2018/04/101.1. 211. 2‘2‘ 311. 611. A9: City Council Meeting Council Chambers IN CAMERA SESSION OF COUNC|L4:00 In Camera Resolution,April 10,2018 Ag 10 CALL TO ORDER Moment of Sience for those who lost their lives in the Humboldt Broncos Junior Hockey Team crash. 0 Canada to be sung by Gioia De Leonardist Anthem Singer ADOPTION OF MINUTES Council Minutes of March 27,2018. 'il-27M r21 -Min -Pf DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST Disclosures of pecuniary interest and a brief explanation thereof wil be made for the current Counci Meeting at this time‘ MAYOR'S REPORTS,ANNOUNCEMENTS DEPUTATIONS I PRESENTATIONS Recggnitlon of Lucas Bahdi Mayor Diodati will recognize Lucas Bahdi for his accomplishment, winning the Canadian Boxing Championships in Edmonton. Lucas Bahdi Pro?le City of Niagara Falls enda Tuesday,April 10,2018 @ 5:00 PM Page 1 of211 7.1. 7.2. 7.3. 7.4. 8.1. 8.2. 8.3. REPORTS MW-2018-06 -Boyers Creek Municipal Drain Re-Appointment of Engineer under the Drainage Act Spriet anAssociates MW-2018-06 Boyer‘s Creek Re-Apgintment of Engneer underthe l6£6_Q§AQl MW-2018-06 -Attachment 1 -Location My PBD-2018-23 -Extension of the Interim Control By-law Regarding Boarding and Rooming Houses PDB-21-2Exn'nf|im rB-Iw TS~2018-11 -Rosedale Drive -Intersection Control Reviews TS-2018-11 Rosedale Drive -Intersection Control Reviews CD-2018-03 -Adult Entertainment Appeals CD-2018-03 Adu|tEntertainmentAppea|s COIDAUNICATIONS AND COMMENTS OF THE CITY CLERK Starr Valentino -requestng that May 16,2018 be proclaimed as 'Do Something Good for your neighbour Day‘in the City of Niagara Falls. RECOMMENDATION:For the Approval of Council In in f rN ’h rD Celebrate Old Downtown -Cmising the 0 Car Show:Cruising the Q is entering its 5th season starting May 1,2018.Requesting waiver of fees associated with Road Closures,Cleaning (sweeping of Queen Street)and Parking Permits. RECOMMENDATION:For the Consideration of Council Celebrate Old Downtown Road Closure application 11th Annual Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer -Taking place June 9th and 10th,2018.Requesting that Council recognize the event as a public event of municipal signi?cance in orderto obtaina Special Occasion Liquor Licence from the AGCO. RECOMMENDATION:For the Consideration of Council 2018 Enbrige Ride to ComuerCancer 24-26 27-28 35-38 39-40 Page2of211 8.4. 8.5. 8.6. 8.7. 9.1. Redboss Pyrotechnics -requesting approval for use ofGlenview Park 41 -43 for various ?rework displays for the Great Wolf Lodge. RECOMMENDATION:For the Approval of Council GWL Insurance Revel Chuity Ball -Bene?ting Project Share:Request lorfunding by purchasing a table of 10 ($1000)for the event on April 27,2018. 44-46 RECOMMENDATION:For the Consideration of Council Revel Realty Chaity Ball Water For Life Art Exhlbition-The temporary exhibition will be taking 47 -48 place on May 12,2018 at the Niagara Falls History Museum,5810 Ferry Street.The event,expecting to attract 200-300 invited guests,will help support and promote the importance of water and artistic representations of water. Requesting that Couno’I recognize the event as a public event of municipal significance in order to obtain a Special Occasion Liquor Lioenoe from the AGCO. RECOMMENDATION:For the Consideration of Council Waterlor Life Art exibition Notice ol Public Meeting -Impact of Canadian National (CN)Railway train operations within the City's urban boundary. 49 -50 RECOMMENDATION:Forthe Information of Counci Notice of Pubic Ogn house PLANNING MATTERS Public Meeting AM-2017-005,City Initiated Of?cial Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments Vacation Rental Units and Bed and Breaklats Background Report:PBD-2018-19 Page3of211 10. PBD-2018-19 AM-2017-005 Regglating Vacation Rental Units and Bed and Breakfasts AM-2017-005 Ptblic Comments AM-2017-005 Pwlic Correspndence LetterNiggaraFallsVacationRentalPrggosal AM-2017-005 Piblic Corresgndence -Smart Stm Inc. AM-2017-005 Pwlic Correspndence -Adam Ane Corresandencefrom E.Plata. Qrresmngngfrgm Jghn Pinter Corresandencefrom S.D.Harvgy Corresgndence from K Walker BY-LAWS The City Clerk will advise of any additional by-laws or amendments to the by-lawlisted for Comcil consideration. 2018-37 -A by-lawto amend By-law No.80-114,being a by-law to designate private roadways as ?re routes dong which no parking of vehicles shal be permitted. Fie Route By-law Amendment B-98 2018-38 -A by-lawto amend By-law No.89-2000,being a by-law to regulate parking and traffic on City Roads.(Parkhg Prohibited,Stopping Prohibited,Yield Signs at Intersections,Stop Signs at Intersections, Through Higaways) Ag 10 -Crawford Chamwood Brookfield Rgale Beaverton @ Wm 2018-39 -A by-lawto prohibit certain uses of land in the area ofthe City of Niagara Fails regulated by Zoning By-law Nos.79-200,as amended; 1538,1958,as amended;395,1966 as amended;and 70-69 as amended. Boarding House Study By-law 201840 -A by-lawto adopt,ratify and confirm the actions of City 198 -205 206 -209 210 211 Page4of211 12. Council at its meeting held on the 10th day of Apri,2018‘ 04 10 18 NEW BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT Page 5of211 The City of Niagara Falls,Ontario Resolution AprI10.2018 Menu by: Socondod by: WFEREAS al meetings o1 Oounci are to be open to the pubic:and WFEREAS the any true a meeting or part ot a meeting may be ctosed b the pubic is t! the subject matter tals under one ot the exceptions under s.239(2)ot the Murr‘cipaIAcl. 2001. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED Oral on An!10.2018 at4:OO p.m..Niagara Fals Cay Oouncnl wil go illo a dosed meeting.prior to their regula?y sareduled meeting at 5:00 p.m..to oorsider mattas that tal under s.239(2)(1).advice that is subject to solio1or- derl priv-iege.induding oommurricatiors rreoessay tor that purpose. AND The Seal oi the Corporation be home a?lxed. JAMES M.DIODATI MAYOR WILLIAMGJAATSON ACTING CITYCLERK Page6of211 -Gloll (Joy-in)Do Lnorlrdl Age 13 Gioia is a Grade 8 ‘lntersive Frendn‘student at St Mianael Catnolic Elementary Sdnool in Niagara on the Lake and loves to sirng.dance and pe?orm in musical Ineatre.She is working hard towards her upcoming pe?ormance at Urniversal.Orlando.with Niagara's Premier Show Choir.The Niagara Star Singers.In Decermer N11 Gioia was a cast as Fox and Judge in me Yelow Door 1'heatre Project's world premier producion or ‘Wind In The WiIows.'Iolowing her debut as Busines Person in ‘The Little Prince‘and Mad Hatter in ‘Alce in Wonderland‘in 2016 productions.Also in 2016.Gioia was awarded ‘Most Outstanding musical Theare Pe?ormer‘in her category at the NMTV Iestival.In 2011 at the NATS.Gioia received a second place sanolarshb award in her category. Gioia studies singing and music Ineory with her voice coaan Lisa Cosers-Brion. aanieving 1st das Hons Grade 4 ROM exam.She also plays guitar and nlulde.and enjoys creative song wrling.Gioia thried to be attendng a two day Master Gas Workshop on the musicaI‘Hamiton.'in New York in Mardn 2018.Gioia is a very acive and busy gil.and enjoys saiing and swimming.She holds her Bronze Medalion in life saving.and is Iodxing towards attaining Bronze Cros next year.when she isnt rehearsing.singing or pe?orrrirng.she spends quaity ime with her Ianily.induding thei two dogs.Jet and Lilla. Page7of211 Niagara”cny c'::::I-Erfncung Tundny.March 27.2018 Council Chambers 5:00 DA PM QUNCL PRESENT:Mayor Jm Duodal.Comulor Wayne Campbel.Counelor Km Gator. Comelor Cadym lamnom.Counnlor Vnoe Kama.Comulor Joyce Morocco.Counnlor V-uor Pnmrmgelo.Counnlor MIKES\ran9e.md Comelor Wayne Thomson ®UNCL ABSENT: ®UNCL LATE: 1 IN CAMERA SESSION OF COUNCIL 4:30 P.M. a)In Camera Resolution.Mac:21.2018 ORDERED on lhe motion of Councilor Vince Kern'o.Seoonmd by Councilor Kim Cra?or that Council enlerirlo en h Camera session. Canned Unanimougy b)2018-28A by-law lo appoirl an Acting Oily Clerk. 2 CALL TO ORXR a)O Canada sung by Juliet Ryan. b)ORDEREDon the motion at Comdlov Pietangelo.seconded by Comcioc Campbel Dual Dave Smith be permitted to address Comdl. Canied Unarimously Dave Smih recited a poan. 3 ADOPTION OF IMMJTES a)Comci Mhuhs o1 Febmary 27.2018 ORDERED on lhe motion d Councilor Victor Pielrangelo.Seconded by Councilor Mke Srenge Ind lhe rninules be approved as amended Page1 o114 Page8of211 City Cound Mad:21.2018 Comc?or Campbell 1)appear as absent on the ninutes ol February 27. 2018. Carried Unaninougt IISCLOSUES OF PECUMARY INTEEST Disdosues otpeamiary inmest and a boietexptanaion theveotwil bemade tor the current Cound Meeting a this time. a)Comcior Cammel indicated a peaniary interest to dueque nurmer 41308.made out to the Katy Marie Carmbel toundation and to vepon F- 2018-08. b)Comcior Ctitor indicated a peamiary ivlerest to dueque nurmer 413046.made payaote to hinselt. c)Mayor Diodai indicated a peamiay interest to dueque mmber413231. made payable to hinselt. OUTSTANDING ITEMS a)Winter Festival at Lights ORDERED on the motion d Councilor Wayne Campbell.Seconded by Comc?or Victor Pietlmgelo to reconsider the motion regarding he WFOL Iundingon February 27.2013 tr‘'n 'n i ORDERED on the motion d Councilor Mite Stlarge.Seconded by Comc?or Wayne Gampbel to dlow Tina Myers to address Counc?. r n'm b)Tina Myers.W'nter Festival at Lights addvemed Courts and omitted the ‘Importance ot the additional tmds. ORDERED on the motion d Councilor Wayne Campbell.Seconded by Comc?or Victor Pietlmgelo thu Coma‘!amrovethe Iundirg request d 5400.000 la’the WFOL. Page2 ot14 Page9of211 City Cound Mad:21.2018 c)8960 Wllloumby Drive ORDERED on the motion d Councilor Weyne Cempbell.Seconded by Councilor Kim Creitor to reconsider the motion ol February 27.2013 regrding PBD-201341.3950 Wiloughby Dim. N d)Commmtcetbn -Nlegere Penlneme Conservation Authorly - Supplementary commerns re:896OWloughby Drive.Legends Estaes. ORDERED on the motion d Councilor Cerolym Ioemoni.Seconded by Councilor M‘ke Svenge thu the communication be received es irlormetion. r 'n'm ORDERED on the motion d Councilor Cerolym Ioemoni.Seconad by Councilor Joyce Mvrocco thet e!the correspondence regrding the Wilougrby Drive mpll‘ceo‘on be received end mede pen ol the public record. Carried Unaninougt 8 MAYOR'S REPORTS.AMIOUNCEIENTS a)Mayor Diodai exbnded cmdolences to Ptabon Chiet Pete Methner m the loss ot his moher Mary Lou Methner:Sheri Armstrong on the passing other grancinother Eurice Baes. Mayor Diodai ‘untamed Ccundlot the recent waits:Big Brothers Big Sisters Bowl br Kid's Sake:Opening otthe new community Health Cerue;Boys and Gels Club at Niagaa's zomAnnual Sweep tor Kids Bonspei;Good Nature'd Health opening at l.undy's Lane and the annua State otthe City Address. The next meeting otcounci wl be AprlI10.2018. 7 XPUTATIONS IPRESENTATDNS a)A Day of 1000 Musicians Paul Brockwel.SCVFA iitormed Oound aaout at al day event planned at Fireman's Park on July 21.2018 and requested Oound and Page3ot14 Page10of211 City Cound Mad:21.2018 stalfs asistance with acwertising.website pranotion and use at the Gale Cerler tor parking. ORDERED on the motion d Councilor Wayne Campbell.seconded by Comc?or Victor Pietlmgelo thu Coma‘!suppat the event and refer the ilstol requests to std!to assist b)Nlagra Falls Elvis Festival Dino Fazio iilormed Cound ol the 2nd Amual Mayra Fals Elvis Festival taking place Apri 2342.2018 at the Greg Frewin Tnaare and requested he momh ol/tpri 2018be prodimed 'Niagara Fals Ehris Festival Monti‘it the City ol Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion d Councilor Kim Craltor.Seconded by Comc?or Victor Pietlmgelo thu Coma‘!suppat the Festival and proclaim he month oIApnl as 'Mgara Fdls Elvis Festival Mmth'in the O'ty d Niagra Fals. Carried Unaninougt 8 BUDGET a)Comcior Piatrangelodiaied the budget meeting. Todd Hanson prwided Comdl with a power point presentaion on the Operaing Budget. ORDERED on the motion d Coma'lorJoyoe Mwocoo.&oonded by Comc?or M‘ke Sbarye thu Coma‘!appove he operating budget with option 2be amroved 9 PLAMIING MATTERS a)Public Meeting Ottidal Plan Amendment No.115 Zoning By-law Amendment Nos.2012-014 8.2015002 Aocesory Dwelhg Units Bldt?fotlltl Repon:PBD-2018-16 Pagel ol14 Page 11 of211 City Cound Mad:21.2018 Alex Herlwitai.Directorol Planring and Developmerl provided Cound with mclsground on the ap?ication. Brian Keenan.3813 Potter Heigns.is it support ol aooesory dwelhg units but not having the owner mandatory '1:he residence. Manon Figueroa.Niagra Fals resident.in support ol the accessory dwdhg urits.sne beieves it wil neb aleviate the liranoia burden ol many Magara lals home owners. Jane Serluca.Niagraon the Lake.in lavour ol appicaion and leels it creates allordabie Iving. The Pubic Meting was Closed. ORDERED on live rnolion d Coina'lorJoyoe Mwocco.&oonded by Coinc?or Gerolynn Ioennoni lhellhe report be mproved with e Iriendly ernendmerl.lhelone ollhe units must be owner occupied. rr''n r n b)Public Meetlng Ollidal Plan Amendment No.125 Transit Station Secondary Plan Adoption ol the Secondary Plan Bldt?fotllll Raped:PBD-2018-11 Alex Herlwitai.Directorol Planring and Development provided Cound with mclsground on the applcation. The Pubic Meeting was Closed. ORDERED on live rnolion d Councilor Weyne Gempbell.Seconded by Coinc?or M‘ke Sverye Ind lhe report be approved as recommended. r n'm 10 EPORTS a)smear O-002 -Aseoclatlon of Munlclpalllee ol Onhrlo Request Page5ol14 Page12of211 City Cound Mac:27.2018 tor Prcponl In Most Annual General Meettng.conference.Ind Trade Show The report is recommended to:he Irlommion ot Oound. ORDERED on the motion d Councilor Weyne Thomson.Seconmdby Comc?or Joyce Mvrccco that City stelt work with the Convention Cerlre std!to submt e propose!to host as mmy ol the upcoming AMO Corlerences es possiue {2021.2022.2023 end 2024). Q .. F-2018-09 2017 Sleep Cheap Event Ind Wonderfallo Put The report is recommended to:he htormation otcound. ORDERED on the motion at Councilor Mire Strange.Seconded by Comc?or Weyne Cempbett that the report be approved as recommended. F-2018-09 -Annunl Statonrem ct Rcmmerltlon The report is recommended to:he htormation ot Muriqoal Ccundl. ORDERED on the motion at Coma'itorJoyoe Mvrccco.&conded by Comc?or Weyne Thomson that the report be emroved as recommended. Carried Unanimougx F-2018-10 -Municipal Accouml The report recommends ?at Oound awprove the munidpa accomts totaing S8.592.&4.86to1 he per?od Febn1ary1O.2018 to Mardu11. 2018. ORDERED on the motion d Councilor Weyne Thomson.Seconmd by Councilor Kim Creibr that the repat be eprroved es recommenmd. Carried Unanimougx Page6ot14 Page13of211 City Cound Mac:27.2018 F-2018-11 Monthly Tax Receivmlee Report —February The report recommends ttat Oound receive the Monthty Tax Receivables report to:irlorrmtion puposes. ORDERED on the motion at Councilor Mire Strange.Seconded by Comc?or Victor Pietlmgelo thu the report be approved es recommended. r 'nim L-2018-01 -thin and Ferry BM.Request to Change Method of Rntdng Revenue The report is recommended to:he Inbrmaion ot Oound. ORDERED on the motion d Councilor Cerolym Ioemoni.Seconmd by Comc?or Weyne Cernpbelt that the report be approved as recommended. MW-2018-03 Anunptton otvnrloue Stbdivtelone The report recommends he tolowirg 1.That City Comdl tormaly assume Gamer Vilage and Femwcod Es1ahs(Ph3e 2)Subdivisions;and 2.Oound authorize the asurmtion otwarren Woods (Phases 1 & 2).Mule:Road Estates Nath.and Chbpawa West (Phase 2. Stages1 &1A)Subdivisions subject to the completion ot outstanding works I)be tiraized by Decemba 31.2018. ORDERED on the motion d Councilor Weyne Thomson.Seconmd by Comc?or Cerolynn Ioennoni thet recornmenduion #1 be eprroved end 4 2 be e direcnon to stall, r 'nim MW-2018-04 -Drinking Water System Sunmary Report and Overview The report is recommended to be received and tiled. Page7 ot14 Page 14 of211 i) Mac:27.2018 ORDERED on the motion d Councilor Victor Piatrangelo.Seconded by Councilor Joyce Morocco that the report be approved as recommended. I’Ilhl MW-2018-05 E10 Watertrcnt lnvetvnent Prcwnm Mlllenntun Tnll Soctton 5 The report recommends ttat Std!be authorized to submit an appication to the Niagara Region to tund he Mlmnium Tra'I Section Sprcject under the Watenrmt Investment Program. ORDERED on the motion d Councilor Wayne Thomson.Seconad by Comc?or Kim Crartor that the report be aprroved as recornrnanad. Carried Unaninougt R86-2018-07 Namtng Ind Renamtng of Perk:—Dan O'Connor Ind Don Ede Appllmttonc The report is recommended that Oound approve the Recreation Committee recommendation to not suppon the applcaion requests tor park naming in honour ot Dan O'Connor and Don Ede. ORDERED on the motion d Coma'lorJoyca Mvrocco.&conded by Comc?or Wayne Carnpbel that the amn‘catr'onsoIDan Otonnor md Don Ede be smrnrtted Ior reconsider-atr'on ol street naming and I st? deemed r'nap;rom'ata Ior nening.thu Coma‘!than be rrovided wrth an explanation. Carried Unaninougt TS-2018-09 Cnnnhn Corps ot Commtntonirn Comma Renewal The report recommends he tolowirgz 1.‘l'hat Comdl approve a one (1)year exbnsim I)he Canadian Corps ot Oommissionaies (Hanitton)contract tor the supply at Parking Control Services and Building Security Services;and: 2)‘l'hat he Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to exewte the necessary agreement. City Cound Page8ot14 Page15of211 City Cound Mad:21.2018 ORDERED on the motion at Coma'lorJoyce Mvocco.Seconded by Comc?or Weyne Thomson thet the report be emroved. Carried Unaninougt 11 OOIUMMICAHONS AND COMOENTS OF ‘RE CITY CLERK a)Vlcttm Services Niagara -Dimer and Canedy Show:request to: tundhg by puvctasing a ta?e ($100 a tidset or $1000 table ot1O)to1 the‘:event on May 3.2015. RECOMMENDATION:For the Oonsidevation ot Counci ORDERED on the motion d Councilor Cerolym Ioemoni.Seconad by Comc?or Kim Crettor thet Council support the ever!with the purchase ol e able. Motion Carried win Ccundloc Thanson dedaligg a contlct. b)Garage Sale I the Gale:Ftndraher tor ttleilcttvity Smaddy Fund 2010-request Oounds suppon tor the Recreation committee to host tundvaisiig event;consent to an Early and tee ot $20.00 umiIAp1i 30 and a regula tee ot $5.00 stating May 1 per vendor space;consent to a tee ot $100 per sorpovae vendovs (Max.10);and to waive all munidpel licensing tees associated with the event.includhg and Spedtuc Lccaim Dity Sales Licence tees. RECOMMENDATION:For the Oonsidevation ot Counci ORDERED on the motion at Councilor Mice Stlerge.Seconded by Comc?or Victor Pietlmgelo thu the commuricetion be epproved. Carried Unaninougt c)Niagara Falls Downtown BtA -90 Minute Parking Queen Street and adjoining side streets RECOMMENDATION:For the Oonsidevation ot Counci ORDERED on the motion d Councilor Cerolym Ioemoni.Seconad by Comc?or Weyne Thomson thet the communicuim be be epproved. fv Ilhl Page9ot14 Page16of211 V) City Cound Madn 21.2018 Autbm Onhrio -requesting ttat Cound prodain Apri 2.2018as ' World Autism Awareness Day‘and ttnat the Autism Ontario tlag be raised on TuesdayApri 3.2018 (due to Easter Monday hang a tnolday). RECOMMENDATION:For ttne Auprara ot Coundl ORDERED on the motion d Councilor Victor Pietrengelo.Secmded by Connc?or Gerolynn Ioennoni thet Apr!2.2018 be rrodeirrred es 'Wortd Autism Autism Awareness Dey'in the City oINiegere Fels Carried Unaninougt Poetry City Chaltongo 2010 RECOMMENDATION:For ttne htormation ot Conindl ORDERED on the motion d Councilor Victor Pietrengelo.Secmded by Connc?or Vince Kerrio thet the communication be mproved. r nin Conincior Morocco exited Ctnanbers Rogionl Correspondence -re:Niagara Regional Housing Property Tax Exerrption Anaysis RECOMMENDATION:For ttne htormation ot Conindl ORDERED on the motion d Councilor Victor Pietrengelo.Secmded by Connc?or M‘ke Sverye thu the inlormuian be received end rehrred to stell. Carried Unaninougt Niagara Region -re:Sate [linking Wabr Training RECOMMENDATION:For ttne htormation ot Conindl ORDERED on the motion d Councilor Victor Pietrengelo.Secmded by Connc?or Vince Kerrio thet the communication be received. Carried Unaninougy Page 10 ot 14 Page17of211 i) City Cound Mad:21.2018 Cornell Scotatro Vtamondo School Board -requesting the Franco- Ontanan tlag be raised on Tuesday September 25.2018. RECOMMENDATION:For the Approval ot Ccundl ORDERED on the motion d Councilor Victor Pietrengelo.Secmded by Cornc?or M‘ke Sverye thu the communication be epproved. Carried Unaninougt Onhrio Chapter.Canachn Public Works Assoctlton -Request the wed:ot May 20-26.2018 be prodimed as ‘National Public Works Week‘it he City ot Niagara Fals. RECOMMENDATION:For the Auprara at Council ORDERED on the motion at Councilor Vr‘nce Kerrio.Seconmd by Cornc?or Wayne Gempbel that the week ol my 20-26.2018 be proclaimed es 'National Public Works Week"r'n the City ol Megre Fdis. Comcior Morocco returned to Chambers Main a Ferry BIA -Proposed Budget. RECOMMENDATION:For the Auprara at Council ORDERED on the motion d Councilor Kr'rrrCrertor.Seconded by Cornc?or Wayne Thomson that the communicdion be mproved. Carried Unaninougy Norm Put?ck -Requesting Counds support in asking the Regional Munidpaityd Niagara tor a review at the 2000 Berkeley consultant report on Governance in Niagara. RECOMMENDATION:For the consideration at Comdl. ORDERED on the motion d Councilor Weyne Thomson.Seconmd by Cornc?or Kim Crertor thet the cmrmmicetion be received Page 11 M14 Page18of211 City Cound Mad:21.2018 Carried Unaninougt I)Victoria Oemro BIA -Proposed 2018 Budget RECOMMENDATION:For the Auprwa ot Coundl ORDERED on the motion d Councilor Victor Pietrengelo.Seconded by Comc?or M‘ke Svenge thu the 2018 budget be epproved. r 'n'm m)Nhgnn Falls Downtown BtA -Proposed Budget. RECOMMENDATION:For the Auprwa ot Coundl ORDERED on the motion at Coma'lorJoyce Mvrocco.&conded by Comc?or Weyne Thomson thet the buqet be epproved. Carried Unaninougt 12 RATIFKIATION OF IN CAMERA MATTERS a)In Camera meeting otMarctr 21.2018 ORDERED on the motion d Councilor Victor Pietrengelo.Seconded by Comc?or Kim Creitor thet the Iolowing metter be emroved HR-2018-01 -Fin Arbitration Award That Council receive the Iolowingirlormetion on the recent Fire inbrest erbitretion eaverd Ior considerdian in the 2013 operetionel buqet: Thet Council oliciely retly the recent Fire inbrest rbitretion ewerd consisting d e 7.57%wege increase over three yews.including some benelt enhancements orllined herein end he 25 hour shil schedule sterling in 20 1 9. 13 BY-LAWS The City Clak wil advise ot any additimal by-laws a amendments to the by- law listed tor Oound consideration. Page 12 ot 14 Page19of211 V) DEW BUSINESS City Cound Madn 27.2018 ORDERED on tlne motion cl Councilor Pierangelo.seconded by Councior Cta'tor that David Jovarivic be pemnitted to adaes Cound. Qalmdunaumduslx David Jovanivic.on belnalol tlne Lundys Lane BIA.addressed Coundl with the concerrs ol tlne BIA. ORDERED on tlne motion cl Councilor Pierangelo.seconded by Councior Strange tlnat tlne by-laws be g'ven a list reading.Carried Uflali?btl? 2018-29 -A by-law to designate Lots 11 and 18.Registered Plan 59M- 321.not be snbject to partlot control (PLC-2011-002). 2018-30 -A by-law to amend By-law No.79-200.to pemnit tlne use ol tlne Lands lor4 single detaaned dweing (AM-2011-O19). 2018-31 -A by-law to designate Lundy’s Lane as a Ccmmurity lmprovemerl Plan Area. 2018-32 -A by-law to adopt a Ccmmurity lrnprovement Plan lor tlne Lundy‘s Lane Community Improvement Plan Area. 2018-33 -A by-law to provide lor the adoption ol Amendment No.15 to tlne Cityol Niagaa Fals Ollidal Plan. 2018-34 -A by-law to amend By-law Nos.3§.19$and 19-N0.to pemnit towrnlnouse and apartment dweing and to probct a Provirnciaty Signilimntwetland and asodated bulleron a potion ol the Lands (AM-2011-021). 2018-35 -A by-law to authorize tlne peymentol $8,592,524.86 or General Purposes 2018-36 -A by-law to adopt.ratily and conftm tlne actions cl City Council at its meeing lneld on tlne 2‘nln day cl March.2018. ORDERED on the motion d Councilor Victor Pielrangelo.Secmded by Connc?or M‘ke Svarye mmthe by-Iw/s be y'ven a second and third reediry. $ Page 13 ol 14 Page 20 of211 Oily Cound Mac:27.2018 a)OLG Funds ORDERED an Inn motion d Councilor Victor Pialrangelo.Seconded by Councilor Mka Srange Ind sail come back win a report 1)induct delin?iw para-nelets in ten-ns ol pnbnnes.including 3 Es!ol cnucally inportanr inlraslrucmre projects Ioaowed by primly 1 projects Carded Uranimougl 15 ADJMRNOENT a)Adjournment ORDERED an Inn motion of Councilor Vince Kernb.Seconded by Councilor Wayne Campbell lharlhe rnuling be adjourned at 9:O5p.rn. Carded Uranimougl CAO Mayo: Page 14 01 14 Page 21 M21‘! g. 55355&5&%&§§§5&&%&§S&&&§$&5& Q?hhhkhh??h?k?hh??h?k?????? Lucas Bahdi Ready For 2020 Olympic Run Lac.mu vta ban In Ntagn Fall;hnury 27“.I994 and.tlu.-.¢e -mlltttg Vlvvlldvltlk‘ tepnsutttng Onhnu and (‘math tn :4.-veal buxtng o0n|'K'IIh0nx Ntagn Fall;n:n'nIn:hi!hom:. The nngntng thtet.~tttne Canatltan Sum:liuxtxuChxq?lotl 8111!!!!he has n:o:tvt:d oonstttatt atlvto:and ollln to nine hu tmnng and pn.-panttun:rot the 1020 Japan Olynqatu rtotn Ntagn Falh lo .Irga ttttutt o.~nte ttm~.-top.tt.t.ttl Vlvllhvlvvlldclan huxax.The Ntttgatutttete (such graltute lnuvn the toxl to he UIy?|'IK pultum teqtttns ml tun tnsn.-nlmu tletltcanon anl canntttmatt on hi!part but anequl [an pnvate and puhltc q'l0I'L1>nh|'l xledtle tut he beltms exuh tn the Ntagn Regton rot at-tom. “From the lint day It Zwll I tuletl mu Th:Fuhl Club (and:(iym and ‘anal oonpettng tuht up tttwgh vttnnng he sutta nattonth and n.-pnsuttng my county vtotlttutttle.I have teoettetl Ianenlmu Ilppal from butt the span ran:and ooq-not-ate canntunny oI‘the Ntagn tegton.That:are many boxng tuvtnt all ova No?h Am:nu vtttt :htttory orptudlrilg gnnt boxaa bul my rxntty I!hat.-.my rttmls tn:hat:and the Ntagn tegtttn ha flulllaxl rtte ()Iyn'|'lII\:n he spurt ufbutttng own the run tttee d»1X‘Il13.Ill’I0l|v Inn oontmte tu mot.-tve he mppurt lot the ruttng and oompt?llvtl tequttetl to the meta that level tuht hat:at hane.Ijlsl have In I'nd thetruttng and oonpetttton." \\'ttt tut n nttnd lhltlt ha nvelletl nmlasly and at gnu cxpuu:thtoqhou Nottt Amatca ml E|ll'0|'l.'ova th:pat tttee yan to Ind |'l0|'l3 truttxu and conpettttm.Ile ha oonpetetl at the htgtat level:tn th:Antatutt lioxtng vtaltl andha hatl sttoocs at all levels.ncludng tvtu Canatlnn Nauonzl Chxl'|'II0l’l§IIp$and n|Il'l'I:l'01n otttnxtdttg lsutta Avtanl:from lnamnontl mu.1;.Lzl vnnwl he md Rhmgu J TYIHG Wtllu Mckimxnm sinned Fall;Buys Ptamltom.I npofh nu-letttu and anertamnatt oonpany.vttth he put-toseol‘Ixtngng tntennnoml Ix-ttng hum:In the Ntagntegtun and tugtte Ntagraboxng ran:anoppatuntty tu shut:and mppatht; ante I)he 20:0 ()|yn'|'lIC (ism;In Tokyo.Fan nncttttn I)he am.halal In Ntttgn Fall;ha been xnsnmnl and lhltlt ha been ovetvtlehntatl vtttt he atutttm and Ilppofl heha teoettetl. "IImtng tegttlu shuvts hae tn the Ntagan tegon vt tll In mg the vtotltl clxu canpettttun ntquttetl a;well :4 pntule sport:ml boxng rant tn he an gnnt attatamnatt value.Con|'lcIIng vttth he \\'otItl';elne fuhk-nn|‘1atlo|'my honL1uvlnfx\:II:Iatg -ttmetltexn It tt hanl to dnsath:th: I‘et.-lngvthat I vtall $hV|t‘l'|the aule and get tntu themg tn front orsaexntng fans.lam p1In|1uI!" Page 22 of211 Lucas Prince Bahdi Amateur Boxing Pro?le '5 Enlcn mm(M (':ru:h (iynl m Nlagsa Fall!and bwgnn lmnlrg vulh Ulynlpm um;Imn E Silva Modnllisl Onlmio Pu»incinl Chmnpimnllijs Silva Modnllisl Youth Nmiowml Clnmpiomllijs Gold Modnllislonlmio Pu»incinl Chmnpimnllijs ION Gold Modnllislonlmio Pu»incinl Chmnpimnllijs é???hh h?hhh. && $&&& '55'55'5 ZOIJ Silva Modnllisl Camdinn Scniow Nmimml Clnmpiomhim (Boxing Qmvio Allllclc OfTlI:Yul!) ZOIS Gold Modnllislonlmio P:mincin|C‘lIm\piomlIim ZOIS Gold Modn||islCnmdiMI$cniow Nmiowlnl Clnmpiomhim (Tounnmml Oummding Boxer Award 1 20I(>Gold Modnllisl?umdinnscniow Nmimml Clnmpiomhim ZOI 7 Silva Modnllisl Camdinn Scniow Nmimml Clnmpiomhim ZOI 7 Bruin:Mcdallisl Rinpidc World Nmlmr?nmpim?lim ZOI 7 Cumin wcmn Bnvil Dnnl MccIOnL\Imding Boxer ZOI 8 Onlavio Provincial (Roldan Glows Tounnman (Tounnmml Oummding Boxer) ZOI 8 Gold Mcd:IllisICnmdian Scniow Nmioml Clnmpiomhips ZOI 8 Canadian Scnioi hhlioml Clnmpionsllim (To\I1mm¢nl()IbIand'lIg Boxa) INTL Winner ol‘Twclvc lnlamlioml Compcliliom 5$555Q???kk?????h?k???????b? Page 23 of211 Z/Q raw-zors-on N"'S3|’aF¢!.'.'.S AprIl10.2013 REPORT TO:Maya James M.Diodati and Menbers at MunicbalConindl SISMITTED BY:Mnlni?alWorks St8JEC1':MW-2018-06 Boyer‘:Creek Mnnlclpal Drnh Re-Appoinhnent of Engineer under the Drnlnqe Act Sprint 8 Associate: RECOMIENDATION That Coundl appove the appointment ot Spiet Associates as the Drairage Engineer tor the Boyer's Creek Munic'paI Drain Project pursuant to sectim 8 at the Drainage Act. EXECUTIVE SUIUIARY Ooundl appointed Wiebe Engineering Group Inc.Drairage Eng'neer tor One Boyers Geek Drain Project.Wiebe Engineering Group Inc discontinued and dosed its business prior to tinaizing the report.Stat!retained Spiet Assodaes to complete One Engineers report and related assessment sanechnles. The purpose at this repat is to mpoint SprietAssoa'ahs as the Drairage Engineer tor the Boyer's Creek Drain pnlsuarl to section 801 the Drairage Act. BACKGROIND The Boyers Creek Drain was last inproved under the povisims at the Drairage Act and By-Law by R.Blake Erwin tor the Townshi)Wllougnby in excess 01 eighty tive (85) years ago.To provide reiet at nnral ?ooding in this aea.as a road authority Gly 01 Mayra Fals signed a petiion and on Apri 4 2015 Oound appdrled Wime Engineering Gron.p Inc.to provide cmsulting and design savices ot the Boyer's Geek Drain pnlsuant to the Drainage Act. Webe Engineering Group Inc.discontinued and closed its business prior b tinaizing and submit?ng an Engineers Report.Std!retained Spiet &Assodates on Febnary 25.2013 I)continue tiralizing the Engineers Repat tor the Boyers Gedx Dra'n. Spriet &Associates tave carried on Iniswork and look to tinaize thei Eng'neers Report tolowing one last Pubic Meeting bntativety sdnechnled in May 01 N18.Folowing One Page 24 M21‘! MW-2018-M April 10.201 O tiing or the Engineers Report.Oound wil consider excepting the report and upon acceptance One appea process idernitied in the Drainage Act wil commence.Pursuarl to section Go!the Drainage Act One Engineer must be aspointed by Conindl. ANALYSISIRATIONALE In order to be in cormiance with the Drairage Act it is recommended ttat Oound appoirl Spriet Assodaes as the Dra'nage Enginea tor One Boyers Creek Drain Project pursuant b the Dra'rage Act. FINANOCAUSTAFFINGILEGAL IMPUCATIONS AI project costs lwied to One City wl be induded in an updabd assessmerl sdnedule induded 3 part or the updabd Drainage Engineers Report.Costs assessed to the landowners tor benetit and outlet wil be invdced to the residents.unless othawise giecbdby Oound.No inaeased budget is reqnired tor the re-appointment or the ngineer. Boyers Creek Munidpel Drain received tunding in the 2018 CawitaBudget. C(TY'S STRATEGIC OOMMITMENT Implanentaion or this project meets the intent or Conindrs strategic priorities to estabistn iniratructure investmerl opportunities and to strengthen and promote econcrnic developmerl within the City induding attemative service deivery modds. UST OF ATTAOHOENTS 1.Location Plan -Bo;er's Creek Muriqoal Drain Reconnnnended by: Geo"Hoinan.Diector or Municpa Waks Rnpecttnlty enlmnitted: Ken Todd.Ctn'n1Ad'ninistrative Ofiicer Page 25 of211 :0 92 a?ed Boyur's Creek Municipal Drain Location Map MW-2018-06 -Attachment #1 Boyer's Creek K/3 Pan-am-zs N“'S3|’3F¢!U.8;April to.me EPORT TO:Mayor James M.Diodati and Menbers d Muniq'>aI Comdl SIBMITTED BY:Planning.Buidhg 8.Devdopment SIEJECT:P80-2010-23 Extension of the Interim Control By-In Regerdlng Boarclng end Roomlng Houses ECOMIENDATION I.That Counel pus the by-Iawon the agenda to exaand narm oalrol on boadng md roarnng hames for at adcltnund I2 rnonhs. EXECUTIVE SUIUIARY 01 Dori 25.20I7.Counel passed an nnrm emvol by-law to prevarl the estmlmrnerl cl naming and roarnng hames.The by-law wu paued In How the nsue to be stud-ed and reoernrnendalom brougl to (‘mnel for can-daretnun. The B1-Iawmilexpre on And 26.20IB.It Is reoornrnended that Comd exnhd he by-law.n eooadmoe with the Plating Act.for at addtnund I2 rnonhs to alcm for eanptet-an cl he sudy sad for anendrnerls In the Ofiual Hm.Zanng By-Ian md Luemuhg By-tau I:be brougat bebre Camel. BACKGROIMD 01 Dori 25.20I7.Counel pmsed an nhrm oalrol by-tau to prevarl the estmlmrnerl cl naming and rournng hataes.The catdyst far he by-tau wu at mphcatnun hat was brouyl before he Cornrnnae clAqulrnent to parrnn a unsung md roarnng home at 8604 Ltndys Lane.Canoans regarrhg the mpicatnun were reused by the Ltndys Lane BIA vlueh mad that the mmber cl euustng rnohts dung Ltndfs Lane bang med 5 unsung md rournmg hataes w:on the nereue.the oehcltnon of properties wm daganerstng resulhg n frequarl Ire md puioe eds. The Plmrmg Ad parrnns he use cl narm oulrol on a United bags.as Its Inposnnun can sevarelyrestructpropawmddevaloprrterirugats-atry4awca1oriybe pased braohe yea‘ penad then exhhded bran addnonalyaar n order In alcm for a rev-an or study clan nsue. In Deoemba.20I7.Ml-BC Plating was engaged to tndartdte a stray cl boachg md roarnng homes It the my.Work nsouremty prooeadhg;a progess reput wl be presemad to Camel.nmatrvely sehedlad for the May 8.20I8 Counel rneehg.The study ts amounted to be oandehd by .lme orJtlyof ths yea‘wrh anehanems to he OI!