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NiagaraFallsJCANADAI S §H iunmlTAINRD QS3 1 APPENDIX II FORMER AND EXISTING MUNICIPAL LANDFILLS \\3IIHP L—rHnnrHHRD STM Ilihry nJ W I H as:Ift(D lVaJSKpHk __--J0 LEGEND:nnnmRQmaHMPKMWMWBW.S3 000 MUNICIPAL LANDFILLS &VICTORIA AVENUE LANDFILL 2 STANLEY AVENUE LANDFILL 3 FAIRVIEW CEMETERY LANDFILL 4 VALLEY WAY HOUCK PARK LANDFILL 5 MOUNTAIN ROAD LANDFILL 6 WILLOUGHBY MUNICIPAL LANDFILL 7 MONTROSE ROAD LANDFILL NIAGARA WASTE SYSTEMS LANDFILL 1QCTPIEfaLTir““s I m.ibnppssfcffiS? inffireHSf PS?80aCOrHSolQbas*$*0 BROWN RD will'llI I ).rI rfag I f S'I—WILLICK RD | I /WEAVER RDI5 LOGAN RD h s MARSHAL! 3 MARSHALL RD I MCCOURT RD MCCOURT RD YOUNG RD VO !:§ SHISLER RD BOSSERT RD BOSSERT RD:5 BOSSERT GONDER RDÿ l YOKOM RD—I SOMERVILLE RD SAUER RDÿ U§; MORNINGSTftR RD Hi iii BAKER RD RIDGE RD|/|§' t §L PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT DIVISION SCALE 1:60,000K:\SourceData\Shapes\OP\Official_Plan.map December 2008 NiagaraFallsJCANADA/3|I 1 Ss §wras™*<S$''-\S«ÿ w1<&Lii%s.IiinllNTMNRDwmma3r?4 sr :i"Sa«I 5 i111 MOM CHINOSWLcL£fCRES3C APPENDIX III WOODED AND TREED SITES 3Ss 1Jÿ1[gjÿRADY S7GLENG:%s STAMFO«DBRt/CNORHDOKSTT ,VOUNTJOY CRT'fLaaflaidlSgaÿ'ÿiS A"X an a-.CRE8 s#B;iw®mIOOINSST.fiat imsSTITiiigLSJSmfoxeOR LEADER IANE Ji8ori®wwasEOII:sifIs1ffcH1P4M- WlSMl If 8C?zIliLil CBMQBEDEya .cuIlMiPU4iiiil.:"i"J 1I1QSMORRISONSTJMORRISONSTjifflicMfggSWk DOsSWR"1 LEGEND:BEAVERi I sir"'i s,? 4 iI IP™72H_VALLEY WA'IATlON_RD_ 33 ROBERTS ——URBAN AREA BOUNDARY WOODED AND TREED SITESm*ae„DiC,1T ——j 'KITCHENER PROW //M0RTH J a:§CB BSE,§€?! i s|ssi p|| UUH*wÿlESa»l_\lifjjfca MDYS LANI CATA1|NA 8T I<°Tr utPLRIaST -II __ JJSm-----i«'"So >13irasSIMcrimSI/J a 'a iiifiNICHCX.S LANE_TID Vy? CUB 5ftUfgyj r-CRE / a JjLDFiELDBB-I f /: I :::l Misfflfflim mm MIRIE -~ -'ll 1l \X X X XXXXAXAAXAAXI AAAAAA,Xx]VXXXXXXXXAÿ nQ(XXxx II WEINBRENNERRO;ri’»s®I xIs> WILLICK RD | IREIXINGERJI I/WEAVI ««5 ffi LOGAN RD /y MARSHALL RD CARL RD MARSHALL RD : MCCOURTRDl MCCOUF nFTFNBECK RD 1 Rl !a*I ISHISLERRDÿ BOSSERT RD BOSSERT RD : GONDER RDÿ a SHERK RD_l $8,I SAUER RDÿ §: ST MORNINGSTAR RD I sSCHNEIDERRD_ BAKER RD *IDGE RD ' WILLOW(Fort Ene]RD | PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT DIVISION SCALE 1:60,000K:\SourceData\Shapes\OP\Official_Plan.map December 2008 ,,-M SSXSZ-—lTOWNOFNIAGARA-ON-THE-LAKE 1IIrISubjectto7 NEC Plan 1 Policies iI//// /7 ru ><1 o$1Llt-n Na 1 km0 K w EXXXX THOl \Scale 1:55,000cns>z/5 BRIDGE STa7%2 Top of Slope Special Policy Area Environment Protection Area SPA 40 NPCA Regulated Wetland >/=2ha Y///\Provincially Significant Life ANSI Official Plan -Industrial Designation Provincially Significant Wetland Regulated Floodplain ;Deferred Area Special Consideration (See Note Below) )\L /MORRISPN ST <m /o /5 a /o /wm /DB1od /!§mm /IEoo / $3 1ioI71m S DLUNDYSLN . 1.The Ministry of Natural Resources has finalized Wetland mapping for this property which is in effect as per Provincial Legislation.The specific extents of the Provincially Significant Wetlands on this property is currently under discussion between the property owner and the Ministry and the redesignation of the area is deferred until the extents have been confirmed at which time the designation for this property on this Schedule may be amended without further amendment to this Plan. 2.The redesignation of these lands have been deferred until the status of the NPCA wetlands have been confirmed. o8S<J)i lUNN S' %L g L i am MCLEOP15->Y__I n AV\\\C7 \\V &(8 1 >n /68x4 /i**ho 77 //EX /o n o ////55 [115=3 /'A 8 //I£CO /IKG/fl /&4 /IEis An /—iQ//CLiissmi /f /1 ///.I /mML*CARLRJMBÿB— t r ///pimtJ ////o I38i n \74 mo1 “n \A \ I—1&l 1-i ','-A \s Vr-r'ro m \\m i-1o SAUER RD V /: LiOJVoto5m KE§R RD>r9ran rr Lrces,Regional Municipality of Niagara.