Minutes1941i FIRST INAUGURAl, ~,~EETING Gaunt il Chamber, J'anuary d, 1941. In accordance with the provisions of Tile Municipal Act, the Council met at 11.00 o'clock vdth all members present. The statutory declarations of officers and qualifications were filed with the Clerk, when the oaths of office had been taken by Magistrate J.B.Hopkins. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimstar t~at a vats of thanks be tendered to Magistrate Hopkins by His Worship Mayor Inglis. Carried After this, the Council was duly organized and open for the t~'~ansaction of general business. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Air. William Fingland. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and A.F. Donald that a vote Of thanks be tendered to the Reverend Mr. Fingland. Carried His Worship Mayor Inglis delivered his Inaugural Address. On the motion of AId. A.F. Donald and Wilkinson, the ~,iayor's Inaugural Address was orde~d spread on the minutes. Carried MAYOR'S INAUGURAL ADDRESS '~iembers of the Board of Alderman: "At this, your inaugural meeting of 1941, may I offer my congratulations to those in whom the electors have again entrasted the administration of the af- fairs of the City? I wish to Join ~th you in expressing our appreciation to the citizens for the confidence which we enjoy. May that confidence be not misplaced during this year. "0n your behalf, I extend to all civic organizations and to the staff, our appreciation for their sincere co-operation. It has done much to br~lg us through a very successful year at a time when war is increasing the cost of govern- ment in Canada and will be most severely felt in this present year, through in- creased levies for war purposes. May I suggest that you implement your promise to the taxpayer of a substantial reduction in the mill rate by returning to the tax- pay the surplus revenue accrued from the past year's operation, In this way, we can help our citizens hear what will be an ever-increasing load of war taxation and make sc~ae contribution to the winning of this war. May I further suggest that when bringing down the esti~ates for the current year, we practice every possible ecomony, make only such capital expendi tures as axe necessary to provide service With a reasonable degree of efficiency, while at the same time, keeping in mind that we mus~ afford all possible leadership in oncstructive measures toward the winning of this war, and to pest-war planning and re-habllitationo "During the past year ~any important problems were presented to you for your consideration. I believe the people of this City appreciate the difficulties which had to be faced in your discussions, and that every attempt was made to ar- rive at a satisfactory understanding with all the different authorities. We ap- preciate the assistance and convenience afforded us on these occasions. The con- straction of a new bridge and appraoch, with the problem of taxation involved; the expropriation of our streets and private property for the construction of a new highway by the Province, thereby establishing precedents, and the disturbance of city services; removal of street cars to be replaced by a bus system to relieve traffic congestion; the problem of relief which has been dispos~ of largely for the present, but to-day there is, due to the war and the increased demand for labour, a shortage of homes and this matter should be given early_consideration; and the many other p~blems that were presented to you for your consideration have raquired nnch study. During the coming year our problems vdll become more aggravated due to war conditions and vdll contimAe to merit your, serious consideration. "I call to your attentio~ the report of the Royal Codalesion on Domin- ion-Provincial Relations, and the recommendations therein contained. It is ap- parent that the Royal Commission recognizes the position of the Canadian municip- alities. The report states: "'Democracy begins with local government, and local governnment cannot be politically healthy and stimulating unless the problems set to those who conduct it are possible of solution. The essence of financial res- ponsibility lies in the possibility of balanced budgets which pemmit of far-sighted planning, and this condition has been in grave peril in Can- adian municipalities during the last decade.' The encroachment. of provincial governments on city and private property, without due consideration to city and private rights, is not in agreement with the state- ment in the report and those who represent this municipality in the parliaments should be requested to urge upon their respective governments to provide adequate protection to all public and private properties against further encroachment and that proper compensation and taxation be provided for on those' properties, public or private, Which have been taken over for any purpose in this City (and I in- elude the properties of the Hydro-Electric Power Commission), our earnest opinion being that such action is necessary for the complete safe-guarding of democratic principles and ideals and the protection of' municipal rights. "The Conunission 'has ~ecc~mended a plan which by transferring the burden o~ relief costs of all amployables to the Dominion. GOvernment, the nmnicipalities will benefit by being relieved of this service. The report also deals with hos- pitalizationand other matters advocated by this Council. Of particular interest to this City is the recommendation that Crown property being used for .normal com- mercial purposes, such as electrical power distribution, which would, if in priv- ate hands, be taxable, or wheh it ~s being used in a profit-making commercial enterprise such as a provincial liquor store (and in this category will come the new bridge, its bridgehead buildings and approaches, park buildings and land used for commercial purposes). The Commission suggests that such property should be subject to taxation on the same basis as. that .of private enterprises. "To-day we see real estate previdt~ eighty per cent of all municipal revenue on current account and with the increased cost of hospitalization, second- ary education, social and welfare services, street maintenance due to increased use by heavy track and bu~ service, from which the Province derives the revenue, the responsibility of municipal goverament has so inereased that ~solution may be found in the following: ' "1. That revenue-producing properties of federal orprevincial governments which compete with privately-owned properties should not be exempt from paying taxes, but should be taxed sufficiently to cover the cost of sexwices xendered ~o it. ' · . All social services of a national character should be paid out of nat- ional revenue such as unemployment relief and an adequate Proportion of the cost of e~ucation, hospitalization, .health pensions, etc, y!' ~. "3. That all those, not property oumers but who benefit from municipal se~ vices, should contribute to those services on some equitable tax basis. "4. .To examine the method of a seecement to insure due recognition to r~al value of real estate so as to improve the condition of tax arrears and avoid forced abandomment of property due to inability to pay taxes ~d the consequent discourag- ement of home ownership and n~v constraction. "This Councii shoutl recognize ~th much satisfaction the report of the Royal Commission on Dominion-Provincial Relations and endorse the many favourable points and recommendations as embodied in the report, and it is hoped that the GOvernment of the day will seriously and favourably consider i~aediatc action in bringing about these recommendations. "In conclusion, may I state that we will continue to 1.,~ork in han~ony throughout the year in the ~est interest of our city and develop a healthy spirit of co-operation hetween us, the elected representatives, the taxpayers and citizens generally; and to develop a public opinion which will recognize that municipal ~overnment is the foundation of our democracy and coincides with our interest in the successful prosecution of the war, to which we must lond our whole-hearted support. To-day when our whole world is threatened with ruin, we fell more urgent- ly than ever before the need for that new force of moral re-arms~nent which can cremate a new world, a world of sanity and order. We call on everyone to phy their full part in this highest form of national service. May our o,~m com~ran~ity be in the vanguard of this advance to lead the world on to sanity and peace. "GEORGE R. I~GLIS, ~ayo r." ADOPTION OF MINUTES The minutes of the previous meeting, having been ~eceived and read, were adopted on the motion of Ald. White and A.F.Donald. CERTIFICATE The City Clerk certified as to the result of the Poll held on December 2, 1940; and on ~he motion of Ald. Wilkinson and Scott the conunnnieation was rec- eived and filed. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 1 - AIZEN - SCOTT - RESOLVED that Alderman Y.G.~tite be and is hereby appointed Chaiman of the Finance Committee of the City Council for the City of Niagara Falls, for the year 1941; and the Seal. of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. ~- - WILKINSON - SO0~T - RESOLVED that Dr. Y.H.Davidson and Mr. W.Y.Manuel and Mrs. ~r.R.Kelly be and are hereby appointed as members of the Boa~d of Health Of the City of Niagara Falls for the year 1941; and the Seal of the Corporation be here- to affixed. Carried No, 3 - ~T,I.EN- WHITE - RESOLVED that ~essrs. S.Thomson and F.C.Masters be and are hereby appointed as members of the Town Planning Commission for the City of Niagara Falls for the years 1941, 1942 and 1943; and the Seal of the Corporation be hareto aff. ixed. Carried No. 4 - WILKINSON - A.F.DONALD - RESOLVE that -Dr. W.E.01msted be and is hereby appointed as a member of the Public Library Board for the years 1941, 194B and · 1943; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried 4 No. 5 - G. DONALD - GRIMSTER - RESOLVED that His Worship Mayor G.R.Inglis, Mr. W.S. I'0rr and Mr. CoE.Stock b~ and are hereby appointed as members of the Board of Rev- iew of the City of ~iagara Falls for the year 1941; and the Seal of the Corpor- ation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 6 - WHITE - G. DONALD - RESOLVED tbat Ald. A.F.Donald be and is hereby appointed as a member of the Chamber of Commerce of the City of Niagara Falls for the year 1941, as the representative of the City Council; sad the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. '7 - ALLEN - V,~LKINSON - RESOLVED that Alderman T.N. Grimster is hobby appointed as the representative of'~he City Council on the Children's Aid Society of the City of Niagara Falls for the year 1941; and the Seal of the Corporation be here- to affixed. Csrried No. 8 - WILKEqSON - SCOTt - RESOLVED that ~r. J.M. Co~mn be and is hereby nominated as a representative of the City Council upon the Mothers' Allopances sad Old Age Pensions Local Board in the ~ity of Niagara Falls for the year 1941; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. CarMe d No. 9 - G. DONALD- ALL~q - RESOLVED that ~iss W.M. Stokes be and is hereby nomin- ated as a representative of the City Council upon the Mothers' Allowances and 01d Age Pensions Local Board in the City of Niagara Falls for the year 1941~ and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. lO - GRI~ST~ - SCOTr - RESOLVED that Mr. G.Y.Emery ~e and is hereby appoint- ed Weed Inspector for the City of Niagara Falls for the year 1941; and the Seal of the Corporation be heroic affixed. Carried No. ll - WILKINSON - ALLEN - RESOLVED that Dr. HarMs Logan be and is hereby ap- pointed Nedicsl Officer of Health for the City of Niagara Falls for the year 1941; and the Seal cf the Corporation be hereto affixed. Ca rried No. 32 - I~ILKI:~SON . ALLEN - RESOLVED that Dr. Harris Logan be and is hereby ap- pointed as Hospitals Officer for the City of Niagara Falls for the .year 1941; and the Seal of the Corporation be heroic affixed. Csrri ed No. 13 - WHITE - SCOTT - RESOLVED that Aldermen G. Donald, Wilkinson and White, as Chainman of Finance, be and ere hereby appointed as members of the Housing Commit- teecf the City Council for the year 1941; sad the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 14; A.F.DONALD . GRIMSTER. RESOLVED that Aldermen Allen and Grant Donold be sad are hereby appointed as members of the Committee of the City Council on City cars and trucks for the year 1941~ and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto=dr-. fixed. , Carried No. 15 - G.DONALD. WILKINSON . RESOLVED that no aPPointment be made fE3~ the City Council for a amber of the Committee on Gaol Repairs for the year 1941; and the City Clerk be instructed to communicat~ with the County Clerk requesting a det- ailed statement of the cost of repairs made to the Jail in 1940; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried The council adjourned ~ntll 2.00 p..m. on the mgtlon of AId. Nilklnson and Grim- ster. ' · - t~lD AND ADOPriED, Yanuary 13, 1941. Clerk ,~d)/0Ut~NED I.~ETING Council Chamber, Yanu!~py 6, 1941. The Council re-assembled at 2.00 p.m. for the pur>ose of continuin_ff with the general business which had been placed before them. All members of the C~n- cil ~ere present. COll~FJNI~ATIONS The following Communications were presented: No. 1 - His Worship Mayor Inglis - appointment of representative at Court of Rev- ision. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimefor that the commanicat- ion be received and filed. No. 2 - Canadian National Rail, ways - re meeting with Council. ORDERED on the ion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Scott that the commttnication be received and laid on the table. No. 3 - Young Women's Christian Association - invitation to attend annual meeting. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Doneld and Grimster that the co:munication be rec- eived, the invitation he accepted and as many of the Council as possible attend the meeting. No. 4 - Civilian Defense Committee - re organization and fomlation of local com- mittee. ORDERED on the motion'of AId. Wilkinson and Grimster that the communicat- ion be received and filed. No. 5 - Hell Telephone Company of Canada - requesting permission to replace Dole. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Allen that the communication be r~e- sired and filed, and the Company he notified that the Corporation does not approve of the erection of poles on the roadway. SEE Report Number 1 No. 6 - De.q_~.~ment of Highways - re meeting with Council. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and Scott that the communication be received and filed, that a special meeting of Council be held for discussion with the representatives of the Department, and as many of the Council as possible be. present. No. ? - ~rs. B.L.Healey - re driveway at 864 Valleyway. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and A.F.Donald that the ccmmunication be received and laid on the table, and a repor~ be respen~ed by the City Engineer at.the next meeting. and a report be presented bythe City E~gineer at the next meeting. No. 8 - Local Council of Women - requesting slow sign on Victoria Avenue and en- forcement of curfew law. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White aud G.Do~ald that the communication be received and filed, and the erection of a slow sign at the intersection of Epworth Circle be aplmved. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Grimster that the matter of the enforcement of the curfew law be referred to the Board of Police Commissioners for consideration and action. REPORTS The followin~ Reports were presented: No. 1 - City Engineer - re telephone poles on Ellen Avenue. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Aid. G. Donald and Allen that the report be received and adopted. No. 2 - City Solicitor - re loud speakers on vehicles. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Grimstar and A.F.Donald that the report be received end find; and the City Clerk and Mayor be instrected to get in touch ~,~lth the operators of the vehicles to see if the sound could be modulated;I and report further on the matter. No. 3 - City Solicitor - re vending machines for soft drinks. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Ald. G.~onald and ~nite that the report be received and filed, and the - matter be again referred to the City Solicitor for infonmtion. No. 4 - City Engineer - re maintenance of roadways and sidewalks. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and Scott that the report be reo~ived and filed. RESOLUTI(NS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 16 - G. DONALD - W~LKINSON - RESOLVED that the City Clerk be instructed to for- ward a message to the family of the late Dr. J.W.S.NcCullough, fomer Chief Of- ficer of Health for Ontario, expressing the sympath~ of.the City Council and cit- izens of Niagara Fells upon the death of this-faith,M provincial officer; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 1V - ~LL~.N- GRIMSTER - RESOLVED that the City Clerk be instructed to for~mrd a message to the family of the late Nr. T.Filius Bedard, expressing the sympathy of the City Council and citizens of Niagara Falls upon the death of this faithful employee of the Corporation; and the Seal of the Corporation be hareto affixed. Carried No. 18 - GRIMSTER - WILKINSON - RESOLVED that the regular meetings of the Council for the year 1941 be scheduled to take place at V.30 p.m. on each Monday of the month; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried ~BY-IAWS The following By-laws were passed: .NQ. 3005 -Ald. W.L.Wilkinson - To appoint Members of the Court of Revision of the City of Niagara Falls, Ontario, for the year 1941. let reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimster~ On the motion of AId. G. Doneld and Scott the name of William Delaney was inserted in the By-law; a~d Rule 3~ (2) of the Standtn,g Rules of Council were tem- porarily suspended and the By-law ~ad a second time. , Brd reading -Ald, Wilkinson sad G.Donala. ' No. 300.6, - Aid. W.L. Wilkinson- To ~m~end By-law NmI~ber 2940, being a By-law res- pecting Streets. let reading -Ald. Grimstar and Allen. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott tk~,~t Z{ule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time. 5rd reading -Ald. White and Grimstar. N.o. 3.007 -Ald. Y.G~White - To authorize the execution of an f~reelnsnt for Sale and Deed. reading - Aid. A.F. Donald and Scott. It was then ordered on the motion of All. Grime tar and :.~hit.e t'.~t !iule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended ann the By-law read a second time. 3rd reading -Ald. Scott and O.Donald. N.o..3.008 -Ald. G.A.Allen- To amend By-law NO. 2692, being a By-law to regulate, supervise and register coin-operated vending machines. 1st reading -Ald. Scott and Grimstar. (Ald. Wilkinson votix~ contrary to the motionl On the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Scott a fee of ~75.00 for each machine ~,as inserted in the By-law. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. 7~. F.Donald and Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporar- ily suspended and the By-law read a second time. (Ald. i'Jilkinson voting contrary to the mariehal 3rd rending -Ald. A:F.Donald and Sc~t. (Ald. Wilkinson voting contrary to the mot- ion. ) No. 3009 -Ald. O.A. lllen - To amend By-law Number 2879 being a By-law to ~g~late, supervise and re~ister any instrument, mechanical device, automatic machine, pin table or other like device, operated for hire, p~fit or gai n. 1st reading -Ald. A.F.Donatd and Grimstar. (Ald. Wilkinson voting contrary to the motion. ) On the motion of Ald. Allen and White the fee of $50.00 was inserted for each machine. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Allen that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspmded and the By-law read a second ~ime. (&ld. Wilkinson voting contrary to the mo~ion) 3rd reading -Ald. A.F. Donald and Scott. (Ald. "ilkinson voting contrary to the motion.) No. 3010 -Ald. Grant Donald - To amend By-law Number 1535 'To regulate ~he lic- ensing of milk vendors and the production for sale and the sale of milk or crcam within the City of Niagara Falls'; and to repeal By-law Number 2724. let reading -Ald. Scott and Allen. On the motion of Aid. G. Donald and Grimster, Rule 36 (2) of the Stand- ix~g Rules of Council were temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time. 3rd reading - Aid. Scott an~ G. Donald. '7 '9 No. 3011 -Ald. Graut Donald - To amend By-law Number ~649 'To provide for the licensing and regulating of plumbers and for the appointmint of an Examining Board'; and to rspeal By-law Number 2725. 1st reading -Ald. Scott and A.'F. Donald. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimster and G. Donald that Rule 56 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second tim. 3rd reading -Ald. G. Donald and Scott. No. 3012 -Ald. Grant Donald - To amend By-law Number 2205, respecting the issue of licenoes in the City of Niagara Falls, aud amendments thereto; and to repeal By-law Number 2359. 1st reading -Ald. Grimster and Allen. It was then ordere.d on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and G. Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be tenporarily suspended and the By- law read a second time. 3rd rending -Ald. White and ~rimster. No. 301~ -Ald. Grant Donald - To amend By-law Numbers 235? and 2049, being By- laws for the licensing, regulating and governing lodging houses and tourist camps and the keepers of .the same. let reading -Ald. Scott and White. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Donald end Grimster that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended sad the By- law read a second time. 3rd reading -Ald. Scott and White. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Grimster and Scott. READ AND ADOPTED, January 13, 1941. Clerk FINANCE METING Council C'hamber, January 6, 19~1. The Finance Committee met on Monday, Yauuary 8, 1941, for the ~ursose of approving and also of t~ssing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to ,~10,312.24. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with,'.~ere ord- ered placed in the money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Scott and G.Donald. The statement of uncollectible Business Taxes, as laid over from the previous meeting, was again presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. O. Dons] d and Grimster that the statement be laid on the table until the next reg- ular meeting. A repor~ of the City Clerk was presented with reference to an account from Y.J.Harriman for travel to Welland. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimster and His Worship Mayor Inglis tlmt the report be received and filed, and the account be paid. A report was submitted by the City Clerk with refer nce to negotiations re 1450 Bridge Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald..'~.F.Donald and Grim- ster that the report be received and filed, and the matter be referred to the Hous- ing Committee for a report. 'A report was presented by the City Clerk, re the possible instal_lation of a furnace in the distillery building. It.was ordered on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and Scott that the report be received sad filed, and the matter be ref- erred to the Housing Committee ~lth the power to act~ An offer was received frOm Mr. Lorne Culp for the Durchsse of 564 Home- wood Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimster and A.F. Donald that the connnunication be received and laid on the table, and referred to the Housing Committee for a report. A conununication was presented from the Niagara, Frontier Humane Society, requesting a grant. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Wilkinson and A.F.Donald that the communi6ation be received sad referred for consideration when the 1941 Budget is being prepared. A communication was received from the Salvation Army, requesting a grant. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimster and Scott that the co~mnunication be received sad laid on the table for consideration when the 1941 Budget is being prepared. A communication was presented fxom the Ontario Municipal. Associati on with reference to membership in the Association. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and A.F.Donald that the communication be received and filed, and membership in the Association be authorized. A communication was presented from the employees of the Filtration Plant re the scale of the 1941 salaries. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Don- aid and Scott that the communication be received sad referred for consideration when the 1941 Budget is being prepared. A comparison of tax collections for the month of Dec~aber, 1940, was Presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Donald sad Grimster that the statement be received and filed. A report was presented by the City C~erk with reference to the mainten- ance o~ Patsy Pucci at the Ontario ticspiral in Woodstock. It was ordered on the moticu of Ald. Wilkinson and His Worship Mayor Inglis that the report be received and adopted. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Scott that the totter of storage and sApply of gasoline for City equipment be referred to the Housing Committee for a report. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott and A.F.Donald. vREAD AND ADOPTED, January 13, 1941. Clerk Chai man of Finance COUNCIL MEETING the same be referred to the Housfi~ Committee for a report; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixtd. C~rried The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott and G. Donald. RK~SD AND ADOPTED, January 13, 1941. Clerk },iayor ll Council Chamber, January 6, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance meetings for the purpose of passing the money By-law, .which covered the accounts approved .by the ,Committee. Allmn~s of the Council weAe present. The followir~ By-law was passed: N~. 3014 -Ald. J.G.~'~ite - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. 1st reading- Ald. Grimster and A.F. Donald. It vms then ordered on the motion of Ald. Scot t and White that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be. temporarily spspendedand the By-law read a second time. 3rd reading,- Ald. Grimster and White. ~- RESOLUTION The following Resolution was passed: No. 19 - WHITE - SCOTt - RESOLVED that the City 'Clefii be lnstracted to obtain fur- t~her infonuation with reference to the Possible offer for the Morse property, that SECOND MEETING Council Chamber, January V, 1941. SPECIAL M~JA'ING A special meeting was held by the City Council at 12.15 p.m. on Taes- day, January V, 1941, for the purpose of discussing plans for the construction of the Queen Elizabeth Highway within the City of Niagara Falls. All members of the City Council, with the exception of Ald. Scott were present; together with Mr. R.M. anith, Deputy Minister of Highways and Mr. A.A.Smith, Chief Engineer of the Department of Highways for Ontario. A number of items were brought to the attention of the Department of- ficials, as outlined below, and the following decisions were made in connection with the same: .. · 1. That the Department of Highways be notified that they will be held responsibl~ for the mairienance and servicing of highways, owned and controlled by the Deparment within the City limits, md that the City will not be respon- sible for the maintenance and servicing of these streets. Mr. R.M.Smith agreed that the Department of Highways would be responsible for all the reads on Ne~nnan Hill and for the Queen Elizabeth Way on Roberrs Street. The matter of the main- tenance and servicing of the service roads and sidewalks on Roberrs Street, bet- ween Second Avenue, Victoria Avenue, will be considered at ~ later date. 2. That the attention of the Department of Highways be drawn to the fact that traffic from the Queen Elizabeth Way and service roads leading from Vict- oria Avenue is being merged on to a road only twenty-eight feet wide at the Pal- mer Avenue bridge. It is felt that this twenty-eight foot road is not of suf- ficient width for three lanes of tarffic and that provision should be rode for at least three lanes of traffic at this point. Mr. R.M. Smith suggested that the matter of the widening of the Palmer Avenue bridge and the Michigan Cent rail Rail- way bridge and the Ontario Avenue bridge be left in abeyance until an opportunity has been had to ascertain whether the width of twenty~eight feet at the bridges was sUffiCient for traffic to the Queen Elizabeth Way and the service roads from Victoria Avenue. If this width of twenty-eight feet was found to be inadequate, it would be given consideration by the Department of Highways at a later date, and that the cost of widening of such, if required, wouldnecessarily be borne by the Department. 3. The~ Depament of High,~.~ys be advised that the City Council consider it deisirable that a sidewalk should be constracted on the south side of the sub- way from Falls Avenue to Victoria Avenue'. Mr. R.M.Smith suggested that the mat- ter of the sidewalk on the sodth side of Nem~an Hill be left for the present as it was the intention of the Department of Highways ~o develop the intersection at Falls Avenue and Bender Hill, keeping in mind the necessity of providing for ped- estrian traffic at this wide. intersection. 4. The Department of Highways is to be asked to widen the north side of the south service road so that there will be a width of twenty-four feet ~ Vic- toria Avenue and narrowed down to a width of approximately twenty-two feet a~ a distance one hundred and sixty feet east of Victoria Avenue. Mr. R.M. Smith ag- reed to widen the north side of the south service road on Mereran Hill as requested. 5. That consideration be given to the re-location of the sidewalk on the ' south side of Re,errs Street between Victoria Avenue and Second Avenue, so as to move the same nearer to the row of trees in order to provide a wider area from the inside edge of the sidewalk to the property line. Mr. R.M. Smith promised that e~ery consideration would be given to the re-location of the sidewalk on the south side of Roberts Street, between Victoria Avenue and Second Avenue, so as to pro- vide as wide a space as possible between the inside edge of the sidewalk and the property line. ~.. · ~ I The Depar~nent of Highways is requested to cohentrot a by-pass under. the Queen Elizabeth Way for use of school childr~l~ particularly, at a :~dt:tl~le ].oc- ation, to provide acco~nodation for the Fdtchener Street ~;chool. Pewell Avenue was suggested in this connection. Mr. }-i.M. Smith stated that the Deparunen~ vF~uld consider the construction of a by-pass at Pewell Avenue for the use o~' the school children and ~destrians generally if the City Council could give assurance that some board, preferably the Board of Education,:;lould undert'ake to maintain, light, police and keep the by-pass clean. 7. The City Council requested that traffic lights be iastalled on the str.~ets intersecting the ~ueen Elizabeth Way in the City. This would include Sec- ond Avenue, Pewell Avenue and McDonald Avenue. Mr. t{.M. Smi~ advised theft trai'fic lights would be installed where warranted by heavy trdfi'iC; and Mr. A.A. ~mith, Chief Engineer for the Depa 'tment, advised that a traffic census would be t;ien at the completion of the Queen Elizabeth Way to detennine the nuunber of intersec- ting streets which should be equipped with traffic lights. 8. The Dep',rtrnent of Highways was to be asked to reduce the curves on the service roads between Victoria Avenue and Second Avenue at the junction of the same with Victoria Avenue. It was felt that the fifteen-foot radius on the north service road and the ten-foot radius on the south sexyice 1Dad are too elftall that the radii should be inca~ased. Mr. ~.Li. Smith advised that the curw~s on ~he service roads would be adjusted and that when the v~rk was under construction, the City Engineer would be consu~ed concerning the radii of the curves to be used. 9. It was suggested that the entire scheme with regard to lighting the · Queen Elizabeth Vfi~y f~om Falls Avenue to the westerly City limits should be given innnediate consideration. Mr. R.M. Smith advised that the Department of Highways would, without question, be responsible for the lighting from Second Avenue to Falls Avenue, and in all probability, the Queen Eliz~abeth Way w~uld be li~ted · from Second Avenue to the connection with the through hiF~way, ,west of the Hydro canal. Mr. Smith advised that Mr. Jones of the Provincial Hydro staff would meet the Niagara Falls Hydro Commission to discuss the enti re scheme in detail. 10. The proposed re-location of the street railway during the constraction of the bridge at Victoria Avenue was discussed with officials of the Department of Highways. Mr. R.M. Smith promised to support the Council in its efforts to have. buses .substituted for the electric cars, especially on Victoria Avenue. 11. His Worship Mayor Inglis brought to the attention of the meetirg the fact that the Bethlehem Steel Scompany would be moving hea~y loads for the construction of the Rainbow Bridge over the City streets. Mr. R.M. Smith advised that he had- no Jurisdiction over the work in which the Methlehem Steel Company were engaged. 12. His Worship Mayor In~lis also streseed the view of the City that if Ben- der Hil~ was opened at the Michigan Central Railray crossing to provide for the moving of steel for the new bridge, it should remain open-for the convenience of citizens in general. The Council then adJouraed. READ ~tND~ ADOPTED, Yanusry 13, 1941. Clerk Mayor IiHIRD M~]TING RF/GUL~R MERTING Counci 1 Chambe r, Yanualy 13, 1941. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. to consider Gen- eral Business and Finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of His I~,brship Mayor Ing!is, were present. Ald. Wilkinson was Enacting 1,1ayor during the meeting. The Council, having received end read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Grin~ter and Scott. Tenders had been called for the purpose of replacing the two police cars now in operation. is it had bes~ found that the necessary newspaper advertise- ment had not been inserted, the closing date for the ~nders was extended to Mon- day, January 20, 1941; and the tenders received were laid on the table, on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Scott. COAH~3NIC,kTIONS The following Communications were received: No. 9 - Niagara, St. Catharines and Toronto Railway - requesting resolution ap- proving of abandonment of tracks on Novanan Hill. 0i©ERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and '.'f~ite that the con~nunication be received and filed, and the request be granted. SEE Resolution No. 20 No. l0 - C~madain National Institute for Blind No. ll - Navy Lea~u.e of Canada No. 12 - Volunteer'Civil C~aard - requestin~ grant for year 1941. No. 13 - Board of Police Commissiohers _ sabmi tting BUdget for the year 19~l. OR- DERKID on the motion of Ald. Crintster and Allen that the cormnunlcations be received and laid on the table ~or consideration when the 1941 BUdget is under preparation. No. 14 - A.B.Dnmude, M.P. - enclosing letter re Resolution passed by Council. 0R- D~ED on the motion of Ald. Allen and Scott that the con~aunication be received and filed. No. 15 - Northern Electric Company . approximate prices for traffic signals. ORD- ERE on the motion of Ald. Scored G. Donald that the communication be received and referred for consideration with the 1941 Budget; and the North/herloan Cyanamid Limited be advised of the information received. No. 16 - Bell Telephone Company of 0anada - requesting permission to erect two poles. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. ~',~ite and A.F.Donald ttmt the co-'m~unication be received and filed, and Permission be granted. No. 17 - War Savings Committee . re establishment of Henour Roll. ORDERED on the motion of/Ltd. Scott end Grimster that the Communication be received and laid on the table. No. 18 - Canadian National Railways . re meeting of officials with Council. ORD- ERF~ on the motion of Aid. Grimster end Scott that the communication be received and filed; and a council meeting be held for the racering with the officials, No. 19 -Iamss M. Cowan - aPPreciation of re-appointment to Board. 0I©ERED on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donsld and G. Do~sld that, the eomunication be received and filed. No. ~0 - Winnifred M. Stokes _ appreciation of aPP~imtment to Boa~d. ORDERED On the motion of Aid. Grimster and Scott that the cormuniCation be received and filed. No. 2t- Hydro-]~ectric CoF~missian of ]/iai£!cra Fo;lls - re sal,t~ies for era for 1941. 0}cDTCI~D on the ~!ution of. ~ld, 9. )~m~l,~ :~n] .,'hit~ thht the co~m.un- ication be received and filed; and the salaries be approved. The folle'.,~in~ Roporta '.'~ere received No. 5 - Dairy Inspector - report for month of Decenber, ]~40. O!(D~ED on the ion of Ald. A.F.Donald and G.Donald that the repor~ be received ~xd fi led. No. 5 - Chief Con!~table Li.D,Tisd,lle - annual teeoft for year 1940. 0,;~ )]q?,YJ) o:~ the ~otion of :~ld. G. Eon[ld and Scott ttmt the rev~ort be received and laid on tl~e tab t 'e. - No. ? - Fije Chief/.C.afi~pton - annual report for year lg,~j. OHOE'.~-!D on tile motion of '~ld. G.Donald and Beo~t'Y~.hat the repe~'t be received ,tnd l~lid on the able; ~lnd a copy of the report be forv,'arded to all me~nbers of the Council. No. 8 - City Clerk - re rending maci~ines for soft drir~ns. Oil']]!!7C) on the action of Ald. Allen and G. Donald t~nt the repor~ be ~ceived and filed. No. 9 - City Clerk - re adjustneat in staff at Filtration Pl'~.nt. 0=:'DFf!?D on the nDtion of ,1.1d. G. Donaid ai~d !,'Yhite tkut the report be ~%ceived ~md fiic4, and the action be appreved. No. 10 - City Clerk - re use of room by U~lar Savir~s Co~r'~nittee. 0Y[D-~E!~,!'D on the r:ot- ion of Ald. O. Donald and Grinds tot that the report be received and filed, and oct- mission be granted. - RE?-OLUTI0!'IS The following Resolut ions were passed: No. 20 - SCOTT - L*~{I'FE - ~W!!'UREA~j the Niagara, StoCati~arines and Toronto Railway have petitioned the City of Niagara Falls for the consent ,and approval of the Coun- cil to the abandoIm~ent of their tracks between Victoria Avenue and the former Towern inn Terminal Station on Nevmmn ttill; AND ~,'~[EREAS it is desirable to give such consent; ~ffMEREFORE the Cotumil do hereby grant the consent petitioned for; en~ the Se~l of the Corporation be hereto affixed, Carried No. 21 ~ G.DONALD - A.F.DON.aJLD - RESOLV~) that the City Clerk be instIncted to for- ward a message to Alderman A.W.Scott and his fs~nily, expressing the spnpathy of the City Council and citizens of Niagara Falls upon the death of his sister, Mrs. Hub- ert Hodgkins, of Granton, Ontario; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto af- fixed. Carried No. 2~ - GRI~{STER - I'~ITE - RKq0UF_.D that the a~pointment of the following members of the Civilian Defence Committee for the Niagara Falls Area is hereby approved and confirmed by this Council: Executive Cemittee: Mayor O.RoInglis, Chairman, Reeve Thomas Brant, Reeve Y.S.Kaumeyer, Mr. W.S.0rr, Secretary, D.C.Patten, Assistant Secretary; Controllers, Police services, M.D.Tisdsle; Fire Services, J.O.Shapton, Medical Services, Dr. J.H.Davidson; Public Utilities Services, M.F.Ker; Transport- ation Services, R.Y. Santer; Chairmen, Niagara Falls, E.Y. hlcOirr; Township of Stam- ford, H.W. Yamieson; Village of Chippawn, A.R.MacDonald; Vice-Chairmen, Niagara Falls, K.V. Farmer, Township of Sta;~ford, George W. Oreen; Village of Chippaws, John Rapelie; Liaison Officer, LM.Cowsn; and the Seal of the Corpoation be hereto af- fixed. .. Carried The Council adjosrned on the motion of Ald. Orimster and A.F.Donald. RFffiD AND ADOPTED, Yanuary 2~, 1941. Clerk Ellacting LMyor FIN_[NCE 1,Z~ETING Council Chamber, Yanuary 13, 1941. The Finance Committee met on Monday, Yanuary 13, 1941, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All manbets of the Connaittee, vdth the excep- tion of His Worship .Mayor !nglis, were present. Sundry accounts were sixproved by the Committee, amounting to $10,878.22. The accounts submitted, being passed or othervise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. i.F.Donald and Grimetot. The report of the City Treasurer, as presented fxom ~revious meetings, and with reference to certain business tax arrears, was again'considered; and the following action was taken: Star Taxi - ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G.Don- ald and Wilkinson that the Police Commission be asked to withhold any further taxi licenoes for this .man until the account is paid; N-E. Slingerlsnd - ORDERED on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Grimster that the Clei interview this ~mn and endearour to have him agree to make regular payments until the account is paid. Sarah Saunders - ORDERED on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donsld and Scott that thereafter be referred to the City Solicitor to see if action can be taken to ob- tain payment. Y.W. Griggs - ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Orimster and Scott that the account be written off. L.Crawford - ORDERE]D that the account be left in the hands of the City Clerk. Miss B. Taylor - ORDERED that the account be left in the hands of the City Clerk ibr a report. R.W.Saunders - ORBERE]) that this mett&r. be referred to the City Solicitor with the previous account. L.N.Louis,- ORDERED left in the hands of' the City Treasurer to endeavour to cofitact this man. W. Zoia .~ayments to continue on 'this account.' L. & M. ]~ug Co. - ORDERED on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donsld and Scott that the account be written off. Rymal & Son - ORD~ED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Wilkinson that the a~count be writ tell Beverages - (RDER~ on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Grimster that the off. I~EK account be written off. IDea Willirons - 0RIEI~D on the motion of Ald. Scott and Wilkinson that the account be written off. L.Covelli - ORDERED that the City Treasurer make a further effort to e~ain payment. C.L.Ferris - ORDERED that the City Treasurer make a further effort-to obtaain payment. ~t was then ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and A.F.Donald that the City Treasurer make a report one month from this date upon the status Of the accounts outstanding. for parts of Lots 32 and [~3; the matter of he!~tin~. the -!isti]lery buiLdin the possibility of closin~ i~ lane between :~ender ZIYilt !~nd U-'~r'~m 'tm~. b; bo~eth~r It v,ns ordered on the motion of \ld. ",'ilkineon !!rid k. ~. ~onq~ th';t the r!~ort received and filed, and the '!orion reconnr_ended be ap~.~roved. Grimster that the report be received cad Filed, ~!n<~ t unit be purcf.-',s~,d ~'ro::, the Safety Supply Company of C~ada at a cost oi' f~250.00. ~\ report was m~bmi~ted by the City Oler~ uoon a]'l!/lie.~tion:; n=ceiv~d For slot mchine licenoes for the year 1941. It v~a ordered on t!',e :v:c~tion of hi. ~'. Donald and 9cott th'at the reoor~ be received end filed, and the reco:~ner:a,~tions be al~Droved. ~ln ~nendment, presented by lid. Oftmater aria ,%llen, tk:'=t zhe re~Dz't be laid on the table for one wee~, ,.'as defeated. It r,~s ordered on the motion of lid. ".,?. :on~ld '~n! q.'on',i-~ th'.t the Chainnan of Finance, Ald. J.G.White, be included as a member of tire Lic~ ace Co:n- mittco. A report was Dresenti=d by the City Clerk as to the co~;t of a oort'~b],~ air compressor. It was ordered on the motion of '~lil. q-. )~n~]!~, ~1 bq Y~cobt th!,t the report be received and referred to the Budget meeting for con.sider~'~tion. .~. resort was pIBsmlted by the City Clern, re':uestin~ ouzn~,.!~-:e of root cutters. It ',',us ordered on the motion of lld. Wilkinson and O,']onald that ~bo re- port be received sad the purchase be made. _kn account was p~esented from N.T.Yanieson & Company for B125.00 for the preparation of a balance sheet as of September 30, 1940. Yt v.~s cedered on the motion of Ald. G. [bnald and Allen that the account be received ~n8 l~id on the table; and the matter be taken up with Lit. E.A.Horton, neputy T.!inister of Liunic- ipal Affairs, to ascertain why the City of Niagara Falls must pay this account when the work was not authorized by the Council. On the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Wilkinson, the City Clerk was instr- ucted to communicate with the Honourable '.'!.L.Houck, tl.L.a.., nskir~g him to attend the next regular meeting of Council for the purpose of discussion upon taxation lost by the Corporation due to the construction of the new bridge. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald mid Grimetot. t~EAD ~'D f~DOPTED, Yanuary 20, 1941. Clerk COUNCIL LE~ETING Council Chamber, Ysnuary 13, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance meetings for the ~u~ose of passin~ the money by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Colml~ittee. All members of the Council, vith the e~ception of !iis Worship II!ayor Inglis, were present. Ald. Wilkinson v~as enacting mayor. By_L'J.I The follondn~ By-law ~ns passed: No. 3015 - Aid. J.G.White - To Gremt Illonies for General Purposes. 1st reading- ~ld. Scott and G, Donald. It '.'ms then ordere~ on the motion of Ald. ~. 'bnald and 7,~nite that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time. 3rd reading -Ald. Gri~rzter and R-~OIi!qION The following Resolution was passed: No. 23 - A.F. DONfiI,D - GRi~...%STER - RE?DL~D that this Council accept, with thanks, the invitation to attend a memorial service for the late Lord Rade~-Powell, to be held at the Holly wood Theatre on Sunday, January 19, 1941; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried The Cotmoil adjourned on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and l'~nite. READ .~ND ADOPTID, Yanuary 20, 1941. Clerk Enacting Mayor the motion of Ald. G. jonald and Grime~er, ' T ]'F )Yi ' 2 Tenders were submitted for the Dursh~s~ of t!'~'o nev~ '~ltomooiie~ to rer~l.-ce Cars -~umber One an~ Four, now in nee by the Police !~ev:rtment. On ti~l~ ',/~ti~la oi' Ai~. Grimstar and Scott the ten~ers r;ere onened, initialled by Z~is orb;his '~yer Inglis, and :~eado A motion was then oresanted by .'~ldo '/.q~ite and 2cott th!~t the tenders be tabulated and refeFred to the Hoard of Police Com~issioners for their considerntion and action. .!n ~snendmemt w!~s oreseated by '.ld. ~.llen on5 i.'ilkinson tha~t the Council godhead with the purhcase of the c!~rs. D_oth motions were de?e'!ted. It v,ns then ordered on tile motion of Ald. G. Donal~ and ~llen tint the ten~ers be received, the Council purcinse one ear to replace C-~r No..1, Terrapl.~ne owned by the City; .and the ~urcha:~e of a car in place of C!~r _~/:umbcr ,i be ref~r~ed to the Board of Police Commissioners. - C01TUN!C .'.TI 0;'ifj Laid over from previous meeting: No. V - I.Irs. B.L.Hesley - re condition of driveway at 864 V;~lieyway. 0RS,~{~.D on the motion of A18. iVilkinson and Scott their the com~unicstion be received and filed, and L~rs. Healey be advised of tile assurances given to the Clerk. .YEE Report lifo.,. 11 ~e following Communications were received: No. g2 - Hon. W.L,Houck, M.L.A. - re ability to attend meeting. 0Ri]PRFD on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and Alien that the conm~unieation be received and filed, and the Honourable },It. Houck be asked to be ~resent at the next meeting of the Council. - No. 23 - City Clerk, London - resolution re cost of technical trainin~ to be borne be Dominion. 0ROI~ED on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and Wilkinson that tile com:~mn- ication be received and the resolution be endorsed, and also fonvarded to the Board of. Education for their attention. No. 24'- War Savings Coraltree - acknowledging permission to use room. 0R]X,}{ED o~ the motion of Ald. i.F.Dona~d and Wilkinson that the conu~mnication be received and filed. No. 25 - Canadian Federation of Mayors & Municipalities - re membership in assoc- iati6n.. CRDERED on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and Allen that the cormr~nication be received and fi led, and the membership fee be paid. No. 26 - Department of Hig~';ays - approval cannot be given for central traffic light. OI~ERED on the motion of Aid. G. Donald and Grimstar that the co~aunication be received and laid on ~s table. No. 27 - Niagara Frontier Humane Society - enclosing Inspector's report for year 1940. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. G:Donald and Scott that the repor~ be received and laid on the table. No, 28 ' Band of Canadian Corps - report of activities and requesting grant. 0RD- 20 ERi'TD on the motion of Aid, Grimstar and G. Donald that the cor.~nunication be rcc- aired and referred for consideration when the 1941 ]~dget is being prepared. No. 29 - Civic h]nployees' ~ssociation - requesting increase in salaries. ORDER]~:D on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott that the co~aunication be received and referred for considersties when the 1941 Budget is bei~ prepared. No. 50 - Department of Highways - fonvardin~{ ~vised plan of intersection. OR~ EHED on the motionl of Ald.. G.Donald and !'Jilkinson that the co~nunication be rec- eived and filed. S~] Report No. 12 No. ~1- r~r. E.J.TJcGirr No. ~2 - Volunteer Civil Cu-~rd - tendering resignation of Officer Commanding. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and Grimstar that the co~mnunications be received and filed, and the resignation be accepted. SEE Resolution No. 24 ~EPORTS Laid over from previous meeting: No. 6 - Chief of Police Department - report for year 1940. 0RDI~]ED on the aption of Ald. G. Donald and Scot, t that the report b e received and filed. SE~E Resolution No. 25 No. V - Chief of Fire Department - report for year 1940. 0RDE}~ED on the motion of Ald. Allen and Wilkinson that the m~l~rt be received and filed. S~r]E Resolution No. 25 The following Reports were presented: No. 11 - City Clerk - re condition of driveway on Valleysray. 0RIDE~ED on the mot- ion of Ald. Wilkinson and Scott that the report be received and filed. No. 1~ - City Engineer - re revised plan of intersection. 0RD~ED on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and VJilkinson that the report be received and filed. No. 1~ - Department of Health - report i~ year 1940. 0RDFAq~) on the ~tion of Ald. Wilkinson and C.Donald that the repor~ be received anj laid on the table until the next meeting, No. l~ - C.ity Clerk - re statements re hydro taxation for City. 0RDKRED on the motion of ild. O.Donald and Allen that the report be received and laid on the table until a meeting is held with the Hencurable W.L.Houck, M.L.A., and that a copy of the state~nent be for~varded to him. No. 15 - City Clerk - statement showing pledges Of employees re war savings eert- ifica~. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and G.Donald that the statement he received a~Ad laid on the table until the city-wide drive is under way. RESOLUTIONS The foll~ving Resolutions were passed: No. ~4 - WILKINSON ,~ND GRII~gTER - RESOLVED that the resignation of Mr. Ernest J. MoGirr as Commanding officer of the Volunteer Civil Guard at Niagara Falls be ac- cepted and the appointment of Major John Thomson as Commanding Officer be appreved and confirmed; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 25 - ALLEN - G. DONAID - RES0~VED that the City Clerk b~ authorized to commun- icate with the Chiefs of the Fire and Police Departments, thanking them for thei'~ fine services during the past year, and expressing the hope that the sam co-oper- ation will continue duri!~Z 1941; and the ~3cal of the Cornoration be hereto affixed. C'!rried No. 26 - GrtIL[3TER - ;~0TT - R]q:t~L7 D that the matter of d~Jnage to ba~idinA'!; ~:nd property adjacent to the new subway on Robeits rrtreet end ~Ievzm~n :[ill ~ ret',~rred to the City Solicitor for his advice; and the Seal of the Comeration be herere af~ fixed. Curried No. ~7 - GR1],.~K~;EP - '.',~I'I~] - '.'.~RE.I =] the ]bminion of Cax~ida ibis bee~l at war with the !xis powe='s for a period of sixteen months; /l~E) ?~.EREAZ there are a great many vulnerable places of the ost vital importance to industry; i~]) '.]{~REAS the Cominion of Canada is of f4roat importsrace to the ?rit- ish Commomvealth of Nations, for the maufacture of war equipment for a comZdlete prosecution and. ultimate victory; TC~qi~EFOEE BE IT R~r~BOL!E-ID tl~at this City Couscii ~,o on record ,ta.i oet- ition the Prime Minister of Canada to consider full protection of industry, newer houses and canals with anti-aircraft ~ns ~d air raid shelters for the citizens; and the Seal of the Corboration be hereto affixed. Carried NOTICE OF Aid. O.A.Allen gave notice of his intention to introduce a my-law at ~he next meeting of Council for the purpose of taxing mechanical nrasic nbacninss, knovm as nickelodeons. RELIEF OF LONYIY !~vJTtD Aid. Allen requested that tile Liayor accept contributions from local cit- izens towards the Relief of London Fund, such contributions to he fortyaided at the end of each month. His Worship Idayet Inglis agreed to accept gifts towards this fund, which would be payable to the City Treasurer; and Ald. Allen made the first contribution. TIle Council adjoun~ed on the motion of Aid. Wilkinson and Ucott. READ .~ND .afiDOF~ED, January LV, 1941. Clerk FINjd~CE ~i~EETING Council Chamber, Yanuary 20, 1941. The Finance Cor~littee met on Lionday, January 20, 1941, f'or the DurDose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All m~nbers of the Committee were present. Shindry accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to 313,629.40. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered -olaced in the nDney byelaw for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Scott and G.Donald. The renev~al of the insurance policy covering the boilers at the Filt- ration Plant was considered. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and A.F.Donald that the policy he renewed with I,~r. J.C.Flynn at a premium of ~47.80. The renewal of the insurance policy covering the automobile fleet of ~he Corporation was considered. It was ordered on the motion of ,aJ~d. !Viikisses and Crimster that the policy be renewed :,dth R.C.Young at a yearly pre~dum of ~1,600.52. The renewal of the contingent liability policy for the Corporation was considered. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. O.Donald and Scott that the policy be renewed with R.C.Young st a yearly premium at ~58.89. A communication was presented from Lorne Culp with reference to the purchase of 564 Homewood Avenue and Lots 56, 5~ on Homewood Avenue. It was ord- ered on the motion of ~a~d. A.F.Donald and Grimster that the conununication be ree- eived and laid ou the tabla and referred to the Housing Committee for cQnsideration. A communication was presented from John H. Ftett re the purchase of the Erie Avenue property by Charles F. Knapp. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Wilkinson that the connmunication be received and flied, and the City Solicitor be advised that the draft by-law as submitted will he satisfactory. A communication was presented from Supervisor R.Y.Moore, re the account for the preparation of the balance sheet. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Allen and Wilkinson that the communication be received and filed, and the account be paid; and the City Clerk be instructed to advise the Department that in future, when desiring a statement, that they apply to the Council for the same. A communication was presented from the Registrar of Deeds, making a ref- und to the Corporation on the operation of the Registry Office for the year 1940. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and Grimstar that the con~unication be received and filed. An account was presented for hospitalization for Betty Roec~. It v~s · ordered on the motion of Ald..Wilkinson and G. Donald that the accoUnt be received and left in the hands of the Ci. ty Clerk for attention. It was ordered ~y. Ald. Allen and Grimster that the Clerk be instructed to ascertain whether it would be possible for the Corporation to ~'dthdraw from supervision by the Department.of Municipal Affairs, COU~IqlL L~PIEG j:ulu~!ry :~01 1941. The Council re-'~ssembled ':~,t time close of the re~Zui:r Cou:IcjJ, ,~ll(i ?in- nnee meeti~s for the Du~y~ose of Dnssin~ the money By-law which cove~'ed tin3 'm- counts appleveal by the Co~mnittee. :Ill members of the Council '.'~ere pn~aent. Rv-L~It' The followfi~ By-law was passed: No. 3016 - Aid. J.O.Uhite - To Gr~t l'.,onies for General !~rposes. 1st mading- Ald. A.F.Donald and Allen. It ~'~s then oniered on the ~otion Of 'Lid. qrimster an~ V~-ite t~t 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended ann the By-law read a second time. 3rd reading- Ald. 17hire and Scott. The Council adjounied on the motion of Ald. G.Donatd and Grimster. RDID A!/,rD AD0?~U~D, January 27, ~h41. Clerk Mayor The Cormnittee adjou~med on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimster. REAR fiND ADOPTED, Yanuary 27, 1941. Clerk FIFZ{ Sp~OC.I!i]L II~ETING Counci ]. Ch~lmbe r, /anuary 23, 1941. A special r, meting of the City Council was held at 2.00 p.m. on Thurs- day, January 23, 1941, for the nurnose of meetira, with officials of the Canadian National Raihv~V Company. All ~embers of the City Council were present, together ~dth !it. F.L.g. E~ond, Vice-Fresiaent and General Lienagger of the Canadian N-~tional Railways; Mr. E.B.Walker, General }.Tana~er of the Niagara, St.Catharines and Tor- onto Railway; L:r. y,R.Fm, tprin~h~m, Superintendent of the Niagu~'a, St. Catharines and Toronto Railwp~; and ].~r. F.C.i,'.cBurney, K.C., the City Solicitor. The meeting r:as held for the purpose of Eiving continued consideration to the possibility of substituting buses for the electric street cars at present in ooeration on the City streets. ~k~ll discussion was entered into by all per- sons' present; and members of the City Council outlined their reasons for asking that the chan~e be made. The representatives of the Hallway Companies e~Tlained to the Council the difficulties they were experiencing in obtaining the necessary equipment for the change; and advised thn~t the matter of obtaining buses was the first consideration. However, it is impossible purchase units in Canada, at tile Dresen~ time; and the Board of Directors do not feel it advisable to m;ike applic- ~t~ a to the Foreign Exchan~ Control Board for funds to make the purchase in the United States, in view of the decisions made on other similar applications. it, would, therefpre, be impossible to make any decision at the present time. PdESOLLFfi0NS The follov~ng Resolutions were passed: No. 28 - V.~IITE - WILKINSON - RESOLViD that this meeting stand adjourned until such time as the conditions of the war make it possible to continue negoitations with the Csnadian National t~ailwsys and the Niagara St, Catharlnes end Toronto Raihvay for discussion of the possibility of substituting buses for electric cars on the streets of the City of Niagara Falls; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto el, fixed. Carried No. 29 - O. OONALD - SCOTT - RESOLVED that the sincere thanks of this Council be extended to the officials of the Canadian National Railway Company and the Niagara St.Catharines and Toronto Railway Company for their courtesy and consideration in coming to Niagara Falls for the purpose of discussing the matter of possible sub- stitution of buses for electric cars in the City of Niagara Falls; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 30 - WHITE - A.F.DONXLD - REOLVED that the City Clerk be instructed to for- ward a message to the family of the late Mrs. Arthur Sills, exp-essing the sin- cere sympathy of the City Council and citizens of Niagara Falls upon the death of their moather; anddthe Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and Grimster. READ AND ADOPTED, Yenuary 2V, 1941. Clerk SDUTH J!mu? ry :~7, 1~41, r~rsuant to adjournment, the Council met --t 7.30 ~,.m. to co~sider gen- eral ~usiness '~d vjnance. ~11 members o~ the Council were ?resent h~virr~ received ~nd feud the minu~es of the p~Vious m,=etil~s, ~dopted the~e on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and .~lien. In connection ~?itb Communication No. 33, qnd on the motion of '~1,~, ~1. Donald and Allen representatives of the Canadian Corps A!~socintion r:er~ ~ir./~es :d. Cowan spoke ~nd outlined the ~?eti~tios of the Cor~s ~u~d the work which had been done at their clubhouse. Lit. C.I.:;troud the Council give consideration to a grant to the ~or~s for the ye'~r L941. fUiE Co]mmnic ati on lie. 33 Ill connection with ConHnunication No. 37, s]~d on the motion of ...ld. qriIn- ster and i.F.Donald, a deputation from the loc~!l Vj2r Zavin~¢s Conmittce was heard. I~fr. F.C.VJard spoke and outlined the plans of the Conmdttee whict~ proposed to hold a series of activities, inctudin~ a blackout of the area, for the purnose of sel- ling iwar savings certificates. I,lr. E.Y:..Thon~s, Chainman of the local Committee, also spoke upon the matter. Si.]E Comn~nication .~o. 37 C0t.7'.~].tTIC ',.TI )NS The folioring Com~nunications were received: No. 33 - Canadian Corps Association - requesting permission to address Council re grant for year 1941. G{DERED on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and G.Donatd that the communication be received ~md filed, and the matter of the request he referred to the meeting.when the Budget for 1941 is considered. No. 34 - Niagara Falls Horticultural Society - statement of receipts ~md expen- ditures, and request f xo grant. ORD]~RED on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and Scott t~at the conurmnication be received and laid on the table until the 1941 Bud- get is under consideration. No. 35 - Secretary to Prime h!inister of Canada - acknowledfdng resolution re pro- tection of services. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Grimetot end White that the ~ommunication be received and fi led. No. 36 - Honourable W.L.Houck, M.L.A. - re meetin~ ~,dth Council. 0RD!{~ED on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and Scott that the con~aunication be received and filed, and the City Clerk be asked to ascertain whether the Honourable Minister would be able to meet the Council at a meeting to be held at 5.00 o'clock on Saturday, February 1, 1941. No, 37 - Local War Savings Committee - requesting permission for stunts and ral- lies. OROERED on the motion of ild. Grimster end Wilkinson that the cmmunication be received and filed, that the Council co-operate with the Committee in tiffs matter; and that Ald. White and Grimster be appointed as the Counail'a represent- atives on this committee to go into these matters and also the matter of the pro- posed blackout for the crampsalty. No. 38 - S.Gizzi - requesting removal of tree. (RDERhD on the motion of Aid. Al- len ~nd Grimster that the cor~unication be received and referred to the Parks Superintendent for a report..~ Ri~RTS Laid over from ~;revious meeting: No. 13 - Local Board of Health - annual report for year 1940. 0RD~?E/) on the motion of !\ld. G. Donald and Scott that the repor~ be received and f~ed; and tl~e appreciation of Council be extended to the Boa~d o[~ Health for the fine services rendered during the !~st year. The follov,~ng Reports were received: No. 16 - Town Planning Co~.mnission - re o~fer for Impchase of land. G],{D~]LD on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and Scott that the report be r~eeived and filed, and adopted. No. 17 - City Solicitor - re da~:~ge %o buildini-'s and ~roperty duzdng construct- ion of subway. 0RD~.~D on the motion of Ald. Grimstep and G. Donald that the rep- ort be received and filed. No, 18 - City Clerk - re aossibility of removal from supervision. OR~SFff~ED on the motion of :\~d. G.Donald and Scott that the report be received and fi led. Prior to the above motion, it was moved by Ald. Allen and O. Donald that the report be received and fila~, and action be taken to remove the City from the supervision of the Departhen, of Municipal Affairs. This motion was lost, the vote being as follows: .Ayes- Ald. Allen and G. Donald, Nays -Ald. White, Grimster, k.F.Dornld, Scoti, Wilkinson, and His Worship Mayor Inglis · RE~OLUTIONS The. fo_llowing Resolution ~ms passed: No. 31 - A.F. IDNALD - GRI~IISTER - RESOLVED that the City Clerk be instructed to fon,:ard a message to ~he f~ily of the late Mr. John Dobbie, expressing the sinc- ere s~l~pathy of the City COuncil and citizens of Niagara Falls upon the death of this esteemed citizen and former alderman of the City of Niagara Falls; and the Seal of the Corporation be .hereto affixed. p.~rri.ed The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and Grimster. .RF~lD fdVD ADOPT"J, February ~, 1941. Clerk Mayor FIiLkNCE L~ETING TT~e Fitnnce Conul:ittee met on ],:on lay, gann~Iry qT, 194l, i'or t!te luz', one of aDproviIl[~ and also of hassing the various accounts which h.!~l bean certified and placed before them, ltl members of the Co:mittee were ~resent. Sundry accounts were ap'proved by the Conmlittee, a'nountin%Z to .~71,62~.e0. The ~scounts sabreirked, beir~< tossed or otherv,dse de-lit with, 'yore ord- ered placed in the money By-law for presentation to the CouP~oil, on t:ae hobion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Scott. A su~mlary of the teedors submitted for the replacement or two ~o!ice cars, and the report of the City Clerk upon tlne matter, were presented. ordered on the motion of lld. ]'jilkinson and Orimster that the tenders be received and filed, and the report be received and filed, end the reco`,maendatiou be ad- opted. The offer of I,ir. Lorne Gulp, to purchase 564 ]Fomerood Avenue, 'as laid over from the previous meeting; and the report of the ^omsnittee on :{our=inrr, were presented. It vns ordered an the -,notion of A~d. ~cott and A.F.Donald th.~.t the offer and teeoft be received and filed, and the reco~mnendation be adopted. i communication w!~s presented from the !Director of Unemployment Relief, re 1941 ex~penditures. It was ordered on the ~:ntion of \ld. q.Dojnald ~md ,~cott that the communication be received en~ filed, and an estimate be fon'~arded to the Department. A communication was presented from the Northern Electric Compsny, re prices for a traffic signal. It vms ordered on the motion of Ald, G. !lonald and Scott that the eon~aunication be received and laid on the teble with other imbna- ation on this subject, to be taken up when the t9~1 Budget is considered. A communication was presented from Sup!~rvisor R.j. Moore, with reference to the statement r-quested fre~ the Auditors. It ;',~s ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and A.F.Donald that the corm~nnieation be received and filed. An application was received from Mr. Frank Till, to purchsse Lot 9, Rob- insert Street, for the sum of ~50;00. It ,Ass ordered on the motion of Ald. Grim- ster and Scott that the offer be received and 'referred to the Property Conrad, tee for a report. A communication was presented from H. F. Logan with refer, nee to the hos- pitalization for Patsy Pucci. It ~'~s o,dered on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and G.Donald that the comnication be received and laid on-the table, and the nmt~er he referred to Dr. Logan for his report. The Chaiman of Finance introduced the matter of the hiring of a new superintendent of the Children's Aid Society in the City of Niagara Falls, and the possible amalgamation of the local Society with that for the County. It was ord- ered on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and A.F.Donald' that the Children's Aid Soc- iety of Niagara Falls be asked to withhold the hiring of a new superintendent until a meeting can be arranged with the City Couacil; that the City Clerk ascer- tain all possible information upon the matter and endeavour to arrange to have a Provincial officer attend at the proposed meeting, which is suggested to be held at the next regular meeting of the Council. The Commi'ttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Grimster and Wi~lkinson. RK, tD AND ADOM~, February 3, 19~ Clerk COUNC IL MEETING Council Chugfiber, Ianuary E?, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance meetirOns for the purpose of passing the money By-law ;..~ieh covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present. BY-L~W The folto~,~ng By-law ~,,es passed: No. ~01~ -Ald. l.G.White - To Grant Monies for General Punposes. let reading -Ald. Soctt and Grimster. It was then ordered on the motion of/lid. A.F.Lbnald and Scott that Rule 56 (2) of the St,~ading Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law Teed a second time. 5rd reading -Ald. Va~ite and Grimster. Ir!CI~}BAL R_~vPORT Aid. A.F.Donald made a report to the Council upon his ~ttendance at the inauga~ral meeting of the Cha~ber of Co~erce. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Grimstar. RK~D AND ADOPTED, February 3, 1941. Clerk Mayo r S!-iV],LNZ~ L73',T~'TC St~CIAL }robz'~ary 1, 1941. A speci,~l nxeetin~ of tb.e City Council w~s held .it o. O0 P.m. on Febru-iry 1, 1941, in the Council Chamber, for the -ur"ose of discussin~ mj~tters v:ith the Hencurable Mr. 'j.~..Houck, M.L.;~. ill members of the City Council, toe'ether with the Hencurable Minister and Mr. F.C,.Lcbhlrney, K.C. , City 3olicitor, w~re present. Five matters were brought to the attention of the Uonournbil~ R'r. ='ouch. These were discussed by the menbars present and tile ibllowinE action t~ken th= re- on: 1. The City Council renuests that the Co~9or=ation receive outarcadia-. k=xes on the p~operties expronriated and acnuired by the P~-nvince of its ~ents. Yt was ordered on the motion of ,%ld. !Vilkinson and Sco~t that the matter of busine~!s taxes and the Corporation's share of Local 'Improvements be l'dd ia abeyance until a meeting is held with Mr. Richardson and representatives of the Proviscial Coy~ am!sent, the Hencurable !fir. Houck, a member of the City Council and Lhe City -~oi- icitir for the discussion of this matter. A cheque covering- the nroDerty tc!xes outstanding/on the acquired p~Dperities was handed to the City Clerk by 2. The City Council asked that the Hencurable !Gininter e?.plain the status of the Niagara.Falls-Bridge Cornsissies, as to~9_ether it has the powers of ~1 Crown avehey. The Hencurable Mr. Houck advised th.lt he w,s unable to qive the answer but would be glad to obtain the information and for. yard the same to the City. 3. The Hencurable Mr. Houck was asked to-oppose any contrary legislation which may be introduced to set aside the rights of the municipality to assess the brid~e and bridgehead ~roperties. The Hencurable L~r. }:ouck advised ..hat he v,lould oppose any such legislation and would refer to the City Solicitor ~y matters which he thought should have attention by the Corporation. 4. The Hencurable Mr. Houck rms asked to in'reduce le~jslntio:u at the com- ing session which would validate an agreement continuing the present n-r~mt in lieu of Hydra taxes, amounting to ~975,000.00 per year, plus local imurovements, for a period of ten years. Lit. Houck advised that he did not feel legislation ~oald be advisaole but that the continuation of the agreement would be taken ue with the other members of the Hyd~o-Electric Power Con~nission of 0nmrio for t~eir decision. He also ~dvised that he was not in i'avour of an agreement for ten years, but felt that a five-year contract would be more satisfactory. },{r. Houck asked that the matter be left in his hands to contact the. other members of the Corn'sis- sies and to advise of their feelings in the matter. 5. The City Council asked tibet the Hencurable Mr. Hack introduce ].egislat- ion wifieh would give the City the right to assess expropriated and acquired lands. The ticscurable Mr. Houck asked that the City Solicitorprrepare such legislation and he would introduce the same at the coming session. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were ps. ssed: Me. 3Z - ALL~q - SCOTT - RESOLVED that the congratulations of this Council and the citizens of Niagara Falls be extended to the Hencurable Mr. W.L.Houck, M.L.A. sad Mrs. Houck upon their twenty-fourth wedding anniversary; and the Seal of the Cor- Poration be hereto affixed. C~arried No. 33 - G.DONitLD - V~{ITE - RESOLVED that a vote of thanks be extended to the tton- 0~rable W.L.Houek, M.L.A. , for his consideration in comir~, to Niagar., F~ulls to discuss matters~with the Council, for the i~ffonnation he has given to the Council. $0 and for his concern in the affairs of the City of Ni~!~ra Falls; and the :~eal of the Corporation he hereto affixed. C!..rried The Council adjouxned on the xrntion of _lld. Wilkinson and O.Donald. READ :(ND ADOPTED, February 3, 1941. Clerk- May o r CO>YYi'R q;25] ] ~o~lncil Ch.'~nbcr, _Zll members of the City Council ~!nd the Chi!dren's a new Inspector for the Society, and consideration was ~river~ to '~!] the ~n(les of the possible amalgsu~mtion r:ith the Children's =lid Society of the County of fel- laIld, falter full discussion unon the ~:r, tters, it ~,ns or,~ered on zhe mo~;ion of Ald. q. Dcnald and White t~r,t a ~n~.ll co~mnittee from the Council be emaciated to act with a co:nmittee from the Children's Aid Society to study the ~!u!~!;ticln of the possible amalgamation wit~,_ the County org?.niz.~.tion qnd the a!!~/ointment of ~ new Inspector, and to report back to the Council. His "orsi~ip ]Uayor YmI~lis !~p!~ointed as the Conmittee, the Chairmsn of Finance, Ald. J.O.White, Ald. (}rimstar, Grc~t Donald and the City CleFK. The Conference then adjourned. R~kD AND .IDOPZ~D, February 10, 1941.. Clerk Chai Ens~ REGUL.LR },EETING Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 8.30 p.m to consider general business and finance. All members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meetingS, adopted these on the motion of Aid. Wilkinson and A.F. Donald. CO~e. IUNI CATI ONS Laid over from previous meeting: No. 38 - S.Gizzie - requesting removal of tree. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.' Wilkinson and Grimster that the coxm~unication be received saxd filed and the req- uest be granted, The followin~ Coxnmunications were pa:~sed: No. 39 - Canadian Federation of the Blind -, re sale of products in City. ORD- E],.~,D on the faction of ~ld. Allen end Wilkinson th~,t the conm~unD~tion be received ~md filed, and the matter be referred to the f. tton~ey General for investigation and a report as to the status of the organization. No. 40 - Union Society of Canten - re coverage duriR~. blackout. OP.D~{ED on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and Allen that the co:m:unication be received and laid on the t-~ble. No. 41 - LP,D',mude, I',i.P. - acknowtedFoing resolution of City of London, ORDERED on the motion of Ald..i.F. Donald and Scott that the cm~munication be r ceived m~d led. No. 4~ - Roard of Transport Comnissione~s - enclosing Order re abandonment of tm~cks on Nev~an Hill. 0])~D on the motion of Ald. '.',~fite and Grinnster that the co~m~xnication be received and filed, and the Order acknowledged. No. 43 - Ontario Good Roads .%assclarion - re annual convention of membership. ORUE!N) on the motion of ~lld. Wilkinson and V~ite that the co~mmnication be rec~ eived and filed. No. 44 - Bell Telephone Company of Canada - requesting permission to repair under- ~round conduit. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Wilkins~a that the com- munication be received and filed, and the peI~nission be ~rsnted. No. 45 - Department of Pensions & Na. tional Health - re protection of vulnerable points and services. (lqDERED on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and Allen tt~it the connmnication be received s~d filed. No. 46 - Chamber of Commerce - enclosing report and requesting gm~nt. ORD~XK0 on the motion of Ald. Allen and Scott that the com~mnication be received and laid on the table for consideration whenthe 1941 Budget is under preparation. REPORTS The following Reports were presented: No. 19 - Parks Superintendent- recommending removal of tree. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and Orimster that the report be received and filed, and the recoznmendation be adapted. No. 20 - Dairy Inspector - report for month of January; (RKEERED on the ~f~tion of Ald. kllen sad G. Donald that the report be received and filed, and a copy be for- warded to the local dairies for their information. His Worship ]Jayor Inglis ms ~e a verbal report to the council on the meet- ing called by the Honourable W.L.Houck, ~LL.A. on Saturday, February 1st, with representatives of the various neighboating municipalities. The meeting was called for the consideration of employment and the use of local men a~ the plant of the Welland Charmloci COmpany. It v~s ordered m the restion c~' Ald. Wilkinson and A.F.Donald that the repor~ be received and the action of the Comittee be ends rsed. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 34 - G.DONALD - A.F.DONALD - RE~0LVFJ) that the appointment of Alderman J.G. Vfi~ite as Enacting Mayor on February 4th and 5th, during the absence of His Wor- .ship ~ayor Ingli s from the City be approved; and the Seal of the C, orporation be hereto affixed. · Carried NO. 35- UF[IXD~SON- CRP ]T'R- Ri~;0IJ~]D th-~t the fnvit!'tios of the '!iq~l~,~ Fire Department to the Council, to be ~resent at thei r nnm~.fi dnnca on P-~bru'~rv Vth, be accepted with th~nks, 'rod ~s m'~ny of the Council ~s possible ntben~ the Se~ of the Corporation be hereto affixed. BY- Lk 1,,: Thc foliowinE By-law t',~s passed: No. 3018 ~Ald. J.G...:hite - To appoint prosecutors to enforce tt!o ~rovis~ :;'as ef the Liquor Control Act (Ontario) within the municinulity o~.' ~ho City of Niagara Falls. ' 1st reading- Ald. Grimetot ~d Allen. It was then o~ered on the motion of Ald. ~ite I!nd [;cott ti~ut Y{ule 36 (2) of the ~te~ding Rules of Council be temporarily susan. ended and the By-law read a secosd time. ' 3rd reading - ,lid. Scott and Orimster. The Council adjourned on the zaotion of =lid. Sco~t ~ld G.Don~id. E~kD Ai'~D -~DP~ED, February 10, 1941. Clerk FIhL~NCE IlIEk~I~INC Counci 1 Chamber, Februry 3, 1941. The Finance Co~mnittee met on ll{onday, February 3, 1941, for the purl~se of appreving and also of Passing the various 'accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members o~ the Conu~ittee were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Conmittee, amounting to ~11,743.36. The accounts submitted, being passed orStherwise dealt with, were ord- ered 'olaced in tile money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the reStion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimster. I The offer from Frank Till, to purchase Lot 9, Robinson Street for Fif- ty Doll. are, as laid over from the previous meeting, ~as ~presented. It was ord- ered that the reco~nendation of the Property Corm~ittee, that the lot be not sold at this time, be received and adopted. An offer was received f~m !dr. F.A. Boyle for the purchase of ~t 329, Stanley Avenue for $50.00. It was ordered on the motion of .lld. Scott ~d Grim- ster that the offer be received and the reco~nendntion of the Property Connnittee, for the sale of the p~perty stubjeer to the usual conditions and to the aop~val of the Assessment Commissioner and City Treasurer, ,be app~ved. On the motion of Ald. 'A~ilkinson and Scott, the City Clerk v~as author- ized to art.rage for deductions from tile employees' cheques for their purchase of war ~avings certificates regularly. The statement of housing properties under a~reements for sale, as at December 31, 1940, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and G.Donald that the statement be received and laid on the table, and referred to the property co~mmittee for a ~sport. The statement of occupied registered properties as at December 31, ,1940, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimster that the statement be received and laid on t~e table, referred to the property co~unittee for a report and the City Treaaurere be instructed to report on the action taken in connection with certain of these properties previously consider- ed by the Co~s~ittee. The statement of insurance in force as at January 31, 1941, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Allen that ~e state- ment be received and filed. The statement of registered properties sold under agreements, as a t December 31, 1940, ~as presented. It we; ordered on the nntion of Ald. Grimster and Scott that the statement be received and filed, and referred to the property committee for a report. The comparison of tax collections as at January 31, 1941, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and A.F.Donald that the statement be received and filed. A dr!~ft statement of revmues and expenditures as at December 31, 1940, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott that the statement be r. ceived and laid on the table until the nex~ meeting. ~ draft balance sheet, as at December 31, 1940, was presented. It yes ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Donsld and !'.~.ilkinson that the staten~nt be rec- eived and laid on the table until the next meeting. On the motion of Ald. ','IiHdnson and 'Grimster, the City Clerk was author- ized to lend fifteen tons of sand to the War Sa~ings Committee for the purpose of constructing an air-raid shelter at the Armourlee. The City Clerk asked the Conuittee for a decision upon ~he offer of the Hudson Motor Car Company for a larger motor for the new police car at an addit- ional cost of ~0.00. On the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and His Worship ~yor Inglis, the matter was xeceived and filed. An amendment was presented by Ald. A:F. Donald and Grimster that the matter be referred to the Con~nittee on. cars and t~ucks for a report, but this motion was defeated. A communication was presented from Cordon Buckley, explaining his error in pu~ling a fire alana box instead of a .,~ost box. In view of the explanation made and the recommendation that no action be taken, from Fire Chief Shapton, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimster and Allen that the recammendation be adopted. The Committee adieureed on the motion of Ald. G. Denald end Scott. READ ~'dqD i~fi~T_;fiD, February 10, 1941. Clerk COUi'~CIE Council Clmmber, February 3, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the reo~llar Council m~d Finance meetings for the purpose of passing the money By-law which covere6 the accennts approved by the Co~mittee. .All members of the Council were p~sent. BY- LjJ,'J The following By-Law ~.'~s passed: No. 3019 - Aid. J.C.White - To Grant Monies for General l~urposes. 1st reading - Aid. Allen and Scott. It v,~as then oz~ered on the motion of J~id. i.F.Donald and Grimetot that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council he temporarily suspended and the By- law read a second time. 3rd reading -Ald. Wilkinson and G. Donald. The Council then adjourned on the motion of Ald. iF.Donald ~ld G.Donald. RS~D :"LND ADOFfED, February 10, 1941. Clerk Mayor CO.~F~'RE' UCE Council Chinbet, February 3, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the re.~mllar com~cil and fin- ance meetimgs for the ruroose of holding a conference to discuss various matters presented to them. All members of the Committee were present. After discussion upon the matters presented, the Conference adjourned. RK,'~D J-~ID .~)DPTED, Februaxy 10, lb'41. Clerk ~ Chairman / Febniary 10, l~j41. ?ursuant to ndjourrmlent, the Council met '~-t 7.30 ~.m. to consflier eral Busilless m~ Finance. All members of ~he Council 'rare Dre,!ont. !nqs ucb His WOrehie L(nyor Zr~clis did not attend the first p';rt of th~ meetin:-, Donald ',vns En'~ctin~ LTayor in his nosenee. The Council, h'~vin~- received the minutes of the ]~revious meeting adoeted these on the motio;~ of ~ld. 'Drimi_~ter and Scott. ' ' C 3i: ,Zn:."ZC .iTTOiY$ The foliowin6 Co,~nunications were received: No. 47 - Canada Coach Lines ~ re bus fees chsz'~e6 and rote ~or s'~me. O':'~=~eE~) on the motion of Ald. '.'Iilkinson and Grimstar that the co~m:mnication be received and referred ~o the City Solicitor for a mport. No. ~ - -lttorney-Genersl ?or Oatqrio - acknowled~ing letter re Cnnsdism ~'eder- ation of the Blind. 07;~DEREJ) on the motion of Ai~]. :!ilkinson and i,F. ?one!d tht~t the communication be received and laid on the table until the next meeting. No. 49 - The Hencurable W.L. Houok, M.L.A. ~ re I~iagnra Falls Brid~e Commission. OR7)M~ED on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and Scott theft the conaimnicntion be rec- eived and ~ferred to the City Solicitor for clarification, No. 50 - Village of Chi~tmwa _ resolution re Creamer Nia;~ra Llunicip:!l A'-~soci,~tion. OPj)ERED on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and Grimstar thn~ the com~'unicntion be received and fitS, and the resolution be endorsed. The followin~ Reports were Pz~sented: No. 21 - City Clerk - re conference held on February 3, 1941. OR]~{]CD on the mot- ion of Aid. Wi~inson ~d Scott th,~t the report be received and 'ldopted. No. ~ _ City Clerk - re meetin~ of joint committee re Children's ~tid Society. O'~DERED on the motion of Ald. %~ite and Grimstar th-t the ~oort be received, filed, and adopted; and the reco~mnendation for a smaller co~nittee be asproved. It was then oMered on the motion of/rid. ki ' W!I neon and White that Ald. Grimstar and O. Donald be the members on the smaller c~ittee. No. 23 - City Clet- re employees of Filtration Plant and s~?~esting transfers. OR~RED on the motion of Aid. ~'~ite and A.F.Don~d tMt the report be received and adopt ed. No, 2~ - Assessment CoI~issioner _ ~nual repo~ for year 1940. ORD]~ED on the motion of Ald, Wilkinson and Scott that the report be received and l~d on the t~ble until the next meeting, 87 ]tEC~D I,UTION.