Minutes192070 42.c z !ant. &44ced has a al_ t, d hiatus., da- /a Ac9 act aa u Pa44;ei A nd 11 7.u. NKlti L ni Ja� V fir /9za, ev d, hined w ,te d 4 ems, 4,� ad gela r /;��e a gge acv /7205 abid Arte iht Any" ,f fri Get eyoug a. toung4a o s- afar eatdd lei Y euenz ed 4 4 t med /h u t" ci„ ac tacur ee wHw.u, t kir. X4,1 metreai :alw;ipu meet es r, k /At d t A dm.. pied Azezt4;e4 afAd t 8,64 ,atoifide&i Jo at, afri f Pilaw deceialoP .cam rea4v /fa at&i 1/1 _eat i /920 1 4412 1toued irc /9 70 A Asa a- 71 Fi 4 refe ead tL e�C a So d �ru .0 /u;. ae! h r &Oa g d r fl 4/ a& Sosearra Adne, c vet /92o. gokteed, 'acv XL k /...a�kk 64 fQ— tfrez Geet. G t A ry flo Azad rfratee S eo d Azetet ,oeed.c c'a /haat ,e 1e.�� ct ,4 Ji tz A -S l/. A e zz. fr adaiti acv fi o ?�``��c�.c.'e� �`.e� awe.. Ada gam, ko 8a.hru.aa &e s. ;74. 1-, JZ wa; a /it a. /S O 4 kt .A 4.M A pct' C �QejMd i7.` sct Vaned i dc 'd kart. dt ct %a ,t sza em,..;zrese head Q .eta --A;ca.. do It_ .2c a JAile 4v4 a% oa /92o .ua efraed arm. ,a6z /rite° %1o•ao- Noe mow• _iv O.0.0 4ad Sae_ .t _zoo _._to. ao Ada k 440, 71.0,1 Add auti ,4 /q' o0. "toto 1to,J, a tel•-• .csg4..c. oa4e 2osrit 600 Vida gedatato br titka0 c kaAtaive �d aat 1 kui �;•a to t V. J gy z AO d .P &fla 9itirat �r Y:3. d n u'd yaw tax d zia, 1a a a. A&¢cn-wd, 7:.te. @w.td. fined. 4 &flit -'d. We idy- 3 do Akfti. ax-i4. ,O ,tom ,tom it-p,&p: Gam. r;: .,b,:- a have- teat r PY: t e A ra ccilt #Y 1 /a Hem. 202.-4 /L/ 4,f( cegz Gates /.icy a ry 41.1.440 ,[f G4.e 6drir y gis L.44 ,s0 irP�C honk t ioe} v �,�,,.R J7 kat die ea/fa 4'/ aNsi de�G���,�.441444$4._ d,-t._ye;w arttho s ot siAteave elaue4:llevo alder fra-aait P1_ c! v sed. •l�d l!,'O (Ga r ki;G. dee di 0 tont ,trot f uceuv dice. GZ-t‘ase -ear- 4. aid d G c 6 2sn SA hurtle d,67 fr j a AL i•' ems 4 14,1*(444� t ita iazei em trA Cxt_t hied Ints4 /gee d kaarad ,fie nal-il de jgonialtat 5 frase 104.4 ?3 liaInvat 4qt s de w e /;tierce u. MSc ghee $Ikc �f� i irothy Auffe 217(47 s Gtittat a:47 44 v .l �cucdc,tui G�'aicti. haM 1 4 0444 4.. I aibt, 2 67,1 49 KriligQvoy jy< •oo St.. i 2y'67) A 7e S2' is o tyy yor spite) Go yob 41f zoo 40 7 e) fl 28. ea i✓ Jo 70SV 3S oo tro 3J' /7 Ri ,goo/ Ft/.00 To a 77X 7 iv 4r yL•.24- I 37z 6e)'7 i l2v 9r /9 •oo re" /0 an 3•do u� ,o /s; /S. lS•D /1. as/ oo AP no ltd 44%00 1 -4 Cesvehritatat et/ s-tr ti azt 19.1►c at_ avisite /O yon' M at riot-arca- -eigekosLos 1-a/ tai ,0*. at eatta lied frit& 6f/,rvism, jlo if- t u aet aAi' 70,6 Viivey •144; 7t4 6 X1-1 &gird 711 ,1 ,n 7 V e er 04,2 4 144 fe4S avert- &hie aal tait.47 14t t 7t0 S mot raa- g c. Mon /K ,fix -4 ca f c ,�tasL a, y�tri3til G, hinfreit rah A Aceilat 4 nur the 4 -ad) ito tr z4 iut w Act %e ,gem a- tt d 2 f'a do ,GHQ 4 Erie a2t0C Ant a riA�. t�D .u.GCL h a .Lu tt &r�4'icut. dI a' g a, p0 d- f„' a/ hand litLer