2008/09/22 (3) The City of Niagara Falls, Ontario
September 22, 2008
No. 27
Maved by Councillor Thamson
Seconded by Councillor Fisher
WHEREAS the Association ofMunicipalities of Ontario (AMO) is a non-profit organization representing
almost all of Ontario's 445 municipal governments; and
WHEREAS the annual AMO Conference in August is the preeminent conference for municipal
politicians and administrators; and
WHEREAS the annual AMO Conference attracts 2600 delegates, not to mention support staff and
spouses to a community; and
WHEREAS AMO has requested that Niagara Falls submit a bid for the 20ll convention; and
WHEREAS the host community's obligations are to provide volunteers, local shuttle transportation
between hotels, sponsorship for a welcome reception and greetings from the head of Council; and
WHEREAS by 2011, the Niagara Convention and Civic Centre (NCCC), an 18,000 square metre facility
with 100,000 square feet of exhibition space, will be operating; and
WHEREAS the NCCC will amply be able to accommodate the AMO Conference.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Niagara Falls City Council supports a bid for our
community to host the 2011 AMO Conference; and
FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that City staff work with Niagara Falls Tourism, the Niagara
Convention and Civic Centre and other applicable stakeholders in bringing the AMO Conference to our
community and fulfilling the host community's obligations.
Carried Unanimouslv
AND The Seal of the Corporation be hereto aftixed.
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