Committee Room #2A
February 12, 2001
Council met on Monday, February 12, 2001 at 4:00 p.m. In Committee-of-the
Whole. All members of Council, with the exception of Alderman Craitor, who was away on
vacation and Alderman Orr, who was away due to an illness in the family, were present.
Alderman Federow presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented, the Committee -of- the -Whole did not
rise to report in open session.
Council Chambers
February 12, 2001
Council met on Monday, February 12, 2001 at 6:15 p.m. for the purpose of
considering Planning and Regular Business matters. All members of Council, with the
exception of Alderman Craitor, who was away on vacation; and Alderman Orr, who was
away due to an illness in the family, were present. Alderman Ken Feren offered the
Opening Prayer.
Alderman Fisher requested that the Minutes be amended to reflect that she had
voted in favour of the motion dealing with the issue of Governance and Alderman
Pietrangelo requested that the Minutes be amended to reflect that he had voted against
the motion.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Pietrangelo, seconded by Alderman Fisher, that
the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 5, 2001 be approved as amended.. Carried
Alderman Wing indicated a pecuniary interest on Report No. F- 2001 -16, Cheque
Nos. 257801; 257857; 257688 and 257863, because she is an Officer of the organization
Alderman Fisher indicated a pecuniary interest on Report F- 2001 -16, Cheque No.
257865 because the payment is made to a family member.
Alderman Campbell indicated a pecuniary interest on Report No. F- 2001 -16,
Qlheque Nos 257834, 257653 because the District School Board is his employer and on
Cheque No. 257867 because payment is to a family member.
Letter of Congratulations
His Worship Mayor Thomson requested that a letter of congratulations be forwarded
to Mr. Tim Hudak on his recent appointment as Tourism Minister.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hendershot, seconded by Alderman Campbell, that
a letter of congratulations be forwarded to Mr. Tim Hudak on his recent appointment as
Tourism Minister. Carried Unanimously.
Letter of Condolence
His Worship Mayor Thomson referred to the tragic death of 20 year old, Salim Jabaji
and requested that a letter of condolence be forwarded to his family.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman loannoni, seconded by Alderman Fisher, that a
letter of condolence be forwarded to the family of the late Salim Jabayi. Carried
Downtown Area Bars
His Worship Mayor Thomson referred to comments made by the Mayor of Windsor,
regarding the influx of young people coming from across the border to downtown bars and
indicating that their Planning Department was looking at methods of controlling the number
of bars in the downtown areas. Mayor Thomson commented that Niagara Falls had similar
problems and suggested that staff look into a method of controlling the number of bars in
the downtown area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hendershot, seconded by Alderman Pietrangelo,
that the matter be referred to staff. Carried Unanimously.
His Worship Mayor Thomson made reference to a legal opinion that had been
received from the Solicitors for Niagara Falls Hydro, indicating the Mayor did not have a
conflict of interest with respect to comments made regarding the Niagara Falls Hydro and
suggested that if any Aldermen were interested in the correspondence, they could obtain
a copy from the Mayor's Office.
Mount Carmel Park Association
Mr. Alfred Rampado, Chair, Mount Carmel Park Association, provided a brief
background history of the park and of problems that had been encountered; discussed the
initiatives taken by the residents in order to help clean up the park through landscaping
efforts and to make it a focal point for the children in the area; and reviewed the various
programs and activities that had been set up through fund raising efforts and thanked
Mayor Thomson and staff for their direction and advice.
Mayor Thomson thanked Mr. Rampado for his presentation and expressed the view
that this was a great model for other areas in the community to emulate and to adopt the
same type of policies and principals.
Greater Niagara Transit Commission
Niagara District Airport Commission
Mr. Bart Mayes, Chairman, Greater Niagara Transit Commission reviewed the
Annual 2000 Year -End Reports for the Greater Niagara Transit Commission and Niagara
Chair -A -Van; and requested that Council approve the purchase of two smaller buses for
use on public transit on an experimental basis.