-and Hm.Zarmg By-Ian md Luemmg by-Ian Deng brougrl before Counel for eons-daret-an. Pasaged the Dylan In exnnd nhrm oulrol brmadat-and I2 rnomhs ts reoanrnehdedu ths Mlalcm for he oerrtpbtuonclthe study mdems-daratnuncl he anendrnerls. Page 27 of211 PBD-2018-23 April 10.ms FINANCIAUSTAFFINGILEGAL IMPUCATIONS The exlemaon of nmm control 3 necessay la prevem fuher mphcatnom la permn rcnmng md boarchg homes ml such (me 3 he plmrmg and reguamg fmmework 3 eslabuhed. UST OF ATTACHPENTS r No allachrnema Recommended by: Alex Herlomdu.Director 01 Planning.Building 8.Development Rnpectluly ubmmed: Ken 1’odd.Chie1AcininislraliveO?ica Jaanubv?? S ‘V'.20I3‘?«20|302)Eamon cl Imam Coma Bvhwaa Page 28 of211 gr/Q ‘rs-zone-11 Nia?aml?ll?Aprnn no.zone REPORT TO:Maya James M.Diodai and Members otMuniq':aI Counci City ot Niagara Falls.Ontario SUBMITTED BY:Transpataion Services Depamnent SUBJECT:TS-2018-11 Rosodate Drive -Irmruetlorr control Reviews REOOMM EIDATION Ttat a stop sign is instaled tadng nathbound and southbound motaists on Sixth Avenue at Rosedale Drive and tadng norinbound motorists on Flaence Avenue a Rcsedale Drive. EXECUTIVE SUIUIARY A stop sigrn is wanarled tadng nathbound and southbound motaists on Sixth Avenue at Rosedale Drive and tacing nathbound motaists on Florence Avenue at Rosedale Drive to property assign the rigti-ot-way amongt motorists at both intasections. BMIKGROIND City Stat!has beern requested to investigate the teasirily ot instaing a stop sigrn at the intersection ot Rosedale Drive at Sixth Avenue.and Rcsedale Drive at Flormce Avenue.Aconcem wa raised as both intersections ae rincontrolled. ANALYSISIRATIONALE Study results incimte that a stop control is warranted tadng northbonind and southbound motaists on Sixth Avenue a Rosedale Drive and tadng northbound mobrists an Florence Avenue at Rosedale Drive.The appoach sight triangle requiement tor an uncoritroled intersection is not met.mus warranting stcp control. The instalation ota stop sign at eadn minor approadn at both intersectims wl ensure mobrists on the ninor roadway to stop and yield the right-otaway to vehides on Rcsedale Drive.This is common in developed residential areas where dwd?ngs. tences and Iancbmping nay be presmt within the visirity dea zone.A colisim problem does not exist at dther location. Page 29 M21‘! ‘rs-201 3-11 April to.am FINANCIAUSTAFFINGIL EGAL IMPLICATIONS The instalation or the stop signs is to be mrried out by ‘frarsportaion Servioes stdl. The labour and mataial oosts are acoomted tor in the approved 2018 General Purposes Budget.The estimabd oost to instal the signs is approxinmely S600. CITY'S STRATEGIC OOMMITMENT Enoourage muli-modal travel and active trarsportdion initiatives.and entanoe mobrist.cyclist and pedestrian satety. LIST OF ATTACHPENTS Study Area tiawing. Recommended by: Karl Drm.Diecbr or‘fransponation Servioes Reepectltlly emzrnltted: Ken ‘l’odd.Chie1AchIinistrativeOflioer Page 30 of211 TS-2018-11 Proposed Sbp Sngn ,,,Rosedale Dn've L°€a1'°"5 [\'agaraJ“'““Intersection Control Review I.I.ZJ°Le a?ed K/3 co-zone-as N"'S3|’aF¢!U.8;April no.zone REPORT TO:Maya Jarrnes M.Diodati and Merrbers ct Muniq'>aI Conindl StBMlTTED BY:Clerks Depatment St8JEC1':CD-2018-03 Mm Entortalnmem Appnls RECOMOENDATION The recommmdationsd the Adn1tEntertainmerI Appeas Committee are as lolowsz 1.Wih respect to Licensee tlAE10818.Inat the healing be adionined withonn a ?xed date unti suan time as the crirninal proceedings are resolved. 2 Win respect to Licensee ME8596.Inat the licence be withheld unti the conditim 01 release requiing the icensee to ma'ntain a distance lrom the aleged victill is resdlded. BACKGROIMD City By-law 2002-191 (the ‘by-law‘).is a by-law tha provides tor the Icensing. regulating.govemirng.dassitying and inspecting ol bcdy-rib palours and catain class 01 adult entatainment palours. The City has an agreement with the Regional Mniniqoaity ct Niagara Polce Services Board delegaing the administration.inspectim.enlorcemerl.licensing and regulating 01 adult enbrta'nment perlours.The City maintains the administraim.inspection. enlacement.Icmsing and regulating 01 body rub perlours. Under By-law 2002-191 if an appicant is relused a Icmce.they may appeal reqniring a heaing o!a comrritbe ol Conindl.An existing Icmsee.who las Inei icence revoked. autanaticaly receives a hearing.Upon cmdusion o!a hearing belore the Committee. a written report stall.as soon as practical.be preserled to Oound.This report is a result 01 an appeal heard on March 21.2018 in Committee Room #1.City Hal arising out o!the relusal ol 2 separate adult entertainers Icenses b the applicants by One icensing authority lrom the Pdice Services Board. Having heard the representations lrom cournsel la the Licensees.coninseI tor the Poice Services Boad.One icensees and witnesses.the Achnlt Entertainmerl Appeals committee rmde the recommendaiorns as noted above and lurther recommends tha Ooundl pas a motion b adopt these recommendaiorns ol the canmittee. Page 32 of211 Rocornmcndod by: Rnpoclfuly ubmltnd: C D -201 8-02 February 13.2018 Bnl Mason.Act-ng Cny dark Ken Todd.Ch-e!Achmsslralzve O1!-oer Page 33 of211 Tues:Fdabro Fran:kn Dada: Sim:Wezhudny,March 14 D1!129 VM Tn:'§anvden|no2@y?Ioocotn'.Kmllle I1:Tera:|'&bIoi II Mllson Suljunz a:Slut Vnlallno Hd|oSluI: Ioel-eve we have already been 1:iouoh 1:response [0 your ten anal IO Mayov D-odau.II b:some reason you d-an’: receive our texponx,lam ndudng Knsune Du,Teresa Fabbvoas welas ea Mmonlohebbrurigyourtequesliovvnrd loom Menbers oi Cound. wev mun:Sun Valectno (nu!o:starrvaIe¢tno2¢y2-ooAan] %Ih Harm I4,ZOID l:(l PM To:Jm Oman Subject:San Valenmo Hello Mayor my name is Sum Valenlino rounds ol"DO SOM!:‘I'HlNG GOOD FOR YOUR NEIGHBOR DAY‘.I am isuing cm a Nlion-wiie call fot all Mayofs lo teooyiizrd a Ptoclamalbn on hdlalfol‘‘D0 §')METHlNG GOOD FORYOURNEIGHBOR DA "on May I6.2018.This is a recognized Day in hundteck offilis ftom all aeros Noun Ameriea.It's a my Ihal people come Iogelhet ine?‘onsIo sptuad low and Inindnes Ihmnghoul all Iheit neighborhoock.Wilh all Ila!goingon 'l\out uotld.|eI'sa||toclaimlhe aclsol‘ spteading low and Inindns heels in»out oommu-nilics.Nan year 2019 will be my lolh yuan‘Anniseisaiyand I an ptoud orall of me Mayot's who haw already shownlheit Ieadaship mdeflfom in teeognizing Ihis special Day,I do haw Ihe ‘WHERE AS‘language upon tequsl.I can he eonlaet I 7l62l582R0 Thank you. E 1,1”.I. Page 34 of211 c¢\5"4¢‘ CELEBRATE OLD DOWNTOWN COMMLWITY CORPORATION 4342 Queen Street;Suite I01 Niagara Falls.Ontario.l2E 7J7Mvpvrukih 905-356-5444 x I02 info@niagaral'a.llsdowntown.cotn Marsh 8.2018 His Worship Mayor Diodati &Members of the Municipal Council City of Niagara Falls 4310 Queen Street Niagara Falls.ON LZE 6X5 Dear Members: Celebrate Old Downtown Community Corp.(COD)is a non-pro?t organization with a mandate to promote the downtown core through the hosting of special events Planning is under way for our weekly event.Cruising on the Q car show.Cruising on the Qis entering the 5'‘season.QueenStreet is the heart of Niagara and there is no better street for ar enthusiasts to showcase their pride and joy. On May 1,2018,the QueenStreet Cruisers will kick off the season with our ?rst car show.With weather permitting.we will host 20 car shows throughout the summer season on Queen Street.Each week we attract over 200 cars and 300 people allowing us to highlight the heart or?iagara,QueenStreet and all we have to offer. We would like to request council consideration for the rellel‘of costs associated with the following: Stxntdliosinl We would kindly request permission to dose Queen Street from Buckley Ave. (including a portion of Valley Way)to St.Clair Ave.commencing Tuesdays from May I through to October 2 2018 at 4pm for set-up oithe event.We also require all side streets to he closed to ensure Queen Street becomes a pedestrian-only area.with the exception of the cars enhering for the car show.We request the closure end on at 9:30 pm.thereby allowing for teardown of the event.We respectfully request that Council waive the costs of these street closures.A complete layout of the event street closures is attached. Celebrate Old Downtown and the Cruising on the QCommittee would like to request that the City assist us with a sweeping of the street. Page 35 of211 Eadnnx?cnnns During the event.vendors and event goers wlll be occupying all parking spaces on QueenStreet and surrounding side streets.we respectfully request that the city walvc any costs for metered parking spaces for the duration ofthe event‘ On behalf of the COD,I wish to personally thank Niagara Falls Councll for their consideration 0!our requests and support In events on QueenStreet. Sincerely, ‘ Terra Pasco CODSecreta ry CC:Karen Stearne Chair,Celebrate Old Downtown Ron Charbonneau BIA Chair and Cruising on the Q Page 36 of211 Road ClosureMap,Cruising on the Q2018: u '‘"'"'v .. m rnzza2 V0:1 Park S:Pavk S!Park S! 3 IL‘ 3»Pans Cvcpes Cave G'°"“°°'“'"39°“RaénoyBank gm caprmccmo'¢uB9 u?9 9-0 6 Que‘-;'s\\‘W1‘0 9'0'9 9 ‘I2 gQ‘3.Je?los sea *-omao E 3'canma P09 :3 fr 3 ’?mmsua 0 5 2 5 1*)> S R; Hn.rcn s:a Haven 51 B Huron sx Momso.‘5‘Mel‘-.u'\S:Momson sq m 0 T-'0 Fraser:GroceryUomagavaFalls2'‘S U, Publicubrary §sE"'“f""m 1‘Goad: Page 37 of211 //’APPLICATION son ROAD use Nina,,1,SPECIAL EVENTS PERMIT Pleat-9 Prhl Name 01 Event crumng on no 0.Wouay car Show Sponno? Applicant‘:NaI1Ie:Tun Paco.Ron Dwbanno-1 Malling Addicts:46353 Ounwl Strut.CIO Haul Nlanuc E Panda E Rmnlng Evan!E other C8 Show E Stmel Fostrmes E Procession 00“0'EV';;£”:3;Yp:Vm"'7 1'ou 2 RaaaCbcunmQnuISln¢MnbsgInI1B«:ldoyAvottto|.ghhSl0JIrAvI Ir-ao?sg also nlnamsl Lnwnnau Avn.cryinrAvc VWI lEREIV 1&2!70 IN!FOLLUNNG CWODVTIOOCS: 1‘‘fauna-oCvryolNInguu FulnuunnuoIromanyuvaallciuvmmdlovammouuluu-gmnolmaroaacloahgnnanu woadouvybu-dorlr-uuuuoovmtaamuybomundlnmlongua. znrooomoonanmmmyuuaulcoamopuomuamminunnnrnsumnvrceavuolmuw-uommnsdnyler-no tmatnowhlcmapnapmu. PLEAOENOYE:Ynluponnllhuldon?lo1IuanIllw~InonurI¢nvlna)uIldnc8u\o(?'nClyolH:9u'nFJlls on: nnmilnnlaybenoonsuyportdklqtnovanllotallat 1....p...-,.,—Mann 5.zone APPLICANTS sasouvune Vulloweopy .Ioplunt one or APPLICATION Page 38 of211 Tuasa Fdabro From:ll Manon Sent:We&Iesday,Apnl 04,2015 IZZZWJ Tn:Teresa |'&blo Suljutt:rw zou Enbndge R-duo ConquuCuKa -mu-ups»,sgmtume ruqueu communuuons u"‘Annual Enbndge we Iocoaquet Cancer:‘rams Dlacelune 9"me 10'”,10l8.Rem.-esmg mu Counol tecogmze the even!as wubh:everuovmun-and xqndunce novdet Ioouan aspeml Ocus-on L-quot Lcence from me Acco. RECOMMENDATION:F01 the Com-detu-on 01 Cound Horn:lasaele«[rmIo:baeue¢rOomouaar\oata] sun:Tuesay,mm 29,xna4:5avM To:1 Mason 0::Ana-Lou:mso sIbjac¢:x)laBvbM:pRnemcunuea<'z\ou-Mnapaysgdlurnoeneoues mun. Ihopelhisemniiindsyouwdt rvedean um Dem inpteviousyelson this.Inmwming IoteouesIIhnThe Enbtidge Rioelo ConquetCan¢.a,Iobe mamas’:1o'zo1.sisdagnned n 'munaa'paIy fgl?icml’. 1'hepurpo1eo4 masmoomunnspecnloouuam Pennlllav sguvgoulceuuemun :o‘enIy. mama; name Enbtidge Ride to among cancer zou D¢e:Jone 9'I.10'1013 l.nu?an:7100 lllgau Pn|twlv.Ningau ms,oN,L2:ass Nous:ll90am-7:Otbm aumneamenuees:4.500 We look (award to tecdving you Ienerod ‘mun:-‘paw aiyunnnce’. We Iruntyou sovery much Iotyour support II, Khd neg-ya, BI! Hide Beet [vmIP1oducl-on Mange: Asa an-nma 5;w sum in ‘laomo.om-o mv m us 52 7 1911 I u.&¢.mm|¢anm.u Page 39 of211 3!;R155 Page 40 of211 REDBDBBO Pvnn'r:I:HNII:|ANs Much 25 201-! mu Magus nus Decbtolcouncl savceuna myaen: mo Queen sueecaecn Ofce Magus nus.on LZE an oumyaau. Wehavebeenoontaded I7yGealWolILod9eIoenecubIha ltewoins dauays Iollhayeal. unhaleprocasedmulegalvaoplclm Ioureaeohysubecanpuea an new mme wopedybutnaseolunloteseca arcunnhnoeswewouldlleu Iequestheuseolclamew vanxlo-mu anuesaswawewouarsouyure FIeDe9.r1menlnIhee~e¢IIrIl.Inyolhe &IayswoddhaveIobenuvedIoheGImv-ewPuIsle Wewmldiluelomnleuequslon behallol cue:Wol Loage anresene Glenuew on !a neseaaues.sunny Mp,zomsunany. any 1!.Sunay.August 5“.sunny.omoec 7:-.suunay.Nmenbed 241:.Monday.Deoenoec J1§!oIheputposedsdhgup.IrIdllInghesedQhys‘Wewouldlequelrepartiornlun ungneasuaay. Reaosvalbelesaomtleiolobhlmgalpetnuchroogche?sgsa FusFIeDQ.|rInml mdvAl:lsolIsuelheotyolNnq.InFaIsIoI5MIonDoInsLAnIty‘(Dominated) I you name anylmru n1amIm.pIaIsedo not heath boonud me nspemny Vows. run.an:-rzmmux.an -LU uunun van a Hand -wax.nu no nun.a.u|.n.n.|.|.I.n.u..A.|.|n...n.n.n. in-I-LI-I-DJ-I.BA man :49- Page 41 of211 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE "“,",',§§.}‘;'” nor.- -mm Rodmond Luna "“°""°"""""“ 'PV"'”*£<‘):.m“:'u§s|yAvvuo "°..a4":‘=°:::°.‘ueon-pulse-Iuynpaunnm. limhnd T°'Wb°"“5~|2W “,1”,i?ugn?ugwnm-uyamua .__ma..-..—.o....mm.«um. Rodin:Inc.I wanna.ahmmuo «um.p.9.Be:120 c rumuou LOS1CO «um. D «um. E OWEMIE an--...-......_..m-y-u..u.m._a....nn... ...-.......»mn..........un».....m..u.au.u—u-.. Er.v -not--uuucc oounv -nun ».....«-.xm....._4u......u.a-—......»....u.p.‘»...a».—.1....«.o.p-Au.-=a..a._.....n.-mm-»......_......u.......4n .._n—-.»........n.—w.o.mn.......q»_.....u.n.;o.-_-.......... Omltllitlll Vvaucrnannnunnnau-no mmm-on uunounmn v ¢-—-can clan -nun an-on man:In-nu m.."""'.«‘€&".‘,'fa....... ngarnnxra-,~.man;mu-y-nun.unq,u,«-nap-ymgunn 0-no-1.. muowpmuunm-nnnsomn-aqua.-qvmuau-/on-nu vau.~u-uvuu-gm.-o,v-umu-u-nunvnsnu-u.»q-urn-gnunnuwun-gwu-unvmopurgunuucunnuo c?lf??l MOLE! 3 dNI?I PHIm".§".....9.... FCII ON LZE 8X5 gt cAuc£u.A‘I'Iou an-axon-n-um“ nooummvo?vb-£AlrwEnEu:nna)PoucIEsaEcANca.LEn EEFUEII-EBrPIMYIoMnATE1I-£rIEoF.1!-ElltuloooolrnuvwI.I.9u:I\vut7oIMI.<31>IJAVs wH:r1mno1uz1on:E KZRVNQVE IKXER NED TOVIOGLEW NH PRIME YOMAI. !I:a1rn'n§mw1.nA'o!ENoomnATI6MonLIAmLrrVoF»lv IcIout=o«n£I:ouPN«.rrsIsm4‘raoRn£HE3afrA1NEL \\k(.\\*<2.\1$..N~\Dm\:»\tg Page 42 of211 DESCRIPTIONSContinued. Romu?x &?‘0sd0|0lVo1IVlPCIlW|)?I4DVl|D11wVI'¢VI\0IJNdWBO<IlI|91I1l?0lI7ION1l@IlFIlb(378lW091l.0d9t? ¥MIyN.Jlly1.Nvlll5."no of F?lll lddad ?dd?onlll lodblh C HGNIHH hm ll lnl-‘wily |e.g‘l:'hv 'ln “gm 0 ommura lillypoltcy odyit moped tiny "I1pollcyInOsInn?uu'bu?byVIou@mnlmDhA4¢I|uu||rlundIHm«uh8Idbd|nI?CwMbih. Page 43 of211 Teresa Fdabro To:5:Mason sauna:nz Cound Depulahon rapes: ?om:Michele Tword1(nu1Io:ezueoinv¢t-ostotevelrealyxzj sent:Wediesdaplod ow,2o1a12:11vM To:C Mason subject:Re:Council Dqmaionilequest HI BIII, Yes for the April 10th meeting please and thank you.is there anything else you would need from our end? .\lichL-llc ’l‘w0rI:k Bmnmve Host |Director cl climt Rdanms Reva Reity lnc.,arokaage 8685 Lundrs Lane Niagara Fag ON L211ms E 905-357-17(1) F315-357-1705 mm On 2018-04-04 12:05,Bill Matson wrote: maiele, rm assuming youwouid I-he mu logo locrtycounaliouhebonl l0"‘Couna|Meemgun 09oo»ed1oLheAprI|14"‘ meemg?il3o,we can In!1151 acommun-an-onIlemlot coma‘;corwdamoni we would nc1 be accepung Daoulauon Requenuospeak Hllh¢%fi|l0mCoufKx|Me€llig1|llh6 5 sull-oenl,please Ie1 me kncwana I canxe am you!rtem 5 lured‘The agenda ml begong ou11odayiormeApnI1o"meeung IUIMOEOII ktiu Diyaenn /Manna of can Sewlces rm Colpolauono/1heCiryo/Niagaa fails &1 Page 44 of211 95456-7521 ell.4342 soscsaoau tel ?om:Michele Tworai (rmkozexoeouiveiostgcevelreagaj Salt:wemesdap?onl 09,D18 11:54AM To:3 M&n sub]ect:CcunoI Dqauuaon Request From:Michelle Tworek,Executive Host,Revel Realty Inc.,Brokerage Sent:April 4th,2018 To:Biii Matson Subject:Revel Charity Bali Request Revel Charity Bali -A Charity to Benefit Project SHARE:Request for funding by purchasing a table of 10 ($1000)for their event on April 27th,2018. Recommendation:For the information of Council Good Afternoon, This event is a Charity Bali -dinner,dance,and special live performance to raise funds to go towards Project SHARE.The event is being hosted on Friday April 27th at John Michael's Banquet and Conference Centre.it is $100 per person or $1000 for a table of 10. Please let me know if you have any further questions or oonoems. I Page 45 of211 Thank You, _\liclIL-llc'l‘\\'u|1-k Buacunve Host |Director of Cum!Relations Revel Remy 1nc.,amkaage 8685 Lundfs Lane Niagara Fans,on LZH ms P:905-357-17(1) F:§J5-357-1705 etecuttveho?gevelnedyxa Page 46 of211 Ron:IlMnso-1 SIM:Wedneadny,Awl 01,2018 237 PM To:Teresa F?bvo mum:SW Speadocuu-om Permn Comrnuniul-on: water sex me An mum:The Iempovary mmuon wilbe Iahng place on May 12,ms at me N-gm us new Museum,5810 Feuyslteel.The evemewecting to man 2CD«3OO invited gueslxwilheb suppovl ma pvomme the irnponance o4 water and man:reptesenlalxomod water. Requeslmglhmcoundreoogmu the evening pookevenuovnmudpu signer-unce inotderlo coma.Special Occasion Liouot Licence (tom the AGCO. RECOMMENDATION:F01 the Comideval-and!Cound Home Cart Dem: sane wemesday,mi 0:,ma 2:03 m To:C Mxson &:Ayoaele Aaeuuml subject:seal Oarasons Pam: Il.do'¢‘someu:nmbEgonanSOP,hoo'u§youoodd3a lhisonIr¢ApriI10"Cou\clmeeI'lg-ulneednzodays hamnrme Keptlhelouvnily lrom nepamvyouwnnusocvnvurgsmpnet,Ielme Inca.Thmls-la mennownyou hwemyquelions whereas 'WaIer1o¢LE!‘'6 II II enmbélioruopenaog on May 12,2018 and \NhereuIhisisa Ienvotlyembil-onlouledin me onmao Power Genermioncdlery mdlheevenl wllahe place imide ma oulsidedllhe mueum whereas the even!is eweded Io mm 200-aooamnecguests from around me wodd whereas ms event wl happen and pmmote the invariance o4 water and mm:teptesenlal-crud!water and whereas Ioobuin I Spedaloacasion Liquot Licence fromlhe Alcohol 8:caning Commissioned OnIMio(AGCOI,the even!requies Io Cound recognizing it as 5 pool:even 04 mmiu'paI:'g\?lur:e, Thanh Iil C|altBunm Cuflure 8.Museums Mmager any ad Nnayua Fals Page 47 of211 ssxormysmu Mayra Fa|b,0N L26 :59 95456052115906 Ans I-Cullule in Phagu FEB vnm.riagm1alsmgurns_r,g Sgn up [01 [he Museumand Cullulal enevuslellets Check 01:!Qme Muxeum Thursday Nghl Van me Mayra Falls hymen’Make!every Salutday mommg Page 48 M21‘! Teresa Fnbbro Ftwllz Mathlw Bdodnu Slut:Monday,Aplil 09,2013 1232 PM To:MI Ma!50l\Tutu Fabbvo C:Karl Dron Subk<\:Counol Agendalcommumcauon «Apnl 10th Meeung Ammnonu:coma Notka ovop.-.noun.-1 pdl Dmoorunco:High Mi Bill?eresa. Can you please |m.-Iude the auathed notice In the agenda tor lomotrov/s meellruunder CommunI<auans7 Thanks, ~Mathew Mnhcw Illodelu,C.£.T. Manager 0!Transpunation Engineertng City 01 Niagara Falls Yransponatlon Services Denartmenl am nu-uma Faves!Iona Mug»:rank,on,u»on [9175]3564521911 $104 nu:so:-3305575 mmmmmluziuma Page 49 M21‘! City I Nlaga F II _ ON Traln O:oratlon:?m:a:IStudy Niagz|rII]’!!"e‘!Nollco of Public Open House Wndhmla TMCbtyo1NlagaraFI|s.|npem|e¢IhhvAmM:oauRA9lon.lnur\dmakIuAomdyol study?me Irrvectolcanadlnn Nalhnl(GN)Rallwuylrma opavulons vamnmecnya urban oumday.ThkwIIrna:douoomHau?ondhrIpa¢sonlmUu:po?zuonrrdMnri. on-oruoney oocuoo rwponeo.ruddonlv.bualnouoo I con-wuaruo.orrwonmonl and MW Ptvinivyrvwrrvrwldalbruwl?moxpbm?foubboppomnwiuwmbuw thmugh might opemiono arm other pain rall eorridon.Ind nocondy by evaluating Itnlaglcwodelapnmloncnndmhnnn. Bldwrocndz CN‘s Stanford Subdivulon rail llne hlsocu In City of Moon Falls incl area The mqomyolmodauomoauoal-wadoMJdamakanaVtwnbul|dpenddayn.rnodny crnulgenvy mnpenaa roman,ma annmwnodofa wan:«ammo mouymn mo cuy. Funtlorrnormlhanllnehnondouedneornlnlnllooocrxxnlcuvdnodalgrovmlnv-e City.In 2007.the City corrvluod Iho ‘Rainy Grade Soparalion’Claw Envlrunrrorud Astossrnont.Mich considered pohnual Mum grade unamions The curmnt study bok|hobul|donpmnomwon<mquIn?1ymeImpoadCNOparwomnndcon|Iou omorpotnnmnolmom. Humod Tvnpublcoponhotuewarnswibo cuuurmlon nuaumndmammmsumm munumumnn-h Evomn:|<|ousei:plennedfor§m|_A_?1|. 11-epurposeclmlnevorllalohwoaaco om ‘musdIy.Aul26.2oI6 meI1ucy.|den|iymekoyoMecllveeand provide an ovamowoflhe rail Inca.“cannugy ca... opemuan|rov\sw.tnlncmodemgnr\d P|ggg:115gMo,,1,¢,,pa.¢ undo-ocmom:anasur\enL N|.D.p.F.3oNL2n3N3 Dnlooaidopen?wuvdlboplumad 6,00 . :.prnbanopm:; ;:“11""Formnlpnnnmhn at 6:30 pm North PublIccuIala?mbnWI5leonvorIorIdmksmdy.YwUolmlndbpIvv1deyo\x mm.1eeQad:byeuandlnguP\1:IcOmr\Houu.NIunwvODy.anuNheuuwyv/llbe Inpm:wammmwuwmw mwmw23.m1a. Mnum-Iuoaueoanmovuvu-anrnnuaaawrmaunumx-rnuwmamncnu-u nmoynammmanapnmuuuaununuvmueonnw-u-aoewmpmumopakmw .m~u,m,-numu-nnlawmmrmwwruun-wr.vnan¢.~a. Ferllon nyouhwamyquoubmro9uav\9wnmdy.phueoomadvnCly|pm]oanuugu: PICOIC MIDUV4Bkduu.C.E.T. Contact Munugor of TrnmootmlonEng‘neerIna Cilyof Nlngnrn FIII (005)3564521 on.5204 BI.M$? Page 50 of211 K/3 PBD-2018-19 N"'S3|’aF¢!.'.'.S April no.ms REPORT TO:Maya James M.Diodati and Menbers orMunicipal Conindl St$Mt1'TED BY:Planning.Buiding &Devdomnent St8JEC'T:P?-201 8-19 AM-N17-005.City lnitlnod O?lclal Plan and Zoning By-law Amendnnents Vlcdlon Rental Units and Bed and Bnaktnts RECOMIENDATION 1.Ttat Oounci mpnole amendments to One Otlidal Plan in accordance with the wording in Appendix ‘A'to: e Pamit Varaion Remal Units as 01 light on Tonlist Commercial.Maia Commercial and MlnonOommerdal designated lands. a Pamit Varation Rmtal Units.subject to a Zoning By-law Ammdmerl.on One Residential.Niagra Pakway Residential and Good Genera Agliclltlle desigrated lands. a Add delinitions ton Varation Renta Units and Bed and Breaklasts to Appendix1 ol the Otlidal Plan. 2.Ttat Oound approve amendments to Zoning By-law Nos.19—Z)O.:95.1966 (Wlcughby)and 1538.1958 (Cnwuand)to: e Detine a Vacaim Rmtal Unit and a Bed and Breaklast as outined in this repo?: -Requie 2 parking spaces tor a Varation Rmtal Unit with up to abedrooms. and 1 parking space per guest room rerled out to tourists in a Bed and Breaklast 3 we!as 1 parking space tor the dwdling: e Pamit a Varaion Rental Unit.with up to 3 bedrooms and 6 pasons occupancy.3 ol rignt in the Tourist Cmnmerdal (TC).General Commercial (GC)and Central Business Commercial (CB)zones: e Pamit a Bed and Breaklast.with up to 3 guest rooms ton rent.as 01 right in One ResideniaI1A Density (R1A).Residential 1B Density (R1B).Residential 10 Density (R10).Residemial 1D Density (R1D).Residemia 1E Density (R1E).Residential 1F Density (R1F).Residential Two (R2).Residential Mxed (R3).Transition Residential Multiple (TRM).Delerred Tourist Page 51 M21‘! PBD-201 8-19 April 10.201 8 Commercial (DTC).Deferred Commercial (DC).Agiwlture (A).Rntal (R). and Development Hdding (DH)Zones of By-law No.79-200.the Rural. Magara River Parkway Residential and Vilage Residerntial Zones of By-law No.3§.19%and the lmra-Agriwlturalzone of By-law No.1538.1958: o Permit a Bed and Breakfast.with up to 6 guest rooms for rent.as of rigid in One Tourist Commercial (TC).Gerneral Commercia (GO)and Centra Busines Commercial ((3)zones:and o Maintain any mrrerl site or area specific mproras for cottage rental drreingsor Vacaion Rernlal Units.tonrist homes and Bed and Breakfasts. 3.Trat Cound approve amendments to the Licensing By-law to add new regulaory schedules and fees for Vacation Rerlal Units and Bed and Breakfasts as discussed in tlis report. EXECUTIVE SUWARY Folowing exbnsive consultation win the pu?ic.Stdf have formulated an approaan to regulate Vacaion Rerlal Units and Bed and Breanfats.Due to differing irrpacts different approaches are recommended for these two land uses. Vacation Rerlal Urits and Bed and Breakfasts are forms of tourist accommodation. Tourist Commerdal designabd lands are inbnded to be the primary location for various types of accommodations in the City.In addition.Major Commercial and Minor Commercia desigrated lands.incmding Dowrlown and l-istoric Drnmmondvile.would be appropriate locations for these types ofuses as sunounding commercial uses are unindy to be adversely inpaoted.It is recommended that a definition for Accommodatiors. induding Bed and Breakfasts and Vacation Rental Units.be added to the Officia Plan and Inat these uses are pennitted througnout Tourist Commerdal.Major Commercial and Minor Commercial designations.In addition.Bed and Breatfasts with np to 6 guest rooms.and Vamion Rental Units with np to 3 bedrooms and 6 persons occupancy.are recommended to be pennitted as of right in One Tourist Commercial (TC).Central Busines District Commercia (CB)and General Commercial (GO)zones. Bed and Breakfasts have lorng beern recognized in the Official Plan.If the owner resides on the property.the residentia function is not lost and guests are supervised.It is appropriate to pennit this use as of right Planring staff recommend cranges to One Official Plan and Zoring By-law Nos.19-zoo.3§.1966 (wloughby)and 1538-1§8 (Crowland)to pennit Bed and Breakfasts with up to 3 guest rooms as a home based busines in detaaned.semi-detadned G dullex dwelings.in zones Inat pennit these uses. A Vacaion Rental Unit is a dstinct commercial use whian res recently become popular. Althougn inere has beern an legal proliferation of this use in residential areas.it is a use that is neiiner accesory to a drreing or andlary to the residential uses.and is wrrentty not permitted by the Official Plan in Residential.Niagara Parkway Residential or Good Page 52 of2f1 PBD-201 8-19 April 10.201 8 General Agriwhure designaions.It is recommended that policies be added to the Ollicia Plan to perrrit them in these designations.subject to a she specilic zoning by-law amerndmernt demonstrating that irlromcticn cl this use wl not irlerlere with the inbnt ol these land use designaicns and wil not irrpact on surrounding uses. Shonld Cound mprore Ine recommended amendmerns to the Ollidal Plan anendments wil be necesay to amend the Licernsing By-law (No.N01-031)to ellectivdy comrol these uses.Dalt sdnedlles to the Licensing By-law are inanded in Appendices 3 and 4 to tlis report. BMXGROIMD On June 13.N11 Cound diected stall to hold an open house to datain lurtherleedbadn lrom the pubic and stakeholders on Vacation Rental Unhs and Bed and Breakfasts.and to hdd a statutory Conincil Pubic Meeting to corsiderrdabd Ollicial Plan and Zoning By- law avnendments.Stall have now had 2 Community Erngagernent Sesions.on Sepbmber11.2011 and March 1.N18.and rave datained extersive leedoadn lrom the pu?ic and standnolders. Vacation Rerntal Urnhs are dwdings tiat ae rernted in their entiety to one group ol travelers at a tine lor a period ol les than 28 days.They lave beern popnlar in other parts ol the world lor many years and are quidsly becoming a popular lorm ol accommodation in the Chy.1'rne Ontario Divisional Court has rnled that avamtion Rental Urnit can be treaed as a separate and unique land use and can be regulaed by muritilaities.Since 2002.Count!las amended zoring on site by she basis to alow Vacation Renta Urnhs (Cottage Rerlal Dwelings). Bed and Breakfasts are owner/proprietoroccnpied drveings ordweing unh in wlian the owner or proprietor oller guest rooms I)be rerled by tourists.For many years One Chy has perrritbd Bed and Breadasts ninder the tenrn tourist home in Tourist Commercial zones.the River Road neighbourhood orin residerntial areason a she by she bais. Acces to Vacation Rerlal Urnits and Bed and Breakfasts has increased recenly through the popularhy ol various webshes such as airbrnb.com.ll'pkey.com.vrbo.com and others. A review ol webshes in 2011 identified over 200 listings lor these uses.Most cl these are Ilegl and numerous complaints have been received by By-law Enlorcement abonn them due to noise.partying.parking and gabqe.To ensure suan accommodations do not adversely inpact surroundng properties and residents.it is necesary to develop Ollicial Plan pdicies and zoning provisions and icensing regulations to ellectively control these uses. Oornmun?y Engngernent Sessions The Communhy Engqemerl Sesions held on September 11.N11 and Mardn 1.2018 were attended by approxinately1a0 people and 160 people.respectively.Preserntations were made by 28 peogle at the list Sesion and 22 people at the second Sesion.The presentatiors had dillering views on Vacation Rerntal Unhs.Some people suppomd Page 53 of211 PBD-201 8-19 April 10.201 8 Vacation Rental Units.noting tha ttis new form of tonrist lodging is in demand and provides an opportunity for residents to earn income.some people oxpresed concerrs about the use citing disruptions.and inpecs on the dnaraaer ol neigtbourhoods and the avalablity of housing.Fewer concerns were expremed about owner ccanpied Bed and Breakfasts.and it was noted that the presence of an owner reduces the potential of disruptiorns to neighbours.There was broad acceptance of regulating both uses througn icersing and requiing the payment of reasorable fees and taxes. Snnrey A sunrey formed pat of the Septenber 11.N11 consultation.The survey aked 19 quesiors about the perception of both uses.the appropriate size.operaional isues and approaches to controling these uses.A btal of 340 responses were received. Four options were preserled to he pu?ic with resped to regulaing Vacatiorn Rerntal Ur-‘ts and Bed and Breakfasts.These opiors.and the results olthe sunrey.are as lolomz -Prorilit inese uses unles anrrentty Iegaly established (11%). -Perrrit these uses in tourist commercial areas onty (21%). -Perrrit these uses on a site by site basis through a zoning by-law arnendmernt (12%). -Perrrit these uses as of right in residential.commercial and rural areas (45%). Althougn the fourth opion received the most positive responses.55%of respondents suppated prdniliting the uses or restricting Inei location.Other highights are oulined as lolowsz -58%of respondents thought Bed and Breakfasts were posiive lor the City. -However there was more a mixed resporse for Vacation Rerlal Urnits.with onty 59%of the opinion ttat they were positive for One City. -69%supported pemnitting these uses in tourist areas. -92%of responderns Inought both uses to should be Iinited b 4 bedrooms/guest rooms or leg. -18%of respondents thought guest paking shonld be hind to wha can be accommonhted on the site of the use.rainer than permitting on-street parking. -18%of respondents supported requiring guess sign a code olcorndua. -62%of respondents supported pubishing all icensed properties and contad irlormation lor the operatoron the City’s website. These staistirs point to a greater level olcornlort where the owner is presernt suan as a Bed and Breakfast versus a Vacation Rerlal Urnit.In addtion there is support lorliniting the size and controling suan aspeds as parking and irrposing regulations on the operations aspeds of these uses. Page 54 of211 PBD-201 8-19 April 10.201 8 Publi:Subrrulnlorus A tota d 53 submisiors have been received to dae and ae iumuded oru Comcls Agenda lor corsideration.1'ruis correspondence rellects a dllereuce ol opiuion on pennitting these uses.pertiaularty Vacaion Rental Units.A substantial nuumberol Ietbrs are opposed to perritting Vacation Reutal Units it residernial areas.olten citirug the disruption this use has on abutting properies.same letters recommended that his use be cirected to tourist areas or be strictly regulated if it is to be pemitted. A smaler number ol submisiors and verbal statenents go beyond the ‘Immediate inpacts d converting a substantial number ol drreing urits to Vacation Rental Units. 1'ruese concems iuaude the irrpact er the duaracter ol a neigubourhood with lower pennanent residents.as wel as the ‘Impact on the availabity ol allordable housiug it dweliugs are converted b Vacation Rental Units. Letbrs it support ol Vacation Rental Units cite that they provide accommouhtion b a segment or the traveliug pubic that do not war!to stay ‘nu more conventions accommodations and provide an opportunity to ezn iucome. Althougu submissions were received opposiug Bed and Breaulasts in resideutial areas these wee lower in nurmer than those received on Vacaion Rental Units.In lact there was substantial support to slowing this use as ‘home srariug‘provided the ‘owner is in the house‘to control suau matters as occupancy and behaviouur d guests. Other Murulclpalltlee Several municipalities wee sunreyed lor he‘:approach to regulatirug Vacation Rental Units eud Bed and Breakfasts.True Tvudiug are as lollowsz City ol Toronto -Recentzoruirrg duanges (Decermer N11)pennit the rental ol a priucipel residence lor up to 1a0days a year.or an accesory drreing unit.as a vamtion reutal.oras a Bed and Bealdast with up to 3 guest rooms.These duanges have been appeaed to the Ontario Muni?salBoard. -A comprehensive icersiug saueme has beeu inplemerled.Licensees are requied to pay $50 a year lor a icense and requied to have the icerse nurmer pubished oru any platlorm (i.e.aibnb.com).These platlorms are also requied to obtaiu a City icense it order to ist properties it the City. Town ol Niagra on the Lake -Perrrits vamtion rentas and Bed and Breakfasts.with up to 3 bedrooms orguest rooms.as ol right on Residential.Commercial and Rural desigrated lands eud related zones. Page 55 of211 PBD-201 8-19 April 10.201 O -Uses are requied to be licensed:licensing lees are $110 per bedroom/guest room. Town ol Bhne Mountains -Restricts vamtion rentals with up to 9 persons ocanpency to a Resort Commercial zone.The use is not pennitted in low dersity residential mnes. -A cornprehensive licensing scheme has beern established.Application lees are $1,500 to $2500 lor an iritial 2 year Icense.By-law enlorcement ollicers can isue administraive penalties lor violations rather than going to court.Suan administraive penalties can beappeaed to a TowrnCommittee. City ol St.Cahannes -Perrnits Bed and Breakfasts.with up to 4 guest rooms as d rignt.accesory to a dwening. -Vamtion rentas ae considered a hotel/motd use and not pennitted in residenial areas. City olweland -Perrnits Bed and Breakfasts.with up to 3 guest rooms.as ol right accesory to a detaaned dwel?ng. ANALYSISIRAHONALE 1.Provincial Policies The Planning Act requies City planning decisions I)comuy with Provincia poides. These polides requie One City to provide snllident housing to meet cntrent and luture needs ol residernts.Stall share the concern Inat the nrncontroled conversion ol dwding units b Vacaion Renta Urits may adversety inpact the supuy ol housing avaia?e to meet residential dermnds.Vatancy rates in the City have dropped to the range d 2%to 2.5%in the last couple ol years and may be lntther irnpacted by a prolleration ol lurfner conversions.Therelore it is recommended that policies be inplemented to requie that he supply ol avilable housirng be considered prior approving a zoning by-law amendmerl lor a Vacaion Rental Unit. This would be sirnilar to the City’s cntrent pdicy whian discourages condominium conversions Mnen the vatancy rae drops. 