Schedules"'I Niagara JW Us SCHEDULE A to the OFFICIAL PLAN FUTURE LAND USE :;;T1 mmiHsA v'H;t6' ::6; i%z3 1 g /9 >r 91tj•A WÿM%.•*24. *0 LEGEND: ‘50; ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AREA EXTRACTIVE INDUSTRIAL GOOD GENERAL AGRICULTURE INDUSTRIAL MAJOR COMMERCIAL MINOR COMMERCIAL GARNER SOUTH SECONDARY PLAN NIAGARA ESCARPMENT PLAN AREA OPEN SPACE PARKWAY RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL RESORT COMMERCIAL RURAL /AGRICULTURAL THEME PARK MARINELAND TOURIST COMMERCIAL SPECIAL POLICY AREA NIAGARA ESCARPMENT BOUNDARY URBAN AREA BOUNDARY *i62s(62; 162J(58j 162]£§7«162;£1]162;I *o 0 QUEEN ST>>36;C3( <17\Ztla tojL C3l60{r 3»14j G8;(59; [314)<ZZ2>m\no;r9' ‘21'i45:5’ 143]'16; '19,VV>F I (42ÿ7] REVISIONS*PLEASE REFER TO "MAP 1 TOOFFICIALPLANAMENDMENTNO.96"(631 (63](48;OPA#1 OPA#2 OPA#3OPA#4 DEF #6 OPA#6 OPA#7DEF#7DEF#8OPA#9DEF#10 OPA #10 OPA #11 OPA #12 OPA #16 OPA #18 OPA #14 OPA #20 OPA #21 OPA #23OPA#26OPA#27 OPA #28 OPA #30 OPA #31 OPA #32 OPA #34OPA#35 OPA #36 OPA #37 OPA #40 OPA #41 OPA #42 OPA #43 OPA #46 OPA #47 OPA #48 OPA #49 OPA #50 OPA #52OPA#54 OPA #55 OPA #58 OPA #59 OPA #60 OPA #63 OPA #64OPA#66 OPA #67 OPA #70 OPA #72 OPA #75 OPA #79 OPA #80 OPA #81 OPA #77 OPA #78 OPA #82 OPA #83 OPA #84OPA#86 OPA #87 OPA #88 OPA #89 OPA #92 OPA #93 OPA #95OPA#97 OPA #98 OPA #99 OPA #100 OPA #102 OPA #105OPA#108 OPA #109 OPA #111 (545(631 i631F/12<(63| 63,53(63!%GARNER SOUTH SECONDARYPLANAREA-see Schedule A-3 \(63 '739. 25.%I >56.Oce.oQ ri \IP /o /I03(521 i£S*3885&§WILLICK RDA'34A*Xg%A RD;34;r2'34B,I lEIXINGER RD 37D(46. BIG< 37EM.>64,r8' 37A'£ y37j; MC.37B; l1 Xn37K \li(il;37G >>>>>>>>>>:;:::::::::::::::: r8'm:::::::::::::::: &wmwmsm ’N. n IJSi ssss NOTE: THIS MAP MUST BE READ IN CONJUNCTION WITH THEWRITTENTEXTOFTHEOFFICIALPLANAPPROVEDOCTOBER1993UPDATEDTODECEMBER2014RailmEHSCALE1:60 000 K:\SourceData\Shapes\OP\Official_Plan.map December 2014 MAP 1 TO AMENDMENT NO.96SCHEDULEATOTHEOFFICIALPLANNiagaraFatlsJCANADAEnvironmentalProtectionAreaandEnvironmentalConservation Area N TOWN OF NIAGARA-ON-THE-LAKE ””””w E2714SubjecttoNECPlanPoliciesXSf5sXK.9*Scale 1:55,000 0 1 kmMOUNTAINRC ur\Uu 9'I 5 /»B 05 4Tw.Areas affected by this Amendment: Change From EPA to Abutting Land Use DesignationfHJ iP—/AONERD~THOR'Proposed Designation: Environmental Protection Area * Environmental Conservation Area * *Please refer to Schedule A-l for Adjacent Lands and Buffers Deferred Area Special Policy Area Special Notation (See Note Below) 3'21 >r/&STI1/I> jMORRISPNST</?71 /([%ft IIsm/ oH\\o /*fS IoLui /o i /§§i o05=5> O F ERRl73.