|es can be changed through further study,This information purposes only.The extent itage ilans,etc.and may not be up to date on this Plan.Please contact the NPCA for the most current data. TOWN OF FORT ERIE This data is provided "as is"and the City of Niagara Falls (the City)makes no representations or warranties,express or implied,as to the accuracy or completeness of the data.The maps and drawings contained herein are intended for general layout purposes only and shall not be considered as official plans or drawings.For further information,please contact the City.The City shall not be held liable for special,incidental,consequential or indirect damages arising from the use of this data.Users assume all risks in using this data. No part of these digital images,or information,or hardcopies made from them may be reproduced and/or distributed without this disclaimer. j —rAt[ate_omb3.map December 2014 Y Prnjprti 'i Wnviro Updat CITY OF PORT COLBORNE Appendix III-B: Adjacent Lands to the Inventory of Natural Heritage Features on Appendix III-ANiagaraFallsifCANAI)A \TOWN OF NIAGARA-ON-THE-LAKE lniIl\r Subject to / NEC Plan Policies Iriii //r /MOUNTAIN RE ./I /7>1I TJ 7r/X 7x N/$s 1 km0Ii-HT73 O /o ?s \Scale 1 :55,0000\\A N\o\lE RD~J THOR1 \IIH A.-oj > ir AftAIIBRIDGEST-L |Natural Heritage Feature on Appendix III-AJAdjacentLand: 50m from Provincially Significant Life ANSI 120m from Provincially Significant Wetland and NPCA Regulated Wetland >/=2ha •Deferred Area/\Special Policy Area Special Consideration (See Note Below) 7 >y&A //MORRISPN ST 5 /SLo I /z %{_/o /u)m / A HWY— o niH !o %/mmo /oa £/Ni1o /1oZ //az F ERR)//LUNDYS LN ////1.The Ministry of Natural Resources has finalized Wetland mapping for this property which is in effect as per Provincial Legislation.The specific extents of the Provincially Significant Wetlands on this property is currently under discussion between the property owner and the Ministry and the redesignation of the area is deferred until the extents have been confirmed at which time the designation for this property on this Schedule may be amended without further amendment to this Plan. 2.The redesignation of these lands have been deferred until the status of the NPCA wetlands have been confirmed. /o (M o \sinT \lUNN S'>i o ( Hr*5r MCLEO )1 vs&/5 \VPJI \m®«03« AS \\\ 1 /n 68x /3 •A /o /fa /Ic /o73 IRo! II</A o /—Ify /£0)rtf /AoA9o1n?,/14 ///Pi AA£1•innAR RD JNRD//>ml ///////'R®FLLR[/4p //i°\\lo \T5-n \*i r i\i($wm 5 lo\\r i l&\4 Vc\VIT r \4$2l IER RD \&&\\jrÿp \ 's V o o§o £m §BAKER RD -<|& CL Source Mapping:Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority,Ministry of Natural Resources,Regional Municipality of Niagara. This information is for reference purposes only.The extent of Natural Heritage Features can be changed through further study, plans,etc.and may not be up to date on this Plan.Please contact the NPCA for the most current data. This data is provided "as is"and the City of Niagara Falls (the City)makes no representations or warranties,express or implied,as to the accuracy or completeness of the data.The maps and drawings contained herein are intended for general layout purposes only and shall not be considered as official plans or drawings.For further information,please contact the City.The City shall not be held liable for special,incidental,consequential