Following some discussion, it was ORDERED on the motion of Alderman
Hendershot, seconded by Alderman Fisher, that Council approve the purchase of two
smaller buses for use on public transit subject to final budget approval. Carried
Mr. Fermino Susin, on behalf of the Niagara District Airport Commission, provided
a brief overview of the Niagara District Airport; and indicated that the current need for
ongoing operations was for a necessary increase in the municipal grants in order to permit
the execution of a sustainable five -year business plan for the Airport that provides for
needed renovations to their airside facilities and to increase a runway extension and
requested that Council consider the increase in their annual grant during budget
Following some discussion, it was ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Volpatti,
seconded by Alderman Hendershot, that Council supports the initiatives of the Niagara
District Airport Commission. Carried Unanimously.
Mr. Donald May, Planner, on behalf of the Skylon Tower, provided an update of
the planning for the Yerich lands; referred to the integration of the Park and the City and
referred to the access from the casino to the Skylon Tower and of the importance of
eliminating the railway tracks through the tourist area. He further discussed the possibility
of the re- investment of downtown lands if the railway tracks were removed.
His Worship Mayor Thomson thanked Mr. May for his presentation.
Communication No. 33 The Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 51 Re: 64`h Annual
Pilgrimage of the 40 8 Society Parade. The communication requests Council
permission for a motorcade to proceed from the Canadian end of the Rainbow Bridge,
River Road to Cenotaph for services on May 19`", 2001 at 2:00 p.m., and then on to Clifton
Hill, Falls Avenue to QEW, Stanley Avenue to Valley Way, Branch 51 Clubhouse.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hendershot, seconded by Alderman Fisher, that the
request be approved subject to established policy.
PD- 2001 -14 Chief Administrative Officer Re: Zoning By -law amendment
Application; AM- 45/2000, Gurdeep Singh Hansra; Part of 7939 Lundy's Lane;
Building Lots. The report recommends that Council approve the Zoning By -law
arnendment application to permit the land to be developed together with some parcels in
the Orchard Grove Estates plan of subdivision for single detached dwellings.
Communication No. 34 Regional Niagara. The communication advises as having no
objection to the rezoning of the property.
His Worship Mayor Thomson declared the Public Meeting open and read the
procedure to be followed under the Planning Act.
The Acting City Clerk advised that the Notice of the Public Meeting had been given
in accordance with the Regulations by prepaid First Class Mail on January 12, 2001.
His Worship Mayor Thomson received indication that Mr. Brian Sinclair, was in
attendance on behalf of the applicant, and received a negative response to his request
for a show of hands by persons present who were interested in the application.
He requested that all persons wishing to receive further notice of the passage of the
by -law submit their names and addresses to the Clerk prior to leaving the meeting.
His Worship Mayor Thomson advised that failure to make oral or written
submissions at the Council meeting could result in the dismissal of the case at a future
Ontario Municipal Board hearing.
The Deputy Director of Planning and Development discussed the subject lands with
the assistance of posted sketches; reviewed the information contained in the
Recommendation Report; The Proposal; The Amendment; Related Applications; and the
Public Notification Process; advised that the applicant wished to change the zoning from
Tourist Commercial to R1E zoning and that staff were recommending approval of the
requested amendment.
There was a negative response to Mayor Thomson's request for comments from
persons, other than the applicant or his agent, in support of the application and a negative
response in opposition to the application.
Mr. Brian Sinclair, advised that this was good for the area and thanked staff for their
assistance in the matter.
Since no further comments were forthcoming, His Worship Mayor Thomson
declared the Public Meeting with regard to Application AM- 45/2000, closed.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Volpatti, seconded by Alderman Pietrangelo, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Volpatti, seconded by Alderman Pietrangelo, that
the correspondence be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
See By -law No. 2001 -38
PD- 2001 -16 Chief Administrative Officer Re: Official Plan Amendment Application;
AM- 21/2000, The Larocque Group; 2283 2225 Portage Road. The report
recommends that Council approve the application for the Official Plan Amendment with a
special policy stipulating required studies; and direct staff to prepare the necessary
document for adoption as outlined in this report.
Communication No. 35 Background and Research Report from The Larocque
Communication No. 36 Canadian National Railway. The communication requests that
the following policy will be included in the Official Plan Amendment: "Any proposed
development will be required to undertake noise and vibration studies, to the satisfaction
of the City, the Ministry of the Environment and the appropriate railway, and shall
undertake appropriate measures to mitigate any adverse effects from noise and /or
vibration that were identified."
His Worship Mayor Thomson declared the Public Meeting open and read the
procedure to be followed under the Planning Act.
