2015/02/24 Schedule for February 24, 2015 5:00 Council Meeting Council Chambers Niagaraa11s J t1v . Uk COUNCIL MEETING February 24, 2015 PRAYER/INVOCATION: Councillor Morocco ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Council Minutes of January 27, 2015 and February 10, 2015 DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST Disclosures of pecuniary interest and a brief explanation thereof will be made for the current Council Meeting at this time REPORTS 5:00 P.M. MW-2015-07 Drinking Water System Summary Report Review and Overview NOTE: the Drinking Water Quality Management System Coordinator will make a presentation outlining Council's obligations under the Safe Drinking Water Act. BUDGET MATTERS The Director of Finance will do an introductory presentation on the 2015 operating budget. NOTE: budget binders are anticipated to be delivered to Council members at the meeting. - 2 - * * * * * CONSENT AGENDA THE CONSENT AGENDA IS A SET OF RE PORTS THAT COULD BE APPROVED IN ONE MOTION OF COUNCIL. THE APPROVAL ENDORSES ALL OF THE RECOMMENDATIONS CONTAINED IN EACH OF THE REPORTS WITHIN THE SET. THE SINGLE MOTION WILL SAVE TIME. PRIOR TO THE MOTION BEING TAKEN, A COUNCILLOR MAY REQUEST THAT ONE OR MORE OF THE REPORTS BE MOVED OUT OF THE CONSENT AGENDA TO BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. F-2015-07 Major Receivables Monthly (Jan) F-2015-08 Sleep Cheap F-2015-10 Municipal Accounts L-2015-08 Licence of Land for Temporary Use and Access Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Ontario as represented by The Minister of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure Warren Woods Subdivision Our File No. 2014-151 L-2015-09 Derelict Properties in Tourist Commercial Zone MW-2015-05 Tile Drain Loan Program, 9315 Warner Road * * * * * MAYOR'S REPORTS, ANNOUNCEMENTS COMMUNICATIONS AND COMMENTS OF THE CITY CLERK 1. Canadian Institute of Plumbing & Heating - requesting that March 11th be proclaimed as "World Plumbing Day". RECOMMENDATION: For the Approval of Council. 2. Autism Ontario-requesting that April 2nd be proclaimed as"World Autism Day"and that the Autism Ontario flag be raised. RECOMMENDATION: For the Approval of Council. 3. YMCA Kate S. Durdan/Loretto Child Care - requesting a grant equal to the ice rental fees related to their Strong Kids Event. RECOMMENDATION: For the Consideration of Council. - 3 - Additional items for Council's Consideration: the City Clerk will advise of any items for council consideration. RESOLUTIONS THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Niagara Falls City Council considers the Rotary Club of Niagara Falls Sunrise Ribfest to be an event of municipal significance and supports the provision of a Special Occasion Liquor Licence (SOP) for the event and grant relief to the City's Noise By-law to allow entertainment until 11:00 p.m. * * * * * PRESENTATIONS/DEPUTATIONS 6:30 P.M. Niagara Falls Falcons Major Peewee "AA" Baseball Team The Mayor will make a presentation to the Niagara Falls Falcons Major Peewee "AA" Baseball Team for winning the Provincial championships. Niagara Falls Falcons Minor Bantam "AA" Baseball Team The Mayor will make a presentation to the Niagara Falls Falcons Minor Bantam"AA" Baseball Team for winning the Provincial championships. Cancer Awareness Month Angela Davey, Unit manager, and Lori Taraba, CCS Stair Climb for cancer Committee Co-Chair, will request Council's approval for April being proclaimed "Cancer Awareness Month" and will publicize the upcoming stair climb. * * * * * BY-LAWS The City Clerk will advise of any additional by-laws or amendments to the by- law listed for Council consideration. 2015-24 A by-law to authorize the payment of$11,219,521.39 for General Purposes. 2015-25 A by-law to adopt, ratify and confirm the actions of City Council at its meeting held on the 24th day of February, 2015. * * * * * NEW BUSINESS MW-2015-07 February 24, 2015 Niagaraaalls REPORT TO: Mayor James M. Diodati and Members of the Municipal Council City of Niagara Falls, Ontario SUBMITTED BY: Municipal Works SUBJECT: MW-2015-07 Drinking Water System Summary Report and Overview RECOMMENDATION 1. That Council endorse the annual summary report under the Safe Drinking Water Act. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In accordance with the Safe Drinking Water Act, each municipal Council having jurisdiction over its water distribution system is required to receive and publish an Annual Summary Report prior to March 31 in each calendar year. This report provides technical data regarding the system's performance. Additionally, attached is the Drinking Water Quality Management System (DWQMS) Management Review which is to be provided to the system Owner annually. The Management Review evaluates the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the quality management system. This year's report confirms that the City is operating in accordance with all current legislation and is taking appropriate measures to guarantee the safety of the drinking water quality to all of its consumers. Attached to this report is a brief presentation advising Council of its responsibilities as Owner of the Drinking Water System. BACKGROUND Annual Summary Report Each year the Annual Summary report is presented to Council to illustrate the effectiveness and performance of the drinking water system. The attached Annual Summary report provides detailed quantitative and qualitative information regarding the performance of the drinking water system. February 24, 2015 - 2 - MW-2015-07 Highlights of the report include: • In 2014 Environmental Services responded to 65 watermain breaks, this number is down from 73 in 2013. • The winter of 2014 due to extreme cold temperatures produced over 50 frozen water services. These water services were thawed out using a variety of techniques, including trenchless and open trench methods. DWQMS Management Review Annual the DWQMS Management Review takes place; it provides an overall picture as to the effectiveness and adequacy of the Drinking Water Quality Management System. Highlights and Suggestions from the Management Review Include: • Fall 2014 NSF-International performed an on-site DWQMS Conformance Audit. Zero none conformances were found during the audit. • Compliance rating of 100% during 2014 Ministry of the Environment inspection. Standard of Care As previously reported to Council, Section 19, of the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002 came into force on December 31, 2012. Section 19, entitled Standard of Care, Municipal Drinking Water System states: The Owner and/or each person on behalf of the Municipality that oversees the operating authority or exercises decision making authority over the system must exercise the level of care, diligence and skill in respect of a municipal drinking water system that a reasonable prudent person would be expected to exercise in a similar situation. Section 19, in its entirety has been attached for your reference. LEGAL IMPLICATIONS In accordance with the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Annual Summary Report must be received by the drinking water system owner by a date of no later than March 31 of the following year. Failure to submit this would contravene the Safe Drinking Water Act. February 24, 2015 - 3 - MW-2015-07 The drinking water quality management standard requires that the results of the Management Review be provided to the Owner on an annual basis. Failure to provide the results would initiate a non-conformance with the Standard. CITY'S STRATEGIC COMMITMENT This report is to ensure adherence to Provincial Legislation and is consistent with the Council's strategic commitment to continually monitor the efficiency and effectiveness of the City's operations. LIST OF ATTACHMENTS 1. City of Niagara Falls Water Distribution System Annual Summary Report 2. 2014 DWQMS Management Review 3. Section 19 Standard of Care, Municipal Drinking Water System Aviggi Recommended by: Geoff Hol an, Director of Municipal Works Respectfully submitted: Ken odd, Chief Administrative Officer James Sticca MW-2015-07 —Attachment#1 91#4.4 Niag araC all s �1 \ 1 I) X City of Niagara Falls Water Distribution System Annual Summary Report Period: January 1 , 2014 to December 31 , 2014 Waterworks Number: 260002304 Created February 2015 Table of Contents Introduction 1 Waterworks Description 1 Compliance 2 Municipal Drinking Water Licensing Program 2 Safe Drinking Water Act 3 Niagara Falls Water Quality Test Results 4 Adverse Water Quality Incidents and Actions 4 Operational Activities 5 Flow Rates 6 Definitions 7 City of Niagara Falls Water Distribution Annual Summary Report Introduction In accordance with the Safe Drinking Water Act this report provides members of Niagara Falls Municipal Council, the legal Owners of the water distribution system with an annual summary report of actions that took place from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014. In accordance with the Act, this report must list any time the City failed to meet the conditions and requirements of the Acts, Regulations, Approvals, Drinking Water Works Permits, Municipal Drinking Water Licences and Orders issued by the Ministry of the Environment. For each requirement not met, the report must specify the duration of the failure and the measures taken to correct the failure. Additionally, the report must list the summary of the quantities and flows of the water supplied. Waterworks Description The City of Niagara Falls is a class 2 water distribution system, which receives all treated water from the Regional Municipality of Niagara via the Niagara Falls Water Treatment Plant. The raw water source is surface water supplied from the Niagara River, via the Welland River. The distribution system consists of approximately 452 km of watermain, 2,905 fire hydrants and 4,375 valves owned and operated by the City of Niagara Falls. Additionally, there is 45 km of watermain owned and operated by the Regional Municipality of Niagara. The size of watermains owned by the City of Niagara Falls range from 25mm to 450 mm in size. Additional information regarding the Niagara Falls Water Treatment Plant can be found on the Regional Municipality of Niagara website. Website http://www.niagararegion.ca/home.aspx Water Distribution Summary Report 1 Niagarafalls Compliance Municipal Drinking Water Licensing Program As part of a recommendation made by Justice 0' Connor during the Walkerton Inquiry, the Ministry of the Environment has introduced a new program, the Municipal Drinking Water Licensing Program. This program requires the Drinking Water System Owner (City of Niagara Falls) to obtain a licence to operate their drinking water system. There are four components to each licence; the Drinking Water Works Permit, Implementation of a Drinking Water Quality Management System, Accreditation of the Quality Management System and preparation of a Financial Plan. • Drinking Water Work Permit allows the Municipality to alter, add, replace, modify and extend the drinking water based on a series of predefined conditions. • Drinking Water Quality Management System (DWQMS) is a series of 21 elements that address all aspects of a water system. The overall goal of the DWQMS is continuous improvement with respect to planning, operating and reviewing the drinking water system. Through the creation of an operational plan the drinking water system Owner demonstrates the ability to operate a safe and effective drinking water system, while continuously monitoring performance and compliance via internal and external audits. • Accreditation of the Quality Management System is achieved through internal and external audits, the goal of these audits are to ensure that the Owner is following the processes and procedures laid out in the operational plan. The Ministry of the Environment has engaged in an agreement with the Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) to act as the Quality Management System accreditation body. • Ontario Regulation 453/07, Safe Drinking Water Act requires that each Owner prepare a Financial Plan for the drinking water system. The City has retained a consultant to aid in the preparation of the Financial Plan. In 2014, the City's Drinking Water Quality Management System was audited by NSF-ISR. NSF-ISR attended on site for two days to perform the audit. Zero non-conformances were found during this audit, allowing the City to receive accreditation meeting the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002. Water Distribution Summary Report 2 Niagara/it/Is Safe Drinking Water Act To remain compliant with the Safe Drinking Water Act, the City performs a minimum of 88 microbiological samples a month. Each of these samples is taken from a different location, providing a diverse profile of the water distribution system. Disinfection levels showing a free chlorine residual are also taken at the time of each sample; ensuring proper disinfection levels are maintained. The City takes additional free chlorine residuals throughout the week, again to ensure proper disinfection levels are maintained. The City also takes water samples testing for elevated levels of trihalomethanes (THM), a chlorine disinfection by-product. The City takes these water samples from areas where the formation of THM would most likely occur. The Ministry of the Environment has also provincially mandated a Community Lead Testing Program. The City has been granted permission, by the Ministry of the Environment to reduce the number of lead samples taken per sampling window due to the ratio of results that meet the Provincial Water Quality Objectives, compare to the samples that do not. The sample numbers have been reduced to 20 resident samples and 4 non-residential samples. This must be done once between December 15 and April 15 and again June 15 to October 15th, on an on going cycle. All of the aforementioned samples, in accordance with the Act must be taken by an individual with a Water Operators licence or a Water Quality Analyst licence. These licences are distributed by the Ontario Water Wastewater Certification Office, in accordance with Ontario Regulation 128/04, Safe Drinking Water Act. Samples are then taken to a Ministry of the Environment approved laboratory. Laboratories must meet quality standards determined by the Ministry of the Environment and are audited by the Canadian Association for Laboratories Accreditation. In the event an incident occurs where water samples do not meet Provincial water quality standards, this is deemed an Adverse Water Quality Incident (AWQI). This is detailed further in the chart following entitled Adverse Water Quality Incidents and Actions An Annual Drinking Water Report has been completed and is available free of charge to the public through the City website and at the Municipal Service Centre. Members of the public may also view water sample results at the Municipal Service Centre. On December 31, 2012 section 19 of the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002. Section 19 entitled, Standard of Care came into force. This section requires the Owner of the Drinking Water System and each person with decision making authority to exercise the level of care, diligence and skill in respect of a municipal drinking water system that a reasonably prudent person would be expected to exercise in a similar situation and to act honestly, competently and with integrity with a view ensuring the protection and safety of the users of the drinking water system. Section 19 has been listed as an attachment to the accompanying Council Report. Water Distribution Summary Report 3 \iagaraFall' Niagara Falls Water Quality Test Results Parameter MAC Number of Samples Range Comments Microbiological Analysis Escherichia Coli Indicates presence of fecal (E. Coli) CFU/ 100mL 0 1144 0 matter Total Coliforms Indicates the possible CFU/ 100 mL 0 1144 0-1 presence of fecal contamination Heterotrophic Plate Count N/A1133 0 - 300 Indication of overall water (HPC) CFU/mL quality Chemical Analysis Trihalomethanes 0.10 0.0275— Average of Samples taken mg/L mg/L 4 0.0421 quarterly Residential and Non- Residential 10 182 <0.02— Lead services were used in Lead Plumbing ug/L 74.1 construction prior to 1955. mg/L ' Distribution 1018 <0.02— City does not have lead ug/L 25.3 watermain Disinfection Free Chlorine Residual 0.05 mg/L to 4.0 1352 0.05 - 1.22 Level of disinfectant mg/L Adverse Water Quality Incidents and Actions Date Location Parameter Result Actions Date of Resolution 2/15/2014 Total Coliform 1 CFU Flush and resample 2/15/2014 3/14/2014 Lead 25.3 ug/L Flush and resample 3/14/2014 7/8/2014 Chlorine <0.05 Mg/L Flush and resample 7/8/2014 I 7/8/2014 Total Coliform 1 CFU Flush and resample 7/8/2014 I In the event of an adverse water quality incident (AWQI), the City receives immediate notification from the laboratory. The City is then required as per Ministry of the Environment regulations to verbal notify the Regional Public Health Unit and the Ministry of the Environment Spills Action Centre. Additionally, the City has chosen to contact our local Ministry of the Environment Inspector to share this information. These individuals are then faxed the same information that was shared verbally. To ensure water safety, the City immediately sends a member of staff to flush the nearest fire hydrant, and take additional water samples at the source of the AWQI, as well as Water Distribution Summary Report 4 NiagaraFalls upstream and downstream of the AWQI. This occurs for two consecutive days at minimum until the City receives verbal notification from the laboratory that the water samples are all clear. In the above table, the column "Date of Resolution" indicates the date in which the City has received copies of the laboratory results and submits the "Notice of Resolution" to the Ministry of the Environment and Public Health Unit. It should be noted that an Adverse Water Quality Incident does not indicate that the drinking water is unsafe; rather it indicates that with respect to that specific sample, the Provincial water quality objective was exceeded. In the event a lead result exceeds the Provincial standard, this result does not indicate system wide lead levels, rather the sample is site specific. Possible sources of lead include; lead solder, leaded brass fixtures and lead service lines. Prior to 1955 it was common to use lead water service lines as opposed to copper due to the malleability of lead. Properties that have lead results that exceed the Provincial standard are given an information package on ways to best reduce lead in their drinking water. Operational Activities In 2014, the City of Niagara Falls experienced 65 water main breaks, compared to 73 in the previous year. The City also responded to over 50 frozen water services during the winter of 2014. With all watermain breaks, the City follows a standard operating procedure, detailing the steps taken to repair the water main, while ensure water quality. Following the water main break, microbiological samples are taken upstream and downstream of the break; ensuring the break was repaired in such a way that water quality levels were not affected. Water Distribution Summary Report 5 Viagaarraaf a-1-Is Flow Rates 2014 Monthly Water Flow Rates (Mega Litres) Month Quantity (ML) January 1227.770 February 1145.251 March 1281.770 April 1254.514 May 1385.531 June 1510.152 July 1594.400 August 1631.692 September 1385.569 October 1264.235 November 1119.964 December 1168.594 Total 15,969.442 Monthly Average 1330.79 Daily Average 43.73 1 Mega Litre = 1,000,000 Litres Water Distribution Summary Report 6 Niagararalls Definitions MAC - Maximum Acceptable Concentration This is a health-related standard established for parameters which when present above a certain concentration, have known or suspected adverse health effects. The length of time the MAC can be exceeded without injury to health will depend on the nature and concentration of the parameter. (Ontario Drinking Water Standards. Ministry of the Environment. Revised January 2001. PIBS #4065e. Page 2.) mg/L - milligrams per litre (parts per million) cfu/100 mL - Colony Forming Units per 100 millilitres of sample ug/I - micrograms per litre (parts per million) - Less than - Greater than Microbiological parameters (ie. bacteria) - the source of bacteria may come from wastewater treatment plants, livestock operations, septic systems and wildlife. Microbiological analysis is the most important aspect of drinking water quality due to its association with dangerous waterborne diseases. (Paraphrased from Ontario Drinking Water Standards. Ministry of the Environment.) Total Coliform - the group of bacteria most commonly used as an indicator of water quality. The presence of these bacteria in a water sample indicates inadequate filtration and / or disinfection. (Ontario Drinking Water Standards. Ministry of the Environment.) Escherichia coli (E. coli) - a sub-group of coliform bacteria. It is most frequently associated with recent fecal pollution. The presence of E. coli or fecal coliforms in drinking water is an indications of sewage contamination. (Ontario Drinking Water Standards. Ministry of the Environment) Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC) - an estimate of the number of background bacteria present in the distribution system. It is not an indicator of fecal contamination, but more a general indicator of disinfection effectiveness and distribution system status with respect to biofilm presence and the influence of bacterial re-growth in the distribution system. Water Distribution Summary Report 7 NiagaraFalls Trihalomethanes (THM's) - The maximum acceptable concentration (MAC) for Trihalomethanes (THMs) in drinking water is 0.10 mg/L based on a four quarter moving annual average of test results. Trihalomethanes are the most widely occurring synthetic organics found in chlorinated drinking water. The four most commonly detected Trihalomethanes in drinking water are chloroform, bromodichloromethane, chlorodibromomethane and bromoform. The principal source of Trihalomethanes in drinking water is the action of chlorine with naturally occurring organics (precursors) left in the water after filtration. Lead - Metals, for the most part, are naturally present in source water, or are the result of industrial activity. Some, such as Lead, may enter the drinking water from plumbing in the distribution system. Lead can occur in the source water as a result of erosion of natural deposits. The most common source of lead is corrosion of the household plumbing. The MAC for lead levels is 0.010 mg/L. Water Distribution Summary Report 8 liagaraJa/ls MW-2015-07 - Attachment#2 flwl— Niagaraftlls DWQMS Management Review 2014 Table of Contents List of Acronyms and Definitions 3 Introduction 4 1. Incidents of regulatory non-compliance 4 2. Incidents of adverse drinking-water tests 4 3. Deviations from critical control point limits and response actions 5 4. Efficacy of the risk assessment process 5 5. Third-party and Internal audit reports 5 6. Results of emergency response testing 6 7. Operational performance 7 8. Raw water supply and drinking-water quality trends 7 9. Follow-up on action items from previous management reviews 7 10. Status of management action items identified between management reviews 8 11. Changes that could affect the Quality Management System 8 12. Consumer feedback (i.e., internal & external communications) 8 13. Resources needed to maintain the Quality Management System 9 14. Results of DWQMS Infrastructure Review 9 15. Operational Plan currency, content & updates 9 16. Staff suggestions 9 List of Acronyms and Definitions DWQMS — Drinking Water Quality Management System EBR— Environmental Bill of Rights, an information board managed by the Ministry of the Environment where proposed legislative changes are posted for comment prior to coming into force. MAC— Maximum acceptable concentration MOE — Ministry of the Environment QMS — Quality Management System THM —Trihalomethanes are a group of compounds that can form when the chlorine used to disinfect drinking water reacts with naturally occurring organic matter (e.g., decaying leaves and vegetation). WESA—A consulting firm performing internal audits for the City Page 3 of 9 2014 DWQMS Management Review Introduction Element 18 of the Drinking Water Quality Management Standard states that a Management Review must be completed once every 12 months. This review is to be completed with the person(s) deemed Top Management in the Drinking Water System. The purpose of the Management Review is to document the actions and effectiveness of the Quality Management System. The outcome of the Management Review must be reported to the Owner of the Drinking Water System. The information reported to the Owner can be relayed at the same time as the Annual Drinking Water System Report, scheduled to be given to Council in February. 1. Incidents of regulatory non-compliance In July, the Ministry of the Environment completed a surprise an onsite inspection. During the inspection, the City was given an order to comply to with section 3.5 of the City's Drinking Water Works Permit, stating that all drawings and mapping must be updated within 12 months of water infrastructure installation. However, the City did receive a compliance rating of 100%. Staff responded to the Order by creating a procedure which all internal stakeholder were trained on the procedure. The MOE approved procedure is attached for reference. On September 25, 2014 the DWQMS Coordinator received confirmation that the conditions of the Order were met and was lifted. 2. Incidents of adverse drinking-water tests As of December 30, 2014 there have been 4 drinking water samples that resulted in an adverse test result. i) Feb 15 2014 Carlton Ave— 1 total coliform from an after watermain break sample. It was determined that the sample was taken from a kitchen sink. That is not standard protocol when collecting samples from a residence. After following appropriate procedures the incident was resolved. ii) March 14 2014 Garner Rd— Lead exceedance at a hydrant located on Garner Rd north of Thorold Stone Road. The lead exceedance can be attributed to leaded parts on the fire hydrant. Page 4 of 9 iii) July 8 2014 Garner Rd — During an unannounced Ministry of the Environment inspection, a chlorine residual was taken at a fire hydrant located at the north end of the system. The chlorine residual was taken prematurely, sampling water that was not representative of the distribution system. This resulted in a low chlorine reading, which triggers an adverse water incident. Within minutes the chlorine reading was representative of the distribution system and well above the minimum amount required by the Ministry of the Environment. iv) July 8 2014 Main St Chippawa — 1 total coliform was weekly microbiological water sampling. Chlorine residual recorded was 1.02 mg/L, this indicates that there is no issue with the water but rather a sampling error. Follow up samples proved no further action was required. In each case, Staff followed SOP "MW-ES-DWS-SOP-012-001 —Adverse Water Quality Incident Reporting". Each incident was resolved by re-sampling. A copy of MW-ES-DWS-SOP-012-001 can be found in previous Management Reviews and can be circulated on request 3. Deviations from critical control point limits and response actions There were no deviations from critical control points in this report period. 4. Efficacy of the risk assessment process During the 2014 internal audit, it was identified that further clarification was needed with respect to the Risk Assessment and what a true critical control point is. Currently there are items listed as critical control points that the City cannot control regardless of their importance, such as backflow prevention devices not owned by the City. A copy of the 2014 Risk Assessment can be found in Appendix A of this report. 5. Third-party and Internal audit reports Third Party Audit On September 15 and 16 NSF Internal performed an onsite audit of the DWQMS. Over the course of the two day audit, the Auditor only identified opportunities for improvement, zero non-conformances were found during the audit. The City is now in the surveillance cycle for the next two years, with onsite occurring 2017. Page 5 of 9 An electronic copy of the Audit report has been circulated and can be resent as required. Internal Audit An internal audit was completed by WESA took place on December 17 2014. 4 non-conformances were found during this audit, a brief description is as follows, response to correct the non-conformance is in red: - On Risk Assessment no method of demonstration as to how backflow preventers are controlled at bulk water station. Staff already inspect the bulk water stations weekly, this needs to be included in the Risk Assessment. - Backflow preventers not owned by the City are not Critical Control Points. Those items will be removed from the Risk Assessment - Items listed on the preventative maintenance table not fully addressed. Starting January 5, 2015 Environmental Services will have 1 crew working an afternoon shift. Maintenance activities can be addressed during this time period. - Previous Management Review did not include timelines as to when action items will be addressed. DWQMS Coordinator will be changing meeting minute format to include a column as to when action items will be addressed. A copy of the internal audit report can be found in Appendix B of this report. 6. Results of emergency response testing On November 11 2014, Environmental Services Staff participated in an Emergency Response desktop training exercise. The scenario detailed a watermain break on the Chippawa side of Weightman Bridge. This break resulted in the valving being closed for an extended period of time during a cold spell in the winter. Following the standard repair, it was determined a secondary leak has occurred under the bridge on the HDPE piping that is strapped to the bridge deck. The scenario detailed how to deal with this difficult but plausible scenario. Page 6 of 9 A copy of the exercise and associated information can be found in Appendix C of this report. 7. Operational performance In 2014 Environmental Services responded to 65 watermain breaks, this number is down from 73 in 2013. However, the winter of 2014 due to extreme cold temperatures produced over 50 frozen water services. These frozen services were found in both aging infrastructure areas, as well as newly installed infrastructure. As a result, the DWQMS Coordinator now includes a comment in all new capital drawing review correspondence that new watermain should be installed at 1.7m cover. Previously, the standard was 1.5m, which caused water services to be installed between 1.35m and 1.10rn cover. By requesting 1.7m cover, this provides a buffer when a longer gooseneck is required for service installation. 