~3 The following Resolutions we~9 passed: No, 36 - GRIMSTER - SCOTT - RESOL~D t~t consideration of a resolution with ref- erence to the operations of the Bethlehem Steel Comply within the City of Niagara F~lls be dei'er~d m~i l His Worship M~or I~lis is present; and the Seal of the Corporation 'be 'he retO 'affixed, . Carried a9 The follo':rin~ Ey-lT,v vies presented: ;5020 - .'CLd. C. i. ':lien- To re~ulcze, -~anervine nnd rerdster a"y coin-operated musical instr~gnent, music-~roducir~o~ mech'u~.ical device or .music-p~Dd- ucing automatic rag, chine, operated for hire, profit or gain, 1st reading - Aid. Grimster and i~]li~e. It w'!s then eriered on tpe motion of kld, f. llen and ".%i~e thut the Council ;Idjourn to hold ~ rooting of the Committe~ of ~he "~mle for the pu?pose or discussing the M' or above By-law, the Enactln~ ~ to be in the chair. REiD ~g,ZD lOOPTEll, Feerusty iV, 1~41. Clerk }film' cling L!ayor COl%~ITI%qE OF ~I]i] I.'.~IOLF. Counci 1 Chamber, February 10, 1941 The Conmlittee re-assem'aied as a Co~mldttee of tile l.'~ole, for the purpose of '~<ivinp consideration to the proposed By-law Number 30E0. All members of the Council were present, It vzas moved by Aid. G. Donald and itlen that the fee to be charged for the instruments to be liceneed in the By-law b~ Fifty Dollars. It was moved by Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott th,~t the fee be set at Twenty-five DOllars. Vlhe,n these motions were voted upon, both were defeated. It was then moved by ~L~d. Uilkinson and White that the Cmlmittee azi~e and rapart to the Council. R],I~D AR~) A]X)FfED, February 1Y, 1941. Clerk Chai CDUt/C!T !.n,T.,~'TTM ?ebrn py ].0, i,H4] . members of the Council were presunt. The Cozmaittee of tile "holu ~D!'ted u~,on the action t~en by them. - ,bY- The folJowin~- ]Zy-!ews were Drew; nted: 3020 ~ _'~14. r;. 1.-'dlen- To re~9!q~e, ~ "~,rvl;e :-n'i t~!-jf uer ~o!D-o~-nrntoi~.m!~- ieal ill,7tr~nent~ htlgjc_prodtv, in;, 'meh.mi~, atttomutic]. m,lChir~e, operated for hire, pzofit or ~:in. It .... 2 ordered on the moBion of Ald. ,:Q'.lte !.~n'! S..)o.n.,ld th t the be laid on the table for two v:eeka. J.o,. 3021 - Aid. I.q.','hite - To authorize the execution or an .~e!nent fbr ;':le and Deed. ' ].st reading - .kid. A.F. Donald and ,S. ';onnld. It v:a,~ then '>r,]eped on the :notinn oi' ld. '~'-~-nI'l,'r ':hi ','!Ijtc th',t "ule 36 (q) of the '::t'mding Rules of Council be ~rn~or,zrilv numbended '~n4 the !~y-l~.w read a second time. · 3rd reading- Aid. Scott and A.F.Donald. Zo. 3022 - .Ltd. I.C...'hite - To attthorize the execution oi' an .'=~ree'.nent .~'or and Deed. 1st reading - AId. ','/ilkin $~ n 'md G. Donald. It was explored on the motion of !';ld. A.F, 'bn.,,ld ,!nd qrimster tb ,t :]uJe 36 (~) of the Stunding _Rules of Council be temnorarilv suspended and the By-low be read a second tDne. ' ~ - 3rd ~?,ading - Aid. 7t~ite end Scott. ~1o. 3023 - Aid. I. rJ.White _ ~llowin¢ the owner of the ']hickIcy :]lock' buih]in!,, v:hich by inadvertanee h:u~ partially been erected upon the line of Erie Avenue, to maintain and use such ei~ction thereon, ls~ reading- Ald. !'&ire and Grimst It was then eriered on the notion of Aid. ,n,.],'oi~ld '~,nd :'lVxite that Rule 36 (2) of the Stemcling Rules of Council be temnorarily susn~xded and the By-law read a second time. ~ ~ 3rd reading -Ald. Scott and White. RE30LFPION3 ..... _The followinZE Resolutions were passed: No. 37 - GR~MST~R - AI~,EN - RESOLVED that a bond of ~50,000.00 be required to be Posted by the Bethlehem Steel Company in connection with their aotivi ties in the City of Niagara Falls, and as outlined in Resolution Number 38; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. C'..rri ed TIc. 38 - i!!L'%IN'0Y - VF{IT'C - '.2:r.T,~E7.S the Bethlehem '~teel Comp~my has ,:ppli ed to the City 'Engineer for permission to ht~ut heavy loads of steel consiati.~-~' of ~ril- la~es ~nd ~reh rib sections for tile now bridge being constracted across the Nia- gara Hiver from Victoria Avesue to the bridge site on the }{iver Road; /~IO 1.7U~]~:7,I~% such grillaf:es 'and etch rib sections run t~s hiKh ss seresty- five tons in weight being,.', far heavier loads than the pavements of the City of Niagara Falls were designed for; ~,rD ,'.~Y'E'_Z the Bethlehem Steel Company have by sketch he rote attached, marked Sheet HS~ sho~'~ the proi~sed method of loadin~ the griila~es and ~ch fib sections; _~I0.'~ therefore the Council of the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls I[nSOLVTES AZ F012101ZS: 1. Permission be gr-anted to the Bethlehem Steel Comp~ny to haul such gril- l',Ees and arch rib sections in approximately the manner indicated, over a course on the streets of the City of NiaEaxn Falls to be desi~.n~ted by the City En~fineer, and such loadi~ to be also mbject to ~he su~aervision of the said City Er~gineer; provided however that the said Bethlehem iteel Comaany :'~11 agree to Dmnedi'ately m'-~ke creed any drainage done to the streets of the City of Niagara Fells, including pavements, sidewalks, sewers, manholes, hydro-eleetric lines, vmter mains, and gas works, done through or owinF to the transporting of such heavy ~rillages and arch rib sections ever the streets of the City of Niagara Falls; and will post a .9.50,000.00 F.~arantee head, s~tisfactory to the City of Niagara Falls, to cover the performance of such covenant on the part of the Bethlehem J3teel Company, ~ad the above bond ~hall remain in effect for a period of two years. This ~.ennission is also ~.rsnted unon the express understanding that the said Company will he liable to the Cornoration and will indemnify and save harmless the Corpor'!tion of the City of Niagara Falls from and against all loss, d~a~e, costs, charges !~nd penses which the said Cor~orntion may incur or be put to by reason of such trans- porting of such grillages and arch rib sections; and that the said Bethlehem Steel Company will use due c~.x~ and dilligence for the protection of pronefry traffic on the said streets of the City of NiaF, ara Falls d{lrir~g such traasportat- ion operations; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. D9 - C..DON.~,J.D - ','III,][~NSOM - RESOLV~ED that the City Clerk be instapered to sub- mit a By-law to the Council at the next meeting which will chan~_<e the year for the collection of dog tax from Iiarch 14th to lJarch 14th, to correspond with the other licenoes in the City which are the same as the calendar year; and the Seal of the Corporation be heroic affixed. Ca rried The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Sco~t and G.Donald. READ AND ADOP~_ED, February 17, 1941. FIi'.rU~CE :jb~ET]~!G Collnsil Feb~..v 1O The Finance Conmlittee met on .~bnday, Februa~z 10, 1941, for the of appI~vin~ and also oF r~assinz~ 'the Various ?coconuts uhiah h'~d bce~i certified and placed before them. All members of the Coxmmittee v~are pr~sent. Sund~v accounts we~ ap~roved by the Co~:t~ittee, ,~nouatin~; to The accounts submitted, bein6 passed or oth.nrwise dealt '.'zith, "/6re ord- ered placed in the money by-lay,, for presentation to the Counc~i, on the motion of Aid. Scott and Grhnster. ' The draft ~alance Sheet and draft Revenue '~nd %~enditure 2t~..tement at December :51, 1940, nybjeh had been referred from ~ previous meetin,'-, were enter. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. G.7]onald'and .qrim~zter tbr.t the meats be refen.ed for considem~tion when the 1941 ~dget is nnder discussion. The City Clei presented n resort of the ?~Dnerty Co~,~ittee upon ~ m~et- inE held by them for the consideration Sf ~;ever' 1 of'fore for p~perties ~tn~ in eclectics with statements on various City-o~med p~perties, ~ offer was made Dy Er. 0.Linde~gren for the mu'ch'~se of Lots 67 -rid 68 on Valle~vay for ~400.00, with an a~reement ~ erect on the t~.~ lot~- c~ house of at least' ~8, 000. 00 value within six months. Uoon the recommendation o~' the m'ob- erty committee,- it was ordered on the motion o~' Ald. Grimetot and ~eott tht, t the offer be ~ceived and accepted, subject to the usual conditions a~ld to the amorov:~l of the City Treasurer and f~ssesment Connnissi6ner. ' .91 elk'or was presented from Dr. l';.S.!%ahon for the rental of ~, ~,qr~z;e adjacent to 1788 ~chanan ~jenue for :'~.00 per month. Upon the reeommend,~tion of the property committee, and on the motion of Aid. Scott and ,,'ilkinsert, the recom- m~dation was adopted and the letter was received ax~ filed. A eonununication rz~s ~ceived f~m ~res ~ ~,~ srs. liartin ~ C~lvert with refer- ence to the use of a portion of Third Avenue by the lumber company. _I re~ort of the City :]olicitor upon the matter was ~lso presented. Upon the reeoxmaendation of the property conmittee, ~d on the faction of Ald. Scott ~nd qrimster, the conm~un- ication and report were received, permission for the continued use of the p~erty was granted, and the ~port v~s received and filed. ' The repo~ of the City Clei, upon the action of the p~perty committee in deali~ ~vith other eity-o?med p~perties, was presented. It vms ox~ered on the motion of Aid. Wilkinson ad ~len that the report be received ~d adopted. -~ offer was presente~ f~m lit. Alert Brouillette to Duznhase Lots 38 to ~, inclusive, on MeGrail Avenue, at ~ 0 each and to erect on each lot a '~50.0 ' ' house of a% least ~3,000.00 value. I~ ~s ordered on the z~otion of Ald. Willtin- son ~d Scott that ~he offeP be ~eceived and referred ~o the ~p~perty conmit~ee for a ~rt. Clerk l~vor A report of the City Clerk, recommending the covering of the police cars ~ith passenger hazard insuz~nce, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Grimster and Scott that the report be received and adopted. A communication from the Police Department of Toronto, ze the Police Training School, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. 7!ilkinsert and Grinrarer that the comnmnieation be received and. filed, and the Council provide $25.00 for ~ne member of the Department to attend the school, at the discretion of the Chief Conbtable. .~nsnendment was presented by Ald. G.Donald and Allen that the m~tter be referred to the Police Commission, but this r~tion was defeated.' A motion was presented by Ald. Allen and G.Donatd that the City discon- tinue the subscription to the Niagara Falls Evening Review for l~h,. ILY.~bore, Sup- srvisor of the Depar~en~ of Municipal Affairs. This motion was defeated. It '.'/as oDaered on the motion of AId. '.'Zi~kinson end flies th~!t the mat- ter of the dsmaged ~olice ear fender be referred to the al~tomobile com3nittee for investigatio_u and report· The Co_~mittee adjourned on the motion of Ald. A.F. :Don-~atd and G.Donald. R)~ID/C~D AD0iVED, February 17, 1941. Clerk / Chairm~ of, lF~nz~c~I The Council a{ljourned on the motion or _lid. Allen and Q,Don%hd. February 17, 1941. Clerk Ll'!yor C01E'~CIL }.~jET!NG Council Chamber, Febmary 10, The Council re-assembled '~t the close of the rcgu!ar Council and Finance meetings for the puroose of pasai~ the money By-law which covered the accounts approved by the Conmlittee. All members of the Council ~vere present· ~Y-L'O/ The follo~tdng By-lav~ was passed: .N.o.. 3024 -Ald. Y.O.lt%ile - To Grant Monies for General l~rl~ses. 1st reading -Ald. Scott and Grimster. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. G.Donald and A.F. Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be tgmpo~arily suspended and the By- law read a second tilne. 5rd reading - Aid. Grimetot and Scott. R !'!SOLUTION The folZowing Resolution was passed: No. 40 - GRIMS~ - ;W!ITE - lIESOLED that a recomendation be forwarded to the Board of Police Co~dssioners, that the route of the parade on Thursdsy, February lSth be kept ~lear of all yehicles; and the Seal of the Oorpqration be hereto af- fixed. Carrie~ C C;IF '.S ~ 'Z iICE Coungil Chembcr, February 10, 1~41. The Council re-assembled at the close of the re~al'~u' Council 'rod Fin!ante meetings for the puxlpose of holdinE a conference ~o discuss totters ~n'esented to them· ill m~bers of the Co~nit~e~ were present. After discussion upon the matters presented, the ConfeI'ence adjourned on the not- ion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimster. READ AND ADOPTED, February 17, 1941. Chaiman 44 C01.~.qI%T~ OF T;.N;] Council Chamber, February 12, 1941. The Colmnittee of the ?~nole met on Wednesday, Feb~lary 12, 1941, and all members of the Council were present. i!is Wol~hip v-.Cayor In{{li s was in the chair. T,Cr. E.L.Durkee, Resident Engineer of the Bethlehem Steel Cornmay ad- dressed the Co~'mnittee in connection v~th Resolution Number 38, passed at the reE- ular meeting of the City Council on tlonday, February 10th. 1;Ir. Durkee advised th,~t there wetlid be twenty-eight loads, ranging in weight fxDm forty-five to sev- enty-five tons, and explained the method of loading these heavy pieces on trucks and trailers. He stated that the trucking company carried insu:ance to the s~ount of fifty and one hundred thousand dollars for public liability, and ten thoustand dollars for Drooerty damage. T,lr. Durkee suggested t~.t this insuFance would prot- ect the interests of the Corporation, and advised that if,necessary, the City of Niagara Falls, Ontario could be endorsed as a beneficiary. 2.ffter considerable discussion, it was decided that the entire matter should be referred to the City Solicitor for his advice. Mr. Durkee advised that it w.as the intention of the company to move two lqrge units on Friday, February 14th and Saturday, ,February 15t~, and asked that De~nission be granted for the v,Drk to be proceeded with. It ,,yes ordered that t~e issuance of this specii permit be referred to the City Solicitor and Mr. Durkee be advised on Thursday what action v;ould be taken. Ald. t,F, Donald asked to be -recorded as being cpposed to a civic half- holiday on Thursday; February 13, 1941. .Ln invitation from the War Savings Certificate Committee, to attend a 'dinner at the General Brock Hotel on Thursday, Febstory 13th, ~,~as received. It was ordered by Ald. White ahd Grimster that the invitation be accepted and as many of the Aldennon as possible 'attend. _q~ne Co~mnittee discussed in detail the schedule of duties of the staff, as presented tO them. After a very thorough study of the schedule, no changes were adopted. The Committee ordered that the present policy of delivering pay cheques to civic employees by sending the paymaster out to deliver the cheques personally to each employee, ~s unnecessary. It was ordered that the cheques be delivered to the fOremen ~o in turn v~Duld deliver them to the individual employee. The Co~nittee adjourned on tt~e motion of Ald. Vfi~ite and Scott. READ .AND ~j)3PTED, February 17, 1941. Cler Chairman Cou_,ni 1 Cb-mber~ Febm':l'y !71 19,3]. Pursuant to odjoum~nment, the Council met :t 7.:~0 ~.m. ~o co.~pd.'~er qen- oral Pusiness and Finance. ill menbets of the ~]ouncil were ere =eat. The havin2 received and read the minutes ~f the pnovious meeting, adopted these on motion of _'~td. A.Y.Donald and Grimster. DE!'UT.'.T!ll}~ In connection with Co,n~maicnt~on hvo. 51, and on the motion of White and Offmeter, Hr. E.L.Durkee~ Resident Engineer of the Bethlehem jteel Com- pany, · ~,~s pemitted to address the C~ncil. T.Ir. Y,Yc:~rney, City ]elicitor, ';'~s also Dreweat. ~!e matter R~deP ~iscuqsion u~s protection for the ~OfY"']"'~f Oi sinai drainage in com~ection with the hn.uling of steel over the City streets for the new bridge site. -'qC3~ Communicqtion Plo. 51 CO"T' ITbT! C "TI ON2 Laid over frm~ previous meeting: No. 4q - Canada Co~!ch Lines - re bus fees charged and rote for same. ON'])N~iD on the motion of Ald. G.Domxld and Scott that the. cosnaunication be received snJ laid on the table, and a strong letter of protest be fon,~arded to the Nonour'!ble N.F. Hepburn, Premier of Ontario, the Hencurable T.B.!,leQuesten, Sinister of and the Hencurable W.L.Houck, M.L.A., protesting against the decrease in the amount of bus fees chargeable; and also that the cities of Ontario be circularized in this matter. S_~TX. also Report l'Io. P.5 The following Communications were received: No. 51 - Bethlehem Gteel Company - re protection to City durin~ hauli~g operations. ORDERED on the liftion of .Ald. Wilkinson and I.'P.~ite that the commtmication be rec- eived and filed, that the totter be referred to the City Solicitor for further consideration and to draw up an agreement between the Ccqoany ~a~d the City, that when the agreement is satisfactorily drawn the Clerk be authorized to issue pelm~its for .the movement of the loads over the City streets; and failing Nr. !{c,Burney and the Bethlehem Steel Corapmny being able to arrange for a blanket permit, maitable arrangemen= s be made vrlth the Company, subject to Mr. Durkee's written agreement, that the City will be protected and interim peasits be granted. I No. 52 - Village of Chippaws - invitation to dinner re Greater Niegara ,'.Tunicipal Association. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and Grimster tb~nt the com~lmn- iceties be received and filed, the invitation be accepted, and as many of the Coun- cil as possible attend. No. 53 - Niagara Falls Civilian Defence Committee - requesting funds to carry on work. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. WilkinsDn ~md Grimeter that the communicat- ion be received and filed, and the grant be ~mde as requiested,. the same to be incorporated in th~ 19~1 Budget. No. 54 - Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities - enclosing issue of "the Listening Post." OPDERED on the motion of Aid. V,'ilkinsen and G. Oonald that the communication be received and laid on the table until the next meeting. No. 55 - Wellsrod County ~.Mnict pal Association - programme re annual convention. 0R.~EREB on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and White that the pregranm~e be received and filed, that His Worship Mayor Inglis, the City Clerk, City Tzeasurer and Asses- sment Commissioner be.authorized to attend th~ meeting. 47 _No. o6 - Departmen t of LMnic inqt i~2 fqirs - re memor'mdun! re supervie:ion by ')e'n- art'n~t. 0T~q7~ on the motinn of lid. '!~ite ~n.l C. Donald thqt the memor~u]um be received and filed~ qnd the ~ro~o~ed r].,~n off ca~trol be ~rp~d with the excep- tion of Clu~e (e) which ~vives the Department the right to app~ve of the hiring ~m ] dismissal of o ffi cials. R;~ORTS Laid over fDy!! rev~ous No. ~4 - .i~ees~ent Co~zni~sion~r - n~nuet re~ ~rt for year 1940. 0}~)~' D on the motion of '.!d. G. ~na]M ;rod ?Tilkins~ that the re~ort be ~' eceive~ all~ l'fid on the table Dn'6il certain information, as re~,~ired by the Aldermen, has been ~rocured. The followin~y Ee~orts 'rare rreqe~ted: No. 25 - City ]olicitor - re collection of bus fees. ORDr'ND]D on the ~Dtion of :~ld. O. Donald and Scott tt~t the rapport be ~ceived and filed. No. e6 - Cit,~ Clerk - re com~erence ~eld on Febnxzry 10, 1941. ORD~'~ED on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and ]Tnite that the report be received and filed. No. 27 - Ch'~irmen of Fin.~nce - presentin~ i~eliminaI% bu~i~et for year 1941. 01L]- ZR],'.D on the motion o~ ZldZ i.F, ~0nnld and O.Don~d that the repo~ be received and laid on the table for discussion at the ~udget meeting. RE'tD LI~IONS The following~ Resolutions were tossed: No. 41 - l','I!J(Irl ;O'.l- gIIL?i;TER - REGOL~P]D th. at !lie Uorship ll~or InElis be author- ized to attend the pro'nosed meeti~:g of Mayors, if the same is held in the near future, in e ~nnection :'.ith the relief contribution from the Dominion Government for the last nine months of 19~1; and the Seal of the Corporation be heroic af- fixed. Carried NO. 42 - ?Y{IT!] - SCOTP - !I~GOL~'ZD that the City Solicitor end City Clank be auti~-- orized to repre..ent the City at a hearinE to be t~ld in Welland in connection r~ith am estate, in which the City is interest, on Friday, .February 21, 1941; and the Seal of the Corporation be heroic affixed. Carried No. 43 - A.F.DONALD- GR!L~ - RESOLV~YD that the sincere appreciation of the Council of the City of Niagara Falls be extended to Lir. F.A.Hardwicke in recogn- ition of the poem written by him entitled ",'~endell '.'Yilkie, Man of letion', v~ich poem v~s used by Mr. H.V.Kaltenhom on his b~oadeast on Sunday, February 9, 1941; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried The following Resolution ~as presented and defeated: No. 44 - .'dLLEN - ?~t~TE - RESOL~.',D that the By-law which proposes the licensing of nmsic machines, be presented at this time for consideration; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. L0qT BY-~WS The following By-laws were passed: N_2o. 30~5 - Aid. ~.O.Whits - To authorize the .execUtion of an A~reement for-Sale and Deed, let reading - Aid, Grimstar and Scot~. It ms than ordered irl the -i~t] oh of i'!. .v. ,~n',i; '-rl! ~J L!! ti,' t Rule 36 {o) of the ]~"~ldifi~ Rules of Council be tem~'arilv sUsoende~ 'm~ ~he l'~y- law ~ead a saccad time. ' ~ 3rd reading- .lld. L~ite and Grimstar. It w!~s ordered on the motion of ~ld. !]. bnnl, i an~ ~riln,t{~r tbr "u~e 36 (2) of the St~ndi~ Rules of Council be temporarily su:qmnded 'm~: zhe 13y-law re'~d a second time. ' '~ * 3rd readhkg - Aict. G. Donald and Scott. The Co~mcil adjourned on the motion of Aid. Grimstar ~!n~ G. )o:in. ld. READ iS'N) AD_.:T~ID Febr~!ry 24, 1941. Clerk t I e yO r Oouncil Ch~unber~ Febnlary 17, 1941 The Fine. nee Cor~nittee met on Monday, February l? , 1941, for the ~arsose of apoxoving and also of ~zssing the various accounts which had been nroperly cert- ified and placed before t~em. All membel-s of the Co:mnitt,e were present, Sum]ry accounts were approved by the Co~mnittee, a~rsunting to i~11,534,38, The accounts submitted, being passed or othervdse denlt with, were ord- ered pla'ced in the -money By-la.; for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Aldo Scott and grimste~. On the motion of AId. G. Donald and Orimster the City Clo~k ~as instruc- ted to take up with the Hon~urable ;'/.L.Houck, M.L. fb, 'the matter of"the cost of hospitalizatiSn at the Toronto Hospital for Frank Decices, and to protest ~ainst the charge made in view of the fact that the child has been ordered to the Hospital for Incurable Children. i~qe offer of Albert Bn~uillette, to purchase Lots 38 to 44 on McGrail Aven~e for the sum ~f $350.00, was presented. It ~,~s ordered on the rotion of Ald. G.Donald and Scott that the offer be r~ceived and the lots sold, subject to the usual conditions and to the approval of the Asses~xent Co~nnissioner and City TreasUrer, 49 A comr:mnic!~tion was received from the Chi ef Constable, requestinE a further grant re the trYlainI~ school of Dotice offic-~rs. .it I.;as orde~d on the motion of ~Yld, GriTaster :~nd ~is 'forsh r. [[ayor in~,lis that the co~m~ication be received a~l filed, ~d the Council pro~de a total ~rant of ~100.00 fer the of- ficer at the .a ~hool. ='~n ~mendment -.as nD !e by '.ld. ~.')olr~ld and ~cott tlmt the cor~munfi~ation be received ~nd ref'er~d bqck to the Police Co:~mission. U~his mot- ion w'~s defe'~ted. ?riot to thes.: motions, it w~s moved by Ald. '.Jil}c]~on and ,illen that ~he com~mnication be received and filed. This motion ,~s also lost. i stqtement was ~fi~laitte~ from the County ~r~'a~arer re the cost of ren- nov:~tin~- the County Jail. It 'v~s ordered on the motion of ~'~ld. Uilkinson and .~cozt tik~t the co~aunic'~tion be received and filed. The Council adjoux~ed on the motion oi' _lid. A.F.Donaid and O.Donaid. ADOPTED, Februai~ 24, 1941. Clerk nimeJ% o Finance COUNCIL Counci 1 Chamber, February 17, 1941. The Council re-assembled at ~he close of the regular Council and Fin- ance meetings for the pux]~ose of passing the money By-law ~,~ich covered the ac- counts approved by the Co~unittee. All members of the Council were prosonto BY..-L~W The following By-law was l~assed: · -No. 3027 -Ald. Y.G.White - To Grant Monies for .Gensml Purposes. ~st reading -Ald. A.F. Donald and Grimste~. It vas then ordered on' the motion of Aid. i'~ite and Scot~ tb~t Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-lair re'end a second tilae. 3~d reading - Aid. G~imste~ end G.Donald. The Council adjourned on the motion of !]{E,U) '~ ':DDPS=~, ~rebru~li~ ",~ 1;:41. Clerk q, ~ona lci .~nci i.'i!kinson, 5O Cosine!! Ch~-lr-ber, Febmary 20, 1941. i ~neci'~l meeting: of tile City Council '..'/!Is held on Thumd~r, Febra'ry 20, 1941, at V.30 p.m. -:_11 members of the .qouncil, 'dth the exception of l'7ilkin'?on, were DI'esent. The meetix~ had been called For the pur~:ose of giving consideration to the preliminary budget for the year 1941, Aid. Y.q. %its, qhairm'~-n of Finonce, presents4 the ,~elininary busFat which h~d ~en ~e~'~ren for the current -ear. Consic~erntion w~as ~Ziven ~ the individu~ items in the 3ud[<et, ad certain cha~ges were oniered by the Council. The Council then adj ourned. tlE_iD ,U,TD ADO?%~D, February 24, 1941. Ea~Dr ~IR~ MEETII~ REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, February 24, 1941. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. to consider Gen- eral Business and Finance. All m~nbers of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Allen, were present. During the absence of His Worship Mayor Inglis from the meeting, it was ordered by AId. Wilkinson and White that Ald. A.F.Donald be Enacting Mayor. The Council, having received and reed the minutes of the prev- io~s meetings, adopted these on the .motion of Ald. Scott and Grimster. DEA~JTATION In connection with Com~,nication No. 83, and on the motion of Ald, Grimstar and White, Mr. Surgesnet, President of The Hermes Club, was permitted to address the Council. Mr. Surgeponer outlined the proposed activities at the carnival to be held by the Club, and the method of renting concessions which wOuld be brought, in for the amusement of the people. SEE Connnunication No. 63 COMMUNICATIONS Laid over from previous meetings: No. 54 - Canadian Federation of Ma~ors and MuniCipalities . enclosing issue of 'The Listening Post'. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G.Donald end Wilkinson that the commn~cation ~e received and filed. The following Communications were presented: · No. 57 - .N,.Miller - requesting renavml of rental of lot. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Scott that the communication be received and filed, and the lot be rented on the same conditions as in 1940. At this point, His Worship Mayor lnglis arrived at the meeting. No. 58 - City Clerk, Hamilton - acknowledging resolution re bus fees reduction. ~uF~ on the motion of Ald, G. Donmld and Gr~mnter that the conumAnication be rec- eived and filed. No. 59 - City Clerk, Brantford - acknowledging resolution re bus fees re~uction. CellEREDon the motion of Aid. G. Donald and Wilkinson that the communication be rec- eived and filed, and the information requested be foEcarded. No. 60 - Niagara Falls Yunior Chamber of Commerce - invitation to box social. OR- IF~ on the motion of Ald. Scott and G. Donald that the con~nunlcation be received and filed. No. 61 - Department of Highways - giving approval c~ By-laws No. ~940 and 3006. 0Pj~ on ~he motion of Ald. Wilkinson and Grimstar that the communication be Tee- saved and, filed. No. 6S - A.B.Damude~ M.P. - re national salvage campaign. ~I)EEED on the motion 0f Aid. GrAmstar and Scott that the communication be received and hid on the table until the next meeting, and the\Clerk be asked to make a stummry and report upon the oepa~n. ' ,,, 51 No. 63 - The Hermes Club - requesting permission to hold annual carnival. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. A.F.Doneld and Scott that the communication be received end laid on the table until the next meeting, and the Clerk be asked to ascertain whet amusements are being brought into the City, and the Club adAse upon the arrange- ment to be made in connection wi~h the same. REPORTS Laid over from previous meeting: No. ~4 - Assessment Commissioner - anneal report for year 1940. 0RD~ED on the' motion of ~ld. Wilkinson and Scott that the report be laid on the .table for fur- ther consideration. SEE also Report No. 28 The following Reports were presented: No. 28 - Assessment Commissioner- re exemptlens on Y.W.C.A. properties. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and Scott that the report be received and laid on the table for fxuther consideration. No. 29 - City Clerk - re meeting with Civilian Defence Committee. ORESRED cn the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and A.F.Donald that the report be received and filed, and the City Clerk he 'authorized to attend the meeting. No. 30 - City Clerk - presenting minutes of meeting of Children 's,Md Society. 0REe ca the motion of Ald. White end Scott that the rapox~ be ,received and laid on the table until the next meeting.. RESOLUT/ONS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 45 - W~v.k-rNSON- WHITE - I~ESOLVED that the congra~;ulatlons of this Council and the citizens of Niagara Falls be extended to His Worship Ma~r Inglis and Mrs. luglie upon the celebrati6n of their twenty-fifth wedding -nniversary; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. · Carxie~ No. 46 - WHr~m - G. DONALD - RESOLVED that the appointment of Aldermen A.W. Scott as ~-metingMayor on the afternoon of February25thand on Febmary 26, 1941, dur- ing the absence of His WorshipMayor Inglis from the City, be confirmed and ap- proved; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto afkixed. Carri.ed No. 47 - WHITE - GpTM~T~ - RESOLVED that the City. Cl~rk he instructed to commun- icate with the Department of National Revenue,' asking that an official or officials of the Department of National Revenue or of the Post Office Department he stationed in some public building for the purpose of assis~ citizens to make out their inT that ~he cities of the xgvince be asked to make a come tax forms; and further P like petition to the D.epartment; and the Seal of the Corporation-be hereto af- fixed. Carried The 'following By-l~w ms presented: No. ~020.- Ald, G,A.Allon - To regulate, supervise and register any coin-operated ~" musical instx~mont, mules-producing mechanical.device or mUs~e-produc- in~ automatic machine, .operated for hire, profit.or gain. On the motion of Aid. Orimster .ha O.Donald, it Was ordered that this By-lawbe laid on the tableuntil the meeting of March 17, 1941, The Council adJcrned on the motion of AId. Grimster end A.F. Donald. READAND ADOPTED, March 3, 1941. Clerk FINANCE ME~TII~ Counci t Chamber, February 24, 1941. The Finance Committee met on Monday,' February 24, 1941, for the purpose of approvingand also of passing the various accounts which had beem properly certified and place~ before them. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Allen, were present. Sundry a~counts wore approval by the Committee, anoUnting to $54,407.88. The accounts presented, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money By-law for l~resentation to the Council, on the motion of Aid.. 'Grimetot and Wilkinson. A'ccemunication was presented from the Honourable W.Z. Houck, M.L.A., re the cost of hospitalization for Frnn~ Decinns. It was ordered on the motion of AId. G. Donald and A.F.Donald that,;the eom~,~cation be received and laid on the table..- A communication was presented from T.H.Ellerington, 'requesting permis- sion to convert a barn on Barker Street for living purposes. It was ordered on the motion of AId.. Scott and (}rimstar that the comnw,-t catlOn he received and laid on the table, and referred to the Property Committee for a report. An offer was received from Mrs. R.Eichh0rm, to purchase Lot 25, Drummond Road for Fifty Dollars. It was ordered ca the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott tha~ the cOmnnuxication be re~ei~ed and laid on the table and referred to the Pxup- arty Coquettes for a report. The City Treausrer submitted a report upon certain arrears of business tax. The-following action was taken thereon: Star Taxi - 01~ED that the Police Deparment he asked. to stop E.Porter from driving his car until satisfactory ar- rangements are made for the p~Wment of his business fax, N.E. Slingerland - satis- factory. Sarah Saunders - ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Denald and Wilkinson that the ~mount be wiped off. B.Taylor and H.IMolph - ORE on the motion of Aid. G. Donald and Wilkinson that this account be left in the hands of the Treasurer to coilsot., Leo Oovel!~ - 0FG~EP~D On the motion of Ald, G.Donald and Scott that 55 -] m 54 the amount be wiped off. L.Crawford - 0RE~RED on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and G.Donald that the Treasurer be instructed to collect this account. C.L.Ferris- ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and Grimstar that this account be laid in abeyance and the City Treauarer be instructed to collect the same. N.L. Louis - ORE~ZRED on the motion of Ald., Wilkinson and Gr~mgter that the amount be written off, It was further ordered that the City Treasurer submit a report on the remaining business tax accounts outstanding. The Conradtree adjourned on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimstar. READ AND -ADOPS]D, March 3, 1941. Clerk COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, February 24, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council end Fin- anne meetings for the purpose of passing the money By-law which covered the ac- coUnts approvsd by the Committee. All members of the Council, with the exception of Aid. Allen, were present. BY-IAW The following By-law ms passed:. No. 30~8 - Aid. Z.G. Whtte- To Graut Nonlee for General Purposes. let readlng - Aid. Scott and Grimetar. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid, A.F. Donsld and G. Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By- law be read a second tlme, 3x'd readlng - A~d. Grimstar and Scott. 1' FOURT~L~NTH MEETING COI~'EHENCE Council Chamber, March 3, 1941. Prior to the regular meeting of the City Council, a conference was held with members of the Niagara Falls Chlldren's Aid Society. All members of the City Council, with the exception of AId. Allen were present; and the persons represen- ting the Children.xs Aid Society were Messrs. T.Smith, C.R.Glaves, J. Logan, W.H. Kribs, and Mrs. McAndrew, Mrs. Binknell, ~frs. Goodes and Mrs. Welsh. The confer- ence had been called for the parpose of discussing the possible amalgamation of the local society with that of the County of Welland, and for the purpose of hear- ing the report of the Committee appointed to study this matter. AId. Grimster and G.Douald, the City Council's representatives on the Committee, advised of the action which had been taken end the decisions made at the meetings held. Mr. Yohn Logan spoke in protest against the amalgamation and so did Mrs. Binknell. Mr. Smith and Mr. Glares gave the reacting figures in con- nection with costs in the past year and the estimated expanditums under the am- alg~mation. His Worship Mayor Inglis then thanked the representatives of the Soc- iety for their attention of this matter, end advised that action would be taken by the Council when the report of the Committee is considered. The Council then adjourned. READ AND ADOPTED, March 10, 1941. Clerk Pureuaut to adjournment, the Councll met at 8.30 p.m. to consider Gen- eral Buslness and Flnence. All members of the Courtell, with the exception of Aid. Allen, were present. The CoUncil, havlng received and read the minutes of the . preYlos meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid. Scott and A.F.Doneld. The Cotmoil adJotumed on the motion ot Aid. RFAD ~ ADCPI~D, March 3, 1941 / C~8$JNICATIONS laid over fz~m previous mastiC; No. 62 - A.B.Damude, M.P. - re nat~enal salvage campaign. ORDERED on the motion 56 of Ald. G.Donald end Wilkinson that the con~unication be received an~ filed, and action be taken in this matter. SEE Report No. 51 No. 63 - Hermes Club - requesting permission to hold carnival~ ORD~2ED on the mot- ion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott that the comnunication be received and filed, and permission be granted to hold the carnival on the dates mentioned; and that the Club be advised that the Council has no jurisdiction over the Bridge Street gxuunds. SEE Cormunication No. 64. The .following Commnnications were presented: No. 64 - Hermes Club - outlingin amusements to be used in connection with carn- ival. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott that the communication be received and filed. No. 65 - Supervisor R.Y.Moore - re visit to City to discuss Budget. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and Grimster that the communication be received and file d. No. 66 - ~msrican Consular Service - requesting permission for extension of build- ing. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and A.F. Donald that the communic- ation be received and laid an the table until the next meeting, and a repor~ be requested from the Property Committee and the City Solicitor upon the matter. No. 67 - _A.B. Damude, M.P. - acknowledging resolution re filing of income tax rep- orts. 0RDEE on the motion of Ald. G.Donnld ~-~ Grimster that the communication be received and filed. No. 68 - City Clerk, Toronto - acknowledging resoiutiou re filing of incoma tax reports. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Scott that the communic- ation be zeceived and filed. No. 69 - City Clerk, Hamilton - acknowledging resolution re filing of income tax reports. 0RD~D on the motion of Ald. Grimstar and A.F.Donnld that the commun- ication be received and filed. No. 70 - City Clerk, London -acknowledging resolution re reduction in bus fees. ORNERED on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson .r~ Grimstar that the com~Anication be received and filed, and the City of London be advised of the loss the reduction would mean.to Niagara.Falls. . ..... No. 71 - Honourable Minister of Highways - acknowledging resolution re protest against reduction in bus fees. 0RIlERED on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and WilEin- son that the communication be received and the City Clerk be instructed to again comnn, nicate with the Honourable Minister to ascertain what action will be taken by the Department if the By-law is not amended. No. V2 - Gra~ Conch Lines - protesting against charge for bus fees. 0ItE~ on the motion of AId. White and Scott that the comnunication be received and laid on the table. No. 73 - City Clerk, Kitchener - resolution protesting against Federal Government withdrawing share' of relief. ORDERED ca tbe motion of AId. Wilkinsan and Grim- star that She com~a,n~eation be received ans filed, and the resolution be endorsed. No. 74 - City Clerk, Kingston - resolution re Provincial Government to raise fUnds for social service. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Grimstar and Scott ~hat the communication be received and filed. No. 95 - Canadian Federation of Ma~ors and IAmicilmalities - enclosing copies of 'The Listening Post'. 0RD~ED on ~he motion of Aid. Grims~er ~ A.F.Donald that .~h~ laxblioations be received and filed. · ,'.~ .' , .... ; ,-',C,. .. 'i REPORTS Too following Reports were presented: No. 31 - City Clerk - re national salvage campaign. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Wilkinsonthat the report be received and filed, and His Worship Mayor Inglis and the City Clerk be a committee to go into this matter and to consult with the V.A.D.C., the Red Cross Society and the service clubs of the City in an endearour to get the campaign under way. No. 32 - City Clerk - re possibility of amalgamtion of Ghlldren's Aid Socitieis of Welland and Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Grmster and Wilkin- son that the report be received and adopted. No. 33 - City Solicitor - re Bethlehem Steel Company and Rainbow Bridge steel. 0RDEREDon the motion of Ald. Grimster and Scott that the report be received and filed, and the agreement be accepted and approved. No. 34- Parks Deparment - recommending removal of two trees. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Ald. Wilkinson and Grimster that the report be received and adopted. No. 35 - Parks Superintendent - recommending removal of one tree. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimster that the report be received and adopted. RESOLUTION The following Resolution was passed: No. 48 - G. DONALD - GRIMSTER - RESOLVED that a vote of thanks be extended to the mombere of the Niagara Falls Chlldren's Aid Society for the interest they have shown in connection with the meetings held for the purpose of considering the possibility of srmlgamating that Society with the Society for the County of Wel- land; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and G. Donald. RFAD AND ADOPTED, March 10, 1941. Clerk Mayor FZNANCE ~I~ The Finance Committee met on Monday, March.3, Council Chamber, March 3, 1941. 1941, for the purpose of 59 approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert- ified and placed before them. All members of the Council, with the exception of Aid. Allen, were presentr Sundry accounts wer~ approved by the Committee, amounting to $69,077.01. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motionof Aid. Wilkinson ~nd Grimster. . In connection with the offer of Albert Broaillette, to purchase Lots 38 to 44 on McGrail Avenue, and sub-divide the same to erect nine houses thereon, a 'reconnnendation of the ProparM Committee was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Grimster snd Wilkinson that the reco~endation be adopted,' end the offer be accepted, subject to the conditions set out and to the approval of the Assessment Comissioner and City Treasurer. The offer of Mr. Thomas H. Ellerington, to convert a barn at the rear of the property at 2136 Barker Street, as laid over from the previous meeting, 'was presented. The rocomendation of the Property Committee, that permission be not granted, was adopted on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and His Worship Ms~or Inglis, and the comnmnication was ordered filed. The offer of Mrs. R.Eichhorn to purchase Lot 17, Plan 25, Drummond Road, as laid over from the previous meeting, was considered. Upon the recomnendation of the Property Committee, it was ordered on the motion of Aid. A.F.Donsld and Grimster that the offer be accepted, subject to the usual conditions and to the approval of the Assessment Connnissioner and City Treasurer. The repor~ of the property Committee, containing the above 'recommend- ations and others, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Wilkin- son and Scott that the reper~ be received and tlm recommendation with reference to the lease of Lot 6, Block 'H' on Bridge Street, be appxuved. It was further ordered on the motion of Aid. A.F.Donald and Scott that the recommendation with reference to the property at 330-33S Queen Street, be ad6pted. It ~xs further ordered that the recommendation for the price on a portion of Lot 15, BlOck 'I' Queen. Street, be adopted on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimster. The report of the City Clerk,~ re payment of a hospital account for Irwin Richardson, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and A.F.Donald that the com~n,ntcation be received and adopted, and the account be paid by the City when Mr. Richa~dsonb, s ;;~dertaken to make regular peymants thereon. A commAnication was presented from H.T.Yamieson & Company, re their audit work. It ms ordered on the motion of Aid. Wilkinson and His Worship Mayor Inglis that the communication be received and filed, and the request he complied with. Communications ware pxBsented from the Honoureble. Minister of Health and the Director of Tubereulsis Prevention, in connection with hospitalization for Frank Declone. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Wilkinsca and Grimster that the com,,,uications be received and filed, and the matter be referred to the Chairmen of Finonce, His Worship Mayor Inglis and ~he City Clerk to make arzange- merits for this child, and that the Comm4~Y~ee have powar to act. An estimate of the number of pemons on relief in the month of February 1941, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimster and Scott that the cc~mmnication be received and filed. A comlmrison of tax collections'for the month of February wan presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and A.F. Donald that the state- mant be-received and filed. : ,, A report was submitted by the City Treauuror re certain outs~ending at- Fears of business taxes; and the following action was ~nken thorsons Criger Macb- ins Shop - ORDERED on ~ho motion o~ rAid. Scott sad O.Donald that the account be written off. A. Lococo Fruit Store - ORDEE on the motion of Aid. G. Donsld and Grimster that the account be written off. A. Fiske - ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald end Wilkinson that the Treasurer be instructed to endearour to col- lect the account, or take the necessary action. I.LaRose & Y. LsRose - ORDERED on the motion of His Worship Mayor Inglis and Aid. A.F.Donald that the Treasurer be instmucted to communicate with the proper authorities to endeavour to collect these accounts. Prior to this motion it was moved by Ald. G.Donald,and Grimster that the accounts be written off. This motion was defeated. Model Lunch - ORD- ~ED on the motion of Aid. Wilkinson and Grimster ~mt the Treasurer make another effort to collect these taxes. Valleywsy Service Station - ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Grimster and Scott that the treasurer make an effort to collect these taxes. W.C.Leslie - ORDERED on the motion of Aid. A.F.Donald end Scott that the account be written off. Centre Care - ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and A.F.Donald that the account be written off. Y.Lococo - ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Wilkinson and A.F.Donald that the Treasurer be instructed to ~e whatever action is necessary to collect this account. Mark Solomon - ORDERED ca the mot- ion of Ald. A.F.Donnld and G. Donald that the Treasurer take the necessary action to collect this account. Model Dry Cleaners - ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott aud G. Donald that the account be written off. Scobie Bros. - ORDERED on the mot- ion of Ald. Grimster and Scott that if bot~ boys are in the army, the account be written off. A statement of the tax arrears outstanding as at December 31, 1940, was presented. It was ordered en the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Wilkinson that the, statement be received and laid on ~he table. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Aid. A.F.Donald end Scott. READ AND ADOPA'Ea, E~trch 10, 1941. Clerk lvasn O nonce COUNCIL ~EETING Council Chamber, Maluh 3, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Fin- anee meetings for the purpose of pessing the money By-law which covered the ac- counts approved by the Committee.. All members of the Council, with the exception of Aid. Allan, were present, following By-law was passed: .i 60 No, 3029 - AId. Y.G.White - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. 1st reading -Ald. Scott end Grimster. It ms then ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Wilkinson that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of COuncil be temporarily susp.e~ded and the By-law read a second time. 3~d reading - Aid. Scott and Grimster, The Council adJouraed On the' motion of Aid. Wilkinson and G.Donald. READ AND ADOPTED, March 10, 1941. Clerk 6i FIFTEEN~ MEETING SPECIAL MEETING Council Chamber, March 4, 1941. A special meeting of the City Council was called for S o'clock on Tues- day, March 4, 1941, for the purpose of giving consideration to the revised Budget for the year 1941; and for the discussion of the same with Mr. R.J.L.loore, Super- visor of the Department of Municipal Affairs. All members of the City Council, with the exception of Ald. Allen, were present. COMMUNICATION The following Oonmmnication was presented: No, 76 - Stephen Newman - offering to purchase Lot 10, Buchanan Avenue. ORESEED on the motion of AId. Grimster and Scott that the commanication be received and laid on the table, and in the event of a deposit being made with the offer, the same be referred to the property committee for a recommendation. REPORT The following Report was presented: No. 36 - Chairman of Finance - presenting revised Budget for year 1941. ORDERED on the motion of AId. A.F.Denald and Grimster~that the report be received and filed. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 49 - WILKINSON- SO0~T - RESOLVED that the Budget as revised for the year 1941 and as presented by the Chainnan of Finance, he adopted by this Council and for- warded to the Department of Municipal Affairs for approval; and the Seal of the Corporation ha hereto afi!ixed. Carri ed (Ald. G. Donald voting contrary to this moti'~.) No. 50 - WILKINSON - A.F.DONALD - RESOLVED that the invitation of The Welland Chamieal Company to visit their plant in Stamford on Thursday, March 13, 1941, he accepted by the City Council, and as many roomhere-as possible attend on that date; end the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affimd. Carried No. 51 - WII~0N - SCOTT - RESOLvm that His Worship Msyor G.R.lnglis be auth- orized to attend the 1941 conference of the Canadian Federation of Mayors end Mun- icipalities which will be held in Ottawa on April P~nd, 2~rd and 24th, 1941; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 52 - WXLEINSON - GI~IMS~ER- RESOLv~ that a vote of thanks be extended to R.r. Moore , Supervisor and the Department of x~,nioipal. Affairs for the lnstxuctive advice given to the Council in connection with the preparation of the 1941 Budget; and the Seal of the Corporation be herato affixed. ~.arri.ed _The following By-laws were l~ssedt No. 3030 -Ald. y.G.White - To provide for giving the Collector of Taxes credit for the amount returned by him to the Treasurer in the year 1940. let reading -Ald. GrAmstot and Sco~t. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Wilkinson that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended end the By- law read a second time. 3rd reading -Ald. Scott and Grimetot. No....~031 -Ald. ~.G.White - to provide for the Appropriations for the year 1941. let reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson end A.F.Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be tmproarily suspended aml the By- law read a second time. 3x~i reading- Ald. White and Grimster. No. 3032 - P/d. J.G.White - To authorize the levying and collecting of taxes for ' the >'ear 1941, and defining the certai~ duties of the Clerk, Treasurer and Collector of the City of Niagara Falls, Ontario. let reading -Ald. Grimetot and Scott. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and White that Rule 36 (Z) of the Standing Rules of C~ancil be temporarily suspended and the By- law mad a second time. 3rd reading- Ald. Scott and Grimetot. No. 3033 -Ald. ~.G.White - To authorize the m~nner in which taxes for the year ' 1941 shall bec~me due, to p~ovide a time for payment aud penalties for non-payment. let reading -Ald. Scott and Grimster. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimetot and A.F.Donald that Rule 36 (21 of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By- law read a second t~ma. reading -Ald. Wilkinson and A.F.Donal_d.. The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Wt!~nson and Gximster. READ AND ADOPTED, March 10, 19~1. ". Clerk Mayor SIXTEENTH ~ETINC REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, March 10, 1941. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. to consider Gen- erel Business and Finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Allen, were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aldo A.F.Donald and Orimster. COMMUNICATIONS The following Communications were presented: No. 7V - Unemployment Relief Branch - re unemployment relief contributions, 1941. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and Scott that the co~unication be rec- eived and filed. No. 78 - Department of Municipa~ Affairs - re municipal subsidy for 1941. ORDERED on the motion of AId. White and Grime tot that the connmnication be received and filed. No. 79 - Children's Aid Society - resolution re proposed ~malgsmation. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Grimstersnd Scott that the communication be received and filed, and the matter be referred to the City Solicitor for advice as to the action to be taken . No. 80 - Secretaryto Mr. R.J.Meore - acknowledging resolution re appreciation. 0RDEREDon the motion of Ald. G. Donald and White that the communication be rec- eived end filed. No. 81 - Niagara Fells General Hospital Trust - re establishment of Isolation Hos- pital. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. WilkinSon and Scott that the communication be received and filed, and a reply be made that we already have sn Isolation Hos- pital end the Council cannot' see that the building of a new one is warranted at the present time. No. 82 - A.B.Dsmude, M.P. - acknowledging resoldtion re Federal share of relief. 0RDEE on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and White that the con~nunication be rec- eived and filed. No. 83 - HonoumbleMinister of Finance - acPmowledging resolution re Federal share of relief. OR~D on the motion of+AId. Grimster smd A.F.Donald that the com- munication be received and filed, NO. 84 - City Clerk, St. Thomas - approving protest against reduction in bus fees. 0RDEE on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Scott that the communication be rec- eived and filed. No. 85 - City Clerk, Wellend - approving protest against reduction in bus fees. 0RE~ on the rotion of Ald. Grimster and White that the com~,n~cation be rec- eived and filed. No. 86 - City Clerk, BrsUxtford ~ resolution re income t'eof returnS,' Tiled." 0RD]~RED on the motion of Ald. ~cott and G. Donald that the oommanication be received end filed. No, 87 - City Clerk, St. Thomas - acknowledging resolUtion re income tax foxms. OR- RERED on the motion of Aid. A.F. Donald and Grimster that the comunicatlon be rec- eived and filed. , i REPORTS The followi Re rts were resented: rt for month of FebtastY. 0RDEIe on the motion of Ald. G.Donald No. Z6 - tre meeting with officials of Department of Municipal Affairs ~gZ ORDERED om tile motion of Ald. Wilkinson and Scott that and approval o · the report be received and filed. f Bill re taxes on properties acquired by f Highways and His Worship Ms.vor Inglis the De~artn~nt o ' ' that the report be received and laid on the table and the City Clerk b~ instructed to take whata~r action is necessarY, with the City Solicitor, upon receipt of the hill. The following By-laws were passed: No. ~34 -Ald. LG.~rnite - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. let reading -Ald. Scott and Grinrarer. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and ~htte that Rule · 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be read a second time. 3rd reading -Ald. White and G.Donald. No. 30G.~,- Ald. y.G.White - 9~ authorize the exeo~ti0n o~ an Agreemeat for Sale and Deed. 'let xeading - Aid. A.F.Donald and G.Donald. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. G.Donald and %Taite that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarilY suspended and the By-~aw read a second time. reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and SCott. The Council adjourned on the motion Of Aid. ScOtt and Grimster. READ AND AD~PTED, March 17, 1941. FINANCE MW~,TING Council Chamber, Murch 10, 19~L. The Finance Cor~aittee met on Monday, March 10, 1941, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various cccounts which had been properly cert- ified and placed before them. All members of the Council, v.ith the exception of Ald. Allen, were present. SundrY accounts were approved by the Conuaittee, amounting to $5,455.25. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money By-lww for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Grimster and A.F.Donald. Mommanication was presented, as referred f~om the previous Council meet- ing, from the United States Consular Office, with reference to obtaining land ~br an extension to their building. Upon the reconuaendation of the Property Commaittee, and on the motion of AId. Grimster and' Scott the communication Was received and filed, and the issue of quit claim deed for the twenty-foot lane from Falls Avenue, wasauthorized. An offer was received from Mr. S.Newman to purchase Lot 10, Buchanan Avenue for the sum of $75.00e It was ordered on the motion of Ald. k.F.Donald and Scott, and upon the recommendation of the Property Committee, that the offer be received and filed, and Mr. Newman was ordered advised that the price of the lot would be $150.00. A communicati.on was received from M.J. and EiMarshall, offering to pur- chase Lot ~ on Sixth Avenue for $75.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property C0mm~ttee, and on the motion of Ald. Grimetot and Scott the communication was rec- eived a~d filed, and the offer was accepted, subject to the usual conditions aud to the approval of the City Treasurer and Assessment Commissioner An offer was received from Mr. R.E.Johnstone to purchase 539 Homewood Avenue for the sum of $1,800.00. U~on the recc~nmendation of the Property Committee, and on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and A.F.Donald, the offer was received and ref- uzediaud Mr. IJohnstcne .is to be ,advised that the purchase price of the ~roperty 'is' $~,200.00. An offer was presented from George and Margaret Main, for the purchase of Lot ~0, Orchard Avenue, for the sum of $80.00. Upon the recommendation of the Prop- erty Committee, and on the motion of AId. Scott and Grimster, it ~was ordered that ~he offer be received and accepted, subject to the condition that a residence of at least $~,000.00 Value will be erected upon the property within six months, and sub- ~ect to the approval of the City Treasurer and Asses merit Commissioner~ A communication was presented fxom Mrs. A.McCaw, requesting the refund of the purchase price of Pt. Lot 59, 60, ,H-milton Street. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee, and on the motion of AId. Wilkinson and Scott, the com- mmieation was received and filed, and the refund, as requested, was ordered made. A report of the Property Committee, upon the above and other matters, was ~resented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and Scott that the rep- ort be received and adopted. A comw,,nioation was presented from H.T. Yamieson & Company, with reference ~ the ap~opriation in the 1941 l~dget for auditing services. It ms ordered on the motion of Ald. GrAmstot and Wilkinson thet the communication be received and filed. .. ~e Ccmnittee adjourned on the tootier' Donal and Scott. AND ADOPTED, March 17, 1941. .] COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, March 10, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Fin- ence meetings for the purpose of passing the money By-law which covered the ac- counts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council, with the exception of Aldo Allen, were present. BY-lAW The following By-law was passed: No. 3036 - Aid. J.G.~'~nite - To Grant Monies for General l~Arposes. 1st reading- Aid. Grimster and Scott. It was then ordered on the motion of AId. A.F. Donald and White that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council he temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time. 3rd reading -Ald. Scott and G. Donald. The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. G.Donald and Grimster. READ AND ADOPTED, March 17, 19~1. Clerk Mayor SEVENTEENTH MEETING Council Chamber, March 1t, 1941. SPECI~ MEE~NG A special meeting of the City Council was called at 8.00 p.m. on Tues- day, March ll, 19~l, for the purpose of giving consideration to the proposed Bill before the Ontario Legislature with reference to taxation sad the Rainbow bridge. All members of the City Council, with the exception of AId. Allen, were present. Mr. F.C.McBurney, K.C., City Solicitor, was also in at~endan~ COMMUNIC AT ION The following Communieation was presented: No. 88 - The Honourable W.L.Houck, M.L.A. - enclosing copy of the proposed Bill before the Ontario Legislature re the Rainbow Bri~]ge. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. G. Donald and White that the communication be received and filed. RESOLUTION The followin~ Resolution was passed: No. 53 - G.DONALD - WHITE - PESOLED that the City Clerk be lnsbructed to arrauge for a meeting with the Honoureble W.L.Houck, M.L.A., for Toronto on Wednesday, March 12, 1941; that all ramhers of the City Council, the City Clerk, the City Sol- icitor and the press attenc~ the meeting, and Mr. Houck he asked to give his inter- pretation of the proposed Act and to explain whether he will meet the desire of the Council and implement his promises made at the meeting held on February l, 1941; and the Seal of the Corporation ~e hereto affixed. Carried The Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Wilkinson and G.Donald. READ AND ADOPTED, March 17, 1941. Clerk Mayor 68 EiGH.,~PI~t ~IEETING SPECIAL MEETING Council C~amber, March 15, 1941. A special meeting of the City Council was held at 6.00 p.m. on Saturdsy, March 15, 1941, for the purpose of discussing the proposed Bill before the 0riterio Legislature with reference to a grant in lieu of taxes on the Rainbow Bridge. All members of the Council, together with the Honourable W.L.Hsuck, M.L.A., and Mr. F. C.NoBur~ey, K.C. ,' the City Solicitor, were present. His Worship Mayor Xnglis outlined to the Honourable Minister the throe propositions which would be considered by the City Council: (1) the Council would like the right to assess the bridge; (2) the Council might agree to a fixed asses- sment a~d (3) the Council might agree to a grant in lieu of taxes. In~lew of the proposed Bill before the Ontario Legislaturo, the Council would be willing to ac- cept a fixed sum in lieu of taxation, providing certain changes were made. The first is that the amount of $40,000.00 be inserted in the Bill as the amount fixed in lleu of taxation and that the emount for payment by the Province be set at $12,000.00, plus $5,510.00 for taxes on properties already acquired by the Govern- ment Departments. The Council slso desired assurances that the City of Nisgara Falls would receive a sum of $1~,115.00 from the Province for Local Improvements which would have been. cormmated, for works on the streets taken over for the construction of the new bridge. The Council also wished to he assured that any lsnds acquired in addition to those alroady taken over by the Government departments would be subject tO new agreements which would be made from time to time. It ~as finalIv agreed by the Council that Mr. Houck should advise the Hon- ourable Premier of the amounts which would be accepted by the Council, namely $40,000.00 payable by the Bridge Commission and $1B,000. O0 payable by the Province, the same to be incorporated in the 'amended Bill to be presented to the Legislature, and further that such an agreement he subject to the payment for Locel Improvements, and to the provision that amy future lands acquired should be subject to further agreements; and that the amount of $5,510.00 being taxes on the land aqcuired by the Niagara Parks Commission, should be given consideration. I~ESOLUT~ON The following Resolution was presented: No. 54 - A.F.DONALD - WII/~NSON - RESOLVED that the thanks of this Oouncil be ex- tended to the Honourable W.L.Houck, M.L.A., for his interest in coming to the City to discuss the matter of compensation for taxation on the Rainbow Bridge and prop- erties in its vicinity; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Ca,rrie.d. The Council then adjourned. RF~ AND .aj]OPTED, March 17, 1941. Clerk Mayor NINE'I'~NTH A~EETING REGULAR :u~ETING Council Chamber, March 17, 1941. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. to consider Gen- eral Business and Finance. All members of the Council were present, with the ex- Ception of His Worship Mayor Inglis. Ald. Grimster was enacting mayor. The Coun- cil, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeti~, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Allen and G. Donald. C0~{UNICATIONS The following Communications were presented: No. 89 - Hon, Minister-of Municipal Affairs - acknowledging resolution of apprec- iation of services. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald. Scott and G. Donald that the communication be received and filed. No. 90 - Hon. Minister of National Revenue - acknowledging resolution re assist- ance in compilation of income tax forms. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G.Donald a~d Scott that the communication be received and filed. No. 91 - City Clerk, London - acknowledging income tax forms. ORDERED on the motion of munication be received and filed. rosolution re assistance in compiling Ald. White and G.Donald t~at the com- No. 92 - City Clerk, 0shawa - acknowledging income tax forms. ORDERED on the motion of icerico be received and filed. resolution re assistance in compiling A~d. Allen and White that the commun- No. 93 - City Clerk, Chatham - acknowledging resolution re compiling income tax forms. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and White that the communication be received and filed. No. 94 - City Clerk, London - acknowledging tion of bus'fees. ORDERED on the motion of municatiOn be received. and· filed. resolution protesting against reduc- Aid. G.Donald and Ssott that the com- No. 95 - City Clerk, Sault Ste. Marie - acknowledging resolution protesting ag- ainst reduction in bus fees. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and G.Donald that the communication be received and filed. R~.~ORTS The following Reports were~presented: No. 40 - City Clerk - re meeting with Honourable W.L.Houck, M.L.A., re Bridge Act. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and White that the report be received and filed. BY-LAWS The following By-laws w~ra passed: N3. 3020 - AId. G.A.IAllen - To regulate, supervise and register any coin-operated · musical instrument, music-producing mechanical devise or mu~ic-prod- ucingautomatic machine, operated for hire, profit or gain. On the motlon of Ald. Allen and G.Doneld the amount of $2~.00 was in- sorted in the By-law. Prior to thls motion it was moved by Ald. Allenand G. Don- aid tha.t the amount be $50.00, but this motion was defeated. 69 70 It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and Allen that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time. 3rd reading -Ald. Allen and G. Donald. NO. 3037 -Ald. y.G.White - To authorize the execution of artAgreement for Sale and Deed. let reading -Ald. Wilkinson and A.F. Donald. 'It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time. 3rd reading -Ald. W~ite and G. Donald. No. 3038 -Ald. y.G.White - TO authorize the execution of anA greement for Sale and Deed. 'let reading -Ald. Wilkinson and Allen. It was then ordered on 'the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Scott that Rule B6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time. 3rd reading -Ald. A.F.DQnald and G.Donald. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and White. BEAD AND ADOPTED, March 24, 1941.. Clerk Enacting Mayor j FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, March 17, 1941. The Finance Committee met on Monday, March 17, 1941, for the purpose of approving and also of passing. the VariOus accounts whcih had been properly tort- . ~fied and placed before them. All members of. the Council .were present with the exception of. His'Worship Ma~or Inglis. '; sundry accounts were approved~by the Committee, amounting ~o $9,560.45. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Aid. Grimster and A.F.Donald. An application was received from Mr. S.Newman for the refund of his dep- Osit in connection with his offer for Lot lO, Buchanan Avenue. Upon the recommend- ation of the property committee, and on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Grim- ster it was ordered that the refund be made. An offer was received from Amedio Martin for $50.00 to purchase Lot 136, Plan 6 on Ferguson Avenue. Upon the recommendation of the property committee, and on the motion of Ald. Scott and A.F.Donald, it was ordered that the offer be received and accepted, providing Mr. Martin will erect a building on the lot of at least $1,000.O0 value. In the same connection, an offer was recei red from Enrico Iommi of $40.00 for the purchase of the same lot. It was ordered that this offer be received and filed. An offer was presented from Mr. R.E.Yohnstone for the purchase of 539 Homewood Avenue for the sum of $2200.00. Upon the recommendation of the property comnnittee, and on the motion of Ald. Allen and Scott the offer was received and accepted, subject to the conditions outlined. An offer was received from Mrs. L.Watson for the purchase of 397 Third Avenue for the stun of $2,000.00. Upon the recommendation of the property commit- tee, and on the motion of Ald. Orimster and Scott the offer was received and ac- cepted, subject to the conditions outlined. In this connection, an offer was rec- eived from Elmer McKinnon for the same property, but this offer was received and filed. Offers were received from F.Reece and Ovidio Rasati for the purchase of V50 Park Street. Upon the recommendation of the property committee and on the mot- ion of Ald. Wilkinson and Scott, the offer of O~idio Rosati was accepted for $150. and the offer of F.Reece was received and filed.. The report of the property committee, making the above recommendations and dealing with another property, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Allen and A.F.Donald that the report be received and filed, and the matter of the sale of 330 Queen Street be laid on the table for two weeks. prior to this motion it was moved by Ald. Wilkinson and Scott that the report be received and filed, and the property be sold. This motion was defeated. A report of the City Clerk was presented, recommending the purchase of a new garbage unit. It was ordered on the motio~ of Ald. Wilkinson and Scott that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Clerk, recommending the calling for tenders for the purchase of two tracks for the Street Maintenance Department. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Scott and A.F.Donald that the report be rec- eived and adopted. The City Treasurer presented a report, requesting assistance of the Police in the collection of a certain business tax. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and G~imster that the report be received and adopted. The matter of the purchase of a service contract for the Burroughs elec- tric adding machine, at the City Itall, was considered. It was ordered on the mot- ion of Aldo A.F.Donald and Grimetot that the contract be. entered into. The following Statements, as of February 28, 1941, were presented: Statement of Occupied Registered Properties, Housing Properties under Agreement and Registered Properties sold under Agreements for Sale. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Scott that the statement be received and referred to the prq. perty committee for.a report. I~ was ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Grimetot that the coun- cil protest the charge of a fee for the operation of transmitters in the radio pol- ice ears; and that the City Clerk be instructed to communicate with the Department 0f transport and the ~poal member for ithis riding in this regard. 71 The Committee adjourned on the.motion Of/kid. G.Donald and Grimster. 'R~EAD AND ADOPTED, M~rch 24, 1941. Clerk ~hairman of Finance COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, March 17, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Fin- . ance meetings for the purpose of passing the money By-law ~aich covered the ac- counts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council, with the exception of Sis Worship Mayor Inglis, were present. Ald. Grimster vas enacting mayor. The following By-law was passed: Np. 30S9 -Ald. Y.G. White- To Grant Monies for General Purposes, 1st reading -Ald. Scott and A.F.Donald. It w~s then ordered on the motion of Aid. white and A.F.Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time. 3rd reading -Ald. Wilkinson and Scott. The Council adjourned On the motion of Ald.. A.F.Donald and White. ,READ AND ADOPTED, Mar~h 24, 1941o ~Enac$ing Mayor COh~EP~ENCE Council Chamber, March 17, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetings for the purpose of holding a conference. All members of the Council, with the excemptlon of HiS.Worship Mayor Inglis, were present. Ald. Grimster was chairman. After discussion upon the matters presented to them, the Counci 1 adjourned on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and White. RE~J) AND ADOPTED, March 24, 1941. Clerk Chairman T,A~ENTIETH ~EETING REGvJL~R }FLETING Councii Chamber, March 24, 1941. pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. to consider Gen- eral Business and Finance. All members of the COuncil were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Allen and Grimster.. E~I~TATION On the motion of Aid. Scott and Grimster, and i n connection with Com- munication No. 96, Mr. Carl Young was heard. Mr. Young explained to the Council the arrangements which the Club intended to make for the rental of certain amuse- ments to be used at the proposed carnival; and asked permission to use Poplar Park for the holding of the carnival. SEE Communication No. 96 TEh~ERS Tenders had been called for tn~ purchase of one truck chassis and cab for the Garbage Department and tw~ dump tracks for the Street Maintenance Depart- ment. On the motion of Ald.'White and A.F.Donald the tenders were opened, init- ialled by His Worship Mayor Inglis and read. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and A.F.Donali that the tenders be tabulated and presented at the next meeting. - COMMUNICATIONS The following Communications were pres.ented.: No. 96 - Hermes Club - requesting permission to use Poplar Park for carnival. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Grimster and A.F.Donald that the communication be received and filed, and the request be granted. No. 97 - Niagara peninsula Sanatorium ~tssociation ~ extending invitation to annual meeting. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Allen and Scott that the invitation be received and accepted, and as ~mny of the Council as possible attend the meeting. No. 98 - Department of Highways - re 'rate charged for bus fees. OROERED on the motion of Ald. Grimster and Allen that the Oomnication be received end filed, that the City Clerk be 'instructed to hill the Companies in accordance with the letter and that the matter be taken up with the Honourable W.L.HoUCk, M.L.A., in protest against the change in the Statutes. No. 99 - Canadian Greyhound Lines - re billing for bus fees. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott that the communication be received and filed. No. 1O0 - Bell Telephone Company of Canada - requesting permission to replace pole. ORRERED on the motion of Aldo Allen and White that'the communication be received and filed, and the permission be granted. No. 101 - City Clerk, Chatham - resolution re personnel re price fixing boards. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Wilkinson and Grimster that the communicatign be rec- eived and filed, and the resolution be endorsed. No. 102 - City Clext, Fort William - acknowledging resolution re income tax forms. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Scot~ and A.F.Donal. d that the communication berec- eived and fi~ed. ' ~ No. 103 - Cit_JyCl___erk, Stratford - acknowledging resolution re income tax forms. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Grimster and White that the communication he rec- eived and filed. No. 104 - Children's Aid Society of County of !Veiland - report of special co.mmit- tee re amalgamation. O~DERED on the motion of Ald. WilKinson and Scott that the communication be received and filed. SEE Report No. 41 REPOXTS The following Re[orts were presented: No. 41 - City_Solicitor ~ re amalgamation of Child ren's Aid Society. 0]~DERED on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and Scott that the communication be received and filed. No. 42 - City Clerk - re conference held on March 1Vth. 0EDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and G.Donald that the report be received and adopted. No. 43 - Committee re Automobile Equipment - recommendations re accidents and dis- tillcry building. ORDERED on the .motion of Ald. Wilkinson and Grimster that the report be received and adopted. NO. 44 - City Solicitor - re action taken in M~nette case. 0FOERED on the motion of Ald. G.Donald end Wilkinson that the report be received and filed. No. 45 - City Clerk - re office for assistance with income tax returns, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Grimster that the report be received and filed. RESOLUTION The following Resolution was passed: No, 55 - WILKINSON - ALLEN - RESOLV]ED that the City Clerk convey to the members of the Children~s Aid Society of the City of Niagara Falls the appreciation of mem- bers of the City Council and citizens of the City for the outstanding services rendered by the members of the Society during the many years in which the Society has operated; that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Secretary of the Niagara Falls Childran's Aid Society; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried The following By-laws were~uassed: N0. 3040 .- Aid. LG.White - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. reading -Ald. Grimster and A.F.Donald. Itwas then ordered on the motion of Aid. Wilkinson and G. Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rulesmof Council be temporarily suspended and the By- law read a 'second time. 3rd.reading - Aid. White and Scott. N_0. 3041 - Aid. J.G. White- To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. let mading - AId.. Scott and G. Donald. It was then ordered on the motion of AId. Grimster and Wilkinson that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing RUles of Council be temporari&y suspended and the BM~ luw read a second tim~ 3rd reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and G.Donald. No. 3042 -Ald, J.G.White - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. let reading - Aid. A.F.Donald and Grimster. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time. 3rd reading -Ald. P~ite and Allen, No. 3043 - Aid. J.G.White - To authorize the execution of art Agreement for Sale and Deed. let reading - AId. Grimster and G.Donald. It ~Rs then ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott that Rule 3d (B) of the Stunding Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By- law read a second time. 3rd reading -Ald. White and Orimster. No. 3044 -Ald. J.G.White - To authorize the execution of anAgreement for Sale and Deed. 1st reading - Aid. Scott,and G.DOnald. It was then ordered on the ~tion of A~d. O.Donald and A.F.Donald that Rule 36 (2} of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By- law be read a second time. 3rd reading -Ald. White and A.F.Donald. ~SCELLANEOUS Ald. Grimster asked that His Worship Mayor Inglis take up with the Board of Police Commissioners the matter of cars parking in front of driveways on Yep- son Street in the vicinity of the General Hospital; and also take up with the Niagara Falls General Hospital Trust the matter of a possible parking space on Fourth Avenue similar to the one provided on Third Avenue. Ald. Grimster asked the City Clerk to take the necessary action to el- iminate parking of cars on the curve of Valleyway where it merges on to ~ueen Street, thus creating a dangerous condition. Aid. Grimster asked that the City Clerk investigate the condition of a property on Philip Street ~ere water is reported to drain into a garage. Ald. Allen asked the City Clerk to submit an estimate of the cost of widening Welland Avenue from~ueen Street to Park Street, by moving the easterly sidewalk back to the building on the corner of ~ueen Street. Ald. Grant Donald asked the City Clerk to take action to stop trucks driving over the soft ground, formerly the location of the ~latiron building on Erie Avenue. Ald. Grant Donald suggested ~hat the area on the west side of Clifton Avenue between Bridge Street and Park Street should be-included. oaths ~%enda for the Tour of Ins~ection- Itis ~orship Mayor Inglis asked the. City Clerk to communicate with the Department of Highways to ascertain if the stop sign on Second Avenue at Stamford Street could be removed temporarily during the time traffic is detoured at,this point,- :. . .I . , Ald. White suggested that the owners of vehicles which park on the north west side of Valleyway between Victoria Avenue and Morrison Street should be req- uired to move the same to permit the street cleaners to clean this section of the street. Ald. Grant Donald suggested that it might be advisable to consider mak- ing parking at this point parallel instead of angle as at present. A~. Scott asked that the matter of atr ee at 414 Ellis Street be ref- erred to the Parks Superintendent for a report. Ald. Allen asked that the Parks Superintendent report on the eOsItion of a tree on Welland Avenue, north of Queen street. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and G.Donald. READ AND ADOPTED, March 31, 1941. Clerk Mayor FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, March 24, 1941. The Finance Committee met on Monday, March 24, 1941, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly certif- led and placed before them. All members of the Council were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to $12,987.03. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Aid. A.F, Donald and Grimster. A communication was presented from Mr. Frank Till, offering to purchase Lot 10, Buchanan A~enue, for the sum of $100.00. Upon the recom~nendation of the Property Committee,. and on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimster, the offer was received and refused. The report!:of the Property Committee, upon various matters, was presented. and the following action was laken: 1413 Hamilton Street - ORDERED on the motion of Aid. A.F.Donald and Scott that the recommendation be adopted. 2. 56~ Jepson Street - ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and Grimster that the recon~end- ation be adopted. '3. 1055W.elland Avenue - 0RDE~D on the motion of Ald. Allen and Wilkinson that the recommendation be adopted. 4. 1506 Robinson Street - ORD- ERED on the motion of ~ld. Scott and Grimster that the recommendation be adopted. 5. 1073 MoRse Street - ORDERED on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott that the recommendation be adopted. 6. 1049 Roberrs Street - ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimster that the recommendation be adopted. 7. 260 Huron Street - ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Grimster and A.F. Donald that the recommend- ation be adopted. 8. 2042 Main Street - 0RFEILED on the motion of Ald. Scott an8 Grimster that the recommendations be adopted. 9. 605 First kvenue - ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Wilkinson that the recommendations be adopted. r218-24 Bridge Street - ORDERED on the motion of AId. A.F. Donald and Grimster that the reco~nnendation be adofred. ll. 158 Park Street - ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimster that the recommendation be adopted. 12. 464 Ellis Street ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Wilkinson that the recommendation be ad- opted. 13. 535 Erie Avenue - ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimster that the recommendation be adopted. 14. 885 River Road - ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Allen that the recommendation be adopted. 15. 1283 Florence Avenue - ORDERED on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimster that the recommend- ation be adopted. 16. 1221 Kitebeset Street - ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Allen and Scott that the recommendation be adopted. 17. Lot 10, Buchanan Avenue ORDERED on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Grimster that the recommendation be adopted. An offer was received frm Mr. Bernard Winter for the purchase of Lot 26, Cedar Street. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee, and on the motion of Ald. Grimster and Scott, the offer was received and accepted, subject to the usual conditions and tO the approval of the Assessment Commissioner and City Treasurer. An offer was presented from Steve Kecskes for the purchase of Lot 10, Buchanan Avenue forthe sum of $150o00. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Grimster and Scott, and upon the recommendation of the property Committee, that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the usual conditions and to the approval of the City Treasurer and Assessment Commissioner, and also providing that the house to be erected on the lot is at least three thousand dollars' value. The report of the property Oonnnittee, covering the above two offers, ~s presented. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Grimster and Scott that the rep- ort be received and adopted. A report of the City Clerk, with reference to the spring fuel schedule for relief recipients, was preached. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. C.Don- ald and Grimster that the report be received and filed, and the spring schedule be put into effect. A report was presented from the City Clerk with reference to the water supply interruption on Sunday, March 23, 1941. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Inglis and Aid. Allen that the report be received and filed, the recommendation be adopted, and the City Clerk be instructed to write to the Hydro-Electric Power Commission to obtain full particulars as to the euase of the interruption. A list of parts, recommended for purchase in connection with the police Radio System, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and Grimster that the list be received and referred to the Committee in charge of the installation, for a report. . The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Grimster and G.Donald. 