Additions to Council Mar 19/07 ADDITIONS TO COUNCIL. MONDAY. MARCH 19. 2007 COMMUNITY SERVICES 1. Correspondence from Paula Bieber re: MW-2007-07, Valley Way - Parking Review 2. Revised Resolution to go into Closed Meeting CLOSED MEETING 1. Background on Walker Brothers Quarries - Compensation Agreement. 2. Additional item: Property matter re: Parts 1 & 5 on Reference Plan 59R-111659 (Map Included) - the City Solicitor will speak to this. 3. Additional item: Property matter re: Union Avenue - the CAO. will speak to this. CORPORATE SERVICES 1. 2007 Budget Power Point 2. CAO-2007-04, Organizational Review and Implementation COUNCIL DEPUTATIONS 1. Correspondence from Bruce Timms re:2007 Provincial Trails Summit May 15 - 17 BY-LAWS 1. 2007 - 66 A by-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement of Purchase and Sale with 1251600 Ontario Limited respecting the purchase of lands being Part 2 on Reference Plan 59R-9107; in the City of Niagara Falls, in the Regional Municipality of Niagara. REMINDER: COUNCIL STRATEGIC PRIORITIES WORKSHOP. MONDAY MARCH 26 @ 4:00 P.M. 1. Agenda and Minutes from Council Strategic Priority Workshop of January 15th. Paula Bieber 5198 Valley View Cres Niagara Falls, ON L2E 7E5 March 16, 2007 Councillor Caro1ynn Ioannoni Chair and Members of the Community Services Committee City of Niagara Falls, Ontario Re: MW -2007-07 Valley Way - Parking Review Dear Members: I Paula Bieber, homeowner on 5198 Valley View Crescent completely agree with the decision to have a parking restriction installed on the south side of Valley Way between Valley View Cres and Bellevue. Unfortunately I am not available to attend the meeting on March 19 because I am a grandmother and I have to baby-sit. Please read this letter and my following comments on the night ofthe meeting regarding this Parking Review. Over the last several years driving has become extremely dangerous as more cars use Valley Way between Valley View and Bellvue. The reason it is so dangerous because cars are parking in front of the apartment buildings making cars go around them. The situation gets difficulult because as cars drive around parked cars they aJ,'e actually going around a bend (on both sides), which increases chances of accidents. ~elf and my family members have been in so many close calls turning off of Valley View or driving around the bend where cars are allowed to park in front of the apartments. My son who lives with me was involved in a car accident, which almost leads to a head on collision that was caused from cars parking on the bend in front of the apartments! The accident was on February 07,07 which I have enclosed a copy. As my son was traveling around the bend on Valley Way towards Valley View Crescent a vehicle on the other side was going around ,--, '-../--, '-~---'-- r- Ver 1 Motor Vehicle Accident Report Ver 1 ~:;';:;'af' @ Ontario R~~port d'accidenb~lde ^"C'd,"'NO"i"I"l'_o,nU /0 Pag,. ( I 141 "","'pM vehlcule automo I e v r J ,'/'llJ 7 10i 1~-1 [R8Port@Q"alD ...1 o Failed AccldentDa~~I^M_'"lI^D_r')I~~m- TimoilJ;lture.t:>J::" 1 142 l~--.J Type " rlgln Amended I To Remain Paa~i:nt~~:~'''~ ./,"-<" J-I lime Officer Arrived or "'3' Jill IEmergencYE~A.'A1mfflJanceServicePerform!W.,~.....-'~ Ir. ~elenl:.-'MtJ.(I",I.N) 01 43 Police Force Reported to; ,I~ 6.f-"1 I~,~.-".;'''.~-' ...................-'....... I,~~~~~~~~em --:~ , . N,~ oll"'~tlg''''g Offic,,' Nom rtr"'f:JC/7JP:.. "dgsO~Or;,"!r I ci:l"'~~i'?F:'Ii,~d QL 144 21- I Name of Submilllng Police Force! Nom dUC~~p, 5:.M.t9,.J.:I',~...,:.,. : HiQhWay Distal'ice Brilt'IDlr,' 31 I fl 'I" I '901\"':?-'';" ,; 1 g T~~!;EjVtcb~I.'itl\/ Distance checkasapplicablefCOntr6leaube~rt~ District Keypolnt/Geocode I Offset Ramp No. I 45 ~-T---- ~ R1 ',' , ,OM. OKm. ON. D~W.IOI6 I r I I 1 : I !" R2 "VArt'~~;WcR... 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""" Own,)r (LaSINarT1er'rst)lPropr61,alre(nO'nd~fMl'lled'nbord), I 50 a[ O~- ~~ 0 AsabovefCommeei.dE!ssuS ,<., ,i'::,,' :';'!~.'i":, :~ 0 AsabovelCommccl-dcssuS ,>.:, ':',',' c:,,:'" 0 I 51 1 .....~_l ~ ~ ~dress I Adresse . Tel. No.1 W' dE! tel. ~ Address / Adr.-mse Tel. No I N' de 16/, . i .. '. . ., . "'... " ..... I 52 111 I 'S" .. Poste.ICO,de/em;tepo6fa{,-'''' :; I.. " .....,'"" rOSln'C(1~f"IC(ldepOSI81", 1--.0" 121 I ~ ...', . ., . "" I,' '''. ~ I" ............. " ,...... . " . ,. " t .'. 'I 53 .___ ..1....._ ... Insurance COT)1pany and Policy No.1 Compagnie dassur8nCe el no dE! police IQ) Im;uranGC Compnny and PQI'GY. (), I Compagllle (/ aSSUffJIICI) el no de Wi/ice .... J,-- ...1.154 13101 : 0 NonelAucune .: ," ..;,.', ,'i' """J:, :; 0 NOno:l/AUC(IfI!>.:-",; ~ .' " -OT~---I55 14101.. ~ !..... ...... . ; ...... '." ~ .:,.' ,,'. . i"~' . '''('l56 . CVORNo. Lic.Cla~,. I OLoaded Approx ,.Speed Q) CVORNo, . ''''_~~~.,'',..,,,.. lie. 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Postal Code f Code pastal .! ,.__...""",,,,,,..,.,..- ['()staICoclG/Codepost:;p1 "__'J. , O~.... ..,.... .- r 20 I.." .~_: ___ ,. l.l! tnsu~e'Cbmpany and Policy No, I Compagnie d'a~urance el no de poli;;;e J!! :;;.fln$Ur,\1l~. tlmpallY <<nd P(1I1r.y No, J .cCJmpegniC d'ossurallc(} "/110 (Ie potier! ' F . ,,~" .." ~ I .~. 0 As Vehicle Above I M(jme que ci_dcssus - As VehIcle AllOW I Mrjou.' qUi.' (;I-cl(e~'",IJS i ------,',~ .._"--~"-_._.._."._.,,._-,"-.._,,_. The City of Niagara Falls, Ontario Resolution No. Moved by Seconded by WHEREAS all meetings of Council are to be open to the public; and WHEREAS the only time a meeting or part of a meeting may be closed to the public if the subject matter falls under one ofthe exceptions under s. 239(2) ofthe Municipal Act, 2001. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT on March 19,2007, Niagara Falls Council will go into a closed meeting to consider a matter that falls under the subject matter of 239(2)(f) of the Municipal Act, 2001, to receive advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege; and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT on March 19,2007, Niagara Falls Council will go into a closed meeting to consider two matters that under the subject matter of239(2)( c) of the Municipal Act, 2001, a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition ofland by the municipality. AND The Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. DEAN IORFIDA R. T. (TED) SALCI CITY CLERK MAYOR be: Ed Dujlovic City Hall 4310 Queen Street Director of Municipal Works P.O. Box 1023 Chief Administrative Officer ~II Niagara Falls, ON l2E 6X5 web site: WWW.city.niagarafalls.on.ca ~ (905) 356-7521 Ex!. 5100 Fax: (905)374-3557 jmacdona@City.niagarafalls.on.ca -.... --- ~--~ ~~"r""::I" July 13, 2006 Mr. John Fisher Walker Industries P.O. Box 100 Thorold, ON L2V 3Y8 Dear John: re: Landfill Compensation Further to our discussion I have now had the opportunity to address your proposal with a couple of our Alderman (in confidence). In addition, I have had discussions with staff in other communities who are the beneficiaries of a Community Compensation Agreement with a private landfill company. These discussions have confirmed, for me, that a compensation agreement between Walker Industries and the City of Niagara Falls is very appropriate as a result of the landfill expansion. However, I now believe that $0.75 per tonne compensation is at the very low end when compared to what is provided to other communities. In response to your fax of Tuesday evening, the City has withdrawn its request to the Ministry of the Environment, as a condition to the EA, requesting that a Community Compensation Agreement be negotiated. Nevertheless, we are unable to agree to the conditions as outlined in the letter from Bill Costello of July II, 2006. We would like to discuss further the royalty per tonne as well as an appropriate inflationary clause. We believe this is still in keeping with a "win-win" scenario for Walker Industries and the City of Niagara Falls. Ple~e contact me at your earliest convenience. Yours truly, . 