Wellspring HOPE Fund
Council met on Monday, April 6, 2009 at 5:45 p.m. in an In Camera Session. All
members of Council were present. Councillor Mayes presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented, the In Camera Session did rise and
report in open session.
Council met on Monday, April 6, 2009 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of considering
Regular Business matters. All members of Council were present. Councillor Thomson
offered the Opening Prayer.
ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Pietrangelo, seconded by Councillor Diodati
that the minutes of March 23, 2009 be approved as printed.
Councillor Thomson indicated a pecuniary interest on report PD- 2009 -29, AM -2008-
Councillor Kerrio indicated a conflict on PD- 2009 -29, AM- 2008 -035, as this property
is located across the street from his business.
Councillor Wing indicated conflicts with By -laws 2009 -58 and By -law 2009 -59, as
her spouse is employed with the Museum.
Councillor loannoni indicated a a pecuniary interest on report PD- 2009 -29, AM-
2008 -035.
Committee Room 2
April 6, 2009
Carried Unanimously
Ann Mantini, Executive Director of Wellspring, Liz Palmieri, Executive Director of
Niagara Community Foundation and Alex Herlovitch made a brief presentation informing
Council of their wish to establish an endowment fund to be held by the Niagara Community
Foundation to assist Wellspring Niagara, a support centre for cancer patients and their
- 2 - April 6, 2009
Council Minutes
Mr. Herlovitch has committed to trying to raise $10,000 by running the Easter Island
Marathon in June.
ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Pietrangelo, seconded by Councillor Diodati
that Council show their support by way of advertising in the local newspaper and on the
City's website of Mr. Herlovitch's fundraiser.
Trails and Bikeway Committee
Lisa Wilson, Trails and Bikeway committee Chair, provided Council with an overview
of the many 2008 accomplishments as well as some 2009 plans. Ms. Wilson brought
forward some recommendations for Council's consideration.
1. That the City support the donation and dedication of a bike rack and park bench to
mark their joint effort with the Niagara Parks Commission (NPC); and
2. That the City be diligent on the implementation of bike lanes on any road
reconstructions; and
3. That a policy be created and implemented for connective trail construction when
approving neighbourhood developments; and
4. That Council follow the lead of other municipalities and participate in the Bike and
Walk for Life conference; and
5. That more modern bike racks be placed around the City.
ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Diodati, seconded by Councillor Pietrangelo
that the recommendations be referred to staff to report back on implementation and that
the NPC be approached regarding a shared arrangement on the costs associated with
recommendation #1.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Diodati, seconded by Councillor Pietrangelo
that staff pursue Federal and Provincial funding programs available to extend and enhance
the City's trails.
Councillors Kerrio and loannoni exited Chambers.
PD- 2009 -29 - AM -2008 -035, Zoning By -law Amendment Application, 6455 Fallsview
Boulevard, 6471 Stanley Avenue and 5896 -6046 Dunn Street.
Applicant: 1712093 Ontario Limited and 2100422 Ontario Limited ( Carmen and Victor
Menechella), Agent: Italia Gilberti, Broderick & Partners LLP, Proposed 10 Storey,
126 Room Addition to the Fallsview Plaza Hotel.
The Director of Planning and Development reviewed the recommendations and
provided the following information.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
The applicants have requested zoning amendments to 3 parcels of land.
In 2008 Council approved a 4 to 5 storey podium addition to the south and west sides of
the 18 storey Fallsview Plaza Hotel, including 120 additional hotel rooms, restaurants and
entertainment facilities, with the majority of parking being provided off -site, on Stanley Ave
and Dunn St.
The applicant is requesting site specific zoning be amended to permit the proposed 10
storey, 126 room addition to the hotel while retaining existing development rights, and to
permit approximately 58 additional required parking spaces to be provided on the Dunn
Street parking lot site.
Planning Analysis
Official Plan
- 3
April 6, 2009
Council Minutes
The subject hotel is located in the Fallsview Subdistrict where building heights up to 30
storeys may be considered and the addition of 10 storeys is within the permitted height
The proposal meets only some of the Design Guidelines intended to guide high -rise
development and prevent a continuous wall of buildings.