8. Raw water supply and drinking-water quality trends The Region of Niagara is responsible for all sampling and testing of raw water. Through the hydrant maintenance program, Staff has found areas of the drinking water system were weekly or bi-weekly flushing can improve water quality, these areas are tracked via a flushing report form, this practice has continued through into 2014. Source water temperature changes in late spring and fall result in resident inquires about chlorine levels. The majority of these calls originate from the south end of the City, the area closest to the water treatment plant. Weekly, chlorine residual results are received from the Region of Niagara, these results indicate no significant fluctuation in chlorine levels leaving the treatment plant. This remains unchanged in 2014. The Region of Niagara is continuing to monitor THM (trihalomethane) levels in conjunction with all local area municipalities. Various methods of preventing THM levels from increasing have been discussed. The City's Environmental Services Division will continue to flush dead end watermains which is currently one of the best ways for a distribution system to combat THM levels. 9. Follow-up on action items from previous management reviews The 2013 Management Review resulted in the following action items: - Add acronym list to beginning of document— completed Page 7of9 - Add other data such as soils, temperature and compare to mainbreak— compiling this data is currently ongoing. This item is still outstanding. - Water loss with respect to billing and timelines —to address this issue the City in conjunction with the Region has retained Veritec Consulting Inc. to perform a water loss study. The deliverables from this study should be received late Q1 of 2015. - WW QMS process has been initiated, DFA Infrastructure International Inc. has been retained to help the City identify current gaps in process and identify best management practices with respect to Wastewater. Work is slated to start work in Q1 of 2015. 10. Status of management action items identified between management reviews No action items identified during this time period. 11. Changes that could affect the Quality Management System The MOE is still reviewing changes to the DWQMS, Q2 of 2015 is now the tentative release date for these changes. The MOE is also releasing a "Made in Ontario —Watermain disinfection procedure" document at some point in 2015. This document will provide Operating Authorities with greater control with respect to how they post sample watermain breaks. The document will also dictate chlorine residuals during capital work based on initial chlorine sample. When the final document is release the DWQMS Coordinator will perform a training session with all internal stakeholders. 12. Consumer feedback (i.e., internal & external communications) Water quality complaints have been on the decline in recent years. The vast majority of complaints can be handled over the phone, and usually can be attributed to trap issues under a sink or tub and are not drinking water related. Environmental Services continues to flush crescents in the Corwin area until such time as the Capital replacement program can address the watermain in that area. Page 8 of 9 Environmental Services has begun to flush weekly at the dead-end of Burdette Drive and Pettit Ave. A large factory used to be at this location, however, since its close usage in the area has decrease and water age has increased. 13. Resources needed to maintain the Quality Management System The DWQMS Coordinator continues to use an external consultant for the internal audit. This provides the DWQMS Coordinator with very detailed reports and multi-industry expertise during the on-site audit. Additionally, an Acting DWQMS Coordinator position was award in 2014. This provides redundancy in the system in the event the DWQMS Coordinator cannot act for a period of time. 14. Results of DWQMS Infrastructure Review The DWQMS Infrastructure Review, is one of many inputs aiding in the decision making process when determining Capital Works. The QMS Representative and Manager, Assets and Infrastructure have worked together on prioritizing the proposal of capital work for design. Suggestions given by Environmental Services staff based on previous experience, were taken into consideration along with other factors such as sewer separation. The process still remains as stated above, additionally as operational challenges arise the DWQMS Coordinator communicates these to the Manager, Assets and Infrastructure for future note in the capital replacement program. This consistent line of communication between Operations and Engineering was missing prior to the initiation of the DWQMS. 15. Operational Plan currency, content & updates In 2015 with new Municipal Council it has been suggested by the NSF International Auditor that the Operational Plan be re-submitted for their approval. The DWQMS Coordinator will discuss this with the Director of Municipal Works regarding a timeline and what other items should be included in the report to provide Council with their responsibilities with respect to the Drinking Water System. 16. Staff suggestions To date, no Staff suggestions have been made to improve the QMS. Page 9 of 9 MW-2015-07-Attachment#3 Standard of care, municipal drinking water system 19. (I) Each of the persons listed in subsection (2) shall, (a) exercise the level of care, diligence and skill in respect of a municipal drinking water system that a reasonably prudent person would be expected to exercise in a similar situation; and (b) act honestly, competently and with integrity, with a view to ensuring the protection and safety of the users of the municipal drinking water system. 2002, c. 32, s. 19 (1). Same (2) The following are the persons listed for the purposes of subsection (1): 1. The owner of the municipal drinking water system. 2. If the municipal drinking water system is owned by a corporation other than a municipality, every officer and director of the corporation. 3. If the system is owned by a municipality, every person who, on behalf of the municipality, oversees the accredited operating authority of the system or exercises decision-making authority over the system. 2002, c. 32, s. 19 (2). Offence (3) Every person under a duty described in subsection(1)who fails to carry out that duty is guilty of an offence. 2002, c. 32, s. 19 (3). Same (4) A person may be convicted of an offence under this section in respect of a municipal drinking water system whether or not the owner of the system is prosecuted or convicted. 2002, c. 32, s. 19 (4). Reliance on experts (5) A person shall not be considered to have failed to carry out a duty described in subsection (1) in any circumstance in which the person relies in good faith on a report of an engineer, lawyer, accountant or other person whose professional qualifications lend credibility to the report. 2002, c. 32, s. 19 (5). XI m -130 F-2015-07 NiagaraFalls February 24, 2015 REPORT TO: Mayor James M. Diodati and Members of Municipal Council SUBMITTED BY: Finance SUBJECT: 2015-07 Monthly Tax Receivables Report— January RECOMMENDATION That Council receive the Monthly Tax Receivables report for information purposes. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report is prepared monthly to provide Council with an update on the City's property tax receivables. Outstanding taxes as of January 31, 2015 were $16.9 million compared to $15.6 million in 2014. During January, tax receivables as a percentage of taxes billed increased slightly from 9.1% in 2014 to 9.8% in 2015. The City's finance staff has begun the tax collection process for properties that are subject to registration for 2015. There are currently twenty-five properties scheduled for tax sale in the next two years. BACKGROUND This report is being provided as part of the monthly financial reporting to Council by staff. It is also submitted to our banking institution for compliance with our banking agreement. ANALYSIS/RATIONALE Tax collection for 2015 lags slightly behind the collection history for 2014. Table 1 shows that taxes outstanding at January 31, 2015 are $16.9 million. This represents an increase from $15.6 million in arrears for the same period in 2014. Finance staff continues to actively pursue property owners in arrears. Table 2 provides the breakdown of outstanding taxes by assessment class. The majority of outstanding taxes are for residential and commercial properties. The chart shows that the taxes owing from the commercial property class has increased from a year ago, whereas the residential property class has decreased. 2 F-2015-07 February 24, 2015 Finance staff takes specific collection actions for properties that are subject to registration. These action steps have been outlined in previous reports. At January 1, 2015, 389 properties were subject to registration. Table 3 summarizes the progress of these actions after one month of activity. This table shows 47.1% of the tax accounts or 183 properties have been paid in full or the owners have made suitable payment arrangements. During January, twenty-six accounts were paid in full. Finance staff continues to make every effort to have accounts paid in order to avoid the registration process and the associated costs related to that process. Table 4 identifies the properties and associated tax arrears scheduled for tax sales in the future. During the month of January, one registered property was redeemed and one property was registered. The outstanding taxes for registered properties represents 14.6% of the total outstanding taxes at month end. FINANCIAL/STAFFING/LEGAL IMPLICATIONS Tax arrears as a percentage of taxes billed in a year is a performance measure that stakeholders utilize to analyse an organization's financial strengths. Niagara Falls, due to its high reliance on commercial assessment, is traditionally higher compared to municipalities of similar size. The percentage of taxes outstanding to taxes billed as at January 31, 2015 is 9.8% which is a slight increase from 2014's value of 9.1%. The municipality has a record of full collection and earns significant penalty revenues to offset the higher measure. LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Table 1 Taxes Receivable at January 31, 2015 Table 2 Taxes Receivable by Property Class at January 31, 2015 Table 3 Number of Properties Subject to Registration Table 4 Scheduled Tax Sales Dates for Registered Properties Recommended by: Todd Harriso , Director f Finan e Respectfully submitted: Ken Todd, Chief Administrative Officer A. Felicetti TABLE 1 Total Taxes Receivable Owing at January 31, 2015 2015 2014 Outstanding Taxes @ January 1, 2015 $ 17,346,871 $ 16,418,414 Penalty charged in January $ 183,879 $ 171,817 Taxes Collected during January $ 564,929 $ 974,729 Outstanding Taxes @ January 31, 2015 $ 16,965,821 $ 15,615,503 j TABLE 2 Taxes Receivable by Property Class 11 as at January 31, 2015 2015 % of Class 2014 % of Class Taxes Owing Taxes Owing Residential $ 8,497,621 50.09%_ $ 8,387,369 53.71% Multi-Residential $ 140,147 0.83% $ 99,127 0.63% Commercial $ 7,787,279 45.90%' $ 6,752,643 43.24% Industrial $ 515,227 3.04%_ $ 356,604 2.28% Farmlands $ 25,546 0.15% $ 19,760 0.13% Total Receivables $ 16,965,821 100.00% $ 15,615,503 100.00% TABLE 3 Properties Subject to Registration as at January 31, 2015 Initial Amount 389 Paid in Full 26 6.7% Payment Arrangements 157 40.4% Ongoing Collection 206 53.0% Action Registered 0 0.0% 389 100.0% TABLE 4 Scheduled Number Taxes Tax Sales of Outstanding Date Properties Amount May 2015 9 $ 1,336,737 November 2015 7 $ 294,745 May 2016 9 $ 842,271 Totals 25 $ 2,473,753 F-2015-08 Niagarapcclls February 24, 2015 REPORT TO: Mayor James M. Diodati and Members of Municipal Council SUBMITTED BY: Finance SUBJECT: F-2015-08 2014 Sleep Cheap Event RECOMMENDATION For the information of Council. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Sleep Cheap is a fundraising event held annually in the City. The Sleep Cheap event is coordinated by the City in co-operation with members of the City's tourism industry. The grant recipients are selected by the organizing committee. All groups seeking grants must apply to the committee annually. The 2014 event raised $126,250. Overall, since its inception in 2004, the event has raised 1,444,460. Staff recommends, on behalf of the committee, that grants be issued to the various recipients as outlined in the attachment. FINANCIAL/STAFFING/LEGAL IMPLICATIONS The various tourism operators contribute all of the funds raised during the Sleep Cheap event. Each of the contributing tourism operators receive a receipt for the funds collected and contributed to the City. A committee made up of a Councillor, City staff and tourism operators coordinate the event, collect the funds and determine the recipients for the monies raised. Attached is the committee's recommended list of recipients with the designated amounts. 2 F-2015-08 February 24, 2015 LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Distribution of funds. ;J "I Recommended by: Todd Harrisorp, Director of Finance Respectfully submitted: )L-11‘41-11LA) P Y Ken Todd, Chief Administrative Officer T. Clark 3 F-2015-08 February 24, 2015 Sleep Cheap 2014 - Distribution of Funds Amount Charity Granted Education Foundation of Niagara $731.00 For the Needy Not the Greedy $7,000.00 Habitat for Humanity $10,000.00 Heartland Forest $10,000.00 J Singers Choir $3,000.00 Kristen French Child Advocacy Centre Niagara $5,000.00 Niagara Falls Community Outreach $15,000.00 Niagara Foundation for Family & Children's Services (FACS) $3,750.00 Niagara Regional Science and Engineering Fair $2,750.00 Project Share $10,000.00 Salvation Army $533.00 Stamford Collegiate Secondary School $7,000.00 United Way $1,207.58 Walker Family Cancer Centre - One Foundation $4,083.00 WARM $6,000.00 Total Contributions to Charity $86,054.58 Niagara Community Foundation $40,195.42 Grand Total $126,250.00 F-2015-10 Niagaraaalls February 24, 2015 REPORT TO: Mayor James M. Diodati and Members of Municipal Council SUBMITTED BY: Finance SUBJECT: F-2015-10 Municipal Accounts RECOMMENDATION That Council approve the municipal accounts totaling $11,219,521.39 for the period January 8, 2015 to February 4, 2015. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The accounts have been reviewed by the Director of Finance and the by-law authorizing payment is listed on tonight's Council agenda. 7 7 .,( Recommended by: �L / —�, Todd Harr' on, Director of Finance j.....,14.44.4) . Respectfully submitted: Ken Toll, Chief Administrative Officer Page 1 of 12 CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTS Vendor Name Cheque No. Cheque Date Purpose Amount 101 DELIVERY 381404 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 90.40 1089392 ONT.INC 380964 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,977.50 1186566 ONTARIO INC.o/a TIM HORTONS#1351 381405 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 87.85 1578917 ONTARIO LIMITED 0/A WILLIAMS PLUMBING AND HEATII 380965 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 7,792.28 1578917 ONTARIO LIMITED 0/A WILLIAMS PLUMBING AND HEATII 381406 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 661.04 1578954 ONTARIO LIMITED 381162 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,528.43 1683014 ONTARIO INC 381407 29-Jan-2015 REFUND 750.00 1776415 ONTARIO LTD 0/A PURE WATER NIAGARA 381163 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 575.00 1776415 ONTARIO LTD 0/A PURE WATER NIAGARA 381408 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 335.00 1776415 ONTARIO LTD 0/A PURE WATER NIAGARA 381625 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 11.50 2 BROTHERS RENOVATIONS 381409 29-Jan-2015 REFUND 500.00 2030688 ONTARIO LTD 380966 14-Jan-2015 LEASES AND RENTS 9,134.16 2095527 ONTARIO LTD 381626 04-Feb-2015 LICENSE AGREEMENT 1,130.00 2249419 ONTARIO INC 380967 14-Jan-2015 LEASES AND RENTS 2,260.00 2348441 ONTARIO INC 0/A MR QUICK CAR WASH 381164 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 308.49 407 ETR EXPRESS TOLL ROUTE 380968 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 217.99 407 ETR EXPRESS TOLL ROUTE 381627 04-Feb-2015 SERVICES 244.47 8314004 CANADA INC 381628 04-Feb-2015 REFUND 150.00 942352 ONTARIO LIMITED 0/A BRISK ALL GLASS 380969 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 210.80 984265 ONTARIO LTD aka CIRCLE P PAVING 380970 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 12,104.80 984307 ONTARIO LIMITED 381410 29-Jan-2015 REFUND 1,500.00 A&A EXHAUST SYSTEMS 381411 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 101.16 AATEL COMMUNICATIONS INC 381165 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 299.45 ACA ENGINEERING SERVICES 380971 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 904.00 ACA ENGINEERING SERVICES 381166 21-Jan-2015 CONSULTING SERVICES 5,800.96 ACCU LOCK AND SECURITY 380972 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 163.85 ACCU LOCK AND SECURITY 381412 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 10.51 ADVANCE TOWING 380973 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 553.70 ADVANCE TOWING 381167 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 197.75 ADVANCE TOWING 381413 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 45.20 ADVANCE TOWING 381630 04-Feb-2015 SERVICES 887.05 AECOM CANADA LTD 380974 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 4,481.36 AIR CARE SERVICES 380975 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,211.93 AIR CARE SERVICES 381168 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,189.04 AIR CARE SERVICES 381399 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 3,277.00 AIR CARE SERVICES 381414 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 955.47 AIR CARE SERVICES 381631 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 473.19 AIRON HVAC 380976 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 9,046.14 AIRON HVAC 381169 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 1,155.76 AIRON HVAC 381632 04-Feb-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 1,966.20 ALEXANDER,RICHARD 381633 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 122.89 ALFIDOME CONSTRUCTION 380977 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 71,196.46 ALFIDOME CONSTRUCTION 381170 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 21,556.19 ALFIDOME CONSTRUCTION 381415 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 9,791.45 ALFIDOME CONSTRUCTION 381415 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 22,661.25 ALISON'S SPORTS&AWARDS 380978 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 19.49 ALL PRO PLUMBING&HEATING 381634 04-Feb-2015 REFUND 1,250.00 ALL STAR MECHANICAL PLUMBING&HEATING 381417 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 3,000.00 ALLAN,WAYNE 381171 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 124.29 ALLEN,GEOFF 381416 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 172.88 ALTEC INDUSTRIES LTD 380979 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 3,653.02 ALTIERI BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD 380980 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 88.12 ALTRO CANADA INC. 381172 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 276.62 AMALGAMATED TRANSIT UNION#1582 380981 14-Jan-2015 PAYROLL REMITTANCE 3,455.85 AMCTO 381635 04-Feb-2015 MEMBERSHIP 1.687.09 AMEC ENVIRONMENT&INFRASTRUCTURE 380982 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 22,094.79 AMEC ENVIRONMENT&INFRASTRUCTURE 381173 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 48,879.25 AMEC ENVIRONMENT&INFRASTRUCTURE 381418 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 1,011.35 AMEC ENVIRONMENT&INFRASTRUCTURE 381636 04-Feb-2015 SERVICES 3,806.41 AMERICAN BUS ASSOCIATION US DRAFT 19-Jan-2015 MEMBERSHIP 614.00 AMPED SOLAR DESIGNS 381174 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 1,000.00 ANTHONY'S EXCAVATING CENTRAL INC 381176 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 652.58 ANTONIO,CHUCK 381419 29-Jan-2015 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 54.54 AQUAFOR BEECH LIMITED 381420 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 16,088.24 ARCHER TRUCK SERVICES LTD 381421 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 5,529.95 ARCHER TRUCK SERVICES LTD 381637 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 4,159.50 ARIVA 380983 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 70.40 ARIVA 381177 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,106.94 ARIVA 381422 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 352.00 ARMBRO TRANSPORT INC 380984 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 53.70 ARTISTA DESIGN&PRINT INC 380985 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 361.60 ARTISTA DESIGN&PRINT INC 381638 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 33.90 ASSOCIATED ENGINEERING(ONT)LTD 380986 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 13,066.19 Page 2 of 12 CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTS Vendor Name Cheque No. Cheque Date Purpose Amount ATTRACTIONS ONTARIO 381639 04-Feb-2015 MEMBERSHIP 141.25 AUTO PARTS CENTRES 381423 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 141.96 B&B LIFT TRUCK SERVICE 380989 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 290.63 B&C TRUCK CENTRE 380990 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 292.38 BAIN PRINTING LIMITED 380987 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 18.98 BAKER 380988 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 640.34 BAKER 381178 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,615.93 BAKER 381640 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 1,873.16 BANK OF MONTREAL 381179 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 7,236.69 BATTLEFIELD EQUIPMENT RENTALS 381180 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,837.44 BATTLEFIELD EQUIPMENT RENTALS 381641 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 105.85 BATTLEFIELD EQUIPMENT RENTALS 381424 29-Jan-2015 LEASES AND RENTS 1,140.07 BEAUPIT,BEVERLY 381181 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 66.88 BEEKE,MATTHEW 381182 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 172.88 BELL CANADA 381159 15-Jan-2015 SERVICES 276.44 BELL CANADA 381183 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 7.95 BELL CANADA 381160 15-Jan-2015 SERVICES 80.80 BELL CANADA 381184 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 635.08 BELL CANADA 381643 04-Feb-2015 SERVICES 80.80 BELL MEDIA RADIO GP 381185 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 2,214.80 BERGER,AARON 381644 04-Feb-2015 SERVICES 80.00 BERNAT,CLARK 381426 29-Jan-2015 PETTY CASH 382.95 BICKLE MAIN INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY INC 380993 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 792.25 BICKLE MAIN INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY INC 381645 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 549.07 BIGGARS KEY SHOP 380994 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 73.45 BLACK CREEK METAL INC 380959 09-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 56,237.84 BOB ROBINSON&SON CONSTRUCTION 380995 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 25,569.82 BOB ROBINSON&SON CONSTRUCTION 380996 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 29,989.44 BOB ROBINSON&SON CONSTRUCTION 380997 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,672.40 BOB ROBINSON&SON CONSTRUCTION 381427 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,875.80 BOBCAT OF HAMILTON LTD 381186 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,068.14 BOBCAT OF HAMILTON LTD 381646 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 199.63 BOOT SHOP THE 381187 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,678.05 BOUTILIER,J 380998 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 62.45 BOYS&GIRLS CLUB OF NIAGARA 381428 29-Jan-2015 GRANT 16,066.67 BREAK A WAY CONCESSIONS 381647 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 132.21 BRINKS CANADA LTD 381429 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 3,004.73 BRINKS CANADA LTD 381648 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 392.84 BRISSON,CLAIRE 381188 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 29.35 BROCK FORD LINCOLN 380999 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 496.52 BROCK FORD LINCOLN 381189 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 2,496.28 BROCK FORD LINCOLN 381400 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,039.15 BROCK FORD LINCOLN 381649 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 1,302.89 BRODERICK&PARTNERS 381190 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 227.70 BRUNNING,MARGARET 381191 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 65.00 BUILDING INNOVATION 381000 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 2,260.00 BUILDING INNOVATION 381192 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 10,170.00 BULLER,ADAM 381650 04-Feb-2015 SERVICES 500.00 BUTYNIEC,DAVE 381651 04-Feb-2015 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 41.04 C.M. EQUIPMENT ONTARIO INC 381015 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 102.23 C.M. EQUIPMENT ONTARIO INC 381206 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 497.05 CALE SYSTEMS INC 381001 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 3,350.45 CALE SYSTEMS INC 381193 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 1,932.30 CALE SYSTEMS INC 381652 04-Feb-2015 SERVICES 1,209.10 CAMPBELL,CAREY 381653 04-Feb-2015 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 106.50 CAMPEAU,ZACHARY 381194 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 190.40 CANADA POST CORPORATION 381658 04-Feb-2015 SERVICES-BAG SERVICE 1023 813.60 CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF BUSINESS INCUBATION 381654 04-Feb-2015 MEMBERSHIP 559.35 CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATORS 381430 29-Jan-2015 MEMBERSHIP 700.60 CANADIAN DOOR DOCTOR 381003 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 242.39 CANADIAN DOOR DOCTOR 381195 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 678.00 CANADIAN DOOR DOCTOR 381655 04-Feb-2015 SERVICES 3,530.13 CANADIAN LINEN&UNIFORM 381004 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 276.59 CANADIAN LINEN&UNIFORM 381196 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 552.19 CANADIAN LINEN&UNIFORM 381656 04-Feb-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 894.32 CANADIAN LINEN&UNIFORM 381431 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 287.70 CANADIAN LINEN&UNIFORM 381656 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 706.59 CANADIAN NATIONAL 381432 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 3,597 00 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO 381197 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 1,133.00 CANADIAN PORTABLE SERVICES 381657 04-Feb-2015 LEASES AND RENTS 129.95 CANADIAN SAFETY EQUIPMENT INC 381433 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 2,145.76 CANADIAN URBAN TRANSIT ASSOC 381659 04-Feb-2015 TRAINING 3,000.00 CANAVAN,WENDY 381002 14-Jan-2015 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 64.26 CARGILL LIMITED 381005 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,949.28 Page 3 of 12 CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTS Vendor Name Cheque No. Cheque Date Purpose Amount CARGILL LIMITED 381198 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 52,067.46 CARGILL LIMITED 381434 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 19,922.09 CARGILL LIMITED 381660 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 82,268.96 CARLETON UNIFORMS INC 381199 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 18,978.75 CARQUEST 381006 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 546.37 CARQUEST 381200 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 173.32 CARQUEST 381435 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 159.06 CARQUEST 381661 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 238.66 CARSWELL 381007 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 592.88 CATARACT BOWL 381201 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 429.00 CATARACT COLLISION CENTRE 381436 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 7,833.43 CENTURY VALLEN 381202 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,282.55 CERIDIAN CANADA LTD 381009 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 1,874.45 CERMINARA,JAMES 381437 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 150.00 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES 381010 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,237.29 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE NIAGARA FALLS 381438 29-Jan-2015 MEMBERSHIP 2,145.22 CHARLES JONES INDUSTRIAL LTD 381011 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,213.33 CHARLES JONES INDUSTRIAL LTD 381203 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 215.88 CHARLES JONES INDUSTRIAL LTD 381439 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 444.63 CHARNOCK,SIMON 381012 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 100.00 CHEDORE,SARAH 381440 29-Jan-2015 REFUND 212.50 CIMA CANADA INC 381204 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 49,189.71 CIMCO REFRIGERATION 381013 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 7,149.33 CIMCO REFRIGERATION 381441 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 1,875.94 CIT FINANCIAL LTD 381442 29-Jan-2015 LEASES AND RENTS 1.796.70 CITY OF PORT COLBORNE 381443 29-Jan-2015 TEAM ENTRY FEE 700.00 CITY VIEW BUS&TRUCK REPAIR&SALES LTD 381014 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 391.41 CITY VIEW BUS&TRUCK REPAIR&SALES LTD 381663 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 1,555.77 C-MAX FIRE SOLUTIONS 381205 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 352.91 C-MAX FIRE SOLUTIONS 381665 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 935.35 COFFEY GEOTECHNICS INC 381016 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 23,384.22 COGECO CABLE CANADA LP 381666 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 847.50 COLLEE,DOUGLAS 381017 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 175.00 COLLUCCI,KAREN 381444 29-Jan-2015 REFUND 176.82 COMMISSIONAIRES 381018 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 17,335.90 COMMISSIONAIRES 381667 04-Feb-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 14,982.62 COMMISSIONAIRES 381445 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 2,402.91 COMPUGEN INC 381019 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 66,517.73 CONTINENTAL TIRE CANADA INC 381446 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 9,304.47 CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF WELLAND 381664 04-Feb-2015 SERVICES 511.52 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF FORT ERIE 381668 04-Feb-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 12,481.00 COTTON INC 381669 04-Feb-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 23,358.96 COUNSINEAU,THOMAS V 381207 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 166.90 CRAWFORD&COMPANY(CANADA)INC 381021 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 2,805.50 CRAWFORD&COMPANY(CANADA)INC 381670 04-Feb-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 1,232.00 CRE-8-IT SIGNS 381022 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 