April 30, 2014
Council met on Wednesday, April 30, 2014 at 4:30 p.m. for a Special Council
meeting related to the Lundy's Lane Battlefield Gateway Project. 48 hour notice was
provided, as per the Council's Procedural By-law to Council members and the press.
Notice was placed on the City's website and social media platforms. All members of
Council, except Councillors Mayes, Pietrangelo and Wing were present.
MW-2014-21, Lundy's Lane Battlefield Gateway Project Update- For the consideration
of Council.
It was explained that the City had received a proposal related to the matter noted above
that would require a decision of Council that is considered of some urgency and cannot
wait until the next regularly scheduled meeting of Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Thomson, seconded by Councillor Morocco
that the previous decision of April 8th related to the Lundy's Lane Battlefield Gateway
Project be reconsidered.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Morocco, seconded by Councillor loannoni
that based on section 11.6 of the City's Purchasing Policy, allowing purchase by
negotiation, that Council approve the acceptance of the quote from Rankin Construction,
funded as recommended by staff, as outlined in the report, that the Mayor and Clerk be
authorized to execute all associated agreements and that a related confirmatory by-law be
approved and considered to have had three readings.
2014-50 A by-law to adopt, ratify and confirm the actions of City Council at its special
meeting held on the 30th day of April, 2014.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Thomson, seconded by Councillor Morocco
that the meeting be adjourned at 5:15 p.m.
Carried Unanimously