2.Olliclel Pin a.Curenl O1liclelPlen Pollclee Governing Bed md Bruklnle Page 56 of211 PBD-201 8-19 April 10.201 8 me Official Plan pennits a Bed and Breakfast as an accesory use to a drveing witlin tne aea designated Residernia.Parkway Residentia.and Good General Agriculture.This use is also permitted iu the River Road Saelite Tourist Disrict.prorided tne residerutial daracter of he neigubourluood is potected. 1'ne Touurist Commercial designation and certa'n districts of he Major Commerdal designaion pemuit accommodaiors.wliau would inaude a wide range of tourist Iodgiug.inchudiug Bed and Breaulasts and Vacation Renlalwlits. 1'ne Official Plan currently uses a number oldiflerent arms to refer to Bed aud Breakfasts iududing Tourist Homes.Bed aud Breakfast Accommodatiors.Bed and Breakfast Faciies and Bed and Breakfast Esta?isruments.As a noisdueepiug measure.these terms should be duauged b ‘Bed and Beakfast‘to diniuate any confusion. Vacation Renal Unit: 1'ne Residential designation pennits uses that are accesory to a dweliug unit (Bed and Breakfasts.name ocaupaiors)and uses that provide senrices b residents (sduods.parks and neighbourhood commerdal)and are aucilary to the residential function. Staff had previously reviewed appicaiors for Vacation Rental Units iu Residential areas under me poicies for Bed and Breakfats.However the Ontario Muritisal Board criidsed this approach as it viewed Vacation Rental Urits as a unique use.me Ontario Divisional Court has ruled hat a Vacaion Rerulal Urits are a separae land use.1'nerelore appropriate policies are needed. Rocornrnemlod Chnnges—Doflrulllorus To formulate pdicies for these uses.a number of tens need to be deliued. 1'ne drdt Official Plan ataaued as Appendx ‘A‘inaudes the lolowiug erms: ‘Accommodations‘-meaus uses iutended I)provide temporary Iodgiug to he traveliug puublic and iudude.but are not inited to.a Hotel.Motel.Inn. Bed and Breakfator avamtion Rental Unit. ‘Bed and Breakfast‘-mears a name based bashes that is licensed to provide Guest Rooms to he traveing and vacaioning pu?ic and may provide breakfast aud iswitniu tne priucisaldweliug oltne proprietor. ‘Guest Room‘-means a room or suite wluiau is capaale of beiug reruted separaely b travders and does not have any cockiug ladities. Page 57 of211 PBD-201 8-19 April 10.201 9 ‘Vacation Rental Unit‘-mears a dweling or dweling unit that is Ioensed to provide terrporary lodging b a singe goip of travelers for a period of 28 oorseanive days or leg. The arm Acoommodaiorn makes it deer that Vacation Rerlal Units and Bed and Beakfasts are induded in poicies pennitting these uses in Tourist Commercial.Major Commercial and Minor Commercial desigrations. To better daily tha an operator should reside where a Bed and Breakfast is operabd.the Bed and Breakfast definition has beern revised to specify it is a home based busines within the drreing of the propriebr.A Guest Room definition has been added to state that the rooms can be indivimaly rented to travelers. The deliniion Vacation Rental Urnit staes that it is a dweing ordweing unit I)be rented out in its erntiety to a singe group of travelers.and dlfererniaes the use from other forms of acoommodaiorn. Recomrnended changes —Tourist Commercial.Major Commerchl and Minor Commercial Designations The Otlidal Plan irlends Tourist Commercial designated lands to be the prinary location for accommodations.The above noted definitions darify Inat Bed and Breakfasts and Vacation Rental Dwelings ae lorrrns of Accommodation that ae permitted in Tourist Commercial designated lands. Aooommodatiors are mnentty perrritbd in the Major Commercial desigration.however specific reference to these uses is ornly rrade in reference to the Niagra Squae Retai District.Aooommodaiors are not specified as being pennitted wittin the Minor Commercial designabd lands. inough the irplementing zoning in these areas (General Commerdal) perrrits hotels and motels as of rignt. Planring staff recommend that Acoommodaiorns.induding Bed and Breakfasts and Vacation Rental Units be perrritted in Major and Minor Commercial areas.These uses would be oompatble with abnnting uses. Mnidn are ma'rIy commercial and not expected to be awersety inpacted. Addiioral forms of aooommodaion in these desigrations offer an opportunity to diversity Ine uses that can be devdoped and.in the case of One Cernral Busines District and Ernmmondvile Area provide another opportunity to redevelop these areas. Recomrnended Changn—Residential Deslgnllorl Home oompaiors are perrritted as aooesory useson Residential lands in One Otlidal Plan.and also pennitted as of right in most residerntial zones. Bed and Breakfasts are simiar in that they are home based busineses.but Page 58 of211 PBD-201 8-19 April 10.201 8 must be zoned on a site by site bais (except lor the River Road rneignbourhocd). Home based businemes within a drreirng are intended to be qaerated by One owner/occupant.mun reduces the potential lor disturbances to neignbours.As the dweling retains the residential lninctiornand claraoter. Planrirng stdl recommend the wording ‘home baed business‘be added to One Ol1ia'aIPIan in ieu ol the arm ‘accesorf to more predmly identity the rature ol the use. To permit Bed and Breakfasts as ol rigll Plarnrnirng Stall recommend Ine wording be dnanged to remove the requiement lor site speci?c zoning a'nend'nents.1'his would allow Count!to pas a general amendment to One zoning by-law b perrrit Bed and Breakfasts on Residentialy designaed lands.My bed and breakfast proposed at a lager scale than recommended wonld sil be considered on a site-by-site basis. Avamtion Rental Unit is a commercial use.sinia b a motel or hotd but on a smaler scae.and po?cies are needed to permit the use and guide its regulation.Planning Stall are concerned aaout the inpeot ol these commercial uses in residerntial areas and as suan ae reconmendrng hat Vmaim Renta Urits in residential areas be subject to a site by site review Inrough a Zoning By-law anendment.subject I)a set olcriteria.in order to ernsure: -1'ne residential dnaracbr is maintained: -An undne concentration ol Vacation Rerlal Units on a residential bbdt or in a residernia rneiynboumom is rnd aeaed: -Conversions ol dyeing to Vacation Rental Units are controled suan that Residential areas conirnue I)provide pemnanernt rousing lor residents:and -A Vacation Rerntal Unit is regulaed to control its size in order to mininize disturbances to rndynbouls. Recommended po?cies are induded in the drdt Olfncia Plan amendment ataaned as Appendx ‘A‘.Review or a Zoning By-law amerndmerl should corsider the lolowingz -Liniting Vacaiorn Rental Units to 3 bedooms to ensure the physics size ol the unit and related parking are maintained at a scale that is competi?e with surrounding dweings.A larger size may be pemnitted through a boring by-law amerndmernt bu should be inited to lccaiorns were surroundng uses ae less irrpacted.such as Page 59 of211 1o PBD-2018-19 April no.mo locations on colector or atenal roads close I)the central Tourist District and on lots sulfucientty sized to accanmodate additional Parking: -The number orVaration Rerlal Urits existing in a neignbourhood to ensure exces concentrations that nay allect he dnaracter ol a residerutial block or neigtbourhood are not created:and -Ourrent vacancy raes to ensure housing avaiaailty is not adversely allecbd. The recent approvals lcr accessory dwding units are irlended I)provide alordable housing lor City resideruts.The use ol an accessory dwding unit as a Varation Rental Unit should only be considered through a site spedfuc zoning amendmentsubiect to the above noted crieria. 1.Recommended Changes —Niegre Prkwey Reeldenthl and Good General Acicudture Deelgnetlone The Niagra Parkway Residential Designation.“(G the Residential designation.prlrmriy pemuits residential dwdings and therelore the Otfucial Plan poides proposed lor these designations are very sinilar to those proposed lor the Residerutial designation.Bed and Breaklasts are proposed b be permitted through a general by-law pased by Cound.The polcies br Vamtion Renta Units would be ideniral to those lor the Residential desigration. The Good General Agiuulture designation ol the Otfucial Plan pemuits andlary uses.induding Bed and Breaklasts up to 6 bedrooms.home industries and agritouism uses.prwided they retain the agriwltural and nural duaracter ol the area.No duanges are necessary to these poldes to perrnit Bed and Beaklasts.Planning std!recommend a section be added I)alow Zoning By-law amerndments lor Varation Rental Units with up to 3 bedrooms be considered on a site-by-site basis in keeping with these polides. 3.Zoning By-Inn Sdnedules 1 arnd 2 to this report ihustrate the general locations where Bed and Breaklasts and Varaion Rental Units would be perrnitbd as ol ngnt.In additicrn Appendix 2 prwides a general summary where these uses would be pemuitted. a.Recommended ctumgee —Bed and Breeklnle lid Vacation Renhl Unle In Tourist Commercial (TC).Cenvel Business Commercial (68) lid General Commercial (GO)Zonee Page 60 of211 11 PBD-2018-19 April 10.2018 As the above noted commercial zones penruit acconumodations (hotds aud motels)as of right it is appropriate I)pemuit Bed and Breauhsts and Vacaioru Rerutal Units as of right.Sinlar to the Good General Agriculture policies it is recommended that Bed and Breakfasts be pemuitted to rave up I)6 guest rooms it these commercia zones.Surrourudiug uses terud to be commercial and would not be irrpacted by these uses.Site plan control wl be employed Muere app?cable b regulate parking.access.landscapirug aud grbage. Baed on complaiuts received.disturbances to neighbours appear to iuaease when ocaupaucy ‘nuVamtion Rental Urits is iucreased beyond the typical occupancy of a dweliug.Therdore.Planniug stdf recommend ttat as of rigut zoning I'mit Vacation Rerutal Drvdiugs to 3 bedrooms and 6 persons occupancy.Under the Ontario Bulding Code.a bedroom is otpected to be occupied by up to 2 people.therefore a 3 bedroom Vacation Rental Uruit could be occupied by6 people.Occupancy should be irribd to his number.Increases to ocaupancy should be considered only through zoring amendments or variances. Accommodatiors are not pemuitted in the Shoppiug Cerlre Commercial (S0)or the Neigubourhocd Commercial (NC)zones.In addition NC lacities are expected to be iutegated with residential aea aud thus a Vacaioru Rental Unit or a IagerBed and Breatfast may have an inpact on surroundiug residences.For these reasons Vacation Rerlal Units or Bed aud Breakfasts are not recommended in these zones. Oertaiu areas (Heartlaud Forest and thecavupgroundson Lundy’s Lane)ae regulated by the Resort Commercial (RC)and Campiug Esta?ishmerl (CE) zones respectively:these aeas are not recommeruded for as of right zoniug br Bed and Breakfasts and Vacation Rerutal Urits as they ae iutended to be used for specific accommodatiors only (tra'Ier camps)aud inbrpretive centres. Rocoruurnomlod Chnngos—Bot!and Broltfnls h Othar lorns h keepiug with the Offucia Plan duanges move it is recommended that a Bed and Breakfast be permitted as a home based business in detadued. serri-detached and duplex dweing it any zone that permits these dweliug types.These zones iuchude he Residential 1A to 1F Density (R1A-R1F). Residential Two (R2).Residerutial Mixed (R3).Transition Residential Muttiue(TRM).Deferred Commerdal (DC).Deferred Tourist Commercial (DTC).Agiwltutal (A).Rural (R)andDevdopmentHoldiug (DH)Zonesit By-law No.19-200.he Rural.Magara River Parkway Residential aud Vlage Residerutial Zones of By-law No.395.1966 (wilouguby)and the Rural-Agriculturalzone ofBy-law No.1538.1958 (Crowland). Page 61 of211 12 PBD-2018-19 April 10.2018 Since 1919.the site specific R2-2 zone which mplies to he residenia area dong River Road.between the Rainbow Bridge and Downtown has perrritted tourist homes with up to 4 guest rooms in deraoned.seni- detaaned and duplex dweing.1'here is no irlention to remore existing rights.In addition.this area is on he WEGO ronnte and close to tourism atractions.and has long supported Bed and Breakfasts. As the above zornirng regulations have penrnitted Bed and Breakfast type accommodaions ‘II ddadled.serri-detadned and dnphx dweirlgs.it would be appropriab to extend tris penrnision to mnes hat penrnit these dweing types.However a max'rrnnm of 3 guest rooms is proposed for these zones. as of right.other than the move nobd M-2 zone.for the following reasons: -Whern a bedroom is inchnded for the owner.this would resnlt in a dweling win the eqnivalent or 4 bedrooms.similar in size to a dwelingz -A Bed and Breakfast with 4 bedrooms or more is requied I)meet bulding and fie standads sirnlar to a hotel.It therefore is appropriate to Iirnit the as of right size to bdow this amonnnt:and -Other munic'paities.suat as Town of Magara on the Lake and City ofwelland.restricts a Bed and Breakfast to3 guest rooms. Ourrent parkirng requiements for Bed and Breakfasts are 1 space perguest room and 1 space for the drreing unit.1'hese spaces are to be independentty accessed from the street or an on-site aisle and are to be 215 metres wide by 6 mates Iorng.In addiion residential properties are to rave 30%of the lot area Iandscmed.win frorl yad parkirng areas restricted to 60%of the lot frorlage up to a max'mnm of 9 metres.1'hese standards are irrportant to ensure ernough off-road parkirng is provided.and landscaping is provided to maintain the residential cfaracter or he neignbourhood.and therefore are not proposed to be dnanged. Any Bed and Breakfast would be subject to the Ontaio Bulding Code and fie regulations.‘Inducing a Cfange in Use Bnilding Permit.In addition.Bed and Breakfasts on private senrices wil need to meet me requiemerns of Regions Pnblic Healh. Other Rocorrnrnanded Changes —Vacation Renal Unit: in accordance with Official Plan po?cies Vacation Renta Urnits are not ‘attended to be permitted in otter zones as of right and therefore the use is not proposed to be added to any residential zone.Vamion Rental Units should be generaty irnited to 3 bedrooms and 6 persons occnpancy in site Page 62 of211 13 PBD-2018-19 April 10.2018 specific zoning amendments to mininize the poterntial lor disturbances to neignbours. I is posble that a gonp ol6 people oould arrive in 2 vehicles.1'herelore a parking requiement ol 2 spaces for a 3 bedroom Vacation Rerntal Unit is recommended.1'hese spaces could be provided in tandem.For Vacation Rental Units beyond 3 bedrooms additional parking should be provided and detemnined on a sin by site basis. A tota ol16 properties lave been zoned for Vacaion Rental Units (oottqe renta dweing)in the City.Although more recent approvals have inited he use to 3 bedrooms.older mprorals pennit 4 bedooms or do not irrit One size of the use.These ladities have operated for many yeas and there do not appear to be recent oonplirns aaout them.Given this.Stdf propose hat a dause be put in the amendirng zoning by-law to maintain regulations in these existing approvals. Lloonclng Regndnllorno The City‘s Licensing By-law inchndes regn1ationslorBed and Breakfasts as lodging houses.Currently.Vacation Rental Units lave beern ioensed as cottages under the Motel Sdnedule.Annua ioerse lees are $65 lora Bed and Breakfast and 540 pins 55 per roonnfor a Varatlon Rental Urit.The temtinology.regulations and lees for these uses need to be upnhted. A new sdnedule is proposed to be added to the Licernsirng by-law to specifically regulate Vacation Rerntal Urnits;a draft is attaaned as Appendix ‘3‘.In additiorn.an updab to Bed and Breakfasts regulations is ataaned as Appendix *4‘.Proposed regulatiorns inchnde the ldlowingz -The postirng ol the name addres and phone numbers of ioersees or desigrates on the City website; -An applimtion lora ioenoe stall inchnde a detaled site plan and floor plans I)oonlim zornirng oomuianoe: -To requie ioensees ofvaration Rental Units I)attend the ioensed property pronptly upon rnotioe of an alleged violaion ol the City‘s Noise By-law; -Requie a oode ol oondlct to be signed by renters of a Vacation Rental Urnit; -Application of an administrative penaty to licensees vwnerethere has been a violation olthe Lioensing By-law.and -The revocation of a ioense for a Vacation Rental Unit vwnerethere have been 3or more penaty notices in calenchr yea. Page 63 of211 14 PBD-2018-19 April 10.2018 The revisiorns to the Bed and Breakfast sanedule involve changing tenninology from lodging house to Bed and Breakfast.and requiing the subrrision of sin and floor plans for review of zoning compiance.The sanednle lor motds should be updabd to remove the reference I:cabins. Planning fees are set on a cost recovery basis.Sinlarty.increased fees are requied for he lolewing matters: -Increased policing of unicensed properties and erlorcement of by-law and icersing provisions for licensed properties: -lndision of an iritial lie inspedion in a new license appicaion (any ldlow up inspedions would be a the appianrs cost): -Introduction of an Adniristrative penalty of a sulficiant amourl I)act as a deurrent to License By-law violations;and. -Developmentol a chtabase of icensees for he City’s Website Stall recommend the lolewing lees be added I)the l.icensing By-law. New Qpliation br avacatiorn Rantal Urit S1000.00lor1 year Neiiration br a Bed and Breakfast S1000.00lor1 year Renewal of an appicaion for either a Vacation 5500 lor1 year Rental Urit or a Bed and Breakfast Administrative Penalty $500.00 LIST OF ATTAOHENTS ‘. Appendix1-Dralt Official Plan Policies Appendix 2 -Recommend As Of Rignt Zoring -Accessory Dweling Units. Vacation Rental Unis and Bed and Breakfasts Sdnedule 1-Recommended Locaions ForBed and Breakfasts Sdnedule 2-Recommended Locaions Forvacation Renal Urnits Appendi 3-Draft Licensing Sdnadule -Vacation Renal Urnits Appendix4-Dralt Licensing SdnediIe-Bad 8.Breakfasts ‘.\‘\‘\‘\‘ Recornrnondcd by: Alan Herloritan.Diredor of Planning.Bulding 8.Dmrdopment Rnpoctfndty snlrrn?lcd: Ken Todd.Chief Adninistrative Officer Armin» Ann 9 '5uR\2ona-iioeona-I9 Iuzonwos nunmg vxannn Raul Ln:am us:in use-use-an Page 64 of211 D) 15 PBD-2018-19 April 10.2018 APPENDIX 1 Drill O?lcht Plan Policies PART 2.Section1.4 is hereby deleted and replaced with the lolowhgz 1.4 Home based businesses within owner or poprietor ocmpied residential units.sum as home occupations and Bed and Breakfasts.may be penrtitted were they are imited in size to be competble with he residential neiglbourhocd.These uses wl be regilaed by the inplemmtirlg zoning by-law.Zoning by-law amendment applications to ‘Increase the size of sum ism wil be careluly considered to mirirrize pobrltial disturbances to adjacent properties and to protect the duaracter and identity ol the overal neiglbourhocd. The lolowhg is hereby added as PART 2.Section 1.5 and the rest of the Sections are numbered accordhgy: 1.5 Zoning By-law Amendments to permit Vamtion Renta Units.either it detaaled or semi-detached dwelings.or ‘n accessory dwelilg urits.may be considered subject to the lolowilg criteria: 1.5.1 Vacation Rental Units stall be irrited b 3 bedrooms to ensure the scale and physical duaracter is competble with the surrounding neigtbourhood.and parking and landscaping requiements cohsisbnt wih a residential environment shal be 'I'n|lernerlted. 1.5.2 Where applimiors lor additional bedrooms are submitted.Council shal rave regad to a larger lot size.ablity to accommochte addtiona requied paking.lmdscmed open space elements.a location on an arteria or colector road.and proximity to tourist areas. 1.5.3 To ensure lands whial ae designated Residential Mil their primary purpose in providing housing.Council shal consider me supply of housing availa?e lor residents and mrrentvacmcy rates. 1.5.4 To avoid inpacting the residential envionment and iveablity of a neigtbourhood.concerlrations of Vacation Rental Units shal be avoided. 1.5.5 Vamtion Rental Units wl be subject to a icensng by-law passed under me Muritilal Act to regulate operaioral aspects ol the Vacation Rental Unit.which may hmde.bu shal not be inited to. compiance with zoni .noise and property standads by-laws and obtairing adequate insurance. Page 65 of211 d) V) 9) VI) 16 PBD-2018-19 April 10.2018 PART 2.Section 2.1 is hereby deleted and replaced with the lolowingz 2.1 in order to preserve and ermance he qualities of he Niagra River Pakway.dwelopnnenn shal be inited to detadned dweirrgs on large estae—type lots.Home based busirneses with owner or proprietor ocmpied detaaned dwdings.suan as home ocapatlons and Bed and Breakfasts. may be pemlitted vwnerethey are inited in size to be compatble within the neignbournoou.These uses wl be regrrated by the ivlplemmtirrg zoning by-law.Zoning by-law amendment applications to ‘Increase the size of suan ism wil be careluly considered to mirirrize pobrltial disturbances to adjacent properties and to protect the dnaracter and identity of the overal neignbournoou.Private sewage disposal systems wl be installed and maintained to the satisfaction of he Regioral Pubic Health Department and/or Ministry of he Envionment. The lolowing is hereby added to PART 2.Section 2.2: 2.2.5 Vacaion Rerlal Units may be pennitted in detaaned dweling Inrough zoring by-law amendments.subject to the policies of Part 2.Sectiorn 1.5. The lolowing is added to PART 2.Section 3.1: 3.1.3 Accommodatlors may be developed in MaiororMinor Commerdal Districts ally. The lolowing is hereby added to PART 2.Section 1.2.1: (iv)Zoning by-law amendments b pennit Vacation Rental Units with up to 3 bedrooms in detaaned dweing may be corsidered.This use shal be subject to the poicies above.regulated to its location.size and operation and subject to appropriab regulations under a Licensing By-law. The words ‘Bed and Breakfast laciity(iesI‘.‘Bed and Breakfast accommodatiors‘. ‘Bed and Breailat establishments‘and ‘tontist home‘ae herday deleted where they ocair in the Officia Plan and are replaced with the words ‘Bed and Breanfast(s)‘. The lolowing defiritlors ae added to APPENDIX 1 -DEFINITIONS ‘Accommodatlons‘-means uses ‘intended I)provide temporary lodging to he traveling public and indude.bu are not inited to.a Hotel.Motel.Inn. Bed and Breakfator avamtlon Rental Urnit. ‘Bed and Breakfast‘-mears a home based bashes tha is licensed to provide Guest Rooms to the traveing and vamtloning pnblic and may provide breakfast and iswithin the princilaldweling olthe proprietor. Page 66 of211 17 PBD-2018-19 April 10.ms ‘Guest Room‘-means a room on suite whim is mpa?e o1 being rmled separahly b uavdens and does not have any coaxing Iadlnies. ‘Vacation Renlal Unit‘-meats a dweling a dwelling unit that is licensed to povide lenporary lodging in a singe gocp o1 uavelas ion a period 01 26 oomecu?ve days a less. Page 67 M21‘! Acoonory Dwelling Unlt.Vnadon Ronni Units Ind and um!Bnldnts 18 APPEIOIX 2 Rocommomlod An O1Rl¢n zoning- PBD-2018-19 April 10.ms Typo ol Un Ponnmod -Pormmod-Prklno Uoomn Roquhd? R1.R1 R!(K.TC.08 Zeno Zom Vacatnon Renlal Lhn No You.enter 2 spaces br 3 3 Yes staid alone or beaoom um wow 3 _oommarad mu Bed and Bredtfmi Yes Yes 1 space for the Yes duelng m 1 space parguesl room Page 68 of211 19 PBD-2018-19 Mill 10.2015 SCIEDLLE 1 lncolnucndodlnclduuhoiunlhloduldltukfbou V ._. ‘"$4.4 .r ":_:1:<.,;‘..v, “ :.»‘;_., A , V Page 69 of211 E5 SCIEDILE 2 Rooolnmcndod loatlonslorvautlon Rlllhl IIIIB WK PBD-201!-19 Dpfll 10,201 l Page 70 of211 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 5) 7) 21 PBD-2018-19 April 10.2018 APPENDIX 3 Drill Licensing Schedute —Vacatlon Rental Unit: In this Sdnednle. a)‘Vacation Renta Unit‘mears a dweling or dwding urit that is icersed to provide lodging to single group of travelers tor a period of 28 corsecuive chys or leg but shal not mean a hobl.motel.inn or Bed and Breakfast. b)‘Appicanf is a person vwnoappies tor a licence to operate a Vacation Rental Urnit.but does not incmde a icensee. Every person who operabs a Vacation Rerntal Urnit shal obtain a icerse and pay an arnrnual icenselee in accordance with Sdnedn1e1 to ttis By-law. The City shal not isue a license tor a Vacation Rental Urnit unles the proposed Vacation Rental Urnit conlorms b the app?cable Zoning By-law garerning the premises.An apuicant shal provide a site plan and ?oor plans.to the saisfaction of Planning.Bulding and Developmernt Departnent. In addition to the inlormatlon requied by Part II.Sections 4 and 5 and clause 3 above.an mplirarl shal provide the City with a copy at the standard rental agreemernt used by the operabr.Said agreemernt shal corntain the lolowingz a)Notiticaion b guests at mplira?e regulations lrom the City’s Noise By-law. beirng By-law 2004-105.as amernded lrom time to ime;and b)A copy at the code of conduct.to be signed by a representative of eaan gonp ocmpying the vataion rental drreirng.ageeing to abide by al rules and regulations of One mninitisaity. An appicant shal provide prod of a separate iabity insurance coverqe poicy tor the Varaion Rerlal Unit tor a rririmum of Two Mlion Dolars (s2.ooo.ooo). A icensee shal be required to maintain the iablity irsnrance coverage poicy specified in clause 6 above lor Ine duration of the ol the icense period and stall notity Ine Clerk inmediaely it the poicy is canceled and replaced.Cancdlatlon of such policy without notitimtion shal be cause lor immediate revocation of a license. Every icersee shal provide the name.addres.and phorne nurrberol the icensee or a designate Mno can atend the property in the icerseds absence. Fnithennore.the icersee authorizes the City to pubish suan irlormatlon on One City’s websib or on any other publimtion the City deems appropriab to advise the pubic ol the corntact inlormatlon ol the icensee. Page 71 of211 22 PBD-201 8-19 April 10.201 8 8)The licensee agees.upon beirng contaded by the Muririsal Law Enlorcement O11icer.ChielolPdice or any member d the pu?ic about any aleged violalon ol any City by-law or any Provincial or Federal law.b atund the property or died a designate to atternd the property at al times within a period ol no greater inan one hour lrcm the time olcontad. 9)Prior to the issuarnce ol a icense lor a Vacation Renal Unit.the Vacation Rental Unit shal be irspeded by the City's Buldng Depatment and Fie Department and where there are any violations d the Orlario Building Code or Fire Code.sa'd vidations shal be coneded. 10)Eadn icensee shal keep a da'ty register vwnian shal indicae.the guest nane. guest home adnres and home/cel tdeunone nunber.the dab and dntaion ol stay.the guest's vetide make.icerse [lab number and Province or Stab in whidn the vdnide is registered.The daly reg'ster must be kept current and be avalaole lor inspection ol the licensed prerrises. 11)The icersee.upon request lrcm a Muni?salBy-law Enlorcement Ollicer or Chiel ol Poice.shal preserl the nhity register. 12)A Municipel By-law Enlcrcement Ollicerwho linds Inat a icersee tas corlravened any prorision ol he Licensing By-law may isue a penaty notice addresed to the licensee. 13)Any licensee vwnocontravenes any provision ol this By-law shal.upon isuance ol a penalty notice pursuant to clause 15 above.be iable to pay to the Municipality an adninistrative peralty pursuant to sdnednIe1 ol ttis By-law. 14)Where the City and/or the Chielol Police have received inree or more complaints regrdng noise orother suan nuisance corrplairl.or 3 or more pernalty notices.the Municiiaity shal revoke the icerse and a new license shal not be issued lor a period ol 6 months. 15)Notwithstanding anything in contained in Part IIIol ttis By-law.the Muriqiaity is not requied to hold a hearing where a icense is revoked underdause 11 above. 16)The appicant agrees not to awertise a Vacation Rerlal Urnit in any medium urnll a license has been issued.and agees ttat any suan shal constitute a violation ol this By-law. Page 72 of211 23 PBD-2018-19 April 10.2019 APPHDIX 4 SE0 8 BEAKFASTS Schedule 30 b By-lbw No.2M1-31 Authority:lnnlclpd Ad.R.S.O.19%.1:.H45.3 amended In this Sdnednle.a Bed and Breakfast means a home based busines man is licensed to provide Guest Rooms to the traveling and vamtioning pubic and may provide breaxfast and is within the princbal dweing of the proprietor. Every person who operaes a Bed and Breakfast shal obtain a Icence and pay an annua Icence fee in accordance with Sdnedule 1 to this By-law. In maxing appication for a licence.the MI nane and addres of the proprietor of the proposed Bed and Breakfast.the name and addres of the owner of the premises.the Iocaiorn.number of rooms.and portion of the buiding or buining irlended to be used as a Bed and Breakfast shal be stated thereon. An appicant shall provide a site plan and floor uars.to the saisfaction of Planning.Buiding and Developmernt Senrices demonstrating conformity with al appicaale Zorning By-law regulations. Prior to the isnance of a icence.al premises used as a Bed and Breanlat must be inspected and approved by One Medics Officer of Health or Pnblic Health Inspector and be in compiance with the Health Protection and Promoion Act. R.S.O.1990.c.H.1.or succesor Prior to the isuance of a icerse for a Bed and Breakfast.Ine Bed and Breakfast shal be inspected by the City’s Buiding Department and Pie Department and where there are any violations of the Orlario Building Code or Fire Code.sa'd vidations shal be corrected. There shal be displayed in eaan room so icensed a mrrent certificae certifying that the room has been (my irspeced and is a property icensed room according to this Sdnednle. There shal be displayed in a prominernt and easity accesble spot in the olfice or hal or sum licensed premises a ist.either printed or clearly written in ink.stating thereon the fee to be dnarged loreaan icersed room.and Inere shal bedisplayed also in a prominent place in eaan icersed room a notice as to he lee to be dnarged and the dneck-out tinelor suan licensed room. No beds or bunks shal be placed one abore another.and no one shal be pennitted to sleep.Iodgeor duel in a celaror basement. Page 73 of211 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 24 PBD-201 8-19 hull 10.201 8 All matresses shal be so arrarnged as to be at al times easly inspeded.AI beds. bed cloining.mattreses and pllom shal be kept clean at al times and free from verrrin.Clean sheets and dean plow cases shal be furnished for eadn bed and shal be dnanged as oftern as necesay to keep the sane dean or as may be requied by the Medici Officer of Health. An adequate supply of deen towels and hot and cold waur shal be provided for the lodgers free of dnarge.In eadn Bed and Breakfast stall beprovided orne vnter doset forevery seven persons.and al suan water dosets.wash bains and batrs shal a al times be kept thorougnly clean and in good repei.Every Bed and Breatfast shal be provided with a sufflcierl nunber of garbage pals to take cae of al garbage and refuse. Every Bed and Breakfast shal provide a regishr in wfian al lodgers shal be reg'stered and suan register shal specify the date of entry of suan Icdger.the period of stay and the home addres of suan Icdger.and such register shal be open for inspection by any Officer of the Municipality. Every Bed and Breakfast shal be opern for inspedion at al times in erery pert thereof by the Medal Officer of Heath or any other Officer of the Mlnicipaity so designated. No persorn shal ered or continue the erection or use of any sign post.ranging or swing sign or any other advertising dance or post any rnotice on a buldng or vacant lot of the Mlnicipaity purporting to advertise a Bed and Breanfast.or prices dnarged for accommodation therein.unles ine propriebr of the Bed and Breakfast purpomd tobe advertised has received a pennit from the Muririlaity allowing hin to do so. Any person wisfing to covert an existing buldng for use as a Bed and Breakfast shal contact the Muni¢i>aity’s Bulding Division regrdng requiremerns for a Change In Use Pennit and /or Building Pennit in accordance with the Ontaio Bulding Code. All Bed and Breakfasts in oristence at the pesage of this By-Law shal be subied to the requiements of the Onhrio Fire Code or ine policies of the Nimara Fals Fie Departnent respeding Bed and Breanhsts. All Bed and Breakfasts in nrral area must comply with the Envionmenhl Probcion Ad as it rdaes to waste disposal and water snpply enforced by the Minisur of Healthor Regions Health lnspecbr. Page 74 of211 Casa Vidal Niagara |,, 5041 River Road ’ Niagara Falls,Ontario 1.214.367 AaanllonIn Andmv Bqve Ih"€@'lh@l'I{I"l.U April I.2018 905-356-7S2l,ell.l231 Wu :1 I llaanand uubliiamunl would likeIn luv:our cmocnu addedIn tlw lit-dim:sl fat the moellnonAprll ml“zon. Wolavownemuforlliedimo?anlhocily mnyuhuonconuolllnnhonletmmnhll lnowan: Ourcoaua-n InIlnlall licensedhomesaliher‘Bed and Hmkfhlx‘or “Vacation Rubia’an all lacing plntcd wilhlhuuni:brim.Mcuphankally nfeouno. 