Minutes1948(B)it i) pit T Minutes 4 Prince Edward Avenue 10. i Grant Public phone 9. Finance Finance Finance Ad.tourn Monroe Corfield "That we grant the Dynamo Football Club, Intermedi O.R.F.U. Champions, fifty dollars." Armstrong Monroe "That Council request the Bell Telephone Company t place a public phone booth at the intersection of I4orden Drive and Duke Street. That this reouest considered by Bell phone Co. with regards to fire protection and emergency calls in this area as th are very few private phone in this new subdivisio: Corfield Allan "By -law No. 1096 to authorize the execution of a c veyance to Blake Sheldon Benner of certain lands formerly forming part of Prince Edward Avenue as on Plan No. 50 for the Township of Stamford." Red first, second and third time and passed. 11. Allan Monroe "That the minutes of the meetings held during the of December be adopted as read." 1 4. Monroe Corfield 15. Corfield Monroe "That we do now adjourn." Dec. 2 9/47 Q Reeve Carried. Carried. Carried. 12. Corfield Armstrong "That the report of the Finance Committee GENERAL count, as presented be accepted and the accounts paid amounting to $197,776.06." Carried. 13. Corfield Armstrong "That the report of the Finance Committee RELIEF Ac as presented be accepted and the accounts be amounting to $1,019.31." paid Carried. "That the report of the Finance Committee ROADS Ac- count, as presented be accepted and the accounts b paid amounting to $6,685.19." Carried. Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour Clerk ent y Statutory meeting of the Council held in the Col._nci 1 Chamber on Monday, Januar;; 5th, 1948, at 11 a.m. G. W. Monroe John h. Allan E. W. Armstrong R. I. Prior Wm. R. Sootheran POLICE Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Members of the hoard of Education and also present at this meeting. All members of the Council and the member of the Public Utilties Coe- mission took the Oath of Office. The Rev. E. E. Shields gave the prayer of invocation. Reeve Gordon W. Monroe gave the inaugural address as follows: It is an honour to me to be your peeve for the ::ea.r 1943. It is not the first time that a Monroe has been honoured in thi way. I will endeavour to serve the residents of Stamford Township to the ut- most of my ability. 1 wish to congratulate Deputy Reeve Allan on his acclamation to his Council office and Councillor Armstrong n who was re- elected to the Council. My congratulations are also extended to Robert I. Prior who served on the Council for three terms previously and to Wm. R. Sootheran, a new -comer who was elected to the Council at the last election. I feel sure that the new men in our Council_ will add to the prestige of our municipal set up. I extend my congratula- tions to George Powell who was re- elected by acclamation to the Public Utilities Commission, also to Rev. A. H. Walkr and C. J. 2essey who have been re- elected to the Board of Education, along with Herbert Roberts and C. J. Monroe, who are sitting on the Board of Education for the first time. Put11c UtiliLi es C memi ss on were In my opinion the Police Department under Chief R. W. Worm is a credit to this municipality. I am sure we may all be proud of the work they are doing in the matter of Police protection. RECREATION In 1947 the Council passed a by -law authorizing the setting up of a recreation commission for the Township of Stamford. The personnel of this commission has been appointed by the Council and they are ready to operate throughout the year 1948. I believe that a re- creation programme properly organized and supervised will be of a s During the past year our Township officials did a splendid job and assisted the Council very materially in successfully administrating township affairs. Having capable officials makes the office of Councillor very much lighter. Stamford's population is now between two and three thousand more than that of the new year's addition to Ontario's cities and the urban residents of Stamford have the advantage of public services equal to those of any of the smaller cities in Ontario, and in road improvements and maintenance including snow removal, street lighting, hydro and jjl schools there are few rural areas in Ontario equal to that of Stamford. I propose at this time to make a short review of 1947 activities and suggest certain works which in my opinion should he carried out in 1 94 8 I will take the various subjects according to headings. PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES The Public Health Department is headed by Dr. A. E. Mackenzie, Medical Officer of Health, who along with Miss Cu.limore and Miss Kiemele are responsible for our public health duties in Stamford. This Department