1YI~1J4 John MacDonald Chief Administrative Officer JM:kk c: Mayor Ted Saki R:\Mlmicipal Worl.:$\20061J<>fm Fisher. Walker Industries. Landfm COlIlpensation.wpd CAO-2006-04 City Hall 4310 Queen Street P.O. Box 1023 Chief Administrative Officer Niagara Falls', ON l2E 6X5 web site: www.niagarafalls.ca (905) 356-7521Ext. 5100 Fax: (905) 374-3557 jmacdonald@niagarafalls.ca JUL 31 2006 His Worship Mayor Ted Salci and Members of the Municipal Council City of Niagara Falls, Ontario "In Camera" Members: Re: CAO-2006-04 . Walker Industries E.A. RECOMMENDATION: That staffbe authorized to negotiate a host Community Agreement with Walker Industries Holding Limited; and That the agreement include a compensation paymentto the City of$. 75 per tonne of waste disposed in the expanded landfill scheduled to open mid 2009. BACKGROUND: Walker Industries has been operating a landfill in Niagara Falls since 1982. This site is scheduled to reach its capacity in 2009. Because of this, Walker Industries has undertaken aD Environmental Assessment (EA) for the approval of an expansion to their landfill. The proposal is to provide for the land filling of solid non~hazardous waste generated in Ontario. It is estimated that the landfill will accept up to 850,000 tonnes of waste per year. During the past three years of the EA process, Walker Industries has worked with a committee composed of area land owners, residents, stakeholders and various agencies. The City has participated throughout the process with staff representatives from Planning and Municipal Works divisions. The EA was submitted to the Ministry of Environment for approval in February of this year. Since February, the opportunity has been available to the public to comment on the Ministries "Blue Book" review of the EA. July 31, 2006 -2- CAO-2006-o4 The issue of compeusation to Niagara Falls as a Host Community was not considered during this process. However, as a result of information gathered by staff that other municipalities have received compensation as the host community, staff requested that the Ministry make it a condition of approval that WalkerIndustries negotiate a compensation agreement with the City. This request was submitted just prior to the deadline for comments. As a result of that action, the attached letter of July 11,2006 was directed to the Mayor. Following receipt of this letter, staff attempted to negotiate an amount more than $.75 cents per tonne, as well as a built-in inflation factor. Walker Industries considered our proposal at their Board meeting on July 22M, 2006. Walkers' position is that they feel the EA has proven that there are minimal or n() negative impacts to the city as a result of the expanded landfill and they are not obliged to enter into a compensation agreement. Nevertheless they have reaffirmed their willingness to provide a payment equal to $.75 per tonne up to a maximum of750,000 tonnes per year or $562,500 for up to 25 years, for a total of $14,062,500.00. For comparison pu rposes, staff contacted several Ontario communities where compensation agreements exist. The conditions in each community are of course different and varied accordingly to the number of tonnes generated and the amount paid per tonne. The average range of compensation received was from $450,000 to $750,000. Council will recall that the staff report of April 3, 2006 (see attached) addressed the implications of the EA and expressed no concerns at that time, in fact the report indicated that staff was satisfied with the actions proposed by Walker in the EA. In addition a memo from John Barnsley(staff representative on EA) also suggests that we may have difficulty arguing negative impacts and, therefore, further compensation may be difficult to justify. As a result, it is staffs recommendation that Council accept the offer made by Walker Industries Limited. Respectfully submitted: km~ John MacDonald Chief Administrative Officer . City Hall 4310 Queen Street P.O. Box 1023 Chief Administrative Officer Niagara Falls, ON l2E 6X5 web site: www.niagarafalls.ca (905) 356-7521 Ex!. 5100 Fax: (905) 37~557 jmacdonald@niagarafalls.ca March 6, 2007 Mr. John Fisher President Walker Industries P.O. Box 100 Thorold, ON L2V 3Y8 Dear John: re: Community Landfill Compensation Agreement As you are aware, at last evening's Council meeting, staffwas directed to contact Walker Industries regarding the Community Landfill Compensation Agreement. Council is very appreciative of the support Walker Industries has and continues to provide to the broader community and its willingness to provide compensation related to the expansion of the landfill. However, concern was expressed regarding the fact the $0.75 per tonne agreed upon does not include an inflationary factor. Council is obviously concerned that the value of the agreement will continue to diminish considerably over the 20-year period. It has been suggested that an inflationary factor would be insignificant as it relates to the overall tipping fees, but would be extremely beneficial to the City of Niagara Falls, as we struggle to maintain our ever eroding revenue base. As a result, I would formally request your consideration of adding an annual inflationary factor to the $0.75 per tonne. I will be available, at your convenience, to discuss this further. Yours truly, '. .'0,-. John MacDonald Chief Administrative Officer JM:kk R IMuiiic.JpaJ Works'COO7\John Fisher. Walker Industries. Landfill Compensation _ March 6,2001.wpd .~ Niagaraplfll~ THE CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS MEDIA RELEASE Walker Industries - Host Community Agreement DATE:August2,2006 For Immediate Release Niagara Falls, Ontario. Walker Industries has been conducting operations in the Niagara Peninsula for 130 years, and has been operating a landfill on Taylor Road in Niagara Falls since 1982. The Niagara Waste Landfill, which accepts solid non- hazardous waste generated in Ontario, is scheduled to reach its capacity in 2009. In order to continue operations beyond 2009, Walker Industries has undertaken a Environmental Assessment (EA) for the approval of an expansion to this site. During the past three years of the EA process, Walker Industries has worked with a committee composed of area land owners, residents, stakeholders, the City of Niagara Falls, and other various agencies. The EA for Walker's landfill expansion clearly demonstrated that - beyond the immediate neighbours - there will be no impacts of the expanded landfill on the broader local or regional community. However, for a family owned business such as Walker Industries, the "long-term" perspective that has guided their enterprise for more than a century has always included a focus on balancing the impacts of the business with the broad needs of the host community. To this end, Walker Industries has agreed to contribute to the City of Niagara Falls, a royalty payment equal to $0.75 per tonne up to a maximum of 750,000 tonnes per year commencing in 2009, or $562,500 a year for up to 25 years, for a total of $14,062,500. "This announcement is great news for the residents of our community", said Mayor Ted Salci."These funds will provide support to our capital and operating budgets, benefitting all the people in Niagara Falls. Walker Industries has, and continues to be, an exemplary corporate partner". -2- 'The City of Niagara Falls enthusiastically involved itself in this complex project from the beginning. While diligently protecting the rights of the community, their staff people played a productive role as part of the EA Committee throughout the process. We see this as another great example of the Public and Private sectors working closely together to create a "Win -Win" situation. Walker Industries wishes to acknowledge and thank Mayor Salci and his