06-23-2020 - In-Camera oat !VS A rini CITY Or. 1 At CANADA NjA The City of Niagara Falls, Ontario Resolution June 23, 2020 Moved by: Councillor Victor Pietrangelo Seconded by: Councillor Wayne Thomson WHEREAS all meetings of Council are to be open to the public; and WHEREAS the only time a meeting or part of a meeting may be closed to the public is if the subject matter falls under one of the exceptions under s. 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001. WHEREAS on June 23rd, 2020, Niagara Falls City Council will be holding a Closed Meeting as permitted under s. 239 (2) (b) and (h) of the Municipal Act: (2) A meeting or part of a meeting may be closed to the public if the subject matter being considered is, (b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal employees (h) information explicitly supplied in confidence to the municipality or local board by Canada, a province or territory or a Crown agency of any of them. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that on June 23rd, 2020 Niagara Falls City Council will go into a closed meeting prior to their scheduled Meeting of Council that is scheduled at 1:00 p.m., to consider matters that fall under 239 (b) of the Municipal Act to discuss a Personal matter regarding a municipal employee's tenure as well as under 239 (2) (h) of the Municipal Act to discuss direction to staff surrounding Transfer Payment Agreements with both the Federal and Provincial governments. Carried Unanimously AND The Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. 1/fr,„ 1/-74_ WILLIAM G. MATSON JAMES M. DIODATI CITY CLERK MAYOR