has been operating efficiently and they are constantly im- proving the general health standards in our municipality. I understand that they have already made some preliminary plans to better health services this year. k' iE it ae l PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD In the latter part of the year 1946 the Councils of Niagara F Chippewa, Willoughby and Stamford appointed a committee to bring in report to set up a planning board for this area. This committee has had several meetings and a report is now ready to be submitted to t: various councils. When and if the report is accepted initial steph be taken to form a planning and development board for this district. feel that it is desirable to important that areas be set with such a board since co mmercial, t indus and farming purposes. It is most im lmhicip$l;ity.:dsome plan should be up for rorderly future !development. FINANCES tinanciallyS from Stamford is iaeb is e inetter an !time that since no municipality that position today s than at to (dayresaion "hat had to entirely s eheavy' It is of e years has made a more rapid recover heavy bu of the Tax collections were never better and there than re rd slightly less 7 over /than 5% of the collectible taxes remaining unpaid of the 1947 roll. At the close of 1933 we had a bonded debt of over one and a quarter million. At the close of 1946 half million ($4780545.40). 946 it had been reduced to less t 41 79,062.04 was added, brin in 66,222.70 was paid off in 1 million mark but of g g the total at the close of 1947 but is repayable from their revenues X was for th Hydro taxpayers into account the advant tax rates have been ver grs and a ands the municipal ip by o burden of the average tax a er y reasnng8l! and the municipal made With other municipalities is not a hew of o v3' one when comparisons ar ur size and l !distinct benefit to all persons in our Township if the residents co ate in making this new project of Stamford a success. Stamford off: diversified field for endeavours along this line. I trust that the_. activities will be most successful. WELFARE oprThere are for in employment. g o 'employment at the local office of the Unemployment Insurance Commis -4 :sion. A great many heads of families are having difficulty to manal on unemployment insurance benefits. It is extremely difficult to ss port a wife and family on a maximum benefit of $14.40 these people who are unfortunate to be out of work I extend week symp1 I would recommend that this Council pass a strong resolution petitio ;the Federal Government to increase the unemployment insurance benefi to at least $20.00 per week in the case of married men with a famili The Commission has accumulated large reserves and with the wage cein� for insurable persons being increased to $3,120.00 it would appear larger benefits could be provided. These larger benefits should be `provided even if it is necessary to increase the contributions of tk. employer and employee. It is extremely difficult for a municipality to grant any :assistance to a person who is in receipt of unemployment insurance. :Government subsidized relief may only be granted to persons 'fled as unemployable through physical reasons. When one makesaascon ;parison of relief allowances to unem p to ance the the relief allowances are based on amuchehigheruscale h find possible for a family to get along better in a time of emergency. I certainly think there should be some relationship between allowances under the unemployment insurance scheme and provincial relief schedf I believe it is the duty of the government to see that work is avail able for all employable persons in our country and if this work is n available legislation should be provided to take care of the employe: and his family. I would ask that Council give serious consideration this matter. i P1 Although our finances are i excellent shape we must keep in in 1 mind the fact that Municipal Expenditures have increased dur: tt;e \l- 1 l past few years. This thought must govern the CcuLci :.ila other spending bodies when they prepare their budget estimates for the year 1 94 8 These estimates should be kept as 1o: :)OA L 1' ,,t impairing the progress and services of the Lou FIRE During the past year a Fire Department composed of Volunteers in Fire Area No. 3 was established as a Department and with the co-- pletion of the new fire hall at the corner of G 1 efhol e and nieh Strort this Department took over fire protection the area o r: e te b r 1st. During the year the necessary e rent r d, for is De- partment, which included a new pump °r constructed on ar International truck chassis by Bickle Seagrave Limited, Builders of Fire r t at Woodstock, Ontario. I