2005/10/03 The City of Niagara Falls, Ontario Council Chambers No. 12 October 3, 2005 Moved by Alderman PIETRANGELO Seconded by Alderman VOLPATTI WHEREAS Justice B. Duncan of the Ontario Court of Justice ordered the Council of the City of Niagara Falls to appoint an auditor to conduct an audit of the 2003 election campaign expenses of candidate Wayne Thomson as required by s.81.6 of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996; and WHEREAS section 81 (4) of the Municipal Elections A ct, 1996 requires the municipality to appoint an auditor by resolution; and WHEREAS a request for proposal went out for auditors licensed under the Public Accountancy Act to perform the municipal election compliance audit; and WHEREAS an internal committee of staff reviewed the request for proposals. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Deloitte & Touche LLP be chosen as the auditor to conduct a municipal election compliance audit regarding the 2003 election campaign finances of mayoral candidate Wayne Thomson. AND The Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. DEAN I R.T. (TED) SALCI CITY CLERK MAYOR