08/25/2015 (3) gi OFA CANADA
The City of Niagara Falls, Ontario
August 25, 2015
No. 27
Moved by Councillor Craitor
Seconded by Councillor Strange
WHEREAS Mr. & Mrs. Derek and Lana Hill tragically lost their 13-year old daughter, Kelsey
in December 2011, from cancer; and
WHEREAS prior to her passing, Team Kelsey was created to raise awareness of childhood
cancer; and
WHEREAS Team Kelsey has raised more than $110,000 for childhood cancer; and
WHEREAS the Hills have an event, Mashing the Monster, an adult Halloween Costume Party
(the "event"), scheduled for October 17, 2015 at St. Ann's Hall; and
WHEREAS all proceeds from the event go to McMaster University Stem Cell & Cancer
Research Institute; and
WHEREAS due to the fact that the organizers of the event are neither a charity or not - for-
profit organization, to obtain a Special Occasion Liquor Licence from the Alcohol & Gaming
Commission of Ontario (AGCO), the event requires a resolution of Council recognizing it as
an event of municipal significance.
WHEREAS these type of fundraising events by individuals in our community are to be
encouraged and raise significant funds for worthy charities and endeavours that ultimately
benefit members of the local community.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Niagara Falls City Council considers the Mashing the
Monster event to be an event of municipal significance and supports the provision of a
Special Occasion Liquor Licence (SOP) for the event.
AND The Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
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