team for their support and patience during this lengthy project". states Bill Costello, President of Walker Industries. Although a large, diversified corporation, Walker Industries is a family company, firmly rooted in the community and dedicated to community services. Walker Industries provides significant support of philanthropic activities across the Niagara Region. -30- For More Information Contact: John MacDonald Chief Administrative Officer City of Niagara Falls 905-356-7521 ext. 5100 bt:I'l) tSY: UAV 11:'1 &. L;UMt-'AI'H LLt-'; 41ti~t)t>;jt>UU; MAH -14-07 1 :51PM; PAGE 2/3 D A V I S CEG"- ADVISORS si"" ".' &company /rom the ojliee of David 1. Crocker direct tel; 416.941.5415 direct fa" 416.777,7431 dcrockcr@davis.ca March 14,2007 file number: 48 J 89-0000 j DELIVERED VIA FAX AND MAIL Karen Kelly City Solicitor City Hall 4310 Queen Street, P.O. Box 1023 Niagara Falls, ON LZE 6X5 Dear Ms. Kelly: Re: Planning Act Approvals and the Community Landfill CompcDSation Agreement We are counsel to Walker Industries and are writing further to a letter of March 6, 2007 to John Fisher, President of Walker Industries ITom John MacDonald, Chief Administrative Officer of the City of Niagara Falls. Tn that letter, John MacDonald advises that Council wishcs to re-open the Community Landfill Compensation Agreemont reached by the City of Niagara Falls and Walker Industries in the summerof2006. We understand that a meeting of City Counci I to consider Planning Act Approvals required by Walker Industries to commence landl111ing operations was adjoumed because cf;lftaiTI City Councj)Jors wished to couple those Approvals with the re-opening of that Community Landfill Compensation Agreement. We want to advise you that we believe it is beyond the jurisdiction of the City orNiagara Falls to determine whether or not 10 grant Planning Act Approvals on the basis of the status of the Community Landfill Compensation Agreement. If that Agreement plays any role in the PIW1ning Act Approval process, YOll should know Ihat we have instructions to take whatever legal action is necessary to uncouple those two issues and have the Planning Act Apptovals considered on their merits. We are confident that you will convey our position to Council. DAVIS & COMPANY 1 First Caoadian Place, Suile S6tx1, P.O. Box ]67, 100 King SLred. West, TOTOnto, ON C'.anada M:'X 1i::::J www.davis.ca TORONTO VANCOUVER MONTREAL CALGARY BDMONTONWHITBHORSE YELLOWKNWH 'J'OKVO - . . -- o~NI ~y: UAV1~ & ~OMPANY LLP; 41b;jb~;jbUU; MAH-14-Uf 1 :b~t-"M; PA{J~ 3/3 DA VIS &company l'age2 r look fOlWard to hearing from you withrespcct to these issues. Yours truly, OJl.1PANY ~ cc: John Fisher (via fax) Davis:l736434.1 - . . . c: Karen Kelly, City Solicitor March 16, 2007 walker indust.-ie's QYt:u~ ~ffn~ March 13, 2007 RECEIVED Mr. John MacDonald MAR 1 4 2001 Chief Administrative Officer OFFICE OF The City of Niagara Falls 4310 Queen St. THE ADMINISTRATOR P.O. Box 1023 Niagara Falls, Ont. l2E 6X5 Dear John, I am writing in response to your letter of March 6, 2007. The letter, which has been sent at the request of Council, asks the Company to consider additional compensation beyond that which Was agreed between the City and the Company last year. We are disappointed that this request has been made. It is our view that the discussions that we held with the City last July were open, frank and conducted in good faith and at the end of those discussions an agreement between the parties was reached. It is our understanding that Council agreed to the terms of the compensation agreement on July 31, 2006. We took the proposed agreement to our Board of Directors who gave us very clear direction at that time. Furthermore, we jointly issued a press release with the City on August 2, 2006. This press release spoke to the terms and benefits of the agreement between us. At the same time, we agreed to a $0.25 per tonne royalty to the City of Thorold, given that our site is located at the municipal boundary. Thorold has been very appreciative of this voluntary offer. We are shocked that the City of Niagara Falls feels it can reopen discussions on an issue to which it had agreed less than a year ago. If this is the case, then it would follow that a Company such as ours, put in this position, should also reconsider its offer of compensation. As you know, we carried out a comprehensive Environmental Assessment (EA) over the last four years to determine the appropriateness of establishing a new landfill in our South Quarry. TheEA was approved by the Minister of the Environment on November 16, 2006. The EA included an extensive public consultation program which, from the outset, included not only our neighbours, but also many other stakeholders, including the City of Niagara Falls. The EA concluded that impacts from the South Landfill would be limited to an area about 500 m from the site. The EA did not identify any negative impacts anywhere else in the City of Niagara Falls. As you witnessed first hand at the public meeting, public concern over this project has been and continues to be, very limited. Host community agreements in the case of landfills are voluntary. Our Environmental Assessment approval does not contain a condition that requires us to have such an agreement. We are prepared to enter into such an agreement with the City because we think it is the right thing to do. For Niagara Falls to take unfair advantage of that position is regrettable. P.o. Box 100, Thorold, On!. L2V 3Y8 Tel: (905) 227-4142 Fax: (905) 227-1034 - Mr. John MacDonald Page 2 The City of Niagara Falls We are also extremely concerned by the fact that this issue appears to have interfered with approval of our Planning Act applications currently before the City. We undertook extensive studies during the Environmental Assessment which were clearly of value in helping City staff reach the conclusion that the Official Plan Zoning By-Law Amendments should be approved. There is a staff report, which I am sure you have seen and which we would hope City Council understands is very supportive of our position. Timely approval of these applications is obviously very important to us. It is unconscionable and perhaps beyond the jurisdiction of City Council to refuse our approvals in order to reopen our compensation agreement and potentially cost us unnecessary time and expense for no reason. You may wish to consult legal counsel before allowing these two issues to be coupled. Walker Industries is a fifth-generation family business. We work hard to build lasting long-term relationships in the communities in which we operate, not only here in Niagara, but also elsewhere in Ontario. We also work hard to honour the commitments that we make. Since the middle of last year we have operated on the basis that we had an agreement with the City of Niagara Falls. We continue to believe that the agreement that we struck is appropriate given the nature of the project, its limited identified impacts and the successful approval of the Environmental Assessment. We expect the City of Niagara Falls to honour their agreement and provide us with the municipal approvals we need to begin our new landfill project. We will then begin paying the agreed royalties to the City of Niagara Falls. Yours truly, ~ John E. Fisher President JEF:vlj John:Niagara Falls.Camp Agr P.O. Box 100, Thorold, Onl. L2V 3Y8 Tel: (905) 227-4142 Fax: (905) 227-1034 -- b::::1 ~ ELGIN 5-\ ~ m ~EY ST BUTTREY ST ~ ~ EY ST Ipart 11 Ref~ence Plan Parcels Part! - PartS c::J Parcels ill k:\GIS_Requests\2007\Custom\Internal\Legall ReCPlan_S9R11659.map THE CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS 2007 BUDGET ASSUMPTIONS Based on previous direction from Council, the General Purpose Budget includes the following: ~ that current service levels be maintained ~ that increases for utility costs and general inflation be included ~ that Council-approved additional service levels be included THE CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS 2007 BUDGET BIG PICTURE 2007 REVENUES $79,841,218 EXPENSES $81,273,367 DEFICIT $ 1,432,149 TAX LEVY INCREASE 3.50% THE 'l:frvQ:FNJAmARA IFAJLLI 2Q.QjP EIlJ ~Jar 'EKPx""NIEI ",..'"