2008/11/10 SPECIAL MTGPRAYER: Councillor Pietrangelo NHS /HIP -AND- SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING November 10, 2008 As requested, a discussion the Niagara Health System (NHS), Hospital Improvement Plan (HIP), the recent Dr. Kitts report and future directions of City Council endorsed committee reviewing the Hospital Improvement Plan. Enclosed for Council are various motions, minutes and correspondences related to the NHS, the Super Hospital Issue and the Hospital Improvement Plan. BY -LAWS 2008 -194 A by -law to adopt, ratify and confirm the actions of City Council at its special meeting held on the 10" day of November, 2008. NEW BUSINESS (11/7/2008) Dean lorfida Special Meeting age From: Carolynn loannoni To: Dean lorfida, Ted Salci, Wayne Thomson, Shirley Fisher, Vince Kerrio, Ba... Date: 11/5/2008 5:00 PM Subject: Special Meeting CC: clarocque @nfreview.com, jrobbins @nfreview.com Dean Our HIP Committee has directed me to request a Special Meeting of Council to discuss the apparent difference of opinion between motions and resolutions passed by council and endorsed by our committee and comments publicly made by the Mayor contrary to both committees. I move that a Special Meeting of Council be called for this upcoming Monday to discuss Dr. Kitts report and future directions of council and the HIP Committee. I understand a majority of council must support this so when that occurs I will await your response. Thanks Carolynn 4 His Worship Mayor Thomson declared a conflict of Interest on the matter dealing with the Jolley Cut and relinquished the Chair. Alderman Gary Hendershot assumed the Chair. Alderman Volpatti requested that the Minutes of the Regular Council meeting of February 11, 2002 dealing with the Jolley Cut be ::-mended to Indicate that the status quo be an option for the Consuttant preparing the stuiy on the Jolley Cut, It was moved by Alderman Wing, seconded by Alderman Ioannoni, that Council go on record as opposing the potential sale of the public portion of the Jolley Cut. The motion was Defeated with Alderman Fisher abstaining from the vote on a conflict of interest and with the following recorded vote: Alderman Campbell NAPE Alderman Pietrangelo NAPE Alderman Craitor AYE Alderman Puttick NAPE Alderman Federow NAPE Alderman Volpatti AYE Alderman Hendershot NAPE Alriarman Wing AYE Alderman Ioannoni AYE 1 Alderman Orr NAPE His Worship Mayor Thomson resumed the Chair. Alderman Orr also requested that the Minutes be amended to reflect her opposition to Sy-law No. 2002 -36. ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Crailor, seconded by Alderman Fisher, that the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of Febma°y 11, 2002 be adopted as amended. Carried Unanimously. MAYOR'S REPORTS. ANNOUNCEMENTS. REMARKS Proposed Cimino of the Pediatric in- oatlent se ,ices His Worship Mayor Thomson referred to correspondence received from the Greater Niagara Medical Society strongly opposing the proposed moving of the pediatric in- patient services from the Greater Niagara General ospi a to the St. Catharines General and further, that the closure would have a significant impact on the provision of full services at the Greater Niagara General Site. Has Worship Mayor Thomson requested Council's endorsement of the correspondence and that the correspondence be forwarded to the Niagara Health System. ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Pietrangelo, seconded by Alderman Fisher, that Council endorses the correspondence received fron, the Greater Niagara Medical Society and that the endorsement be forwarded on to the Niagara Health System. Carried Unanimously, 0Z- /b2 -9- Long •teen Care His Worship Mayor Thomson referred to Mr. John Carter's recent presentation at the Regional Council Indicating that under the Niagara Health System proposal, the govemment Is to spend $326 million in refurbishing old hospitals; and that fo r $400 million, a brand new state -of -the art, super hospital could be built and located at a central location, Mayor Thomson requested that Council endorse a resolution and forward it along with Mr. Carters comments, to the Provincial govemment and the Niagara Health System, requesting that they study and examine the Issue of building a new state -of the -art hospital. ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Volpatti, seconded by Alderman loannoni, that Council endorse a resolution and forward it along with Mr. John Carters comments to the Provincial govemment and the Niagara Health System requesting that they study and examine the Issue of building a new stated -the -art hospital. carried Unanimously, City of Woodstock Resolution ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Ruttlok, seconded by Alderman Campbell, that Council endorses a resolution from the Cltyof Woodstooksupporting the recommendations outlined In the Canadian Police Association fact sheet requesting the Province of Ontario to enact legislation to strengthen Canada's system of sentencing, corrections, parole and release. Carried Unanimously, bald Peninsula Corridor Proeosa( His Worship Mayor Thomson referred to concerns expressed with respect to the Mid- Peninsula corridor proposal, which suggests that the corridor go through good agricultural land located In the Niagara Region and requested that staff bring in a definitive report on the proposal, and further that staff contact the City of Hamilton and Burlington tor their comments on the matter, ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Campbell, seconded by Alderman On that staff bring In a definitive report on the Mid Peninsula corridor proposal and further, that staff contact the Cities of Hamilton Burlington for their comments. Carted Unanimously, COMMUNICATIONS Communication No. 33 Youth for Christ Niagara Re: Outdoor Concede. The communication requests permission to hold a series of free outdoor concerts, beginning with a concert at City Hall during Hiphop Appreciation Week, being the third week of May and to use various parks throughout the City from May 18"' to August 31, 2002. ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Volpattl, seconded by Alderman loannonl, that the matter be referred to staff. Carried Unanimously. Communication No. 34 Chippewa Amateur Athletic Association Re: Arena Complex In Chippewa. The communication requests that this Item be budgeted for this year. ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttiok, seconded byAldernan Campbell, that the correspondence be received and filed. Carried Unanimously, ANnunr nine t1'flaurann The Honourable Tony Clement Minister of Health and Long-Tenn Care 10` Floor, Hepburn Block 80 Grosevenor Street Toronto ON M7A 2C4 April29, 2002 eftg ?I�afl 4310 Queen aired Niagara Balls, ®N X2'?E OXg (905) 358 -7521 Ext. 4202 IAu t: (905) 374 -3557 tttl'nrnean @rit0. ufagarufafla.o n.cu Dear Minister: I recently attended a Niagara Region. Council Meeting. One of the deputations was Mr. John Carter, a member of the Region's Physician Recruitment Task Force and former head of the Greater Niagara General Hospital Mr. Carter o6viousfy has intimate knowledge of the focal health care system. He no longer has a vested interest as he is retired. Mr. Carter's deputation was on the future of hospitals in the Niagara Region. The Niagara Malik System iscontemp latinganunlher and changes to existing hospitals. These changes are estimated at $325 1 consider health care to be the most important issue facing Canadians, Although I applaud any upgrades to area hospitals I was taken by Mr. Carter's comments. Heidi that a more forward thinking step would be to create a new state of the art hospitalthat is centrally tocatedin the Niagara Region. Such a facility would be more expensive, however, I feet it would be more effective in treating focal residents than a number of offer facilities that have be expanded on in a piece meal fashion, The Honourable Tony Clement Page 2 April 29, 2002 The current proposal by the Niagara Health System may satisfy the parochial wishes of area municipalities, who want to be seen as protecting their focal hospital; however, I agree with Mr. Carter's view that the future health of Niagara residents is better served by a centrally- located, state of the art hospital, I would respectfully request that the Ministry Cook into the option of a new Regionally-based hospital before expansions are commenced on existing facilities in Niagara. Sincerely, WAYNE T�� MSON WT /di Mayor Manor tUnnne tJijnineon WT /di April 29, 2002 City Nall 4318 Quern it;treet Dlingnrn Antis, OK 112E 83E3 (885) 330 -7521 Ext. 4282 .tax: (81:15)3 autilumsanQAtn.niayarafnUs, on, ca Mr. Larry Tokarchuk, President and CEO Niagara Health System 142 Queenston Street St. Catharines, ON L2R 2Z7 Dear Mr. Tokarchuk: You have undoubtedly heard about Mr. John Carter's deputation at Regional Council, in which he gave the opinion that one centrally located, state -of -the -art hospital would be preferable to expansions to existing hospital facilities. Unlike other Regional politicians, who are thinking from a strictly parochial view, I concur with Mr. Carter's comments. Although a new facility would be more expensive, in the long run it will be worthwhile. As Mr. Carter points out the functionality of a new hospital will always be greater than current hospitals that have been expanded onto in a piece meal fashion. In addition, please find the attached comments by Dr. Ainslie. He points out the economies of scale that will be realized by a central hospital, the prestige that such a facility would command and how hospitals in peripheral communities would be incorporated into the system. I have sent a letter to Minister of Health and Long -Term Care, Tony Clement urging him to look at the central hospital model. I would urge the Niagara Health System to undertake a tong- tennplanning strategy which would compare the central hospital proposal with the current plan to expand other facilities. If you wish to discuss this matter, please contact me directly. Sincerely, WAYNE THOMSON Mayor The City of Niagara Fatl Canada -4 Mr. John Carter 6993 Thorold Stone Rd. Niagara Falls, ON L2J 1B5 Dear Mr, arter: M� H« WWI ricca utpartment Clerk's Division 4310 Queen Street P.O. Box 1023 Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6X5 web site: www.cfty,niagarafalls.on.ca Tel: (905) 366.7621 Fax: (906) 356-9083 E-mail: dlorfida ©clty.niagarafalts.on.ca April 25, 2002 Dean lorflda City Clerk At a recent meeting of Niagara Falls City Council, Mayor Wayne Thomson informed the Aldermen of your presentation to the Regional Council on long term care. As a result, our Council passed a motion to write to the Niagara Health System and the Provincial government to consider studying a new state of the art hospital to service the entire Niagara Region. Finally, the Council invites you to make a similar presentation to them at your convenience. If you are interested, please contact me at 905- 356 -7521, Ext. 4271, Sincerely, Dean Iorftda City Clerk Working Together to Serve Our Community Clerk's Finance Human Resources Information Systems Legal Planning Development -3- DEPUTATIONS 7ha Fitt re of Hospital Faculties His Worship Mayor Thomson introduced Mr. John Carter, who provided background Information on hospital facilities in the Niagara Region; he addressed the cost of sustaining aging facilities, the changing face of medicine, the alternatives for administration and utilization of management; he proposed a single site "state of the art" acute owe faculty and Ite' benefits; referred to a possible location of such a facility; the construction time and financing associated with such a facility. Mr. Carter urged Council to consider supporting the singe acute care facility hospital. His Worship Mayor Thomson thanked Mr. Carter for hls presentation, seconded by Al discussion, t hat Couun supports a single aa of ca hospital I f p ac i lity. Carried Unanimously, Medieval Festival Mr. Witt Beaudoin, Coordinator of The Medieval Festival Fund Raiser, introduced some of the participants and provided Information on the upcoming Medieval Festival being held on Queen Street, the weekend of June 22n 2002. He advised that funds would be raised for Tender Wishes and extended an invitation to members of Council and to the community to attend the festival, His Worship Mayor Thomson thanked Mr. Beaudoin for his initiative and enthusiasm In thls endeavor, Niagara Water Quality Protection Strateay Mr. Paul The Regional Municipality fNiagara advised that the Niagara WaterQuality Prrotecction Strategy was a multi jurisdictional plan that was about Protecting and Managing Ground and Surface Water Resources; he expounded on the Flve Components of the Strategy: 1) Human Health; 2)the Natural Environment; 3) Agrloulture Commerce; 4) Recreation and S) Proposed Risks and Liabilities. He reviewed the Environmental and Economic Opportunities; the Development of an Integrated Management Strategy and the Implementation and Monitoring of the Plan, He requested that Council support the plan and assign the staff to the Region to provide comments and recommendations to the strategy. Following the discussion, It was ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Volpatti, seconded by Alderman Craltor, that the appropriate staff be assigned to the Region, in order to provide comments and recommendations on the Niagara Water Quality Protection Strategy. Carried Unanimously, JJ4IJG f vii -10. Januare 20. 2003 Council Minutes 2003.20 A by -law to provide for establishing parking lots in the City of Niagara Falls, and for regulating, supervising and governing the parking of vehicles In various municipal parking facilities thereon and charging a fee for such parking. 2003.21 A by -law to authorize monies for General Purposes, (January 20, 2003) 2003.22 A by -law to ado ratify and confirm the actions of City Council at its meeting The motion Carnet( with Alderman January, Wing abstaining from By-law No. 2003 -12 on a conflict of Interest previously noted; Aldermen Craltorand Federow abstaining from the vote on By- taw No. 2003 -21 on conflicts of interest previously noted and with all others voting In favour. NEW BUSINESS Niagara Health System Super Hospital Proposal Alderman Puttfck referred to comments made by Mr. Dennis Timbrell, who was opposed to a proposed super hospital facility In the Region. ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttiok, seconded by Alderman Volpatti, that Council reconfirm its' support for Mr. John Carter's proposal regarding the need fora new state-of-the-art 'super hospital'. Carried Unanimously. Cogeco Cable Internet Installation Alderman Puttick referred to the Council's use of their laptops and a current Installation deal offered by Cogeco. Following the discussion, ft was ORDERED, on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Feren, that the Council be hooked up with cable Internet access and that the City pay the hook up and monthly cost. Carried Unanimously. Hydro One Networks Inc. Alderman Putddkreferedto a resolution from the Corporation of the City ofThorold requesting the Minister of Energy take a leadership role and take the necessary steps to change Hydro One Networks Inc. back to a not for -prof t company and to distribute any surplus earnings back to Hydro One Networks Inc. customers In the form of a rebate. ervices for the Disabled, ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Putdok, seconded by Aidemian Janvary-Pool that an update be provided on Provincial services for the disabled and whether they are adequate. Car d q( o Ctoancj UI u, THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF NIAGARA PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL REPORT CL 17 -2000 The Municipal Council of the Regional Municipality of Niagara met in Regular Session in the Council Chamber, Regional Municipal Building, Thorold, Ontario, on Thursday, October 19, 2000, commencing at 6:36 p.m. 378. Moved by Councillor Smeaton Seconded by Councillor Thomson WHEREAS in spite of the extensive consultation and a final report on the hospital system in Regional Niagara by the Hospital Restructuring Commission, significant challenges face our residents, our tax payers, and our leaders with regard to the current and future capacities of the Niagara hospital system. These challenges include: changing demographics, an aging.population and increasing health care costs care staffing issues 2600 Z5 2 medical and other health multiple physical plants with heavy price tags for retrofitting and upgrading to current standards transportation /ambulance issues significant potential burden for Niagara tax payers related to hospital capital costs Currently, further investments and decisions are being made in an attempt to rejuvenate the multiple current hospital campuses and modernize the hospital care system. The opportunity exists now to study for the future the delivery of hospital care in Niagara. This could be, for example, a new, central, state -of- the -art teaching hospital supporting community sites. