Minutes1947(A)FJ~ST t~.ETINO Council Chamber, 6 ~exuary, 1947. In accordance with the p~ovisions of The Municipal Act, the Council met at 11.00 o'slock with all meghers present. The statutory declsrations of office end quslifications were filed with the Clerk, when the oaths ~ office bad been takeg by Ma~strate r.B.Hopkins. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald end White ~hat a vote of thanks be extended by His Worship Mayor Houok to Magistrate Hopkins. Carried u.n. animously After this the Council was duly organized and open for the tr---action of general business. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Dr. William Fingland. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Bucknet and Miller that the offic- iating oler~A- be ~.h--ked for his service at the meeting. Oe~ried unanimously His Worship Me~or Ilouck then dellvexed his inau~ural address. On the motion of Ald. Donald and Fa~snk the Mayor,s inaugural address was o~de~ed spiced on ~he minutes. 0a~ied unani.mousl~ ' MAYOR'S INA~L ADDRESS To the members of the Board of Aldermen, In begin-4ug to-day my first tern as Mayor of this City of Niagara Falls, which has so rightly been referred to as the ,Heaven of the World', I feel that it is p~oper first to extend to the ratepayers my appreciation of their con- fidence in imposing their trust in me by my election to the highest office in the mmAeipality. This is a trust that I will enteavour to earxV out with dignity and henour. Ms~ I also hasten to welcome here this morning this gathering c~ pub- lie officials x'epresonting the various public bodies, both elective and appoint- ive, and also the distinguished and ~el~esentative citizens who have shown their interest in civic affairs by ~aeing this inaugt~al meeting ~th their lmesense. We cannot but be appreciative, in these times, of that fine spirit of public interest on the pert of ou~ citizens, which goes so far in assiting those elected to office in the conduct of muniollml administration. It is the interest that citizens manifest in their duty-that gives asmmanoe of a eont'inuity of ef- ficient elYis ~overmmnt. As you new ma~oT X oenno~ help but feel a g~eat debt of gratitude tow- azds all the vaz~ous civic employees'. Xt is only by moans or the oc-opea2ion of every e/vie official connected w~th the admtn4e~a~ou ~ha$ t~ affairs cf this Oc~pozatAon can be mAnreined in a satisfao~oxV 'oondtbion. This 0ity has wea~h- e~ed mau~ storms in the past, and particularly in the last decade, in a manner efforts of all who have assumed l~xblic of- that sleeks volumes for the combined contribution of these l~blic-spirited floe in on~ numerous departments. eTh~oesible to obtain under the conditions in persons has been as unified as it i w~ich Ontario rotrule,pal,ties are conducted. I think it is therefore most fitting indeed that the ~eyor of this city should make recognitio~ of the public-spirited service that has been rendered in all departments of civic government, no matter which position one holds in our civic work. InL, extending this w~leome and apprec- iation, I bespeak the sentiments of the aldermen as well as myself. The City CeAncil t~day is facing the new ~ear with a now mayor, one new aldermen, two who were not in the seAboil list ~ear, but have had a wealth of eP perie~ce; end one member who was re-elected, besides the three aldermen who served so well in the last year. As a council we all owe to the citizens of this City 'our deep appreciation of t~e spandid tribUte of confidence Shown in US by our el- se,ion to this council. We s~all do all in onr power to conscientiously main° rain the high traditions of ~Ar of floe end to ~ende~ loyal an~ efficient service to this c~nlnity- To the members c~ the city council I wish, at this times to speak my oongralaxlatlons upon their ales,ton as aldermen of 1;iaga~a l~alls· To all of ~ I can say tibet ~Ar Imese~e to-day in your places at the council board is an ev- iden~e of the g~sat confidence of the sleetors of this city w~o trust that you · ill use good Judgment in your displaY in civic administration. ~o Alde~man Don- aid and White may I say that their return to the eounoli is one in ~xich I rejoice. Because of your re-election the voters have given you well-recognized endorse,ion- you have a wealth of experience in municipal ggvernment and you~ advice along with your experience will be invaluable. To AldermAn Miller, who Ms again been retw~ned to office erie: two yea~s in the C~tneil may I also exlmess my delight in his return. He hes served this city weE, not only as an aldermen, but also as Chair- men nf the Financial ecrumitten and his cadcave,ms speak for themselves. His work has been indeed well done. ~he records of these three aidemean stand very .greatly to their credit; and their return h~e, based on their achie.vemsnts 'or the past, is well Justified in every respect. ~le City COAn~il to-de~ bus one new member, Aidemen Hawkins. I tame great pleasure in welomatug him into civic life end al- though perhaps a novice in civic service, Aldermen Hawkins has always rendered fine contribUtions as neebar of many of this CityiS endearcites. I trUSt that his tenure cf office will continue to be a sons,motive oont~lbution to b of ou~ City. ia~ I, at this tie, be paxmAtted as well to say a wut~ or ,we about the three aidemen who ate fx~a the council from last Fear. Aldermen F~enk, nor end MacDonald have rendered splendid sexwise to this city. Y~x all have given eoustxu~tive Oontxa-b~tione towards the upb~ilding of sthble and efficient nent in this airy. I will ce=talaly value your experience end advice in the con- duet of the aity's business. It is my urgent wish that we as a aoun~l. 1 ,will pet- fc~m ~M~ civic duties as one happy family. O~s would indeed be remiss, if, us your now !eaters' X failed to sa~ scme- 'thin~ paminin~ to the fou~ acebars who will not constitute this coUa~il for the Fear 19~V. Former Ma~or Inglis deserves ell the credit poswible far the wa~ he has sendnoted the city's affairs as its mayor. He~xve un~ix~ngly of ~as time. effsx~s and he brought my hammrs to this c~ty hassues of his wlllia~ness to sosopt (tries an~ then dispatch those duties with c~edit, not 01X33 'tO hineelf txxt to the city as well. I dour, tht~k that I sound p~y him any hitler tribute ~ to say he wen a 'tpod me~o~, en~ tie citizens of this city will ~t forget his epicnatal effox~s a~d will, at all ~ens, continue to be app,~eelative of'his. Fc~aer fidemen hot, has also been a veteran of civic admintetx~ofi. Fee aan~ ~ears he has fait~lly ~iven ~t kts ties end offoxide, end beesnee ct hie responsible position with the r~tl~cad, my ~nes it called f~ a ~eel sas- rAfioe for him be attend to his civic dut(es, an~ he never failed. A~other face whish will be aimed is that of i~a. Tatdate. M~s. Teedale has been one of the ~ to exiteli hereof so slyly hM been invlauable to this seAnail. M~s. Teldate : hes Izou&ht gzeat honouz ere ,the coamud. ty as well as ~o the Women cf ~s . ; , ;eent'e~ty., all-ore thi IXad. nioniher~oereer.~be, s,~been watched ~th ~ea~ in~er~ est and never once has she failed. As perhaps she was affectionately known am the 'lady alderman', e-y places know of the countlie8 endearours. The citizens of this city indeed owe her a g~eat debt of gratitude. I know I express the wishes ~f my council as well as the wishes Of all oar citizens when I say that to ~]1 of these past members of the councils we wish for then well indeed for the fu~ttrao The year 1947, much like the last few Fears, is beginning under the clouds of not only ~he feeling of another war, but one indeed of a threatening World conflagration. From what we thought w~xld cc~ne a l~aceful and coml~rative- ly prosperous position in Canada, we axe looking across the seas upon situations that have in them the gex~n of deVastating World peace. We can only pray to Prov- idence 'to stop another armed conflict that would descorers every ideal of peace far which the most worthy citizens of the world lgd down their lives in the last two E~eat wars° It is our most fervent prayer that P~ovindence will continue to spare the h,~ race from such unnecessary desecration. I mention these constant- ly-repeated threats because I feel m-nicipal co,r~i ls, as far as it lies in their poser, should be obligated to thoughts that make for pacification ~n~ that those thoughts should be sent On to hig~ places where wars in their mak~ug can be stop- pad.. The municipal council, of all elected bodies, has the,closest contact with the people and expressions of peace from n~,nicipal bodies is tantamount to an im- preSsion f~om the :anks. M a city scAns, l, I feel we a~e going into a Fear which · may be marked by great events of an internat,one! natere. The world horizon to- day is Just as politically beclouded as it was a Fear ago or ten years ago. We have successfully emerged fxom the slaughter of war and now the .proponents of peace are hopeful of a measure of success. We had such~gh homes after the war that this comnmuity, like all other ccem~unities, would make great strides for- ward. l~y means of rapid transportation in the air, on the waters, by rail und by mens of the world-wide netwerk~ of ecrure-nice, ion through radio, the nations would verse upon becoming a great community in which the interests of one ~ecome the interests of all. We have, fortunately, hewaver, the asstu?ance that ccees from membership in the g~eat British Empire. We know that if there is any tx~Ae path- way of peace, it will be foulxl by t~xose who ~eside over the affairs of this menwealth of nation~. l~m~nity exist progress, as ~et it has only touched the fringe of sen,as and political developnan, and irrespective of controversy in the matter, it seess safe to l~adict that the mental feecos of the world are roerAng forward toward an napreoedented era of human' hattemaent. The great British Empire, of which We are all so In'cud to be members, stands as a lighthouse of peace in a sea of conflicting national interacts. So long as we have assurance of wide guidance at the.bead of oar Empiru, and thismis one of the irapax-Ass traditions, we can feel safe in the thou;hi that British influence will wiegh heavily on the side of peaee. Great Britain, as she always has done in the past, is now leading the world toward the pathways ef proslerity out of a maze of economic unee~ainties and adjustments. It is nee our duty as a e..~ eipality to tame hold of our px~blems in a manner that will allow for the fulles~ pe~tiCipation in these haginnings of economic re'est- ablishment.:, There are me~y serious pxoblema which will some before this council.. l hope that we will be able to cope with thee to a satisfactory tewaieatiou that will meet wi~h the aplmowal of the ratepa~ers. One problem which is always l~a- mount with any council will be the ~ax rate. NO heginniog of the .pax. for nnmisil~li~y has ever been know~ to be spared of a sons,clara, ion of purely Iceel problems that have a direct relationship to the parse strings of the taxpayers ~-.~ the ratepayere. Nappy indeed would it be if a mxnici'pal oounoil GOUld by scae aa~is fernale discover a method by whish taxation sould he x~duoed ce elim- inated. l)At I sincerely believe that in ou~ time no sush aegis formula will he discovered. We are faced this ~ear, as in feme~ years, with l~oblems nf mmnio~ ipel eecao~ that will call upon our utmost reso~rues and c~r utmost aLnoerety fee solution. Enowin~ aS me do the immedAate futu~e, We cannot taxi he ae that the ~ax rate fee 1947 is mr first and most essential eoneex~n. With the nuae~s denands that will be made upon us'fx~a various sources end, lay I add that'many of ~bese w~ll be vital and wceth~ cf eouside~ation, C~r tax rute may have to-be increased. ~ad the octnell foe few ~eax~ ago snly place4 one mill upon the tax ate s.~ then plase4 this money aside fo~ fut,,va uses we wo~ld have had seas · eedy f~n~S to d~aw upon for the aeny smises the~ wi'll be re~uired. I say this in no menlo Of ~ioism of ln~vigul eo~lnoiTM, but at the seine tim, I have alwe~ys felt that in ~ny inS, lances the .,l ,cWoring of :. .o~r-,t~X ra~o dceS not at all times ./~ ~;,..:~!!,: ~!, :~ ~.:,.;.~] ~..~, . ~,~! ,., , . ~, I,. . .3 speak a future benefit rot any municipalitY. idefinitelY reel thaJl.J~-wo can' prevent a higher mill ~ate without causing to suffer essential sexyices, we will ~avs performed a task which will merit us in feelin~ screwhat- worthy or the con- fidenee aud trust expressed in us. The p~oblem of onr tax ~aee in relation to the many obligations to which this municipality is definitely committed ~o be perhaps one of the major issues which this aldermanic board will be raced- A~ter much thought it comes to me with renewed emphasis that the City Council all lxtblic bodies spending the tax dollar must strain every effox~ to heap our mill rate somewhat within its present limit so that the high financial standing of this corporation m~y be maintained 8~d the ability of the taxlayers to carry their burdens misely respected. To this end the policies of all Inblio bodies, having in mind stable progress, must co-operate so that the p~ogross that is made onn be adequately consolidated on the basis of cur financial Position'- The city council of 1946 have adopted a new ben-~ar plan. ~mis may be alright in its place and has irabedded within it many necessary and long-needed improvements; but for one, I will not be in favot~ of goisg ahead ~ith this plan until I have had ample time, not only to study it thoroughlY; b~ I want as well thorough discussion with this new ouancil upon its merits and have an before 'we can to have a intensive explanatiou made-to all mew members Cf .the 1947 council give assent to its going into being. Don't misunderstand me with the thought that I an against this, but on the centrax~y I an not, but wheGx we spend the taxpayers' monies then I fixelY believe we sh6uld know and have intimate kn~ledge of the plan before we proceed, In mentioning this I refer to t~e urgency of ~oth the Federal and A~rowinctal governments assuming the Ereat share of this wolk.' If the govern- ments will assume a preponderating share of the cost in this scheme o~ other worth- idols ventures, it will mean a lesssni~g of the burden of l~acing it upon the tax- payere and it will, at the same time, be a manes 'of men securing gainful employ- me~t for a definite period. I therefore argo tl~..c council to continue presenting :elmesentetions to beth governments in the hope of securing o.onsent 'to their uid~ well, of the film belief that we must undertake a broad p~ogram I an, as This I too well realize rests with onr govex~monts but we can of social service. placing our rolmesenta~one before them fc~ this broadening be instrumental in ' The old sink or swim policy must go out the w~ndow and governments to- the nex~ =une. We must be an all-year-round city and I will say something about this in a few minutes. Perhaps a public xelationship officer is in its embryonic stage but I feel that hundreds of thousands of dollars can be saved as well as new money brought into Niagara Falls brough this new office along with the en- listment of eitizneship co-operation. Right now we have what we call a 'Greater Niagara A~ea', and we are not tek4ng the proper advantage of it. We should stop gazing upon it and temimate our day dreaming and sprang into .action. In some way we maxst ~rasp the collective idea that we are actually a great manufacturing and producing area. Stretching ahead'of us is a magnificent future portending economic advances b~ond our vision. As so~e one has so well said, we are as linded an the m~n who couldn't see the forest because of the trees. Right new I feel me nee d a sound, intelligent l~xblic relationship program, something we haven't got at the present. I hope to appoint out of this council a small com- mittee to study this questicax at once. I will also ask Mr. Lawson, President of the Chamber c~ O~mmerce, to appoint a stall cnmm!ttee to meet ~ith our committee. I will also confer with the directors of the Chamber of Commerce, asking their financial help in defraying snme of the cost of this office. I well realize that all local busineSsman are interested in seeing Niagara Falls as it should be sold. By bringing in now industry we will be taking care of employment for our citizens, we will be 'bringing new dollars ihto our area and it should be of benefit to everyone concerned. X will seek the aid of Stamford and Chippuwa for this pro- Ject. - · We have in this district what is known as the 'Greater Niagara Municipal AssOciation'. I have watched fennation and the growth of this organization with a lot of interest. With so many worthwhile projects before it, with as many vital things that ought to have been accomplished, it has almost lost sight of the real purpose of its existence. I am quite in accord with the three councils meeting together as an assoc'iation but I firmly believe at the same time that some con- struotive ideas should come out of these meetings and they should not be hold mainly f~r social purposes. As the mayor of this great city, I stand ready and milling to co-operate with this orgn~ization to the fullcot extent as long as they will. endear. our to accomplish something that will be tangible. I an also greatly interested ~n our tourist traffic. However, as I men- ticnod previously we w,nt get away from Jnst being a tourist cmutre for a few months of the year. l~y fur the greatest percentage of our tourist traffic of the whole dominion enters through the l~ia~ara district ports. At this time I pay my es ~ did Job they a~e performing in their meeting the travelling public as it enters asocial faciliti su .~3owan~es and ~r~nen's compensa~on, aud in the seoond place, try to induce ou~ ~owernments to insti~ute serfices to the scope of coverage, including health and ; onr city. ~he.visitors' first iml~essions ax~ their lasting imla'essions and when sickness issuance. Pensions ade~uabe ten yeaxs ago are insufficient to-day and they receive such ccttrtoous treatment from o~r officials they gain a new idea of the scale cg old ago pensions and unemployment insurance must be raised. We met our country. Many and m~ny a time it has been zeferred to about the hospitality · t~ge the fedend gover~nt to increase their speed an fa~ as health insurance is of our man at the bcmder and .'it is a fine soiling point as well am good advertis- concerued, Matters now seem to be 'at a standstill pending the ~xtcoas c( the ing point fo~ ~xr ocuntx~y. We also have both here and at Fort Erie.the finest ap- Dcatmicn-P~incial ~eanent b~tthe goTanent must gLve some offset to a plan preaches any country c~ld have and what an impression it must.make Upon our vis- or health and sickness l'meurance, in~lucing complete medical stud'nursing ca:e, itsre when they enter into this great oountrF. The Bridge C~mm4esionS, as well as financed t~y a central gove~m~nt ccntxi~ution and uniforA contributions f~om all the l~rk C~mm4e*alen, 'doseawe all the aplmeciation we can shower upon them. Tourist dollan trave~ a long ~ay in any city and have a decided effect upon most of our Canadians able to l~v. .citizens. 0tn~ tourLet homes here ure almost all. well-equipped and the owners of .these homes doseawe oX~dit frc~n the city. Onr tourist camps are well managed and ve~y little orAticism has been heard frcax any of the visitors. I believe that a closer spirit of oo-opera~on rest exist however between the tourist home and camp o~ersj the Chamber of Commerce ~.d the city. Clone x~latiouship maxst exist between ~ various bodies concerned with this important trade to eliminate as far as poamihlo any complaints coming to our city f~om these sou:cos. One visit- or Idle 'leaves wi~h a bad impzession of OAr City, eithe~ ~hrough a ecruplaint of uneleanliness or overcharge, dose more harm to our city ~han could come from sco~es c~ o~hers telling'their friends Just h~w good we handled ~he tou~Ast traf- fic. One thing that we must, as a.oounoil, discuss ~ho:oughly along with other interested bodies, 'is Just how fa? we can go in making NiaGara Falls a year-round tc~rAst ce~tre. I believe ~hat we can institute some form of winter sports and amuseBeats to attrae~ the public, I sineearly hope we will ~ive this our utmost attention and. thought and if needs be, I will,..in ~he near futtt~e, appoint, a eox~- 'l an well aware of the fact that tax reduc~ose.must be weighed against this atte~ is that if ~al ~os~t~ is ~n~n~ t~o~ ~ as a ' moult ~ the ~e:~e~'s e~t~ ~ an i~t ~ thl~ I u go~g ~ do is to ask ~is Oo~o~ ~ ap~ ~ ~e a~ ~ln~nt ~ aun ~ ~lll ~nt ~ a~8 d~ee~?. ~ has ts ~n~e~ ~ SiCfleet, ~t ~o ~k. ~t ~ be'ae~a~ed ~s, l~ust~ - to e~ to ~ city, Others ~11 say ~ tried ~his enee and i~ had a ve~ ~ e~. ~eve~, 1 · .~fe ~ ~ ~ sell e~ mit~e..t~.$~udy this vex-/important qu~s~ca,. ,~ , .. ~... ... ~e .considered ~th ~se,o r~n ~ ~ ap i ~1~ i~l s~t. ~ ;e feeB~doJuv~le dell  ~$s vit-cy.~ ~Jori~ ~ the sp~ker ~erso~lY I don't bellaXe t~t for tMe co~l c~led it ~ delinquencY. ch f~ deBn~Y. If e ~eir~s ~cup~e~ aM thereby ~r~ ~t ~d ~ePo~l, ~t do e~thl~ ~thin ou~ ~er, ~t o~Y f~m the S~ t~, ~nd to ~lld ~t~on~ ~.~es, re~ ~st~ 2h~d ~d ~d. ~s ~er ~e~tion ~11 s~n ~ t~ leaders ~ ~ls c~t~ and ~ ~t g~ve ~ ~e ~ce t~y so t~ deserve. ~ will look ~ fav~ u~n ~ or our dominion then we must, Just ae soon as possible,replace c~r street cars with modern busses. Tkts will also facilit~te, to some extent, the traffic problem. I ho~e to, within a ve~7 short time, appoint a committee whose sole l~xrI~se be to solve th~s ex~stin~ problem. 9.. The e~ee~ent with the l~mlro-~leotric Power Cohesion re the c~ .$V5,000.00 in lieu of texas expires at the end of 19&7. l;e~otiations should be tn~ttated this ~ear regarding a new ~ent. I ~m su:e lAr. Ce~l It~nntwell, M .P.P- · ~dll be o~ ~reat 8seVerance to us in this respect- 10. New lightlug system for residential streets to be continued on the program el~eady adopted. We ere situated here right at the seat of power ~nd believe, and I know you do as well, that certe~nl~ our li~htin~ system for streets Is .far f~om bein~ modern enough for us to be proud of. . II. E~ection of street signs' to be completed in 1947. I want to, at this truss, ece~pliment 'the last council for st~tin~ the erection of new street signs -~ they certainly improve our city streets and at the seine time rake it a lot easie~ fo~ visitors to find their way ~c~nd. 12. Coneiderat~on'c~ the traffic Foblame of our city: streets and out c~ trouble. that h~ve already ~een apl~vo~ed a. In~la~ of s~p l~ts , .... ~. ~i~e St=eet ~d F~ Argue b. ~ se~s ' ' &O,~O. b. Centthatch or a~emn~ fo~ ~oliCt~ ~ ~ver R~d a~ t~ a~a ~. ~l~ e~n~es ~t ~ve ~ approved- Y ~n ~ the vicinity ~ ~e ~inbow ~dge. c. Revtsi~ the e~ a~t ~ t~ Niag~ ~ks C~--ts~one~s b. C~or~ s~o 14,~0- 13. CouLde~ ~ ~-l~ws ~d ~tlou for tourist c~s c. ~tXnS, ~s ' '- 12,~. ~le~ c~. ~ ~utdemtion ~t be given . Coutde~att~ ~ ~e ~t ~esente4 ~ the L~al ~ of H~th i. ~td e~Mi~es to ~ giv~ e~ly oo~iderati~: a. ~n~se ~ a site f~ a ~w d~p. ~ the ~o~nei~ D~rm~ ~ Heath ~esp~ ins~etl~ ~ .~lk su~y and 5. ~ e~i~s that wil~ ~ revenue-~uoing, W ~ cons~- i 15. I wuld s~est tMt re~sen~on ~ ag~n ~de ~ ~e ~nct~ ere~ a~ ~ e,r~ date, ~e~Q~ ~ e~M t~ p~l~e ~ ~e edv~e ~ to ~1 ~m~ci~l e~ct~s a. ~ddi~one to f~lt~ion pl~t ~ ~ide inter ~p~ in e~n~ ~ ~o ~ t~ an ~id~it ~ they ~e f~ee~ ~ncies. it~ on ~1!~ d~. 6. ~valo~e~ ~ residential er~s~ 16. CoMlderation or ~ i~i~ a, ~ im~ove~nts rot wel~ ~c~lties subd~vision ~ S~ ~ploye~. . ~d a~r~n Strut. 17. Co~lde~on ~ the feasibility ~ ~s~i~ mode~ ~ce equip- e. ~ im~nts rcr ~e M~se~ner ~lsl~ ~o p~de f~ ' ~ 18. CoMldem~i~ ~ sa~y a~ w~ s~d~e adjustend, ~epi~ in t~ erae~on ~ Went~t~ ho~es in 1947. lm~e~ o~t ~ livl~ fo~ t~ epl~-ees~ and t~ ability ~ ~ t~- ~nd the . 7. h~e~nts in ~r ~t~ dis~ibutim a~tem: ~F ~o e~ry ~ ~den. a. Xl~t-inch ~in on Vienna Avm~ f~m ~i~e S~mt to~Fer~~ 19, Co~demtt~ of. a~itio~l .~ce s~ce fo~ the ~oi~ de~r~ b. Xi~t~inch ~n on ~re~ Steer fNa ~ 2~et ~ F~r~ 8~e~. ~ ~ ~sent t~ ~ ha~ ~, ~ ~.~ldi~ ~ n~u a~ site ~ f~e~:b~s~er 8~tion a~ FA;l~s VieW. " ~e o~R~m or U ai~ ~0 seffe ~ ~t we, as a e~il, ~11 be ~e ~q do a~t~ ~ re~ to ~%s, l~ is a ' ~, C~ltdera~ion of ea~lish~ a sub~et th~ I ho~ ~ ~end meh tim u~n, 2~ I ~w ~l ~ e~n~n will m a defiled p~e- f~ t~e deflect of ~e o~-qsx~te ~L~h me to the fullsst extent, If we hope to keep step with m~ times 8 lrrog~a~ should aim at increasing'the industl~Aal dewelol~aentJ' of *this "area~ · 2~. I am extremely anxious to foster halmonious relations with th~ lmarks Cc~.,aicn, the Township of Stanford, the Village of Chippawa and the Tom- ship of Willoughby. I am rather prone to heM. eve that this area does not fully appreciate Just how much the Parks C~--~ssica does for this district. · l)At, at the same time, I don't believe that we should tx7 to lean too honvlly upOn .~hem amd exl~et the impossible. We are One of the few cities in this province that does not have to fi~-~e their o~ perk system and I would he zemiss if I did not ex- press m~ appresiati on of Just how much the Parks Ccmmdssion of the last number of years has dcue for this City. My appreciation as well goes to the present Parks C~"m~asiC,~ and I hope the same fine feelings slid spirit Of co-operatiOn between our 1as bodies will ~ontinue to exist. ~3. T~e consideration of the ten-year plan for capital exl~nditcres: I sannot help hat sense the feeling of amazement, not only on behalf-of the coun- cil, hat from the mtcpayers as well, when they lean all that we ~xst consider this new ~ar of 1947. I do not want to instil a fesliDg of fear upon anyone. I would mu~h prefer to inetil a feeling of hope that we san accomplish many of these projects with~xt placi~ more of a load on the already overburdened lacks of OAr ta~rs. ~ere will, of course, in due time be bought before us as a council many other t.mportant matters to be cousAdered. There has been, over the course of the last year, a very active committee wurking towards the erection of a new arena for this area. ~oth the councils of Niagara Falls and 8ta~ox~ have been approa- ched upon this matter and beth have been of great assistance ani have ~fered every lmssible degree of co-operation. ~ecanse of ~he scarcity of material useessay fc~ the construction of this arena, fJxe committee for this project have acted, I believe, wisely in postponing its erection fc~ e~l~ time. However, I'mchiton it at this time teeames I do not wish to have tl~ idea go ahzoed that the idea has bean completely abandoned. It is Just anothec: elm of those things w~lch at some future time will hove to be dens. I am also extremely anxious that, not only this C~xneil bu~ all our eit- azeus as nell, will sons become obsessed with the idea that this area is badly in need of a new an~ much larger hospital. We have here in this city a .very fine hospital with one of the finset medical staffs that can be found in any pert of o~r comity. Ikt, as time marches on, we find that our hospital ace~sunodation is not what it should he and we night Just as well face the matter sooner or later. ~e Hospital Ikxard is doing a splendid Job with what they have at their coband, b~t with increasing demands being made upon it, they simply cannot be expected to do the impossible. Well might y~A say to me, "Your idea of a new hospital is l~id- cue if you stop tommember that a new addition is now' being added to the hos- Pital,w ~bat is pezfeotly right and your argument is perhaps well-fo-vded, but I insist we must look into the near future and be ready when the oppor~nt ty p~es- ants itself, I an hopeful that, in the very near fullire, a Dew site cam ~e oh- city, pet this new hospital venture over with tress y ely as largo as the lane of social worM. the aged or some other worth.~Ala use made of it I sincerel~ hope that Iam not cOn ' enunoil is me t~at inten~s to go on an ~e~A~g to the taxl~a3~rs ~hat this · ~itA~eswa~i leverYthing that can be. its oloth to suit , t let De give the ass~msaoe many demands that will I ere made, they will enlFla of the to all concerned that .wish expend- lsr~ainLng to sexYlees ;nd projects that nat~Lre that are absolutely Deeded.and Cit~. I kn~w I exl~ess the feelA s c~ will he un asset and e~edit to this f4 .the'utmost of o~ ew sS~ht of the fuot that it is ally burkened with ': ' , , .... '-/'Dee-that their bllga~to soDeolontiou8 duty , - ~, ~.. -One of my duties as your Meyer will be to do everything possible fcT the men and women f~om cur arn~d forces to see to it that they are rehabilitated into otu? civil life and occupation. Many, yes, scores of homes area have been afflicted with the loss of lored chess wfio so gallemily gave their lives that we ndght enjoy the freedoms for which we stand. We will not be ,,nmind- ful of this. supreme sacrifice. No matter what we do, whether it be large or enroll, it can never atone for that loss. We must not lose sight of our obligations to their dependents or to those who have suffered disability. I would indeed be remiss in my duty not only as your Mayor. but from the role as a private citizen as well, if I did not say a word cf sincere apprec- iation to all ~ty employees. They have l~rfol~nsd a fine Job, mmny times difficult ciro-mnt~es a~d I know all the citizens say a well-earned 'thax~k you' to these people. We have here in Niagara Falls one of the finest police forces and fire doparl~nen~s that can be found anywhere. We, as well, owe them and give to them.our deepest appreciation for the splendid work they are doing. This administration wall seek to continue the intox~st and co-operation of the general public, the l~ess and local' or~anizations in the work of gorexni~g the rmAnicipality. Niagara Fulls is a city that has bean built upon a foundation of faith, optimism, industry, vision, thrift and Imblic spirit. These elements are the expression of fidelity to the hearthside by citizens born and bred in the traditions of this thriving occAmunity and of whose who have tranel~anted their ~oots to the fertile soil of this City. We have ~ch to maintain hem in the way of loyalty to homes and interests which the opportunities of the com~aAnity have made possible for us. This is our city. TI~ citizens of this city are neighbouts, one of the other. They wish to live here in neighbourliness. It is our duty as mNnbers of the governing body of the corporation to so Oondu~ its affail. s tlmt the best interests sn~ welfare of each and every citizen sh~ll be t~uly and wisely so~vod. We have a city wfiich sts~s out among the ecmmttuitios ofcur l~owince and dominion for the high character of its citizens, of its homes, of its lnduntrlal ~-~ its commercial estublishmsnts, and of its financial i~stit~tions. It holds a high place for the type of its social, cultural and religious orgamizatione. Those who are privileged to reside here are pl~ud to call Niagara Falls the Jr hems. The vital fo~ces which animate this coa~nunity are apart of the fibre and bloQd of those who, threngh a~irit of co-operation and home pslriotism have r~o it the beautiful and inspimping eelire it is. Now in closing, my I say a more or less parsnasA word to the Co,,ncil? A great trust has been imposed upon us by the people of this city. We ax~ expec- ted to continue to govern and to legislate along censtruotivs business lines. This nan be done only by di~nified n.a impartial deliberations. If we are to perly acquit our trust, we cannot allow ourselves to descend to bitterness and per- eonalitY. We must each give the othe~ utmost respect of his views. We may hat in differing ~ must respect the dignity of the :people whom we represent. ,Bitterness of Controversy ill betels men vested with the confidence of theJr fel- low citizens. There are ~wo sides to every qnestion ,,n~er debate. These two sides relate directly to the question itself; the~e is never a personal side. I am ask- i~ you in the names of those who have placed us here, to co-operate in the spirit c~ friendliness and to debar the Personal angle fzom all issues that my come bef- Ore this council. The council is a farurn for expressJan of unbiased opinions and the very nuttt~e of that forum demands that opinions shall be received with respect. Rest assured that I an y~r mayor will adhere .to these l~ln~Lples. It is to be expected that there shall be differences, but let these d~ffe~enoes be dignified am2 houou3~able as the positious wfiloh we hold are dAgni~ied and hOnourable. I believe we are members .of this CourteLl beesuns w love this city. I bale Lye all · ho e~e heru this momin~ are he~s bessuse they love this city.and heceuss its bertextent is one of ehte~ soncare. It is beefass of this that I realize we are eoing fox-~gx~ into a new year that will be fx~Ltfial of the best that is in us fOr the future ~ this splendid ecgnmnity. I feel, in conclusion~ that I bespeak the sentiments of erery aldex~an and ~ the mamhex. s of ell m~,ndcipal boe~ds wheu l say we are lookin& forward to this year as one that will sen en~ community emerge frQm ,economic uneex~mainties upen-m pe~lod of, renewed Imospe~Aty. May we go fervid with the ens~?anse of that ssme high faith, that same trust in a g~eat ~od and with that same earnest error2 that has left us with the splendid heritage that it is -~ia~ara Falls. ' W.L.HOUOK. 9 ADOPTI01'I OF v~mt~l~S The minues of the prev~cu~ moetin~, havln~ bean received and mad, were adopted on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and MacDonald. CE~ffFICAI~ The City Clerk certified as to the result c~ the poll held on P-nd Dec- ember, 1946; and on the motion of Aid. Donald and MacDonald the comnmuicat~Lon was received and riled. 1~e foLlorln~ Resolution w~s passed: No. 1 - ~hAT~ - tECKNER - RESOLVXD that Aideman A.D.Frank ~e and is ~eby ap- ~tntsd ~- ~ ~e ~e C~m~ttee ~ ~e City ~tl .for t~ City ~ ~la- ~ ~iea b Caun~il then adJ~ned until 2.00 p,m.,-on the motion o~'Ald. O. Donald end lla~tns. AID tDGI>I~D, 13 ~anusxT, 1947. Motor No. 3 - ~ - HAWI~NS - RESOLVED that Mr. Y-W.Butters be and is hereby appointed as a member of the PUblic LibratF Board for the years 1947, 1948 and 1949; and the ~al c~ the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously No. 4 - MaoDONALD - ~HITE - I~ESOLVED that ErAs Worship Mayor W.L.Houek be and is hereby appointed as the representative of the City Council on the Greater Niagara C~xamber of Commerce for the year 1947; and the Seal of the Carporation be heroic affixed. 'i !, Carried unanimously No. 5 - I~IC~R - iiyT.t~.R _ RESOLVED that AlAnfinn W.C.MacDoneld be and is hereby ~inted as t~ re~es~tative ~ ~e City Comil on the ~ of ~e Chlld~n's ~d So~etF fo~ ~e C~nty of Welland for ~e ~ 1947; a~ t~ Se~ of ~e C~- ~ration ~ ~e~ ~f~. C~ed ~mouslE No, 6 - DOE - ~ . ~L~D that ~. Y~s M. C~ and ~ss Wi~f~d M. S~s ~ and a~ hereby no~nat~ ~ t~ re~ntatives of ~e City C~mil upon ~e M~h~s' ~es and 01d ~e ~mions L~ ~a~ in the City ~ Nia~ra F~ls for ~e ~ 1947; and t~ 3~ ~ the O~a~on ~ he~ affixed. ~ed ~a~mously No. 7 ~ ~ . MaeD0~D - ELV~' ~t ~. G.~-~mery be ~d is ~re by a~ ~in~d ~ t~ Weed Inspector f~ ~e City ~ Nia~ra F~ for ~ ~ar 194~; .ha t~ ~ ~ the CordraYon C~ried ~qn!mo~lF ~. 8 - ~E - W~ . ~ ~at ~emn A.D.Fm~, E.M.Halns ud W.C. ~eDo~ld ~ a~ ~e hereby a~ointed as ~ty Co~otl f~ t~ ~ 1947; a~ t~ ~ ~ ~e C~ratlon ~ ~reto ~flxed. O~rl~ ~ly ~o. 9 - ~. ~ _ ~LV~ ~at ~dermen Y.~.~ller, Ro~rt ~ck~r a~ Grit Do~d ~ a~ are hereby a~ol~ed as m~rs of the the City ~nell for ~ ~e~ 1~; *~ the Seal of ~e Co~ation ~ hereto 9artled unanimonsly No. 10 - DOI~ALD - HA~I~S - RE~0LV]~ that Aldermen F.I~Miller, A.D.Frank and Rob- eft B~kner be and a~e hereby appointed as members .of the ~raffic Committee of the City Council fo~ the ~a~ 1947; ~,~ the Sea! of the Carporation be hare to af- fixed. Onyx.led unanimously ~ ~ as a ~es~tative of the CIty Cobell on the G~a~e= Niag~a Regina ~ann,~ C~ttee for the ~ 1947; a~a t~ ~ of ~e Cor~ratton ~ ~reto · ~ .- Cctxneil C~aamber, ' Carried ~me, usl~[ 6 ~mllXT, 1947. NO, 12 - DOIiALD - MII.I2R - RESC~VID that Aldermen A.D.Flank be and The Council re-assembled at.s.a0 p,m. for the purpose of oontinuln~ with pc nted as the ~ol~eeentative c~ the City Council on ~he Nta Is hereby ap- Os~z,J. ed unanimously In omne~tion with Ccmmunicatlons !1o,. 2 and 3, and on the ~tion jf AId. ed u ae~b . on , i 'F Tj~..d ov~er f~om l~evious meetings '- No. 403 (1946 ~le) - Nia~a P~ O~sion - ~q~s~in~ eons~me~lon of side- m~ on ~r~lon of Cl~n ~. 0~ on ~he ~tion of ~. F~ aid ~ ~ eomiea~on ~ uecived ~ filed~ a~ the ~rk ~er~en. ~nt ms rode by ~d. ~ite a~ G.Do~d that the mtt~ ~ l~d ~ t~ ta~e for t~ ~s a~ the rumbas ~ co~cil ~ve an op~t~lty to ~ew t~ l~atlon ~d aseert~n w~t work Is centsplated ~d w~ch mte~al is advlsa~e. ~ ~end- rant to the ~e,a~t w~ rode by ~. ~Be~ ~d ~c~er that the Cit~ ~p~t ~ adored ~ a~t .~ l~d, ~th ~end~uts we~ d~eated. ~E Rep~ No. No. 493 (1946 .eile)- Cities-Service Incinerator Co. - re garbage disl~sal. OIlD- E on the motion of Aid. Frank and ltaw~tns that the ccmmnication be received and laid on the table for one week and tba new members of Council receive a copy of the same for stud~. No. 498 {1946 File} - ~ of Police Comndsxic~ers - requesting grant for three new police ears. 0F~D on the motion of Ali. Ibite and Frank that the totter be zeferred to the Equilaent Committee to consider the desirability of pxr~hasing three now ears, and that tenders be called fc~ the same. A prior motion was made by Aid. Miller and MacDonald that the Council approlmiete sufficient fUnds to place these Oars, but the motion was defeated,. No. 511 (1946 File) - Departsent c~ Planning and Develo!ment - re proposed ity planning conference. 0T~)EI~E~ on the motion of Ald. I~xtte and Miller that Ald. l~ckner and the- City Manager, and Hie Worship Me~or Rouck, if possible, attend . the metin~; and tba ccnmunication be received ~-d laid m the table.. Ro. 516 (1946 File ) - ;N_nior Chamber or Comeco - requestln~ openlag or =olley Cut to traffic. 01~ERED on the motion of AId. Frank and Hawkins that the enmm-- loution be received and riled. No. 490,1946 File) - Fact Finding Cnmm4ttoe . re child, youth and adult recreat- ion. 0~)EKED on the motion of AM. Bucknar and Donald that His Worship Mayc~ Houok be given the privilege of aPl~inting a COmmittee to go into this matter with committees from other muntcilmlities, and report back to Council before an~ action is taken. His Worship MaTer Honok appointed AId. 9/ok~er, Donald ~d Hawkins as the committee for this purpose. ~ following Ccaamn~catione were pro seated: No..l - His Worship MaFor W.L.Houck - rision. 01~nx~D on the motion of Ald. appointing representative on Court of Rev- W~ite and Miller that the eommmioation he eeeived and adol~ei. . letion ln~grem. 0I~I~ED on the motion of AId. W~ite and Millsr that we app,~e of the p~c~am with reference to inotallatic~; and that the ccammioations be . laid on the table for one reek for further eonsideratim, Portietxlarly with ref. erenee to figures, A lmior motion wee made by Aid, G,Donald and F~--k that the be sent to His Worship and he be advised that CounCil has already accepted an in- vACation which w~lald make it impossible for them to accept this one. No. 7 - ~unlor n1~m~er of Commerce - invitation to civic night. 01~ERED on ~e ~tion of ~d. ~ ~ ~c~d t~t the c~ca~on be received ~d filed, ~d t~ very ~nd invitation be accep~d. REPORTS laid over f~cm previous meetings: No. 238 {1946 File) - City Manager - re sidewalk on Clifton Hill. 0RD]~ED on the motion of Ald. Frank aml MacDonald that the report be adopted and the work under- taken. An amendment was made by AId. 1~lite and G.Donald that the matter be lead on the table for two weeks and the members of Council given an opl~rtunlty to view the lneation and ascertain what work is contemplated end which material is avail- able. An amendment to the amendment was made by Ald. Miller and ]]a/chcr that the City Hanager's report be adopted and asphalt be' liad. Both amendments wore clef- eated, No. 283 (1946 File) - City Munager - re aecQmm~iation in the City Hall. No. ~-93(1946 File) - City MaregeT - re incinerator and dump facilities for City. No. 294 (1946 File ) - City Manager - re estimated cost of works over ten-year per- led. OI~DERED on the motion of Aid. Bucknet and Frank that the reports be laid on the table for further COnsideration. No. 305 (1946 File) - City Manager - re tenders submitted for construction of com- fort station. 0EDE~D on the motion of Ald. (}.Donald and Frank that a committee be appointed to consider with the City Manager, and report to Council, as to what action would be in the bast lntere*.a of the nmmicipality, and whether it would be pos=4ble to erect one building to a~commodate the branch library, branch police station and a comfort station at the south end of the city. i~RTHER 0EDERED on the motion of AId. (;.Donald and White that the cheque, SUbmitted by the Zimmerman Coustruction Compauy, be returned to them. An amendment was submitted by AId. Miller and MacDonald that the deposit cheque be ze~urned to the Zimmerman Constr- motion co~lmn~ and a committee ha appointed to appear before the 0aterio Municipal Board fCT permission to use the $10,0(30.00 for the erection of one station, and that tee balance he drawn from the current budget. This motion was defeated. The following Reports wore pre~entod: No. 1 - City Clerk - reCOmmending issuance ~ licenoes. 0~E~R~D on the motion of AId. Fm-~ and Miller that the report be received and adopted. Be. 2 - Olty Clerk --recommending refund of poll tax. Ol~u on the wTAon of Ald. Bucknet and MacDonald that the reDoft be received and adopted. The following Resolutions were ix, seed: Not 13 - BU(EMER - G.DONALD - RFa0T-V~n that the City Clerk he anthorizod to as- -- oarruin whether it would be possible to arrange for a eeremon~ in the City Hall at which ti~o looul residents would receive'their 0anadian citizen-htp papers; No. 4 - T~nsht ot Stealoral on the mot40n o~ - ommt room factlibra, not n~w required. OI~E~D and the Seal of the Cc~poratlon be hereto affixed. Ald. Miller and Meal)maid that the conummieation he received and filed. "' Ca~x!ed unanimousl~ FRA~ - RESaLVED that the City 0lark be authorized to obtain to the use of ~he playglounds st M~aple Street and -~imooe Street schools for the operation of c~tdcor skating rinks; and tl~ 8eel of the Cc~poratAon be herato af- fixed. Carx.~A. sd .unanimo~xsl~ The following l~-law w~s presented fc~ the ~hird read~ug: No. 396_~_ = For licensing, regulating and governing tourist camps and trailer camps, for designating areas c~ l_~n_d to be used as tourist camps or trailer camps, ~d for prohibiting the use of other land for such pUr- It was o~ered on the motion of AId. Miller and F~nk that the by-law be laid on the table for one week to give the new ~m..~.~s of Council an opportunity ~f asqusinting thenselves with the prowlsices. Tho follow~ug ~y-laws were passed: No. 3974 -.To appoint rambars c~ the Court of Rewisicn for the City of Niagara Falls fc~ t~e year 1947. 0~ERED on the mott~ of ~tld. White and M~llar that Ald. ~ckner be given the privilege of introducing the by-law,. and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unan~sly. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. ~ite and G.Donald that the name of William Delaney he inserted in the by-law, that l~le ~6 (2) of t~e 8t~ding l~xlos C~ Council be susl~ded and the by-law given the second reading - Carried Third reading - Aid. Frank and MacDonald - Carried l~o. ~75 - To provide for the appointment of a Hospitals'Officer. 0~DEi~ on the m~tlon of Aid. Donald ~d B~kner that Ald. Frank ha gives tbe privilege of intloduoing the by-law an~ the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. ' It was ordered on the motton of Ald. MiLler and MacDOnald that l~Xls S6 (2) of the Stauding Rules ~ ~1 ~ s~ ~ ~ by-hw:~lv~ ~e see~ ~ - ~ au~o~e t~ execution ~ ~ ~eent f~ Sa~e ~ Deed.. 01~EI~ on the motion of AId. Haoknez, and White ttat AId. ~glllar given the priv~lege of i~x~duoing the by-laws and the b~-law be read ~be firs~ It ~ ~4e~d ~ ~e motion of ~d. ~d ~4 ~te t~ ~ 36 (2) ~ ~e ~ ~es ~ C~i ~ s~ed ~ ~e ~-hw given ~ see~d ~d~ - ~r~d ~t~ly. - ~hix~ x~ading - Aid. Hawkins and Donald . Carzied unanimously. ' ;'" '~' ~.~ - To authorize the execution of an A~eaont fo~ Sale an~ Deed. :.. C~I~ on the motion or Aid. Mxtts and MacDonald that ~. ~lle ~ ~ven the P~I~ of i~Uol~ t~ bY-~ws.~d ~e:b~laW be ~ ~.fi~st l~ m crder~ on ~e motion of ~, ~k a~ ~r t~ ~e ~6 Third reading -Ald. Frank and Donald - Carried unanimously. No. 3978 - To authorize the execution of a Deed. 0~D~j~D on the motion of Aid. Donald and Hawkins that Aid. Miller be given the p~ivilege of int~oducin~ the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unamimously. It was c~dered on the motion of Aid. White and B~ckner tkat Rule 36 (2) the Standing Rules of Council ~e suspended and the by-law given the second reqding - Carried unanimously. Third :ending - Aid. Donald and Hawkins - Carried unanimously. ~he followin~ ~y-law was given the first end second readings: No. 3979 - To raise by way of loan the sum of $40,000.00 for the pArchase of a site for a branch library and the e~ection thereon of a branch library building in the 01ty of Niagara Falls, and to provide for the issue of debentures of the said City therefor. 019E~ on the motion of ~ld. Frank and Donald that Aid. Miller he given the privilege of introducing the by-law, a~d the by-law he mad the first tame - Carried unanimc~sly. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. Frank and MacDonald that Rule 86 (2) c~ the 8tending Rules of Conncil be suspended and the by-law given the 8ec- end roading- Carried unanimously. It was c~dered on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the by- law be fox~ed to the Ontario !~micipal Ecard for approval, and the l~xblic Lib- · ary t~d be asked to include the proposed location of the library when the by- law is sUbndtted. ~ Counsil adJoux~xed on the motion of Aid. Denald end Miller. I~ A~D AD0r£m~, 13 Yanksty, 1947. · Mayor Oennoil 6 ~nuatT, 1947. T~ Fin'nee Committee met on Mesaday, 6,~'e~axT, 1947, for ~ p~pose ~ a~ ~ gee ~ ~ssl~ ~e ~ous ~c~n~s w~ch ~d ~en ~ly esr~fied ~d pheed ~fom t~m. ~ m2b~ ~ the ~ttee w~e present. ~ aeo~$s were~*~p~oved by ~he C~mmdt~e, ~n~ng to $5,657,52, The acoo~nte submitted, being 9xssed or otherwise dealt with, were c~- doted placed in the money by-law for presentntion to the City Council, on the mot- ion of Ald. Miller and l~Ackn~r. The statement of tax collections as at 31st December, 1946, was lmes- ented. It was ordered on the notion of AId. Mill; and MacDonald ~hat the state- mont be received and filed. The statement of relief for ~e month of Deoemb~, 1946, wan iresented. was ordered on the m~tion of Aid. ~xite and l~ekner that the statement be rec- kwed and filed. Committee adJotmned on the motion of Ald. Donald s~d White. READ AND ADOi~D,, 13 ~anuary, 19~7, Clerk Finance Cotmoil n~mber, ' 6 ~unua~y, 1947. TI~ Cc~nsil re-assembled at the ~lcse of the regular ec~ncil and fin-, ~ a~e meetings, fc~ the purpose c~ passi~ the money by-law whieh covered the emnts approved by the Cca~ttee, and for the considention of other business. All mmbe~s of the Council were present. · M~. M.Barto addresSed the Couseil in eonneetion. with the request of the · I~2C~TIC~6 ?he following ~saelutims waee passed: the Corporation be hereto affixed. The following By-law was passed: No, 39._~ - To ~rant Monies fcer General Purposes. It wan ordered on the motion of Ald. White and MacDonald that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introdueing the by-law, and the by-law he read the first time - Carried unanimously. It wan ordered on the moti~ ~f AId. Donald an Miller that th~le 36 of the Standing RUles of Council be susl~nded and the by-law given the second reading - C~rried ~uanlmously. ~lrd reading - AId. White and MaoDonald - Carried ununimoualy. ~xe Council adieurind on the motion of Ald. i~ite and Miller. lqEAD AND ADOt~ED, 13 ~anuary, 1947. M~or Cmm~L1 Chamber, 13 ~auue,--~y, 1947. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Mondey, 13 Yan- uary, 1947, for the purpose c~ considering general business and finance. ~ mem- bers ~ the Council, with the exception of Ald. ;.G.White, were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adolDted these an the motion of Aid. J&oDonald and Frank. In connection with Communications l~bers 2 and 3, Mr. ;.A.Wi3_tJnmeon, Manager cf the Niagara Falls H~im-Eloctrie Commission, addressed Ocunoll. Mr. Williamsos discussed with the members the method of financing street lighting ~oets, as adopted by the C~m~-~Lon. ~x~ Co~munications No. 2 and Laid over fma previews metin~s: No. 490 (1946 File) - Fast Finding Committee - re child, y(xlth and adult recreat- ion. 0I~3ZR~D an the motion of Aid. O.Don~ld and 1~ that the o~,~nmuleation he received and filed, ant the C~e~4ttee be appointed. ~EE lieport No. 8 .o. ,. 19. Filel - .ti..-Ser,i. :,-inereto, DO.. re XR]) on the motion of/LId. C, oDonald and Fitnk that the ~om3mnicatton he roeaired f and lled until. a relx~t has been ree~ved frm.the City Nanagate No. 495 (1946 File) - 9oerd ~ Police' Coaxtasicner8 - requesting f,,r~s for pe~. chase c~ three ears. 0RDEI~ on the motic~ c~ Aid. MacDonald and Hawk,n- that ecemunicatien be received and filed, and fUnds be lrovided fc~ the PArchase of three ears, No, 2 - ~lro-X/eotrie Constestes of Nta~s_-~x Falls . m Glen~ ~g~tn~. 1~ ~m. ~ ~ ~e ~tm ~ ~. G.Don~d ~d ~lle~ that a ~ttee ~ a~l~ by me Wom~p ~r H~eM, to ~et t~ Co~ssl~ ~d b~ng ~ a- ~ ~O ~ty ~ge~ fo~ ~ateve aetlm ~ PoeBible. . . .... 0RD]~ on the motion of ~ld. Buckmet and Miller that the cornsanitation be rec- eived and referred to the Cheir~an of the Finance Committee. No. 1~ - H~dro-Eleetric CommAeel c~. of Niagara Falls - requesting appr~al of Com- missioners' salaries. 0~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and B~ckner that the CommUnication be received and filed, and the salaries be approved. No. 13 - South End Athletic Club - requesting l~rmission to use Popla~ Park club- house. Oi~]~ED on the motion of j~.d. Miller and Drmald that the Club be permitted to use the building, with the stipulation that the building will be kept in good repair. A prior motion ~,xs m~e by Aid. F~ank end M~eDonald that the request be re~exTed to the City ~an.~ar for a report, but this motion was defeated. No. 14 - Nedieal Officer of Health - re boarders -nd patients in Hospital. 0~)- EP~ on the motion of Ald. Bucknor and Fmn~ that the communication he received, and the City Clerk communicate with the County Clerk to ascertain what .action is intended in this matter, and a report he made to Council thereon. No. 15 - Reverend Dr. William Fingland - re council's attendance at divine ser- vice. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Frank end Hawkins that the conmmmication be received and filed. No. 16 - Department of i/~nteil~l Affairs - re exchange of land with Bcerd of Ed- ucation. CBDERED on the motion of Ald. G.Doneld and Miller that the comic at- ion be received and filed. SXE Rel~rt No.. 5 No. 17 - Niagara Falls General Hospital - Invitetim to dinner meeting. (RDERED on the motion of Ald. Fra,~ and Haw~_-_n that the .commUnication be received and filed, and as many mashers of CoUncil as possible attend the meeting. No. 18 - Delartment of Planning .rd Development - re proposed subidivision of Township lots. 0RDEI~D on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald that the eom- mnnioation be reoaived and filed, and the plan be approved. u~.:. Repo~t No. 6 No. ~9 - Department of Planning and Develolment - re change in Blanche subdivision plan. CRDr~D on the motion of Ald. Miller and Buokne~ that the communication be received a~ filed, and the ohe~ge be aplmaved. ~u~ Report No.., 7 lqo. ~.0 - Department of te,-~ci~al Affairs - re grants ar land to armed foreea, 3eg- ions, eta. 01~ on the. motion of Ald. Donald end treknet that the communicat- ion be racefred and filed, No. ~1 - Consumers, Confex~moe - onelosing resolution re meat shortage and prices. 0RDE/~ On the motion of Ald. DoP-,l d and MacDonald that the oOmrm~hioa~icn he leo- sired and filed, ani tbe resolution he endorsed, No, 22 - Nisaera Public Librely - ~e suggestion of o~ bufid~g for libm~, ~l- ice station ~d ~blie layattiCs. 0~ ~ the ~ion of ~. Do~d ~d ~-l- let ~at the eomm~eation be mo~v~ a~ filed, and t~ ~im~ ~ ~e ~ "'~ ~i~ ~ ~ ~e C~ttee of ~e ~ ~ $o discus t~s m~e~. ~0~S : ' ' ~he followi~ blx)X~s were presented: No. 3 - City Manager - stagesring formatlou of Recreation CommAtree. ORDF, RED on ~he m~ion or ~. Do~d ~d ymn~ t~t t~ re~rt ~ ~m~ed ~d filed, ~ ,~ b~es eo~ern~ 'be Mked ,~0 ap~int .~et~ rapesedatives, r.s,,..,,,.,in,, ,,.,,o....on fo,, ...ol-i. o.,,.. MxeDonald ax:d Hawk/.ne that the report be z,eeaived and odeprod, and the f~nae he l~orlded fo~ the Ix~ehase of three oars. I;o. 5 - Oitx Solicitor - re exohen;e of land wi~h Board of Xducation. ~DX~D on the motion of Aid, Donald end Miller that the report be received sad referred to the Property Committee for the preparation ~ the necessary by-laws, No, 6 - City Manager - recommending approFal of revised plan, 0IDEI~D on the mot- ion of AId, MacDonald and Donald that the report he received .and adopted, No. ? - City Manager - ~ecommending approval of revised plan. Oi~D~t~D on the mot- ion of Aid, Miller and l~Ackner that the repO~ be received and the recomseadation he adopted, lio, 8 - Dairy Inspector - report f(m month of Decenber, 1946, 01~ERED on the mot- ion of Aid, Frank and Hawkins that the xeport he received and filed, No, 9 - City Manager - reques~Lng pexm~ssion to attend meeting in Toronto, 01~- SEED on the motion of AId. Frank and MacDonald that the -lopoft be received and filed, and perulesion be granted, No, 10 - City Clerk - re Liquor T-4CsaCe ACt, 1945, 01~EI~D on the motion of AId, Donald and 9~or that the report be received ani referred to the ~ of Pol- ice Commissioners, No. 11 - City Clerk - re resignation of Miss Nancy y~m~s. OffERED on the motlal of Aid. MacDonald and Donald that the report be received end filed, the Clerk be given permissic~ to advertise for a new clerk and power to select a suitable ap- plicant; and a letter c~ appreciation be forwarded to Miss Yamas fc~ her services. I~o. 1~- - City Cler~ - recommending issuance of licenoes. ORDEI~D on the motion ~ld, F~aak and Hawkins that the report be received end the x~coane~dation *be ad- opted, No. 13 - City Clerk - submitting licenses not fully aplmowed, (~I~ED on the' mot- ion of AId, Miller and Hawkins that the two applicaticae fc~ liceaces to operate chip wagons, dxich have been signed, -be issued; and the one which has not been signed be referred to the Chief cf Police for a report; alen that the Chief be asked to eoforoe the traffic regulations with renl~ct to these vehicles, 01tDs~m on the motion of Aid, Donald and Hawkins that the matter of the opemxtion of chip wagons on the city streets be referred to the Traffic Committee fce~ a ~ec- caendations, 0E)Et~ on the notion cf AId, DonA1 d end Hawkins that the 9oard of Police Coalaissioners be asked for a report as to why the aplll~oat, tons fX~om Ienn- u~zelli and Borelit have not been approved, 1~o, 14 - City Meager - re request fc~ gnm(;e license at i~ 8~anley Aveflue, OR- hxm~ on the ~otion of AId, Miller and Ma~l}onald that the lapoft la xeooiwed and filed, and t~e reoosmeadation be adopted, WIIEREAS thee Ms been an acute shortage of accommodation in this City to meet the demands of the tourist t~ade; and ~HEREAS it is deemed advisable that atewn other than 'public house' be used to describe such premises; I~ IT ~HEI~EFORE F~SOLVED that this C~il ~titi~ t~ Ll~ Lice~e ~d to ~ such pm~ses a h~el cat~o~, that ~ey ~ ~ able to s~ve ~e t~ve~i~ public ~th roo~ by t~ day, s th~ did in ~e ~st; t~t a copy of ~is resolution ~ for~ to the Hon~m~e the AttorneySemi for ~tario; ~ge Robb ~ tM Li~ Authority ~d, ~d to Carl D. H~well, M.P.P., the l~al mem~r of ~e ~gislatm; t~t a ~py ~ sent to the T~ns ~ Fort Erie ~nd 'Ni~a-on-th~L~e ~d the T~ship ~ ~o~, aski~ for ~eir endorsation, accordl~ to ~e~ own 1~ mquir~ents; and t~ Se~ ~ ~e C~poration ~ ~re- to ~f~gd. C~ried No. 19 - ~-~.- ~L~ ~at the pressed by'law, for ~e execution of a de~ to ~e ~d ~ ~uca~on, ~ laid on t~ ~e for a f~er report at ~e ~ mating; a~ t~ Se~ of ~e C~pomtion ~ ~re~ ~fixed. C~e d The followln~ By-law wan presented for the third mndin~: No, 3962 - FC~ lio.ensing, regnlating --d gorefining tourist camps and trailer camps, for designa~ing a~ens of land to be used as tourist camps or trailer camps, and for prohibiting the use of other lend for inch pur- poses, It was ordered on the motion. Of Aid, Frank and MacDonald that the law be lead on the table and copies 6f the report upon the Joint meeting with .the Niagara Parks Commission be made available .to the members Qf C~AnCil, The 'i'ollowin~ By-law was 1Nxssed: 3.981 - To authorize the executic~ of a Bill of Sale by the Bell Telephone Com- 1Nxny of Canada to The Corporation of the City of Niagara Fells, OI~DID~D on the motion of AId, lkc~ner and Donald that Aid, F~enk be given the privilege of in~oducing the by-law, and the by-law be given the first reading- Carried, ~he foilcuing Resolution was l~seed: ' No, 18 - ~ ~. ~, ~e~REAS tAe :l~orA~tel Xagtslat~e enacted a law known as .the x.4~ Liemoo Act of the :1~ovlnee ~ Onthrlo; and under certain fenruben of this Act, premises fQ~marly known as ~e~on 26 ~ ~e said Act ~s ~ ~e in a ~n O~ It was ordered on the motion of Ald, Miller and MoODonald that Rule (2) c~ the ~teadiag Rules of Council be s~tsponded and the by-law read the second tim - Carried. Thx :en Ana - AId. '.,. WkAne. The CorneA1 adJouzned On the motion of AND AD0!~ED, 20 ;anuary, 1947, ~ time a~ a rambet of mob premises located ~n the City of Ntag- ~;~..~,~..~~, lo~e~ ~ , lie 'n~ea~w~m~ma~ their.. m~by ~.~,ek e for ~ ~. ~ .;:.. ~ . ., .~ .... Ald.' DOr~l ~ and l~ekner. eee~e sred the accounts approved by the Committee, All members of the Council, with the excelS ion ¢f AId, White, were l~resento Council Chamber, 13 ~anuary, 1947. The Finance Committee st on Monday, 13 ;anuary, 1947, for the parpose of aplmoving and als0 of pessi~g the vatleas 8ccounte whioh had beeu l~opex. ly cer- tified and placed before them. All members of the Committee, with 'the exoepti cel of AId. White, were present. Sundry .accounts w~e approved by the Committee, amounting to ~s acesants submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed In the money by-la~ for p~eesutstion to the ColAnell, On the motion of Aid. Miller and ~nckner. The report of the City Treasurer, ~equestia~ permission to sell deben~ tures, was presented. It was o~demd on the rotion of AId. MacDonald and Ktllex- thet the ~pert be received and filed, and permission be granted to call fox' t en- dex~ re= the bends. A report was presented by the City Manager, regarding the ~emoval of a building f~om 518 Queen ~treet. It was o~dered on the motion at Aldo ~Lllex'and l~kner that the report be received and adopted. A report was presented f~om the City Manager, recommending the issueaCe of a building permit for work at 1429 MacDonald Avenue. It was c~dered ou the motion c~ Aid. Miller asd MacDonald that the report be received end filed, and the recommendation he 8dol~ed. TI~ following l~-law was passed: No. 398...__~- TO Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was o~lered m the motion c~ Ald. Donald and Bucknor that Ald. Frank be given tbe privilege c~ Introducing the by-law, and the by-law be given the first reading - Carried. It was oxdered on the motion of Aid. Miller and G.Donald that Rule 36 p-) cg the Standing Rule of C~ncil be suspended, and the by-law read the second time - Carried. Third reading- AId. Frank and 'MacDonald. T~ Cou--ll adjourned on the motion c~ Ald. Donald and Hawkins. AND ADOPTID, ~0 ;runuary, 1947. A report was Imesented fron the City i/~--ger, recommsmltng the $ssuance of a building pem~t for 364 Homewood Avenue. It was. c~del. od on the m~i cnef Ald. MacDonald ~d ~AC~nor that the mpo~t be received and adopted, and the ree~ eraserelation be mioptod. The Committee adieurind on the motion ~f AId. Miller ,,,.R_ G.Danald. lEAD AND ADOI~I~), 20 ~anuary, 1947, . CONFERENCE Cottneil Ohamhe~, 13 ;Tanuary, 1947. Ires Confe~unoe Committee ar the City Ccunoll assembled n+. the close of the re~Aler sounell and finsrace meet, tngs m Monday, 13 Iununry, 1947, for the par- peee of ecusidering business placed before them. All n~m~bers of the Committee, with the exesption of Ald, White, ware present. · -"' Afte~ consideration of the matters prosunreal, the C~OO a~mmed ~ the ~t- ' :" ' """,. ,,: , , .-:; . , .. , : . REGUIAR EET~NG Courtell Chamber, ~-0 ;auuary, 1947. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 20 Yan- uary, 1947, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All mem- bers of the Council, with the exception of Aid. lNekner, were present. The Coon- oil, having received and mad the minutes of the ImevioAs meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Frank. COMIaYNICATI ONS ~he follo~g C~m'w~"t cations were presented: No. ~3 - Bce~ of Police Commissioners - re Liquor Lierace Act, 1946. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. G.Donald and Miller that the communication be received and the agreement be signed by the proper authorities, ~ Report No. 10 No. 24 - Hone-fable Attorney-General for Ontario - re re-classification of hotels. OI~F~D on the motion of Aid. Miller end MacDonald that the communication be rec- eived and laid on the table, and information be obtained from the local hotels as to the aceom~odation for tourists wfiich has been available in the past; and the same lnfomation be forwarded to the Attorney-General. No. 25 - Thistle Chapter, O.E.~. - requesting pexmiesion for tag day. OH)EEED on the motion of Aid. G.Donald and MAiler that the per~tssion be granted. No. ~-6 - Rose Dunkslean Chapter - requesting pomismi~u for tag day. O~d)~E~D on the roution of Aid. MacDonald and ffawkAns that permission be gnanted. No. 27 - B~itish Sailors, ~oolety - requesting permission for tag day. ORDERED on the notion of Aid. G.Donald and White that the communication he received and filed. No. 28 - City Clerk. Lo~don - resolution re Part III of Voters, Lists. OI~ED ' on the motion of Ald. White and G.Dcnald that the oomn,niCation be received and the resolution be endorsed pro;lding the same is amended to apply to Urbanre,hie. ilmlities only. No. ~-9 - MAage~a Falls Optimist Air Cadets - requesting grant for 1947. Ot~D on the motion of Aid. Miller and MacDonald that the' orem-nt oation be received and referred to the I)Adget committee. No. 30 - Health League of Canada - appeal for funds. C~DEI~ED on the motion of Ald. Donald and MAiler that the ccenmxnAcat~on be ~eeeived and refexTed to the bxd6et Committee. No. 31 - Canadian Citizenship Branch ~ re citizenship eermenonies. ORDEI~I~ on t~e motion of AId. Donald and White that he commnnieation be reendVed and laid on the table, and the' l~An~h be asked that they consider this Cit~ as a olieation fo~ the next earearnS. ~ No. ~- - E.A,Ho~on 2ales Oom~y. experisnoe wdth Dual paT~g ~ters, 0~ ~ ~e ~lon of ~d. ~te ~d ~on~d C~t 'the occasion be mo~ve~ and filed. No. 5 - City Solicitor - re transfer of lends with Board of Education. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. G.Donald and White that the report be received and filed. ~ Report No. 15 No. 10 - City Clerk - re Liquor Licelee Act, 1946. O~)ERED on the motion of Ald. G.Dcnald and Miller that the report be received and filed, and the agreement be signed with the proper authorities. No. 13 - City Clerk - re licences not approved. 0IOER~j~ on the motion of Ald. MacDonald anl Frank that the ~eport be received and filed. ~ .Reports NR. 16~ 1~, 1~ The following Reports were presented: No. 15 - Property Committee - re price to ~e set on lots. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and White that the recommendation be adopted. No. 16 - Board cf Police Commissioners - reports on licenee applications to be made by Chief Constable. 0RDERs~ on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Frank that the report ha received and filed. No. lV - Chief Constable M.D.Tiadale - re application for d~p wagon licenee. 0R- D~t~D on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Frank that the application be filed, sad no action taken. No. 18 - Chief Constable M.D.Tisdale - applications of Iannuzzelli end Dorelli. 0EDE~ on the motion of Aid. Miller and Hawkins that the report be received and referred to the Conference Committee f~r consideration. No. 19 - City Clerk - re conference held on ~anuary 13th. Oi~ERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins that the report be received and filed. No. 20 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenoes. 0t~)ERED on the motion of Aid, Frank and White that the report be adopted aml the licelees be granted. No. R1 - City M-n~ger ~ recommending approval of change in route ~ b~s. 0N)ERED on the motion of Aid. C.Doneld and White that the recommendation be adopted, and the Traffic Committee report on the request of the CaNadian National Electric Eallways. I~ES0I~IX ON The followi~ Resolution was Passed: No. ~0 --!IIlAER - FRANE ~ ;ESOLVED that the Traffic Commit See be asked to report upon the parki~g conditions on the south side of Ferry Street from Sylvia Place easterly to 1764 Fe~x7 Street; and the 8eel of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried h following By-laws were PasSed: ~- le~ licensing, re~xlating and governing tourist camps and trailer camps, for designating areas of land to be used as tourist camps and t~ailer Qamps, and for l~ohibiting the use of other land for'such pur- lssea. It was oMe~ed on the motion of Aid. Frank and Donald .that '~he xeport of the City Manager of 18 Marsh, 1946, be ~ead, 7nh~ ~ea4tng -Ald. MacDonald and Mille~- Ca~x~Aed, ~ - To authc~ize the execution of a Deed, : 'Xt was o~dered on ~he motion of Aid, White en~ Donald that Ald. Fmuk be given the privilege of introducing the by-laws and the by-law given the first reading - Carried. It was ordered on the motl on of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2} of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law read the second tim - Carried. Third readin~ - Aid. Donald aul Mawk~ns, Carried. No. 3984 - To authorize .the borrowing of $~-00,000.00, It was sidered on the motion of Ald. MiLler and Hawkins that Ald. Frank ~e given the privilege or introducing the by-laws and the by-law read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Aldo Donald and Miller that Rule 36 (~-) of the Stan4ing ~ules of Council be suspended and the by-law given the second reading - Carried. Third reading - AId. White and MacDonald - Carried. MISCELLANEOUS AId. White spoke about the condition on o~x~ain streets ~fiere ice is still lying in the gutters, and suggested that action should be taken to open up the catach basins as soon a8 possible. The Council adjctt~ned on the motion of Aid. White 'an~ Donald. AND AD(I~T~D, 27 Jauuamy, 1947. · Council Chamber, 20 .~anuary, 1947o The Finches Cossdttee met on M~nday, 20 ~anuary, 1949, fo~ the pttt~pos® tion ~f Aid. ~kner, were present. , he seep- S~ndry accounts were aPPr~ved by ~he Committee, amounting to $5,13~.27. ~e seaousts submitted, ~eAI~ l~sse~ o~ othexwise.dealt with, ~e ord- ered placed in the m~ney by-law fc~ presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Miller and Donald. The summary of tax arrears as at 31st December, 1946, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. G.Donald and Miller that the statement be rec- eived and laid on the table. A canmunicatlon was presented from the Del~rtment of Public Welfare re changes and amendments in relief regulations. OtgERED on the motion of Ald. and L~xcDonald that the commAtnication be received and referred to the Relief Admin- istrator for a report. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending that a build- ing permit be issued for 1365 Ferry Street. It was ordered on the nEtion of Ald. White and Miller that the report be received and adopted. An offer was presented from A.Zafeeris for the concession at Oak~s Park for the current season. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of AId. MacDonald and Hie Worship M~yor Houck the communication was received and laid on the table, inasmuch as it is the itention of Council ~o caLl for tenders for this concession. An c~fer was presented from W.R.Phillips of $75.00 for the purchase Of I~t 47, Plan ~7, Cedar Street. Upon the recamnendati on of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Miller it was ordered that the offer be received and laid on the table, and Mr. Phillips be advised the priceOf the lot is $100.00 with the understanding that a dwelling of at least $5,000.00 value is erected thereon within six months. An offer was presented from E.H.Winn of $1,000.00 for the westerly 25 feet ef Lot 6, Block T, Plan 35, Queen street. Upon the recommendation of the Px~perty Committee and on the motion of Ald. Miller and ~hite it was ordered that the offer be accepted, subject to the condition that a suitable two-storey build- ing is erected thereon within six months.. The report of the Property Committee, upon the above matters, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Miller and White that the x~port be received and filed. ~e. Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Miller and White. READ AND ADOPTED, 27 Iauuary, 1947. alarm · Chairman of Finance GOUNOIL MEETIN~ Council Ch~nber, 20 Yanu~y, 1947. The Cc~xncil re-assembled at the close of the re6u]ar council and finance meetings £or the lxtrpose of pessin6 the money by-law which covered the accounts epproved by the Committee, All members cf the Council, with the exception of Ald. B/ekn~rt weEe present. The followin~ By-law was .;es_sed: }.',;~. 3. .9~5 - To G~nt Monies for C, eners/PurI~ses. It was cTdered on the motion of Aid. Miller e~d White th~t ~ld. Frank be ~lven the Wivilege of introducl~ the by-law, anl the by-law be ~iven the first z~edlng- Cartled. It was elsiered on the motion of Aid. White end ~awklns that Rule 36 (~.) of the Stundtn~ Rules of Council be suspended, and the by-law re~d the second time- Ca~riedo ~hlrd reading - Aid. Done/d end White - Carried. The follo~ln~ Resolutions were ~essed: No. ~.1 - FRM~ - MeoDONALD - RESOLVED that ~s W~ship ~or Houck be ~d appoint e e~ttee f~m the C~ncil to select a ~l~ble ~ot~aph of ~s, ~be ~ to be p~ced ~n the C~nc~l ~ber; ~d ~e ~ of the Carried rottree. His W~shtp appoi~ed Aid, Donald, M~Donald ~nd l~iwklns as the ecru- No. 22 - BA~.N8 - DONALD - IESOLVED that the City Clerk be Instructed to fcl'wel. d message o5 sympathy ~o' Mr. H.M.Me~qUis, ul~n .the de~th of his wife; end the Seal the Corl~ra~lon be halite affixed. ~ried No, ~-3 - MacDONALD - ~8I~ - I~aQLVED that the eo~t~e, for~rly ep~tn~d, ~et ~h ~he ~perty C~ttee ~ the NI~a Fa~s eatton of a b~n~h libm~ a~ tM eelsolon of e s~table sA~ ~e ~ ~ the Co~o~ation be h~eto ~ed, ~ Co~cil adjoined on the motion of ~d. ~k a~ ~ ~ ~0~, 27 ~ ~, 1947. ' ' C0m~Fa~NCE Ccunsi 1 Ch~uber, 20 ~nuar~, 1947. The Conference Committee Of the City Council assembled at the close of the re6ular council and finance meetings on Monday, ~0 ~'anuary, 194?, for the pur- l~se of cousidering the business placed before them. All members of the Committee, with .the exception u[ Ald. Bucknet, were present. After considex~xtion of the matters t~esented, the Committee adjourned on the mot- ion of Aid. Miller and Douald. AND ADOPTED, 27 ~anuary, 1947. 0hal rman 30 i:' REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, 2'/Yanuary, 1947. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7,30 p,m. on Monday, 27 Yan- uary, 1947, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the Irevious meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid. Frank and Hawktim. DEPUTATION Mr. Bedford, representative of the new Radio Station CKVC, to be loc- ated in the City, was present and outlined to the Council the plans Of the Board of Directors of the station for the operation, Tenders had been submitted for the pArChase of $1%000.00 of City of Niagara Falls Debentures, to be issued February 15, 1947, at tw and one-half per cent, payable ~ver a period of five years. On the motion of Ald. ~ite and Frank the tenders were opened, read and tabulated. ' SEE Finance Meeting C(~M~NIOATI 0NS The following Commanicatlons w.ere l~esented: No. 33 - Albert Iennuzzelll - making new applications for license at 1893 Ferry Street. 01~E~ED on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Donald that Messrs. lannu- zzellt end Frolak be granted lingoes for the premises at 1893 Ferry Street. SEE Report No. 18 No. 34 - Prime Minister or Canada - acknowledging resolution re price controls m meat. 01~I2ED on the ~otion of Ald. Donald ami Frank that the communication be received and flied, No, 35 - Township of 8tamford . aPpointing representative on committee re reO- rcati°nal~director, 0~ERED on the motion of Aid, Hawlane and MacDonald that the c~nmunication be received and laid on the table, ~8:n~~h~equor Licenee Board of 0ntarlo - re x~-slasslfleation of hotels. 0RD- No, 87 - Tomship of Stamford . re re-slasstfication of hotels, Oi~)ERED on the motion of Aid, Donald and Bucknet that the ccx~mAnicstion be received and filed, No. 88 - Town of Fc~t Erie - re re-classification of hotels, ion of AId, Frank and Hawkins that the communisatien 0~E~) on the mot- - be received and filed, :, 39 - Queen Esther ~lrine No, 9 - re tiest ~dtbs motion of Ald, MacDonald and ltAc~nsr ling l~e~mission for tag day, O/DERED pex~nissicn be granted as requested, hat the comaxnication be received erred and 'referred to the ~get and MacDonald that the oo.~ml~.o~ g t. OR- ' ,, .ion bs , No. 41 - Canadian National Institute for the Blind - requesting grant toward special fund. ORDER on the motion of AId. Donald and Hawkins that the commun- ication be received and referred to the Buyer Committee for consideration. NO. 42 - Niagara Falls Music Festival Association - requesting grant. No. 43 - The Salvation my - requestingrant twoard new home and hospital. No. 44 - The Salvation Army - requesting grant toward social work. 0NDERFD on the motion of 'Ald.. Donald and Frank that the communications be received and ref- erred to the Budget Committee for consideration. No. 45 - Niagara Falls Optimist Air Cadet____~s - requesting permission to hold tag day. 0RDEP~D on the motion of Ald. Frank aul B~ckner that the communication be received and filed, and permission be granted for an available date. No. 46 - Yuvemile Court Probation Officer - report on work of Juvenile court. 0R- DEED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Frank that the communication be received and filed. No. 47 - Health League of Canada - requesting issuance of proclamation. ORDERED on the motion of Aid, Frank and MacDonald that the communication be received filed, and the necessary proclamation issued. REi~R~J Laid over from previous meetings: No. 18- Chief Constable - applications c~ Iannuzzelli and Borelli. 0EDERE~ on the motion of AId. MacDonald and Donald that the report he received and filed. No. ~1 - City Manager - re re-routing of bus. (RDERED on the motion of Aid. Don- aid and MacDonald that the rapeft be received and filed. No. P~ - Traffic Committee - reoo~mem~ationa re operation ~ bus and chip wagons. ORDERED on the metion of AId. Donald and MacDonald that the report Ue received and t~e rscCmua~datlons ~e adopted. No, ~-3.- City Clerk - re conference held on Yanuary 20th, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Frank and Hawkins that the reDoft be received and adopted, No. 24 - City Clerk - recc~usmiing hiring of switchboard operator and clerk. 0R- DRIED on the motion of Aid. White and Frank that the report-be received and the recommendation be adopted. No, 25 - City 0lark - re mating with Board of Police Commissioners, 0RD. ERED on the motion of Aid, Donald and Frank that the report be received and the 0curtnil meet tt~ Board on t~Aesday, llth February at 3,00 p,m, Ha, 26- City of Aid, Frank be issued, Clerk - recommending issuance of lic~ncas, 0~DEEED on the motion and Donald that the rapo~t be received and.adopted, and the licenoes No. 27 - gary clerk -lresentin~ application for liesnee not approved. 0RDBF~D on the motion of Aid, MacDonald and White that the rapor~ be reeeived and filed, and the lieanne ~e not. g~anted, No. 28 - Assessor - re convention of ansessc~s. CRD~ on the notion of Aid. Frank and Miller that the rapeft be re, sired and filed, and the assessor be auth- Orized to attend the ccalvention. RESOLUTIONS ,,~'~.e following ResolUtions were Inssad: - 'i No. 24 - M~tITE - DONALD -'RESOLVED that the City Manager be instructed to take the neces~ar'y steps to have the Canada Coach Lines Limited buses removed from the vicinity of dwellings on the Old Market Square, whore they are creating a nuis- ance; an.d the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously No. 25 - DONALD - WHITE - P~SOLVED that the City Manager ~e asked to notify the Canada Coach Lines Limited to cease using Bridge Street as an approach to the parking lot at the corner of Clifton Avenue, that buses use ml approach on Clifton Avenue only; a~d the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 26 - DONALD - MacDONALD - RESOLVED that a message of congratulation be for- warded to Mr. ami Mrs. E.E.Fraser upon the celebration of their sixtieth w~dding anniversary; and the Seal of the Carporation be hereto affixed. Carried .upanimously No. 27 - WHITE - MI~R - RESOLVED that the City Council approve of the action of His Warship Mayor Houck in appointing Alderman Grant Donald as enacting m~or on Wednesday and Thursday, ;anuary ~9th and 30th, 1947, during the absence of His Worship from the City; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously The following By-laws were passed: No. 392...____~9 - To ~alse, by way of loan, the sum of $40,000,00 for the purchase of a site for a branch library and the erection thereon of a branch library building in the City of Niagara Falls, and to prowide for the issue c~ debentures of the said City therefor. Third readih~ -Ald. Domald and MaCDonald - Carried unanimously. No. 398._.~6 - To authorize the antering into and t~e execution of an Agreement with ~ne Liquor Liemoo Board ar Ohtario. It was ordered on the motion of AId. i~ite and Buckmr tl~t Ald. Mi~3~_r he given the privilege or introducing the by-law, and the by-law be given the ~= first rending - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion or AId. Frank and Donald that Rule 36 (~) of the Standing l~ules of Council be sospealed and the by-law read the second time - Carried unanimously. Third reading ~ Ald. Donald and MacDonald - Carried ~na~tm0ttsly. C0K~ATUIATI 0NS Congratulations were extended by the menbets of the City Council to His Worship and Mrs. W.L.Houck upon the celebration of their thirtieth wedding anniV- The Council adJoOrned On the motion of Ald. White aml MacDOnald. I~'AND ADOPTS, ~ February,: 1946. · Clerk FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 27 January, 1947. The Finance Committee met on Mondey. 27 January, 1947, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts ~hich had been properly certified and placed*before them. All members of the Committee were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to $24,257.14. The accounts approved, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Aid. Miller and Donald. The communication from the Department of PubLic Welfare, containing new regulations ~th reference to relief allowances, as laid o~er from the previous meeting, was considered, together with a report thereon from the Relief Admimis- trator. It was ordered c~ the motion of Aid. Bucknet and Donald that the commun- ication and report be received and filed. An offer was presented from Saverio Falvo for the easterly twenty-five feet of Lot 5, Block T, Plan ~5, Queen Street for $1,000.00. Upon the recommend- ation of the Property. Committee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald it was ordered that the offer be received and laid on the table and Mr. Falvo advised Council are prepared to sell the westerly twnty-five feet of this lot for the price submitted, subject to the condition that a suitable t~o-storey building i~ erec- ted thereon within six months. Au offer was presented from Charles Lococo f~r the parchase of ten feet of a lot on Valleyway between Sirocco and Willmort Streets, for $100.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee, and on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald it was ordered that the offer be laid on the table for one waek for further lnvestlgati on. An offer was laressated from H.F.Logan on behalf of Yoseph Pepe for the lot immediately'south of the Rapids Hotel on River Road, for the sum of $600.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Mac Donald and Hawkins it was ox~ered that the offer be resolved and accepted, on the understanding that if sewer facilities are required, Mr. Peps will be expec- ted to bear the coat. An c~fer was presented flora Yohn R. House for the easterly twenty-five feet of Lot 5, Block T, Plan 35, Queen Street for the sum of $1,000.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald it was ordered that the affer be received and accepted, subject tot the condition that a suitable two-storey building is erected on the pieraises within a period of six months. An offer was presented from Alex Doraink for part c~ Lot 6, Plan 653, Stanley Avenue for $150.00. Upon the recommendation cr the Property Conmittee and on the faction of Ald. Donald and White it was ardered that ~he offer be rec- eived and filed, and Mr. Dondntk be advised it would be impossible to convey the Prol~rty to hlm, due to an enc~achment thereon. A eom~oation was presented from the Hermes Club with reference to the purehaas of a lot for storage purposes. Upon the recommendation of the Prop- e~ty Coattee and m the motIOn of His Worship Mayor Eouck and Aid. MacDouald it was ordered that the Club be advised the municipality have no lots available in the vicinity of PoplaP Perk, but a lo~ in the Sixth Avenue area, north of Hem- tlton 8tz~e~, might be considered. A report was presented from the City Manager with reference to the req- uest of Mr. Pattui with x~gard to building on Lots ~2,. 3S and 24, Main ~reet. It was ordered on the motion of AId. l~Ac~er and Donald that, upon the recom'aend- ation ~r the l~pex~y Committee, ~he mat~el' be laid ~ the table to parmit the Committee to view the premises. The repu~t of ~he I~operty Commitsee, upon the above matters, was p~es- ended. I~ wss orde~d on ~he motion ~ ~d. ~o~e~ a~ Donel~ ~hu~ ~he ~ =solved ~ filed. A ~e~rt w~ presented from ~e ~ity ~eas~eT~ Wesentin~ the d~aft b~ce sheet aM the ~venue ~d e~endit~e access as at 31st Decemir, 1946. It ~s ordered on the motion of ~d. Don~d ~d ~ller that the st~te~nts be received ~d laid on t~ table. A report from the City Manager was tresented, recommending the issuance of a building permit for work at 529 Queen Street. It was ordered on the motion Of Aid. White and Bucknet that the report be received and adopted· A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending the issuance of a building permit for work at 557 Erie Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald and Miller that the report be received and adopted. A report was presented f~om the City Manager, recommending the issuance of a sign permit at 1343 Ferry Street. It was oxdered on the motion of Ald. White and Donald that the report be received and adopted. A report was presented from the City Man-~er, recommending the issuance of a building permit for work at 1695 Victoria Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. White and DAckner that the report be received and adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending the issuance of a building permit for work at 1393 Ferry Street. Xt was ordered on the mot- ion of Aid. Donald and B~ckner that the report be received and adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending the issuance of a sign permit for 1329 Ferry Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald, Miller and Donald that the report be received and adopted.. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending the p~rchase of 8t~eet"sig~s....-Xt was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and B~ckner that the report be received and filed, and the City MAn~er be given permission to or- der the balance of the street signs for the City. A tabulation of the tenders, submitted to the Council for the purchase of debentures, was presented by the Oity Manager and City Treasurer. It was or dared on the motion of Ald. Donald end White that the tender of the Imperial Bank of Canada, at a price of $101.16 per $100.00, be accepted. The Committee adjourned on the motion Of Aid. White and Do-n!d. v !~ i IF. AD AND ADOPTED, 3 February, 1947. -------. .;.; . ,' ' "' "" = COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 27 January, 1947. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the money by-law ~hich covered the ac- counts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present. BY-LAW The following By-law was passed: No.. 3987 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was .ordered on the motion of Ald'. White and MacDonald tlmt Ald. Frank be giv~ the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read for the f.irst; time- Carried.unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Buckher.that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended, and the by-law read the second time - Carried unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. B~ckner and Hawkins - Carried unanimously. RE~OLUTIOI~ . The following Resolutions were passed: No. ~8. MII~R - FRA~ - iF~SOLV~n that the City Manager be instructed to commun- icate with the North American Cyanamid Limited ~'ascer~ln w~t pro~ess the Com- ~y is ~t~a~ the alienation of dust and smoke fmm their plant, as out- li~d to the Co~cil in t~ f~l of 19~; and the. ~of ~e 0o~oration be here- ~ ~fimd. ~r~ed Prior to the above resolution, a motion was made by Ald. Donald and ihite that the Council comm!~nicate with the North American Cyanamid Limited to ascertain what progress the Company is making toward the elimination of the dust and smoke nuisance from their plant, as out, lined to ~he Council in the f~l~ o~ 1945; and this motion was defeated. No. 29 - MaoDONAXD - 1~ - RESOLVED that a enm~,Uication be forwarded to the Reverend Dr. William Fi~gland, expressing the appreciation of the 0ity Council for his invitation to attend the divine service at St. Andrew's 0httrch on ~.uday, 26th ~anuary; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Frank and Hawkins. READ AI~ ADOP1ED, 3 February, 1947.. 35 .i FIFTH MEETING' Council Chamber, 3 February, 1947. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 3 Feb- rusty, 1947, for the purpose of considering general business anl finance. All m~nbers of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid. Miller and Hawkins. Tenders had bees called for the rental of the concession at Oakes Park f~ the 1947 season. On the motion of Ald. Frank and Hazkins, the tenders sub- matted ware opened, initialled and read. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the only tender submitted, that of Mrs. R. Biamonte of $125.00, be accepted. C0MM]NIOATI01~ The following Comnmnications were presented: No. 48 - City of London - resolution reimmigration to Canada. ~DEI~ on the mot- ion of Aid. Donald and Miller that the communication be received and laid on the table until forther information is received. No, 49 - R,Blaks Erwin - enclosing Morse-Misener plan and requesting street names, CeaEHED on the motion of Aid. Donald esd Frank that the eomm~.nication be received and laid ou the table for one week, and any members of Council having suggestions as to names for the streets, submit the name to the City Clerk. No. 50 - H~ro-Electrie Power Commission of Ontario - re proposed location of 12 K~ line. C[~DERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and MacDonald that the communication he received and filed, and porelesion granted. -~.E Report No. ~-9 No. 51 - County of Welland - requesting meeting re new agreement. (RE~ on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and l~kner that the cornsAnitation be received and His Wor- ship the Mayor be asked to appoint a committee to meet the County Council commit- tee on the matter. His Worship Ma~or Houck appointed Aid. 'Donald, F~ank, ~xite and the City Solicitor as the committee for this purpose. No. 52 - County of Welland - report of committee re convalescent homes for indig- ent patients. 01~ERED on the motion of Aid. Donald esd Hacknor that the oommun- icati oh be received and filed, and the County Council be advised that this Council w~tld agree to w~atever action they take; and wuld ask that this Cosnell be kept lnfomed on the subject. No. 53 - Niagara Falls Suburban A:ea Comml_ssicn - rel~rt for 1946 and ~equest approprAati m. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Miller and Donald that the esmm,,u- lestion he received and laid on the table until it is seerrained ~hat~will he the contribution of the County of Welland; an~ the matter rsfe~x~d to the Chairman of Finance, · NO. 54 - Xinatte Club - requesting psimission to hold tag day. 01~1~ on the motion of Aid. White and Hawkins that the communioatLon be received and filed, and ~he l~rmission.be ~mn~ed. No, 5D - A.Sawada, B.~aoksan - requesting par2ission to Me 0ekes l~k for boxing. , 01~E~ED on th~ motion of AId. Miller and Donald that the comm,,nication he xeceived and laid on the table for one week; and the City Mana~r and Sul~rintandent of Paths report as to the possibilitF of ~granting the request. ' · No. 56 - Board of Education - name of representative on Recreation Committee. 0R- DEED on the motion of Aid. Donald and Frank that the con~mAnication be received and filed. No. 57 - Ontario Municipal Association - re presentation of brief to Provincial Coyeminent. ORDERED cfi the motion of Aid. Miller and White that the com~unicat- ion be received and filed, and Aid. Donald and Bucknor be the representative of the City Council at the meeting. No. 58 - Local Board of Health - re co~nnxnication dealing with Provincial assist- ance to local Boards of Health. ONDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and ~ite that the communication be received and filed. No. 59 - Local Board of Health - requesting appropriation for assistant public health nurse. 01~3ERED on the motion of Aid. Miller and Buckner that the commun- ication be received and referred for consideration widen the Budget is prepared. No. 60 - Local Board of Health - requesting appropriation for assistant sanitary inspector. 0FOERED on the motion of Ald. Buclmer and White that the communicat- ion be received and referred to the Budget Committee for consideratic~ when the Budget is being prepared. No. 61 - Stamford Minor Hockey Association ' requesting grant. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Aid. White and MiLler that the commmnication be received and referred to the Budget Committee for consideration when the Budget is being prepared. No. 62 - Niagara Frontier Humane Society - requesting grant. CRDERED on the mot- ion of Aid. Donald and White that the communication be received and referred to the Budget Committee for consideration when the Budget is being Irepared. No. 63 - Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce - requesting grant. -~RDERED on the motion of Ald. White and MiLler that the communication be received end referred to the Budget Committee for consideration ~hen the Budget is being prepared~ No. 64 - Niagara Falls Horticultural Society - requesting grant. (RDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Miller that the communication be received and referred to the Budget Committee for consideration when the Budget is being prepared. REPORTS The following Reports were presented: No. ~9 - City Manager - re request of Hydro-Eleotric Power Commission of Ontario to erect pole line. OI~EHED on the motion of Ald. Frank and MacDonald that the report he received and filed, and the recommesdation be adopted. No. 30 - Fire Chief - anm~al report for 1~46. Ot~)Ei~ m the motion of Aid. White end MacDonald that the report be received and laid on the table; t~at any ques- tions arising out of the report be considered at subsequent meetings; that the FAre Chie~ be thanked for the excellout report; and the same be referred Ire the ~get Committee for consideration when the Budget is being prepared. No. 31 - Local Boa:d of Health - annual report for 1946. 0RDEi~ on the motion ~0f Ald. Donald and White that tt~ repor~ he roesired and laid on the table. No. 3~- - City Clerk - re meeting wAth Niagara Falls Public Library B~ard commit- tee re ~anoh library. 01~EI~D on the motion of Ald. l~ank and Douald that the report be received and laid on the table until ftu~her information is re~eived as to how the grant is to be spent. ~o. 33 - City Manage~ - re elimination ~f dust and fuses from North American Cy- anamid Limited plant. 01~Et~D on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and l~ank ~bat '~:the ~eport be received and filed. No, ~4 - City Manager - re repairs necessary to motor at Filtration Plant, ORD- . *E~ on the motion of :Ald. ,Donald andsMiller that-the rel~rt be x~oetved and filed, the work he authorized as recommsnled, and the City Manager advise the. con- cern who made the previous repairs that the work was not satisfactory, aud an ex- planation is desired. No. 35 - City l~na~er - re conference on Com~nnity Planning. OHCF~ED on the mot- ion of ~ld. Miller and Frank that the report be received and filed, and the Com- n~ttee he thanked fc~ the sll~ndid report. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 30 - DONALD - ~tITE - RE~OLVED that the Hencurable George A. Drew, Premier of Ontario; the H"~n~Arable George H. Deccart, Minister of Itighways; and Mr. C.D. ttanniwell, M.P.P for this riding, be comnnmicated with and advised that the Co~n- ell is of the opinion that Suburban Area Commissions sh~Ald be abolished through- out the Province; that copies of this resolution be forwarded to other cities in 0ntax~o, asking for their endorsation; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously No. 31 - MacDONALD - t~CENER - RESOL~ED that the next regular meeting of the City Council he scheduled for 5.00 p.m. on Monday, 10th February; that the Council meet the Village of Chippawa council later that evening for the discussion of the matter of the sale of water to the Village; and the 5eel of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously No. 32 - FRAI~ - MILLER - BESOLVED that His Worship Mayor W.L.Ho~ck be authorized to appoint a Tourist Cnmnittee to meet with the committee of the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce for the discussion of various rottars pertaining ~o tourists in this City; that the Committee keep the Council informed as to their progress; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. · Carried unanimously HAs Worship Ma~or Ho~ck appointed Aid. Hawkins, White sad Miller as this commit- tee. No. ~ - DONALD - FRAME - RESOLVED that this Council appoint, as the incorporated Redreation Coattee for this City, the Committee va~lch has bean apl~inted ionally; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed, ~Arrie~d No, 34 - DOI~ - MacDONAlD - I~ESOLVED that the City Manager be a~pointsd as a ~r of ~e inoor~rat~ Recreation C~ttee fo~ Niag~ ~ls; ~d t~ ~1 ~ S~ Oo~a~on ~ ~reto ~fixed. C~ed ~imusly m~id~atim to ~ ~e~t u~n the advisability ~ ~mit~ng ~g on o~y one side ~ the circles aM emse~ts in ion be hereto ~fixed, .C~ried ~lm~sly ' ' ~ -k;.. ~-~WS ~ - ... The following t~-lawa were passed: NO. 39~ - To amend B~-law Number 3~90, for the re~Alation of ~raffie. It w~ ~er~ on the motion or ~d. given ~ privll~e ~ ~uei~ t~ b~-hw, ~d t~ ~-hw ~ ~v~ t~ firs$ ~a~n~ - Carried ~i~sly. -, ltwas ur4sred m the motion of Aid. Fx~nk and Hawkins tha~ Rule ~6' (8) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law read the second time - Carried unanimously. Third reading -Ald. MacDonald and Miller - C~rried unanimously. No. 398._~9- To regulate the period for taking the assessment of income and busin- ess, separately from that of real _uroperty, the revi.sion nf the roll by the Court of Revision and the County Judge, and also for regulating the time for payment of taxes upon income and business assessments. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. White and MacDonald that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be given the first reading - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law read the second time - Carried u~animously. Third reading -Ald. Frank and MacDonald - Carried unanimously. No. 399__0 - To authorize the execution of a Deed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and B~ckner that Ald. Prank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law. be given the first reading - Carried u~animously. ' It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Bucknet and Miller that Rule 56 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law read the second time - Carried unanimously. Third reading -Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins - Carried unanimously. No. B99.~1 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. It wan ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and White that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be given the first reading - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the ~tion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins that Rule 36 c~ the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law read the second time- Carried unanimously, Third reading - Aid. Donald and l~Ackner - Carried unanimously. No. 599...___~2 - To authorize the execution of an Aguemerit for ~e and Deed. It was cleared on the motion of Ald. Donald and White that ~ld. Fra~ be given the privilege of tmtx~duclng the by-law, and the by-laW be gtv~ the first reading - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of AId, t~Ackner and M~C~mld that Rule 3~ (2) ~ the Standing l~es of Council be suspended and the by-law read .the second time - Carried unanimously. .~hird x~adAng -Ald. MacDonald and Donald - Curried unanimously. ~he Go.until adjourned c~l the rotion.of Ald, White and M~ller, BEAD ~ ~j)Ol~, 10 February, 194V, Gerk Ma~or 39 Council Ohsmber, 3 February, 1947. The Finance Committee mat on Monday, 3, February, 1947, for the purpose of approving and also of Inssing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, amountinS to $30,314.67. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Miller and Backher. An offer was considered from Charles Lococo for ten feet of a Valleyway lot for $100,00, which had been laid oven fran the previous meeting. A communic- at[on from James Milne, stating that he had no interest in the property; and a further offer of ~300.00 for Lots 165, 166, Valleyway, ware presented. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Miller and His Worship Mayor Mouck it was ordered that the com~mnications be received and the offer for Lots 165, 165, Valleyway be accepted. The report of the City Manager, re~arding the request of E.Pattui re construction of houses on Lots 32, 33 and 34, Main Street, as laid over from the previous meeting, was considered. Upon the recommendation of the i>roperty Com- mAtree, and on the motion of AId. White and Miller it was ordered that the rep- ort be received and filed, and Mr. Pattui be advised that he will be expected to live up the terms of his original agreement. An offer was presented from Mrs. Lucien Brazeau for Lot 47, Plan Cedar Street for $100.00. Upon the recommendation of the Proper~y Committee and an the motion of Ald. Miller and Bucknor it was ordered that the offer be ac- cepted, subject to the condition that a dwelling of at least $5,000.00 value is erected on the premises within six months. An offer was presented from y. Farley of $100.00 for lart of Lot Plan 24, H_n._n~_wood Avenue. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of AId. MacDor~l d and Bucknor it was ordered that the offer be ac- cepted, subject to the provision that a dwelling of at least $4,000.00 value is erected on the premises within six months. An offer was presented from M.Greenspan for Lot 801, Plan 11, Stanley Avenue for $300.