....,'16',:.:,',.,. ~QQjJ 1S:liItit9jj)~ 211l:li' BUff ~ $'~:ti.n~ ','.'.,'>:g.' 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THE CITY OF NIAGAIlA FAlLS c, _ _,~ , i"~, : (:_~ '-, ",: - -,"C- ,'r '1: : .,-, \1 _':',-~ _,': " /; :; "-~;.': J-., -:, _ _ ',' _'_,_~__-' :<;,>.' '" -.- '- ~.;,_ ;- t--',,':._; \_'0.,'_: c '_,' ,,"','>':','__- __';'J ::_, __::::_-_-:t____~_-,_~,' 11117; B~'Il');;ET UBtN'm .IISIlViS. 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"l'!...l;,..js,'.q)q:';tl:l'.I'ulb',~J:;~, ~Ai;t ~11I~ O,"i~ '~~[~.A!" ~:tt -J"~:{~~ __' ;~,~Y.;t~~:, ,; -"~< ,~h;J~l1'''~Yi!''\I:A1:.':~ '1i1,'j':,,~~ ~-~~' c"t, & (J'~'S:~t1"IC<' < .JY <"'~_'! ,,' ",i'y ,,,Ii} 't~~it!;);.!')! ;$'41,11\1;,. <, $i(Qj'fI~;O'fJ: ,~~~!tJ - . March 19, 2007 CAO-2007-04 City Hall 4310 Queen Street P.O. Box 1023 Chief Administrative Officer Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6X5 web site: www.niagarafalls.ca (905) 356-7521 Ext. 5100 Fax: (905) 374-3557 jmacdonald@niagarafalls.ca Councillor Victor Pietrangelo, Chair and Members of the Corporate Services Committee City of Niagara Falls, Ontario Members: Re: CAO-2007-04 Organizational Review and Implementation RECOMMENDATION: 1) That the recommended changes to the City's administrative structure be approved, and 2) That authorize staff to move forward with the implementation. BACKGROUND: On May 8, 2006, Council ratified Community Services Report CAO-2006-01 which provided Terms of Reference for the Organizational Review, and authorized staff to hire a consultant to undertake the review. The purpose of the Organizational Review was to comprehensively assess the City's administrative structure and processes to ensure the best use of staff and municipal resources. The attached report summarizes Mercer Delta Organizational Consultant's findings with regard to the City's organizational design. It should be noted that the consultant's recommendations with regard to Niagara Transit were reported under separate cover to Council, and a competitiveness review of non-union pay rates will be presented in April. , As reflected in the attached report, Mercer Delta recommended the following key changes to the City's organizational structure: . filling Executive Director vacancies to build better leadership capacity and succession potential . introducing a new Executive Director of Planning to develop an integrated approach to planning across the corporation . integrating transit services into the organizational design and establishing a Director of Transportation position ---- March 19, 2007 - 2- CAO-2007-04 . creating a corporate communications position to foster improved public relations and development of a communications and stakeholder engagement strategy . adding a learning and development position to facilitate workforce planning and talent attraction and retention . putting in place a new administrative committee structure . eliminating "one-an-one reporting relationships . reducing the span of control (e.g., CAO from 12 to 7) The report also recommends developing organizational values and operating principles, and establishing a process for evaluating the Chief Administrative Officer. The Organizational Review report was presented to Council in Committee of the Whole on Monday, February 19, 2007 by consultant Ian Smith, and Council met with CAO John MacDonald to discuss the staffing implications on February 26, 2007. As a result of those discussions, Council supported the following staff changes, which will be made effective April 2, 2007: Infrastructure & Community Services Ed Dujlovic (currently Director of Municipal Works) will become the Executive Director of Infrastructure & Community Services. Geoff Holman (currently Manager of Development) will become the Director of Infrastructure Services. Karl Dren (currently Manager of Traffic & Parking) will become the Director of Transportation Services. Corporate Services Ken Burden (currently Director of Finance) will become the Acting Executive Director of Corporate Services. Todd Harrison (currently Manager of Accounting) will become the Acting Director of Finance. Office ofthe CAO Dale Morton will become Manager of Strategic & Corporate Initiatives. As reflected in the new corporate structure chart which is attached, the changes in the above do not increase the staff complement. The Executive Director of Planning and the Communications positions will be deferred and re-evaluated in the future. In the meantime, the communications portfolio will be merged with Manager of Strategic & Corporate Initiatives position, It should also be noted that By-law Services will be relocated to Corporate Services under the supervision of the Director of Council Services & City Clerk, ----- March 19, 2007 -3- CAO-2007-04 The funding required to accomplish these changes will be generated through: . OMERS early retirement options . cost savings through internal repositioning and expanded position descriptions . phased implementation of some positions . reinstatement of the Executive Director of Infrastructure & Community Services position utilizing funds previously allocated to manage the People Mover Project As a result of employing the aforementioned strategies, it is estimated that the organizational review changes will result in a net savings to the Corporation. Respectfully submitted: /11~ MacDonald, Chief Administrative Officer . I City Council ~ ,'" - - -.. - - -. - -.. -... i... - - -. - - - - - - - - - -. -, , I ~ , Chief Administrative Officer' , , , , , , Director, Business , Manager, Strategic & , , Development , Corporate Initiatives , Services , , , , , , , , Office of the CAD , , , ~------------------- , -------------------- II I Iii Executive Director !Infrastructure & Community Services- Executive Director Fire . Corporate Services Chief I Director, Planning Director, Director, Director, Director, Parl<s, Director, Director, Human Director, Assistant Chief, & Development Building Transportation infrastructure Recreation & Financial Resources Information Operations Services Services Services Services Cu~ure Services Services Services Services Assistant Chief, , Administration "Head, Special Manager I Manager, Manager, Manager, Manager, Employee Manager, Information Projects' Traffic Engineering & Recreation & "Special Services Services Operations Construction Community Projects" "Head", Learning Manager, Software Manager, Development Current Manager, 4Headw Manager, & Development Services Planning Parking Municipal Works Manager, Revenue Health and Manager, GIS Operations Operations Parl<s& Manager, Safety Manager, Cemetel}' Services Manager, Accounting Administrator Policy Planning "Head", Infrastructure & Operations Transit Environment Director, Legal Director, Council "Head", Services & City Services & City Facilities Solicitor Clerl< Management Assistant Manager, By.Law . The Internal Auditor (formerly Manager of Finance, now "Manager Special Projects") also reports to the CAO Solicitor Services ~ There is a Manager of Administration reporting to the Manager, Executive Director dealing with administrative policies Procurement Services . . . Executive Director Infrastructure & Community Services** I I I Director, Director, Director, Parks, T ransp0 rtatio n Infrastructure Recreation & Services Services Culture Services Manager, Manager, Manager, T rafflc Engineering & Recreation & Operations Construction Community Manager, "Head" Development Parking Municipal Works Manager, Operations Operations Parks & Manager, Cemetery "Head", Operations I nrrastruchJre & Transit Environment "Head", Facilities Management . "',:;n.