► The OP requires tall buildings to reduce their massing and visual impact as
they become taller, provide appropriate gaps between buildings, add distinct
and interesting features to the skyline, enhance pedestrian environment at
street level and provide appropriate setbacks for high -rise buildings.
► The Tourism Policy Review Implementation Handbook as guidelines to
provide further direction on how these policies may be achieved.
► The proposed hotel meets the following design criteria:
► a positive building base, wind mitigation, improved pedestrian
environment and tower step back
Does not provide appropriate gap between towers above the podium level.
Guidelines require 25 m (82 ft) separation to allow light and transparency between
Proposed addition to the Fallsview is only 2 m (6.6 ft) from shared lot line
Separation of the two towers would only be 10 m (33 ft) rather than 25m (82 ft)
Separation distance can be increased by removing 2 rooms per floor above the 4 floor
podium which would increase setback from northerly lot line to 6 m (20 ft)
Separation of the 2 towers would then be increased to 14m (46 ft)
Gap would still be less than the guidelines, but acceptable as it is not located in the first
tier of development, cannot be seen from Queen Victoria Park and gap is exceeded above
the 10 storeys.
No distinct or interesting architectural feature added to Niagara Falls skyline. Can be
resolved during site plan process.
Parcel 1 zoned TC, with site specific provisions permitting 18 storey hotel and 4 -5 storey
expansion and majority of required parking to be provided off -site.
Applicant requesting new site specific zoning for Parcel 1 that will retain existing hotel and
development rights as well as permitting the new addition.
Current zoning limits the height to15.2 m (50 ft) whereas the new addition would have a
height of 31 m (102 ft).
The applicant is requesting a north sideyard setback of 2m (6.6 ft) whereas staff
recommend a setback of 6 m (20 ft).
Applicant requesting an additional 58 parking spaces be permitted off -site.
Section 37 Agreement which applies to Parcel 1 will be amended to reflect the new
development. No further contributions are required.
Site Plan agreement for the hotel and off -site parking will need to be amended, if proposal
is approved, to address storm water, servicing, decorative fence or wall and updated traffic
Through the planning analysis it was found that the proposal:
► Complies with the height policies and some of the design criteria of the
Official Plan.
► Increasing the separation between the hotel addition and the adjacent Hilton
Hotel will reduce the `wall of development' impact the addition will have in
this area.
► Developing the addition with distinctive architecture including a roof feature
will enhance the appearance of the development on the land.
An increased separation distance of 6 metres (20 ft) be provided between the addition and
the north property line above the podium level. Would provide an appropriate gap because
the tower is low, is not in the first tier of development and cannot be seen from Queen
Victoria Park.
The Public Meeting was Closed.
- 4 - April 6, 2009
Council Minutes
That Council approve the Zoning By -law amendment application to permit a 10 storey
addition to the Fallsview Plaza Hotel and to permit additional off -site parking, subject to:
► Provision of a 6 metre ( 19.7 ft) setback from the north property line for the
portion of the addition above 4 storeys.
Jeff Hincks, 6115 Collins Drive, expressed concern with the parking lot on Ailanthus.
It was clarified that the parking lot was not being expanded.
Italia Gilberti, Broderick & Partners, representing the applicant, agrees with the
recommendation to approve the application but disagrees with the condition(a) of approval.
Ms. Gilberti advised that the loss of 2 rooms per floor will not make the project
economically feasible. She felt that the design would not detrimentally affect the Hilton.
She asked that Council approve the application while omitting the condition.
ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Fisher, seconded, by Councillor Pietrangelo
that Council approve the Zoning By -law amendment, as submitted by the developer, to
permit a 10- storey addition to the Fallsview Plaza and to permit additional off -site parking.
Carried Unanimously
Councillors Kerrio, loannoni and Thomson declaring conflicts. Councillors Kerrio and
loannoni returned to Chambers.
Zzzz ".
Mayor Salci extended condolences to the Roger Pigeon, of the Niagara Falls Fire
Prevention Office, on the passing of his mother, Rose.