or indirect damages arising from the use of this data.Users assume all risks in using this data. No part of these digital images,or information,or hardcopies made from them may be reproduced and/or distributed without this disclaimer. TOWN OF FORT ERIEINZTHERBYRDL November 2014 IK:\nrojecto\Dmiu_Updi inviroDpaate_omb3.map CITY OF PORT COLBORNE Appendix III-C: Inventory of Natural Heritage FeaturesNiagaraFuJIsJCANAnA 1TOWNOFNIAGARA-ON-THE-LAKE iU- Subject to NEC Plan Policies nXnv* D n >>V K L N7 0 1 kmo,1 h 1IrsnwEmiScale1:55,000UXRDT SA'OfTHOl Significant Wildlife Habitat fvvÿvx]Earth Science ANSI Life Science ANSI _Publicly Owned Conservation Land Locally Significant Wetland]NPCA Regulated Wetland <2ha Property Parcel Significant Woodland ||Fish Habitat -Creek Deferred Areaf\Special Policy Area Special Consideration (See Note Below) m m \I IE ST4=4-3. £ua MORRISON ST <o !>z SoCH7_v<J)m Xo IT§mm5o §<21 %E o o F ERI O LUNDYS LN O 1.The Ministry of Natural Resources has finalized Wetland mapping for this property which is in effect as per Provincial Legislation.The specific extents of the Provincially Significant Wetlands on this property is currently under discussion between the property owner and the Ministry and the redesignation of the area is deferred until the extents have been confirmed at which time the designation for this property on this Schedule may be amended without further amendment to this Plan. 2.The redesignation of these lands have been deferred until the status of the NPCA wetlands have been confirmed. ©o TrrrTmw lUNN S' 73 \L a ( [LIT MCLEOt Ffr _$5V PYXn \\0o \\u#A\ *X?»it <*n r/683 nm \1l-»»ÿo*ÿ /x Io73OII$o 5 /£Aj r /_ /L <w //m 8 /i /14 /IonKoII/IIOGAR RD /RDE /////4 // CARL Rl //lARSHALLRt //fpV\\lo m lf\n /3 \O l \$li im £1ifl\-a lJ4•’lLEXlB-Y(1lcIIIlIAIi\i £\5 \t \\N73\SAUER RD \\\\ S \ o IoS >m z BAKER RD—5 >31 n\ Niagara Peninsula_C [his bÿrmation is for tfEation Authority,Minis srence purpos s onlyTTEe my of Natf™e\ent of Nal urces,Regional Municipality of Niagara. tÿitage Features can be changed through itact the NPCA for the most current data. -ci This data is provided "as is"and the City of Niagara Falls (the City)makes no representations or warranties,express or implied,as to the accuracy or completeness of the data.The maps and drawings contained herein are intended for general layout purposes only and shall not be considered as official plans or drawings.For further information,please contact the City.The City shall not be held liable for special,incidental,consequential or indirect damages arising from the use of this data.Users assume all risks in using this data.No part of these digital images,or information,or hardcopies made from them may be reproduced and/or distributed without this disclaimer. TOWN OF FORT ERIE December 2014 K.\PiujLLls\DiullUTJ iroUpdate_omb3.map CITY OF PORT COLBORNE Appendix III-D: Adjacent Lands to the Inventory of Natural Heritage Features on Appendix III-CNiagaraFtiiJs»/CANADA TOWN OF NIAGARA-ON-THE-LAKE l/€/La j V [\i Subject to NEC Plan Policies l/7,%PA[w //y /o 0WcTJ2rPJfig o c?a Na 1 km0zn- W E3HDJv Scale 1:55,000ASIERD~THOR"Natural Heritage Feature on Appendix III-C |Adjacent Land 15m from NPCA Regulated Wetland <2ha 15m from Creek (Outside Regulated Floodplain) 30m from Locally Significant Wetland 50m from Earth Science ANSI 50m from Life Science ANSI 50m from Significant Woodland **-Creek \Deferred Area/\Special Policy Area Special Consideration (See Note Below) IH> r-ft QrÿRjRIDGE ST&7 > 4-7y/MORRIsbN ST 6>.