~;:::,:;,/;J'i"i" (,< i'ii, '~,urporate I City Council I - ',)")),:, ""'S" " , · " '.,. ",."""" 'RWleRS I Chief Administrative Officer I " ""/\,,,t;:' ,)> C', ' ~~_., ,:':, ' ; ",,',,: ,.,,';,::,:~~1~,;~.;,!,,'.'; ,"" , To direct and coordinate the plans, budgets, personnel, facilities, equipment and Total FTEs 62 Executive Director of resources of all Divisions that report to this Span of Control 6.0 Corporate Services position while representing, and providing information in support of, the interests, requirements and priorities of the Department internally and externally Director of Director of Director of Director of City Clerk City Solicitor Finance Human Information Planning and Resources Systems Development Role of To develop and To develop and To plan, manage To oversee the To carry out the To provide legal Division manage the manage the and support all planning and legislative duties of advice and financial policies, human resource aspects of the development of the a Municipal Clerk, services to City practices and ' policies and corporation's City, including the including providing Council and the computer and information of procedures on telecommuni- processing of ongoing support to corporation the corporation behalf of the cations systems development Council, and to corporation applications and the provide business preparation of land and lottery licences use plan and policies and maintain vital statistics Total FTEs 19 7 10 7 12 7 Spans of Control (excludes 1 2 4 2 8 4 Administrative Assistants) Note: These figures do not include contract positions, part time staff or coop students, Mercer Delta Consulting ORGANIZATIONAL REVIEW - CONFIDENTIAL 44 Niagara.' Region The Regional Municipality of Niagara 220~~d'S Road, PO Box 1042 ilIIK:.FHLLSCLERKS'f}'?lx. '2V 4T7 Office of RegionalCouncillorD.BruceTimrns, Telephone: 905.685.1571 Fax: 905.685.6243 Chair, Greater Niagara Circle Route Committee E-mail: bruce.timms@regionatniagara.on.ca March 8, 2007 File: D,14A34,34 Mr. Dean lorfida Clerk City of Niagara Falls 4310 Queen Street Niagara Falls, Ontario L2E 6X5 Dear Mr. lorfida: Re: 2007 Provincial Trails Summit Marriott Renaissance Fallsview Hotel Niagara Falls, Ontario Mav 15 to Mav 17. 2007 I am enclosing an outline of the 2007 Provincial Trails Summit which is to be held in Niagara Falls at the Marriott Renaissance Fallsview Hotel from May 15 to May 17,2007, The Summit is jointly hosted by the Ontario Trails Council and the Regional Municipality of Niagara, As you can see, there is an ambitious agenda dealing with various aspects of trail development and management. Risk management, health promotion, and land use are the main themes. The location of the Summit in Niagara recognizes trails development in this area. The conference provides an opportunity for meeting with those involved in similar types of activities in other parts of the Province and to benefit from these experiences. We are hoping that you or another representative from your organization will attend this Summit. A registration form is provided in this package and more information can be obtained from the Ontario Trails Council web site www.ontariotrails,on.ca/trailssummit2007,htm. If you need any further information, please feel free to contact George Nicholson at (905) 984-3630. Yours truly, ~~ D, Bruce Timms Regional Councillor Chair, Greater Niagara Circle Route Committee Enclosure Building Community. Building Lives. " . Nialara91J Relion Ontario Tmll5 Cutmcll Building Community, BuNding Lives. Conseil m.... senders ieI'Ontario Join trail enthusiasts from all over Ontario for 2 days of professional trail workshops at the Marriott Renaissance Fallsview in Niagara Falls, Ontario President's Dinner May 15th, Trail Workshops May 16th and 17th, 2007 Prooram Land Use/User Input Workshop .:. Accommodating farmers, A TV history, land reclamation, cycling lanes .:. Simcoe County Forest Management Plan - accommodating diverse uses .:. Public Infrastructure Renewal and Ontario Realty Corporation - build in infrastructure dollars for trails in your budget, grants and trail development .:. Land use rules and existing access and use policies .:. User conflict ORV use - trail etiquette, best practices and getting groups around the Ontario Trails Coordinating Committee together, Risk Management and Insurance Issues Workshop .:. Panel participants talk on their views and corporate actions requirements on risk management processes and policy for trail organizations, .:. Present issue from municipal Recreation and the Municipal trail point of view, .:. Steps we need to take to manage risk as opposed to having risk manage us, .:. What can we do to keep insurance affordable? .:. Legai consultant - What can we undertake in conjunction with insurance to develop a universally applicable Risk Management Policy? i , Ministry of Health Promotion - Update on the Ontario Trails Strategy .:. Focus on particular areas of interest to the Ontario Trails community .:. Funding, policy grants streams such as Trails for Life, CIAF etc, .:. Management of issues through the Ontario Trails Coordinating Committee *Desnite our best effort nlease nota that all tonics and l1rA~tlons are sub/act to chanot! CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS By-law No. 2007 - A by-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement of Purchase and Sale with 1251600 Ontario Limited respecting the purchase oflands being Part 2 on Reference Plan 59R-9107; in the City of Niagara Falls, in the Regional Municipality of Niagara. THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: l. An Agreement of Purchase and Sale dated February 20,2007 and made between 1251600 Ontario Limited and The Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls for part of the road allowance between Township Lots 17 and 24 Stamford designated as Part 2 on Reference Plan 59R-9107; in the City of Niagara Falls, in the Regional Municipality of Niagara, subject to such terms and conditions as set out in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale as attached hereto, is hereby approved and authorized. 2. The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the Agreement of Purchase and Sale and all other documents that may be required for the purpose of carrying out the intent of this by-law. 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized to affIX the corporate seal thereto and to deliver such documents. Passed this nineteenth day of March, 2007. .................................................... ........................................................ DEAN IORFIDA, CITY CLERK R.T. (TED) SALCI, MAYOR First Reading: March 19,2007. Second Reading: March 19, 2007. Third Reading: March 19,2007. AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE PURCHASER, 1251600 ONTARIO LIMITED I agrees to purchase from VENDOR, THE COR~ORATION OF THE CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS the following REAL PROPER'l!': legally described as PART OF THE ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN TOWNSHIP LOTS 17 & 24. STAMFORD. DESIGNATED AS PART 2 ON PLAN 59R-9107; NIAGARA FALLS (the "property"). PURCHASE PRICE: ~HIRT'l THOUSAND Dollars (CDN$30.000.00 ) DEPOSI'l! : Purchaser submits THREE THOUSAND Dollars {CDNS3.QOO.OO ) (~(Upon acceptance} cash or negotiable cheque payable to THE CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS to be held in trust pending completion or other termination of this Agreement and to be credited toward the Purchase Price on completion. 1. Purchaser agrees to pay the balance of the Purchase Price by cash or certified cheque to the Vendor on closing, subject to the usual adjustments. 