2009/03/09 (3) The City of Niagara Falls, Ontario 12esolutaon March 9, 2009 No. 8 Moved by Councillor Thomson Seconded by Councillor Maves WHEREAS Labour Day falls on September 7"' this year, the latest possible day it can fall on; and WHEREAS the day after Labour Day is traditionally the start of the school year; and WHEREAS the Education Act requires 194 days of instruction far Ontario students; and WHEREAS to accommodate the 194 days ofinstruction some school boards are contemplating starting the school year the week before Labour Day; and WHEREAS an early start to the school year will have negative social and economic ramifications; and WHEREAS an early start to the school year will mean additional day-care costs for some parents; and WHEREAS an early start to the school year will mean that most students, who depend on income earned through summer jobs, will have to end their employment early; and WHEREAS the local tourist industry is dependent on the student labour force and dependent on students to wark until Labour Day; and WHEREAS Labour Day weekend is traditionally one of the busiest, if not the busiest, weekend of the tourist season; and WHEREAS many tourism operators depend on Labour Day weekend to determine whether they have had a successful season; and WHEREAS an early start to the school year will mean Ontario families will be less likely to travel on the traditionally busy week prior to school starting; and WHEREAS tourism is one of th pillars of the Ontario economy and contributes more to provincial Gross Domestic Product than the entire primary sector, according to Discovering Ontario, u Repor~ on the Future ofTourism; and WHEREAS the decrease in travelers will have detrimental economic effects on the Ontario economy. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that school boards maintain the traditional start ofthe school year, the day after Labour Day; and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that schooi boards investigate ways of accommodating 194 days of instruction without resorting to starting school prior to Labour Day; and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that school boards look at Chrishnas vacation, reduction of professional development days and longer school days as ways of fulfilling the required days of instruction without starting school prior to Labour Day; and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that iF school boards are not successful maintaining the traditional start of the school year that the Minister of Education mandate a solution; and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the Minister of Education look at amendments to the E'ducalion Act that will allow flexibility in the number of days of instrucrion when there is a"late" Labour Day; and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that this resolution be sent to the Premier, Minister of Education and the local school boards. Carried Unanimouslv AND The Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. - ~ ~ ~ EAN IO IDA R. T. (TED) SALCI CITY C ERK MAYOR