2008/08/18 (2) i
The City of Niagara Falls, Ontario
August 18, 2008
No. 22
Moved by Councillor Ioannoni
Seconded by Councillor Fisher
WHEREAS the Regional Municipality ofNi agara (the "Region) is currently undertaking a growth
management study, "Niagara 2031' ;and
WHEREAS the study will forecast and plan for population, housing and employment growth
through to the year 2031, and
WHEREAS in the third phase ofthe study Options for Growth, three different scenarios for growth
have been proposed, and
WHEREAS Niagara Falls (the "City") is the second largest municipality in the Region, with a large
supply of existing raw residential and industrial land, and
WHEREAS our location, south of the Greenbelt a~~d along the Queen Elizabeth Way (Q.E.W is
ideally suited for the natural flow of growth in the Region, and
WHEREAS of the three Options for Growlh, Option "C" most closely corresponds to the high
growth prediction's in the Municipal CompreAensive Review, undertaken for the City by the
consultants, urbanMetrics; and
WHEREAS Option"C"recognizes the roleoftheQ.E.W as the major transportation route through
Niagara; and
WHEREAS Option "C" accommodates higher greenfield densities to meet the anticipated
population growth projected for the City- and
WHEREAS the only failure of Option "C" is to recognize Niagara Falls City Council's long-
standingposition to expand the urban boundary to accommodate what is known as the North West
community; and
WHEREAS the North West commumity comprises 185 acres bounded by the Q.E.W., Mountain
Road and Kalar Road, arterial and collector roads, respectively and the Hydro corridor; and
WHEREAS 72 acres within the North W est community are already developed with urban-type uses
such as public halls, residences and motels and not all of the remaining lands are available for
development; and
WHEREAS urban deve]opment abuts_the.North West community boundaries;-and
WHEREAS adding the North West community into the urban boundary would be a minor
"rounding out" of what appears to be an anomaly in the City's existing urban boundary map; and
WHEREAS in 2002, both the Regional Municipality of Niagara and City ofNiagara Falls allowed
municipal services to be extended to this arezi.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Niagara Falls identifies Option "C", with the
addition of the inclusion of the North West community expansion lands, as the preferred option for
growth because it recognizes the City's capacity for growth, optimal location and utilization of
existing infrastructure; and
FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that this resolution be forwarded to the Regional Municipality of
AND The Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
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