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Regional Municipality of Niagara through the Office of the Regional Chair work with the Chairs of the Niagara Health System Board, and the Hotel Dieu Board, as well as the District Health Council and other strategic stakeholders to explore, support, and to determine a process for, a feasibility study for future hospital care delivery in Niagara. Carried. CL 213 374. Reconsideration of Distribution Process for Council /Committee Material Deferred for two weeks. CL 16 -2001 October 18, 2001 373. Hospital Care Delivery in Niagara Moved by Councillor Smeaton Seconded by Councillor Beamer Whereas, in 2000, Regional Council proposed that all strategic stakeholders in the Niagara's hospital care system and infrastructure meet to determine a process for a feasibility study for future hospital care delivery in Niagara; and Whereas the response to that call for dialogue and direction from the Niagara Health System and the Niagara District Health Council fell short of Council's expectations; and Whereas, in the intervening time, the Provincial Minister of Health and Long Term Care has "ordered" the co- operation of the St. Catharines General Hospital and the Hotel Dieu Hospital in the planning for the future of Niagara's hospital system; and Whereas, significant challenges identified in 2000 still face our residents, our taxpayers, and our leaders with regard to the current and future capabilities of the Niagara hospital system; and Whereas many decisions and potential further investments are still required to rejuvenate the multiple current hospital campuses and modernize the hospital care system; and Whereas, the opportunity identified in 2000 to study the delivery of hospital care through, for example, a new central state -of- the -art teaching hospital supporting community sites still exists; and Whereas since all of the needs identified in 2000 still hold true, Regional council has made this feasibility study a key objective of its business plan; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED That the Regional Municipality of Niagara, through the Office of the Regional Chair, work with the Chairs of the Niagara Health System Board, and the Hotel Dieu Hospital Board, as well as the Niagara District Health Council, the Medical Officer of Health and the Chief of Staff of the Niagara Health System, and other strategic stakeholders, to explore, support and determine a process for a feasibility study for future hospital care delivery in Niagara, which may include the potential for a state -of- the -art teaching hospital as a primary hospital facility. Carried. That the Commissioner of Public Works or his designate be appointed to represent the Region and regional interests on the Steering Committee being established to select a consultant to conduct the study and oversee the study process." Carried. Upon a vote being taken, the original motion, as amended, was carried. 38. CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER Mr. Trojan, C.A.O., provided an update on the preparation of the initial submissions for funding approval under the SuperBuild Millennium Partnership Fund. He advised, that as a result of an earlier meeting this week with Provincial SuperBuild representatives, it was suggested that the Region bring forward its recommendations on project applications as soon as possible, in order to take advantage of the March 5th Cabinet Committee meeting. He noted, it may be some time before the next meeting of the Cabinet. Mr. Trojan advised that area C.A.O.s have been asked to finalize their application packages. It was recommended that a report be brought to Council on February 21 to consider final recommendations. MOTIONS 39. Niagara Health System Councillor Saracino, will leave of Council, introduced the following motion: Moved by Councillor Saracino Seconded by Councillor Martin WHEREAS in June, 1997, Jim Wilson, Minister of Health, announced, on behalf of the Government of Ontario, a Rural and Northern Health Care Framework, that included the provision that Port Colborne General Hospital, Douglas Memorial Hospital in Fort Erie, and West Lincoln Memorial Hospital would remain open as Hospitals; and WHEREAS Tim Hudak, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Recreation, and Provincial Member of Parliament for Erie Lincoln, then acting as Parliamentary Assistant to Jim Wilson, Minister of Health, communicated this announcement to his constituents; and WHEREAS the Government of Ontario, in this framework, made a commitment to these communities which included guaranteed 24 -hour emergency service; one -stop health care shopping; beds to meet local needs; new hospital networks and better doctor recruitment; and CL 23 CL 2 -2002 February 7, 2002 CL 2 -2002 February 7, 2002 WHEREAS the Niagara Health System has proposed in their Discussion Paper, dated January 24, 2002, to establish 16 -hour emergency care centres in Port Colborne and Fort Erie, to eliminate in- patient and out patient surgery in Port Colborne and Fort Erie; and move pediatrics and birthing from Welland. WHEREAS these proposals, if adopted, will have long -term impacts both socially and economically on our communities, as the reduction in on -site services will discourage population growth and economic development, and will inhibit doctor recruitment; and WHEREAS these proposals, if adopted, will not be in step with the Region's growth directions, which have encouraged growth in the southern tier through regional planning documents and transportation initiatives. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOVED that Regional Council correspond with the Niagara Health System to emphasize the need for the implementation of the provisions announced by the Province as contained in its Rural and Northern Health Care Framework; and That, to comply with these provisions, Regional Council recommends that the Niagara Health System. maintain 24 -hour emergency service, and inpatient and out patient surgery in Port Colborne and Fort Erie, and maintain birthing and in- patient pediatrics at the Welland site, and extend the February 22, 2002 deadline to allow more public input and input from Area Municipal Councils into the Discussion Paper; and That Regional Council recommends that the Niagara Health System review its long -term strategy for health care to ensure that it is in keeping with the Region's long -term growth strategies (e.g. Smarter Niagara); and That Regional Council provide a response to the Niagara Health System's long term strategy; and That members of the Niagara Health System be invited to make a presentation at Regional Council. Carried. OTHER BUSINESS 40. Queen Elizabeth 50 Anniversary Succession to the Throne Councillor Nicholson commented that he took exception to the critical remarks made by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) with respect to the celebrations of the 50 anniversary of the Queen's Succession to the Throne. He commented that Canadians are still very much in favour of the Queen and the CL 24 125. Alternative Option to Health Care CL 6 -2002 April 4, 2002 Moved by Councillor Smeaton Seconded by Councillor Badawey That the ten minute rule for presentations be waived for Mr. Carter's presentation on Health Care. Carried by a 2/3 vote. Mr. John Carter, former C.E.O. of the Greater Niagara General Hospital with over 40 years experience in Health Care presented an alternate prescription for Niagara's Health Care. He proposes that a state of the art centre for excellence, centrally located for safe and timely access with state of the art equipment and expertise and qualified emergentologist on site 24 -7 be constructed within a four year window. The potential benefits of a single site acute care facility were highlighted as follows: less expensive to maintain; increased utilization with less down time; consolidates technology equipment and support services on site; all clinically related inpatient services at one site and new programs requiring larger critical mass are viable. Carter outlined viable financing options, advising that a projected cost of $400 million for a new state of the art facility is a much wiser investment than spending $325 million on buildings that have outlived their value. The Niagara Health System vision, he commented, is limited by the current provincial directives, Carter noted that other communities have successfully convinced the ministry to waive its original directives in favour of building a new facility. Mr. Carter urged Regional Council to define its community health care needs for the future NOW. 126. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Councillor Burroughs declared an indirect pecuniary interest with respect to the Smoke -free Public Places and Workplaces By -law, as he owns a restaurant outside of the Niagara Region, and he therefore took no part in the discussion of, or voting, on this matter. Councillor Gabriel declared an indirect pecuniary interest with respect to the Smoke -free Public Places and Workplaces By -law, as his spouse works in the hospitality industry, and he therefore took no part in the discussion of or voting on this matter. Councillor Muir declared an indirect pecuniary interest with respect to the Smoke free Public Places and Workplaces By -law, as a family member has an interest in the restaurant service industry, and he therefore took no part in the discussion of, or voting, on this matter. 127. Moved by Councillor Bailey BY -LAW CL 78 CL 81 CL 6 -2002 April 4, 2002 PUBLIC WORKS AND UTILITIES COMMITTEE 131. Report 10 -2002 Moved by Councillor Badawey Seconded by Councillor Rigby That Report 10 -2002, being the minutes of the Public Works and Utilities Committee meeting of Tuesday, March 12, 2002, be approved and adopted. Moved by Councillor Redekop Seconded by Councillor Martin That minute item 137, Correspondence PWC 22 -2002 be referred to the Commissioner of Public Works for report. Carried. Upon a vote being taken, the original motion, as amended, was carried. (Councillor McMullan volunteered to serve on the Waste Management Planning Steering Committee and Councillor Forster expressed an interest in serving on the Public Liaison Committee, Humberstone Landfill Site, depending on meeting dates.) 132. NOTICE OF MOTION Councillor Smeaton gave notice that at a Regional Council meeting, in the next two to four weeks, he would bring forward a motion to initiate a public consultation process to include Medical Doctors and Professionals, Surgeons and specialists in the various disciplines of Health Care, to determine what is the best Health Care System for Niagara. (Councillor Andreychuk requested that the process include potential cost implications for Lincoln, West Lincoln and Grimsby.) OTHER BUSINESS 133. "Finding your Niche in Niagara" Councillor Brickell referred to the Institute for Enterprise Education's document "Finding your Niche in Niagara The document referred to the youth in Niagara wanting to stay in Niagara but are finding they have limited opportunities and are leaving the area to pursue jobs with better income and mobility. Councillor Brickell asked, "how do we address this report 172. Report 8 -2002 Moved by Councillor Smeaton Seconded by Councillor Beamer That Report 8 -2002, being the minutes of the Planning Services Committee meeting of Wednesday, April 24, 2002, be approved and adopted. PUBLIC WORKS AND UTILITIES COMMITTEE 173. Report12 -2002 Moved by Councillor Badawey Seconded by Councillor Harry That Report 12 -2002, being the minutes of the Public Works and Utilities Committee meeting of Tuesday, April 23, 2002, be approved and adopted. Councillor Redekop asked to be recorded as opposed to the recommendations in Minute Item 184, Accommodation Review Committee Study (Report PWP 38- 2002). (Please refer to Staff Directions.) 174. MOTIONS Moved by Councillor Smeaton Seconded by Councillor Beamer PLANNING SERVICES COMMITTEE WHEREAS Regional Council has passed two earlier resolutions proposing a partnership with the Niagara Health System Board, Hotel Dieu Hospital Board, Niagara District Health Council, Chief of Staff at the Niagara Health System, the Medical Officer of Health and other strategic stakeholders, to develop a feasibility study for future hospital care delivery in Niagara; and CL 108 CL 8 -2002 May 2, 2002 Carried. Carried. CL 109 CL 8 -2002 May 2, 2002 WHEREAS these earlier resolutions referenced the challenges regarding the current and future capacities of the Niagara Hospital System, the significant financial investment required to modernize and rejuvenate the current system and the fact that a comprehensive future oriented long range plan for hospital care delivery is contained as a key community objective in Council's 2001 -2003 Business Plan; and WHEREAS Regional Council through its Business Plan and as a component of a Smarter Growth strategy, is encouraging integrated planning between respective service areas and public agencies, and WHEREAS Regional Council acknowledges that it is the role of the Niagara Health System to manage the current hospital care delivery system and to address the deficiencies in existing facilities; and WHEREAS there continues to exist the need to develop a longer term vision for accessible health services of the highest quality for all residents of Niagara; and WHEREAS, the Niagara Health System, through its representatives who made representation to Regional Council on March 21, offered to work cooperatively with other community stakeholders including the Region, toward a long range planning approach; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Long Range Planning Committee of the Niagara Health System be activated immediately to lead a process of public consultation that will include the above referenced community stakeholders as well as medical practitioners and health care specialists, to develop a long term strategic view of the optimal hospital care delivery system for Niagara; and That the process be commenced no later than July 2002 to ensure that capital investment in the current system is considered within the context of the long range plan; and That the Regional Municipality of Niagara, in conjunction with the Niagara Health System, request that the Minister of Health and Long -Term Care be asked to support the planning process of the Niagara Health System Long Range Planning Committee with the Region of Niagara as a key partner and stakeholder. Following discussion, it was: Moved by Councillor Rigby Seconded by Councillor Partington CL 8 -2002 May 2, 2002 That the foregoing motion be amended by: ending the second operative clause at the words "July 2002 and deleting the remaining words; and deleting the third operative clause. Lost. Upon a vote being taken the Regional Chair declared the original motion, as noted, was carried. Councillor Andreychuk asked to be recorded as opposed to the foregoing motion. BY -LAWS 175. Moved by Councillor Badawey Seconded by Councillor Harry That Bill 40 to 601 43 be now read and do pass: Bill 40 A by -law to provide for the Maintenance and Management of a System of Sewage and Land Drainage Disposal Bill 41 A by -law to authorize debenture financing (1 years) in the amount of $1,279,838 for projects ZGCO201 (PC'S, printers, software) and ZGC0104 (software upgrades, new initiatives) from the approved 2002 Information Services Capital Budget Bill 42 A by -law to authorize debenture financing (1 -5 years) in the amount of $590,083 from the approved 2002 Capital Budget for Project ZGCO103 (Electronic Document Management System) CL 110 The City of li Niagara Falli Canad Mayor Wayne Thomson wthomson @city.niagarafalls.on, ca The Honourable Tony Clement Minister of Health and Long -Term Care 10th Floor, Hepburn Block 80 Grosevenor Street Toronto ON M7A 2C4 Dear Minister: City Hall 4310 Queen Street Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6X5 (905) 356 -7521 Ext. 4202 Fax: (905) 374 -3557 In April of last year I wrote you the attached letter supporting the idea of a Super Hospital in the Niagara Region. This idea was proposed by the former head of Greater Niagara General Hospital, Mr. John Carter. A state of the art, centrally located hospital would be more effective at treating area residents than a number of older facilities that have reached full potential and are being expanded in a band -aid fashion. The central facility would contain acute care beds while existing local hospitals would have long -term care beds and emergency facilities Niagara Falls City Council unanimously supported the concept of a single acute care hospital facility at a Council meeting in June 2002. A few weeks ago Mr. Dennis Timbrell, the Provincially appointee investigating the future of health care in the Region, addressed an audience at the St. Catharines Rotary Club. Mr. Timbrell dismissed the idea of a Super Hospital because it would "be a political firestorm Such comments are disappointing. A decision on the future of health care in the Niagara Region should be based on need, efficiency and vision not because of politics and parochialism, Page 2 In light of Mr. Timbrell's comments, at it's most recent meeting, Niagara Falls City Council reaffirmed its support for a Regionally -based acute care hospital facility. Once again, Niagara Falls City Council respectfully requests that the Ministry of Health look at a long -term solution for health care in the Niagara Region, bri qintut S`rcgntS 3Muat15 X003 $t J LSMIgulanoe -2. April 28, 2003 Council Minutes Chippewa Swimming Poo! His Worship Mayor Thomson suggested that the new Chippewa Swimming Pool be named after the late Suck Hinsperger, a former Alderman, community volunteer and well respected resident of Chippewa. ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fisher, seconded by Alderman Federow, that the new Chippewa Swimming Pool be named after Buck Hinsperger. CerrledCarled U_ ou Super Hospital Mayor Thomson referred to the recent announcement of a new "Super Hospital" in St. Catharines, He stated that Council was on record as being in support of having a Super Hospital centrally located so that it could be easily accessible by public transit for all residents in the Niagara Region, It was suggested that a committee be formed to include Mr. John Carter, City staff; Niagara Health System staff; community volunteers and Council members, to study the Super Hospital Issue. ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fisher, seconded by Alderman Janvary-Pool that Aldermen Fisher, Ica nnonl, Janvary-Pool, Puttick and Voipatti along with Mr, John Carter, City staff; the Niagara Health System staff, and community volunteers aft on a committee to look at having one Super Hospital In the Region, considering such issues as transportation and to report back to Council. Cabled Unanimously. PRESENTATIONS School Crossing Guard Crest Competition Alderman Kim Craltor, Ms. Sue McDowell and Mr. Sam LaRosa of the Parking Traffic Committee were In attendance and presented an award to Greandate Public School for the winning design of a crest to be used by City Crossing Guards. Curo»ean Mr Canada yp Hockey Tournament His Worship Mayor Thomson congratulated and presented a token of appreciation to Ms. Val Hall, a member of the Women's National Hockey Team who won avoid medal as a member of the Women's under 22 European Air Canada Cup Hockey tournament in Germany. DEPUTATIONS Lieutenant-Colonel Jeff Calms, Chair, St. John Ambulance provided a brief history of the St. John Ambulance organization and it's involvement In the community. Chief Peter Corfield, Campaign Chair, provided information on the Capital Campaign to purchase a new Ambulance/Mobile First Aid Post and requested community support in their fundraising efforts. Following the presentation, it was ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Craitor, seconded by Alderman Wing, that the matter be referred to staff to look into whether the City oan financially participate In the campaign. Carried Unanimously. -2. October 6. 