .allowances, were presented. It was ~dered on the motion of AId. Scott and Frank that the communication and report be rec- eived and filed, and the recommendations he adopted. An application was Presented from Mr. Laslo for the erection of tourist cabins at 9 River Road, as laid over from the previous meeting. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Frank and McKinley that the application be received and laid on tbs table until a ruling is received from the City Solicitor in connect- ion with the erection of other torist cabins in the City. The request of Dr. H.A. Wrong, to purchase a strip of property, as laid over from the previous meeting, was presented. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee, and on the motion of Aid. Frank An~I Scott it was ordered that the communication be received and laid on the table for an additional week. An offer was presented from Angelo Maneuse for the purchase o2 Lot 903, Plan 653, Lombard Avenue for the sum of $50.00. Upon the recommendation cf the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. ~J~ale and McEihley it was ord- ered that the offer be received and accepted. An offer was presented from Arthur Perri to purchase Lots 89~ and 89B, Plan 653, I~mbard Avenue for the sum of $150.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of AId. McKinley and Frank it vas ordered that the offer be received and laid on the table for one week. An offer was presented from M. Eazanowsk~ for the purchase of Lots 209, 210, Plan ~, MoRse Street for the sum of $~00.00. 1~pon the recommendation of the .Property Committee and on the motion of Aid. IFrank and MacDonald it wasordered that the offer be received and the applicant be advised the City will sell either ~t for the sum of $100.00, subject to the privison that a dwelling of at least ~,~00.00 value is erected on the premises within a period of' six months. An application was lineseats d from Yohn Collucci for the lmrchese of X~t ~9~, Ottawa Avenue. ~Ypon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald it was ordered that the communication be received and filed, and M~. Collucci be advised the lot has bem~ allocated for the c.onstmotion thereon of a dwelling by Wartime Housing Limited, and is, 398 therefore, not for sale. An offer was presented from W.R.Phillips for the purchase of Lot,84,' Plan 27, Huron Street for $50.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Com- mittee and on the motion of Ald. Frank and Scott it was ordered that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the condition ths~ a dr:oiling of at least $4,500. value is erected on the preenlees within a period_ of six months. An offer was presented from M.Rosenauer for the purchase of Lot 28, Plan 20, Elm Street for $50.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Aid. Twidsle and Frank-it was ordered that the offer be rec- eived and laid on the table for one week. A communication was 'presented from Louis Guerriero in connection with his offer to purchase Lots 42, 45, North Street. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Aid. Frank and MacDonald it was ordered that the communication be received and filed, and Mr. Cuerriero be advised the City will sell Lot 45, North Street for the assessed value of $240.00. A connun~cation was presented from A.H~Eastland, regarding his offer to purchase Lots 280, 281, McRae Street. Upon the re commemdati on of the Property Committee and on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Scott it was ordered that the letter be received and laid on the table for one ~ek. The report of the Property Committee on the above matters was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Scott that the report be received and filed. A communication was pros.anted from the City Manager with re~ard to the purchase of a Victoria Avenue property. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Scott and Twidale that the communication be received and filed, and the City Man- ager instructed to proceed with the purchase. The comparison of tax collections, as at March 51, 1946, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Twidale that the statement be rec- eived and filed. A communication was l~esented from the City Nauager, recommending the rpurehase of new vehicles. It Was ordered on the motion of Aid. McKinley and B~ck- nor that the communication he r~ceived and file~, and tenders he called for the vehicles. The Statement of Relief for the month of March was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Twidale and ScOtt that the statement be received and filed. :His Worship Mayor Inglis returned to the meeting. A oomn~toation was pxe'sented from the H~lro-Electrlc Commission of 'NIa- gara Falls with re~ard to the l~oposed lighting System for Oakes Park, It was erd- ared on the motion of Aid. B~okasr -~_ Twidale that the comm~_leation he received and eo.nsi~ered wi.th the following item of business. Aid. Scott left the moetlng. The sn, mmery of debenture payments for capital expenditures was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of ~d. ~dale ~d ~e= that t~ state- ment he ~ceived ~d filed, ~d a by-~w ~ ~red fo~ ~n~on at the next mating, ~o ~ovide for ~e issui~ ~ dabentree ih ~ ap~o~mte ~o~ o~ 399 $53,000.00. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Aid. McKinley and 9ridale. READ AND A~0P~ED, April 15, 19i6. Clerk COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, April 8, 1946. The Coancil re-assembled at the close of the regular Council end Fin- ance meetings, for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the ac- counts approved by the Committee. All members of the 0ouncil, with the exception of Aid. Scott, were present. BY-LAW The following By-law was passed: .N.o. 3834 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. OEOEte on the motion of Aid. Twidale and McKinley that Aid. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first tim - Carried. It was then ardered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Bucknor that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be tempa~rily suspended and the by-law read a second time - Carried. 3rd reading - Aid. Twidale and Frmnk - Carried. RESOI/FfI CNS The following ResolutionS were passed: No. 93 - MsEINLEY - FRANK - RE~OL~..~ that the congratalatione of this Council be extended to Mr. Charles Warder, Superintendeat of the Filtration Plant, upon his fine work for the Corporation, and the henour hro~ght to the City through the aw- ard made to him by the American Waterworks Associatiou; and the Seal of the Corpor- atiou ~e hereto affixed. - : Oarrio d 400 401 No. 94 - B~CK~ - McKINLE~- ~0L~rED that a eo~nunication be forwarded to the Hermes Club of this City, expressing the appreciation of the City Council for the good work being done by the Club in the operation of playgrounds for children throughout the City. and the Seal of the 0orporation be hereto affixed. C.a, rrie d No. 95 - MILI2ER - T~'rlDALE - RESOLVED that a donati on of two army huts he male to Mr. MacFatigue of the Glenview Mission, in appreciation of the work he is doing on behalf of the youth of the City; and the Sesl of the Corporation be hereto affixed. .Carried No. 96 - McI~NLEY - MILLER - RESOLVE that the suggestions submitted for a pres- entation and testimonial dinner in honour of Dr. Harris Log~, former Medical Offic- er nf Health, be approved; and the date for the same be set; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. - . ~ Car tie d No. 97 - McEXNLET - FRANK - RESOLVED that possible sites for the ~rection of a new building for the police Departmeat be referred for consideration during the Tour of Inspection; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 98 - FRANK - MIT.L~.R - RESOLve:., that the City x~anager he instructed to purchase tickets to enable members of the Council to take their wives to the dLuner of the American Waterworks Convention on Tuesday, April 9th; and the Seal of the Corpor- ation be hereto affixed. Carried The Council adjourned on the motlou of Ald. Twtdale and Frank. READ AND ADOPTED, April 15, 1946. Clerk TV..ENTY-TIiIRD MEETING REGULAR MEETING Counci 1 Chambe r, April 15, 1946. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met on Monday, April 15, 1946 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Coun- cil were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the prev- ious meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Scott and Miller. TEI~DERS Tenders were submitted for the supply of ftremen's uniforms and hats. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank that the tenders be opened, in- itialled by His Worship Mayor Inglis and read. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Twidale and McKinley that the City Manager bring in a report upon the Same. C0~UNIC ATI 0NS Laid over from previous meeting: No. 181 - National Aeronautical Association - re membership and conference. 0RD- ERED on the motion of A.ld. McKinley and T~;idale that the communicati6n be received and filed. No. 182 - Minister of Reconstruction and Supply - re restriction of issuance of building permits. 01~ERED on the motion of AId. Bucknet and Frank that the com- ,,micarich be received and laid on the table and that any petitions in future for building in the City, ~hlle there is a housing shortage. be submitted to the City Council for consideration. SEE Communication No. Tee following Commcnications were presented: No. 184 - H.F.Logan. K.C. - re application of C.Bota for building permit. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Miller that the communication be received and the permit cancelled. SEE R.ep,o.rt No. 83 No.. 185 - Board of Police Commissioners - action t~ken ~n petition. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the connmAnication he received and filed. ~ Report. Np. 84 No. 186 - Editorial Services Limited - re removal of overhead wires, poles, etc. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller .ha Frank that the communication be received AM if information is available without cost that a request be maae that it .be for- No. 189 - TownshiD of Stamford - re Joint meeting with Council. ORDERED. on the motion of Ald. Scott end MacDonald that the communication be received and filed, and .arrangements be made for the mating with the Council on the date mentioned. No. 1S8 - Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities- enclosing application for reservations for delegates. 01~ on the motion of AId. Miller and Buckher that the"oomaunication be received and His Worship Mayor lnglis be sent from the City to represent the City c~, Niagara Falls at the meeting. No. 189 - Bell TeleDhone CompanY of Canada - requesting permis. sion to move pele on Slrring Street. No.:190 ,-,,Bell Telephone Company of Canada ~- requesting .permisslon~to extend 403 unierground conduit on Victoria Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Twidale and KcKinley that the communications be received, permission be granted and the by-law pro sented. ~ By-law No. 3835 No. 191 - Citizens' Research Institute of Canada - re combined annual meeting. (RREh~ on the motion of Ald. Twiddle and Scott that the comnmnication he received and filed. No. 192~-- Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario - re proposed extension of Huron Street and Homewood Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Bucknor and Twi- ddle that the communication be received and laid 'on the table for consideration at the tour of inspection. No. 193 - Canadian National Railways - re proposed meeting with general manager. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Miller that the communication be received and laid on the table. No. 194 - Honourable Minister of Health - interim approval of By-law Number 3833. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Frank that the connmAnication he rec- eived and filed. No. 195 - G~aranty Trust Company of Cnn~da - re purchase of Lot 4, Block 5, Vic- torla Avenue. ORDEh~ on the motion of Ald. Miller and Frank that the comnunic- ation be received and laid on the table, and the City approve the closing date, also that the Guaranty Trust Company be given permission to leave the sign on the property until the City is ready to use the same, a~d that the communication he referred to 'the City Solicitor. No. 196 - Glenview Baptist Mission - appreciation of donation of army huts. ORD- EE on the motion of Ald. ~jidale and Backnet that the communication be received and filed. No. 197 - Women's Division, Niagara Falls Junior Chamber of Commerce - requesting pe~nission for tag day. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Scott and Twidale that the com~Aaication be received and pemission granted. No. 198 - Hermes Club - requesting permission to hold carnival. 0t~ERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and McKinley that the communication be received and permis- sion granted. No. 199 - Niagara Falls Sports Committee - requesting Council attend meeting, April 22nd. 0RDE~A~ on the motion of Ald. Becknor and Frmnk that the communicat- ion be received and the Council in a body attend the meeting. _~he following Reports were presented: No. 83 - City Solicitor - re liability in cancelling building permits. (RDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Miller that the Irepor-t be received and the permits ~ be cancelled. SEE Petition No. 2 No. 84 - Sanitary Inspector - re condition of Junk yswds. ORDERED on the motion No. 8~ - City Solicitor -' re proposed City Manager's by-law. ORDERED on the mot- ion of AId. ~xckner .and Scott that the report be received sad filed. No. 86 - City Solietto~ - re appointment of assessor. aqDERED on the motion of AId. McKInley and MacDonald that M~. Brooks be appointed assessor and the by-law . d~afted accordingly. No. 87 -. _Ccxnmittee of Council - x~Oommena~n.g. re..~i~l~s to ~raffio.~by-laws. ERED on the motion of Aid. Scott and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted. No. 88 - City Manager - recommending issue of licences. 0RDER,~D on the motion of- Ald. Frank and Miller that the report be received and adopted. No. 89 - Laurence C. Crawford - financial report for 1945. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Twiddle and MacDonald that the report be received, laid on the table and pried in the usual manner. PETITIONS Laid over from previous meeting: No. 2. _ H.Woodhead and 12 others - re tourist cabins on Buchanan Avenue. G~DERED on the motion of AId. Scott end Miller that the petition be received and the per- mits be cancelled. No. 3 - S.R.Cristelli and 97 others - re junk yards on Stanley Avenue. (RDERED on the motion of AId. Millor and MacDonald that the petition be received and filed. RESOLUTIOES following Resolutions were passed: No. 99 - SCOTT - I~ffT.V.ER - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the City Coun- cil he scheduled to be held at V.30 p.m. on Taesday, April 23, 1946; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously No. 100 - TWIDALE - MacDONAlD - RESOLVED that the City streets department be com- plimented for the clean and orderly condition of the.city streets; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously. The following By-law was presented for the second and third readings.: No. 3832 - To define the duties of the City Manager of the City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Miller and MacDonald that in paragraph 2 of the preamble to the by-law, the word ,control' be struck out and ,administrat- ion' be inserted; m~ in the enactment under clause 1 that 'executive' be changed to ,administrative'; that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council he tempor- arily suspended and the by-law read a second time as amended - Csrried. The vote on the above motion was: Aye: . Aid. McDonald, M~E!n!eY.,..BucknOr, Nillet, Sco~. Nay: Aid. Twiddle. 3rd reading - AId. McEinley and Frank - Carried. ~e following By-laws were ~assed: No. 3S3B - To l~ovide for permission to The Bell Telephone Company of Canada to ' ' replace one pole on Spring Street and extend andergound conduit on Victoria Avenue, in the City of Niagara Falls. 0RIVALED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that AId. Twidalebe given the prAyliege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be mad a first time - Carried ~_~nimously, It was then ox~lerea on the motion of AId. Frank and Twi~e that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be~ temporarily suspended and the by-law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. Miller and Scott - Carried unanimously. The following By-law was read a first and second times: No. 3836 - To raise by way of loan the sum of $17,000.00 for the purchese of a ' Public School site and for paving and improving the public school yards at the Simcoe Street school and at the Maple Street school, in the City of Niagara Falls, and to provide for the issue of debentures of the said City therefor. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and MacDonald that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be ~ead a first time - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Frank that Rule 36 (2) of the Stmnding Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law read a second time - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Frank that the by-law be laid on the table and referred to the Ontario Municipal Board. The following By-law was read a first time: NO. 3EKS? - To raise by way of loan the sum of $36,000.00; $12,000.00 of which is to purchase new equipment consisting of a hose truck for,the Fire Dep- artment and a gasoline road roller for the City Department; $10,000.00 of which is for the erection of one comfort station at the south end of the City and one comfort station at the centre section of the City and $14,000.00 of ~hich is for the issue of debentures of the said City therefor · ORDERED on the motion of AId. Buckner and McKinley that AId. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read a first time - Carried unanimously. A motiou was made by AId. ~vidale an~ MacDonald that the by-law be mad a second time, but this motion was defeated. An amendment was made by AId. B~ck- net and Frank that the by-law be referred to the Committee of the Whole. 1F. AD AND ADOPTED, April 23, 1946. C le rk 405 C01~ITTEE OF q~2E WHOLE Counci 1 Chamber, April 15, 1946. The Committee of the Whole assembled at the close of the regular coun- cil meeting, for the purpose of discussion proposed by-law number 3837. All mem- bers of the Committee were present. On the metion of Ald. Frank and McKinley, Ald. Scott was chairman of the meeting. It was ordered ca the motion of Ald. Frank and Buckner that the by-law be laid on the table for twu weeks and the City Manager submit specificUations, estimated costs and possible sites for the comfort stations. On the motion of Ald. McKinley and Frank the Committee arose and reported to the Counci 1. READ AND ADOPTED, April 23, 1946. Clerk Chairman ADY0URNED MEETING Council Chamber, April 15, 1946. The City Council re-assembled at the close of the meeting of the Commit- tee of the Whole, for the purpose of continuing their consideration of general business. All members of the Council were present. The Committee reported to Council in connection.with the action taken by them on proposed ,By-law Number 3837. The following By-law was presented: No. 383? -'To raise by way of loan the sum of $36,000.00; $12,000.00 of which is to purchase new equipment consisting of a hose track for the Fire Dep- artment and a gasoline road roller for the City Department; $10,000.00 of ~hich is for the ~ection of one comfort station at the south end of the City and one comfort station at the centre section of the city .end $14,000.00 of ~fiich is for the lighting of Oakes Park in the City of Niagara Falls, and to provide for the issue of debentures of the. ·: said. City therefor. · It.was ~dered. On ~t~.he motion .Of Aid. Sqott and Frank that the by-law he 4O6 laid on the table for tv~ weeks and a report pre~sented. The following By-laws were passed: No.. 38.3.8 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. 0tOERED on the motion of Ald. ~vidale and Scott that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time - Carried unanimously. It wan then ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Twidsle that Rule 38 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law read a second tim - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. Miller and Frank - Carried unanimously. No. 3839 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. ORDERED on the metion of Ald. McKinley and Scott that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered oh the motion of Ald. SCott and ~vidale that Rule 38 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law read a second time - Carried unanimously? 3rd reading -Ald. MacDonald and McKinley - Carried unani~mously. No. 3840 - To authorize the execution of a Deed. ORDERED on the met ion of Ald. Tkvidale and Buckher that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the metion of Ald. McKinley and Buckher that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended sad the by-law read a second time - Carried unanimously. : 3rd reading -Ald. Scott and Miller - Carried unanimously. No. 3841 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Buckner and Frank that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be ~ead a f~st.t time - Carried unanimously. It was then ardered on the motion of Aid. Frank 36 (2~ of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspan~ed and the by-law read a second time - Carried ,~-~ntmously.' · 3x~l reading - Aid. Twidale and Miller - Carried mianimously. No. 384.~ - To authorize the execution of a Deed. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Scott and Frank that Aid. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read a first time .-~O,~r- tied unanimously. It was ordered an the motion of Aid. l~ckner and MacDonald that l~tle - ~6. (~-) of the 2tanding l~Ales of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law. read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3El readiMg -Ald. Twidale an~ Fr-nk -'Carried unanimously~ No. ~84~ - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. ;, ~ ORDERED on the motion cf AId.. Scott and MacDonald that Aidl. Miller given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read a first time - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. ~ddsle and McKindey that Rule 38 (2) qf the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by- law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. Frank and ~'ddale - Carried unanimously. No. 3844 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Scott that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Scott that Rule 36. (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading - Aid. Frank and Buckner - Carried unanimously. RESOLUTI 0NS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 101 - MacDONALD - FRANK - RESOLVED that the matter of the smoke nuisance be taken up with the Niagar~ Falls General Hospital Trust to see if something can be done to overcome this nuisance; also take up with the Hospital the feasibility of using the gr~mds for parking; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously. No. 102 - B~ICKNER - FRANK - MOLIrED that a copy of the letter from t~e City Sol- icitor re the civic employees' agreement be fonvarded to the Civic Employees, Association and the City Manager arrange a meeting as soon as possible v~ith the employees' committee and the City Council; and the. Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimou.sl~ MISCELLANEOUS Ald. McKinley suggested that the Council recommend to the Police Com- mission consideration of the possible purchase of horses, formerly used by the Toronto Police Commission, for use in traffic control. Aid. Buckher asksd what action had been taken in connection with the l~reparation of an ahonour roll of city employees. The City Manager advised that a list of the employees in being prepared. Ald. Bucknet suggested that the windows of the City Hall should be clex~ed. Aid. McKinley also mentioned that the portrs~ of His Royal tlighness, the late Duke of Kent was in need of dusting. Aid. Frank suggested that the attention of the Police Department be drawn to the dangerous conditicu which exists on Saturday mornings at the Capitol Theatre when children and leaving the theatre after a performance. The Alderman suggested that three or four constables should be assi,~ed to the area to conduct the children across the roads in safety. The Council adjourned on the motion !of ;Ald.~ McKinley and Fx~nk. 4O7 READ/LND AD0tTED, April 23, 1946. .....~...~.~.~. ........ Clerk FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, April 15, 1946.' The Finance Committee met on Monday, April 15, 1946, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cart- ' ified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were p~zent. Sundry accounts were approved by the Coma1 tree, amounting to $90,095.27. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. SCott and Twidale. The application of George Laslo, to erect tourist cabins at 9 River Road, as laid aver from the previous meeting, ws considered. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and MacDonald that the application he received and filed, and Mr. Laslo he advised that no permit waill be issued owing to the shortage of materials for housing at the present time. An application for a building permit from H.Markel for building at 249 Park Street was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and Mac Donald that the permit he granted. An applicationfor a building permit from GaborNinacS for building at 2182Allen Avenue, was presented. It was ordered on the mtion of Ald. Frank and McEialey that the permit he grunted with the underAtanding that the 'lumber to be used if from the former King George Care. ~ An applicatic~ for a building permit f~om F.C.Mastere, for building at 444 Queen street, was Fesented. It was ordered on the motice of Ald. Twldale .and Scott that the permit be granted. An applicaticm for a building permit from HUnt Mot'~rs Limited, for , building at the Inertbeast corner of Ontario Avenue and Huron Street, was pros- lanted. Xt was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and IMasDenald that the permit be granted. " The applicaticax of Dr. H.A.Wrong, to purchase a strip of property ad- Jacent to his home .at ~-180 Main Street, and as laid over from a pex~ous meeting, ,was presented. Upon the recormnandation of the PropeTty Committee and c~ the mot- io~ Qf ]LId. Scott and F~ank it was o~ex~ed. that negotiations be Undertakm w~th 409 Dr. Wrong re the sale of property to him. An offer was presented from Arthur Perry for the pnrchase of Lots 891, 892, Lombard Street, for $150.00, as laid over from the previous meeting. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Z~IcI~inley and Frank it was ordered that Mr. Perri be advised the City will sell either ]st for the sum of $50,00, subject to the provision that a dv~llihg is erected or moved to the lot within a period of six months. An offer was presented from M.Rosenauer to purchase Lot 28, Elm Street for $50,00, as laid over from the previous meeting. Upon the r:commendation of the Prope~.ty Conu:tttee and on the motion of Ald. Frank and Bucknor it was ordered that Mr. Rosenauer be advised the minimum value for a dwelling to be erected on this lot is $4,000.00. A communication was presented from A.H.Eastland in connection ~ith his offer for Lots 280, 281, McRae Street, and as laid over from the previous meeting. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. ~vi- dale and Bucknet it was ordered that Mr. Eastland be advised the sale price of the lots is $300.00. An offer was presented from George Martin for the purchase of Lot 65, Plan 27, Stanley Avenue for the sum of $~0.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. ~vidale and Frank it was ordered that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the provision that a dwel- ling of at least $4,4500.00 value is erected on the premises within a period of SiX monthS. An offer was presented from tdrs. Corina Martin for the purchase of Lot 117, Plan 6, Welland Avenue for the sum of $200.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. ~'~ldale ani Buckner it vas ord- ered that Mrs. Martin he advised this lot has been set aside for the erection of a dwelling by Wartime Housing Limited. An offer was presented from Y.E.Bastow for the plrchase of Lot 210, Plan 9, McRae Street for the sum of $100.00. Upon the recommendation of the Pro- party Committee and on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald it was ordered that the offer be accepted, subject to the provision that a dwelling of at least $5,000.00 value is erected on the premises-within a parled of six months. An offer was presented from Clarence F. Sims for the purchase of Lot 81, Plan 6, Dyson Avenue for the sum of $50.00. Upon the recommendation of the Prop- erty Committee and on the motion of Ald. Frank and Buckher it was ordered that the offer be accepted, subject to the provision that a dwelling of at least $4,00~. value is erected on the premises within a period of six manthe. The report of the Property Committee on the above matters, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and Bucknet that the report be received and filed. An offer was presented from Mrs. G.H.Davyes for the lxtrchase of the used dump truck hoist, owned.by the Corporation, for the sum of $75.00. Upon the motion of Ald. McKinley and Frank it was ordered that the hoist be advertised for sale and Mrs. Davies be advised of this action. The amount of the grant to be made to the Ontario Cancer Treatment smd Research Foundation was ~iscussed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and Twidale that the matter be referred to the Finance ChairmanaM CityManager for a report. It ~ms ordered on the motion of His Worship Meyer InS~s and Aid.. Twi-., dale that the City Manager draft a suitable letter to Mr. Fingland acknowledging that this CoUncil has taken cognizance of the henour bestowed upon him. The Con~ttee adjourned on the motion ce AId. McRinley R,.,a NTank. AND .~01:TED, Aprll aS, 1946. Clerk COUNCIL ~EETING Council Chamber, April 15, The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance meetings, for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present. BY-LAW- The following By-law was passed: No. 3845 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McElnley and Fr~nl~ that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first tim - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank end B~ckner that Rule .36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law read a second time ,- Carried unanimously. 3rd reading - AId.. Twidale and Frank - Oartied unenimously. Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Miller and Frank. READ AND ADOPTED, April 25, 1946. 4i_i COURT OF REVISION Council Chamber, April 18, 1946. The' Court of Revision on the assessment roll for business was held at 10,O0 a.m. Thursday, April 18, 1946. Those present were Sheriff V.L.Davidson and William Delaney ~d William A. Fraser, Members. The follm~ing action was taken on the respective appeals: Roll No..~_. Appellent and Property 58 Canadian National Transpor- tatioh System, Limited, 304 B~idge Street, 1821-45 River Road Matter Complained of Decision of Cour_.j_t Reduction Appeal v~ithdrawa Dismissed 249 Herbert Morris Crane & Hoist Company Limited, Stanley Avenue Appeal withdravm Dismissed 304 Simpson Mail Order Office, 430 Queen Street Assessment on wrong basis Allc~ved. Assesshunt to be on basis of 412.50 340 Eastland, Fred 915 St. Lawrence Avonue Removal of business to another location Dismissed ADJUSTMENT OF TAXES 5190 Sun 0il Company Limited, 788-96 Simcoe Street Building removed from premises Remission of taxes for amount for building removed 44.40 1946 B~siness Assessment 1946 Taxes remitted $ 412.50 44.40 Certified correct, Clerk Chairman TV,~ENTY-FOURTH M~ETING REGUIAR MEETING Council Chamber, April 23, 1946. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met on Tuesday, April 23, 1946, for the purpose of considering general business and f~nance. All members of the Coun- cil were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the prey- ious meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank. C0~NICATI 0NS The follov~lng Communications were presented: No. 200 --Hospital for Sick Children, London - appeal for financial assistance. 0RDERND on the motion of Ald. Frank and Twidale that the communication be rec- eived and referred to ~the Finance. No. 201 - Lions Club of Niagara Falls - requesting permission for annual carnival. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Frank that the communication be received and filed, and the Lions Club granted their request. No. 202 - Albert Laurie - re traffLc conditions on St. Clair Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Scott and Frank that the communication be received and laid on the t~ble, and this location looked over on the tour of inspection. No. 203 - Hono~rable Minister of Health - annual conference of health officers. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Bucknet and ~idale that the communication be rec- eived and that the medical officer of health be re.quested to attend this confer- ence. No. 204 - Canadian Corps Association No. ~-05 - Canadian Legion, Branch 51 No. ~-06 - Rritish-Canadian Veterans' Association - re appointment of assessor. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and B~ckner that the communications be ref- erred to Item No. 4 under By-laws. Upon the ifitroduction of By-law Number 3.847, the communications were considered with it in a meeting of the Committee of the Whole. No. 20? - City Manager - re date of Greater Niagara Municipal AssociatiOn meeting. 0RDE RED on the motion of Aid. ~vidale and Scott that the communication be rec- eived and the date noted and the meeting changed to that date. No. 208 - Department of Plannin~ and Development - re The Planning Act, 1948. 0R- DERED on the motion of Ald. Twirlale and Scott that the communication be received and laid on the table until we have a proper meetl~ng for the discussion of the matter. No. 209 - City of North Boy - resolution re change of name of July let. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Scott and MacDonald that the communication be received and ~ve endorse the resolution. No. 210 - gasper Beta - re cancellation of building permit. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Aid. Frank and Scott that the communication be received and filed. No. 211 - Niagara Falls Baseball Association - invitation to official opening. (RDEI~D on the motion of Ald. T~ida~.e and McKinley that the communication be rec- eived and the invitation be accepted by as many as possible to attend the opening No. 21~ - Ontario Municipal Board - re meeting re capital expenditures. ORDERED on t~e motion 0f Ald. MoKinley.a~.n~ ~ckn~.r that the same committee who were ap- pointed for the last meeting with the Board go to the meeting, and that the tour of inspection be laid over until Friday, April 26th. No. 213 - Canadian Corps Association - thanks for donation. ORDERED on the !:lot- ion of Ald. T~idale and MacDonald that the communication be received and filed. No. 214 - Niagara Falls Junior Chember of Con~nerce - invitation to opening of circus. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the communicat- ion be received and filed, and that the City Council accept the invitation and call the council meeting for approxinmtely 5.30 p.m. that night to give Council a chance to attend the circus. No. 215 - Glenview Baptist Mission - invitation to service. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Ald. Bucknet and Scott that the communication be received and the invit- ation be accepted, and as many of the council attend this service along vdth the City Manager. No. 216 - Salvation Army - thanks for assistance during salvage drive. 0RDEED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank that 'the communication be received and filed. No. 21V - Charles Harris - tendering resignation' from staff. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Aid. T~idale and MacDonald that in view of ~he fact that Council has Just been acquainted with the resignation of tit. Harris, it be accepted with regret by the City Couhcil, and their appreciation of his lon~ service be expressed to him and the hope that a vacation will improve his 'health, and that he receive the us- ual expression. REPORTS The following Reports were presented: No. 90 - City Manager - recommending removal of building from ~re insurance sched- ule. ORDERED on the motion o~ Aid. Scott and Twidale that the report be adopted, and the Canadian Legion be notified before the 'coverage is r~mov~d. No. 91 - Dairy Inspector - report for month of March. 0~3EED-on the motion of AId. McKinley and Beckher that the report be adopted. No. 92 - City Manager - recommending issue of licences. OFOERED on the motion of AId. ~itller and Frank that the report be adopted. No. 93 - City Manager - re parking conditions in Hospital area. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Twidale that the report be received and adopted. No. 94 - City Manager - re smoke nuisance at Hospital. ORDERED on the motion of AId. ~vidale and Scott that the report be received and filed, and that the Hospit- al Board initiate a meeting with the Hydro-Electric Commission of Niagara Falls and the City Council to discuss the matter of the smoke nuisance elimination as far as the Hospital is concerned. The following By-law was passed: No. 3820 - to close and sell a portion of a lane running from Bettrey Avenue to Ferguson Avenue. 3rd reading -Ald. Scott and McKinley - Carried unanimously. The following By-law was l~esented: 38,3? ,.A by-law to raise by way of loan the sum of $36,000.00; $12,000.00 of ~:' ~ ,which is to purchase new equipment consisting of a hose truck for the i -. Fire Department a gasoline road roller for the City Department; $10,000.00 of which is for the erection of one comfort station at the south end of the City n.~ one comfort station at the centre section of ~r,Lthe city and $14,000.00 of which is~for the lightin~ of Oakes Park in the City of Niagara Falls, 'and to provide for the issue of debentures of the said City therefor. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Scott that this by-law be referred to the Finance Conunittee as Item Number 13 on the agenda. following By-law was passed: No. 3846 - To constitute a Board of Assessors. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. T, vidsle and Miller that Ald. Bucknet be given the privilege of introduc~ng the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. ~idsle and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. McKinley and Miller - Carried unanimously. The following By-law was presented: No. 3847 - To appoint an Assessor. 0~)ERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Frank that Aid. McKinley be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and McDonald that'the Council go into Committee of the Whole to discuss By-law E~mber 3847. READ ANDAD0~D, April 29, 1946. Clerk· % Mayor ; : . ' CO~rTTEE OF ',~: ~IOLE ~ .: ~.~Council Chamber, ' -~ ~rll ~, 1946. · ..~ ~e Coattee ~sembled at ~e ol~e of the m~ eo~cil meeting, for the p~se of dise~on Comioa~oJ No. 2~, 205 a~ ~06, ~ ~-~w :'~ ~847. ~1 m~:s ~ ~e Corntree were ~.esent, 0n ~he m~on of ~. 2tort and ~k ~d. ~le ~ e~irm-~ ~ ~e ~e~i~. ~-'. ,..- ~te~.discussion upon ~ mtte~s, it ~s mvedby ~d. ~ller ~d ~c- · ( -' .~ . :~.. Z ,- ~ , them that this Council had appropriated the funds for the appointment of fourteen policemen for an eight-hour day, as well as eight fireman and two clerks for the City Hall and all of t~se were servicemen from this vmr, to point ou~ what this Council is doing for the returned men; and that the con~aunications to the three organizations state that we regret they did not make their wishes knmm in time and the names of their applicants for the position. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the Conmbit- tee arise and report to the Council. ~READAND ADOPTED, April 29, 1946. Clerk Chairman COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, April 23, 1946. The Council re-assembled at the close of the moettng of the Committee of the Whole for the purpose of considering the matters before them. All members of the Council were present. AId. Twidale reported to the Council upon the action taken by the Committee, and (m the motion of Ald. McKinley and Scott the report was adopted.- T~e following By-law was passed: No. ~8~7 - To appoint an Assessor. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Miller that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law read a seenrod time - Carried (AId. B~ckner voting contrary). 3rd reading - AId. Miller and MacDonald - Carried (AId. B~ckner ~o,~lng contrary). The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Scott and Twirlale. AND ADOPT~. April 29, 1946. . · :, , ~ FII~ICE I~ETING Council Chamber, Apri~ 23, 1948. The Finance Committee met on Tuesday, April. 93, 1946, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which ~d been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to $17,740.95. The accounts shmitted, being passed or othervfise dealt v,ith, were ord- ered placed in the n~ney by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Scott and McKinley. The communication from the Hospital for Sick Children, London, which had been referred from the council meeting, was presented. It was ordered on the mot- ion of Ald. ~,:idale and MacDonald that a small grant of $25.00 be made as a gues- ture of our good feelings to the British people who carried on in our stead for so long. The Communication from the Ontario Cancer Treatment and Research Found- ation,'and the report of the Chairman of Finance and the City Manager, regarding the amount of the grant, ~Bro presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank that the report be received and filed, and adopted. The report of the City Manager, re tenders for firemen's clothing, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Twidsle and MacDonald that the report be adopted. An offer was presented from Mrs. Carina Martin for the purchase of Lot 26, Plan 8, Glenview Avenue for $250.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee, and on the motion of Ald. Frank and Scott it v~s ordered that the offer be received and accepted. An offer was presented from Lloyd Hotter for Lot,21, Plan 27, Cedar Street for $50.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Aid. Twldale and Scott it was ordered that the offer he accepted, sub- ject to the provision that a dwelling of at least $4,000.00 value be erected ~m the premises within six months. An offer was presented from Leonard C. Yolley for Lot 200,. Plan 9, McRae Street for $100.00. Uponthe recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Aid. Bucknet and MacDonald it was oxdered that the offer be rec- eived and accepted, subject to the privision that a dwelling of at least $5,000. value be erected on the premises within a period of six months. An c~fer ~s presented from Y.E.W.Lyon for Lot ~8, Plan 17, Drunnnond Road for $100.00. Upon the recommendation of the, Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. McDonald and Scott it was ordered that the offer he received and accepted, subject to the provision that a dwelling of at least $5,000.00 value is erected on the premises within a -period of six months. An offer of $300.00 was l~esented from A.H,Eastland for Lots 280, 281 McRae Street. Upon the recommendation of the Property Commitee, and ,on th~ motion of Ald. Scott and McKinley it was ordered thatthe ne~.essary' legal papers be prepared. A communication was peaanted from Mrs. Evelyn Sims regarding her offer for Lot 81, Plan ~, Dyson Avemue. ~pon the recommendation of the l~operty Com- mittee and o~ the motion of Ald. McDonald ~-~ Twidale it wan ordered that the communication be received and filed, and M~. Sims ~e permitted to e~est a house of She value (It $~.,000.00 on the lot. s · A communication was pro ont Id from F.y. Gauthi~er,l~eqUesttmg -a refund 417 of his deposit on Lot Pt. 37, 56, Huron Street. Upon the recommendation of the property Committee and on the motion of Ald. McKinley and ~idale it vas ordered that the request be granted. The report of the Property Committee, on the above matters, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley aud 9ridale that the report be received and filed. Consideration was given to various building perr~t applications which had been submitted, and the following action taken: 0RDER~ on the motion of Ald. ~'Jidale and Scott that permission be gran- ted to erect a sign at 1982 Main Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that permission be granted to erect a workshop at the rear of a dwelling at 1943 May Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank that perulesion be gra:~ted to erect a dwelling on Lot 56, Huron Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and MacDonald that permission be not granted to erect a cabin at 943 Clifton H~ll. 0tOERED on the mob. ion of Ald. Frank and ~vidale that Mr. Burland be advised taat he will be permitted to build a cel- lar to be used for storage. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and McKinley that permission be granted to constract an addition to a factory at 747 BUttrey Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Scott and ~.~ldale tlmt permission be grnn- ted to make alterations to the d~lling at 1055 Maple Street. 0RDEREO on the motion of His Worship Mayor Inglis and Ald. MacDonald that a communication be directed to the New York Central Railway at their head office in New York City, asking if it is to be their policy to distribute their property in the area for the purpose asked for in the application of A.Iannuzzelli, or for any other purpose that would destroy the property for the purpose of bus- iness · Discussion was entered into with regard to By-law Number 3837, but no motion was made. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Aid. Frank and ~vidale. EAD AND ADOFA'~D, April 29, 1946. Clerk ,i19 COUNCIL ~EETING Council Chamber, April 23, 1946. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance metings, for the purpose of considering By-law Number 3837, and for the purpose of ~passing the money by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present. The following By-law was presented for the second reading: No. 3837 - A By-law to raise by way of loan the sum of $36,000.00; $12,000.00 of which is to purchase new equipment consisting of a hose truck for the Fire Department and a gasoline road roller for the City Department; $10,000.00 of which is for the erection of one comfort station at the south end of the CityI and One comfort station at the centre section of the City and ~14,000.00 of which is for the lighting of Oakes Park in the City of Niagara Falls, and to provide for the issue of deben- tures of the said City therefor. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law read a secohd time - Carried unanimously. The following By-law was passed: No. ~848, - To Grant Monies for General PUrposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Twirlale and Scott ~hat Aid. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first tim - 0arfled unanimously. It vms then ordered on the motion of AId. McKinley and Frank that Rule 38 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law read a second tim - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. Frank and Twidale - Carried unanimously. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Frank and Miller. READ ANDADOPTED, April 29, 1946. Clerk . / ..... ~ -- - Msyor Z;~TY-FIF~ b~,]ETING REGULAR METING Counci ! Chamber, April 29, 1946. Pursuant to adjourmucnt, the Council met on Monday, April 29, 19,16, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. -:~11 members of thc Coun- cil were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the pydv- iods meeting, 'adopted these on the motion of Ald. ~3::idate and MacDonald. DEPUATATI 0MS In connection with By-lav~ No. 3820, and on the motion of Aid. Scott and McKinley, ~,@. Barnett of Nia~Zara Bronze Limited was permitted to address the Council. Mr. Barnett protested against the closing of the lane, and the pro!'csed transfer of the land to Provincial Engineering Limited, inasmuch as such transfer would leave him no access from the adjacent street to -the roar of his property. SEE By-law No. 3820 TENDERS Tenders had been called for the supply of materials for the year 1946. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Miller that the tenders submitted be opened and tabulated. It was further ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and ~liller that the tabulation be submitted at the next meeting. Tenders were also submitted for the pro. chase of a used du~np truck hoist. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. ~,ddale and Scott that the tenders be opened and tabulated. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Bucknor and Frank that the highest tender, of L.Hawkins at $136.00, be received and approved. An amend- ment was made by Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the tender of Mrs. Davies for the hoist at $126.00 be approved; but this motion was defeated. C01~INIC ATI 0NS The foll~dng Communications were presented: No. 218 - Ontario Municipal Board - 0FOERE re hearingre capital e~penditums. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Sco~t that the hearings be held and the fee be approved. ~ Report No. 96 No. 219 -' Canadian National Electric Railway - enclosing income and cumulative statements. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and ~dale that the communicat- ion b~ received and filed. No. 220 - Yuvenile Court Probation Officer - enclosing statistical report. ORD- ERED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Buckner that the co~nunication be received end given publicity. No. 22l - Office of Prime Minister of Canada - acknowledging resolution re Yuly 1st. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Buc~xer that the co~nunication be received and filed. No. 222 - The Bell Telephone Company of Canada No. 2~3 - The Bell Telephone Company Of Canada ~ No. 224 - The Bell Telephone Company of Canada - requesting replacement of poles. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Frank that the by-law be prep.ared. No. 2~5 - Niagara Falls Civic Employees' Association - re proposed agreement. 0R- DERED on the motion of Ally Frank and McKinley that the communication be referred to the conference. No. 228 - y.Y.Harriman - tendering resignation from staff. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Buckher and ~Tiller that the co~nunication be received and laid on the table for discussion at -the conference tonight. REPORTS The feller.inS Reports were presented: No. 95 - City Manager - rsCorlmlending issusnce of licenets. O~TDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Scott that the report be adopted ard the licences be granted, vdth the exception of ~2~e licerice.not approved by the Chief Constable, and it be laid on the table for one week. No. 96 - City },{anaCer - re B~eting v~ith Ontario E~unicipal Board. OFOERED on the motion of Ald. T~;idale and Buckn~r that the r.port be received and as some of the conditions have already been complied with regarding advertising, that the further requirements be carried through by the City Manager, and the results made known to the Department in Tenonto. No. 9V - City Manager - re conference vdth Stamford To, vnship Council. ORDEEED on the motion of :kld. Scott and Miller that the report be received and laid on the . table. No. 98 - City Manager - re return of Miss Gertrude I,'~atthews to staff. ORDER~ on the motion of ~bld. McKinley and T~adDonald that tile City Manager be e~owered to reinstate the vetoral when she returns. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 103 - T,'.~DALE - McEXNLEY - RESOLVED that Dr. C.K.Vlitelock be certified as being a permanent employee of the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls, with respect to unemployment insurance; and the SeaS of the Corporation be hereto af- fixed. Carried unanimously No. 104 - PRANK - ~cEYhrLEY - RESOLVED that the -by-laws on the a-Senda, providing for tile execution of Agreements for Sale and deeds, be laid over until the matter has been clarified by the Department of Municipal Affairs; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto. affixed. Carried unanimously No. 105 - T, TIDAIE - SCOTT - RESOLVED that this Council the attention of the pro- ~r authorities to theneat shortage in this area, that they be asked what can be done to alleviate this condition, and if there is no shortage in the Dominion of Canada that the distribution be adjusted to give a fair distribution to. the City of Niagara Falls; and the Seal of' the Corporation be hereto affixed. ~ Carried unanimously No. 106 - EUCKNER - FRANK - RESOLVED that the City Manager be instructed to rein- state the programme of using City property for the purpose of cultivating gardens, that organizations such as the Horticultural'Society be asked to encourage the growing of food stuffs in the City this year; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. ~-~"Osrried unanimously ~ne fpllowing By-laws were passed: NO~. ~849- To provide for permission to The Bell Telephone Company of Canada to · ~- replace poles on ~awlis~Str~e~, Fergus~n Street ~and Ross. Street in the. City of Niagara Falls. · ORDEED on the motion of Ald. T~iller ~und Scott that Aid. ~TcYinlcy be given the privilege of introduing the by-law, and the by-la~.'~ be road the first time - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald, McKinley and ~.'i!ale th:~,t Rule ~6 (~) of the Standing Ru~es o~ Council be temporarily st~spended and the By-law read a second time - Carrie.d unanimously, 3rd reading -Ald. Scott and Frank - C~rri ed unanimously. ~No.. 3850 - To authorize the execution of a Deed. ORDFRED on the motion of Ald. ~':idale and McKinley that Ald. LTiller be given the privilege of introducing a by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. B~ckner and Scott that Rule 36 (.2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law given the second reading - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. ~','idale and McKinley - Carried unanimously. No. 3851 - To repeal the third reading of proposed by-law Number ~820 ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Xl~iller that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. ~vidnle and Frank that Rule 56 (S) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time - Carried unanimously. Srd reading -Ald. Frank and Miller - Carried unanimously. The following By-law was presented: No. 58~0 - To close and sell a portion of a lane running from BUt trey Avenue to FerEuson Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and Buckher that the by-law be laid on the table for one week and the City Manager bring in a plan of the lane. Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank. READ AND ADOPI'ED, May 6, 19~6. Clerk Mayor FINANCE }~EETING Council Chamber, April 29, 1946. The Finance Committe'e met on ~_onday, April'g9, 1946, for'the purpose of approvinC and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert- ified and placed before them. All menlbers of the Conunittee were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to :~4,914.89. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Scott and ~vidale. A communication was presented from the Dep~mrtment of Municipal Affairs, re property sales. Upon the recommendation of the Property Co~nittoe and on the motion of Ald. Buckher and Scott it was o~lered that the Department be advised that the City desire approval of property sales No. 17 to 24 inclusive, and 26, 28 ~nd 29, A communication was presented from Charles Black, requesting a refund of the o~ount paid for a lot of M.Kayter. Upon the recommendation of the Prop- erty Con~nittee, and on the motion of Ald. %~;idale and MacDonald it was ordered that the request of Mr. KaS~er, for a refund of the purchase price of $~00.00 for part of Range 22, Plan 653, be granted, less the ~taxes owing on the property while in Mr. Kayter's possession. A communication was presented from Wartime Housing Limited, re the ap- plication of Y.Collucci for Lot ~9~, Plan 9. Upon the recommendation of the Prop- erty Committee and on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Scott it ~Tas ordered that Wartime Housing Limited be advised the City is agreeable to the transfer of this lot to John Collucci if a lot on Stamford Street at the corner of Ottawa Avmue is acceptable in ezchange. An offer was presented from V.C.LaRoche for the purchase of Lot 14, Plan 40, Second Avenue for the sun of $50.00. Upon the reconu~tendation of the Pro- perty Committee and on the motion of AId. Twidale and Frank it wa~ ordered that the offer be received and laid on the table until arrangements can be made with the Dep-~rtment of Municipal Affairs re the sale of vacant land. The report of the Property Committee, on the above matters, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Twidale and Frank that the report be received and filed. The statement of revenue and expenditures, as at }a~rch 31, 1948, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Scott and T~ddale that the rep- ort be received and laid on the table. ~ The report of Fire Chief Y.C.Shapton, recommending the purchase of one fog applicator, at a cost of $83.00, was presented. It was ordered on the mot- ion of AId. McKinley and MacDonald that the report be received and approval be given to Ohief Shapton for this equipment. The list of applications for building permits, was presented, -and-the following action taken: ~---" 0RDEED on the motion of Aid. Frank and Scott that permission be gran- ted to Alex Rees to construct a dwelling on Lot V5, at the northwest comer of Home wood Avenue and Huron Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Bucknor that permission be granted to R.Yerow to erect a dwelling On ~Lot 5~3, ReVerts Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ai:I. Scott and Frank that pe~uission be ~ran- ted to K.C.McCrae to erect a dwelling on part of Lot 16, Dolor:are Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, T~'~idale and Bucknor thzt permission be granted to Mrs, l~ary Jones to erect an addition to a d~..etling at 872 Hu~n Street, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, ~jidale and Scott that permission be [.'rn:z-- ted to Fir, G,B,Becker to make alterations to a verandah at 75j Coo.~m',~m Crescent, ORDERED on the motion of 7rid. Mckinley and Buc~mer that Dominic Visen- tin be granted permissicn to rebuild a front verandah at 599 Fergusoa Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McI~inlsy and Frank that the City L.hna~er be advised, from now on, that he is ~jiven permission to issue permits for all ad- ditions and alterations to hor~s, and permits for new homes. 0RDE~RED on the motion of idd. McKinley and Fr~k that permission be granted to John .C . Fl~mn to erect a sh~: room on Lot 3, Plan ~5, Block G, Erie Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and I,~cKinley that permission be granted to F.Hsmmerton to erect a sign on the M.C.R. pro!~rty at the junction of Victoria Avenue and Ferry Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and }Iis :Vorship LTayor Inglis ttu~t the application of A.Iannuzzelli to ~rect a building on the ILC.R. proforty on the north side of Clifton Bill be laid on the table until a reply is received from the New York Central Railway. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Aid. l~qcKinley and Fr~mk. READ A~ID ADOPT~, May 6, 19i6. Clerk of ~1 COUNCIL ~9~ETING Council Chsnber, April 29, 1946. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance m etings, for the purpose of pessing the money by-law which covered the ac- counts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present. BY-LAW The follovdng By-law was passed: No. 3852 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Scott tint AId. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the..by-law, and the by-law be read a first time - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of ~kld. ~vidale and Bucknor that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be tamporarily suspended and the by-law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. Frank and Bucknor - Carried unanimously. PR~A T~ C N On behalf of the Canadian Dew Award Committee, His Wormhip Mayor Inglis made a presentation of an illuminated address and a one hundred dollar savings bond to Mr. Sta~_ley Harris for his courage in rescuing a child from the burning building on Main Street during the recent fire at tile Bickle Ilardware Company store. },~r. Harris made a suitable reply to the award. ~e Council adjourned on the i~tion of Ald. %~,.idale and Frank. READ A~D ADOPTED, May 6, 1946. Clerk OONF~P,.~CE Council Chamber, April 29, 1946. The Conference Conmittee met ~t the close of ghe general council and fin- ance meetings, for the purpose of considering matters placed before them. All members of the Committee were present, and His Worship Mayor lnglis was chairman. After discussion upon the matters presented, the Committee adjourned on the motion of AId. Scott and Miller. READ AND ADOPTED, May 6, 1946. Clerk Chairman '42 COUNCIL .~ETIL~G Co~Inci 1 Chamt. er, Aprii ~9, 19d. 6. The Council re-assembled at the close of the meeting of the conference co~nittee, for the purpose of taking action upon the matters considered duri'..~.g the Tour of Inspection, v/aich was held on Friday, April 28th. All :nerobets of the Council v~ere present. 1. City Hall TOUR OF DBPECTION 0telRED on the motion of Ald. Frar~k and Scott that the matter of painting the exterior wood- work and the public toilets be laid over for a report from the City Manager. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~.~.cKinley and Scott that the matter of the police cells be considered with item nmmber 26. Queen Street Fire Hall 3. St. Clair Avenue ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and McKin- ley that the upstairs of the building be painted. 0tOERED on the motion of Ald. McF/nley and Frank that the communicati on from Mr. i.Laurie be received and filed, and replied to. 4. City Store House, Welland Avenue - considered satisfactory. 5. Asphalt Plant, Ruttrey Street ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and ~k'.~i- 6. Welland Avenue and Leader Lane dale that the bents for the grandstand be held for use at the Glenview Playground. Incinerator Plant ORD]~tED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mil- ler that the City Manager be instructed to con- sult v~lth the T~nship of Stamford Ex~ineer for discussion of the possibility of installing a-Joint incinerator plant. 8. Huron Street and Homewood Avenue - 0tO,ER]~ on the motion of Ald. Bucknor and 9. Homewood Avenue and Norrison Street Scott that the matter be referred to the City Solicitor for an official interpretation of the responsibil-ity and liability of the City. 10. Cedar Street O.~DERED on the motion of Aid. %~'~idale and Mc- Finley that the City Manager be authorized to make improvements to the street. 11. Fairview Cemetery ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and ~,~i- dale that Mr. Emery be contacted to see if it would be possible to plant a row of evergreeu trees at the far end of the new section, t0 act as a windbreak. 12. 0akes Park 13. Swimming Pool 14. Niagara Falls General Hospital 0RDE~d~D on the motion of AId. McFinley and Mil- ler that the City Manager be authorized to con- struct one dugout. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and Scott that suction pipe be installed. 0tOERE~D on the motion of Ald. ~,ddale and Nil- that parking facilities be provided on the 15. Jepson Street east side ~of Fourth Avenue from the driveway leading to the rear of the hospital, southerly to the lane which runs along the southerly limit of the hospital grounds; and that park- ing be eliminated on the north side of Yepson Street between Third and Fourth Avmues.. 16. 1144 Ontario Avenue Of OERED on the motion of t~ld. McKinley and Frank that the City Manager go ahead v~ith the · ~, work of i e n from Victoria Avmue to Sec- w d nx g end Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Bucknor and Frank that the Fire Chief and the Sanitary In- specter investigate this property. Robertson houses, 0nt~ri9 Avmue - 0RDER~D on the motion of Ald. Bhckner and Frank that this matter be referred to the City Manager for a report at the next meeting. Victoria Avenue at Centre Street - ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Miller that the report of the traffic com- mittee, on the parki~Z on the east side from Magdalene Street to the Bell Telephone Company building, be adopted. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Frank that the traffic committee, His Worship the Mayor and the City Engineer be given power to act with regard to ~he ramoval of a portion of the lsalnd when road repairs are in progress'in the area. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Niller and Frank that the traffic coramittee have a meeting with ~. Bray of the C.N.E.Railw~y, at the centre to see whether he thinks the south-bound cars could stop on the south side of Clifton Hill at the loading platform. 19. Ellen Avenue Police Station 20. Walnut Street Fire Hall ORDEPdgDon*the mtion of Ald. McKihley and Twidale that the CityManager be empowered to inquire into the possibility of purchasing the Sacco proparty on Victoria Avenue ssa site for a com~ort station, and bring in a report. 21. Poplar Park condition considered satisfactory. 22. Ferry Street Police Station condition considered satisfactory. 23. Main Street Fire Hell ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Buck- nor that the ~atter of a possible site for a, comfort station be laid c~er until a report is received from the Township Engineer and the City Manager. condition considered satisfa~ry. Stanley Wreckers, Stanley Avenue - 0I~)ERED on the metfen of Ald. Miller and · ~ Frank that the ~)epartment bf Highways be not- . ifi ed of the conditions, and it be pointed out that it is the same property one which · . ~they were asked to not license; and that a !. license was ol~ained for a number which did not "$exist. '~ Filtration Plant -~Oondition cp~sidered satisfactory. I possible sites for Police Station ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and T.vidale that this matter be left over -~md the City Man~:~er present a report at the next meeting on four or five possible sites. The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Scott and Frank. ~AD Y~D ZdDOPTED, May 6, 1946. Clerk May o r T,,,~I~i~f_SIXTH I~ETING REGULAR ~ETI,.'~G Council Chamber, May 6, 1946. Pursuant to adjournment,,the Council met on Monday, },gay 6, 1946, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All mambers of the Council, were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. McKinley and I~acDonald. DEFJTXTIONS In connection with CoRmunication No. 228 and on the motion of Ald. ~c- PYinley and Scott, Mr. y.A.'!,'illiamson, General ManafZer of the H~ro-Electric Com- mission of Niagara Falls, was permitted to address the Council. Mr. Willi~son explained the features of the various t~es of limiting v;hich had been ins~led on Yemen Street for ex~rimntal ~rposes~ ~E Com~mnication No. 228 In connection ~vith Coimmunication No. 230 and on the motion of Ald. Scott anl T,'j ~ale, a delegation from local builders was permitted to address the C'oun- oil. l~.ir. Noble Benson spoke first ar~l advised the Council of the acute. shortage of materials for construction at the present time. ~. Steinman also spoke upon the mat tom'. Nr. Abx Collins advised the Council of the situation with regard to plumbing supplies, and }~r. William Benson also spoke upon the matter. SEE Cbmmunication No. ~30 In connection with Communication No. 231 and on the motion of AId. T~,'.~- dale and Buckher, Mr. y.A.Williamson was heard. Mr. Willissues explained the m~- nor of retirement of street lighting costs, and the s~gestion made for the retire- ment of the present system by w~thhOl~i ng the annual rebate on ornamental street lighting for that purpose. SEE Con~unication No. 231 TEIIDERS Tenders had been called for the supply of Three :notor vehicles; one truck, chassis, cab and steel body to be used as Truck No. 28 in the Garbage Dep- artment; one truck chassis and cab to replace Truck Number 28, now used by the Streets Department; and one chassis and station wagon body for the Engineering Department of the City. On the motion of Ald. Twidale and Scott it was ordered that the tenders be received, opened and tabulated. It was further ordered by Ald. ~.ddale and Scott that the tenders be laid on the table for one week and the City Manager bring in a report of the ~tabulation. VC0T~9'NICATI 0NS Laid over from previous meeting: No. lOS - Hydro-Electric Power Commission of 0nturio - re proposed extension of tluron Street and Homev~od Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and }llller that the communication be received and ,laid on the table for one v~ek. ' SEE Report No. 99 No. B26 - yohn Y. Hat rimes - tendering resignation. Ot~EP~D on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Scott that, the communication be received and filed. SEE Report No. 100 · The following Communications w~e presented: 429 No. ZB? - Hencurable Minister of Labour - acknwledging resolution re name of Yuly let. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Bucknor and Frank that the communication be received and filed. No. 228 - Hydro-Electric Commission of Niagara Falls - re installation of new lighting on Jepson Street. 0RDEREDon the motion of Aid. Bucknet and ]~ller that this council recommend to the Hydro-Electric Commission of Niagara Feels that either of the three brackets installed on Jepson Street be adopted throughout the City, and the 0omm~-sion be given the privilege of using the type of bracket most suitable to the streets. No. ~9 - Niagara Dry Beverages Limited - re wartime tax on soft drinks. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Miller and Frank that the communication be received and filed, and this Council endcare the letter and a con~m~ntcatien he sent to the Hen- ourable Mr. Ilsley in aecord with the letter sent by Mr. Y.A. Gordon. No. 230 - Wartime Prices and Trade Beard - re building materials available for City. C~I1EF~j~ on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Franks that the comm,;ntcation be received and laid on the table.' No. 23i - Ilydre-Eleetric Commission of'Niagara Feels - re re tirauent of ornamental street lighting charges. ORDERED on the motion of .Aid. Scott and Frank that the communication be received end laid on the table for one week to give the Council time tO think it over. Ne. 2~ - ~reater Niagara Chamber of Commerce - re assistance to veterans. ORD- eRED on the motion of Ald. Frank and Miller that the communication be table referred to the meeting of the Greater Niagara Municipal Associati on. No. 233 - K.H.WiSby - re need for radio station in City. O~EREE on the motion of Ald. Bucknet and Miller that a telegram he sent to the Chairman of the Board of ~overnc~s of the C.B.C. stressing the fact that the Council feels we as a City are definitely interested in a radio station in this cmity, and that the Council fully endorses the granting of a radio licenee for this com~,n~ty. No. 234 - Daughters of St. ~eorge - tb.nks for permission for tag day. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. I~xckner and Twidale that the com~.~uication be received and filed. No. B35 - Ontario M~nicipal Association - re convention and resolutions. ORD- EI~ED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Scott that the communication be received and filed, and all the instructions be carried through and all resolutions be in on the date mentioned. REPORTS The following Reports were presented: No. 99 - City Solicitor - re proposed extension of Huron Street and Homewood Ave- nue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McEXnley and Miller that. the report be rec- eived and laid on the ~able for one week. No. 100 - Committee of Council - re meeting with Mr. Harrtman· 01~ER~ on the motion of AId. Twidele and Scott that the rel~t ~e adopted and acted upon. SEE Resolution No. 107 No. lO1 - City ~A~na~er - re conference held on AprA1 29th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Scott that the report be received and filed. No. 102 - City Manager - requesting instx~ctions re ex~npttons re poll tax. 0RD- ~ an the motion of Aid. Btxckner and MacDonald that to the first I~rt of the report the answe~ be 'not, and to the second pa~t, the answer be ,no,o No. 10S - City Manage~ - re into~view with Moss~s. Leslie re property. C~DER~D on the mottonOr-Aid. 2~ott and ~widnlo 'that ~he report he laid ca the tbalo for 480 one week and the Councll discuss it at the next rooting in committee. Prior to this motion, it was moved by Ald. Miller and BUcknor that the report he received and filed, and M~. Leslie he informed that the City is not interested. ~ts mot- ion was defeated. He. 104 - City uav~ser - requesting policy re holiday schedule. 