ArtciL o zeocier 4 a aditager fret*. /72a ata ah prad �p /a d� 912s aa ausiy fr a 440-147 tGxi r fries r l_ i9.zo Aint 4 iii ,mod k!at et x -aft_ tad a o %De 4 y i i to V `Wf1Ni DT%� 4. /4-14 y 4 2 Z• 00 life "maw fed-49 -41/4€44 *AG Mt' haws", fi, 64% 44.._ .....i..s ga«4441 Sca ng w so. 04 2 z 03•63 77 e fro 2 Snit- iligsc.A. afr «f7, a ka/tat. ht, scid fry bee- y atost 7 rif- 7Sti JkG,diviva. fa. irk 7 S ad, saw /J aaitbt c f X 2.5 1 37J zt i-dce O o J 6 M AO swam re etc, L.J7&' 1,5 ieaueefietoor -4 atia 'age J h, JJ0,00 .F�,�c P,u.,l �3 ,/�yn�!„ y ov //pp r ✓.�caa t &o.,ne 6,r9' �lxvi niefebeal szo -tan yd oo Ccasual fie,% t end St iao 4' a'00 f a'f'GZ 4 •30 .2. /,oe! &a447 A/✓ CSpna4s' do h4 4#r /,Z,, oa I✓ cl Z aw*oa v T Gv Y af� �f do SA iiur t v 2zfra and Sty f art oo ,eta er 1:7 ncinLc //J toe yap 1 r 4(24 Q &rte a• 6o c✓ �t K 24440 6,1 L6 .90 V ____444 rr J444 g.fo 1 LI a. 4i .d /geltivat *el h a `r d. 4/ Atv ye, v I ,Z6 at a- Ca_L/ii VSyte_t_ tettee fr, 2e/r,ied. 4Z w /44tet a44-id 444# htt &✓a atentie4it .4 f di c tg t, i oA a Jg% �G 17` y ieunAzentaee c �y D�/. irtei.e at ho (y Ai-cut a- ai bulgy t;.4.E a/�f�ei(. ,4t ,7 frau dtt t 10 a Av owe umw &mad halle mod a. /t ir// .fie. Sri✓ ,r�it OO .Z a pi a o eo, t4 pia. -,i dv ,ti-,th to, _..1. d_ 79 'tuna/ fat kard h La h &vet eii S (Piga-at- ifilae W xd.,t`'/ t eso t ,at d &Se Al ievy c4W /92a, attca4 %Al Z4 AL 11 S t a` AC t agg-aa :howl i(e4 f 4 frieks, bg a /4- Atto.A yttott V4014 1 81 a° ho /o fir �hv /0, F Q ,actmd4 k 1414 *0 /6 il,t sd A Aiett44, h147 /At „atialeC ea /0 it scow/ &5s 41 Si „uu t ,de Aga A uu.e fa a .a as dewed iLud l a0 (J 41 v end Aina.ma .0 A m ai z fee, n a -eat. f ;'4°", iemxdfd,r (fret rain. *eta itt,una..t 1 tkaka it fr acc t J �'sstua A cu c ril ea.4..dA4 .a la fillf(. 7k 1 t Q tv east, oQ c +'ls�ucecs t�CU6 ht a. Do t- ger, 3 6 i9 ,g/ .ta t- f. At r 9 Q eyf�A (1, lir ire 1` -77..L 4.d 1 A*. A /D. oo �t 01 miw. .T.H.& ✓27.30v 9x k An eL .wst die "ta st2 as /o✓ J ;24.:&:,d �/rei .Eu b t l s-/ 9✓ 4,2,9;v At &a 4j� t tr2u 6,4 Qo. 00 1��.. tt4 yr t .4444 6 Aaab l.2 011 hi ziegio y ,t: 00 /J v d /'rte'✓ It r il l fill/ .G1. a m r a ,ter 44t2. L. 7 9sing44 2, o 1 7o a. .eexatlu 9 1 &ea drew- freed 6 l,‘"Oithd -zt J /4949 Alma Ailesoevs J; k -2.7o H I�A ViT.� 3 V J_ v boo, e J'4 44 v 8 gasettY _do t:u 4 ✓ref o AS V .IASM.avrr i6. ra X Afs 44, Neoe a4 4 aad ,d f t/Ar r Kam. bed 4 wed 40040 ,14C fo AA; eavittiwe eat t JiJ. at a -4 tie a fik gam huNid karcAn. 