//O LUNDYS LN (V]17 JI*1.The Ministry of Natural Resources has finalized Wetland mapping for this property which is in effect as per Provincial Legislation.The specific extentsoftheProvinciallySignificantWetlandsonthispropertyiscurrentlyunder discussion between the property owner and the Ministry and the redesignation of the area is deferred until the extents have been confirmed at which time the designation for this property on this Schedule may be amended without further amendment to this Plan. / /HcP /-si o /a o£u )UNN s;H>1 oar L$% MCLEOt)FtD _1 py oil &AmitZB 7tkjI- n 168x3AoJ%4Oift30O //\X ClO?iro UJ lo rll/t-ft2COr*/r /v1o 9;/aai toI4>2 o I\ uoQ iNRDJ/1 /—AAJL ///1//[yv,///CARL Rt w /fARMfrLLRDf ///O \\q a 14n4r44o~n 1§\m 442V2D 4Vh\i JIMT?2K[/\\4Jf/-r \r71'lEPPS o tl-J-J \\\mr Ei \t o \SAUER RD \j..&&\/P \\?/rPo vl ))1 1 oo!$5 Jm§1 BAKER RD£&;3Al!i !:Source Mapping:Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority,Ministry of Natural Resources,Regional Municipality of Niagara. This information is for reference purposes only.The extent of Natural Heritage Features can be changed through further study,plans,etc.and may not be up to date on this Plan.Please contact the NPCA for the most current data.TOWN OF FORT ERIE NgTHERBY RD This data is provided "as is"and the City of Niagara Falls(the City)makes no representations or warranties,express or implied,as to the accuracy or completeness ofthe data.The maps and drawings contained herein are intended for general layout purposes only and shall not be considered as official plans or drawings.For further information,please contact the City.The City shall not be held liable for special, incidental,consequential or indirect damages arising from the use ofthis data.Users assume all risks in using this data.No part ofthese_digital images,or information,or hardcopies made from them may be reproduced and/or distributed without this disclaimer. JUiy zui4 K:\Projects\Enviro_Update\Draft_Policy\EnviroUpdate_omb3.map CITY OF PORT COLBORNE SCHEDULE A-l Natural Heritage Features and Adjacent LandsNiagaraFallsJCANADA \KTOWNOFNIAGARA-ON-TH E-LAKE 1 >127SubjecttoNECPlanPolicies y>j\ A\IV yATv' D __ H,I C>fejr-lCa r -a o \ >WmIy >>N/L r.1 km0k3-m w E Scale 1:55,000ONERD'STHOIA1rrEnvironmental Protection Area Environmental Conservation Area Wetland Buffer Area The Wetland Buffer area has been illustrated as 30 metres.The actual extentof this buffer may increase or decrease as a result of detailed studies required through this Plan. Property Parcel Adjacent Land Creek Special Policy Area Special Consideration (See Note Below) i \a:&BRIDGE ST=1a.7 1>&;i&i..//MORRISON ST /< _ 9-*-S E /m /8738m i joHIi jommioE!