2004/07/26SEVENTEENTH MEETING In Camera Session Committee Room #2 July 26, 2004 Council met on Monday, July 26, 2004 at 6:30 p.m. in an In Camera Session. All members of Council, with the exception of Alderman Morocco, were present. Alderman Campbell presided as Chair. Following consideration of the items presented, the In Camera session rose to report in open session. READ AND ADOPTED, DEAN IOR DA, uITY CLERK R. T. (TED) SALCI, MAYOR PLANNING MEETING Council Chambers July 26, 2004 Council met on Monday, July 26, 2004 at 7:10 p.m. for the purpose of considering Planning /Regular Business matters. All members of Council, with the exception of Alderman Morocco, were present. Alderman Volpatti offered the Opening Prayer. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST Alderman Pietrangelo indicated a conflict of interest with Cheque 284985 of Municipal Accounts July 12, 2004. The Niagara Catholic District School Board is his employer. PRESENTATIONS Canadian Millennium Scholarship Winners Mayor Salci recognized the local recipients of the Canadian Millennium Scholarship in recognition of community involvement, demonstrated leadership abilities, innovative thinking and academic achievement: Shelly Chadda, Stephanie Pang and Anh Nguyen, who was unable to attend. PLANNING MATTERS PD- 2004 -64- Chief Administrative Officer- Re: Zoning By -law Amendment Application; AM- 17/2004, Fernwood Draft Plan of Subdivision 26T -11- 2004 -03 (Revised) Official Plan and Zoning Amendment Application AM- 23/2003 Fernwood Subdivision. -AND Communication No. 114 the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. The communication expresses the opinion that it would be premature to consider both the plan of subdivision and zoning by -law amendment for the property until the official plan conformity is in place. -AND Communication No. 119 City Clerk. 2 July 26, 2004 Council Meetings -AND Communication No. 115 the Regional Niagara, Planning and Development Department. The communication expresses the opinion that the application should be deferred while the Region is in the process of pursuing action under their Tree by -law. -AND Communication No. 116 Dr. John Bacher, Chair, Friends of the Twelve Mile Creek. The communication requests that Council obtain an independent legal opinion to protect the forest. -AND Communication No. 117 the Federation of Ontario Naturalists. The communication recommends that the Garner Road Forest be identified as significant woodlands and an all- season evaluation take place. -AND Communication No. 118 Mr. Peter Grandoni, R.R. #1, 4810 Garner Road. The communication calls for denial of the application and preservation of the woodlot -AND Communication No. 120 the Ministry of Natural Resources. The communication expresses the opinion that woodlot #83 should be considered a significant woodlot. -AND Communication No. 121 Victor Muratori, Sullivan Mahoney. The communication to the Region's Planning Development Department taking exception to previous correspondences and correcting alleged inaccuracies. -AND Communication No. 122 Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority. The communication indicates no objections subject to conditions and comments outlined. -AND Communication No. 123 Ministry of Transportation. The communication outlines required setbacks. -AND Communication No. 124 the Regional Niagara, Planning and Development Department. The communication requests withdrawal of Communication No. 100 and other points of clarification. -AND Communication No. 125 Mr. Frank Fohr, 5701 MacPherson Crescent. The communication requests that the City insist that the developer sell back the woodlot so it can be preserved. -AND Communication No. 126 CN Railway Properties. The communication outlines the various conditions required by CN. -AND Communication No. 127 Victor Muratori, Sullivan Mahoney. The communication to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs Housing. 3 July 26, 2004 Council Meetings -AND Communication No. 128 Mr. Albert Garofalo, 450 Rice Road, Welland. The communication outlines the alleged vegetation inventory on the property in question. -AND Communication No. 129 Ms. Jean Grandoni, R.R. #1, 4810 Garner Road. The communication calls for denial of the application and preservation of the woodlot The City Clerk Public Meeting is now being convened to consider a proposed amendment to the City zoning by -law for the Fernwood Subdivision to permit R1 E Zoning for a 16.649 Hectare parcel of land. Notice was given was first class mail in accordance with the Planning Act on Friday July 2, 2004 and by posting a sign on the property in question. Anyone who wants notice of the passage of the zoning by -law amendment or to participate in any Site Plan Process if applicable shall leave their on the sign in sheets outside the Council Chamber. The Director of Planning Development indicated that this was a three -fold application: an Official Plan Amendment application proposing to introduce special policies, a subdivision application and a zoning amendment application changing the zoning from industrial to residential. The Director of Planning and Development provided a history of the application. The subject lands are 100 acres. In September 2003, the developer came forward with a conceptual plan (Plan "A The Council considered the Official Plan Amendment Application and approved that application in principle. The conceptual plan indicated major ingress and egress from Garner Road, provided for a storm water management facility located at the south edge of the property wherein the stream courses would be realigned and would form part of a comprehensive development of the Storm Water Management Area, and planned for an acoustical berm for the protection of the subdivision against the adjacent industrial use lands and CN rail tracks. Staff was directed to proceed with the draft Official Plan amendment and come up with special policies related to the woodlots. After consulting with various authorities, the Ministry of Natural Resources indicated that the northern woodlot was significant and should be given an environmental protection designation. Based on the inputs received from the Region and the Ministry of Natural Resources, staff proceeded to develop a Draft Official Plan Amendment, which was rejected by the developer. The matter returned in February 2004. The concept at the time was to protect the majority of the northern woodlot save for two estate lots which had restricted building envelopes. The developer withdrew the application before it was heard. A recommendation to undertake an independent woodlot study was defeated by Council. Subsequent to the meeting, the developer proceed to file a subdivision application and re- zoning application known as Plan "C the application before Council. Plan "C" was a marked deviation from the original Concept Plan "A" and proposed a substantial portion of the woodlot developed as part of the Plan of Subdivision. Rather than a single ingress /egress into the subdivision the plan was now proposing two ingress /egress points and which would represent the first stage of the subdivision. The developer had incorporated staff suggestions eliminating most of the cul -de -sacs and incorporating a proposed second entrance via Lundy's Lane. The Director of Planning and Development indicated that the woodlot issue remains unresolved. He outlined the differing legal opinions on whether the City could designate the lands as an Environmental protection area subsequent to the application by the developer. 4 July 26, 2004 Council Meetings Other unresolved issues include the lack of detail on the housing mix and density for the entire project, the proposed roadway through the northern woodlot and the amount of active parkland. In addition various agencies such as the Regional Niagara Planning and Development Department and the Ministry of Natural Resources have commented on the importance of the woodlot and the presence of a significant wildlife habitat. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing raised concerns questioned the processing of applications in light of Provincial planning policies. The Director of Planning and Development made the following conclusions: the proposed amendment is not in keeping with the direction provided by Council in September 2003. Substantial deviation from the developer's preferred concept has taken place since the time staff recommended and Council approved in principle; the upper tier planning authorities (Region and Ministry of Natural Resources) continue to take issue with the amount of wood lot protection proposed. Full protection of the north wood lot by way of an Environmental Protection Area designation is recommended; the City and Region have obtained independent legal opinions which challenge the position being advanced by the proponent's solicitor that the City cannot protect the north wood lot by way of an EPA designation. In response to questions, the Solicitor outlined his opinion of the case law. It was also indicated that the property could be currently used for Adult Entertainment purposes and that the City's last Official Plan Update was done prior to the Wood Lot Study. His Worship Mayor Salci advised that failure to make oral or written submissions at the Council meeting could result in the dismissal of the case at a future Ontario Municipal Board hearing. There was a positive response to Mayor Salci's request for comments. Greg Hind, Planner, Paul Associate, represents adjacent property owner Mr. Romano and the Reliance Group. Their property is between Beechwood Road and the subject lands. In September 2003 their position was neutral, indicating they supported the concept of residential development of this site. They were hopeful that development on the subject lands would enable an expansion