The Acting City Clerk advised that the Notice of the Public Meeting had been given
in accordance with the Regulations by publishing in the Niagara Falls Review on January
13, 2001; and by prepaid First Class Mail to all parties concerned on January 12, 2001.
His Worship Mayor Thomson received indication that Mr. Bert Larocque, was in
attendance on behalf of the applicant and received a negative response to his request for
a show of hands by persons present who were interested in the application.
He requested that all persons wishing to receive further notice of the passage of the
by -law submit their names and addresses to the Clerk prior to leaving the meeting.
His Worship Mayor Thomson advised that failure to make oral or written
submissions at the Council meeting could result in the dismissal of the case at a future
Ontario Municipal Board hearing.
The Deputy Director of Planning and Development discussed the subject lands with
the assistance of posted sketches; reviewed the information contained in the
Recommendation Report; advised that this was an Official Plan amendment and that this
was the first stage in the development of the area; ;stated that the Hydro corridor to the
north was a good buffer and that staff were in support of the application subject to the
applicant providing the appropriate environmental, noise and vibration studies and an
archaeological study, a storm water drainage plan and a traffic impact study.
There was a negative response to Mayor Thomson's request for comments from
persons, other than the applicant or his agent, in support of the application and a negative
response in opposition to the application.
Mr. Burt Larocque, indicated that by changing the Official Plan designation of this
parcel of land to residential it would be in keeping with the character of the surrounding
usage and a logical rounding out of the area.
Since no further comments were forthcoming, His Worship Mayor Thomson
declared the Public Meeting with regard to Application AM- 21/2000, closed.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Pietrangelo, seconded by Alderman loannoni, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
OIRDERED on the motion of Alderman Pietrangelo, seconded by Alderman loannoni, that
the communications be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
See By -law No. 2001 -40
PD- 2001 -17 Chief Administrative Officer Re: Official Plan zoning By -law
ArnendmentApplication; AM- 16/2000, Vegter Estates Draft Plan of Subdivision; Jack
and Diane Vegter. The report recommends the following:
1. That the application to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By -law be approved as
detailed in this report;
2. That the Vegter Estates Plan of Subdivision be draft approved subject to the
conditions in the attached Appendix;
3. That the Mayor or designate be authorized to sign the draft plan as "approved 20
days after notice of Council's decisior has been given as required by the Planning
Act, provided no appeals of the decision have been lodged;
4. That draft approval be given for three years, after which approval will lapses unless
an extension is requested by the developer and, subject to review, granted by
Communication No. 37a) Ms. Jean Grandoni. The communication advises as not
being in agreement with the proposal and provides comments on the matter.
Communication No. 37b) Mr. Peter Grandoni. The communication requests that the
conditions as outlined in the communication )e implemented.
Communication No. 38 Regional Niagara, Planning Development Department.
The communication advises that staff support the draft approval of the subdivision subject
to the Regional Planning and Public Works conditions as outlined; and that a stormwater
management report and archaeological assessment are requested as conditions of
Communication No. 39 Mr. John Bacher, 134 Church St. The communication
provides comments with respect to 4 of the 12 proposed lots in the subdivision as being
in the flood plain of Shriners' Creek and requests that these lands be deleted from the
His Worship Mayor Thomson declared the Public Meeting open and read the
procedure to be followed under the Planning Act.
The Acting City Clerk advised that the Notice of the Public Meeting had been given
in accordance with the Regulations by prepaid First Class Mail on January 12, 2001; and
with the posting of the notice on the subject lands on January 12, 2001; and by publishing
in the Niagara Falls Review on January 13, 2001.
His Worship Mayor Thomson received indication that Mr. Phil Fisher was in
attendance on behalf of the applicant and received a positive response to his request for
a show of hands by persons present who were interested in the application.
He requested that all persons wishing to receive further notice of the passage of the
by -law submit their names and addresses to the Clerk prior to leaving the meeting.
His Worship Mayor Thomson advised that failure to make oral or written
submissions at the Council meeting could result in the dismissal of the case at a future
Ontario Municipal Board hearing.
The Deputy Director of Planning and Development discussed the subject lands with
the assistance of posted sketches; reviewed the information contained in the
Recommendation Report; advised that the applicant would like the lands to be designated
Residential and that the subdivision development is supported subject to draft plan
approval and that the applicant provide a Storm Water Management Reportto be approved
by the Conservation Authority, the City and the Region; and indicated that the
Conservation Authority had also requested the installation of a perimeter fence and a lot
grading plan before construction occurs. He advised that staff are in support of the
Change in the Official Plan, the zoning change and the subdivision design.
