2007/12/10 (2) The City of Niagara Falls, Ontario
December 10, 2007
No. 33
Moved by Councillor Diodati
Seconded by Councillor Thomson
WHEREAS Zoning By-law Amendment AM-20/95 dealing with a 22-unit townhouse dwelling was
approved by Council on August 14, 1995; and
WHEREAS the August 14,1995 meeting complied with the requirements of the Planning Act to hold
one statutory public meeting and associated notice provisions; and
WHEREAS the amending by-law to implement the zone change and allow the project was never
passed; and
WHEREAS the developer held a neighbourhood meeting on October 10, 2007 to seek input on
proposed changes to the project; and
WHEREAS all landowners within 120 metres (400 feet) were invited to the neighbourhood meeting;
WHEREAS the developer has subsequently requested changes reflecting the refinement of the
development, including a reduction in units, that do not substantively change the past Council approval
of the proposal, as outlined in staff report PD-2007-102.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls
hereby determines, in accordance with Section 34(17) of the PlanningAct, R.S.O. 1990, that the changes
to the proposed Zoning By-Law for application AM-20/1995 (Metro Development), to permit a 18-unit
townhouse development, are minor in nature and do not require any further notice.
AND The Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.