fo the Urban Boundary Expansion to include their lands. Mr. Hind felt that Beechwood Road was a more logical urban boundary. In light of the fact that the latest application, unlike the original concept plan, does not allow for a connection to Beechwood Road, the Reliance Group objects to the application. Albert Garofalo, an ecologist, 450 Rice Road Welland, noted several significant species not listed in the Campbell report. Mr. Garofalo questioned the evaluations given in the applicant's study and suggested that a decision be delayed until a proper evaluation of the wetlands take place. Dr. John Bacher, 134 Church Street, St. Catharines, indicated that of the proposed 6.5 acres in Plan "C" to be saved as a wood lot, approximately 2.5 acres is designated MTO lands, therefore, what is really being offered is a diminished wood lot of 4 acres. He indicated that the Region recognized that woodlot needed protection, the full season evaluation had never been presented to Council and, in light of the pending action regarding the removed southern woodlot, the developer could be ordered to reforest the site. As a result, Council would be prudent to defer a decision. Carol Johnson, 4999 Kingston Avenue, did not feel that the application was founded on sound principles. Linda Tampure, 584 Beechwood Road, has a property that is parallel to proposed subdivision. Based on what she's seen she is in favour of the subdivision. July 26, 2004 Council Meetings Joe McMaster, 9301 Beaverdams Road, fully supported planning recommendation that this report not be approved at this time. He felt that there was enough housing supply in the municipality, this was not a logical location for a subdivision, it was contrary to Smart Growth concepts, the subdivision would stretch municipal infrastructure, in light of the cutting on the south woodlot, more tree cutting should not be encouraged, stronger tree preservation measures were needed, the application was contrary to the efforts of the City's own Park in the City committee and the animal habitat should be preserved. Marianna McMaster, 9301 Beaverdams Road, questioned the developer's past record regarding park land. It was clarified by staff that the developer has met all requirements in his past subdivisions. It was also explained that in Orchard Grove a natural, passive park was proposed and accepted. Unfortunately, as people settle in subdivisions they want active park land. Allan Barnett, 4622 Garner Road, disagreed with placing a subdivision in a rural area and felt there would be an increase in road traffic. Peter Van Kleef, Campark Resort, Lundy's Lane, an abutting property owner was concerned about the lack of a Sound Vibration Study, noise impacts on his campers and the possibility that his patrons would not be to have a campfires once the subdivision is habitable. Staff clarified that as a part of the Plan of Subdivision there would be a noise study required. It is usual conducted to protect residential areas from noise, in this case it is to protect the campground from noise bouncing back. This will be noted and when the noise study are conducted this will be looked at. In past cases, special accommodations where made for campgrounds exempting them from the burning by -law. Peter Grandoni, 4810 Garner Road, hoped that in light of the comments from the Region, the Ministries, and City staff that Council agree with recommendation of the report to deny the application. He indicated that development in the area has already caused flooding on his back property due to interference with the natural watercourse. Mr. Grandoni did not disagree with the subdivision but wanted the entire wood lot of 12.5 acres preserved. Jean Grandoni, 4810 Garner Road, expressed the opinion that government lacks the vision to plan for its resources and this woodlot is a forestry resource. She felt that there should be a watershed plan, the existing woodlot should be protected and the southern woodlot replanted. Rick Calisina, 5497 Beechwood Road, Niagara Falls, indicated that Beaverdams was a dangerous road and added traffic would only add to the problems. Victor Muratori, Sullivan Mahoney, Solicitor for the developer indicated that the northern woodlot had never been designated as environmentally significant and has never been classified as a wetland. He pointed out that the applicant's environmental impact study is now a six season study due to the length of time that has passed. The solicitor clarified how much of the woodlot was going to be preserved, the amount of parkland being dedicated and the fact that they had not indicated parkland on their plan because City staff had not indicated a preferred location. He also indicated that an access road to the Romano property had been removed at staffs insistence. Mr. Muratori questioned the accuracy of various other correspondences. With regard to the southern woodlot, he alleged that even the Ministry of