2003 Council Minutes Alderman loannoni indicated a pecuniary Interest on Report F.2003 -45, Cheque No. 278506, because she Is the recipient, Alderman Pietrangelo Indicated a pecuniary interest on Report MW- 2003 -180, because he will be working adjacent to Garner Road; and on Report F- 2003.45, Cheque No. 278628, because he is employed by the Niagara Catholic District School Board. Mayor Thomson Indicated a pecuniary interest on Report MW- 2003.180, Gamer Road matter, because a family member resides In the area. Alderman Volpatti indicated a pecuniary Interest on Report Nos. PD- 2003 -88 and PD- 2003.90 and on By -law No. 2003 -181, because a family member has a contractual relationship with the applicant. Alderman Wing indicated a pecuniary Interest on Report MW -2003 -181, and on the matter dealing with the Grand Boulevard from the Commu Services Committee meeting of September 22M 2003, and on Report R- 2003 -80, from the Council meeting of September 22"", 2003 and on Report PD- 2003 -88 and By -law No. 2003181, because she owns property with a Niagara Parks employee.. PRESENTATIONS Davis Cuo (Tennis) Chamolonshla His Worship Mayor Thomson made a presentation of a plaque to Mr. a Mrs. Dencevic, who accepted on behalf of their son, Frank Danoevic, who had won the Davis Cup match in Calgary on September 21, 2003. The Order of Niagara His Worship Mayor Thomson made a presentation to Jack Hall in recognition of receiving the Order of Niagara and for his dedication to St. John's Anglican Church. DEPUTATIONS Nlagare Health System Hospital Sites Dr. Christopher Offlerskl, explained that health care was becoming more of a Regional concept. He provided some history on efforts in St. Catharines, through the Niagara Health System and the report by Consultant, Dennis Tlmbrell, to co- locate the St. Catharines General and Hotel Dleu hospitals. The Doctor explained the effects such a hospital would have: It would be costly, difficult to finance, may Impoverish the NHS and lead to a devolution of servioss in other hospitals in the Region. He gave the opinion that savings could only truly occur through the consolidation of services and it was more cost effective to build a new hospital then renovate older, existing hospitals. He Introduced the following recommendations to Council: 1) to combine the healthcare facilities for Niagara Falls and St. Catharines; 2) to locate the new facility in the population center of Niagara north to also service Thorold and Niagara- on-the -Lake (86% of Niagara Region's population) and 3) that this site be accessible with adequate space for future growth. Act. -3- October 6.2003 Council Minutes Dr. C. Bhagirath advised that at meeting on June 10, 2003 of the Niagara Medical Services, a motion had been made that physicians at the Niagara Falls Site with to participate In the project of co- location of a hospital at a site accessible to both Niagara Falls and St. Catharines and that residents of Niagara should have some say into thls proposal. Following the discussion, it was ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Putttok, seconded by Alderman Volpatti, that Council endorse the three recommendations and forward on its' support to the Premier, the Niagara Health System and to Mr. Denis Timbre II. Carded Unanimously, Alderman loannoni left Council Chambers due to illness. Early Years On rio Pronram Ms. Donna Daigleish, Coordinator, Ontario Early Years Center, Niagara Falls, provided an update on "What is an Ontario Early Years Centre? and the findings from the first year of the program. She extended an Invitation to members of Council and the community to attend their National Family Week celebrations on October 9, 2003 from 8 o'clock to 8 o'clock at Mary Ward School PLANNING MATTERS PD- 2003 -86 Chief Administrative Officer Re: Zoning Byaaw Amendment Application; AM- 14/2003, 6950 Victoria Avenue; Applicant: Niagara 21" Group Inc., Agent Italia GIIberti, Solicitor; Proposed 10 Storey Hotel, The report recommends that Council approve the requested Zoning Sy-law amendment application to Include a proposed 10- storey hotel and ancillary parking garage as a permitted use at 6950 Victoria Avenue. -AND PD- 2003 -90 Chief Administrative Officer Re: Chief Administrative Officer Re: Zoning By -law Amendment Application; AM- 14/2003, 6960 Victoria Avenue; Applicant Niagara 21" Group Inc., Agent Italia Gilbert!, Solicitor; Proposed 10 Storey Hotel Addendum Report The report recommends that In addition to the recommendation of Report PD- 2003.88, appearing on tonight's agenda, itisrecommended that Council require the applicant to enter Into a Section 37 agreement for the above development that will detail the aUaetscape Improvements along Victoria Avenue/rallway alignment to be provided by the applicant, AND Communication No. 218 Ma, Marzenna Carrick to Totten Sims Hublcki Associates Re: Traffic Impact Study and Site Plan Approval. The communication provides comments on the proposed signalized main access to the development roadway improvements; on- street parking; projected traffic volumes; trip generation rate and indicates that the applicant Is requested to Identify on the site plan the timing manoeuver for shuttle buses and tour buses under the portico at the principal entrance, His Worship Mayor Thomson read the procedure to be followed under the Planning Mayor Wayne Thomson Mr. Paul D. Leon, Chair Niagara Health System 142 Queenston Street St. Catharines, ON L2R 2Z7 Dear Mr. Leon: fat .44414SYR Fk6G October 22, 2003 City Hall 4310 Queen Street Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6X5 (905) 356-7521 Ext. 4202 Fax: (905) 374 -3557 wthomson @city.niagarafalls.on. ca As you are aware, Niagara Falls City Council, at a recent meeting, received a deputation from members of the local medical community. We also had in our possession a correspondence from yourself and Mr. Ian Hennessy, Chair of Hotel Dieu Hospital, Although your letter had many valid points, the presentation by the local doctors was persuasive. As a result Niagara Falls City Council passed a motion endorsing the recent resolution passed by the Niagara Medical Services: that health care facilities for Niagara Falls and St. Catharines be combined. that a new facility be located in the population centre of Niagara north (which contains 65% of Niagara Region's population) to also service Thorold and Niagara-on-the-Lake. that the centrally located site be accessible with adequate space for future growth. Since the Niagara Falls City Council meeting, the announcement was made about the proposed site at Fourth Avenue and First Street in St. Catharines. Obviously, the choosing of this site, to a certain extent, negates the above motions. Let it be clear, Niagara Falls City Council's concerns have nothing to do with parochialism. Niagara Falls has no illusions of such a facility being built in our community. Our concern is that a new facility be easily accessible to the vast majority of Niagara Region residents. It is debatable whether the chosen location is as accessible as some other identified properties. I realize that one of the arguments offered in your recent letter was that this new" facility is to serve the residents of St. Catharines and Thorold, not the rest of the Region. I believe, however, that this is an unrealistic assertion, Mr, P. D. Leon Page 2 October 22, 2003 The new facility, especially one containing a cancer care centre, will become a defacto regionally based and oriented hospital; therefore, it would behoove the Niagara Health Systems to look at the long term sustainability of this facility for the broader community, Also, the doctors who made the presentation to Niagara Falls City Council made strong points that a new hospital would impoverish the NHS and lead to a devolution of services in other hospitals in the Region. Only with a consolidation of services will cost efficiencies be realized, I would respectfully request that the Niagara Health System consider this correspondence. We will be sending a similarly worded letter to Provincial officials. Sincerely, AYNE THOMSON WT/di Mayor c. Her Worship Robin Davidson, Mayor, City of Thorold 2004 -37 A by -law to authorize monies for General Purposes (February 2, 2004) 200438 A by -law to adopt, ratify and confirm the actions of City Council at its meeting held on the 2 day of February, 2004. The motion Carried with Alderman Wing abstaining from the vote on By -law No. 2004 -37 on a conflict of interest previously noted and with all others voting In favour. Site Alderman Carolynn loannoni referred to a recent article regarding area doctors' concems about the proposed site of the new Regional MOIN and how it should be better located. Mayor Said advised that the Region was going ahead with their plans to locate the new treritThu facility on the north side of St. Catharines and that the doctors would be making a presentation to the Joint Committee of the Niagara Health Services with their concems. Price Gouging 8 NEW BUSINESS ,Y February 2, 2004 Connell Minutes Alderman Carolynn loannoni referred to an article in the Toronto Star criticizing the costs in Niagara Falls during a recent Tory convention and suggested that the matter be discussed during the Annual General meeting of the various members of the tourist industry. Snow Removal Around Fire Hydrants Alderman Wayne Campbell enquired as to who was responsible for providing access to fire hydrants after a snow storm. The Director of Municipal Works provided clarification on the matter. Congratulations His Worship Mayor Saici congratulated Aldermen Diodati and Pletrangelo in their quest for a Liberal nomination. ..Letter of Condolence ORDERED on the motion of Alderman loannoni, seconded by Alderman Diodati, that a letter of condolence be forwarded to the family of the late James, "J.J" Zarafonitis, a well- known hotelier in Niagara Falls and well respected citizen of the community. Carded Unanimously Get Well Wishes Alderman Jim Diodati extended get well wishes to Mr. Buddy Lowe for a speedy recovery. -8- Aorll S. 2004 council Minutes ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wing, seconded by Alderman Pietrangelo, that staff look into the matter of the deterioration of the public dock on Chippewa Creek and to take any remedial action needed. Carnal Unanimously. Mayor's Youth Advisory Committgp n Advisory Fo in thilf. a Fon loannoni She Indicated that the Region as sidering Youth Advisory Committee and suggested that one member of the Youth Advisory from each municipality be sent to form a Regional Youth Advisory Committee. New Proposed St. Catharnes Hospital Alderman Jim bladed commented on the latest news articles regarding the new proposed St. Catharines Hospital and concems expressed by the doctors in the Niagara area; he suggested that a public meeting be held with the Niagara doctors and representatives from the Niagara Health System to address the doctors' concerns and issues on the matter. ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Diodti, seconded by Alderman loannoni, that a public meeting be held with the Niagara doctors and representatives from the Niagara Health System to address the doctors' concerns and issues. Carried Unanimously Playground Eaulnment/Bambi Park Alderman Victor Pietrangelo requested that Council pre approve the budget item of playground equipment at Bambi Park. ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Pletrangelo, seconded by Alderman Morocco, that Council pre approve the budget item of playground equipment at Bambi Park. Carried Unanimo sly. Funding Initiatives Alderman Joyce Morocco referred to a Toronto Sun article on funding initiatives dealing with a Recreation Development Fund and a Sports Culture Tourism partnership shared between the Provincial and Federal governments. The Director of Parks, Recreation Culture advised that staff would report back on the matter. ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Pietrangelo, seconded by Alderman Morocco, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried Unanimously. READ AND ADOPTED, DEA IORF A, C1TY CLERK "Ss R. T. (TED) SALCI, MAYOR -19- Anal 19, 2004 Coundt Minutes 2004-85 A by -law to adopt, ratify and confirm the actions of City Council at Its meeting held on the 19th day of April, 2004. Carried NEW BUSINESS Dumping of Garbagg Alderman Jim Diodati expressed concerns regarding the amount of garbage that is being dumped in our community and suggested that if residents witness any individuals dumping garbage that they take down the licence plate number and report it to the City. Alderman Jim Diodati referred to the response from the MEN and suggested that a public meeting be held with representatives from the Public Health System, local doctors from the N lagara Medical Service and representation from the Ministry of Health; he suggested that the meeting be broadcast on Cogeco. It was noted that staff would set up a date and location for the meeting. Following the discussion, It was ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Diodati, seconded by Alderman Pietrangelo, that staff set up a date and location for a public meeting, outside of a Counts[ meeting, to be held with representatives from the Public Health System, local doctors from the Niagara Medical Service and representation from the Ministry of Hearth and to be broadcast by Cogeco. Canted Unanimously. Posting of 2003 Municipal Election/Can jdates Financial Statements Alderman Wing made a motion that staff proceed with the scanning and Indexing of the Election /Candidates Financial Statements for entry into laser fiche and that a link be placed in the appropriate spot on the elections section of the City web page. There was no seconder to the motion. Smoke -free Bylaw Alderman Janice Wing referred to her attendance at the Region's Public Health Services Committee, where the committee recommended to deny the City's request to rescind By -law 2002.22, a By -law to regulate smoking In public places and workplaces. She felt that the by -law, instead of imposing blanket restrictions and creating an untevel playing field by exempting some types of establishments and not others, should give bar owners the choice of being either a smoking or a totally smoke -free premises ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wing, seconded by Alderman Volpatti, that a resolution be forwarded to the Region to amend the Region's By -law 2002 -22 to allow licensed establishments the choice to be smoking or completely, smoke free and that a copy of the resolution be forwarded to the Province, Carried, Niagara Falls Tourism Alderman Wayne Campbell commented Niagara Falls Tourism plays a positive role in bringing attractors to the City but it might be the time to have their funding reassessed. He suggested that a meeting be set up through the Mayor's Office to look at Niagara Falls Tourism's funding and the possibility of the 3% room tax. Whirlpool Truck Consortium Alderman Janice Wing referred to a recent news article of June 11 in the St. Catharines Standard regarding an issue of the Whirlpool Truck Consortium seeking environmental assessment waivers and requested a report on the matter. ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wing, seconded byAlderman Volpatti, that staff bring back a report on the issue of Environmental Assessment Waivers. Carried Unanlmously Niagara Falls Armoury Alderman Janice Wing requested an update on the Niagara Falls Armoury meeting. She was advised that staff were in the process of scheduling a meeting with the consultants, Trow Engineers Consulting Inc. and interested parties with possible dates of June 23t or June 24"', 2004. Club Italia Fundraiser Alderman Joyce Morocco thanked Club Italia for hosting the golf tournament fundraiser for the Greater Niagara General Hospital Foundation. Grass Cutting at Niagara Parks Joce Morocco cutting at Alderman Niagara Parks. His Worship concerns r Mayor Said provided clarification o the matter.. Niagara Falls Humane Society Alderman Selina Volpatti referred to correspondence received from Ms. Tracy Merrett the City rep from the Niagara Falls Humane Society, The City Clerk provided clarification on the matter and advised that Alderman Joyce Morocco had expressed an interest to sit on the N.F. Humane Society Board as a City representative. Following the discussion, it was ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Volpatti, seconded by Alderman Morocco, that a letter of appreciation be forwarded to Ms. Tracy Merrell and Ms. Nancy McIntosh for their services to the Niagara Falls Humane Society. Carried Unanimously It was moved by Alderman Volpatti, seconded by Alderman Morocco, that approval be granted to proceed past 11:00 p.m. Carried Unanlmously. -18- June 14.2aod r o. ncjJ *tin tec Niagara Health System Alderman Jim Diodati requested an update on the 'Lew MEM MED discussions. He was advised by the City Clerk that the panel discussion was to include 4 reps from the NEM EMI, ME and 4 local stakeholders along with a moderator. These discussions would be taped by COGECO on June 23r 2004 and broadcast a few days later. Niaaara Health System -3- December b, 2004 Council Minutes Karen Tribble and Gloria Kane, from the •!Apra month tftglii provided an update on the status of the Greater Niagara General Hospital Emergency Department and Ambulatory Care expansion project. Ms. Kane further advised that this expansion would provide a state -of -the art facility and added that Niagara Falls was targeted as the second site for an M.R.I. Some discussion ensued with respect to the proposed co- location project in St. Catharines, Ms. Kane clarified that there was no association between the ER and Ambulatory Care redevelopment project in Niagara Fells to the proposed project In St. Catharines. Following the discussion, It was ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Volpattl, seconded byAlderinan loannonl, that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls reaffirms that the future health of Niagara residents is betterserved by a centrally located, state -of- the -art hospital, and further that this be forwarded to the Minister of Health and the INagprat38a0ft The motion was Carried with the following recorded vote: AYE: Aldermen Campbell, Diodati, loannoni, Kerrio, Morocco, Pietrangelo, Volpatti and Wing. NAVE: Mayor Said PLANNING MATTERS PD- 2004 -14 Chief Administrative Officer, Final Report, Downtown Niagara Falls Community Improvement Plan. The report recommends the following: 1. That Council repeal the By -law Nos. 81 -245 and 87 -002, establishing the existing redevelopment areas in the downtown and also By-law Nos. 84-287, 85.119, 87-003, 88 -081; and 89 -309 adopting Redevelopment/Improvement Plans within this redevelopment area; 2. That Council pass a by -law to designate the Downtown Community Improvement Project Areas contained in the Downtown Niagara Falls Community Improvement Plan Final Report (November, 2004); 3. That Council pass a by-law to adopt the Downtown Niagara Falls Community Improvement Plan, November 2004 and that the Plan be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for approval; 4. That Council direct the staff Inter department Development Team to proceed with the coordination and Implementation of the Municipal leadership Strategy Including: a) the investment In and development of, City owned lands to spur private development; b) the establishment, marketing and administration of the financial incentive program; c) the preparation of Official Plan and Zoning by-law revisions, Urban Design Guidelines, a Downtown Parking Strategy, a Transportation Master Plan; d) the amendment of the City's Development Charges by -lawto implement the Development Charge Exemption (DCE) Program; l you have anyprohlpfil recettrtrlg i}rf ii p y k ti p7e CSt s.t (905) 356 -7521 Fitt l 3'hu 000014 Mayor /CAO Building/Legal Business Development City Hall 1" Floor City Hall 2nd Floor Clerk's Department Community Services Fairview Cemetery Finance Administration Fire Department Fire Prevention 374 -3557 374 -7500 357 -9293 356 -0759 356-2354 356 -9083 357-9293 354 -7706 356-2016 356-6236 356 -1583 Our File No. No. of Pages Transmitted Human Resources Library/victoria Avenue Niagara Falls Arena Parks, Recreation Culture Payroll Service Centre Service Centre/Garage Service Centre/Stores Supply Services Traffic Parking Services Water Department 356 -5110 356-7004 354 -9119 356 -7404 356-4431 356 -6460 353 -9468 356-7556 356-1774 353 -0651 353 -8612 Attention: Fax Number: From: Special Instructions: S:\FORMS\Fax Cover Sheet 35- ?140 Corporate Services Department Clerk's Division 4310 Queen Street P.O. Box 1023 Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6X5 web site: www.elty.nlagarafalls.on.ca Fax Transmission Farm, Reply Requested: 1 .4 Working Together To Serve Our Community YES NO Dean Iorflcia City Clerk Tel: (905) 356 -7521 Fax: (905) 356 -9063 ASAP Or. Nile h /w on.: 4 arher1 ere.- +he, (Ylp,/ nlinade -s Corporate Services Department The City of Niagara Falls( 4 The Honourable George Smitherman, Minister of Health and Long Term Care Minister's Office Hepburn Block, 10th Floor 80 Grosvenor Street Toronto ON M7A 2C4 Dear Minister: Clerk's Division 4310 Queen Street P.O. Box 1023 Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6X5 web site: www.city.niagarafalis.on.ca Tel: (905) 358.7521 Fax: (905) 356-9083 E -mail: diorfida @city.niagarafalls.on.ca December 10, 2004 On December 1 our Mayor, His Worship, Ted Salci, along with his counterparts from St. Catharines and Welland, met with you to discuss the future of hospitals in the Niagara Region. The City Council appreciates our Mayor working cooperatively with his colleagues, however, they feel that the message you may have received is counter to their past resolutions. As the attached document clearly shows, Niagara Falls City Council has gone on record on numerous occasions supporting a state -of -the -art, centrally located "Super Hospital" and questioning the efficacy of the proposed hospital in the south west end of St, Catharines. Various arguments justifying a centralized hospital are contained in the attached documentation. Niagara Falls City Council strongly urges your Ministry to reevaluate the future of hospitals in the Niagara Region and reiterates its' position: That the future health care of Niagara residents is better served by a centrally located, state- of- the-art hospital. Recorded vote: 8 for, 1 against. c. His Worship Mayor Tim Rigby, City of St. Catharines His Worship Damian Goulbourne, City of Welland Mr. Paul D. Leon, Chair, Niagara Health System Sincerely, Dean Iorfida City Clerk Ext. 4271 DEC.. Dean lorfid City Clerk Working Together to Serve Our Community Clerk's Finance Human Resources Information Systems Legal Planning 8 Development 0 ligMaliffillaS December 12, 2005 ouncll Information Packages ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Campbell, seconded by Alderman Pletrangelo to refer to staff to come back with a report with suggestions on a better way to circulate the Council Information package. ¢gam Unanimously QNQH Drop [gad Date Alderman loannoni indicated that on December 21M, 11 medical beds on unit D would be closing leaving only 48 medical beds total on this unit. ORDERED on the motion of Alderman loannoni, seconded by Alderman Wing that a fetter be sent to the NHS, Minister of Health and MPP Kim Crahor, expressing Council's objection to the closure of the medical beds and requesting that the closure of the beds be deferred until an opportunity is given to look into alternatives. Carried Unanimously motion of Alderman ORDERED on that MPP Kim Craitor, the NHS and representatives for the Doctors and Nurses at QNQH be Invited to a Council meeting to discuss the Issue noted above. Carded Unanimously Region of Niagara A discusslon occurred regarding the recent media reports that the proposed expansion of the Regional facilities is 10% Inadequate. ORDERED on the motion ofAkiernan Diodati, seconded byAlderman Pietrengelo that the Region of Niagara be asked to by and live within their means, absorb the 10 percent shortage of apace, Including having the Health Department on site and make the expanstonwork in the space they have. Canted Unantmeu.bt ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Volpatti, seconded by Alderman Morocco that the meeting be adjourned at 8 :00 p.m. Osaittlinattfamde DEAN 10RFIbA, I�TY CLERK R.T. (TED) SALCI, MAYOR Mayor Ted Said VIA FAX: 905- 323.3800 Ms. Debbie Sevenpifer, President Chief Executive Officer Niagara Health System 142 Queenston Street St Catharines, ON L2R 2Z7 Dear Ms. Sevenpifer. January 4, 2006 R. T. (Ted) Saki Mayor RTS:di:cec C. The Honburable George Smithermaa, Minister of Health Long -Term Care Mr. Kim Ctaitor, M.P.P.; Niagara Falls bCC John Ilgac4-5n4i0 IA t1 _Tarlict k City Hail 4310 Queen Street A.O. Sox 1023 Niagara Falls, ON L2E @Xs web alto: www.niagarafalts.ca (905) 358-7521 Ext. 4201 Fax: pep 374.3567 tsalcl @niagarafalls.ca Re: Closure of Beds at GNGH Prior to the holiday season, Niagara Falls residents learned of the plans for the closure of 11 medical beds and four surgical beds at the Greater Niagara General Hospital. Although the closures have been characterized as temporary there is a fear amongst our Council, and the local residents, that any such move will become permanent As a result, Niagara Falls City Council passed the following motion: That Niagara Falls City Connell objects to the closure of beds at the Greater Niagara General Hospital and that the NHS look at alternatives to such closures. I am hopeful that afollow -up meeting, to the meeting with MayorRedekop and M.P.P. Craitor in late November, will also deal with this sensitive issue. Your respectful consideration of the above resolution b greatly appreciated. Sincerely, 0 Jan. !B. 2006 I:24PM NHS Corporals Svcs January 18, 2000 Mayor Ted Said The Cky of Niagara Falb City Han, P.O. Sox 1023 4310 Queen Street Niagara Felt, Ontario. Canada L25 tom Dear Mayor iSaid: NIAGARA HEALTH SYSTEM SYST ME DES AN DE NIAGARA TQGEtHER IN EXCELLENCE LEADERS IN HEALTHCARE (0043234 00 Re: Reduction of Bach at Greater Ma Thank you for your ratter dated January 4, 2008 regarding the concerns your council and community have about the reduction of beds at cur Greater Niagara General Hospital CONCH`). In making decisions of this nature, as Via Niagara Heath System (NHS) we strive to balance our duty to be responsive to healthcare needs of the communities we serve while at the same time ensuring 'we ere responsibly, managing our resounres. Wan regards to the desire of these beds, !would like to clarify that our intention with CJs bed reduction is to mStatn the same patient vanes throsch increased effidancY e clinical uffl initiative t WWII rites. d o b w part n of an with the Ministry of Health and Long Tenn Care (MOre'HLLTC)..d of our accountabilities As we have discussed previously, all hospitals N1 Ontario have been asked by the MOHLTC to balance the budget by March 2008. The NHS has asked for an additional year to balance the budget and Is awaiting an official response *co the MOHLTC. A seven (7) step methodology was provided to all hospitals by the MOHLTC to follow In balancing their budgets of which Improved cEnical Wizetion to atop four (4). A copy.of Ministry's Hospital Annual Placating Submission process can be abtehed on the Hos beepitals n have br hbiMww.mohltdsb.caNauentai MAPS Coinehtksn Guide.od(. �P� efficiencies I ns ructe t0 review all the steps h order and consider steps to olivky with the least Impact to patient are. The NHS le expedited by the MOHLTC to follow the proses and atop methodology h t developing ctice f balanced budget. As utilization. Clh Clinical utilization Is review steps l of oving of patients based on patient diagnosis. Our review, based on the data for all hospitals In Ontario hes determined that we can provide the same teyal of service to our patients by moving bean towards t date odan and nt the reducing length of stay. Based CO Cots information, we The closure of the beds at our 'MOH she does not the d mean a�reducton of setvice but rather a more efficient use of our resou ce& As we always do, we will monitor closely the Impact of closing these beds on the access and availability of service t0 your community and make etfustments C required. rarer cDrangros Ina;, MO Np.3196 P. 2 C n pt n s not cowai 0 ON Jan. 18. 2006 1:25YM NHS Corporate Svcs No, 3196 P. 3 I Mayor Ted Sara anal 15 2008 We toast that the above information helps to clarify our decision regarding the beds reductions at the GNLH site. Should you require addllonai information please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, 69- Debbie SevenpUer, CA, CHE President and Chief Executive Officer Niagara Health System DSAvf ca The Honourable George Smlthennan, Minister of Health Long Term Care Mr. Kim Cndtor, M.P.P. Niagara Fails t Pegs 12 =gibs PI Oat 111 Wins* 4 February 8, 2006 Ensuring proper disabled access is provided. Comments from the Municipal Disability Committee should be obtained. Ensuring compatibility with surrounding residential uses should change in use or ownership occur. Conclusion The requested amendment to permit a clinic on the property can be supported for the following reasons: The use is similar in nature and scale to other uses permitted under the Institutional Zone, The property will be maintained in a manner compatible with surround ing residential development as the building is not being expanded and only minor changes to the site are necessary. Site Plan control shall be used to ensure that the site is maintained In a form compatible with surrounding neighbourhood uses. It is recommended that; 1) Council approve the Zoning By -law amendment application to permit the existing building to be used as a medical clinic; and 2) The amending by -law contain provisions regulating access and landscaping outlined in this report. Mayor advised that failure to make an oral or written submission at this Public Meeting could result in the Ontario Municipal Board dismissing any referral it receives if the party has not made an oral or written submission at the Public Meeting. Perry Wais, 5134 McGlashen Cres. Niagara Falls, expressed his concern with the fence on the property and the access to his driveway. Mr Wais owns the property behind the Palmer Avenue building. Wayne Thomson, agent for the applicant, Indicated that he agreed with the report with the exception of the site plan that be believed was not needed as there Is no expansion to the building being proposed, Mr. Thomson advised that the applicant will make improvements to landscaping, will re -line the parking lot, a chain will restrict McGlashen Crescent access and there are no plans to move the fence. Mr. Wais will have to consult a lawyer regarding the specifics of property ownership. Mr. Thomson reiterated that the property would be utilized as a medical clinic with no ovemight stays. Mayor Salci declared that the Public Meeting with regard to AM 36/2005 is closed. ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Campbell, seconded by Alderman Volpatti to approve the report as recommended. Carried Unanimously ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Volpatti, seconded by Alderman Morocco to have the Niagara Health Deputation moved up before the Communications. Carried Unanimously E•. c c_• ,t ulttr_I. Kim Crafter, MPP, Niagara Falls, outlined the issues surrounding health care in the Province. 5 February 6, 2006 Dr. Craig Muir, Surgeon, Clinical iJfIlization Program and Frank Demizio, VP of Clinical Services at GNGH made a presentation to Council outlining the utilization of medicine, surgical beds and hospital accountability. The NHS continues to seek out opportunities to work with health and community partners to Improve healthcare for Niagara residents. They stressed that NHS is committed to Quality Patient Care. Heather Cross, a registered nurse for over 30 years was representing the Ontario Nurses Association. Ms, Cross noted that the nurses' union was part of the utilization committee. She questioned, however, what the NHS was going to do about the aging and depleting pool of nurses Dr. K.N. Reddy thanked Council for taking an interest in how the iagara H Wth PEW operates. He commended Dr. Muir on his utilization efforts but cautioned that at some point you can not cut too much. Alderman Wng left meeting for the night due to illness. -AND- ORDERED on the motion of Alderman loannoni, seconded by Alderman Wng that a committee of the Mayor and interested members of Council be formed to meet with local doctors and nurses, within a month, to create a plan to put forward to the Ministry of Health and our local M.P.P, to keep the beds slated for closure at the Greater Niagara General Hospital open. Carried Unanimously ORDERED on the motion of Alderman loannoni, seconded by Alderman Wing that the committee consist of the Mayor, Alderman Volpatti, Morocco and loannoni. Carried Unanimously MAYOR'S REPORTS. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Salci delivered the state of the City address. He outlined the Council's commitment to infrastructure, the opening of the Community Centre and various developments and his efforts working with other municipalities to increase development along out major highways. Mayor Salci advised that the following letters of condolence were sent to the family of the late Barbara Scott, a former City employee; to the family of the late Leonard Bonk who's son Ken works for the City's Flre Department and to the family of the late Dr. Nicholas Pohran who was a longtime physician and Coroner. Mayor Said advised of some recent events: the opening of Train Station Antiques and the First Niagara Scout Hut. Also, the announcement of Cirque Niagara, an attraction slated for this summer. Mayor Salci advised' of some upcoming events: the Mayor and Council's Chili Cook Off being held at the Optimist with proceeds going to Project Share. On February 10th the 2006 BEC partners breakfastwlll be held at the Sheraton Fallsviewand Provincial Minister of Education Gerard Kennedy will be the keynote speaker. COMMUNICATIONS AND COMMENTS OF THE CITY CLEF 1. Municipal Heritage Committee requesting that February 20 to 28h, 2006 be proclaimed as 'Heritage Week" in the City of Niagara Falls. PD- 2006 -11 Matters Arising from the Municipal Heritage Committee Meeting January 25, 2006 February 10, 2006 Mr. Dean Iodide, City Clerk Corporate Services Department Clerk's Division 4310 Queen Street P.O. Box 1023 Niagara Palls, ON 1,2E 6X5 Dear Mr. Iorfrida: vuIyviu,t, v.