4,.w Q an4t 7 %th s Alien ft d at fl/ 41 Deenws ai lvotend- lc v4 per La ati arc— Acid Ste. ad 44,4 4, 2r444441‘ 4d ,€,rl &a R'. daoi, t- f ,,eath Ito /2 hid ,i /teaxdcd V (ie t i2 tuee i Inrytie an/ ho la A /te J' he h kis eatetv 6eated do t Weer al s ezie pth at, e- /Gcu'cf,�.er /J.d�c�aau a+�d edvcd arget.4 ram dth M aim ic entoc eda4:s 4.t- u,K d,� z4. cht reT'",ec t C_ 7 a, ota 00 d t Ata s 1ix ei t a C p� 4 Isa eis L. J die r /Y �•r &L» E S- LY/� tac fkoucd ka s�eeridr..Ca t �p afaw fro/.9A /zed •a. ��eeas' eottud. O l !,fµ4erixt. a inernr: r.i.t,o-,t( c /eiLx c t cu �c Nom o✓ fit ,U CSC di.. Wi ;640 9494 ek 4 t ,�c 4 0a. /,4, x°ai.v N4e a, dee.xI• .:..e. evucced. A ,t1 fir/ r &-E mow 4A/4 ie At-mead Q tZ 1- a.N-ce 4eJ.ed 4d hotaiL A a4 *IL th Sec lea tad. mit x ko, Ar stied i ro.. vcd arYatveS. ¢mend Ave Y y .0 tee.oc a 2 av hold: Atatee 4, ems. ihmAtit 24kui.eitoy k Atte e Mao- 44 10. it arm zrea" Q hat. J(4,44‘ c+a a i44).40./x, c. a, 'Meet_ .eotkis a /vast acindie. /7 00 _SA. a.o��-�. Cam e n d _,w 44,44-4 N 0.4 m Vie. i /404_4 ..Carnwrf /Vest F -,zf ko /7,4 kit k& O aan.a. %t inztat amte Ac4 ,LIZ aiv gam. Nted h Pu it Pa t Wd ,d. c1e7 fit 40 )14 /1/4144t (re itott,-eakicitC tijafrti Nowt ino-p-soce (42<„,a eaa Stoic Add XL) A,mac zcztehd -ems i ,ae xd.Ed. anasealeY E 4 ite./t it ea 4c at,.-s6 ,etc s 4.(4- .L�fjlao 1.44 a i Y I 7• f0 W 4-.00 d� /&L it:a fr eliw O. oo i i kA A Q 4 c [2 hco YStr.40 o 2 a. D o Y *�n At 4'o /ir :w0 67 oa "\i07 GK�G 4649 S- 2`J ,�L, ji I o aroviA 66/t ppec h ker(oo. co ti s .�./6.4294'y f 4tca avie n.i a c 1frie9 II; O .G tiuAAuv id r< 'r�.-�' i. dot• frif V Mr Li //L YVT/ ietiil i) J7 J 6r• 11,a, Wnii S.. c,, s.4 46 fr .4‘240 I✓ 2--4 e 77- /d'd s Adit4n oc Ittle •e Go 13/ 4 ro-$ a 9 70 4 30 yo 2•g0 ate' 20 24-tri `ni"' `T'` f /fir 00 10 2c•....' 70 2S, oo V i /a --yo r leo t`— v )4.1111.4.4 y,.. _._..Y.r z %reef; Ana /6 o ,_6 f ua w,,1 40 1.1' .eo _1:44:14 art- ocu (Xf4 9n�d 7v GA r A nted �QQ�, 4 ea- J d eta,. iris( ceT� N, xe, Ava/417 64 „L hin, e a a, r i,„ Arerce4fri h t e AcAtte ft 6 teat-e-eje I fret eaLeici. M€i ifea as ,alcea id 4 �ti 4 S /f ,fi st" A 0 1 f/� .�t% Pte. ram ?a f 4 ho /f. %a 24 /y, 4 OIFtn i 4d. kko1Z /u.,,l t ,r 4406. liana A 4% boa Salim h m "4 ;1 'ha RAH 42.1.1 flead u kit. *0,, ap,,, s e m la„,„. ,t Ate.eae eadva.. car /,rye y' ka7`'itotui eini.aac A decd Q tk�os4 ke Meal G�`a�td0 ,,sue .e,.aC_, �.w_ e__LQ 40i 1 e 93 t ev ate 4.2.a,- 4a, hitnse taro a er; 4„e )red 44 MacqL itenazd karteld atae- 1-e(ailto iv A Acta Aieseendattit eevc.zed, hint Ay, littep Ste iKeigte afze- 40 ho 20 A h a- goia ,o4 Ateele A a "'it di A., elLiee, s:“ Jnztnd a$/ae, h ance-Act a ft 40-Ff Ain/001i lobo Ate (4/ Statiloy drf- h., 4/ .4 ieria Awe tote eatad Led or k/ard Atez beta, 2 .ittee /et/wet 4.ewase. A prifest A.& e04.„taa.0.2. /cast eta _./4) Avg, A koe ;ea, ionvntage Oct mac t ItI•zie 11sti yl+gzie a€4.0t,sreet6t atid ic A“: it tvukd Wea" Mr, ACSO "4“ h� 2 AAcadJ feeevia4, Aemder 0.4 nrsaa -pc& 4,2.2. nviEv a e i.ofesa tr. leAtii.e evytad, stria hinx<e€ A-/if Afar/a/4e- /4-,a4d 4.0 22, A aegis) I dingibai, ista Ata 4. 