11IexuIAnlpuhIlA:lnveI|>igoonnunwiIhIhcyowinaimlullrylhnlhntocummynbomumlwlhl honiapupup.MIndIohl|Iubci1uUnliuued. Wcnmlfcpublidhaonnanuullmeulhallhalrrl?zulnanlaylhclrhamuandylzdznmllobe violnlod.Wcnnnlnndyubounuwullunddumtwnltotuulnnlmndpunyyowlouloloonlml cidwr. ll1xnlloIhsmiuuphoncntIhlx]nnlmuiingM-ml:1m.lfcllllmuvnrylorlellypalnlndulhulml boauddnued.Firllylhcpulaliuneededtobccle¢onllalpnyingIho365.00yuIly|.io:uefwisnol Illmuuloopomnlndlaeymoflhnplablicilnealnndthnllhctiilyhlnulhefoeandllbcpcuonwuqi Indmlnlngllxcpelhepuhllcnowwuiuituxlsvrhullnkfoelsfor. I|dtl:$d qinnlonm?nt?tymuuwuvdmvnuldbo?nmioufploblcnuhxnalhululuu linen-xlwunlioaonod.'nnuuwerwIIIl\emq|alIyofpmNanhonu|n?omIlnwdioa|ud Mdilishtnulu Thecitywoddlikehpluuulmunbrafngllnlomomlhollcuucdhonla.llulindoingnmwhnwill dung?lfllxemujotilyofliumsed lnnuulnnotendnglltepvhlclmunluu lhllnwlngliumlu (Inn why pcmlim mum Tllslicmled horns lollowllicclly by-Ilwl,Ire mqeelnbluolhelvneiuhbouxl.tlldrpmpeniashlve wondwthlouxb uppoI.|aodIrcuInuuwiLhl’nuSnf¢|yundl>{cIl?L Wmupotun?pnyinoomoluuwurutII'nD.|II1lluumuu1fuu.u-nlbaaunwvuulloumsduul nl:oval.luboud,wch:venC|p£tul0Iimhxtnlnnl:fnrwlldlnif-Idu?uiuns?lotnrllnnlanld buainu:.11::uin.lso|newDulinuion MnrIca\in5'l'-xwmlngsounllulwn wlllbetequlmd lo oolleelunlrunit. Nnw,n:lIma-venueumccnsedIntnukuplnuunnxd'¢yeollaafkovn¢adr3uuu7Dod\cypqyany lneomu ux,uollnypuylnuIhn (Sty dlninunnl lee:Ind wlll lhzy ply the Onpilolplan In when thry sell’! Page 75 of 211 MimuduhhvurycluutIhunwdlnamdupuuiahmdulomwuullmmdounuinhnu.il cmkuvuryhlah cosuomnlup.Asynu ImowlheFin Regulations.Hnallhuepmrnemund dnc?tyk bydnw pcnnII:w(ondduiul[lcnnlcosL Onhpoftlhblluwnnlunkeep.Mainlnlningmc ptopcnylqapcamuaamsidouuiln.ProvlAiruauIo3uuuuhunoymdcovnf0Iub|oIuy.AndyetIhuu amaom:nyodw1aapuI:eudnlhou:dofhrIhe5ud.IIonooIbeunhnpyynndtouduylhuworld n:nmxnNhgn1l'n1lI.Cu|ndI. mug:mnnge(inIuuIysulofb|iucuIocmnmon:y,nnonusoguinwunmwi:ninanuy becuu:uducylavcImnw1u:lpeclpcoplc?mm:|lumu|dKlnwoa|d.Wccnjoyloohnlloomjuenn uboullhnirhulmgamdwlnnnund wlil wntheh ?ulhnpxuiou oftho Falls“ naw.zum!uoundcmbuwrydemIntin;udme}ubhImdywaui?mdwndb?mun.?iI can get lining shouldone only be in II for nnly pto?l. Nolloenaodhonuwillqauuvuuumuuornunuylnbenumplinmtbeamux oullopanyyonpu. 1'lIaui:]usImolmldlunduline.Evmlhcbminesus?ullnvumvallhamcainlhouudonotlhve ?nownu-liv|ngoruila.1'hayaun|nluveIln|ctnnoinneu.Axdnownsrnybccloselryorhuu nunuaclmeby.lbnllkngutmompaholnemymwortnwcll?udtommmnopodbly wukhgvrithlhcllouuedownaulomnnngnoomnllyiuh-Ixey. Inoklxgnllhls?vmowcyua.mdonotwmlunrulyguedsullllsotulylmduoproblanxudlhwr mkhbowtmdmwunbddunqpswurtnuds. lknmvsuvanlllaoumdutnbliinuunlntheuundlmynnlllwo|lmuIgcdnndmmIru,gdm lnII00huhluvo|dl(o\|b(|r¢pnoplno1ym.Ipsfor|UIh:Abuv:nuaIn. Vl'hmo\ulls(iIuionov1enrlmxaofd3conlixIn:iIu,IlIuvi:araod to|Ive:evi¢va.'lhkbul|d:Ib mslnaundpinlhesmnhoneh?nuinIluuvca:cluulhuntuieunsIsbndauuadIwInl:.Weu.Iso nmxtwkwdsoputzunumdifllltyimwupomrndngmayjuuml?dhenfu-xinnnhneavthcy tnyjuihvcnclouroyvplleedonllwn. l?dnk?llitanvwu?owyuuloltnlhegucamvquirumnunldxverl?cltion ulwholluuyucmda dunngudepullpoidnxdmeofbonkigocllneswepialwuonllnlruvdiuani.Oumsmuslnlmuacepl dwhmmmlubefonmcymwmallowedbboohEuthnmahldieircvmvcrbhyaonwl?llvay vdllnooepundwhlllhnywillnol.Iflinnglndlviohmlhhlfhuiuuxcapuncallwyemundwillbe dad In luve.1'huemqniuemanu gmmuy kw ponygroup:nu-ynuncutbdnvu.rmpo: runllununnndnuughghecps?nebolmec. OlhurClly'shIvun:gLlA1iom lh|lnnywod<orIwlfur|bun.ltbclll'se Isodqysperynrvrillnolwmli Inc.Nori.uIcunnIry.'l‘ntovvniuMuncq|n|ux|mp|1:'l'bitl:ouIi:1ulndImry|.Ivt'.Iydi?‘erc:lIioIn oun.Thcyahohvuruxu?uln-4iIcuw|dus.1lull Lulruainawholedi?uvnl-nlmnl,Nowlhoyuv hiking nfuy wlthinthehilding.We don't but Ihklac. If llwuupoulhiliuynhalioenupmccueou?boqulduurnndendurtoobuln.not Iusmquimncnu hnp¢hlpaumulmnrnmuhmmIwouMwm5d:|IVlnuIIkuKuMmeums1uxonInhotnu and lo:uuluphlrlauldleuundwyuund ymputis. 1‘h|sinbauIoudneilymdhIIbeeaoI\ulI)oahafoml.hhuuwunanud'NhgIIFn.lH'.11upub|ic mnmdalhnddul?lisunhlaoqhnlhrdnslhn?onlndwcdlmulworklngndm. Page 76 of 211 In clolilw.thisis my way In ny la meCily lhul lhc Iiqublishcd lmanlod home:an:nmthe City‘:nor Ihn:gcnanl public‘:pmblan.ll is the unlicensed. ,the icy is undev llva Mm Iml lyptu home. I knowllul gating thesehomes wmplinnl or gone willcontrolthe unlucky (vllhc pmhlans.No( cvuyom in the genmnlpublic willwas be luq1y.BunlIcy do Medlo knowU»!u:Ilecmed homes love whu wc do and fully mvpecl our Qty.mu pmpuniex and our neighbours. Mark Ind Manic:Bodogh Page 77 of 211 Am»20/)005 Andrew Baa Fmm:109“___R 1‘xi1‘;1.) sun:Wcdoesdly,Mun.Ia mm ma m To:Jlrn Dodatl,Andrea Bryn:Alex trauma IWI2 9 may suoucu Mil roe.Council Meeting Puwmm nuIva’...!Response to scheduledApril IQmeeting agenda W llaving attendedboth meetings in Niagara Falls regarding Vacation rentals/Airbnbs in the past year l was very disappointed with uuliceregarding the councilmeeting on April I0 at City Hall when none ofthc issues brought forth at the Gale Centre recently were addressed there was : 1.No mention of a serious,substnntiaI license fees. 2.No ?nes mentioned for illegal Airbnb operations 3.No plan to mandate "on site supervision in the residence. As suggested this is a written submission for the record to have my say prior to the April I0 meeting before council. Firstof all,I speak from experience from last summer in the recently constructed Lyons creek subdivision (LCSD)we lived with at leastseven illegal, unlicensedvacationrentals. Residentsof(l.(‘.SI'J)were o?en subjected to large groups (up toI2)I of unsupervised.unknown 'parl.y'pcopleas weekend visitors,so home owners hard no idea who might be staying next door on any given wcckcnd. By far the most serious problem "absentee operators who did not live in residence or even in Niagara Region in some cases. It took nearly six months of unwantedweekend visitors before the city ?nally forced closure on the offending properties occupied after by nuisance neighbours. While it is understoodthat Airbnb'sare part of the so called‘sharing economy‘and in operation world wide,there are some very serious problems in many citieshere and abroad. Page 78 of 211 Toronto and Vancouver have introduced serious mslrictions on the operation of vacationrentals/Airhnbs. Recently in the GTA there have been several serious criminal issues investigated at Airbnb locations including guns,drugs and even more worrisome weekend rentals used as locationsfor human trafficking which has been reported as a growing problem in Niagara region. As you might recall in a petitionsent to all councillors and the mayor, some monthsago entitled Say no to airbnbs in Lyons Creek receivedan overwhelming response in n 2 day canvas of the neighbourhood,with only one residenceactually refusing to sign. For the record most residents of Lyons Creek are Niagara newcomers many of whom arrived with a plan to make Niagara a place to call home in retirement. Residents of the subdivisionare anxiously awaiting the next public meeting dealing with /tirbnb and vacation rentalsand hopingNiagara Falls City Council will look at serious rules and regulations for short tenn rentals that are easily enforced to avoid further problems. In summation even most "no tell motels"require a head count and a signature at check-in time and they pay city business taxes as do hotels in Niagara Falls,that are quite likely affected ?nancially hy added competition from vacation rentals that operate without contributing. With estimates ranging from 200 to 600 Airbnh type operations in the City the cost to taxpayers could be signi?cant in extra staff to enforce and prosecute vacation rental operators that are violating the rules. Sincerely John Wells 4351 Chemondu St Niagara Falls Page 79 of 211 Andrew it won:Va:Iednu sun:McmIly.mt<h ze.zomuzzsm To:Andmvltya sun;-cc v-muonu-ulunmanaaadanuuugc mm Do-r Nxnvn PLANNI Tharlzyon?or?uoppovlliylnpu?cbdcnndptvwdalnoduxiusyou ngulnlionlnndlaonslrvlcrvnmianrorIdImdbed&tIaOdmIlnD&gu'aF?l?.MtMlbopruunlsdlu counol Ahbnbbptoudbuepmunncwmaoovnnurdlyolhosumigunstsvohowloannlymakn-poulmom stung cemmu'ly.A|Ibnb uomuoh pnoplelnunhuo trnvnl cnxpuiun-an,In man than snoooam-ma101 eulth¢.0II|1ln?umhI‘mdarmha!Iuvclby&vngpomlulnozouhnoodllullullocllvh?ilrlllv mcmbouMuomyIvohNIanaraF|Io.and -uppovlndurbunoodbunlruuoulfulwoxldluovsvuototllth dhan? I-hm:sharirulnlreodyma|dngarcIIa?uuneammIhmolourhouIhMIolIFuIzThovulmqontyol ouvhonlum worydoy pooplu Ind lun|Ins.lunndnnndnelprboun.Trny uempomblc Indnha?nalm homohw?ch maylweafaunb?noudzmonlhhe-vunuoaeotunphnwuulhoum. Tholyplwlhotlln?mra Fall:hldyoanoldnndlflnomolrspacnior?htlalthlnnually.Thelvevaga |u\uholIlIypnrguoI1cno|tp|o1famInMuauIFahIH.l Mghu.0lmoIbItu:IntlnMaanrIFnIu.u% unontlnhmnnnndu?umptwnumwvm?bdwwomm?ulnlhndalonlopnnomueoldenuo, wnlloruvubouhnnhotelmtmdovlslbodmdhnnlduh.nndoorponuhounlm pmwdm ttutamc?oo anoup?tovm.Alwybano?tolourp?fovmlsimlInllanaramodpvbcpohlumdloleuior lm1eparIluliIvu|en,cowhu.hrn||Iesmdb1nIIooenvo|as FmlhonthaAlrbnbpldonn an mound oulylolhaalmlenyofdemend,Inomuhgchocwudyonourlu nmmnda?anoitubolfodwusulnkeywmmunwnimvmvumn pmmplhganywdlomllnvourmm Inlnumm hfrnotrudunltkaybnnollolluplnllovm MIMI iooo?elonltynwpomuuondlrnndsln uruvlum.uuchnnpaahhlhowmrutnmnmgbynbwbualoaluddmulouhnmspactlnlhelrhormvmin Imylrwolfnululluxbly memlthmlhmnnlumdudmc?yhmpadnhduvsuumbnumaa uhuiaulorlmvolouandeurnplornerllruvau momB-adl?onal hocplnly hduntry. V\hbnIoveIMXastIaIdh|awhrnhMagamFa|hoonlbuulayvd.monwIbomomluulIaoulnlhll spicyandmllhwllbolmponullonulrulnchaholouhudacuniocovnuuvlol.|Aoslo1l.A|tbr0umpom honlmy burinnlhnh bed,wd|lnlb|u.ulhonIa,dv¢nn,dotnoanl11.hg mdhdumo. TmmamymrhoueunlrunhamiuuingIululplmllavvuoopuunltulhcvhiueodollmru.Formany. nmhgnsonuyllrnughooonilonmdhatmlfnnimbrruldruIpetclalolovblemhoa?ovviuolnyhtuathotnen admmgtfII|rboduIdhvIn|dulartn'|Iiuko|!dhraha¢obI|oooIIovny. WIIIIIuvuyod.ou'Alb1|bhoourtoavlIpendtumoroIh:I Mlmomawylfwylwvu?vuyclwbvlbm ¢@uhulI|umulgqopIwmmnmhowdoddhILTrnuM¢uhdudorI&uIu?nmpI1mum ohnmalheunmapooo.ndyouueuulu?dulyunhumdumgeohulvvivliulrnuonuqoornadtn monurynnovluom. o1tMhuoaIpcloydoc?amprenuhdbwl\opwIc.vnwlnousdmeDuN?on&vI ['ParndaId Ro91Int').\mbhpmpouIpornll§IaIhenu|ounuM¢Il|nm?dorllII.oomnudd and NIIIIUII I Page 80 of 211 (puvnlledhnlmnouj.Dmmnghanbomaonwmcallmdmnndpu?elpniehnncoommcadmyollon nu dnnvlnlnomy oonooquunc-.Evuvy nuloonl would havo In Iblty Io homoshnm It may choose.Mh clan,Ilmpll.any-tn-lolow nluu. WonotodlhaoonoepldnqulllngnunlalnI|gnnoodvolcMdudwIoumporIodby75%olrupondovuuId wmllohulwdlmlgmltlonauphihmnnrnqtldhlawdod?ultmyllldemnndmd?lwldtl? me’HouaeRu|u'use1bylhehosmuruduxnwohuwneopombh?wthnpmoomuaupodofmohotlau rsghtmlonplooau.Anndd?on?mqltonnvluaduuhlljuundmmexhhtldubuulsnotlnmtuq. Wenbohavomonllmloal. &?bnmywwomhwmmaadmmwMAmm? moyhwncomuns-boulunmvborolweomnmly.lllimautnkbnblucannuukylhdhnulnonmut. andIlamopnno1I1bhdbIanhbIomepmIcIav1omgvmbybo(hhooumdguuh.?Ibunuxnen gueoiabmihbyho?owelmhuhordubournhmmuono?njuutultuph?um. Wanmvwoumvmdnbmnmupdmndpuhwndu Iiulollleomodprapemboandoollnni Inlovmllbn (mnnmdptmmnunbonmvaautonruulopcmmnumbvluuumkprlvncyun Iundwloly oonuom.ThhInalIlIdumorIlidVlnrInnIbunouubumahuiu mdo|hor!ovmIollIu(llonlhmph.?y.such 3 hoteh.Whlu nu‘phlionn Illnu I haul’:pmflu p?uum andapprwdmdu luca?m.lho Idthu lid oonlau Inrermulonanatyrovodod loaquanloneou bndtiu hnsbeen llIIdo.WeHtumo|Iolo¢|on 0'O|lh0I'l pvlvim;md punml lnfnmu?on urlously.ll h Ilaovuy bnporhmlnmlmlnln pnvacyiorlho wfuty nod ncurllyd our host ootrmunlly.Ynucan undoramd mat milil?publidy ovnllnhlommanwupanonnl adchoalu realaIfetycuwomlorpeophwmodwamolrhurneou?a1myuuumy.haddIunIomh Ieedbadnlwuma lodrerumlrnmouromnomxulwlhchburuzduuuwond,we hnvoidoml?oduvevd fotndaloml pvlnchlu mu uueonslnsrmyvnllnclnd In Inn hnhnmd mgulatovy upproochuthd am workhu VII"in o1hurcllet.T'haae lndurlo lalr and Ienlhle rue:max: -DeIheruomo5hIi\gaanddonl!duu:.pemvludInnlndwbourhoodnnndrypoeolwn?uunlu Iaoulhody: o App!/|uuhIduIonbrowhummswmahhlahuvmdvMnnswcuhr\?ymumu:u¢olId umn vohmly oomplnneo.hmdng rusonnls vs?utraion bu;.Roupdlheptwoqolhom?lorclmriuvnlrhmuuawlnunceulhaylnz 0 Bunmulwsundamehrcmpncnlommuéulubunhwdshwldmuynlnnupaec; -Troaulpooplo-Iopeophplailonmoqmly. Vvolxnovtrrovnocrvaurktoulunhovtolldlh-lmcbeunndmoucllodwomguuuytmmauorhfwhomu uhavhgvilattalr.any-to-Mow rululhullnumloulln horaued onnvlanoo.uanydtluluva urudu muwhbimmbnNnuuwl¢ru:mn4em:mlduuw¢&\gmdrdizmImahudm\laouuman mnmyhylhalrugvoolrhuno Wewuldhnhnpyenzhamlhooolueoouuovlts. Theo\llwuIrlnnl|le0mofe¢|Iw|IndmdhvuddIsl(?5CAD)lIliouvIoshbnnvn|uIl($4uCAD plus 36 par and room)no nmombh.We would uumlonclan aaahn uhnl?eamly I?l?ln thus has In homer n?od Ihucom d adniiuhllon und emorcomontcouldmhhon?nmlly mam oomahneelmm hon. tldlliiwpvujudloaagdnlhovuyealulhotl wowonldnlsavlahomenoovworullononlt-anlummmg magma:you roconlly held on ma Trnrinnl AcoommodsltonTux. Ln111,AbbnbhoemmIhdlooItruIuuugoodcomnunlypnrmmwlnlnrldbyaweomlrivncrnoulumn ulandpoelIMen:uIurunluouhoIh.luiwuIn.md rutohbanwnuuoomuntrywoolautoufl Ihbeomrnlmeni mnw2w .mmwmwm und pear nmowIyuemu. and hmnw-locdlngdumoe lldllblyhllmd W°?l'Inu. I would be planed lo qxuk mu you ?nhev ?aw!muillummlion prwldod In em Idbr. Bulregnrdl. VII:Bdur Page 810!211 ,....,“L, r"27.2018AlexHorbrl?ch. Dlr.ol Planrlnaand Briana Development 4310 Ouoorrstroet.lL,k:IVE,|D Niagara Fala.ON MR 2 7 RI suqoa:AM-Z317-(X15 VhcauonRoma!Unit at II Mdwnmn ..LUL‘!$.!.5)1'.‘4ENI....- Dear Sir: I wlm to oorrllrmmy stupor!tor the warm alovrlng cannonrental unlls Irlo rooldertid zone by speci?c mnlrubylaw amerrdmem,an In your recent pubic node: I IIBOuwponyour nl??ivol rooartlg Bed and Elrealdw uus as us out In the puhlo notice Howsvcnmosouuaashoadbolmlod lotwoguoelroorm not Ihroo.vmon lower!in u ruldormnlzone.The roduouon to two rooms Is In Ilno with Ihocmorn doflr?orroulamly.nlowlrrgrplotwoboardorsovroorners. I world also expect that the by-law roqulrnmenla pormrlng la pnrklng oorllwrmon and manoeuvring ables an rumoredto on ans.TN:pom was doouoeod recently with am oryour ?ail.no It was my mdsralnndna.(oorrowy or Inoorroclmthat mine manoeuvring alone wouldnot be neooeear?no provided was lam hopolunucmrnrido?rnlono1'ootmoorornuIoueing‘boInloga1oouoymrr proposed doflnlion at n ‘nation rerununit’. I am oonldonl but your proposal wouldprove sa?dnomry coupled vrih appropr?o Page 82 of 211 .., ‘Amzm7'oo5 Marat 12'/2013 Tn Nlagara FallsCouncil Members, My Husbandand I reside at 8866 Trlstar Cres.,In Niagara Falls.lately we have been plagued wlth 3 Vacation rental property at 8896 Trlsur which after‘ nnmblned support from our Nelghbourhand was sucnasfully stopped and shut] down by GeraldSpencer (along wllhothers). In the upcornlng Coundl rncctlng regardlng changing By-uw 79-200Iwouldlike nsglslor our vote.we vote NO for allowlng Vacatlon/5&5rentalsIn our nelglmbourhoodwhichIs zonedas Resldentlal.In our neighbourhood on Trlsur Cres.;allowlrusud’:VacationRentalsand 3&3 5 always mean lnaecsed street parklng and unnecessary noise.when 8896 Trlstar was operating as a Vacation Rentall:was common In have 4 cars In ihelrdriveway and 3:4 more on the Street.I feel our safety Is also eomprarnlsed by renllrg to strangers who have no . vested Interest In areproperty or Its surroundlnss.These operations should be restrlctedto ll1eTourlst-Areasol Niagara falls Sincerely, cramand HeatherEllls ‘R ma2 am PLIANNING Page 83 of 211 M,_:m..«u)as tr:s"ea .Mm twt 22 Zllli To whom It may concern,’um)r-uwuma II’-.'.__5 I currently own 9,housesin Niagara Falls which home share for both.I was unable to make it to the seconds publicengagement session for Vacation rental units and Bed and breakfasts on March 7,2018.ijust wanted to takesome time to write to you about why I believe that home sharing is a very valuable aspect of the community.The City of Niagarais ?rst of all a great community to live in and second of all.a large tourist attraction.Tourists come from all over Canada and even other parts of the world to visit Niagara Fallsand home sharing can serve as 3 great location for familiesto stay In.i do believe that those with a license should be allowed to have rental units during any periodsof the year,of any size,and in any area. One of the options was to permit home sharing only in speci?c areas and I do not agree.I believe that at the end of the day, tourists still need rest and often the ones that chose to rent a home are usually familiestherefore;I don't see why there can't be home sharing in all area.Renting to guests on a short term/fewday basis will not disturb the neighbourhoodmost spend the day out in the city and come back at night to rest so noise should not be a concern.i don't see a concern with garbageas well,as long as the permit owner disposes them correctly or buys the tags for the extra garbage. I don't think that size matters in the rental unit if it has a permit and it followsthe schedules in the by-law. Havingthe rental units all year round is good tor everyone.Good for the guests to ?nd good prices.good for owner who make money.good for city as tourists comeand enjoythe beautifulcity and spend money.Having rental periodsall year round allows for Page 84 of 211 those that home share to have an income all year round as this may be their onlysource of income.Cutting this period can signi?cantly affect their income and qualityof Iile.Those that make money willalso contribute back to the community with taxes and I believe that this bene?ts everyone. I agree that the homeowner needs have a proper license and pay an annual fee for the pemiit in By-law (No.2001-031)Schedule 30. Sincerely hope you take this Into consideration when making the decision. gii_;'cm(_'’kuu«I1', ‘ \ A J A M(l'(l\Dr!l'}l;]8 Page 85 of 211 Mllsu Fllunu I425 Nudelime mornhis 001 IJJHM9RFSEEIVED MARI 9 am on ucgggas Mllh M.2018 Dlruaor cl running and Dwnlopmml I> Inn---n_I our Mr.Irv", M '60‘ I am wrltiu In lewd:to mmmm:eoygemuu seslon MM In went umunh;rquamu vaallon renul UM:Ind bed Ind brulxiam mamIdld attend.IIII:Itmndtd the its meltlm IlnldII Sqllembel II no Micl?l comer. Iwouldlwmomanl:you bull owwrwort In umrunner.Although I am vevvmumIphslvauuuon mulul ulslappvechheneneedlabufarlonlmdllle loulhatp-opinmlmumeilwvneslomvnm?anmvuv, nprdestolv?mwcdqwllkbeuwwymrenlmthlsnmunmuposslbla Th-rI avrllmlu Ikmonwhut people In-nlound lollomllns rmwulhu?rlassomufllloi hornet dependlmon um-Imidenual mm In:my nrecmenlty Mum.lnnhan Jyarugo,latest to build nwllocmhanewnndhwwdeslriblenevboumoodlnnswyul-qn=udnolIeI.Ipun!uso.-d myhome wlmmeundersundlmunlmynevuhouhood Is and MF and I am and anawdlulv.Ishouldnot now be lumdtopu ugwkmuewchnqulotmaonhgolnwysmetwlhuutubudlnnovuxns.Imwedwmls nwbouhoodhansnluwllIlbduglunllroflvrlwdwllecen:$||nwIsIun|nnuIfuvuoduulhu.1'hI:wI nothemecnselhrnryotherlnumonmywunbumncsuwmuonnmdaslxthna-lnnrmalnolsh Itulsdlvioanmlnnadlvunvulle.?utlsllnlfueldndolnonwuulilylloanttniotlrtlhlllsnouheoormuityl mm nwmllchn round up In. WI‘:I undevsund [M Illlplmm M Iooltlmatodundly lnudds In In how ltayal tilt‘wllhvooulkm nous,vanand annmunba mu mumFall:I::mlquu cw.unllko most In he uhnn lq1on[onmn cunt].1h:lmmMNInunmm-|-IunlnamhetmundaxmcnnukbuzIhevdonothavueuoun affordable houl unis tn keep up with In dumund and meaty o1 mumralt muhn dog.The clay cl Thorold It new-vllntdngnl renul home:In!nulls In he Iceman,and Inspected regull?y beausn oflhe Isunnullh lend:Inlvmkvmdemunavlvglnlo Ill amsof muluaurhoodsvmetethey In not bllvupod ml?-bouts. Iunhflvmrol: 1.omtlnurghnulumbm?uuuoirunmlnnmmnnaretheyanaanntt/Inneduxpevnissuo -and lint kl!-In noolhuxeu 2.Cmllnulmnopermit bad In!hu?-us ml uwudruthat nevusmeallngall in.hull:and mnlnc nluyaudosfnrthealyol?igarahlsandenmntlweuuhspocttvn.-badudbtuttnsuragnuhw. 3.Alluwlrq vnullon mm!unlsln Inns zoned lcuvln comm-rdal ONLY. 4.Album;uuuon runnl unuh muclwu lrslomct urly Andnhnolnulymprwu?a value the owner does not In M:hon-t as mclr prindpnl resldencq. 5.Tut‘vnauon renlult unhut dmhl mus [ha IN thy Innsnmels Page 86 of 211 MIIIII fauna 8415 AMI:DIM! Maura nlxoll ull 0M9 _:j Alvouuon mmnl mlu MUSTbe ntmlmndand In order had:no.mayMIST pas llue nme hsoealonsInd requuvnems as bed I bredhsts In at dly.‘l'h:v mun pass Ill nme hulls.may. he,and xnnlrg Inspccllonund mac!II the am:nlqulverrmns.(IN;should mopcnfor mended my mulls.as ml) Aluwaueroom:-ri.-Iparpmebnlnidenubrad-ummgutlnhonldnnlmungddebyndo whllestllnuln?niu [M pittlllzgl oluoenxpau lllimmolhonlos.N0 IMINGGI DE SIIEET PFRMITIID AND NOPAHXIISBIIIIND HOLES. Limit:the nddn.-am only on mamvywehsme of homes whldn are helmum!I!vacation rentals so that compile uanwamnzy In line nektlbowhoodswould be shown.Nclgllsom would know llme nvwwpuluns lhllpullqlalll nllhoovm-rot n Inna!nnllu ll:homes:vaullon reoul. Mndurum nlwnlrg In naloenl?necrbourhoodstoallowvnuuon mums Al lat nut’:nnuellnu.spasm span :7!meloans:In value ol mmbwrhnod:when wallow- msutsanbelngdolla rhunoubuutul lsnnly lnme nqhboumnodswnkhwece nnmawnmgr: nnd nluubtlrutobnginunlh.Illa lnoeuvfeld Esuteund the lnomasumumlmsellonnwmere 1romS500,0wu:my $1,ulI,m0-we pay a lot nlnlnnzy In WWW mus Ind lhu v-In of my home will Il0'I’lncmu If Gm:la n IIQIWstrum al shnurscnmlu and plug noadoorwltln no on than noIupsrvh ndoaualely or to nulntnh lhe eonulion nl eh:hunt. .lunlnlavnlrolhlvlruuvawdruullonzmnuntollkaxq:edlIuDytob¢pInMmIrIslun.My woelhisMdmepurklvgbrimpaonhalournupulndllqalyonLh2slme1w2:20Imvmen ne?lbaws have uledbe oomplalnal Zilhnnhnl somoonu I:parked Ilhplyorlhnl thelvuv bumpevlxuicuruuolovuothosld-wnhhlllanllddluollhn nlum.Iiwuznp/pecplelndollnl let :$50fne,lhovIwelanannIdlohlmaIn|iuve¢:mgootnonwulenlislnlmlrlddlnoflhe nwulnnll Isuassouwllnos. Ian In lwouvolenmvlmml the mlementsuc aduqmlm the alluding mnun-nllloawovrnus shouldbellnedoandnntllerenlelsbnd: lneneomlnmenudaeumevumlhnnlnuulsobuhenvvflnesuzhmlemmeonalsuuy-umlluuoul lhdr homeovroons lulheilnomewltwuu pnrmllorlcensmllhmconlywuywcunlovntpooplabonunluunldeoanplvunhsuloiyngui- tlonu.an-1|bmlmuhwumbmmmwanm?bmuumnwwtumywnh ll’! wullwnulvmnlsbestlorlllaun Pclmwlvlowntncnyllnlduoendshenviyonlourlvvwlura III! sIlllw{Il.our?dIy.MoI!lluvIm@olux|N:l:n nrldconltlrmaehnlleoooruonvyllsc-thy-:v1Iheveav.w: nzed andountlvu.'Aluwadolru\-lmlsbesllorownilonu7’WI uvucltyllntdeoendsonllsyaum nsldumwaneedlhemmmulnuemwunlain-ldworimdxp-rndlmimooueylnmlhlplunvmam ruaulnlnnation nntulssv limmrbaaulml nllyan oamlnuoco benu?ovthhln phat lorvoumlamlllostn lulwltlioul mcubmgvlcullon rmlalgvn Ire onenlrqourdtyno pcoulefmm outsldt lln Mum Radonlo bvvwowl-nuns.mtllumomloloumvls,Indcomlmntodmelaeprlcesollnmcsuplnnnolnlwlun llonleomurhkahnol lautl:lovw retinal; I hope you wlllglvumypolnu seolomanmlnemnovn mart you. Mela:Vrloui Page 87 of 211 SENIM EMAILATTIOIHIT man 5419 River Dd Nllyui Pals.DIIIIII LIE Jlll 5M:rmM? Ih.Ah Ihri?lldl muanrnlrhrviulllouulnplnonumvnltlruvlhls F BIO QIIUI kn!‘vlaun fill!(XI HE (IS la:P?klI{I\CISCdalIon\hnt|mlIM&.7M8dI1?.Il Bait.Diiin?dtz Wnnpmlah the appomnnylo min A unnm mbmlubn In an mum:my build I nuuldud o?vmhepolzvmnnlon rcnuheurav. lllwcdonolbollvaliucllvtpolwonb?sncedsmixt mAalotI.Au-llunvlnnllvogu-uln- homo I-minus.In the wmv/apnrabrspmdpd reudnncn.cuvnmpulduuurt rulovuwwul. lilo auabwotluly dlmnnx mamnhxamevuned vnauonnmnh,the ‘ammo’menanemn mwuh mpealomu mur?vneeaedpotymnubvnuudmeumvoyluwcmumid Iuvsatbnlnuduudi-rocnup-A:lI:mue:.nune>nnwh:hIolw:h mulxwmepvuwwlan prhwclralkiceofasavvulu pIllold\asnvwP¢°DU'V-&m\Ihl){!lnpa|lqIdoIhdb(Turwnn mi monvu?v?nslnidl mean snlovnamuu llI¢8urIsbu|lIh.NI||IlUow1dInu1mln o?hl dues overwfetnlr-[by vuppomIN:human. mwurenunoumodIhnIsIJludcuncln0IIMtduu1t|nem@uontommnno0Iw,bnIau nationmil:MmmIIuIalruukI!mx|nlhel|nrload$%eD|ulld.v?scevn|h~‘D4Itn Ovnadrhruuuluunmurom-gbrb¢n.mshmunaIInIIdvIuluIHnUoIanhoo¢.nh loud veslanhlm'nm|u|unMnvIuIhL?\aptaM’uvI?oIIo1II.lsheredtntlnnulldnlrdhun mereddene?dammoluhma.ko1nemuvnuv/wunnnnnuoupvmleanwuvn urulnfllihntthedlyliunhlnudmuridmbautoodlilspulyelr?vhu?csokvuldncw ?mualloqulpinulhlhapukononl?leluulnandlwapwow?lhplnmud I-unltnmdo ndcvdupmeu umtmnm the p:IIa529'l lNuAo0d.Y?-ohwonuevlabaenllu-owvndvm?hvl m?ahb?alxu lnelle¢l“Qnu hahnA,'wa1ldIun!srInlneIlnu¢nnmm\lyan|m\c-an-nu.Qnlrlsh llnuedlluldunllalxlutauu.Ind yl?n??wcdmmr?dwunq. (uwchuuuunlzd layout-lnnnndaunmnln anon.awn:mldanoinuemannd sun-In name to name one vnwlon rnmalnvoguw In odalomous or In pvluaul vuldmu. pav?odllh Idlxwnlnwwllhh li?mollhllpwln?hal Italian: Ilvulxwuluyuuv amndonlnmmuh-nluh-. Qua/K /J14/Kw Qlclu?’-u— Kdln?h Wadi:Mm Wmhlul Page 88 of 211 1 _z.;.».e _,sgg_»_.2u Q?q &'1% l «. 933$’smzé ma m/ms .a«n MR ll?ML’!E -W _.'1 .~¢'.*,"*:','-‘M '-. Say mo"to Alrbnb and other Short ‘fem Rentals muon;us:of niua?nuof " '5 cud:subcivlslofnofNlauraFalls,ON)~..-......,. fécmvnow,K4.‘;;m.4I)s r""“’°'\-.';ji .1é?7J)3z*_’:__.--__ _%-Q'}-‘\“ § 3*¥“\*--§_s\¢:r<~~-._. #582 $29,-1°n1|;L_Q4g"IS321>ggg -- 239:Sop.;.[3 aagn?w Tuvg H331 .-' E351 "‘ A ‘ ‘ .,‘. 254-4 5421::Lg]:/1 ' J3,‘' ‘('5 Page 89 of 211 i-?4o-to Alrbnhand owe Short Tum Rentalsmmon;List of noiuengof 1 dwngond?sLQ.yon'screel:subdlvislon of Nhara Fills.ON) yum z[]p1}n_Jmk?m T,“ £135]]ay,[(yI|I’]_, _?g_T;5[37{{Z3'4)./*2-/v>V—.€; %%I %~J L Page 90 of 211 say "NO"to Alrbnh and other Shot!Tam ?lnhls Pe?tlon;List offhsldomxol ?yorfs crack suladlvklon of Ngnn Fals.ON) — ‘"33 ‘Kuuumz; ___ H/7:4 .zr.uA/.sk/ Jézmgao aazum Page 91 of 211 s 'No'noAlvhnband othu short Tom Rental:‘Petition;U»of naldcnts of W . amgamon Grove (Lyon's emusuhdlvlslon M «bun FI||=:0“) 323°’’"74.% 44,1 1 .4&1 ?t! W5 15ml’)Luo1'w0JcI€0wW,°‘"‘-4’ q gw;_3m__5_~[n,Jwomeoro’&.qlm.nMloo i.._; Page 92 of 211 .5” %9 1_q1,2p:,?o2e'N4.5wmo ‘wt;1,.24-A9-.2044/4/W115/.§4'/AW.£l -no"09 Alrhnb and othur srm Tom mun m?im;list 01 mama of Clnnimon Gmva (Lyon's crock suhdlvlslonoi Nluurn Fills,ON) Page 93 of 211 .5’ 531! ~’45/11 901 .u 915:’! 1 }4409 #23 ,e5o4sw} "Mirdoum»and other short ngnRentalsmum;us:ofnmdenuof ?aw‘:cmk subdlvlslon of Ngara Falls.on) 1456?-7 .9 »- ma .. - IL WEE! av,‘v; ‘(asf ’-' 4<//3,2‘/07/,7 \/£19!v.s’4,wps Ah‘;__ _4.1/i£éézZvr/1%:@,s;g 0 ? £359 01 n ;u"l_,,___' ' wtz g4-oq 47 .___,,'9.M“ 1-H4£,?_2:2-0'1-I?‘$‘€|14&_!<u'am~/qua qlu~g_? ..'”‘_§l.k..1_LK§-?;Ill_z~3|aL'x-'101 ‘V s,__i ?a £6.22/7 Ag/Kzmwsrsw -2 234%L2,»_L'FM kick;‘ \_ ~1‘W zim wen M 431:.L21S21-*1Gusecut InoG/_‘:.v|1J= Page 94 of 211 sav-no"to Alrbnband other Short Tom mumsmuon;us:of mmnuéof Mann st (Lyon's Creekslbdlylslogqof Nlgan Falls.ON) Page 95 of 211 .s: s.y -uo-:5urban and other shonnm nenwsbauuon;U31of autumn 90 Egon‘:Creek subamsumat Maura Pals.ON) , l1,3[_4.9!’?/90/7 'J,2¢«-A’?\-\ ,591 zH_‘L!zowT Page 96 of 211 é‘ 5.,--No-asAlrbnb and other Short rem Rcnhls Pcd?oni useof Imldom Tm Aug (Lyon's crack subdivision of Nhnrn Falls,ONL gm,2777 I name‘.aewrs Page 97 of 211 i-._ Say -uo-tn Aibnb and omushonTam Rentlls miuon;Llsiofuaaenuof‘ man‘:Creek subdivision of Nlqln Falls,ON)___ ‘H20 23 9.0”U-I05031°CFIIHICL.6x $555;~<'<@47‘%+ -Ha /A»‘Eva49,4.at EfianaaT'\?% W56 ;j‘N53 94-9%.?!’/.5155M4341:* ‘ZF/'){_§‘,a',_(-«'4; ’+‘\3‘i_‘9f1-}_‘5_j;-¢v~c'r ' A 1145:.sqt 25 L-.\\_e_._.-«;3-.—. 7{Rq‘frgng?é ‘&‘«@a!.£:Fg§ T /1/ Page 98 of 211 SIy'NO"tol\lrbnbln- iothorsiiortfomIionulshuuonpustulluddontsofsuwMlllDr(Lyon's crookubdlv!slo_qof Nlupn Falls,ON) Page 99 of 211 say 'No-uurunima othorshortfem mun;Pa?tlon;Usioflesidomsofsaw l muDr (Lyon's out subdivisionof Niagara Fals,ON) i 1 1 Page 100 of 211 'other srumnmRnntals reason;Llstofnuldemsol Say "NO"to Alrhnband ‘W53 a‘1'°"“‘§'AQm£L,&s.naA_, Page 101 of211 >53!]-uo-B Akbnhand cumshunum Ihmalcmason;us:of autumn qt ‘gum‘:Crooksubdivisionof Niagara F-ale.ON) \ d’Z3(_’ °&°rn,.-§- =was @ _«5>«€ " 71:6 --2/1 1 9'‘/2.-,,/ I \0;A‘.V -...s..._4%'‘ L.LA,.H...‘.»’?M3;’2;z- g .7.’,, _ ,.@zMM.'W.Q'//57.!,__ oo 1:,Z.‘‘n u o_...1Fz? .' .:I'OG,l_r____"'uu.-.-'2 ..__/.- ' aé .441 my mu ?l?, " I ..:4.'...’.‘ ,"‘B-Lssoumom lg!K 1; F““I J‘” ‘4 Page 102of211 5"..,,o-..um and cam Short rem punwsv-uuon;us!at autumn;of glyonfs Crocksummonof ulnar:Fn?s,cu) 29}:/za/.7 0»/435.r our 4M 71/ -1-(p,g_;»-éwdr? I _ ‘ ?ow zzgnzw rm Mam Ukkasw 3094 _4«//M//7 ,ma.>rrmfo/2 o?//‘Z~7'£i3. 9/1 24 /at SM _ .1 ‘\ 5119171 ...cugom.s 9.! 2115-445,n 1.F9_g-W103 5 9‘ ' H % Page 103of211 V\ ;.,,~iio--m Alrhnband mu short run was mum;mmof ammonia: mm.Oak Aw (Lyon's Creek suuvuon of meansun,on) guy _,-Mr.’l A a ' . 3295'.-U Gwof?-7/D - °a2o5._ ms _ MIlG|'5'7""L_pIviGobsuqmd __ WW 6cPr .?6_.2o\m_.M.JLLx4 4:+4 1/5471}?upnua :)q-NIOHI _ Page 104of211 (ab?) 3-”.,,°-,,mun»and other Short Tom rumals nuuon;us of noaldenu J '1,(LEN:cmk Iubdhllslougof mag:F-IIs.ON1 % ‘L’*3.2;.;-‘:“~*’_“.a‘i2€z,",~:a.9,;.,,:'i,~»,.._w . Hm m_P2Ta»»»%2«-. '’J.\u,1’1L0W§\’\V€“35 ?£[as 5°. H ‘- 30111§_»=.l'_?o_m W0‘“—' $694911;Eb»a n/ ' / Am/TE on-K.»wry A? Page 105of211 '. Nlagul FIJI:Clly lhll,¢JIO Qnccnslnal L‘ Ninpn Pulls.Ontuio.L213676 , Subject:vmunnmind Unit:(aka A;-1.61:)mo AM-zon-nos L__._..,,’_T"¥"" N .1 ‘Ibis I:I0 volesour dlugnsemem wilh the Cilyo?fnpll FIB:in its oonlideruionof nllawing lho aanhl?lllun Il?optnllou ufnny [mm or Vuulian RunnlUnlu (VRU),(widely lmwv-nu Mrbnb) olha dun thou:whichIN wrcludvuly Owner Occupied Primiyle Ruldamnx,in npoci?c m-munch In Tomi:mu,maulnltd,mnnitnled.llxed.Ind cnnlmlled. VKU‘s whichan a seeonduy dwelllng Inmy Ind?lonnl nxldnniinlum Mun Not bunlluwad, and whenfound,mull In immudin?y cloud Ind vwnnrspunnlirni havlly win:no he put. ’I'heIppmp:iIIeu'1y un|I>tily,whichhubuIenlrunludlorIprucM|1 lA:dIl\en\n]o|-ilyoflhe population.through in brlnwn,-um ind regnlntions.mun have the lhnlmdo And eommltmenl lo ml uponunyvhlnllonnudnlynd vliihomflvour.City Coumlloulnd Ilsohduyoraluoulcilnuplenvxotvtnndnot I oonulxmlwllhindlvidullmovulitylndluwu fnvllncbtlicvmemoflhnnpcying.vulinguddcnumui funilla.Ilium withthe goal of-llslylng llu:lighl ofnll rrsldenlxandflmilian ru pucellll Ind hullhy 1 liviqginllulrmldeutinlnvu.Itnlnnldnolncauvtbeomforeuollhoaermrnoylamuswfmbyuud lugqcouxu?mnmIIldoIhomghn.pzv?neauu!counUy,n?dIlnumnmuofa¢.oAlybusc?Ih nugni?osu oily Huoughexlrenwulns lamb Itmsadiam,Huh :3 unit:the umbrelllnl'V|'(U‘L Wilhml hlvinaI vealedinlaul hervu In honest.bom?dc.ownctoncuyleddwallet oliu principle niduwu. IDiru:lorol'l’|uIn1na andDcvdopmenl \ 1I n I I _.Tlxaobvloulcxlnplcommcwiu wlulunlyhdlnuplunlpcnwuemxvotlncnainepcnccful nal?ubnmboodacunboudlyuen ?nvvltbouewhahlve nlrudypnwcnhow udcalmhkdnydnadyue withIcadlynmvklluduhndudusubllshnwmoutsidoof?wnnuml I-xbII°.IM.vmilcnoton-Illc ninIpr|ncipleretinh1m.nnnchc:lcbliiInn|I:withrcctlA:nIbundonwllhnmusped forlhc poople orpmpuny oflllund?ibouhood. 'Durapcct ofpcoplc and theirPmpmy.Mllrua?an ofUndutmblu.‘?ncudw Unmrlmllablc MomMM 17::quid 77m.'VandalLwn'Drunkand l)lmnda(yCond«:I.'IIIaga1 mdbwullw [lard D142Thad:and Uu,‘Pmrllh-um ‘Human Thq?cklng lllduruu and Umun Thhhnmucqamplqmmulm?ivqofwhlhIxuuulKnboulwiv)|VRU'Iinot1Iereiliuuul couulriqnudnownnofvdulelniuln:-dyaacpimlncmlmllnblyitloourclly.Plenusdanmbconoof llmnwhoucpuxlylonllawlnul?ncanecundllncpeoplevrilhilInin?unlcourwondemnIcily_nkingn smnlllcplowld Hoodnutulldladhxgbthdegrldl?onofourlnelynhomhnoda. Knoll:1'. ko6¢rI&Ju4yDImgc;.W84 Wldk 0akAve.,Mngnmfalb,OM,CA.IJG067 ’_ Page 106 of 211 Dimior Plunlnnglkl)cvchpmenl __'_‘__._~__‘____. _ G ll "‘‘ 43?“must RI::CE:IVED Nhgm Falls,ON umI 5 ml MS PLANNING Dent Sir at Mndnm,'2 Not llko[ho ourof Tomlin.ourclly olNh3uu Pull:in u umll city.but ls alsoI tourism city. Wamualnpontolholoudshll-o¢nu:eGTA.opunlolb¢IourinI.n'mm0IInda.opa1loIhc Iumia1s?nmduStIleI.optI1olhelmli.«I?unIIloIwotld.JI|Illkcvwnlowvchiclcpluc syn 'Dbovcr7 Om:-Io",we:hou|d thinknhoulhowto ulna lhc laudm Io dheovu our dly. nut only lb Nlagm Fnlh.not only lhc an-‘non.nmonly Ila 3I:|p IIBL but way comerof Iho city. Solheoptlonimd?uchudinbu. IlnlendodIobennA|dmbhnna,noldu1aud1oaeverIla1herhosuin1Iwpau1,nndfoamdIhu65% o?hoirgueuuwumllnx?moAMatIbusetI.5596ofIhe;uestswuc1ioInOIIuio.lulu found Ihu,wiLrmxAixhrsb.lha-cguesuwouldmtstuyovunlghluowclly.solhlgnlynugyadnl NOT xuny llmIuoIhnAlrhnbhoulnou:d1y.Auunlly.with Alrbnb,llungarwalctnon ravmueIoolIu‘1y,Indlleulnlloillaesulhoinoouleforlbeusldtamofmxcity.mtonlylhe Akhwlmufuamphlfywrdenrtrmulnuupamttnmqlmllhim myneighbullob toInlacanwrmyprdcn,lwlllhlnvnxynelghboulc?locmrnowinlhevdntennndlwill hlramylI:i?IbuwLhloc|unmy|nuI¢fotmygIml.And Inygucshwlllnpcndmonnyto |uvelmclnnddinnuin|oul ru?nrmtglhcywlll pltclmnbocruld alcoholfrom loal?oer Sloncai?bo,-nddlaywiHbu1olhurn1nlffmm|oeulsauucunou1|qmIl1.ThenKuvwvuIuo daecllyreeclvedftomlnhiahltbnb.lhcllevclwillpnylnupmpalylnxnnbomovwmt. Souuin,I highly suggest (hut N(Yl‘not any limit to ill:Alrhlb host [I our dly. lfyou mu!uk nnclochoouomofynur ngtlom.I luvuoclnoucoption I: -PumlluilhnlvlcdionnnlnlIniuotbednndhruukflsixotbolhllof?giu.inlhcmuilu by-Inw(I)subject In regulming[heir zinc. 'I1Imkyou. Ymn dmuely AnnlndorSill! M1109.20I8 Page 107 of 211 Andrew Incl ' From:lohn ‘ sun:Ivusday.Muduts2ota92sAu l’ut Jlm tiudalk Mum:Wu.cnuto«n0:'—,mt.|.u subjcw ltmponn:to I\'IlnB rnedlng um»mi 2015 Response to March 7 Vacation Rentals-l\irBnB‘s discussion at Gales Centre. lhis was more positive than the lirst one at the McBuin Centre some months ngo there werejust a few vncntion rental/Airbnb operators willing to speak up. First of all "Bed and Breakfasts (B&B's)should never be includedin any discussionsabout vacation rentals.There is a major difference. B&B‘s are legal businesses that obey all the rules and pay localand federal taxes. Whilemany of the attendees supported the original Br.