feel that with the formation a_ this Apparatus, t of t� third fire department, together with the modern new e t they Lave, that the time has come when consideration should be i i eh to the amalgamation of our three fire areas which would ulti .te' provide for a uniform tax rate for fire protection throughout the Township. The Departments and equipment in both Fire Areas 1 and 2 are function- int smoothy- and have been established for a consi der, :1: hum^er of years. In 1946 legislation was enacted er a the Ontario application of Municipal Board could approve the ap p Municipality nt.li would ynp' to areas such as fire on such terms as it deems expedient. I would tl_i.;flt that the time is appropriate for this years Council to apply to this board •for authority to amalgamate the three areas makinb such adjustments of assets and liabilities as may be deemed e:;uitable and fair to etch of the three areas involved. Many advantages would be derived from such a proposal, the greatest would be a uniform fire rate throughout the Township rather than 3 separate rates and the purchasing of ecuip- ment would be for the Township at large rather than the separate areas. I am sure the people of Stamford will endorse such a proposal and I would strongly recommend that the Council of 1943 take steps to have this amalgamation completed. ROADS The rapid development of our Township has increased the popu- lation to approximately 11,800. Last year our building permits amounted to With the increase in population and building permits it is evident that services will increase and it is 'imperative that they should. New subdivisions being submitted, will require sewer, water and sidewalks and after these services are installed stone roads should follow. As you probably are aware the Department of Highways no longer subsidize the township for construction of roads within subdivisions, therefore it is with this in mind I believe a policy should be adopted setting aside a definite amount for construction each year in these subdivisions following the installation of sewer and water. Supposing we say $15,000.00 this I believe will be ample to take care of these streets and suppose we maintain our 5 mills for roads, assuming our assessment will be at least $11,000,000.00 this would give as $15,000.00 for construction of new subdivisions and $80,000.00 for maintenance and construction of all other roads. With this amount available our present road system can be well maintained as well as increasing the width and generally improving Some inside and outside roads. We have Duch as McLeod a Road. o A s number a of bridges i should e have b a reinforced boncrete top as well as being widened and a few old bridges should �e rebuilt. Every effort should be made this year to have an overhead bridge onstructed over the Wabash tracks on Drummond Road and the recon- truction of the Canadian National Railways bridge at the Halfway dertaken so that it may conform to modern construction. We should Plants i'' Reeve's i Address Rev. Shields 1. Allan Prior also make every effort to have the Niagara, St. Catharines Toror, :Railway bridges on Portage and Drummond Roads torn down and the an proaches restored to original grade. We should also incorporate in our programme the constructing at least one mile of permanent road each policy a I recommend that main thoroughfares be our first consideration,�la starting with the widening of Drummond Road to 20 feet from Stam- ford Collegiate to Thorold Stone Road. PARKS AND CEMETERIES The development of our cemeteries and parks should be given careful study 'doing' a little each year until eventually they are made beauty spots. I believe it will be possible this mental gates at the Lund t hou to instal our sl gru public works mill rate. y s Lane year to increasing o w. In concluding this my inaugural address I extend to the Municipal Council the Public cation, Board of Health, Recreation tC ommission and employees of the Township and all residents of Stamford Township my sincere wish for a very happy and prosperous 1948. Reeve Monroe called on the Deputy e Council in turn to make a few remarks. stated members view points on chosen Municipal matters. Sootheran Armstrong Prior Allan "That we thank the Rev. Mr. Shields for his pre- sence and address at this our inaugural meeting." Carried. "That we adopt the Reeve's splendid address which clearly coming of Further authorizing that the report be printed in full in the minutes of this meeting." "That the 1948 Committees be Indigent Education Roads lights Finance Fire, Sidewalk sewer Property, Cemetery Parks Carried. "That a communication of appreciation be forwarded to Mr. Corby for the lovely plants which he so graciously loaned for the inauguration." 