0t~I~ED on the motion of Ald. Frank and Twidale that this report he adopted as the City uanager has advised what has hem carried m in the past: that the holiday period be two weeks and if a statetory holiday comes in that period, the employee he given an extra day at a later date. Prior to this motion it was mo~ed by Ald. BUcknor and Miller that each City employee is entitled to two weeks' vacation, and during that time if one day happens to be a legal holiday, that he he given the extra day at the ell of his holiday. This motion wan defeated. No. 105 - City ~-ager - requesting policy re holidays during sickleave. 01~ERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and McKinley that two more days he granted. No. 106 - City ~ger - re assessments on O~tario Avenue properties. ORDERED on the motion of AM. Twidale A~ McKinley that the City uar~ger arrange a conference with the Robertson Construction Company. No. 107 - City ~ger - re application for licenee for R. Desermeaux. 01~ on the motion of AId. Frank and Scott that we ancopt the report of the Chief Con- stable. He. 10S -Clty ~--ger - rec~n~uding issuance of liemess. 0~P~ED en the mot- ion of AId. Miller and Twidale that the City ~--~ger,s report be adopted as read. No. 109 - Board of Police C~,mtcstonars - re protection of children at Capitol ~eatre. 0EDERED on the motion of AId. ~ott and MacDonald that tl~ report he. adopted and the C~mm!SSlon be th_~_-~ed for their ansistance. No. 110 - Board of Police Cnmm~-sieners - re wrecking yard at 2157 ~tanley Avenue. 01~n~ItED .on the motion of AId. Miiler and Scott that the west side of ~tanley A~e- nuo is undosi~able as a ~rocking yard. No. 111 - Fire Chief ~.C.Shapton - re property at 1144 0ntarAo Avenue. 01~EI~ on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Miller that the report be received and the mat- ter he left to the Fire Chief .u~ City Manager to see that the fire escape is in-. stalled. He. 11~ - City ~-Ager - re hearing far 0ntario-M. nicipal Board. 01~ on the motion of AId, Twidale and Scott that the report be received. No. 113 - City Solicitor - re by-law ~a agreement with employees. CliPPED on the motion of AIde Twidale and Frank that the report be received and the by-law be drawn in accordance with the recommendation of the City Solicitor. I~S~LUTI01~ The following Resolutions were passed: Me. 107 - ~ - INChHER - ~V]ID that the appreciation of the Conn~il be ex- Iraeased to Mr. Harxim~x for the fine work he has done while repl~esenting the CounCil as.~Assessaent Commissioner of the City o~ Niagara Falls; and .t.~...Se.al of the Corporation he hex'eto affixed. -/'~' Carried No. 108 - ~ - SC01T - RESC~V~n that the decision with regard to on assessor be laid on tee table fc~ a co~fere-no with M~. It~oo~ later thim evening; and the Seal ~f the Corporation be heroic mfftxcd, C,erx~Aed test to re~Ptd to the shor~a~ of buttdAng sabe~ials in taxis. a~on be laid on the table until such time ms C~un~il has eonsultod with the msm~s of tits building t~ade 'and ~eeeiwe~ ~hei~ suggestions in connection with 481 the resolution; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously. No. 110 - McEXNLEY - TWIDAI~ - RESOLVED that the policy practised by pm~ious councils, that where tag days are granted a report of the receipts from the organ- izations to whom the privilege is granted be submitted to the City Council, be continued; that the City M~nager take steps to have this action taken in due cosrse; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried un.nir~pus.l~ No. 111 - TWIDA~ - FRANK - EESOLVED that the action of His Worship Mayor Inglis, in appointing Alderm~B F.Y.Miller as enacting mayor on May 9th and 10th, daring the absence of His Worship from the City, be approved; and the Seal of the Corpor- ation he hereto affixed. Carried una~imously No. 112 -MXT.TER - t~CENER - RE~0LVED that a letter be sent to the Minister of Highways asking that an attempt be made in order to have the Queen Elizabeth High- way ill,,m~uated; that a copy of s~ch letter be sent to the City of St. Catharines and.all other --,-lcipalities bordering on the Hi!jhway between Niagara Falls and Toxonto; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously No..ii3 - INOKN~ - MIv,v.~.D - I~ESOLVED that arrangements he xmde between this Coun- cil and the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce for a meeting to discuss ways and means of brAnging industry to the City; and the Seal of the Corporation he here to affixed. Carried The following l~-law. was presented for the third reading: He. 3829.' - To close and sell a portion of a lane running from B~ttrey Avenue to Ferguson Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Scott that the by-law be laid on the table for one week and the City Manager interview both parties interested to see if they can come to some agreement in the matter. MISC's~r.T.ANECUS Ald. BUcknet suggested that the Health Department ~mt the Fire Chief be notified to investigate the whole situation of buildings on the east side of F. rie Avenue fxom Park Street to the Metrepels Hotel, and report thereon to the City Council · Aid. MacDonald stated that a hedge on a property at the northwest cor- ner of Sirocco Street all St. ~awrence Avenue obstructs the view of motorists going east on Simcoe-Stree~ and south-on St. lawrence Avenue, and should be trt_mmad. AId, lttokner inquired regarding street signs, and was advised that a manufacturer of such sl~m~ was to discuss the matter with the City Manager on May 7th, The Council adJ~Arned on the motion of AId. Twtdale and Scot~. liEAll ~ AIIOPI~D, Ma~ 1~, 1946. ,o.o, ,,.,..°~,.°°..~_ Cle:k . FINAIdE ~m~.IKNG Council Chamber, ME~ 6, 194~. The Ft.--co Committee met on Monday, May 6, 1946, for the purpose of ap- probing and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. Jjl members of the C~mm~ttee were present. ~b,m4ry accounts were epprove~ by the Committee, amounting to $21,689.90. The accounts submitted, being passed ~r otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Twidale anl Scott. a~e summary of tenders fo~ supplies for the year 1946 was SUbmitted, following actin- taken thereon: CRD~ STONE FOB STONE FOR ROADS 0PalEE on the motiou of Ald. Twidale and Scott that the tender of Queenston Quarries at $1.45 per ton be accepted. CR~Fa~D STO~E FOR ASPHALT PLANT 0RDE~ED on the motion of AId. Twidale and ~cott that the ~e~der of Queenston Quarries at $1.45, $1.20, $1.55, $1.55 and $1.55 for the various sizes, be accepted. ASPIiALTSAND ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Bucknor End MacDon- ald that the tenlet of Queenston Quarries at $1.45 per ton he accepted. CeDEE on the motion of Ald. ~widale .~a McKin- ley that the tender c~ Calaguiro Brothers at ~73 cents per ton he accepted. WATER WASHED CONCRETE SAND 0RDEE on the motion of Ald. MeEinley and Scott that the tender of Cala~lor Brothers at .87~ per ton he a.ocepted. GRAVEL FOR CORCR~I~ 0I~]~ED on the motion of AId. Twtdale and B~ck- nex' that the tender of Cala~lro Brothers at $1.60 per ton be accepted. LXMESTOI~ D~3T/OR PAVING PLANT C~D~,~,t~ on the motion of A~d. McKinley a~d Scott · _het the tender of Cala~iro I~others a~ 90~ ~r ~n ~ a~ep~d, PAVING ASPHALT 0pn~ on the notion of AId, Scott and Bucknor that the t~-aer of North American Cyanamid Lim- ited at S5,75 per ton be a~cepted. FUEL 0IL ORDEI~D on the motion of AId. Scott ed MacDon- ald that the ~ender cf lmlBrial 0~1 Ll~Lted at $20.10 par ~on be aecepte4. 2UI~tY AIID AP1T, XCA~ ON OF ~ LAIIR 2~PPLY AND API'A=CATXOR OF .MI~r0M LiViD ~ ORD~ED on the m~ti on ef Ald, Merlnlsy and ~ott that the rea~smsadation of the City Msna~er he adopted and the tenders of R.E.law CmmtmxctLon eLisited be accepts4. Px'lox. to th~s reel=on it was moved by A/d. ~ank ami T~idale that thantenders of ~idg---,ut ~uar- rise ~e aecel~sd, tsar this mmtion was defeated. 433 ~UPlxLY OF MEDIUM LYQUID ASPHALT OR ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and B~ck- net that the tender of Imperial Oil Limited at 12.85~ per gallon, be accepted. SUPPLY OF COLD:PATCH MATERIAL ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and McKinley that this material be purchased in the open mar- ket. FIRE HOSE ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank that the tender of Bilateral Fire Hose Division at $1.70 per lineal foot, he accepted. LIQUID CHLORINE ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Twldaleand Frank that the tender of Canadian Industries Limited at $7.21 per 100 lbs, be accepted. , ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Frank that this material be purchased in the open ,m~ket. (RDEREDon the motion of Ald. Twidale and Frank that gasoline, purchased at the pumps, he purchased from Booth's ServiceStation and Gunning Oil Company. A price was submitted by R.Devereux and Son for painting the exterior of the 0ity Hall. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Fr-nk that this matter be laid over for one week. The comparison of ~ax collections as at April 30, 1946, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Twidal~ and Scott that the statement be rec- eived as noted. The statement of relief as at April 30, 1946, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Bucket that the statement be received. A cormm, nicati on was presented from Mrs. Elsie Stoner requesting a price on property on Queen ~treet. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of ~/d. Twidale and I~ank it was ordered that Mrs. Stener be advised that a price will be given to her if the property is released, and erran- gemants be made to consult with the Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. re.tHe property. A~ offer was presented from D.M-mzone of $50.00 for Lot 90Z, Plan 65~, Lombard Avenue. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank it was ordered that the ~ffer be laid on the table. An offer was presented from Santi Veechies of $~0.00 for Lot 145, Plan 6, Broughton Avenue. Upon the rec~endation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Mclrinley it was ordered that the offer be laid on the table. A report was presented from the City N-n-ger regarding the request of Dr. Wrong. Upon the recnmmaudatien of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Fr~-k and M~EXnley it was ordered that Dr. Wrong be advised ~he City will ta. ansfer to him a parcel of 1~-~ having a maximum depth of eight and one-half feet fo~ the sum of ~100.00, proving he conveys a small triangular piece of land to the Cotper ati on.. ....... A report was presented from the City g-n~ger regarding the application of Niagara TAres Limited to erect a billboard. Upon the x~commendation c~ the i~operty Committee and on the motion of Ald. Frank and Mc Einley it was ordered that Niagara ~.res Liedted he not granted permission to erect a billboard on their property at the corner cf Victoria Avenue and Hunter Street. A report was presented from the City Manager x~ the request of the ow- ,nor of the Empire Hotel. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the mo~ton of Ald. Frank and Scott it was ordered that the owner of the Empire :Hotel be advised the .City :will :sell She lot 6, Block H, Plsn 55, for ~he assessed value ~of $4,000.00. '~ ~he report of the l~operty Committee upon the above matters was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion ~)f Aldo Frank and Scott tlm~t the report be received and filed° Applications f<= building peruairs were submitted, and the following ac- tion taken thereon: ORDERED on the motinn of Ald. Bucknet ~.a McKinley that a pex~it be granted for an addition to a factory at 752 Second Avenue. OI~)EEF.~ on the motion of Aid. Frank and McKinley that a permit te leeued to make an addition to a st~re front at 880 Vlctorta Avenue. ORDEAi~ on the motion of Ald. ~lckner and' 9aidale that l~xmlsslon be granted to rel~ir the interior of the store at 1954 ~4u Street. 0RDEF~D on the motlon of Aid. Frank and DAckner that permission be granted to construct an addition to the ~st side of the bus termsin1 sill2 Rrtdge 0EDEi~ED on the motion of Aid. Frank end MacDonald that pe~misslen be_ granted for the erection of a sign at 464 Queen gtreet. C~DEEED on the motion of Aid. Frank and Twidale that permission be granted for the erection of a sign at 2276 Main Street. CeDE~ED on the motion of Ald. McKinley end MacDomald that permission he granted for the erection of a sign at 1705 Victoria Avenue. 0~DERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Frank that pemission be granted for the erection of s sign at 1393 Ferry Street. Magistrate LB.Hopkins was l~esnnt and spoke upon the matter of the ap- plication of A.Ianmxzzelli for a permit to erect a building on Michigan Central Railway property on the north side of Clifton Hill. Magistrate Hopkins advised ~ha Co~e4ttee that he had a lease on this props ty which petmit~ed him to re-lease it as he saw fit. It was o~dered on the motion of Aid. McKinley and MacDonald that the previous motion, made on April 23rd, be rescinded. It was the n ordered on the motion of Aid. McKinley and MacDonald that pex~tssion be granted to A.Ian- nuzzelli to build a souvenir store on Clifton Hill. (His Worship Mayor Inglis stated that he ms opposed. to this motion. ) · le C-mm~ttee adjourned nn the motion of Aid. McKinley and Frank. lqEAD-A~D. AD01~D, May 13, '1946. - .. .. clork '485 COUNCIL ~.aTING Council Chamber, May 6, 1946. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the ac- counts approved by the Committee. All members cf the Council were present. The following By-law was passed: No. 3853 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. 01~ERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley. and MacDonald that Aid. Miller he given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Twldale and Scott that Rule 36 (Z) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading - Aid. Scott and Frank - Carried ---nfmously. EESOLUTXONS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 114 - FRANK - IC[T.T.~.R. - i~ESOLVED that permission be granted to both chip wag- ons, ~hich are at present operating in the City, to sell their wares at 0ekes Park during the coming session; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 115 - M~T.tltR - MacDONALD - RESOLVED that the City Cnnncil enterthin the Nia- gara Parks Commission on May 23, 1946; and the 3eel of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried ---ntmoUsl~ No. 116 - Ul'T.T.~,R - McEINLEY - RESOLVED that the testimonial dinner for Dr. Logan be held on Thursday, May 16, 1946, at 6.30 p.m; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto. affixed., .................... Carrte~ anantmous!~ NO. 117 - McEXNIEY - FtW~NK - RESOLVED that permission be granted to purchase one .nit of 'Cuide-0-Greph' Line Marking Equipment at a price of $141.75, plus sales tax, f.o.b. Toronto; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried It was suggested that the lighting in the electrical departmnnt at the Centre Fire Hall be checked. Aid. F~ank sug~sted that the matter of parking meters included on the agenda for the, next xe~Ala~ meeting. ~he C~tn~il .adjourned ca the motion. of-Aid. Twidale ~and Frank. READ, AND ,~%DOFEED. gs.V 1~, 1946. Clerk Mayor CC~FERENOE Council Chamber, May 6, 1946. q'ne Conference Committee met at the close c~ the regaulr council and fin- ance meetings, for the purpose of considering matters presented to them. All mem- bers of the Committee were Iresent. and His Warship Ma~ur lnglis was chairnt~n. After discussion upon the matters Iresented, the C-mm~ttee adjourned ca the mot&on of AId. Miller and MeKinle.y. BEAD AND AD~, Ma~ 13, 1946. 437 TWENT~-SEVEN~ LTEE~flNG REGULAR I, IEETI:NG Council Chamber, Ms~v 13, 1946. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met on Monday, May 13, 1946, for the purpose of considering genersl business and finance. All members of the Coun- cil, with the exception of AId. Scott, were present. The Council, having rec- eived and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Twirlale and MacDonald. DEPUTATIONS In connection with Com~mnication No. 230, and on the motion of Ald. Mc Kinley and Frank, representatives of the building trade were permitted to address the 0ouncil. Mr. William Benson addressed the Council and told of the situation with regard to building materials in the vicinity. Mr. Benson quoted the number of houses to be built and in the process of construction, which were unable to proceed due to lack of material. He suggested that the locsl member of the Fed- eral House, the Minister of Reconstruction and Supply and the Leader of the 0p- position, be asked for assistance in this matter. Mr. Alex Collins also spoke upon the matter and gave Council figures with regard to the plumbing trade. SEE Communicantion No. 230 COMM~NICATIONS I~d over from previous meeting: No. 192 - HydroElectric Power Commission of. Ontario - re proposed extension of Huron Street end Homewood Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Twidale and Mac Donald that the communication be received and the City MAnager given authority to make the agreement and bring it to the Council for ratification. (The vote was: Aye: AId. MacDonald, McKinley, Frank and Twida~e; Nay: Ald. Backnet and M~ller) No. 230 - Wartime Prices and Trade Board - re building materials available fc~ City~ ORDERED on the motion of AId. Bucknor and Frank that the communication be laid on the table until the next meeting. It was later ordered on the motion of AId. McKinley and Frank that the totter be re-considered. The deputation was rec- eived and it was ordered on the motion of AId. Bucknor and McKinley that a commun- ication be scat to the local member of the Federal House, the Minister of Recon- struction and Supply, the Leader of the Opposition, and to ~11 municipalities in Welland County, pointing out the facts the delegation has brought to us. No. 231 - HydroElectric Commission of Niagara Falls - re retirement of ornamen- tal street lighting system. (RDERED. on the motion of Ald. I~xckner and Miller that the communication be laid over another week for further Study. The following Communications were presented: No. 236 - Wartime Prices and Trade Board - re meat shortage in area. 0RD~ED on the motion of AId. Miller and Bucknor that a communication be sent to Mr. Gordon advising that the Council does not accept the communication as satisfactory and they feel the second factor in the communication is the fau~ of the shortage; and that this Council asks the Government to take some action to get the packers Irodueers together to get some action to supply meat. ' No. ~-37 - City of Guelph - resolution re name of Yuly let holiday. ORDEi~D on the moti~x of Aid. Fz~nk and Mewtnley that the oomuninieation be received and filed. No. 238 - Robe~tson Construct~ton and Engineering Company - re interview with Cottn-- oil. 0RDERIm on the.motion of Aid. Prank and Twidale that the communication be received ..and filed, ~and Mr. Rober,~son be :given :permission to ..meet Council on May 20th. 438 No. 239 -'C--adtan Legion, Branch 51 -.,Invitation to memorial service, Iune ORDERED on the motlon of Ald. Twielale and MacDonald thnt the invitation be rec- eived, the members of Couneil accept the invitation and attend the service, and Ai~. l)lckner be appointed to lead our parade. No. 240 - Township of Stamford - re termination of agreement re fire protection. ODERED en the motlon of Ald. Bucknet and Frank that the connunicatlon be rec- eived .and filed. No. 241 - Township of Stamford - re termination of arrangement re Jail and ccurt. Oi~I)ERED on the marion of Ald. Miller and MacDonAld that the com"mnicatlon be rec- eived and laid on the table. No. 242 - Albert Goats - re increasing number of industries. 01~IERED on the mot- ion of Ald. Twiddle and Bucknor that the comn,_,_nication be received and turned ower to the Chamber of Commerce. No. 243 - Chambers and Meredith Limited - request for factor}, or industrial site. ORE on the motion of AId. McKinley and Twiddle that the communication be ref- erred to the Joint meeting with the Chamber of Commerce. No. 244 - Cnr~dian GoOd Roads Association - enclosing membership fee for year. ORDERED on the motion cf AId. McKinley and Frank that the communicat.ion be rec- eived and filed. Ne. 245-- Niagara Falls Civic Employees' Assoct~.ion - requesting permission to tree crest on uniforms. ORDFa/~ on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Buckner that the request be granted. No. 246 - Town Planning Consultants Limited - re plan of development of City. OEDERED on the motion of AId. Twiddle and McKinley that the comn~Anication be rec- eived and referred to the special meeting with the Town .Planning Commission. No. 247 - Kinotto Club of Niagara Falls - statement of proceeds from tag day. Ot~)EI~ED on the morton of Ald. Miller and MacDonald tbet the eom~.,n~cation be rec- eived and filed, and the Kinette Club be given a letter from the City Council of th_-_nk~ for the work of raising the amount f~r the C~n~dian Cancer Csmpaign. No. 2.48 - Mi-Co Meter (Canada) Limited - re demonstration of parking meters. 0R- II~ED on the motion of Ald. Frank and Miller that the communication be received and filed, and the Mi-Co Company be advised that Council would like a d~maustrat- ion on May 27th; ~n~ the meters of another oompsuy on ~une 3rd. No. 249 - Niagara Tires Limited - requesting reconsideration of application for sign. 01~ERI~ on the motion of Ald. Miller and Twiddle that the communication be received and laid on the table for one week and Ningara Tires Limited be anMed to submit a plan and size of the billboard that they propose to erect at the corner. No. ~50 - K.H.Wisby - acknowledging advice re action re radio station. (RDEREI) on the motion of Ald. Frank ~.a Bucknor t~at the ~om~;uication be received and filed. No. 251 - Niagara Dry Beverages - acknowledging letter re tax on soft drinks. 0R- RERED on the motion of Ald. MeNinlay and MacDonald that the eom.,,xlication be rec- eived and filed, and a copF of the requested letter be sent to Niagara Dry Bev- erages Limited. ; ': No. 252 - Ontario t~ioipal Board - hearing of protest against ~apital expendit- ure. ORDEI~D on the motion of aid. B~ekner and Fx~mk that the City Manager and Chairmen of Flnanse ha a committee to repxesent the City of Nia~a~a Falls at the hearing of the Ou~a~io MunicipAl Board next Monday. · No. 25S - H~d~o-Elsetrio Commissfon of Niagara Falls - re closing of streets lanes. ~D c~ the motion of Ald. MoKinley and MacDonald that the Oom"'~n4~at- iO~ be reoeived and filed, and.th~s~ practice be followed out in future. NO.~4 -Lau~eme C. Cmwf~d ~lre cheek ofieash.an~ :eeomis., ,OIDERED on the · motion of AId. Twiddle and Frank that the communication be received and filed. No. 255 - His Worship Mayer Inglis - re chairmen for National Clothing Drive. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Buckner and Twidale that the communication be rec- eived and Ald. MacDonald be chairman. REPORTS The following reports were laid over from a previous meeting: No, 99 - City Solicitor - re proposed extension of Huron Street and Homewood Ave- nue. 0t~)E~jg on the motion of Ald. Twiddle and MacDonald that the report be rec- eived. No. lC~ - City ~mnager - re property at Morrison Street and Stanley Avenue. 0~)- ]~1) on the motion of Ald. Bucknet and Miller that the report be received and laid on the table. The following Reports were presented: No. 114 - City Manager - re conference held cn May 6, 1946. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Ald. Twidale and McKinley that the report be received. No. 115 - Dairy Inspector - report for month of April. 0t~EREu an the motion of Ald. Frank and MacDonald that the report be received and filed. No. 116 - City ~reasure~ - report of convention in London. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Twiddle that the report be received and filed, and the Treas- urer be ecrumended for his re-election to the executive. No. 117 - City MRn~ger - re appointee to Niagara Falls Area Suburban Commission. 0RYERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Bucknor that the report be received and laid on the table for one week. No. 118 - City M~eger - recommending issuance of licences. 0t~DERED on the met- ion of Ald. TwidAle and Miller that the applications for licances be received and granted. No. 119 - City M~nager - re consultation with parties re closing lane. 01~)EI~ED on the moti on of Aid. McKinley and Twiddle that the report be received and accep- ted, and the by-law presented. SEE By-law No. 3854 No. 120 - Sanitary Tnspector - re inspection of properties on Erie Avenue. 01~- ERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and Miller that the report be received end filed. No. 121 - City Solicitor - re Labour Relations Board Act, 19~4. 0RDIE on the motion of Ald. Bucknor and Miller that a copy of the lmopnsed agreement with the Civic Employees' Association, the proposed by-laws for the digsing of the Agree- ment, and to make the Act applicable to the City of Niagara Falls, and the report be forwarded to the Department of Municipal Affairs, asking that a ruling be given insafar as the City Council is c. oncerned in the event of a strike. PETITION The following Petition was presented: . No. 4 - Teresa Retnhardt and 3 others - protesting against building of A.lannuz- zelli. C~DI~ED en the motion of Aid. McEinley and MacDonald that the ~tition be laid on the table for one week. ~ESOLUTIO}S ~he following Resolutions ware ~assed: · . 440 RESOLUT~ ONS No. 118 - I~CKNER - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that the City ~nn ger make an inspection of what is being done with regard to the Wartime Housing Limited houses, and rep- o~t at the next meeting; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 119 - T~=DALE - FRANK - RESOLVED that the City Mansger be authorized and in- structed to sign a contract with Canadian Industries Limited fc~ the ~pply o.f liquid chlorine at a price of seve~ dollars and twenty-one cents per one hundred pounds, in accordance with their tender of April 29, 1946; and the Seal of the Corporation be hemto affixed. Carried No. 120 - ~IrT.T.~.R - MACDONALD - RESOLVED that a communication he sent to Mr. Gray of Wartime Housing Limited, asking that at the t~m~ the contract was let for the' one hundred honse~, if he was aware of the type of material to be used in the ho~ses; and the SeA1 of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried ~he following By-law was read a fLrst and second times: No. 3854 - To close end sell a portion of a lane running from Buttrey Avemue to Ferguson Avenue. C~DEP~m on the nEtion of Aid. McKinley end Frank that Aid. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be given the first reading - Carried. It was then ordered on the motion of/LId. Twidale and Bucknet that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law read a second tim - Carried. It was ordered c~x the marion of AId. McEinley and Fr~k that the by-law he laid on the table for the proper advertisement. The following By-laws were passed: No. 3~5 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale end Deed. (RDERED on the nEtion of All. Twidale and MacDonald that Aid. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be given the first 'roaing- Carried. It was then o~dered on the motion c~ Aid. Bucknet and MeEinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law read a second time - Carried. ' ~ 3rd reading -Ald. Fr~-~ and ~aidale - Carried. No. 3856 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. 0RDEbxa~ on the metion of Ald. Twidale axd Frank that Aid. Miller be given the prAyliege of introducing the bY-laW, md the bar-law be given the first reading - Carried. ' ,, "' -' It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. MeEinley and B~ckner that Rale 36 (~-) of the Standing Rules of Council be tmpoarlly suspended and th~ by- law read a second time - Carried. ',, " .... ·" reading - Aid. F:~-~ and Bucknor. · ., Ald. l~Ackner asked that the City Manager check on the construction of two Wartime Housing Limited houses on both sides of the property at 1267 B~ch- anan Avenue, where it appears the new houses are being built out of line with the other houses on the street. Ald. B~ckner stated that the area at the Centre, ordered to be cleaned up during the Tour of Inspection, was in the same condition aS prior to that time, and asked that immediate action be taken. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Frank and McKinley. READ AND-ADOPTED'~ May 20, 1946. Clerk ayor FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, May 13, 1946. The Finance Committee mat on Monday, Nay 13, 1946, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts wiich had been properly cert- ified and placed before them. All members of the Committee, with the exception of AId. Scott, were present. Sundry accounts were a. pproved by the Committee, amounting to $6,015.76. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- erad placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Twidale and McKinley. The price submitted at the last meeting of the Committee, by H.Dever- eus & son, for painting the ex. terior of the 0ity Hall, was considered. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and McKinley that the matter be laid over for one week, Summaries of tenders were. submitted for the supply of a station wagon, a truck chassis and cab for the street department, and a track chassis, cab and body and hoist for the garbage department. It was ordered on the mot&on of Ald. Frnnk and BUCk'nOr that; the summaries be referred to the Equipment Committee for a ' report. A communication was presented from Fire Chief Shapton, recommending the purchase of fireman's badges. Xt was ordered on the motion of AId. TwAddle and Buek"-er that the requss~ be granted. '; A communication was presented from L.Ho~tot, requesting a refund of a Y 441 deposit on Lot 21, Plan 27, Cedar Street. Upon the recommendation of the Proper- ty Committee and on the motion of Ald., prank and McKinley it wa~ ordered that the refund be granted. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Inglis and Aid. Frank that the deputation, going to Toronto on May 20th, interview the Honc~rable Mr. llxnbar to ascertain ~fiy comm~nications, dealing with the sale of properties, e~e being held up, and bring bask a raperr to the Council. A cOm~nmicatton was presented f~om C.E.Wales, requesting a refund of the purchase price of Lot 33, Plan 27, Cedar Street. Upon the recommendation of the property Co~xnittee and on the motion of Aid. McKinley and MacDonald it was ordered that a refund be granted, less the taxes due on the premises while held by Mr. Wales. An offer was Fesented f~om Yoseph Beech of $200.00 for Pt. R~. 22, Pla~ 653, Robinson Street. Upon the recommendatio~ of the l~perty Commit~ee and on the motion of Aid. prank and Bucknet it was ordered that the offer be laid on the table for one week. A~ offer was presented f~om W.R.Phillips of $50.00 for Lot 33, Plan 27, Cedar Street. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee a~d on the mot- ion of Aid. Twidale and MclCtnley it was ordered that the c~fer be la~d on the table for One .week. A communication was presented f~om Leonard C. 3'ell, y, reearding the s6n- struct~on of a house for t{.E.MsPherson on Lot 200, MeRe, Street, for which Mr. Yolley made the offer. Upon the ~ecommendation of the property Com~ttttee and on the motion of Aid. TwOdale and ~ckner it wen ardored that the necessary papers be prepared in the name of H.E.McPhereon. His Worship left the meeting. A communication was presented f~om Iohn H. Flett, regarding ~ailding by E.Pattui. Upon the recommendation of the l~operty Committee and on the motion of Aid. McEinley and MacDonald, it was ordered that the letter be received end filed. A report was presented from the City Manager, re~ardin~ an .c~fer of Wil- lien Benson re Lot 17, Plan ~-1, Orchard Avenue. Upon the recommendation of the P~operty Onmm~ttee and on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Frank it wen ordered that M~. Benson be advised the City will sell ~he lo~ for the assessed value of $a00.00. A cnm~,n~cation was presented f~om D~. H.A.Wrox~ regarding the price of a piece of land adjacent to his home. Upon the recommendatton of the Property C~mm~ttee, the matter was coenidersd by the Committee. It was ordered on the mot- ion of Aid. B~ckner and Frank that the communication be received and the land of- fered fc~. sale for a price of $78.00. An offer was presented fx~m Ioseph A..Beeulna of $100.00 fc~ L~ 31, Plan 1063, Lewis Avenue. Upon the recommendation of. the l~perty Committee and on the motion of Aid. Frank and MacDonald it was ordered that the offer be laid on the table for one week so the Committee me~ have an opp~.tun!ty:to view the premises. "~' A statement of adJus~nents in ~egal~d to the p~chase o~ Lot,4, Block 5, Plan 28~,!,~]rl~t~ia Avenue flora the (~le~anty Tract Company of Canada, was presented. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee, this matter was considered by the Committee. It was c~dered on the motion of Aid. ~oknex' and MacDonald that the ~xaranty ,T$~xS~ Compan~ be advised a cheque will be issued.for an amount C~ $5,120,18. -~ ~he repc~t of tbe P~operty Committee, on the above matters, was l~es- ended. I~ ~, c~dered on the motion .of Aid. l~ttckner and MacDonald that the report be received and filed. His Worship Mayor Inglis returned to the meeting. Applications for building permits were submitted, and the following ac- tion taken thereon: An application was presented for a moving lunchroom and ticket offic~ on the N.S. & T. property at the corner of Victoria Avenue and Bridge Street. In this connection, a communication from the Superintendent of the Railway Company was presented. On the motion of Aid. Twirlale and McKinley, Mr. Peter Wirt, the applicant, was permitted to address the Committee. Mr. Wirt advised the Counil of his plans for the lunchroom and ticket office. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Fr-nk and Twirlale that the application be laid on the table for consider- ation of Council in one week, and that Mr. ]~ringle of the Canadian National Rail- ways be contacted and ask when and if he intends to hold .a meeting with Council regarding buses for this City. An application was presented for,the construction of a sheet metal building at the comer of Queen Street and River Road by Mrs. A.Mannette. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Inglis and Aid. Frank that the applic- ation be laid over for further discussion, end advice be obtained from the City -Solicitor, and the City M. nager bring in a complete report. An application was l~esented for the erection of a frame Garage at 328 Huron Street. It was ~dered on the motion of Aid. Frank and Bucknet that per- mission be granted. An application was presented for a permit to move two chicken coops from 1688 Main Street to Chippawa. It was ordered on the motion of/LId. Twidale and Frank that permission be granted. An application was presented for the moving of a dwelling from 1905 Bachaunn Avenue to Lot 903, Lombard Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and B~ckner that the-permit be approved. An application was presented for the construction of a d~y cleaning plant on Lot 802, Stanley Avenue. This application was approved.. TI~ Corn_mitre. adjourned on the motion of Aid. Twidale and Bucknet. t~ADANDADOPTED, May 20, 1946. Clerk COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, May 13, 1946. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Fin- anne meetings for the p~rpose of passing the money by-law which covered the ac- counts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council, v~Ath the exception of Ald. Scott, were present. The following By-law was passed: No. 385.7 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. 0RDEE on the moti on of Ald. Twidale and McKinley that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of intraducing the by-laW, and the by-law be read a first time- Carried. It was then c~dered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Backner that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily s.uspanded and the by-law read a second time - Carried. 3rd reading -Ald. Frank and Bucknet - Carried. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed: No. lSl - MXT.T.ER - EUOENER - RESOLVED that Ald. C.W.Twidale be authorized to at- tend the conference of the Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities in Vancouver, British Columbia, as a representative c~ the City of Niagara Falls; and the Seal of the Corporation be hersto affixed. · Carried No. 122 - MXtT~ - FRANK - RESOL~ED that the City u-nager be instructed to advise the Engineer of the Township of Stemford that the City Council are prepared to enter into negotiations with re~ard to the building used as a.police. station, for its use as a comfort ~tatl0n; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 123 - FRANK - BUCKNER - RESOLVED that the matter of an offer for the purchase of Lot 6, ~ridge Street, be laid on the 1able for one ?~ek; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried The City Manager advised Council that the Morse property'on ~a~n ~Street is now ready for inspection by the general public. It wee agreed that lmablicity should be given.to' the. property, the same to be viewed' on Saturdey_]xf~ernoon' ~-aay next. The Council adjourned an the motion of Aid. Frauk and B~ck~er. ~ AND ADOA'A'.:,,? May 20, 1946. · ~,~TY-EIGHTH MEETING REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, May 20, 1946. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met on Monday, lday 20, 1946, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Court- cil were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the prey- ious meeting, adopted these on the motion of AId. Miller and Frank. DEA~JTATI 0NS On the motion of AId. Tv~ldsle and Buckner, the delegation from the Joint organizations of the Young Women's Christian Association and the Young Men's Christen Association, was permitted to address the Council. Mr. Bert Willieins spoke and advised Council that the Joint organization had temporarily suspended the campaign to raise funds for the erection of a combined Y.W.C.A. and Y.M.C.A. building on the Queen Street property between Buckley Avenue and St. L~wrence Ave- nue. He stated that, owing to vsrious conditions prevailing at the present tim, it was felt inadvisable to continue with the campaign until a later date. However, the organizations had every intention of making a later appeal and were still in- terested in having the property available for building when the funds were ob- tained. Mr. Handley also spoke upon the matter. SEE Resolution No. 124 In connection with Communication No. 231 and on the motion of Ald. Mil- ler and Scott, Mr. y.A.Williamson, Manager of the Hydro-Electric Commission of Niagara Falls, spoke to Council. Mr. Williamson outlined the proposal for the ret- irement of ornamental street lighting coats by the withholding of the yearly reb- ate on the same. SEE Communication No. 231 CO~UNIOATIONS Laid over from previous meeting: No. 2~ - Hydro-Electric Commission of Niagara Falls - re retirment or ornamental street lighting costs. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Scott that the Comicati on he referred to the Mayor, Chairman of Finance and the City Ne~ager for a recommendation at the next meeting. The following Communications were presented: No. 256 - Deputy Minister of Highways - re traffic light at Pewell Avenue. 0RD- ERED on the motion of ~ld. Miller and MacDonald that the communication be .received and filed. No. 257 - Niagara Falls Girls Work Board - report of proceeds from tag day. C~D- ~ED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Scott that the communication be received and filed. No. 258 - Lundy's Lane, Chapter, I.O.D.E. - report of proceeds from tag day. 0R- DERED on the motion of Aid. B~ckner and Miller that the oomnmnication be received -_~ filed. No. 259 - Cenadis~ National Railways - re conference with Council on buses. (RD- ERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the communication be sent to the Minister of Transport to see when they will instel a bus service in the City of Niagara Falls. Prior to this motion it was moved by A~d. Scott and Twirlale, that the communication be .received and llaid on the table, but this metion was def- eated. 446 No. 260 - Liquor Control Board of Ontario - enclosing payment ef hotel' authority fees. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~Twidale and Scott that the communication be received and filed. N0. 261 - Motion Picture Censorship Board - enclosing annual report and re grading of films. 01~)ERED on the motion of Aid. Twidale and Frank that the communication be received and filed. No. 262 - Edward A. Horton Sales Company - re demonstration of parking meters. 0R- DEE on the motion of Ald. Scott and MacDonald that the connmlnicati on be received and laid on the table. No. 263 - Canadian Broadcasting Company - acknowledging endcreation of licenee for radio station. 0RD~RED m the motion of Ald. Frank and Bucknor that the com- n.mication be received and filed. No. 264 - Niagara Tires Limited - m application to erect billboard. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Becknor and Twidsle that the communication be received and tahled until such time as plans are slbmitted. No. 265 - Niagara Falls PUblic Library - requesting .permission to apply to Deport- ment re branch library. 01~DERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and MacDonald that the communication be referred to the Finance meeting for Consideration. No. 266 - Wartime Housing Limited - re substitution for sewer tile. CRDEE on the motion of Ald. Frank and Buclmer that the communication be received and filed, and Mr. MeAdare notified the comnmnication has bean read to the Council. No. 267 - Food Information Committee - requesting assistance re save food prog- rAmme. 0RDEI~ED on the motion of Aid. Buckner and MacDonald that the communicat- ion be received and filed, that the local press be asked to give all publicity to the communication for the benefit of the citizens, ani the citizens be asked to support the programme. No. 268 - Hononrable Minister of Labour - enclosing statement re building mater- ials. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Buckher and Twidale that the communication be laid on the table for a conference with members of the building trade to see if the plans are being carried out. REPORTS Laid over from previous meetings: No. 106 - City Manager - re assessments on property purchased by Robertson Con- struction Company. OI~ERED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Miller that this communication be deferred until Ilr. Robertson is at the meeting. At the close of · the meeting, Mr. Robertson was present and it ~as ordered ca the motion of Ald. Frank and Scott that Item No. 2 usder ,,-~inished business on the agenda, be con- sidered. It was then ordered on the motion of ~ld. Frank and Scott that the mat- ter be considered at the finance meeting. No. 117 - City ~na6er - re appointee to Niagara Falls Area ~Aburban Commtssio~. ORDEPJ~) on the motion of Aid. Scott and Rusknet that Ex-alderm.n Iemes Barr be the apointee of the City on the Commission. A motion was made by Ald. McElnley erzl MacDonald that Ex-alderm~ Grant Donald be the appointee, but ~his_motic~A,.was defeat ed ..... "~he following Reports were presented No. 122 - City ~-nager - re construction of Wartime Housing Limited houses. 0ED- ERED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Bucknor that the report be received and if there is no violation of the original eratract with Wartime Housing Limited, authority be given to use the substitute, pipe, if smncidered a f~ir ,substitute .fo,r the second grade of tile whicA. is still unavailable. No. 123 - City Manager - recommending issuanee of licenses. 0t~)ERED on the mot- ion of Ald. Twidale and McKinley that the apl~ltcations fc~ licenoes be granted '447 if all are signed properly. PETITI 0NS Laid over from previous meeting: No. 4 - T.Reihardt and 3 others - re building on Clifton Hill. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank that the petition be received and filed. The followi ng Petiti on was pro senta d: No. 5 - Alice E. Moore and 8 others - protesting against erection of plumbing shop on Victoria Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Miller and Scott that the pet- ition be received and filed, and the signers he notified of the date on which the permit had bean granted. R~0LUTION The following Resolution was passed: No. 124 - SCOTT - MacDONALD - RESOLVED that the matter of the Queen Street lot, between Buckley Avenue and St. La~wrence Avenue, now being held ~r the Joint or- ganization Of the Young Women's Christian Association and the Young Men's Christ- ion Association, be laid on the table until such time as we have some offer to buy the property; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carrio d Subsequent to the above resolution, a motion was moved' by Aid. McKinley and Frank that the present agreement upon this property be extended for three months from Apri~ BOth, and at the end of that lime that Council ask the Y.M.C.A. and the Y.W.C.A. if they can bring in something definite as to whether or not they wish to have the proparty. This motion was defeated. The following By-laws were passed: No. 3858 -To authorize the execution of a Deed. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Scott that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time - Carried unanimously · It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Buckher that Rule 36 (~) of the Stending Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-lay: given the secoud reading - ~ied unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. Frank and Scott -' Carried unanimously.. No. :~B59 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and B~ckner that 'Ald. Miller be ' given the privilege of introducing the ~y-law, and the byelaw be read a first time - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Scott that Rule 36 (B) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily anspanded and the by-law givan a second reading - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. Scott and Bucknor - Carried unanimously. Fie Worship Mayor lnglis left the meeting, and Ald. MacDonald was en- acting mayor during his absence. No. 3860~- To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale end Deed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. B~ckner and ~vidale that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law. and the by-law be read a first time - 0srried. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended end the by-law be given the second reading- Carried. 3rd reading -Ald. Twidale and Scott - Curried. No. 3861 - To authorize the execution of an ~EreenEnt for Sale and Deed. (RDERED on the motion of Ald. i~vidale and B~ckner that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time- Carried. · It ms then ordered on the motion of Ald. Buckher and Frank that Rule 36 (21 of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law given the second reading - Carried. 3rd reading -Ald. Scott ~d Frank - Curried. No. 5862 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Bucknor that Ald. Miller be givem the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time - Carried. His Worship Mayor Inglis returned to the meeting. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. McEinley and NanDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of 0ouncil be temporarily suspended end the by- law read a second time .- Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. Frank and Bucknet - Carried unanimously. The Council adjourned oal the motion of ~ld. Frank and Scott. IEADANDAD0tTED, May ~7,'1946. Clerk 449 FINANCE I,ETING Council Chamber, May 20, 1946. The Finance Committee met on Monday, May 20, 1946, for the purpose of approving an~d also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert- ified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Stundry accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to $21,643.96. The accounts subntitted', being passe.d or otherwise dealt v~lth, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank. The report of the City Manager, re assessments on property purchased by the Robertson Construction Compeny, as presented at the Council meeting, was con- sidered. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Inglis and Ald. Buck- net that the report be read. It was then ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Inglis and Ald. Scott that Mr. Robertson be heard. M~. Robertson advised Council of the difficulties which had been experienced by his Company when they endeavoured to continue with their progra~m~e for building on the lots purchased. ~Nr. Robertson stated that the proj.!ct for housing by Wartime Housing Limited had made it difficult for his company to proceed with low-cost housing. He also stat- ed that difficulty has been experenced in efforts to obtain materials and skilled labour. Mr. Robertson stated that the five houses which ha~e been erected were sold at a loss to the Company, and at the present time, they did not feel in a position to continue with the progranmne. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and Scott that Mr. Robertson meet with the Chairman of Finance and the City ~_~nager, and a report be px~ented to the Council in three weeks' time. The comnmnlcation from the Niagara Falls Public Library, which had bean referred frcm the Council meeting, was considered. It was ordered an the taction of Ald. Twidale and Scott that authority be given to the Niagara Falls Library Board to appear before the Ontario Municipal Board with a request for permission to make a capital expenditure of $35,000.00 for a branch library building, and that the delegation include representation from the City Cc~ncil. Alderman Miller reported on the appearance of himself and the City Man- ager before the Onturio Municipal Board for approval c~ the application for cap- ital expenditures. Alderman Miller stated that the Board gave faycurable consid- eration to the application. The Alderman also reported on the interview with Mr. A.Y.B.Gray, Deputy Minister of Municipal Affairs in connection with offers for sale of vacant property owned by the Corporation. Aid. Miller advised that Mr. 0rr, of the Depurtment, would be in Nla~ra Falls on Yune 7th to consider this matter, and in the meantime, all the offers which had been held inabeFance will receive approval. Mr. Orr advised CoUncil of the public inspection of the Morse subdiv- ision and suggested that further publicity should be given *to the same, and an inspection permitted during the weekend of May 25th. His Worship M~yor lnglis left the meeting. The price submitted by H.Devereux and Son, for painting at the City Hall, as laid over from the previous meeting; and the price submitted by Williem Delaney and Son, for similar work, was presented. It was ordered ca the motion ef Ald. Scott and Frank that the two prices be laid on the table for one week. The summary of tenders for a Station wagon, truck chsmis and cab, and truck chassis, cab, body and hoist, as laid over from the previous meeting, was eesented. A report on the Equipmeat Committee on the above tenders was submit- ted. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Scott and Twidale that the recommend- ations of the Committee, for the purchase of a station wagon from Victoria Motors for $1,651.22; a truck chassis and cab from Hunt Motors, at $1,379.00; and a truck chassis, cab, body and hoist from Charles F. Bouck for $3,028.40, be ac- cepted. The application of P.Wirt for a building permit to instal a movable lunchroom and ticket office at the C.N.E.R. property on Bridge Street and Vict- oria Avenue, as laid over from the previous meeting, was considered. It was ord- ered on the motion of Aid. Scott s_nd Frank that Mr. Wlrt be permitted to address the Commt~ee. Mr. Wirt advised of his plans for this unit and for the future. It was ordered on the motion of AM. Twidsle and McKinley that the epplication be granted and Mr. Wirt be given a licerice to operate a movable lunchroom. The application of Mrs. A.Mannette for a building permit to con.struct a building at the corner of Queen Street and River Road, as laid over from the previous meeting, was presented. A report was also presented from the City Man- ager upon the matter. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Frank and MacDonald that the permission be granted, under the supervision of the City ~nmger. An offer which had been laid over from the previous meeting, from Y.A. Beaulne for Lot 31, Plan 1063, Lewis Avenue for $100.00, was presented. Upon the reco~amendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Aid. Scott and Twi- dale, the offer was not accepted, and Mr. Beaulne was permitted to address the Council. The speaker advised Committee that he v~uld like to make the san~ offer for Lot 30, Plan 3039, Magdlaene Street, and it was ordered on the motion of Aid. Scott and Nk~ank that the offer be accepted, subject to the condition that a dwel- ling of at least $4,000.00 value is erected on the premises within a period of six months. The offer which had bean laid over from the previous meeting, from Mr. W.R.Phillips for Lot ~33, Plan 27, Cedar Street, for $50.00, was presented. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and ca the motion of Aid. Buckler and MacDonald the offer was received and accepted, subject to the condition that a dwelling of at least $4,5.00.00 value is erected on the premises within a period of six months. An offer which had been laid over from the previous meeting, from Yos- eph Beech for Pt. Range 22, Plan 653, Robinson Street for $200.00, wan considered. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Aid. Frank and Scott it was ordered that the offer be accepted, subject to the provision that a dwelling of at least $4,500.00 value is e~ecbed on the premises within a period of six months. A com~Anication was presented from Mrs. Maxins Fowle, requesting the cancellation of their application for a lot. Upon the recammendation of the Prop- erty Committee and on l~e motion of Aid. Fx~nk and B~ckner it was ordered that a xefund of the deposit on Lot 210, Plan 9, McRae Street, he granted. A communication was presented from y~.W.Lyon, requesting the cancel- lation of his application for Lot ~8, Plan 17, Drummond Road. Upon the recommend- ation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Twidale and MaoDon~l~ it was ordered that the refund of the doom payment be granted to Mr. Lyon, An offer was presented' from Ubaldo DiGeremia for Lot 890, Plato653, Lombard Avenue for $100.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Onmm~ttee and on the motion of Aid. Twidale and Bucknor it w~s ordered that the offer be accepted. An offer from Victor 0. LaRoche, which had been laid over from a prev- ious meti~g, for Lot 14, Plan 40, Second Avenue for $~0.00, was considered. U10on the recommendation of the l~operty Committee and en the motion of Aid, Frank -and ~Aekner it was ordered that the offer be accepted, subject to ~he condition · ~at a d~lling of at least $4,000.~ v~ue Is erec~d m ~e premises ~t~n a p~iod ~ six.monks, ~ ~,',' ..... ' ' ' An offer from D.Mazzone, which had been laid over from a previous meet- ing, for Lot 902, Plan 653, Lombard Avenue, for $50.00, was presented. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the ~nti on of Ald. Scott and Frank it was ordered that the offer be accepted, subject to the provision that a d:,;el- ling of at least $4,000.00 value is erected on the premises vdthin a period of six A~n offer from Santi Veechies, which had been laid over from a previous meeting, for Lot 145, Plan 6, Broughton Avenue for $50.00, was presented. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and ca the motion of Ald. E~cDonsld and Frank it was ordered that the offer be accepted, subject to the provision that a dwelling of at least $4,000.00 value is erected on the pl. emises v, ithin a period of six months. An offer was presented from Harry Manos for the pArchase of Lot 6, Plan 35, Bridge Street for the sum of $4,000.00. Upon the recommendation of the Prop- erty Committee and on the motion of Ald. Frank and Bucknet it was ordered that ~he offer be laid on the table for one ~,~ek, and the City Manager and Cheirnmn of Fin- ance be empowered to interview the parties holding a lease on the property. The ~epert of the Property Committee, on the above matters, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Frank and Buckner that the report be received and filed. T~e report of the City Manager, recommending the rebuilding of the typewriter at the Relief Department, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Bucknet that the report be received 'and Mopbed. Applications for building permits were submi~ed and the follo~ing ac- tion taken thereon: ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Buckher and Frank that permission be granted to C.H.Rreedon to construct an addition to a garage at 19~3 Murray Street. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Frank and MacDonald that permission be granted to Peter Christensen to construct a garage at 1301 Heywood Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~vidale and Buclmer that permission be granted to erect a hanging sign at lOB3 eentre Street, such erection to be under the supervision of the City Manager. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and McKinley that Mr. Brooks, the Assessor, be granted permission to attend the convention of the Association of Assessing Officers of Ontario' in Toronto on Yune 10th, llth and 12th. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Twidale and McKinley that approval be given to the attendance of the Public Health Nurse, Mrs. D.MacLean at the Un- iversity School of Nursing in Toronto on Nay 20th, 21st and 22rid. Mr. Carl Young, a member of the Board of Education, extended an invit- ation to the City Council to attend the dinner of the Board of Education for the Urban Trustees' Association of the Province of Ontario, to be held on May 194~. The Comm4ttee adjourned ca the motion of Aid. McKinley and Frank. READ AND ADOP~ED, May 27!, 1~46. Clerk of Finance COUNCIL METING Council Chamber, May 20, 1946. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Ccuncil and Fin- a~ce meetings for the purpose of passing the money by-law v~ich covered the ac- counts approved by the Committee. All m~lbersof the Council, with the exception of His Worship Mayor Ing!ls, were present. Ald. F.J.Miller was enacting mayor during the meeting. BY-LAW The following By-law was passed: No. 3863 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. (RDEE on the motion of AId. Scott and McKihley that AId. Xliller be given the privilege- of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time - Carried. It was then ordered ca the motion of Ald. Twidale and Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law read a second tima - Carried. 3rd reading -Ald. Frank and Bucknor - Carried. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Frank and Ruc~'n er. READ AND AIEP~ED, May 2.7, 1946. 01e rk T~ENTY-NINTH L~ETING REGULAR ~iZETING · Council Chamber, May 27, 1946. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 4.00 p,m. on Monday, May 1948, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of AId. Scott, were present. The Council, hav- -ing received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid. lliller and MacDonald. DEMONSTRATI ON Isk'. Gilchrist of the Hi-Co Meter (Canada) Limited was present and on the motion of Ald. Miller and q~vidale, gave Council a demonstration of the oper- ation of the Hi-Co parking meters. He also explained the arrangement under which meters could be installed in the City, terms of paymint, revenue, and other mattors in this connection. SEE Resolution No. 125 COMMUNICATIONS Laid over from previous meeting: No. 231 - Hydro-Electric Commission of Niagara Falls - re retirement cf ornamental stre. et lighting. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Frank and Buckher that the conmun- ication be laid on the table until a report can be prepared, giving in detail the method of :financing the street lighting for the Corporation. SEE Report No. 12.4 The following Communications were presented: No. 269 - Secretary to Leader of the Opposition - acknowledging letter re building Shortages. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and MacDonald that the communic- ation be received and filed, and a copy of the letter be sent to the representatives of the building trades. No. 270 - Wartime Prices and Trade Beard - re currant meat shortage. Ot~DERED on the motion of Ald. Twidale ami Frank that the connnunication be received and filed. No. 271 - Ontario Municipal Board - approval of total expenditure of $36,000.00. ORD]~ED on the motion of Ald. Bucknor and MacDonald that the commanication be rec- eived and filed, that the necessary action be taken and the City M~nager call for tenders for the installation of the lights and for the erection of the comfort stations. No. 272 - Inspector, Deparl~nent of Municipal Affairs - re meeting with Council on ~hne 8th. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Backher and MacDonald that the communicat- ion he received and laid ca the table and the Inspector be notified council meets on Monday nights, and will be glad to meet him on either June 3rd or 10th. No. 273 - Inspector, Department of Municipal Affairs - re by-law and Lab our Rel- ati one Board Act, 01~ERED on the motion of Aid, Miller and McKinley that the com- munication be received ~md laid on the table until such time as ~e have a meeting with representhti~es of the Civic Employees' Associatica, No, 274 - Hydro-Electrio Commission of Niagara Falls - re new installations and rates, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Twidale and Bucknor that the communication be received, that this Council act upon the agr. eement we made before, nnd accept the figures as presented, No, ~75 - Municipal Finance Officers' Association -appreciaticn of Mr, Soulsby's Services, O~)ERED on the motion of Ald, T~tdale and Miller that the com~Anication be received and filed, and congratulations be offered to the Treasurer in being so well mentioned throughout the organization, and this Council appreciates the good work he has done in the capacity in which he acted. No. 276 -'Shut-in's Day Association - re Sunday, June 2nd. 0~d)ERED on the motion of Ald. McEinely and MacDonald that His Worship the Mayor be empowered to issue a proclamation as outlined in the connrmndoation. No. 277 - Niagara Falls Optimist Air Cadets - invitation to annual inspection, Yune 6th. 0~)EE on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Bucknor that the communicat- ion be received and as many of the Council as possible attend the inspection. No. 278 - l~pper and t,~Asgro~e - application of A.Rufrano to waive transient trad- ers' liceace fee. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. B~ckner and McKinley that the corarmndcation be received and filed, and the transient traders' fee.he Waived in this case. No. 279 - Dominion Fire Prevention Association - invitation to convention, May 31st. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Becknor and MacDonald that the fire chief be allowed to attend this convention; and if possible .take along one or t~.~ lieuten- ante if they v~lll be permitted to attend. No. 280 - Secretary, Minister of Transport - acknowledging letter re substitution of buses. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Frank that the communication be received and tabled for tv~ wee~m to see if we hoar from the head~ of the Can- adion National Railways in Montreal. No. 281 - Bell Telephone Company of Canada No. 282 - Bell Telephone Company of Canada No. 28~ - Bell Telephone Company of Canada - requesting permission for certain wc~k. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~vidale and McKinley that the requests be granted and the by-law prepared. SEE By-law No. 3865 No. 28~ - Women's Hospital Auxiliary - statement of receipts from tag day. 0RD- ERED on the motion of Aid. ~Ackner and T~dale that the commmahication be received and filed, and the Order of the Eastern Star be allowed the use of the beard room in the City Hall for their tag day on June 8th. No. Bg~ - New York Central System - application of A.Iannuzzelli fo~ permit. 0RD- ERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and McKinley that the com~Anication be received · and filed; the vote on this m~tion being: Aye: Ald. MacDonald, McKinley, B~ckner, Miller, Frank and Twidale. Nay: None · REPORTS The following Reports were presented: ~ No. 1B4 - City Manager - committee's consideratim of ornamental street,lighti~g account. (RDEE on the motion of Ald. Frank and B~ckner that the report he rec- eived and adopted. No. 125 - Assessor H.G. Brooks- re exepenses and transportation. 0~DERED on the motion of ~ld. Frank and Twidale that the usual car allowance be made to Mr. No. 126 - City Manager -'recommending issuance of licances. of Ald. Miller a~ B~ck~er that the report be adopted. RESOL~TIONS ~ following Resolutiom were ~ssed~ O~ERED on the motion No. 125 - FRANK - }~LLER - RESOLVk~) that the Council take the matter of the in- stallation of parking meters under advisement, that the d~nonstration o~ the ~/~- co meter be given consideration, the City Nana~er msd~e a r.port upon the s~e; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 126 - FRANK - T~'i~DALE - RESOLVED that the situation with regard to parki~ on Clifton Hill, in front of the shop now being constructed by AoIannuzzelli, be ref- erred to the Traffic Committee for consideration; and the Seal of the Corporation he hereto affixed. Carried No. 12V - MILLER - ~CKNER - RESOLVED that the action of His Worship ~,~ayor Xnglis in appointing Alderman A.J.McMinley as enacting mayor on May 28th and 29th, 1946, .during the absence of His Worship from the City, be approved; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried BY-L~WS The follo~,~ing By-laws were ~assed: .N.o. 3884 - To provide for a new ligjuting installation of residential streets by the Hydro-Electric Commission of Niagara Falls. 0RD~RED on the motion of AId. ~h~dale and Bucknor that Ald. ~illor be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time - Carried. It was then nrdered on the motion of Aid. Backnor and Frenk that Rule 38 (21 of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given a second reading - Carried. at this point His Worship Mayor Ing~lis left the r~eting, end Aid. McFdn- ley was enacting mayor. 3rd reading - Ald..Frank and Twidale - Carried. No. 3865 - To provide for permission to The Bell Telephone Company of Canada to replace one pole on Kitchener Street, perform certain work on Buchanan Avenue and erect poles on a lane north of Ferguson Street, in the City of Niagara Fells. 0RDEED on the motion of Aid. Twidsle and Bucknor that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time- Carried. It was then ordered'on the motion of Ald. Miller and B~ckner that Rule ~6 (~) of the Standing Rules of 0ouncil be. temporarily suspended and the by-law read a second tim - Carried. ~rd reading -Ald. Miller and Frank - Carried. ~he Council adjourned on the motion of Ald..T~ldale and Frank. 455 FINANCE MEETING Council. Chamber, May 27, 1946. The Finance Cor~nittee met on Monday, May 27, 1946, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert- ified and placed before them. All roerobe=Is of the Committee, wi~h the exception of Ald. Scott, were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to $55,933.38. The accounts submitted, being passed or ethanvise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. T~idale and Frank. Prices which had been submitted from previous meetings, from H.Devereux and Son, and W.Delaney and Son, for painting v~ork around the City Hall, were con- sidered. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and McKinley that the 1Gvest tender of H.Devereux & Son, of $734.00 for. painting the exterior of the City Hall, the public lavatories and the second floor of the Queen Street Fire Hall, be ac- e opt ed. The offers which had been laid over from the previous meeting, from M. Stawchan and F.W. Griffiths on behalf of H.Manos, for Lot 6, Plan 35, Bridge Street, were considered. An additional conu~unication from F.W.Griffiths, increas- ing the offer of H.Manos, and the report of the Committee, w~lre considered. It was ordered on the n~tion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the offers be rec- eived and that of H.Manos for $4,100.00 be accepted. An offer was presented from Ralph Dutrisac for Lot 276, Plan 9, McRae Street for $100.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Buckher it was ordered that the offer be accepted, subject to the provision that a dwelling of at least $4,500.00 value is erected on the premises within six months. An offer was presented from Stanley Blgnucolo for Lot Pt. 23, 24, Plan 30, River Road, for $350.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and an the motion of A~d. Bucknet and McKinley it was ordered that the offer be accepted, subject to the condition that a dwelling of at least $6,000.00 value is erected on the premises within a period of six months. An offer was presented from Antonietta Armenti for Lot 56, Plan 2, Ten- perance Street for $300.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald it was ordered that the offer of the assessed value be accepted. An offer was presented from R.C.Cline for Lot 39, Plan 17, Brainmend Road for $100.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Frank it was ordered that the offer be received end accepted, subject to the condition that a dwelling of at least $4,500.00 value is erected on the premises within six months. A commanication was presented from Gilbert E. Foley re~arding the ren- tal of the property on the south side o~ Queen Street. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Buckne~ and MacDonald it .was c~dered that Mr. Foley be advised the property is~not available for lease at the present tlme. ' ' · A communication was presented from Norman H. Harris, asking for a change of name on a deed for a lot purchased by.him. Upon the recon~mendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Bucknet-it was ordered that the change in the name.on the deed be authorized. .~. The report c~ the Property Committee on the above matters was presented. It 'Was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley, and B~ckner that thereport be roe. ei~ed and approved. Applications for buitdi~E permits v,~ere submitted and the following tion taken thereon: 0RD~RED on the motion of AId. Frar~< and McKinley that. a Decrepit b~ gran- ted for altera~i'ons to a storehouse and garage at 671 River Road. 0~DERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and MacDonald that a permit b~ granted for alterations to a store front at 5G9 Erie Avenue. 0~RDERED on the motion of Aid. ~.~.4dsle and LYcKixdey that a permit be granted for the erection of a c~ent block grocery store at Lot 301, Stamford Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and MacDonald Lhat an advol'tisement be placed in the Niagara Falls Evening Review, advising the public that permits must be obtained from the City Engineer before say wo~k on buildings may be corn- The Con~ittee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Frank and Bucknor. READ AM)AD0t~ED, Yune 3, 1946, Clerk COUNCIL ~ETING Council Chamber, May 27, 1948. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Fin- ance roetinge for the purpose ~of passing the money by-law, which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the CoUncil, with the excep- tion of Ald. Scotia, were present. The following By-law was passed: _No. 3866 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Buckner and Frank that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, ~nd the by-law be read a first tim - 0artled. was tl~en ordered on the motion of Ald. ~vidale and McKinley that Rule 36 (2} of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law , be read a second time - Carried. ~' 3rd reading -Ald. Frank and Bucknor - Carried. RESOLUTIONS ~e following Resolutions were passed: No. 128 - FRAhT~ - MacDONAlD-- RESOLVED that a report be submiLted at the next meet- ing upon possible sites for the location of a new_police building; aud the Seal of the Garporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 129 - MII.LER - ttICENER - RESOLVED that the City Manager prepare a by-law within the pars of the Municipal Act, to control construction of any new build- ings on Victoria Avenue; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. .Carried No. 130 - BUCKNER - MILLER - RESOLVE that the City Manager contact the Board of Education to ascertain if it is the intention to pave the whole of the Sirocco Street School grounds, and if so, that the Board consider the effect upon the locallsoftball league which uses these grounds as their main diamond, that such action will Jeopardize the league, and deprive a great many citizens of pleasure; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried MISCELLANEOUS Ald. Bucknor spoke about the complaint of a water leak on Crawford Place. Ald. Rueknot advised that there is a-large delvescion in the roadway ~t the curb in front of Buckley's Photo Shop. Ald. Buckher asked if it would be possible to have the Glenview Play- ground rolled and rode ready for use. Aid. Frank spoke about the bad condition of the vacant lot at Victoria Avenue and Sirocco Street, v~ere ashes have been dtnllped. Ald. Frank asked whether action is being taken to eliminate the dust nuisance at the Maple Street School ground, and the City Manager stated he was of the impression that this area was to be 'paved. AId. Bucknet suggested that large sig~s should be erected to direct mot- orists to the parking area on St. Clair Avenue and l~.ark Street, and on Queen Street. The Council ajdourned on the motion of Ald. Miller and Frank. READ AI~ ADOPTED, June 3, 1946. . ,[ ThTRTIETH REGLrLkR ~.