Natural Resources conceded that the lot was diseased. As a result, good forestry practices were followed and 240 trees from the lot remain. July 26, 2004 Council Meetings Mr. Muratori concluded that the applicant could live with the plan known as "Modified The Director of Planning and Development further clarified staffs position. As staff works in the public interest, they have a responsibility to protect the significant woodlot and animal habitat. He echoed the Ministry of Municipal Affairs Housing's position that special policies are needed to guide development especially at the beginning of the process. The Director of Planning and Development concluded that modified plan still flies in the face of good planning. Since no further comments were forthcoming, Mayor Salci declared the Public Meeting with regard to AM 17/2004 dosed. It was ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Campbell, seconded by Alderman Wing that Council not approve the developer's proposed Official Plan special policies, or the Fernwood Draft Plan of Subdivision (Plan "C and related Zoning By -law amendment application (AM- 17/2004). The motion was Defeated with the following recorded vote: NAYE: Alderman loannoni NAYE: Alderman Kerrio NAYE: Alderman Pietrangelo NAYE: Alderman Volpatti AYE: Alderman Campbell AYE: Alderman Diodati AYE: Alderman Wing AYE: Mayor Salci ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Volpatti, seconded by Alderman Pietrangelo that Council approve Modified Plan "C" and that staff prepare a report and required documents to implement this decision with respect to Official Plan policies, draft plan of subdivision conditions and zoning by -law amendment. The motion was Carried with the following recorded vote. AYE: Alderman loannoni AYE: Alderman Pietrangelo AYE: Mayor Salci 6 AYE: Alderman Kerrio AYE: Alderman Volpatti NAYE: Alderman Campbell NAYE: Alderman Diodati NAYE: Alderman Wing ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Pietrangelo, seconded by Alderman Volpatti that Council continue past 11:00 p.m. The motion Carried with Aldermen Campbell, loannoni and Wing opposed. REGULAR COUNCIL ADOPTION OF MINUTES ORDERED by Alderman Volpatti and seconded by Alderman Kerrio that the Planning/ Regular Minutes of the June 14, 2004 Council meeting be approved as printed. Carried Unanimously. MAYOR'S REPORTS. ANNOUNCEMENTS, REMARKS The Mayor outlined recent and upcoming events: the Lundy's Lane Historical Society unveiling of the commemorative wall, the launch of the new St. John Ambulance Patrol Boat, the First Ministers Conference and Coors Slo -Pitch for Cancer. NAYE: Alderman Diodati NAYE: Alderman Pietrangelo AYE: Alderman Campbell AYE: Alderman Volpatti 7 July 26, 2004 Council Meetings He pointed out the Centennial Brochure for City of Niagara Falls Museums and the Historic Chippawa brochure in the packages. The Mayor also mentioned hosting six mentally challenged bicyclists from Rexdale and visiting the Niagara College Virtual Lab. COMMUNICATIONS AND COMMENTS OF THE CITY CLERK Communication 130 Mr. Alex Kates of 4556 Simcoe Street Re: Fence on City Property. ORDERED on the motion of Alderman loannoni and seconded by Alderman Pietrangelo that staff work with the applicant to come up with a compromise keeping in mind that pedestrian and vehicle safety will be a priority. Carried Unanimously. Communication No. 131 Mike Glazier, Niagara Falls Junior "A" Ringette Re: Use of Niagara Falls Memorial Arena Parking Lot for a Fundraiser on October 2 -3, 2004. ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wing and Alderman Pietrangelo that permission to use the Niagara Falls Arena Parking Lot be granted. Carried Unanimously. Communication No. 132 Victoria Centre BIA Re: Financial Assistance for Hiring of a Police Officer to Control Traffic at Victoria Avenue, Centre Street and Clifton Hill Intersection. ORDERED on the motion of Alderman loannoni and seconded by Alderman Campbell that a letter be sent to the Niagara Regional Police requesting police enforcement at the corner of Victoria Avenue and Clifton Hill. Carried Unanimously. REPORTS CD- 2004 -17 -Chief AdministrativeOfficer -Re: Filling Regional Council Vacancy. The report outlines the possible recommendations Council can make to Regional Council regarding filling the vacancy left by Rob Nicholson's election to Federal Parliament. Anne Angelone advised Council that she was seconded in line in last November's run for Regional Council Member receiving 8,817 votes. Mrs. Angelone noted that she is willing and honoured at this time to represent the City of Niagara Falls at the Regional level and request that Council make the recommendation to appoint the runner up. ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Pietrangelo and seconded by Alderman Wing that the City Council make no recommendation to the Regional Council regarding the filling of the vacancy. The motion was Defeated with Aldermen loannoni, Diodati, Kerrio and Volpatti opposed. ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Volpatti and seconded by Alderman Kerrio that the City Council recommend a by- election to Regional Council. The motionwas Defeatedwith the following recorded vote: NAYE: Alderman loannoni NAYE: Mayor Salci AYE: Alderman Kerrio AYE: Alderman Wing -8 July 26, 2004 Council Meetings Following some discussion, it was ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Campbell, seconded by Alderman Volpatti that the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously. F 2004 27 Chief Administrative Officer Re: Low Income Seniors Water Rebate. The report outlines the rebate program and qualification criteria. ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Pietrangelo, seconded by Alderman Volpatti that the report be received and filed for the information of Council. Carried Unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA THE CONSENT AGENDA IS A SET OF REPORTS THAT COULD BE APPROVED IN ONE MOTION OF COUNCIL. THE APPROVAL ENDORSES ALL OF THE RECOMMENDATIONS CONTAINED IN EACH OF THE REPORTS WITHIN THE SET. THE SINGLE MOTION WILL SAVE TIME. PRIOR TO THE MOTION BEING TAKEN, AN ALDERMAN MAY REQUEST THAT ONE OR MORE OF THE REPORTS BE MOVED OUT OF THE CONSENT AGENDA TO BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Volpatti and seconded by Alderman Pietrangelo that the recommendations in the reports of the Consent Agenda be approved. 1. BBS- 2004 -05 Indexing of City Development Charges that this report be received for the information of Council; 2. CD- 2004 -16, Special Occasion Permit, First Niagara Old- timers that Council indicated it has no objection to the issuance of a Special Occasion Permit to the organization listed in this report; 3. F- 2004 -46, Final Tax Notice Due Dates for Accounts with Commercial, Industrial and Multi- Residential Assessments that the final property tax bills for the Commercial, Industrial, and Multi- Residential Assessment Classes have payment due dates of August 31, 2004 and October 20, 2004; HR- 2004 -04, Employment of Relatives Policy that Council endorse the attached policy regarding Employment of Relatives of Employees or Elected Officials. L- 2004 -05, Nicola and Esther Golia, Permanently Closing Part of Road Allowance (unopened) now known as Part 2 on Draft Reference Plan that (1) Staff be authorized to commence proceedings to permanently close part of a road allowance that is unopened between Township Lots 18 and 23, now known as Part 2 on draft Reference Plan, located east of Stanley Avenue and west of Portage and Thompson Road (the "subject lands shown hatched on Schedule "A" attached to this report; (2) this will constitute notice that at its meeting to be held on the 16th day of August, 2004 at the Council Chambers, City Hall, 4310 Queen Street, in the City of Niagara Falls, at 7:00 p.m., the Council of The Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls will consider a by -law to authorize the permanent closing of part of unopened road allowance between Township Lots 18 and 23. The contact person is the writer of this report; (3) delivery and filing of the Statement of Objection by staff be confirmed. RATIFICATION OF "IN CAMERA" MATTERS Carried ORDERED by Alderman Pietrangelo, seconded by Alderman Volpatti that the actions taken in Committee -of- the -Whole earlier this evening be approved:; 1. a) Council consents to and executes an Amendment to an Option Agreement dated November 1, 2000 between Metrus Properties Limited "Metrus and 9 July 26, 2004 Council Meetings The Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls, "Option Agreement concerning lands owned by the City, whereby Metrus agrees to release approximately 4 acres more or less west of Montrose Road and north of Chippawa Creek Road "subject lands from the Option Agreement, and shown as "Approx. 4 acres more of less" on Schedule "A" attached to this report. b) That Staff be authorized to negotiate an Offer to Purchase with Star Warning Systems for the purchase of the subject lands for the fair market value. c) The Star Warning Systems pay for the costs associated with the sale, including the cost of an appraisal and reference plan. 2. That the City Solicitor be authorized to oppose the appeal by Mr. Savage and take all necessary steps in that regard. Carried. Alderman Wing opposed to item #2. RESOLUTIONS NO. 12 VOLPATTI/ WING THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that short form wordings and set fines for offences under the Noise By -law attached hereto as Schedule "A" be adopted; AND FURTHER that the City Solicitor be authorized to make such amendments to Schedule "A" as may be required to have the said Schedule "A" approved by the Chief Judge of the Ontario Court of Justice. Carried Unanimously. NO. 13 VOLPATTI/ CAMPBELL THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that (a) Council intends to amend