'Ad at:t.e. 64,4%- i ainsf cat a and .aff fe„ not 14 /re.iter evad.a. t hrpoti 4 teosa gc-tt -teocatoetse td :r kg4.464, dirsee dekt" AfAe se fiur ..204.4gatat _.‘att7.7-._44. a_ esAa4.1.0t aces.4.4 r I Lest 44 A _a•-“,..4.,:altraist -tie c Zee amse 1 44 ..eriutta/ 4440, ..._fise--Aft---- ani,..* opetzece "'c' 4.044.444( &eat -Attpti• :C 1 4 -tX edit, a Ida. I' et1041-40 a 946.4.1:-0 64....dand 1212.1ye 14 90 10 grA adm c96/y'/z, 1 Ao: to l o emleiti 44 7 it6zt% rerek v 3 7 a o 44-Syr,q, 9dio 4 n I 5Z of kAtie adrattn/ 537 Z 4f11. .4. ii lv f dzr .4 7 2. e ,S7€ 46g4 S e /7tirjr-÷4r €4" dr 8 it do 141 Co fittixt es izi, 7o ./fizeid tga_ gautiev anizaae.a..,g4/ Aysi..4s I 6v 7f kfi flat ra,",„.:, f-ceittlep.) 4 if &7' t/ fr f7. e o *Ai 044.4u, NJ E 7j..9 Xed 'Nairn/ Q 3/ 7ar 0 it Keil /.40 ;CLIC iftleado geiusel €1, v 00 Matteid Stnt. too in" /,‘J-se I _oil eto eitaiat44,- e 241-44 Q 71-fi A ArY 71 attti itsees .54 aea" eave.4. 2. 0 Av0 47 1T ILS444, .4A P itrAhon, .re-a-sitto t1 y 111.6a4/ /64n4d 1 440 e hti:444 .$1.0 42 .414,4 444•' It a giaaarisrtie. 4, .#0 /1/ &milt" 79 4 /A 94 00 4o oo (ft 01171 41600 ht-o fl z,zo se 4 40 71» se V .50 00 0 0 Ad ,ro 24 et, J?; 0,D zt- 4 On Way kat°, seati_gt �l �e 4 Aceet d 6c6neestr bg Q ef- rte, ox. Are..;24,..ta. a. A fter,d do- te- Goor s S x /0 2,k .adiedar free diegai4,7zaete3/4e.,e 2 gs t., 9..04et e 3U/ t /9 9 f 9 AA( .Lau..; q %c4itn ty hti .,t Eatin treist AeA off /mod 4_ ,r mo d g ar :N a, A 2. ,i Lee4ta o Gn�,a .e.7c.t .wZ. 9 S Pic ia ac4 t 44,4,,,÷ ea C d 4 e ?e;/ 4/a G /gIA Lu•ri 71 444) aspac, aµ-id -e ,ru't tc ea- c....,we acs e.- u.ec.. Air-4,1 L'Z7' 4 _4c 'd e Wardle dat 4u l�c446 A;1:4 tgais i e -t v im /74 ea t, Ar tad .ya -I atlae Fa/ e1T'r�rtc.rrc.niyn ia.. cruse• nix h int4 ¢kta Atthtdd 4 K ao+c Act t &Ac C� QQo v- aai tk, t.M a e w i w L cMM �e c «te l eazaa to ,etA natet bk., r Jfa f ri 1 6 -:109 ate*. tit. e k 9 ciariyo c St4.1a.M /i"t,$/tat Alitat4 e /VS 7aeatieed -Mr f 4t dite M "fat kv 4144; 'u-te AgL Sd '€o t AA ,tii Wi t.. A 'r. ems, bro-cot a//f r L 4 edno( 1 A.fo S/cc& 2 &foal ire hs,�i i lid_ ✓1 U.20 l.. -.a CC. z►° at.444.4 iQiq .zv i "vi I A .W Ce k i eett. Ata J436 off idievidA t iycti.�.. 4, /.f w ire 4,04,44 ,,onhl 11 ifiehrca4 ..1S2 *r l' tivl nirte ..-ybe t e4 e-5‘ /,iiJ 4 ,2 f /44IL4 4 th i9 r at*, f// #'atra-se bufroseti.tanse,v /f2 Q /G7 SJK 41i sf$ /r evis 7 c 9 e00- g? ,mod ea Ea L 4 /rdo Am; `w` -oat 1 7!r' rtiwil �o /titf..a •e 4, ei�.c�,y f r ei v au i;. aY alre'u as da..) Aaleg n< ,t_ frith -2442.2 ._.44 S &V ..,aye R.'c�t4 .eer'r'uat d i4 zacca 4t ,u.,,,d a.-,.tizs, /1e-e;t1/4 er: f "Lae acashive.d- att.- 40. her ic la, rte. 4-4 fi AteadaS. 17404 lirlivava yioentia -4 /ca. ;at a 4cas, Aiencettoe ile /14frie �L atc4 tit ea ao ,tom an fra€14. 