655.40 CREDIT BUREAU SERVICES CANADA 381023 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 63.64 CRESTLINE COACH LTD 381671 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 70.83 CRICHTON,BRAD 381025 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 175.00 CRICHTON,SCOTT 381024 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 175.00 CUPE LOCAL 133 381026 14-Jan-2015 PAYROLL REMITTANCE 8,341.74 CUPE LOCAL 133 381447 29-Jan-2015 PAYROLL REMITTANCE 8,318.04 D K TECHNICAL SERVICES INC 381216 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 2,635.91 D'AMICO,CARMELA&AMEDEO 381027 14-Jan-2015 REFUND 1,250.00 DARCH FIRE 381209 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 728.85 DARCH FIRE 381672 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 1,837.66 DAVIDSON ENVIRONMENTAL 381210 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 158.20 DAYTECH LIMITED 381448 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 881.40 DECARIA,ALEX 381028 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 150.00 DEL EQUIPMENT LIMITED 381211 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 918.38 DEL EQUIPMENT LIMITED 381673 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 51.66 DELL CANADA INC 381449 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 14,553.38 DEMAR CONSTRUCTION 381030 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 111,946.11 DEMAR CONSTRUCTION 381031 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 5,353.17 DEMAR CONSTRUCTION 381032 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 553.70 DEMAR CONSTRUCTION 381033 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 12.273.02 DEMAR CONSTRUCTION 381674 04-Feb-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 31,152.74 DEMOL'S TIRE SALES&SERVICE 381034 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 950.01 DEMOL'S TIRE SALES&SERVICE 381212 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 183.71 DEPENDABLE EMERGENCY VEHICLES 381035 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 247.81 DEROSIE,DONALD 381213 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 168.56 DESIGN ELECTRONICS 381036 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 464.70 DESIGN ELECTRONICS 381675 04-Feb-2015 SERVICES 393.66 DEVRON PIPE SALES 381037 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 3,603.57 Page 4 of 12 CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTS Vendor Name Cheque No. Cheque Date Purpose Amount DEVRON PIPE SALES 381214 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 8,617.38 DICAN DIGITAL INSTRUMENTS CANADA INC 381450 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 56.50 DIGITAL ATTRACTIONS INC 381676 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 1,695.00 DILTS PISTON HYDRAULICS INC 381038 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 1,356.00 DIODATI,JIM 381215 21-Jan-2015 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 220.93 DIODATI,JIM 381039 14-Jan-2015 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 1,155.00 DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD OF NIAGARA 381451 29-Jan-2015 REFUND 5,000.00 DKR CONSTRUCTION 381677 04-Feb-2015 REFUND 750.00 DOMSON ENGINEERING&INSPECTION LTD 381040 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 1,265.60 DREN,KARL 381678 04-Feb-2015 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 103.68 DROESHOUT,TAMMY 381217 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 67.02 DRUXY'S 381679 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 98.31 DUFFERIN CONCRETE 381041 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 915.30 DUFFERIN CONCRETE 381218 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 1,145.82 DUMONT SECURITY 381042 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 951.64 DUMONT SECURITY 381219 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 486.47 DUMONT SECURITY 381042 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 138.99 DUMONT SECURITY 381680 04-Feb-2015 SERVICES 999.23 EASTLAND,MARI-LYNNE 381043 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 327.70 EASTLAND,MARI-LYNNE 381220 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 50.85 EASTLAND,MARI-LYNNE 381681 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 203.40 ECONOMIC DEVELOPERS ASSOCIATION OF CANADA 380962 09-Jan-2015 MEMBERSHIP 541.08 ED LEARN FORD SALES LTD 381044 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,502.71 ED LEARN FORD SALES LTD 381221 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 102.49 ED LEARN FORD SALES LTD 381452 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 184.90 ED LEARN FORD SALES LTD 381683 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 772.17 ELECTRICAL SAFETY AUTHORITY 381684 04-Feb-2015 SERVICES 2,061.12 ELLIS ENGINEERING INC 381045 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 5,759.50 ELREG DISTRIBUTORS LTD 381685 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 80.18 EMCO CORPORATION 381046 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 5,960.52 EMCO CORPORATION 381222 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 17,630.25 EMCO CORPORATION 381453 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 2,546.91 EMCO CORPORATION 381453 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 224.87 EMCO CORPORATION 381686 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 3,182.08 ENBRIDGE 381047 14-Jan-2015 UTILITIES 8,483.45 ENBRIDGE 381223 21-Jan-2015 UTILITIES 862.95 ENBRIDGE 381223 21-Jan-2015 UTILITIES 1,113.38 ENBRIDGE 381454 29-Jan-2015 UTILITIES 2,114.45 ENTERPRISE RENT A CAR CANADA COMPANY 381224 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 20.00 ENTERPRISE RENT-A-CAR CANADA COMPANY 381225 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 20.00 E-QUIP RENTALS&REPAIRS INC 381048 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 6.72 E-QUIP RENTALS&REPAIRS INC 381226 21-Jan-2015 LEASES AND RENTS 79.83 ETHERINGTON,DAVE 381687 04-Feb-2015 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 178.74 EVANOFF,VICTOR 381049 14-Jan-2015 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 110.00 EVANS UTILITY SUPPLY LTD 381050 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 2,377.52 EVANS UTILITY SUPPLY LTD 381688 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 14,501.42 EVOLUTION TRUCK&TRAILER SERVICE 381689 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 590.10 EXP SERVICES INC 381051 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 6,564.17 FALLS AUTO BODY INC 381052 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 2,501.37 FALLS CHEVROLET CADILLAC 381227 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 29.97 FALLS CHEVROLET CADILLAC 381455 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 36.11 FALLS CHEVROLET CADILLAC 381690 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 272.78 FALLS ELECTRIC INC 381228 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 6,328.00 FANSOLATO,WAYNE US DRAFT 19-Jan-2015 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 27.00 FASTENAL CANADA LTD 381053 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 495.77 FASTENAL CANADA LTD 381229 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,480.70 FASTENAL CANADA LTD 381691 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 1,559.79 FIRE MARSHALS PUBLIC FIRE SAFETY COUNCIL 381054 14-Jan-2015 MEMBERSHIP 100.00 FIRE MONITORING OF CANADA INC 381055 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 1,096.46 FIRE MONITORING OF CANADA INC 381456 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 3,741.91 FIRE SAFETY CANADA 381457 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 2,631.49 FLEXO PRODUCTS LTD 381056 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,652.81 FLEXO PRODUCTS LTD 381230 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 730.39 FLEXO PRODUCTS LTD 381458 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,179.59 FLEXO PRODUCTS LTD 381458 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 15.14 FLEXO PRODUCTS LTD 381692 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 1,438.64 FONTASY SIGN&DISPLAY INC 381057 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 2,296.16 FOREMOST HOMES INC. 381231 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 750.00 FORT ERIE ECONOMIC DEVEL&TOURISM CORP 381693 04-Feb-2015 ADVERTISING 2,500.00 FRASER,HEATHER 381232 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 225.00 FRONT RANGE SOLUTIONS US DRAFT 19-Jan-2015 MAINTENANCE 4,716.26 GAMMA-DYNACARE MEDICAL LABORATORIES 381459 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 67.00 GAULD NURSERIES LTD 381058 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 4,333.55 GAULD NURSERIES LTD 381233 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 24,667.90 Page 5 of 12 CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTS Vendor Name Cheque No. Cheque Date Purpose Amount GERRIE ELECTRIC WHOLESALE LTD 381059 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 870.51 GIURA PAINT&WALLPAPER LTD 381060 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 125.78 GLENTEL WIRELESS CENTRE 381234 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 12,367.85 GLENTEL WIRELESS CENTRE 381460 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 10,861.29 GLOBALSTAR CANADA SATELLITE CO 381061 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 139.89 GORDON BANNERMAN LTD 381694 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 3,074.73 GRAHAM,PHILIP 381235 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 99.76 GRAND&TOY 381062 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 70.64 GRAYBAR CANADA 381236 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,115.57 GRAYBAR CANADA 381461 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 3,905.86 GRAYBAR CANADA 381695 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 626.92 GREATER FORT ERIE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 381462 29-Jan-2015 MEMBERSHIP 136.73 GREENFIELD GROUP LTD 381237 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 1,214.75 GROOVE IDENTIFICATION SOLUTIONS INC 381063 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 198.82 GROUND AERIAL MAINTENANCE LTD 381238 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 5,904.77 GROUND AERIAL MAINTENANCE LTD 381239 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 4,849.54 GROUND AERIAL MAINTENANCE LTD 381240 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 32,959.51 GROUND AERIAL MAINTENANCE LTD 381463 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 3,048.27 GT FRENCH 381065 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 2,597.46 GT FRENCH 381241 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 3,934.15 GT FRENCH 381696 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 2,347.08 GUARASCI,JEFF 381066 14-Jan-2015 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 144.18 GUARASCI,JEFF 381242 21-Jan-2015 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 127.98 GUILLEVIN INTERNATIONAL CO 381067 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 457.65 GUILLEVIN INTERNATIONAL CO 381243 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 2.983.20 HALCO MOBILE MFG SALES&SERVICE INC 381244 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 621.50 HALF WAY SAND PIT LIMITED 381245 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 3,517.13 HALL,FRED 381069 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 169.49 HALLEX ENGINEERING LTD 381068 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 1,712.86 HALLEX ENGINEERING LTD 381464 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 6,465.54 HAMILTON VIDEO&SOUND LTD 381697 04-Feb-2015 REFUND 1,250.00 HANSLER SMITH LIMITED 381246 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 302.59 HARPER,EARLENE JOYCE 381403 23-Jan-2015 REFUND 193.84 HATCH MOTT MACDONALD LTD 381070 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 1,856.59 HATCH MOTT MACDONALD LTD 381698 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 1,725.51 HD SUPPLY POWER SOLUTIONS 381248 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 49.16 HECTRONIC US DRAFT 19-Jan-2015 OCT-DEC SUPPORT 7,716.00 HETHERINGTON,THOMAS 381071 14-Jan-2015 REFUND 1,400.52 HICKS MORLEY HAMILTON STEWART STORIE LLP 381072 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 8,578.57 HILL,WILFRED G 381249 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 25.14 HOTSY CLEANING SYSTEMS 381465 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 21,752.50 HUNTINGTON,PHIL 381699 04-Feb-2015 REFUND 179.62 HUYS,NATHANAEL 381251 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 175.00 IBEC MACHINE KNIFE LTD 381252 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 42.94 IBEC MACHINE KNIFE LTD 381700 04-Feb-2015 MAINTENANCE/REPAIRS 142.38 IBI GROUP 381253 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 28,575.37 INDEPENDENT SUPPLY COMPANY 381073 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 121.20 INDEPENDENT SUPPLY COMPANY 381466 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 273.75 INFRASTRUCTURE HEALTH AND SAFETY ASSOCIATION 381074 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 2,599.00 INNOVATIVE SURFACE SOLUTIONS CANADA 381254 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 4,941.58 INNOVATIVE SURFACE SOLUTIONS CANADA 381701 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 5,262.93 IT WEAPONS INC 381702 04-Feb-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 9,086.34 J&B PROCESS SERVING INC 381255 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 39.55 J J MACKAY CANADA LTD 381258 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 696.06 J J MACKAY CANADA LTD 381703 04-Feb-2015 MAINTENANCE/REPAIRS 5,050.78 JACKET CELLAR THE 381075 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 3,794.54 JACKET CELLAR THE 381256 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 531.10 JAGUAR MEDIA 381076 14-Jan-2015 SUBSCRIPTION 1,186.50 JARDINE LLOYD THOMPSON CANADA LTD 381257 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 7,744.68 JAX COMMERCIAL FITNESS EQUIPMENT REPAIR 381467 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 254.25 JEWISH NIAGARA 381468 29-Jan-2015 REFUND 10,732.19 JOHN MICHAEL'S 381704 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 500.00 KAMATOVIC,DR RALPH 381705 04-Feb-2015 REFUND 210.59 KANDU POOLS LTD 381259 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 864.00 KARES,TED 381260 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 150.00 KARNER,TIFFANY 381706 04-Feb-2015 REFUND 85.13 KASSAM,AMYN 381261 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 468.76 KENWORTH TORONTO LTD 381262 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 38.48 KERRY T HOWE ENGINEERING LTD 381078 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 20,522.33 KERRY T HOWE ENGINEERING LTD 381707 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 2,264.63 KIMBER,DANAKA 381708 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 91.35 KLENZOID 381263 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 2,170.17 KOLESNIKOWICZ,CORTLAND 381264 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 175.00 KRAWCZYK CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCE INC 381265 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 6,240.54 Page 6 of 12 CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTS Vendor Name Cheque No. Cheque Date Purpose Amount KRAWCZYK CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCE INC 381469 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 1,525.50 KROWN RUST CONTROL 381266 21-Jan-2015 VEH ID#675 535.56 LAERDAL MEDICAL CANADA LTD 381401 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 224.37 LAKE'S MAINTENANCE 381079 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 824.90 LAKE'S MAINTENANCE 381267 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 222.61 LAKE'S MAINTENANCE 381470 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 503.98 LAKE'S MAINTENANCE 381709 04-Feb-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 583.08 LALLOUET,ERIC 381080 14-Jan-2015 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 49.44 LARSON-JUHL 381268 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 2,503.31 LAW CRUSHED STONE 381269 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 18,010.13 LAW CRUSHED STONE 381710 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 1,326.49 LAWLOR&CO(HAMILTON)LIMITED 381471 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 160.35 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC 381270 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 3,656.83 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC 381472 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 3,609.79 LEA,MELISSA 381711 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 120.00 LEE,JONGWOO 381712 04-Feb-2015 REFUND 42.47 LEEDS TRANSIT 381271 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 771.24 LEIDEN'S CONCRETE BURIAL VAULTS LIMITED 381473 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 96.05 LEXISNEXIS CANADA INC 381082 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 105.16 LIGHTNING EQUIPMENT SALES INC 381273 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 354.82 LINCOLN APPLIANCE SERVICE CENTRE INC 381714 04-Feb-2015 MAINTENANCE/REPAIRS 202.27 LIPPERT&WRIGHT FUELS INC 381084 14-Jan-2015 FUEL 18,652.75 LIPPERT&WRIGHT FUELS INC 381274 21-Jan-2015 FUEL 18,219.78 LIPPERT&WRIGHT FUELS INC 381715 04-Feb-2015 FUEL 22,905.78 LIQUID INDUSTRIES CANADA 381275 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 944.68 LISA'S TROPHY SHOP 381475 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 2,808.05 LITTLE,CHRISTINE 381276 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 400.00 LOOPSTRA NIXON LLP 381716 04-Feb-2015 CONSULTING SERVICES 784.22 LOWRY,DYLAN 381277 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 175.00 M&L SUPPLY FIRE AND SAFETY 381093 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,670.30 MAGNUM ATTACHMENTS INC 381085 14-Jan-2015 VEH ID#203 5,251.74 MANOR CLEANERS 381476 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 15.20 MANPOWER 381086 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 1,182.15 MANSIONS OF FOREST GLEN INC 381278 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 2,736.08 MANSIONS OF FOREST GLEN INC 381477 29-Jan-2015 REFUND 2,987.06 MAPLE LEAF COLLISION CENTRE 381087 14-Jan-2015 VEH ID#155 582.02 MASTOGIACOMO,KATRINA 381279 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 40.61 MATER,BRENDAN 381717 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 107.98 MAURICE,STEVE 381088 14-Jan-2015 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 54.00 MAURICE,STEVE 381718 04-Feb-2015 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 54.00 MCBURNEY DURDAN HENDERSON&CORBETT IN TRUST 381158 15-Jan-2015 LAND PURCHASE 67,500.00 MCCARTEN,DON 381478 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 100.00 MCSWEENEY&ASSOCIATES CONSULTING INC. 381479 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 9,475.05 MCV PLUMBING&HEATING 381480 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 3,900.00 MELI,GERI 381481 29-Jan-2015 TRAINING 168.70 MERCER(CANADA)LIMITED 381482 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 900.30 METAL SUPERMARKETS 381483 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 275.90 METAL SUPERMARKETS 381719 04-Feb-2015 VEH ID#186 38.60 METRO FREIGHTLINER HAMILTON 381280 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 4,731.08 METRO FREIGHTLINER HAMILTON 381484 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,738.26 METRO FREIGHTLINER HAMILTON 381720 04-Feb-2015 STORES/INVENTORY 4,423.19 METRO PLUMBING&HEATING 381089 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 43,125.58 METRO PLUMBING&HEATING 381485 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 16,239.67 MHPM PROJECT MANAGERS INC 381486 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 5,932.50 MICK&ANGELO'S PREHISTORIC'S OLDTIMER'S HOCKEY PROGR 381487 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 275.00 MILLER RESTORATION LIMITED 381721 04-Feb-2015 SERVICES 342.66 MILLER,ANGELA 381281 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 63.09 MINISTER OF FINANCE 381091 14-Jan-2015 REMITTANCE 19,200.00 MINISTER OF FINANCE 381488 29-Jan-2015 MEMBERSHIP 1,365.00 MINISTER OF FINANCE 381722 04-Feb-2015 PAYROLL REMITTANCE 5,847.95 MINISTER OF FINANCE 381723 04-Feb-2015 PAYROLL REMITTANCE 96,111.22 MINISTER OF FINANCE/MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION 381490 29-Jan-2015 REMITTANCE 6,963.00 MINISTRY OF ATTORNEY GENERAL 381090 14-Jan-2015 REMITTANCE 932.32 MINISTRY OF ATTORNEY GENERAL 381489 29-Jan-2015 PAYROLL REMITTANCE 932.32 MINO,ZACH 381282 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 175.00 MIRABELLI,SAM 381491 29-Jan-2015 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 141.48 MISIK,DIANE 381092 14-Jan-2015 REFUND 56.50 MMC BUS DIVISION INC. 381492 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 2,327.80 MMM GROUP LIMITED 381493 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 10,158.70 MOASE,SUZANNE 381283 21-Jan-2015 TRAINING 1,900.00 MODERN LANDFILL INC 381284 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 408.58 MODERN LANDFILL INC 381494 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 2,340.15 MODERN LANDFILL INC 381724 04-Feb-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 85.47 MOHAWK MFG&SUPPLY CO 381285 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 616.79 Page 7 of 12 CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTS Vendor Name Cheque No. Cheque Date Purpose Amount MOHAWK MFG&SUPPLY CO 381495 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 695.74 MOHAWK MFG&SUPPLY CO 381725 04-Feb-2015 STORES/INVENTORY 560.62 MONA/MUSEUMS OF NIAGARA ASSOCIATION 381094 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 500.00 MONTGOMERY BROS&NORTHLAND SUPPLY 381286 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 743.54 MONTROSE REALTY DENTAL LAB&RADIOLOGY 381287 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 12,200.00 MOONEY,LLOYD&MOONEY, MARGARET 381288 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 674.00 MOOTE.MATT 381496 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 200.00 MOROCCO,JOHN 381095 14-Jan-2015 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 124.20 MORTON,DALE 381096 14-Jan-2015 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 254.34 MOUNTAINVIEW HOMES LTD 381289 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 830.83 MULLER'S WORKWEAR 381290 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 135.60 MULLER'S WORKWEAR 381497 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 355.83 MULLER'S WORKWEAR 381726 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 193.17 MUNICIPAL EMPLOYER PENSION CENTRE OF ONTARIO 381498 29-Jan-2015 REMITTANCE 3,423.05 MUNICIPAL LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS ASSOCIATION 381291 21-Jan-2015 MEMBERSHIP 439.00 N.S.M. FABRICATING LIMITED 381740 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 452.00 NAN ADAMS 381499 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 99.52 NARDILLI,JOSEPH&NARDILLI,ASHLEY 381500 29-Jan-2015 REFUND 1,750.00 NATIONAL LEASING 381727 04-Feb-2015 LEASES AND RENTS 1,930.59 NEOPART CANADA INC 381728 04-Feb-2015 STORES/INVENTORY 366.01 NEW FLYER INDUSTRIES CANADA ULC 381292 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 5,926.47 NEW FLYER INDUSTRIES CANADA ULC 381501 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,650.99 NEW FLYER INDUSTRIES CANADA ULC 381729 04-Feb-2015 STORES/INVENTORY 7,240.38 NEXTERRA SUBSTRUCTURES INCORPORATED 381293 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 3,143.00 NIAGARA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES INC 381294 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 1,135.65 NIAGARA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES INC 381502 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,311.68 NIAGARA ART CONSERVATION 381523 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,120.00 NIAGARA BATTERY&TIRE 381295 21-Jan-2015 VEH ID#212 959.69 NIAGARA BATTERY&TIRE 381503 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 6,203.94 NIAGARA BATTERY&TIRE 381730 04-Feb-2015 VEH ID#298 244.08 NIAGARA BLOCK INCORPORATED 381296 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 118.88 NIAGARA BLOCK INCORPORATED 381504 29-Jan-2015 LEASES AND RENTS 355.95 NIAGARA CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD 381505 29-Jan-2015 REFUND 750.00 NIAGARA CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP 381297 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 1,996.33 NIAGARA CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP 381506 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 171.72 NIAGARA COMMUNITY FOUNDATION 381097 14-Jan-2015 DONATION 40,311.00 NIAGARA CUSTOM POWDER COATING INC 381507 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 339.00 NIAGARA DRIVETRAIN CENTRE 381508 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 9,467.96 NIAGARA ENGINEERING WEEK 381731 04-Feb-2015 TRAINING 400.00 NIAGARA FALLS ART GALLERY 381509 29-Jan-2015 GRANT 2,250.00 NIAGARA FALLS FLYERS TYKE SELECT 381100 14-Jan-2015 ADVERTISING 100.00 NIAGARA FALLS HUMANE SOCIETY 381510 29-Jan-2015 GRANT 39,795.17 NIAGARA FALLS HYDRO HOLDING 381624 30-Jan-2015 REFUND 447,000.00 NIAGARA FALLS MINOR HOCKEY AA TOURNAMENTS 381301 21-Jan-2015 GRANT 3,300.00 NIAGARA FALLS PROFESSIONAL FIRE FIGHTERS ASSOC 381098 14-Jan-2015 REMITTANCE 7,690.24 NIAGARA FALLS PROFESSIONAL FIRE FIGHTERS ASSOC 381099 14-Jan-2015 REMITTANCE 9,130.70 NIAGARA FALLS PROFESSIONAL FIRE FIGHTERS ASSOC 381511 29-Jan-2015 PAYROLL REMITTANCE 7,690.24 NIAGARA FALLS REVIEW 381519 29-Jan-2015 SUBSCRIPTION-3 MONTHS 676.52 NIAGARA FALLS ROTARY CLUB 381512 29-Jan-2015 ADVERTISING 150.00 NIAGARA FALLS SOCCER CLUB INC 381732 04-Feb-2015 GRANT 335.00 NIAGARA FALLS TOURISM 381299 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 50,000.00 NIAGARA FALLS TOURISM 381513 29-Jan-2015 GRANT 30,000.00 NIAGARA FITNESS SOLUTIONS 381733 04-Feb-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 638.45 NIAGARA HINDU SAMAJ 381300 21-Jan-2015 ADVERTISING 200.00 NIAGARA METER SERVICES INC. 381514 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 10,147.06 NIAGARA MOVING&STORAGE INC 381302 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 664.44 NIAGARA OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH SERVICES 381515 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 334.90 NIAGARA OLYMPIC CLUB 381105 14-Jan-2015 GRANT 300.00 NIAGARA ON THE LAKE HYDRO INC 381734 04-Feb-2015 UTILITIES 168.00 NIAGARA PARKS COMMISSION 381303 21-Jan-2015 ADVERTISING 8,506.59 NIAGARA PENINSULA CONSERVATION AUTHORITY 381736 04-Feb-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 1,370.80 NIAGARA PENINSULA ENERGY INC 380960 09-Jan-2015 PROJECT 2014-0047 29,149.18 NIAGARA PENINSULA ENERGY INC 380961 09-Jan-2015 UTILITIES 262,330.36 NIAGARA PENINSULA ENERGY INC 381101 14-Jan-2015 UTILITIES 3,468.08 NIAGARA PENINSULA ENERGY INC 381304 21-Jan-2015 UTILITIES 5,598.20 NIAGARA PENINSULA ENERGY INC 381402 21-Jan-2015 UTILITIES 54.07 NIAGARA PENINSULA ENERGY INC 381517 29-Jan-2015 UTILITIES 238,370.52 NIAGARA PENINSULA ENERGY INC 381735 04-Feb-2015 UTILITIES 5,735.08 NIAGARA PLUMBING SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED 381305 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 53.51 NIAGARA PLUMBING SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED 381518 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 17.83 NIAGARA REGION WIRE 12-Jan-2015 DEBENTURES 585,796.57 NIAGARA REGION WIRE 02-Feb-2015 DECEMBER CASINO PATROL 1,050,000.00 NIAGARA REGION WIRE 02-Feb-2015 DECEMBER WATER 1,979,307.95 NIAGARA REGION WIRE 03-Feb-2015 DEBENTURE 83-2011 45.753.01 Page 8 of 12 CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTS Vendor Name Cheque No. Cheque Date Purpose Amount NIAGARA REGIONAL BROADBAND NETWORK 381306 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 6,956.64 NIAGARA REGIONAL BROADBAND NETWORK 381520 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 6,956.64 NIAGARA REGIONAL POLICE SERVICE 381307 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES(CITY HALL) 50.00 NIAGARA REGIONAL TOWING 381522 29-Jan-2015 VEH ID#295 135.60 NIAGARA RUBBER SUPPLY INC 381524 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 18.33 NIAGARA SAFETY VILLAGE 381525 29-Jan-2015 TRAINING 4,172.00 NIAGARA SOUTH CONDOMINIUM CORP NO.2 381526 29-Jan-2015 REFUND 2,500.00 NIAGARA SPRING SERVICE LTD 381308 21-Jan-2015 VEH ID#679 1,626.53 NIAGARA SPRING SERVICE LTD 381527 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,711.36 NIAGARA SPRING SERVICE LTD 381737 04-Feb-2015 VEH ID#64 1,220.40 NIAGARA THIS WEEK 381528 29-Jan-2015 MEMBERSHIP 936.77 NIAGARA VIDEO PRODUCTIONS 381738 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 1,017.00 NIAGARA'S OWN LANDSCAPING INC 381516 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 6,000.30 NICK'S TRUCK PARTS INC. 381529 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 451.64 NORJOHN CONTRACTING&PAVING LTD 381103 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 154,249.25 NORRIS,BARBARA 381309 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 17.30 NORTRAX CANADA INC. 381530 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,911.23 NSF INTERNATIONAL STRATEGIC REGISTRATIONS CANADA 381739 04-Feb-2015 TRAINING 4,402.94 O.W.O.T.0 381315 21-Jan-2015 TRAINING 4,553.90 OACETT 381531 29-Jan-2015 MEMBERSHIP 237.07 OAPSO NIAGARA CHAPTER 381532 29-Jan-2015 MEMBERSHIP 25.00 O'HARA TRUCKING&EXCAVATING 381104 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 224,306.86 O'HARA TRUCKING&EXCAVATING 381310 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 8,340.53 OLD ST JOHN'S STAMFORD HERITAGE ASSOCIATION 381533 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 300.00 OMERS 381311 21-Jan-2015 REMITTANCE 7.916.40 OMERS 381743 04-Feb-2015 PAYROLL REMITTANCE 2,894.98 OMERS 381741 04-Feb-2015 PAYROLL REMITTANCE 51,321.84 OMERS 381742 04-Feb-2015 PAYROLL REMITTANCE 928,355.46 ON SCENE RESCUE TRAINING 381312 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 847.50 ONEFOUNDATION 381106 14-Jan-2015 DONATION 4,083.00 ONOFRIO,CARL DAVID 381744 04-Feb-2015 SERVICES 60.00 ONTARIO ASSOCIATION OF DESIGNATED OFFICERS 381534 29-Jan-2015 MEMBERSHIP 75.00 ONTARIO ENVIRONMENTAL&SAFETY NETWORK LTD 381313 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 1,293.85 ONTARIO INFRASTRUCTURE AND LANDS CORPORATION 381745 04-Feb-2015 LEASES AND RENTS 9,905.58 ONTARIO MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATORS'ASSOCIATION 381746 04-Feb-2015 MEMBERSHIP 414.71 ONTARIO MUNICIPAL HEALTH&SAFETY REPRESENTATIVES AS. 381535 29-Jan-2015 MEMBERSHIP 125.00 ONTARIO MUNICIPAL HUMAN RESOURCES ASSOCIATION 381536 29-Jan-2015 MEMBERSHIP 819.25 ONTARIO PLUMBING INSPECTORS ASSOCIATION INC 381107 14-Jan-2015 MEMBERSHIP 910.00 ONURALP,HATICE 381108 14-Jan-2015 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 