5. Soother'," Armstrong nBy_law No. 1097 to appoint a Member of the Board of Health for the year 1948 for the Township of Stamford', read a first, passed. second and third time and Carried. as follows: Reeve Monroe Councillor Armstrong Deputy Reeve Allan Councillor Sootheran Councill carried. uni- ion w 1098 6. .Prior Sootheran "By-law No. 1098 to appoint a Fruit Tree Pest In- spector (under the provisions of the Plant Diseases Act) for the Township of Str:cford for the year 1948, subject to the approval of the Honourable Nisi -ter of Agriculture for the Province of U nt,ri_o." read a first, second and third time and passed. w 1101 8. Allan Prior in _s ipal d 1100 7. Allan Prior 10. 9. Allan Armstrong "That the meetings for 1948 be held ?Monday evenings, the second and fourth Monday be finance committee meetings, meetings be called for 7:30 p.m. during the winter months, and at 8 o'clock during the sum- mer." 13. Allan Prior Armstrong Sootheran "By-law No. 1100 to borrow _:Money from the I;:nerial Bank for Relief Roads eLpenditures for the year 194 Read a first, second and third time and passed. "By -law No. 1101 to authorize the borrowing 82OC, 000.00" read a first, second and third time and passed." Carried. "That subscriptions to the Municipal World for members of Council, Clerk, Treasurer, Engineer, and Assessor be authorized for year 1948." Carried. eation ission 11. Prior Sootheran "That we appoint Councillor Armstrong to represent this Council on Recreational Commission." Carried. Dr. A. E. Mackenzie addressed the Council by invitation and suggested that some arrangements should be made to provide an isolation hospital in this district to take care of any epidemic that we might experience. He stated that there are no facilities at the present time for taking care of contagious diseases at the General hospital and he thought that it was most important that some consideration be given to the matter of providing hospital accommodation for contagious cases. He also informed the Council that a rumour was being circulated that an epidemic of cerebral spinal meningitis was prevailing but there was no .grounds for this rumour and there were no cases of this particular I disease at the present time. The only contagious disease prevailing at the present time is Scarlet fever. 12. Armstrong Allan "That the clerk be authorized to contact the City Clerk Mr. Patten to arrange a meeting of the Councils and Medical authorities for Stamford, Niagara Falls and Chippawa in regard to setting up of an isolation centre to take care of contagious diseases." Carried. "That the following communications on the agenda be filed Nos. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 tabled." Carried. 1 i "That the clerk, Engineer and Mr. LaMarsh be author: to prepare a by -law in respect to erection of sign, our streets and roadways." G. W. Monroe J. N. Allan E. W. Armstrong R. I. Prior Wm. R. Sootheran Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "That we adjourn as a finance committee and with the regular council agenda." Mrs. W. Fisher and A. Ignagni be granted touris licenses subject to the usual inspection." "That Mr. W. E. King be granted permission to make a salvage for the benefit nofha Stamford Midgetahockeyuteam." /L. "That the letter from Mrs. Gertrude Smith re: Woodbine bus service be passed to the C.N.R. for consideration: "That Reeve Gordon Monroe and Township' Engineer Merle Ker represent the Council at a Regional Planning Com- mittee meeting January 13th at 4 p.m." Sootheran Armstrong "That grocery store licer.es se Martin and Mrs. Helen Cissek. d Roads ociation.13. Allan Prior "That we request the :n,ine to prepare for pre sentation ,.0 Counc1l a retort. 011 tnn cost lost. tion of gasoline pumps for Townsh a of Stah_ .fcrd." "That we request the P light on that partio!. No 8 Highway ilim;edia. suggest second pole). Sinnicks Ave., north third pole)." ui_ic utilities to place a street of St, >:ley Street. place ie�,uia> c�- tely south of Hydro Ca al, (world 'that a stpeet 1-ht e plL:ced on of St. Mary's Stceet(w, suggest. "That we concur with the resolution from Chi.npawa Council re: petition to Hydro Electric Power Cou re: power." "That the Hermes Club be informed that it has been the policy of the council to approve representatives to the Recreation! Commission only from Stanford ratepayers. As Mr. Harriman is not on the tax roll it is requested another representative he named." "That the clerk be instructed to communicate with Mr. H. C. Wasserheurer requesting that he appear be- fore Council for an interview re: instalation of an Electro- chemical Process plant at 1583 Lombard Ave." the request of Anatole Atom to operate a potato truck on Township roads and streets be not granted."j "That the clerk be instructed to forward the dues to the Good Road Association." "That the letter from the Board of Education re: library grants be accepted and the Township absorb the amount we expected to receive from the Board in 1947 and the full grant paid to the Niagara Falls Library he accepted by the Township in the setting up of our 1 948 budget." Gad ,11;?