1FAD ANDADOPTED, March 51, 1941. ~lerk ~hainnan of Finance COUNCIL ~I. ETING Council Chamber, March ~4, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Fin- ance meeting s for the purpose of passing the money By-law which covered the ac- counts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council were px?sento BY-LAW The following By-law was passed: No. 3045 -Ald. J.G.White - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. let reading -Ald. Grimster and Scott. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be read a second time. 3rd readlag -Ald. Grimster and G.Donald. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott and G. Donald. READ AND ADOFfED, Marc~ 31, 1941. Clerk Mayo r CONFERENCE Counci 1 Chamber, March 24, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance meetings for the purpose of holding a conference, All members of the Council were present. 79 [j 80 After discussion upon the .matters presented to them, the Conference committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and Grimster. RK~D AND ADOITED, March 31, 1941. Clerk Chairman Ti',F, NTY-FIR6T REGULUi 1CEETL'jG Council Chamber, March 3L, 1941. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. to consider Ion- oral Business and Fioance. All members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Grimster and Scott. DEPUTATIONS On the motion of Aid. ~Vi!kinson and Orimster, :,it. Kov-=cs was :~e.~n-ltted to address the Council, Zr. Kovacs stated that he owned pro pert.'.' ut 20~0 ~tanjey Avenue and his lathefawned property at 2042 Stanley Avenue. In front of these properties are three trees which the owne ,s wish to have removed, SEE Resolution No, 56 TEhHDERS Tenders had been called for the supply of Grass Seed for the Corporat- ion. On the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and A.F. Donald the tenders submitted were opened, initialled by His Worship M~or Inglis and read. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Allen and Scott that the tender from G.H.Clark and Company at a total price of $134.75 be accepted. COA~JNICATIONS The following Cosununications were presented: No. 105 - City Clerk, Eitchener - acknowledging resolution re'income tax returns. 0RULRED on the motion of Ald. Grimster and Wilkinson that the communication be received and filed.. No. 106 ~ Honourable W.L.Houck, M.L.A. - re protest against reduction in bus fees. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. V~lte and A.F.Donald that the communication be rec- eived and filed. No. 107 - City Clerk, Kitchener - acknowledging resolution re reduction in bus fees. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimster that the communication be received and filed. No. 108 - Honourable Prime Minister of Canada - acknowledging resolution re price fixing boards~ ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Scott and G. Donald that the commun- ication be received and filed. No. 109 - Honourable Premier of Ontario - acknowledging resolution re price fixing boards. 0RDEREDon the motion of Aid. White and A.F.Do~ald that the communication be received and filed. ~o. 110 - A.B. D amude, M.P. - acknowledgi~g resolution re price fi xiing boards. 0R- DERED on the motion of Aid. Grimster and Sco~t that the communication be received and fi led. No. ill - Honourable W.L.Houck, M.L.A. - acknowledging resolution re price firing boards. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and G. Donald that the communic- ation be received and filed. No. 11~ - Supervisor R.Y.Moore - acknowledging resolution of appreciation. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and A.F.Donald that the com~xnication be received and filed. ], No. 113 - Hydro-Electric Power Commission - re interruption of service to Filt- ration Plant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and V~ilkinson that the commun- ication be received and laid on the table and a committee of His Worship Mayor Inglis, Aid. G. Donald and the City Clerk investigate the matter and make a report thereon. No. 114 - City Clerk, London - resolution re cost of streets forming connecting links. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. White and Grimstar that the conununication be received and laid on the table for one week, and copies of the communication be forwarded to the members of Council. Prior to this motion, it was moved by Ald. Wilkinson and G. Donald that the communication be received and filed, and the res- olution be endorsed. This motion was defeated. No. 115 - Mrs. A.E.Pope - complaint re sightseeing operations. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Scott that the conmunication be received and filed, that this location be included on the ageads for the Tour of Inspection, and no licenee be granted to the operators until after that time. No. ll6 - Unemployment Relief Branch - definitions of employability. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and Scott that the communication be received and filed, and a copy be fom~rded to the Relief Administrator. No. ll7 - Unemployment Relief Branch - change in rate for medical relief. 0F~UERED on the motion of Aid. White and Grims~rr that the con~nunication be received and filed, and a copy be fomvarded to the Relief Administrator. No. 118 - Vigneux Bros. - re licenee imposed re automatic phonographs. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Allen that the communication be received and ref- erred for consideration at the Conference. No. 119 - Department .of Transport - re licenoes for police radio units. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Allen that the communication be received and laid on thetable. REPORTS The following Reports were presented: No. 46 - City Clerk ~ re conference held on March 24, 1941. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Scott that the report be received and filed. No. 47 - City Clerk - recommending removal of trees. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Grimster and S~ett that the report be received and laid on the table and ref- erred for consideration during the Tour of. Inspection. FIRED on the motion of laid on the table and spection. No. 4B - City Clerk - estimates of widening of Welland and St. Clair Avenues. 0RD- Ald. Wilkinson and G.Donald that the report be received and the,locatlSns be included oF, the .agenda for,the. Tour of In- No. 49 - City Engineer - re drainage condition of 446-50 Philip Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and Grimster that the report be received and,ad- opted, and the owner of the property be notified accordingly. RESOLUTI0)iS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 56 - WIIATMSON - SCOTT - ItESOLVED th'st .the request of EXr. Keyace for the rem- oval of three trees at 2040 and ~04~ Stanley Avenue be ~eferred to the Parks Super- intendent for a report and recomnendation; sad the Seal of the. Corporation be hereto affixed. Carrie~d No. 57 - WILKINSON - ~J~LEY - Ri'.SOLV~ED that the facilities at the Imperial Bask cf Canada at the south end of the City and the Royal Bank of Canada at'the cantre be continued for the convenience of residents in paying for their water rates; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 58 - ALLE~J - WIDCINGON - E SOLVED that the matter of recent ~ulations re~ uiring the grading of eggs be brought to the attention of Mr. A.B.D~nude, M.P., with a protest from this Council against such rega!ations wific~ will cause addit- ional expense to the producer; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affiwed. Chrried No. 59 - WIIXI~YSON - G.DONkLD - RESOLVED that the proposed Hy-!au' which orerides for the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed for Lot 10, ~uchanan'Avenue, be laid on the table until the next meeting; and the Seal of the Co~oration be hereto affixed. ~ Carried BY-L~Z'jS The folioring By-laws were passed: No. 3046 -Ald. Y.G.White - TO authorize the execution of an io~reement for Sale and Deed. let reading -Ald. Grimstar and Allen. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. G.Donald and ~'~ite that Rule 36 (2) Of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time. 3rd reading - Aid. A.F. Donald and Scott. No. 3047 -Ald. Y.G.White - To authorize the execution of Quit Claim Deeds with Edith M. Fox and David Gordon Bawtenheimer. 1st reading -Ald. Allen and G. Donald. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. A.F.Donald and Scott that !{ule 38 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporally suspended and the By-law read a second time. ' 3rd reading -Ald. Scott and Grimstar. The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Scott and G.Donald. READ ARiD ADOPTED, April ~, 1941. Clerk FINANCE ~aETING Council Chamber, March 31, 1941. The Finance Committee met on Monday, March 31, 1941, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert- ified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, s~mounting to $80,314.34. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimster. A summary of the tenders submitted for trucks was presented, It was ered on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and His Worship Mayor Inglis that a chassis be purchased to be equipped with a 6~-yard garbage unit. It ~'~as then ordered on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and Wilkinson that the tender of C.F.Bouck and Son, for an International K5 truck chassis and cab at a net cost of $826.50, be pur- chased. Consideration was then given ~o the tenders for the two trucks for the Street Maintenance Department. On the motion of Aid. G.Donsld and Grimetot it ~s decided to purchase tv~ new chasses and to transfer the present bodies from the old trucks. On the motion of ild. Wilkinson and Scott the tender of Victoria Motors for a Ford CO16T chassis, cab and the transfer of the body at present on Truck No. 15, at a net price of $1,025.; and the tender of E.A. Winger for a Fargo FK3 - 35 Truck chassis and cab and the body from Truck No. 22 transferred, at a net price of $978.32, be accepted. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and His Worship Mayor Inglis that a n Elgin 'Cruiser' Refuse Body with 6! yards' capacity at a .total cost of $1,925.00, be purchased. A report was submitted from the City Clerk, recommending the transfer of a police telegraph box. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and Wilkinson that the report be received and f~led. An amendment was submitted by His Worship Mayor Inglis and Ald. +Scott that the report be received and adopted, but this motion was defeated. A report was presented from the City Clerk ~th reference to the cost of the installation of a radio unit at the Filtration Plant. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Inglis and Ald. Wilkinson that the report be rec- eived and laid on the table for one reek, and the City Clerk be authorized to ~- rain prices on a unit for emergency use. A report was presented from the City Clerk, recommending the purchase of equipment for the Fire Department. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Wilkin- son and Grimster that the report be received and adopted. A report was presented from the City Clerk, recormnending the purchase of an electric adding machine. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and Grimster that the report be received and adopted. The renewal of the General Accident Insurance Policy, bonding certain positions of the Corporation, was ~Onsidered. Xt was ordered on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and A.F.Donald that the policy be renewed with John C.Flynn a~ a yearly premium of $~40.10. A report of the Property Committee, making certain recon~aendati ons, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and Allen that the rec- ommendation with respect to 1309 Maple Street, and other recommendations concern- ing the following matters, be adopted. An offer was received from M. Steinman for the purchase of Lot 42, Plan 25, Valleyway, for the sum of $100.00. Xt was ordered on the motion of Ald. Wilk- inso~ and Scott that the offer be received and refused, upon the recommendation of the Property Committee, and the would-he purchaser he advised that the price of the lot is $400.00. A communication was presented from the North lmer] can Cyanamid Limited with reference to the property o~med by Leonard Smith, Upon the recommendation of the property con~nittee, and on the motion of Ald. Grimetot an~ A.F. Donal~, the communication was received and the sign, offering the property for,sale, was rem- oved. An offer from Nick Dioaul for the purchase of Lot 16 2, Plan 6, HicKson Avenue, was presented. Upon the recommendation of the property co~mmittee and on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimster, the offer was refused amd Mr. Di}'aul was to be advised that the price of the lot is $50.00, The Revenue and Expenditure Statement for the month of February, 1 941, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and G.Donald that the statement be received and filed. The revised list of materials to be purchased for the maintenance of the police radio system, was presented. Upon the reconmnendation of the rs~i o commit- tee, and on the motion of Ald. Allen and G. Donald the list of materials, totalling $68.90, were authorized. The Commit tee adieurue4 on the motion of Aid. A.F. Donald and Grimster, READ AND .~DOPTED, April 7, 1941. Clerk COUNCIL ArETING Council Chamber,- March 31, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the closeof the regular Council and Finance meetings for the purpose of passing the money By-lawwhich covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council, With the exception of Ald. Wilkinson, were present. BY-LAW The following By-law was passed: ~o. 3048 - Aid. Y.G. White- To Grant Monies for General Purposes. reading - Aid. Grimster and A.F. Donald. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and White that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be tex~orarily suspended and the By-law 86 read a second time, 3rd. reading- Aid, Scott and A,F,Donald, The Council adjourned on the n~tion of Ald. White and Grimster. READ ~ND ADOPTED, April V, 1941. Clerk Mayo r w .W .,. w~ CONFhRENCE Council Chamber, March 31, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance meetings for the purpose of holding a conference. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Wilkinson, were present. After discussion upon the matters presented to them, the Conference committee ad- Journed on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and G.Donald, READ AND ADOPTED, Apri 17, 1941. Clerk Ch~ rman SPECIfiD,ZETING A special mcetin~ of the City Council was held at 6.00 p.m. on Saturday, April 5, 1941, for the purpose of discussing the matter of taxation on the Frop- osed Rainbow Bridge and buildir~s in its vicinity. All members of the CouncilI with the exception of Ald. Grimetot and Wilkinson, were Frosent, together with the ttonouruble W.L.Houck, M.L.i., and Mr. F.C.L[cBurney, K.C., the City Solicitor. The Honourable Mr. Houck advised the Council he had been unable to ob- tain any amendments to Bill Nmmber 55 before the Provincial Legislature, dealing with taxation on the Rainbow Bridge and the ~rant in lieu of taxes would be $12,000.00 per annmm, as stipulated in the Bill. Considerable discussion was ente red into by all persons present, after which the following Resolution was presented: RESOLUTION No. 60 - Vi~ITP' - A.F.DONALD - RESOLVED that this Council request the Honcurable Mr. W.L.Houck, M.L.A., to arrange a meeting with the Honourable Premier for the Council to discuss the problem of taxation on the new Rainbow Brid~e, the bridge- head and approaches, as the Council is unable to.accept the proposition as pres- ented to them,and in accordance with Bill Number 55 at present before the Ontario Legislature; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried The Council then adjourned. READ AND ADOPTED, April 7, 1941. Clerk 87 88 T.'FIER~iY-THIRD ,~,~ETIEG REGULkR }.tETi~.IG Council Chamber, April V, 1941. Pursuant to adjourrunent, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. to consider Gen- eral Business and Finance. All members of the Council, v~th the e~ception of AI~. Grimstar and Wilkinson, were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, regular and special, adopted these on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and O.Donald.~ C0~.~INIC='~TIONS Laid over from previous meeting: No. 114 - City Clerk, London - resolution re cost of maintenance of connecting links for Provincial Highways. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Allen and G. Donald that the communication be received and filed, and the resolution be endorsed. The following Cmvsaunlcations were presented: No. 120 - Salute to Britain Committee - re observance of St. Ceorge's Day, 1941. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. g. Donald and Scott that the com+vmnication be rec- eived and filed, and the Council co-o~rate by c~rrying out the intent of the communication as far as possible. No. 121 - City Clerk, Welland - resolution re Provincial Government assumin~ full share of cost of education. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. White and O.Donald that the communication be received sad laid on the table, and fom,;arded to the Board of Education for their consideration. No. i~E - Er. i.B.Damnde, N.P. - acknowledging resolution re egg-grading. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and A.F.D0nald that the communication be received and laid on the table. FLm.~{ER ORDERED on the motion of Ald, A.F.Donald and Allen that the co,nmmnication be given publicity in regard to the regulations re egg- grading. No. 123 - Chlldren~s Aid Society - re ~elegate to Welland County meeting. 0RDE~EZ on the motion of Ald. White and Scott that the communication be received and filed, and Aid, G. Donald be asked to attend the meeting if Ald. Grimstar is Unable tO do so. No. 124 - Chamber of Commerce - acknowledging advice re gr~nt and enclosing mem- bership earde. ORDERED On the motion of Ald. G.Donald and A.F. Donald that the com- munication be received and f~l~d, and acknowledged REPORTS The following Reports were presented: No. 50 - City Clerk - re conference held on Zaroh 51, 1941. ORDERED on ~he mot- ion of Ald. G. Donald and ~ite that the report be received and filed. No. 51 - Parks SuperAnt endeat ~ re trees at 2040, E04E Stanley Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. G. Donald and Scott that tim report be received and filed. The Council adjourned on the motion RFAD ~ND ~%DOPTED, April 14, 1941' Clerk G. Oonald and Scott. FI.~NCE MEETING Couneil Ch..moer, :~pril g, !94!, The Finance Celrmittee met o~ Monday, April 7, ].gdl, for the DU:'r-~Se OF approving and also of passin~ the various aceount? which had been ~ro~lr!i~ ~ert- tried and placed before them, All members Df the Conm~ittee, with ~he'excc~t!on of Ald. Grimster and Wilkinson, ~vcre rresent. Sundry accounts were asproved by the Ca~mLittee, anncunti~. to ;"~ · ~ .,~.~,?E,i.61. The accounts ~ubmltted, bein~ pa::'ed or otherwise dealt :',=~h, .:?r: r '~. ered placed in the money ~]y-law for presentation to the Counci k on the m~ticn sf AId. A.F.Donald and Scott. The reFort of the City Clerk, reeommendin~ the :jurehas,' Df n new cam- presser, wa~ presented. It :~as ordered on the motion of Ald.O. Don~l~ and .kl!sn that the report be received and adopted, and the Clerk be authorized to ~m~ke the purchase. A' comparison of tax collections for the month o~ i.]~rcb ,.,,'as ~rre ~enIed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and A.Y.Dcnald that the statement be received and filed. The estimated issue of I~lief for the month cf Liur~b, 1941, .... v pres- ented. It r~us ordered on the motion of Ald. Allen ani G.DQnald that the statement be received and filed, and the matter' of a reduction in the relief st,:ff be dis- cussed at the conference. A communication from ,lit. S.Kec~res re the parchase of Lt 10, Buchanan Avenue, was presented. Upon the recommendation 'of the Property Cc~!dttee and on the motion of Ald. Scott and Allen, it was ordered that I',ir. Kccskes be advised that the terms of the proposed agreement must be carried out or his deposit will be refunded. An offer was presented from D'Arcy Cropp for the purchase of Lots 27, 28, S9, 30 and 31, on liitchener Street for ~55.00 each. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Scott and A.F.Donald, the offer was received and accepted, subject to the approval of the Department of Z~nicioal A~fai~s. ' A communication was received from lilt. M. Steinman ;'.ith reference to the purchase of Lot 42, Valleyway. Upon the recommendation of the Property Co,v~ittee and on the motion of Ald. Scott and G.Donald it was ordered that the communication be received and the price Of the lot be set at $500.00. An offer was received from Mrs. M.Szymasek for ~1,800.00 for the pur- chase of 405 Third Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Ing- lis and Ald. A.F.Donald that the reconunendation of the Property Committee be opted, and the offer be refused. An offer was presented from F.0.Blanohard for the purchase of Lot 615, Stamford Street for the sum of $50.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Scott and A.F.Donald, it ,~as ordered that the offer be received and filed, and not accepted. An offer was received from Ulderico Benin for the purchase of Lot 182, Hickson Avenue, for the s~m of $50.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on t~e motion of His Worship Mayor Inglis and Ald. A.F, Donald, it . was ordered that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the usual conditions and to the approvalof the City Treasurer and Assessment CommisSioner. An offer was presented.from George Littlewood for the purchase of Lot ZG. Cedar Street, for the sum of $50.00. ' Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Scott and Allen, the 9ffer ~ms received and ac- 89 9O copted, subject to the usual conditions and to the approval of the Assessment Commissioner and City Treausnrer. An offer was received from Mr. R.Y.~iacPherson for the purchase of Lot 1, Barker Street, for the sum of $100,00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee, and on the motion of ild. A.F.Donald and Scott it was ordered that the offer be received and accepted, mbject to the usual conditions and to the approv- al of the City Treasurer and Assessment Commissioner. An offec was received from John Vasko for the purchase of 1325 Maple Street, for the sum of $2,300.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Com- mittee, and on the motion of Ald. Scott and G. Donald the offer was received and accepted, the conditions of the sale to be that a d~n p~,mnet of $600.00 will be made and the balance is to be paid in ~gularly monthly psym~ents. The re~,ort of the Property Committee, with reference to the above offers, was presented. It v~ms ordered on the motion of Aid. Scott and G. Donald that the report be received and filed, and adopted. The Corm~ittee adjourned on the motion of Aid, A.F.Donald and G.Donald. vRFJtD AND ADOPTED, April 14, 1941. Clerk COFNCIL I~ETING Council Chamber, April ~, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the money By-law which covered the ac- counts approved by the Committee. All members of the Cormmi ttee, with the excep- tion of Ald. GrimSter and Wilkinson, were p-resent. The follo~fing By-law was passed: No. 3049 - Aid. Y.G. White- To Grant Monies for GeneralPurposes. 1st reading -Ald. ~.Donald and Scott. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and White that Rule 36 (~) of the Standin~ Rules of Council be temporarll~ suspended and the law be read a second time. 3rd reading- Aid. Scott and A.F. Eonald, The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. G. Donald and itlen. ~READ ~'~D ADOP~ED, April 14, 1941. Clerk COh~F~P~ER'CE Council Chamber, April 7, 1941, The Counci 1 re-assembled at the close of the regular Council :~n~ Fin- ance meetings for the purnose of holding a conference. All members of the Coun- cil, with the exception of Ald. Grimster and Wilkinson, were present. After discussion upon the matters pre sorted to them, the Conference commtttee ad- Journed on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Allen. READ ~D .~DOPTED, April 14, 1941. Clerk Chairman k T.'.ZiiTY-FOUtiI~i L~iZTING RvGUL ',v~ I.:~T~TING Counci i ChaLmber, f~pril 14, 1941, Pursu!~nt to udjourDment, the Council met at ?.30 p.:n..to cons~ ~er C~r- oral Easiness and finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of At% 7:ilkim~on and Allen, were Fredeat. The Council, having received un!~ read the m~nutes of the previous meetAnti, ~dopted these on the motion of Ald. A.F. Den- old and Scott. DEFUTAT I0N On the motion of Aid. G.Donald and Grimetel, L:r. Lonnan ].:ark .v~s ?.el- matted to address th~ Council. Zr. Mark stated that he was the tenant at First Avenue an~ had been given notice to vacate the premises on April 41th, and the water service for the property had been cut off. Mr. Mark stated that he was makin~ ar~ngements to leave the City and asked that he be permitted to remain in po[~session of the house until Thursday, April 24th, when he definitely would leave, SEE Resolution Xo, 61 GOLZ%NICATIONS The followin~ Communications were presented: No. 125 - Niagara Frontier Humane Society - acknowledging grant and requesting permission for tag day. 0RDEPtND on the motion of Ald. Scott and GrAmstel that the communication be received and filed, and pe~Tnission for the tag day be granted. No. 126 - Ontario Parks Association - re membership in AssociatiOn. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and GrAmstel that the communication be received and laid on the table for two weeks. No. 127 - I{onourable W.L.Houck, M.L.A. - acknowledging resolution of City of Lon- don, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and A.F. Donald that the communication be received and filed. No. 128 - Women's Hospital Auxiliary - requestin~ permission to hold tag day. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and i.F. Donald that the communication be rec- eived and filed, and permiss'ion be granted for the tag day. No. 129 - Unemployment Relief Branch - termination of national relief registration reports. 0RDEED on the motion 6f Aid. White and A.F.Donald that the communicat- ion be received and filed. No. 130 - City Clerk, Kitehonor - resolutions re minimum wages for girls and re partial employment~ ORDERED on the motion o~ Aid. A.F.Donald and Scott that the communication be received and laid on the table until the next meeting, and a copy of the resolutions be forwarded to the members of the City Council. No. 131 - University of Westera Ontario - re firemen's training s~hool. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimster that the communication be received and filed, and the Fire Chief be authorized to attend the school. No. 132 - Department of Labour - r~ employment of citizens and aliens. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. GrAmstel and V~l~ite'that the communication be received and filed. No., 133 - Niagara Falls Horticultural Society - acknowledging grant for 1941. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott that the communication be rec- ei~ed and filed, No. 134 - Jartime liDusing Limited - re meet.~ng to study con~iti?n~ in :re:':. CED- ERED on the _'netion of ,'~ld. G.~on:~ld and Scott that the com~mnic:t~on b~- r~ived and filed, and Lis Worship .',layer In~lis and the City Clerk be authorized to at- tend the meeting. No. 135 - Township of Strumford - re construction of ','a~ter main on Kitehonor Stn~et. ORDERED on the motion of ilJ, g. Donatd and ?,~iTe that the co~uni ~.tie- bc rec- eived and filed, and the Connotation do not partici~te in the co~t ~f th~ ~ wor~r. bEL Refort No, 52 No. 136 - Alderman G.i. illen - tenfier!n~ renignation from Council. 0!~D~UU o~ the motion of Ald. Grimetel and G. Donuld th=t the co.Tcnunic'~tian Oe r'c~ived and filed, the resignation be not accepted and the Alderman be asked to re-consider his action. Fc~O.r. TC The following Reports were presented: No. 52 - City Clerk - re reduest for construction of water main on Kitcbener Street. 0ROErID on the motion of ild. G. Donald and ~'~ite that the royoft be eived and adopted. No. 53 - City Clerk - re conference held on April 7th. O!~DZD on the motion of Ald. G. Donald -and White that the report be received and filed. No. 54 - Dairy Inspector - report for month of Eurch, 1941. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. GrAmstel and Scott that the report be received and filed. RESOLUTIOI'S The following Resolutions were passed.: No. 61 - C.DON/ID - GRIMST~R - lIEO3LV~ED that Mr. Norram Mark, tenant of ~he prop- erty at 605 First Avenue, be permitted to remain in possession of the house until Thursday, April 24th, as requested by him; that the water service be provided un- til that ~ate; and that the City Clerk be authorized to give I,Ir. Liark registered notice on ipril 21st that he must vocalcon April 24th; and the Seal of the Corpor- ation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 62 - SCOTT - G.DONALD - RESOL',~D that Alderman T.K. Zrimster be appointed act- ing Mayor on April 21st, ~Snd, ~Drd and P_dth, durin~ the absence of His Worship Mayor InSlie from the City while attending the confererie of the Canadian Feder- ation of Mayors and Municipalities; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto af- fixed. Carried No. 63 - A.F. DON~ULD - GRIMET~ - RESOLVSED that the City Clerk be authorized to ex- tend the very best wishes of the City Council to Alderman Wilkinson for his speedy recovery; and the Seal of the Corporation b e hereto a_Tixed. Carried BY-LIWS ~he following Byelaws v:ere passed: No. 3050 - Aid. Y.O.White - To authorize the signing of a Lease with Reginald Ross Burrows and Joan BuxTows in connection with Lot 6, Block 'H' on the south side of Bridge Street. 1st reading - Aid. Grimster and Scott. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and G.Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the la:"[ read a second time. 3rd readin~ - ild. Scott and G. Donald. No. 3051 ~ Ald. J.G.White - To authorize the execution of a Deed to D'Arcy 1st reading - AId. Scott and k.F. Donald. It v~s then ordered on the motion of Ald. Orimster and IVhite that 36 (~) of the standing rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time. 3rd reading -Ald. G. Donald and Scott. No. 3052 - ~ld. Y.q.iZhite - To m~thorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. let reading - Xld. A.F, Dsnald and ~rimster. It who then ordered on the motion of AId, C.Denald and White that 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time. 3rd reading - Aid. G.Donald and Grimares. No. ZOO3 - A!d. J.q.Vjhite - To authorize the execution of an ~gre~nent for Sale and Deed. let reading -Ald. G. Donald and Scott. It ~as then ordered on the motion of il~, i.F. Donald and ',',%i~e that 36 (2) of the St:Lading Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second tire. 3rd reading -Ald. G.Donald and White. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Grimetot. RE,d] ~LND ADOF'iED, -~pril 21, 1941. Clerk Mayor The Fin:lace 3o--Rittee r'et on "ondqy, .'?st] !4, 19it, "or the apF~vin~ and also of yassin~ the v.rio ~ ':ce~unt~ v.,hicb h:~ boer :'.~2' "t:' flied :znd Ft'~ced before them. ~11 mamb~t'~ OC the Com~mittee, with th= excelt!on of Ald, Wilkinson and Allen, were ?msent. The ~ccountz submitted, bein7 pr~s~ed or ~th, r'.':ioe !c~lt '.:~tb, "~:~'0 ~r'~,- ered placed in t~:e :~oney By-law for presentation to the Council on u~e n~_ti _:n ~ Ald. ~cott and G.D_~na!d. An offer was rec r~vc! froI'1 l.lr '. Ei~eer L~n~ ~Dr '~'~ i, urcha'~e Df L~~ ~" Ontario Avenue for the stun of ,~250.00. Uron the rccem. v?n~u~zn z!' the .:'D~-~rti- Committee and on the motion of ~td. scott an'~ ~bF.D~nul~, it '-as or-'crcd ~b~t the offer be receive4 an~ aceel:ted,subject to the con!!t!on that ~. fi.'~!~in~ ~!' ~t least .2~3,500.00 value will be erected theroom v,it~in s!~ m:rths' time ani sue jeer to the approval cf the City Treasurer and Assessment Co:mvi ssionqr. Clifton Avenue. Ui'on the ~ecor~lendation of the P"ol:erty ~.:~?~tte?, an~ cn ~:~o ~r. Boyle was ~i'zen until A~ril 30th to make satisfactcry arnmjcmcn~s. An offer was received from ijr. F.O.bl~nchard, of .~:75.('0 for L3~ 6LC: Stamford Street. Ui, on the reeormmendation of the Property SDrnni~.t~ an~ =n the notion of kld. jcott and .~.F.Donald the eonununic~tion 's~2 received and filed, and the offer was not accei:.ted. An offer was presentcd from R.L.MoRae for the furchase of 141~ Street for the sum of ~2, SC0.CO,with a dwon payment of ~50O,0Q os~ the balance to be paid in ten years with monthly instalRents. Upon the recom~mend~tion the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Grimster and Scc~t, that the of- fer was received and accepted, subject ta the approval of the Department of Eu icipal Affairs. ~ offer was presented from Mr. 0.L.Kreitner for the purchase of ~irts of LOts 65, 64 and 63, Valleyway, for the mR of ~200.00. Upon th~ recommendation of the Property Committee, and on the motion of Ald. Scott and GriRster, it was ordered that the offer be accepted, subject to the usual conditions and to the approval of the Assessment Commissioner and City Treasurer. In co mnection with this property, the City Clerk made a verbal roeemendation that the lots on the south side of Valleyway, facing on Fifth mud Sixth Avenues, be re-subdivided so that the lots would be sold to face on Valle~;ay. Thi~ reco,~nendation was adopted. An offer was received from Teresa SpOonclio for the purchase of Lot ~54, Broughton Avenue for the sum of ~50.00. Upon the recommendation of the Irep- erry Committee, and o n the motion of Ald. Grimstor and A.F. Donald, it was ordered that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the provision thut a dwelling will be erected on the lot of at least $2,000.00 value within six months, and sub- Ject to the approval of the City Treasurer and Assessment Commissioner. An offer was received from T.Distilio for the purchase of Lot 161, Fer- guson Avenue for' the sum of $50,00. Upon the recommendation of the PInperty Com- mittee, and on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Scott, it was ordered that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the usual conditions and to the ap- proval Qf the City Treasurer and Assessment Commissioner. A communication was presented from M.Steinman, accepting the price of $~00.00 for Lot 4~, Valleyway. On the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Grimster, the communication was received and filed, and the lot sold, subject to 'the Usual conditions and toi the approval of the City Treasurer and Assessment Commissioner. 96 The report of the Property Conuntttee, cove ring the above transactions. was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Orimster th ~t the re!~ort be received and adopted. The report of the City Clerk, mcommendin~ calling for tenders for painting the City Hall, ~s presented. It was ordered on the ~otion of ild. Donald and GrimsteP that the report be received and adopted. The Commit tee adjourned on the motion of AI~. GrimsteP and A.F. Donald. R',~ID iND ADOPTED, April El, 1941. Clerk Chairman of Finance COUNCIL M~TING Council Chsmber, April 14, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Fin- ance meetings, for the p~rpose of passing the money By-law which covered the ac- counts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Wilkinson and Allen, vJere p. resen. t. ~pril!4, The Council re-assembled at the close of the reCu!ur Counc~ [ un~./in'=nce meetin~s for the ~urpose of i_cldinS k conference. All members of the Council, with the exception of ild. Wilkinson und Allen, ',yore present. After discussion ul:on the m~ttcrs presented to them, the CDnference corranit. tee ':i- Journed on the motion of Aid. G.Donald and GrimsteP. R~D AiqD AD01TED, April 21, 1941. Clerk Chairman 97 BY-L~W The follovdng By-law was passed: No. 3054 - Aid. LG.~hite - To Grar~ Monies for General Purposes. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and ~'~ite that Rule 36 (B) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time. .3rd reading -Ald. Grimster and G. Dpnald. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and GrimsteP. READ AND ADOPIDiD, April Clerk 1941. , 98 99 .. COURT 0Y EZVICI&Lv Council Cht-''~- il, ril 21, 15,~,' The Court of Revision on the Assessment KDll for Business imd income was hcld at 10.0c "- on _'.:onday, April 21, 1941, at which the follovring action w!s taken upon the respective peals. L'.embers present - Sheriff V.L.Davidson, Messrs. Arnold Smith and !,'jilltam Delaney. Roll Matter No. Appelland and Fre~erty Complained of Walker Stores Limited 421 ~ueen Street 9629 Assessed as Depart- ment Store instead of Retail Dry Goods Store Decision of Csurt Redu?L! lppeal allowed 9?82 Hatzan, A.L- 835 River Road Basthess not operated since Yanuary Appeal allowed '~k 100.00 9803 Wilson, John In business only 1108 Morrison Street, five months 615 Queen Street 9863 Mclntyre, Ross 1685 River Road 5219 Imper~'~l 0il Limited 1685 River Road Out of business as of September, 1940 Reque~ting remission of building taxes Appeal allov~ed, Remission of t.=xes for seven months ik 6. Appeal allowed, Remission of taxes for three months ~ 45.7~ Di srais sed 9719 McLean, G.A. 587 lturon Street Out of business - req- uesting remission of 1940 taxes Appeal allowed, Remission of 1940 taxes K~ Canadian National Rlys. Genereal Appeal Re t axes on props rties taken over by Depart- ment of !Iighways and Province Dismissed 9506 Eoreau, Peter 3?0 Bridge Stree~ 9395 Fiske, A. , ?87 Vic to ria Avenue Oat of business from May, 1940, requesting remiss ion Out of business from May 1, 19~8, request- ing remission Appeal allowed, Remission of taxes for seven months 5.32 . Appeal allowed, Remission of taxes for 6 months of 1938 23.1~- 9889 Solomon, M.D. 1066 Victoria Avenue Out of business from May 1, 1940, request- ing remission Appeal allowed, Remission for 1940 taxes for seven months~ 13.27 433 Cities Service Oil Co., 1344 Victoria Avenue Requesting assessment against Lessee Dismissed Niagara Wire Weaving Co, Buchanan Avenue Certified correct, C le rk Assessment on land too high Dismissed Business Assessments Reduced Remis"ion of 1938 taxes Remission of 1940 taxes 100.00 23.14 74.39 ~tle TWENTY-FIFTH MEETING REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, April 21, 1941. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. to consider Gen- eral Business and Finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of His Worship Mayor Inglis and Aid. Wilkinson, were present. Alderman T.N.Grimster was Acting Mayor in the absence of His Worship. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Scott and G. Donald. DEPUTATION On the motion of Ald. G. Donald sad White, and in connection with Com- ~mication No. 141, Mr. Carl D.Hanniwell, on behalf of the Kiwanis Club of Niag- ara Falls, was permitted to address the Council. Mr. HannAwell outlined to the Council the proposed circus to be held at the Arena on Yuly 3rd, 4th and 5th. SEE Communication No. 141 Tenders for general supplies for the Corporation in 1941 had been cal- led. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and A.F.Donald that these tenders be opened, initialled by ActingMayor GrimAster and read. It was thm ord- ered that the tenders submitted be tabulated and a report thereon presented at the next meeting. 3~.',. Communications No. 137~_8. OO~[dNIOATIONS Laid over from previous meeting: No. 130 - City Clerk, Kitchener - resolutions re minimum wage for girls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and A.F.Donald that the communication be received and hid on the table until the next meeting. The following Communications were presented: No. 157 - Nichols Chemical Company, Limited No. 138 - Canadian Industries Limited - re contract for liquid chlorine. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and A.F. Donald that the communications be received and filed. No. 139 -Ald. Geor~llen - re reconsidererich of resignation.. ORDERED on the motion of AId. G.Donald and Scott that the' communication be received and filed. No. 140 - City Clerk, Sault Ste.Marie - acknowledging resolution re income tax returns. 0ROARED on the motion of Ald~ A.F.Donald and Scott the} t~e communicat- ion be received and filed. No. 141 - Kiwanis Club of Nis6are Falls - requesting Imr~tssion to hold circus. OPa)EI~'D on the motion of AId. G. Donald and Scott thet the communication be rec- eived and filed, and permission. be granted to the Olub providin~ the opemtion of the circus is in accordance with the City By-laws. No. 142 - Navy League of Canada - requesting permission for tag day. 0PEERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Allen that the eom~nication be rec.eived and filed, and permission for the taBday be granted. No. 143 - Boy Scouts' Association - aoknowledSin~ grant. OBDER~D on the motion of Aid. Allen and A.F. Donald that the oommu~eation be received and filed, t00 No. 144 - Fire Marshal of Ontario - re firemen's training school. ORDERED on the motion of kid. Scott and G.Donald that the communication be received and filed. No.: 145 - E.Thomas - requesting removal of tree. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. White and A.F~Donald that the communication be received and laid on the table end the location he inspected at the Tour of Inspection. An amendment was made by Ald. G. Donald and Scott that the comrmniCation be received and filed, and the requet be granted; but this motion was defeated. ~EE Report No. 55 I~PORTS The following Reports were presented: No. 55 - Parks Superintendent - recommending removal of tree.. ORDERED on the mot- ion'of Aid. White and A.F. Donald that the report be received and laid on the ~le until after the Tour of Inspection. An amendment was made by Aid. G. Donald and Scott that the report be received and adopted, but this motion was defeated. No. 56 - pity Clerk - re conference of April 14, 1941. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. A.F. Donald and Scott that the 'report be received and adopted. (Ald. G. Dou- ald asked to be recorded as voting contrary to this motion.) No. 57 ~ City Engineer - request for permission to remove tractor and grader. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and Scott that the report be received and adopted, the work to be performed under the supervision of the City Engineer. The following Resolution waspassed: No. 64 - SCOTT - .ATX.~ - RESOLVED that the matter of the transfer of funds from the 'Relief of London' fund be left in abeyance until His Worship Mayor Inglis is presented; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried The following By-laws were passed: No. 3055 -Ald. Y.G.White - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. 1st reading - Aid. Allen and Scott. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. A.F. Donald and White that Rule 36 {~) ~f the StandingRules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time-. - $rd reading -Ald. Scott and Allan. No. $05~ - Aid. Y.G. White- To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. 1st. reading- Aid. A.F. Denald and Scott. It was then ordered on the motion of AId. White and A.F. Donald that Rule 36 (S) of the Standing Rules of Cou.ail b~ temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second tim. ard reading- Aid. Bsott sndWhite. 3057 -Aid. and Deed.. 1st reading- LG.White - To auShorize the exe~ution of an Agreement for Sale Aid. Scott and A.F. Don,ald. j It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Allen and White that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time. 3rd reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott, No. 3058 -Ald. J.G. White- To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale ond Deed. 1st raadlng - Aid. Allen and Scott. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. A.F.Donald and Scott that Rule 38 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time. 3rd reading -Ald. G. Donald and A.F. Donatd. No. 3059 - Aid. Y.G.White - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. 1st reading - Aid. Scott and G.Donald, It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and White that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time. 3rd reading - Aid. A.F. Donald and White. No. 3060 - Aid. J.G. White - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. 1st reading -Ald. G.Donald and Scott. It was'then ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and G. Donald that Rule 36-(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By- law read a second time. 3rd reading - Aid. White and A.F.Donald. No. 3061 - Aid. Y.G.White - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. 1st reading - Aid. Scott and A.F. Donald. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. G. Donald and Whl$ that Rule 36 (21 of the StandingRules of Council be. temporerily suspended and the By-law read a secDnd tim. 3rd reading - Aaj. d. SCOtt and White. ~. 3062 - Aid. Y.G.White - To. authorize the exeoution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. 1st reading - Aid. Scott and Allen It was then ordered on the marion of Aid. A.F. Denald and 6~Donald that Rule 36 (~) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By- law rand a second time. 3rd reading - AId. White and Scott. . The Council adjourned an the motion of Ald. Scott and G. Donald. ~.~-akAAA,a I~D AND ADOP~D, April 28, 1941._- Clerk Acting Mayor e'V .WW'e ]_03 FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, April 21, 1941. The Finance Committee met on Monday, April 21, 1941, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert- ified and placed before them. All members of the Committee, with the exception of His Worship Mayor Inglis and Ald. Wilkinson, were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to $11,428.58. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwis~ dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money By-law for presentatiQn to the Council, on the m~tion of Ald. G. Donald and Scott. An' offer was presented from F.Giambattista for the purchase of Lot 174, Florence Avenue, for the sum of $80.00. On the motion of AId. A.F.Donaldand Scott, and upon the recommendation of the Property Committee, it was ordered that the offer be not accepted, and Mr. Giembattista be advised that the selling price of the lot is $100.00, providinga house of at least-t2,500. value. is erected on the same. An offer us presented from lohnHallenbeck for the .purchase of Lot 217, Sixth Avenue, for the sum of $80.00. On the motion of A14. Grimster and A.F.Don- ald, and upon the recommendation of the Property Committee, it ~as ordered that the offer be not accepted, and Mr. Hallenbeck be advised that the sale price of the lot is $100.00, providing a dwelling of at least $2,500.00 is erected on the premises. An offer was received from Roy V. Yarvis for the purchase of the East 60 feet of Lot 30, Second Avenue for the sum of $150.00. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimetot, upon the recommendation of the Property Com- mittee, that the offer be received and accepted, providing a residence of at least $3,000. value is erected on the lot, and subject to the approval of the Assessment Com~tissioner and City Treasurer. An offer was presented from Mrs. Rose Florentine for the purchase of Lot 297, Stamford Street, for the sum of $50.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee, and on the motion of Aid. A.F. Donald and Scott it was ordered that the offer be received and not accepted, and Mrs. Florentine be advised that the lot cannot be sold without an agreement for the erection of a dwelling upon the lot. An offer was presented from G. DeBiasi for the purchase of Part of Lots 52 and 33, Terrace Avenue, for the sum of $100.00. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimster, upon the recommendation of the Property CommttteQ, that the offer be accepted, subject to the approval of the Assessment Con~ntesion- er and City Treasrer and to the condition that a residence of at least $2,500.00 value is erected on the lot within six months' time. An offer was presented fxum Tony DeLazzeri for the puxchase of Lot 168, Hickson Avenue for the sum of $40.00.. Upon the recommendation of the Propex~y Committee, and on the motion of Ald. Grimster and A.F.Donald it ~s ordered that the offer be received and not accepted, and the location be referred-to the Tour of InspectAche An offer was presented from W.Shinnnons for the purchase of Lot 87, Home- wood Avenue for the enmof $50.00. Upon the recon~xendation of the Property Com- mittee and on the motion of AId. A.F. Donal~ and Grimetot it was ordered that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the provision that a dwelling of at least $2,500.00 value is erected on the .lot within six months, and subject to the approval of the Assessment Commissioner and Cit~ TreesAfer. A communication was presented from Mr. Frank Blanchard, requesting that a price be.set on :Lot 615, Stamford Street. Upon the recommendation of the Prop- erty Committee, and on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimster, it was ordered that Mr. Blanchard be advised that tae sale price of the lot is $150.00 providing a residence of at least $2,500.00 value is erected on the same. The report of the Property Conmit tee, covering the above transactions, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Grimster that the report be received and adopted. An application was received from B.Schulze for the erection of a canopy over the sidewalk at the Venetian Hotel on Ferry Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimster and Allen that the application be received and filed, and permission be not granted. The revenue and expenditure statement for the month of March, 1941, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Scott that the state- ment be received and laid on the table. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and Grimster. READ AND ADOPTED, April 28, 1941. C le rk COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, April 21, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance meetings for the purpose of passing the money By-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council, with the exception of His Worship Mayor Inglis and Ald. Wilkinson, were prosent. Ald. T.N. Grimster was Act- !.n~. ,MaYoF~,' ...... -.. ....... - ........................ ! ·. BY-lAW The following By-law was passed: _Np, 3063 -Ald. LG.White - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. let reading -Ald. A.F. Donald and Scott. It was then ordered on the motion of AId. G.Donald and A.F. Donald that Rule ~6 (2) of the Standing Rules. of Oo.upcil be temporarily suspended and the By- law road a second time. 3rd reading -Ald. A.F. Donald and Scott. The Council adjourned on the motion of.Aid. A.F.Donald and G. Donald. READ AND ADOPTED, April 28, 1941. Clerk Acting Mayor Council Chamber, April 21, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council end fin- anne meetings for the purpose of holding a conference. All members of the Coun- cil, with the exception of His Worship Mayor ~nglis and Ald. Wilkinson, were present. Ald. T.N. Grimster was Chairman for the meeting. After discussion upon the matters presented to them, the Conference committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. White and Soott~ READ AND ADOPTED, April 28, 1941. Clerk Chairman 105 T~ENT~-SIXTH MEETING Council Chamber, April 28, 1941. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. to consider Gen- eral Business and Finance. All members of the Council, with the ex~ption of Ald. Wilkinson, were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of AId. A.F.Donald and G. Donald. TENDERS On the motion of Aid. Grimster and A.F.Donald, the tenders submitted for the purchase of fire hose were opened, initialled by His Worship Mayor Inglis and'read. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. Allen and Grimster that the tenders submitted be tabulated and a report presented thereon at the next meeting. COMMUNICATIONS Laid over from previous meetings: No. 126 - Ontario Parks Association - re menbership for 1941. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Ald. Allen and Grimster that the communication be received and filed. No. 130 - City Clerk, Kitchener - resolutions re minimum wages,,etc. for girls. 0RI~BE on the motion of Ald. Allen and White that the communication be received and filed, and the resolutions be endorsed. The following Communications were presented: No. 146 - City Clerk, Stratford - resolution re change in age and rate of old age pensions. ORDERED on the motion of AId. G. Donald and White that the communication be received and filed, and the resolution be endorsed. No. 147 - Benjamin Schulze - re refusal for erection of canopy over sidewalk. 0R- I~ on the motion of ~ld. Allan and Grimtar that the communication be received and filed. No. 148 - Navy League of Canada - appreciation of permission for tag day. 0RERED on the motion of AId. Scott and A.F. Donald that the comnunication be received and filed. No. 149 - St. YohnAmbulance Brigade - acknowledging grant for 1941. CSRERED on the motion of AId. Grimstar and Scott that the con~nunication be received and filed. No. 150 - Niagara Falls Softball Association - requesting use of Oakes Park. ORD- ERED on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Scott that the conm~nication be received and laid on the table for consideration during the Tour of Inspection; end repres- entatives of the Sofabail and Baseball associations be asked to be present at the Park for the discussion of this matter. No. 151 - Unemployment Relief Branch - re vacant land cultivation. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Grimstar and G. Donald that the communication be received and filed; that the vacant land cultivation scheme ha conducted in 1941 as in previous years end also be extended to persons Other than on relief in so far as land is avail- able. No. 159- - Canadian Legion B~aneh No. 51 - requesting work on area for parking. 0I~ on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and Scott that the Communication be rec- eived end referred for consideration during the Tour of Inspection. t06 No. 155 - Ontario Agricultural College - re destruction o~ corn remnauts and pub- lication of notice. 0RD~D on the motion of A~d. ~ite and Scott that the com- munication be received end the regulations complied with. No. 154 - Canadian Institute of Secondary Materials - re national salvage campaign. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Allen and Scott that the communication he received and filed, and a copy forwarded to the V.A.D.C. for their attention. No. 155 - Bell Telephone Company of Canada - requesting permission to replace two poles. 0R~ERED on the motion of Ald. White and Grimster that the communication he received and filed, and permission be granted. No. 156 - W.L.Scotcher - re damge to car on Morrison Street. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Ald. White and Scott that the communication be received and filed, and Mr. Sotocher be advised that the, condition of the road has been remedied. REPORT The following Report vas presented: No. 58 - City Clerk - re conference held on April 21, 1941. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Ald. G. Donald and Grimstar that the report be received 'and filed. PETITION The following Petition was presented: No. 1 - Misses A. Hawley & others - requesting ranoval of hand hal~. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Allen and Scott that the petition be received and referred for consideration during the Tour of Inspection. RESOLUTI 0NS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 65 - A.F.DONALD - GRIMSTER - RESOLVED that the Volunteer Auxiliary Drivers' Corps be approached by the Committee in order to ascertain what assistance is req- uired by the Corps in the matter of the collection of salvage material; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 66 - G. DONALD - ~v.v.~ - I~F~SOLVED that the City Clerk be instructed to .take up with the Honourable Mr. Y.C. Gardiner, Ministerof National War Services, the matter of the burning of government records when the Dominion Government is advertising asking all persons to assist in the salvage of paper; and the Seal of the Corpor- ation be heret0 affixed. Carried. No. 67 - ~IITE- SCOTT-RESOLVED that the City Clerk be instructed to include on the agenda for the Tour of Inspection, all streets which have been affected by the detours throughout the City; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 68 - ~ff~.~ - GRIMSTER - RESOLVED that the matter of the disposal of copper wire at the Centre Fire Hall be left in abeyance until after its inspection dur- ing the Tour of Inspection; and the Seal of the Corporation be heret~ affixed. Carrie~ No. 69 - GRIMSTI~ - SCOTT - RESOLVED that the matter of a report from His Worship Mayor G.R.Inglis, upoh the convention of the Canadian Federation of Mayors and MuniCipalities be laid on the table until the printed report of the proceedings. has been received| and the Seal of the Corpomtion.be,hereto affixed, Carried_ .107 No. 70 - A.F. DONALD- G.DONALD - RESOLVED that the 'Relief of London' fund, now Under control at the City Hall, be closed out and any persons desiring U3 make Contributions to such fund be asked to make the same to the queen's Canadian Relief Fund through the Niagara Falls Evening Review; and the Seal of the Corpor-' ation be hereto affixed. Carried BY-IAWS The following By-laws were passe__d: No. 3064 -Ald. Y.G.Whtte - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. 1st reading- Ald. Scott and Grimster. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and A.F. Donald that Rule 36 (2') of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time. 3rd reading -Ald. Grimster and Allen. At this point His Worship Mayor Inglis left the meeting and Ald. White was Acting Mayor. No. 3065 -Ald. Y.G. White- To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. 1st reading -Ald. A.F. Donald and Scott. It ~as then ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimster and G.Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By- law read a second time. 3rd reading - Aid. Scott and G. Donald. No. 3066 ~ Ald. Y.G. White- To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. lst' reading- Ald. Grimster ~and A.F.D0nald. It ~ms then ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Scott lint Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time. 5rd reading- Aid. Grimater and A.F.Donald. His Worship Mayor Inglts returned to the meeting at this point. The Council adjourned on the motlon of Aid, Grlmster and Scott. READ ANDADOPTED, May 5, 1941, ~i .............. Clerk FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, April 28, 1941. The Finance Committee met on Monday, April 28, 1941, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert- ified and placed before them. All members of the Committee, with the exception of AId. Wilkinson, were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to $?5,968.98. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and Scott. On the motion of His Worship Mayor Inglis and Ald. G.Donald, Mr. Norman Mark, tenant at 605 First Avenue, was heard. Mr. Mark advised that he had been unable to amek the arrangements as he had anticipated for his rumoval from the house on April 24th, and asked that he be allowed an extension until the and of this week. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Doneld amd Grimster that Mr. Mark be permitted to remain in the premises until the evening of Saturday, May 3rd, with the understanding that no further extensions of time will be made. ~ summary of the tenders for general supplies for the year 1941 was presented, and the following action was then taken thereon: AUTOMOBILE TIRES ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Grimster and Allen that tires be purchased from Gunning's Tire Service. CRUSED STONE FOR CONCI~ETE 0RDEREE on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and His Worship Mayor Inglis that Crushed Stone for Concrete be pur- chased from QueenstonQuarries Limited at the site of work, by tmck at $1.45 per ton. CRUSEDSTOE FOR PAVINGPI~ ORDERED on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott that Crushed Stone for Paving Plant be purchased from Queen- ston Quarries Limited at the City plant, by track, at $1.45 per ten. CRUSHED STONE FOR ROEDS ORuERED on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and Scott that Crushed Stone for Roads be purchased from' Queenston Quar- ries Limited, delivered at the site of work by t:uck, at $1.45 for Crashed Stone; $1.20 for Stone Dust; $1.55 for 3/8 Stone ~hip; $1.55 for ," Stone'Chip and. $1.55 for 4" Stone Chip. ASkkiT SAND ORue on the marion of Ald..A.F.Donald and Scott that Asphalt Send be prochased from H.Willox at ~0~ per ton. An amendment was made by Ald. G. Donald and His Worship Mayor Inglis that this material be purdhased from the open market at 70~ per ten, but this marion was def- anted. CONCRETE SAND ORDERED on the rotion of Ald. G.Donald and His Worship Mayor Inglis that Concrete Sand be purchased from ~. Calaguiro until material or delivery is not satisfact- ory, at 7$g per ton. A motion was made by Ald. Grimater and Allan that this purchase be made from H.Willox, providing the mat, erial met with the requirements, but this motion was defeated. GRAVEL FOR, CONCRETE ORDEKED on the motion-of AId. Grimetot and G. Donald that Gravel for Concrete be purchased fxom ~.Calaguiro until the material or delivery is found unsatisfactory, at 80~ per ton.. :io9 LIESTONE DUST FOR PAVING PLANT OR]DE on the notion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott that Limestone dust for paving plant be purchased from the North American Cyanamid Limited at $5.85 per ton. FUEL 0IL ORDERED on the notion of Ald. Scott and A.F. Donald that Fuel 0il be purclmsed from Imperial 0il Limited atthe vendor's posted market price on the date of delivery. PAVING ASPHALT ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Grimster that Paving Asphalt be purchased from Imperi al Oil Limited at $20.10 per ton. ROAD OIL ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Scott and His Worship Mayor Inglis that Road 0il be purchased from Colas Roads Limited at 20¢ per gallon in drums from the storage dep- ot at St.Catharines. SUPPLY ANDAPPLY ROAD OIL, DUST L~Y'ER ORDERED on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donaldand Allen that the supply of and application of dust layer be placed with Yohn Pirson at 10.gg per gallon. SUPPLY AND APPLY OF LIQUID ASPHALT AND STONE CHIP 0RDEED on the motion of Ald. Grimster end A.F.Donald that the contract for the supply of application of Liq- uid Asphalt and Stone Chip be given to John Pirson at 13.5~ per gallon for Asphalt and $1.78 per ton for stone chip. GASOLINE ORDERED on the motion of AId. G. Donald and Grimster that Gasoline be purchased in the open market at the t~nder price. A report of the City Clerk vms presented, recommending the purchase of a firewall safe for the Tax Department. It was ordered ca the motion of Ald. G. Donald and His Worship Mayor Inglis that the report be received and laid on the table for further consideration. A report of the City Clerk, recommending the fuel schedule for relief recipients for the month of May, was presented. It was ordered ca the motion of AId. A.F.Donald and Scott that the report be received and adopted. A revised offer was received from Mr. F.Giambattista for the purchase of Lot 174, Florence Avenue, 'fOr 'the sum of $100.00. Upon the recunmendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Grimater and A.F.Donald, the offer was received and accepted, subject to the condition that a dwelling of at least $2,500.00 will be erected on the lot within six months and subject to the approval of the City Treasurer and Assessment Conmttssioner. An offer was presented from Mr. F. Blanchard for the purchase of Lot 615, Stamford Street, for the sum of $150.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee, it was ordered on the motion of AId. Grimster and G. Donald that the offer be received end accepted, subject to the usual conditions and te the approv- al of the City Treasurer and Assessment Commissioner. An offer was presented from Mark Hanna for the purchase of Lot 173, Flor- ence Avenue for the sum of $100.00. Upon the racnmmendation of the Property Com- mittee and on the motion of Ald. Allen and A.F.Donald it was ordered that the of- fer be received and accepted, subject to the suaul conditions and to the approval of the City Treasurer and Assessment Connissioner. An offer was presented from the Niagara Auto Wreckers for the purchase of the southerly 50' of the northerly 100' of Range 24, Plan 653, Stanley Avenue for the sum of $400.00. Upon the reoon~nendation of the property committee, andon the motion of His Worship Mayor Inglis the offer was received and laid on the table until consideration could be given the same during the Tour of Inspection. An offer was presented from Ernest Henry for the purchase of 405 Third Avenue for the sum of $2,~00.00, with a down paint of $300.00 and monthly pay- t10 ments of $25.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Conmaittee, and on the motion of Ald. Scott and His Worship Mayor Inglis, the offer was received and not accepted, and the bidder was advised that the down payment required would be $375. with monthly payments of at least $30.00 per month. An offer was received from William Prestia for the purchase of Lot 9, Robinson ~treet, for the sum of $50.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee, and on the motion of AId. A.F.Donald and His Worship Mayor Inglts, it was ordered that the offer be received and laid on the table for further consider- ation during the Tour of Inspection. An offer was received from Mr. Ice. Rymal for the rental of the vacant lot at the comer of St. Clalr Avenue and Ellis Street for $5.00 per month. It was ordered on th~ motion of His Worship Mayor Inglis and Ald. Scott, upon the recommendation of the Property Connnittee, that the offer be received and not ac- cepted. A revised offer was received from Mr. John Hallenbeck for the purchase of Lot 217, Sixth Avenue for the sum of $100.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property ComAtree and on the motion of Ald. Allen and Grimster, it was ordered that the offer be received and accepted, mbJect to the usual conditions and to the approval of the City Treasurer and Assessment Connissioner. The report of the Property Committee, covering the above transactions, and other matters, was presented. It was ordered on' the motion of Ald. Scott and A.F. Donald that the report be received and adopted. The Connittee adjourned on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and G. Donald. RE~A~D AIDPTER, May 5, 1941.' Clerk Chairman of Finance COU~CIL MEETING . Council Chamber, "~' April ~, .1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council.and Fin- anne meetings for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the ac- counts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council, with the exception of AId. ,Wilkinson, were present. · · The ~ollow!-8 By-law was lmssedt No. 306? - Aid. Y.G. White- To Grant Monies for General Purposes. 1st reading -Ald. Scott and A.F.Donald. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimster and White that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time. 3rd reading -Ald. A.F.Donsld and Scott. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald end G. Donald. AND AIDE, May 5, 1941. Clerk Mayor CONFERENCE Council Chamber, April 28, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance meetings for the p~rpnse of holding a conference. All members of the Council, with the exception of AId. Wilkinson, were present. After discussion upon the matters presented to them, the Conference comittee ad- Journed on the motion of Aid. Allen and Grimster. READ AND ADOPTED, May 5, 1~1. C le rk / T~VENTY-SEVEE~IH MEETING REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, May 5, 1941. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. to consider Gen- eral Business and Finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Wilkinson, were present. The Council, having received and mad the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Allen and Grimstar. CONMUNICATIONS The following Conmmnications were presented: No. 157 - Mrs. L.W. Franklin - invitation to Oak Hall exhibit. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Grimster and Allen that the comnmnication be received and filed, the invitation be accepted and as many as possible attend the ceremony. No. 158 - Niagara Falls Evening Review - thanks for contribution to Queen Eliz- abeth Fund. 0RD~RsD on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott that the com- munication ha received and filed. No. 159 - Niagara Auto Wreckers - re operation of Junk yard. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Aid. White and G.Donald that the con~nunicaticn be received and referred for consideration when the action is taken re the Tour oflnspecticn. No. 160 - Canadian Legion Pmvincial Command - re biennial convention in St. Oath- arabs, and publication of programme. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Allen and Grimstar that the communication be received and filed, and a grant of $35.00 be made towards the prograrm~e. No. 161 - Department of Insurance - re National Fire Prevention Convention. 0RD- ERED on the motion of Ald. White and Scott that the conmunieation be received and filed, and the Fire Chief or an officer appointed by him be authorized to attend. No. 162 - Y.C.Bradley - requesting Tenoval of trees. 0RIERED on the motion of -Ald. Scott end Allen .that the com,n, Bication be received end laid on the table until the next meetin6, and a report be submitted thereon by the Parks Superintendent. No, 163 - Director of Unemployment Relief - re vacant land cultivation. 0RDN~ED on the mot'ion of Ald. White and [cott that 'the eow~unication be received and filed, and the pl.n adopted. ~ Report No. 59 No, 164 - A.A. McAninch - requesting dust l~yer on ELm Street. ORDERED en the mot- ion of AId. A.F. Donald and Scott that the communication be received and laid over for consideration when the ageode for the Tour of Inspection is being dealt with. No. 165 - Chief Constable M.D.Tisdale - ~ecommending cancellation of licenee. OR/ EERED on the motion of AId. Allen and Grimstar that the communication be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. No, 166 - E,~.F.ar. ebrcther- .re, commending changes in Depe~tmaut, (~RD~P~ED on the ti · o No, 167 -Robex~ Murray- requesting permission for sightseeing sign, ORDERED on the motion of AId, Allen and White that the co~nunioation be received and laid on the table for consideration when the agenda for the. Tour of Inspection is being dealt with· " ~a~ Petition No. 2. No, 168 - Canadian Waterworks Associ~a.t, ion- re annual convention in Toronto. 0RD- ERED on the motion of Ald. Allen and Grims ter that the communication be received and filed, and the City Engineer, Water, vorks Superintendent and Maintenance Fore- man be authorized to attend the convention. No. 169 - Wartime Prices and Tra!e Board - regulations as to rent control area. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Allen and Grimster that the communication be rec- eived and referred to the City Solicitor for clarification and a summary of the regulations be compiled for the information of the general public. REPORTS The following Reports were presented: No. 59 - Relief Administrator - re seed allowances for relief recipients. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Scott that the report be received and filed, and the allowance be set at $1.50 per person. No. 60 - City Clerk - re conference held on April 28, 1941. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Scott that the report be received and adopted. No. 61 - Dairy Inspector - report for the month of April, 1941. 0RDEED on the motion of Ald. Grimster and A.F.Donald that the report be received and filed. PETITION The following Petition was presented: No. 2 - John Nanson and 20 others - in favour of permission for sightseeing sign. ORDERED on the moti on of Aid. Allen and White that.the petition be received and filed. BY-LAWS The following By-laws were passed: No. 3068 -Ald. J.G. White- To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. let reading -Ald. Scott and Allen - carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimster that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By- law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. Allen and Scott - Carried unanimously. No. 30~9 -Ald. J.G.White - To authorize theeexecution of.an Agreement for Sale and Deed. let reading -Ald. Grimster and Allen - Carried unaniously. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. G. Donald and Scott that RUle 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. A.F. Donald and Scott - Carried unanimously. The C~uncil ~ourned on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimster. READ AND ADOPTED, May 1Z, 1941. Clerk ~ Mayor FINANCE L~EETING Council Chamber, May 5, 1941. The Finance Committee met on Monday, May 5, 1941, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert- ified and placed before them. All members of the Committee, with the exception of Ald. Wilkinson, were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to $14,885.63. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and His Worship Mayor Inglis. A summary of tenders was submitted re the purchase of fii'e hose. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Inglis and Ald. Allen that the tenders be received and filed, and the hose be purchased from the Gutta Percha & Rubber Limited. An amendment was submitted by Ald. G.Donald and Scott that the hose be purchased from the Bilateral Hose Company, but this motion was defeated. A communication was presented from Mr. Robin Boyle with reference to the property at 809 Clifton Avenue. Upon the recommendation of the property com- mittee, and on the motion of His Worship Mayor Inglis and Ald. Grimster, the com- munication was received and filed, and the offer for the rental of the property was accepted. A communication w~s presented from Miss M. MacBain with reference to Lots 13, 14,15, Queen Street. Upon the recommeadation from the Property Commit- tee and on the motion of Ald. Grimster and V~ite it was ordered that the commun- ication be received and filed, and the option be extended until May 15, 1941. An offer was received from Y.Galltna for the purchase of Pt. Lots,42, 43, Ferguson Avenue for the sum of $50.00. Upon the recommendation of the Prop- erty Committee, and on the motion of His Worship Nayor Inglts and Aid. Scott, it was ordered that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the usual condit- ions and to the approval of the Assessment Commissioner and City Tree surer. An amendment was presented by Ald. Allen and G. Donald that the offer be received and filed, and the selling price be set at $100.00, but this motion was defeated. An offer was received from Anna Konkos for the purchase of Lot 34, Buch- anan Avenue for the sum of $100.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Com- mittee and on the motion of Ald. Grimetot and Scott, the offer was received end laid on the table for one w~ek in order that the Property Committee might view the premises. An offer was received from Awnbale Gagno for the purchase of Lot 138, Welland Avenue, for the sum of $~0.00, and the building at the rear of the ~sphalt Plant for $40.00. Upon the recommendation of the ~reperty 0onmaittee and on the motion of AId. A.F. Donald and Scott it was ordered that the offer be raceiv~d and laid on the table for one week in order that the Committee might .view the loc- ation. The report of the Property Committee, covering the above matters and the offer of rental for the property at 464 Ellis Street, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Grimster that lhe report be rec- eived and adepted. A comparison of tax collections for the month of April,,was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and A.F. Donald that the statement be received and filed. A statement of occupied registered properties as of April 30, 1941, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of His WorShip Mayor lnglis and Ald. Scott that the statement bereceived and Xaid on the table, and referred to the Property. Commi.tte& for, consideration.- - ............... A communication was presented from Miss Alice Cook, requesting the ref- und of a dog licerice. On the motion of Ald. Scott and A.F. Donald, it was ordered that the communication be received and filed, and the refund be made. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald, A.F.Donald and Grimster. READ AND ADOPTED, May 12, 1941. Clerk liraan o inslice COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, May 5, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the money By-law which covered the ac- counts approved by the Committee. All members ~ the Council, with the exception of Aid. Wilkinson, were present. BY-IAW The following By-law was passed: No. 3070 - Aid. Y.G.White - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. 1st reading -Ald. Grimster and Scott - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. A.F.Donald and G. Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By- law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. Scott and A.F.Donald - Carried unanimously. The Council adjourned on the motion of AId. A.F.Donald and G.Donald. READ AND ADOPTED, May 12, 1941. Olerk Mayor 116 The Council assembled taking action on the agenda for 1, 1941. 1. City Hall B. Queen Street Fire Hall 3, Band Hall, Ontario Avenue 4. Clifton Avenue Park Street Sidewalk, South side, St.Clair to Ontario St.Clair Avenue 7. Welland Avenue 8. Distillery Bull~tng 9. St.Patrick's School Valleyway - vacant lots on East side Chlldren's Shelter City Yard, Incinerator, Storehouse and Dump Asphalt Plant 14. Hickson Avenue, Lot 168 15. Fifth Avenue Curb, be~we~en .... Morri son. &. y~tllm~t t CO~a4.ITTEE OF THE ~0LE Council Chamber, Msy 5, 1941. as a Committee of the W~aole for the purpose of the Tour of Inspection which was conducted on May Satisfactory. The painting of the walls and ceiling on the ground floor was authox~zed~ ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Scott and A.F.Don- aid that the removal of the building by the Band be approved. ORDERED that the p resent sign be removed from the lot,the curb be built up, the lot be cleaned up and cinders placed thereon, and the present oc- cupant be ordered to remove his trucks from the lot. 0RE~RED that the gutter be repaired so that the water will drain into the catch basin. ORDERED on the mottoh of Ald. Allen and G. Donald that the widening of a portion of this street be laid over for the time being. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Allen and G. Donald that Welland Avenue be widened from Perk to Hur- on Streets. (Ald. White and Scott end His Wor- ship Mayor Inglis asked to be recorded as being opposed to this motion.) ORDERED on the motlon of Aid. Allen and Grlmster that any action in connection with ~hts building be laid over for thirty days. 0RumRED on the motion of Aid. Allen end G.Donald that 4 trees on Victoria Avenue and 2 on Maple Street be removed. 0RDEKED that no action be taken. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Aid. G.Donald and Allen that the Property Committee take this property under consideration and report thereon.on~the nextmeeting. No action. 0RDEt~D that no action be taken pending a report from the Property Committee on the removal of the small frame building. OR~ on the motion of Ald. White and Scott that the offer for the purchase of the lot be ac- cepted. 0RD~RED on the motion of Ald. White and Scott that no action be iaken~ ....... ; ..... ~ ............. 16. 0akes Park 17. Relief Office 18. FairvieW Cemetery 19. 1407 Bridge Street 20. Elm Street 21. Stanley Avenue 22. Centre Fire Hall 23. 1176 Victoria Avenue 24. Canadian Legion parking lot 25. Victoria Avenue and Roberrs Street 26. River Road and Bender Hill 27. Ontario Avenue and John Street 28. Clark Avenue & Ferry Street Niagara ~Ato Wreckers - Lot Pt.Ra. 24, Stanley Avenue 30. Cormnunteation from Niagara Auto Wreckers re Junk Yard '2040-2042 Stanley Avenue 117 ORDERED that the Softball Association be 'permitt- ed to use the west field for their games. No action. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White aud G. Donald that tenders be called for the decoration of the interior of the dwelling. ORDERED that the removal of the tree be authorized. ORDERED that a dust layer be placed on this street. OP~DERED on the motion of Ald. Allen and Grimster that the City, in conjunction with the Township of Stamford, protest to the Department of High- ways and request compensation for repairs made necessary to this road due to increased heavy traffic caused by the closing of certain through streets in the City and Township, msde necessary by the construction work being undertaken in the area by the Department. ORDERED that repairs be made to the concrete in the front of the hall, that the five old-type beds be replaced and the disposal of the copper cable in Stock be laid on abeyance. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. 'Avnite and A.F. Don- ald that the concrete work in the boulevard be authorized. ORDERED that the %ree be removed, the curb be cut down and cinders be placed on ta~e lot. No action. No action. ORDERED that the matter of the hedge be referred to the Parks Superintendent for a report. 0RDEED on the motion of Aid. Soctt and Allen that permission be not granted for a sightseeing office at this locstion. An amendment was pres- ented by Aid. Grimster and White that permission be granted. This amendment was defeated. ORA~E~ED on the motion of Aid. White and Scott that the offer be not accepted unless the purch- aser will agree to erect a dwelling on the lot within six months' time. Anemendment was pres- ented by Aid. Allen and G. Donald that the lot be sold if the purchaser will erect a suitable fence around the area. This amendment w~s defeated. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. White and Scott that the Niagara Auto Wreckers be instructed that they cannot operate a Junk yard on Allen Avenue, as requested in their letter. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Ald. White and Scott that the Niagara Auto Wreckers be instructed that they must live up to their agreement with reference to their yard on StanleyAvenue. ORumKmD on the motion of Aid. White and Grlmster that the three trees be removed. 119 32. ionkos' Wrecking Yard Stanley Avenue 33. , Peer Street Road Surface ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Scott that the proprietor be required to comply with the City by-laws and regulations. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Allen and Grimster that the road surface be repaired. Main Street Fire Hall ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Scott that repairs be made to the sidewalk. 35. Boulevard at Morse & Son, Main Street ORDERED on the motion of AId. Allen and ~ite that the boulevard be repaired as requested. 36. 2065 Main Street ORUERED on the motion of Aid. Allen and Scott that the conerating of the boulevard be carried out. 37. Lot 9, Robinson Street ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Allen and Scot t that the offer for the sale of this lot be not accepted. 38. Filtration Plant No action. Ald. White asked that repairs be made to the sidewalk on First Avenue from Bridge Street, northerly. Aid. Grimstar asked that action be taken to repair the sidewalk on Sixth Avenue in the vicinity of the Knox Presbyterian Church. Aid. Allen asked that the City Engineer Submit a report on the estim- ated cost of placing stone on the extension of Valleyway from Sixth Avenue to Stanley Avenue. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott and White. READ AND ADOPTED, May 12, 1941. Clerk Chai man CONFEi~NCE -- - Council Chamber, May 5, 1941. The Council re-assembled. at the close of the regular Council and Finance meetings for the parpose of holding a conference. All members of %he COuncil, with the exception of Ald. Wilkinson, were present. After discussion upon the matters presented to them, the Conference Committee ad- Jouraed on the motion of Ald. Scott and White. READ AND ADOPTE0, May 12, 1941. Clerk i20 , ~/JEE~fY-EIGHTH MEETING REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, May 12, 1941. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. to consider Gen- eral Business and Finance. All members of the Counci 1, with the exception of Ald. Wilkinson, were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. White and Grimster. In connection with the minutes of the Committee of the whole, Ald. ~ite asked to be again recorded as opposing the motions for the widening of Welland Avenue from Park to Huron Street, and the motion refusing permission for a sighseeing office at Ferry Street and Clark Avenue. DEPUTATIONS On the motion of Ald. I~rnite and A.F.Donald, Mrs. Konkos was permitted to address the Council. Mrs. Konkos asked that the Council grant permission to the Stanley Auto Wreckers to use the vacant lot on the east side of Stanley Ave- nue for the paxking of used cars for sale. SEE Resolution No. 71 In connection with Communication No.178, and on the motion of Aid. White and A.F.Donald, Mr. Robert Murray was heard. Mr. Murray asked that the Council give further consideration to hi s application for permission to operate a sightseeing office at the corner of Ferry Street and Clark Avenue. SEE Communication No. 178 TEh~)ERS Tenders were submitted for the painting of the exterior of the City Hall and for the deco~nting of the interior of the Cemetery residence. On the motion of Ald. G.Donald and Scott, the tenders were opened, initialled by His Worship Mayor Inglis and read. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. G.Don- ald and Scott that the lowest tender, V,~. Delaney, be accepted for the painting of the exterior of the City Hall and scale house, at a total cost of $290.00. FURTH]ER 0RDE~D on the motion of Ald. Allen and Grimster that the matter of ac- cepting a tender for the decorating work at the cemetery residence be left in the hands of the Property' Committee with power to Act, and to make a report there- on at the next meeting. COMMUNICATIONS Laid over from previous meeting: No. 121 - City of Welland - resolution re provincialgovernment's contribution to education costs. 0RDEE on the motion of Ald. G:Donald and Allen that the communication be received and filed, and the resolution be endorsed. SEE Communication No. 170 No. 162 - J.C.Bradley - requesting removal of trees. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimster that the communication be received and laid on the table until the next meeting. No. 169 - Wartime Prices and Trade Board - re rental regulations for area. 0RD- ERED on the motion of Ald. Allen and G. Donald that the communication be received and filed. SEE REPORT NO. 62 The following Communications were presented: No. 17~ - Board of Education - reconmaending endorsation of resolution~e education 121 costs. 0RDE:ED on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and Allen that the conununication be received and filed. No. 171 - F.Martin - requesting opening of lane at rear of Ferguson Street. OID- ERED on the motion of ild. Grimster and White that the communication be received and laid on the table, and the City Clerk be asked to submit a report thereon at the next meeting: No. 172 - Canadian Legion B-~anch No, 51 - invitation to memorial services on 17th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Grimster and A.F.Donald that the co!~unic- ~tion be received and filed, the invitation be accepted, and as many as possible attend the ceremony. No. 173 - Township of Stamford - requesting participation in cost of traffic sig- nal at Lundy's Lane and Drummond Road. ORDEP~D on the motion of Ald. O. Donald and ~ite that the communication be received and filed, that the Connci I co-operate in the installation of a signal at this intersection to the extent of one-third of the cost; and that before any expenditures are made, the Council be advised of the cost. No. 174 - Wartime Housing Limited - re creation of Company and policy. OP~EP~ED on the motion of Ald. Grimster and ~ite that the communication be received and laid on the table for discussion at a future date. No. 175 - Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities - re Victory Loan and Torch Day. 0RERED on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and Allen that ~he communicat- ion be received and filed, and the Mayor be asked to co-operate in any way possible. No. 176 - Miss Alice Cook - appreciation of refund of dog licenee foe. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimst er that the communication be received and filed. No. 177 - Kennedy & Baylis - re municipal housing project. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Allen and Scott that the communication be. received and laid on the table. No. 178 - Robert Murray - requesting re-consideration of application for sight- seeing office. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Grimster and White that the commun- ication be received and filed, and permission be granted for the operation of a sightseeing office at the comer of Ferry Street and Clark Avenue, providing the operators at all times obey the regulations of the City and of the Police Comanis- Sion. SEE Resolution No. 72 No. 179 - ~enjamin Tents and Awnings - application for sidewalk canopies. 0}'©ERED en the motion of Ald. Grimster and Allen that the communication he received and filed. REPORTS The following Reports ware presented: No. 62 - City Solicitor - enclosing summary of mgulations re rental control. 0RUEHED on the motion of Ald. Allen and G. Donald that the report be received and filed, and copies of the summary be made for the Council, the general public and for l~sting in public buildings. No. 63 - City Clerk - re conference held on May 5, 1941. 0RRERED on the motion of Aid. White and Scott that the report be received and adopted. ' No. 64 - Canadian Federation of Mayors,and Municipalities - Report of resolutions passed at Convention. 0RDEE on the motion of Ald. Grimster and A.F. Donald that the communication be received and filed, and copies of the resolutions be forwarded to the members of the Council. PETITION The following Petition was presented: No. 3 - R.Knott & 6 others - requesting that Spring Street be repaired. CRDERED on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott that the petition be received and filed, that the City Engineer prepare a report of the cost of a light oil macadam surface for this street and ascertain whether the residents would be agreeable to such work being undertaken. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 71 - G. DONALD- SCOTT - RESOLVED that Mrs. Konkos be asked to submit her req- uest, for permission to use a vacant lot on Stanley Avenue for the paring of used care, in writing to the City Council for consideration; and the Seal of the Cor- poration be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimous].y No. 72 - GRI~ZS'I'hE - WHITE - RESOLVED that the motion, passed at the meeting of the Committee of the Whole on May 5th, that permittion be not granted for the sight- seeing office at Clark Avenue and Ferry Street, be rescinded; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously No. 73 - ?~ITE - SCOTT - RESOLVED that the motion, passed at the meeting of the Commit tee of the Whole on May 5th,,for the widening of Welland Avenue from Park to Huron Streets, be resinded end the Council re-consider their action in this regard; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried -Ald. Allen and G. Donald voting contrary. The following By-laws were passed: No. 3071 -Ald. A.W. Scott- To amend By-law No. 1740, respecting the Oiling of Streets in the City of Niagara Falls. 1st reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimster - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and %~tite that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and G. Donald - Carried unanimously. No. 3072 - Aid. Y.G. White - To authorize the ~xecution of an Agreement for Sale sad Deed. 1st reading - Aid. Scott and G. Donald- Carried unanimously. It was then ordered oh the motion of Aid. A.F.Donald and Grimster that RUle 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended ~nd the By- law mad a second' time - Carried unanimously. ~_-~- 3rd reading - Aid. White and A.F. Donald- Carried unanimously. No. 3073 - Aid. Y.G.White - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. lst,-reading - Aid. A.F.Denald and Scott - Carried-unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimstersnd White that Rule'- 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporaM ly suspended and the By-law read a second time - Carried with Ald. Allen voting contrary, due to the fact that these lots are being sold at a low price ~n streets where the local improvements have been carried for a number~f years. 3rd reading - Aid. A.F.Donald and Scott - Carried with Aid. Allen votin~ contrary. No. 3074 -Ald. J.G.White - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. 1st reading -Ald. Grimster and G.Donald - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of lld. G.Donald and ~.ite that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time - Ca :'ried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. Scott and Grimster - Carried unanimously. No. 3075 -Ald. Y.G.White - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. 1st reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and G. Donald - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of ild. Grimster and A.F.Donald that Rule 36 (S) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By- law read a seeond time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. Scott and G. Donald- Carried unanimously. · ~SCEIZ~EOUS AId. Allen asked the City Clerk to obtain information and make a report to the Council upon the matter of insurance being 'carried by certain taxi or sight- seeing cab operators which will neable them to travel ttn, ough the Queen Victoria Park. The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Scott and Grimster. READ ANDADOPTED, May 19, 1941. C le rk / FINANCE MEETING Ccunci 1 Chamber, May. 1B, 1941. The Finance Committee met on Monday,. May 12, 1941, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which h~d been properl~ cert- 123 124 ifled and placed before them. All members of the Committee, with the exception of Aid. Wilkinson, were present. Sundry accounts were passed by the Committee, amounting to $3,453.42. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money By-law for presentation to the Council, on ~he motion of Ald. G.Donald and Scott. An offer was presented from Awnibale Gagno, as laid over from the Irev- ious meeting, for the purchase of Lot 138, Welland Avenue for $50.00, and the building at the rear of the Asphalt Plant for $40.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of His Worship Mayor Inglis and Ald. Scott, it was ordered that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the usual con- ditions and to the approval of the City Treausrer and Assessment Cormnissioner. An offer was presented from Anna Konkos, as laid over· from the previous meeting, for the purchase of Lot 34, Buchanan Avenue, for the sum of $100.00. Upon the recon~nendation of the Property Committee, and on the motion of-Ald. Grim- ster and Scott it was ordered that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the usual conditions and to the approval of the Assdssment Cor~nissioner and City Treasurer. An offer was presented from ThomasNorthcote for the purchase of Lot 86, Homewood Avenue for the sum of $50.00. Upon the recommendation of the Prop- erty Committee and on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scot t it was o~iered that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the conditions and the ap- proval of the City Treasurer and Assessment Commissioner. An offer was presented from Mrs. Bruce Collins, for the purchase of Lot 100, Stamford Street, for the sum of $100.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Con~nittee and on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimster, it was ordered that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the usual conditions and to the approval of the City Treausrer and Assessment Conmissioner. An offer was presented from Mr. A.0.Davies, for the purchase of Lot 68, Dawlish Avenue for the sum of $75.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Commit tee, and on the motion of Aid. Scott and His Worship Mayor Inglis, it was ordered that the offer be received and not accepted, due to the fact that a higher offer had been received. An offer was presented from Miss Jean Harrimsn for the purchase of Lots 4, 5, 6, 7,,8, and 9, Robinson Street for the sum of $300.00. Upon the recommend- ation of the Property Committee, and on the motion of Ald. Grimster and Scott the offer was accepted, subject to the condition that seven houses of at least $2,800. value are erected on the lot ~lthin six months, and subject to the approval of the City Tree~surer and Assessment Commissioner. An offer was presented from Mrs. Rose Florentine to purchase Lot 397, Stamford Street. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald, .Scott and.Grtms~er, the~report was adopted, .the offer.received and n~ accepted. , An offer was presented from Mr. Harry H. Wilson for the purchase of Lot 68, Dawlish Avenue for the sum of $100.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of AId. A.F. Donald and Scott it was ordered that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the usual conditions and to the approval of the City Treasurer and Assessneat Commissioner. The report of the Property Comittee, on the above and other matters, was presented? It was ordered on the motion of AId. Scott and Grimetot that the City Clerk be uathorized to communicate with personG who have purchased lots from the Corporation and who have not commenced building thereon in accordance with their agreements, and to advise them that c~nstraction must be commenced immed- iately or the City will proceed with the sale of the lands. FURIHER ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and His Worship Mayor lnglis that the recommendation of the Property Committee for the sale of .the former children's abeltot be adopted; and the report be received and filed., A request had been received for the sale of certain 2" X 3" timbers taken from the bins at the distillery building. It was eriered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Inglis and Ald. Scott that the Clerk be cutboOzed to sell as much af the timber as he deems advisable at a reasonable price of approximately ~20.00 per thousand feet. A request had been received for the constmction of a work bench for the electrician in charge of the police radio system. It ~s ordered on the mot- ion of Aid. Scott and Grimster that a work bench be supplied to the ele~rician at his residence, providing the same is not fixed permanently in the building and providing that the same shall be removed if any complaints as to noise are received. The matter of a water supply for the property at 605 First Avenue, considered. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Grant Donald and Scott that the water be shut off on Tuesday morning, May 13th, and that the same remain off. It was flirther'ordered on the motion of Hi~ Worship Mayor Inglis and Ald. G.!bnald that the City Clerk be inst~'ucted to take the matter of the ramoval of this man .from the property with the City Solicitor and make the necessary arrangements. A communicati'on was p resented from George W. Crothe rs, enclosir~g prices of parts for the tractor and broom. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. G.Don- ald and Scott that the communication be received and laid on the table. A summary of registered properties sold under agreement, as of April 30, 1941,,was presented. It was ordered on the notion of Ald. G.Donald and A.F.DOn- ald that.the statement be received and referred to .the Property ConLmittee for a report. The matter of the purchase of a lot by Mr. !Vm. Mitchinson and the sub- division of the same, was discussed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Grimster that the matter be referred to the Property Committee for con- sideration. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Grimster. READ AND ADOPTED, May 19, 1941. Cler~ Chairman oI~ Finance COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, May 12, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the money By-lawwhich covered the ac- counts apprevedby the Commi tree. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Wllkinson,,were present. t26 The fellerring By-law was passed: No. 3096 -Ald. y.G.Waite - TO Gr~x~ Monies for General ~rposes. let reading -Ald. Grimster and G.Doaald - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and G.Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By- law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 5rd readihg -Ald. G. Donald and A.F.Donald - Carried unanimously. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Grlmster. READ AND ADOPTED, May 19, 1941. Clelk CONFERENCE Council Chamber, May 12, 1941. The Council re-a~sembled at the close of the regular Council and Fin- ance meetings for the purpose of holding a conference. All members of the COuncil, with the exception of Ald. WilliSson, were present. After discussion upon the matters presented to them, the Conference committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. ~ite and G.Donald. RF~) ~ ADOPTED, May 19, 1941. Clex~ Chairman ~',L?NTY-NIkvI~I },~ETING F~ESUL~=R I~ETING Council Chamber, May 19, 1941. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.~ p.m. to consider Gen- eral Business and Finance. All members of the Council, with the exception o~ His Worship Mayor Inglis and Ald. Wilkinson, were present. Alderman Grint Donald was Acting Mayor during the meeting. The Council, having received and ~'ead the min- utes of the previous meeting, a~opted these on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grim- ster. COiIR,~NI SATIONS Laid over from previous meetir~: No. 162 - I.e. Bradley - requesting removal of trees. 0[,DEEED on the moti on of Ald. A.F.Donald and Orimster that the communication be received and filed, and two trees be removed. SEReport No. 65 No. tVl - F.Martin - requesting opening of lane. 0EDERFD on the motion of Ald. GrAmstoy and Scot t that the communication be received and filed, and Mr. M~rtin be advised of the necessary action which should be taken by him. SEE Report No. 66 The follo'~ing Co~mnicati one were presented: No. 180 - Minister of National War Services - re destruction of goverr~ment rec- ords. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Allen and Scott that the communication be received and laid on the table for one week. No. 181 - Local Council of Women - invitation to exhibition of Royal Dollars. 0R- DERED on the motion'of ~d. A.F.Donald and Grimster that the communication be rec- eived and filed, the invitation be accepted, and as many of the Council as pos- sible attend the opening. No, 182 - Dominion Bureau of Statistics - re proposed census. (tlDF/qED on the motion of Ald. White and Scott that the communication be received and filed. No. 183 - City Clerk, North Bay - resolution protesting against census. 0I~ERED on the motion of Ald. Grimster and Scott that the comnunication be received sad fi led. No. 184 - Township_ of Stamford - resolution re compensation for damage to Stanley Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Grimster that the communication be received and laid on the ~able and the City .forward a similar communication to the Department of Highways. No. 185 - City Clerk, Brantford - resolution requesting 25% rate for soldiers. $RI]EL~D on the motion of Ald. Grimster and White that the communication be rec- eived and the resolution be endorsed. No. 186 - Unemployment Relief Branch - re employabls~ on relief. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. 'White and Scott that the communication be received and filed. No. 18V - Honournble M.F.Hepburn - re dominion loan and publicity for same. 0RD- ERED on the motion of Ald. Grimetoy and A.F. Donald that the communication be rec- eived. and filed, that the Council co-operate through the decoration of the City for the opening of the 'sale, and that six bombs be purchased for use during the celebration, providing the use of the same does not ce'nfict with military regul- ations. R~O~8 The following Reports were presented: No. 65 - Parks Superintendent - recommending removal of two Irees. ORDERED on the motion Of Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimster that the report be received and adopted. No. 66 - City Clerk - re request for opening of lane. 0PSERED on the motion of Ald. Gritaster and Scott that the report be received and filed, and the recormmend- ation be adopted. No. 67 - City Clerk - re conference held on 1,1ay l~, 1941. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. White and A.F.Donald that the report be received and adopted. No. 68 - City Clerk - recommending ploughing of small portion of Cemetex~y for gardens. ORDEP~'D on the motion of Ald. Scott and grimstar that the report be received and filed, and the recormnendation be adopted. No. 69 - City Clerk - re employmment of guards and holidays for same. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Grimetot and White that the guards be placed on a six day week and be allowed holidays on the same basis as other city employees; and the rep- ort be received and filed. No. 70 - Parks Superintendent - recommending removal of tree. ORDERED on the mot~ ion of Ald. Scott and ~'~lte that the report be received and adopted. RESOLUTION The following Resolution ~as passed: No. 74 - ~'[~ITE- SCOTT - ~TNEREAS it has come to our attenti on that applications for modification of the customs regulations to permit the transportation of A~er- ican goods in bond through Canada, between the Detroit River and the Niagara Fron- tier, has been made to the Minister of National Revenue; AND ~'~HEREAS the proposed operations would bring no benefit to this r~un- icipality, but would, on the contrary, be of considerable detriment on account of interference with the tourist traffic, and decrease of employemnt On the railways; AND Vfi~AS the existing transporation services are, in our opinion, adequate and entitled to first considerations; ~ND ~tI~qEAS the vehicles which would be used on long track hauls across Ontario would be of such length and width as to endanger traffic on the highwayS, and-restrict the enjoyments of the highways by private motorists; BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that this Council place itself on record as opposing the revision of the customs regulations which v5uld permit such oper- ations, and that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Hencurable, the Minister of National Revenue, Mr. Y.L. Ilsleyi the Hencurable the Minister of Trens- port, Mr. C.D.Howe; and to Mr. A.B. Damude, M,P.; and the Seal of the Corporation he hereto affixed. Carried unanimousl ~BY-LA~B The following By-laws were passed: No. ~07~ -Ald. Y.G.White - To authorize the execution of a~ ~greement for Sale and Deed. let reading - Aid. Grimetot and Scott - Car.tied unanimqusly. It ~s then ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Allen that Rule 3B (~) of the Standing Rules of C~uncil be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimster - Carried unanimously. No. 30~8 -Ald. Y.G.White - To authorize the cloution of an j~greement for Sale and deed. let madlug -Ald. Scott and A.F.Donald - Carried unanim3usly. It ll~s then ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Grim!~ter that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be ten~orarily suspended ~d the by- law read a second time - Carried unanimously. S~d reading - Aid, Grimster and A.F.Donald. No. 3079 - ild. J.G.Vjhite - To authorize the execution of the Agreement for Sale and Deed. let reading -Ald. '~.F.Donald and Scott - Carried unanimously. It '~.as then o~dered on the motion of Ald, Grimetot and ~'~nite that Rule ~6 (~) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-taw reads second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. Scott and A.F.Donald - Carried unanimously, No. ~080 -Ald. J.G.White - To authorize the execution of an AgreeLent for Sale and Deed. let reading -Ald. Grimster and Scott - Carried unanimously. It ~as then ordered on the motisn of Ald. i.F.Zonald and Grimster that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By- law ~ad a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading - Aid. White and A.F. D onald - Carried ~nanimously. No. 3081 -Ald. Y.C.L~ite - To authorize the execution of an AgreeLent for Sale and Deed. let reading -Ald. Scott and Orimster - Carried unanimously. It ,.~s then ordered on the mtion of ild. Whitc and A.F.Donald that Rule ~6 (~) of the Standing Bules of Council be temporarily suspauded and the By-law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading --Ald. Scott and White - Carried unanimously. No. 308B -Ald. Y.G.White - To authorize the execution of anAgreement for Sale and Deed. let reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Grimster that Rule 36 (E) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading - A~,.d.A.F.Donald and White -'Carried unanimously. MISCELJ~NEOUS AId. Scott asked that the City Engineer check the condition of a hedge at the corner of College Crescent and Eastwood Crescent. Ak[. Grimster asked that a check also be made on hedges at the Public Library and at 1048 Armoury Street, and Ald. Grant Donald also mentioned the hedge at the corner of St. Lawrence Ave- nue and Simcoe Street. It was agreed that the City Engi Leer should nmke a report covering all the above locations. t30' The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. AoF.Donald and Grimster. HEAD AND ADOPTED, May 26, 1941. Clerk Acting Mayor FINiNCE ~EETING Council Chamber, May 19, 1941. The Finance .Committee met on Monday, May 19, 1941, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert- ified and placed before them. All members of the Connnittee, with the exception of Ald. Wilkinson and His Worship Mayor Inglis, were pro sent. Sundry accounts were passed by the Conmnittee, amounting to $11,640.84. The accounts submitted, being passed or othenvise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and A.F.Donald. The statement of Registered Occupied Properties, as of April 30, 1941, as laid over from the previous meeting, was presented. Upon the reco.~nendation of the Property Committee, and on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimster ~ertain, action, as contained in the report of the Committee ~s adopted. A statement of Housing Properties under Agreement was presented. The report of the Property Committee in this connection was also presented. Upon the motion of Ald. Scott and A.F.Donald it ~,~as ordered that the statement be received and filed, and the recommendations of the Committee be adopted. A statement of Registered Properties sold under Agreement, as laid over from the previous me eting, ~s presented. The report of the Property Committee, upon these propertieS, was also presented. It ~,ms ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott that the statement be received and filed, and the report be adopted. An offer was presented from A.O.Davies for the pureh-se of parts of Lots 47, 48, 49, Sixth Avenue, for the sum of $200.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Conmittee and on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimster it was Ordered that the offer be received and accepted,subject to the usual conditions and to the approval Of the Assessment Commissioner and City Treasurer, iSi mittee and on the motoin of Aid. Grimster and A.F.Donald, it ~ns ordered that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the usual conditions and tc the ai~- proval of the Assessment Commissioner and City Treasurer. A.n offer was presented from Thomas LIonaghan for the purchase ~f Lot ~4, Cedar Street for the sum of ~50.00. Upon the reco~mlendation of the i:D~E erty ~:n- mittee and on the motion of Ald, Scott and A.F.,'?onald, it wns ordered that the for be received and accepted, subject to the usual conditions ~nd to the approval of the Assessment Co_~issioner and City Treasurer. A verbal request had been received from Mrs. Vito Perri for the pureha'e of Lot 881, Buchanan Avenue, without the usual proviso for the erection of a build- ing. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. G.Donald and Grimetot that the offer, and the recommendation of the Property Committee be laid on the table until next meeting. The matter of the sale of Lots 13, 14, 15, Queen Street, was considered. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee, and on the motion of Donald and Scott, it was ordered that no action be taken upon the offer for sale at the present time. A communication was presented from A.Fiorentino with reference to the purchase of Lot 297, Stamford Street and the building on Lots 298 .and 299. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. C. Donald and Grimetot t_h~t the co~nunication, and the recommendation of the Property Committee in this connection, be received and laid on the table until the next meeting. The matter for tenders for decoratin,g the Superintendent's house at Fair'- view Cemetery, as laid over from the previous meeting, an:~ referred to the Prop- erty Committee, was presented. It was Ordered on the motjan of Ai~..Allen and Scott that the action of the Co!zrdttee, in granting the tender in L~.Atkins at $149.00, be approved. The matter in connection with the sale of' Lot ~8, ~!urray Street, was considered. Upon the recommendation of the Property Com~ittee and on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimetot, it was ordered that Mr. Mitchinson be permitted to as- sign his Agreement for Sale to the party intendinto to erect the dwellino% and that the deed to the property be issued ~en the dwelling is sufficiently Under construction to warrant the issuance of the same. A communication was presented from D'Arcy Cropp, reiuesting the closing of Tugby Street. Upon the recommendation of the property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Allen and Scott it was onlered that the street be not closed but the area be leased to Mr. Cropp for $1.00 per year u~til such time as it is deemed expedient to open the street to traffic. M offer was received from Arthur C.Yolley for the purchase of part of Lot 13, Jeposn Street, for the sum of $305.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Co~nittee, and on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimster it was ordered that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the usual conditions that a dwelling of at least $4,000.00 will be erected on the lot within six months, and subject to the approval of the Assessment Commissioner and City Treasurer. M offer was received from George ttillesheim for the purchase of part of Lots 12, 13, Jepson Street, for the sum of $280.00. Upon the recon~nendation of the Property Co~nnittee, and on the motion of Ald. Allen and A.F.Donald, it ordered that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the usual condition that a dwelling of at least $3,800.00 value will be erected on the premises with- in sik months, and subject to ~he approval of the Assessment Commissioner and City Treasurer. A ccm~mnication was pressted from K.McLeod, requesting permission to rent the ch~ldren's shelter building for one month, Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee,' and on the motion of Ald. Grimster smd Scott it yes ordered that the communication be r~ceived and laid on the 'table for one week, M offer was presented from H.M.Seigel f~r the purchase of Lot 122, 0r- A Communication from William Hill was presented, requesting permission chard Avenue, for the sum of $75.00. Upon the recon~aendatioa of the Property Corn- to erect a sign on the vacant lot at the corner of Bridge Street and Clifton Ave- nue. Upon the reco.mmendation of the Property Committee, and on the motion of Ald. Grimstar and Allen, it was ordered that the communication be received and filed, and Mr. Hill be advised that it is impossible to grant the permission req- uest ed. An offer was presented from Robert Murray for the purchase of Lot Rosedale DriVe for the sum of $100.00. Upon the recommendation Of the Property Committee, and on the motion of Ald. Grimster and Scott it ~as ordered that the communication be received sad the offer be accepted, subject to the condition that a dwelling of at least $3,000.00 value is erected on the lotvd thin six months and subject to the approval of the Assessment Commissioner and City Traasurer. The report of the Property Connnittee, covering the above matters, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Gr~mster and G. Donald that the report be received and adopted with the exception of the items dealing with the disposal of vacant lots where agreements are not made for the erection of build- lags, and that this portion of the ~port be laid on the table until the nexb meeting. A summary of relief for the month of April, 1941, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott that the statement be rec- eived and filed. The matter of hiring a truck for use during the spraying of trees was considered. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimstar that the City Clerk be authorized to make arrangements for the hiring of a truck on the same basis as in 1940. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Grimster. READ AND ADOPTED, May 26, 1941. Clerk of Finance The following By-law was passed: No. 3083 -Ald. J.G.~Thite - To Grant Lbnies for General Panroses, 1st reading- Ald. Scott and Allen - Carried unanimously It ~s then ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimstar and ;~.F.Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott - Carried unanimously. The City Engineer advised the Council of the work of the Department of Highways in connection with the new subway, and the necessary chan~es in the water services and fire hydrants on Cookman Crescent nnd College Crescent. It was ag- reed by the Council that this wor~ would be considered if advice in wri%i.~ is received, and providing the services will be changed at no expense to the CorDor- ati on. Ald. Grant Donald asked for a report upon the reading of the ~t~nford Water meters for the last two periods. The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Scott and A.F.Donald. R~AD AND ADOPTED, May ~6, 1941. Clerk Acting Mayor COUNCIL NEETING Council Chamber, May 19, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the x~gular council and finance meetings for the purpose of passing the money By-law which covered the accouts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council, with the exception of His ,Worship Mayor lnglis and Ald. Wllkinson,,were present. Ald. Grant Donald was en- acting Mayor during the meeting. '' "' : ' t35 ZIIP~TIEZd ltZ~ETING RI~JDkR ~IEETING Oounei 1 Chambe r, May 26, t941. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. to consider gen-- eral business and finance. All members of the Council with th8 exceptim of Ald. Wilkinson were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Allen. COY~ZRINICATIONS Laid over from ,previous meeting: No. 180 - Minister of National ';jar Services - re destruction of Government rec- ords. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Allen that the communication be received and filed. The followi ng Communications were pro sented No. 188 - City Clerk, Welland - resolution re Royal Canadian Mounted Police to wear dress uniforms at border. 0P~ERED on the motion of Ald. White and G.Donald that the communication be received and filed, and the resolution be endorsed. No. 189 - Secretary to .',Tinlater of Finance - acknowledging letter re transport- orion of Amerdean goods in bond through Canada. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. A. F. Donald and G. Donald that the communication be received and filed. No. 190 - Hencurable Minister of Llunitions and Supply - acknowledging telegram re transportation of American goods in bon~ t~rough Canada. 0RDH~ED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and White that the eommunication be received and filed. No. 191 - Hencurable Minister of Munitions and S~pply - acknowledging letter re transportation of imerican goods in bond through Canada. 0RDEI~1ED on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donsld and Grimster that the communication be received and filed. No. 192 - Niagara Spanish Aerocar Com~an~ - r~iuesting extension of water line to ticket office. ORDERED on. the,motion of Ald. White and Grimster that the commun- ication be received and filed, and the Company he advised that the cost of con- struction of the line will have to be borne by them; and that the City will supply water when the line has been constructed. No. 193 - Children's Aid Society, ~Velland - re appointment of Inspeetor for Nia- gara Falls. ORDER~) on the marion of Ald. White and CoDehold that the communic- ation be received and filed. No. 194 - Queen,s Canadian Fund - acknowledging ~ift to Fund. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Ald. Grimster and White that the eo-~.u~nication be received and filed. No. 195 - Ball Telephone Company of Canada - requesting permission to replace pole on Peer Street. ORDEREDon the motion of Ald. ~nite and G. Donald ~hat the commun- ication be received and filed, and the permission be granted. No. 196 - Department of Highways -,re changes in services on Cookman and College Cre,~cents. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Vfi~tte and Grimst er that the communicat- ion be received and iaid on the table, and the information be approved. SEE Resolution No. 75 No. 197 - Village of Chippawa - re questing preposition re supply of filtered water. 0RDEREDon the motion of Ald. G.Donald and White that the communication be received and laid on the table for one (reek, and the City Engineer be asked to sub- mit a report upon the matter. No. 198 - Canadian Federation of Yayors and ),iunicipalities - re vi?it of mobile canteen to City. 0~DER. ED on the motion of Aid. l,',]~ite an~ 3r~mster thzt the c~m- munication be receive~ and filed, an~ His :'jorship L'.uyor In?lie be asked to comply with the request contained in the letter, R~ORT The follo~ng Report was yresented: No. 71 - City Clerk - re information from Unemployment inm~ran~e Act. 0PDE~ED on the motion of Ald. C.Donald and White that the report be received and laid on the table for one v~,eek. tLESOLUTIONS The fol~owin~ Resolutions were passed: No. 75 - O.D0.~YfgJ) - ALLEN - RESOLTED that the City Clerk be instnlcted to ln:~uire what other properties in the City of Niagara Falls are be~ng taken ever by the Department of Highways vdthout having been properly expropriated; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously No. 76 - G.DONiLD - GRIMG'f~ - RESOL~rED that a committee of His Worship LMyor In- glis, one member of the City Council and the City Clerk be appointed to consider the matter of establishing parking on only one side of ~'Jelland, St.Clair and St. Lawrence Avenues from Huron to Park Streets; also the rentoval of the Michigan Cen- tral Railway sidin~ into the distillery building and the use of the vaca'~t land at the rear of the building as a parking, area; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously His ;'/orship Mayor Inglis appointed the Chairman of Finance, Ald. Y.G. White as the other member of the Committee. No. 77 - C.DONALD - ~TLEN - RESOLVED that the three-hour parking law be strictly enforced by the Police Commission throughout the City of Niagara Falls; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried BY-LtWS The following By-laws were pas'ed: No. 3084 -Ald. Y.G.White - To authorize the exeuction of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. let reading -Ald. Scott and Grimetel - Carried unanimously. ~t ~ms then ordered on the motion of kld. A.F.Donald and G.Donald that Rule 36 (E) of the Standing Rules of Council be .temporarily susp ended and the By- law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3Fd reading -Ald. G.Donald and White - Carlie d unanimously. Re. 3085 -Ald. J.G. White- To authorize the execution. of snAgreement for Sale and Deed. let reading -Ald. Grimster and G. Donald - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion.of Ald. Allen and A.F.Donald that Rule ~e (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 'i36 3rd reading - ALd. Scott and ~,'~hite - Carried unanimously. The Council adjourned on the sDtion of ild. Grimster and G.Donald. RE ~hND ~DOPTED, Yune o 1941. Clerk Mayor FIN,~CE L~ETING Counci 1 Chamber, May 26, 1941. The Finance Coxmmittee met on Monday, May 26, 194t, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which bad been properly cert- ified and places before them. All members of the Committee, with the exception' of Ald. Wilkinson, were p~sent. Sundry accounts were passed by the Committee, amounting to $56, 558.1~. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Grimster. The report of the Property Committee, which had been laid over from the previous meeting, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald, Orimster and Scott that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation of the Committee for the sale of vacant lots without a provision for, building thereon, be approved with the understanding that such sales are to be for.cash only and t~at the individual offers will be submitted to the Council for ~pproval. The co~unication from A. Fiorentino, as laid over from the previous meeting; and the recomnendation of the Property Comraittee, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Hi~ Worship Mayor Inglis that the commun- ication be received and. filed, and the recommendation of the Committee be adopted. The request of Mrs. Vito Perri for the purchase of -Lot 881, Buchanan Avenue, without the provLsion for building thereon, as laid over from the previous meeting, ~as,presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Scott that the recommendation of the Property Committee be received and adopted, and the lot be sold for the assessed value if no huild. ing is to be erected thereon. The communication from K.McLeod, requesting permission to rent the child- rea's shelter for one month, as laid over from the 'preVious meeting, was presented. Upon the reco:nmendation of th~ i!r~erty Cc~nm~ttee, an~ ~n the m~-'ti~!n and A.F. Don~, the conmanication w~s recci~o~ ~nt ~laa ~nd the mutter ~ i:: ~he hands of the ~rol. er~y Gamm;lttee for action. An offer was pro?cured frsm Julius Vendr~min for the ?r'?h-~c of Lot Ycrguson street for the ~um of ~;75.00. Upon the rcc~mmon~at~:r: ~f the ~xu.crtZ C~:~nittee and on the mot~os of ~, ocott un~ Gri:'~tor ~t ,':at pr~'j~c~ tn,~t +'- for be received and acce~ted, subject to t~ al, c~vu] ~ and the City Treausrer, and subject to the us,h~k conditi An offer '.'.'as [rcse.u~ed fron D.O.¥oun~ ~'9r th~ .-~ robuse or' Lst 56, ilo:ne- -:cod Avenue for the sum of ~50,00. Upon the recsmmDndaticn of the i-sa=erty Cd:'~ mittec ~n~ on the motion of ~!d, Gfimster and ~e~tt, !~ .,us -:~erc-d that the u-ff~r be received ~nd accepted, subject to the usual conditions anl to ~he aid. royal of the City T:'c:surer and Assessment Commissioner. The report of the Iro~;erty Ccnr. ittee, u~on th~ above "' ,~- ,;a~ %r'ez- ented. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Scott and Grimetot that the feZ'oft be received and adopted. A communication ;:'as received from l!.Fol!ett ~;ith reference t> his s'ons' liability for poll tax. It was ordered ~n the motion or Ald, oaD;_t use Or!n'ster that the com. munlcaticn be received and filed, and the pol~ taxes collected. A report was presented from the City Treasurer as to ~rrcars of =uciness taz; an~ the followin~ action ;van taken thereon: Star Taxi and E.t~crter - ~tis- factory. N.E.Slingerland - City Treasurer to collect. }i.kudolph - City Treasurer to take action to collect. L. Crawford - City Treasurer to take action to czllect. A. Fiske- City Treasurer to take g~rnishee proceedings. I. & J. Lakone - on the motion of ALd. G.Donal~ and Scott that the accounts be written off. Lunch - ORDERED on ~he motion of Ald. Grimetot and Scott that the account be written off. F. Anderson- ORDEP~rD on the motion of AId. C.Donald and Scott that the accent be written off. J.Lococo - OPfiDEKED on the motion ~f Ald. Allen and Scott that act- ion be taken to collect. General floating Co. - 0]]DERXD on the motion of a!d. Donald and A.F.Donald that this amount be written off. E.Gilmer - OKDL]~ED on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and Scott that the account be r, Titten off. F.S.iiolmv~ood ORDERED that the City Treausrer take action to collect the account. [~obert 2arr - ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Grimster and Scott that the City Treasurer get in touch with the man's f~ther and endcaveat to locate him. A.E.Cray - 0DERED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Scott that the account be ',Titten off. C.H.Pbil- lips - ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Allen and G. Dosald that the account be ,~Titten off. W.H. Waugh and tleming - ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and Scott that Mr. Fleming be contacted for payment. Earl Wilson - O}{DLRED on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and Grimetot that this man be contacted and an effort be made to collect the account. Gee. Davies - 0RD~-RED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Grimetot that the City Treasurer ascertain the whereabouts of this man and take garnishee proceedings to collect the account. Jim Chung- ORDERED on the motion of Aid. A.F. Donald and G. Donald that the account be r,Titten off. M.Jordan - ORDERED that the City Treasurer make an effort to collect tis account. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Scott that the City Treasurer be instructed to present a full st~ttement of all business taxes out- ~tanding including those for the year 1940; and a notation with the agreements that 'have been made for payment. The Revenue and Expenditure Statement as of April 30, 1941, was pres- ented. It ~ms ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimster that the statement be received and laid on the table. The Committee adjourned on the motion of AId. A.F. Donald and G. Donald. READ AND ADOPTED, June 2, 1941. ~ Clerk of Finan~I C(YJNCIL MEETING Oounci 1 Chamber, May 26, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the ac- counts app~nved by the Committee. All memhers of the Council~ with the exception of Aid. Wilkinson, wc~ prowent. BY-LAW The following By-law was passed: No. 3086 -Ald. J.G.~hite - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. lot reudi~ - AId. Grimster and A.F.Donald - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. C.Donald and ~',~ite that i~te 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read'a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott - Carried unanimously. The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Crimster an8 A.F.Donald. ItFADAiqD~jDOPTED, June ~, 1941. Clerk Mayor -- CONEF~ENCE . Counci 1 Chamber, May 26, 1941. The Councl 1 re-assembled at the close of the regular meetings for the purpose of holding a conference to discuss the various ma~ters which had been presented to them, All members of the Conference committee with the exception of Ald. Wilkinson,,were present. After discussion upon the matters presented to them, the Conmi~tse adjourned on the motion of Aid. Whl~ and Scott. .-~ READ AND ADOPTED, June 2, 1941. Clerk'i " .........."' 'i< . ~' Chai man 139 THIRTY-FIRST MEETING REGUI~ MEETING Councl 1 Chamber, June 2, 1941. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. to consider gen- eral business and finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Wil~nson, were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Grimster and Allen. COMMUNICATIONS Laid over from previous meeting: No. 197 - Village of Chi~upawa - requesting proposition re supply of water. 0RD- E~ on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott that the communication be received and filed and a conference be srr~nZed with the Chippawa officials for the dis- cussion of this matter. SEE Report No. 72 The following Communications were presented: No. 199 - Mr. A.B. Damude, M.P. - acknowledging resolution re Royal Canadian Moun- ted Police. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. Allen and A.F. Donald that the com~mic- ation be received and filed. No. 200 - A.B. Damude, M.P. - acknowledging resolution re application of Internat- ional Forwarders. ORDERED on the motion of AId. White and Grimster that the com- munication be received and filed, and the City Clerk expxessthe appreciation of Council to Mr. Damude for his action, and ask that.he continue his stand in this matter. No. 201 - Honourable W.L.Houck, M.L.A. - re request for conference with the Hon- ourable Premier. ORE on the .motion of AId, White end G. Donald that the com- munication be received and filed, the Council again ask that Mr. Houck take up this matter with the Honourable Premier that this Council Imey be allowed to dis- cuss with him the construction work going on within the confines of this nmnicip- ality; and Mr. Houck be asked to implement his prnmiaes made to the Council in connection with this matter. No. 202 -Departmeatof Highways - re contribution to cost of repair to Stanley Avenue. 0RDE~D on the motion of AId. White and G. Donald that the comnmnication be received and filed, and an exprression of gratification for this action be for- warded to the Department. No. 203 - Department of Highways - plans re steps and services on Coo~m-- Cres- cent. 0~RERED on the motion of AId. G. Donald and Scott that the communication be received and filed, and the matter be referred to the Chief E~Sineer with the req- uest that the Council ha advised under what authority this property is being dis- turbed. No. 204 - Department of National Revenue - re tax on soft drinks and amusements. ORE on the motion of AId. G. Donald and Grimetot that the communication be rec- eived and fi~ed, and the regulations complied with. No. 205 - Niagara Falls Yunior Chamber of Conmerce - re taxi rates charged to tour- ists. 0Rl~on the motion of Aid. Scott and White that the communication be rec- eived and referred to the Board of Police Commissioners for their action; and Chamber be so advised. · No. 206 - Canadian National lnstitate for the Blind -requesting permission to hold tag day. 0RI~ on the motion of Aid. White and G. Donald that the communication be received and filed, and permission be grunted. t40 No. 207 - St. Ann's Church - requesting permiss~n to hold carnival. OPa)J~tED on the motion of AId. White and G. Donald that the communication be received end filed, and permis~sion be granted. No. 206 - Mrs. I. M.qreau - requesting pax~nission for removal of tree. ORE~RED the motion of AId. A.F. Donald and Scott ttzt the communication be received and laid on the table; ~nd a report be ~.'presented from the Parks Superintendent. No. 209 - Mrs. L. Tutte - requesting removal af tree. ORDERED on the motion of · Aid. A.F.Donald and Scott that the communication be received and laid on the table and a report be IFesented from the Parks Superintendent. No. 210 - Imperial Unit - requesting permission to make street collection. 0RD- ERED on the motion of AId. Grimster and Scott that the communication be received and filed, and permission be granted as requested. REPORTS hid over from previous meeting: No. Vl - City Clerk - re Unemployment Insurance Act. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Grimstar and Scott that the report be received and endorsed, and the Council accept the regulations in full as they apply to the City employees. The followingReports were presentgd: -No. 72 - City Engineer - re application of Chippawn for supply of water. (~D~LED on the motion of AId. A.F. Donald and Scott that the report be received and adopted and a copy be forwarded to the Village of Chippawn for their attention and inform- ation. No. 73 - City Clerk - re conference held on May 26, 1941. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. G. Donald and Scott that the report be received and adopted. No. V4 - Committee of Council - re parking conditions in vicinity of Queen Street. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. G. Donald and Scott tlmt the report be received and adopted, and the work carried out as recommended. No. 75 - City Fagineer - re shEAbe and trees in cer~win locations. 0RD~ltED on the motion of AId. G. Donald and A.F.Donald that the report be received and filed, and thematter be referred to the City Solicitor for a rspart and his advice as to what revisions are necessary to the existing by-law. The following Resolutions were passed: No. 78 - A.F.DONALD - G. DONALD - RESOLVED that the congratulations and best wishes of the City Council be extended to Alderman. and Mrs. ~.G. White upon the celebr- ation of their thirty-first wedding anniversary onITueeday, Iane 3rd; and the Seal of.the Corporation be hereto affixed. ~: Carried unanimously No. 79 - A.F. DONALD- G. DONALD- I~ESOLVED that the congratulations and best wishes of the City Council be extended to Alderman and Mrs. A.W. Scott upon the celebr- ation of their thirty-first wedding anniversary on Sunday, =une-let;'and the Seal of the Corporation be herato affixed. -~Carried unanimously No. 80 - WHXTE - A.F.DONALD -RESOLV.:,, that all civic buildings remain closed on Monday, ~une 9 th which is celebrated as His Majesty King George Slxth's birthday; that the nex~ regular meeting of the City CoUncil be ssheduled to take place on Tuesday, ~uns lOth at 8.00 p.m;; and ~hs-Seal c~'$he Corporation be hereto affixed. '- .... .. '~! - ' '~ ; ' ~ Carried unani. ously No. 81 - A.F. DONALD- SCOTT - RESOLVED that this Council call the attention of the Department of Highways to the unusual condition of traffic caused by the re- construction of the new bridge and approaches; and ask that the Department take care of the direction of traffic in the area under their control; and the Seal of .the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously The following By-laws were passed: No. 3087 -Ald. Y.G. White- To authori ze the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. let reading - AId. Grimstar and Scott - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and White that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temparurily suspended and the Byelaw read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading - Aid. G. Donald and Grimster - Carried unanimously. No. 3088 . Aid. Y.G.White - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. let reading - AId. A.F.Donald and Scott. It ~s then ordered on the motion of Aid. Grimster and G. Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By- law road a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading - AId. Scott and G. Donald. The Council adjourned on the nDtion of Ald. Scott and GrAmstar. IF-ADANDAD01~ED, Iune 10, 1941. Clerk Or FINANCE ~a~A~A'ANG Council Chamber, June 2, 1941. The Finance Committee mot on Monday, =une S, 1941, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had bean properly cert- ified and placed beh~e the.m. All: members of the Comm~ tree, with the excepti.on qf 141 Aldo Wilkinson, were present. .; - ,~undry accounts were passed bY the Cormuittee, amounting to $11,V50.53. The accounts submitted, being passed-or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money By-law for px~sentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald~- A.F. Bonald and Scott. A Report was pleaanted frcm H. T. Jamieson & Company, re the treasury ac- counts for the year 1940. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Scott that the report be received and laid on the table, and printed in the usual manner. A repor~ of the City Engineer was presented, with reference to the con- atEAction of certain water m~ ns. It was ordered On the motion of Ald, Scott and Grimetar that the report be received and adopted, The statement of Tel collections for the month of May, 1941, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott that the state- ment be received and filed. An offer. was presented from J. Roeberg for the purchase of parts of Lots 47, 48 and 49, part~ of Lots 49, 60 and parts of Lots 50, 51, Valleyway and Sixth Avenue, with a fxllntsge of 82.66' and a depth of 175.4' for eumof-$500~O0. Upon the recommendation of the Property Oo~m!tteeamd on the motion of Aid. Allen GrAmstar it was ordered that .the offer be received and filed, and not accepted. An offer was presented from Lloyd R.House for the purchase of part of Lots 47, 48, 49, Valleyway, for the sum of $200.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Aid. Grimstar and His Worship Mayor Inglis it was ordered that the offer .be received and accepted, subject to the con- dition that a dwelling of at least $4,000.00 value is erected on the premises within six months and subject to the approval of the Assessment Commissioner and City Treasurer. An offer was presented fromThomas E.Mylchreest for the purchase of 1365 Maple Street for the sum of $2,000.00, with a down payment of $300.00, and monthly payments spread over a period of eight years. Upon the resommendation of the Property uommittee and on the motion of Aid. Scott. and Grimstar it was ordered that the offer be mceived and accepted, subject to the approval of the Department of Municipal Affairs and to the above conditions. An offer was presented from Mrs. W.H.Orebbe for the purchase of the prope~y at 1366 Manzie Street. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee the matter was considered by the Connaittee and on the motion of Ald. Allen and Grimstar it was o~dered that the offer be received and filed, and no action be · ken thereon at the present time, lnasnmch as the pxoperty is now occupie~l by the wifaa. of. tw~.ealdiers. on. active service ............................ An offer.was presented from Mr. John Tupeehka for the purchase of Lot 606, Roberrs Street for the sum of $100,00. Upon the reconmendation of the Prop- erty Committee and on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott it was o~isred that the offer be received and filed, and not accepted, inasmuch as She price of the lot is $250.o0. The matter of the sale of Lot 297, Ottawa Street and Stamford Street to A, Fiorentino, and She purchase of Lots 298, 299, Stamford Street, was considered, ~ogether with the recommendation of the Property Committee. It was o~dered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Inglis and Aid. Scott that the offer for Lot 297 be not aecepted and Mr. Florentine be asked to state his reasons for not oomplyin~ with the Agreement to purchase the two other lots. Previous to this motion, it was n~ved by AId. Allen and Or~m~te.r that this lot be not sold and ~r. Florentine be advised that the two ~s will be repossessed by the City if building is not commenced within. thirty-days. This. motion Was defeated. The matter of the assl_~nmeat of the Agreement for Sale of parts of l~ts ~o~y Avenue and Simsco. ~t~eet, was considered; ;~ogeSher with the report \ of the Property Comtttee. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Inglis and Aid. Scott that the matter be laid ca the table until the next meeting and the same be taken up with the City Solicitor for clarification. .The report of the Property Committee, covering the above matters, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Scott and A.F. Donald that the report be received and filed. The Coramittee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimster. READ AND ADOP'AuID, June 10, 1941. Clexk COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, June 2, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council sad finance meetings for the parpose of passing the money By-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Wilkinson, were present. BY-LAW. The following By-law was,passed: No. 3089 -Ald. J.G. White- To Grant Monies for General Purposes. let reading - Aid. Scott and Grimstar- Carried unanimously. 15 was then ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and White that Rule ~6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council he temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time - Carried unanimously. $rd reading - Aid. G. Dor~ld and Grimater - Carried unanimously. The Council adJoarned on the motion of AId, White and A,F.Donald. READ AND ADOPIED, S~Ane 10, 1941. 145 .i COh~'~gNCE C~AnCil Chamber, June 2, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of th~ Council meeting for the purpose of holding a conference to discuss the various matters which had been presented to them. All members of the Committee, with the exception of AId. Wilkinson, were present. After discussion upon the matters presented to them, the Committee adJourBed on the motion of Ald. White and Grimstar. READ AND ADOPTED, June 10, 1941. Clerk Chai man THIRTY-SECONDMEETING RE(~JLAR MEETING Council Chamber, June 10, 1941. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. to consider gen- eral business and finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Wilkinson, were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of AId. Scott and Grimster. DEPUTATION In connection with Communication No. 221, and on the motion of Ald. Allen and White, Miss Marion Rocco v~s heard. Miss Rocco stated that she was mak- ing application for the re-issue of a billaird room licerice for 1385 Ferry Street, operated by her father, and assured the Council that if the licerice were granted, the premisew would be operated to conform with the City. by-laws aM regulations. Miss Rocco explained to the Council the circumstances under which the licerice had been suspended and that her father was unable to work and the business was his on- ly means of livelihood. ~i~CommunicationNo. 221 CO~U~ICATIONS Laid over from previous meeting: No. 208 - Mrs. motion of Aid. filed, and the I.Moreau - requesting permission to remove tree. ORDERED on the Grimstar and A.F. Donald that the communication be received and request be granted. SEE Report No. 76 No. 209 - Mrs. L. Tutte - requesting permission for removal of tree. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. A.F.Donald and Scott that the communication be received and. filed, and the trees be trimmed as' agreed. ~ SEE Repgrt No. 77 The following Communications were presented: No. 211 - Fire Department Staff - requesting permission to address Council re Un- employment Insurance Act., ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Grimstar and G. Donald that the communication be received and laid on the table until nine o'clock when,the delegations is present. No. 212 - Bethlehem Steel Company - ~e completion of hauling operations and dam- age to streets. ORDE~ on the motion of Ald. Allen and Grlmster that the commun- ication be received and filed, and the City F~ineer he instructed to make a sur- vey and report in one or two months' time as to any possible damage which may have been oceasioned to the City works by the hauling operations. No. 213 - Department ofHighways - re traffic conditions on River Ro~d and Falls Avenue. ORDERED cfi the motion of AId. Allen and G. Donald that the communication be received and filed. No. 214 - Department of Highways - re tntersestion of Cook-n-- Orescant and College Creseent. ORE~D on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Scott that the communicat- ion be received and filed, and the City Clerk be authorized to forward an inter- proration of the Csuncil's motion in this connection: No. 215 - British Methodist Episcopal Church - invitation ~o annual confercanoe. 0RDEI~ on the motion of AId. Allen and Grimstar that the eonmuntcatton be rec- eived and filed; the Invitation .be accepted and as many of the Council as possible attend the conference. t46 ' No. 216 - DeJrtment of National War Service~s- re national selvage campaign. ORDERED on the m~tion of Ald. G.Donald and Allen that the con~nunication be rec- eived a~d filed, and reply be made that the Volunteer Auxiliary Drivers' Corps are conducting the salvage campaign in the 0ity of Niagara Falls. No. 217 o Lun 's Lane Cha ter, 1.0.D.E. - requesting permission to hold tag day. ORDERED on the motion of A/d. Allen end Grimstar that the communication be rec- eived.and filed, and permission for'the tag day be granted. No. 218 - Honou.rable Minister of National Revenue - re .application of Internat- ional Forwarders Limi ted. ' 'ORe on the motion of A/d. A.F. Donald,and Scott tha~ the .comnmnicetion be received end .filed. No. 219 - International Manna Charts .Com~.lttee - re parade t~ be held on June 14th. 0RUEI~ on the motion of Ald. Grims~er and A.F. Donald that the corn~m~nic- ation be received end filed, that the members of Council fall in and attend the parade as requested and that Stamford Street be reserved ~r one-half hour for the formation. of the parade. No. 2~0 - H.F.Wooenam & 0. Rosati - requeetin~ permission to remove tree. ORD- ERED on the motion of AId. White and Scott that the communication be received and filed, end permission be granted for the removal ofthe tree. No. ~1 - Miss Marion Rocco - application for billard room license. ORIERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimstar that the application be received, the lic- ense be re-issued ~ipon the condition that if any further complaints are receivedas to the operation of this premises, ~ licenee w~ll be permanently cancelled. REPORTS The followin6 Reports were presented: No. 76 - Parks Superintendent - recommending removal of tree. ORDERED on the mot- ion of AId. Grimstar and A.F. Donald that the report be received end filed, and ad- opted. No. 77 - Parks Superintendent - recommending trimmin~ of trees.. ClYDERED on the motion or Ald. A.F. Donald and Scott that the report he received and filed, end adopted. No. 78 - City Clerk - re conference held on =une 2, 1941. ORDERED on the motion of AId. A.F. Donald and Allen that the. report be received and adopted. No. V9 - Dairy Inspector - report for month of ~y, 1941. 0yaa~ on the motion of AId. G.DonaldandAllen that the report be received end ffded. RESOLUTIOI~a. ~he following Resolutions were passed: No. 82 -WHITE- A.F.DQNALD - P~ESOLVED that the City Clerk be instructed to forward a com~x~nication to Mr. A.B. Damude, M.P., expressing the appreciation of the City Council for his efforts on behalf of the City of Niagara Falls in opposin~ plieation of the International Forwarders Li~ted| and the Seal of the Corporat- ion behereto affixed. 'Carriedunanimously No. 8~ - A.F.DONALD - GRTuRTER-RESOLVEDthat the City Clerk be instructed to for- ward a message to the family of the late Mr. Charles Smith, expressing the sym- pathy or the Council end citizens of Niagara Falls upon the. death of this City em- ployee; and the Seal of ~Corporationha hereto affixed. ~arried ~-~nimously The foll~win~ By-laws were J~essedz No. 3090 -Ald. Y.G. White- To au~horize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and deed. let reading -Ald. Scott and Grimstar - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered m the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and White that Rule ~6 (2) Of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second tt.~ - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. Scott and G. Donald- Carried unanimously. No. 3091 - AId. J.G.Whlte - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and deed. let reading - Aid. Grimstar and G.Donald - Carried unanimously. It mms then ordered on the motion of Ald. White and A.F.Donald that Rule 36 (Z) of the Stmnding Rules c~ Council be temporarily supsended and the By-law read a sem~d time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimstar - Carried unanimously. The Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Scott and G. Donald. IF/DAND ADOPIED, rune 16, 1941. Clerk FINANOE MEETING Council Chamber, =une 10, 1941. The Finance Committee met on Tuesday, rune lo, 1941, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert- ified and placed before them. All'members or the Committee, with the exception of Aid. Wilkinson, were present. Sundry a~counts were .passed by the Committee, amounting to $11,10~.81. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the ~ouncil, on the n~tion of Aid. A.F.Donald end Scott. A repor%,,.~as px~sented frem the Chairman of Finance and City Clerk, re the purchase of vietel7 loan bonds by the City employees. An additional report w~s also presented by the Chairman of !~!nance and the City Clerk upon the purchase t48 of victory bonds by City i~Anda. It was ordered on the motion of ]~ld. G. Donald and Grimstar that the reports be received, fl~ed and adopted, and action be taken to obtain 'permission. for the purchase of victory bonds as recommended in the rep- ortso A report of the City Clerk, requesting permission for calling for der~ for clothing for the Fire Department, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimstar ~hat the report be received and adopted. A report vas presented f~om H.T. Jamieson & Company on the audit of the Hydro-Electric CommissiOn accounts for 1940. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. G.[x~nald and Scott that the report be received and hid on the table, and printed in the usual manner. An offer was received from John Tupechka for the purchase of Lot 593, Robersts Street for th~ sum of $250.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott it was ordered that the offer be received and laid on the ~ble, and considered in Conference. An offer was presented from W.H.Orabbe for the purchase of 1454 Menzie Street for the sum of $2,500.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Com- ntlttee and on the motion of Ald. Scott and A.F.Donald it was ordered that the of- fer be received and accepted, subject to the approval of the Department of Mun- icipal Affairs. An offer was presented fran David L. Kemp for the lx=cchase of 405 Third &venus for the sum of $2,055.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. GrAmstar and A.F. Donald it was ordered that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the approval of the Departrant of Municipal Affairs. A communication was presented from the City Solicitor, with reference to the surrender of the Ageanent for Sale held by Mr. and Mrs. Norman Thomas for port of Lots 15, 16, Sirocco Street. Upon the recommendation ofthe Property Com- mittee and on the motion of His Worship Mayor Ingli e and Ald. Scott the report was received and adopted, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas be asked to ·surrender their ag- reement to the City. A com;mnication was presented from Mrs. Ellsen Lang with reference to the purchase of a lot and the removal of a building to this location. Upnn the recommendation of the Property Co,mnittee, the Co,,n~ttee gave consideration to this matter and it was then ordered on the motion of A/d. Scott and G. Donald that the co.en,nication be received and laid on the table for one week. A communication was presented frsm J. Forde with reference ~o the pur- chase of 605 First Avenue and the erection era store. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee the matter was considered and it was explored on the motion of ~d. G. Donald and Allan that the cem,uxnication be received and filed, end the offer be not accepted. An offer was presented from Lostar Bryan for the purchase of Lot Valleyway, for the sum of $125.00. Upon the .recommendation of the Property Com- ndttee and on the motion of Ald. Grimstar and scott it was explored that the com- munication be received ands filed, the offer be not accepted, and Mr. Bryan be ad- vised that the sale price Of the lot is $250.00. An offer was presented from Taranti Bilozor 'for the purchase of parts of Lots 106, 107, Mensis Street for the sum of $75.00. Upon the recommendation of 'the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Scott and G. Donald it was ord- ered that tie offer be receivel and adopted, subject to the usual provisions for the erection of a dwelling and subject to the approval of the Assesrune_Or CorneEls- sicmar and City Treasurer. A communication was preented frsm W.Soulsby, asking for the cancellat- ion of the offer of W. Shimmons for the purebase of Lot 87, Bonawood Avenue. Upon the recommendation of 'the property committee and on the motion of Aid. A.F.Donald and Grimetar the ~mmun~a$ion was received and filed, and the request was granted. i49 An offer was presented frc~ C.Sentineal for the purchase of part of Lots 113, 114, Menzie Street for the sum of $200.00. Upon the reconmendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Scott and A.F.Donald it was or- dered that the offer be received and refused, inssrmAch as the assessed vlaue of the lot is $275.00. Aaxofferwas presented from C.Sentineal for the purchase of 1454 Menzle Street. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Grimstar and Scott it was ordered that the offer be received sad filed, m- asmuch as the property had previously been sold. The matter of minor repairs to the property at 419 Homewood Avenue was presented. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee, and on the motion of Ald. Scott and A.F. Donald it yes ordered that the Property Committee be author- ized to order the necessary work. The report of the Property Committee upon the above matters, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and A.F.Donald that the report be received and filed. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimster. READ AND ADOP~D~ Yune 16, 1941. Clerk COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, June 10, ,1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Fin- anne meetings for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the counts approved by the conunittee, and for the consideration of other business. All members of the .Council, with the exception of Ald. Wilkinson, were present. DEFUTATION In connection with Communication No. ~.11 and on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Grimstar, a delegation from the Fire Department was heard. BAr. W.T. Wade addressed the Council and sp, oke of the Uneaploymeat Relief Act which required flrement to conmlbute to the plan Unless they reoetved a certificate certifying as to their employment being of a permanent mature. Mr. Wade discussed the matter t50 and askedthat the Council give consideration to the issuance of such a certific- ate for the regular members of the Fire Department to whom the ruling would apply. · . SEE Communication No. 211 COMMUNICATION Laid over from previous meeting: No. 211 - Fire Department Staff - requesting certificates in connection '~ith un- employment insurance plan. 0Rj]ERED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and White that the communication be received and filed; that certificates be issued to the members of the Fire Department who do not wish to be included in the Unemployment Insur- ance Plan, for presentation to the Board for approval.; and further that other reg- ular City employees, to whom the regulations apply, be canvassed ~o ascertain whether they wish'to be inchdad in the Certificate, and if so, that this action be taken. ._The following By-law was passed: BY-YAW No. 309~2 -Ald. J.G.White - To Grsat Monies for General Purposes. 1st reading -Ald. A.F. Donald and Grimster - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. Grlmster and White that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second tim. - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading - Aid. Scott and A.F.D~nald - Carried unanimously. · RESOLUTION The following Resolution was passed: No. 84 - G. DONALD- ALLEN - RESOLVED that Alderman A.F.Dcnald and Scott be ap- pointed as the representatives of the City Council at the Joint meeting to be held for the discussion of the matter of the establishment of a hostel for sold- iers and their families in the City of Niagara Falls; and the Seal of the Corpor- ation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously The Ccixncil adjourned on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and White. READ ANDADOpTED, June 16, 1941. CONFERENCE Council Chamber, June 10, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the council and finance meet- ings for the purpose of holding a confererie to discuss the various matters which had been presented to them. All members of the Committee, with the exception of Ald. Wilkinson, were present. After discussion upon the matters presented to them, the Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. White and G. Donald. READ AND ADOPTED, YUne 16, 1941. Clerk Chairman 151 Clerk THIRTY-~IRD METING StCCIAL MEETING Council Chamber, ffune 12, 1941. A special meeting of the City Council was called at 5.00 p.m. on Thurs- day, =une 12, 1941, for the purpose of discussing the Unemployment Insurance Plan as it applies to municipal employees, and ether matters. All members of the City Council were present. The following Re~orts were presented: No. 80 - City Clerk - list of employees with three years' service and earning less than $2,000.O0 per annum. No. 81 - City Clerk - additional list for consideration of Council. ORDEIF~D on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and Alle~ that the reports be received and filed, that certificates of exemption be filed with the Cornlesion for all persons des- iring the same, in compliance with the regulations of the Act, with the reservat- ion that the Corporation should have the right to withdraw exemptions if it is found necessary after clarification of the regulations; and the City Clerk be in- stracted to obtain additional lnfomation upon the matter. At this p~oint, AId. Grimstar left the meeting. No. 82 - City Clerk - re purchase of victory bonds by employees. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Scott that the report be receive~ and laid on the table. and the matter be referred to the City Solicitor for his opinion as to the power of C~Ancil iu the matter. RESOLUTI ON The following Resolution was passed: No. 85 - WHITE - G. DONAD - RESOLVED that the City Engineer be authorized to issue a buiAding permit ~0r the replacement of the canopy over the sidewalk at the Holly- wood Theatre on M. in Street, in accordance with the specifications submitted and subject the approval of the City Engineer; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously The Council adjourned on the motion of AId. G.Donald and Allen. RFAD AND ADOPTED, tune 16, 1941. Clerk THIRTY-FOUH~H ~ETING REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, ~une 16, 1941. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 8.00 p.m. to consider gen- eral business and finance. All members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous regular and special meetings, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Allen and White. COMZf~INICATIONS The following Communications were presented: No. 222 - Mr. A.B. Damude, M.P.-aI~recia%ion of letter forwarded. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Grimstar that the communication be received and filed. No. 223 - Frank Folemsbee - requesting refund of sightseeing licenee. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Wilkinson that the conm~unication be received and filed, and referred to the Board of Police Commissioners. No. 224 - Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities - re book on housing and planning. 0Ru~RED on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and Scott that the con~nun- ication be received and laid on the table until the next meeting. No. 2B5 - City Clerk, London - ,resolution requesting adjustment of Mothers' lowances and relief. 0RLm~ED on the motion of Ald. Grimster and G. Donald that the connunication be received and filed, and the resolution be endorsed. No. 226- Ontario Municipal Association - re resolutions for annual convention. 0RDEEED on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson end Grimstar that the communication be rec- eived and filed, the resolutions be forwarded within the time specified and all members of the City Council, the City Clerk and Assessor be authorized to attend the convention. No. 227 - Township of Stamford - invitation to dinner re Greater Niagara Municipal Association. 0RDEED on the motion of Ald. Allen and White that the communication be received and filed, the invitation be accepted and as many of the Council as possible attend. REPORTS The following Reports were presented: No. 83 - City Clerk - re conference held on Yune 10, 1941. ORDERED on the motion of AId. G. Donald and Scott that the report be received and adopted. No. 84 - Fire Chief - re call to fire at TorSnto Power House. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Ald. G. Donald and Scott that the report be received and filed and the Hydro- Electric Power C~ission be billed for all expenses in connection with this ser- vice. No. 85 - City Clerk - re interruption in water supply. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Wilkinson that the report be received and filed. An amendment vms made by Ald. Grimstar and Allen that the report be received and laid on the table but this amendment was defeated. No. 86 - City Clerk - re inspection of paxements. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. trimstar and A.F. Donald that the report be received and laid on the table. VERBAL REPORT Aid. A.F. Donald and Aid. Scott made a verbal report upon their presence at a Joint meeting for the consideration of establishing a hostel in the City to accommodate men on active service and their families who may visit Niagara Falls. Inasnuch as it was suggested at the meeting that a possible location for this hostel might he the former children's shelter building, and as offers are to be presented at the Finance meeting, it was agreed that the matter should be laid on the table until that time. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutionsrare passed: No. B6 - G.DONALD - ALLEN - RESOLVED that the City Clerk be authorized to forward a message to Mr. Wilfred Soulsby and his family, expressing the sympathy of the City Council and citizens of Niagara Falls upon the death of his mother; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously No. 87 - A.F. DONALD - SCOTT - RESOLVED that a conference to di sauss the matter of a supply of water to the Village of Chippawa he arranged with the Village Council if possible for ? o'clock on Monday, June 23, 1941; and the Seal of the Corpor- ation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously BY-lAWS The following By-laws ware passed: No. 3093 -Ald. Y.G.White - To authorize the execution of an~greement for Sale and Deed. 1st reading - Aid. Scott and A.F. Donald- Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. Grimster and White that Rule 36 (21 of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time. - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading - Aid. Allen and G. Donald ~ Carried unanimously. No. 3094 -Ald. Y.G.White - To authorize the execution of the Agreement for Sale and Deed.. ls~ reading - Aid. Grimster and Scott - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. A.F.Donald and White that Rule 36 (21 of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading - Aid. Scott and G.Donald. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and A.F. Donaldo READ AND ADOPFED, June BS, 1941. 0lerk Mayor FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, June 16, 1941. The Finance Committee met on Monday, June 16, 1941, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert- ified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Sundry accounts were passed by the Committee, amounting to $9,188 82. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the nnney By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimefor. The offer of John Tupechka for the purchase of Lot 593, Roberts Street, as laid over from the previous meeting, was presented. It was ordered on the mot- ion of Aid. Grimster and Scott that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the provision that the purchaser will erect a dwelling of at least $4,000.00 value on the lot within six months; and subject to the approval of the City Treas- urer and Assessment Commissioner. The communication from Mrs. Eileen Lang, with reference to the moving of a dwelling to the lot purchased by her, as]aid over from the previous meeting, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and His Worship Mayor Ing- lis that the communication be received and filed, and permission be granted to' move the building to the lot and to improve the same in accordande with the con- ditions as outlined in the communication. A comm~unication was presented frcm Thomas Monoaghan, requesting the ref- und of a deposit made on Lot 34, Cedar Street. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Aid. Grimster and Scott, it was ordered that the communication he received and filed, and the reDAnd be made. A connnunication was presented from Henry H. Wilson, requesting the ref- und of the purchase price of Lot 68, Dawllsh Avenue. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimster it was ordered that the communication be received and filed, and the refund be made. An offer was presented from James Ramsey for the purchase of Lot 642, Roberrs Street for the sum of $250.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of His Worship Mayor Inglis and Aid. Allen it was ord- ered that the 'offer be received and accepted, subject to the condition that a dwel- ling of at least $4,000.00 shall he erected on the premises within a period of six months and subject to the approval of the City Treasurer and Assessment Com- missioner. Offers were received frcn T.W.Robb and A.Simard for the purchase of 933 ~epson Street. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committeeand on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and His Worship Mayor lnglis it was ordered that the offers be received, that the property be sold to Mr. T.W. Robb for,the sum of $3,200.00, sub- Ject to the approval of the Departmen~ of Municipal Affairs; and Mr. Simard be ad- vised of the action taken. An offer was presented from W.S.Stevens for, the purchase of 419 Home- wood Avenue for the sum of $B,250.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and Scott it was ordered that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the approval of the Department of Mun- icipalaffairs. An offer was presented from Mr. Gordon E.Leakey for the purchase of Lot 69, Dyson Avenue, for the sum of $50.00. Upon the recommendation of ~he property Committee, and'on the motion of AId. Wilkinson and Grimetot it was ordered that the offer be received and filed, and Mr. Leakey be advised that the same will be considered when a deposit is made. t56 157 The report of the Property Committee on the above and other matters was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and Scott that the rep- ort be received and filed, and that the property at 330-3~ Queen Street be sold to Mr. Max Gold for the price offered, subject to the approval of the Department of Municipal Affairs. A repor~ was presented from the City Soltci tot, with reference to the Mannertee case. It was ordered o~ the motion of Ald. Allen and Scott that the report be received and filed, and the injunction be enforced. A statement of relief for the month of May, 1941, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Wilkinson that the statement be received and filed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Wilkinson that His Wor- ship Mayo r Inglis, the Property Committee and the City Clerk be a committee to ,bring ina report upon the possibility of moving the Relief Department to the City Hall or Fire Hall. A report was presented from the City Clerk re the purchase of bonds by the city employees oh the insraiment plan. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and A.F.Donald that the report be received and adopted. The matter of the establishment of a hostel for men on active service and their families, was discussed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimster and G. Donald that the committee take back the report that the property at 933 Jepson Street has been sold and that the City Council is willing to co-operate as far as possible in the matter, ,even to the extent of financial assistance. The Committee adjourned on the motion of AId. Grimstar and A.F. Donald. READ ANDADOPTED, Iune 23, 1941. Clerk COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, ~"~Ame 16, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance meetings for the pArpose of passing the money By-lawwhich covered the accounts approved by the Committee. "All m~nbers Of'the The f~ollowing By-law was passed: Council were pre, sent. No. 3095 -Ald. Y.G. White- To Grant Monies for GeneralPurposes. 1st reading -Ald. Grimster and G. Donald- Carried unanimously. It ms then ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Sco~t that Rule ~ (~) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law rend a second time - Carried unanimously. ~rd reading -Ald. Scott and V~lte. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald end Wilkinson. READ AND ADOPTED, June 2,3, 1941. Clerk Mayor i58 CONFERENCE Council Chamber, ~une 23, 1941. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.00 p.m. for the purpose of holding a conference with the Villege of Chippaws officials to discuss the matter of ~he supply of water to the Village. All members of the Cc~ncil, with the exception of Ald. Wilkinson were present and the representatives from the Villege were Messrs. Young, Mackenzie, Weightman and Huggins. The possible supply of w~ter to the Village by the City was discussed in detail and it was suggested that water should be supplied for three months from July l, 1941, as a trial period to obtain an estimate of the eunsumption of the Village. After further consideration, the following motion was passed: RESOLUTION No. 88 - G. DONALD - AIJ. EN - RESOLVED that the City Solicitor be asked tO prepare an A~Ereement to be submitted to the Counclls of the Village of Chippaws and the 'City of Niagara Falls will will provide for the supply of water to the Village of Chippaws for three months from July 1, 1941; that the Agreement ~all for the sup- ply of three hundred and seventy-five oustmars at three dollars per customer for the quarter provided; that the City loand and insta a four inch meter on a connec- tion with the City main; that a pressure reducing valve will be obtained and in- stalled; that the City Clerk obtain information on such a valve while in Toronto; that the Agreement be forwarded to the Village Council for the ratification later in the week; and the Seal of the CorporatiOn be he rote affixed. Carried unanimously The Conference then adjourned. READ AND ADOPTED, Yune 30, 1941. Clerk Chairman R~EGULARMEETING Pursuant to adjournment, the Council me~ at 8.00 p.m. to consider gen- eral business and Finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald, Wilkinson were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on ~he motion of AId. Allen and A.F.Donald. i59 DEPUT AT I0 N In connection with By-law No. 3096, and on the motion of Ald. Grimster and G. Donald, Miss M. Macbain, representing the Brovm Estate, was permitted to ad- dress the Council. Miss MacBain asked that the Council withhold the ~sssing of the By-law as she was endearcuring to obtain a purchaser for the entire property who would erect valuable buildings which would increase the value of the property to the City. Miss MacBain stated that she hoped negotiations would be completed in a short time and there was a possibility that they might ~within a week. SEE by/law No. 3096 TENDERS Tenders had been called for the .supply of uniforms for the Fire Depart- ment. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimster that the tenders be opened, initialled by His Worship Mayor Inglis and read. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donaid and ~hite that the tenders be laid on the table un- til the next raeeting and the City Clerk consult with the Fire Chief and report upon the possibility of changing the uniform of the Department and the necessity of m~ur- chasing two pairs of trousers for each suiL ' COE..fJNICATIONS I~id over f~om previous meeting: No. 224 - Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities - re public ation of booklet on housing and planning. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. GoDcould and Grim- ster that the communication be received and filed, and one copy of the book be or- dered. The following Communications were presented: No. 228 - Department of Municipal Affairs - re unemployment insurance. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and G. Donald that the communication be received and filed. No. 229 - Niagara Falls Coach Lines - re excurlson into City and travel over River Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Grims$er that the communication be received and filed, and the matter be taken up with the Hencurable Premier of Ontario, the Honmurable Minister of Highways, the Foreign Exchange Control Board, Mr. A.B. Damude, M.P., and the Hencurable W.L. Houck, M.L.A., pro testing against the action taken in this regard. No. SS0 - Chamber of Commerce - re canvassera for charitable endeavours and book- lets. 0RDERE~ on the motion of Ald. Allen and White ~hat the cOmnunication be rec- eived and filed, and the action of the Chamber be endorsed. No. 231 - Chamber of Commerce - re letter received re housing situation. CREED on the motion of Ald. Allen sad Scott that the communication be received and laid on the table and the Chamber be advised that the Council will be glad to consider a~y suggestions they may care to make in this regard. No. 232 - Mayor F.J. Oonboy, Toronto - re celebration of China Week. (I~DERED on the motion of Ald. G?Donald and Scott that the cormnunication be received anlfiled and the su~ested activities he endorsed. No. 233 - Ontario Civilian Defence Committee - re properly authorized blackouts. ORESRED ca the motion of Ald. A.F. Denald and Grimster that the communication be reC- eived and laid on the table until application is made for a blackout in this area. No. 234 - Greek War Relief Fund - requesting permission for tag day. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Grimster and White that ~he communication he received and filed, and pemission be granted for a tag day on Saturday, ~une ~8, ~9~1.. No. 235 - R.Bleke Erwin - re City staff doing survey work. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and'Scott that the eonnunieation be received and referred to the City t60 Solicitor for his opinion and repor~ on the matter. No..256 - Hencurable W.L.Houck, M.L~A. -acknowledging communication with resol~ ution endorsed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Allen and O.Donald that the comnmn~ Ication be received and tiled. No. 237 - The Imperial Unit - invitation for Friday, June 27th. 0RED on the motion of Ald. Grimster"aniScott that the con~nunication be received and flled, the invitation be accepted and as many of The Council as possible attend the terrainmont. RERTS The following Reports were presented: No. 87 - City Clerk - recommending installation of street light. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. A.FoDonald am~ Scott that the report be received and adopted. No. 88 - City Clerk - re invitation to attend divine worship. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Ald. Allen and Scott that the report, be received and filed, and as many as possible of the Council,,officials and staff attend the service. RESOLUTIONS The fellowl ng Resolutions were passed: No. 89 - G. DONALD- ATL~ - RESOLVED that the City Clerk be the only person on the staff at the City Hall empowered ~o give informrich regarding the sale of City-owned properties; and the Seal of the Corpomtion be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously No. 90 - AIEN - G. DONALD- RESOLVE that the City Clerk be ins trueted to submit a report upon the property held by the City and located adjacent to Robinson Street and Main Street; and the Seal of the Corporatl on be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously BY-LAWS. The following By-law was presented: No. 30.96 -Ald. y.G. White- To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and deed. let reading- Ald. G.Donald and Grimetel. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimster and G. Doneld that the By-law be -laid on ~he table until next meeting - Carried unanimously. The following By-lawn were passed: No. 309~ -Ald. ~.G. White- To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and .Deed. let reading -Ald. Scott and G. Donald- Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimefor and G. Dunald that · Rule 36 (2} of the Standing Rules of Council ~e +-smSorarlly~suspended and The ~aw read a second time - Carried unanimously. - 3rd reading -Ald. Scott and White - Carried unanimously. No. ~09~.- Ald.' y.G.V~aite -Tel authorize the~ execution ~ an Agreement for Sale and Deed. let re~di~g --Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimetel- Carried unanimously. ,161 It was then ordered on the motion of AId. White and Scott that Rule ~6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be tempo rari ly suspended and the By-law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading - Aid. White and A.F.Donald - Carried unanimously. No. 3099 -Ald. Y.G.V~ite - To authorize the execution of an A~reement for Sale and Deed. let reading- Ald. Grimetel sad G. Donald- Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and 't~ite that Rule 56 (2) of the Standing. Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time. - Carried unanimously. ~rd reading -Ald. Scott and Grimster - Carried unanimously. No. ~100 -Ald. Z.G. White- To authorize the e~ecution of sn Agreement for Sale and Deed. 1st reading -Ald. Scott and A.F. Donald - Carr~d unanimously. It ,~s then ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimster and G.Donald tha~ Rule 36 (2~ of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law rtad a second time - Carried unanimously. Srd reading - Aid. A.F. Do~ald and O.Donald - Carried unanimously. No. 3101 - Aid. Y.G.V~hite - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. let reading -Ald. Grimster and G.Donald - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and ScottYhat Rule ~6 (~) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time - Carried unanimously. Brd readinE -Ald. Scott and ~ite - Carried unanimously. Re. 310~ - Aid. Y.G,White - To authorize the execution of art Agreement and Deed. for Sale let reading- Ald. Grimetel and G. Donald- Carried unanlmous/~. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and White that Rule S6 (21 of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspende~ a~d the By-law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading - Aid. A.F.Donald and Grimster - Carried unanimously. The'Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Grimetel and A.F.Donald. READ AND ADOPTED, June 30, 1941. C le rk Mayer FINANCE }~Z~ETING Council Chamber, ~une 23, 1941. The Finance Committee met on Monday. June 23, 1941, for the purpose of approving and also of p~ssing the various accounts which had been properly cert- ified and placed before them. All members of the Committee with the exception of Ald. Wilkinson were present. Sundry accounts were passed by ~he Conmmituee, amounting to $35,721.35. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were or- dered placed in the money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Grimster and Scott. A communication was presented from the Township of Stamford with ref- erence to the installation of a traffic light at Lundy's Lane and Drummond Road. It was ordered on the notion of Ald. Grimstar and 'Scott that the communication be received and filed, and the installation be approved. A report was presented from the City Clerk with reference to the price of cement. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and A.F. Donald that the report be received and filed. A conmunication was presented from the Canadian Editorial Digest Reg'd. re advertising for the City. It Was ordered on the ~otion of Ald. Scott and A.F. Donald that the Communication be received and filed. An estimate Was presented with reference to the cost of re-surfacing portions of Stanley Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grim- ster that the estimate be received and the Clerk be authorized to have the work prceeded with and an account forwarded to ~he Deparlmient of Hlghv,ays for their portion of the cost. A rePox~c Was presented from H.T. Jamieson & Company upon the audit of the accounts of the Boa~x~ of Education for 1940. It Was ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimster that the report be received, laid on the table end printed in the usual manner. A communication was presented from the City of Welland re maintenance of the D,Amico children; together with a report thereon from the City Solicitor. It ms ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimstar that the communication be received and filed, and the report be received and adopted. A report was Iresanted from the .City Treasurer as to the arrears of Bus- iness tax outstanding at June 19, 1941. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and G.Donsld that the report be received and laid on the table until the next meeting. The .matter of holidays for the Fire Department Staff was considered. It ~as agreed that the members Of the Committee should advise the City Clerl~ if they know of anyone capable of filling in. An offer was presented from H.Dunkley for the purchase of Lot ZS, Cedar Street.for the sum of $50.00. UpOn the recommendation of the propertY Committee and on the motion of Aid. Grimstar and Sdott it was ordered that the offer be rec- eived and accepted, subject to the approval of the Assessneat ComAssAchet and City Treasurer and subject to the proviso that a dwelling,'cleat least $2,500.00 value will be erected thereon within six months. An offer was presented from Curtis 1t. Cady for the purchase of Lot 41, ValleywaY for the SUm of $200.00. Ul~n th~ recommendation of the property Com- mittee and ou the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimstar 'it was exacted that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the uSUal conditions that a dwelling of at least $4.000.00 value will be erected on ~he pearaises and to ~he approval of the Assessment Commissioner and City Treasurer. An offer was presented from Wm. Glen for the ~rchase of the property at 13~7 Maple Street for the sum of ~2,500.00. Upon the recommendation of the P~operty Committee and on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Scott it was ordered that the offer be received and accepted, s~bJsct to the approval of the Department Of Municipal Affairs. An offer was presented from Robert Gay on behalf of Grace Church for the purchase of part of Lots 15, 16, Buckley Avenee and Sirocco Street, for the stun of $350.00. This matter had been referred for consideration from the Property Committee. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Allen and Grimster that the of- fer be ~ceived and accepted, mbJect to the condition that a buildings: of at least $4,000.00 value shall be erected on the lot within six months, and subject to the approval of the Assessment Commissioner and City Treasurer. It was Ihrther ord- ered on the motion of Ald. Grimster and Allen that the purchase price, less taxes, be refunded to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, former purchasers of this lot. The mattowel building on Lot 126, Welland Avenue, by Nistor T,~aksinuk, was considered. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Allen and Grant Donald that the recommendation of the Property Committee, be received and the City Clerk ad- vise Mr. Maksinuk that his deposit is refunded to him, and the lot will be offered for re-sale. The matter of the possible p~rchase of the distillery building anl the necessity of the siding remaining in place, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimster and Scott that the recommendation of the Property Cornnit- tee be received and adopted, and the sidin~ remain in place for the time being. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimster, it. Was ordered that the deed be issued for 750 Park Street. The recommendation of the Property Conm{lttee, with reference to the staff and location of the Relief Department, was presented. , It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimster and Scott that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donsld and G.Donald. READ AND ADOPTED, June 30, 1941. Clerk of Fineduce .163 COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, June 23, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the so- counts approved by the conmfittee. All members of the council with the exception of Ald. Wilkinson were present. BY-LAW The following By-law was passed: No. 3103 -Ald. J.G.White - To Grant Monies for G.eneral purposes. 1st reading - Aid. Grimster and G. Donald- Carried unanimously. It was then· ordered on the motion of Aid. A.F.Donald and Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By- law read a second time - Carried unanimously- 3rd reading -Ald. G. Donald and Grimster - Carried unanimously. VERBAL NEPORT Ald. Grimster made a verbal report upon the operation of the Children's Aid Society and the placement of children formerly acconmodated in this City. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and A.F.Donald that the report be received and appreved. The Council adjourned on the motion of AId. G.Donald and Scott. READ AND ADOPTED, June 30, 1941. Clerk Mayo r CONFERENCE Council Chamber, June 23, 1941. The Council ~eeassembled as the Conference committee for, the purpose of discussing the various matters presanted to them. All members of the Comaittee, with the exception of Ald. Wilkinson, were present. After discussion upon the matters p~ese~ted, the Committee adjourned ca the mot- ion of Aid. G.Donald and Allen, Clerk Chairman THIRTY-SIX~t L~EETINC Council Chambe r, June 30, 1941. REGUIARE~ETING pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p,m. to consi.ier Gen- eral Business and Finance. All members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimster. DEPUT-kT I 0N On the motion of Aid. Allen and Orimster, Miss Liargaret MacBain was per- mitted to address the Council. Miss MacBain stated that she ';~a? now in a position to redeem the preperty at 330-338 Queen Street for the amount of taxes owing aga- inst the preperty and asked t-rot a deed be prepared in her name and that of L:rs.. Smith, another of the heirs of the Brown Estate. o~EE Resolution No. 91 COLg~NICf~IONS Laid over from previous meeting: No. 235 - R.Blake Erwin - re city employees staking lots. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Allen and G. Donald that the communication be received and filed. SEE Report No. 89 The follo'~ng Communications were presented: No. 238 - Village of Chippawa - re deci ston of Council against taking water from City. ORDERE on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Grimster that the communication be received and filed. No. 239 - Niagara Falls Junior Chamber of Commerce - requesting permission to er- ect signs. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Allen and Scott that the communi cation be received and filed, and permission be granted, the signs to be erected under the supervision of the City Engineer. No. 240 - Niagara Falls Fire Departmnet - invitation to participate in parade. 0~DEEED on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and Wilkinson that the communication be received and filed, the invitation be accepted and as many as possible of the Council attend. No. 241 - 1.0.D.E. Lundy's Lane Chapter- requesting concession for refreshment stand at G~es Park. ORDERED oh the motion of Ald. Grimster and A.F.Donald that the communication be received and filed, and tenders be called for the concessions at the Park and the Swimming Pool. No. 242 - F.Martin - re use of lane adjacent to property. 0RDEkED on the motion Of Ald. Allen and White that the communication be received and filed. No. 243 - Greek War Relief Committee - re tag day in City. 0RIgRED on the motion of Ald. White and Scott that the communication be received and filed, and permis- sion be granted for the tag day on July 5, 1941. No. 244 - City Clerk, Sault Ste. Marie - requesting amendment to House of Refuge Act. 0RDEREDon the motion of Ald. White and S~ott that the communication be rec- eived and filed. No. 245 - Welland County Victory Loan CommitI. eu~.e - appreciation of assistance and re honour flag. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.~Wilkinson and Grimster that the communication be received and filed. 165 t66 No. 246 - Victory Loan 1941 Headquarters - advice re sale of bonds, etc. 0ROERED on the ~mtion of Ald. Wilkinson and G. Donald that the commnication be received and filed, and the suggestion be accepted for the posting of information for the amployees. " No. 247 - Assistant Deputy Minister of Transport No. 248 - Forel gn Exchange Control Board No. 249 - Honourable W.L.Houck, M.L.A. - acknowledging resolution re Niagar~ Falls Coach Lines. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and White that the communic- ations be received and filed; that Mr. 0liver of The Province of Ontario Tourist Bureau be asked to comment on the matter; that Mr. Damnale be asked what Department at Ottawa should be contacted; that the bus company be notified that they will be permitted to enter Niagara Falls under the protection of the City officials on July 7th; and that Mr. Damude and Mr. Oliver be notified to that effect. No. 250 - Mrs. R.J.Smart - requesting permission to construct private sewer. 0Li- ERED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald.and Scott that the communication be received and filed. ItEPORTS The following Reports were presented: No. 89 - City Solicitor - re city employees staking lots. 0P~ERED on the motion of Ald. Allen and G. Donald that the report be received and filed. No. 90 - City Clerk - re request for sidewalk on Lincoln Street. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. G.Donald and Grimster that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. No. 91 - City Clerk - recommending gate on lane at Centre Street. OY©ERED on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and Allen that the report be received and filed, and the Sanitary Inspector be.instructed to see that the lane is kept in a respectable condition. No. 92 - City Solicitor -,r e agreement with Township re sewers. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Allen that the report be received and filed, that a meeting be arranged with the Township Council at an early date for the discus sion of this matter. ~ERB~J~ REPORT Aid. Scott and A.F.Donald reported to the Council upon the action taken by the Joint comaittee for assistance to members of the Active Service Forces and their families in the matter of accommodation. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and Grimster that the verbal report be received and accepted, and the Conmittee be asked, to continu~ their good work in this matter. asked to have the noise by-law enforced throughout the City; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. ' Carried BY-LA~'S The following By-laws were passed: No. 5104 -Ald. J.G. White - To authorize the execution of an .~reement for Sale and Deed, 1st reading- Aid. A.F. Donald and Crimster- Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. White and C. Donald that Hule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. Scott and G.Donald - Carried. unanimously. No. 3105 -Ald. Y.G.White - To authorize the execution of an ~reement for Sale and Deed. tst reading -Ald. Wilkinson and Scott - Carri ed unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. A.F.Donald and O.Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. Grimster and G.Donald - Carried unanimously. No. 5106 -Ald, J.G.l,,~ite - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. 1st reading -Ald. Grimster and Scott - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time ~ Carried unanimously. 3rd reading - Aid. Grimster and G.Donald - Carried unanimously. The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. A.F.Donald and G. Donald. READ ~ ADOP2FM), Yuly 7, 1941. '167 E~ESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed: No; 91 - A.F. DONALD - JTIk~ - RESOLVED that the matter of the redemption of the property at 330-338 Queen Street by Miss MacBain and Mrs. Smith be referred to the City Solicitor and the Department of Municipal Affairs for advice as to whether such action would be in order; and the Seal of the Corporatio~ be hereto affixed. /Carried No. 92 - WILKINSON - WHITE - RESOLVED That the congratulations of this Council be extended to Alderman and Mrs. A.F.Donald upon the celebration of their thirty- fourth wedding anniversary on June 26th; ,end the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously No. 93 - WILKINSON - ~TIEN - RESOLVED that the'Board of Police'Commissioners be O le rk FIN~~NCE EETING Council Chamber, June 30, 1941. The Finance Committee met on Monday, June 30, 1941, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert- ified and placed before them. All members of the Connnittee were present with the exception of Ald. Wilkinson. Sundry accounts were passed by the Committee, amounting to $48,234.85. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Grimster. The report of the City Treasurer as to arrears of business tax outstand- ing, as laid on the table from the previous meeting, was presented. It v~s ord- ered on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and His Worship Mayor Inglis that the rep- ort be received and laid on the table until the next meeting, and in the meantime, that the City Treasurer continue with the collection of these arrt>ars. A report was presented from the City Clerk with reference to tenders for firemen's uniforms. It was ordered On the motion of ~ld. Scott and G. Donald that the report be received and adopted, and suits with two pairs of trousers be purchased. ~m amendme~tt was presented by Aid. Allen s~d A.F.Donald that the rep- ort be received and adopted and suits with one pair of trousers be purchased° This amendment was defeated. A report was presented,from H.T. Jamieson & Company re the audit of the accounts of the Public Library Board for the year 1940. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimster that the report be received and laid on the table, and lxinted in the usual manner. ' A report was presented from the City Clerk as to the expenses incurred by the Recruiting Campaign Committee in this City. A motion wins presented by Ald. Grimster and His 'gorehip Mayor Inglis that the report be received and filed, and a gr~nt of $100.00 be donated to~:ard the expenses of the Committee. This motion was defeated and the Chairman of Finance ordered that the report be filed. A report was presented from the City Clerk re awnings for certain of the City Hall windows. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and His Worship Mayor Inglis that the report be received and filed, and the City Clerk hs empowered to proceed with the erection of the awnings. The Revenue and Expenditure statement for the month of May was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donaldand Scott that the statement be received and filed. A communication was presented from John Thpechka, req~ sting a refund of the deposit on Lot 593, Roberrs Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimster and Scott that the reco~nnendation of the Property Committee be adopted, the communication be received and filed, and the refund be made, An offer was presented free P. Brassolotto for the purchase of Lot ~6, Ferguson Street for the sum ef $60.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Allen and Grimster it was ordered that the fer be received and filed, and the prespective purchaser be._~dvised that the price of the lot is $L00.00. An offer was presented from Miss Margaret MacBain for the purchase of 330-338 Queen Street for the sum of $2,170.07. This matter had been dealt with by the City Council. The report of the Property Committee, covering the above and other mat- ters, ~was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimetot that the report be received and filed, and the reco~asndation with regard to the roof at 214-224 Bridge Street, be adopted. The City Clerk advised the Committee that a cheque had been received from the Hydro-Electric Power Conmission of Ontario, for ~65,904.81 which is the balance of the grant in lieu of taxes for the year 1941. It was ordered on ~e motion of Ald. Crimetot and A.F.Donald ~hat the report be received and filed. A co.~nunication was presented from E.~Nghes, an employee of the Carba~e Department requesting that he be placed on a monthly wa~e basis. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and Allen that the com~mu~ication be received and laid on the table until the next meeting, and the Clerk brine in a reye rt ca the men employed on the garbage department, as to whether they are on an hourly ar monthly basis. It I~as ordered on the motion of Ald. Allen and His Worship Lieyet IngLis that the Clerk obtain information and prices and report upon the installation of a water cooler at the City Hall. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald, A.F. Donald and Grimster, READ AND ADOPTED, July 9, 1941. Clerk Chairman of Finance COUNCIL MEETING Counci 1 Chambe r, June 30, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the money By-law which covered the ac- counts approved by the Cormnittee, and another by-law. All members of the Coun- cil, with the exception of Ald. Wilkinson, were pre sent. The following By-law was presented for a second and third reading: No__~. 3096 -.AId. J.G.Whi~e -.To. authorize the execution of..an Agreement for Sale. and Deed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. ALlen and G. Donald that the By-law be laid on the teble. T_he following By-law was passed: 169 t70 171 No. 3107 -Ald. J.G.White - To Grmt Monies for General Purposes. 1st reading -Ald. A.F. Donald and GrimSter- Carried unanimously. It vas then ordered on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and Allen that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading - kld. Grims~er and A.F. Donald- Carried unanimously. The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Allen and G.Donald. READ fuND AIDPTED, July 7, 1941. Clerk Mayo r CONFERENCE Counci 1 Chamber, June 30, 1941. The CoUncil re-assembled at the c~ose of the Council meetings as a con- ference for the purpose of discussing the various matters presented to them. All members of the Committee, with the exception of Ald. Wilkinson, were present. After discussion upon the matters prwsented, the Committee adjourned on the mot- ion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimster. READ ANDADOPTED, July 7, 1941. ~{IRTY-SEVt~It MEFTI..YG Counei 1 Chamber, July 5, 1941. SPECIAL~EETING A special meeting of the City Council was called for the discussion with the Township of Stafford Council of various matters presented to them. All members of the City Council were present, together with Re_ve Thomas B~nnt, Dep- uty Reeve Y. Allen, Councillors Y.R.Morden, Donald Glintz and B. Prior of the Township Council. His Worship Mayor Inglis ~zs c.hairman of the meeting. The Joint councils first gave consideration to the matter of the drain- age of the Queen Elizabeth Way between Dorchester Road and Stanley Avenue and from Stanley Avenue to ~McDonald Avenue within the City limits. After discussion upon the matter, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: RESOLUTION' No. 94 - G. DONf~LD - MORDEN- RESOLVED that inasmuch as the sewer system is now overloaded, it is hereby mutually agreed by the Councils of the Township of Stam- ford and the City of Niagara Falls that no storm water from the provincial high- way, known as the Queen Elizabeth Way, between Dorchester Road in the Township and Second Avenue in the City, should be drained into the existing sewer systems of either municipality; and the Seals of the municipalities be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously Consideration was given to the matter of renewal of the agreements with the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario for grants to the municipalities in lieu of taxation. After full discussion u~on the subject it was agreed that the City Clerk should make arrangenmts through th~ Honourable W.L.Houck, M.L.A., for a Joint meeting with the commission and both couneii for-consideration of the matter of hydro taxation for Niagara Falls and Stamford. COAgaUNICATION The following Co.nmmunication was presented: No. 251 - Department of Highways - advising of contribution of half the cost of repairs to Stanley Avenue. ORDERED that the communication be received and filed, that the arrangements are satisfactory to the CouncilS; and a letter of apprec- iation be forwarded to the Department of Highrays for their consideration in this matter. His Worship Mayor Inglis advised the City Counci 1 of a telegram which had been received from the Department of Highways in connection with the operation of buses of the Niagara Falls Coach Lines in the City of Niagara Falls. It was agreed by the City Council that no action should be taken at th is time, and that the municipal officials should await further developments in this connection. Clerk Chairman The meeting adjourned on the motion of Aid. Wilkinson and .Grimster. READ AND ADOPTED? July 7, 1941. ..... ..... C~erk Chairman TitlBTf-EIGHTH MELTING RZGUI~t EEETING Council Chamber, July q, 1941. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.80 p;m. to consider Een- eral business and finance. All members of the Council were present. The C~nci!, having received and read the minutes of the previous meetings, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Grimster and G. Donald. CO~ffdNICATIONS Laid over from previous meeting: No. 251 - Department of Highways - re payment of portion of cost of repairs to St:m ley Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and G.Donald that the communication be received and filed, and the Department be thanked for their con- sideration in this matter, The following Communications were presented: No. 252 - Travel &Publicity Bureau - acknowledging letter re Niagara Falls Coach Lines. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Scott that the communication be received and filed. No. E55 - Niagara Falls Coach Lines - acknowledging assistance re buses coming into City. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimster that the co~nic- ation be received and filed. No. 254 - New York Central System - re siding into distillery building. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and G. Donald that the communication be received and filed. No. 255 - Chinher of Commerce - invitation to meeting re housing conditions. Ot[D- EP~ED on the motion of kid. Grimster and G.Donald that the communication be res- eived,,the invitation be accepted and as many as possible of the Council attend the meeting. No. 256 - Kiwanis Club - invitation to sunrise services, July 1Sth. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Allen and Grimster that the communistion be received and fi led, the invitation be accepted and as many as possible attend the service. No. 257 - Attorney-General G.D. Oonant- re volunteer civil guards. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. G. Donald and Grimster that the communic ation be received and filed, and copies be ~orwarded to the Volunteer Civil Guard and the Board of Police Com- missioners for their information and guFance. No. 258 - R.C.Youn~ - requesting r~aoval of trees and permi scion to widen side- walk. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and G,Donald that the communication be received and laid on the table, and referred to the City Engineer and Parks Superintendent for a report. No. ~59 - Department of HiShways - re road lighting for Queen Eliuabeth Way and area around bridge plaza. ORIED on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Allen that the communication be received, and a meeting be arranged fer~the City Council with the local Hydro-Electric Conuuission and representatives of the Department of Highways for the discussion of this matter; and ~hat the time of the meeting be when most convenient for all members of Counci 1o An amendment was presented by Ald. G.Donald and White that the communication be received and filed, and the Dep- artment be advised that the City will not cbntribute toward the cost of operating the proposed system. This amendment was defeated. ...................... q51EE Report No. 93 ......... REPORTS The fol lowi~g Reports ,~,ere pre sente~: No. 93 - City Engin._e.e.r - re lirThting of ~ueen Eli~::ibeth ,.ny r, nd around bri~.re plaza. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Allen tn;t the report be rec- eived and laid on the table. No. 94 - City Clerk - re conference held on June 30, i941. 0EDifiED on the ..motion of Ald. Scott and O.Donald that the report be received and adol. ted. No. 95 - Dairy Inspector - report for month ot June, 194t. 3I{]Z]'dCD on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and Allen that the report be received and filed. No. 96 - City Clerk - re request for flesh cherries for regiments,. GROPED on the motion of kl~. Wilkinson and Grimster that the report be received !.-~. filed, and the necessary publicity be given and arrangements -lossibis be :izde to provide the fruit for the men. FETITIO~I The followin~ Petition was presented: No. 4 - Y.F.t.:oyer & 18 others - re school bound ary an: requestin~ removal. ORD- ERED on the motion of A16. Allen and Scott that the petition be received and ref- erred to the Board of Education for attention. BY- L:~ W The follo,~dn~ By-law vms pre sented: No. 3108 -Ald. J.G.]','hite - To authorize the execution of an A~reement for Sale and Deed. ist reading - ?~ld. Crimster and Scott - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. A.Y. Donald and G. Donald that Rule 56 (B) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By- law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 5rd reading -Ald. G.Donald and Grimste'r ~ Carried unanimously. The Council adjourned on the ~v~tion of Ald. G.Donald and Grimster. ftLiDAND ADOPTED, July 14, 1941. Clerk FIN~/~CE Counci 1 Chamber~ Yuly 7, 1941. The Finance Committee met on Monday, /uly V, 1941, for the Firpose of approvinE and also of ~vassin~ the various accounts which had been properly cert- ified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present, Sundry accounts were passed by the Committee, amounting to $12,149.~, The accounts submitted, being passed or othex~vise dealt ~,,~th, were ord- ered placed in the money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Scott and A.F.Donald. A communication from E.Hughes, ~ich had been laid over from a previeu7 meeting, ;'~as presented; together with a report of the City Clerk as to the men employed on the garbage deF~rtment. It was ordered on the motion of ild, and Crimster that the communication and report be received and filed, end E.HuC!~s be placed on a mlary basis in the position fo~neriy held by S.iJingle. The offers of Miss :,(, tlacBain and Max Cold for the purchase of 3:~0-3~5 %uses S~reet, as laid over from pre,rlous meetings, ~'ere presented. A further for was presented from Max Cold for the property and reports were pres~nte~ fret Supervisor II./.M. oore of tbe Department of Municipal Affairs and the City Solicitor, On'the motion of Ald. Allen and Crimster, Miss L'acBain was permitted to address the Council. Miss l.~-a~Bain a~vised the Council of the action taken by her in ising the other heirs of the Brown Estate of her intention to endeavour to red~ the property. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald, Grimster and illen tn.!t the offers and reports be ~eceived and laid on the table and the City Clerk be st~cted to communicate with all the heirs of the Bro?m Estate by registered let- ter in this connection, and endcaveat to obtain a reply from them. The report of the City Treasurer, as to business taxes outstanding, as laid over fr~n a previous meeting, was presented. A.n additional report was pres- ented as to payments which had been received on these accounts. It v.~s ordered ~n the motion of Ald. Grimster and Scott that the reports be reedred and filed, and the Treasurer be instructed to proceed with the collection of the amounts out- standing. A report was presented by the City Clerk ~;ith reference to the purchase of clothing for the Fire Department. It was s~dered on the motion of Ald. G. Don- old and Scott that the repor~ be received and adopted. A communication was presented from the Unemployment insurance Comissi~n with reference to the certification of certain employees as being permanent. Tie City Clerk presented a list of employees whose 9mployment might or might not be considered permanent and asked that the Council makethe necessary ruling. It was agreed that the following emplo~{ees should fbe classed as temporary: G.J. Campbell, J.Egan, L.Eldt, C.Wilson, T.Mol~oy. It ~-a~ then ordered on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and Scott th.it the con~nunicatiorjbe received and laid on the table, that copies be fox~varded to the members of the Cor~nitt'ee, and the recommendation of the City Clerk be adopted. A report was presented from the City Clerk, re prices for beds at the Centre Fire Hall. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld, Allen and G. Donald that the report be received and filed, and the beds be ordered from 'Buckley's Fruniture Store at $26.25 per complete bed. A state:~mt of tax collections for the month of June, 1941, was pres- ented. It v~as ordered on the motion of Aid. A.F.Donald and Scott that the state- ment be received and filed. A communication was presented from the Children's Aid Society re arrange' meats for temporary care of children. It was oxvlered on the motion of Ald. Grim- stir and G. Donald that the communication be received and filed, and an agreement be made that the City vfi],l pay for chil~.ren in te!~orn y ~nre on n n~-ewt~ n~.~] ~ at the per diem rate, for the time during which the chil,~ren are c~red for in the shelter. An offer was received from William i).l~r~tiu for the i~ur~;!.-:f.~ of Lot ~, Robinson Street, for the sum of .~100.00. Upon th~ r~o~z~m~ndu. ti~n of Property Committee, ~ on the motion of Aid. ~.[.Drn~!d and 3rim"~-r, i~ :.u~ ord- ered that the offer be received and laid on the table until the premises his ocen vhved by the CoEittee. At this point Aid. ~jilkinson left the meeting. In offer was presented from, Gordon E.Lsakey for Lot 69, 5y:-on ~kvenue for the sum of $50.00. Upon the recommendation of the F~!~rty Corr~ittee and Dn the motion of Ald. Grinstot and Allen it was ordered that the offer be r~ceived accepted, subject to the condition that a dweilin~ of at least ~2,000.00 val~e will be erected on the premises within six months, and subject to the apFroval of the Department of Municipal Affairs. An offer was received f tom B']air Oautreau i~o r the purchase of Lot 47, Cedar Street for the sum of $50.00. Upon the recommendation of the FroForty Com- mittee and on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimster it was ordered that the offer be received and filed, and not accepted. An offer was presented from Peter Brassolotto for Lot 96, Yer~uson Street for the sum of $V5.00. Upon the recommendation of the Prlperty Committee and on the motion of Ald. Scot t and A.F.Donal d it wa ~ ordered that the offer be received and filed, and Mr. Brassolotto be advised that the price of the lot is still $100.00. The report of the Property Committee, r~ the above offers and other mat- ters, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Orimster and ~cott that the report be received and adopted, and the recommendation with reference to the building at 605 Ei~st Avenue, be adopted. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Aid. Grim,~ter and Scott. FEADAND ADOPTED, July 14, 1941. Clerk 00UNCIL ~,[~ETING Counci 1 Chamber, July ~, 1941. iTS 177 The Council re-assembled at the close of the reomllar council and fin- ante meetings for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the counts approved by the Committee. All members of the Oounci 1 with the exception of Ald. Wilkinson were present. BY-L~ The following By-law v.~s passed: No. ~109 -Ald. J.G.~hite - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. 1st reading - ild. GrAmstot and A.F. Donald- Carried unanimously. It ras then ordered on the motion of Ald. Allen and Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the standing rules of council be tempora~ily suspended and the By-law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 5rd reading -Ald. GrAmstot and A.F.]~nald - Carried unanimously. The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. G.Donald and Grimster. kid AND ADOPt'ED, July 14, 194!. Clerk Mayo r R EGU Ld~.. i. ITIi :C Coun~i ] Charbe r, Jnly 14, 1941. Pursuant to adjournment, the Coun,~il met ~t era! business and finance. All members ~ the Cmn~l n.-erl~ hayAny received and mad the minutes of the previouz meeting, adoltcd theze the motion of Ald. G.Dona!d and allen. TijiID=R~ Ten~ers had been called for the reinova! of th~ bu!] ~-~- Avenue, and it was eriered on the motion of ~l~. O.~ona!.~ un~ ~9tt thut ~bc~e received be opened, initialled by Hi,~= .~orship then or,jered on the motion of Ald. C.Lonald and GriFr ter that the ~.~n~r received be referred for consideration at the finance meeting, C 0I.Z.YJijI C,,TI OiffS Laid over from previous meetinG: No. 258 - P~.C.YounE - requestin~r removal of trees ~.nd u'i'ienin~ of si~ezld~!~.. OF,D- v~ID on the motion of Aid. Scott and A.F.L~nald that the conmunic=tien be rPc- eived and filed, and permission be granted ~s requested. SEE Report .~[o. 9~ The following Communi cations were presented: No..260 - Department of lEAChways -acknowledg~ ng ].4t er re drainage of j~ueen Eliz- abeth FTay. 0RD~ID on the motion of AId. '~ilkinson and Scott th[t the com3mnic- ation be received and lind on the table. I~'o, 261 - Honourable ',';.L.Houek, :,LL.A. acknowledgin~ letter re meetAnt re iIydro grant. 0EDEPj~D on the !notion of Ald. A.F. Donald an~ G.Donald that thZ[ communic- ation be received and laid on the table. No. 26~ - Bell Telephone Company of Canada - requestin~ permission to replace pole in same locution. 0r©ERED on the motion of Ald. Grimster anti G.Donald that the communication be received and filed, and the request be grante~. No. 263 - Ontario Civilian Defence Committee - re test blackouts. 0[iDZRvnjD on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and Grimster that the communication be received and filed, and role:red to the Civilian Defence Committee. IhPORTS The following Reports were presented: No. 97 - City Clerk and Parks Superintendent - recommending removal of trees and extension of sidewalk. 0I'OEFtED on the motion of Ald. Scott and A.F. Donald that the report be received and filed, ad adopted. No. 98 - City Clerk - re electric water coolers. 0hDEllED on the motion of Ald. GM.~ster and Allen that the report be receive and filed, and one unit be pur- chased for the City Hall. No. 99 - City Engineer - re stxface water drainage of Queen Elizabeth Way. ORD- ERED on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and Scott that the report be received and Laid on the table until the meeting of Tuesday, July 15th. 179 NO. 100 - City Clerk - re operation of muvenir st~n~ on kiver Road. Ok~iP~D the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and Crimetot that the report be received and file! and the City Solicitor be empowered to take the necessary steps to stop the oration of the stand. RZSOLL:TIOI~S The following kesoh~tions :,:ere passed: i~o, 95 - G.DON~LD - ~/~IITL - I~0LVED that the City Clerk.. be instructed to pres- ent a report to the Council a~ to :vhat urnoust of tuxes are levied aZainst the ~T~ of the former LIiehi~an Central Railway Station, and any other information in t~ar connection with reference to the possibility of utilizing the land as a park sits; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanlmou?]y No. 96 - G.DON.~LD - CRLLSTEE - KESOLVED that the City Clerk be instructed to musicate with ljr. R.I,I. Smith, Deputy Zinister of i{lgh:;~ye, to ascert~n the re~n for the bri :ge over the subway at Victoria Avenue bein~ installed at an offset angle rather th~ according to ~he plan as submitted to the Council by the Dep- artment of HigMvays; ~nd the jeal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried un~ni~ou~].y BY-LA/~S The foliowAhl By-laws were passed: No. Zll0 -Ald, J.G.i'jhite - To authorize the execution of an ~greement for Sale ~nd Deed. let reading -Ald. Grimetot and A.F.Donald - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott tha~ imle S6 (E) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-taw read a second time - Carried unanimously. ~rd reading -Ald. White and Scott - Carried unanimously. No, 5111 -Ald. J.G.','~hite - To provide for the consent of the Corporation to the Bell Telephone Company of Gonads to erect certain additional poles and anchors on Victoria Avenue, Ferguson Street and Fourth Avenue. let reading - Aid. A.F.Danald and Scott - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Grimster that ,ttule ~8 {S) of the standing rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the ~y- law be read a second time - Carried unanimously. 5rd reading- Ald. Scott and Grimster- Carried. MISCELLANEOUS Ald. Grimetot asked that the City Engineer investigate and report on the traffic condition at Second Avenue and Armoury ~treet. The. Council adjourned on the :notion of Aid, GrAmstot ~nd-Scott. BEAD AND ADOPTED, July 21, 1941. Olenk Mayor FIZjAXC]~ i. ZZTiXG The Fin'once Committee net ~n Lionday, jul,, 14, l~'!l for the ~.uric~e approvin~ ~n,t al~o of pussin~ the various accounts which hu~ hc~n ]jr~l-.rl[- cert- ified &rid placed befol~ them. All~mebers of the 6~!qit[c~ were candry a~counts were passed by the Comiu;ee, The accounts submitted, bein~ passed or ethcrv.'i~-~ ~..~ ered placed in the mone~ By-law for presentation to the Counci~ on the; oz!?n c~ Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimstep, An order and eo:zmunication f~om the Del/~rtment o? Zl!Uh'uL-~ :e~'~ p~ ~ted with reference to the installation of the traffic si~nul ut the corset o~' Lundy'f~ Lane and Dr, immortal Road. It ~vas ordered on the motion of :~!d. ~.L~n~].~ ~n~ ~.~t that the order and communication be received amd approvut be ~_!ven for the ~ ~!~_~ n~ of the order for the work. The City Clerk presente~ a report in tni~ 2smnect~qn, advising of a meetinS for consideration of the us~ of the existing yele~. it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Allen and X.F. Donatd that the r~lport be received and filed, and the City E~ineer be authorized to attend the meeting. A rj=port was presented fr3m the City Solicitor re the '~o~initul aceDust and burial expenses for Zrcole Cerulli. It ;'as eriered on th~ motion of kisses and Scott that the report be received amd filed, ~nd thc City Z!~rk ascer- tain from the City of ~Velland the amounts m~kinE lip the account submitted. A report ,.':as presented by the City Clerk re the call for tender~ for the concessions at the Swimming Pool and 0ekes Park. It '.'xs eriered on ~he motion of Ald. Allen ~nd Grimeter that the report be received and filed, and remission for the operation of the concessions be given to the Lundy's Lane Chapter of the 1.0. D.IE. A state'~ent of Direct Relief for the month of June, 1941, ;',as presented. It was ordered on the motion of ald. a.t'.Donald and Grimstep that the statement be received and filed. A report of the City Clerk ~ms pros nted with reference to the request of the J.H. Pitts Construe tics Company for asphalt work. It was ordered on the wc~- ion of Ald. Wilkinson and Grlmster that the report be received and fated, and the City Engineer be instructed to. proceed with the work as requested, on a cost p~us basis. A report was presented on the registered properties under agreement as at June 30, 1941. It was Ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Ocott thut the report be received and referred to the Property Comndttee for consideration. A report was presented re Housin~ properties under uE'-'eement a s of June ~0, 1941. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and a.F. Donald that the statement be received and ~ferred for consideration by the property Co.,mmittee. A report was presented re occupied registered properties as at June 30, ~941. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimstep and ~cott that the statement be received and referred for consideration by the l>roperty Committee. A communication was presented from ~lir. P.Srassolotto, requ, eating a ref- und of his deposit re the purchase of a lot. Upon the recommendation of the trop- erty Committee, and on the motion of Ald. Grimstep and A.F.Donald, it ~us ordered that the cornniceties be received and filed, and the refund be made. The matter of repairs necessary to the verandah steps at 945 ~Mple Street was considered. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee, and on the mot- ion of Ald. Wilkinson and A.F.Donald it was 'order?d that the Clerk be authorized to proceed with the neC,essary repairs. ~ A communication was pr=~ssnted from Nistor Zak!dnuk, re arra'gements m~de for building on the lot purchased from the City. Upon the reconmend~tion Of the Property Committee and on the motion of Aid. Scott and Grimster, it wa.~ ordered that the co~unication be received and filed, and the arrangs~nts made ba. appm~d. An. offer from Wm. D. Prestia for the purchase of part of Lot 2, 7~obin- s~n Street, as laid over from the previous meeting, v;as presented. Upon the recommendation of the property Committee and on the motion of Old. See~ t and Cr~.- ster, it vas ordered that the offer be r:ceived and filed, and net accepted, Mr. prostin be advised that the Corporation will sell forty-t~,~ feet of the lot the s~im of $150.00. The report of the Property Com~nittee, on the above and other otters, was presented, and the folloi%ing action taken thereon: 1055 lolland Avenue 563 Yepson Street - OiDERZD on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and Allen that the reeom~nendation be adopted. 1073 ICeRoe Street - OKDERtED on the motion of Ald, Scott and Allen that the reconlmendation be adopted. 911 ¢~alnut Street - 0IiDEFtZZ on the motion of Ald. Grlmster and Scott that the recommendation be adopted. 280 Huron Street - ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and A.F.Donald that the recommendation be adopted. 809 Clifton Avenue - ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimster that the recommendation be adopted. 1602 Robinson Street - ORDERED on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott that the recommendation be opted. 1582 Robinson Street - 0PtOErdED on the motion of Ald. Grimster and Scott that the recommendation be adopted. 551 Fourth Avenue - 0UJDEI~bED on the motion of Ald. ~.F.Donald and Allen that the recommendation he adopted. 1693 Peer Street - ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimster that the recommendation be opted. 885 River Road - OILDEED on the motion of ~ld. Allen and Scott that the recommendations be adopted. 19?V Robinson Street - 0RDEIiED on the motion oF A14. Allen and Scott that the reeom~mendation be adopted. Part of Lot 23, Willmott Street 0RDEE on the motion of Aid. Scott and Grimster that the recommendation be ad- opted. Barn at rear of 1602 Robinson Street - 0RD~,ED on the notion of Ald. Grim~ ster and Scott that the recommendation be adopted; and the report be filed. ~he tender received at the Council meeting, and an offer from Robert Commeron fdr the removal and reunovation of the building at 605 First Avenue, ~resented. It was ordered on the !rDtion of Ald. Wilkinson and Scc~t that the offer be received and laid on the table for one week in order that the City Clerk miCbt ascertain to what locations the prospective purchasers intend to move the build- ing. The charge to be made to the Hydro-Etectric Power Co~tmission of Ontario, for services for the Fire Department at the Toronto Power Company on Yune 15th, was discussed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimster and G. Donald that the standard charge. of $50.00 for the first hour and $25.00 for the four succeed- ing hours, plus the charge of $24.V5 for the volunteers' time, be made. It was ordered on the !notion of Ald. Grimster and A.F.Donald that the usual prize, not exceeding $10.00, be donated by the Corporation to the Niagara Falls tiorticultural Society for the 1941 season. COUIj~!L ZZZTIi,I; -., The Cou.n. eil rP--'~-c:Pemb!ed at the clo2e .-~' t~ ...... ~,] ~. -n~,--~l ~.~ ante meetings for the purpose of passing th.- men%, by-L:.: .)'i?h ~-~':r:d th- counts apfroved by the $ar~x~ t~ee. All members of the .Uot n~i ~,, :it~ the of Ald. %¥ilkinson, were present. " The following By-law,was passed: No. 3112 - Aid. J.S.j, hite- To Gr~nt Liehies for General ~-ur'=z'-e!~. 1st reading -Ald. Scott and G.Dona!d - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the Dotion of lid. i.Y.Zonald und 3rimot~r that Rule 35 (21 of the jt~ndin~ tlu!es of Council be tempsr~riiy cuzZendcd in,2 the lau read a second time - Carried ~nAnimously. 3rd reading- Aid. Scott and G.Denald - Carried unanimously. The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. G.Dona!d and Grimster. RD..'iD ~YD ADOPTED, July 21, 1941. Clerk Mayor The.Committee adjourned on the motkn of Aid. G. Do~ald and A.F. Don~ld. READ ~!ND ADOPTED, YUly 24 1941. · ..... .~...'. d~.~.. ...... Clerk ..rman of Finance FORTIETH LZIjTING BPECIAL LZETI;IG Counci 1 ChambcrI July 15, 1941. A special meetin~ of the City Counci 1. was held at 5.00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 15, 1941, for the purpose of holding a conference with officials of the a?tment of Highways and the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario, and tho Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Niagara Falls. All members of the City Con nil, with the exception of Ald. Allen were pro?eat, together with Mr. G.F.KamnirUl District Engineer, L~r. Robbins and llr. Frank Y:~aes of the Department of Highv:~y:, Mr. R.E.Jones of the Department of !lighways of Ontario; and Messrs. Hermit:ell, Barnes and Teckoe of the Hydro-Electric Commission of Niagara Falls. Discussion was given to the matter of the pDDposal rmade by the Depart- ment of Highways to the City Council for the palmeat of a portion of the cost zf lighting the streets in the City of Niagara Falls which will be part of the ~ucen 'Elizabeth ilighway and around the area of the Rainbow Bridge Plaza. After consideration, the follo~ng resolution was passed by the Council: ICESOLUTION No. 9~ '- W!I~{IN.]ON - ,;~ETE - RESOL'F~rD that this Council do not accept the propc~'- ition as presented by the Department of !liEbrays for contribution toward the co~t of lighting the streets now part of the 2ueen Elizabeth Highway in the City of i;i~- Sara Falls and in the area of the Rainbow Bridge Plaza; that the Department of iiighways be notified that the Corporation ~vill not bear any portion oF the co~t of lighting streets controlled by the Department; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carri~ The Council then discussed with the itydro-Electric Commission of era Falls the matter of supplying lighting services on the streets which have been expropri ated by the Departneuter Highways. The follov.~ng resolution '.'~as then sed by the Council; RESOLUTION No. 98 - GRIM~3TER - WILKINSON - ttESOL~FED that the Council advise the Hydro-Zlec- tric Commission of Niagara Falls that they should bill the Department of !lighway~ for the cost of lighting the streets which have been expropriated by that Depart- meat; that a refund of the amount paid by the Corporation be made for the per!Td since the date of expropriation; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affi:ce4, ~ Carri~! The Council ~djourned on the motion of Ald. ;Wilkinson and A.F.Donald. ADOPTED, Iuly 21, 1941. Clerk Mayor FORTY-FIt~gT MEETING REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, Yuly 21, 1941. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. to consider gen- eral business and finance. All members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous regular and special meetings, adopted these on the motion of Aid. Allen and Grimster. C0~NICATIONS The followi~g Commanications were presented: No. 264 - Ontario Safety League - re membership in LeagUe. ORDERED on the motion of AId. G. Donald and Scott that the communication be received and filed. No. 265 - Fire Marshal of Ontario - re Dominion Association of Fire Chiefs' con- vention. ORDEE on the motion of Ald. White and A.F.Donald that the communic- ation be received and laid on the table until the next meeting. No. 266 - Ontario Cemeteries Association - re m~bership in Association. ORDERED on the motion of AId. White and Wilkinson that the communication be received and filed. No. 267 - Department of Highways - re title to portion of Cook~n~- and College Crescents. ORbNEED on the motion of Ald. Allen and Scott that the communication be received and laid on the table; and the City Clerk supply a repor~ showing the prepertieswhichwlll be affected; and if possible, what additional properties may be required by the Department of Highways. No. Z68 - Department of Highways - acknowledging letter re bridge on Victoria Ave- nue. ORNERED on the motion of AId. G. Donald and Wilkinson that the communication be received and lied on the table for one week. No. B69 - City 01erk, Toronto - requesting legislation to amend Milk Control Act. ORDERED on the motion of AId. White and Grimetot that the communication be rec- eived and laid on the table and the su~gestion be made that the resolution ba presented to the Ontario Municipal Association convention for ,consideration. Prior to this motion it was moved by Aid. Wilkinson and Allen that the communicat- ion be received and filed, and the resolution be endorsed; but this motion ms defeated. No. ~70 - The Canada Gazette - Order-in-Oc~ncil re revised schedule of minl"n~m wages. ORRERED on the motion of Aid. Wilkinson and White that the com~_~mtione be received and filed. No. ~71 - Department of Labour - re Government,s Wart~n~ Wages policy. OPjE~JED on the motion of Aid. White and Grimetot that the communication be received and filed, and the plaeards posted as requested. No. ~72 - Department of Munitions and Supply - Orders-in-Council governing const- ruction control. 0RI~RED on the motion of Aid. White and Wilkinson that the com- munication be received and filed, and the regulations be complied with. No. 273 - Lundy's Lane Chapter, 1.0.D.E. - not wishing to take concessions at 0ekesPark. 01~D on the motion of Aid. Grimsterand Wilkinson that the commun- Ication be received and filed. No. B74 - Village of Chippaws - requesting renewal of agreement for water etandby. 0RDF~ on the motion of Aid..A.F.Donald and .~cott that the connnunioation be rec- eived and filed, that a new agreement be drawn and an additional caluse be inserted m 8 which will hold the Corporation harmless in connection with this supply of w~ter. REPORTS The followin~ Reports were ~mssnted: No. 101 - City Clerk - re assesamour on Michigan Central Railway station site. Ot~EERED on ~he motion of ~d. W~lki~n ~d 88o~ ~ ~he Tepo=~ be T~eive~ end No. 10~ - 0~ 0lark - Te ~mffi~ ooudl~ions e~ ~no~ln S~e~ ~d ~oh~ Argue ~d F~r~h AvenUe ~d ~r~e S~ree~. OF~D on ~he mu~lon o~ ~d. ~.Done~d ~d ~tte that the repor~ be ~ceived a~ laid on ~e table until the nex~ mee~l~ to pe~t all m~bers of Cou~il to view the si~ations. No. 10~ - ~ Clerk - re request for ~stponem~t of Ne~ ~ t~ d~. O~ on the motion of ~d. Scot~ a~ Gridtar ~hat ~he ~port be ~ceixed a~ filed, and the~quest be Emted. No. 1~ - City Clerk - re traffic condition at Second Ave~e ~d ~u~ Street. 0R~ on the ~tion of Ald. ~.Do~ld ~nd Scott tha~ the report be ~ceived ~d filed, .~d a slow siEn be e~cted at this intersection. MISCELLANEOUS 'Aid. Scott asked that the dog-catcher endeavour to eliatnate the nuis- ance of dogs runni~ at large at The intersections of Second Avenue and Huxun Street, and at lapson Street and Wellsad Avenue. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Grimstar and G.Don~d. READ AND ADOFIED, ,TUly ~8, 1941. Clerk Mayor FINALE MEETING Council Chamber, =ul,V 21,. 1941. The Finance Committee met on Monda~, ~ul~ 21, 1941, for the purposeof approvin~ and also of peasin6 the various accounts which had been properly cert- ified and .placed before them. Ail axerebaTe of.,taze Cornultras,were present. · ~undry accounts were passed by the Committee, unountin~ to S8,366.82. The accounts ~ubmitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, v~re ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the nEtion of AId. A.F.Donald and Grimstar. A conxnunication was presented from the C~nadian General Electric Com- paay re the price and delivery of a,water cooler. It was ordered on the nEtion of Ald. A.F.Donald end Wilkinson that the co~nication be received end filed. A communication was presented from Morttmer-Bampfield & Co. re the ren- ewal of the Union of Canton Liability Policy. It was ordered on the nEtion of Aid. Grimetar sad Scott that the communication be received sad the matter be ref- erred to the Insurance Cammittee for their recommendation. A .report of H.T.~nieson & Company was presented upon the audit of the Welfare Board accounts for the year 1940. It was ordered cu ~he motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimstar that the repor~ be received, ~d on the table, and printed in the usual w~nner. A statement of the street lightin6 account for ~une, 1941, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Wilkinson and ScOtt that the statement be · received and filed, and a cheque be issued for the net amount of the account. The offers of Mrs. Gordon Leakey and Robert Cameron for the buIFmg at 605 First ~venue, as laid over from the previous meeting, was presented. In this connection the C~ty Clerk advised that Mr. C~eron had asked that hie offer be withdrawn and that Mrs. Leakey was prepared to demolish the building before rem- oval. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and GrJanster it was ordered that the offers be received and filed, and that of Mrs. Gordon Leakey of $80.00, be accepted. It was fruther ordered on the motion of Aid. A.F. Doneld sad G. Donald that the deposit cheque of Mr. Cameron be returned to him. A eon~nunication and offer was presented irare. Win. D. Prostie for forty- two feet of part of Lot 2, Robinson Street for the sum of $150.00. Upon the rec- onm~ndation of the Property Committee, and on the nEtion of AId. Grimoter and Scott, it was ordered that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the us- ual conditions and to the approval of the Assessant Commissioner and City Treas- urer. An offer was pros nted from Benjamin Vienor for the purchase of Lot 318, Stanley Avesue for the sum of $40.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Cca~ittee and on the motion of AId. Wilkinson sad Allen it was ordered that the offer be 'leesired sad filed, and not accepted, an~ the deposit be returned to M~r. Vel nor. An offer was presented fx~m N.H. Balley for the purchase of 563 rapson Street and 1055 Welland Avenue for the sum of $2, 000.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Comuittee, this offer was considered by the City Council. It was then ordered on the motion of AId. Wilkinson and Scott that the offer be referred b~ck tO the Property Committee for further consideration, sad the City Clerk tain additional information as to what Mr. Bailey intends to do ~lth the property and what arr-n~eaents he can make with ra~ard to the arrears of rent. An offer was presented from ~oha W. Plato for the purchase of 1583 Rob- inson Street for the sum of $600.00. A oomnsanicatio n was also proscured from Miss Emily ~. ~ith re arrangements for 1882 and 1602 Robinson Street. In this Connectice, and on the motion of His Worship Nayor G.R. Inglis sad Aid. Grimstar, Mr. Kenneth Ford, ~epresentin~ Miss Emily ~. Smith, was permitted to address the e0nmittee. Mr. Ford outlined the situation in ragarc% to the admlnis~ration .of the. affairs of 'this 'eState '~nd '~l~e ¥ondition of the tw properties inquestion, and out- lined the arren6ements which are suggested by Miss Smith for these properties. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. 3rimstar and Scott that the sOnre-,ulcer- ions and offers be reseived and laid on the table; and the mattere be referred by Council back to the Property Committee for further consideration at the next meet- inS. ' ' Con~nunications were presented fzom Robin Boyle and Mrs. A.W. Reid, with reference t~ the arrangements made ~re rental of 809 Clifton Avenue. Upon the t.86 recoz~endation of the Pxuperty Committee and en the motion of Ald. Scott and A. f. Donald it ms ordered that the oommAuications be received and filed, and the arrangements be accepted as satisfactory at the present time. Commnioations were presented from the Medical Officer of Health with reference to the ~ondition of 561 Erie Avenue and 3062 Allen Avenue. Upon the recommendationof the property cow~ntttee and on the motion of Ald. Grimstar and Scott it was ordered that the owner of 561 Erie Avenue he advised of the repairs A~ improvements neoe~sary;.end that the property at 206~ A~len Avenue be Con- damned as unfit for humnn habitation and the owners and occupants' be so notified. An offer was p~esented from William ~renzo for Lot 654, Sta~ford ~treet for the sum of $150.00. Upon the recommendation of the Ploparty Committee ~nd on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimstar it w~s ordered that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the p:uvision that two buildings will be erected on the lot, each of a value of at least $2,500.C~, within six months, nnd subject to the approval of the Assessment Commissioner and City Treasurer. Upon the recommendation of the property Committee, the sale of 330-338 Queen street wee considered. In this connection, and on the motion Of Ald. Grim- starand G. Do~ald, it ms ordered that Miss Margaret MacEdin be permitted to dress the Council. Miss MacBain advised the Council of her efforts in connection ~dth the property on queen Street, formerly owned by the Brov~l Estate, and of her intentions if she is able to parchase the property. A motion was then presented by Ald. Wilkinson and A.F. Donald that the property be sold to Mr. Max Gold. When this motion was voted upon, the voted was tied and no action was taken. A motion xas made prior to this above by Aid. Allen and Grimstar that the property be sold to Miss Margaret MactM~n, but this motion was not voted on. The Chaix~m~n Of Fin- ance then ordered that the City Clerk forward, a letter .to the Department of Mun- icipal Affairs, explaining the full circumstances in this connection' and asking what action would receive their approval; such letter to be approved by the Chair- ~n,,,n of the Property The statements of Housing Commission Properties under Agreement, Rev- enue and Expenditures of Re-possessed Properties, Registered Properties sold under Agreement end Statement of Occupied Properties, as presented at the last meeting, were considered. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Aid. A.F. Donald and Grimstar it wns ordered that the statements be rec- eived and filed, and the report of the Committee be also received and filed. A report was presented from the City Engineer with reference to the nec- essity of a water main on Valleyway between Fifth Avenue and Sixth Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Grinstar and G. Donald'-that She report be rec- eived and adopted. COD'NO IL MEETING Counci 1 Chamber, July 21, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetings for the pu.rpose of passing the money by-law which covered the accounts approved by the COmmittee, All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. W~lkinson, were present. BY-lAW The following By-law was passed: No. ~113 - AId. $.G. White- To Grant Monies for General Purposes. 1st reading - Aid. Griminter and Scott. It ms then ordered on the motion of Ald. GrAmstar and A.F.Donald that Rule 36 (2~) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By- law mad a second time - Carried. 3rd reading -Ald. Scott and Grimetar. RESOLUTION The following Resolution was passed: No. 99 - A.F. DONALD- ~IITE - EF~LV~D that the City Clerk be instructed to comun- icate with the Mlchig~ Cent~ Rail~y and a~ t~t .t~e site of t~ four stat- Ion at t~ co~er of Que~ Street aM Erie Avenue ~ cleaned up and placed In a satisfaoto~ condition as soon as ~ssib~ ~d the S~i of the Co~omtion he h~e- to ~fixed. Carried The Council adjourned on the marion of Ald. White and G.Donald. P~EAD AND ADOP~.~D, JUly ~8, 1941. The Committee adJou:nedon the, motion of Aid. Scott and A.F. Donald. READ AND ADOI~D, ~Uly 28,: 1941. ~hatrman of Finance Clerk FORTY-SECOMD ~E~TINC REGULAR ME~TING Council Chamber, Iulyn28, 1941. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 ~.m. to consider gen- eral business and finance. All menbers of the Council were present. The Coun- cil, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimster. TENDERS Tenders had hem called for the sale and removal of the 'barn at the rear of 1602 Robinson Street. On the motion of Ald. A.F.Donsld and White it was ordered that the tenders received be opined, initialled by His WOrship Mayor Ing- lie, and read. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimster that the tenders be received and leid over until next meeting; that a report thereon be presented by the Property Committee, and all menhers ef Council look over the property. CO}~FjNICATIONS laid over fr~n previous meeting: No. 265 - Fire Marshal of Ontario - re Dominion Association of Fire Chiefs' Con- verities. OREERED on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and Allan that ~e comnunicat- ion ha received and filed, and Fire Chief Shapton be authorized to attend the ~onvestiOn, No. 267 - Department of Highways - re use of portions of Cookman and College Cres- cent. 0RDE~a~D on the motion of Aid. Scott and G.Donald that the exnmunication be received and filed. SEE Report No. No. 268 - Del~rment of Highws~s - acknowledging letter re bridge over Victoria Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and Wilkinson that the communic- ation be received and filed, and Mr. S~ith be again communicated with and he be asked to advise why the bridge at Victoria Avenue has been installed at aS offset angle rather. than in accordance wi~a the plan as submitted to the City Council. The following Communications were presented: No. 275 - Citizens' Research Institute - re~r. E.A. llorton and possibility of sur- veys. ORI]Et~ED on the motion of Ald, Allen and G. Donald that the comunication be received and filed. No. 2F6 - Ministe~ of .Municilal Affairs - removal of city from supervision. 0RD- ERED on the n~tion of Aid. Wilkinson and Scott that the commtmication be received and filed; that the City Clerk be instructed to comsnunicate with the Premier of Ontario, advising that the Council veX7 much regret the passing the Order removing Niagara Fails from supervision; and that the City Clerk ascertain when the Ox~ler will take effect. No. 27~ - E.L.Ruddy Coo Limited - application for canopy at HollyWood Theatre. ORI~ERED on the motion of Aid. G.Donaid and Gramstot that the communication be eived and filed, and permission for, the canopy be granted, s~bJect to the approval of the City No. 278 - Bell Telephone Company of Canada - ap~lieation to replace poles. ORDER- ED on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Scott that the ccmununieatica be received and laid on the table for one week. An e~endment w~S presented by Aid. Allen and G.Donaid ,that the communication be received and laid on the table for one week and the City Clerk ascertain whether the poles could be moved to the rear of the properties. This m~mdmen t was defeated. No. 279 - British Methoatst Episcopal Church - requesting permission to hold tag day. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Grimster that the com.~minication be received and filed, and permission for the tag day be granted. No. 280 - Deputy Minister of Public Welfare - re applications for relief. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Wilkinson and G:Donald that the commnnication be received and filed. No. 281 - Employees of Filtration Plant No. 282 - Employees of Fire Depar~nent - requesting living bonus. 0RDKRED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Wilkinson that the communications be received and laid on the table for consideration at a future date. REPORTS Laid over from previous meeting: No. 102 - City Clerk - re traffic conditions at Lincoln Street and Buchanan Ave- nue and at Fourth Avenue and Bridge Street. OR]JERED on the motion of Ald. G. Don- ald and Grimster that the report be received and adopted with regard to the inter- section of Lincoln Street and Buchanan Avenue; and that Buchanan Avenue be made a through street at this intersection. FUR~IER ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Wilk- inson and Grant Donald that the report of the City Clerk with regard to the inter- section of Fourth Avenue and Bridge Street, be adopted. (Aid. White asked to be recorded as voting contrary to this motion). The following Reports were presented: No. 105 - City Clerk . re expropriation of land by the Department of Highways and use of portions of Cookman and College Crescents. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and G.Donald that the report be received and filed. No. 106 - City Clerk - re proposal of Department of Highways re Queen Elizabeth Way and portions of sewers. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. GoDonald and Wilkinson that the report be received and laid on the table and the Council meet the Council of the Township of Stanford lmmedidately to ascertain ~at action they have taken in this connection. RESOLUTIGNS The following Resolutions were passed: No. lO0 - WILKINSON - GRIMSTER - RESOLirED that Monday, August 4, 1941, he proclaimed a civic holiday in the City of Niagara Falls, and all municipal,buildings remain closed on that date; that the next regular meeting of Council be held at 8 o'clock on Tuesday, August 5th; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried un~pimously No, 101 - GRIMSTER - WHITE -. V~I~REAS the citizens of this great dominion are in full accord with Great Britain in her gigantic struggle agelast Nazi Gemany to Preserve freedom and Justice for allpeoples; AND ~iERF~ the citizens have offered their serviceS, even unto death, in this great cause of liberty; AND ~HEREAS both married and single men alike have Joined 'His MajestyAs Forces and whose dependents are living away below the present standard; AND WHEREAS the Government is letting it be knom and i's asking private 8orporation.s ~.o loay their emploXees a bgnus c.Ommensuran~e with -~he higher cost of living; . -. ,- t90 ~PERE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Niagara Falls go on record as petitioning the Domihion Government to assist families of the men serving in the Canadian Forces in a like manner so that their economic condition may he screwhat better than at present; that a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Association for consideration at their an- nual convention;- and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously No. 102 - WILK~qSON - ~ITE - RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls deplore the action of the Department of Municipal Affairs in removing cert- ain municipalities from supervision; and are fearful that such action may mean the subsequent sbolltion of that Department by the Government; that this matter be brought to the attention of the Ontario Municipal Association so that it may be studied at their annual convention, and suggest that the Association approach the Provincial Government to continue the operation of the Department of Municipal fairs; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously The following By-laws.were passed: No. 3114 -Ald. LG.White - To lease a portion of Tugby Street in the City of Nia- gara Falls to D'Arcy Cropp. -1st reading - Aid. Grimster and Scott - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of AId. Wilkinson and G.Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By- law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. G. Donald and White - Carried unanimously. No. 5115 - Aid. LG.White - To authorize the execution of a Deed. let reading - AId. Scott and G.Donald - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. A.F. Donald and Grimster that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By- law read a second time - Carried unanimously. At this point it was ordered by Ald. Grimster and ~cott that the City Clerk advise the Council~ of the action taken by the Finsrace Committee at the meet- ing of May 19, 1941. regarding this pxuperty. 3rd reading - Aid. Scott and Wilkinson - Carried unanimously. No. 3116 - AId. LG.White - To authorize the execution of an Agreemext for Sale and Deed. let reading - AId. A.F.Donald and Grimster - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and Scott that Rule 36 (2} of the Standing Rules of Council he temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading - AId. A.F.Donald and White -' Carried unanimously.t/:' .No. 3117 - AId. I.G. White - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. let reading - AId. Scott and G. Donald- Carried'unanimously. It was then ordered on tim motion of AId. (~rAmster and A.F.Donald that Rule $6 (,Z} of-the Standing R~les of Council be temporarily suepealed and the By- 19i law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rdreading -Ald. G. DOn-] d and Scott - Carried unanimously. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and Grimster. READ ANDADOPTED,August 5, 1941. Clerk / FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber July 28, 1941. The Finance Committee met on Monday, July 28, 1941, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had beennproperly cert- ified and placed before them. All manhers of the Committee were present. Sundry accounts were passed by the Committee, amounting to $45,816.83. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for. presentation to the Council, on the motion of Aid. G. Donald and Scott. The communication f~om Messrs. Mortimer-Bampfield & Company, as laid over from the previous meeting, regarding the renewal of the Liability Policy, ms presented. In this connection, a report was also presented from the Insurance Committee. It was ordered on the motion Of Ald. G.Donald and Wilkinson that the communication and report be received and filed, and the present policy be renewed at an annual premium of $1,986.00. A comm~mication was pres,~nted from the Equipment Sales Company re~rding the sale of the DeLaval Centrifugal Pump, now owned by the Corporation. It was ordered on the motion of AId. G.Donald and Scott that the communication be received and filed, that the Clerk be empdwered to forward the information as requested and t~e price set be approved. A report was presented from the City Clerk with regard to a request for refund of poll tax. It was oxdered on the motion of Ald. Allen and Grimster that the report be received and fried, the refund be made; and such policy be ,that of Council in similar cases in the future. A communication was presented from Supergisor. M.l.~ones, regarding the sale of the Brom property. A motion ms presented by Ald. Wilkinson and G.Donald that the communication be received and filed, and the property at $30-338 Queen Street be sold to Mr. Max Gold, the highest bidders..A motion ms then made by AId. G.Donald and Scott. that Miss MacBain be heard. Miss MacEsin outlined to the 193 Council the advice given to Her during her interview with Mr. A.J.B.Gray and Mr. R.J.Moo~ of the Department of Municipal Affairs. An amendment was then presented by AId. Allen and Grimster that the property be sold to Miss MaoBain for the stun of $2,170.07. When the original motion was voted on, the vote was tied and no further action was taken. At this point A!d. Wilkinson left the meeting. Communications were presented froraYohn W. Plato and Miss Emily J. Smith regarding the properties at 1582 Robinson Street and 1602 Robinson Street, which had been laid over from the previous meeting. A-conmunication was also received from B.J. Spencer Pitt regarding these properties and an offer was received from Mrs. LRumen for the purchase of 1~82 Robinson Street. Upon the recommendation bf the Property Committee. an~[ on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimster it was ordered that these matters be laid'over fro one week for further consideration. The~offer of N.H. Bailey for the properties at 1055 Welland Avenue and 863 Yepson Street, as laid over from the previous meeting, was presented. Upon the recommendation of the Property Comnittee and on the motion of His Worship Mayor G.R. Inglis and Ald. Scott it was ordered that the offer of $2, 000.00 be ac- cepted, subject to the provision that the Council will not be responsible for the removal of the tenant; and subject to the approval of the Department of Municip~l Affairs. The matter of c inued arrangements with re~rd to the property at Walnut Street was considered. Upon the recommendation of the Property Con~nittee and on the motion of Ald. Grimster and A.F. Donald it was ordered that an extension until after August let be appro~ei, At this point Ald. Allen left the meeting. A request had been made that a price be set upon the property at 1073 McRae Street. Upon the recommendation of the Property Comanittee, and on the motion of Aid. Scott and Grimster it was agreed that the Property Committhe should be ca- powered to set a sale price upon this property. An offer was presented from J.Mesares for the purchase of the north 50' of the south 119' of Ra~e 24, Buchanan ~venue for the s~m of $150.