01/28/2014 (2) LA-
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The City of Niagara Falls, Ontario
January 28, 2014
No. 2
Moved by Councillor Pietrangelo
Seconded by Councillor Kerrio
WHEREAS Niagara Falls City Council passed By-law 2011-51, a by-law to prohibit the smoking of
tobacco and other substances upon or within any land or buildings owned by The Corporation of the
City of Niagara Falls; and
WHEREAS with the approval of By-law 2011-51,Niagara Falls City Council took action to improve
the cleanliness and health benefits of the city's public outdoor spaces; and
WHEREAS the Regional Municipality ofNiagara used By-law 2011-51 as the framework for Regional
By-law 112-2013, a Regional By-law to Protect Children and Vulnerable Persons from Exposure to
Outdoor Second-Hand Smoke; and
WHEREAS the enactment of the Regional By-law requires a triple majority; and
WHEREAS the passing of the Regional By-law will provide protection for children, vulnerable
residents, visitors, and the general population from the effects of second-hand smoke, while
denormalizing smoking behaviours and facilitating decreased smoking rates; and
WHEREAS the passing of the Regional By-law will provide some consistency throughout Niagara
municipalities that smoking is not tolerated in certain outdoor, public places.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls
hereby consents and supports the passing of Regional By-law 112-2013, a Regional By-law to Protect
Children and Vulnerable Persons from Exposure to Outdoor Second-Hand Smoke; and
FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that Niagara Falls City By-law 2011-51 remain in effect.
Carried Unanimously
AND The Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.