*z &1oC/>m hH3MaHXf\|§o o /O 73 1 IIo73z73 um a LUNDYS LN /**Adjacent lands for Significant Woodlands shall be 50m where a Watershed Plan has been completed or 10m from the dripline of the treed area where confirmed by an Environmental Impact Study. •&Vv7 /o oI©//VIT4 1.The Ministry of Natural Resources has finalized Wetland mapping for this property which is in effect as per Provincial Legislation.The specific extents of the Provincially Significant Wetlands on this property is currently under discussion between the property owner and the Ministry and the redesignation of the area is deferred until the extents have been confirmed at which time the designation for this property on this Schedule may be amended without further amendment to this Plan. 2.The redesignation of these lands have been deferred until the status of the NPCA wetlands have been confirmed. \tr >UNN S'>P H73 fH-73 i 1( \r7 MCLEOb _l 17/n PY'A r \!\#\V«ÿ ©0 [Q 3 Atx?/7NSlSOi30;€V '/n >68x3 iW{1 .o ]/H 1I /Os /I$5 op~/<ro /SiAaIo p I/</co /C3 o /C?<?o 'I /14 /o /a /ydjOi //•ICiGAR RD_V //<//\//m /flL I /J mj /Vs /[SHALL RD,V ',C ii—“ B o uvQ 1-VLr3 /ao >~n f§m 5 ?In'Hc.O'a 01—'5*r'J a s.1 Cnis JV\J'ONS l1-=vn i \l*£aJC V 0 \/\It,/\m i-(s73\SAUER RD \cl a s0\ 0 N. t Tr n o$p r5m ol BAKER RDLoaO?y,n TCpmiTrFÿL Regional Municipality of Niagara. This information is for reference purposes only.The extent of Natural Heritage Features can be changed through further study,plans,etc.and may not be up to date on this Plan.Please contact the NPCA for the most current data. 1 TOWN OF FORT ERIE This data is provided "as is"and the City of Niagara Falls (the City)makes no representations or warranties,express or implied,as to the accuracy or completeness of the data.The maps and drawings contained herein are intended for general layout purposes only and shall not be considered as official plans or drawings.For further information,please contact the City.The City shall not be held liable for special,incidental,consequential or indirect damages arising from the use of this data.Users assume all risks in using this data.No part of these digital images,or information,or_hardcopies made from them may be reproduced and/or distributed without this disclaimer. NgTHERBÿJRfo yi zNovemberZU14 K:\Proiects\Enviro Update\Draft Policy\EnviroUpdate omb3.map CITY OF PORT COLBORNE APPENDIX III -E Watershed Plans and Potential CorridorsNiagaraFaiiskWCANADA 1TOWNOFNIAGARA-ON-THE-LAKE I----r \sÿr \iVIII<5 //!//MQl INTAIN RD /'3<r ™i //-t$r-/r-o /*Ten Mild Cre //o No$S s73 W Et8T)ssm s S\A \o 1 km•Q\IE RD~\THOR'\\C/3 \Scale 1:55,000> r~\3 \0F§J §mkiiiners BRIDGE ST \7 \Watershed Plans Completed_:South Niagara FallsIIWarrenCreek Currently Underway I |Beaverdams Creek /2-//MORRISPN ST SL /5o /a73f /8m //H O HI /o /03mO /o 73 /X Shriners Creek Ten Mile Creek Proposed /o o //n Oo F ERR|//O LUNDYS LN f _|Thompsons Creek/P /kBe /Potential Natural Heritage Corridor/\Special Policy Area Fish Habitat -Critical -Important -Marginal amIrAvFr-i— /W1 /op \mC/3 \)UNN S'>,1I o4r LI1nrMCLEOP1 Municipal Drainpyn Niagara River 10 \hompsons Creek \BZ \\\11A uI Q 1 /\t 68 5 i \\iir .'l\!»«ÿ -s 1 /J ***/1 k /#ÿ t /™4 /kf 'ko ir,i,»"//3>m Niagara F |ver 73/34,.hr **A'r'4'--.1Mi1,£«//,>L4r:t;ÿ L-™Q C9\sy Brook •..>f -•-/o«Fr»'o <uI 1-V*2.