0#1#‘4-et 40;41 Cott 1-e-ged otstat .44-7 tievt /140-4 ,e ,a 4 4 ama __e_ get 7.0,_cd rte 044. a it G c C ,101 4444"4,_ Gnu ehut44.44 e a s t& 04444,4- emktiot: ite tar. .2.,,,„ta (rats. 44.0 Stetz-Z fry pei /,(7- 44 1 1 0,t7 4( )4 2X iV tat ionecht- ok4, 41 _lam. j. nAti iYi r, 4 Atteeneea `67 L'dti 'VS the: 1t, 27 .fie _1 hated- ,gy 1/.� ,e4ahtc 4I 27,e htaa a t;"cc T G b e a end 4 a4 b 144‘ 44-40, Q tpa. /j P1/44 Z o f c /d V 2 fr Act .4 oLC 7 v y Ma cat /Pip be ,,,Le GL.f/.,f{ //eGt a� �i�%tsr -Gc GK.c�o /to i÷esc. 2 kbian_sies_za4 knycyo e 4 /7 4-? /mss7 y ✓d crlr� /i r do dAte4, p.. 4L 2w_ -so C'; c,/j' .1/4tD -_moo_ --�ia Ana.iova ermizi Jekee lelAYet te" .ALLP _47 O 'er 4 .S "Q��✓ J 635 74,‘ C q aLc %hc:rst 1, ??C4 fs f /1 G e4. --w o aec ?ate .dn t kir1414 yietevt#401 k S o v c z .3J•• e S go r/ OD 200 /8a!,00. z 9S'' /yoo• z /9J"oo 23O./ l g5ts:17, -ao Z/ 7, /3�f /7c6 ‘,AJ" /.30 //v .5v 1/ la 9.4. 4 'ni fa ran. tom- fb 4 71444.t. mete-Anra za.tre //once. may s, Z ?to /f% A7‘6,172, i'�e 2 40-0. a�C A z z L Anted 1/4142^4. Azei,a4.e 6 444,-S„ d eed" hi t ht asfted ti e rum n Cc �z t ti� AnAue ive. e .Q do ertteb. /a eau+ 20.36 y ‘41) ;to do i4.e4i.Q AwaAway, /y- 0 0 hioud U J Vau rze. cnQ i6/ keti,„ t .t fro/Akio( +ndut -2* et iriiaawSt os.rcuC h• e& iffa ,,f"=tix.+Ccd ear lia.4 act 46/2444, At vait'ad anA.Atette. ,-4%4 ,A At a 4( hin€t 1 Lb 104.41.4 ttt aft wia hem:. ;ham 4 a di A /tea g/44etZe**;c4f-giaiLd. ele df/�, Ateename ger Grp >a 4744074 32.; 1. 32. h. 1_. My ,..p G�C -dial Ay �r /64444. p 4, o r w 12. .tea soc a. .4.J Angie t �Gt�i' Yr G� uiul ,Qte�,� 4G 4 e& rasa.. A N3z A. N 71444) envm...XL Atha p .4.41>itce a4404.. 117 /ea, /G 04 iatfritecipc ce c44.e,■ 0 6 t htivet Zu-o L er,a ktc dQ. at, JQ it s A Aseepadm44.6,t d d. S Yr ea- ka sue ,dam flM e1 do iuka a .:e ,1 /Sap 4emix.,4€ vat" 1/44/4444f tit etLfer tv ed i Pu�,, ic a c dt 4 __Vat wit 4,4.4, ae, 4 1 /72a en, rafra Lc L�d�+ v�`1asaL C f/ c atted aaz a÷ ze,pe 15.` ../.e.. Z ,tea mitv ovr.C'e haat z a tv 'h am d.- ��a a4440( 61.42a) -co/ th g 7ideni V feematA n nay da AI '0 1 P a ,u.N.idc n'.r a« 4. pate; 9 7. it l �u sc.dc.de- `�rcw 70 if a r �`Ze`. t..... 4s P.4irk.. 7 z ti.K.c.. ea c euidndain Isa and( z 440 /au f &o 2 9 A M44 ate. ,aeeMd ft. ea tA24oc rntAti .4 ft Oa 4 had Af A Iasi) 404 Sit zit A 44 ha _egesuat, 4 e L 14 4 s a- $-_4 f efh. 7..Lo i �'�A:�i�4 G �GUaC sG siva ,�yJ�rj t LeasL4., .2-fC .Gtc ;4 7 4 bait 24,49s4d--- 7 mesa "-he 4 *dr am404441t A i a zit,e ■rcti..c, A4444. rt 'frapeoe *,94 4.4t /9-45 mat-ite tut ,e4 az`' ONA4 rit n c 45 c4z _ate. dtt4A .:fit. St Atria ,idea 49 Vgirtho a t;t a h ent,auatd ak d t vdt,4 ,9 ...01 Jai a 44 t aw -a- f St.et -nataitt -4 iLe Ati,k4Ary-tit t_ "at ca4ra4,Zirs, `daw431A 4 hal 7, 31t h;i7M44 a 17 16 g Ito 319- 4 /cad 1, Cam. 2kiwit tee& It/a x ,attntd4 C k �/�A/Se t 3/ At.tot a. theinAc Pad /yaw .34L %et 7,*“) 84114444ra At Ai4c4‹. k% do '444 apkw ,z A e 1 d uel 144 ft2S4 a d, A An t S c d d 414.ol ao c Mf gvez ct Ationded go b Aluset‘c, Ztii 24tya 4144, 07-not ii f& llalat /1 4; et fit +I clatoti eixtriaaie:n i iria5 initevacat. 