2009/11/30 (2)The City of Niagara Falls, Ontario Resolution November 30, 2009 No. 40 Moved by Councillor Ioannoni Seconded by Councillor Thomson WHEREAS the Niagara Health System ("NHS") has along-standing sanction by the Ontario Nurses Association; and WHEREAS in October 2008, the NHS suffered anon-confidence vote by its medical staff association; and WHEREAS the NHS has continued to operate at a deficit; and WHEREAS the Hospital Improvement Plan for the NHS calls for the elimination of essential services, such as maternity and pediatrics, at the GNGH site; and WHEREAS scheduling actions at the Greater Niagara General Hospital (GNGH) Emergency Room (ER) Department has lead to the exodus of several dedicated, long-serving emergency physicians; and WHEREAS the Ontario Medical Association Section on Emergency Medicine and the Emergency Physicians of Ontario has provided a review of the GNGH Emergency Department and determined that the Niagara Falls community is unlikely to see stable Emergency Physician staffing for years to come, with continuous risk of imminent department closure. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Niagara Falls City Council hereby requests, as per section 8.1 of the Public Hospitals Act, that the Lieutenant Governor in Council step in and appoint an investigator to investigate and report on the quality of the management and administration at the Niagara Health System; and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Premier, Dalton McGuinty, the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care, the Honourable Deb Matthews, Kim Craitor, M.P.P., Niagara Falls, and Area Municipalities. Carried Unanimously AND The Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. ~~ EAN IO IDA CITY CLERK J~~ R, T. (TED) SALCI MAYOR