2009/06/29 `ii
The City of lOTiagara Falls, Ontario
,lLIl1C ~9, 20~9
NO. 2~
Moved I~y C~~uncillor Kcrrio
Seconcled b~' Councillor Maves
WI-1r12rAS £lI~ 111(',G1111i;S O~`COLli1C1~ ZI'C 10 IlC O'~C11 t0 IIIG }~UL~IIC; ~itlCj
w~j',~1',~~ 1~1C 011~~" 11111C ~l 111CC1lilf~' O1' ~~II1'l O~~l Il1CC1111~ i71~iy' l~C C~OSCC~ l0 t~]C ~~U~I~IC l~ 1~1C SLI~l)~Ct
matter falls undcr onc c~f thc cxccptions undcr s. 239(2) of thc r~lunici~~u! ~Icl, 2001.
TH~lti'FORE BI? IT itESOLVF,D TI-IAT c~n ,lunc 29. 2009 Niagara Palls Council will ~o intc~
a closed meeting to ec~nsider matters th~it fall Linder thc subject n~atter o~f 239(2)(c) oCthc Municipul
Acl, 2001, a proposcd or pcnding acquisitioi~ or ciis~~ositioi~ of land by thc n~unicipality, 239(2)(t)
to cccci~-c ~~dvicc that is suhject to solicitor-clicnt privilcgc ancl 239(2)(d) lahour rcl~~tions.
C~irricd tlnanimousl~
AND The Sc~il of the C~rporation bc hcreto affixed.
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DC~?N IO ~ I A i2. T. {