“o i Er NIMMfiwMJ&& ARESYA T OGETHER IN EXCELLENCE— LEADERS IN HEALTHCARE Thank you, as Clerk of Niagara Falls City Council, for the opportunity to have representatives of the Niagara Health System (MIS) attend Council on February 6th, 2006 to explain the matter of utilization as it pertains to bed closures at the Greater Niagara General (GNG) site and our measures to comply with the Province of Ontario's Hospital Accountability Process (HAPs). In reflecting upon the events leading up to the presentation and events at Council on February 6 we need to express our disappointment at how the meeting proceeded particularly around the inappropriate and disrespectful comments that were made, Some very personal attacks were made at the meeting, and at times, our NHS representatives in attendance were not treated with respect. M the meeting proceeded, it was apparent that there was an understanding or expectation of some councillors that the CEO personally was to be at the Council meeting. From correspondence received and through conversations, it was not our understanding that the request was for the CEO to personally attend, but rather representatives from the NHS. It was communicated to you as Clerk in the weeks prior as to whore from the NHS would be attending and this was acknowledged by your follow -up call to Mr. Frank Dcmizio, Vice President Clinical Services with responsibility for the Greater Niagara General (GNG) site. NHS as the leading provider of patient care to 420,000 residents across the peninsula is a very complex organization with multiple demands and accountabilities reflective ofthe hundreds of thousands of patient treatments wo provide each year through our 4,200 staff, 500 medical staff and 1,000 volunteers serving at our seven sites. As you can appreciate, the CEO is supported by an excellent team of professionals who are expert in the portfolios for which they hold responsibility. While the CEO cannot personally attend every meeting request that is brought forward, we do our best to provide the most suitable and expert representative to speak to particular issues. In this instance, as the request was on bed closures and utilization, the two most appropriate individuals Dr. Craig Muir, Regional Chair of Utilization, and Mr. Demizio were provided to Council to lead the discussion. mason omit ees fve 0 ttq n y,�en' �nex�i tby \t1E1/ b'Wae t'Gaahie+ m w y g� wiles eavtua wiles Corporate Office 1ss Ontario Street St. Catharines, ON 12R SK3 (935)378-4E47 X43110 kaaa an dim We seam Mr. Dean lorfida, City Clerk February 10. 2006 1111V k.l,/UI Ole UYLJ In the most recent instance, we were invited to Council to explain bed closures and we did, preparing a very detailed presentation for Couneii's overview. The presentation provided outlined a compelling, fact-based approach using Ministry ofHealth and Long -Tenn Care MOHLTC) comparators and data to demonstrate that the number of hospital beds is not the sole measure upon which to gauge service delivery to patients. Furthermore, the presentation showed that in the past six years, while the NHS has closed 60 beds across all of its sites, it has provided an increased number of hospitalizations to patients. By improving processes during hospitalization, advancing medical treatment through snore improved diagnostic technologies and more effective drug treatments and therapies, we are able to provide more service to more patients. Finally, we understand that Council has requested a meeting of NHS administrative representatives, doctors, nurses, councillors and Niagara Falls MPP Kim Craitor to review our bed closures and discuss other matters. It needs to be emphasized that the NHS Board of Trustees has a legally binding agreement with the MOHLTC under the Hospital Accountability Agreement (HAA) to implement our HAPs plan. The jurisdiction and decision making lies with our Board of Trustees, a volunteer board made up of community members, which governs and manages the NHS as sot out under the Public Hospitals Act. Our HAPs plan outlines savings of $193 million in order to balance by March 31, 2007. This plan follows the process specifically set out by the MOHLTC and has been fully discussed and vetted with the Ministry over the course of many months and many meetings. The MOHLTC has approved the initiatives contained within our plan, including the bed closures, having provided them with the same information we have provided you. Therefore, having already provided Council with this same information, we will be proceeding with these bed closures according to our legal agreement with the MOHLTC and we see no benefit in re- opening further discussions with councillors on this issue. Therefore, if Council continues to have concerns, these concerns are better directed to the MOHLTC and MPP Kim Craitor, who has advised us that he is advocating for more funding for the NHS. We are committed to ensuring that Niagara and its individual local communities are served by a patient- focused, responsive network of local hospital sites. The unique care needs of the people of Niagara Falls are as equally important to us as all other communities in our region. As the NHS, we have secured provincial support to help fund important infrastructtue improvements like the new CT scanner, MRi and the Emergency and Ambulatory Project currently under construction at the GNG site. We are currently working on provincial approvals to enable greatly needed renovations for our Complex Continuing Care services on the Trillium Unit, our Mental Health unit, and the Operating Rooms. Added to this is the work underway to establish a satellite dialysis centre at the GNG site to minimize the burden on Niagara Falls residents who require this life saving treatment. These are critical initiatives that we hope Council can work with us on for the sake of patients and families. Sand, Waal N eel" r nu, JJOY I. 3 Page 2 i @e em g�wrrr es 8 wae'v Mr. Dean lorflda, CI& Clerk February 10, 2006 Mn 'e fra 1111V vu N It is in the best interest of the patients and communities we serve to have a good working relationship with all municipalities. We have established quarterly briefings with elected officials in Niagara, hay ving just held our seventh briefing on. February 8th. We have personally attended and presented at all sessions. We certainly encourage your councillors to attend these meetings to hear regular updates regarding the NHS. We understand concern was expressed at yaur Council meeting regarding the time of these sessions. We certainly can look at alternate times, if that would facilitate Increased attendance from Council members. To this end, we certainly hope moving forward we can work collaboratively and respectfully with members of Council on matters of mutual concern. Sincerely, cadre yeleorae-0 Paul D. Leon Debbie Sevenpifer Chairman President and Chief Executive Officer NHS Board of Trustees Niagara Health System. 0 ranob CD vise. iv4 b tea warwar ❑u, aJVY I Page 3 en .oQ V r qtr Clerk's Department Inter Departmental Memorandum To: Mayor Ted Salel Members of Council From: Dean Iorfida City Clerk Ext, 4271 Subject: February 6's Deputation of the NHS working Together to Serve Our Community The City of s Niagara Falls Canad� Date: February 20, 2006 Further to the letter from the Niagara Health System that appears on your agenda, I would like to remind Council of the motion that was passed on December 12th, 2005 that precipitated the deputation: ORDERED on the motion of Alderman loannoni, seconded by Alderman Volpatti that MPP Kim Craitor, the NHS and representatives for the Doctors and Nurses at GNGH be invited to a Council meeting to discuss the issue noted above (the closure of medical beds at GNGH). Carried Unanimously Ms. Sevenpifer, in the NHS, correctly points out that the request was for representation from the NHS at a future Council meeting. Even if the motion had stipulated Ms. Sevenpifer specifically, it would be the call of the NHS to send the individuals that were most qualified to attend. Also, it would not be appropriate for municipal staff to presuppose who should attend from an external organization. Finally, all individuals or groups that appear in the Council Chambers should be treated with proper decorum and respect. Although Council members and municipal staff may be comfortable with the sometimes adversarial nature of debate that occurs in the Council Chambers, others may not. Representatives of outside organizations may be reluctant to attend Council meetings if they feel they may be interrogated during their appearance. Dean iorfida RE: Hos2ita(bedClosure at GNGH From: Dean Iodide To: DSevenpifer @niagarahealth.on.ca Date: 1/27/2006 9:09:29 AM Subject: RE: Hospital bed Closure at GNGH Dear Ms. Sevenpifer: Firstly, thank you for your response to Mayor Salci's recent letter regarding reported bed closures at GNGH. Although your response seems reasonable, Niagara Falls City Council wishes you to attend a future meeting to discuss the matter. Atso, invited to the meeting would be Kim Craitor, M.P.P. I have first made contact with Mr. Craitor's office because often the politician's schedule are the most difficult to arrange. I apologize that I have yet to make formal contact with you but I was awaiting confirmation from Mr. Craitor's office. My understanding is that you have had some discussions on this and ft looks like the originally proposed date of February 6th is the most suitable. My further understanding is that Mr. Crafter's schedule indicates that he would not be available until 9:00 p.m. The other date available for Council is February 20th. I will call your office today to confirm the date and time or if you want to send me a response via e-mail that would be great. Sincerely, Dean Iorfida City Clerk Niagara Falls 905- 356 -7521, Ext. 4271 "Planche_Ron" <rplanohe @liberal.ola.org> 1/23/2006 1:03 PM Hi Dean: Kim is scheduled to be back at Queen's Park on all the dates mention. He is however prepared to make every effort to attend the February 6th Meeting of Council. He will leave the city right after his duties and will be prepared to discuss this issue with Council. Kim was wondering If he could speak to Council at 9pm on the 6th. We know that this is a deviation from procedure but Kim was hoping the municipality would be willing to accommodate this request due to the importance of the issue. By the way of this email he will notify the NHS of his Intent to meet with you. Ron Planche Executive Assistant to Kim Craitor, MPP for legislative matters Phone: (905)357 -0681 Queen's Park (416)325 -0790 Mobile: (905)401 -5699 Home: (905)357.0809 Email: rolanchef8tliberal.ola.orq Email2 ronrlanoheftcogeco.ca 2 February 20, 2006 COMMUNICATIONS AND COMMENTS OF THE CITY CLERK Council Minutes The Fresh Air Fund request that March 20, 2006 be proclaimed as "Fresh Air Fund Day" in the City of Niagara Falls RECOMMENDATION: For the Approval of Council ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Kerrio, seconded by Alderman Morocco that the communication be approved. Carried Unanimously 2. Ministry of Transportation Dedicated Gas Tax Funds for the Public Transportation Program. RECOMMENDATION: Council pass the by -law on tonight's agenda. ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Pietrangelo, seconded by Alderman Morocco that the communication be approved. Carried Unanimously 3. Niagara Health System Correspondence from the Chairman and President and C.E.O. regarding their organization's deputation of February 6th, 2006. RECOMMENDATION: For the information of Council ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Morocco, seconded by Alderman Diodati that the communication be received and filed. Carried Unanimously REPORTS RATIFICATION OF COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE ACTIONS ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Pietrangelo, seconded by Alderman Diodati that the actions taken in Community Services, on February 20th, 2006 be approved. Carried Unanimously 1) That the minutes of the February 6, 2006 meeting as amended be approved. 2) That a "No Heavy Vehicle" restriction at all times be installed on Robinson Street between Main Street and Allendale Avenue. 3) That parking be prohibited at all times on the west side of Confederation Avenue between Thorold Stone Road and Crawford Street. 4) That staff be directed to proceed with the installation of permanent traffic signals at the intersection of Victoria Avenue and the Nlagra River Parkway in cooperation with the Niagara Parks Commission, Clerk's Department Inter Departmental Memorandum To: Mayor Ted Salci Date: February 8, 2006 From: Dean Iorfida City Clerk Ext. 4271 Subject: Committee re: Hospital Bed Closures Mayor Salci: 1-e, o r The City of Niagara Falls' Canad� As you will recall, at Monday's meeting Council passed a motion to form a committee of the Mayor and interested members of Council to meet with local doctors and nurses, within a month, to create a plan to put forward to the Ministry of Health and our local M.P.P. to keep the beds slated for closure at the Greater Niagara General Hospital open. As part of our normal Council meeting follow -up, this matter was discussed at Senior Staff this morning. Senior Staff appreciates the importance of this issue; however, this would be a political issue as opposed to a municipal issue (i.e., an issue typically dealt with by municipal staff as part of the normal course of their day to day duties); therefore, it is expected that your office would facilitate the organization of the commnittee and the setting of the appropriate meetings. For the record, the Alderman who wish to be a part of the committee are: Alderman Ioannoni Alderman Morocco Alderman Pietrangelo Alderman Volpatti If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. c. John MacDonald, Chief Administrative Officer Working Together to Serve Our Community Nlaaara Health System ORDERED on the motion of Alderman loannoni, seconded by Alderman Volpatti that a letter be sent to the j .j M Mai MAE requesting that the March 29 meeting be rescheduled to an evening meeting. Canted Unanimously Rain Barrels ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Diodati, seconded by Alderman Kerrio that staff advertise the sale of rain barrels at a oust of $25.00 and accept pre-orders. Carried Unanimously Mid- Peninsula Corridor ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Diodati, seconded by Alderman Morocco that Joe Cousins, Niagara Region Director of Transportation Services and Peter Partington, Regional Chair be invited to a future Council meeting, Carried Unanimously 11- March 20, 2008 NEW BUSINESS ORDERED on the motion of Alderman loannoni, seconded by Alderman Kerrlo that the meeting be adjourned at 11:20 p.m. Carried Unanimously DEAN IORFID�( CITrf CLERK R. T. (TED) SALCI, MAYOR -14 April 3, 2006 Council Minutes BY -LAWS ORDERED on the motion of Pietrangelo, seconded by Alderman Diodati that the by -laws be given a first reading. Carried Unanimously 2008 -84 A by-law to authorize the execution of an Ontario Funding Agreement with Her Majesty The Queen In Right of Ontario respecting funding by the Province for the May 22, 2008, LIVE with Regis and Kelly Production. 2006.65 A by -law to amend By -law No. 2002 -081, being a by -law to appoint City employees, agents and third parties for the enforcement of provincial or municipal by -laws, 2006-66 A by -law to authorize the execution of an Agreement with Shrine Cirous/Xentel D.M. Inc. respecting the use of the Niagara Falls Arena for a one day circus event. 2008 -67 A by -law to authorize the payment of $20,336,011.11 for General Purposes. 2006 -68 A by -law to amend By -law No. 89 -2000, being a by -law to regulate parking and traffic on City Roads. Stop Signs at Intersections) 2006 -69 A by-law to adopt, ratify and confirm the actions of City Council at its meeting held on the 3"' day of April, 2006. ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Pfetrangelo, seconded by Alderman Diodati that the by -laws be read a second and third time and passed. Carried Unanimously NEW BUSINESS Niagara Development Corridor ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Campbell, seconded by Alderman Kerrio that staff prepare a report outlining the City's involvement with the Niagara Development Corridor. Carried Unanimously Cancer Awareness ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Morocco, seconded by Alderman Kerrio to declare the month of April as Daffodil Awareness month in support of Cancer. Carried Unanimously Conaara Pronerty Alderman Pietrangelo inquired about the building and asked if staff was aware of the type of business possibly moving Into the building. Staff advised that nothing is certain but there is a company interested in the building whloh Is confidential at this time, Niagara Health System ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Pietrangelo, seconded by Alderman Diodatl that a los na watch committee be set up consisting of Council, and our MPP Kim Craitor and that the committee come bask with the appropriate terms of reference. Carried Unanimously 14 March 31, 2008 Council Minutes 2008 -51 A by -law to amend By -law No. 79 -200, to permit the development of a retirement home and to repeal By -law No, 2000-197. AM- 31/2007 2008 -52 A by -law to provide for the adoption of an amendment to the City of Niagara Falls Official Plan, (OPA No. 80) AM- 29/2007 2008 -53 A by -law to amend By -law No. 79 -200, to permit the erection or use of a building on the property for the purpose of either a one family detached dwelling or a duplex dwelling and accessory buildings and accessory structures, or an office. AM- 29/2007 2008 -54 A by -law to amend By -law No. 79-200, to permit an expansion of a hotel, to permit a portion of the required parking to be provided off site and to repeal By -law Nos. 89 -255 and 92 -285. AM- 36/2007 2008 -55 A by-Iaw to authorize the execution of a Section 37 Agreement with 1712093 Ontario Limited and 2100422 Ontario Limited pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act respecting the provision of certain facilities and services and matters by 1712093 Ontario Limited and 2100422 Ontario Limited in retum for an amendment to By- Iaw158 No, 79 -200 for an increase in height to allow the development of a hotel with a maximum height of 53 metres and 18 storeys on lands owned by 1712003 Ontario Limited and 2100422 Ontario Limited and located on Falisview Boulevard, in the City of Niagara Falls. 2008 -56 A by-law to appoint Councillor Jim Diodatl as Acting Mayor from April 8, 2008 to and Including April 13, 2008. 2008 -56 A by -law to adopt, ratify and confirm the actions of City Council at its meeting held on the 31' day of March, 2008. ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Pietrangelo, seconded by Councillor Dlodati that the by -laws be read a second and third time and passed. Carried Unanimously tatkraIst lftI55s m NEW'BUSINESS ORDERED on the motion of Councillor loannoni, seconded by Councillor Wing that Council support the position of the local doctors and MPP Craltor, asking the Ministry of Health to review the fflifiE§ EINEM liNEffil Carried Unanimously Macular Degeneration ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Thomson, seconded by Councillor Kerrio that staff prepare a resolution ensuring equal access to recently announced funding for drugs combatting Macular Degeneration. Carried Unanimously Humane Society ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Thomson, seconded by Councillor Kerrio that a Committee of Council work with staff and Humane Society on the next steps. Carried Unanimously Councillor Thomson expressed that he would participate. Earth Hour Councillor Diodati provided an update on the recent Earth Hour activities. 7 July 21, 2008 Council Minutes the surrounding neighbourhood, the NC zone is the only commercial zone that does not permit them. The existing floor area limit in the NC zone (230 sq m) 2,479 sq ft) will ensure health centres are an appropriate size in residential areas, Add "Privacy Yards" for units in grouped or townhouse dwellings in a Residential Low Density, Grouped Multiple Dwellings (R4) zone. By -law No. 79 -200 does not include a specific requirements for amenity areas for each individual unit. This is not consistent with street townhouse dwellings which have a required rear yard amenity space depth of 7 5 m (24 6 ft). This will ensure an amenity space is available to residents in townhouse or grouped dwelling units at the rear of each townhouse or grouped dwelling unit in an R4 zone. Conclusion The proposed changes to the R1, R2 and R3 zones in by -law No 79 -200 with respect to landscaped open space, parking areas and accessory buildings will assist in preserving the character of the City's lower density residential areas. The balance of the changes to by -law No 79 -200 will provide appropriate updates to the by -law's regulations. The recommended changes, once approved, take effect on the date of the passage of the amending by -law but cannot be applied retroactively to existing situations. Recommendation That Council approve the updates to the regulations of Zoning by -law No. 79 -200, as outlined in the report. The Public Meeting was now Closed. ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Mayes, seconded by Councillor Diodati that the report be approved as recommended. Carded Unanimously MAYOR'S REPQRTS, ANNOUNCEMENTS Condolences were offered to the families of the following Individuals, who recently passed: Jim Hetherington, Craig Whitehouse, and Dr Ronald Banting and to Felix Pingue on the loss of his mother Mayor Salci advised of some recent events: July 14 the Masterson family announced they were giving up majority ownership in the Niagara Falls Junior B Canucks, a heartfelt thank you is extended to them for their long- standing commitment and dedication to the Canucks; and the 2008 Great Lakes St. Lawrence Cities Initiative Annual conference was held last week. Mayor Salci advised of some upcoming events. July 27 at the Drummond Hill Cemetery the Annual Commemorative Service for The Battle of Lundy's Lane will take place; August 12" the Niagara Falls Public Library will host the 87 Annual Flower and Vegetable Show and 1" Annual Auto Nation Car show is being held August 17' at the Optimist Club Mayor Said discussed the recent Niagara Health System Announcement, the NHS will be making efforts to eliminate their 17 million dollar operating deficit. The NHS has a requirement to reduce the deficit and to create efficiencies. This is only the first phase, or the beginning of the process for the NHS They will be asking for consultation from health care professionals and the public as they move forward. July 21, 2008 Council Minutes NO. 19 DIODATI IOANNONI therefore be it resolved that the City Council of Niagara Falls insists that the NHS withdraw its suggestion to the LHIN of closing the Labour and Delivery Unit of Niagara Falls. FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that in the alternative the City Council of Niagara Falls forward this resolution to the Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant (HNHB) Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) and Dr Jack Kitts, the expert who has been chosen to review the Hospital Improvement Plan (HIP); and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that before making any final decisions, the LHIN has appropriate public consultation throughout the Niagara Region; and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that copies of this resolution also be forwarded to the Minister of Health and Long -Term Care, the Honourable David Kaplan, Kim Craitor, M.P.P., Niagara Falls Area Municipalities, and the Ontario Nurses' Association. COMMUNICATIONS AND COMMENTS OF THE CITY CLERK 1 Request from Various BIAs for Pay Parking Rate Changes in the Tourist Core RECOMMENDATION: That the by -laws listed later on the agenda be approved ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Thomson, seconded by Councillor Diodati that the communication be approved Carried Unanimously with Councillor Kerrio declaring a conflict. 2. International Joint Commission (IJC) a) Request from the Region supporting nomination of the IJC for a Stockholm Water Prize b) Request that 2009 be proclaimed Year of our Shared Waters RECOMMENDATION: That the request be approved ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Thomson, seconded by Councillor Fisher that the requests be approved. Carried Unanimously 3 Celebrate Old Downtown Request to declare their various events as Community festivals and to receive an exemption under the noise by -law for live entertainment. RECOMMENDATION Approve the attached resolution ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Thomson, seconded by Councillor Fisher that the resolution be approved. Carried Unanimously FINANCE MATTERS REPORTS Carried Unanimously Chief Administrative Officer F- 2008 -28 2007 Reserves and Reserve Funds. The report recommends that Council review and approve the 2007 transfers to reserves and reserve funds. The City of Niagara Falls, Ontario Reso No. 19 Moved by Councillor Diodati Seconded by Councillor Ioannoni July 21, 2008 WHEREAS since 2006, the Niagara Health System (NHS) has repeatedly denied the possible closure of the Niagara Falls Labour and Delivery Unit since 2006; and WHEREAS with the release on July 16, 2008 of their Hospital Improvement Plan (HIP), the NHS plan is to accommodate all births in the Niagara Region in St. Catharines; and WHEREAS with an eleven percent (11%) increase, the majority of growth in new births has taken place in Niagara Falls; and WHEREAS conversely, the largest decrease in birth rates in the Region, at approximately twenty five percent (25 continues to be in St. Catharines; and WHEREAS with minimal urban growth opportunities present, it is Likely that the trend of decreased birth rates in St. Catharines will continue, and WHEREAS Niagara Falls City Council has gone on record on many occasions indicating that the proposed new location in west St. Catharines is not convenient, easily accessible nor strategically placed to properly serve residents outside of that community, and WHEREAS labour and delivery are often unscheduled, necessitating the need for convenient and quick access; and WHEREAS the HIP, as related to Labour and Delivery Units, is not feasible until a Niagara Regional Transportation service is in place and functional; and WHEREAS with the loss of Labour and Delivery Units, there is a good chance that pediatrics will follow; and WHEREAS with Niagara Falls, the second largest municipality in the Region, playing host to more than 12 million visitors per year it has some very unique health care challenges that call for the preservation of core services at the Greater Niagara General Hospital (GNGH); and WHEREAS there has been an erosion in confidence in the NHS by elected officials and taxpayers alike; and WHEREAS the NHS has shown an inability, to date, to balance its budget, and WHEREAS as a result, the Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant (HNHB) Local Health Integration Network (LHIN), which is responsible for planning, integrating and funding health care providers, has asked the NHS for its Hospital Improvement Plan. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of Niagara Falls insists that the NHS withdraw Its suggestion to the LHIN of closing the Labour and Delivery Unit of Niagara Falls; and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that in the alternative the City Council of Niagara Falls forward this resolution to the Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant(HNHB) Local Health IntegrationNetwork (LHIN) and Dr. Jack Kitts, the expert who has been chosen to review the Hospital Improvement Plan (HIP); and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that before making any final decisions, the LHIN has appropnate public consultation throughout the Niagara Region; and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that copies of this resolution also be forwarded to the Minister of Health and Long -Term Care, the Honourable David Kaplan, Kim Craitor, M.P.P., Niagara Falls Area Municipalities, and the Ontario Nurses' Association. AND The Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. DtA111 IO DA R. T. TlD S.4.LCI CITY C RK 1V *OR 2 August 18, 2008 Council Minutes Niagara Health System Kim Craitor M.P.P. made a brief presentation and outlined the proposed Niagara Health System Hospital Improvement Plan. He advised of various concerns of the residents in our City. ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Wing, seconded by Councillor Fisher that the Council endorse the ad -hoc committee; and That the purpose of the ad hoc "HIP Review Committee" is to retain Maternity and Pediatric services in the GNGH for the residents of Niagara Fails and, failing that, to put forth the argument for the geographic centralization of these services; and That the ad -hoc committee be comprised of: Councillor Carolynn loannoni Councillor Jim Diodati Councillor Wayne Thomson Bob Gale Bill Haskin Janie Palmer, Dr. Chris Offierski Dr. David Dec Dr. David Nicholson; and That the terms of reference for the ad -hoc committee be the following: i) To partner with the other municipalities, which are adversely affected by the Niagara Health System's (NHS) Hospital Improvement Plan (HIP), in order to speak with a unified voice; ii) To challenge the Provincial govemment regarding centralizing the site of the new hospital as, according to the HIP, it is a regionalization of service; iii) To create a list of pros and cons of moving services to a centralized location (eg. losses of financing and additional costs of transportation, both rubber tire and infrastructure, versus potential savings if those services are centralized); iv) To challenge Health Minister David Caplan and Premier Dalton McGuinty regarding the committee's finding on the HIP following submission of same to Dr. Jack Kitts, the expert advisor appointed by the HBHN LHIN Board. Carried Unanimously ORDERED on the motion of Councillor loannoni, seconded by Councillor Wing that Council endorse the NHS petition and forward it to Minister Caplan at the AMO Conference and that Kim Craitor M.P.P. contact Minister Caplan to confirm a meeting at the AMO conference. Carried Unanimously Mayor Ted Salci Dr. Jack Kitts, Advisor Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant Local Health Integration Network 270 Main Stree Est, Units 1 -6 Grimsby, ON L2M 1P8 Dear Dr. Kitts: Thank you for the opportunity to be here today to share information about the Niagara Health System Hospital Improvement Plan. I am here because I want the best possible health care for residents of Niagara Falls. Since the NHS Plan was shared with the public on July 16, 2008, we have had the opportunity to discuss pertinent issues of the plan with residents and health care providers in our communities. We would like to ensure that those voices are heard. I would like to bring forward some of the concerns expressed by residents, doctors and our Members of Council in Niagara Falls. We understand that the NHS has a requirement to create efficiencies and that "centres of excellence" are key to doing that in their plan. Changes need to be made to ensure the viability of the NHS into the future and for the best care for all Niagarans. I have asked the President of the Niagara Health System to listen to what our residents have been saying and to create round -table opportunities. I am happy that through this process, there will be a chance to do that. You have asked us to provide information to you based on four questions you have provided. Please find my comments, below. What is working well currently: People can go to their local hospitals and, at the GNGH, be treated for emergency issues right there. Patients will also be hospitalized at that local site if necessary, in close proximity to family. They not need be concerned with where else they might have to go to be treated, and how they might get there. 1 September 5, 2008 City Hall 4310 Queen Street P.O. Box 1023 Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6X5 web site: www.niagarafalls.ca (905) 356 -7521 Ext. 4201 Fax: (905) 374 -3557 tsalci @niagarafalls.ca 2 Significant updates were made to our GNG site in the past few years, including the Jeff Morgan Emergency Department, opened in 2007, and the new Ambulatory Care Unit in 2008. These major improvements have allowed doctors to treat patients with up -to -date equipment, in ample spaces, that have been geared to accommodate the changing technological and medical science environment. Niagara Falls already serves as a satellite site for residents in Fort Erie who visit GNGH to have their babies delivered. Should a move of the maternity ward and pediatrics be implemented, those residents, as well as those from Niagara Falls would have to travel an additional distance to access that same care in St. Catharines. What is not working well and why: Simply put, people have lost faith in the NHS. There is a poor public image. This needs to change. A revision of services, better communication and a caring attitude toward the public needs to be conveyed, whatever the plan, if Niagara is to move forward. Severely divided opinions of clinicians. I was told by the President of the NHS that clinicians have "bought in to the NHS plan." Since the plan was released to the public, I have heard from many doctors who are severely divided as to what needs to happen to ensure a thriving health care system into the future. Many are concerned about the plan and the changes that are being proposed. I have to listen to what our doctors are telling me. Better communication with doctors and health care providers throughout the NHS is needed, including more thorough discussion, consultation and listening to the doctors and health care staff on a regular basis. The top 5 risk issues associated with the implementation of the NHS plan: 1. Maternity Ward and Pediatrics move out of Niagara Falls: By way of our Council resolution passed on July 21, 2008, Members of Council in Niagara Falls ask that the NHS withdraw its suggestion to the LHIN of closing the Labour and Delivery Unit of Niagara Falls, and keep our maternity ward here. Our statistics show an eleven percent (11 increase, the majority of growth in new births in Niagara Falls, while conversely, the largest decrease in birth rates in the Region, at approximately twenty -five percent (25 continues in St. Catharines. Dr. Kitts, I ask you to review these numbers and compare them to the trend statistics presented in Exhibit 62 on page 149 of the NHS Plan. If our numbers are correct, why remove maternity and pediatrics from a place that requires growing care and will require that into the future? The GNG site already serves as a satellite maternity location for Fort Erie and residents in the Southern Golden Horseshoe. 2 3 2. Transportation: I have asked a number of times about how the NHS will meet transportation needs for patients should this plan be implemented, and I have not been given solid answers. What will the NHS do to ensure transportation needs are met? Certainly, they won't be relying on other levels of govenment to pay for transportation in their new plan. Given the move towards "centres of excellence," a viable inter- hospital transfer plan has to be undertaken, the responsibility of which needs to lie with the NHS, not other levels of government. If the locations from which services are delivered are going to change, patients need to be able to trust that they will be transported, in a timely fashion, to the care centres where they need to go. People in each community need to know that they can get to their hospital and will be completely taken care of from that point on. 3. Location: Now that the NHS plan is public, what impact does the location of the new St. Catharines hospital have on people throughout the entire Niagara Region? Though the location for the new hospital in St. Catharines was decided long ago, it may now negatively impact Regional residents. Why would the NHS make the significant decision of a location while publicly stating that this would not be a Regional Hospital? Now, with the details of the NHS plan public, we see that in fact, a number of services and "centres of excellence" for residents for the entire Region will be located there. Dr. Kitts, with this change, the "siting" needs review. According to many Niagara Falls residents, and especially some Niagara Falls doctors, this location is not right. It may not be situated to properly serve residents throughout the entire Region, though it is now clear that part of the plan will require that it do that. Doctors, residents and Members of Council strongly assert that this location be contemplated in light of the release of the NHS plan, and that a new location for the St. Catharines General site be considered at the base of the escarpment. 4. Transparency: The full story needs to be told. Community leaders need to be sure that what we are getting via the NHS plan is what we have been told by the LHIN and the NHS. It is important that the process be transparent and that authorities are up front with us about the care and service that residents will be getting, especially with regard to the following. "Centres of excellence" and what they really mean this is an opportunity to have the absolute best care in each health division for residents of Niagara Falls and the entire Region. To attain this, the process needs to be open and transparent, with complete information being shared with communities. 