\1O§iRI2.f /rLUNDYSLN / /<iA'/ /1.The Ministry of Natural Resources has finalized Wetland mapping for this property which is in effect as per Provincial Legislation.The specific extents of the Provincially Significant Wetlands on this property is currently under discussion between the property owner and the Ministry and the redesignation oftheareaisdeferreduntiltheextentshavebeenconfirmedatwhichtimethe designation for this property on this Schedule may be amended without further amendment to this Plan. o o«mcoH IUNN s;\>\H-g /ti-2.The redesignation of these lands have been deferred until the status of theNPCAwetlandshavebeenconfirmed.MCLEO )FE>_ F V1 1/r-\yfli.<.-J .K J \r j*-Ri \S—¥fa'/*\i \1 I x<?I *"I _1 fa.ffl /a '/Mv 4 f \L*!ry*,0 ,3I1n r/68x tiv*?!ivy !wr~r /H ImioV*lg“AX .i$5 .J ,M3 r L 5 / zp°i oIÿNI /IIA.73C IIw\/15V.lIfo/J /o Irn/Imirio A7"IAll/\/fivPO II /\Ij),om —J cAV%j:---'x iV,V9fR /-L I5 A //-nr*5 /A ,,r u.:1 /j'I j “X /73«Vr .5SH /-.mmm, 3ARL RlleiÿyÿJ i F 1 1 ir /K f i /m /jWfr /C"•l /ij IARJM'—i./.L__rt /—)it*.\l ./Ifi >i ..ft*i -I rj*V \l---i 170I 4rnVI1T2•i , f In 4IrL,»i-Hjar i -**i’’'W f3I1 ,F-J V\rTjIjf---_4oIlIfII/I 1 1---1 \fj 1 L1 -si* $j jii”(X I illA MmiI i1 1rww5•1 !C 7 f wksfrM.o L 4Aj i ja SCn £1(f_r 4.,I /I .,YONS i I 1MlJjFIE3riif0i§(3 F J \Ml tfi \\jp KS.\•7Tcr iaKl j \\SAUER RD |VcFi \QV 8 T=JOP &fi>J t \IILf<L \ i y&P->1 \. \7—i v—S rji /Ir Q11iifiii.iL s»r«o V.1I5§r*I Nimt1nEBAKERRDIXII5i&Ij7 l/-vAi]i ii.ii r-—\I*\________________ _ ______ sARegional Municipality of Niagara. is TnfbrmatibnlsToF reference purposes only.The extent of Natural Heritage Features can be changed through further study, plans,etc.and may not be up to date on this Plan.Please contact the NPCA for the most current data. uthoribAMini:n)nq:Niarce ft dr’TOWN OF FORT ERIE This data is provided "as is"and the City of Niagara Falls (the City)makes no representations or warranties,express or implied,as to the accuracy or completeness of the data.The maps and drawings contained herein are intended for general layout purposes only and shall not be considered as official plans or drawings.For further information,please contact the City.The City shall not be held liable for special,incidental,consequential or indirect damages arising from the use of this data.Users assume all risks in using this data.No part of these digital images,or information,or hardcopies made from them may be reproduced and/or distributed without this disclaimer. RDr>ar f l m uecemoer zuiÿt K:\Projects\Enviro_Update\Draft_Policy\EnviroUpdate_omb3.map CITY OF PORT COLBORNE Niagara/vi/isLiAi\ 4 Irz7:i--V IIw*’*'I\f II3?'%v iro»«nt V ~\i44’:!,§\lA81u«>'“x /X \VS XM-Jmm—*li \m yrÿS.1 /lÿr'xmm* J tI"7/p Imwi»w»«TJ.—•£„ __ I2£\*/V /KMMTIV \ir-»4*J /v?\A t-m S /-si.•>/—J //"/V %\v /m?3*/Z /w «•AV s&stDO,***&!-f;.V•>'1'\I:/ f # 1 /•"«»—y «*__ .i5......I c UMOOW "**”|I s J\;/X y§<*f:y'J—niWA..5 /CAItVDUL »Schedule A2 Urban Structure Plan AVtwin /rÿJ ICAPI'$'//%V So:s 1la /•r*f I ri? \11 Jjf«'•**"t|o»«*t>5T v-x\Sv\ocw«»**aoMiTTf.