�Si 1 Fire bell tower Grant Engineer Tourist soliciting 18. Allan by -law Prior Petition :C. of C. +20. Sootheran Representative Prior Hospital 21. Trust Communi- cations Adjourn Jan. 12/48 ,1 5. Armstrong Sootheran 16 Sootheran Prior That the clerk communicate with City Clerk request what decision Council has arrived at in regards to bell tower at rear of the Township Hall, drawing h attention to letter of Sept. 23/47." Carried. "That the request from the Canadian Mothercraft Soc be referred to the budget committee and all future guests for grants be automatically handled in the same way." Carried. 17. Armstrong Allan "That we instruct the Engineer to secure the service of Cedarvale Tree experts to have the trees in our main roads pruned. Total expenditure not to exceed $1500.00." Carried. "That the clerk, with the Chief of police and solid- draft a tourist soliciting by -law to be presented Council for their consideration." Carried. 19. Allan Sootheran "That we feel we cannot grant the request, re the petition from the workers, as it would create too much extra work and inconvenience making up extra rolls etc." 22. Allan Prior 23 Prior Allan Carried. "That Al Armstrong be named Council's representative to the Chamber of Commerce." Carried. Sootheran Armstrong "That Reeve Monroe be named representative to the Hospital Trust." Carried. "That the following items on the agenda be filed No 7, 8, 10, 13, 16, 16, 26, 27, 28 and 17 and Nos. 6 29, 4, 19 and 22 tabled." "That we do now adjourn." Reev4 Carried. Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour 11:10.p. erk. law ,1102 la ji ent t i in: trictions and law 1099 Regular meeting of the Council Monday, January 19th, 1943, at 1. Sootheran Armstrong "That 0.ii.1 he day in the c 1Ck i:.�__ 2. Sootheran Armstrong "That the report oi toe Pla dorsed and referred to the further consider. -ion." 3. Armstrong Sootheran 4. Armstrong Allan 5. Armstrong Prior Allan Prior Prior Allan No. 1103 8. Allan Prior G. L. :onroe John H. .:-llan E. W. nrmstronii R. 1. Prior ::m. R. Sootheran held 7:3;' in the Council Che:.-oer on c Deputy Reeve Councillor CounCL-Li_oP Councillor r.ntted permi.r:sio i to fold a p, 1Oti, Carried. L. Comritte oe en- d,et Committee for Carried. "That the Engineer be authorized to place nden.uate "No dumping" signs on Valley Way Ceti +een Portage Road and Stanley :Street. That this restriction be dram to the attention of Chief of Police of Stamford Township." Carried. That the clerk be instructed to nrepare a for presentation to the Municipal Board for the removal of restrictions (incorporated in by -law 914) from Garden Avenue north to Dorchester Road Circle, and from Dorchester Road west to the Hydro Canal." Carried. "That the request of Mr. Greenspan for permission to operate a junk yard on Kister Road be tabled for one i week and that we request the Chief of Police to bringl:{ d I in a report on this request for the Council meeting I Jan. 26th/48." Carried. "By -law No. 1099 to appoint fence viewers and sheep valuators for the Township of Stamford for the year 1948." read a first, second and third time and passed. ifBy -law No. 1102 to rescind by -law ilo. 1090, 1947." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "By -law No. 1103 to authorize the issue of debentures to the amount of $200,000.00 for the erection and equipping of two public schools." read a first, second tLme ;i Constitution I, Stamford Rec. Engineer's annual report Armstrong Sootheran "That the constitution of the Stamford Recreation Commission be accepted with the only suggested change being in article 11, section 1 d. This section should read one representative Stamford resident." Yea: Allan ,Armstrong,Sootheran,Monroe. Nayt Pric. Carried. "That the Board of Education be advised that the Township will undertake to plough the road ways at Stamford Collegiate, Montrose Rd., school, a Fails View, second to our roads provided road it can be navigated in safety and we are able to t; around. The rate to be $5.00 per hour." "That the Township Engineer's cepted as submitted." "That the subdivision plan submitted by R. B. Eru O.L.S. of the Gallinger property be held over, r. Mr. Gallinger be asked to ascertain from the H.