2009/05/04 (4) - - The City of Niagara Falis, Onta~io Resolution May 4, 2009 No. 19 1Vlovec~ by Councafl9o~ Pnet~angelo Secondec~ by Couaacilloa~ ~aodati W~IEYtEAS the Federal and Provincial Ministers responsible for Infrastructure recently announced the second intake of the Building Canada Fund (BCF) and the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund (ISF); and W~~REAS the purpose of the funds are to stimulate the economy; and W~IE~AS municipalities under 100,000 population are able to forward four (4) projects, three(3) to the ISF and one (1) to the BCF, for funding consideration; and WI~]E~AS the deadline for submissions is May 1, 2009; and WY~E~AS at a special meeting on April 27, 2009, Niagara Falls City Council approved four (4) proj ects to be submitted for consideration for infrastructure funding based on the criteria for the funding programs; and WIE~E~AS Council resolutions are required as part of the program submissions. '~'~~~~'O~ ~E gB' ~SOI,V~~ that the Drummond Road reconstruction proj ect be submitted for consideration under the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund (ISF). Carraec~ iJananaanoauslv ANfl~ 'd"lae Sea9 off t9ne CorporatIlOm lbe hereto ~ffixec~. ~ ~ ~ : - ~ . ~ ~ - / , ~i , ~EAN A YZ. T. (~'~~)~SAY:~g~.,~'' ' CITX CLE~ r~A1'~~~2 ,