~EETING Council Cha~.ber, June 3, 1946. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on :.~onday, June' 3, 1946, for the purpose of consideri~Z general business and finance. ~11 !acre- bets of the Council v:ere present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the pm, evious meeting, adopted these after m,,~endment as to the time of the meeting, which should have read 4.00 p.m., on the motion of l~ld. T~:idale and McKi nley. DEMONSTEt'~TI ON A demons'tration of parking meters was scheduled. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the matter be laid on the table until the representative was present. Later in the meeting, rand on the :notion of ~ld. Miller and Frank, Mr. M.I.Yones, representing the Edward A. Herton Sales Col;:pany, was permitted to address the Council. Mr. Jones advised that his Company was the agent for the Dual parking Meters Company of Ds~ton, Ohio, and that the unit is now manufactured completely in Canada. Mr. Jones advised Council of the working of the machine, and the advantages of the automatic over the manal type of meter. Mr. Jones was advised that Council would give the matter consideration in the near future. C0}JI~TINICATI ONS Laid over from previous meeting: No. ~73 -Department of I~.~nicipal A~fairs - re making Labour Relations Board Act, 1944, applicable to City. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. T~dale and Scott that the communication be laid on the table until the deputation from the Civic Em- ployees' Association is present. SEE later meeting The followin~ Co~mnications ',','ere presented: No. 286 - Department of Reconstruction and Supply - re shortage of building mat- erials in district. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Miller and Scott that the com- munication be received and laid on the table, and a copy be sent to the building trade to see if they wish to appear before Council again with further date they wish sent to Ottawa. -No. 287 - Department of Municipal Affairs - re meeting with Council to discuss property sales. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. ~vidale and Scott that a copy of the communication be sent to the Premier of Ontario, asking if it is possible to have an extrusion of time as there are so many demands for lots which are being hel~ up. No. 288 - ~ames Barr - appreciation of appointment. 0~rOERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and bank that th~ conmmnication be received and filed. SEE B~-law No. 3867 No. 289 - Niagara Frontier Humane Society - statement of receipts from tag day. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. ~,ddale and MIller that the communication be rec- eived and filed. ~o. 290 - City Manager - re meeting with Greater Niagara Chamber of Conmerce com- mittee. 0RDEEED on the motion of Aid. Bucknor and MacDonald that the conununicat- ion be received and filed, and the Council meet with the Committee. An amendment was made by Ald. Frank and Scott that the communication be received and the Tnd- ustrial Committee be asked to meet Council at a re~lar council meeting, but this 459 motion vms defeated. No. 291 - Central ~ortgage and Housing Corporation - re !coal housing shortage and conditions. ODERED on the motion of Ald. ~,~dsle and Scott that the City I~anager reply to this comn~Anication giving the information requested. REP(R TS I~id over from previous meeting: No. 121 - City Solicitor - re Labour Relations Board Act, 1944. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~'~idale and Scott that the report be laid on the table until the deputation from the Civic Employees' Association is present. SEE later meeting The fellerring Reports were presented: No. 127 - City Manager - re control of buildings in city areas. ORDhRED on the taction of Ald. Scott and ~,qiller that the report be laid on the table until fur- ther information is received. No. No. 129 ORDERED laid on - Lsnrence C. Crawford - report of Board of Education accounts, 1945. - Laurence C. Crawford - report o~ l~blic Library Board Accounts, 19~5. on the motion of Ald. ~'ddale and McKinley that the reports be received, the table and printed in the usual manner. No. 1~0 - City Manager - reccnmending issuance of licenoes. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Ald. Frank and ~,~acDonald that the report be adopted, and the licences be issued. No. 131 - City ~nager - presenting licence not approved by Chief of Police. 0R- DERED on the motion of kid. Frank and Scott that the permit to P.Wlrt for the op- eration of a movable lunchwagon, be withdrawn. No. 1~2 - City Manager - possible sites for new police building. OIOE vRED on the motion of Ald. Frank and Miller that a committee be appointed to interview the Ontario Municipal Board, taking communications we have from the Department of Municipal Affairs, and that this be laid on the table until we have permission. His Worship appointed the whole Council as this conmittee. No. 1SS - Children's Aid Society - report for year ending March Z1, 1948. 0t~)- ERED on the motion of AId. Buckher and ~,~idale that the report be received. No. 134 - City Manager ~ recommendation of traffic committee re Clifton Hill park- ing. 0ROERED on the motion of Aid. Frank and Scott that the r~ port be adopted. Ald.~Miller asked to be recorded as beingopposed to l~rking on both sides of the · street, but also objected to closing off parking on both sides. The following Resolutions were passed: No. 131 - S00TT - FRANK - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the City Cosn- ell be scheduled for V.30 p.m. on Tuesday, Yune llth; and the Seal of the Corpor- ati on be hereto affixed. Carried unandmously No. 132 - NTT.~.~R - MacDONALD - RESOLVED that the City Manager immediately erect signs at Murray Hill, Clifton Hill, at the istersection of Clifton Avenue and River Road, and Bridge Street and River Road, for the purpme of advising tourists lwhere the business sections are in the 0i~y; and the Seal of the Oorporation be hereto affixed. . .. Carried unanimously No. 135 -FRAk~ - MacDONALD - RESOLVE~'that ~he matter of raising ,~he liceace fee for travelling lunch wagons be considered at the next r~eti tiC, that the City }"'ari- agot make a report thereon; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affized. Carried unanimously BY-L~WS The follov.ing B~-laws were presented: No. 3V90 - For the regulati on of traffic. No. 3791 - Designating throu?ja hig}.':ays. O_~DERED on the motion of kid. Frank and RhcDonald that these by-laws be laid on the table until the later meeting. The follov,ing By-laws were passed: No. 3838 - To raise by way of loan the stua of $1V,000.00 for the purchase of a Public School site anl for paving and improvinZ the Public School yards at the Simcoe Street School and at the I~ple Street Schoo~ in the City of Niagara Falls, and to provide for the issue of debentures of the said City therefor. 3rd reading - Aid. Frank and Twidale - Carried unanimously. 38.37 - To raise by way of loan the sum of $36,000.00; .:~12,000.00 of v:hich is to purchase new equipment consisting of a hose truck for the Fire Dep- artment and a Gasoline Road Roller for the City Department; :~10,O00.OO of which is for the erection of one Comfort Station at the south end of the City aid one Comfort Station at the cent_~e section of the City, and $14,000.00 of which it for the lighting of Oakes Park in the City of Niagara Falls, and to irevide for the issue of debentures of the said City therefor. 3rd reading -Ald. Twida!o and I,~cKinlcy - Carried unanimously. No. 386? - To appoint a member of the Niagara Falls Suburban Area Commission. (RDER~ on the motion of kid. ~vidale and Frank that Aid. Scott be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first ti.~ - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of kid. Frank and Miller that Ruie 55 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. Buckner and MacDonald - Carried unanilaously. ~o. 3868 - To authorize the execution of a Deed. · ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Bucknor that Ald. Rilllet be given the privilege of intxuducint the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Bucknor that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspm~ded and the by-law he read a second tim - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -,Ald. Frank and Scott -~ Carried unanimously. MISCELLANEOUS Ald. Bucknet spoke about the rough treatment received by some garbage and ash co~thiners throughout the City, ~and suggested that this matter be checked up. Ald. Frank asked that informaction be obtained from the City of Sundbury as to the reason for their change from the dual to manual type of parking ~ters. Ald. Bucknor asked what progress was being made t~,Jard the erection of signs directing motorists to the parking lots in the Queen Street area, and tow- ard new street signs. The City Mar~ger advised that the signs were being prepared, and the matter of street signs would be considered at the finance meeting. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Twidale and MacDonald. READ Z~D ADOPTED, June ll, 1946. Clerk FINANCE EETING Council Chamber, June 3, 1946. The Finance Conmlittee met on Monday, June 3, 1946, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert- ifie~ anl placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, anounting to $20,229.77. The accounts Submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt vdth, were ord- ered placed l,n the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of AId. Sco~t and l~ridale. A communication was presented from G.B.Copeland with prices and part- iculars of street signs. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Bucknet and Twi- dale that the comnmnication be ~eceived and laid on the table until such,time as samples of the ass are received. A communication was presented from the Northern Electric Company with a proposal re Oakes Park lighting. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Twidale and MacDonald that a contract be givm to the Northern Electric ~Company to get the work started to guarantee lights for next summer. A communication was presented from the Niagara Falls Civic Mutual Ben- efit Society, ~equesting the transfer of a grant. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Scott that permission be granted to have the $1,200.00 ira nsf erred. An offer was presented from Joe Sunislow for Lot 44, Plan 6, Acheson Avm!,ue for $50.00. ~Ypon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of AId. Scott and Frank it was ordered that the offer be accepted, subject to the condition that a dwelling of at least $2,500.00 value is erected on the pieraises vdthin a period of six months. ~bn offer was presented from H..~.!atolich for Lot 21, Plan 27, Cedar Street for :[~50.00. Upon the recommendation of the Pro~erty Committee an! on the motion of Ald. Bucknet and I~cEinley it was ordered thn~ the offer t~ laii on the table for one week to permit the Property Committee to examine a house which is proposed to move to the Fenrises. A report was presented from the City ~,iannger, reg.~rdinZ a request for a price on vacant property on the south side of Queen Street. It uas ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and ~,~idale that, upon the reconm~.endation of the Pl~o:~rtv Committee, the persons inquiriag be advised the City v~ll sell land on th~ so[lth side of Queen Street, between Buckley Avenue and St. Lavllrence Avenue, at -$100.00 per foot, prorifling a two-storey structure is erected on the premises. The report of the Property Cor, mittee, upon the above totters, r,~as pres- ented. It v:as ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and T,,idale that the re~,o~,t be received and filed. ' ' The eomtnrison of tax collections as at ,~lTay Zl, 1946, was rresented. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. ~'ddale and Scott that the statkmen~ be rec- eived and filed. An application for permission to erect a sign at 602 Erie Avenue, was p~esented. It v~an ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and McKinley that permis- sion be granted, subject to the sul~rvision of the City },Tsnager. Tt was ordered on the moti on of Ald. Scott and Buc.~mer thut the Police Commission accounts be held up until approved by the Co:remission, and that the mission be advised of this action. The Committee adjourned on the motion of f~ld. Scott and Frank. F&~? aN0 ADOPT~O, June 11, 1946. Clerk COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, June 3, 1946. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Fin- ante meetings, for the purpose of passing the money by-law, which covered the ac- counts upprc~ed by the Committee, and for ~he consideration of other business. All members of the Council were present. DEFdTATI ON A deputation was presented from the Niagara Falls Civic Employees' As- sociation, and ~r. George D~ning v;as the spoaker. ~,Zr. Dc~vning discussed with Council the proposed agreement with the Association, and advised that the organ- ization had no objection to the insertion into the agreement of a 'no strike' caluse. He also advised the Board that the employees of the City of Toronto had Just received a similar agreement. ~SEE Cormunication No. 273 C 0;~YhriC .kT I0N Laid ov~r from provious meeting: No. 275 - Department of Municipal Affairs - re making Labour Relations Board Act, 1944, applicable to City. 0RDEREDon the motion of Ald. McKinley and Buckner that the communication be received. SEE Report No. 121 REPORT Laid over from previous meeting: No. 121 - City Solicit'St'- re Labour Relations Board Act, 1944. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Bucknet that the report be received. SEE Resolution No. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed: .. No. 134 - MCKINLEY - B~CIG~ER - RESOLVE that an Agreement with the Niagara Falls Civic Employees, Federal Union Number 133, be signed, that a by-law be dravm, and a 'no strike' Clause be inserted as Item Number 902 of the Agreement; and the Seal' of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 135 - SCOTT - T~IDALE - RESOLVED that permission be granted for the erection of a small building as an additional ticket office at the eastern side of the main gate. at 0akes Park; and the. Seal of the Corporation be heretO affixed. Carried unanimously No. 136 - ~'~DAIE - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that the City Manager be given authority to commence negotiations with the T~nship of Stamford Council for the use of property, adjacent to the Termship Hall, for the erection of a comfort station; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto ~ffixed~. Carried unanimously No. 137 - FRAE~ - MCrrNLEy - RESOLVED that the City Manager be instructed to bring in a report upon a site for a comfort station at the centre section of the City; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. .Carried "No. 138 - MCKINLEY - MT~L~,R - RESOLVED that the City M~ge~ be instructed to bring in a report upon the condition of parking on the east side of Stanley Ave- nue, .adjacent to 0akss Park; and the Seal of the Corpor~tion be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously _The following By-laws were passed: N~.. 3869 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. 0RDER;ED on the motion of A!d. McKinley and L~cDonald that ~k!i. Bii!!er be given the privilege of introducing the by-la',,4 'dud the by-la~.~ be given ~.e first reading - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of ,~ld. ~':ida!e ani Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Ru!~s ~f Council h~ ts:.~I_oz. ari!y s~nded ~d the by-l~w ~ r~d a seco~ time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. Scott and ~ackner - Carried unanimously. No. 3870 - To authorize the execution of an Agree~:~nt r.i th His T~'aj, ~t.y the E~ng in the right of the Province of Ontario, the Minister of Hi 'hways and the Province of Ontario, The Eiagara P~,n'ks Corr,~mission, and ~hc Z..'ia~ara Falls Bridge Co~mnission. ~ given the reading - 0POE}~D on the moti on of Ald. -~,~cKinley and Scott that X!d. Fra~-m be privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be given time first Carried unanimously, It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. ~':idale and Buclmer that .Rule 38 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read a second time - Carried unanimously. Srd reading -Ald. Frank and ~.ddale - Carried unanimously. The following By-laws were given the second and thind readings, and ~assed: ~No. 3790 - For the regulation of Traffic. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Frs~nk and Buckher that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-lav~ ~ad a second time - Carried. 3rd reading -Ald. Frank and Scott - Carried. N.o. 37.91 - Designating through hi~-Jaways. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-la~v read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. Scott and Frank - Carried unanimously. MISCmLV.~NEOUS Ald. Buckner asked when the paving would be started throughout the City, Manager advised of the proposed programme. ' The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Frauk and Miller. READ AND ADOPTED, Yune 11, 19~6. Clerk · Mayor REGULAR ~m-~A'ANG Council Chamber, ~une 11, 1946. Purs,,~nt to adJoux~unent, the Couuoll met at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 11, 1946, for the purpose of considering general buslness and finance. All mem- bers of the Cosnell were present. The Council, having received and read the min- utes of the lmevlous meetlng, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Scott and Nac- Donald · DEPUTATIONS On the motion of Ald. Twidale and Scott, and in connection with Item Number 6 on the agenda for the Finance Committee, Mr. C.D'.tleuniwell spohe to the Council. Mr. Hnnniwell explained the recommendation of the local insurance pool for the appraisal of the City's buildings, and the re-insuremce ar the sane ac-. cording to the present-day values. ~ Resolution No. 139 On the motiota of Aid. Buckner and l~nk, representatives of the Civic Employees' softbell team were pressrated. Mr. George Downing spoke to Council and displayed the new uniform sweater with the City crest on the same, which will be worn by the tean. ~ Resolution No. 140 In connectiou with Cnmmunication No. 297und Petition No. 6, and on the motion of Ald. Scott and McKinley, Mr. W.S.Nartin, K.C., addressed Council. Martin spoke on behalf of Mr. Peter Wirt who had made application for a liceace to operate a movable lunch wagon, and had been refused. Mr. Martin advised Coun- ell of this ~_-__~,s police record, and the circnmnt~mces surrounding his convict- lens, and asked that the Coumll give further conslderatlon to the application. It was then ordered on the motion of AId. l~mnk and MacDonald that a record bs obtained from the Police Del~rtment tn connection with this men. · ~ Coma~,ntcation No. ~-97 COMM~NICA~IONS Laid over from a previous meeting: No. 280 - Secretary to Minister a~ Transl~rt - re substitution of tames for street - ears. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Miller and MacDonald that the communication be received A~ tabled for one month. ~EE Comnmnication No. 29~. 'Fno following Communieatieas were presented: No. 292 - Canadian Nation3 Railways - re substitution of buses for street cars. OI~ERED on the motion of AId. Mille~ and MacDonald that- the communication be rec- nived and tabled fc~ one month. No. 295 - F.H.Leslie - requesting removal of residential restrictions from lot. 0RRERED on the motion of AId. Twidale and McKinley that the communication be ref- erred to the Property Committee to bring in a relx~t end advise on this matter. No. 294 - Rose Dunkelman Chapter ~ Hadassah - re receipts from tag day. ORDERED on the motion of. AId.. Scott. and Buoknex, that the canmunicat~ton, be, received. and- · · filed. No. 29~ - Clifton Chal~er, I~0.D.E. -,re receipts from tag day. C~DE~ED on the motion of AId. Twidale and ~,j~le~ :that ~he eo~cati~ ~ r~eiwed ~d find. No. 296 - Yuvenlle Court Probation Office - re organization meeting on Yune 12th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Buckher and MacDonald that the communication be received ara filed, and as many members of the Council as possible attend. In this connection His Worship Mayor Inglis advised that he would be unable to be present and suggested that the representative of the Council on the Children's Aid Society be the chairman of the group. No. 297 - Martin and Calvert - re application of P.Wirt for licence. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Frank s~d Scott that the communication be laid on the table until the later council meeting. SEE Petition No. 6 No. 298 - Lord Halifax Chapter, 1.0.D.E. - requesting permi~sion to hold tag day. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and McKinley that the Chapter be notified of the dates available. No. 299 - W.L.Houck - appreciation of rings to champion team. ORDERED on the mot- ion of AId, Miller and Scott that the communication be received and filed, No, 300 - The Ontario Municipal Board - re sitting in Niagara Falls, ORDERED on the motion of AId. Twidale and MacDonald that the City ~mger make the necessary appointment for a meeting with the Boerd, No, 301 - City of Sudbury - re operation of two types of parking meters. ORDERED on the motion of AId, Millerand Twirlale that the communication be received and tubled until such time as Council decides which type cf meter is to be installed in the City of Niagara Falls, REPORTS following Reports were presented: No. 155 - Dairy Inspector - report for month of M~y. 01~)ERED on the wtion of AId. McKinley and MacDonald that the retort .he adopted. No, 136 - City Manager - ~e lierace fees for chip wagons, Ct~DE~ED on the motion of Aid, Scott and Frank that the by-law be revised and the fee raised to $1~-5.00, and that no further licenoes be issued until the by-law is revised, No, 137 - City Manager - re operation of popcorn wagon, ORDERED on.the motion of AId, Twidale and MacDonald that the report be ~dopted, .No, 158 - City Manager - recommending the issuance of licenoes, ORDERED on the mottea of AId, McKinley and Miller that the report be adopted, No, 159 - City ~xA--gsr - application of Lions Club to drop leaflets. Oi~ERED on the motion of AId, Frank and Twidale that the permission be granted, No, 140 - City x~nnger . re vacant property at MOrrison and Stanley, 01~DERED on the motion of AId, Frank and Scott that the report be tabled for one week for the considemtton cO. Council, No, 141 - Xaurence C, Crawford - re Hydro-Electrtc Commissiea accounts for 1945, C~IEI~D on the motion of AId, T~Adale and Scott that the report be received and l~inted in the usual msunar. PETITIONS ~he following Petitions were presented: No, 6 - A.A.BerEm~- and 4 others - ro application of P.Wirt for licenee. a~DEt~D on the motion of AId. Frank and Scott that the petition be laid on the table un- til the late~ osuneil meeting. RO~ 7~- RJ.Maohesney and 17 others - requ. esSAng lighting of River Lane. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Bucknet ~ McKInley that the petition be filed, and refer- red to the ~.ocal H~lx~-Electric Comm4ssion for a report. RESOLUTIONS ']he foll~ving Resolutions were passed: No. 139 - ~CKNER - MacDONALD - RESOLVED that the matter of the City's fire insur- ance schedule be laid over until the finance meeting for considerationi and the SeaS of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried ,~-ntmously No. 140 - SC~T - BUCKNER - RESOLVED that the matter of financial assistance to the Civic. Employees' softbell team be laid over until the finance meeting; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Curried nnmntmously SEE later Council Meeting No. 141 - HIOR~ER - TWIDAEE - RESOL~ that the congratulations of the City Coun- cil he extended to His Worship Mayor G.R.Inglis-upon his election as linesindent of the Ontario Com~4 of the Canadian Corps Association, ~fiich has brought great credit Au~ henour to himself and the City of Niagara FaSls; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. 'Carried unanimously ~he following By-laws were ~assed: No. 3871 - To declare ~- Labour Relations Board Act, 1944, applicable'to the City of Niagara FaSls. 0I~EI~D on the motion of Ald. Mcwinley and Miller that Ald. Bucknet be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time - Carried unanimously. It was than ordered on the motion of ~ld. Miller and ~cott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing l~xles of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. Frank and Twidale - Carried unanimously. No. 3872 - T~ authox~ze the execution ani delivery of an Agreement between the Cor- potation of the City of Niagara FaSls and ~he Niagara. FaSls Civic Fax- ~ ployees' FederaS Union Number 133. 0EDE~ on the motion of AId. TwidaSe and Bucknet that Aid. McKInley be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and~ the by-law betSad a first time - Carried unanimously. It was then crudered on the motion of AId. Frank and Miller that l~xle 36 (2) of the Standing Rules ct Council be temporarAly suspended,and the by-law read a second tim - Carried unanimously. . . .~. i ". ~d x~ading -Ald. Frank and Miller - Carried un~mouaSy. ~ N~. 387S - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for SaSe and Deed. 0RDER~D an the motion of AId. Scott .~4 MoElnley that AId. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the byelaw ,be read a fi~S~ time - Ca~wied unanimously., It was then o~dered on the motion of .AId, l~ank and McKInley that Rule S6 (2) ot the Standing lhles cf Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law reed a second tim -Car~led unanimously, '.' ." ": . i; ' · - ;~ 46L reading -Ald. Scott and Frank - Carried unanimously. No. 3~.7,4 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. ORDERED on the moti on of Ald. McKinley and Buckner that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Buckher that Rule 36 (~) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law read a second time - Carried ,ma~imously. 3rd reading -Ald. Frauk and Scott - Carried unanimously. NP... 3873 - To authorize the execution of. an Agreement for Sale and Deed. (RDERED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and B~ckner that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be road a first time - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered an the motion of Ald. Bucknet and McKInley that Rule 36 (21 of the Standing RUles of .Co~r~-ll he temporarily suspended, and the by-law he read a second time - Carrie~ ,,nanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. Frank and Twidale - Carried ,,n~lmously. N.o. 3876 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. (I~DERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, stud the by-law he read a first tim - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. Frank and Bucknet that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules c~ Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read a second time - Carried un~n4 mously. ~rd reading - AId. l~Achar and Twidale - Carried unanimously. No. 3877 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for SaSe and Deed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Freak that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time - Carried uDan~mously. It was then ~rderod on the motion of Aid. McKInley and B~cknsr that l~tle 36 (2~ of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily snsponded and the by-law be read a second tim - Carried ~--ntmously. reading - AId. Scott and Frsak - Carried unanimously. No. ~878 - To authorize the execution of a Deed. 0RDERBD on the motion of AId. TwidaSe and B~cknur that Aid. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first tlm~ .- Carried u~n~mously. It was then ordered on the motion of AId. Frank and Scott that RUle (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read a second time - Carried unanimously. $~d reading -Ald. Bucknet and Twidale - Carried unanimously. No, ~879 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed, · ~DEt~D on the motion of AId. McKInley and Frank that Aid. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be lead a first tim - Carried ,,un-lmoUslyo l 4' :0 It was then oElered on the motion of Ald. Backner and Frank that Rule 36 (2} of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read a second time - Carried unanimously. 8rd reading -Ald. Fr-ak and Twidale - 0artled unnnimously. No. ~8~.0. - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. 0RDEE on the motion of Ald. Scott and BAcknet that Ald. Miller be given the privilege Of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of AId. Frank and McKinley that Rule 36 (21 of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read a second time - Carried ,,.nn~moUsly. 3rd reading -Ald. Scott and Bucknet - Carried unanimously. Ald. Twidale advised the Council that, due to her daughter's illness, it wo~ld be impossible for her to attend the conference of the Canadian Federat- ion of Mayors and Municipalities in Vancouver later this month, and thanked the Council for giving her the opportunity to do. so, if it had been possible. The Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Twidale end Frank. EAD A~ ADOP~ED, ~une 17, 1946. Clerk FINANCE x~,ETING Council Chamber, S~me 11, 1946. ~he Finance C-mm~ttee met on Tuesday, 3une 11, 1946, for the perpose of approvlng and also of pansing ~ha various accounts which had been l~operly cart- flied and lxlaaed before them. All members of the C~mm~tee were l~esOnt. 2~n~ry accounts were ap~roved by ~he Committee, m~xnl~ng to $9,795.86. The aee~Auts submitted, being passed or othe~wise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the maney by-law for presm~at&on to the Council, on the wtic~ Of · ~e .Offer of H.Matoli~h, to purchase X~ 21, .Plan,,27, geda~ .2t~eet, for $50.00, as laid over from the previous meeting, was presented. Upon the recom- ~mndation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Frank and Scott it was ordered that the offer be accepted, subject to the condition that a dwelling will be moved to the premises within a period of six months, and that the deed will be held until the dwelling is put in a condition acceptable to the Property Commit tee. A com~m,n~cation was presented from Sam Adler regarding the p~rchase of Lot 91, Plan 3039, Centre Street. The recommendation of the Property 0ommittee was that an extension until April 1, 194~, be granted for construction upon this lot. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and Twidsle that the conuamicat- ion end report be received and referred to the City Solicitor for a report as to the legality of making such an extension. The report of the Property Committee, on the above matters, w~s pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and Twidale that the report be received and filed. The statement of relief for May, 1946, was presented. It was ordered the motion of Ald. Twidale and Scott that the statement be adopted. The report of the City Manager, re the fire insurance schedule was pres- ented. It wee ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and MacDonald that the apprai- ser bring in appraisals of the city buildings on the fire iasu~'ance schedule, ~ that Mr. W.A.Fraser be engaged as the appraiser. Applications for building permits were presented, and the following ac- tion taken thereon: ORDERED on the motion of AId. Frank and Scott that permission be gran- ted to erect a cement block garage at 86~ Fourth Avenue. 0~)ERED on the motion of Aid. Twidsle and McKinley that permission be granted for th~ erection of a frame garage at 1417 Menzie Street. ORE on the motion of AId. Scott end McKinley that Permission be granted for the erection of a neon sign at 608 Queen Street, such erection to be ~er the supervision of the City Engineer. 0EDEE on the motion of AId. Frank and Bunliner that permission be granted for the re-building of the building occupied by Mack Miller Candle Company Limited. 01~)ERsD on the motion of Aid. McKinley and MacDonald that pexmission be granted to the Canadian 'Corps Association to make certain alterations at 1657 Victoria Avenue. The Cnmm~_ttee adjourned on the motion of AId. Scott and Bac~ner. E AI~ ADGPT~n, June 17, 1945. clerk :J C0~YNOIL MEETING Council Chamber, ~une 11, 1946. The Council re-asssmbled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings, for the purpose of passing the money by-law, v&ich covered the ac- counts approved by the Committee, and for the consideration of other business. All members of the Council were present. DF~TATION In connection with Communication No. 297 andPetition No. 6, Mr. Peter Wirt spoke to Council and explained his activities in Winnipeg, and stated the dates on which he Came to Niagara Falls, as well as the details of his employment in this district. SEE Communication No. ~97 C0_.~CATIONS Laid over from the previous meeting: No. ~-97 - u-~tin and Calvert - re application of P.Wirt for liceaxce. ~RDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the eom~hication be laid over fc~ one week and Mr. Wirt be advised to take up v~th his counsel the matter of his ~ecord, that he interview the Chi~ of Police, and that the Chief Constable be present at the next meeting. SEE Petition No. 6 The following Ccmnuanloatton was presented: No. 30~. - I~ASSell P. ~th - re lease held by ~.at Stewohm. O~D on the mot- ion of ~d. ~er ~d ~k t~ the com~oa~on be ~fe~ed to ~e City ~l- tot ~r · PE~ITION Iaid over from previous meeting: No. 6 - A.A.Bergman ~ 4 otha~ - re application of P.Wirt for licenee. ~RDEI~ ca the mo~iou of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the ~etition be laid over fc~ one wek. ' I~SOLUTICNS ~Ae following Resolutions were passed: No. 14~. - SCOTT - FP~NK - I~SOLv~,, that tM City ~er ~ iratrotted ~ neat- late wl~h ~. ~.Me~hon for the p~h~e of property, ~ed by ~m, ~ the viein- i~y of ~der ~e; a~ the Se~ of ~e Co~a~on ~ ~re~ ~fimd. C~ie~ ~.ni~ly No. 14~ - ~-?xR ' ~T ' ~w~ t~t a con~buti~ of seventy-five dol~s be rode ~ ~e Civic ~ployees' soft~ te~, ~w~d ~ir ou~of-pocket ex~n- s=~; ~d t~ .Seal of ~he C~p~a~ion ~ ~=e~o alfred. C~ed ~he following B~-law was l~ssed: N~o_. ~88,1. - To Grant Monies for General Ptmpesos. 0RDER~ on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank that AId. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time - Cerriedunanimcasly. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank end Bucknet that Rule 36 (21 of the Standing Rules ~ Council be temporarily suspended end the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. Twidale and Frsn~ - Carried unanimously. Aid. MacDonald brulght up the matter of out-of-town dry cleaning mer- chants coming into the City to obtain business. It was explained that there w~s no authority under the Municipal Act to prohibit this line of business from com- ing from another city, rand such business is not liable to any taxes or licences for such operation. Ald. McKinley spoke about the property owned by S.McMmhon adjacent.to Leader Lane, and suggested this might be considered as an lndnst~lal site. His Wership Mayor Inglis advised that there is a hedge on Valleyway at the corner of Second Avenue and Slcmoe Street which should be trimmed, to give better view to motorists. Aid. MacDonald advised that the checkerboard at the north end of Third Avenue requires attention. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott and Miller. AND ADOPTED, June 17, 1946. Clerk 478 'ATLLRT~-SECOND w~.ETING Council Chamber, ;une 17, 1946. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Mc~day, ;une 17th, 1946, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All mem- bers of the Council were present. The Council, having received and mad the min- utes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid. Frank -nd Mac- Donald. EATION In connection with Com..,-icatlon No. 297 and Petition No. 6, and on the motion of Ald. Frank anl Scott it yes ordered that Deputy Chief George Hughes be heard. Mr. Hughes spoke and with regard to the police record of Peter Wir~, who is m.~-iug application for a license to operate a movable lunch w~gon in the City. He stated he bad no further inf~rmation in addition to that which was submitted at the last meeting, and felt quite sure that the record, received from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, ~as accurate. SEE Communication No. 297 COMI~INIOATIONS Laid over from previ~xs meeting: No. 293 - F.H.Leslie - requesting ramoval of residential restrictions from lot. OI~ERED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Bucknor that Mr. Leslie be advised no action can be .taken with respect to the property u. htil definite information is received as to the type of building to be areeted~ and the business to be oper- ated. SEE Report No. 142 No. 297 - Martin and Calvert - re application of P.Wirt for license. OI~ERED on the motion of AId. F~.n~ and SCOtt that the eom,,,nication be laid on the talLle until such time as the Chief of Police is able to be linesent in person. , ~ Petition No. 6 No. 30S - Russell P. Smith - re lease held by u-~t Stavehen. 0~DERED on the mot- ion of Aid. Twidale and Frank that the cam~,nication be received and filed. SEE Communication No. 30~ following Cnm,,~-leatioas were presented: No. 303 - Russell P. &nith - further re lease held. by Meft Stawchan. OED~j~D on the motlon of Aid. Twidale and Fr--k that the communication be received and Rmtth be notified along,the lines as suggested by the City Solicitor. ~ Report No. 143 No. 304 - (b~eate~ Niagehra Chamber of Ccmneree - ~em~ing establis~nt of Joint plying ~. 0~E on the mtion ~ ~d, ~d~e ~ ~er $~ ~e e~noils ~ ~e t~e ~Oi~ti~ ~et ~ge~er to discus this ~tter ~th ~e Ch~b~ ~ Crams to see ~ ~ey ~e in a~mt as to ~e establis~mt ~ ~e ~a~. No. ~05 - Thistle Chapter, O.E.S. - re receipts from tag de~. ORDE Ca the mot- ion of AidI. Frank and Sco~t ~hat ~he eom-_,nieation be received and filed. No. S06 - Xoh~ E. Bas~, - x~ exhibit of F~ror~t hem. ~ on the ~on ~., ~dale and Medley tht t~ eo~ea$ion be ~e~v~ ~d filed, ~d i~ ~o~ ~o~e~ ~ the ~sp~es~tative at ~e ~ng, to b~8 back a ~d ~ tony ~ ~e CeCil as p~si~e at~d. 1 No. 30? - Department of Munitions end Supply - copy of letter reinbuilding mater- iels. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Buttruer and Twirlale that the building trade be acquainted with the contents of ~he letter. No. 308 - Niagara Fells Branch, Canadian Red Cross Society - requesting use of swimming pool for course. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. ~vidale ~nd MacDonald that the request be grante, if the ~chedules can be srranged. No. 309 - Hermes Club - requesting use of Elizabeth Place for playground. OB~DERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Frank that permission be granted and a fence be erected. No. 310 - Niagara Falls Public Library Board No. 311 - NiaEara Falls Public Library Bo~rd - application for capital expendit- ure. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Frank that the con~mnications be referred to the Finance meeting. REPORTS Laid over from previous meetings: No. 140 - City Manager - re vacant property at corner of Morrison and Stanley. OR- I~ERED on the motion of AM. Scott and McKinley that the report be received and ref- erred to the Property Committee to look over. this location. The following Reports were presented: No. 142 - Property Committee - re request for r~moval of residential restriction. ORE on the motion of Ald~ Twidale and Bucknet that the report be adopted. No. 143 - City Solicitor - re lease of Ms~t Stawchan. ORDE~D on the motion of AId. Twidale and Frs-~ that Mr. ,~.~ th be notified along the lines recommended by the City Solicitor. No. 144 - City ~-~ager - recom,~nding issuance of licences. ORDPRED on the motion of Aid. Scott and Twidale that the liceaces be granted. No. 145 - City M--~ger - re assessment on property of Robertson Construction Com- pany, Limited. OFd)ERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the rep- ort be adopted. T~is motion was tied and lost, and no further action was taken. No. 146 - City Treasurer - report on conference in Richmond, Virginia. ORDEE on the motion of Aid. Miller and Frank .that the report be received and filed. No. 147 - City Assessor - report on conference in Toronto. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and McKinley that the report, be adopted. No. 148 - City x~n--ger . re by-law No. 3854, and closing of lane. ORDEE on the motion ~f Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the matter he laid on the table until wa have an agreement to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor v~ich will hold the City harmless in case of any damage or injury to persons or property on the lane; an~. ~hat the insurance company be asked for information upon this matter. The 0ity Manager made a verbal report upon the damage which had occur- red when the road auller got Cat of eonf~ol and ran into the ditch on Murray Hill ca ,Tune 17th. The Manager advised Council of his arrangements with the Eydro-E1- setrio Power Commission for equipment to remove the roller from the roadside. Xt was ordered on the motion c~ Aid. MeHinley and 1~-~ that the matter be laid ca the table until the City Manager has an opportunity to bring in a csmplete reD- o~t.. Ald. ltxckner advised of his attendance at the public meeting held to dis- cuss:the p~oposed i~nmx~tratlon of the Big B~other movement in this community. Aid. B~ckner advised that a further meeting~will be held on Wednesday, June 26th to discuss the matter more fully. Ald. Bucknet reported upon his attendance to the mating of the Ohild- ren~s Aid Society, and advised 'that the Treasurer, Mr. M.F.Yones, intended to wait upon Council in the near future to discuss finances for the coming year. RESOLUTIONS The followin~ Relution was passed: No. 144 - TWIDALE - SCOTT - RESOLVED that the action of His Worship Mayor G.R.In- glis, in appointing Aldermen Robert Bucknet ,~s enacting mayor from Yune 23rd to ~uly 1st, inclusive, during the absence of His Wurship from the City, be approved, and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously PETITION Laid over from previous meeting: No. 6 - A.A.Bergmn~s and 4 others - re application of Peter Wirt for movable lunch wagon. OldEN on the motion of Ald. Frank and Scott that the petition be laid on the table until such time as the Chief of Police can be present in person. The following By-.laws were lossad: No. 3882 - To amend By-law Number 3454, respecting the issue of llceaces in the City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Twldale nna Miller that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time - Carried unanimously. It was than ordered on the motion of Ald. Bucknor and Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law read a second time - Carried un~n!moualy. 3rd reading - Aid. Frank and Ruckner - Carried. No. 3883 - To authorize the execution of an A~reement for Sale and Deed. 0t~EE2ED on the motion of Aid. Scott and McKinley that Aid. Miller be given the- privilege of introducing the -by-~aw, and the by-law be read a first time - Carried unanimously. ~ It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. MaNinlay and MacDonald that Rule 36 (n) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by- law read a second time - Carried unandmously. 3rd reading - Aid. Frank and Scott - Curried un~nimoualy. N.o,.. 3834 - To anthorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. 0RE~ERED on the motion of Aid..~widale and Bucknor that Aid. Miller be given .the privilegeof introducing the by-law, and the by-law be mad a first. time - Cax~ied unanimously, · It was then ardored on the motion of Ald. Fxank and Twidale that Rule (2) .c~ the Standing Rules of Council be tempo~awily susl~endod and-the by-law mad a second tim - CaxTied ,;n~imoUsly. 3rd reading - Aid. Scott and Fl~k - Car~led unanimousIF. MISCELLANEOUS Aid. McKinley suggested that the War Assets Corporati on should be con- tatted to ascertain if the uniforms, formerly worn by the guards at the Wellsnd Chemical Plant, Limited, could be donated to the clothing drive. Ald. MacDonald advised that he had made inquiries in this connection and had been advised that the material had bsea turned to the governmental body, and was not available. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Twldale ~na MacDmald. READ AND ADOPTED, June 24, 1946. Clerk Mayor FINANCE ~EET~NG Council Chsmber, June 17, 1946. The Finance Committee met on Monday, June 17, 1946, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert- ified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to $22,272.16. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- · ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Aid. Scot t and Toldale. The communicati m fx~om Sam Adler, requesting an extension of time for building, as laid over from the previous meeting, together with the report of the City Solicitor, was considered. It was ordered on the motion of/LId. Twidale and MacDonald, upon the recommendation of the Property Committee, that a re~est be made to the Departmeat of MUnicipal Affairs to grant an extension of time far building by Mr. Adler. The report of the Property Committee, on the above matter, was presented. It was ardered on the motiou of Ald. Twirlale aml MacDonald that the report be rec- eived and filed. A =sport was presented from the City Mnn~ger, regarding an offer from Mr. I.A.Seott re land adjacent to his property. Xt was ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and Twidale that the report be adopted. Applicatious for building peruits were presented, and the following ac- tion taken thereon: ORDEI~ on the motion of Aid. Frank and McKinley that permission be gran- 4T7 ted for the re-building of a garage at' 1393 Menzie Street. 0F~)ERED on the motlos of Ald. Twidsle and Frank that permission be gran- ted for the erection of an addition to a garage at 1254 Yepson Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and Scott that permission be granted to n~ke alterations to a store at 953 St.Lawrence Avenue. 0R~ERED on the motion of Ald. Twidsle end F~ank that permission be gran- ted to move a dwelling from 1905 BuchAnan Avenue to Lot 903, Lombard Avenue. The communications from the Niagara Falls Public Library Board, which had been referred from the Council meeting, were Iresrated. It was o~dered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Scott that the matter of a new police station and a new public library building be referred to a vote of the people at the next munic- ipal election. His Worship advised of complains he had received with regard to parking facilities for taxi cabs in the vicinity of the Canadian Naticnsl Railways Station. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Twidale that the 0ity Manager br~ing. ins report upon the matter at the next meeting. His Worship advised that the Assessor, Mr. Brooks, was seeking pernis- sion to mail the assessment notices this year. Mr. Brooks spoke upon the matter. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. F~ank and McKinley that permission be granted to mail the assesmeat notices. A communication was presented from W.A.Fraser, including a replacement appraisal on city-owned buildings, for fire insurenee purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank that the Communication be laid over until the next meeting. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Scott. AND ADOPTED, $%me 24, 1946. Clerk Council Chamber, ]~ne 17, 19~6.. The C~Ancil re-assembled at the close of the regular COuncil ~-~ Finance meetings, fc~ the lxt~poss of lassing the m~ney by-law which covered the accounts approved bY the Committee. All memberscol the Council were present.. !: , . BY-LAW The following By-law was passed: No. 3885 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Frank ~hat Ald. Malllet be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, end the by-law be read a first time - Csrried unsnimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and McKi~~ley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read a second time - Csrried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. Twidale and MacDonald - Carried unauimously. MISCELLANE~JS Ald. McKinley advised that at the corner of B~ttrey Street and Terrace Avenue there are busbe s which should be trimmed. The City Y~-~-ger showed Council a map of the City setting out the indust- rial sites which were available at the present time. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Frank end Scott. READ AND Aj)0PTED, Yane 24, 1946. Clerk 479 :I .4 0 THIRTY-~ffRD ~EETING REGUIAR MEETING Council Chamber, Jane 24, 1946. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Mmday, June 24th, 1946, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All mem- bers of the Council, with the exception of His Worship Mayor Inglis, were present. Alderman Robert Bucknor was enacting mayor during the meeting. The Coancil, hav- ing received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank. DEFJTATI ON On the motion of Ald. Miller and McKinley and in connection with Report No. 155, Mr. H.G.Brooks, the Assessor., was permitted to speak to Council. Mr. B~ooks spoke in connection with the assessments which were outlined in the report. SEE Report No. DEMONSTRATION A demonstration of Mark-Tim Peeking Meters had been scheduled. The representative was not present, and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. T~dsle and McKinley that the matter be laid over until later in the n~eting. When the representative was present, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Frank that he be invited to make the demonstration. Mr. Miller, representing the M.H. Rhodes, Incorporated, of Hartford, and the Amalgamated Electric Company of Toronto, explained to the Council the features of the Mark-Time Peeking Meter. He also pointed out the advantages of his machine over other types c~ meters, end outlined the terms under which these meters could be installed. SEE Resoluti on No. 145 C O]~IUNIC ATI ONS The following Commnications were presented: No. 312 - G.B.Copeland - quoting prices on street signs. 0RDEREDon the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the 01ty M-r~ger be authorized to go ahead with the installation as outlined. SEE Report No. 149 No. 313 - F.~lro-Electric Commission of Niagara Falls - suggesting lighting for River Lane. 0I~ERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the communic- ation be received and filed, and the recommendation' be adopted, and put into force as soon as possible. SEE Petition No. 7 No. 314 - Township of Stamford - acknowledging aommunication re land for ccmf~rt station. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and T~idale that the communication be received and filed, and the City Manager be instructed to draw up the necessary agreement with the Township for the eeection of a comfort ~st~tion at the south end of the City. " No. 315 - Niagara Tires Limited - requesting permission for billboard and forward- ing sketch. 0RDE~ on the motion of Ald. Frank and McKinley that the request be tabled fur one week fur .the consideration of Council. No. 316 - Rassell P. 8~tth - re Lot 6, Block H, Plan 35 and M.Stawchan. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Fnmk and McKinley that the communfoati~m be received, a copy be sent to the City Solicitor, and he be asked to correspond with the solic- itor for Mr. Sta~han. REPORTS Iaid over from a previous meeting: No. 140 - City Manager - re offer of F.H.Leslie to sell land. ORDERED on the mot- ion of AId. McKinley and Twidsle that the report be filed, and Mr. Lesle be ad- vised that the price of $10,000.00 is considered to be excessive for the pm~perty available. SEE Report No. 150 The following Reports were presented: No. 149 - City Manager - re street signs required throughout City. ORDERED on the taction of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the report be adopted, and the City Manager be authorized to go ahead with the installation as outlined. FURTHER 0R- DEE on the motion of Ald. Frank and Scott that the colour scheme of the signs be white with black letters. No. 150 - Property Committee - re offer of land by F.H.Leslie. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Twidale that the report be adopted. No. 151 - City Manager - re taxi stands at Canadian National depot. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and Twidale that the report be adopted. No. 152 - City Manager - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Miller that the licences be granted. No. 153 - City Mm~ager - re application for licenee from Mrs. Anne Wirt. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and Scott that this application be referred to the other motion and be laid over until the Chief of POlice can attend the meeting. No. 154 - City Mmn~ger - re mishap with road roller. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Fr~n~ that the report be adopted. No. 155 - City Manager - re meeting with ~r. A.B.Robertsen re assessments. 0RD- EREE on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank that the Assessor and City M?nsger bring in a report for the next meeting. Prior to this motion it was moved by Ald. Miller and MacDonald that Mr. Robertson be given one m~re year's extension on 'the agreement; but this motion was defeated. PETITION Laid over from a previous meeting: No. 7 - R.Y.Machesney and 17 others - requesting lights on River TAne. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Miller and MacDonald that the petition be'received and filed, s~d the instsllation be made as soon as possible. The following Resolutions weee passed: No. 145 - FRANK - MacDONALD - 1F~SOLVFD that the demonstration of the Mark-Time Parking Meter be referred to the traffic committee, along with the other two dem- onstrations, for a report at the next meeting.; and the Seal of the Corporation be h~eto affixed. Carried No. 146 - SCOTT - MILLER - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the City Coun- cil be scheduled to take place at 7.30 R.m. on Tuesday, Yuly 2ndl; and the Seal o.f the Corporation b~ hereto affixed. 481. No. 147 - MacDONALD - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED tha~ the matter of the street light for Sirocco Court be referred to the Niagara: Falls Hydro-Electrtc Commission for a report; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carfled No. 148 - MILLER - MacD0~L~LD - RESOLVED that the City Manager be instructed to ask the Board of Police Commissioners to meet with the City Council as soon as pos- sible; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried following By-laws were passed: Np. 3886 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time - Carried. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Twidale and MacDonald that Rule 36 (21 of the Standing Rules of Cotmoil be t~aporarily suspended and the by- law given the second reading - Carried. 3rd reading -Ald. Miller and Scott - Carried. No. 3887 - To authorize the execution ~f an Agreement for Sale and Deed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~idale and Scott that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first tim - Carried. It was then ordered ca the motion of Ald. McKinley and Miller that Rule 37 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the seecad reading - Carried. 3rd reading'- Ald. Frank and Scott - Oartied. No. 3888 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. 0Fd)ERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that Aid. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first tins - Carried. · It vas then ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and Scott that Rule 36 (~-) of the Standing Rules of Ooumeil be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given a seecad reading - Carried. 3rd reading - Aid. MoKiBley and MacDonald -, Carrie~. No,. 3889 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. ORDw. qED on the motion of Aid. Twidale and Frank that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time - Carried. It ~ms then ordered on the motion of Aid. McKinley'and F~ank that Rule 36 (~) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporirily suspended and the by-law be given a second reading - Ce~ried. reading - Aid. Twidale and M~ller - Carried. MISCELLANEO~YS Ald. MaoDcmald asked ~hether action was being taken to inStal lights on the east side of. Sixth Avenue betwean Valleyway and ~epson Street. .... Ald. MacDonald also brought up the bad condition which exists during heavy storms on Falls Avenue between John and Hirma Streets; and advised that one resident's cellar is flooded from the water which runs dora the lane. It was ord- ered that the City Manager investigate the condition sad bring in a report. In connection with this lane, Ald. Twirlale remarked that residents were contemplating asking the City to assume the same and declare it a pablic thoroughfare. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley aud ~vidale. AND ADORED, Yuly 2, 1946. Clerk Enacting ~yor FINANCE MEETING Oouncil Chamber, Yune 24, 1946. q~e Finance Committee met on Monday, Yune 24, 1946, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert- ified and placed before them. All members of the Committee, with the exception of His Worship Mayor Inglis, were present. Sn-ary accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to $44,424.25. The accounts a~mitted, being passed or otherwise desit with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of AId. Scott s~a_ Frank. Applications for building permits were presented, and the following ac- tion taken thereon: ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and MacDonald that permission be granted to move a garage to a different location on the same lot at 909 Roberts Street. 01~)ERED on the motion of Aid. Twidale and Frank that permission be gran- ted for alterations at 1894 Main Street. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Scott and MacDonald that permission be granted for the erection of a concrete block garage at ~55 Ferguson Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and TwAdlae that permission he granted lot the removal of a dwelling from 686 Ontario Avenue to the Township of Stamford. FURTHER ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Frank that special consideration be given to Mr. Goldsmith and the usual fee for moving, cf $50.00 be reduced to $~.00 in this particular case. A eommcation from W.A.Fraser, which had bean laid over from the pro- 483 ' !'; ' ',~ - .~j 'il . vious meeting, concerning sn appraisal of city-owned buildings, was presented. A report of the City Manager, enclosing a comparision of coverage, values, etc. was also presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank that the canmunication and report be laid over for one wok to give the members time to study 'the same. A report was presented from the City l~n~ger regarding an offer from S. MeNshort to sell land to the City for the sum of ~500.00. It ~as ordered on the motion of Ald. Prank and MacDonald that the report be adopted. An offer was presented from P.Roberto for Lot 51, Plan 6, Ferguson Street, for the sum of $100.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. McDonald and Scott it was ordered that the offar be ac- cepted, subject to the approval of the Department of Municipal Affairs, and to the conditioa that a store ara apartment of at least $V,000.00 value is erected on the premises within six months. The report of the City Manager was presented in connection with an of- fer from Y.C.Flynn for Lots 14, 15, Queen Street, end his suggestion that Mr. M. Kurafsky be permitted to purchase the land. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Frank it was ordered that the report be laid on the table for one week to permit the Cor~nittec to study the proposition in detail. Prior to the above motion, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Twi dale and Bucknor that Mr. Flytin be permitted to address the Committee. He advised the members of the suggestion made by him. The r~port of the Property Committee, on the above matters, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Frank that the report be received and filed. 'It was ordered on the motion of Ald. s Frank and Scott that the City Man- ager be authorized to bring in a report as to the cost of placing the isolation hospital building in condition for use as a two-apartrasnt dv~lling; and further, in the case of necessity, he be given authority .to contact the Council and rnmke arrangements to use the building for dwelling purposes. The Comm4ttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott and Prank. READ AND ADOPTED, ~Uly 9., 1946. Clerk COUNCIL ~n~ETING Council Chamber, ~ane ~4, 1946. The Council re-assebled ~. the close of the regular Council and Finance meetings, for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council, vdth the exception of ills Worship Mayor Inglis, were present. A]cl. Bucknor was enacting mayor during the meeting. BY-IAW The following By-law was passed: No. 3890 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~'~idale and ~,~cDonald that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time - Carried. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. McKii~ley and Frank that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the 'by-law given the second reading- Carried. 3rd reading -Ald. Frank and ~'~idale - Carried. MISC~TJ ANEOUS Enacting Mayor Bucknor thanked Ald. MacDonald for representing him at the ceremonies at the Niagara Falls General Hospital on Sunday, at which time the enacting mayor was unable tO be present. He also thanked Ald. Twidale for being present. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Miller and Twidale. READ AND ADOPTED, Yuly 2, 1946. Clerk Enacting Mayor CONFEREE Council Chamber, June 24, 1946. The Conference Committee assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetings, for the purpose of considering matters presented to them. All members of the Committee, w~th the exception of His W~rship Mayor Inglis, were present. A3~. Bucknor was chairman of the meeting. After discussion upon the matters l~csented, the Committee adjourned on the mot- 485 486 ion bf Ald, Frank and McKinley, READ AND ADOP~'~.n, Yuly 2, 1946. .Clerk T~ERTY-FOUR~H ~EETING REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, July 2, 1946. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 2, 1946, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All mem- bers c~ the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the min- utes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Scott. DEPUT ATI 0NS In connection ~th Communication No. 297 and Petition No. 6 and on the motion of Ald. Twidale and MacDonald, Chief M.D.Tisdale spoke on the matter of the application of Peter Wirt for a licenee. Chief Tisdale stated there were questions he would like to ask Me. Wirt but did not wish to do so in open Council, and asked leave to discuss the matter with M~. Wirt privately. It was then ord- ered on the motion of Ald. Frank and Miller that the Chief Constable and Mr. Wirt retire. Ordered on the motion of Ald..Miller and McKinley that the matter be laid over until later in the meeting. Upon the return of Chief Constable Tisd&le, he stated he had taken up the matters with Mr. Wirt and was still unable torscon~nend the granting of the licenee. Ald. Miller asked if his decision was made in view of information contained in a letter from ~hief Constable Smith of Winnipeg, Man- itoba, and the Chief stated it was. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the Chief Constable read the reply which had been received from Mr. Smith. This was done. SEE Communication No. 297 and.~Petition No. 6 In connection with By-law Number 3892 and on the motion of Ald. McKin- ley and Frank, Mr. Rexman was permitted to address the Council. Mr. Raxman spoke upon the ~mtter of the sale of Lot 6, Block H, Plan 35, Bridge Street, and stated he was representing ~Lr. Msft Stawchan, ~o held a lease on the property. He ad- vised that something had arisen in connection with this transaction, which could be overcome if the passing of the by-law could be deferred for t~o weeks, time. SEE By-law No. 3892 C01~JN~CATt Laid over from previous meetings: No. 297 - Martin and Calvert - re application of Peter Wirt for licenee. GqDEE on the motion of/kid. MacDonald end Miller that the application be granted. This motion, ~m put to a vote was defeated, end no further motic~ was made. The vote on the motion was as follows: Aye: AId. Miller, McKinley and MacDonald. Nay: AId~ Twidnle, Frank, Scott, B~ckner and His Worship Mayor Inglis. SEE Petition No. 6 No. 315 - Niagara T~res Limited - ~equesting permission for billboard and forward- ing sketch. 0RDEED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Frank that the communication be received, tabled, and sent hack to Niagara Tires Limited, asking them to erect the billboard within the recommendation of the City Manager. ' The following Communications were presented: ,' No. 317 - Deity Minister of Muniefpal A~fairs - re property sales and decision of Inspector, OI~OERED on the motion of AId, Scott and Frank that the oommunica~- ion be received and filed, ' No. 3!8 - HYdro-Electrlc Power Commission of Ontario - enclosing .grant in lieu of 487 taxes. O~ERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Twidsle that the co~aunication be received and filed, and the necessary information be sent to the Department. No. 319 - Sun 0il Company of Canada - requesting extension of building pern~its. 0RDERtD on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that a three-month extension of both permits be permitted. SEE Report No. 156 No. 320 - Bell Telephone Company of Canada - requesting permission to replace pole on Huron Street.. 0FOERED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and McKinley that the req- uest be granted and the by-law be prepared. SEE By-law No. 3891 No. 321 - Bell Telephone Company of Canada - requesting permission to move pole on Huron Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Miller that permission be granted. SE By-law No. 3891 No. 322 - Bell Telephone Company of Canada - requesting permission to move pole on Elm Street. OtOERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley end M~cDonald that permis- sion be granted and the by-law prepared. SEE By-law No. 3891 REPORTS Laid over from previous meeting: No. 153 - City Manager - re application for licance from Mrs. Peter Wirt. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. M~ller and McKinley that the application be granted. This motion w~s defeated and no further action was taken. The vote on the mation was: Aye: ~_ld. M~iller, McKinley and MacDonald. Nay: Ald. ~vidale, Frank, Scott, Bucknet and His'Worship Mayor Inglis. The following Reports were presented: No. 158 - City Manager - recon~aending extension of permits. 0RKERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the report be adopted. No. 157 - City Manager - re meeting to discuss planning area. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Ald. T~dale and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the meeting take place. No. 158 - City Manager - re meeting with Board of Police Commissioners. 0E0.EED on the motion of Ald. Scott and MacDonald that the report be adopted. No. 159 - City Msnager- re conference held on Yune 24, 1946. ORDEE on the mot- ion of A&d. ~vidale and Frank that the report be ~dopted. No. 160 - City Manager - recommendation of traffic' committee re parking meters. ORDERED on the motion of AlJ. Scott and Frank that the report be adopted.' No. 161 - City Manager - recommendation of traffic committee re conditions at Clifton Hill and Victoria Avenue. 0RDEE on the motion of Ald. Bucknor and Mac- Donald that arrangements be made with the local railvmy..c~gp, m. panY~for the 'trail per- iod. No. 162 - City ~nmger - re application of G.Grigoroff. 0RDEED on the motion of AM · Frank and l~Ackner that the raperr be adopted, and permission be not granted. No. 163 - City Manager - recommending issuance of liceaces. 01~D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Twidale that the report be adopted. No: 1~ - City Manager - re assessment on 0nt~rio Avenue properties. (RDERED on the motion of IAM. ,Miller and MacDonald that the report of the 0ity Mamaget be ad- opted. No. 165 - City Manager - re flooding conditions on Falls Avenue. 0_,~ERED on the motion of Ald. ~idale and ~acDonald that the report be adopted. No. 166 - City Manager - re break in v:ater main on Stanley Avenue. 0~RD"~V~ED on the motion of Ald. ~vidale and MacDonald that the report be adopted. No. 16~ - City Manager No. 168 - City Solicitor - re application of N.Watson for lieonce. ORiDERED on the motion of Ald. Tv~dale and Miller that the reports be laid on the table for one ~ek for the consideration of Council. Laid over from previous meetings: PETITION No. 6 - A.A.Bergmans and 4 others - approving application of Peter Wirt. OR]ERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and h'iller that the application of ~f~. Wirt be granted. ~his motion was defeated and no further action was.taken. RESOLUTIONS The follovdng Resolutions were passed: No. 1~9 - McEIhrLEY - SCOTT - RESOLVED that the action of His Worship ~Zayor In~lis in appointing Alderman A.D.Frank as enacting mayor during the absence of His Wor- ship from the City on Yuly ~th to 12th, is hereby approved; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously No. 150 - T~D~LLE - B~CKNER - RESOLVE that the congratulati one of the City Coun- cil and citizens of Niagara Falls be extended to Mr. W.S.0rr, OB.E., Mr. Y~aes M. Cowan, M.B.E., and Miss Laura R. Hyatt, M.B.E., upon the henours conferred upon them by His Majesty King George VI; also that congratulations be forwarded to Miss W.M.Stokes upon her election as President of the Canadian Women's Press Club; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously BY-IAWS The following By-law was passed: No. 3891 - To provide for permission to The Bell Telephone Company of Canada to move one pole and replace one pole on Huron Street, and to move one pole on Elm Street, in the City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and MacDonald that A.ld. McKinley be given the privilegeof introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Buckner that Rule 36 (21 of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. Twidale and Scott - Carried unanimously. The following By-law was presented: No. 389.~.- To authorize the execution of a Deed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Scott that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing .the by-law, and the by-law be read a second tima- Carried. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and MacDonald that the by-law be laid on the table for two weeks. 489 MISCELLANEOUS Aid. Buckher thanked the Council for permitting him to act as Enacting Mayor during the absence of His Wc~ship from the City. Ald. B~ckner also spoke on the visit of the Governor General of Canada to Niagara Falls, unofficially, on Sunday, June 30th. The Council adjourned on the m~tion of Aid. Scott and Buckher. READ AND ADOPTED, Yuly 8, 1946. Clerk FINANCE ]~EETING 0ouncil Chamber, ~uly 2, 1946. The Finsnce Committee met on Tuesday, ~uly 2, 1946, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly Cert- ified end placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Sundry accounts were apprcved by the Committee, amounting to $24,707.20. 'The accounts submitted, being rassed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Scott end Bucknet. The communication from W.A.Fraser, end ~he report of the City Manager, regarding appraisals of City buildings for insurunce purposes, as laid over from the previous meeting, were submitted. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Twi- rlale and MacDonald'that the ropc~t be adopted. The report of the City MAnager, regarding the pArchase of Lots 14, 15, Queen StreW, as laid ever from the previous meeting, was presented. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee end on the motion'of Ald. Frank and Buckner it was ordered that the Department of Municipal Affairs be approached to approve the agreement entered into with Mr. Flynn in Yune, 1945, that an exten- sion be grented for the erection of a building until such tim as labour and mat- erials become available, providing the cost of the building should not be less - than $50,000.00. A communication was presented from W~.Smith with an offer for Lot 74 an~ part of Lot 75, Stanley Avenue for $250.00. On the motion of Aid. Twidale and Scott, Mr. Smith was heard. He explained to the Committee the reason he des- ired to purchase the preperty adjacent to his present holdings. Upon the recom- mendati on of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Buckner and Scott, it ~as ordered that the property be sold to Mr. Smith, providing a lot can be ob- tained which will be suitable to Wartime Housing Limited to replace the above- mentioned lot, sod that the sale price to I~ir. Smith be ,~;250.00. A report was presented from the City Manager, ~'egarding a request of A. Brouillette for deeds to lots. Upon the recommendation of the Property Co!