3 RTS/ cc 4 4 "Centres of excellence" will allow the top medical professionals the utmost in equipment, leading edge technology and information in our Region. In order for this to work to serve the residents, a closer look with all the facts needs to be given to the new hospital location in St. Catharines, Are we in the right location to serve all of the Region? How will patients get to these care centres? I ask that your report be public, Dr. Kitts. This is imperative, in order to restore public trust. In addition, I would like to request your consideration of the following requests: 1. That you would receive a presentation from a committee formed in our community by Members of Council, local doctors and residents. 2. That you would receive a delegation of our doctors that wish to come forward to express their views, concerns and suggestions for improving the Hospital Improvement Plan. They must be part of understanding and supporting the plan in Niagara Falls if it is to succeed. 3. That you would receive input from a town hall meeting of local residents who deserve their opinions included in this discussion. I would invite you to Niagara Falls to hear from residents in this format. I would like to offer to co -host this session with you, and I would welcome your participation. Thank you for taking the time to invite us to meet with you and to share our views and those that have been expressed to us. We hope to be able to continue to work with you to provide information from our communities, during the ongoing process to strengthen the Niagara Health System. Respectfully Submitted, R.T. (Ted) Salci Mayor 5 October 6, 2008 Council Minutes Tom Richardson, Sullivan Mahoney, on behalf of a number of residents advised that his clients have no objection to the zoning change from Tourist Commercial to Residential but they still have concerns about the height and density of the development and its affect on the surrounding area. They'd like to see improved setbacks and a reduction to four storeys. Mr. Richardson outlined concerns regarding the geological impacts on the bedrock. He also noted that the Official'Plan policies would indicate that such a project should be located closer to a Central Business District and an arterial road. Italia Gilberti, Broderick Partners, thanked staff for their guidance through the numerous meetings held. She felt the final application was a balanced effort between city staff and the developer. She requested relief from the bonusing provision because this was a residential development. She outlined the Development Charges exemptions available to this project at the Region. Dan Cowling, Goldberg Group, architect for the project gave a brief summary of the proposed apartment building. He gave his opinion that under the Ontario Building Code, the development would be characterized as a 4 storey building. Mr. Goldberg outlined features such as the landscaped terrace, water feature, and cladstone facade. He indicated that the garage door was significantly set back and would not detrimentally affect the neighbour. The developer's studies indicate little adverse shadowing effect. Also, the developer agreed to a daylighting triangle and certain set backs requested by Planning. Michael Goldberg, Goldberg group, planner for the project, advised that the Official Plan allows for 9 to 12 stories on Michaels Inn and It transitions down to where there is a lower residential density; therefore, there will be a gradual transition from 12 storeys to 9 to 7 to 5. The 125 units per hectare requirement is on old provision that was determined when the unit sizes were larger, they are now smaller. A more current way to determine is by the floors area ration or the floor space index. Ann Beauregard, 5435 River Road, is opposed to this development. She expressed that her main concern is the lack of setback from River Road. Al Dotson, 5435 River Road, expressed concern with the setback on Philip and River Road. Milica Orsic, 5419 River Road, Is In full support of this project. She believes that it is time for new development in this area. John Prentice, 4413 John Street, is opposed to the apartment development. Mr. Prentice believes the density Is too high and there is no proposed green space. He expressed concern that only two public meetings were held for the residents. The Public meeting was Closed. ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Fisher, seconded by Councillor loannoni that report be approved as recommended. Motion Carried with Councillors Wing and Mayes opposed and Councillor Thomson declaring a conflict. MAYOR'S REPORTS ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Said extended congratulations to Dean Iodide, City Clerk and Noelle Sinclair on the birth of their daughter, Alison Christina and also to Councillor Pietrangelo and his wife Anita on the arrival of their son Remy. Mayor Salci informed Council of the 450 community members who came out to participate in the Public Meeting to discuss the Niagara Health System Plan. Mayor Salci thanked Councillor loannoni for her presentation to Dr. Kitts and acknowledged the efforts of the Ad Hoc Committee. October 6, 2008 Council Minutes Mayor Salci advised of a recent event: Bridges to Better Business hosted by the City's Small Business Office that was held downtown. Mayor Salci advised of some upcoming events: The Summer Trillium Awards presentation will be held October 7 at the Best Western Cairn Croft Hotel at 6:30 p.m., Wednesday 8 will mark the Estee Lauder Pink Celebration for Breast Cancer Awareness event; the Annual Man -a Mile Relay Race will be taking place on Monday, October 13th, departing from McFarland Park; and this week is Fire Prevention Week there will be displays October 7 6 -9 and October 9 from 6 -8:30. Finally, Mayor Salci informed the public that October 20 there will not be a regular scheduled Council Meeting. City Council will be participating in a Downtown Workshop organized by the Downtown BIA with assistance from the Canadian Urban Institute. ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Thomson, seconded by Councillor Wing that Council endorse the presentation /comments made by Councillor loannoni and that it be forwarded on to Dr. Kitts. Carried Unanimously COMMUNICATIONS AND COMMENTS OF THE CITY CLERK 1. CUPE -SCFP Request that Wednesday, October 22, 2008 be proclaimed as "Child Care Worker Early Childhood Educator Appreciation" in the City of Niagara Falls. RECOMMENDATION: For the Approval of Council ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Kerrio, seconded by Councillor Maves that the communication be approved. Carried Unanimously 2. Niagara Falls Public Library- Request that the week of October 19 25, 2008 be proclaimed as Ontario Public library Week" in the City of Niagara Falls. RECOMMENDATION: For the Approval of Council ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Fisher, seconded by Councillor Pietrangelo that the communication be approved. Carried Unanimously 3. Arts Culture Committee Requesting the City of Niagara Falls take a formal stand against Federal cuts to Arts Culture programs, RECOMMENDATION: For the Consideration of Council ORDERED on the motion of Councillor loannoni, seconded by Councillor Fisher that the communication be approved. with Councillors Wing, Maves, Thomson, Kerrio and Mayor Salcl opposedotion Defeated 4. Anna Etezadi Requesting changes to the City's Animal Control bylaw regarding chickens. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and File Anna Etezadi 5435 Morning Glory Court expressed concerns over the City's Animal Control By -law that allows chickens in residential zones. Ms. Juanita Gledhill, Chair Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant LHIN 264 Main Street East, Grimsby ON L3M IP8 FAX: 905- 945 -1992 Dear Ms. Gledhill: Niagara,Falls c tiN,tnn October 27, 2008 Re: Niagara Health Service Hospital Improvement Plan As you are aware, the public consultation meeting in Niagara Falls on the matter noted above was held on October 3r Councillor Carolynn Ioannoni representing an ad hoc committee endorsed by Niagara Falls City Council delivered the attached presentation. Dr. Jack Kitts and his team and representatives of the LHIN were in attendance. Nonetheless, the municipality would like to send on a copy of the speech for the record. Niagara Falls City Council formally endorsed the speech, as their position, at their subsequent meeting. incerely, Dean Torfida City Clerk 4310 Queen?St eet P07Box 1023 NiagaraiFalls, ON Canada L2E 6X5 905 -356 7521 »wvnv.niagarafalli.ca Working Together to Serve Our Community Corporate Services Department Clerks Ext 4271 Fax 905 356.9083 d iorfda ©niagarafalis.ca The following is a submission endorsed by Niagara Falls City Council regarding the Niagara Health System (NHS) Hospital Improvement Plan (HIP). This is an adapted version from a speech delivered by Councillor Carolynn Ioannoni at the Public Session held on October 3 The Council respectfully requests that the following submission be considered prior to any decision to finance or authorize changes to Health Care in Niagara Fails as outlined in the HIP. With the release of the HIP, our community quickly mobilized. A committee, endorsed by City Council, was formed comprised of politicians, Local business owners, members of the community and doctors. The committee represents the voice of the families of Niagara Falls and the millions of visitors that our community hosts each year. For the record, the committee members are: Councillor Jim Diodati Councillor Carolynn Ioannoni Councillor Wayne Thomson Janie Palmer Nancy Eidt Bob Gale Bill Haskin Dr. David Dec Dr. David Nicholson Dr, Chris Offrerski We are informed consumers of health care. In addition, there are many health care providers that share our concern as evidenced by a petition in our daily newspaper signed by approximately 120 of our local doctors, surgeons and specialist based in Niagara Falls, Fort Erie, Welland and Port Colborne. These professional are calling for a change in location of the new Regional hospital to a central location accessible to all communities in the Niagara Region. It would appear that the only physicians that have considered and approved the HIP are the paid members of the Regional Medical Advisory Committee. No survey has been done of the medical staff throughout the NHS to ascertain their opinions on the HIP and whether they will stay if it is implemented. Of the doctors that have worked with us in reviewing this HIP, most say that this new hospital, despite what the sign above the door may say, is in fact, a Regional hospital. Specialists and physicians at Niagara Falls and Welland hospitals tell us that if this plan is accepted there will be a slow manpower attrition at their respective hospitals. This will inevitably lead to the closure of those locations making the proposed new hospital in St. Catharines a de facto REGIONAL HOSPITAL!. Doctors at GNGH will leave and replacements will not be found. This is because most specialist doctors want to practice their full range of skills. Moving obstetrics and pediatrics removes two major patient populations from these hospitals. With that happening, anesthesiologists are already giving notice that they will not stay, Without anesthesiologists, all surgical programs will cease and the critical care and the emergency department will be severely disabled. Our opposition centres more on the citing of this new hospital then on the concept of consolidation as long as a more central site is selected. I will reiterate what Mayor Martin expressed to you in Fort Erie, we are diverse independent cities, not one big community as the NHS would like you to believe. When the provincial government of' the day established the Niagara Health System nobody realized what would happen to the hospital and the network of service providers we have grown to count on. The first red flag of concern happened very quickly when 2 of our most outstanding citizens resigned from the NHS board after a year of observing it's internal workings. For a longtime, Niagara Falls only had one voice at that table. This was not a benefit to us. At this point and time, Dr. Kitts, 1 could..... highlight to you, and the LHIN members here, that the relationship between the NHS and the community of Niagara Falls is broken. The lack of communication is easy to explain because until recently there has been none. Most people in this city do not know who sits on the board of the NHS or the LHIN for that matter, where they are located how to contact them and what they do. 2 years ago, the NHS held a mere one meeting in Niagara Falls to discuss their plan for the future and the meeting was at 8 a.m. on a work day. Their plan was basically this document (the HIP) with a few changes. I could.., also...explain to you that the municipal leaders in Niagara Falls have zero trust in pretty much anything the NHS administration tells us. We have been lied to and mislead repeatedly both in an open Council session and in a private lunch in 2007 hosted by the NHS executives. When asked directly as to whether our maternity department was in danger of being relocated to the new hospital, Council was told there were no plans for this despite the fact that the Hospital Improvement Plan itself highlights a study that was completed in Aug. 2006 that recommends the consolidation of the Maternal Child Program to a one site model. I could give you numerous other examples as to why there is no trust with the current administration of the NHS but it would only piggy back on the numerous comments that you heard last night in regards to trust issues between the NHS and the community leaders as a whole, We (the elected representatives of the electorate) are all singing from the same hymn book, so I won't bore you with more examples. Dr. Kitts, I have listened online to your presentation in August to the LHIN, I understand your mandate is to do the following: 1. Review the hospital improvement plan for feasibility in creating a hospital system that is both sustainable and affective in improving the quality of health care for the residents of the Niagara Region. 2. To make recommendations that strengthens the plan and facilitates implementation. Our position to you is that we deplore any move to create a regional hospital in far western St. Catharines at the expense of the other hospitals in the region. We oppose any move that would result in an increased tax burden for the entire region in order to solve the obvious challenges to the establishment of that hospital ie: inter -urban transit, road improvements, traffic control enhancements, infrastructure improvements and the creation of Community Health Care Centers and home care programs specific to this new hospital. We also note that any savings the NHS promotes to accrue from the creation of this new regional hospital will only be possible with the help of enablers. The translation would appear to be the priorities of the tax payers and the NHS do not necessarily mesh. The NHS sought and obtained approval from the Regional Niagara Council for approx $40 million for this hospital which was then costed at $350 million. Reports indicated the price is now much higher. Given the weight of this Hospital Improvement Plan that it is highly unlikely that any attempt to obtain more money from Regional tax payers would trigger a strong and loud objection. To go back to your mandate, Dr. Kitts, to review the HIP for feasibility, I highlight to you and the LHIN members present, that within this hospital improvement plan the biggest enabler needed to make this plan a success is not included in the financial costs that is the cost for inter municipal transportation, Dr. Kitts, you spoke about your experience in Ottawa, that geographically the distance of within Ottawa is similar to Niagara. I would state to you that the success of that merger was contingent upon the comprehensive public transportation system that already existed within the City of Ottawa. With the Hospital Improvement Plan before you, there is a total absence of the inter municipal transportation enabler that is so crucial to make this plan work. So if feasibility is one of the main criterion to approve this plan as is, this plan fails to meet that test as transportation dollars are not included in this proposal. This is not a field of dreams, counting on if they build it(The Regional Hospital), they will come( meaning the municipalities, with the dollars to fund transportation). The taxpayers simply can't afford it in this economy. The HIP discloses that every hospital service will be provided to some degree in the proposed St. Catharines hospital. This is at the expense of every other hospital in similar size cities. We anticipate loss of physicians, loss of specially trained nurses, to this new facility specifically due to the broad range of care anticipated there. This might make some sense if this hospital was to be located centrally so that easier, cheaper, access could be guaranteed. There are sites, fully serviced and far more accessible available to NHS for a St. Catharines hospital or indeed for a regional facility. We applaud the location for a Cancer Treatment Unit, and a Cardiac Catheterization unit in St. Catharines, for use by all of Niagara. This is long overdue and will result in fewer trips to Hamilton or Western New York hospitals by Niagara residents. Last night, Dr. Kitts you listened to the residents of Fort Erie talk about different instances in which children would need an emergency ward, which under the new plan would not be available to them. One example was as asthma attack, the other were injuries during a kids hockey game but under this new plan not only would the children of Fort Erie not be treated at the emergency department in their community, they could not be able to come to the new GNGH emergency department because under the new plan, we will not