2. The Vendor agrees to repurchase the real property for Thirty Thousand ($30,000.00) Dollars Canadian in the event that the Purchaser is unable to obtain a rezoning of the property from Bxtractive Industrial to Residential use, including multi-residential, atter having exhausted all steps in the approval process including, where warranted, seeking administrative tribunal remedy, (it available) wi thin one (l) year trom the date ot closing. The Purchaser to exercise such option in writing to the Vendor within that one (1) year's time period atter closing. This clause shall survive and not merge on the completion of this transaction. aCHEDVLE (Sl N/A attacbed hereto formats) part of this Agreement. 1. CHATfELS INCLUDBO: N/A 2. FIxrtmES mxcLUDED: N/A 3. IUm'l'.llLJ::rEMS: The following equipment is rented and not included in the Purchase Price. Th, Purchaser agrees to assume the rental contract{s), if assumable; N/A 4. :I.DEVOCABIL:ITY : This Offer shall be irrevocable by PURCHASER until 5:00 p.m. (VttadorlParclluerJ on the 2P~ day of MARCH -lQQ1, after which time, if not accepted, this Offer shall be null and void and the deposit shall be returned to the Purchaser in full without interest. S, CQ.!I?LS~J:ON DA'rE: This Agreement shall be completed by no later than 5:00 p.m. on the 105 Bt1S:INESS DAY FOLLOWING ACCEF.MNCli. Upon completion, vacant possession of the property shall be given to the Purchaser unless otherwise provided for in this Agreement. 6, NOTJ:CES: Any notice relating hereto or provided for herein shall be in writing. This offer, any counter offer, notice of acceptance thereof, or any notice shall be deemed given and received, when hand delivered to the address for service provided berein or, where a facsimile number is provided herein, when transmitted electronically to that facsimile number. FAX NO. 905-371-2892 rro.o"~JJ"'%J' ",r II<>U""~ to "*lI<Ior) FAX NO. 905-356-6904 (,..,rd..u.....ry"'rpouc.~ 10 Pa=ha<o~rl 7. Ga:!:: If this transaction is subject to Goods and Services Tax (G.B.T.), then such tax shall be IN ADDITION the Purchase Price. If this transaction is not subject to G.S.T., Vendor (j""JW"" .!nl,n .dd1t:l0ll ~ol agrees to provide on or before closing, a certificate that the transaction is not subject to G.S.T. B. ''I''''''' SEARCH Purchaser shall be allowed until 5:00 p.m. TNO (2) DAYS PRIOR TO CLOSING, (Requisition Date) to examine the title to the property at his own expense and until the earlier of: ill thirty days from the later of the Requisition Date or the date on which the conditions in this Agreement are fulfilled or otherwise waived or; (ii) five days prior to completion, to satisfy himself that there are no outstanding work orders or deficiency notices affecting the property, that its present use ( VACANT LAND I may be lawfully continued and that the principal building may be insured against risk of fire. Vendor hereby consents to the ----- municipality or other governmental agencies releasing to Purchaser details of all outstanding work orders affecting the property, and Vendor agrees to execute and deliver such further authorizations in this regard as Purchaser may reasonably require. 9. ~ USE: Vendor and Purchaser agree that there is no representation or warranty of any kind that the future intended use of the property by Purchaser is or will be lawful except as may be specifically provided for in this Agreement. 10. ~I~LE: Provided that the title to the property is good and free from all charges, liens, and encumbrances except as otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement and save and except for (a) any registered restrictions or covenants that run with the land providing that such are complied with; [bl any registered municipal agreements and registered agreements with publicly regulated utilities providing such have been complied with, or security has been posted to ensure compliance and completion, as evidenced by a letter from the relevant municipality or regulated utility: @) any minor easements for the supply of domestic utility or telephone services to the property or adjacent properties;. and (d) any easements for drainage, storm or sanitary sewers, public utility lines, telephone lines, cable television lines or other services which do not materially affect the present use of the property. If within the specified times referred to in paragraph e any valid objection to title or to any outstanding work order or deficiency notice, or to the fact the said present use may not lawfully be continued, or that the principal building may not he insured against risk of fire is made in writing to Vendor and which Vendor is unable or unwilling to remove, remedy or satisfy and which ~urchaser will not waive, this Agreement notwithstanding any intermediate acts or negotiations io respect of such objections, shall be at an end all monies paid shall be returned without interest or deduction and the Vendor shall not be liable for any costs or damages. Save as to any valid objection so made by such day and except for any objection going to the root of the title, Purchaser shall be conclusively deemed to have accepted Vendor's title to the property. 11. DOCtlMIiltn'S AND DISCHARGE: Purchaser shall not call for the prOduction of any title deed, abstract, surveyor other evidence of title to the property except such as are in the possession or control of Vendor. If requested by Purchaser, Vendor will deliver any sketch or survey of the property within Vendor I s control to Purchaser as soon as possible and prior to the Requisition Date. If a discharge of any Charge/Mortgage held by a corporation incorporated pursuant to the Loan Companies Act [Canada), Chartered Bank, Trust Company, Credit Union, caisse Populaire or Insurance Company and which is not to be assumed by Purchaser on completion, is not available in registrable form on completion, Purchaser agrees to accept Vendor's lawyer's personal undertaking to obtain, out of the closing funds, a discharge in registerable format to register same on title within a reasonable period of time after completion, provided that on or before completion Vendor shall provide to Purchaser a mortgage statement prepared by the mortgagee setting out the balance required to obtain the discharge, together with a direction executed by Vendor directing payment to the mortgagee of the amount required to obtain the discharge out of the balance due on completion. 12. INSPEC'rXON: i'w:'chaser acknowledges having had the opportuntty to inspect the property pr.ior to submit.ting' this Offer and understands that upon acceptance o~ this Offer there shall be. a binding agreement. of purchase and sale between the Purchaser and Vendor. 13. :INSURANCE: All buildings on the property and all other things being purchased shall be and remain until completion at the risk of Vendor. Pending completion Vendor shall hold all insurance pOlicies, if any, and the proceeds thereof in trust for the parties as their inteiest may appear and in the event of substantial damage, Purchaser may either terminate this Agreement and have all monies paid returned without interest or deduction or else take the proceeds of any insurance and complete the purchase. No insurance shall be transferred on completion. If Vendor is taking back a Charge/Mortgage, or Purchaser is as:mminq a Charge/Mortgage, Purchaser shall supply Vendor with reasonable evidence of adequate insurance to protect Vendor's or other mortgagee's interest on completion. 14. PLANNING ACT: This Agreement shall be effective to create an interest in the property only if Vendor complies with the subdivision control provisions of the Planning Act by completion and Vendor covenants to proceed diligently at his expense to obtain any necessary consent by completion. 15. DO~ PREPARATION: The T~ansfe~/Deed shall, save for the Land Transfer Tax Affidavit, be prepared in registrable form at the expense of Vendor, and any ChargelMortgage to be given back by the Purchaser to Vendor at the expense of the Purchaser. If requested by Purchaser, Vendor covenants that the Transfer/Deed to be delive~ed on completion shall contain the statements contemplated by Section 50(22) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990. 