2013/07/09 (2) t_ 'F S o ove .CANADA — NIAGARA FO■W The City of Niagara Falls, Ontario Resolution July 9, 2013 No. 30 Moved by Councillor Pietrangelo Seconded by Councillor Gates WHEREAS the inaugural GranFondo Niagara cycling event is scheduled throughout the Niagara Region on September 14, 2013; and WHEREAS Gran fondos are mass participation cycling events that have enjoyed incredible popularity in Europe for decades and are gaining momentum in North America; and WHEREAS the GranFondo Niagara is the type of large-scale event that will attract thousands to our Region after Labour Day; and WHEREAS the GranFondo Niagara is supported by the local tourism stakeholders; and WHEREAS Provincial highways will require closure at certain times during the event; and WHEREAS the costs associated with the event and related road closures, Provincial and local,will be borne by the event organizers. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED Niagara Falls City Council supports the GranFondo Niagara event and acknowledges the closures and potential impact on our road network; and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that Niagara Falls City Council requests that the Ministry of Transportation close all provincial highways that are necessary in order to facilitate the event; and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED the municipality will not be seeking any remuneration from the Ministry of Transportation for any damages that may result due to road closures or detours on the municipal road system. Carried Unanimously AND The Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. ■ D • IORFIDA JAMES M. DIODATI CITY CIIEIRK MAYOR