- C. whether they will approve of the Highway run through their property as shown on the plan, any if possible secure deed for same." "That the following items on the agenda he Nos. 4, 5, 6 and Nos. 3 and 11 tabled." "That the Engineer be authorized to proceed with cemetery fence and gate project on 236.2 ft on Montrose Road and 374.5 on Lundys Lane." "That the meeting adjourn to meet Friday, January 23rd /48." Special meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber on Friday, January 23rd, 1948, at 7:30 p.m.,to consider the salary schedule for 11948. G. W. Monroe J. N. Allan E. W. Armstrong R. I. Prior Wm. R. Sootheran G. W. Monroe J. N. Allan E. W. Armstrong R. I. Prior Wm. R. Sootheran Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "That the Engineer be granted $600.00 car allowance for gas, oil, license depreciation and be also granted full maintenance to include repairs and tires." "That the communication from the City of Niagara Falls re: salaries of Township be filed and the clerk be authorized to advise the City Clerk of our feeling in the matter." 3. Prior Sootheran "That we do now adjourn." Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor That we adjourn as a finance committee and take up regular council business." "That the communication from Niagara Falls General Hospital re: isolation hospital for Niagara area be turned over to the Board of Health for consideration recommendation to Council." "That the clerk be asked to forward to each member of Council a copy of agenda including all data available up to the Friday preceding the meeting as we feel this would speed up our meetings and also help toward better legislation." Dairy In- spector Road Report Central Mortgage Housing Gas pump Junk yard Sootheran Armstrong Armstrong Sootheran 7. Allan Prior 8. Sootheran Armstrong 10. Sootheran Prior "That the Dairy Inspector release to the press as as possible a report covering quality of milk dis tributed in the Township." "That the annual report on Roads for 1947 be accep and filed. The Engineer, Mr. Ker, be thanked for this very splendid report." "That this Council endorse the resolution as spons by the Niagara Falls Housewives Association, to th Dominion Government re: the rolling back of consu prices." "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to petitior. for the statutory grant under the provisions of th Highway Improvement Act on expenditures made durir the year 1947 in the amount of $81,187.46." That the Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation be advised that in our opinion there are many more Stamford veterans interested in the proposed rent' project than shown in the six presently listed. I is our desire to go further into the matter and we appreciate all data as to plans, terms and con- struction." Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. "That we accept the tender of B. J. Booth for one Xacto meter gas pump, one 500 gallon tank and one foot valve at price submitted for complete in- stalation,(except excavating and back fill) sub- ject to approval of Dept. of Highways." Carried. "That in view of a petition from residents of Kiste Road re: a junk license for Samuel Greenspan that the license be not approved." A Carried. "That the Council grant request of Mr. King to con- duct a salvage drive Saturday, Jan. 31/48 to proc funds to support Stamford Midget Hockey team." Carried. aw 110 12. Armstrong Sootheran "By -law No. 1104 to fix the salaries of the officials of the Township of Stamford, to set the amount allowed the Council for Council meetings and fix the salary to be allowed Conmrissioners in the Township of Stamford for the ydar 1948, also to set the rate of pay for drivers of a team or one horse for snowplowing, etc." Read a first, second and third time and passed. isitions 14. Allan Prior 26/48 �S -s 110 13. Allan Sootheran "By -law No. 1105 to amend by -law No. 914 as amended by by -law No. 923, 1944." read a first and second time. "That all Commissions, Boards and Fire Companies be asked to have their requisitions in to the Council by February 21st /48." 15. Sootheran Armstrong "That the meeting be adjourned." Reeve G. W. Monroe J. N. Allan E. W. Armstrong R. I. Prior Wm. R. Sootheran Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour: 10:30 p.m. 111 1'1111 Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Carried. Regular meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber on Monday, February 2nd, 1948, at 7:30 p.m. Carried. Clerk. 1. Armstrong Or Sootheran "That the Council min@}tes for January, 1948, be acceptedlj and adopted." I 2. Armstrong Allan "That the Public Health Nurses report for month of January be accepted and filed. That the building permit report as submitted by Engineer, M. Ker for the month of January, 1948, be accepted and filed." 