There was a negative response to Mayor Thomson's request for comments from
persons, other than the applicant or his agent, in support of the application and a positive
response in opposition to the application.
Ms. Jean Grandoni reviewed the correspondence which she had distributed to
members of Council; discussed the housing supply over the next 35 years; referred to the
water quality issue and that the matter should be deferred to the Environmental Planning
arid Greening committee and expressed concerns regarding the location of the required
fencing along the floodplain boundary instead of having it along the property boundary and
requested that the matter be deferred.
Mr. John Bacher, on behalf of the Preservation of Agricultural Lands Society,
expressed concerns regarding the conditions for draft approval and that these be referred
to the Environmental Planning and Greening committee before draft approval is given for
the subdivision; expressed concerns regarding that the applicant and NPC consider
negotiations fora possible land transfer; advised that he objected to Condition of Approval
regarding cash -in -lieu for parkland dedication; expressed concerns regarding storm water
discharging directly to the Creek and urged that Council not consider approval subject to
no sale of land from the existing conservation area and seeking expansion of the
conservation area through the 5% parkland dedication and to use the constructed
The Director of Municipal Works responded that concerns of both the Conservation
Authority and the Ministry of the Environment would have to be addressed as part of the
storm water management plan and that it already was part of the Condition of Approval.
Mr. John Walker, Walker Industries, advised that he was in support of the motion
arid expressed the opinion that the farmland was not being utilized and that the land was
going to waste; that cash crop farmland has been lost; he referred to the discharge of
water onto the farmlands by a certain company and advised that the discharge coming
from the subdivision would not be as harmful as the farmland discharge; he also discussed
the issue of the 100- year floodplain and thanked Council for the opportunity to provide his
Mr. Phil Fisher, provided a brief synopsis of the merits and reasoning behind why
the urban boundary was extended and accepted to be at the Creek area; that the Creek
would be a physical barrier to that extension; advised that staff support was favourable;
referred to the preparation of a Preliminary Servicing report with regard to the flow from the
site into Shriner's Creek; stated that there have been no discussions regarding the transfer
of property between the applicant and the Region; he advised that there would be a
vegetative buffer provided as a standard requirement that; he indicated that the property
did not have any viability for agricultural use and that the applicant had come up with a low
density land use that would provide for greenspace and open space and proper storm
water management. Mr. Fisher expressed the opinion that if it was Council's direction to
meet with the Environmental Planning and Greening Committee to discuss the concerns
regarding the urban boundary and the proximity of the development to the floodplain, that
he would be in favour of such a meeting and that Ms. Grandoni and Mr. Bacher be
included in the discussions.
Since no further comments were forthcoming, His Worship Mayor Thomson
declared the Public Meeting with regard to Application AM- 16/2000, closed.
Following some discussion, on the motion of Alderman Wing, seconded by
Alderman Puttick, that the matter be deferred. The motion was Defeated.
Following further discussion, it was ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Volpatti,
seconded by Alderman Feren, that the report be received and adopted. The motion
Carried with Aldermen Wing and Puttick voting contrary to the motion and with all others
voting in favour.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Volpatti, seconded by Alderman Feren, that the
communications be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
PD- 2001 -18 Chief Administrative Officer Re: Recommendation Report Colangelo
Estates Draft Plan of Subdivision 26T -11- 2000 -07; Zoning By -law Amendment
Application AM- 40/2000; 586112 Ontario Limited (In Trust). The report recommends
the following:
1. That the Colangelo Estates Plan of Subdivision be draft approved subject to the
conditions in the attached Appendix;
2. That the Mayor or designate be authorized to sign the draft plan as "approved" 20
days after notice of Council's decision has been given as required by the Planning
Act, provided no appeals of the decision have been lodged;
3. That draft approval be given for three years, after which approval will lapse unless
an extension is requested by the developer and, subject to review, granted by
4. That the application to amend the Zoning By -law be approved to provide the
necessary land use regulations to guide the development of the subdivision.
Communication No. 40 Regional Niagara Planning and Development Department.
The communication advises as having no objection to the draft approval of the application
subject to the Regional Planning and Public Works conditions as set out.