42.66 ONYX CREATIVE STUDIO 381537 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 687.89 ONYX CREATIVE STUDIO 381747 04-Feb-2015 SERVICES 687.89 ORKIN CANADA CORPORATION 381538 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 97.18 OVERLAND CUSTOM COACH(2007)INC. 381314 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 75.42 PAGENET OF CANADA INC 381316 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 17.15 PAONE,MARY 381539 29-Jan-2015 REFUND 213.48 PARIS EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURING LTD 381317 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 6,525.21 PARKWAY TOWING&STORAGE 381748 04-Feb-2015 VEH ID#532 423.75 PARLATORE,MARISA 381540 29-Jan-2015 REFUND 500.00 PARSONS 381109 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 22,317.50 PARSONS 381318 21-Jan-2015 CONSULTING SERVICES 4,252.34 PARTSOURCE 381110 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 101.64 PARTSOURCE 381319 21-Jan-2015 VEH ID#174 173.40 PATERSON,ANDREW 381541 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 175.00 PBI-PRINTING BY INNOVATION INC 381749 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 755.97 PCA CONTRACTING LTD 381320 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 316.40 PEC ROOF MAINTENANCE 381542 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 1,335.98 PENINSULA CONSTRUCTION INC. 381543 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 5,508.75 PENINSULA PEST CONTROL LTD 381321 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 375.16 PENINSULA PEST CONTROL LTD 381544 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 113.00 PENINSULA PEST CONTROL LTD 381750 04-Feb-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 194.36 PENNER BUILDING CENTRE 381545 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 11.97 PERFORMANCE PLUMBING AND HEATING 381546 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 900.00 PERRI-MED 381322 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 1,400.00 PIGDENANGELICA 381323 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 21.23 PINERIDGE TREE SERVICE LTD 381324 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 7,119.00 PINERIDGE TREE SERVICE LTD 381547 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 4,271.40 PISANO,ANDREW 381548 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 175.00 PITNEY BOWES GLOBAL CREDIT SERVICES 381549 29-Jan-2015 LEASES AND RENTS 220.79 PITNEY WORKS 381325 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 22,600.00 PITNEY WORKS 381751 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 1,852.87 PLAYWRIGHTS NIAGARA 381111 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 200.00 POLLARD,GUY CHRISTOPHER 381326 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 7.26 PRAXAIR 381327 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 247.07 PRAXAIR 381550 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 598.49 Page 9 of 12 CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTS Vendor Name Cheque No. Cheque Date Purpose Amount PRAXAIR 381752 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 187.29 PREVOST COACH TRANSIT 381328 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 680.99 PREVOST COACH TRANSIT 381551 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 2,622.97 PREVOST COACH TRANSIT 381753 04-Feb-2015 STORES/INVENTORY 178.45 PRINTING HOUSE LTD 381329 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 122.04 PRINTING HOUSE LTD 381552 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 101 14 PRINTING HOUSE LTD 381754 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 786.99 PROJECT SHARE 381553 29-Jan-2015 GRANT 24,866.67 PROSECUTORS'ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO 381330 21-Jan-2015 MEMBERSHIP 495.00 PROVINCIAL CONSTRUCTION(NIAGARA FALLS)LTD 381112 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 177,470.89 PUROLATOR COURIER 381554 29-Jan-2015 COURIER 22.65 PUROLATOR COURIER 381756 04-Feb-2015 COURIER 177.70 PVS CONTRACTORS 381331 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 15,279.49 QUINTE PLASTICS 381555 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 657.66 R&W HOIST REPAIRS LTD 381345 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 1,728.56 R E P CO. 381337 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 94.42 R J SMITH EQUIPMENT INC 381339 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,898.40 R J SMITH EQUIPMENT INC 381564 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 2,146.88 R J SMITH EQUIPMENT INC 381760 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 1,508.55 R STASIAK ENGINEERING INC 381343 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 1,474.65 R STASIAK ENGINEERING INC 381568 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,146.95 R W HAMILTON LTD 381344 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 247,71 R.J. BURNSIDE&ASSOCIATES LIMITED 381338 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 2,712.00 RACO AUTO SUPPLY LTD 381332 21-Jan-2015 STORES/INVENTORY 1,304.75 RADFORD.WILLIAM 381333 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 17500 RAMPADO,RITO 381334 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 750.00 RBC LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 381556 29-Jan-2015 REMITTANCE 1,532.63 RESOUND MUSIC LICENSING COMPANY 381562 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 232.23 REALTAX INC 381557 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 4,864.65 REALTAX INC 381335 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 875.75 REALTAX INC 381757 04-Feb-2015 SERVICES 3,734.65 RECEIVER GENERAL 381113 14-Jan-2015 REMITTANCE 599,017.63 RECEIVER GENERAL 381114 14-Jan-2015 REMITTANCE 1,065.72 RECEIVER GENERAL 381558 29-Jan-2015 PAYROLL REMITTANCE 1,207.94 RECEIVER GENERAL 381559 29-Jan-2015 PAYROLL REMITTANCE 535.056.45 REFRIGERATION ENERGY SOLUTIONS LTD 381560 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 302.84 REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF NIAGARA 381115 14-Jan-2015 TRAINING 11,659.30 REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF NIAGARA 381561 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 4,396.03 REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF NIAGARA 381758 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 1,100.00 REGO,JEFF 381336 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 175.00 RICHARDSON,RICK 381759 04-Feb-2015 SERVICES 80.00 RIVER REALTY DEVELOPMENT INC 381563 29-Jan-2015 REFUND 1,250.00 ROADSIDE RENTALS INC 381761 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 1,418.13 ROCHESTER MIDLAND LIMITED 381340 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 2,527.04 ROCHESTER MIDLAND LIMITED 381565 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 2,936.49 ROCHON ENGINEERING 381792 04-Feb-2015 REFUND 1,250.00 RODRIGUEZ,JUAN 381341 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 175.00 ROGERS WIRELESS INC 381116 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 1,440.10 ROGERS WIRELESS INC 381566 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES(PARKING&TRAFFIC) 1,497.45 ROGERS WIRELESS INC 381762 04-Feb-2015 SERVICES(TRANSIT) 1,440.10 ROY,RYAN 381342 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 500.00 ROYAL BANK 380963 12-Jan-2015 ADMINISTRATIVE 3,899.80 ROZON.MATT 381567 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 175.00 RSL 381763 04-Feb-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 1,037.07 SACCO CONSTRUCTION LTD 381118 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 7,826.95 SACCO CONSTRUCTION LTD 381569 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 8.620.77 SAFETY KLEEN CANADA INC 381570 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 492.83 SAFETY MEDIA INC 381571 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,280.29 SANI GEAR 381572 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 181.09 SANI GEAR 381764 04-Feb-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 2,719.07 SANTOS,AYALA SAMUEL 381346 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 750.00 SCHILLER,JENNIFER 381347 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 57.13 SCHOOLHOUSE PRODUCTS INC 381119 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 3,067.95 SCOTT BEST SEWER SERVICES 381120 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 339.00 SCOTT BEST SEWER SERVICES 381348 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 282.50 SCOTT BEST SEWER SERVICES 381573 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 847.50 SCOTT BEST SEWER SERVICES 381573 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 875.75 SCOTT CONSTRUCTION NIAGARA INC 381765 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 15,595.82 SEALER WORKS 381122 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 570.45 SEALER WORKS 381351 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 389.85 SEASON GROUP CORPORATION 381350 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 1,256.56 SEAWAY FLUID POWER GROUP 381121 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 138.43 SEAWAY FLUID POWER GROUP 381349 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,531.72 SEAWAY FLUID POWER GROUP 381574 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 462.20 Page 10 of 12 CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTS Vendor Name Cheque No. Cheque Date Purpose Amount SEAWAY FLUID POWER GROUP 381766 04-Feb-2015 STORES/INVENTORY 46.61 SERVICEMASTER CLEAN OF NIAGARA 381352 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 3,072.56 SERVICEMASTER CLEAN OF NIAGARA 381575 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 2,916.37 SERVICEMASTER CLEAN OF NIAGARA 381767 04-Feb-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 1,395.55 SETON 381123 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 122.04 SETON 381576 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 88.37 SHEEHAN'S TRUCK CENTRE INC 381124 14-Jan-2015 VEH ID#520 329.23 SHEEHAN'S TRUCK CENTRE INC 381768 04-Feb-2015 VEH ID#102 133.65 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS 381353 21-Jan-2015 STORES/INVENTORY 443.07 SHRED IT INTERNATIONAL ULC 381125 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 108.16 SIBLEY&ASSOCIATES INC 381577 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 706.25 SIGNATURE SIGNS 381355 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 745.80 SIGNATURE SIGNS 381578 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 13,255.35 SIMPLEX GRINNELL 381356 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 299.40 SIMPLISTIC LINES INC 381579 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,237.96 SOCAN 381580 29-Jan-2015 SUBSCRIPTION 1,057.15 SOCIETY OF PUBLIC INSURANCE ADMINISTRATORS OF ONTARI( 381357 21-Jan-2015 MEMBERSHIP 250.00 SOCIETY OF PUBLIC INSURANCE ADMINISTRATORS OF ONTARIC 381769 04-Feb-2015 TRAINING 120.00 SOLAR PURE ENERGIES INC. 381755 04-Feb-2015 REFUND 500.00 SOUTHWEST BINDING SYSTEMS LTD 381358 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 310.75 SPEEDPRO IMAGING 381126 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 357.08 SPEEDPRO IMAGING 381581 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 929.99 SPIRONELLO,DEAN 381772 04-Feb-2015 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 78.30 ST CATHARINES FREIGHTLINER TRUCK&TRACTOR 381361 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 2,965.97 ST CATHARINES FREIGHTLINER TRUCK&TRACTOR 381773 04-Feb-2015 VEH ID#130 1,018.49 ST JOHN AMBULANCE 381584 29-Jan-2015 GRANT 36,458.09 STACEY'S MOBILE AUTO GLASS 381582 29-Jan-2015 VEH ID#2192 282.50 STAMFORD HOME HARDWARE 381359 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 100.69 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 381127 14-Jan-2015 STORES/INVENTORY 734.78 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 381360 21-Jan-2015 STORES/INVENTORY 1,823.39 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 381583 29-Jan-2015 STORES/INVENTORY 101.70 STEED&EVANS LIMITED 381128 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 1,297.69 STEED&EVANS LIMITED 381774 04-Feb-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 20,746.80 STEPHENSON'S RENTAL SERVICES 381129 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 3,280.27 STEPHENSON'S RENTAL SERVICES 381362 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 3,280.27 STITCH IT 381130 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 41.79 STITCH IT CANADA'S TAILOR 381775 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 82.45 STORAGE NIAGARA 381776 04-Feb-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 536.75 STREAMLINE UPHOLSTERY INC 381131 14-Jan-2015 VEH ID#103 920.95 STREAMLINE UPHOLSTERY INC 381585 29-Jan-2015 VEH ID#145 824.90 SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA-BILLING DEPT. 381133 14-Jan-2015 REMITTANCE 820.57 SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA-BILLING DEPT. WIRE 02-Feb-2015 FEBRUARY PREMIUMS 392,343.23 SUN MEDIA CORPORATION 381364 21-Jan-2015 ADVERTISING 3,445.94 SUN MEDIA CORPORATION 381587 29-Jan-2015 ADVERTISING 565.00 SUNCOR ENERGY PRODUCTS PARTNERSHIP 381132 14-Jan-2015 FUEL 54,616.35 SUNCOR ENERGY PRODUCTS PARTNERSHIP 381363 21-Jan-2015 FUEL 1,020.50 SUNCOR ENERGY PRODUCTS PARTNERSHIP 381586 29-Jan-2015 FUEL 56,014.83 SUNCOR ENERGY PRODUCTS PARTNERSHIP 381777 04-Feb-2015 FUEL 32,360.36 SUPERIOR LAUNDRY SERVICE LTD. 381136 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 89.84 SUPERIOR LAUNDRY SERVICE LTD. 381366 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 665.59 SUPERIOR LAUNDRY SERVICE LTD. 381589 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 477.44 SUPERIOR LAUNDRY SERVICE LTD. 381780 04-Feb-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 250.30 SUPERIOR PROPANE 381365 21-Jan-2015 FUEL 1,764.59 SUPERIOR PROPANE 381588 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 29.67 SUPERIOR WHOLESALE FOODS 381135 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 566.77 SYLOGIST LTD 381137 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 36,067.24 TALK WIRELESS INC 381368 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,294.65 TALK WIRELESS INC 381590 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 338.83 TALK WIRELESS INC 381781 04-Feb-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 691.56 TAXITAB 381591 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 4,458.75 TAXITAB 381782 04-Feb-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 4,581.70 TAYLORS WATER SERVICE 381138 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 65.00 TAYLORS WATER SERVICE 381783 04-Feb-2015 SERVICES 130.00 TD CANADA TRUST 381139 14-Jan-2015 REFUND 841.13 TD CANADA TRUST 381369 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 82.26 TDI INTERNATIONAL AG INC 381370 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 64,769.74 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY 381593 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 8,974.86 TENAQUIP LIMITED 381371 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 772.11 TENNANT SALES AND SERVICE COMPANY 381140 14-Jan-2015 EQUIPMENT 42,838.87 TERANET INC 381594 29-Jan-2015 ADMINISTRATIVE 10,000.00 THE GROUNDS GUYS 381064 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 19,211.37 THOROWEST CONSTRUCTION LTD 381595 29-Jan-2015 REFUND 2,500.00 THOS. R. BIRNIE&SONS 381372 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 750.00 THOS. R. BIRNIE&SONS 381596 29-Jan-2015 REFUND 750.00 Page 11 of 12 CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTS Vendor Name Cheque No. Cheque Date Purpose Amount THUSUSKA,JEFF 381785 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 172.88 THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR 381597 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 664.88 TIKKY,MARIANNE 381141 14-Jan-2015 PETTY CASH 141.45 TIM HORTONS STORE#30 381373 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 83.00 TODD,KEN 381142 14-Jan-2015 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 99.90 TODD,KEN 381786 04-Feb-2015 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 215.62 TOM JAMES TOWING 381598 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 169.50 TOOLBOX 381374 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 2,541.59 TOP NOTCH PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS INC 381599 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 121.02 TOROMONT INDUSTRIES LTD 381375 21-Jan-2015 VEH ID#205 4,425.69 TORONTO STAMP INC 381376 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 77.63 TORONTO STAMP INC 381787 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 138.76 TOTAL LAND CARE SERVICES 381377 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 4,025.28 TOTAL LAND CARE SERVICES 381600 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 4,349.12 TOUCHSTONE SITE CONTRACTORS 381143 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 20,993.18 TRANSAXLE PARTS(HAMILTON)INC. 381378 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,080.73 TRAPEZE SOFTWARE ULC 381601 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 113,621.50 TRAPEZE SOFTWARE ULC 381788 04-Feb-2015 STORES/INVENTORY 496.06 TWARDAWSKY,NICK 381789 04-Feb-2015 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 110.16 UNITED WAY 381161 19-Jan-2015 DONATION 1,207.58 UNITED WAY 381602 29-Jan-2015 PAYROLL REMITTANCE 2,021.00 UPPER CANADA CONSULTANTS 381379 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 2,390.52 UPPER CANADA CONSULTANTS 381603 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 30,441.18 URBAN&ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT INC 381145 14-Jan-2015 CONSULTING SERVICES 8,062.55 V GIBBONS CONTRACTING LTD 381381 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 2,766.42 VALLEY BLADES LIMITED 381380 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 8,022.37 VAN HOUTTE COFFEE SERVICES INC CO 38 381146 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 136.55 VAN HOUTTE COFFEE SERVICES INC CO 38 381604 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 135.63 VIKING LIVES LTD 381382 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 2,597.09 VIKING LIVES LTD 381605 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 3,630.89 VIKING CIVES LTD 381791 04-Feb-2015 VEH ID#131 381.27 VILLELLA,NICK 381606 29-Jan-2015 REFUND 750.00 VISELLI,PAUL SEBASTIAN 381607 29-Jan-2015 REFUND 750.00 WAJAX EQUIPMENT#30 381147 14-Jan-2015 VEH ID#214 8,787.44 WAJAX EQUIPMENT#30 381383 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 374.38 WAJAX EQUIPMENT#30 381608 29-Jan-2015 VEH ID# 594.15 WAJAX EQUIPMENT#30 381793 04-Feb-2015 VEH ID#186 222.61 WAJAX POWER SYSTEMS 381384 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 4,832.30 WAJAX POWER SYSTEMS 381609 29-Jan-2015 VEH ID#87 11,589.38 WAJAX POWER SYSTEMS 381794 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 1,271.57 WAJAX POWER SYSTEMS 381609 29-Jan-2015 STORES/INVENTORY 475.40 WAJAX POWER SYSTEMS 381794 04-Feb-2015 STORES/INVENTORY 6,675.19 WALKER AGGREGATES INC 381148 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,081.42 WALKER AGGREGATES INC 381610 29-Jan-2015 2,658.51 WALKER AGGREGATES INC 381796 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 3,329.58 WALKER,JOSEPH 381795 04-Feb-2015 REFUND 166.50 WARCHALA,MICHAEL 381797 04-Feb-2015 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 139.32 WASTE MANAGEMENT 381385 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 88.96 WASTE MANAGEMENT 381611 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 102.66 WATERFORD SAND&GRAVEL LIMITED 381386 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 4,048.73 WEBB,DAVE 381798 04-Feb-2015 GRANT 560.00 WELDDARE METAL WORKS LTD 381612 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 40.68 WELMAR RECREATIONAL PRODUCTS 381613 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 569.18 WESCO DISTRIBUTION CANADA INC 381150 14-Jan-2015 STORES/INVENTORY 144.14 WESCO DISTRIBUTION CANADA INC 381387 21-Jan-2015 STORES/INVENTORY 590.67 WESTPIER MARINE&INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY INC. 381151 14-Jan-2015 STORES/INVENTORY 770.25 WESTPIER MARINE&INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY INC. 381614 29-Jan-2015 STORES/INVENTORY 347.27 WHITFIELD PLUMBING 381152 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 4,350.00 WHITNEY,MALYSA 381799 04-Feb-2015 REFUND 181.84 WILHELM,JENNIFER 381389 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 175.27 WILKES,SCOTT 381800 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 150.00 WILLIAMS,PHYLIS 381616 29-Jan-2015 REFUND 230.00 WINDYLANE DEVELOPMENTS INC 381801 04-Feb-2015 REFUND 676.21 WINTER FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS 381617 29-Jan-2015 GRANT 28,500.00 WOLSELEY CANADA INC. 381390 21-Jan-2015 STORES/INVENTORY 1,964.31 WOMEN'S PLACE OF SOUTH NIAGARA INC 381618 29-Jan-2015 GRANT 1,612.50 WORK AUTHORITY 381391 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 2,994.06 WORK AUTHORITY 381619 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 450.00 WORK EQUIPMENT LTD 381154 14-Jan-2015 VEH ID#300 1,479.52 WORK EQUIPMENT LTD 381392 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,319.48 WORKING BYTES INC 381393 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 576.30 WSIB 381155 14-Jan-2015 REMITTANCE 7,010.53 WSIB 381394 21-Jan-2015 REMITTANCE 25,765.71 WSIB 381802 04-Feb-2015 REMITTANCE 33,099.19 Page 12 of 12 CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTS Vendor Name Cheque No. Cheque Date Purpose Amount WSIB 381803 04-Feb-2015 PAYROLL REMITTANCE 1,259.48 WSIB COLLECTIONS SERVICES 381620 29-Jan-2015 REFUND 11,064.08 WYLIE,BRENDA 381395 21-Jan-2015 PETTY CASH 763.65 YARNELL OVERHEAD DOORS LTD 381396 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 147.47 YELLOW PAGES GROUP 381621 29-Jan-2015 ADVERTISING 895.36 YELLOW PAGES GROUP 381804 04-Feb-2015 ADVERTISING 721.45 YMCA OF NIAGARA 381397 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,229.81 YMCA OF NIAGARA 381622 29-Jan-2015 UTILITIES 6,429.51 YOUNG SOD FARMS LTD 381157 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 383.71 YWCA NIAGARA REGION 381623 29-Jan-2015 GRANT 4,277.75 ZARAFONITIS,CHRISTOPHER J 381398 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 140.54 Total 11,219,521.39 L-2015-08 NiagaraJalls February 24, 2015 REPORT TO: Mayor James M. Diodati and Members of Municipal Council SUBMITTED BY: Legal Services SUBJECT: L-2015-08 Licence of Land for Temporary Use and Access Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Ontario as represented by The Minister of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure Warren Woods Subdivision Our File No. 2014-151 RECOMMENDATION 1. That the City enter into a Licence of Land for Temporary Use and Access with Her Majesty The Queen as represented by The Minister of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure. 2. That the City enter into an Indemnity Agreement with 1340258 Ontario Limited (Warren Woods, Bob O'Dell), indemnifying and holding the City harmless with respect to the Licence described in Recommendation 1 above. 3. That the Mayor, Clerk and City Solicitor be authorized to execute whatever documents are required to undertake and complete Recommendations 1 and 2 above. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Warren Woods development requires a temporary access across a hydro corridor in order to begin construction of the third phase of its development. The Provincial authorities insist such agreements be with municipalities. BACKGROUND Council has approved the Warren Woods subdivision development. The development is being undertaken in phases. Construction of the third phase is about to begin. The approved configuration of the completed development contemplates a public highway across a hydro corridor. The road is to be supplied to the City at no cost. The corridor is controlled by Hydro One. Hydro One is represented by Her Majesty The Queen as represented by The Minister of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure in matters involving real property. Finalization of the purchase of the right for the permanent roadway is anticipated to be completed within this calendar year. 2 L-2015-08 February 24, 2015 In the meantime, the subject temporary right of access is required to enable the third phase of the Warren Woods development to proceed. Provincial policy requires that agreements of this type be made directly with municipalities. The Licence of Land requires a payment of $2,500.00 and security in the amount of $10,000.00. The Indemnity Agreement between the City and the Developer (1340258 Ontario Limited) will, among other things, require the developer to pay these costs. ANALYSIS/RATIONALE The Licence of Land and Indemnity Agreement will enable Warren Woods to proceed with Phase 3 of its development, in a timely manner. FINANCIAL/LEGAL IMPLICATIONS There appears to be little risk that the permanent roadway will ultimately be secured. CITY'S STRATEGIC COMMITMENT The proposed transaction is in keeping with Council's commitment to financial sustainability, customer service excellence, organizational efficiency and effectiveness and the creation of a well-planned City. ATTACHMENT Map -4 Recommended by: Ken Beaman, City Solicitor Respectfully submitted: Ken Todd, Chief Administrative Officer KB Attachment 11 Schedule A Description of Land Corridor Lands between Garner Road and Kalar Road(hatched in red) Approximately 796 sq.meters , , t'..7 -- • , ) -,_-7-,,---1 ,:i/ ( , ) ( I ..,,- ..x,,,,E , •"'"•'''''''. I i ' '•5,.^-^ V \ I 1 =VrxErfi's Emergeticy HYDRO CORAIDOR ".'''*"....}...._ i Crossng - 1 -------------'' ----- T e m p o a ry 1 L1 ii.z — 'a' .j I i I. • - — \-----...._______________.,____ , , )P1-757- :17 4 A .. ,4.44,,,,....;;LP-- i P•:-4,1" ".-......... ....,.., City's Emergency- I "•:z.r.':'::1';'-' . ct 1 Crossing - 1 Lo --:: a: (796 sq meters) 4....K.,...-....-.,,,...........,th...,,..., .,..,.. '53 scsk-.= WIABERRY OR f VE gOGAVX VqEr a i z 7 ___-- — : Co..S'AP4C E ICTF I-7 , , !" ''' 7' - 8 i 3 — 74+".:••'4 :GT .._. ..\\\ 4R. Z i .' ,r•ilata,7,VI, ::...,. 1'.." '85 A141. RD 110W ILI, _ f - -- .....,.,-. ...en‘.-,A on no•nn ,...., >To ninld.t-k3a,-, A ., --' - PART OF STAMFORD '— ---'"------t-•-- 1--- '' ----;.------"-...- ,,,,,.P-'-' . - i TOWNSHIP LOTS 185&199 CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS , NFGICNA,MUNK:MAL ITV ,,,,14:',.!--1^6.31 WI'n, .U1,{.A.,-0-F..• ...IF iln,E,ol.,J III)IA'I'll ILa I SDRYFVC.`,Frli-7*E12"13F1CATE 474111•71.1.3 SI/.1).112 wriso../.4 ' am po.•• ' _, 1,A k$t - 2=17,:.;.."•`":„,„ ,,. -— KAMM CNISKOI,01000•KEW T.HO*SIRING Lill ,----..,.......,....t ,........- ......-- ._ HONI File 4-Stamford Twp.634-4748 L-2015-09 Niagara,Falls February 24, 2015 REPORT TO: Mayor James M. Diodati and Members of Municipal Council SUBMITTED BY: Legal Services SUBJECT: L-2015-09 Derelict Properties in Tourist Commercial Zone Our File No. 2012-127 RECOMMENDATION 1. That the City enter into an Agreement with Orsini Bros. Inns Inc., on the following terms: (a) The City will waive the fee normally required to rezone the property known municipally as 5989 Fallsview Boulevard, in the City of Niagara Falls, from Tourist Commercial to Deferred Tourist Commercial; (b) The City will waive the fee normally required to rezone the property known municipally as 5989 Fallsview Boulevard, in the City of Niagara Falls, from Deferred Tourist Commercial to Tourist Commercial; (c) In exchange for the consideration described in items (a) and (b) above, Orsini Bros. Inns Inc. will demolish the derelict single detached residence located at 5989 Fallsview Boulevard, in the City of Niagara Falls; and (d) City Staff will assist Orsini Bros. Inns Inc. in trying to obtain a residential assessment for 5989 Fallsview Boulevard, in the City of Niagara Falls, once the single detached dwelling currently located upon that property is demolished. 2. That the Mayor, City Clerk and City Solicitor be authorized to prepare and execute whatever documents, and carry out whatever tasks, are required to undertake and complete Recommendation 1 above. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The zoning of certain properties in the City of Niagara Falls has unintentionally created a disincentive to compliance with the City's Property Standards By-law. This disincentive can be removed by rezoning the property. The contemplated Agreement would remove the unintended disincentive. 2 L-2015-09 February 24, 2015 BACKGROUND As described in the attached Report, there are a number of properties in the City of Niagara Falls that are zoned Tourist Commercial while being occupied by single detached dwellings. Some of the owners of these properties do not want to have single detached dwellings located upon them. They do not want to act as residential landlords. However, if they remove the single detached dwellings from their properties, the properties will cease to be assessed as residential properties and be assessed as vacant commercial land. The resulting reassessment can impose a significant burden upon the property owner. It is not the intent of the City's Property Standards By-law to impose upon the owner of a property, a dramatic increase in municipal taxes because Council, many years ago, thought the tourist commercial area of the City would expand much more rapidly than has proven to be the case. Staff are proceeding with the direction given at the meeting of May 17, 2014, however, information received since that time indicates that the conditional zoning solution proposed at that meeting simply will not achieve the desired goal. The enthusiasm of the owner of 5989 Fallsview Avenue, in the City of Niagara Falls, coupled with the advanced state of deterioration of the single detached dwelling located on that property, have caused Staff to come forward, at this time, with a proposed solution for addressing the situation at that property. The solution contemplates that the owner will come forward seeking a rezoning of the property from Tourist Commercial to Deferred Tourist Commercial. Staff are prepared to recommend this rezoning to Council. Once the rezoning is achieved, the single detached dwelling located at 5989 Fallsview Boulevard in the City of Niagara Falls will be demolished. It is then anticipated that, given the change in zoning, MPAC will assess the resulting vacant lot as vacant residential land. Staff would support Orsini Bros. Inns Inc. in any effort that might be required to secure the residential assessment. ANALYSIS/RATIONALE The proposal is a rather unorthodox way of achieving Property Standards By-law compliance. However, the situation in Fallsview is such that the assessments of the properties are working to frustrate the goals of both the tourist commercial zoning (a residence is a nonconforming use to this zoning), and the Property Standards By-law. Staff were asked repeatedly for a solution other than the conventional route of simply enforcing the Property Standards By-law, and so one was devised. FINANCIAL/LEGAL IMPLICATIONS The overall impact upon the assessment roll will likely be minimal, as the target property is already assessed as residential land. 3 L-2015-09 February 24, 2015 CITY'S STRATEGIC COMMITMENT The proposal is in keeping with Council's commitment to the creation of a well planned City. LIST OF ATTACHMENTS • Report L-2014-11 • Aerial photograph of property Recommended by: / ' ���e14" Ken Beaman, City Solicitor itititlitj- Respectfully submitted: Ke Todd, Chief Administrative Officer KB Attachments L-2014-11 Niagaraaalls May 27, 2014 REPORT TO: Mayor James M. Diodati and Members of the Municipal Council The recommendation( contained !n th'S r pert :,ere City of Niagara Falls, Ontario adopted by Cut') SUBMITTED BY: Legal Services SUBJECT: L-2014-11 Derelict Properties in Tourist Commercial Zone Our File No. 2012-127 RECOMMENDATION That Staff meet with interested landowners to discuss with them the possibility of employing a Conditional Zoning to address the assessment anomalies which have led to urban blight in the vicinity of the tourist core and report back as to the outcome of that meeting. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Council have asked Staff to devise a plan whereby the owners of dwellings that are zoned Tourist Commercial can demolish those dwellings without having to pay taxes calculated upon a Commercial assessment of the resulting vacant lot. This Report discusses a series of possible options and suggests that the least problematic of the options is the use of a Conditional Zoning by-law. The next step would be for Staff to meet with the affected owners and discuss the merits of proceeding with Conditional Zoning. ANALYSIS The Problem: A number of small lots in the vicinity of the tourist core are zoned Tourist Commercial. These lots have single detached dwellings erected upon them. Some of the single detached dwellings are occupied (although none appear to be owner occupied); others are vacant. All of them are in a poor state of repair. The owners of the dwellings do not wish to be in the residential tenancy business. They are awaiting the opportunity to sell their land for a profit. They have been waiting a long time to achieve this end. No sales of any part of the subject lands is known to be imminent. Because these properties are on the fringe of, and in some examples, on the route to, the tourist core of the City, the City would like to induce the owners of these single detached dwellings to maintain them to a higher standard so that their appearance does not detract from the appearance of, and impression of, the tourist core. As indicated above, the owners of the properties have indicated to the Mayor and Members May 27, 2014 -z - L-AV 14-1 .4-` ' of Council that they do not wish to be in the residential tenancy business in the first place. They would be just as happy to remove these dwellings rather than spend any further funds upon them. The impediment to their doing so lies in the interrelation between the tax assessment process and the City's land use controls. The subject properties are all zoned Tourist Commercial; a zoning which permits a virtually unlimited number of commercial uses. However, they were being used as residential dwellings at the time By-law No. 79-200 was passed and continue to be used in this way. This means that they have legal nonconforming status and can continue to be legally used as residential dwellings. The Assessment Act requires that properties should be assessed according to the use that is being made of the property at the time the assessment is made. Thus, these properties are assessed as residential properties so long as a dwelling remains upon them. However, when the dwelling is removed, the properties are assessed as Vacant Tourist Commercial land. Note that MPAC appears to exercise its discretion in favor of the landowner such that, even when there is no occupier of the dwelling, so long as the dwelling remains, they continue to assess the land as Residential land. The policy of the Assessment Act requiring assessment according to current use, appears to be aimed at enabling persons who reside in owner occupied dwellings that are located in Commercial zones to enjoy a Residential assessment of their home. However, the policy is somewhat problematic in the circumstance faced by the City of Niagara Falls where the properties are owned by persons who have purchased the property with a view to either developing the properties, or reselling them at a profit. The Example: An illustration of the problem was provided by an Assessment Appeal decided in 2012 concerning 4926 Walnut Street. That property had a dwelling upon it; the dwelling was removed (it may or may not have been used as a parking lot); the property, a 66 x 101 square foot lot was assessed at a value of $220,000.00. The owner appealed the assessment, arguing that the assessment should more properly be based upon a Vacant Residential land use, which would result in an assessed value of$65,000.00. The Appeal was dismissed, although the assessment was reduced to $194,000.00. The property was subsequently sold for $120,000.00. Possible Solutions: Property Standards The conventional way for a municipality to respond to a situation such as this, is to enforce its Property Standards By-law and cause the owners of the properties to bring the properties up to an acceptable standard of maintenance. A conventional municipality would move ahead with this program, irrespective of the effect upon the assessment of the property owners. It is Staff's understanding that Council does not want to proceed in this way. Appealing an Assessment Given the example of 4926 Walnut, the owners of the subject lands could appeal the reassessments of their lands that will result from the removal of the buildings. They could Fvtay z 1, cu 14 -3 - L-LV14-11 use 4926 as a precedent to demonstrate that vacant commercial lands in the area are not so valuable as MPAC thought them to be. There is a risk that the appeal would not succeed. Community Improvement Area Staff of the Ontario Ministry of Finance indicated to the City that the solution to this problem would be to create a Community Improvement Area around the subject lands. Staff believe this proposal is misguided. A Community Improvement Area Plan implements a scheme whereby a municipality provides incentives to landowners to improve their properties. The goal is to raise the assessments in the area in which the Plan is in place. Here, the goal is to lower the assessments of the properties. The improvements the City wants, namely the removal of the dwellings, will result in higher assessments. The one time incentives provided within a Community Improvement Plan are not suited to this situation. It is submitted that a reasonable landowner will want more than a one time grant to remove a given dwelling and thus, receive an increased assessment. What that owner would want would be an annual grant in the amount of the difference in the taxes imposed on the lot by the removal of the dwelling, until such time as the owner sold the property or built something upon it. Presumably, a purchaser from the current owner would want the same grant to continue until such time as the property was no longer vacant. The Community Improvement Plan sections of the Planning Act cannot be stretched to accommodate a municipality imposing upon itself such unending and indeterminate liability. A one time grant could be proposed, but Staff do not think such a program would be sufficiently attractive to induce the landowners to remove the subject dwellings. Tourist Commercial Zoning Another possibility would be for the City to agree with the owners to initiate Re-zoning applications for the subject lands to alter the zoning of the lands to Deferred Tourist Commercial. The rezonings would be commenced once the owner of a particular parcel had removed the offending building. The down side to this approach is that the building will have to be rezoned again to restore the commercial uses. Such a rezoning application would appear to have a great chance of success given the underlying commercial Official Plan designation. MPAC seems to consider vacant Deferred Commercial land as vacant residential Conditional Zoning The most promising solution that Staff have been able to come up with involves the use of what is known as Conditional Zoning. In a Conditional Zoning By-law, the uses permitted under the by-law change when a particular change in circumstances occurs. For example, a property could be zoned Residential on condition that municipal services reach the road in front of the property. While the property is zoned Residential from the time the by-law was passed, the Residential use cannot occur until the condition, the establishment of the services, is achieved. Note that no further rezoning is required for the use to be implemented and that this form of by-law differs from a Holding By-law in that there is no need for the owner of the land to attend the Council to establish that the May 27, 2014 -4 - condition has been met. The owner would demonstrate to Staff that the services are in place and the Residential land use could then be implemented. In the immediate case, a property from which the dwelling was removed could be zoned a conditional form of Vacant Residential. Provided the dwelling was removed, the uses of the lot would be restricted to one use; Vacant Residential. However, if a further condition was met; that condition being the submission of a complete Application for a Building Permit for a Tourist Commercial use, the uses available to the owner would then become the entire gambit of Tourist Commercial uses. The roots of this idea lie in the 1967 Official Plan which designated the subject lands and those around them Tourist Commercial. At the time, the expectation was that the Tourist Commercial core would expand at a far greater rate than has actually proven to be the case. It was not anticipated in 1967 that in 2014 the City would be confronted with so many residential dwellings situated on lands designated Tourist Commercial in the Official Plan. (The Tourist Commercial designation of these lands was continued into the 1993 Official Plan.) It would appear that during the preparation of By-law No. 79-200, at least some landowners were concerned about the problems they faced with having residential properties on lands designated Tourist Commercial by the Official Plan. The Tourist Commercial Official Plan designation does not permit Residential land uses. It follows that the zoning of the dwellings situated on the lands designated by the Official Plan to be Tourist Commercial, and Residential uses become legal nonconforming land uses. Some owners of single detached dwellings did not want the disadvantages of nonconforming status. The solution, at the time, was the creation of the Deferred Tourist Commercial zone. This zone is, in fact, a Residential zone. The only thing permitted in the zone is a Residential land use. Calling the zoning Deferred Commercial seems to be a mechanism to circumvent the effect of the underlying Official Plan designation. The proposed Conditional Zoning solution has similar characteristics to the solution adapted in 1979, however, it takes advantage of the recent amendments to the Planning Act concerning Conditional Zoning, to enable the landowner to proceed with Commercial use of its lands without having to seek a rezoning. The owner of Deferred Commercial lands will have to apply for a rezoning before Commercial uses could be undertaken. (Albeit, it would be difficult to argue against the rezoning, as the underlying Official Plan designation is Tourist Commercial.) While the total financial impact upon the City of this procedure is difficult, if not impossible, to gauge, loss of revenue will reflect the difference between the assessed value of these properties with an occupied residence upon them, and their assessment as a Vacant Residential land. The by-law will be structured such that, in order to take advantage of the Conditional Zoning, the landowner will have to demolish the dwelling and make its lot vacant within two years of the passage of the by-law. Landowners that elected not to participate will be subject to Property Standards enforcement. Staff would like the opportunity to present the proposed Conditional Zoning solution to the affected landowners, to gauge their enthusiasm for the proposal. may Li, Lu14 -5 - L-2014-11 The Risks Within the program itself, the most significant risk is that MPAC will not recognize the zoning as governing the use being made of the land. However, the permitted use will be Vacant Residential and Staff are prepared to argue with considerable vigor, that the possibility of transforming the permitted uses from Vacant Residential to Tourist Commercial by submitting a completed Building Permit Application, should not be relevant to determining the applicable use of the land for assessment purposes. External to the program, there is considerable risk that this sort of initiative will attract others who feel they have similar complaints and to seek similar relief. It will undermine the ability of staff to enforce the taxation and property standards regimes. A lot of staff and council time will likely be consumed trying to explain the difference between this situation and the situation of the taxpayer who is seeking the explanation. However, the situation that is being addressed by this solution is unique. The solution cannot be regarded as a precedent for solving other assessment and/or tax relief schemes. Its purpose is to address the anomaly that was created when the Tourist Commercial land designations in the Niagara Falls Official Plan established in 1967 have proven, over time, to cover a much broader area than the actual expansion of Tourist Commercial uses has proven to be. The resulting blight is what Council wishes to address with this scheme. Council is looking for a solution to address the problem of urban blight. It has instructed Staff to come up with this program, in the public interest. The benefits to the affected property owners are ancillary to the public interest goal of improving the appearance of the tourist core itself, and the route to that tourist core. CITY'S STRATEGIC COMMITMENT The proposed meeting and possible solution is in keeping with Council's commitment to the creation of a well planned City. Recommended by: ���t Ken B aman, ity Solicitor Respectfully submitted: t14 IWOP Y //Ken TChief 1'dministrative Officer KB �c E ua-t ,.,. , . .47# • 14.,',., 1 � " „ ' S "4.atill, .,,,..*.k. c2i , d p • s� � .4.„. „,....., ., _,..,... . ,. „..„....,,,,.„._,..„.„,„,,„„.,, „.„,:,,i, .:•• • . . ,..,, '41 +a +NAY a ( i ''.1•;•-,,',1, g. Yv f • } 4 A 4 e '�y t , A" •- a '+zit i 1.+ { k A �k Y ryF itF . � 4Ite ai -• -;.,•,-,..•-•: % If' k y�5 'v 0.k f,. max, r k` ���' •... ;•.„.... ,, •'r7.10;:e#;-'' 1 f+ : r 3 i^ $a , 9gt MW-2015-05 Niagara)q 1s February 24, 2014 REPORT TO: Mayor James M. Diodati and Members of Municipal Council SUBMITTED BY: Municipal Works SUBJECT: MW-2014-05 Tile Drain Loan Program 9315 Warner Road RECOMMENDATION 1. That Council approve a loan application from the owner of the subject lands under the terms of the provincial Tile Drainage Act subject to the availability of provincial funding. 2. That Council appoint Nick Golia, Development Technician, to inspect the tile drainage work and file an inspection report for a fee of 2.5% of the final cost of constructed works. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) offers the Tile Loan Program to landowners planning to install a tile drainage system on their agricultural land. OMAFRA will offer a loan to the landowner for a ten year term at a program interest rate. The annual repayments are collected by the local municipalities on behalf of the province and remitted to OMAFRA. BACKGROUND The landowner has requested that his application for tile drainage work this year be considered for funding under the provincial Tile Loan Program. The program offers loans of 75% of the costs to a maximum of$50,000 for a 10 year term at an interest rate of 6%. OMAFRA requires the applicant to receive Council approval to ensure eligibility under this program prior to tile installation. The City currently possesses the required borrowing by-law, 79-129, as set out in the Tile Loan Program. Tile Loans through this program do not affect the City's borrowing limit. Once the works are completed and acceptable to the City's Inspector, the City prepares the loan documents to send to the Region who then forwards them to OMAFRA. 2 MW-2014-05 February 24, 2015 After completing a review to ensure all program requirements are met, OMAFRA will then issue a cheque to the municipality which is forwarded to the landowner for the cost of the constructed works less inspection fees. The City then collects the loan repayments from the landowner and remits them to the Region who forward them to OMAFRA. The landowner has the option to repay the loan in full at any time. ANALYSIS/RATIONALE The Tile Loan Program is a provincial program providing loans to property owners offering financial assistance for tile drain installations. The City acts as a facilitator in the process to ensure the program requirements are being met by the landowner. The City's involvement is limited to staff time in administering the municipality's responsibilities under the program. FINANCIAL/STAFFING/LEGAL IMPLICATIONS The City is not required to provide any funding of these works under this program. Staff time is limited to administering the municipality's responsibilities under this program. Defaulted payments, which are rare, will be treated in the same manner as unpaid taxes. CITY'S STRATEGIC COMMITMENT The report ensures adherence to Provincial Legislation and is consistent with the Council's strategic priorities to promote economic development within the city including alternative service delivery models. LIST OF ATTACHMENTS 1. Location Plan 2. Application 3. OMAFRA Fact Sheet Recommended by: Geoff Holman, irector of Municipal Works L)41--) ^1 Respectfully submitted: Ken Tod , Chief Administrative Officer Rick Volpini MW-2015-05 - Attachment #1 9315 Warner Road Location Ma << _ i ' " r ii �� iit � 1 r1 o. r .. � ti77,,i i „,,,,,,,,:;,:. ' ,4 n.,,,,,'„,:11::'": ,— .2:, __.,,,,,; ' ' 7;1L i d '^h M P `' ',-,:.„ ,„;- , ':,...‘)t,..,,,k.,.,,::,:ii,,,,,,,,,,.%) ::,,,,,,, "Itii!,-,,..-:::',..-,,,- .4: : !Isi.,4 . . ,, ; ',..„ ',..„ ,,,r f1/4„,lit - - .... '..17;‘,,,,i,,;',,......,-,:,:.',.''' '%''''''.1 ' • ' ' ' -4 ;. i'' ''. fid= v ,,Ha, .i;:.,,1!;•': te. if - .3 ,'"This data is provided"as is"and the City of Niagara Falls(the City) t makes no representations or warranties,expressed or implied,as to the $ �. ,,,,,t,....4.""v accuracy or completeness of the data. The maps and drawings contained ry herein are intended for general layout purposes only and shall not be * _, � " considered as official plans or drawings. For further information,please . ;b' • A.. contact the City.The City shall not be held liable for special,incidental, consequential or indirect damages arising from the use of this data. Users '4 assume all risks in using this data. No part of these digital images,or ^„ E information,or hardcopies made from them may be reproduced and/or distributed without this disclaimer ' „„_ -' Februa '2015 Subject Land; { � iagara./-ail3 1 :9412 MW-2015-05-Attachment#2 I/r Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Application for Tile Loan - Form 6 Food and Rural Affairs Tile Drainage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. T.8, s. 3 To the council of the C,TY of N( ..fiARA L(.3 Property Ownership If property is owned in partnership, all partners must be listed. If property is owned by a corporation, list the corporation's name and the name and corporate position of the authorized officer Only the owner(s) of the property may apply for the loan. Ownership Type Applicant Mailing Address and Primary Contact Information Last Name First Name 'Middle Initial i GL V ROc.)5 N Unit Number I Street/Road Number l Street/Road Name I PO Box 368 A 3;L I q _ 1 YO N C/ City/Town Province Postal Code T RoNTo otirrARto M4N (53 Telephone Number Cellphone Number(optional) Email Address(optional) . ice, ;nkole,v frol I ,COM Location of Land to be Drained Lot or Part Lot .PT GORE. 1_0t5 IO 'Concession Geographic Township AND PT". PiD Au0"1 Rp f _ —57 POR NiAo-ARA ALr✓S Parcel Roll Number = 7-25-1000C414300 Civic Address Unit Number Street/Road Number Street/Road Name !PO Box g315 ‘WARNm,R RD C'ty/Town 'Province t Postal Code N I ARA fA%i`3 cpm-rAR►o L2 N 0H5 Description of Drainage System Please attach a sketch of the location of the land you are planning to drain. A mapping tool is available at: www.ontario,caldrainage Approximate Length of Pipe Material Area to be Drained /3-1;v4 -c" , 1131 cxx fuer 2 2 acrel-ha i,/OD -- /app- "moa zo Proposed Outlet !Anticipated Date of Commencement Anticipated Date of Completion MuNIC(PAL •DRATIV DSC, . 5 , :2019 TAN.. ...2c z i5 Estimated Total Cost of Drainage System Material j 46,(00.0c) I Irstallation —j 4 46, O on :DO Inspection Fee Otner Total Cost Amount of Loan Requested* i i* Must be a multiple of$100 not exceeding 75% of total cost of drainage work. 9167E(20'.2108; ©Queen's Pnnter for Ontario,2012 Disponible en francais Page ,f Agreement ung this application for a loan, I understand and agree to the following: .he granting of the loan is conditional upon all work being conducted in accordance with the Agricultural Tile Drainage Installation Act; The approval or refusal of the application is at the discretion of council whose decision is final; c) I will be advised in writing of council's decision regarding the application; d) Should the loan application be approved, an inspector of drainage will complete an Inspection and Completion Certificate and submit it to council; e) Council shall levy and collect for the term of ten years, over and above all other rates upon the land in respect of which the loan is made, a special equal annual rate sufficient to discharge the principal and interest of the loan; f) The Tile Drainage Act sets out procedural matters which pertain to this application for a loan; and g) The sum of all loans issued to me, as an individual, or in my role in a partnership or corporation in this'and any other municipality does not exceed $50,000 for the period of April 1st to March 31st. Signature of Owner(s)/Primary Contact I Date (yyyy/mm/dd) A & Signature of Owner(s)/Primary Contact Date(y y/mm/dd) Notice of Collection of Personal Information Any personal information collected on this form is collected under the authority of the Tile Drainage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. T.8 and will be used for the purposes of administering the Act. Questions concerning the collection of personal information should be directed to: where the form is addressed to a municipality (municipality to complete) and where the form is addressed to a territory without municipal organization, the Drainage Coordinator, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, 1 Stone Rd W, Guelph ON N1G 4Y2, 519 826-3552. 0167E(2012106) Page 2 of 2 http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/englishllanduse/drain-pub.htm MW-2015-05-Attachment#3 http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/landuse/drain-form.htm#municipalities Current interest rate is 6%debentured over 10 years. Please feel free to contact me for forms or more information. The Tile Loan Program S. Vander Veen Factsheet ORDER NO. 07-061 AGDEX 752 OCTOBER 2007 (replaces OMAFRA Factsheet The Tile Loan Program, Order No.01-061) Reprinted July 2010 Installing tile drainage is a very common land OMAFRA Factsheet Agricultural Drainage Licensing, improvement practice among farmers in Ontario. Order No. 01-063).The municipality will inspect the Corrugated plastic tubing,clay and concrete drain tile work and may charge a fee for this inspection. Once a are installed beneath the surface of agricultural land to month,the municipality prepares loan documents to drain excess water from the crop root zone.The benefits send to OMAFRA in the amount of all the loans for of the drainage for crop productivity,farm efficiency that month. After processing these documents, and even for reducing environmental impacts have been OMAFRA issues a cheque to the municipality,which studied and are generally well known to farmers. distributes the loan funds to each individual applicant. In Ontario,the Tile Loan Program, authorized by the The municipality collects the loan repayments from Tile Drainage Act, provides loans to agricultural the owner and remits them to OMAFRA. Defaulted property owners to help them finance these tile payments are rare but are treated in the same manner drainage projects. as unpaid taxes. THE PROGRAM IN A NUTSHELL The loan can be repaid in full at any time. Contact Landowners in a municipality in Ontario planning to your municipality ro find out the amount still owing install a tile drainage system on their agricultural land at the time of your proposed payout date. are eligible for a tile loan under this program. THE LOAN APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITIES All tile loans have 10-year terms,and repayments are Consider installing tile drainage if you are the property made annually. Landowners arc eligible for a loan of up owner and can answer"yes"to these questions: to 75%of the value of the tile drainage work,but the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs • Is there a drainage problem on my agricultural land? (OMAFRA) and the local municipality may have • Will the soil on my land respond to tile drainage? policies that further restrict the total dollar amount of • Is there a ditch or tile where my drainage system can any loan in any given year.The provincial government be discharged that I may legally use? sets the program interest rate at a competitive level.This rate is fixed for the full termofthe loan, regardless of Submit the completed tile loan application to your local changes in market interest rates.The interest rate is municipality before any tile installation begins;some calculated annually, not semi-annually,as is done by municipalities will not approve a loan if tiling starts most financial institutions. Check with your local before council approves the application.Only the municipality for more information on current tile loan agricultural property owner may apply for a loan. policies and interest rates. Farmers wishing to tile drain rented farmland must make their own arrangements with the property owner. The application process is quite simple. Loan application forms,available at your municipality, must If the application is approved,the owner hires a be submitted to the municipal council. Once council licensed tile drainage contractor to do the work. Before approves the application, the owner arranges to have the work begins, the owner must notify the the work completed by a licensed tile drainage municipality to arrange an inspection. contractor (for more information on licensing,see the Ministry of Agriculture, yr7 OntarioFood and Rural Affairs l/' After receiving the loan,the agricultural property owner Under the Agricultural Tile Drainage Installation Act,a is responsible for making the loan repayments.The contractor installing tile drainage systems must be municipality sets the repayment method and schedule— licensed by OMAFRA. either with the usual municipal tax bills or as a special tax bill on the anniversary date of the loan. Determine which THE MUNICIPALITY'S RESPONSIBILITIES collection method is used by your municipality before The municipality must ensure that it has a valid applying for and accepting the loan. borrowing bylaw under the Tile Drainage Act and that it is aware of the details of the current provincial Tile I..oan INELIGIBLE COSTS Program policies.The municipal council must review Some costs are not eligible for funding through the each application for loan and approve or reject it. Tile Loan Program: Council may place borrowing restrictions on tile loans Harmonized Sales Tax(HST): Farmers are eligible to but must ensure that all loan applicants are treated receive a full FIST rebate. equally.Council must appoint a drainage inspector co inspect the tile drainage work and file an inspection Costs Not Related to Tile Drainage: Indirect costs, report.Once the work is completed, municipal staff such as the cost of removing tree stumps,cleaning up prepare and submit the loan documents to OMAFRA. fence lines, land levelling,etc.,are ineligible. After the municipality receives the loan funds,it Costs Incurred off the Property:Any costs incurred distributes them to the loan applicants and is responsible off the applicant's property are ineligible. for collecting the repayments from the property owner and repaying these funds to Ontario Shared Services.A Rebates and Refunds: Discounts received for volume penalty may be charged for late payments. purchases of tile or for early payment are not eligible. RESOURCES Work Performed by an Unlicensed Contractor:Any tile Land Improvement Contractors of Ontario. drainage work that does not comply with the Agricultural www.drainage.org Tile Drainage Installation Act is not eligible. OMAFRA Factsheets: Drain Problems,Order No.84-017 OMAFRA'S RESPONSIBILITIES Tile Drainage Outlets, Order No. 90-233 OMAFRA is responsible for ensuring that (online only): municipalities are aware of the loan policies and Management of Drained Fields, Order No.90-156 program details. OMAFRA also processes the loan Maintenance of the Drainage System, Order No. 87-062 documents received from the municipality and OMAFRA Publication 29,Drainage Guide for Ontario arranges the transfer of the loan funds to the Tile Drainage Act, available at www.e-laws.gov.on.ca municipality.The Financial Service Delivery Branch of Ontario Shared Services is responsible for collecting This Factsheet was written by Sid Vander Veen,P. Eng., the annual repayments from municipalities, as well as Drainage Coordinator, Food Safety and Environment any tile loan redemptions. Division,OMAFRA, Guelph. Agricultural Information Contact Centre: 1-877.424-1300 E-mail:ag.into.omafra@ontario.ca Northern Ontario Regional Office: 1.800-461-6132 www.ontario.ca/omafra ort POO ISSN 1198-712X 111111111111111111111111111111111 galement disponible en franFais * 9 7 - 8 6 1 * o',, (Commande n°07-062) C) 0 3 3 c z C) D 0 z CANADIAN INSTITUTE OF PLUMBING & HEATING L'INSTITUT CANADIEN DE PLOMBERIE ET DE CHAUFFAGE A National Voice with Regional Roots I Une histoire regionale, une voix nationale CIPH February 10, 2015 Office of the Mayor Mayor Jim Diodati The City of Niagara Falls 4310 Queen Street, P.O. Box 1023 Niagara Falls, Ontario L2E 6X5 SUBJECT: Request for Proclamation World Plumbing Day-March 11,2015 On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Institute of Plumbing and Heating, I am submitting this request to have March 11, 2015 proclaimed "World Plumbing Day" in the City of Niagara Falls. With an increased global focus on climate change the plumbing industry around the world, across Canada and right there in Niagara Falls, is a major player in relation to water conservation, use and reuse issues and in the installation and maintenance of equipment using renewable sources of energy. The Canadian Institute of Plumbing and Heating and the World Plumbing Council along with related organizations around the world will join together on March 11, 2015 to raise awareness of this importance of proper plumbing in relation to protecting the planet and its citizens. CIPH is a not-for-profit trade association, founded in Montreal in 1933. Our members include most of the manufacturers, distributors, and allied companies who directly employ more than 20,000 Canadians in the plumbing and hydronics (modern hot water heating) industries. In 2013 CIPH celebrated 80 years of helping our members, the industry, allied organizations, government and consumers. The World Health Organization estimates that over 3 million children under the age of 5 die each year due to water related diseases: simple plumbing solutions could make all the difference in saving lives. In many developing countries, plumbing is either very limited or even non-existent and the lack of an effective plumbing infrastructure is a huge factor in the tragic statistics which show that an unacceptably high proportion of the world population does not have access to safe water or to effective sanitation systems. Respectfully submitted, Peter Stojanov, Onward Sales & Marketing Director—CIPH Ontario Region 295 1'HE \VEST MALL,SL ITE 50+,TORONTO, ONTARIO M9C Ti:L. 11()-(i).5-U11- 1 t), INI'OCL'CIP1!.COM, F.A\ 116-695-0160, AV\V"\\ .CIP11.LO I 410, st AUtiSmONTARIO see the potential January 21, 2015 City Clerk City of Niagara Falls 4310 Queen Street Niagara Falls, Ontario L2E 6X5 Re: Invitation to participate in Autism Ontario's "Raise the Flag" campaign on April 2nd 2015 in celebration of World Autism Awareness Day. Dear Sir/Madam, April 2, 2015, will mark a historic day in Canada for the autism community. For the third year, Canadians will officially recognize World Autism Awareness Day. To formally acknowledge the day, Autism Ontario is inviting all municipalities to proclaim April 2, 2015 as World Autism Awareness Day and raise Autism Ontario's Flag. By participating in our 2015 "Raise the Flag" campaign, you are increasing public awareness about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and the day-to-day issues faced by people with autism and their families. If your community is interested in supporting autism awareness by participating in Autism Ontario's "Raise the Flag" campaign on April 2, 2015, please register your municipality at http://bit.ly/MunRTF2015, on or before March 13, 2015. Last year we requested that municipalities keep the flag for future use.We have a limited number of flags available for those who require one; please make note when completing the online registration if you require one. The March 13, 2015 registration deadline will allow us to mail out flags to those who need it, and to advertise through our communication channels that your municipality will be participating. We recognize municipalities have a formal approval process for recognizing charitable proclamations and may not be able to register by the deadline; if this is the case we still invite you to proclaim the day and raise a flag, if you have one. Please notify us of your participation by emailing rthuvautismontario.com. • M111k f S e kS 4 P AUtiSmONTARIO see the potential We are also excited to share with you that in mid-February 2015 we will be launching a new website that will enable Ontarians to share their stories of inclusion and opportunities. Please visit www.raisetheflagforautism.com in the coming weeks and share your story! For questions regarding participation, please contact Kavitha Krishnaswamy at 1-800-472-7789 extension 238. Sincerely, Autism Ontario's Raise the Flag Committee 1179 King Street west, Suite 004 Toronto, Ontario M6K 3C5 416-246-9592 ext. 238 rtf(aautismontario.com About Us Autism Ontario is the leading source of information on autism and one of the largest collective voices representing the autism community in Ontario. Today, 1 in 94 children are diagnosed with autism in Canada. Through improved public awareness, Autism Ontario strives to increase opportunities and acceptance for over 100,000 people living with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Ontario, ensuring that each person with ASD is provided the means to achieve quality of life as a respected member of society. Learn more at www.autismontario.com Enclosure: • Proclamation Follow us on Twitter! @AutismONT and tweet your Raise the Flag photos with #RaisetheFlagforAutism sfaxr 4:f§ .it. .