«l Pi'&77f*•m3!W„L :.-4x0JJt«SV »N...I.'ÿ c'j *1 wrr»ITtV:n/16 Major TransitStationArea i(9**V tiiull:s4mI*t»v OCWlf.IÿUX»*T ViIOCMgw!I ;PHK*C*4 •*m»~*‘'ia':]~\pl®3 *lLr*l:nts51StamfordBRII:i )bm >JF3B !»1 HJ>r:••s .10-Downtown-h!£v ;-/r>LEGEND1./m —111s /*V11kit1 /r5A'iÿr 1%!1 /Urban Area Boundary Built Area BoundaryrIRuralArea Protected Natural Heritage Area •Indudes lands designated EPA only Urban Area Morrison /rw*Dorchester!EP Til 1VWi..Me 1T\1_s A now.l «rra>*H /3f /I 'SS /uBEAVEROM(J.;i /•WWW 5|j3*A*M*W(C 4 91 /sist t*«V**'miwca»*I «MTW I ~~1 Built Up Area•Transit Area sI w*I S]1—1 Node CorridorESPf/;;1i?UK**"*1’t /MIA //Brownfield Pilot Project Area Greenfield AreaTÿlQEWEmployment Corridor Warren Woods Secondary Plan Area Transportation Corridor ““Arterial Roads Highway wm,tarn*mmA—law MOVfnti9*o //warn*»V\19 /*tA 1©U«yr»«i I ci1i / ;1 si >,.C<ÿen\in HI wa»VIS•$sI»L T1t r/t"**"•**>t I*1 w/r / DrummondvilleI Is\vN OR<T»T8 T Rail*a c ——:International BridgeHWMOanS/ / tU»*Tfr-)i /JH Tfc»»IsrlfF 1 /•x A /.11 I»T /f I I i;W«»»?i ;4a 11 I Note:This map illustrates the overlay designations referredtoinPART2ofthisPlananddonotreplacethespecificlandusedesignationsidentifiedinScheduleAtothisPlanortheir corresponding policies.This map is to read in conjunction with the policies of this plan. *0 i I *******J \I-* S •&A >:lL-8i 1 trvs-4 *1 *I*1r »-1"W“*J '«*W®itML miLIw]I It1IranW<T"«'7M l I5.«-r2:uanOCCCÿ I %?\3 ywiU o*a* *!!1 •nn «»I 4)amlVf ;s A\l OA<ST - IC»t.Vl•'//i 5i"•“«lArx%rosn/ÿrra«rt*o«cSl J X xnÿrfJr-A\•I X9\IMJ i1 1 >sx8ffi1uiM1>,f*Whr.r trmmj 4soJCff"**v>rv-r i—'•If Nrsrii*7 X-j™'®X X v-w.1 -3V */»4 /TT VI:[i*-:\/ywo*PV\(i a X»X pir..Warren WoodsSecondaryPlanArea%a//b/,ÿ// u* fIIT.TiTTnnn<T oWinXyyfJx3 vl"=\yj/8 A\7\YA ! v\/ V ,9it<ÿ\\J/\»MiXvV.*«,\ .,',1 !5 8 a»*m*53 LEGEND9\3 •Urban Area Boundary Built Area Boundary Rural Area Protected Natural Heritage Area ‘Indudes lands designated EPA only Urban Area I I Built Up Area t Transit Area /4‘/I/I WIU.ICK RDLAIx-/*/* __ *•1—1 NodeIV'''"I Corridor/REIXINGERROV Brownfield Pilot Project Area Greenfield Area QEW Employment CorridoriV.V..ÿ Warren Woods Secondary Plan Area Transportation Corridor 1 Arterial Roads—Highway I 4*'REIXWOER ROI VI»I /// I /BIGGAR RO May 2014 BS\0P\5cl(ÿHÿtlWaÿihÿtructurePlan.mapRail M LOGAN RD \SounceDataK: N&X $s %s Scale 1:5,000*ÿ**•*****cIIBRIDGEST tHIPLpunJ4-10Storeys3 PARK ST Vi 10-20 kjtfe 3 Storeys1 4-6n j/Jm a Qi StoreysnKBMAPLEST£m4-6 QUEEN ST */o[I zmL_ 2-3 Storeys 2 #.Storeys 2 J8=o5m HURON STHURONSTHU4-10Storeys n5DOoCn(A m*m 7>mm iMORRISONST-i m n /3120mWi'i—aEg >Downtown Node Boundary Maximum Density 50 uph 100 uph 150 uph §7>Maximum No.Storeys Minimum Density 16 uph 50 uph 50 uph O 5mS2z ELLIS ST>ELLIS ST 2-35mm4-6I4-10I10-207AHIHIIlPPBStDScheduleA.2(a)to the Official Plan DOWNTOWN NODE -HEIGHT STRATEGYNiagaraFflIIs (A N A I)A K:\SourceData\Shapes\OP\SchedA.2_Draft.map March 2011 N & NORTH ST—§==>-z--5-•ÿÿ4i=tdg~.»