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee s~d on the motion of AId. White end Bucknet it was ordered that the offer be received and laid on the table for one week, and Mr. Greenspan be asked to what purpose the lot will be pat. An offer was presented from H.F.Logan on behalf of Frontier Motor Sales Limited of $6,000.00 for Lots 2, 3, 4, Block T, queen Street. Upon the recom- mendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of AId. Bucknet and His Worship Mayor Houck it was ordered that the offer be received and accepted, sub- Ject to the condition that a structure, two stories in height for at least the queen Street frontage, he erected on the premises within a period of six months. The report of the Property Committee, on the above matters, was Ires- anted. Xt was ordered on the motion of Ald. Bucknor and His Worship Mayor Itouck that the report be received and filed, " The comparison of Tax Collections .for the m~nth of Yanuary, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Hawkins that the state- merit be receiwed and filed. · ,The. C~mnittee adjourned.on ,the .mOtion of White-and ,MilleT. ............ READ AND ADOP2E~, 10 February, 1947. Clerk 0 Chairman of Finance COUNCIL Mi~TING Council Chamber, 3 February, 1947. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- anne meetings for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the ac- counts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council were presnet. ~he following By-law was passed: NO., 3993 - To Grant Monies for General PurpOses. It was crudered on the motion of AId. White and MAiler that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of int~roducing the by-law, and the by-law be ~iven the first reading - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Bucknor that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of. Council be suspended and the by-law read. the..seC.o.nd time - Carried unanimously. Third reading -Ald. White and Donald - Carried unanimously. RESOLU~ON The following Resolution was passed: No. S6 - x~rr.t.~.R. I~CKNER - RESOLVID that the City ~Anager be ~d to ~r~e ~ a~inment ~ the 0nta~o M,,nicip~ ~a~ for a c~mttt~ ~ CO~l, for t~ p~se ~ requesti~ ~r~ssion to u~ $10,~0.00 for ~ erec~on of one e~t sta~on at the wu,th end ~ the City; tMt ~s Wors~p M~or H~ ap- ~i~ such a e~ttee; a~ t~ Sea of ~e Collation ~ ~re$o affixed. ~ed ~s Wornhip M~or Houck appointed ~d. Miller, ~okmr ~d Don~d,' ~d 'S~ City · ~er as t~ Co~ittee for ~s p~poses. ~s Council adJonrued on the motion of Ald. Fx'an~ and l~ckner. MID ADOPTED, 10 February, 1947.. OONFERENCE Council Chmmber, 3 February, 1947. The Conference Committee assembled at the close of the regular council and finance n~etlngs, for the purpose of considering matters presented to them. All members of the Committee were present. After consideration of the matters l~esauted, the Committee adjourned on the mot- ion of Aid. White and Donald. READ AND ADOPIED, 10 February, 1947. Chai man SIXTH MEETING SPECI.~L EE~TING Council Chamber, ? Februsty, 1947. A special meeting was held by the City Council in the Council Chamber at 3.00 p.m. on 7th February, 1947. All members of the Council, with the excep- tion of AId. B~ckner, together with the City Manager, City Treasurer and City Clerk, were present. The meeting was called for the purpose of discussing the proposed tin-year capital expenditure programe. Prior to the general discussion, the City Manager was requested to ob- tain information from the proper authorities regarding costs, grants, etc. deal- ing with higt~ays, education, health services and other allied matters which con- cern the municipality. A general discussion was then entered into of the plan as a ~hole, and the means of financing the projects outlined. It was sug~;ested that the maximum expenditure contemplated in any future year should not exceed $250,000.00, and with a mill rate for debt purposes of seven A~ one-half mills and utilizing the reduction in taxable debt, the plan, could be carried out. The plan is flexible with regrd to the order in which the ~urks would be carried out b~ the maximum each year should be kept rigid. The City Manager advised that it w as considered possible that part of the tx~ank sewer programme could be completed this year, and l~rt of the Colleg- iate programme next ~an; and then continue in orderly progression as and ~hen it is feasible. All m~nbers of Council expressed their desire to proceed with the txIAnk sewer as soon as pogsible; and on the motion of Aid. Donald and Miller, the City ~.nmger was instructed to proceed with arrangements and negotiations for the construction of the trunk sewer. The matter of disposal areas was discussed, and the City Manager sug- gested that Council might inspect the possibilities in the area. It was then or- dered by Aid. White and Prank that Aid. Donald and the City M-re. get contact the KW~ro and Township authorities regarding these areas and report to Council. The lighting of Oakes Park was referred to and Council were advised that all materials were ordered, most of ~aich are on h.nd, and .work will be proceeded with as soon as possible. The question of .t~ntensnce and operation was discussed and it was decided that there should he new agreements made with those using the facilities and a revision of the percentages now applied. The City l~Anager was requested to prepare a report on the possibility of alleviating the sewer condition in the Ceatre area. The meeting then adjourned. READ AI~ ADOPTgB, 10 YebruaxT, 1947. Mayor 48 ; Council Ch,mb~r, 10 February, 1947. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 5.00 p.m. on Monday, 10 Feb= rusty, 1947, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members cf the Cenncil were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Miller. COMM01KCATI ONS I~ld over fzom previous meetings: No. 49 - R.Blake E~win - requesting names for streets in Morse-Mtsener subdivis- ion. Ofd)E~ on the motion of Aid. Miller and Donald that the communication be received and filed, and the streets be framed Morse and Miserer aftan former owners of the property; Lowell after the former member of Parliament for this riding also owned a portion of the subdivision; and Henart after the first mayor 'of Nia- gara Falls. No. 53 - Niagara Falls ~Aburban Area Cnmm!Cslon - requesting appropriation. 0RD- ER~D on the metion of Ald. Donald and Bucknet that the conmunication be received and referred for consideration when the 1947 Budget is being prepared. ~r~ Communication No. 65 No. 55 - A.Sawada, B.Iacksen - requesting permission to use Oakas Park for boxing matches. ORDEi~ED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Macl)on~!d that the commentcat- ion be received and filed, and ponniseion be.gx~nted, subject to the conditions as outlined by the City Manager. SEE Report No. 36 The following Comnieatlons were presented: No. 65 - County of Welland - re appropriation to Niagara Falls Suburban Area Com- mission. ORDEI~D on the motion of Ald. Donald and B~ckner that the communication be received and riled. No. 66 - Town of Niagara - endorsing resolution re classifieation of hotels. OR- DEI~ on the motion of Aid. Bucknet and Hawkins that the comn~u~lcation be rec- eived and filed. No. 67 - The Railway Association of Canada - re dates for daylight saving time. CRDEI~D on the motion of Aid. White and Frank that the communication be received and filed, and the dates for daylight saving time in Niagara Falls in 1947 be from 1~.01 a.m. April 27th to 12.01 a.m., September 28th. · *~ i No. 6e - Ontario Provincial Police - re Police Act, 1946, and regulations. 0IE- · motion ofcud wkine the ommuniceti n be ,ca,,sd · ii- i No. 69 - Delartment of Municipal Affairs - re application for municipal subsidy.  No. 70 - 0ntazio Municipal Bc~z~l = re appointment for meeting with Committee. DERXD on the motion of AId. IriSlet and I~Ackner that the Come,,-4eatton be. received . and filed, and the Committee meet the Board at the s~ggested time. ~' i No. 71 - Walter Howlerr ant Sons - re ~ender submitted for comfort station. OR- $~ I1~ on the motion of AId. Donald end FA~ that the communication be received · ~ end laid on the table until the next regular meeting. No. 7~. - yo,,n~ Men's Christian Asspciatlon - re acccmmodation for Teen Canteen. CRDERE~ on the motion of Aid. l~/ckner and Frank that the con~municati on be received and referred to the Civic Recreation Committee. No. 7B - Niagara F~lls Civic Employees' Federal Union - requesting increases for city employees. 0RDEF~ED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that the commun- ication be received and referred to the Budget Committee for consideration when the 1947 B~dget is being pretared. No. 74 - Health League of Cauada- requesting grant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and MacDomld that the com~nndcation be received and referred fc~ con- sideration when the 1947 B~dget is being prepared. No. 75 - Daughters of St.__Geor~e. - requesting permission for tag day. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Frank and MacDonald that the communication be received and filed, and permission to hold a tag day on an available date be granted. No. 76 - Hononrable Minister of Labour.- re additional Wartime Housing units. 0R- DERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and White that the cannnxnleation be received and laid on the table. No. 77 - Depart._m._ent or Plannln~ and Development - re Morse-Misener subdivis ion. 0RDEI~ED On the. m~tion of Aid. MacDonald and Frank that the communication he rec- eived and filed, the plan be appr~ed and the necessary by-law prepared. SEE. Report No. 37 No. 78 - Department of Planning end Development - re p~oposed Ralph subdivision. C~DERED on the motion of AId. Hawkins and MacDonald that the comnmnication be rec- eived and filed, and the Department advised that the plan is not satisfactory to the City of Niagara Falls. ~.E. Repert No. 38 No. 79 - Department of Plnn-ing and Develolment - re proposed Mulhern subdivision. ~DEEED on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the cammanteation be rec- eived and filed, and the Detzrtment advised that the plan is not satisfactory to the City of Niagara Falls. SEE Report No..59 1F.i~RTS The following Rej~orts were presented: No. 36 - City Manager and Parks Superintendent - re request for use of Oakes Park. C~DERED on the motion of Aid. Donald and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the reccwamendation be adopted. No. ~7 - 0ity Manager - re proposed Morse-Mlsener subdivision. 0Pj~ERED ou the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Frank that the.report he received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. No. 38 - City Manager - re proposed Ralph subdivision. 0RE~RED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the recom- mmdktton be adopted. No. 39 - City Manager - x~ lineposed Mulhe~n subdivision. 0EDERED on the motion o~ Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the recom- mendation be adopted. No. 40 - City Clerk - ~e conference held on 3rd February. 0P~K~V on the motion of AIde FX~n~ and White that the report be received and filed, and approved. No. 41 - City Manager - re meeting of Niagara Peninsula lnte=-Muntotpal Airport CommAtree. 0~nx~gD en the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that the report be received and laid on the ~able. No. 42 - 0ity Clerk - re confex~noe held on 7th February. 01~RED on the motion of Ald, Frank and White tlmt the report be received and filed, and adopted. No. 43 - City Solicitor - re proposed agreement with Niagara Parks Commission, 0RE~a2) on the motion of Ald. Frank and MilZer that the report be received and hid on the table until the next regular meeting for further study of Council. No. 44 - Assessor - re confex~nce in _~milton, 7th February. C~DERED On the met- ion of AId. l~nk and Hewt~tns tl~t the report be received ~nd filed. No. 45 - City Mareget - re ~eby t~cGle to be cha~ge of City. C~DE~ED on the mot- ion of AId. Donald and Fx~nk that tbe report be received and filed, and the recom- mendation be adopted. No. 46 - City Clerk - rec~nding issuance of licences. 0~EE~D on the motjan of AId. Donald and White that the report be received and filed, and the reco~ndat- ion be adopted. No. 47 - City Clerk - re application for llcence mot approved. 0~DE~ on the mot- ion of AId. Frank and White that the ropcrt be received and filed, the recommend- ations be appr~ed and the l~c~nce not granted. No. 48 - City Clerk - submitti~ blanket position bond on employees. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Frank and MacDonald that the report be received and filed. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions wel~ l~ssed: No. 37 - DONALD - MILLER - RESOLV~ that Alderman W.C.MacDonald be asked to rep- resent Itis Wurship Mayor Houck at the -nnual meeting of the Niagara Frontier Hum- ane Society; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried ,,n~nimOnSly NO. 38 - FBANE - HAWKINS - I~0~VED that in the event that AIderm~n ~ck~er, a member of the Committee, is unable to attend the meeting with the Ontario Munic- ipal Association on 14th Febx~l~ry, AIdeman Miller be named in his steM; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. The follo~kx~ ~-law was la_ssed: No. 3994 - To provide fc~ giving the Collector of Tams credit for the a~ urnsd by her to the Treasurer in the year 1946. CeDERED on the motion of Aid. White and Buckse~ that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be given the first readin~ - Carried unanimously. Xt was oNered on the motion of AId. Donald and MaeDomld that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law rend the seeca& time - Carried unanimously. Third reading - Aid. Hawkins and Donald - Carried unanlmoual~.. ~ · ~ISC~LtA~0US It was agreed by the members of Couucil that h-mayor G~.ln~lis should be asMsd to be present at 9.00 p.m. on Monday, 17tal Fetmuary, at which tim his photograph will be placed in. the Council Chamber, .to~etber 'with other former may- c~s of the City.: :~ The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller. HEAD ~ AD0tTED, 17 February, 1947. Mayer FINANCE I~EETING Council Chsmber, 10 February, 1947. The Finance Committee met on Monday, 10 February, 1947, fur the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts ~hich had been l=operly cer- tified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to $35,823.94. The acconnts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of AId. Hav~kins and Donald. The offer of M.Greanspen for Lot 801, Plan 11, Stanley Avenue, which had been laid over from the preyions meeting, ms considered. A ropurt was also pres- ented fxom the City Clerk as to the use to be m~e of the property by Mr. Greens- Ion. Upon the recommendation of the Prol~rty Committee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Miller it was ordered that the offfar and report be received and filed, and Mr. Greenspan advised the Council will consider the proposition when he is ready to build. An offer was presented from Songster Lumber Co. Limited of $350.00 to $400.00 for Lots 15, 16, and 17, Plan 40. The recommendation of the Property Com- mittee was also Iresanted. It was omlered On the motion of AId. Miller and Buck- nsr that the offer be received and accepted, but before the deed is issued, the matter of drainage be arranged satisfactorily to the City Mmr~ger. The report of the Im~oper~y Cc~mtttee on the above matters, ~ms pres- ented. It was ordered oh the motion of Aid. Miller and Bucknor that the report be received and filed. The statement of Unemployment Relief for the month of ;anunry wan lmes- entad. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Bueknerand Miller that the statement be received and filed. A report was presented from the City Manager, recomm~nding that a build- isg pex~nit be issued to ~ules ~. ~uliani for the erection of a tourist cabin on l~t 25, Allen Avamue. Xt was ondered on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Miller that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending that a build- lng l~nlt ~e issued to Yules Y. Yullant for the ereetlon of a garage on T.Ot ~.6, Main Street. It w~s ordered on the motion of Aid. MaeDoneld and Mlller that the report be received and £tled, and the recommendation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, advising of an applicat- ion for a building permit from George Laslo fc~ the erection of tw double tour- ist cabins at 9 River Road. It was o~dered on the m~tion of Aid. Miller and B~ckner that the report be received amd filed, and permission for the erection of the cabins be granted, subject to tl~ supervision of the City Manager. A report was presented from the City Manager, reoomm~nding the issuance of s b~tllding pemit fc~ the erection of a locker plant on Lot 8, Ferry Street and Temperonce Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Miller t~at the report be received and filed, and the reecmmandation be adopted. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Aid. Donald and Miller. AND ADOPTED, 17 February, 1947. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were presented: No. 39 - DONA~ - MacDONALD - RESOLVED that a strongly worded letter of protest be forwarded to the Minister regarding information of proposed action of the Gov- ernment which had beem b~o~ght to the attention of Council by His Worship Mayor ttouck; and the Seal cf the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously No. 40 - FR~I~K - DONALD - RESOLVED that the Property Committee and City Manager investiage and prepare a report on the matter, presented by Ald. Frank, of the condition of properties on Yepson ~treet, such report to be subject to the approv- al of the City Solicitor; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. CarFipd~._~anim_o.usl7 The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid, Frank nnR Miller, EEAD A~0 ADOP~ED, 17 Febmary, 1947. Chatrmam of Finme COUNCIL EETI~ Council Chamber, 10 February, 1947. The C~xncil re-assembled at the close of the regular o~uneil and fin- ante meetings for the purpose of passing the money by-law which eovered the ac- c~xnts applewed by the Committee, All members of the Council were present, The following By-law was passed: No. 399_._._.A5- To Grant Monies for General Purposes, It was oEle~ed on the motion of Aid. Donald and Ha.klne that Aid. Frank be given the privilege of int~oducing the by-laW, and the by-law be given the fi~st rendl-g - Carried unanimously, ' It ms odered on the motion of Aid. White end MaeDoneld ~hat Rule (2) of the Stauding Rules of Coumil be susl~nded and the by-law read the second time - Car~Aed unanimously. - Clerk Mayor 50 SPECIAL MEETING Council Chamber, II February, 1947. A special Joint meeting was held by the City Council and the Board of Police Commissioners in the Council Chamber at 3.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 11 Febrtmry, 1947. All members of the Council, together with His Honour Yudge H.E.BAller and Magistrate I.B.Hopk~ns, Members of the Board, as well as the City Manager, the City Clerk and Secretary of the Board were present. His Worship Mayor Houck, in opening the meeting, commented on the fact that the new Police Act, 1946, ~hich has nOw been proclaimed in effect, seam~ to dissolve all existing police commissions. His Honocr ~dge Fuller then stated that the new Police Act, 1946, which was proclaim~d effective on February 1, 1947 repealed all previous acts ,,r~er which commissions were appointed, and in his opinion, no legally constituted board was in existence at the present time. How- ever, it was suggested that an informal discussion tame place on the matters in quest4on, With reference to sick leave, His Worship Mayor Houck stated that h.e was of the opinion that sick leave allowances, or acc,,n,,lation, for the police personnel should be on the same ~asis as that for all city employees. His Hon- our 2~dge Fuller then made the statement that he felt the plan at present in ef- fect for city employees penalized the conscientio~s worker and that the police officer was engaged in a mere hazardous emploFme~t, and should receive special consideration. The plan proposed by the Comm~esion would furnish en incentive for steady employment and would ascossitate a m~mum of ten years providing no time is lost for sickness, to enable the work~n~ to accumulate the m~wtmum of one hundred and eight days and entitle him to six months' pay. Aldexmmn Donald then said that he felt there were other city employees who have equally hazardous work and on being questioned by His Hono~r, cited .fireman as an example. He also felt that all employees of the municipality should ~e treated equally; and mentioned the pronounced increase in the salary schedule for the police department over the past ten years. His Hono~r explained that this could be enccunted for by the charter hourly schedule n~, in effect for police officers, and proceeded to show that such short hours of necessity increased the payroll, and possibly repres- ented an increase of approximately forty per cent. Ald. Miller stated that he felt recognition should be given efficient and conscientious service, having in mind a recent instance; and deplored the lack of a pensiou plan. ~i~ Worship Ma~or Houck then said that the Police Commission had Just recently increased the starting pay for Junior constables to $1,700.00 for the six months' probatiouary period, and then if the officer ware retained, his pay was increased to $1,800.00 and progressed according to service. His Honour remarked that the proposed plan would, without a donbt, be made mandatory within approximately two years. Ald. B~ckner expressed displeasure at what he termed paying an invidiual for keeping well, and was definitely opposed to pomitting any employee, on leaving his em- ploFment, to take money with him on the basis of accumulated sick time. His Hon- oct Yudge Fuller explained that their l~oposed plan promotes a saving of money in the long run and better service, and has a tensency to discourage malingerlng. The City Manager then called to the attention of His Honour the fact that it did !net seem fair that a policeman has an opportunity to retire within a perlod of tan years and receive $900.00 and stathtory offisiuls must, of necessity, serve twenty years before any form of pension could he considered. Aid. White, when queried, stated that he felt there was no question in his mind that in the ev~t this plan was adopted by the Commission, all city employees would require similar treatment and felt that certainly sc~e form of pension scheme should he inaugur- ated. His H~notm ~udge Fuller, in support c~ his ar~nt, stated that a distin- ction should be made in vax~ous departments in the munioilality and they should he considex~d on their merits; and stated that quite fmntkly, he and Magistrate Hopkins we promoting this plan to all police departments they have any~ng to do with. His Worship Mayor Housk then remarked that the crux of the matter seemed ~o ~e what effect ~will it have on the finances of the mUnieil~i~y if this plan were put into effect for all departments. Chairman of Finance Ald. Frank was of the opinion that if it could be financed, the plan is quite satisfactory, and ag- reed that it would promote better services. Ald. MacDonald agreed with Ald. Mil- ler in that some protection should be given to the employees; and also agreed with His Honour that policemerit should not he ciassed in the same category. Ald. Hawkins expressed objection to the term 'sick leave' and said he was not opposed if some other name could be applied, possibly 'poneion scheme'; v~ereupon Yudge Fuller explained that if, in the future, a pension scheme is inaugurated, the sick leave would continue regardless. Ald. Miller stated that from his expereince with reference to pemelou schemes, it is rather drastic with reference to age limits, and works a hardship on older employees because of the fact that they must be eliminated frcm such a .scheme. Mayor Houck then said that what seemed to he the concern of the council was the effect on all employees; and inasmuch as the questions of the members of Council had been mn~wered, felt it could be discussed further in a later council meeting. Ald. Vfaite stated he would like to see a breakdowo of the t~m~ lost through illness of the present personnel of the police department over a period fx~m 1940 to 1947 in order to get a better idea of its effect on finances. The meeting then adjourned.. I~,D. AND ADOPTED, 17 Febmary, 1947. Mayor NINIH MEETING REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, 17 February, 1947. Pursuant to adjournment, the C~Ancil met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 17 Feb- rusty, 1947, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All ~embers of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the Irevious meetings, regular and special, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Frank. COMMUNIC~ 0h~l Laid over from a previous ma.eting: No. 71 - Walter Howlerr & Sons - re comfort station tender. 01~3EI~ED on the mot- ion of Ald. Miller and Donald that the communication be laid on the table until the next meeting to permit the City M-n-get to advise Mr. Howlerr of the results of the conference with the Ontario Mnnicipal Board on the matter. The follo~ing Communications were presented: No. 80 - Ontario Good Roads Association - re annual convention, February 25th and /6th. OPaIERE9 on the motion of Ald. Donald and Vhite that the communication be received, the City of Niagara Falls Jointhe Association end send tv~ represent- atives of the Council and the ~lty Manager to the convention. His Worship Mayor Houok named Ald. White and Bucknor as the relmeeentatives of Council. No. S1 - Hi-Co Meter (Canada} Limited - re maufacture in Canada. ORIIEFa~u on the motion of Ald. Frank and Miller that. the commcation be received and filed. ' No. 8~ - Hencurable Pr_-.~_er of Ontario No. 83 - Hencurable Minister ~ Highways No. 84 - City of Sttdbury No. 85 - City of Walland No. 86 - City of Fort William - re resolution on suburban road co~nuissions. OR- DERED on the motion of Aid. Donald and Frsal~ that the com.,~-4 cations be received ~_nd,_ filed. No. 87 - Greater Niagara Hotel Association - invitation to next meeting. Oi~ERED On the motion of Ald. l~k and MacDOnald that the com,a~uication be received and filed, the invitation be accepted and as many of the Council as possible attend the luncheon. No, 158 - Greater Niagara Hotel Assoe. iatlOn ~. re re-classification of hotels. OR- E on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the communication be rec- eived end filed, and the City Clerk be instructed to gather as much information as is necessary fxem the hotels and fo~wa:d the same to the proper authorities. He. 89 - I.A.ThompeOn - requesting letter re operation of wrecking business. OR- DERED on the motion of Ald. Bucknor and lhwkins that.the com.U,?Zo~ation be otved and the City Manager issue the necessary letter_, :: · F~ Rel~rt No. 49 No. 90 - Ilydre-F, leotrio Power Cc~aission of Ontario - ~equesting pe~mission to erect fence. 0R~ED On the motion of AId. MacDonald .oR Hawkins that the commun- ication be received and filed, and ~ermission be g~anted. 23E ReDorq No. 50 ~1Io. 91 - 8ee~etary to ~iisister of labou~ · ~,~I~No. 92 - Drummondwills Tenan~ Council - re dietseel of Wartim Housing units. 0RL~It~D on the motion of A~d. Miller and Frank that the com~mnioations be x. eesived · Lend laid on the table,until full_st informalcola-received flora the Township of Stamford Council. ' No. 93 - Hencurable Minister of I~bour - re request for additional Wartime ticus~ ing units. OPJ)ER~D on the motion of Ald. B~ckner and Itawkins that the conmUnic- ation be received and laid on the table. No. 94 - Women's Division, Junior Chamber of Commerce - requesting permission to hold tag day. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Bucknet that the commun- ication he received and filed, and permission be granted to hold the tag day on 10$h May. No. 95 - Niagara Frontier Hunlane Society - retuesting permission for tag day. OR- DEHED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and White that the conmunication be received end filed, and pexmission be granted to hold a tag day cn a suitable date. No. 96 - Edythe Manan - appreciation re naming of street. ORE)RED on the motion of Ald. Vtaite end Bucknet that the commnication be received and filed. No. 97 - Niagara Falls BaSeball ASsociation - requesting annual grant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Frank that the com~minicatien be received and ref- erred to the Budget Committee for consideration when the 194~ Budget is being ap- proved. No. 98'- Children's Aid Society - requesting all~vance for mileages. ORDEED on 'the motion of Ald. Miller and Donald that the communication be received and filed, and a grant of $1.50 per trip to Welland per month be made to the respresentative of the City Council as payment for transporting the local members of the Board. Prior to this motion, it was moved by Ald. MacDonald and Frank that the com~lmnic- ation be received and filed, and the allowance be made to Mr. B~rclay. This mot- ion was defeated. No. 99 - Martin and Calvert - requesting refund of 'purchase price on Bridge Street lots. 0RDEA~J on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that the comm,,-~ cation be received and referred to the Property Committee for consideration. No. 100 - A~..s,essor - suggesting estimate of salaries. ORDERED on the riot ion of Aid. Donald end White that the ccmurunication be received and referred to the Bud- get Committee for consideration when the 1~4~ Budget is being prepared. REPORTS Laid over f~om a previous meeting: No. 43 - City Solicitor - re proposed agreement between Corporation and Niagara Parks Commission. ORbEK~u on the nation of Ald. Bucknor and MacDonald that the report be received and the City Manager take up the matter with the Niagara Parks Ccnumtseicu and report back to Coun~-ll. The following Reports were presented: No. 49 - City Manager - recommending permission to continue wrecking business. C~IIERED on the motion of Aid. Bucknor and Hawkins that the 'report be received and filed, and the reeornmanda$ion I~1. adopted. No. 50 - City Manager - recommending permission to Hydro to erect fence. ORDERED On the motion of AId. MacDonald and Hawkins that the repor~ be received and fried, and the recommendation be adopted. No. 51 - City Clerk - re cooferenee held on lOth February. (RIlERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and Bucknor that the report be received and filed. No. 5~ - City Manager - re extensioa of Homowood Avenue and Huron Street. 0RDF~ On the 'motiOn of AId. MacDonald and Mllle~ ~hat the repox~ bereoetved end filed, ami the ~eeommendation be adopted. No. $~ - Dalx7 Inspector - report for ,month of ~enuaxT. 0RDER~D on the motion of Aid. Donald and Frank that the ,xepox~ he received end given the usual publicity. No. 54 - City Clerk.-- recommendin~ ise.~nce of lice~ces. 0P~ERED on the '~tion of ~d. Fr~k ~d ~wki~ that the ~p~t he ~ce~ved ~d filed, ~d the recom- ~nd~tio~ be edited. REPORTS Ald. Donald and Miller reported to the Council upon their appearance, on behalf of the Council, at the meeting of the Ontario Municipal Association ex- ecutive with members of the Provincial Goverament for the presentation of resol- utions which h~d bean adopted by the Association at their convention in 1948. Aid. Hawkins reported to Council upon his, ~_~ Ald. Bcckner's attend- anI~'e et the luncheon presented to donc~e of scholarships for the Niagara Falls Collegiate Vocational Institute by the home econon~tcs close, under the supervision of Miss Wishset. Aid. Itawkins asked that a letter of appreciation be forwarded to Miss Wishart by His Worship Mayor Houck. Aid. Hawkins spoke about the Niagara Falls Iunior Chamber of Commerce community award and asked tha~ Council lend their support to this activity, The City Manager reported to COunCil on behalf of the Committee appoin- ted to meet with the representatives of the Canadian Legion upon matters of mut- ual interest. The City M~-~er advised that no progress had been made up to the present time, and the matter was in abeyance for discussion at a later date, The City Manager reported upon the delegation of Council who appeared before the Ontario Municipal Board in connection with the . Order of the Board for the issuance of debentures to finance the construction of .e comfort station at the south end of the City. The following By-laws w~re p~ssed| Np. 399,6 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed' 01~DERED on the motion of AId. Donald and Miller that Aid. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously, 0RDER~ on the motion of Aid. Miller and MacDonald that Rule 36 (m} of the 8tauding Rules of Council be suspended ~nd the by-law given the second x~ad- ing - Carried Unanimously. .' Tl.trd Readin~ - Aid, Frank and Hawkins - Carried unanimously, No. 399.7 - To. authorize the execution of a Deed, OEDERED on the motion of Aid, Miller and Donald that Aid, Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law,. and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously, C~DF~ on the motion of Aid. Miller and Hawkins that Rule 36 (2~ of the Standing Rules of Council be susIemied and the by,law given.the second ~ead- ing - Carried unanimously, ~i~d reading - Aid, MacDonald and Hawkins - Carried unanimously, No. 3998 .- To authorize the execution of an Agreement fUr Sale and. Deed, C~E~I~ un the motion of Ald. White and Hawkins that Ald, Frank be ' given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the flEet time - Carried unanimously, ' 01~I~ celthe motion of-Ald,-Frank and Danaid that Rule ~6 (2) o~ the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law given the second reading - Carried unanimously. Third rending -Ald. Donald axld Hawkins - Carried unanimously. No. 3999 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and Donald that Aid. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law he read the first time - Carried unanimously. 0RDE~ on the motion of Aid. Buckher and Donald that i{ule 36 (2~ of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law given the seecud read- ing - Carried unanimously. Third reading -Ald. Miller and Donald - Carried nnanimously. No. 4000 - To authorize the execution of a Deed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and bl~ckner that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and White that Rule 36 (2~ of the Standing.Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law he given given the second reading - Carried unanimously. Third reading - Aid. MacDonald and Buckher - Carried unanimously. MISCEIZANE~JS Aid. Bucknet asked what prngress was being made towards the completion of the henour roll of city employees, which is to be placed in the Council Cham- ber. The.OityManmger advised that the work is ,mder way. Aid. i~Acknsr asked that consideration be given to the request from Mr. Martin for the removal of trees from his property at the corner of Fourth Avenue and Yapson Street. The City Manager advised that this matter ~s to be ~iven con- sideration in the near future. The Council adjourned on the moti on of Ald. Donald and White. READ AND AD0rA'~9, 24 February, 1947. . Mayor Council Chamber, 17 February, 1947. The Finance Committee met on Monday, 17 February, 1947, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had bee~ properly certified end placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to $8,893.28. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt wit~, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for Fesentation to the. Cormoil, on the motion of kld. Miller and B~c~ner. A report was presented from the City Manager, reconuuending that permis- sion be granted for the erection of a sign at 1197 McRae Street. It ~as ordered on .the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Miller that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. A report ~as presented from the City Manager, recommending that permis- sion be granted for the erection of a building at the corner of Kitchener Street and Victoria Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and B~ckner that the report he received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending that permis- sion be granted for the erection of an addition at 14~0 Ferry Street. It was c~dered on the marion of Ald. MacDonald and White that tim report he received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending that permis- sion be granted for the erection of a sign at 1925 Ellen Avenue. It wins ordered on the motion of Ald. White and l~Acknsr that-the xepoxt be ~eeeived and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Clerk in connection with the ren- ewal policies fc~ the automobile fleet and the non-ownership policy'. It ~ms ord- ered on the motion of Ald. White and MacDonald that t~ report be received rand filed, and the renewals be authorized. The City Manager made a verbal report upon an application for a build- ing pemit for alterations to the front of a building at 1759 Victoria Avenue, and recommending approval of the same. It was ordered on the nEtion of Ald. Hawkins and Miller that the report be received and accepted, and the recommendation be adopted. The Ccmndttee adjourned ca the motion of Ald. Suckner and Donald. AND AD01~D, 24 February, 1947. · Chair .maa c~ Fin-nee COUNCIL X~SETIHG Corntell Chamber, 17 February, 1947 The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetings for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present. The following By-law was pass~ed: No..4.00.1 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Buckher and Hawkins that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be given the first reading - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and IdacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law read the second time - Car tied unanimously. Third reading -Ald. Donald and Bucknet - Curried unanimously. ~SENTATEON OF MIOTOGRAPH Ex-mayor G.R.Inglis was present at the meeting for the purpose of ~it- nessing the placing of his photograph on the wall of the Council Chamber with photographs of other former mayors ~ the City. His Worship Msy~ Houck spoke to Mr. lnglis and paid tribute to the excellent ~urk he had accomplished during his term of office. The portrait was then placed on the ~ll by the City Clerk. Mr. Inglis thanked His Worship and members of the City Council for the kindness and honour extended to him. The Council adJ ouraed na the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins. I~AD AND ADOPTED, 24 February, 1947. Mayor TENTH MEETING C0DF,i~tENCE Council Chamber, 24 February, 1947. Prior to the regular meeting, the City Council assembled as a conference committee at 7.00 p.m. on Monday, 24 February, 1947, for the purpose of consider- lng matters presented to them. All members of the Committee were present. After discussion upon the matters presented them, the Committe adjourned on the motion of Ald. Prank and Hawkins. READ Ahr0ADOF£ED, 3 March, 1947. Clerk Cha irma n Council Chamber, 24 February, 1947. l~ursuant to adjournment, the Council met at the close of the conference meeting on Monday, B4 February, 1947, for the purpose of considering general bus- iness and tlnanoe. All members of the Council were present. ~ Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted those on the mot- ion of AId. Bucknet and MacDonald. CONGRAT~LATIONS On behalf of the members of the Aldormanie Board, His Worship Mayor Houck extended birthday greetings to Ald. White. His Worship also expressed the good wishes of the Council to be conveyed to AId..Wh~te's mother, vlxo celebrated her birthday on February 23rd. ~'~' CCI~IINICATIONS Laid over from previous meetings: No. 71 - Walter Howlerr and Sons - re con~c~t station tender. ORDEI~ on the "' '. l'motlon of Aid. ]filler and MaeDonaid that the c(mmunication bedreceived and filed. ~ ~ ·' 8ME Repor~ No. ERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Frank that the cor~nunication be received and filed, and the firm be advised that under the terms of the agre~nent, no ref- und Can be made; also that the prospective purchaser be advised of the assessed -value of the lot, should they care to purclmse on that b~sis. ~]E Report No. 56 The following Communications were presented: No. 101 - Gunnin~s - re rates for ambulance service. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Miller and Frank that the communication be received; that Mr. Gunning be thanked for the services rendered to the City of Niagara Falls, and he be advised that the City has no objection to the increase in rates. Frior to this motion it was moved by Ald. Bucknet and Donald that the communication be received and Lr. Gunning have approval of this Council to raise the rates providing the City of Niagara Falls assumes no responsibility; but this motion was defeated. No. 102 - Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Niagara Falls - requesting permission to move pole. 0RDE cn the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that the commnn- ication be received and the request be referred back to the Commission and they be advised the Council is of the opinion that the pole need not necessarily be moved, but the conduit attached to the said pole should be moved at the expense of the Commission. No. 103 - County of Welland - re increased rate for Home for Aged patients. 0RD- ERED on the motion of Aid. Donald and Frank that the account for the additional mount be paid. No. 104 - Greater Niagara Hotel Association - re date and time of meeting. 0ED- ERED on the motion of AId. Frank and Hadins that the communication be received and filed, and as many members of Council as possible attend. No. 10~ - City of Sarsia No. 106 - City of Chatham No. 107 - City of Sault Ste. Marie No. 108 - City of London - re resolution re suburban road commissions. 0RDEE~D on the motion of Ald. Donald and White that the communications be received and filed. Aid. Bucknet was excused from the meeting at 7.55 p.m. No. 109'- City of Sudbury - resolution re elections by wards. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Aid. Frank and Donald that the communication be received and filed. No. 110 - Hospital for Sick Children, London - appeal for fumts. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Miller and MacDonald that the communication be received and refer- red to the Budget C~nmittee for consideration when the 1947 Budget is being prep- ared. No. 111 - Niagara Falls Theatre Managers - protesting threat of additional amuse- ment tax. 0I~ on the motion of Aid. White and MacDonald that a letter of pro- test be forwarded to the Hencurable Mr. G.H.Drew, Premier of Ontario; and to our losal Member, Mr. C.D.Hanniwell, regarding the proposed amusement tax. No. 11~. - Department of Plauntng and Development - revised plan of Mulhern sub- dlvlstem. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Miller and Hawkins that the comnmntcatlon be received and filed, and the revised plan be apprsved. Not p? No. 113 -.Nia~.~a Falls Elltie Band - requesting annual grant. OREEE on the motion of Aid. Miller and White that the communication be received and referred .lol~tbe Budget Committee for consideration when the 1947 l~ldget is being pretared. REPORTS The followin~ Reports were presented: No. 55 - City Manager - re -tender for'comfort station. CH~ERER on the motion of Aid. Miller and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and adopted. No. 56 - Prope2ty Committee - re request for refund of purchase price of lot. OR- DEE on the motion of Al~. MacDonald and Frank that the report be received and filed, and adopted. No. 57 - City Manager - re revised plan of Mulhern subdivision. G~DEE on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and adop- ted · No. 58 - City Clerk - re meeting with County Comntlttee re new agreement. ORDFE on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the report be received and laid on the table for two weeks. No. 59 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of liceaces. 01~DERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and Hawkins that the report be received and fi led, and the reccmmend- ati on be adopted. The foilowl.hE By-laws were passed: No. 4.0~.2.- To designate the members of the Niagara Falls Police Force as officers to enforce within the municipality the Liquor ~icence Act, 1946 and regulations thereunder, and the Liquor Control Act and the regulations thereunder. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and Hawkins thatAld. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and MacDonald that Rule 36 (S~ of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law glean the second reading - Carried. Third reading -Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins - untried. No. ~09.3 - To authorize the application to the 0~tario Municipal Board for the validation .or certain debentures. It vas oEtered on the motion of Ald. White and MacDonald that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the .by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It w~s ~dered on the motion of Aid. Donald and Hawkins that Rule ~6 {2~ of the Standing Rules of Council be suspemled and the by-law be given the sec- ond reading- Carried. Thix~t Reading -Ald. Frank and MacDonald - Carr~_e~.. · ' I: The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid, Frank and Hawkins. I~L~DANDAEOP~ED, 3 M~veh, 1947. M~vor FINANCE B~EETING Council Chamber, B4 February, 19~7. The Finance Committee met on l~ionday, 2~ February, 1947, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee, ~dth the excep- tion of Aid. Bucknet, were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to $55,112.88. The accounts submitted, being passed or othex~vise dealt vdth, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, with the excep- tion of Cheque Number 336 in amountof $7.00, on th~ motion of ~ld. Miller and Don- aid. A report was presented from the City Manager, concerning the balance of funds held by the Post War Planning Committee. It was ordered m the motion of Aid. Donald and Frank that the report be received and filed, and adopted. A eo~mntca~ion was presented from Walter Hawkins making an offer to purchase Lot 10, ~.~ay Avenue for $40.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and White it was ordered that the communication be received and filed, and ~tr. Hawkins be advised the lot cannot be sold but if he wishes to make use of the same for gardenlag purposes, a permit will be issued at no cost to him. The report of the Property Committee, on the above nmtter, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and ~nite that the report he received and adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending the issuanc.e. of a building per~t for work at 1329 Ferry Street. It was ordered on the mot- ion of Ald. MacDonald and Miller that the repat be received and filed, and the recommendations be adopted. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins. READ AND ADORED, 3 March, 1947. Clerk Chairman of Finance COUNCIl MEETING Council Chamber, 24 February, 1947. The Co~natl re-assembled at the ~al. ese of the re~lar council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the ac- counts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council, v~th the excep- tion of Aid. Bucknet, were present. BY-LAW The following By-law was passed: No. 400.4. - To Grant Monies for General I~rposes. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Miller and Hawkins that Aid. Frank be given the privilege of lr~roducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Ha?~ins and Miller that Rule 36 (21 of the Standing Rules of Council. be suspended and the by-law given the second reading- Carried. Third reading - Aid. Frank and Hawkins - Carried. The Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Frank and Hm~kins. READ AND ADOPi~ED, 3, March, 1947. Clerk Mayor ELEVENTH T~ETING SPECIAL ~,~ETING Counci 1 Chamber, 2V FebrumV, 19~V. A special meeting of the City Council was held at 5.00 p.m. on Thurs- day, 27 February, 1947, for the purpose of considering the draft budget for the year 1947. All members of the Council, together with the City Manager, City Treas- urer and City Clerk, were present. Alderm~n A.D.Frank, Chairman of Finance, chairman of the meeting. A~pendix 'A' of the preliminary budget, being the salaries and wa~e schedule, was considered; and the follo~.~ng action taken: It was ordered on the notion of Aid. Donald and Miller that the appro- priation for Aidermanic Renmneration be increased from $2,100.00 to $3,360.00. It was agreed that the terms 'secretary' and 'assistant secretary and file clerk' should be changed to read 'stenographer and clerk' in each instance. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Mayor Houck that the estimates of the Police Department Salaries be approved. Aid. Buckner v:as op- posed to this motion. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. White and Hawkins that the Fire Detartment salary schedule be approved. Xt ~ ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Donald that the Electric- al Department s~sry estimates be approved. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Bucknet that the $2,100. as shown as salary for Dr. Whitelock be reduced to $2,000.00. A motion by Aid. Hawkins and Miller, that $100.00 be added to Mrs. Mac- Lean's salary, was lost. It was moved by Ald. White and ~lacDonald that ~50.00 be added toM re. MacLean's salary, but this motion was lost also. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayour Houck and Aid. White that the salary for Dr. Hodgson as shown be approved. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald and Mayer Houck that the request from the Local Board of Health for provision for a full-time Sanitary Inspector and Assistant Public Health Nurse, be received and filed. It was ordered on the moti on of Aid. MacDonald and Donald that the sal- ary estimates for Relief Purposes, he approved. It was ordered on the motion of Mayor Houck and Ald. White that the sal- cry for G.~.Campbell be left as submitted. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald end Mayor Houck that the ~eauest of Mrs. E..Emry be received and filed. It was o~dered on the motion of Mayor Houck and Ald. Hawkins that the estimates for Water Department salar.ies be approved. Council then adjourned, on the m.otion of AId.' l~Ackner and Miller, for dinner. ~ AND ADOPTED, $ March, 1947. '. Clerk Ch-i rman ADY0URI~D MEETING Council Chamber, 27 February, 1947. The adjourned special meeting of Council was held at 8.00 p.m. on Thure- da~ 27 February, 1947, with all m~abers of the Council in attendance. Continued consideration was given to the preliminary budget for the year 1947. It was ordered on the motion of Ald..MacDonald and White that .the g~ant to the Canadian Corps Band as shown, be approved. It w~s ordered on the motion of AId. MacDonald and Mayor Houck that the ~nount of $218.00, ~uown for the Canadian Corps Association, be reduced to ~200.00 and an amount insertedof $200.00 for the Canadian Legion; and the Clerk was in- structed to see that taxes were added to the roll for the Canadian Legion property; according to Section 57 of The Assessment Act. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. White and Hawkins that the amount provided for the Salvation Army Building Fund be approved. It was ordered on the motion of Mayor Houck and Ald. White that an item of $100.00 be inserted in grants for. the Niagara Falls Optimist Air Cadets. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Bucknet ~n_d Donald that the request from the Health League of Canada be received and filed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that the request from the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, be received and filed. It was ordered on the motion.of Ald. Donald and White that the request from the Hopsltal for Sick Children, London, England, be received and filed. A motion by Aid. Donald and Miller, that the item provided for the Reg- ional Planning Committee be eliminated, ~s lost. Aid. MacDcmald moved that the $2,500.00 for the Pet War Planning Committee be retained, but received no seconder. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. White and MacDonald that the amount of $3,000.00, provided for the Regional Committee, be eliminated. Ald. Donald was opposed to this metiou. It was ordered on the metion of Mayor Houck and Ald. B~ckner that $500. be added to the item for Contingent and Celebrations for the purpose of providing an employees' Christms party. It was ordered on the motion .of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that an item of ~3,000.00 be inserted to take care of the increased cost of the proposed com- fort s~ation. Aid. MacDonald moved that $2,500.00, lxrovided for ~ault Space, be ret- ained. This motion received no seconder. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Donald that the $2,~00.00 for Vault Space, be eliminated. It was ordered on the motion of Mayor Houck and -Ald. White that the estimates for the 01ty Y~rd Expense, be approved. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and White that the item of provided in the Budget fo~ Magiatrate's Claim, be eliminated. It w~s ordered on the motion of Aid. White and MacDonald that the est- imat~s for the Police Department be app~oved, subject to the elimination of the ~abovem-entioned $180.00. ' It was ordered on the motion o~ His Worship Ma~vor Houck and Ald. liawk- ins that the estimates for the Fire Department, be appro~ed. It w~s ox~ersd on thelmoticnof. Ald.?Miller and MacDonald that the eat- . :~.I. '.' iraares for the Electrical Department be approved. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Mayor Houck that an am- ount Of $1,800.00 be inserted for two traffic signals, ~jxe location of which is to be designated by Council. Aid. White and Donald v~re opposed to t.~is motion. It was ordered on the motion of ~hld. F.:acDonald and Hawkins that the est- imates for the Street Maintenance Department, be appreved. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald that the Board of Health estimates be approved. It was ordered on the motion of Mayor Houck and Ald. Ha~kins that the estimates for the Garbage and Ash Department be approved. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and Miller that the estim- ates- for the Sewer Department be approved. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Miller that the item cf $300.00, shown in Charity and Welfare for transportation and burials, be in- creased to $500.00. Aid. MacDonald moved that the gross salaries for the Public Library Board be shown as $18,000.00 but received no seconder. It was ordered on the mob- ion of Mayur Houck and Aid. Miller that the Public Library salaries be altered to provide $100.00 increases across the board, the salary for the new appointee to be $1,700.00, and the item for special help to be $1,000.00; making the total salaries $15,800.00. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Ehtller and Bud~ner that the Budget be prepared on the basis of 39.5 mills, vdth the necessary changes wi~lch have been made by Council to. be inserted at that time. The Council then agreed that the Board of Education, Niagara Fells Pub- lic Library BOard and Niagara Fells Civic Employees' Federal Union No. 133 be req- uested to attend a meeting with Council at 4.30 p.m. on Friday, 28th February; and the Clerk was instructed to contact these bodies in order that .representatives might be there. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins. READ ANDAD0tTED, 3 March, 1947.. thai rman .TWELF~ L~A'ANG SPECIAL ~.T~ET~ k~ Council Chamber, 28 February, 1947. A special meeting of the City Council was held at 4.30 p.m. on Friday, 28th February, 1947, to meet representatives of the Board of Education, l~blic Library Board, the Niagara Fails Civic Employees' Federal Union, Fireman and Pol- ice unions, regarding the proposed 1947 Budget. Those present were His Worship Mayor Houck and all members of the City Comuei~, the City Manager and the City Clerk, as well as representatives of the organizations. His Worship presided, and it was a~reed that the representatives should ks heard in rotation. Boal~ of Education The retresentatives were Dr. Potter, Mr. Musgrove, Dr. ~ellam, Dr. Fing- land and Mr. Atribs. His Worship Mayor Houck outlined the problems confronting the council with reference to the proposed 1947 Budget, and asked the Chairman of Finance to explain in more detail as to what action should been taken. Ald. Frank then advised the representatives of the Board that in the proposed budget, they had not disturbed the automatic increases submitted by the Board, and had prov- ided $100.00 across the beard for every employee. He also stated that there had been raises for employees in every year since 1942, ~.,.ith the possible excesm~ption of the year 1945. Dr. Potter stated that the Budget as submitted had been cut as close as possible, but they felt they required $18,000.00 additional to enable them to carry on, or an equivalent amount of one mill on the taxes. In his opin- ion, in order to maintain the calibre of teachers, at least some of.the demands mast be met. It is a competitive market and inasmuch as teachers are expected to be leaders in the co~aunity, some incentive should be provided. The presentnin- imum of $1,050.00 was entirely inadequate. Dr. Fin~land stated that the import- ant thing was not money, and he would like the best teachers possible for the City of Niagara Falls, but this cannot be done in the existing conditions. Xt is a transitionsty period and teachers, in addition to their other duties, are now being asked to teach religion. He felt the taxpayers would not object to an in- crease for educational purposes. Mayor Houck then asked how many teachers owned property in the municipality and was advised by ~ir. Kribs that he would estimate possibly half. Dr. Kellam emphasized the number of teachers maintaining homes here or elsewhere, and referred to the.reduction in salaries during the period of supervision; and felt that this ground had not yet been regained. Tee lot of the teacher should be improved and Dr. Kellam referred also to the cost of living and to w~mt other municipalities are doing in the nature of increases. Mr. Musgrove stated that the Budget provided for a general increase, the prime factor being living costs; that teachers are scarce, and in a number of instances, untrained personnel are being used. Xt could not be expected that they could acquire adeq- uate teachers without adequate pay. 'At the present time there ere one hundred and twenty-two teachers on the roster, and approximately twenty-nine hundred pupils, representing one-seventh of the population. Regarding the Provincial grants, Nia- gara F~llS now receives on the basis of me-third. A comparision with Stamford grants was mentioned and Mr. Musgrove called attention to the fact that. there. are a number of large taxpayers in the Township of Stamford, one o~ whom is assessed for ~3,~50,000.00 for school purposes. He also referred to the unusually high cost of educating pupils to-day. Mr. Ea~bs stated that the current 1947 B~dget of the BOard only exceeds their 1946 actual figures by $18,000.00. His Worship stated that if concessions were made to one, it must go to all, and if they ac- cede to the request of the Board it would man six mills on the tax rate. Dr. Potter stated that you cannot retain teachers if innefficient remuneration is provided; and also criticized the grant system in effect at present. Mayor Houck stated that the other organizations were awaiting the same consideration; at which time Dr. Fingland agreed that he could see the dilemma facing the Council. 'Potter asked if they could obtain something cmcrete as to Cmncil,~ contemplated action to take back to their Board for consideration. Ald. Frank then advised that the matter would be re~erred to the B~dget Committee for re-consideration. ~ld. White stated that the policy of Council had consistently been to allocate funds as far as it was possible, b~t the allocation ~ad always been left up to the! B~ards themelves. Dr. Potter thin. e~pmssed, his a~P~eciation of the oppor- tunity to appear before Council. Niagara Falls l~blic Library Board lace. The representatives were liesare. Hamilton and Butters, ~d bliss ILE.Wal- His Worship Mayor ttouck outlined the difficulties confronti:~S the Coun- cil and asked Ald. Frank to explain in nero detail. Yuld. Frank addressed the egation and after explanation, Mr. Butters stated that the ixmrease in their est- imates submitted was approximately ten per cent over that of last year. They contemplated using the larger portion of the Provincial grant for salary increases and provision for a half-year's debt charges on the proposed library. In this regard, he also mentioned the sizeable emount provided for books for the new lib- rary, and stated he felt the salary list was not inelastic except with reference to the total amount. They hoped that revenue from the new library would be in- creased to the extent wbere it might absorb the cost of the additional staff. Hemilton advised that the grants received from the l~ovince are based on librar- ian qualifications and provision in the regulations states that if the City grant is reduced below that of the previous year, the Province can, if they vdsh, can- cel the grant entirely. He asked v/hether the objection of the Ca~ncil was to their budget as a ~ole or to salaries, either total or individually; and was ad- vised' that the objection was to salaries. He stated that the increase in the sal- ary estimates of $4,700.00 included an item of ~2,000.00 for a new librarian. Mr. Butters then thanked the Council for their reception and L~. Hamilton assured council that they were anxious to help and assist. 'City Employees The Fire Department representatives included t',essrs. Lffacrae, Thomas and Graham. The Employees, Union representatives were Messre. Dc~vning, Hicks and Strange and the Police Department members were Messrs. Ysmes, Follett, Cart and Catherwood. His Worship again outlined the conditions, and asked the Clminnan of Finance to explain the .Budget to those present. After Ald. Fi~ank's explanation, Mr. Do~ming stated that the merebare of the Police Association felt it would he out of ~rder for them to speak to any other body than the Commission. P~r. Y~mes stated that their request had been submitted to the Commission and he was given to under- stand that it has since been forwarded to Council, and th'!t they would only talk to the Police Commission. Ald. Bucknor suggested that in such case, it might be advisable for the police to leave for their own benefit. Mr. D~mlng felt, how- ever, they should be permitted to remain. Mr. Macrae, speaking cn behalf of the Firemen, stated that their request submitted was not only for the cost of living. They felt the maxim for fireman should be changed as well, the present maximum being inadequate. Lit. Thomas quoted maximum figures in other cities in support of their request. Ald. Miller stated that using Toronto as a comparison was not fair because the conditions are radically different in the two municipalities. ~,~r. Dcwning advised that they felt the labour rates should be increased on n compar- ative basis with other industries, and that four cents was inadequate for increased cost of living. Aid. White stated that according to the figure before him, em- ployees' labour rates would be seventy cants in 194~, and he was of the opinion that although Connell would like to grant the request, the taxpayer, who is the prime source.of revenue for the municipality, would be incapable of hearing such a bur- den. Mr. Downdug quoted starting labour rates in industry. Mr. Hicks stated that there was no doubt that in the near future the rental ceiling or control would he lifted and in that event, the proposed $100.00 increase would be far from suffic- ient to meet the increased rents; and suggested that the mill rate is being kept dora at the expense of the employees; and also referred to the fact that there is no insurance or pension plan in effect for municipal employee. Aid. Frank ad- vised that the hourly rates had bean steadily increased since 194S and Ald. Miller · also said that in the year 1946 no increase had been asked for except by the Board of Education, but nevertheless an increase of $75.00 was provided for all em- ployees, and the mill rate was irateased by four mills. Ald. Frank then stated 'that they ware Just trying to get the opinions of the various bodies and then the Budget would be reconsidered. Ald. Bunknor asked the representatives if theyfelt this Council should be expected to rectify all the mistakes made by prev~us noun- .ells. Mr. Hicks stated 'no' ~ut felt that because of the increase in assessment, it migh~ possibly be considered and s~ggested that the water department was more than carrying its own personnel, and said the surplus obtained in that department could take care of any increases in that department. Ald. Donald advised that the increased assessment had been ~sed and even so, the proposed budget necessit- ated a two mill increase. Dir. Nacrae stated that the ~1,800.00 starting pay for firemen was too low, comparatively speaking, and that they at present york sixty hours a week v~ereas the general trend Was toward forty-eigl~ hours a week. hir. Bovrning called attention to the fact that along the sam lines, the startin.g rate for labcur was also too low. Ald. Frank advised the representatives tbat they ~uld re-consider the Budget in ~iew of the lformation received. His Worship ~ayor Houck thanked those present for their attendance and the manner in which the discussion had taken place. bit. D~Hning also thanked Council for their at- tentive hearing. Council then adjourned. RE.~kO A/D AD0:~ED, 3 ~arch, 1947. - -- Mayor TH, IHTEI~'TI! !~ZETING Council Cha~nber, 3 h!'~rch, 1947. tlECUL'~R l~nrsuant to adjournment, the Council met at ?.30 p.m. on Monday, ~ oh, 1947, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. A!] bets of the Council were present. The Council, havin~ received and read the min- utes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. White 'and let. The following Ca%muni cati ou~ ~iere presented: No. 114 - GunninSs - appreciation of action re ambulance services. ORDER_,~D on the motion of A!d. Miller and Frank that the conn:mnication be l~ceived and filed. No. 115 - City of :Vocalstock - re resolution re subnrban road collisions. OFOEED on the motion of ild. Frank and Hawkins that tile coxmmunlcation be received and filed. No. 116 - City of Windsor - resolution re protection of homeo,,,mers against fore- -closures. OtDEE on the motion of ,tld. Miller and Frank that the conm~unication be received and the resolution be endorsed. No. 117 - City of Windsor - resolution re Dominion-Provincial agreer, Bnt on relief costs. 0t~DEPi]) on the motion of Ald. Donald and V,tlite that the con~,mnication be received and the resolution be endorsed. No. ll8 - City of Windsor - resolution requesting amendaunt to Municipal Act re nominations and resignations. O~ERED on the nDtion of Ald. White and MacDonald that the communication be received and filed. -No. 119 - Village of Chippawa - acceptance of offer re sale of water. OR]ERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the comn~unication be received and filed, and the necessary negotiations carried out. No. 120 - City of Sar.nia - resolution re provincial government assuming responsib- ility for 0hildren's Aid Societies. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mac- Donald that the communication be received and the resolution be endorsed. No. 1~1 - Equipment Sales and Service Limited - re demonstration of snow loader. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Donald and White that the co~lmnication be received and filed. No. 122 - Ontario Municipal Association - report on presentation of brief. (RO- ERED on the motion of AId. Bucknor and Hawkins that the communication be received and filed. No. 1~3 - Mrs. M. Stevenson - appreciation of greetings to Mrs, White. (RDERED on the motion of ~ld. Bucknor and Frank that the cbmmunicati on be received and filed. No. 124 - Department of Planning and Development - re Morse-Misener subdivision. (RDERED on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Frank that the commnieation be rec- eived and filed, and the City M~nager's recommendations be adopted, and the nee- ' essary by-law prepared. ~ Repor,ts No. 60, 6,1 :.Tae followAngRe~o~ts were presented: 70 No. 60- City Manager No. 61 - A~roPertY Committee - re Morse-Misener subdivision. ONDER.ED on the mot- ion of Ald. MacDonald and Frank that the reports be received' and filed, and the recommndations be adopted. No. 62 - City Clerk - re conference held on 24 February, 1947. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and Miller that the report be received and filed. No. 63 - Tourist Conuaittee - re meeting with tourist home ovmers and reconunendat- ions. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~'/nlte and Bucknet that the report be rec- eived and filed, and the reconmendations be adopted. No. 64 - City Clerk - recontmendix~ issuance of llcences. OI~IERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and White that the report be received and filed, and the recommendatio:~ be adopted. VERR,~L REPORT Ald. V~ite reported, on behalf of the commit tee who attended the con- vention of the Ontario Good Roads Association in Toronto. It was eriered on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Miller that the report be received and Ald. l'~ite be thanked for the same. RES 0LUTI ON The following Resolution was passed: No. 41 - ~TE - DONALD -RESOLVED that the action of His Worship ~ayor Houek, in appointing Aidex~nan Robert Buckher as enacting mayor on March 4th and 5th, du ring the absence of His Worship from the City, be approved; and the Seal of the Cor- poration be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously BY-L~W The following By-law was passed: No. 4005 - To authorize the execution of a Deed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Hawkins that Aid. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first tim - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Bucknet that Rule 36 (2~ of the Standing ~ules of Council be suspended and the by-law given the second readir~ - Carried unanimously. Third readin~ - Aid. ~acDonald and Miller. The Council 'adjourned on the motion of Aid. Donald and White. EAR AND ADOP~D, 10 ~arch, 1947. Clerk · ~ Mayor FINANCE M~ETII~ Council Chamber, 3 Mm~ah, 1947. The Finance Committee met on Monday, 3 March, 19't. 7, for the p~r!~cse ~ approvinC and also of passing the various acesun s which had been Fo',jerly cert- ified and placed before them. All members of the Connnitteo were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Comnittee, ~ltounting to :$t0,680o35. The accounts submitted, being passed or other~'dss dealt ;'~ith, were ord- ered placed in the .~loney by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Miller and Donald. The comparison of tax collections as at 28th February w-~s presented. It was ordered on the motion of kld. Donald and Mayor Houck that tim statement be received and filed. A report was presented from the City I~snagor concerning inquiries as to the sale price of Lots 179, 180, 213, 214, BUttrey Street. Upon the reconmeniation of the Property Conumittee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Pfi~ite it was ordered that the report be received and ~iled, and the price of the lots be set at the assessed value of $400.00 per lot. An offer was presented from Wilfred Howlett of $200.00 for the parchase of part of Lots 137, 136, Plan 24, Bridge Street. Upon the reco~,~:~ndation of the ProI~rty Co~mittee and on the motion of Ald. Miller and Buckner it was ordered that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the provision that a dwelling of at least $5,000.00 value is erected on the premises within a period of six months. The report of the Property Co:~mittee, on the above matters, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Bucknet that the report be received and filed. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending the issuance of a building pex~ait for an addition to the Hotel General Brock. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald end White that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending the issuance of a building permit for an addition to the plant of Niagara Dry Beverages. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mayor Houck that the report be rec- eived and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. The Committee-adjourned on the.motion of Aid. Donald and-Miller~ ........... READ AND ADOPThl), 10 March. 1947 . Clerk Chairman of Finanqe COUNCIL MEkTING Cotuxcil Chamber, 3 }~srch, 1947. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance m stings for the purpose of rassing the money by-law which covered the ac- e counts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present. The follovdng By-law ws passed: No. 400.6. - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and macdonald that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of in~roducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unaniraously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and White that Rule ~6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law given the second read~ ing - Carried unanimously. Third reading -Ald. Millor and Donald - Cartie d unanimously. .... VERBAL Ye/PORT On behalf of the Traffic Committee, Ald. ~iller advised Council that it was the intention to present a report at the next meeting which would contain rec- ommendations that Epwor~h Circle be made a ohe-way street; .stud that no parking would be permitted on the inside circle of the roadways of Ewporth Circle, Ryer- son Crescent and Eastwood Crescent. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Frank and Donald. READ AND ADOPTh~), 10 M~rch, 194~. Olerk ~.~e~ or CONFER~NCE 0ouncil ~hamber, March, 194V. The Conference Committee assembled at the close of the regulsr council and finarea meetings, for the purpose of considerin8 matters placed before them. All members or the 'Committee were Ipresent. Ald. A,.D.Frank was Ohaiman. After consideration of the matters he,'ore the:n, the Conmittee adjcurned on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and !.T.~vor Houck. READ ADD ~DOPTED, 10 ,l~arch, 1947. Clerk Cha irma n FOURTEk~tt I.IEETING Counci 1 Chore be r, 7 March, 1947. SFECIAL LSEETING The City Council held a special iaeeting at 7.00 r-m. on Friday, V March, 194V, for the p~rpose of considering the revised budget for t~he year 1947; and for the purpose of passix~g by.laws in connection therewith. ill members of the Cc~n- oil were presser. ~________PORTS The follov,~n~ Re= orts v~ere presented: No. 65 - Chairman of Finance - presenting revised budget for 194V. No. 66 - Chairmen of Einance - summary of information for co~mideration vdth Bud- get. GtDEE on the motion of Ald. ~acDonald ar~l Hawkins that the reports be received ard filed, and the same adopted. FU.qTHER 0R[ERED on the motion of Ald. ~.~iller and KacDonald that a vote of appreciation be extended to the Chairn~n of Finance, Ald. A.D.Frank, for his splendid reports and his ~rk in coxmeeti on with the presentation of the Budget. BY-lAWS The fellerring By-laws were passed: No. 400~ - To provide for the Appropriations for the year 1947. It vms ordered on the n~tion of Ald. ~ite and H~wkins that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - C~rried, Ald. Donald voting cc~trsry. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that Rule (~) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the sec- ond reading - Carried, Ald. Donald voting contrary. Third reading -Ald. Bucknor and l~acDonald - Carried, Ald. Donald voting contrary. No. 4008 - To authorize the levying and collecting of taxes for the year 194V, ani "' defining the certain duties of the Clerk, Treasurer and Collector of the City of Niagara Falls. It was ordered on the motira of AId. Miller and Hawkins that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried, Ald. Donald voting contrary. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Busliner and White that Rule ~6 of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law given the second reading - Carried', Ald. Donald voting contrary. Third reading -Ald. ldacDonald and Nillet - Carried, Ald. Donald voting contrary. No. 4009 - To authorize the manner in which taxes for the ~ar 1947 shall become ~ due, to provide a time for payment, and penalties for non-payment. It was ordered oh the motion of Aid. White and MacDonald that Aid. Frank he given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first tim - Carried, Aid. Donald voting contrary. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and Miller that Rule 36 (~} of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law given the second reading - C~uried, Ald. Donald voting contrary. Third reading- Ald. 1decDonald and White - Carried un~u~iip. ously. On the motion of Ald. I~iller and L~ac])onald, represent~.~tives of the City employees were pen!~itted to address Council. ~.r. CoerCe ~3c~';nirC, on behalf the Niagara Falls Civic Employees' Fede~.al Union i.,ro. 13Z, iation of his organiZetieD for the consideration of Council of their re'luest for salary increases, and for the action taken. Idr. Thomas ]..acrae, rel~sentin Fire Department employees, also expressed his appreciation of the action of Coun- cil.. RESOLUFI CNS The fellerring Resolutions :,~ere passed: No. 42 - }~ILLER- FR/~K - RESQLV?~D that the appreciation of this Council be ex- pressed for the editorial which appeared in a recent issue of the loc~ conceraing the action taken by Co~cil with r~rd to traffic and transrortation problems in the City; and the Se~ of the Corporation be heI~to affixed. C~~ tied unu~mousl~ No. 43 - HAWKII,vS - DOI'F, LD - RESOLVED that the Traffic Committee be .given permis- sion to study and report upon the matter of public transporation for the City of Niagara Falls; and the Seal c~ the Corporation be hereto affixed. Car ~ed ana~mousl~ The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Frank and Hawkins. IF~AD ANDADOPTED 10 March, 1947. Olerk, Me~v. or ,76 N~i~'~TIt MEETIN~ Council Ohamber, l0 March, 1947. l~rsuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 10th March, 1947, for the purpose of considering genex~ business and finance. ~ members of the Council ~e present. The Council, having received and read the n~tnubes 9f the previous meeting, adq~ed these on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and C ONGRATLTLAT I 0NS His Worship Mayor Houck, on behalf of the members of Council, extended congratulations and best wishes to Aider~- and Mrs. i~ckner upon the celebrat- ion of their thirtieth wedding anniversary on 5th March. C0~CATIONS l~ne following Co~umnieations were presented: No. 125 - City of Galt No. 126 - City of Stratford No. 127 - City of St. Thomas - resolution re suburban area cnmmtSsiOnS. 0i~)ERED on the motion ofAld. Bawkins and Frank that the oonm~cations be received and filed. Aid. MAiler arrived at the meeting. No. 128 - City c~ Brantfc~d - greetings from Bell Centennial celebration. 0t~- EREDon the motion of Aid. Donald and Frank that the cc~mBAnieation be received and filed. No. 1~9 - C~dian Red Cross ~osiety - appeal for funds for AnnUal campaign. OI~D- 1~ on the mo.tion of Aid. Frank and MacDonald that the oomndoation be received and filed. No. 130 - City of 0wen Soun~ - resolution re revenue from gasoline tax. 0t~EI~ on the motion of Aid. F~ank and i~Aeknsr that the c~m~Anicationbe received and filed, and the resolution be endorsed. No. 131 - Greater Niagara Victorian 0~dar cf l~ses - re annual meeting. 01~F~ an the motion of Aid. Frank and Hawkins that the c~mmAnioation be received and filed, and as many of the C~unsil as possible attend the meeting. No. 132 - Niagara Falls Bxblie Library Beard - re negotiations to purchase prop- arty. Oi~D~RE~ on the motion of Aid. Frank and MaeDonald that the 'o~.,~,ntcation be received and referred to the Property Coma!tree for a report. No. 1~ - C-nedian Fedovation of Mayors and ~xnicil~lities - re AnnUal conference in Winnipeg. ORDERED on the mtiou of AId. White and l~nk that the c~.~x~cat- ion be received and filed, and a ~ei~esentative be sent to the Convention. No. 134 - R.Blake Ex~n - sub~tting plan of I~slie subdivision. 01~ on the motion of ad. ~er and F~k that ~ phn be ~eeiv~ ~d laid on the ~ble; and t~ enti~ e~eil ao~u~nted ~ the pl~ ~ ~S pE~$y. REPORTS X~xid over from a previous meeting: No. 58 - City Clerk - re meetingwith representatives of County of Wellaud re new five-year agreement. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and B~ckner that the report be received and filed. The following Reports were presented: No. 67 - City Clerk - re conference held 3rd March. 0RDEKED on the motion of Aid. BAcknor and MacDonald that-the-report be received and filed, and ~lopted. No. 68 - Trellis Committee - recommending changes re parking and one-way street. 0Pd)ERED on the motion of Aid. M~ller and l~rank that the report be received and filed, and the recommendations be adopted. No. 69 - 0ity Clerk - recomm-nding issuance of licenoes. 0RDERBD on the motion of Ald. MacDonald ~nd White that the xeport be received and filed, and the rec- Ommendation be adopted. No. 70 - City Clerk -lresenting application for licmce, not approved. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. Frank end Hawkins that the report be received and laid on the table for one week. No. ?1 - City Manager - report on accident with City vehicle. ORDEP.~D on the mot- ion of Ald. Donald and White that the report be received and referred to the Eq- uipment Committee. - His Worship Mayor Houck made a verbal mport to C~Ancil upon the at- teadanes of several members of Council at the luncheon meeting of the Greater -Niagara Hotelmen's Association. The following By-laws were psssed: No. 4010 - To appoint tubers of the Ex. mining Board cf Plumbers for the City of Niagara Falls. It was ordered on the motlob of Aid. White and B~ckner that Aid. Mac- Donald be given the privilege cf introducing a by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. · It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Frank and Hawkins that Rule 36 (~-) of the .~tanding i~AleS of COuncil be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. Third reading -Ald. MacDonald and Frank - Carried ::-_enimously. .Not 4011 - To authorize the execution of a Deed of Xand to tLts Majesty the King in. the Right of Canada. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that ~_d. l~k be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, .~a the by-~w ~ mad the first tim - O~ri~ m~msly. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Miller and White that l~Ale S6 (~) of the S~anding Rules of C~uneil be suspended and the by-law ~e given the second · eeding - ~arried unanimously. Third reading -Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins,- Carried, Aid. Miller voting eontrary.. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. White and Bucknet. READ A~D ADOPTED, 1? March, 1947. Clerk FIN~E MEETING Council Chamber, 10 March, 1947. ~ Finance Cnmmtttee met on Monday, 10 }&arch, 1947, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert- ified and placed before then. All menbore of the Committee were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Com.mtttee, amounting to ~.6,506.70, The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Aid. Donald and Miller. The statement of Unenployment A~eltef for the month of February was presented. At was omlersd on the motion of ~ld. White and Miller that the state- ment be received and filed. A report was presented to.the froperry Oommittee with regard to an of- fer from the Mimed Coscrete 2upply Ltd. for A~S 181, ~ughton Aveue, a~ 21~, ~ckson Aveus, for the assessed value of $~.00 ea~, U~n the of the ~o~rt~ Oomittee a~ on tM motion of ~d, ~eT a~ ~w~ns ~e~d ~t the ~fe~ ~ ~c~vod ~ The rel~rt of the ~operty Committee, on the above offer, was pros- .ented, At was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins that the report be received and filed. A report was prosanted from the City Manager, reCnmm~Ud ing that thre.e si~x ~ts fo~ Chaise,Steele, ~ne ~p ~d.~,n-l~s, be iss~d. A~ was or- der~ on the wtion of ~d. ~ODonn3d a~ ~er tht the report ~ r~ved ~d f~ed, ~ ~ ~o~menda~lo~ ~ A repox~ was presented from the City Manager,. reo~amamiing that a tmilding pex~At be issued to the Herriman lumber Cenpan~ for an addition to their building. At was omiered on the m~.ion of AId, MaeDo-~ld and White that the xep- *c~.t. be ~eeoived and filed, and the mo~mandation be ad01~ei. A report was presented from the City ~--a~e~, resomenting that a sign · peX~ttt be issued for 186 Bridge st~est, It was o~dered on the motion of Ald. Miller and B~ekner that the report be reoeiwed e~d filed, and the ~eeommenda$ion be adol~ed, Areport was presente from the City M-n~ger, recon~aending the purchase of two power m~ers. it was ordered on the motion of ald. Miller ara ~,l~lte that themport be received and laid on the table for one week, and the Council sup- plied with information upon the mowers. The City Manager submitted a sketch of the proposed building to be er- ected by Frontier Motors Sales Limited on Queen Street lots, and the request that the Council give a decision as to whether a two-storey building must be erected. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Dom~!d and Hawkins that the matter be ref- erred to the Property Committee for a report at the next meeting. A-~ior to the above motion, it was moved by Ald. White and ~lller that the second storey be req- wired on the building in accordance with the terms of the original sale of the lot. The Onmm!ttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. %Taite and Donald. IF_AD AND ADORED, 17 ~ch, 1947. Chairman of Finance COUNCKL MEETING Council 0henbet, 10 March, 1947. The Council re-assen~51ed at the close of the regular council and fin- me meetings for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covetad the ac- counts approved by the Committee. ~3/members of the Council were present. The follo~ng By-law was passed: No..4012 - To' Grant Monies for General A~trposes. It ms omlered on the motion of AId. Miller and Hawkins that Aid. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Donald and Busknot that Rule cg the Standing l~ales Of Council he suspended and the by-law be given the eseond reading - Gettied unanimously. Third reading -Ald, White and MacDonald - OarrAed un-nimoUSly, The following Resolution was passed: No. 44 - ~r.l.~R - MacDONALD - RESOLVED that information be obtained in connection with the one hundred Wartime Housing Limited dwellin~s erected in the City, as to the names of the tenants, their former places of residences the length of stay in the City, their place of employment, and their war service records SUch informat- ion to be SUpplied to the members c~ the 0ity.Council; and the Seal of the Corpor- ation be hereto affixed. Carried The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Frank and Hawkins. RFAD AND ADOFI~D, 17 March, 1947. Clerk SIXTEI~FfH DEETING REGOLAR i~E~FING Council Chamber, 17 Auarch, 1947. Pursuant to adjourrnnent, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 17th March, 1947, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes cf the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Frank. COMMUNI CATI ONS Laid over from previous meetings: No. 132 - Niagara Falls Public Library Board - re site for new library. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and t'hite that the communication be received and laid on the table. SE~/Report. No.. 72 No. 134 - R.Blake Erwin - forwarding plan of ,.eslie subdivision. ORDERED on the metion of Ald. Frank and Hawkins that the plan be received and laid on the table; that Mr. Leslie be asked to state a price for the sale of the entire subdivision; and the City ~nager ascertain the amount the City could receive in selling the property by lots. SEE Commun..l.c.a.tion No. 135 The following Communications were ],~resanted: No. 135 - Department of Flaming and Development - re Leslie subdivision. ERED on the motion of ald. ~ank and Hawkins that the comnmnication be received ~.d laid On the table. SEE Report ~o. 73 No. 136 - Niagara Fails Music Festival Association - acknowledging grant for 1947. 01tDER~2) on the motion Of Ald. Frank and Hawkins that the conumnication be received and filed. No. 137 - Niagara reninsula Sanatorium Association - acknowledging grant for 1947. ORDERED on the motion Of Ald. Bucknor and Miller that the communication be rec- eived and filed. No. 138 - Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce - requesting representative on court- esy Committee. uRDEE on the motion of Ald. White and Miller that the communic- ation be received and filed, and Ald. macD0nel~ be made the representative ~f Council on this Con~tttee. No. 139 - Niagara Falls J'anior ub~mber Of Commerce - invitation to regional din- ner meeting. OA~DEK~D on the motion of Ald. h~Ackner and Miller that the comnunic- ation be received, 'the invitation be accepted; and as many of the council as pos- sible attend the meeting. No. 140 - Health League of Canada - requesting resolution re blood test before marriage. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Bucknor and White that the oom, n;nioation be ~eeeived and filed. No. 141 - _Clifton Cha~tero A.0.D.E. - requesting Imrmissicn to hold tag day. oA~D- ER~D On the motion Of AId. Miller and MacDonald that the communication be received and filed, and the Chapter he notified that if and when the dedication ceremony is b~d, their request wail be given first consideration. No. 142 - Gordon H. Bates - requesting additiOnal taxi stands, on behalf of Vet- eran Taxi Company. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. White and Frank that the commun- ication be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for a report. No. 143 - Hydro-Electric Commission of Niagara Falls - encloselag 1946 Statement of Operation. ORDERED on the motion of ald. Frank and White that the communic- ation be received and filed. No. 144 - Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation - enclosing list of tenants in Wartime Housing houses. ORDEP~ on the motion of Ald. Malllet and i~;acDonald that the communication be received and laid on the table until the next meeting. No. 145 - Douglas G. Ylre - enclosir6 amended draft plan of Ralph subdivision. 0R- DEED on the motion of Ald. Fl~nk and Hawkins that the communication be received and filed, and ~r. Ure be advised that the plan cannot be accepted as submitted. SEE Report No. 74 No. 146 - R. Blake Erwin - enclosing plan of Morngingstar subdivision. on the motion of Ald. White and Haydnins that the communication be received and filed, and the plan be accepted as satisfactory with the amendment of the names of t~ streets which should be shown as avenues. ~ Report No.~, REPORTS Laid over from preyions meetings: No. 70 - City Clerk - re application for licenee not approved. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Miller that the report be received and filed, and the liceace for D.~occo at 1365 Ferry Street be issued. No. 71 - City ~ana~er - re accident to Track Number 14. ORDEi~ on the motion of Aid. Frnnk and MacDonald that the communication be received and filed. " SEE Report No. 76 The .following Reports were presented: No. 72 - Property Committee - re proposed site for new library building. on the motion of Aid. Frank and V(aite that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. No. 73 - City M. nn~er - re plan of Leslie subdivision. ORDERED ca the motion of Ald. Frank and Hawkins that the report be received and laid on the table. No, 74 - City Manager - re plan of Ralph subdivision, OR0~.P~D on the m~tion of Ald, Frank and Hav;kins that the report he received and filed, and the recommend- ation be adopted, No. 75 - City ~-nsger - re plan of ~orningstar subdivision. 0RDEI~ED on the mot- ion of Aid. White and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the rec- ommendations be adopted, No. 76 - Equipmeat Committee - recommending purchase of various motor units. 0RD- ERED on the motion of Aid. Frank and MacDonald that the report he recelved and filed, and the recommendations be adopted. No. 77 - City Manager - presenting draft agreement with Village c~ Chippaws. ORD- ER~ on the motion of Aid, Fran~ and MacDonald that the draft be accepted as sat- isfactory, No. 78 - 0ity Manager - recommending construction of water .m~n on ~riotoria Ave- nue. ORDerED on'the,motion of Ald. Fx~nk and Donald ~bat the x~port. be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. No. 79 - Cit Manager - recommending construction ,of water main on Grey Avenue. UPj)EA~F~ on t~e motion of ~d. Haw~ ~d filed, and the reeo~dation be adored. No. 80 - Dairy_ Inspector - report for February. O~j)EI~D on the motion of · ~ller and 5Ackner that the report be received and filed. No. 81 - ~Oity Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. OHD,EH~.~.' on the motion of Ald. mcdonald and ~ite that the report be received and filed, and the rcco~nend- ation be adopted. lo~SOLU'I~£Oi~ The fellowl ng Re so_luti on was pass ed: No. 45 - x~J h,F.~ . DOi~[d) - R~OLgED that the action of His l~'orship Mayor Houck, in appointing Aldermau a.D.Frank as enactingmyor on l~th and 20th D..:'arch, during the absence of His Worship from the City, be approved; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously BY-AAW The following By-law was pessed: No. 4013 - To amend By-law Number 3790, for the regulation of Traffic. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and L~xcDonald that ~ld. :'til- ler be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that l~ule 36 of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. Third reading- Ald. Frank and Donald - Carried unanimously. MISCELLANY,PUS His Worship Mayor Houck advised Council of the death of Mrs. Dell, wife of Reeve Ssn~ord Dell of ~villoughby Township. His Worship Mayor Houck appointed Aldermen lfawkins, Frank, Donald and Bucknor as the representatives of the City 0canell at the convention of the amer.- lean Water Works Association in Montreal on April 14~h, 15th and 16th. His Worship Mayor Houck asked that Aid. Franklin J. Miller be his rep- resentative at the convention of the Oamdian Federation of Mayors and Municipal- ities, to be held in Winnipeg on July 8th and llth. The council adjourned on the motion of ~Aid. White ~m~ Donald. EF~D AI~ ADOPTED, 24 March, 1947. Clerk Mayor ~NANCE LEETING Council Chamber, 17 4i~rch, 1947. The Finance Committee met on l~ondsy, 17 March, 1947, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert- ified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to $19,839.33. The accounts submitted, being p~ssed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Donald and Bucknor. The matter of the type of building to be erected by Frontier ~iotors Lim- ited on Queen Street lots which havebeen purchased by them, and as laid over from the previous meeting, was considered. Upon the recomxmndation of the A~roperty Committee and on the motion of Aid. MacDonml d and White it was ordered that the Company be advised that the structure is to be of two-storey construction, at least ~here it abutts Queen Street, and the upper storey is to be available for either office or living accommodation. A communication was presented from Yack Glffen, requesting an extension of time for the erection of a buildi.ng on a lot purchased by him. Upon the rec- ommendation of the A~roperty Committee and on the motion of Ald. White sud Hawkins it was ordered that ~r. Giffen be advised that on receipt of the balance of. the assessed value of the lot, the deed will be issued to him. An offer was presented from E.Seabright for Lot 20, Plan 16, Elgin Street at a price c~ ~75.00. Upon the recommendation of the A~roperty Committee and on the motion of Ald. MacDOnald and White it vms ox~ered that the offer he received and accepted, subject to the provision that a dwelling of at least $5,000.00 value is erected on the premises within six months. The report of the Froparty Committee on the above matters was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and White that the report be rec- eived and filed. A communication was presented from the Children's Aid Society of York County in connection with the maintenance of Baby McKle. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Buckmr that the com,,~lcation be received and filed, and the additional maintenance costs be assumed by the Corporation. A report was presented from the Oity Mareget, recomaending a building permit for a garage at 1700 Stanley Avenue .' At was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Bucknor that the report be received and filed, and the recommaudation be adopted. A report was presented from the city Manager in connection with an ap- plicatio~ for a building permit for the erection of cabins on Lot 24, Buchanan avenue. it was ordered oh the motion of ald. Donald and miller that the report he received and laid on the table, and the rec_o~nendation be adopted. The committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. ButCher and Miller. READ AND AD0~H), PA March, 1947. Clerk ' ' ""'°"""" Chairman of Finance CO~RCIL A~E~fING Council Ch~l~ber, 17 March, 1947. The Council reassembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the pttrpese of passing the money by-law v~ich covered the ac- counts approved by the Committee. all members of the ~ouncil were present. The following By-law was passed: ~o. 4014 - To Grant ~onies for ueneral furposes. · t was ordered on the n~tion of ~dd. Aiawkins and Bucknor that ald. ~'rank be given the privilege of lntreducin6 t~he by-law and the by-law be read the first time - carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald and Hawkins that ~u!e 36 ~2] of the Standing Hules of council be suspended and the by-law be given the second' reading - uarrted unanimously. Third reading - Aid. Miller .and White - Carried unanimously. mISCFAIaN~OUS Ald. MAiler asked that information be obtained as to the progress being made by the HY~ro-Electric Commission of Niagara ~'alls in the matterof the moving of conduits on Victoria Avenue. ~ESOLFfI ON The following Resolution was passed: No. 46 - MIL~F.R - mCDONALD - I~ESOL~ED that the City ~-~ager be instructed to write to the Department c~ Militia to ascertain if the height of the chimney at the local Anuouries could be increased, in an e~fort to eliminate the smoke nuis- ~-m~--e which now exists; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. carrie.d .,u.nunimc~sly The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Frank and Hawkins. HEAD ANDADOprED, 24~s~ch, 1947. Olerk Council Chamber, 17 March, 1947. The .~o g'V~"~9 O~l~t~ l,et at the 01one of ~e ~ council a~ i'hA~hCO "'~ ~9~' tk~ p~rt,95o ~ ~iving 0onotderatton to the matters p~cod ~9~'~, ~i~.. A~ ~A'~ 9~~ ~ ~U~ ~ ~resent. Arto c cu~,-~i io~',~t[O:~ of ~ wa~.~ ~,~.~ the Ce~nittee adjcurrad on the Chairman 24 ;.:aa'ch, 19,!'7. i~I~Y|UL, di },~L, TING h!l'SUnllt tO ndjoUrlm)P, llt} t, hn CI)llllcil met; hi. T.:~(1 ll.lq, ~lll ':,~11,1n.%,, ~e~l~ Of the Coilflail were ]lru~oBL. '1'}1ft Coilnell I }lavl,~ % D'~'oived ~lll] D-.1,1 CJl,, ~tes of tile previ~s meethl~, adopted these on tile motloll Of ALt f.llllnr nlld ~cl)onal d. ' Ill eolnlgct;j. nt~ wlt.h C(~t~q~Jllieqti on ][o. 147, Mr. ,],l,tlnq the dour]nil. LW. COWIUI qdvJEied of' t;Jln p]~,~ of' t;}ln Af;sr~]qt. Jon t,,) }l{~,J,] ..... tt'l, ivai at ~,,ll~r I'm'k, Uio lukeends from w:lich are to be ~ed eIILIZ'BIF f't~Z' CJl~!l'it-- able purposes. S~E Com~mnieutlon flu. 147 On the ~tion of Ald, Lti]jer aid L~neDo/,qJd~ represohtntlTqs Nlega~t }"~ls ]~b].ie l.lb]'ary B~;'d were ]~ermlttnd t,o 'ul'tr, sn Cc-l,d J. Mr. Tinmil- ton, tile Chnirmn, sJx~ke ill st. nnd ndvised Council of' In selectIra< ~ ~.d tabl~ site For ths pI~)I.osed south ,ud hrnrmh ilton advised that nfter eons,ltqtlnn :,dth Lh's..';.7;.Morsn, sho ~t lot, adjacent to her ],resoct pz't>pnrty el, F,T~n S*.reqt,, to of $5,000.00. Mr. Har~lton spoke in apprect~tion o~ th]~ a~n~rou~ a~d publ~c- spirited ~fer from 1.