2008/09/22 . r,~ The City of Niagara Falls, Ontario 12esolution September 22, 2008 No. 25 Moved by Councillor Thomson Seconded by Councillor Diodati WHEREAS the Downtown Board of Management (BIA) through Celebrate Old Downtown Community Corporation, have planned a number of events since the 5pring; and WHEREAS these events have stimulated activity in the Downtown; and WHEREAS Celebrate Old Downtown and Community Artists Niagara are proposing Queen StreetArt .Saturdays, an art, music and food festival to run on consecutive Saturdays until October 31st; and WHEREAS to obtain a Special Occasion Liquor Licence from the Alcohol & Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO), these event require a resolution of Council recognizing them as Community Festivals; and WHER~AS this event will provide needed exposure to the Downtown. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Queen Street Art Saturdays is a community event deserving of City Council support. Carried Unanimouslv AND The Seal of the Corporation be hereto af~xed. \ ' . ~ ~ .l`~~~1'., ~ , . D AN I I A R. T. ('~ED) ~SALCI CITY CLERK MAYOR