-. i :rr o ia4/4fin•IGGAR.SQ Hjnters Drain ,v 'i/.y :LOGAN RD *i /y)i r -14 /i //4'i*affr44i_/K ""’*Vlst /t1 /CARL Rl ):h /IARSHALL RD,h /it7 /I /'-.1 Niagara River 11 h / 1 Lyo is Creek 1*1n3k i tc V \o i {J ll$4m lhrT5hl/i Ws«f4 1p1 •i lF"4/\ A*» tcsseÿaf 1Prrv-1*.LYONS \KT JLu7-ÿ r H 1.o<r \i1 liV1\tAPO-NiagaraNRiver 13\4 P um i-P/**IfPI/'"'o 41 1 \ r‘1 l5£ SAUER RD.V)4.m \lagaria \£1 £\\-CJ ::\/n NIa >ÿ _ÿ _ÿ _ÿ \i Bayers Creek N»N.m —____ T- m PPVrr'I/-4’a1rI5JIt*I O P Niagara River 14PS—b § OI *>y-*1-< o BAKER RD-I*4ÿ I ee Cree <V S'!Source Mapping:Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority,Ministry of Natural Resources,Regional Municipality of Niagara. This information is for reference purposes only.The extent of Natural Heritage Features can be changed through further study, plans,etc.and may not be up to date on this Plan.Please contact the NPCA for the most current data. This data is provided "as is"and the City of Niagara Falls (the City)makes no representations or warranties,express or implied,as to the accuracy or completeness of the data.The maps and drawings contained herein are intended for general layout purposes only and shall not be considered as official plans or drawings.For further information,please contact the City.The City shall not be heldliableforspecial,incidental,consequential or indirect damages arising from the use of this data.Users assume all risks in using this data. No part of these digital images,or information,or hardcopies made from them may be reproduced and/or distributed without this disclaimer. TOWN OF FORT ERIE1NgTHERBYRDuK MmwmKio PA!4 CITY OF PORT COLBORNEK:\Projects\Enviro_Update\Draft_Policy\EnviroUpdate_omb3.map N IA G A R A RIV E R P K W Y PORTAGE RD P O R T A G E R D K A L A R R D K A L A R R D R I V E R R D RIVER R D MAINST BROWN RD M C C R E D I E R D D Y M E N T C R E S D E L L R D BIGGAR RD GRA S S Y B R O O K R D C R O W L A N D A V E MCCOURT RD MCCOURT RD B E C K R D B E C K R D D O R C H E S T E R R D D O R C H E S T E R R D D O R C H E S T E R R D W I L L O U G H B Y D R W I L L O U G H B Y D R W I L L O U G H B Y D R YOKOM RD SHISLER RD SHISLER RD W I L L O D E L L R D GONDER RD L A P P R D BAKER RDBAKER RD MORNINGSTAR RD MORNINGSTAR RD LOGAN RD O R T R D O R T R D MARSHALL RD MARSHALL RD MARSHALL RD WEAVER RD MILLER RD BOSS E R T S E R VIC E R D SOMERVILLE RD DETENBECK RD BOSSERT RD BOSSERT RD BOSSERT RD BOSSERT RD SHERK RD SHERK RD SAUER RD K I N G R D S C H A U B E L R D SCHNEIDER RD LEMON RD KOABEL RD L INCOLN STLINCOLN ST RIDGE RD RIDGE RD M O R R I S R D M O R R I S R D M C K E N N E Y R D M C K E N N E Y R D YOUNG RDYOUNG RD M I S E N E R R D M I S E N E R R D CARL RD F A L L S A V E CLIFTO N H I L L G A R N E R R D G A R N E R R D G A R N E R R D BEAVERDAMS RD B E A V E R D A M S R D M EWBURN RD S T P A U L A V E W H I R L P O O L R D QUEEN ST VALLEY W AY V A L L E Y W A YMORRISONSTMORRISONST V I C T O R I A A V E V I C T O R I A A V E FERRY ST WILLICK RD REIXINGER RD REIXINGER RD D R U M M O N D R D D R U M M O N D R D THOROLD STONE RD THOROLD STONE RD MCLEOD RD #405 HWY Q E W Q E W #420 HWY #420 HWY T H O R O L D T O W N L I N E R D T A Y L O R R D S O D O M R D S O D O M R D S O D O M R D S C H I H L R D ROBERTS ST NIAGARA TOWNLINE RD NETHERBY RD MOUNTAIN RD MOUNTAIN RD MCLEOD RD MCLEOD RD MARINELANDPKWY LYONS CRE EK R D LYONS C R E E K R D L Y O N S C R E E K R D L U N D Y S L A N E LUNDYS LANE C H I P P A W A C R E E K R D BRIDGE ST APPENDIX IV POTENTIAL AGGREGATE RESOURCES LEGEND: AGGREGATE RESOURCE AREAS BEDROCK RESOURCE AREA GRAVEL RESOURCE AREA PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIVISION SCALE 1: 60,000 K:\SourceData\Shapes\OP\Official_Plan.map December 2008 NiagaraFallsCANAI)A N HQ 3P ffii[!a 0 JUJULOO v n iBCD;;c _J11 =p isjptissdff3SpR'x/«lafaB? 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