~rs. Morse ,tnd sisted thst ~ba ~n,'cl were rOtv,r~r~,r~t rae th Council that tim of far be neceI,~1 ,,r~l Ml~ site used Per th~ er~ctjor, of th~ ltb- rs~. P~. Parrot also spok. u~m the tastier and answer~ ~ ]tim by members ~ the C~ncil. - SE~ Resolj_~lon No. 47 T~F.}DERS Tet~lers had been cslled for ~he pm~e, ase of ~e haft-ton picklip t~uck for the uee of ~he 8~met Detriment; one ~e-ton pickup truck for ~e Sewer De~nt and one t~ck chassis, cab and body for t~ S~reet D~.qrt~nt. 0n the ~tion of ~d. ~ite and ~c~ner the ~ers we're opened, initially] by Ship ~y~ }touck, read ~d tab~a~d for cor~idefa~ion of the Courteli at a later ~ettng, COI~gYMICATI0~ laid over from. l~evious meetin~s: N~. 134 - R.~leke gMn - plan for Iaslie ~uMivision. N~). 135 - Department of Planning and Development - ~e Leslie subdivision. O~- E~ED on the motion of Aid. Donald and Frank %ba~ the. communications he ~eeei~ed e~xd laid on the table for %w weeks. ~EE Repovt~s No. 73 & 82 l~e. 140 - Health AeagUe ~ Canada - reques'~ing permaTi~al elaminstio~s,. OI~EE on the motion of Ald. l~awkirm ar~ Frank ~hat ~he .,~tlon of 17~h Mm,~,. 194% in eon~eetic~ with this co:~aication be ~eseinded.. ~ORqNER OR~F/~E~I on ~he motion of Ald. }lawkin- and Frank that the conm~.nica~ion. be; recetved~ raxe resolution be en- ~Tsed, ara advice cf this act~e~ be f~we=d'~d tO tile Pfcn~a ble !h.T.~elley,~ lain- lster cf Health, Kr. C.D.Mannlwell, iecal menme=. ~ ~ae~ I-e~Lslatu~ and. to, the. Health LeeEue of Canada. Ku. 14~- - Gordou M. Bates - =ec~es~lng ad~da&on~L nax~ aUan,d~ cu bs~U~L£ of ~fe~- ~ Taxi ComXem,T. - Ol~ cn ~ m~l~m ~ ~ ~ .andi ~lu~ ~ha~ ~na, cam, muntcation be received and filed. SEE Report No. 83 No. 144 - Central Mortgage and _Housing Corporation - e~closing list of tenants in Wartime Housing- houses. OP~)ERED on the motion of Lld. Frank and ~cDonald that the conn~Anication be received and filed. The follo~ng Communications were presented: No. 147 - Canadian Corps Association - requesting permission for carnival. O[~D- ERED on the motion of Ald. Bucknor and MacDonald that the comraunication be rec- eived and filed, that ~ermission for the use of the field and the holding of the carnival be granted, with the understanding that the same will be conducted under the direction of the Association, and the entire prOceeds will be used for' charit- able purposes. No. 148 - E/wanis Club of Niagara Falls - requesting permission to hold indoor circus. ORDER~ on the motion of A/d. Frank and. Buckmr that the conumni cation be received and filed, and permission for the circus be grantee, subject to the con- dition that the same will be conductee under the control of the Club and the ent- ire proceeds will be used for charitable purposes. No. 149 - Niagara ~'rontier Humane Society - ack~owledging grant. O~DERED on the motion of Ald. Va~lte and Frank that the communication be received and filed. No. 150 - The Salvation Army - acknowledging grant. OPaFa,~ED on the motion of ald. %Taite and Hawkins that the comunication be received and filed. No. 151 - T~ Salvation ~ivay - requesting assistance with salvage drive. OFOERED on the motion of ~d. Bucknet and MacDonald that the communication be received and filed, and the City Manager be asksd to lend ~aatever assistance is possible in this eonnecti on, No. 152 - The Globe and Mail - ~questing permission to tnst~l sales b~xes. OtO- ER~ on the motion of Aid. Donald and Hawkins that the c~mmonication be received and filed, and permission to maintain such boxes be granted, under the supervis- ion of the City manager, and until such time as they might become a nuisance. No. 153 - H.Yune Mac~herson - tendering resignation from staff. ORDERED on the motion of A~d. White and Hawkins that the communication he received and filed, the resignation be accepted, and the good wishes of the 0ouncil he extended to Miss ~acraerson. SEE Resolution No. 48 No. 154 - city of Fort Arthur - resolution re suburban area co~nissions. OffERED on the motion of ~J.d. l~Ackner and Hawkins that the communication be received and filed. No. 155 - Lorne Hamilton - re necessity for transient trader's licenee. ORDEI'~ED on the motion of. Aid. V~ite and Buckler that the communication be received filed, and the transient trader's licerace of ~250.C0 be not collected from liemilton, as he has served with the armed services during World War IX. No. 156 - Welland County Municipal Association - progran~ne few annual convention. ORDER~ on the motion of ~. White and ~uokner that the communication be ~eceived and filed, and the proper officers from the City attend the convention. . .~.': : , . laid over froa a previous msotine~: No. 73 - City Manager - re plan fc~ Leslie subdivision. OI~ED on the motion of AId. Donald and Frank that the report be received and laid' On the table for tv~ weeks. ; · SEE Rep~t No. 82 The follo~dx{ Reports were presented:.~ /'~ - ..... No. 8~ - City Manager _ re potential revenue from subdivision developed as comet- ery. O~ERED on the motion of A.ld. Donald and Frank that the repor~ be received end laid on the table for two weeks. No. 8~ - Traffic Con~mlttee - reconunending changes and estahlis~unent of taxi stands. ORDERZ~) on the m"~tion of ald. Frank and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the recommendations be adopted. No. 84 - City Clerk - re conference held on l?th March. O!O,~i~E!) on the motion of AJa. Frank and MacDonald that the report be received and filed. No. 85 - City Treasurer - requesting permission to attend conferences. OR!)E~e on the motion of A/d. Frank and '~dller t~iat the report be received and filed, and permission he granted to attend the conferences. . No. 86 - City Manager - re request of post office departrant. eRaSEr on the n~t- ion of Ald. Frank and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the rec- ommendation be adoptco. No. 8V - City Clerk - reconnending issuance of licences. OPOE.~ED on the motion of Ald. laacDonsld and White that the report be received end filed, and the recom- ~ndation be adored. No. 88 - Equipment Conunittee - recommending purchase of read roller. ORDE-~{:.~9 on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Frank that the report be received a~ filed, ~nd the reconmendation be adopted. HESOLUi'I ONS The fellerring Resolutions were passed: No. 4~ - FRA~ - BU~K/~R - PaSOL~ED that the offer of Dlrs. G.W .L~orse of a fifty- foot lot on Main Street for the sum of $~,000.00 for the e~ection of a branch library be accepted; that the necessary funds be appropriated to the Niagara Falls Public Library Board for the purchase of aueh lot; that Mrs. Morse be congratul- ated f~ her very fine spirit of generosity and public interest in making this of- fer; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Cardtied unanimously No. 48 - M/LVRR. ~UCE/~ER - Pa~SOLVED that the City Clerk be authorized to adver- tise the position of clerk for-the Relief end Welfare Department; and the Seal the Corporation he hemto affixed. Carried unanim. ousl[ No. 49 - DONAID - MILI~:R . PaSOL~ED that a message be forwarded to kLr. A.G.hsrtin am4 to the members of his family, expressing the sympathy of the City Council and citizens of Niagara Falls upon the death of Mrs. Mary Martin; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Car~ed unsnfmous.l~ Me. ~0 - DONALD - mcDONALD - RESOLVED that the local member of the Legislature, Mr. C.D.Hanniwell, be commanded for his speech in the Provincial Leglisature on 19th March upon the subject of the proposed change in cycle in the HYdro,system throughout Ontario; also upon hisn~emarks on the subject of taxation of public ut~lities and government o?med and operated properties, now,exempt from taxation; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimousl No. 51 - DOE - MILLER - RESOLVED that a telegram be forwarded to the Hencurable It~mphrey Mitchell, stror~ly objecting to the proposed olosin~ of the ~fice of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board fn this City; and ,the Seal of the Corporation be hereto afTAxed. - RI~IC{~R - RE~OLV~1} that ~he City Council sponsor ami assist in a drive to be conducted on April let and 2nd, for the collection of food, clothi~j ~nd money, such contributions to be forwarded to the people of Great Britain to endearour to alleviate some of the suffering being experienced in the present em- ergency; that Ald. N~cDonald be asked to act as Chair~mn of the drive; and the Seal of the Corporation be herato affixed. Carri ed unauiIaously MISCELLANEOUS Aid. Buckner spoke upon the matter of the delegation appointed to attend the American Water Works Convention in Llontreal, era stated that he and Ald. Don- ald were unable to attend; and su~ested that The delegation be comprised of ~ld. Fr~uk and Hawkins. Ald. Frank suggested that Ald. Bucknor and Donald be the dele- gation. His Worship Mayor Houck advised Council that the convention of the Childrea's Aid Society would be held at the Hotel General Br~ck on 9th and 10th May. His Worship ~.iayour Houck spoke about the annual meeting of the Greater Niagara Victorian Order of Nurses at the Service Centre, 27th March, and asked if another member of Council would be able to attend in the stead of Aid. ~cDonald. Ald. Bucknor stated that he ?~uld endearour to attend the meeting. Ald. Miller suggested that the Hencurable Mr. Mitchell should be con- tacted in an effort to obtain some action toward the construction of an additional fifty wartJa~e housing dwellings in the City. The Council adjourned on the motion of AM. Hawkins and Donald. IF~AD AND ADOPT}.]), 31 March, 1947. Council Chamber, 24 Ma~eh, 1947. The Finance Committee met on Mends,v, 24 March, 19&7, for the purpose of apFoving and also of l~ssing the various accounts which had been p~operly cert- ified aml placed.before them. All membex~ of the Committee were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, amenring to The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- e:ed placed tin. the mney by-law for-l~essntal~i.on to the Coun~i!, on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins. The report of the City Idar~ager, regarding tile request of J.Besch for a permit to erect tourist cabins; and the report of the Property Co~aittee, v:ere presented. It was ordered on the motion of ~Lld. i,~.acDon'ald and White that the rep- orts be received and filed, and the recommendation of the Committee be approved. A report was presented from the City l.:anaCer, recor~nending a building permit be issued for alterations at 629 A~noury Street. it was o~der~:d on the motion of ald. Miller and Bucknor that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. A report was presented from the City ~.iana[~er, reco~$~ling that a build- ing permit be issued for The construction of a garage at 1885 Ellen Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and ~uckner that the report be rec- eived and filed, and the reconmendation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, regardinS an application for a building permit for work at the King Edward Hotel. It was o~/ered on the motion of Ald. White and l.ailler that the report be received and filed, and the recommendati on be adopted. A conununication was presented from Messrs. A~ettit and Darby, regarding the purchase of Lots by the Mixed Concrete Supply Company Lirmited. Upon the rec- ommendation of the Property conucittee and on the motion of ~ld. ','a~ite and i~acDon- aid, it ~as ordered that the comnunlcation be received and laLd on the table for one week to pernit the cuparty Coimmittee to view the premises. An offer was presented from ~eter M. mcEae for ,,ot 212, A~lan 9, mc.~ae Street for the sum of ~200.00. Upon the recommendation of tile ~rcperty Cofm.tttee and on the motion of Ald. macdonald and Bucknor it was ordered that the offer be received and accepted, ~ubJect to the condition that a dwelling of,at least $6,000.00 value is erected on the preraises within a period of six months. A/~ offer was presented from L~s. a~nna ~onkoS for the purchase of part of ~ange 22 on the south sideof Eobinson Street for the stun of ~150.00. Upon the recon~mendation of the l~roperty Conumtttee and on the motion of ~dd. Miller and ~ite it was ordered that the offer be received and laid on the table for one week to permit the A-Toperty Committee to view the premises. The report of the fro party Conunittee, on the above matters, wan pres- ented. At was ordered on the motion of/~ld. Miller and White that the report be received and filed. The Assessor, Mr. Brooks, asked that he be heard in connection with his request for a part time assistant. On the motion of Ald. Miller and Donald, Brooks was pemitted to address the Conunittee. Mr. ~reoks outlined his needs for assistance and suggested that a young man be hired to work during the school hol- idays. At was ordered on the motion of ald. M~iller and macdonald that the matter be laid over the table for one week to permit i~r. Brooks to submit his request in writing to the Committee. ! Trio. Committee adjourned on the motign of ~hld. Miller and Donald. I~ ~ AJDOPTED, 31 March, 1947. COUNCIL kSETING Council Ghamber, 24March, 1947. The oouncil re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the pitpose of passing the money by-law which covered the ac- counts approved by the Co~r~lttee. All members of the Council were present. The following By-law was I~ssed: No..401.5.- To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Vfilite and Donald that ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and ~2~e by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Bucknor and l/u~lns that Rule 38 (2~ of the Standing ~Ales of Council be suspended and the by-law given the second rending - Carried unanimously. 'Third reading -Ald. mcdonald and Miller - Carried unanimously. The Council adjourned on the motion of ald. Frank and Vonald. I~ADAN~ ADOITED, 31 March, 1947. 51erk May'or E!G~tTER~H LIEETINC RECU~jd~ Council Chamber, 31 '~'.%wch, 1947. Pursuant to adjom'mment, ttie Council met at 7.30 p.m. on L.%nday, Slat March, 1947, for the purpose of considerin~C General business and finance. All members of the Coanci! were present. The Council, hayinS received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Zdd. LiacDona!d and Hawkl ns. ~ONGRATUI~\TI ONS His Worship 1,1ayor Houck extended congratulations to Aldermen and mrs. F.Y.~Ellsr upon the celembrati on of their twenty-seventh wedding annire rsary; and to ~. and Mrs. Soulsby, upon the celebration of their thirty-fifth v~edding anniv ersary. His Worship also welcomed as visitors to the meeting Ex-~derman dale and Ex-alderman A.W.Scott. I,~s. Twidale replied to the remarks of Itis Wor- ship and expressed her delight at being able to attend the meeting. DEPUTATIONS A deputation fro~ the Sons of Scotland Lodge was px~sented to the Coun- cil by Ald. White. The representatives were Messrs. Schinm:ons, Duncan and Patter- son. }if. Duncan advised Council that in response to the appeal of His Worship, his lodge wished to present a cheque as a contribution to the Niagara of Food and Clothing for Britain fund. His Worship Mayor Houck thanked the members of the Lodge for their generous action; and Ald. MacDonald, Chairman of the Drive, also expressed his appreciation of the contribution. On the motion of Ald. Bucknor and ~.~ller, representatives of the South End Business and A~rofessional men's Association were peEnitted to address Council. Dr. Eager, and Messrs. Bates, Barr and Moody expressed their disapproval of the selection of the site on Main Street, offered by r~irs. G.W.Norse. as the location for the proposed branch library building. Each speaker outlined the reasons for the Association's objection, and suggested that the Council should withhold def- inite action in the matter until other sites had been thoroughly considered. _SEE R~.solution No. 53 C0~ZgNICATIONS The following Communicati one were presented: No. 157 - Board of Education - enclosing resolution re 1947 Budget. ORDERED on the motion of ald. Frank and },mcDonald that the communication be received and filed. S~E.E Report No. 89 No. 158 - Honourable Humphrey Mitchell - re Wartime A~rices and Trade Board office and additional Wartime Housing houses. 01~)ERED on the motion of ald. Donald and Miller that the communication be received and laid on the table. No. 1~9 - Wartime ~ices and Trade Board - re policy for closing local offices. ORDERgD on the motion of Ald. Donald and White that th~ communication be received end filed, end the Honourable Humphrey Mitchell be again com~mnicated with, advis- ing him of the ]e~ter received and stating that Council feel a small office should ~e'retained in this 0tty for the convenience of the area. NO. 160 - Fraser and Fraser - re encroachment of building on street allowance. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Fr~k and Donald that the coxm,~unic~tion be received and referred to the property Co:r~mittee for a report. No. 161 - 7j.B.Leslie - requesting removal of restrictions fro~,n lot. ORDEREl) on the motion of ~,,ld. Donald and Frank that the co~lmnic~tion be received and Mr. Leslie be advised of the procedure necessary to take such action. No. 162 - ~lls ]deters Limited - invitation to demonstration of fire equipment. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Bucknor and Hawkins that the communication be rec- eived and filed, and the Fire Chief be authorized to attend the demonstration. No. 163 - Department of Health - acknowledging resolution re premarital examinat- ions. 0RDERE3 on tile motion of 'Ald. Frank and i/acDonald that the comiuhication be received and filed. No. 164 - Citizens' (Rehabilitationl Committee - re need for additional houses. 0Ri)ERSD on the motion of Ald. Bucknor and Hawkins that the conun~uaication be rec- eiv'ed and filed, and the City Manager advise this Conmittee of the efforts of this Council to remedy this condition; and also to point out that very few lots are available in the City for building. No. 185 - Douglas G. Ure - enclosing revised 'plan of Ralph subdivision. (RDERE0 on the motion of Ald. Frank and Hawkins that the con~aunication be received and filed, and the plan-approved. gEE Report No. 90 No. 166 - R.Blake Erwin - enclosing completed plan of Morse-I,~-isener subdivision. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~mcDoneld and Frank that the communication be rec- eived and filed, and the plan be approved. SEE Resolut_ion No. 5~ REPORTS The following Reports were px~sented: No. 89 - Chairman of Finance - re Board of Education budget. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Ald. Frank and ~mcDonald that the report be received, filed and adopted. No. 90 - City ~anager - re revised plan of Ralph subdivision. OE)E~L~]) on the mot- ion of Ald. Frank and Hawkins that the report be received aml filed, and the rec- ommenderien be adopted. No. 91 - Relief Administrator - reeommenling hiring of clerk. ORD.E~ED on the mot- ion of Ald. Donald and Frank that the report be received and filed and the recom- mendation be adopted. No, 92.- City Clerk - recommending refund of poll tax. 0RDE"RED on the motion of Ald. ldiller and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the recommend- ation be adopted. No, 93 - City Clerk - reeommendi~ issuance of licenses. Ot~ERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and ~aite that the report be received and filed, and the reeonn~ndat- ion be adopted. PE'I~TION The followinS Petition was presented: No. 1 - w.R.Phillips and 1 other -reque sttn8 sidewalk on Stanley Avenue. ORDEHED on the motion of Ald. White and MacDonald that 'the petition be re~ceived and filed, and the (request be grant ed, RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions v:ere passed: No. 53 - F.~AhrK - PDk~.',Z~I~B - R~OLV?;D that the delegation from the Soat~: :Cnd ~usin- ess a~ ~ofessional ken's Association, vath their complaint in co~mection with the site for the yoposed branch library, be ~ferred to the ~YiaGara Falls ]k~blic ~brary Board; and the Seal of the Corporation be hersto affixed. Carrio! No. 54 - DON~LD - t~JC_EEit - RESOLVE') that His Worship }.i%,or L,;.L.Houck and the City Clerk are hereby authorized to sign and approve the plm~ of the ...orse-i..is~ ener subdivsion, as submitted by i~.Blake Erwin, o.L.S., and tile Seal of the Cor- poration be hereto affixed. Carried No. 55 - DONALD - HA1;,;KINS - RESOL~ED that a message be forwa~led, expressing to the family of the late Mr. Yar~s !~:cOuire, the sO~apathy of ~he City Council and citizens of Niagara Falls upon the death of this trusted employee who ires been a member of the Fire Department since November, 1911; and the Seal of the Corn_reGret- ion be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously 'No. 5~ - W~FF'i'E - F.~aNK - \.'HE~ the Greater NiaGara Post War Cor.~ittee was est-- ablished to study the conditions that might lead to umemployraent following the end cf liorld !mr II, and to reconm;~erfi a prog~s~mne to provide jobs; ~D WHE!~EAS the Committee has not been active for many months and has cash on hand amounting to ~1,955.85, vzliich v:as contributod by Niagara F'~lls, ford and Chippawa; THEEFOE BE IT RBOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls recommend that the Greater Niagara Post War Co:~aittee be disbanded and that the funds on hand be m~turned to the respective ~lmnicipslities, as foll~,:,s: Niagara Falls $ 1,239.08 Sta~ord 639.20 Chippa~,a 78..57 AND BE IT FUtlTHE2.~ RESOLVED that the appreciation of the City of Niagara Falls be extended to all members of the Conunittee for their co-operation and as- sistance in completing the survey of industrial and social conditions in the dist- rict, and the compilation of the report; and the Seal of the Corporation be hersto af fix ed. Cm, ried un~ No, 57 - EFFLLER - I~ETE - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the City Coun- cil be scheduled to take place at 5.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 8th April, 1947; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. C~rrlcd~nanimousl.~i No, 58 - FRANK - ETI_LLER - RESOLV~D that the Minister of HiCjaways be requested to visit Niagara Falls and inspect, with the Traffic Committee, the condition of the traffic circle and triangle at the exit from the Rainbow Bridge, such visit to take place before traffic becomes heavy during the tourist season; also that the entire traffic situation in connection with the Queen Elizabeth Highway within the City be studied by the Conuaittee; and the Seal of the Corporation be l~reto affixed. Carried unanimousl No. 59 - MacDONAtD - WHITE - 1F_aOLVED that the Traffic Commiutee be requested to inspect and report upon the condition of the perking of care on the street in the vicinity of the Bentley Sporting Goods Limited on Second Avenue; and the Seal of ~.the Corporation ~e hereto affixed. ' Carried unanimousl 96 The following B~-laws were passed: No. 4016 - To authorize the execution of an Agl~ement for Sale and Deed. Tt was ordered on the motion of Ald. Buckher and Z~iller that Ald. Frank bc given the privilege of in~oducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. %~nite and Donald that Rule Z8 {E) o~ the Standil~ RUles of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the s,econd reading - Carried unanimously. Third ~eading -Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald - Carried uhanimously. No.. ~0.17 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hav~kins and Ronald t~st Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. ~t was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Bucknor that Rule Z8 (~ of the StandinC Rules of Council be suspended anl the by-law given the second reading - Carried unanimously. Third reading - ~ld. MacDonald and Hawkins - Carried unanimously. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins. RFAD AND ADOFi~ED, 8 April, 1947. Clerk Mayor Council Chamber, 31 ~a__~_rch, 1947. The ~nance Committee met on Mon~,ay, 31 March, 1947, for the parpose of app~oving and also cf passing the various accounts which h~d been properly cart- ified and placed before them.. All members of the Committee v~re present. Sund~y accounts wereapproved b~ the Committee, amounting to $13,753.63. The accounts submitted, being passed or othwerwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-lmv for presentation to the CoUncil, on the motion of Ald. Nillet and Donald. The conmmnication from Pettit and Darby, reSurdind Lhe sale of lots ~d~e Mixed Concrete Supply Comicany, Limited, as laid over f~n the rx~viou~ mee~- inS, ~s presented. Upon the mcos~endation of the ProForty Conmi~tee ~nd on the ~tion o~ ~c]. ]~ite ~d D, nald it was o~ered that the cem~:.unicutioa k~ rcceivea ~d filed, a~ the Solicitors be advised that the City ~o prepared to close convey the land to the abutting ow~rs, it bein:] understood tM~t the ?~.rt~ ~-r~ to be conveyed to the Mixed Concrete Supply Co:ap~ny ~uld be sold for the suzn of $175. O0. The offer of IJms. fmna P[onkos, for part of R~hZe 22, Robinson S~reet for the s~u~ of U150.00, as laid ~er f~m the ~revious meetings', vras Upon the reco~m:,.endation of the Preysfry Coitmittee ~d on the motion of AI-'.. aid and His :','ors hip !'.Zayor Houck it was ordered that the offer be receiv d filed, and :~rs. Konkos be notified that the property is not for sale at the ent time. - Ym offer ',';as presented from Yames if.. Hunter of C~tO0.00 for Lot 42, flan P-, North Street. Upon the reconmendation of the Property Col~unittee ~ on the motion of Ald. ?~hite and Miller it was ordered that the eftfor he received ~nd laid on the table until the next xreetinS to pe~nit the Pro.ferry Conm~ittee to view the premises and obtain further i~fformation. A ret~Drt was presented froin the City Treasurer reg.rding an offer fl~,n Y.Y.Harriman in connection v;ith lots on ~obinson Street. U?on the recom;~nSatiox. of the l~,operty Com~nittee and on the motion of ~'uld. DacDomld and Vaite it was ordered that the report be received and laid on the ~able for one v.eek to per3nit the Property Connnittee to view the premises. An amendment was made by Ald. ].ii!ler and Donald that the report be received and laid over until the Tour of Insi-ection; but this motion vas defeated. The report of the ProForty Committee, on the above ma~tars, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald end White that tl~ report be received and .filed. i report was presented from the Assessor in connection with l~s request for additional sssistauce. On the motion of ~ld. Hawkins and Miller, ~r. stocks ~ms permitted to make a further exnlanatlon on the matter to the Committee. It ,?as ordered on the motion of Ald. ~iaeDonald end ilawkins that the re~ort be rec- eived and filed, and permission be given to the Assessor to hire ad~litlonal as- sistonce in line ,/~ith his recomaendation. A sunumry of the tenders submitted for the t~rctmse of three trucl~, 'was submitted. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald and f, laeDonald that the tender of Hunt Mo~ors Lindted, of $1,225.00 for a Fon~, r~.odel 402, 194~ half-ton pickup truck be accepted. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. %'fifite and Sucknor that the tender of Chas. Bouck and Son of ~1,540.90 for an Intexmational K3 19 7 one ton pickup truck be accepted. It was ordered on the :notion or Ald. i~iller and White that the tender of C.has. Bouck and Son of ~2,535.63 for an International K5 1947 dump truck be accepted. ' A report was presented flum the City Manager in connection ~'d th negot- iations of the Falls Construction Company for the erection of twenty-two houses on ~cwell Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. f~iller and Bucknor that the report be received and filed, ar~ the recommendation be appreved. A report was presented from the City ~danager, recmnmending the issuance cf a building permit for work at 1156 Victoria Avenue. It was ordered cn the motion of Aid. LiacDonsld and tIawkins that the report be received and filed, ~ud the recommendation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommendin~ the issuance of a building pernfit ~or the erection of a scale house at the D'Arcy Cropp Can- ruing factory. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Sucknet and Miller that the report' be received and filed, and the reconmmndation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending the issuance .~[la building permit for the erection of an additionand alt eration~s to the Imp-. 98 erial Bank of Canada. It was ordered on the motion ~f Ald. MacDoncld and White that the report be received and filed, and the reconnnendation be adopted. A report vms presented from the City .Monster, recor, nuendi ng the issuance of a buildin-~ l~nnit for the erection of an additional storey on the buildin~ of the Canadian Tire Corporation. It was ordered on the motion of ~uld. L~ller and Backnor that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending the iscuance or a building permit for the erection of an addition to 1228 Roberts Street. It vms ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller end His Worship Mayor IIouck that the rep- ort be received and filed, and the recoa~endation be adopted. A report was presented from the City ManaL'er, reeoramer~in~ the issuance of a building per;~t for the erection of a garage at 1037 Valleys, my. It ~:~as endered on the motion of A~d. ~t~cDonald and ~uckner that the report be recieved and filed, an~ the recommendation be adopted. A report was presented froin the City Manager, reCo,~.end ing the isst~ncc or a bulldinE portrait for alterations at 13~9 Ferry Street. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Miller and Hawkins that the xv~port be received and Tiled, ax~ the reconmendation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, recormncnding the issuance of a building permit for the addition to 4B0-8 Queen street. It v,!ls ordered on the motion of Ald. ~uacDonald and Sucknor that the xu.rort be received. and filed, ar~ the~ reeomn~ndati on be adopted. The Committee adjourned on the motion of ~LLd. Waits and Miller. AND ~OPrED, 8 April, 1947. COUNCIL M3ETING Council Chamber, 31 March, 1947. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the pArpose of I~ssing the momey by-law which covered the as- counts appr~ved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present. The following Resoluti on was l~ssed: · -No. '60-FRANK .- HAWElMS -'ESOLVED that a message be fo~w~ded, e~essing to the family of the late l,'~s. Florence Robb, the sympathy of the City Court ] an~ izens of ~YiaZara Falls upon the death of this life-lonC resident of this ity; ~d the Seal of the Corporation be heroto affirmed. Cartie d unu ni :nous! The follovin~ By-law was Znssed: No. 4018 - To Grant T..ffonies fox' Conerai PurZoses. It was ordered on the motion of ~di. l'~-!ite and Ha:vkius that >Zd. Fi~:m~? be given the PrivileL, e of inti~ducin~; the by-law, and the by-law be road the first tim - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ydd. Hawkins ~m~ P/hits that ~a!e the StandinE R~es of Council be s~ed and the by-law giv~ the secon.i read- - Carried una~mously. Third reading - ~ldo MacBonald and Miller - Carried unanimously. ~,~SCEZL'~EOUS ttis Worship IJayor Houck advised Council that he'had extended an invit- ation to l~resident Truman of the United States to visit Niagara Falls duri~Z his tour or a section of Canada later this year. The Council adjourned on the motion of lld. Frank and Haukins. READ AKrD ADOi~hN), 8 April, 1947. Clerk Chairman of Finance CONFERENCE . Council Chamber, 31 Marsh, 1947. The Conference Commi ~tee assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetin~s, for the purpose of considering matters plased befQre them. All members of the Co~mmittee were present. After consideration of the matters ion o~ Ald. Donald and Bucknet. ~AD AND ADOPrSD, 8 April, 1947. presented, th~ Committee adjourned on the \ Chairman 99 .1,00 NINETEEI~{ ~,~ETING Council Chamber, 8 April, 1947. Pursuant to adjourm~ent, the Council met at 5.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 8th April, 1947, for the purpose of considering general business and finerace. members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and mad the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Donald and Frank. Th~k~DERS Tenders had ~been called for the supply of grass seed for the year 1947. On the motion of Ald. White and ]~ncDonald it was ordered that the tenders sub- mitted be opened, inltialled by His Worship Eayor Houck and read. FUR..~{ER CRD- E]~ED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Frank that the tenders be laid on the table until the next regular meeting, and the same be tabulated. " COMI.~NICATI ONS Laid over from previous mastiffs: No. 134 - R.Blake Erwin - plan of Leslie subdivision. No. 155 - Department of Flaming and Development - re Leslie subdivision.· OPDEt~ED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Frank that the communications be received axe1 laid on the table, and the rreperty Coramittee, City ~[anager and City Clerk inter- view ~r. Leslie upon the matter, and report back to Council. SgZE Reports No. ~3 & 82 No. 160 - Fraser and Fraser - re encroachment of building. (RDERED on the motion of Ald. A.~acDonmld and Frank that the co.~nunicstion be r~coived and filed, and a by-law be presented to permit the encroachment. SZ1E Report No. 91 The follo~l ng Co~mmunicati ons were pre sen ted: No. 167 - S~An Oil Company Limi ued - requesting extension of time on permits. ERE~ on the motion of kld. Frank and I~acDonald that the conmunication be received and filed, and the extension of time be granted. No. 168 - W.B.Leslie - requesting lifting of restrictions from lot. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and Hawkins that the communication be received and filed, the request be granted, and the necessary by-laws presented. SEE By-laws No. 4019, 402_q No. 169 - Canadian National Railways - re meeting with ~r. Fringle. CRDERk9 on the motion of Ald. Donald and Frank that the telegram be received and filed, that Council meet at 3 o'clock on Thursday, 10th April and at 4 o'clock with mr. Prin~le, and the City Manager prepare information in connection with the matters to be discussed. No. 170 - Hencurable Minister of Health - re British Flood relief campaign. OR- DEE on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins that the conununication be received and filed, the Hencurable Minister be advised of the action taken by the City of Niagara Falls in this cohnection; and that an effort be made to preserve the id- entity of the Uity's drive in shipping the materials. No. 171 - Cataract Auto Service - requesting lease of land on which ptuaps loc- ated. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and fia~kins that the communication be received and laid on the table; and the matter be referred to the Property Com- mittee.and.~it~(.M~ger for . ins~e.etion and report at .the. next.regular-meeting,-,- No. 172 - Bell Tele. phone Cornl~y of Can-'_~ia pole. ORDEI~D on the mot~ on of Xd. Donald and Hawkins that the communicaticn be received ai filed, and per~ssion be grated. ~m B--!:c." F'Yo. ~C'::! No. 1V3 -ldrs. Evel.~m T.:iles - re~uustinZ permission to erect tc:.:poary building. ORDEi~JD on the motion of ~d. Fr~k and Miller theft the colmnuaicution be rcceiv~d ~d referred to tlD ~'operty Coxmmittee for a ~i~rt. REt~OHTS Laid over from previous m eti:%~s: No. V3 - Cit)~ 1,iaja~er - re Leslie subdivision. No. 82 - City Manager - potential revenue if proFerry developed as ce:~:etery. DEt~D on the motion of Ald. Donald and Frank that the reports be received had laid on the table. The following Reports were presented: No. 94 - l~roperty Committee - ra encroachment of bnildin.~ on street a!lo:':anee. ORDEREO on the motion of Ald. r. lacDonald and Frank that ti~ report be received and filed. and the recormaendation be adopted. .No. 95 - City ~ianager - regulations against temporary building. ORO~E'.) on the motion of Ald. Frank and Miller that tile report be received and referred to the 'Property Committee for a report. No. 96 - City Clerk - re conference held on [~.lst }..latch. ORr)ERED on the restion of Ald. Frank and ',Tnite that the report be received and filed. No. 97 - City Clerk - reco;mnending issuance of licences. ORDERE]) on the nDtion of Ald. MacDonald aad White that the report be received and filed, and the recom- mendati on be adopted. FETITION The f elloval r~E Petit ion we s pre s ant ed: No. 2 - S.K_~rshaw and 7 others - protesting levy f6r repairs to Buchanan Avenue. 0RDEA{ED on the motion of lld. Miller and Frank that the petition be received and laid on the table; and the City Manager report on the matter at the next regular meeting. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 61 - FRANK - ~acDONALD - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the City Council be held at 1 o'clock on Saturday, 12 April; and the Seal of the Uorpor- ation be, hereto affixed. Carried u.napimouslZ No. 6~ - DONALD - FRANK - RESOLV~D that the Traffic Committee study and report to Council in connection with traffic conditions at the Great A. & P. Tea Company store on Victoria Avenue; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto ~ffixed. Carried upanimou~l[ ~{o. 63 - MILLER - MacDONALD - RESOLVED that a by-law be prepared for presentation to the Ontario Municipal Board for permission to proceed with the erection of a com~ort station at the south end of the City; and the Seal of the ,Corporation he heats affixed. - Car tied u~ The followin~ By-laws were presented: No. 4019 - To amend By-law Number l?V6 resrectin~ residential sections and resid- "' ential streets in the City of Niagara Falls. 0RDE~'~D on the motion of Ald. Miller sad ~juckner th,~.t :~.:L V,]~ito bo given the p~ivilcge of introdusinZ the by-la:'t, and the by-law be re~d th~ first time - Carried unanimously. Tt was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins tlmt Rule Z6 of the StaudinS .Rules of Council be suspended and the ~y-law given the seco~ re~d- iI~ - Carried unanimously. It v:as ordered on the motion of Ald. Freak and Hawkins that the by-law be referred to the Ontario T.~unicipal Boa~d for approval - Carried unanimously. No. ~0~,0. - To amend ~--law Number 1777 respecting fire limits in the City of Nia- gara Falls. Tt was ordered on the n~tton of Ald. Ha~,~kins and Donald that Aid. V~ite be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the ~irst time - Carried unanilaously. It v~s ordered on the motion of Yd4. Donald and }.~ller tt~t Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspened and the by-law given the second reading - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion or Ald. Donald and I,~iller that the by'law be referred to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval - Carried unanimously. The foliowinE By-laws were passed:. No. 402.1, - To provide for permission to The Bell Telephone Company of Canada to replace one pole on St~mley Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. V~ite and ~,'tller that Ald. Donald be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law given the second reading - Carried unanimously. Third reading -Ald. MacDonald and Frank - Carried unanimously. No. 40~ - To amend By-law Number 3~90, for the regulation of Tifffie. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawloins that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and White that Rule 36 of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the ~b~-law given the second' reading ~ Carried unanimously. Third reading -Ald. Bucknor and Miller - Carried unanimously. The C~Ancil adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Frank. IFjd3 AND ADOPTI41), 12 April, 1947. Ole rk Nayor Council Cb~amber, 8 iFi 1 , 1947. The Finance Committee met on Tuesday, 8 April, 1947, for the PurPose el' approving and also of passing tt~e v~ious accounts which had been .r~ope~ly' cert- ified and placed before them. All members of the Cc~.mittee were present. Sundry accounts v:ere approved by the Conmittee, amountix~ to ~41,042.10. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, :..'ere ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and His V,'orshlp !.~.ayor Houck. The offer of J.W.Hunter of ~t00.00 for Lot 42 ~lan !~orth Street, ss , 2, · laid over from the previous meetinr:, ~ns presented. it was ordered on the :actjar. of Ald. Donald m~d ~.!ller, upon the recormem~ation of the Pror~rty Co.~tttee, that Y~. Hunter be advised that the proposition canact be co~midor~d at the ~resent time; and the offer be received and filed. A report from the City "2teasurer, re lots purchased by Y.3 .Harrimqn, as laid over from the previous nDetir~q, was considered. Upon the reconmendation el' the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. t~ller and Hawkins it v:as ord- ered that the report be laid on the table for one v:eek. An offer was presented from t~ercy C. Jones for the purchase of Lot fit,, Plan'16, Elm Street, for the sum of 4~5.00. U~on the recommendation of the rror.- erty Conunittee and on the motion of Ald. ~mcDo~ald and Hawkins it v:as ordered treat the offer be received and accepted, subject to the condition that a dwelling of at least ~5,000.00 value is erected on the premises within six mo.nths. The report of the Property Cormmittee, upon the above matters, was pres- ented. it was ordered on the motion of Ald. t~cDonald and tiaw~izm that the report be received and filed. ' A communication v~s presented' from V.C.Thomas in connection with fees for plans for the proposed comfort station. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that the cormnunication be received and laid on the table, and the City Manager be instructed to ascertain the total cost of the.preparation of plans for the building. The comparison of tax collections as at 31st March was presented. At was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and His Worship Mayor Houck that the statement be received and filed. A report was presented from the City Manager, reco:maending that a build- ing permit be issued for the Venetian Hotel. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Donald that the raperr be received and filed, and the reconunsndati on be adopt ed · ' A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending that a build- lIE permit be issued for work at 901 ~iver Road. It was o~dered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the recommend- ation ~e adol~ed. A report was presented from the City Manager, reconnaer~ing that a sign Permit be issued for 1567 Ferry Street. it was ordered on the motion of ald. A~c Donald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the recomendation be adopted. A report was presented from the 0ity Manager, recentmending that a sign Permit be issued for 579 Erie Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller tha~ the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be ad- Opted. ~ A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending that build' 103 ;;i I, t: ing permits be issu~.d for the erection of three stores on Queen Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. tSacDonsld and ~..~ller that the report be received and filed, and the recormmendation be adopted. fin application for a permit to convert a warehouse into tourist cabins from I{.Y.Brown, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. lfnite and Bucknor that the application be received end referred to the Property Cosmittee for a report. The CoMmittee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller. t~'O i~D ADOPTE, 12 April, 1947. Chair~mn of Finance COUNCTL MEETING Council Chamber, 8 Al~il, 1947. The Council re-assembled at the close of the re~lar council and fin- ance meetings for the p~rpose of p~ssing the money by-law which covered the ac- counts approved by the Con~ittee. All members cf the Council were present. BY-I~W The following By-law was passed: -No. 402~ - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It ~ms ordered on 'the motion of ~dd. l~ite and MacDonald that Aid. Frank be given the l~vllege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hav~ins that Rule (2) cf the Standing Rules of Council be s~spended and the by-law.belgiven the sec- end reading - Carried unanimously. Third reading -Ald. Hawkins and Miller - Carried unanimously. The Council adjourned on the metion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins. READ AND ADOPTED. 12 April, 1947. O1 erk , ,- :Msyor Ceunci ? Ch'ar:~Tr, 5 X!Til, The Conference Committee asse;r. blcd at the close or the r~ 'u] ar counci] and finance meetings, for the purpose of considori~z :totters placed before them. All members of the Ce~nnittee v~ere present. After consideration of the matters presented, the Council adja~rnsd on the motion Of ~'dd. Hawkins and Vfi~ite. RF~kD ./~RD ADOPTD, 12, April, 1947. Clerk Chti rman 106 ~r~/]mTi~M ~R~.TING · Council 0hambar, 10 April, 1947. A special meeting of the City Council was held at 3.00 p.m, on Thurs- da~, 10 April, 1947. All members of the City Council, with the exception of Ald. Hawkins, the City ~nager, City Clerk and Mr. F.C.MoBarney, K,C., the City Sol- icitor, were present. The meeting was held for the purpose of discussing with representatives of the Canadian Natio~! ~_.ilways the substitution of buses for street oars on the local system. Relresentattves of the Railway Company were Messrs. LF.Pringle, Vice-President and General Manager; A.D.MecDonald, Regicn-~ Co,;-nel; and N.A.WAlford, General Superintendent; and representatives of the Nia- gara, St. Catharines -"~ Toronto Railway Company were Messrs. ~.R.~nlmingham, Superintendent and Mr. W.V.Bray, Assistant Superintendent. Prior to the meeting with the x~xil, ay officials, Council assembled and discussed certain features which they wished to bring to the attention of the rep- resent atives · At 4 o,cloek Mr. Pringle and his associates arrived and His Worship Mayor Houck briefly outlined the purpose of the meeting, and asked for a free dis- cussion of subjects or interest to the Council. Mr. A~ringle first apologized for his delay in not arranging for a meeting with the Council previously; and went on to say that the Canadian National Railways have an investment of $600,000.00 in the local system and that they had expected a loss of revenue fran the 1939 level; but unler the accounting s~stem that had been set ~p in 1924, they ~4 'lost, in twenty-throe yeas, one million dollars. However, they had agreed to invest $150,000.00 for'busses in the local system. However he stated that they were pre- pared to donate the mils to the ..mtcipality and that the l~ates poles could be taken care of under some foe of a' reasonable agreement. Re was of the opinion that in the beginning, under any new franchise, taxation shc~ld be less than that in the present franchise; fares, he proposed, should r~mmtn for the l~essnt at ten cents or four tickets for twenty-five cents. However, if they found they war losing money, the would, of necessity, have to be adjusted to the cost of the sex~lcs. In this regard, he stated that the municipality had a protection in that if fares were raised too high, the public would not use the facilities prov- ided. He also stated that he felt fares to the Township should be higher, sug- ~eeting ten cents or three tieks~s for twenty-five cents, the sa~ rates being in effect f:om the Township into the City. i/~. A~Angle also felt that the Irevision far charging fur snow x~noval contained in the present agreement should be changed or deleted. On being asked ~hat ha'felt wo~ld be a sufficient number of busses, to take care of this system, · he said that sixteen, in his opinion, were sufficient, uf which m now in use fcu~ and twelve are to be ordered; end that he thought it would req~re eight or nine months to obtain these additional b~ses; but that they sould be put into sexvice immediately they were received. The question of routes, in his opinion, was a subject,that could be ar- ranged with the local axpe~lntendent. Aid. Donald asked if Me. Frlngle was of the opinion that a, new agree- men~ or franchise would he naoessaxT to take care of the p~oposed substitution of busses. Mr. rrlngle said 'Yes, a new agreement should he d~awn', end assu~d Aid. Daonald that wi~h ~eferenee to aesounting for the system, it would be distinctly separated fxom any other operation| and would only bea~ operational costs, int- urest end depreciation; and when the present car barn is converted to a~age, delmeolation on that. He advised that overhauling or equipmsnt wo~ld be done at St. Oathstines, but x.,-ntng repairs would be made herein Niagara Fells. He also advised that the allway offisials were prepared to wipe out ~he million dollar loss suffered to date, and stax~ 'afresh; sad also stated that they wez9 .prepared I~o a~mnge for the removal of the poles. Mayor H~tck then asked M~. A~ia~le hOw lOn~ he exlscted it wc~ld be before they would be able to get golng, and ms advised that he expected apt~cx- imately one year. Aid. Donald asked what they proposed dolng v~lth the interurban cars, and Me. Fringle stated that the expected they would be off this summer. Mr. F~pring- ~nm then stated that with reference to the route the interurban busses would fol- low, they contenplated coming into the City in n~ch the same manner as the Stam- ford busses at present, but they hoped to bring the traffic into Queen Street ruther than. Bridge Street. Mr. Fringle then remarked that these routes were also subject to agreement with the municipality. Mayor Ilouck then asked Mr. Fringle if the present employees would be absorbed when the change over takes place. He was assure_d that they would be, at which time Me. Empringham stated that approximately t~venty-five men would be af- fected but that all twenty-five could operate busses, and have been trained elon~ these lines. Mr. MacDonald then etatad that special legislation would be. required to ratify a new agreement and that he felt there was no possible chance of having this passed before the June session of the Legislature. Ald. Miller asked if the sixteen busses proposed would also cover Stam- ford, and Mr. Pringle advised that that was what they proposed. In this regard, he mentioned that the seating capacity of the busses is twenty-seven whereas forty- four is the seating ~.capaoity of the street ears, which e~lains why additional busses are needed to take ears of the traffic. Ald, Donald referred to the condition of the pavements, and suggested that possibly it would be as well to hold. off repairs until the agreement had teen entered into and the m~airs could then be made when the rails had .been removed. Mr. Fringle stated that this might take a little time and they would probably have to tear the streets up in any case, and he ms of the opinion that the rails should come out rather than be paved over, since in a majority of cases, paving over the mils had not been satisfactory. Ald. White, whmasked by His Worship if he had any comments, stated that most cf the questions in his mind had been answered. Mr. Pringle advised the. members of Council that they wore opposed to trolley busses, because of their inflexibility. He also referred to the fact that the railway have a four thous- and dollar equity in the Bates poles. Referring to the proposed new agreement, be was of the opinion that it should be for a period of fifteen years, with a clause providing for a newel for another fifteen ysar period; and. of course, would deal with fares, taxes, etc. Ald. White then remarked that the agreement wen something that should he drafted by M~. MacDonald and Mr. M~Burnsy, Ald. Bucknor asked if routes had bean pl,,n-ed, and Mr. P'd. ngle advised that they had not, but that they ware willing to accede to any request for service in an usa where the revenue warranted it. Ald. Miller asked if the agreement would set any maxJm, m for fares, and Mr. Pringle said that he would not care to fix a minimum but the travelling publie woul~ govern these; and il. a period were considered, ~it should not be in excess of three years, subject to the approval of the municipal authorities. Aid. Backnet stated to M~. lmringle that he was or the opinion that in no ease should the City lose financially to provide sexytee for outlying nmnleipalittes; w~uroupon Mr. ~=Angle remarked~ that it was their. Inten- tion'that the Township pay their owe costs and that the railway.has on hand In- formation whereby this could be controlled. He stated that if Chippaws requested lames, it would be of a guuranteed basis by the. T,v~,~lp of Bte,,nforde They had aloex~ained that it would cost the railway thlx~y-flve cents 1~ mile ~ operate the busses, and if it was foe2 neeessex?, a subsidy by the municipality would .~h~.ve.to be paid for any additional costs. ,, Mayor Ilouok then asked what about the taxation. Mr. Pringle asked "What do ym suggest? I have in mind a figure uf ll,O00.O0.w Mayor houok said that he could: not a~eed with this and felt that the ftgu~e for taxation should be. $8,000.00;, wherelpon AId.. Donald stated that the. municipality. would have. to e~end $80,000.00 fo~ the zerooval of the ~ails and patching. M~. Orr then quoted ] . ~000.00 wt~h ~efezence to tbAa item. 12~. F~Angle stated that he ·felt ~,000.00 was too high and Mr, Mct~trney, when asked as to how the taxation would be taken care of, said he was of the opinion it should be on the basis of a fixed assess- rant. Mayor ttouck then quoted a figure of $~-,GO0.C0 as a trade and was supported in his su~gestion by Aid. White to facilitate a quick deal, Mr. MacDonald then x-_m~rked that he thought .if a satisfactory agreement C~Ald be entered into, the ~ailway officials a:e prelared to proceed, subject to a later ratification. Ald. B~okner asMsd if the Covernmenthas priority on new busses and ref- erred to the fact that the C~uada Coach lines seem to obtain them. Mr, Pringle stated 'No'; that orders were dealt with in sequence and although they had orders which were placed previo~sly for the City of St. Cath-~tnes, they had not Fat been able to obtain the~, bat felt that as soon as they were en~A~h in the pool, they ooold be obtained fer the City of 'Niagara Falls, They have a delivery promised of ten and an additional ten be,ides the twelve mentioned for this area; and he felt that if it was feasible, the l~ailway might consider r~uoval or a portion of the car s~sten at a time. Mr.'MacDonald again stated that with reference to +.h, ag~e_~,~ut, he did not feel it oocld be x~xtified until mxt ~l~ing session of the ~8gislature. Mayor Houok asked if the ,n,nicipal officials could be of any assistance in helping the railway to get additional busses. Mr.. PrAngle said ,yes, they probably could' · Again leferring to the taxation in the proposed agreement, suggested S2,000.00, excluding business taxes, and to be on a fixed assessment ~asis. Mayor Houck then said that Niagara Falls were taking a bigger loss than the railway; -~ Ald, Donald remarked that if in the future, the revenue increased, the essessment sh~xld go up as weB, M~. PrAngle said that he felt t~ay should not pay any sent tax, but this should be included in the fixed assessment; and that the Railway was wiping out $~6,000,00 ~elmessuting interest at six p~ cent on an investment of ~6,000,000.00. Aid, Donald asked if th'e bus s~stem was in operation in Osbawa an yet, and whether the railway was -m~tng any l~ofit, ML A~ngle assux~d him. that the system was in operation and thet they a~e mk-ing a pro£it. Mayor Houek then stated he felt the taxation figure shottld be a~d that they should Obtain the poles at $1.00 a piece, M~o ~x~ngle said *Wipe oct the seat tax an~ yc~ willget itv o His Worship Mayor Hc~ek then quelled each member of Council individually, and all were ag~ed on this figure, The ma~or then informed M~, A~ngle that the ~,,~tcll~lity were vex7 anxious to consummate an agreement and suggested that She solicitors nest and axTange a draft to be sub- mitted as soon as possible. - ' It was moved by Ald. White and MacDonald that a vote of appreelatic~l be extended to M~, A~rin~le and his associates fc~. their att~_n~ance.. His Worship then assu~ed M~, A~ngle sf tbe fullest oo-opax~tion of the City and i~s oleoted repmsentatixes and officials, replying to which M~o A~nglo Ix~omieed that we wmxld be usal~ed. of n good and ~fisient service, -.' : The meeting then adJctlrusd, AND ADOPTED, 2~ April, 1947,-.~.' TWEI~-FIt~ST MEETING Council Chamber, 12 April, 1947. Pursuant to adJocrnm-nt, the Council mot at 1.00 p.m. on Saturday, 12 April, 1947, for the l~rpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Cocncil were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. V~nite and Hawkins. C0~dUNICATIONS Laid over from previocs meetings: 14o. 134 - R.Blake Erwin - plan of Leslie SUbdivision. No. 135 - Department of Planning and Development - re Leslie subdivision. OFd)- ERED cm the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the communications be rec- aiwed and filed. ~u~ Reports No. 73~ 82~ 98 No. 171 - Cataract A~AtO Sexwiee - requesting lease of land on which lmmps located. 0RD~t~ED on the motion of Aid. M~ller ~M White that the com~;nication he received and filed, and a by-law be passed to permit the encroachment on the street allow- emoe for the period ending 31st December, ·1950. SEE Re~ort No.. 98 No. 173 - Mrs. Evelyn Miles - requesting pexwn~=sion to erect temporary dwelling. 01~A~ on the motion of Aid. Fx~nk and tiawkins that the communication be received and filed. · A~ Communication No. 174 and Re~t No. 9~ The following Communications were presented: No. 174 - Mrs. Evelyn Miles - withdrawing application. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Frank and Haw~ns that the eom~unicatien be received and filed. SEE Repp.rt No. 95 No. 175 - T~-h!p of stamford - re watex,~n on Law Avenue. No. 176 - Township of Stamford - re sewer on ~aw Avenue. 0~DERED on the motion of AId. FA~nk and Hawkins that the eom~unicati ons be received and filed. No. lV7 - Cit~ of ~Alelph - resolution re Dominion-Provincial conference. 01~ERED on She motion of Ald. I~ite and Hawkins that the oom~,nication be received and filed, and the resolution be endorsed. s No. 178 - W.O,LaMa~sh - eemplaint re operation of chip wagon. 01~ERED on the mot- ion of AId. Donald and White that the Oom~l-~ation be received and ~eferred to the T~affio C~mm~ttee fc~ a relYft. No. '179 - GFoater Niagara ~ost War Pl-nn4~ng Committee - enclosing cheque and dis- banding Committee. 0E)ERED on the motion of Ald. White and MacDonald that the eoatn~xieation he reoeived and filed. No. 180 - Assoolatiou of Ontario MeTers and Reeves - ~e annual confer,use in 0t- taws, 01~RED on the metion of Ald. White and Miller that the Co~m,n!oation be ~eeeAwed and filed, and His Worship Ma~c~ l~ck c~ his representative be author- ized to attend the conference. l~o. 181 - The Right lloncurable Minister or Reoonstzuotion anti Supply - ~e addit- ional fifty Wartime Housing houses. O!tL~ED on the motion of Ald. Whi~e and Frank ]that .the eonnlnAea~ion he ~eeeived and filed, and the thanks ~f the City g~All~l be. smiled to the Henreadable ~, Mitchell fo~ his sffo~s in this miter, 109 No. 182 - Wartime A~rieas and T~ade Board - re closing of local office. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Frank and MacDonald that the oom~xndcation he ~eceived and filed. No. 153 - Niagara Falls Civic Employees Federal Union Local 133 - re truck driv- ers' positions. 01~ERED m the motic~ of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the com- mnication he receiveS and referred to the. City Manager to consult with the Streets ~perintendent in this matter. Laid over f~om previous meetings: Nee 73 - City ManBger - ro Leslie subdivision. No. 82 - City Manager - re potential revenue ff property developed as Cemetery. 01~DERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the ~el~r~s be received and fileS, and the property be purchased for a sum of 918,000.00. SEE Report No. 98 No. 95 - City unnager - regulations against temporary building. OI~EI~D on the motion of All. Fr-nk and Hawkins that the ~e~ozt be received and fileS. The following Reports ware presented: No. 98 - Property Cnmmtttee ' re Is,lie subdivision and encroachment on street. 0RDEi~D on the motion of Aid. Miller and i~tita that the ~eport be received and filed. No.. 99 - City Manager - re charges for retracing l~xch~nau Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the xeport bs received and filed, and the recnmmsmdations be adopted. ~.E petition No. 2 No.-100 - City Clerk - re conf evince held on 8th Apz~l. 0t~Et~D on the motion of AId. l~ank and Hawkins that the report be receiveS and adopted. No. 101 - City Clerk - reo_nmmending issuance of lice~ees. 0HD~RED on the motion of Aid. Fz~nk and Miller that the report be received and filed, and.the recommend- ation be adopteS. No. 102 - Traffic Onma4ttee - m,~ing certain recommendations. 01~DERED on the mot- ion of Aid. MacDonald- and F~ank that the. xepox~ .be leoaired and filed, and the. .~eonmmendations he adopted° PETITI0~5 X~ld ove~ fx?m Imevious metinp: NO. 2 - 8.Ksrshaw and 7 others - protesting levy for mx~facing ~tl~h-~-n"n Avenue° 0RD~tED on the motion of Aid. Hearkin, and MacDonald that -the Ilstition be received _~_m~ filed,. and the recommended adjustments be made. The following ~etition was l~esented: No. 3 - A. St. Angelo and 4 offers - requestLng side,ilk on ~tanley Avenue. ERED on the motion of Ai~. ~AoMner and MacDonald that the petition he received and rafer:eS to the City u,,--get for a ;repo~, RESOLUTIONS ' '. The following Resolutions wore l~ssed: Mallett and the members of her family, expressing the sympathy of the city coun- cil and citizens of Niagara Falls, upon the death of xir. E.Y.M~ett; stud the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously No. 65 - WHITE - MacDONALD - RESOLVED that draft by-laws be presented at the next m~eting to provide for the placing of certain sections of Lundy's Lane and ~cRae Street in restricted residential areas; that t~e locations be included on the ag- enda for the Tour of- Inspection; .n~ the Seal of the Corporation be hereto af- fixed. Carried unanimously No. 66 - FRAI~ - MILLER - RESOLVk'n that the contributions received to the Niagara of Food and Clothing for Britain fund he transferred to the British people through the organizations set up by the Provincial Government Departments; that the Hen- ourable Mr. R.T.Kelley, Minister of ltealth be so advised; and the Seal of the Cor- Ixmation te hereto affixed. Csrri ed~u_nanimousl~. The following By-laws were presented: . N.o. 4024 - To establish restricted areas and regulate the character of buildings to he ereoreS therein. The first and second readings of the above by-law were authorized on the motions c~ Ald. Donald and Bucknor and A.ld. White .n~ Fran~. A motion was then m~de by Ald. Donald and Frank that the price cost s~lpalated in Section 5 of the by-law be increased from $4,000.00 to $5,000.00. On the motions of the nov- are and secondors the first and second readings were repealed, and the by-law was then considered as amended. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and ~ckner that Ald. Miller he given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first tim - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Hawkins that Rule 56 (P-) of the Standing l~les of Council he suspended and the by-law be givan the second reading - Carried una~imonsly. It was ordereS on the motion of Aid. Donald and Frank that the by-law be laid on the table and referroe to the Ontario ~$Anieipal Board for approval. No. 40P-5 - To establish restricted areas and regulate the character of buildings to be erected therein. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. White and Donald that Aid. Miller he given the privilege of introducing ~he by-law and the by-law be read the first tim - CarrieS unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald and Frank that Rule 36 of the Standing A~ules of Council he suspended ~_nd t~e by-law he given the second leading - Carried ,,hA.( moualy. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. White and MacDonald that the by- law be laid on the table and refexTeS to the 0ntaELo IAtnicipal 5oardfor approval. ~he Council adjourned on the mo$1oh of Aid. White and Donald. J~IAB ~AWD AD01~, 21 April, 1947. Clerk Council Chamber, 12 April, 1947. The Finance Committee met on SaturdaY, 12 April, 1947, for the purpose of aplToviu6 and also of l~sein6 the various accounts which had bean p~olBrly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. ~undx~ accounts were approved by the Committee, enountin6 to $7,594.49. The accounts presented, bein~ Passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for i=esentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. ~hito and ~uckner. A Com~nteatlOn f~om V.O.Thomea, re fees in connection with plane for the proposed comfort station, as laid over f~om the previous meeting; and a fur- thor communication f~om Mr. Thomas, were presented. At was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the communications be received and filed, and an additional payment of ~100.00 be wade. A repo~t from the City Treasurers re6e~din6 an exchan6e of certn4n lots purchased by =.y.HeaTrtm~n, as laid over fmm the previous meetings was conaid- e~ed. Upon the recnmmendation of the l~opel~cY Co~m~ttas and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald it was ordered that the report be laid on the table ttntil inform~tion is received as to the costs of develotment- An application f~om H.=.l~own to convert a storehouse into cabins at 671 River l{oad, as laid over f~om the previous meetin6, yes considered. The rec- ommendation of the PEeparty Comettee was also considered. At was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and ~411er that the application be received and laid on the table for consideration durin6 the Tour of Inspection. The report of the n~pe~ty Committee, on the above matters, wee anted. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. R~tte and Miller that the report be received and filed. A Mr. Hunter was before the Cnmmittee in connection with an applicat- ion his father desired to reeks for permission to move a dwelling to a lot he had llu~chased on North Street. it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Worship Mayor Houek that the request for e permit be laid on the table tO permit the "~mbers of the Committee to view the l~emises durin6 the Tour of Inspection. A e"-uu~Y of the tenders for Grass 8sad, was l~esented. At was ered on the motion of Ald. u411er end Do--ld that the tender of Louis l~echer, at a total cost of $288.00, be accepted, The statement of Unemployment Relief for the month of Me~h we pres- ented. At was ordered on the motion of Ald, Donald and Miller that the statement he received and filed, The repo~t of the .City Member, recommendin6 the issuan0e of a s~gn permit at 1720 FeIT~ 2~reet, was l~esented. It was cleared on the motion of AId. Bucknor and Donald that the repox~ be~IT~.eeeived end .filed, and the ~ecommendation be adopted, 'The' Committee adjourned on the motion of AId. ~hite and Do-~4. AND ADOPT~9, 21 April, 1947. eee. CC~IL MEETING Council Chamber, 12 April, 1947. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council end fin- ance m~etings for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the ac- counts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present. BY-LAW The following By-law was passed: N~o. 4026 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was o~dered on the motion of Ald. ~'a~ite and Miller that A/ft. Frank be given th~ ;rivilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - 0arried un.n~moualy. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and Buckher that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law gi~n the sec- ond reading- 0arried unanimously. Third reading - Aid. White and Miller - Oartied unanimously. The Council adjourned on the motion of AId. FEenk and White. I~EAD AND ADOPI',~D, 21 Apx~l, 1947. 1!4 115 "' t: TWE~Y-SEC01~) la~ETING HgGULAR ~T~TING Couucil ChAmber, 21 April, 1947. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday P/st April, 1947, for the purpose of considering ge~rsl business _-__ua finance. A// manors of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the rodnurse of the special meeting of lOth April and the regular meeting of l~th April, adopted these on the motion of Ald. utller and MacDonald. D2GA~A~ATI01~ In connection with Com,,,nication No. 204, IAT. C.G.Hoose of the Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation, was present. Mr. Hoose explained certain points in connection with the erection of houses by Wartime Housing Limited, and an- swered various questions put to him by the members of Council. SEE Comn.,nication No. 2.04 In connection with Report Number 134, the city Heel Janitor, lax.. tticks, addressed Council. Mr. klicks spoke in connection with the conununication from tOe Medioul Officer of Health in which it wan stated that the quarters for the Dep- artment of Health were not in a clean and satisfactory condition. SEE Report No. 134 COu~nNIOA~l ONS Laid ower fxom a previous meeting: No. 178 - W.C.LeMarsh - re nuisance created by chip wagon. OI~ERED on the motion of AId. White and thwkins that the communication he laid on the table temporarily to pex~nit the Traffic Committee to memo recommendations in this ree~d. SEE Report No. 103 ~ne following Comnmnieations.were ~resented: · · No. 184 - City of Windsor - re resolution re suburban.area commissions. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. l&tller and MacDonald that the oom~,nisation be received and filed. No. 185 - City of Kitchener - resolution re materials for homes. 0t~DERED on the marion of Ald. Fx~-_~ and Hawkins that the eonunU~oatlon be received and filed, and the resolution he endorsed. No. 186- Niagara A~ns~a ~anatox~lum ASSociation - invitation to e~m, al meeting. ORDEA~=~ on the marion of AM. Donald and A~k that the som,.,-dcation be received and filed, the Aasociation be thanked for the invitation are they be advised that the meeting is to be held at a time wheu the ~e6ala~ mating of Council wall be in progress. No. 187 - C-n~dian National Institute for the Blind - re request for eontl~bution to building fund. oA~ED on the motion of'Ald. Donald and ]filler that the oom- mmioation be received and :ereFred to the Chairman of Finance for a report. NO. 188 - 2~-Mac Frozen Foods Limited - applisatiea for building permit. 1~ on the motion of Ald. u411er and Frank that the oommunisation be roeaired ..a filed. and ~he Company notified the City mill consider an applioatton for building permit when plans are submitted. No. 189 - Niagara Falls Girls' Work ~.~_d - re proceeds from tag day. C~DE~ on ~ t $~e ecsmllnioation be ~o~wd a~ filed. ~e motion of ~. ~.k and ~s,. ~ t No. 190 - Martin and Calvert - re encroachment of portion of 901 Roberrs Street. ORDERED on the motion of A/d. l~rank and %Tnite that the communication he received Ana referred to the Property Conunittee for a report. No. 191 - Americon Consul - re President Tr~rmn unable tO visit City. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Donald that the conumnication be received and filed. No. 192 - Canadian Relief to Greece Appeal - re drive in City and chairmanship. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Bucknet that the communication be rec- eived and filed, that an appeal be sponsored in this City and Ald. MacDonald he asked to act as chmtrman of the drive. No. 193 - Hermes Club - requesting permission to hold carnival. 01~)ERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and Bucknor that the comnunication be received and filed, and permission be granted. No. 194 - Pitcreator Company Inc. - recommending survey of ,distribution system. 0RDEI~ED on the motion of Aid. Buckner and Miller that the communication be rec- eived and rarerred to the City Manager for a report. No. 195 - Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce - approval of action re substitution of busses. 0PaEI~ on the motion of Ald. DOnald and White that the commmuuication be received and filed. No. 196 - South End Athletic Club - relinquishing use of Foplar Park building. 0PEERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins that the communication be received .re filed. No. 197 - Niagara District ~oxing Club - requesting permission to use building. 0RDFaD on the motion of Aid. Miller and MacDonald that the communication be rec- eived and laid on the table and a check be made to see who are the members c~ the Club. Prior to this motion it was moved by A/d. Fx~n~ and Bucknor that the com- nxmieation be received and filed, and pox'mission be gx~nted, under the supervis- ion of the City Manager; but this motion ms defeated. No. 198 - Andrew Morhao - re operation of chip wagon. ORDERED on the motion of A/d. Donald and Miller that the oc~nunication he ~eoeived and referred to the Traffic Committee for a report. No. 199 - Miss Isabel Durdan - appreciation of expression of sympathy. 01{)ERED on the motion of Ald. Bucknor and White that the oom,,,-dcation be received filed. No. 200 - Herbert Morris Crane and Hoist Company - requesting resolution for fence on Hems mood Avenue. OffERED on the motion of Aid. Frank and White that the com- munication be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report. No. 201 - Bell Telephone Coraltony of Canada - re perminsiou to place buried cable. No. 202 - Bell Telephone Company of Canada - re permission to do certain work. No. 2(1~ - Bell Telephone Company of Canada - re pormisei ou to do certain worM. 0~DERED on the motion of Ald. Dohald and Hawkins that the c~nications be rec- eived, porm4ssion be-granted, and the by-law presented. SEE Report No. 104 are By-law No. 4027 No. 204 - Central Mortgage. a,a Housing Corl~mation - enclosing draft agreement for erectin- of fifty hous6s. 01~0E~ED on the motion of Ald. Donald and White that the oc~mnuxication be received and filed, and an agreement be entered into; that Council take cognizance of the remarks ~f M~. Hoose and the by-law presented. ~ By-/a~ No,. 402.S \ The following Rel~rts were preseUsd: No. 103 - Traffic Committee - re operation of ~hip wagons. 01~)ER~ on the mot- ion of Aid. White-end Iiawkius that the xeper~ be xeoeived ~nd filed, and the rec- 116 onnnendatla~ be adopted. No. 104 - City Manager - re proposed work by Bell Telephone Company of Canada. ORD~t~D on the moti on of Aid. Donald and t~wkins that the report be received ~nd riled, and the reoonnnendetions be adol~ed- At this point His Worship Mayor Houck left the meeting and Ald. White w~s ~nacting M~yor during the xemainder of the meeting. NO · No. No. No. No, No. No, No. No. No. No, No· No, No. · 105 - City Manager- presenting construction reports. 106 - City Manager - re construction of sewer on Lowell Avenue. 107 - 0ity Manager - re construction ~ sewer on Summer Street. 108 - City Manager - re construction of sewer on North Street. 109 - City Manager - re construction 110 - City .Manager - re construction 111 - City Manager - re construction 112- City ~.r~er - re construction 113- City 114 - City 115 - City 116 - City 117 - City 118- City Manager - re construction Manager - re constructL cfi Msnager- re caletraeti on M-~Ser - re co~tmction M~ - re ~t~c~on Me~ - re co~truction or sidewalk .on Lowell Avenue. of sidewalk on Lowell Avenue· of sidewalk on Sunnner Street. of curb and gutter on Lowell Avenue. of curb and gutter on Summer Street. of macadam pavescut on Lowell Avenue. of macadam pavemaxt on ~mnmer Street. of sidewalk on North Street. of sidewalk .on S~,mmer Street. of curb and gutter on Summer Street. 119 - City Manager - re construction of macadam pavement on Stumner Street. No. 120 - City Manager - re constructlax of water main on I~well Avenue. 0I~I~ED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and l~k that the reports be received and filed, and the reenmmnndatiOn8 be adopted. No. 121- City No. 122 - City I~o. 123 - City No. 124- City No. 1~5 - City No. 126 - City No. 127 - City No. 12J5- City Mauager - presenting ~onstruction reports. !~er - re construction of water s~ttn on Fifth Avenue. Manager - re eonstruotic~ of water n~ln on Sixth Avenue. of sidewalk on Fifth Avenue. of sidewalk on Sixth Avenue. of sidewalk on Hamilton Street. of macadam pavement on Fifth Avenue. Manager - re ~onstruction of macadam pavedent on Sixth Avenue· No. 129 - City Manager - re construction of macadam pavement on H-mtl$on Street. 0RD_~Rj~n on the motion of Aid. MaeDor~l d and Fx~n~ that the reports be received and filed, and the recommendations be adopted. No. 130 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenses. 0tOERED on the motion of AId. F~ank and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the recom- mendation be adopted. No. 131 - Dell-/Insidetot - report for month of Marsh. OEDE~ED on the morton of Ald. Donald and Fx~nk that the rapeli be received and filed. No. 132 - Chief Constable - reoo'"'wautlng oh-nge m bus stops. No. 13~ - T~affie Committee - re abowe and other matters. 011)~P~D on the motion of AId. MaoDcueld and Hawkins that the xepo~ts be :eceived and filed: and the re- oommsnda~tonu cf the C"'m~.tee be adopted. ..... -' No. 134 - T.oeal Board of Health - enclosing letter of Medical Officer of Health .re a~cemedation. OI~EI~ on the motion of AId. MaoDonald -~ Fm~k that the repc~t be received and filed. No. 135 - 0itY TreecAret - re attend"nee at convention. 0I~ERED ou the motion ~f AId. Donald and B~ck.~r that the report be roesired and filed. No. 1~6 - C~ty Solieito~ - re gasoline pumps on stree~ allow-wee. OI~D on the mc~lon of Ald. Flank and MacDonald that the ~epox~ be reCeived and !aid on the table, and the plop~y viewed- du~lng the T~Ar ~:of Inspeobion. ' · · · No. 13~ - City Solicitor - re encroachment of building on street. 0HD~,'RED on the motion of Ald. Frank and Donald that the report be received and laid on the table; and the property viewed during the Tour of Inspection. The following By-l~ws were l~xssed: No. 4027 - TO provide for permission to The Bell Telephone Company of Canada to place underground conduit, buried cables, poles end enchors in scatter- ed locations. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be reud the first time - Oartied. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Donald and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2~ of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law g~en the second reading - Carried. Third reading -Ald. MacDonald and Hav~tns - Carried. .N.o..4028 - to authorize the signing of an ~reement with Wartime Housing LiMited. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Bucknet tlmt AId. Frank be give~ the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be mad the first tim - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Donald and Hawkins that Rule 36 {2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law ~ given the sec- ond reading - Carried. Third reading - Aid. ~uckner and Donald - 0errlad. .No.. 4029 - For the establishrout of and m~!ntenance of a reserve fund. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and'Miller that ~ld. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Itawkins that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Hules of Counoll be suspended and the by-law be given the sec- ond reading - Carried. Third reading - Aid. MacDonald and miller - Carried. No. 40~.0 - To authorize the execution of an A~reement for ~ale end Deed. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Donald and Miller that Ald. Frank he given the privilege of lntrudueing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was o~dered on the motion of AId. ~Aokner and Hawkins that Rule 36 (2) of the Standi~ Rules of Council be smepanded a~d the by-law be given the sec- ond x~eding - Carried. ' Third reading - Aid. Donald .ha Miller - Carried. \ The following By-law was rend the first and second ~l~s: ~No. 40~1 - To raise by way of loan the sum of Five Thousand dollars to provide additional funds required for the erection of a octfort station at the south end of the City. It was o~dered ou the motion of AId. Hawkires and Bucknor that AId. Mil- ler be given the privilege of intred~ei~ t~xe by-law, .and the by-law he, read the first time - Carried. It was o~dered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins that Rule 36 (2) ef the Standing Rules ef Council be suspended and the by-law be given the sec- ond reading- 0erried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Frank that the by-law be laid on the table and referred to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval - Carried. Enacting Mayor White asked that the Traffic Committee give further study to the traffic problem at the A. & Pc store on Victoria Avenue, where care m.~e a left turn into the parking area, and on finding the area £illsd ~ith cars, a~e un- able to return to the traffic lane cm Victoria Avenue. The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Dor~ld and Hawkins. AND ADOFflG), 28 April, 1947. A report was presented from the City ~nager, recomending the issuance of a building permit for the construction of a building on Lots 14, 15, Queen Street. it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins end MacDonald that the rep- or~ be received and filed, and the ~ecomm~ndation be adopted. A report was presented from the City ~-nager, recommending the issuance of a building permit for the construction of tourist cabins be laid. over until the Tour of Inspection. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. B~xckner and Hawkins that the report be ~eceived and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. A report was presented from the City }mnnger, recommending the purchase of a used pump. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Miller and White that the report be received and referred to the Equipment Conmittee for a report, and with the pc~er to act. Aid. Donald asked that a report be submitted showing the charges for labcur as charged by vatlens local garages for work on city equipment. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and Donald. AND ADOFE~), 9-8, April, 1948. Clerk ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Mayor Clex~ 0halrm~n of Ftnance FINANCE temA'ANG Council Chamber, · 21 AtOll, 1947. · The Finance Committee met on Monday, 9-1 A!~il, 1947, for tbe purpose apl~oving and ale0 of l~ssing the vario'~s accounts ~hich had been l~operly ~ert- ified and placed before them. All members c~ the Committee, with the exception of ~is Worship Mayor H~Ack, were present. 2undx.y accounts ware passed by the C~mmtttee, amountin~ %0 $~5,828.94. COUNCIL ME~TING Council Chamber, 9-1 April, 1947. The Cmncil re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- an~e meetings for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the ac- counts approved by the Geminitree. All tombera ef the Council, with the exception of His Worship Ma~c~ Houck, were present. Ald. White was enacting mayor during the meeting. The accounts presented, being passed o~ otherwise denIt with, wax~ ord- BY-IAW ered placeS in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion A repo~t was px~sen~ed flora the City Manager, x~cc~msnding the issuance M0~. 4032 - To G~ant Monies for General ~ux~oses. of a building pex~dt forthe cons~x~etion of a garage at MoPes Street. It was and filed, and the reoommsndati'on be adopted. · . · ~twsn the privilege ef introducing the by-law and the by-law be mad the first A relm~t was presented from the City Manager, reeommen~in2 the issuance ' It was ozdex~d on the motion of AId. Hawkins ..a Donald that Rule 36 Of a building permit for the construction o~ a ~arage at 248 Huron 2%x~et. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Miller emd White that the x~pc~t be x~eeived ~ of ~e Standl~ Rules of Council be susl~nded and the by-law be given the see- and fileS, and ~he ~eOr'~m'm4ntion be adopted, . . nd reading - Carried. Third reading - ~ld. Miller and Hawkins - Carried. RES0L~I~ The following Resoluti on was passed: No. 57 - DONAI~ - MacDOI~D - ~ESOLVED that application be made to the Local Board of Health, the A~rovincia1 Department of Health and the Ontario ~mnici pal Board for approval of the use of the property at the cc~ner of Morrison Street and ~t~nley Avenue for the extension of Fairview Cemetery; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Oa~r~.ed The Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Frank and h~Ackner. I~ ~ ADOPTE~, 28 April, 1947. Clerk Enacting Mayor COURT OF HEV'ISION Council Chamber, 23 April, 1947. The Court of Revision on the Assessment Hall for Basiness was held at 11.00 a.m. on Wednesday, 23 April, 1947, Those present were Sheriff ~.L.Davidson and ~,.a.Fraser .nd William Delaney, members. The following action was taken on the respective ap- peels: Roll Matter Np.. Appellant Complained of Decision of Court Reduction 152 Catamct Ice Company 389 Park Street E~planation required Appeal withdrawn 2.19 Mutual Mfe Insurance 481 Queen Street Assess~ent too high Dismis seal ~69 Newm--, George, 9:~ St. Clair Avemue assessment too high Dismissed 370 Jackson, Lillian, 931 St. Clair Avenue Assessment too high Dismissed 371 St. Glair Confectionery, 929 St. Clelr Avenue Assessm~ent too high Dismissed 372 Mooco, Leo, 925 St. Olair Avenue Assessment too high Dismissed 438 Chisvin, David Not opexating in Allowed. Reduced lC~5 Willmatt Street City ~275.00 4~8 Welland Securities Limited, 950 Clifton tiill Assessment too high Dis missed 275.00 468 ~.orenzo, William 1659 Ontario Avenue 489 Delamey, William & Son 462Simcoe Street Claims no office Allowed. Reduced in City $200.00 200.00 Assessment too high Allowed. Reduced $100.00 100.00 (In connecti on with the appeal from William Delaney end Son, ~r. William Delaney left his position as a merebar of the Court during the consideration of auch appeal) AD3~J~TM,,~IT OF 1946 2-13 Great A. & P. Tea Co. Out of b~slnsss for Allowed. Rebate 533 Queen Street pert of year fc~ three months 710 Cox,' Ernest Out of business for Allowed. Rebate 965 ~ldge Street l~rt of year for six months 39.00 7.62 ~1946 FROI'ER~ ASam~l~r ROLL Canadian l~ational Railway BAilding removed in l~dge Street September, 1946 Sun 0tl Coml~ny 788 Slmcoe Street Sailing reinowed in OotOber, 1946 Robertson Construction Ca.Lets cold,'to Boardof Ontario Avenue Education and exempt Allowed. As 8e ssmsnt of ~00.00 deleted 500.00 Allowed. Assessment ~ $1200,00 deleted 1,200.00 Allowed. Assessmeat of $4200.00 deleted 4,200.00 2933 Critellt, Antoinette 518 Queen Street ~uilding ~e~oved end pzemtses sold Reduction in 19~7 Business assessments Remission of 19~6 Business t~xes Reduction of 1946 p~operty assessmsnts Certified correct, Allowed · Assessment of $800.00 deleted 800.00 575.00 46.62 6,700.00 Council Chamber, 28 April, 1947. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on l~onday, ~Sth April, 1947, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council were Present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. ~tlller and Hawkins. Clerk Ctmtrman D~UTATI 0NS On the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Miller, Mr. W.R.Phillips of the Falls Construction Company Was Permitted to address the Council. Mr. Phillips explained the difficulties and delays facing his company in cennecti on with the Proposed construction of dwllings on the Morse-Misener subdivision; and asked Council to authorize the Company to proceed with the work, Pending consideration of construc- tion by-laws of tl~ Ontario Municipal Board. SEE Resolu~on No. 68 Tenders had bean submitted for the supply of mterials sad services for the Year 1947. On the motion of Ald. White and Miller the tenders submitted were opened, initialed by His Worship Mayor Houck and read. It wan then ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Frank that the tenders submitted for Liquid Chlor- ine be withheld, unread, until the next meeting of the Council, and the balance ~ tenders he tabulated for consideration at the next meeting. CC~IMUNICATIONS Laid Over from Previous meetings: ~E Co~leation No. No. 187 - C~an NaMona In~itu~ f~ the ~tnd - =equ~ting grant tow~ds ~il~ f~d. 0~ on the rotion of ati~ ~ mealred a~ filed. - a Report No. 138 tactsty description ~ the enc~a~m~t Ms ~ ~oelved. ~ Re~t ~o. 139 sired ud filed, nd ~s~on for ~e use of ~u~oa~on ~ ~o- ~ 2e bF ~ ~ 01ub. ~ ~ · access to ~inZ~ - Ser~ ~X, C~. ~a Hoist Com~ . ~e ~ Co~l~ N~. 206 ' ' ' ' ::. · .-. ', '~0D~ld ~d ~e t~ She ation be received and filed, and permission be granted. SEE Report No. 140 The following Conmmnications were presented: No. 205 - South End Business aml A~rofessional Men' s Association - re operation of chip wagons. OtOFE on the motion of Ald. M~ller and MacDonald that the comnua- icati on be received and laid on the table and referred to the Traffic 0ommtttee. No. 206 - Niagara District ~o~lng 01ub - re personnel of club. 0EDEED on the motion of ~ld. Fr~k and Hawkins that the co~m~niceriCh be received and filed. No. 20? - Bono~rable Minister of Highways - suggesting appointment with traffic co~unittee. 0RDEI~ on the motion of Ald. White and FrAnk that the co~faunicetion be xeceived and filed, the appointment be cancelled, and the local member of l~he Legislators be asMed to arrange a meeting with the Minister in Niagara Falls. No. 2C~ - Glenview Baptist Mission - invitation to evening service. OI~ERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Bucknet that the conmuxnication be received and filed, the invitation be accepted and as mmny of the Council as possible attend the ser- vice. No. 209 - Village of ChipI~wa - suggesting amendment of agreement. 01~EI~ on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the communication be received and ref- erred to the City Solicitor for a report. No. ~-10 - Civil Service Assembly - invitation to conference. ORDERED on the mot- ion of ~ld. Miller and White that the co~m, nication be received and filed, and Aid. MacDonald be authorized to attend the conference. No. Rll - Community Welfare- Council - invitatic~ to conference. ORDER on the motion of Ald. Donald and White that the comm~xnication be received and laid on the table until an agenda is received. No. 212 - Maft Stawchan - requesting 'rear entrance to property. ORDERED m the motion of Ald. Frank and White that the co~,m,nication be received and referred to the Tour of Inspection for inspection. No. ~.13 -. Women's Christian Msoeiatiou - re deficit in hospital maintenance. 0R- DEE on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mille~ that the co~mni~tion be received and laid on the table, and referred to the Ob~irman of Finance for a report. No. ~14 - Children's Aid Society - invitation to annual meeting. ORDERED on the motiou of AId. Donald and White that the com~,~teation be received and filed, and Ald. MacDo~-)d he authorized to attend the meeting. He. 215 - Wade's Motor Sales - requesting lease of land for ~soliue pumps. 0RD- ERED on the m~tion of AId. Donald and Hawkins that the con~unication be received and laid on the table for oonside~atiou during the Tour c~ Inspeotic~. No. 216 - Delmrtment of Reeonstructiou and ~pply - acknowledging ltitchener resol- ution. 0i~Xl~ on the motton of Aid. White and Miller that the communication be received and laid on the table.. No. SIT - Rosbera's Limited - requesting development of perking area. (IqDI~ED on the motion of AId. bLiller and MacDonald that the communication he received filed, the suggestion he accepted ~th thaws, and the area considered daring the Tou~ of Inspectton.'-,. No. 218 -Niagara Falls General Hospital - requesting assistance re installation of slminklers. 01~ en the metic~ of AId. MacDonald and ttawkins that the com- munication be received and filed, a~d the Clt~ de~artmauts perform the work. No. ~.i9 - Greater Niagara (-~.mber of Commerce - invitetim to annual meeting. DEI~ on the motion of AId. White and MacDonald ~hat the communication be received andl filed, ~he invitatiOn he aosel~ed .and as many of the,~Ccuncil. as ,possible attend the meeting. No. ~-20 - Hydro-Electric Power Commissic~ of Onlario - requesting approval of lines at Main and I~trray Streets. OND. EREO on the motion of Ald. h~ckner s~xd Haw- kin- that the communication be received and laid on The table to permit inspection of the area daring the Tocr of Inspection. A prioer motion by Ald. h~Ackner and Donald that the permission be granted, was defeated. ~E Report No. 141 No. 22l - Niagara Falls Business and Professional Association - suggesting direct- ional signs in business sections. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and A~dller that the communication be received and laid on the table for cor~ideration during the To~r of Inspection. No. 222 - Laurence C. Crawfo~l - report of Treasury acconnts for 1946. ~RDE1ED on the motion of Ald. White and MacDonald that the connmanication be received, laid on the table and printed in the usual manner. The following Reports wore presented: No. 138 - Chairman of Finance - re request for additional grant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and White that the report be received sin1 filed, and the recomm~dation be adopted. No. 139 - Property Committee - re encroachment on Roberrs Street. ~HERED on the motion of Ald. Miller ,n~ MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. No. 140 - Property Committee - recommending permission for fence. 0RDER~1) on the motion of Ald. macdonald and White that .the report be received and filed, and the rec_om~zndations be adopted. ~ Resolution No. 69 No. 141 - City Manager - re request for HyCre installati on. 0RDEE m the motion of Ald. Miller and Donald that the report be received, laid on the table and con- sidered during the Tour of Inspection. A prior motion by Ald. B~ckner and Hawkins that the report be received, filed and adopted wan defeated. No. 142 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenoes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Don-ld that the report he received and filed, -~ the recom- mendations be adopted. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 68 - DONAID - MacDONALD - I~SOLVED that all support and oo-operatim be ext- ended to the Falls Construction Company to facilitate the commencement of dwelling houses in the Morse-Misener subdivision; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. ' Carried u~..a~.imousl~, No. 69 - DONA~D - I~ - w~mF~ ~ Herbert Morris Crane and Hoist Company, Lim- ited, being the ~wner of all the l-~e on the east side of Homewood. Avenue, north of the rear bimit of Lot 55, produced easterly across said Homewood Avenue, accor- Iding to Plan l~her 24, registered for the City of Niagara Falls, has petitioaed the Council to permit the said Company to erect a fence across the said Home~ood Avenue on the line of the ~d north limit of Lot 55, and to use and occupy the lends north of the said fense line with other lands of the Company, at a namAnal · ental ~ one dollar l~r year for the period of five years, proveling that no b~ilding or other ereott on than the said fence should be placed upon the said por- tion of Homewood Avenue, and that the servants or agents of the Corporarich of the City of Niagara Falls should be permitted to enter thereon at any time for the p,u~- l~se of the Corporation; _ AND wHEREAS by resolutions of May 2, 1927, August 15, 1932, April 19, 1937, and April 2~[, 14~., such petition was gx~nted f~r periods of five years; AND WHEREA~ the said portion of Bornewood Avenue is not at present req- uired for public use as a highway and the said Company has petiticaed the ~ouncil to permit the Company to continue the said fence and the said occupation for a further period; ~0~; BE IT ~50LVED that the Herbert Morris Crane and Hoist Company, Ltmited, be pexEitted to Continue the said fence and to use and occupy the said lands north of the said fsace Ltne with other lands of the 0cropany at a nominal rental of One Dollar per year for the period of five years, subject to the prov- isions that no building or other erection than the said fence shell be placed upon the said perjion of Homewed Avenue, and tha~ the servants or. egent~ of the Carpor- ation of the City of Niagara Falls may be permitted to enter thereon at any time for the purposes of the Corporation, and that the said permission my be revoked by the Council of the Corp~ration at any time upon one month's notice of the in- tention of the Caxncil to revoke the same; and the Seal of the 0orporat~ton be hereto affixed, Carried unanimously No. 70 - WHITE - DONALD - RESOLVED that the City Clerk be lnstracted to forward, on behalf cf His Warship the Mayor, Members of the City Council and citizens c~ Niagara Falls, a nJssage expressing the sympathy of than to Miss Victoria Leslie upon the death of her brother, ~, James Leslie; and the ~eal of the Corpsration be hereto affixed, Carried unanimously No. 71 - BUCKNER - DONALD - I~lJ0LVED that the inspection of Stifling Place be in- cluded on the agenda far the Tour af Inspectlan.; and the Seal of the Oarpolat~on be hereto affixed. Cerrie_d The following l~-law. was read a first and second times: No. 403S - To amend By-law Number 2049, being a By-law for licensing, regulating " ' and governing lodging houses and tourist ean~s and the keepers of same. It w~s o~dered on the motion of AId, Miller and tJlckner that Aid, Haw- ldns he given the privilege of introducing the by-law; and the by-law he read the first time - ~arried unanimously, It was o~dernd on the m~tion of AId. Miller and Frank tlmt Rule 36 of the Standing l~xles of Cormell be suspended and the by-law he given the second rnadi~ - Carried unanimously. Xt was ogered on the motion of Aid, Donald and F~aJ~ that the by-law ]be lard cn the table and referred to the 0ntax~o J~xnioipal Bca~d fo~ approval. The follo~ng By-laws wex~ l~ssed: No. 40~4 - To amend By-law Ntunbel~ 3790, be~x~a by-law for the x~SJla~on of traf- fic, It was ozdex~d m the motion of AId, Hawkfna and Domld that Aid. Miller he given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be x~ad the first t~tme, Caviled unauLmcusly,. It was o:de~ed on the motion of AId, Donald and tj~knsr that I~le .c~ the Steadin~ l~les c~ Council be suSlsn4ed and the !by-law .be giventhe second ~eedin~ - ge~x~ed unanimously, : -" :~" ' Third reading - Aid, Donald ~4 FEank - garried unanimously, No. 403.5 - To amend By-law Number 3791, being a by-law designating through high- ways. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Buckher that A/d. xdller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of A~d. Buckner end ~cDomld that Rule 36 ~2~ of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the sec- ond reading - Cerried unanimously. Third reading - ~Lld. Donald and ~'rsnk - Carried unanimously. No. 403~ - To authorize the execution of an Agreemnt for Sale and Deed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Havaiins that aid. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered ~n the motion of A/d. Hawkins and Donald that rmle 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading- Oarrled.nn~nimously. Third reading -Ald. ~acDonald and Donald - oartied tmanimously. MISCELLANEOUS Ald. Donald spoke about the action of the ~olice Demrtment in laying inferrations against Persons for parking on the City streets. His Worship Mnyor Hcuck agreed to suggest that courtesy cards, warning persons of infractions of the city by-laws, for the first time, he used. Ald. Miller asked that members of Council consider any resolituions which might be Presented at the conference of the Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities before the closing date for such sabrelesions. The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Donald and Hawkins. READ AND ADOPTED, 5 May, 1947. Ma~or Council Ghamber, 28 April, 1947. The Finance Committee met on Monday, 28 April, 1947, for the !~Arpose of approving' and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cart- ified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to $117,405.00. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins. An offer was presented from the Jerow Constx~xction Company of $200.00 for Lot 221, MoRse Street. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Mille~ and Hawkins it was ordered that the offer be accepted, subject to the provision that a dwelling of at least $5,.000.00 value is erected within six months. An offer. was presented from Mrs. Ads M. Avery of $235.00 for LOt 516, Plan 746, Stamford Street. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Macdonald and B~c~mer it was o~dered that the c~fer he rec- eived an] accepted, subject to the provision that a dmelling of at least $5,000.00 value is erected on the premises within six months. - - Au offer was presented from Damore Bros. of $2A0.00 for j~ot 4.2, Plea 2, North Street. Upon the recommendation of the property Committee an] on the mot- ion of Aid. Miller and Do~ld it wes oxdered that the offer be received and laid on the table and Mr. Damore be asked to make a definite offer either on the basis of purchasing for the assessed value or for less than the assessed value with a dwelling to be erected within six months. The report of the Property Committee, on the above matters, ~as pros- 'shred. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller anX Donald that the report be received and filed. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending that a build- ing permit be issued for the emection of a garage at 1270 Detroit A~enue. It was cedered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald that-the report he received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. A .report was presented fx~m the City Manager, reeommending that a build- ing permit be issued foe the erection of a garage at 152 Bridge Street. It was Ic~dsred on the motion of AId. Miller and Hawkins that the report be :eceived and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. A report was presented f~om the City Manager, recofmendi~g that a build- ing permit be issued for .the e~eetion of a building at .1759 VictOria Avenue~ It was cedered on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the recr'_"_memdation he ndOpted. A repOx~ was! ,presenSed from the City ~An-ger, recommending that a build- ing permit be issued for repairs at 561-63 E~ie Avenue. It was orde:ed on the motion of Ald. Miller and Donald that tbe. r~_~=~-be ~eceived cad filed, and the recommendation be edoDted. ~- A ~eport was presented from the City M*ne~er, recommending that a build- inS petmAt be issued for the erection of a sexyice station at Acheson Street and IFerguson Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDmnld and Miller that the ~eport be received and filed, and ~he recommendation he ericprod. A report was presented from the City Manager, re~ommending that a build' line pex~it be issued for the e~ection of an addition to the factory at l)Attrey Street emd i~ve~ Road. 'X~ was ordered on ~he motion of AId. Eaw~lns and ~xekner that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending that a build- ing permit be issued for the alterations at 2158 Stanley Avenue. It was o~ler~.d on the motion of A.ld. White and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. A prior motion was made by Ald. ~iller and Donald that the report be received and laid over for consideration during the tour of in- Spection; but this motion ~was defeated. A report was presented from the City Manager, re~arding a request for a permit to convert a garage into living accon~nodation. It was ordered on the mot- ion of Aid. Donald and MacDonald that thereport be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, regarding an application for a building permit to erect a building at 674 Eastwood Crescent, to house chin- chillas. At was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mdller and His Worship i~ayor Houck that the report be received and laid on the table to ascertain whether any objec- tions to the use of such building would be registered. A report was presented from the City Manager, regarding the rates charged by local garages for work on city vehicles. At ~es ordered on the motion of AId. Donald and His Worship Mayor Houck that the report he received, ]a~d on the ~able, Ans a copy be for~xrded to the members of the Committee. A report was presenbed from the Equipment Committee, recommending the pArChase of an Elestrolux cleaner. It was ordered on the n~tion of Aid. White and MacDOnald that the report be received and filed, and the recomn~ndation be adopted. The Finance Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Miller and h~ckner. RgAQ AND A~0PTED, 5 May, 1947. Clerk Chairm-n Of Finance COUNCIL 12E~ING Council Chamber, 28. A~x~i, 1947. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ante msnti~s, for the lmA~pose of passing the money by-law which covered the ~oUn~s approved by ~he Committee. All members of the Cruxnail were pxeeent, The following~ By-law was passed: No. 403_~7- To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins that Aid. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law .and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was Ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that Rule 36 {2) of the Standing Rules of Council be susl~nded am1 the by-law be gtvan the sec- ond reading - CarTred unanimously. Third. rsadin~ -Ald. Miller and Donald - Carried unanimously. MISCELIAIe0US Ald. Donald referred to the matter of dogs running at large and caus- ing damage to gardens. AfterI some discussion, His Worship Mayor Houck stated that a statement would be given to the press regarding this flatter and request- ing the co-operation of the lalblic to remedy the condition. His WOrship Mayor ttouck advised Council regarding the proposed visit of forty members of the House of 0oremona to Niagara Falls on 3rd May. __ The 0ouncil adjourned on the motion of Ald. White and Hawkins. I~AD ~ ADOFEJ~D, 5, May, 1947. TWENTY-~)URI~ MEE'I~NG REGULAR Council Chamber, 5 m~v, 1947. Pursuant to adJourmaent, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on A~onday, b hay, 1947, for the purpose of considering general business dud finance. All umbers of the Council, with the exception of AId. MacDonald, were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Haw~lus and Uonald. DEPUTATIONS On the motion of Ald. White and Frank, a deputation from the Consumers, Council was permitted to address Council. The speakers were hxessrs. Rosianio, Weare and Pay and '~'rs. Duckworth, and they advised Council of a mass maeting which had been held on the market square on 3rd May, in. connection with the rising prices of consumers, goods. The delegation asked that Council arrange a meeting with the Niagara Falls Retail Merchants, Eanufacturers, Consumers' Council and the City Council in an effort to have prices reduced at least twenty per cent from the present level. After considerable discussion, during which His ~orship the Mayor and members of Council pointed out that such a meeting would be more satisfactorily arranged by the Consumers' Council, it was agreed that such action would be taken, that a meeting would be called and representation from the alder- m~.4 c board would be invited. TOUR (~ INSPECTION Consideration of the agen~a for the Tour of Inspection was deferred until the subsequent Council meeting, on the motion of Aid. Donald and Frank. COMmUNICATIOnS I~id over from previous meetings: No. 194 - The Pitometer Gorepuny - recommending survey of distribution system. 0R- DEE on the marion of Ald. White and ~uckusr that the comnAnication be xeceived a.~_ filed. SEE Report NO. 145 No. 21~- - Maft Stawehan - requesting rear entxence to property. 0ROE{ED on the "ntion of Ald. Donald and Frank that the communication be laid over for consider- ation when the Tour of Xnspeotion ageads is dealt with. No. ~.13 - Women's 0h~lsttan Association - requesting increased rate for mainten- ance of F.Deeleolo. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Donald and White that the com- mmatea~ion he feeaired and filed. SEE Repgrt_ No. 144 No. SiS - Wade's Motor Sales - requesting lease of land. No. 217 - Rosberg's Limited - x~uesting development of parking area. No. 2~0 - H~ro-Eleetrie Power Commission of Ontario - m line crossing. No. 281 - Niagara Falls Business am~ A~rcfessional Assoeiatice - redoremanding er- ection of slgas. 0RESF~D on the motion of Ald. Donald and F:enk that the commun- icatioms be received and refexTed fCr,eonsidezation w~en the Tour of XnspeoCion \ ageadd ts considered. No. 209 - Village of Chippa~ - suggesting amendment of agreement. O~gEP~D on the motion of ~ld. Miller ~ Donald that ~he comunioation .be leeaired and laid on t.he t~.ble until the next meeting. ' :' ' ' ' ' SEw. Report No. !1 ~ne following Communications were gesented: No. 2~.3 - Canadian Federatio~ of Mayors ~nd M~nicipalities - re Canada' s immig- ration policy. ORDEi~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and Bucknet that the commun- Ication be received and laid on the table, and His Worship be asked to appoint a Committee to draft and submit a suitable resolution on the matter at the next meeting. Itis Worship appointed Ald. White, B~ckner and Donald as the con~;ulttee. No- 224 - Canadian Welfare Council - invitation to Annual meeting. CP. DERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Frank that the communication be received and filed, the invitation be accepted, and as many of the Council and the Welfare Officer attend the meeting. No. 225 - Niagara Falls Optimist Mr Cadets of Canada - invitation to AnnUal in- spection. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Miller and Bucknor that the communicat- ion he received'and filed, the invitation be accepted and as mxny mothers of Oarn- ell as possible attend the ceremony. No. 226 - Stamford Fuhlic Utilities Commission - granting request for connection with main. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. 'White and Donald that the conmunication be received and filed, and the suggestions be adopted. No. 227 - Radio Station ~WC - requesting resolution supportin~ application. 0R- DEI~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and Frank that the communication be received and filed, and this Oouncil endorse the application for a connection with the Trans_0.n~da network. No. 2~-8 - County of ?delland - enclosing report re convalescent homes for chronic- ally 111 persons. ORDEP~ on the motion of Ald. Miller and Donald that the com- munication be received and laid on the table until the next meeting. No. 229 - City Employees' Softball Teen - invitation to opening game. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and ~ckner that the som~licatlon be received filed, the invitation be accepted, ns' many members of Council as possible attend the game, and Ald. Donald he asked to throw the opening ball in the absence of Itis Worship Mayor ttouck. No. 230 - Department of Highways - re cancellation of gasoline tax refund. 0RD- ERED on the motion of Ald. White and Hawkins that the communicatioh be received md filed. No. ~31 - Rainbow A~oJects timited No. 2-~m. - ILl.Richmond - requesting permission for .encroachment on Ontario Avenue. ORDEI~ on the motion of Ald. lAtller and Donald that the communications' ha rec- eived and laid on the table, that the City ~er approach the Ontario Municipal ~oard to ascertain whether the Board would permit an encroachment on a street al- lowance of a bAilcling to be erected. No. ~33 - Niagara Falls Lions Club -,requesting permission to hold carnival. 0R- D~D on the motion of Ald. Frank and Billet that the communication be received and filed, and persuasion for the carnival be grented. No. 234 - Wartime Housing Limited - enclosing plot plan of l~Ject NUmber 7. 0R- I1EI~D on the motion of Ald. DOnald and Hawkins that the cc~munication be received and filed, and the plan apl~oved. .... '~ 'b:'SEE Report No. 146 No. P~5 -.H~o-Electrie Power Commission of 0nta~io No. 2S6 - Hyd~o-FAect:ic Fc~er Commission of 0nta:io · No. 237 - Z.~nh~m-Electrio Power C~mmtsSion Of Ontax-Ao No. ~m8 - Hyd~o-~lestric l~awe~ Cosmission of 0nt~.rAo No. ~9 - H~ro-~leetrie power C~=lssion of 0nta~io - requesting' permission for line crossings at Ferry and Allen Streets, North Street, Martleon Street, Maple Street and t~ldge S~reet. OR)EI~) on the motion of Ald. DOnald and Basknor that 'the communication, bs~reseivei~and'filed,: and permission be g~an~ed. f REPORTS Laid over from previous meeting: No. 141 - City Msnager - recommending permission for llhe crossing. ORDERED on the motlob of Ald. Donald and Frank that the report be received and laid on the table for action when the a~enda for the Tour of Inspection is considered. The following Reports were presented: No. 143 - City Manager - re sur~ey of water distribution system. Oi~)E~ED on the motion of Ald. White ~nd Bucknor that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be a~optad. No. 144 - Chairman of Finance - recommending no action re request for increased rate.. O~ on the motion of Aid. Donald and White that thereport be received and filed, and the reco~mlation be adopted. No. 14D - City Solicitor - re draft agreement with Village of Chlppawa. ORDEA~D on the motion of Ald. Miller and Donald that the report be received and laid on the tal~ until the next meeting No. 146 - City Manager - re plot plan for fifty houses. 01~EI~D on the motion of Aid. Donald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed. No. 147 - City Manager --requesting permission for line crossings. ORESRED on the motion of Ald Donald and Bucknet that the report be received and filed, and the recon~nendation be adopted. the the the the 148 - City Manager - reconnnendlng sidewalk on Stanley Avenue. 01~D on motlon of Aid. Donald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and recommendation be adopted. S.:.: Petition No. ~ 149 - City Manager - reco,,,!~ending sidewalk on Stanley Avenue. 01~D on motion of Aid Donald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and recon~"~ndation be adopted. No. 1~0 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of llcences. Ot~D on the motion Of Aid. Frank and White that the re~ort be received a~[ filed, and the recommend- ation be adopted. No. 1~1 - Dairy Inspector - reports for month of April. 0I~D on the motion of a Ald. Donald end Frank that the report be received and filed, end given the usual publicity. No. 1~2 - Assseseor - requesting permission to attend conference. 01~D on the motion of Aid. Frank and Bucknor that the report be received and filed, und Pex~nission be ~rented. , His I/orshtp Na~or lIouck reported to council upon his attendnace at the annual inspection of the Cedet Corps of the Niagara Falls Collegiate Vocational Institute. ~ PETITION hid over frc~ a previous No. 3 - A. St.~n~elo an~ ~ others - rsqnssting sidewalk on Stanley Avenue. ~D on the motlon of AId. Donald and lhwk~-a that the ]~etltton be received and filed, an~.the request bo'~ronted. ~ * ' ....... ' ................... 133 RESOLUTION The following Resolution was ~passed; No. 72 _ Ml~xmm - DONALD - I~ESOLVED that the City Clerk be instructed to forwa~ a message to the f-m41y of the late R. Box~ten Austin, erpreeLn6 the s~nmpathy of the City Council and citizens of Niagara Fells upon the death of this officer of the Ni~gura f-~le Police Force; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried BY -LAWS The following B~-laws were passei: ~ - To provide for the 1947 expenditure on roads end streets in the City of Niagara Frills in the County of Welland. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White ar~ Hawkins that Aid. Donel& be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, ami the by-law he read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and Frsnk that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council he temporari34 suspense& and the by-law be 81yen the second rea~in6 - Carried. Third rea~in6 - Aid. Frank and Hawkins - Carried. No. 4039 - To authorize the exea~ion of a Deed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of intorducin6 the by-law, and the by-law be rea~ the first time - Carried. It was orderei on the motion Of Ald. Miller andWhite that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended an~ the by-law be given the second rea~in6 - Carried. Third rea~ing - Aid. Hawkins andDonald.- Carried. The following B=-law was rea~ the first and second times: No. ~0~0 - To authorize the construction of sewers, sidewalks, curbs and ~utters ' and macadam made on certain streets in the City of Niagara Falls as local 4werovemente umier the provisions of The Local Improvement act. It was orderei on the motion of Ald. Hawkins ami Donald that Ald. Nil- let be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first t4m~ - Carried. ' It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Frank that RUle 36 (2) of the 8tancling Rules of Council be teeeorarily suspended and the by-law ha given the second madinS - Carried. · It was ordered on the motion of Aid. White and Miller that the by-law ;~e submitted to the Ontario Municipal Boax~ for approval, amX advertised as req- uired by law. · ,..-.- Tame Council ad,lou. m.e~ on the motion of Ald, D4mal& amt Miller, Clerk FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 5 May, 19~7. The Finance Co~4ttee met on Monday, 5 May, 1947, for the purpose of ap- proving and also of passin6 the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the ComE[tee, with the exception of Aid. MacDOnald, were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Co~m-Jttee, mounting to $24,936.95. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were o~l- ered place~ in the money by-law for presentation to the Council~ on the motion Ald. l~uckner amt Miller. The report of the City Manager, as laid over from the pervlous meeting and in connection with labour charges for truck repairs, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Buckher that the report be received and filed. The S,mmm~y of tenders for supplies for the year 19~7, was presented; and the following action taken thereon: CRUSHED STONE FOR CONCI~ CRUSHED STONE FOR ROADS (nl~.:!, STONE FOR ASPHALT PLAI~ ORDj~d~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that crushed stone be purchased in the open market. SAND WA.Ta W~Sh,:., COliCNEE'I= SAND O~ on the motion of Ald. White and Miller that the tender of Calaguiro Broth- ers of 73~ per ton he aceepted. 01Rbmlt~D on the motion of Ald. Miller and Donald that the tender of Calagulro Broth- era of 87~ per ton be accepted. 0I~um~am on the motion of Ald. White and Donald that the communication from Csla- 6uiro Brothers be received and filed, and the revised price of $180 per ton be ac- cepted. G~AVEL FOR CONC~E~ LXMSST0~E IX~ST FOI~ PAv.L~G PLAIT OREESED on the motion of Ald. Donald and White that the ten~er of Calaguiro Broth- ere at 90~ per ton be accepted. Ol~m~u~u on the motion of Ald. Donald and Bucknet that the tender of North American eya~-m~d Limited of $~.7~ per ton be cepted. PA~im~ ~ SUPPLy AND APPLICATION OF DUST OBq~RED on the motion of Ald. White and HIs Worship Mayor Houck that the tender of Imperial Oil Limited at $2~.10 per ton be accepted. 01~ on the motion of AId. Donald and Bucknet that the tender of Imperil Oil Limited at 10.30~ per gallon be accepted. ORESEgD on the motion of Ald. Miller and AND APFLICATI~N OF I~DI~M LIQUID Donald that the tenders of Ittdgmount Quar- ASP~ Ties be accepted, with the provision that AND APPLICATION OF 8~0NE CHIP Imperial 0tl Lhntted products are supplied. ~CATION OF LIQVXD A~PIh~ ON, X~uAvA~NT , SUPPLY OF MEDIT~ LIQUID ASPHALT OR EQUAVA~ S~PrLY OF CO~D PATCH 14~RIAT~ HOSE C, ASOtTNE COAT., See above. OEgEEEE on the n~tion of His Worship Mayor Houok an& Ald. Donald that this material be purchased in the open OAdLUUtr~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that the tender of the Bi-Lateriml Fire Hose Division he accepted, at a price of $17.~ per lineal foot. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Miller and Bucknet that t~-k wagon lots be purchased from BootP s Service Station at 28~ per g. llon and Gtmnings at Bi~ per gallon. 01~ on the motion of Ald Donald and Miller that gasoline from p~s be pur- chased from Booth's service station at 30~ per gallon. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and :Miller that the tender of the Can~ilan Coal Company of $2,041.20 for Anthracite, $1,800.00 for Steam and $1,260.00 for Stoker coal he accepted. A report was presented from the City Manager in connection with the sup- ply of liquid chlorine. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adop dad. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending the purchase of materials for maine and sewers. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald that the report be received ~ filed, an~ the recozamondation be ad- opted. A report was presented from' ::the City Manager, recommending the purchase of fill for Wartime HOusing properties. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Mil- ler and ~hite that the report be received an~ filed, the rec.',!-'.-ndation ~e adopte~, an& the matter be left in the hands of the City Manager. A report was presented from the City Manager, reco-;"~ending that tenders be c-~ed for the su~y of clothing for the Fire Depar+m-nt. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Husknet and Donald that the report be received and filed, the recosaondation be Mopted. The comparison of tax collections, as at ~0th April, was presented. It was ordered on sthe motion of AId. Miller and His Worship aa~or Houck that the statement be received and filed. An offer was presented from Mrs. D.Dawson for the purchase of Lot 900, plan 693,/znnbar~ Avenue, for the sum of $7~.00. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Miller and White +.~t the offer be receiveS, laid on the table en~ referred to the P~o~erty Cc-a~ttee. A report was presented from the Cit? Manager, reconnendtng the issuance of a building permit for work at the Ktn~ Edward Hotel. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Miller and Hawkins ~hat the report be xgceived an~ filed, and the rscom~endation be ad~pted. ,/ A report was presented1 from the City Manager, recossndin8 the issuance 'of a building permit for york at S~S l~Bron S~et. It was ordered on sthe motion · of Aid, Hawkins and Donald ~,hat the report be received anAt filet, and the recom- -' :- menclarion be ad~pte~. A rel~rt was presents1 fx~x the. citl Manager, rsccamnsn~ t~e issuance of a building pexvait for the erection of a sign at ljlO Ferry Street. It was or- dered on the motion of ~ld. Miller and His Worship Mayor Houck that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. A report was presented from the City M~nager, reco,~nending the issuance of a building pemit for the construction of a frsme garage at 1802 Stanley Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins that the report be rec- eived and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. Areport was presented from the CityMsnager, recomendix~ the issuerice of a building permit for the construction of a porch at 35B Seneca Street. It was ordered on the motion of i~ld. Hawkine andMiller that the repor~ be recel~-e.1 ~AL Filed, and the recommendation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending the issuance of a building permit for the construction of a garage at 714 Homewood Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Mdller that the report be received and filed, and the recc~mendation be adopted. A report was presented from the City M~mager, recommending the issuance of a building permit for the construction of a garage at 21~ May Avenue. ~t was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald. EEAD ANDADOpTED, 12May, 1947. Clerk Chai~m~n of Finance COUNCIL MEETIEC Council Chamber, ~lday, 1947. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and finan- ce meetings for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the accotmts approved by the Co,~ttee, and for the consideration of other business. All mem- bers ofathe Council, with the exception of Ald. MacDonald, were present. · BY-LAW ,The fo]~wing By-law was Presented.. ~. ~041 - To Grant Honeis for general purposes. It was ordered on the marion of Aid. Miller end White that AId. Frank be 6ivan the privilege of tntroduOtn~. the by-law and the b~-law ~e mad the first t~. Cartled. · - It was , *ordered ' on the motion of AId. Hawkins and 3uokner that Rule 36 138 '(2) of the Standing Rules of COuncil be suspended and the by-law be 6iven the second reading - Carried. ~" Third reading - AId. Miller and BUckener - Carried. · T01~R OF IITSPECTION The City Council considere~ the agenda for the Tour of Inspection which was conducted on 29th April, and took the following action in connection there- with: 1. City I~m!l OI~D on the motion of AId. Donald en~ Miller that the City Manager report upon the possible reunovation of the second floor of the building. 2. Police lleadT'm~ters 3. Queen Street Fire Hell 4. Wade Motor Car Sales Queen Street and Ontarlo Avenue Michigan Central RailweT lot, Queen Street and Erie Avenue River Road 8. Clifton Avenue and ~ueen Street 9. Clifton Avenue and RiverRond 10. Erie Avenue andBridge Street II. x~ptre Notel, Rrid~e Street No A~tion. 0RREa~u on the motion of AId. Bucknor and Fr~k that the exterior of the b-~lding he painted. OI(uzat~u on the motion of AId. Frm-k an~ Miller that the matter be referred to the City Solic- itor for preparation of the necessary lease to permit the encroachment. ~mg Comw.xnications No. 2B1, 2B2. 01~ on the motion of AId. Frank end White that the trees be removed when building has been commenced. 0~ on the motion of AId. Donald and Frank that the City Manager bring in a report as to the probable costs, practicability, etc. of uso ing the area as a parking lot. A prior motion of ~ld. Miller and Bucknor that the C~any be be approached for the use of the area as a park- ing lot, and cinders he placed thereon, was dsf- eate~. 0A~a~U on the motion of AId. White and DOnmld that the City Manager be requested to submit s report upon the application for tourist cabins. 01~ on the motion of AId. Frank and Donald that the request for directional signs ht these locations be refemed to the Traffic COmmittee for a report. 01~ on the wtion of AId. Frank an& Bucknor that~ the request for a rear entrance, and the coesmnication from Malt 8~awchan be received and filecl. El~tn Street City Storehouse, Park an~ Welland - Satisfactory. 01~ on the motion of AId. ~hite and Miller that the City Monster take up with the Bell Telephone C__~n~ny the. matter to see that proper repairs ave made. Asphalt In-ant, 3uttrel Street - OI~E~D on the motion of AId. Donald and B~i~er that a report be sulait~ed by the City , Manager as to the aost of l~4nting, eta, ~ on sthe motion of Ald. Bucknet and Frnk · that consf~tction of- a ~ran~stan4 be authorized. 1~, ~envtew Pla,VlngFteld . ....':.-~:.; 16. Incinerator Plant ORDEI~D on the motlon of Ald. Hawkins and White that the planting of trees from the Thorold Stone Road to the gtulley be authorized; and the caretaker be notified that the storage of large quantities of materials on the dump must cease. Oi~DEA~ID on the motion of Ald. Donald and White that the City Mansger be authorized to make rep- airs to the dwelling occupied by the foreman of the incinerator. 17. Fifth Avenue and N-m~lton Street - Satisfactory. 18. Falrview Cemetery Satisfactory. 19. 0akes Park Satisfactory. ~0. Sw~mm~ngPool 21. Sixth Avenue, Jepson to Rosedale Satisfactory. 0RDE~ED on the motion of AId. Donald and Hawkins that permission be granted to instel a sewer snd catch basin to drain this area. Niagara Falls General Hospital - Satisfactory. ~ttrllagPlace 0ED~JAt~D on the motion of Ald. Buckher and Haw- kins that the installation of a street light and street sign be authorized. 24. McGlashan Crescent ORREI~ED on the motion of AId. Hawkins and Frank that the reco.w.mndation of the City Manager be adop ted. 27. Victoria and McDougm11 26. Victoria and l~oberts 27. McRae and Stamford Streets ORUJ~A~ on the motion of AId. Bucknet an d Haw- kins that the request for directionel signs be referred to the Traffic Co~ tree for a report. OP~m~m~ on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Buck- net that the City Manager"s reco~,~,~ndation, for residential restrictions in this area, be opted. 28. Walnut Street FL~e 1~.~ Satisfactory. 29. Ellen Avenue Police Station Satisfactory. ~0. Victoria Avenue & Centre Street - 0RDEI~j) that the request for directions& signs be referred to the Traffic Cc~mittee for a report. S1. FerA-~ Street Police Station Satisfactory.' 32. 1~4 North Main Street O1~ on the motion of AId. Frank and Donald that the report bf the Property Co.~ttee, rec- o-,.-nding refusal of permission to move the building to Lot ~, North Street, 'be adopted. Star Street an_a Lowell Avenue - Satisfactory. 34...~.!.03 L.un.d.v~..~ ..... Lund/es Lane, Main to O~we~ on the motion of AId. Donald and Frank that the request for per~ission' to erect tour- ist cabins be .x~gerred to the City Manager for a Oi~SN~D on the motion of AId. Hawk"Aas and Don- ., aid that the resmmnendatton of the Cttl Manager with respect to fire and residential restrict- ions be adopted. .[ . 140 36. Main Street Fi~e Ha]-~ ,. 7 · Robinson Street and Grey Avenue 38. 2162Allen Avenue 39. 2198 Stanley Avenue Robinson Street, Buchanan to Cl"~ke Filtration Plant Stanley Avenue, McR~e to Stamford 43. 1963 Buchanan Avenue Main and Muddy S~reets 0RqlEEED on the motion of AId. DODA3a and Buck- nor that the roof be repaired and ground floor be painted. 0A~al~D on the motion of Ald. Frank and Miller that the City Manager submit a report as to the approximate cost of development of this area. 0EDEMSD on the motion of AId. Miller and Donald that the request for permission to allow gasoline pumps to encroach on the street _-]Iowarice be ORDEKe~ on the motion of AId. Frank and Donald that a tight railing be placed inside the side- walk On the property line to prevent the park- ing of cars on the boulevard. 0RIlERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and White that the recommended improvements be made at the expense of the Niegara Wire Weaving_CompanY. SatisfactorY. OBREI~CDOn the motion of Ald. Hawkins andWhite +.hart he recommendations of the City Manager with ~eference to sidewalk and lights, bea~lopted. 0aDlmlgDonthemotion of AId. Frank and Buckner that the condition of this Junk yard he referre& to the Beard of Police Commissioners for action. 0tam.sPent he motion of AId. Frank and Donald that the request for permission to erect a line crosiinghy the lIp&re-Electric Power Co~"~8sion of Ontario be ~d. x so u',rzqz, The following Resolution was passed: No. 73 - FRA~ - DONALD - I~SOL~ED that Fire Chief Shapton be not required, the future~ to make an inspection of all licensed premises in the --micipality; -that his inspection be only re2~-'-~ed when referred to him ~y the Sanitary Insp- . ector, in cases of doubt; and the 8eel of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carrie_~d The Council ad,lourne& on the motion 0f AI~. Frank and White. ;A D ]2 !947. Ma~or TWENtY-FIFTH MEETING Council Chamber, 12 May, 1947. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 12 bfay, 1947, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members Of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Haw- k~n~. DEPUTATIOi~ On the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins, Mr. Robert 0rr was permitted to address the Council. Mr. 0rr asked that Council give some consideration to the establishment of a guiding service in the City of Niagara Falls, and outlined the many advantages he felt would be found for the City at large if such a ser- vice were inaugurated. Mr. 0rr also stated that the plan was to epiC returned · men who are partially disabled for this work. ~-Resolution No. 7~ In connection with Communication No. 249 and 250, and Petition No. 4, and on the motion of Ald. Donald andMiller, Mr. Murray Shannon was heard. Mr. Shannon advised Council of his plans in connection with tourist cabins for which he was mmking application for a permit to erect. It was then ordered on the mot- ion of AId. MiLler and MacDonald that spokesmen, representing the residents of the area in question, who protest the granting of such a permit, be permitted to speak.to Council. Mr. Rennie advised Council of his objection to such an enter- prise being permitted in the location; andMrs. M.B.Lowthian also voiced her dis- approval. SEE C~i-~mnlcattons No. 2~-2pO C01~tI~IICATIONS Laid over from previous meetings: No. 209 - Village of Chippawa - suggesting change in proposed agreement. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Miller and MacDonald that the communication be received and filed, the su66ested change be made in the agreement, and the by-law be prepared. S..'.: Report No. 14~ No. 21~ - Wad~'s Motor Sales - requesting lease of land for gasoline p,,,ps. ~ on the motion of Ald. Frank and MacDon,ld that the communication be received and filed, the request be granted and the necessary lease be ~re~ared. ~lss Report No. 153 No. 217 - Rosberg's L~mtted - suggesting develoA~ment of parking area. Olq~EEED on the motion of AId. Miller an~ ~acDonald that the communication be received and laid on the table and the 0ity Manager ascertain from the Railway Coml~any whether consent would be 6i~en to the use of the land as a parking area. · ~ Rel~ort No. 1~4 No. 221 - Niagara Falls Business ami Professional Association - su~Cestion direc- tichal signs. 0AUma~W on the motion of AId. llawkins and MacDo~-ld that the com- munication be received and fil?d, and the siCns be erected in accordance With the reommsendations.: m Report No. 1}} No. 222 - Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities - ralussting resolut- ion re Oanada,s lw~tgration policy. ~ on the motion of AId. Hawkins and Miller that the communication be received and filed, and upon the verbal rec~m- mendatious of the C.'~tttee appointed, no resolution be forwarded from this Coun- cil but that Oouncll 'a representative to the Convention be empowered to endorse 141 the most suitable action of the Association at that time. No. 223 - County Clerk - enclosing report on convalescent homes. 01~NEEED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald that the communication be received and filed, and the Committee be asked to continue their efforts in this regard. The followir~ Conmunications were presented: No. 240 - Wartime Housing Limited - re approval of executive of ProJect Number 7. 0t~)EI~) on the' motion of ~ld. Donald and Frank that the connnunication be received and filed. No. 241 - Canadian Legion Branch 51 - invitation to memorial parade. Ottum~mm on the motion of Ald. Miller and White that the communication be received and filed~ the invitation be accepted and as many of the Council as possible attend the par- ade. No. 242 - Rritish Legion of New York, Inc. - invitation to presentation of awards. ORREk~D on the motion of Ald. Dorald and White that the conmunication be received and filed, the invitation be accepted and as ~Any of the Council as pcmible at- tend the ceremony. No. 24B - Stamford - Niagara Athletic Club - requesting permission for use of Park and financial assistance. OPa~X~D on the motion of Ald. Donald and Bucknor that the communication be received and laid on the table, that permission be granted for the use of Oakes Park and the request for financial assistance be refered to the Chairman of Finance. No. 244 - Ontario Hospital Association - re increase in per diem rates. OA~U~ZF~D on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins that the communication be received and referred to the Chairm~ of Finance for a report. An amendment by Pad. Do~l d and MacDonald, that the comnunication be received and filed, was defeated. No. 245 - Kinotto Club - advisin6 of precede from tag day. ORUEA~M on the mot- ion of Pad. White and MacDonald that the comnunication be received and filed. No. 246 - Trades and Labour Council e~d Niagara F-11s Consmrs' Council - req- uestin6 rspresentatio~ at meeting re prices. Otdmu~D on the motion of Ald. Buck- nor and Hawkins that the ccmmmnication be received and filed, and as m-Ry of the Council as possible attend the meeting. He. 247 - C--~dlan Broadcasting Corporation - re alxpllcation of o~i~0. ORREEED on the motion of Donald an~ MacDonald that the c~mmanication be received and filed, an~ the local ~-~er of the House of Commons be asked to take action in this regard. No. 2~8 - Ontario Municipal Association - re 1947 Convention at l~rantford. ORD- au~a~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and Frank ~at the conmnurtcation be received and laid on the table until the next regular meeting. No, 249 - W,lI,Rennte No, 2~0 - G,Clayton - protesttn~ a~at~st petslesion for to~tst ~a at 2103 L~'s Ta~e, O~ ~ ~e ~ti~ of ~, ~ ~4 3~ke~r ~t ~e cm- wm4cattu be moetve~ ~ filed, ~ ~e p~sions of By-~w N~ 3~2 M- host ~, ~ Pettti~ No, ~ ~d ~ ~epo~ No. 156 No. 2~1 - Bell Telephone Coopany of Canada - re~usstin6 .permission for various works, ~ ' No, 2~2 - Bell Telephone Cc~tMxn ~of Ce~ - requsstin~ persLtssion to move pole and anchor, O,.m.~;Aea~ on the metion of AId, Miller and MaCDo"RId "l~hat the ',,__m~ cations be received an~[ filed~ en~ pendssion be ~ranted, .qEe. BY-Law No, ~0~7 No, 2~3 - Louis Sacco - reRnestin~ pex¶dssion for tourist cabins. ~x~ on the motion of AId. Miller and Donald that the.~cc.aam_.ioation ~be~ received m~d referred No .2~4 - Anonymous Letter - 0RDEAt~O on the motion of Aid. Frank and Donald that the communication be received and filed, unread. REPORTS Laid over from a previous meeting: No. 1~ - City Solicitor - re agreement with Vi~lage of Chippaws. OROEF~D on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the report be received and filed. The following Reports were presented: No. l~S - City Solicitor - re request for lease of lands. ORDERED on the motion of Pad. Frank and MacDonald that the report be received and filed. No. 1~4 - City Manager - re suggested development of parking area. ORDERED on the motion of. AId. Miller and MacDonald that the report be received and laid on the table. No. 1~5 - Traffic Committee - recommending erection of directional signs. ORDEHED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the reco-~,endations be adopted. No. 1~6 - City Manager - re request for permission to erect tourist cabins. 0R- DEE on the motion of Pad. Frank and Bucknor that the report be received and filed. No. 1~7 - City Manager - recommending construction of main on Dyeon Avenue. 0RD- ~on the motion of AId. White and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the recomm~ndation be adopted. No. 1~8 - City M~-ger - recommending construction of s~dewalk on Stanley Avenue. 01~ED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the report'be received and filed, and the recnmm~ndation be adopted. No. 1~9 ~ City Manager - re bus stop at Main Street and Lundy,s Lane. 0RDEEED on the motion of Ald. Donald andWhite that the report be received and referred to the Traffic Co~,~ttee. No. 160 - City Manager - reco',,,-~nding changes in 0ekes Park operation. O!qDEE~D on the motion of AId. Donald and Miller that the report be received and lald on the table until the next meeting. No. 161 - City Manager - re application of H.J.Brown re Tourist cabins. ORDFat~u on the motion of Ald. Frank and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, the recommendation be adopted and By-law Number 3962 adhered to. An amendment was made by AId. Miller and White that the report be received and filed, and by- law Number 3962 be amended to permit erection of tourist cabins on Lot 8, River l~oad; but this motion was defeated. No. 162 - ~Assessor - report for year 1946. 0E on the motion of AId. White and Hawkins that ~he report be received and filed. ' No. 163 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of lic~nces. 01~EN~D on the motion of ~ld. MacDonald and Frank that the report .be received and filed, an~ the rec- ~ndattonlr be adopted. No. 16~ . City Auditor - su~mitttE separate school board report for 19L~. 01~ on the motion of Ald. ~uckner and Hawkins that the report be received and laid on the table, and printed in the usual manner. PETITION _The followlM Petition was Presented: No, ~ , (~,E,Clayton and 31 others - Protes.ting.ngains~ t~,rist cabins a.t. 2_t03, Lun- 'i dy's Lane. O~ on the motion of A4t. Frank and Xuckner that ~he petition be received and filed. HgSOLUTIOE The following Resolutions were passed: No. 7~ - DONAtD - ~ - I~SOLT~D that the request of Mr. Robert Orr, that Coon- cll glve coastderatlon to penmtsion for the establishment of a ~ui~in~ service in the Cit~, be.'referred to the Traffic Cewe4 tree for a report; and the Seal of the Cozyoration be hemto affixed. Carried m~animously No.. 7~ - WH1Z~ - ~ - I~80Lw~ that the City Clerk be ~-_tr~cted to forward a message expreeLn~ the s3mpathy of the City Coonoil and citizens of llta~a Falls to the fm,~ of the late Mr. Authon~ Wolenski upon the death of this City em- ployee; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried tmanimously No. 76 - MTT.T~ . ~ . I~SOLVED that the action of His Worship Mayor llouck, in appointing Alderman E.M.Hawk~-- as enactin~ ma~or an l~th' and l~th Ma~, durin~ the absence of His Worship from the City, he approwed; and the Seal of the Cor- poration be hereto affixe~. Carried u~animonsly No. 78 - ~ - ~I~_N~__ - I~SOLV~D that this Council no lon~er require organiz- ations to report to ouncil as to the prceeds from. ta~ d~Vs held; as~ ~e Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously The followin~ By-law was ~nssed: · No. ~0/+2 - ~o authorize the execution of an A~reeaent heWsen the Corporation of · 'the City of ][ia6ara F~e an~ the Co~mti~ of ~e ~ty of We~, ~ c~cti~ wi~ ~e ,a-4~q~ti~ of ~utioe ~ o~er mt~. It was entered on the motion of Aid. White and Bucknet that Ald. Don- aid be given the privilege of intro~ucin~ the by-law, and the by-law be read the first t~ms - Ca.-,-Aed' .~mnimous~T. It was ordere~ on th~ motion~of AId. Xawkins an~ MaoDo~s that Rule · ~ (2) of the Sfan&ln~ l~les of Council be snspen~e~ an~ the hi-law he. Slve~ the It was ox~iered on the motion of Ald. White and Frank that the by-law be laid on the table until such t~m~ as YAP. Ninacs produces satisfactory evidence of the protection of the City in ease of suits against the City in connection with this property. _No. ~0b~ . To amend By-law Number 1777, respecting fire l~m~ts in the City of Nia- gara F~lls. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Don~!d that ~ld. White be give the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried un~n~mnasly' It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that Rule 36 (~) of the Standin~ l~ules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the sec- end reading - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald and Hawkins that the by-lay be laid on the table an~ referred to the Ontarlo Municipal l~oard for approval. No. ~0~ - To establish restricted areas and regulate the character of bulldin~s to be erected therein. It was Ordered on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and ]~uckner that Aid. Fnite be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be rea~l the first t~-- - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Hawkins ~na ]~uckner that Iiule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried ,n~n~..,usly' It was ordered on the motion of Aid. White and Donald that the by-law be laid on the table and referred to .the Ontario Municipal ]~oar~ for approval. .No. ~0~6 - To establish restricted areas and regulate the character of buildfn~e to be erected therein. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald and Hawkins that Ald. ~hlte be given the privilege of iutroduniug the by-law, and the by-law be read the first ttm~ ~ Carried mmnimouely. To provide for peraLlssian to ~he BellTolpehone C place unaergroun4 cable conduith ~do~any o Canada to · pole .o or soitta. d pole° "" to "second read~, Carried unsnimnsl.'~-. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. MAiler and Donald that Ald. Haw- ~~:j&~ ~ven the privilege of ~ntroducin~ the b -law ~ x~adix~ -AId. MaoDonal4 and D<mal~ - CaaTie~ ,nan~.. '..'u!: .' · first t~,~.. Cam~Aed xmaninDusl~. ~ , and ___ b~.-law be rea& The follo~ln~ By-laws vox'e load. the first an~ second ~llaesl .... :-':: ...... : " ' ' White that Rule C b~lawbe : -~ rasd~S - artled mmmt~.s~V ' · S yen the It was ox~ere4 on the motion of AIAt. I~m=~4 an~ NaVk~ns that Ald. Mil- ' ' ' ' r be ~lven the ~riv~le(s of intrc4unin~ the b~Elaw, au~ thO b~-law be read Thiz~ raad~n~ . AId. l[awkixm and Fxlnk - Carried tmanimousl~. .: ~e fix~lt t~18 - CalTie~ ~Xa2~IDT~. ~' ' : .... ~ -:.TO authorize the execution of on A~reeaent for Sale ongL Deed "' It was ox~laxl4 on the motion of AI~.. ~e~ a2d ~ tha~ ~vle ~6 ': ..... '; · .~) of the Btandin~ l~les of Com~oZl be ~mds~ and. ~..b..X,~.~l~.~ be ~en the :: ;' .'I~ was ox~. on the. motion of AId. White and~ Bu~kner: that~AId. Frank ~'~'se~mt..~re~LtnS. -~Carrie~ mmnim~.. !~'~'~ :~ :~:! '::,~f,~-i~:::Z~::~!:~J~'~:~:i.~,?'~,~,:::'' ': · ' -:;:. :;:: '.'ji!j:::" '::',, :,. _ :::- :f :'':·: , , 146 be given the privilege of introducin~ the by-law, and the by-law be mad the first. t~ne - Cartled ~Usl~. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Buckher and White that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing l~ules of Council be suspended and the by-law .be ~iven the aceoral readin~ - Carried ~a.~mnusly. - M_._ ~ HaWKinn ,,n~n~vanuslyo Thir~ ma~ix~ Ald. .cx~nald - Carried ~ld. Miller advised Cot~ctl of his attendance at a meetin~ of a swim- ~ club in the City, aud that the assistance of Council wouldbe requested in that connection. Ald. Miller asked for information ae to the progress of the local l~dro-Electric C,~--~esicn in connection with the ins+~ql-tion of a new street lighting s~stem throughout the City; an~ His Worship Ma~or Houck advised of the action bein~ taken. His Worship Mayor Eouck appointed members of Council to represent the Corporation at the openin~ b-q~ ~ame on Saturday, -17th 1~. COl~ea~xATIOl~8 Con~rat~,l-tlons were eztende,:l. to His Worship Ma~or Houck by the mem- bers of Council upon the celebration of his birthday. The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Do-a~d ^ha Hawkins. A report from the City Manager, regar~ln~ the application of A-R.Bessey for a permit to erect a building to accmm. n~ate chinchillas, as referred from the previous meeting, was Presented. A communication frc~ Mr. ~essey, a communicat_ ion of protest from Mrs. Dongale Marshall and a comunlcatlon from the Canadian Chinchilla Cc~pan,v were also Presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that the report end cozmunicatlons be recelved and laid on the I table, and referred to the Property Cona~ttee for a report. An offer, as laid over from the previous meeting, from Mrs. David Dew~ son of $7~.00 for Lot ~00, I~an~ard Avenue, was considered. Upon the reconm~nd- ation of the Property Co~amittee and on the motion of Ald. M~iller and White it was ordered that the offer be laid on the table and Mrs. Dawson be asked to sup- ply the address of the ho~e it is Proposed to move to the lot. An offer was Presented from Mrs. Peter II. Taylor of $7~.00 for Lot 11, North Street. Upon the reco~ndation of the Property Committee and on the mot- ion of Ald. MAcDonald and Dor~d it was ordered that the o~r be received and filed, and Mrs. Taylor be advised the lot is not available for a dwelllr~ of the value as suggested. An offer was Presented from Walter Bowlett of $12~.00 for Lot 277, Sixth Avenue. Upon the reco"~ndation of the Property Ccmmlttee and on the 'mot- ion of Aid. MAcDOnald and Miller it was ordered that the offer be accepted, and a deed be issued. An offer was Presented from George L. Burlay of $~0.00 for part of Lots ~7, ~8, ~9, Valleyway and Sixth Avenue. Upon the reconnm~ndatlon of the Property Comm/ttee and on the. motion of Aid. MAcDons/d. and. White it was ordered that the offer be received and lald on the table until the City Manager has pres- ented a report on all outstandin6 transactions with regard to the sale of prop. erties. I~AD AND ADOr,x,,, 19 Ma~, 19~7. 891, An offer was Presented from James Brland for the purchase of Lots 899, 900, XDmbard Avenue for $100.00 each. Upon the reccem~ndation of the Pro erty Ccm.~ttee and on the motion of Aid MAcDo ~4 and Donald it was ord P' the offer be received end laid on the table until the City Manager has Presented · n~_ered that ' a report on all outstanding transactions with regard to the sale of Properties. Clerk Ma~or oft b~ received end filed. . MacDonald and Donald that the rap- A report was Presented from the Clty Manager with regard to repairs =;;onJa tr,,tion p ant. ,,. ord.rs, on the the recomnendation be adopted. the_.report be received and filed, and A report was Presented from the Cit ,--',n -',.'-- ,,. ord.red tO ~ · · received ~ Aid Donald. filed, and th. A report was Presented from the Clty Manager, recomae~d~n~ that a e - be issued for the erection of a st at I~ p r Council Chamber, air th Ald 8n tad The Finance Ccasittee at on Monday, 12 May, 1~7, for the p.rpose of ' and · ce approvin~ and also of l~ssin~ the various an~ounte which ha~ bean ~roperly cart- A report was Presented free the City Manager, recc~ that a per- ified amt placed before thee. All scabera of~che Cosmtttee, with .the exception ~; be issued for repa~-s at ~0~ ~rAd~e Street. It was ordered on the moti of Aid. Bucknet, were ~rssent. "' · · Donald and Hawk~s that the report be reoei~ d on of 8.ndx7 accounts were appx~ved by +-~- Cceaittee, a~t~ to $3~,~71.31. ation be adopted. · and. filed, ami the recc~xand. art be iss.sd for the erection of a ~ at 1~ Maple Street. It The aocomts su~aitte~, bein~ passed or etb~x~iee dealt with, were or- A report was presented frca the City Manager, recc~ dared placed in the my by-law for presentation ~o:~he Council, c~ the motion on the motion of Ald. llavkins and l~.~hat the/reports,be received that a per- , I, · ' '~ · '. ": · ~ 'I · ,: · · .... ~ . and 'filed, ; 14 ':;" A report was presented from the City 14anager, recow~ena~n8 that a permit issued for the erection of a garage at ~05 Third Avenue. It was ordered on the ~motion of Ald. Donald and White that the report be received and filed, and the reco~-mudation be adopted. A report was presented fxum the City Manager, recommending that a per- mit be issued for the erection of a garage at 1055 Centre Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Miller that the report be received am1 flle~, and the recon'~endation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, rec~n~endin~ that an plicastion for a permit to erect tourist cabins at ~ot 297, 2~8, Ottawa Street and 8tmwrord Streets, be referred to the Property Cow,,4ttee. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Donald and Miller that the report be received and filed, and the reccr~ndation be adopted. The Ccn~4 ttee adjourned on the motion of AId. White and Donald. BEAD A~D ADO1yp~n, 19 May, 1947. Chairman .of F!p~nce Council Chamber, 12 May, 19~7. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular counoLl an~ fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passlug the my by-~av which covered the ac- counts approved by the Cc=--.~ttee. All'members of the Council, with the exception of .AId. Bucknet, were present. The following By-law was gassod: !!o.' ~0~ - To (}rant Monies. for Ceneral Purposes. It was ordere~L on the motion of AId. ~Aits and Donald that AId. Frank be 6ivan the privilege or ~tntz~ueing the b~-law an~ the b~-law be 'real the first 'time '- CaxTie~. It was ordere~ on the motion of Aid. Donald and Wnits that Rule ~' (2) of the 5tan4ix~ Rules of C~u~cil be sul~endsd and ~he b~-law 6iven the second readtn~ - Carried. ' / . ~hix~t x,eadix~ -Ald. MaoDenald and Donal~ - Cax, x. ied. ,' , - The Cotmoil adJo'nx"',',e{ on the motion of Aid. MacDonsl~ and Frank. ~ A~D 19 Ma~, 19~7. .... Clerk Ma~or TWENTY-SAA','n MEETING i~YJLAR MEETING Council Chamber, 19 May, 1947. Pursuant to adJourmnent, the Council met at 7.30 P.m. on Monday, 19 May, 19~7, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All mem- bers of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the min- utes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Frank and Haw- C0~4UNICATIONS Laid over from a p~rious meeting: No. 243 - Stamford-Nia~ara Athletic Club - requesting f~ancial assistance. 0R- D~D on the metion of AId. Frank and Buckher that the connnurdcation be received and filed. ~ Report No. 16~ No. 244 - O~tarlo Hospital Association - requestin6 adjustment in rate. 0t~u~ on the metion of AId. MacDonald and Hawkins that the coum~unication be received and filed. ~ Re~ort No. 166 No, 2~8 - Ontario Munlcil~l Association - re 19~7 convention. 0~D~+~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the c.:.-.-~,~cation be received and filed, und the City Clerk prepare for presentation at the convention a resolution rec- ~-..~u~ing that the privileges of voting at advance polls he extended to any per- son who will he out of tow~ on election day un~ who will me~e an affidavit to that effect. No. 253 - Louis ~acco - requesting permission to build tourist cabins. OA~U~ on the metion of AId. Hawkins and MacDon~qd +.h-t the comunlcation be recetve~ and filed, and permission not granted. ~ Re~ort No. 167 The following Communications were ~resented: No. 255 - Angelo Mancnso ~o. 2~6 - Dc~tnic Mazzone - requesting sidew=~ on ~ A~nue. 0~ on ~e ~ti~ of ~d. ~d ~ ~wk~ ~t ~e C~,~lcatio~ be received ~d filed, ~ ~ mq~st be ~d. No. 2~7 - ~ of Police C~esi~rs - m s~e~ion of lic~ce of S.~ee~. ~ ~ ~ ~tlon of ~d. ~wk~n. ~ ~tte ~t ~e c~cation be ~cet~d ~ filed, ' ~ ~e ~tion oppmved. ~. ~ - ~s Md S~iety .- ~--~s for action in D.~ cue. 0~ on ~e mti~ ~f ~. ~,.~ ~ ~d ~t ~e c~m~tion. he received ~ fx a. No. ~ - ~D~nt of P~ ~ ~l~nt - re~st~ a~mv~ ~ Wea~r su~i~sio~. ~ ~ ~ ~ti~ of ~. ~ite ~d ~c~4 ~t the c~- toatt~ be mcei~ ~d ftlea, ~ ~ ~ ~ Repp~ No. 168 No. ~0 - ~nt of P~ ~ ~ve~nt - re~st~ appm~ of Bia- ~nt s~s~ivislon. ~ ~ ~ ~ti~ of ~d. ~.~4 ~ F~ ~t ~e 149 ~Xald over from previous meetings: No. 159 - City Manager - re bus stop at Main Street and Lundy's Lane. 0RDmA~Iv on the motion of Ald. l~aeDonald an~ Frank t~at the report be received and laid on the table. ~ Report No. 170 No. 160 - City Manager - recmnding chan~es in operation at 0aMes Park. ORDF~v on the wtion of ~d. ~ ~ ~aid +.~at tM report be receive~ ~d flle~, ~e mc~ti~ ~ a~p~, ~d ~s Wom~p ~or Ho~k be uke~ ~ a~o~t a co~t~e of Co~cil ~ work wi~ ~e City ~er upon ~e mt~r of psses ~ ~e P~k. His Wor~ip ~or Houck a~o~te~ ~d. ~er, ~r ~a ~n~ u ~ts c~t~. The followix~ Reports were presented: No. 16~ - Ch~_rman of Finance - re request for financial assistance. 0AUS~mW on the motion of Ald. Frank and Buckher that the report be receive& ami filed, and the reccmzzndatton be adopted. No. 166 - Chair-~n of Finance - re re~Ausst for a~Juetument of hospital rates. 0R- ~ on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Mawkind that the report be received and filed, an~ the rec~gendation be adopted. No. 167 - Property Cce~,~ttee - re re~usst for permission to erect tourist cabins. ~ on the motion of/LId. Mawk~nn and MacDora1 ~ that the report be received and filed, an~ the recemendation be adopted. No. 168 - City Na~ager - recessending approval of Weaver subdivision. O~umlt~v on the motion of Ald. lrnite and MacDonAld that the report be received an~ filed, and the recommendation be adopted, No. 169 - City Nanager - reccem-~miim8 approval of lEamonte subdivision. on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Frank +.hAt the report be received and filed, an~ the recomaendation be adopted. No. 170 - Traffic Cc-.6~dttee - re recommendation for bus stop. OIa~En~n on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Frank +.h~t the report be received am1 filed, and the roc~.;;~;~ndation be adl>pted0 No. 171 - Traffic Cosslttee - re re~uest for permission for ~uide service. 0tfl)- ~ on the motion of AId, DOn-~ and White that the report ~e received end. filed, an~ the recomaen~ation be adopted. No. 172 - Traffic Cnm,~ttee - making various rec~mw*-a-tto~s. OA~m~w an ~e ~ti~ Of ~&. ~ ~ Haw~ t~t ~e mpo~ be mcel~, ~t ttm n;- ~r ~e. be ~d ~ b t~le ~t~ ne~ eet~, ~ ~e ~ mc~M- atio~ be ~&, Me. 173 - City ClerM - roe~--sadin8 issuance of licenoes. Oa~z~z~ on the motion of AI~. Prank and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, an~ the rec- ~--~-a-ttons be adopted, No, 17~ - City Auditor - re libalto-Electric Cn~w~sston accounts, No, 17~ - City ~ - m ~ltc ~tb~ ~ aoco~. No. 176 - City ~r - m ~ of ~d~tton accosts. ~ ~ ~e ~tton of ~, ~& ~ F~ t~t ~e ~s ~ reoel~,~ ~ ~ ~ble ~& The foll~rin~ By-laws ve:e passe&: Third reading -Ald. Don~!d and Miller - Carried unanimously. No. ~050 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement between the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls and the Corporation of the Village of Chip- pawa in connection with the supply of water. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first t~ - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Frank that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law given the second reading - Carried unanimously. Third reading -Ald. MacDon~!d and Frank - Carried, Ald. Donald voting contrary. .No. 40~1 - To authorize the execution of a lease to Wade Motor Ssles. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and Donald that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first t4~ - Cartled una~iw~usly. It was ordered on the metion of Ald. Donald and Buckher that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading ~ Carried ,m-nimOusly. Third reading - AId. MacDon~!d and White: Carried unanimously. ~ - To authorize the execution of a Deed. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Miller and Hawkins that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducing' the by-law and the by-law be read the first t4mn . Carfled uuantmously. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Hawkins and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. Third reading - AId. Donald and Hawk~n. - Carried unanimously. No. ~0~3 - To authorize the execution of a Deed. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Donald and MacDor~.l:d that AId. Frank be gt.ven the privilege of Introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first t~w~ ,- Carried unanimously. ' It was ordered on the metion of AId. Blckner and Hawkins that Rule 36 (2) of the 8tand~ Rules of Couecll be suspended and the by-law be given the second readAug - Carried unanimously. Thlr~ reading - AId. MacDonald ~nd ~awktns - CarrAe~ unanimously. The followln~ By-law was read the first and second t~w. as : No. ~ . To provide for borrowi~ $2,026,1~ upon debentures to pa~ for the con- struction of .a .cmm~ sewer c~ North Street from Lowell Avenue to a .po/nt 2~7 feet east of Towell Avenue in the City of NiN~ra Falls. It was ordered on the motion of AId, Miller an~ Donald that Aid. Frank be given the privile~e of lntro~uctx~ the by-law and the. by-law be read the first tJ~ne - Carrie~ .unandmouely. ' It was oz~ered on the motion of AId. Donald ami ~nokner that l~ule 36 :(e) of the 8tanatx~ Rgles o~ Cogneil be sge~enaed and tie by-law be given the second rea~ . ~h~riea It wan o~lered on the motion of AId. Miller and MacDon_*_~d that the law be laid on the table anA referred ~o the Ontario Municipal Board for al~roval. His Worship Mayor Houck reported to Councll upon hls conference wlth Mr. ~Pringle, General Manager of the Canadian National Railways, in connection with the proposed substitution of busses for street cars in the City. Hie Worship Mayor Houck advised Council that he had extended an invit- ation to General Risenbauer of the ~;nlted States Amy to visit Niagara F-3]e when in this area but +.k~t the General would be unable to attend the lucheon. Ald. MacDonald extended his thanks to the City Manager, Fire Chief, Fire Departments aml other e~p~oyees for the co-operation hebad received during the drive for food and clothin~ for the Ontario ~ritish ~od Relief Fund. The Council wiJourned on the motion of AId. Frank and Clerk Mayor Council C~m~er, 19 May, 19b,7. The Finance Cc-~ttee met on Mon~a~, 19 Ma~, 1~7, for the purpose of approvtn~ and also of passtx~ the .various accomte which bad been properly cert- Ified und placed before them. All ramhers of the Co~sntttee, with the exception of Ai~. Frank, were present. Upon the motion of Aid. lhwklns and Bucknor, Ald. Miller was enactt~ Chairman of Finance, while Aid. Frank was away from the meeting. Sundz7 accounts were app~ove~ by .the C--~d ttee, mountln~ to $26,746.77. The accounts subndtted, beJ~ passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law .for presentation to the Council, on the motion The report of the City Manager, which had been laid over from the prev- Ious meeting, together with o~cattons fx~a Mr. A~.Bessey, Mrs. Dou61as Mar- s~-~ an~ the Canadlan Chinchilla Company, the petition from Mrs. G.Z.Will 39 others and the rsl~rt of the Property Ccsmttoee, in cormsorion with the hous- ing of chtnohtllasa~ were proserated. Prior to consi~retton of the above docu- ments, the City )kna~er reported that Mr. 3essey'had withdrawn his application for a permit to erect a butl~tng, and on the motion of A/At. DonslAt and Nawktns the matire matter was received and filed. The report of the City Manager, as laid over fx~a the previous meeting, and in eonnectton with a re~usst to erect tourist cabins, was ~resented; to6- ether with a report fx~a the Property Ccmnittee. Xt was o~dex~ on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald that the reports be received and filed, and the recom- mendation he adopted. The statement of Unemployment Relief for the month of April was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of AId. White ami Bucknor that the statement be received and filed. The Revenue and Expenditure Statement as at 31st March was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Donald that the statement be rec- eived and laid on the table. A communication was presente~ from Mrs. D. Dawson in connection wlth the offer for Yuot 900, Plan 6~S, Lombard Avenue. Upon the recommendation of the Prop- ~__~asrty Co~,~ tree and on the motion of Ald. M~cDonald and Hawkins the conmranication received and laid on the table for one week. A ccmaunlcatlon was presented fr~n Mr. S.Huscato, requesting a refund of the purchase price of Lot 12, N rth Street. U~on the reco~mendation of the Property Cn,--~ttee and on the motion of AId. White and MacDonald it was ordered that the c~-,~;,nication he received and filed, that a refund he granted, less any unpaid taxes from the date of the agreement to date. A comnunlcation was presented from Mr. D.G.Wehb in connection with his purchase of a lot at the comer of Sixth Avenue and Valleyway. Tipon the recom- mendation of the Property Co~--~ttee and on the motion of His Worship Mayor Houck and AId. Donald it was ordered that the communication be received and laid on the table for one week an~ both tenderera for this lot be contac~ to ascertain their intentions. An offer was presented from Mrs. Z.M.Taylor of $7~.00 for Lot 11, Plan 2, l~orth Street. Upon the rec,',---~ndation of the Property Co,,-~ttee and on the motion of AId. Donald and MacDonald it was ordered that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the provision that a dwelling of at lest $~,000.00 value is erected on the premises within six months. Au offer was presented frc~ Mrs. 0lga Korpan of $7~.00 for Lot 17~, Plan 6, Kickson Avenue. Upon the recrm~ndatlon of. the Property Cnmm~ttee and on the motion of AId. MacDo,al~ and Hawkins it was ordered that the offer herecetved, am1 filed, Mrs. Eorpan be advised the lot is not for sale at the present time. An offer was presented from Joseph Satiny of $7~.00 for Lot 210, Plan B2, Kickson Avenue. Upon the recow-nendation of the Property C~m~m~ttee and on the motion of AId. MacDonald and Donald it was ordered that the offer he received and filed, and Mr. Sarkan~ be a~Lvised the lot is not for sale at the present t~m~. A report was presented f~ the City Manager in connection with the ap- plication of Steve Fish to erect tourist cabln_m on the east side of Buchanan Ave- hue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDorm~d and Dcm~ +.~et the re~ort be received and filed, and permission be not ~ranted. Ald. Fr~-~ returned to the meeting. A.report was presented fz~a the City Manager re lot purchases and a~- reeme~ts not completed. Upon the reoo~*_~datton of 'the Property C~Ittee and on the motion of Aid. Donald angL His Worship Ma~or l~ouck it was ordered th-t the report be received and ftle~, an~ the reccmsnendatlons be adopte~. The report of the Property Ccmattteo, on the above mattere, was pros- onted. It was ordered on the motion of Adt. Donald and His Worship .Me.vet that the re~ort be received and filed. ' A re~ort was~ ~'presente~ from the Cit~ ,~)~3a~er~ re a request for a per- mtt to move a bullcLing on olty streets. It was ordered on the motlon of Ald DOn- aid and Miller that the report be received and filed, and t~erecownendatton be opted. A report was presented from the City Manager, recomaending that a si6n permit be issued for 17~9 Victoria Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the recmmaendation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, recow,.~udin6 t~t a permit be issued for the erection of a garage at 1380 Ferry Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and White that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, reco,,--~nding that a permit be issued for the erection of a sign at ~8~3 Main Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins +-k~t the report be received and filed, and the recoanendatton be adopted. The Cc~ttee adjourned on the motion of Aid. Donald and. Miller. Clerk / Chaim=- of Finance 80UNCX~ ~'A'AaU Council Chamber; 19 Ma~,lg~7. The Council re-aasee,~led at the close of the regular cotmoil and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of pas~ the momey by-law which covered the ac- counts approved by the C~ttee, en~ for the consideration Of other matters. All members of sthe Council Were present. lie. ~055 - To Grant Monies for ~eneral l~ses. It was ordered ~ the motion of Ald. Hawkins and White that Ald. Frank ~e ~iven the prt~ of ~~ ~e b~-~ ~ ~ b~-hw be ~ ~e ftmt It wa~ ordered ca the motion of Aid. D~aald and ~awk~-- that ~tle 36 (2) of the Stan~ l~ules of Co~11 be ~ ~ ~e bi-hw St~n ~e sec- No. ~05~... To amend 3y-lav limber 3962, heln6 a by-law to regulate an~ govern ..... ' ..... ~lrist ca~s an~ tnller camps; for bst~aattn6 areu of land to be used as tourist oases or trailer eases, en~ for prohi~t~in6 the use of other lama for such pur~s~es. f It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Buckher that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducln6 the by-law and the by-law be read the first t~m~ - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald, Hawkins and Miller that Rule 36 (2) of the Standin~ Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law given the second read- ing - Carried unanimously. Third reading -Ald. MacDonald and White - Carried unanimously. COX~JNICATION The following Communication was presented: No. 261 - Canadian Nation-1 Railways - submitting draft agreement re bus franchise. O~ama~uD on the motion of Ald. Miller and Bucknet that the comnunication be rec- eived und laid on the table, and a special meeting of Council be held during the forthcoming week for the discussion of this matter. The following Resolutions were passed: No. 80 - DONALD - F~a~K - EESOLYED that the Property Committee be asked to study ~nd report upon the entire matter of the ieauance of permits for the erection of tourist cab~-n, the designation of areas for the same; and the Seal of the Corp- oration be hereto affixed. Carried No. 81 - DONALD - FRANE - RESOLVED that the matter of the placing of Lot 8, River Road in the areas where tourist cabins are permitted, be laid on the table until the Council ~ received the full report of the Property Cnmm~ ttee upon the mat- ter; an~ the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Prior to the above resolution, a motion was made by Aid. Miller and Mac Donald that Lot 8, River Road, be placed in the area where tourist cabins are per- mltted; but this motion was defeated. No. ~2 - W~I~m - DONALD - ~ESOLv~ that the Traffic Co.~ttee be asked to study and report u~on parkin~ conditions on F-]l s Avenue between the Rainbow Bridge and Clifton Hill, end also at Bridge Street and River Road; and the Seal of the Cor- poratied be hereto L--'Tlxed. Carried No. 8~ - DONALD - MacDONALD - I~SOLV~D that the City Clerk be instructed to ccm- rmm~ate with the IIonourable liumphrety Mitchell, reVuestin6 that he take up with the Depax, tkent of National Revenue the matter of cars passing fi-~ Canada to Un- ited States at this potn~ being required to open the trunks for inspection, thus slowlug up the passage of vehicles across the bridgeS~ am1 the 8eai of the Cor- poration be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously lie. 8~ - Frr.vxn~ . e . I~SOL~g,, that the City Manager be instructed to con- e~-,ie with .the tns+~tion of a false ceiling in the second floor of the City lhll, and to call for tenders for paluttn6~ and the 8eel of the Cox~orstion be carr__ No. 8~ - DONAIA) - MTr.v-~ - I~SOL~ that the City Manager be empowered to e-~l for tenders for dt66tng ditches for the ~-,~--T~,tion of sewers and water m~-m in the subdivision whers Wartime Benslug dwellings are to be erected, and in the Morse-Mlsenar sul~livisica~ a_~a the 8eai of t~e Cox~oration be hersto affixed. Carried His Worship Mayor Xouck s~pointed Ald. Bucknet, Hawkins and l~iller as the co,-,4ttee to m-~s errangenents for the party in honour of the wives of members of the Council. Ald. Frank asked that action be taken in connection with a deed tree at ~9~ Jepson -~tret which is infested with ants. Ald. Hawkins reported wpon his attendance at the Joint meetim~ arranged by the Trades and Labour Council, re~m~ling ~rices of cons;w,^rs' goods. It was agreed +.~-t no gardens would be plowed at the expense of the icipality this sadson. The ~Counoil adjourned on the motion of ~ld. Donald and Hawkins. l~ro, r TWENTY-SE~ MEgTING Council Chamber, 26 May, 1947. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 26 Nay, 1947, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council were present. The Council, having'received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid. Miller and Hawkins. DEP~£ATIONS In connection with Communication No. 267, and on the motion of Aid. Mil- ler and Donald, Mr. Earl T. White, President of the Greater Niagara Swimming Club, was permitted to address the Council. Mr. White enlarged upon the request con- rained in his letter for permission for the club to use the municipal sw4mm~ng pool for two evenings per week. SEE Comunlcation No.267 C01~UNICATIONS The following 0ommunications were presented: No. 262 - Acting Deputy Minister of Municipal Affairs - re encroachment on street allowances. Ol~ on the motion of Ald. Miller and Buckner that the communic- ation be received, laid on the table; and as m-ny as possible of the Property Com- mittee and AId. Miller appear before the Ontario Municipal Board with the City Manager upon this matter. No. 265 - Noncurable Minister of Labour - re congestio.n at Whirlpool Rapids Bridge. ~ on the motion of AId. Frank and Miller that the communication be received and filed. No. 264 - Honourable Minister of Labour - re Radio Station CHVC. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Frank and MacDonald that the communication be received and laid on the table until the station is in operation, and for one month. No. 269 - Laurence C. Crawford - enclosing account for year 1946. 0RDE~ED on the motion of AId. Miller and Eawkims that the connnunication be received and filed. No. 266 - Township of Stamford - re agreement re police substation. O~ on the motion of AId. Frank and Buskner that the communications be received and laid on the table for one week and Council be provided with a copy of the proposed re sewslit o _No. 267 - Greater Niagara Swimming Club - requestin6 use of ew~dmning pool. 0RD- m on the motion of AId. Frank and MacDonald that the cnmm;,~ication be received an~ laid on the tablel that the City Manager and Superintendent of the Pool con- suit with Mr. White an the matter, and report back to the Council. No. 268 - City Clerk, Hamilton - resolution re chlldren,s aid societies. 01~F. dtED on the motion of AI4. Miller and Frak that the c~anication be received, laid on the table and referrmi to the Coancil,s representative on the Children,s Aid Soc- iety. ' No. 269 - Ontario Conference on Social Welfare - enclosi~ pro~-~..... of conven- tion. OI~I~D on the motion of AId. Frank and MacDonald that the coisaunication be 'reoolwe~ ami flied, ami Mr. Stock be authorize to attend the convention. No. ~70 - Ctt~ Clerk, K~itchener - action re resolution on suburban area etamis- sions. ONa~D on the motion of Ald. Frank and Donald that the cosnunioation be ~e:lve4 a~. :riled. t¸ t No. 271 - Mrs. G.E.Wtll - appr~clatton of actlon of councll. ORDmm~ on the mot- ion of Ald. Hawkins and Frank +~t the c~nicatton be received and flled. No. 272 - R.Blake Erwtn - re Blanch subdivision and conveyances to City. 0~mEED on the motion of Ald. White and Miller that the comnuntcation be received and filed, the signin~ of the plan be approved and a deed prepared. ~ Resolution No. 86 No. 273 - Bell Telephone Company of Canada - requesting permission to place under- ground cable. Ol~m~ on the motion of Ald. Fr~n~ an~ ~rnite that the co~aunlcatlon he received and filed, and permission be granted. (Ald. Miller voted contrary to this motion) SEE By-law No. 40~Z No. 274 - Niagara F~lls, Stamfor~ and Chippaws Base'b,,11 Association - appreciation of assistance. 01tI;1t~D on the motion of Ald. ]bnald and Frank that the communic- ation be received and filed, and the contents of the c~unication be conveyed to the members of the staff mentioned. Y~Id over fr~n a previous meeting: No. 172 - Traffic Co,,w~ttee - re park~g on Ferry Street. 0RI~E~D on the motion of Ald. Donald and Frank that the report be received and filed, and one hour park- in~ restrictions be l~m~ted to Ferl7 street fro~ Stanley Avenue to Allen Avenue. SEE Petitions No. ~ and 6 The following Reports were presented: No. 177 - Chief Constable - suggestions re traffic t.n bridge area. 0RI~A~m on the motion of Ald. White and MacDonald that the report be received, laid on the table and referred to the Traffic Committee. No. 178 - Traffic Ccmtn~ttee - makiz~ various ~ec~mnena-tlons. OitDj~d~ on the mot- · ion of Ald. Hawkins and White that ~ha m~ort be recelved ~d f~e~, ~ ~e *mc- ~tlo~ be ~op~. No. 179 - City Clerk - recc~aemiin~ issuance of llcences. Or~u~us~ on the metion of Ald. MacDonald and Do--ld that the report be received an~ file~, and the rec- ,n~a.tion be adopted. PETITIONS The following Petitions were ~resented: No. ~ - Whiteway China 8hoppe and 90+.h*rs - reqnssttn~ one hourparkin~. · No, 6 - 0,M,~n ~ 7 o~em - p~test~ one ho~ ~k~ ~ Fe~ Street. O~ on ~e ~tton of ~. ~d ~ ~ ~t ~e petltto~ be recei~ ~ find. No, 7 - A,Marnin~star and 5 others - re conditions at 632 ~4 Avenue, ORE~F~D on the motion of Ald, Bucknet anA Hawkins that the l~tttton he received e~d laid on the table, that the attar be referre~ to the Medical Officer of Health for action aml a rs~ort back to Council, ... I~SOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed: No, 8~ - DONA~D - ~ - I~2OL~D that His Worship Mayor Eou~k and the City Clerk are hereby authorized to.a~px~ve an~ st~n the plan of the Blanch sub&tviso ion in the City of Niagara Falls, as prepared by Mr. R.Blake Erwln, Ontario Land Surveyor; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried un~nimously No. 87 - FRANE - MTT.V.~R - EESOLVED that the matter of the issuance of passes for the 0akes Park, and the honourir~ of Ontario Baseball Association passes be con- sidereal by the c.~,.,-~ttee appointed for the purpose; and the Seal of the Corporat- ion be hemto affixed. Carried unasimousl7 No. 88 - MTr.v.;s~ _ HAWKTNS - ~H,:~..'AS at municipal elections numerous requests are received from individuals who are required to be out of the municipality on the day of polling, for permission to exercise their franchise; ~ W~,:~A8 The Municipal Act as it stands at present permits only rail- way men and connn~rcial travellers the privilege of voting when they ~re reqmired to be absent; · nu~t~3BE Rm IT RESOLVED that the Provirdal Government be requested to amend Section ll3 of The Municipal Act in order that all qualified vote who find it necesaary to be absent from the municipality on the day of polling be permitted, upon taking an affidavit, to exercise their franchise; that copies of this resol- ution be forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Association for consideration at the forthcoming convention; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimousl~ No. 89 - FRANK - ~ _ RESOLVED that a special meeting of the City Council be scheduled for 7.00 p.m. on Thursday, 29th May, for consideration of the Canadian National Railways franchise aml the substitution of busses for street cars in the City; and the Seal of the (brporation be hereto affixed. Carriedjanlmousl,y No. 90 - Mn.~,R - ~A','.: - ~OLVED~ that 'the appreciation of this council be ex- tended to Alderman MacDonald for hie chairmanship of the Niagm of Food and Cloth- ing for Rrttain drive, and the suncessfal ,~--er in which the collection was con- ducted; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto e~flxed. ~C~arrted. unan~ The following By-laws were passed: No. ~0~7 . To provide for permission to The I~ll Telehpone Company of Canada to place ,maer~round cable on Fer~uson Street. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Hawkins and Miller that AId. Donald be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first t~ne - C~rrted unanimousl~v. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Frank and Hawline that Rule 36 (2) of the 8tan~in~ 9ules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the secor~l reading - Carried, Ald. Miller votin~ contrarT. Third readiX~ -Ald. Whlte ~.a MacDonald - Carrte~, AId.. Miller voting contraxV. ~ - to authorize the execution of an A~reemsnt for Sale and Deeds. It was ordered on the motion of AId, Miller and Hawksram that AId, Frank be given the privilege of ~ntroduclng the b~-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carrte~ unamtmoasl~. · It was ordered on the motion of AId. Donald and White that lqule 36 (a) · of the Stamtln~ l~lem of Council be mus~anded and the by-law be ~iven the second .read~ . Carried tma~l~. ' Third madinS- AId. Ma~D~ld ~ Donald - Carried, ~mnAmo~slZ. 159 FINANOE MEETII~G No. ~0~ - To authorize the execution of an ~greement for Sale and Deed. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Hawkins and Donald that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducin~ the by-law, and the by-law be read the first 't~me - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that'Rule 36 (2) of the Standin~ Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the. secgnd reading .- Carried unanimously. Third reading -Ald. MacDon-1 d and Donald - Carried The following By-laws were read the first and second I~o. 4o6Q - To prevlde for borrowin~ $6,289.58 upon debentures to pay for the con- struction of m~cadam pav~,.;~nts~ on certain streets in the Clty of l~ia- gara F~J.ls. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. White an~ ]~uckner that Ald. Frank he given the privilege of introducin~ the by-law, and the by-law .be read the first t~me - C~rried It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Hawkins and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second rendin~ - Carrie~ unanimously. ., It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Do--ld and Buckher that the h~-law be laid on the table and referred to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval. I~o. 4061 - To provide for borrowing $7,191198 upon debentures to pay for.the con- struotion of wa~r mains, sidewalks and water services on certain ~treets in the City of l~ia~ara Falls. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and MacDonald that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be reexl the first t~w~ - Carried 'lnAw'~TnnusleT, It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins Rn~ Miller that Rule B6 (2) of the Standir~ Rules of Council be euspende~ and the by-law be given the sec- ond reading- Carried It was ordered on tl~e motion of ~ld. I~d and Hawkins that the by-law be laid on the table and referred to the Ontario Municipal 1~ for approval. The Council adjourned on ~!the motion of Ald. Donald and Frank: AND AD01~,x_~, 2 Jane, 19~7.' Clerk Mayor Council Chamber, Z6 Ms~, 19~7. The Finance Com~nlttee met on Monday, 26 May, 19~7, for the purpose of . approvin~ and also of passing the v~rious accounts which had been properly cert- ified and plac~d before them. All members of the Connnittee were present. Sandry accounts were approved by the Cnmm~ttee, amounting to $5,88~.10. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of AId. ~uckner and White. The offer of Mrs. D.Dawson of $75.00 for Lot 900, Plan 653, Lombard Ave- nue, as laid over f~,~ the previous meeting, was considered. Upon the rsco~nend- ation of the Property Con,n~ttee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and White it was ordered that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the provision that a dwelling of at least $5,000.00 value is erected on the' premises within six ~llthe o The conanunication fZ~A Mr. D.C.Webb, in counection with ~he lot at the comer of Va~!eyway and Sixth Avenue, as laid over from the previous meeting, was considered. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and His Worship llayor l~ouck, upon the reco~,~ndation of the Property Comm~ tree, that Mr. Webb b~ not · permitted to pay the b~nce of the assessed value; but he be grunted a further extension of six months to penmit him to ccm!01~ with the terms of the ~greement. The report of the Property C~=~ttee, on the above matters, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. M~cDOn~ d an~ His Worship Mayor l~ouck that the report be received and filed. A report was presented from the City l~er, in connection with Barber Greens Snow loaders available. Upon the recommendation of the Equipment Commit- tee, ~nd on the motion of AId. MacDonald nn~ Hawkins it was ordered that the rep- ort be received and laid on the table for one week. A report was Presented from the City l~er, recosnendlng the purchase of repair parts for the tractor mower at Fairview Cemetery. Upon the recommend- ation of the Equilnnent Committee and on the motion of AId. MazcDonald and White it was ordered +.~-t the report be received and filed, and the .necessary parts be purchased. A report was presented from the City· Manager, recommending the purchase of a postal meter. The re~n,.,~ndation of the Equipment Com,~ttee, that the matter be referred to Council, was considered. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and TTaWkin. that the report .be received and flle~, and the purchase be auth- orized. report of the Equipment c~4ttee, on the above matters, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. ~nite and Hawkins that the report be received and file~. · of a buildi~ at Ferx7 Street and Buchanan Avenue, upon the street allowance. It was ordered on the motion of AId. White and Hawkins that the report ~e received tn. , th. b. and th. b -law to . A m~o~ was ~maeate~ ~ ~e Oit~ ~er, mc~ t~t a ~er- mit be issued for the erection o£ a poster panel on the Welland Securities prop- erty adjacent to Clifton Hill. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Don~I~ ~ White that the report be received, laid on ~he table, and referred to the Prop- erty Q~e~tttee for a rec.-...~-a-tion. A report was presented from the City Manager, recow~uding that a permit be issued for the demolitioa of the l~n~l~tn~ at 1824 Main Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Do~-~l ~ +.~t the report be received ~n~ filed, and the recow,.~ndation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, recow, w~nding that apetrait be issued for the erection of a 8-~e at 178B Robinson Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. DonAle an~ Miller that the report be received, laid on the table, an~ referred to the Property Cn".I ttee for a recommendation. A report was presented from the City Manager, re~arding an application for permission to, inntel a gsoline pump an~ t~nlc at 129~ Bridge Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller ~ MacDon-ld that the report be received and ftle~, and the permit be issued. A report was ~resented from the City Manager, recommending +.h~t a per- mit be issued for the addition to 1669 Ontario Avenue. It was ordered on the mot- ion of Ald. MiLler and Buckher that the report be received, laid on the table, and referred to the Property C~--,,,~ttee for a rec~-..,.~udation. The Cnm4 ttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. White and Donald. EEAD AND ADOPI~D, 2 jun~, 1947. Ohm4 rman of Finance Council 26 1~, 1947. The Council re-assembled at the closes of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passin~ the money b~-law which covered the ac- counts approved b~ the C~ ttee. All rueshere of the Council were present. .- following BT-lav was Passed: 062 - 'X'o Grant Monies for enaral Purposes. It was ox~ere~ on the motion' or Aid. White .,.,R B~kner that AId. Frank be ~ivea the privilege of int~ducin~ the b~-lav an~ the b~-lav be mad ~he first time - Carried mmmtmousl~. It was ox~ered on the motion of Aid. Miller and Donald that Rule 36 (2) the Standin~ l~les of Council be suspended an~ the b;-law be ~iven the second readin~ - Carries Third reading -Ald, Donald and Hawkins - Carried unan~mnusly. RESOLUTION The following Resolution was passed: No. 91 - FFANE - HAWKINS - RESOLVED that the crossing of the Queen Elizabeth High- way on streets within the city l~m~tS by motorists at excessive rates of speed be referred to the Traffic Committee for study; and the Seal of the Corporation be heroto affixed. Carried unanimousl~ The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. White and Donald. I~EAD AND ADOpAm~, 2, June, 1947. Mayor 168 Council Chamber, 29 Hay, 1947. A special meeting of the City Council was held at 7.00 p.m. on Thurs- day, 29th Nay, 1947, for the purpose of discussing the draft of a proposed agree- ment between the City of Nia~ FAlls an~ the Canedion National Railways for the substitution of busses on the local lines. All members of Council, with the ex- ~eption of Ald. Bunknet, were present; as well as Mr. W.J.HcBurney, City Solioito~ the City Manager an~ the City Clerk. -' · C0~!4UNICATION The following Comnunication was presented: No. 27~ - Canadian Natlon~l Railways - enclosing proposed agreement for the sub- stitution of busses. ~he a~re~m~t was discussed in detail an~ the followin~ ac- tion taken: 0RE~.~D on the motion of Ald. Miller and White that Clause 2 be amended by the deletion of the words "ami the Township of Stamford". Carried 01~1~ on the motion of ~ld. Frank and White that Clause ~ be amended hy the ad- dition of the words "and if ;mAhle to agree, such routes shall be fixed by arblt- ratlon". C.arrled 0RI~I~.D on the motion of Ald. Donald and !s~31er that Clause ~ be amended by the addition of a +-bLot cate6~x7 in the scheOAtle of rates as follows: School child- ten: Cash, four cents; Tickets, seven for twenty-five cents; and by the insertlo~ after the woxxt "children" in the second sentence of the first p~ph, the words "other than school children'. Carrie~ 0~ on the motion of Aid. White' and MacDonald that Clause 8 be accepted as satisfactory. Carried, Aid. Miller being opposed. OP~.a~ on the motion of Aid. White and Frank that the agreement be amended ac- cordin~ to the instructions of Council an~ submitted to the Canadian National Railways for approval. .Carried, Aid. Miller being opposed. The following lteselutio~ was Passed: No. 92 - DONAt1) - HA1m'm~ - I~SOLVED that this Co~.cil endorse the courtesy cam- pai~n, prosentl~ being sponsored by the Greater Ningara C~-~er of Ceaseme, that llts Worehip !~yor llouck be requested to issue ~a proolalation, sollcitin~ public s~.~ort of this effort; and the Seal of the Corporetlon be hereto afflxed. Carried His Worship Ma~or Souok edvise~ Council of imPcreation he had obtelned on 1,~ber st~pltes which will be made available in this area in the near future. Distribution of such l~nber is to be handled b~ a ooamtttee an~ on a priority basis. The Council ed,,lo'ta'aed, on the motice of ~IA~. ~hite and Hawkins. ,,, LJ. '! C1 o """""" "~ ~r 165 TWENTY-N~TI~I MEETING Council Chamber, 2 June, 1947. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 2 June, 1947, for the ptu~ose of considering general business and finance. ~.ll members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins. DEPUTATIONS In connection with Comunication No. 276, and on the motion of Ald. Mil- ler undFr~k, the representative from the Niagara Falls HouSewives, Association was permitted to address Council. MArs. Gladys Fox was the speaker and outlined the request for permission to conduct a 'chain of silver, on Friday, 6th June, in order to raise funds for the purpose of sending delegates to wait on the Dominion CoVersmerit in connection with the high prices of consumer goods. SEE Communication No. 276 In connection with Communication No. 277, and on the motion of Ald. Don- aid and Miller, a representative, Mr. Cebhart, from the Niagara Falls Business and ProfesSorial Assolcation, addressed Council. MAr. Gebhart outlined the request of his organization for support and assistance from Council in connection with an appearance before the Honourable Minister of Highways for action regarding direc- tionalslgns at the Thorold Road Cloverleaf. ~ Comunication No. 277 On the motion of Ald. MacDonald andMiller Mr. Robert F. 0rrwas permit- ted to speak to Council. MAr. Orr spoke upon his request for permission to conduct a guiding service within the City, and of the action taken in this regard by the Niagara Parks Commission. SEE ResolutionNq. ~ .TE~oE~S Tenders had been called for the excavation and backfill of trenches on new streets; for painting at the City Hall, Queen Street Fire Hall and Main Street Fire Hell; and for ~,~forms for the members of the Fire Department. It was ord- ered on the motion of ~ld. Frank and Donald that the tenders for painting be lald ever for consideration at the next meeting, and not opened. It was ordered on the motion of Ald.,Donald and Bucknet that the other tenders be opened, initialled by ~is WorshlpMayorHouckand read. It was ordered by Ald. MacDonald and Donald that the tenders for backfill and excavation be referred to the finance committee for consideration; that the tender of James Gullion for the supply of uniforms be ac- 'cepted; and that shirts for the members ofthe Depar~nent be purchased in the open market. C0~IrdNICATIONS Laid over from previous meetings: No. 266 - Township of St-m~ord _ re proposed agreement for erection of comfort station. 01~ on the motion of Aid. Miller and MacDonald that the comunicat- ion be received and laid on the table for one week, and the Chief Constable be · asl~ed to what inconvenience his department would be put if the substation were turned over to the Tekastdp,. (Aid. White voted contrax7 to this motion. ) No. 267 - Greater Niagara 2wtmm~ Club - requesting peraiesion to use sw~.~n~ Pool. 0I~EI~D on the motion ~f !Ald,_..~ Donald and Hawkins that the cczmmn~oatton 166 be received and filed, and permission be granted for the use of the pool in ac- cordance with the recu~ndations of the City Manager. ~ Report No. 180 1Io. 268 - City Clerk, ~[nmtlton - resolution re Children's Aid Societies. ORDEEED · on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald that the communication be received and filed, and the resolution be endorsed. ~ Verbal Report The following Communications were presented: No. 276 - Niagara Falls Housewives' Ass~iation - requnsting permission for 'chain of silver'. OR~mAt~ID on the motion of Ald. Frank and MacDonald that the communic- ation be received and filed, and permIEion be grated. No. 277 - Niagara Fell e Business and Professional ASsociation - re meeting with Itonourable Minister of Nighways. 0EIERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Bucknor that the connnanication be received and filed, that the Honourable Premier of Ont- ario he con~unicated with, expl~nlag the efforts of Council to have a meeting with the Honourable Minister of Highways, the efforts of the local organizations in connection with traffic problems; and he be asked to either have Mr. Doucett come to the City or to mm~e an inspection on the ground him-elf. No. 278 - Radio Station CHVC - requesting reserved parking space. OI~D on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and ~hito that the comm,,ntcation be received and referred to the Traffic C~,-~nttee for a report. No. 279 - r. Prestia - complaining of .noise at restaurant. OA~,~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that the eomma~ication be received and laid on sthe table, and referred to the City Manager for a report. A previous motion was made by Ald. Frank and MacDonald +.hAt the c~,,,-.,.,-~ oation be received, laid on the table, and referred to the Chief of Police for a report; but this motion was. defeated. No. 280 - Greater Niagara 2hamher of C~,-~rce - requesting sponsoring advertise- merit re 'courtesy ~lnllmtted' cam~alg~. ORE~DM~u on the motion of Ald. llawkins and Donald +.~t the communication be received and filed. (Ald. 1~aite voted con- trar~ to this motion.) No. 281 - Canadian Federation of M~yors and Municipalities - re stanley on housing at conference. 0Pj~ED on the motion 'of Ald. Donald and Frank that the cozmun- ication be received and turned over to the delegate from Council for study. No. 282 - Canadian Good Roads Association - re convention. 0BZ~I~ED on the motion of ~ld. Donald anL Frank that the commonication be receive~ and filed. No. 28B - Watchtover Bible and Tract Bociety - requesting peratmion to erect ban- ner. OP~u~Au on the motion of Ald. Fr--l~ and White that the communication he rec- eived and filed, and permission be not g~ated. No. 28~ - Fire Marshal - re firemen's training school. Ol~usrds~ on the motion of Ald. Bunknor and MacDo~.~4 that the communication be received and filed, ~ mem- bers of the Department be authorized to arterY. ~ Report No. 181 No. 28~ - Depar+r~ut of PlatminE an~ Development - re proposed Ben~o subdivision. Oa~SA~ on the motion of Ald. Frank and Donald ~hat the communication be received end filed, am~ the plan be aperoved. · m Report No. 182 No. 286. - DelmA:f;;~ut of Plamxing amt Development - re propose4 Mornlngstar subdiv- ision. Ord~ms~ on the motion of Ald. MaoDonA~ld au~ Donald t~at the co-~-unication be received, and filed, ea~ the plan be approved.. ~u~ Re~or~ No. 18~ Chtldren's Aid Society with regard to per diem costs and in connection with the resolution from the City of Hamilton. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mac Donald and Do~-ldthat the report be received and accepted. REPORTS Laid over from a previous meeting: No. 177 - Chief Constable - rm~king reconmendations re bridge area. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, inas- much as action has already been recommended by the Traffic Committee. ~".~'. Report No. 184 The following Reports were presented: No. 180 - City Manager - recommending re use of swfmm~ng pool. 0RRERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the recommendations be adopted. (Ald. Buckher voted contrary tO this motion.) No. 181 - Fire Chief - recommending attendance at school. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Bucknet and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the rec- ommendatlons be adopted. No. 182 - City Manager - recomnding approval of Be~yo plan. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Ald. Frank and Donald that the report be received and filed, and the recom- mendation be adopted. No. 183 - City M ansWer - recommending approval of Morningstar plan. 0RDEEED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald that the report be received and filed, and the recomnendation be adopted. No. 184 - Traffic Co,w~ttee _ re conditions in Bridge area. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and 11awkins that the report be received and filed, and the rec- ommendations be adopted. No. 18~ - City Clerk - reco.~,nding refund of poll tax. OI~Et~D on the motion of Ald. Hawkins ~ Donald that the report be received and filed, and the recommend- ation be adopted. No. 186 - City Clerk - recu,-mendlng issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald andHawkin. that the report be received and filed, and the rec- onw-ndatlon be adopted. No. 187 - City Treasurer - re attendance at conventLon. 0ROENED on the motion of Ald. BucknerandMiller that the report be received and filed. ' No. 188 - City Manager - re meetingwith0ntario MunicipalBoard re encroachment. Oi~]Ei~D on the motion of Ald. Bucknor and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the necessary by-law be prepared. No. 189 - Medical Officer of Health - re conditions at 6B2 Third Avenue. 0RDEEED on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and Donald that the report be received and action taken to see that the conditions are rectified. SEE Petition No. ~ .PETITION laid over from a previous meeting: 11o. 7 - A.Morningstar ar~ ~ others - re conditions at 6B2 Third Avenue. ORDERED on the motion gfAld. 3tawkins and Donald that the petition be rdceive~and filed. ~tle followir~ Resolutions were Passed: 167 No. 93 - DONALD - MacDONAT.D - ~DESOLVED tk-t the request of ~. Robert F. 0m, for ~e~ssion to ~em~ a ~d~ se~ice ~ the Sit= be hid ~ t~ ~ble for one week ~ ~e Tr~ic C--tt~e approach ~e Ni~a P~ks C~tesion for a ision ~ the ~t~r; ~t a ~po~.be ~el ~d ~e Se~ of ~e Coloration be here~ ~f~e~. C~ie~ m~ously be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unan~mnusly. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and White that Rule 36 (2) Of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended &rid the by-law be given the second reading o Carried unanimously. No. 94 - DONALD - WRI"'": - RESOLVED that a report be requested from the Children' s Aid Society of Wella~d County as to the number of Niagara Fulls children who have been legally adopted since the ama~amation of the Societies; and the Seal of the CorDoration be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously No. 95 - BUCKNEE - FRANK - EESOLYED +*~at a refund be authorized for any person who paid poll tax in the year 1946, and who was discharged from the active ser- vices durin~ the same year; and the Seul of the CorDoration be hereto affixed. Carried unanimousl~ No. ~6 - Mn.T.~R - EA~ai~u - RESOLVES that the next regular meeting of the City Council be scheduled to take place at ~.00 p.m. on Tuesd~, lOth June; and the Seal of the Cor~oration be hereto affixed, Carried unanimously No. 97 - FRANE - ~ - IRESOL~F.D that the action of Hie Worship Mayour Rouck in appointing Alderman W.C.MacDonald as enacting mayor on June ~th, ~th, 6th and 7th, during the absence of His Worship farm the City, -be approved; argl the Seal of the Corporation he hereto affixed. Carried unanimously Third reading -Ald. Donald and Hawkins - Carried unanimously. No. ~06~ - To amend By-law Number 3790, being a by-law to regulate traffic in the City of Niagara Falls. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and MacDonald that Ald. Mil- ler be given the privilege of introducing the by-luw, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. Third reading - ~ld. Donald and Hawkins - Carried unanimously. The Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Do~)d and Hawkins. 1F~AD AND ADOP~n~, 10 June, 1947. No. 98 - WR~'s - MacDONAX2) - EESOL1~ED that a tussle be fom~d, e~esei~ the e~at~ of ~e City Co~cil ~d citizens of Ni~ F~s to ~e f~ of the ~ ~ Ross, ~on' ~e ~a~ of t~s f~t~ ~loyee of ~e City of Ni~m F~s; ~ the 5e~ of ~e Co~o~tim be ~ ~f~ed. C~iea m~o~l~ No. 99 - DONALD - FRANK - i~0LVED that a message be forwarded, expressing the sym~at~ of the City Council and citizens of Niagara Falls to the family of the late Miss Glad~Vs M. Warder upon her death; and the Seal of the Corporation be hemto affixed. Carried ~n~mnusly NO. 100 - B~ - HAWKINS o RESOL1/F.J) that the congratulations mind best wishes of this Council be extended to the officers an~ directors of iRaclio Station C~ upon the c,'.