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of AId. Grlmster and A.F.Donald, it was ordered that tbe offer be received and accepted, nAbJeer to the condition that a dwelling of at .least $3,000.00 value will be erected on the prem- ises within six months; and subject to the approval of the Assessment Con~uissioner and City Treasurer. M offer was presented from Michael Molner for the purehas of I~t 2, Robinson Street for the sum c~ $150.00. Upon the recommendation of the Prol~rty Committee and on the metion of Ald. Scott and A.F.Donald, it was ordered that ~he offer be roeeived and filed, and net accepted; and Mr. Molner.be advised that fo~y-t~u feet of tkts lot was sold at a pre~ious meeting for the stm of $150.00. A c~manication was presented from the Hydro-Electric Commission re the purchase of LOt 214, Hickson Avenue. Upon the recommendation of- the Property C-n~--ittee, ~hdsDmet~er was considered by the Finance C~.m~ttee. It was then ord- ered on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and Grimster that the communication be received and filed, and the HYdro-Electric Commission be advised that the Corporation does not o~fi the lot in question. A conumnication was presented from the Cuarnty'Tmst Company regarding arr-nSemants re ~5 River Road. .Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee, and on the motion of AId. A.F.Doaald and Scott it was ordered that the communicat- ion be received and fil.ed, and the arrangements be accepted as satisfactory. An offer was presented from Quested T. Bean for the purchase of Lot 68, Dawlish Avenue for the sum of $75.00. Upon the recommendation of t~e Property Con~mittee, and on the motion of Ald. Grimster and Scott, it was ordered that the offer be received and filed, and Mr. Bean be advised that the price of the lot is $100.00. The matter if a new schedule of payments for the property at 428 Home- wood Avenue was considered. Upon the recommendation of the Property Coxmntttee and on the motion of Ald. Scott and His Worship Mayor Ing Lis it was agreed that the new schedule of payments be extended over a period of seven years. The report of the Property Committee upon the above offers and matte?s was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and A.F.Donald that the report be received and filed. The Revenue and Expenditure Statement as for June 30, 1941, was pros. nted. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and His Worship Mayor Inglis that the statement be..reCeived and laid on the table. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Aid. Scott and G. Donald. READ AND ~JDOPTED, August 5, 1941. Clerk Chainran of Finance COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, July 28, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and firrace meetings for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the accounts soproved by the Com~dttee. All membere of the Council, ~lth the exception of Ald. Wilkinson and Allen, were present. ..BY.-IAW The following By-law was passed: No. 3118 -Ald. J.G.White To grant Monies for General Purposes. -____=== , . let reading .Ald. Grimetot and O. Donald. It was then ordered on t~xe motion of AId. A.F.Donald and Scott that Rule ~6 (2J of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time. 3rd reading - Aid. Grim tar and G. Donald. The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Grimster and G.Donald. READ AND ADOPTED, August 5, 1941. Glerk Mayor / 195 FORTY-THIRD MEETING SPECIAL MEETING CGanci 1 Chambe r, August 1, 1941. A special meeting of the City Council was held at 5.30 p.m. on Frida y, August l, 1941. This meeting vras held Jointly with members of the Township of Stamford Council for the purpose of discussing the matter of the sewer system on the Queen Elizabeth Way from Stanley Avenue in the Township to Second Avnue in the City. All members of the City Council, with the exception of Ald. Scott and Wilk- inson, were present; together with Reeve Thomas Brant, Deputy Reeve John Allen, and COuncillors J.R.Morden, B.Prior and Donald Gliutz of the To,Amship Council. A full and free discussion was entered into by all members present with regard to the proposal of the Department of HighWays regarding the sewer system from Stanley Avenue in the Township to Second Avenue in the City. It was then ag- reed that the following actions should be taken: RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 10S - WHITE - G.DONALD - RESOLVED that the v~rding of Resolution No. 94, as passed by the Joint councils of the Township of Stamford and the City of Niagara Falls on July 5, 1941, be amended by changing 'and Second Avenue in the City' to read 'and the breaking point some one hundred and twenty feet east of MacDonald Avenue' so that the resolution will now read: "Resolved that inasmuch as the sewer system is now overloaded, it is hereby mutually agreed by the Councils of the Town- ship of Stamford and the City of Niagara Falls that no 'stem water from the prey- incial highway, known as the Queen Elizabeth Way, between Dorchester Road in the Township and the breaking point some one hundred and twenty feet east of MacDonald Avenue in the City, should be drained into the existing sewer systems of either municipality; and the Seals of the municipalities be hereto affixed"; and the Seals of the municipalities be hereto affixed. Carried unan.i. mously No. 104 - WHITE - J.ALLEN - RESOLVED that the Deputy Minister of Highways be asked again to attend a Joint meeting of the Township and City Councils, at the mrliest possible date, to go into the matter of the surface water drainage going into the Muddy Run Sewer from the Queen Elizabeth Way; and also to discuss the matter of the portion of the twenty-foot roadway proposed o'n the Queen Elizabeth Way;and the Seals of the municipalities be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously No. lC6 - ~LV.~.N - GRIMSTER - RESOLVED that the cormuunication to be forwarded to the Deputy Minister of Highways, as outlined in Resolution Number 104, be signed by His Worship Mayor lnglis, Reeve Thomas BrUnt end the Clerks of the two municip- alities; and the Seals of the Corporations be heroto affixed, Carried unanimously ~o. 106 - A.F. DONAID - T. BRANT - RESOLVED that the Hencurable Vice-chairman of the HYdro-Eleotrie Power Cormmission of 0ntarion be asked. What progress is being made with regard to the Joint councils' request for a meeting with the Commission to - discuss the matter of a grant in lieu of taxes to both municipalities; and the Seals of the Corporations be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously The C~Aneils adjourned on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Allen. READ AND ADOPTED, August 5, 1941. -, Oh trm a a t96 Y FORTY-FOUR~H MEETING REGULAR ME~ TING Council Chamber, August 5, 1941. that the communication be received and the City Clerk requested to submit a report on these pmperties. The amendment was carried. No. 292 - W. McMurray - re exception from Unemployment Insurance. 0HDEYdD on the motion of Ald. Y.G. White'and Grimster that the communication be received and the request be granted. ~lrsuant to s~Journment, the Council met at 8.00 p.m. to consider general 'business and finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. ~'~lk- inson and Scott were present. The Council, ,having received and read the minutes of the previous regular and special meetings, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Allen and Grtmster. C0},~,.~3NI CATIONS Laid over from previous meeting: No. 278 - Bell Telephone Company of Csmada - application to replace pales. 0RD- ERED on the motion of Ald. Grlmster and Grant Donald that permission be granted. The following Communications were presented: No. 293 - Depar~nent of Health - re Frank Decicco. OP~DER D on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Wluite that the communication be received and laid on the table and the City Clerk contact the Home for Incurables in Toronto as well as the local Gen- eral Hospital to find out the fees charged per week and th~ Clerk submit a report. No. 294 - Hydro-Electric Commission of Niagara Falls - re street li~htin~ costs. ORE on the motion of Ald. White and G.~onald that the communication ~e received and a meeting be arranged with the Honourable W.L.Houck to discuss the six items of business in connection with expropriated properties, streets, bridge and bridge- head. SEE Resolution No. 107 No. ~95 - Department of Municipal Affairs - re Order of Ontario Municipal BOard. 0RDEEED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and White that the communication be received and filed. No. 283 - Minister of Pensions and National Health - acknowledging resolution of Council m increased allowances for members of active service forces. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Grimster and ~'~ite that the communication be received and filed. No. 284 - Prime Minister of Ontario - acknowledging conununication re supervision and Department of Municipal Affairs. 0RI]EI~D on the motion of Ald. J.G.White and Grimster that the communication. be received and filed. REPORTS The follovdng Report was presented: No. 107 - City Clerk - re starlings and martins. 0R~FRED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Grimster that the report be received and adopted. At this point Ald. A.F.Donald arrived. No. 285 - Dep~rtment of Highways - enclosing letter re oval at Falls Avenue and Bender Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Gritmater that the matter be received and laid on the table. No. 2~6 - Bell Telephone Company - requesting permission to replace pole on Valley- way. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~ite and A.F.Donald that the conmunication be received smd permission be 'granted~ No, 287 - Depar~nant of Transport - revision re fee for police radio system. 0I~D- ERED on the motion of Ald. A.F,Donsld and G,Donald that the conmunication be rec- eived and a cl~ue be issued for $~00 for the licenee fee for the police radio system for the current year, No. 288 - Bethlehem Stee~ Company - re hauling operations over city streets. 0RD- ERED on the motion of Ald. White and Grimster that the communication be received arid the matter he laid on the table for one week to allow the Engineer to make a report. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 107 - WHT~E - G.DONALD - RESOLV~) that a meeting with the Honourable W.L.Houck be arranged to disucss the following item, (urged meeting be held this week): 1~ Question of lighting of expropriated highways. 2. Taxation of proporties acquired by Highray Department. 3. Bridge and sidewalks on Victoria Avenue. 4. Matter of sewage and drainage of Queen Elizabeth Way into Muddy Run. ,5. Assumption of properties by the Department of Highrays. ~. Final condition of rock walls in subwya; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously No. 108 - G. DONALD - GRT~2TER - RESOLVED that a letter of condolence he sent to the family of the late William R. Yohnson who was a member of the Fire ~epar~ment for many years and also Secretary of the Fire Department for a number of years; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried un. animousl~ No. 289 - Minister of Municipal Affairs - re provisions of Unemployment Inm, rance Act. 0ERERED on the motion of Ald. White and G. Donald that the co~mmnicat ion be received and referred to the several boards along with the commmnication received in connection with the Unenployment Insurance. No, 290 - Kiwanis C~ub Charities - re mile of pennies, September 6, 1941, GRDERED on the motion of Ald. A,F, Denald and Grimster that the connnunication he received and permission be granted, No, ~91 - Frank Folemsbee - re moving of a barn, 0B/IrRE3D on the motion of Aid. Allen and G,Donald that the communication be received and laid on the table, This mo~$QO.W~.n_~.Voted.on,..An.amendment was presented.by.AId, .White.andGrimster Cresceltt. MISCELLANEOUS Aid, T, Grimster spoke ragarding the switches on the bridge near Cookman ,The following By-laws were l~ssed: No..~,~l19 - Aid, Grant Donald -. To amend By-law Number 2124, respecting Traffic and. the Use of Streets. 19'F ,t98 1st reading -Ald. White and A.F. Donald- Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. A.F.Donald and Grimster that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be tamporarily suspended and the law read a second time. 3rd reading - Aid. G. Donald and Grimster - Carried unanimously. No. 3120 - AId. Y.G. White- To authorize the execution elanAgreement with the Corporation of the Village of Chippawa. 1st reading -Ald. Grimster and G. Donald- Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and White that the Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By- law read a second time. 3rd reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimster - Carried unanimously. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Grims~er and G.Donald. ILEAD AND ADOPTED, August ll, 1941. Clerk FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, August 5, 1941. The Finance Committee met on Tuesde~, August 5, 1941, for the parpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert- ified and placed before them. All members of the 0ommittee were present with the exception of Ald. Wilkinson and Scott. Sundry accounts were passed by the Committee amounting to $31,852.78. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of AId. Grimster and G. Donald. On the motion of Ald. Grimster and A.F. Donald, Mr. F.W. Griffiths, rep- resting Miss MacBain, was premitted to address the COuncil, outlin~Ag Miss Mac- Bain's desire to acquire this property and requesting the deed be forwarded to them as the rightful owners of Lot 13, Queen Street. 0RDE~D on the motion of - His Worship Meyer Inglis and AId. Grtmster that this property be sold back to Clara Brown and Margaret MacBats and the offer of Mr. Griffiths be aooeptqd. This motion was defeated. An amendment was presented by Ald. A.F.Donald and C. Donald that this matter be deferred until the two members absent from this meet- ing are present. Amendment lost. A communication from Welland County Committee Auxiliary Services, C.A. S.F., reques ing grant from the Council toward expenses, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and Allen that the corsnunication ~e rec- eived and filed, but this was later withdrawn. A motion was presented by Ald. Grimster and A.F. Donald that the communication be laid on the table for a week and the Clerk be instructed to o~tain more information as to how this money is to be spent, and report at the next meeting. Mayor Inglis requested that the Clerk look over previous letters on this subject and find out if there was a resolution passed 'that the Mayor represent the City of Niagara Falls on the Welland County Committee Auxiliary Services'. A statement of Tax Collections to July 31st, vas presented. It was ord- ered on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and Grimster that the statement be r~ceived and laid on the table. The matter of the purchase of a' battery charger of the Fire Department was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimster and His U~orship Mayor Inglis that this be left in She hands of the Track Committee. The offer of John W. Plato re 1582 Robinson Street, communication and offers from Miss Emily J. Smith and B.J.Spencer Pitt re 1582 Robinson Street and 1802 Robinson Street, and the offer of Mrs. L. Rumen for the purchase of 1582 Rob- inson Street, as laid over f~om the previous meeting, were again presented. On the motion of Ald. Grimetot and G. Domld, Mr. Kenneth Ford was permitted to ad- dress the Council. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Inglis and Ald. G. Donald that the matters covere~ i-n Items l, 2, 3 and 4 of the report of the Propel.ty Committee be referred.,~o the City Solicitor for his opinion. AJl offer from Joseph Mlhlisin to purchase 564 Homewood Avenue for the sum of $2,100.00, was presented. Upon the recommendation of the Property Commit- tee and on the motion of Ald. Allen and A.F.Donald it was ordered that Mr. Mihlis- in be advised that the sale price of this property is $2,300.00. A.'communication and offer from the Hydro-Electric Commission re the lmr- chase of Lot 217, Hickson Avenue for the slam Of $50.00 was presented. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. A.F.Oonald and Grimster it was ordered that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the approval of the Department of Municipal Affairs. An offer from Ben Yuhasz and Louis Ferencz to purchase a lot on Stan- ley Avenue, was presented. Upon the recomnendation of the Property Conmittee and on the motion of Ald. Allen and Grimster the report Of the Committee was adopted, subject to the condition that the sale price would be $450.00, instead of $400.00 as offiered. His Worship Mayor Inglis asked to be recorded as ~Pposing this motion. The report of the Property Committee re the above and ~ther matters was presented. It was ordered on the motion of AId. A.F.Donald and Grimster that the report be received and ~dopted. A communhation was received re the hospitalization for a child at the Sick Ghildren's Hospital. On the motion of Ald. G.Donald and Grlmster it! was ord- ered that this child be taken care of and arrangements made for this hospitaliz- ation. A list of persons claiming Poll Tax exemption was presented. On the mot- ion of His Worship Mayor Inglis and Aid. Grimster it was ordered that the list be received and laid on the table for one week; and the City Clerk be instructed ~o ascertain the municipalities collecting poll tax. A communication was received re holidays for Mr. J..Herberts. .It was,., ordered on the motion of 'Aid. '~rimster and A.F.Donald and the reconnendation of the City Clerkbe adopted. :, 00 The Committee adjourned on the motion of AId. Grimster and A.F. Donald. REaD AND ADOPTED, August ll, 1941. Clerk C0krFERENCE Council Chamber, Au~ust 5, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the Council meetings, for the purpose of holding a conference. All members of the Committee were present, with the exception of Ald. Wilkinson and Scott. After discussion upon the matters presented, the Committee adjourned on the !~ot- ion of Ald. White and G.Donald. READ AND ADOPTED, August ll, 1941. 2Oi COUNCIL MEETING ' Council Chambe r, August 5, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the r~gular Council and fin- ance meeting for the purpos~of passing the money by-law which *covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members, ~th the exception of Aid. Wilkinson and Scott, were present. Clerk Mayor BY-IAW The following By-law was passed: No. 3121 - Aid. J,G, Whtte- To Gr~nt Monies for General Purposes, 1st reading -Ald. Allan 'and Grimster. Xt ~s then ordered on the motion of Aldo A,F. Donald and 'White that Rule 36 (21 of the Standing Rules of Council be tamporarily suspended and the By- law. read a second time o~ 3rd reading - AId, Orimster and G, Donald, The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. G,Donald and A.F. Donald. READ AND ADOPTED, AUgUst~ 11, 1941. · Mayor 202 203 FORTY-FIFTH ~,~ETING SPEIAL E~ETING Council Chamber, August 7, 1941. A special meeting of the City Council was held at 5.00 p.m. on Thursday, August 7, 1941. This meeting was held for the purpose of passing a resolution expressing the sympathy of the citizens and members of the City Council due to the death of the late Alderman W.L. Wilkinson. All members were present with the exception ~f Ald. A.W.Scott. RESOLUTION The following Resoluti on ~s passed: No. 109 - A.F. DONALD - ALLEN - RESOLVED that the City Clerk be instructed to con- vey to the family of the late Alderman WillJars L. Vilkinson, the sympathy of the citizens and members of the Council of the City of Niagara Falls in their recent sad bereavement. The late Alderman Wilkinson was an outstanding citizen in ~his community and had been connected very closely with the municipal life of the City for many years; since 1897 he had served almost continuously as a member of mun- icipal boards or comissions and for fourteen years as a member of the City Coun- cil. The members of the City Council, thus closely associated with the late Alderman Wilkinson, appreciate hismdeep interest in all matters pertaining to Civic Welfare and feel that through his death, Niagara Falls has lost a most able and unselfish representative; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously CONMUNICATION The following Communication was presented: No. 296 - Honourable W.L.Houck, M.L.A. - expressing regret upon the death of the late Alderman W.L. Wilkinson. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. A.F. Donald and Grim- ster that the communication be received and spread on the minutes: "August 6, 1941. "His Worship "Mayor George Inglis, "Niagara Falls, Ontario. "Dear Mr. Mayor: "It was with very deep regret that I 1. arned this morning of the sudden passing of our very good f~iend Alderman Wilkinson, and with a very real sense of personal loss that I convey to you and Council, and through you to the cornunity generally, my personal sympathy. "It was my privilege to know Alderman Wilkinson for a good many years. The admiration which I conceived for him at an early time deepened through the years into a very real regard and affection. He ~ave unstintingly and unselfish- ly~ his community, and will not be soon forgotten by the pso~le--on whose hehalf be labcured so energetically and so consistently. "In conclusion, a further word of s~mpathy to yourself and Council. "Yours sincerely, "W.L.HOUOK" "Vice-Chairman.. On the motion of Alderman Grant Donald and Grimster two minutes' silence in memo:7 of the later Alderman was obse,r~.ed. : The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Orimster. READAND ADOPTED, August ll, 1941. Clerk Mayor FORTY-SIXTH MEETING REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, 'August 11, 1941. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. to consider Gen- eral business and finance. All members of the Council with the exception of Ald. Scott were present. His Worship Mayor G.R.Inglis welcomed Alderman C.W. Twidate to the Coun- cil, expressing his regret that it was through the sad death of the late Alderman Wilkinson; and assuring Alderman Twidale of the whole-hearted appreciation of her services to the community in the past, and of this opportunity of having her in the Council in the future. Alderman Twidale expressed her thanks to His Worship for the very kind welcome accorded her and also her sincere syrapathy to the late Alderman's family in their sad bereavement. She promised her Pallest co-operation on every ques- tion which concerns the welfare of the City. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous reg- ular and special meetings, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Grimster and A.F. Donald. C0~UNICATIONS Laid over from previous meeting: No. 285 - Department of Highways - enclosing letter re oval at Falls Avenue and Bender Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Grimster that the com- munication be laid on the table until the Council meets with the Hencurable W.L. tIouck, N.L.A. No. 288 - Bethlehem Steel Company - re hauling operations over city streets. 0RD- ERED on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Allen that the Bethlehem Steel Company be released from any Obligations to the City and their insurance be withdrawn. SEE Report Number 108 No. 291 - Frank Folemsbee - re moving of barn and report of the City Clerk on same. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Grimster and Allen that the connnunication be rec- eived and all parties concerned be notified of the provisions of the building by- law. SE]E Report NUmber 109 No. 293 - Department of Health - and report of the City Clerk. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Allen end Grimster that the communication and report of the City Clerk be mceived end application be made to the Hospital for Incurables for the patient. SEE Report Number llO The following Con~nunications were presented: No. 297 - Hencurable W.L.Houck, M.L.A. - re meeting. (RDERED on the motion of Aid. White and G.Donald that the conraunication be received and the Hencurable Mr. Houck communic ted with, that it is with the unmost expediency that he meet this Council at the earliest possible date. No. 298 - Hencurable W.L.Houck, M.L.A. - Joint.meeting re Hydro Taxation. 0RigRED on the motion of Aid, G.Donald and Grimster that the communication be received end referred to the meeting to be held this week with the Hencurable Mr. Houck; and the City Clerk ascertain the date of the expiration of this Agreement. No. 299 - Department of Highways - re Joint meeting with Mr. R.M.Smith re sewers, 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Grim~ter that the co.wmunication be received and laid on the table and taken up with the Honouraole !:r. Hcuc.~ at the forthcoming meeting. No. 300 - Department of Highways - re letter fnom IZr. A.A. Smith re loc~tion of Victoria Avenue bridge. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, C.Donald and Whi~e thqt the communication be received ~nd refe fred to the meeting ~th the Hencurable kW. L.Houck. No. 301 - Niagara Falls Civic Employees' Association - requcstin~ con~i.Leraticn re living bonus. 0RDk]tED on the motion of Ald. A.F.Don~ld ~nd Grimster that the communication be received and referred to the Finance meeting. No. 302 - James i,iilne - requesting removal of tree at Delta Apartments, Liain ~treet. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. White and G. Donald that the conununication be rec- eived and referred to the Parks Superintendent for his report. No. 303 - Department of Municipal Affairs - re apfrova] of Department no longer required. 0RDEEED on the motion of Ald. G.Donaid and White that the communicat- ion be received and filed, and the By-laws with the Agreement be for~arded to the purchasers as passed. 20S At this p~ht Aid. Allen referred to the requester/ames ~ilne, Communic- ation NO. 302, and requested that the City Clerk prepare a by-law suitable cover- ing trees and the costs involved in cutting them down. F~LPORTS The folio:ring Reports were presented: No. 108 - City Clerk - re hauling of loads over City streets. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Allen that the report be received and filed. No. 109 - City Clerk - re moving of barn. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Gri~ster and Allen that the report be received and the Clerk notify all parties concerned. No. 110 - City Clerk - re patient at Hospital for Incurables. C~Dt~ on the mot- ion of Ald. Allen and Grimster that the recommendation be adopted. No. 111 - Dairy Ins~pector - report for the month of Yuly. 0RRERED on the motion of Ald. Allen and White that the report be adopted and usual publicity given. No. 112 - City Clerk - re conference, Tuesday, August 5, 1941. ORDE on the mot- ion of Ald. G. Danald and Grimster that the report be received and filed. In connection with the m~.eting held on August 6th at 10.00 a.m. His Wor- ship Mayor Inglis advised that Reeve Brunt of the To~mship of Stamford and Mr. M. E.Ker, Township Engineer along with the City Clerk and himself, inspected this~ scheme and it seems to be atemporary arrangment at present to relieve the housing shortage in the surrounding vicinities. All construction will take place in the Township. . MISCELL~.~EOUS At this point in the meeting Aid. Grimster spelm on the hazaard created by Youngsters riding bicycles on the sidewalk and any directions on the city streets, disregarding traffic regulations. He requested that some action be taken by the Police Departcent to insist that the traffic regulations are adhered to. ~ld. A.F.Donald else requestpd that a stric~ check should be made on all bicycles withcut licenses. 207 His Worship Mayor Inglis spoke on the fund for British ~ar Victims which is sponsoring the visit of Elsie, the cow. The following By-laws were passed: No. 3122 -Ald. J.G.White - To authorize the execution of a Deed. let reading -Ald. Grtmsterand G. Donald - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and White that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Cc~nci i be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time. - Carried unamimously. 2nd reading - Aid. ~ite and Grimster - Carried unanimously. No. 3123 - Aid. J.G.White - To Authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale sad Deed. ls~ reading - Aid. A.F. D onald and Allen - Carried unanlmousAy. It ~s then ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and W~ite that Rule 38 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily.suspended and the By-law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd x~ading -Ald. G.Donald and Grlmster - Carried unanimously. No. 3124 - Aid. J.G.White - To authorize the execution of an Agreement fo r S~le sad Deed. 1st reading - Aid. Grimster and A.F. Donald- Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. G. Donald and Grlmster that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By- law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. A.F. Donald and White - Carried unanimously. No. 31~5 - Aid. J.G.White - To authorize the execution of artAgreement for Sale and Deed. 1st reading - Aid. G. Donald and Allen - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. Grimster and G. Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By- law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading - Aid. A.F.Donald sad White - Carried unanimously. No. 5126 .Ald. J.G.White - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale sad Deed. ~ 1st reading -Ald. A.F. Donald and Grimster - Carried unanimously. It ~as then ordered on the motion of Ald. White and A.F. Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended-and the By-law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading - AId. Grimster and G.Donald - Carried unanimously. The Council-adjourned on the motion of Ald. White and G. Donald. READ AND ADOPTED, August 18, 1941. Clerk FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, Augus t 11, 1941. The Finance Conuntttee met on Menlay, August 11, 1941, for the parpose of approving and also of passing the various account s which had be en properly cer- tified sad placed before them. All members of the Council were present ~,~th the exception of Ald. A.W. Scott. Sundry accounts were passed by the Committee amounting to $3,323.78. The aceours,submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were order- ed placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and G.Donald. '~he communication from Welland County Committee Auxilary Services, C.A. S.F., as laid over from the previous meeting; and the report of the City Clerk were, on the motion of Ald. Grimster and A.F. Donald, received and the sum of $50. granted tov~rd the expenses. The list of persons claiming Poll Tax exemption and the report of the City Clerk on the same, were presented. It was ordered on the motion of His Wor- · ip Mayor Inglis and Ald. Grimster that the report be received sad filed, and the report publiehed ~o that the public my know that other municipalities besides Niagara Falls collect Poll Tax. A communication f tom Win. Dick, re removal of stone from 1020 Centre Street by City truck, was presented. On the motion of A/d. G.Donald sad Allen It ~as ordered that the communication be received and filed until such time as the liceace number of the said truck may be produced. A report f. rc~.the CIty Clerk, re police court action against merchants using sidewalks for displaying merchandise, ~as presented. On the motion of Ald. Allen and Grimster it was ordered that the services of Wm. Jepson be hired, if av- ailable, to make this survey. A report re hospitalization for a child, ~s presented. On the motion of Ald. Grimster and T~idale it was ordered that the report of the City Clerk be received and adopted. At this po~n~, Aid. G.Donald requested that before any other casea such as the above are brought to the attention of the Committee, a report from the Medical Officer of Health should be available. A communication from Ben Yuhasz and Louis Ferencz re lot on Stanley Av- enue, v~s presented. On the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Grimetot and Allen it was ordered that the offer of $450.00 for 50' of the lot on Stanley Avenue be received and accepted. A communication from Quested T. Bean, re the purchase of Lot 68, Daw- lish Avenue, ~as presented. Upon the recommendation of the Property Cormittee and on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimster it was ordered that the offer of $100.00 be received and accepted, subject to the condition that a dwelling of not less than $3,500.00 he erected on the premises within a period of .six months. A communication from A.E. Putman m the purchase of part of Township Lot 130, Drummond Road for the sum of One ttundred Dollars, was presented. Upon the recommendation of the property Committee and on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimster it was ordered that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the condition of a dwelling of at least $3,000.00 witl be er=cted on the premises within a period of six months. A communication from C.G. Cooper, re the purchase of part of Lot 29, First Avenue for the sum of $100.00, was presented. Upon the recommendation of the Property Comnittee and on the motion of Ald. Twidale and A.F. Donald, it was ordered that the offer be accepted, s~bJect to the condition that a dwelling of at least $3,000.00 will be erected on the premises Within a period of six months. A comnmnlcation from the City Solicitor, re 1582 and 1602 Robinson Stre~ was presented. On the motion of Ald. Grimsterand A.F.Donald it was ord- ered that the communication be received and the recommendations of the property CoSmittee be adopted. The report of the Property Committee re the above and other matter w=~s presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimster and A.F.Donald that the report be received and adopted. The communication which was referred to the finance meeting for consid- eration, was presented. Mayor Inglis suggested that this matter be presented to the Ontario Municipal Association convention for discussion. On the motion of Ald. Grimster and G. Donald it was ordered that the matter be laid on the table. The City Clerk was instructed to give a memorandum to Ald. A.F. Donald re having the above matte=. presented to the executive meeting of the Ontario Mun- icipal Association convention. The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Grimefor and G.Donald. READ AND AIDP~ED, August 18, 1941. COUNCIL CF. AtTHER C Dune i 1 Chambe r, Aui/ust 11, 19,11. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and finan- ce meetings for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members with the exception of Ald, Scott present. BY-LAW The following By-law was passed: No. 3127 -Ald. J.G.White - To Grant Monies for GeneralPurposes. let reading -Ald. Grimster and G. Donald - Carried unanimously. It '~as then o nlered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and White that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time. 3rd reading -Ald. White and Grimster - Carried unanimously. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. White and A.F.Donald. READ AND ADOP~ED, August 18, 1941. Clerk Mayo r 2o9 al,erk Chairmanof Finance CONF~OE Council Chamber, August 18, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the counci 1 and finance meet- ings for the purpose of holding a conference. All members of the committee were present with the exception of Ald. Scott. After discussion upon the matters presented, the Con~nittee adjourned on the mot- ion of Aid. White and A.F. Donald. READ AND ADOFrED, August 18, 1941. Clerk Chai man FORTY-SEV~JNTH L'~ETING Council Chamber, August 18, 1941. Pursuant to adjourr~ment, the Council met at 8.00 p.m. to consiSer gen- eral business and finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Grimster wene present. The Council, havinE~ received a:ml r~ad the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. A.F.Dornld and White. COL~JUAVICATIONS Laid over from previ~s meeting: No. 302 - Yames Mllne - requesting ~emoval of tree, ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Scott and Allen that the communication be received and filed, and the request be granted. SEE also Report No. 113 The following Communications were presented: No. 304 - Toronto Hospital for Ineurables - re admittance of Frank Decicco. 0RD- 'EFtED on the motion of Ald. ~,~ldale and C.Donald tb=tt the communication be recei~fi and laid on the table, and Dr. H. Logan be asked to look into the coase and end- earour to make a satisfactory arrangement for this patient. No. 305-- Niagara Falls Softba~l Association - re exhibition ~une for British Fire Fighters' FunS. 0F~ERED on the motion of Ald. Allen and A.F.Donald that the c om- munication be receiv d and filed, and the City's portion of the receipts be relin- quished toward the fund. No. 306 - 1.0.D.E. Lundy's Lane Chapter - requestir~ pemission to change date of flag day. 0RINgRED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Twid'ale tha,t ~he communication be received and filed, end the request be granted. No. 307 - Canadian Good Roads Association - re convention at Niagara Falls. 0RD- ERED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Scott that the communication be received snd filed, and as many of the COuncil as possible attend the convention. No. 308 - Honourable W.L.Houck, M.L.A. - reproposed meeting to discuss items with Deputy Minister of Highways. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and A.F. Donald that the cc~munication be received and filed, end the Honourable Mr. Houck be asked to attend a meeting wl~a Council approximately one h~r previous to the meeting with the Deputy Minister. No. 309 - Department of Natimal War Services - re national salvage campaign. 0RD- ERED on the motion of Ald. White and Scott that the comrmlnication be received and laid on the table for one week; and the City Clerk he requested to submit a report upon the suggestion. No. 310 - Departmint of Public Welfare - re budgetting old nge and blfifi pensions. 0RDEED on the motion of Aid. T~idale and White that the comunication be received and filed, and referred to the Relief Department f.or attention. REPORT The following Report. was presented: No. 113 - Panks Superintendent - re removal of tree at Delta apartments, Street. ORDERED on the .motion of Ald. Scott and Allen that the report be received and approved. ' BY-IA'dB The following By-laws were passed: No. 3128 - Aid. J.G.White - To authorize the execution of a Deed. 1st re~ding -Ald. Allen and A.F. Donald. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily .suspended and the By-law read a second time - Carri ed. 3rd reading -Ald, A.F. Donald and White - Carried. No. 3129 -Ald. J.GJRlite - To authorize the execution of an Agreeneat for Sale and Deed. 1st reading -Ald. Scott and G. Donald- Carried. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and G. Donald theft Rule 36 (2) of t.he Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By- law read a second time - Carried. 3rd reading -Ald. Scott and G. Donald- CarMed. No. 3130 - Aid. Y.C.White - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. 1st reading- Ald. Trddale and G.Donald - Carried. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council b~ temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time - Carried. 3rd reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and rfi~ite - Carried. No. 3131 -Ald. Y.G. White- To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. 1st reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott - Carried. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. G.Donald and White that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time - Carried. 3rd reading -Ald. T~,ddale and A.F.Dona]~- Carried. YKISCELLANEOUS Aid. Allen spoke of the matter of transients coming into this City where they beg for money and annoy householders. He suggested that if these men were required to work, perhaps brsakin~E stone, when committed to the County Jail, they would avoid Niagara Falls. Ald. Scott asked that a check be made to see that sewer acommodation is p~ovided for the residence of Mr. V. Buck, 972 Huron Street; sad that such servio~ will not be affected by the constmuctiou of a dwelling on the ,!Dr' adjacent to this property. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Scott. READ AND ADOPTED, Angust 2~, 1941. Clerk (DeI~ty) Mayor 213 FINANCE MEETIk~ Council Cham~ r, AuGust 18, 1941. The Finance Coimmittee met on Monday, August 18, 1941, for the purpose of approvir~F~ and also of passing the various accounts w~ ~h b=d bean properly cert- ified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present with the exception of Ald. Crimster. Sundry accounts were passed by the Committee, ~nounting to ~12,532.B0, The acecleats submitted, bein~ passed or othenvise dealt w~th, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. O.Donald and See tt. The report of the Property Committee was Fres:nted. In conn orion with the recommendation that a survey of the Smith property be ma!e, it was ordered by lld. Scott and Allen that this recommendation be adopted. The matter of the sale or repairs to the property at 330-338 %ueen Street, tvas then discussed. The rep- ort recommended that extensive repairs be made in the event that the property is not sold; and the offer of Max Gold of $2,V50.00 cash, as pres. nted at previous meetings, ~,~.-as considered; In this connection, and on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and Twirlale, Miss '~largaret YacBain was permitted to address the Council. It was then ordered on the motion of His Worship LIayor laG!is an~ Ald. ?:~!ale that the matter be received and laid on the table and referred back to the City Solicitor for clarification and his interpretation of the 1941 amendment to the Tax Sale Con- fiEnation Act. The matter of the purchase of a battery charger for the Fire Department was considered. It was ordered on the motion of His '::orship i~yor Ing]is and Scott that the matter be referred to the Track Committee for a recommenaation upon the new prices received. A conmunication was presented from the Hospital for Sick Children reg- arding the need of special shoes for Margaret Shanahan. It was ordered on the mot- ion of His Worship Mayor Inglis and Ald. Scott that the co,~municatiOn be receiyed and filed, and the purchase of the special equipment be authorized. A report ;,:as presented from the City Clerk with re~erence to the con- struction of a sLx-inch ;~nter main on Cedar Street. It was ordered on the !notion of Aid. Scott and A.F. Donald that the report be recived and filed, ~nd the recom- mendation be adopted. A report was presenLed from the City Clerk re the hospital account for the late Frederick Y. Falla. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Llayor Inglts and Ald. Scott that the report be received and laid on the table, and a firthor investigation be made in this regsrd. A motion was made pr~:.viously by Ald. G.Donald and Allen that the report be received and filed, and the Hospital be so notified. This motion was not voted on. A report was presented from the City Clerk re the chai~es for the burial Of the late Ercole Cerulli. Xt was ordered on the motion of Aid. T~,~ddale and G. Donald that the report be received and adopted; and the account be paid. A report was presented from the City Clerk re the tenants and rental at 1073 McRae Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and ~vidale that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. The Finance Con~nittee ad~urned on the motion of Aid. Twidale and ~cott READ ~ ADOPTED, August 25, 1941. of FincAme COUNCIL MELTING Counci 1 Chamber, August 18, 194_. The Counci]. re-assembled at the close oe the re~uiur council and fin~n.~c razerings for the pu~ose of passing the ..money by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council, v;ith the exception of Grimster, were pesent. BY-LaW The follo:'dng By-law was pooped: No. 3132 - Aid. J.G.~hlte - To Grant ~ionles for General Purposes. let reading - Aid. A.F.Dovzld and Scott - Carfled. It ;,,as then ordered on the rotion of Aid. Vfifite and 'F,~ddale thot hule 36 (2) of the Standing l{ules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-Is'.,; read a second time. - Carried. 3rd reading - ild. G. Donald and White - Carried. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. White and G.Donald. I~ Ai~ AEOPTED, Au~ast 25, 1941. -~. Deputy C1jrk Mayor CONFERENCE Council Chamber, AUgust 18, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the Council and Finance meet.- i~s for the purpose of holding a conference. All members of the Commitbee were present, with the exception of Ald. Gri~ster. After discussion upon the matters presented, ion of Ald. G.Donald and Allen. READ A~D ADOP~ED, August 2~, 1941. Deputy Clerk ~. - , the Committee adjourned on the mot- FOE.~Y-EIGHI~H I~AETING Council Chamber, August 25, 1941. Prusuant to adjournment, the Council met at V.30 p.m. to consider ~en- oral business and finance. All members of Council, ~ith the exception of ald. White, were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Scott and G.Dona!d. CO~I.lrNICATI ONS The following Communications were presented: No. 311 - Toronto tlousewives' Association - re supply of and delive~ of milk. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Scott that the communication be rec- eived and filed. No. 312 - Kinsmen Club of Niagara Falls - requesting permission to sponsor Peanut Day. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Allen and %~ddale that the communication be received and filed, and the permission be granted. No. 313 - Aldermen'S Office, Hull, P.Q. - resolution re n svsprint proration exem- ptions. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Allen and G. Donald that the communication be received and filed. No. 314 - F. onourable W.L.ltouck, M.L.A. - re meeting with Council and Department of Hig. hwsys. 0RIgRED on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and Grimster that the cor..~unic- orion be received and filed, and as many of Council as' possible attend the meeting. No. 315 - Department of Highways - re meeting with Council. ORDER,laD on the motion of Aid. Grimster and A.F.Donald that the communication be received and filed. No. 316 - Ontario Municipal Association - resolutions for presentation at conven- tion. 0RDEKED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Scott that the communication be received and laid on the table. No. 317 - ~'omen's Auxiliary Service Patrol - invitation to drumhead service, Sept- ember 7th. 0RRERED on the motion of Ald. Grimetot and k.F. Donald that the commun- ication be received and filed, the invitation be accepted, and as many of the Coun- cil as possible attend the ceremony. No. 318 - Hydre-Electric Power Commission of Ontario - proposed occupation of streets and lanes. OIlDEED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Scott that the com- munication be received and filed, and permission be granted as requested, subject to the ~pert of the City Engineer upon the matter. SEE Report No. 114 REPORTS The following Reports were presented: No. 114 - City Engineer - recommendations re application of Hydro-Electric Power Commission. ORDERED on the ~tion of Ald. G. Donald and Scott that the report be received and filed, and adopted. No. 115 - Deputy Clerk - re conference held on August 18th. 0RDEI~ED on the motion ef'Ald. ~cott~nd Allen that the report be received and adopted. PETITION The following Petition was preanted: · 2i6 No. 5 - M.G. Flynn & 9 others - requesting narrowing of sidewalk and widening of roadway cn portf on of Centre Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. C.Dcnald and Grimstar that the petition be received and laid on the table; and referred to the City Clerk for a report as to the sug~estions, costs, etc. RESOLUTION The following Resolution was passed: No. 110 - ALT,v~ - GRIMSTER - IlESOL%SXD that the City Clerk be instructed to arrang~ for the erection of two suitable signs on Poplar Park, advising the public that this area is a city-owned park; cad the Seal of the Corppration be hereto affi.~ed. Carri MISCELL~\~OUS Ald. Allen asked that the Council give consideration to the possibility of plant- ing'shade trees around the fences at Oakes Park. The Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting with Ald. G.A. Allen as Acting Chair- man, on the motion of Ald. G.Donald 'and Grimstar. tlF~fi) ~tND AEOI~ED, September 2, 1941. Clerk Mayor FINANCE MEETING Gounci 1 Chamber, August 25, 194~. The Finance Committee met on Monday, August 25, 1941, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert- ified and placed before them. All members of the Comma ttee were present with the ex~ption of Ald. White. Ald. Allen was acting Chairmen of. Finance fe~ the-meet- ing. Sundry accounts were passed by the Committee amounting to $45,244.87. The accounts s6bmitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentatio~ to the Council, on, the motion of Aid. A.F.Donald and Grimstar. The report of the City Clerk, m hospitalization account for Frderick J. Falla, as laid ever from the previous meeting, was presented. Additional inform- ation was also received with reference to the present circumst:~nc~ of the family. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and Scott that thc- reFo~ts be ~c- eived and laid on the table, and the North F~merican Cyanamid Limited ~ advis~ d that the City Council cannot set a precedent in this case, and are unable to pay the account owing to the fact that insurance had been received by the widow of the patient. Communications from various hospitals and the Depur~ment of He ~lth, with reference to accommodation for Fra:k DecAnne, as referred from the pr vious Coun- cil meetings, ~'~ere presented. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld.. ~k.F.Donald and Grimetot that the communications be received and laid on the table until a report has been received from the Medical Officer of Health. The matter of p~ ees for a battery charger for the Fire Department, as referred from a previ cue meeting to the Truck Committee, was con~dered. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimster that the recomFendation Of the Truck Committee, for the purchase of a charger at $10.98, be adopted, The report of the City Solicitor, re the sale of 330-338 Queen Street, was presented. It was ordered o n the motion of Ald..k.F.Dcn~ld and Scott that the report be received and laid on the table until all m~nbers of the Committee ~re present. A communication was presented from London Concrete 12achinery Co. re pMces on street cleaning carts. It was ordered on the motion of lld. C.Danald and Grimster that the communication be received and filed; and the recommend ation of the City Clerk for the purchase of a cart with pneumatic tired wheels, at $60.00 be adopted. A communication vms presented from William Glen for possession of 138~ Maple Street. In connection with this communication, and on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Orimster, Mr. Glen ~ns heard. Mr. Glen outlined the circumstances in connection with his purchase of the above,property and,the refusal of the tenant to vacate the premises; and asked the City for assistance in the matter. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and A.F. Donald that the communication be rec- - aired and laid on the table; and the matter taken up with the City Solicitor for his legal opinion upon the case. A report of the City Clerk '.~s presented, recommending the extnsion of a portion of the sidewalk on ValleyWay. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Scott that the report be received and adopted. A report was presented from the City Clerk re the enployment of men as guards at the Filtration Plant. No,action was taken by the Committee uwon this mutter. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimstar, AND ADOPT~D, September 2, 1941. Clerk Acting Chairman of FinanCe COL~CIL CH~.{BER Council Chamber, August 25, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the re~oular council and finance meetings for the tnrpose of passing the money by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members o f the Counci 1, with the exception of Ald, White, were present.' By-L~W The following By-law was passed; No. 3133 -Ald. G.A.Allen - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. 1st rea~ng -Ald, T~dale and O.Donald. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing _Rules of Council be t~nporarily suspended and the By-law read a seeend time. 3rd reading -Ald. ~.vidale and A.F. Donald. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald, A.F. Donald and Scott. KEAD ~LND ADOPTED, September 2, 1941. Clerk Mayor COFF~P~FNCE Council Chamber, A~ust 25 1941. The council assembled at the close of the council and finance meetings for the purpose of holding a conference. All members of the Committee were pres- ent, with the exception of Ald. White. After discussion upon the matters presented, ion of Aid. A.F.Donald and Grimster. READ. Fd~tD. ADOPTED.,. September- 2.,. i.941. the Committee adjourned on the raot- Clerk Chai ma FORTY-~ MEETlED REGULAR MEETING Cainoil Chamber, September 2, 19411. PUrsuant to adjournment, the Council met at 8.00 p.m. to consider Gen- eral Business and Finance. All members of Council were present. The Council hav- ing received and read the minutes of the .pravious meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid. Grimster and Allen. COMMUNICATIONB The following Communications were presented: No. 319 - Director of PUblic Information - re reconsecration week. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Twidale that the communication be received and filed, and the City of Niagara Falls observe this week in e~ezy way possible. No. 3~0 - Canadian Federation'of Mayors & Municipalities - re 1941 campaign for conauunity welfare f-n~e. ORDERED on the m ti cn of Ald. Twidale and Allen that the comnunicaticn be received and referred to the Chamber of Commerce and other int- erested bodies for the necessary action. No. 321 - Departmint of Municipal ~ffairs - draft by-law re occupancy tax. ORD- ERED on the motion of Ald. Grimstar and Scott that the communication be received and laid on the table, and referred to the City Solicitor for a report. · No. 322 - E.E.Cox - protesting against no parking signS. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Grimetot and A.F.Donald that the oomamn~cation be ~eoeived and laid on the table; and a committee of His Worship Mayor Inglis, two members of Council and the City Clext investigate the condition and report back to Council thereon. In tilts connectinn, xiis Worship named the mower and sementier ofI the motion as member of the Committee. No. 323 - Mrs. A.F. Ray- rocAzsting re,oval of tree. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. G. Donald and Scott that the conmmnicatlen be received ,us laid on the table until the next meeting,. that the City Engineer bring in a report on the matter, and ~ll manhers of Council examine the tree in question.. SEE Report No, 116. REPORTS The following Reports were presented: No. 116 - Parks Superintendent - recommending tree be not removed. 01~D on the s0tion of Ald. G. Donald and Scott that the report be received and laid on the table until the next meeting. No. 117 - City C~erk - re conference held on August 25, 1941. 0EIIEIIED on the mot- ion of Ald. Grimetot and G. Donald that the report be received and adopted. No. 118 - City Clerk - re meeting wAth Hc~ourable W.L.Houck, M.L.A. ORDERED on the motion of A~d. O. Doreld end Twidale that the report he received and adopted. No. 119 - City Clerk - re meeting with Deputy Minister of Highwe~s. 0RIlERED on the motion of AId. 0.Donald and GrAmstot that the report be received and adopted, and the City Clerk be thenked for the vex7 excellent and complete No. 120 - City Clext - ~e expirati.on ~¢, ngreement xe lt~ro grant. 0RD~IIED on the eation of/LId. (hDore ld and Allen that the report be received and laid on the tab- let.,and n~o.lnblic~ty be given ~o ~ha same at the present time. '221 The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott and CrAms, or. READ AND AEOPTED, Sept ~r 8, 1941. Clerk Count il Chamber, September 2, 1941. The Finance Committee met on Tuesday, September 2, 1941, for the pur- pose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the C~,mn~ttee wexe pressIt. Sundry accounts wexB :passed by the C~mm~ttee amounting to $~0,008.42. The accounts submitted, heiug passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for prese~ation to the Council on the motion of AId. O. Donald and Scott. The report of the City Solicitor, as laid over from the previous meet- ing, and regarding the sale of ~30-3~8 ~ueen Street, ms presented. A cornunio- n,ion and revised offer of $2,755.00 for the px~perty was presented fx~a Miss Margaret MaeBaino A motion was presented by Ald. G.Ikexald and A.F. Donald that the report and comnunication be received and filed, and the building be advertised and sold to the highest bidder. An amendment was then presented by Aid. Allen end Grimstar that the ceenmunication and report be received and filed, and the prop- erty he sold to Miss MacBain for the mount· of the revised offer. When the amend- men, was voted upon, it was tied and the original me, ion .ms met put. A cceununioaticn was presented from Mr. ;ca. Messores, requesting the refund Of a deposit re the lmrchese of part of Range 24, Buchanan Avenue. Upon the ~eoomnendatlon of the Px~perty C~mxittee and ca the motion of Ald. Scott and GrAm- star, it was ordered ,Mat the comaunion,ion be received and filed, and the refund be made. An offer was presented fx~n T. DJogomanis for the purebase of 1~79 Maple Street for the sum of $2,200..00. Upon the reccemandation of the Property Commi~- tee end on the me,ira of Ald. Scott .ud GrAmster, it was ordered that the offer he received and accepted, subject ~o the umal conditionalend to the provision that ~he purchaser muss be responsible for the tenant. An offer'~d~ presented f~om Stanley Mann for the purchase of part of Lots'llS, llP, Menzl~'Street for the sum of $~0.'00o Upon the recommendation of the Pxul~rty Cmmitte~ ahd on the motion of AId. A.F. Donald and Twidale it was ordered that the offer be reoeivod and accel~ed, subJeer to the usual ecaditiens and to the provie. ion that a dwelling of at leas ~$2,~00.00 value shall be erected on the premises within six months. The matter of the allowance for a sidewalk in front of Lot 30, Rosedale Drive, recently purchased by Mr. Robert Murray, ,a~s discussed. Upon the recommend- ation of the Property Co,~nittee and on the motion of Aid. Grimstar and Scott it was ordreed that Mr. Murray should be advised by letter that the City will remove the curb and l~vement fron the lot, if and when required so to do. An offer was presented from F.M.neO for the purchase of part of Lot 8, Main Street for the sum of $125.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Com- mittee, and on the motion of Aid. Scott and Grimstar it was ordered that the of- fer be received and not accepted, and the price for the lot be set at $200.00. An offer was presented from M.E.Agar for the purchase of Lot 549, Rob- errs Street for the sum of $250.00. Upon the reco~anendattoa of the Property Com- mittee and on the motion of Ald. Scott and A.F. Donald, it was ordered that the of- fer be received and filed, and not accepted, as the assessed value of the lot is $900.. O0. The report of the Property Committee re the above offers was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and A.F.Donald that the report be rec- eived and filed. The Revenue and Expenditure Statement as of Yuly 31, 1941, w~s pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Twiddle that the state- ment be received and laid on the t~ble. A con~unication was presented from Mrs. H.Hiles, requesting a refund of a dog licenee. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. O.Donald and Twiddle that the com.n, uication be received and filed, and the rel~nd be made. A report w~s presented from the City Cler~ regarding the location end personnel of the Relief Department. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Allen and T~ldale that the report be receded and adopted. A report was presented by the City Clerk, regarding the e~ploymsut of T.Malloy and R. Whyte. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Grimstar and A.F. Don- al~ that the report be received and laid on the table until the next meeting, that copies of the report be reforwarded to menbars of the Committee and the City Clerk endeavour to ascertain the length of time which elapsed between Mr. Malloy,s res- Ignation and his enlistment. A report was presented from the City Clerk regarding the resignation of R.Whyte. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Grimmtar and G.Donald that the rep- ort he received and adopted. A report was presented from the City Clerk regarding ~e condition of a cellar of a store on ~uean Street. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Scott and Gramstar that the report be received and adopted. A statement of tax collections for the month of August was presented. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Twidale and Allen that the stateant he rec- eived and laid on the table. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Grimstar and A-r. Donald. READ AND ADOP1ED, Sap, saber 8, 1941. Clerk , COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, September 2, 1941. The COuncil m-assembled at the close of the regular council .r~ fin- anne meetings for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the ac- counts approved by the Cosmittee. All members of the Council were present. BY-lAW The follo~n~ By-law was passed; No. S134. - A~d. ~.G. White- To Grant Monies for General Purposes. 1st reading -Ald. Twidale and G. Dauald - Carried unanimously.. It ~as explored on the motion of AId. A.F. Donald and C~imster that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of COuncil be t~mporarlly suspended and ~he By-law read a second time - Carried unauimously. 3rd madinS - Aid. Twidele and Scott; Carried unanimmlsly. The COuncil adjourned on the motion of AId. A.F.Donald and G.Don~ld. READ AND ADOP'r~;u, September 8, 1941. Clerk Council Chamber, September ~, lg41. The anuncil assembled at the clsee of the council and finance meetings, · for the lxxrpose of holding a confencnce..All members of the Colsaittee were present. After discussion upon the matters pros. cored, ~he C0mm~ttee adJ.~xrn~d on ~he mot- ion of Ald. G. Do~ald ahd Grimetot. lqEADAND ADOPTE~, September 8, 1941. FIFTIE~ MEETING REGULAR :~EETING Council Chamber, September 8, 1941. Pursutant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.50 p.m..to consider gen- eral business and finance. All members of Council, with the exception of Ald. Grimster, were present. The Council, having received and r. ad the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Allen and Scott. Ald. Grant Donald was Acting Mayor until the arrival of His Worship M~vor InSlie. COMM~JN_ICATI 0NS Laid over from previOus meeting, No. 309 - Department o'f National War Services - re salvage of animal fats and bones. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Twidale and Allen that the communication be received and filed, and the City Clerk be authorized to inaugurate a scheme for the collection of these materials. S~E Report No. 121 No. 322 - Mr. E.E. Cox- re no parking signs in front of store.- 0RD~ED on the motion of Ald. Scott and White that the comnmnication be received and filed, and pa.rking for one ear in front of the building be provided. SEE Report No. 122 No. 3~3 - Mrs. A.F.Ray - requesting remov~l~of tree. 0P~ on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott that the comunication be received and filed, and the tree be removed and replaced with a tree of the hard mapl~ variety. SEE Reports No. 116 & 123 . The f~llowing Communications were presented: No. 324 - C_anadian War Services Committee - re Joint meeting re co-ordination of services of variOus organizations. ORDEE on the motion of Ald. White and Scott that the communication be received and filed, that AId. Twidale be appointed as a representative of .the Council at the meeting, and as many of~ the Council .as Dos- st ble attend. No. 3~5 - Depamentof Insurenee - reo~mmending fire departments be maintained at ~11 strength. 0REVERED on tbe motion of AId. White and A.F. Donald that the conmun- ication be received and filed, and the Dominion Fire Commissioner be advised that the City of N~agara Falls will co-operate to the fUllest extend in this connection. No. 3P. 6 . Department of Ins~ranee - re dangers from overcrowding in residences and aParments. O~ on the motion of Aid. White and Scott that the communication be received and filed, and the Commissioner be advised that the City of Niagara Falls will do e. verythiug possible to safeguard their citizens. No. 3P.7 - Chamber of Commerce - re charitable appeals. 0RD~RED on the motion of Aid. White and Scott that the oomaunication be received and laid on the table. , At.this point Hie Worship. Mayor IngliS arrived at. the meeting. N0. $~g . Ma~or A.~.Reax~me. Windsor - re Wartime Housing and aceonanedation for sol- diers, families. 0~ on the motion of Aid. Allan and Scott that the commun- ication be received and laid on the table for future consideration. No. $29 - Mrs. E.A.Wills - requesting removal of tree. ~0RDERE~ on the motion of 225 Ald. White and A.F.Donald that the .conmunlcation be received and laid on the table, and referred to the Parks Superintendent for a report. No. 330 - R.Vandersluys - requesting removal of tree. ORvkfcED on the motion of Ald. White and Scott that the communication be received aml filed, and the req- uest be granted. ~ Report No. 124 REPORTS hid.over from previous meeting: No. 116 - Parks Superintendent - recommending tree be not removed. 0EDITED on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald end Scott that the report be received and filed, and the tree be removed and replaced by one of the hard maple variety. SF~ Report No. 123 The follcwin~ Reports were presented: No. 121 - City Clerk - re salvage of animal fats and bones. 0RD~tED on the mot- ion of Ald. Twirlale and Allen that the rel~rt be received and filed, and adopted. No. 122 - Committee of Council - re parking at Bridge Street and Fourth Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and White that the report be received and filed, and adopted.. No. 123 - City Clerk - recommending tree he not removed. ORDERED ou the motion of Aid. A~F.Donald and Scott that the report be received and filed. No. 124 - Parks Suplrlntendent - recowr~nding removal of tree. O~r~.RED on the motion of Aid..White and Scott that the retort be received and filed, and adopted. No. 125- motion of opt ed. City .Clerk - re conference held on Septemher 2, 1941. ORDIRED on the Aid. G. Donald and White that the report be mealveal and filed, and ad- No. 1~6 - Dairy Inspector - report for month of August. 0R]~ on the motion of Aid. White and Scott that the report be received and filed. No. 1~7 - City Clexk - resolution re deputations before Council. 0~D~I~ED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Allen that the report be received and filed. N~'. 128 - City F~ineer - recommending temporary. street light. ORDERED on the mot- - ion of Ald. G. Donald and . Twidale that.the report be received and filed, and ad- opted. No. 129 - Cl~ Engineer - re cost of suggested widening of Centre Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Allen that the report be received and laid on the table for one week, and the City Clerk ascertain what portion of .the cost the property owners are prepared to assume. S~E Petition No. 5 .Laid over fxum previous meeting[: No. 5 - M.C.l~nn & 9 others - requesting widening of fientre Street. 0P~m~ED on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Allen that the petition be laid on the .table for One weeks N.o.. 3135 - AId. J.G. White- To authorize the execution Of an/~reement for Sale and Deed. 1st reading - AId. Twidale and Scott. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. A.F. Donald and White that Rule 36 (~) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time. 3rd reading - Ald..Scott and G. Donald. No. 313__~6- Ald. J.G.Whlte - To authorize the execution of anA~reement for Sale and Deed. 1st reading - Aid. A.F. Donald and G. Donald. It was then ordered on the motion of Md. G. Donald and Scott that Rule 38 (2) of the Standing Rules of CoUncil be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time. . 3rd reading -Ald. Twidaleand G. Donald. MISCELLANEOUS AId. Scott asked the City Clerk to check and report on the condition of the street lighting at the corner of Valleyway and Second Aveme. The Council adjourned on the motion ofAld. White and A.F. Donald. F~DAND ADAPTED, September 15, .1941. Clerk Mayor FIZIANCE MEETinG Council Chamber, Septa~lber 8, 1941. The FinanCe Committee met on Monday, September 8, 1941, for the pArpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert- ified and placed before them. All members of the Committee, with the exception of Ald. ~[rismter, were p_=esent. Sundry accounts were passed bl the Committee, mounting to $6,269.26. The accounts sub itted, being passed or. otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the n~ney by-law for presentation'to the Cormell, on the motion of Aid. Scott and A.F. Donald. ; , " The report of the City Clerk, as laid over from the previous meeting, regarding the employment of T.Malloy, and a further report re the date of his listmeat, were presented. Xt was ordered on the motion of AId. A.F.Donald and Scott thst the reports be received and laid-on the table, and additional lnfom- aticn he chained. A communication was presented from the North American Cysnamid Limited re the hospital account for the late Frederick L Falls. Consideration was given to this communication but no motion was made and the Chairman of Finance ordered that the communication be filed. A report was presented from the City Clerk regarding the need of cloth- ing by an immamte of a boarding home. It w~s ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Allen that the report be received and filed, and the necessary clothing be purchased. The stateneat of direct relief costs for the month of August, 1941, was pros,rated. It was ordered on the motion of A14. Scott and Twidale that the state- meat be receded and filed. It was further ordered on the motion of Aid. A.F.Don- aid and His Worship Mayor Inglis that the question of the dismissal of a n~mber of the Relief Deparment Staff be considered at the conference meeting. A statement was presented re the revenues and expenditures on repOssessed housing properties as at August 31, 1941. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. A. F. Donald and Scott that the statement be received and laid on the table, and ref- erred to the Property Committee for a repOrt. 1941. A statement of the i t s , was also presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Twidale that the reports he received end laid on the table and,re~erred to the Property Committee for a report. A communication was presented from Messrs. Stephens, McKenna and McCombs on behalf of the Brown Estate, requesting the issuance of a red~ption certificate for 330-338 queen Street. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Scott it wan ordered that the com,,,nication be received and laid on the table for presentation at the next meet~mg of Council; and the communication be referred to the City Solicitor for his opinion. A revised offer from Rosins Mannuse of $200.00 for part of Lot 8, Main Street was presented. 11pon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Scott and Twidale it was ordered thut the offer be recei~d and accepted, sobJeer to the usual conditions and to the provision that a dwelling of at least $3, 000. value ,-,~t be erected on the premises within six months. The plan showing the sub-division of the property formerly owned by the Smith Estate on Robinson Street, was presented. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Aid. G. Donald and Allen it was ordered that the sub-division be approved. The report of the Property Committee upon the above matters was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. G.Donald and Allen that the report he sired and filed. The City Clerk advised the Committee of the request for an option for Qne week re the purchase of the boiler at the distillex~y building, and an addit- ionsl offer for the same. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and G.Don- aid that the action of the City Clerk in this -connection be accepted as ~tisfact- -cry. The ~atter of the a~Arvey of property on Main Street and the charge laid before the Magistrate in connection with the storing of merchandise on the City streets, was considered. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Ma~or lng- lis and Aid. Grant Donald that the matter ha taken up. with the City -~olicitor and the Committ~e act upou his advice.. : ' · , ' ' ... -. The Comnittee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Twidale and A.F.Donald. P~D AND ,'~_00PT~D, September 15, 1941. Clerk / Chairman of Finance C~XINCIL ~E~ING Council Chamber, September 8, 1941 -The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council end finance meetings for the purpOse of passing the money by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council, v~Ath the exception of Ald. Grimster, were present. . The following By-law was passed: _No. 3137 - Aid. J-G. White- To Grant Monies for General Purposes. 1st reading - AId. Scott and A.F.Donald. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and White that .Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time. 3rd reading .Ald. Twldale and G. Donald. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. A.F. Dohald and White. READ AND ADOPTED, ,September 15, 1941. The report of the City Clerk, as laid over from the previous meeting, regarding the employment of T.Malloy, and a further report re the date of his en- listment, were presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Scott that the reports be received end laid.on the table, and additional inform- ation be o~ained. A communication was presented from the North American Cyanamid Limited re the hospital account for the late Frederick J. Falls. Consideration was given to this comunication but no motion was m~de and the Chairm~n of Finance ordered that the communication be filed. A report was presented from the City Clerk reg~rding the need of cloth- ing by an ironstate of a boarding home. It w~e orders& on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Allen that the report be received and filed, and the necessary clothing be purchased. The starmeat of direct relief costs for the month of August, 1941, presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Twidsle that the state- meat be receded and filed. It was further ordered on the motion of AId. A.F.Don- ald and His Worship Msyor Inglis that the question of the dismissal of a member of the Relief Department Staff be considered at the conference meeting. A statement was presented re the revenues and expenditures on repossessed housing properties as at Aug~ust 31, 1941. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. A. F.Donald and Sco~t that the statement be received and laid on the table, and ref- erred to the property Committee for a report. A statement was presented re the Housing Agreements as at $~gust 1941. A statement of the occupied registered properties as at Augus 31, 1941, was also presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Twidale that the reports he received ~nd laid on the table and re~erred to the property Committee for a report. A communication was presented from Messrs. Stephens, McKenna and MoOcrabs on behalf of the Brown Estate, requesting the issuance of a redemption certificate for 330-338 ~ueen Street. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. G.Donsld and Scott it wen ordered that the co~-~,nication be received and laid on the table for presentation at the next meeting of Council; and the conananication be referred to the City Solicitor for his opinion. A revised offer from Rosins Mancuso of $200.00 for part of Lot S, Main Street was presented. llpon the recommendation of the property Co.~,ittee and on the motion of/Ltd. Scott and Twirlale it was ordered that the offer be received and accepted, s~bJect to t~e usual conditions and to the provision that a dwelling of at least $3, 000. value ~-mt be erected on the premises within six months. The plan showing the sub-division of the property formerly o~ed by the Smith Estate on Robinson Street, was presented. ~pon the recommendation of the pxuperty Committee and on the motio~ of AId. G. Donald and Allen it was ordered that the sub-division be approvad. The report of the property Committee upon the above matters was presented. It was ordered on the rotion of AId. G. Donald and Allen that the report be x~c- elved and filed. The City Clerk advised the C_~nmittee of the request for an option for Qne week re the purchase of the boiler at the dietillex~ building, and an addit- ional offer for the same. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and G.Don- ald that the actio~ of the Cl~y Clerk in this connection 'be accepted as ntisfact- .cry, The matter of the s~xwey of property on Main Street and the charge laid before the Marietrots in connection with the 'storing of merchandise on the City streets, was considered, It was ordered on the motion of Bin Worship Mayor Ing- lie and Aid. Grant Donald that the matter be taken up with the C~ty Solicitor and the.Committee a.C$ upon his adwioe,' ' · ' ' .227 The Comtttee adjourned on the motion of Aid. Twidale and A.F.Donald, RFAD AND ;~DOPTED, September 15, 1941. Clerk Chairman of Finance COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, September 8, 1941 .The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetings for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Comittee. All members of the Council, vdth the exception of Ald. Gximster, were prosent. ' ....... BYe LAW The following By-law was passed: No. 3137 -Ald. J.G. White- To Grant Monies for General Purposes. let readJag -Ald. Scott and A.F.Donald. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Wh~u te that .Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time. 3rd reading -Ald. Twidale and G. Doneld. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. A.F. Dokald and White. READ AND ADOPTED, ,September 15, 1941, clerk CON~ZRENCE Council Chamber, September 8, 19~1. The council assembled as a conference, at the close of the council and finsnee meetings. All members of the Committee, with the exception of Ald. Grim- ster were present. After discussion upon the matters presented, the Committee adjourned on the x~ot- ion of Ald. Allen and White. R'~D AND ADOPTED, September 15, 1941. Cle xk FIFTY-FIRST MEETING Council Ctmmber, September 15, 1941. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. to consider gen- eral business and finance. All menbets of the Counnil were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motinn of Ald. Scott and G. Donald. DEPUTATIO_'~ On the motion of Ald. G.Donald and Grimster, Mr. Thomas Mylchreest was pemitted to address the Council. Mr. Mylchreest spoke in connection with the house which he is purchasing from the City and asked that every effort be made to give him possession of the premises. Mr. Mychreest was instn~cted to see the City Clerk on September 16, 1941, when he would be given the inform~ution he requires. TENDERS Tenders had hem called for the sale of the property at 330-338 Queen Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott end G. Donald that the tenders received be opened, initialled by His Worship ~yor Inglis and read. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. White and G. Dor-~ld that the offer on behalf of the Bro~m Estate, and the report of the City Solicitor, to be presented at the Finance meeting, be considered at this time. A motion was then made by Ald. Allen and Grim- ster that the tenders be received and filed, and the property be returned to the Brovm Estate by means of a rednmptien certificate for $2,170.07. This motion was defeated. An amendment presented by Ald. G. Donald and'Scott, that the property be sold to Max Gold for the arecant of his tender of $3,010.00, ~s cor~idered and c~r- ried. The vote on the ameudment ms as follows: Ayes -Ald. G. Donald., A.F. Doneld, White and Scott. Nays -Ald. Allen, Grimster and Twidale. COE~U~FICATIONS laid over from previous meeting: No. 321 - Deparlm~ent of Municipal Affairs - re by-law to levy occupancy tax. 0R0- E:~ED on the motion of Aid. Allen and T~id~le that the communication be received and filed. SEE R~port No. 131 No. 328 - Mayor A.J.Reaume~ Windsor- re Wartime Housing and accommodation for soldiers' familieS.. ORDERED on the motion of AId. A.F. Oonald end Scott that the communication b.e received and laid on the table for the present tim. SEE Communication No. 332 N0. 329 - Mrs. E.A.Wills - requesting removul of tree. ORDERED on the motion of lld. Allen and G. Donald that the communication be received and filed and repairs. be made, to the ~ewer in lieu of the removal of the tree. SEE Report No. 132 The following Communications were presented: No. 331 - Stephens, MoKENNA ~ Me0oombe - requesting issAance of a redenption cert- ificate for 3~0-338 Queen Street. ORDERED on the rotion of AId. G. Donald end Scott thatI the communication be received and filed. · , SEE Rel~rt No. 130 230 No. 332 - The Imperial Unit - objecting to action tlen by Council re Windsor res- olution. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. A.F.Donald and Scot~ that the comunicaticn be received and laid on the table for the present time. No. Z33 - OntaMo Municipal Association - report on resolutions passed at conven- tion. OED~D on the motion of Ald. ~l~ite and Tv~dale that the report be received and filed, and the copy be made available for the meters of the Council. No. ~ -City Clerk,,Br~ntford - resolution recommending increased sllowauces for members of Active Service Forces. 0H~EREDm the motion of Ald..~',tite aM Grimst~r that the communication be received and filed, that the City Clerk communicate with the secretary of the 0nta~io Municipal Association to ascertain if the resohxtion on this subject, passed at the Convention, has been forwarded to the federal govern- meat; and that a copy of such letter-be forwarded to the City of Brantfo~d for their information. No. 335 - O~nadian Corps Association - invitation ot parade, September 21st. 0RD- ERED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Grimster that the communication be rec- eived a~d filed, the invitation be accepted and as m~ny of the Council as possible attend the parade. No. 336 - Department of Highways - acknowledging request re sidewalk on Roberts Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and !~tite that the communication be received and filed, and the City Clerk give the matter further consideration. No. ~ - Ontario Municipal Association - representation of resolutions in the fut- ure. O~OERED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and ~l~lte that the coramunicatio~ be received and filed. No. 338 - Department of Highways - requesting pemiss~on to move t~u houses. OR- D~ED on the motion of AId. Twidale and White that the communication be received and filed, and permission be granted for this work. SE Report No. No, ~9 -Hydro-ElectriC Power. Commission of Ontario - requesting permission for erection of pole lines. 0RREED ca the motion of Ald. White and Scott that the communication he received and filed, a~d the permission be granted. S~EE Report No. No. 340 - M. & G. Flynn - re request for widening of portion of Centre Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Allen that the conmlunication be received and laid on the table. SEE Report No. 129 Rk~RTS Laid over from previous meeting: No. 129 - City Engineer - re costs of widening portion of Ce~tre Street. 0~d)ERED on the motion of Ald. White and Allen that the. report be received and laid on the table. . , ~ SEE Petition No. 5 The following Reports were presented: No. 1~0 - City Solicitor - re sale of property at 335-338 Q~em Street. ORDERED o~ the motion of Ald. G. Domld.and Scott that ~e report be ~eived ~d fil~. No. ~1 - Ol~ ~lieitor - m By-~w to ~llect oc~pancy tax. 0~ ~ the mot- ion of ~d. A~en ~d ~id~e that the re~r$ ~ received ~d find,' ~d adopted. SE Bylaw Nm~ r ~1~ No. 132 - Pa~s Supe~nte~t - recomendi~ r~im to sewer. 0~ ~ the motira of AId. ~len ~d G.~n~d that~the report be received and filed, and ad- ored · No. 13~ - City Froginset - re request for remvel of houses. ORE~E en the motion Of Ald. Twida~e and White that the report be received and filed, ~d ~he necessary action be taken to provide for the removal of the hous~s. No. 1~ - City Engineer - recommending permission for erection of pole lines. 