16. RESIDBNCr: Purchaser shall be credited towards the Purchase Price with the amount, if any, necessary for Purchaser to pay to the Minister of National Revenue to satisfy Purchaser's liability in respect of tax payable by Vendor under the non-residency provisions of the Income Tax Act by reason of this sale. Purchaser shall not claim such credit if Vendor delivers on completion the presc~ibed certificate or a statutory declaration that Vendor is not then a non-resident of Canada. 17. ADJUS~S: Any rents, mortgage interest, realty taxes including local improvement rates and wunete~ed public or private utility charges and unrnetered _cost of fuel, as applicable, ahall be apportioned and allowed to the day of completion, the day of completion itself to apportioned to Purchaser. 18. TINE LXMX~S: Time shall in all respects be of the essence hereof provided that the time for doing or completing of any matter provided for herein may be extended O~ abridged by an agreement in writing signed by Vendor and Purchaser or by their respective lawyers who may be specifically authorized in that regard. 19. ~BNDER: Any tender of documents or money hereunder may be made upon Vendor or Purchaser or their respective lawyers on the day set for completion. Money may be tendered by bank draft or cheque certified by a Chartered Bank, Trust Company, Province of Ontario Savings Office, Credit union or Caisse Populaire. 20. F~LY LAHACT: Vendor warrants tbat spousal consent is not necessary to this transaction under the provisions of the Family Law Act, R.S.O. 1990 unless Vendor's spouse has executed the consent hereinafter provided. 21. UFFI: Vendor represents and warrants to Purchaser that during the time Vendor has owned the property, Vendor has not caused any builcting on the property to be insulated with insulation containing ureaformaldebyde, and that to the best of Vendor's knowledge no building on the property contains or has ever contained insulation that contains ureaformaldehyde. This warranty shall survive and not merge on the completion of this transaction, and if the building is part of a mUltiple unit building, this warranty shall only apply to that part of the building which is the subject of this transaction. 22. CONSUMSR REPORTS: ~ Purchaser is hereby notified that a conswner report containing credit and/or personal information may be .referred to in connection with this transaotion. 23, AGREEMENT :m WRIUNG: If there is conflict between any provision written or typed in this Agreement (including any Schedule attached hereto) and any provision in the printed portion hereof, the written or typed provision shall supersede the printed provision to the extent of such conflict. This Agreement including any Schedule attached hereto, shall constitute the entire Agreement between purchaser and Vendor. There is no representation, warranty, collateral agreement or condition, which affects this Agreement other than as expressed herein. This Agreement shall be read with all changes of gender or number required by the context. 24, SUCCESSORS AND ASSJ:GNS: The heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the undersigned are bound by the terms herein. r DATED AT NIAGARA FALLS this day of MARCH ...l.QQl... SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED in the resence of: IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto s~t my hand and seal: 1251 o ONTARIO LIMITED DATE ~ I~( ;).OOr 1l'U~cbo. Illng.1<IHu<aco.Pi.,ecto, !&eall Per: DATE (~u'cha5erl (Seall I/We have authority to bind the Corporation. I, the Undersigned Vendor, agree to the above Offer. DATED AT NIAGARA FALLS this day of MARCH .22ll.. SIGNBD, SEALED AND DBLIVBRED in the presence of l IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set illY hand and seal: THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS Per: DATE 1v....<loJ:1 (Beall Per, DATE (Ven40z1 (s...)) r/We have authority to bind the Corporation. The undersigned Spouse of the Vendor hereby consents to the disposition evidenced herein pursuant to the provisions of the Family Law Act, R.S.O. 1990, and hereby agrees with the Purchaser that he/she will execute all necessary or incidental documents to give full force and effect to the sale evidenced herein. DATE l\Jitn.....1 (&pou.el (.wl CONFlmtATJ:ON OF EXECU'l'ION: Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, I confirm this Agreement with all changes both typed and written was finally executed by all parties at a.ro./p.m. this day of ,20_ (Siga.otouce) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I acknowledge receipt of my signed copy of this accepted Agreement of Purchase and sale and direct that a copy be forwarded to my lawyer. DATE DATE ({VcndozJ {hr<:1l8n~ DATE DATE ( IVeod~rl IPurct<luuJ Address for Service: Address for Service: Tel. No. r I Tel. No. , I Vendor I s Lawyer Purchaser's Lawyer Address Mdress Tel. No. FAX No. Tel. No. FAX No. ------------ MERCER DELTA Organizational Consulting City of Niagara Falls Council Strategic Priorities Workshop January 15, 2007: Notes 1 Attendees Jim Diodati Shirley Fisher Carolynn Ioannoni Vince Kerrio Bart Maves Victor Pietrangelo Ted Salci Wayne Thomson Janice Wing Staff in Attendance: John MacDonald, CAO; Dean Iorfida, City Clerk; Dale Morton, Manager of Corporate Programs and Strategic Support Facilitator: Ian Smith, Mercer Delta Purpose To identifY, discuss and confirm the strategic priorities for the City over the next four years Objectives I. To provide an overview of an integrated strategicfbusiness planning framework that can help guide and link the strategic priorities to the ongoing operations of the City. 2. To define success for this term of Council and the potential barriers to moving forward, 3, To review the issues and challenges that this Council may potentially need to address. 4, To identify the potential strategic priorities for the City. 5. To review and discuss a productive operating environment for Council and staff as they work together to deliver on the City's strategic priorities I Additional background information is provided in the separate Workshop presentation g Marsh & Mclennan Companies MERCER DELTA Organizational Consulting City of Niagara Falls Council Strategic Priorities Workshop - Follow-up Session March 26, 2007: 4:00 - 6:30 PM Purpose To confirm the overall direction and strategic priorities for the City over the next four years in light of the results from the initial Council discussion January 15, 2007 Agenda Time Discussion Items 4:00 IntroductlonlWelcome . Purpose and Objectives of Follow.up Session . Agenda Review 4:15 Setting the Overall Direction and Focus . Given the initial workshop discussion of "success", how would you like this term of Council to be described by Council, staff, the public at large? . What is your vision for this Council? Are there key elements in your vision that should be emphasized? . Do you agree with the existing with the existing mission statement? If not, what would you change? 4:45 Confirming the Strategic Priorities . In light of the earlier workshop discussion of issues and challenges and strategic priorities, what do you believe should be the final set of strategic priorities for Council over the next 1-4 years? . What are the key actions to be taken to support the strategic priorities? . Who should be accountable? . What should be the timeline? 5:45 Ensuring the Right Operating Environment . In light of the earlier workshop discussion of this topic, what do you think should be the principles or guidelines that define how Council, and Council and staff, work together? 