-Lland Breakfast residencesall were againstso called AirBnBs in any residential areas anywhere in the city. Vacation Rentals(Airl-3nB's )are unlicensed and therefore do not contribute any business taxes or revenue of any kind to the city at the present time. lt seems that in the long run these operators will only end up costing the city considerableamounts of money when it comes to enforcing nny bylaws put in place to curtail their operations. The suggestionthe city is considering a plan to license vacation rental properties,may make some sense but the ?gure of "sixty dollars"mentionedis laughable. That ?gure would only increase the problem by encouraging even more than the hundreds of unlicensedvacation rentals currently operating in Niagara Falls. Page 108 of 211 It is understood that Airbnb's,opemte world wide,as part ofthc so called ‘sharing economy‘but there rm:some very serious problems the in cities everywhere. The biggest issue everywhere is unsupervisedrental units meaning ,uo control whatsoever on who might be staying next door to your home on any given weekend. Airhnbs are part of the so-ullicd"sharing economy"but the real question what are vacationrental operntors sharing with anyone 7 There have been severalreports of guns and drugs being discoveredin unsupervisedvacationrentals in Ontario andwhile that is very troubling, recent incidents of humantrafficking are even more serious. It is mandatory that the city establish :1 registration and licensing plan to ensure there are strict mics for all vacationrentalsthat will make bylaw enforccmcnt possible. The most important issue however is a very sizeable ?ne to those owners who open and operate vacationrentals illlegaly. Submitted by John Wells Page 109of211 :_>.u.....RR:Vacation Home @ 6316 Munrlley Dr.,Nhpn lfulla ON,LZG OH?.1 ~.¢am-) . 11.upamy=.nb-n.nuI.nu.ue-maupqulquwupununp. Thilhulnlvanrwuibvprducdlkwnadu htknndhvbusuuvvyplahlmnllnl on -«hue-on--e-qywunhuuuna-lama.-tuubmhhnnaiuonyua umunu:.11.u-nu n-nlblopoopln «inlay all mhqnhll mumof!»n?l.I has earl-zhl Ila ?y Ind rqhitndt uunnol-I-Ingnnlxgmkpvuputy.Tlulnk-nruyoououuwmumllynndrrwbanhcoawunan nu-oworpuuaca-nunugungullno-nan-a:.,aimguumu:r¢...uiunmmg-mu nbuuwvbaun.‘II:puma-whynlgnn-.nas\mue7nn1uuuouII-nslmndrhllng-ndyulling. IhyHlwIIdl|I¢Ivuy,|IuAlIg|Ionl anN|ovEh:rnI|Iid|i1IIoHu'.'I'hev:¢|:b¢fuIoIIsI|'mn|lIv |qu...nI:lI'yl=peopko?i¢nlIItitu;nvulaklhu:I~.lxlnnnihu-uuuuhxgcgacwolpeopln: thu...app:u:.IS-!?.1uIlMyvunhrv-?vuthollnluundallhnunduunnuu fullqhanunh bureau-do-nnknnd-ndpullnuu-Ilup, 115 u -new nmnaanu wbdivhim «mm...lsnl‘Ih:\eCOMMERClALl.VnlI huimdundlypuhminn-uudhnsuI1chIMveIIiu'IgI'ughIounFcr l6paophrIII|l¢I!u unichlluy-I-U1. Wenhamuovnu:di:h‘ll:uylnIhhouxnnni|yJuuIonuavwutviudunrulow-Iuuuy ehgpunulyur...wuvnlnqhbulunlnenunuunw. Truummamnavomus ngualngnhuypeon-human-anuauuwn-1 unnamedvhbusuxlluunipllgnlulrluu hunky-rlnlgm. o Haema-.Mulfvlnau mm...In nnaau om.lilhnlil uuhdlviaon o SIM7olmilduu in on an.Batusln I at.-cm l?ulllu -a va?lnd -MulhlpY]ulII&lhlm'ltlRIdllo|uI||Io(& -Paying wlhmnbimoof?uutnillnallnlduly vlsblt -uawpuvuenagnu -lluea-Ivuphgu Antdunnhnnukullnlxmwvnu-(S)oonnIooh|Iw.wuySnt:yIt\:Iom?Inauc nihil-?thpboyplulhaalbluIluMoImunhppldIp.(5nwhHuIhoyt|I@:|l.Io?Ill «gs-my)1nq.nmhp¢.puqInnm|hw-aoduunpmagpupagmm -hdvuumhuuwihhlhuubuvoupuaniquy. Page 110 of 211 Page 111 01211 Andrcwoa mm Gvnn Dunafvb SCM:wadnnsdoy.Mlldl 14.3015 2:2]PM To:Anhwltyot Suhjoct:lwtvoadon maul units am Mr.And:ew lcyce mun:obs Gaul __, $1!Wedvuxhy,r?m M,217187:11PM To:Gum Dnnonb 80101::vudhmrenulmIu1m:|'i.N|1muB:yoe ma 9|.Augusune en; noun ms,omm umxz Munh 1‘,201] Dkouarof nannlrg und Dcvzhprmm my ml.#310 Queen Sl. W-an nus : Delr Mr.myoc. I In wrnlng bunsuds on(no path -rugormnl wsdon hula hat widunmwllij ngumlngvnmlon rental mm mi nod and hrnmsls whkh ldid Illend.I also ?tlndod and such II he ?lsl Motrin lull!in Sqnunbu I the Mlc??n cenher. Iwmld Ila Inliunlwoulot alolyouv wort Ivuhlsmuu:r.A|mou¢I unvuymuch qalml vieauon maul m!lI.I nppmdaulhcmcdmbnhlnnalmd ImhcllhnnunphwlunulhdIhonmmumuInmonev,rngudlosnl Mm undo,so ms beam uy in regular:ml:nnwchnposlboa.mm an IlmltzIIUVI on Mal pooch an Ilowzd In den Iuusnnmpbumem wlmwrhxvmdwm?gmuntmmmdmtuam you-nunumly Ddn|h.| putdnudnrvrvrnevmhllumacmmavcmamwneiyshouhoodkaonedninandlnmuxadaozordlyumlal uxidnutnuwbetonedlopctupvdlhneudmuestamnnnlvgofnvysuutvdlhoxnhnultlnnr/wnslmowdnulhls nelghbounnuod bxunamwamnd nw?ulnlren to In ahlun phyonme nunmdqwallx Ind mermmbun Imovw‘ vdlodlenekhbun iruhuivilt Dulvlellllldudlottnfabuzkxuldwowlhdlotnloreodloihtmfhlsvlllnorbc the mulomy other humeoumyurioi bemne:uvumion natal xlu Ihucnseln some Itrnmn IN:dwnlmw. ml Isnm the kind oloammmlly Imm Inllwe u:,unus not the mmmurilylwlm nvvmndaulltcnInpvwup In. Wowonldmihe Iooknqnvnntomerauuaunoluulnuuervaunon rmlalhwvu-Inelounalmnganuuhc LakelnqnluoimuscdAIIneumplebmlmydonotmveenovdulfulhhhhuhlu?tslolnepwwlhllnedamnd nnumukynmum lawman-wdoasnnutyovnuousmwumuclngalnmnlrunnud mllnnhr IluenszdandInspected rzgulmv beauuofthn Isueswlm lndmnonrslty student:mmmlhwall run:or Page 112 of 211 nlwuboumoodsmm any-In not new pod noqhhnun.Ihomld 5 hung prvanlu:and we seem In bcwonnlru Inamarns. I-mhf-mural: I conmulngl-nmdanduen?nslsuolr?uthlfenenswhevethsyancunuucwnnedupmnlssiblu-and that I:h—In no «the:arm. 2.conunm:nopmnll had -nd bruldastund mush;Ihnt lluy um rnnoungal III-.helm and zonlmsaleiy codmfonhv av of Nlngnn rnlsand to continue In InwoclInna bod Ind hrailats regullm. 3.Allow‘vaalon rental units In nmu xonedlmnstconwnrual own. I.AllowlmVISIHII rllhl mils II PRINCIPALIISIXNU only Ind ?sollle?no pvupmlia mac [M owner has In!lb:ms Iwn-as lbw pvlndpol ruldunu. 5.ram vnuuonrentalsunhs uyouwolld notch -495 Is not usongh.The In should bu dnsu In 208 6.Allvac-uonrental unln MUSTbe pormllnd and In order to do so.may Must pass Ihesun:Insputlons and req-?tment;as bad I hreakhsts In ml:ay .maymust pass the urn:II-nlth,may,fn,noulnuInxp-nbm and men II Inc um:reoulrwncnts. 1.Nlowane room nnlalperpvhdpdrasi?ence Iorudcparlmgsaol Infmntonhc Inousmédeby sldevmlenl mnlnutlnu ml p¢rm1t-ynolglucn spas:in hum ullnumes.no PAIWNG on ‘m!STIIELT PEIIMIIILD AND no IMKING BENIN)DQMES. I.vuauoamnulunksmuahnnppcdnI1saasyspuyear(bmIuwu:vmII9Iv¢hm-d:IIi:7I.Pannpuu-em mun hunonmepoanll mind In for everynhhfs use ofyouv prlndnd mldunot as I vacntbn venul Ink - sknlluruolhn 9/mm In nmlu wem?n on themed now.onwsomany mm nu udms would be nlovmd but this Iyxtun would lnwdu I In In to be paldvdlon vouga ullne. 9.llsmnrua?rntasmwovutmcttyvnlnltnnfnunenMdanun-bnlvuusdnvxuuonnnulswmu cmnptm nanspnmnzv In In novubuumoudswuutlbumorn Iauuvbounvotld know Inn.Iwldyputy was the manage sonofmeawnerora xnwurronurgm:normuavoeullon IIIIBL 10.Nomamlmoi mall;in ruldnmbl nn?uboumoodsnoIllomlvmxlon rm?. II.A:last wank:meeting.spuhr spoke om-eInman In vnlu-cl nelmbouvlxoods«Inn:vncatlon renal:are buiudonemlulrwwlmlhntlsuwlnIhemuwwdhoamlmmmmndomwdlnnuddnnd wmwhemmm.I In InMounI (hmnl mbdlv?on Ind an homes Iround run all Innnyvmen hom$&»,m0 to ovu'S1.m0,ow-in pay:btolmonev in properly Ium-nduuevclue olnwnunu wn wrncmmn ll then.-Is I studvwvam ulsvaoevnovnlnuandywu nuldml Illlhllvuvll may nosupemseaaeqmtcnnr Io malnnln tnerondnion of no homo. I1.I unln hvonrolllmjuin hv-hvtlnhvcemnnlo?lmn Iucdfhlylnltlsepupvlllhl?llslmowsueetnls ind m nl?llvlhrhwp-ouhalauunpuhdllbpnrun the «net bymoun an-n neyhhouvshavcalnd buomphlnIIImamuusomuroelsurkndllqaworlhxwnlrcrbmuuhItklnlunmonlnttudd-\vuII: lnthornlddleollhenlcnt.IFwuanpIypeopI:hndothaIInra$SnIIrIe,IhenI-uanaflnnnuthnrnnloyuu mpomonweelzms lnmevnlddeollhonI;hundI:nIe$50J.mlImI 11 My Iml pom -I am In Invowolcmuvlmmu IM detemnlsan Idequumr weu?evnltug rvnuv;should be lhodupwItdsol$50DImnnIheyh!Iltinp¢CahIf£nIklII=vllioen?ilu?lllothnaxuvulollfnvou?on nnul unll should bouqully ?ned «Id:HIM.Wm:should the be newhas -wlnnls olszowm Id: ?mewneon:Iscnmlxuvmigouulnelr homurmoms In Ih-lrhurne wllhouta pmnknrllunsn.II km om vnyvouan loanrnopln lo rqlsuund cunwmms?wraanlnuom.and &Inaluhsu huvebdo II.somv uewulonvlluodvcrsuugecuuywiuuhv I4.lwould In In request tospoalr It the Iuvvnolmm Mumgarooundl mm lornprl In,zma. rlecu um um nulnls nylon:mnidchllon. 019 Grant:"’ Page 113 of 211 ,7?ci?ivan am)If “Wim4114Julia‘;,f‘,'_2N~mYomuDirectoroiPI-nnlng and Development, My name is Scan,husbnndand ialner to 2 mi:boys. I mwzd to Niagara FallsIn November 201610 invest in ihlr not with the purchase ol a bungalow and as of Ian oumniser n low-Cydllpimt h the me:new the gym.I movedmy Iunly iron:3 beautiful 4 bodroun hemp (over 2900 sq feet]In like A dinner:and Inve:my many and sums hrin nation rental pruvenies (one bi myonnm home andthe other)dupkx I;mentionedurllnf). inn!-nriy employ 3 deanim ladiesand im:Junhind a mahbuunm person on a per nead basis. Airbnh bu wonderful buincu that is a community driven program.All 150 piusauuls I have isonndwas and an pan of line community ihai most Airhnb rumba:Mime antheouimreoi hiring we own imi propatvas I it was theirwin.Sum,vnumt bad appls,lhnl b we use In II rental marlus. Airhnb is I dobniImbassador to the region.Moaliirhnb munbnu In low!to the brand -nd wow-rt mde olflora study mold,maychoose tin:Mlianizexperience.lhis In turn has a massivedied on the touiun businessof INS any.It inch»II resuunnis,shops attractions and puny mud:nl but at business Mm.This Is a city built on tourism.why would anyone van! In put A dent hlo a lhmimuobniuninsadoc noa great tourist dosihliion?Alrhnbprwldas inn mviuedru?x our dly. ll brwghl people IilneMB to live.pay was and raise my children not to muruonprovide income for locals. imvdetstmdrogulathghoadonoowonsurunieiyundpmmonnyiudrinmmedlyvia licensing.as a buslnes owner I hive 0 Issue mmtint.I pay my uxui invest In this my to in better. Myproperlicnresaleand i am I handscnovwur and runner.i IN:7 mhnteuw-vlmrn my duplol and am days them In shovel medrweway/waiinvay I am hands on mmmy tenants at a momunl's notice. Iiu-curnothiruiusbwndeoennincdyctIlmiwmlnopnnvyopinbnneanurorvb honvma Dying:I lot lo the (Ry.Not lua mo but Alrbnb ll woil.Wu moved to Niagan fails in: invuirnml In thiscity,I hope it wan’!in vain. ‘?unk on lot yuur lime. Page 114 of 211 A5 reoresenumoat6house maven who opomrs mm:Iumly uuumonmml bulnuhn mmnuilvl II:to wudtyeuunrll Iupnotecc promote Ind booslmu dovclownenl dnbhrnhhvlmnF?ulllsnvlhlpunlikvfruuunnnlurowckvtobov tn-uhm boomlrg and Inmsm lsouv plluofwuuw lam up an um vkmd wummslu In an would,Mum ?le anus so nllon mm uumd pevyen Yhenion an I-numllorncoommodnlon Is luau-hlnhn uo?v B «mm»;lull!‘that I much out nodal;Iubslh mly around 1” qtlonnreullnhhmdl?s I:ollnlnmponlmollhun-rInImod.M (homu- um dry of and:lot unwind cmnhm.out any should [realty Imus: aunt!-alwauzovm-odmon apldty fur Ina:-aim Imht mod to cd-nee loutlsu nllshdlon. Nalunlly Ilvbro haul Is 5 qulclg alftlenl my to Increase me haul um»;due Iecllmuwluuuullgxnusomae: Luv:Imatou In dlvenllledxolnllhon?m I lolafliniw luulsun In anrInadhornao1nnr1uaIneed.ThaeIsmmodlov:|IVloItdaI?lhvmuln woauulmwav?nloh-lIdmwhomla.AIaIoftvn:.hnanrId1nuncnsm nvadwofloupudtyhlncmucdlnslnn?nle. 7.they ll!pmnmy wand and III:busllua my on customer mien uni urvmvnl snnchononhs undmelrhmneurdn?yhhepcmloauvsmk?auy.For uavldouldousmmsmivulnlsmssurwnvmm hnuscusoomevs. ltuhdauhusuhas-6maInndannc:mImu¢ueI?co1§¢maunn.I! lhnulohunlIhwnnedwboouslosmornsnlusnndlnnlnvuaultauua pto?e?bl?e?wddruIld.D1dIoai‘nIlIameIhe|rcnIlptr|aOl:aIpurn@l ungndounxoaodellnnevenlnpnalxuscnaml?nmmanudunauneulam com so our any and spend mm money on lnmpomucn.I004 Ilchta, Qmll??-R Ila. svby mjh (HIM!out hum:will NI]‘l?ww Im?i?llnltnllln WWII II llnnufdls aumyuvnndauiuuly?me mourns wllnpundulmohiou run In at mm:B matcmwlulonl Mnruuuquuulurxll-nknnrwanmsuvliqlasolhuviauutvd mamuo;that Is newrwndcondoscu-win;for honeymoon:then u:d-anus: tomluj fornunlm and memory of mu yum;than are div’NOD40nnd stulenu cnmlu loin:out :1!Imam:cny |1le..owho0:4x [II musecuslouren 3 Ideal canon Mid-lnlpblunzvdomwn-Idlznulpuhunspzclnhnunrvuue ¢umulemeIuvIMu. Solnomwu|d.m;Nuo1rdtfs¢wuv¢«lnnm\dous nlae mdmhbcum comm:Inmndous uxpanu,mam Ind ammo tam-mg:may rosunh Is vhllleurvuzrelMIDIIN krill:VIII 1214 [wt 1 32018 N (Iyfu5N°. AM.40;/(l.')\ Page 115 of 211 ?oimpeopienigrtnrlunewenednlngotlcuumrilvhstolnlmlesnuy lmmlnlls Indnlspnnnlranismuumtsnlmnlsautalsensnuhtnllovuol mum aw man aromanmlm avayhvm mu.van lnaone olmue calms,I IIunntnlncl-nllnueaolwu?smuulwnmndtuutwnnurn. lvlhlvnytfleve Iu hdullryprllaglloahdal?b(s|de\o1It75330H?I|drn0d. Vhn1I:mnnumlet\h|snnIlu7TNs.nnIoulwuyu\uv-dun. Sam [mph mmmun lhn cumnrs mm!dklub nzvobcrhnodmmqunllv. we blue envy panlhh menu"to must KMlmulto mhlmum.our noun rul- utlonunvm|essumuq|ltnItlIl.InHIvnnc:ol?ru:,lIopunitolh\rulu pct:etc.In give our nalgmerl-and I summary Mm ummnmcnt.Up to now via got an cauulaluan In at uamn-rs. Allourllousulre seomdaryomlliuulutlnu-lmmrmualdubehbpu lhemlnmhlnurbtlnlvnhhutuseolltwedonallunnlnpulnnlmol reason (or nmtal at an city has customers nll var lug. M am to nmhlo In sum:mndml of al AIRINBhotels and our Me:to up negmurueahwy an!autumn nlislothrv. Dmevduasnuhtutwnlumslup nlmnbbuslruuhutourdly umnuvuuvu loulsmw/uldulvhnbhotullsplaytrgnnnvenrdmonlmponamrnleiauu lrlrnsmnunottounsmlndusuy.Ilneunlanvuuudvunwdeloikxubanun Mb|lo1eIl?nUIIn?hvdwInfld?IldlIrkluVIrIU|ldmUlg‘UhIkKInfy pleauudxynoudslourubucemedinun.Iolluuvmlrendnohqpouluag pnsdon Intnulsmlndumy dcannb. Vauuncnntxtvtlmouinnll:3 M9” Cling Dunn] rug |.ln hm l.II lnsonuun U NM!Uu wag:Il| WMMIV:mm Page 116 of 211 I-~°‘I.'5?'I"'?jI M310:‘)om 7'»~--—-*---:-"""":2”|_ necenveo Dhcm II IDGUI M .dtyllalrln M F"IIAR1-920! glin-e?zlasueul mANNWl\ [2505 IS:rropud mm nqubuon: Ium lnluvourd?|oMngAirbnhHothIoapnraulnMn¢uI I-‘uh. Thltvncnllonuuymod-I Idlmhlnonowndltyolon-Ilnoboclclvuandloxlblovocaliorl thyt. Om ngulnlan of emetic mamas,sud!n Mbnb.willovum:Nlugn Falo mane In opportunity ongenomermeh noododIncome Intthan ruhmoao.Additionaloppomnliu fortouthin Mtyi ln than in I up tom-ud In kaop pooo?m Inc lranab m onlne mnmltplleu. Onofmoawvalmpulnilatautwowularhmlhmbbookvmsyuuvuehcmnlw mmoowMn.I1uHama0mrmn1cm?nu?yrnaiudnIhaipmpa?ylnor¢u1oMhd ongoing rum»boddtu.ml miduulalhouungupkn-pooNr[Is u pooltivelotulo update Iheluju honulmuondmom pnumln manyoflhs Nlqlu nolghbmmoodt. Théuormvdonolmldumnl pvopcrlyluvacdomamalo.o-poohlylnthedecnylna Mmhumodnwmauvunhtludwkxmuwmmonpuullkymwmhdncdyi urban dwuy.Thupvotlfctdon donut-htrnluvlalo an oduafmwbvvhvowue?nakfu dlrq houiu ind: llltamld 'rouauIoon\plaIrIu.uvuln1a|ontydAibvI:IIucIsuuacwery hutnceadhamumuuunnkneoomnoddhnuzmiuudomtpmohuuuoanpluusnom uhun;¢ndmruddom.T?moIypaMbcuuwmldawtmdmMmkwmmpo| dHBu lathe on. Mtnhhnlanl-aou|I1lnusv?ntnImlng procou Euingtndh?llhmu?solvuty bnudonn vurhrdoI|Iorla.1hbrdhuuyoIunuIIm|nulatpoorportornIlng Host:an Mnnhnl1wwullnnHodiunk1iumoprwItyfurMtnuIy:.Solm|slh9p1acoIuc uni-In?huuugoodbt?uctryor?aeonurxpoopbnrudennuaulhnnfu?ausarl lolovmghemhllnuglldnlobohnlgoodnohhbov. Any roguulogm?cnmlmmd lot adoption,by Iha PlamlvuDoponmonl,in round:to do nt.mod that Unpamm luau in aid. /.Thl . _ mardT‘\1\ Page 117 of 211 (War-I I M8 Clzvoflhgun Fall;_\,n......i newQuun sl.I‘ I ‘m 1 nu-anhis om. "’2 As Itnllcvcc.euhumlsmmeg-ummmmfsmmmunmmmmmummu usnlormonnorInuaofwInvo|cn.Iho|u:-ar?ytmll?suuderpoundhnilessshuldbnrquluadas klsnvauuusdt?nnllonllnlhununembothoodnuudnasilnpoton?kopnnme unexthuposslhhlnrmlulsumuon.Iusunuainrupenlesutwug-I110-tvnllldevuhehovvmlnmuluoennd peophnuwqmenvmyhepullnlu- nfswcy.IuuaboonupuduutllvhalsoncmnnunalspoooforIuuunnmumxllwnbeenm9aoIu:dlb<nIr\uxIovmnyvaurs.W-lavaseenowdtyhua Inaeatovulluayouxaspeowlebllvahovmlorhmdbuse.Wo:nI|e¢ lMsTundpwProv1nd|IundledevnIuuonouavIncanu,u1d\uuvc|IannIulbvIMdly.Halon:shoulumronbenac ml nmhubvlhesnnvemlnnslunnqutudlolohw.Illmuvpqwnlvrcwmaluhontumrenulsh: r-noun nnodiommum. lnmndntevednxupuwa?nosrnudbolurkdwlmnhacuevn?u-ad:lnlncuon.meownwunw|dbnlIst-dvnmvueatymdmud:pub||1..1hI ptn?llvlmlruhraruof uld plans should know when my am used as budnosuc. thank You gmDuh: Page 118 of 211 Andmw my Hon:Cw PK! sum:Mdly,March -1,am 125W‘ To:Andvlw anyo- C:Comcilutrrivals sums:can-sWnd rign Morning Anmcw, ‘?unk You fur IwuinuIhonwcllng Weducsdny nl?ll. Sadly lspole Wednesdny night In!did I honiblcjob of ulieuluing my poinis. My mainnrgummt (Wed ni;l\l)wu lhal 'uuounl ofPu='hing conslduvdlo Iegincr I:Aitlinlll vwalion nazlnlsin thol'|ll:.andI cumpldlnly misuudenloodlb:Icaoulmconcept you hnd Inlmduccd.It wn not clear onme that lndividunlhomu can npply far I oomrnetuinlre-Inning.the Iuumplion was that the mighbouuhnodl block all be rammed. Soplau lndulgc rnetoullr?y my lhcuym. WodonotoljncltoBedIndBruklktl,mrdowcoh]eclnoownerooaaptedrunlnl.sofmynunx. Our position is lhl we would Ill:to soc(ho Cily implancnl and manage I nrim rain:-u|ion uul un?uuumunl policy Aimedat "lung Dlntlnecundlords‘. Mylunmation from yuur Wodncadly meeting.1:Ihu Ihebu?r orlhe oonoans moi’:dltouly In Long dlnnnec landlordsAnd clly en?olutnenlwas loo slow onmoot undlor non ax||umL Unc ofmy palm:Wednclhy night wu.‘$60 was too IawnndIhd by this timenu!ya you will doublethe use near. Ian Aptil we hnl nlumbbad upon our nciyuhnun listing nu Alt?n?,we was innle.liwpueinllyxinec in Novcmhell?l?.lhe NR1’ulmud Incl‘:yunyormliud by hm:schoollid:on FuoebookInd policulso Iwonud400 kids wen ho uttmdl(452 was Iho?ml Mambaoonlllmotlan Pueebool) ?npmywmsncasx?dly inhelecpled.'l1wNllPhndncurin?wuol‘I}uhomu till Hpm. We uotlclndcdthat the Juhsaquunl maul lillimin April 201']on AlrBnBwin no eoina'dencc4Th:iuuudm I" Ilugwulorunouuhnhouso.Mymighbourhinuelfloldrneheduu-3uda"Sl000!hrlhenigJl lot Jhigh school lid:10do n vidco pmjccl‘the night oI’Ihuparty.He Named the ml can again Rx faclllnllng Ihc vulm. Mavingfotwlrd In Apd|IMay2|)I7Ilnll1iuonIhIvnbIituuu1uilu [ill 1;). Fun ApvilnoSqunbu my nnighbouruood In an 300.000in rental incamc. II:mm:Hwy wouwmmuse|r|.Iobllp1aryllSl‘($5200).DMF In NY ma uxr on me DM.l'. Page 119 of 211 We ulumxlI"the uncanny people:and "1hol|cvc'!'my nrizllxuullvulllmz rm:ahut down.I an only duduoe Ilm by tho fut um lhe Iilling diuppeued Ind nun June onwuds than was wry little pouplc ulllic uths location ‘(mo follw up fmm tho cily whichis Alan fnnauing A:I'otl|-a rovmnlmsuunlianuyoulpul !bt1h,lda auppolllhcm Ixwlcvulqzuculnlc Ilm lmgdhlumo lmdlonk wnuldplcl lymnnllolhanxiahneu oflhonmduionuxlwouldmuoul ulongnspoadhlo l?llhoy ue anal violzling meInning by lnwt.’[beu your in court Enibmanunwosmolhcrbomufootluuion.I.IsllInrdl.honulc3 DI Suvpcrtyahlndavdsof?euimuom mu:/udclnm incoming complaints.Mm.am van 1 limowhen one can all the complaint into(bu clly,now it: an onlinethingy. Mywiiu iunmonhodinuuelupmpponedhyaaxwpluqp emxqhIup:uvidc24l1-uvioemdneunnnmlly. 1hu mljotily of your violniomwilloccur l??’hour:Ind on weekend.so a It1.ll‘of9-S Mondly lo Flidgy employeescmomlam vlolnmn. You tuna!deny lhll lhumllhemllka xlmngly Iwpon I muchhigher xcgiurallonfoo noqaledwill:a ulinsenl Ivgiinliun plows with-rough peopleon payloll lo enforce the rules.Pleue makuit very cxwnivuInd Inbmiaunovenmminmiu?nldsnnoweedumvlohmas. Asyouymnnclfnladwithroyn-dalawobhuedplu?-vns.'Ih¢RI)ot@3l|3IW\Y',"Niagm Fnlls wclecnnm uppmximnlelylhni on ye-rly"A Sosotry rovlhe Ienghonhlncmnll. sinceuly, Guy Pace. Guy Pact: I I183 Ningtn Purkvny Nllguru Falls.ON L25 656 Page 120 of 211 Andrnw ma non:bob nu: Sam:Wodmscby.Math 7,2m mu I'M To:Antiew?tye M”m‘M mun muomnw as supponuommana 15‘""’ "do Andnntl.We met you 3 low llmu In lhe put.I van‘!IN!In "MM II In wll?m AIMS rulltad nlullu.but I just wannaanIhltl mm:-ofnw lhoqhlx. ..I'maIalhetolllmtnusnmonganaamdcmwnvomwovtrelaledhumryuiu.Lunuguorysnorulllernshuon EXTIEM£LVlo1¢I(d:p1edon,an;ot,hopl¢m¢s xx)-ud Ir:only ban on:no last but years wehad I fall duo:at eamhuan honest Income VIAmymulox um I mm thrownmu...1than last memm:few Ilmesthmgh Ind] desuuctm umnls.PIEASE.donl'\uh:IN;chance may from my Iunllv.mm mm plying In extndty nag but I!It wen armhtq more than that my horn:muauonwould su?er mum,mmmyhmly would sum:uuln. We had (hit.nmlrg Iuulallonsmhhtuh meal,0!(ha!a ptlnarv resldonm win would be Implemented!(IN: option nlonu would cut my smplemeuwd Income in hlllur move) -PHASE PIIASE PIEASEJud Impkmull I slmph lax Andrew!IWllmlly uunluyou foryauv public xtrvlcl...God Mes! ...Vour1Vmldnoerefl.Boh Page 121 of 211 Andnw 1 Pmm:MylhlllMlnohavnn sun:—w¢dnruby.Ihdn.¢uIu :;7.1m To:Mdnw Iuyce C:sk:rihn75QgvulI.noIn Sddoet:Sound Dmlhg Uni Nomi Ownu IIUUI -Shot!Worm - Alhdlm?lli m1M]07I45|260|7pdl I’‘:".,mug uIAn1m:arvn m‘2”'’?'"7""-3‘-"-.- Wewon'l be abb to attend the man house held lnnlghl at meGain cum.However.we did wan!to m In much Mm youwnh mumsInour specm:sllua?on ID In an In kept Infocmodund DI’be mound not H:lumm obtain our Input on meSho?hrln Rnnul veguluinn. wn)--vn u hum In Nag:-n Full:Mud:vncvrnmt useuourwnond hon-a lorweehmdmuwuvxinlhewlnlerund Ix mmmor lnme mumon mm moo!holkbyx.we are Ituiylooklnglnto the oplhn ofshallm our cenluyhome onu- Ilvad h by one of Magus’:famous ardlwa mm(was lmm al around the world.Sham:our home mmthe lou?xl In mum Fallswould be aovaluaue lorourcnmmunky uueclnwwhenthe home has some Manny mu an be mama mmmm mum.Ian hnpn uh:newnolldasand rqulallovnwould bum ll menudsofhomuavmen.vesmnts and memuch mtnlrnd (mum:of Nlnpn Fall: I would burn lheopponumy Io speak Idlh you Ifyuu Ira:my lnpl?may be olheb In purtlm menu:pojcloc and rngulathns mu but cult Iheneens omlaon Falls Inn bu reamed onmvmobile mvllmual jarnwort Is not-d bnluw. nunappreciate you fa uklrg the um In and my mouuns. Mauls. MnnMM¢no0amn nu-at-unwu I-tuuougvulubpk-smc.]nnu-rum-lane.Ioonmvtfi?alhuhukl? P.!£§‘5',,...i '-0::-.:.~:2-.~~K Page 122 of 211 dwJ9m/ 3%B‘9e9»e $5§59§9fl‘»#‘”M 3°'°'°°‘A autumn III M‘‘'‘‘‘»N” 11-Ill.’M1.Mex Halovihdi Dunno:«running and Devulopm""“"""""'City o(Nimn mu: munlllm 4SI?QooenSuoa.POBox I023 Ningwn Fully,Dnulio,uni.ex: 1:Mann:Du‘Mr.ll-nlwvilah: nx uuvaauuu_,_._,,__,,In:Public Mull-InNnnllvg AIrI'n I.(Vuauu Ilou Iunln?Much 1.?ll As you -I mm,In us for 2095527 Onlu-in hmllod.Cunslo Ningn Company Lld..md IMIHI Gllnio lknilud,Ivhialnown 11):Bunny Sim Kohl Niapra .u.nnnlI Pallnolhllsvlvw.Four Points IvyShanon Nun VIII:Pallwicw all Wyndlnm Ih?l h.‘ Pnlltvlew Halal,lid Bu Wcskm Pxllivivw lwudively.GI’slime |\IvI ?nd Is ‘.‘.'.".,J'..-....Io pwvidoyml wm:dunblloulngwlnnwnll paunnluw Ihu AI)B'n n mum»he manual by Cily cum’:-I I ?mndne. nu uunn u-ml Owolhm umponhuluhynumpnlllon Inuuslmplmllly Infamy Ind ruaynlmncm II I wnI.uni pad:-pa Ineorl Ii:Lhluypc of nun.Hawvu.out diunu would lit:in “W”mm:....r..m...a.:nnun uINlnunmlmm m meu?cullyddydnilhr |.—-[1]III’:type or us,-4 an hue uwilluy nu:locuad In the vulnlly.ltd!ll n...-nu-9 convanlcacc mm,or uh:unuiliu nu neuld In in-nod Our clients upporl II I." dumelynlunlcd unm Ilvi up;-ml IIIIIInc (which In:kqal Do¢?J\u)II\d which nu not Ipomiiedly loalcd Ihmughout Ihualy.oupcehlly In ruiduxiulmun. Iunluun Wuaklhlyou?xu1rdoudia?'x:ommenInu\d:ou\otmmGly0)und|forlhair conslclcn?m Plcuedo not luduuueunl-an Ihumans-[pod lfyw should luvunyquninuwinn Icqwu In lhl nhow. Page 123 of 211 smuseuuurru.-rnammu u —M,-9o«7»oo! 5115 WI!If Mint-lhB.0mnI|u Lzum ...... sun-mam I f?.AhI||U|(WlId| l?aztw?VIIIIIIYQIDunk:-cut.l2volM%II Ft ISIOQIIUI Shut mumVII:0‘!DECKS la=Nl&EI%VIlnSldnlII'lI\€oIlI?|I,7lb'(h101I Dar lw.Hcvhrntdiz wuppnmeellxeuppnnuwp nomana wrmnmlmtson In I?xmnrrshpwvuduomd uni dlulin palcvnn viallnn nlllk h an dly. (IIWI do not hive III:an pdcvon BIS nndsmum led?i.A III II nuII'\I(nptuled no home humans,In In ovmulapzvztnfs pnndpol Ielldlnet.alum pdkm wort cuaombun:IL BM:8!cnlmlil?dlldml hum ?sznreuwrved ndul «ml;lhv "alvNI|7'nhnlunumm (1)wnnutpxl an Inn mun»,n-an manyon new man.wl mow,mom in mm Ilnnnlivc luadon an «animal:notice.nnrnanesmmonmum nnuls to In pn-nvln.-brx pa-and nun-an on non:-to pm at memm pcopmy -can-IIJI4 mapollzv uapud by rmma and may Ulhlr «MB.III?!JIKDR onlwunmt ml-'IsI.l'B built It Nalllt?e e-dame from alhel dun ov¢mMImto4 suwomthis nltmuame. IIIwe aecnr?lrluddwl IIIN Md council lni?lt mllkofrn?itq an caution Kolum tpollzy,la lbw v0talJonlUIl.&\I1lh rrhhul mlrldlovuhlhellvulomsui Dkbithwiuaewelua.Duh: U?ll PIIII CU bnuasdl‘mitt bvhwtl?s I!III ui?lllhol lul?nlld MUbod1'oood.llI: mm:nddmrhl.ml Iouvkl mnunmlul the pmllerallonolllashun doe non:-lldelutl hum memumlhlaonmrofuuum.bouosedueaumvlopcwuslnnnunuunbnweane gnlulunl Ihunvrunmlunc-nouumlgrooul-sou I?snnayuv,wluahqxuand new playyoundngmvunhuxepuionauuhmmanudwappuudulhepluwudl-unmvndo redcvclounmtaunts hum III:park I 5197 um load.wasIlwanu nlalncnlceuwvued vambn rentals,what I:In emu ‘ghost holds.‘would undem-Incthese community onhinamum.Qllolsh Ilw an‘:Ilsl?mhlduuclev.tn!ftdullvdmn inn r?umraluv. (A)W-Mn nquslndlnyou lmammdnenlhnnehuopwv.nllawlvunmldlcmallheluu?a-H swim:Dlllnd Ionpuauom vacation rental pmnmy II Mam Inn;onM win-.IpuI mm-u, pvavlntdk In adjacent to or wllhln lion:ol munnnclnilluldcnu. nmkyau Iwywr-nuatonmouuuhmmu-. 541»://K/«/5!/Z’£M—00-’-t?w- Kamem Wuihns Mnewadnns Page 124 of 211 Andrwwu non:Milly mm sane Monday.nhnury :,zuus32H m ' I'M NI!Hula-cluh I C:n-Ia Mama.’Mdmv am- Sahloct Short term Remnlsllbhnh Good Alicmoon.Mr.lhyec I ha am!you an «mil Ihoul AlrbnbInd Shall-Tenn Raoul:wtila you won IW\Y.Ind I luv:spoken to Ml. KmMcduincc.llehununaledtlulloxmuolyoulbonlidea/inmuxinoelmisadlhcnxvcylbucilypul oil.I unrlcmnndthaw lava lauaunun:uunplllnlx in Ibo pl 2 years |boulAi1|'mh byneighbmu-I.Ind I hope (MI thiscity dxidu lo Ieguluo Ihcix use because I balicvnmyulnllm wouid hdp In eonuolIhun.lhnnim than wouldonly push them untlayotnd. hm annilin;in suppouof Shun-Tum Rmlalsbecause I thinkil ina wonder?nl (hlng for bolhNingul Pulls ruldmu and oul-of-downInvdlcnlnourilx. For nddulu: lliInou|cwsIMlNnyn':|nodianhounehold inwuwinouwuhhnlowcsllnonhrlo. mmwmommmpmm mm@u Willllhclathotrenluwzmunrhofpurdming wajunaxpuimced,manage r-kl haw:lc?manypeopleout oflhelunoforhounownuahlp.WNh?Icpn1ou1IauuuIraIlcninho|ow_uIbmucuuomdK|1eIIIoc(25% ofnll hmninoldl in Ningm.32%Illmillnn.London3496 MmI ''cxlnlneomc will hvlp luw-imamuefunllicsundgivc than mow dinpuablo i;noomnA:well,mun inwmc an hulp I-mllkuput Iheil kid:IluwunIchoolor help lhcm uwnl.hcirov/nhounundny.Wi?uueh nlwnuihl r|tc,ld:m'1bdhvuhIlAirhnhhyushlngNlug,IrIiMoa mLIIlhoII:'n5et'lsk|:i.1Ihocacin'l’orI11|!n. Mrbnbpmvidu theoppovlunhy Eon new indusryn Ind thmjohl»in [M Ningn Raglan.Uncdedieubd for Shun-Tmn Rmlalx Pholognphm an have I lama!Id of?umb,n pmfeuioml photos of 3 but‘:gate:is I Page 125 of 211 uudal fur ll-nix udvutidng.STR “o-znsullnnh"can nmurp,-dviaing on anything fmm mnovntiou and colour sdsannu to haw In when good lnlm Ind duuiptionoflhe host’:was on Ainhob.lint:my and clamlng suvlem.whichhelp cloning buxineuu:or indcpuxluntaluminaoontmtnm Other cnlmpnmuls may cmagc on maylaw in other uiliu llhl lun IhuInning:for the haul:«mailing pm?les und dvcniling.nueuualng guests,eoondlnallng lb:aleaning.and taking uuu of complaint.This way.lmaior dodgmn.ronovnloq.und othn-mall bIlimu1owI\ca:lIbem?lflommomlms|Itm.Inullvulo?auI3cnIImIy buw?lnmn I larger Mambaof hnmu bdrmsold for Alvhubpuxponus. For Ion:-bu: Funhet.lb:ally negu.|uiu;Alrbnblwouldho much mote hem?chl lhln ouuighl Mum;than.at it would drivethan untrglmnd M il in Ilmdy done In New Yuk.Mtbub haul:in New Ymt have simply ollnpd lhuivpm?lspicn-I:andnddnnmund hnvn jun gnu:thnoonuci nddrcu night baron:they drive Ilht Iatainathllbcgucslislullndtxnuoilyugenlamln rm:I1mu.HidingnukeslImoml.i:yforboIh was ucdhonnlihsrlocidallifnulonhlqxneerdnrndmunhwmwhmmgumhphmwm?hw ol?chlly dooumatlad.Thinhives lb:oppommlly open hr pulls.dcalmnllon,lhull,out-of-conlml Iilnltions. II also Iclvu Ihc clly out of valuabletn dollar:dbl couldya directly to tourismlnilhtivl.-I,whichN191:Fall: can bene?t ‘nnmemely ?out Aitbnbupvwideoowists- wiovvouldnolnlhawinehcthlolovlnilmuwondcvoflhuwotld.OtlfiheyouulburmjotitynmdrIsudguputmunuIhdrwenmnuodnuun.lI4ocan'tgc1"qxe-d m)Imzl"lnothernl|nol.lou| wnmunmslno?1¢wuth.hotdommnepocle.|ng?w|mmudnmofhaurindolbn,bulldon?su ooundlmcmbaslrylnutoregplmannlrmeuwuuwzun-istbmincuuunganhclvfniralu-cuwellmew-y thnIMivuImllanhuboanyMonSTR.u.Wesllhnliuveinc-plblianmdIumvilmnbmc?uonumypooplc. yatvmcncaplhlilm Allomfurumong compdldnn lihx Airbublobuirlmducodwilhn bcnubulimssnudel Ihnnnhold.Iuddenlyhutchdunollik:dIcupihliunguncbeuu:nlkcyItebcingo \udncd.1huuk|,lukInpluaeli:1aIloAirbahlInsIund:uIjualIhcumn5vuluubtched|7yIh¢pu\~croI'lh=hoInlinuhnuyinlhh unmet. lh|wwdommufAirhIhlmIluu\mdIhewoMbynow.nndlhcbu§nwun|oddlIincnadibloboauuuilallawu rupcopkvvhnncvahnduueoppuaunlIyIoInvel_Ioboi:l:IoInvuLOrforpumblnsnyhngullms plmnnd.Ihnveilnyud|nmlIyAiIbnho.mdlww|d1uv¢:hyinIJ|ouInpiII.Tl|lIi.1wIIylnnpponAi1bwIh adwouldli|oelobecoInupInoflI...lvulonly|cuI|ynvd hllowilngdulwnmu?zedlyuuul hlun Action: Page 126 of 211 Then:Inc a numbcr ofdochlnm (Ml memy an nuke lluul will holpthe S111 iuduury lhrivn bu!Icnnin mnuullod. -Hos!must purd-use I llmnse,Ind rapurdma tvovy year nohop It up-lo-dam -Porhloshit the number ol Ilotruos per year,the way the!tax!'medIlIons"Irv linlmi.(moo inensts)ml:the land:to a buy-an-Mal lndusuy ol llcensos.The amount can lnltbly set but than an suh|ec1 to ma law:oi supphund-dam-nd.umlllng also man;that a null!housing aids can be prevented a umn the numberof Ilmnus om:person an own(3).Hosts must limit the number of rooms (3)and ch:numb:of gusts (81 o Ont,and they mun lid:by Bed and Brelkhst regulation,for u-mate -Must:must follow mm:M»!M ?u:rvgulalons -Hm antlnmishcr,melt signs,etc. -Flnes [or nut following mgulatiovs -rho:la out-oi-wnlnolparties (whldl MI mike hostsmore strict and aeaponslble for whocomes Into their home.I can tell you now that hosts DO NOT want namesasIt damages lhelr pmpuryand prevents revenuo coming In horn other guests while lhey?x the darnagu.) -Hosts mus!heabialnpmvido patIdng—on}ylar Illowed on thaskrcct [luv cuumnlcl -Food o?uud must also blow mulch and Safety Inspxllons.and hosts will be sublet!to InswaionsIt undum -A Niagara Falls In an In unlquoly Iddcd la Alrhnb.AlrbnhIs on board to blowing II anylawsand an chanq:their software In alow for Ir.(Thu way ihu Uber anamatlanllvawn:In to Me:In me mum Mann.) 'l1miullIan??nkdntlhnwrumnuckwpnwimmnuedmmeduisimammilwillmqke.lflcan Illntnilhnllwulhmlwill than ifnoti?ed.M I Mvclnal?omd,I donotwnn?u inveulinbndudopponmily. lhnvabeenruadirw,fnrhmnsanAi.rhub|ad wlmtoactinvolvedinIhisnnuhnrlrgooonotny.[think the bene?t:hrouvcolghlhudlsodvuuga I hope umthaclly ootuidua nll Iheuabcnetilundnu rocuxonnny mpllvn n-action:rm ncighhousonhn hold indullry--any dindunug:In Alrbnban lug.-ly bouvoldad '|fS'l'1'LI In Illmwd locorlinin:bul with Iulslnd Icgulnlionn. hm availuble at my momuuiryou need noInlk.I appmchtayourlimu vary mlnli.Plum puum on the lill for updl?than chi mun: V/hllney nm Page 127 of 211 rrum:Alex rlerlavitcii <aherlw1t:henIngmInls.u> Sent:fvhmnvv (‘Nun um-u III! Yrllibil H1 Dear Ms.Harte Thank you for your Inquiry about operating an Airbnb in Niagara Falls.Renting out the whole of a house or an apartment for short term stays are considered to be commercial uses in Niagara Pals and the City has required that properties be re-zoned on a site by site basis to permit commercial use of dwelling units.Unless a property is zoned and licenced for a Cottage Rental Dwelling,it is considered illegal in Niagara Falls. Homeowners who rent one or 2 rooms to tourists for overnight stays are considered to be a Tourist Home!Bed and Breakfast and these too must be zoned and licenced. The City's Munidpal Enforcement Ot?cers investigate any complaint of illegal activity and require cessation of these uses where not legally sanctioned.With the advent of on-line services such as Airbnb,HorneAway and Vacation Rental by Owner,we have seen a ground swell of units such that it takes considerable time to followup on every rental. You are correct,the City has a study ongoing on vacation rentals and conducted an on-line survey last tell.It is the intent of the Planning Department to report back to the public within the next month on the findings and possible directions the City may take. A report to City Council on possible options to alaw and control these uses will likely proceed in Aprli.Please watch the City‘:website and the Niagara Falls Review for further notice.I willmake a note that you would like to be notified. We hope to have a direction to proceed established before this summer‘ Sincerely Alex Alex Herlevitch.MCI‘,RIP Director at Planning.Building In Development cly of Niagara Feb 4310 Queen steel Nl?re Fnls.ON I2E OX5 P 905-356-7521.ext423Im WWI:Ihll Ruhr kit:Fr?r/,Fwrnry L 2.0181:24 m Te:Nat iiuhddt aqua:PW:‘l'rardulThnes II Alex. Page 128 of 211 Cunyuu please mpond In uhIs7 Thinks. Dd: noon:whllnq Ham sane:wednesily.)1-my 31.Hill 3351WI‘ To:Dale Mann sumoaxTmmlerl rams Good albernoon. I fomd your lnlumutlon while doing some nseard:Into Nlqnn Fills Nrhnbs,and win!the clwIs eonsldovlrg planning for mom.I cum:moss lb:«nil whllu reading hare: mm unfortmalcly,I lnundthis Inlormulonmet the suvvey had Ilreuly been conducted,and II I:now closed. I ms mlnldng of aurllng my own Nvbnb In the run lhla conning Manson,and I want nomalm sure I lollaw all Ihu guldellnes,rules,Ind vegulauons that the lily will ho rnlng an regarding shnvt tum mmx [Sm]. I waswnndarlulfyou h-d Inlonnntlonabout the outcomes ol Ila survey,And what the sky hasdsmsud lot possible regulatlons lot STRs.01 possibly send me In tho pawn I can speak to.I haw surdwd onllno but the Infarmatlon available Is ulll Ilnllled.I wotvy about Invcnlng money Into a dead opponunlly. I uppnedate any lnlonnallonyou an give.I wouldlove to be able to speak with somaonc shout somt of the qu?lons I have. Thank you whltney Num- Paga 129 of 211 0ctobot4.10l7 Dixeaoro?lannlnga Dweiopmem City IN! Oliothneuuslrocl WI Full;Ontario L2H 6X5 Dear Sir. LI:lLInulhwuuunnd¢d(hcl’IIhlicB:w¢cm:m8uIsiotIoIIVIcIlIon RmlnlUnilslnd BodIndllnukfnugscptnx-aha!I‘.Tou:,nn1AlInrye¢k.ingwi4ho(Im1in1hc audicncc,ilnclmlly lellmwvlih;Ill Ihbuh“nh nh nmodn;“l.hm-\y1h|ngoLu.11\o imlhuakhnbwntepnnmiwmmmlywuwmwnvg?lhmumlummud In llaonwx?ailendofllma. \Vcptvvim.xlyuwnedOlu:MhorOueuho1ncIkd&IJrvIk£n(hcn|nNlannn Plllumd hIvuvwnulIndoper|hd"'l1IeOoMp"nliecmodVlcuionRnnulIinooZ0ll.Por yeuabaweu:thelwopmpavueuvtohavepnidourliecmingfna:mha(?tyofNiaan Palhhnva followedI"mqvlndheoluuudnfnty g?ddhns?mllupeuhvuundn? highurthusmourhmmund?mlnwnxnoecunpaniuusoduedwiduwdngud oporuirultaebxulvuseullvnnorourhtxneu.Wuuezoncdtounisamidmtinlmdhve uduqumputhq;bueeoumndlouxuAesuTonmhup,unfollowdlnppmp¢iu guideline: Imugbwmnsuplbovdamwufnldlllhkmoedrigtlmlpparm?ynlkmnhnm mquiwdbylMCilyo|‘N|n3un Fnllswopvilel?edmd Brnlnlnl/Aitbabl AndIndus) hnr?uIuppum1lyIhnroIuwdlavwS00unlleauedcn|NHnem.Iunm?yopen?nn inoInn:ity.Weuewnfunluh|uwnm:pcoplcbclicveitilnotnocenuybobwna Iiouuamotmlopctunasuduhusinasswlucnfbtyunnwolnvcdnzihllyboliavadlhnl Nlspu F|lkwu|mique.nnTm-|nDopcndnnIo1m.miuunIlulwuuIeneuoninIu fouhollcanllng ltisourmdetsundirlgthimlnyilndivldmls who decldulnmnxmllngoneormotcol‘ meirtooaxslnIMirhon|c.