4 A. ac4 4 t, r Ind Orr #n- .J AA Agise&st -k adpeatat ,og,4 t Tsen&as46 at� n4 44. Otte awl £d ,rte Y w /leaded Gel Ps. t 6 a ortfahaiSzeiole. d G 1,040 v A ,4.Etc._hv 40,ti44 ida 9/9fiu�� 443 off' ni,f 9dJ_ ,Snn f/. 10, t _tyr_jfl 4.4( n tdi 42el1 _/1 %ar 7 PO 0o,/ AV• K ?i+.o f Gam- liz 28 0o V _1 e iscrir Q s.e .o. V 4r 04 1.. w oo 122 ssu s ia/ se Sv K O Oo .SU 80 00 v: ":1:14 D r y F 123 414. a.. e Zoe 4 4i a S 7o I a L 44 gf i oh 7,sG Sic J J Co erril g SS dakteciffr 29 4s L A- aie'�'`0 0 c L %d,s o 53 /33 (p 0 460 'O. r id r /2dret" of //e, awns Ir K ^x /,9 &,.a I2v 4a 4 istleicesot e'9 /6 ted.#, i Leer as 400.4 ,c... /21/4 .t' 21 6 6 Me reed r '�f' 0 7 :1-1-6„ &,4h9fit e -t 4 14V -.;.1 -1104 lc SQAAitir ff',�i si 2 /144-fie 44.44. )144.444A.G /zU o .I r 'rsilaiti 1_41 op I 7s 97v 4Lo oo 03 00 ao 10 .3o 11 da m o 1 00 7 Do oo v✓ v oo v4 540 •4 a friumatirtt.41 -e-t-e-47€1 fret 6)ko-c. ra., ,64‘,„ 4 4 4d-- gek ��h- Mad g /c4-442 e ,A. 36 4 o', 36. T s l8c#r,. nsa{ 56 le AzttoL e t 4, eft er d1/4c ho o ,Lc 44-4-4. 4, dceonst 3k.va 4. r 2Lcs tr. Vd.tt..C. ex #9, ke A xei tem-I.: iw 144. AtAmt, a. c a. a. ,#tee ems 12 Sad 4 As 444tAte,Thied 4 E cat ak /Lc .au.. d Q fez-- H A ntat. ,ice r oc O E }�L (/.:�i. /L /e4, f IM d.40 Atlas. -4040d tracisee ,.,...a r fA,S..d, Agei. i v rr Maur .4 etA+. t l:.l.Nfiu hyressuami Br a docue /zo moo 8#4 4 0f'yis fitm /'bO w.__. /Niuw.d Sena. 4 t 2 0 ao /1 A /5L _Allott aa .sa c4 fiv i %V Chan t O ✓Zl ci oo. a tAilAl a, 4 lord ieteAtaci ez.i, ,Z4,e 77 i (7 a e r v Gu f' a 30.00 e .....a Am gn, 4 We Paidt":44.0.. y 4 4 4 i Afts, 2-,7 di A e rm ea: vet A lfi, c°�u� r co Anent at 6 z 4,4440a &Aga /0 a. S. xir U Yiz 7 f i a G i e s- 3 i a. _.b_- Z- Igo v atermet! ito etaa4Atlir tisieat 4s re fr __Jac t a. t. and Lin ea Ace-mad.? s Witta4 Card /teat- a ,fr ..r h otd 4 ele.u.nt dittaadeiat katoh4 ik ,44901.4. ire Aterinci4 o /ffii 9/7 a.Qd ace i en e fata 44;44.4.4 42.4=5 -4- orint7 £i .41,4 46,n-ea Veda.. 4ge-zt a 4444 .te t0 e aac, Aed to -a.; eeea-a 0 0 girid ata oceft t t 1 .n..n d humA &La.•ceis Sista debt a o W° h. ii 44 /1d St. o s< 0604471 do olswt-i Aka. 86" N ka4 en .t -f y 0 e rr y o ,k Ansit AM 70 tWat4 oil ,Zo lettii delta 1 2.0 'S .I ss-• i tuattatf /S t zS distar., S f 4 CO 4 4-v 5 ra ct ss -.r yS 78 5' 4 e ,fU 4V Y /fit K. s 4 WT /•^fi 2A1 04041 U 1 -v 0 T ,r3`" 0 o 41 Js- S% oo So 7s' �6 4 .so ,Jf' oo, .s oo t✓ /O ioo /0 co r 3y s /2 le /1 73 /a. 3'0 yap /a. av /3 7.s" v` 1s- si /7 se so 128 60 So y 2.S 6Ov L9 7" /s s-o v 7s" 3 S-o i, .to 6 a 00 I' 00 v J0 4. in 61y 74 5-44 ire 7 ft 54 96'5' n f (4'4' sivwwRA. ea/i.e./omit 1/.29z i n 7,4„:"#„,,d4 dancleue,:abtn.m4-e4a, 14 //2" n il, ,hc&4 are t 4d lw No 3 '<v fl/ �o kaZ1 �w s rut/ y kk,� Abu 7c J, /o o ;oo k ar.4 Rft! -(v a f ,e!at ,4 Ox 44... 