2010/01/25 (2)The City of Niagara Falls, Ontario
January 25, 2010
No. 02
Moved by Councillor Ioannoni
Seconded by Councillor Maves
WHEREAS the Community Adjustment Fund (hereinafter referred to as the "CAF"),was established
to deliver economic development programs to support workers, businesses and communities in
Southern Ontario; and
WHEREAS the second intake of CAF was announced on December 15, 2009; and
WHEREAS municipalities qualify to apply for the CAF; and
WHEREAS $127.8 million has been committed to assist municipalities with a population of less than
250,000, with priority given to communities that have a population of less than 100,000 and are
primarily supported by a single industry; and
WHEREAS the CAF application deadline was January 18, 2010; and
WHEREAS there have been no scheduled Council meetings during the intake period, yet staff did not
want the Corporation to fail to make an application for the CAF; and
WHEREAS staff has submitted the Montrose Business Park Extension Project (hereinafter referred
to as the "Project"), for CAF funding; and
WHEREAS the Proj ect involves the construction of 630m of roadway, watermain, sanitary sewers and
storm drainage infrastructure; and
WHEREAS the Proj ect will create construction jobs, develop 80 acres of City-owned land and provide
"shovel ready" prestige industrial development opportunities; and
WHEREAS staff feel that the Project meets the criteria under the CAF.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Niagara Falls City Council endorses and supports the
submission of the Montrose Business Park Extension Project for Intake Two of the Community
Adjustment Fund.
Carried Unanimously
AND The Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
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