---~cement of operation; +*hat the wish for their continued success be .forwarded; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carrie~ unanimously The following By-laws were passed: No. k063. - To authorize the executio~ of a deed, It was ordered on the marion of Ald. ~lLito and Bucknet that AId, Frank be ~tven the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried u~uely. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Nawkt~s that ~bxle B6 (~) of the Stax, Ain~ ~ules of Council ~e suspended and t~e~r.law be ~iven the sec- ond reading - Carried,unanimously. Thlr~ readin~ - AI~, MacDonald eml Hawkins .;. Carrle~ No. ~06~ - TO A~TOW an encroaclment upon Buclmmm Avenue. was ordered on the motion of Ai&. Miller end ~htte that Ald9 Hawkins FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 2 June, 19~7. The Finance Cc~,~ttee met on Monday, 2 June, 1947, for the purpose of . approvi~ and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert- ifle~ and placed before them. All memhera of the Committee were present. Sundry accounts were ayproved by sthe Conmxittee, amounting to $28,441.~0. The accounts submitted, belng passed or otherwise deult with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on &he motion of Ald. Donal~ and Miller. The repdrts of the City Manager, as laid over from the previous meet- tn6, and recu~ae~ing buildin~ 3~ermits for ~ erection of a ~os~r ~el, a g~- ~e at 1783 Robin.on 8~et ~ ~ ~tt~ ~ a ~wellt~ at 1669 ~io A~nue, were ~ co~iaemd. ~m ~e memn~tion of the Pm~e~y C~t~e, ~d on ~e mti~ of ~d. ~er ~d ~c~d it was o~ered t~t ~e m~rts ~ reo- el~ ~ f~e~, ~ t~ mc~n~tto~ be ~d. (~. ~tte, 3uc~ ~ ~n- ~d ~& cont~ to ~ts ~tlon, ) The re~ort of the OttO' Mama6er, ae laid over from the previous meeting, was e~ain considered, conce~ sn~ l~e~.whlch ~e a~i~ble, It w~ o~emd on the motion of ~1~, Donald an& B~wlmsr that t~e re~ort be recelve~ an~ filed. A report was presente~ from the Pro]~erty Committee, regarding a ~Ollc~ for outs~ar~ling property sales. It was ordere~ on the motion of Ald. Bucknor and ',White ~hat the report be received and laid on the table for,one week, and a copy be forwaA~e~ to the members of the Cnmm~ tree. A report was presented from the City Me~m~er, regarding an application for a permit to erect a theatre on Ferry 8treat. It was orders& on the motion of Ald. White and MacDomal4 that the report be receivel an~ file~, that the recommend- ation, that approval be withdrawn until the submission of ~etailed p~ne which will conform with sH regulations, be aDDroved. A report wad presentet from the City Manager, recommending that a buila- in~ permit be issued for alterations at 57~ Erie Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White an&Donald that the report be received an~ filed, an& the recomendation be a~opted. The comparison of tax collections as at 31st May, 1947, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald aml Mawklns that th~ statement be rec- eived and filed. A motion was ma~e by ~ld. White und Fdller +.h~t Lot 8, River Roa~, owned by ~.S.~rown, be included in the areas governed by the regulations of By-law ~,..~er ~62. The motion was defeated, t~e vote being: For: Ald. MacDonald, White, Bucknor and Miller~ ~ainst: Aid. Donald, Fran~, Mawktns and Eis Worship M~Vor Eouck. T~n~ers for excavation ~ backfill on certai~ new streets, as referre~ from the Council moetin~, were considered. It was ordered on the motio~ of Donald an& MacDonald t~at the lowest tender, from Win. Lorenzo Contractin~ Company, be escorted. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. W~ite and Donald t~at the City Man- eder take ~diate steps to improve the c~tl~ of a ~t lot on ~r~ S~eet, ~ed ~ co~ectl~ wi~ ~e Fe~ Flower It was ox~lered on the motion of Aid~ Bucknor and Do~a!d that the Sanit- ary ~nspecter take ~dia~ ~tion ~ ~ve t~e condition of ~e ~ of ref~e at ~e comer of ~ver The C~ttee adjourned on the motion of Aid. Donald and I~AD A~D A~Or,~r,, 10 June, 1~7. Ch,,,4yman of Flnance COUNCI~ MEETIP~ Council Chamber, 2 June, 19~7. ~he Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetings for the purpose of passing the money by-law which covered the accounts approvea by the Co~,-~,nttee. All members of the Council were present. The followin~ By-law was ~assed: No. 4066 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motio~ of ~d. ~lte ~d Don~d that ~. Fr~ be Sign ~e prlv~ege of lntm~uc~ the by-~w ~d the by-law be read the first t~ - C~led It was o~ered on ~e ~tion of ~d. Donna6 ~d Sucker ~at ~e 36 (2) of the S~d~ ~es of Co~cll be s~pended ~ ~e by-law be given ~e second EESOLUTION The followin~ Resolution was passed: No. 101 - FRA~K - DONALD - EES0~-VED that His Worship Mayor Houck be asked to poht a com~t~e to meet ~. F.g.~slie on ~e rottar of ~e p~chase of the pro~- arty at ~e comer of S~ey Av~ ~4 ~lson Street, for ~e exte~ion of F~ffiew C~te~I ~ ~e ~ of ~ Coloration be hem~ ~fixed. C~le~ ~ous~ c~t~e. The Council ~iJourned on the motion of Aid. Frank and ~AD A~D ADOPA'~, 10 June, 1~7. 171 MEETING Council Chamber, 10 June, 1947. Pursn~mt to adjournment, the Council met at ~.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 10th June, 1947, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. ~ll mem- bers of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the min- utes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins. IJEPUTATION In connection with Communication No. 294 and Petition No. 8, Mr. R.F. Orr addressed Council. Mr. 0rr spoke upon the matter of the establishment of a guide service, and of the decision of the Niagara Parks Comission in this regard. SEE Communication No. 294 and Petition No. 8 Tenders had been cslled for painting work at the City Nell, the Queen Street Fire Hall and the Main Street Fire Hall. On the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins, the tenders were opened, initialled by His Worship Mayor Eouck and read. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that the tenders be laid on the table until the next meeting, and the same be tabulated. C01~4UNICATIONS Laid over from previous meetings: No. 266 - Township of Stamford - re agreement for use of police station. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Frank that the comunication be laid on the table for consideration when the by-law is presented. FUR','..:~ ORDEE on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the com~anlcation be received and filed. ~".~'. Report No. 190 No. 278 - Radio Station CHVC - requesting reserved parking space. OtE~EA~g~ on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and MacDonald that the communication 'be received and filed, and the request be granted. · ~mm Report No. 191 No. 279 - F.Prestia - re nuisance created b~ record player. Ott~F_a~au on the motion of Aid. Donald and MacDonald that the cvuaaunication be received and filed, end action be taken to reduce.the volume of this device between 1.00 a.m. and 8.00 a.m. SEE Report No. 192 The following Communications were presented: No. 287 - City Auditor - re check of cash. OE0~i~D on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins that the c~cation be received and filed. No. 288 - Nav~ League of Canada - requesting permission for tag da~. ~ on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Hawkins that the co.~nunloation be received and filed, and permission be ~ranted. No. 289 - Women,e liespiral Axmtltary - thanks for use of room on ta~ day. OI~D- ~ on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Bucknor that the communication be received and filed. 'NO. 2~0 - Landy's Lane Historical Society - invitation *to anntversax7 &inner. 0R- DE~ED on the motion of Aid. Donald and Miller that the communication be received and filed, the invitation be accepted, and as many as possible of Council attend the dinner. No. 291 - Mrs. John Scott '- re parking on Kitchener Street during games. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Donald and MacDone_ld that the communication be received s~d referred to the Traffic Committee for a report. No. 292-- Radio Station CHVC - thanks for efforts re network service. ORDERE0 on the motion of Ald. Bucknet and Hawkins that the communication be received and filed, and a further telegram be sent to the Hencurable Humphrey Mitchell, asking that he support the application before the Canadian Broadcasting Commission. No. 293 - South End Business and Professional Men's Association - requesting erec- tion of directional signs. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and Donald that the communication be received end referred to the Traffic Committee, with power to act under the supervision of the CityManager. No. 294 - Niagara Parks Commission - re establishment of guide service. 0RDERE D on the motion of Aid. Donald and Frank that the 'communication be received and laid over for consideration at a conference, to be held Jointly with as msny members of the Board of Police Connn!ssioners as possible, and at the call of His Worship the Mayor. SEE Petition No. 8 i~ORTS The following Reports were Presented: No. 190 - Chief Constable M.D.Tisdale - re use of Township Police Headquarters. ORDE~D on the motion of Aid. Miller and Frank that the report be laid over until the by-laws are Considered. l~ 0RD~t~D on the motion of Ald. Miller and Mac- Donald that the report be received and filed. No. 191 - Traffic Committee - recon~ending reserved parking s ace. 0 on the the recommendation be adopted. No. 192 - City Manager . re nuisance created by record laer. 0 ion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the report be rec iv dand recommendation be adopte~. and the No. 19~ - City Manager . re proposed parchase of land from F.H.Les$ie. ORDERED on the motion of Aid[MacDonald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the reconnnendation be adopted. (Ald. BucknerandMlller voted contrary to this motion.) No, 19~ - CityManager - re committee to consider Oakes the motion of Aid. Hawkins and Frank that the report be Park pusses. 0RRERED on received and filed, end the reconm~ndation be adopted. In this connection, Aid. Bucket made a motion that only the wives of the bsd.l players be given passes to the Park, but this motion was not seconded. No. 195 - City Clerk - recomm~nding issuance of ltcences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and ~lte that the report be received and filed, and the recom- mendations be.adopted. No. 196 - Dairy InSPector - report for month of May. 01~ on the motion of Ald. White and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and given the us,,_a! Publicity. FETITIO~S Trio followtr~ Petitions were Presented: No., B , L.E.Hatter and 20 others - endorsing.formation of guide service. on the motion of Ald. Donald and Frank that the petition be received and laid over for consideration at a conference to be held, Jointly with as many members of the Board of Police Commissioners as possible, and at the call of ]~is Worship the M~ayor. No. 9 - S.B.McShane and 6 others - requesting additional taxi cabstands. ORDERED on the motion of ~ld. Hawkins and ~l~ite that the petition be received and referred to the Traffic Cu.--~ttee for a report. ~ld. Bucknor left the meeting. EESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 102 - M~.v,~m - NAWr~UfS - RESOLVED that the Council approve of the proposed broadcast each Sunday afternoon over iRadion Station CR'fC by His Worship Mayor Houck, that members of Council act in the place of His Worship when he is unable to m-lre the broadcast; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously No. 103 - DONALD - WRI','..* - ~SOLYED that a report be presented by the City Man- ager on the possibility of imp. roving the sewer facilities in the v1~lnlty of Ryer- son and McGlashan Crescents, and the westerly portion of MclRae Street; and the Seal of the Cox?oration be hereto affixed. Carried No. 10~ - DONAT. D - FRANK - iRESOL~ED that the matter of a meeting with the Honour- able Minister of Highways be laid on the table until the next meeting, to permit a reply to be received from the I~onourable Premier; and the Seal of the Corpor- ation be hereto affixed. Ca~rled, Ald. White and MiLler voting con- traz7 A prior motion was made by Ald. White and Mlller that a delegation be sent from the Counoll to interview the Honourable Minister of Highways in Toronto on ~une Llth, together with representatives of other organizations from the City; but this motion was defeated. No. 105 - NAWaIA~S - DONALD - I~ESOLVED that the Traffic Co,,~-~ttee be asked to con- sider and report upon the advisability of making Maple Street a through street from Fourth Aven~e to Stanley Avonns; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 106 - FA~At~E - NAWF~NS - ~0L1~D that the kind invitation of the NOrth Amer- ican Cyanamid Com~gn,V L~m~ted, to attend a picnic supper on the swimming pool grounds of the C~npany on Monday, 7th .July, bp accepted; that as many members of the Co'moil as, possible attend~ and the Seal Of the Corporation be hemto affixed. Carried The foilswing By-laws were passed: No, ~067 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement between the Corporation of 'the 0it~ of Nia6ara Falls and the Corporation of the Townshi~ of Stam- ford, in connection with the erection of a com$rt etatlc~. It was ordered on the motinn of AId. Hawkins and MacDonald that Ald. Miller be Siren the privilege :of int~o~uoin~ the ~.laW, am1 t!~e~,b~-la~- be :read the first time - Carried. · " '~' It was ordered on the motion of ~bld. Miller and Frank that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried, Ald. White and Donald voting contrary. A prior motion was made by Ald. W hits and Donald that the agreement be entered into and the by-law be laid on the table, but this motion was defeated. Third readLug -Ald. Hawkins and Frank - Carried, Ald. White and Donald voting contrary. No. ~068 - To authorize the execution of an A~reement for Sale and Deed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and White that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Csrried. Third reading - Aid. White and Frank - Carried. The following By-law was read the first and second times: ~o. 4069 - To emend By-law Number 3~54, being a by-law respecting the issue of licenoes in the City of NiagaraFells. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Miller that Ald. MacDon- ald be given the privilege of ingroducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Csrrled. ' It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of~ld. Donald and Frank that the By-law be laid on the table, and copies be forwarded to the members of Council. ~ld. White asked what action had been taken to improve the condition of the lot on Temperance Avenue, owned by the Ferry Flower Shop; and the City Man- ager advised of the progress made. Ald. White'advised that the resident at 1087 Armoury Street complained that debris, placed for collection a month ago, had not been removed. The City Manager etated that he had received advice from the workmen that this material had been picked up. AId. White asked that the City Manager give consideration to the bad flooding conditions on Nay and Terrace Avenues. Ald. Hawkins asked whet action had been taken to improve the condition at 632 ThirdAvenue, where, he was advised, the Condition had not been z~medied. His Worship Mayor Houck asked that this matter be left in his and the City lim- a~er's hands for action on llth June. His Worship Mayor Houck ~eported verbally on his attendance at the con- foronce of the OntArio Mayors and Reeves, and advised Council that he was sanding them data upon the action taken at the conference. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins. ~DANDADOp1ED, 16Jt~te, 1947. czerz :,... 176 FR~ANGE MEETING Council 10 June, 1947. The Finance Committee met on Tuesday, 10 th June, 1947, for the purpose of ap- · proving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly certif- ied and placed before them. All members of the Committee, with the exception of Ald. Bucknet, were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to $24,760.71. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. lhnald and Miller. The report of the City Clerk, re property transactions incampleted, as laid over from the previous meeting, was again considered. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the recommendations be adopted. the assess Street, to obtain title to the same. Upon the recommendation of the Pro~rty Co,-I.~ttee and on the motion of Ai~[. Mac- Donald and Miller, it was ordered tha~ the c~Amication be received and laid on the table, and Mr. Murrl be advised consideration will be given to his request when all such properties have been taken under advisement. A communication was presented from E.Pattui, requesting permission to change the type of construction on lots purchased by him. Upon the recommend- ation of the Property Co~nittse, and on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller it was ordered that the cormsanitation be received and laid on the table until the next meeting to permit the Property Committee to ~napect the premises. The report of the Property Cn.n.~ttee, on the above matters, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that the report be received and filed. A report was presented from the City Manage;' regarding the gasoline tax payable on fuel el. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins ami His Worship Mayor lieuok that the report be received and filed, ~nd the rec~ndations be ad- opted. A communication was presented frcm Niagara Tires L~m~ted, requesting permission to erect a pole for flood lights. It was ordered on the motion of Donald and Hawkins that the communication be received and filed, and permission for the erection be granted, under the supervision of the City Manager. A co~munication was presented from litrot Motors Limited, requesting per- mission to erect a sign at the coruer of Queen Street asd Ontario Avenue. A mot- ion was made by Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the c~ication be received and filed, and permission be granted, subject to t~e supervision of the City Manager. It was then rescinded on the motion of the mover and seconder. It was then ord- ered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that the co~mnication be received and filed, and the C~m~ar~v be notified that permission cannot be granted for the erection of a sign not ~-..~diatel~ adjacent to the garnge property. A report was presented from the City Manager, reconmendin~ that a per- mit be issued for the construction of a ~m~__~m~e at llS1 Sixth Avenue. It was ord- ered on the metion of Ald. MacDonald and White ~that the report be received and filed, and the rec.~,.~ndation .be adopted.. HiS Worahip Ma~vor EoucM then left the meeting. , ~' I[]'~' '" - . ..... . A report was presented from the City Manager, reconmending that a per- mit be issued for the erection of a garage at Ferry Street and Buchanan Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that the report be received and lai~ on the table for one week to permit the Property Conmittee to inspect the premises. A report was presented from the City M~mager, recon~nending that a per- mit be issued for the construction of a garage at 1824 Sprir~ Street. It was ord- ered on the motion of Ald. White and Donald that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. A report was presented from the Ctty Mansger, recommending that a permit be issued for alterations at 1911 Grey Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the recom- mendation be adopted. ' A report was Presented from the City Manager, reconmending that a per- 'm it be issued for the construction o~ a building at the corner of Ellen Avenue Centre Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, recon~endiag that a permit be issued for the erection of a garage at the St. Paul's Lutheran Church on Vic- torla Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. A report was Presented from the City Manager, recommending that a permit be issued for the erection of a garage at 10~l Centre Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. DOnald and Miller that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. A report was presented from the CityManager, recommending that an ap- plication for a permit to construct a building on Lots 206, 207, Hickson Avenue, be not granted. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Miller and Donald that the report be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report at the next meeting. A report was Presented from the City Manager, regarding an application for a moveable sign at 1719 Victoria Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Miller that the report be received and filed, and the permit be not granted. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. White and Hawkins. HEAD AND ADOpT~n, 16 June, 1947. Clerk Chairman of Finance CO~CIL MEETING Council Chamber, 10 June, 1947. The Council re-assembled at the close of the ~,~r council and finance I Iv meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members, with the exception of His Worship Mayor Houck and Ald. Bucknor, were present. Ald. Frank was enacting Ms~Vor. By-LAW The followin~ B~v-law was passed: ~ - To Grant Monies for General p,urposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Donald that Rule B6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended e~d the by-law given the second reading - Carried. Thir~ reading -Ald. Miller and MacDonald - Carried. ~SOLUTION T~e following Resolution_was passed: No. 107 i MacDONALD o DONALD - RESOLVED that the matterof tourist camp licences for 1228 Roberts Street and Lot 8, River Road, be laid on the table until the next meeting; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto ~ffixed. Carrie_____~d The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Miller and Donald. EgAD AND ADOP,~ffJ, 16, June, 1947. ..'~.~ ,.i~.~ · Clerk Enacttn~ Mayor THLRTY-FIRST ~ETINC REGULAR 5{~]ETING Couz!cil Char'.ber~ 16 Jm~e, 3.947. Pbu-suant to adJo~rnment, the Co~nci! met elt 7.30 p.m.on Monday, !~th June, 1947, for the purpose of considering general busied. sos and finance. members of the Council were present. The Co~cil, havfi~g receive~ a~] re,d the minutes of the previous meoti~, adopted t~me on the motion of ~ld. M5!lor and Hawkins. DEPUTATION In connection with Petition Nt~ber 10, and on the motion of A!d. Killer and %&~ite~ PLr. J,R.Henderson was permitted to address Comical. Mr. Henderson spoke in protest against the reserved parking spaces ~rhich had been allocated for the ~e of Radio S~tion C~C. SEE ret~ tfcn iYc. !O CObI,TONICATIONS Laid· over from a previous meeting: 'No. 291 -btrs. John Scott - re p~a'king on Kitchenor Stro~. ORDEEED on the motion of !ld. Ha~.rkins end Frex~ that the commm~ication be received and laid on the table until the next meeting. The following Commtmications were presented: No. 29D - Honourable Ht~aphrey Mitchell - re traffic congestion at 1.~irlpocl Rapids Bridge. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and ~eDonald that the co~rmunication be received and filed. No. 296 - Hencurable Humphrey Mitchell - acknowledging telegram re application of CHVC. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~&its and Frank that the cormnmication be received and filed. No. 297 ~ Creator Niagara Chamber of Conmmrce - invitation to directors' meeting. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Buck~er end Hawkins that the communication be rec- eived and filed, the invitation be accepted, mad as ~ of the Cornoil as possible at~nd. No. 298 - Hexmes Club - requesti~ permission to use Elizabeth Place for playgroud. 0RDEED on the motion of Ald. ~nite m~d MacDonald that the communication be rec- eived and filed, the request be acceded to s~d co-operation be extended to the Club. No. 299 - Medical Officer of Health - enclosingprotest of conditions of lots on Buchanan Avenue. ORDEEED on the motion of ~ld. Frahk m~d Hawkins that the conm~m~- ication be received end filed, and the recommended action taken. SEE Report No. l~ No. 300 - Bell~Telephone Company of Conads - requestfi~ permission to move pole. No. 301 - BellTelephone Compmky of Canada - requesting permission to move pole. 0RDE~D on the motion of Ald. Frank and Donald that the communication be received sad filed, emd permission be'granted. Sk~E B~-la~No. 4071 REPORTS ~xe following Reports were ~resented: { {="' 180 No. 197 - City ~Lanager - re drainage of Buchanan Avenue lots. 0RDEi~ED on the mot- ion of Ald. Frank sa~d Hawkins. that the report be received and filed, and the rec- ommendation be adopted. No. 198 - City Clerk - re corZercn'be held on 13th Juno. 0RDEEED on the motion of Ald. Frax~ and Hawkins that the report be received and filed. No. 199 - City Manager - re flooding conditions ~x two areas. 01tDEE on the mot- ion of Ald. Donald and Frank that the report be received and filed, that plane be prepared and tenders be called for the construction of the two sewers, as recom- mended. No. 200 - Traffic Committee - making certain recommendations. ORDERED on the mot- ion of ~ld.. Hawkins and ~.~cDonald that the report be received and filed, and the recommendations b~ adopted. No. 201 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenses. ORDERED on the motion of/dd. Hawkins and Donald that the report be received and filed, and the recom- mendations be adopted. ~Io. 202 - Sahltary Inspector - re action~.ken at 632 Third Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller en~.~cDonald that the report be received and filed. PETIT!0IS Laid over from a previous meeting: No. 9 - S.B.McShane and 6 others - requesting additional taxi stands. ORDEED on the motion of ~ld. Hawkins and Frank that the petition be received a~d laid on the table until the next meeting. ~c following Petition was presented: No. lO - W.A.Hand snd 8 others -protcsting against reserved parking spaces. DEED on the motion of Ald. Donald andMacDonald that the petition be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for a report. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolution was passed: No. 108 - DONALD - HAWK'~ - I~ESOLVED that a communication be fon.~arded to thc Honourabls Humphrey Mitchell protesting against the action of the Wartim Prices and Trade Board in removing an inspector from this City; that the Minister be asked to endeavour to have ~ inspector sent to this City, if only for one half day per week; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried tmanimously The following Resolution was defeated: No. 109 - WHITE - ~cDONAI.D - RESOLVED that ~hls Council protest against the action ts~en by the Niagara Falls Bridge Co~m,Hsslon in removing +J~e names of former Prim Minister Winston Churchill and the late President Roosevelt from the large carillon installed in the Rainbow Bridge Tower; and the Seal of the pgration be hereto affixed. Lost BY-LAWS '/ ~e following By-laws were passed: .No. 406~ - To amend By-law Nmber 34D4, being a by-law respecting the issue of licenses in the City of Niagara Fells. Third reading - Ald. Hawkins and Donald -.Carried unanimously. ' ' * .I'!o.,. ~071 - To provide for permission to The Bell Telephone Comi:~' of C~u~ad~ to move poles on Zucha~an ~d Slater Avenues. It was ordered on thc motion cf ild. Miller a~d ![awkinc <kat iLld. lu~.- ald be ~iven the privilege of intl'oduoi~ the by-!aw~ ml~ the bj-law tc ~'ca~ the first t~e - C~riod ~imously. It was ordered cn the motion of Ald. Iiawkins and White that R'~Lc 3j ~2 of the S~ding R~as of Comaoil be tempor~.ily s~pended ~d the b~'-l~w be ~iv~n the second readi~ - Carried u~m~imo~lj. Third l'oading -Ald. ~,;~ite ~nd MacDonald - Caa'ried tu~a~.imouslj. CON~\TUL.~TIONS Congratulations were extended to ,'Lldepma~ P.J.Miilcr end Miss W.M.Stokcs, press reporter, who wi~ celebrate their birthdays on 18th The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins. AND ~DDPTED, 2~ June, 1947. L~yor FINANCE MEETiT~G Council Chamber, 16 June, 1947. The Finance Committee met on Monday, 16 June, 1947, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert- ified and placed before them. All members of the Coxmni~tee were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to $31,277.06. The accounts submitted, be~g passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-lm~ for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Miller andttawkins. A commu~ication from E.Pattui, requesting permfsion to mke changes in the construction of dwellings on ~hln Street lots, as laid over from the previous meeting, was again considered. Upon the reco~nendation of the Property Committee, and on the motion of Ald. White and Hawkins it was ordered that no division of the lots be permitted; and the proposed change in the buildtx~ and provision for building on the most southerly portion of the property will be considered when the application for permits is made.. I ff ,18,?, .t rcport was presented from the City Manager, reconmlendi~ a building permit for the conversion of the building at Ferry Street s~ld Buchanan Avenue~ ~md as laid over from the previous meeting· Upon the reconm.~endation of the Prop- 'erty Co~m~ittee and on the motion.of ~tld. Miller and White, it was ordered that the psivolt be issued. A report was presented from the City Manager, regarding an application for a pe~mlit for a building on Lots 206-207~ Hickson Avenue, as laid over from the previous meeting. U!~on the reconm~endation of the Property Committec, sad on the motion of ~ld. MacDonald a~d Donal~ it ~.:as ordered that the report be rec- eived ~d filed, and a permit be not issued. The report of the Property Committee, on the above matters, was pros- sated. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald m~d Donald that the rep- ort be +~'oceived end filed. A summary of the tenders received for paintill~, was presented· It was ordered on the motion of f~ld. Donald and White that the tenders of Wm. Dolehey % 00 and Son for work at tb~ City Hall at 73 e~d at the Queen Street Fire Hall at ~430.00, be accepted. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Buch~er o~d ~*~litc that the tender of B.H.Bigger for painting at the Main Street Fire Hall~ at $306.00, boixYZ an alternative bid, be 'accepted. A report was presented from the City Msns~er, regarding increase in th~ price of the International truck delivered by Bouck and Son. It was ordered on the motion of fad. ~ite and His Worship Mayor Houck that the report be received and filed, ~d dcliver~ accepted at the increased price. The Statement of Relief for the month of May was presented. It was or- dered on the motion of ~Ad. ~'&ite and Miller that the statement be received mad filed, and given the usual publicity. A report was presented from the City ~'~anager, re a request from P. Rob- erto for an extension of time for building on a lot purchased from the Corpor- ation. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Bucknor that the report bo received and referred to the Property Co~ttee for consideratin. A communication was presented from gcobie's C~rtage# regsrding build- ing on a lot purchased from the Corporation. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Donald that the communication be received and referrd to the Prop- erty Committee for consideration. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending that a building permit be issued for the construction of a garage at 1930 Buchanan Ave- nue. It was ordered on the motion of lld. ~hcDonald end Miller that the report be received and adopted, and the recommendation be approved. A report was presented from the City M~nngor, recommending that a per- m_it be issued for the construction of a fire escape on the Canadian Legion Prop- erty on Victoria Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. ~,~Ite and MacDon- ald that the report be received and f~sd and the recommendation be adopted. A report was presented from the Clt~Manager, reconunending that a build- ingpermit be issued for the erection of a garage at 1808 Peer Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Miller that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. The Conmdttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Miller and White. READ AND ADOPTED, 23 June, 1947. Chairman of Finance CCL~JC!I_~ The Coupell ro-~ssorlbled at the close c ~ce meetings for the p~u~csc of pnssir~ the ty-lnw which covcro.~ the acjam~t~ ~- proved by the Connnittec. X1 me!riDers of the Com~cil were present. 2Y-L.iW The fellox.:fiag By-let was passed: No. 4072 - To Grant }.Ionlee for Conoral Purp see. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. X"hite ~nd ~uc~mer t!n~ 31~. Frank be given the privilege of introducing tile by-law aand tile by-law be read t]:c first time - Carried mnm~imousl r It was ordered on tile motion of Yuld. i!a'..fidne of the Standing R~oo of Compel! be susi~dod a~id the bJ-law be 61ven reading - C~'ried ~ianimously. T. hird l~oadix~ - Y'-~d. l~xite ~id lilacDonald - Carried maailimousl~. The Couploll adjoua'nod on the motion of fdd. Franc ~d Donald. BEAD ~d'FD ADOPTED~ 23 Jbule, lP47. l,layor COA~F~ENCE Cotmc~l Cha~f~or, 16 June, The Conference Comfittee of the City Comasit met at the close o~ tile reg~ar ~etix~s of comaoil ~d fi~ce on Monday, 16th J~e, 1947, for the p~- pose of consideri~ v~ious ~tters placed before them. ~1 members of the Com- ettee were present. Mter discussion upbn the matters presented to them# the CommHttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Frank. ~E~D AE~D ADOPTED, 23 Jume, 1947. Clefk · .. ·. Chairman TH]IRTY-SEC0~ 1.~ETIEG SPECIAL L~Z&ETING Council Chomlbe~1, 19 Juno, 1947 · A special meeting of the City Council was i~old at 11,00 a.m. on Thui'sdaa~ lgth Jbu~s, 1947, for the pumices of discussing the buildinE~ progr.'~mme of the Bo~'d of Education with the Ontario M~icipal Bead. ~ll members of the City Cornrail, with the exception of f~d. Bucher ~nd l.&itc, were present. ~%so in ~+-- tcnd~ce wore the City M~cr, City Clerk, Z,k~- R.S.Colter, K.C., Chai~m~ and R.H.Yoates, Member of the Ontario Municipal Board; and Messrs. Potter, Troup, C~pbc~, Fin~d, E~er ~d 14usgrove, Members~ m~d 1~, W.B.F~ibs, Business A~nistrator of the Bo~d of Education. His ~.;orshlp l.i~yor Houck briefly outlined the reason for the meeting, ~d asked Dr. Potter, Cha~ of the BeaM, for fro. thor details. Dr. Potter plained fully the need for the proposed work, and advised the steps which had taken to date. He referred to the increase ~;hlch has come about on the quoted, but felt the Board sho~dd proceed with the buildings of the gZ~asi~ auditort~ in ~y case; ~nd su~ested spreading the cost of the first part of the progr~mo over a period of ye~s. b~. Troup explained the inadsqucy of the acoomlodation. ~.~. Colter e~lained that ~der circLestances to-day, only flftD~ per cent of the value for e~endlt~rcc m~de wo~d be received, ~d therefore felt it ~.ms inadvisablo to build mtil necessary. Policy had been to discourage such rr Jects at the present time. ~'&en queried, he stated he did not believe prices or w~os ~zo~d retm to the pre-w~r level, fad. Donald c~rsssed the opinion that the mistake ~.~as made ~hen ~rcl~~ f~ds in the p~ious ~3oprescion per~od ~orc not used for the construction of puL- lic works, thus providing c~Dlo~ont. Dr. ?otter stated he wanted to avoid any presses from the Department of Education, ~d did not w~mt the grants cut br eliminated. His Worship Meyer Houck stated the Board of Education is a hard-working body, but he was dubious as to the public assent to incrcacod c~enditurcs. ~. Coltot stated he real~ze~ the pressure on the Beard, but this, frequently, was from the stall k~ayer~ and Eel the dollar value sse~ to have been lost sight of, Dr. Potter ~ointed out ths. t at the pment time, tt is necessary to rent assenf~ly accomodatio~, ~nd this is not a satisfactory arr~gsment, He also ref- erred to the eighty per cent. vo~ of tim electors, favoring the orlgin~ dit~e. b~. Coltor asked if application had been filed with the Ontario Mm~ic- ipal Bo~d, ~d ~'as i~oImed tlmt it had not been filed, pendi~ this discussion. Z~d. Don~d refrred to the difference in the ~r~ts received between the City ~d the adjoini~ Township. Dr. Potter advised that the ~ts to the Township ~omt to seventy-five per cent of the costs, ~d in the City, twenty per cent~ which has been cut this yore'. fdd. Miller referred to a cement rode by ~ iD~eotor~ rcgm-di~ th~ city schools, ~d~Ich was vor~' dstr~nt~. Dr. Potter s~id the Board did not e~ect to st~t actu~ly this but wo~d liek approval to proceed~ it bei~ ~derstood tibet expenditure '~qo~d co~ined within the lin~ts of the mo~t approved by t~electors. ~e. Coltot re%uested t~t the Bo~d of Education preF~e a ~moranud~m~, settl~ out their ~ents, to be sub~tted to the City Co~cil, ~d t~h the Co~cil to the Ont~io Mmicipal Beard; where, in conJ~ction with the Deponent of Education, it wo~d be given thoro~ consideration. ~. Hawkins asked if there wo~d be le~t~ del~s m~ Was ass~ed ~he Bo~d wo~d de~.wi~h~e ~ttcr The meeting ad~onu.nod on the motion of Ald. LL~cZ'o_uald Lut~ Fraz~a. Council Ch~mhe=~ Z3 Jl~le# 19~7, Pursuant to adJourra~ent, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 23rt June, 19~7, for the purpose of cnn-ldering general business and firmn-e. All members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the ndnutes of the previous meetiz~, adopted these on the moti~m of Ald. MacDonald C0~4~NICATIOI~ IAld over fr~n a previous meeting: No. 26~ - Hencurable Ht~phreyMitchell - re application of Radio Station CRvu. ORE~.l~Donthemotionof AId. Donald andMiller +.~-t the connnunicationbe rec- elvede~d lald on the table. ~ Con~nicatton No. 302 No..291 -Mrs. John Scott - re parking on Eitchener Street. ORDmF~Don the mot- ion of Aid. MacDon-l~andHawkins that the co~mdnication be received a m t filed, and lmrking be prohibited for certain hours. ~ Report No. 203 The followin~ C~dnicatious were presented: No. 302 - Hencurable Htwnphrey Mitchell - re application of Radio Station CHVC. 0~ on the motion of AId. Donald and Miller +.~nt the c~--~,.,~tcatton be erecelved and laid on the table. No. 303 - Hencurable Hmnphrey Mitchell - re inspector of Wart.4-~ Prices and Tra~e Board in city. tm~wa~n on the motion of Ald..Donald and Frank that the atton be received and laid on the table. I~o. 30~ - A. Bawada and B.~ackson - requsstin6 use of Oakes Park for boxing show. ~ on the motion of Ald. ~hite am1 Do~q~ that the communication he received and filed, am1 permission be granted. i~E20RTS The following Reports were Presented: No. 20S - Traffic Co~d~.~ttee _ Tm~ng certain recommen&atlons. OHDEt~D on the mot- ion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the reco~nendations, with the exception of Item IV, n~er S, be adopted. FURTHER ORY~HED on the motion of AId. Donald and Fra~k that Item Number S be received and filed, and the parking in the area in question be left as it is at the present time. (AId. Killer voted centtax7 to this motion.) 1(o. 20~ - City Clerk - re conference held on 16th June. 01RDERED on the motion of Ald. Frank an~ Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and adopted. No. 205 - City Clerk - re hearing of Ontario Municipal Board. ORDEit~o on the mot- ion of Ald. Frank and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and o~ted. (AId. White voted central7 to this motion. ) No. 206 - City Clerk - reco..~ndln8 issuance of licences. ORDmi4~io on the motion of AId. Hawkins and MacDonald that the report he received and filed, aml the rec- · '*-,~ndatlons be adopted. No. 207 - City Solicitor - returning draft franchise with Canadian National Elec- tric Railways. 01~ on the motion of ~ld. White and lttller that the report be received and laid on the table; that the draft be returned to the City Solicitor with the request that it be amended to prevAde 'that the fixed s~n for taxation s~l ! apply only on the present holdings of the Company In the Clty; and this endment be referred to the Com~an~ for consideration. No. 208 - City Manager - re conference re signs on Queen ~.lizah ~ on.the motion of Ald. M~ller and Frank that the r eth Highway. 0RD- I~TITI01~ ~aid over fraa Previous meetings: No. 9 - 8.B.McShane and 6 others - requesting additional tezi stands. 0zu~2~ on the motion of Ald. MaoDon~!d and Hawkina that the petition he received and filed, and therequst he ~ranted. ' sEgRepor~tNo. 20~3 , [ pllcatton be acceded to. (Ald. Miller voted contrary to this motion.) and filed, and no ohan~e be made in the present parkln~ arrangements. No. 306 - Chtldren's Aid Society - re child care work in City. 0x~sra~v on the motion of A~d. Frank am1 Hawk~.. that the communication be received 'and filed. I~80LUTIONB iii:: ! No. 307 - Children's Aid Society - requesting increase in per dim rate. ORZ~RED The followong l%solutions were ~assed: ' ~.'~ on the motion of Aid. White and 3u~kner that the cn..~m~cation be recelve~ and filed, and an increase in the rate to $1.00 per day be authorized as from let No. 110 - WhA.A~ - ~ . 1W~OLV~D the City Clerk be ~, .~,. ~ re or the Colmoil as possible attend the mesttn~o ' a~ted m~n. imousl~v No. 111 - MacDONALD . ~, IISOLVID that the Ci Counc ~', i :. ~ on the motion of Ald. ~nite amt Bucknet that the eommnnioatlon be received agara: ~ n Polloe Assoolattonl ami the Seal of ~ sentattves ~i~ ~i~ an~ filed, and permission be ~x~anted. ixed. ' . . . rporation be here- ; ~' ~ banquet. ~ on the action of Ald. White and Frank that the ocs-~nnication be " i' i,, i, : The follo~An~ By-law vu Passed: : ~, ' , . 18'7 J No. ~07~ - To provide for re~uirin~ and reeulatin6 the fillin~ up, drainir~, cleanin~ and clearing of any grounds, yards and vacant lots; and the altering, re-layiu~ or repairin~ of private drains. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Miller and Bucknet that Ai~. White be given the privilege of introducin~ the by-law, and the by-law be read the first t~ne - Carried unanimous~V. It was ordere~ on the motlan of Aid. White an~ Hawkins that Rule 36 (2) of the Stays4-8 Rules of Council be suspandsd and the by-law be 61yen the second reaAing - Carried unanimously. Thlr& readling - Aid. Donald an~ Frank - Cattle& The Council adJourne& on the motion of Aid. Donald an~ Fx~-~. BEAD; ABD ADOP,'~o, 30th June, 1~7. The report of the Property Committee, upon the above matters, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. MacDonald ar~ White that the report be received and file&. An offer was presented from MArs. C.euild of $75.00 for Lot 1~ and part of Lot 16, Plan 16, Terrace Avenue. U~on the recomnendation of the Property Com- mittee and on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Hawkins it was ordered that the offer be received ami accepted, subject to the condition that a dwelling of ~t least $~,000.00 value is erected on the premises within six months. A co~nication was presented from J.J.Sheedy, requesting an extension of time for buildir~. Upon the reco~nendation of the Property Committee, and on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Hawkins it was ordered that the c~unication be received and filed, an~ an extension of six months only be granted. A communication was presented fram Tony Marinoff, requesting an exten- sion of t4m- for building. Upon the rec~,,.,~ndation of the Property Committee, and on the motion of Ald. Do..~[ aml Miller it was oralere& thnt the connnunication be receive~ and filed, an~ an extension of six months only be granted. A cu~nication f~ ltMurri, which ha~ been laid over from a previous meet~nS, and which roqnssted permission to pay the asseseed value for Lot Plan 2, l~orth Street, was again considered. Upon the reconmaendation of the Prop~ erty C~,-,-~ttee and on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Bucknet it was ordere~ that the communication be received and filed, and Mr. Murrl be given an extension of six months in which to build. Council ;,me, The Finance C~4ttee mat on Monday, E3 ;,,he, 19~7, for the purpose of apprevtng an~ also of l~sstug the various accounts which had been prol~3~ serf- · ifte~ an~ p3.aood before thea, All meabere of the C~4tteo were present. accounts were appreved by the C--~ttee, amounting to $7,~1.18. 'Y"ne accounts submitted, heine ~assed or otherwise dealt with, .were ord- erea placed in the money by-law for ~resentstian to the Council, on the marion of Aid.: Donald amt Zawkins. Objection was taken to an account a~d cheque for the purchase of gas- oliDe fX~lX MoColl-Frolxtsnao~t4m4tsd, lnamuoh as such purchase had been made after tenders for ~asoltne ha~ ~een awaited. The City Manager was aske4 .to vestl~ate amt rel~rt u~on the matter. · he re~or~ of tle Clt~ Nana~r, re the re~gest of ~.~m for ~ ex- ~uton of t~ for b~, ~ le44 o~r.fn ~o pm~o~ m~i~, m ~ c~tde~. ~ ~ ~o~tl~ of ~e .~e~ C~t~ ~ ~ ~ ~tt~ ~ ~ eml~ of s~ ~b ~ be ~te~. ~ A omsannicatton fx~m 8coble's Cartaee, re~unstin~ an ext~_n_=tc~ of time ~for bulldine, u la1~1 over f~ ~ ~m~ met~, ~ ~n ~lbm~. ~on ~e ~c~t~ of ~e ~ C~t~ ~ ~ t ~ ~tlon of ~. ~ .~ ~1~ it vu o~ ~t ~e o~catt~ ~ ~colve~ ~ f~ ~ ~ ex~ton ~ s~ ~ ~ be ~, :;.':~:';-> :/'~' :~,:~-~'.:-,?~'. '*:.;~ '. The report of the Property Cnmm~ttee, on the above matters, was pres- ented. It was ordere~ on the marion of Aid. Hawkins an~ l~uckner that the repo~ be received and filed. A report was presented from the City Manager, reconm~ndlng that a build- in6 permit be issue& for the erection of a garage at ~2 Morrison Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ai~. Miller ami Hawkins that the report be roceive~ and filed, an~ the rec~=-,~_na~tlon .be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, reco..,-ndtng that a per- mlt be issued for the erection of a garage at 1060 Ontario Avenue. It wae ered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Miller that the report be received and filed, aria the recow-.andation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, reco~aending that a per- mit be issued for the erection of an addition to the building at 1~1~ MacDonald Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of A1A. MacDonald and Buckenr that the rep- ort ~e received and filed, ax~ the rec~-~ndatlon ~e adopted. A report was presented fxum the City Manager, rec~mnendlng that a per- mit be issued for the erection of a earage at 2190 Barker Street. It was ord- ered on the motion of Ald. Bucknet and MacDonal~ t_k~_t the repor~ be received an~ filed, and the rec~ndation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending that a per- mit be issued for the erection of a bns~ness block at the northwest corner of Queen Street and Ontario Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. White and Don~4 ~h~_t the report be recelved and filed, and the roco"nendation be adopted. A report was presented frcsa the City Manager, reeamlin6 a ro~uest for It was o~em~ on ~e rotion of ~d. l~er ~ ~e mcel~d ~ filed, -~ ~e mc~2ti~ be adopt. (~d. that ~e on~ ~ ~iS ~tton. ) ~d The Cc~Ltttee adjourned on the motion of AId. Donald A.a 3uckner. IEAD A~D ADOI~D, 30 J~e, 19~7. Chairman of Finance Council 23 J, me, 19~7- The Council re-assemble& at the close of the regular cormoil and fin- ance meetir~s for the pur)ose of passin~ the by-law which covered the accounts aD~ proved by the Cnm~ttee. All members of the Council were present. BY-LAW The following By-law was passed: No. ~07~ - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Do__nA!a that Aid. Frank be given the privilege of introduci~ the by-law end the by-law be read the first It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald end Hawkins ~at l~le 36 (2) of the Standin( Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given _the eecoml reaa~-8 - Carried unanimously. Third readling - Ai~. )iLllet an~ Do--]a - Ce_-Tted un-n~.--usly. The Council adjourned on the mo~n of Ai~. l)czal~ and Fr--~. EgAD AND AD01~Xd~, 30 ;ram# 19~7. Clerk Mayor Cot~xoil C~ml~er~ The Conference Ccmmmittee of the City Cotmail met at the close of the re~ comxctl and f4eMe assringS on Monda~,2~ June, 1~7, for the purpose of considextn~ vaxio~s aat~em places before the. All ama)e._x~m of Ahem,Committee were, ~e2ont. After discussion upon the matters presented to them, the Chum!tree adjourned. on the motion of Ald. Frank and Donald. IF~AD AND ADOp,'~,,, 30 June, 19~7. Clerk Co~nell 30 June, 1~7. Prior to the reg,,~,,,- meeting of the City Council, at 6.30 p.m. on Mon- day, 30th June, 1947, a conference was held in the Council Chamber. All members of the Conference Co,.,~ttee, with the exception of Ald. Bucknet, were present. The Conference wan held for the purpose of meeting with representatives of the Niagara F-~l e Police Association. Representatives of the Aseocia$ion were Messrs. J"w~s, ~ere an~ Follett. ~fter discussion upon the matters presentea to them, the C~--~ttee adjourned on the.motion of Ai4. Frank an~ Miller. Cornrail Chamber, 30 June, 1~7. Pursuant to adjournsent, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Men~'~v, 30th June, 19~7, for the purpose of considering general business and f~r~-ce. All members of the Council, with the exception of Aid. Bucknet, were present. The Council, having received and mad the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these an the motlon of Aid. Miller an~ MMI~n,n 4. The following Comnunioatlons were No. 311 - (tt~ater l(ia~ax~ Chm~er Of Ccamemo '- acknowledging ~aut an~ foNard- ins membership cards. ~ on the rotton of Aia.. Mao/)o~'4,,~an~,lezanic *_~_t the o~oatlon be ~eoetved an~ filed. · o. 312 - l~l~ed ~oltmb ~eltef Yu~ - re~ueetln; petelesion to~o/At ta~ de~. ~ on the m~tlon of Ai~. ~awklne anAt ~ ~t ~ o~tt~ be moeiv~ ~ fi~a, ~ pomeel~ he ~ for a that the co~u~nlcatton be received and filed, and permission be grante~. No. 31~ - Department of Naval Services - re cemernony re H.M.C.S. NIAGARA. ~A~SU on the metion of Ald. Miller and H~wkins that the con~u~nlcation be recelve~ and filed, and Hie Worship l~or ~ouck be anked to make the nece~ry arrangements for the presentation. No. 315 - Lawson, Stratton, Green and Ongley - re encroachment of Capitol Theatre. ORE~tWED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the cmtmication be rec- elved and filed, that a surveyor,s description be obtained, and the necessary by- law, to permit the encroachm-nt, be presented. No. 316 - New York Central System - re use of land for parking. ORDEAt~ on the metion of Ald. White and Frank that the c~unication be received and filed, and the City Manager be asked to advise the interested parties of the information con- No. 317 - 3oar~ of Education - enclosing mamorandm re building prograrm, e. ORD- ~ on the motion of ~ld. Miller and Donald that the con~,_mlcatlon be received and laid on the table for one week. No. 318 - ~oar~ of Transport Co-~sstoners for Canada - enclosing copy of order re Victoria Avenue crossing. 0RDEI~ED on the motion of Ald. Frank and Hawkins that the coammmicatlon be received am1 filed. (Ald. Miller and White voted con- trax7 to this motion.) The following Reports were presented: No. 209 - City Clerk - re cnnference held on 23rd June. 01RDERED on the motion of AId. Frank and Miller that the report be received, filed and adopted. No. 210 - City Clerk - recrew~ndin6 issuance of licences. OA~U~U on the metion of Aid. Frank and MacDonald that the report be reoel red and filed, and the recon- mena_-tlon be adopted. No. 211 -Clty Clerk - re application for ltcence not approved. Olql~I~D on the motion of Ald. Frank and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the application be not ~ranted. I~TITION The following Petition was Presented: NO, 3/- Arthur ~ and 31 others - re chichen houses and prom, ~ on the motion of Aid. Frank aud Donald that the petition be received and laid on the table until the nex~ meeting, and the addresses of the petitioners be supplied to Council. . mOLUT~O~ ~he following Resolutions were Passed: No. ~e _ ~ . DONAT. D - I~SOLV~D that a message be forwarded, expressiu~ the e~e~at~ of the Ctt~ Council and citizens of Nia6ara Falls to the famil~ of the late Daniel C. Tocme~, upon his death; and the Seal of the Cox?oration be hemto 19 'd Corporation be hemto affixed. Carried "'No. - MacPOllArD - FRAI~ - t~0LV]m~ that ~e ne~ ~,1.~ setl~ of ~e City Co~ctl ~ held at ~.~ ~.m. on 7~ ~; ~ ~ ~ of ~e Co~tton ~e here- C~e~ 1;o. 11~ - D01t~I.D - W-.'~A~ - i~0L~ED that ~e A~tlc ~& Pacific Tea C~ be c~ ~ ~sed of b ~a~ble ~fic coMition exiet~ on Vic~ria Aven~, ~ed when ~e p~ ~ a~ent ~ ~e~ s~m is f~; ~ ~ S~ of ~ Co~tton be he~ ~f~. C~ied 1;o. 116 - MacD01(ALD - llA~n~,~ - I~gSOLV~J) that the Niagara Parks Cn-.,~eston be ap- proached and a~Lvise~ of the dangerous condition which exists on l~tver Road, near the atoms, where shrubs are surrounded by a low brick border# ul~n which several i~rec~s have stumbled with rather serious results; that the Co~dssion be asked to have such eraplacements _r_~_m~_ved; an~ the Seal of the Corporation be hereto af- fixed, Carrie~ The following ]y-laws were ~aseed: Eo. ~075 - To amend By-law N~nber 3~, being a by-law respecting the issue of Licenoes in the City of Niagara leRl!~. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Donald and Hawkt-- that-AId. Framk be glvexl the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be rend the first tixe - Carried. His Worship Mayor Houok extended to AI&. Miller the wish that he will have a safe 3ourney to Winnipeg where he will attend the Canadian Federation of l~re and M_n~_~cipalities convention; and asked that he convey to the delegates the best wishes fr~n this Council. ]/is Worship l~or Houck ma~e an appeal to motorists to use extra caution during the next two months, during which t~m~ the schools will be close& an~ many children will ~e playin~ on the streets. The Council a~Journed on the motion of AId. Don~_ld and Frank. I~EAD ~ ADOPA~/U, ? July, 19~7. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Bawkins ~,a MacDorm!d that l~ule 36 (2) of the Standlng Rules of Council be suspe.nded an& the by-law ~e ~lven the second teadinE - Carried. Third read~n~ - AId. MacDonald and Fr~-F - Carried. ~o. ~.076 - To amend ~y-law l~w-~er 3790, beln~ a by-law for the regulation of Traf- fic. It was cx~Xered on the motion of AId. ~lLite and Do-m34. that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of intorducin~ the by-law, and the by-law be ree~ the first t~ -CarrAed. It was ordered on the motion of AId. ~awkius and D~nald +~_a_t Rule ~6 (~) of the Stan~ ~bxles of Cotmoil be suspended and the b~-law be Sivan the sec- on~ reading - Carrier. · '~ read~ - A14. I~d an& MacDonald - Carried. ~o. ~0W - ~o emana ~-law Nm~er 37~1, being a b~-lav desXgnat~ ~nrou~n lUsh- ways. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Dc~ld an~ liawk~na that AId. Miller be given the privilege 'of in~oducin~ the I~-law~ e~A the l~_~-law--be-xsa4 the first t4~ , Carried., ,~ .... :' ' ~'i~; ~ It was o~ered on the mtt~n of AId. NavF, J. ns and Macl~ou,~m3~. that ~e 36 i' ',, ~' (2) ~ ~ 8~ ~s ~ C~o~ be ~A ~ ~ ~-~. be ~ ~e sec- F~ANCE MEETS} Council Chamber, 30 June, 1~7. The Finance C~ttoe met on Monday, 30th June, 19~7, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Cowe4ttee, with the excep- tion of Ai~. Bucknet, were present. Sundry accounts were al~reved by the Ca~-.~ttee, amounting to $~1,2b~.36. The accounts submitted, being passed or othex-dise dealt wtth~ were or- dered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald, Donald and A contract from the Canadian Industries Limited, for the stemply of ltRu~d chlorine, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Miller and White +-~t the tuntract be received and laid on the table for cme wee~. A c~unioatton was presented from ;ohn L. Rove11, rs~uesting a refund .of the pux~hue prto~ of a paTt of Lots 26, 27, p]m_._ 17, Drumsend I~Nt. Upun the recOmaendatlon of the Prol~rt~ CQ~-.Attee ond On the motion of Ald. MacDonald m.a ~avkins it was ordered ~h~t the c~kadnicatton be received and filedt the r~lue~t be i~antod, an~ ~:reftm~ be ma~e, 'less taxes on the ~roperty from the date of the agree~ento 196 Ald. 14acDonald and Hawkins it vae ordered ~h,~t the c,'~,,~mication be received and filed, the requst be ~'a.uted~ and a final extension of e:lx mon~hea t~,,,,, only be owed. The report of the Property C..~ttee, upon the above mattere, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDomald and Hawkins that the rep- ort be received and filed. A report was presented f~-. the City Manager, r~8~rdin~ the erection of poles at 0akes Park. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and MacDon- ald that the report be received and filed, and the same be adopted. Council Chamber, 30 June, 1947. The Council m-assembled at the close of the reg,,l~r council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts ap- proved by the Co,~ttee. All members of -'the Council, with the exception of Ald. Bucknet, were present. A report was presented from ~he City Manager, reco~endir~ that a build- ir~ penmlt ~e tss~d for ~e emcti~ of a g~e at ~ S~oe Street. It us o~d ~ ~ mtl~ of ~. ~i~ ~d ~wk~ ~h~ t~ ~t be ~cet~ ~d filed, ~ ~ mc,..~.~tion be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, recow~nndin~ that a I~rmit be issued for alterations at 178~ ~mnry Street. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and MacDomald that the report be received an~ filed, end the recom- mendation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, reco~ndin8 that a build- in~ permit be issued for the erection of a garage at 126~ Jepson Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. M~cDonald and Hawkins that the report be received and file~, and the rec ..... ~udation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, rec~dir~ that a per- mat be issued for the erection of a ~ at 2~29 0rchax~ Avenue. It was ord- ered on the motion of Ald. Haw~n. and Eta Worship Ma~or II~,_ck that the report ha received and filed, am1 the recuuauend~tion be adopted. A report was presented from the City l~er, reccmmend4~8 that a b,,~d- ~8 permit be issued for the erection of a garage at 20~2 Ross Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawl~Xnm and MacDonald that the report ha received end filed, an~ the recmw,~ndatton be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending that a per- mit be issued for the erection of en addition at 1~ Fe~-~-# street. It was ord- ered on the motion of AId. Hawkins and His Worship Ma~or Houek that the repo/mt be received and filed, and the 'rec~ndation be adopted. BY-LAW The following By-law was passed: ~ - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It wan ordered on the motion of ~ld. Miller and Hawkins that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of int~oducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first t~ne - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Hawkins and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standin~ Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second readi,8 _ Carried. Third reading -Ald. Miller and Donald - Carried. The Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Donald and Hawkins. AND AD01ml~n, 7 July, 19~7. The City Manager presented a verbal report upon an application for a buildin~ permit for the erection of a frame building at 1~6 Allen Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald an~ Killer +,~-t the reccmendation be adopted end a pemlt be issued. The City Manager presented a verbal report upon an application for a permit to erect a st~n at 3.1~93 FerA7 Street. It was ordere~ on the motion of AId. Hawk~_q6 a-_~ MacDonald that the recc~mendation be adopted amX the permit be issued. A report was presented by the City Manager, re~rding the purchase of gasoline frca MaColl-FA~tenac 0~1 Ccapa~. It was ordered c~ the motion of ~ld. Donald au~ Hawkins that the report be received an~ file~. The Chairman of Finance, Ald. Frank, asked that a financial sta~.~nt for the period end~ 30th ;~ne, an~ contemplated expen&ttwres an~ revenues for the next six mon+.~__=, be presented. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Frank ~a Nawktas that such a statesent be ~repared.vitAln/the next three or'four weeks. The Ccmatttee adjourned on the motion cf AI~. Donal~ and Hawkins. Council Chamber, 30 June, 19~7. The Conference Committee of the City Council metat the close of the reg- ~ council an~ finance meetin~s, on Monday, 30th 19~7, for the p~rpose of c~nsiderin~ various mattere placed before them. June, with the exception of AId. Bucknet, were present.All members of the After discussion upbn the mattere presented to them, the Ccmnittee adjourned on the motion of AId. Frank am~ Donald.. ,. ~AD A~D ADOI~D, 7 July, 1~7. 199 CotmoiZ Ch,~ml~er, Pursuant to ad3ou~-,~ent, the Council met at ~.00 p.m. on Monday, July 7th, 3-9~7, for the purA~se of cotmid.tin8 6eneral business and finance. All mem- bers of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Nillet, were present. The Coun- cil, having received and res~l the m~nutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. HatDonald and Frank. C0144X~ICATI01~ Laid over from a previous meeting: 1~o. 317 - Board of Education - re proposed bttildin~ pro~ran.-s. ~ c~ the motion of Ald. Hawkins aml MacDonald that the memorand,w. be adopted and forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Board for their consideration. Ald. Bucknet arrive& at the moetin~. The following Cv".~mications were Frank and 1~nlte that the report be received and adopte~. No. 213 - City Clerk - re conferences held on ~tme 30th. OED~HmD on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins +.h~_t the report be received and adopted. No. 214 - City Solicitor - re proposed franchise agreemont with C.N.E.R. on the motion of ~ld. Frank and Hawkins that the report be received and t~bled for one week. llo. 319 - The ~nerican Legion - invitation to Iwrticipate in parade. '0rd~r~Au on the motion of Ald. Donal~ and Hawlc~-- that the invitation be received azlA accepted and the Hayor and Council attend the l~rade. 1~o. 320 - Greater Niagara Chamber of C~,~ce - re ~zs,fi-e of ~m~p ~s. ,0~ ~ ~ ~tton of ~. ~ ~ ~ ~t ~e c~oatt~ be ~c- sired ~ flle~. No. 321 - R.Blake Exvin - enclosin~ plan of Lots 132and 12~, Stamford Township. 01qI~Cl~CD on the motion of Aid. Frank and 1~'nite ~h_et the c~dnication be received an~ table~. ~-~ lteport Ifo. 212 No. 322 - l~Vdro-Electt*lc Power Ccmnmission of Ontario - re tax grant# 1~3 - 19~7. O~AWAA~ on the motion of Ald. White and Hawkins that the on~,n~catlon be received with thanks and the Ma~or an~ Council have Mr. Carl Hannlwell arrange, if ~osstbls, a meeting with the Nydro Cmm,~eston for.a better contract. No. 21~ - Assessor - report on attendance at convention. 0RD~I~ on the motion of Aid. White and MacDonald that the report be recelved'an~ filed. I~o. 216 - Cit~. Manager - recom,~nding amendment of agreement as requeste~ by Un~ ion Co;-mittee. ~ on the motion of Ald. Frank and Hawkins that the report he receive~ and adopted. The ,followina Ro orte ere ree tea:. Ifo. 217 - City Manager - requesting permission to attend moetin~ with Deputy Min- ister of Highways. 01~EE~D on the motion of Ald. ~hite and MacDonald that permis- sion he granted and every effort be put forth to have a sign erected. 1~o. 218 - City Clerk - requesting councll,s a~thorizatlon to l~ayor to assent re Lot 187, Section A, Faiz-~lew Cemetery. Oi~Z~ltED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Eawk~n~ that the report be received and adopted. Ifo. 219 - City Clerk - reco----ndir~ issuance of licences. 0ROERED on the motion of Aid. liawklns and MacDonald that the report be received and adopted. Ifo. 220 - Dairy Znspector - re~ort for month of June. 0EDEEED On the motion of Ald. Donald and Frank that the report be received and a~opted. PE~iTION hid over frc~ a previous meeting: Ifo. 11 - Arthur ~ and 31 others - re chicken houses the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Frank that Mram band runs. ~ on cus.ad oondi .ist '-.t to hi, at dis- ~Y-LAI~ The following ~y-laws were Presented for the third reading: ~ - To amend l~y-law Namber 1776, respecti~ residential sections and rssid- ential streets in the City of lila~ara Falls. .; !' AId. MacDo_r_m!d an4 Frank that the c~mmmicatton ~e received an~ filed. · ~' ~ ' ~ ~ 3~-hw N~er 17~, m~ectl~ f~ l~m~ in ~e Cit~ of Eia- er. ' · - "~ ~ h e~c~ ~e~, · of ~: - ,TO eaend l~-law !uaber ~9, bein~ a by-law for licensing, rsgulatin~ ": :'! .' ':~" ~owern~ lod~ ho~ses an4 tourist camps and the keepers of same. Thlr~ reading -Ald. Whlte and Do--~d - Carfled. No. 40~ - To amend By-law Ntm~er 1777, respecting fire 34m~ts in the City of Nla- gara Third rea~tng -Ald. Hawkins amX MacDonald - Carried. No. 404~ - To establish restricted areas and regulate the character of b~lldings to be erected therein. reading -Ald. Frank and Donald - Carried. No. 4046 - To establish restricted areas and regulate the character of buildings to be erected therein. Third reading -Ald. Frank and Hawkins - Carried. The followln~ By-law was passed: No. 40y~ - To provide permission to The Bell Telephone C~n~an~ of C~n,~la to place a pole on Hutton Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and MacDo-a!d that Ald. Don- ald be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first tlm- - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and Hawkins that Rule 36 (2) of the 8tending Rules of Council be t~wTorarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried. Third reading -Ald. Edwin- end MacDonald - Cerrled. His worenip Mayor l~ouck advised Council that Mr. A.0.Wtlltsmm, ~eneral Manager of ,' the North ~ertcan Cpt-Aml 4 Limited had called in regard to the in- cl~nent weather necessitating cancellation of the proposed picnic which was to have been held after council m~eting this even~nS; but Mr. William- had advised that he would like the Council to be present some other night, Monday preferably. His Worship Mayor Houck re,Trod to the picnic for the Blind to be held on Wednesday afternoon. after wnich a banquet is to be held at 6.1~ in Memorial ~.1~ ana requested one of the Aldermen to artand. The followfix; Resolution was ~asaed: No. 117 - ~t~m~ - HA~x,-~ - RESOLVED that AId. MacDo-a14 be appointed to attend the barnlust to be held at 6.1~ in the MemoriAl N-n on Wednesday evening; and the 8eel of the Corporation be hemto affixe~. Carried His Worship the Mayor advised Cotmoil that the Department of Naval Ser- vices had been mXvised that the presentation comemonies in corm. orion with the bell of ILM. C.S. Nia~ra are to be held in the. Council Chamber on AUgust llth at 8.30p.m. ~ ~. · AId. Donald an~utre~ whether Clifton Hlll is a thresh street at Falls Avenue en~ he was advised bl citx Mane= that tree is so. 201 to be insb~led at the intersection of Stanley Avenue and Ferry Street. Aid. Hawkins also referred to Jepson Street and Sixth Avenue and the hazardous condition existing. His Worship Mayor Houck asked the City Msnager to bring in a report about the traffic lights at Stanley Avenue and Ferry Street and also requested the Traffic Co,w,~ttee to present a report on traffic conditions at Jepson Street and Sixth Avenue. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. *hlte and Buckner. tF~AD AND ADOPTED, July 14, 19~7. Clerk Mayor FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, July 7th, 1947. The Finance Committee met on Monday, July 7th, 1947, for the purpose of apprevtng and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert- ified and placed before t.hem. All members of the Comnittee, with the exception of Aid. Miller, were pssent. , Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to $8,380.21. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of The ~uotation of the Canadian Industries Limited re supply of liquid chlorine laid over from the prsvioas meeting, was ngain presented for considerat- ion, along with a communication from Nichols Chemical Co. Ltd. It was ordered on the motion of AId. White and MacDonald tl~ the City Manager,s recommendation that the tender of the Canadian Industries LImited be accepted and the contract The offer of Nicholas Harrison for Lot 1~, Plan 40, Second Avenue for the aura of $~00.00 wan presented for couelderat~m. Upon the recce~,endatton of the Property Cn,~ttee and on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Hawkins, it was ordered that the offer be accepted and the necessary by-law be prepared. The City Treasurer prssente~ the comparison of tax collections as of 30th June. ~ on the motion of AId. White and Hawkins that the same be received. A o~toation frca HcOlashan-Olarke Company re water consumption wan Presented for consideration, along with a report and reccmmendation from the OAt/Mana6er. ~ on the motion Of Aid. MacDonald and W~i~e that the rscom- menclarion of the City Mans6er be adopted. A report was presented from the City M--~ger, recommending that a build- i~ permit be issued for the erection of three doubZe cottages at the Honeymoon Camp, Clifton Hill. O~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkinn thet the rec- ommendation be Moptea. A report was presented from the City Manager, recomnending that a build- ing permit be issued for the erection of a sign at the ~ospel Au~litoritu at 1976 Main Street. ~ on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the recom- me-a~tion be adoptea. A report was presented from the City Manager disappreving of a buildinS permit to S.Marabello, Jr., 1729 Peer Street, for the erection of a frame garage which will later have two rooms and a hath upstairs.. 0I~D on the motion of Ald. Donald and Buckher that the City l~er's rec~,nmmndation, that the permit he not ~A~nte~ and the applicant be a~vised that the buildir~ by-law prohibits the erection of a building for living acco~Aodation at the rear of another building, be adopted. A report was presented from the City Mans~er, recon~nding +.h~t a build- ing permit be issued for the erection of a garage and showroc~ on part of ~ots 2, 3 and 4, Block T, Plan 3~, on ~e south side of ~n Street between St. ~nce ~ ~uc~ey Aven~s. 0~ on ~ ~tion of ~. Do~ ~ Haw~ ~t ~e mco~n~tt~ be a~op~. A verbal report was presented by the City l~er in connection with an application for a building pex~nit, for the erection of an addition to the front of the dwellin~ known as 1803 Spring Street. Mr. Orr advised that the proposed addition would bring the main part of the dwelling within 13 feet of the street line and the buildin~ by-law ~e for 1~ feet in residential areas. The addition should be kept back so that it will be 1~ feet from the street line and also to protect the next dwell~, 1809 Spring Street. OA~j~ED on the motion of Ald. White an~ Hawkins that the City Mana~er,s reco~ndation be Mopted and the plicant .notified accordingly. The Comm4ttee e~Journed on the motion of kld; White and l~uckner. BY-LAW The following By-law was passed: No. 4080 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Buckher and White that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, snd the by-law be read the first t~m~ - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald that Rule 36 (2) Of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Csrried. Third reading -Ald. White and Donald - Carried. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins. ~F~ADANDADOFA~m, 14 July, 1947. Clerk COi~FE~NCE °08 E ~ ADOp.',:,,, 14 ffuly, 1947. Clerk Chair-m- of Finance j,Co-n~il Chamber, 7th july, 1947. The Cornoil re-asseabled at the close of the re~mla~ council and fin- ante meetings for the purpose of passin~ the b~-law which covere~ the accounts approwed by the Oma.,ttee. All ms .~ers of the Council, with ~ exc~ep~icn of Council Chamber, 7th July, 1947. The Conference Committee of the City Council met at the close of the re&",~.r council and finance meetings, on Monday, July 7th, 1947, for the purpose of considering various matt.re placed before them. All members of the Committee, with the exception of Ald. Miller, were present. After discussion upon the matters presented to them, the Cczm~ittee adjourned on the motion of Aid. Fran~ and ~uckner. IeAD A~D ADOi~D, 1~ July, 1947. ~EY-SIXTH MEETING Council Chamber, 14 July, 1947. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 14th July, 1947, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. ~ members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the mtnutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of ~ld. MacDonald and Hawkins. DEPUTATION In connection with Report Number 224, and on the motion of Ald. Frank and Donald, a delegation was heard. Mr. Arthur Ingham and Mr. Earl Carfare spoke in connection with the reported nuisance crested by the chickens which are kept at 632 Third Avenue; and the suggestion was made that the chicken run might be moved some twenty or twenty-five feet away from the apartment house to trap. rove the situation. ~ Report No. 224 COM~UNICATIO1TS The following Conmunioations were presented: No. 326 - Department of Naval Services - arrangements re H.M.O.S. Niagara. ORD- ~ on the motion of Ald. DOnald and MacDo~:d that the cnmmnm!cation be rec- eived and filed. No. 327 - Hencurable Mr. Htm~phrey Mitchell - re local Wartime Prices and .Trade Board representative. OA~D on the motion of Ald. Frank and DOnald that the communication be received and filed. No. 328 - Roeberg's Lindted - re parking lot'on Michigan Central Railway property. OPINE on the motion of Ald. Frank and MacDOnald that the 0~-;,,;~,-I cation he rec- eived ,~.a filed. No. B29 - Townshi~ of Toronto - offer re Roe fire truck. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and Frank that the cm~nication be received and filed, and the offer of $300.00 for the unit be accepted. 'No. 330 - Hermes Club - requesting permission to erect permanent equipment on El- Izabeth Place. ~ on the motion of AId. Bucknor and MacDonald that the ccm- m~Anlcatlon be received and filed, and permission be granted, under the st~pervlsion of the City Manager. No. 331 - V.J.Cant - re damage to property by sewer overflow. 01~D on the motion of ~d. Donald and White that ~the e.,..~h,~lcation be received ,,a filed. ~ l~port No. 221 r~r0RTS ~ald over from a prevto~s meeting: No. 21~ - City Solicitor - re franchise agreesent with'Canadian National Elect- rio l~ailwa~. C~ on the motion of Ald. Frank and Ilawkins~that the report be received an~ laid on the table, and Kts *Worshi~ Ma~or llouck be asked to inter- view Mr. I~tn~le in this o~_~_otion. ~he followiu~ Reports were presented: No. ~1 - City Manseer - resaenainS construction of sewer on Xuttre~ Street. f D~D on the motion of ~dd. Donald and White that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. No. 22~ - City Clerk - re conference held on 7th July. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Frank and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and adopted. No. 22~ - City Manager - re meeting with Deputy Ndnister of Highways. ORDERED on the motion of ~ld. Donald and White that the report be received and filed. No. 2~4 - Medical Officer of Health - re 632 Third Avenue. 0RDEF~D on the motion of Ald. Donald and Frank that the report be received and laid on the table for one week, that the City Manager endearour to arrange some agreement between the int- erested parties and if possible, have the chicken ru~ moved to a more desirable location. No. 225 - City Clerk - recomm~nding issuance of llcences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and DOnald that the report be received and hid on the table, that the recon'"endatlons, with the exception of that for a hawker's licence for a mob- ile frozen custard unit, be adopted. VERBAL REPORT AId. Miller made a verbal report to council upon his attundance at the convention of the C~-~dlan Federation of Mayors and Municipalities in Winnipeg. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were Passed: No. 118 - FRANK - HAWKINS . i~OLYED that His Worship Mayor Houck be e~owered to declare Monday, ~th August a civic holiday in the City of Niagara Falls, that all municipal buildings remain closed on that date; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unaninonsl~y No. ll9 . B~al~ER - FRAN~ - I~SOL~..',, that His Worship Mayor Eouck be requested to appoint a committee of Comil for ~e P~ose of givi~ consi~mtlon to ~he P~ibi~ty of ~vl~ spent ho~ea erec~d ~ the City ~der ~ ~d ~ Oo~omt~; ~d t~ ~ of ~e Co~oration be hem~ ~f~ed. C~led ~1~ His WornhAp ~r Houck appo~d ~d. Do~d, ~er ~d ~lte ~ ~e c~t~e ~ bri~ ~ a repo~ h about ~o weeks. No. ~0 - ~ _ ~A'A'~ - ~0L~ ~t ~e ~ster of Hl~w~s be asked to send a mPresen~tive to ~e City, wl~ authority ~ act ~on the totter of ~e tr~- fic coMitio~ at ~e t~fic cl~le on Nero ~ ~d ~e exit f~ ~e ~bow Brl~e~ ~d ~e 8e~ of ~e Coloration be here~ ~ftxed. C~led ~1~ No. ~1 - ~ . ~N~ - ~0L~ ~t ~e totter of pedestri~ ~fic at New- ~ ~, Bender Hi~ ~d F~s Aven~ be mfemd to ~e ~fic C~t~e for st~ ~ a report; ~d ~e Se~ of ~e Co~omti~ be hereto C~led ~o~ly ~' ~ ' ~ '. ~E - ~0L~D ~t ~de~a ~cDo~d be appointed as the mP~sen~ti~ of Comcil ~ attend ~e cemm~ of ~yi~ the co~m~ of ~e ~w C~t~ ~titu~ for ~he Bll~ b~ld~ at 211 Q~emton Street, St. Ca~- ~s at 4.~ p.m. on 17th J~; ~ ~e Se~ of ~e Coloration be hereto _The followin~ By-lave were Passed: _Carried unanimously ' :ii::' I'~o, 40~l - TO raise by wa~ of lore",_ the stun of Five Thousand Dollars to provide ad- ditional funds required for the erection of a comfort station at the south end of the City. Third reading - ~ld. Hawkins and 'Fr~-~ - Carried (Ald. Donald and ~hite voting contrary. ) No. 40~.1. - To authorize the execution and delivery of an a~reement between the Corporation of the City of Niagara F~lls and The Niagara F~l le Civic ~'~Tloyees' Federal Union, Ntunber 1~3. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that Ald. I&iller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Frank that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reeding - Carried unsnimosly. Third reading - ~ld. Frank and Miller - Carried unanimously. No. 4082 - To allow an encroachment upon St. Clair Avenue and Queen Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Do~Rld and Hawkins that Ald. Buck- her be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first t~m~ - Carried ur~n~mnusly. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules. of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the secon~l reading - Carried u~mnusl~. ' Third readin~ - ~l&. Frank and MacDov-ld - Carried llll~mnusly. Ald. Donald asked what progress is being made with regard to the two sewer constxmctions progr-m.~e ;m~er wa~. -The City Manager advised. of the ac- tion to date. His Worship Mayor Houck spoke upon the visit of the Lieutenaut-~over- nor of Ontario to the City on 12th July, and expressed his appreciation of the action of the local member, Mr. C.D.Hsxmiwell in writing it possible to present the distinguished visitor with the freedom of the City. His Worship Mayor Houck advised council of the many ccmphtnts he had received in connection with the operation of tourist homes throughout the City, and asked AId. Hawkins to met with the Tourist Committee in an effort to have the undesirable con~ltlom remedied. lie Worship Mayor llouok also spoke upon the matter of the travelling public leaving the Hainbow Bridge and ftntin~ their wa~ up the ¢~een Elizabeth Highway and out of the City without l~av~ a~ opportunity of 8pendin~ time in the area. He asked the Traffic Ccamdttee to study this condition with the idea +.~_-_t directi~nal signs might be rec~msnded to improve this situation. · ~ The Council ed~ourned on the motion of AId. Donald and !iawkinn. ~ A~D AD01~D, alst iuJJ, 1~7. .~ ~. Council Chamber, 1~ July, 19~7. The Finance Committee met on Monday, 14th July, 19~7, for the purpose of appreving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Conmaittee were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the Committee, amounting to $28,~68.9~. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of ~ld. Miller and Hawkins. A comunication was presented from Martin and Calvert, on behalf of G. B. Cunningham, and in connection with Lots 9, 10, Block H, Bridge Street. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Miller it was ordered that the co~mmnlcation be received and filed, and they be advised that the City cannot consider a refund in this case. An offer was presented from Mr. Peter Paulo of $150.00 for Lot 82, Plan 2, North Street. Upn the recomm~ndation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Buckher and White it was ordered that the comnunication be rec- eived and filed, and Mr. Paalo advised the City will accept $225.00 or the asses- sed value for the lot, in ivew of the fact that he does not intend to build there- on at the present time. The report of the Property Committee on the above matters was pres~ ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Buckher and White that the report be received and filed. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending the purchase of equipment for the Fire Department. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Bucknet and White that the report be received and filed, and the recomndation be adopted. A report was Presented from the City Manager, reco~nding the issuance of a sign permit for 104S Centre Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the recommend- ation be adopted. A report was Presented from the City Manager, recommending that a build- ing permit be issued for the erection of a garage at 1729 Peer Street. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship l~or Houck and Ald. Miller that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. A report was Presented from-the City Manager, recommending that a per- mit be issued for the moving of a house from 1669 Murray Street to Stanley Ave- sue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. A report was Presented from the City Manager, reco,,,ending that a per- mit be issued for the erection of,a garage at 10~ River Road/. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Hawkins and Donald that the report be received and filed, and the reco~w.endation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, reco-.nending that a per- mit be issued for the erection of an addition to the garage at 16~0 Stanley Avenue, such addition to be used for living accommodation. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Donald and MacDonald that the report be received and laid on the table until the next meeting to pemlt the members of the Committee to inspect the premises. Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Miller and Bucknor. Clerk Chairman of F~nce COUNCiL MEETII~ Council Cham~er, 14 July, 1947. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covers4 the accounts approved by the Cnm~ttee. All members of the Council were present. BY-LAW The following By-law was passed: No. 408~ - To Grant Monies for ~eneral Purposes. It was ordered on the metion of Ald. White. and Bucknet that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of lntroducir~ the by-law, and the by-law be res~ the first tt~e - Carried It was ordered on the metion of Ald. Eawklns and Dc~83d that Rule 36 ~2) of the Standin~ Rules of Council be suspended and the by'law be given the sec- ond reading - Carried unanimously. Third readin~ - ~ld. Donald and Miller - Carried unan~mnusly. The Council adjourned on the motto~ of Ald. Frank and Miller. EEAD AND ADOPAm~, 21 July, 1947. CONP~EENCE Council Chamber, 14 July, 1947. The Conference Committee of the City Council met at the close of the regular council and finance meetings on Monday, 14th July, 1947, for the purpose of considering the various totters Presented to them. All members of the Com- mittee were present. After discussion upon the matters presented to them, the Comm~ttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Fraak and I~awklns. EEAD A~D ADOP~n, 21 July, 1947. ~IRTY-SE~ MEET~G Council Chamber, 21 July, 1947. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.00 p.m. on Monday, 21st July, 1947, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of AId. Donald and Frank. CO~UNICATIONS The followl~ Com~unicatidns were presented: No. 332 - Bend of Canadian Corps - re grant and services of band. OF~)Ei~ED on the motion of Ald. Frank and MacDonald that the cosmunication be received and filed, and the grant be paid at once. No. 3SS - Eydro-Electric Commission of X~iagara FaLls - suggesting installation of aeries units. OP~m~ on the motion of Ald. Frank and Hawkins that the com- munication be receiveel and laid on the table until the next meeting, that t~e cost of such installation be ascertained and also the Comisslon be requested to advise when the new type of lighting is scheduled to be installed in the areas for which the series units are now recommended. No. 334 - Ontario Municipal Boar~ - re capital expenditure for Collegiate Voc~ ational Institute. 0RRERED on the motion of AId. Donald and Frank 'that the com- munication be received aml filed. No. 335 - Hencurable Minister of Highways - re request for removal of traffic circle. O~E~RED on the metleo of Ald. Frank and MacDonald that the communicat- ion be received and laid on the table; and a further letter be sent to the MAn~ later askin~ for a date for the meeting with' the Traffic Committee. No. 336 - Niagara Parks Commission . re accident on River Road. ~ on the motion of AId. White and Bucknor that the communication be received and filed, and the matter of the removal of the em~lacements be referred to the Department of Highways. No. 337 - Village of Chippawa - requesting renewal of agreement re standby water. C~ on the motion of Aid. White and Bucknor that the comm,,n!cation he rec- eived and ~led, and the new a~reemen be prepared. NO, 338 - We!~nd County Council - ~esolution ~ fish uari . ~on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and MacDonald thataqtEe ctnn ~ hatchery. OR ed and filed~ and the resolution be endorsed. on~ n~cation be rec- No, 339 - The Monetary Times - re advertisin~ space. 01~ on the motion of Aid. Donald and Frank that the communication he received ~nd filed, and the met- tot be referred to the Oham~er of Commerce. No. 3~0 - F.A.Brarmccmbe Insurance an~ Real Estate - re construction of houses on Lowell Avenue. O1~ on the motion of Aid. l~lller and NacDonald that the co~nunication be received au~ lal~==on the table, and referred ~o-the, Cit~ Man- ager for a report. The .~ollowin~ l~eports were Presented:,' No. e26 -!City Clerk- ~e conference held 14th AId. Frank and Bucknor that the report be received and filed, and adopted. (Ald. Miller voted contrary to this motion.) t ot and Hawkins that the report be received s~d filed. No. 228 - Traffic Committee ~ recommendi c ridge area. ORDERED~ ' ~ the reconmendations be adopted. received ~nd filed, and No. 229 - De~ Clerk - re aPPlication for licenee for mobile frozen cust- ard unit. O~ on the' motion of AId. Miller and MacDonald that the report be No. 2BO - Dep.~erk _ reconnnendlng issuance motion of ~l~. Hawkins an[Frank that the report be of licenoes. ORRERED on the recommendations be adopted. received and filed, and the No. 2B1 - EqUalS_ont Con~ittee _ recommending repairs to equipment. O the motion ~f h~.D0n~l~' an~ Hawkins that the report be received and fi~ledD' on the reco~endations be adopted. and RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were Passed: No. 12~ - MacDONALD _ HAW~ _ RESOLVED that authority be granted for the use of the Englne~~n-~-~-tation wagon to transport members and equipment of the Civic Employees, Softball Team to 0rystal Beach on Wednesday, 2Brd July, pro- riding the driver is a member from the department staff; and the Seal of the CorPoration be hereto of fixed. C~,~led unanimousl No. 12~ . ~l~E - MaoDONA~2) . ~0L~ t~t ~ls Worship ~yor W.L.~ouck be asked ~ ~e th~et~s ~d~st wishes of this Cornell to the B~f~o C~n cil when he ~esses ~t body o~ 2~d J~; ~d ~e Se~ of ~e Coloration be he~ ~ed. Carr__~ipd un_~imou~AZ No. 125 _ DONALD . FI~ _ RESOLI~ED that His Worship Mayor Rouck be ere~uested to take up wi~~ of the Canadian IVational Railways, the suggestion that a bus service might be inaugurated from the south end of the city for the purpose of transporting students from that area to the Niagara Falls Collegiate Institute; that the Railway be asked to consider such a service for a trial period; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unan~imous,ly ~o. 126 - BUOK~ _ MacDONALD - iRESOLVED that His Worship Mayor Houck be req- Uested to take up with the Niagara Falls Blice Department the matter of the ex- cosire speeding of motor vehicles throughout the City, that the Force be asked to enforce the traffic regulations~ and the Seal of the Corporation be here~ affixed. Carried unanimou__qus_~lZ BYe-LAW _The fo~lowfr~ By-law was Pnssed: ~ - To designate an inspector under The Tourist Csmp Regulation Act, Chap- ter 100, Statutes of Ontario, 19~6. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Miller and Frank that Ald. Hawkins be given the Px~vilege of lntrodxxcin~ the by-law, and the b~-law be read the :first ~me.. Carried unanimousl~. ~ ~"~ ~ It.was ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and ~awkius th~.t Rule 36 of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried tmanimously. Third~ re~ding -Ald. Frank and Eawkius - Carried 1Lrlan~mnusly. Ald. DOnald asked that the City Manager inspect the condition of the sidewalk on the west side of Falls Avenue between the Fox Head Irm and the Fox Head Garage; and if this area is the responsibility of the Corporation, consider- ation be given to repairing the same. The Council adjourned on the motion of ~ld. Frank and DO~!d. I~EAD AND iDOlS, 28 July, 1947. Deputy Clerk k&A . FINANCE MEETING ]dayor Council Chamber, 2tst July, 1947. The Finance Coattee met on Monday, 21st July, 1947, for the purpose of appreving and also of passing the vagus accounts which had been properly cer~ifie~t and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Sundry accounts were approved by the C~4ttee, amounting to $6,37~.92. The accounts submitted, being passed or othwerwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the mot- ion of-Ald. ~hite and Buckmet. A report from the City Manager, as laid over from the previous meet- ing and reeowwnending a permit for the extension of a garage at 1640 Stanley Ave- nue, 'was again considered. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and l~il- let that the report be laid on the table until the next meeting. A report was presented from the City Manager, recow~_~nding that a ~er- mit be issued for the erection of a garage at 859 Fourth Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and ~hite that the report be received and filed, and the permit be issued, providin~ the detail of construction is satisfactory to the City Manager and definite advice as to the t~e of ~uildir~ is received. A report was presented from the City ManagerS,*' recc®m~nding tk-t a building pex~mlt be issued for the construction of a storage bu~,lding on I~ts 4, 5, First Avenue. It was exited on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDo--~dI that · the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, re~arding an applic- ation for an .addition to 9!7 Vle~oria Avenue. Xt was ordere~ on the motion of ~ld. Bucknet and MacDonald that t~e report be received and filed, the recommend- ation be adopted and the City Manager be instructed to so advise the applicant so the necessary information with regard to the proposed building my be filed for the information of the Committee. An offer was presented from V.C.Thomas for the purchase of part of Lot S99, Plan7~7, McDongallCrescent for $100.00. A reconmendation from the Prop- erty Committee, that the offer be accepted subject to the condition that a build- Ing of at least $7,000.00 value be erected on the lot within six months, was also presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and ~cDonald that the offer and report be received and laid on the table until the next meeting to per- mit the members of the Committee to inspect the property and so that the lot may be staked out. A report was presented from the City Manager, reco~nending an increased appropriation for road oiling. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Buckner and MacDonald that the report be received and laid on the table until the next meeting to permit the CityManager to s~m~rize the road oiling expenditures as of BOth June. Areport was presented from the City Clerk, regarding the renewal of the public liability and Property damage insurance policy. It was ordered on the metion of AId. Donald and MacDonsld that the report be received and filed, and the policy be renewed for one year. The Statement of Relief for the month of June was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the statement be received ~aud flled. The Statement of Revenues and ExPenditures as at 30th June, 1947, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Donald that the state- ment be received and laid on the table. The CoT~ttee adjourned on the motion of~ld. De~-!d and Miller. READ ANDADOp~mn, 28th July, 1947. Deputy Clerk Chalrm-~! .of Finance COUNCIL MEETI~ 0o~11 Chamber, 21st July, 1947. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approve& by the Committee. All members of the Council were present. The followin~ By-law was ~assed: BY-LAW No. 408D - To Grant Monies for General Purposes; It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that Ald. Frank .:be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first ttme- Carried unanfmously. ~' It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Buckher that Rule B6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the sec- ond reading - Carried unanimously. Third reading - Pad. Miller and Hawkins - Carried unanimously. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Frank and Miller. THIrTY-EIGhTh b~E. TING REGULAR MEIETING Comncil Chsmber, 28th July, 1947. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.00 p.m. on Monday, 28th July, 1947, for the purpose of cons~ering general business and finance. All mem- bers of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the min- utes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Donald and Haw- kins. HEAD AND ADOPn~u, 28th July, 1947. Deputy Clerk Mayor CONFERENCE Council Chamber, Zlst July, 19~7. The Conference Co.,.fttee of the City Council met at the close of the regular council and finance meetings on Monday, 21st July, 1947, for the purpose of considering the various matters presented to them. All members of the Com- mittee were present. After discussion upon the matters presented to them, the Co~i~ ttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Hawk~n- and Frank. READ AND ADOPAmLU, 28th July, 1947. Deputy Clerk ChaLrman COb~MUNICATIONS Laid over from previous meetings: No. 333 - HYdro-Electric Commission of Ni~ara Falls - snggestin~ installation of series units. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the com- munication be received and laid on the table for consideration during the meeting with the Commission on this matter. SEE Communication No. 3l~1 No. 3~O - Bransconbe Insurance and Real Estate - re construction of houses on Lowell Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Frank and Hawkins that the conuaun- icatlon be received and filed, and the services be constructed. _SEE Report No. 232 The following Comunlcations were Presented: No. 341 - HYdro-Electric Comm~esion of Niagara Falls - re costs and approximate dates of insta]latioas. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the comunication be received and laid on the table for consideration during the meeting with the Commission on this matter. No. 342 - Department of Highways - re application of Wade Motor Sales refused. 01~u on the.motion of Aid. White and Frank that the comnunication be received and filed. No. 343 - Canadian National Railways - re manual operation of wig-wag on main line. ORDERED on the motion o~Ald~ Frank and MacDonald that the comunication be received and filed, and the Ocmpany be advised the City has no objection to the proposed method of operation at such time that the line is used for switching purposes only. No. 344 - The American Legion - requesting sounding of whistles for parade. 0RDJ EEED on the motion of Aid. Miller and Frank that the communication be received and referred to the Chamber of Cornre.ree to request the industries to co-operate. No. 345 - 0ariaalien Relief to Greece Appeal - appreciation of assistance during campaign. OP~u~m0 on the motion of Aid. Buckher and Donald that the conmunicat- ion he receied vend filed, and His Worship Mayor Houck be asked to convey the ap- Preciation of the Council and citizens to Ald. MacDonald for his work in this regard. Hie Worship then extended to Aid. MacDonald the appreciation expressed. No. ~46 - Liquor Oonti-ol Board of Ontario . enclosing cheque for beverage auth- ority fees. 0Ru~m~ on the motion of Aid. Donald and White that the communicat- ion be received and filed. No. 347 - Niagara Falls Junior 'Chamber of C~mnerce - rs~uesting permission to hold street dance. ORREI~D on the motion of Aid. Miller and Donald that the com- munication be received and filed, and Permission for the street dance be 6Tented, Providing the property owners on the street a~e agreeable. No~ !~48 -Ceneral Brock Hotel - Protesting a~ainst taxi stands on Falls Avenue. No. 128 - l~ff,T.~ - Mac~0NA~B - ~80~D ~ha~ the C~ty ~&~ ~a CIty 8ol~c~tor 0~D o~ the motion of ~d. ~ld ~d ~Do~d that the co~ioation be rec- be asked to prep~e a repo~ as to what action would be necessary in o~er to eived md filed, ~d no ~tion t~en at the present t~. ~ke ~ application for the m-openi~ of the Bender Hill crossi~ over the ~ Report No. 233 , ig~ Cen~ Railway; ~d the Se~ of the Coloration be hereto ~fixed. No. B49 - Be~ Telephone Cmp~ of C~ Carried No. S~0 - Be~ Telephone C~mp~ of C~ No. ~9 - ~ - ~N~ - ~0L~D that the City Mamger take action in connec- No. B~l - BeH Telephone Cmp~ of C~d~ - reque~ pe~ssion to do ce~ain work. 0~ on the motion of ~d. B~er ~d Mac~n~d t~t the com~ications tion with the ~quest of ~. Robertson for the removal of a tree at 1032 Wilhott be ~ceived ~d filed, pe~ssion be g~ted, the s~e to be ~der the supenision Street; ~d the Se~ of ~e Coloration be hereto ~Tixed. of the City ~er. Carried ~o~sll ~ By-law No. ~6 No. 1S0 - BU~ - ~I~ - ESOL~ that the City M~m~er be asked to investigate ~d ~port upon the possibility of ins~i~ addition~ referee receptacles th~h- out ~e City, ~d the cost of the sin; ~d the Se~ of the Co~oration be hereto EPO~ ~fixed. ~e foHow~ RepoSe we~ presented: Carried ~ousll No. 131 - ~ - ~ES - ESOL~ t~t His Worship ~yor Houck be asked to ap- No. 232 - ~ ~ - ~ development of ~we~ Avenue. 0~ on the motion po~t a coattee f~is Co~cil to be hown as an Industri~ Co~ittee, to of ~d. F~ ~d ~wkins that the report be received ~d filed~ ~d the reck- work with a stm~ comittee of the ChAmber of Comerce for the p~pose of com- ~n~tio~ be ~opted. pili~ i~o~tion as to available sites ~d space in local bulldi~s which is av- aihble for ~e location of hd~triee in the City; ~d the Se~ of the Color- No. 23B - ~fic Co~ttee - m t~i-st~ds on F~I~s Aven~. 0~ on ~e ation be hereto ~fixed. ~tlon of ~d. Do~d ~d ~cDo~d that the ~port be received ~d filed, ~d the mcomen~tion be adopted. (~d. ~ite voted contra~ to this ~tlon. ) Called ~ousl~ No. 234 - Deputy City Clerk - m coherence held on 21st J~y. 0~D on the ~tion of ~d. ~ ~d Don~d ~at the repo~ be recei~d ~d filed. BY-~ No. 2B~ - City Mm~er - ~ meti~ with Deparmnt of Ei~ways offloins. ~- ~e fo~owi~ By-laws we~ passed: ~D on the rotiOn of ~d. Do~d ~ ~oDo~d ~at the report be received ~d No. 40~ - To provide for perulesion to ~e BeH Telepho~ Comp~ of C~ to filed. rephce ~d e~ct poles ~d b~ied cable. No. 2B6 - C~ty Mm~er rec~-.-.~ndi~ attend~ce of Fire Chief at convention. It was o~ered on ~e motion of ~d. Donald ~d ~ite that ~d. Hawkins 0~D on the rotion of ~d. ~cDo~d md ~d t~t ~e report be ~ceived be given the privilege of introduc~ the by-law, ~d the by-law be mad the first ~d filed, ~ the mcmndation be adopted. t~ - C~ied ~o~. No, 2B7 - ~fic Co~ttee - s~esti~ ch~es on Bridge ~d Roberts Streets. It was o~ered on ~e mtlon of ~d. Hawki~ and Miller that R~e 36 (2) ~D on the motion of ~d. ~mld ~ F~ that the ~port be ~ceived ~d of the S~di~ ~es of Co~cil be s~pended ~d the by-law be re~ the second filed, ~d the rec~ndatio~ be ~opte~. (~d. ~ite voted cont~ to ~is t~ - C~ted rotion.) chise ~mement. 0~ on the ~tion of ~d. ~Her ~d F~ t~t the ~po~ . No. 4.