01-14-2020 - No. 3 - Homelessness �yxa
The City of Niagara Falls, Ontario
January 14, 2020
No. 3
Moved by: Councillor Lori Lococo
Seconded by: Councillor Carolynn loannoni
WHEREAS Niagara Regional government has recognized the needs of Niagara's
homeless in this council's strategic plan.
WHEREAS faced with growing service demands and inadequate funding, Niagara
Regional council has repeatedly placed a spotlight on these needs and additionally
increased its own funding to address local homelessness and poverty.
WHEREAS despite highlighting disparities, the current Provincial homelessness funding
formula has not evolved to address changing economic conditions across the province,
or reflect local need. Funding allocations should be aligned with a mix of indicators to
reflect community need, such as population, caseloads on social assistance (Ontario
Disability Support Program and Ontario Works), and deep core need as examples.
Municipality Population—2016 Census 2019/2020 Funding Allocation Funding Per Capita
Windsor 398,953 $10,703,752 $26.83
Hamilton 536,917 $19,645,911 $36.59
Waterloo 535,154 $10,682,886 $19.96
Region of Niagara 447,888 $7,847,786 $17.52
WHEREAS Niagara is similar to much of southern Ontario whereby our shelter system is
operating at over 100 per cent capacity consistently. However, where Niagara differs is
the significant change in our rental vacancy rates, putting increasing pressures on
shelters, as individuals and families cannot exit the system to affordable rental and
housing options. Specifically, vacancy rates that would support singles demonstrate a
significant challenge to find housing.
Primary Rental Market Vacancy Rates (Niagara Falls)
2015 2016 2017 2018
Bachelor unknown 0.0 0.0 unknown
1 Bedroom 2.0 3.6 1.8 unknown
Note: unknown means insufficient or unreliable data for that type of unit for that period.
WHEREAS lower vacancy rates, combined with rising house prices and a significant
senior's population, have further challenged the homelessness system in Niagara, along
with the community agencies that deliver support services in partnership with the Region.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED That the City of Niagara Falls asks that the
homelessness funding be reviewed by the Provincial government as well as the Regional
Municipality of Niagara to align to local indicators of need (population, core housing,
social) through a realignment of existing funding, or through allocations of new/future
AND FURTHER that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Minister of Municipal Affairs
and Housing, Steve Clark, MPP Wayne Gates, MPP Sam Oosterhoff, MPP Jennie
Stevens, MPP Jeff Burch, Niagara Regional Council, Niagara Region Commissioner
Community Services Adrienne Jugley, Niagara Region Chair Jim Bradley, Niagara
Region Acting CAO Ron Tripp and all Local Area Municipalities of Niagara.
AND The Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
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