474; s co l� %Z; f dtt /fl -A-/-7. 7J co n tutti �7 20 co Aa gfred /Of Togo .4-#61 y649 t A/a %tc4c Offi Ind S i? od ta" fa "s/atnd /Ooo I eZina.44. %et ,`tG .s.� PLC ��Q� 1 Y oo v ianni-44.4fr ea.+.w 4 e„.4 44" d -ced, aat io 7s a 66 fe v o y 6 0 1 7 (444,144, 13 ICY i 70 40 �y�y�rsvlL 671 3o 04 b "maw /i v _4'6'0 bd s.s- z S5 v y4 n c 4/t ED a ge u 4/ y4/ 34-0 131 1 .4, A sia„,,A......f mast #4.4.6,, 4 Seca K ees. dzias--4 1444.4444s° Ai A. c204#6 f ait a J 'dos ta ettS44 444 1 .0i 4S4 Ate 7 $a. At (,Lvu ��it o rZv A ltc0•04 ,cc ssece;et Atter 44 .44so rza% atA. 414" L' a444406 a atassa s 4.44 -4 L�G,�aace +wage hileal Afeen4_44ein /ilA. /awe 4. f fi6 Aka fiv /Pied• -4 ly6/ -400 At 9 27v 'Ls.c /ijt isi 42 4s�sdat" 24 v 1444„4:41a ifiret ilcsd,/ r 9 4/ im 22 PV ,,___,7 _I_ a N triz _CL a; �t,� r4/, 4/P a7 to M n t dr Atentded heed h mod -d-- (f 4 z /fd isv i• .11-; 30 r 1' yy oo 1 a 116. terP si se SD ✓v a c &au, 4 oilier 7 44464. 7.ssL 74 6-0 Q 0a nt �s a o ,/t/ 4 /,e .5 -L. ay ,s sv ✓v +...7 "redo t4, sir r a 4 f olw ,&e 4 #f 1,, L -9/Ar rs.� 63 7s `Q(a /D 44 S fry f y so PL-4441 70 ro' 1/7 v 4 ,h4 /09 -SD .s So 11 V q 4.404ve Y /!/t; .d _6. 2oa. Psi/ %o. ti Alytia4L3.2.0 72!✓ .D_,._ a 'me s .,a 4144./. -_.r• i 4 f% t4+ ..4 __3 i h..$-9ia'. �9- 44' 4 )sas;at, yetor hat4 as-04 e /44- de/4c./ d 444 faarled 4 di... Sri tA. ,mac “adfw xfu end eftav 2oa S t arc As,. goad pit d 4 it eat _Canc �IYa4.... /east, A d...0 4 a latninen pireIt■ Attat Zia '7 %,,e,Qr t' d4 d%e�..nt...a,t�` a 7 tiZ< /I..itd Ar04finat e is 4a ASS /7,114.4a p y Dl��c .tiw C�vsf eY�lrvo 2 G°ox.a .�o �o roof ox, �i �'C train) G �t�ics" 7 AtAvO f O d d�-i1° 4 �g-�-! ham( /P P!/. I qtr 4 al. leeiniat ezdt.:„. fey %At feria An, gi.doca- act e amcid 4 fr frail ,lea ese �e �G �run..ur.Cs. �Y �oh. Ansa 4 t (Ss /Qeuinisl he a H 74,40 Gn,,. z ,L ,A .c a t )L% dO A 4 ae GL"'c ,i tw4' eisa- t M 4F d 6 a x& l�,L ,(fais.....Q du o,. srwf� P c. s -o 90 /0,71/ 3 a. I. 0 A41 A" zi yz z6 yfrks c y e •E,4/747 2_4-4 d 44 Z 55- /(4,24 s- diiinfit, 8 671 ,'f i /99//y. 477 1 2J6 9l6 '4' wed, I/03 /4. 3.73 I i/9 �itcAA Al y At tee. ,ice y /no av "44, 4 e yr9. g e 4 j gd'v a t 4 An f SY /e.t.:"./A ,r. i lea 04 ltid ox, e /7 9 LLB, SD if 96 SS' tr 4'4 44 1 4441 47z C. .f�f Vic.'._ lov 4X9 tear ifix HV 7 4044 3nz.y4. V 667, 93 ,A 4 /iC e,/1,/e Avnatsi ek /s nr. At v f �.v�.c t. /sr.,t tt 33 �o /1/70,2., /9s# ...z s 6 s7 I 4s 0 fi /o»s 6 ,tic. //ado //tea/ a ao ge4 136 b' •!b ie ece.t av 9Uau. Gee a r.ta� Z ed.t.A+.c. d- Q'4.c.es� �E"za��.r."