~7 . To authorize ~e execution of ~ ~ent wl~ the Co~omtlon of the be recei~d ~d ~femd back ~ the City Solicitor for his option as to whether ~e proposed new c~e is sattsfacto~. Vtlln~e of Chlppawa. It vas o~d on th~ ~tion of ~d. ~vki~ a~ Bucket t~t ~. Don- No. 239 - Deputy City Clerk - ~c~en~ iss~ce of licences. ~ on the ~d be given the privilege of ~tr~uc l~ the by-~w, ~d the b~-hw be ~ad the mtt~ of ~. ~ ~d ~ ~t the ~port be received ~d filed, ~d ~e f~st t~m- - C~led mcom~tto~ be adopted, ~ It was o~ered on the rotion of ~d. Ml~er ~d ~wklns that R~e 36 No. 2~0 - Deputy City Clerk - m licerice not app~ved. 0~D ~ the motion (2) of t~ S~d~ ~es of Co~cll be s~pe~d ~d ~e by-~w be given the sec- of ~d. Fr~ ~a ~cDo~a ~at ~e report be received ~d filed, ~d the lic- ~d mad~ - C~led once be not testa. No. ~1 - ~uty City Clerk - ~ llcence not app~. ~ on the mtio~ of ~ ~i~ - ~d. ~ ~d ~lte - C~led ~. ~d ~ F~ t~t the ~po~ be ~cetv~ ~d flled~ ~d ~e ltcenc e he ~. 4~ - To ~n& 3y-~w Nm~r 3791~ bet~ a by-l~ des~ti~ ~ HI~- not lssued, w~s. .. ~r be glen the pM~le~ of ~d~ ~e by-~w, ~d the by-~w be ~ the ~e fo~ Resolutions we~ p~ee~: It was o~e~d on ~e mtim of ~d. ~d ~d ~D~d ~at ~e 36 No. ~ - ~N~ - ~ - ~OL~ ~t the next ~ met~ o~ ~e City (~) of the S~4~ ~s of C~ll be s~en~d ~d ~e by-~w be given ~e Co~oil be sched~e~ to ~e p~ce at ~.30 p.m. ~ T~s~, ~th ~t; ~ ~e ~c~ ~ . C~iod Se~ of ~e Co~o~tion be he~to 219 No. ~089. - To authorize the execution of a Deed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Buckher that ~ld. Frank ~be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be rea~ the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Buckner that Rule 36 ~(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the sec- ond reading - Carried unanimously. Third reading -Ald. Donald and Hawkins - Carried unanimously. No. 4090 - To authorize the execution of a Deed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Buckner and Hawkins that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. Third reading -Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins - Carried unanimously. MISC'w.T.T..,~IEOUS Ald. MacDonald spoke about the dangerous condition which is created by through busses in the City travelling at high rates of speed. The Alderman cited a case where a bus was running behind schedule and in an effort to make t~mA, was travelling in a manner which almost caused an accident to-a local car. Ald. MacDonald spoke about the smoke nuisance created at the General Hospital. Aid. Bucknet explained the reason for the excessive emission of smoke · as being caused by the type of coal in use, it being impossible to obtain the mmokeless coal, more suitable for the plant. His Worship Mayor Houck advised Council of his visit to the Buffalo City Nall, and the session of the City Cotmcil there, and extended the greetings from that Council to the Niagara Fulls body. ~ld. Miller asked that the Property Committee investigate andreport upon the building under way at 1729 Peer Street, for whcih a permit was issued some days ago, but which did not authorize the erection of living accon~odation above the garage.. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller. 1;MAD. AiID ADO _FPm, 9 AuguSt, 1947. Deputy Clerk Mayor FINANCE MEETING Com~cil Chainbet, 28 July, 1947. The Finance Commatees met on Monday, 28 July, 191~7, for the nutpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly cert- ified and placed before them. All members of the Conmittee were present. Sandry accounts were appreved by the Comnitbee, amounting to $35,140.84. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of AId. Donald andWhite. A report, as referred from the previous meeting, from the City Manager in regard to an application for a permit for an addition to 1640 Stanley Avenue~l was considered. An additional report from the City Manager, with reference to a revised application for apermit to erect a dwelling on Lot 805, Stanley Avenue, was also presented. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Hawkins and Donald that the reports be received and filed, and the recommendation of 28th July be ad- opted. A report was considered as laid over from the previous meeting, and from the City Manager with regard to the application for a permit for alterations at 917 Victoria Avenue. An additional report from the City Manager was presented, in which it was stated that the applicant was prepared to comply with all exist- Ing regulations on this property. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller andMacDonald that the reports be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. The report of the City Manager, rsconmending additional road oiling, as laid over from the previous meeting, was again considered. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Donald andWhite that the report be received and filed, and the reconnmendation be adopted. The Revenue and Expenditure Statement, with the estimated sturplus for the year 1947, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and White that the statement be received and laid on the table. An offer of $100.00 for part of Lot 399, Plan 747, McDougall Crescent, as laid over from the previous meeting, was again considered. The report of the Property Committee and an additionalcommunication fromMr. Conrad T. White, in this regard, were also presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald White and Donald that the offer and communication be received and filed, the offer be not accepted and the land retained by the Corporation for park purposes only. Offers were presented fromGordon S. Wood and James Molloy of $12~.00 for part of Lots 26, 27, Pla~17, Dr~.--,,~nd Road. Upon the recommendation of the Property Co-~ttee and on the motion of ~ld. MacDonald and Buckher it was ord- ered that the offer of Gordon S. Wood be received and filed, and that of James Molloy be accepted, subject to the provision that a d~llng of at least $6,000.00 value is erected on the premises within six months. The Deputy City Clerk advised the Committee thatMrs. D.Dawson had asked for a refund of the deposit made on Lot 900, Lombard Avenue. Upon the rec- mmmendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Donald and Haw- klns it was ordered that the refund hemads, less the amount of the taxes on the lot for the period during which it was tnMrs. Dawson,s possession. The report of the Property C~i!ttee on the above matters was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Denaldandlhwkins that the report be received and filed. A report was presented fx,~i the.!C.ity Mana6er, recmmnendtng that addit- ional seating accomodation be provided at 0akes Park. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Buckher that the report be received and filed, the rec- ommendation be adopted and the Clt~ Manager be instructed to proceed with the work '.immediately A report was presented by the City Manager regarding the estimated coat of the installation of a traffic light. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mil- ler and White that the report be received and filed, and the instA11 ation of two traffic lights be authorized, the locations of the same to be at Ferry Street and Stanley Avenue, and Morrison Street and Fourth Avenue; and the installation to be made as soon as possible, the msterial to be purchased from the Canadian Generel Electric Company, A report was presented from the City Manager, regarding an application for a building permit for an addition to a garage at 43 Epworth Circle. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the report be received and. filed, and the recommendation be adopted. The City Manager advised of an application for a building permit for the erection of a garage at ~5 Ellis Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald Donald and MiLler that the verbal recommAndatiOn Of the City Manager, for the issuance of this permit, be adopted. It was .ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins that the City Manager be authorized to reimburse the City of Winnipeg for the costs of sending newspapers and materials to the council following the convention of the Canadien Federation of Mayors and Municipalities, The City Manager advised Council of the proposed application for a building permit for alterations to the building at 1228 Roberts Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald an& White that the matter be referred to the Property C-~-.-~ttee for consideration. The Co,~ttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Miller and ]~awkins. READ AND ADOPt, ~ AUgust, 1947. Deputy Clerk Chairman of Finance Council 28 ~ul~, 1947. The Council re-assembled at the close of the reguler~council and fin- unce meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the aocouats approve~ b~ the Committee. All members of the Council were present. The followtn~ By-law was paeeedJ No. ~091 - To GrantMonies for General P.~rposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first t~me - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins that Rule B6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. ~ird reading -Ald. Donadd and White - Carried unanimously. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Miller and Donald. I~AD AND ADOP'A~D, 5 August, 1947. Deputy Clerk CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 28 July, 1947. The Conference Co~.tttee assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetings for the purpose of considering the mtters presented to them. ALl mbers of the Conference Committee were present, After consideration of the matters placed before them, the Conference Committee adjourned. ~EADAND ADOp,~.:,,, 5 AugUst, 1947. Deputy Clerk Chai~1~n 'l EEGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, ~ August, 1947. Pursuant to adJourrment, the Council met at ~.30 p.m. on Tuesday, 5th August, 1947, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins. · C01~4UNICATIONS The following Communications were presented: No. 352 - Depeu-tment of Lands and Forests - re fish aquarium and hatchery for City. 0RD/~tl0 on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins that the cuA~atutication be received' and filed, and a copy of the resolution as endorsed by Council and this comunication be forwarded to Mr. C.D.Hanniwell, M.L.A., for his inforamt~m. No. 3)3 - Department of TranSport No. 354 - Department of Transport - re low flying in vicinity of City. 0Rued on the motion of Ald. Frank and Mlllar that the communications be received and laid on the table. The following Reports were presented: No. 242 - Deputy City Clerk - re conference held 28th July. O~ on the mot- ion of Ald. Frank and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and adopted. No. 24B '- City No. 2~ - City No. 245 - City No. 246 - City No. 247 - City No. 248 - City Manager - recom.,~nding sewer on Lowell Avenue. Manager - reccmnending macadam read on Lowell Avenue. Mane~er - reco-..~ending curb and gutter on Lowell Avenue. Manager - reco,,-,~nding curb and gutter on Lowell Avenue. Manage~ - reco.w~nding sidewalk on Lowell Avenue. Manager - rec~!~nding sidewalk on Lowell Avenue. OPa~F~D on the motion of Aid. White and Frank that the reports be received and filed, and the reconmendations be adopted. No. 249 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. OEu~ut~ on the motion of AId. Hawkins and MacDonald that the repat be received and filed, and the rec- ommendations be adopted. - No. 250 - City Solicitor - re flankage -11owances in Morse-Misener subdivision. ORD~a~D on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the 'report be received and filed. ~ EESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 132 - FRANK - HA~u~S - i~ESOLVED that the City 01erk be instructed to forward a mossage, expressing the s~.,).~athy of the City Council and ci~Azens of Niagara Falls to the family of the late Mr. Charles E. Willox, an esteemed citizen of this c~mnunity and for the past years, secretary of the Greater Niagara Chamber of Cmree; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimouslI No. 133 - DONALD - ~ - I~0LVED that the next re~dar moettr~ of the City .Council be sohe&uled-.to take.place .at 7.00 p,m,. on Nonday, llth A~gust, and the J Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Caxu~ied bmanjmtousl~{ No. 1~4 - DONALD - WHITE - RESOLVED that the City Manager prepaa.e a brief for presentation to the Premier of Ontario at a meeting to be arranged by the local Member, Mr. C.D.Hanniwell, wherein consideration is asked for an increased ga'ant or taxes on the Rainbow Bridge and approaches; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried tmanimousl~ No. 135 - Mac___DONALD - DONALD - ESOLVED that the matter of parking facilities for the Queen Street business area be referred to the Traffic Conmaittee for a report; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unsnimousl~ No. 136 - MTr.v.~R _ WHITE - RESOLVED that the Hydro-Electrtc Conmission of Niagara Falls and the Bell Telephone Company of Canada be asked to give consideration to the suggestion that the lines for their facilities be not placed on the street on Lowell Avenue, but that such services be constructed at the rear of the properties on this street or bbu'led beneath the surface of the ground; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimouslZ No. 137 - MILLER - FRANK - RESOLVED that the City Manager ascertain and report upon the cost of the operation of torn'let information booths and the publication of,a booklet giving publicity to the City of Niagara Falls; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimousl~ Ald. Buckner left the meeting. BY-LAWS The followingBy-laws were passed: ~o. 40~g2 - To amend By-law Number 3790, being a by-law for the regulation of Traf- fic. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Frank and MacDonald that AId. Mil- ler be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White 'and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing l~ules of Council be suspended and the by-3~ be given the second reading - Carried. Third reading . AId. MacDonald andWhite - Carried. ~ - To fix the flankage allowance to be allowed for corner lots on the pro- perty known as the Morse-Miseners subdivision and being the comer lots on Plan 4B for the City of Niagara Falls, registered in the Reg- lstry0ff~ce of the RegistryDivision of the County of Welland. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and Frank thatRule 36 (2) of the Standin~ Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried. Third raadi and Hawklns - Carried. His Worship Mayor Houck and other members of the Council spoke about the exceller~ field day conducted b~ the Niegara F~11 s Police Association at 0akes Park on 4theAugust. Ald. Miller asked what progreess had been made in the matter of the opening up of a parking area at the rear of Main Street; and the City Manager ad- vised of the developments to date. Congratulations were extended to ~ld. White upon his 'appearance on Radio Station CKTB on Sunday, 3rd August. His Worshi~ Mayor Houck announced that the membership of the newly ap- pointed Industrial Committee would be Aldermen Frank, Bucknor and Miller. The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and White. READ AND ADOFEED, 11 August, 1947. Clerk Mayor Council Chamber, ~ August, 1947. The Finance Cohm~ittee met on Tuesday, ~th August, 1947, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had beenproperly certified and placed before them. All members of the Comettee were present. Sundry accounts amounting to $26,369.72 were approved by the Co~m~ttc~. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were or- dered place& in the me~y by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of AI~. Miller and Donald. ~ A report was presented from the Property Cnmm~ttee~ with regard to cer- tain matters presented to them. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Bucknor that the matter of the building at 1729 Peer Street be referred to the entire Cmm~ttee for inspection of the premises. lit waa ordered on the mot- ion of Ai&. ~hite aa~ BucEner that the reo.~.-~ndation with regax~ to 12R8 Roberrs Street be adopted. It was ordered on the motion of Ald, MacDonald ~ Eis Wor- ship Mayor Eouok that the recommendations with re~ard to iota in the M rse-Mis- ener sub~ivialon be adopte~; an~ the re~ort ~e received and laid o~ the table. A communication was presented from W.R.~hilli~a, with regax~ to the purchase of X~t 24, Lowell Aven~e. ~ the rec~mmasn~ation of the Property Com- mittee aa~ o~ the motion of AI&. 'Miller a~ ~awk~_~a.~it~ waa ox~ex~& that the corn- munication be received and filed, and Mr. Phillips be advised the price of the lot is $700.00. A communication was presented from the Falls Construction Company, reg- arding Lots 36 to ~7, Hanan Avenue. Upon the recomnendation of the Property Com- mittee and on the motion of ~ld. Miller and MacDonald it ~as ordered that the req- uest and the matter of supplying necessary services on the street be referred to the City Manager for a report. A comunication was presented from R.A.Claydon, regarding accommodation at 760 Portage Road. The reco~nendation of the Property Committee was also con- sidered and it was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald and ~ite that the comm~m- Ication be received and referred to the Conference Committee for further consider- ation. An offer was presented from L.Blanchard of $100.00 for part of Lot 76, Plan l~, Third Avenue. Upon the recommendation of the Property Conmittee and on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins it was ordered that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the provision that a dwelling of at least $~,000.00 value is erected on the premises within six months. The report of the Property Committee, upon the above matters, was pres- ented. It was ordered on ~he motion of Aid. Donald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed. A report was presented from the City Manager regarding quotations rec- eived for metal refuse cans. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald and Rbite that the report be received and referred back to the City Manager for a report as to the number of such containers required throughout the City. Areport was presented from the City Manager with regard to the pro- ceeds at Cakes Park from the Niagara F~lls Police Association field day. It was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Houck and P~ld. MacDonald that the rep- ort be received and filed, and the rec~ndation be adopted. The Statement of Tax Collections as at 31st July was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. ~nald and Miller that the statement be received and laid on the table. A report was presented from the City Manager with regard to the capital cost of the Oakes Park lighting system. It was ordered on the motion of His Wor- ship Mayor Houck and Aid. MacDonald that the report be received and filed. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Aid. Miller and Hawkins. READ AND ADOPTED, II August, 19~7. Chairman of Finance COUNCIL MEETING Council Chsmber, ~ August, 1947. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present. The following By-law was passed: No. 4094 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Miller that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously.' It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller' and Buckher that Rule B6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. Third reading -Ald. Miller and Hawkins - Carried unanimously. RESOLD~EIOEB The following Resolutions were presented: No. 138 - Mn.T.~R - FRANK - EESOLVED that the City Clerk be instructed to commun- icate with the Secretary of the F~11e ILlumination Board to ascertain why no meetings of the Board have been held in 1947; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously No. 139 - MI~.T.I~R - BUb~GIER - RESOL1~ED that the City Manager consult with the Parks Superintendent to ascertain and report upon the possibility of establishing a foBtry depaF~ment for the City, the 'suggestion being that such Department might consist of three men and a forA~n; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried The Council adJourne& on the motion of Ald. Frank and Buckher. I~AD:AED ADOP,',I,, ll AUgust, 1947. CONFERENCE Co~mc!l Chamber, 9 August, 1947. The Conference Committee assembled at the close of the regular council and fins~ce meetings, for the purpose of considering the matters presented to them. All members of the Conference Comnittee were present. After consideration of the matters placed before them, the Conference Connnittee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Frank and Donald. EEAD AND ADOp,~:D, 11 August, 1947. · ..~...~..~.,..~..~.~.. Chairman FORTEE ME~TING EEGBLAR ~EETING Council Chamber, ll August, 1947. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.00 p.m. on Monday, llth August, 1947, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Buckher, were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and ~cDonald. TENDERS Tenders had been cslled for excavation and backfilling of trenches for sewers on Jepson Street and Slater Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that the tenders submitted be opened, initialled by His Worship Mayor Houck and read. It was then ordered on the motion of ~ld. White and Haw- kins that the tenders be tabulated and submitted for consideration. C0~YNICATIONS The following Communications were presented: No. B~5 - General Brock Hotel - for~arding message from Mr. V.G.Cardy. 0BDERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and Hawkins that the communication be. received and filed, and the greetings of Mr. Cardy be acknowledged. No. 3~6 - Bell Telephone Company of Canada - re services on Lows11 Avenue. 0RD- EA~JD on the motion of Ald. Frank and Miller that the communication be received and laid on the table, and the Company be advised that it is the wish of Council · that the cables be buried rather than erected at the rear of properties. ~PORTS The following Reports were presented: No. 2~1 - City Clerk - re conference held ~th August. ORDEEED on the motion of ~ld. Frank and Hawkins that the report be received and filed. No. 2~2 - City Manager - re Bender Hill crossing. ORDEP~D on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins that the report be received and laid on the table until a reply is received from the City Solicitor. No. 2~B - City Manager - re tourist information centres. 0RDE~ on the motion of Ald. Frank and White that the report be received and referred to the Tourist Committee for study and a report in two weeks' time. No. 254 - City.Mmn~ger - re establishment'of ~orestry group. ORD~D on the mot- ion of Ald. Miller and MacDo~nld that the report be received and filed~ and the suggestions be adopted. (Ald. White and Donald voted contrary to this motion.) An amendment wasmade by Ald. White and Donald that the report be received and laid o~n the table, that the item dealing with an expenditure for 1947 be adopted, and the reminder of the report he given further shdy. This amendment w~as ~of~ eated. No. 2~ - City Manager - re approaches for service station. 0t~ on the mot- ion of Ald. Dona~ and Frank that the report be received and referred to the Traffic Co-~-lttee for consideration. No. 2~6 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. O~D~t~D on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the rec- _o~_.e____ndatt0~s be adopted. .... No. 257 - Dairy Inspector - report for month of July. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Frank that the report be received and filed. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 140 - FRANK - HAWKINS -RESOLVED that this Council acce~t the kind invitation of the North American Cyanamid Limited to attend a picnic sumner on the evening of Monday, 25th August; that the regular meeting of Council be ~ld ~t 5.00 ~.m. on that date; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. ~ Carried No. 141 - DONALD - FRANK - WHEREAS public utilities ~nd enterprises owned or op- erated by government or ~overning bodies, either directly or by commission, are not subject to manicipal t&xation as are Privately-operated utilities; and ~E. REAS such utilities and enterprises purport to supply services at cost;'and ~:~EAS municipal taxation on such utilities or enterprises should form part of the cost, and do form part of the .cost in Privately-operated utilities; and ~HEREAS under present methods of municipal taxation, services are sup- plied to publicly-o~ned utilities and enterprises emtirely by taxation on priv- ately-owned real estate and business, in effect bonusing such publicly-owned utilities and enterprises at the expense of the taxpayers of municipalities; 'r~.:~'ORE RE IT RESOLVED·that the Dominion and Provincial governments .be requested to amend the Statutes so as to allow municipalities to tax utilities and Crown companies and properties on the same basis as privately-owned or oper- ated utilities, companies and properties; that a copy of this resultion be for- warded to the Ontario Municipal Association, requesting their endcreation and support; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carrie______d The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins. READ AND ADOPTn~, 18 August, 1947. Clerk / / Council Chamber, ll August, 1947. The Finance Committee met on Monday, Llth August, 1947, for the purpose of aDprovtng and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly ce~ified and placed before them. All members of the Con,n~ttee, with the excep- tionofAld. Bucknet, were present. 'Sundry accounts amounting to $66,103.97 were approved by the Committee. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ~ered placed in the money by-law..fo~ presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins, The report of the City Manager, regarding the cost of refuse containers, as hid over from the previous meeting, was again considered. Ann additional rep- ort from the City Msmager, as to the number of containers required, was also pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and His Worship Mayor Houck that the reports be received and laid on the table until AldermAn Buckher is pres- ent. A report was presented from the City Manager with regard to services on Hanan Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the recommendations be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, with regard to the pos- sible development of a parking area at the rear of Main street properties. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Donald that the report be received and laid o~ the table, and the City Clerk obtain the necessary inform~tion. A report was presented from the Equipment Committee, recommending the purchase of a portable electric saw and an electric adding machine. It was ord- ered on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the recommendations be adopted. A communication was presented from Mrs. ?..M. Taylor. r~questing the ref- unde of the purchase price of Lot 11, North Street. Upon the recoA~aendation of the Property C~,-,~lttee and on the motion of Ald. Miller and Donald it was ordered that the c~zmuntcation be recedred and filed, and a refund be made,. ~ess taxes on the property for the t~me during which it was held by Mrs. Taylor. · A communication was presented from W.R.PhiLlips regarding Lot 24, Plan 4B. Upon the recmmandation of the Property Committee and on the metion of Ald. Donald and Miller it was ordered that the communication be received and filed. A communication was presented from E.Schellenberg, regarding progress of the building on Lots 14, 1~, Queen Street. Upnn the recommendation of the Property C~-,-.~ttee and on the motion of Aid. D~nald and Hawkins it was ordered that the c~u~Aanication be received and laid on the table, and the Property tee keep the matter under advisement. The report of the Property Co-m~ttee, on the above matters, was ~res- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed. A report was presented from the City M~nager, regarding a revision of the plans for alterations at 1228 Roberrs Street. It was ordered ca the motion of J~ld. Do~I~ and White that the report be received and referred to the Prop- erty:Co~,.,,~ttee for an inspection and report. A report was presented from ~he City Manager, recommending the issu- ance of a permit for a garage at 1296 Floerece Avenue. It was ordered~on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that 'the report be received and filed, ahd the recommendation be' adopted. A repo~ was presented from the City Manager, recommending the issuance of a building permit for the erection of an addition at 1B29 Ferry Street. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Miller and MacDonal~hat the report be rec- eived and f~led, and the rec~.,,~ndations be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, advising of a change in the contractors for the erection of a building at Ellen and Centre Street. It was ordered on the. motionlof Ald, Donald.and MacDonald that the X~port be rec- etVed,~and-filed,: ~-,:~l~ :/.:!' I~. ~ , .,~.~ .: ..~:,.:~ .~ ,j:., ~.:.,..~ ,/:~.~ -, ~-A' -~, :z' ::~ :'-*"-,.,~ :;' * A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending the isstk~nce of a building permit for the erection of a garage at 10p~ Sixth Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and MacDonald that the report be received a~d filed, and the recommendation be adopted. Consideration was again given to the matter of the proposed building of living accommodation above a garage at 1729 Peer Street. It wos ordered on the motion of Aid. Miller andMacDonald that the matter be referred to the City Solicitor for information as to whether such erection would conformwith the by- laws of the Corporation. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald m~d Hawkins. READ AND ADOPTED, 18 August, 1947. Clerk COUNCIL MEETING Chairman of Finace Council Chcmber, 11 August, 1947. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Co~un~ttee. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Bucknet, were present. BY -LAW The following By-law was passed: ~ - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. White and Hawkins that Ald. Frank' be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be re~d the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council-be suspended and the by=law be given the second reading - Carried. Third reading - A~.d. Miller and MacDonald - Carried. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed: ~c. 1~2 - DONALD -FRANK - ~ESOLVED that the Greater Niagara Chamber of Comerce be asked to consider all applications for the position of Secretary of the Cham- '~er on their respective merits an~ without regard to the age of the appllcants~ and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried ~No. 143 - DONALD - FRANK - EESOL~EB that the matter of the operation of large trucks on the main streets of the City during busy hours, be referred to the Traffic Committee to study and report, after consultation with the City S~licitor upo~ the matter; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried PRESENTATION At 8.30 p.m. a ceremony took place in the council chmmber. This was the occasion of the presentation of the scroll and bell from R.M.C.S. Niagara to the City of Niagara Falls. On behalf of the Minister of National Defence, Lieutenm~t G.H.Rowsome from H.M.C.S. Star presented the scroll to His Worship Mayor Houck; after which Lieutenant R.L.Gleadow presented the shipls bell. His Worship Mayor Houck accepted these on behalf of the City of Niagara Falls and then sppke of the exceller~service performed by the Lord Tweedmuir Chapter of the 1.0.D.E. in this City in supplying comforts to the personnel of the ship during the war years. In appreciation of the work of the Chapter, His Worship Mayor Houck turned the scroll and bell over to them for safekeeping. Mrs. M.F.Jones, the present Regent of the Chapter, and Mrs. A.j.Holman, the Regent during the time when the supplies were sent, accepted the gifts. Also present in the audience were Captain E.L. Armstrong, who c~mded R.M.C.S. Niagara durlngpart of her war service, and Mr. Thomas Will]~mmon who also served in the ship. Captain Armstrongtold of the record of the ship and of her activities during the war. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Frank and '~Pnite. READ AND ADOPTS~, 18 August, 1947. Clerk Mayor FORTY-FIRST MEETII~ Council Chamber, 18 August, 1947. Purs,,~nt to adjournment, the Council met at 7.00 p.m. on Monday, 18th August, 1947, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald andMiller. C~ICATIONB Tae following C~m~unications were presented: No. B~7 - Niagara Falls Illumination Board - re 1947 meetings. ORDEt~D on the motion of Ald. Frank and Donald that the'~ommlnication be received and filed. No. B~8 - Bell Telephone Company of Canada - re installation in Morse-Misener subdivision. ~ on the metion of Ald. Frank andMacDonald that the conmun- icat~on be received and laid on the table. No. 359 - Ey&ro-Electric Co~..,~ ssion of Niagara Falls - re inset11 ations in Morse- Mlsener subdivision. ORE~ED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Frank that the cmm.,mication be received and laid on the table. No. 370 - Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce - re appointment of secretary. Dm~m~ on the motion of Ald. Miller and Buckler that the comunication be rec- eived and filed. No. ~71 - Wade's Motor Sales - requesting sale of strip of land. ~ on the motion of Ald. Miller and Bucknet that the communication be received and referred to the Property Co.,.~ttee for a report. No. B72 - Ontario Association of Pl, n.~ing InsDectors and Affiliates - re conven- tion. OP~a~ on themetion of Ald. Donald andMiller that the c~mnunlcation be received and filed, that the CityManager, if he so desires, and the Sanitary Inspector be authorized to attend the convention. No. BTB - W.C.LaXarsh - requesting permission for tourist cabins on Ferguson Street. OiqDE~D on the motion of Aid. White andMiller that the co~lication be received and referred to the Property Co~ittee for a report. ~o. 374 - Ontario Municipal Association - acknowledging resolution. O~D~a~m~ on the motion of Ald. Do~.~d and l~acDcnald ~h~t the communication be received and filed. - Mi ara F-~s ~usineee and Professional Association - requesting dir- ection-3 signs. ~ on the motion of Aid. Eawklns and MacDo~.!d that the c~unication be received and filed, and the request be granted. SEE Re~ortNo. laid over fX~m ~revio~s meetings: No. 2~8 - OitySolicitor - re proposed franchise with Canadian National Railwa.vs. C~d~l~DonthemettonofAld. Miller andllawktns that the report be received and filed, end negotiations for a new aSre~ent be continued with the l~ilwa~. ~ l~el~rt No. ~9 ,No. ~ . City Nane~er - re Sender llill Cressin6. ~ on the metion of AI.d. lh~knsr an& Do~-~4 that the report be received and refexTed to the Trai~ic Cc~- ~tttee for stu~7 end report. ............ ' · ', ~ Re~o.r:t No. ~60 The followin~ Re~orts were presented: .~No, 2~8 - Traffic Comittee - recczmendin6 signs on Ontario Avenue, OAtumAem on 'the motion of Ald. Hawk~n~ and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, an& the reco~,nendattons be adopteL .No. 2~9 - City Solicitor - re clause in propose& agreement with Canadian Nat- ional Railways. 01~ on the n~tion of Aid. M~ler and tiawkins that the rep- ort be received and file&. No. 260 - City Solicitor - re Bender Hill crossing. 0RD~ on the motion of Aid. Buckher and Donald that the report be receive& an& referred to the Traffic Co-~ttee for study and report. No. 261 - City Clerk - rec~.',,,,,~a~ng issuance of licences. 01~ on the motion of ~l&. MacDonald an& Nawkins thRt the report be received and file&, and the reccm.~ndations be s~lopte&. No. 262 - Traffic Cow.~ttee - recomnending installation of traffic meters. ORD- ~v~Au on the motlon of AI&. Donal& an& 3~ckner that the report be receive& laid on the table for two weeks. ~OLXT~IOI~S The following Resolutions were passed: No. 144 - Hawkins - MacDONAlD - i~0LVED that a mossaBe be forwarded, expressing the s~yathy of the City Council and citizens of Niagara F-~e to the f~m~ly of the late Ex-mayor H.P.Stepheus, u~on the death of this esteemS& citizen who ser- ve& as an alderman from 1912 to 1917 an~ again from 19~4 to 19~7; an& as Mayor of Igia~ F-~s frcm 1918 to 19~1 and from 192~.to 19~8; and the Seal of the Col?oration be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously No, 1~ - FRAI~ - DONALD - I~ESOLVED that a complaint he made to the Department of Transport of American Airlines planes flying low over Niagara F~l ln on August 12th an& l~th at al~w4m~tel~ 7.~ p.m.; ant the Seal of the Corporation be Carried uuauinonsly No. 1~6 - 1~ - ~ - l~0Lwl~ that the matter of speeddug of motor veh- icles be refemd to the Chief of Police with the request that he have such speed- Ing on Park Street carbe& 4~&iate34J am1 the Seal of the Corporation be ~ereto affixed, Carrie~ No. 1~7 - FI~ - HAWx,-~ - I~0Lw~ that ~e ~nt of ~ be icat~ wt~ ~ m~ ~ ~ ~eoisto~ ~n ~e ~rto~ rottern gt~n co~tder- atlon d~ ~e o~emnce he~ wl~ ~e~ of the ~flc C~t~e; ~ ~so ~on ~e ~ ~e by Comc~ conce~ ~e operation of ~ p~ lot ~acent ~ ~r H~ ~.a ~e 8~ of ~ Co~omtton ~e hem~ ~. C~ied No. ~8 - ~ - ~ - ~OL~ tMt a dolnt meti~ be hel~ bF ~e Co~cil ~ ~ ~-~ec~ic C--,;;,,~esion on We~es~, 20th A~t at ~.00 p.m.& ~ ~e 8e~ of ~e Co~omtion be he~e~ ~fixed. C~ie4 ~ly The following By-law was ~asse&: ~ No. ~0~6-'TO authorize the execution of an ~ement for Sale and Ned. It was orderat on the'motion of A/At. Bawkins an~ Do~,~4 that Aid.. Fran~ first t~mm . Carried unanimously. It was or(lered on %he motion of AI~. Donald an~ Eawklne that Rule 36 (2) of the Standin~ Rules of Council be suspen&e~ and the by-law be given the second rea&in~ - Carried unanimously. ~nll~ readir~ -Ai&. Hawkius and Donald - Carried unanimously. The followin~ By-laws were presente&: No. ~.0~7 - To authorize the execution of a Deed. It was ol~lered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Donald that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducin~ the by-law, and the by-law be read the first t~mm - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of ~_ld. Donald and White that the by-law be laid on the table and referred back to the City Solicitor for clarification as to the manner in which the deed has been drawn. No. 40~8 - To prohibit the use of Queen Street,. from River Road to Victoria Aavenue, b~ trucks, trailers, trailer trucks ~u~lng business hours. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. White and MacDonald that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carfled unan~m~uely. It was ordere~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and White that the by-law be laid on the table for two weeks, published, and referred to the Department of Nighways for approval. A prior motion was made by Ald. Frank and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading; hut this motion was defeated. Al&. portal& again referred to the traffic problem in the vacinity of the A. & ~. Tea Company store on Victoria Avenue; and asked that the Traffic Committee ~tve consideration to the same. The Council adJourne~ on the motion of Ai&. Hawkins and Miller. 1~ AND ADOF~,,!,,, 2~ August, 1947. Clerk F~A~E ~ Council Chamber, 18 August, 1947. The Finance C~alttee met on MendS, 18th Au6ust, 1947# for the pur- Pose of apprevtng and also of ~ustn6 .~..e 1L'~,z'tous accounts which h~l been prop- .~erly certlfled and placed be£ore them. All m~mbers of the Cnmm~ttee were present. Sundry accounts ~nuntlng to $6,830.76 were approved by the C~,,~.~ttee. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Donald and ~avkins. Reports were presented from the City Manager, as laid over from prev- ious meetings and with regard to the cost and necessity of additional refuse con- rainera. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Bucknor that the reports be received and filed, and six containers be purchased for instnll-tion at the suggested locations. The report of the City Manager, regarding the addition to 1228 Roberts Street, as laid over from a previous moetlng~ and the report of the Property Co.~ttee were presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and White that the reports be received and filed, and the reco~.~endation of the C,~,~4ttee be adopted. The report of the City Manager, as laid over from a previous meeting, and an additio-al report from the City Clerk, with regard to the development of a parking area in the vicinity of Sylvia Place and Main Street, were considered. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Donald and Hawkins that the reports be rec- eived and laid on the table and an additional report be sulvm~tted as to the owners of the vacant land affected, that a sketch of the area be made and a copy of the reports be forwarded to the South End Business and Professional Association. A report was su1~wttted from the City Solicitor, regarding the applic- ation for a b-~]ding permit for 1729 Peer Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MiLler and Donald that the re~ort be received and laid on the table until the return of the. City Manager. The s~mmmry of tenders for excavation and backfilling of trenches for sewers was presented. It was ordered on the ~otion of Ald. Donal~ an~ Bucknor that the statement be received an~ 3~d on the table until the return of the City Mans6er. The Statement of Relief for the month of July was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Hawkins that the statement be received an~ filed. A c~-;...;.m~caticn was presented from the Unemployment Relief Branch reg- arding increased .11 owances for food and household sundries. It was ordered on the motion of AId. White and MacDonald that the cmmnanication be received and filed, and the new schedule be put into force. The C:.;;~;~ttee a~lJourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Bucknor. ~ AND AD01~n, 2~ August, 1947~ Clorl: -' "- Chairman of Finance COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 18 August, 1947. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular comncil and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts apprOved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present. ~By -LAW The foLlowing By-law was passed: No. 40~9 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Buckher that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first t~ - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unan~mnUsly. ~ird reading -Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald - Carried Unanimously. The Cornoil adjourned on the motion of Ald. Miller and Bucknor. ~EAD AND ADOPTED, 25, August, 1947. Nayor Council Chamber, 18 August, 1947 · The Conference Co.~ttee mot at the close of the regular council and finance meetings for the purpose of considering the various matters presented to them. All members of the Conference C~m,4 ttee were present. After discussion upoh the matters presented, the Cc~m4ttee adjourned on the mot- ion of AI~..Frank and Hawkins. READ AND ~, e~ August, 1947. Clerk * """ " Chat~m-~ FORTY-SECOND 0curtoil Chamber, 20 August, 1947. A special meeting was held by the City Council at D.00 p.m. on Wednes- day, 20th August, 1947, for the purpose of discussing, with the local Hydro Com- mission, matters concerning the street lighting installations. His Worship Mayor ltouck and ~11 members of the Council were present, together with Mr. Barnes, Chairman, Mr. Thomson, Member of the C ....... ~ssion and FAr. Williamson, Manager of the Itydro-Electric C~..--.~eicn of Niagara F~I-. Mayor ltouck, in opening the meetiag~ requested the Clerk to read letters received from the Connission under dates of July l~th and 24th, in which the sug- gegion was made that utilization might be made of the salvage series lights in certain aa~k areas throughout the City. After the reading of the cmunications, Ald. Donald then asked wl~V the section shown in pink on the plan as submitted for the pro~A~mne which was s;,~Sested to be done in 1946, was not completed. FAr. Wil- li-mmon stated that the prime reason was the delay in obtaining materials and eq- uipment. Several members of the Council then comented on the fact that the pro- M was definitely behind, and requested information as to why. Mr. limes stated that one of the major factors for the delay was the installation of the necessary controls, due to the change frnm series. Ald. White referred to the fact that we are recognized as the power city, and certainly are not living UP to that reputation; ~ felt that information should be obtained to satisfy the electors. l~or Eouck then stated that the Cc~mtesion itself should be blamed to a great extent because of their delay in placing orders, which resulted in a loss of priority. Ald. Hawkins felt that the citizens were getting rather tired of this delay and that they should have the answer. Mr. Willi-mson, when ~ueried, stated that in the Glenview area approximately forty per cent ha~ been turned on, another forty per cent erected and that all material for that section had been · ordered. Aid. Donald asked whether the material had been ordered for the 1947 progr~mm~. Mr. Williamson stated "No." The AldeA~n then asked why not order now for 1947 and 1948, ami Mr. Wlll~-m-on a~v~.sed that he cannot order unless the basic engineering has been dons and some idea obtained as to the $aterial require- mants. Mr. ~araes was of the opinion that it was an economical measure to use the salvage material pending fi~] completion in those dark areas. Mr. William- son felt and expected that they woul~ he able to complete the blauace of the 1946 progrmm~ and part of the 1947 in this year. Ald. Donald then referre~ to the fact that in 194~ the question of new lighting ha~ been discussed and suggested, but to date not much progress had bean made. Ai~. Miller asked why the delay in turning on the erection in Glenview and as axtvisec~ by Mr. Williamsan it ha~ not been feasible to get the series circuit or o~en it until the new circuit had been erected. Mr. B'uekner then asked if there were sufficient funds in l~ for the completion of the progranme anal state& that at the time the progr~ was approve&, they were assured there were. Mr. Barnes &is not recall that such assurances ha~ been ma~e but stated that no debenture cnsta wiould be incurred. Mayor Houck state~ +_.h-t Council was of the opinion that possibly time would be wasted an tenSetexT tnstP~tions which should be ~tilized on the new work. Ai~. Buck- nor than wunte~ to know why all the material for the entire programms ha~ not been ordered to which Mr. Barnes replied that the material was ordered~as the specifications am1 re~uisitions were ]~ropared and submitted. Ai~. Frank asked whether Mr. Will~,,mon now had the authority to order to .which MAr. 3ames rep- lied, "Yes, when the requisitions are approved". Mayor Nouck then stated that it seeme~ to be the consensus of opinion of the Council that the Crm~4SSion ShOUld now order an~ procee~ with the pro~r~-~- to which the C~mmiasion agreed. Mr. ~nmmon a~vise& that at no t~ne had any requisition which had been presented been held up, but ~,t the control ius+-~ticns required in c~ertain areas were completel~ different from the series t~pe and necessitated cousiderabls~L work. Ale. White was of the c~iulon +.b~t to date no definite information was available which could he ~assed an to the public as to the ccapletion. Mayor Hounk than a~ain state& +_.__~__t the opinion of the Council was that the~ shoUl~ ox~r and pro- cse~J an~ aske~ ,the members of the CceatSsion if ,,this was.'~satisfastox~ to which The matter of the installation of poles in the Morse-Misener subdiv- ision was then discussed, and Mayor Houck advised the Comission that Council ob- Jected to the poles now erected. Mr. Wlll i,m~on stated that the request for underground work was received, as he would say, possibly six months too late. Underground installation is something coxpletoly different and required consider- able engineering and deliveries of material for this type of work would not be less than at least six months. It was therefore out of the question on a time basis. As for rear lot construction, the Cowe,~sion had never done this type bef- ore and in this case, the depths of the lots, particularly on the east side of the street, were too great. He stated that at the time the information was rec- eived, the Chsirmn~ was absent from the City and he, hiramelf made the decision; but felt the ultimate decision for this area was not seriously affected and that he had now been instructed by the Commission to prepare a complete report on underground, rear lot construction and on the entire area. When Ald. Donald questioned why it was not possible to go across the middle of the lots, Mr. Wil- l~-on stated that because of the stage of construction, it was practically im- possible. Ald. Donald then requested that when the above-mentioned report is prepared, the Council receive the lnfomtion, together with estimates of the cost. In regard to the rear lot installations, Mn-. Thomson advised that servic- ing of the plant would be difficult and would, of course, be subSect to agreements by the owners of the property; and asked if Council would approve the inst~-tion of ornamental standards as part of the scheme. Ald. Donald then stated that they did not want a recurrence of the condition such as exists on Queen Street; and Aid. 14hits con,.~nted that on Victoria Avenue we have twice the number of stan- dards for the light that is emitted. Mr. Williamson advised that in his opinion the present installation would be no bar to change to underground later; and Mr. Barnes suggested that possibly if al I is placed underground, it could be done as a local ~"Trovement. AI~. Frank wished to know if they could not construct every- thing of a t~myorax7 nature in the area until information is received as to the suggestions of Co,,-oil; and Mr. Williamson advised that the variation is very slight and would not interfere. FAr. Houck then stated that the Co~esion will report to Council when the information is obtained. Ald. Donald then raised the question of the pole located on Victoria Avenue south of the Eydro station, and wanted to know if it could not be removed. · Mr. Barnes advised that it would be a very expensive Job and that the pole had on it the main feeders going to the south end of the City. Mr. Thomson stated that the pole ha~ been moved in years past and to permit the widening of the street, and at that time the location had been approved by the City Englusr. Mr. William- son then suggested that when cable is easier to get than at present, they will consider the removal, but at the present trine, the possibility of trouble is too great. His Worship then thanked the members of the Comnission for meeting the Council and assured the Council +.h~t the C~ssion understands what the Council mqulres. The members of the Co~.~eston then left. I~SOLUTIONS The followlug Resolution was passed: No. 149 - NA~ - ~ . i~0LI~.D that a message be forwarded to the family of the late Ex-ma,vor C~wles W. Anderson, expressing the s~mpathy of the City Council and cttlzens of Niagara F~s upon the death of this esteeme~ cltizen who serve~ as Aldey~m~ in the years 1910 and 19ll; and as Mayor of Niagara Falls ~u 193}, 1936 and 1937; ana the Sos3. of the Corporation be hereto affixed. In the above connection, it was a~ee& that members of Council would atten~ The Council 'ad,,1om"ne6. on the motion of Ald. Faite andDonal4. "I Council Cham~er, ~ August, 19~7. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at ~.00 p.m. on Monday, ~th AuSust~ 191~7# for the purpose of considering 8eneral business an& finance. All members of the Council were present. The Council, havin~ received aml read the minutes of the previous reguSar and special meetings, adopted these on the motion of AIA. MacDonald aria Hawk~,n. COtt~ICATIONS The followin~ Communications were presented: No. S76 - ~nt of ~ort - ~w~ ~t~r ~ 1~ f~. O~ on ~ rotion of ~. ~er ~ ~w~ ~t ~e com~ication be ~cei~ No. ~77 - Ni~ ~tier H~e society - ~le~ ~t for 1~7- ; on ~e ~tion of ~d. ~ ~ ~ t~t ~e cm~i~tion be receive& ~e ~tio~ of ~d. ~ ~& ~ ~t ~e co~ication be receive~ ~ file&. No. 379 - British ~lst ~tsc~ Ch~ch - ~q~st~ peaseion for ~. ~ ~ t~ ~ti~ of ~. ~ite ~d ~ ~at the c~4oation ~ mcei~& ~ ~e~ssion ~e ~d for SeDt~er 27~, ff ~eable. ~ at~e at c~ntion, ~ ~ ~ ~tion of ~d. ~wktrim ~ ~c ~o. 381 - Cit7 ~lici~r - m es~ of ~sirlo ~co. O~ ~ t~ ~tion of laid over from a previous meeting: No. 2~S - City Manager - re establiahn~nt of tourist information centtea. 01~D- ~ on the motion of AId. Miller am~ Nawk~ns that the report be received sad teblat for the consideration of the 1948 .Council at the inat~ux~l meeting. mm Bex~ort No- 262 No. 2~5 - City Manager - re Sun 0tl CC~A~7. (~"=~ on the motion of AId. Haw- ~,a an~ M~cDonald that the report be reasivat an~ ad~tea; Ald. ~hite an~ Don-  al~ votin~ against the motion, - ] '~! q'ne follotli~6 Rel)orts were l~relente~ No, 2~ - Tourist Cce~lt~ee - re estabLtllmsnt of tourist ix~fomation conires. ga~ax~u on the motion of AId, Miller and lhwkina that the report ~e receive~t bxed f. -- o ide tion of the coonca ,t the ]b, 26~ - Traffic Ccllatttee - x~ Sun 0il Ccmpa~ an~ other matters, ~ on the motion of A~I, Nawkins axat MaoDcaald that the .reI~rt~::be recei.ve~ At4, T~hite ax~ I~-,~4 wottn~ aSatnl~ the .motis. n," '-~ No. 265 - City Clerk - re conference held on 18th August. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the report be received and adopted. No. 266 - City Clerk - re mseting with representative of Department of ttighwaye. 0RDEP~D on the motion of Ald. l~lller and Donald that the report be received and laid on the table and items one and two be dealt with according to psragraph three and paragraphs four and five tabled at present. No- 267 - City Clerk - reco~i~,~nding issuance of licences. ORDEt~D on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins that the recommendation be received and adopted. No- 268 - City Clerk - report of taxi cab stands on Falls Avenue. 0RDEMED on the motion of Aid. Frank and Hawkins that the report be received and adopted. EESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed: NO. 1~0 -]tAWWTNS -IWTLT. k~R -I~ESOLYF~D that a massage be for~ardedto the fsm~ty of the late Mrs. Lucy Fetebrother, expreslng the s~npathy of the City Council and citizens of 'Niagara Falls upon her death; and the Seal of the Corporation be here- Cerried No. 1~1 - FRANK - MacDONALD - IF~SOLVED that the next regular meeting of the City Council be held at 7.00 p.m. on Tuesday, September end, 1947; an& the Seal of the Corporation ~e hereto affixed. Carri.~e.d -Ald, White voting contrary. No. 152 - ~A','..' - Mrr.v.~R - EESOLVED that the Superintendent of the Michigan Cen- tral Railwa~ and the New York Central Railway be notified regarding the excessive blowing of whistles on the trains and the by-law in force pl~hibiting the same; and the Sea! of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously The following By-laws were passed: No~. 40~7 o To authorize the execution of a Deed. It was ordered ~n the metion of Ald. Donald and Miller that Rule S6 (2) of the 8tancling l~ules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried. ~hird readin~ -Ald. Hawkins and Frank - Carried. No. ~100 - To authorize the execution of a Deed. It was ordere~ on the motion of AId. Miller and Donald that A~d. Frank be ~tven the privilege of in~oducin~ the by-law, .and the by-law be reed the first time - CeATiOd. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins tP~t I~ule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspende& and the by-law be Siren the secom& read~ - Carried. ~d ~eadiu~ - Aid. D~n_a~& an& Nawkins - Carried. Aid. Bucknet arrive& at the moetin~. Ald. ~acDonald s~oke about the difficulty encountered by tourist homes on Ontario Avenue, south of Bam~field, due to the noise created by the family living at 1042 Ontario Avenue. The f-m~ly consists of twelve children an& the father was out on the street sidew-l~ soldering drain pipes together and them- fore tourists will not patronize the tourist home becauseof this excessive noise. The matter was referred to the City Manager for a report. ~ld. MacDo~-14 also stated that he understoo~ that this man also displays a sign on the front veran- ash regarding re!~irs, and pointed out that this area is in the residential sec- tion. AI~. MacDonald also spoke about the hedge which should be cut at the comer of ~mpfield Street ami Ontario Avenue. AId. MacDonald spoke about 'the excessive ringing of be~- by trains on the Michigan Central Railway. (See Resolution No. 1~2). The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins. ~ A~D ADOP,~:.,, 2 September, 1947. Clerk Nayor Council C~ber, 2~ August, 1947. The Finance Cn-.~ttee met on Monday, AUgust 25th, 1947, for the purl~se of aleroving and ~=o of passing the vurioue accounts which had been properly certifie~ an~ place~ before them, All members of the Co.-~Ittee were present, accounts ~untin6 to $27,163.66 were approve~ by the C.'.-,,.tttee. The accounts submitted, being Imssed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ere~ placed in the money b~-law for prosentatima to the Cornoils on the motion of AId. M~ller an~ Nawkins. The rel~r~ of the City Solicitor re building at 172~ Peer 8trs~, was a~ain presented ~ ~ c~ttee for c~idemti~. It ~s ~ on ~ rotion ~t be ~t ~. 8,,,,.~..y of tsn~ers for excavation end baokfillin~ m e~ain presente~ for c~iaemtion ~ wl~ ~ Cit~ ~em, est~s ~ ~e ~. Xt was o~ ~ ~e ~tt~ of ~, ~ ~ ~a ~t ~e ~r 8~t~& by ~ ~s. be ~oe~. A ccemunlcatton fr3n Cansa~an Trade Fair Catalogues, conoemi~ advert- teh~, was present~t for consideration. It was ordero~ on the motion of Ald. nex. an~ His Worship Ma~vor Houok that the s~ar,niCatlon be xssetve~ an~ filed. The City Treasurer presented a communication with reference to needed repairs to the dwelling at 334 Morrison Street, registered property. It was ord- ered on the motion of Ald. White and Buckner that the same be referred to the Property Committee and +.he City Manager for a report. Communications received from W.C.LsMarsh, and Wade Motors Sales, referred to the Property Con~.~ttee for a report, were again presented for consideration, along with the Property C~m~ttee,s recomendations. It was moved by AId. White and Donald that the recc~nend~n~ dealing with the requests of W.C.Lsa4arsh be opted, but not the recc~mendation on behalf of Wade Motor Sales. The motion was defeated, the vote being as follows: Yea: AId. White, Donald, Bucknet and Miller. Nay: AId. Frank, MacDonald, Eawkins and Mayor Houck. APplication was received from Mr. J Skinner to erect a concrete hbck gara6e at 420 Fourth Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Donald and Hawkins that the City Manager, s reco~,~!.ndatlon be adopted. APplication was received from Geo. Checkwlcz to convert a frame garage at 1071 Centre Street into living quarters. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Macj)onsld aml Miller that the City Manager,s recommendation, that a permit be not issued, be adopted. Application for a moving permit to move a frame dwelling from the rear of 1A~3 May Avenue, was presented for consideration. It was ordered on the motion of. AId. Donald and Buckher that the City Manager,s recomm~ndation, that a ~ermit be lssue~, be adopted. Application was received from Peter R. Sacco to erect a frame garage at 1702 Peer Street. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Miller and Eawk~n. that the City Mana6er's rec:~m~ndation that a permit be issued be adopts&. Application was received f~m F.Boychuk to erect a garage at 777 Mor- rison Street. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Miller and Hawkins that the permit be granted undor the supervision of the City Manager. Application was roce ived from Enrest Ry an to erect an addition and close in the verandah to enlarge a living reem...It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Bunher and MacDonald t~t the recommendation of the City Manager be opted and the Property C.-~itte inspect the application for permission to close in the existin6 verandah. Application was recelved from S.Roberto to erect an addition to a b,,~ld- lng located on premises at 1262 Ottawa Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ai~. Eawkins ami MacDo~.la that the City Manager investtgage the ltvin6 conditions in this bulldin~ and present a report, Ald. Donald referred to the conditions existing on the lots next to the 0anadian Tire Corporation on the east side of Victoria Avenue between rison Street and Huron Street, ami su~geste~ that the matter be referred to the ~mperty C~ttee with a view to cleaning ~ this sltuntion, regardin~ signs, etc, to ue~e the property more presentable, On the motion of AI~. Miller and Hawkins the Cm--4ttee arose and reported to Coun- ~ A~D ADOP,'~.,, 2 September, l~47. leee Chairman of . ,' ColslOil CT~m~er~ The Council re-assemble~ at the close of the re~_,Jar council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing a by-law which covered the accosts proved hy the Cnmm4ttee. ALl members of the Council yere present. The following l~-law was passed: No. 4101 - To Grant Nonlee for ~eneral Purposes. It was ordered on the metion of Ald. Hawkins an~ P411er that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of inta~duCing the b~-law, and the by-law be read the first t4mA - Carried ~lpAn~mn~ASlye It was ordere~ on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and DnmAld that Rule 36 (2) of the 8tending Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried ,,nAn4mnUSly. Third rending -Ald. Miller and White - Carried unanimously. Ald. White refe~:~d to a complalntrecelve& from two touristS and a cit- izen concerning the lack o~ covers on fruit displays and desired to know whether rsgulattoas were enforced regarding the same and requested tlmt the Medical 0f- ricer of Health look into this totter. The Cotmoll edJouxxmd to Conference on the metion of Ald. Donald an& White. ~ A~D ADOPA~D, 2 Sept-m~er, 1947. 01erk Nayor Council C~er, 2~ August, 1947. The Conference C~4ttee met on Menday, 2~ August, 1947, at the close of the regular cotmoLl end finance meetin~s, for the purgose of considering the various matters presented to them. ALl ,~e~ers of 'the Committee were ~esent. After dieoasslen u~on the mattext p~esentS~, the C~-.~4 tree adjourned ion nf Ald. Miller ena Donald. .. · glerk , """**""' Cbaimau FORTY-FOURT~ MEETING REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, 2 September, 1947. Pursuant to adJournmsnt, the Counc ~DE~m'u'TAT__~OITS In connection with Co~unicatlons No. 38~ and 386, and on the motion of Ald. Miller and Donald, persons present were Permitted to address Council in con- nection with the regulations which would be placed in effect if By-law Number 4908 received a final reading. Mr. W.S..Martin, E.C., spoke on behalf of Niagara Dry Beverages L~m~ted and pointed out the hardships which ~ould be felt by the Company ~fthe operation of trucks was Prohibited on Queen Street. MAr. Robert Gay of Gay 3ros. advised Council of the difficulties which would be encountered by his firm. Mr. Lorue Scoble, St., of Scobfe,s Cartage, and a representative from the Consol- IdatedTrucklngCompany told of the difficulties from the point of view of the operators of the vehicles. ~S~ Communications Nos. 3~, 38~6 In connection with Report Number 262, and on the motion of Ald. Miller and~awkins, a deputation was heard. This deputation consisted of Messrs. Herbert ~a~nes, George Ritehie, M ~ococo and Victor Tkack, who appeared in protest alnst the auggestlon that trafflcmeters be installed in certain sections of the City. The speakers outlined their*objections to the installation in the vicinity of their businesses. They also presented a Petition which had been signed by per- sons in disagreement wlth the pro!~osed Installations. SEE Report No. 262 and Petltton No. 12 C01~NICAT.I01~S T~e following Communications were Presented: ~0. 382 - Department of Highways . re responsibility for Falls Avenue sidewalk. C~ on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the conmunication be rec- eiwe~ and referred to the City Solicitor for a report. Xo. 383 - Department of Highways _ re traffic problem end parking area. OREEiqED c~e motion of Ald. ~r~!d and Frank that the communication be received and Department. · · · yell, aml he be asked to discuss the same with the 38~ - DePax-Lment of Highways ~ - Gay Bree. mt ~86 - Martin end Calvert - re Proposed b3~.lew Number ion of AId. Frank 4098. C~ED on the and Xawkln~ that the co"'nunications be received and laid on the table until further information is received from the Department; end before final action is taken with regar~ to the b~-law, a conference be held with the ~ePreeentatives of the truckir~ companies an~ merchants to discuss the matter. ~. B87 - Bell Telephone Company ~f, C~ada ~. ~88 - Bell Telephone Cannery of Canada ~8~ , Bell Telephone Cc~any of Canada - requestin~ Permission to replace re-loCate polls. ~ ~n the motion of AId. Hawkins en~ Frank that the ~t~nication be received and filed, and Permission be granted for the work. S~ Xy-lev No. 4lC~ No. 390 - Collegiate-Vocational Institute - requesting ~ermi~ion to use Oakes Park for night game. 0RDEE on the motion of Ald. Frank and Hawkins that the co~m~mtcation be recelved and filed, and perralston be granted. No. 391 - Mortimer-B~pfield & Co. - re responsibility for Roberts Street side- walk. ORESREED on the motion of ~ld. Miller and MacDonald that the c~_ication he received and referred to the City Solicitor for a report. No. 392 - New York Central Syste~ - re necessary ringing of engine bells. 0RD- F_~ on the motion of Ald. F~ller and MacDonald that the communication be received and filed. No. 39S - Niagara, St. Catharines and Toronto Hailway - requestin~ resolution re bus service. ORDERED on the motion of ~.ld. Hawkins and Frank that the commanic- ation be received and filed, the resolution be presented, and Eis Worship Mayor ITouck, the Chairman of the Traffic C.--.-Ittoe and the City Solicitor he authorized to appear at the hearing of the Ontario Municipal Board in this connection. No. ]94 - A.C.McCallm - application for position. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and ~hite that the communication be received and laid on the table until consideration is Slven to applications for such a position. No. 39~ - Polish Relief Fund - postponing tag day. ORDEF~J on the motion of Ald. Frank and MacDonald that the cn~,m,n~cation be received and filed, and a later date be gra~ted~ if available. EEPORTS Laid over from a previous meeting: No. 262 - Traffic Co~,~ttee - recommending ins+_~11%tion of traffic meters in cer- thin areas. Olm~mat~ on the motion of aid. White and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, an~ the reo~mmm~-a-tions be a~opted. (Aid. Do~ld and Haw- kins.voted contrary to this motion.) The following Reports were presented: No. 269 - City Clerk - re conference held on 2~th August. OP~m~A~ on the motion of Akh Frank an~ MacDonald that the report ~e recelved and filed. No. 270 - City Manager - recnmm~nding construction of storm sewer. ~ on the motion of Ald. Donal~ and Hawkina t~at the report be received aa~ filed, the recn~ndatlona be adopte~, and the work proceeded with. No. 271 - City Clerk - recn,m~nding issuance of licenoes. uA~Dm~r~ on the motion of Ai~. MacDonald and Hawkins that the ~eport be received and filed, and the recc'snendations be 'adopted. i~TITION The following Petition was presented: No. 12 - Alice E. Moore and B1 others - protesting inst-!!ation of parking meters on sections of Victoria Avenue. 0RREi~ED on the motion of Ald. Miller ~ E~wkins that the petition ~e received and filed. ItESOIIITIONB The fell~inl; Resolutions were passed: No. 1}3 - ~ - ~ . ~ Cana~ia~ National Traasportation L4m4ted has ~erat~ a p~c b~ 8e~ice over s~ts of ~e City of Ni~ F~s, ~io, ~ ~ ~n S~et, ~ ;A~n~, ~i~e Street, Vio~ria A~n~ ~ New- ~ ~ s~e 'No~r, 1~0; ' AND ~AS th~ said service over the above routes is operated as a part of public vehicle service provided by Canadian National Transportation Lim- ited between Stamford Centre and Niagara Falls, Ontario, operating over highways known as Thorold Stone Road, Portage Road and Morrison Streets to the limits of the City of Niagara Fa&ls, Ontario; AND ~ the City of Niagara Falls, sports ground known as 0akes 2ark is located on Morrison Street Just outside the municipal l~m~ts of the City of Niagara F~ ~ s in the Township of Stamford; AND W~m~EAS bus service is not and probably could not otherwise be pro- vided for the said 0akes Park; AND WHp:~EAS the service presently being operated by Canadian National Transportation L~m~ted over the above-mentioned route fulfills a public necessity and convenience to residents imthe City of Niagara Falls, Ontario, along and in the vicinltyof the said route; AND W~ it has come to our attention that a hearing w~l be held before the Ontario Municipal Board at an early date for the purpose of determin- ~nSwhether the said Canadian National Transportation Limited will be granted such Certificate and/or Order as will enable it to continue the performatee of this public vehicle service between Stamford Centre and the City of Niagara Falls over the above route; AND~m~f~S the elimination of the service as presently routed would create a great hardship on the said residents and users in the City of Niagara F~11~ Ontario; ~l~'(~E ~E IT~OLVED that the City of Niagara F~dls petition the 0ntario~,_~iclpalBoard to ~t tM necess~ certificate or o~er ~pemt ~e C~National ~pomtion L~ted to cont~ue a public b~ se~ice on ~o~ld St~e RO~, Po~e Ro~ ~d~lson Stmet in o~er tb~t the e~st~ ~cess~ ~ convenient se~lce ~be contend; aM the S~ of ~e Color- ation be he~ ~fi~ed. Carried No. 154 - DOE - MacDONALD - i~E~0LVED that the con~ratulations of this Council be extended to Miss Winnifred M. Stokes upon the completion of twenty-eight years, service with the Nie~a F~la~ Evening Review; and the Sea~ of the Corporation be hereto affixed. ' ~ T~e follewin~By-laws were passed: No. 41.~02 - To provide for permission to The Bell Telephone Compan~V of Canada to replace and relocate poles on Hamilton Street, Kitchenr Street and Grey Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that Ald. Eaw- .~ be given the privilege of introduoin~ the by-law, and the by-law be rea~ the fArat time - Carried. It was ordered on ti~e motion of Aid. Hawkins and White that Rule 36 ~f the Stan~ Rules of Council be s~ended ~d ~e by-~w be ~l~n ~e seco~ ~ - C~led. ~ m~ - ~d. ~w~ ~d ~er - C~ted. ~e fo~ By-~ws were presentS: ~ - A B~-~w mspecti~ Vic~ria A~. It w~ ~e~ on ~e ~ti~ o~ ~. ~ ~ ~.A~a ~t ~d. ald be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be rend the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of AId. White and MacDonald that the by- law be laid on the table for one week. .Np. 4~104 - To authorize the construction of sewers, sidewalks, curbs and gutters and macadam roads on portions of Lowell Avenue. It wan ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Hawkins that Ald. Fran~ be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the 'first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. E~wkins and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second rending - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the by-law be laid on the table and referred to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval. No. 410~ Z To provide for borrowing $9,164.18 upon debentures to pay for the con- struction of a atom sewer on Sister Avenue f~m MoRse Street to Jep- son Street andon Jepson Street fr~n Slater Avenue to Muddy Run Trunk Sewer in the City of Niagara F-11e. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Miller and Do~.I~ that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law ar~ the by-law be read the first time - Carrle~. It was ordered on the motion of AId. 1~hite and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspemied, and the by-law be ~;lven the second reading - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and MiLler that the by-law be laid on the table and referred to the Ontario Municipal ~ for approval. lids Worship Mayor Houck voice~ his appreciation to the Niagara Falls Police Department for the excellent traffic control which was maintained during the very heavy week-end dust passed; AI&. Hawkins spoke upon the matter of overtime worked by members of the- Police force during the past week-end, and stated that he did not feel the me~- bars should be reluired to take time oft at a date later to compensate for the extra hours worked. His Worship Ms~or Houck agreed to discuss the matter with the Chief Constable. Aid. Donald made a brief verbal report upon the attendance of several members of Council at the convention of the Ontario l~Inieipal Association, and of the matters conside~ at the sessions. The Council a~ourned un the motion of Aid. Hawkins and ~lxAte.. ~ I, 1~ A~D ADOPIED, 8 September, 1947. FINANCE MEETI1VG Council Chamber, 2 September, 1947. The Finance Co~m~ttee met on Tuesday, 2nd September, 19~7, for the pur_ pose of apprevlng and also of passing the ~arious accounts which had been erly certified and Placed before them. All members of the Committee., with the e~- caption .of Aid. Bucl~aer and Hawkins, were Present. Sundry accounts amounting to $43,835.38 were approved by the Comml t~ee' The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ered placed in the money by-law for Presentation to the Cotmoil, on the motion of AId. 1~Lite and Miller. The report of the City Treasurer, upon repairs necessary at ~34 Morrison Street, and which had been laid over from the Previous meeting, was again con- aidered. ~rPon the recc~nnsndation of the Property Co~!ttee and on the motion of AId. Miller and Donald it was ordered that the report be recedved and filed, that a new roof be installed, and the necesa.ary eavestroughtng be Provided. The report of the City Manager, regarding an application for a building ~erm~t for work at 901 Walnut Street, which ~ been laid over from the previous meeting, was again considered. ~'pon the reco~.~ndation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. White and Donald it was ordered that the report be received and filed, and the !oermit be granted. The report of the Property C~m~ttee, upon the above matters, waspres- ented. ~t was ordered on the motion of Aid. White and Donald that the report be received and filed. The report of the City Manager, regarding an application for a build- lng permit for 1264 Ottawa Street, as laid over from the Previous meeting, was again considered. An ndditlonal report from the City Manager, regarding the iraton of the City Solicitor in th~s consection was Presented. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Miller and Donald that the reports be received and laid on the table until the next meetix~ to permit the members of the Finance Committee to view the premises. A communication was enclosing the City,s portion of~resented from the Greater Niagara Swi~ Club, membership fees. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald and Miller that the comonicatlon .be received and filed, and the ot~ be deposited to the City s accounts. A com~umlcation was Presented from W.Banson and Son, revising their es- timate for work at the City Nell. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. White and MacDonald tlmt the ccmm~nication be received and filed, and the revised price ~e accepted. An offer was Presented f~a N.E.McLeod of $100.00 for Lot 79, Homewood Avenue. Th~ report of the Property Co.~ttee ~icks, who ~ formerly made an offer and a co~unIcation from Mr. A.E. el~d un the motion of Aid White and for this lot, ~ers considered. Yt was ord- atlon be referred ' Miller that the offer, report and commumlc- beck tO the Froparty Cn.~!ttee for an additio~.~ report at the next maet~m~. ' A report was Presented f~ the City Manager regarding the operation of a business at 10~2 Ontario Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. NacDon- ald an~ Miller that the report be received and filed. buAld~ A report was Presented f~ the City l~er, reconmend~ng that a permit ~e issued fo~ the erection of a earage at 8~4 ~rAd~e Street. was ~x~eand~ion the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Miller that the report be rac- e!we led, ond~the~reoc~menda~on ~be adopted.. A report was presented from the Property Committee regarding an applic- ation for permission to erect tourist cabins on Ferguson Street, and action to be taken in regard to a city-owned lot on Victoria Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Donald that the report be received and filed, and the recommendations be adopted. The statement of c~mparlson Of tax collections as at 31st August was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and White that the state- ment be received and laid on the table. A report was presented from the City Manager, recu,~-~nding that a build- ing permit be issued for the erection of a machine shop on Brld~e Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald that the report be received and filed, and the rec~mnendation be adopted. The City Manager made a ~erbal report t~oon an application for a build- ing permit from the Bell Telephone Company of Canada for the erection of an ad- dition to their plant at 16SS Victoria Avenue, at an esttm-ted cost of $28,000.00 an& rec~m~nded the same. It was ordered on the motion of Ai~. Donald and White that the recomendatlon be adopted. It was ordered On the motion of Ald. Donald and MiLler that the Hydro- Electric C.'~dssion of Niagara Falls be asked to take action to re-light two blocks of Stamford Street, where the lighting standsrds were removed recently. The Cc~,~ttee adjourned on the motion of Aid. White and MiLler. E ~ ADOPI~D, 8 September, 1947. · "'~:~.~ ..... Ctmlrman of Finance C0~ClL CEAMSE~ Council Chamber, ~ September, 1947. ~he Council re-assenbled at the close of the re~ council and fin- enos meetings for the purpose of passing the b~-law which oovere~ the accounts al~reved by the Cm,-Ittee. ALl members of the Coxmoil, with the exception of Ald. ButMast and Hawkins, were ~rssent. · The followin~ By-law vas l~ssed: '~' '~,- No. ~106 - To Crant Monies for General hr~oses. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Miller and White that Ald. Frank be ~lven the' privilege of inta~uol~. tho;b~,law, .and the b~-law be read the first time - Cartled. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald andMacDonald that Rule S6 (2) of the StandinSRtutes of Council be suspended and the by-la~ be given the second reading . Carried. Third readin~ . Ai~. Donald andWhite . Carried. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and MiLler. t~ADAlqDADOFAi~9, 8,September, 1947. Clerk Mayor Council Clmmber, 2 September, 1947. The Conference Cmmmlttee met at the close of the regular council and finance meetings for the Purpose of considerin~ the v~riousmatters Presented to them. All members of the Conference C~mmltte~,. with the exception of Ald. Buck- net and Hawkins, were present. After disucssion upon the matters Presented, the Committee adjourned on the mot- lonef Aid. Donald andWhtte. I~AD AND AIX)Z=-,..:,,. 8 September, 1947. Cheirman ,j Council ChaSer, 2 September, 1947. The Council re-assembled at the close of the meeting of the Conference Ccm~fttee for the purpose of considering a-l~y-law. All members of the Council, wlth~ae.e,~aeptt~a.of~Ald. Bucknet and-Haw~'lna,..,were.preaen~ RESOLUTION The fol'l owtng Resolution was passed: No. 1~ - FEFr.T3~R _ ~ _ ESOLVED that the desired revisions be made to the proposed by-law to govern the remuneration to be paid to the members of Council, and the s~ b~ presented; and the Seal of the Corporation be hareto affixed. .C. arrie~d The fel-l'ewing: ~a-~law was passed: 4107 - To govern the remuneration to he paid to the memher~-~a~.ge~nqil. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Donald that Ald. White be given the privilege of Introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion bf Ald. Donald and Miller that Rule 36 (2) hf the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading- Carried. Third re~ling -Ald. MLller and MacDonald - Carfled. Council adjourned. on the motlon of Ai~..Frank an~ MJller. i~EAD A~D ADOP,J~, 8 Septamber, 1947. M~yor FORTY-FIFTE MEETING Council Chamber, 8 September, 1947. Pursuant to adJouau-~ent, the Council met at 7.00 P.m. on Monday, 8th September, 1947, for the Purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Bucknet and Donald, were pres- ent. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the l~revious meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. White and Miller. On the motion of/LId. Miller and White, Mr. L.J.Scott, representing the Canadian Corps Band, was Permitted to address Council. Mr. Scott advised Council of the Band,s wish to present three Sunday afternoon concerts In differ- ent sections of the City in order to comply with the regulations of the American Federation of Musicians and to Justufy the acceptance of a grant from the Corpor- ation. SEE R___~es01ution 1~o._ 1~56~ COI~N~NICATI01Ta Laid over from previous meetings .. ee s e ion for tortfist cabins on Ferg- san ation he received and laid on the table until the next mset~.S. · d Hawkins that the communic_ N0. 382 - Del~a~ment of Highways ~o. 391 - Mort~mer B field & C incAel hl~~ - re responsibility for sidewalks on n of Ald. White and MacDonald that the nnmicatluns he roceived and laid on the table until the next meeting. cem- No. 396 - DePai~tment of l~ighways AId. Hawkins and MacDonald that the ~e parking area. 0RRE~ED on the motion of ccmnunlcation be received and referred to the 0 ;ed .-- the to .ee the l ade. 397 - Ontario Hun clpaZ oezd - of approval of by-laws, 09DE ED on the mot=on of Ald, Havkins and HacDons/d that the comnunfcatlon be received and filed, 398 - Ontario Municipal motion of Ald· WlLtte and issued approvi~ by-lay, 0RDEI~D ~ the oc~nunie~tion be received and ~ on the motion of Aid. d ing meters. 01tD- ~aid on the table until the demonstrations of parkIng meters are held, on be received and No. ~00 - Zad~es, AurdZiary, Canadian Corps - requesting Permission for tag day. ~ on the motion of AId. HacDonaZd and l~awkins that the ccmmunication be rec- eived and ~le~L, and ~0ex~nisston be ~nted to hold a t~ d~ on ~n avaLlable date, ~o, l&01 . Toronto DePart~nt of Street Cleanir~ . re visit to City for softball ~ame, ~ on the metion of Aid, White and Nawkins that the ccm~unication be ~eceive& and f~l ed, a~.,.i.~s mn~ me~ers .of the CounoLl as Poselble attend the The following Reports were presented: No. 272 - City Solicitor - re responsibility for sidewalks. 0BE on the motion of Aid. White and MacDonald that the report be received an~ laid on the table u~tll the next meeting, ami copies of the same be forwarded to the members of Council. No. 273 - Dairy Inspector - report for month of Augqxst. ORDm~D on the motion of kld. White and Nawktns that the report be received sad filed, and given the usual publicity. No. 27~ - City Clerk - rec:.~.-~ending issuance of llcences. OEDEE on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the report 1~ received and filed, and the rec- ~ndation be adopted. EESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 156 - WRA',~.' - MacDONALD - EESOLVED that the Canadian Corps Band be grants& permission to present three baml concerts, to be held on consecutive Sunday terncons, at locations in the City to be decided after consultation with the City Manager; ana the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 1~7 - WaA'A~ - MacDONALD - EESOLVED that this Council approve of the action of Eis Worship Mayor Houck in appointing Alde~ E.M.Eawkine as enacting mayor on llth ana 12th Septoml~r, during the absence of Hls Worship from the City; aud the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. I~8 - MacDONALD - FRAME - ]~0LVED that the Council assemble to witness dem- onstrations of parking meters at 11.00 a.m. on 8aturday, 13th September; and the Seal of the Corporation be hemto affixe~. Carried No. 159 - IL~LL~U - ~ - t~0LVED that the meeting of Council te, see the dem- onstrations of parking meters be considered a s~ectal meeting; e.~ .the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carr.ie . No. 160 - FRANK - ~ - i~ESOLW~au that an a~peal be ~a_~ to all hotel and res- taurant operators in the City to ascertain the wishes of their patrons with reg- ax~ to a variety of foo~s s~ch as brea~, m~q,,,., etc., before serving the same, in aa effort to eliminate as --,-h waste of food as possible; a~ the Seal of the Corgoration be hereto affixed. Carried The follc~i~g By-laws were ~asse~: ~No. 4040 -To authorize the constructio~ of sowore, sib~h, c~bs ~ ~tte~ ~ ~ ~ on oem~ s~ets ~ t~ Clt~ of Xt~ F~ls ~ ~ ~nts ~r ~e pmvisio~ of ~e ~~v~nt ~t. ~o. ~O~ - To provide for borrowl~ $2,0~.1~ ~pon debentures to pa~ for the con- ~: ~ ' ' :: s~motton of a e~m~n sewer on lforbh 8~get from Lowell Avenue to a ~ point 237 feet east of Lovoll Avenue'in 'bhr'Otty, of~B'lagaata Falls. No. 4060 - To provide for borrowing $6,289.~8 upon debentures to pay for the con- struction of macadam pvemonts on certain streets in the City of Nia- gara F~lls. Third read~n~ _ Al~d. Frank and MacDonald _ Carried. No. 4061 - To provide for borrowing $7,191.98 upon debentures to pay for the con- struction of water mains, sidewalks and water services on certain streets in the City of Niagara Falls. Third reading -Ald. Hawkins and Miller - Carried. No. 410~ - A By-law respecting Victoria Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Frank that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried. Third reading -Ald. MacDon~!d and Frank - Carried. Ald. Frank and Aid. Miller inquired as to the progress being made with regard to the necessary action for the removal of the traffic circle at the exit fran the Rainbow Bridge; and the City Manager was asked to present sinething in detail in this regard at the next meeting of Council. Ald. Hawk~n. asked what progress was being made with regard to the plication of the Board of Education to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of exl0enditures for additions to the Collegiate-Vocational Institute; and req- ussted that a report thereon be made at the next meeting. The Council adjourned on the motlon of Ald. Hawkins and Whlte. AND AD01~, 15 September, 1947. Mayor -' "-' Council Chamber, 8 September, ~947. The Finance C~mmittee met on Monday, 8th September, 1947, for the pur- l~M~e of approving ar~ also of pasein~ the various accomt8 which had been pro. ~erly certified amX place& before them. All members of ~he Cow,~ttee, with the eriepriori of Ald. Bu~kner and Donald, were Present. * ,:' Sundry accounts ""~'~tin~ to $29,1~.~8 were aPproved by the Ccumittee. '~ The accounts. sub~itted~ ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Hawkins an~ Miller. Reports of the City/~er, with regard to an application for a permit for an extension at 1264 Ottawa Street and the use of the building for housing comeclarion, us laid over from the previous meeting, were again considered. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Miller and MacDonald that the reports be received and the recom~nendation that no permit be issued, be adopted. It was further ord- ered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Miller that the matter of housing accommod- ation at this location be considered during the conference. An offer was presented from N.E.MacLeod re Lot 79, Homewood Avenue for $100.00, together with a report from the Property Committee and a cummunication from Mr. A.B.Hicks, the previous purchaser. These matters had been lald over from the previous meeting; and an additional report from the Co~dttee was also pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and White tlmt the offer, comnanication and reports be received and filed, the recmmnendation be adopted, and the offer be accepted, subject to the condition that a dwelling of at least $4,~00.00 value is erected upon the premises within six months. A report was presented from the City Manager, rscom~_ending the purchase of he]~ts for the Fire Department. It was ordered on the marion of Ald. MacDon- ald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, ~n.d the recommendations be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, regarding an al~plication for a permit to erect tourist cab4n- at 2212 Stanley Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and His Worehlp Mayor Eouck that the report be received and lald on the table, and the rec;.,,,,,~ndation be adopte~. A report was presented from the City Manager, reco~.-nding the issuance of a b~ilding permit for an extension to the factory of the Herbert Morris Crane and Hoist Company. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald ~d Hawkins +.~_at the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. A report was presented fx~ the City Manager, recomm~nding the issu- ance of a permit for the erection of a garage at 1~4~ Huron Street. It was ord- ered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and White that the report be ~celved ~d file~, ~d the mediation be adopte~. A report was presente~ from the City Manager, recommending the issu- ance of a building permit for a gar~ at Lot 269, McRae Street. It was ordered On the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the recnm~ndation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, recc~nending the issu- ance of a permit for the erection of a t~orary buildin~ on Hc~ewood Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and MacDonald that the re~ort be rec- ,elved and filed, ami the rec~ndatton be a~opte~. A report was Presented from the City Manager, recommending the erection of a new roof on the Main Street Fire Hall. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and White that the report be received and file:l, and the rec~.~-,~dation be adopted. ~ A rel~r~ was present~i from the City Manager, recomnen~lng the issuance of a b~ildin6 ~ermit for a dwelling and beauty ~arlour on part of Lot 10, Barker Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. HaWkins and Miller that the report be received and filed, ami the ree~dation be adopted. ~tle C~,w~ttee adjourned On the motion of Ai~. ~awXine and White. September, 1947. Chairman of Finance COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 8 September, 1947. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the Purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts ap- proved by the Committee. ALl ~embers of the Council, with the exception of Ald. ~Ac~ner and Donald, were Present. BY-LAW The follo_w__~jj~law Mas~ed: ~c. ~l.O~ . To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of be given the Privilege of introducing the Aid. White and Hawkins that Ald. Frank time - Carried.- by-law, and the by-law be read the first It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and Miller that Rule ~6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be s~spended and the b~-law be given the second readLng . Carried. ~hird reading .Ald. MacDonald and ~awklns . Cerrted. The Council adJpurned on the motion of Ald. F rank and Hawkins . Csrried. i~EAD AND ADOPa~ED, 1~ September, 1~47. Ms~vor Council Chamber, 8 September, 1947. ~e Conference Ce~mittee mat at the close of the regular council and finance meetings for the purpose of considering the various matters Presented to t~.. All members of the Cc~mittee, with the e~ception of Ald. Bucknet and Don- aid, ~sre Present. After discussion u~on the matters !~resented to them, the Ccmm~Ittee adJo,,rnad on the motion of Ald. Frank and Hawkira. ~ A~D ADOi~D, 1~ September, 1~7. FORTY-.S:IX~It MEETING SPECIAY~ MEETING Council 13 September, 1947. A special meeting of the City Council was held at ll.00 a.m. on Satur- dny, 13th September, 19~7, for the purpose of the members witnessing demonstrat- ions of parkin~ meters. All members of the Council were present. On the motion of Ald. Prank and Hawkins the demonstrations were pres- ented in alphabetical order, and were l~m~ted to approT~t~tely twenty m~nutes each. The demonstrations proceeded as follows: Dual Parking Meters - represented by Messrs. E.A.Horton and M.JF.Jones. Price, $90,00 irlS~tlle~ or $86.~0 not Inst~lled. Three spare mechanisms are supplied per one hundred meters. Them would be a one-year trial period, 30 days, deliv- ery and a 7~-2~ basis of payment. The metera would be tl-ained at the company's expense. Markt~ Parking Meters - represented by Mr. Miller. Price, $74.00 installed or $69.00 without pipe. Five spare mechen~mm are supplied per one hundre& meters. There woul~ be a trial period of one year, 60 ~ys' delivery an~ a 7~-25 pe~nent basis. The Company will train a meter.~n, if re~uired, at their ex!~ense. At this point Aid. Bucl~er left the meeting. Mi-Co Parking Meters - represented by l~r. Cilchrist. Price, $67.~0 plus instal- lation, not to exceed $~.00. Three spa~-e meters per handred are supplied. There would be a one-year trial period, ~vm~iate delivery and either a ~0-~0 or 7~-2~ basis of payment. The company will train a mete~m~ at their expense. Parko-Meter - represented by Mr. Watson. Price, $90.00 inst~]~d or $86.~0 not installed. One spare mechansim per 50 meters to be supplied, a one-year trial period and 30 days' delivery, with a 75-2~ basis of ~ayment. The Cum~any will train a meterman at their expense. Following the demenstretion, Council considered the relative features of the v~rious meters end teok the following action: EESOIAFfI0~ The following Resolution was passed: No. 161 - ~ - DONAI~ - i~E~0L~Tj) that a decision with re~ to the purchase of parkir~ meters be ~1~ on tM ~ble ~til a f,,ll co~cll is pmsentl ~d ~e Se~ of ~e Co~tion be hemto ~f~d. Ca~le~ Prior to this, a motion was made by Ale. ~hite an~ MacDonald that a by-law be prepared to enter into a contract with the I~: I~arkin~ Mater Company; and the same was defeated, the vote being: Yea: ~ld. MacDonald, White and His Worshil~ l~r Houck Nay~ Ald. Miller, Frank and Hawkins ~' ~ot rotins: Ald. nonaid. C0~[~NICATIOI~S ~e follcWln~ C.~.~unication was presented.' No. 402 - Martin and Calvert - re Lots 9, 10, Block H, B~idge Street. ORDERhi) on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that the communication be received and ref- erred to the City Solicitor and the Dominion Government to be communicated with for advice as to their intentions regarding this property. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Freak. EEAD AND ADO P~ED, 15 September, 1947. FORTY-SEVENTH MEETING MEETRIG Council Chamber, 1~ September, 1947. Pursuant to adJourmment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 15th September, 19~7, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of AId. Frank, were lmsent. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meetings, regular and speci"1, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkirm. C0~NICATIONS Laid over from a previous msetlng: No. 373 - W.C.LsMareh, K.C. - application for tourist cabins on Ferguson Street. 0R~D on the motion of AId. White and Miller that the communication be rec- eived and filed, and permission for such erection be granted. No. 382 - Department of Highways No. 391 - Mortimer, Bampfield & Co. - re responsibility for sidewalks. ORDERED on the metion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the comunications be received and the matter be referred to MAr. C.D.Hanniwell, M.L.A., to be taken up with the Dep- artment of Highways. ~ Report No. 272 The following Communications were presented: No. 403 - Department of Highways - suggesting changes in By-law Number 4098. 0R- DEFJ~D on the metion of Ald. Miller and ~awkins that the communication be received and laid on the table until parking meters have been Inst~l 1 ed, and street cars removed from the City Streets; and in the meantime the Police Departmentbe asked to enforce the City and Provincial traffic regulations. No. 404 - Boar~ of Education - progress re building proems. 0~ on the motio~ of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the cmunication be received and filed. No. 40~ - Nydro-Electric Co~.~ eslon of Niagara Falls - re street lighting on S+A~ford Street. 0RLmk-~ on the motion of Ald. Domal~ a,a Miller that the com- munication be received an~ filed. No. 406 - Boy Scouts" Association - rendering permicron for A~ple Day. OI~D on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and White that the cuam~nication be received and filed, and permission be e~ated. No. 407 - Public Relations Services Ltd. - enclosure re parking meters. OEDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the communication he received an~ laid on the table. No. 408 - Hencurable Htn~hrey Mitchell - re eraeke nuisance at Armcuries. 0RDEED an the motion of ~ld. Donald aml Hawkins that the cmmmmication be received filed. · aid over from a previous meeting: No. 272 - City Solicitor - re aidewalk on Roberrs Street. ~ on the motion of Ald. DO,'~:~. and. Hawkins that the reX,oft, be reeeive~ a,a referred to Mr. O.D. Hanniwell, M.L.A., to be takem ~ with .the Dol,~t,u,snt of Hi~hwa~,'s. The following Reports were presented: No. 275 - City Clerk - re conference held on 8th September. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald that the Report be received and filed. No. 276 -M~dical Officer of Health - re living conditions at 1262 Ottawa Street. OP~mt~ on the motion of Al~.'~ll~r and Hawkins that the report be received and filed. No. 277 - City Clerk - recomm~ngin issuance of licences. 0RDEED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald enid Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the rec- ~endations be adopted. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions wpre p_rgsented: No. 162 - EA~ilNB - MacDONALD - RESOLVED that arecommendation be forwarded to the Minister of Highways and ourlocal member of the Legislature that reSulations be passed whereby it would be unlawful for any vehicle to pass a school bus, whether the bus is stopped or not; that a recommendation be made to the Board of Police Commissioners that a police officer be stationed at Victoria Avenue and S~mnoe Street and Victoria Avenue and Epworth Place on school days when children are going to and from school to assist them in crossing the reads; that the Board of Education be asked to have the principals of each City school warn children to cease the practice of riding bicycles on the streets, two or more abreast; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 163 - EAWE~NS _ MTV.;.~ _ RESOLVED that the Traffic Committee be asked to study the suggestion that 'Stop, then Go, signs be installed on Victoria Avenue to S~mooe Street and Epworth Place; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto af- fixed. Carried No. 164 - MacDONA~2) - HAWKS - HESOLVED that the Traffic Committee study the suggestion that Park Street be made a stop street at Weldand Avenue, rather than a through street as at present; and the Seal'of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 16~ -BUU~ -EAWEi~S -RESOLVED that a massage be forwarded to Ex~Alder~an Joseph R. Locke, expresSing the sympathy of the City Council and citiznes of Nia- garafalls upon the death of his wife, Mrs. Isabel Locke; and the Seal of the Corpgration be hereto affixed. c urrie The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and White, with Ald. Miller as enacting Chairman of Finance during the absence of ~ld. Frank. READAND ADOPt, 22 September, 1947. Clerk '~ " FINANCE MEETING Council Ch-mber, 19 September, 1947. The Finance Comittee met on Monday, l~th September, 1947, for the pose of approvlng and also of passing the various accounts which had been prop- erly certified and placed before them. All members of the C~.~.,~,~ttee, with the ception of Ald. Frank, were present. Aid. Miller was enacting Chairman during the meeting. Sundry accounts amounting to $33,796.78 were approved by the Connnfttee. The accounts submitted, being passed orc~herwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Aid. Donald and Hawkins. The reports of the City Manager, regarding an application for permission to erect tourist cabins at 2212 Stanley Avenue, as referred from a lmvious meet- ing, were considered. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald and MacDon- ald that the reports be received and filed, and the recv----ndation of the Property Comittee for the granting of permission for such erection, be adopted. An offer was presented from the Beacon Awning Manuffactuers, for the purchase of Lot 67, and part of Lot 68, Plan 1B, Stanley Avenue for the sum of $100.00. Upon the recommendation of the Property Co,~,~ttee and on the motion of Aid. Donald and Hawkins, it was ordered that the offer be received and filed, and the company be advised the property is not for sale for other than resid- ential purposeS. The report of the Property Comm~ tree on the above matter was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald and Hawkins that the report be rec- eived and filed. The Statement of Relief for the month of August was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald and White that the statement be received and filed. A report was presented from the City Manager, recomm~nding that a per- mit be issued for the erection of a small building on land on Victoria Avenue owned by J-m~s Sacco. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Haw- kins that the report be received and filed, and the recow,,~ndation be adopted. A report was presented from the City ManS6er, reco~,ending that a per- - mit be issued for the erection of a storage building on McHae Street, owned by Mr. F.O.Boyle. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and Buckher that the report be received and filed, and the recow~ndation be adopted. A report was presented from the City l~anager, regarding an application for a permit to erect an addition at 1169 Roberts Street and use the same as a beauty parlour. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Bucknor and His Worship Hayor Hauck that the report be received and filed, the rec-H~ndation be opted, and the permit be issued, if, upon the advice of the City Solicitor, such operation is not prohibited ~n the residential area. A report was presented f~. the City Manager, recommending that a per- mit be issued for the erection of a church on Fourth Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawk-X~ that the report be received and filed, an~ the recommendation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommendlag that a per- mat be issued for the erection of a garage at IB2 Terrace Avenue. It was ord- ered on the motion of Aid. 1~ite and Bucknet tha~ the rel~rt be received and filed, ~ the rsc~ndation be adopted. A report was presented fx~th~+~.Cit~ Manager, recom~-u~lng +.~at a per- mit be issued for the erection of a neon sign at 1467 Victoria Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of kid. Donald and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, ~nd the recommendation be adopted A report was presented from the City Manager, regarding an application for a permit to construct an addition at 1168 Roberts Street, and to use the same as a lunch and soda bar. In this connection Mr. Turner, representing Mr. Saccomanno, the owner, was permitted to address the Committee, on the motion of Aid. White and Donald. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald and Buckher that the report be received and tabled, the reco~nendation be adopted, and the matter be referred to the City Solicitor for his opinion as to the operation of such an establishment in the residential area; and further that the Property COm~ ttee be requested in inspect the premises. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Donald and White that the local repair garages be asked to show in detail the number of hours of labour and the rate per hour charged in connection with accounts rendered for work on City vehicles. The Committee adjourned on t he motion of Ald. White and Donald. BEAD AND ADOp,~.'.,, 22 September, 1947. Clerk "~ of Finance COUNCIL MEETING · Council Chamber, 1~ September, 1947. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts appreved by the 0mittee. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Frank, were present. BY-LAW .The following By-law was passed: ~ - To Grant Monies for ~eneral Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and BuCknor that Aid. ~dller be given the privilege of intreudoing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first t~m~ - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. WhYs and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standin~ Rules-of-Council be suspended an~ the by-law be given the second mad~ng - Carried. Aid...Hawkins and NatDonald - Carried. EESOLUTIOES The following Resolutions were passed: No. 166 - WRI'~ - DONALD - RESOLVED that the Hydro-Eloctric Cu-,-~ission of Eiagara F~lls be asked to erect two lighting standards on S,,,~er Street and three stan- dards on Lowell Avenue in the Morse-Misener subdivision; and the Seal of the Cor- poratlon be hereto affixed. Carried No. 167 -WRithE -HAWKINS -RESOLVED that the matter of the charge being made for parking on the land adjacent to the General Brock Hotel be referred to Mr. C.D. Hanniwell, M.L.A., to be taken up with the Department of Highways; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 168 - BUCK/4ER - Nv~.~R - RESOLVED that the Hydro-Electric CommissiOn of Nia- garafalls be asked to inspect the location of lighting standards on MayAvenus, with a view to changing the location of two such standards to give better illum- ination; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins andMiller. READ AND ADOP~ED, 22 September, 1947. Mayor COX~'~L~OE Council Chamber, 1~ September, 1947.. The Conference C~.--,.Ittee met at the close of the regular council and finance meetings~ on l~th September, 19~7, for the purpose of considering the v~rious matters presented to them. All members of the C~mmlttee, with the excep- tion of Ald. Frank, were present. After discussion upon the matters presented to them, the C..~Ittee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Whitoand Donald. : ~ i~EAD AND ADOtAbu, 22 September, 1947. FORJ-EIGHTH MEETING Council Chamber, 22 September, 1947. REGULAR MEETING Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7-30 p.m. on Monday, 22nd September, i947, for the purpose of considering general business and Finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Frank and White, were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the Previous meeting, ad- opted these on the motion of Ald. ~cDonald and Miller. DEPUTATIONS In connection with Communication No. 409, and on the motion of fdd. Hawkins and Miller, a representative from the Dyns~ao Football Club, Mr. H.W. Besm, was permitted to address the Council. ~lr. Beam explained to the Council the wishes of his Club to hold their opening game at Oakes Field on the night of 26th September. ~SEE Communication No.. 40~ COMMUNICATIONS Laid over from a previous meeting: No. Sgl - Mort."_ime_~r B~am~p~ield & Co. - re responsibility for sidewalks. ORDERED on the mot~o~ P~d~wwkin~' Bucknet that the communication be received and rp, ferred to the Conference for further consideration. S_~E Repq~rt No. 278 Thee followi~Conmlunications were ~: No. 409 - ~Dynamo Football Club - requesting use of Oakes Park. ORDERED on motion of Ald. Miller and ~'~'onald that the conmaanicatlon be received and the filed, and Permission be granted, providing the field is available and providing the Club will consult with the City *Msnager and Parks Superintendent regarding the use of the field in the event of inclement weather. (All members and His Worship were favourable to this arrangement. ) No. ~10 - Township of Stamford _ re fire bell tower. ORDERED on the Ald. ~awki~s and Buc~r t~a~ 'the con~unicatioh be received and laid motion of on the table and referred to the City Muns~er for a report, such report to also includs rocom- mendations for work on the two other bell twers. No. 4ll _ Department of Highways . re tax on fuel oil. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the cc~munication be received and filed, and the cheque be forwarded for the amount owing. No. ~12 - Nealth League of Canada - requesting Proclamation re Immunization Week. 0R~ on the motion of AId. Donald and Eawklns that the communication be rec- eived and filed, and the Proclamation be issued. No. 413 - Office of Fire Marshal . re fire officers, *college. 01R~EEED on the motlon of AId. MacDonald and,Buckner that the communication be received and filed, and the fire chief or his representative be authorized to attend the col- No. 414 - Canadian Legion Branch 51 - requesting permission for Pc _ an{ filed, and be 8ranted. Permission ce b. ~1~ - )oar~ of Education., re ,SuBSeer!one re traffic. O~ED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins end Donald that the communication be received and filed. No. 416 - Eydro-Electric Comm]s~on of Niagara Falls - re lights on S~mer Street and Lowell Avenue. ORDEY~ED on the motion of Ald. ~illsr and MacDonald that the communication bs received and filed. No. 417 - Hydro-Electric Commission of Niagara Fells - re lighting on Ns~v Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins that the comunication be rec- eived and filed. No. ~18 - The Salvation Arm~ - requesting assistance in salvage drive. ORDEF~D on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDons.ld that the somunicati0n be received and filed, and assist~nce be given as requested. No. 419 - Cit~ of_Calgary - resolution re eight per cent tax on gas. 0RDEEED on the motion of Ald. Donald andMiller that the communication be received and filed, and the resolution be endorsed. No. 420 - ~Lty of St. Catharines - resolution re income tax office. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald andMacDonald that the communication be received and filed, and the resolution be endorsed. No. 421 - Children's Aid Societ~ - invitation to luncheon. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins that the communication be received and filed, the vitation be accepted, and as many members of the Council as possible attend. No. 422 - Greater Niagara Communit~ Chest - requesting assistance in campaign. 0RDE~D on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Buckher that the co~anication be rec- eived and filed, His Worship MayorHouck be asked to attend the openingandthe campaign be endorsed by Council. The following Reports were presented: No. 278 - City Clerk - re parking area and responsibility re sidewalks. OldHEED on the motion of ~ld. Donald and MacDonald that the r~eport be received and the matter of the parking lot be referred to Ald. Miller to take up with the Deputy Minister of Highways. FUR~M~ OR~m~ on the motion of ~ld. Hawkins and Bucknet that the r~m~imier of the report be referred to the Conference for consideration. No. 279 - City Clerk - re conference held on 19th September. OI~SEI~JD on the mot- ion of Ald. Miller and }~oDonald that the report be received and filed. No. 280 - City Clerk - re meeting re possible veterans i homes. ~ on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald that the report be received and laid on the table Until further information is received. No. 281 - C~ity Clerk - rec~u~mnding issuance of licenses. OEOE~ED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the report he received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. EESOL~TIOX~S The following Resolutions were passed: No. 169 - IWTLr.~ . HAWKINS - RESOLVED that the City Manager be mq~sted to sub- ~t a mpo~ on ~e possibility ~d costs of 1~ a false oeil~ p~ved li~t~ ~ the Coboil C~er; ~d ~e Se~ of ~e~OO~om$1on be here- C~iej ~. 170 - ~ - ~c~ - ~ t~t ~e action of Eo~k~ ~ ap~oint~ a c~e c~si~,~. ?~ ~ Eawki~ ~e City Clerk and a member of the employees, union, for the purpose of artangling a Ct~istmas party for the employees and their families, be aPpro~ed; and the Seal of the CorPoration.be~reto affixed. Carried BY-LAW The followin~EBy_law was ~o. 411~0 - To amend By-law Nmber 3962, being a by-law for licensin~, regulatin~ and governing tourist camps and trailer csmps, for designating areas of land to be used as tourist camps and trailer camps, and for prohib- iting the use of other land for such Purposes. OP~ on ~m motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that ~ld. Hawkins be given the Privilege of lntorducing the by-law and the by-l~w be read the first time - C~rried. It was ordered on the motion of Pld. Hawkins and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be read the second time - Carried. Third reading -Ald. MacDonald andEawkins _ Carried. ~ld. Miller asked what action had been taken with regard to obtaining a board for the second circuit in connection with the fire alarm system. The City Manager advised that this and several other matters would be Presented to the E~ipment Committee for consideration. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller, ~ld. Bucknet being appointed ermcting Chairman of Finance in the absence of Ald. Freak. READ AND ADOPTED, 29 September, 1947. Clerk ' ' Mayor F~2~ANCE ~EETING CoUncil Chamber, 2~ September, 1947. The Finance Committee mat on Monday, 2~ September, 19~7, for the Purpose of aPProving and also of 10assing the various All members of the Committee, with the e , i Sundry accounts ~mounting to $30,105.18 were approved by the Committee. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald. The report of the City Manager, as laid over from the previous meeting, and the recon~nendation of the Property Committee in connection with the applic- ation for a building permit for alterations at 1168 Roberts Street, were consid~ ered. It was ordered on the motion of ~_ld. MacDonald and Donald that the reports be received and filed, and the recommendation of the Property Committee adopted. A communication from Messrs. Martin and Calvert, the report of the City Solicitor and a communication from the Public Works Department of the Dominion Government, in connection with Lots 9 and 10, Block H, Bridge Street, were con- sidered. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of AId. MacDonald and Donald it was ordered that the communications and report be received, the recommendation of the City Solicitor be adopted, and faycurable, consideration be given to a refund of the 1947 taxes paid by Mr. Cunnlngham. A communication was presented from J.Molloy, requesting a refund of a deposit paid on Pt. Lots 26, 27, Drummond Road. The offer of Gordon S. Wood, which had been made at the time of Mr. Molloy's offer was also considered. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Donald sJ~d MacDonald it was ordered that the communication be received and filed~ a refund be granted to FAr. Molloy and Air. Wood be asked if he stilt wishes to purchase the property. An offer was presented from W,H.Cartwright of $75.00 for Lot 13, Plan 16, Terrace Avenue. The recommendation of the Property CcQmnittee in this regard was also considered. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and l~iller that the offer be received and laid on the table for one week to permit the mem- bers of .the Finance Committee to inspect the property. An offer was presented from the Beacon Avning Manufacturers for Lot 6, Stanley Avenue. A petition from residents near this property, signifying their approval in the event of the proposed bUilding by the pr~pective purchasers, was also considered. On the motion of Ald. Miller and Eawkins, a representative of the company was heard. He was advised of the recommendations of the property committee and stated that the proposals were satisfactory. Upon the recommend- ation of the Property Comndttee and on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins it was ordered that the offer and petition be received and the lot be sold at a price of $300.00, but subject to the provision that a building of at least $2,000° value will be erected thereon, and subject to the existing encorachment on the lot at the present t~m~. The report of the Property Cnmm~ttee on the above matters was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins that the report be received and filed. A report was presented from the City building permit be issued for a garage at 1791 the motion of Ald. Mac Donald and Hawkins that and the recommendation be adopted. Msnage¥, recommending that a Emery StreetS. It was ordered on the re~ort be received and filed, A report was pr~.sente& from the City Manager, reco~mnending that a per- mit be issued for the erection of a garage at 1826 Buchanan AvenUe. It was e~d on ~e rotion of ~d. ~ller ~d ~wk~ ~t the report be received ~d filed, ~ ~e mc~en~tion be'adopted. A re~ w~ P~sented from ~e City ~er, ~ndi~ t~t a buildi~ pe~t be issued ~ the Ni~ Wire Weav~g C~ for the '~mctinn of a quo~et hut. It was o~ema on the mti~ of ~d. ~wki~ ~d ~c~d that the report be received ~d filed, ~d ~e rec~n~tion be adopted. A ~po~ was p~sented f~ ~e City ~er, ~c~di~ ~h~t a per- m~t be issued for the erection of a garage and workshop at SLmcoe Street and St. Clair Avenue. ~t was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. A report was Presented from the City Manager, regarding an appli~ ation for a permit to convert a machine shop into living accommodation on Elgin Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Donald that the report be rec- eived and laid on the table for one week to permit the members of the Fincjme Crm~ttee to view the Premises. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald. READ AND ADOptED, 29 September, 1947. 01erk Enacting Chairman of Finance Council Chamber, 22 September, 1947. The Council re~assembled at the close of the regular council an~ fin- ance meetings for the Purpose of Passing the by-law which covered the accounts aPproved by the Conm~ittee. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. FramkandWhlte, were present. BY-LAW The following By-law was Passed: No. 413.1 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald and Hawkins that Ald. Buck~ net be ~Iven the privilege of introducing the by-la~# and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. ~Tt was ordex~ed on the metion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standin8 Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law ~e given the second readt,~ . Carried. ~ir~ reading , Aid. Hawkins and Miller. ~e Courtoil adjourned on the motion of Aid. Donald and Hawkins. ~ A~D ADOPt, 29 September, 19~7. lerk · · _ ' ' 269 ,.: COl~'.~cea'ICE Council Chamber, 22 September, 1947. The Conference Ccamaittee met at the close of the regular council and finance meetings, on 22nd September, 19~7, for the purpose of considering the vat~ ions matters presented to them. All members of the CommLittee, with the excep- tion of Ald. Frank and ~ite, were present. After discussion upon the matters presented to them, the Committee adjoinmeal on the motion of Ald. Donald and Bucknet. I~EAD AND ADOPTED, 29 September, 1947. Chairman FORTY~N~I~I~ MEETING REGULAR MEETING Cobuncil Chamber, 29 September, 1947 P~rsuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, ~ogth September, 1947' for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. X~q~ite, were present, The Council, having received and read the minutes of the Previous ~eeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins. CO~4UNICATIONS The f°llowin~Con~unicatlo~s were~_preeen~_te~d: No. ~23 - Hono~able Minister of Hi~gis _ achowledging resol b~ses. ' ..... O~ on the m~n o~d '~d ~d Fr~ utlon re school received ~d filed. ' that the co~ication be No. 424 - ~ar~nt of Heath - approval of e~arge~nt of Fairview Cemetery. 0~ on th~ cared ~d fne 7°rice of Domld ~d ~cDomld t~t ~e com~ication be rec- No. ~2~ -~s. G.H~od - s~estl~ ~ED on~ot~f ~d. Domld weddl~ gift for H-R.H.Princess Elizabeth. ~d hid on the ~ble ~til ~e next m~tl~ t~t ~e commication be received No. ~26 - ~ of Education _ re tr~f ~D on tee ~f ~7~wkins ~di~dPr°tecti°n oC school children. OR- ' ~ t~t ~e com~i ~d refe~ed to the ~fic Comittee for a report. cation be received No. 427 - ~a, St. Cat~ines ~d To~nto Rall~ _ ~ use o~ bus stops. ~ on the moti~--~d~c~d ~d ~ha~ the eived ~d filed. com~loation be REPORTS ~erej~reeg_n. te~d: No. 282 - CAJ Clerk - re conference held 22nd September. ORDERED on of Ald.. Bucknet ~n~ Hawkins that the report be received and filed. the motion No. 283 - City Clerk - re certificate of the motion'~ ALl~'~rank and Hawkins Permanency for E.P.Scott. 0RDEI~D on the s~gestion be adopted. that the report be received and filed, and N0. ~84 - City Clerk - rec(~mmending issuance of licences. 0RD~D on the motion of Ald. Ma~Do~al"~and Fran~ that the rel0ort be received and filed, and the recem- · endations be adopted. ..RI~OLUTION ~e following Resolution was passed: Md ion be forwarded to the Hon- nsction ys f the Legislature in con- with the matter of a charge made for parking on land adjacent to the ten- stel Brock Hotel, that the Minister be asked for a clarification of the situation ~n this re6ar~; that if a satisfactory explanation is not made, the matter be taken u~ with the ]I0nourable Pa~mler~ aml the Seal of the Cot:notation be hereto C~rrled ~e following By-laws were passed: No. 4112 - To authorize the execution of an P~reement for Sale and Deed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Buckher that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried. Third reading - ~ld. MacDonald and Hawkins - Carried. No. 411~ - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Hawkins and Buckher that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be give the second reading - Carried. Third reading -Ald. M~cDonald and Donald - Carried. No. 4114 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement with James Milne. It was ordered on the.motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that Ald. Mil- ler be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Bnskner that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried. Third reading -Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald - Carried. The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and MacDonald. ~EAD AND ADOPTED, 6 October, 1947. FINANCE M~TXN~ Finance Cnmm~ tree met on Monday, 29t~ Council Chamber, 29 ~eptember, 1947. September, 19~7, for the put- pose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been prop- erly vertified and placed before them. All members of the Committee, with the excpetion of Ald. White, were present. Sundry accounts amounting to $18,797.D7 were approved by the Committee. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, wer~ ord- ered placed In the money by-law for Presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Donald and Buckner. An offer from W.H.Cartwright of $7~.00 for Lot 13, Terrace Avenue, and the report of the Property Con~ttee, which had been laid over from the previous meeting, were considered. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mac- Donald that the offer be received and l~id on the table and the Slater Estate be notified of the possible sale to ascertaIn if they wish to protect their holdings. The report of the City Manager, regarding an applica~ion for a permit to convert a machine shop into livln~ accomodation, on the sonth side of Elgin Street, as laid over from the previous meeting, was again considered. It was or- dered on the motion of Aid. Miller and Bucknet that the report be received and the matter be referred to the Property Committee for a further report. A communication was presented from the Township of Stamford, making an offer for a gas stove formerly in the south end police station. ~t was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donadd and Miller that the communication be received and laid on the table, and the City Manager take up with the Township officials the matter of the use of the police building, and report upon the same. An offer was presented from G.N.McRae for part of Block 3, Slater Ave- nue for $200.00. A report of the Property Committee upon ~e same matter was also considered. ~t was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Ha~Ins that the offer be received and laid on the table, that the report be received and adopted, andMr. McRae advised that a lot 41.7 feet in width, or one of the two 42-foot lots in the same block would be available to hIm. A quotation was presented from W.Benson and Son of $5~4.00 for the con- struction of a false ceiling in the Council Chamber. It was ordered on the met- ion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the quotation be received, filed and ac- cepted, and the City Manager be authorized to proceed with the work and the in- stallation of new lighting. (Aid. Donald asked to be recorded as voting contrary to this motion.) A report was presented from the City Manager, recon~nending the issuance of a permit for the construction of a workshop on Lot 6, Stanley Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller andMacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the reccmmsndation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, reconm~ending the issuance of a permit for alterations and additions to the Canadian Legion bulldix~ on Vic- toria Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and ~cDonald that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending the issuance of a permit for the erection of six tourist cabIns at ~27 Ferguson Street. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and HawkIns that the report be rec- eived and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. A report was Presented from the City Muna~er, recomendiag the issuance of a permit for the erection of a building at 19B7-~ Victoria Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Donald that the report be received and filed, and the rec~--ndation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, recomnending the issuance of a building permit for the erection of a building at ~97 St. Lawrence Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald and Hawkins that the report be rec- eived and filed, and the reccmm~nd~tion be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, recentending the issuance of a permit for the erection of a green house at 1909 McGrail Avenue. It was ox~ered on the motion of AId. MacDonald and Miller that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted· A report was presented from ~he City Manager, recommending action for the extension of Homewood Avenue and Huron Street across the Hydro-Electric Comnision right-of-way. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and ~cDon- aid that the report be received and filed, and the recommendations be adopted. A report was presented from the Equipment Committee, recommending the purchase of various items of equipment. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Hawkins andMacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the recommend- ations be adopted. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Miller and Hawkins that the total acreage in the City, occupied by the Eydro-Electric Power Commialon of Ontario high tension lines and rights-of-way, be ascertained. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Buchaer and Hawkins. EAD AND ADOpI'h~, 6 October, 19~7. Chairman of Finance COUNCIL MEETING 'Council Chamber, 29 September, 1947.' The Council re~assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passin~ the by-law which covered the acco~xts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. White, were present. BY -LAW The fpllowing By-law was passed: ~ · No. ~l,1D - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald that Ald. Frar~k be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the b~y31aw**be rea~ the first t~me_ - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Donald that Rule 3~ (2) of the Standing Rules of Comcil be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Cerriea. - Third reading _Ald. Eawkins and Donald . Carried. The Council adjourned on the mot/on of AId. Bucknet and Hawkins. EEADAND ADOPTED, 6 October, 1947. Clerk b~yor C0~EEENCE Council Chamber, 29 September, 1947o The Conference Committee met at the close of the regular council and finance meetings, on 29th SePtember, 1947, for the pm~pose of considering the matters Presented to them. All members of the Committee, with the exception of Aid. White, were present. After discussion upon the matters Presented to them, the Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Eawkins and Donald. EEADAND ADOPTED, 6 October, 1947. Clerk · · Chairmen COURT OF REVISION Council Ohamber, 30 September, 1947. The Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll was held at 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 30th Sep- tember, 1947, at which the following action was taken upon the respective appeals: Members present: Sheriff V.L.Davidson, Mr. William Delaney and Mr. W.A.Fraser. Roll No. 7132 Brooks, H. D~escr~ti~ ~Lan~s pt.3,2,C,StanleY 3,169. · Buildin~Decislon of Com, t Assessment cancelled. assessed elsewhere 53D7 Brooks, H. 1127 River Road 1,900. 2,150. Assessed to H.HemV, separate school support 9221 Brooks, E. 21D8Main Street 4,000. 24,000. Reduction of $1,850. on land and on building 149 Canadian National Railways llD9 Niagara F~lls Sports Aren~ Company 93~8 CrySler, Harriet 699 DeVilliers, M. & P. 490 Buttrey 2,2~0. 6,000. 610 Erie 100. 300. 1109 River Road 4,000. 3,200. 430-2 3ridge 900. 1,800. Assessed to tenant Assessment ca_nestled and reduced by ~motLn Assess to J.B.Me~rs Reduced $400. on building and public school support 4987 Glassbrook, Glenholme 8711 Janzen, Ernest 932 Lawrence, William 977 Bender 300. 1,1~0. 1684 Spring '350. 600. ll~9Bridge 5~5. S,200. Dl_mn~ssed D~mtssed Reduced $100. building 8771 Leach, William 8231 Mancuso Brothers 4088 Melvin, George 1274 Pxotz, Michael 1272 Protz, Pauline 9189 Reid, Edna 1912 Delaware 640. 1,~60. 1660 Stanley 300. 2,679. 819Sixth 379. 1,300. 431 First 300. 2,000. 433 First 290. D00. 2036Main 640. ~ 3,000. DIsmissed Dismissed Dismissed Dismissed Dt_-m~esed Reduced $~00. on building - 382 Taylor, William 73~1 Twose, A.J. 6473 Watson, Christopher 1347 Victoria Lot129, MeGrail 3a5 · 200. 2,32}. Reduced $400. on bu ld nS ~00. Assessment cancslle~ · - reduced by Assessed to Albert Brouillette 4630 Woodhouse, CeorSe Lot ~, 1~0. Dtemndesed B~SINESS ASSESSMENTS 800 McCall, C.H. REBATES OF TAXES 2793 Imperial B~nk of Canada 3768 Lillie, Fred CHANGES OF SCHOOL SUPPORT .'~38 Burke, Mrs. William ~461 Brazen, L. 9179 Campagna, P. 3607 Catherwood, David %83 Corcoran, James 1991 Craig, Marguerite Dll DeLang, Clarence 7473 DelDuca, Myer 823~ D?iDuCa, N.C. 28~7 Devlin, Mrs. Catharine U76 Fedor, Margaret ~B3 Zarr~m-~, J.A. 638 Earr~man, 7916 Erbal, Paul ~ ~Johneton, G.B. 606~ Enott, A.E. ~801 I~wson, John MacAhonic, 9~7 Manuel, A.E. ]766 MartL% Paul 543 Sixth 912 Queen 1442-4 Victoria 17~9 Robinson Lot 47, Cedar 1986 Main Lot 6, Homewood 1166 Victoria 569 Second 699 First 183~ Buchanan 1648 Stanley Morrison 1327 Ferry 989 Welland 138-44 Bridge 1743 Lewis 7~9 1310 Florence 337 Morrison 1609 Buchanan 180~ Robinson lo 8 Maple 9,870 2,100 900. 479. 4500. 7O0. 600. 250. 300. 400. 1,200. 975. 1,600. 100. oo. 3oo· 8oo. 3o0. 400. 300. 100. Appeal withdra~ 800. 3,600. 1,600. 2,000. 3,300. 3,000. 900. 1,50o. 4900. 2,600. 7,200. 2,100. 2,100. 7oo. 2,100. 1,900. 1,67~. 1,100. 1,900. 1,7~0. Remission of $32.80 Remission of $24.90 To be public school supporter To be separate school s~pporter To be public school supporter To be separate school supporter To be separate school supporter To be public and sep- arate school suppor- ters, 90-50 To be public school supporter To be public school supporters Should be divided, 90-50 To be public school supporter To be public school supporter To be public school supporter To be public school supporter To be public school supporter To be public School supporter To be separate school supporter To be p~lic school supporter To be separate school supporter To be separate school supporter 9332 McCarthy, A.F.~ 5260 McManus, ~irs. T. 9039 McDonald, Audrls 4095 Meagher, W.J. 8954 Mlglione, Mrs. A. 5678 Schell, C. 6815 Sraith, Charles 3432 Ressler, Albert 155-6 Santin & Gallins, Mrs. 4162 Scott, E]ma P. 39~9 Sparer, George 6236 McGraw, 2232 Orchard 450. 2,300- 1415 Smith Place ~00. 700. 1249 Main 700. 2,200. 861 Sixth 379. 1,400. 1937 Grey 250. 900. 1146 Victoria 500. 600. 1281 ROsedale 600. 1,000. 1394Cedar 229- 1,900. ll9Dyson 200. 1,000. 632 Third 950. 1,800. 754 Fourth 500. 2,000. lO12Jepson 1,000. 2,600. To be separate school supporter To be public school supporter To be separate and public school supporters, 50-50 To be separate school supporter To be public school supporter To be public school supporter To be separate school supporter To be public school supporter To be public school supporter~ To be separate school supporter To be separate school supporter 'To be separate *school supporter ~and assessments reduced Building assessments red- uced Tazad~ustments 5,319.00 10,100.00 57.70 Certified correct, Clerk Sheriff F_~'TETH MEETING Cornrail Chamber, 6 October, 1947. Pursuant to adJommment, the Council met at 9.00 p.m. on Monday, 6th October, 1947, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of AId. White, were .tmsent. ~e Coun- cil, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. M~cDonald andHawklns. DEPUTATIONS In connection with Communication No. ~28 and on the motion of Ald. Frank and Hawkins, the delegation from the Niagara F~dls General Hospital Trust was permitted to speak. Messrs. James Barr and W.D.Bracken, and Dr. A.G.Minnes were the speakers and they outlined the request of the Trust thst the CoLmoil present a question to the electors at the forthcoming election for the raising of $300,000.00 toward the proposed addition and improvement of the present hospital building. SE Comunication No. 428 C~$1UNICATIOpS Laid over from previous meetings: No. 425 - ~s. G.Earrod - suggesting gift for H.R.H.Princess Elizabeth and con- sort. ORDEHED on the motion of AId. Donald and Hawkins that the con~nunication be laid on the table until further info~mtion has been received as to the procedure being taken in this regard by the Governments and the City of Toronto. No. 426 - Board of Education - re traffic conditions at schools. 0RDEE on the metion of AId. MacDonald and Hawkins that the communication be received and filed, the Board of Education be advised of the proposed action by the Council. SEReport No. 286 The following Comunications were presented: No. ~28 - Greater Niagara General Hoplp~ _ requesting presentation to electors. ~ on ~the mtion of Ald. Haw~s and Frank that the communication be rec- eived and filed, the resolution of the Trust be approved and the matter of the raising of $3QO, 000.00 for the ex~nsion of and l~provement of the present hsopital be Presented to the electors at the forthcoming election.. No. ~29 - CentralMortgage and Mousing Corporation _ re allocation of wartime houses. OI~)EE on the motion of Ald. Donald en~HawkinS that the comaunication be received and filed. No. 430 - Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation - re parcel of land for houses. C~D~t~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the comnunication be rec- eived and filed. No. 431 - Greater ,Nla~ara Gemunity Chest - appreciation of 8ramt and assistance. C~DF~t~ on the motion of Ald. Frank and Bucknet that the commmication be re0- eived and filed. ' ~o. ~32 - Band of Canadian Corps - re series of concerts next season. OI~DER~ on the motion of Ald. Frank and MacDonald that the comnunication be received and laid on the table for consi~eration by the 19~8 Council. No. ~33 - ]]oara of Transport Ccmnteslo,ners - OE)]~ re Stanle~ Avenue wtS-wag. 9332 N~Carthy, A.F. 5260 I/~M~nus, Mrs. T. 5039 McDonald, ~iris 4095 Meagher, W.J. 8994 Mlglione, Mrs. A. 5678 Schell, C. 6815 Smith, Charles 3432 Ressler, Albert 2232 Orck~i 1A~15 Smith Place 1245 Main 450. 300. 700· 861 Sixth 1937 Grey 1146 Victoria 1281 R0sedale 1394 Cedar 1t9 Dyson 6S2 Third 754 Fourth 1012 Jepson 375 · 25O. 50O. 6OO. 225. 2OO. 550- 2, 3oo. 7oo. 2,200. 1,40o. 9oo. To be separate school supporter To be public school supporter To be separate public school supporters, 50-~0 To be separate school supporter To be public school supporter FIFTETH ~fiEETING Comaoil Chamber, 6 October, 1~47. Pursuant to adJou~unment, the Council met at 5.00 p.m. on'Monday, 6th October, 1947, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. ~ members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. White, were lmsent. ~xe Coun- cil, having received and read the mlnutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins. 600· To be public DEPUT~TIONS school supporter In connection with Co~muunication P;o. 428 and on the motion of Ald. Fran~ and Hawkins, the delegation from the Niagara F~lls General tiospit~l Trust 1, O00. To be separate was Permitted to speak. Messrs. Jemes Barr and W.D.Bracken, and Dr. A.G.Minnes school supporter were the speakers and they outlined the request oF the Trust that the Council present a question to the electors at the forthcoming election for the raising of 1,500. To be public $300,000.00 toward the proposed addition and improvement of the present hospital school supporter building. 155-6 Santin & Gallins, Mrs. 1,CoO. To be public school supporters SE Com~mication ~o. 428 416~ Sco~t, E]m~ p. 1,800. To be separate C0~$f~qVICATIOpfS school supporter ...Laid ove~r~from revi~n~eetings: 3559 Spater, George 500. 2,000. To be separate ' ~ ' school supporter ' suggesting gift for tI-R-I~.Princess Elizabeth and con- · on the motion of Ald. Donald and ]Iawkins that the communication be · school supporter No. ~26 - Board of Education _ re traffic conditions at schools· ORDERED on the motion of ~"~"'.MacD'~an~ Hawkins t~mt the co~nunication be received and filed, ~and assessments reduced 5,319.00 the Board of Education he advised of the Proposed action by the Council. Building assessments red- uce d 10,100.00 Tax adjustments 57.70 ~fo~~°m~!cations were resents: S~..R~.. 28~6 Certified correct, No. 4~8 - ~Gr.e.ater~ara General Roe i . r~islng of 0' e resolution of the Trust be a the communication be rec- o. 430 - ~entral Mort e and IIousi C caVion ~ led. -- inS that t~e communication be rec- sired and filed, ' · rar~ and ~uckner that the c~lcatidonassista.nce. No, ~3~ . Band of CanadianCo~ , re series of concerts next season, 01qD~ on the motion' of Aid, Framk and MacDonald that the comnanication be received and laid on the table for consideration by the 1948 Council, No, ~B3 , ~oard of Transport C~mmissioners , C~ re Stanley Aven.ue w~g-wa~, 9332 9039 McCarthy, A.F.~ McManus~ MrS. T. McDonald, Audris MesSliar, 89~4 Migllone, Mrs. A. 7678 Schell, C. 681~ Smith, Charles 3432 Rosslet, Albert 155-6 Santin & Gallins, Mrs. 416~ Scott, Elm~ P. 3559 Spatot, George 6236 McGraw, E.B. Certified correct, Clerk 2232 Orchard 4~0. 141~ Smith Place $00. 124~ Main 700. 2,300. 7oo. 2,200. To be separate school supportel- To be public school supporter To be separate and public school supporters, ~0-50 FIFTETR MEETING Pursuant to adJotumment, the Co,,n~ ~ .^~ ..... ~0otobe~. ln4v ...... Cotulcll Chamber, 6 October, 1947. codroy, 6th ]nance. kLl t. Yhe Coun- lopted these of Ald. italTrust A.G.Minnes Council raising of xt hospital ;ion No. 428 N and con- ~ication be Procedure ED on lhe and filed, rtjo. e86 electors. be rec- of the ~time lication r houses. e reo- Iotarice. ~3~ - Band of Canadian Cor~s , re series of concerts next season reo ~on the %able for consideration by the 1~8 Counci~.. 'i 01~3~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and Frank that the ccmmmnicatlon be rec- eived and filed. REPORTS The following Reports were presented: No. 28~ - City Clerk - re conference held on 29th September. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Ald. MacDonald and Frsmk that the report be received and filed. No. 286 - Traffic Co~mldttee - making various recommendations. ORDEfiEu on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Hawkins that the report be received and laid on the table, that roll reconmmndations with the exception of Item 1Vumber 4 be adopted, and that matter be laid on the table for consideration when Aid. White is present. No. 287 - C_i~ty Clerk - recommending issuance of licenoes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald that the report be received and filed, and the rec- omnnendation be~ adopted. I~SOLDTIOES The following/~esolutions were passed: No. 172 - HAWKINS - FRANK - I~ESOLVED that the next reguler meeting of the City Council be scheduled to take place at 4.00 p,m. on Tuesday, 14th October, 1947, and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto af£ixed. Carried No. 17S - FRANK - MacDONALD - RESOLVED that permission be granted to the Lions Club of Niagara Falls to use 0ekes Park on the evening of Slat October for the purpose of holding the ann,m1 ~mllowe,en parade and party; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. ' ~Csrried The following By-laws were passed: ~ - To provide for borrowing $9,164.18 upon debentues to pay for the con- struction of a storm sewer on Slater Avenue from McRae Street to Jep- son Street and on Jepson Street from Slater Avenue to Muddy Nun Trunk sewer in the City of Niagara Falls. Third reading -Ald. Nawkins and MacDonald - Carried. ~o~. 4116~ - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale ami Deed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Buckner that Ald. Frank be given the provlle~e of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first t~m~ - Carried. It was ordered on the motira of Ald. Hawkins and Donald that Nule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the Second reading - Oartied. Third reading - ~ld. ~[awklus end N, acl)onald Cartled. The Council adjourned on the motion of k~ld. Donald and Freak. ~EAD AND ADOP,'~:,,, 1~ October, 19~7. FINANCE ~ETING Council Chamber, 6 October, 1947. The Finance Co~nittoe met on Monday, 6th October, 19~7, for the Purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been Properly certified and placed before them. All ~embers of the Con~nittee, with the excep- tion of Ald. White, were Present. Sundry accounts amounting to $28,900.00 were aPpro~ed by the Committee. The accounts submitted, being Passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered Placed in the money by-law for Presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Donald and Bucknet. The offer of W-H.Cartwright for Lot 13, Plan 16, Terrace Avenue, as laid over from Previous meetings, was Presented· Additional offers of from W.Barry Watson and Mar~ E.R.Watson to redeem the same, were received. The rec°m~ndation of the Property Committee in this regard was also considered. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and t[is Worship Mayor Houck that the · offers and reccmmendatlon be received and filed, and the former owner be permit- ted to redeem the lot for PaYment of the outstanding taxes; and the suggestion be made to Mr. Cartwrlght that Lot l~ might be Purchased by him, and the same would serve the same purpose as Lot 1S. The report of the City Manager, as Presented at Previous meetings, and co?~erning an aPPlication for a permit to convert a machine shop on Elgin Street i 'tmee °Zihe recc endation of the that kn report be received and filed, and the recomm-_sndatlon be adopted. · MacDonald it was ordered A report was Presented from the City Clerk, regarding an agrement for sale with William Skakun re Lot 86, Plan l~, Third Avenue. ~ on th ation of the Property Committee and on the metion of A/d P e recommend. it was ordered that the report be received and filed, the agreement be cancelled, · Donald and Hawkins and a refund of the Purchase price, leas any taxes owing on the Property to date, be made. The report of the Property Committee upon the above matters was pres- ented. It was ordered. on the metion of Ald. M~cDonald .and Napkins that the rep- oft be received and filed. The comnunlcatlon from the Township of Stamford, as/aid over from the Previous meeting, and with reference to the l~urchase of a gas stove, was again considered. A report of the Clt$, Manager, regarding the use of the small former Police substation, wan also Presented Township ~ It ~as ordered on the met~on of Ald. Don- ald and Fawkins that the ccmmmicatio and report be received and filed, that the be advised the stove is not for sa/e; and the City Marmeet be asked to make a full report as to the Possibility of Providing accommodation for the pol- ice force in the Main Street Fire IIa3/, the use of the Police cells by the Town- ship Police and the use of the Township Police offices by the City force. .the motion of Ald MacDonald g[Avenue' north of Huron Street. It was ordered on the recc~nendatioA Dona/d that the report be received and filed, and be adopte~. A report ~as Presented from the City Me,-m~er, recommending that a build- - ln~ Permit be issued for the erection of a ge.~e at 18~ North 8tlTeet. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and B~ckner that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Msnsger, recommending that a build- ing permit be issued for the erection of a storage building at the rear of 17~l- ~ Victoria Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, the reco,!lt!l~ndation be ad~opted. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending that a build- ing permit be issued for the erection of a garage at 2328 Wentworth Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the reconmendation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending tlmt a build- ing permit be issued for the erection of a building at 1648 Stanley Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the reco~m~udation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager regarding an application for a pexmlit to erect tourist cabins at the rear and sides of 1772 Stanley Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that the report be rec- eived and laid on the table, the reco~m~endation Of the City Manager be adopted, and the Property viewed by the Property Committee. A report was presented from the City Manager regarding an application for a permit to erect a garage and use the same for temporary living accommod- ation at Lot l, Plan 44, Sy~m~s Street and Findlay Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that the report be received and laid on the table, and the matter be referred to the Property Comlttee for a report. The Con~ttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Buckher. ~EAD AED ADOP'E~I), 14 October, 1947. Clerk · · .'.~,.'~.:~ ... Chairman of Fixtahoe COUNCI'r, MEETING Council Chamber, 6 October, 1947. T~e Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the C~mm~tttee. ,All members of the Council, with~the exception of Ald. White, were present. ~-' ~ BY -LAW The following By-law was passed: No. 4117_ - TO Grant Monies for General P~rposes. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Hawkins and Donald that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that Rule (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried. Third r~ading -Ald. Donald and Hawkins - Carried. ~SCELLANEOUS The sympathy of His 1~rship Mayor Houck and members of the C~ty Co~- cil was extended to Ald. MacDonald upmu the serious illness of his son. The Co~u~cil adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins. HAD AND ADOpu~, 14 October, 1947. ~yor r FIFTY-F~P~ST MEETING I~EGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, 14 October, 1947- Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 4.00 p.m. on Monday, 14th October, 1947, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. White, were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the ~tion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins. DEPUTATION In connection with Communication No. 434, and on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald, representatives of the Local ~28, International Associat- ion of Fire Fighters were permitted to speak to the Council. Mr. Thomas Macrae, the president, presented the request of the Local for consideration of a cost- of living bonus for the remainder of 1947 and that a cv-.,.1 ttee of Council be ap- pointed to discuss a proposed working agreement for the local firemen. ~EE Comunication No. 434 C0F~ICATIONS Laid over from a previous meeting: No. 425 - MRs. G.Harrod - re wedding gift for H.R.H. Princess Elizabeth. ORDERED on the mation of ~ld. Miller and Buckher that the communication be received and laid on the table and further information be obtained from the City of Toronto with regard to shipping regulations, etc. SEE Comaunications No. 435-6-7 The following Comunications were presented: No. 4B4 - Local 528, International Association of Fire Fighters - requesting bonus and working agreement. Oku~A~mu on the motion of Ald. Buo~mer and Donald that the communication be received and filed and the matter of a cost-o-fliving bonus be referred to the Finance Co-,,~ttee for consideration and report; also that the comittoe comprising ~ld. Frank, Miller and Donald, as appointed by His Wor- ship the Mayor, meet with the employees to discuss a working agreement. No. 4B~ - The Provincial Secretary No. 436 - His Worship the Mayor of Toronto No. 437 - Food for the People of Britain Cempaign. Toronto - re weddir~ gifts for -H.R.H.Princess Elizabeth. 01RD~2~u on the motion of ~ld. Miller and Buclmer that the communications be received and laid on the table and further information be obtained with lregax~l to shipping regulations, etc. T~e Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Frank and Hawkins. HEAD AND ADOPA.,~O, 20 October, 1947. 01erk ~hyor CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 14 October, 1947. The Conference Connnittoe met at the close of the l~ular council meet- ing on 14th October, 1947, for the purpose of giving consideration to the matters presented to them. /dim embers of the Connnittee, with the exception of Ald. White, were present. After consideration of the items before them, the Committee adjourned on the motion of ~ld. Donald and Hawkins. READ AND ADOPq~, 20 October, 1947. Clerk ' Chairman COUNC~. MEETING Council Chamber, 14 October, 1947. The Council re-assembled at the close of the conference on 14th October 1947, for the purpose of considering the remainder of the items before them. All members of the Council, with the exception of ~ld. White, were present. COMMUNICATIONS The following Communications were presented: No. 438 - Raymond Szymaszek - re opening of Bender Hill crossing. ORDE~ on the motion of ~ld. Donald and Frank that the conmunication be received and Etled. No. ~9 - Medical Officer of Health - re acco~odation for health clinics. ORD- E~ on the motion of AId. Donald and Frank that the comunication be received .and laid on the table for the present time, a copy of the same be forwarded to 'the Greater Niagara General HospitalTrust, and the request be made that consid- eration be given to providing suitable accomnodation for the various clinics should an addltion to the present unit be planned. No ~d$0 _ NatlonalHouse Builders, Assoication . re development of land for houses. ORDE~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and l tiller that the communication, be received and laid on the table, that our localFederal Member be asked to con- tact the Veterans" Land Act to ascertain if it would be possible to have this land transferred to the Central l~ortgage and Housing Corporation; and further that he be asked what action has been ta3cen with regard to having apartment houses er- ectsdin this Ctt~. ': ,P,T 6 No 4~1 - Ni__s~ara Falls Baseball Association - requestin8 ~rant towa~is banquet. ~ on the motion of Ald. Frank and Bucknor that the conmaunication be rec- eived and filed, and a 8rant of $2~.00 be made to the Association. No. 442 - Intelmational Chemical Workers' Union - re meeting re out-back in power. OI~DE~ on the motion of Ald. Miller av~l Frank that the communication be received and filed, that the Union be advised of the meeting which has been m-- ranSod and the representatives of Council at the same be Ald. Frank, t&iller and Bucknor. REPORTS Laid over from a previous meeting: No. 286 - Traffic Committee - ~king certain recommendations. 0EDEEED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Frank that the report be received and laid on the table until the nextimeeting. The following Reports wore presented: No. 288 - Dair~ inspector - report for month of September. 0RDEI~ED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and ~cDonald that the report be received and filed, and given the usual publicity. No. 289 - City Cler~ - re Canada Savings Bond Campaign. 01~i~D on the motion of Ald. Donald and Frank that the report be received and filed, and the s~ plan as in the past be followed; No. 290 - CitY_~4ans~e_Er - re Hydro-Electric Power Commission acreages in City. DE~D on the motion of Ald. Frank and MacDonald that the report be receiyed laid on the table until the next meeting. No. 291 - City Manager - re request of employees' union for conference. ORDPP~ on th~ motion of Ald. Miller and Donald that the report be received and filed. No. 292 - City Manager - re request for demonstration of aerial ladder. O~ERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Frank that the report be received and filed, and the recomendation be adopted. No. 293 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. 0RDEEEP on the motion of ~d. Miller and Donald that the report be received and filed, and the recommend- ations be adopted. He. 294 - Cit~_~ - recommending change of name of River Alley. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Miller and Donald that the report be received and filed, and the reconunendation be adopted. ~EE Petition No. 13 PETITION ~e following Petition was presented: No. 13 - ~s. E.R.Blew and 42 others - requesting change in ~ of River Alley. ORD~m~D on ~themotionof Ald. Milllet'and Donald that the petition be received and filed, and the request be granted. SEE Report No. 294 BESOLUTIONS The followin~ Resolutions were passed: No. 174 - ItAWKI~S - MacDONALD - BESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the City of NiagoraF~11s petition the.D~parbnent of tIighways of the Province of · Ontario for an interim grant ~der the Hyghway Improvement Act on expendit~u. es made in the period January 1st, 1947 to August 31st, 1947; ~d the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 175 - DONALD - HAWKINS - RESOLVED that an advertisement be placed. in the local press, cautloning the electors to ascertain that their names are correctly en- tered on the voters, list and are shown as owners if such is the case; that His Worship Mayor Houck be requested to explain the necessity of beir~ shwon as ~ owner in order to vote on money by-laws, in his next radio broadcast; s~nd the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 176 - BUCIGER - I~acDONALD - RESOLVED that letters of congratulation be for- warded to the ~[iagara Falls, Stamford Harriers Club for their fine performance on 13th October in the 'man-a-mile, race between St. Cahtarines and Niagara Falls; and to ~ir. H.J.Carmichael who sponsors this event each year; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried .B.Y-LA~S The following By-laws were~e_passed: No. 4118 - To amend By-law Number ~790, being a by-law for the regulation of traffic. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that AId. Mil- ler be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first t~m~ - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second rsading - Carried. Third reading - AId. Donald and Hawkins - Carried. N~o. 411~ - To provide for taking the votes of the electors on the following ques- tion: "Are you in fayour of the exl0enditure by the City of Niagara Falls of $18,000.00 for the purpose of acquiring property for the ex- tension of Fairview Cemetery, which extension has been approved by the Department of Health?" It was ordered on the motion of Aid. M~ller and Hawkins that Ald. Frank be given the preyliege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first t4m~ - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that R~le 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried. Third reading . Aid. Donald and Hawkins - Carried. YNo__. 4120 - To authorize the execution of a Deed. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Hawkins and Bucknor that Aid. .Frank be given the Privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first t~m~ - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended.and the by-law be given the eecon~ reading - Carried. Third reading .Ald. MacDonald andDonald - Carried. No. ~121 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Ssle and Deed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Ha~klns and Buckner that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried. ~ird reading -Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins - 0arried. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Buckher and Hawkins. READ AND ADOPTED, 20 October, 1947. Clerk Mayor FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 14 October, 1947. The Finsnee Committee met on Tuesday, 14th October, 1947, for the pua-- pose of appreving and also of passing the various accounts which had been prop- erly certified and placed before them. All members of the Cnmm4ttee, with the exception of Ald. White, were present. Sundry accounts amounting to $~,279.79 were approved by the Comnittee. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were o~- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald. The report of the City Manager, as laid over from a previous meeting, and with regard to an application for a permit to erect tourist cabins at 1772 Stanley Avenue, was considered. Upon the recommendation. of the Property Com- mittee and on the metion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins .it was ordered that the report be received and filed, to permit Mr. Malzone to submit a revised plan. The report of the City Manager, as laid over from a previous meeting, and with regard to an application for a permit to erect a garage and use the same for living accommodation, was considered. Upon the report of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Buckher it was ordered that the report be received and filed, and permission be not granted at the present time. An offer was presented from Florence Ross of $1~0.00 for pa~t of Lots 26 and 27, D~-_m~ond Road. Upon the recommendation of the Property C..h~v,4ttee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald it was ordered that the offer be rec- eived and accepted, subject to the provision that a dwelling of at ,least $6,000. value is erected on the premises within apetied of six months. The report of the Property Committee, on the above ~ntters, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald m~d Donald that the rep- ort be received and filed. An offer was uresented from G. Ninacs of $75.00 for a lot at the con~er of Robinson Street and ~rey Avenue. It w~s ordered on the motion of ~ld. Donald and Miller t~mt the report be received and referred to the Property Co~nittee for a report. A comunication was presented from the Unemployment Relief Br~nch, reg- arding fuel for methers, allowance beneficiaries. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Buckher and MacDonald that the comm~mication be received and filed, and the necessary action be taken to put the regulation into effect. A communication was presented from the Public Works Department, add, re the property on Bridge Street at Clifton Avenue. It vas ordered on the motion of ~ld. Donald and Hawkins that the communication be received and filed., A report was presented from the City Manager, regarding acconmmodation for the police at the south end of the City. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that the report be received and filed, and the recommend- ations be adopted. A report was presented from the City MansSer, regarding the condition of the fire alarm towers. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald that the report be received and filed, and the recommendations be adopted. A report was ~resented from the City Clerk and City Manager regarding the possibility of broadening the public liability and property damage insurance coverage. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Donald and Bucknet that the rep- ort be received and lald on the table until the next meeting. A report was presented from the City Msnnger, recommending the issuance of a building permit for an addition at ll2~ Morrison Street. It was ordedred on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. A report was Presented from the CityManager, racemending the issuance of a building permit for the erection of a shop at 1929 Clark Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that the report be received and filed, and the recomm-ndation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Mans~er, recommending the issuance of a permit for the erection of a garage at 985 Stamford Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that ~he report be received and filed, and the rec~,.~ndation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending the issuance of a permit for the erection of a garage at 1012 Sixth Avenue. It was ordered on the metion of Ald. Donald end Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the reco~nendation be adopted. T~e Connn~ttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. ~/awkins and Buckher. ~EAD AND ADOpl~jd4 20 October, 1947. Chairman of Finance COUNCIL I~ETIEG Council Chamber, 14 October, 1947. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular oouncil and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Comittee. ~Lllmembers of the Council, with the exception of ~ld. ~ite, were present. BY -LAW The following By-law was passed: No. 4122 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Hawkins and Bucknor that AId. Frankbe given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Hawkins and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - C~rried. Third reading -/dd. Donald and Bucknor - Carried. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 177 - HAWKINS - DONALD - RESOLVED that the matter of parking meters be given consideration at the next meeting, and a decision made as to the purchase of the same,-regardless of the attendance of Council; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 178 - FF~jIK - B~CKNER - RESOLYED that the City Manager be requested to as- certain from the Depur~ent of Highways what action is being taken with regard to the removal of the traffic circle at the exit from the Rainbow Bridge; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 179 -HAWKINS - DONALD - RESOLVED that the City Marzger be requested to bring in a report as to the possibility of establishing regulations whereby one-storey buildings would not be permitted to be erected in the future in the b~siness areas of Queen Street, ValleywayandViotoria Avenue; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carr~e_~ MISU":' .LANEOUS z Ald. MacDoma!4 asked that consideration be given to the trimming o~ the shrubs at the comer of River Road anal Park Street. It was agreed that the Finance C~,-,Ittee should met at 7.30 p.m. on 24th October for the purpose of considering the requests of 'the p..m~loyeeS' org- anizations for increases in wages. It was a~reed that a eo~aittee of Council should go to Toronto to inter° view the officials of a ~aker~ censers regarding the ~osstbtltty of erecting a pleat in this area. Ald. Hawkins askea that constderatton,~e t given to the possibility of ma~ing arrangements for the Practices of tile Harriers Clff0 to be held at time other than when the football and baseball clubs are using the fields at Oakes Park, in an effort to eliminate the conflicti~ use of the clubhouse and shower facilities. The CityManager was asked to consider the Possibility of better shower accommodation at Oskes Park, and if possible, have the s~ne in operation before next season. Ald. Donald suggested that the Engineering Department prepare plm~s for new grandstands at Oakes Park, having in mind the possibility of oreseeding with the erection over a period of years. ~ The Council adJounmd on the motion of ~ld. Fn~nk and Bucknor. READ AND ADOPTED, 20 October, 1947. Clerk ~yor SELECTION OF JURORS Council Chamber, 10 October, 1947. His Worship ~Myor W.L.Houck, Mr. H.G.Brooks, Assessor and D.C.Patten, City Clerk met on Friday, 10th October, 1947 for the purpose of selecting the Grand and Petit Juanors for service in the Superior and Inferior Courts respect- ively, of the County of Welland for the year 1948. Grand Jurors for Superior Courts - 16 ms were selected from the 1946 Voters' List - Letters 'E' to 'M'. Grand Jurors for Inferior Courts - 16 names were selected from the 1946 Voters' List - Lettore 'E' to 'M'. Petit Jurors for Superior Courts - 32 ms were selected from the 1946 Voters' List - Letters 'D' to 'M'. Petit Jurors for Inferior Courts - ~2 names were selected from the 1946 Voters' List - Letters 'D' to 'M'. FIFTY-SECOND MEETING 298 "' i~GULAR MEETING Council Chamber, 20 October, 1947. Purs~u~nt to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 20th 9ctober, 1947, for the p~"pose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of ~ld. MacDonald and Hawkins. DEPUTATIONS On the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Miller, ~. George Gate, represent- ative of the International Chemical Workers, Union, was permitted to address Council. Mr. Gate spoke upon the vuxtter of a meeting held in the City with reg- ard to the possible cut-back in power to local industries, from which he had been excluded. The speaker made suggestions for the conservation of power and asked that his organization have representation on the delegation to discuss this nmt- ter before the HYdro-Electric Power Comnission in Toronto. SEE Resolution No. 180 In connection ~ith Comnunication No. 443 and on the motion of Ald. Haw- ins and MacDonald, Mr. A.J.Campbell was heard. ~h~· Campbell advised Council of his opinion that a tourists, guide service would be beneficial to the travelling public and the community at large. SEE Comm~mication He__ Tenders had been called for the excavation and backfill of trenches for sewers and watermains on certain streets in the municipality. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that the tenders submitted be opened, in- itialled by His Worship Mayor Ho~ck, read and tabulated. SEE Subsequent Council me_eting COI~UNICATIONS The following Comunications were presented: No. 4h3 _ ~~ . re licensed tourist uldes. ~ld. Hawkins and MacDOnald that the communicatgion be ORDERED on the motion of received and filed. No. ~4~ - Departnmnt of Planning and Development _ re Heximer subdivision. ORD- ERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Frank that the communication be received and laid on the table, and approval be withheld for the present. SEE Report No~ 295 ~EPORTS Laid over from PreViOUS meet, ings: No. 286 - Traffic Co~mtittee . making recommendatb . Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the report be rece~ 0~ on the motion of made ed and filed, that a motion on 28th July, 1947, by the Finance ~ommittee be res61nded and Item Number 4 of the report be adopted. No. ~90 - City Manager . re HYdro-Electric Power 0ommielon of Ontario acreages in Cit~. ,0~DE~m~onthemotion of Ald., Donald and Frank that thereport be rec- !I ' ': eived and referred for further consideration at the conference mmeting. The following Reports were presented: No. 299 - Cit~__M~er - re Heximer subdivision. OEDEEED on the motion of Donald and Frank that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. X~. 296 - City Clerk - re conference held on 14th October. Oi{DERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and tIawkins that the report be received and filed, and adopted. No. 297 - City l._h3n__a~e_~: - re elimination of railroad smoke nuisance. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~cDonald and Hawkins that the l~port be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. At ,this point ~ld. Bucknor left the meeting. ! Lo. 298 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenoes. 0RDEE on the motion of ~Lld. ],~cDonald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the rec~ onn~endations be adopted. EESOLUTIONB The followLug Resolutions were passed: No. 180 -_HARK INS - BRINK - ESOLVE~ tlmt a meeting be arranged with the t~ydro- Electric Power Cor~ssion of Ontario for the Industrial Committee of Council, His Worship Mayor Houck and a representative of the International Chemical Wet~ kers' Union, for the discussion of the possible cut-back in power to local ind~ ustries; that such meeting be arranged by His Worship when in Toronto on 21st October; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimous41 No. 181 - ~.tIIJ~R - HAW~ - EESOLI~ID that a committee of Council, composed of the City Solicitor, the City Assessor, the City FM~nager, the Chairman of Fin- ance, Ald. Grant Donald and His Worship Mayor Houck be appointed to discuss with officials of the Lower Steel Arch Bridge Compan~ a renewal of an agreement for taxes; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried The following By-laws were passed: No. 4123 - To authorize the execution of a Deed of land to His Majesty the King in the Right of Canada. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkix~s and Miller that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the,~ first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller andMacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the StandlngRules of Council be suspended and the by-law be ~iven the second reading - Carried. ' Third readin~ -Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins - Carried. ' ~- ~o.. 4124 - To authorize the execution of an~4~reement for Sale and Deed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and MacDonald that Ald. 295 "' "' [ Fran/c be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, oa~d the by-law be read the first t~m~ - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Co~mcil be suspended and the by-law be given the see- end treading - Cea'ried. ~ird reading -Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald. CONGRA~IONS His Worship PLayer Houck extended the congratulations of Council to ~ld. White upon his being appointed to a new position. The felicitations of Cotmoil were extended to ~ld. Bucknor upon ~xe celebration of his birthday. 1,~yor Houck extended a welcome to two members of the Ladies, Division of the Niagara Falls Junior Chamber of Conm~rce, who were attending the meeting. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. ~ite and Hawkins. READ AII0 ADOFI'~D, 27 October, 1947. ~yor FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 20 October, 1947. The Finance Comittee met on Monday, 20th October, 1947, for the pur- pose 'of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been prop- erlYcertified and placed before them. All members of the Committee, with the ex- ception of Ald. Bucknet, were present. Sundry accounts ~mounting to $24,042.92 were approved by the Committee. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for Presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Eawkins and MacDonald. The report of the City Clerk and City M~umger, as laid over from a vious meeting, and dealing with the possible additional public liability and operty damage insurance coverage, was considered. It was ordered on the motion Ald. Miller and]~awkins that the report be received and laid on the table for further consideration at the meeting of the Committee to be held on 24th October. The offer of $75.00 from G.Nlnacs for part of Lots 9, 4, Robinson Street, as laid over from the previous meeting, was again considered. Upon the recommmndationof the Property Com~dttee and on the motion of Ald. Miller andMac- Donald it waelordered that the offer be received and filed, and F~r. Ninaos vised the Corporation is prpared to sell this property for the stun of $1~0.00, subject to the condition that a home of suitable type is erected upon the prem- ises. A comunication was presented from R.S.Avery in which he requested an extension of six months in which to build on a lot purchased by him. Upon the reconm~endation of the Property Committee and. on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins it was ordered that the comtulication be received and filed, and the req- uest be granted. The report of the Property Committee, upon the above matters, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the rep- ort be received and filed. The Statement of Direct Relief for the month of September was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Miller that the report be received and filed. '- A report was presented from the City Treasurer, advising of the receipt of a cheque in payment of a provincial subsidy. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed. A report was presented from the City Manager, recentending that a building permit be issued for repairs at ~02 Bridge Street. It was ordered on the motion of kld. ~cDonald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the reco~ndation be adopted. Areport was presented from the City Manager, racemending that a build- ing permit be issued for the erection of five tourist cabins on Clifton Hill. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins ttmt the report be received and filed, the recommendation be adopted, and the erection be permitted under the supervision of the City Manager. The Conmitteo adjourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Miller. READ AND ADOPTED, 27 October, 1947. Clerk Chairman of Finance' COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 20 October, 1947. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council, with the. exception of Ald. Bucknor, were present. ~< ~.~ DEPUTATION On the motion of Ald. ~awkins andWhite, Mr. Thomas Barnes, Chairman of the HYde'o-Electric Cormnission of Niagara Falls, was PeI~itted to ad~-ess Council. ~,lr. Barnes spoke upon the serious situation with reg~a.d to the use of power and the need for conservation; and asked Council to consider a s~gestion that street lighting be reduced by ton per cent., as was done dtu-ing the wartime shortage of power. S_EE R~eso_Aluti~on No. EESOLUTIOD~ ~xe foliowine[Resolutions wore ~sed: No. 182 - Ff~lNK -HAWKINS -RESOLVED that the HYde'o-Electric Commission in PYiag- are Falls be asked to '~educe the ornamental street lighting by ten per cent. in an effort to conserve electric power; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Ca~Tiod No. 183 - Fi~tNK - HAWKINS _ RESOLVED that the tender submitted for the excavation and backfill of trenches for sewers and water mains, as submitted by Demote Bro- thers, be accepted; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. CelTled No. 184 - MILLk~R _ ~lacDONALD _ RESOLVED that the Board of Education be requested to issue instructions whereby all children of the City will be released from school at ten minutes before 12 o'clock each day, in an effort to eliminate the dangerous traffic conditions which exist in the school areas; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 185 - MTTJ~R -MaCDONALD _ IF_BOLVED that debentures be issued in the ~nount of $al,000.O0 as authorized by Orders of the Ontario MunicipalBoard; end the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Cemried B_Y-LAW The following B~f3~aw was passe~d: ~o. 412~ - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins andMacDonald that Aid. Frm~k be given the Privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first t~m~ _ Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standin6 Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried. Third reading -Ald. Donald end Hawkins - Carried, Cn the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Frank the Council recessed for ten minutes. At this point Ald~ Bucknet returned to the meeting. i~I~0LXJTION .The following Resolution was passed: N0. 186 - ~ _FRANE - EESOLIFED that the Parking meters be installed in cer- tain areas of the City be purchased from the Mi-Co Meter Company of Canada; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Frank. EE~D ,~ A])0P~ED, 27 October, 1947. Clerk '\3 Mayo': CO~'~KsNCE Council Chamber, 20 October, 1947. The Conference Committee met at the close of the regular cormell and fln~nco meetings for the purpose of considcrhg matters presented to them. members of the Council were present. FDY~h~CE 1,EETING Cotu~.clt Ch~p. ber, 24 October, 1947. ~.~e Finance Committee met in special session at 7.3o p.m. on Friday, 24th October, 1947, for the purpose of considering matters x'eferred to them. All members of the Committee were present. The financial statement as of September 30, 1947 ~d a report o~ the City I.~nnager with reference to the request of the F=:uployees, Union ~nd the Fil.e Fighters, Association for a cost-of-livi~l~ bonus or an increased rate of pay, retroatctive to 1st September, were considered. After going into the ~mttor thorough4~, it was agreed that the employees, union and the fire fighters, as- sociation be advised of the financial position as at present, and inasmuch as the bud~Eet for the year 1947 had been adopted, their request ccu~aot be consid- ered at this time; but that every consideration possible will be given when the 1948 Budget is prepared. T:ie report of the City t. Lanager and City Clerk with reference to tim possibility of broadening the coverage with reference to public liability and property damage insurance was considered mid it was ordered, on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller, that the report be adopted and referred to the 1948 Co~icil. The Connittee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Miller and Donald. i~EAD ~D ADOPTED, 27 October, 1947. After consideration of the matters presented them# th.e Conference Committee ad- Journed on the motion of Ald. Frank and Hawkins. READ ~D ADOI'rED, 27 October, 1947. Clerk Chaix~ Clerk Chairman of Finance COUNCIL MEETIBFG Cormell Chamber, 24 October, 1947. A special meeting of the City Council was held on ~'tday, 24th Oct- ober, 1947, for the purposs c~ discussing matters of municipal interest. kll instubers of the Council were .P~esent. RESOLUTIONS ~ls following Resolutions were passed: No. 187 - FRANK - BUCKNER - RESOLVED that the MI-Co Meter (Csnada) L~m~ted be notified that the plate to be used on the meters to be installed in the City of Nia~ara Falls, designating the time when they wiLl be in operation, is to read 801 frc~n 8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. on every day of the week except Sundays; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Can-led unenimouslj] No. 1~8 - ILtl.~{]]~] - DOHALD - RESOLVED that the City Clerk be instructed to obtain a copy of the by-law recently passed by the City of Guelph with l~sference to noise; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Cart'led unanimous] No. 189 - DONALD - MILI~R - ~ESOLVED that the City Clerk be instructed to commtub icatc ~.dth the Falls Illmination Board, requesting information as to why no meeting has been held since December 17, 1946~ and the Seal of the Corporation hereto affixed. Carried unamimousli2 MISCELIAI~EOUS The matter of the assessment on the Whirlpool Rapids Bridge was dis- cussod and it was agreed that negotiations for the renewal of the assessment reement be commenced, on a basis of $3D9000.00, tile minimum being $32~,000.00. The City M~nager advised Council ~ a con~unication from the Hydro- Electric Power Commission of Ontario with reference to the encasing of the tel.~- phone conduit and the fencing of the right-of-way on the proposed Httron Street extension; and also submitted a letter which he was forwarding in rep4% The form of the letter was approved by Council. His Worship Mayor Houck advised the members of Council that he had discussed the matter of appointments with the Honottrable Premier Drew and the Provincial Hyd~o-Electric Power Commis~on, with the local member; and the ap- pointments will be axTanged as soon as possible. The Chairman of the Traffic Comittee advised the members of Cotmcil what progress the Corm~ttee had made with reference to the allocation of bus stops'to be used when the proposed changeover to busses is made. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Rhite and Frank. HEAD AND ADOPTED, 27 October, 1~47. ~yor FIFTY-FOURTH REGULA~R ~9EETING Council 27 0ctober~ 194'~. Pursuant to adJotunmment, the Council '.net at 7.30 P.m. on Monaay, 27th October, 1947, for the purpose of considering general bus~n~se and ~'~m'mce. ~11 members of the Council, with the exception of ~d. White, 'were p~'cs~t.' The Co~mcil, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins. DEPUTATIOI.B On the notion of Ald. Miller and Fran}:, tile dcputations from the N~ag- ara Falls Civic ~-Imployees, Union, Local 133, and the Local .~28, International sociation of Fire Fighters, were heard. Messrs. George Do~ing and Thomas Mucrae were the speakers and advised that they were present to hear the decision of the Council upon their requests for adjustments in salaries and costs-of-living bon- Uses for the civic employees for the last th~e months of 1947. Ald. Frank, Chairrain of Finance made a statement to the gathering, explaining the ~osition of the Finance Committee at this time in that funds were not available to~grant requested increases. The Ald man stated a recommendation would be presented e that ' to the Budget Committee for 1943 that serious consideration be given to the req- uest of the organizations at that time. On the motion of ?rid. Donald and Miller, Mr. F.E.Bo~kins was pel~.itte8 to address Comncil. Mr. Hopkins stated that he was the fathe~ of a child who vas seriously inJtu,ed on SeptemPtor 3rd when a taxi inJ~u-ed three children playing near the coroner of Jenson Street and Welland Avenue. tit. Hopkins stated he felt greater supervision s~ould be exercised by the Boa~_ of Police Comra~ssioners with rgard to adequate insurance coverage on taxi-cabs. bLr. (hodore, Manager of the Veterans, Ta~xi Company was also present and explained the reciprocal arrangements with regard to insurance between taxi cabs operated in Ontario and New York State. S~ Resolution No. 190 In connection with Petition No. 14 and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald. and Miller, Messrs. Kinghorn and Jackson were received. The speakers stated their feelings in connection with the proposed installation of parkfi~ meters on Vict- oria Avenue in the Centre area, and were of the opinion that such installation was not necessary or desired by the majority of the merchants affected. SE~ Petition__No. COF~VNICATIONS Laid over from Previous meetings: No. 42~ -Mrs. G.HeaTod - i'al secreta No. 436 - His Worsh~the Ma~or of Toronto No. 437 - Food for the'i3'eople ~f~'r~'~'lain' Princess Elizabeth. ~'empaign - re wedding gift for H.R.H. 0HDElt~0 on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Frank that the com- ~icatiom be received and filed, that this Council sponsor a two-week campaign, be commenced on let November, for the collection of canned foods aad cash con- tributions for the people of'Britain, such campaign to be in the form of a token wedding gift to Her Royal Highness; ~nd that Ald. X'~cDonald be asked to. act as chairman of the drive. SEE Comunication No__L..4]~5 _~m following Conmmnications were Presented: No. 445 - Food for the People of Britain Campaign - Re possible shipping arrange- meats. 0~ERF~D~n the motion of ~ld. Hawkins and ~rank that the commtmication be received and filed. No. ~6 - Niagsa'a District Firem~n's Association - appreciation of demoastration. ORDERED m the motion of Ald. liiller and MacDonald tD~t the comunlcation be rec- eived and filed. No. 447 - Assessor - re registry office operation. 0RDEBE~) on the motion of ?d. Donald and Hawkins that the communication be received and filed, an~ the Registin'0 Office be approached to see if greater promptness in the returns could be arran~Le~. I{o. 448 - Local Board of Health - roquestir~ Joint meeting with Council. 0RDEt~C3 on the motion of Ald. Miller and ~cDonald that the comunication be received and hid on the table, and a date set fox' a meeting with the Boa~l. No. 449 - Local Board of Health - requesti~j appropriations for additional staff. ORDEEE9 on the motion of Ald. Frank and Miller that the communication be reoeive.k and referred to a special mosti~ of Council. No. 4~0 - ChuA~ch Junior Softball Association - req~sting grant. ORDERED on the motion of kld. Hawkins and ~cDonald that the con~aunication be received and ref- erred to the C, hairnnn of Finance for consideration. No. 491 - NiaS~___~'.a Fells Gentoral Hospital - re request for acconnnodation for clinics. 0RDEEED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the conmmnic- ation be received and filed. Ald. Frank left the meeting. No. 492 - Board of Education - re traffic control in school areas. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the communication be received, the matter of the suggested painting of pavements be referTed to the Traffic Commit- toe for a reconmaendatioa; and the Board be advised of the action alread~v taken by Council. Ald. Frank returned to the meeting. REPORTS The following Reports were presented: No. 299 - City Clerk - re conference held 20th October. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald that the report be received and filed. No. 300 - Traffic Comittee - recomnending establishment of bus stops, etc. 0R- DEE on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the reconmmndationsbe adopted. No. 301 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenses. 0RDEHED o~ the mot~ien ~of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the rec- o~,~ndatiOns be adopted. The following Petition was presented: No. 14 - D.Piraino and 18 otherp - protesting against inst-llmtion of parking meters. 0EDEHE1) on the motion of Ald. Frank and Hawkins that the !~etition be received and laid on the table until the Traffie Comm~ ttee has made a survay and '. reportsall upon the tnst~l ~tton of parking meters throughout t~ae. City-. as a whole. RESOLUTI01S The following Resolutions were passed: No. 190 - NYT.T.~ . MacDON~LD . RESOL~YD that the Pl~vincial Covcrr~ment be asked to pass legislation whereby taxi cabs coating into Ontario from the United States will'be required to carry a similar amount of insua'ance coverage as that aeces- sarily carried by such vehicles in this province; that a copy of this l~solution be forwarded to the bom~ter cities, asking for their endorsation; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried I~o. 191 - DONALD - MacDONALD - RPBOLVED that all members of the Council attend the meeting with the Honourab!e Premier to take place at 12.00 noon on Monday, 3rd November; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.' Carried No. 192 - DONALD - MILLER . RESOLVED that the City Manager be requested to submit a report showing an estimate of the cost of repairs to the local streets which would be necessary upon the removal of the street cars and the substitution of busses therefor~ and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Calmfed No. 193 - MILltiER - It~'~ZINS - RESOLVE~ that the necessary by-law be established to make Orchard Avenue a through street at Synmes and Murray Streets; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.. · . Carried - ild. Donald voting contrary No. 194 - FRANK - HAWICINS . RESOLVED that Remembrance Day, ll th November, be celebrated as a public holiday in the City of Niagara Falls, that all civic build- ings he closed on that date; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 19~ - ~T~..r.RR . DONALD - RESOLVED that the HYdro-Electric Commission of Niag- ara Fs]]s be requested to lnstal additional and sufficient lighting on Symmss Street and on McGrail Avenue from Walnut to Centre Streets; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. C_arried B~Y-LAWS The foLlowingBy-law was passed: ~o. 412~6 - To provide for taking the votes of the electors on the following ques- ion: "Are you in fayour of the expenditure of $300,000.00 by the Nia- gara FaLls General Hospital Trust for alterations and additions to and equipment for the Niagara Falls General Hospital?,, It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Donald and Frank that Ald. Hawkins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be road the first t~m~ - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Miller that Rule 36 (~) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried. Third rending ,Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins -'Carried. ~The followingBy-laws were Presented:' ~ To provide for taking the votes of the electro on a proposed by-law entitled "A By-law to authorize a certain a~reement dated the 30th 8optember, A.D. 1947, between the CorpOration of the City of Niagara Fails and the Niagara, St. Catharlnes and Toronto Railway Company grantlag to The Nl~aga~, ~St. CUtharines and Toronto Railway Compan~ the rights, privileges and franchises upon and subject to the ts~ aad sonditions in the said agreement mentioned," It was ordered on the motion of ~kld. Hawkins and Donald that Ald. Fra~n be given the privilege of introducing the by-lm~, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Donald and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Cm-ried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald m~d Frank that the by-law be laid on the table for one week. No. 4128 - To authorize the signing of an acceptance of a contract with Mi-Co Meter (Canada) Limited. It was ox~ered on the motion of ~ld. Hawkins and Buckner that Ald. Mil- ler be given the privilege of introducing ~xe by-law, and the by-lm~ be read the first time - Carried. It was o~ered on the motion of ~ld. Frank and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried, ~kld. Donald voting contrary. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Buckher and Frank that the by-law be laid on the table until the report of the Traffic Cormntttee in this regard has been presented. Th~ Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Bucknor. BEAD AX~) ADOFc~:o, 3 November, 1947. Clerk FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 27 0otober,'1947. The Finance Committee met on Monday, 27th October, 19~7 for the purpose of approvlng and also of passing t~ various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee, with the excep- tion of Ald. ~xite, were present. Sundry accounts amountingto $1,406.40 were approved by the Committee. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were o~- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Bucknor. The Revenue and E>~aendit,~e Statement as at 30th Se~to.,;foer wan pres- ented. It was o:dered on the motion of ,~d. Donald ~d Buch~er that the statement be received and laid on the table. .An offer was presented from Falls Construction Co. Ltd for the pin'chase of a block of lots on Hartart Avenue for building ~ereon in lo~.~ Upon t~,e I~. Phillips of the Comeany addressed the Co~ttoe and exTlained t~o plans for bnildi~. Upon the recommendation of the Property Coranittee and on the motion of /Ad. 1.hcDona!d and Hawkins it was ordered that the offer be received and laid the ~ble for one week to pemit the Cotttee to view the location. /~ offer was presented from A. Chindemi of $150.00 for part of Let Plan 8, Robinson Street. ~on the recolmnendat!on of the Pronerty Ccmnitlc,~ ~n.~ on the motion of P~d. MacDonald and I!awkins it was order~d t~nt the offer be rec- eived and accepted subject to the provision that a dwcllffng of a~ least ~zluo is erected on the proo~y within six months. (P~d. Miller voted contr~V to this motion.) ' ~ offer was presented from Cecil McRao of ~00 ~1~ .00 for p~'t of Block 3, Plan 35, south side of Jepson Street. Upoz~ the recomnendation of the Property Conmittee and on the motion of Jld. Donald and Hawkins it uas ordered that the offer be received and accepted, subject to the provision that a dwel]_i~ of at least $6~000.00 value is erected upon the premises within a period of six mahs. A report was presented f~m the City M~m~cr, regarding ~ application from J.BMlzone for Pemmfission to erect a motel at the tea, of the garag[~ at !y42 Sta~ey Avenue. A comam~icati~ flDm the Dopartnmnt of Travel and Pffolicity this reg~d was also presented. The reco~ueadation of the l~roporty Co~maittee was given conside~,nt~on. and it was ordered on the motion of Aid. 3uclz~er and I.hcDonald that the offer, co~ma~nication and report be received and laid on the ~ble for two weeks for further consideration by the Comaittee and for clai'ific- ation of ti~e meani~ of the word "motel". An offer was Presented from ~h*s -~na Ko~os of ~ 0 00 for part Ra~e ~2 on the south ~de of Robinson Stroet~ west of Stajay Avenue. Upon the ~eco~endat!on of the P~po~ty Co~itteo ana on the motion of ~d. Donald and Miller it was oraered that the offer ~e recelvea ana laid on the table fo~ one week ~o pe~t the Coattee %o view the pz~psrty. The report of the Property Co~%tee upon ~he above mtters was pros- en%ed. It was oraerea on %he motion of ~R&. Donald an~ Miller that the report ~o received an~ filea. A report was Presented from the City Manager, reco~aendix~ that a building peAmit be issued for Tdqe erection of the Princess Elizabeth building in Queen Victoria Park. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the reco~muendation be adopted. A report was presented from the City ~Mnager, recommending the issuance of a permit for the erection of a frame garage on property o~mcd by Provincial Engineering Limited. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that the report be received and referred to the Property Comittee for inspection and a report. A report was Presented from the City Manager, recom~nending that a building permit be issued for an addition to a garage at 1261 Stuart Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Bucknet that the report be received ~nd filed, and the recommendation be adopted. A report was Presented from the City Manager, reconn~ending that a per- mit be issued for the erection of a sign at 1210 Fer~V Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Bucknor that the report be received and filed, and the reconmendatlon be adopted. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Aid. Donald and Miller. gO5 ' "' 3O6 EEAD f~FD ADOPTED, 3 November, 1947. Clerk Chairman of Finance COUNCIL M~ETING Council Chamber, 27 October, !94V. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regule~ council and fin- ante meetings for the pru'pose of passing the by-law wliich covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the Cornrail, with the exception of ~fi~ite, were present. BY-LAW The following By-law was passed: No. 4129 -'To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Bucknor that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, ~d the by-law be read and the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Buckher that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspsended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried. Third reading -Ald. Donald and Frank - Carried. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and NawZins. EEAD A~D ADOFEED, 3 November, 1947. Mayor C0~ERENCE Council C_:icj!iboib 27 October, 1~4?. The CoD_Fs~elloe Committee met at the close of the regul~r com~cil and finance meeti~s on Monday, 2?th October, 1947, for the ProToss or ccnaidcri~ ~tters Presented to them. ~1 members of the Co~cil, with the exception of ~d. ]'~itg, were present. After consideration of the matters before them, tile Conference Co~mmlttoe ad- Journed on the motion of Ald. Bucknor and Fral~. SAD A~D ADOPTED, 3 November, 1947. Clerk Cimirman :107' 308 FZFTY-FFi~t MEETLNG RZ'~PORTS Council Chamber, ~e follow_i~ ~lere ~eJ~ted. ~ 3 November, 1947. ~"'~" ' ~ ~G~ I~T~iG ~ . 'a D and Donald that time reDo.t~'~-e~,.~ ~'j O~tocer. 0RDE~ on t.]:.- motion of _ FF nc _ , u - 'cIve~ and f-i!ed, and ado'.pted, ion o ~ e ile~ ~ a'. ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ Novembar, 19~7~ for the p~osa of con2i~eri~ general ~usiness and finance, .C_Z o x nd _ -~ :' a .~-. ~ -- r; r~ ~ ....... .... orr;~,o ted · DEP~IOI~S 3E~ Pctl tic~l in concoction with Pot!ties No. 14 and on the motion of Ald. Penald ESOL~iOiCS and Hawkfins, a delegation of ~r~c ' ' ~ ~ to.i~. Avenue btminesmen were ho~d. Mossrs. L .... oco~ Klngholm, on an and ~ackson expla]ncd their ~rotes~ against the insta!- tions were ~assed: let!on of parkfi~6 ~ters- ia the areas in which their businesses were siteted. lie. S~ ~etition Eo. i !ly of the]~t[~.~ ...... ~-~ ' ~ E~D that a message be foz~,.'az'ded to uce B o~ ~ · . r , 'r al~ ezDre~nc- tl~e sY~q~Dath,- of the City Com~cil citizens of Nla~ara Falla upon the ~eath of this esteemed citizen and a membe~ of the 0~ ~e Pensions and Mothers, ~lowances Local Boa~d~ and the Seal C0]~]ZCZ~I0~ of the Co~o~atlon ~e hereto affixed. Z~e followinG Co~icatiozm were presented: - No. to~ _ D0~ Carried Nc. 453 - Veteran~' 0~'~nizations - invitation to Remembrance Day services. Clr- icate with t M~ ; ~ - mm~ _ ESOL~ that the City Man~cr be requested to co~mmn- E on the motion of :~ld. Hawkins o~d l,hcDonald that the conmmication be tee- be rode fo~ the ~e of the Brl~e Street g~ds for softball gm~os~ and the Seal ' Canadian National ~iiways to ascertain whether an ~reement c~d sired and filed, the im'itation be ~ccepted, and as m~ of the Com~cit as Des- of the Coloration be hereto affixed. slblo attend the services. He. 454 - ~t"o-Eloctric Comlssion of Niagara Falls - re ateclients to poles. No. 198 _ DON.~ _ ~Z~ - ~SOL~ that Car[;le~ 0EEE on the motion of ;rid. Mi~er and l~cDonald that the com~xication be x.~- to Pass le~n~-thc incubation the Provincial ~ve~ent be requested eivad and filed, and ~e xmtter be referred to the Chief of Police. cities tn the Province be asked to endorse such a resolution; that a copy of the of state medicine in ~rio; that all . _ s~ be fo~ded to the loc~ Member of the Legislat~ and the Seal o~ the Cor- tIo. 455 - Hydro-Electrlc Co~n~sslon of Niagara Fells . re c~tai~ent of street Potation be hereto ~fixed. li~ti~. 0~ on the motion of ~d. Dosed and Fr~i that the com~icatlcn be received and laid on the ~ble. - Ca~rie~ No. 19p - ~i.~ _ ~cDON~ _ ~SOL~ that the by-law now in force in the m~- No. ~56 ~E=a Falls, S~ord md Chippawa Baseball ~sociation - achmw!edG- Icpality, ~5~{ts~' rin~i~ of bells and so~ding of whistles on rail- ing Grant. 0t~EED on the motion of ~d. Fr~ ~d Ha~kins that the commicat- ways be refe~ed to the Chief of Police for e~o2cement~ and the Seal of the ion be ~'ecclvcd ~d filed. No. 437 - ~st~'m. of Deeds - re lists of coaveyances. 0RDE on the motion Coloration be hereto ~fixed. of ~d. Donald and I.~cDo~mld that the conm~mlcation be received ~d filed, and a C~ried copy be sent to the local l~mber for his files. ~ . _ · - _ ETITION No 438 ~ar~cnt of ~lya~g acknowlodgi~ re solation re t~icab insm-an~.~. Mi__d over f~m the Previous ~: .... 0~E~ on the motion of ;~d. Frank and 14~or that the communication be received ........ ~ .. ~d laid on the table, and copies of the correspondence be forwarded to the local Member of the Legislates. No, 499 - Lions, Club Ha~owe'en Co~ttee - appreciation of assistance. O~EI[D d i ~cDo~l[an~Nlller ~a t ~ona[~ a~d ~s that the commfication be received ~ed contr~y to this motion ) ~be received ~d filed. and file~.Centr~ t~go and Eousi~ Coloration - re ~e of land for P~i~ inters be refe~ed to the electors, but this ~n~nt was defea~d. No. 460 ter of 0~EE ......... - .... buil&~nS. ~s!aw No. 4128 on the motion of ~d. DO~ld and Haw~Y~s' 'that the com~icabion be rec- : ' sired and refen, ed to the Co~ittee appointed in this comection~ and the Sty- BY-L~ ford Township Cornell, to ascertain what action is bel~ t~en. ~ ~By-laws were Passed: No. 461 - Canadian National Rnllw~ys - totters adJ~d re franchise a~ee~at. ~ - To Provide for t~i~ the votes of ~e electors on a Proposed by-law 0~ on the motion of ~d. Domld ~nd ~cDo~ld that the commicatton be received and filed. entitled "A by-law to authorize a cer~ln a~eement dated the 30th Sep- tember, A.D. 1947, between the Co~oration of the City of ~i~ara F~ls , and The Niagara, St. C~htarines and Toronto Railway Company grantliVE to the Niagara, St. Catharines and Toronto Railway Company the rights, privileges and franchise upon and subject to tile teems and conditions in the said agreement r~entioned". ~lird reading -Ald. Miller and Hawkins - Carried. No. 4128 - To authorize the signing of an acceptance of a contract with Mi-Co · Meter (Canada) Limited. Third reading - .