Communication No. 41 Mr. Clyde Carruthers, Friends of the Haulage Road. The
communication advises as having no objections to the application.
Communication No. 42 John Saczkowski and Marie Saczkowski Campbell. The
communication requests that as part of the consent, that the concerns as indicated, be
incorporated as required.
Communication No. 43a) Chown Cairns, on behalf of Joseph and Assunta Marinelli,
residing at 6610 Mountain Road. The communication comments on the pesticide use
on the farm and expresses concerns regarding a temporary road access to the proposed
subdivision and no proper turning circles or any alternative emergency access.
Communication No. 43b) Chown Cairns, on behalf of Ferdinando and Lucia Fuoco,
residing at 6630 Mountain Road. The communication expresses concern regarding the
small size of the proposed lots; temporary road access to the proposed development, with
no emergency access and no permanent road access; but advises that their clients do not
object to the development but have the right to insist upon proper development.
His Worship Mayor Thomson declared the Public Meeting open and read the
procedure to be followed under the Planning Act.
The Acting City Clerk advised that the Notice of the Public Meeting had been given
in accordance with the Regulations by prepaid First Class Mail on January 19, 2001.
His Worship Mayor Thomson received indication that Mr. Tom Richardson, Solicitor,
was in attendance on behalf of the applicant, and received a positive response to his
request for a show of hands by persons present who were interested in the application.
He requested that all persons wishing to receive further notice of the passage of the
by -law submit their names and addresses to the Clerk prior to leaving the meeting.
His Worship Mayor Thomson advised that failure to make oral or written
submissions at the Council meeting could result in the dismissal of the case at a future
Ontario Municipal Board hearing.
The Deputy Director of Planning and Development discussed the subject lands with
the assistance of posted sketches; reviewed the information contained in the
Recommendation Report; advised that the applicant had been to Council on a number of
occasions and that this was a new submission for this property; he advised that this was
a revised layout for 18 single- detached lots along a road system that would provide for the
integration through the lands to the east and west and that there was a temporary road
access across two of the lots out to Mountain Road to allow the development to proceed
at the present time with no connection to Dellpark Road by vehicular traffic. He indicated
that the applicant has also requested a zoning change to R1 C zoning with a lot size of 50
feet frontage; he advised that Parks, Recreation and Culture had requested a 10 foot
wide strip for a walkway to occur at the west side of Lot 4 or the east side of Lot #1, with
a future matching dedication from adjacent land with a total 20 foot walkway for the
Haulage Road trail. He advised that staff were in support of the applicant subject to the
conditions of draft approval and that there be a wire fence installed along the east
boundary and that there be an environmental site audit along with an archaeological study.
The Director of Parks, Recreation provided clarification with respect to the provision
of a walkway allowing the community to access the trail which is heavily used by families.
There was a positive response to Mayor Thomson's request for comments from
persons, other than the applicant or his agent, in support of the application and a positive
response in opposition to the application.
Mr. Clyde Carruthers, on behalf of Friends of the Haulage Road, advised as being
in support of the application as Haulage Road trial would not be disturbed; addressed the
issue of "adopt a trail program" and stated as being in favour of the 10 foot dedication.
Ms. Tina Lisi, 6646 Mountain Road, on behalf of the area residents, advised that the
primary concern was the proposed temporary road access and requested that Council
approve the application only with the provision that the roadway be designated and
property designed as a permanent access and not on a temporary basis; requested that
the 1970 Gauld Draft Plan be modified to address the land owners' concerns and that
Council send the issue to the Planning Department for reconsideration; requested that
zoning be increased to a R1 B category, in order that the style and size of homes be in
keeping with the area; indicated that neighbouring lands to the east and west of the
application, were used for farming and that there was pesticide use, she requested that
there be a warning clause for potential buyers of the pesticide use by neighbouring owners
prior to purchase and requested that Council defer the matter until all the concems had
been addressed.