its 2004 budget and will consider the amendment on Monday, August 16, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. at the Council Chambers, City Hall, 4310 Queen Street, Niagara Falls, Ontario; (b) the purpose of the public meeting is to consider an amendment to the approved 2004 budget and the said proposed amendment will be discussed and considered at that time; (c) should anyone require more information, they may contact Mr. Ken Burden, Director of Finance, regarding the proposed public meeting; and (d) this Resolution shall constitute notice to the public of Council's intention to amend the budget. Carried Unanimously. BY -LAWS ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Pietrangelo, seconded by Alderman Volpatti, that leave be granted to introduce the following by -laws, and the by -laws be read a first time: 2004 -141 A by -law to amend By -law No. 80 -114, being a by -law to designate private roadways as fire routes along which no parking of vehicles shall be permitted. 2004 -142 A by -law to amend By -law 2002 -081, being a by -law to appoint City employees, agents and third parties for the enforcement of provincial or municipal by -laws. 2004 -143 A by -law to authorize the execution of an Agreement with 918969 Ontario Inc., carrying on business as Rob Robinson Son Construction, respecting a condition to pass an Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By -law Amendment to accommodate a proposed contractor's yard. 10 July 26. 2004 Council Meetings 2004 -114 A by -law to set and levy the rates of taxation for City purposes, for Regional purposes, and for education purposed for the Year 2004. 2004 -145 To adopt, ratify and confirm the actions of the City Council at its meeting held on the 26 day of July, 2004. The motion Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Pietrangelo, seconded by Alderman Volpatti, that the by -laws now be read a second and third time: 2004 -141 A by -law to amend By -law No. 80 -114, being a by -law to designate private roadways as fire routes along which no parking of vehicles shall be permitted. 2004 -142 A by -law to amend By -law 2002 -081, being a by -law to appoint City employees, agents and third parties for the enforcement of provincial or municipal by -laws. 2004 -143 A by -law to authorize the execution of an Agreement with 918969 Ontario Inc., carrying on business as Rob Robinson Son Construction, respecting a condition to pass an Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By -law Amendment to accommodate a proposed contractor's yard. 2004 -114 A by -law to set and levy the rates of taxation for City purposes, for Regional purposes, and for education purposed for the YEAR 2004. 2004 -145 To adopt, ratify and confirm the actions of the City Council at its meeting held on the 26 day of July, 2004. NEW BUSINESS Carried Unanimously. Alderman Wing declared a conflict. The motion Carried Unanimously. Niagara Parks Commission Proposed Gondola Alderman Campbell referred to his letter to John Kernahan, General Manager of the Niagara Parks Commission regarding the Gondola Attraction. Following discussion it was ORDERED on the motion by Alderman Campbell, seconded by Alderman Volpatti that the Province of Ontario direct the Niagara Parks Commission to immediately commence a formal Environmental Assessment prior to any final decisions being made with respect to the proposed "gondola attraction that the Niagara Parks Commission review their short term and long term goals with regard to those goals previously established in the document "Ontario's Niagara Parks: Planning the Second Century"; and that Niagara Falls City Council is opposed to the proposed Niagara Parks Commission gondola attraction. Alderman Campbell advised Council that Preserve Our Parks Group (POP) is having a meeting July 27, 2004 at Our Lady of Scapular Church on Thorold Stone Road at 7:00 p.m. regarding the Gondola Attraction. Mrs. Carol Robinson of POP advised Council that they have over 4,000 signatures on a petition to stop the gondola attraction. July 26, 2004 Council Meetings It was ORDERED by Alderman Pietrangelo, seconded by Alderman Campbell that it support Kim Craitor, MPP in his efforts to introduce a motion in the Provincial legislature to examine the structure of the Niagara Parks Commission, how it is constituted and how it can be more accountable to the public. Carried Unanimously. Alderman Wing declared a conflict. Mississauga's Efforts to Leave the Region of Peel It was ORDERED by Alderman Volpatti, seconded by Alderman Campbell that a letter of support be sent to Hazel McCallion, the Mayor of Mississauga, in recognition of her efforts to get Mississauga out of Regional government. Carried. Alderman Wing opposed. READ AND ADOPTED, ORDERED on a motion of Alderman loannoni, seconded by Alderman Campbell that the meeting be adjourned. Carried Unanimously. DEAN IORF IDA!CITY CLERK R. T. (TED) SALCI, MAYOR