� ev. ,Canaa et- kL 4 Ito i. b t ibt Le 4 a4.4 -6,400.4 ast-t ilei 44, Sude•C 4/ karat actiii S- ,teiL _mew sist tat /putt,. /44,44e 444igh on it A ar Du,k pct` 4...A__.22444,9 ems; z 4 r v r P s i 4 4 c n d u t h V S ,d u z z6 a e f i e r t i e f r rr ?e. z s 0 /0 s 9o. Au �i tot t /7 0 Ai ‘S-44. .At d A d is 9 la:- `•,,•o And kg-4)c veuattea A.4* t at ak day iota r/745-4414 ire ,fit diasti G �l/ nt ,a4 -ukati d 4i%tac Getz do pga44.) arm �t o6 19 /9to A etteetaiiin- -464. air lac 46 tat., *7:tide/eerie t.6,v ht A144:04 Gam. kaa,s,,a t4e e ,444a Q Aderelw2vit e•r /KVA i a f 6 ycor. Q� r. 0 rect. a- u 133 00 o-o (j 00 S /06"o 40‘ ov /OD do /1000 oo 7 7 0 1 /2 00 0-0 so 50o 00 /ot o-o ao l ,,H a.. 2 rr 93 s �j 9% 3S Qs y 2/ /'s woe /0 @It' 8 fc l 4uc.a /5 ,t' 44 ,o,,. s. Aefika i.i° -e IC 70 C i m.4 Sei- 0 Qg yyy r 6 /a Q '1r.Cpl. 44-4w a f�G✓ d /s ,:f47,rt ifil a iic ....u- /oo o•o 1414, fi /data D e dr. e•s.# g 20z y 't ut 4.K. ez... 7 4's �z� A g oo 1 �e�.. /Y.t4 4-10s obi✓ 9v P q /,//,I, /°�v' L.4 449 .sa R vr7/7 7 •1 rd ✓/o7 1//4 K /V 0 g e o _64^ t� 16 he ro, i4w9% f. ..66 er s o A S t /reseal /4, 7 &PA..1 a �.4 /t�ii! 8 3 ro,X r ekaall AZ, �l y6.�.�.v I? 4 y�%.4 i Gs oo Q� i�% �27 pc.t.,ac lr •tC✓ 2 00 t(e& ie M a b f t G a..dr 8 At fit vat b /4 giddy 5o &a 0 /'Z 00 V Ataf rt Jo o6/ t a,‘,/Y IV.I,a. .43/ o I57 ,i vrrd( .i€€ e 4 ene 7- 6y fir Mt .a.pi t 'sautcaC 44 frhob:._,.. Vtaist. 4/4441 ts4.14. Arnie a 4i Ice tided t• ,9 G 0 ,�c�%rn-,..ee -.0 at n j //IJ' .die ma, 4 d- Atihti4v,/deernigie rve sion. diese- e4 L kenci 6 A &kid Aetna a 1,,/fitispuisi /fat eosze aa #010;.s aweea f ir 14. 6. 1,1 4 1st Agestene Veoleote.rd /1424- f 4 0 2 0 4 4 e lot et. 4, 44,E Aka, ad ra dam:, 143 Arvicx /4, &sad cite tF 044' d a .e egeesi lJ. Y hest et, 4+ Aenheed eav 'Pet". diet ,f Aced ha4 iv. 4arirate,. i t /u ww a S' dofrAm eier;eA( its t[,,QQ4e_ Aid 14 Azt le a 44t: a÷-gefr Lt2• arnd %mid4d 4 4 X9 1 nl w &A ,YID,, /P t !�u,- *.c., .04 L 01444 ,4444,04_ 4.0s04 4,4 aitS%.L-7/1 /tea 4„ tags, 4 614 r..ips, 464e 4440 i hnind gerifirete4_,Ifunda k_,TAzdat:_tisv )1441 aalage 1044 Awn:. I 4 a4w .mac., 44-Arn /1 xilf A kf 1' �w b 1m( �Ae cc emu. rL ems ti g4/‘ hova dy 44*w,, Ase4,4"..si Apatzteen rte. pear Aaelati Gz° yie"it`.t aa.k ALI 111 47 ed 4 -4 v ena 4 1,1tv t Arm C zted do /244,, a td Aztaid an...0 ic4. an tiL c° :4 r drt 4een..er s••,. d �4' `t. it,* .Aprrez lorea Atheisa 44,4w,- Ake /314-• -14 *c a Att. Jai e.M4. 6v h,u. 1 a 4d1a. t44.44. ('c. 4h 44 Gr he l c ._..__G'"`�,,, �y.e,cs'` ass 4.4-/el7 4 4. *Add 4az •46.. .au ;onad t writ S-/P. ,agaiede .L'�_r ii T 4._Ad a�_a... t' _c. a :44 eo ter•. c. 4 e l SO 0 /D• ooh\ L t o A, Z i t bp/ el �0 k ,e., 4 4.a ao 4 G Awk `A a h 4,i 4 4 kot& 46t- Si A ins/ Awe A 2 t t.1 %S7" fir "O, 4 Qs, e t A.44 a.c .tan ascot' „at Aga.