Mr. John Wiley, on behalf ofJoseph Marinelli and on behalf of Ferdinando and Lucia
Fuoco expressed the opinion that to approve a temporary road use was not proper
planning, as the temporary road does not provide emergency access and suggested that
the developer consider giving up one lot in order to put in a proper and safe road to his
development and advised that he was not opposed to the development
Mr. Tom Richardson, Sullivan Mahoney, provided clarification with respect to the
Regional report dealing with road access and advised that those comments had been
made with respect to the former plan of Dell Park access; he discussed the provisions of
the zoning by -law; he stated that the subject property was proposed to be R1C and that
the residents would like to see the same type of zoning as Calaguiro Estates; he
addressed the issue of sanitary sewer and water services and requested that Council
approve the plan of subdivision and the zoning by -law amendment; he advised that his
client was prepared to put in a farm -type of fencing on the eastern side of the property; that
his client had initiated an environmental study with respect to possible pesticide in the soil;
he would address the archaeological study and that his client had no objection to putting
in the warning clause with respect to farming. He indicated that his client did not agree to
the provision of the walkway and expressed concerns regarding the 10 foot wide strip with
art elevated trail and advised that there were lands further to the west that had a much
lower elevation and could be accessed more easily; he requested that Council delete the
provision of a walkway, but that if the requirement be imposed, that the access be at grade,
so that access to the trail not be raised above the elevation of the lots.
In response to questions raised regarding the temporary road, the Director of
Municipal Works advised this would be a typical City road with no curbs.
Since no further comments were forthcoming, His Worship Mayor Thomson
declared the Public Meeting with regard to Application AM- 40/2000, closed.
New Business
Following some discussion, it was ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Volpatti,
seconded by Alderman loannoni, that the matter be deferred until the residents in the area
and the developer meet to design a permanent road access to this development. The
motion was Defeated with Aldermen Wing, Fisher, loannoni and Volpatti voting in favour
of the motion and with all others voting contrary to the motion.
Following further discussion, it was ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick,
seconded by Alderman Feren, that the report be received and adopted. The motion
Carried with Aldermen Wing, Fisher, loannoni and Volpatt voting contrary to the motion and
with all others voting in favour.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hendershot, seconded by Alderman Pietrangelo,
that the communications be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
PD- 2001 -15 -Chief Administrative Officer Re: Letter from Miss Joan Howatson. The
report recommends that Miss Howatson's request to have the Planning Department
undertake a study of permitted land uses within Light Industrial zones be considered as
part of the City's comprehensive zoning by -law update.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fisher, seconded by Alderman Hendershot, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Campbell, seconded by Alderman Feren, that the
actions taken in Corporate Services Committee, earlier this evening, be approved.
1. That the Minutes of January 29, 2001 be adopted as amended;
2. Report F- 2001 -15 Statement of Remuneration and Expenses for Members of
Council, Committee of Adjustment and Recreation Commission that the report be
received and filed for information;
3. Report F- 2001 -16 Municipal Accounts that the Municipal Accounts totaling
$1,486,732.34 for the period ending February 12, 2001 be approved Conflicts of
Interest, Aldermen Fisher, Wing and Campbell
That the matter of allowing Aldermen to buy, on a monthly basis, a certain number
of dinner tickets vs buying a table for certain events, be referred to staff. Carried
The motion Carried with Aldermen Fisher, Campbell and Wing abstaining from the vote on
Report F- 2001 -16 on conflicts of interest previously noted and with all others voting in
See By -law No. 2001 -41
MW- 2001 -17 Chief Administrative Officer Re: Appointment of Consultant;
Fallsview Tourist Core area; Sanitary Trunk Sewer Phases 2 3 and Storm Trunk
Sewer. The report recommends that the City of Niagara Falls enter into a Consulting
Services Agreement for the design of phases 2 3 of the Sanitary Trunk Sewer and the
Storm Trunk Sewer for the Fallsview Tourist core area with Kerry T. Howe Engineering
Ltd., for the upset limit of $52,600.00.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hendershot, seconded by Alderman Volpatti, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
L- 2001 -15 Chief Administrative Officer Re: Metrus Properties Limited, Amending
Agreement to Offer to Purchase; Our File No.: 2000 -165. The report recommends that
an Agreement, in the form attached hereto, amending the Offer to Purchase part of the
Montrose Business Park submitted by Metrus Properties Limited, be authorized.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Feren, seconded by Alderman loannoni, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By -law No. 2001 -39
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Pietrangelo, seconded by Alderman Feren, that
leave be granted to introduce the following by -laws, and the by -laws be read a first time:
2001 -37 A by -law to further amend By -law No. 89 -155, as amended, being a by -law
to provide for the Standing Rules of Council.