\InduLhc(u|noIIn‘ahbnb‘dosoIllinmwilhnvthmndll toIN}'.tJ¢InIlna!.otinnn8:I.Ovulholnncouploofycauwchnvnhd oonvunotiauwilhpeopkvnnlhwbtqgednhouuhw?ngnoothabncmnmmanga theduc.nMu||iuB&BlI?lnlniluuhh?luuofulwhohnvowoukedlnrdu buudlnuupoxu-npuubkmawuaml huinuca We havehas seeing our booking ll‘:dadlne am-lbs In!two yum ml me:unending Iinhmeetlsgwanrnnowmndemmdingwhy-maclanuudl nnmeompditknnvtilh?llha wtliumed,andwill we mw wnlu nocall“illegIl"c:uhIi!lInenL1. Page 130 of 211 We wen informed ul In:ImuivulhnllhelnIn I6 Ileuued"Vuuion Rmlnl Unil.s"ln Nh¢anl’|||.I.Whyuclhamonly loliuedon IhsCilyPage7Why|nI.hua1oI‘lhe Mound renlnlunlit nol lied on the Cily Pm‘! Andpcxhapadnteahxlldbesomo?wuakgivunnmvdnnhw?nmm?unpwimda mcaenniuouo!"Camgo mm:Dwdling" What:i.|ny:....und u ynd IIIK will o?al be ulnellva In lnrp yuupn lmvdllng Iowher (sports want,ul :L) Why nol ny....Ind I yard thuwill olbn bc ulnctivoln flm?ies 36:. By mlldng mfuuxw in upon:lnnn II indium vary Inge ywpo of puople.and man my Iuocim puny up:bdmlml ale.villi![his dn?nllinn.We nlluwn maximumof6 people only,andI mlnlmun orthan dty Iennl:only-to kup on the weekend pum'an...Wo lypic-llysadz out Ibowanklong funlly maul: Dolor:lhcnal muting we wouldIii:to wages!lhnlthan be vuyclur,written hlndoulInch!mpniing the mining bylnwa and therecall:of Illa pvcvloul mrwy. Wuwouldulsolikulonuotlhnunaohmiuophmxuni linitinglbolirnopunudlanoo swine so Ihl molupeople luv:Ibooppommity to net!ifduimd. Slneuely. Jim and Mullyn Rowic S225 Onlulo Ava Nhuu Palh,on HR 1|:1 Page 131 of 211 \1-»(nu iiAM~zen-ms Andmw I100 man:you Dlamonu _ Slit:Thlridzy,Sqtcrlnv U7,2017 I54 AM Yo:Anduw Bryn Suhied:v-anonPaul um:and lad -!anuknmcomnmhy Lug-gemem Mr.llrytc: ?u:putpole ofthis o-mailis ongravid:you wilh feedback on the show:nolui inuc. A:n xvsidml of Ninyn Full:for mom lhnn 50 run,I undcriluldthe oconomlaimpomnco of tourismin our clly Ind we Ihouldall andavour nornnh:nur cily a welcoming dzalimtinnnovixihousfxomaroundthe wand. Aunnidenlofuuznnrth-woulponionofourclly,I mndoodeuinionIupurchnnhouscnnd rcsdcinmlrm lhll vru Imenngoslcd wllllIourislz.‘?u Iuwlcuvn:muss the sheet {mm my house has hum mod nan Air?nll Iuunl for a fur yearn.Wllhou gwilu lnlo npocl?c tlelnila,I cm Alla to ill:I'u:l lhll [Ms Ill:oflbe nsidmnc in my demonicneighbourhoodhn:been u the vary lust disruptive andIn n rowinsunoas,nluaclcd mwmlod plnyenlbdnviour conduciveto I furlily cnvimnmcnL II I:Rat zhh moon that I would"I16 )0“00 implement ?u:following option on I:cmonlly under ounsldulxiom Om perm!vuonoonmull units and bod and bmanom on land:dnlgmlod lounu Commumhl In the own Plan and toned Toma Commavcld. Should you nquln my -danmu Iurwnnlon ul cllll?uliu-I ofllw Above,I an Incam-rand -1 In fouwtn.noun Int:-muulnn. Slnrunly. Poul lxmad MW Ptddlxl ‘?ll!Dllvl Ni?unPIIKON |2lI IL’! Ilonv T (kl Page 132 of 211 Andrvw Frum:Gum lbmhiu SCII:Walk].Odwei Ill 2017 136 PM Yo:Andvul?tyu Slhjutz Wt AM2?l'I-ON lmlnx maul pod:__ SIR:Yuesdny,D%U 10,20l7 1:05 PM -* To:GIHI ?mn?h ?ldo?AMMI7-? Hallo, Mymnal:Nounl.mypmpenyiul413JCoohn-nuuoan. lluvo don»wuuslve munch Ind I believeIhll it is henc?nlnlfor locals and home ownersIn lineNiapa ?ll: nglonm he Ihlononnloul Ihcirhownesmdbcdlndbmkwlvdlhoulrleodinglorumclluzivluunns. The Ivunu:dnyshonnx-.nllhclrlnmesmtk66tysnycu’(Ref.‘.l).Amaeuvhsludy ?nwulthnl il‘mlddlc cln loanlsronlouilhelrpmpetly fornulillleué?davnyenrllleys-wnl4‘56-nnnnlnineininoennafnrlllul yeu(Ral'.3).‘l‘lUwouldhenllUOEbenc?lfotll|¢pcnploal'lhcNiaun!|l|:rqlon.lfnzilylulllmplunaun unullunnunlhxfbrAirhnhbouIll|mIlzcchyixobetle?uxndly?vntnnllowinghonleowlunlnltxuoultlseir honnafnrbed-ndhrunklin. But zoning lnvn rulriu home owmn {lam lacingable lo um IheirAifbnlf:clllclenlly.If I home l1 being mulledout lounenly 66 dnyu I ynr(ll|e Imull Allhnbnvcmge)lhenit does not mix:also forth:home owner la mmne their luau.ll wmlldbu doftllnanlnl In home ownersInd Nllaul Pull:locula to lmve nopay thousandsofdnllnl Ilul lvmm lluuirhomo. 11:nlwn Tull:lourismwebsite:poinuwl llnl nae:25-34 In the lawn laluiamlg:youp in ninyn lhlls, evulmonasulhelop lhnc lnrusuugcywpnruull bakwn.l:ugeol'44 (mf.l).'l'l1nvuvIg¢Ai:lmbInvdln‘I we is 15 (RN12),mmnlng mu ofNlI‘llI NI:wurbls :1:I'll up who":Ainlmb in wnumm knowledge and nunlmuuun. ISOmllllon(oulsu use Allbnb annually (RN14).lfthcn:I:Iirnilcdnvullabililyum tumble house it unusllicls howmany touristsvisitNlnun fdk If homeovmn an open In renting their homes andmm:homesIn llmd thanmore luurlnucome intoNlugm tied the Mala nglon hnnoliu.But enmplicnbd mniu In:due:horn: mm:-.11 from opanlrglhelrlionu Io Aluminum:Ind tmlists.Beuu1eol'nom‘:ulnwsNlqun loom:the opportunitylobuinginlmuiIbundc:ll|ugpnf44(Inninoouris|duI\onIIphicofNingnlllla)wbouncAhhnb (clam:lsomillion). Thu:nun uoount lbrtourlum (mm Alrhnlz alone lfwc werewoawoumforovuy ullu:onllnehed4nrl- bunkful plllfnml (llmno-cvny from lions.Fliplncy,Couch surlhletc.)ll wouldI):even more clearmubad lad btukfnnu In I MASSIVEbenefit to lmxlxmandJobsfor local:ln Nlwn Falls. In udtrnlion.Airbnbacotenjolx fut Niuan locals.ln onlcnn ulllclanily Iun md Airlunluthe luumeuwnctmed: Io malnninthe pmperly,clan Ilhwach gum Ind host.lncul bounknpm bene?tgraly fmrn lnxneuvvnu: I Page 133 of 211 Mn:rhoou:to um Alrhnlfa becauseIheyunclenn -Ru ad:guest.Also,-ny lmula who wudcouhum: nn|nu:n.nnc(plwnbu-1,clcclrlehm.handy-man.wonluuuu ac)bvno?l as well becuuu than will ln In incruuxl dnmmd.Alrbnbolfmua glvc um ofincome numencllmy In localbow mmlmu awnow doc nolhnvulimeto Innnogu the udmlnufrunniluubedandhtud?.Monjobs for Niugua loan]:is Ihuge bulefn fut Nluglrak eoommyl Lnuly.lhuvuuatchcdluwnhili:furui1|eM:lnmuNiIgnn[IlblI1tIIeIhorw|AitbIIb.Eunh5 \Ienhn:topwvidcpnnonulinfmmuionuxlyavunnwmlD,lbuyuo||InIv:viuwo¢|bypmviamlns1Ll[Ihos(dou?Ioe any revicmllwyundvnounmtnullowlluohullvldulltnbook.hddiliomllyuv.hhoslunlvqueslItldlllonnl ln?onnuim.Ahmbofrusoomplamlatnryiiumunucfuxlhelunalf-oaaahlngginbmkenorlolthboaouu ploaeumnny murluinnonwholluynllnwinla lhirhonwu thcywnnlmlsolhnhnncanbconlllo propmylo nut»sun everything is running nnoothly. Vaculon nml:I bodmnd-truth!maul:are 1 put bune?lto du:nlnpn NI:legion ml 1 ruoommuul allowing than withoutthe Modfor leaning. ‘flunk you ?nr your line! Page 134 of 211 Sill: Tc: CA‘: subject DQUM.Joduon 'l'hnnI(youloryuuvcommen1|Wevtllbcsurntoldntenllmauocorlunmslnourrepotlbaoklolmpubllcnnd cu,cuundl AI we mwu lhln matter lomuv.?y copy «:1 Ihlo small In Andnm 31100.I am raquullnu lhul ho Add you eonlncl InlcmmlonIo our nu ol lmonaslod person:so am nolloa o1Illanoxl mnothg mu Ihe public all ht unwed lo you. Silcnrnly Nu Mulovilch Alex lhiavlkh --'~'~--'-*"1017 352 PM mum:uryou Ii:uowan Ute Inch?nss Aux Hovlovllch,MOI’.RP! Dlmclov of Plannlng.Bulldlng A Dwolopmonl Olly ol Mgara Fall: 4310 Queen Slrul NluonvnFIIII.ON L2£OX5 P ao5<lsw521_oxl 4231 ahanmsengnlumtnu To: 0:Rial nulwm.-u S?jldt RE:llowu1voel-$7 I258 Dav lam: Thankyou '01your email to at annual the cw:wublle.lam Iuhullug mt Dlurlovaf Humlrg.Ne:neuovlldn uud Isl:Ilnl hr:address your cnmments and mnoums hnbw Mm Iegud In vqgnlatlu AlrIIB's. Klndregpms. Kll?n?n ban-nsamuy oknlu -no.0 ayamaun inmanna:-u.r.o anion raw 1205’%I M as-1szI an can u I S‘e:mwvdlIIu: ""“1:3]PM WTDSN17 Page 135 of 211 IOIEIuaNl'.$} Fmmzl-lQott[Imln:?n2§u.Yd ?ll!%vIIIher4,2011 4:15 PM 1'o:Knnl’oa1_-Krhim Elu aluuavmmmrwmdamurqumluwuuwwlhraanwekb? Snrwy Data Title:Howcan vm help? URL:pmn-rni DtncInd Tuna:OI Scptcmbcr20l7al l)4:I4 pm Quu?on I Quudon:Name Firm Name:Tom Lem Nan:Jackson Quullon 2 Qucaion:Mes:-gulf your inquiry pcmlnsloucauin udnlrcxgphnanindnudnil in yum muupm vnunhulp youquichl. AMVIM:Dcu'Sir.V/ehuvvcwmdmdopenlod Slmlnlrd BedAndBunkfm forllunputelghmcn yells,In r??la?lehlt?abkulcwefel lhuIllBod|.vKlDlul&C01?aemIlALImd vltdiunmulunluoflny kindahnuldbollumud Zoned Indimveetidby Ihocily.fmFirc.ll:-l?gu\dsI5oty,IndhlvoIdeI'wIh puklnaonlhuile.uIdadaq1nla|lIhilityin:u1InrA.lnuirwodg?wdly?nnldndlwnmdunpnldhtnx?x BalhndoolngaIuIuIut|nlhub::ninp|aoefnnbepu(nunb«ofyc:n,mdIhltlnlhepaidloflhc pmuotllomedopunsomhnvnbamucp|ndmIdhclMo.uIdlnmll|yansIlgmaleaIpauc Thlslsuou‘ ywuwuuldlilclochednhckmpuImeuingIuIdnnnvnx:?onswvent:puuoighhunyn:n(whonyouwon nppmoehdmdhadnmalmawithourbcdmdBmddMAnocinIlan)thmhubeunhubwnuprobIe:nwiLh nnliccnnednpauivm wlzlmuplnlllnowllacclly hll uvlduuumlheyhuipuohlems linding?rapetpclnlms. AndIpp|yin¢tlwIauulu5om,(wculhdlimoIl.1optovidudptinlautxal'nunyuflham|ic:nnedopu-nliom)its cuyjui?oogjnil,MnybcmwI|ullh‘nhsIhwoIncII1III°fPI9Nunwh|dIlsalfoollmtl-wlnnnmcnndm oowpnmyoldlafdaohoiohund?ed-u1Rvenkfmtx,wuc¢npIwmeltlndofmnolulitm.II vouneiuhucily lntlwoclcardnloexothvmfotcclhcngul-timlmdnpplynnnlccihtoitby?ninnpeaplcvlillluubumlbl minimum,(umeydnin l?lhburuhmdPucoeomlhsln Pk-n'd.Iit's310.000ilnmodlun?no fuu?m olfcncc )oruponIln|nobbmuIhoyh:vodanelnIhcpulni.|uuuyun:Mv:bv:hlik:i:duuIhcyplusu.nuguds .TonundVd hnlmn Question 3 Quuion:Wouldyoulikehoauhsulbemaurncwiwfl Auwu:‘In Page 136 of 211 Quunliun4 0ucs1ion:<,'unhscllnfotmnxion and Ncwslcllcr Hmnil Phont number: I4)Mal!Arl4lne.u Page 137of211 mi.’'. 7-nub’ My City —Vacation Rentals Survey ?m?y My comments: As a compromise.and in recognition oi the unique nature oi the Niagara attractions.allow a limited number at small bed and breakiaeta.with a limited number oi guests at any one time to operate under commercial Iioereing and regulations In an expanded designated tourist area.but strictly only where the owner resides and is onaite throughout any guest presence. My Experience: I live in a residential area and this summer have experienced tour bed and breakfast homee opening in my one block.one is directly behind me and a second is beside me where I share e wallwith the townhouse next door. Both are air bnbs with no owner present All are unlicensed and unregulated.The one beside me is especially wonleome.advertising seven beds in a 3 bedroom townhouse unit.But the number oi beds is Immaterial when guests at the oiiiclai guests turn up in a private bus to party.My residential subdivision has a covenant prohibiting a home business.it is not respected or enforced. I never know from one day to the next who my neighbours are.The lots are so much smaller in newer residential areas so we are |Mng within iingertipe oi our neighbours. I am a senior and can no longer enjoy the ireedom oi open ground ?oor windows.open screened patio doors,or summer evenings in my garden.I dont know who is next door or drinking on the deck beyond my garden. My driveway has been partially blocked by cars of visitors.Some of the cars leave utter the party.some remain illegally parked on the street overnight. The behaviour ot some oi these guests is truly outrageous.Late night deck parties,loud music,illegal outdoor tires.and noisy.exuberant,gatherings are part oi my experience at unragtluted bulbs.and the 'here today,gone tomorrow‘attitude ot some of these visitors.And yes.my home owner.or long term renter neighbours sometimes have visitors and pertie Page 138of211 dlflurerroe is that they know who they bring to the neighbourhood and they have a stake in the harmony oi the neighbourhood.Any Issues can usually be resolved face to lace.' At the abmtee owner bed and brealdasts,garbage is oiten lelt oulsido awaiting ooleclion or the attendance at a property managerlowner to take it away.ltn olten leit to pick up recycling and garbage distributed on my property by wind or animals. Calls to the number listed for bookings will go to voice mall and are not returned ll It's a complaint.it you do get an answer.as soon as its recognized as a complaint.the call is terminated. Unregulated and uncontrolledtourism accommodationthrough the operation of absentee landlords Is extremely negligent,in violation oi various bylaws and regulations,and very disrespectful to our residential neighbourhoods. I recognize that less expensive accommodation may be required as an alternative to what is on alter by the large downtown hotels.I also recognize that a property owner may nood to supplement income. But please don't leave me to deal with the issues and stress arming from unllmlted.unlicensed,unregulated,and absentee owner had and breakfasts in my residential neighbourhood. S.D.l-larvev .0 Page 139of211 I O¢ata).2ov7 w.Max nuwm |7lmcmro(Pdq&Plnrvlrg cly ol magma run mo Ouoon sum.vu flu um Nlun?i F?lb,Orutlu,Crush LZE HXL Hunk pumrlu?nhsaraulna Re.Vucnson Rnnbl Unix and and I llnultlnla Dan!Ill Melt Me(mMdI, on banal dlhn Ontario Rnlnuavxx new and nasal Aaaodanun (om-My,um Idling uyudhg Ira any of M3311’:nwhw II r?liny 'Vnr,auo«FlC'v‘.IlJrila and Bed In Bl@!Ull'Inlu??r ul lhc IMXI lam will ted!‘ 0RNMAV&wonI Iv/slndohwhlm CIy(AT<lorI1'Iphrn:dvm;.lIs1.AxylnlIvo\vIen an shad him mutt um mvurvod In an-v nulu munkbqky um-m nbanq buhg pm of weMaul Auulukm 9! mm»mm:u-paw-. shun um .-uh.?‘aorule1n<Ion Icon mhlmmmaman manlngmnmrn Iovmohotol an-vmsmlv I000!CNUIO m??tliel OM 3600 Cdnl?Hid hhdh Ma?a Map’prohlwrm V5149boon mwvltnooa slamming Imm u-alnu um rum-Is nlaclhg Muhg avalabtly,ht-u-mg prkt-v;-nd I-twooutsoodInna mud:at min,?ling U16n?n?.lndtlaurdcl Ilu?lo DI III!U9!-1!Cr-du Ill 117044130"llvrl hm ll'I!l|I II nq?hviy lnl?t-ix]has tmnlli. MI Cl]ul N11:FIE Irul lnvd Dl|h?u Ieltl MMBII VJ!‘Iho Klsgilhold room:many "III! Neal mini mom::2 auvuny nol puny wmn-add pmnuly Inn nomo :0;and moving woo:mu- lnd Ioqulnllann Ih?hshi I'v nqulnsatnmovt Trace Ivan!hdi leo?usvn?m)not viwlg MST vw?l nonhuman Io ftldiu Pa?iu cam,nanlhm Ulmll Md Wmiihcllno and may hntuxlla ha!IN CIYI lo?nnooi mood onmu uvongly uuypurh .rugulhlary lvumraori 107 mp:holnl man man lnduan mung by-um men mm umum standards 91 amaopvng a Mini.Ind mm lnnnon an moi:Ihc px-ymg (old manIbo hob!mm-uy. A kc,eomrn um now new mum:in am may n being mmnnmlznd mmmm ape:-dig mm»:- WBFOVOIBl :walrus:I":vI¢rI ibfl)llpmll Iuopuli ND Ihe-my hy mmnnly banning Ihd WM VIII! nqamyulmum nnrnbhoeionlwn Vt¢£'n1vuIryIn.UnneoL'mum»,on Uuuy u no!mo pvua|uu.Aux1:Ivu n ma Cmndln cam ‘ht any Iluvmlvu mm uoonvvndauoo reovuenume Nlnu?y x?llhtb n:fI&.‘ Accnmhg non Oulnno Adds mm 1=..-mnmuny,hwnonlwioql obouuhorir-9 yvur own Iwm.you pzmwymnanm Nlnnuounlrylnkialxocavnourvnaldalplmnrryhnnqynnfoa?ixrnokumu owMibndIwnu1huIha.Rubhdm7InI:Ir.aInaIbnwnruN)udnonp¢ryumIlmlawocatnarmd ad’ cormwrchl qurnovs uuuowrg aawonzutulty and autumn and hem:mlmvo mmy Thu InIn oooanlannlunavuuluqkndaodbvIhvIIoustAaw?uIdC:maa0lAC)haarlunr§>w0:In Oflido Ru?w??HQ‘and Itch!Annodnlbn (OWIIAI covwwlndtn Ea?rnba 2017.TM Moll collvcohonthvallu laid.In Cinch in Ilu?y‘813$An Ovolvblvl)/Nvhllh Ind lhOMolOISIdtI1h B?llavlumknn-.SuoI I.UuItvan,DIl4\h1n: Iuwsauama nu-nu Iuuunzn u-~msnuma van-or-ac I»:-RI-Iu?mnuan -no-mun (IE1 03 2017 .-!?!.‘!'.!29.... Am-20!’/—ouj Page 140of211 Carlo-1rAFoarsonNndIwlhll1m'yhUIma,1ocundonI!uoymamnumaonamumnumhnd mohumans»zrmdemmummuksxmr:am¢n'smeeI»¢uv,uI1nkcyIuuouNmnI:uOu mm mm mm awn mnecmmg pt-mum mc-nun-. lhl MIDI)at It:Iludy mo-mu Ivll?ph ulrvlvamo horns III!Iv:|h¢IJIIIII ?u!/Ila Nxbnh ugmanllnlcr-mournvunoormhamnwmunucolunnurxdvnowuqunuuahxnnymlmx yum Time it tdh-ely manned aurnnoon 0005 ml do n01Iuusv?l lho cnglnuloonu-1:1 M ’Iomu- ?lmy A canny-u op-ca h :1 man:mm M:-a using up dnctho maphunonvnnn on I:coamuun which nunphuce o-mu.hwnu —a-nsld-o?ho am-npenuymnm»» -a bebumnlm an an x «mum huh,yumoum tllodnay.mac opomon nu rwnhg neg:mm:uihil vuddwiu mum;um umouueaca-rm.-muaway In am as onmm.-uooauuucqn-swan -mamaon lot:at -«mane houona.be In Ivvenuoc too oowm-mu.Ion dpam,mound d-when n cum-nun am .muIogao?a as Ilusu we no meanand may -umwm:usat-ce. Mr-cum cu-mmmoptdwu In an em llwuimy mu-gn Ina mm pmtum an ruguy pmuau. mo-I apnea nndotunu?nu mung lawn and raquluxkann r cum:are ml mum let me 21" omtury shuhg umnoqw an Inum um alland muuuaemn u Anna map-nu tn loop»-aloe. Nwomoocrllnghlneourumvdnl new-nmamupaeo Ihuldbonabjoetlnrwsummblnvwl r-puma-su an bummosaow;mmclryho |anal1nudvaooi.VlI-I'I¢I|ov\d Ioagngnuoy vnbemcscunpoluon mnsmpanoauzaorrom-o«qu¢ny.ox»uI-n--nu pvia-Janus nblollhn olmhlvelcbowuhd-v-rlvln?lpuyon Inboa-.mn-nnowauulommmauuunan mvnntur-upunrmne-mauunraornmmcvrnummwmpmmummsa nun-bout 9ur\cu~Inc9c bvasnndvognlniuu Ihuuldbewhddb/uvyovuuunrlng aammaauepuum my-ham hm meaway.koptuaimda?nncsuy Io ml:lam on in Arm:dsubuov nhttorm ma anmmm rentals -wh gums rumng conuao am can ncouu In lhn «tin ulvllmm me»my -vluzh wmpma ms emu Am»mvmuoo I:cums -Hcuenu-9 MOAIGmun nul-urlhoou MM more Ihln doullmi lion WI mlm PD5157lllllw -- 5 Islinnennunrwenueowmlnpromdng Ilwmrhponod -1Inav¢4y«JNmn:unkshcnnaaa -war-udunloxr->o:oI1nn9oaayupo4yos'.9uImlr9 cvI¢r7O‘1unlbmAH.!br(M‘nxu -IIo«lvu‘iu(M|ao0flv‘Ul1o'Il|'o-hovvlltlll9a1el#da\m$2'l!lv‘1Ior\hroveIIlhhIpI? a-ovum.llnndanlhomotlrlcclvl Iznarmpwxxtnuu Juan!-nmnrnnsaoooxrtbcenrao?uot ma mvuun nonovmou -Hanan‘:has mntrdvocn tampon:mmc Mam ocatumutetn us annvnvsmoon Mdma ouuhl?lillbti M51. Nlho-:¢u<onu\c'-1:opaumr;mu run hot nursery away.in km puuonu no man,pmmu, moot noun U96-Iwcurd. Thu ?i?m?ll ?fclm hcll must be veiumaibloIo!lllllnqha uomplnmo nl nun-q bill IIHM 09:0! nohioquandudatx iviilliil 1&9 h\l£I%'vl Eldwoonhvtellequaélom rnpuuzdonma Ilund hots!room zvmuuy I::pmuy cornponomin Imhu mo puma an an Inn hmnl mun-.ntty zmm-an-nu-«.1:-I-n zm.Im~a-.oNLAuzm uuuam nir-u unsuuucn rncseowvwu mow-oraraluovanu E»-uulunvn-um»\nnenIme— v. Page 141 of211 In:cnyamgm.nu.mun nd :9 nrmtelho new mum nllhec?y mm...zm-puma DRNMA ucomllandl [tall the Olly M V?qlll fllb onlowcv on llllu?l not-:1 mom: low uhulny mm mmopclalons lo opaub on»In xonn -mmIonlnByhvla(‘II hohh opunhe. Ylul [M ovlnov Ihlnl and nuidul In lho Iuulal «Mi (Prhury Ovmorl. umu nnlnl mmminus Io uno unll um:-up an mnimum numhur 0!mom told muuuw btlng mun-u. Ito!Mhcv Ioqulmmtuu luck in,nuke.parting Ind othll Ivyhv/I of (he mulllclplllly. Inquire regmuuovl ol mngugzggggguggn A n «I ion with an my Ind moropiumlon nunnu In noIn poured on an adv-mu-muu Including on line Ilsung pluuurmn. Ruquke mama-.sonlo!mmumm such 35 Numb u -an no -nu the pwom to mend:Ihu nM-I nun roglalaum numlsov rm Ih lump. new man phlfoml ma.u Amanb N-spoclullk for compllunro at not rule:ma pom-u nulqrod ny Iho cm. Duvulua pr-any tun wllhl-I um any;cnlomamm pallnlul In:no!muo?ng me any.mic! Io bolh ?ll nmhl Jlil-U Um IM mnhl nb?olm. Ruulni unkl to colvmbulc In my my mun--nnu lrwmunl an mun. nunt vault:in cpponunlwta prwm llvul ww In Vumlvv Emu:unnn um and A any-41.1:--«ow I look Iowa-dbmooung vmmmcannhtha Ia dun n In ma?a Putlhar Tmy Llonh ?oslcznl L CFO Oillh Realnunnl Mad 8 Halo!Ansodsiou moaxynuxm-us-.-:zm mu-ungouuwuu m unnuau mrm oaouomua 1-«autumn Inn-mm Iumooem sum magma-om mm:-an Page 142 of 211 8091211017 Ta:IIIINIm new Ihrryolt-add-I-olLyuuen¢:anIOovunNoaeuIuvorvnuwuvhoauIava¢nu .lruuuhIMwun.lh-unnuoyvmovnvocalltuoounvanuduumwumaaw-auuuumounuaonun mvhnunohunun/ouno'ucrIadoouIuno1nIolInom-kbgnntqvnourcol hmuanlmnuaoua-.-nuhdwodnqn-um-maurywrmmulumpuevnoa hunhlwmadtnw?ud?u??mmwnl?nlpothhdhmu?nuui?dn &soI|TollI|\In&(8TR‘t)hheIIQvIlCIl¢IMlalI|dofhu@d.LNuI\I'II|eD]hI||—n¢bun has numuwlmmawu?uhtwmuo?uummmm?ohwpwu (IIphI5)uMd\huhwwIIouvIIdhoIuusuIdd\aIdvullInqaMItnIIuIhII. NIAnrdhhulIuIuIi:IIu¢.wnwu\bvdUu1opulIdbynnvIuoumv|anQI ?npotudl?clnlo?ubhuvcmbuvlsob?wuvnlllbaul-lyg)ImvnakwI.1hI \&tI¢tnIonyu|yuoph\Hliul%IbtIonu¢lnIo.Youyluo|ouI,rmtohun ~ wlyauurluabymnunudomolmum. l.A¢uu&\duugaaapuIup1vuhdmghvu.npo«!uIrumnhIorI»opc&nTha lVIBIlQOI?&lI?O9RV ND YOAlHIh$'afId STWU PUIIK VILynn Cll?. Thoruponnuvnxmiln/mmbfnniqzlnnusdqsdorloelralnoo?lulu at/omnd1u1nduuI;ou:ludtuIhnoupn1nmmmumIo(unInu¢oulvnnuawu VIIllVIhI?6I!?IIuQUcIyhwhudh8TRupoI$rI) FumvrooudulIov(u1AuInduIupunhdvuIInr\vu&uIo\ImlIywmh hnnnuunaanodm-muovoanuoalava-an 4308 Chclaha 4373 Chulul?n? {Ml IMNI 3 4371 than an Mil ?nlnoll Gown I161 Tunas Aw HouunuIdouupoIocun1nuny.l.yomcmI:nnaamuwlumlol R¢'€I. Jdll Wk Page 143 of 211 say''Mo-to may aridother snodfomRonni:mutton;Us!:11Rasldontsov yon’;crack sybdlvlslonof Nllpn Falls.ON)__ ,...-u.--1 I ~ ". 4384 ‘>-9125 __ ’ - __-g .921.-21>t:Z3_g§2ur~\/~«1u:S..4u~_@%§«L_ <1”H “_Q- _L/36—37__é!?_,D6I"'6 ,__, 4¢32112'£ué1_..Et9&Lz4£a2£g _z.§_g .24 nuq?mgn;t "- __.I_ly§3.?fame;ma m/ms Lm?_)2/«¢;?z>_=:~7-“"'T '_ .“@s.-1J:=.~,-.§N;h~_-~§_—-_i”_ \\'3\.'\%tg\§<K _ ’mg 5591q(|%Q,¢g"§mQg _“2!;_§m-.&LIL 431.-Clvu'°'7"’_<P‘**4/_- H33’!‘~K?MA :'.‘..~£& %%- 1% ABEL ‘A k ' ‘ m%TNWK5g_ul0;_,;_4“ Page 144of211 Say ''NO'to Alrbnb and other Short Tom Rentals Pttltlon;list of Residentsof ChumomlaSt (Lyon's0-oak _subdMslonof Nllggn Falls}ON)" ._(M7d'm <59’./4.13:4 H35;Wrmlo?s 32,5 ?__26{0‘7/JjQ”aaf/‘I/93445 1 A ._k__.1 _-|_ -.4‘, —% L T.+-.1 Page 145of211 ? B’éM oum'§nor:'rSiu'Iien'raIsPotltlon;List of izesuonuof Elven‘:omen:su])_giMslonof Niagara Fal|§._0N)_ r(/_7z;g_,zru,vsk/"-__ uM,.__ v-’ ?e-2/JA/1»)Mum ’no 5.’ iauaumc~/Ham!» mwrckvw? Page 146of211 Say "No"noAlvbnhmu other sumTom n-musPo?tlon;Us!ghzasuacnuof 7 glnngmon Grvve (Lyon's creek subdh/ls»k_:_nof Niagara Falls,ON) Lima,“.Z9(,Q2w,7£1*A_wJ_J.c» Page 147 of 211 sn "Mirto urban-Endcum Short Tum RentnlsPetnlon;us!of nmue?i Clnnhmon Grove I.-‘s Croe_k_subdlvlslonof Falls,ON) _4j.01 1,oI_602£u4 Sm /1’. of 3/ Jr ‘1‘_'lé( _ }_r:p<as“9g-o1~'>.-._ g_{=_(_5'_m4___ Q59‘;9.lL—01-CblolheHum.- \ ~29Jm '. -- 7" ,1..In-.0 . 5 "I ‘pl::5 .;". ‘yum 24-7-201 /4MJ!z‘fV./‘Q!//A44’!,,-_ _ 7 _ ‘Wm,1'rH°I7 /Hf/r.$w«4o€I< 'J‘/~—' ?_‘{3;_A$3.06!.a 5...»... [H .1.--r'.‘-u'4'..1 Ali:1.1‘ ' h ‘ a H‘0-_:'..no 3 _Qo_«év\_2;~~_»% L 4!!/as’;.lq/-Ij--2a/£/£/A4V5é'H/,~Za.._;~.>)(-__ ma _«g<;_—o7~2w-‘f«/Verzmg ‘"1 _!../’I Page 148 of 211 ‘NO’to Mrbnh Ind other short Tgmlunuls Pamion;useof Ilestdonls af- ‘'“on‘:Crooksubdivision of Nlugry F_Ills.ON) ff _(;_¢_.lLZ_ __7 9211’-(fa I-’~r'nA~n/ti-ouC;/-U‘-g_/, K _‘?J,1_f?.J‘.¢L°|—l7 NI \ ‘o ?g;/7 AI/K6/?wrsvd A-—— .,~;a,L 9,4 ;,¢{.I1r?rL7L/at/~_1 11°14 M__:2 MP4!2¢A‘_s?;f¥.«1aim:KM‘; -B-2J Page 149 of 211 3;‘;'NO'In Alrbiband other slum ‘rem Rentals mnloui;us:0!nuldonu of Mann st [Lyon's crooksubdlvlslonof Qlla3a_v_uFglls,ON) Page 150 of 211 Say "N0"63mm»and mu shimTom nentaiiiéfvuon;useof ?csldoms of LlLY.°'!'=‘PM.I sub-?lvislov-:<zf.89¢“,F.!".s:°!L ,_.... V ‘.égy+~'“|J[~A-_?,5\o¢AL: an M‘_5Jz>.mw Page 151 of211 é_ say "No"to Kirbnband other §H;{T¢m Rentals Petition;Ust of Resldintsof TalluassAve I.'3 get subdlvlslgqgfNhqnmFgI§,__o9l)_{ 4 , [I 4“ ’.-.:2£.%271’l’D Page 152of211 say '.'No'to Al?mh and mmsnonTam Rentals rmman;um:madam MT “wolf:Cranksubdivision of Nlugra Fnls,ON) 031:2‘:1 -1’:im etch Ma.L.M.tz..._igwfftjaw h’\'\irv::1’\?4)6rS734%‘was mikbgm ‘H?b Sat,16 r?-wenL»\i'c ‘M’¢m‘T*{ 3%:¢F%?%i1n1L. ,: 1 1 W.-;._," r«Ha~Ll:g:»¢.;-slmcr-f __,__,___;_W s M4.:§§\.W W9. @y&c(u?¢L#,4444mum Page 153 of 211 Say "NO"to AlrbnbInd other short Tam Ra?;Potl?on;List of Rasldnnts of Saw jlllll Dr (Lyon's Oval:subdlvklon of N113 Fully,ON) Page 154 of 211 Say mo"to Alvin»and char snorium Rentals rié?non;List of niisuenzsoi Saw MII Drj_l£n's creek subdivision of Niger:Falls,ON) ._g,,./: ‘HE « K it]/cK (‘H13 /1455!) /\/xjpffd-VA/?ax / _. 2as¢~_z 10/’! My um Page 155 of 211 -sray"N'6'to Alrhnhand other‘§h6i1"1'evn Rentals Petition;List of Rosldcntsof Mann so(Lyon's Omsk subdivisionof Nlaggn Falls,ON) Page 156of211 .3 "say-no"to um and other sum re?iemaxsmum;List of nisaaemof gym‘:Cruk subdivision of NlnuraF|I_Ig,ON) H. W‘ ~r;;_/T_ Page 157 of 211 .say -No-to Alrbnb and other Short Tom Rentalsmmon;us:31a.smom§ot mawsmw n‘s crock subamsaonof mafgm Falls,om 5u..L’”\L\’J » \- 312:1»7.!/59¢29/:0/1796gé;_/(aw 14/y ,, ~‘p,{]z 1 ’?(q>o(«in-4-6'_,,,Piovv2.$<n2o MM’0[l,,5 ‘‘a4 ?oat!$44507//7YA/A591)/VI/LTA/I ‘r 714/9».I ’'J?I 1’.4'«v,_5'?_-.‘,'.'L‘* 31/3407 mt S1.['1'. ‘ ‘II r u cu WW 9 _‘Z}‘7‘§-K v 1 E93»HVZIJ3‘-€24 Page 158 of 211 V\ say "No"to Alrbrilrandother short Tum Rentals Pc??on;us!of Ruldonts of white out Avg (Lyon'sCreel:subdvlslon of Nlgia Fdls,ON) ,_7’?.‘7___\Z/1-674+ 5 J1 _ 72:1;.4:-//1ownwrzz? "1’?S.c¢_z._r,Le:zrg2;naaa¢. _.q“5 5W|§5'W75""‘pqlvielohoodlum) 3"?“-$€Pf°'5.10|"T ham.m_19:;u.g ., l?l"lV 1/at/I’-1-__l!w;>v.‘Le&owuaom _9_/11 7 14 __Bm.a,FL”.': -- _1_1%'1 111.5 /:3 zyévruf uzzm?am no/mm ,gaT Ifcerzp To an 4-#34:-,# _',L__l.....__ in Page 159 of 211 say 'No'to Alrbnb and Sun?short Tom Rentals mmon;useoi madam ‘:3; ‘(Lyon's 0-oak subdlvlsloy_I_ofNlapra Fills,ON) Z '_E&0_§$z:-f. ’J“'°L _,_ vmx 6u}1\.r*'-°W$\’1v€|hS7% ~‘E 5 9'64»2-?g;n/a\'“'--‘.9 L -9/vmrtan-K»7/rt,’ .>j Page 160of211 Page 161 of211 scpmmba 12,um Rosemary Fem E343IHIISIUI M Mljarn Fal|s.0?L26 U9 lii?lnlllli Dar Dinmvol Manning nnd Dwoiownent, we veprogenwvoudmldunu omlngan ialn.wnhavuvrilllunnvanl mdlnun-nnalvn w?$|MwI!IlhI|Il|IlIF?!No?klIIIll|So6e(V5If&IW?l.'EN|A6AIAFMLi BEAIJTIFUU. lmbiasatl smuln?npuslnrduuummnrs:'0n:g¢H:tooamoupvIlinmeawIun mu VII an control than,and palm mum,realm tMm,.....m|h sure 0-cyan ld&mle*...........and a vmevnthat may MI be so!I-mtg.’91 II’;mm:wyhe supponshomush mhdvuiom whim!!!maul: Dlsaatemmtsooulwpolamnlunmuundpnllumdundwn-Il?nlvuuamlgommm? iammulnml ‘lhulnvlunhereldonu olMnd?ImDvhIdInb|aInU\|xnamII-r.Myhomolnnt lnammmadmuluukttmanhm?gn?.hJImDlodothw‘m¢:InobodIorlMhovneowneth: nablvnslovyyotawlN?cal?npolkeundIlollu?ilhellmlufkvltnlbc?lsiyltkbnuzvlonop RMwohlmlbllorl I Ivan Ilaml Ihavchammltfmnmvbunnvhlyudlrovnlununtslt-Ishomlnlmvlglmlcmvwnpvovrnnoloo hadlotmo.Idonotwaunmlwndnerenlnoophrnvyvndtwwnhudhnaingnwomnay.Thais -?u motdslld hotelsm hr. whld brlruuulxxllrwwpooplolhntanmakbgahtnlmauyronu-gounmelnn-uvdmmt umuuwvauuouDtemuwythyaamwhun?uvmnhdunulovdalrhuaau?rulIr-ulrlmnmt. wannaIhothhlowlhnlvdllultvulalvllhclnrypvlnnhnmtrnlullavdmycu.Ihunowvhnu nuydwullhnvruylumsaumyrmmuni Page 162 of 211 unlurwmmy.Mum Pal:I)main wlook am,even Insane nnrmdupomlvc neuuunuhomt. luvnhulbyenxmdnowwllhmwmmuua lh|syuv,Ie|uwI hadlodal?lhdclvwuemhldbrdl lnbvlwenlora-mm.nnzlhaumwuhwv?mnmopulyhlulolwudtu?loruanon?blook Ikeulun.ThoulhuuowanmtllIiaeInd|otdIsno1|lhd.TMnlMnbowa|lnlewnInnwe&untl Ilmehnnimmlulmhumdlomlllhlam IvIhen,nIs|bovtuInaaesN¢ho1mnve,nndMIol vnoduliullnuguv-Ilnncd.Then.whnmolnvnlsmtannuh uudlhewaannl?huuouoln medqunnn-nlansmlnrnwwm?aknnvduxhwml?sllmanalnItlsnovnuntedlos uuumullulIllsolwlow-«mabodndoonntnuo-ntheuvbqaonlhedvlvewuy.nlsnund ncoonw-¢n¢.Ihw¢ho<al|uneheAmu dopavlmemmdlhedtyonccagaln Ibouuhumulnm door. Plunaonmlomnmhavqd?nunlpcopleovuyveehu-dhnsa.Iumotcvenlmaqlmwhatme mllcnuibulnnonlormnnlfnvuvlvel ShoutdmoatydNlumilsdoddalhnvenorlnhlsltwlvethemothurnddnylotmummy prouduoponvandmcmuofthepvoperw-oomdduvuuolllquuinllt with when. /€9'J*6"~t-——)raéua Rmenmv Farm Page 163 of 211 /0l’)'2m-01).)’ Andrew 3 mm:Alex neolovitm Suit Thwsdly.Stpianba 14.2017 ass FM To:Andrew Boycx Kan Md: suhlut rvuuvlam —-Ov?lnnlMung:-—— from:any cnmpbell Sent;‘llunday,seoneonlmN,2017 8:37 PM Yo:Alex Morlovmdl Sabh?:RN:N!033‘: _..o.v.g “age ._ From:Franco Fl?hll . Sent:Yl?dlv.Sephmuu II,2017 4:44 PM To:axncIMernber: Subkctur III‘! Membenoltaundl, Ireelzem-Iuayorolodaunystlntcnlummullswe-heIo1MenndhnmIos|ay.uwevsv,Idonothe|bv=lml needs to be the me.u-gm-mu mam,mom,Inns and but ulahluhulloms n-nd yuur plolecllon.my»p-wuum ' In properly mud lined the av.N:III‘:on not newMm lnoydalvn In ha <Iheydo MDTunmadebreakfast and they are not zoned tor the!purposes.Theydo not peymmnuvchl pmpeny was and they onma meet the veqsuemenuohm Omc?Han.‘me omen olsuchanmc nnnls evemuenruin a nulynhoumood I know that nu-m oi you would went I noun:maul next soar to you, Negative swam: Mekhhomin not Imam-mo wll be llvlmnext duo:asthem everyweehnd. while the home aumev may attempt Ia omen the renlers,mete willbe noise.Illa and pnmlru Issues lnlonawwn :1 my emnlslnd (naming)nqmvnwmx ~you need lu askwtnl the legion-I Pluueullot new A: e~1denu!oracnm|e1Jon.Myaxpoc1-nee has beentm mama he myhoonrlr-tnnme wad nun loinpoulble no enlovu. Pculbie sahthnn I don‘:use In many.However,It awe-as um me'vt1I'ol0am:I B 10 permit comp mmlg Il ya,than you uhould have I my mick uppleuuon prooossAs noon esamllagn maul Isldemlled,nutlly Ihe menu‘:halos Immcdlerdyol the use.must mac rend owners do not Inlovmmelt rnoruaaeoonwnlesoi the lllegll use. Morass the main:when I wnualm I:turned. lulston e en Ipplmlon for manly;lruM the ullennu mmev. trump urnmum:Police n pnnmrx In mpomllng nonoise can-phlr-es and seeing my:them as they wnuuBrock smdents summit fvunoo PIKIRI IS:I mv-cum Ideas Is ml. Page 164 of 211 Andrew <9 mm:Vuunka v .»_, sum Tumlny.Slpluliaat 11.2017 12.31 AM To:Andrtw Royce sun-cc:Alvin!and Collage nun:llccmhg -LI As aomnonn vohn lived nm In an umuul-lad.unlicensed.umunud‘Cottage Renal‘Airllnll beam linermn umelobe.ll'urovcrS yuuIdoseIo5ycII:Im.lw¢loo|ne Ilunoppodullllyhnhucmyoxpollunpeund vicwpolnn on how lb:Cily ol‘NinguI FI.l.lsabwld handlethat:lypn ofdwcllhy An aveduul to tho Nob:Co-nphlu Byhw is tleapuntaly headed in conjunction vrilh whuu.-var ABnB ledllnnlothe Maya.Ou|nd||ov:and Planning Depulmaluxnu up with.I um nouugguling lww,Ihlls mithamyhnimnnmIPo|ioeomnm1.yMsomdhingl!wGt7nced:loIddns. (livul mopulnnuum ofvcmnlru.nnyom who in inluuied in mnklnaIhci:plopmy uvnilnbklo mmIn IM dnmlum Iourisinbllc ahouldbe on I lieemedoonluul-I Igreanml with meOlly.Specld dlninctionshould also bomdeb¢woIu1Ichn¢nmn:dABnBvaInu1nclnpemrwdonc. Islltaoidul tonic llulthclrnnuadiucnaighbomingpmpcnlubcoonsulndwithbufou IIcanndng‘I Allholout uAeouIay,hu1morenoforlhavbein¢ImuunIayemmulmdIw|mnem Home irunmccpmnlulmnhouldtelloclundbcinlihrtowhnlnluuel wou|dP'Y:dIn.Igcl.‘lomdnmknnd dhocdc?y beluviou ixom pllhll ownen an ftcccvmwilh naedilcud scantily deposit,lnsunncnhould nbo wvudunago man??liml?lu ptopallan. lioonseubould boIvvnked,mI?nu dun-pad|nlhew¢nlIhoPolicootByLawBnfomuncn(medlobeu.|led In Ila pmpuly for awasdw novlu,or avcrawdlvu. Aherhnvlng dcnllwllhpmyemnndtllgrwnlvlngdnmofloubullluwuedinqrllvvlomy daily mminc for clomlo4ye|n,onumwa£on,whmmllhu;unPo|ioalodulwilhamhedi1tubunce.lunqliredulohow mnnyumul hadcallodtolodguzaomplainlutlue-uucrlreenlvndunpnctnxogtx-a?yv.memswu-wullnpollm did no(luvo ANYmud ohncculling.Whnnluhd why.It wnuxplninnd Ihu Inany nomnldmumnhmu win:mob unmplninlullwuuldbanhdcnhc Polio:wmaldsandnmitlolhcplunisaaloinvullguu;lflhcy foundIhucwunmf?ciauyvunchronnolscooanplnlmliokeloubehued,tl*nywouIdinsuaulicketlolhe pInpcIIyowlwu;dmslhaowmunever?v¢donIhpmninuuIdImmn:vetIwnd lnrnnyoflhu dblubunu,muuwlhndavarbominJed.dIu\=fomI!\uuwunopIperm?lodoumwnmhpnfolvmrownd of mu culling. Moving Tommi.it wouldbe a muldnory nqulmnnnl to live llyhw mforuunenl amour:Ivnlhblcll 2m:an I Snlurdny nlyn to waive cullsum um(quilts ?ulkly)ml I police wuucm;and to dowmenl dlmurt-was lo unit!in dawn-ninlng wmu In Mini!is ndllhln for that nci?vbourhood. Sinouthlmldcnlialprupullykbdngmedoocmnuuinllymuoparnn?ineomclndpluptxlytuxuofllbounu ofllinteumbllnhnlcuxnnndoon?oolthclmomcdlcyntneeclvlm. lbeliuvc inlpmponynwncvh llghuo doubt lluy wu\1wiIhItndr|md.bIlmhdIen il Inln?nnwllhannlhcr person’:luwlhlenloymtnl ollholvownpmpmy. Page 165 of 211 ‘ llwpun umhmlly buxle?cial mod.uIncan he Inchal luulwoun IHDANIIE1involvui, Tlx-mkyou far inking Lbs (imc In Ear mo 011. Page 166of211 9JIM|$ION '3‘ 10:Dupzrunanl 01 Planning,Balding l omlapmem.Clly of Nhanrl mg onuno ""‘. ROM:KanoolhIM Ame WISIMIH.5419 live:R011,»NIIBH Falls,ON LIFJNI # #1115“A/51¢!’-“F O lalu?o.-u— SUBJECT:Plumad by-IIWGI vuallon or marl-Kenn rentals (P0!-11117-19] IMIE:ll Seplambu 71117 WI thud the Phmiu Dupllmml and C?v mull!of NIIQIIIhlls fofhn/Rh‘misc‘lryul («mud n polcyan vuunonnmuls um genres the pull:gnarl.The ten poms bnhv an:hand on our renewoi relevant lnetatuou and IM polds at other munieballuu,and on our experience with vacation nnnls ave:the past at:years In our neuhbourhood.unh Io relevant onliw 1-saunas are prwidcd,In my news;by anyone rudlm lllli submission dezlmnlcaly. 1.The 50¢‘:report (3016)by tho FIMMIICnullllon ol Toronto Iuuvu nn?l study. Grounded In crnplnul reseudu on the vacation nm?lndmtrv.It Is eudthd Squeezed Out:Iu’Ibnb'!Conllntlddkallml OIHorne-dhallnuDIToronto [all kg).It noommlnds :llsl oi pmvislons In a model by-I-w,the first balm ‘On:Most -one uslluf 1 “Huh”!shun-hI'm rml?n III‘In In In I |)Ifl01|'l uhtbcl mslduluu.’VIII:is lhe Ill-lmpotunt kwptuvldul In!the plan ldoplld Ihla VIII by Na Exacu?n Committee of the Clty a1 loronto la:rum!