~.ittee sod on the motion of ~_ld. Mct~dnley and Twidale, it was ordered that the deeds to E~r. Brouillette for properties on McGrail Avenue be issued for the full depth of one hundred and sixty-seVen feet. A report ~'~'as presented from the City Manager regarding a r~uest for prices on Lots by E.Pattui. Upon the recommendation of the Property Cosunittee and on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Scott it was ordered that, subject to the approval of the Depurtment of LTunicipal Affairs, Lots 32, 33, 34, ~lan 21, Lhin Street will be sold to Mr. Pattui for $200.00, eaS~, subject to the condition that dwellings of at least $5,000.00 value are erected on each lot within a per- iod of six months. The report of the Property Committee on the abo~e matters, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Scott that the report be received and filed. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Meyer Inglis and AId. Frank that the City Manager draft a resolution, to be approved by the City Council in t~u weeks' time, for presentation to the Ontario Municipal Association and the · Ontario Association of Ms,rots and Reeves, protesting against the ruling of the Department of ~unicipal Affairs, that lots for building must be sold at the asses- sed or appraised value. The comparison of tax collections as of Yune 30, 1946, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. ~Jidale and Bucknet that the statement be received end adopted. Applications for building permits were presented, ~ the follYring ac- tion taken thereon: 0RDEA{ED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Buckher that permission be gran- ted to erect a garage at 429 Fourth Avenue. 0RDEE on the motion of Ald. Frank and Twidale that permission be gran- ted for the erection of a garage at 343 Ferguson Street. 0RDEP~D on the motion of Aid. Frank end McHi.nley that permission be granted for the erection of a hanging sign at 112 Bridge Street, under the dir- ection of the City Manager. Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank. READ AND A~0PTED, Yuly 8, 1946. Clerk 491 COUNCIL ~tEETING Ccuncil Chamber, July,2, 1948. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finan- ce meetings, for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the ac- counts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present. The following By-law was passed: No. 3893 - TO Grant Monies for General Purposes. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Frank that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time - Carried unanimously. It vms then ordered m the motion of Ald. Frank and Bucknet that Rule '36 (2) of the Standing Rules 0f Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law given the second reading - Carried unanimously. 3~d reading- Ald. Twldale and Buckner - Carried unanimously. The following Resolutions were presented: No. 151 - MiLLER - MclGNLEy - RESOLVED that the meeting scheduled for July 15th be scheduled to take place at 5.00 p.m., that the invitation of the North Amer- icen Cyanamid Limited, to visit the swimming pool at their plant at the close of the meeting be accepted; and the Seal of the Corp6ration be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously No. 152 - SCOTT - FRANK - RESOLVED that the City Mm~ager be authorized to make the necessary installations and repairs to place the upper flat of the house, formerly used as an isolation hospital, in condition for teaancy; and the Seal of the Cor- poration be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously No. 15~ - B~CKNER - ~IDALE - RESOLVED mhat the City Nanager be asked to subml~ a rel~t to C~uncil upon the cost of making the municipal swimming pool available for year-rotUnd swimming; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald~ Mille~' and Frank. READ AND ADOPTED, ~ly 8, 1946. Clerk Mayor 491 JOINT MEETING Count il Chmi!ber, July 2. 1946. A Joint meeting was held by the City Council v,ith representatives from the councils of the Tc~,:nship of St~,~ford and the Village of Chip~wa, and of the industrial committee of the Chan~ber of Commerce. All members of the City Council, together with Reeve Prior. Councillors Allen, A~nstrong, and Cotfield, TG,.jnship Engineer Ker, Teamship Clerk A.C.Huggins of Stamford; Reeve Mackenzie and Council- lor Fred Young of Chippawa; and Messrs. L'nwson, Jones and A.G.Ross of the Chamber of Commerce Industrial Committee, were present. The meeting was called for the purpose of discussing and considering the Bill Nmaber 83 which had recently been passed by the Provincial Le~,islature, and the possibility of establishing a Joint planning board for the Niagara Area. Discussion was entered into by the members present, and it was agreed by those speaking that the establishment of such a board v~uld be of great benefit to the area. After thorough discussion upon the matter, it was suggested by B~yor In- glis that a small co~,~mittee should be appointed, the membership of which would consist of one member from each council, ~,~th the engineer, two meJnbers from the Chamber of Commerce, and ~Lr. Orr as secretary pro tern; that the Committee conven~ to appoint its own chairman; and to go into the matters as to the number of boar'd members, its powers, end representation from the various councils; that each coun- cil and the chamber should make its otto appointment of representatives on the Board, and that such boa~d meet again at a joint session with the three councils and the chamber to make recormaendati ons. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Councillor Armstrong that the suggestion of His Worship Mayor Inglis, as outlined abo~e. be accepted. His Worship Mayor Inglis advised that the representatives from the City Council should be Ald. Buckner and City Manager Orr; and askBd each other body to advise Mr. 0rr as to their appointees. The meeting then adj ourned. HEAD ANDADOPTED, July 8, 1946. Clerk Chairman THIRTY~FIFTH ME~TING SPECIAL MEETING Council Chamber, July 3, 1948. A special meeting was held by the City Council at 7.00 p.m. on Wednes- day, July 3, 1948. All members of the Council, ~'~ith the exception of Ald. Scott, were present. Also present were His Henour Judge H.E.Fuller and Magistrate J.B. tIopkins of the Niagara Falls Board of Police Commissioners, together with Chief Constable M.D.Tisdale and Mr. Harold Diclcson, Secretary of the Commission. The meeting had been called for the Joint discussion of the hiring of extra men for police duty in the City of Niagara Falls. AId. Miller stated the Council was not opposed to the hiring of extra men, but wished to know where the money, to cover the mcessary expenditure, would be raised. He stated the Council had received no ~rd of the hiring, other than from press despatches. His Henour Judge Fuller advised Council that the agreement with certain provincial government bodies and the Nisgara Par~ Commission, for the policing of the Rainbow Bridge plaza, approaches, and park area, had been returned, fully signed. Judge Fuller advised that the Commission did not realize it was going to result in a deficit in the operation of the police department, when the extra men were hired, and that he was responsible, personally, for the hiring of the men at the last meeting of the commission. It was estimted that the expenditures for the year 1946 wo~ld exceed the budget by approximtely $2, 600.00. RESOLUT/ON The following Resolution was passed: No. 154 - TWIDALE - IIICKNER - RESOLVED that this Council will supply sufficient funds to pay the salaries and ex~penses of the three new officers, recently appoin- ted to the Police Department, and estimated by the Board of Police Commissioners to cost approximately $2,800.00; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto af- fixed. Carried The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Frank and Miller. READ ANDADOPTED, July 8, 1946. Clerk Mayor REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, 8July, 1946. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Mmday, July 8, 1946, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All mem- bers of the Council, with the exception of His Worship Mayor Inglis, were pres- ent. Alderman A.D.Fr~nk was enacting mayor during the meeting. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meetings, adopted these on the motion of AId. Miller and Scott. D~k~u'~ATIONS In connection with Report No. 171, and on the motion of Ald. McKlnely and Miller, Mrs. Wirt was permitted to address the Council. Mrs. Wirt spoke about her application for a liceace to operate a movable lunch wagon in the City, and of the difficulties she and her husband had had in Ireparing this unit for oper- ati on. ~ Report No. 171 In commotion with Report No. 172, and on the rotion of Ald. Miller and McKinley, Mr. H.G.Brooks, the Assessor, was permitted to speak to Council. Mr. Brooks enlarged upon the matters contained in his report, and of his interpretat- ion c~ the sections of The Assessment Act, in connection with assessment of prop- erties and the performance of his duties. ~ Report No. 172 COMMUNICATIONS Laid over from previous meetings: No, 280 - Secretary to Minister of Tr-n-port - re substitution of buses for street cars. Oi~)ER~ on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Scott that the communication be received and laid on the table for one month. SEE Communication No....2.92 No. 292 - Canadian National Railways -,re meeting with Council. 0FaERED an the mo.tion of Ald. Twidale and Scott that the communication be received and laid on the table for one month. 'The following Comnwmteations were Iresented: No. 323 - Ontario Municil~l Association - re question box procedure at convention. C~DEREDOn the motion of Ald. T~idale and MacDonald that the comm, mtcation be rec- eived and we follow the suggestion made by the executive of the Association. No. ~24 - Board of Police Commissioners - enclosing copy of completed agreement. Cel)EI~D on the motion of AId, l)Aelmer and Scott that the conunanication be rec- eived and filed, 495 No. 325 - Department of Highways - enclosing By-laws Numbers 3790, 3791, approved. CEDERED on the motion of Ald, Miller and Scott that the cummmication be received and filed, No, 3~-6 - Hydro-~.lectric Commt_ssioD of Niagara Falls - re street light for Sirecos Cou~t. 0RDE~D on the motion of Aid. Bucknet and Miller that the cnm~,~cation be received and the Commission be advised it is the wish of Council that temporary lights be installed on Simeoe Court until bther lights are available. A prior motion, by Aid. Scott and MacDonald, that the reoomm~n4a~on be adopted, was def- eated. No. 3~.7 - Mark-TAme Parking Meter Company - re reduced quotation and disadvant- ages of Mi-Co Meters. ORDERED on the'motion of Ald. Miller and Bucknor that the com..,-~oation be received and filed, and Mr. Miller be advised the Council has ~eady decided on the Mi-Co Parking Meter. No. 328 - Winnifred M. Stokes - acknowledging congratulations. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Twiddle suxl MacDonald that the communicat~on be received and filed. Laid over from ~revious meeting: No. 167 - City No. 168 - City Solicitor - re application for licenee from N.Watson. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and ~widale that the reports be received and filed. Prior to this motion, it was moved by Ald. MacDonald and Twidale that the Council have no objection to the building being used as a restaurant, providing the applic- ant complies with the re~xlatiome Of the regulartons of the licenee committee; but this motion was defeated. No. ion No. the No. was ed, following Rel~rts were presented: 169 - City Y--ager - recommending issueante of liccnces. of Ald. Scott and MacDonald that the licenoes ha granted. 01~)ERED on the mot- lV0 - City Manager - re application for licenee fro~ G. Grigoroff. motion of Ald. MeEinley and Scott that the licenee be gxanted. OI~EI~ED on 171 - City t~--ger - re apDlieatic~ for license from Mrs. Anne Wirt. A motic~ made by Ald. McKinleY and Miller that the lieonce be granted; but was defeat- and no further action was taken. No. 172 - City Assessor - re assessment of land on Ontario Avenue. CeDERED on the motion of AId. Miller and Bucknor that the report be received and tabled until the next matinS, and referred to the City Solicitor. A prior motion by Ald. Twi- ddle and MacDone/d, that the report be. received and filed, was defeated. No. 173 - City Solicitor - tentative agreement with Provincial. ExEineering Limited. C~)EREE on the motion of Ald. INckner and MacDonald that copies Of the agreement be sent to the interested parties, and to our insurance comtany to ascertain if the sane is satisfactory; and if so, that the by-law be presented for the third reading. The following B~-laws ware l~ssed: .~No. 3894 - To authorize the execution of a Dee~d. (~DE~ED on the motion of AId. McKinley and So.err that Ald. Miller be given the px~ilege of introducing the byTlaw, and the by-law be given the first reading- Carried. It was then ordered on the motion of AId. Twiddle and Miller that lhls m6 (2) c~ the Standing Rules Of Council be temporarlly_~.s~en~ed an4:lSxe by-law S~d 'reading -Ald. Scott and Twiddle - Carried. N.o. S895 - To authorize the exenution of a Deed. O~DEI~ED on the motion of Ald, Twidale and MacDonald that Ald. Miller be .given the privilege .of introduotng the by~law, end ~he by-law be given the first reading -: Carried · . It was then ~dered on the motion of AId, MoKXnley and Soo~t that Ru~e :~6 (~-) of the Standing l~Ales of 0curtoil be temporarily suspended-and the by-law .read a second time - Cs~ried. 3rd reading -Ald. Miller and Twirlale - Carried. ~ Oouncil adjourned on the motion of Ald. Miller and Scott. IF_AD AND ADOPTED, YUly 15, 1946. Clerk ~nacting M~vor i~-_NA~E I~mETING Council Chamber, 8 Yuly, 1948. The Finance Comm4ttee met on MOnday, Yuly 8, 1946, for the purpcee of approving and also Of l~ssing the various accounts which had been properly cert- ified and placed before them. All members Of the Committee, with the exception Of Hie Worship Mayor lnglls, ware present. ....... ~'nary accounts were. approved by the Committee, amounting to $5,966.63.. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion Of Ald. Scott and McKinley. The communication from S.ADler, requesting an extension cf time for building on Lot 91, Plan 3039, Centre Street, and the communication from the Dep- artment of Municipal Affairs, were presented. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Bucknet and McKinley it was ordered that the request of Mr. Adler, for an extension of tima for-the erection Of a building, be granted. An offer was presented from Tony Martnoff for Part of Lots 78, 79, at the corner Of Ferauson Street and Dyson Avenue, for $100.00. Upon the recommend- al=on of the Property Comm4ttee .~a on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDon- aid it was ordered that the offer be accepted, subject to the condition that a building of at least $$,500.00 value is consta~Acted on the premises within a per- iod of six months, and the necessary approval can be obtained from the Delarlment Of lamicilal Affairs. The report Of the Property Committee on the above matters was pres- ented. Xt was o~dered on She metion of AId. McKinley and MacDonald that the rep- ort be received and filed. The Statement Of Relief Expenditures for the month of =une, 1946, was presentad~ It was ordered on the motion of .AId, Scott and Twiddle that the state- ~tch ~11 he es~blt~hed w~n the W~l~d ~c~ttes su~vtslon, bergen ~ ~od Avenues a~ ~r~eon 8treat ~d V~ley~, is establls~d. It was orde~d on the mo~ on o~ ~d. ~e ~nd ~ey that the lo~e= of ~e two st=ee~ be n~ed ~e~er Crescent In honou= ~ght Honoura~e V~c~nt ~mder of ~ts, 0~ on the motion of ~d. ~c~er ~ ~ t~t the shorter of ~e ~o stre~s ~ n~ed In~is Drive in hon~ ~ ~s Wor~p ~or I~ist Applications for b~ilding l~mits were submitted, and the following ac- tion thaken thereon. CEDEi~ED on the moti, on of Ald. Twidale and Scott that the application for a pemit to erect four frame cabins at 2103 IAandy's I~ne ~e filed until a later date · Oi~DERED on the motion of Aid. Twidale and Scott that the application for a pemit to erect a garage and worship at 1390 Bridge Street be received and filed. Communications from the Department of M~nicipal Affairs, concerning the applications of Eugene Pattui, Iohn C. Fly~u and Robefro Pietrebon for purchase of land, were considered. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Scott and MacDon- ald that the City Y~ger be instructed to forward the required information to the Department. The Committee adjourned en the motion of Aid. Euc~ner and Scott. AND ADOPI~D, Iuly 15,. 1948. Clerk COUNCIL : f~ Council. thanbar, · 8 ~uly, 1946, The Council re-assembled at the close of the x~ar Council and Fin- ence meetin~s, fc~ the purpose of I~ssing the money b~-law wnxoh covered the ac- counts approved by the Ccn~ttee. All members of the Council, with the exception of His Worship Ma~or In~lis, were p~eSe..nt,; ~Ald, A.D~rank waS e.n~.0ting ma~or durAn8 ,the ~me~e~l~n~. :: . .:~ ';, ; -'" , .~ ' ~ ~ -.- ; ..... · · · ..... ~ -,/'~ ;' , 499 The follo~ng By-law was passed: 3896 - To Grant Monies for C~neral PUrposes. 0t~DERED on the motion of AId. Twidale an~ McI~inley that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducin~ the by-law, and the by-law be given the first reading - Carried. It was then ordered on the motion of AId. McKinley and Miller that Rule 36 (2) of the Standin~ Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law read a second time - Carried. 3rd reading -Ald. Scott and t~ckner - Carried. MISC~.T~.ANEOUS The City Manager reported to the Council upon the accident which had occurred at the mmmicipal swimming pool on ~ly 4th, and upon t~e incorrect state- ment made in the local press. The City Mm~mger advised that a representative of the Mi-Co Meter (C~u- ads) X~indted w~uld be in the City on T~eeday, Yuly 9th, to make a survey of the districts in which parking meters are to be installed. It was a~reed that the Traffic Committee wo~ld meet Mr. Gilchrist at 2.00 p.m. Aid. B~cknar asked what action was being taken with regard to street signs, re,use boxes for city streets, and 0akes Park lighting. The City Manager advised cf the pregress made in each matter. The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Twidale An~ Scott. AND ADOFJ~D, Yuly 15, 1946. Clerk Enacting Mayor Council ChBmher, 15 ;Tuly~ 1946. l~trsuant to adjournment, the Council met at 5.00 p.m. on Monday, 3'uly 15, 1946, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All mere- hers of the 0curtoil were present. The Council, having received and read the min- utes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank. DEP~TATION In connection with Petition No. 8 and on the motion of Ald. Miller and Twirlale, Mr. W.H.Miller was permitted to address the Council. Mr. Miller outlined the objections of the business men at the south end of the City to the proposed installation of parking meters on Main Street. Mr. Miller was of the opinion that the'presence of meters on that street would tend to drive business to other parts of the City and into the Township of Stamford. -~EE Petition No. 8 C0MIIINIOATIONS ~e following C~nmunications ware presented: No. 329 - Women's Diwisic~, Iunior Chamber of .Commerce - requesting permission to held street dance, Iuly ~-Tth. 0t~l~ED.on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the com~Anioa.tion be received ard filed, and the necessary tarmission be granted. No. 330 - W~nen's DiVision, Iunior Chamber of C~mmsrce - amount of proceeds from tag day. 0RDEt~sD on the motion of Aid.' Scott and Frank that the communication be received ani filed. No. 351 - Welland Securities Limited - acknowledging letter re suggested names fc~ streets. Oi~ERED on the motion of Ald. Fxank and Miller that the communication be received and filed. In the above matter, l~ts Worship Mayor lnglis expressed ~o the Octnell his appre01ation of their action in --ming one of the streets Xnglis Drive. No. ~3~- - Ontario ~,;,101pal Ass&elation - suggesting resolution for convention. CRDF~ On the motion of Ald. Twiddle and MacDonald that the oo~m-dcation be rec- eived and filed. ~EE Resolution No. 155 NO. 555 - MI-Co Ma~er (C---da) Limited - onelosing oc~txaot far parking rotors. ORE~i~ on the motion of Ald. Miller and Flank that the communication be ,laid on the. table for two weeks. m Report No. 174 No. 334 - Ohildren's Aid 8ocietY - enclosing brief and requesting inter.view. 0R- lIERED on the motion of AId. BuckneT and MacDonald tlmt the o~.m-,uleation be rec- eivei and laid on the table until such time as -Mr. =ones is able to address the Council. No. 235 - Caindish Red Cross 8celery - thanks for use of swimming pool. 0RDEI~D On the motiOn of AId. T~daleand 2oo~t that the oomaznioat~on be rsaeived and filed. .. T~s follo~n~ RePorts were ~resent ed: 501_ No. 174 - Traffic Committee - re numbers and locations of parking meters. 0HDEHED On the motion of Aid. Miller and Frank that the r~port be laid on the table for twO weeks. SEE Peti.__tion No. 8 No. 175 - Dairy Ine~ector - report fcT month of Yune. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Twiddle and Miller that the report be received and publicity given to it. No. 176 - City Ma~.ger - recommending issuance of licences. 0RDEI~) on the mot- ion of Ald. Frank and Bucknor that the report be received and adopted. PETITION The following Petition was presented: No. 8 - BArridge Bakery and 49 others - requesting that parking meters be not in- stalled on Main Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Frank that the petition be laid.on the table for t~ weeks. RESOLUTI C~S The following Resolutions were passed: No. 155 - ~'FIDALE - MacDONALD - ~HEREAS there wan a shortage of coal fc~ domestic consumption during the winter of 1945-1946; ' AND WHEREAS it is anticipated that, due to strikes in the mines, on the railroad systems and in the steel plants in the United States and in the steel plants and shipping industry in Canada, the supply of coal,for domestic consumption will again be limited during the winter of 1946-1947; ~ER~FORE ~m. XT RESOLVE that the Ontario Municipal Associati on take immediate action to bring to the attention of the Government of the Province of Ontario the ~overnment of the Dominion of Canada the necessity for immediate planning to obtain a more adequate supply of domestic fuel for residents of the Province of (ratario; and the Seal of the Oorporatiou be hereto affixed. Carried unsuimousl~ No. 156 - t~TX.~.R - MacDONALD - W~m~A~ mmicipalities have found it necessary and advisable to 'make lots available at nominal prices to go~nment agencies construct- ing houses fc~ war workers and rethxned service personnel; AND WItE,V_~S municipalities have ~een forced to accept a lc~ fixed amount as a grant in lieu of taxes on houses constructed by various govermnental agencies; tND ~ the Department of Municipal Affairs has recently advised ""lntCilxll- ities that all vacant lend acquired by the registration of tax arrears terrific- atus must he sold at the assessed or appraised value; AND WHEESA8 ..,-teilalities find that the'erection of housing accommodation can be encouraged by tile sale of lend at a reduced price, providing a dwelling teeres- ted on the same within ~ stiR~lated period; ll~ WH~ the sale of lots subject to the proper restrictions will not permit individuals or companies to profit tbrough.,the purchase of such lots; ~,:~m~0RE BE IT RESOLVED that the Ontario !&tnicipal Association request the Dep- ax~t of t~,ndoipal Affairs to amend the recent ruling, advising municipalities that lots acquired by registration of tax arrears 'certificates must be sold for the assessed or aplmaised value, and be approve the sale of lo~s by municipalities, 'subject to restrictions that the actual purchaser shall proceed within a reason- able time with the ereorion of a dwelling or building of an approved value; and the Seal of the Corporation'be 'hereta affixed. .......... Carried unanimously No. 157 - MerrNLEy - TWIDALE = :i~80LVED timt His Worship Mayor lngiis be author- lzed to issue a proelamtion declaring Mondays August 5th a clvlc holiday In the ,City of Niagara Falls; that all clvlc. ~utldtngs remain closed on that date; and the Seal of the Corporation be herato af£1xsd. Carried unanimously No. 158 - MILLER - TWiDALE - I~SOLVED that the regular meeting of the City Coun- cil, scheduled to take place 0n Monday, August 5th, be held at 7.30 p.m. on TueS- day, August 6th; aml the 5eal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Cartled unanimously 'No. 159 - INCKN~{ - TWIDALE - RESOLVED that whereas Field Marshal Viscount Mont- gomery is expected to visit the Dominion of Canada during the latter part of Aug- act and the early part of September; ~4E,~EFORE His Warship Meyer Inglis is authorized to Invite Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery to visit Niagara Feels, Ontario, nna to mak~ all arrangements · necessary to tender a civic reception on the occasion of his visit; end the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. ' Carried unanimously The following by-law ms presented: N~o,. 38~...2 - To authorize the execution or a Deed. 0I~ERED on the motlon of Aid. Frank end Scott that the by-law be laid on the table for one ~eek. The rollowing By-laws were linseed: No. ~897 - To authorize the executioner 8 Deed. OEDERED on the motion of Aarl. Bucknet and Fmmk that ~. ~er be prinle~ ~ int~ei~ the by-law, ~d ~e by-hw be ~ad a f~st C~ied ~mously~ It ~ then order~ on ~e motion ~ ~. ~k ~ ~er t~t ~e the S~n~ai~ ~es ~ C~ncil ~ t~p~a~ly s~ed ~d the by-~w second ti~ - C~ried ~imou~y. 3rd reading - Aid. Scott and Mcl~nlay - Carried ,m~n4mously. N.o. 389.8 - To authorize ~ha execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. 0PaE~u~u on the motion of Aid. Twideee and MacDonald that AId. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by.law be read a first time - Carried unanimously.. It ms than cmierad cu the motion of A~d. Twidale and Buckne~ that l~ule ~ (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sueparsed and the by-law be read a second time - Carried unanimously. Srd reading- Aid. Frank and Buckler -~Carried unanimously. The Couseil adjourned on .the motira of Aid. FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 15 July, 1946. The Finance Committee met on Monday, July 15, 1946, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert- ified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to $26,355.3V. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the marion of AId. Scott and Frank. The ~eport of the City M~ger, which had bern laid over from a prev- ious meeting, ra the fire insurance schedule and appraisals; the report of the luearsm~e Committee re coverage; and communications f~om R.O.Young and Company, Martimer-Bampfield ~n~ Company, C.D.Henniwell, E.M.McMurray and Company and J.C. Flynn re binlers on present policies, were presented. O~)ERED on the motion of AId. Twidale and MacDoneed that a binder on the present policy for additional cov- erage, be placed for a period of thirty days. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship M~yor Inglis and Aid. Scott that the matter of municipal insurance be taken before the Ontario Mmuicipal As- sociation with the suggestion that municipalities set aside reserves in order to m~itain their own inmlrance. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Inglis and Ald. Frank that the city Clerk be instructed to obtain prices for insurance coverage on city property iron non-tariff companies, and that a report be obtained upon the stan- dard of the- companies from ~om prices are tee.sired. Communications and quotations were presented from the Boiler Inspection .-~ Insurance Company and the General Accident Assurance Conpany,,together with a report of the City ~-~ger regarding the policy covering the electrical equipment at the Filtration Plant. It was ordered ca the motion of Aid. McKinley eni Twi- ale that the report be adopted. A c~n~m,n~cation was presented from Mortimer-Bampfield .re Company reg- arding the renewal and extension of the liability policy. It was ordered on the motion of ~_~ Worship Mayor lnglis and Aid. Frank .that the com~,nication be laid owar for one weak for further study. A report was presented by the City Manager regarding the request of the Imperial Bank of Canada to construct three s~eps outside the north wall of the ~nk building at Main Street end Ferry Street. The recommendation of the Property Committee was that permission be granted for this work. 'It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MaEialey and Scott that permission be granted, subject to the con- dition that the B-nk will sign an agreement assuming responsibility for the two steps, on C~ty property. An offer was presented f~om A.N.Moody for Lot 221, Plan 9, MoRse Street, far $100.00. Upon the reocmmshiatica of the PToperty Committee and on the motion cf Aid. Frank and MoElnley it was ordered that the offer he accepted, subject to the condition that u dwelling of at least $5,000.00 valuen is erected on the premises within six months, and subject to the approval of the Departscut of Mun- i01pal Affairs. A com~unicatioc was presented from R.Dutrisao, requesting a refund of kts deposit on Lot 276, Plan 9, MoRse Street. Upon the recommendation of the Pro- petty O~ttoe and on txe motion of AId, McKinley and Frank it was ordarod that ~he x~fUmd be granted. The x~ort of the Property Cnmm~ttee, on the above totters, was l~es- anted. It was ordered on the motion of Aid, McKinley; and Frank that the report be 5O3 L r received and filed. ~omm,,nteatione were linesanted with re~ard to a ccnference which will be held by th~ Dslmrtment or Veterans Affairs in Toronto on Iuly 18th and 19th. It was ordered on the motion of AI~. Scott and McKinley that Mro C.EoStock be gives permission to attend the meeting. Applications for building permits were linesanted, and the following ac- tion taken thereon: 0RD~ED on the marion of AId. Frank and .~cott that permission be granted to Canada Coach Lines to construct an addition to their building on Park Street. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Frank and Twirlale that permission be granted to construct an addition to the Niagara Wire Weaving Plant on Robinson Street. ORDEPj~I) on the motion of Aid. Bucknet and MacDonald that permission be granted to censtruct a garage at 1113 Willmort 5treat. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Twidale that permission be granted for the erection of a garage at 1130 Roberrs Stx~et. Ot~ERED on the motion of Aid. Twidale and McKinley that permission he granted for the erection of a garage at 1390 Bridge Stx~et. 0RBERED on the motlon of Aid. Scott and Frank that permission be granted the erection of a neon sign at 19~-2 Main Street, providing such erectiota is ,maer the supervision of the City Manager. ORDERED on the motion of AId. T~ldele and MacDonald that permission be granted to move a dwelling from the corner of Simcoe 5tEeet and Victeria Avenue to Lot 902, Lombard Avenue. - The Com~teo adjourned on the motion of Ald. Frank and McKinley. READ AND AD(~TED,/Uly 22, 1946. Clerk ' COUNCIL Couno11 Chamber, 15,=uly, 1946. ~he Council re-assembled at the cioss of the re~xlar meetings of' Council · aml Finance, for the purpose of ~s~ the-mn~ by-~w w~oh cover~ t~ ao- co~ ap~ ,.bX, t~. C~t,~e, ~ ~,~r~ of th~ 0~1, ~,e p~esen~. BY-LAW The followin~ B[-law was passed: No. 3899 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. ORDERED on the moticm of Aid. McKinley and Scott that AId. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law end the by-law be given the first reading - Carried une, imously. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. Frank and Buckher that Rule 56 (2) Of the Stunsing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law read a second time - Carried uranimously. 5rd reading -Ald. Twidale and Bucknet - Carried un-nimously. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. T~idale and Frank. READ AND ADOP~n, luly 22, 1946. Clerk 505 !1 Council Chamber, ~-~- =uly, 1946, Pursuant to adJournmaxt, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, =uly 2~.nd, 19~6, fcT the purpose of considering general business .nd .fin-n~. All mere- bars of the Councils with the exception of Ai~. Twirlale, ware present. The Coun- cil, having received an~ read the minutes of the px~vlous meeting, adopted these on the mo~ton of Ald. Miller a-a Scott. DEFdTA~ ~PS In connection with Communication No. 340, and on the motion of Ald. Scott and McKinley, Mr. Yoseph Young wen heard. Mr. Young spoke in connection with his application for a tourist licenee, and the protest made on behal~ of his landlord. Mr. Young stated he had applied to the .Wartime Prices and Trade Board and had been told the operation of a room for tourists in his apartment would be in order; and had also received verbal approval from his land~rd. ~u~ Communication No. ~0 COMM~IqICATE0I~ The following Co~nunications were presented: No. 336 - Mrs. Nor"~" Webb - requesting removal of tree. 0RDI~ED on the motion of Ald. Sco~t and BuckmAr that the Cnmnn'"lOation be referred to the Parks Super- intendsnt for a report. No. 337 - R.Bla~s Erwin - submitting plan of s~bdivision. 0I~)ERED on the nDticu of Aid. t~Aekner and Scott that the communication he received and referred to the Fi-~-oe meeting for study. No. 3~8 - ~he Salvation Arm~ - acknowledging receipt of 1946 grant. 0RD~ED on the meal. on of Ald. Fra-k and Miller that the com~A~ication be received and filed. No. ~9 - S~uth Em~ Business Men - requesting representative at meeting. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the eom~anication be received end filed, and the whole Council arts"a the meeting. No. ~0 - Fraser and Fraser - re applieatiou for tourist liesues by =.Young. 0R- ~ on the motiou of AI~. B,,ekner and MecDouald that the communication he laid over for .cue week for further investlge~ion. ~ Report No. No. ~41 - Niagara Fells =~nior Chamber Of Co~vee - resolution re use of Royal 0anadian Meunte~ Police at interna~ional bridges. 0~DE~ED on the motion of Ald. l~ank nwd Millet that the communication ~e laid over fcT oomsideration at the conTere~e. No. 342 - Niagara Fells =unior C~hambe~ of C~M~e~oe - NTOtSSting a~lnst StOpping of tourists by game wardens. 0~DERED on the motion of ~Ald. MeEiuley and MaoDon- el~ that the City Council pre~ere a resolution, slong the .lines of the s~atement made by Hie W~ship the Ms~or recently, 'and submit the same to the federal govern- me~t. SEE Resolution No.163a. EEi~RTS ~he following l~orts ware l~e'sen~ed~ No, 177 - City Manager - ve application of =.Young fur touris~ licenee. on the motion of Aid. BUckmar and MacDonald that the report be laid on the table for one week. No. 178 - City Merrier . recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Aid. Frank and .McKinley that the licenoes be granted. No. 179 - Relief Administrator - re meeting in Toronto re rehibllitation, etc. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Scott and Frank that the report be filed. P~.TITION The following Petition was presented: No. 9 - I .T.Walksr nna 14 others - protesting against parking meters on Ferry Street. ORDEE on the motion of Ald. Miller and Frank that the petition be rec- eived and laid o~er until next week, along with other items. RESOLUTI ONS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 160 - FRANK - MacDONALD - EESOL~]ED that a communication be sent to the Depart- merit of Highways, asking that the traffic circle at the exit from the Rainbow t~idge, be removed at the earliest possible moment; and the Seal of the Corporat- ion be hereto affixed. C_srried No. 161 - MILLER - FRANK - RESOLVED that the City Manager communicate with the Delarment of Faghways, asking why no reply has been received to the request of Council that the Queen Elizabeth Way be lighted; to the other municipalities, ask- ing if they are faycurable to the lighting of the highway; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. .Carried No. 16~ - HJCEER - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that the 0ity Manager be instructed to forward a message of symlmthF to the family of the late Mr. E.H.Brown on the pass- ing of this highly respected citizen, who was a resident of Niagara Falls for many years; and the ~eal of the Corporation he hereto affixed. Carried No. 163 - BUO~R - FRANK - RESOLVED that the City M8-~ger be instructed to forward a letter to Mr. A.O.Williams, expressing to him and to the No~th American Cya~smtd Limited the spireelation of Council for the splendid time had at the swimsing pool of the plant, and also for the great service they are rendering to the young peo- ple during the s~mmar months; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. CorrAed No. 16~a - MCKINLEY - MacD~ALD - RESOLVED that the 0ounci 1 of the 0ity of Niagara Falls draw $o the attention of the Minister of Game and Fls4eries the action of game wardens in stopping tourists at the boundary to the City of Niagara Fells to ~heck f~ enforcement of the regulatious regarding the number and size of fish taken. by Amerteam tourists while in Canada; ~na ~aw to the attention of the Min- ister the unfavourable publicity given to this community through the action of these game wardens; to respoetfully suggest that. any inspootion should be made at a point nearer to the fishing areas; and the Seal of.the Co~poration he hereto a-f fixed. O.arried .BY-LAW ~ho following By-law was lmesented for 'the second an~ thtmi readinga.: NOT s892- To authorize the execution of a deed. It was o~dered c~x the motion of AId. Mllle~ end Frank tAat the by-law he 5O7 5O8 laid over unl~l advice is reselved In wrlting fl~m the City solicitor, protect- lng the City in case of a law suit. MISCELLANEOUS Aid. Bucknet was of the opinion that the parking restriction, which did not permit vehicles to remain on the streets during the night, should bs e~forced, and thus not encourage v~ndals to break into par~ed automobiles. The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Scott and McKinley. HEAD AND ADOF/ED, Iuly ~-9, 1946. Clerk- ~E I~ETXNG Council Oh~mber, 22 ~Uly, 1946. Tee FI--~co Cnmm4ttee met on Monday, 3uly 22, 1946, for the purpose of approving andatso of passing the various aesoun~s which had been properly certif- ied and placed befc~e them. All menhers of the Cnmm4ttee, with the 'exception of Aid. Twldale, were l~esent. 2unix7 accounts were approved by the Cnm4ttae, amounting to $4,244.46. 'llxe account~ submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were 'ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, cnthe motion. of Aid. Scott and Fxanko The ~amm~!liCatic~ f~om Mortimer-BamI~leld and Com~ny, mg~ing t~ ~ability induce policy wi~h ~ U~ Induce ~oiety of C~ton, ~ l~d ~er f~m t~ previo~ ~eti~, ~e oo~ide~ed. It w~ o~e~ ~ ~e ~tion ~ .~s W0rs~p ~or In~is aM ~s. Scott that the eo~,uleatl~ ~ laid on t~ t~le for o~ week =~ ~he Ol~y ~ ~ inst~ed~to ~op ~ ~ see ~at o~ ra~s he ~ ~t in ~e~d to ~ability is~ance. A emmm,n4catica ~s l~essnted from D.;.Aioo, req~sting the ~f~ of ~e ~t p~d by him on ~ 46 on N~ Street. U~n t~ ~e~dat~n ~ $~ ~p~t~ C~tee =~ on ~he s~i~ of ~. ~o~er ~d 80~ it ~s o~ored t~t t~ m~,~ ~ rode, less t~ ~t of t~es due ~ the p~perty for ~ho ~r- i~ du~i~ w~ i~ wu in ~. ~o's p~sessi~. b ro~t of the ~o~rt7 CoSttee, on ~o above m~e~, ~ ~es- e~ed, l~wu o~e~d on ~he mo~ion of ~d. ~r a~ 2co~t ~ t~ ~po~ be 509 received and filed. A ccmmunication ~s presented from the Department of Municipal Affairs, refusing -to approve of Sales Numbers 49, 50 and 51. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Bucknet and McKinley that a resolution be drafted to the Deparl~ent of Municipal Affairs, setting forth the objections of the Committee to their policy c~ stopping the City-from selling lots for the erection of homes. A report was presented from the City Manager, advising of the approval of the Department of Property Sale Number 50. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. McKinley ani Bucknet that the report be adopted. a rel~rt was presented from the Equipment Committee, with recommendations regarding the purchase of cartJan items. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Bucknet that the necessary arrangements be made to purchase a fire truck, if ayeliable, and that the other items be left in abeyance until a later date. A report was presented from the City ~-n~ger regarding an application for a permit to move a building on city streets. It was ordered on the motion cf AId. Scott and His Worship Mayor Inglis .that a permit be not granted until the roof of the building is dropped ~r~ the City is guaranteed against d-mage, and a bond is posted for that purpose. A~plications for buildl~ permits were presented, and the following ac- tion taken thereon: 0RDEED on the motion of Ald. Scott and MacDonald that the application for a permit to construct a shack at 593 Ferguson street be held until the City Manager can bring in a report. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Frank that perm4~sion be granted for the erection of a garage at 2288 Orchard Avenue. 0RRERID on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank that the application for a paxunit to erect a garage at 1049 Roberrs Street be laid over for investigation. ~I~DERED on the motion of Aid. Buckmar and Scott that the application far a permit to erect four cabins at 1262 BUchanan Avenue be laid over for me week and the City Mmnager investigate and bring in a report. 01~ERED on the motion of Aid. l~ank and MacDonald that a permit be is- sued for the installation c~ a gasoline pump at 535 Slmcoe Street. The conmmmication f:om R.B.Erwin, submitting a plan of the Welland See- u~ities subdivision, se referred fremthe Councilmeeting, was presented. It was ordered on the motice of Aid. Scott and B~ckmer that theplanfor the Welland Sed- urities subdivision, be adopted. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Frank and MacDonald that the City Mamanager be instructed to infom all persans, ~hen they receivetmlrist licenses thatf they must live up to the regulations or their liceaces will be cancelled; that they be given a copy of the regulations governing the operation of tourist henss; and that all persons who are now holders c~ tourist licenses be supplied with copies of the regulations; also that the Police Department be ashed to en- force the by-laws governing tourAst homes. ~he Committee adjourned on the motion of AId. Scott end MacKinlay. READ ~ ADOPTED, Iuly 29, 1946. Clezk ' 510 MEETING Conncil 0hambets ~uly 22, 1946. The Council re-assembled at the close of the rea~lar Council an~ Fln- race meetings, f(F the propose of passing the money by-law ~fiich covered the ac- counts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council, with the excpetion of Ald. Twirlale, were pl~sent. The following By-law was passed: No. 39,00 - To Grant Monies for General l~rposes. 01~EEED on the motion of- Ald. Scott end MacDonald that Ald. Nillet be given the privilege of introducing the b~-law and the by-law be ~iven the first reading- Carried. It wee then ordered on the motion of Ald. McEtnley and Prank that l~le 36 (2) of the Standiu6 Rules of Council be temporarily suspended aud the by-law be read a second time - Carried. 5rd reading- Aid. Bucknar and Scott - Carried. RESOLUTI~S ~he following Resolutions were passed: I~o. 164 - FRANK - MCKINLEY - I~ESOLVED that the action of ~e City C~ncil, in ~orizl~ the ls~ing of licecos con~ned in ~port ~ber 178, be rescinded o~y wl~ raged to the tou~st lieace for 0.~ley at 1144 0n~rio Argue; ~d ~e Se~ of the Corporation be her,to ~fixed. C~rted No. 165 - MacDONALD - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that permission to operate a tourist home at 1144 Ontario Avenue, be held up until such time as the necessary inspec- tion has been made by the Fire Chief and City Manager, and a report thereon rec- eived; aud the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Ca~ed No. 166 - INOENER - FRANK - ESa0LVED that in the future, in the eases of all 1/c- shoes upon which the approval of the local Bo~rd of Health a~d the City Manager il requireale that the F~re Chief be also requited to m. ke an inspection of the premises and approve of the same; and.-the Se~ of the CorlDration he hecate fixed. 0e~rled ~ Council adjourned an the motion AND ADOFEEDs ~uly 29, 1946. · Clerk Council Chamber, 22, July, 1946. ~ Ccmference Committee assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetings, for the purpose of considering v'arlous matters which had ~een presented to them. All members of the Connnlttee, v~th the exception cf Twirlale, were present. After consideration of the matters presented, and on the motion of AId. MacDon- ald and Miller, the conference committee adjourned. IF~ADANDADOPTED, 29 JUly, 1946. Clerk '511 5i8 T~IRTY-NIN'rH X~EE~NG REGt~ MEE~NG Council Chamber, g9 Yuly, 1946. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, July 29th, 1948, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All mem- bers of the Council, with the exception of Ald. ~;idale, were present. His Worship Mayor Inglis and ~ld. Bucknet arrived later daring the meeting, and until his rival, AId. Frank was enacting mayor, on the motion of Aid. Scott and Miller. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on .the motion of Ald. Scott and MacDonald. COl,ildUlI CATI 0NS The following Communications were presented: No. 343 - Secretary of State for Canada - acknowledging invitation to Field Mar- shal Montgomery. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Scott and ~&tller that th~ commun- ication be received and laid on the table f or further investigation. No. 344 - 0ity Clerk, St. Catherines - acknowledging resolution re lighting of Queen Elizabeth Highway. 0t~)ERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Scott that the communication be received and tabled until we. hear from other nmnicipalities. along the highways. No. 345 - A.Bignucolo - requesting sewer. service for lot on River Road. 0RDEEED on the motion of Ald. Scott and MacDonald that the Communication be laid over for consideration at the conference. ~ Report No. 180 No. 346 - Niagara Frontier Humane Society - thanks for annual grant. 0FdFERED on the motion of Ald.-.Miller and MacDonald that the communication be received and filed. The following Reports were presented: No. 180 - City Mamaget - re cost of construction of sewer for portion of River Road. 01~EE on the motion of Ald. Scott and MacDonald that the repor. t be laid over for consideration at the conference. No. 181 - Oity ~na~er - re conference held on Yuly ~-2, 1946. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Aid. Scott and Miller that the rep6rt he adopted. At this point His Worship Mayor Inglis and Ald. l~Ackner arrived at the meeting, and the following matters were dealt with: n~TATION In connection with Communication No. ~49 and on the motion of Ald. PAck- nor and MacDonald, Mr. C.E~tock, Relief Administrator was permitted to speak to Council. Mr. Stock outlined the circumstances surrounding the complaint which had been made on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Cornell, and also spoke upon the housing sit- uation in the City at the present time. Mr. Stock 'stated he would be willing to go ~ith the couple and again present the case to the Rentals Court ~udge in an ef- fort to have a mox~ fav~xrable settlement .made. ' ' ' ' ' ' ~ Communication No. 549 COI~,iINI CATI 0NS Laid over from a previous meeting: No. 333 - ELi-Co Meter Canada Limited- enclosing proposal re parking meters for City. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Buckher that the xmtter be tab- led. Frior to this motion it was moved by AId. Frank and Miller that the subject of parking meters be tabled for nine months for the consideration and comparison of other municipalities in the Niagara District, and if at that time the merchants and council see fit, it be considered again; but this motion was defeated. SEE Report No. 174 No. 340 - Fraser and Fraser - re application for toarist licenee for Y.Young. 0R- DEE on the motion of Aid. Frank arfi Buckher that the communication be tabled for one week. Prior to this motion it was moved by AId. Miller and Scott that the lic- erice he.granted, but this motion was defeated. SEE Report..No. 177 The following Communications were presented.: No. 347 - Secretary to Minister of Lends and Forests - achowledging resolution re stopping of cars by game wardens. 0ROERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Scott that the communication be received and referred to the Junior Chamber of Com- merce and the Township of Stamford. No. 348 - H.P.Stephens - suggesting resolution and petition re fifth column activ- ities. It was ordered by Aid. McKinley and Buckner that a resolution be drafted and signed by each member of the Council. When the motion was presented, it was defeated, the vote being: Aye: Ald. McKinley and Bucknor. Nay: Ald. MacDonald, Miller, Scott, Frank and His Worship MayOr Inglia. No further action yes taken in this regard. No. 549 - Canadian Corps Association - protesting living conditions of D.Cornell. 0RDEE on the motion of Ald. ~ckner and Frank that the connmnication be refSrred · back to the rudge who gave the ~)rder, v~lth sl$ possible information to show the case of this ex-serviceman. Laid over from previous meetings: No. 174 - Traffic Committee - recommending locations for parking meters. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and B~ckner that the matter be tabled. Prior to this motion it was moved by Ald. Frank and Miller that the subject of parking met- ere be tabled for nine months for the consideration and comparison of other munic- ipalities in the Niagara District, and if at that time the merchants and council see fit, it be considered again; but this motion was defeated. SEE Report No. 18~ No. 177 - City ~nager - submitting application of Mrs. Y.Young for tourist lic- eme. 0RDEE on the motion of Ald. Frank and Bucknor that the report be tabled for one week. Prior to this motion it was moved by Ald. Miller and Scott that the licenee be grunted, but this motion was defeated. The following Reports were presented: No. 1~ - 0try Manager - re meeting of members of Council with businessmen. I~qED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and l~Ackner that the matter be tabled. Prior to this motion it was moved by Ald. Frank and Miller that the subject of parking meter~ be tabled for nine months for the consideration and comparison of other mnioipalities in the Niagara District, and if at that time the merchants and coun- cil see fit, it be considered again; but this motion was defeated. No. 18~ - City ~.n. ger- re application for tourist ltce~ce by 0.Smiley. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Scott that the licenee be granted. N~. 184 - City ~A~ger - recommending issuance c~ licmces. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Ald. BAckher and Frank that the report be adopted. No. 185 - City Manager. - presenting application for ltcence, not approved by Fire Chief. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Bucknet that the report be rec- eived and laid on the table to give the applicant an opportunity to rectify the building to comply with the requirements of .the Fire Chief. No. 186 - City ~-nager - re date for presentation of resolutions for Ontario ~,n- icipal Association convention. ORDERED on' the motion of Ald. Frank and Scott that the report be adopted. No. 1BV - City Manager - re change of signs at exit from Rainbow Bridge. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and MacDonald that the report be adopted. MPRTIER ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and McKinley that a large siga be erected on the service rood leading to Victoria Avenue, reading 'To the CityP. No. 188 - City Manager - re possible development of Morse and Micenor subdivisions. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and Bucknor that the .report he laid over un- til the conference is held. No. 189 - City Solicitor - re passing of by-law Number 389B. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Ald. Frank and- McKinley .that the report be adopted. - - p~TiTIONS Laid over from ~revious. meetings: No. 8 - B~rridge Bake=a~ 49 others No. 9 - I.T.Walker and 14 others - protesting against parking meters on ~.tnSlmet and Ferry Street'. 0RDEED on the motion of .Ald. MaEinley and Bucknor that the matter be tabled. Prior to this motion it was moved by Ald. Frank and Miller that the subject of parking meters be tabled for nine months for the consideration an~ comparison of other municipalities in the Niagara District, and if at that tim the merchants and oo~ncil see f~t, it be considered again; but this motion was def- eated. SEE petition No. l0 The following Petition was l~resented: No. 10 - W.G.Ritchie and 27 others - protesting against parking meters on portion of Victoria Avenue. 0RDENED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and B~ckner that the matter be tabled. Prior to this motion it vms moved by Ald. Frank and Miller that tee subject of parking meters be table for nine months for the consideration and comp~rision of other municipalities in ~the Niagara District, and if at that time the merchants and council see f,it, it be considered again; but this motion.was defeated. The following Resolution was passed: , ~ *' No. 167 - BUCENER' - ]~[T-T.~.R w i~E[~0LVt~) that' the City N~nager be inspected to bri~ in a f~l a~ detaled ~rt as to ~e eo~i$i~ of W~tim Housing buildings ~e City bT Niag~a FaEs; and t~ Seal of the Co~omti on be hereto ~ed. , . . C~e~. The following By-laws w.ero passed: No. 389~ - To authorize the execution of a Deed. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Scott and Miller that lh~e 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be tem. porarily suspended and the by-law given the second reading - Carried. 3rd reading -Ald. Miller and MacDonald. No. 3901 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. Ot~)ERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and McKinley that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing a by-law, and the by-law be ~-~iven the first reading - Carried. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Mc~Linley and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by- law read a second time - Carried. 3rd reading -Ald. Bucknor and Frank - Carried. No. 3902 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. It was ordered 'on the motion of Aid. Scott and Buckher that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be given the first reading - Carried. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. Buckner and lllller that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law rood a second time - Carried. 3rd reading -Ald. Frank and Scott, - Carried. MISCELLANEOUS Ald. McKinley asMed that the City Manager bring in a complete report upon the matter of medical examinations for persons handling food stuffs in the City, the cost of such examinations, etc., and that a copy of the by-law covering such regulation he forwarded to the Council. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Frank and ~cott. READ AND ADOPTED, August 6, 1946. Clerk Mayor 5t6 Council Chinbet, 29 July, 1926. The Finance Co~uittee met on Monday, July 29, 1946, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert- ified and placed before them. All members of the Committee, vdth the exception of AId. ~,~ldale, were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Con~mittee, amounting to $61,973.70. The accounts submitted, being passed or othenvise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of AId. Scott end Frank. Com~n~nicatic~s from Mortimsr-Bsmp~eld & Co., re public liability insur- ance, and a communication from the local insurance agents, a~ggesting binders be extended until September 1st, to permit a survey to be made, ,were presented, In this connectic~ and on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Frank, Mr. R.W.Haist and Mr. C.D.H~nniwell spoke to the Committee on the matters of insurance. It was ord- ered on the motion of Ald. Frank and His Worship Meyer Iuglis that this matter be received and laid on the table until the first meeting in September, ~at the in- surance ccmmittee's survey be available to Council before that time for s~ady, and that a conference be held by the finance committee for the discussion of this mat- ter. A~plications for building permits, which had bean laid over from the preyiota meeting, and reports from the City M.~ger thereon, were .presented, and the following action taken thereon: The report of the City Manager, with regard to the application of C.Lor- enzo for permit for four cabins at 1262 Buchana~ Avenue, w~s presented. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Scott and Buckher that the report be received and filed. The r~port of the City Manager~ with regard to the application of C.Lor- enzo for a permit to erect a g~rage and alter another garange at 1049 Roberrs Street, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Aid.. Scott and McKialey that the report be received and leid on the table. A report w~s presented by the City M~r~ger upon the application for a permit to erect a small building at 593 Ferguson Street. It w~s ordered on the motion of Ald. Bucknet and MacDonald that the recommendation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Mnmger.regording the application of Keelside Sales, to erect awnings in front of stores. It was ordered on the motion-of His Worship Meyer lnglis -~ Aid. t~cknor that the report be received and adopted, and the City x~mger's recommendation be app~ved. Applications for building peruits were ,~ss~d, and the following ac- tion taken thereon~ '" CI~ERED on the motion of AId. Mcl~tnley and MacDonald that a permit be issued for the e~ection of- a garage at 2117 ~chanan Avenue. ' C~DERED on the motion of AId. ~eott and l~xckner that a permit be not granted for an addition to a restateant at 1393 FexTy Street, and the owner be notified that the application does not conform to the city by-laws. O~DERED on the motion of AId. l~ck~er and Scott that a permit be ~ren- ted for the erection of a garage at 1049 Roberts Street, and the addition and ConVersion of a garage into a fete-room apartment, to f~ont on. Powell Avenue. 0RDEI~D On %he morton or AId. Sco~ and McKinley that a permit be is- sued for the erection of a sign at 1736 Stanley Avenue, such e~ction to be u~ler the supervision of the City Manager. ORDERED on the motion of ftld. McKinley and MacDonald that a permit be issued for the moving of a dv:elllng from 682 First Avenue to Lot 19, Cedar Street, along the route approved by the City 'Manager. A report was presented by the City Manager regarding an application for the installation of ~soline pumps by M.W.~'mger. It was ordered on the ~IDtion of ~ld. Frank and McKinley that the recommendation be adopted. A I~pert was presented from the City Manager regarding recent amend~ents to The Assessment Act, affecting discounts on taxes. It was ordered on the mot- ion of Ald. Scott and MacDonald that the members of Council who attend the Ontario Municipal Association convention, wait upon the Minister of Municinal Affairs, with sn explanation of the effect this legislation will have upon ~he City of Nia- gara Falls. The Revenue and Expenditure Statement as of June 30, 1946, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Buckher that the statement be rec- eived ~ laid on the table. An offer was presented from Inghsm and Smith for Lots 179, 180, B~ttrey Street and Lot 181, Broughton Avenue, for the sum of ~500.00. Upon the recormmend- ation of the Property Committee asd on the motion of Ald. Frank and Bucknet it was ordered that the offer be received and laid oh the table f~r one week in order that the t~perty Committee might inspect the property. An offer was presented frem Walter E. Smith of $360.00 for Lot 67 and pert of Lot 68, Stanley Avenue. It was. ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and McDonald that, upon the recommendation of the Property Committee, the offer be ac- cepted. The report of the Property Committee, on the above matters, w~s pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Frank andsMacDonald that the report be received and filed. The. report of the City Manager, regarding the development of the Llorse ~ Micenet properties, as laid over from the Council meetings, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship ~myor Inglis and Ald. Frank that the report be received and laid on the table, and the council familiarize themselves with the project. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Bucknet that the City ~ger make a survey and bring in a report of other locaticms throughout the City where waste baskets are needed; and that any member of the Council, who knows of particiar locations, advise the manager accordingly. ~he Coummittee adjourned on the motion of AId. McKinley and Buckher. 'READ ~ ADOPTED, '6 August, 1946. Clerk COUNCIL MEETING Counci 1 Chamber, 29 Jhly, 1946. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance meetings, for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Twirlale, were present. FO~UEIETH L~I?i'ILG Pussurer to adjourn~nent, the Council met at V.3C ust 8, 1946, for the purpose of ccnsi,lerin:i members of +.he Council, with the exception of ~Id. oil, having received and re~d the minutes ~f on the motion of Ald. Miller and Frank. The following By-law was passed: .N.o. 3903 - To Grant Monies for General Pro. poses. ORDERED on the m~tion of Ald. McKinley and MacDox~51d that kld. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be given the fir- st reading - Carried. It ~s then ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and Bucknor that Rule 36 (~) of the Standing Rules of CoUncil be temporarily suspended and the by-law read a seconl time - Carried. 3rd reading - AId. Bucknor and Scott. The Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Miller and Bucknor. READ AND ADOPTED, 6 August, 1946. Clerk OONFER~CE Council Chamber, 29 July, 1945. 7no Conference Committee assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetings, for the purpose of cmsidering various matters ~hich had ,been presented to them. All members !of the Committee, wit~ the exception of Ald. Twirlale, were present. After consideration of the matters '~reseated., and ,on ~he .motion of Ald. Frank and Scott, the Committee adjourned. READ AND ADOFfED, 6 August, 1946. ~Clerk COLL.%~i:I ~. ,TI Laid over from previous meetin~s: No. 280 - Secretary to [&nister of Tr-~neport No. 292 - Canadian National Railways - re rbquest of counc.2 '~6r su, b:,tLt~tL b: b~es for street c~s. ORDERD on the motion of ~Zd. kckn~: ar, i K~cLoa[~ the communications be received, that ~. rrin~je be notified a-lain t;.~ tion of steer cars in Niagara F~ls is s detrimei=t ~t tr~:f~ic ar~z in bi~est problems ~ trYfie control in l~e City; that every cor~i:~=~ti~. ~ given to the request that t~ street c~s be r~pi~ce~; LX~: a very ter of protest ~ sent to our ~ca! M~r, the !ion~uracLe H~.pnrey LZ~oL~LL, ing him to support the re !test; and that the present franc:~ise of ~a National Electric ~ilwsys be referred to the City So!ici~or to ~e if ~y ~v~' ~ get out f~m ~ernea~h vdthoat taki~ over ~Ay Liability. No. 340 - Fraser and Fraser - re epplication for ~o~rist license b2' ORDERED on the nntion of Ald. Frank tad Buc2. nor ~hat the con~nicaticn Le rte~Lve: and filed. S'ZS Cozi,,,,L=_c_-~ic:_ The following Communications were presented: No. S50 - Yoseph B. Young - withdrawing application for tou_~Ast license. No. 351 - Yoseph B. Young - re conditions of occupation of aI~az-~laen~. Oi~L=~Z on the motion of Ald. Frank and Buckass that the co.mmunicatioas be receiTed anl f~_~ and the fee be re~/rned. ~E :~.s~rz :~c. 177 No. 352 - Ontario Municipal Association - re msetin6s on welfare nat tars. ,ZP~L-~Z -on the motion of Aid. Bucknor and ~ic}c~nley that ks. S~ock be ~ent to this m~stl-.~ as a rel:resentative of the City. No. 353 - Ontario Municipal Association - re convention and 'qu~sulcL box' .z2acei- use. ORE on the motion of ~d. Frank ~d ~cDo~ld that ~he eom.'n:mlca~on ~ r~eived ~d filed. No. 3,54 - Secret~ry of State for Canada ,No. 355 - Deputy Minister of National Defence- re itinerary of Fieil 'Montgomery cannot include visit to Niagara Falls. ORDEREO on the ~t=cn of [Twidale a-a Frank that the communications he received and filed, ~,i la re~re~. ,No. 356 - Hencurable k'lnlster of Highways - re ply to request for !i~atif. G of Queen ~.]izabeth Highway. 0~3ERL~) on the motion of '~l!. Killer ani Frank .~Honeurable Mro Doucette be asked to meet a delegation or the whole ccu=cil, while in this vicinity, with reference to the lighting of the Y~u~en Ellza~e~h No. ~7 - Village of Chippawn - requesting r~.newal of agreerent for sta2iOy xa:er. O}~EHED ~m ~ motion of ~. ~lld~ a~ ~cDo~d tha~ ~ a~n~ ~ ~ 520 ion. O~DERED on the motion of Aid. ~%~dale and Frank that the co~umunication be received and filed. REPORTS Laid over from a previous meeting: No. 177 - City ~nager - re application for tourist licence by Iv~rs. Y.B.Young. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and Bucknet that the report be received and filed · The following Reports were presented: No. 190 - 0ity Manager - re conference held on Yuly 29, 1946. 01OERED on the mot- ion of Aid. Frank and McKinley that the repqrt be adopted. No. 191 - City Manager - re progress on Wartime Housing d~ellings. 0RDERIa~) on the motion of Aid. Frank and Bucknor that this report be submitted to Iir. Gray, prot- esting against the shlovmess in the erection of these houses, and ask if there 'could not be something done to speed up the erection programme; that Wartime Hous- ing Limited be asked the reason for the delay in delivering these houses, and their attention be drawn to the position of people vaho are to go into the dwellings, with regard to the ordering of fuel for the winter; and that a copy of.this resol- utkn and the report be sent to the housing conmaittee of the Greater Niagara Cham- ber of Commerce, with a request that they put pressure on Wartime Housing Limited ' on this matter. No. 192 - City Manager - re placing of three trash baskets. ORDERED on t~_e mot- ion of Aid. Twidale and Frank that the report be received. In the above connection, Aid. Buckner suggested that four or five more bc~es should be purchased and placed on Queen Street, Victoria Avenue, at the Centre, and on Main Street, and that all should be emptied every day. No. 193 - City Manager - re health certificates and by-law governing same. 01~)- ERED on the motion of Aid. Twidale and MacDcnald that the communication be rec- eived and the suggestion be acted upon. ~j~ Resolution No. 168 No. 194 - City M~n~ger - recommending exclusion of secretary for employees' ag- reement. 0RD~RED on the motion of Ald. Bucknor and MacDonald that the report be received and referred to the conference meeting. No. 195 - Deputy City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Frank and B~ckner that the report be adopted.- No. 196 - Dairy Inspector - report for month of Yuly, 1946. ORDERED on the metion of Aid. Twidale and Miller that the report be received and the usual publicity. he given to the conditions in it. RESOLUTI 0NS , ' The following Resolutions were passed: No, 168 - MCKINLEY - T~aDALE - RESOLVED that the Deputy Clerk ascertain how the matter of health certificates is handled in other cities in the Pl~.v~.~_n~s; and-the ~eal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. /" · Carried No. 169 - FRANK - ~cWI'NLEY - RESOLVED that the matter of a resultion dealing with insurance, ,for presentation to the Ontario Municipal AssociatiOn, be laid over for discussion at the finance meeting; and the Seal of the Cerpo~ation be .here to affixed. . No. lV0 - ~I~ALE - I~JCX~ER -RES0LV~n that .the ,approval c~ this Council be .given -.. to the plans of a residential subdivision, located hetv.Den Sixth Avenue and Stan- ley Avenue, and between Morrison Street and hicRae Street, as submitted by R.Blake Erwin on behalf of Welland Securities Lixmited; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 171 - MILLER - FRANK - RESOLVED that the appointment of an Enacting Mayor for the period from August 13th to 19th, inclusive, be laid on the table until the next meeting; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carrie.____/d No. 172 - MacDON~LLD - MILI.v,R - RESOLVED that the matter of the constant rin~ng of bells on the Pare Marquette Railv~ay trains, while in the City, be taken up ~vith the yardmaster at Montrose, to see if something can be done to eliminate this nuisance; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 173 - BUCKNER - MII,~ER - RESCLVED that the matter of the smoke nuisance created at the railway roundhens be again brought to the attention of the Canadian Nat- .. ional Railway officia;s that they be advised the North American Cyanamid Limited is taking action to eliminate the nuisance at their plant; and the Raih,:ay be asked to let us know what they are going to do to help eliminate the condition in the Glenview area; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 174 - BUCKBER - MacDONALD - RESOLVED that the City Manager be instructed to report upon the necessity of a street light st the east end of SFring Street; the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried ~ISCELLANEOUS Ald. Bucknor advised that the sidewalk at 1128 McGlashan Crescent is in a dangerous condition, daxe to a depression in the same. Ald. Buckher spoke about the lighting of 0akes Park and asked whether it was going to be possible to adjust the lights for use by other types of sports. Aid- Miller spoke of the very bad condition of the two railway crossings on Victoria Avenue at Buttrey Street, near the Yolley Coal Company plant. Ald. Frank suggested that markings should be placed on the sidewalks on Falls Avenue, to direct bridge and through traffic into separate lanes. The Ald- erman suggested that for traffic going north the two lanes on the right should be for bridge traffic and the two lanes on the left for through traffic; and for traffic going south, the two right-hand lanes should be for through traffic, and the two left-hand lanes for bridge traffic. Aid. Bucknor suggested that the traffic by-law should be ~e~iewed with regard to the parking regulations, and thought it might be advantageous to est- ablish loading zones for delivery vehicles, particularly in the vicinity of the Centre. - Ald. Frank asked that information be obtained f~om the Dominion Govern- merit as to the regulations governing the altitude at which aeroplanes are permit- ted to fply over this City; as he felt some planes have been flying too low for safety and would endanger the pAblic in case of an accident. Ald. MacDonald spoke about the very dusty condition of Ellis Lane. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Frank. READ AND ADOPTED, August 12, 1948~~-~'~AAa~'- FINANCE ~EETING Council Chamber, August 6, 1946. The .finance coxmmittee met on Tuesday, August 6, 1946, for the pArpose of spproving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cer- tified and placed before them. All marebets of the Com~nittee, with the exception of Ald. Scott, were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to $16,679.23. The accounts submitted, being passed or othervdse dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Frank and ~ldale. The offer of Ingham and Smith, for Lots 178, 180, 181, Broughton and B~ttrey Streets, for $500.00, as laid over from the previous meeting, was pres- ented. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of 'Ald. B~ckner and Frank it was o~ered that the c~fer be received and the firm be advised the lots will be sold for the full assessed value of $1,050,00; . with the stipulation that the condition the lots must be kept suitable to the approv- al of the City Manager at all times. An offer was presented from JOe. Trabucco for the purchase of part of Lots 187, 186, Broughton Avenue for $500.00. Upon the recommendation of the Pro- perty Commi'~%ee, and on the motion of Ald. B~ckner and Frank it was 6rdered that the offer be received and laid on the table for one v~ek. The report of the Property Committee, upon the above matters, was pres- ent ed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. B~ckner and Frank that the report be received and filed. The comparison of tax collections as at Yuly 31st, 1946, was presented. It was ordered on the metion of Ald. ~vidsle and Frank that the statement be rec- eived and filed, as very satisfactory. Applications for building permits were presented, and the following ac- tion taken thereon: ORDERED on the motJan of Ald. B~ck~er and MacDonald that the applicat- ion for approval of a garage at 1943 Stanley Avenue be laid on the table and ref- erred back to the City Manager to ascertain to v~aat use this garage is to be put. The matter of the proposed resolution dealing with insurnace, as ref- erred from the Council meeting, was considered. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Xnglis and Ald. Frank that the resolution be withdrawn and a meeting be held with the Canadian Fire Undem~riters' Association for the discus- ~sion of the matter of inaurauce in the City of Niagara Falls. The Committee adjourned on the motion of~Ald. Twidale and B~ckner. -READ AND AD01~ED, la August, .1946. COUNCIL ~,~ETING Counci 1 Chamber, 6 ~ust, 1946. The Council re-assembled at the close of the re~tar council +rod finance nBetin~s for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Con~aittee. All marebets of the Council, v~ith the exception of .~ld. Scott, were present. BY-LA;'~ The following By-law was passed: No. 3904 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. ~h'~'idale and Frank that Aid. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-la:,~ be given the first reading- Carried. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and MacDonald that l~ule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law read a second time - Carried. 3rdreading -Ald. 9:idsle and Frank - Cerried. The .Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKdnley and Frank. RF~D AND aDOPTED, 12 August, 1946. Deputy Clerk Mayor Council Chamber, 6 August, 1946. The Confernce Committee mat at the close of the reSt!st council and finance meetings, for the purpose of considering the mtter which had been pres- ented to thm~. All m~bers of the Con~l~tee, with the exception of Ald. Sco~t, were present. After consideration of the matter presented, and on the motion of Ald. Miller and Frank, the Committee adjourned. ~READ AND ADORED, 12 AUgust, 1946. 523 FORT~-FI3ST x~.ETING Counell Chamber, in. August, 1946. Pursuant to adjournment, the Colancil met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, August 12, 1946, for the purpose of considering general business and fin--ca. All mem- bers of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Scott, wore present. The Council, havi~ received ~na read the minutes c~ the previous meetina, adopted these on the motion o.f Ald. Twiddle and Miller. DEPUTATION In connection with the tenders robmAtted for fire apparatus, and on the motion of AId. Twidale and McKInley, Chief ~.C.Shapton was heard. Chief Shapton inforzzd C~Ancil of the unit for which tenders had been called, the calfcity of - the name and the use ta which it would be put if the same were ~curchased. ~EE Tenders Tenders were sUhn~tted for a truck nh-ssts and cab for the fire depart- merit; and for pureper and equipment to be mounted on such chassis. It was ordered on the motira of Ald. MoElnley and Frank that tha tenders submitted be opened. It was further ordered. on the motion of Ald. T~idale and Frank that the usual procedure be followed, a tabulation be prepared and all information assembled, ~r~ relaxTed back to the Council. ~ e~so F~n~-ce meeting CC~INICATIONS The followtn~ Cumxmtcations were presented: No. 359 - Frank M. Kelly - re lease of Maft Straohan for I~t 6, l~ridge Street. ORDEP~D on the motion of Ald. Fr~-~ and Bucknet tlmt the comm,,-tcatiou be referred to the City Solicitor. No. 360 - Henry Pupst - requesting permission to erect three summer cabins. 0R- DEt~D on the motion of AId. Frank and MacDonald that the ccsmmnication be refer- red to the City ~--~er for a report. No. 361 - OB.Blundy - x~questtng restricted p~rklng space on River Road. C~DERED oa the motion of AId. l~xc_~Tn-r and M~Einloy that the comn,,nicatton be referred to : ~ ~A~ffiO Ceam~ttna for a rol~m~ at the next meeting. No. 362 -Louth Townahlp . endorsing resolution re lighting of higlNay. ~RDERED on the motion of ~d. bn~ ~d ~d~o ~t the o~,ioation .be rooolv~ ~d filed. No. ~63 - Wartime Housing Liratied - re progress in .building pro~'nmm-, CS~DERED ~ the motl~ of ~, ~dale ~ ~ t~t the oomiea$t~ be reoetv~ ~d ~e ~lten be as~ we wl~ foll~ t~ c~se of ~ oo~tme~on to see that t~ is o~ed t~; ~d that ~ City ~,~e~ :~ see t~ ~he sc~dule Is a~o~d ~. .-- No. ~64 ~ Honmrable Minister ~ Iabcu~ - acknowledging letter to C~ Nat- to~ ~tlwa~, 0~D on ~ ~on of ~. ~ ~d ~e~ that the ~-lea~on ~ ~eoel~d, ~d~.a .~ther oo~ea~ton~ sent ~ ~, ~tohe~ t~. ~e esutdera~on be given ~o o~ ~l~st as we ~ bye h~ a ~y fRm ~ H~omble ~, C~lo~ ~ the ~ ~ger ~ ~ho ~tlway. ~or.~ ~s mo$t~, it ~ moved by ~d, ~-~ and ~dde tha~ t~ eo~t~on be nOely~ and filed, ~t ~ ~tl~.wu No. 365 - Canadian National Railways - acknowledging letter re substitution of b~seS. 0RDF~R~D on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Frank that the comnnAnication be r~ceived and laid on the table. No. ~86 - C~dtan Natlo~al Railways - acknowledging letter re smoke nuisance at roundhouse. O~DERED on the motion of Ald. B~ck~er and MacDonald that the commun- ication be received and tabled until we hear some report. No. 367 - BEll Telephone Com~an~r of Canada No. 368 - Bell Telephone Company of Canada - requesting permission to replace move poles. C~DERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and Twidale that permission be granted and the necessary by-law be presented. SEE ~ -The following Reports were' presented: No. 197 - Deputy Clerk -. re conference held on August '6th. (RDI~ED on the motion of Aid. Twidale and McKinley that the report be received. No. 198 - Deputy Clerk - recunmending issuanceof liceraces. 01~DERED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and MCKinley that the report be adopted. No. 199 - DEputy Clerk - re conference of Fire Chiefs. 0RDER22) on the motion of Aid. Twirlale and Frank that permission be granted to the Fire Chief to attend the ccxlference. RE SOLUT I The following Resolutions were l~ssed: No, 175 - FPAN~ - MIII~R - RESOLVED that. the action of His Worship Mayor Inglls, in appointing Aldex~an W.C.MaeDanald enacting mayor from August 13th to ~0th, in- 'clueire, during the absence of His Worship from the City, be and the same is here- by approved; and the Seal of.the Corporation be hereto affixed. O~ried No. 176 - FRANK - BU~ - IF~SOLVED that the matter of the street railway signals 'in the City be drawn to the attanti ou of the Niagara, St. Cathaxines ,u4 Toronto Railway, with the request that'signs, advising that these are only rsilwy signals, which will be seen easily by day and by night, be ¢ected for the guidance of the motering l~Ablie; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Curried No. 177 - ~ - FRANK - RE~0LV~D that the City Manager be tnstrmcted to proc- ure two benches, similar to those used in 0akes Carden ~atre, ~ he placed at ~e fnt of the City ~1; a~ the Se~ of ~e Co~orati~ be hereto ~fixed. following I~-laws were passed: No. 3905 - To authorize the executloa .of an Agreement wlth the Corporation of the Village of Chippaws. OI~ERED on the mottea of AId. MaEinley and Fr~,~ that AId. Miller be given the privilege of Introducing the by-law, and the by-law be given the firS. t · eading- CulTted, It was then ordered .on the motion of AId, FA~nk and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) c~ the Standin~ I~AleS cf C~Anetl be .temporarily suspalded ~d ~e by-~w 3rd reading ~ Aid. Fran~ and Bucknor - Car:led. ,No. 3906 - To prQvide for permission to The Bell Telephone Company of Canada to move one pole on Fergason Street, and to replace one pble on Buttrey Street, in the City of Niagara Falls. 0I~EHED on the motion of Aid. Twidele and MacDonald that Aid. Frank be given the Irivilege of introducing the by-law,. end the by-law be given the first reading - Carried. It wen then ordered on the motion of Aid. MCKinley s~d Miller that Rule 36 (2) of the Stending Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law reed a second tim - Carried. 3rd feeding- AId. Twirlale and Buckler - Carried. :No. 3907 - To authorize the execution of an Agreenent for Sale and Deed. 0RDE~U~ on the motion of Ald. ~idale and McKinley aM Ald. Miller be .given the privilege of introducing the by-law, end the by-law be given the first reading- Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Bucknar and MacDonald thet Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily ans.pended and the by-law read a second time - Carried. reading- Ald. Twidale and McKinley - Carried. MXSCwr.~4NEOU8 Ald, Miller spoke about the railway ores sing on Victoria Avenue at ~t- trey Avenue, ~htch is being repaired by the City workmen, and pointed out that ~ rapairs to the roadway between the tracks were the responsibility of the rail- way company. Aid. Bucknor advised that at t~e location of the excavation in front of a house on Victoria Avenue, Opposite the new A. end P. ~tore, the barricade is not of a very strong construction; and suggested. that the contractor for the work should be instructed to make it mush stronger. Ald. l~xokner stated he felt arrangements should be made to provide a daily colleotion of garbage from hotels and restaurents during the present sea- son, end in perti0ular, asked that arrangements be rode for one ~est4xu~ant on Bridge Street.. .' Aid. Ruckner suggested that an bndeavour be rode to make arrangements with the Finley Fish Company, who are purchasing a vacant lot at the corner of Cantre Street and Ellen Avenue, for the use of .such lot fc~ perking purpose, to ansist persome desiring to do business on Centre Street. Aid. MoKinley suggested 'that the City tt~.~gar take up with the Solicitor the matter of t~ttcks transporting waste paper t~o~out the City, ~ ~rmitt~g ~e s~e to blow ~er ~he s~ets, to see ~ a by-law oo~d ~ ~ss~ to require ~oh tme~ to oove~ ~eir l~ds ~th a t~ulin, ~ eli~e ~is nuis~e. / ~. ~o~er spo~ a~t the ~uer in whioh ~. stop to pick up ~d diso~ge ~ssen~. on ~e business st~ee~, ~d s~gested ~$ the City ~ i~cted to ~ca~ with the ~d ~ ~11~ CoSssi~e~s ~ a ~est t~t suoh ~ses ~ requir~ to oo~ly wi~ the ~o ~s ~d ~rk only in ~e ~esorl~4 ~as in a pro~ mnn~re .: AId. MaoDonald suggested that part or the funis set aside for the Obese of ,a steam roller might be used to pux~hene an additional t~x) and oneh-elf . or three ton truck for use cf the streets dela~tment. His Warship Me~ar Inglis explained '-,hat the appxop~iation far enoh pux~hase of a s~ee2 roller wc~ld be a oapltal-eZpendituro, approwed ,bFthe Onte,x~Ao M~uloipal Booed, and,.tie funds could not be used for any other equipment. The Council adjourned cn the motion of Ald. Twidale and Frank. EEAD AND ADOPTED, 19 August, 1946. / / FINANCE ~ETING Courtell Chamber, August, 1946. ~he Finance Comm4ttee met on Monday, 12 August, 1946, for the parpose of approving and also of passing tie various accounts which had been properly cer- tified and placed before then. All members of the Committee, with the exception of Aid. ~cott, were px~sent. Sunix7 accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to $28,862.61. The accounts submitted, being pensod ar otherwise dealt with, ware ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Frank and McKinley. The applicatiou for a building permit for a ~rage at 1943 Stanley Ave- nue, as laid over fr~n the ltevic~s meeting, was presented. It wen ordered on the motion of Aid. Frank ~-~ McKinley that the application be received and filed, as a permit is not neoessaxT, inasmuch as one wen obtained for this work some time previensly. The offer of ;os. Tr~bucco of $500.00 far Lots 186,187, Br~ughton Ave- nue, as laid over from the previous meeting, was considered. Upon the recommend- ation of the Property Cnmm~ttee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and l)Ackner it wen ordered that the offer be accepted. An offer was presented from ~ror C. Delduca for the purchase of Lot 806, 2t~-3ey Avenue for $75.00. Upon the recommendation ar the Property Comm4ttoe, and on the motion of AId. Bucknor and Twidale it was ordered that the offer be antopted, subject to the condition that the Department of Municipal Affairs will approve of the trausaction at the price stated. A report wen presented from the City Treasurer advising of a request fc~ tim assignment Of an agreement for 1356 Menzie Street from V.Hurley to Rnssell Steinburg. Upon the recommendation of the Propax~y Comm4ttoe and on the motion of AId. M~Klnley und Frank it ms crdured that the st~gestion be accepted, with the umierst~n~tng t~at the interest .of the municipality is to be protected fully. An offer was Iresanted from lnghae and Smith for the lalrpose of Lots 57 527 '~o 61, inclusive, 1~_~ 10~ Fifth Avenue for $625.00, Upon the zeoommen~ation of the Property Committee and m the motion of Aid. Frank and ~Ackner it was ordered that the offer be laid on the table for one week to permit the me~ere of the C~mmtt~ee to ~lew the premises. The report of the Property Committee on t~e above matters, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Frank and B~.cknor that the report be roe- aired and filed. It was ordered on the motion of AId. ~Ackner and Frank tlmt the Manager be asked for a full report on the method of purchasing, and on sxl~nation an to why peyment of aeconnts is being authorized by persons other than the mu so desi~-tsd. ~he statement'of relief for the month of ~uly was presented~ It ordered on the motion of Aid. Twidale and l~Ackner that the statement be received and filed. Applications fc~ building permits were presented, and the following action taken thereon: It was ordered on the motion of Ald. BcKinley and ~xckner that permis- sion be granted for alterations and additions to the restaurant at 1393 Ferry Street. An amendment was ~ade by His Worship Me~c~ Inglis and Ald. Twidale that p~rmiseion he not granted, but the amendment was deafsated. In this connection, Bis Worship M~tcr Inglis ashed that the fire chief ex.mtne the Fernlees and see that the whole property conforms to the fire by-laws. It was ordered on the moticn of Ald. Frank and McEinloy that permission he greeted for the erection of an addition at 1793 Ferry Street. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Frank and MacDonald that permis- sion he granted for the installation of two gasoline tanks and pumps at 1500 It was ordered on the motion of ~. Twidale and B~ohaer that permis- sion he g~amted for the erection of a garage at 1260 lopcon Street. Xt was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Frenk that permission be g~anted for the erection of a garage at 1743 Robinson Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Twirlale and Bucknor that permis- sion he granted for the erection of a garage at 611 Ellis Street. A motion was rode by Ald. T~ldale and MacDonald that the City Manager he instructed to bring in a tabulation of the tenders for fix~ app~atus in two weeks' time; but the motion was not presented and voted on. TMs Committee adJouxme~ on the motlonger Ald.. Bucknor and COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 12 August, 1946. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and finan- ce meetings, fc~ the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the ac- counts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council, with the exception of Aid. Sco~t, were present. BY-LAW The following By-law was ~assed: No. 3908 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. 01~)ERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Frank that Ald. Mdller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be given the first reading- Carried. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. Twidale and B~ckner that Rule ~6 (2) of the Standing l~tles of Council be temporarily.~uspended and the by-law read a second time - Carried. 3rd reading -Ald. Buclmer and MacDonald - Carried.. ~he Council adjourned m the motion of Aid. Twidale and Fr~-~. I~EAD AI~ ADOPTED, 19, AUgUSt, 1946. ' Mayor Y FORTY-SECOND ~'~,~ING Council Chamber, 19 A~gust, 1946. Pursuant to adjournment, the Councll met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, August 12, 1946, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of His Worshlp, Mayor Inglts, were present. AId. W. C. MacDonald was enacting mayor during the meeting. The Council, having receiv- ed and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid. McAtinley and Frank. DEI~TATIONS In connection with Co~n,,n~cation No. 38~, and on the motion of AId. l~lck- net and Miller, Mr. X. R. Coattes of the Niagara Frontier Humane ~ociety, was heard. Mr.-Ooattes spoke upon the matter contained in the communication, regarding the horses used for drawing sight-seeing vehicles, and which stand in the sun when parked in the vicinity of Queen Victoria Park. Mr. Coattes stated this matter had been drawn to the attention of the Ontario Society, and it was expected that action would be taken by that group. Mr. Coattea suggested that reserved stands for these vehicles might be allocated where the horses could stand in the shade of trees. See Communication No. COMMUNICATIONS ~aid over from ~revious meeting; No. 360 - Henry Papst - requesting permission to build tourist cabins. CRIIERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and Twidale that the application be refused, due to the shortage of building materials, and Mr. Papst be advised to make an application at a later date. An amendment was prepose'd by A~d. Miller and Scott that Mr. Papst apply to the Department of Highways to see if they will grant him permission, and then come hack to Council; but this motion was defeated. ._ s~.E Deport No. 200. No. ~61 - G.B. Blundy - requesting reserved parking space. (lql~D on the mo~i0n 9f Aid. Frank and Twidale that one-hour parking signs be erected in this area. ~EX Deport No. 201. The foilswing Cnemunioations we~e presented; No. 3~9 - Hencurable Mr. I~phrey Mitchell - re request fc~ substitution of bases. C~ on t~ motion ~ ~. ~k and ~ott t~t the comieation ~ reoeiwed ~d filed. ~ ~e~nt ~ ~esonted ~ ~, ~c~e~ ~d ~r that ~. ~he~ notified ~is Co~eil ~ endeavorS, for ~uite ~m t~e, to have a meeting ~th ~ C~adi~ Natiow~ ~lW officl~s, ~d C~il d~s not ~t him to ~e ~t t~t it is the ~1~ which w~ts the toeing with ~e Ol~y Co~cil; ~S $~s ~ti~ w~ defeated. No. ST1 - Deity Minister of Iknieipal Affairs - instructions of Minister re pro- party sales. C~DE~ED on the motion of Ald. ~Aeknar and M~Eialoy that the commun- ication be receiwed and tabled until such tim as we find out from the Minister as to what his actions are going to be in ~onnsotion with the sale cf lroperty in the City cf Niagara Falls. laid on the table '-until the. meeting'As axTan2e~ with the City ' - .. -. :, ~. · .~- · . · ~.. No. 373 - Carl D. ;~,~nniwell, M.L.A. - re request f~ meeting with Minister of Highways. No. 374 - Carl D. H-nn~well, M.L.A. - decision of Minister re lighting of Quem Elizabeth Way. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Miller and Twidale that the first cc~nuunication tie in with the communication from the Deputy Minister of Highways, and Mr. Hanniwell be given a copy of the letter from the Deputy Minister, and be requested to arrange for a depatation to meet the Minister of Highways. No. 375 - Hydro-Electric Commission of Niagara Falls - re delay in receiving materials for 0ekes Park Lighting. CRDE~ on the motion of Ald. Scott and Twi- dale that the communication be received and filed, and the necessary arrangements he made for the storage of this material on arrival; and that this letter be drawn to the attention of the Niagara Falls Sports Committee. No. 376 - British Methodist Episcopal Church - requesting permission for tag day. ~DERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Scott that the communication be received and filed, and Mr. Plummet be notified that September 14th is available. No. 3?V - Angelo Zoia - requesting permission for fruit stand on Falls Avenue. C~DERED on the motion of P~ld. Frank and McKinley that the communication be re- Ceived and tabled for one week for -a report of the City r~nager an to the type of structure to be erected. No. 378 - Ontario Association of Plumbing Inspectors - re conference in Hamilton. 0RDF~ on the n~ion of AM. Bucknor and Scott that the communication be rs- eelred and the Sanitary Insl~ctor be authorized to attend the convention. No. 379 - Ontario Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation - acknowledging grunt. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Twidale ~ Scott that the communication be received ~-~ filed. No. 380 - Controller of Civil Aviation - regulations re flying over municipalities. ~ on the motion of Ald. Miller and Bucknor that ths Controller of Aviation be asked to write the different airports surrounding Niagara Falls, both on the Canadian and American sides of the river, -quoting the regulations for low flying ever this City. No. 381 - Township of Grantham - resolution re lighting of Queen Elizabeth Way. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank that the communication be received and filed. No. 382 - Miss Alexandria H~son - re horses of sightseeing carriages in sun. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and Twidale that the con~m,nicati on be received and laid on the table for one week and a report from the City M~naSer be brought in as to possible sites for these horse-drawn vehicles. REPORTS The followin~ Reports were presented; No. 200 - City Manager - re request for perMission to erect tourist cabins. 01~ on the motion of Aid. Frank and TxAdale that the report be adopted. No. 201 - City Manager - re parking space on River Read. 0RDE~D on the motion of Ald. Frank am4 Twi,daie that the report be adopted. No. 202 . City Manager - reenmm~nding issuance of licenses. CRDERED on the motion of Ald. TwAdale and Scott that the applications be granted. No. 20S - City Manager - re request for permission for concert and street danes. C~ on the motion of Ald. Frank and TxAdale that the repc~t be received and filed, and permission be granted. The following Resolutions were passed; No. 178 - ~IDAIE - Mel~l~ - I~ES0L~D that a tentative date for the meeting to discuss assessments with the City SoliCitor and Assessor be set for 7.30 p.m. on Wednesday, August. ~-lst; and the Seal cf the .Corplcration be hereto affixed. ~.. ~ CarrAed, No. 179 - TWIDALE - MILLER - RESOLVED ~.bet a vote of thanks be extended to the Niagara Feels Horticultural Society for the splendid flower show which the Society ~reccntly conducted; and the Seal of the Corporation be .h. ereto affixed. Carried. No. 180 - BUCKNER - TWIDALE - IF. SOLVED that eel men, discharged from the armed forces since October 1,1945, be granted exemption from Poll Tax for the year 1946; and the Sees of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried. No. 181 - FRANK - MIT.TF.R . RESOLVED that the same territory on the city streets, which wan to have been covered by perking meters, be marked out in spaces of approximately twenty feet, fc~ the convenience of motorists, such work to be con- ducted at the earliest possible moment; and the sees of the Corporation be here- ~o affixed. BY-lAWS Carri ed. The following t~y-Laws were passed; No. 3909 - To authorize the execution of a Deed. 0RDEF~D on the mo~lon of AId. Mckinley and Sco~t that Aid. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time. - Carried. · It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. Fr~k and MoEinley that Rule ~.6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the-by-law he given the second reading. - Carried. 3rd. Reading - AId. Teddale and Scott. - Carried. No, .3~10 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement fcT Sale .and Deed. CRIIERs~ on the motion of A/d, Twidale and Scott that A/d. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time. - Carried. It was then ordered on the motion of M.d. ~uckner and McEinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by- law be given the second reading. - Carried.. 3rd. Reading -Ald. Frank and ~ott.- Carried. NO, 3911- To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed, CRE~I~D on the motion of AId, S~ott --a Bucknet that Aid. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read a first .time. - Carried, It was then ordered on .the motion of Aid. M~Kialey and Frank that Rule ~6 (2) .of the Standing Rules of Councll.b~ !tempOrarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. -'Carried.' Srd, Reading - Aid, Twidale ~nd Frank, - Carried, No, .3.912 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale end .Deed, ~ on the motion of Ald.12eXinle~an~ Twidale that AId, Miller be giWe~ the privilege.of introducing ~he by-law. and. the by-law be read a time, - Carried, '. It wen then ordered on the motion'of Ald, Bucknor and 8~ott that S6 (2) of the Standing l%ales of Council be ~anperarily suspended and the byelaw be given ~he second reading, - Carried, ...... e. Srd, Reading ~ AI~o Twidale end F~ank, , Carried, ' ' .... :' MISCELLANEOUS AId. Bucknor spoke about the barricade around an excavation on Victoria Avenue, about which instructions had been issued at the previous meeting, and stated that no action had been taken as yet. AId. Bucknet asked if any progress had been made with regard to the preparation cf costs of closing the swimming pool for winter use. The City Manager advised that the costs were being prepared. AId. Bucknet asked what progress was being made with regard to street signs,and the City Manager advised that it was expected these would be available by the middle of September. AId. Bucknet asMed what progress was being made with regard to the storm sewers. The City Manager stated that the city employees are now working at making test holes, and that it maybe necessary to bring in a well drill to make the nec- essary tests. Aid. Bucknet'mentioned the condition of the city streets due to the paper ~ups which are discarded by persons patronizing chips fmm the chip wagons. The Alderman also spoke about the nuisance created by these wa~ns in parking on city streets, and the fume from which rise and snBoy occupants of buildings in the area. The Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Frank and Twidale. IF-~DANDADOPTED, August 26th, 1946. Clerk Council Chamber, 19 August,1946. The Finance Committee met on Monday, 19 August,1946,for the purpose of · approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly certified ~ placed before them. All members ~f the Committee, with the exception of His Worship Mayor Inglls, were present, Sundx7 Acecants were approved by the Committee, amounting to $8,305,78. The accounts submitted, beln_~ passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the money by-law for 1Fesentation to the Council, on the motion of Aid, Frank and McKinley. .... The' 'offer of Xngham and Smith for Lots 87 to '61, Fifth Avenue for $625.00, as laid uver from the previous meeting,' was presented. Upon the recommendation of ' the A~operty Committee and on the motion of AId, S~ott and BUckneT it was ordered that the A~pplicatlOn be laid on the table for one wee, area that the City Manager discuss the situation with tbs members of the firm, An offer was presented from Carlo Romano for the lmr0hase of Part of Lots 206,20~, Hickson Avenue for ~50.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee ,we on the motion of Aid, ~.F~.ask ,re BUcknet it was ordered that-the offer benol~ accepted, An offer was presented from Gino ~i~tin for the per chase of Lots 206, 807, Hickson Avenue for $500.00. Upon the reccmm~ndation of the Property Concertos '~and on the motion of-Aid. Fx~nk and t3ueknor it was ordered that the offer be accept- od, subject to the condition that a building of the approximate value of is erasted on the premises within a period of six months. A co~..~,nlcati on was presented.from It. F. Logan, requesting a price of lands known as the Morse and Missnet property, for Albert Bvoullletto. Upon the reccenendatlon of the Property Committee Ar~ on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank It was ordered that Mr. T.OgaU be advlsed the lands are not for sale at the present time. A communisation was presented from Victor LaR0che, requesting the ref,~d of a deposit on Lot 14, Plan 40, Hamilton Street. Upon the recommendation of the l>roperty C0mm~ttee and on the motion of Ald. Frank and Twidale, it was ordered that the refund be granted. A communication was presented from A. N. Moody, requesting ~he of a deposit on Lot 2~-1, Plan 9, Mcl~ae Street. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Aid. Twidale and l~xckner, it'was ordered that the refund be made. The report of the Property Committee, on the above matters, was pre- sented. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. T~dalo and Bucknet that the report he received ~-~ filed. A report was presented from the City Manager, regarding fill for Wartime Housing dwelling lots. It was ordered on the motion of A]d. Twidale and Frank that permission be granted to the City M~r~er So negotiate for fill for these lots. Applications for bUilding permits, ware presented, and the following action taken thereon; 01~ on the motion of Aid. Twidale and McKinley that permission be granted to oonstruc~ an addition to a workshop at 812 l~ckley Avenue. 01~ on the motion of AId. Fz~n~ and McKinley that permission be granted to instel two tanks and gasoline lmmps at 1840 Sta~dsy Avenue. 0~I~D on the motion of Ald. 'Frank and l~xskner that permission be granted to make alterations to the front of the building at ~-025 Main Street. Xt was ordered on the motion of Ald. Twidale and McKinley that l~rm- ission be granted fo~.an addition to a garage at 1023 Stamford Stx~et. 0RD~ on the motion of Aid. FranM and TWidale that permission be granted to e~ect a garage at 819 Victoria Avenue. 'granted to erect' a garage at 1871 Ferry 8treat. 0I~ on the motion of Aid. t~ckner and Mckinley that permission he. AId. I~.~ and ,Seot~,.. · The Commi~tee adjourned on the motion of ~FAD ~ ADOPTED, AUgUS~ 26th,1946o COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 19 August, 1946. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetings, for the purpose of passing the money by-lawwhich covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council, with the exception of Plis Worship, Mayor Inglis, were present. ing the meeting. Ald. W. C. MacDonald was enacting mayor dur- BY-lAW The following By-Law was l~assed; No. ~13 - To Crant Monies for ~eneral Purposes; ORDERED on the motion of Ai~. McKinley and Twidale that Aid. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried. It was then c~dered on the motion of Aid. Twidale and Frank that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law read a second time. - Carried. 3rd. Reading - Aid. Ruckner and Frank - Carried. ~SOLUTI ON The following Resolution was passed; No. 18~ - FI~ - McKINI~ - I~ESOLV~ that the City Manager be authorized to pur- chase forms for benches to he installed at the front of the 0ity Hall; and the ~eal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried MISCEIZANEOUS Enacting Mayor MacDonald advised that he had ~een approached by Dr. Mianes for the removal of a tree on his property on Victoria Avenue. It was stated that the tree is located on private property, and consequently, the City Manager advised that Dr. Mires ~uuld have to n~_ke his own arrangements for its l'emoVel, - The Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Frank and Scott. IF_AD AND ADaP~I), August 26th, 1946. Clerk FAaoting- or. FORTY-T~IRD x~.ETING SFECIAL MEETING Council Chamber, 21 AUgust, 1946. A special meeting ~f the City Council was held at V.30 p.m. on Wednesday, 21 August, 1946, for the discussion of certain matters presented to than. All mem- bers of the City Council were present. DISCUSSION Members of Council discussed with the Assessor various phases affecting the 1946 Assessment for the City of Niagara Falls. At the end of the discussion, His Worship Mayor Anglis, on behalf of the Council, suggested to the Assessor that he proceed with discretion, and make adjustments where inequalities existed; and the Council recommended to future councils that a proper appraisal be made of all properties in the nunicipality. 'ES0~TI~S The following Resolutions were. passed; No. 183 - TWIDALE - McKINI~ - I~ESOLVED that the necessary help be secured to address the envelopes to mail the assessment notices by September 9, 1946; and tee ~eal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 184 - McEINIj"f - SCOTT - RESOLVED that HAs Worship M~or Inglis and the City Manager confer with the Niagara Parks Commission to make arrangements for the entertainment of the Lord Mayor of x~-chester, England; and the Seal of the Corp- oration be hereto affixed. '" Carried No. 185 - FRANK --BUCENER - RESOLVED that the attention of the Board of Police Commissioners be drawn to the fact that the traffic officer on duty at the corner of Clifton Hill and F~11e Avenue should be equipped with a white helmet and white gloves; and the Seal of the Corporation be hersto affixed. C arri ed No. 186 - MIT.vER - MacDONALD - RESOLVED that the motion made in the finance meet- ing c~ July ~.2, 1946, re the moving of a building on city streets, be rescinded; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 187 - t~V.?ER - MaeDC~ - I~LVED that a permit be issued to move a small frame building from the corner of Sirecos 8treat and Victoria Avenue to Lombard Avenue by the following route; West -~imcoe Street, Second Avenue, Morrison Street, Stanley Avenue and Lincoln Street to Lombard Avenue; that the City Solicitor be requested to prslmre an agreement protecting the City against any damage done to persons or property du~ing the moving c~ the building on the streets of the City of Niagara Falls; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried MISC~-x.v~NE0~S His Worship,M~Vor Inglis suggested that instractions he issued to the City IA~nager that .ha notify tee members of all departments that tha~ cannot accept anployment from individuals or corporations other than the m-_n'cipal corpsration. No action was taMan by the Courtell. ~B Council adjourned on the motion of;Ald.~t~kn~er and Mille~. I~EAD AND ADOITED, AUgUSt 26th,1946. Clerk FORTY-FOURTH MEETING Council Chamber, 26 ~AtgUst, 1946. REGULAR MEETING Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, august 26th, 1946, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All mem- bers of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Miller, were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the regular meeting of August 19th, and, the Special meeting of August 21st, adopted these on the motion of Ald. T~ddale and AId. Scott. UNFINISHED BUSINFSS Laid over from previous meeting; No. 377 . Angelo Zoia - requesting permission for fruit stand on Falls Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Add. Twidale and Ald. MacDonald that the request be refused. SEE Report No. 204 COMMUNICATIONS The following Communications were presented; No. 383 - Bell Telephon~ Company - requesting permission to place buried cables, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. MacDonald that the communication be received and permission granted. EP~TS The following Reports were presented; SEE By-Law No. 3915 No. 204 - City Manager - recommending that Mr. Zoia's application for fruit stand be refused. (IRDERED on the motion of Aid. Twidale and AId. MacDonald that the re- port be received and adopted. No. 205 - City Msnager - re parking space for horse-drawn vehicles, out of sun. ORDERED on the motion .~f Ald. Frank and AId. Bucknor that the repc~t be received and adopted.. No. 206 - City Manager - re constraction cf water main on Detroit Avenue. 0RnE~ED on the motion of Ald. Buckher sad Add. Scott that the report be received and adopted. No. 207 - City Manager - re c~nstruction c~ sewer on Stanley Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Twidale that the repert be received and adopted. No. 208 - City Manager - recommending issuance of licenoes. ORDERED on the motion ~ ,Aid. Frank and Ald. MacDonald that the applications be granted. SEE Resolu. t. ipn No. 191 No. 209 - C~ty Manager - other locations available for construction uf Wartime F, ousing Limited homes. (~DERED on the motion of Aid. Twidale end Ald. MacDonald that we present application for fifty more Wartime houses and instruct the City Man- ager to condition the streets and divide the lots in equal proportion. Ald. Buck- nor asked to be recorded as contrary to this motion. No. 210 - City Manager - recommending refund of A~Oll Tax for 1946. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Bucknor and Aid. Frank that the report be received and adopted, No. 211 - City Manager - methods used re purchase of materials by City. ORDERED on the motion c~ Aid. McKinley that Mr, ~, R. MeEtAdo who was present at the Meet- ing be heard. There was no seconder, ORDERED. on the motion of Aid. Frank and aid. MacDonald ~that the repor~ 'of the !City-Manager be received and adopted, 5 ,9 " I~SOLU'K 01~ The following Resolutions were passed; No. 188 - A.W.SCOTT - R. ~JCKNER - RESOLVED that Whereas a resolution was forwarded by the City of Niagara Fa]]a to the Ontario Municipal Association dealing with the recent ruling of the Department of X~inicipal Affairs respecting the sale of lots acquired by the Corporation by reason of the registration of tax arrears certificates; and Whereas this resolution is No. 12 on the Ageride for consideration at the Forty- Eighth Annual Meeting of the Association; and Whereas the City of Niagara Falls has been assured that the Department of Municipal Affairs will approve the sale of lots as recommended by the Council of the City of Niagara Falls. Therefore be it resolved that the City of Niagara Fails request the Ontario Municipal Association to .withdraw Resolution No. 12 from consideration at the forthcoming annual meeting; an~ the Seal of the Corporati on be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. No. 189 - A.W.SCOTT - A.D.FRANK - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the City Council be held on Tuesday evening, September 3rd, 1946 at 7.30 p.m. and t~e Seal of the Cc~pc~ation he hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. .:BY-LAWS The following B~-Law was passed; No. 3914 - To amend By-Law Number 3791, designating Threu~h Highways (R~ERED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and-AId. Scott that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. Carried It was then ordered on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. MacDonald that R~le 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. Carried. 3rd. Reading - AId. Twidale end Ald. Bucknet. Carried. The followingBy-Law was presented; No. 3915 - To provide for permission to The Bell Telephone Company of Canada to place buried cables. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Buckher and Ald. Twidaie that Aid. Scott he given-the privilege of introdUCing the by-law and the by-law be read the first tim. Carried. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and AId. MacDonald- that Rule 36 ~} of the Standing l~Ales of Council he tamporarAly suspended and the by-law be read the second time. Carried. At this time, it was ordered on the motion of,Ald. ~ekner and Ald. Twidale that the by-law be referred to ~the City Solicitor pointing out the fact that-the City is unprotected against liability which may occur during the con- struction of this work and the by-law be amended accordi~gly.-Carried. AId. Bucknet referred to the excavation on fictoria Avenue opposite Willmort Street, around which barricades have not as yet been erected and again pointed out the danger to passing pedestrians, especially school children. The City ~ager advised that the Dep~t~ Clerk had oommuaicated with the owner of this property to this effect, and, he also wrote last Tuesday, On Friday he saw a Stuck load of lumber and had presumed that the necessary barricades were going ~to be erected, but, as no action has been taken, steps will be taken ~mmediately to 'see that barricades are erected. .. It was then ordered on the motion of AId. Frank and Aid. Soott that the Council adjourn to FinanCe Meeting with AId. Twidale acting as Chairman. READ ANDADOPTED, September 3rd, 1946. Clerk FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 25 August, 1946. The Finance Committee mst on Monday, August 26, 1946 for the purpose of approvingand also of passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee, with the exception of Ald. Miller, were present. Acting Chairman, Ald. Twidale, presided. Sundry Accounts were approved bY the Committee, amounting to $58,925.12. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Frnnk and Ald. Scott. The offer of Ingham and Smith for Lots 57 to 61, Fifth Avenue, laid over from the previous meeting, was presented. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of A]fi. t~Ackner and Ald. MacDonald it was ordered that the appllication be laid on the table for 1 week. The offer of P. L. Reilly to purchase Lot 35, Symmes Avenue, for the stun of ~00. was presented. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor In~lis and Ald. Frank that Mr. Reilly be advised that this property is not for sale at the present time and the City Manager be instructed to request Mr. A. Blanch to have a survey made and submitted to the City Manager for approval at the earliest possible moment. The offer of Carlo Romano to purchase Lot 208, Plan 32, Hickson Avenue for the sum of $250.00 was presented. Upon the recommendation of the Property Com- mAtree and on the motion of Ald..Buckher and Ald. Scott it was ordered that the offer be accepted. A com~unication from the Toronto General Hospital re hospitalization for Iohn Combs was presented for consideration, along with a report ~from C. E. Stock. No action was taken by Council to refuse to accept liability. The summary of tenders for chassis and cab and equipment to be mounted thereon, for Fire Department was presented. ' It was ordered on the motion of Ald. S~ott and Ald. Frank that the summary be laid over until the Fire Chief returns. Applications for building permits, were presented and the following action taken thereon; ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Bucknet and Aid'. Scott that permission be g~anted to construct an addition to garage to be used as chicken coop at 570 Fourth Avenue. a~RERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Frank that permission .be g~anted to. qonstruct an addition to-a dwelling at 392 Morrison Street. CRIIERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and Aid. MaoDonsld that permission be granted to construct an addition to a store at 1471 McDonald Avenue. 0P~ on the motion of Ald. Frank and AId. McKinley that the applicat- ion for permission to conarmor an office on the N.Y.C. riSht-of-way at the eo~ner cf Clark and Robinsen Streets, be laid on the table for one week and the City Man- ager be ~oquested to p~esent a repo~t "' ~ Resolution No. lgl. A communication fxum the Insurance Committee requesting Conference Meeting was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and AId. Frank that a. Conference Meeting be a~ranged for Monday, September 16th. RES OLUTI ON following Resolution was passed; No. 190 - MAYOR INGLIS - A.D.FRANK - RESOLVED that the City Manager be instructed to approach the Niagara Falls Civic Employees' Union No. 153, and, the Fire Depart- ment to ascertain their views on civic employees doing work outside their municipal employment and a report be presented on this extra employment of Civic employees; .and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. On the motion cf Aid. Frank and Aid. McKinley the Finance Coraltree arose and re- ported to Council. READ AND ADOPA'~D, September 3rd,1946. Clerk Acting Chairman COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, ~6 AUgUSt, 1946 The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetings, for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the accounts appreved by the g0.,,~ttee. All members Of the Council, with the exception of ~Miller, were present° 'B',e following By-Law was lmxssed; No: ~16 - To Grunt Monies for Geueral Purposes ORDEF~D on the motion Of Ald. Scott and AM. Frank that AM. Twidale be given the privilege Of introducing the reading - Carried. It was then ordered on the motion.~ A~i. T~dale and&ld. l~ckner that Rule 36 (2) of.~he Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and ~he. by- law be read a second time. Cax~ed. , 3rd. ReadinS t Ald. MeEtnleyandAld. MacDonald.-OaxTied. " 'A~o following Resolution was passed; No. 191 - R. ~ICI~YER - A.;.MO~ -,~0L~ that t~ Peael. rich, ~tin8 ~eo~Ma~on to issue a a C 1 a~ s ~e~ael in~uded in ~po~$ No. 208, resai~edi ~ ~ ~ ~ $~ C0~o:ation be he~e~o ~fixed.- , , , ~ '. · .C~ed Un~i~usly. MISCELLANEOUS Aid. McKinley drew to the attention of Coumcil the traffic condition particularly at 5 o'clock when the double header street cars are in service on Quem Street in front of the Post Office and suggested that the Traffic Conmittee might confer with the Assistant Superintendent of the N.S. & T. Rly. to relieve this condition. Mayor inglis suggested that the City Manager take this matter up that the schedule be stepped up so that the time limit between cars could be 5 minutes instead of 10 minutes. Add. MacDonald referred to sewer conditions on Welland Avenue between Armoury and Simcoe Streets and advised that 3 or 4 homes are flooded after an ordinary rainfall and this condition has existed for sometime. Ald. MacDonald enquired whether any reply had been redeived from Pare Marquette re unnecessary ringing of bells. Msyc~ lnglis suggested that the City Manager make personal contact with the General Yardmaster in this connection. On the motion of Ald. ~'rank and Ald. Scott that the Uouncil adjourned to Conference. READ AND ADOPTED, September 3rd,1946. Clerk Council Chamber, 26 August, 1946. The Conference Committee assembled at the close of ~he regular council and finance meetings, for the purpose of considering the matters presented to them. All members of the 0ommittee were present, with the exception of Aid.Miller. After consideration of the matters presented, the Committee adjourned. I~EADANDADOPTED,-September 3rd, 1946. Clerk 541_ '542 FORTY-FIFTH ~EETING REGULAR ~EETING Council Chamber, September 3, 1946. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Turesday, Sep- tember 3, 1945, for the purpose of considering general business and finsuns. All meabers of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Scott and Mac- Donald. COr~,~JNI CATI ONS The following Communic at ions wet e presented: No. 384 - Department of Planning and Development - re proposed subdivision on Pert Lot 123, and 116, Township of Stanford. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and McKinley that the communication be received and-the City Mareget be empowered to go into the matter with the Department of Planning and Development, and after a study has been made, formulate his decision on behalf of the Cosnell. SEE Report No. 212 No. 385 - Niagara Falls Civic Employees' Federal Union - requesting permission for delegate to attend convention and to receive either full pay for time lost or at least part thereof. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Bucknet and MacDonald that the cqm~,nication he received, and as it has bean the practice in the past to allow the delegate's salary to continue while in attendance at the convention, the same procedure be followed this time. The following Reports were presented: No. 212 - City MAnager - re proposed subdision, part of Lots 123 end 116, Stamford Township. Ot~ERED on the motion of AId. Twirlale and McKinley that the City ager be empc~ered to go into the matter with the Delmrt~nt of Planning and Devel- opment, and after a study has been made, formulate his decision on behalf -o~ the · Council. No. 213 - City Manager - conference rep~t. 0RDI~ED on the motion of Ald. Scott and MoEinley that the report be received .and adopted. No., 214 - City Manager - N. S. and T. R~ilway double header cars. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Scott that the matter be tabled until the next meet- ing. · " No. 215 - City Manager - recommending 'iss,,.-ce of licenoes. '0RDEE on the mot- ion of Aid. Scott and MacDonald that the licenoes he granted, of Ald. B~ Ki i obtain a full report nf this accident in writing from the Superintendent of the Filtration Plant, ~ho is res- ponsible for the maintenance and safety ef the employees during the past, and what ha intends to do in the future to avoid similar accidents; that proper pre- oautic~ be taken and instructions given in writing. It was further ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and Scott that, in future, this type of work be done by men experiesced in e~eotrieal work. Both resolutions were adopted. No. ~-17 - City Manager - reoo~nendtng axL1iliary structure at Filtration Plant. (RDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and TWidale that the City Manager be given pexluissicm to p~oeeed with plans for auxiliary structua*e. No. 218 - City _~_ager - recommending refund of poll tax for 1946. O~DEI~D on the motion of AId. McKinley and ~'ddale that the report be received and adopted. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolution was passed No. 192 - tKICENEi! - MILLER - YfiE,SOLVED that the City Manager bring in a report as to the advisability of redecorating the Council Chamber and the cost; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Csx_ried_ An ~aendment to the above resolution was made by Ald. Scott and Frank tlmt the painting of the council chamber be left in abeysnce until the results of the wash- ing now in progress are observed. The ~mend~nent was defeated. _BY-IAWS The following By-laws were pessed: No. 3917 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. 0RDEE on the motion of Ald. Scott and MacDonald that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-la~ be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and i~idale that Rule 36 (21 of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carri ed unanimously. 3rd reading - Aid. ~idale and McKinley - Carried unanimously. .No._ 3918 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and M~cDonald that Ald. Miller be give~ the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the 'first reading - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. Frank and Twidals - Carried unanimously. No_. 3919 - To authorize the execution of a Deed. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and ~idale that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the .by-law, and the by-law be read a first time - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Bucknet and MacDonald that R~le 36 (2} of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by- law be read the second time - Carried unanimously.' 3rd reading - Aid. McKinley and Aid. Scott - unanimously Carried. MISC~.~NEOUS AId. Bucknet advised that he had brought back, for the tnformtion of Council, the final business transactions of the Ontario Municipal Association eonvenition. Xt contained fifty resolutions dealt with at the convention, and he would leave the information with the City Mareget so that members of Council may examine it. He forther advised that the resolutions passed by'the City Coun- cil, in conneetiou with indigent cases, was endorse~ by the Ontario Municipal Association. 545 AId. Twidale advised that the whole conventira of the municipalities was very interesting, but very poorly attended the first day. One point brought out was that the financial standard of the Association must be revised. Expenses were always in advance of revenue although membership had increased. Expensive reprinting of agendas was a factor to be considered. A~ter resolutions were dealt ~ith and discussed they were reprinted and a copy placed on every chair in the assembly hall, and about half were not pitied up. Ald. ~ddale advised that the new secretary of the Association is Grant Craveford. The alderman further advised that the question of the Association hav- ing their convention in Niagara Falls was put to Dr. Horace Brlttain, but, as the records of the Association are in Toronto, it would not he possible for the meet- ing to be held in this City. Reports on the actions taken during the convention are t o be sent out next year. A~d. Miller desired to know vðer any progress had been made in con- nection with the agreement with the Township for conffort stations. The City Man- ager advised that the agreement had been forwarded to the Termship ~r approval. The Engineer is satisfied with the agreement, Just-waiting for the approval of the Council. The Council adjourned to finance on the motion of AM. Scott and Frank. RE,j) AND ~j)0PTED, September 9, 1946. Clerk FINANOE EE~iNG Council Chamber, September 3, 1946. The Finance Ccamittee met on Tuesday, September 3, 1946, for the pur- pose of apl~oving and also of lasslog the various accounts which had been prep- erly certified and placed before them. All m~mbers of the Committee were pros- Sundry accounts were ap!~oved by the 'Committee, mounting to $7,543.95. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money .by-law fc~ presentation to the Council, on the motion of .aIM. ~eott. and Twirlale · The offer of logham and Smith for Lots 57 to 61, Fifth Av?nue, laid over f~om the previous rosering, was again presented for considered. lYpon the ree~nmendation of the Property Cam_ mittse and on the motion of AId. McKinley and Twidale it was o~dered that the request be laid on the table until the lattice call at the!I Clty, Hall to discuss the matter. , The offer of Yes Bedevel to purchase Lot ?5, Plum 6, Ferguson Avenue for the su~x of $50.00 ~vas presented for consideration. Upon the recomI~ndation of t~ ~operty Comittee ~d on the motion of ~d. r,~cDonald and Scott it w~ ~dered that the applicant be advised the sale price is $100.00, subject to the provision that a duelling ~e erected on the pre~s~ wl~in a period of six ~O~S , The offer of V.Ciavollo to purchase Lot 209, Plan 32, Hicl~on Avenue, for the sum of $250.00, was .rresented for consideration. Upon the reco;m~:~endation of the Property Coirmiittee and on the motion of Ald. Buckn~ and ~JcKinley it was ~dered that the offer be accepted. The offer of S.Muscato to purchase Lot 112, Plan 2, North Street, for the sum of $100.00, ~s presented for consideration. Upon the reoc~maendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. MacDo~mld and Frank it was ord- ered that the offer be accepted, subject to the provision that a dwelling of at least $6,000.00 vslue is erected on the premises within a period of six months. The offer of Mrs. Jos. Martino to purchase Lot 846, Plan 653, Lomba.4 Avenue, for the stm of $150.00 was presented for consideration. Upon the recom- mendation of the Property Co~uaittee and on the motion of Ald. 9ridale and MacDon- ald, it was ordered that the offer be accepted, subject to the provision that a dwelling of at least $5,000.00 value is erected on the premises within a period of six months. The offer of E.Scalise to purchase Lots 26 and 2?, Plan 16, Buttrey Street, for the sum of $2?5.00, was pres.:nted for consideration. U~iDn the mendation of the Property Conmittee and on the motion of Ald. ~3~,ida~e and Bucknor it was ordered that the offer be accepted, subject to the provision that a dual- ling of at least $5,000.00 value is erected on the premises within a period of six months. Thereport of the Property Committee on the offers received was adopted on the motion of Ald. ~Avidale and Bucknor. The Council considered the suxl~ary of tenders for chassis and cab and equipment to be mounted thereon for the Fire Deparlment. His Worship l. Xsyor Ing- lie outlined to the finance committee why he was opposed to the purchase of the unit for which tenders had been called. His remarks were as follows: -"accord- ing to the summary of tandots it will cost in the neighborhoold of $8,000.00 for an auxiliary truck to be placed at the Centre Fire Hall. Sometime in the future the fire hall will be on Victoria Avenue and the centre hall will be eliminated. T~o units at the south end Fire Hall are in a dilapidated cohdition. The pureper is about 27 years old. If the unit called for by the tenders under consideration is purchased we are still going to leave two units of equipment not in good shape in service at Main Street Fire Hall. If we are going to spend money for new units for the fire departhoot, a new pumper should be purchased and placed at the South end of the city and the LaFrence pureper placed at Walnut Street as an aux- iliary hose unit. It is possible to transfer the body of the Roe hose truck to a new chassis at an approximate cost of $2,000.00. If it is necessary to have an auxiliary unit at the centre hall, move the pmaper from the south end to the centre or take the body of the Rso hone truck and put i t on a new chassis. I can't see the necessity of placing an $8,000.00 peice of equipment at Walnut Street. The north end fire hall has been brough up to date with modern equipment. N~ give the people consideration at the south end of the City. It is not fair to the people .to make this expenditure at the present time. The new equipment is un- necessary at present. The Council should give serious consideration to this mat- ter. We are going to relocate fire stations some time in the future. If the Fire Chief makes recommendations, he will have to tak~ into consideration there will be disagrement. l~Aying a third pureper now is absolutely necessary.,, It was Ordered on the motion of Aid. 9~idale and MacDonald that Fire C~ief Z.C.Shapton be allowed to address the Council on his requipraments so that the Committee.might arrive at a decision. The Fire Chief outlined the equipment n~v in use at the three fire halls and recommended the !airchase of a unit to be used as an auxiliary fire lmmp and hess ~agon. He stated that he hoped that the new unit would respond to all alarms in the City, and this would make more regular firemen available for duty in the early minutes of a fire. Chief Shap~on stated that, in his opinion, the fire department needed three hose carrying units sad that tha auxiliary hose truck should be equipped with a pump sad booster tank ~r~ ,the proposed unit would have a capacity of 200 gallons. His Worship Mayor Xnglis and Ald. Frank ordered that the tenders be laid on the table for two weeks. The motion was defeated. The vote was as fol- lows: Yea: Na~er In~lis, Ald. Frank and MsKlnley. Nay: Ald. MacDoneld, B~ck- nat, ScOtt and Twidale. Oi~3ERED on the motion of Ald. Scott stud MacDonald that tke summary of tenders be considered. The motion was carried. In connection with the purchase of chassis and cab to be used as aux- iliary fire pump ~nd hose wagon, it was ordered on the motion of Aid. Frank and Bucknet that the fire chief and the city manager make their recommendations. The fire chief preferred either Dodge, G.M.C. ar International units. The City ager agreed with the fire chief, also submitting preference for Chrysler or Fargo. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Bucket and MacDonald that the International unit ha purchased. The motion ~s carried. Mayar Inglis did not vote. He advised the Committee should wait and hear the opinion of the Fire Underwriters' Assoc- iation, should have enough confidence So let the people express their opinion. In connection with the summary of tenders for fire equipment to be mounted on the chassis to be supplied by the City, it was ordered on the motion of Aid. Scott and Frank that the Fire Chief and the City Manager make their rec- ommendations. Both LaFrance Fire Engine Limited and the Blckle-Seagrave Limited were preferred on equal basis by the Chief and the City Manager'. (RDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Twidals that the Bickle-Seagrave unit he parchased. His Worship Mayar Xnglis desired to know whether the purchase price included the imtall~ticm costS. 0RDEE) on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Bucknor that a report he prepared showing the method to be used in financeing the parChase Of this equip- merit for the Fire Department. The applicatica fc~ permissi mm to erect an office at the corner of Clark ~r~ Robinson Streets, lald over from the previou~ meeting, was presented for consideration along with the City M--~ger' report. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDomE and lJackner that the report of the Manager be adopted. Applicati ous far building permits wore presented, and the following ac- tion taken thereon: ORDEREl) on the motion of Ald. Frank and BUckmr that permission be granted to erect a frame 'sign at 1906 Ellen Avenue, under the supervision of the City Manager. 0t~ERED on the motion of Aid. Frank and McKinley that permission he not granted to construct a stucco and frame garage at 427 Ellis Street, and the ap- plicant be advised as to the reason. ~ OI1)ERED on the motion of Aid. Scott and Frank that the application for -perm~salon to construct an addition to a garage at V52 l~erson 0rescent, t9 be used as a dwelling, be laid on the table for one ~sk Until the Council view She lenation. The eom!mrtson of tax collections for-~he m~nth of August, 1946, was prestoted for consideration. It w~ ordered on the motion-of Aid. Twtdele and MacDonald. that the statement be received and filed. The Finance committee arose and reported to Coanci l on the motion of AId.. Twtdale and Frank, -- '. COUNCIL I~EETIICG Counci 1 Ch~aber, September 3, 1946. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular c.uncil and fin- auce meetings, for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the counts aDOrered by the Con~nittee. All members of the Council were present, BY-L.'kW The follo~in~ By-law was passed: No,.. 3920 - To provide monies for General Purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~vidale and McKinley that Ald. Miller be given the privilege ~f introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. i~,cKinley ahd MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by- law he given the second reading - Ca.vried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. t~idale and Bucknor - Carried unuuimously. The Council adjourned to conference on the motion of Ald. IR~ddale and Frank. RF~ AND ADOPTED, 9 September, 1946. Clerk . 00NFERENCE September 3, 1946, · Oct. nell Chamber. The Conference Committee assembled at the close of the regular council ~d finance meetings for the purpose of considering the matters presented to them. All members of the Committee were present. After consideration of the matters presented, the Committee adjourned. Clerk ............. ' ......... .... READ ~ ADOITED, 9 September, 1946. - -,. . - ...... .. FORTY-SIXTH SPECIAL ME~TIE~ Council Chamber, September 9,1946. The City Council assembled at 4.00 p.~n. on Monday, 9 September, 1946, for the purpose ~f discussing insurance matters wi th members of the Insurance Committee and representatives of the Canadian Fire Undenvriters' Association, All members of the Council, with the exception of His Worship E~yor Inglis aml Aid. Scott, were present. Its was ordered on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Frank that AId. Miller be enacting Mayor until the arrival of His Worship Nayc~ Inglis. The Council'then adjourned until the arrival of His Worship, on the motion of Aid. Frank and MacDonald. READ AND ADOPTED, September. 16th,1946. Clerk Council Chamber, September 9,1946. The Council re-assembled at 4.50 p.m. for the purpose ~f continuing con- side.ration upon the matters cf insurance. All members of the Council, with the exception. of Aid. Frank, were present. Mr. R. C. Young, representing the Insurance Co~aittee, discussed matters pertaining to the insurance of the Corporation, and commenced to outline, in detail, the survey whi.ch had been submitted. ~ At 5.30 p.m. the Council adjourned, on the motion of AId. Miller and Bucknor., to re-assemble-at 8.00 p.~. - READ-ANDADOPA'~D, September 16th, 1946. REGU~ I,Eh~IBE Council Chamber, -" .. 9 September,1946. Pursuant to adjourmnsnt,.the Council met at 8.10 p.m. on Monday, September 16th, '~946, for the p~pose ~ considering Cener~ business and fin~ce. All room- ers of the Council were present. The Council, ~vinG received and read the inutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of A~. LXcFdnley and ~cher. CG~CA~ 0~ The following Co~unications were presented; No. 388 - ~c~ 528 international Msociatlon of Fire Fighters No. 387 - Niagara F~ls Civic Employees, Feder~ Union No. 133 - re outside employ- ment for municip~ employees. 0RDEE on the motion of Ald. l~acDomld ~d L~ller t~t the co~icatio~ be filed ~d no action tak~ at the present time. No. 388 - Pete I~rquette Railw~ - re umecessa~ ri~ng of bells on trains. ORDER- ED on t~ motion ~ A~. ~cDo~ld ~d Mc~nley ~at the co~unication be filed. No. 3~ - C~adi~ Under~lters, ~sociation - re meetings ~th Council. 0RDEED on the motion of A~. Fr~k ~d Scott that ~e co~unication be received a~ filed. No. 390 - T~nship of St~d . re draft ag~em~nt re use of property. ~D~ on the motion ~ A~. ~nley and ~cDonald that the ~mtter be referred to the City M~r for a report. No. 391 - Niagara F~ls ttorticult~al Society - requesting grant. 0RDEED on motion of ~. 9~dale and Scott that the grit be made for this ye~. ~TS ~ foll~d~ Reports were presented; ion 219 - City Solicitor - re ~ll Telephone Comply by-hw. 0REED on t~ mot- ~ ~d. ~c~er ~Mc~ey t~t the mp~t be received law giv~ the thud rea~. ~d the neeessay by- SE ~-Mw No.3915 No. 220 - City M~ager - re conference held on September 3rd. 0RDEED on the mot- ion · of AM. ~d~e ~d ~ott that the ~p~t be received. No. 221 - ~c~ ~rd.of Heath, - re health certificates for fo~ han~ers. 0~ on the rotion ~ Ald. ~k ~d ~cDon~ ~at. the ~t be adopted. No. '2~ - Oity ~nager - re decorati~ ~ council ch~ber. ~DEED on"the moron of ~d. ~id~e ~d Mc~nley that ~e reminder ~ ~e room be washed, ~d the ~ole room be ~lnted at a furze date. No. 223 - City ~ager - reco~nding is~ce ~ licenoes. ~ED on the motion of ~. ~c~er ~d ~cDonald t~t the rep~t be adopted. ' No. ~24 - City ~ _ sub~tti~ liceme n~ app~ved by Chief Constable. 0~E on ~e motion of ~. ~ller a~ ~cDonald t~t the report be ~id o~er for one ~ek f~ further advice as ~ ~y the application ~s t~ned down. No. 225 - City M~a er - re double header street c~s. ~. Mc~nel y ~d ~k t~t the rep~t be adopted. 0~EED on the motion of No. 22~ - Superinte~ent. Filtration Fl~t - report of accident at Pl~t. on ~e rotion ~ ~. Fr~k ~d ~cDo~ld ~at ~e report be received ~d filed. ~s Wor~ip s~d to ~ recorded as being against an~ scion as the Council hs taken. ~ ~n~ent was rode by ~d. ~e~er and ~ller that the rep~t be refer~d ~ek to t~ ~perinte~ent for detailed ~swers to questions t~ Council ~ve be~ discussing this everang on the re~rt; bu~ ~s motion was tied and No. 227 -,Dairy Inspector - report for month of August. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Scott that the report be received and given the necessary public- ity. No. 228 - City Manager - re methods .of financing new fire unit. ORDERED on the motion ~f AId. McKinley and MacDonald that the report be adopted. No. 229 - City Manager - recommending refund of poll tax. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Bucknor and Frank that the report be adopted. RESOLUTION The following Resolution was l~ssed; No. 193 - MILLER - MacDONALD - iF_~0LVED that the City Manager be instructed to forward to the family of the late William Hardwick, a message expressing the sym- pathy of the City' Council and citizens of Niagara Feels upon the death of this' respected citizen of the community, and a member of the Niagara Falls Police De- partment for many years; and the Seal of the Gc~pcration be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously BY-LAW T~..e foilcrying By-Law was read a third time and passed; · ..N.o. 3915 - to provide for permission to The Bell Telephone Company of Canada to place buried cable from existing Hydra pole on south side of Ferguson 'Street, across Ferguson Street, t~en west 25' to Glenview Avenue, then north on east side of Glenview Avenue 110' to existing Bell Telephone Company pole, and to place buried cable from'existing hydra pole on Ferguson west to lane (betweem Ferguson and Elgin Streets) than south to Elgin Street east on Elgin at a distance of 57sA', then south across Elgin Street and into lane (between Elgin and May Avenue) a distance of 133', terminating on existing Bell Telephone pole in the lane. '3rd. Reading - Aid. Bucknet and MacDonald - Carried Unanimously. MISCELLANEOL~ Aid. Miller spoke upon the matter of lo~;ering the flag to half mast in respect for Sergeant William Hardwick o~ the Niagara Falls Police Force, whose death occurred during the past week. His Worship Mayor Inglis stated that it v~as not the custom to lower 'the Slag except in the case of death of civic officials. The Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Frank and. Mcataley. READ AND ADOPTED, September 16thZ 194~. .Clerk .: · . ? Council Chamber, 9 September, 1946. " The .Finance Con~nitte~ met on Monday, 9 September,1946, for the purpose of applering and also of passing the various accounts which had bean properly certified and plas.ed before then. All members of the Committee were l~esent. · Sundry Accounts were aplm~ed byethe Committee, amounting to The Accounts submitted, being ~nssed or otherv~ise dealt with, v:ere order- ed placed in the money by-law for uresentation to t~ Council, on the ,orion of Ald. Scott end Frank. ~ Offers f~r purchase of properties ',':er~ presented f~m I.~.rs. Thel'e~a Nemeth Mrs. G. Guild, Yack Giffen, William Chis.mpi and Provincial En~iueering I,i:aited. A conmunication was presented from Mrs. Y. Beceval, requesti~Z a refund of a deposit on a lot. It was ordered on the motion ef Ald. Franlc ax~l ~:.idale that these matters be laid on the table for one v~ek to give the Property Co-~mittee an opportunity to deal with them. The statement of relief for the month of August, was presented. It was ordered on the motion ef AId. Scott and Bucknet that the statement be received and filed. An application, ~':hich had been laid over from the previous meotin~], for permission to convert a garage into a dwelling at 752 R~rso-n Crescent, was con- sidered. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and ~'ddale that the City Manag,er's verbal report, be adopted and permission be not granted. · Applications for building permits were presented, and the following action taken thereon; ORDERED on ~e motion of Ald. Scott and Bucknor that permission be granted for Pe..rmission to erect a double garage at 1361 Cedar Street. ~OAtDERED on the moti on of AId. Bucknor and Frank that permission be granted to tl~ Provincial Engineering Limited to erect an additi on to the factory at B~ttrey Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. DL~cDonald and McKinley that peralssion be gPanted to erect an addition to a garage.at 141 Welland Avenue. A communication was presented from the BOard of Education, requesting payment of the capital sum set up for paving school Grounds. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Bucknor and ~ddale that the necessary checue be made out and forward- ed to the Board of Education. ~ The Committee adjourned on the motion of A~d. Frank and McKinley. i~ AFO ADOITED, September 16th,1946. Clerk COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 9 September,194~. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetings, for the purpose cf passing the money by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Co~mmittee. All members of the Council were present. .The following By-Law was passed; Me. 3921 - To provide monies for. General Purposes. ORDERED on the motion of A~l. Mckinley and Scott that Ald. Mille~ be given th~ privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-~aw be read a first time. Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Twidale and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2} of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by- law given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. 3rd. Reading. -Ald. Scott and ~Ackner - Carried Unanimously. RESOLUTION The following Resolution was passed; No~ 19~ - MaCDONALI~ - ~'~IDALE - RESOLVED that the City ~nager contact l~r. Bray of the Can~diau National Electric Railways to see if arrangements could be made to give the people ~living in the vicinity of Sixth Avenue, a bus service; ~nd the seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Frank and Miller. READ AND ADOPTED, September 16th, 1946. Clerk CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 9. September, 1946. A conference was held by the City Council, at the close of the regular council end finance meetings, on Monday, 9th September,1946. All members of the Council were present. Also in attendance were the following members of the local Insurance Committee: Messrs. R.C. Young, O. L. Young, O. D. Hanniwell, E. Mc- McMurry; =~-C.'Flynn and R. W. Haist; together with Messrs. Jones and Hunter of the Canadian Underwriters' ASsociation and Messrs. MacVicar and t~xrton, represent- ing insurance companies. After discussion of the matters ~resented, and on the motion of A!d. Twidale a~d Scott, the Conference Committee adJoumed. HEAD AND AEOP~ED, September 16th,1948. FORTY-SEVENTH MEETING 553 REGULAR MEETING Council Chsmber, 16 September, 1946. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, Septem- ber 16, 1946, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous rooting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Twldale and ScOtt. COM~ff~II CATI ONS The following Communications were Presented; No. 39~- - Greater Niagara Community Chest - re annual campaign. 0RDEED on the motlob of Ald. Bucknor and Mckinley that the communication be received and filed, that the campaign be given the publicity of this council, the campaign committee be authorized to fly the campaign flag at the City Hail, and that the Council do everything within their p~ver to encourage this campaign. ONo~ . National Film Board - thanks for co-operation during filming in City. on the motion of Ald. Frank and MacDonald that the communication be re- ceived and filed. No. 394 - Children's Aid Societ~ - invitation to luncheon. ~RRERED on the motion of AId. Twidale and Bucknor that the communication be received, the very kind invitation of the Children's Aid Society be accepted, and as many members of the Council as possible attend the luncheon. No. 395 - Board of Police Comlssioners - re request of Constable James for bonus. 