2008/12/01 (3) The City of Niagara Falls, Ontario
December I, 2008
No. 34
Moved by Councillor Pietrangelo
Seconded by Councillor Maves
WHEREAS the Ministry ofTransportation (MTO) has undertaken an Environmental Assessment (EA)
fox the potential widening of the Queen Elizabeth Way (QEVJ) highway between Mountain Road and
Highway 420; and
WHEREAS traffic operations on the entire QEW within Niagara Falls, have a direct impact on
Regional and municipal roads throughout the municipality; and
WHEREAS the results of the EA will affect traffic patterns, congestion and economic viability in the
community; and
WHEREAS failing to consider the McLeod Road interchange in the EA is short-sighted; and
WHEREAS the QEW/ McLeod quadrant is currently a hub of commercial, residential and recreational
activiry; and
WHEREAS the QEW/ McLeod quadrant and south will see increased commercial development and
growth in the near future; and
WHEREAS expansion of the QEW, all the way to Fort Erie, plays a key role in the development of
the Gateway Economic Zone (GEZ) as shown in the Growdh Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe;
WHEREAS the GEZ is cunently part of a study being undertaken on behalf of the Province and
Region; and
WHEREAS the Regional Municipality ofNiagarahas xecognized the importance of the Regional road
(McLeod) and have undertaken their own EA; and
WHEREAS the MTO have identified the need for ramp improvements due to pending and potential
developments along the McLeod Road corridor; and
WHEREAS in light of the various on-going studies that recognize the importance of the QEW/
McLeod Road quadrant, extending the MTO's EA to a point south of McLeod Road is prudent; and
WHEREAS having the EA look at the QEW in our entire community will potentially deal with
alleviation of congestion on Highway 420, in the summer months, a formal implementation plan for
variable message signage and appropriate traffic pattems in our municipality.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Ministry of Transportation be respectfully requested to
extend the study azea for the Environmental Assessment widening the QEW to a point south ofMcLeod
Road; and
FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the Regional Municipality of Niagara be respectfully requested
to support this resolution or forward a similar resolution of their own to the Ministry of Transportation.
Carried Unanimouslv
AND The Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.