2011/06/13 (8) nip CANAOA NIAGApA FAQ The City of Niagara Falls, Ontario Resolution June 13, 2011 No. 31 Moved by Councillor Morocco Seconded by Councillor Pietrangelo WHEREAS the Canadian Veterans National Rendevous (the "event "), scheduled for July 9, 201 1, is an event that will commemorate the end of the Canadian combat mission in Afghanistan while concurrently honouring those who have served in previous wars; and WHEREAS the event is expected to attract 5,500 persons and generate more than $1 million in economic impact to the local community; and WHEREAS the festivities surrounding the event are being held at the Gale Centre, the City's four - pad arena complex; and WHEREAS to obtain a Special Occasion Liquor Licence from the Alcohol & Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO), the event requires a resolution of Council recognizing it as a Community Festival. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Canadian Veterans National Rendezvous is a community event deserving of City Council support. Carried Unanimously AND The Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. ( .....16••••••••"°1 °,2 DEAN IO FIDA JAMES M. DIODATI CITY CLERK MAYOR