09/24/2013 SCHEDULE FOR SEPTEMBER 24, 2013 4:00 In Camera Committee Room # 2 5:00 Council Meeting Council Chambers Ls CITY ar• ` 1�'CANADA NIAGARA{AO The City of Niagara Falls, Ontario Resolution September 24, 2013 No. 36 Moved by Seconded by WHEREAS all meetings of Council are to be open to the public; and WHEREAS the only time a meeting or part of a meeting may be closed to the public if the subject matter falls under one of the exceptions under s. 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT on September 24, 2013, at 4:00 p.m., Niagara Falls Council will go into a closed meeting, prior to their regularly scheduled meeting at 5:00 p.m. to consider matters that fall under the subject matter of 239(2)(f), advice subject to solicitor-client privilege and 239(c)a proposed or pending acquisition of land regarding part of 6549 Corwin Crescent, 4171 Fourth Avenue and the N.S.T. Rail line, a matter that falls under 239(2)(f), advice subject to solicitor-client privilege related to the storm event of July 19,2013 and a matter that falls under the subject matter of 239(2)(d) labour relations. Carried Unanimously AND The Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. DEAN IORFIDA JAMES M. DIODATI CITY CLERK MAYOR NiagaraJalls f :1 N A D :A COUNCIL MEETING September 24, 2013 PRAYER: Councilor Kerrio ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Council Minutes of September 10, 2013 DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST Disclosures of pecuniary interest and a brief explanation thereof will be made for the current Council Meeting at this time. x x x 5:00 - 7:00 P.M. REPORTS 1. July 19th Storm Update - The Director of Municipal Works will do a presentation on the major storm event. 2. R&C-2013-18 - Revised Niagara Falls Museums Policies 3. MW-2013-46 - Lion's Legacy Trail/Millennium Trail Phase 3 Project Update 4. CD-2013-06 - Chippawa District Association - 2 - CONSENT AGENDA THE CONSENT AGENDA IS A SET OF RE PORTS THAT COULD BE APPROVED IN ONE MOTION OF COUNCIL. THE APPROVAL ENDORSES ALL OF THE RECOMMENDATIONS CONTAINED IN EACH OF THE REPORTS WITHIN THE SET. THE SINGLE MOTION WILL SAVE TIME. PRIOR TO THE MOTION BEING TAKEN, A COUNCILLOR MAY REQUEST THAT ONE OR MORE OF THE REPORTS BE MOVED OUT OF THE CONSENT AGENDA TO BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. F-2013-52 - Major Tax Receivables Report F-2013-53 - Municipal Accounts MW-2013-43 Fallsview Boulevard - Murray Street to Ferry Street Watermain Replacement MW-2013-45 - City-Wide Beautification Contract, Contractor Changes PBD-2013-60 - PLC-2013-007, Request for Removal of Part Lot Control Lots 103-121 (Inclusive) and 154-164 (Inclusive), Registered Plan 59M-388. Warren Woods Phase 1 Subdivision. Applicant: Warren Woods Land Corporation (Charles Lovrics) PBD-2013-61 -26CD-11-2008-03, Request for Extension of Draft Plan Approval Draft Plan of Condominium(Conversion).4218 Portage Road(East Side), North ofGallinger Street. Owners: Shaukat & Amina Parekh (Agent - Al Heywood) TS-2013-37 - Handheld Ticket Units and Supporting Software Request for Proposal RFP50-2013 TS-2013-39 - Kalar Road - Parking & Traffic By-laws PRESENTATIONS/DEPUTATIONS 7:00 P.M. Niagara Community Foundation Liz Palmieri, Executive Director, Niagara Community Foundation, will speak to Council on the Foundation's activities and request that Nov. 1st be proclaimed as"Random Act of Kindness Day", Nov. 15h be proclaimed as "National Philanthropy Day" and the month of November be proclaimed as "Philanthropy Month" in the City of Niagara Falls. - 3 - PLANNING MATTERS Public Meeting AM-2013-013, Zoning By-law Amendment Application 7712 Badger Road and Part of 7720 Badger Road Applicants: Norman and Johanne Duguay Agent: Lucy Borghesi 14 Unit Townhouse/Semi Detached Dwelling Development Recommendation Report: PBD-2013-59 -AND- Correspondence from Mario and Maria Silvestrone Correspondence from Gary and Louise Alexander Correspondence from Wendy Elson Correspondence from Bryn Crothers Copy of petition MAYOR'S REPORTS, ANNOUNCEMENTS COMMUNICATIONS AND COMMENTS OF THE CITY CLERK 1. Autism Ontario Niagara Region - requesting that month of October be proclaimed as "Canadian Autism Awareness Month", in the City of Niagara Falls. RECOMMENDATION: For the Approval of Council 2. Fire Prevention Week-requesting that October 6 to October 12, 2013 be proclaimed as "Fire Prevention Week" and October 12, 2013 be designated as "Fire Service Recognition Day" in the City of Niagara Falls. RECOMMENDATION: For the Approval of Council 3. Ontario Multifaith Council - requesting that the week of October 14- 20, 2013 be proclaimed as "Spiritual and Religious Care Awareness Week" in the City of Niagara Falls. RECOMMENDATION: For the Approval of Council 4. CUPE Ontario - requesting that October 30, 2013 be proclaimed as "Child Care Worker & Early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day" in the City of Niagara Falls. RECOMMENDATION: For the Approval of Council - 4 - 5. Middlesex Centre - requesting support of a resolution opposing the requirement for reclassification of municipal building officials under Ont. Reg. 332/12 of the Ontario Building Code. RECOMMENDATION: For the Approval of Council 6. The Mayor's Accessibility Advisory Committee - requesting that Council approve the new name for the committee and new logo. RECOMMENDATION: For the approval of Council. 7. Niagara Falls Community Policing Committee- requesting that the City of Niagara Falls consider partnering on the new community policing model. RECOMMENDATION: Refer to staff 8. Niagara Falls International Marathon-requesting in-kind bus service for the annual event. RECOMMENDATION: For the Consideration of Council Additional Items for Council Consideration: The City Clerk will advise of any items for Council consideration RATIFICATION OF "IN CAMERA" MATTERS BY-LAWS The City Clerk will advise of any additional by-laws or amendments to the by-laws listed for Council consideration. 2013-143 A by-law to amend By-law No. 79-200, to permit a 125 unit, 12-storey apartment dwelling on the Lands (AM-2013-009). 2013-144 A by-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement with Tyler Picard and Kelly Picard, respecting the purchase of an easement, being Part 1 on Reference Plan 59R-14942; in the City of Niagara Falls, Regional Municipality of Niagara. 2013-145 A by-law to adopt a mark, symbol or design for the Mayor's Accessibility Advisory Committee for the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls. - 5 - 2013-146 A by-law to designate Lots 103-121 (inclusive) and 154-164 (inclusive), Registered Plan 59M-388, not be subject to part-lot control (PLC-2013-007). 2013-147 A by-law to amend By-law No. 2002-081, being a by-law to appoint City employees, agents and third parties for the enforcement of provincial or municipal by-laws. 2013-148 A by-law to appoint Councillor Vince Kerrio as Acting Mayor. 2013-149 A by-law to authorize the payment of $42,752,369.71 for General Purposes. 2013-150 A by-law to adopt, ratify and confirm the actions of City Council at its meeting held on the 24th day of September, 2013. * * * * * NEW BUSINESS