-nunolvnunon or short-nun ru-his [dick mmto: deals).Vancouver‘:pollwls band on the urn:pllolllvz ‘lo -llmu thou-term rentals in pllndpol mldmcos,sIh|«I In I bll?loii Meme’(dkk ?lgl So is Sun Fran:-hm’: nollcv:‘you must Iv:Iheru [or M least 215 days per year‘(click [mg]. 3.lulanuol an Inav land suumn uimn hm me an lint Io qulaunjoymck 0l&&|\unsBrnsidentloluwo?ltvpanol??uvhhlklhltlllnnldlddqiliul. ?ed and hvuklans have long bun an integral put of this neighbourhood.Each is I home lmmess.latency to the opualof:pvlnubd usldonce.Vamton nnuk mould be nllowud in ink nehhboulhoodundonhe samenonunion. A Ghost hotok(vauIlan mmah operated II I buulmu untnrpvln,lpl?from lwbodY!plilcbtl ruldtnlll should In pmhllbd In H ulna HIV!nlllmll nolgtboumoods,Indndlmoun.?u ol?clnl Plan ol Mann his I:Ilnalnhllluallz‘Na uulmllldil usu ?l?be pmnllud In no live!Road Snellte DIIMEI’[$50.4.2J6|. 5 nubvlnn anvnnlon nnlalnlnlhumwnolllun Muunlalnn (dd:hug)Isnonn npreoolnb model lav Nlupn Pulls,Ian:at all h It:allovnnnol wail-an mntals almoat wlmoul resulcuon In dulmznxl n:|1ouIn.nnhoods.uIu Mounhlm I:mtg: R‘C IVED SEPHZUII _nma Page 167 of 211 wbmuunuhnmmonuaullnnrnnun ll Sean:-h-vlnizn zo/2 oounuv,I Pea-WWII sll resonnonnwcsxolcnlllmwood,a spnwl ol (inlets and ‘nation hnmu,with I pomhtlou cl 6.5m.Nlnun Fulk,by anmnl,Is an old,Nstovlc any mma population!upon.any 46 pmuuol -tudlugs In em Maunldm an anyhow:principal mldence.ts oompuad lo 95 percent In Nlagnn Pals [Gunaus a! Canada.2011].The not majonlvof rundown of the «we:Rand sauna Dlsulct am homeowners.Many are Iom-urmtenants.Shon-(am nccommodauon of huvlm,In llllsmdmxlnnomcamllowvadhsulwaysumatmnwylousidcnuinuuKlvur Rood smun:Dlsukx.Mud:the omauPI-n duulbex It a ‘V-«Id-nllal nu when Bed a Inukfan nwommodauam are pummad m long as the midmrhl zlwacm at an areaI:malnnlned‘(Para.5.2.35). 5.Ie?v?ulnilhtnlilcrvtlllnekhboulhoodhvohldlthdynruloclind,lholi vxmhnmsulupprwnd byulwap-dllcruonlrupnotlo mu (skkhgn louhc In) shouldto wound ancondnuo Ia up-ma.subject In llunshg roqulmnunls In Muemernew by-law Is eventually pun!by my Council. 7.thumhgby-Inuouhadnnd In-|:lauaa:omnodI8omlIII.hnn|raLsevv-dllu dtywal.Abrl-wmvnmnonrcnt-Ixornben\odc|cdon|l,MmmuxpldI requlrunent mu Ihe owns/opemorivn an the pmmlwc. K S|M=:.ulht0M€h|P|unIeu2|nlnls.lMRbk1lndSI1:Im|!slr|lxhl1|o1Iw%mOd Inurislslll bod~and+IcnlfIstand umlu loam ofamo«Inodwon,conldemIon smuldhuniawudhwkulndlutonilsdsntataouaaulnuuwurumalnot odylnhlsonwmnalpdns|danq,bInhanandlI?omIpvnomy,provIddlIs udhumorutlunlnlhullvorlaadsol?vnbhlct. BL nnwvniuensfavnzwlul Ibum Ioopunun vaullonnntnlmould Mdunnnd simple:adoquah all-mm vandu,nneeung M nude,pollen and‘.nvmauo1 Iu -mi/or un lnmlll leg,-nd Uwmvalhvrealdqnu ol aqaoenl pmpmkm The penny for fnlllruto meet than cmdluons shmid he plain:lax or nonrenewalof the lleense. 10.TM by-kw inauld helulo routine.chain pmaduru lot unhvun-nnl.Inclubun mlmmual thus (an upurunanor nwemsemunol I v-nuon rental wlthuut a Ileana. A:In nld to enlomm-nl and oolloalnu of am ke mile!lax.aonsldemhn 1-ould be Jven to unlaing mo cooperative tgncncnls Mm ulmnband aunt onlno marketing seM<ns,as San rrmasw hu don:(N3 var [dd 1131:]. Thank wu fu?u:nwovlunlzyolpmulu Inc-antn the deddnn-maklvq process. we would be mulul hr kodbazk on Ihese suumlomand reoomnnndallom.mother lmln dtvoflld-lsorfdlownsldemsofMum nls woanhn uunuded bvomaluaoodethe webske of|’---"'“'-'”---and dlduh -mr Inkal KMholmmaltlmhst page]or hdephom Page 168 of 211 Andrew I no Frau:D Crone SIM:Timid!/,SQQMNI 12 1017 9:13 AM ‘In:Andnwlryu sax:vauuonRenuk Fmm:non;mm:155‘)Rninhow cm.Mun Fallson.3': H lime ?l4'20 /7025 L''' I aiuzndul munuuungini I-‘gm Ii the cum!and It became olwbu:my any on ‘hi!the vnauun rental poo?l am Ir‘:huge numbers,wor?nnied Ind prepared.Iusi lhueviimto them was Imm their pnpmd mumnms told me llwi they were repeating Mm their vadaus orgnnlmionshad holdthem. An gnaw they npuind Ievcm tines that they wue I muting cultlne end I new to tell vanthat ill invited lhom In my inure lo!Dime:Ind then handed them I bl hrmiiiv dollars as meireoal pl shaming mevwould be licensed beyond inldi.so ll’!not I shining ouuunIx -I ‘r(u huainaa Wsus mph uihai.As such ii has been esiablshed wlhnoihougtii Islo iiwliwouid I?eci ihenoaibomoodoniie nakhbonmains noruiiiheqin I msidemiaiarea wen:ihe uiiuevsim-1 imcsied their mount]and Iv:-.1In new pmpmy.ihcse P??c.me Indudad,mwd in I qilel reslaeniini Inn in remove ihomniws from the man Iwmoli orthe burial Irena Beyond that llicy lune on our meet (ruled pullm ptvbhms amhocess pmialenmon ihe Iongwnkend me Isovsu peoplu myingIt757s ninbowau pr?ngaapnmesireeillvnieadioiihetl7Ve|ides2oiMaidIweuontMtimemnaiIsedIsinmion was I ?n Tmd:linoododendd notmvedilvesnhe lengtholoitvuyshnrunaq-ill:nuromtslreel.No ivpevehidu anuidhavemilenmougix we novnilvuuoAaNB’sIi1575IiId 75:3»-an people have nadosire in nlseu Iamly In misaru it Ispsu bushes in ihem.fhisstreei hnovw 23 namesIn uieyrepresem lint ofmeencineslmnuren Iwvu?alsollizetopnirnouiiiueiiussinnlionopcnnupmereaIn-wrnuli- uposmailkvola-1nqdenIix1ovIhonIseoiprosllntlnn.and piano don’!even liv lo III:me on oi moaemoumuIgrew up I:Tomnto and wanuvmmded by bani arudinuvudnmlnwniogetewwlmmtus msisunanolnvmlchinreslnuuidrukeahnvlv.inhepeluliy raise your;people to became pvospemus and respecieu Ind wel Ilaed -nmn their community. hub is vial In em for Innsiuii people mooning our mnaenanthe kind :2!(hiya it-Ii we W in pvutect them from. Them You Don.‘Crone Page 169 of 211 Inc:Jun slnwur.,,__‘______ .__,__,,,_ sum;Tuesacy,SumannerIZ.20l7l0D9AM n?c?gv?g To:Nadtevluyu wuou;Vomlonlnods saw115ml] NN Gum Mon-lug Mr.llvyu, I undusund than was A manning -I the Mann rnnnn on Sslcmbtr H,2017.running Vacation lumlnls.luau IlnuKcll)ItIr|dlndloIlldIa?lI|up&tu¢Ilh¢m¢\¢.Mnolw-slnlunnadmuewnnumllwnlnontmlou I?l Nh?ll wIhma...can you In Illa Illlwl HUI to MI!Ihls. I mud Ike In am!my ophlon an the Iharulrm mid Ilualon.My husband no I lad Um mm-hm «mus -houldhc Ilnwldhaw mu elhowuhi long nus upason'uorlncIpIlt:!dmc1-,unotunm pmldngovnllmand Huuwnuhonsltn.Whnnvuwrurhpmml,Inldylhenolmknlluredluandwlitdyrmnobtorlackal resooamrlh:nanhlaoumoonsnolga.Mnctauusbvclnnhspvmlloeuuyu and mmse:mohnlhe amine.‘mists:Iunom:ormlwmuxy.aIn-InlomundIocdm.dn:us.usw¢IInsmaIrxnm:lwtm)uxn- mama.Isuspndnunycltvollld-Bhraskwodhlhhtvpcuum-nnndmhmutsomowhmlvmunymn gym in pnpllldly. Thank you, Jen Smpson Page 170 of 211 M1-rs.g::L|‘no1i'I.':M00091: 6).’N venuen1é§.rnt$11a,oneaéto.L26 ~66 Snptembor 9,201?. '20f'l , Director or Plamning Ba Davolovuonc, City Hall, 5510 Queen Kt:-cot Ninxaru Fons,Onénrla.L2}:615 On behalf of nyrw).l'and my Iuulhand,I an wt-itrlrv-;to voice our opposition to vacation rentals in rmlidonctul arena of this city 0!l£up,m~.-A Falls. The roanonu art:as follow: dcoroaoon pt-ego;-Lyvnlunn tor homowunoru vnnhinsg to 5011 their houn u n fair Iarket value -potential homo buyora lay iudnod be turned off from nnking purchases of sun boaulo or near vacation rentals —creatou a shortage of rental ropettios available for long- tmn rontnrn (an an uxnnpla ~ha Olty of Toronto,for iontnnao)and could vary wail.occur hero -‘thoro am on abundance oi’nolsaln and hotel»;in chin city for lzourhxku Ln ohoono from at variable rate: -could.dotnoo thin beautiful city with lore rznrhum Lying about and snare 1-an (vlufl the house owner be ronponuiblo for z-angular clean up of his own property Kc that of others 11 mod ho,plun any potxnible dnmmm to xlurroundtng prompting)? -11’potential homo huyera cannot meet:their more-my ohlisntionn, they should.not:punuhnne honna in the (1.:-Ht place eopec.1.u1].,y om:tnnl:they know Lnay cannot nrfortl,‘.>ccr.er to rant or find unothar logitiunto may to meet their paynonta -vacation rontnln my be Mfrkoull:M’nol:i-pnnnihln to 1-uyculato also enforcement of Any mu: Sincerely, ?~~-—~-Tw?vnzs Jounnol.Lu Roomy Page 171 of 211 Page 172of211 Mullhow luv] ,7,’=:"''aw:Fommzw am /3M.;_g,7—05’mm:m.on IJII 002 In;Vat-Ilbn mu Unnx Ind Ied Ind lua?nu our Mr.Bryn Ihe purpose o1uIkInnIr I:to prom:loedbndn veutdlruvlcnuon muul units and Dad nod bvudhsu» I am vuymncnmed mmthe potential Imus vellumtn vlmbn rmull.‘I'M ralablilyol than owonuniulaulommus,minty mmumoulnuaha:such I:Aluhnb,bhcveaxmII In alonnlng rm. musetemuuve In?ublo:In ltldcnlhl Inn Ind In avian;manypvobbms la the raidenu oleur city. Wlu-In rmput memoour mr ntthbovhas ism!that pmporty on AM:-vb.nu hens:ma been vacant lnuvov-II Ind lhmone rvldamhmwas I uuununolmlzcoul In IhtbI<|fvIr|4~NlIfNl|l¢'< aennnnvymhmd Innllnd?m Ila prupuwmsisled an Alvhnh.I vnwedlo bunpen mind-d about thlsandlorlruemonnan lhe!lnlpo|udHn‘IuusemI-thlu1Iol|on.Shu:\hnnI hasbnmutaow warn of weekendrunnls lo malriylho same aemyupmc[Males and 1040].The Iswu nine!»and nuisance an vmnhm now on I vnalwhula.Mm!And my nevcbouIn burn-nxu Incr-as-Ir?y Inllulld with 173 dnnlluu.Monof In have Inmlns and quite VRIIUV80 Mi Mwv with IV!kl "III we ted wecon’!ullllte our pvopenmIn Ila lulleclon nu Inehond bxauseohhelov-anu.1'Ns past weekend we had nolseon Frldayand menon SnuninvuleaIn pollen in complain Inevbntuwoten In I!3 am. Ihavnyenlhauevrithlhnwnvhwhuilhllnropenvlsbdlglvlcvllsod.Illnnewlkarusnlllsbelng oliered II I prloepotnl llul Imdtulauw Illonlnbh.lvullzewenrfl domylmu anon:mlxuukls pnnollhe reason |I|$O?1M.‘IIl|EleI\IflIIlll5.WhyUu\ldO?Vo|.pply!olbhoII|mm the-yunpl I beautiful nounfor I hodtonolthncnn?Th!advlnhtmmi Ilno up “Avwv|Ir:q.Ixcuulhvhntnu huiedlnaqulnwlunuhlyhmuln fa|t.ThI lnanielscnnrl?sqll.IM|nmdaIpod.ho1tub.md play nnlvo In Ihohrp buIyIvII.'1lnunmd|uunuulunumrurvwmulnuuum Iuoelu Ihup-1 plaoelorannh-tnhvponyorauwswochznmucsedonmelontnonlonnnolou-div: lStIb~Nl\EM.1 Ind cocmnlunoeslutocsrfl um I nnlusto lune outwhu Ixgolq lobcnnlhu ms PNPIFW ThlspmpenylslledIn‘shpasotfrInnI.n-Iemmnunbustuvutwuysbcuuh?hovlhnsncnd Iluvecountndudull-nelthnsbenrenwd.nAlvI'NopInIuerevem"and'MosInokln¢'IohIdu MvIhnn|:uI:noneIdnrcnul.noho9vvs'|2Ilt~1Mouf'nMchIrIr\otMInedhthII¢IM'II tesp¢4:tfu|u?lIn1hlIlIots'1hIhnIMshIvehe2n noml?buldkvnpI:1luLlulIohoIm"Pne PIvkluonPvemlse(.Theav(euvyl'nulIuu:oInbnIbO/ bunslrnulhevearanuurnmanwpooglwzyiutheypIr|InmImldaeollhe¢nuL Page 173 of 211 Iuneonanlodulh Ihtlnlpcnlleseromslsuu havlmouuudly.nmvmxllslbe Imp-:1 bemon cal:to the NM to deal mmthe min and nmsan uxnphlnm on in may wukmd wkh me Inn-lat seunn In mm the police an deallrg mm a hljh volume uluk Illhevnlume Huuses do may needlohavemonpolmwomrgu-resut?hlwomosaluoovsuomnl. Nlottulmelhaveluuouuldallty.lhaowncvsollhlspmluahvp- uponynmolhorslaulukdonothavewdoawlhlngouulhrIny¢nmeouI\cI.Th|s pvopenvhas nlred I progenynwugnr,Luann mom!banal).mmptnmlrmamnunk?waunnolwewnwnvtlnlrcnmlmnnoun» meovmelsolmlswopony sllltllhu ll-MI lumdovucomrnllnlumn.Ihomnhluls aanugedll II lu:anllull:xun.ThIvwmvsoltNIPI0D0¢?vlIIenllrImIIy|sIand luhhmvaulhmyoplnlnn?mn Ienulls hovcnouzwnlnb?mkl wont.Iheynn hi um anmll nokellnund mnuumuthe unoum lheymsnlrgonnvnigll- onrnpntyrmnnmeywwldbuhawvmtndollupondpuvll.I llhk that IN:Ienllk sham not nlst In mldanllal nun.lluln mu remain wlvlln tesldomlnl ncuhbovhoodxIbelieve lsun lcddvnl w-Illmnoluwm.losld-nubvwme Iunlnted Mm the tenants. lhapnlcunrlsemniulnvbhedotumcnlnquallbaIs.somrvdd- numaqbelndwndloldlmmevslnlomerovmhnndsaodmnlromthnenunls Themuv I lotollhiux lmtcould [ow-nuuln than scenathx ldislsnotpwllhle, lboluwllulwuuedeoaumusymmmlholdslhcsepropulymaruqemullcunpnlesorlndlvlnulmunnowmuhlu.lllhey m rwulmdlnluvnAlcensu Inopenu Ilnn may vmldhwcbcomolyandheuccoumnbletonmtnenanu.Fuv£a1pl:.lhIm-aedreuluhuanolu vlolouonslhunlh-ynuyheutllulzolhmlnulllnlvloonluruohclUndevouraumntsynvnmerclsno aocoullublllwIonic -moanand lam-is and I am thhl:cm:I;xntpubio. ‘Ir- ugnnwasvavquxnompnndtoputllnulnmulcllamruuvdiulheurwdkxlwa naonlluecab lndlnuy.nu puuleduulouv ructlonnsn drylu boon?uwln umhbllonwulavuaunnrenal»! mlnk than nrevervmin slumlons yel met with very dmerenl appvondnx I wauld-lso Ila:Io palm out ch:llnnndll haul that ms m-y lweonourIu1tllndumy.muhly the haul hdmlrv.wmvncouluInslloloyed bvourllcle holvk.ll Mar pool:at slaylrq In howls now In hold:supposul lo mlnuh the um level ul sulflruv mun’;regnrul an up Is la:-led In mmnld.‘lhornn no omplwnla-I owolumlllulor pwph In ourclty ?mm menusnoullnue tn pan up.The owmvofmlspmpenydoes not I»:In medlv III‘'-"°°'9I¢°M0¢‘|°'I '!|M'|?IMV NV W°|R||‘V'«|1 Iv-oskllnwlhumvouluuluuwmlovaamrevnlywrwuralnnhcunxuuhlsacompltx prablemb-nlnmoonlkkuuhuIndy:-cannomcupv/Ihannllntlonlhntuvarksforouvvesldnrlts. MM Millflw I001 Page 174 of 211 TumeDiworalPIannhIgmdDaveI¢uneruL mynamaIsKal1I‘n.nndIvnanomeameraxdreeldentol MwmFda l‘I1IabonnAImnbuser.andIwoddIlhowdsuaahonwsrumulnlnocumsunlty Trn\«olmduxnIsmnonaoooInts|oI’I\tarf{1016ofhon|obelnoonovmmalmgltonoolmoblggoet Indualvieshlhovm?d.hhepaslImyoan.Nmnb lmasowruplddyvovotucrizediislnduauyzbyglvhg homoshulnnmuImp|utommThaideadmmshuiumsbewwundlaouIuvIos.bmMmI1o advu1oaahIedno|oay.IIawworamndmdrvImpoop|ouoImvuwomhavo[oinedNImnd.6ms dltuuapeoplounnlmridaw?mntemoialhunommrulsmelmun.Indnhohmary dmues.poldooModwmamouml.TMt1avl1yd1Iosalmanr|hewovIdamM\/mt?senvwomnlian. mar/aidngvvimnmrmomnulavehanenhaaiulnlhaioormuity. I‘mamIeIIrIaI.nndI'veuudvueNvuvi:ptalovmasuIravzuIa1lormnmuuaneyeurs.Icnnow?dsmly hllymumkouyumdalnoma?ovwdclnavltuunwaymclodnvgomn?au.Wonnlooklnglor aonmnuIkyo2qaonevncahmanoI1ervIcneblubomoood_IalnorlhaIaIa1IuImuuvbnbalounuslomy hhonlesumoremleeluwnlonauoandsale.aldweumupemrlnoadoatuilonlnunnlorchhlemgc ThoavoraoeAlvbvDLnoordoosvI1|usividIIhobI.wIotmtulraaionaanulumopopuaraualn vwlulrmkdademtu?atwospawmrnnuym?ulnniuooalystomallhonrnal bI.Ii|o%N|d malmrmnhlha m|d1baIhood.Imonpubl|ctuIq-nom?mitonsluundlmdty. Alvhrvoimvelavsholploslmlmeme?aoarn Falseoumrnybymzulmlmkkxtuldolunmlalda Ina popunrlounnamu?nnnunvuturulbllupsb?ummmuubauulsbcmmui?aelnxlyumly VIIVWITDUNIIGWIIYIIOIIBIH‘hMvQIllFdS.|'D350I¢1|VONl0M!II1i?l,I0?MJl?O0"|G mm Hlllnna.wnlaumeunimnhe surrounding ndaooumoodbushesoesuugranlry bunemlvuhorn ?shaeaaehmamn.1mwIuaUamoppholwgmuuesmLmom1auMmrIwunuhumay arasaIIIoouIaUuslawmtaonmaensl.IIcaJelvo'smdHI—Ine.They'mdIadmgouImIocdal1opI. loslndloralmolons.mdIUthg|oca|ttu\slLAlolmualNngsuaabenelIlInouuumntIy.u\d am helping Iopmnohpvu?lnbllkyhlwmlahhwmoods nutsde M the ammnmllaa louvldavaa. Ola:xAno,asI1dushi0navar\oeuIdevoNa.ImvanoodsIoboproperrouuuI|uI.Nrhvi)Ispeuslma|a axmlwoncowlmcormui?oslmhdpoldeslnlvdl buIu?laverya1e,bemuneondIuurInmItyIs economically.naourwhlculy.and demouuohlc?y d1lomnl.Waneod toadmovdodyo lhalnew aavnIqman1aIakoImeno?uuoouI.mdnuesnoedbbewdandlolc?eathedwoosudpouvmd prohmnatnmmneshamaoolldpmanl. Mmbhasvoodadvulln dlesaltworlhewaidlnlnuaruuw?niuvpvogvnodvopnldeaonlmt colloclm.Iswolauonun?mconMI1lypuo(I|alr\gucamuity<:andk1u.nnnInsl1own\my ri?vtsporyaarahoslcansmmthalrnpaoa?mmalso beIlvvos|nooooulabIIy,and|1a|lo&uisnoI meolnonhcowvmnlyslandarus,nvnlberevno\ondlrom0\oplaIorm.TnIamaansImIhoyboIlovah mponsiblenormlunu.andw?lnollolorolonodauuuvduultnlwdalalmovnhu?eoawttyllloy Mvavaiwnproacweaalaxhduoaammdmoworldaoahuutuunnl-adInpohmldlocuuo qultty-of-Ina Issue:«mam notllwlmhenxnodnllonsolthe community. anunpolcynuldnawIdawhormsnuhguoma$uII'apoIoMIaInsuo¢u,oootuI\ic.ur\d umronnanlnlu:MmlornveIors.Imts.u1dourImnIloa Nlaguu Fallahalmopponnmyuowauliy buulllvromhlslrlluxhtou?ilxu-dwautilluukIoooihsvnsatnvwmmyhrnaltalninqipen. Page 175 of 211 TomeDwectovo1Phmhu&DwdopnmtAamlorn«n1vomslopnaIo.|nmIeownumd rosldenIo!NbguraFnIs: Sm1IummnvaIwebdws.w¢\auAhtvbanph11unnsloemNemvneunt|rIoI&xm uhulngeunmuofmrnmntbruocnnvoonlloanmthimnehovnvollusboiwulouplom adeamwononabud9ot.Aaamm,nIuabouInmmgmyIIovmwhsvIlwnaulollawnmo tourists can oomeIoNlu9uraFalls and oomrlxnehooureconorny byapondlngmoooynt local businesses. Honnoahulnghnlluaomoommunltyzvinsuu I hougumh.Imenmnm¢ovnmendatIonam whInlomop,dIne,nndboonhennlmd.Inuemdofpvwbdhgthem with moommmdatioueto Iholamoatttac?onelhoyaImwyktIowaboul.lp:um1mrrIwhhsuggaa?onalorumIu localbmhessenand'ofllhaboatmpath“alvacnona.A|oto1mygmmhavod|mdatlno remunvmlnthedowmownmaon0uae¢1St.\m|cMsanarea?\attnedlyolMaga:aFdIs Mtbemu'ytIgInre\ntd|zeandpmmoko.WhaIbettarwayIodooo,Ir|anMlhmuooudsa dolam Ihatmabdng bvoumllnbydmnbguoalu. Alvbnbpvuvldnmn?oodabIoopdonfo1yomgeoupIos.fu1IIlas,ouIowuval|or:.mdmany mherdornognohics.Havhgma?on1abboptIovIIorhourhts.\vhowouaolnarMaebo unablomovuca?onnotoonlyhcroausunnumborolvtdtomvnmudvomdlholoum dolanspomhon.Nol?hourlstawmtlostayhlnolelmarldlmomsmatlgprm?daumom Mmouwouthm.wmnIvavd.|dway:dmommsmylnaIvbvi:ubecnmoII<ohavhg neuossloahdlkhduan1nndaspa<>oIMtfeohIIuI|orns0uooaawhouaeaIrbnbnnahIoto IxponIneMrnvoIwl1lIu'INol|kI|Iocal'applowb,and hung Ihlsoptlon avdllblo only lnorooseawourlunnoimano. HootauwmnbunolHurhgamI’1Iaeommrdty.a\dmopIomatmabhmfanwr|dy ohaaaom.Forms.Idwoooebarusonryllonwbocauaelunoovuhiuylravdlngbrwovk ndpieaatquadaporldagoodpatbndifnyeaawaytunnvyptsolpbroddulooh NiagaraFaII.VVlhouldvbnb,myhomowouIdhoIl\Ihgunptyloramlnhuolthusumhno oceupantupendnglhainxrnyullocalbudooeoeo.Ioponnlyhanotoloummutlngu nviotvalmgpwcoutoenunlamgo1l|ngvevmod,nq>onablogueatxumoMIIloHo1umy smtamuunanuwdlumodtybylaws-a1mvnn.mbbrnyhanc.Mbmnduulxaaay brhounhomqudmnutaino?mdnhordalaaweanobodg?ocummdonotpmpuw wrommdrgnmmumodbwguuuamunkwyhmmmrmamamgwcn communllyguldolmc outInodbyalbnb|toe|!,mdnmbadapp|oshano1hawiau mcponiblo majority 0!mm hoovvclulbmlbolmu?utdumingdownurbrlbuwkiywould havounooallvnn?nctonthe alommemionod goupezmnguost,mohom,Ind.mou Impovtavmythe Nlagau Fuls cornnuity.Tm elm pvImarycunmod|Iy|sImMarn.u\dmsnou|d bomoounyrg nu gowth,no(unpodngILAkbvbhuwomnuMmpoIa/nnkuulnomorcluutomato pmmuolnhdldlmoliy bendlllholr oomvuumios.Fotexamplo.moohyo1No«Glenna and nlrbvmbhmntearrlodupholvrplunenxntnximlbz?acdv?npliodtoalboo?ngsvmldmb menuudtohdp?ndlheoonalnaotlonovnffudahlohonxshghttsermy.Ilmplonyouto lummaxplomduopuovlsmldiowotkwnh alvbnbtoaenmaaoltulomnai uvavycno...— vguunme YELnI'nu.wr Page 176 of 211 TolhoDlmatava1PImn|nnaDova|opmu\l.AatdarmnltromahorvIeowvaaratIdraaIdenIo1 Manual-‘Is: IboIovulhnIoon?rlngtmnanloaooncanuIteduvawuldboarmUoo.Mmy Irnvallon. nluIn|ahdm1wuIlbalay|nrouIinlmademotycomuIudIodwlmtou1al |?nwons.‘nwylhdn andh\wmamIt;ThkaNewYclkcltyloreatan1p|a, nmypoopbvnnvldl?ndIyuylowddTImuSq|nvunnen?a'kubtuu),becauso lMydon'twunIloupor1:neaIheIouIsI'uNYc,lhoywmlhoe:qnrIenouIhu|oon|'¢NVC. mnhwnyalotofpooplaanoplrualosuylnIuecvuwdadnronsomuodtyuuahaa Umown,theVIlaoo,avBmonyn.bonurIniuwjypjvlngpooplatheuptlonlouinyln aooovmu>dauons?uumboIladwLs|doIho:rIhtnurhtum.wowobM?ngdHluun lypeco1vavoIavahooIlcly.mdIhuulIorepaop|euIogolher.Ilavionofnonfyoplionlor nocovmnmionblostayvi?llln?ual?ekolclnon Hllorlhecadnom?m?oolomw mm:d?uunexpubneowInotoummmMonyolnIyyndsInveprome¢hodb¢d< umowlmyonloyadshylnghuquletmum.uuuylromthubullmlm-nkncuum. PIuoeIeabolon.uumo1Inbad1ud(I'\rumoclved?omguaalavmoInwaI|0yod myhghnulelmlnunmlnnucuma: Tharximuaamaglvhowlotmykwulobooomumhwrvvnmmhunbtubal?n nnm‘ou1luaIIn' -¢'.\O-oomsmlnglnmulo) T|hwunvovyhq:pyloboahytIanvQ'?unfhamdrvafDacMoIIaoINiwuuFals’ -co-nornwiwnlotnue) 'Vtsworad:nau1oumlomeFdb.buIIa-unouohawuytonatuvylronv mobusmolmo uvufmnc?safct’ 'R0-lolne?iufelvdol Vraourvrnndlovnaawmmrnnnnnqlmnuncy?wntintwdsluoacthm.but doaoonougnmunI:aownoown' -20-aonuhlngiovrnle) Vioumouwmmodaawunnnhamuammnmmmmmucum -Q0-onmomlnglomulc) ?mnmpuhcmtmmwayaunmeloumyraaanoozyuaoatarahxnouuuoln vuybmrdny‘ -Q0-nomothlnglernde) 1IIalocatadhanIdadnpo!bwIl<mdnothoFulIa.y¢Maqwo!mdrnatlt' -(40-comolhlnomals) Ttnloculmtsaul,dowmamymmgmnmaqnhtndmwunnow -?04omolN0ovna|e) Page 177 of 211 To the Dlmctor o!Planting 5 Development.A statement from a homeownerand resldont oi Nlagara Fans: Alrbnbhosts an able to pwvlde Iholrguests wllh a curated Ila!ol Iocd mcommendailonuIn my host guidebook.I recommend many locu businesses |nlhodo~mtavn1areaon0uoonSt.undseveraIo1rnygueszsr-nveenjoyod lho nutauranlnmdshopcihava.Ouaensllaanueathatlsneadofooonotrio sumulaiion.and I have seen efforts by the anyoi Magara Falls to promote downwwnbudnesoeam:oc|a|nIed|aAktrIbquoetsuammaliwOylohoqJml these establishments.due to their doslro to explovoatom outside M Otman Hill, because o?ho proximity of lush accommodations to downtown,and based on roooumnondationepmvidedbythelrhoeta. Please see below.some 0!the feedback I've rooewed Immguoeta who have given their business to downtown establshmems: '171anpannner1ttapoI1ac2IyIom|‘od,wecoukiwnlkuptoouoenstmollntho mornIng!orbInakfasmIyHI—U!aIlyou ?keaslmpls,dolldous.no-nonsense dlnerbnaklusl-ortheafsrgym forlunch). -(30-something couple) ‘Mb on/oyedchocldng outsorne olyuurguldobook raoorrmandanons" -czo-something couzle) 'NoHoofurlmndommwnmdevencbsor!ores!amamsmthoIavr:r.Ie?m3 BBQwnsruaIIygooc0' -R0~oomo1h|ng farmlo) Page 178of211 To the Director oi Planning and Development, Airbnb is eager to work with local policymakers to develop a strategy tor home sharing in their sped?c communities.Below is lnionnatlon directly quoted from the Airhnb Polcy Tool Chest,a government resourcenetwork created by Alrbnb: The travel and economicopportunitiesenabled by Airbnb support the way people want to live,earn money.and see the worldin the 21st century. Travel and tourism new account for nearly 10 percent oi the global economy.In the US,73 percent at residents support the right oi people to share their homes,and 34 percent of those who know Airbno view us iavorabiy.Since our founding in 2008.more than 140 million guests have arrived at Airbnb listings in nearly 200 countries.While Mllennials,the largest adult generation in history.are our iastestgrowing guest demographic,seniors and hosts living in disadvantaged communities are among our fastest-growing host groups. As our community grows,we appreciate the opportunity and responsibility to work with local governments to omit progressive,lair rules for home sharing.With this in mind,we are releasing the Airbnb Policy Tool Chest,a resourcetor govemmenis to consider as they draft or amend these mles. Govemmerrte around the worldalready are embracing home sharing. Withinlustthe past week.the city oi New Orleans passed landmark legislation that eases enlorcement and directs a portion of the tax revenue to the oonsiruraionoi aliordabiehousing.In theyear since we launched our Alronbcornmmlty Compact,guiding how we engage around the world,we have: Esiabished partnershipsto coiled and remit hotel and other taxes in morethan 200 jurisdictions,remitting $110 million In taxes to date. Beyond helping to support critical services.communitiesare starting to use this new revenueto iund aitordable musing,aid tor the homeless,and destination-promotionprograms. Released comprehensivedata and lniorrnation about our impact in 19 Page 179of211 worked with governments all over the worldto crelt progressive new laws or,where appropriate,support existing ones.Ten of the largest us cities already have enacted modem rules lor horrtesharing or are actively engaged in productiveconversations with us to llnd the right approaches.We also have entered Into more than 30 Memorandaoi Understanding,partnerships and other agreements with a range of communitiesaround the world. Also in the past year,we have launched 110 Home Sharing Clubs whose host members share best practices,partner withlocal organizations on volunteerwork.engage with neighborhood bunesses,and advocate to local policymakers tor lair.clear rules. Now,we are offering Inslgtts gained,lessons learned,and policy options developed through these hundreds oi ooilaborationswith policymakers auoss ?ve continents by releasing our Policy Tool Chest.importantly,this is not a one~tooi-tilzralipolicy prescriptionor model legislation.Rules that work in Portugal may not make sense for Philadelphia,yet both places leveraged these policy tools to enact reguations that enable home sharing to thrive.to their immediate and long-term bene?t. The Tool Chest otters four sets oi policy options tor consideration: Tax Collection Good Neighbours Accountability Transparency and Privacy Please llnd the complete Nrbnb Tool Chest at this URL: www.alrbnbcltIzen.oornlairbnb-policy-tool-chest! Page 180of211 Dinsclorof Plannlru3,Development,Clry Hall,411!)QueunSuua.Niaqyatl F Orlndo.I28 6X5 DearSir.M!u-naaulirvgliuamoeainglannlg|rlonIhoAirll&Blss\n(wlvielnaoenred liraanAlrB&Bpronlolionalevenl)Allarllndapolarauhennmir1gonourwnoarnu waaapptnaduedhryanunbaofpajonawhouoopaalingunlieanaadB&.B‘a.(onavru infraolmlirgahaaunenl lladbaunvcryb\uyandwasaaI1ln¢Sl81)pun|glu)Ther'oi:a rnajornrisooraauplionlnllnoeawnualbylbueperaoraandAlrsh?lllalyoudonot nadaliouwaloownuldopetaloailaacolurgovu-lalorall&.B|nNla¢waPal|a_l wuuldmud lhal I r rl.Isul.aar.t|nt.t|-wily M¢ dIM Inlha Mari-or by wt-nl malling to every laxpaycr ,IlIa1the city naquiroa any alabllahmanlthat inam ln the loauitl ruidenllal daIiyu.nadma.orlumtbocurworleduauch,uaceordln5lotlraBylawa W require!In Nmum . aharld alsoasmadeawareuftheae requirumlana you can now?zquenlly llndlining: for properties beiaulined anvery IueoeaslhlAir Bab:I orrhls ptnpany wouldbe well sailedfor In Alr Mn J onlhe raalcalanuubjeol I anraun IMI you me wellwarn that llalirg and ullin a Iicauarlandeuahliahd BM!huainus wk!ya“can pruve lneorna andoccupation number:relalu noa muchhigher telling price am a regular horn:lisllng, peoplambuyirucheue llunaod paopallaalonukaalivingntbenhan (malncafew ¢Itabucks)aswaan-uuaionedallhnmnallnrgarrd vlllllllhtndu?andingtlnlllua bu-'neaa waa protoelad and controlledby IM cxlallng Bylaw:,In aomumuniaipaliles alnoperaoaaaraoorreainlllomuhalalicaneoirnolrvquirertbutNiapnhllsia unique like many met wurialdqamdaru Iowna ,Ilia NOTI,(Wlnro they are al this line sanding oeaaeand deulu later:to unllcenaerloperliou ),Sanford .andDan: Mountainlo llama a fur.Inounduaionaltarhaving oparatad a LiarmedRLB ?urdln pnl Isyoanirho has amlaat no mallet howmany wonderful simianotlqyy gum uulgmlaxperimouumriiruehavinginlbaancnablirhmuuu,iulloormadowalo rrrouy,the mainmaoutlm Iouriaunaynacouasuand lllmalBalrslnhalducw licanoc fees.booth;eotnrnla?orra,crud‘:cud fun Jnauramo,oily tuna ,GST and income lax,andthe on!ano?lod will wlilu a licence in (ha ?nl plane Pniilu ngriruneun.Amlrltoeuthen.?re oerti?cales?lc.lhayan:a much chupar,thana haul orlicnnaodulabliahmarlinaomocaauaallerchoeklruonllnoup lo 50%Ihisis nowa mqlorprohlcrain Niau-mulmlmloboukmbywrmil andBylavnrrnaho aalhmed.lwwldbcv¢q-uprbadlhar?un-jmlaolnloluimuulotcoueunaludue lo rho ?e!umthan an appmnlmalaly$00 unliutnaedutablialunum In lawn,andif nationin not lalrennon willonly inuuau in numberandbeaomaunco?lolllblo.We am alllooungunnalder-ablolrleorrnquspuciallylnlhuulfreaam.Ivlanymanlu roryour attentionin dalammar.Tom Jackson,Stralhakd Bedand Bmalmt,43118511100951 Niagara Falls Page 181 of 211 hum:AnaolneunIhd|ghhto .___ Still:?um?t/.SwtlrnbovDI.zvu -«:10 I'M J ='=: Tc:Mdmultym ML ' SIIIIICI:CommelIl¢IIdCo|IuIm|NSIpt1lnlgonVa:n|onlmIllUII3IsIrIdB '""_' mum In nr A gm 1 Hi Andnw. We in Ihcovnu::of()I¢tun‘.|View [led Ind llmakfxu Il 6028 clip 31.,Nlnpn Fall:and plnn lonncnd me mncliq-,mxl Mondly.Sept 1 I -I Mu?aln Cummunity Canllu ueguding this Issue. We hnveaonncomcnulndcommunulobcuklod lo Ihadobllc.Also.wi|lIliumIilbcpIsednn1o tbv Dhumr orI>IumIn4;Ind Developmanloudo:inhm:In benomn man nothe Diruclnff Plano ndviau. ITEM] 'I'huv'nIpmbk:n wilhthcnmn 'Vu:ulion Rm-nl UniH'asilL1 nnnncunnunddoeannlqply intll szruuiom.The moruooumemm would be "Short Tmn Rank‘instau-I. I.Porux-np0o.puoplemovingbdIvcen lsoususmlyneedlomevmuc to llwnlhrncllixubuutcunahlun movulnln Ihenoxl bun bocnmofbuildiudehygmnindcnnywlua hum In fuwdnynon kwvnoolhsao [ha 28 day:is loo mwic1.ivn(ifNI‘fol1ows'I”omm1'i had). 2.Amount:mmnnle:Ruxlnu:exnauivdpeople arriving hem for workpuxpuu mly IIIO nud n slnxl lntm IuIalfurnninnihumou|to!Gmo,infxct,pc1h:pI lonaernnainguplouix monllnouyontnpin.{hall any!limitationis not viabletimcfnme» |TEM1 Vuulon Raul]unih Ind Bedand BreukfnstsIlmuld not be lumped together ll Ibcy an he vary dhthct utoprlu which need:Is he (mud dlmmnuy. e.g,BOB owner '-on-'u>MIi|u the Vmtiun ltcntul unit owner my or may no!he on-inc.mostly lilucly no(. Om of the four options liulcdon ld.m|k.n'ngn-ufullmmwchsile:Our pnfeunce I Opllon 3. ITEMS All Vnullan Runhlunilnmud be Inmiiwdand ruppllod withIlnms.hands,calming and mhcrso?Mniahing ll now:-y plul cooking equipment and ntnmils.cmluly,china andgluswln (If Iha unlu hm:I kitdtanlkiu?luth). COMMENT: 1‘hucBAne¢d rnnhnn II:nn(|.IL kanhunl yeurluae)npmmnn¢-oeounmndullanuul lmumkhedwith hdmonu,bt?gkllthanlml pulp.In somjuvisdiwlom -wlylng Ihh Iccommoddionis vicvmdu reanovim a?ocdnbluooommndntimfmnthcnmlncllmlboclnypunmnoeded.Thohvu mutolxuz vuydi?awu. I Page 182 of 211 uxpeuullonsxUfI‘h0I1lu'IlImllcn in far more cxpon.