2003/04/07The City of Niagara Falls, Ontario Council Chambers No. 12 April 7, 2003 Moved by Alderman PUTTICK Seconded by Alderman IOANNONI WHEREAS Autism is a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life; and WHEREAS 20,000 people in Ontario today have autism or some form of Autism Spectrum Disorder; and WHEREAS this learning disability can be treated with a program of intensive one-on-one care; and WHEREAS a program called Intensive Behavioural Intervention (IB1) has proven successful in helping children with autism learn and develop; and WHEREAS according to media reports, approximately 900 Ontario children are on a waiting list for IBI; and WHEREAS govemmem-funded IBI is only available until a child reaches six years old; and WHEREAS Ontario School boards do not have sufficient funding to provide students with autism with specialized curriculum material, assisfive technology, specialized staff such as autism teachers and speech and language therapists, and educational assistants; and WHEREAS the Provincial Government has committed $100 million by 2006/2007 for services for children with autism; and WHEREAS despite the much-needed infusion of resources from the Province, the services do not include extension of IBI funding. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Premier Emie Eves and Minister of Community, Family and Children Services, Brenda Elliot, be called upon to direct resources to extending [BI funding to children of school age; and -2- FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Provincial Government endeavour to provide IBI for the Ontario children currently on lists waiting to receive this specialized treatment; and FINALLY BE IT RESOLVED THAT specialized teachers and curriculum be provided to school children with autism, similar to educational accommodation currently available to the deaf and blind. AND The Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. The motion Carded with Aldermen Campbell, Federow and Pietrangelo abstaining from the vote on conflicts of interest. CITY CLERK ~SON MAYOR The City of Niagara Falls, Ontario Council Chambers No. 11 April 7, 2003 Moved by Alderman PIETRANGELO Seconded by Alderman FISHER RESOLVED THAT thc Council of the Corporation of thc City of Niagara Falls reaffirms the passing of By-law 2003-48, a by-law to provide zoning regulations for the Miller Road Estates (North) draft plan of subdivision. AND The Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. The motion Carried with Alderman Federow abstaining from the vote on a conflict Of int~re~ and With all others voting in favour. CITY CLERK ~ON MAYOR