- ,:-,'+4 kteorponittufas-Autism ga Ontario xz.3rt o- 9"zea`' , ± g,'' 'i s 5 +may` 1.4 $ 3' 41v: AutismONTARIO PROCLAMATION I, (name of Mayor or designate) of the city of (city name) do hereby proclaim April 2 as World Autism Awareness Day WHERE AS: World Autism Awareness Day will be recognized on April 2nd, 2015, in Canada thanks to Liberal Senator Jim Munson's Bill S-206, An Act Respecting World Autism Awareness Day; and WHERE AS: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) affects more than 100,000 Ontarians. Autism Spectrum Disorder is now recognized as the most common neurological disorder affecting 1 in every 94 children, as well as their friends, family and community; and WHERE AS: ASD is a spectrum disorder, which means it not only manifests itself differently in every individual in whom it appears, but its characteristics will change over the life of each individual as well. A child with ASD will become an adult with ASD; and WHERE AS: Autism Ontario (formerly Autism Society Ontario) is the leading source of information and referral on autism and one of the largest collective voices representing the autism community. Since 1973, Autism Ontario has been providing support, information and opportunities for thousands of families across the province; and WHERE AS: Autism Ontario is dedicated to increasing public awareness about autism and the day-to-day issues faced by individuals with autism, their families, and the professionals with whom they interact. The association and its chapters share common goals of providing information and education, supporting research, and advocating for programs and services for the autism community; and THEREFORE: I (Mayor Name or Designate), do hereby declare April 2nd as World Autism Awareness Day. Dated at (municipality), Ontario this 2nd day of April, 2015 WZ4ig4i:,''". ,y_ ';^r•, .x* ,r`„ y. .3,'S *;.7 . Vrt# ,s'r,. .•'. . "' M`-1rs 2z- ;+$;s ,fid ,''`' " ,r^"ta„m"13. `€ y-2 ;*5 l AUtISmONTARIO PROCLAMATION Je, (nom du maire ou de son representant designe) de la ville de (nom de la ville), proclame, par la presente, le 2 avril Journee mondiale de sensibilisation a l'autisme ATTENDU : Que la Journee mondiale de sensibilisation a l'autisme sera reconnue officiellement au Canada, le 2 avril 2015, grace au senateur liberal Jim Munson qui a presente et fait adopter le projet de loi S-206 instituant la Loi sur la Journee mondiale de sensibilisation a l'autisme; ATTENDU : Que le trouble du spectre de l'autisme affecte plus de 100 000 personnes en Ontario. Qu'il est maintenant admis que le trouble du spectre de l'autisme est le trouble neurologique le plus courant puisqu'il touche un enfant sur 94 ainsi que leurs amis, leurs families et la collectivite; ATTENDU : Que le trouble du spectre de l'autisme (TSA) se manifeste differemment chez chaque personne qu'il touche et que ses caracteristiques se modifieront tout au long de la vie de chacun. Autrement dit, qu'un enfant ayant un TSA deviendra un adulte ayant un TSA; ATTENDU : Qu'Autisme Ontario (auparavant Autism Society Ontario) est la principale source d'information et de reference sur l'autisme et l'une des plus importantes voix collectives qui representent la communaute autiste. Que, depuis 1973, Autisme Ontario fournit un soutien, de l'information et des possibilites a exploiter a des milliers de families, dans l'ensemble de la province; ATTENDU : Qu'Autisme Ontario ne menage aucun effort pour sensibiliser le public aux troubles du spectre de l'autisme et aux difficultes quotidiennes auxquelles sont confrontes les personnes autistes elles-memes, leurs families et les professionnels qui interviennent aupres d'elles. Que 1'association et ses sections locales partagent des buts communs d'information et d'education, de soutien a la recherche et de revendication de programmes et de services pour la communaute autiste. POUR CES Je, (maire de la ville ou son remplacant designe), declare, par la presente, MOTIFS : que le 2 avril devient Journee mondiale de sensibilisation a l'autisme. Fait a (nom de la municipalite), Ontario, ce deuxieme jour d'avril 2015. $7 c' kE 0',asn0 , i, befr, W , pix $ , r^ a .,?rW 1"+ 7. 's'F'' ACV: > .' 4'roNw, '* ; r ,.:a. y`,r.us.z`:" °" YMCA of Niagara 43 Church Street,Suite 104 St. Catharines, ON L2R 7E1 905 646 9622 ymcaofniagara.org Thursday February 4, 2015 Dear Mr. Jim Diodati and Niagara Falls City Council Members, The YMCA Kate S. Durdan/Loretto Child Care program is looking to host a family skate/ social to create awareness and raise money for the YMCA Strong Kids Campaign. Last year we raised over 300 dollars at our family skate. We are looking to see if we can get 1 hour of ice time at the Gale Centre and a room to serve refreshments donated towards our YMCA Strong Kids Event. The YMCA Strong Kids Campaign raised $403 000 last year for children in the Niagara Region to participate in YMCA programs that would not be able to do so otherwise. Last year over 13 900 children participate in a wide variety of programs including YMCA Memberships,YMCA Child Care, YMCA Youth Action and YMCA Day camps because of YMCA Strong Kids funding. YMCA program have a positive impact on children, teens and young adults, dramatically enhancing their health and overall well-being. The economic impact of keeping our kids healthy and active is well proven and documented. We are looking to host our event at the end of March. Thank-you for taking the time to consider our YMCA Strong Kids Event. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 905-354-4555. Elizabeth Caswell, RECE Supervisor YMCA- Kate S. Durdan/Loretto 905-354-4555 6,411d., ealt,,/ C.C., r.r-',A1;I s Dean Iorfida From: Rob McDonald Sent: Monday, February 09, 2015 11:42 AM To: Dean Iorfida Cc: Kathy Moldenhauer Subject: RE: Strong Kids ice time letter Hi Dean, We have not heard from them regarding this specific request. They are looking at the end of March which will be tough to find time for them. This is when we have tournaments almost every weekend. We can work with them to advise what is available and they can pick from there. The cost for 1 hour of youth prime time ice is$146.40 including tax. The room they are requesting is$56.50 per hour including tax. Please let me know if you require any further information? Thanks, Rob From: Dean Iorfida Sent: Friday, February 06, 2015 1:57 PM To: Rob McDonald Cc: Kathy Moldenhauer Subject: FW: Strong Kids ice time letter Rob: See attached request, which Council has approved in the past. Have you had any direct contact with them? Thanks Dean From: Durdan Loretto YMCA Child Care Centre [mailto:durdanloretto(aymcaofniagara.ca] Sent: Friday, February 06, 2015 12:48 PM To: Dean Iorfida Subject: Strong Kids ice time letter Dear Mr. D. Irofida I am sending you a request letter for the donation of ice time for the YMCA K.S. Durdan—Loretto Child Care Centre Family Skate Strong Kids Event. We are looking to raise money for the YMCA Strong Kids Campaign to help local children participate in YMCA programs. Thank-you 1 m m cn0 I— C 0 z 404" I OTARY CLUB OF NIAGARA FALLS February 6, 2015 The City of Niagaria.Fads _ _ 4310 Queen Street, PO Box 1023 Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6X5 Attn: Mr. Dean lorfida, City Clerk RE: Rotary Club of Niagara Falls Sunrise Ribfest and BBQ June 12, 13, and 14 2015 Dear Dean, The Rotary Club of Niagara Falls Sunrise, Ribfest and BBQ committee respectfully ask the City of Niagara Falls to declare our 11th Annual Niagara Falls Rotary Ribfest a Community Event, to be held June 12th, 13`h, and le 2015.The committee has decided that our entertainment will stop at 11:00 pm on Friday and Saturday night this year. We are pleased to announce that our event will be held at Niagara Square again this year and we hope to continue to build on our success from previous years.The event will be held in the south- east corner of the Niagara Square property, to the east of the Future Shop store. Niagara Square has fully endorsed and approved hosting Rotary Ribfest again this year. Letters will be sent to the Fire Department, Health Department, and Police Department, once we have finalized our site plan for 2015. The Rotary Club of Niagara Falls Sunrise Ribfest committee is looking forward to another successful event that provides great food, fun and entertainment for people of all ages in our community. We are proud to be celebrating our 11th Anniversary in 2015. Rotary Ribfest raises funds for our Rotary Club that is used 100%for community programs such as Project Share, Rotary House, School Breakfast Program, GNGH Foundation, and Heart Niagara,just to name a few. If more information is required, please do not hesitate to contact me at(905) 651-2432 or email me at swright@gordonwrightltd.com .Thank you for=ydur assistance and support of our event! Sincerely, Scott Wright, P. Eng., ' I / Co-Chair of Niagara Falls Rotary Ribfest On behalf of the 2015 Ribfest Committee ; i f ' • Contact information: Gordon Wright Electric Limited 6255 Don Murie Street. Niagara Falls, ON L2G OB1 P ( 905 ) 356-5730 =— F ( 905 ) 356-4588 Cell ( 905 )651-2432 E-mail swrightcc gordonwrightltd.com . K.►AFF. T li i.. CITY OF! •CANADA NIAGARA FABS The City of Niagara Falls, Ontario Resolution No. Moved by Seconded by WHEREAS the Rotary Club of Niagara Falls Sunrise is planning their tenth annual"Ribfest"from June 12th - 14th, 2015; and WHEREAS the Ribfest is a well-established and popular event in the community; and WHEREAS the 2015 event returns to Niagara Square, after a successful inaugural year at the location; and WHEREAS the Rotary Club of Niagara Falls Sunrise financially supports numerous community organizations and projects; and WHEREAS this event is expected to attract between 40,000 to 75,000 persons from throughout Ontario and Western New York; and WHEREAS this event will assist the Rotary Club in reaching their financial objectives for giving funds to the community; and WHEREAS to obtain a Special Occasion Liquor Licence from the Alcohol & Gaming Commission of Ontario(AGCO),the event requires a resolution of Council recognizing it as a public event of municipal significance. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Niagara Falls City Council considers the Rotary Club of Niagara Falls Sunrise Ribfest to be an event of municipal significance and supports the provision of a Special Occasion Liquor Licence (SOP) for the event; and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that Niagara Falls City Council grant Rotary Club of Niagara Falls Sunrise Ribfest relief to the City's Noise By-law to allow entertainment until 11:00 p.m. AND The Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. DEAN IORFIDA JAMES M. DIODATI CITY CLERK MAYOR Community Services Department Recreation & Culture Inter-Department Memorandum TO: Cathy Crabbe DATE: February 24, 2015 Mayor's Office FROM: Lori Albanese Community Development Coordinator Ext. 3332 RE: Awards at Council -Tuesday, February 24, 2015 Niagara Falls Falcons Major Peewee 'AA' Baseball Team - OBA Champions The Falcons went into Labour Day weekend with a hunger to win their fifth straight OBA title. As soon as the boys arrived in Windsor, they prepared for their first game against Vaughan. The Falcons started the game rough but persevered and battled out a well deserved first win 7-2.The boys brought their momentum into their second game on Saturday and beat Waterloo 8-3. Although the Falcons were ecstatic about their victory, they had to prepare for their next game against their season rivals - Georgetown. The Falcons did not disappoint and beat Georgetown 10-3. From the start to the finish, each Falcon player was determined to win. Sunday morning, the Falcons quickly got out their morning jitters and hopped to an early lead against Richmond Hill. The players and coaches did not let off the gas pedal and took out Richmond Hill 12-2. The final match was against Georgetown. It was a low scoring game until midway where the game's score exploded. The Falcons were down 6-4, with time running out; the Falcons needed two runs in the 6th inning. The squad had a great inning with bats firing from all cylinders and thought they had the game won finishing the 6th inning with a 7-6 lead, but Georgetown wouldn't let the Falcons claim their title back without a fight and reclaimed the lead in the top of the 7th 8-7. The Falcons went into the bottom of the 7th knowing they had work to do. The team swiftly tied the game but was down to their last out preparing for extra innings. The boys soon realized extra innings weren't necessary. With a man on third, a team known for being clutch had done it again. The Falcons walked off the game in heroic fashion with a walk off error and victorious in winning their fifth straight title. Even with a new coaching staff and three new players, the team won the All Ontario Baseball Championship for a fifth time, and six players being there for all five: Owen Diodati, Kyle Fortuna, Noah Fortuna, Mason McRae, Leif Burciul and Will Jackman. The players thank their coaches for all their hard work throughout the season and could not be more happy with the outcome.The Falcons have demonstrated they are a very special team and have maintained one of the greatest streaks in Niagara sports history. . . . /2 Working Together to Serve Our Community Municipal Works • Fire Services • Parks. Recreation& Culture • Business Development • Building&By-Law Services -2- Team Members: Leif Burciul Owen Diodati Tyler Dobbie James Egan Aiden Fletcher Noah Fortuna Kyle Fortuna Willy Jackman Lucas Lafortune Mason McRae Cole Ross Anthony Stranges Andrew Waters Head Coach — Jeremy Pysher Assistance Coach — Garret Fisher Assistance Coach — Tim Topping cc.Dean lorfida, Kathy Moldenhauer S:\Awards\2015\Feb 24- Memo- NFalls Major Peewee AA-Ontario Champs.wpd Community Services Department Recreation & Culture • ' Niagaraaalls Inter-Department Memorandum TO: Cathy Crabbe DATE: February 24, 2015 Mayor's Office FROM: Lori Albanese a Community Development Coordinator Ext. 3332 RE: Awards at Council -Tuesday, February 24, 2015 Niagara Falls Falcons Minor Bantam AA - Ontario Champions The Minor Bantam Niagara Falls Falcons captured their second OBA ring, winning the 2014 AA Ontario Championships in Oshawa. The Falcons went undefeated with wins over Georgetown, Newmarket, Richmond Hill, North Toronto, and two against the Oshawa host. The qualifying tournament produced very competitive games with the Falcons often facing adversity and coming from behind before pulling out six consecutive victories. Every player contributed to the title with great team defence, timely hitting, and solid pitching. The final produced an amazing back and forth game that was decided in extra innings with a walk off hit by Patrick Griffi to give the Falcons an 8-7 win and the OBA title. Player of the Game honours were awarded to Ryan Shannon, Evan Dobbie, Calum Theal, Caleb Johnston, and Patrick Griffi with Griffi capturing the tournament MVP honours. Full credit to all the players for an unforgettable weekend. Team Members: Shawn Adamo Evan Dobbie Patrick Griffi Caleb Johnston Jacob Julian Zack Keldson Will Schmahl Nolan Sexton Ryan Shannon Alex Sorley Calum Theal Josh Thorpe Coaches: Bryan Theal, Clay Johnston, Darren Schmahl, and Scott Cole cc.Dean lorfida, Kathy Moldenhauer S:\Awards\2015\Feb 24 - Memo- NFalls Falcons Minor Bantam AA Ontario Champs.wpd Working Together to Serve Our Community Municipal Works • Fire Services • Parks. Recreation & Culture • Business Development • Building &By-Law Services Dean Iorfida From: stevet@niagara.com Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2015 8:03 PM To: Dean Iorfida Subject: RE: Request to be on City Council Docket Hi Dean: Angela Daley, Unit Manager of the Canadian Cancer Society,would like to know if we can be added to the docket for Niagara Falls City Council to ask for council's support to declare April as Cancer Awareness Month and then ask to see if they would like to get involved with the Stair Climb for Children's Cancer on Saturday, April 11th. We would also then provide them with the details of the event and to see if they would like to climb (several councilors have participated in the past). She is hoping that Tuesday, Feb 24th (hopefully there is still room) is available but please let us know what you think. I will be accompanying her as well that evening. Thanks Dean, looking forward to hearing from you. Take care, Lori Taraba CCS Stair Climb for Cancer Committee Co-Chair 1 0o -<I D CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS By-law No. 2015 - A by-law to authorize the payment of $11,219,521.39 for General Purposes. THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: That the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay the attached list of disbursements for the period of from January 7, 2015 to February 4, 2015. Passed this twenty-fourth day of February, 2015. DEAN IORFIDA, CITY CLERK JAMES M. DIODATI, MAYOR First Reading: February 24, 2015 Second Reading: February 24, 2015 Third Reading: February 24, 2015 Page 1 of 12 CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTS Vendor Name Cheque No. Cheque Date Purpose Amount 101 DELIVERY 381404 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 90.40 1089392 ONT.INC 380964 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,977.50 1186566 ONTARIO INC.o/a TIM HORTONS#1351 381405 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 87.85 1578917 ONTARIO LIMITED 0/A WILLIAMS PLUMBING AND HEATII 380965 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 7,792.28 1578917 ONTARIO LIMITED 0/A WILLIAMS PLUMBING AND HEATII 381406 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 661.04 1578954 ONTARIO LIMITED 381162 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,528.43 1683014 ONTARIO INC 381407 29-Jan-2015 REFUND 750.00 1776415 ONTARIO LTD 0/A PURE WATER NIAGARA 381163 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 575.00 1776415 ONTARIO LTD 0/A PURE WATER NIAGARA 381408 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 335.00 1776415 ONTARIO LTD 0/A PURE WATER NIAGARA 381625 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 11.50 2 BROTHERS RENOVATIONS 381409 29-Jan-2015 REFUND 500.00 2030688 ONTARIO LTD 380966 14-Jan-2015 LEASES AND RENTS 9,134.16 2095527 ONTARIO LTD 381626 04-Feb-2015 LICENSE AGREEMENT 1,130.00 2249419 ONTARIO INC 380967 14-Jan-2015 LEASES AND RENTS 2,260.00 2348441 ONTARIO INC 0/A MR QUICK CAR WASH 381164 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 308.49 407 ETR EXPRESS TOLL ROUTE 380968 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 217.99 407 ETR EXPRESS TOLL ROUTE 381627 04-Feb-2015 SERVICES 244.47 8314004 CANADA INC 381628 04-Feb-2015 REFUND 150.00 942352 ONTARIO LIMITED 0/A BRISK ALL GLASS 380969 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 210.80 984265 ONTARIO LTD aka CIRCLE P PAVING 380970 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 12,104.80 984307 ONTARIO LIMITED 381410 29-Jan-2015 REFUND 1,500.00 A&A EXHAUST SYSTEMS 381411 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 101.16 AATEL COMMUNICATIONS INC 381165 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 299.45 ACA ENGINEERING SERVICES 380971 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 904.00 ACA ENGINEERING SERVICES 381166 21-Jan-2015 CONSULTING SERVICES 5,800.96 ACCU LOCK AND SECURITY 380972 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 163.85 ACCU LOCK AND SECURITY 381412 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 10.51 ADVANCE TOWING 380973 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 553.70 ADVANCE TOWING 381167 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 197.75 ADVANCE TOWING 381413 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 45.20 ADVANCE TOWING 381630 04-Feb-2015 SERVICES 887.05 AECOM CANADA LTD 380974 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 4,481.36 AIR CARE SERVICES 380975 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,211.93 AIR CARE SERVICES 381168 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,189.04 AIR CARE SERVICES 381399 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 3,277.00 AIR CARE SERVICES 381414 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 955.47 AIR CARE SERVICES 381631 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 473.19 AIRON HVAC 380976 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 9,046.14 AIRON HVAC 381169 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 1,155.76 AIRON HVAC 381632 04-Feb-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 1,966.20 ALEXANDER,RICHARD 381633 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 122.89 ALFIDOME CONSTRUCTION 380977 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 71,196.46 ALFIDOME CONSTRUCTION 381170 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 21,556.19 ALFIDOME CONSTRUCTION 381415 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 9,791.45 ALFIDOME CONSTRUCTION 381415 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 22,661.25 ALISON'S SPORTS&AWARDS 380978 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 19.49 ALL PRO PLUMBING&HEATING 381634 04-Feb-2015 REFUND 1,250.00 ALL STAR MECHANICAL PLUMBING&HEATING 381417 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 3,000.00 ALLAN,WAYNE 381171 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 124.29 ALLEN,GEOFF 381416 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 172.88 ALTEC INDUSTRIES LTD 380979 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 3,653.02 ALTIERI BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD 380980 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 88.12 ALTRO CANADA INC. 381172 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 276.62 AMALGAMATED TRANSIT UNION#1582 380981 14-Jan-2015 PAYROLL REMITTANCE 3,455.85 AMCTO 381635 04-Feb-2015 MEMBERSHIP 1,687.09 AMEC ENVIRONMENT&INFRASTRUCTURE 380982 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 22,094.79 AMEC ENVIRONMENT&INFRASTRUCTURE 381173 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 48,879.25 AMEC ENVIRONMENT&INFRASTRUCTURE 381418 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 1,011.35 AMEC ENVIRONMENT&INFRASTRUCTURE 381636 04-Feb-2015 SERVICES 3,806.41 AMERICAN BUS ASSOCIATION US DRAFT 19-Jan-2015 MEMBERSHIP 614.00 AMPED SOLAR DESIGNS 381174 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 1,000.00 ANTHONY'S EXCAVATING CENTRAL INC 381176 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 652.58 ANTONIO,CHUCK 381419 29-Jan-2015 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 54.54 AQUAFOR BEECH LIMITED 381420 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 16,088.24 ARCHER TRUCK SERVICES LTD 381421 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 5,529.95 ARCHER TRUCK SERVICES LTD 381637 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 4,159.50 ARIVA 380983 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 70.40 ARIVA 381177 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,106.94 ARIVA 381422 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 352.00 ARMBRO TRANSPORT INC 380984 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 53.70 ARTISTA DESIGN&PRINT INC 380985 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 361.60 ARTISTA DESIGN&PRINT INC 381638 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 33.90 ASSOCIATED ENGINEERING(ONT)LTD 380986 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 13,066.19 Page 2 of 12 CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTS Vendor Name Cheque No. Cheque Date Purpose Amount ATTRACTIONS ONTARIO 381639 04-Feb-2015 MEMBERSHIP 141.25 AUTO PARTS CENTRES 381423 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 141.96 B&B LIFT TRUCK SERVICE 380989 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 290.63 B&C TRUCK CENTRE 380990 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 292.38 BAIN PRINTING LIMITED 380987 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 18.98 BAKER 380988 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 640.34 BAKER 381178 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,615.93 BAKER 381640 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 1,873.16 BANK OF MONTREAL 381179 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 7,236.69 BATTLEFIELD EQUIPMENT RENTALS 381180 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,837.44 BATTLEFIELD EQUIPMENT RENTALS 381641 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 105.85 BATTLEFIELD EQUIPMENT RENTALS 381424 29-Jan-2015 LEASES AND RENTS 1,140.07 BEAUPIT,BEVERLY 381181 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 66.88 BEEKE,MATTHEW 381182 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 172.88 BELL CANADA 381159 15-Jan-2015 SERVICES 276.44 BELL CANADA 381183 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 7.95 BELL CANADA 381160 15-Jan-2015 SERVICES 80.80 BELL CANADA 381184 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 635.08 BELL CANADA 381643 04-Feb-2015 SERVICES 80.80 BELL MEDIA RADIO GP 381185 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 2,214.80 BERGER,AARON 381644 04-Feb-2015 SERVICES 80.00 BERNAT,CLARK 381426 29-Jan-2015 PETTY CASH 382.95 BICKLE MAIN INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY INC 380993 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 792.25 BICKLE MAIN INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY INC 381645 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 549.07 BIGGARS KEY SHOP 380994 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 73.45 BLACK CREEK METAL INC 380959 09-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 56,237.84 BOB ROBINSON&SON CONSTRUCTION 380995 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 25,569.82 BOB ROBINSON&SON CONSTRUCTION 380996 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 29,989.44 BOB ROBINSON&SON CONSTRUCTION 380997 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,672.40 BOB ROBINSON&SON CONSTRUCTION 381427 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,875.80 BOBCAT OF HAMILTON LTD 381186 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,068.14 BOBCAT OF HAMILTON LTD 381646 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 199.63 BOOT SHOP THE 381187 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,678.05 BOUTILIER,J 380998 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 62.45 BOYS&GIRLS CLUB OF NIAGARA 381428 29-Jan-2015 GRANT 16,066.67 BREAK A WAY CONCESSIONS 381647 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 132.21 BRINKS CANADA LTD 381429 