Mayor Salci informed Council that he has an upcoming meeting with John Baird,
Federal Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities to discuss local projects as
well as the Ad -Hoc Railway Relocation. Mayor Salci confirmed that GO Transit will be
coming to Niagara and that the City has been named a "Celebration City" to host the
Olympic Flame during the Olympic Torch Relay later this year.
Mayor Salci advised of some recent events: The Project Share fundraiser " Danny
Mayor Salci advised of some upcoming events: "Docs on Ice" Hockey Tournament
coordinated by Heart Niagara will be held on April 16 - 18 2009, the launch of " Schools
in Bloom" competition and the Stamford Centre Volunteer Firefighters Easter Egg Hunt,
author Kara Bartley will be at the Niagara Falls Public Library and the Niagara Falls MS
Walk will be held.
RECOMMENDATION: For the information of Council.
- 5 - April 6, 2009
Council Minutes
1 Honourable David Caplan, Minister of Health and Long -Term Care - responding
to Council's request to appear as a deputation at a meeting.
ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Pietrangelo, seconded Councillor Mayes that
the communication be received and filed.
Carried Unanimously
2. Rotary Club of Niagara Falls Ribfest -
(1) Requesting that the Rib Fest be declared a Community Festival;
(ii) Requesting that the noise by -law be extended to 11 p.m;
(iii) Requesting that permission be given for directional signs.
RECOMMENDATION: Council approve the first two request and that staff be
directed to work with the organizers regarding directional signage.
ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Thomson, seconded by Councillor Kerrio that
the communications be approved as recommended.
Carried Unanimously
3. Celebrate Old Downtown - Requesting a grant equal to various fees associated
with Springilicious and extension of the Noise By -law.
RECOMMENDATION: For the consideration of Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Diodati, seconded by Councillor Thomson
that a grant equal to the fees outlined in memo and requests related to the noise by -law and
declaration as a community festival be approved.
with Councillor Wing opposed
Motion Carried
4. MIDE Bistro - requesting that the cost associated with the sidewalk cafe be waived.
RECOMMENDATION: That Council deny the request or, in the alternative, the BIA
be requested to fund the loss of parking revenue to the City.
ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Thomson, seconded by Councillor Diodati
that the requirement of compensating the City's lost parking revenue be waived.
with Councillor Wing opposed
Motion Carried
5. Canadian Forces Recruiting - Request permission to fly a CF -18 Canadian Fighter
aircraft for the Niagara Falls 2009 Canada Day celebrations.
RECOMMENDATION: For the approval of Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Councillor loannoni, seconded by Councillor Fisher that
the request be approved.
Carried Unanimously
- 6 - April 6, 2009
Council Minutes
6. Niagara Child and Youth Services Foundation - Requesting that the week of May
2 - 9, 2009 be proclaimed as " Children's Mental Health Week" in the City of Niagara
RECOMMENDATION: For the approval of Council
ORDERED on the motion of Councillor loannoni, seconded by Councillor Thomson
seconded that the request be approved.
Carried Unanimously
7 Ontario Coaches Week - Requesting that April 18 - 26 2009 be proclaimed as
"Ontario Coaches Week" in the City of Niagara Falls.
RECOMMENDATION: For the approval of Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Councillor loannoni, seconded by Councillor Thomson
that the request be approved.
Carried Unanimously
8. Canadian Mental Health Association - Requesting that May 4 -10, 2009 be
proclaimed as "Mental Health Week" in the City of Niagara Falls and that Council
support a flag raising during that week.
RECOMMENDATION: For the approval of Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Councillor loannoni, seconded by Councillor Thomson
that the request be approved.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Councillor loannoni, seconded by Councillor Maves that
the actions taken in Community Services Committee, on April 6, 2009 be approved.
Carried Unanimously
1 The minutes of the March 23, 2009 meeting be approved.
2. MW- 2009 -21 - DWQMS Operational Plan with Presentation
1) That City Council endorse the Drinking Water Quality Management System
Operational Plan, and
2) That staff be authorized to make the appropriate application to the Ministry of
the Environment prior to May 1, 2009.