6:15 Session Closure . What does Council need to do next? 19 MafCh2007 ~ Marsh & Mclennan Companies --- ---- Page 2 Defining Success for this Term of Council How will Council know when it's being productive and successful as a Council? What is the definition of success? . Council meets the various demands of City residents which include social, economic and lifestyle demands . The definition of success should depend onlbe detennined by the City's business plan/project objectiveslbudget - Achievement will mean success - Plans and budgets should be detennined in light of community/other demands - The business plan should drive the budget . The City doesn't significantly increase taxes annually regardless of the services provided - The City can't increase annual taxes by 5, 6, 7% on an ongoing basis . The City establishes and then monitors compliance with "black and white" policies which guide the behaviour and actions of both Council and City staff (e.g., time for staff to respond to public inquiries) . Staff work well with council - There is ongoing dialogue with staff - Council plays a significant role in overall communications within the City . The City creates a business friendly environment for economic development. This would include understanding what's required by business to succeed, doing things quicker and eliminating roadblocks, . Furthering the residents' agenda (the majority) instead of the agenda of individual members . Council is seen as "running/governing" the City - Council is more involved in the decision making processes of the City 0 An example of this will be the establishment of an HR Committee of Council (terms ofreference currently under development) 0 Other examples include greater involvement of Council in the development of the individual department budgets/the budget process 0 Council needs to define what constitutes an appropriate level of involvement Page 3 . The City can demonstrate that the City is "better off' - This would include outlining what services have been delivered and at what cost . Council is accountable What could prevent this Council from being successful? . Insufficient funding to undertake planned initiatives How should Council measure success as it moves forward? . Adherence to business plan (including the budget) - It is also recognized that the City has to be flexible and may need to deviate from its approved plan to address specific and unforeseen problems and/or opportunities. Any changes should be based on what's best for the City. Potential Issues and Challenges What are the key issues and challenges that this Council will potentially need to address? . Determining an acceptable increase in taxes considering both a ratepayers and business perspective - In this process, Council should be considering alternative revenue sources to help offset potential tax increases. These could include: D Changes in and/or application of user fees D Road tolls . Determining acceptable service levels - To do this, the City will have to understand the cost and public implications . Providing sufficient funding to address outstanding infrastructure requirements (roads, sewers.. . ) . Developing an acceptable financial plan and budget - It should be based on good financial planning in order to deal with rising debt while achieving other goals D It could potentially include "responsible borrowing" D It needs to provide funding for "new" initiatives planned by the City Page 4 - The plan should outline: 0 Costs 0 Service levels 0 Alternative funding sources 0 Potential changes in property taxes . Demonstrating the benefits being provided by the City to the residents . Following/supporting the proposals/recommendations included in the consultant reports that are prepared on behalf of the City (eg., the recommended investment in roads or the recommendations on managing the City's debt) - This means accepting the potential cost implications/requirements Strategic Priorities What should be the strategic priorities that Council should focus on over the next 1-4 years? . Creating an "affordable" place where people want to live, invest and work - This includes endorsing a financial planlbudget and sticking to it 0 The planlbudget should include a reserve to deal with unexpected costs as well as "safeguards" to protect against inappropriate expenditures . Providing "adequate" infrastructure funding based on an approved financial plan and budget . Creating a quality lifestyle within the community - This includes creating various community amenities such as trails, up to date arenas, shopping.. . - It should also enable residents to stay in their homes - The City's "quality lifestyle" could be marketed in order to attract others to the City 0 This marketing effort could include other communities in the Niagara region . "Beautification" of the City - This could include standards to maintain streets, having a more enforceable property standards bylaw... Page 5 - This could also include consideration/use of alternative means to funds improvements (e,g. funding of road improvements by the private sector) . Attracting more business to the City - This could include development of an industrial tax mitigation strategy (already under development by the City) or investing more in economic development . Recognizing the importance of, and supporting, the tourism industry - Tourism has an important impact on assessment yet is currently faltering . Maintaining/continuing initiatives focused on cost efficiencies (e.g., the service delivery reviews) - This should include understanding community expectations and needs and current performance Operating Environment How should Council work together? . Treat fellow Council members (and staff) with respect, courtesy and professionalism on a daily basis . Manage your own behaviour - Council can voice its displeasure of poor behaviour - It should be recognized that this is a two way street . Leave disagreements within Council - If disagree, it is/it should be with a position, not the individual - it's not personal . Majority positions should publicly prevail . Understand/empower Councillors to change positions given new information while respecting and adhering to the established rules of Council How should Council work with staff? . Praise achievement even if not fully successful and reward success . Call staff in advance to alert them to a potential question or issue . Maintain continuity in (councillor) position - Don't change your position in the public forum (assuming that all of the facts have been provided) ----------- Page 6 . Respect (administrative) chain of authority and defined protocols . Council has greater involvement in the decision making process (noted earlier under the definition of success) - It's important that staff to get back to Council regarding questions/comments - It should be recognized that decisions are made by Council, not an individual councillor . A void multiple aldermen response to public complaints/inquiries - The new "SRS" should help in this regard (new tracking system is currently under test by the City) . Be consistent in terms of adhering to agreed forum/format for discussion . Staff adhere to Council direction/decisions . Staff do not debate Council in the Council chamber Session Closure What does Council need to do next? . Link strategic priorities to budget - For example, if the City builds a new arena, how will it deal with other identified priorities? - Priorities should be quantified and the means of funding determined - The objective is to create a planlbudget that can be used to enable ongoing reporting and to hold staff accountable What worked/didn't work for this workShOp? Did Well Do Better . Questions stimulated discussion . Implement follow through . Format allowed councillors to learn more about each other . Use of humour Parking Lot . Can City's taxes be isolated from the Region's taxes and the education taxes?