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 3,004.73 BRINKS CANADA LTD 381648 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 392.84 BRISSON,CLAIRE 381188 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 29.35 BROCK FORD LINCOLN 380999 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 496.52 BROCK FORD LINCOLN 381189 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 2,496.28 BROCK FORD LINCOLN 381400 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,039.15 BROCK FORD LINCOLN 381649 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 1,302.89 BRODERICK&PARTNERS 381190 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 227.70 BRUNNING,MARGARET 381191 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 65.00 BUILDING INNOVATION 381000 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 2,260.00 BUILDING INNOVATION 381192 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 10,170.00 BULLER,ADAM 381650 04-Feb-2015 SERVICES 500.00 BUTYNIEC,DAVE 381651 04-Feb-2015 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 41.04 C.M.EQUIPMENT ONTARIO INC 381015 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 102.23 C.M. EQUIPMENT ONTARIO INC 381206 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 497.05 CALE SYSTEMS INC 381001 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 3,350.45 CALE SYSTEMS INC 381193 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 1,932.30 CALE SYSTEMS INC 381652 04-Feb-2015 SERVICES 1,209.10 CAMPBELL,CAREY 381653 04-Feb-2015 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 106.50 CAMPEAU,ZACHARY 381194 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 190.40 CANADA POST CORPORATION 381658 04-Feb-2015 SERVICES-BAG SERVICE 1023 813.60 CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF BUSINESS INCUBATION 381654 04-Feb-2015 MEMBERSHIP 559.35 CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATORS 381430 29-Jan-2015 MEMBERSHIP 700.60 CANADIAN DOOR DOCTOR 381003 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 242.39 CANADIAN DOOR DOCTOR 381195 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 678.00 CANADIAN DOOR DOCTOR 381655 04-Feb-2015 SERVICES 3,530.13 CANADIAN LINEN&UNIFORM 381004 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 276.59 CANADIAN LINEN&UNIFORM 381196 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 552.19 CANADIAN LINEN&UNIFORM 381656 04-Feb-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 894.32 CANADIAN LINEN&UNIFORM 381431 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 287.70 CANADIAN LINEN&UNIFORM 381656 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 706.59 CANADIAN NATIONAL 381432 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 3,597.00 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO 381197 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 1,133.00 CANADIAN PORTABLE SERVICES 381657 04-Feb-2015 LEASES AND RENTS 129.95 CANADIAN SAFETY EQUIPMENT INC 381433 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 2,145.76 CANADIAN URBAN TRANSIT ASSOC 381659 04-Feb-2015 TRAINING 3,000.00 CANAVAN,WENDY 381002 14-Jan-2015 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 64.26 CARGILL LIMITED 381005 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,949.28 Page 3 of 12 CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTS Vendor Name Cheque No. Cheque Date Purpose Amount CARGILL LIMITED 381198 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 52,067.46 CARGILL LIMITED 381434 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 19,922.09 CARGILL LIMITED 381660 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 82,268.96 CARLETON UNIFORMS INC 381199 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 18,978.75 CARQUEST 381006 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 546.37 CARQUEST 381200 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 173.32 CARQUEST 381435 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 159.06 CARQUEST 381661 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 238.66 CARSWELL 381007 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 592.88 CATARACT BOWL 381201 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 429.00 CATARACT COLLISION CENTRE 381436 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 7,833.43 CENTURY VALLEN 381202 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,282.55 CERIDIAN CANADA LTD 381009 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 1,874.45 CERMINARA,JAMES 381437 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 150.00 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES 381010 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,237.29 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE NIAGARA FALLS 381438 29-Jan-2015 MEMBERSHIP 2,145.22 CHARLES JONES INDUSTRIAL LTD 381011 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,213.33 CHARLES JONES INDUSTRIAL LTD 381203 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 215.88 CHARLES JONES INDUSTRIAL LTD 381439 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 444.63 CHARNOCK,SIMON 381012 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 100.00 CHEDORE,SARAH 381440 29-Jan-2015 REFUND 212.50 CIMA CANADA INC 381204 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 49,189.71 CIMCO REFRIGERATION 381013 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 7,149.33 CIMCO REFRIGERATION 381441 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 1,875.94 CIT FINANCIAL LTD 381442 29-Jan-2015 LEASES AND RENTS 1,796.70 CITY OF PORT COLBORNE 381443 29-Jan-2015 TEAM ENTRY FEE 700.00 CITY VIEW BUS&TRUCK REPAIR&SALES LTD 381014 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 391.41 CITY VIEW BUS&TRUCK REPAIR&SALES LTD 381663 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 1,555.77 C-MAX FIRE SOLUTIONS 381205 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 352.91 C-MAX FIRE SOLUTIONS 381665 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 935.35 COFFEY GEOTECHNICS INC 381016 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 23,384.22 COGECO CABLE CANADA LP 381666 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 847.50 COLLEE,DOUGLAS 381017 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 175.00 COLLUCCI,KAREN 381444 29-Jan-2015 REFUND 176.82 COMMISSIONAIRES 381018 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 17,335.90 COMMISSIONAIRES 381667 04-Feb-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 14,982.62 COMMISSIONAIRES 381445 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 2,402.91 COMPUGEN INC 381019 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 66,517.73 CONTINENTAL TIRE CANADA INC 381446 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 9,304.47 CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF WELLAND 381664 04-Feb-2015 SERVICES 511.52 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF FORT ERIE 381668 04-Feb-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 12,481.00 COTTON INC 381669 04-Feb-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 23,358.96 COUNSINEAU,THOMAS V 381207 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 166.90 CRAWFORD&COMPANY(CANADA)INC 381021 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 2,805.50 CRAWFORD&COMPANY(CANADA)INC 381670 04-Feb-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 1,232.00 CRE-8-IT SIGNS 381022 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 655.40 CREDIT BUREAU SERVICES CANADA 381023 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 63.64 CRESTLINE COACH LTD 381671 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 70.83 CRICHTON,BRAD 381025 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 175.00 CRICHTON,SCOTT 381024 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 175.00 CUPE LOCAL 133 381026 14-Jan-2015 PAYROLL REMITTANCE 8,341.74 CUPE LOCAL 133 381447 29-Jan-2015 PAYROLL REMITTANCE 8,318.04 D K TECHNICAL SERVICES INC 381216 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 2,635.91 D'AMICO,CARMELA&AMEDEO 381027 14-Jan-2015 REFUND 1,250.00 DARCH FIRE 381209 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 728.85 DARCH FIRE 381672 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 1,837.66 DAVIDSON ENVIRONMENTAL 381210 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 158.20 DAYTECH LIMITED 381448 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 881.40 DECARIA,ALEX 381028 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 150.00 DEL EQUIPMENT LIMITED 381211 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 918.38 DEL EQUIPMENT LIMITED 381673 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 51.66 DELL CANADA INC 381449 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 14,553.38 DEMAR CONSTRUCTION 381030 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 111,946.11 DEMAR CONSTRUCTION 381031 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 5,353.17 DEMAR CONSTRUCTION 381032 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 553.70 DEMAR CONSTRUCTION 381033 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 12,273.02 DEMAR CONSTRUCTION 381674 04-Feb-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 31,152.74 DEMOL'S TIRE SALES&SERVICE 381034 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 950.01 DEMOL'S TIRE SALES&SERVICE 381212 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 183.71 DEPENDABLE EMERGENCY VEHICLES 381035 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 247.81 DEROSIE,DONALD 381213 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 168.56 DESIGN ELECTRONICS 381036 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 464.70 DESIGN ELECTRONICS 381675 04-Feb-2015 SERVICES 393.66 DEVRON PIPE SALES 381037 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 3,603.57 Page 4 of 12 CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTS Vendor Name Cheque No. Cheque Date Purpose Amount DEVRON PIPE SALES 381214 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 8,617.38 DICAN DIGITAL INSTRUMENTS CANADA INC 381450 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 56.50 DIGITAL ATTRACTIONS INC 381676 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 1,695.00 DILTS PISTON HYDRAULICS INC 381038 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 1,356.00 DIODATI,JIM 381215 21-Jan-2015 TRAVEUMILEAGE 220.93 DIODATI,JIM 381039 14-Jan-2015 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 1,155.00 DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD OF NIAGARA 381451 29-Jan-2015 REFUND 5,000.00 DKR CONSTRUCTION 381677 04-Feb-2015 REFUND 750.00 DOMSON ENGINEERING&INSPECTION LTD 381040 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 1,265.60 DREN,KARL 381678 04-Feb-2015 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 103.68 DROESHOUT,TAMMY 381217 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 67.02 DRUXY'S 381679 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 98.31 DUFFERIN CONCRETE 381041 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 915.30 DUFFERIN CONCRETE 381218 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 1,145.82 DUMONT SECURITY 381042 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 951.64 DUMONT SECURITY 381219 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 486.47 DUMONT SECURITY 381042 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 138.99 DUMONT SECURITY 381680 04-Feb-2015 SERVICES 999.23 EASTLAND,MARI-LYNNE 381043 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 327.70 EASTLAND,MARI-LYNNE 381220 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 50.85 EASTLAND,MARI-LYNNE 381681 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 203.40 ECONOMIC DEVELOPERS ASSOCIATION OF CANADA 380962 09-Jan-2015 MEMBERSHIP 541.08 ED LEARN FORD SALES LTD 381044 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,502.71 ED LEARN FORD SALES LTD 381221 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 102.49 ED LEARN FORD SALES LTD 381452 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 184.90 ED LEARN FORD SALES LTD 381683 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 772.17 ELECTRICAL SAFETY AUTHORITY 381684 04-Feb-2015 SERVICES 2,061.12 ELLIS ENGINEERING INC 381045 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 5,759.50 ELREG DISTRIBUTORS LTD 381685 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 80.18 EMCO CORPORATION 381046 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 5,960.52 EMCO CORPORATION 381222 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 17,630.25 EMCO CORPORATION 381453 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 2,546.91 EMCO CORPORATION 381453 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 224.87 EMCO CORPORATION 381686 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 3,182.08 ENBRIDGE 381047 14-Jan-2015 UTILITIES 8,483.45 ENBRIDGE 381223 21-Jan-2015 UTILITIES 862.95 ENBRIDGE 381223 21-Jan-2015 UTILITIES 1,113.38 ENBRIDGE 381454 29-Jan-2015 UTILITIES 2,114.45 ENTERPRISE RENT A CAR CANADA COMPANY 381224 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 20.00 ENTERPRISE RENT-A-CAR CANADA COMPANY 381225 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 20.00 E-QUIP RENTALS&REPAIRS INC 381048 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 6.72 E-QUIP RENTALS&REPAIRS INC 381226 21-Jan-2015 LEASES AND RENTS 79.83 ETHERINGTON,DAVE 381687 04-Feb-2015 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 178.74 EVANOFF,VICTOR 381049 14-Jan-2015 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 110.00 EVANS UTILITY SUPPLY LTD 381050 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 2,377.52 EVANS UTILITY SUPPLY LTD 381688 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 14,501.42 EVOLUTION TRUCK&TRAILER SERVICE 381689 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 590.10 EXP SERVICES INC 381051 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 6,564.17 FALLS AUTO BODY INC 381052 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 2,501.37 FALLS CHEVROLET CADILLAC 381227 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 29.97 FALLS CHEVROLET CADILLAC 381455 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 36.11 FALLS CHEVROLET CADILLAC 381690 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 272.78 FALLS ELECTRIC INC 381228 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 6,328.00 FANSOLATO,WAYNE US DRAFT 19-Jan-2015 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 27.00 FASTENAL CANADA LTD 381053 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 495.77 FASTENAL CANADA LTD 381229 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,480.70 FASTENAL CANADA LTD 381691 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 1,559.79 FIRE MARSHALS PUBLIC FIRE SAFETY COUNCIL 381054 14-Jan-2015 MEMBERSHIP 100.00 FIRE MONITORING OF CANADA INC 381055 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 1,096.46 FIRE MONITORING OF CANADA INC 381456 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 3,741.91 FIRE SAFETY CANADA 381457 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 2,631.49 FLEXO PRODUCTS LTD 381056 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,652.81 FLEXO PRODUCTS LTD 381230 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 730.39 FLEXO PRODUCTS LTD 381458 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,179.59 FLEXO PRODUCTS LTD 381458 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 15.14 FLEXO PRODUCTS LTD 381692 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 1,438.64 FONTASY SIGN&DISPLAY INC 381057 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 2,296.16 FOREMOST HOMES INC. 381231 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 750.00 FORT ERIE ECONOMIC DEVEL&TOURISM CORP 381693 04-Feb-2015 ADVERTISING 2,500.00 FRASER,HEATHER 381232 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 225.00 FRONT RANGE SOLUTIONS US DRAFT 19-Jan-2015 MAINTENANCE 4,716.26 GAMMA-DYNACARE MEDICAL LABORATORIES 381459 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 67.00 GAULD NURSERIES LTD 381058 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 4,333.55 GAULD NURSERIES LTD 381233 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 24,667.90 Page 5 of 12 CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTS Vendor Name Cheque No. Cheque Date Purpose Amount GERRIE ELECTRIC WHOLESALE LTD 381059 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 870.51 GIURA PAINT&WALLPAPER LTD 381060 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 125.78 GLENTEL WIRELESS CENTRE 381234 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 12,367.85 GLENTEL WIRELESS CENTRE 381460 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 10,861.29 GLOBALSTAR CANADA SATELLITE CO 381061 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 139.89 GORDON BANNERMAN LTD 381694 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 3,074.73 GRAHAM,PHILIP 381235 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 99.76 GRAND&TOY 381062 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 70.64 GRAYBAR CANADA 381236 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,115.57 GRAYBAR CANADA 381461 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 3,905.86 GRAYBAR CANADA 381695 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 626.92 GREATER FORT ERIE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 381462 29-Jan-2015 MEMBERSHIP 136.73 GREENFIELD GROUP LTD 381237 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 1,214.75 GROOVE IDENTIFICATION SOLUTIONS INC 381063 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 198.82 GROUND AERIAL MAINTENANCE LTD 381238 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 5,904.77 GROUND AERIAL MAINTENANCE LTD 381239 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 4,849.54 GROUND AERIAL MAINTENANCE LTD 381240 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 32,959.51 GROUND AERIAL MAINTENANCE LTD 381463 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 3,048.27 GT FRENCH 381065 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 2,597.46 GT FRENCH 381241 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 3,934.15 GT FRENCH 381696 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 2,347.08 GUARASCI,JEFF 381066 14-Jan-2015 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 144.18 GUARASCI,JEFF 381242 21-Jan-2015 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 127.98 GUILLEVIN INTERNATIONAL CO 381067 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 457.65 GUILLEVIN INTERNATIONAL CO 381243 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 2,983.20 HALCO MOBILE MFG SALES&SERVICE INC 381244 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 621.50 HALF WAY SAND PIT LIMITED 381245 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 3,517.13 HALL,FRED 381069 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 169.49 HALLEX ENGINEERING LTD 381068 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 1,712.86 HALLEX ENGINEERING LTD 381464 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 6,465.54 HAMILTON VIDEO&SOUND LTD 381697 04-Feb-2015 REFUND 1,250.00 HANSLER SMITH LIMITED 381246 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 302.59 HARPER,EARLENE JOYCE 381403 23-Jan-2015 REFUND 193.84 HATCH MOTT MACDONALD LTD 381070 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 1,856.59 HATCH MOTT MACDONALD LTD 381698 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 1,725.51 HD SUPPLY POWER SOLUTIONS 381248 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 49.16 HECTRONIC US DRAFT 19-Jan-2015 OCT-DEC SUPPORT 7,716.00 HETHERINGTON,THOMAS 381071 14-Jan-2015 REFUND 1,400.52 HICKS MORLEY HAMILTON STEWART STORIE LLP 381072 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 8,578.57 HILL,WILFRED G 381249 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 25.14 HOTSY CLEANING SYSTEMS 381465 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 21,752.50 HUNTINGTON,PHIL 381699 04-Feb-2015 REFUND 179.62 HUYS,NATHANAEL 381251 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 175.00 IBEC MACHINE KNIFE LTD 381252 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 42.94 IBEC MACHINE KNIFE LTD 381700 04-Feb-2015 MAINTENANCE/REPAIRS 142.38 IBI GROUP 381253 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 28,575.37 INDEPENDENT SUPPLY COMPANY 381073 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 121.20 INDEPENDENT SUPPLY COMPANY 381466 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 273.75 INFRASTRUCTURE HEALTH AND SAFETY ASSOCIATION 381074 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 2,599.00 INNOVATIVE SURFACE SOLUTIONS CANADA 381254 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 4,941.58 INNOVATIVE SURFACE SOLUTIONS CANADA 381701 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 5,262.93 IT WEAPONS INC 381702 04-Feb-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 9,086.34 J&B PROCESS SERVING INC 381255 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 39.55 J J MACKAY CANADA LTD 381258 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 696.06 J J MACKAY CANADA LTD 381703 04-Feb-2015 MAINTENANCE/REPAIRS 5,050.78 JACKET CELLAR THE 381075 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 3,794.54 JACKET CELLAR THE 381256 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 531.10 JAGUAR MEDIA 381076 14-Jan-2015 SUBSCRIPTION 1,186.50 JARDINE LLOYD THOMPSON CANADA LTD 381257 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 7,744.68 JAX COMMERCIAL FITNESS EQUIPMENT REPAIR 381467 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 254.25 JEWISH NIAGARA 381468 29-Jan-2015 REFUND 10,732.19 JOHN MICHAEL'S 381704 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 500.00 KAMATOVIC,DR RALPH 381705 04-Feb-2015 REFUND 210.59 KANDU POOLS LTD 381259 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 864.00 KARES,TED 381260 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 150.00 KARNER,TIFFANY 381706 04-Feb-2015 REFUND 85.13 KASSAM,AMYN 381261 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 468.76 KENWORTH TORONTO LTD 381262 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 38.48 KERRY T HOWE ENGINEERING LTD 381078 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 20,522.33 KERRY T HOWE ENGINEERING LTD 381707 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 2,264.63 KIMBER,DANAKA 381708 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 91.35 KLENZOID 381263 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 2,170.17 KOLESNIKOWICZ,CORTLAND 381264 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 175.00 KRAWCZYK CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCE INC 381265 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 6,240.54 Page 6 of 12 CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTS Vendor Name Cheque No. Cheque Date Purpose Amount KRAWCZYK CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCE INC 381469 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 1,525.50 KROWN RUST CONTROL 381266 21-Jan-2015 VEH ID#675 535.56 LAERDAL MEDICAL CANADA LTD 381401 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 224.37 LAKES MAINTENANCE 381079 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 824.90 LAKE'S MAINTENANCE 381267 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 222.61 LAKE'S MAINTENANCE 381470 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 503.98 LAKE'S MAINTENANCE 381709 04-Feb-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 583.08 LALLOUET,ERIC 381080 14-Jan-2015 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 49.44 LARSON-JUHL 381268 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 2,503.31 LAW CRUSHED STONE 381269 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 18,010.13 LAW CRUSHED STONE 381710 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 1,326.49 LAWLOR&CO(HAMILTON)LIMITED 381471 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 160.35 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC 381270 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 3,656.83 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC 381472 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 3,609.79 LEA,MELISSA 381711 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 120.00 LEE,JONGWOO 381712 04-Feb-2015 REFUND 42.47 LEEDS TRANSIT 381271 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 771.24 LEIDEN'S CONCRETE BURIAL VAULTS LIMITED 381473 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 96.05 LEXISNEXIS CANADA INC 381082 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 105.16 LIGHTNING EQUIPMENT SALES INC 381273 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 354.82 LINCOLN APPLIANCE SERVICE CENTRE INC 381714 04-Feb-2015 MAINTENANCE/REPAIRS 202.27 LIPPERT&WRIGHT FUELS INC 381084 14-Jan-2015 FUEL 18,652.75 LIPPERT&WRIGHT FUELS INC 381274 21-Jan-2015 FUEL 18,219.78 LIPPERT&WRIGHT FUELS INC 381715 04-Feb-2015 FUEL 22,905.78 LIQUID INDUSTRIES CANADA 381275 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 944.68 LISA'S TROPHY SHOP 381475 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 2,808.05 LITTLE,CHRISTINE 381276 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 400.00 LOOPSTRA NIXON LLP 381716 04-Feb-2015 CONSULTING SERVICES 784.22 LOWRY,DYLAN 381277 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 175.00 M&L SUPPLY FIRE AND SAFETY 381093 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,670.30 MAGNUM ATTACHMENTS INC 381085 14-Jan-2015 VEH ID#203 5,251.74 MANOR CLEANERS 381476 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 15.20 MANPOWER 381086 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 1,182.15 MANSIONS OF FOREST GLEN INC 381278 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 2,736.08 MANSIONS OF FOREST GLEN INC 381477 29-Jan-2015 REFUND 2,987.06 MAPLE LEAF COLLISION CENTRE 381087 14-Jan-2015 VEH ID#155 582.02 MASTOGIACOMO,KATRINA 381279 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 40.61 MATER,BRENDAN 381717 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 107.98 MAURICE,STEVE 381088 14-Jan-2015 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 54.00 MAURICE,STEVE 381718 04-Feb-2015 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 54.00 MCBURNEY DURDAN HENDERSON&CORBETT IN TRUST 381158 15-Jan-2015 LAND PURCHASE 67,500.00 MCCARTEN,DON 381478 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 100.00 MCSWEENEY&ASSOCIATES CONSULTING INC. 381479 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 9,475.05 MCV PLUMBING&HEATING 381480 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 3,900.00 MELI,GERI 381481 29-Jan-2015 TRAINING 168.70 MERCER(CANADA)LIMITED 381482 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 900.30 METAL SUPERMARKETS 381483 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 275.90 METAL SUPERMARKETS 381719 04-Feb-2015 VEH ID#186 38.60 METRO FREIGHTLINER HAMILTON 381280 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 4,731.08 METRO FREIGHTLINER HAMILTON 381484 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,738.26 METRO FREIGHTLINER HAMILTON 381720 04-Feb-2015 STORES/INVENTORY 4,423.19 METRO PLUMBING&HEATING 381089 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 43,125.58 METRO PLUMBING&HEATING 381485 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 16,239.67 MHPM PROJECT MANAGERS INC 381486 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 5,932.50 MICK&ANGELO'S PREHISTORIC'S OLDTIMER'S HOCKEY PROGR 381487 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 275.00 MILLER RESTORATION LIMITED 381721 04-Feb-2015 SERVICES 342.66 MILLER,ANGELA 381281 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 63.09 MINISTER OF FINANCE 381091 14-Jan-2015 REMITTANCE 19,200.00 MINISTER OF FINANCE 381488 29-Jan-2015 MEMBERSHIP 1,365.00 MINISTER OF FINANCE 381722 04-Feb-2015 PAYROLL REMITTANCE 5,847.95 MINISTER OF FINANCE 381723 04-Feb-2015 PAYROLL REMITTANCE 96,111.22 MINISTER OF FINANCE/MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION 381490 29-Jan-2015 REMITTANCE 6,963.00 MINISTRY OF ATTORNEY GENERAL 381090 14-Jan-2015 REMITTANCE 932.32 MINISTRY OF ATTORNEY GENERAL 381489 29-Jan-2015 PAYROLL REMITTANCE 932.32 MINO,ZACH 381282 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 175.00 MIRABELLI,SAM 381491 29-Jan-2015 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 141.48 MISIK,DIANE 381092 14-Jan-2015 REFUND 56.50 MMC BUS DIVISION INC. 381492 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 2,327.80 MMM GROUP LIMITED 381493 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 10,158.70 MOASE,SUZANNE 381283 21-Jan-2015 TRAINING 1,900.00 MODERN LANDFILL INC 381284 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 408.58 MODERN LANDFILL INC 381494 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 2,340.15 MODERN LANDFILL INC 381724 04-Feb-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 85.47 MOHAWK MFG&SUPPLY CO 381285 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 616.79 Page 7 of 12 CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTS Vendor Name Cheque No. Cheque Date Purpose Amount MOHAWK MFG&SUPPLY CO 381495 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 695.74 MOHAWK MFG&SUPPLY CO 381725 04-Feb-2015 STORES/INVENTORY 560.62 MONA/MUSEUMS OF NIAGARA ASSOCIATION 381094 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 500.00 MONTGOMERY BROS&NORTHLAND SUPPLY 381286 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 743.54 MONTROSE REALTY DENTAL LAB&RADIOLOGY 381287 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 12,200.00 MOONEY,LLOYD&MOONEY,MARGARET 381288 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 674.00 MOOTE,MATT 381496 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 200.00 MOROCCO,JOHN 381095 14-Jan-2015 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 124.20 MORTON,DALE 381096 14-Jan-2015 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 254.34 MOUNTAINVIEW HOMES LTD 381289 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 830.83 MULLER'S WORKWEAR 381290 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 135.60 MULLER'S WORKWEAR 381497 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 355.83 MULLER'S WORKWEAR 381726 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 193.17 MUNICIPAL EMPLOYER PENSION CENTRE OF ONTARIO 381498 29-Jan-2015 REMITTANCE 3,423.05 MUNICIPAL LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS ASSOCIATION 381291 21-Jan-2015 MEMBERSHIP 439.00 N.S.M.FABRICATING LIMITED 381740 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 452.00 NAN ADAMS 381499 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 99.52 NARDILLI,JOSEPH&NARDILLI,ASHLEY 381500 29-Jan-2015 REFUND 1,750.00 NATIONAL LEASING 381727 04-Feb-2015 LEASES AND RENTS 1,930.59 NEOPART CANADA INC 381728 04-Feb-2015 STORES/INVENTORY 366.01 NEW FLYER INDUSTRIES CANADA ULC 381292 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 5,926.47 NEW FLYER INDUSTRIES CANADA ULC 381501 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,650.99 NEW FLYER INDUSTRIES CANADA ULC 381729 04-Feb-2015 STORES/INVENTORY 7,240.38 NEXTERRA SUBSTRUCTURES INCORPORATED 381293 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 3,143.00 