2009/03/09 (2) s=~ The City of Niagara Falls, Ontario uesolutio~a March 9, 2009 No. 7 Moved by Councillor Fisher Seconded by Councillor Diodati WHEREAS the Rural Economic Development (RED) Program is a community development initiative that helps rural communities remove barriers to community development and economic growth and develop the tools and flexibility they need to become strong rural communities; and WHEREAS one of the priorities of the RED program is community (downtown) revitalization; and WHEREAS municipalities with a population less than 100,000 may apply for the RED program; and WHEREAS the RED program may provide Provincial funding of between 50 to 90% of a project's eligible costs; and WHEREAS the proposed project sYaff will put forward is Downtown Streetscape and Beautification Project (hereinafter Irnown as Yhe "Project"); and WHEREAS afrer the submission of a pre-proposal, the Minishy ofAgriculture, Food and Rural Affairs has recommended the municipality submit a formal application for consideration; and WHEREAS the Regional Municipality ofNiagarahas committed $100,000 to the ProjecY through their Public Domain Incentives Program; and WHEREAS Niagara Falls City Council approved an application to the RED program as recommended in PD-2009-14, Proposed Streetscape and Beautification Improvements for Queen Sh~eet, at their February 23, 2009 meeting; and WHEREAS the approval of this resolution is formalizing Council's previous approval. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Niagara Falls City Council approves an application to the Rural Bconomic Development (RED) Program for the Downtown Streetscape and Beautification Proj ect. Carried Unanimouslv AND The Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. . ~ / ~ EAN IO IDA R. T. ('i'ED),SALCI CITY CL RK 1VIAYOR