~d. Miller and i~hcDonald - Carried, ~kld. ~.~ite and Donald votitj Contrary. No. 4130 - To amend By-law Number 3790, being a by-law to rog~late Traffic in the City of Niagara Falls. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Frank that Ald. Mill.-r be gives the privilege of introducir~E the by-law, and the by-law be read the fiy~t timo - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Frank and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried. Third reading -Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins - CaTled. No. 4131 - To appoint Deputy Returning Officers, Poll Clerks and Polling Places for the municipal elections iu December, 1947 for the year 1948. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins that/uld. V~q!te be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Corn%oil be suspended and the by-law be given the second rcadin~ - Carried. Third reading -Ald. Donald and Hawkins - Carried. The Cotmcil adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and 4~ite. READ AND ADOp~n% 10 November, 1947. Clerk FINANCE I~EETING Council Chamber, 3 November, 1947. The Finance Comm~:ttee met on Monday, 3rd November, 1947, for the purpose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had ~een ~ro~cr!y certified and placed heft,re them. ~'dl members of the Committee, wit'..:'th~ tion of ~ld. Buch~or, were present. Sundry accounts amounting to $26,132.66 were approved by tile Co~ni;tce. The accounts submitted, being passed or othe!~¢iee dealt with, ;l'ere ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Cotmoil, on t:~e motion of Ald. White and Miller. The offer of Falls ConstI~ction Corapany for a block of lots on Hanan Avenue, as laid over from the previous meeting, was again presented. Uoon the reco~mmendation of tile Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Hawk]ns and MacDonald that the offer be m~ceived and filed, and it be agreed to sell twenty- t:~o lots for the sum of $230.00 each with the understanding that the Corporation will proceed with tile installation of the necessary services, and that tl:e dwel- lings will be erected according to the specifications of the individual pus'chaser. At this point His Worship Mayor Honck left the meeting. The offer of Mrs. ~nna I~onkos for part of Range 22, Stanley Avenue and Robinson Street, as laid over from the previous meeting, was again presented. Upon the recommendation of the Pronerty Con~ittee and on the motion of -~d. Mil- ler and Donald it was ordered that' the offer be received and filed, and ~lh-s. kos be advised the property is not for sale at the present time. A report was presented from the City Manager, as laid over from the previous r~eting and concernir~ an application for a buildfi~ pelmlit for the er- ection of a garage on property of Provincial Engineering LImited. Upon the rec- onmmndation of the Property Committee and on the motion of ,'kid. White and Hawkins it was ordered that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted, the erection to be under the supervision of the City l~nager. Tee report of the Property Committee, on the above matters, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. ~lite and Hawkins that the report be received and filed. The report of the City Manager, regarding a permit for the erection of a garage at 1382 Huron Street, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of fdd. MacDonald and Donald that the report be received and filed, and the recom- mendation be adopted. ~e comparision of Tax collections as at 31st October was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the statement be received and laid on the table. The City Manager advised tile Committee that an application had been mde for the purchase of the lot at the northeast comer of Valleyway and Willmott Street for the purpose of erecting thereon a building containing business offices and s~rtments. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and White that the lot be not sold. The City Manager advised that an application had been received for the erection of a motel instead of tourist cabins on the prperty owned by ~. Fior- entio at Ottawa Avenue and ~tamford Street. It was ordered on the motion of &ld. Donald and ~lte that the matter be referred to the Property Committee for areport. The Committee adjourned on the motion of &ld. White and Donald. READ AHD t~0PTED, l0 November, 1947. Clerk U Chairman of Finance COUNCIL MF~ETING Council Cha~aber, 3 November, 19~7. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for tile purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Conmittee. All members of the Council, with the exception of .L~': Worship ~nyor Houck a~d Ald. Buckher were present. AId. Framk was enacting mayor during the meeting. BY-LAI.I following By-law was passed: No. ~132 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and l.~fite that Ald. FraY: be given the privilege of introduciD~ the by-lm~ and ~he by-law ~ read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Hm~kins and Miller that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried. Third reading -Ald. Donald and MacDonald.- Carried. The Co~mcil adjourned on the motion of Ald. Miller and White. READ .~D ADOPI'~u, 10 November, 1947. Enacting Mayor : -- F~FT~-F~F~ MEETII~ Council Chamber, 10 November, 1947. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 10th November, 1947, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. ~ll members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Whltg, were present. The Coun- cil, having received and read the minutes of the Previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonaldand Hawkins. WELCOME His Worship Mayor Eouck welcomed the Alpha Omega Chapter of the Ei-Y Club to the meeting. Tenders were submitted for issues of debentures amounting to $81,000.00. It was ordered on the motion of AId. MacDonald and Miller that the tenders be opened, initia~?ed by His Worship Mayor Eouck and read. It was farther ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald that the tenders received be sukd tted to the City Treasurer for tabulation. CCI~UNICATIOI~ The following Communications were presented: No. 462 - Town of Fort Erie - endorsing resolution re taxi cab insurance. ORDEEED ~le~T motion of ~ld. Miller and Eawklas that the comunication be received and No. ~63 - Town of Fort Erie - resolution re refunds. 0RDEt~D on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Bucknet that the commmlcation be received and filed, and the resolution be adopted. No. 464 - Laurence C. Crawford . certification of check of cash 01~)EI~ · on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Frank that the communication be received and filed. and filed. . ' kins that the c~mmunication be received No. 466 - Office of Premier of Ontario - acknowledging resolution re state medic- ine. ~ on the motion of Aid. Donald andFrankthat the co~nnumlcation be received and filed. No. 467 - Niagara, St. Catharlnes and Toronto Railway - requesting resolution re hue service. 0~DERED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins an& MaCDonald that the com- mmication be receivea ani flle~t, and the request be ~ranted. SEE Resolution No. 200 1~o. 468 - Niagara, St. Caths~ues and Toronto Railway - requesting resolution re bus service. ~ on the motion of AId. Miller and Hawkins that the cmmaun- loatton be received and filed, and the re~_ues$ be granted. SEE Resolution No. 2.0_0 ~The followin~ Reports were ~resented: , . No. 30~ - Dairy Inspector - for month of October. ORDinal0 on the motion of Hawkins and MacDonald that the report be received and filed. No. 30~ - City Clerk - re meetings with Premier and Ilydro-Electric Power Cn-~ s- sion of Ontario. 0~D~ciD on the motion of ,~ld. Fr~n~ and MacDonald that the rep- ort be received and filed. No. 306 - Cl~ Manager - revised estimate for sewer construction. 0A~A~U~ on the motion of Aid. Frank and ltawkins that the report be received and filed, ~ the recommendation be a~opted. No. 307 - Cit~ Clerk - re meetings with officials of Whirlpool Rapids Brid~e Com- pany. Uw~ on the motion of Ald. Don~!d and MacDonald that the report be rec- eived an~[ laid on the table. No. 308 - City Clerk - rec,',!,d'.~n~ing issuance of licences. OA~ on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the rec- ,,-,,.~ndations ~ adopted. I~80LUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 200 - M~T.V.~ - HAW~ - I~ESOLV~ that the Ontario Municipal Bo~ be mq- ues~d ~ ~t ~ the Nt~, St. Ca~es ~d Tor~ htlw~ C~y~ a cert- ificate of public necessity ~d convenie~e in comction wi~ the C~'s ap- plication for the substituti~ of b~es for s~et c~s ~ ~n S~et a~ S~- ley Aven~ in ~e ~ship of S~o~ fn ~e Ni~a F~s city l~m~ts at M~- ~ S~et ~ ~e p~sent end of t~ t~k; for ~ enensi~ of b~ se~ice on S~ey Aven~ f~ ~e p~sent nil te~n~ ~ ~e C~bo~ C~ p~t; and for a pement licence ~ o~m~ b~es on L~y's ~e fn ~e City l~Its of Ni~a F~s ~ Dorches~r Ro~; ~so for au~ority to ~n~ ~ se~ce on L~'s ~e fn Dorches~r ~ to ~nt~se Roa~ ~a ~her~ on M~t~se ~ ~ Wo~bine A~nue ~ wes~r~ on Woodbine A~nue f~ ~se ~ to ~ ~; ~ ~e Se~ of ~e Co~o~tion be he~to ~fim~. Ca~ied No. 201 - DONA~D - HA~g,~S - RESOLv~ that w~ st~, ~ retread by ~e ~fic Co,=-~t~e ~ s~ ~ ~ose in ~e ~ ~e City of We~a~, be oonst~c- ~ ~ lne~e~ in ~e ~ ~ent ~ ~e sch~ of ~e Clty; ~ ~e Se~ of ~e Co~omti~ be hem~ ~n~. C~ied No. 202 - HAW~A~ - MacDONALD - lqESOLv~ +.h~t a message be forwarded, expressing the s~mpathy of the City Council anti citizens of Niagara Fn11~ to the f~m~ly of the lake Mr. ~oseph T. Henderson, upon the death of this lifelong and respected citizen of the cc~nmity; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. ~Carrie.d_ The followin~t l~y-laws were passed: No. ~133 - To amend By-law Ntmber 37~0, bein~ a by-law to re~tlate traffic in the City of Niagara Falls. It was or~ere& on the motion of ~ld. Hawkins an~ Bucknet that Ald. Mil- ler be given the ~rlvtle~e of introduotx~ the by-law, an~ the ~ -law-~e 'mad the first time - Cartled. .~" ' It was ordered on the motion of AI~[. Frank and Hawkins that ihtle 36 (2) of the Standin~ Rules of Council be suspen~e~ and the by-law be given the second reading - CeATie~. No. 4134 - To provide for the installation of parking moters on certain streets in the City of Niagara Falls and to provide regulations relative to the parking of vehicles in the areas or zones where the parking meters are inset?led and to provide for the maintenance, supervision and regul- ation and control of the use of the said parking meters. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Frank that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first tfm~ - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Frank that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second re ,ad~g - Carried, Ald. Donald voting contrary. Third reading -Ald. Frank and MacDonald - Carried, Ald. Donald voting contrary. No. 41~ - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. It was ordered on the metion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first t~ - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and Miller that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried. Third reading -Ald. MacDonald and Frank - Carried. .No. 41~6 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Bucknet that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be read the second time - Carried. Third reading - ~ld. l~wkins and M~cDonald - Carried. ~o. 41~y - To authorize the execution of an ~reement for Sale and Deed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Buckher and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be read the sec- on~ t~m~ . Carried. '* Thlx~ rea&ing- Ald. Hawklns and MacDo-,t!d - Carried. His Worship Mayor Hauck advised Council that he has been informed that the ch~-~over from street ears to buses is expected to take place at the end of November~ and it was hoped to. ar~e for a small ceremony at that time. Ald. Donald asked when information would be available as to the cost of rspairin~ the city streets in the event of the ~oval of the stre~ car mils. The. Council. adjourned. on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins. !3t6 I~AD ~ ADOPI~D, 17 November, 191~7. Clerk Nayor Council C~mmber, 10 November, 1947. The Finance Co-~ttee met on Monday, 1Oth November, 19~7, for the pur- pose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which ~ been prop- erly certified And placed before them. All members of the Cnmm~ttee, with the ex- ception of ~ld. ~4hite, were present. Sundry accounts amountln~ to $11,450.~9 were approved by the C.--m~ ttee. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of The report of the City 14anager and the c,'.,,,,~,n~cation from the Depart- ment of Publicity and Travel, in connection with the application of tT.F~nl~one to erect a motel, as laid over from previous meetings, were again considered. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Donald that Mr. Malzone be permitted to speak to the Cre~ttee. Mr. Malzone advised Council of his plans for the building. The rec__r~m~ndation of the Px~perty Crnwm~ttee was also considered. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller a~d Donald that the matter be laid on the table for one week. The report of the Property Ccmn~ttee, in connection with the above matter and regarding an application of Mr. Fiorentino to erect a motel instead of tourist cabins on his premises at Ottawa Avenue and Stamfor~ Stret, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Miller, that the rep- ort be received and filed and the recoe.-ndation be adopted. A report was presented frc~ the Equtpm-nt ComLlttee, rec---.~T~ting the purchase of a dupltcator and tractor. It was ordered on the metion of Ald. Mac- Donald nr,d Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the reco--n~nd~tions be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending ttata per- mit be issued for the erection of a 6ara6e at 1968 Allen Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the rel~rt be received and filed, and` the recomendation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, raccm~znding that a per- mit be issued for the erection of a garage at 202 Victoria Avenue. It was ord- ered on the motion of Ald. MacDonaM and 3uckner that the report be received and filed, amt the reCre~na~tton be adepte~. A report was pressured from the City Manager, reccew~ndtng that a per- mit be issued for the erection of a sign at the Erie Hotel, BridEs Street. It was ordered on the metion of Aid. Hawkins and Bucknet that the 'report be rec- eived and. filed`, and` the reorm,.~nda~lons be adopted. ,/ The statement of relief as at 31st October, 1947, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the statement be received and lald on the table. The City Treasurer reported verbre1 ly upon the tenders subndtted for the debenture Issues totAlling $81,000.00. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Don- ald and Bucknet that the highest tender of F.H.Deacon and Company of $100.~2 and accrued interest and $100.28 and accrued interest, be received and accepted. The Co~.~ttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Buckher. EEAD AND ADOPJ~U, 17 November, 19~7. Clerk Chairman of Finance COL~CIL I~TIIG Council Chamber, 10 November, 1947. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- asce meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law whlch covered the accounts approved by the C~d,--Ittee. All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. White, were present. .BY-LAW The following By-law was passed: ~ - To Grant Mortlos for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Hawkins and Buckner that Ald. Fr~-~ be given the privilege of Introducing the by-law, and the by-law be raa~ the first time - Carried. It was ordered` on the motion of AId. Donald and Hawklna that Rule 36 (a) of the Standtn~ Rules of Council be suspended an~ the by-law be given the second reading - Carried. Thir~ reading -'Ald. l;awkiue and/411let - Carried. following Resolutions were ~assed: 203 - FARARK - HA~ . I~SOL~ED that a mss~e be fom~, e~est~ the s~a~ of ~e City Com~ ~ citlze~ of Nl~ F~ ~ ~e f~ of ~e ~ ~. ~ O~ ~n ~s dea~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~e C~tt~ be hem~ 018 affixed. Carried No. 204 - DOE - FRANK - RESOLVED that a report be presented upon the possibil- ity of requiring all persons responsible for han~in~ signs to provide adequate protection in the form of insurance or bonds for the travelling public; and the Seal of the Corporation he hereto affixed. Carried The Counoll adjourned on the motion of AI~. Donald ami Miller. HEAD ~ ADOPIED, 17 November, 1947. Clerk COxu'~NCE Council Ch~her, 10 November, 1947. The Conference C~.-m~ttee assembled at the close of the regular councll an~ flnm-ce meetings on Monday, 10th Novaher, 19~7, for the purpose of consider- ing the matters presented to them. All members of the O,'~T,sttee, with the excep- tion of Ai~. White, were pament. F]FTY-SIZTH MEETING Council Chamber, 17 November, 1947. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 17th November, 1947, for the pu_vpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Council, with the exception of Aid. White, were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Hawkins. CC*I~UNICATIOI~ The following Comunlcatlons were presented: No. 469 - Hospital for Sick Children - invitation re new building. 0EDERED on the metion of AId. Miller and Hawkins that the communication be received and filed, and the Hospital be advised that Council was unable to attend because of the council meeting. No. 470 - Canadian Legion Branch ~1 - re poppy day. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Frank and MacDonald that the comunication be received and filed. No. 471 - City of St. Catharines - resolution re rationing of electric power. ORDERED on the metion of Ald. Donald and Frank that the co~nunicatlon be received and laid on the table. No. 472 - City of Sudbury - resolution re state medicine. 0RDEAt~D on the metion of Ald. Frank and Hawkins that the communication be received and filed. No. 473 - Niagara, St. Catharines and Toronto Railwa~ - re revised bus routes. 01~ on the motion of-Ald'~w[ins andMacDonald that the co~anunication be received and flied, and the route schedules be approved, subject to ratification by the Traffic Co~.~ttee at a msetlng with the local suPerintendent of the Rail- way on 18thNovember. .{ After consideration of the matters before them, the C~;~;~ttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Frank an~ Hawkins. EgAD AND ADOPts;,,, 17 November, 1947. i~PORTS The following Reports were Presented: No. 309 - City Clerk - re conferonce held 10th November, 1947. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Frank and Hawkins that the report be receive& and filed, and opted. No. 310 - City Clerk - re meeting with Committee re fire deparl~snt a~r~ement. 0HDEi~w on the motion of/LId. Donald and Frank that the report be received and laid on the table for one week. No. 311 . Traffic Comm~ittee . re coin-counting machines. 01~ on the motion .of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the rec- ~nsndatlon be adopted. Lieutenant Mountbatten. On behalf Of tile Council mS Worship Mayor Houok thanked 320 the advantages to the Corporation in entering into a new agreement with the Nia- gara, St. Catharines and Toronto Railway and the substitution of busses for street oars. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 20~ - DONALD - FRANK - RESOLYED that the next two regular meetings of Council be scheduled to take place at ~.O0 p.m. on Monday, 24th November and at ~o00 p.m. on Tuesda~v, 2n~ December; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried 1Io. 206 - HAWKINS - FRANK - WI~A9 in accordance with regulations issued by the Provincial Hydro Commission under the Power Com~nission Act, certain restrictions have been placed in effect by the local Eydro Commission in order to curtail the use of power in the present emergency, specificnlly window display lighting end tourist sign lighting; AND WHEREAS these restrictions have a detrimental effect on the busin- ess conducted by these persons, which business is their livelihood; AND WHENE~S it is felt that, ur~ler the circ;,m.tances, special cousid- erarich could be given to such persons; ',~,:~IF01~ BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls requeet the Niagara Falls Hydro-Electric C.~.~ ssion to seriously consider per- mitting the use of two lights on tourist signs, not to exceed in capacity fifteen watts each; and also consider some relaxation of the restrictions with reference to merchandise an~ ~indow display lighting; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 207 - MacDONALD - HAW~ - EESOLVED that the approval of this Council be given to the action of Hie Worehip Mayor IIouck in forwarding a message of good wishes from the City to Her Royal Highness the Princess Elizabeth and Lieutenant Mountbatten on the occasion of their wedding; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Ald. Bucknet arrived at the meeting. No. 208 - DONALD - FI~ - I~SOLv~m ~h_at the~ following election meetings be held: at Glenview School on Tuesday, 2~th November; at Memorial School on Thursday, 27th November; and at the Collegiate-Vocational Institute on Friday, 28th Nov- ember; anA ~the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. No. 209 - HAWKINS - MacDONAX2) - I~I$0LVED that a message be forwarded to the fam- ily of the late Mrs. Thnmae F. Burton, expressin6 the s~m~att4v of the City Cpun- cil and citizens of Niagara Falls u~on the ~eath of this esteeme~ citizen; and ¢,~.e Seal of the Corporation be hereto afflxe~. .Carri~ed No. 210 - BUCI~R - HAWaAI~ - l~OLvmu that a recomsaendation be rode ~ ~e 1~ Cornoil ~t ~tion ~ ~en ~ ~ rapaim ~ ~e Ceno~ 'Un C~f~n HiS; ~& the 8e~ of ~e ~o~tion be hem~ ~f~d. ~ C~ied ~o. 23/- NT~.T~ - MACDONALD - I~Eg0Lv~.,', that a reC~w~datton'be forwarded to the Hencurable Mintsteer. Highways, that the i~ovinolal ~overament instel or ~ermit the installation of a lirMted munber of service stations on the Queen Elizabeth Way between Burlington and Niagara Falls, for the safety and convenience of the travelling public; that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Mr. C.D.Hannl- well, M.L.A.; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried BY-LAWS The following By-laws were passed: No. 4137 - To authorize the application to The Ontario MuniclpalBoard for the validation of certain debentures. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Hawkins and Miller that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first t~ - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Hawkins and Buckher that Rule (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried. ~hird reading -Ald. Donald and Hawkins - Carried. No. 4140 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed. It was ordered on t he motion of Ald. Donald andMiller that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first t~m~ - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins andMacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried. Third reading -Ald. MacDonald and ~awklns - Carried. MESCELLANEOBB Ald. Donald suggested that the members of Council should inspect the site for the branch library on Main Street, as he was of the opinion that the 3Ana for such purpose was considerably smaller than had been anticipated. ~e Council a~ldourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Buckher. .Clerk Z4a~o~. FINANCE MEETING COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 17 November, 1947. The Finance Cmmmittee met on Monday, 17th November, 1947, for the pur- pose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been px~p- erly certified and placed before them. All members of the Cmmuittee, with the ex- ception of Ald. White, were present. Sundry accounts amounting to $3~,483.73 were approved by the C--~-,.tttee. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald. The reports of the City Manager and the Property C~,,~;~,,ittee, as l~id over from the previous meeting, and with regard to the application of J.1A~lzone for permission to erect a motel, were again considered. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the reports be received and laid over for reference to the City Solicitor for a definition of the word "mtol" aml advice as to whether such erection would conflict with the present by-laws of the Cor- poration. A report was presented from the City Treasurer, advising of the rec- eipt of the 19~6 power rebate and the interim provincial subsidy. It was ered on the motion of Aid. Donald an& l~uckner that the report be received and filed. A report was presented fr~n the City Manager, recon~nen&ing that a sign permit be issued for an erection at 1~90 Ferry Street. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. MacDonald .ha Hawkins that the report be received a---~ filed, and the reco~'m~ndation be adopted. A cozanunication was presented from Roy. Fr. D. Lichteig on behalf of Santo Robefro and in regard to a building which had been erected on his prop- erty. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Miller and Bunknor that the comaun- ication be received an& referred to the Property C....~lttee for consideratOms. A communication was presented from Mr. B.F.Willi~ns, with regar~ to the p~oh~se Of pax~ Of Lot8 ~7# 48# ~9, VA~le~8~~, 811d 8,18o a release from D.G.WEbb in this connection. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Miller and Bucknor that the ccmmunicatlous be receive& an& referred to the l~erty C.-,-~ttee for consideration. The City Manager presented a verbal repor~ upon an application for permission to erect a fire escape on the building .of the O~d Fellows' Lod~e at the corset of ~ueen Street an~ Ontario Avenue, an~ rec.-.-,aude~ that the by-law he amended to permit such erection. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. l~uck- nsr and Hawk!~. that the City Solicitor he requested to prepare the necessary by-law to permit the erection of a fire escape at this-location. Aid. Miller spoke of the erection of tourist cabins on Stanley Street in violation of the local reg,jations. Aid. Fran~, Chairman of the Propert~ Com- mittee, advised the Council that orders lm~ heon issued for the removal of two cabins which are presentl~ at the rear of a dwelling. The Ce~ttee adjourned on the motion of AId. Donald an~ H~Wkins. Council Chamber, 17 November, 1947. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Co.w. tttee. ~ members of the Council, with the exception of Al~. White, were present. BY-LAW The following By-law was passed: No. 4141 ~ To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Bucknerand Hawkins that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first t~me - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Hawkins and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried. Third reading -Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald - Carried. The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Donald and Frank. i~EAD ~ ADOP,',:,,, 24 November, 1947. Clerk C0mF~F~CE Council C.hmmber, 17 November, 1947. The Conference Committee assemble~ at the close of the regular council and finance meetings on Monday, 17thNovember, 1947, for the purpose of consider- 'lugthe matters presented to them. All members of the Comettee, with the ex- ception of Aid. White, were present. After consideration upon the matters presented to them, the C~...-~ttee adjourned on the motion of Aid. Bucknor and llawkins, FIFI'Y-SEVENTE MgETIEG Council Chamber, 24 November, 1947. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 9.00 p.m. on Monday, 24th November, 1947, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All mem~s of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins. CO~24UNICATIONS Laid over frcm a previous meeting: No. 471 - City pf St. Catharines - resolution re rationing of electric power. 0R- DEHED on the motion of Ald. Don~ldand Frank that the comunication be received and filed. The following Comunications we.~ presented: No. 474 - City of Kitchener - re resolution on state medicine. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins that the c~umnication be received and filed. No. 479 - Hencurable Minister of Health - requesting explanation of resa"tion. O~DEA~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and Frank that the communication be received and filed, and the Hencurable Minister be adtsed that it was the intent of the resolution to ask the Provincial Government to supply medical and surgical ser- vices to the public under a scheme s~mtla~ tO those in operation in Great Britain and other parts of the British ~,Tire. No. 476 - City of Kingston - re resolution on state medicine. ORDERED on the motion Of Ald. Frank and Miller that the crmnmrnication be received and filed. Ald. White arrive& at the meeting. No. 477 - United Polish Relief Fund of Canada No. 478 - United Polish Relief Fund of Niagara F.~le - re campaign. OI~D~At~ on the motion of ~ld. Miller and Hawkins that the cc~nnunications he received and filed, and His Worship the M~yor or his representative be authorized to a~end the meeting, as requested. No. 479 - Board of Education - approval of action for safety of school children. OA~m~D on the motion of Aid. Frank and Miller that the communication he rec- eived and filed. No. 480 - Board of Education - approval of a~reement with Whirlpool Ihpids Bridge Company. VA~P~D ~a the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the ication be received and filed. No. ~81 - Hydro-Electric C-~.~lssion of Niagara Falls - re rationin~ of eledricitY. UA~ on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and Bucknet that the ccmnUnica~ion be rec- eived and filed. No. 482 - Niagara F~e Buildare' Exchange - re ~uilding inspector. OND~q~) on the motion of Aid. Bucknet ar~ MacDonalA that the comaunication be received an~ laid on th~ table for consideration b~ the 19~8 Council. No. 483 - Ni_~ara, St. Oatharines and Toronto Railway - enclosing new schedules for buses. ORDEi~D on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that the commanicat- ion be received and referred to the Traffic Committee. No. 484 - Department of Planni_n~ and Development - re proposed subdivision of Cas- well lands. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and MacDonald that the commun- ication be received and filed, and the proposed subdivision be approved, subject to the condition that land at the rear of Lot i and one-foot reserve be deeded to the Township of Stamford to ensure the location of access to the propsties. SEE Report No. 312 No. 485 - Department of Planning and Development - re proposed Bidmonte subdiv- ision. OEDEAt~ on the motion of Aid. White an~]~acDonald that the c~mnunication be received and filed, and the plan be appreved, subject to the condition that the owner satisfies the Township 9f Stamford and the Department of Highways that a proper drain will be constructed and maintained to handle drainage from the Queen Elizabeth right-of-way. SREReport No. 3~] No. 486 - Bell Telephone Company 6f Canada No. 487 - Bell~elepho~e Company of Canada - requesting permission to place bur- ied cable and move a pole. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Miller that the comunication be received and filed, an~ prmi~don be granted. BEE By-law No. 4142 REPORTS Laid over from a previous meeting: No. SlO- City Clerk - re meeting with committee for fire fighters, agreement. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Donald and Frank that the report be received and laid on the table for one week. The following Reports were presented: No. B12 - CityManager - recommending approval of Caswell subdivision. 0RDEI~ED on the motion of Aid. Hawkins andMacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the recomendation be adopted. No. 31B - City Msnsger - recomm~nding approval of Bidmonte subdivision. OHDE/t~D on the motion of Ald. White andMacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the reco~-mendation be adopted. No. B14 - City Clerk - re conference held 17th November. ORD~at~ on the motion of Aid. Frank and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and adopted. No. Bl~ - City Manager - re estimated cost of removing street car tracks. 0~D- E~ oat he motion of Ald. Bucknor and Frank that the report be received and laid on the table until the next meeting. No. B16 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenoes. ORD~m~ on the motion of ~ld. MacDonald and Hawkins that the report he received and filed, and the rec- ommendations be adopted. RESOLUTyOZ~ following Resolutions weX~ presented: No. 212 - M~V.T.~ . DONA~D - i~SOLVED that a protest be forwarded from this Coun- cil to the l~vdro-Electric Power C~ssion of ~lo ~ ~e cessation of ~e t~tl~ of ~e F~S, t~h ~ s~h ~tl~ Is not ~1~ power' which wo~d o~emtse be a~ble for d~estic or ind~1~ consmere; tht en- dcreation of ~is m~lutl~ be m~ues~d of the Omater Nl~a Ohmher of C~- ~me, ~e Ni~ Fn~ Jmior O~er of C~me, the Ni~ F~s Hote~n's Association, the local businessmen's associations, service clubs, tourist home owners' association and other interested in tourists; and the Seal of the Cor- poration be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously No. 213 - DONAiD - MTT,T~R - RESOLVED that a protest be forwarded to the Hydro- Electric Co.-,,~ssion of Niagara Falls with regard to the hiring of a man who has Just recently taken up residence in Canada, when the position fight have been filled by a local resident; end the Seal of the Corporation be beret affixed. Carried manimously No. 21~ - DONALD - HAWKINS - RESOLVED that cumm~nications be forwarded to the Hen- ourable D.C.Abbott, Minister of Finance, the Hencurable C.D.Howe, Minister of Reconstruction and Supply, the Hencurable J.A.MacKinnon, Minister of Trade and Co~nerce and to our local Member, the Hencurable Humphrey Mitchell, protesting against the action of the American Can Cureparty in importing machinery from the United States, when such machinery could be manufactured in Canada,- thus creating unemployment ~mnag local workers formerly employed by the Company; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Csrried u,.-mn~us~' No. 215 - WHITE - DONALD - EESOLVED that the matter of the possible operation of t~xicabs from areas where parking meters are installed be referred to the City Solicitor and the Traffic Committee for clarification; and the Seal of the Corpor- ation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously The following By-laws were passed: No. 4142 - To provide for permission to The Bell Telephone Compan~ of Canada to move one pole on McRae Street and place buried cable on Simcoe Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and MacDonald that aid. Haw- kins be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried .nanlmonsly. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and Miller that Rule B6 (2) of the Standin~ Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried 'man~mOUSlY. Third reading -Ald. Hawkins an~ MacDonald - Carried unanimously. No. ~14~. - To authorize the execution of a Deed to Qusen's University. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. l~iller and Bucknet that ~ld. Frank be given the privilege of intro~uciag the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the metion of Ald. Hawkins and White tk-t Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspendQd and the by-law be given-the second reading - Carried unanimously. ~ Third reading - AId. Donald and Hawkins - Carried unanimously. No. ~1.____.~_~ - To authorize the erection an& use of a fire escape attached to the buildin~ of The Independent Order of Odd Fellows. It was ordered on the motion of AIa. Hawkins and Miller that AI~. Whif~ be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried ,,nanimously. It was ordered o~ the motion of AId. Hawkins and Bucknet that Rule 36 (2) of the .Standin~ Rules of O~uncil be euepended an~, th? by-laW be ~iven the second reading - Carried unanimously. Third reading -Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins - Carried unanimously. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins. READ AND AD0r,'.:~, 2 December, 1947. Clerk \ Mayor F]i~ANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 24 November, 1947. The Finance Con~nittee met on Monday, 24th November, 1947, for the pur- pose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been prop- erly certified and placed before them. ~ members of the Committee were present. Sundry accounts amounting to $6,858.81 were appreved by the Co~ttee. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Aid. Donald and Bucknet. The reports of the City Manager and the Property Committee, as laid over from the previous meetings, and with regard to the application of J.Malzone for permission to erect a metel, were considered. A report was also presented fr~n the City Solicitor in this connection. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Bucknet and Miller that the reports be received and laid on the table and the Dep- ar~nent of Travel and Publicity be asked to state the definition of the word '~notel". A communication frcm Rev. Father D.Lichteig, which had been laid over f~ the previous meeting, and with regard to a building owned by S.Roberto was considered. Upon the reconanendation of the Property Cn~m~ttee and on the metion of AId. MacDonald and Donald it was ordered that the caunication be received and lald on the table until definite advice is received as to Mr. Roberto-s ~ntlons in this regard. Comanuntcations from B.F.Wlllt~mm and D.O.Webb in regard to part of Lots 47, 48 and 49, Valleyway, which had been laid over f~ the previous meeting, were considered. Upon the ~ec~mns-~-tion of the Property Committee and on the motion of AId. Miller and MacDonald it was ordered that the communications be received and laid'on the table for further consideration. The report of the Property Committee, on the above matters, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the report be received and filed. A cmunication was presented from Rainbow Projects I~m~ted in cosnee- Association, the local businessmen's associations, service clubs, tourist home owners' association sad other interested in tourists; and the Seel of the Cor- poratlon be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously No. 213 - DONALD - MFx*~R - RESOLVED that a protest be forwarded to the Hydro- Electric C¢,,~i~I ssion of Niagara Falls with regard to the hiring of a m~n who has Just recently taken up residence in Canada, when the position might have been filled by a local resident; and the Seal of the Corporation be heret affixed. Carried unanimously No. 21~ - DONALD - HAWKIllS - RESOLVED that communications be forwarded to the Hon- ourable D.C.Abbott~ Minister of Finances the Eonour~ble C.D.Howe, Minister of Reconstruction and Supply, the Eonourable j.A. MacKinnon, Minister of Trade and Coderoe and to our localMembers the Hencurable E~phreyMitohell, protesting against the action of the American Can Company in importing machinery from the United States, when such machinerY could be manufactured in Canada, thus creating unemployment~nnglocalworkers formerly employed by the Company; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously** No. 215 - WHi'I~ - DONAID - EESOLVED that the matter of the possible operation of taxicabs from areas where parking meters are installed be referred to the City Solicitor and the Traffic Co~ttee for clarification; and the Seal of the Corpor- ation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously BY-LAWS The following By-laws were passed: No. 4142 - To provide for permission to The Bell Telephone Company of Canada to move one pole on MoRse Street and place buried cable on Simcoe Street. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. White and MacDonald that Ald. Haw- kin, be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, a~l the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Frank and Miller that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried ,;na~imoUsly. Third reading -Ald. Hawkins sad MacDonald - Carried unanimously. No. 4143 - To authorize the execution of a Deed to Queen's University. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Bucknor that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first t!m~ - Carried uns~Amnusly. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and White that Rule ~6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given .the second reading - Carried unanimously. ~ Third reading - AId. Donald and Eawkins - Carried unanimously. No. 4144 - To authorize the erection and use of a fire escape attached to the buildlag of The Independent Order of Odd Fellows. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Hawkins and Miller that AId. White be given the privilege of introducing the by-law ands*the by-law be read the first time - Carried unan~snusly. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Hawkins an~ Bucknor that Rule 36 (2) of the Standin~ Rules of COuncil ~e susl~ended and, the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. Third reading -Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins - Carried una~mnusly. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins. iREAD AND ADOF~, 2 December, 1947. Clerk Mayor mI FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 24 November, 1947. The Finance Comtttee met on Monday, 2~th November, 1947, for the pur- pose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been prop- erly certified and placed before them. All members of the Connntttee were present. Sundry accounts amounting to$6,8~8.Slwere appreved by the Committee. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald. Donald and Buckner. The reports of the CityManager and the Property Committee, as laid over from the previous meetings, and with regard to the application of J.b~alzone for permission to erect a motel, were considered. A report was also presented from the City Solicitor in this connection. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Buckher andMiller that the reports be received and laid on the table and the Dep- artment of Travel and Publicity be asked to state the definition of the word "motel". A comunication from Rev. Father D.Lichteig, which had been laid over from the previous meeting, and with regard to a building owned by S.Roberto was considered. Upon the recon.nendation of the Property C~,,~i-i~ttee and on the motion of J~ld. MacDonald and Donald it was ordered that the co~=unication be received and lald on the table until definite advice is received as to Mr. Roberto-s In- %ntlons in this regard. Comunicatlons from B.F.Wllliams and D.G.Webb in regard to part of Lots ~7, 48 and 49, Valleyway, which had been laid over from the previous meeting, were considered. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald it was ordered that the communications be received and laid*on the table for further consideration. The report of the Property Committee, on the above matters, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller andMacDonald that the report ~ereoeived and filed. A c~untcatton was presented from Rainbow ProJects Limited in conneo- tion with the building at the northwest coreer of Queen Street and Ontario Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that the communication be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report. An offer was presented from Frank Pakozdi of $190.00 for part of Lots 247, 248, 249, Slater Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that the offer be received and referred to the Property Co¥-~ttee for recommendation. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending that a build- ing permit be issued for a workshop on property on Second Avenue, owned by the F~e Construction Company. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and His Worship Mayor Houck that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, reco~maendlng that a per- mlt be issued for the erection of a garage at 880 Victoria Avenue. It was ered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the rec~ndation be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, advising of an applicat- ion for a permit to erect gasoline props and instal a gasoline tank at 1785 Vic- toria Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Donald that the report be received and referred to the Property Cornmitts for inspection and a report o A report was presented from the City Manager, advising of an applicat- ion for a permit to erect an addition to a trailer at 1367 Bridge Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that the report be received and laid on the table and the Property Committee be asked to consider the applic- ation. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Aid. Donald and Buckher. i~EAD AND ADOP,'.~u, 2 December, 1947. Clerk Chaim~ of Finance C0UNC~L ~ET~G Colmoil Cb-mber~ 24 November, 19~7. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular eouncll~ and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the C~,,,--~ttee. All members of the Council were l? ,rese, nt. BY-LAW The following By-law was passed: .No. 414~ - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Buclmer that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law, and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Buckner that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the sec- ond reading - Carried unanimously. Third reading -Ald. White and Donald - Carried unanimously. The Council adjourned on the motion of ~ld. White and Hawkins. ~EAD AND ADOPq'~I,, 2 December, 1947. Clerk Mayor CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 2~ November, 1947. The Conference Committee assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetings on Monday, 24th November, 1947, for the purpose of consider- ing the matters presented to them. All members of the Commi~tee were present. After consideration of the matters Presented, the Co~,,~ttee adjourned on the mot- ion of Aid. Donald and Hawkins. ' ~EAD AND ADOPT~n, 2 December, 1947. 01erk Chairman F~FTY-EIG~i',I~ MEETING SPECIAL MEETING Council Chamber, 26 November, 1947. A special meeting of the City Council was held at 4.B0 p.m. on Wednes- day, 26th November, 1947, for the discussion of a matter placed be~re them. All members of the Council, the City Solicitor, the City Manager and City Clerk, were present. His Worship Mayor Houck cmlled the Council to order and then asked Ald. Miller, Chairman of the Traffic Co,~ttee, to preside. Ald. Miller' advised Council of information received from Mr. J.P.Bick- ell, Registrar of Mator Yehicles for the Department of Highways, and asked the City Clerk to outline his telephone conversation with Mr. Bic~ll on 2~th November regarding the parking meter by-law. Mr. MoBurney~ when asked for comments, stated that although By-law Number 3790 had been approved by the Depsrtment, there was nothing to urevent them now disapproving. Mr. 0rr suggested requesting the Department Engineers to meet with the Traffic Committee and the matter be taken up with the Department of Highways. Ald. Buckner was of the opinion that the local Member should arrange a meeting with the Minister. RESOLUTION The following Resolution was passed: No. 216 - HA~PS - MacDONALD - ~ESOLVED that the local Member be requested to arrange a meeting with either the Minister or Deputy Minister of Nighways, as soon as possible, .preferably on 28th November, for the discussion of the decision of the Department to withhold approval of a portion of the parking meter by-law; that His Worship Mayor Houck, the local Member, the City Solicitor and the Traffic Committee be authorized to attend such a meeting; and the Seal of the Corporat- ion be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and White. ~EAD AND ADOPTED, 2rid December, 1947. Clerk Mayor F~FTY-NINTH MEETING Council Chsmber, 2 December, 1947. EGULAR MEETING Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at ~.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 2nd December, 1947, for the purpose of considering generalbusiness and finance. ~Lll members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins. C0~ONICATIONS Laid over from a previous meeting: No. 483 - ~iagara, St. Catharlnes and Toronto Hallway - re bus time tables. ORD- ERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald an~'~nk that the communication be received and filed, and the tentative time tables be adopted, upon the recommendation of the Chairman of the Traffic Committee. The following Communications were presented: No. 488 - Honourable Minister of Highways - re service stations on Queen Eliza- bethWay. ORDEEED on the metion of Ald. Hawkins and-Miller that the communlcat- .ion be received and filed. No. 489 - City of London - resolution re state medicine. ORD~At~ on the motion of~ld. Donald and Frank that the comaunication be received and filed. No. 490 - City of Guelph - resolution re state medicine. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and MacDonald that the communication be received and filed. No. 491 - City of Sarnla - resolution re insurance coverage for taxis. ORDEA~ oathe motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the com, unication be received and filed. No. 492 - Noncurable HumPhrey Mitchell _ resolution re American Can Company. 0R- DERED on the motionof~ld. Donald and Buckler that the communication be received and filed. No. 493 - Noncurable Minister of Trade and Oo~,-~rce - resolution re American Can Company. 0A~ on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins that the communicat- ion be received and filed. No. 494 - Noncurable Ministar of Reconstruction and Suppl~ - resolutionre Amer- ican Can Com~an~. 0~E~ED on the motion of Ald. Buc~erandMiller that the com- munication. be received and filed. ~o. 49~ - Assistant DePutyMinister of Finance - resolution re American Can Com- pany. 0EDEEED on the m erich of Aid. Donald andEawkins that the comh~Anicatioabe ~eceived and filed. No. 496 - Town of Now Toronto - resolution asking legislation re perverts. 0RD- E~ED on the metion of Ald. Hawkins amt Bucknet that the communication be received ond filed, and the resolutio~ be endorsed. No. ~97 - Canadian Underwriters, Association - re cold weather protection of eq- uipment. OA~ Ca the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the ccmmun- icatioa be received and filed, and referred to the City Manager for the necessary action., No. ~98 - Niagara Falls District Trades and Labour 2ouncil - enclosing letter to Hydro-Electric Cu-im~ssion. OED~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the communication be received and filed. No. 499 - Canadian Mothercraft Society - Making Christmas appeal. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and White that the c~mm~mication be received and filed. No. ~00 - Children's Aid Sgcie_q_~y - invitation to family case work institute. Or- DERED on the motion of Ald. Bucknor and Donald that the communication be received and filed, and if possible, Ald. MacDonald attend the sessions. No. ~01 - United Polish Relief Fund - requesting permission for tag day. OR)REED on the motio'~ of ~ld. Frank and Miller that the communication be received sad filed, and the permission be granted. No. ~02 - l~m~r~.Manos - requesting construction of sidewalk on Bender Hill. ORD- ERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Donald that the comunication be received sad laid on the table, referred to the City Manager sad Mr. Manes be advised the work will be undertaken in the spring of 1948. REPORTS Laid over free previous meetings: No. 310 - City Clerk - re meeting with cn.-n~ttee on fire fighters' agreement. 0R- ' DEit~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and Frank that the report be received and laid on the table until the next meeting. No. Bl~ - City Manager - re estimated cost of removing street car tracks. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Frank that the report be received and hid on the table for consideration by the 1948 Council. The following Reports were presented: , No. 317 - City Clerk - re conference held 24th November. ONDEA~ on the motion of Aid. Frank and Eawkins that the report be received sad filed, and adopted. No. 318 - City Manager - re meeting with Deputy Minister of Highways. OEDEFa~ on the motion of Ald. Frank sad Donald that the report be received and filed, sad adopted. No. B19 - Dairy Inspector - report for month of November. 0EDEEED on the motion of Aid. Donald and Miller that the report be received and laid on the table. No. 320 - City Clerk - reoomn~nding issuance of licenoes. ORDERED on the motion ' of Ald. MacDonald sad Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the rec- _~mn.ndations be adopted. No. 321 - City Manager - re insta~-tion of parking meters. O~ on the mot- ion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, the rec- ~,~l-.~ndations be adopted, that the words "parallel with the Michigan Central Railway tracks as soon as permission is received from the Railway Company" be deleted from the report; and that for the first two days of operation of the meters, courtesy warning cards.be issued to violators, rather than prosecutions. I~ESOLUTION8 The following Resolutions were passed: No. 217 - BUCKNEE - HAWKIE~ - EESOLVE~ that a letter of appreciation be forwarded from this Council to Mr. Pringle, Vice-president an~ Gonev-~ Mana6er ~T the Can- . ]~i~ Nati~ ~ilw~s for his hospit~ity ~ the occ~ion of the r~v~ of s~et c~s fm the City; ~ the Se~ of ~e Oo~omtion be hem~ ~f~ed. O~ied ~n~o~l[ No. 218 - Mu.T.~R - HAWKINS - RESOLVED that a letter be forwarded to bit. E.E.Fraser expressing the sympathy of the Council and the citizens of Niagara Falls upon the death of Mrs. Susannah Fraser, a lifelong and esteemed resident of this commun- ity; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Can-led unanimous!~v No. 219 - MW.T.ER - MacDONALD - RESOLVED that the City Manager be istructed to pro- ceed ~ediately with the removal of the street car loading platforms on Victoria Avenue in the vicinity of Centre Street, that the areas be surfaced in a suitable manner; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. _C_~rried unanimousl~ No. 220 - MTT.L~.R - BUCKNER - ESOLVED that the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario be asked to modify their order with regard to the use of power to permit the illumination of Niagara Falls at least for one hour per day, or during the week-ends; that Mr. C.D.Hanniwell, M.L.A., be asked to give support to this res- olution; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimousl~ The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins. READ AND ADOPTED, 8 December, 1947. Cl · Mayor FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 2 December, 1947. The Finance Con~ittee met on Tuesday, 2nd December, 1947, 'for the pur- pose of appreviag and also of passing the various accounts which had been prop- erly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Sundry accounts amounting to $43,433.18 were approved by the Co~aittee. The account submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- feted placed in the money by-law for .presentation to the Council on the motion of Aid. Miller and Hawkins. A communication from Rainbow Pro~ects L~m~ ted, which had been laid over from the previous meeting, and concernin~ the building at the corner of Queen ~Street and Ontario Avenue, was a~alu considered. Upon the rec~m.-ndation of the Property C~-~ttee and on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald it was ordered that the e~unication be received and filed, and permission be granted for the erection of a false roof for the 19~7-1948 winter season, and that the completion of the building' be proceeded with in the spring of 1~8. A report from the City Manager, regarding the application from J.Sacco for a permit to instel gasoline pumps and tanks at 1785 Victoria Avenue, as laid over from the previous meeting, was presented. Upon the reoomendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins it was ordered that the report be received and filed, and" a permit be issued, the erection to be made under the supervision of the City Engineer. A report from the City Manager, regarding un application for a permit for an addition to a trs~er at 1367 Bridge Street, as laid over from the previous meeting, was presented. Upon the recomendatio~ of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald it wan ordered that the report be received and filed, a permit be not gra~ted; and the City Solicitor institute prosecution against another violator in the area. The report of the Property Cu~ittee, on the above matters, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald that the report be received and filed. A communication was presented from Mr. H.C .TenBroeck, requesting an ex- tension of time for building on Lots 37, 48, McGlashan and Nelson Crescents. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Buckher that the communication be received and referred to the Property Co~.~ttee for a recommendation. The com~arison of tax collections as at BOth November, 1947, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Bucknet and Hawkins that the state- merit be received and fi~ed. The report of the City Manager, reco~-nding a building permit be is- sued for the erection of a garage at 590 Third Avenue, was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Buckher and MacDonald that the report be received' and filed, and the rec,,,,-~ndatioh be ad~A~ed. A report was presented from the City Manager, recon~endlng that a build- ing permit be issued for an addition to a garage at 787 Bridge Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that th~ report be received and filed, and the recnmm~ndation be adopted. The City Treasurer made a verbal report upSn the coin counting mach- ines which were available. It wan ordered on the motion of ~ld. Buckher and Miller that the recommendation of the Equipment Committee, for the purchase of a Dowaey Johnson Coin Counting machine from the Baldwin Distributing Company, TAm, ted, at a price of $308.75, be adopted. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. White and Donald. I~EAD AND ADOPt, 8th December, 1947. Chairman of Finance COUNCILMEETING Council Chamber, 2 December, 1947. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regulsr council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts ap- proved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present. BY-LAW The followingBy-law was passed: No. 4146 .- To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Bucknet that Ald. Frank be'given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first t~mm - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Hawkins and White that Rule B6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. Third reading -Ald. White and Donald - Carried unanimoanly. The Council adjourned on the motion of AId. White and Buckner. READ AND ADOP~T~, 8th December, 1947. Mayor ,! 336 SIETIETH MEETING EEGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, 8 December, 1947. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 8th December, 1947, for the purpose of considering general business and Finance. All members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of AId. MacDonald and Hawkins. His Worship Mayor Houck welcomed the members of the Jepson Street Bap- tist 0hutch Young People 's Society who were spectators at the meeting. DEP~TATIOI~ In connection with Communication No. 903, and on the motion of Ald. Don- aid and Hawkins, Mr. W.J.Meagher of the Ship-by-Rail Association, addressed Coun- cil. Mr. Meagher enlarged upon the request of the Association that Council pass a resolution of protest against any change in the Canadian customs laws which wou~l permit-the transport of American goods in bond through Canada by truck. ~,.',: Conmunication No. 903 On the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald, Mr. Win. Phillips of Niag- ara Bakery, was permitted to address Council. Mr. Phillips spoke upon the matter of the operation of parking meters in front of his premises and the fact that he did not have a co~m~rcial license on his vehicle. Hie Worship Mayor HouOk sag- gested that he should consult with Ald.-F.J.Miller, Chairman of the Traffic Com- mittee in this connection. C0~I~UNICATIOI~ The following Commmications were presented: No. 903 - Ship-by-Rail Association - asking protest against change in Canadian customs laws. OEDE~m~ on the meti~a of AId. White and Hawkins that the conmun- ication be received and filed, and a protest be forwarded from this Council to the Federal and Provincial Governments; declaring the City of Niagara Falls to opgosed to an~ change in the Canadian customs laws which would permit the trans- port of ~aerican goods in boml through Canada by road. No. 50~ - City ofWintleor - endorsing resolution re taxi-cab intotrance. 0EDEI~D on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the communication be received and filed° No. 505 - City of Windsor - endorsing resolution re state medicine. 01~)EA~D On the motion of Ald. MacDonald an~ White that the communication be received filed. No. 506 - City of St. Thomas - endorsin~ resolution re state medicine. 0A~EHED on the motion of AId. MacDonald and Hawkins that the cummamication .be_received an~ filed. _.~-~ No. 507 - City of North Bay - endorsing resolution re state medtetn~' 01~EA~D on the mOtion of Ald. BuoknerandWtite that the commmication be received and filed. No. 508 - Hencurable Minister of Justice -acknowle~i~ resolutionre sex per- verts and maniacs. OEOERED on the motion of ~ld. MacDonald and Hawkins that the communication be received and filed. No. 509 - Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario - acknowledging resolution re illumination of Falls. Oi~DERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and ~cDonald that the connnunication be received and laid on the table until a reply is received to the Counoll's request for a modification of the Order re the illumination. No. ~10 - Niagara Peninsula Sanatorium Association - invitation to opening of new wing. OEOERED on the motion of AId. White and Hawkins that the comunication be received, the invitation be accepted and as ma~y of the Council as possible at- tend the ceremonies. No. 5ll - Niagara, St. Catharines and Toronto Railway - requestXng resolution re interurban service. 0EOEAtm~ on the motion of Ald. Frank and Hawkins that the com- munlcation be received and filed, and the necessary resolution be presented. SEE Resolution No. 221 REPORTS Lald over from a~previous meeting: No. 310 - City Clerk - re meeting with committee on fire fighters' agreement. OR- E on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins that the report be received and laid on the table for consideration at the Conference following the meeting of Counil. A prior motion was made by Ald. Frank and Bucknet that the report be received and laid on the table for consideration by the 1948 Council, but this motion was def- *eated. The following Reports *were presented: No. 322 - Traffic Con~4ttee - suggesting arrangements for school signs. 01~DEPJ20 on the motion of AId. Frank andMacDonaldthat thereport be received and filed, and the recommendations be adopted.' No. 323 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenses. 0RDE~ on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the rec- nm~..endatlonabe adopted. I~OLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 221 - FRANK - HAWKINS - RESOLVED that W~n~.~EA9 the Niagara, St. Catharines and Toronto Railway Company has petitioned the City of Niagara F~ ~s for the consent and approval of the Council to the discontinuance of the electric cars between St. Catharines and Niagara Falls, and the replacement of the ssm, by busses, except for freight switching service; AND W~m. REA9 it is desirable to give such consent; ~At~FORE the Council do hereby grant the consent petitioned for; and :the Seal of the Corporation be hersto affixed. Carried unanimonsl_y_ No. 222 - FRANK - EAWIG~S - i~ESOLVED that a message be forward expressing the sympath~v of the City Council and citizens of Niagara Fails to the f~ ly of the late Mr. John Nard~v, upon the death of this valued employee of the Corporation; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimously l~o. 223 - M~v.v.~R . EAWEII~ - i~E~0L~ED that a message be forwarded to l~r. John Herton and his family, expresing the sympathy of the City Council and citizens of Niagara F~s u~oa She death of, Mrs. Mar~ Eortml; .and the Seal of the 0orporation l~ hereto affLxed. .... " Carried tmantmo.usl~v BY-LAW The following By-law was passed: No. 4147 - To authorize the execution of a~Deed. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and ~ite that Rule 36 (2) 'of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be g~vsn the second reading - Carried unanimously. Third reading -Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins - Carried unanimously. MISCELLANEOUS Ald. Donald asked if any action had been taken with regard to the in- auguration of a bus service in the vicinity of River Road and Ontario Avenue, and was advised that the Niagara, St. Catharines and Toronto Railway were giving con- sideration to such a service, bat wish to first have the present bus schedules operating more satisfactorily. The Council .adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins. HEAD AND ADOPIED, 1~ December, 1947- Clerk Mayor FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 8 December, 1947. The Finance Com~ittee met on-Nonday, 8th December, 1947, for the purpose of approving and ~!,o of passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before th.m. All members of the C~ittee were ~resent~ Bundry acco~xts amountin~ to $6,111.87 were approved by the Co,w.~ttee. The accounts su~mitte~, being passed or othex~ise dealt with, were er~l placed in the money by-law for ~resentatio~ to 'the Co~oit-on the motion of Ald. 1~aite ~ Donald. - Reports from the City Manager, Property Co-~ttee sad City Solicitor, which ha~ been laid over f~m previous meetings, and in eonneeti~ with the ap- plication of ~.Malzone for permiealon to erect a motel, were ccasi~ere~. A com- mUnicatiom fx~m .the Department ~.of Travel and hblicity was also ~conaidered. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Donald that the con~aunications and reports be received and filed, and the recommendation of the Property Con~aittee, that a permit be not granted, be adopted. A prior motion by Ald. Miller and ~c- Donald that a permit be issued to Mr. Malzone for the erection, was defeated. A comunication from H.C.TenBroeck, which was laid over from the prev- ious meeting and requesting an extension of time for building on a lot purchased from-the Corporation, was considered. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Buckher and Hawkins it was ordered that the communication be received and filed, and an extension bmtil the and of 1947 to m~ke application for a building permit be granted; failing such action, the Agree- mont will be cancelled. An offer was presented from Jack Brown of $200.00 for part of Block 3, Plan 35, Stanley Avenue. Upon the recom~aendation of~ the Property Con~nittee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins it was ordered that the offer be rec- eived and accepted, subject to the condition that a dwelling of at least $6,000. value is erected on the premises within six months. The report of the City Manager, regarding the condition of properties sold under agreements for sale was presented. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of ~ld. Buckher and Hawkins it was ordered that the report be received and tabled and all those in Group i of thereport be advised that they have until the end of 1947 to make applications for buildings permits, failing which the ~greements will be cancelled. A report was presented from the City Manager, regarding city-owned properties at Buckley Avenue and Valleyway and at Huron Street and Valleyway. Upon the recomm~ndation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Don- ald and Hawkins it was ordered that the report be received and filed, and the recpmmendations be adopted. The report of the Property Committee on the above matters was presented. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Donald and Hawkins t~xat the report be rec- eived and filed. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending the payment of awards to Co~rcial students. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Hawkins and Donald that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be ad- opted. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending the issuance of a building permit for gasoline tanks and pumps at 389 Park Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Buckher that the report be received and referred to the Property Comm~ ttee for a further report. The Committee adjourned on the motion of AId. White and Donald. i~EAD AND AD01~n~U, 15 December, 194~7. Chaixmzn of Finance 389 Council Chamber, 8 December, 1947. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present. BY -LAW The following By-law was passed: No. 4148 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and White that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Buckner that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the sec- ond reading - Carried unanimously. Third reading - AId. White andMiller - Carried unanimously. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. White and Buckher. READ AND ABO~I'~;I4 1~ December, 1947. Clerk Mayor CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 8 December, 1947. The Conference Cvmmlttee assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetings on Monday, 8th December, 1947, for the purpose of consider- ing the matters placed before them. All members of ~he Committee were present. After consideration of the matters presented, the Comtttee adjourned on the mot- ion of Aid. Frank andWhite. READ AND ADOPTED, 19 December, 1947. 01erk SIXTY-FIRST MEETING REGULAR MEETING Council Chs_mber, 1~ December, 1947. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, !~th December, 1947, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. ~ll members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins. DEPUTATIONS In connection with Communic~tion No. ~13 and on the motion of Ald. kins and Donald, Mr. Sherman Teal, Manager of the T~o-O Taxi Company, was permit- ted to address Council. Mr. Teal spoke upon the matter of taxi stands throughout the City and expressed the feeling that additional stands shoukl be allocated in the Whirlpool Rapids Bridge area, at Niagara F~lls Centre and at the south end of the City. SEE Corsunication No. ~_ COI~TGNICAT~ONS Laid over from a previous meeting: No. 509 - Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario - re cessation of ill~ninat- ion of Falls. ORDERED on the motion of PLld. Miller'and Frank that the communic- ation be received and filed. SEE Communication. No. 512 The following Comunicatious were presented: No. ~12 - HYdro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario - re illumination of Falls. 0RDEHED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Frank that the communication be rec- eived and filed, and that the Commission and Mr. C.D.Hannlwell, M.L.A., be thanked for their action and assistance in having the Order modified to permit the illum- ination of the Falls on Saturday and Sunday evenings for one hour and one-half and for a like period each evening from 24th December to ~th January; also that the various local organizations who supported the request for modification of the Order be thanked through the Press. No. ~13 - T~o-0 Taxi Company - re taxi stands. 0RDEA~ED on the motion of Ald. Don- ald and Frank that the communication be received and ~eferred to the Traffic Com- mittee for recommendations, that the City Manager bring in a report upon the pres- ent taxi stands; and the verbal recommendation of the Traffic Committee, that a taxi stand be established on the former loading platform for street cars at Bridge Street and River Road, be adopted. .No. ~14 - Niagara Falls Civic Employees, Federal Union - re opening agreement. -ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Donald and Buckner that the communication be rec- eived and referred to the 1948 Council for consideration. No. 51~ - Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities - re school of archit- ecture. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Bucknet and Frank that the communication be received and referred to the 1948 Council for consideration. No. 916 - Niagara, St. Catharines and Toronto Railway _ revised timetables for busses. 0RDEA~ on thelmotionof Aid. Donald andMacDonald that the c~mmunicat- ion be received and A!laid on the table. No. ~17 - City of 8arala - endorsing resolution re state medicine. ORD~ on the motion of ~ld. Hawkins and Donald that the communication be received and filed. go. 918 - Town of Port Colborne - resolution re price of consumers' goods. 0BD- HEED on the motion of Ald. Donald and Frank that the cor~unication be received and laid on the table. for further study. No. 919 - Hencurable Minister of National ~evenue - acknowledging resolution re in-bond tr~cklng. ORDi~ulO on the motion of ~ld. Donald and White that the com- m~mication be received and filed, that a strong protest be forwarded to the Right Hencurable Prime Minister of Canada, to the Hencurable Minister of National Rev- enue, to our local ~mber of Parliament, to the Hencurable Premier of Ontario, the Minister of Highways, our local Member of the Legislature, to the leaders of the Opposition parties and to border cities and towns, asking for their support in this connection; and also that the assistance of the federal member for Lin- coln County be asked. No. 920 - Ship-by-rail Association - appreciation of resolution. 0EDEAt~D on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins that the c~nmanication be received and filed. No. ~21 - NisgaraFs~]s Gearing House Association - requesting proclamationre Boxing Day. ORDEI~ED on the motion of Ald. ~hcDonald and Frank that the commun- ication be received and filed, and the request be granted. SEE Resolution No. 224 No. ~22 - H.C.Huet and F.L.Lillico - re services on Crawford Place. 0ED~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the c~unication be received and filed. SEE Petition No. 13 The followin~ Reports were presented: No. 324 - C_it~ Clerk - re confex~nce held 8th December. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and adopted. No. 329 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licence~. ORDERED ou the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the rec- ommendations be adopted. No. 326 - CityManager - recnmm~ndingasm~nption of CrawfordPlace. ORDEF~D on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the x~port be received and filed, and the reco~mAndations be adopted, subject to the provision for easements to be granted to the Corporation. ~ Petition No. 1~ PETITION The following Petition was presented: No. 19 - Sydney Cheanells 'and 6 others - re services on Crawford Place. 0RDEED on the motion of J~ld. Donald and Hawkins that the ~etition be received and filed. ~ SEE Report No. 326 The followingResolutions were passed: No. 224 - MacDONALD - FRANK - I~SOLVED that Boxing Day, 26th-l)eoember, 19~7, be !0reclaimed a civic holiday in the City of Niagara Falls, that all ci.~vic buildings remaixx closed on ~hat date; an~ the Seal of the Corporatio~ be herato affixed. Carried umanimouel~ No. 22~ - DONALD - BgCKI~BR - EgS(IT~v~ that the City Manager take action ~ pm- ~ ~e outdoor skatt~ r~s, ~~ in fo~ ye~ for ~e c~ wln~r; No. 226 - DONALD - HAWKINS - RESOLVE1) that the congratulations of this Council be extended to the Niagara Falls Dynamos FootbaR. Club upon the winuing of the Ont- ario Rugby Football Union Intermediate B Championship; and the Seal of the Cor- poration be hereto affixed. Carried unan~uousl~ No. 227 - ]~Iil'l~ - HAWEVNS - RESOLVED that the Provincial Government be petitioned to amend their regulations to permit cities to collect and retain the entire m~- otmt of fines for violations of parking meter regulations; that all cities where- in parking meters are operated be asked to support this resolut~n; that Mr. C.D. Hanniwell, M.L.A., be also asked to take action in this cormsctimn; and ~e Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried ~an~lousl_~y No. 228 - MacDONALD - MIY,T~R - ESOLVED that the Chief of Police be asked to 'take action to enforce the privisions of By-law Number 3790 with regard to parking on the City streets; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried -Ald. Donald voting contrary MISCELLANEOUS The matter of the Greater Niagara Community Christmas Fund was consid- ered. Mr. C.D.Hanniwell, M.L.A., who has been Chairman of this Fund, had asked for the discussion of the subject by Council. It was agreed that Itis Worship Mayor Houck should appoint a committee to meet with representatives from Stamford and Chippaws for the purpose of arriving at a decision as to the action to be taken for ChristmAs, 1947. His P~rship Mayor Houck appointed Aldermen Donald and MacDonald as this committee. The Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Miller and Hawkins. READ ~iD ADOPTED, 22 December, 1947. Clerk FINANCE MEETING Mayor Council Chamber, 15 December, 1947. The Finance Committee met on Monday, 15th December, 19~7, for the pur- pose of appreving and also of passing the various accounts which had been prop- erly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Sundry accounts were approvad by the Committee saounting to $89,028,~7. The account submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for ~reeentation to the Council on the motion of AId. Hawkins an~ ~al ~. 344 The report of the City Manager, regarding an application for a permit to erect gasoline tanks and pumps at 389 Park Street, and as laid over from the previous meeting, was presented. Upon the recommendation of the Property Com- mittee and on the motion of lld. MacDonal~ and Miller it was ordered that the application be laid on the table until the o~aership of the property .has been est~bllshed. A sketch was submitted showing an extension of a dwelling at 1102 Rob- erts Street, for which a permit had been erected. Upou the recomendation of the Property Comm~ ttee and on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald it was ordered that a permit for such addition be granted, subject to the supervision of the CityEngineer. The report of the Property Committee, on the above matters, was pres- ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the rep- ort be received and filed. The Statement of Relief for the month of November was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Buckher that the statement be rec- eived and filed. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending that a per- mit be granted for the erection of gasoline pumps and tanks at Park Street and St. Lawrence Avenue. 'It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. MacDonald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. At this point Mr. C.D.Hanniwell, M.L.A. spoke on the matter of the Greater Niagara Community Christmas Fund, and suggested that Council should as- sume responsibility for the same for Christmas of 1947. He also stated that he would:be glad to lend any assistance possible in this matter. It was agreed that the Committee apoonted by His Worship at the Council meeting should function and that a Joint meeting with representatives from Chippawa and St~m~ordmee~ at 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 16th December in this connection. A report was presented from the City Manager, reco~maending the issuance of a permit for a garage at ~78 Second Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. MacDonald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the recom- mendation be adopted. Areport was presented from the CityManager, recomnding that a per~ m~t be granted for the erection of a garage at 1709 Lewis Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Miller and MacDonald that the report be received aml filed, and the recommendation be adopted. ~. J.A.Patterson asked permission to address the Committee, and this' was granted on the motion of ~ld. Miller and Hawkins. Mr. Patterson spoke upon the matter of the parking meters in front of his place of business at ~83 Erie Avenue and the fact that he was unable to obtain a liceace, having only a priv- ate vehicle. It wae pointed out to Mr. Patterson that exceptions in the regul- ations could not be made for individ~-I cases, an& it was agreed that the con- dition should remalnas at present for a month 0r two one trial basis. The Revenue and Expenditure Statement for 1947 was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins that the statement should be referred to the meeting of the Conference Committee for consideration. ~ The Comettoe adjourned on the motion of Ald. White and Miller. HAD AND ADOP"~ED, 22 December, 1947. Mayor COUNCIL P~ETING Council Chamber, 1~ December, 1947. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Conn~ttee. All members of the Council were present. BY-LAW The following By-law was passed: No. 414p - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Buckher that ~ld. Fraz~k be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Hawkins and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried unanimously. Third reading - ~ld. MacDonald and Hawkins - Carried unanimously. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Frank. READ AND ADOPTED, 22 December, 1947. Clerk Mayor COM~',UL~.jNCE Council Chamber, 16 December, 19~7. The Conference Committee assembled at the close of the regular meetings of Council and the Finance Committee on 16th December, 19~7, for the purpose of considering the matters plresented to them. All members of the Committee were ,present. The Conference C~ttee adjourned, after consideration of the matters before them, on the motion of Ald~ Frank and Hawkins. READ AND ADOPA'.:,J, 22 December, 1947. Chairman 'i SIXTY-SECOND REGULAR MEETING Council Chsmber, 22 December, 1947. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at ~.00 p.m. on Monday, 22rid December, 1947, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of the Cormoil, with the exception of Ald. White, were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of kid. MacDonald and Hawkins. COb~/NICATIONS Liad over from a previous meeting: No. ~13 - _Two-O Ta~,i Co_mp~_m/- re taxi conditions. 0RDEED on the motion of Ald, Donald and Hawkins that the communication be received and filed. SEE___Eport No. 327 No. 518 - Town of Port Colborne - resolution re price of consumers' goods. 0RD- HEED on the motion of kld. Donald and MacDonald that the communication be rec- eived and filed. The following Communications were presented: No. ~2B - Y~Vdro-Electric Commission of Niagara Falls - re employment of clerk. ONDEEED on the metion of kid. Donald and Hawkins that the communication be rec- eived and filed. No. 524 - Hencurable Prtmn Minister of Canada No. 52~ - Hencurable Humphre~ Mitchell No. 526 - Hencurable Minister of Highways - acPmowledglng resolution re lu-bond trucking. 0RDEBED on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the cnvm~mic- ations be received and filed. No. ~27 - Ministry of Food - appreciation of gift of foodstuffs. 0NDEke~ on the motion of Ald. Miller and Bucknet that the c,).~,unication be received and filed. No. ~28 - H_0_spital for Sick Children - appeal for funds. 01]DErab9 on the motion of Ald. Buckher and Hawkins that the communication be received and referred to . the 1948 Council for consideration. No. 529 - ~dro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario - Re illumination of Falls. OI~EA~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the communication be rec- eived and filed. No. 930 - Sunier's Gift House No. 5B1 - J.R.Henderson No. ~32 - Garden Gift Shop - appreciation of action Ce lllunination of Falls. Oi~DEFJ~D on the motion of Ald. Miller andMacDonald that the oonmamieationsb~ received and filed. No. 933 - Mi-Co Meter (Canada) L~m~ted - re co-operation and season's greetings. OEYEE~) on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Hawkins that thec~-munication be I received and filed. No. 5B4 - Assessor - requesting certificate of permanency. 01~DEAt~D~n the motion of kid. Buckher and MacDonald that the communication be received and filed, and a certificate of permanency be granted. NEPORTS The following Reports were presented: N0. 327 - Trsfflc Committee - recommending taxi stands. ORDERED on the motion of kid. Donald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed and the reco~uend- atlons be adopted. No. 328 - City Clerk - re conference held 15th December. ORDERED on the motion of kid. Hawkins and~4acDonald that the report be received and filed. No. 329 - Juvenile Court Probation Officer - annual rport. 0RDEA+~U on the motion of Ald. Bucknet and Miller that the report be received and filed. No. 330 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of AId. MacDonald and H~wkins that the report be received and filed, and the rec- ommendation be adopted. kid. Frank arrived at the meeting. No. ~31 - C_it~, Clerk - agreement with ~sociation of fire fighters. ORDERED on the motion of kid. MacDonald and Donald that the report be received and filed, and the recommendations be adopted. I~ESOLUTION The following Resolution was passed: No. 2~9 - ~tILLER - DONALD - RESOLVED that the local superintendent of the Niagara, St. Catharines and Toronto Railway Company be communicated with regarding com- plaints received with regard to the operation of the local busses; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried B_Y-LAWS The following By-laws were passed: N~o. 41~0 - To authorize the execution and delivery of an Agreement between the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls and Local 928, International Association of Fire Fighters. It was ordered on the motion of kid. Miller and Hawkins that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the metion of kid. Hawkins and MacDonald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried. Third reading -Ald. MacDonald and Donald - Carried. ~p. 41~1_- To authorize the execution of a Deed. It was ordered on the metlon of Ald. Donald and Bucknet that kid. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried. T~trd reading -Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald - Carried. No. 41~2 - TO authorize a certain agreement dated the BOth September, A.D. 1947, between the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls and The Niagara, St. Catharines and Toronto Railway Company granting to The Niagara, St. Catharines and Toronto Railway .Company the rights, privileges and franchises upon and subject to the terms and conditions in the said agreement mentioned. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Donald and MacDonald that Ald. Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried. Third reading -Ald. MacDonald and Miller - Carried. MISCELLANEOUS His Worship Mayor Houck reported to Council in connection with the ac- tion taken by the Greater Niagara Community Christmas Fund Committee and the dispensing of cheques to needy families. Ald. Miller reported to Coanoil upon the allocation of the new Wartime Housing units, recently completed. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald. READ AND ADOP'L~, 29 December. 1947. Mayor FINANOE MEETING Council Chamber, 22 December, 1947. The Finance Co~.~ttee met on Monday, 22nd December, 1947, for the par- pose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been prop- erly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee, with the ex- Ception of Aid. White, were present. On the motion of Aid. Donald and Miller, Account ~Nu~ber 2813 in amount of $147.62 was withheld until a meeting has been arranged between th~ Council and the Board of Police 0o.~issioners for the discussion of the policy of the Commis- sion~ making payments Its officers retiring from the force, in lieu of sick leave, and ether metters. 8unda~ accounts amounting to $7,269.44 were approved by the Co.w. ittee. The accounts subndtted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were or- dered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald. Donald andMiller. Au account was presented from Mortimer-Bampfield and Company for the renewal of a compensation insurance policy with the Union ~nsurance Society of Canton, in amount of ~4,198.00 for one year from January l, 1948. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the amou~xt be received and paid and the policy be renewed+ A comunication was presented from N.Murri with regard to the purchase of Lot 46, Plan 2, North Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the communication be received and referred to the 1948 Council for consideration. Areport was presented from the City ~Mnsger regarding an application for a building permit for the erection of a lunchroom at 2212 Stanley Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Buckher that the report be received and referred to the Property Committee for consideration. The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Miller and Donald. EAD AND ADOP*.'~;,,, 29 December, 1947. Clerk '\ Chairman of Finance COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 22 December, 1947. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Co~nnittee and the consideration of other matters. All members of the Council, with the exception of Aid. White, were present. _BY-LAW The followingBy-law was passed: ~ - To Grant Monies for General Purposes. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and Buakner that Aid. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried. It was ordered on the metion of Aid. Donald and Miller that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second resding- Carried. Third reading -Ald. Hawkins and Donald - Carried. EESOLUTIOI~S The followingResolutions were passed: No. 230 - BUCKNER - FRANK - RESOLVED that the matter of parking on jepson Street~ between Victoria Avenue and Second Avenue, be referred to the Traffic Committee for a report at the next meeting; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto af- fixed. Carried No. 231 - Mrr.vER -FRANK - EESOLVED that the Hydro-E!ectric Commission of Niagara Fails be asked to either instal a new street lighting bracket on Stanley Avenue between MeRae and Roberts Streets, or to re-instal the fixture removed from the co~ler of Stanley Avenue and McRae Street; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. . Carried It was agreed that the Traffic Committee should give consideration to the parking conditions on Ellen Avenue. Ald. Donald spoke about the lack of street lighting fixtures on one street in the Glenview section and His Worship Mayor Houck agreed to obtain in- formation in this connection. His Worship Mayor Houck advised Council of complaints received with regard to the excessive emission of smoke from the Niagara Falls General Hospital, the King Edward Hotel, and the City Hall. The Council adJouraed on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Frank. BEAD AND ADOPTED, 29 December, 1947-' SZXTY-~tLRD~ETING REGULAR I~iET1]iiG Council Ch~ber, oc December, 1947. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 5.00 p.m. on Monday, 29th December, 1947, for the punpose of considering general business and finance. .~ll members of the Council were present. The Council, havfi~ received and read the minutes of the previous meeting adopted these on the motion of Ald. ]'~ite and Mac- Donald. MISCELL~FEOUS His Worship Mayor Houck spoke of the fact that this is the last meeting of the Council for 1947, and of hissppreciation of the co-operation he had rec- eived during the past year from the members of Council, the civic officials and staffs. He erpressed his regret at the retirement of Aldermen Buckner and Frank and extended to them his good wishes for the future. ~tll members of Council spoke in this connection and Ald. Bucknet and Frank thanked the Cotmoil for their kind words and stated that they had enjoyed their associations and the co-oper- ation extended to them. His Worship then stated that as an henour to the retiring members, he was going to ask Ald. Buckner to be enacting mayor during the first half of the meet hug, and Ald. Frank during the latter portion of the session. /dd. Bucknet then took the Mayor's chair. COMMUNICATIONS The following Comunications were presented: No. ~35 - Department of Reconstruction and Supply - enclosing telegram re ~mer- ican CanCompany. ORDEP~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the com- municatlon be received and laid on the table and the aldermen be asked to go further into the matter and report back to Council. No. ~36 - Leader of the Opposition No. ~37 - Honourable Humphrey Mitchell - re in-bond trucking. 0BDERED on the motion of Ald. Donald and White that the comm~nications bereceived and filed, · hat MAr. Bracken be thanked for his efforts, and copies of these communications be sent to the Honourable Premier of Ontario, asking for his action to prevent in- bond trucking being authorized. No. ~38 - City of Port Arthur - endorsing resolution re parking meters. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Frank and Hawkins that the ccmmunication be received and filed. No. 539 - City of Budbury - endorsing resolution re Parking motors. ORDEMED on rthe motion~of ~ld. Hawkins andMacDonald that the communication be received and filed. No. 940 - Niagara, St. Catharines and Toronto Railway - re bus operatbn. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins that the communication be received and laid on the table for consideration daring the third meeting of Council in Jan- No. ~41 - Niagara, St. Catharines and Toronto Railway - requesting permission to instel telephone on pole. OI~DERED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the c~unication be received and filed, and the penmission be granted. No. ~42 - Ontario Manici2al Association - re.meeting with Provincial cabinet. OR- DERED on the motion of ~ld. White andMiller that the communication be received and filed, and His Worship Mayor Houck and Aid. Donald be authorized to attend the meeting. No. 943 - Nisgsra Falls Junior Chamber of Commerce - invitation to civic night. ORDEA~D on the motion of Ald. White and MacDonald that the communication be rec- eived and filed, the invitation be accepted, and as many of the Council as pos- sible attend the meeting. At this point Ald. Frank became enacting mayor. No. 544 - Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce - re painting of Niagara Falls. DEED on the-motion of Al.d. ~nite and MacDonald that the communication be rec- eived and filed, that this Council take no action in the matter, and it be ref- erred back to the Chamber. No. 549 - Greater Niagara Community Chest - enclosing Auditor's report. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. ~ite and Bucknor that the communication be received and filed. No. 946 - Odd Fellows and Rebekahs Committee - requesting use of park benches. ORDEBED on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and White that the communication be rec- eived and filed, and permission for the use of the benches be granted. No. 547 - Niagara Falls D~msmo Football Club - requesting donation towards Jac- kets. 0RDEEED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Buckher that the commusicat- ion be received and referred to the 1948 Council for consideration. No. 5~8 - Assessor - re receipt of Registry Office returns. ORDERED on the mot- ion of Aid. MacDonald and Hawkins that the communication be received and filed. No. 549 - Shirley Johnson - appreciation of proficiency scholarship. 0RDEI~ED on the motion of Aid. ~'~lite a~d Hawkins that the communication be received and filed. No. 550 - Official Court Reporter, Lindsay _- decision re chain stores. 0EDEEED on the motion of Ald. Bucknor and Donald that the communication be received and filed, and a copy of the decision be obtained. No. ~51 - Imperial Bank of Canada - re alarm connections. ORDEAt~ on the motion of Aid. Miller andMacDonald that the communication be received and referred to the CityManager for a report. EPORTS The following Reports were presented: No. 3~2 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenoes. 0RDEE on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald that the report be received and filed, and the recom- mendation be adopted. I, No. 333 - Traffic Committee Z recomendatlons re parking, etc. OBDESmv on the motion of ~ld. MacDonald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the recommendations be adopted. (Ald. White and Donald voted contrary to this motion..) _,U RESOLUTIONS The following Resahtions were passed: 232 - DON~ -MacDONALD -HES~VED that the co-operation of the Canadian Cellucotton Products Limited be asked in the matter of the parking of their em- ployees' cars on Victoria Avenue near their plant; and the Seal of the Corpor- ation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimousl~ No. 23~ - HOUCK - HANKINS - ESOLVE~) that the appreciation of this Council be ex- tended to Lady Eunice OaSes for her generosity in presenting the Oak H~ll Estate to the Dominion Government; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried unanimousl~ The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and White. HAD ~ ADOPlY, 5 January, 1948. Mayor FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 29 December, 1947. The Finance Co~nittee met on Monday, 29th December, 1947, for the pur- pose of approvlng and also of passing the various accounts which had been prop- erly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present. Sundry accounts amounting to $20,057.54 were approved by the Committee. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord- ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald. White and Hawkins. The report of the City Manager regarding an application for a permit to erect a lunchroom at 2~12 Stanley Avenue, as laid over from the previous meeting, was presented. The report of the Property Cc~.~ttee on this matter was also con- Sidereal. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. MacDonald and Hawkins that the · reports be received and filed, and the recc~m~ndation of the Property Committee · be adopted. A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending the issuance of a building pertair for a~terations at 407 Queen Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. A report was presented from the City M~nager regarding an application for a building permit for the erection of a garage and storage building by Scobie,s Carts~e. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted. 353 Ald. Frank expressed his appreciation to the Comuittee for the co'oper- ation and assistance he had received during his past year's office as Chairman of Finance. ~ It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that the City Manager present a report upon the status and condition of the property at 1602 Robinson Street. Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Miller and Buckher. READ AND ADOP'jd~D, 5 January, 1948. Clerk Chairman of Finance COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 29 December, 1947. The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin- ance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Comittee. All members of the Council were present. The following By-law. was passed: BY-LAW No. 41~4 - To Grant Monies for GeneralPurposes. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Buckner and Miller that Ald. Frank be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time - Carried unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Frank and Buckher that Rule B6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the sbc- end reading - Carried unanimously. Third reading -Ald. Hawkins and Frank - Carried unanimously. The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Frank an~d-BuCkner. HEAD AND ADOPTED, ~ January, 1948. , ., Cler~ ~or