0REVERED on the motion of AId. Scott and Frank that Constable James be given the same consideration as the other'officers. No. 396 - Village of Chlppawa - re suggested price for water from Clty. 0RREt~D on the motion of ~. Frank and T~idale that the communication be received and filed, and the Council of Chippaws be asked to attend a meeting with this Council and the facts laid before them so they will understand why it was necessary to set the price at eight and one-half cents per thousand gallons. No. 397 - Bell Telephone Compan~ of Canada - re sale of poles to City. OIN~RED on the motion of AIde Twidale ~n~ MacDonald that the com~,,n~eation be received and the Bill of Sale prepared. SEE Report No~. ~30 hid over from previous meeting; No. 224 - City Manager - submitting application for license not approved by Chief Constable. (EDFA~D on the motion of Ald. Frank and ~Scott that the report be adopt- ed. Trio following' Rencrts wore presented; No. ~.30 - City ~-~_ger - re purchase of poles from 2ell Telephone Company of Can- ada. ORI~Ei~D on the motion of Ald. Twidale and MacDonald that ~he report be re- ceived and acted upon. No. ~31 - City Manager - recommending issuance of liesnoes. Oi~-~F~D on the motion of Ald. Frank and Miller t2:at the report be adopted. ~ No. 2~2 - City Manager - re conference held on 9th September. 0RI~RED on the mot- ion of Ald. Miller ~m~. Backnat that the repo~t be resolved and adopted. No, 2~ - City Manager - re fire at City Incinerator. '~ on the motion of A3d. Miller and Twtdale that the report be adopted. ~ ~ ~' No. 234 - City Manager - requesting permission to attend convention. 0RRERED on the motion of Aid. S~ott and McKinley that permission be granted. No. 235 - City Mendget - re moviug of building on city streets, OPa)ERED on the motion of Aid. Frank and T~dale that .the report be adopted. No. 2Z6 - City Manager - re suggested stone facing for comfort station. ORRERED on the motion of Aid. Miller and Frank that the report be accepted, and the City u-nager be instructed to' prepare the necessary plans and to call for tenders for the construction of this station. t No. B37 - City Manager - recommending refund of poll tax. 0Rr~RED on the motion of Aid. T~idale and McKinley that a ref.ra be made to the applicants. The following Resolution was passed; No. 195 - TWIDALE - McEINIEY - WHEREA~, in the opinion of the members of the Codn- ail of the City cf Niagara Falls, there 'is a shortage of housing accommodation fc~ war vetareas in the municipality; AND WBEREAS, it is desirable to obtain the erection of ~m~ll hom~,,e which may be re,ted by vetera-- for a lo~ or moderately low rental; AND Wt~REAS, Wart~.~ Housing Limited has advised that they can erect approximate- ly fifty houses, commencing constraction early in 1947; THa~0RE I~ IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City (f Niagara Feels request Wartime Housing Limited to erect fifty dwelllugs in the City of Niagara Feels; ~.h-t the erection of the said dwellings is to be proceeded with at aa early a date as possib~e; and the ~eal of the Co~poration be hecate affixed. Cacti ed PETITION The following Petition was presented; , No. 11 _ W. F. WOos~nm and 14 others - re operation cf Seehie Transport Company. 01~ on the motion of AId. McKinley and F~ank that the Cit}, M~nager be instruct- ed to b.~ln6 in a report upon the complaints made. The fo110xl. n~,By-Lawsware ~assed; No, 3922 - ~o -mend By-law Number 3799, dated the foarth de~ c~ March, 1946, re- ~ ' gardtng the execution cf an Agreement for Sale and Deed, It waS o~dered on fame motion c~ AId. Twiddle and F~ank that Aid. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law_be read a first · time - Carried Unanimously. It was then o~dered on the motion of A~. MoEtn/ey and MOoDonald that Rule ~6 tS) of the Standing Rules cf Council be temporarily suspended a.~ law be given the second readying. - OaFtied Unanimously, ~x'd. Reading - Aid. F~,enk and Sentto - CaxTied .Unanimously.. No. 3923. - To authoElze the execution of an AS~eene~t for ~ale and Deed, It was ordered on the matron cf AM. ~oott and Mea~inley that Ald. M~er he give~ the l~iv~lege of int~oducin~ the by-law, e~d the-by-law,be read a first t~me. - Cax~ed Unanimously, It waS then cedered on the moron of Aid. Frank ,,,~ McKinley' that Rule 36 (2~ cf the Standing Rules of Coun~l he t~empo~a~ily suspended a~ni ~he,by. lax be Siren the 'second reading° ~ CawTied Unsa~anously, ~x~ Readtn~ - A/d, 'Twldale and Scott, ~ CaxTied-UnsnJa~ously. 555 No. 392~ - To authorize the execution of an Agreement fc~ Sale and Deed. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Twiddle that Aid. Mill~ be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time. - Carried Unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of A/ft. T~idsle and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. 3rd. Reading -Ald. Scott and MacDonald. Carried Unanimously. NO. 3925 - To authorize the execution cf an Agreement for Sale and Deed. It was ordered on the motion uf A/a. Scott and Twidsle that AId. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read a first time. - Carried Unanimously. It was then ~rdered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDomE that Rule ~6 (2) of the Standing Rules ~f Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. 3rd. Reading -Ald. Scott and l~ank. - Carried Unanimously. No. 3926 - To authorize the execution cf a deed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Twideee and MacDonald that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read a first tin~. - Carried Unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. Frank end McKinley that Rule 36 (~) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - CazTied Unanimously. 3rd. Reading - Aid. McEtnley and T~idale. - Carried Unanimously. No. 3927 - To authorize the execution of a Deed. It was ordered on the motion of AId. McKinley and Scott that AId.Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read a first time. - Carried Unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. McKinley and l~sak that Rule ~ (2~ of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Un-nimously.. ~d. Reading - Aid. Scott and Twiddle. - Carried Unanimously. MISC~rrd/~EOUS AId. Mille~ read a prepared statement in connection with the remarks made by His Worship Mayc~ Inglis at the last regular meeti'n6, and recorded in the local p~ess, with regard to. the financing of expenditures bf the Corporation. AId. McKinley asked whether the City Manager had information as to the progress being made by Wartime Housing Limited in the constraction cf dwellings in the City; and Whether the rumotw was ta~e that carpenters had been lsid off the ~'work ~ecause of shortage of materials. The City Manager advised the Council that it was expected that five or six houses ~Duld be ready for occupancy by the end of .the. week, and othe~s would be ready flora then on. ' Add. Rusknet ar~se to speak again on the statement made by liis Worship Mayc~ Ihglts and His Worship advised that a motion was necessary before further discussion took place?- As a result, the following resolution was passed; RESOLUTION affixed, No. 196 - BUCEI~R - I~K - RESOLVED that this Council discuss, as a Council, the head lines given to Kts Wm.s~lp Mayor In~lis' marks, in the Niagara Fells Even- ine Review of :~uesdey, September 10Oh; and the Seal c~ the Co~pora~on be berate ; . : SexTied, 556 Alderman Bucknet than addressed the Council, upon the ~tter. His Wor- ship I~ayor 'T~gliS replied and ngsin stated his opinion upon various matters of fin- ancing fcm the current year. Alder~ IAtllcr, l~rank and Scott also spoke upon the .subject. '*, · · ' The Council adjourned on the motion of ~ad..T~ldale and AND ADCeTED, ~eptember 23rd, 1946. Council -Chinher, 16 September,1946. - The Finance Committee met on Monday, lath September, 1946, for the pur- pose of approving .ha also of passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before then. 'All members of the Committee were present. Sundx7 accounts were aplmoved by the Committee, ~ting to $19,884.72. The accounts submitted, being' pnsed or otherwise dealt with, were order- ed placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Counclll on th~ mellon of Ald. Frank and Scott. ' ' An offer was presented, as laid over from the' previous meeting, from Theresa Nemeth for the purchase of Lot 212, MoRse Street, for the sum of $100. Upon the reoommenXation of the Property Committee and on the motion of A/d. Twidale and MacDonald it was o~dered that the offer be accepted, subject to the condition that a dwelling of at least $5,000° value is erected on the premises within six mOnths. An offera was presented, as laid over from the lme~ious meeting, from Ceorge (auild for the purchase or Lot 2101 MoRse Street. for the sum 'of $100.00. ~Upon the recommendation (~ the Property Committse and on the mmt.~on of Ald. Buckuer n,d l~rank it was ordered that the offer be accepted, subject to the provision that a dwelling of at least $5,000. value is erected on the l~emAses within six months. An offer was presented, as laid over flora the previous meeting, ~aok Giffen, fcm the purchase of Lot 805, 2tanlay Avenue for the earn of ~75.00. UpOn the' recomm~ndation of the l~olmex~y C~mm!ttee and on the moisten of A/d. Bucknet and Frank it was c~dered that the offer be accepted, subject to the condition that a building of at le.ast ~4,000.00 value is erected On ~ :preaises within six months. An offer was presented, as laid over from the previous meeting, Willlea chiumpi, fcm the purchase of I~ 102, asair Avenue for the sum of Upon the reecemenda$ion or the lm~ope~.ty Committee and on the motion or A/d. Scott --~ T~idele it was c~dered that the, offer be laid on the table for one wee~. An offer was IDleseated, as laid over flora the previous meeting, flora l~ovinolal Engineering Limited, for Lot 26, Acheson Avenue fo~ the sum o~ Upon the reanmssndation or the A~pex~y Committee and on the mot=on of Ald.Twidale end ~ue~n~r, It was ~mdered that the offer be laid on the table for one week. , ~A communication, as- laid ove~ fx~m the previous meeting, was presented · from T~rs. Yoseph Seeeval~ ~equestin~ the refund of s deposit on I~ 7~ Fe~son Street. Upon the recOmmends%ion or the n~lmrty~,Committae and on the mot=ca cf . Ald., ,T~,dale and IMekner it was o~dered that t~ x~f,,-~ Cf A cc~ununlcation was presented from Iohn C. Flynn with regard to. the build- ing on lots 14, 15, Queen Street. A~i offer to purchase the same property was pre- sented from Henry Schellenb~rg, for ~2,000.00, with an undertaking to erect a build- ing of $50,000.00 Value on the property as soon as labour end materials are avail- able. Upon the recommendation of the P~operty Committee, and on the motion of Ald. Scott and Twirlale, it was ordered that the matters be laid on the table for one week. A sketch, s'ho~lng the proposed Blanche subdivision between Main and Murray Streets, was considered. Upon the recommendation of the t~roperty Committee and on the motion of A/d. McKinley end M~cDonald it was ordered that the proposed plan be approved. A report of the Property Committee, on the above matters, was presented. · It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McI(inley and MacDonald that the rapart be received and filed.' An offer was presented from Guido Marcheson of $300.00 for lots 39, 40 and 41, Ferguson Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Bucknor and McKinley that the offer be recc~v. ed and referred to the Property Committee'for a report at the next meeting. A communication was presented from Charles nlack, requesting a refund of .the amount paid for building Permits and fees by Peal Martin in 1945. It was order- ed on the motion of Ald. 'A~ldale and Bue~-n-r that the refunds be made. The report of the Insurance Uommittee on municip~l insurance, and the summary of insurance on the fire schedule, were presented. It was ordered on the motion of His WOrship Mayor Inglis and AM. McKinley that the City Manager be in- structed to bring a repcrt in on the lmprovemen'ts necessary to provide proper fire proteetl0n in the Corporation,s public fullclings, ani the cost of installing auxiliary equipment at the Filtration Plant to insure against the water supply ~eing intezTupted in the future. It was ordered further on the motion of his wor- ship Mayor Anglis and Ald./rank that the schedule be laid on the table for one week and the City Manager bring in a written report aa to the amount of coverage recommended on all insurance of the norpotation. A communication was presented from Coleman Banyai, requesting the refund of a portion of licenoes paid. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Mca~inley that the communication be received, the totter be investigated, and the proper action taken for the refund. A quotation was submitted from Ontario Roofing and Insulation Company for the roofing of the house at Fairview Cemetery, at a price c$ $~25.00 and $85.00 for the verandah. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Scott and Frank that the City x~n~ger be given power to have the house re-shingled, as per the quotation. ApPlications were presented for huild~-~ permits, and the following action taken thereon; ~ C~Et~ED on the motion of A3rh Frank and Mcliinley that permission be granted for the erection of a sign at the northeast corner of Ontario Avenue and l~on Street, such installation to be made under the supervision of the City Manager. C~DEI~'D .on the motion of Aid. Twidale cad McEinley that permission be' grunted for the erection of a sheet metal and welding shop on Lot. 803, Stanley AvenUe.' C~_n~ on the motion of AM. MacDonald and !dcKialey that permission be granted for the rebuilding of e garage at 597 St. Lawrence Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of A/d..McKinley and Frank that permission be granted for the erection of a garage at 4~7 Ellis Street. ' Ot~R~D on the motion of AId. Moa~Aaley ani MacDonald that perralston be granted fo~ the erection or a garage at 8~, Welland Avenue. 0A~RED on the motion Of AId. ~inley and Fx~nk that permission be granted forthe erection of a sign at ll08 l~rison Street, under the supervision of the CiW. MesaSeT. 0RDE~D on the. motion of Aid. Frank and Twidale that permission be granted for the ereellen or a sign at 1485 Fexu7 Street, under the supervision of the City Manage~o, ~,!-, ' ,··v . .~.,, ,:,, - ; , , 557 558 01~r~D on the motion of Aldo McKinley and MacDonald that l~rmiss~on be ~ted for the rsm~ of a bull~in~ f~m 5~ ~ Street ~ ~t 50, Ellis ~eh m~ing to be ~der the st~et .2u~s~on ~ t~ City ~er, aM ff possib~, to ta~ place ~ter 'l'he report of the City Treast~er, recommending tl~t certain business tax o be written,fields presented, It web ordered on the motion uC Ald, Twiddle and net that the report be adopted, 7ns Co~nlttee adjourned on tl~ motion of A]~o McKlnley and Frank. lqF~d) AND AD01Y~, 3aptember 23rd,1946. Clerk % COUNCIL ~-ETZI~3 Council Chamber, 16 September ,1946. The Council r--assembled at the close of the regular coUrtoil and finance · eetings, for the purpose of ~assing the moneF by-law whlch covered the accounts appreved by the Comaittee, and for the .consideration of other bus!haas, All mem- .b~rs of the Council were present. E~I~TATION lm cormsolon wi121 Petition No. 11, which bad been presented at the pre- vious meetln6, and on the motion of AId. l~/okner and Mcl~lnley, ML G. T. ~aekson wad permitted to address the Counntl, MI-. lackson outlined the matter= about which the complaint had bean made, nnd tile reason for the lxresen~atton of the pet- ition, - CCMMUNICA~IC~S : Tha following C_~m.~__Anloatlon was presented; No. 398 - ~eor~e Allen - offerl~ to purehaas International T~uck. ~ on the motion of AId. ~e~m~ a~ ~e~r t~ the ~fer be acceded. ~ ~n~on~ was ~b~t~d ~ ~. ~k ~ ~n~y tht t~ offe~ ~ ~d over .f~ ~e ~, ~ndt~ a ~epor~ f~ ~hs City ~; ~t ~s motion was defeated, The following By-Law was lzseed; No. ~928 - To C~ant Monies for General Purposes. aqD~RED on t~ motion ~ ~. ~ and ~e~e~ that ~. ~e~ be ~v~ t~ p~l~le~ ~ int~uotng $~ by-~w, ~d ~he by-law be ~ead a ~la, - C~ed Unitary, It ns th~ ~d~ed ~ ~ m~lon ~ ~. ~d~e. ~d ~nley tMt ~ ~ (2) ~ t~ 8taMt~ ~es of Co~ll ~ ~em~=~tly ~ded and b~hw be ~iven the seoo~ .~eadi~. - C~e4 ~m~, ;~.~.~' The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Frank and McKinley. READ AND ADOPTED, September 25rd,1946. FORTY-EIGHTH Council Chamber, 23 September, 1946 Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, Sept- ember, 23rd, 1946, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council were present, with the exception of His Worship, Mayor Inglls. On the motion of A~I. Miller and Buekn~r, A3~. Twldale was appointed acting Mayor and presided at the meeting. The Council, having received end read the minutes of the prevlous meetln~ adopted these on the motion of A3d. Scott and Frank. COIaEONICA~ 01~, The followin~ Con, nuntcatt ons were presented; NO. 398 - Controller of Aviation - re lc~ flying. 'ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and MacDonald that the Communication be reeelved and flled? No. 399 - Pastor, B.M.E. Church - result of tag day collection. .C~DERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Scott that .the comnmn~cation be received and filed. No. 400 - Treasurer, Royal Carm4tan Sea Cadst Cc~l~ - result of tag day collect- ion. 0RDEHED on the motion of Ald. McoJ}~nald mv~ Miller that.the communication he received and filed. No. 401 - M~. aul Mrs. Albert St. Angelo - protesting sale c~ Lot 805 Stanley Street. CR~ERED on the motion of Aid. Frank amt McKinley that the communication be received n~a deferred until the by-law in co-~ction with the sale of this tot is considered; to be dealt v~th at that time. It was ordered on the motion of A~d. Scott and Frsnk that A~t. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be road the first time. - Carried. It was them Qrdered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that ~ule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by- law be given the second reading. Carried. 3rd. Reading. - Aid. Frank and Bucknor. - Carried. AId. McKinley referred to a citizen on Maple Street who had written in to the City Council relative to the bad condition of .the sidewalk which has ex- isted for the past twelve years, and, desired to know why the communication did not appear on the agenda. The City Manager advised that he was not aware .that the communication had been addressed to Council, but that instructions had been issued to remedy the condition. Aid. MacDonald advised that the Manager of Eaton's store referred to the condition of the sidewalk on Victoria Avenue; totter has been brought up before mad nothing has been done about it. Condition should be remedied; 5 or 6 blocks in front of store in very bad condition. The City Manager advised that the men are working on pavements all the time; still working on requests received in 1945. AId. MacDonald desired to know whether repairs could be dons to this walk and the City Manager replied that if the weather is good, repairs could be done, but, after the month of October could not figure on concrete const=Action. The City Manager said that he would check on the condition of Maple Street Victoria Avenue in the morning. On the motion of Ald. Frank and 5xekner the Council adjourned to Finance Meeting. No. 40~ - Ontario Municipal Association - resolutions considered at Annual Meet- in& CeJ1ERED on the motion af AId. SCott and ]~ckner that the communication be received and filed. READ AND ADOF~ED, September 30~h, 1946. No. 403 - Niagax. a Parks Comaion - requesting sidewalk on Clifton Hill on south side, westerly from Falls Avenue. 0I~ERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Kinlay that the request from the Parlm Commission be laid over until next year's Cotmoil. um~ Report No.S38 NO. 404 - Canadian Legion, Branch 51 - Requesting permission to held Tag Day. 01~X3F3F~ on the motion of AId. McKinley and SCot% that permission be granted. ~he tollowing Reports were presented; / No. 2~e - City Mamaget - recommending work be proceeded with next spring. ~ on the mo~ion or AId. Miller and McKinley that the City Manageris recom- mendation be laid cyst until next pars Council. No. 259 - City Manager - report on Sinmary or Insurance Schedules. 0RD~ on the motion or AId. B~okner and Mc~Lnloy that the report be reosived and t~bled for one week owing*tO the absence or Hls Wcrsh~,,Me~<r lnglls. No. 240 - City Mane er - recommending poll tax refunds. (I~IZ3ED on mo~ton or AId. ~Aokner and ~onald that ~bs report be received and adopted,. the folloM. n~ ,1~,,,Law wu mssedl . Clerk Enacting Mayor, FINANCE MEETING Council ~hemher, 23 September ,1946. The ~'tnanoe Committee met on Monday, 23rd September, 1946, for the pur- pose of approving and also of pansing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present,with the exception of Hls Worship, Mcycr Inglis, 'Sundry Accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to ~he Accounts submitted, being passed or othez~ise dealt with, were ~de~ed placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of,,Ald. Se~ott and Frank. . ~ 3929 - To authorize the oxeoution and delivery or an Agreement between tM ,:.: . · Corpcratto~ or the City o~ NIagara Falls (ontario) and Ingsrial I~mk An offer was presented, as laid over from the previous meeting, from ..~ ' or Canada, ~rantlng permission ~o Imperial Beak to erect ~1o steps UW~lliam Chicrapt for the purchase of Lot 102~ Muir Avenue, for the sum or $75.00. for a new side entrance to building known as 188~ lgatn 2~reete ; j - ~ ..*~:.::~ ~. ~' :: ' r.;: ~!~,* !~. , ./. -. ~ ~,: , port %he zsCommsnlation of the l~operty Conmittee end on the motion pf AId, F~suk 561, A~a MaCDonald it was o~dered that Mr. Chlampl be advised that there is no sewer located at the corner of Mulr and ~l~ttrey Streets and suggested that he select another lot. An offer was presented, as lead over f~om the previous meeting, from Provincial Engineering Limited, for Lot 26, Plan 32, Acheson Avenue for the sum ~ $75.00, along with another enmn,AniCatlon from Mr. Beemet containing a dexcript- ion of the proposed building to be erected on this lot. Upon the reconun~ndation of the Property Comm4ttee aM on the motion of Aid. MaeDoneld .and McKinley it was ordered that the Provincial Engineering Limited be advised that the City are pro- pared to sell this lot for the sam of The communication from Yohn C, Flynn with regard to the building on lots 14 and 15, Queen Street, and, an offer to purchase the same property received from Henry Schellenherg f~r $2,000. with an understanding to erect a building of $50,000. value on the property as soon as labour and materials are available, lead over from the previous meeting, were presented. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. T~ldale and McKinley, it was ordered that the Cit7 Solicitor be requested to prepare the necessary agreement and Mr. Flynn he advised that he has until Saturday, October l~-th to .complete the transaction, and, if not completed, after that date the City will be pre- pared to accept offers from other applicants; and, .Henry Sehellenborg's cheque in the amount of $500. be returned to him advising that this property will not be .f~r..sale until October l~-th. The offer of Cuido Marcheson of $300. for Lots 39, 40 and 41, Ferguson Street was presented. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of AId. Frs~k and MacDonald it was ordered that the offer be accepted subJec~ to the condition that a building, gasoline station, at an. estimated cost of ~5,000. value is erected on the Imemlees within a period of six months. The motion was enrried - the vote was as follows;- Aye Alds. Frank, MacDonald, Scott and Miller; Nay, AId. Twidale, Enckner and McKinley. An amendment,that the offer he laid over until the residents in this area are given the opportunity to pro- test if they so desire, was defeated. An offer to purchase LOt ~76, Plan 9, Mcl~e Street for the sam ~r $100. was presented. Upon the recommendation of the Property Cnmm4ttee and caz the mot- ion of Aid. Txidale md Frank it was ~rdered that the offer of Myer Sirianni be accepted, subject to the provision that a building of at least $6,000.00 value is erected on the preniaes within a period of six months. An offer to purchase ~ot 38, Plan 17, Dnxmmond Read for the. sum of $100. · Was presented. Upon the recommendation of the l~operty Comm4ttee and on the mot- ion of AId. MacDOnald and Scott, it was ~rdered that the offer be accepted fx~m Silas G. White, subject to the condition that a dwelling of at least $5, 000, value is erected on the premises within a period of six months, · A eo,--mteation was rge..oived from T. K. Delaney, requesting a refund on restaurant and tobacco linencos. It was c~dored that the refund be grantod~ on the motion of Aid. Scott and FranM, A communication was ~ocoived from the Canadi sa Ingersoll-Rand Company advising the lwioe of ~34 Back Fill Temper complete with 5-3/4" ~Jalleable ilon butt at $145, F.0.B. Toronto c~ Sherbrooke, Sales Tax included. Xt was ordered tha~ the 0ity Manager be permitted to purchase this Tamper, on the motion of AId, McKinley and Twidale. The. City Msna~er presented a request for authority to call for tenders for 16 reefers' fo~ .-bets or the Fire Depa~_mmt, It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Backnor and Scott that the Cit~-~l~ager be permitted to call for the ' tenders, Appltcattons were presented rot building pewni~s, and $.he follow~ action .tak~- thereon; ~ on the motion of Aid. Saott and Buck'-er that pe~ndsston be 6~anted fc~ the erection of a Neon 21~n at 1755 Vieto:is Ayehue, unde~ the super- '~vi.sion of the City Manage=, '- 'Cl~l~l~) on the motion of Ald, .Tsidale esd MacDonald that pex~niselon he ~Anted for the erection of a Neon SiVa at the Hisgala Ho~el,~.x~.~..~C~.~e~}~e St. and Yiei~mi.a Ave,sundep the supexwisien of the City MenaCes, 0Pd]ERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that permission be granted for the installation of 2 gasoline pumps at 2162 Allen Avenue, with the understand- ing that if the Corporation requires the property for the widening of Allen Street at any time, the pamps will be removed by Mr. Ninacs. OPalEPaD on the motion of Ald. Twidele and Frank that permission be granted for the erection of a frame garage at 734 Clifton Avenue. 01~DERED on the motion of AId. MacDonald and Bucknor that permission be granted for the alterations, repairs and addition to a warehouse at 535 Simcoe Street. C~DERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Twidsle that permission be granted for the erection of a metal Shell sign at 188~ Stanley Avenue, under the supervision of the City Manager. The City M~nager advised that Blake Erwin, desired to have the City Council consider the name of the new street situated in the Blanche subdivision; the plan was presented at the last Council Meeting and was approved. Ordered on the motion of Aid. Frank and T~dale that the matter be laid over until the next meeting for further con- sideration. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Frank and McKinley that the Committee arise -~ re~ort to Council. READ AND ADOPTED, September 30th, 1948. Clerk COUI~IL MEETING Council Chamber, ~-3 September,1946. The Council re-assembled at the close of the re~Alar council ~nd finance meetings, for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the accounts approvod by the Co~unittee. All m_~m~bors of the Council wore present, with the ex- ception of HiS Worship, Ms~or lnglis. Enacting Mayor Twideao presided. The following By-law was PasSed; No_, 3930 - To 0~unt Monies for ~eneral Purposes OR/~ED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Frank that Aid. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law'and. the by-law be read the first ti~S. - Carried, It was then c~dered on the motion of Ald. Frank and Bucknat that Rule 36 |2~ ce the Standing Rules of Council be temperalily suspended and the by-law be read the second tim. - Carried. ~d, Reading -Aid, Soo~t and McKinley, - Carried, Aid, Melfinley desired to know whether the City ~olicitor had l~eI~red a' -report regarding a by-law for the 'placing of tarpaulins on trucks carrying paper in the City, "~' Aid, B~clmer referred to the hazard traffic condition still existing at Clifton Hill on Victoria Avenue and stated that changing the etreet car stop has not improved the situation and it sti~l remains .~at~sfacto~y. Automobile traffic getting into trouble every day. Street car operators agat~t the idea of changing the stop, RES0V.UTIC~ The following Resolutions were Passed; No, 197 - A,D.FRANK - A.J.MCKINI1T , RESOLVED that the City Manager be instmcte to c~ieate ~th ~. W, V, ~, ~sist~t ~rlnte~ent of ~ ~.S. ~d ~lw~ to obt~n his views on trYfie co~itio~ e~stX~ at t~ lnterasc~on of C~tre Steer and Vietoga Avenue; ~ the CMim~ of the Police Co~s~on be ~q~sted to have the C~ef of ~liee ~ep~e a re~rt on his find~n~ on the con- gested tr~fic e~itions e~sting at t~ eo~er ~ Cent~ Street ~d Avers, and ~so on ~ Strict; ~d t~ ~ ~ t~ C~ration be ~reto ~f~xed. Ca~ed. No. 198 - A.Y,Me~ - ~cD~ - ~L~ that a mssa~e of sympa~y from the City Co~elZ be f~w~ded to ~ss ~el Roanson, ~tient In the ~pit~, e~res~ hope for a s~edy recovery; aM t~ ~ ~ the C~porat~on ~ hereto ~fixed, " C~ ed. No. 199 - ~R - ~K - ~L~ tMt a mssa~e ~ s~y ~m t~ City C~il ~ f~ed to ~. M. Y, ~en, patient in the ~ner~ Hospl~, e~ss- ~nS hope for a s~e~ recovery; and t~ ~ ~ the C~p~ation be hereto a~fixed.' Carried The Council adjourned on the morton of AId, F~nk a~d ~c~dnleyo READ AND.ADOPA'~, September 30th, 1946. Clerk Enaettn~ Mayor. COURT OF ~EIrISION Council Chamber, 30 September, 1946. The Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll was held at 10.00 A.M. on Monday, Sept- ember 30th,1946 'at which the following action was taken upon the respective appeals. RESOLUTION ORDERED on the motion of William Delaney and seconded by William Fraser that a resol- Ution of appreciation of the long and faithful services rendered by M~. y. Y.Harriman, as Assessmsnt Comissioner, be forwarded to him along with the wishes of the Court of Revision for a long life aud Prosperity in his retirement. Carried [Inanimously. Members present; Sheriff V.L.DavidSon, Mr. William Delaney and Mr. W.A. Fraser. Roll 8866 Appellant Arrow Head Theatres Ltd. Description Lan__d B~i!din~ 1952-4 Main St. 300 1,400 3,000 27,000 425 1,425 5072 Cowsn, Jas. &Margaret 1375 Palmr Ave. 8~87 Chanady,Geo. & Helen (Jt.)2163 Buchanan Ave. '742 Cook, Alfred 840 Bridge St. 4~0 Csnmdian National Rlys. Fleetway on River M.McLarnon,Dep. Tax Comm. Road. 600 6,367 500 1,500 5,410 D~ecision ~f Court. Kingsmill, Mills, Price and Fleming. 7959 St.'A~gelo,Albert & Mary 3078 Thompson,Jetty & Cathrlne 3545 Mc~hach,Andrew & Julia 4767 Pa~.me~, C.W. &Mabel 9374 Urkov!ch, Majan & Mary ~369 Wray, P~udence C. '694 Clark, Spencer 7~ ;ohnson, C. N. '687 '~y, ~aee 2~3 DoWnion ~ ' · -9~'?? Nagy, C. Winter, ,Bernard &G err. Canada Southern Railway Co. 1620 Stanley St. 300 832 St. Clair Ave. 300 Pt. Lct 74-Huron St. 225 540 ~elmon St. 600 1912 Symm~s Ave. 359 759 ~econd Ave. 800 1761 River ~d 2,200 19~ Clerk Ave. 500 1418 Cedar St. 225 1,800 800 2,650 1,250 2,100. 17,000 1,000 1707 Riva~ Road 1,8~0 13, 800 686 Ontario Ave. 900 450 1~82 Stanley St. 1,100 1,600 Withdrawn Reduce Building $200.00 Retarn to former Assessment. Reduce to $175. O0 Reduce $300.00 on Building. Dismissed. ~Dlsmissed. Dismissed. Reduce to $100.00 on Business. Dismissed. Rebate c~ ~/4 on ~XM~di.ng, :~, Rebate c~ 3/8 cf., $115. Rebate cf 5/1~ c~ l~x t 1 ding. Dismissed. Land Assessment re- turned to previous amount. DismAssed. .;'! Dismissed. Granted 566 9064 ADYUST~NT ~ TAXES: Fisher, Charles 1704 M~n St. 8839, Ae~.ew Surpass Shoe Stores i904 Main St. 51~3 Dept. of Highways · CHANGE CF SCHOOL SJPPORT: 7652 Agar, M. 1723 River Road 4~0 7OO 200 1741 Lombard Ave. 200 74~8 Campbell, Mary 1769Emery Street S00 4867 Oahill, W. J. · 734 MoDougall Cres. 550 1645 Bonaldo, Mrs. C. 592 Park St. 4~0 3~4 · Bartolomie, Lillian 6343 Beauhe, Genevieve 178 I~ Avenue S00 1607 MeGrail Ave. ~00 6545 .Bllotta, Vtncenzo 813 .Devlin, Thorns 815 5617 0'Grady, C.S. 5618 6914 Glynn, Clarence 1368.McRae Street '300 1354 Bridge Street 550 1010 Welland Avenue 500 998 Stamford St. 700 8416 Hunt, Margaret 2184 Culp Street 900 1677 Hanna, Samuel 1679 983 landmy, Oarreel 7333 Maneuse, Anthony Marshello, 243 Marfine, ~ltndo .. .7828 Mart~no, Zohn'. 7557 · 1745 Mar~tn .& Calvert 1746 6604 Ms..tin, W. S. 8925 Nid~ Elizabeth 16 Ne~o.n,-A~elim 17 739-43 Queen St. 2,000, 597 Cateract Ave. 325, 1653 ~ch.n~n Ave. 1~0 1641 l~xchman Ave. 500 1725 Robinson St. 250. 4~ ~r~son S~ 2~ 1893 Me~ail. Avenue 2~0. ':: 1~43 Ferry. Street ' ' 200. 52S Queen St, 7~0 909 Roberrs 8~.Slxt~ Avenue 97 Aebeson Ave. OO 1 798 1,900 17,8OO 1,100 1,3~0 1,900 1,050 1,500 1,~00 1,400 1,8OO 1,4OO 1,600/ 2, 600 2, 800 1,275 1,200 1,000 1,400 1,425 250 9OO 900 2,900 1,a~0 400 - No.Rebate Dismissed. · Dismissed. Granted. To be P.S. Supporter. Granted. To be P.S. Supporter. Granted. To be P.S. Supporter. Granted. To be P.S. Supporter. Granted. To be P~S- Supporter. Granted. To be P.S. Supporter. Granted. To be P.S. Supporter. 50~ to be Sep- arate S. Supporter. Granted. To be Sep. S. Supporter. Granted. To be Sep. S. Supporter. Granted. To be Sep. S. Supporter. Grented..To be Sep. S. ~pporter. Grented. To be Sep. S. Supperter. Granted. to be P.S. ~upporter Granted? To be P.S. Supporter. Granted. To be 'P.S. Supporter. ~ranted. To be P.S. Supporter. Disallowed. To be P.S. Supporter. Granted. TO be Sep. S. Supporter. C~anted. To be P.S. Supporter. ~ran~ed. To be P.B. Supporter. CHANGE 0F SCHOOL SUPPORT 5611 Primeau, laura 9222 5143 9376 7613 252 72 Prestia, Mrs. 969 Welland Avenue 1659 Robinson Street Ryan Art Galleries 1769 River Road Revell, Mrs. W. Storrie, Mrs. A. Teravtch, Mrs. J. Tadeson, Rose Vecchies, Sauti 1920 Symmes Avenue 1696 Lombard Avenue 585 FerguSon Avenue 542 Third Avenue Lot 145, Broughton Ave. 200 1,600 400 1,600 2,200 13, 800 350 950 350 800 250 1,450 350 1,750 150 Granted. To be Sep. S. SUpporter. Granted. To be P.S. Supporter. Disallo~d. To be P.S. Supporter. Granted. To be P.S. SUpporter. Grsnted. lib be P.S. SUpporter. Granted, To be P.S. Supporter. Granted. To be Sep. S. Supporter. Granted. To be Sep. S. Supporter. 567 Tand Assessments Reduced $ 200.00 Building Assessmsnts reduced$ 800.00 Business Assessments reduced$ 225.00 Tax adjustments $ 94.77 She tiff. vVV , WWq 568 FORTY-NINTtI MEETING Counci 1 Chs~nber, 30th September, 1946. RECk/iS MEETING Pursuant to adjournment, the .Council m~t at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, September 30th, 1946, for the purpose of considering genersl business and finance. All members of Council were present. The Council, havin~ received and read the minutes of the previous meeting. adopted these on the moti on of Ald. Twidsle and ~'~cDonald UNFINISHED ~JSIE~ESS Laid over from the previous m~eeting; No. 40i - Mr. & Mrs. St. An~elo - protesting sale of Lot 805, Stanley Avenue. ORDERED on the.motion of ~/a. Miller and MacDonald that the com~unication be received and filed. . No. E39 - Report on Summary ~f Insurance Schedules. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and Scott that the report be referred to Finance Committee. Petition No. ll - MAr. & Mrs. H. Woosnan and 14 others - protesting against noise through Transport Company on Park Street. ORDERED on the motion of A/d. Scott and Bucknor that the City Manager's report in connection with this petition be adopted. SEE Report .No. 241. COMMq~NICATI ONS T~e following Communications were presented; No. 405 - President, Housewives, Association of Niagara Falls --requesting Council's endorserich of resolution protesting increase in milk. In connection with this communication, on the motion of Ald. Twirlale and MacDonald it was ordered that the President be heard. Mrs. Helen Duckworth advised Council that, as Mrs. Wm. Doyle was ,,-sble to be present on account of illness, she was appearing on her behalf. She spoke in connection with the resolution and requested Council to endorse the resol- ution. ORDEED on the motion of AId. Bucknor and Miller that this Council endorse the resolution. No. 406 - Business M~nager, General Hospital Trust - re 'urgent need of providing accomnfodation for old age and chronically ill patients. ORDEED on the motion of Aid. Twidale and Frank that the communication be received and, as the Welland County Council has appointed a committee to take up with the Provincial Government, and the cities of Welland. and Niagara Falls the construction of an addition to the County Home for provision of accommodation, the City ~enager be instructed to communicate with the County Council to ascertain the amou~ involved in this project and the amount which the City of Niagara Falls would be obligated. No. 407 - Agent. Canadian National Railways - requesting Council's concurrence in writing re installation of automatic protection at Victoria Avenue crossing at HUttrey Street. ORDERED on the motion cf AM. Twidale and Bucknor that the matter be,laid on the. table for further rep~t from the City Manager and investigation of this automatic protection installation. aid. t~xckner with the consent of AId. Frank, withdrew his motion that this Council concur the installation providing the City of niagara Falls did not have to assume any cost; similar to the concurrence given to the M.C.R. re their wig wags. Ald.- Miller with the consent of A~d. Scott also with- drew his motion, that the City of Niagara Falls not concur. No. 408 - Vi~e-President. Canadian National Railways - re anoke nuisance at Niagara Falls and recent equipment to abate same. C~DERED on the motion of Ald. Bucknor and MacDonald that the communication he received and acknowledged with appreciation for the efforts of the C.N.R. to eliminate the smoke from the roundhouse and engines. l~c. 409 - Secretary, Hoard of Education - ~e conveyance of property to the Beard c~ holding Properties in City's ownership. ORDERED on the motion of AId. MsEinley and T~ddale that t~s communication be laid on the table fc~ one week and referred to the Propert~ Committee for a report. 569 i No. 410 - Secretary, Board of Education - re decision to purchase -Morse Property". ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and MacDonald that the n~tter be referred to the City ~olicitor. No. ~ll - Mr. Samuel Adler, Finlay Fish Company - granting permission to use lot for ixxrking purposes. CR]]ERED on the motion of Ald. Sco~tt and McKinley that the oom..mication be :Sferred to the Traffic ConmLttee. ~EPORTS The following Rel~rts were presented; No. 241 - City Manager - report and reconwnandation re petition No. 11. ~RD~ED on the motion of Ald; Scott and ~Ackner that the report be adopted. No. 242 - City Solicitor - re trucks transporting paper. ORDERED on the motion Aid. B~ckner and McF. inley that the report be received and filed and the Police Con~nission be requested to have .the highways Traffic Act enforced in the City Niaga~.a Falls where it deals with refuse falling off vehicles, .and, the City T~nn_ ager advise all City tracks not to be guilty of infraction. No. 243 - City Manager - reco~nending refund of Poll Tax paymental948. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. B~ckner aml Miller that the recommendation be adopted. · PETITION ~he following Petition was presented; No. 12 - Mr. and Mrs. Y. Vendramin and ~ other residents of 0edar Street - pro- testing erection of a cheap house next to Lot 22 on Cedar Street. ORDERED on ~he motion of Ald. MacDonald and Frank that the petitioners be advised of the conditions stipulated in the Agreesant far Sale under which this dwelling is being moved fx~m 855 Huron Street to Lot 21, Cedar Street: The foliowinE ~y-Lawe were l~ssed; No. 39~1 - T.o authorize the execution of an Agreemen~.f~m ~ale an~ Deed. OP~EItED-on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Scott that AId. Miller be 'given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. Carried Unanimo~ly- It was then ordered on theanotion of Aid. tickneT and Freak that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. -' 3rd. Reading.:- Aid. Scott and MacDonald - Carried Unanimously. ', No. 39~ - To authorize-the execution of an Agreement f~r Sale and Deed... It was c~dered-on the motion of Aid. Twiddle and Iixekner that AId. Miller be given the privilege cf introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time .: Carried Unanimously. It was then ordered on the motxon of AId. Fx~nk and Scott that Rule (~.) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and.the~ by-law be lgiven' the second reading. taxTied Unanimously. 3rd. Ruading - AId. Twiddle, and ~Aekner. C~ed. Unauimously- ~ - · ' No. 3933 - To authorize the execution of aA A~reem~nt fc~ Sale and Deed. ;~j' ~ CEU~D on the motion .c~. AId. 2oott and MacDonald that Aid. Miller be ~wan. the p~wilege of intro. dueing ~e b~law and the~ .by.law be read the, first · , ' ' It was ~hen c~dered on the motion of AId. Twiddle and B~ekne~ that Rule · S6 (2} of the 2tandAng Rules of OctneLl be ~empcea~A1T suspended and tb85by-.law he 1~o. 3934 - To authorize the execution of an A~reement for Sale and Deed. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Buckner and Twldsle that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time,. - Carried Unanimously. It was then cTdered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-1 'law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. 3rd. Reading - Aid. Twidale md Scott. Carried Unanimously. No. 393.5 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Twidale that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of a/d:. Frank and B~ckner that Rule ~6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporsrily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. 3rd. Reading. -Ald. Buckher and Frank. Carried Unanimously. No. 5936 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. ORDERED on the motion of ald. Twldale and McKinley that ~ld. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first tim. Carried Un-ntmously. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. B~ckner and Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. 3rd. Reading - Ald~ i~rank and MacDonald. Carried Unanimously. Aid. Bucknet referred to the week of October 6th to the 12th as Fire Prevention Week and requested that the City Manager, along v~th the Fire Ohief give this all the publicity possible. T~e Council adjourned to Finance on the motion of Aid. ~ank and Scott. ~ AN~ ADOPTED, October 7th, 1946. FINANCE ME~TING · i ,.:Council Chamber, 30 September,1946. The FinanCe Committee met on Monday, S0t~ September, 1946 for the pu~lxse c~ approving and also of l~ssing the various eeoctints which had been prol~rly certified · ',a~d:-~plaoed,.before ~hem. All members.of the. Committee were. Wesent. Bundry A~counts were aplmoved )y t,~e Committee, amoun$ing to .$17.,5~9,~. t The Accounts submitted,' being passed or otherwise'dealt with, were c~dered p.laeed in the money by-law for presentation to 'the Council, on the motion of Ald. Frank and Twidale. The selection of a name for a street in the Blanche Subdivision, laid over from the previous meeting was again considered. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Frank that the street be named in memory of the late Lieuteuant Colonel Charles F. Y. Finlay who rode the supreme sacrifice during the Second World War on April 30th, 1943; The street to be known as Finlay Street. Previous to this resolution, it was moved by Aid. McKinley and Buckner that the street be called Twidale; but Ald. Twidale thanked the Aldermen for this honour, but, preferred the street to be known as 'Finlay'. The Aldermen then withdrew their motion. Ald. Miller also suggested that the street be known as "Muriel' to show some recognition for the city employee who had returned to the staff from overseas service with the Canadian Red Cross Corps, with the decoration British Empire Medal. The offer of N. Mufti to purchase Lot 46, Plan 2, North Street for the anm of $?5. wee presented. Upon the recommendation of the P~oTerty Committee and on the motion of Aid. Bucknet and Frank it was ordered that the offer be accepted subject to the provision .that a dwelling of at least 95, 000. value is erected on the premises within a-period of six months. The offer of W. R. Phillips (Falls Constlmction Coml~ny Limited), to purchase Lots 9, 10 and ll, Plan 40, Second Avenue for the sum of $450. was pre- sented. Upon the recommendation of the Property Conran[tree and on the motion of Ald. Frank and Twidale it was ordered that the offer be accepted mhJect to the provision that a concrete block building of approximately $5, 000. value is erected on the The offer of E. ~. Macklein to purchase the easterly 4 feet ~ Lot 128 and all of Lot 127, Plan Z4, at th~ north-west corner of Homewood Avenue and Bridge -~treet for the sum of $180. was presented. Upon the recommendation of the property committee and on the motion of Ald. Scott and Bucknet it wee ordered that Macklein be advised that the eels price for these lots is ~300. providing a dwelling is erected on the same within a period of six months. Applications fcT Building Perndts were presented and the following action taken thez~cn. ~ on the motion of Ald. Frank and Bucknet that permission be grant- ed for the erection of an addition to the rear of the store at 695 Quean Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, McEinley and Twla,le that permission be granted for the erection of a Neon sigu, at the corner of Coterie and Huron Sts. under.the supe~vision of the. City Manager. ORDERED on the motion cf Aid. Frank and Bucknet that psrm~esion be granted for the erection of a ;crags and addition to d~lling at 830 Sixth Avenue. 0RDF_a~D on the motion of A~d. MacDon-!d and McKinley that permisq$on be granted for the construction of a three car ~are~e at 557 Fourth Avenue. .I L ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the City Man- ager's recommendati on in connecti on with Valuable Papers, be adopted. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the City }dan- ager's recon~endation in connection with Securities - Lessees Robbery & Burglary Coverage, be adopted. (RDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the City Man- .ager's recommendati on in connecti on with Electrical Motors, be adopted. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Scott that the City Manager's recommendation in connection with Boilers at Filtration Plant, be adopted. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and MacDonald that the City Manager's recommendation in connection with Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance,be adopted. . ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and McKinley that the City Manager 's recommendation in connection with Aviation Insurance, be adopted. ORDERED, on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Frank that the City Manager's recommendation in connection with ~ydrant Insurance, be adopted. (I~DERED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Scott that the City Manager's recommendation in connection with Insurance re Workmen's Compensati on, be adopted. G~DERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the Fire Sched- ule as outlined by the City Manager and recormnendation that 16 fire extinguishers be purchased and placed in nine buildings at an estimated cost of ~300., be adopted. MISCELLANEOUS His Worship, Mayor Inglis, referred to the Senior Baseball Teem and stated that the team has brought considerable henour to the City; now in the finals and the first home game will be played at 3 P.M. on Wednesday, October 2nd. Team should be given a good reception. RESOLLPf ION 'The fo~-lowing Resolution was passed;. No. 200 - MAYOR INGT,~M - AID. FRANK - RESOLVED that the City Manager allow as many of the civic staff aS possible to see this baseball game on Wednesday, October 2nd, 194~ without interfering with their duties; and that the suggestion be made to other industrial and commercial concerns to allow their staffs to see this game, without interfering with the operations of their concerns; and the Seal of the Corpc~ati on. b e hereto affixed. Carri.ed Unanimously. On the motion of Ald. Frank and Twidale the Committee arose and reported to Counei 1 · ~ UNFINISHED BUSINESS laid over f~om the Counel 1 MeetinJ; READ AND ADOPTED,October ~th, 1946. Nia~a~ F~ls p~esen~d bX t~ ~e Comttee in ~st, 19~. - .~ ~ on t~ motion ~ ~. ~k' a~ ~e~e~ t~t the re~a~on . Fi~n~Z"' .... O~ of t~ City ~ager re au~m~io i~e,.~Fl~et, ~ adopted. ' 0RDE~ED on the motion of AId. Scott and MacDonald that the City N-nager's recomn~ndation in connection with Non-~med automobiles, be adopted. CSDEHED on ~he motion of AId. McF/nley and Fr~,k that the City Nsnager's recommendation in-~onnection with BOnds, be adopted. CRE~I~ED on the motion of AId. T~idale and Bucknet that the Cit. y Manager's ,:. Te~eomon~at.~on.in:oonneetion with Forgery Insurance, be aSpted.' OItEE~ED on the motion of AM. MadDonald and Twida.le that the City Manager 's x, eoomme, nda~i on in oonneeti on with ~I~,m~lax7 ;, Inside .and OuLside ttol~up InsUx'ane ·, 573 COUNCIL K.~ETING Council Chamber, 30th September, 19~6 The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetings, for the p~pose of passing the money by-l~w which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present· BY-LAW The following By-Law was passed; No. 393.7 - To Provide Monies for General Purposes. CR~ERED on the motion of Ald. T~dsle and Scott that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-l~w be read the first time · Carried Unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of A~d. McKinley and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by- law be read th~ second time. - Carried Unanimously. 3rd. Reading -Ald. Frenk and Scott. - Carried Unanimously. MISCELLANE Ald. Miller referred to the press report of the Council meeting of w~eks ~go in which His Worship Mayor Xnglis stated that if we continued this dis- cussion he was going to bring out a lot of facts that will be detrimental to this Council. RESOLUTA ON The following Resolution was passed; No. 201 - F.Y.MII~R - W.MacDONAID - RESOLVED that if May~r Inglis has anything to divulge which will be detrimental to the 19~6 Council, we request him to do so at the meeting of Monday, October 7th; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. Ald. MacDonald referred. to a request received back in Yuly for a tree removal at ~84 H~ron Street. Mr. Emery had advised this family the tree would he removed during the month of September, but, this-has not been done. Ald. MacDonnld also advised that the merchants on Queen Street, three of them and several on Victoxia Avenue are requesting that if it could be arranged, the streets be washed during the night hours. The 0ity Manager suggested that the matter of flushing streets be left until the spring of 1947 when the Cou2cil could then decide whether it would be advisable to re-equip the flushing unit. Ald. B~ckner desired to k~ ff the street signs will soon be available. T~ City Mesaget advised that the Sign Company (Copeland) expects to have all the materials necessary shortly a~.d then the sig~s will be shipped. Ald. '~uckner referred to the street lighting being inStalled by the H.E.P.C; and advised that he understands the--second street to be equipped with the new lighting wall be Bridge Street, and, desired to know if a suggestion could be forwarded to the H.~.P.C. for consideration as to the possibility cf taking care of the baek streets first, as ltrldge Street is one c~ the best illuminated streets. at the present time, His Worship Mayc~ Inglis enqui~ed when the plans would be available for storm sewers. The City Manager advised that the plans for the first section would be available in about four weeks time and -.the balance would be prepared in .about an additional si~, woe . , , RESOLUTION The following Resolution waspassed; No. 202 - MCKINLEY - MacDONALD - RESOLVED that the matter of acco~aodation for the City Clerk be left in the hands of the City Msnager and the newly-appointed City Clerk be given a vote of confidence; sad the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried UnanimousiX. On the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald the Council adjourned to Conference. READ AND ADOPTED, October 7th, 1946. ..... . Clerk CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 30 September, 1946. The Conference Committee assembled'at the clgse of the regulsr council -~ finnhoe meetings for the purpose of meeting with the Chippaws Council and also to oonside.r two items presented by the City Manager. After discussion and consideration of the matters presented, the Committee adjourned. READ AND ADOPTED, October 7th,19~6. '~""~"'f~~'.... Chai n. 576 FIFtiETH MEETING Council Chamber, ' 7 October, 1946. RE~JLAR MEETING Pursuant to adjournment, the Council net at V.30 p.m. on Monday, Octo- ber Tt~,1946, fc~ the purpcse of considering general business and finance. All me~abere of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the min- utes of the' previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Twldsle and AId. Frank. UNF/NISttED BUSINESS over from the previous meeting; No 411. - Finlay Fish Corerany - granting permission to use lot for parking purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley sad MacDonald that the communication be re- ferred to communication number 415 to be considered at that time. See Communication No.415 No.410 - Board of Education - re purchase of 'Morse Property'. (RDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank that the City Solicitor's-report he adopted and the Board of Education be advised accordingly. SEE Report No. 244 COECATIONS The following Communications were presented; No. 412 - Deputy Minister, Department of mmicipal Affairs - Memorandum re Muni- cipal Nominations and Elections. G%DERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and Mac- Donald that the communication be received and the repurt of the City Clerk adopted. SEE Report No. 245 No. 413 - W. V. Bra~, N. S. & T. Rly..Co. - repo~t on traffic conditions. No. 414 - Chief M. D. Tisdale - submitting report of Constable robneon on traffic conditions. No. 415 - City Manager - submitting Traffic Committee's recommendation. ORNERED on the motion of Aid. Twidale and Frank that communications 413-414-415 be con- sidered together. ORREE on the motion of Ald. McKinley and T~dale that the report be adopted in its entirety and a by-law amending parking by-law be pre- pared. No. 416 - Niagara Falls. Stanford and Chippawa Baseball ASsociation - requesting assistance with banquet. ORDEI~D on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the comnunication be received and the same grant be. given as of last Fear. No. 41? - Lord Mayor of Manchester. ENGLA/~ - appreciation for hospitality. 'ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Baek~er and Scott that the communic~ation be received s.a filed. No.'418 - Mr. F. Yeffrey Finlay - appreciation for tribute to son. ORDEI~ED on the rantiOn of Ald. T~ddale sad Frank that tile communication be received and filed. No. 419 - City Clerk. St. Catherines - enclosing copy of resolution requesting repeal of 8% Sales Tax on gas and electricity. ORRERED on the motion of AId. Scott and Bae~e'r that the communication be received and the resolution be en- dorsed sad the necessary rasolut/on be drawn-end forwarded to the Hencurable Humphrey Mitchell, and Mr. Carl D. Hanniwell, M~o~. No. 420 - Secretary. Niagara Falls Public Library - re px~posed Dxummond Branch Library on Lot 5, Main Street cr Portage Road. CSDEI~D on the motion of Buckmr and Twidale that the communication be received and refexTed .to the l~operty Committee for a repc~t at the next meeting. , No. 421 -Manager, 2~ln Oil Co. Ltd.- requesting extension of six months on Building and Sl~a permits. ~ on the motion of Ald. Frank and McKinley that the.communication he received and the request be granted. It was further ordered on the motion of AId. Buc~er and Frank that the Sun Oil Company be notified to have the property at the corner of Victoria Avenue and Simeoc Street made safe, under the Supervision of-the Cl~y~Mauage~, !b~ having ~he p~oper ba~riea4es--a~eeted. No. 422 -President, Niagara Falls Softball Association- requesting donation towards banquet. ORDERED on the motion of ald. McKinley and h~cDonald that the communication be recel red and request granted. No. 423 - Falls Construction Co. Ltd. - re possibilit½ of obtaining number of lots. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller md Frank that Mr. W. R. Phillips, Secretary-Treasurer of this Company, present at the meeting, be heard. I,~r. PhiHips said he would try to saswer any questions Council might wish to ask. As a previous motion had heen made by Ald. Buckher, seconded by Ald. Frank that this commUniCation be received and referred to the Property Committee for a re- port at the next nesting. Ald. Scott desired to know whether one week's delay would be too long and Mr. A~hillips advised that the Coraltony was going steadily ahead with construction. Had bean held up in the spring due to shortage of supplies and Company unable to obtain lots on which to build. Company now try- ing to make plans up in order to get started in the spring so that there won't be a delay in 1947. His Worship asked whether the Com~ny had any particular property in mind and kr. Phillips advised that there are some undevelopjd prop- erties on N~rth Street without sewer and water facilities. ORDERED on the mot- ion of AId. Bucknet and Frank that the communication be received and referred to the Property Committee and I~r. Phllllps be present during consideration of the matter. No. 424 - Secretary-Treasurer - Niagara Falls Civic Employees' FedernlUnion, Number 133. - ORDERED on the motion of ald. Frank and Scott that ~he common~- ication he received and filed. (communication was a report on attendance at Trades and Labour Convention}. No. 425 - Boy Scouts' ASsociation - requesting permission to hold annual 'Apple Day'. ORDERED on the motion of AId. NacDonald and McKinley that the communicat- ion be received and permission granted as requested for Saturday, October 12th. No. 426 - L. C. Crawford - re cashier's records as of Sept .30th. ORDERED on the motion of ]%ld. McKinley ar~ Miller that this communication be read, although it was not on the agenda prepared for this meeting. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Backnor that the communication be received. REPORTS The following Reports were presented; No. 244 - City Solicitor - re Board of Education and By-Law No. 38Z6 - ORDERED on the motion of AId. Scott and Frank that the report be received and adopted. No. 245 - City Clerk' - re Memorandum from Departnent of ~unicipal Affairs. ORDER on the motion of Ald. Prank and MacDonald that the report be adopted. No. 246 - City Clerk - report of Conference of September 30th. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. Frank and Twirlale that the report be received and adopted. No. 247 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of Licences. ORDERED on the-motion of Ald. Twidele and Buclmer that the report be r~ceived and adopted. No. 248 - City Clerk - recommending refund of Poll Tax Payment. 0RRERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Miller that the report be received and adopted. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were adopted. No. 203 - TWIDALE - SCOTT - RESOLVED that the next re~lar meeting of the City Council be held on Tuesday evening, October 15th, 1946 at 7.30 p.m. and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. ' ' Car~,ed Unanimo.u.$1y. No. ~-0~- McI~NLEY - MacDONALD - RESOLVED that AId. A. W. Sco~t be appointed En- asting Mayor on October lOth and llth, 19~6, during the absence of His Worship, Mayer Ingl~ from the City; and the Seal of the. O~rporation be hereto affixed. ! Carried .U.nani,moual~. The following By-Laws were passed; No. 3938 - To authorize th~ execution of an Agreement f~r Sale and Deed. (~DERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Buckher that Ald. Miller be given ~he privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried Unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and MacDorald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-Law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. 3rd. Reading -Ald. Twidale and bank. - Carried Unanimously. No. 3939 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and MacDonald that Aid. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried Unanimously. It was then ordered on the .motion of Ald. McKinley and Scott that Rule 56 (2} of the Standing i~ules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by- law he read the second time. - Carried Unanimously.. 3rd. Reading -Ald. Frank and B~ckner - Carried Unanimously. A~d. Buckher desired to know whether the City Clerk could inform Coun- cil whether any families have act--l ly moyed into the Government houses or if any families have been allocated houses. The City Clerk advised that nine famil- ies are in Wartime Houses at present. · A&d. B~ckner advised that it has bean brought to his attention that some families have moved or are about'to move into these houses who are not in dire circumstances. The alderman stressed that these houses were built for occupancy by families in dire circumstances and if it is true that they are not being occupied by such families then it should be stopped, or, if the informat- ion.is untrue then it is the duty of this Council to see that the truth is brought to the attention of the public. He further suggested that the City Clerk contact the Wartime Housing officials and ascertain if the information is correct cr not. Ald. MaeDonald advised that Mr. Warren, administrator of Wartime Hous- ing is nnly giving houses to returned men in dire need. Ald. Miller advised that he .also heard that two families have already moved into these houses who are not returned men. Ald. McKinley x~ferred to another Veteran who was also in dire need of a house. RESOLUTION The following Resolution was ~assed; ~ No. 205 - ~CENER - MoEXNLEY - RESOLVED that the City M~mager oom~,~ioate with Veterans' Housing 0ffielals asking them to collaborate at least with the City officials to make sure those in d~re need have first choice; and the Seal of the Corl~ration be hereto affixed. . .....Carried Unanimously. Ald. B~akner referred 1~ the west and o~ Sl~ing Street where a checkered 'board sign is e~ected, because this ~ a dead end s~et. ~y motorists trav~ up the steer bef~e t~y a~e a~e t~t it is a dead eM s~et. ~e alden s~sted t~t at the east end=~ ,the,s~e~ a si~ advisi~ tha~ this is a dead e~.s$~ s~ be e~eoted. ~ ~e.convenieme ~ motorists. ~d. ~o~m~ ~ferred ~ the oo~itions e~ at t~ oo~er of ~d~ Street md'Fo~ Argue. ~re is no stop sl~ and Serial aQQidents ~ve ooeu~ed at th~ very ~sy ocher. ' See Resolution T RESOLUTION The following Resolution was passed; No. 206 - MacDONALD - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that the Chief of Police have the speed of motor vehicles checked, travelling on Bridge Street, between' Victoria Avenue and Fairview Cemetery; and a stop sign erected at the comer of Bridge Street and Fourth Avenue; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously MISCELLAFEOL~S Ald. MacDonald referred to the smoke nuisance at the General'Hospital end, as the Canadian National Railways are doing something.to try and abate smogs nuisance, the Hospital should try as well. The Alderman said! that he understood a petition has been presented to Council about the first of the year from the people residing in the vicinity 6f the Hospital on Yepson StDeet, Fourth AvenUe, Third Avenue and Willmott Street. These people are n~v complaining again about it. The alderman desired to know whethe r anything could be done about the smoke nui- DanCe, Ald. ~kvidale advised that the matter has co~.~ up frequently at the Hospital Board meetings. They have not found it convenient to take steps. They are doing everything they can in fi ring the furnaces; trying to procure better cnel. In the future them will be i~rther development - new boiler house building and possibly structure will be quite different. *, Ald. Bucknor made a motion that a copy of the smoke nuisance by-law be forwarded to all industrial plants and large buildings within the City, requesting them to co-operate to the best of their ability. to eliminate this nuisance. There was no seconder. The Council adjourned to Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Scott and MacDonald. READ ANDADOP~D, October 15th, 1946. Clerk FINANCE MEm. TING Council Chamber, 7 October, 19~6. The Finance Committee met on Monday, 7th of 0ctober,1946 for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before then. All members of the Committee were present. Sundry Accounts were approved by the Committee,amounting to $24,849.19 The Account submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ~dered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank. The communication from the Board of Education re certain City prol~rties adjacent to the gromlds of Kitshonor Street and Mc~orial Public Schools, laid over from the previous meeting fc~ a report from the Property Committee, ~was presented~... ':for consideration, along with the report of ~he,'ProlBrty Committee. OFd)Ei~D on the motion of AIde Twidale and Frank that the matter be defamed for one .week until City Manager is l~esent to present his report and the City Solioitor's opinion jibe obtained as to *herher expropriation of these Woperties could be made by the ;,~B~ard of Educations The previous motion of Alde Twirlale, seconded by Aid. Freak ~tbat the ~eport be adopted, was withd~awne The City Treasurer's Statement on the Comparison of tax collections to September 30th, 1946 was presented for consideration. It was ordered that the statement be received and filed, on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Twirlale. Applications for.~building permits were presented and the following action takm thereon; ~D~RED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Buckner that the applicat- ions for building permits be laid over until the return of the B~llding Inspector, IT~AS FURTHER ORDERED on the motion of His Worship Msyc~ Inglis and A.ld. MacDonald that in the future, all building permit applications requiriag the appro- val of the Council be accompanied by a report c~ the Building Inspector and re- commendations covering the came, The City Clerk advised the Committee that the Canada Savings Campaig~x begins next week and the employees wished to k~cw whether the payroll savings plan as inaugurated in the past would again be made available to them, (RDERED on the motion of Ald, T~ldale and McKinley that the ~pport- unity to purchase Canada Savings Bonds by payroll deductions be offered to the municipal employees as in past campaigns, Carried, The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Bucknor. ~cott and READ AND ADOI~ED, October 15th, 1946. Clerk COUNCIL MEETII~ Council Chamber, V 0ctober,l~6. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetings, for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the accounts apl~oved by the Committee. ~ members of the Council were present. BY/LAW The following By-Law was passed; No. ~940 - To Provide Monies for General Purposes. CK~DERED on the motion of AId. Twidale and McKinley that AId. Miller be given the privilege of Introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first tim. - Carried Unn~imously. It was then ordered on the motion cf .Aid. Freak and Scott that Rule (~-~ of the Steadtug Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second tim. - Carried Unemimously. ~rd. Reading - AId. l~Ackner and TWidale - Carried Unanimously, .:The following Resolution was lmssed} No. 207 - A.D. FRANK- A.W.SCOTT - RESOLVED that the H.E.P.C. of Niagara Falls be requested to a~lrlss the possibility of the erection of street lightin~ on Sixtlz Avenue between ~epson Street and Willmort Street where there are no lights at the ' ~; .... ' ~ ? ';" ': "' ~' ""],"Ca=x~ed Unanimously. The Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Twidale and ~cott. READ AND ADOPTED, October 15th, Clerk 'Ore "CONFEER~E Council Chamber, ? October, 1946. The Conference Committee assembled at the close of the re6~lar council and finance meetings for the purpose of reconsidering the rate at which water could be supplied to the Village of Chippawa. After full consideration, it was ordered on the motion of Ald,~kvidale and Frank that the Committee adjourn, READ AND ADOPTED, October 15th,1946. 581 FIFTY-FIRST MEETING Council Chamber, 15, October, 1946. '.REGULAR MEETING Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 15th, 1946, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All mem- bers of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid. Miller and Scott. UNFINIS~E~ BUSINESS Laid over from the previous meeting; No. 407 - C. Longhurst~ O.N.R. - re automatic protection at Victoria Avenue cross- ing, and, communication from A. B. Saunders, and, City Manager's recommendation. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~acDona kl and McKinley that this matter be laid over until Mr. I.'F. Pringle, Vice President and General Manager of the Canadieu Nat- ional Railways, c~ Mr. Saunders as assigned by him, has the opprtunity of straight- ening this matter out. Carried. ~EE Report No.249. An amendment made by AId. Frank that the report of the City Manager be adopted and the C.N.R. be requested to install the type of signal as recommended by the City Manager if possible; was not seconded. Tenders had been called for the supply oF sixteen reefers for the Niagara Falls Fire Department. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Frank that the tender be re- ceived, opened and tabulated. · Rn~ED on the motion of Ald. Twidsle and Scott that the communication from Mr. Yames Gullion be received and the writer requested to give more specific data. Carried. OOMMUNICATY ONS ~.e following Communications were presented; No. ~2? - Superintendent~ N. S, and T. Rly. Co. - requesting approval of extension of .10~ fares. CREEltED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and T~ldale that the ex- tension be granted for the year 1947. No. 428 ' City Clerk and Treasurer oF Gelt, 0at. - resolution objecting to change in the Municipal Act. 0RDEt~ on the motion of Ald. Scott an~ MacDomla that the communication be received and filed as the change does not affect the City of Niagara Falls, sad, the City Clerk of Galt be advised accordingly. No. 4~9 - City Manager - submitting communication f~om County Clerk re action of County Oouncil re accommodation for persons requiring a certain degree of hospital care, but not requiring the f~ll hospital care provided in general hospitals. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and McKinley that a committee be named to -~' meet with the County Council and bring in a report. Carried. His Worship Mayor Ingl!s named AId. Twirlale, AId. Miller and Ald. MacDonald to this Committee. 'No. 430 - Presidm~t. Trades and Labot~ Council - requesting delegation to met Council on October 15th. re increased cost of milk. The Presidsat informed Coun- ail that Mr. Charles Weir had bean elected by the Trades ani La~otm Council as spokesman. CRDEiqED on the motion of AId. Frank-and McKinley that the delegation he heard. Mr.'.,W~ir referred to the serious situation which has developed through the increase in the price c~. milk. Milk is required by workers in factories be- cause ~ the natore of thei~ work, bat, numerous wrkmen have cut off their milk supply bought at lunc~x tim; families are also budgetting to cut down the con- sumption of milk. Dominion Dietary standards report that Canadian consumption of milk, particularly ~ low intern braclmts are not up to stsadard and this fiAtthor cut in milk constitutes a serious threat to the health of families and dangerous to those below average income. The Trades ant Labour Council commended the City Council for their decision a weak ago in endorsing the lIousewives' Association resolution requesting the subsidy of three cents, but, failure of the A~rovincial GOvernment to take antion is tending to make the situation unfavourable because people are budgetring with less milk aud are becoming accustomed to less milk. The T~ades and Labour Council suggests that the Civic fathers consider some further action with regard to urging the l~ovineial Government to reinstate the three cants subsid~ pending the findings of the investigation and that this be, dons in short order. The Trades und Labour Council are not prepared to advise the action the Council should take in this matter. Mr. Weir referred to the municipalizati. on of milk ~hich seemed to be the only solution to the problem. He concluded by recommend- in~ end requesting that the City Council consider appointing a conunittee to study the question of public ownership of milk with a view to supporting the Trades and Labour Council's urgent requests that action towards tkts ransure be taken in the Province of Ontario. As there were t~ other communications on the agenda dealing with the same subject, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and Miller that they be considered at this time. No. 431 - President, Housewives' Association - enclosing resolutions anl requesting endorsement by City Council. No. 432 - President, Labor Progressive Party ~ re milk prices. ORDERED on the mot- ion of AId. McKinley and lilller that a committee be appointed to bring in a further report on this matter in its entirety. Carried. His Worship Mayor Inglis named Ald. McKinley, Miller and MacDonald to this Committee. It was further ordered on the motion of ~ld. T~idale and Frank that the connnunications be laid on the table · for one week until Counci I has had the opportunity to study them. Carried. No. 433 - Albert Iannuzzelli - requesting permission to erect double cabins, and, report of City Manager. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank that the communication be received and City Manager's report adopted. SEE Report No. 250 No. 434 - City Clerk - requesting advice of Council re form of ballot paper. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and ~ddale that a by-law be prepared, so that the ballot paper may show each office the nu~aher of candidtares for such office for which the voters are entitled to vote. Carried. No. 435 - The Honourable Htumphrey Mitchell - ack. resolution endorsed by City of Niagara Falls, from St. Cathsrines Council, urging repeal of sales tax of ~ on gas and electricity. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Frank and l~acDonald that the com~aunication be received and filed. Carried. No. 4~ - Manager, H.E.P.C. of Niagara Falls - re street lighting on Sixth Avenue between Yepson and Willmort Streets. ORDEED on the .motion of ald. Frank and Ald. Twidale that the communication be received and filed. Carried. No. 4~F - T; S. Gardner - enclosing bill for installation of new water pipe, and, report of City Manager. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Freak and Bucknor that the communication be received and filed and Mr. Gardner advised as recommended by the City Manager. SE~ Repurt No. 251 No. 438 - Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Woosnero - appreciation for prompt attention by Coun- cil. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Bucknet and MacDonald that the communication be received and filed. The following Reports were presented; No. 249 - City Manager - suggesting C.N.R. be requested to use standard wig-wag signal instead of one utilizing flashing lights & Railway Company be further requested to eliminate the bell. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~acDonald and Ald. McKinley that the matter be laid over. No. 250 - City Manager - in connection with application of A. Iannuzzelli for erection of 10 double cabins. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank that the report be received and adopted. No. 251 - City Manager - in connection with account submitted for installation of new water pipe at ~55 Fourth Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and l~ckner that the .report be received and adopted. No. 252 - City 0lark - report on Conference c~ October Vth. C~DERED on the motion c~ Ald. Frank sad Scott that the report be received and .adopted. No. 253 - City Clerk - recommending iscuunce ~f licenoes. CR~ED on tile motion ce Aid. Miller and MacDonald that the report be received and adop.ted. No. 254 - City Clerk - recommending payment or poll tax refund. ORSERED on the motion of Ald. Twidele and Scott that the report be received and adopted. No. 255 - Dairy Xnspectc~ - report for month of September, 1946. ORDERED on the · motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted. The following By-Law was passed; No. 394_1 - To authorize the execution ~f an Agreerant for Sale and Deed. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Twirlale ar~ Scott that Ald. Miller be gives the privilege of introd~cing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. Carried Unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and McKinley that Rule 56 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. 3rd. Reading -Ald. McKinley and MacDonald. Carried Unanimously. on the motion of Ald. Frank and Twidale the Council adjourned to Finance. READ AND ADOPTED~ October 21st,1945. FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 15 October, 1946. The Finance Committee met on Teesday, October 1Grin, 1946 for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts ~ich had bee~ properly cert- ified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. ~mdry Accounts wore approved by the Committee,amounting to $5,544.08 The Accounts submitted, being passed cr otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the money by-lawfOr presentation to the Council, on the moti on of Aid. Scott and B~ckner. The offer of Hoary Schellesberg re Lots 14 .n~ 15, ~ueal Street, and a ccm~nunication f~om Yehn C. F1Fan, were presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of His Worship Mayor Inglis and Aid. MacDonald that the City Manager and City TreasUrer advertise this property and other properties On-Queel Street which are under the control of the City Co.U~eA1. Carried. The communication from the Public Library re Lot 5, u-in Street, as laid over from the previous meeting, was presented for consideration. Upon'the reco_mmandation of the Pxoperty Committee and on the motion of AId. MacDonald and Frank it was c~dered that the Library Board be advised that the Municipality not prepared at this time to give them any assarahce that the street will not be extesded in the future, end, that negotiations be entered into to acquire possess- ion of Part of LOC 6, for fut~e highway l~xrposes; esd, the communication from the Library Board wi,th reference 'to the possibility of extemdlng Spring 8~reet to 2~re~t~, ~;be filed, ' -The sommunieation-from the Falls Construction COmpany, Limited re the possibility of obtaining of at least 25 lots suitable for building purposes for the ~nring of 194~ was presented again for consideration. Upon the reco:~r~ation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Mckinley and Bucknor it was ordered that the Falls Construction Comlmny be laid on the table ~or one week until a complete report on possible lots, costs, etc. is prepared. At this time, it was ordered on the motion of ald. McKinley and Scott that the City Clerk read the com~aunication from the City Solicitor re conveyance of certain properties owned by the City of ~lagara Fells to the Board of Education. At the last meeting of Council the communication from the Bc~rd of Education regarding certain properties, along with the report of the Property Comm- ittee was presented for consideration and laid ever for one v~ek, until the City ~ager would be present to present his report and the City Solicitor,s opinion could be obtained as to whether expropriation of these properties could be made by the tkard of Educati on. After the City Clerk read the City Solicitor's conununication and the City Manager submitted a plan in connection with these properties and reported verbally thereon, it was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Inglis end ~dd. ~vidale that the City Manager confirm his verbal report to Council. The following applications, laid over from the previous meeting, were presented, along with the City Manager's recommendations;- ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and Scott that permit be issued to Canadian Tire Corporation to erect s concrete block and brick building on Lot 6, ~lctoria Avenue, as recommended by the City Manager. Cabtried. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Frank that permit be not granted to L. J. Craig to remodel 2-car garage at rear of 569 Second Avenue, as recommended by the City Manager. Carried. An amendment moved by Ald. Bucknor, seconded by Mayor Inglis that the report of the ~ity Manager be tabled for one week, was defeated. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Scott and Frank that permit be granted to Y. Briund for small addition and alterations to ~enetian Hotel at an estimated cost of $1,800. as recommended by the City Manager. Carried. The following applications were presented, along with the City l~snager's reCOmmendations; - ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Twidaie and MacDonald that a permit be granted to alter the store at 541 Queen Street, formerly occupied by the A & P, as recommended by the City Manager. Carried. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~°rank and T~cDorald that a permit be ismed to Chas. Vukmauich, Royal Inn, 152 Bridge Street for the erection of a sign, as reCOmmended by the City Manager; sign to be erected Under the supervision of the City Manager. Carried. 0RDEED on the motion of Ald. Twidsle and B~okner that a permit be issued for the removal of a sign from the Public Library to the Y Service Cestre by the Red Cross as recommended by the City Manager. Carried. (RDERED on the motion of ald. Scott and Frank that a permit be issued to R. McAlpine for the erection ~ an additionto 'the rear of 192ZMain Street, as recommended by the City Manager. Carried. (RDEEED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Frank that a permit ~e issued to S. Betget for the erection c~ an addition to the rear of 1924 Main Street, as recommended 'by the City 'Manager. Carried. ........ Tn connection with the application of the Provincial Engineering Company to move an old building across the street and construct an addition on the same at 749 ~xttrey Street, the City Manager presented a verbal report. The City Man- ager advised that the Cornpony wi shed to move a ~Ailding 24 X 30 across Acheson Avenue onto a lot reeemtiy purchased from the Corporation; wished to erect the ~xilding as close to the north line as possible. As the building met be two feet from the lot line, the building will be out in front c~ the houses on the east side of Acheson Avenue and the Manager was of the opinion the b~llding should be kept at least 8 feet from the line, in fairness to the other residents on the street, on the east side of Acheson Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Frank and Twidsle that permission be granted under the supervision of the City Manage~. In connection with the application of David McNlllan to erect a sign at, 1896 Main Street, the City Manager submitted a verbal report, and, it was ordered on the motion of Aid. Frank Rnd ~cott that permission he granted, under the super- vision cf the City Manager., It was then ordered on the motion of ald. McKinley and L~cDonald that communication number 433, f~om Albert Iaanuzzell, requesting permission to erect tourist cabins, along with the report of the 01ty E~mager be considered at this time. AId. McKinley advised that Mr. Iaanuzzelli had stated to him that he would not use materials that would go into the ~Ailding of dwellings end that he was going to construct the cabins with the same materials as were used in the con- struction of the souvenir stc~e on Clifton Hill. The Alderman moved a motion, seconded by AId. MacDonald that E~r. Iannuzzelli be permitted to confirm to Council the statements made to Ald. McKinley. Mr. ZRnnUzZelli did so and it was then moved by All. McKinley that Mr. Iannuzzelli be granted permission to erect the cabins as applied for, on the M.C.R. property at the rear of the SouVenir stare on Clifton Hill. The. re was no seconder to this motion. The City Manager stated his attitude concerning the issuance of permits for the erection of cabins. He advised that at least five applications have been turned down and suggested that no action should be taken until Council set a pol- icy. If Council thinks that the tim is right, then all the applications made ' during the season should be considered at the one time. Review them all and de- cide what permits can be issued. ORDERED on the moti on of Aid. McKinley and seconded by AId. Becknet that at the next meeting of Council the City Council define its policy as to the erect- ion of tourist cabins. Carried. The Statement of Unemployment Relief for the month of September, 1946 was presented for consideration. 0RDEE on the motion of Aid. Scott and Frank that the report be received and filed. At this time, Mr. V. C. Thomas presented a sketch on the proposed com- fort station at the South End of the City. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and B~ckner that Mr. Thomas be heard. Zt was further ordered on the motion of Mayer Inglis and Ald. tMck~er that the matter be referred to the Property Com- mittee for a report. Carried. Aid. B~c~v~r referred to the H.E.P.C. and stated that he understood that the Commission is pulling down old iron. towers and thought Council might be in- terested in getting some further information. It might be possible to use these towers at the 0akes Field instead of wooden Ones. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Bucknet and Aid. Scott that the City Menager.bring in a report regarding the securing of iron towers and ascertain whether they could be used for lighting purposes at 0akes Park. The Committee adjourned to Council on the motion of Aid. Frank and Scott. ~.Aj) A~ ADOPTED, 0etober 21s~, 1946. of Finance. COUNCIL EREETING Council Chamber, 15 October 1946. The Council re-assembled at the close of the reSular council and finance meetings for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the accounts appr.oved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present. BY-IAW The folio?ring By-Law was passed; No. 3942 - To Provide Monies for General Purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Twirlale and Scott that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read. the first time. Carried Unanimously. !' It was then ordered on the motion of AId. McKinley and Twidale that Rule 36 (2~. of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-Law be read the second time. Carried Unanimously. 3rd. Reading - AId. Frank and Scott. Carried Unanimously. Aid. I~ller left the meeting at 10.15 P.M. Ald. McKinley referred to the smoke nuisance at the General Hospital and moved that the Hospital Board be communicated with asking if they could place screens in the chimneys to eliminate soot which covers a wide area, without too much expenditure. The motion was seconded by Ald. MacDorald. Before putting the motion to a vote, ald. Twidale vms of the opinion that one building in particular should not be singled out but all buildings should be requested to do so. AId. B~ckner referred to a motion he made, which was not seconded, at a previous meeting, that a copy of the by-law regarding smoke nuisance should be sent to all industrial plants and other concerns. RESOLUTI ON The following Resolution was passed; No. 208 - ~CENER - FRANK - RESOLVED that a Committee be appointed to go to Buffalo in order to e~m~ne the methods used to eliminate smoke nuisance in that area; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. His Worship Mayer Inglis named Aid. City Manager to the Connntttee. Carrle_d Unanim_ou_s~y.. Bucknet, ~ank, mckinley and the Ald. Mckinley referred to the unnecessary ringing of bells still being complained about by people from the Clifton Hill area. No. 209 - McI~NLEY - MacDONAlD - RESOLVED that instructions leened regarding the Unnecessar~ ringing of bells by trains, be complied with; and the Seal of the Corp- oration be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. .The Cotm~il adjourned to Conference on the motion of Aid. Scott and Frenk. ADOPTED, October 21st,1946. OONFERENOE Council Chamber, 15 October, 1946, The Council re-assembled at the close of the regalar council and finance meetings for the purpose of considering a communication from Mr. H. G. B~ooks, Assessor. After consideration of the matter presented to them, the Committee ad- Journed on the motion of Ald. Frank and Twidale. READ AND ADOFPED, October Zlst, 19~. Clerk hairman. FIFTY-SECO}D }.SETING Council ChamLcr~ S10ctobcr 1946. REGUL'~R L~ETIN] Pursuant to adjourns.lent, the Council -'~let at ?.C0 p.m. on Lbnday, 0etoboi. Send, 1946, for the purpose of considerinji general business aud finance. All mem- bers of the Council were present. ~e Council, havi:~5 received and read the minu- tes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the ::lotion of Ald. LiacDonald and Ald. SCott. Ui~INISIED BUSI!'ESS Laid Over fr~[a the ]>f~ej_igus meeting; To.rider from Yame~'Gu~!icn .- :,-. ] 3 reefers for Fire Departnent. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Ald. Tv:idale and Frank that the contract be ~iven to L{r. Gullion arid the City Clerk request Mr. Gullion to see if he can expedite those reefers by advising the manufacturer of the urgent necessity of the same by the 16 firemon. Conununication No. 4~0 - Niagara Falls District Trades and Labour Counci> - re milk situation. Communication No. 451 - Niagara Falls tIousewives' Association - enclosin[~ resolut- ions· COmmUniCatiOn No. 45~ - Niagara Fall~ ~Labo~r Progressive Party - re milk situatiorr. 0RDE}~ED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank that these three conmunicstions be con- sidered together, along with the report of the Committee appointed by His Worship ~ayor Inglis at the last regular meeting of Council. 0RDE2ED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Scott that the con~nunications be laid on the table and the thanks of Council be extended to the Comaittee for their report and that they be granted autL- ority to contact other municipalities to ascertain what action they are takin~ re- gaming obtaining enabling legislation for the establistunent of milk as a public, utlli ty. SEE__Report No. 2,~ VERBAL REPORT Ald. Miller at this time reported on t~ meetir~gs attended in connection vdth the preparations entered into by the City of Niagara Falls, New York and the City of Niagara Fells, Ontario for the observance of United Nations Week. He out- lined the programme to be followed on Wednesday, October 23rd. His Worship Mayor Inglis asked that this Council take cognizance of the fact that the ceremony will be held at l~ A.M. at the hour of the inau~mration of the United Nations Meeting in Lake Success, New York and requested that the Council, along- with the citizens be present on Wednesday morning when the ceremonies ~ll be held in the middle of 'the Rainbow Bridge, to participate in this programme. 0RDI~QED on the motion of Aid. Miller and Aid. McFdnley that IIis Worship the Mayor be authSrized to issue a proclamation in the local newspaper on October Z~d. Carried Unanimously. PROCLaJ,!ATI ON WHEREAS The General Assembly of the United Nations convenes in the State of New York on October ~ird of this year; ~'~{EREAS The citizens of Niagara Falls, Ontario reaffirm their faith in the Charter of the United Nations which states in part; "We, the People of the United Nations determined to save succeeding generations froln the scourge of war, to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom, and to Practise tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good nei~hbours, end to Unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, have re- solved to combine our efforts to accomplish these qi'ms," and I~HEREAS the Niagara Frontier has already demonstrated its faith in the United Nations by inviting them'!to make their permanent headquarters here at an island in the Niagara River between Canada and the United States, t~ Nati'Qns which have enjoyed an unarmed boundary for 1.30 pars; AND WHEREAS the cosmopolitan character of this community has contributed to the power and growth of this 0ity, I, George R. Inglis, Ms,vet of the City of Niagara Falls, do hereby proclaim that the week beginning Wednesday, October 23rd~ 'be kno~m as "United Natlots Week", a period during which all religious, educational, *and,cultural ,institutions and organizations are urged to emphasi~,e %he value- of the United Natidns to the citizens of this Community. To inaugurate this observance T respectfully request that the bells OF churches and schools and the whistles of industrial establishments be sounded for one minute at ll a.m. next Wednesday, the exact hour when the General Assembly convenes at Lake Success, New. I further urge that the friendly relationship ~ich has existed between our City and Niagara Falls, New York, in the United States, be deepened in every possible way during this period in order to encourage the idea of the United Nations in our o~m region. GEORGE R .INGLIS, I~tv ~r. COMt~NIC~TIONS The fjllowin~ communications were presented; No. 4Z9 - Controller of Civil Aviation - re low flying aircraft. ORDERED on the motion cf Ald. Frsmk and Scott that the communieation be received and filed. No. 4~0 - Chairman, Lions' Club Hallowe'en Oomm~ittee - requesting permission to hold parade. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Frank that the commun- ication be received and permission granted and proclamation issued. No. 441 - M. A. Kent - requesting permission to hang Christmas Decorations. ORDEi~ID on the motion of Ald. Miller and Buckher that the communication be re- ceived and laid on the table and the Fire Chief and City Manager requested to prepare a report on this matter. No. 442 - Salvation Army, Secretary - requesting co-operation during salvage campaign. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Bucknor and ~,.~dale that the communicat- ion be received and the City Manager be authorized ,to lend every effort in the way of equipment to the Salvation Army for this worthwhile drive. --~ No. 443 -Pere L~rquette Railway - Superintendent - re unnecessary ringing of bells. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Scott that the communication be received and laid on. the table for one week in order to ascertain whether res- idents in the Clifton Mill area still ha~e grounds for complaints in this regard. No. 444 - Veterans' Organizations of Niagara Falls - invitation to Remembrance Day Parade on November lOth. ORDERED 'on the motionof Ald. Twidale and B~ckner that the communication be received and the inv~tation accepted and as many members of Council as possible att end this annual parade and service. Ald. Bucknet suggested that great publicity be given this Annual Service in order that there may be a good turn-out. No. 445 - Niagara Falls Junior Chamber of Commerce - invitation to Citizens' Night on October 23rd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the com- munication be received and the invitation accepted and as man~ members of Council as possible attend this function. No. 448.- Parishioners of St. Patrick's Church - invitation to Pastor's Silver Jubilee Celebration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Twidsle and Frank that the invitation be received and a letter be forwarded to the Pastor expressing con- gratulations and felicitations of the City Council and as many members of Council as may find it convenient attend this ~ervice; and also convey the information that the City Council will be in attendance at the Annual Memorial Service held at the Cenotaph on Remembrance Day, November llth at ll A.M. and 'therefore arrival at the Silver Jubilee Service will be detained. At this time, the Agreement with Wartime Housing Limited re additional fifty houses, and. report of available lots were to be considered, but, on the mot- ion of Ald. Miller and Scott it was ordered that the same be laid over until t~ arri~ 0~ the representative of the ' WaFtime ~ousing Limited. The followin~ Reports were pressrated; ' -, ,No. 256 - Committee appointed to study recent increase in price of milk to con- sumers. 0RDEED on the motion of A~, 9Adale and Scott'that the report be're- ceived and the Committee be.given authority to follow the matter up. with contin- ued acti6n. .' No. 257 - City Clerk -.Report of Conference Oc,tgber 15th. ORDERED on the motion 9e, Ald.. F~snk~d.,Scott that- the-'~epc~.t,b~ ,~eceived and adopted. ;~ ','~ ' ' ~''' ' · .- ' ' ' '" 'i ¢( ' He. 258 - City }.:ram jot - reco!nn-sniing approval ~j~ ir~u~'~nce co .xittee's i;u,i 'e~t- ion ro asphalt plant, storch, ousc at_! wo:l.'skoF. CIi::.EE~LD on the motion of Scott and Bucknor that the report be ~bceived and adcLted. No. 259 - City Clerk - rccoimzcniin: refund of poll tux Faymerit, 1246. O.~)i].D on the motion of Aid. !~iller ani l.icl~nlcy that the r~port be mceivc~ ani ~cl ted. No. 260 - City Clerk - advisi~,i of resignation of ~.iiss Dessic ~ra:.t an] r~ce:ruceni- in~ staff changes. O~IDERED on the :totion of *~1~. LlcKinlcy an l Ydd. LlucDor~!d that the report he received and slog.ted. It ~',a-~ furi:er ordered or, the ::ot~cn of' ~d. ~vidale and idd. Scott that the msiCnatiun be ac'ccptod vdtL rc~:rut ani the ~shcs of Comcil be forwarded to L'iiss G~unt for her future under~fi:in~;. RT~'~OLUTIOi,~ ! The resolution to define tile policy of tile City Council vitk reference to the erection of tourist cabins vas referred to the Co:mnittee of th~ ',fi:ole on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. L~acDonaldo BY-L~1. .'S The following By-laws were passed: No.. 3943 - To authorize the execution of an ACreen~nt for Sale and D~ed. O,RDEr!FFO on the motion of Ald. ?,:cKinley and Ald. Scott tht ~kld. Miller be given the privilege of introducix~ the by-law and the by-la~v he ~iven the first reading - Carried un,~ufir~ously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and Ald. linknor i~hat Rule 36 (2) of ~e Standing, Rules of Council be temporarily susl~nded and the by- law be read a second time - Cab'tied unani.mous4,. 3rd reading- Ald. T:,idale and ~kld. NcDonald- Carried uncmimously. N.o. 3944 - To very the form of ballot at municipal electi one. ORDEI~D on the motion of Ald. ~vidale and Ald. I,ic[(inley that Ald. l~ank be given the privilege of lntroduci~Z the by-la;:' and the by-law be ,jivcn tile first reading ~ Carried unanimously. It was. then ordered on the motion of Aid. Buclmer and Ald. Miller that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules' of Council be temporarily susi~nded and the by- law he read tile second time - Carried unanfiaously. 3rd reading - ~kld. Scott and Ald. ~ddals - Cart'led unanimously. MISCEIZ,FI~EOUS At this time Ald. Frank referred to the tichour Roll which had been er- ected 'by the Junior Chamber of Commerce in henour of the boys who served in the armed forces, at a cost of around $2,000. and of the expense entailed in hoping' it in repair, all of which has been done as a token or recognition to those boys who served. Ald. Frank then referred to the damage which has been done to this Henour roll, plate glass has been s~mshed, some of the names have been d~i:aged beyond repair and will have to be replaced; these names are on sinall wooden blocks in gold. The alderman then stated that this Council should draw to the attention of the public this damage done by hoodlums and request their co-operation in the apprehension of those responsible for,this disgraceful action. SEE Resp~tipn No. 2.10 ~RELUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed: 591 No. 210 - A.D.FRA~ - A.J.McKINLEY - RESOLVED that the matter of ciTering a rew- ard to those giving information leading to the prosecution of those responsible for the ds~xage to the Henour Roll, be referred to the finance committee and the subject of the amount ~f the reward be considered at that time; and the Seal o:~ the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously Aid. Backner referred to the condition of a telegraph pole in front of Louis Fischers' store on the west side of Erie Avenue. No. Sll - R.BUCDrER - A.D.FP~kh~ - RESOLVED that the Canadian National Railways be advised of the condition of the pole on Erie Avenue and that Council are desir- ous of having the pole removed at the very earliest moment possible; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously The Council adjourned to finance on the motion of Ald. Scott and Bucher. ~READ i~D ADOPTED, 28 October, 1946. Mayor FINANCE L~.ETING Council Ch~llbsr, 21 October, 1946. The Finance Conmlittee met on },qondsy, October 21, 1946, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All ~mbers of the Committee were present. As the representative of the Wartime Housing Limited was present at this time, it was ordered on the motion of M~V~ Inglis. and Ald. Frank that cussion he entered into in connection with the agreement for additional fifty ho~ses. It was further ordered on the motion of Mayor m~d Aid. T~;idale that Mr. Orr, the City ~mher, be heard first. The City Manager advised that he had not seen the agreement as yet this evening and Mr. ~orr and Mr. Hoose of the. Warti~r~ Housing Limited then retired to discuss the same. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Twidale .and Frank that, the Committee proceed with the agenda. .Sundry accounts were approved by the Cm~mittee,'muounting tc $21,747.71. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the ~ney by-law for.presentation to the Council, on the nDtion cf Aid. Scott a~d Frank. Tae colr~unication from the ?,oar9 of Educ :t! on re.Ear!h: i curtain froZ- epries was prosbated for consideration. Upon the r~':ce:.x~:fiati cn of the Pr~i ~rty Con~dttee amd on the ..:orion of AId. MacDonald ~d ~:IcKi:~!ey i t l:~us erlered that the City Liana.]er's report ani ~'ecc.,r~uendatien be adoft~d. of sect~ri~': lots suitablo for buil.lin,S pucpo~es was F- ~ son~d for Upon the rccomme~.~ation of the Pro[~rty Committom -~ o~ th~ r:ott~n of ~!a. ~-.i- dale and But Mist it r~as ordered th'_~t the re:[u~st of tk~ F'~!]s Cor, n~n~tlon Co:a- p~iy be laid on the table and the report of the City ]'.I~aZe~, he coi~i~ercd Tile sketch of V.C.T.~Lomas for comfort station at the south cnu of tke City ';~as presented fol' consideration. Upon th~ :cccnu~.endaticn of t!~ P~c!crtv Co~uaittee and on the motion of Aid. L~acDonald ani/~ld. Frank it v:us cr!erL~, tik~t the architect be requested to prepare plans and specifications and call for ders. The commuunication from the SecraLary of th~ IT.E.P.C. e~.~looi::S for rebate on the 19~5 oprati on of street ]i.Zhting ani ~'~atcr'.'~orks for consideration. It was ~dered on the nDtior~ of All. Scott ~':d IBmclamor the corm~nication hc received ~d also the cheque v~ith thai~13. The conuqunication f~Dm H.O. Brooi~s roquestinZ increase in s~lury. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. TgcKi~iey and Ald. Frank that the cc!m!unication be referred to conference for consi~leration. The proposed advertisement re.ZardinC Queen Stl~et lots was proseated for coasideration. It ~';as ordercd on the ;action of Ald. McKinley and Xld. !\'.i- dale that the same be received and adopted. Tile communication from T.S.Gardner regardin L rebate at ~:7.9[~ ~,as pres- ented for consideration. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKi~tey 'and~c- Donald that the matter be referred to eonfsreJ~ce. ' The application of V,'.B~ckloy to erect an aidition to the rear of 529 Queen Street was presented for consideration. It v:as ordered on the motion of Ald. ltacDonald and Scott that permission be granted as recorlml_cnded by the City Manager. The application of in~rew Simko to erect == lunch room at 760 Bri~!£e Street was presented for consideration. It was ordered that the permission be -granted and the report bf the City Manager be adopted, on tile motion of ~'dd. Frank and MacDonald. ~e application of Edmund Wade to demolish banl at 2049 ~,Iain Street and erect a gin'age was presented for consideration. It v:as ordered on the motion of Ald. ~vidula and Scott that the City Mauager's report be adopted. RESOLUTIONS _The followinf Resolutions were passed: No. ~12 - MAYOR INGLIS - AID. McIG~YLEY - RESOLVED that the Chairran of Finance, City Manager and City Clerk as a committee, study tile nmtter of purchase some suitable memento to be presented to the Niagara Falls Baseball Team in recognit-. ion of winning the championship for the year 1946; and that a letter od congrat- ulations be forwarded to tile I"&mager of the team; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. .Carried No. B13 - R.BUCE~ER - MCKINLEY - RF~0LVED that tile hencuring of Y.Smart, who has won the Ontario Lawn Bowling Championship for the past two years, be considered by the Committee'at the same time; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto af- fixed. Carried unanimousl~ j ~ ~-~ ~ Carried unanimou ~r. Orr, City }~Tanager reported on the agreeneat with V:artime Housing Limite~ re additional fifty houses and advised that the a~m~ement, althoug~h not complete, is an exact duplicate of the agreefront signed for the 100 houses now under construction at the present time. }i~r. Hesse, representative of the Warn'time tieusing Litsited then spoke and said he was unable to give any estimate as to the construction progress as mat- erials are considerably scarce and the situation is v:or se than when the pro~ect was started, but it is hoped that during the winter laonths may be able to accum- ulate necessary r~tori~ls. Agreement will be dated under the assumption that some of these houses will be ready for occupancy sometime between the first Of Nay and the first of Yunc, if strikes do not impede their progress. Lir. Hesse advised that the Wartime Housing ~imited have an application for houses from the TovmshLp of Stamford and as a result, have made a survey of the application now on file in order to find out just what the relative ne~ of Nia6ar~ Falls and Stanfford are going to be. Mr. Hesse requested Council to consider the construction of hi. ore thau~ fifty additional houses as applications ar~ bein~g received at the rate of l0 a ~,~eck, and a great many people living in the houses in stamfoM who claim to be prewar residents of Niagara Falls, who ~ork in industries in Niagara Falls and desire to reside vdthin the City limits. H~ further advised that it may be ad- visable over the next few months to make a redistribution of tenOats and that Council "s consideration to this matter would be appreciated. ' After a full discussion, it v;as ordered on the :notion of ild. Frank and Ald. Bucknor that the agreement with We:time Housing Limited re additional fifty houses be laid over for one v:eek until the City Mana!Zer prepares a report as to the approximate cost of building an edditional twenty houses. RzSOLUTION The following Resolution was Fesented: NG. Pl4 - A.W.SCOTT - C.W.T~YIDAIE - RESOLVED that the City of Nia-:~ra Falls offer a reward of fifty dollars for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons who destroyed the Henour Roll. Notion defeated An amendment moved by idd. McKinley, seconded by Ald. MacDonald, that the City of Niagara Falls offer a reward of One Hundred Dollars instead of Fifty Dollars for information leading to the arrest and convictisn~of the I~rson or l~rsons who destroyed the henour roll, was carried. The Conumtttee arose and reported to Council on the motion of ild. ~.~tdale and Scott. F~D AND ADOPTED, 28 October, 1946, ~irman of Finance C~Y~¢CIL !.i!.: bV~TTq '~ 0st.abet, 1946, TIle Council re-asse;.x?,]e,i at the close of the r' ~lar ccunfi] nn~ fin'me,~ Esetin~ for the p'rye~ proved by the ColmI:ittoc. All mb;.i~r., of the Cour_ci! '.ere iro~. t.t. BY-L~,. The followiuS By-law was ~'assed: N,o.. 39,i5 - To provide monies for gsnurai i_arZcscs. ClDi]2.1l on the r,lotion of All. kcKini~y ' ,~-1 'l . Crrot t that · Llil!er be CivcI! the }rivilsgs of intrciucin- tile by-law a-i th~ b'--l=w b~ ~ti,. ~z +', first reading - Gastied un;n~i:aously. It was then or:iered on the :notioL of .:1i. 'r..iia!¢ und Fr~m;: tk~t ~hlo 36 (2) of the Standing Rules cf Courtoil bc +z~por,,d~1, susiYnicd an! Z.h~ by-l='.'; be given the s6cosd realinZ - Gel'tied unanimously. 3rd reading - Aid. ~,';idals and ;'~ld. Buckact - Carried uauni:_cualy. The Council ~djourned on the motion of AId. l~iiller ~nd Alff. T ..... ale to Con=tittle of the Whole. IIE~D AhD. A..'YOPTED, 28 October, 1946. M~' or COL~,IITTEE OF TtII!; Vfit0LE Counci 1 Ch~ber, 21 October, 1946. The Council assembled as a Co:~nittee of the ~filolo in order to consider a resolution defining the policy of the City Council v~ith reference to the erec- tion of tourist cabins. ill members of Council :'~ere present. It was moved by Aid. Buckher, seconded by Ald. MacDonald that the ap- plication of Albert Iannuzzelli to build tourist cabins be granted. His Worsl~p. Mayor Inglis did not put the question, but advised Cormmittoe that the matter being considered at this time v~as tim definition of a policy coucorni~g erection of tourist cabins. After considerable discussion, Ald. Frank, seconded by Ald. MacDmmld moved that Resolution No. 89, passed on Apri~ 8, 1946, be rescinded. 'Fads motion ~as later withdra~~m. ~' Ald. Frank moved that perraission be granted for the erection of tourist cabin~ if in business areas they be rZiv~ the s~uac privilc!ges as other businesses in sucix areas; This motion was not seconded. R~SOLUTION The following Resolution was passed: No. 215 - A.D.FRANK - A.y.~JcKILLEY - RESOLV~ED that the City Mar~ger bring in a rep- ort defining t~ areas and cox~itions under which tourist cabins may be built; a~d the Seal of the Corporation be affixed. Carried unanimously The Comm~ittee arose and reportel to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Frank. RF~D AND AD0tT~D, 28 October, 1946. Clerk Chairman CCI'~EP~LCE 'C! October, 19.i:~. ~e Council re-assembled at the closo of thu r~ui~r council ~n~ fin- ante meetin~ for the pur!~se of consiaerin ~ cclm.mnicati u. fnt;:~ the F:~lls Con- struction Co. Ltd., re possibility of securin alon.j with City ManaGer's rayoft; co::municutic2 f~D:.. H.~.Brocl:s, .~..scsser, uesti~ increase in salary ap.d letter from T.O.G~'dner ~.~ Later ]~ipe. After consideration of the afore rK~t~?rs ~,n~Z .:'th'~ matters l:'z~:sentel, the Cc:....:it- tee adjourned on the .uotion of Ald. Fra~.k ~d Scott. ADOPTED, 28, October, 1948. Clerk 597 COUNCIL T~EETING Council Chamber, 21 October, 1946. The Council re-assembled at the close of the meetin~ of the Co~mnittee of the V~aole. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and kid. Scott that Council ad- Journ to Conference. READ AND ADOPTED; 88 October, 1946. ~, FIFTY-TFrRD }.~E~iNG Council Chadabet, 28 0ctobor, 1948. REGLrI~R ~9]ETING Putrsuant to adjom, nraent, the Colncil met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, Oct- ober 28, 1946, for th,~ ',purpose of consi'lering general business and finance. All- members of the Council were present. The Council, having received ~d read the m~nutos of the previous meeting, adoD~ed these on the laotion of Ai,1. ~/~idalo and Fm~k. UNFINISHED ~JS~NESS Laid over from the previous meeting: No. 441 - Kent Stores - requesting pern~ssion to erect Christmas decorations. OR- E c~ ~he motion of Aid.. Miller and Scott that permission be granted. ~ Re~xmt No. 261 No. 443 - Pore Marquette Railway Company - ringing cg bells. 01~0ERED on the mr- ion of Aid. McKinley .and Ald. Miller that the matter be laid on the table fc~ an~ other week. Ald. McKinley explained that he requested this action as the chief complainant to the ---eeessary ringing of the bells is asbent from the City at the proscut time. His Worship Mayor lnglis referred to C~mm'u~ontion NO. 441 and suggested that as other applications ma~ be received fc~ the erection of 0bristmas decor- ations and that the provisions as sat f~rth b~ the Fire Chief and City Manager in Report Number 261 ~ould be carried out..by..them, it might he possible to grant them perksion without bringing the matter before Council a~ain. · . .v ~ SEE Reeolution No. 216 mmS0LUTION ~he relieving Resolution was passed: No. ~-16 - ~.W.SCOTT - C.W.TWIDALE - I~S0LV~ that similar requests, such as the Cue received f~om the Kent 8tc~es to erect Christmas deec~ations, he referred to ~he Fire Chief and City Manager, for approva~ and the Seal of the Corpora~ton he hereto affixed. Car:ied unanimously C0xe~CATIONS ~he following C~n"'~catione were p~esented: No. 447 - Insurance Cmnuittee - letter of appreciation. 01~)ERED on the motion of Ald, Seo~t and A!d, Racknor that the communication be received and filed,. His Worship the Ra~ stated that this reduction in ineuFance rates should be brought ta ~he attention of the citizens as the reduc~0n will mean a benefit to ~he lmb~io as well as the eity's insurines-preraitms. No. 4~8 - Assistant Gensx~l Manager, C.N.R~ - req. re~onsidemtion by C~Anctl re l~ote~tion of Victoria Avenue crossing at Rattrey Street. It was moved. by AId. Miller and A~d. MaoDonold that the whole matte~ be left in abeyance Until M~, l~ngle meets with the City Corm011, An aumadmsnt was mo~ed by AId. l~k and Mow4nley that the O,N,R, be asked to leovide a kind of pro~ection snggested by ~ Ci~y Mi~er in his ~epo~ prnsmxted on 0c$ohe2~ 15~h. At this t~fa~, 1~. 0~ advised tha~ i~ has since been b~ou~t ~o his attention that the tTpe of signal as Teocmmondod in his repo~t is no~ beli~a~d a.~:~bs pX~.Sen~ tins as i$ has been found unsatisfactory in existing installations. The amendrant, as amended, that the C.N.R. be asked to provide the kind of protection suggested by the City uger under the supervision of the City ~ger who is to see that a satisfactory type is installed. The amendment was c~rried by a vote c~ 4 to 3. No. 449 - Secretary, Civic Employees, 1lion - requesting advice as to when meet- ing could be held with Couhcil. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Bucknet and Frank that the communication be received and the City ~-nager be instructed to arrange this meeting as early as possible. No. 450 - County Clerk - re meeting on November 1st to consideration formation of a family court for Welland County. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Twiddle that the committee be appoiuted and instructed to attend the meeting. His Worship Mayor Inglis appointed Aid. McKinley, Twiddle and Bucknor and the Oity M~-~ger to this Committee. No. 451 - F.C.McB~rney, City Solicitor - re hranch library by-law. No. 45~- - Librarian, N.F.Public Lihr~ry - req. $40,000. instead of ~35,000. be provided in proposed by-law. ORDERED on the motion of ~ld. Twidale and B~ckner that these communications be considered together. It was further c~dered on the ~Etion of Ald. McKinley aml Frank that the communications be laid over until the reading of the by-law. 5~..E B~-law No. ~946 No. 453 - ~omes M. Osborne - re damage flower border at 1408 tiemilton Street. 'OR- I1~ on the motion of ~. McKinley .nfi MacDonald that the com~,hication be rec- eived and the matter be referred to the City ~-~ger for a report. No. 4~4 - Wc~kmen's Compensatim Board Accountant - requesting $1,000. deposit. No. 455 - Murtimer, Bampfield 0o. Ltd. - enclosing letter from Union Insurance Society of Canton re compensation Bcard's request for deposit. 0t~ERED on the motion of Aid. Miller and Scott that these communications be considered to gether. 0P~i~ED on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the communications be rec- eived and referred to the City Solicitor for a report. An ammdment was moved by AM. Frenk and Scott that the communications be received and acknowledged. ~he amendment was carried. No. 456 - Wartime Housing Limited - Fifth and Sixth Avenue lots not acceptable. 0~ en the motion of Ald. Twiddle and ~kner that the conmt, nication be rec- eived and laid on the table for one week and referred to the P~operty Committee for discussion and repc~t to Council. No. 45? - Wartime Henslug Limited - enclosing municipal agreement for Project No. 71, .r~ report c~ the City Manager on the same; and report of the Oit~y Manager on available lots. 01~ERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Twidale that the Agree- sent he received, ~ntd on the table fc~ one week and referred to the Property Com- mittee for discussion and rel~rt to Council. · ~m.E Report No. 262 ~ Re~ort No. 265 REPORTS ~ho followin~ Rel~mts wore l~esanted: N~. 261 - Fire Chief and City Manager - recommending per~-sion be granted to ~nt stc~eS fC~ erection of Christmas decorations. ORDERED on the motion c~ Aid, Millel: and Scott that the report be ~oceived and adopted, No, 262 -'City M-~ge~ - re Wartime Housing Agreement, 0i~' m' the' m0ti~n' of ' ~. ~e~ a~ Mdale that t~ ~p~t ~ ~eoived, laid on ~o ~b~ fo~ ~ ~k and ~eferred to ~he ~y O~!~%ee for ~s~on ~d rep~ ~ C~il. No, 263 - City Managox. - re available lots. 0RDERID on the motion of Aid, Mille~ and Twiddle that the mport be mceived, laid on the table for one week and rof- o~re~ ~o the luro~e~.t~* Ccmndt~oe fc~ discussion end report to Coanoil, T 'NO, 264 - City Clerk - l~eport. Of Cozference Of 0ctol~r P-let. 0~DERED on ~e mot- ion of ~d..~k ~d ~d~e ~t the r~rt ~ ~c~v~ ~d Mopted. -No. ~5 - Ci~ C~rk - list ~ poll~g su~lvisions, deputy retur~ officers ~d ~1 cl~ used in t~ m~cl~l election for the year 1945. ~D on the mot- ion of ~d. ~le ~ Scott ~at tM ~t ~ ~c~v~ ~d acted upon at the ~xt .C~cil ~e~ng. No. ~66 - City C~rk - recn~i~ ~f~ of po~ t~ ~mnt. 0~D on ~tl~ of ~d. ~e~n~d ~d ~ey t~t the re~r$ be ~oeived a~ adopt~. No. 267 - City M-n~ger - advising receipt of street si~s. 0~ on ~e motion ~ ~. ~c~ ~d SC~t ~t ~ m~rt ~ ~ceived ~ filed a~ gestion ~ m~e to t~ 1947 Co~cil ~ c~ple~ the ~l~atl~ of all sip in ~e City; that this matter ~ giv~ e~ con~dera$ion ~ o~e: to p~ce the p~- c~se ~der ~ the si~ com~y. ~o. ~68 - Co~tttee - ~ ~ase of me~utoes for O.B.A.Oh~pio~ ~d ~u ~wl- i~ c~pion. ~ on t~ motion of ~d, ~da~ ~d ~ey be received --R adopt~. No. ~9 - City ~er - ~t in cm~ction ~th buildi~ ~eas for ~urist cabins- 0~E~ on ~e moti~ of ~. ~Ber ~ ~"k that the ~p~ be ~ved ~d l~d on the table for ~e we~ for fu~er study. No. ~70 - City ~er - req~s~ per~ssion ~ destroy ~rs ~ior to ~e ye~ '1936. 0~ on the motion of ~d. ~eDo~d ~ ~d~e ~at tM request ~ r~eiv'~ ~d ~n~d a~ a by-~w be ~e~r~ ~ ~ve p~ssion ~ destroy ~se ~rs for su~ssion to C~ncil a~ to h for~ded ~ the ~,nicip~ ~f~rs for appeal - O~ri~. ~d. ~er ~ved ~ ~dment t~' recor~ ~ b~ed up ~d plac~ .in sore Cl~ ~ildi~- ~ ~ no to the ~xe following l~-law was p~esentod: No. 3946 - To provide for baki~ the votes Of the electors on question ,Are you ' in fayour of the expenditure Of $35,000.00 by the ms,-4eipal coopcarat- ton Of the City of Niagara Falls fc~ the erection Of a ~aneh ltbra:y at the south end Of tl~e City?" · ORDEI~D on the motion of AId. l~cott and Ald. Frank that AId. Mille~ be ~iven the privilegeof introduei~g the by-law Am~ the by-law be ~ead the fixst time - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Miller +_-h~t the Council adjourn to the C~"~ttqe Of the Whole in order to discuss'the by-law - Carried. ~ ~ .AI~ ADOP~, 4 November, 1946. ./ COMMITT~ OF ~HE V,~IOLE Council Chamber, 28 October, 1946. ~he Council assembled as a com~ittee of the whole in order to discuss By-l~w Number 3946. All members of the Committee were present. Ald. McKinley stated that the library bo~rd should be asked to state a definite site for this Library brunch. Aid. Miller referred to ccf~mAnic~ti on Number 451 from the City Solicitor the last paragraph of the communication, and desired to know who was going to fur- nigh the $5,000.00 the Library Board of the City Council. His Worship the Ms~or advised that the Council passed a resolution ad- vising the library beard that the matter would have to go to the people in the fern Of a question mr~ by-law Number ~94~ l~ovides for taking the votes of the e~ store, Ald. McKinley then moved that the by-law be laid on the ~ble for one week and the library board be asked to state a definite site. Them w~s no sec- onder to this motion. Ald. Buckner advised that the library board stated that the branch would be at the south end of the City, and as long as it is in the 0ity v~ere it is needed, that by-law should meet with their request. The Committee Of the Whole then arose and reported to Council, on the motion Of AId. Scott and Frank. AND ADOPq~n, 4 November, 1946. Clerk. Chairman Council Chamber, 2~ October, 1946, ~he Ccttn~ll x~assembled after discussic~ c~ B~-law Number 3946, It wan then ordured on the motian of AId. l~a~ and Twidale that som- mmSeatic~s 451 and 4~2 he reseived and filed; that the by-law as amended to read '$40s000. and t~ include site be given the second x~ading - Ca~rAed, AId, Frank and MacDonald - Carried. Council adjourned to Fi~nce Meeting on the mo~lon of Aid. Frank and IFAD AND ADOP~.Ds 4 November, 1946, FINANCE Council Chamber, 28 0otobar,1946. The Finance Committee met on Monday, October 27th, 1946, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had bees properly cartflied end pieced before than. All members of the C~mm4ttee were present. ~hmd:7 accounts ware approved by the Committee, amounting to $12,187.07. ~he accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, w~re ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Cmncil, on the motinn of ~. Frank and Twidale. The comnnnioatAnn fx~m the Falls Construction Co. Ltd. re suitable lots fc~ building lnrposes, laid over fx~m the previous meeting, was again presented fc~ consideration. Upon the reeo~nendatiou of the Property C~mittee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Aid o ~cott it wan ordered that a~ agreement f~r sale be d~awn for ~he 22 lots required; a dep. osit of- 25 per cent be acoel~ed; the deeds to be issued only as required and that the Falls Constraction Co. post a $5,000. b~n__d to guarantee completion of the project. Acr~-,,-4cation flora Theresa Nemeth requesting refund of deposit on Lot 212, Plan 9, Mot~ae Street, wee presented for ooasideration. Upon the reco~nd- ation of the lm~operty C~"m4ttee .u~ on the motion of Aid. Twidale and B~ckner it was ordered that the refund be granted. ~he report of the l~A'opertY Consnitbee on the above mattere e received n.~ adopted en the motion of Aid. Twidale and Bucknor.. ~hs eo~,~,-~oatiou fxom Bellewue Convnlesoent Hospital requesting in- crease in ~ate f~r indigent patients was l~eseated for consideration. It was or- dered on the motinn of Ald. 8o~ and Twidale that the o~me'uloation be referred ~ the City Manager and the Chatmen of Finance for a. ~epc~t. b 0ity Manager l~eseaxted a report and resm,~"aatic~ re the put. chase ~ a Marsop Road ~eaker for use at Failview Ceustex,y. ; on the motiou of A~d, ~o~t and Twldale that tbe. City !2nageF be ln~vuoted ~o purohese this unit. ~s ~osmttnisa~ion f~c~ William Zola ~o x~mtal of Q~een St, lo~ f~ sale of Ch~is~nas trees, was presented fc~ sousideatien, It was o~de~ed en the motion of Aid, 'l~ldale and 2~ott that Mr, Zola be a4wised that the City wall rend ~xts l~ope~ty ~ him, with the understanding that if~..the l~operty is sold, he will have ts make an agreement with the new owner. The Revenue and Expenditure Statement as of September 30, 1946, was l~esented, It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank that the state- ment be received and laid on the table, Application for building permit from S.Eershaw to convert double gar- age into small cottage was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and Aid. l~Ackner that permission be granted as recommended by the City ~,~sger. Application for building permit from H,Matolich to move a house from 855 Huron St, to Lot 21, Cedar St, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McDonald and Twidale that the recommendation of the City Manager be ad- opted. Application from C.A.McCall for permission to erect a frame ~arage was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Twirlale and l~acDonald that the report of the City ~A~n~gar be adopted. Application from Smith Broe, Cnnstruction ~o, to erect a storage build- ins on Lot 77 on the east side of Ellen Avenue was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Scott that the report of the City Manager be ad- opted, Application f:om Vernon D, mn to erect a two car garage was presented, It was ordered that the recommendation of the 0i.ty ~ger be adopted. In connection with the need of a toasillectomy by ;ohn and Robert Col- lucci as advised by the City Clerk, it was ordered that the comnaAnication from MeGarty Clinic be resAd by the 0ity Clerk. It was further ordered on the motinn of Aid. T~idale and Frank that the report be referred to the Medical Officer of Health for .a report. His Worship the Mayor advised that there ~uld be a meeting in the Township Hall on Oct, 30th at 4, p,m, to decide v&en the meetings would be held when Niagara F~11e would he host to the Granter Niagara Municipal Association and when 5ternford would he the host. SEE Resolution No. 217 ~he following Resolutions wore passed: No, 217 - C.W.TWIDALE - NeEINLET - RESOLVED that a committee consisting of His W~rship the Ma~or, the City Manager Rn~ the Chairman of Finance, met with the o~mm~ttee of the Stamford Township Council, Tuesday afternoon, October egth at 4 p.m. in the Township Hall to make arrangements for the meeting when the Clty of Nta~ra Falls will be host to. the Greater Niagara ~m~cipal Association; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carrl_ed unant, noasl~ Aid. ~Ackner referred to the fact that Aid. Twidale would not be a can- didate at the coming municipal election ~ suggested that arrangements be to have a picture of the council taM0n for Ald. Twidale after twenty-five ~eurs in nmicipal life. No. 218 - B~Cl~ - MacDONALD - ~ESOLVED that the City Manager be authorized to males arrangements for a photographer to be present to take a picture of the 1946 2cipal council end the executive members of the staff, before the depa~tllre of Ald. IC.W.TwidaleJ ~.a the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. ..... . ......... Carried un~imoUsly HiS Worship the Ms~or advised that he would be out of the City on Eal- l~e~n night, and ashed the Chai~- af Finance to look after the arrangemen~son that evening. 60;3 t ~ ,~ , ~" ~he Cnmm~ttee arose and repo~ted to Council on the motion of Ald. ~d~e ~d READ AND ADOPq~n, 4 November, 1946. · Clerk. sm / COUNCIL M~E~J:NG Council Chnmber, 28 October, 1946. ~he Councll re-assembled at the close of the re~ar council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of l~ssing themoney by-law which covered the counts approved by the C~,mtttee. All members of ~the Council. ware present. following By-law was lee seal: 3947 - To Provide Monies for General Purposes. 01~n on the motion of Ald. 8eo~t and IMeknar tlat~Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. -' · It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. Frank and MaeDorm14 t~at Rule : ~6 (2) of the Stab. cling l~ules of Council be temporarily suspended and the bl-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. reading -Ald, ~wldale'~ud Buck:st ~- Carx. ied unanimously, READ AND 'ADOPq'A~, 4 November, 1246. 605 F~FTY-FOWRTH MEETING REGULAR ~aEETING Councl 1 Chamber, 4 November, 1946. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.50 p.m. on Monday, Nov- ember 4th, 1946, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council were present, with the exception of Ald. Scott. The Council, having received and rend the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. mckinley and MacDonald. UNFINISPIED BUSINESS 4dd over from the previous meeting: No. 44~ - Pers Marquette Railway Com~anF . re ringing of bells. 0i©E~ED on the motion of Ald. MacDOnald and Frank that the co~Anication be received and filed for the time belng. SEE Communication No. 458 No. 453 - Yamss M. Osborne - re damage to flower border at 1408 Hamilton Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Frank aud MacDonald that the com~unlcation be rec- eived and filed. SEE Report No.. 271 Report No. 269 - City Manager - re erection a~ tourist cabins in City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Twidele and McKinley that the City Clerk prepare the necessary by-law, inserting cr removing areas suggested by the Council and c~rrsetions to be made when the by-law is read. C0M~gNIOA~0~ following Communications were presented: No. 458 - Superintendent. New York Central System - re matter of unnecessary ring- ing of bells. 01~)E1F. j) on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Frank that the commun- ication be received and filed for the time being. No. 459 - Dept. of Plmnn~ng ~ Development - proposed subdivision, Blk. A., Plan ~, Ker Subdivision. 01~ERED on t~e motion of Ald. Frank and Twidale that the eommm~cation he received and the plan approved, ~EE Report No. No, 460 - Dept. of Planning and Development - proposed subdivision, Lots 1-12 in- elusive, part of Blk. 36, Plan 653, Blanche subdivisioh. 0~)ERED an the mo~lon of Ald, McKinley ami Frank that the 0it~'M~-~ger be authorized to negotiate with the Blanche f~m~ly far the opening of this subdivision. An mandmsnt made by Ald, Miller that matter be referred to the Property Committee and laid over for one week so that Council san become acquainted with the plan c~ this subdivision. ~bers was no seconder. ~F~ Report No. No. 461 - Dept. of PUblic Welfare - invitation to Conference on Now. 5th. ~ ee the motion of AId. Twtdele and MacDonald that the invitation he received and accepted and His Worship the Mayor ,nd Mr. Stock and a member of Council bent. HAs Worship -~mmd AId. MacDonald to attend the meeting. No. 462 - Chief of Fire Del~rmant - requesting certificate of permanency for 10 members of Fire Department. C6E~R~ on the motion of Ald. Miller an~ MacDonald that the request be granted. 463 - Veterans, Organizations cf Niagara Falls - enclosing copy of parade ~ders for Nov. 10th.~ 0RD~ED on the motion of AId. Twidale and Bucklist that the invitation and communication be received and filed and, as m~ny members of Court- RF~SOLUTIONS ell as possible attend this parade. The followin~ Resolutions ~,jere passed: No. 4~4 - Baseball Association - appreciation for grant t~vards banquet. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Twidale that the Comm~nication be x~ceived aml No. 219 - A.D.FI~LNK - C.W.TI';IDALE - RESOLVED that the plans as subntitted covering the proposed subdivision of Block A, Registered Plan 645, Township of Stamford, filed. lands of Mrs. Hamilton Ker, be approved; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto No. 465 - County Clerk A.Y.Babion - resolution re family court. 01~DERED on the affixed. m~tion of Ald. McEial'ey and Backnet that the com~,n~catic~ be referred to Rel~rt _C,_arried ~ Number 276, to be considered at that time. No. 220 - MCKINLEY'- FRANK - RESOL~£D that the pl~u as submitted covering the pro- posed subdivision, ~ots 1 - 12, inclusive. Part of Block 36. Registered Plan 653, No. 466 - Board of EduCation - en~losin~ tickets for graduation exercises. 0~D- City of Niagara Falls, lands of Andrew Elanshe be approved; and the Seal of the ERIC on the motion of Aid. Twidale and MCKinley that the invitation be received and accepted and the Council m~k~ an effort toturn out for this o~casion. Corporation be hereto affixed. No. 467 - A.Mannette - requesting inclusion of Lot 7, Block C in the by-law to be prepared to designate areas for the construction of tourist cabins. 01~D]~ED No. 221 - A.D.FRANK - R.B~C~ - I~ESOLVED that the City of Niagara Falls approve on the motion of Aid. Frank and MacDonald that the cnmn-,uiCatiOn be received and the installation of automatic signals for the control of t. effic at the ln~rsec- tion of Victoria Avenue and But trey Street; end the S~i of the Corporation be laid On the table for one week. ~ hereto affixed. No. 468 - Secretary, H~xsewives' Association - req. representation from Council at : C_ar_ried the conference to ~e held Nov. 8th at B p.m. 01~DERED on the motion of Ald. Frank ~ No. 222 - C.W.TWIDALE - A.I.McKINLE~ R~SOLV~9 that an expression of sympathy be and ~Ackner that the comnnAnieation be receive~ and filed and the Milk Cnmm~ttse - forwarded to the family of the late Mrs. Thee. 0. 0liver, St.; and ~he Seal of the be in attendance. Corporation be hemsto affixed. i No. 469 - Chairm~n, Lions' Club Hallows'an Parade Cnmm4ttas ' appreciation. As Carried unanimously this com,uuhicatian was not listed on the agenda, it was ordered that the same be read by AId. MacDonald and Mawinlay. It was further ordered on the motion of Ald. No. 223 - A.D.FRANK - R.~YCENf~ - RESOLV~D that the next regular n~eting of Coun- - ell be held on the 12th day of November~ A.D.1946, at ?.30 p.m.; ~ud tM Seal of TWidls and MacDonald that the commuuicat. ton ha received and. filed. the Coxpotation be hereto affixed. _: Carried unanimously I~.~S No. ~-~4 - R.t~CEIIER - A.D.FRANK - RESOLVED that His Worship M~yor G.R. Inglic be authorized to insert a suitable procl-m~tion in the local newspaper, pointing out ~bs follo~ng Reports were Ixesented: to all industries and other concerxm the fact that the Federal, Proviacial and No. ~-71 City Manager - report on 1408 N-m~lton Street ecmplaiht. ORDEI~ ca ~ Municipal go~ernmant buildings ~ill be closed on l~ovem~er llth and requesting - ServanCe of Remembrance Day by all ~dustrAes and other comems, all~ing their the motion of ~d. l~ank and MacDonald that the .report of the City Manage be me- emploFaas to have a holiday on November llth to keep in mind the sacrifices male eived and adopted. by man in -~ wars of the British Empire; aud the Seal of the Corporation be here- No. 272 - Cit~ _x~_.-~ger - recommending aplmowal of plan submitted ~ Blake Erwin to affixed. f~r the Eer Subdivision. 01~ on the motion of Ald. F~ank~and Twidale that Car~.l.ed unanimousl~ the rapc~t be received and adopted. No. 22~ - C.W.TWIDA~2E - MacDOE RESOLVED that the application for Fish and a~ liesolution No. 219 - Chip wagon of H.~harlow, which has not been appr~ed by the Licensing Co~m~lttes, No. 27~ - City Manager - reco~mending aplmoval of plan su~ted by Blake Erein be not granted; -~ the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. for Blanche Subdivision. ORDEi~ On the motion of Ald. ~EX~xl~ ~ Fx~nk that Carried ..un.e~imonsl~ ; the report be received an~ adopted. ~ Resolu~on No. 2~0 , nue crossing on V~otoria Avenue. ~ EDon ' me on o d. n~ an nor ~- +~t the report be received .~4 the toques 6ra~ ed. , 21 No. 3948 - To appoint Delmty Returning Officers, Poll Clerks and Polling Places ~ .... . . , ' , '~ ,/' , ~ER t t , 2~E Resolution I~). 2 d~ ' for the m,m~clpal elections in December, 1946, for the year 'NO, 2V6 - City Manager - meeting of (irontar Niagara Ilinicipal Asseclaticix to be ' held ~m Nabelm 15th at V p.m. 0RDEI~D on the motion Of AId. Twtdale and l~Ack~e~ ~x~ on the motice of AId. Twidale and Frank that Ald. h~ckner be ~ tAat the relxmt he received an~ the imitation accepted and all council attend on g~ en the privilege of introducing the by-law and t~e by-law be read the first that evening aud an~ matters they wish to have brg~ght ~p. advise the :Clt~ Mena~oF t4as!- ColTied for inclusion On the agerids. . · ' ' , It was than ordered on the motion of Aid. Mckinley ani M~AcDonald that · NO. 2V6 - AId. Iie~Xniey and City Iilimae~ - ~e meeting 'of fsall7 ~xxrt fezmotion. · 36 (2) c~ the ~canding Rules of Cottncil be temporarily suspended and the ~y- 01~}~ED on the motiOn of Aid. F~ank and ilaoX~ld that the rol~mt be received me he ~ead tie second time - Carried tumnim~Aslyo 'r - , . , . , , .~ ' ' : ~, ' ' '; · · lira, 2V7 - CL~ ' - x~ocsaleding ohan~es in office ao~o~nodation. 01~I~D on . .. the m~tiOn of ~-er and IlaoDc~ald ~hat ~he report 'he laid ove~ for onnsider- ~:~.I, , , . : · ation at. ~he ~es~eXtn~e~ ,~, .... -,~.:' ,.;?-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '~ " ' ~.~,;~'( ild. !Illlet re~xes~ed the traffic committee to inspec~ t~e efe~ ~f ~ ;~..~; I .' 608 ' Street nea~ Deleware Avenue, almost directly in front c~_ the Main Street Baptist Church, should be a no parking aren. On the motion of Ald, FEank and B~clmer the Council adjourned to Finshoe meeting. 1t~ AND ADOPTED, 12 November, 1946. Clerk FINANCE. I~ETII~ Council Chamber, 4 November, 1946. The Fi-_-nae C~mmtttee met on Monday, November 4th 1946, for the purpose of approv~x~ and also of passing the various accounts which had bee l~operlY certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee weze proserift with the exception of AId. Scott. ~,h~x7 accounts were approved by the Committee, emountin~ to $25,368.38. The accounts submitted, bein~ ~assed c~ othez~.se dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the moneS' by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Aid. F~--~ and Twidale. Communications fzom the Wartime Housing Ltmit'ed re Fifth and Sixth Ave- hue lots not acceptable; enclosing m~nicipel agreement for ploJect Number 7, and ~eperts of the City u~nRger, laid cver~ f~om the previous meeting, were a~in pres- ented fc~ consideration. Upon the recnm"~udation of the l~perty C~mmtttee end on the motion of AId. ~widale and Frank it was o~dered that the same be labled .n~ the Ws~tL~e Housing I;Lmitod be advised that at the present time there are only the fifty-one lets available in the FIfth Avenue and 8txth Avenue sections which it is felt feasible to develop at the present time. ' T~s offer of Win. Lockwood to purch~se~Part of Lots 37 and ~6, Plan 15, l~on Street, was presented for oensideration- Upon the xeccmmendation of the I~perty Committee and on ~he motion of '/~ld. ~acDonald and lacI~nley it ms ordered that the offe~ be accepted subject to the provision that a dwelling of at least $~0600.00 value be looted on the premises witain six months; .~he offer was $150. ~he re~eived and filed on ~he motion of 8t~et fo~ ~e s~ 'of %2,8~.~ wl~ t~ p~isi~ that a ~lldi~ of no~ less ~n $1~,0~, vgue is erected on ~he pre~ss ~thin six m~ ~eT complet~ of ~e sale, ~ ;~esen~ed fo~ The offer of Eugene Pattul to purchase Lets 14, 15, Queen Street for the sum of $6,000.00 with the provision that a building of the approximate cost of ~250,000. as soon as materials are available, was also presented for consid- eration. These offers were ordered rend on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. Buckher. Mr. Charles Black appearing on behalf of Mr. Pattui, was allowed to address the Council, on the motion of Ald. Frank and Twidale. Mr. Black request- ed the offer of Mr. Pattul be left over for one week, as he is not ready to make finaneial arrangements at this time and plans for the building are not ready for presentation to the Council. ORDE on the n~lon of Ald. Frank and Twidale that both offers be laid over for one weelL The co~n,ntcation f~om the Bellerue Convalescent Hospital, requesting increase in rate for indigent patients, and the report of the City Manager and the Chairman of Finance, were presented for consideration. Upon the recommend- ation of the City Manager and the Choirmen of Finance and on the motion of Ald. Frenk and MacDonald it was ordered that no action be taken until a survey is made to determine ff other municipalities have appreved of the increased rate. The application of Harry Coates to erect neon sign at 1875 Ferry Street w~s presented. Upon the recommendation of the City Manager ,r~ on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Frank it was ordered that the pemit be granted. The application of Niagara Appliance Shop to erect neon sign at 613 Queen Street was presented. Upon the recommendation of the City Manroger and on the motion of AId. Twidsle end Frank it was ordered that a permit be granted. The application of Gay Bros. to erect an addition to the rent of 412- 414 Queen Street, was presented. Upon the recommendation of the City Manager, .v~ on the motiono f AId. MacDonald and B~ckner it was ordered that a permit he grant ed. The application of T.Dobson to erect a frame gara~ at 1333 Ontario Ave- nue was presented. Upon the recommendation of the City M~nRger and on the motion of AId. Twidale and Frank it was ordered that a permit be granted. The application of R.Oook to erect a frame garage at 1996 Buchanan Ave- nue was presented. Upon the recommendation of the City M~r~ger and on the motion of Ald. MaoDon-l d and McKinley it was ordered that a permit be granted. The City M~er requested permission to have a plon prepared for the submission to the Department of Planning and Development for the Morse end Misen- or subdivision. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Twidale that the City ix-n"ger be empowered to have plan prepared as requested. An amendment on the mot- ion of AId. F~Bnk and Bucknor that the request be tabled until such time as an est- imate can be prepared as to what the cost of prelmration of this plan will be, was defeated. The reCOmmendation of the Assessor re appoihtment of a clerk in the As- sinant Department was presented for consideration. On the motion of Ald. Mckinley and MacDonald Mr'~ Broo~s was permitted to address 1~ Cnmm~ttee. It was then de~ed that the recommendation be adopted, o~ the motion of Aid. MacDonald and TwOdale. The City Trsasurer's Statem__--_t on comparison of tax collections as of O~tober 31 was presented for consideration. It wss ordered on the motion of AId, TwOdale ~-4 Fr~,~ that the s.~atem.ent ~e received and filed, The Committee a~ose end ~eported to Council on the motion of Aid. Frank end MaEtn- lay. F~,AD AND ADOp',w.-, 12 November,.1946,...-.k*' ' aa,, '~.',~:" ; ,.......'~ 609 610 COUNCIL Council Chamber, 4 Novembers 1946. The Council re-assembled at the close Of the regular council and fin- snce ,~etings for the purpose of passing tbe money by-law which covered the counts approved by the Committee..~al menbars of the Council were l~scnt, with the exception of 'AId. -ScoOt. BY-lAW ~'~e following By-law was passed: No. 3949 - To provide Monies for General Purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Frunk and McKinley that Aid. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - 6azTted unanimously. It was then urdered on the motion of Aid. ~vldale and Bucknet that Rule 36 (2} of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily s~spended and-the by-law be read the second time - Oartied -n-uimously. 5rd reading - AId. McEinley and MacDonald - Carried unanimously. On the motion of AId. Frank and ~vldala the Council adjourned to Cos~erence. AND ADOFTEB, 12 November, 1946. Clerk Mayor Counot 1 Chamber, 4 November, 1946. ~ Council assembled as a conference committee at the close of the reg- ular council and finance meetings for the purpose of considering certain matters presented to them; and also for the purpose of meeting with a dele~ation from the NlaSara l~alls Civic .Employees' Federal Union, He. 133. ~ter consideration and full diso~ssion, the C~mmittee adjourned on the marten of AId, Frank ami Twidale, November Chairman FIFTY-FIF~t LigETING REG0'L~R MEETING Counci 1 Ch~ixber, 12 Noveaber, 1946. Pursuant to adJournn~nt, the Council met at 7.00 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov- amber 12, 1948. for the purpose of considering general business stud finance. All ~,bers of the Council ~vere present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. McDonald and MacKinlay, REPdTATIONS In connection with Communication No. 470, and on the motion of Ald. Frank and Miller, representatives cf the Housewives, Association were pernttted to address Council. Mrs. Nora Ninacs and Mr. C.Weir spoke to the Council in con- nection with their protest a[;ainst the rising costs of living, and the price of milk in particular. They asked that the Council endorse the resolutions submit- ted for submission to the Honourable Prime Ministers of Canada and Ontario. SEE Communi ca_.ti o__n No., 470 C0I~rNICATIONS Xaid Over from a previous meeting: No. 465 - County Clerk - re consideration of establishment of family court. 0RD- ]~ED on the tootics of Aid. MacDonald and Scott that the communication be laid over for two weeMS for further consideration and f~rther information. SEE Report No. ~6 No, 467 - A,~--uette , re erection of tourist cabins. ORDERED on the motion of Aid, ~Aclmer and Frank that the communication be received end laid over for dis- cUssion when the draft by-law is subSfred. ~I~E Conm~uni cat.l on No.. 471 The followin~ Communications were l~esented: No, 47 0 - Housewives' Association - re rising prices of living, 0RDER~"D on the sotion of AId, Bucknet and Fr~n~ that the con~aunication be received and turned over to the Milk Comma.tree of the Council with the request for a report upon the matter very soon. No. 471 - George Laslo - re erection of tourist cabins, CRDER}.I) on the motion Aid, Busliner ,,~ Fmk t~t the co~tcatlon be received ~d laid over for dis- ~s~on when ~e dr~ by-~w is ~b~ed. No. 472 - W~s~ck ~rd ~ Heath - s~gestion re portion of health ex~ltupes. ~ on the motion of ad. Scott a~ Me~ey t~t the co~ml~on be ~d to the ~ca ~d ~ Health. No. 4V~ - C~nn~ ~t~ror~t ~lety - ~lng ~ual C~tms a~al. 0~ on the motion of ad. Scott ~d ~tdale that the eom,laeation be ~celved and ftl~, No. 474 - Yun~or Chamber of Com,~rce . requesting action re traffic problem. OR- tol~ED on the motion of AId. Scott .r~ MacDonald that the communication be referred the T~affie C~mm!ttee. NO. 475 - ~"~o~ ~mber ~ C~nmsrce - re traffic hazard at Dorchester Road cloverleaf. ~tD~ on the motion of AId. Frank and Scott that the ccemmmieation be received and filed, and the Chamber be advised to forward the matter to the Township of Stamford Council, and notified that this .Council has already taken action upon the matter. T~4d over from previous m~etin~s: No. ~-69 - City Manager - re erection of tourist cabins. 01~ERED on the motion of Ald. l~Ackner and Frank that the comm,;nication be laid over for discussion when the draft by-law is submitted. ~ Report No. ~-78 No. 276 - Comm4ttee of Council - re suggestion for establishment of family court. ORDEI~D on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Scott that the report be laid over for two weeks f~r further consideration and furf~xer information. following Reports were l~esented: No. 278 - Cit~ M-nager - draft by-law to regulate tourist camps and trailer camps. 0~FZ~D on the motion of Ald. Frank and MacDonald that the report be considered in Committee of the Whole. ~m~ Committee of the Whole No. 279 - City Clerk - re conference held on 4th November. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Twidale A,~ Frank that the report be received and adopted. - No.' 280 - Ohsirm~_- of Finance - re estimated surplus and request for bonus for employees. 0~ERED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and MacDonald that the report be adopted. FUR~R Oi~F.~ED on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that a copy of this report, as adopted, be sent to the Board of Education, Public Library Board and Board of Police Commissioners, asking whether such Boards a~e- in agree- mant and will accept this bonus for distribution among their employees. No. ~-81 - City Manager - re sewer system of City. 0RDEi~D on the motion of Ald. l~Ackner and McKinley that the report be adopted, s~ a full report be prepared for the guidance ~ C~Ancil as to possible epsnditures for public works of a capital .nature, over a ten-year period. At this point Ald. McKinley left the meeting. No. 28~- - City. Manager - suggesting changes in River Read agreement with Niagara Parks Commission. ORDERED on the m~tion of Ald. MacDonald and Miller that the rep- ort be received and referred to the City Solicitor. No. 2~3 - City Manager - re accommodation at City Hall. 01~ERED on the motion of Aid. Miller and T~ldale that the repo~t be referred to the Property Committee for a ~eport back to Council. No. 284 - City Clex'k - reonmm~nding refund of poll tax. 01~1~ on the motion of Ald. Frank and Scott that the rel~rt be adopted. '- No. 285 - City Clerk - X~Cnmmanding issuance of licenoes. ORDEI~D eel the motion of AId. ~n~ and l~Ackner ~hat the mpo:t he adopted. -'l~e followiu~ i~y-law was ~aased: N,o., 3,95.0 - ~o authorize the execution of an A~eemm~ for Sale a~ ~ad. ~ on the motion of ~d. ~d~e and Bio~er t~t ~d. ~lle~ ~ ~iven t~ p~e~e ~ introduci~he b~-hw, a~ ~e by-~w be ~ad a firs~ It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried. 3rd reading -Ald. Scott am~ B~ckner - Carried. MISCELLANEOUS Ald. B~c~mer spoke about the condition of the City streets, and sug- gested that every effort he made to have the leaves removed from the ssms while the weather is faYcurable. The City Manager a:~vised Council that all available equipment and labc~r is being used for this work. Ald. Frank spoke about the large number of reports which have been sub- airted to Council immediately prior to the meet~g. The City Manager advised that it had not been possible to forward these reports with the advance a~nda on Fri- day. ~s Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Twldale and Frank. READ AND ADOPTED, 18 November, 1946. ~vor FLNANCE EET~NG Council Chamber, 12 November, 1946. The Finance Committee met on Tuesday, 12 November, 1946,for the purpose clapproving and also of passing the various accounts which had been Properly certified and placed before them. All members c~ the Committee with the excep- tion of AId. McKinley, were present. " ' ~__dry accounts were submitted and approved by the Committe~, am~Anting to $13,760,68. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law fc~ presentation to the Council, on the motion of Aid. F~ankand Scott. AId. l~ckner left the meeting. The offers of Eugene Pattui and Henry Schelle~berg, for Lots 14, 15, · Queen Street, as laid ewer from the previous meeting, were considered. Commnn'e- ations were also submitted from Earle L. S~eppard ~m~ Charles Bloack in counect- ion with the offer of E.Pattui~ 0a the motion of'A/d. TwidAe A,~ Scott, Mr. Schei- leaberg and Mr. Arzold, his representative, were permitted to address the COrnre't- tee. Both speakers advised Council of their intentions should they obtain the property. The recommAndatlon of the Property Committee was also submitted. It was ordered oh the motion of Ald. Frank end MacDonald that the matter be laid over ~ one week and the City Manager ascertain the financial condition of Pattui, aud Messrs. Pattui and Arnold be so advised. An offer was presented from Jack Gfffen for Lot 805, Stanley Avenue, for the sum of $300.00. Upon the recnmmenda$ion of the l~perty Committee and on the motion of Ald. Frank and ~vidale it was ordered that the offer be accepted, subject to the provision that a building of at least $2,000.00 value be erected upon the premises and also pro~iding the Departsent of 1~,nicipal Affairs will give approval to the Sale. An offer was presented fxom L.W.0'Banion for part of Lots 14~, 142, ]]ridge Street, for $~-25.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee end on the motion of Ald. Twirlale and Scott it was o~dered that theoffer be ac- cepted, subject to the provision that a dwelling of at least $6,000.00 value be erected on the premises within six months. ~'ne report of the Property Committee on the above matters was presented° Xt was ordered on the motion of Ald. Twirlale a~i Scott that the report be rec- eived and filed. Ald. B~ck~er returned to the meeting. The Statement of lYeemployment' Relief Expenditures, as at 31 October, 19~6, was presented. It was erdared on the m~tion of Aid. Twirlale end Scott that the statement be received. A coemmmicatioa was presented frem the Womemts Ckristiaa Association, re am appliance required for Fr~n~ Deciccio. It was ordered on the mo~ton of Ald. Twidale and Fra~ that the purchase of the appliaucc be authorized. A report was presented from the City ~-=£er, ,~th regard to the applic- ation of Y.Antomio for a building permit. Xt was ordered on the reelzion of Ald. Se~t a-~ MacDeaald that the recommndation be adopted. Arep~t was presented from the City ~-~er, with regard to the ap- plication of VA.ntonio for a building permit. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Frauk that t~e recommendation be adopted. The Committee adjourned ~x the motion of AId. Frank and Scott. AND ADOPA~u, 1S Newember, 1946. Clerk COUN6IL M~ETING Council Chamber, 12 November, 1946. The Council re-assembled at the close ~f the regular council end fin- ence meetings for the purpose ~f passing the money by-law which covered the ac- counts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council, with the exception of AId. McKinley, were present. D~PUTATION On the motion of Ald. Twidale and Frank, ~r. Carl L. Young was permitted to address the Oouncil. Mr. Young spoke on behalf of the local rugby team ~hich 'has been successfal in winning the Eastern Ontario intermediate final games, end asbd for financial assistsnce from the Council to cover their expenses upon entry into the Ontario playoffs. SEE R._____esol~ution No. 226 RESOLUTION The following ResolutiOn was passed: No. 2J~ - FRANK- BUCK/~R - RESOL~ZD that the request for finahcial assistance to the local team winning the Eastern Ontario Intermediate Rugby game be left in the b~r~_s of the Chairman of Finance and the City Treasurer; and the S-al of the Cor- poration be hereto affixed. C3ried The following By-law was passed: No. 3951 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank that AId. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be given the first read- ing- Carried. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. ~vldsle end B~ckner that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules ~ Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read a second time . Carried. reading - AId. Frsnk and MacDonald - Carried. ~he Council adJorned on the motion of Aid. Frank end Miller. .................. ~EAD AND AD01~, 18 Newember, 1946. C0Xa~T~R OF THE WHOLE Counci 1 Chamber, November, 1946. The Council assembled as a Committee of the Whole, for the discussion of matters presented to them. All members of the Committee, ~ th the exception of Ald. McKinley, ware present. Consideration was given to the c~m..,nications flora A.K~nnett ~nd George Laslo, concerning tourist cabins on River Road, and the report of the 0ity Man- ager together with the draft by-law for the regulation of tourist cabins and tour- ist camps. It was oxdered on the motion of Ald. MacDo--ld and l~n~ner that the draft by-law, as submitted, be adopted, and presented to the City Solicitor for his advice. A prior motion was made by Ald. Scott and Frank that the matter be laid on the table for one week for further study and the minutes of the meeting with the Niagara Parks Commission upon this matter be produced. ~xis motion was defeated. The City Man~gor spoke upon the above subject and suggested that an ad- ditional clause be included in the by-law, whereby no liceuce for tourist or trail- er camp would be issued until the building permit has beam approved by the City Council · It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and MacDonald that a permit be granted to A.lannuzzelli for the erection of tourist cabins on the north side of elifrom Hill betwe-- the Michigan Central Railway tracks and the Oneida right- of-way. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Frank and Miller that the' commun- ications f~om A.Mannette and George Laslo be received exd filed. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Frank and Backnet that three elec- tion meetings be held prior to the forthcoming election, on the semen days and in the same locations as in In~ious years~ ~e C~mml. ttee adjourned on the motion of Ald, Frank and Baekner. '~.PaAD AND ADOPTED, 18 NovembeE, 1946. W COURT OF APPEAL Council C.~amber, 31 October, 1946. The Court c~ Appeal, against the decisions of the Court of Revision, upon the ap- peals against the assessment roll of the City of Nia~Zara Falls for the year 1946, was held by His Honour Yudge Harold E. ~.~hller on Thursday, 31 October, 1946. The only appeal before the Court was that ~f Spencer Clark against the assessment on the property at 1761 River Road. His Honour Yudge Fuller gave his decision on this case as follows: That the Court be adjourned until 14th November, at 10.30 aomo The Court was then adjourned. Certified correct, Clerk . ~ud~e o~ the C~unty Court of W~ 3.and 618 ADYOITRNED COURT OF APPEAL Council Chamber, 14 November, 1946. The adjourned court of appeal, a~ainst the decision of the court of Revision upon the appeals against the assessment roll of the City of Niagara Falls fo~ the year 1946, was held at 10.30 a.m. on Thursday, 14 November, 1946. The only appeal before the Court was that of Clark S1Bncer, against the assessment on the property at 1761 River Road· His Honour Yudge Fuller gave his decision on this case as follows: The assessment on the land is fixed at $1,700700. The assessment on the building is fixed at $1~,500.00. The business taxes for the year 1946 shall be based on eight- twelfths of thirty per cent· of the above assessment. His Honour made no order as to the costs. The reasons for Judgment are on file in the ofT ice of the City Clerk; and this memorandum is subject to such reasons. The Court then adjourned. Certified correct, 3~xdge of the CounW CoUrt of delland FIFTY-SETH tSDETING REGUL~REETING 6f9 Council Chinbet, 18 November, 1946. Pursuant to adjournment, the C~uncil met at 7.50 p.m. on Monday, Novem- ber 18, 1946, for the purpose of considering general business and fixlance. All members of the Council were prosrot. The Council, havin~ received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these cn the n~tion of Ald. Miller and SCOtt. PRESEhTA TI 0N Mr. Y.Smart, the winner of the Ontario Men's Singles Lawn Bowling Cham- peinship, was present st the meeting. His Worship I,~yor Inglis advised the Coun- cil of Mr. Smart's accomplishmen:, and asked Alder,ran ~v~hle to make the present- ation of a bowling hag to Mr. Smart on behalf of the Council and citizens of the community. Ald. T~.ldale spoke of the excellent sportsmanship and the fine game played by Mr. Smart, and tendered the gift to him. Mr. Smart expressed his ap- preciation of the gift. C01SaINI CATI 0NS over from previous meetings: No. 430 - Nlagera Falls District Trades and Labour Council No. 431 - Niagara Falls House~,~lves' Association No. 432. - Niagara Fells Labour Progressive Party - re increased price of milk. No. 470- NisEara Falls Housewives, Association- re increased prices in general. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the communications be received and filed. SEE Communication No. 476 No. 474 - Yunior Chamber of Commerce - re traffic problems. ORDERED m the motion of Ald. Frank and MacDonald that the communication be received and filed· SEE Report No. 28~7 'The following Communications were presented: No. 476 - Niagara Falls Housewives' Association - re disposition of resolutions. CedERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and ~cDonald that the cammunication be received and filed. SEE Report No. a86 No. 477 - Canadian Legion Poppy Fund Committee - re receipts from Poppy Day. 0R- IlERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and ~rAdale that the communicatioa be rec- eived and filed. No. 478 - Wartime Housing Litsited - re lots which are not acceptable. 0[~)ERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Bucknor that the comnunication be received and laid ~ the table. No., 479 - Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce - invitation to annual dinner meet- ing. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. T~vidale and MacDonald that the communication be received and'filed, and the invitation he accepted by the members of the Coun- Cil. No. 480 - Canadian Importers and Traders Association Inc. - re Royal Commission on coal. 0PaEI~D on the motion of Ald. T~idale and Scott that the communication be laid .on the table for future reference. No. 481 , Canadian Natiorml Electric Railray - suggesting changes in route of bus. 01~ on the motion of Ald, MacDonald and Miller that the communi cat. ton be laid ,~'., on the table; that Mr. Pringle again be asked to come to Niagara Falls to discuss with Council the matter of bus services for the City; and the Company be advised Council will consider this request with the official ~A~o comes to the City for the discussion. REPORTS Laid over from previous meeting: No. ~.83 - City N-n~ger - re accommodation at City Hall. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~,,idale and Scott that the report be received and filed.' SEE Report No. 288 The followin6 Reports were presented: No. 286 - Milk Committee - re matters referred to them. ORDERE]) on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDoD-ld that the report he xeceived and adopted, and the Com- mittee he discharged. No. 287 - Traffic Oommittee - recommendations re suggestions of Yunior Chamber of Commerce. Oi~)ERED on the motion of AId. Frank and MacDonald that the report he adopted. No. 288 - Property Committee - re adcommedation at City Hall. ORDI~RED on the mot- ion of Ald. Twidale and Scott that the report he received and the recgn~,endations be adopted. No. 289 - Dairy Inspector - report for month of October. ORBE on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Frank that the report be received and adopted. No. 290 - City R~ager - recommending scholarships for collegiate students. ORD- ERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and Scott that the report be adopted. No. 291 - City Manager - re possibility of obtaining steel towers. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and ~Ackner that the raport be received and filed. No. 29~. - City Clerk - recommending is~xance of licenses. ORDERED on the ,notion of Ald. Twidale and MacDonald that the report he adopted and the licances granted. RESOLBTI ONS ~e following Resolutions were presented: No. 227 - SOO~T - FRANK - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the City Cocn- cil he schedule to ta~z place at 4.00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 26th; and the Seal of th~ Corporation'be hereto affLxed. Carried unanim~Asly ' No. 228 - MsI~NLEY - FRANE - I~ESOLVED that a mossage, e~A;essing the sympathy of the City Council end citizens of Niagara Fell-, be forwarded to the family of the late William S. Byers, upon the death of this former employee of the Board of Ed- ucat~en and esteemed sitizen c~ this eo.m,n~t~,;.and the Seal of the Corporation- be be~eto affixed. I~- --: Carried .unanimously ~ following By-law was read a first and second timen: N.0,~' 395~ ~-Fc~ lioe~sing, x~gnlating and governing tourist ~amps and trailer camps, ~ ' . .' ~ for designating a~eas of laud to be used as tourist sinups and trailer ..I cemps, and for prohibitin~ the use of othe~ lant for s~ch purposes. It was o~dered on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Miller that AId. B~ck- net be given leave to introduce the by-law, and .the by-law be given the first J reading - Carried unanimously. It was then c~dered on the motion of Ald. ~lctCixley and l~acDonald that Rule 36 (2) cf the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be read the second time - Carried. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. McI~dnley and/,McDonald that the by-law be referred to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval - Carried. The following By-laws were Passed: No. 3953 - To authorize the execution of a Deed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Buckher that Ald. Miller be given leave to introduce the by-law, and the by-law be given the first reading Carried unanimously. _ It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. ~vidale and Frank that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing RUles of Council be suspended aud the by-law read the sec- ond time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading _Ald. Frank and Miller - Carried unanimously. No. 395~ - To authorize the execution of a Deed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. 9,idale and Scott th~,t Aid. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be given the first reading - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and Bucknor that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law read the second time - Carried unanimously. 3nd reading .Ald. 9~idale and Scott - Carried unanimously. MISCEIZANEOUS Aid. B~ckner spoke about the very dark condition of Clifton Avenue bet- ween QUeen Street end Park Street; and sugjested that consideration should be given to the installation of an ,additional light in this area. The Council adjoin'ned on the motion of Ald. Frank and Miller. I~AD AND ADOPTED, ~ November, 1948. Clerk ' ' ' F/NANCE }/EEET[NG Counci 1 Ch~uber, 18 November, 1946. The Finance Committee met'on Mcudsy, 18 November, 1946, for the purpose of approving and also of passing th.e various accounts vahich had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were presmt. Sundry accounts were approved by the Conmittee, mounting to $27,923.00. The accounts subntttted, being passed or othe~vise dealt v~lth, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the -Council, on the motion of A/ft. Frank and McKinley. The offers and comnunications from Eugene Pattui, Henry Schellenberg are their repres~tatives, as laid over from previous meetings, and in connection · dth Lots 14, 15, Queen Street, were considered. It was ordered m the motion of AId. Frank and ~cott that Mr. Schellenberg and }it. A~nold be permitted to explain to the Coat tee their plans for the land, and subn~tt a sketch of the proposed building. This was done; ,and it was then ordered on the motion of Aid. Scott and NcI~nley that the City Manager, City treasurer and Messrs. Schelleherg and Arnold retire to discuss the proposal,,and report beck to the Conxnittee. uE~j Subsequent Ccumil meeting A communicatioh was IFeseted from G.Ninace, in which he asked that the Corporation consider the sale cf ten feet of lena in front of his property. A zeport of the Property Committee on the matter was also submitted. Upon the mot- ic~ of A~d. Scott and Frank, ~.. Ninacs was heard, and he explained his reason for making the request. It was ordered on the motion of AId. B~ckner and Frank that the matter be laid on the table until the next meeting, ,~,a. that the members of the 0ommittee inspect the property at 3.45 p.m. on Tuesday, Novembe~ 26th, immed- iately prior to the regular meeting. A report was presented from the City M~nsger, re an application for a building permit for 797 Valleyway. It was o~dered on the motion of Aid. MacDon- ald a.a Scott that the recommaudation he adopted. A report was presented from the City x~---ger, z~ an application for a, building permit fcT 935 Victoria Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Twidale and McKinley that the ~ecommeudation be adopted. / A report was l~esented from the City MAnager, re an application fc~ a building permit for Lot Z7, first Avenue. It wee ordered on the motion of Ald. NeEinley and MacDonald that the recommudatton be adopted. A report was presented from the City Mn,ager, re an application for a building permit for 7~2a Bridge Street. It was ox~lered on the motion of AId. Frank and Euckner that a permit be issued for the building to be put into a con- dition satisfacto~7 to the building inepeetor and to comply with the x~quirements o~ the by-laws of the Corporation. COUNCIL ICEETING Co~|aci 1 Chal!!bol,, 18 Novcmbur, 194d. The Council re-assent. bled at tile close of the re:~iar coueci 1 and finance meetings for the purpose of Passing the money by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. ,Lll merebets of the Council v, ere present. DEPUTATI ON In connection with the offers for the Purchase of Lots 14, lb, :~ueofi Street, ~r. Schellenberg spoke to Council and advised that he ~ms ln'eparod to raise his offer for the property to the amount of ~3,500.00. SEE Reso~lutio.n No. 229 RESOLUTION The following Resolution was Passed: No. 2Z9 - MacDONALD - I~cKIhrLEy . RESOLV~ED that the offer of ~3,500.00 for Lots 14, 15, Queen Street, beaccepted from Mr. H.ScheLlenberg, providing the plums and specifications for building thereon meet with the approval of the City Marroger; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried_ BY-LAW ~he following By-law was passed: .No. 3955 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Scott that Ald. ELiller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time .- Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of AId. ~vtdale and t.'~cDonald that t~ule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by- law be give the second reading - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading - Aid. Frank and Scott - Carried unanimously. Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Frank and Miller. I~EAD AND ADOP1E, ~-6 November, 1946. Clerk ' The Committee adJ~ned ca the motion of Aid. Frank and, S~o~t. .......... · - · I~EAD AI~ ADOPT~, 26 November, 1946. . ' '- """' '*""... ..... · ' yet / FIFTY-SEVENTH MEETING Council Chamber, E6 November, 1946. l~Arsuant to adjournsmat, toe Council met at 4.00 p.m. on ~esday, Nov- ember 26, 1946, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. ~ members cf the Council were present. 1~ae Council, having received and read the n~inutes of the lrevious meeting, sicprod these on the m3tion of Ald. ldacDonald and McFd. nl ey. In connection with Communication No. 490, end on the motion of AId. Scott and MiLler, the deputation from tbe Fact Finding Conunit;tee of Locel' 0r~niz- ations was received. Mr. E.Y.McGirr was the speaker, and advised Council ~ff the action taken and the feeling c~ the Conuntttee that there is a ne~l for a recreat- lor~ committee and director for this contmunity. ~ Communication No. 490 C0~13NICAIX 0NS over from previous meeting: No. 465 - Ccanty Clerk - re establishment of family court. Oi~FE cm the motion of/rid. McKinley and ~vidale that the communication be received and filed. SEE Communication No. 482 ~he following Communications were presented: No. 488 - Yuvenlle Court Probation Officer - re operatim of family court. ORD- ERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Twirlale that the communication be received and fi led · SEE Report No. 276 No. 483 - Canadt-- National Telegraphs - re condition of poles on Erie Avenue. ~RDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Miller that the com/mAnication be received and fi led · .I No. 484 - Board of Education - re suggested exchange of vacant lots. ORDI~qED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Miller that the necessary papers be drawn up for the exchange. No. 485 - Board of Education - re cost-of-living bonus for three months. ORDI~qED on the motion of Ald. Scott and lJAclmeF that the communication be received, and funds forwarded to the Board for the payment of the bonus. No. 486 - Controller of Civil Aviation - re action tam to eliminate low flying. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and McKinley that the communication be rec- eived and filed, .hi Mr. McLean be notified that the condition is a little bet. ter but that the plam~. are still flying lay. No. 487 - Departrecur of Education .- re 1946 accounts of school boards. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. ~Elnley. and Frank that the matter.be ~eferred tothe Board of Education, asking that they comply with. the request. No. 488 - D.A. McRae - re ri~ging of e:~ine bells. 01~ERED on the motice of Aid. TWl dale and Frank that the communication be received end referred to the City Man- ager for a report. No. 489 - Niagare Falls Lions Club No. 490 - Fact Finding Committee of Leeel 0rganizationa - ~ecommending appointment of recreational eo~mLtttee. Olt)E~ on the-motion of Aid. ~tokner and Fx~nk that · ' ' ::; ': :(.: ,,':., . tile request of t~ Fact Finding Conunittee, that a boai~l k~own as a Recreational Con~nittee be set up in accordance ~':ith tl~ standard practice in other c~tres, be granted. No. 491 - Nancie Scott - appreciation of scholm, ship 0-RD~vD on Ald. T~idale and .... the motion of McKinley tint L:iss Scott be congratnlated on her wish for furtlkr education and for her courteous acknowlad~aent of the endowment. ~REPORTS Laid ove~ f?om previous ll~eting: No. 276 - Committee of Council - re establishment of family court. (R[)~+I~D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and ~vidale that the rupo~t be received and filed. SEE Resolution No. 230 The following Reports were Presented: No. E93 - City Manager - re incinerator and dump facilities. 0t~)ERED on the n~t- ion of Ald. Scott and Frank that the report be received and laid on the table for the 1947 Council, and Mr. 0rr press his negotiations to acquire property for a dump. No. ~94 - City Marroger - re capital exPenditures over ten-3~ar period. ou the motion of Ald. Frank and Scott that the report be laid on the table for one week and a copy be given to the press. No. 295 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenoes. 0,rOEd~ED on the motion of Ald. Frank and Scott .that the recommendation be adopted. No. 296 - ~ity Clerk - recommending refund of poll tax. 0RD.I~RE) on the n~tion of Ald. ~c~mer a~McKiriey that the recomrmndation be adopted. PJESOLUTI ONS The follo~wlng Resolur~ions were lossseA: No. 2~0 - McI~NLEy - ~'i']D~LE - RESOLVp]) that a letter be sent to the County Clerk, asking him to proclaim the institution of a fatally court for the City of Niagara Fells; and tbe Se~l of the Corporation be hereto affixed. ' Carrie. d u~imousl~ No. 231 - SCOTT - ~C2[R~ER - .~SOLVED that ftmds be trarmferred for the payment of tl~ cust-of-living ~nus for the last three months of 1946 to employees of. the Board of Police Commis~oners; and the Se~ of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Car rie~d unanimous1/ No. ~32 - ~0~ - McI~ - RESOLVED that the next regular ~eting of the City Council be scheduled to take place on i~xesday, Dectuber 3rd at ~.30 p.m.; end the SeaJ of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously BY-lAWS ~'ne following By-laws were Passed: No. ~956 - To authorize the execution of an ~Ereement for Sale and Deed. 01~]~D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Bucknet that Ald. Miller be give~ tbe privilege cf introducing the by-law, and the by-Jaw be read the first time - Carried tmanimously. Xt was then ordered on the motion of Aid. ~Jackner end Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing l~tles ~ Connell be temporarily ampended end the by-law '~ be given the second ~esding - Carried Unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. Twidale and MacDonald - Carried unanimc~sly. No. 3957 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Twidale and Scott that Aid. Miller be give~ the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried U~nimoUsly. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. Frank and B~c kner that Rule 56 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading - Aid. Twidale and Bucknet - Carried unanimously. No. 3958 - To amemd By-law Number 3790, respecting Traffic and the Use of Streets. ORDERED on the rotion of Ald. Scott and Twidale that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried Unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. B~ckner and McKinley that Rule ~6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by- law b~ given the second 'readi. n,g - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading - AId. Scott and Frank - Carried unanimously. · . . .The Council adjourned on the mottqn of AId. Frank and Scott. .. 9EAD.:AND..ADOP~$D,. ~ :December, 19~6. Clerk ~ ' Council Chamber, a6 November, 1946. The Finance Committee met on Tues'day,.-~6 Ngvember, 1946, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accoUnts which had been properly certified and placed before then. All members of the Committee were present. Suniry accoUnts were approved by the Committee, amo~nting to $4,493.29. The accounts submitted, being l~ssed c~' otherwise dealt with, we~e c~d- e~ed placed in the honey by-law for presentation to the Council, on .the motion of .Aid. Frank and l~kner. The eommunioatian from G.Nina~s, re~ussti~ the sale or ~m feet or "city-owned land 'adjacent to hts..prol~rty, and ~B reaminhalation f~m ~e ~o~rty Committee, as laid over from the P~evi ous meetinS, v.~ore considered. It was o~- ered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Bucknet that the matter be referred to the City Solicitor for a report. An offer was Presented from Y.Matrtino for Lots 899, 9C0, Plan 653, Lom- bard Avenue for ~200.00. It was ordered on the motion of Yfid. Bucknet ~d ~vid- ale that the offer be referred to the Property Conmittee for a report. The matter of the sale of Lots 26 slid 27, Plan 16, But trey Street to E.Scalise, Yes considered. It w~s ordered on the motion of Aid. Fra~i and Buck- her that the matter be refermad to the Property Committee for a report. A report was Presented fr~n the City Manager regarding an aPPlication for a building pertrait at Lot 2?6, McRae Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and ~idale that the recommendation be adopted. The City Manager advised the Committee concerning the rental of the top flo~r of the isolation hospital building, and the diffic~ltiss encountered by the tenants with regard to heating. Mr. 0rr recommended that the rental for the ~aonths of December, Yanuary, February and i,mrch be reduced to ~lV.50 per month, provifiing ~ tenant is not obtained for the l~er floor. It was oidered on the :notion of ild. Scott and Frank that the reconmendation be adopted. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott mud Frank. READ AND ADOPTED, 3 Decs~lber, 1946. Clerk . COUNCIL METING Council Chamber, 26 November, 1946. The Council re-assaabled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings, for the purpose of passing the ~ney by-law which covered the ac- coUnts aplroved by the Committee. All members of the 0o~ncil were l~esent. BY-LAW ~e following By-law was passed: No. 3859~ - To Grant Monies f~r Geusrsl Purposes. 0RD~RED c~ the motion of Ald. ~idale and MacDonald that Aid. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first .'.time - Carried Unanimously. It w~s then ordered on the motion of Ald. Fra~i and Bucknet that Rule 62'2' . j 6: 9 36 (2) c~ the Standing ~l~,es OF Council be tmlporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. ' 3rd reading -Ald. Twidale and Frank - Carried unsmimo~sly. Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Frank and Scott. ~READ AN9 ADORE]), 3, Dectuber, 1946. Clerk / F~TY-EIGHTH I~Ti'~IG REGULtR ~Ek~II~ Council Chamber, 3 December, 1945. Pursuant to adjourmnent, the Council met at ?.30 p.m. on I.bnday, 3 Dec- ember, 1946, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Tvddale and Scott. D~PUTT~IOI~ On the motion of Ald. l~ller and Frank, Er. Peter Taylor was Permitted to address the Council. Mr. Toylet stated he ~as representing mined and cripl~sd persons and spoke on behalf of those in the City and throughout th~ Province, in their efforts to obtain livelihoods. M~. Taylor stated that he would like per- mission from the Council to solicit subscriptions from the local merchants, and to conduct a draw, at which a prize of a watch would be given, in the City. SEE Resolution .No._ ~33 COt~_ C~ffI The following Communications were Presented: No. 49B - Lord Halifax Chapter, 1.0.D.E. _ receipts from tag day. 0RDID on the motion of Aid. Frank and MacDonald that the communication be received and filed. No. 493 - Cities Service Incinerator Co. - re garbage disposal. 0FOERED on the motion of Aid. Bucknet and Scott that the comnmnication be received and tabled fo~ consideration by the 1947 Council. No. 494 - Bell Telephone Company of Canada - requesting permission to move one Pole. OI~)EL~D on the motion of AId. T~idale and Scott that the request be granted and the by-law placed before Council. SEE BY-law No. 3960 No. 495 - Board of Police Commissioners . requesting grant for new police cars. C~DERED on the motion of Aid. Scott and McKinley that the communication he laid on the table for one week. No. 49~ - Board of Police Commissioners _ re grant for cost filed, and the necessary amount £orwarded to the Police Commission. No. 49'~ - Thomas W. Hsrtley - requesting Permission to sell Christmas trees on market. 01~ERED on the motion of Aid. Frank and Bucknet that the com~nntcation be ~e~erred to the City Manager for a report. ~To. 498 - Niagara Falls District Trades and Labour Council - resolution re City Managership form of government'. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Scott that the communication be received and ~lled. ~0RT Laid cvex. from previous meeting: No. ~-g4 - City Manager - re capital expenditures over ten-year period. 0RDEE on .the motion o~ Aid. Scott and B~ckner that the ~ePort be laid over to the 1947 Coanoll and the new marabous he furnished with a copy for study., .- -- RESOLUTION The following Resolution was passed: No. 233 - FP~K - ~CEN~R - RESOLVED that the request of Mr. Peter Taylor for per- mission to solicit subscriptions from the local merchants, and to conduct a draw, be laid over for one week for consideration of Council, and referred to the Chief of Police for a report; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. · Carried unanimously M-lAW The follovdng By-law was passed: No. 3960 - To provide for permission to The Bell Telephone Company of Canada to move one pole on-McRae Street- ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank that Ald. Twidale be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be given the firs t read- ing - Carried unanimouslY. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and B~ckner that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law read the second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. Twidale and MacDonald - Carried unanimously. The Oouncil adJoun~ed on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank. READ Ali) ADOPTED, 9 December, 1946. Clerk Mayor FINANCE EETING .: Council Chamber, .... ' ~ 3 December, 1946. The Finaries Committee met on Monday, 3 Dectuber, 1946, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been Iroperly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, mounting to $42s309.49' The aceounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money :by-law for ~presentation to the Council, ,on the motion of Aid. Frank and Scott.. ': .i The offer of J.Mm'tino, for Lots 899, 900, Lombard Avenue, for ~200.00, as laid over from the previous meeting, was prese_nted. Upon the reco,.~nendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of ;~ld. Frank and i,~cDcnald, it was ordered that the offer be tabled and Lit. Z~artino be advised tj~e City are prep~,ed to sell one lot for the sum of $7~.00, subject to the provision that a dr:oiling of at least $5,000.00 value be erected on the presises vdthin a period of six months. The offer of E.Scalise for Lets 26, 27, But trey Street, as laid over from the previous meeting, was presented. Upon the reconmxendati.l.n of the Prop- erty Committee and on the motion of ~Lld. Tv.i~e and Bucknor it was ordered that the offer to purchase Lot 26, Buttrey Street, for the assessed value of $200.00 be accepted, with the understanding that Lot 27 vrlll revert to the City of Niagara Falls. An offer was presented from William Hodgkins for Lot 52, Plan 27, Huron Street for $50.00. Upon the recol.~endation of the Property Co~aittee and on the motion of ~Lld. ~vidale and MacDonald it was ordered that the offer be accepted, subject to the provision that a d~',Bllin~ of at least ~5,000.00 value is erected on the premises ~thin a period of six months. A~ offer was presented from Frank H. Reid for Lot 198, Detroit Avenue for the sum od $75.00. Upon the reconunendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. M~cDonald and Scott it was ordered that the offer be accepted, subject to the l~ovision that a dwelling of at least $5,000.00 value is erected on the premises ~rithin a period of six months. The report of the Property Committee, on the above matters, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. 1,~cDonald and Scott that the report be received and filed. The report of the City Manager, regarding.' an application for a building permit in connection with- Lots 9, 10, ll, Second Avenue, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. I~cDonald and Frank that the recorAmendation be ad- opt ed. A report was presented from the City Manager regarding an application for sign permits for Victoria Motors at the corner of Victoria Avenue and I~lalen ~treet. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Twiddle and MacDonald that therep- ort be received and filed. A report was Dresented from the City Manager regarding an application for a building permit at 368 Stanley Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. SAcknor and MacDonald that the recommendation be adopted. A report w~s presented from the City Manager regarding an application for a building permit 'at 695 Queen Street. It was ordered on the motion of MacDonald and ~ridale that the recommendation be adopted. The comparison of tax collections, as of November 30, 1946, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Buckher and ~vldale that the state- ment be received and filed. It was ordered on the motion of kld. Frank and Scott that the matter of the appointment of marehers of the Recreational 0ommittee be referred to the 1947 Ccancil for action. The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Scott and Frank. I~q~DAND ADOPTED, 9 December, 1946. 631 COUNCIL MEETIh~ Council Chamber, 3 December, 1946. The Council r,e-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the ac- counts approved by the Committee. All m~bers of the C~ncil vzere present. The following By-law was passed: No. 396.1 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Buckmr that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the money by-law and .the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Tvddale that l~le 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by- law be given the second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. Frank and Bucknet - Carried unanimously. ' "' RESOLUTIONS The f oilowing Resolut ions were passed: No. 834 - MacDONALD - MIT~.F.R - RESOLVED that the regulations of Smoke Nuisance by- law Number 880 be enforced; tha~ proper notices as to this action be sent out; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 235 - FRANK- SC0~T - RESOLVED that the arrangments for the dinner at which the 0ity of Niagara Fells vdll be hosts to the Greater Niagara Municipal Asscoat- ion, be left ia the hands of the City Manager; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. / 0artled unanimously The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Miller and Frank. EAD ANDADOPTED, 9.December, 1946. FIFTY-,VfLTtt LYEETING REGULAR L~kTI?IG Council Chamber, 9 Decor. bar, 1946.. Pursuant to adjournment, the C6uncil met at 7.30 p.za. on Lionday, 9 Dec- ember, ~946, for the purpose of considering general business a~x~ finant . j can-of. v cn a non the previous meetfi~g, adopted these the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDSnild. ~E?FDE~ Tenders had been called for the construction of a co:l~ort station on Ferry Street in the City of Niagara Fall's. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and MacDonald that the tenders be opened and referred to the City Manager for a report. In connection with the tender which had been subaitted at 4.57 p.m. after the time for the closing of the tender call, it vms ordered on the motion of Ald. Twldale and Bucknet ~hat ~his be also opened and included ~',ith the other prices sub~mttted. C OI~;,WJNI CA TI 0 !'IS Laid over from the previous meeting: No. 495 - Board of Police Commissioners _ requesting appropriation for three new police cars. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. -Frank and Bucknet that the communic- ation he laid over for consideration by the 194~ Council. No. 497 - Thomas W. ttartley - requesting permission to sell Christms trees on the market. ORDERS) on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Scott that the communicat- ion be received and filed. The following Communications were presented: SEE ReAqF~ No. 295 No. 499 - Hospital for Sick Children - appeal for funds. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and Twidale that the communication be received and referred for consid- eration when the 1947 Budget is being prepared. No. 500 - Canadian Under~'~iters' Asscoation - re protection of hydrants. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and NcKinley that the communication be received and referred to the City Maimget and Fire Chief. No. 501 - Niagara Fulls Girls' Work Board - requesti~: permission to hold,tag day. (Pd)ERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and MacDonald that the connmnication be rec- eived and filed, and pem~ission granted. No. 502 - Controller of Civil Aviation - re low flying. ORDERED on the motion of Ald~ Frank and Scott that the communication be received and filed. REPORTS The following Reports were presented: No. Z95 - City Manager - re request to sell trees on Market. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Ald. Twidale and Scott that the report be 'received and filed, and adopted. No. P-96 - City Clerk - re Liquor Licenee Act, 1946. ORDERED on the mouion of AId. ~Ackner and Scott that the com~aunication be 'received and referred to the City Sol- icitor for a definition of the law. No. 297 - City Clerk - result of voting on question. 0RDERETD on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Scott that the report be adopted and filed. No. 298 - City Clerk - recommending refund of poll tax. 0.~OERED on the motion of Ald. Mclitnley and I~'~cDonald that the report be adopted. No. 299 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenoes. 0.~)ERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Bucknor that the report be adopted. No. 300 - Dairy Inspector - report for month of November. (RDht'~ED on the motion of Aid. i~idale and McKinley that the report be adopted and tile usual publicity be given to No. 301 - City Manager - re Welland Securities Limited subdivision. (RDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Frank that the report be received and Mr. Findlay be advised that the City desire the lots to bedceded to the Corporation, and the Department of Planning and Development so informed. SEE Resolution No. 236 No. 302 - Chief Constable - re request of Peter Taylor to solicit funds. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and MacDonald that the permission be not gr~uted. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolut ions wet e passed: No. 236 - MCKINLEY - FRANK - RESOLVE]) that the City of Niagara Falls advise T.~. C.A.Findlay, PreSidmt of WeLland Securities Limited that they desire Lots 50 and 51 in the subdivision of property at the corner of Stanley Avenue and Morri son Street to be deeded to the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls, the said lots to be used for playground purposes; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto af- fi xe d. Carried No. 237 - ~W~ALE - BUOE2~ER- RESOLVED that the City Clerk be instracted to lrep- are a list of the reports which had been submitted by the City Msmager upon pro- posed works and undertakings, including the report on capital expenditures over a ten-year period; that the same be s~bmitted to the 1947 Council for consideration; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried. No. ~38 - ~VIDALE - FRANK - RESOLVED that this Council instruct the City Clerk to communicate with the council of the Village of Chippawa, asking for the verific- ation of a newspaper account concerning the sale of ~ter by the City of Niagara Falls; that the attention of the Village be called to communications which have been sent by this Council on this matter; and the Seal of the Corporation be here- to affixed. Car ri e.d. ~e following By-law was presented: No. 3962 - For liecasing, regul~ing an~_Eoverning tourist camps and trailer camps, for designating areas of land to be used as tourist camps or trailer camps, and for prohibiting the use of other land for such lmrpoSes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that Ald. ~Ackner be given the privilege Of intzoducing the by-law, and the by-law be- given the first reading - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Becknor that Rule 36 (2) of the Stranding Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law read the second -tim -Carried with Ald. Scott 'and Frank voting contrary. It wee then Ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frmak that the by- law be laid on the table for consideration by the 1947 Council. ~le vote of tkis motion was: Aye: Aid. Scott, Frenk, T~,ddals and His Worship L-'ayor Ingtis. Nay; Ald. MacDonald, mcFdnley and Buc h~-er. Prior to this motion, it was moved by Ald. ~nuc~mer and ~;acDonald that the by-law be given the third reading, but this motion was defeated. The follo~lng By-law was Passed: .N.O. 396~3 - To authorize the execution of a Deed. It was ordered on the :;otiOn of ;rid. Scott and Frank that .~kld. ~Rvidale be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, a~ the by-law be read the first time - Carried.. It was ordered on the motion of Y~ld. Frank and Scott that _Rule G6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended anti the by-la~v be given the second reading - Carried. 3rd reading - Aid. T~'dd~le and I~ckner.. The Council adjourned on the motion of ~ld. Scott and Frank, and Ald. I~ctmer was appointed acting Chairman of Finance for the meeting. IF-ADANDAD01~ED, 16 December, 1946. Clerk FINANCE MEETIE~ Council Chamber, 9 December, 1946. The Finance Committee met on Monday, 9 Decamber, 1946, for the purpose Of a. pproving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee, wAth the excep- tion of Ald. Miller, were In'esent. Ald. B~ckner was enacting Chairman during the meeting. Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, mounting to $16,756.38. ! The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt wi~, were ord- · e~ed P~aced in the n~ney by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald.'lSeott and Frank. A communication from G.Ninacs and the report of the Property Committee, .I 635 which had been laid over from previous meetings, and in connection v~lth the req- uest of ~Lr. Ninaes for the purchase of a strip of city-owned land, .were consid- ered. A report of the City Solloiter upon the matter was also presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank that the City Solicitor's report be adopted; and Lqr. Ninacs be instructed to remove his ~aaoline pumps fl~m city prop- erty. A coi~xunication was presented from Mrs. M. Holres, r~questiI~j a refund of the s~.qount paid on Lot 4?, Plan S7, Cedar Street. Upon the reco~nendation of the P~ol~rtY Committee and on the motion of Ald. ~,~acDonald and Frank it w~s ord- ered ti~t the request he granted. The report of the Property Cor~aittee on the above totter was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. ~acDox~ld and Frank that the report be rec- eived~and filed. A report was presented from the City ]danagcr, recoxmq~ending the lmurchase or an electromarie t~ewriter at a total cost of $380.00. It was ordered on the motion or Ald. Tvddale and Frank that the recommendation be accepted, snd permis- sion granted to buy. · The report of the City Treasurer, reeonuaending the sale or bonds, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Twidale and McKinley that the report be adopted, and the Treasurer be empowered to sell the bands and make use or the funds as he sees fit. A report was pro sented from the City Manager, reconunenling the granting of permission to the Canada Coach Lines for the installation of gasoline tank:! and pumps. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Scott that the rep- ort be adopted. Ald. Try[dale spoke to the Committee in connection with the hospitaliz- ation of a young man from this .City, and explained the difficulties of his family in carrying the expense involved. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and McKinley that the matter be re£erred to the Chairman or Finance and the City Man- ager fc~ a report. ~e Conuaittee adjourned on the motion of Aid. Frank and Scott. READ AND ADOPTED, 16 December, 19~6. Clerk Enacting Chairman of Ftn~xce Council Chamber, ~ December, 1~, ~Awae...Council Ire-assembled a~. tha. close of t~e regular council and fi~- anoe meetings for the puri~se of Passi~lS the money by-law ~vhich covered t.~o ac- counts approved by the Con~vlittee. ~k!l -'~'-~bers of the Council, v.ith the exception of Ald. Miller, were present.. The follo~,ing By-law was passed: N_o. 39.6.4 - To Grant Lionlos for General Purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Aid, ~,',i lale and Scott that Ald. ~uckner be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. McICinley and Frank tha~ Rule 36 (~) of the Standing Rules of Council be tenporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading . Carried. 3rd ~eading -Ald. ~idale and Scott - Carried. RESOLUTION The following Resolution was passed: NO. 239 - FRA~ . SCOTT . RESOLVED that the City Clerk be instnicted to forward to the members o~ the Houck's Baseball Team the windbreakers which had been pur- chased by the Corporation as Sifts to the team upon their wim~ing the Ontario championship; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carrio d The Council adjourned on the motion o~ Ald. Frank and Scott. READ AI~ ADOPTED, 16 December, $946. 01erk ' ' ='k"kkAAaa" ' ..... '*' 'T"~'~'* M r 637. SIXTIETH E~ETING 'REGULAR ENEETING Council Chamber, 16 December, 1946. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 16 Dec- ember, 1946, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previgus meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Macdolmld and DEI~JTATIOA~B In connection with Communication No. 504 and on the motion of Ald. McKin- ley and MacDonald, it was ordered that Mr. Charles Weir be permitted to address the Council. Mr. Weir spoke on the matter of local police officers attending at meet.- ings sponsore~ by persons interested in establishing company unions for employees of local and nearby organizations. SEE Communication No. 50~. In connection with Con~nunicution No. 505, and on the motion of ~tld. v..'~il- ler and McKinley, Mr. McClintock was permitted to address the Council. Mr. I~cClir.- · tock spoke upon the request of the Niagara Falls Clearing House Assocation for a proclamation declaring December 26th a civic holiday. SEE Co~mnunication No. 505 Lsi d over from previous meting4 O0}8~JNICATK 0NS No. 488 - D.A.McRae - re ringing of engine bells. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the conmunication be received and filed, and a copy of the City Manager's report be forwarded to Mr. McRae. SEE Communication No. 503 The f ellswing Communic ati ons were pre s ente d: No. 503 - Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada - re ringing of ragins bells. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the communication be rec- sired and filed. SEE Report No. 303 No. 504 - Niagara Falls District Trades and Labour Council - re City police chap- eronin~ labour meetings. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank that the comnmnic~tion be received and r~ferred to the Board of Police Commissioners. No. 505 - Niagara Falls Clearning House Association - requesting p~oclamation re Boxing Day. 0F~DERE~) on the motion of Ald. Bucknet and MacDonald that the conmun- ieation be received and Boxing Day be proclaimed a civic holiday.. SEE Resolution No. 240 No. 506 - City of Chatham - resolution ~r~ German prisoners in Csmada. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank that the resolution be endorsed. No. 507 - Village of Chippawn - rosolutalon re sale of v,'ater. 0RDEED on the mot- - ion of Ald. Frank and Scott that the communication be received and fi~ed. No. 508 - Thomas 0. 0liver Ltd. - re inadequate street lighting in Glenview sec- tion. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Bucknet and McKinley that the e~mmunication be received and referred to the Hydro-Elestric Commission with the suggestion that these b~d spots be taken ca~e of until the new lights are installed in the No. 509 - Canalinn Ivnder,.:rito~., m~m on th~~ ~ ~/- ~'~.~rlc,! _ r~p -r . c~ fire Prztocti on. gilD- " e ent No. 510- ~oul~Z~eslie/lmitc~ ~ on le motion of ~d referred to the City No. 511 - Dep. , mont oF Pla~nin~ =,~ D~"e~o ..... t ion be subitted to the incomirC council. and Scott that the comnunicat_ Laid over frora previous meetjaM: No. 295 - ~ Clerk - re Liquor Licenc~ ket ]0~6 ,~,-,-- . . Bucknor and Mill""r~h~t the report "e'r~c[i ,,'~ "~d 't commence negotiations v.itl~ ~' l-e,, u , hc 'ity Clerk authorized to for 1st Yanuary, 194~. - the Provincial Government in order to have s~ agreement n~ Report No. 304 The following Reports were presented: No. 303 - City L'anager - re fingin~ of enCi ~e bells. O:~DX~RjD on the mOLlOil ~ ~d. Mc~nley and MacDon~d that the report h~ ~ceivcd ~d filed. ~ 304 - ~y Solicito~ . ~ Liquor Licenee ~et 1o46 No. 305 - City Man~er - re tenders ab~tted for co~or~. station. O!DE~D on the ~tion of ~d. Frank and MacDon~d that the matter be referred to the 1947 Council to see if Possible, we c~ go ahead with one building at the south end of the City in the spring if a surplus is av~lable; and that the cheque f~m the highest bidder be ret~x~d ir~aediately. No. ~8 - C~irman of Finance and City Manager - ~ hospit~ account for George L~e. O~EE on the motion of ~d. ~ank and ~ddale that the r~port be rec- eived and t~ roeemendation ~ adored. No. 307 - ~k - reco~ending issu~ce of licenoes. ~D~D on the rotion of ~d. Mc~nley an~' ~vidale ttmt the report be ~cei v~ ~d adopted. -RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were presented: No. 240 - I~JCIG~ER - MacDONALD - RESOLVED that December 26th, Boxing Day, be pro- claimed a civic holiday in the City of Niagara Fells for the year 1946; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried una~ No. 241, Nrr.T.~R . MacDONALD - PiESOLVED that the Resolution Number 239, Passed at the meeting of 9th December, 1946~ be rescinded; and the Seal of the Corporation · be'hereto affixed. Carried unaniJousl,v_ No. 242 . ~LLER - McEINI~Ey . RESOL1~ED that the vdndbreakers, which have been Purchased for the members of the baseball team winning the Ontario Championship, be Presented to the payers at the banquet to be held on 22nd January, 1947; and ~he Beal of th.e Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried ~T 639 The following By-laws were passed: No. 3965 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. ORDERED on the motion of Aldl Twidale and Bucknor that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law read the second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. Scott and Frank - Carried unanimously. No. 3966 - TO authorize the execution of a Deed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Twidale that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law bs given the first reading - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Bucknet and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law read the second time - Carried unamimously. 3rd reading -Ald. l~ldale and MacDonald - Carried unanimously. =T 641 Council Ct~mbcr, mhe Finsa~.~c Con~,'~ittee met on ','Cn,.~-~,- ~6 Does b 1G Dec~aber, 1~46. of approving and also -~ s' .~ , ~'. ~' ~ ' m ~J~, 1946, for the purpose tilled ~d placed them. ,~1 members of the Com:dttee were Pres~nt. befor~ P~s ~no the ~nous nccounts wh h had been Tropefly cor- Su~ry accounts were approv~d by the Com~fittee, amounting ~ The accounts subs~itted, h~iz ff pussod or otker~..isc fie~lt witk, were ord- erod placed in the money by-law for Pm~sentation to the Council, on the motion ~d. Scott and McEinley. ~e stat~nent of unemplo3~nent relief for ~c neath of ~Tovember, 1948, was ~esented. It was ordered on the motion of ~d. ~.'dd~e and the statecent be adopted. ~ y that The Conm~ittee adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Frank. READ ~lyD ADOPTED, 23 Dec~uber, 1946. M~S CELIANEOUS Ald. MacDonald spoke upon the matter of By-law Number 5962 which had been laid over for consideration of the 1947 Council. A motion v~as made by Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the'motion made at the meeting of 9th December, 1946, be rescinded and the by-law presented for .the third reading. This motion ms tied md lost. Ald. Nillet spoke upon the subject of the request of the Board of Pol- ice Commissioners for an approriation for the purchase of three new police cars. It was moved by Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the motion, made at the moetinJ of 9th December, 1946, be rescinded and the matter considered at this time. This motion was tied and lost. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Frank and Bucknor. READ AND ADOPTED, 23 Dectuber, 1946, ? Clerk Mayor Clerk .... COUNCIL ~,REETING Council Chamber, 16 December, 1946. Th~ Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the ac- e°Unto approved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present. _BY_-LAW The following By-law was passed: ~- To Grant Monies for General Purposes. C~DERED on the motion of Ald. McEinley and Tvddale ~at Aid. Miller be given the Privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first tim-- .Carried unanimously,. .,~:~7:. It was ordered on the motion of Aid, Tv~dale and Bucknet that Rule 36 · ~i ~,~-~~-;¢:' , (2) of the Standin~ Rules of Ocuncll be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. Scott and ~vidale - Carried unanimously. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank. : i RF~kD AND ADOPTED, 23 December, 1946. :~ic ' ' '_ , Mayor SIXTY-FI.~ST I.~ETID~G Counci 1 Chambe r, 23 Decsnber, 1946. Pursuant to adjournemnt, the Council met at 7.Z0 p.m. on Monday, 2~ Dec- ember, 1946, for the Parpose of considerin~S general business ar~ finance. All mem~rs of the Council were P~sent. The Ceuncil, l~vinf~ ~ceived ~ read the ~nutes of the ~evious meeting, adopted these on the motlea of ~d, Scott ~d Mille~. ~ COLT .~L,~5 C. Vi~ O IITS Laid over from Previous meeting: No. 510 - Gould-Leslie Limited . aPPlication for erection of poster o~nels. 0RD- ERED on the motion of ~d. and Permission be granted. and filed, ale and Bucknet that the cor~nunicatio~ be received S~EE Re~ort No. 308 The fellowl ng Com~uni c ati one were pre se nte d: ' No. 512 - _~ZbHonour ~ud.g? H.E.Fuller No. 513 - ation Offic ~ er ~.Y.B~stt _ re operution of ~lvenile court in 1946. 'ORDERED on the ~D~ion of ild. Bucknet and ~qacDonald that the communication be rec- eived and filed, and a copy be given to the press for Publication. No. 514 - Niagara Falls Junior Chc~ber of Commerce _ 1~ speeding up of election returns. ORDERly) on the motion of Ald. Scott and Frank t~lat the con~nunication be received and filed. SEE Re~po~rt No.. 309 No. 515 - Department of Attorney-General _ acknowledgin~, letter re Liquor Licenee Act. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Buclmer that the co~ni~unication be received and laid on the table for further infor:~mtion. No. 516 - Niagara Falls Junior Chamber of Commerce _ re opening of Yolley Cut. OR.DEE on ~he motion of Ald. Frank and Scott that the communication be referred to the 1947 Council. ~REPORTS The following Reports were presented: No. 308 - City Mana~er - re aPPlication for ~os~er panel. ORDERED cn the motion of Aid. Tvddale and Bucknet tha~ the report b~ received and adopted. No. 309 - City Clerk - re speedin~ up of election returns. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Scott and Frank that the [eport be received and filed. No. 310 - City Clerk - reconunending issuance of licehess. 0RDE.~k~) on the motion of Aid. T~idale and McKinley that-the report be adopted and the licenoes issued. No. 311 - City Clerk - reconm~ending refund of poll tax payment. QRDERED on the motion of Aid. Miller and Scott that the report be received and adopted. ='~'he followln~ By-law was passed: ~ I-To authortze the ~ · execution of a Quit Claim Deed to correct an error in 643 the description in the Quit Claim Deed executed under the authority of By-law Number 3746, dated November 26, 1945. It was citered on the mtlon of ild. ~,,.ddale and T..'..acDonald th~it kld. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-la,J, and the by-lal': be read the first tim - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the r. otion of Aid. McKinley and T.'.idu!e that Rule 36 (2) of the St~:~rfiing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law given the second reading- Carried unanimously. 3rd reading - ~d. ~vidale and Frank - Carried' unanimously. The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Frank and Scott. READ AND iD0!TED, 30 Deceraber, 1946. Clerk It v:as ordered on the :-lotion cf =all, Scott and F.~un>r that the ~;ntter of a ~ant to the ~ia-' ~ ~-~ ~ Falls Baseball -ksscci.ltion to u'ssist in defrayin- the cost of the banquet to be hold on 2find January, he laid over for consiaeratien by the 1947 Council. The CoLtmittee adjourned on the motion of ~kl~. Scott and Flunk. READ AI,D ~DOPTED, 30 Dec~:~r, 19,16. ~n of Finance 645 COUNCIL I~EETING FINZ~CE r~'~ETING Council Chamber, 23 Decgntber, !9,!~j. The Finsnee Co~littee met on T.{o~day, 23 December, 1946, for the pur;c~e of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were t~sent. Sundry accounts were~ approved by the Coimmtttee. amounting to The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with. were ord- ered placed in the money byelaw for presentation to the Cenncil, on the motion of Ald. Frank and %hvidele. · The renewal certificate for liability insurance ~.dth the Union Insur- ance Society of Canton, Limited, for twleve months from 1st Yanuary, 1947, was presented. It vms ordered on the motion of 'Ald. Scott and Frank that the policy be renewed for one year at a premium of $4,198.00, with Mortime,r-Bampfield and Comlmny, Limited. A report was presented from the City Treasurer re changes in the Assess- ment Act providing for the prepay~ent of taxes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Scott that the report be laid on the table until the next meeting. A report was presented from the City Manager, regarding an application for a building permit for Provincial Engineering Limited. It was ordered on the motion of AId. ~vidale and Bucknet that the report be adopted. Council Chamber, 23 December, 1946. The Council re-asse..bled at the close of the regular council and finance meetings for the purpose of Pzssind the money by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Co~maittee. :~11 members of the Council :','ere present. ~BY-LAT,' The following. By-law was/~ssed: N~o. 3989_ .- To Grant Monies for General Purposc.~.. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Tv;idale stud ll.'cPCinley that Ald. Mil- ler be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be given the first reading - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and Bucknor that Rule 3~ (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be read a sec- ond time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading .Ald. Scott and Frank - Carried unanimously. RESOLUTION The following Resolution was p~ssed: No. ~4~ - SCOTT - TWXDALE - RESOLVED that the City Manager be instructed to proc- eed with the erection of an outdoor skating rink on the property, owned by the Bell. Telephone Company of Canada, and located on Victoria Avenue between ~TcRae and Stamford Streets; and the Seal of the Oorporation be hereto affixed. · · Carried unanimously The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Frank end Scott. READ AND ADOPTED, 30 December, 1946. Clerk S-LIXTY-SEC0?~ D:VI2I?yq Counci 1 Chamber, December, ~c146 REGUI..~] Pm'suant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. ca L:on~iay, 30th DeCember, 19~6, for the parrose of coi~idepi n.] ~eneral bnsiness and fina~ce. All nl~rs of the Council were present. The Council, havin.j recetve~ and D2ad the minutes of the previous me eti ~ adopted these on the motion of ~d. McI~nley and COI2.Z~I,EC. ~TI C::~S Laid-over froin a previous meeting: No. 509 - Canadian Underwriters, Association _ ranoft on fire ~rotection, on the motion of Ald. Miller and ~Yhat t[~e communic;:t~on be received and laid on the table for t:':o v:ee!~s until the City L:ana~-'er has subnuitted a ranerr upon an electrically-driven pumping unit. ~ - SEE R. eport !,~o. 31 The follo~.rlng Co~raunications were presented: No. 517 - Liquor Authority Control _Board - re Section 83, Liquor Control Act. OR- DER]~ on the motion of Ald. Frank and'?cott that the com:mnicetion be recolv~d and laid on the table 'until such time as the circular arrives. No. 518 - Bell Telephone Company cf Ccmada - requestin] Formission to replace pole on Grey Street. 0FOERED on the motion of P~Id. ~vidale and Frank that ~rmis- sion be granted for the removal of one polo. ,5~E BY-Lri'.7 N0. 3971 No. 819 .- Bell Telephone ComInny of C':am:M - requestinS permitsalon to move pole on Stamford Street. 0RDEED on the motion of AId. S~o~t and ~acknor that permis- sion be granted. No. 520 - Canadian National Railways - re meetinC with Council. 0R')ER]~ on the motion of Ald. Frank and ldacDonald that the c~mmunication be r--calved m~.d lai~ on the table fc~ b.o ',reeks. REPCRTS The foliorang Reports were ~resented: No. 312 - City },TanaSer - re fire protection in City. 0-r~ER~tn on the taction of Ald. T~iller and l~acDonald that the report be received and laid on the table for tv~ weeks until the report on electrically-driven pumping equipment is submitted. NO. 313 - City Clerk - reconunen~inC ?'efund of poll tax. 0-?)E~{O on the taction of Ald. Bucknet and EeKinley that the raI~Drt be received and adopted. R~0LUTI The follo~,dng Resolutions were pas~d: Iqo. ~44 - ],~LL~ - ~.~C - RES~D that a photograph of the ~tiri~ 1946 Coun- cil, together wiEh ~ficiuls and staff of the Corporation, ~ taken st this tix~; ~d the Seal of the Corporation be here~ affixed. C~'rie,l un~pimousl~ No. 245 - B~JCE~'~R - TiTacDOT'~D - REOF~ZD t~hat the Council for ~c year 1946 press their appreciation to His Worship ~j~or In~is, ~ierman C.U.l~ddalo, Airi- erman A.W.Scott ~d ~acrxm A.J.T.TcKi~oy for the M~. services rendered to the City of Niagara F~ls during their ter~m of office; and the So~ of the Corpor- ation be heroic ~fixed. Carried unmmi:::ousty BY-LAWS The following By-laws we~e passed: No. 3970 -.To provide for the execution of a Deed. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. T~'~idale and Fmmk ~at Ald. F. illor be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law hu road the first ti~l~ - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on .the motion of ~[ld. Fm~nk and Bucknor that Rule ~6 (~) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law given the second re..~ ing - Carried unanimously. Third reading- Ald. ~h'~'idale and Scott- Carried unanimously. No. ZgV.1 - To provide fox. permission to The Bell Telephone Company of Canada to move one pole on Stamford Street and to replace one pole on Gray Street, It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Frank that Ald. Scott be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. ~'ddale and Buckner that Rule Z6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the sec- ond reading - Carried unanimously. Third reading -Ald. Scott and Nlller - Carried unanimously. ~TISCELT~aj~EOUS The reitiring members of Council, His Worshl~ Mayor Inglis, Alderman ~vidale, Aldensou Scott and Alderman McKinley spoke of their pleasant associations while in office and of the co-operation they had received from the other membm's of Council, the civic officials and staff, and from the general public. His Wets- ship Mayor Inglis spoke of his gavel, which had been made from ~od taken froln an old elm tree which stood on the market square, and placed $n the same in the care of the City Clei for successive mayors. Ex-ma~Carl D.Hannlwe]l spoke briefly, and expressed his appreciation of the support and co-operation he had received when Mayor of Niagara Falls. ~ The ~ouncil adjourned on the motion of Aid. F~ank and Scott. READ AND ~DOP~ED, 6 January, 19~7.. ~myo Counei 1 Chum he r, 30 December, 19,16. T~e Finance Corznittee met cn ~Ton ny, SO Dece',b~, 19-16, for the mr~:ose of approving and also of ~ssin=-j the various accex:Lts r~ich hsd ~en FoFerly cer- tified ~d placed before the:n. All members of the Ce-~mittee were present. Sundry acconnts were apFroved by the Co/~mit bce, a:aountinJ 'o e t: ,t0. ~e accounts submitted, bei w: P~assed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for Fesontation to the C~ncil on the :notion of ~d. ~ and Scott. , The report of the City Treasurer, ut~on the new reJ~latioas governinZ ~'ms ordered on the motion of Xd. ~,, 'a ~c cepted. ]-.-~s meot~n% was considered. It ....... '~er t..nt the r~zlations be ac- A c~utiunication was Presented fl~o::: the City Tr, isurer, ud.~isirk: of the receipt of the Provincial subsidy for the year 19,h~.~ It vI'as ordered on tile mot- ion of ild. Scott and ~,'.'idala ti~t the com:~iunieation be r~cuiv~d and filed. A comz~nieaticn was pro sented fro i Louis Cuer~i~ro, rcqu, s tin!j the raf- trod of the purchase price of Lot 42, Plan 2, North Street. Upon tii~ rcco.~:sne~jat_ ion of the Property Co~.~iiittec and on the motion of Ald. ?.TacDonatll ~md T.vidale it was ordered that the conmlunication be rocsil~-cd and filed, and t!~e roful!i be auth- ori zed. ' The report of tile ProForty Committee,' on the abov~ z:k~t'tcr, was pres- ented. It was ordered o.~ tile motion of Ald. 1OicDonald ~ld Tr:idale that the report be received and adopted. It was ordered on the motion of -~Tis Worship L!ayor Inl is and Ali. T,,.d- dale that the usual Gratuities and custoniary cou_i.tesies be extended to tile Press at this time. Ald. F, iller extended his theskis to the members of Council and His ,Wor- ship Mayor Inglis for the co-o~,~eration he had received duzing his term of eliIce as Chairman of Finance. He also expressed his best ~'~lcs for tile success and happiness of Ald. T~'~dale in her ne;v home. The Committee adjourned on tile motion of Ald. ~clmer and Frank. READ AND ADOPTED, 6 Yanuary, 1947. Clerk Counci 1 Chamber, : 30 December, 1946. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings, for the purpose of passi~g the money by-law which covered the ac- counts approved by the Com~nittee, and for the consideration or other business. ~tll members of the Council were present. The following By-laws were passed: No. 39V2 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McI{inloy and I',lacDonald that Ald. ~'~iller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading- Carried unanimosly. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. ~idale and Bucknor that .Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be read the sec- ond tim - Carried unanimously. Third reading -Ald. Scott and Frank - Carried unanimously. No. 3973 - To provide for the prepayment of Taxes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Bucknor that Ald. Scott be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be given the first reading-' - Carried unanimously. It v:as ordered on the motion of ild. FreD!< and Buclmer that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing RtLles of Council he temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time,- Carried unanimously. 3rd reading- Ald. Scott and ~,,idale - Carried unanimously. RESO LUT I ON The following Resolution was passed: No. 246 - FRANK - MILLER - 'RESOLVED that the City Manager and Fire Chief be auth- orized to make arrangements with the Stamford Township authorities for fire ser- vices to the Lundy's Lane area until the inaugaration of the new township council; and the Seal of the Co~poration be! hereto affixed. Carried unanimously The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Frank end Nillet. READ AND ADOP~ED, 6 January, 1947. Mayor