2001 -38 A by -law to amend By -law No. 79 -200, as amended. (Re: AM- 45/2000)
2001 -39 A by -law to authorize an amending agreement to an Offer to Purchase and
Option Agreement with Metrus Properties Limited respecting part Lot 210 in
the former Township of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, in the
Regional Municipality of Niagara.
2001 -40 A by -law to provide for the adoption of an amendment to the City of Niagara
Falls Official Plan. (Re: AM- 21/2000, 2283 2225 Portage Road)
2001 -41 A by -law to authorize monies for General Purposes (February 12, 2001)
The motion Carried with Aldermen Fisher, Campbell and Wing abstaining from the vote on
By -law No. 2001 -40, on conflicts of interest previously noted and with all others voting in
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Pietrangelo, seconded by Alderman Feren, that the
by -laws be now read a second and third time:
2001 -37 A by -law to further amend By -law No. 89 -155, as amended, being a by -law
to provide for the Standing Rules of Council.
2001 -38 A by -law to amend By -law No. 79 -200, as amended. (Re: AM- 45/2000)
2001 -39 A by -law to authorize an amending agreement to an Offer to Purchase and
Option Agreement with Metrus Properties Limited respecting part Lot 210 in
the former Township of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, in the
Regional Municipality of Niagara.
2001 -40 A by -law to provide for the adoption of an amendment to the City of Niagara
Falls Official Plan. (Re: AM- 21/2000, 2283 2225 Portage Road)
2001 -41 A by -law to authorize monies for General Purposes (February 12, 2001)
The motion Carried with Aldermen Fisher, Campbell and Wing abstaining from the vote on
By -law No. 2001 -40, on conflicts of interest previously noted and with all others voting in
Recreation Benefits Youth
10 -Digit Dialing System
Heritage Week
Letter of Congratulations
His Worship Mayor Thomson referred to a recent article entitled, "Recreation
Important to Fighting Crime" and advised that a Mayor's Youth Advisory Committee had
been set up with meetings being held in various High Schools to bring forward ideas and
suggestions of the youth in our community and advised that a Youth Forum was being held
on March 29, 2001 at the Optimist Club at 8:30 a.m. to discuss the benefits of recreation
on youth.
Alderman Carolynn loannoni advised that the Niagara Regional Police were putting
together a 3 -year business plan for community policing and advised that there was Federal
and Provincial funding available.
Alderman loannoni congratulated the new Acting Inspector Doug Kane on his
recent appointment.
Alderman Janice Wing referred to the 10 -Digit Dialing System that is to be
implemented in May for all areas and suggested that Canada have its own Country Code
arid that a letter be forwarded to the CRTC requesting that Canada receive it's own
Country Code and that a copy be circulated to all municipalities with over 50,000
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wing, seconded by Alderman Fisher, that a letter
be forwarded to the CRTC requesting that Canada receive it's own Country Code and that
a copy be circulated to all municipalities with over 50,000 population. Carried Unanimously.
Alderman Janice Wing referred to the Heritage Week Celebrations with a "Cradle
to Grave" theme and advised that tables would be set up at Niagara Square from February
1fi`h, 16th and 2001 and invited everyone to attend the celebrations.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fisher, seconded by Alderman Feren, that a letter
of congratulations be forwarded to Simon's Restaurant on the occasion of being in
business for the past 100 years. Carried Unanimously.
Letter of Appreciation
Alderman Art Federow referred to the damage which had been sustained to the
Chippawa BIA Boat Docks at the Whitmore Bridge due to ice conditions and requested that
a letter of appreciation be forwarded to the Chippawa Fire Department for their assistance
and to the Riverside Titanic and Double Decker Tours for providing the manpower and
vehicles to get the docks out.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Federow, seconded by Alderman Fisher, that a
letter of appreciation be forwarded to the Chippawa Fire Department for their assistance
and to the Riverside Titanic and Double Decker Tours for providing the manpower and
vehicles to get the docks out. Carried Unanimously.
Long -Term Care Beds Resources
Alderman Selina Volpatti referred to correspondence received from the Niagara
District Health Council on the current status of long -term Care beds and Community
Resources and of the number of individuals waiting for beds in the Region; she requested
that staff provide information on the number of Residents in Niagara Falls that are on the
waiting list.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Feren, seconded by Alderman Pietrangelo, that the
meeting be adjourned. Carried Unanimously.