ÿ n/gimrs rascal(£n1:6,EMERY ST4“*mm >TTQjd >Iniilli—i ZBPgg,flaw•LJL anLUNDY'S LANE $FERRY ST 10-30StoreysWs4-10Storeys 56-13 c=stÿEl|P>1?sItd m11.m Imrrrr?=k «>I___.smCULPSf ROBINSON ST nfieSDELAWARESTzscG5mO>ASYMMIESST b fig1—Drurnmondv/lle NMaximumNo.Storeys MURRAY ST°de BoundaryMaximumDensity 100 uph 150 uph 200 uph MinimumDensity 50 uph 50 uph 100 uph 4-6 \10-30 \Storeys 1 4-10 6-13*10-30**Building Heights as per Figure4(OPA No.26;Approved May 2000) DIXON ST _ i _ Schedule A.2(b)to the OffiDRUMMONDVILLENODEA.2_Draft.map icial Plan-HEIGHT STRATEGYK:\SourceDiata\Shapes\op\Sched! March 2011 N 9 %(/>za%HHmssISsmScale1:4,000 :5lX 7>ELIZABETH ST5m 5llCRAWFORDST m VIRGINIA STiIo4-6mI03mStoreysI2a2O>§I%5m I:_g %2-3Storeys 4-10StoreysGALLINGERST *>* * # iGLENGATEST 25r-WILLIAM ST i§o .....:Stamford Node BoundaryMaximum No.Storeys Im Maximum Density 50 uph 100 uph 150 uph Minimum Density 20 uph 20 uph 20 uph rzu 2-3 4-6 4-10 CorridorPortageRoadThoroldStone Road7zx _Schedule A.2(c)to the Official PlanSTAMFORDNODE-HEIGHT STRATEGY Niagarafalls K:\SourceData\Shapes\OP\SchedA.2_Draft.map May 2011 3x s N4 2-3 5mStoreys s ScaleTT57UOU”MORRISON ST •—rX1'BURDETTE DROo4-673n*StoreysSmZ35m m7373 flO CROPP3Tc s\4tq03KEIFFERST5m>3 4-10StoreysX $*35 1+*DAWSON ST O>2 >o >o3 Dorchester/Morrison Node Boundary Maximum Maximum No.Storeys Density 50 uph 100 uph 150 uph i Minimum Density 16 uph 50 uph 50 uph 2-3X4-6%4-10 X xÿ x\\xScheduleA.2 (d)to the Official Plan MORRISON /DORCHESTER NODE -HEIGHT STRATEGY\iagara/Vi//s K:\SourceData\Shapes\OP\SchedA.2_Draft.map May 2011 Ivÿf n I f - j 1 ! : K J / ! ! 1 I I - 4 \ I _ ! . J * c I r r . i N i a g a r a F W H s n J F I A N \ 1 > \ I I / / I \ - $ l / i I I i, i S c h e d u l e A 3 t o t h e O f f i c i a l P l a n G A R N E R S O U T H S E C O N D A R Y P L A N / I : r r / ii j i / r ~ r i i \w V C A M A U I A * : |ft s J L _ J 1 1 N _--Ji \ ±v I r A \ i T C o l l e c t o r H O M S y s t e m f — 1 E r t v ; i i l i i f l e i ™ i Q V W n r t H d l A n j i W E n v o m r e ’ i t o l A M _ H U M u s e r ~ ~ 1 N * ÿ H t a t r * i w C C l i ™ w r | # r — 1 C f c m i # ™ " b d U m l k L e w D S r t d i y n m d e e n t i : M e d i a n t w u t y m a d e ™ h * f l h f e n * / 3 n j v k n J i v S i f l n V J T ! W W e r d 3 0 m S i f l w C i t e C * r * d 4 I n C 3 f c m S e t o o c k " A ” t o G S a i i « s u d k * r e w - i t e t e s m n p f c t e d i t e t h t a p m t e i ¥ ; T r e e [ w e s e r t s d e n s - e f r J i a t e p a n o r m e p u r a p p n r o l . l I ] ! 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