NIAGARA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES INC 381294 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 1,135.65 NIAGARA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES INC 381502 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,311.68 NIAGARA ART CONSERVATION 381523 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,120.00 NIAGARA BATTERY&TIRE 381295 21-Jan-2015 VEH ID#212 959.69 NIAGARA BATTERY&TIRE 381503 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 6,203.94 NIAGARA BATTERY&TIRE 381730 04-Feb-2015 VEH ID#298 244.08 NIAGARA BLOCK INCORPORATED 381296 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 118.88 NIAGARA BLOCK INCORPORATED 381504 29-Jan-2015 LEASES AND RENTS 355.95 NIAGARA CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD 381505 29-Jan-2015 REFUND 750.00 NIAGARA CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP 381297 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 1,996.33 NIAGARA CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP 381506 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 171.72 NIAGARA COMMUNITY FOUNDATION 381097 14-Jan-2015 DONATION 40,311.00 NIAGARA CUSTOM POWDER COATING INC 381507 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 339.00 NIAGARA DRIVETRAIN CENTRE 381508 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 9,467.96 NIAGARA ENGINEERING WEEK 381731 04-Feb-2015 TRAINING 400.00 NIAGARA FALLS ART GALLERY 381509 29-Jan-2015 GRANT 2,250.00 NIAGARA FALLS FLYERS TYKE SELECT 381100 14-Jan-2015 ADVERTISING 100.00 NIAGARA FALLS HUMANE SOCIETY 381510 29-Jan-2015 GRANT 39,795.17 NIAGARA FALLS HYDRO HOLDING 381624 30-Jan-2015 REFUND 447,000.00 NIAGARA FALLS MINOR HOCKEY AA TOURNAMENTS 381301 21-Jan-2015 GRANT 3,300.00 NIAGARA FALLS PROFESSIONAL FIRE FIGHTERS ASSOC 381098 14-Jan-2015 REMITTANCE 7,690.24 NIAGARA FALLS PROFESSIONAL FIRE FIGHTERS ASSOC 381099 14-Jan-2015 REMITTANCE 9,130.70 NIAGARA FALLS PROFESSIONAL FIRE FIGHTERS ASSOC 381511 29-Jan-2015 PAYROLL REMITTANCE 7,690.24 NIAGARA FALLS REVIEW 381519 29-Jan-2015 SUBSCRIPTION-3 MONTHS 676.52 NIAGARA FALLS ROTARY CLUB 381512 29-Jan-2015 ADVERTISING 150.00 NIAGARA FALLS SOCCER CLUB INC 381732 04-Feb-2015 GRANT 335.00 NIAGARA FALLS TOURISM 381299 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 50,000.00 NIAGARA FALLS TOURISM 381513 29-Jan-2015 GRANT 30,000.00 NIAGARA FITNESS SOLUTIONS 381733 04-Feb-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 638.45 NIAGARA HINDU SAMAJ 381300 21-Jan-2015 ADVERTISING 200.00 NIAGARA METER SERVICES INC. 381514 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 10,147.06 NIAGARA MOVING&STORAGE INC 381302 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 664.44 NIAGARA OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH SERVICES 381515 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 334.90 NIAGARA OLYMPIC CLUB 381105 14-Jan-2015 GRANT 300.00 NIAGARA ON THE LAKE HYDRO INC 381734 04-Feb-2015 UTILITIES 168.00 NIAGARA PARKS COMMISSION 381303 21-Jan-2015 ADVERTISING 8,506.59 NIAGARA PENINSULA CONSERVATION AUTHORITY 381736 04-Feb-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 1,370.80 NIAGARA PENINSULA ENERGY INC 380960 09-Jan-2015 PROJECT 2014-0047 29,149.18 NIAGARA PENINSULA ENERGY INC 380961 09-Jan-2015 UTILITIES 262,330.36 NIAGARA PENINSULA ENERGY INC 381101 14-Jan-2015 UTILITIES 3,468.08 NIAGARA PENINSULA ENERGY INC 381304 21-Jan-2015 UTILITIES 5,598.20 NIAGARA PENINSULA ENERGY INC 381402 21-Jan-2015 UTILITIES 54.07 NIAGARA PENINSULA ENERGY INC 381517 29-Jan-2015 UTILITIES 238,370.52 NIAGARA PENINSULA ENERGY INC 381735 04-Feb-2015 UTILITIES 5,735.08 NIAGARA PLUMBING SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED 381305 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 53.51 NIAGARA PLUMBING SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED 381518 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 17.83 NIAGARA REGION WIRE 12-Jan-2015 DEBENTURES 585,796.57 NIAGARA REGION WIRE 02-Feb-2015 DECEMBER CASINO PATROL 1,050,000.00 NIAGARA REGION WIRE 02-Feb-2015 DECEMBER WATER 1,979,307.95 NIAGARA REGION WIRE 03-Feb-2015 DEBENTURE 83-2011 45,753.01 Page 8 of 12 CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTS Vendor Name Cheque No. Cheque Date Purpose Amount NIAGARA REGIONAL BROADBAND NETWORK 381306 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 6,956.64 NIAGARA REGIONAL BROADBAND NETWORK 381520 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 6,956.64 NIAGARA REGIONAL POLICE SERVICE 381307 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES(CITY HALL) 50.00 NIAGARA REGIONAL TOWING 381522 29-Jan-2015 VEH ID#295 135.60 NIAGARA RUBBER SUPPLY INC 381524 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 18.33 NIAGARA SAFETY VILLAGE 381525 29-Jan-2015 TRAINING 4,172.00 NIAGARA SOUTH CONDOMINIUM CORP NO.2 381526 29-Jan-2015 REFUND 2,500.00 NIAGARA SPRING SERVICE LTD 381308 21-Jan-2015 VEH ID#679 1,626.53 NIAGARA SPRING SERVICE LTD 381527 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,711.36 NIAGARA SPRING SERVICE LTD 381737 04-Feb-2015 VEH ID#64 1,220.40 NIAGARA THIS WEEK 381528 29-Jan-2015 MEMBERSHIP 936.77 NIAGARA VIDEO PRODUCTIONS 381738 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 1,017.00 NIAGARA'S OWN LANDSCAPING INC 381516 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 6,000.30 NICK'S TRUCK PARTS INC. 381529 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 451.64 NORJOHN CONTRACTING&PAVING LTD 381103 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 154,249.25 NORRIS,BARBARA 381309 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 17.30 NORTRAX CANADA INC. 381530 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,911.23 NSF INTERNATIONAL STRATEGIC REGISTRATIONS CANADA 381739 04-Feb-2015 TRAINING 4,402.94 O.W.O.T.0 381315 21-Jan-2015 TRAINING 4,553.90 OACETT 381531 29-Jan-2015 MEMBERSHIP 237.07 OAPSO NIAGARA CHAPTER 381532 29-Jan-2015 MEMBERSHIP 25.00 O'HARA TRUCKING&EXCAVATING 381104 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 224,306.86 O'HARA TRUCKING&EXCAVATING 381310 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 8,340.53 OLD ST JOHN'S STAMFORD HERITAGE ASSOCIATION 381533 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 300.00 OMERS 381311 21-Jan-2015 REMITTANCE 7,916.40 OMERS 381743 04-Feb-2015 PAYROLL REMITTANCE 2,894.98 OMERS 381741 04-Feb-2015 PAYROLL REMITTANCE 51,321.84 OMERS 381742 04-Feb-2015 PAYROLL REMITTANCE 928,355.46 ON SCENE RESCUE TRAINING 381312 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 847.50 ONEFOUNDATION 381106 14-Jan-2015 DONATION 4,083.00 ONOFRIO,CARL DAVID 381744 04-Feb-2015 SERVICES 60.00 ONTARIO ASSOCIATION OF DESIGNATED OFFICERS 381534 29-Jan-2015 MEMBERSHIP 75.00 ONTARIO ENVIRONMENTAL&SAFETY NETWORK LTD 381313 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 1,293.85 ONTARIO INFRASTRUCTURE AND LANDS CORPORATION 381745 04-Feb-2015 LEASES AND RENTS 9,905.58 ONTARIO MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATORS'ASSOCIATION 381746 04-Feb-2015 MEMBERSHIP 414.71 ONTARIO MUNICIPAL HEALTH&SAFETY REPRESENTATIVES AS: 381535 29-Jan-2015 MEMBERSHIP 125.00 ONTARIO MUNICIPAL HUMAN RESOURCES ASSOCIATION 381536 29-Jan-2015 MEMBERSHIP 819.25 ONTARIO PLUMBING INSPECTORS ASSOCIATION INC 381107 14-Jan-2015 MEMBERSHIP 910.00 ONURALP,HATICE 381108 14-Jan-2015 TRAVEUMILEAGE 42.66 ONYX CREATIVE STUDIO 381537 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 687.89 ONYX CREATIVE STUDIO 381747 04-Feb-2015 SERVICES 687.89 ORKIN CANADA CORPORATION 381538 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 97.18 OVERLAND CUSTOM COACH(2007)INC. 381314 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 75.42 PAGENET OF CANADA INC 381316 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 17.15 PAONE,MARY 381539 29-Jan-2015 REFUND 213.48 PARIS EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURING LTD 381317 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 6,525.21 PARKWAY TOWING&STORAGE 381748 04-Feb-2015 VEH ID#532 423.75 PARLATORE,MARISA 381540 29-Jan-2015 REFUND 500.00 PARSONS 381109 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 22,317.50 PARSONS 381318 21-Jan-2015 CONSULTING SERVICES 4,252.34 PARTSOURCE 381110 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 101.64 PARTSOURCE 381319 21-Jan-2015 VEH ID#174 173.40 PATERSON,ANDREW 381541 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 175.00 PBI-PRINTING BY INNOVATION INC 381749 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 755.97 PCA CONTRACTING LTD 381320 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 316.40 PEC ROOF MAINTENANCE 381542 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 1,335.98 PENINSULA CONSTRUCTION INC. 381543 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 5,508.75 PENINSULA PEST CONTROL LTD 381321 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 375.16 PENINSULA PEST CONTROL LTD 381544 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 113.00 PENINSULA PEST CONTROL LTD 381750 04-Feb-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 194.36 PENNER BUILDING CENTRE 381545 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 11.97 PERFORMANCE PLUMBING AND HEATING 381546 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 900.00 PERRI-MED 381322 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 1,400.00 PIGDEN,ANGELICA 381323 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 21.23 PINERIDGE TREE SERVICE LTD 381324 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 7,119.00 PINERIDGE TREE SERVICE LTD 381547 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 4,271.40 PISANO,ANDREW 381548 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 175.00 PITNEY BOWES GLOBAL CREDIT SERVICES 381549 29-Jan-2015 LEASES AND RENTS 220.79 PITNEY WORKS 381325 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 22,600.00 PITNEY WORKS 381751 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 1,852.87 PLAYWRIGHTS NIAGARA 381111 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 200.00 POLLARD,GUY CHRISTOPHER 381326 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 7.26 PRAXAIR 381327 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 247.07 PRAXAIR 381550 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 598.49 Page 9 of 12 CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTS Vendor Name Cheque No. Cheque Date Purpose Amount PRAXAIR 381752 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 187.29 PREVOST COACH TRANSIT 381328 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 680.99 PREVOST COACH TRANSIT 381551 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 2,622.97 PREVOST COACH TRANSIT 381753 04-Feb-2015 STORES/INVENTORY 178.45 PRINTING HOUSE LTD 381329 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 122.04 PRINTING HOUSE LTD 381552 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 101.14 PRINTING HOUSE LTD 381754 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 786.99 PROJECT SHARE 381553 29-Jan-2015 GRANT 24,866.67 PROSECUTORS'ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO 381330 21-Jan-2015 MEMBERSHIP 495.00 PROVINCIAL CONSTRUCTION(NIAGARA FALLS)LTD 381112 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 177,470.89 PUROLATOR COURIER 381554 29-Jan-2015 COURIER 22.65 PUROLATOR COURIER 381756 04-Feb-2015 COURIER 177.70 PVS CONTRACTORS 381331 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 15,279.49 QUINTE PLASTICS 381555 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 657.66 R&W HOIST REPAIRS LTD 381345 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 1,728.56 R E P CO. 381337 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 94.42 R J SMITH EQUIPMENT INC 381339 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,898.40 R J SMITH EQUIPMENT INC 381564 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 2,146.88 R J SMITH EQUIPMENT INC 381760 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 1,508.55 R STASIAK ENGINEERING INC 381343 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 1,474.65 R STASIAK ENGINEERING INC 381568 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,146.95 R W HAMILTON LTD 381344 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 247.71 R.J.BURNSIDE&ASSOCIATES LIMITED 381338 21-Jan-2015 SERVICES 2,712.00 RACO AUTO SUPPLY LTD 381332 21-Jan-2015 STORES/INVENTORY 1,304.75 RADFORD,WILLIAM 381333 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 175.00 RAMPADO,RITO 381334 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 750.00 RBC LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 381556 29-Jan-2015 REMITTANCE 1,532.63 RE:SOUND MUSIC LICENSING COMPANY 381562 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 232.23 REALTAX INC 381557 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 4,864.65 REALTAX INC 381335 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 875.75 REALTAX INC 381757 04-Feb-2015 SERVICES 3,734.65 RECEIVER GENERAL 381113 14-Jan-2015 REMITTANCE 599,017.63 RECEIVER GENERAL 381114 14-Jan-2015 REMITTANCE 1,065.72 RECEIVER GENERAL 381558 29-Jan-2015 PAYROLL REMITTANCE 1,207.94 RECEIVER GENERAL 381559 29-Jan-2015 PAYROLL REMITTANCE 535,056.45 REFRIGERATION ENERGY SOLUTIONS LTD 381560 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 302.84 REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF NIAGARA 381115 14-Jan-2015 TRAINING 11,659.30 REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF NIAGARA 381561 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 4,396.03 REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF NIAGARA 381758 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 1,100.00 REGO,JEFF 381336 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 175.00 RICHARDSON,RICK 381759 04-Feb-2015 SERVICES 80.00 RIVER REALTY DEVELOPMENT INC 381563 29-Jan-2015 REFUND 1,250.00 ROADSIDE RENTALS INC 381761 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 1,418.13 ROCHESTER MIDLAND LIMITED 381340 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 2,527.04 ROCHESTER MIDLAND LIMITED 381565 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 2,936.49 ROCHON ENGINEERING 381792 04-Feb-2015 REFUND 1,250.00 RODRIGUEZ,JUAN 381341 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 175.00 ROGERS WIRELESS INC 381116 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 1,440.10 ROGERS WIRELESS INC 381566 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES(PARKING&TRAFFIC) 1,497.45 ROGERS WIRELESS INC 381762 04-Feb-2015 SERVICES(TRANSIT) 1,440.10 ROY,RYAN 381342 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 500.00 ROYAL BANK 380963 12-Jan-2015 ADMINISTRATIVE 3,899.80 ROZON,MATT 381567 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 175.00 RSL 381763 04-Feb-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 1,037.07 SACCO CONSTRUCTION LTD 381118 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 7,826.95 SACCO CONSTRUCTION LTD 381569 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 8,620.77 SAFETY KLEEN CANADA INC 381570 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 492.83 SAFETY MEDIA INC 381571 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,280.29 SANI GEAR 381572 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 181.09 SANI GEAR 381764 04-Feb-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 2,719.07 SANTOS,AYALA SAMUEL 381346 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 750.00 SCHILLER,JENNIFER 381347 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 57.13 SCHOOLHOUSE PRODUCTS INC 381119 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 3,067.95 SCOTT BEST SEWER SERVICES 381120 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 339.00 SCOTT BEST SEWER SERVICES 381348 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 282.50 SCOTT BEST SEWER SERVICES 381573 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 847.50 SCOTT BEST SEWER SERVICES 381573 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 875.75 SCOTT CONSTRUCTION NIAGARA INC 381765 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 15,595.82 SEALER WORKS 381122 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 570.45 SEALER WORKS 381351 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 389.85 SEASON GROUP CORPORATION 381350 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 1,256.56 SEAWAY FLUID POWER GROUP 381121 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 138.43 SEAWAY FLUID POWER GROUP 381349 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,531.72 SEAWAY FLUID POWER GROUP 381574 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 462.20 Page 10 of 12 CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTS Vendor Name Cheque No. Cheque Date Purpose Amount SEAWAY FLUID POWER GROUP 381766 04-Feb-2015 STORES/INVENTORY 46.61 SERVICEMASTER CLEAN OF NIAGARA 381352 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 3,072.56 SERVICEMASTER CLEAN OF NIAGARA 381575 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 2,916.37 SERVICEMASTER CLEAN OF NIAGARA 381767 04-Feb-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 1,395.55 SETON 381123 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 122.04 SETON 381576 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 88.37 SHEEHAN'S TRUCK CENTRE INC 381124 14-Jan-2015 VEH ID#520 329.23 SHEEHAN'S TRUCK CENTRE INC 381768 04-Feb-2015 VEH ID#102 133.65 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS 381353 21-Jan-2015 STORES/INVENTORY 443.07 SHRED IT INTERNATIONAL ULC 381125 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 108.16 SIBLEY&ASSOCIATES INC 381577 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 706.25 SIGNATURE SIGNS 381355 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 745.80 SIGNATURE SIGNS 381578 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 13,255.35 SIMPLEX GRINNELL 381356 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 299.40 SIMPLISTIC LINES INC 381579 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,237.96 SOCAN 381580 29-Jan-2015 SUBSCRIPTION 1,057.15 SOCIETY OF PUBLIC INSURANCE ADMINISTRATORS OF ONTARI( 381357 21-Jan-2015 MEMBERSHIP 250.00 SOCIETY OF PUBLIC INSURANCE ADMINISTRATORS OF ONTARI( 381769 04-Feb-2015 TRAINING 120.00 SOLAR PURE ENERGIES INC. 381755 04-Feb-2015 REFUND 500.00 SOUTHWEST BINDING SYSTEMS LTD 381358 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 310.75 SPEEDPRO IMAGING 381126 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 357.08 SPEEDPRO IMAGING 381581 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 929.99 SPIRONELLO,DEAN 381772 04-Feb-2015 TRAVEUMILEAGE 78.30 ST CATHARINES FREIGHTLINER TRUCK&TRACTOR 381361 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 2,965.97 ST CATHARINES FREIGHTLINER TRUCK&TRACTOR 381773 04-Feb-2015 VEH ID#130 1,018.49 ST JOHN AMBULANCE 381584 29-Jan-2015 GRANT 36,458.09 STACEY'S MOBILE AUTO GLASS 381582 29-Jan-2015 VEH ID#2192 282.50 STAMFORD HOME HARDWARE 381359 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 100.69 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 381127 14-Jan-2015 STORES/INVENTORY 734.78 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 381360 21-Jan-2015 STORES/INVENTORY 1,823.39 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 381583 29-Jan-2015 STORES/INVENTORY 101.70 STEED&EVANS LIMITED 381128 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 1,297.69 STEED&EVANS LIMITED 381774 04-Feb-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 20,746.80 STEPHENSON'S RENTAL SERVICES 381129 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 3,280.27 STEPHENSON'S RENTAL SERVICES 381362 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 3,280.27 STITCH IT 381130 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 41.79 STITCH IT CANADA'S TAILOR 381775 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 82.45 STORAGE NIAGARA 381776 04-Feb-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 536.75 STREAMLINE UPHOLSTERY INC 381131 14-Jan-2015 VEH ID#103 920.95 STREAMLINE UPHOLSTERY INC 381585 29-Jan-2015 VEH ID#145 824.90 SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA-BILLING DEPT. 381133 14-Jan-2015 REMITTANCE 820.57 SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA-BILLING DEPT. WIRE 02-Feb-2015 FEBRUARY PREMIUMS 392,343.23 SUN MEDIA CORPORATION 381364 21-Jan-2015 ADVERTISING 3,445.94 SUN MEDIA CORPORATION 381587 29-Jan-2015 ADVERTISING 565.00 SUNCOR ENERGY PRODUCTS PARTNERSHIP 381132 14-Jan-2015 FUEL 54,616.35 SUNCOR ENERGY PRODUCTS PARTNERSHIP 381363 21-Jan-2015 FUEL 1,020.50 SUNCOR ENERGY PRODUCTS PARTNERSHIP 381586 29-Jan-2015 FUEL 56,014.83 SUNCOR ENERGY PRODUCTS PARTNERSHIP 381777 04-Feb-2015 FUEL 32,360.36 SUPERIOR LAUNDRY SERVICE LTD. 381136 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 89.84 SUPERIOR LAUNDRY SERVICE LTD. 381366 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 665.59 SUPERIOR LAUNDRY SERVICE LTD. 381589 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 477.44 SUPERIOR LAUNDRY SERVICE LTD. 381780 04-Feb-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 250.30 SUPERIOR PROPANE 381365 21-Jan-2015 FUEL 1,764.59 SUPERIOR PROPANE 381588 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 29.67 SUPERIOR WHOLESALE FOODS 381135 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 566.77 SYLOGIST LTD 381137 14-Jan-2015 SERVICES 36,067.24 TALK WIRELESS INC 381368 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,294.65 TALK WIRELESS INC 381590 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 338.83 TALK WIRELESS INC 381781 04-Feb-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 691.56 TAXITAB 381591 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 4,458.75 TAXITAB 381782 04-Feb-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 4,581.70 TAYLORS WATER SERVICE 381138 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 65.00 TAYLORS WATER SERVICE 381783 04-Feb-2015 SERVICES 130.00 TD CANADA TRUST 381139 14-Jan-2015 REFUND 841.13 TD CANADA TRUST 381369 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 82.26 TDI INTERNATIONAL AG INC 381370 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 64,769.74 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY 381593 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 8,974.86 TENAQUIP LIMITED 381371 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 772.11 TENNANT SALES AND SERVICE COMPANY 381140 14-Jan-2015 EQUIPMENT 42,838.87 TERANET INC 381594 29-Jan-2015 ADMINISTRATIVE 10,000.00 THE GROUNDS GUYS 381064 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 19,211.37 THOROWEST CONSTRUCTION LTD 381595 29-Jan-2015 REFUND 2,500.00 THOS.R.BIRNIE&SONS 381372 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 750.00 THOS.R.BIRNIE&SONS 381596 29-Jan-2015 REFUND 750.00 Page 11 of 12 CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTS Vendor Name Cheque No. Cheque Date Purpose Amount THUSUSKA,JEFF 381785 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 172.88 THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR 381597 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 664.88 TIKKY,MARIANNE 381141 14-Jan-2015 PETTY CASH 141.45 TIM HORTONS STORE#30 381373 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 83.00 TODD,KEN 381142 14-Jan-2015 TRAVEUMILEAGE 99.90 TODD,KEN 381786 04-Feb-2015 TRAVEUMILEAGE 215.62 TOM JAMES TOWING 381598 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 169.50 TOOLBOX 381374 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 2,541.59 TOP NOTCH PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS INC 381599 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 121.02 TOROMONT INDUSTRIES LTD 381375 21-Jan-2015 VEH ID#205 4,425.69 TORONTO STAMP INC 381376 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 77.63 TORONTO STAMP INC 381787 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 138.76 TOTAL LAND CARE SERVICES 381377 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 4,025.28 TOTAL LAND CARE SERVICES 381600 29-Jan-2015 SERVICES 4,349.12 TOUCHSTONE SITE CONTRACTORS 381143 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 20,993.18 TRANSAXLE PARTS(HAMILTON)INC. 381378 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,080.73 TRAPEZE SOFTWARE ULC 381601 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 113,621.50 TRAPEZE SOFTWARE ULC 381788 04-Feb-2015 STORES/INVENTORY 496.06 TWARDAWSKY,NICK 381789 04-Feb-2015 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 110.16 UNITED WAY 381161 19-Jan-2015 DONATION 1,207.58 UNITED WAY 381602 29-Jan-2015 PAYROLL REMITTANCE 2,021.00 UPPER CANADA CONSULTANTS 381379 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 2,390.52 UPPER CANADA CONSULTANTS 381603 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 30,441.18 URBAN&ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT INC 381145 14-Jan-2015 CONSULTING SERVICES 8,062.55 V GIBBONS CONTRACTING LTD 381381 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 2,766.42 VALLEY BLADES LIMITED 381380 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 8,022.37 VAN HOUTTE COFFEE SERVICES INC CO 38 381146 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 136.55 VAN HOUTTE COFFEE SERVICES INC CO 38 381604 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 135.63 VIKING LIVES LTD 381382 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 2,597.09 VIKING CIVES LTD 381605 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 3,630.89 VIKING LIVES LTD 381791 04-Feb-2015 VEH ID#131 381.27 VILLELLA,NICK 381606 29-Jan-2015 REFUND 750.00 VISELLI,PAUL SEBASTIAN 381607 29-Jan-2015 REFUND 750.00 WAJAX EQUIPMENT#30 381147 14-Jan-2015 VEH ID#214 8,787.44 WAJAX EQUIPMENT#30 381383 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 374.38 WAJAX EQUIPMENT#30 381608 29-Jan-2015 VEH ID# 594.15 WAJAX EQUIPMENT#30 381793 04-Feb-2015 VEH ID#186 222.61 WAJAX POWER SYSTEMS 381384 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 4,832.30 WAJAX POWER SYSTEMS 381609 29-Jan-2015 VEH ID#87 11,589.38 WAJAX POWER SYSTEMS 381794 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 1,271.57 WAJAX POWER SYSTEMS 381609 29-Jan-2015 STORES/INVENTORY 475.40 WAJAX POWER SYSTEMS 381794 04-Feb-2015 STORES/INVENTORY 6,675.19 WALKER AGGREGATES INC 381148 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,081.42 WALKER AGGREGATES INC 381610 29-Jan-2015 2,658.51 WALKER AGGREGATES INC 381796 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 3,329.58 WALKER,JOSEPH 381795 04-Feb-2015 REFUND 166.50 WARCHALA,MICHAEL 381797 04-Feb-2015 TRAVEUMILEAGE 139.32 WASTE MANAGEMENT 381385 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 88.96 WASTE MANAGEMENT 381611 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 102.66 WATERFORD SAND&GRAVEL LIMITED 381386 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 4,048.73 WEBB,DAVE 381798 04-Feb-2015 GRANT 560.00 WELDDARE METAL WORKS LTD 381612 29-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 40.68 WELMAR RECREATIONAL PRODUCTS 381613 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 569.18 WESCO DISTRIBUTION CANADA INC 381150 14-Jan-2015 STORES/INVENTORY 144.14 WESCO DISTRIBUTION CANADA INC 381387 21-Jan-2015 STORES/INVENTORY 590.67 WESTPIER MARINE&INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY INC. 381151 14-Jan-2015 STORES/INVENTORY 770.25 WESTPIER MARINE&INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY INC. 381614 29-Jan-2015 STORES/INVENTORY 347.27 WHITFIELD PLUMBING 381152 14-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 4,350.00 WHITNEY,MALYSA 381799 04-Feb-2015 REFUND 181.84 WILHELM,JENNIFER 381389 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 175.27 WILKES,SCOTT 381800 04-Feb-2015 MATERIALS 150.00 WILLIAMS,PHYLIS 381616 29-Jan-2015 REFUND 230.00 WINDYLANE DEVELOPMENTS INC 381801 04-Feb-2015 REFUND 676.21 WINTER FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS 381617 29-Jan-2015 GRANT 28,500.00 WOLSELEY CANADA INC. 381390 21-Jan-2015 STORES/INVENTORY 1,964.31 WOMEN'S PLACE OF SOUTH NIAGARA INC 381618 29-Jan-2015 GRANT 1,612.50 WORK AUTHORITY 381391 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 2,994.06 WORK AUTHORITY 381619 29-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 450.00 WORK EQUIPMENT LTD 381154 14-Jan-2015 VEH ID#300 1,479.52 WORK EQUIPMENT LTD 381392 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,319.48 WORKING BYTES INC 381393 21-Jan-2015 CONTRACT SERVICES 576.30 WSIB 381155 14-Jan-2015 REMITTANCE 7,010.53 WSIB 381394 21-Jan-2015 REMITTANCE 25,765.71 WSIB 381802 04-Feb-2015 REMITTANCE 33,099.19 Page 12 of 12 CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTS Vendor Name Cheque No. Cheque Date Purpose Amount WSIB 381803 04-Feb-2015 PAYROLL REMITTANCE 1,259.48 WSIB COLLECTIONS SERVICES 381620 29-Jan-2015 REFUND 11,064.08 WYLIE,BRENDA 381395 21-Jan-2015 PETTY CASH 763.65 YARNELL OVERHEAD DOORS LTD 381396 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 147.47 YELLOW PAGES GROUP 381621 29-Jan-2015 ADVERTISING 895.36 YELLOW PAGES GROUP 381804 04-Feb-2015 ADVERTISING 721.45 YMCA OF NIAGARA 381397 21-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 1,229.81 YMCA OF NIAGARA 381622 29-Jan-2015 UTILITIES 6,429.51 YOUNG SOD FARMS LTD 381157 14-Jan-2015 MATERIALS 383.71 YWCA NIAGARA REGION 381623 29-Jan-2015 GRANT 4,277.75 ZARAFONITIS,CHRISTOPHER J 381398 21-Jan-2015 REFUND 140.54 Total 11,219,521.39 CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS By-law No. 2015 - A by-law to adopt, ratify and confirm the actions of City Council at its meeting held on the 24th day of February, 2015. WHEREAS it is deemed desirable and expedient that the actions and proceedings of Council as herein set forth be adopted, ratified and confirmed by by-law. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The actions of the Council at its meeting held on the 24th day of February, 2015 including all motions, resolutions and other actions taken by the Council at its said meeting, are hereby adopted, ratified and confirmed as if they were expressly embodied in this by-law, except where the prior approval of the Ontario Municipal Board or other authority is by law required or any action required by law to be taken by resolution. 2. Where no individual by-law has been or is passed with respect to the taking of any action authorized in or with respect to the exercise of any powers by the Council, then this by-law shall be deemed for all purposes to be the by-law required for approving, authorizing and taking of any action authorized therein or thereby, or required for the exercise of any powers thereon by the Council. 3. The Mayor and the proper officers of the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the said actions of the Council or to obtain approvals where required, and, except where otherwise provided, the Mayor and the Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute all documents arising therefrom and necessary on behalf of the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls and to affix thereto the corporate seal of the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls. Passed this twenty-fourth day of February, 2015. DEAN IORFIDA, CITY CLERK JAMES M. DIODATI, MAYOR First Reading: February 24, 2015 Second Reading: February 24, 2015 Third Reading: February 24, 2015