3. BS- 2009 -01 - House moving concept in partnership with Niagara Regional
Housing, Niagara Region, Niagara Catholic District School Board, Ed and Ruth Ann
Nieuwesteeg and the City of Niagara Falls
That the City provide grants equal to land costs, various permit costs and to assist
in dealing with Hydro and the Niagara Regional Police.
4. R- 2009 -14 - Recreation Property and Building End Use Update
That the former Recreation Building be appraised, put on the open market with a
reserved bid, with notice of the future intent to designate.
5. MW- 2009 -18- Front Street Flooding Remedial Works
1 General Purposes Budget Discussion
- 7 - April 6, 2009
Council Minutes
That City Council authorizes staff to proceed with the installation of sewage ejector
pumps and new sewer laterals at the five -unit townhouse development on Front
ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Pietrangelo, seconded by Councillor Diodati
that the actions taken in Corporate Services, on April 6, 2009 be approved.
Carried Unanimously
That staff reduce the capital contributions as outlined in the General Purposes
budget presentation in the amount of $458,810.
That staff provide a report to Council on the actual costs of Animal Control Services
for the consideration in the 2009 General Purposes budget.
That Council defer consideration on the passing of the 2009 General Purposes
Budget until the next Corporate Services meeting.
2. That the presentation for the Capital budget and the Municipal Utility budget be
presented during the Council meeting.
ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Thomson, seconded by Councillor Mayes
that the recommendation from the "In Camera" meeting on April 6, 2009 be approved.
1. That Council approve the Agreement of Purchase and Sale for Portion of Murray
Street (Parts 1 and 7 on Reference plan 59R- 13814) to Zeljko Holdings Ltd, and that
the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the Agreement of Purchase and Sale
and the Clerk be authorized to affix the corporate seal thereto.
Carried Unanimously
PD- 2009 -27 - Matters Arising from Municipal Heritage Committee Status of Jolley Cut.
It is recommended:
1. That Council consider the Municipal Heritage Committee's recommendation that the
Jolley Cut pathway be designated as a Cultural Heritage Landscape due to its
historical significance to the City, and the designation should cover the entire length
of the pathway.
- 8 - April 6, 2009
Council Minutes
2. That Council forward the following comments to the architect who is completing the
landscape plan for the Jolley Cut.
- the walkway width should be maintained at its current width;
- that native species should be used;
- a tree protection plan should be completed; and
- that the Municipal Heritage Committee be consulted in the design stage.
ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Wing, seconded by Councillor loannoni that
the report be deferred and the committee appear at a future meeting.
Motion Carried
with Councillor Fisher opposed.
F- 2009 -15 - Annual Statement of Remuneration & Expenses. It is recommended for the
information of Council.
F- 2009 -16 - Tax Receivables Monthly Report. It is recommended for the information of
MW- 2009 -16 - Contract 2009 -17 Sewer Lateral Lining Program. It is recommended that
the unit prices submitted by PipeFlo Contracting Corp. be accepted; that Council pre
approves the proposed expenditure in advance of the adoption of the 2009 Utility Budget
due to timing considerations and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the
necessary agreement.
MW- 2009 -17 - Consulting Services for Bridge and Culvert Inspections. It is
recommended that the City enter into a consulting services agreement with Ellis
Engineering Incorporated for inspection of bridges and culverts for an upset limit of $28,000
excluding GST; and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary
consulting services agreement.
MW- 2009 -19 - Water Conservation - Rain Barrel Sale. It is recommended that Council
pre approve the expenditure for the rain barrels, as proposed in the 2009 Water
Conservation program.
R- 2009 -19 - 2009 Arena Rates and Fees. It is recommended that City Council approve the
attached fees as outlined in Schedules 1 and 2.
R- 2009 -20 - Award of Pro at the Gale Centre. It is recommended that Council award the
Retail Pro Shop lease contract for the Gale Centre to Front Row Sports Excellence for a five
year contract with option to renew for a five (5) years; and that Mayor and Clerk be
authorized to sign the agreement.
ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Pietrangelo, seconded by Councillor loannoni
that the balance of reports on the Consent Agenda be approved as recommended.
Carried Unanimously
NO. 12 - PIETRANGELO - MAVES - therefore be it resolved that Council confirms the
actions of Staff in filing the Notices of Appeal or Complaint against those properties set out
in Schedule "A" attached to the Resolution; and staff be authorized to appear at the Hearing
to consider the Appeals or Complaints and to take all steps necessary to support the said
Appeals or Complaints.
ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Pietrangelo, seconded by Councillor Diodati
that Council move to the Corporate Services agenda.
Carried Unanimously
- 9 April 6, 2009
Council Minutes
1. 2009 Budgets
Ed Dujlovic provided Council with an overview of the Capitals Projects..
ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Thomson, seconded by Councillor loannoni
that the Municipal Utility Budget presentation be deferred.
Motion Carried
with Councillor Pietrangelo opposed
2. CPS - 2009 -02 - Municipal Utility Budget, Fees and Charges for Water and
Sewer. The report recommends that:
1. That the 2009 Municipal Utility Budget be approved;
2. That the 2009 Schedule of Fees and Charges for Water and Sewer be
approved and made effective May 1, 2009.
ORDERED on the motion of Councillor loannoni, seconded by Councillor Thomson
that the report be brought back at a later date.
Carried Unanimously
2009 -53
2009 -55
ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Pietrangelo, seconded by Councillor Diodati
that the by -laws be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
A by -law to authorize the execution of an Agreement of Purchase and Sale
with Zeljko Holdings Limited respecting the purchase of lands, being Parts 1
and 7 on Reference Plan 59R- 13814; in the City of Niagara Falls, in the
Regional Municipality of Niagara.
2009 -54 A by -law to amend By -law No. 80 -114, being a by -law to designate private
roadways as fire routes along which no parking of vehicles shall be permitted.
A by -law to amend By -law No. 79 -200, to permit the existing building on the
Lands to be used as a one family detached dwelling or a tourist home. (AM-
2008 -038)
2009 -56 A by -law to amend By -law No. 89 -2000, being a by -law to regulate parking
and traffic on City Roads. ( McGarry Drive and St. Michael Avenue ).
2009 -57 A by -law to apply the Heritage Week reserve fund.
2009 -58 A by -law to hereby authorize the execution of Contribution Agreement for
Infrastructure Projects between Her Majesty the Queen in right of the
Province of Ontario, as represented by the Deputy Premier and Minister of
Energy and Infrastructure, and Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
Transportation for the Province of Ontario (the "OMAFRA ") and the City of
Niagara Falls (the "Recipient ") related to Intake One of the Building Canada
Fund Communities Component (BCF -CC), as in Schedule "A" attached
2009 -59 A by -law to adopt, ratify and confirm the actions of City Council at its meeting
held on the 6 day of April, 2009.
ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Pietrangelo, seconded by Councillor Diodati
that the by -laws be read a second and third time and passed.
Carried Unanimously
Voluntary Retirement Option
ORDERED on the motion of Councillor loannoni, seconded by Councillor Wing that
staff bring back a report on the voluntary retirement option program that had been offered
to applicable staff
Carried Unanimously
Recycle containers
ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Diodati, seconded by Councillor Wing that
staff address and bring back a report on having recycling containers at City properties
Carried Unanimously
Council Chambers Audio Problems
ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Pietrangelo, seconded by Councillor Diodati
that staff investigate issues surrounding the Chambers' audio system and costs of
upgrading the system.
- 10 - April 6, 2009
Council Minutes
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Pietrangelo, seconded by Councillor loannoni
to go into an In Camera session following the conclusion of their regular agenda, as
permitted under s. 239(2)(d) of the Act, labour relations or employee negotiations; and
That the Clerk, Dean lorfida, delegates his authority for the purposed of the Closed Meeting
to the Director of Human Resources, Trent Dark; and
That the Clerk will resume his duties at the next regularly scheduled Council meeting.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Pietrangelo, seconded by Councillor
Diodati that the meeting be adjourned at 9:40 p.m.
Carried Unanimously