2005/09/19 (3) The City of Niagara Falls, Ontario Council Chambers No. 11 September 19, 200~ Moved by Alderman DIODATI Seconded by Alderman PIETRANGELO WHEREAS Canadian consumers have witnessed skyrocketing gas prices in recent weeks; and WHEREAS many have attributed the increases to recent natural disasters in the United States; and WHEREAS despite recent natural disasters in the United States, Canada did not face a shortage in gasoline or an increase in costs; and WHEREAS experts, economists and analysts have attributed the increases to a dearth of competition in the wholesale gasoline sector; and WHEREAS the wholesale gasoline sector is dominated by a handful of refining companies who exclusively share infrastructure, such as pipelines and terminals; and WHEREAS it is speculated that the recent increase in gas prices meant pure profit for gasoline wholesalers; and WHEREAS without a sufficient number of competitors, price competition does not exist; and WHEREAS supply and demand economics only exist when there are numerous competitors THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Niagara Falls City Council support the Canadian Independent Petroleum Marketers Association's (C.I.P.M.A) idea of asking the Federal Government to intervene in the wholesale gasoline sector to restore the free market system of competition; and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that this resolution be circulated to area municipalities, the Regional Municipality of Niagara and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (A.M.O). AND The Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. DEAN IO~ID~A~ ' R. T. (TED) SALCI CITY CLERK MAYOR