-‘vchiuhtuovalIeoommoduiuuIn A good nci?lbouthood clean to downtown.And the manic:i:wry dilfunnl [mm howloooommuduliun. Shotmnnmnuluhouldnolbucm?ncdlolcrwil;lIeuux.T'eupk Mlnuayhuhod lcnnvmuhwlmwbc pmofloeulluighbulhoodaund mlinl Io1uis(mncor!.uduIt|IoI:irngama.Mouofm:DIB¢uem -ppmciqted bu‘-lg dune to but not in II»:hurls!eotnnuzclalucu.1'hny nppnadnla being able Ioaooau mlghbouxhoodtonvenicnunnand!a gloomy atom,lulntionnxt,loul cafe.walking updors andimcm?na ncslduniulmm with mirage pwpenlm OI hinmicnlIigni?uncc. R-9:-ls. AntoinetteRodighiuv (Rad-i-game)Ind Brim Ber, Oxch-rd Viewlied and Bnakfnsl (lhcmcrly?u:VictorianCharm Bedand Bmnkful) 6028 (Nip SL,Nina’:|MLg ON [20 7137 Page 183 of 211 Andrew Br-zoo From Tony Mom-ela -_ Salt:Wo?lnday,Septombol N.2017 2%?PM To:Nnievt Bryce Subject Mimi; HelloMy name is Tony I come from a background of Hoteland restaurant with a diploma from Niagara college which I worlred In Niagara Hospitality business for many years,As a local person I grew up in Niagara and sad to say moved out of the area due to job opportunities and change of direction in liiei moved back to nlagera and changed focus on job description I am currently In socialwork.i moved back to Niagara to be bad with family as many came back I came back to talre care of my elderly mom as you may be aware Niagara has a strong senior population and a vibrant tourism economy. My story reveals leaving a slow paced small community with little growth unfortunately named Niagara when I came backi noticed a thriving community with growth that has been very Impressive i have some financial issues which prompted me to go back to ilnd out howl can use my old sidlls of hospitality and my new skills in socialwork to combine the two and marriage them with working and using my home which I live In to be a host to the tourists travelling Niagara, I do not have a vacation rental that is absent as I can say absent landlordsare many in this city...IFyou happen to drive the l.undy‘s lane whichhotels have become rooming houses and it you allow me to be blunt I do not want vacation rentals to bathe blame on shortage oi‘housing in this city the problem is much deeper rooted... I want to be heard and would like to suggest to let a person do what they want In their home as long they respect the rules...the rules should be obtainable and realistic i am not a big hotel offering 100 rooms I offer a two bedroom lower level apartment in my home which I live in to make ends to meet as i have taken time oil work to tend to my family matters. I understand there are vacation rentals that dlsmpt the community and with respect to that they should be addressed IF I can make a recommendation... It the owner lives In the unit like an Innkeeper then it should be allowed as (or an absent owner and a live in owner...there are two dliierent outcomes...As Iassume is why we are having the fomm My understanding some recommendations in Toronto were to allow prlnci pie owners do home sharing vacation rentals as long it was their prlnclple residence Page 184 of 211 New for having multiple units then we enter a quality Issue oi service since the owner is not residing so I assume some restrictions will need to he put In place which may be a regulation and licensing etc... but for a live in principleowner I am sure the Isue willnot ?ourish as there is supervision and a sense of pride and ownership I en]:-ry meeting and greeting people coming to visitthe tails and being an ambassador to the city as they are In my home and thinkit is a unique experience Iwould suggest to have some order but to completely regulate a single person trying to make a smallamount of money seems futile and question the motive to address the muiti users I understand but most persons doitu AIRBN3 are not big players from my lenses Ifthey are then address them please do not paint everyone with the same brush I strongly recommend to leave single one owners alone and allow them to what they want In their home legally not everyone wants strangers In their house and to this lact I screen and put house rules etc..to get the best guests with respecting the neighborhood as to remember the guests are coming hereto visit the tails and with iamiiy so I do not understand what a big fuss is having a service whichgives a variety of choices the housing Issue is being masked with the fair housing policy which is addressing vacation rentals which have been here way belore alrimb the neglect on provincialgovemmenuon housing polices has created a mask to hide and blaming owners for the lad:of housing and poverty to say the least different forum... Thankyou Tony Nioscheila I will not be able to attend the lorum so I sent this email to you pieaa let me know ill have any questions it I have sent this email nothe wrong person please advise Page 185 of 211 Dear M.Btyte. I an animalthat the av It Ilnulty deciding to mm:in on this Important matter.when people puruasu hum:In thts dty.ttwttanlyanzvmonfwhatklndolmuhbowhoodthquomovlnulntnutdvnnttueuectularaxtutwe development.Peopleluuw II Iheyam mom;Into a wmnvevdnl,I totttst ov a malnty tesldehtielom and their vvopmvInes usually nlhd thnt at wall.with the udwmsolltlrbnband Isaoltlrcmmhundreds at mldents of this dty I:renlltuoutthntv homes totwechuuutc vnhout Ieulauhotltlnn Int!nothtvg um budona abuut It.Most people do not want a natal an neuhbourand must penple ply hefty was In thlxettyvmh the expectation that It will notbehaopunlu.IIveInuoumuanelondIlrnovthuIsctllutthetutewwnlhom-wtichtmalnadybehg uad for sumand nelghbouts are hat shaking that:mm.me:Is an Adams on Nun dr.which Is aumtt?Ilma on hoolduuoom-nu I Imou thatstreeth notzonea forum usenlhome;Itxn narnoyutt a than pmph mht nun, names ml nddrnsmwhn not out thilt homes uslmMrbnb and that I:just wtthln my clrrle nlarqunlmnmn-no euuentloh.I muldlstthe nanunndnddnssestvot nawloryou-ptobablynensonnalthedatm thattho rentals have ooaunud. I also Iwtowot namesMulehuc helmrained out to stuuenu,Iocgm ml:the owner Is not Ivltuthew.Yhm Is a ptt)DO?VOI|Ulemf!IE1olNMmD:llIuCblItlllI1CIrill|?l.Mid wuretrltlfflmdforauvu ltt?tldolllswhldllt now 'homo'tantIeastsrent¢es.AhnrnecnInystn«tonSt.AAt|\mIIewIIcmeenntIyto|dkmwnmounutohe thovttnh-urvtetimntosttaaornlpayalotoftaatnslnmynekhbouthoodnnale-aeaslvcehvttlnnsldvntlaltneal the wnurtin Mulch anwnd nwhane,lustII our zumnt by-Inn specify.The cltyol Niagara Fallscannot nut permlttlu thn Innl usaolvaathn remah Moot:my-bout and not puretao than homo:In such neuaourt-outs.For such was tnocnu wound that».It willmm was amongst I-Utb-haspmhabtylowav the pvopenvvaluox If the homes bwxna run-awn,pvoull mi mvetbuunofwhn Ix "IMn¢naxtdonfwtiztmill mule nqhbouhoodslen sale.It Isjust mmmon sense ?tll thltttdamlgthn tone at migutotnnodsand that is mum we vnnttor Nhgnn Fill- Ilpeoolownmto mltemoneyo?olthethomes,[My shoots!lawIn Iheaveasmtlcrun alt-waohadtowed and hteaklzas.III:too late to alowsum nation ventals In the manly at neuhbowhoodtInout city.I pmpona that wu nonot Iwllhls.van do not unndamet It any Ileul uau ofhutnes In alrgh hmllvtcaldenllal area -elthu vautinn Olga aunt - W!.dt\a'd0/,Aagtnl 11 ‘I017 9?9AM Andrew loym vutalbn rental: rentals.hnaltlun.bud and amounts or rental:to smdonlx The Cnvshouldahoputln ulaoeI nmhodIotepodonthetc homeswhkhwlll In more trutsparem I seat In emul seeltlmiumur zlur?uttan thm wash up and stll have not leaked 012911.I have also spentmmldenblc tine poatng mow:on:thy wlaws Andptllly much Illl mu:In Ind wavyIn area:when ultlmhs at tattu olentte home:IostudcntsBallwted-yetIhhappenhgevevyalnmaM|nopIear:IIouodtn¢ntawwyMIh?.Aqtld Internet tum o1¢ooh|t¢s.?om.AIrh\bnt even student howls;anlthte it my:rallswlll meal I Iotclst ol people who in Inaltngcuvent brbvus TM:must be stopped! Please help us cuvtal this Inn BEFOREwe get hut even mom dmkult s?mtlons than Iha um oeumtmon Mmlnn D00IhnenmrllktwlthMon.Sept u but Imuld vmvntuauIllu ta attend Ihls mettlnuudxpnttb the Isnue.IIItwI rentnlsolhassuentsentrehomnandevenroomsvoflttiieuwtterlxpvenvutmodxtobaaddrusedutdaeahwhh.It Isnothnothutnstolmetazwayursl-ul?sclly. and Itmutmnt;he Impatttnuha Imdrenultotthe Imltur.nnnmhtln hotelslnttkulyuhmnnmmu mfltct yeattyon lhn ltoelhoo?s and future untloytnent ntuspocts ol manymtaenu ofthls city.It I:Alsonot tum the haul awnam Uthstmuckylwvupatndlokmctllneptooenvlaxmforthetttaiovkvolhomuh?uunfnlhthbwa?on rant-I altttatbn must be ntopned. Page 186 of 211 mm you for Ilm-nlm;In my aplman oh:Grcev-c 7641 5!.Auguulne cres‘ Nlqwn hlxs.Ontario mt In Page 1B7of211 oxpodia group‘9 HomeAway‘ Gtyol Magara Pals 4310 Queen Street Mgara F$ON LZE6X5 Ag!5.2013 RE ProponiVx:dbrI|HuI|Eg.?.1au Dea Mayor Drodatnmd Menbers ol the Nragaa Pals C:tyCouIaL Mynarle 5 Joseph Montaro and Ian the Nragaa Fats Govemment A?ars Manager for Expeda Group.On behdl olthe Expedra Iantyol travelwebsvtes Much ndudes HomeAway and VRBO,lwrrte to q>p%aud your nmatrve Ia vacatrar remd regulators.and dso hnghhght ou oonoems wrth the potentd effectrveness and enforoeablntyof cevtar prousums wrthn the proposed vacatrar remd regulatory framework Asthe worId‘s Ieadng mire make?piace Ior tradmond vacatxon remds.HomeAway offers propertyowners and managers the dainty to ht harles Ior renton a short-term bass. readmg mims ol travelng Iarlhes from across the globe.For over twodecades HomeAway has enaied the responsble rentmg ol Nragaa Fats vacatxon remds and brought econonuc actmty to oonlnunn-es and smdl busnesses ttvmghout the oty. fhe vavat-on rentd ndustry has long been an rrrportalt Iesodenlralaaonrrlodatxon Ior Iarlies vstng Magara Pals.Whoie-home vavat-on rentds have been a crrt-rd hoe!ol Magara Fals‘low travel and tousm Industry,and It Is rrportart to have a dverse ecosystem of Iodgng opt-ons br ustors oonmg to Nragaa Fds.whether It be paents vstng a student at a Iocd mn/ersrty,a doctor vsttrg Iran mother hospvtd,or a Iarlty Ioohng to ecpiore d of the hstaychaactev,ard naturd spiendor that Magaa Fdshas to offer.AI vacat-on rentd homeowners’popevty r-ghts shodd be respected and treated equiy,regardless of whether the:home 5 sntuated n ares-dermal zone. h order for thecrtyd Nragaa Fds tofuly bene?t from theeoonaruc bene?ts tradn-and vavatxon rentds prov-de.rtsrrrperatrve that we not hnder the actmtyby Huang It to tands desugnated Mgor and Mnor Conlmercd desugnatxons.hlposng zonng restrict-ons an vavat-ons rentds pads wnners and losers and hams enforcement and revenue colectxon efforts. Page 188 of211 As lam-Inesare have-lung more ollen logemhev and lot longer pe-nods ol (me,:13 I1TIDO1laTl1 that local gove-1 nmenls e-1mio,rlan,s«ens-ole,and elleclvveways to allow the acwnly whale creating a system ol acccunlabnlnly (or local polncy make-vs.homeowners and community leaders We ve-speclfullyuvge you to pvoled local lounsm and vemove the language that would nmpad longslandnng vacahon vernal owns-vs lhankyou lot you!tune and consxclevahon Smcevely, Joseph Monlano Expedna Gloup Govemmem Allans Manage-1,Norlheasl Page 189 of 211 mm Ivply Io mg Ningnn Fall:0l’l'u'r Aptil 5.2O!!!1 ‘nu:Corponlion of the City ofNiaaan Falls Plinlning l)qm1nucnt l mo Quecn Sltcr.-t P.O.Bax l023 Niagara Falls.Onurrlo l.2lZ6X5 AtlclllinnzMr‘Alex llcrlovich and- lhe Corporulion of lhe Cily ofNlngan Falls 4310 Queen Sheet l’.0.Bax KY2] Nlagxm Falls,Onlliu l_"E 6X5 Allenlion:Mayor Diuchli4:Membersof Council Re:Our Clbnl:Snan Slay:Inc. Cily ?le:AM-ZOI7-005 Regulating YacallonRml:_I Union and lied nnd_Ilm-kram We an us solicitors for Smart Slay:Inc. 'Ihc purpose of mi:lam‘is to requcsi that Council dcfcr its covuidetulon of Ihc above- referenced mane:al this time. By way of buclquuund.In Seplemhcr,201$our cliall Nlalnul a planning oonsullanl In prepare planning policies and a licensing lcglmc for consideration or City Planning Su?"on the i$Ic of allorl my vacation mnuals."ll-c consultant mnincd wna the fovmcr planner for lhc 'l'o\m ol‘ Niaym-on-the-l.akc who ptcpomd the planning policics and Iiccncing by-law ndagxed by lhc Town of Ninym-oIHhc-lake ntlaling In this use \vl1icl\in skill in place by the Town.Tlw wrillcn submissim mndc to planning shall’mirmrcd Ihc appnuulu used by the Town whemby than mes wave pcnnilltd us of nunin n:sSdcnl'=nlanus:Ml xuhjwl lo mic!Iiccncing requirtlnulls and substantialpenalties including licence revocation.lioencing fccs wen ubaanlial so that the Town could pay for by-law cnfomcmmt personnel.It was noled lo Planning Stall‘that the Town's tau»-ac-1 ru an '30 2 1.9.-...ou..mm Elm):sumuu tum.mama nrmvurb-1 vz-um...°"‘\a an -.-an mama mun.mzvacl unmvun-v-uvtnon vs human Jun.»vAn.«m\cx ru::uu-wam-a mac.»n was 4'U€-Ill‘:-acnu me...u wan EA “naval W1 nu...-:wu<.-. gm...(u.s....av“.mun n.u...,;.u.«,,..,.."um, lam...uwm.uczuuma xv-gm.-..nu»...-:c~4.rum t l up n can u I no»: Page 190 ol211 2 nxpotienechuheatpoai?ve|ndLhynalTwaeinvitedtoouthuTownstnlTutome?nencid benefit:to both rcsidests and the Itntnicipnlities of allowing this use to ewotnntodntc large travelling families. To date,we have not received at formal response In the detailed and costly submission made on behalf of our client. Our client is concerned that wlnt is now being proposed and is before Council for Approval sevwely limits ‘Vacation Rental llnils”in the City.llrn City Stall‘investigated how many lea! nonconforming propatia in the Tourist Commercial (PC),General Commercial (GC)and Central Businus Commercial (CB)zones could he used Is I “Vacation Rental Unit‘?Has City Stall‘ investigated allowing this use 3 of tight in othc:zones such IS institutionnl,industrial Ind sgriwlturult’Has City Stall‘investigated the probability of property owna‘s incurring costs in excess of 3 l0.000.00 to pursue zoning by-law amendmentsto allow this use in residentialareas with no guarantees of success?Has (Ely Stall‘oomideted our client's detailed nilnnission and recommendationsat to how to mitigate any potential impact from this use in residential areas and nllow this use ofas of right in tuidattinl ares tmdct a sttiot licensing regime? Respectfully.at this point.out cllau in tea with more qumiots that ensures and a detailed submimion to which it has receivedno fonttnl rwpomc since September.20l5. Although the recommendations do recognivr:"Vacation Rental Units‘as a permitted me,the proposed restrictions,in out nonsidcted opinion,offer may limited opportunities for property ownentopttnuenidtneofitalartdat We rvitet-nteour toquest that Council dole:its decision in this matter at this time for the muons noted above. Finally,our client wishes to go on record that it opposes the nacornmendationaof City Planting Staff atthis time. Yours truly. SULLIVAN IONEY l.l.l’ Put: Roe Vx-ca RV:sb Cc:Cliutt Page 191 of211 boar Anduw trim and uhnu In whom I may oonnm, Actovmwdan.Don‘!lame. dwlvuuwauwcunnutlmouguuaammvgulwwInam:muIn1.:AlmemoreweaIm.lam mmdmmkucuuogycuidnhoaubka peIxovItonIwIrprIseIIIIwnsvIahIe.Nur\erousvefirIufot rent."I rvolityiglhnwu?ischuufra Te¢hno|o¢vIsa||vMual\val|uolIIfeloenlevpvlselnallkhdsol ways.Gavornmann awn:servants.shou|d be theveloaooonnnnodatonndurges In ordenopvooevly nerve Ill olblz.Not nadir |0l|'|¢U'I|l‘l0€ellhS0lhQ'V can bu wmiorublew?le Null‘In Indusuy.The an 6 ?l‘Ih?IIlV‘lll'IllDI moaluewmlheuaysvnruummwu Iumepntwtmudngsolmemurv. App:|IknA|rbnb ll sovnethwgma has enabled poopln to navel mow Mom class on’that othelwiu vuodmtmd spend their money how In «may he a unique.world chss amnntwv.II-c Iuaum B an evenmeless eoonomlalyabiedocoolewill nlsolauhlnu lvlvel.Perhaps nelacboumoodslntmhnnuwil cnnuln Ilmllles that we there onvacztlon ham 3 dlleval country,we the patents as on III:lob wlnlonly,andwhin Iluiv cam haueIsbeIv(mI\0edout.1hnt|Iun.¢htslvoInmepu(wouldbe ‘fmnot havlugwneomltumm myneuuounooer uutuw tum-Itdlh Multmd nevlntmmlons-Ilun (amide:Rh)‘pas:rnhdut absurd. oruotnuynulnpolrmlsmszgamut:FaIIs,Ihe'wodddmtr:wldouirutiurthntkix.uxnsI4enme mnllca?ons of this Intuit,Inc (InmdIn¢you and cbtycoundn should dofinnoly he mlnhig and no thinking natal.Imngine Nlqara Is Irnovmfor how world am In twin;3 vavieiyol unique plxes to say. ma?a Ixpcslnthn pnpmmunwollalwuld becornesvnarhudmul lhuovunlrq bndesomln?ra haveevnhvaudandIwporIedIhewoIIdmI!Ibuh«emd|eKN|n9u|rIIaNlalmhtapartolIf-u'u¢vIrl cbsfacnrmnmllonm.whenIwashRome,ImyednunlaceuIII\ahoslwIIohad$uI::uanal de?I\NeN|DNh1HIo|IgwharII\ns!h:r:.111eVaIooted liinlounerprlse. Iwaninhconfwodaylhelm n-eeIIIv¢vnhadbo<auiaIhomvnnthIrIpnatvmrcn'td:av.werewe Inningbunmnmuevmawoblemwnhu\es¢VacatIonlem:Iso:ood:ndBrunkIam7BecwmIIwe vnn,Ihen mepnobvemsvuae:Purimon the streets.Dim!!!Indo=nvssnrlug:.The:ImpI:mmionls passabyhwthvlnukcspu?esl?galhvaczilonlentdsuuduedalnd bru?auvmha?nebetmnme Guutund Ihemnz.muan solved,No Inotepamos.nomoro path;pmlshmund nomuveeuess gnrba¢.AImewhI|e votivesuapomngmewoploomlapra his ma nllwirgtlmn I.oENTEI9RIS£ without nlhgl.People neealoememvlseImnl IidlvIul cant-wnlollemerpllmg induslrlea than wlutpodarewedoi(nu1ee4Id?IlpanIes.|aI‘bae.parkII1.wav1'tdwrvunnmvmtlhenrm mnfvsodmuIthinllalrudymwedmeI:sue.A:vythhueIse¢oudbeuIalo¢o:moado<tnvvmox-nacyn onapeaodsanullutneedslobere«me¢ar\dsImsy¢IIIu‘ne(:hesawwoIIcoabo:honIhna¢mo?!'. Vwallwo?mrxnmwhu. mend.MIovIrveUvbouvandwvemvaemnorlunlhelemrsemlousabotnlheluexlmootimonlpvl la‘ and mom qumnm mu:II-evevme pmlousw.I want to mm mmIn Ihls binding letter that I do not suwunImulu um I:unnnso-node.vuonlu aoollutlonsthat an rmmlousty nponsivu,an my and unreachable bl?en anenuyiov DITIIPIISIMG ln?ndulls Into Um Vantton Rena‘.I06 and lvc?al.oi whatevertumwu wannowowdcfnomlnrurlurl.I wllalsopush hacklf-eat1emptsIodoso,Intho most resncttful.honourable Imrwnru well I uythlx butmnn people In Nlngau um purpose.ma want aunt dlunlledInwmo.And I anally mm mace Maura F-II:pwsperous lo the level I upemlvcad vow‘-3 up horvand ahwumuuyunall iauea ahould nmvmnm 3 lift!Pokvchamo.by-hw,onkflrllloiule hm:Ihmlhl in:nu:Mn utm.11unlyou Ioroonddennga morv open marlmuviaumismrunlmpic. Icstlegtdx?damme 2899901991 0MI ( 4,--.». Page 192 of 211 Aplli 5,2018‘_- Eleonon I Dcnnk Plat: ‘ 3-?’{_{C‘:EJVED 2199GranbyDrlve ;APR/9 2018 comic on i |'l ANNINU L5"4“ 3.In VI .0vM:_t4_|__ Mr.Alex Heriovltch MOP,RP? Director of Plannh‘.Building &Development Nlayra Falls my "all 4310 Qoeen St. Niagara FallsON LZE 96 Dear Mr.Herlov?dl. MyhusbandandlownahomelnNlogxafalsandwewouldlliwtoleplynnlnouruashon lummniwehavebeenfdbvhgtheamersdmmlwocessuldhwesolnesatcgeniauw lndude. We would Ike me followkuto be taken Into consideration: 0 All resldental nedibourhoodsIn Nlaan Fals be Ilmved to rent.not lust the Nhpva Parkway and lundvs Lane toads!ateas. o A permit of Icense for of $300.This amount wouid dour people not renlry lntevested In taking the rennin;of thew pvoperly seriously. I IfsomeonelsuuynrentlngmthoulI||¢ef5e,Ihenacost|y?nel.e.|$300andlfoe$3W pemmhclsappledqolnsnlmehomeowner. 0 Complahm shouid be In writing to avoid frivolous nevobor complaints.Ifthece Is a nolseotsafexywae.onwlhulsilwhbrlawenfomemenlwpolbeberwu?ed lmmedmew. -Momoownon Ihou|d have propov oommmnal Imuranc-. Nlann Pals Is a wonderful lanky,tourist destlnatlon.Allowing lamlllesto rent homes for a comfottable visit in Nisan wooid yeo?y bene?t peoples’experience In mauve. Rent-is. c'(.-. M“,,¢’K..:1. cloononl?ua Page 193 of211 lohnPirm1 sun:rnaay.Apt:NI!Itzw VM To:Andrew Bryce."Joseph Hughes _..;..;..._ s-bi-at Awi|i0€'W"4'|Meelln9 k.-L.ic-_iVED Ln/snw., "‘_'T.“I Pleae attept thls letter as the formal submlssion lmrn 1907711:Ontario Inc.operatlru as Nialara Historic Inns.our organization generally supports the recommendations out fonnard by the ptannlng department to my council on AorllII).1013.The on}:objections and or recommendations to the planning department and City Council shall be as ioilows: Dear Andrew: current o?ialal Plan -Yhls section orthe Dtlidal Plan should stay intact and not be thawed 4.24 5 The River Road Satellite District shall wnlinue wfunaionas on established residential area with many older homes offering Bed A ?reaklnstfndlrtles Altematwe accommodations of this nature are appropriate /or this area providing the residential character ofthe rieighborhoodis maintained. Business Delinltlons -In an effort to have a dear understandiruoi business classi?cations.I would suggest that the City ol Nluara Falls lollorr the Town oi Niagara on the Lalneplanning department In using this dellnitlon tor 'orrners‘. owner means uuy ymm who is :1 registered owner,has a legal orequirable interval.ha;a kgomgrn to obtain possession,or whohas control or rnanagerrrerrt of any property.land.building or struaure. Oarltvonflrnlluli?rutndanoaulrarnarru-ltwouldheveryusefulto understandllthareareanytlgnlllmnt dlflerences in Fire and Building Code Requlrvrnenls it an operator chooses to license a property as a 3&3 as owes-d to a Vacation Rental. tbrrlnglor Irnoiarnentatlon -leurdiess of army decision made by muntll or modifications to the olanninedeoartment recommendations,the tlmirulor Implementation should not ultlrnatehvpenalize the consumer (tourist to Niagara).I would recommend that the short Term Accommodation Vendors have at least until March 31,2019 to Implement the requirements mandated by sound and the plnnnlrg department.Any ellort to Implement a dudllne lor the sra industry In 2015 could ultimately lorce the withdrawal oi various suppliers and any uonsurners hooked into the vendors properties could ultimately suffet an lnlemlpkion In a positive Niagara experience. Thank you for your tlme and attention. Vours truly. John Pinter,Niagara Historic Inns Page 194 of 211 City Fle:AM-2017-005 EGULATING VACATION RENTALUNITS ANDBEDANDBREAKFASTS APRIL6.2018 iamaresldenlolthedtyol Niagara Felissndliwe In sresiderttiaisraa.Lsstsumrner tor the llrst time.I exporionoed what it was like to Irve in a reddorttial area surrounded by unregulated pep-up B&Bs.as did many oi my neighbours.it those lourtsls had been iemlies here to play gait and visit Men'net.sndwith the‘:dtiiden.their presence would have gone unnoticed and unopposed.They were not.Many were eduit groups.here to see the Fals,visit the casinos.restaurants.bars.stm clubs and to potty. This Is the reason tor my,and my nelmbours.concerned interest in the city's pending proposal to regulate ahort torrn rontois and Mry wo petitioned the any.I attended the September 11,2017and the March7.2018opon meetings.I have completed the survey and have torwsrded a letter expressing concerns about the behaviour ol anonymous transient party goers withinour residential neighbourhoods to the Planning Department.the Mayor and the City Councilors.And I have responded to the invitation stteched tothenatioeiooontaotAndrewBryoeoiPIanrthgbyernaIlir\g himsorno quee?orteutdspeskitgat?tephoruhanalhrrtpiberumalmdemurdwhails bolnapropoeedertdhowitwillbernsnsged. I believe the Flaming Department‘:proposal to be placed beiore the Mayor and councillors on April 10.2018 lor approval.may bo problematic it implemented as proposed. -The dellnitions between short term vacation horned and Moe appears to allow them to be interchangeable.(28 conseunlve days or less). -Thsstlpulstlorrimtbabsmustbeoocupleduys reeiderttisunlilralytabeablalobo monitored and enloroeable. -it appears that this Plan is playing ‘catch up‘.asking council to aporove the regulation olthehunaodsoloxhtlrtgpdpupeibehsalmadyscallorvdthrouytoutihedty.by providing them all an opportunity to ‘legitimize’their bu?nessou and this ignores the concerns expressed by the residertthl community.The responsbiity should not be on the dty to oller to legitimize el the business currently operating legally. -Bydtangitgmeexds?rtghylsvataenoampasstluenureo?ylnunreslricted numbers v/khout llrst testing In oontroileblenumbers is dangerous.salety wise and iinanoiaiiy. Aptumomsraoaarottouurwougnrioigrtnounuooaswoua alowtne cttylooorvectsny issues beiora they become dangerous through tho inability to control through ertloroement. canIheellydonothlng7Noi BtndoIhesrrnrtrol|oul.t.efemaiusurethatthe business ownenoltheoe unite.the Itslghbourhoodgandtheclty can handle this raungelnaeormoledrolmrtlmteadoltheottrnntplmrnddtyuddquplo aaturetlonpropoeelhelngplnauthaloreuumciltmnnurmml s.o.Harvey Page 195 of 211 Mu».'§‘lED COXDY APR 1 0 ms /t,«;,u,mi L__H, . V *""7 -1304-osiin-os ,5 "E.“A f”““"““*,{§5:fE12“;.4-".3 Page 196 of211 Page 197 of211 ALL By-law No.2018 - A by-law to amend By-law No.80-114,being a by-law to designate pnvale roadways as he routes along which no parking of vehldos shall be pennitted THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1.8y«|aw No 80-114 is amended by deleting Schedule ‘A’and Schedule "A" altached hereto shall be insenad in lieu lhereol. 2‘By«Iaw No.80414 as amended by adding Schedule ‘B-99‘attached hereto. Passed this mnth day of Aplil,2018. %)s}u"LL:2{i)ne.Mi§¥§bRiI'Aéi'1"?&§li.'a‘i;i'E"§‘i;i"i5n'6'r'$'A'T'I'f First Reedmg’Apnl 10.2018. Second Roadmg:Apnl 10.2018. Third Reading:April 10.2018 Page 198 M21‘! COLUMN 1 SITE Thorold Stone Mall Stamlerd Green Plaza Town 8.country Plaza Drummond Square Towers Plaza Lundy's Lane Plaza Niagara Square Finbewe Plaza Electronic Supermarket Southway Plaza Skylon Tower Pyramid Place Maple Leaf Village Canadian Tire Y.M C.A. Summerlea Acres Slamlord Collegiate Viaoria Meadows Townhomes Niagara South Condominium Corporalion No.21 YWCA Residential Complex Niagara Crossing Factory Slores St.Paul Driving Range SCHEDULE “A" COLUMN 2 LOCATION 8161 Thorold stone Road Pmlage Road 3548 Portage Road Drummorld Road Morrison Slreel B460 Lundys Lane 7555 Monlrose Road 6734 Lundys Lane 6282 Lundys Lane Drurnrnond and Dunn 5200 Robinson Street 5400 Robinson Slreel Falls Avenue (Oneida Lane) 6340 McLeod Road 4261 Founh Avenue 6767 Thorold Stone Reed Drurrrmond Road and Leonard Avenue Monastery Drive Kaler Road and Coventry Road Ailarrtnus Avenue Oakwood Drive st Paul Avenue COLUMN 3 SCHEDULE '8' NUMBER Schedule 'B-I ' Schedule ‘B-2’ Schedule ‘Bn3' Schedule 'B—4' Schedule ‘B-5' Schedule ‘B-B‘ Schedule ‘B-7' Schedule ‘B-8' Schedule ‘B-9' Schedule ‘B-10' Schedule ‘B-1 1' Schedule ‘B-12' Schedule ‘B-13' Schedule ‘B-14' Schedule ‘B-1 5' Schedule ‘B-15' Schedule ‘B-17' Schedule ‘B-18' Schedule ‘B-19' Schedule ‘B-20' Schedule ‘B-2 1 ' Schedule ‘B-22' Page 199 of211 COLUMN 1 SITE Brockway Business Centre Niagara South Condominium No 28 Niagara South Condominium No.19 Brookslde Village Cooperative Homes Inc. Niagara south Condominium Plan No.43 Factor Forms Niagara Ltd. Zahrs Markets Americana Reson Niagara South Condominium Corporation #2 Kingsbtidga Village Non-Pro?t Housing Corporation Pine Meadows Builders Townhouse Condominiurn Projed -35 Townhouses 21 Unit Townhume Developmarii Niagara South Condominium Corporatlon No.1 Edscha of Canada First Professional Management Inc. SCHEDULE "A" COLUMN 2 LOCATION Montroua and Thorold Stone Roads 5100 Dorcheatar Road 5150 Dorchester Road 8175 McLeod Road 4230 Meadowvale Drive 8481 Earl Thomas Avenue Morrison stool and Dorchosler Road 8444 Lundys Lane 3955 Portage Road 3516 Main Street 8055 McLeod Road and 8065 McLeod Road 5088 DvurnmcmuRoad Mewburri Road 6453 Colborne Street and 6476 Huggins Street 5796 Don Murlo Street 7190 Morrison Slraai COLUMN 3 SCHEDULE ‘B’ NUMBER Schedule ‘B-23' Schedule ‘B-24' Schedule ‘B-25' Schedule ‘B-26' Schedule 'B-27‘ Schedule ‘B-28' Schedule ‘B-29' Schedule 'B-30‘ Schedule 'B-31 ' Schedule ‘B-32’ Schedule ‘B-33' Schedule ‘B-34' Schedule ‘B-35' Schedule ‘B-36' Schedule ‘B-37' Schedule ‘B-33' Page 200 of211 SCHEDULE "A" COLUIII 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 SITE LOCATION SCHEDULE ‘B’ NUMBER Orchard Grave Estates Magnolia Drive Schedule “B—39" Extension A<>oesstoLota30-33.36-39, 42 -45 and 48 -51 Eoono Lodge Hotel 7514 Lundys Lane Schedule 'B-$0“ Montrose Gardens Mcmtrose Road Schedule ‘B41' Orlando Drive Condornlnlum 3797 Orlando Drive Schedule "842" Micron Installations 6501 Kasler Road Schedule ‘B-43" Rosernount condomin-um Montrose Road Schedule ‘B4-1" Mount Carmel Centre Montrose Road Schedule ‘845" Great Lodge Roson Wztorie Avenue at Leader Lane Schedule ‘B-46“ Burnfield Lane Condormniurn 3241 Montrose Road schedule ‘B47' Niagara South Condominium 5200 Dorchoster Road schedule ‘B-48' Niagara South Condominium 7001 Casey Street Schedule ‘B-49" Corp.342 Niagara South Condominlum Z684 Mewbum Road Schedule “B-50' Corp.857 Promenade Condornimurna 3300 Montrose Road schedule ‘B-51‘ Home Depot 7190 Morrison Street Sctbedute ‘B-52' The Courtyard at Meadow 8142 Costabcle Drive Schedule 'B~53‘ Creek Fals Masonry Ltd.5595 Drummond Road Schedule ‘B-54' Townhouse Condornlnrums Fe!-oiano Pingue 6012 Frontenac Street Schedule ‘B-55' Proposed Condominium Feliciano Pingue 6430 Montrose Road Schedule ‘B-56' Proposed Condornirbum Page 201 of211 COLUMN 1 SITE Canada one Factory Outlet Mall Nragara South Condommum Corporation No.4 «Park Royal Niagara Catholic Dismal School Board -wesl Niagara Falls Cnthollc Eiemenlary School Secord Mills Modern Landfrl Inc. Ashton Heigms Condominium Courtyard Aparlmenls MacBain Community Centre Vuctorla Park Towers Imperial Towers 6390 Huggrns Apartrnents and 6400 Huggins Apartment: Rock Spring Gardens Condominium West Meadow Phase II Delphine Gardens Adeline Apartments Panoramic Properties Inc. 1251549 Ontario Liniled and 623381 Onlmlo Inc. Condominium Omada Homes Inc. SCHEDULE “A” COLUMN 2 LOCATION 7500 Lum:Iy's Lane 3322 Addison Sheet 3900 Kehr Road 8913 Sodom Road 2025 Frultben Parkway Drumrnond Road and Munay areal 4653 Dnrrnmond Road 7150 Monlmse Road 8521 Drurnmond Road 6563 Drurnmond Road 6390 and 6400 Huggins Street 6334 Desanka Avenue 4399 Monlrose Road 6753 O'Neil Street 6420 Montreal:Road 7591 Schollieki Road 6167-6175-6181 Dorchesler Road 5928 NIIIIHUS AVGHUO COLUIM 3 SCHEDULE '3' NUMBER Schedule "B-57" Schedule ‘B-58“ Schedule 'B—59" Schedule "8-60' Schedule ‘B46 1" Schedule "36? Schedule ‘B63’ Schedule ‘B-8-1' Schedule “B-65‘ Schedule "B-66‘ Schedule ‘B—67" Schedule ‘B-63' Schedule ‘B-69' Schedule ‘B-70' Schedule ‘B-71' Schedule ‘B-72' Schedule ‘B-73' Schedule ‘B-74' Page 202 of211 SCHEDULE "A" COLUWI 1 COLUMN 2 COLUIII 3 SITE LOCATION SCHEDULE '8' NUIIBER Brighton Condominiums 3915 Portage Road Schedule ‘B-75" Thundering Waters 6000 Marirreland Parkway Schedule ‘B-76" Condomlnlums Langandoen Homes Ltd.-2634 St.Paul Avenue Schedule '8-77" Moadowcroek Homes Marleen Homes 9440 Eagle Ridge Drive Schoduto "B—78“ wetnbrermer Place Inc.3401 -3421 wehbmnner Road Schedute ‘B-79' Nlagara South Standard 8263 Valley Way Schedule ‘B-60" Condomlntum Corporation No. 104 (Valtey Way Temnhomea] The Bonnengton Apartments 4213 Portage Rood Schedule ‘B-81' Frank Costantino Construction 6186 Dorchester Road Schedule “8»82" Ltd.Condominium People Mover:Bus 8208 Heartland Forest Road schedule 'B—83" Maintenance and Storage Facility Niagara South Condorninlurn 2720 Mewbum Road Schedub ‘B-84" Corporabon No.25 (Mount Forest Village) Niagara South Condominium 4336 Kalar Road Schedule ‘8«85" Corporation No.80 Vlctoria Woods «Phase 1,5622 Ironwood Street Schedule "B-86“ Block 98 Optimist Village 7276 Optimal Lane Schedule ‘B-B7" (Unns 1 -16) Stamford Village Condominiums 2799 St.Paul Avenue Schedule ‘B-83' Page 203 of211 COLUMN 1 SITE DMS Properly Management Victoria Woods -Phase 2 Block 97 In Lols 33-37 Olympia Retirement Condominium Fallsview Tmnrhornos Smart Townes The Townes at Mount Carmel Carenposl Gardens Smancenlre:Niagara Fans Old?eld Estates —Phase 4 Stamford Centre Volunteer Fireman's Association (Fireman's Park) Garwood Homes Inc. SCHEDULE "A" COLUMN 2 LOCATION 6420 Delta Drive 9245 to 9311 Shorveller Drive 4644 Penn Avenue 5820 Robinson Street (Fonneny 8158 Main St.) 7768 Ascot Circle 3232 Monlrose Road 8700 Wllloughby Drive 7481 Oakwood Drwe Old?eld Road 2275 Dovchester Road 5065 Portage Road COLUMN 3 SCHEDULE '8‘ NUMBER Schedule “8r89' Schedule "B-90' Schedule "8~9 1' Schedule ‘B-92' Schedule ‘B-93“ Schedule "8-94' Schedule “S-95" Schedule "B-96" Schedule “B~97' Schedule "B-98" Schedule ‘B-99' Page 204 of211 _.uS...m_._:om__._om Page 205 of211 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS BY-LAW Number 2018- A by-kw Io unend B)-Inw B9-2000.bdnn I by-Ilw lo rexulnle puking Ind tu?lc on Cl) Roads.(Ihrting Prohibited.Stopping I‘ruIIihiIod. Yield Signs :1!Inlcrscc?orls.Stop Sign;.11 Irmrxxliorls.Through Highuznysl The Comic]!oflhe Corporation oflhe CI!)of.\iII1urI Flls hereby I-‘..\|ACTS :5 follows: I.By-law No.N21111:.amauou.ishuchy‘rum-u anvcrxhd (:1)by mmowing from Ihc spoci?cdsxxlunuh of Schedule (‘Mano Ihc following ilcnh. PARKING PROHIBITED counnu couuu 1 couuu a comma A mswuv so:armuu nar.smAvs Ctauloru 3 Sonmusl A pm as rnv-vs!(1 Am:True: Lcndm 0:am spams: rn v-vsloILan6unCl Page 206 of211 (M 17)‘adding Iolhc speci?ed columm ol‘$chcduIc A Ihcrdo Ihc followitg ilcmz STOPPING PROHIBITED CCIIIUNI CCMJHN 2 CCMJHN J CCIIIKI I NEIMAV E!BEEN TUESDAYS Clau??Soot But:A Bar!45 man:and AKNI Ymu Lcndm Gout man par: 95 mn'uvn6KolL¢'Idu'I Conn «cm by adding from me speci?ed co|umnsol‘$chcdu|c c Ihcmlo me l‘o||o\\1'ng ilcmsz PARKING PROHIBITED comma!count»2 could»I comm I mawuv ml anvnu viansnmrs Rwandan Avmuv East A par:as man:sauna Aw:Imus Lou-mngsnuar-uapcm E-wpcnypcmzsomore:mm d Lournmg sum my Ivy removing frum III:speci?ed oolumm ol‘Schcdu|c o Ihcmlo am following ilcmsz YIELD SIGNS AT INTERSECTIONS CCMJIUNI C110“!2 IIYHBECTKDN FAOD5 THANKS Crm-w-oudAn mdkmmung D Ncrtoaur-uonunsuung D (us:nlrsoclm) Crm-w-oudAn mdkmmung D Ncrtoaur-uonunsuung D (has Irudaclm) Crm-mood An and Badger Ru wawamdm a.a¢garR¢ Crmw-oudAvv md1suS Easuuu-ua?sust Crmw-oudAvv mdwauaroud S Easuumu tn Wes:-cod S Page 207 of211 (c)by adding ?om 0|:speci?ed columnsof?chcdulc P Ihclclolhc following ilansz STOP SIGNS AT INTERSECTIONS TWIN!CKWI1 IITKECTDII FAQIG TIMFC Ciu-n~uodAvcrua mammmgnma no-vounaonumxmgnma (&KuI¢:ouo‘I) Ciu-n~uodAvcrua mammmgnma no-vounaonumxmgnma (Vksl nlwsoao? Ciu-n~uodAvcrua and anger and Wuhoud an B.:'1gurRud Ciu-n~uodAvcma lid Td 30¢Elahoud CI ‘lad Slnd Ciu-n~uodAvcma lIdVWs«Ia?309!Elahoud CI Vwslvood Slnd Rvdla Snuanrl Glam Avuua no-vounaon<:mnAvama Rgdla Snaund Guam Avcua Sommumd m<3nmAvcrua Rgdla Snaund Guam Avcua auteur!an Rysdla sum Rgdla Snaund Guam Avcua Wubourl an Rgdla Sn: Rvdla Snuanrl m.gonAvama no-voamaonMeagan Avmua Rpauasnuanu m.gonAvama ammmmuogau Avcma Rgdla Snaund bb@onAvarua auteur!an Rysdla sum Rgdla Snaund bb@onAvarua Wubourl an Rgdla Sn: Buvcuw Bulhvldalllwilh mvo Pa?lvtly Elahoud CI Buvcuw Bulavid Buvcuw Bulhvldalllwilh mvo Pa?lvtly Wu«E\.l'I'.I CI Buvcuw Bulhvld (D by removing fmm Ihc speci?ed oolumm ofschndulc N Ihcmio Ihc following ilcm: THROUGH HIGHWAYS cowmu cow»:2 mcuwu azmuu Rvdla sx Wuxluluol?alnsz Rd and onlllllllolbuwwdinl Rd Page 208 of211 This By-law shal come nnlo tome when Ms mprcpriale sngns as nnslaled. Patna this hnlh day olbprll.2018. WILUAM G.MATSOMACTINGCITY CLERK Fnrsl?nnllw km no zona sxonmmu;km no zona mm mane km no zona LimssM.onooam.MAYOR Page 209 of211 011'Y OF MAGARA FALLS By-Ila!No.2018- A by-law to proribit certain uses ol land in the aea ol the City ol Niagra Fals regulaed by Zoning By-law Nos.19-200.as amended:1538.1958.as anended;395.1966 as amended:and m—N as amended. VAEREAS Section 38 ol the Planning Act provides that where a oounci ol a local murunpairy las diected.by by-law orresolution.that a review or study be undertaken. the cound may pas a by-law (relerred to as an iuterlm control by-law)to be it ellect lot a period or time spedfued it the by-law.prduiliting the use or land.buildings or struclrres within the munidpality or within me defined area or areas Iuereol lot.or except lor.sud:purposes as are set out ‘nuhe by-law. AND Wt-EREAS the Counci ol the Corporation or the City ol Niagara Fals las.by resolution adopted on the 28th day ol Mardu.2011.directed that a review or study be undertauen in respect ol the land use naming polcies and zoning regulations respecting the use ol properties than ae zoned as or used as a boerdiug or roomiug hoise. AND WHEEAS the land uses described are within the area lor whim suau review or study is to be undertaken. THE OOUNCIL OF TIE CORPORATION OF THE QTY OF MAGARA FALLS ENACTSASFOLLOWS: 1.No person shal use any land.buidhg or stnuclrre within the City ol Niagara Fals as a boadhg or roorring house. 2.This by-law stall be it ellect lora period ol one yea lrorn April 10.2018 to Apri 9.2019. Pamed tlis temh day orApri.2018. Wii.'u.uA'r'.iG.MAITISON.ACT-I-Nut.-‘T limesM.ouoonu.mvoii""""" First Reading:Apri 10.2013 Second Readi :Apri 10.2018 mumReading:Apri 10.2013 s -i-ucusnaaozuug rm.an/savory rrouuosuuuwapwuocu Page 210 of211 QTY OF MAGARA FALLS By-law No.2010 - A by-law to adopt.raiiy and coniim the actions oi my Cound at its meetirng held on the 10"day or April.2013. Wl-EREAS it is deemed desia?e and expedient trat the actions and proceedings oi Coundl as herein set lorth be adopted.railied and corlimned by by-law. NOWTPEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF ‘NE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF MAGARA FALLS ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1.The actions oi the Counci at its meeing held on the 10"day oi April.2018 irnchlding al motors.resoliliors and other actions taken by the Cound at its said meeting.are hereby adopted.ratified and confirmed as if Iney were expressly embodied in this by-law.except Mnere the prior approval oi the Ontario Munic'paI Board or other authority is by law requied or any action requied by law to be taken by resohltiorn. 2 Where no individual by-law has been or is pased with respect to the taking oi any action authorized in or with respect I)the exerdse or any powers by he Coninci.then this by-law shal be demned For al purposes to be the by-law requied Forapprovirng.authorizing and taxing oi any action authorized therein or thereby.or requied Forthe exerdse oi any powers thereon by the Coundl. 3.The Mayor and the proper oifnoers oi the Corporaion d the my oi Niagara Fals are hermy authorized and drected to do al hings neoesary to g've elfect to the said actions oi he Coninci or to obtain approvals where reqnired.and.except where otherwise provided.the Mayor and he Clerk are hereby authorized and diected to exewte al dommerns arising therelrom and neoesary on banal!oi the Corporaion oi the my d Niagara Fals and b aifnx thereto the corporate sea oi the Corporation olthe Cityd Niagara Fals. Pamed tris temh olApri.2018. \'}n)n.u/innc.MX¥s}:>N.»i:1N<'s"<':'i5i§}"n'*.'n.aan<JAMES M.DlODATI.MAYOR First Reading:Apri 10.2013 Second Readirng:Apri 10.2018 mm:Reading:Apri 10.2013 Page 211 of211