0R- REED on the motion of Ald. ~hite and Scott that the report be received and filed, and the reco~nendation be adopted. No. 135 - City Clerk - re conference held on September 8th. ORDER~ on the motion of Ald. Scott and White that the report be received and filed, and adopted. No. 136 - City En~ineer - rectumending changes in street lighting. ORDE on the motion of Ald. Scott and G. Donald that the report be received and filed, and ad- opted. No. 137 - City Solicitor - re Philip Campagan case. ORDIG~ED on the motion of ~ld. White and G. Donald that the repo xt be received and filed. k~ETITION Laid over from previous meeting: No. 5 - M.G.Flynn & 9 others - requesting widening of portion of Cent re Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Allen that the petition be received and laid on the table. ,vRESOIL~PI~NS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 111 - A.F.DONAL~ - TJ~IDkLE -RESOLVED that the City Clerk be instructed ~o con- vey ~o the family of the late Arthur B. Damude, Member 6f Parliment for the County of Welland, the sincere sympathy of the Council an~ the citizens of Niagara Falls in their s~d bereavement; ~F, AT the late Mr. Damude has been closely connected with the political life of this district for a great many years, having served as a member of his Vil- lage Council, a reprensnta~ive of his Village at the County Council and then as Warden of the County of Wellend; ~-IAT during the terms as representative of the County of Welland in the House of Commons at Ottawa, his every endeavour has been directed toward the advan- cement of his country and constituency; and as a result of the untimely passing of the late Mr. Damude, the City of Niagara Falls has lost a tried and true friend and advocate; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimo~sl~ No. 112 - ~r.v.~N _ G. DONALD- P~0LVED that the Sanitary Inspector be instructed to reconmend the installation of copper rings in all sewers whidn are being newly laid 0r raplaced in the f~t~re, bet~en the outside of the building and the main sewer, An so far as such rings are available; and the Seal of the Corporation be h~eto affixed. · Carried unanimously ~BY-IAWS The following By-laws were passed: N~qo. 3138 - kld..I.G. White- To levy an occupancy tax. let reading- .AId. Scott and G.Donald- Carxi ed unanimously. It was then ordered on'the motion of Ald. G. Donald and A.F. Donald that Rule ~ (Z) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporaMly suspended and the law read a second tim -.Carried unanimously. 231 3rd reading -Ald. Scott and Tt,idale - Carried. {Prior to this motion it was moved by ~tld. G. Donald and Allen that the By-law be laid on the table and the provisions be amended to apply to business establishments only. This motion was defeated. ) No. 3]39 -Ald. J.G.~'~ite - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale ~nd Deed. 1st readain[~ - Ald.:Grimster and A.F. Dona ld - Carxied unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily' suspended and the 2M-law be read a second t line - Carried unanimously. · 3rd reading -Ald. ',',q~ite and Grimster - Carried unanimously. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott. READ AND AUOPIED, September 22, 1941. .Clerk FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, September 15, 1941. The Finance Co~mfittee met on Monday, September 15, 1941, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the variens accounts which had been properly cert- ified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the C.>muittee, amounting to $27,606.68. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimstar. Reports of the City Clerk, end a report from the City Electrician, re the employment of T.Malloy, were presented. It was ordered on the motlea of ]~ld. Grim- star and His Worship Mayor Xnglis that the reports be received and filed, sad the usual allowance in lieu. of vacation period be 'allowed to Mr. MalXoy. Ins similar connection it was ordered by Ald. Cx~mster and A.F.Donald that Mr. Robert Whyte be allowed his allowance also. . ~ <:' .' '. · ~ A report wus presented from H.T. Js~mt~soB & Company re the audit of the Children's Aid Society accounts for the year ending 31st March, 1941. It was or- dered on the motion of Ald. Grimster and G. Donald that the report be received and laid on the table, and printed in the usual manner; that the Treasurerof the Soc- iety be given a certificate relieving him of responsibility for the finances of the Society upon receipt of eheques from him for the funds at pr sent in the bank. A report ~ms presented from the Relief Administrator re relief issued to R.Y. Dell, Montrose Road. It was ordered on the motlea of Ald. Scott and A.F. Donald that the report be received and filed. A report w~s presented on the cost of repairs to police cars in the year 1941. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. See tt and A.F.Donald thzt the report be received and laid on th~ table, and referred to the Tm~ck Co_,mittee for a rep- ort. The report of revenues and expenditures on Repossessed houses as at Aug- ust 31, 1941, which had been laid over from a previous m~eting,was presented. Upon the recommendation of the proper~y Committee and on the motion of Ald. Grim- star and ScOtt it waS ordered that the statement be received a s satisfse tory. The report of Occupied Registered Properties, as at August 31, 1941, as laid over fro~u a previous meeting was prossated. Upon the recomaendatien of the property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Scott md Twidale it was ordered that the report be received as satisfactory and the Committee be authorized to take the necessary action in connection with various properties. The report of Housing Agreenmnts as at August 31, 1941, was presented. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Scott it was ordered that the statement be received sad considered sat- isfacto ~y. The statement of registered properties sold under Agreement, as of Aug- ustn31, 1941, was presented. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. T~dale and Grimstar, it was ordered that the statemeat be received and filed, and considered satisfactory. A communication was presented from Seymenr and Lampard regarding the er- ection of the dwelling at Lot ~8, Homewood Avenue by D;G.Young.. Upon the recommend- ation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Grimster it was ordered that the communication be received and laid on the table, that the matter be referred to the City Solicitor for the necessary action to permit the dwelling to remain in its present location. An offer was presented from G.Minacs for the purchase of the frame gar- age ca part of Range 22, Allen Avenue for the sum of $10.00. Upon the recommend- ation of the property Comittee, sad on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott, it was ordered that the offer be received and laid on the table for one week. A communication was presented from Mr. A.E. Putman, regarding his inabil- ity to erect a dwelling on the lot recently purchased from the Corporation. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Grimstar and Twidale, it was ordered that the comunication be received and filed, and the refund of the deposit be made. An offer was prestoted from Mrs. M.W.Robertsen re the purchase of Lot 18, Valleyway for the sum of $200.00, Upon the recommendation of the Property Commit- tee, and on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimstar it ms ordered that the offer be received and not accepted, and Mrs. Robertsen be advised that the sale price of the lot will be $300.00, with the stipulatiou th~ a dwelling .of at least $5,000.00 value must be e~ected on the pr~nises within six months. An offer was presented from Mr. W.Benson for Lot 17, Orchard Avenue and 8ymmes Street for the sam of $75, 00. Upca the reconnnendat ion of the Prperty Com- mittee and on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott it was ordered that the offer be received and laid on the table, and Mr. Benson be advised that it will be con- sidered when a dope.sit is made. An offer was prose noted. f~om S.For~y for the purchase of Lot 904, Lore- 234 235 ,! bard Avenue for the sum. of $~.00. Upon the rec~nmendat ion of the Property Com- mittee and on the motion of Ald. ~vidale and Scott it was ordered that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the usual provisions sad to the condition that a dwelling of at least $2,500.00 value will be erected on the premises within SiX months, The report of the property Committee ul.on the above matters was presents It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Scott that the report be receive~ and filed. A report vms pres:nted fxum the City Clerk regarding the prices on shall tractors and snow-ploughing equipment. Tt was ordered on the motion of Ald. Grim- ster and G. Donald that the report be received and filed, and the purchase of a small tractor and plough, at an approximate cost of $2, 062.00 from Geo. W. Crothers Limited, be author ized. A report va~ presented from the City C].e~k regarding the purchase of a house adjacent to the transfonrer station at the F~ltration Plant. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and Allen that the rproperty be purchased and the Clerk call for tenders ~r the removal of the building. Aid. Grimster aksed leave to make a stateneat in connection with the Falla case. The alderman ad~sed the committee Of the circumstances surr~nnding the dispositian of the money received by Mrs. Falla. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott and A.F. Donald, RF~a.D ~ND ADOPTED, September 22, 1941. Clerk 0 n ~e 1st reading -Ald. ?.ddale and Grimster - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of ald. ~d dale ani A.~.D~m~ld that Rule ~6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspend ed and the By- law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. T~idale and A.F. Donald- Carried unanimously. R: 'SOLUTION The following Resolution vas passed: No. 113 - G.DONALD - SCOTT - RESOLVED ttmt the By-law to provide for the sale of 330-5S8 Queen Street to Mr. MaxGold he not introduced until the return of the Chairman of Finance from his v~cation; and the Seal of the Corporatiov be he~eto affixed. Curried An amendment was presented by Ald. Grlmster and allen that this matter be not' considered until a full council is present, but this motion was defeuted. The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. ;'~ite and Scott. READ AND ADGPTED, September 22, 1941. Clerk Mayor CONF~E COUNCIL ~ErING C~Ancil Chamber, September 15, 1941. The COuncil assembled at the close of the regular cOuUctl and finance meetings for the purpose of ~assing the money by-law which. suve~ed the accounts approved by the Oomittee. All members -of tl~ Council were p resent'. BY-~AW The following By-law was passeds Nq. 3140 -- Ald. r.G. White- To Grant Monies for General Count il Chamber, September 15, 1941. The Council assembled at the close of the council and finance meetings for the purpose of holding a conference to discuss the various matters presented to them. All members of the Committee were present. After discussion upon the matters presented, the Committee adjourned on the motion of .~ld. ~'~ite and Grimster. RF~AND ADOPTED, September 22, 1941. Clexk Chairman ' 36 FIFTy-SEC0,~ MEETING REGUL~.R ~R~'G Councii Chambe r, September e~ 194~,,. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at V.30 p.m; to consi,isr gen-. eral business and finance. ill member of the Council. with the exception of Aid. White, were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Grimster and G. Donald. COM~MNI CATI (kNS Tne following Commnnications ~ere presented: No. 341 - City Clerk, Toronto - enclosing report of committee re supply of milk. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Grimster that the co.~munication be received and filed, and the resolution be endorsed and forwarded to the Wartime Prices and Trade Board. No. 342 - Ontario Municipal Association - enclosing copy of 1.etter to Prime Min- ister re resolutioss. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Grlmster and Scott that the communication be received and filed. he..~43 - Ontario Municipal Association - enclosing copy of reply from Prime Minister re nssolutions. 0RIERED on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimster that the communication be received and filed. No. 344 - City Clerk, Kitchener - resolution re strikes, unions, etc. on the motion of Ald.., .T,..~!.d~l.e and Scott that the comlnuuication be- recsived and filed. No. 345 - City Clerk, Brantford - resolutio., re vulnerability re Civilian Defeats. No. 346 - Niagara F~ll~ Arsa Civilian Derence Co,mittee - 02DErdUD on the motion of Ald. O. Donald and Grim. ster that the communications be received ~ud filed, that the resolution of the Niagara Falls Area Civilian Defence Committee be endorsed and information of this action be for~rded to the Hencurable Minister of Pensions and National Health. No. 34V - Niagara Falls Boy Scouts' Association: - requesting permission to hold apple day. 0R'_7~Ft~D on the motion of Ald. Grimster and A.F.Donald that the con~nun- learico be receivel and filed, and the request be granted. REPORTS The followir~ Reports were presented: No. 138 - City Clerk - re conference on September 15, 1941. 0Pj)ERED on the mot- ion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott that the report be received and filed, and ad- opted. No. 1~9 - City Engineer - re proposed ~ole line for Hydro-Electric ,~ub-station. 0ROEKZD on the motion of Ald. Allen and G.Donald that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. No. 140 - Oity Clerk - re request c~ 0~nadian National Electric Railways to oper- ate bus trip. GRIND on the motion of Ald. Allen and ~lda~e that the report be received and filed, and the request be grau Led for the operation of this trip. The following Resolutio:, was ~aesed: 237 No. 114 - ~VJ.~M - Gt~.i~IoT'.2r~ - I~bOL~]ED that the City Clerk be instructed to cor,,-- municate ','~itb the Michigan Central R~il?.~kv an,] a~k that the last p~sseng~r t~rin to stop in the City cf Niagara Falls be not discontinued; and the S~cl of the Corporation be hereto affixed. C=rried BY-lAWS The folio,vinE By-laws ~ece passed: No. 3141 -Aid. a.F.D~nald - To s_~end By-law Ntm~.ber 1777 respecting the Fi:~ Limits. 1st reading -Ald. Grimstsr and Allen. (No contrary vote) It ::u~ then o~ered on the notion of al'~, S.Donald and Scott that ILule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules.of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time. (No contrary vote) 3rd reading -.Ald. Scott and A.F. Donald. (No coatrary vote) h'o. 3142 -Ald. A.W.Scott - To am~_ud By-law Number 1776, r~specti,',g Xes~dential Sections and Residential Streets in the City of Niagara Falls. 1st reading - Aid. A.F.Don~ld and C. rimster. (No contrary vote) It vas then ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the Byelaw read a second time. (No contrary vote) 3rd reading -Ald. ~risster and Allen. (No contrary vote) No. 3143 -Ald. T.N. Grim~ster - To provide for a :miv~r- of a bre~ch of a Building By-law. 1st reading ~ ~Lld. Allen and Scott. It was then ordered m the motion of Ald. Grlmster and A.F.D~nald that Rule ~6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By- law read a second time. 3rd reading -Ald. Twidale and G. Donald. ~o. ~144 -Ald. Grant Donald - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale aud Deed. 1st reading .- Ald. Scott and Grimster. It v~s then oxdered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott that Rule 36 (21 of the Standing Rules of Council be te:npora~.ily suspended and the By-law read a second time. 3rd reading -Ald. Grimster and Allen. .No. 3145 -Ald. Grant Donald - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. 1st reading -Ald. A.F. Donald and Grimster. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Scott that Rule 3~ (B) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily. suspended and the By-law read a second .time. 3~d reading -Ald. A.F.Don~ld and Grimster. MISCEIAAI~0US AId. Scott asked that the City Clerk inspect and report upon the pos- 238 239 sfbility of moving the line of the Canadian Pacific Telegraph Company poles on Victoria Avenue from the corner of Ferry Street to Bender Hill. The Council adjourned on the motion of f~d. A.F. Donald and Allen. READieD ADOPTED, September 29, 1941. Clerk Mayor FD~ANCE MEETING Council Chamber, September 22, 1941. The Finance Committee met on Monday, September 22, 1941, for the pur- pose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Conumtttee with the exception of Chairman, Alderman LG.White, were pre~nt. In the absence of the Chairman, . His Worship 'Mayor Inglts was Acting Chairman of Finance. Sundry accounts were ~proved by the Committee, amounting to $9,339.51. The accounts submi tted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the-x~tion of Aid. Grimster and T~idale. An offer had been presented at the last meeting from Mrs. M.W. Robertson for the purchase of lot 18, Valleyws.v, A further communication was presented, advising that she no longer wished to purchase the lot and requesting the return of her deposit. Upon the recommeadation of the Property Committee and on the mot- ion of Ald. Twidale and Scott, it was ordeed .that the com,.nunicatlon be received and filed, and the deposit be returned. An offer had been presented at the previous meeting from W. Benson for the pu :chase of Lot 17, Plan ~1, Orchard Avenue. A cheque covering. the necessary deposit had heen received; and upon the recommendation of. the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimster it ~as ordered that the offer of $V5.00 be received and accepted, subject to the usual conditions. and to the prov- ision that a dwelling of at least $~,500.00 value will b~ erected on the premise~ within a period of six months. , An offer had been presented at the previous meeting from G.Ninaos for the purchase of the barn on part of Range 2P., c'orner of Allen Avenue and Robinson Street for the sum of $10,00. Upon the recommendation of the .Property Committee, and on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott it was ordered that the offer be received and filed, and Mr. N~na~s. be advised that the garage would be sold for the sum of $20.00. An offer was pr._sented from Peter 3rasolotta for the pu~nhase o~ Lot 76, Ferguson Street for the sum of $100.00. Upan the recommendation of the t-I~p- erty Conmittee and on the motion of Ald. Orimster and Tzfidale it ~-as o~qered that ,the offer be received and accepted, subject to the usual condf tions ~nd to the provision that a dwelling of at least ~2,500.00 value will be erected on the prem- ises within a period of six mouths. An offer was presented from C.Sentineal for th~ purchaqe of part of Lots 113,114, ~enzfe Street for the sm of $50.00. Upon the reeom!,l~!ndation of the Property Co~usittee and on the !~ntion of Ald. Twillale and Scott it the offer be received and aceepteS, mbJect to the usual eonlgitions and the prov- ision that a ~velling of at least ~2,500.00 value will be erected on the premises v.~thin a period of six monthS. The rero~ of the D~D!ierty Co~mnittee upon the above matters was pros'end- ed. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Twidale and Scott that the re;oft be received and filed. A statement of the cost of repaira to the Police C~rs in 1941, as l~id over from a previous meeting, was presented. Upon the recommendation of the aut- oresbile Committee and ?n the motion of ald. S.Donald and Allen it ~.,as onlered that the statement be received and f] led, and before a~ny major repair~ are authorized on the Plymou~lh car, the Committee be notified, A communication was presented from Miss Mary LiacDon~ld, acceptix~ a pos- ition as ~nvestigator for the Relief Department, It ;'as ordered ~n the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimster that the comnun~eatlon be received and filed. A report v;as presented fxDm the City Clerk regarding m~inten~nce of boys at the St. John's Industrial School. It was onCered on the motion of Pd.d.T.':idale and Scott that the report be received and filed, and the recom~nendation be adopted. A report was presented by the City Clerk rjcommending a schedule of fuel allowances for relief r_cipients. It ~s onCered On the motion of Al~. ~vi~ale and G.Donald that the repom~ be received and filed, and the recommended sdhedules be adopted. A ~eport was presented from the City Clerk regardln~j needed hospital attention for a child. It was ordered on the motion of Al!. Allenand O. Donald that the report be r~ceived and referred to Dr. Logan, M.O.H., for investigation and report; and that I'.is Worship Mayor Inglis be given power to act upon receipt of the report. The revenue and expenditure statement as at Au!Zust 31, 19~1, ;'.,as pres- ented. It w~s ordered cn the motion of Ald. Grimster and G. Donald that the state- ment be received and laid on the table. It was ordered on the motion of AId. G. Donald and Scott that coal tenders for the coming season be advertised. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Aid. Scott and'Twidale. READAND ADOPTED, September 29, 1941. Ole rk m~an of Finance Council Ch~Amber, September 22, 1~4].. COUNGIL M~TE. TLNG The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- anne meetings for the purpose of tusslng the money by-law which covered the ac approved by the Co~unittee. All members of the C~ancil, with the exception of Ald. ~lte, were present. ~e follov~ng By-law was passed: BY-LAW No. 3146 - His Vlorship Mayor Inglis - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. 1st reading_ -Ald. A.F.Donald and G.Donald. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimster and G. Donald that Rule 36 (2) oF the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended sad the law read a second time. 3rd reading -Ald. T~,rldale and A.F.Donsld. The Council adjerned on the lr~otio~ of Aid. Scott and A.F. Donald. Msyor FXFT~-~HIRD tn~ING Council Chambe r, Sept~aber 29, 1941. Pursuant to adJouraennt, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. to consider gen- ersl business and finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of Aid. White, were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Grimster. Tenders had been called for the supply of coal for the 1941-194~ season. It was ordersd that the tenders submitted be opened, initialled by His Worship Mayor Inglis, read and tabulated for consideration at the next meeting. C0~CATIONS The following Communications were presented: No. 348 - Niagara, St.Catharines & Toronto Railway - xe special bus service. OR.D- E on the motion of Aid. Twidale and Scott that the conmunication be received and filed, and permission for the service be granted. No. 349 - Niagara, St. Catharines & Toronto Rail,ay - requesting establishment of bus steps. 0P~HED on the motion of ~J.d. Scott and Twidale that the eonmunication be received aml laid on the table until the next meeting; and the City Clerk report upon the matter. READAND AIDPYED, September 29, 1941. Clerk I. No. 350 - Hencurable Minister of Pensions and National Health - acknowledging letter re civilian alefence for area. (i~I~ED on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and Grimster that the communication be received and laid on the table until the representatives of the various municipalities have been contacted to ascertain if the~ desire other meeting for the discussion of this matter. C01~XPdENCE Council Chamber, Sel~ember 22, 1941, The COuncil re-assenbled at the clos~ of the cormell and finance meet- tugs for the purpose of holding a conference to disucss.the variOustatters which had been presented to them. All members of the Committee, with the exception of Ald. White, were present. After discussion upon the matters presented, the Co~mittee adjournsd on the mot- ion of Aid. Twidale and A.F. Donald. READ AND ADOI~D, September 29, 1941. Clerk No. ~51 - City Clerk, Samia - enclosing resolution re Civtllaa Defence Committee. 0Rr~ on the metion of Ald. Twidele and A.F. Donald that the com~nunication he rec~ sived and filed, ,nd the City Clerk advise the City of Satsis of. similar action taken by this area, and that the City Councll fully concurs in their resolution. No. 35~- - Mrs. M.T.X~axshaer - requesting removal of trees. 0RE~HED on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimster that the communication be received and laid on the teble for presentation of a report from the Parks Superintendent. No. ~5~ - Depar~nent of Municipal Affairs - re corporation income tax. 01~IERED on the motion of ~d. G. Bonald and Twidale that the communication be r~ceived and filed. ' - No. 354 - Bell Telephone Company of Canada - requesting permission for replacement of poles. CRDERED on the motion of Aid. G. Doaald and Scott that the commAnisation be received and filed, and permission he granted to the Company for the raplacemant of the poles as 'requested. ' ' No. $55 - Department of Municipal Affairs - re Wartime Housing Limited. ORDERED on the mellon of Aid. G. Donald and Scott that the communication be received and filed. ' No. ~$6 - The Imperial Unit - re letter received on action taken 'b~ 'Council. 0R- rf~.r~u on the motion of Aid. A.F.Donald and Allen that the communication be rec- eived and filed. No. S57 - The Pews= Contzoller - re daylight saving time. 0EDED on the motion of AId. Grimtot and Soot~ that the communication be received and filed. ' 242 243 No. ~58 - Hydxu-Electric Power Commission of Ontario - re pole line on Oneida right-of-way. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Twidale and.Scott that the .communic- ation be received and filed, and permission for the erections be authorized as formerly set out. SEE Report No. 141. No. 359 - Department of Highways - forwarding plan re storm rarer sewer for new hi~way. CRDEPe9 on the motion of Aid. Scott and Twldale that the conmunicatlon be received and filed, and the plan submitted be approved upon concurrence by the Stanford- Township Council. SEE Report No. 142 No. 360 - Board of Education - re dust nuisances on school grounds. CRIBRED on the motion of Aid. Allon and Scott that the coanunication be received and laid on the table and the Board of Education be asked for further information. REPORTS The following Reports were presented| No. 141 - City Engineer - re pole line on Oneida right-of-wa~, 0~ on the mot- ion of Aid. Twidale and Scott that the report be received and adopted. No. 142 - City Engineer - re store inter sewer for new highway. ORu~ED on the · motion of Ald. Scott and Twidale that the report be received and filed. No. 145 - City Cleric - re confex~nce held on September 22, 1941. O~,~.~D on the motion of Aid. G. Dcnald and Grimstar that the report be received and adopted. No. 144 - City Engineer - re necessity for walk on Oneida right-of-way. (RDEPa2) on the motion of Aid. G. Donald and Scott that the report be received and filed, the recommendation be adopted and the wox. be carried on immeidately. The following By-laws were passed: No. 3147 - Aid. 6.Donald - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. 1st reading - Aid. (}rimster and Scott. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. A.F.DOnald and Allen that Rule $g (S) of the Standing Rules nf Council be temporarily suspeded and the By-law read a second time. 3rd reading - Aid. Scott and 6rimstar. No. 3148 - Aid. ~.Donald - To authorize the execution of an A~xeement for Sale and Deed. let reading - Aid. S~ott and A,F.Donald. It was them ordered on the motion of AId. Grimstar and A.F.Donald that Rule 36 (8) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and 'the law read a second time. 3fd reading - AId. Twldale and Grimoter. .' . No., 3149 - Aid, G. Donald- To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. 1st remdiu~ - Aid. A.F. Donald and Grimstar. · It was ordered on the motion of AId. (}.Donald and Scott that. Rule of the S~anding Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-Jaw read a second time. 3rd reading -Ald. Twidale and Scott. The Council adjourned to the Finance meeting with AI~. Scott as acting Chairman of Finance, on the motion of Aid. G. Donald and A.F. Donald. READ AND ADOPTED, October 6, 1941. Clerk Mayor FINANCE MEETIED Council Chamber, September 29, 1941. The Finance Committee met on Mondar, September ~9, 1941, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert- ified and placed before them. All members of the Committee, with the exception of AId. White, were present. Aid. Scott was acting Chairman of Finance in the absence of Aid. White. Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to $25,339.39. The accounts submitted, being passed orotherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the m~}ney By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. A.r. Danald and Grimstar. A report of the City Clerk to the Property Committee, regarding an ar- rangemerit with the occupant at 464 Ellis Street, regarding arrears of taxes, was Presented. It was ordered on the motion of AId. G.Donald and A.F. Donald that the report be received and laid ca the table and the City Clerk advise the Property CoronArice 'farther regarding the former owner,s equity in the 'property. ........... The Cnmm~ttee adjourned on the motlea of AId. G. Douald and Twidale. AND ADOrA,~fa, October 6, 1941. Clerk Acting Chatrm~n of Fln~ce 245 C(ENCILMEE'IING Council Chamber, September 29, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- auce meetings for the puEpose of passing the n~ney by-law ~fiich covered the ac- counts approved by the Comntittee. All members of the Council, with the e~ception of Aid. White, were present. Council Chamber, September 29, 1941. The Council assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetings for the purpose of holding a conference to discuss the various matters which had been presented to them. All members of the Committee, with the excep- tion of Aid. White, were present. BY-lAW The following By-law was passed: No. 31.5.0 - AId. A.W.Scott - TO Grant Monies for Gonetel Purposes. let reading - Aid. Crimster and G. Donald. It was ordered on tbe motion of Ald. A.F.Donsld and Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time. After discussion upon the matters presented to them, the Committee adjourned on the. motion of Atd. A.F. Donald and Twldale. READ AND ADOPTED, October 6, 1941. $rd reading - AId. Twtdale and Grimetot. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 115 - G. DONALD - GRIMSA'ER - RESOLvE~ that the congratulations of this Council be extended to the Niagara Falls Senior Baseball Club upon their winrdng, for the second season, the Ontario Baseball Association Championship; and the Seal of the Corporation be herato affixed. Carried Clerk Chairman No. 116 - ~T~.~ . G. DONALD - I~LVED that the sympathy of this Council be extended · to the f~nily of the late Mrs. E.A. Thoms upon her untimely death; and the Seal of the Corporation be here~o affixed.. Carri ed The Council adjourned on the mol~on of Aid. Twldale' and k.F. Donald. READ AND ADOPTED, October 6, 1941. Cle:~ COURT OF Z~vZSION Council Chamber, September 30, 1941. The Court of ReviSion on the Assessment Roll was held at 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, Sept- ember 30, 1941, at which the following action was take upon the respective appeals: Members present - Sheriff V.L.Davidson, Mr. Arnold .~mtth and Mr. William Delaney. Roll No. Appellant 6671 Andrew,, S.W. by W.S.Martin, K.C. 9468 Barnett, Julia Description L~.~ Lot 523, Plan 746, 901 Roberrs Street 1,000. Lots 44, 45, S~es 700. Building Deeisim of Court -Land reduced $5.00 per 3,200. foot - $250.00 total Dismissed 290 Brant, Iames Pt. 31,32, Plan 330 Fergason Street 250. 1,450. Dismissed 4283 Brock, Lorenzo E. 79, Pt. 80, plan 18, 1127 Willmott Street 5~0. 2,500. Dismissed 6176 Campbell, M.S. Lot 102, Plan 12, 1188 Iepson Street 500.- .2,100. Dismissed.- See note Canadian National ~ lway s Geneml Appeal - re Rails and Ties Dismissed and Assessment of $20,000. and $20,000, for school rates only coufirmed 4776 Canadian National Realties 476 Hiram street 600. 3,000. Alicefed - to be asses,e( to new owners 600 Canadian National Railway Comlmn~ Express Building 3,000. -Reduced $1,500. on bui~ 6178 Darker, F.M. Lot 103, Plan 12, 1198 =epson Street 500. 2,000. Dt~n~esed - See note 5234 Phillips, O.L by W. T.McCallum Lots 19,20, Plan 29, 1435 River Road 4,500. 3,500. -Reduced $500. on land 3992 Fanstone, Noman Lot 220, Plea 10, 674 Sixth Avenue 450. 1,500. -Redhead $500. on buildi~ 8584 (}mat, A.M. 8582 B. 15,14,13, Pit. 16 4~0. Plan 13, Delaware 700. Dismissed 1,350. -Reduced $1-~00 on build in6. -Reduced $100.00 on 1,500. buildin~ -Reduced $250. on land, 2,800. $5.00 per foot frontage 250. Dismissed 7978 ~oodwin, Lulu Lot 11, Plan 1, 1210 Spring Street 300. 2~1 Head, Charles Lot 77, Plan 6, 665 Ferguson Street 2~0. 6674 Hearn, R.L. Pt. 521, Plan 756, by W.S.Mar~An, K.C. 875 Roberrs Street 1,000. 1744 Iannuzzelli, Albert Pt. 12,3,4, Plan 35, 61~ Queen Street ~,400. 688 LaBlame, Clement Pt. 8, Plan 524 Brid~o Street 500. 6~73 Lee, (}songs Lot 142, Plan 9 1114 MoRse Stx~et 750. 1,500. Dismissed Reduced ~ on 6668 'Logam, Margaret Pt. 524,5, Plan 746, by H.F.Logun, E.G. 917 Robarts Street 80O. 1957- Lychy, Thos. Pt.33,34, Plan 632, 447 Second Avenue 2906-7 Michigan Central 9290-1 Railwy by Kin~smill,Buildlngs, F.H. Taylor Est. Mills, Price, Buildings, W.B. Bews 4385 MacLean, Allison 9127 Main, George Pt. 51, Plan 18, 1136 Willmort Street Lot 50, Plan Orchard Avenue 7218 Manson, leahie Lot 450, Plan 746, 1581 Victoria Avenue 4551 kilns, Myrtle, by · ames kilns Lot,44~, Plan 747, College Crescent 9228 Moody, W.D. 2478 MOody, ]fate Est. Lot 201, Plan 17, 2212 Pinegrove Avenue Pt. 72, Plan 603, 270 Ellis Street 483 Niagara Concessions River Read t~mited WReduced $250. on land, 2,700.~$5.00 per foot frontage 857S 0,Laughlin, Manlay Pt. 5,6, Plan Delaware Avenue 500. 1,450. Dismissed 3774 Richardson, B. 91, Pt.92, Plan 27, 1309 Morrison Street Dismissed 8~6 Sagat, John 77, Pt.A, 13, Plan 653, 2024A~len Avenue 6680 Sandeil, E.T. 'Lot 507, Plan 746, by H.F. Logan 860 Roberrs Street 450. 2,150. Dismissed -Reduced $400. on 225. 2,200. building -Reduced $400. on 1,500. 2,500. building -Reduced $150. on 450. 25. land ~308 6679 6094 1~49 Sprowl, Mrs. F. Snyder, Dr. (}.B. Stevenson, Ns~yEst. Stuokey, Swem, Am~a Sweeney, JoD, 6676 Tmsk, Mary l°t. 7, Plan 731 Welland Avenue 700. -Reduced $200. on land 600. 1,600. -and $100. on building 2,000. 10,000. -Reduced $5,000. on build- ing 2,000. 12,000. Dimm~esed 1,500. Dismissed -Reduced $200.0n 400. Land -Reduced $300. on 200. 2,300. building 600. 1,200. 1,000. 6;000. Dismissed -Reduced $250. on land - $5.00 per foot frontage -and $500. on building 450. 1,050. Dismissed Lot 496-7, Plan 746, 1421 Victoria Avenue 3,000. Lot 506, Roberrs Street 1,000. Lot 616, Plan 746, S$-m~ord Street Lot 117, Plan 12, 1205 Jepson Street Lot 406, Plan 747, '757 Coo~m~ 0rescent 3,550 · Pt. 9, Plan 632, ~80 First Avenue Lot 520, plan 746, 8~9 Roberrs Street :! _ ,~ .. 450. 400. 1,900. 500. 1,400. 350. 1,S00. !,509. 2,4.0o. Dismissed -Reduced $250.00 - $5.00 per foot frontage Dismissed -Reduced $100. on build- ing ~ See also note -Reduced $250. on land Dismissed ' ~Redu~ed $~0.00 - $8.00 per fOot ~mntage. 249 102,?,6 10022 9975 9901 9708 10051 2211 W~'~koe, 525 Wolaneki, A. 5552 Worrall, Fmnk 4473 Young, Carl CHANGE OF SCHOOL SUPPORT 85 Begelo, =os. 584 Beceval, B. 559 Grant, Cornelia 5242 Schankula, Henry 3808 Cook, LI. 2684 Crosserr, Alex 7748 Gizzi, Silvio 6242 Brooks, Mrs. G. 7164 Fields, Frank 7589 Boreilia, Pats~ AD3US~MENTS OF TAXES Geary, G, SacCo, Ross Whitelook, C.K. ltx~kley, Mrs, E.I. Steele, Chas. Knight, T. 9795 Cllf~onBottling · Works ' Pt. 35, Plan 652, 632 Victoria Avenue Lot 163-4, Pla~ 6, 133 Hickson Avenue Lot 89, Plan 27, 758 Homev~od Avenue Lots 6,7,8,9, Plan 22 525 Bampfield Street Lot 159, Plan 6, 138 Broughton Avenue Lot 12, Plan 6, 85 Welland Avenue It. 65~ plan Z0, 259 May Avenue 1279 River R~ad B. 127, Plan 15, 985 Morrison Street Pt. 5, Plan 35, 670 Huron Street Lot 15, plan 503~, 1560 L~wis Avenue Lot 43~, Plan 746 991 Klt'chener Strict 1725 Vlcto rla Avenue Pt. 1~, Plan 655, 1485-9 Ferry Stress Antique Shop, 615 Bender Hill 1659 Slaterl Avenue 1421 Victoria .Avenue v - 994 Victoria Avenue 600 Victoria Avenue 1970 IAxndy:'s I,~ne · 525 Stmboe Street 1,450. 1,600. 400. 400. 250. 2,075. 3,000. 2,000. -Building removed. Bull~ trig reduced $1,600. Dismissed -Reduced $275. on build- ing. -Reduced $300. on land 250. 400. 640. 700. i,000, - Allowed - to be public 200. 1,050. school supporter -Allowed,- to be public 200. 608. school supporter · Allowed - to be public 108. 500. school supporter 250. 500.~ Allowed - to be p~blic school supporter -Allowed - to be public 1,600. school supporter .Allowed, to be public 600. school supporter -Allowed - to be lmblic 2,200, school supporter ~Allowed - to be pubHc 2,600, school supporter 1,508, ~ Allowed - to be sopafar- school supporter ~Xllo~d- to be separat~ 800. 5,500. school supporter Allowed - R~nisslon of Business - $408. Business - $100. Allowed - Remission of Btminess - $720. Allowed - P~mlsslon of Business - $250.~AlloWed - Remission of : 'Is.ca k Business -.-$800. Allowed - Renlssion of $17.e6 Business -'~575. Allowed -Remission d Allowed - Remission ~f l~xsiness - $2640. $44.22 N. ~8 Colonial Tea Stores 9791 Middleton, Win. Fleming & Waugh 438 ~ueem Street ?98 Victoria Avenue 483Queen Street 600 Erie Avenue Business - $1250.Allowed - Remission of Business - $850. Allowed - $20.94 to be written off 1938,1939 Taxes 1936,1937 Taxes Dismissed ~TE - It has been brought to the attention of the Court that condlstions at 1204 Jepson Street are far from satisfactory; and the Court recommends that the Police Depar~nent take immediate action to r~medy the conditions. Land asses~nents reduced Building assessnents reduced Business Tax remissions $ 3,100.00 11,225.00 174.58 Certified correct, Sheriff 250 '251 FORT~-FOUR~H MEETING. REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, October 6, 1941. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. to consider gen- eral business and finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Allen, were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid. White and Grimster. C0~,r0NICATIONS Laid over from previ cue meeting: No. 352 - Mrs. M.T.Leushner - requesting removal of t~u trees. ORDER on the motion of Ald. Twidale end A.F.Do~ald that the oonmunication be received and filed, and the request be granted. ~ Re~ort No. 145 No. 360 - Board of Education - re dust nuisances on school playgrounds. ORDER on the motion of AId. Grlmster and Scott that the comnunication be received aud hid on the table. SEE Ccnmmnication No. 361 The following Com~mnications were received: No. 361 - Board of Education - additional infoxmatian will be forwarded. ORE on the motice of Ald. Grimstar and Scott that the comunication be received and filed. No. 362 - 1.0.D.E. Lord Tweedsmuir Chapter - requesting support re naming of cor- vette after City. ORRERED on the motion of Aid. A.F.Donald and Twidale that the communication be received and filed, and the suggestion be endorsed. No. 353 - Wartime Prices & Trade Board - acknowledging resolution re milk prices. 0RDEED on the motion of Aid. Scott and A.F.Donald that the communication be rec- eived and filed. No. 364 - Town of Timmine - resolution re gasoline and oll regulations. 0RDERFa on the motion of Ald. Scott and White that the communication be received and filed. No. 355 - Stephens, McKenna & MoOcrabs - re sale of 3~0-3~8 Queen street. 0RLI~RED on the motion of Ald. White and O. Donald that the com~anication he received and filed; and the firm be advised of the action whcih has been taken by the Council. SEE By-law No. 3151 No. 366 - City Treasurer - requesting permission to attend convention. 0RNERED on the motion of Ald. White and Grimm tar that the commAnication be received and filed; and the City Treasurer be authorized the attend the convention. No. 367 - Canadian Institute on Sewage and Sanitation - re conference in Kitchener. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Grimstar and White that the communication be rec- eived and fi led. SEE Report No. 146 No. 368 - A. Gra~ - requesting removal of tree. 0~RED on the motion of Aid. Scott and Grimstar tMat the communication be received. and filed, and the request be granted. ~..: Report No. 147 Pa~TS The following Reports were l~rssented: No. 145 - Parks Superintendent - recommending removal of trees. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and A.F.])onald that the report be received and filed, and adopted. No. 146 - City Clerk - re attendance of Sanitary Inspector at convention. 0RD- ERED on the motion of Aid. Grimstar and W]~ite that the report be received and filed, and adopted. No. 147 - Parks Superintendent - reconmending ramoval of seven trees. 0Pj)EHED on the motion of Aid. Scott and Grimstar that the report be received and filed, and adopt ed. No. 148 - City Clerk - re conference held on September 29, 1941. ORDERED on the 'motion of Ald. ~qtdale and A.F. Donald that the report be received and adopted. No. 149 - City Clerk - re trains through City on Michigau Central Railway. 0RD- ERED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Twidale that the report be received and filed. (Aid. Grimster and White asked to be recorded as being contrary to this motion. ) Prior to this motion it was moved by AId. White and Grimstar that the re- port be received and filed, and the Railway be again asked to continue the train through the City. This motion was defeated. No. 150 - Dairy Inspector - report for month of Septamber. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~qidale and A.F. Donald that the report be receivod and filed. RESOLUTION The following Resolution was passed: NO. 117 - G. DONALD - SCOTT - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the City Council be scheduled to take place'at 7.30 p.m. on Tueskay, October 14, 1941, and ~he Seal of the Corporatim be hereto affixed. ' Carried .BY-LAW The following By-law was passed: No. 3151 - AId. J.G. White- To authorize the execution of a Deed. Ist reading - AId. A.F. Donald and Scott -Ald. Grimstar voting contrary. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time - Aid, GrAmstar voting contrary. 3rd reading -Ald. White and A.F. Donald- Ald. Grimster and Twidale voting con- MISCELLANE~JS 'Aid. Scott asked the City Clerk to have the condition of a tree at 1041 River Road checked and a report made thereon. The Council a~Arned on the motion of Ald. ~Twtdale am~ Grimstar. REM) ANDAD01~IED, October 14, 1941. Mayor. FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, October 6, 1941. The Finance Colmnittee met on Monday, October 6, 1941, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts ~fnich had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Connnittee, with the ecep. t- tion of AId.' Allen, wex~ present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to $4,355.96. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise d salt with, were ord- ered placedin the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimster. The City Clerk was instructed to ascertain if it will be possible for the Corporation to recover the amount of $5.00 paid to a coroner for an fixesrig- ation into the death of a man, found at the Maid of the Mist Landing. The report of the City Clerk, as laid over from the previous meeting, with reference to the condition of the property at 464 Ellis Street, was again considered. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Grimaster that the report be reCeived and laid on the table an~another effort be made to have this man sign an agreement for the payment of $25.00 per month rent and $5.00 per month on the arrears of rent; and that he be advised that this will be his last chance to make payments on this property. When put to a vote this motion was def- eated. It was' then ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott end G. Donald that the rec- ommendation as contained in the report of the property Committee be adopted. A communication was presented from Mr. A.0.Davies. requesting the ref- und of his deposit re the purchase of a lot. Upon the recommendation of the Prop- erty Committee and on the motion of Ald. Twidale and A.F. Donald, it was ordered that the communication be received and filed, and the refUnd be made. A communication w~s presented from Mr. X.B. Robinscn, offering $300.00 for the purchase of Lot 1S, Valleyway. Upon tim reco~aendation of the property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Grimster end Scott it was ordered that the conumanication be received and laid on the table for one week, and Mr. Robinson be advised that the offer will be considered when the necessary deposit is made. The report of the Property Committee on the above matters was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. GrAmstot and Scott that the 'report be rec- eived and filed. A summary of the coal tenders submitted, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Scott that the tenders Of the Canadian Coal Company for all coal supplies for the Corporation be accepted. The comparison of tax collections for the month of September, 1941, was preented. It exs ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimetot and A.F. Donald that the statement be received and filed. The statement of Direct Relief for the month Of September, 1941, was presented. Xt was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott .,and C.D.onald that the rep- ort be received and filed, The Committee adjourned on the nution of Aid. Scott and G.Donald. READ ~ ADOPTED, October 14, 1941. Lramn of Finance COUNCIL M~'ETING G~ncil Chamber, October 6, 1941. The Council re-asse.:~led at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the ac- counts approved, by the Committee. All members of the Council, v~lth the excep- tion of Ald. Allen, we~ present. BY-L~W The following By-law was passed: No. 3152 - AId. J.G. White- To Gr~nt Monies for General Purposes. let reading -Ald. Twidale and Grimetot. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. A.F.Donald and Scott that Rule 3G (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By- law read a second time. 3rd reading -Ald. Grimster and %~idale. The Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Scott and Tv~dale. READ AND ADOPTED, October 14, 1941. Clerk / CONF~ENCE Council 0hamher, October 6, 1941. The Council assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetings for the purpose of holding a conference to discuss the various matters which had beannpresented to them. All merehere of the Committee, with the excep- tion of Ald.. Mien, were present. After discussion upon the matters presented to them, the Con~mittee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Grimetot. 254 255 READ AND ,ADOPTED, October 14, 1941. Clerk Chai man COUNCIL :ounc il Chambe r, October 6, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the conference meeting, for the purpose of passing a resolution. All members of the Council, ~ith the exception of Ald. Allen, were present. RESOLUTION The following Resolution was passed: No. 118 - G. DONALD - GRIMSTER - WR~REAS the Welland Chef eel Works Limited is the property of the Government and the Welland Chemical Works Lim. ited are operating s~xO~ pl~ut as an ~gent Of the Government only; AND WHEREAS the Public Utilities Commission of the Township of Stamford has agreed, that for the duration of the war, all water supplied to the Welland Chemical Works Limited shall he supplied by the Omission at the actual addition- al out-of-pocket expense or cost to them; ~ND %~t~EAS the Welland Chemical Works Limited has requested the City of Niagara F~lls to consider the possibility of reducing the basic o~ of water per thousand gallons below the price of eight and one-half cents, charged to the Pub- lice Utilities Commission of the Tomship of Stamford, as outlined in the letter from Mr. G. Webster dated September 23, 1941; AND W-.:~z~S after investigation it has' hem determined that the amount of water used per day by the Welland Chemical Works Limited is in excess of two hundred th~Asand gallons and the rate of consumption is fairly normal ower the twenty-four h~Ar daily period; AND ~ upon investigation it is determined that the Welland Chem- ical Works v.~mited have purchased the following quantities of water fxum the Stem- for Public Utilities Commission: ~une, 1941, 8,654,000 gallons; ~uly,- '1941, 9,629,000 gallons; August, 1941, 9,900,000 gallons and September, 1941, 10,778,000 gallons; AND ~IEREAS She continuous steady oon.sun~tion of water by the Welland Chemical Works L~nited is not a factor contributing to the peak load experienced during the summer months which peak load establishes the power load adversely af- fecting the eoonomioel operation of the filtration plant; IHEREFORE HE IT RESOLVED that the City of Niagara Falls will continue to char[e the PubLic Utilities Commission of the To~mship of Stamford at the rate of eight and one-half cents per thousend gallons for all water delivered to the mains of the Commission; ZcAAT the City will grant a rebate to the Wellasd Chemical Works Limited on the rarer purchased by than from the Utilities Commission, and which was pur- chased by the Commission from the City of Niagara Falls, if and when the cost of production of.~mter at the filtration plant warrants such rebate, but the City of Niagara Falls:Shall be the sole Judge of the amount of rebate to be granted, the quantity of water on which such rebate applies and the time when such rebate is Warranted by reduced pumping costs; THAT the City of Niagara Falls agree to review the costs of producing water at the Filtration Plant every six months and the rebate per thousand gal- lons for the ensuing six months will then be determined; THAT the City of Niagara Falls will remit monthly to the Welland Chem- ical Works Limited the amonnt of rebate determined for the previous month; ~}tAT commencing on October l, 1941, the City of Niagara Falls will grant a rebate of one and one-half cents per thousand gallons to the Welland Chemical Works.Limited on all water purchased by the said Welland Chemical Works Limited fr~n the Township of Stamford and which was purchased by the Public Utilities Com- mission of the Termship of Stamford from the City of Niagara Falls; ~HA~ this agreement shall becorae effective on October l, 1941, and rem- ain in effect only for the duration of the war; And the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. White and Grimster. READ ANDADOp~ED, October 14, 1941. Clerk Mayor 256 FORTY-FIFTH MEETIh~ RECULAR M]EETING Council Chamber, October 14, !941. SELECTION OF JURORS Board Room, October 10, 1941. His Worship Mayor G.R.Inglis, ~ohn Y. Harrimsn, Assessment Commissioner and W.S.0rr, City Clerk met on Friday, October 10, 1~1, for the purpose of sel- ecting the grand and petit Jurors for service in the Superior and Inferior Courts respectively, of the County of Welland for the year 194~-. Grand Yurors for Superior Courts - 16 names were selected from the 1940 Voters' List- Letters 'B' to 'F' Grand Iurors for Inferior Courts - 15 names were selected from the 1940 Voters' List- Letters 'B' to 'F' Petit Yurors for Superior Courts - 32 na~es were selected from the 1940 Voters' List - Letters 'B' to 'F' Petit Yurors for Inferior Courts - 52 names were selected from the 1940 Voters' List- Letters 'B' to 'F' -. Clerk Pursuant to adjournment, the Counci 1 met at 7.50 p.m. to consider gen- eral business and finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Allen, were present. The Council, having received and mad the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Scott and G.Donald. C0,~JNICAT!0NS The following Communications were presented: No. 369 - Canadian CeEucotton Products CO. Ltd. - re installation of railw,lv sid- ing. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and White that the communication be received and filed, the necessary pemission be granted and a By-law be prepared. No. 370 - Honoureble W.L.Houck, M.L.A. - re appointment w~th the Hencurable Prem- ier. ORE on the motion of ~bld. Twidale and See tt that the communication be received and laid on the table; and the City Clerk prepare a brief for presentation at the forthcoming meeting. No. 3V1 - Ontario Cemeteries Association - invitation to convention. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~vidale and G. Donald that the communication be received and filed. No. 372 - Tomship of Stamford - approval of proposed drainage of Queen Elizabeth Way. 0YOERED on the motion of AId. G. Donald and Sc6tt that the communication be received and filed. No. 373 - Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario - re occupation of lend and erection of pole line. 0RDEED on the rotion of Ald. G. Donald and Twidale that the communication be received and filed, and approval be given for tim installat- ion. No. 374 - A.R. Robertson - requesting removal of tree. OIOERED on the motion of Ald. ~ldale and Scott that the communication be received and laid on the table and referred to the Parks Superintendent for a report. No. 375 - City of St. Catharines - re suggested by-law re uniform closing of bev- erage rooms. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Grimster that the commun- ication be received and referred for consideration at the conference. No. 376 - Township of Stamford - re request for waremain on portion of Kltchener Street. 0RRERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and G. Donsld that the communication be received and filed, that permission be granted subject to the provision that there will be no cost to the City for the proposed construction. No. 377 - Niagara Falls Lions Club - requesting permission to hold annual hallow- ~'en parade. 0RBEE on the motion of Ald. Grimetot and Twidale that the commun- ication.be received and filed, and the paxmission be granted. RFPORT The following Report was presented: No. 151 - City Clerk - re conference held on October 6, 1941. (ERERED on the mot- ion of AId. White and Grimster that the report be received and adopted. 259 RF~OPJTtON The following Resolution was passsd: No. 119 - G.IDNALD - GRI~STF~ - RESOUj]T~D that the matter of signing releases of officials of the Niagara Falls Children's Aid Society, in connection with the transfer of funds of the accounts of the Society, be luid on the table until after receipt of the Auditors' statement to date upon the affairs of the Society; that the Auditors be asked to make an immediate report so that the transfer will · not be delayed; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. A.F. Donald and Scott. .READ 3~ND ADOPTED, October 20, 1941. Clerk Mayor assesmeats and .a schedule of monthly p~vments was discussed. Upon the reco.~.mend- ation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott it was agreed that the assessment should be placed at $330.00 on the land and $850.00 on the building; and that the monthly payments be on the basis of $20.00 for an approximate period of three years. An offer was presented from Julius Sainchuk for the purchase of 1347 Maple Street for the sum of $2,200.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Comlsittee and on the motion of Aid. Scott and Twidale, it was ordered that the of- fer be received and accepted, subject to the usual conditions and to the provision that the lmrchaser must obtain vacancy of the property. An offer was presented from Mr. G.F. Whitaker for the purchase of Lot 549, Roberrs Street, for the sum of $250.00. Upon the recommendation of the Prop- erty Committee and on the motion of Ald. Grtmster and Scott, it '~s ordered that the purchase be made, snbJect to the provision that a dwelling of at least $4,000. value will be erected on the pxemises within a period of six months. The report of the Property Committee on the above matters, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimster and Scott that the report be rec- eived and filed. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Aid. Scott ~nd A.F.Donald. RE~ AND~)0P~ED, October ~0, 1941. FYNAEE MEETING COuncil Charfiber, October 14, 1941. The Finance Committee met ca Tuesday, October 14, 1941, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly ~ertified and placed before then. All members of ~he Committee, with the excep- tion of Ald. Allen, were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to $14,324.94. The accounts submitted, being passed or othervise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the. money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. G. DOnald and Twidale. A comn~nication was presented. from the Niagara Falls Basesball Associat- ion, requesting a gra~t in connection with the annual banquet. It was ordered on the motion of tlis Worship Mayor G.R. Inglis and Aid. A.F.Donald that the communic- ation be received and filed, and a grant of $25.00 be ~de to -t~xe Association. A communication was presented from the Toronto General Hospital re hos- pitalization for Joseph Eirk. Xt was ordered on the motion of Aid. Grimter and ~ddale that the comm~nication be received and ~iled, and the Oitymaintain the patient at the Hospitalfor-incurables. The offer of Mrs. L. Rumen, re the purchase of 1582 Robinson Street, as present~d~t a previous meeting, Was considered. The matter of the division of Clerk rmmn of Finance COUNCIL EETING Council Chamber, October 14, 1941. The council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetings for the lmrpos~ of passing the mney by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Cormnittee. All members of the CounCil, .W~h ~he.exception .of .Ald. Allen, were present. ........ a' , BY-LAW The following By-law ~as passed: N_o_. 315~ - AId. ~r.G. White - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. let reading - Aid. 0rimstot and Twidale- Carried. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donsld and Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sUspendedand the By- law read a second time -Carried. 3rd reading.- Ald. Grimster and Twiddle - Carried. FORTY-SIXTH I~]ETING REGUL.%K M~]ET!NG Council Chamber, October 20, 1941. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott add G. Donald. READ A~ND ADOPTED, October 20, 1941. Clerk M~yor Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met st 7.30 p.m. to consider gen- eral business and finance. All members of the Council, '~ith the exception of Ald. A.F.Donal~, were present. Ald. ~vidale was Ena~dp~ Mayor nntil the arrival of His Worship Mayor Inglis. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Scott and O.Donald. At this point His Worship Mayor Inglis arrived s.t the mceti rig. TENDERS Tenders had been called for the sale of the property at 464 Ellis Street. Owing to the fact that no ~enders had been received, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and G.Donal5 that the advertisement be continued in the local news- paper and the closing date for these tenders be textended to November 3, 1941. Tenders had also been called for the purchase of an automobile to rep- lace the Plymouth sedan in use by the Police Department. 0;ring to the fact that no tenders were received, it vas ordered on the motion of Ald. Twid~Ale and Scott that the matter be laid on the table for one week, andthe closing date for these tenders be extended until October 28, 1941. COE~E~ENCE Council Chamber, October 14, 1941. The Council assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetings for the purpose of holding a cenfexence ~o discuss the various matters which had been presented to them. All members of the Committee, with the excep- tion of Ald. Allen, were. present. After discussion upon the matters presented to them, the Committee adjouxned on the motion of AId. White end A.F. Do~la. READ ANDADOPTED, October 20, 1941. Clerk COM3~URr/CATIONS laid over from pTevious meetinC: No. ~4 - A.R.Robertson - requesting ~emoval of tree. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Allen and White that the communication be received and f~ led, and the owner be advised that the City is unable to remove the tree as it is situated on private property. S~:F. Report No. 152 The following Communications were presented: No. 378 - F.W.Roberts Mfg. Co. of Carada - requesting additional street light. 0RIgRED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Allen that the communication be received and filed, the request be granted; and an additional survey of the lighting situ- ation in the Glenview area be made. No. 3~9 - Minister for Naval Services - re naming corvette 'Miss Niagara'. 0RD- ERED on the motion of Al4. Grimster and G. Donald that the communication be received and filed, and the 1.0.D.E. Lord Tweedsmuir 0hapter be advised accordingly. .No. 380 - Stephens, McKenaa & McCombs - acknowledging letter re 330-8 Queen Street. No. 381 - Stephens, Mc~(enna & McCombs - enclosing copy of letter to Hencurable T. B.McQuesten. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Grininter and Allen that the communic- ations be received and laid on the table until a reply to the communication has been received from the Hencurable T.B.McQuesten. Prior t.o this motion, it was moved by AId. White and Scott that the communications be .received and f, iled. .Th. As ,motion was defeated. 'No'. 38~ - Allied War Supplies Corporation - apprecietion of rebate re cost of water. 0R])~ on the motion of Ald.. Grimster, and Scott ,that .the communication be received and filed. .The following Reports were presented: No. 152 - Parks Superintendent - re retueet for removal of tree. 0RDEI:ED on the motion of Ald. Alien and White that the report be received and filed. No, 153 -Oity Clerk - re conference held on October 14, 1941. OBr~ED on the motion of Ald, Go0onald and Twiddle that the report be received and adopted, No, 154 - Fire Chief J.C,Shapton - re call to river bank to rescue girl. 0RDE.~LLED on the motion of AId, Twidale and Allen that the repo:t be received and filed, that the matter be brought to the attention of the Niagara parks Commission and authority be asked for invading their property in future in such an emergency, RESOLUTION The following Resolution was passed: No. 120 - SCOTT- GRIMSTER -RESOLVED~that the next regular meeting of the City Council be scheduled to take place at 8.00 p.m. on Tuesday, October Sdth; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried A report was presented by the City Clerk re heating the relief office. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Scott that the repol~ be rec- eived and adopted. A report was presented from the City E.~ineer reco~nending the retubing of the boiler at the Filtration Flant. It ~,ms ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimster that the report be received and adopted. A communication was presented from H.H. Diers re original engravings of views of Niagara Falls available for sale. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Twiddle and Grimster that the communicati on be received and referred to the commit- tee arranging an exhibit of paintings of this area. The Revenue and Expenditure Statement as of September 30, 1941, was pres- ented. It v,~s ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and G.Donald that the statement be received and laid on the table. .The Committee adjourned on the motion of Aid. G. Donald and Grimster. - .READ AND ADOPTED, October 28, 1941. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott end G. Donald. .vrtFaa AND ADOPTED, October 28, 1941. Clerk Clerk COUNCIL MEETII~ FINANCE Council Chamber, 0ctober-20, 1941. The Finance Ommmittee met on Monday, October ~0, 1941, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had beenproperty cert- ified and placed before them. All members of the Committee, with the exception of Ald. A.F. Oonald, were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to $7,063.34. The account submitted, bei~ passed or Otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for prosentatton to the Council on the motion of AId. G. Donald and ~dale. Council Chamber, October 20, 1941, The COuncil re-assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetings for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the Oouncll. vrA th the exception of Ald. A.F. Donald, were present. The following t~v-law was passed: No. 3184 -Ald. J.O. White- To Grant Monies for General Purposes. reading - Aid. Orimster and Scott - Carried. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. White and GrAmster that Rule 265 .~6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended a~d the By-law read a second time - Carried. ~ 3rd reading -Ald'. Twidale and Scott - Carried. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott and G. Doaald. .READ AND ADOP~3ED, October 28, 1941. Clerk Mayor COURT OF APPEAL Judge's Chambers, October 22 1941. The hearing by His Honou r Judge L.B.C. Livtnstone, upon the appeals made from the decision of the Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll of the City of Niagara Falls for the year 1941, ,~s held at the County Buildings in Welland at ll. O0 a.m. on Wednesday, October 22, 1941. lows: tlis Honour Judge Livingstone gave his decision upon the cases, as fol- Roll No. Appellant 5205 Canadian National Railway, Niagara, St. Cathsrines & Toronto Railway Rails on local lines, on River Road Decision Appeal '~.dthdrawn and dismissed C0.~idClCE Oounci 1 Chamber, October 20, 1941. The council assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetings for the purpose of holding a conference to discuss the v~rious matters which had been presente~ to them. All members of the Committee were present. After discussion upon the matters presented to them, the Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Allen and Grimster. READ ANDADOPTED, October ~8, 1941. 6680 Sandell, E.T. Lot 507, Plan 746, 860 Roberrs Street 4473 Young, Oarl L. Lots 6,7,8,9, Plan 22, 325 B~mpfield Street Land Assessments reduced Building Assessment reduced $ 200.00 500.00 His lionour then adjourned the Court.. Certified correct, Dismissed -Assessment reduced to $2,500. on land and $1,500. on build- ing. Clerk Chai man Clerk County of Welland 267 ,266 FORTy-~."Z1, rENTH MEETINO REGLZAR MEYTING Council Chamber, October 28, 1941. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 8.00 p.m. to consider gen- eral bu~-iness and finance, All 'members of the Cou0eil were pre~nt. The Council, having. received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. ~;tfite and Scott.' ~ ~ DEIt'TATIONS In connection with Communication No. 385, and on the motion of Ald. GrJm- ster and Allen, Mr. L.Mullen was permitted to address the Council. Mr. Mullen advised the Council of the ctrcumstances leading to the organization of this branch and the aims of the group. SLVECommunication No. 385 Tenders had been called for the replacement of-Police Car Nnmber 2. On the motion o~ Ald. Scott and TNidaleit was ordered that the tender be opened, in- itialled by His Worship Mayor Inglis and tabulated. It was then ordered on the motion of Ai~. Allen and Grimater that a report be presented at the next meeting upon the tenders received. COM~ICATIONS The following Communications were presented: No. 383 - Niagara, St. Catharines and Toronto Railway - requesting permission for continuation of present achedale of fares. 01LDE on the motion of Ald. G. Don- aid and 1kvidale that the communication be received and filed, and the request for permission to continue the present schedule of cash fares be granted. No. 384 - Canadian National P~ilways - re withdrawal of appeal against decision of Court of Revision..OPtDEE on the motion Of Ald. Alien and Scott that the com- munication be received and filed. No. 385 - National Council for Democratic Rights - petition for release of all anti-fascists. 0RDEI~ED on the motion of AId. Allen and Scott that the communic- ation be resolved and laid on the table for further consideration. No. 386 - Ontario Municipal Association - questionnaire re unemployment insurance for municipal enployees. OpnERED on the motion of Ald. V,qfite and Grimster that the communication be received and filed, and the reply be made that the Council feel that unemployment insurance should be applicable to all employees. No. 587 - Deputy Minister of Municipal Affairs - re Municipal ~in~,xoe Officers' convention. (lqI~2tED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and G.Donald that the commun- ,learion he received and..f-lied,. and the City Clerk be authorized .to~ :at~end-as ~ell as the Treasurer. No. $88 - Local Veterans' Organizations - re sale and transfer of properties. 0ROr2~D o~ the motion of Ald. White and G. Donald that the communication be rec- eived and laid on the table for a mpor~.fro~.the City Solicitor. No. ~89 - Thomas O.01iver Ltd. -,re~uestin~ street light. 0RRE on the motion of Ald. Scott and Twidale that the communication be received and filed, and the company,~be advised that this installation has taken place. No. ~90 - Bell Telephone Company of Canuda ~ requestinS yetmils!on to replace poles. No. 391- Bell Telephone Company of Canada - requesting perl,li vsion ~o replace pole. No. 392 - Bell T~le~hone Com~ny of Canada -requesting permitsion to replace pole. No. 393 - Bell Telephone Com~ny of Canada - requesting permission to relocate pole. 0RD~ on the rotion of aid. O.Don~ld and Scott that the communications be rec- eived and fjled, and perufission be ginned for the work as outlined. ~ E-Laws No. 3155~6,~,8, No. 394 - Bell Telephone Company of G~na~a - requesting peevish!on to instal un- derground pl~t. 0~EP~ on the motion of Ald. T,,fidale and Scott that the com- munication be received and filed, the request ~ granted and that the Company be asked to place the m~holes in the r~dways at intersections. SE By-law Namber 3159 RaPORTS The follo~.~ng Reports were p~esented: No. 155 - City Clerk - re conference held on October 20, 1941. 0HDEIED on the motion of Ald. ~vldale and Grimster that the report be received, filed and opted. No. 156 - City Clerk - re cheques tendered by Max Gold re 330-8 Queen Street. 0KD~'RED on the motion of ald. Allen and Grimster that the report be received and laid on the table Until the return of His Worship Mayor In~lis and Ald. Grant Donald. (See following Council meeting) No. 157 - City Clerk - re order-in-council re plan of cemetery, OKDE~LZD on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Allen that the report be received, the ml]ng be ac- Cepte~ and. the City Clerk be instructed to prepare the necessary plans. The Council adjourned on the motion o.f kld. Twidale and G. Donald. READ AND ADOP~D, November 3, 1941. Clerk MaYor co cm Council CRc~nber, October 28, 1941, At this point the Council re-assembled as a conference committee for the purpose of discussing matters with Mr. A.Z.B. Gray, Deputy Minister of Munic- ipal Affairs, end Mr. tt.~.Johnston, representative of As,Graham and Company. All : :_ ' · j' '.+'q:, '-! ' L: ': :~ !~ "' -;". ! , ' , 269 members of the Oouncil v,ere present~ After discussion upon the matters presnented to them, the Committee adJourncd on the motion of AId. W]qite and Scott. RF~ID ASID ADOPTED, November 3, 1941. Clerk Chai x~art GOL~CIL ~TING Council Chamber, October 28, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close.of the Conference meeting for the purpose of continuing with general business. All members of the Council were present. REPORTS The following report, as presented at the previous meeting, wss again considered: No. 156 - City Clerk -'re eheques tendered by Max Gold re 550-8 Queen Street. 0R- DF~j~on the motion of Ald- A.F.Donald and Scott that the motion passed at the longer meetin¢ of Council be rescinded - Carried unanimously.' It ,,ms then ord- ered on the motion of Ald. White and GoDonald that the report be received and filed, and the eheques tendered by Mr. Gold be accepted -' Carried, Ald.' Allen, Grimstep and Twidale voting contrary. The following Reports were presented: No. 158 - City Clerk - r~ sale of cemetery lot and request for transfer. on the motion of Ald. White and G.Donald that the report be received and filed, and adopted. No. 159 - City Clerk - re utilizing old MIchigan uentral Railway station site as park. 0Ic~m~D on the motion of Aid. O.D~nald and ~dale that t~e report be rec- eived and filed, and the City take no action in the matter. I~SOLUTIOH The following Resolution w~s passed: 'No. 1Z1 - SCOTT - GRIM~TER - RESOLVED that the action of llie .Worship Mayor ~,R. Inglts, 'in appointing Alderman G.A.Allen as Enacting Ma~or on Novamber 2nd to llth inclus~ve, during the absence of His ;','orship from the City, be apfroved; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed, s Carried unanimously BY- The following By-laws were passed: No. 3155 -Ald. C.W. Twldale - To authorize the Bell Teleph,~ne Company of Canada to replace certain roles on MeGrail A,,enue, Cedar Street, ~ender Hill, and .Buchanan Avenue, 1st reading -Ald. Grimster and O.Donald - Carried unanimouslJ. It was then ordered ~ the motion of A14. A.F.Donald and Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the :~tandin~ Rule~ of Council be temporarily suspended and the 2y-l~.v be read a second time - Carried un~imously. 3rd ~ading - Aid. Twidale and ,~'hite - Carried un~imously. No. 3156 -ald. G.Donald - To authorize the Dell Te!ephene Company of C~ada to replace cert~n poles an~ anchors on Epwerth Circle. 1st madl~ - Aid. Scott and Grimster - Carried Unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of AId. ~,hite and G.DOnald that r~a]e 36 (2) Of th~ Standing Rules of Council be ~emporarily suspended and the By-law be read a second time - Carried un~imously. 3rd reading - AId. G. Dona!4 ~nd Grimster - Carried un~imously. No. 3157 -Ald. A.~W.Scott - To authorize the Bell T~lephone Company of C~ada to re-locate one pole on Rosedale Drive. 1st reading -Ald. G.Donald and .~len - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimstep and Scott that Rule ~6 (~) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarilysuspended and the By-l~w read a second time - Ca~ied unanimously. 3rd readi~ -Ald. T;ddale and ~'~xite - Carried unanimously. No. 3158 -Ald. T.N. Grimster - To authorize the Bell Telephone Company of C~ada to replace one pole on Welland Avenue. let reading -Ald. A.F. Donald and ~tte - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald, Crimetop and A.F.~nald that Rule ~6 (~) of the St~din~ ~les o~ Council be temporarily cuspended and the law be read a second tt~ - Carried unanimously. 3~ reading -Ald. White and Scott - Copied unanimously. No. 31~9 - ~d. A.F.~nald - To authorize the Bell Telephone Company of Canada to place under g~und conduit on Morrison StMet, Stanley Avenue, Centre Street, Ellen Avenue, Le~s Avenue, Sirocco Street ~d ~ple Street. 1st mdl~ -Ald. Grimstep and ~lte - Carried un~imously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and White that ~le 36 (~) of the Standing ~les of Cou~tl be temporarily su~ended a~d the By-hw read a second time - Carried ~lmously. 3rd r~dtn~ - Aid. A,F. Donald and Seo~t - Carried un~imously. 270 271 No. 516.__.__.2.0' Ald. Y,G, Vihite - To authorize.th~ execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. let reading -Ald. Scott and Orim~ter - Carried unanimously, It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. A,F, Donald and y~ite that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be tampapartly suspended and the By-law read a second tim~ - Carried unanimously, 5rd readin~- Ald, Scott and A,F, Donald- Gappied unanimously,. No, 316__1 - Aid, Y,C,White - To authorize the execution of an Agrement for Sale and Deed, 1st reading -Ald. ~.:idale and Grimstep - Ga. pied unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald, G,Doneld and White that Rule 36 (2) of the Standin~ ~les of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time - Carried unanimously,. 5rd reading -Ald. ~tte and Scott - Carried unanimously. No, 51a______~2- Ald, LG.White - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for S~le and Deed, let reading -Ald, Twirlale and GrimsteP - Ca~Tied unanimously, It was ordered on the motion of Ald. A,F,Donald and White that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Counci 1 be .temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. Twidale and Grlmster - Carried unanimously. No. 5163 - Aid. G.A. Allen- To give consent to cross Pine Street v~th a single "' raihvay crossing to connect with the 9anadian National Rat lways. let reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott - Carried unanimouslY.' It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Crimster that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be t emporari ly suspended and the By- law read a second time - Carried ~manimously. 3rd reading -Ald. Scott and A.F.Donald - Carried unanimously. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Grimster and Allen. P.FAD AND ADOPqED, November 3, ~941. Clerk . Mayor FINAD:CH I~E~MG Council Chamber, October 28, 1941. The Finance Committee met on Tuesday, October 72, ]94!~ for the purpose of approvin~ and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert- ified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Com:nittee, amounting to $34,928.14. The accounts submitted, beinf passed or othenvise dealt with, ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council~ on the Ald. A.F. Donal4 and Crimster. motion of A request was received from Mr. J.tlcrdy re fuel for heating the relief depot duM ~g the coming winter. Upon the reco~mendation of the P~uperty Committee this matter was considered by the Finlace Committee. It ;~us then ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and illen that the request be received and filed, and Mr. Hardy be notified that the City does not intent to beat the building, A request was made re the purchase of two small buildings on Lot 658, Stamford Street. Upon the re~Dmmendation of the Property Com'ni~tee, an8 on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Scott it ,.vls agreed that this matter be hid on the table until the next meeting to permit the Committee to vie~'; the premises. A request was presented from }it, Percy Croft for a price upon ODe acre of land on North Street.' Upon the recommendation of the Prl~erty Committee and en the motion of Ald. Grimslot and A.F. Donald it was ordered that the matter be laid on the table for ohe week and to permit the Committee to view the property. A communication was presented from Lit. Mark Hanna, requesting a rei~und of the purchase price of Lot lVS, Florence Avenue, recently purchased by him. Upon the recontmendation of the Property Conbmittee and on the motion of Ald. Grim- ster and Scott it was ordered that the conus~nication be received and filed, and 'the refund. be made. A Offer was presented from Thomas Bellamy re the purchase of Lot 15q, Stamfor~l Street for '~V]0.00. Upon th~ recommendation of the Property Cormmittee and on the motion of Ald. Scott and Allen it was ordered that the offer be rec- eived and filed, and accepted~ s.xbJect to the provision that a dwelling of at least ~3,000~00 value shall be erected on the premises within a period of six months, An offer was presented from Scobte's Cartaqe re the purchase of Lots 108, 109 and 110, BUttrey Street and ~hmir Avenue, for the sum of ~100.00. Upon the reco~end~tto: of the Property Committee a~d on the motion of Ald. ~v~dale and Scott, it wa~ ordered thst the offer be received and filed, and accepted, c ubject to the provision that a building will be erected on the premises within a period of six months, The report of the Property Committee upon the above matters, ,a~s pres- ented. Yt was ordered on the motion of Aid. ~vidale and Scott that the report be received and filed. The City Clerk bad reported to the Tmck Committee th=t repairs v:sre ~ec- essary on Track Number 17. Upon ~he recommendation of the Truck Ca'amities ar~ on the ~rotion of ald. allen and Grimetot, it :'~as oxdered that the Work be authorized. A repor~ was presented fron the City Clerk re pric~q received for tubing the boiler at the Filtration Plant. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and A.F.Don~ld that the report be received a~d filed, and the recommendation be adopted. A report was presented by t~e City Clerk, ~commending the purchase of a concrete buster and attachments. !t~s ordered on the motion of Ald. ~,~idale and Scott that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be ad- opted. A report was presented by the City Clerk, reeonlmending the purch~.~e o~ two e!ect-~_c addip~ r~ach~n~e. It uns ordered on the mgtion of AId. A.r. Donald ~nd Twidale that the report be received and filed, ~d the reco_~nenaation be opted. A report was presented by the City Clerk, recommending the Dn'cba~e of a copy-holder unit. It :':as ordered on the motion o~ aid. ocott ~n4 T'.','idale that the report be received and filed, ~nd the recrnnmendation be adopted. A report was presented by the CIty Clerk, recomm~nding the purchase of ~n electric c~rr]aZe Under. vocal typewriter. it x,as ordered on the FDtion of ald. a.F. Don~ld ~nd ?,vitals that the report be received and filed, and the recommend- ation be adopted. A report was presented by the City Cle~, reco.~nending the purchase of a t~ctor, broom a~d snow-l~ouEh. It -;.as order d on the motion of Ald. ~cott ~nd O. Donald that the report be xeceived anti filed~ and the reco_.~mendation be adopted. A report was presented by the Gity Clerk, recommendin~ the installation of s ne~: lighting system for the second floor of the City Hall. It ~,~s ordered on the motion of Ald. Allen and G. Donald that the ~port be received and laid on the table. A motion had been presented prior to the above by Ald. Grimster and 'P.,idale, that the ~eport be received and filed, and the reconnnendation be adopted, but this motion ':as defeated. A report was presented by the C~ty Clerk, reconu~ending the decoration of the police offices in the City Hall. It we,~ ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Allen that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. A report ,~ns presented by the City Clerk xegarding three hospital co- counts for indigents. It ~ms ordered on the motion of Ald. Allenand G.Donald that the account for Yames Keen be not paid. It was ordered on the nDtion of Ald. G.Donald and Allen that the hospital account for Mrs. 0de EeDoUald be not paid and the Hospi tel be advi sod to collect the account directly from Mrs. McDonald. It v:as o_dered on the motion of Aid. Allen an4 G.Donal4 that the account for Rob- ert Itolliwell be not paid. A request ~,.as received fro~, Mr. Harold T~rver regarding hospitalization for his son at the Hospital for Sick Ghildren. It ,~s ordered on the motion of Aid. Allen and Scott that the matter be received and laid on the table, and the 'City Clerk be asked to obtain more information upon the case. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Grimster and Scott. COD~ISIL ~.~ETINC (jcun~ ] Chamber, October 28, 1~4]. The Council re-~sse,,~b].ed at the close of the reTllar council and finance meetings for the pnrpo~e of passin~ the money hy-l~w w_hieh covered the ~ccounts ~pproved by the Gonmittee. All members of the Council were Fres nt. BY-LAW The following By-law '~as passed: No. 3164 -Ald. ~.C.White - To Grant ~ioeies for General. Pur~o~s. lst-reading -Ald. Grimster and G.Donald - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. a.F.Donald and 'jhite that ~lle 36 (21 of the Standin~ Rules of Council be temporarily ~uspended and the By-law read a second time - Carried unanimoulsly. 3rd reading- Ald. Twidale and G. Donald - Carried unanimosuly. ELECTION 0FFIC~S At this point the Council gave consideration to the List or Election Of- ricers for service on December l, 1941. The list was revised and th~ City Clerk was instructed to present the necessary by-law at the next meeting. The Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Grimster and Scott. pv~a.D AiqD ADOPTED, November 3, 1941. Clerk Mayor 273 READ ~ND ADOFL?~D, November 3, 1941. Glerk ance meetings for'the purpose of~'h01ding CONFEHENCE Oouncil Chamber, October 28~ 1941. The council m-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- a conference to discuss the various mat- .275 ters which had been presented to them. All memberslof the Committee were present. After disc,lesion upon the matters presented to them, the Com2nittee adjourned on ~the motion of ild. O.Donald and Allen. II~D AND AD0~D, November 3, 1941. Clerk FORTT-EIG~ MEETING Council Chamber, Nov~aber 3, 1941. REGULAR MEETING Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. to consider gen- eral business and finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of His Worship Msyor Inglis and Ald. Grant Donald, were present. Ald. Allen was Enact- ing Mayor during the meeting. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Scott and A.F. DOnald. Tenders were submitted for the parchase of 363 Ellis Street. It ~as doted on the motion of Aid. Scott and Grtme ter that the tenders submitted be op- ened, initialled by the ~.n-ctlng Mayor, read, tabulated and a report lhereon from the Property Committee submitted at the next meeting. 00MIA~NICATIONS Laid over from previous meeting: No. 388 - Local Veterans' Committee - re rent control regulations. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. White and Scott that the cannmnication be received and filed, and the organizations be advised of the opinion of the City Solicitor in this matter. SEE Report No. 160 The following Communications were presented: No. 395 - Niagara Falls Yuntor Chamber of Commerce - requesting permission for games in connection with community drive. 0RDEBED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and A.F. Dozald that the cor~nunication be received and referred to the Committee in charge of arrangements for the d~ve. No. 396 - Win. Hodgklns - requesting removal of tree. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Grimster that the communication be received, .and Raid on the table and referred to the Parks Superintendent for a report. No. 397 - H.M.C.S. Niagara - requesting copy of orest and permission to use same. ORE on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimster that the communication be received and filed, that a reply be made that the City is honoared to have the ship adopt the Clty's crest, and that the designer of the crest be cnmmissioned to prepare a copy suitable for the ship's use. No. 398 - Canadian Lagion - requesting pemtssion for poppy day. 01qEERED on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and White that the c~nication be received and filed, and permission as requested he granted. No. 399 - Canadian Legion - invitation to participate in Remembrance Day parade. 0RIfleD on the marion of Aid. Grimoter and Scott that the ccm,n,aication be rec- eived and filed, the invitation be accepted, and as many as possible attend the parade. , , . I~PORTS The following _Ropox~s were prosonted: No. 160 - City Solicitor - re rentl eont:ol regulations. ORDERED on t~z motion of Ald. White and -~co~. 't~.ba~ ~he repox~ be m~ei~,a~flled.,, , ,. , ~led No. 161 - City Clerk - re conference held on October ~8, 1941. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. White and Scott that the report be received and filed, and ad- opted. No. 16~- - 0ity Clerk - re conference held on October eS, 1941. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Twirlale and A.F. Donald ~hat the report be received and filed, and adopted. The following Reso; No. lS2 - GRINSTER proclaimed a civic ings remain closed fixed. RESOLUTIONS vREADANDADOA"~ED, November 10, 1941. . AA~ 277 No. 1~3 - ~HITE - 0RU~/~ Daughters of asked for pern~ssim sugges~ion be made forts for the men; The followin6 B~-la~ No. 3165.- AId, A,F,. Polling P year 194~: 1st reading -Ald. G] It was the~ 36 (2) of the Standin read a second time - 3rd reading -Ald. Wh let readla~- Ald. Gr~ It ~xs then 36 (21 of the Standin~ read a second time .- C 3rd reading - AId. Twi. Ald. Scott a4 Stanley Avenue is Vex7 ion. Ald. Allen a .... ..~ ~a~e Is an area on Maple Street ~aloh does not drain correctly end it my be nscessax7 to ins,el a catch basin .at .this locati. en. The CoUncil adjourned on .She notion of AId, Scott and A,F, Donald,' Counci 1 Chamber, November 5,, 1941. for the purpose been properly cer- th the exception ng to $10,899.33. with, were ord- ~n the motion of md on North ed. Upon the Scott and Grim- sold from this Lot 658, Stam- ldered. Upon tld. Twidale It he buildings or miters, was that the rep- , purchase Of nd A.F. Don- adopted. ~ ._~ ,cusmption of .... ~Auerea on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald -...~a, me report be received and laid on the table and referred to the Property Committee for a recommendation. A summax7 of tenders for a new police oar, was submitted. ' It was ord-- ered on the notion of Aid. A.F. Donald and Scott that the summary be received and laid on the table for one week, and. the Police Commission be asked to make a rec- 0mmendation in this connection, No. 161 - City Clerk - re conference bold on October RS, 1941. 0PEERED on the motion of AId. White and Scott that the report be received and filed, and ad- opted. No. 162 - City Clerk - re conference held on October 28, 1941. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Twia~le and A.F.Donald that the report be received and filed, and adopted. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions ware passed:- No. 1~m - GRIMSTER - WHITE - RESOLVED that Remembrance Day, November 11, 1941, be proclaimed a civic holiday in the City of Niagara Falls, that all municipal build- ings remain closed on that date; and the Seal of the Corporation be hareto af- fixed. Carried NO. 123 - WHITE - ~VIDAI~ - RESOLVED that the various chapters of the Imperial ORU~/~ Daughters of the Empire be advised that the Destroyer, H.M.C.S.Niagara has asked for permission to use the City of Niagara Falls' crest on the ship, end the sugges~ion be made that this ship be adopted for the purpose of providing com- forts for the men; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried The following By-laws were passed: No. 3165 -Ald. A.F.Donald - To appoint Deputy Returning Officers, Poll Clerks and Polling Places for the mnicipal elections in December, 1941, for the year 1942. 1st reading - AId. Grimster end Scott - Carried. It was then ordered on the motion of AId. White end A.F. Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be t~aporarily suspended end the By-law rend a second time - Carried. 5rd reading -Ald. White and ~vidale - Carried. No. 3166 -Ald. LG.White - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. ' · let reading - AId. Grimster and A.F. Donald- Carried. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott that Rule 56 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time ,- Carried. ' 5rd reading -Ald. Twidale and Grimster - Carried. MIS~-xANEOUS Ald. Scott advised that a catch basin at the comer of MoRse Street and Stanley Avenue is vex7 much below She level of the road and is a dangerous coudit- ion. AIdo Allen advised that there is an area on Maple Street ~hich does not drain correctly and it may be necessary to instel a catch basin .at ~his locatiqno The Council adjourned on .~e mot~on, of ~Ald. Scot~ :and A.F.Donald. AND ADO~xln~D, November 10, 1941. Clerk FIN~CE MEETING Counci 1 Cham~er, November 3,, 1941. The Finance Committee met on Monday, November 3, 1941, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cer- tified and placed before them. All members of the Conmtttee, with the exception of His Worship Mayor and Aid. G. Denald, were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to $10,899.33. The accounts submitted, being passed or other~dse dealt with, 'were oid~ ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Scott. The offer of Mr. Percy Croft, to purchase one acre of land on North Street, as laid over from the previous meeting, was again considered. Upon the recommmudation of the Property Coma~lttee and on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grim- ster, it was ordered that the offer be not accepted and no land be sold from this plot until such time as a subdivision plan bxs been prepared. The offer of Win. Oarr ~o purchase the small buildings on Lot 658, Stam- ford Street, as laid over from the previous meeting, was again considered. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee, and on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Grimster it was ordered that Mr. Carr be allowed the material in the buildings for the wrecking of the some. The report of the Property Cornre{tree, on the above and other matters, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Scott and Grimetot that the rep- ort-be received and adopted, end filed. A report was pressed from the City Clerk, recommending the purchase of snow fence and posts. Xt was ordered on t~e motion of AId. Twidale and A.F. Eon- ald that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. A report was presented by the City Clerk, regarding the redxmption of the property at 885 River Road. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and GrAmstoT that the report be received and laid on the table and referred to the Property Committee for a recommendation. A sunmary of tenders for a new poliee car, was submitted. ' It ms ord-' ered on the motion of Aid. A.F. Dooald and Scott that the summary be received and laid on the table for one week, and. the Police Commission be asked to make a rec- cramsedation in this connection. A report was presented fxum the City Clerk, regarding the request of H. 9Arver for assistance in the payment of a hospital account for his son. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimster and Allen that the report be received ~nd filed, and an agreement be entered into with Mr. ~Arver for the payment of the hospital account. A comparison of tax collections as of O=tober 31, 1941, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimster and Scott that the statement be rec- eived and filed. A report was presented regarding the city properties which have been sold under agreements. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald end Scott that the statement be received and laid on the table, a~d referred to the Property Committee for a report. Ald. Allen brought up the ma~ter of an individual in the City who is reported to have been improperly charged ~or water for a number of years, and ask- ed if it would be possible to allow him a rebate which could be applied against his taxes. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Aid. A.F.Donald and t%vidale. P~EAD MqD ADOPTED, November 10, 1941. Clerk / COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, November 3, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the c~ose of the regular council end fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the ac- counts appreved by the Cc~nmittee. All members of the Council, with the exception of His Worship Mayor IngAis and AId. G. Donald, were px~semt. ~Ltd. G. Allen was Enaeti.ng Mayor during the meeting. . ' RY-IAW ~he following By-law was passed: No..~167 - AId. ~.GoWhite - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. ls~ resAding - AId. ~cott and Grimster - Carried. It ;was then ordered on the motion of Aid. White and A.F.D~nald that 279 Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law mad a seecad time - Carried. 3rd reading -Ald. Twl~ale and Grtmster- Carried. The Council adjourned on the motio~ of Ald. White and Grimster. P~D ~ ~jDOP~ED, November 10, 1941. Clerk COhrF~,RENCE Council Chamber, Novenber 3, 1941. The council re-assembled at the close of the regular council md fin- ance meetings for the purpose of holding a conference to disuuss the various mat- tere which had been presented to them. All menbets of the Committee, ~lth the exception of His Worship Mayor Inglis and Ald. G. Donald, were present. After discussion upon the matters presented to them, the Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. W~ite and Grimetot. READ AND AIDE, November 10, 1941. Clerk 280 FORTY-NINtH MEETING IF~ULAR MEETING Council Chamber, Nevenber 10, 1941. Purusant to adjournment, the Council met at ?.30 p.m. to consider gen- eral business and finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of His Worship Mayor Inglis, were present. Ald. Allen was Enacting Mayor during the meeting. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meet- ing, adopted these on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald andGrimster. DEI~TATIONS In connection with Communication No. 400, and on the motion of Ald. ~ite and Grimster, representatives of the Niagara Falls Civic Employees' Assoc~ istion were permitted to address the Council. Messrs. McBride, E.P.Scott, C. Hicks, M.J.Allen, ~. Graham, S.Raven, p.C.Thomas and E.Hughes spoke to the Coun- cil and discussed their request for consideration of a cost of living bonus. COMM~INICATIONS Laid over from previous meeting: No. 396 - Wm. Hodgkins - requesting removal of tree. 0RDEREDon the motion of Aid. Grimetot and Scott that the communicatio~ be received and filed, and the rem- oval be authorized. s~ Report No. 163 The following Communications were presented: No. 400 - Niagara Falls Civic Employees' Association - requesting coaside~ation re cost of living bonus. No action was taken by the Council upon this communic- ation. No. 401 - Niagara Falls Imperial Hockey Team - recasting support of Council re Junior team. ORLm~EDOn the motion of Ald. White and Scott that the communicat- ion be received and laid on the table for one week. No. 402 - Niagara Falls Lions Hallows'on Co.mmittee - appreciation of assistance from Council. 0RDEI~Don the motion of AId. A.F. Donald and Scott that the com~'u- ication be received and filed. No. 403 - Board of Control, Toronto - resolution re operation of suburban roads commissions. ORDn~ED on the motion of Aid. White and Grimster that the connnunic- ation be received and referred to the City Solicitor.for an analysis of the Act and further information upon this matter. NO. 404 - Niagara Taxi Service - requesting permission to use strip land for park- ing. ORI~RED on the motion of/Ltd. G. Donald and Grimetot that the communication be received and fi~ed, and the request be granted. No. 405 - Boll TelephOne Company of Canada - requesting permission to locate poles on rear of lot. 0RDEREB on the motion of Aid. Scott and Twidale that the commun- ication he received and filed, and the permission be gmnted. No. 40~ - Bell Telephone Company of Canada - requesting permission to erect two poles on lane. 01~)EI~D on the motion of Aid. Twidale and Scott that the communic- ation be received and filed, and the permission be granted. ~E By-law No. ~68 No. 407 - Charles Black - requesting stand for two taxis. 0BIJEREI) on the motion of AId. Scott and White that the communioation be received and laid on the table for o~e week. REPORTS The followin~ Reports were presented: No. 163 - Parks Superintendent - recommending removal of one tree. 0Pj)ERED on the motion of Ald. Grimster and Scott that the report be received a~ filed, and the recommendation be adopted. No. 164 - Dairy Inspector - report for October, 1941. 0RDERhD on the notion of Ald. Scott and Grimster that the report be received and filed. No. 165 - City Clerk - re conference held on November 3, 1941. OHDERED on the mot- ion of Ald. White and Twidale that the report be received and filed, and adopted. No. 166 - City Clerk - re meetlug with Township Council and Wartime. Housing Lim- ited. ORDF~E]) on the motion of Ald. '~vidale and G.Donald that the report be rdc- eived and filed, and a committee of three from the Counci 1 attend the meeting. The Enacting Meyer then appointed a committee of tlis Worship Muyor In~lis, ~ld. ~Talte and G. Donald. The following By-law was passed: ~o.., 3~68 -Ai~. Grant Donald - To authorize the Bell Telephone Company of C~nada to erect two poles on a lane west of Acheson Avenue and north of Ferg- uson Street. 1st reading - Aid. A.F.Donald and Scott - Carried.' It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. Grims ter and White that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be tempordrily suspended and the By-law read a second time - Carried. 3rd reading - Aid. ?~ddale and Grimster - Carried. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott and- ~.~idale. READ Ah~ ADOPTED, November 17, 1941. Clerk t FINANCE EEETING COU~Oi 1 Chambe r, November 10, 1941. The Finance Committee met on Monday, November 10, 1941, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly certified end placed before them. ~ll members of the Com~mittee, with the excep- tion of His Worship Mayor Inglis, were l~sent. Sundry accounts wer~ approved by the Committee, amounting to $10,442.72. The accounts submitted being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of ~ld. G. Donald and Scott. The summary of tenders for the purchase of a car for the police depart- ment, as laid over from the previous meeting, was presented, together with a com- munication from the BOard of Police Commissioners in this connection. It was or- dered on the motion of Ald. ~idale and G. BOnald that the sunrotary and communicat- ion ~e received and filed, the recommendation be adopted, and aChevrolet 1941 sedan be purchased at a net pric~ of $945.00 from the Wells Garage and Motor Com- pany. A report of the City Clerk in connection with a request for a redempt- ion certificate for 885 River Road, as laid over from the previous meeting, was again presented. A communication was also presented from Miss M.L. Qu~linen in this connection. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Twidale, .and on the recommendation of the property Com~nittee, that the report a~d communication be received and laid m thetable, and forwarded to the City Solicitor for his rep- ort. A statement of City Properties sold urnlet Agreement, as hid over from the previous meeting, was presented. -Upon the recommsndation of the Property Com- mittee and on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimster, it was ordered that this statement he received and laid on the table for one weak, for consideration with further statements. An offer was presented from p.P~uocio for the purchase of Lot 218, Hick- son Avenue for the sum of $30.00. Upon the recommendation of the property Gemit- tee end on the motion of Aid. A.F.Donald end Scott it was ordered that the commun- ication be received and filed, and Mr. Rauccio be advised that the purchase price of the lot is $50.00. A summary was presented of the tenders received re 464 Ellis Street. Upon the recommendation of the Property Connnittee and on the motion of Ald. Scott and Twidale it was ordered that this matter be laid on the table for one week. The report of the Property Committee on the above and other matters, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimster that the rec- ommendation in connection with 177~ Robinson Street, be adopted. It was further ordered on the motion of Aid. Twidale and A.F.D~nald that the recommendation reg- arding the lot sold to Mr. George Hillesheim be adopted; and that .the report be received and filed. A report was presen..ted by the City Clerk regarding charges for water ser- vice at 364 Morrison Street. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Allen and Twi- rlate that the report he received and filed, that a refund of $10.~6 be made to Mr. McMullen, and that in fUture no rebates he allowed for fi~Are removed prior to the . date of the inspeetor's Check upon the premises. A communication was presented from the Hospital for Sick Children reg- arding hospitalization for Rober~ Holliwell. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Grimster that the communication be received and filed, and the account be ~aid. A communication was presented from Win. A. Zola, areking application fgr -283 the use of the former Newman property for the sale of Christmas Trees. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Twidale and Grimster that the communication be rec- eived and filed, and the offer be accepted. The Statement of Housing Agreements and the Statement of 0celtpied Reg- istered Properties, as of October 31, 1941, were Fesented. It was o~dered on the motion of Ald. Scott and A.r. Donald that the statement be received and referred to the Property Committee for consideration. The Committee adjourned on the motion of ~2d. A.F. Donald and Grimster. AND ADOPTED, Clerk COUNCILMEETING Council Chamber, November 10, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetings for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council, with the exception of His Worship Mayor Inglis, were present. Ald. G.A.Allen was Enacting Mayor. The following By-law was passed: No. 5169 -Ald. ~.G.~aite - To Grant Monies for GeneralPurposes. 1st reading -Ald. Grimster and A.F. Donald - Carried. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Grims~r that Rule 36 (2) of the Stonding Rules of Council be teaporarily .suspended and the By-law read a second time - Carried. 3rd reading - AId. A.F.Donald and Twidale - Carried. · The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. White and A.F.Donald. READ AND ADOP~D, November 17, 1941. · ...... , FIFTIE~I MEETING Council Chamber, November 17, 1941. Pursuant to adjournment, the Comma i 1 met at ?.30 p.m. to consider gen- eral business and finance. ~A1 members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimstar. CO~.~UNICATIONS Laid over fmm~Drevious meeting: No. 401 - Niagara. Falls Imperial tiockey Team -requesting support of junior team. ORE on the motion of Ald. f~len and ~vidale that the communication be rec- eived and f~led, and a grant of ten dollars be made toward the association. No. 403 - Board of Control, Tomato - resolution re suburban mad commissioners. 0RI)ERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and A.F.Donald that the communication be rec- eived and laid on the table until the next meeting. No. 407 - Charles Black - requesting stand for Standard Taxi Association. 0RD- F~IED on the motion of Ald. ~'idale and Scott that the communication be received and referred back to the association with the advice that it is not possible for the Council to designate a taxi stand for the particular use of any persons; end that they have the privilege of using any of the authorized taxi-stands thrcugh- out the City. The foilcranE Communications were presented: No. 408 - Ontario Association of Real Estate Boards - re educational course. No. 409 - Department of Municipal Affairs ~ re York CountyMunicipal Assessors' Section. 0RDEP~D on the motion of Aid. Allen and Grimstar that the communications be received and filed, and the leses._~ment Commissioner be authorized to attend the York couaty meeting on November 24, 1941. No. 410 - Canadia~ Good Roads Association - invitation to take out membership. 0?~REDon the motion of Aid. G. Donald and Allen that the communication be rec- eived and filed, and His W~rship M~vor Inglis be enrolled as a member of the Assoc- iation. No. 411 - Ontario ~km~cipal Association - re presentation of resolutions to ~in- later of ~unicipal Affairs. 0RE~RED on the motion of Aid. White and Twidale that the communication be received and filed. No. 412 - local Veterans' Organizations - appreciation of co-operation. 0Fd~{ED on the motion of Aid. Grimster and A.F. Donald that the communication be received and filed. No. 413 - Niagara Falls Baseball Association - appreciation of co-operation. OR- DE2ZD on the motion of Ald. Scott and White that the co~mnication be received and filed. No. 414 - City Clerk, Windsor - resolution re Mothers' Allowances and 01d A~e Pen- sions. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Grimster and G. Donald that the communic~t- ion be received and filed, and the resolution be endorsed. No. 415 - The Bell Telephone Company of Canada - re installation of ~mdergreund conduit on Morrison Street. 0RE~EI{ED on the motion of Ald. White and Grimstar that the communication be received and filed, and the Company be advised that the man- hole at Second Avenue may be placed in the boulevard, but that the manholmes at ~he o~her.intersections must, be constructed ~n the paved p~rtion of the roadway. 285 No. 416 - The Bell Telephone Company of Canada - requesting permission to rep!aee one pole on Stanley/~venue. 0}DERED on the motj on of AId. Scott and A.F.Donald that the communication be received and filed, and the reqnest be granted. SEE by-law Number 3170 No. 417 - British Metbodist Epis~pal Church - invitation to anni.ersary semiices. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Allen and ?,ridale that the communication be received and filed. the invitation be accepted, and as many as possible of the C~ncil at- tend the services. The following Reports were presented: No. 167 - City Clerk - re meeting with Wartime Housing Board. OFdJFP~ED on the mot- ion of Ald. Grimster and T~,:lds, le that the report be received and ]aid on the tg. ble; that the matter be taken up with the local board and it be ascertai ,ed if it is possible to rent any available houses to solders' families and those in need of accommodation but who are not employed in war industries. No. 168 - City Clerk - re request for signs for Rainbow Bridge. 01~D~ED on the motion of Aid. G. Don~ld and Grimstar that the report be received and referred back for additional information as to the location of the signs and the type to be used. RESOLUTIONB The follo~dng Resolutions were passed: No. 124 - G.DONiLD - GRE~TER - PJzJ~0L?ED that Alde.rman G.A.Allen, the members of the Volunteer Auxiliary Drivers' Corps, the school teachers, school children and all others who helped in the salvage campaign in the City of Niagara Falls on Rem- embrance Day, be thanked for their very valuable assistance and co-operation; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously No. 125 - VaLI~E - GFt~TER - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the City Council be scheduled to take place on Tuesday, November 25th at 8.00 o'clock; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried uaanimouslV ~..~..-LAW The following By-law was passed: ..No. 3170 -Ald. A.F.Donald - To provide permission to the Bell Telephone Company of Canada to replace one pole on Stanley Avenue. let-reading -Ald. White and G. Donald- Carried unanimously. It was then ordered ,on the motion of AId. Grimster and G. Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the S~nding Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By- law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading - AId. A.F.Donald and Scott - Carried unanimously. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. ~Nidale and G. Donald. READ AND ADOPTED, November 25, 1941 Clerk M~vor i: 86 Council Chamber, November 17, 1941. The Finance CoMmittee met on Monday, November lV, 1941, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Sundry acconnts were approved by the Commit tee, amounting to $8,949.10. The acconnts presented, being. passed or otherwise lealt x'~ th, were ord- ered pl%ced i n the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Grimster and A.F.Donald. The statement of 0conpied Registered properties as at October 31, 1941, as laid over from the previous meeting, was presented. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimster, it -~as ordered that the statement be received and filed, and action be taken to collect p~yments on accounts, as recommended by the Committee. The statement of Housing Agreements, as at October 31, 1941, as laid over from the previous meeting, ,~as presented. Upon the reoomnendation of the propert/Committee and on the motion of Ald. Scott and A.F.Donald it was ordered that the statement be received and fi led as satisfactory. The statement of City properties sold under Agreements, as of October 31, 1941, as laid over from the previous meeting, was presented. Upon the recom- mendation to the property Committee and on the motion of Ald. ~cott and ~.ddale it was ordered that the statement be received and filM as satisfacto~', &ud tb~t an effort be ~mde to obtain p~ment of the taxes on Registered property Number 277. The s~nnmary of tenders for the sale of the property at 464 Ellis Street, as laid over from the previous meeting, was presented. The property Committee had recommended that this matter be referred to the Finance Committee for consid- eration. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimster and A.F.Donald that the tenders be rece~ red and filed, and the property be sold to Mr. J:C. Bradley for the sum of $540.13. The vote on this motion was: For -Ald. G. Ronald, Scott, A. F. Donald, Gri~qter. Against -Ald. T~ddale and His Worship Mayor inglis. Ald. Allen did not vote. Prior to the above motion, it was moved by His Worship Mayor Inglis and Ald. ~ddale that the property be sold to Mrs. Lily Taylor, the highest bidder, for the sum of $1,000.00. This motion was defeated. In counection with this matter, and on the motion of Ald. Twidale and G. Donald , it was oxdered that Mrs. Taylor be permitted to address the Council. Mrs. Taylor then advised the Council of her intention to rennovate the property and make a home for herself and fatal ly. A report from the City Clerk re the request for a redemption certificate on 885 River Road, and a communication from Miss~ M.L.~ulllinan, as laid over from a previous meeting, ws~e presented. The opinion of the City Solicitor upon this matter and an additionalI communication from Miss ~uillinan were also presented. The Property Committee had recommended that this matter be dealt with by the Fin- a~ce Committee. It was ordered on the moti ~n of A14. G. Donald and Allen that the reports and communications be received and laid on the table and the additional letter from Miss ~uillina~ be forwarded to the City Solicitor for hie opinion. The report of the Property Committee, upon the above matters, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and Allen that the report be received and filed. The report of the City Clerk,'re the cost of operation of the police cars for 1941, was presented. It vms ordered on the motion of AId. Twida~e and Grimetot that time report be received and filed.. A ~eport was presented from the City Clerk re hospitalization for Rob- er~. 9~P'. !~ ~S. OFd~ed. 9~. ~h~ motion of AId. Grimetot and Twidale-~hat. ~he reD- err be received and filed. A report was presented by the City Clerk, re the cost of mp~irs on gar- bage collector,units. It was ordered on the m~tion of Ald. Scott and Crimster that the report be received and filed. A report was presented by the City Treasurer, rccommet~ding that certain business tax arrears be written off. It v:as ordered on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Scott that the report be received and filed, and adopted. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott. READ AND ADOPTED, November 25, 1941. Clerk COUNCIL M~ETING Counci 1 Chamber, November 17, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and finan- ce meetings for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present. B!-LAW The following By-law was passed: No. 31ql -Ald. J.G.White - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. let reading - Aid. Grimetot and Scott - Carried unanimonsly. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and ~ite that P~le 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading - AId. ~;idale and Scott - Carried unznimously. VERBAL R~PORT The City Clerk advised the City Council that the Dep~rtment of Muniaipal Affairs had advised him that their interpretation of The Local Government Exten- ~ sion Act, 1940, was that the terms of the members of the Board of Education, Sep- iarate School Boa rd and Bydro-Commission should be extended for one year, similar ito that of the Mayor; .and that no election should be held in 1~41 for the above !boards. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. ~lte and Twidale that the verbal 287 288 289 report be received and accepted, pending the receipt of a letter from Er. A.Y.B. Gray, Deputy Minister of Municipal Affairs, on the subject; and that no elections be held for the above boards in 1941. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimster. ADOPTED, November 25, 1941. Clerk CO~TERENCE Council Chamber, November ].V, 1941. The council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of holding a conference to discuss the various mat- ters which had been presented to them. All members of the Committee were present. After discussion upon the matters presented to t~lem, the Committee adjnu rned onthe motion of Ald. G. Donald and A.F. Donald. READieD ADOPTE~, November 25, 1941. Clerk REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, November 25, 1941. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 5.00 p.m. to consider gen- eral Business and finance. All rambets of the Council, with the exception of Ald. ~idale, were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid. Scott and Gximster. C0~rNICATIONS The following Communications were presented: No. 418 - Deputy Minister of MunicipalAffairs - regulations re extensica of terms for councils, boards, etc, 0RRERED on the mtion of Ald. Allen and Scott that the communication be received and filed. No. 419 - Wartime Housing Limit ed - acknow~edging letter re allocation of houses. C~ on the motion of Aid. Allen and Grimster that the communication be rec- eived and filed. No. 420 - Niagara Parks Cc~nission - protection re persons falling over cliff. 01~ on the motion of AId. G.Donald and Grimster that the communication be received and laid on the table until the next meeting, and the agreement and my correspondence in connection therewith be presented for the consideration of the Council. No. 421 - Honourable W.L.Houck, M.L.A. - acknowledging receipt of mcommendation re old age pensions and mothers' allowances. 0RDEE on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Scott that the communication be received and filed. No. 42~ - Noncurable W.L.Houck, M.L.A. - re appointment and presentation on be- half of City. 0RDERi2) on the motion of Ald. Grimster and Allan that the commun- ication be received and filed. No. 423 - Niagara, St.Catharines & Toronto Railway - re discontinuation of bus service. 0~EF~RED on the motion of Ald. Scott and G. Donald that the commun~mtion be received and filed. No. 424 - Niagara Falls Bridge Commission - requesting permission to erect signs. ORE on the motion of Ald. Allen and Scott that the communication be received and laid on the table until the Council has an opportunity to look over the sites. ~ also Report N~.. 169 IqEPORTS The following Reports were presented: No. 169 - City Clerk - re location of signs as requested by Niagara Falls Bridge Canmission. OP~ on the motion of AId. Allen and Scott that the report be reoeiwed and laid on the table until the Council has an opportunity of,viewing the sites. No. 170 - City Clerk - re conference held on November 17, 1941. 0RD~ED on the motion of AId. 0.Donald and Scott that the report be received and adopted. No. 171 - City Clerk - recommending installation of street light. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Scott and G.Do~ald that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be. adopted. No. 172 - City Clerk - re oonstntction of house by M. Z. Marshall. O~ on the 291 motion of J~d. G.Donald and Allen that the repor~ be received and filed, and ad- opted. RESOLU~IIONS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 126 - ~T.TXN - G. DONALD - I~LVED that the next regular meeting of the City Caanctl be scheduled to (eke place at 8.00 p.m. on T~esday, December 2, 1941; and the Se~l of the Corporation be heroic affixed. C.arried No. 127 - G. D01~ALD - ~T.L~N - RESOLVED that the framed replica of the City Crest in the black frame be forwarded to His MaJesty's Canadian Ship, Niagara; and the replica framed in gold be hung in His Worship the Mayor's office; and the Seal of the Corporation be heroic affixed. Carried BY-LAW ~'ne following By-law was passed: No. 31~2 -Ald. I.G.White - To authorize the execution of a Deed. let reading - Aid. Scott and Allen - Carried. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and Gximster that Ru~e 56 (2} of the Standing l~Ales of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time - Carried. 3rd xeadin~ - Aid. G. Denald and Scott - Carried. The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid, Scott and A.F.Dona!d. READ AND AD0r,'~D, Dece~nber 2, 1941. Clerk Ma~vor FINANCE MEETING Council Chambe r, November 25, 1941. ~he Finance Committee met on Tuesday', November 25, 1941, for the purl~se clapproving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert- Ified and placed before them. ~ members of the Cmwmittee~ ~ith the exoep$ton of AId. Twidale, were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, anounting to $73,824.67. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed In the money by-law, forpresentation to the Council, on the motion of Aid, G. Donald and Grimster. A report from the City Clerk, two conmunications from Miss M.L.Quillinan, and a report from the City Solicitor, as laid over from previous meetings and in connection with the property at 885 River Road, were again presented. In this connection and prior to this meeting, the City Treasurer had issued a redemption certificate upon this property. A further report of the City Solicitor,was su~mit- ted. It wee then ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Donald ~nd Scott that the com- munications and reports be received and filed. A c~-nmunication was presented from Private H.Taylor re the offer of his wife for the property at 464 Ellis Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and GrAmstot that the comunication be received and filed. A communication was presented from Mrs. L.Roberts, requesting a price on a vacant lot at the coreer of Bridge Street and Homewood Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimster that the communication be received and laid on the table and referred to the Property Co~unittee for a report. A report was presented by the City Clerk, regarding mileage travelled by the executive of the Childern's Aid Society. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Grimetot that the report be received and filed, and the account as suggested be paid. A report was presented by the City Clerk, rec~,~mending that certain water rates arrears be written off. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Inglis and A~d. Allen that the report be received and laid on the table un- til the next meeting. ,., The Revenue and Expenditure Statement as of October 31, 19~1, was pres- ented. It ms ordered on the motion of A~d. Scott and A.F. Donald that the state- ment be received and filed. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Aid. A.F.Donald and Scott. READ AND ADOPTED, December 2, 1941. Clerk of Finance COOl~ClL MEETING ..... """ ...... ' ............... Council chamber," November 25, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the olose of the regular council and finance aeetin~s for the purpose of passing the mone~ by-law which covered the accounts ap- L 292 proved by the Committee. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Twida~e, were present. The following By-law was passed: No. 3173 - AId. ;.G.White -To Grant Monies for General Bxrposes. 1st reading-. Aid. Grimster and Allen- Carried. It ms then ox~ered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donsld and G. Donald that Rule 56 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By- law read a secondtime - Carried. 5rd reading - Aid. Grimster and A.F.Donald - Carried. The Council adjourned on the motion of AId. G. Donald and Grinstot. Clerk / CO~F .:~:NCE Connci 1 Chamber, Novstubs r 25, 1941. The council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- anus meetings for the purpose of holding a conference ~ discuss the various mat- ters which had been presented to the. All members of the Committee, With the exception of Aid. Twirlale, were present. ~ After discussion upon the matters presented to them, the Committee adjourned on the motion of AId. G. Donald and Allen. READ AND ADOP~, December 2, 1941. Clerk cnaxman FIFTY-SECOND MEETING REGUIAR MEETI~PG Council Chamber, Decamber 2, 1941. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 8.00 p.m. to consider gen- eral business and finance. All members of the Couucil were present. The Council, having received and road the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of AId. Grimster and Scott. CC~MJNICATIONS Laid over from previous meeting: - No. 420 - Niagara Parks.Commission - protection for persons failing over cliff. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Allen end Scott that the communication be received, laid on the table and forwarded to the City Solicitor for a mport upon this and the agreement now in force re fire protection. The f_ollowing Communications were presented: No. 425 - Ontario Mayors' Association - re salvage of household fats and bones. ORE on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimster that the communication be rec- eived and filed, and suitable signs be prepared for placing on the sides of the garbage txucks advising the public that fats and bones are required for salvage. No. 426 - Wartime Housing Limited - reply to request for houses for SOldiers' fnm- ilies. 0RI~RED on the motion of AId. Twtdale and White that the com~,nication be received and filed, and a resolution be forwarded to Ottawa stating that this Council is of the opinion that certain of these ho~s should be made available for soldiers' families. No. 427 - Capitol Theatre - invitation to showing of 'Niagara Falls'. 0R~ER~) on the motion of AId. G. Domald end Scott that the communication be received, the in- vitation be accepted, and as many of the council as possible attend. No. 428 - Bicycle Guild Incorporated - re bicycle registration. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. G. Donald and Twidale that the com~unication be received and filed. No. 42g - Fred Upton - requesting removal of tree. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott that the communication be received and laid on the table, and referred to the Parks Superintendent for report. No. 430 - James Malloy - requesting advancement to full-time fireman. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Grimetar and Allen that the eommunication be received and for- warded to the Fire Chief with the recommendation that this man he given the posit- ion if he meets all the requirements of the Department. P~__RTS The following Reports were presented: No. 173 - City Clerk - re conference held on November 25, 1941. ORDERED on the moti6n of Aid. G. Donald and Grimetot that the report be received and filed. No. 174- Parks Superintendant - recommending removal of three trees. 0RDII~ED on the motion of Aid.-Scott and Twidale that the repox~ be received and adopted. No. 175 - Asses~nent Commissioner - re York Connty Municipal Association Assessors, convention. ORI~I~.D on the motion of Aid. G.Donald and Twidale that the report be received end filed. 293 . 94 The following Resolutions were passed: No. 128 - G. DONALD - at.tEN - RESOLVED that the City Clerk be instructed to com- municate with the Chairman of the Falls Illuminating BOard, advising that this Council would like to meet With the Board, the City Council of Niagara Falls, New York, representatives of the Chambers of Commerce of the t~o cities and the Hon- ourable W.L.Houck, M.L.A~, for the discussion of the continuation of the illum- ination of Niagara Falls; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimouslY No. 1~-9 - G. DONALD - SCOTT - RESOLVED that the City Clexk he instructed to com- musicere with the Brannan Construction Company, advising them that proper detour signs must be erected to direct traffic around streets which they block off and further that they be required to advise the City officials when streets are blocked; and the Seal of the Corporation be heroic affixed. Carried Prior to the above motion it was moved by Ald. Twidale and A.F.Donald that the City Clerk ha instructed to communicate with the Department of Highways and the Brennan Construction CompanY, asking that they advise the City when streets am blocked off and that suitable detour signs be wected around such streets. This motion was defeated. No. 130 - Av.v~.N - TWIDAZE - I~0Lv~ that the City Clerk be instructed to commun- icate with the Minister of Highways, requesting that the Department give consider- atioa to the constraction of a foot subway under the Michigan Central Railway tracks from Palmer Avenue to Bender Hill; and the Seal of the Corporation be hera- to affixed. Carried unanimously The following By-law was passed: No. 5174 - AId..J.G.Waite - To authorize the acceptance of a deed fxum Margaret Ann Brown. let reading- AId.-Grimaster and G. Donald. It was then ordered ou th8 motion of Ald. G. Donald and Scott that Rule 36 (2) Of the Standing Rules of Council be teuporarily suspended and the By-laW read a second tim. 3rd reading - Aid. Twidale and A.F.Donald. The Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Scott and Grinlater. READ AND ADOP~, Dec~nber B, 1941. Clerk I Mayor 295 FINAEE MEETIk~ Counc it Chambe r, December 2, 1941. The Finance Committee met on Tuesday, Decenber 2, 1941, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had be en properly cer- tified and placed before them. All members of the Commit tee were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to $15,985.37. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of A~d. Grimster and Scott. A report of the City Clerk, as laid 'over from the previous meeting and recommending that certain arrears of water rates be written off, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Scott and ~:ddale that the report be received and filed, and adopted. A comunication' from Mrs. L.Roberts, as laid over from the previous meet- ing, and requesting a price on a vacant lot at the corner of Homewood Avenue and Bridge Street, was presented. It ms ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grim- ster, upon the resommndation of the Property Connnittee, that the price of Lot be set at $~00.00 , providing a dwelling of at least $4,000.00 value is erected on the premises withinn period of six months. An offer was presented from W.A.Craig Lindsay for the puxchase of Lot 44, Sixth Avenue, for the sum of $75.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Allen, it was ordered that the offer he received and accepted, subject to the condition that a dwelling of at least $4,000.00 value will be erected on the praises within a period of six months. A com~Anication was presented from Charles Black regarding the building purchased by C.P.Enapp, and requesting aa extension of one year for the repair of the building. Upon the recommendation of the PrcDerty Committee and on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Allen it was ordered that the communication be received and filed, and Mr. Knapp he given an extension of three months for the repair of the building, providing the 1941 taxes owing ax~ paid immediately. A communication was presented from Messrs. Mortimer-Bampfield & Company, regarding insumnce on 809 Clifton Avenue. Upon the recommendation of the P~perty Committee and on the motion of Aid. Twidale and Scott it was ordered that the in- surance premium of $2~0 be paid, and the communication be received and filed. The report of the Property Committee, upon the above and other matters, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Twidale and Scott that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation with reference to the repairs to the furnace at 564 Homewood Avenue, be adopted. A summary of tax collectionS, as of November 30, 1941, ~a8 presented.. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimetot and A.F. Donald that the statement he received and filed. ~ A report was presented by the City Clerk regarding the hospital mainten- ance of Edmund DesRosiers. IT was ordered on the motion of AId. Grimster and Sc- ott that the report be received and laid on the table and an effort be continued to locate Mr. DesRosiere. A report was presented by the City Clerk regarding the maintenance of Iames A.0rr. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Twidale and Grimetot that the report be received and filed, ~hat arrangements Eor the accommodation of this man as suggested be made; and an endearour to have the family contribute to his main- tensnee, be made. A report ms presented by the City Clerk regarding purchases recommended by the Fire Chief. It was ordered on the rotion of Ald. Scott and 9sidale thut the report be received and filed, and the recommended purchases be nmde. A report ws~ presented from the City Clerk, recommending the purchase of a chair for the market scale office. It was o~dered on the motion of Ald. Grimster and Twidale that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. An estimate was presented from D.Reece for the painting of the ceiling of one of the Red Cross workrooms at the Public IAbrary. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott that the estimate be received ~nd the City Council advise the Public Library Board that they will make a grant of $25.00 to- ward this work, the same to be done under the supervision of the Board. The Committee adjouraed on the motion of Ald. A:F.Donald and Grimstar. READ ANDADOP~ED, December S, 1941. Clerk C0UNOILMEETING Council Chamber, December 2, 1941. The Cour~il re-assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetings for the purpose of passing the mney by-law which covered the accents approved by the Committee. All members of the Council were preseat. The following By-law was passed:' No. 31~.5.. - AId. Yames G. White - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. 1st reading - Aid. Grimster and A.F.Donald - 0arried unanimously. It was then ordered on the mtion of AId. Allena nd Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law rend a secon4 time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading - Aid. Twidale and Grime tar - Carried unanimously. The Council adJo~trned on the motion of..~lJ~h~cott and Gr~nster. READ AND ADOP~ED, December 8, Cle~ 297 FIFTY-T~D MINTING P~GUIj~R ML~'TINC Council Chainher, December 8, 1941. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. to consider gen- eral business and finance. All members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes ~the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Scott. DEPUTAT! ONS In connection with Communication No. 430, end on the motion of Ald. White and Scott, Mr. L. Mullen, was permitted to address the Council. Mr. Mullen spoke in connection with the petition presented by the National Council for Dem- ocratic Rights in which it is asked that all anti-Fascists, now interned in Can- ada, be released. SEE Conmunications No. 385, 431 In connection with Communication No. 433, and on the motion of Ald. Grimster and '.~nite, Mr. Donald Glintz was heard. He advised that he ~s present to request that Couacil grant permission for a tag da.v in aid of the Russian Rel- ief FUnd. SEE Conmunicati o. No. 434 COMMUNICATIONS Laid over from previous meetings: No. 385 - National Council for Democratic Rights '- petition requesting release of all anti-Fascists. 0RRERED on the motion of AId. G. Donald and Allen that the com- munication be received and laid on the table for the time being. SEE CommunicationNo. 431 No. 420 - Niagara Parks Commission - re protection for persons falling over cliff. ORRERFJ) on the motion of Ald. ~%ite and ~xldale that the comnuaication be rec- eived and laid on the table; that the City Clerk be instructed to communicate with the Commission, pointing out that the present agreement is not felt to cover this situation; and to request that a clause be added to the present agreement which will provide compensat~ on and remuneration for the Corporation employees and eq- uipment in such cases. S,.'~ Report No. 176 No. 429 - Fred Upton - requesting removal of tree. ORDERED on the ,~tion of Ald. A.F.Donald and.Grimster that the communication be received end filed, ~ud the req- uest be granted. S~ Report No. 177 The following Communications were presented: No. 431 - National Council for Democratic Rights - requesting permission to ad- dress Council. ORDERED on the motion of AId. White and Scott that the communic- ation be received and filed. No. 432 - Martin & Calvert - re Mannette appeal. OB."~:~ED on the motion of Aid. Allen and A.F.Donald that the communication be received and filed. No. 433 - T~wn o~ Leamington - resolution re tax sales and registration of prep- attics. 0RE~RED on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Grimstar that the communicat- ion be received and filed, and the resnlution be endorsed. No. 434 - Russian Relief Fund Committee - requesting permission for tag day. 0RD- EI~ ca the motion of Ald. ~vidale and Gri,,~ster that the communication be rec- eived and filed, and the request be granted. No. 435 - Minister of Munitions and Suitply - acknowledging resolution re Wartime Housing Limited. ORE on the motion of Ald. Scott and Twidale that the com- munication be received and filed. No. 438 - H.M.C.S. 'Niagara' - acknowledging receipt of copy of crest. O..RDERED on the motion of Aid. A.F.Donald and Allen that the communication be received and filed; and the press be given a copy of the communicate-on for publication. No. 437 - Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada - Order re railway crossing over Pine Street. OREERED on the motion of kid. Scott and G.Donald that the c(~n- munication be received and filed. No. 438 - Gould-Leslie Limited No. 439 - ~.~.W~h'- re war savings poster on former M.C.l:.Station site. 0RI~.ED on the motion of Ald. '~idale and Scott that the communications be received and filed; and permission for the maintenance of this poster at this location be gran- ted for the duration of the war only. No. 440 - H. Cline - requesting removal of tree. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. A. F.Donald and Sc~[t that the connaunicotion be received and laid on the table ~ad referred to the Parks Superintendent for a report. RERTS The followin~ Reports were presented: No..176 - City Solicitor - re protection for persons falling over river bank. 0R- DERED on the motion of Ald. White and ~idale that the report be received and filed. No. 1~7 - Parks SujZerintendent - recommending removal of tree. ORJED on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Grtmeter that the report be received and filed, adopted. RESOLUTIONS The followin~ Resolutions were l~ssed: No. 131 - ~ff.T.EN - SCOTT - RESOLVED that tbe City Clerk be instructed to prepare and present a By-law which will mend the tx2ffic by-law and provide for'Second Avenue being a through street at Axmoury Street; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 152- GRIMSTER- ~ - IF~SOLVED that the City Clerk be authorized to have installed heaters in the two police cars, at present not so equipped; and the Seal of the Corpomti,on be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 133 - SCOTT - GBvMsTER - P~ESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the City Council be schedaled to take place at 8.00 p.m. on T~esday, December 16th; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto. affixed. ~.---~ . Carried Unanimously BY-LAWS The following B,v-laws were passed: No, 3196 - AId, ~.G.White - To authorize the execution of a Deed. l_st re~ding - .~,ld. Allen and Grimetot - Carried.unanimously. L It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be ~emporarily suspended and the By- law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. ~Fnite and OMmster - Carried unanimously. No. 3177 -Ald. J.G.~',hite - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. 1st readj. ng - Aid. Scott and Grimster - Carried ur~nimously. It ~Tas then ordered on the notion of Ald. G. Dcnald and Allen that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second ti~ - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and !~vidale - Carried unanimously. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Twidsle and A.F.Donald. RF~ AND A~i~, December 16, 1941. Clerk FINANCE ~E~TING Council Chamber, December 8, 1941. The Finance Committee met on Monday, December 8, 1941, for the purpose Of approving and also of passing the various accotmt s which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were piesent. Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, atomrating to $4,183.14. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Grimstar. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. A.F. Donald and Scott that Propos- ition Number 4 of the summary of plans for cost-of-living bonuses, as presented by the Chai man of Finance some time ago, be adopted; that civic employees earning less than $2,000.00 per year be paid a bonus of $2.00 per week if married and $1.00 per week if single, retroactive to November 1, 1941; and the City Clerk be instructed to advise the Public Library and the BOard of Education that their em- ployees shall receive the same scale of allowances. 299 500 d A report was presented by the City Clerk, recommer~ing the purchase of -filing equipment for the vault in the City Hall. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Grtmster and Scott that the report be received and filed, and adopted. A report was presented by the City Clerk, recommending the purchase of a filing cabinet for the police Department. It ~;as ordered on the motion of Aid. ~id~le and A.F.Donald that the report be received and filed, and adopted. A report was presented by the City Clerk, recommending the purchase of a snow-plough for the tractor now,in service. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Grimster that the report be received and filed, and adopted. A report was presented by the City Clerk, rsconunending the purchase of en extra spool for the sweeper brooms. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Grimster that the report be received and filed, and adopted. A report was presented by the City Clerk, recommending that a standby charnge be paid for horse-drawn snow ploughs. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Grims~er that the reI~ort be received and filed, and adopted. A report was presented by the City Clerk, regarding the transfer of Mr. C.~ray from the Yard to t~hs Waterworks Departmont. It was oMered on the rotion of Aid. G. Donald and A.F. Donald that the report be received and filed, and ad- opted. The Conumittee adjourned on the motion of Ald. ?,~idale and A.F. D3nald. IEi~D AND ADOPTED, December 16, 1941. Clerk ~man of Finance G(X;NCIL ~ETING Counci 1 Chamber, December 8, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the re~Alar council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the'ac- counts approved by the Committee. All members of the council were present. The following By-laW was passed: No. 31~8 - AId. ~.G.~hlte - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. 1st reading -Ald. Grin~ter and Scott - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. White and ~l.F. Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of C~xncil be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd readin~ -Ald. Twidale and GrAmster - Carried unanimously. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and jcott. AND ~JD0~TED, December 16, 1941. Clerk .,. Mayor COI~FERF~.~CE Council Chamber, December 8, 1941. The Council re-assembled ut ths close of the regular council and finance meetings for the purpose of holding a conference to discuss the various ma~ters which had been presented to them. All members of the Committee were present. After discusion upon the matters presented to thm~, the Committee adJ~Arned on the motion of Ald. White sod A.F.Donald. READ AND ADOP'A",.~, December 16, 1941. Clerk FIFTT-FOURI~ E~KETING REGULAR ME~TING Council Chamber, Deo~nber 16, 1941. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 8.00 p.m. to consider Sen- aral business and finance. All members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and mad the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Grimetar and G. Donald. TE~D~.L Tenders were submitted for the purchase of the small frame dwelling ad- Jacent to the filtration plant at Chippawa, and for the painting of the p~lice offices at the City Hall. It wqs ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimstar and Sc- ott that the tenders submitted be opened, initialled by His Worship Mayor Inglis and read. It was then ordered on the motion of A/d. G.Donald and %~vidale that the tender received for the frame dwelling be received and laid on the table, and the building not sold at the present time. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and G. Donald that the tender for painting he awarded to Wm. Delaney and Son at a total cost of $142.00. Prior to the above, it was moved by AId. '~"aite and Grimstar that the tender he given to the lowest bidder, Paul Mazzei, at $138.00; but this motion was defeated. COM1AINICATXONS Laid over from previous meeting: No. 440 - H. Cline - requesti~ removal of tree. 0RDI~ED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Cj.'Dona~d that the communication he received and filed, ~ the request be granted. SEE Repor. t No. 178 The following Oomrmnicati_ons were presented: No. 441 - Seymour & LamJ~ard - requesting By-law re purchase of land at Ohildran's Shelter. 0EDEE on the motion of Ald. %Taite and Scott that the communication he received and filed; and the By-law presented. SEE By-law No. 3179 No. 442 - Board of Education - re payment of cost-of-living bonus. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. G. Donald and Twidale that the c_nmmunication be received and filed, and the necessary funds he provided. No. 443 - Niagara Falls ClearMing House Associati,on - asking that Boxing Day be declared a public holid~W. ORDEE on the motion of AId. Allen and Grimstar that the commnication he received and filed, and the request be granted. SEE Re. solution No. 134 room. 0RIE~ZD on the motion of Ald. Scott and Allen that the communication be received and filed. No. 444 - Hydro-Electric Commission of Niagara Falls No. 445 - Board of Police Commissioners - reguards now employed and recommendattons,~ ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Grimstar that the conmunications be rec- eived and laid on the-table; and a Joint meeting be' arranged for the council with the two commissions for the purpose of goin~ into the matters contained in these comn~xnioation5. No..446 - Canadian ~egion Branch No. 51 - copy of 'Legion's Call For Total War'. 0RI~ on the motion of AId. Grimstar and ~idale that the cc~munication ~e rec- eived and filed, and the brief submitted be endorsed. No. 447 - Niagara Falls Public Library Board - x~ grant for painting ~-e~ing of No. 448 - Canadian Mothercraft Society - making appeal for funds. 0RDI~ED on the motion of AId. G.Donald and Scott that the communication be received and laid on the table for consideration with the year 1942 Budget. No. 449 - Secretary to Premier Hepburn - aknowledging resolution of To,~m of Learn- ington. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Grimstar and A.F. Donald that the communic- ation he received and filed. No. 450 - Minister of Highways - acknowledging request for subway at Bender Hill. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. A.F. Donald and Scott that the communication be rec- eived and filed. No. 451 - Hencurable W.L.Houck, M.L.A. - acknowledging resolution of Town of Leam- lagton. ORE on the motion of AId. Grimstar and Scott that the conmunication be received and filed. No. 452 - Bell Tele~phone Company of Canada - requesting permission to replace one pole. 0RDEED on the motion of Ald. Scott and G. Bonald that the comuunication be received and filed, and the request be granted. SEE By-law No. 5180 No. 453 - Bell Telephone Company of Canada - requesting permission to reset one pole. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. G.Donald and A.F. Donald that the communication be received and filed, and the request be granted. SEE By-law The following Reports were presented: No. 178 - Parks Superintendent - recommending removal of one tree. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Scott and G. Donald that the report be received and filed, and ad- opted. No. 179 - City Clerk - re conference held on December 8, 1941. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Aid. Twiddle and G.Donald that the report be received and filed. No. 180 - Dairy Inspector - .report for month of November. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Grimetar and A.F.Donald that the report be received and filed. RESOLUTI~S The following Resolutions were passed: No. 134 - AI~ - GRTMsTER - RESOLVED that Boxing Day, Decanter 26, 1941, be pro- claimed a civic holiday, and all municipal buildings be closed on that date; prey- - iding always that such civic holiday shall not interfere with industrial concerns , in the municipality and with the production of ~ar supplies; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously, No. 135 - G. DONA/D - GRIMSTER - RESOLVED that the City Clerk he ehthorized to mak~ the necessary preparations for the operation of out-door skating rinks on the grounds of Barker Street School, Eitchaner Street School, Sirocco Street School, Maple Street School and adjacent to Glenview School; and the Seal of the Oorporat- ~ ion be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously No. 136 - AI~N - G:D(~A~D - I~LVED that the Cll~ Clerk he instructed to forward · a message expressing the sympathy of the Council and citizens of Niagara Falls to · the family of the late Mrs. ~.W.~ayliss; and the Seal of the Corporation be. hereto. affixed, .................................... Carried Unanimously 303 305 304 No. 137 - ~IITE - C, RIM~TER - RESOLVED that the 'city Clerk investi~te and ~port upon the advisability and cost-of ~ng warn~gs pr~ed for distribution to ~ns before ~heir mr~ge, r~uestlng that their ~ddi~ pa~y do not in~lge in loud M~i~ of 'autochile horns; ~d ~ Se~ of the Corporation he here~ af- fixed. The following By-laws were passed: No. 5179 -Ald. Grant Donald - To ratify and confirm the acquisition by the Cor- poration of the City of Niagara Falls of Lots 12 and 15 according to registered Plan No. 35. 1st reading -Ald. Scott and Grimster - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and G. Donald t~at Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules ~f Council be temporarily suspended and the By- law read a second time - Carried unauimously. 3rd reading - AId. Scott and G. Donald- Carried un-nimously. NO. 5180 - AId. A.W.Scott - To provide for pe.rmission to the Bell Telephone Com- pany to Can~a to replace one pole on Centre Strept. let reading -Ald. White and Allen - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimetot and White that Rule 56 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 5rd reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and Scott - Carried unanimously. No. 3181 -Ald. A.F.Donald - To provide for permission to the Bell Telephone Com- pany of Oanada to reset one pole on North Street. 1st reading - Aid. Scott and Grimetot - Carried unan~moRsly. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Grin~ter that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be tenpcmrily Suspended and the By- law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. Scott and G. Donald- Carried unanimously. No. 3182 -Ald. T.N. Grimater - To enend By-law Number 2124, respecting Traffic and the Useof Streets. 1st reading -Ald. A.F.Doneld and Scott - Carried una~mou.s, ly. It ms then ordered on the motion of AId. Grime tot and White that Rule (2) of the Steadlag Rules of Council be temporarily s. uspsnded and the By-law mad a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd randinE -Ald. Allen and A.F.Donald - Carried unanimously.. The Council adJoruned on the motion of Aid. Grimst~r and A.F. Donald. READ AND ADOPTED, December 22, 1941. Clerk Mayor FINA~{CE MEETlED Council Chambe r, December 15, 1941. The Finance Committee rmt on Tuesday, December 16, 1941, for the pur- pose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been prop- erly certified and placed before then. All menhers of the Committee were pres- ent. Sundry accounts were appruved by the Committee, amounting to $45,839.02. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, ware ord- ered jelaced in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Scott and G.Doaald, after the account to George W.Crothers Limited for a .tractSr, broom and snowplcugh had been withdrawn. A communication w~s presented from S.Forty, requesting a refund of his deposit re Lot on Lombard Avenue. Upon the recommendation of the Property Com- mittee and on the motioa of Ald. Grln~ster and Scott tt yes ordered that the com- munication be received and filed, and the refund be made. The report of the Property Committee, on ~he above ~atter, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of ~/& Grimster and Scott that the report be rec- eived and filed. The renewal certificate of the Union Socie~ of Canton, for the certific- ate covering liability insurance for the Corporation, was presented. It was ord- ered on the motion of Aid. G. Donald and Grimster that the certificate be received and laid on the table and the Insurance Committee be asked to submit a report and recommendation on the same for the next meeting of Council. A report was presented by the City Clerk re~rding the allowances made to Mrs. C.Senese for her and Frank Deoloco's children. It was oxdered on the mot- ion of Ald. Grimster and Twidale that the report be received and fi led. The City Clot presented a report regarding the relief granted to Joseph Koinoffand the subsequent purchase of a house by him. It was ordered on the mot- ion of His Worship Mayor Inglis and Ald. G.Donald that the report be received and this matter be rcferred to the City Solicitor for his advice as to what steps the Corporation could take in matters of this kind. The Cammittee adJoureed on the motion of AId. Scott and G.Donald. READ AND MDPTED, December ~, 1941. Clerk hainaan of Finance COUNCIL MEETIE~ C~ncil Chamber, December 16, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and finance m~etings for the l~Arpose of t~ssing the money by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee- All m~nbers of the Council were present. The following By-law wan passed: No. 3183. -Ald. y.G. White- To Grant Monies for General purposes. 1st reading -Ald. Twidale and G.Donald - Carried uuanimously. It wan than ordered on the motion of AId. Grimster and A.F.Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of C~Ancil be temporarily suspended and the By- law read a second time - Carried unanimously- ~rd reading - AId. T~idale and A.F. Donald- Carried unanimously. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and G. Donald. READ AND ADOP~ED, December 22, 1941. Clerk M~or Council Chamber, December 16, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close' of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of holding a conference to discuss the various mat- ters which had been presented to them. All merehare of the Comuittee were present. After discussion upon the matters presented ta them, the Committees adjourned on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and White. . · READ AND ADGPTI~), December P. 2, 1941. Clerk GO7 FIFTY-FIF~HMEETING C0~'~tENCE Counci 1 Chamber, December 22, 1941. The Council assembled at 7.00 p.m. for the purpose of holding a confer- ence with the Hencurable W:L.Houck, M.L.A., for the discussion of various matters presented to them. All members of the Council were present. After discussion upon the matters presented to them, the Council a~journed on the motion of Ald. Grimster and Scott. READ AND ADOPTS), December 29, 1941. Clerk Chairman REGULAR ~ETING Council Chambe r, December 22, 1941. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. to consider general business and finance. All members of the Council were present. The Council, hav- ing received and read the minutes nf the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of AId. Scott and A.F. Donald. C0N~NICATIONS The following Oonn~Anications were presented: No. 454 - Martin & Calvert - copy of Order of Court of Appeal re M~unette case. ORDERED on the mofJ. on of Ald. G.Donald and Scott that the conuunication be received and laid on the table, and the City Solicitor be asked to submit a report upon the mat te r. No. 455 - Canadian Underwriters' Association - re protection of fire-fighting eq- uipment. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Allen and A.F.Donald that the con~aunication be received and filed. No. 456 - Charles Black - re Erie Aventm property of C.F.Knapp. ORDI~ED on the motion of Ald. Scott and G. Domald that the communication be received and filed. No, 457 - Deputy Minister of Municipal Affairs - acknowledging resolution of Town of Learnington. 0RRERED on the motion of i~ld. Grimster and A.F.Donald that the ccm- manication be received and fi~ed, 308 No. 4~8 - Departn~nt of Municipal AfFairs - re salvage of household fats and bones. OI~JERED on the m3tion of Aid. Twidale and Scott that the communication be received and filed, and reply be made that this municipality has undertaken such a campaign and hopes it will be worked out satisfactorilY. REPORTS The following Reports were presented: No. 181 - City Clerk - re conference held on December 16th. ORDEo~ED on the motion of Ald. Twidale and G. Donald that the report be received and adopted. No. 182 - City Clexk - re information to couples obtaining marriage liceaces. 'DEE on the motion of Ald. White and Scott that the repor~ be ~eceived and filed, and circular letters be prepared for issue to persons obtaining marriage licenses and that a sufficient number. be tendered to the localelerg.vman for distribution to persons ~ao are married by banns. No. 183 - City Clerk - re request for telephone acco~nodation at fire halls. 0PjD- ERED on the motion of Ald. W,tite and G. Donald that the report be received md laid on the table until a reply is received from the Attorney-General as to ~ne vulern- ability of this area; and further that the City Clex~c he ~equested to present ad- ditional information upon the matter. No. 184 - City Solicitor - re recovery of amounts for unemployment relief. 0RDER~D on the motion of Ald. Allen and White that the report he received and filed, and forwarded to the Department of Municipal Affairs for study in the future. EESOLUTIONS The following Resolut ion s were passed: No. 1~ - G. DONALD - ALLEN - RESOLVED that the City Clerk be authorized to have placed t~o no parking signs at the driveway to the property operated by the Stan- dard Taxi Association at 623 We&land Avenue; and the Seal of the Corporation he hereto affixed. Carried unanimously No. 139 - WHiTe: - GRIM~IZR - PiESOLVED that the co-operation of the Dime Delivery and the Wells Garage and Motor Company be requested in an effort to keep the side- walk on the west side of Valleyway between Morrison Street and Victoria Avenue clear for pedestrians; and further that these organizations he asked to re~ve all cars fr~n the roadway at ni~at to facilitate the cleaning of the street; and the Seal of the Corporation he hereto affixed. Carried FII~Lk~E ~LEETING Council Chamber, Decexber °2 1941. The Finance Committee met on Mouday, December 22, 1941, for the p~rpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been, properly cert- ified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Sundry accounts w~re approved b~r the Committee, amounting to $5,057 .~8. The accounts submitted, being passed or othenvise dealt with, were o~- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the xzotion of Ald. A~len and G.Donald. The Revenue and Expenditure Statement as of November YO, 1941, was pres- ented. It yes ordered on the motion of Ald. a.F.Donald and Twl~ale that the state- ment be received and filed. A com:mAnlcation was presented ~m the Children's Aid Society regarding payment for the maintenance of Yean Reid. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Twidale that the communication be received and filed, and the City Clerk be authorized to communicate with the parents of this girl ~tha view to obtaining payment for the cost of her maintenance. A communication was received from the Children's Aid Society, requesting a grant toward Christmas cheer for the children. It ms ordered on the motion of Ald. Grimster and A.F.Donald that the communication be received and filed, and a grant of $~5.00 be made to the Society. An application was received from Vito Psrri for a price of Lot 881, Buch- anan Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. A~F. Donald and Scott that the application be received and referred to the Property Committee for a recommendation. A communication was presented from Robin Boyle with regard to the tax arrears at 809 Clifton Avenue. Upon the verbel recommndation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Grimster and A.F. Donald it was ordered that the communication be received and filed, and an extension of one month be granted for the redemption of this property; The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald and ~co tt. READ AND ADOP~ED, December ~.9, 1941. The Conncil adjourned on the motion of AId..~cott and Grimster. READ AND ADOPTED, December 29, 1941. Clerk Clex~ -, - Chei . man of Fim~uce COUNCIL ME. ETXNG C~Ancll Chamber, December ~2, 1941. :309 The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the account~ approved by the Committee, All members of the Council were present, BY- LAW The following By-law was passed: No, 3184 -Ald, LG,White - To Gx~nt Monies for General Purposes, 1st reading -Ald, Twiddle and Grimster- Carried unanimously, It ~ms then ordered on the motion of Ald. A,F,Don~ld and Scott that Rule ~6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily stropended and the By-law read a second time- Carried unanimously, 3rd reading - A~d. %~Nidale and Grimster- Carried unanimously, The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald, Grimster and A,F,Donald, AND AD02~IED, December 29, 1941, Clerk Meyer CONFERENCE Council Chamber, December 2Z, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and finance metlags for the purpose of holding a conference to discuss various matters with the Hydro-Electric Commission of Niagara Falls and the Board of Police Oomis- sicnets; and for the discussion of other mattext, All members of the Council were present; together with Meresere Hanniwell and Barnes of the Hydro-Elcotric Co~:~mis- sion and Magistm~e J,B,Hopkins and Chief M,D,Tisd~.e..of .the. BO.a~.d. 9f pO.l~el Oo~umls- sicnets. ............... After discussion upon the matters presented to them, the Com~Littee adjourned on the motion of Aid. White and Scott. BEAD AND ADOPtlED, December Cler~ Chairman FIFTY-SIk~i~,I ~ZETD:G Go, anti! '3hambet, December 29 194]. Pursuant t~ adjourrrm. eDt, the Council met at 7.'3 ' =.zn. to cDn~ider ~-~- oral business and finance. ill members of the Council were present. The Council, havi~ received an~ ~ad the minutes of the previous meeting, =~pt~. these on the motion of Ald. G~mster and Scott. DL~UTATI ON A deputation ~ms present from the Xinisteria! Yts.~D~.ist~on. On th~ mot- ion of Ald. ?,vialale and A.F.Donald, Reverend Xr. Win. Finaland, thespeak=~; ws2 heard. El. FinEland advised Ceunci] that the chu_v~.hes throughout the C~ty were co-operating for the h~lding of special services on la.nuary l, .].942, to comJne:n- orate a Natio~l Day of Prayer. A com.Tninity servie~ has been planned to he held at/epson Street Church at 1(130 a.m. and the public is asked to at:end. SEE Resolution :~o. 140 A tender was submitted for +,he purchase of the smn]l rFame dwelling at Chip.r~.wa. On the motion of Ald. Scott and A.Y. Donatd, the tender submitted was opened, initialled by His Worship ,V. ayor Inn, lie and lena. It ';:as then ordered on the motion of ild. Grimenor and Scott that the tender received from Vernon E.Dunn of $100.00 be accepted. CO,'.ZT~;ICATI0hvS The follo~_nz_ Co.numAnications were j~resented: No, 459 - Lundy's Lane Chapter, 1,0,D,E, - reque~.ti.ng. p~nnission to erect three banne_s. 0FSEE on the motion of ALd. Twiddle and A.?.D~nald that the communic- ation be received and filed, and permission be granted providinE the banners do not interfere with traffic. I;o. 460 - Department of Attorney-General - re Civilian Dofence and NinEarc Falls area. ORDEE on the motion of Ald. V,q~ite and Crimster that the comn~nication be received and filed~ that it be stated that the Council is yaP/gralfified tbnt this area has beau classed as vulnera01e; and that the communication be referred to the Civilian Defence Committee for their reeomme..ndatioa regarding the same. ~Ja amend.,~nt was presented by Ald. ~idale and Allen that the communic- ation be received and fi led, and the Council ~ive their comment to the ccntimAat- ion of the organization and wof~ of the Civilida Peronce Committee. This motion was defeat ed. No. 461 - Minister of Pensions &nd National Heal+~ - .~e vulnerability of Niagara Falls Area. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. G.Do_nald and White that the cormunic- ation be received and referred to the Civilian Defence Committee. ,'~o. 462 - Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario - re acquisition of lands al- ong Chippaws creek. 0P~D on the motion of Ald. Scott and S. Donald that the com- munication be received and laid on the table, and referred for consideration by the Town Planning Commission. No. ~63 - City of V;indsor - resolution re loans for building of houses. 0pJ)~-v.D on the motion of Ald. G. Donald and Grimster t~at the comnunication be received sad the resolution be endorsed, '~llen this motion was put to a vote it was tied and the communications was then ordered filed by His Worship ,'Jayor Inglis. No. 464 - Community Christmas Radio Commit tee - app reciatim~ of assistance re radio programme. 0RDE.~E.D on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and Grimstep that the conmun- ication be reeeived and filed, and the thanks of Council be extended to the Com- mittee, to be fon,~arjed to all those who took part in the broadcast. No. 465 - Department of Highways - outlining plan for development on Noberrs Street. 0]!DEP~D on the motion of &ld. Twidale and Grlmster that the communication be received and filed; and His Worship Mayor Inglis cod the City Clefi~ be instruc- ted to communicate with the officials of the Township of Stafford regarding the pro- posal to close streets intersecting Roberts Street, and that the Township of Stam- for be advised the City Council is not in favour of such action· SEE r,e~oort No. 185 I~ORTS The following Reports were presented: No. 185 - City Engineer - re proposal to close streets interscord ng Roberrs Street. 0EDEP~D on the motion of Ald. Twidale and Grimster that the report be received and filed. No. 186 - City Clerk - ~e conference with the Hencurable W.L.Houck, Di.L.A., ORD- ERED on the motion of Ald.O. Donald and Scott that the report be received and filed~ and adopted. No. '~8g - City Clerk - re conference held on December 2~, 1941. 0I~,RED on the motion of Ald. Grimster and ~,dd~le that the report be received and filed, and adopted· No. 188 - City Engineer - re construction of house for Mr, G.Hlllesheim. on the motion of ALd. G.Donald and Grimster thnt the report be received and fi~sd, and ~opted. RESOLUTIONS The followi ng Resolutions were passed: No. 140 - WHITE - ~IDALE - D~LVn~D that His Worship Mayer Inglis be insreacted to publish s proclamation declaring Thursday, January l, 1942, a Day of Prayer in the City of Niagara Falls; that all citizens be asked to attend the special ser- vices which are to be held on that date; that as many members of the City Council and staffs be asked to attend the community service to be held at 10.30 a.m. at Jepson Street Church; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 141 - SCOTT - a.F.DONAI~ - RESOLV~D that the Oity Clerk be instructed to for- ~mrd a message, oppressing the sympathy of the Council and citizens of Niagara Falls to the f~nily of the late Mr. George W.Clarke, a former alderman of the City of Niagara Falls; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed· Carried unanimously No. 142 - .~'tlDALE ~ WHrfE - ItESOLV]ED that a vote of thanks be extended to Miss W. M. Stokes and Miss E.Hanan, the newspaper reporters, for their excellent reports of the meetings during the past year; and the Seal of ~he Corporation be here to a~fixed. Carried unanimously The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Allen and G. Donald. READ ~ND AEOPTED, January 5, Clerk M~ror FINTC~CE MnF~TiKC Counei 1 Chdmber, Dec ea! ~, r .~cl 194 1 The Finance Committee met on Idondny, December ..99., 194], for the purpose of approving and also of passing the v.riou? ~cc~unts ,,.~ich had been properly cert- ified ~nd placed before them. All members of the Committe,z were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Gomraittee, snounting to ~3,1~36.10. The accounts submitted. bed ng passed or otherwise ,i~a].t wi th, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentstie_: to the Council, on the m~tion of Ald. Scott and ?xidale. The matter of the renewal of the Union Society of Canton insurdnce pol- icy coverjoE pablic liability for the Corporation, as laid over flora a pravious meeting, '.'~s presented. A report was also presented f~om the Insuran.~e Co,amittee. It was ordered on the motion of AId. G.Donal8 and Scott that the report be rec- eived and filed, and the policy be renewed for one year from January !, 194R, v,ith Mess~s. Mortimer-Bampfield & Company at a premi,m of $4,038.00. A request was presented from Vito Perri for a price on Lot 881, Bncbanan Avenue, which had bee9 laid over from a prr, vious meeting. Upon the recomu~nduti on of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. A.F.Donald ¢,nd Scott it was ordered that the communication be received nod filed, and ~r. Perri be advised that the sale price of the lot is the assessed value of .$400.00. k communication was pres:Lnted from Thomas k. Bellamy in which he requeste~ the refund of his deposit for the purchase of Lot 1~7, Sta~ford Street· Upon the recomjnendatio.~ of the Property Conbmittee, and on the motion of ;tld. Gr!mster and Twi~ale, it was ordered that the communication be .received and filed, and the refund be made. The report of the Property Committee, upon the above matters, :uas pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. 9rimstel and Tvddale that the reports be received and filed. The Ccn~mdttee adjourned on the motion of AId. Grimstep and Twidale. ..-READ AND ADOPTED, Yanllary 5, 1942. Clerk COUNt IL MEETLinG C~mncil Chamber, December 29, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetings for the purpose of psssing the money by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council war'= present. The following By-low was passed: No. 3185 - kld. ~.G. White - To Grant Monies for General Bxrposes. let reading -Ald. Grimstar and Allen - Carried unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. k.F.Donald and Scott th.t Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law read a second time - Carried unanimously. 3rd reading -Ald. A.F.Donald and Grimstar - Carried unanimously. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. A.F. Donald and T~idale. READ AND ADOPTED , ~anuary 5, 1942. Clerk CONFEICNSE Council Chamber, Decamber 29, 1941. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetingsslot the purpose of holding a conference to discuss various ma~ters which had been presented to them. All members of the, Council were present. After discussion upon th8 matters presented to them, the Committee adjourned on the motion of Aid. G.Donald and Twidale. READ Ah'D ADOPTED, ~anuary 5, 1942. Clerk Chairman