be caring for anyone under 18 years of age. The children of Niagara Falls will not only have access to emergency care in their community, they will have access to no hospital care in Niagara Falls as everything pediatric will be funneled to the new West St. Catharines Regional hospital. This will be extremely difficult with no established inter municipal transportation system for families without the means to get there. Presently our inadequate EMS ambulance system is unprepared and unfunded to transport intra site or handle projected increase demand of transport to centers of excellence. The Orthopedic "center of excellence" at GNGH is limited because no pediatric orthopedic will be done on this site. It is apparent from the data contained in the HIP that Niagara cannot afford a full service hospital located on the site chosen by NHS in western St. Catharines. Using only NHS data the economic future of the proposed hospital depends on a large infusion of taxpayers money to render it viable. Given the current financial position of the Niagara Region this is not a responsible proposal. It is also in keeping with previous direction taken by the provincial government. The location of the hospital speaks for itself. It is not central to the geographical area to be served Niagara -on- the -lake, Thorold and St Catharines. It is not central to the region expected to use the "center of excellence" facilities. It will be extremely difficult for some Niagara people to access the hospital as planned. It will make the ability to retain and attract MDs to GNGH next to impossible. Because there are fully serviced, centrally located, accessible sites, available the location is obviously ill- chosen. Experience has taught us that shared facilities do not serve this region well. Wait times for treatments and diagnostic procedures will be adversely affected if history repeats. On the ground Niagara is not and never has been one municipality with a central core. The NHS task is daunting but the failure of this group to listen to the people they purport to serve has resulted in this proposal which fails to meet essential needs, lacks feasibility and presents a considerable financial challenge to the same people who stand to lose service and face lengthy travel times. We recommend to you, to create a neo natal unit at the New Regional Hospital which will result in fewer referrals to Hamilton. This type of unit or center of excellence for premature babies could be positioned adjacent to any hospital in Niagara but would be preferable in a central location; thus allowing you to leave the GNGH maternity and pediatric services for the residents of Niagara Falls and Fort Erie. This can be supported by the statistics that show over the last decade the new births have decreased in St. Catharines by 25% and increased in Niagara Falls by 11 According to best practices, common sense would dictate you would keep the maternity department where the births are occurring. If leaving these services in Niagara Falls cannot be accommodated, we ask that you review the current site location of the new Regional Hospital and request that all work be stopped and a new central location be chosen to provide timely, accessible care for the residents of Niagara Falls with an established inter municipal transportation system with the funding fully explained to the residents of this conununity. We also recommend that the administration of the NHS and the board itself be disbanded. Thank you for your attention and we will await your recommendation in the hope that ALL Niagara people will be considered worthy of safe access to full health care. it 11/7/2008) Dean Iorfida TEXT htm Dean: Please forward to the Members of Council. Thanks, Cathy "Ross, Wendy" Wendy.Ross @niagarahealth,on.ca> 11/4/2008 2:10 PM Good day, Page 1, Attached please find an information sheet that speaks to the differences between emergency departments and urgent/prompt care centres. The NHS welcomes you to share this information with your council members and constituents in our efforts to inform and educate the people of Niagara on important health care matters. We appreciate your assistance in sharing this information. Please send to your council members or other stakeholders as you deem appropriate. Wendy Ross Executive Assistant to Christine Clark Chief Communications Officer Corporate Services I Ontario Street Site I Niagara Health System 155 Ontario St., St. Catharines, ON L2R 5K3 P: 905 378 -4647 Ext 47579 I F: 905- 323 -3800 wrossa()niaoarahealth.on.ca I www.niagarahealth.on.ca Confidentiality Notice: This e -mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e -mail and destroy all copies of the original message. L(11 /7 /2008)Dean Oneida Info Sheet ED Urgent Care DMH PCG Nov 08 FINAL.pd Be Informed The Niagara Health System was requested to submit a Hospital Improvement Plan to our Local Health Integration Network on Jdy 15, 2008. The Plan makes a number of recommendations to provide quality and safe health care to Niagarans and make the best use of our resources. We invite you to learn more about the recommendations in the Hospital Improvement Plan, as well as the review and recommendations by Dr. ,lack Kitts at www .niagarahealth.on. ca. Click on the green Hospital Improvement Plan box. Quick Facts From April/07 to March/08 there were 19,450 visits to Douglas Manorial Hospital Site Emergency Departrmnt and 22,860 visits to Port Colborne General Site Errergency Department. Between 95% and 97% of adults and children will continue to receive treatment in the proposed Urgent/ Prompt Care Centres for Port Colborne and Fort Erie, open seven days per week. Niagara Health System Info Sheet The diffe rence between... Emergency Departments and Urgent /Prompt Care Centres Many of the ongoing discussions a bout the Niagara Health System's (NHS) Hospital Improvement Plan and the recommendatbns by ergaert advisor Dr. Jack Kitts centre around the differences between a full- service Emergency Department and an Urgent or Prompt Care Centre. Please read on for important information and details. Afull- service Emergency their families are unsure Department takes every level of patient, from those suffering a life threatening heart attack or car accident, to those with a minor ear infection or sprained ankle. Ambulances take patients to Emergency Departments and Emergency physicians admit patients to acute care (medical /surgical) beds or mental health beds. Urgent or Prompt Care Centres (these terms are interchangeable)are for those patients who have bunts and bruises, mild infections or injuries. Urgent Care Centres do not accept ambulances or critically -ill patients and Urgent Care physicians do not admit patients to an inpatient unit, although they may keep a patient for several hours for observation. Patients who come to an Urgent Care Centre but require mere detailed diagnostic tests or treatment are transferred to a full service Emergency Department. "Knowing where to go is very inportant," explains Pat Morka, NHS Health Program Director of the Emergency Program. &metimes patients and Auturm 2008 about which site or service they should use when they need medical help. The public needs the right information and the right location for their medical treatment, based on what they or their family member are experiencing. We want people to be treated as quickly as possible whether they have non- life threatening concerns or more serious syrrptorrs." Canadian Triage Acuity Scale (CTAS) Triage Nurses are usually the first person patients will see in either an Urgent Care Centre or Emergency Department. Triage, or head -to -toe es pain especia y •r ose with a history of heart problems) Shortness of breath Severe abdominal pain Dizziness Stroke synptoms Numbness in arms or hands Major injuries Mental health issues Call 911 with severe chest pain, stroke symptoms or a serious condition which may be worsening. Ambulances bring patients to Emergency Departments. Emergency Departments are staffed by Physicians and Nurses. Page 11. (11/7/2008) Dean lorfida Info Sheet ED Urgent Care DMH PCG Nov 08 FINAL.pdf Pdge2 The difference between... Emergency Departments and Urgent Care Centres mnt'd assessment, is done using the Canadian Triage Acuity Scale (CTAS), to determine who needs to be seen immediately, based an their medical need. Here are the CTAS levels used: Level 1 Resuscitation (Critical), e.g. cardiac arrest, shock, major trauma Level 2 Emergent, e.g. asthma, altered mental state Level 3 Urgent, e.g. abdominal pain Level 4 Less- urgent, eg. vomiting and diarrheaw ith no dehydration, earache Level 5 Non urgent, eg. vomiting, sore throat Ambulance Paramedics use the same triage scale when assessing patients. Level 1 and 2 patients should ALWAYS go to a full- service Emergency Department or call 911. Right now, most patients in Niagara with serious emergencies are seen at Greater Niagara General Site, St. Catharines General Site and Welland Hospital Site. Level 3,4 and 5 patients are treated at Urgent/ Prompt Care Centres, as well as Emergency Departments. In fact, the vast majority of patients coming to Emergency Departments are in these categories not true emergency cases, but adults and children requiring a physician's assessment and diagnosis. For advice on the right place to receive the care you need, consult your family physician or call Telehealth Ontario at 1- 866- 797 -0000. Be Prepared for Your Visit Bring your up -to -date Ontario Health Card. Bring a list of all medications being taken on a regular basis, along with any other important information such as allergies. While waiting for treatment, please do not eat or drink without first checking with a nurse. If patients decide to leave the hospital before being seen by a doctor, please speak with a nurse. Be Prepared At Home Check medications and medical equipment. Make sure that all family mnbers have enough of their medications, both prescription and non- prescription. Don't forget needles, alcohol swabs, etc. Also check inhalers, respirators, oxygen, and glucose testing machines. Have extra batteries on hand for equipment such as electric wheelchairs. Update all emergency telephone nunters and post them in a visible place (eg. refrigerator). Frequently Asked Questions Q: Why are you recommending Urgent/Prompt Care Centres for Fort Erie and Port Colborne? A: We want to get patients to the right place for the right care. The statistics show that over 95% of all the adults and children costing to the Fort Erie and Port Colborne Emergency Departrrents are CTAS Level 3,4 and 5. All of these patients would continue to be treated at the proposed Urgent Care Centres in these communities. Many of the serious patient cases who now arrive at these two smeller Emergency Departments by ambulance are transferred to a larger hospital centre. Under the proposed model, ambulances would take all emergency cases directlyto the larger centres in Niagara and beyond as necessary, saving valuable time. Q: Will Niagara Falls and Welland Emergency Departments be able to handle the extra patients? A: Most serious cases are transported to a larger centre now, and both Niagara Falls and Welland would be able to continue managing patient volumes in the future. Fully 95% to 97% of adults and children in Fort Erie and Port Colborne would continue to receive their treatment in the proposed Urgent Care Centres in these communities. Q: What happens in a snow storm if the QEW is closed how will ambulances get to the bigger centres? A: (Answer provided by Nbgara Emergency Medial &wises) In the rare event that weather or any other incident was to cause the closure of the QEWto the public, ambulances would still be permitted to travel on the highway. Options to assist with travel to Niagara Falls or Welland nay involve taking alternate routes and /or requesting snowplows to help clear the way, For instance, during the October 2006 snow- storm, ambulances continued to travel, despite the QEW being closed. Niagara EMS would also immediately add additional resources and cormit them to the areas affected by the incident. n Next Steps In the weeks ahead, the NHS Board will review Dr. Kitts' report, along with community consultations, to develop and approve the foal Hospital Improvement an for subnisslon to our LaaHealth Integration Network Board. The LHIN Board is expected to rake its dedslon by year-end. The Plan will be implemented overfne years, with much dialogue with arrrrunities and stakeholders. Page 2, The Honourable David Caplan Minister of Health and Long -term Care Hepburn Block, 10th Floor 80 Grosvenor Street Toronto ON M7A2C4 Niagara,Falls November 6, 2008 Dear Minister: Re: Niagara Health System (NHS) At their most recent meeting, Niagara Falls City Council passed the following motion: That the Province dismantle the Niagara Health System (NHS) and appoint a Provincial supervisor. The rationale behind Council's motion includes the following: The recent non confidence vote by the Niagara Health System Medical Staff Association, in which, out of the roughly 210 members, by a 2 to 1 margin, the members voted that they had no confidence in the NHS leadership. The censure by the Ontario Nurses's Association (ONA) against the NHS, which has been in p lace since 2003. The ONA states, "our members here continue to suffer from exceedingly heavy workloads, declining morale due to the state of labour relations at this organization, and a culture that neither respects nor acknowledges the experience and contributions of its nurses." The NHS has shown an inability, to date, to balance its budget, which lead to the Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant (HNHB) Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) calling for the recent Hospital Improvement Plan (HIP). Niagara Falls City Council has gone on record on many occasions indicating that the proposed new hospital location in west St. Catharines is not convenient, easily accessible nor strategically placed to properly serve residents outside of that community. 0Que PO Box 1023 Niag Fall ON',Canada L2 E.6X5 905 3567521 www.ni agaiafaIIs.ca The proposed new 11 become a de facto Regional hospital without the necessary ho infrastructure or enabler" of an inter municipal transportation system Corporate Services Department Clerks Ext 4271 Fax 905-356-9083 dlorfide @nlagerefells. ca Dr. Jack Kitts' review of the Hospital Improvement Plan recognizes that the location of the new healthcare complex in St. Catharines may be a "significant barrier in achieving the public support necessary to successfully implement the HIP." Dr. Kitts' report indicates that the NHS has "little public support," there is "a loss of trust that preceded the presentation of the HIP" and that an advisor should be appointed to steer the NHS Board and management. Despite the hope that the HIP would lead to cost savings, Dr. Kitts reports that the NHS will require substantial and permanent additional cash infusion to manage its financial situation and successfully implement the HIP. Subsequent to our Council's motion, Fort Erie Town Council passed a similar motion calling for the dismantling of the NHS. Provincially appointed supervisors have been put in place in other jurisdictions, Brampton and Scarborough, where the local health administration had lost the public trust. In light of the Council's discussion on the location of the new hospital in St. Catharines, it passed a further motion: That Niagara Falls City Council reconfirms its position, held since 2002, for a centrally located super" hospital. Finally, Niagara Falls City Council passed this additional motion regarding the ad hoc committee, that was formed with Councillors, local doctors and private citizens, to review the HIP and work toward centralization of the site of the new hospital: That Council supports the endorsed ad hoc committee to continue its efforts. Your consideration of Niagara Falls City Council's call for dismantling of the Niagara Health System is respectfully requested. Working Together to Serve Our Community S Dean Ifida City Clerk c. Niagara Area M.P.P.'s Area Municipalities Ms. Juanita Gledhill, Chair, Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant LHIN Ms. Betty -Lou Souter, Chair, Niagara Health System A by -law to adopt, ratify and confirm the actions of City Council at its special meeting held on the l0` day of November, 2008. WHEREAS it is deemed desirable and expedient that the actions and proceedings of Council as herein set forth be adopted, ratified and confirmed by by -law. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: The actions of the Council at its special meeting held on the 10t day of November, 2008 including all motions, resolutions and other actions taken by the Council at its said meeting, are hereby adopted, ratified and confirmed as if they were expressly embodied in this by -law, except where the prior approval of the Ontario Municipal Board or other authority is by law required or any action required by law to be taken by resolution. 2. Where no individual by -law has been or is passed with respect to the taking of any action authorized in or with respect to the exercise of any powers by the Council, then this by -law shall be deemed for all purposes to be the by -law required for approving, authorizing and taking of any action authorized therein or thereby, or required for the exercise of any powers thereon by the Council. 3. The Mayor and the proper officers of the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the said actions of the Council or to obtain approvals where required, and, except where otherwise provided, the Mayor and the Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute all documents arising therefrom and necessary on behalf of the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls and to affix thereto the corporate seal of the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls. Passed this tenth day of November, 2008. DEAN IORFIDA, CITY CLERK R. T. (TED) SALCI, MAYOR First Reading: Second Reading: Third Reading: November 10, 2008 November 10, 2008 November 10, 2008 CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS By -law No. 2008 194