3. Allan Prior Carried. Carried. H Humane yt Society Assessment Adjourn Biamonte Amusement tax 1 Unemployment 1! I Insurance 1. Sootheran Prior 2. Armstrong Sootheran 3. Allan Prior 0 4. Prior Armstrong 5. Sootheran Armstrong Allan Sootheran "That the taxes assessed to the Niagara Frontier Hh mane Society for the years 1947 and 1948 under Ro 3306 be written off on the understanding that all local improvement taxes levied be paid as quoted in section 10, Statutes of Ontario, 1919, 9 Geo. Chapter 124." "That we adopt the 1948 assessment amounting to $11,045,466 and that this be used for taxation pt poses for the current year." "That we do now adjourn as a Court of Revision and proceed with regular Council business." "That we accept the subdivision plan as surveyed a; submitted by R. B. Erwin,0.L.S. of the Biamonte property on Valley Way approving restrictions as residences only on lots 21 to 32 inclusive also lc 33 49 inclusive lots 1 to 20 be not included but left for commercial or residences as per lett.e of Mr. Biamonte dated Feb. 2nd, 1948, Planning and Development Board be so advised." That whereas the Dominion Government is considerir vacating the amusement tax field; And whereas Mayor Saunders of Toronto is suggestir that the Provincial Government enact legislation make it permissible for Municipalities to impose amusement tax on theatres etc. that could be used Municipalities for Hospitals and other Public Pro, And whereas the Greater Niagara Area require an ar for hockey and indoor skating purposes Therefore the Council of Stamford Township endorse Mayor Saunders proposal and that we suggest to the Councils of Niagara Falls, Chippawa and Willoughby who make up the Greater Niagara Area that a combir effort be made to have legislation enacted by the Provincial Government to make it permissible for Municipalities to impose an amusement tax on theat etc to raise funds to provide and pay for an arena for this district." Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. "That whereas per week is the maximum benefi a workman may receive under the Unem loymeht Insur Act when out of work and whereas it is impossible a married man with a family to live on $14.40 per week due to the prevailing retail prices on food, clothing and high rent necessary to pay; and where the cost of living has increased considerably sine the Unemployment Insurance Act was enacted in July 1 941. Therefore be it resolved this Council petit the federal government through the Minister of La to increase the maximum benefits for a married per with a family in such a way that it is proportiona with the increased cost of living and if possible married man with a family to receive $20.00 per w ,And that copies of this resolution be sent for en- dorsation to the O.M.A. the Ontario Association of ployment ante ntinued) eran cab hone oles .R. Bridge n uranoe e 11. Prior Allan land Chemical e line 12. Prior Allan unications 14. Allan Prior Carried. Carried. Rural Municipalities, the Department of Public Welfare and the Councils of the City of Niagara Falls, and Village of Chippawa." 7. Sootheran Armstrong "That the Kinette Club be gru •t.rd a{ perilit to hold a tag day in Stamford on May 8th, 1948." 8. Sootheran Armstrong That the request from the Veteran Cab Company for a phone at Stamford Centre be referred to the Police Commission for consideration and report rack to Council." Carried. 9. Sootheran Prior "That the hydro Electric Power Commission be granted permission to install five new manholes on Murray Street." 13. Armstrong Allan Carried. 10. Armstrong Allan "That in view of the communication received from Canadian National Railway re: bridge on Portage Road at the Halfway that we make application to the Railroad Board to have this bridge reconstructed to full width of road, pointing out that this bridge at the present time is in such condition t.ha' it is a public hazard for foot and vehicle traffic and buses are unable to pass over the bridge due to present construction, that we request that a modern bridge be constructed of re- enforced concrete with a sidewalk." Carried. "That we approve of F.A. Branscombe's project to buildji 5 more houses on Keith Street subject to all taxesi and assessments for local improvements as the needir.Y11 for homes in Stamford Township is great." i Carried. That we accept the explanation of W. C. LaMarsh re: the Welland Chemical Pipe line and that we acknow- ledge the letter from the North American Cyanamid Co. "Welland Works" dated October 23rd, 1947." Carried. "That we communicate with all insurance agents, who are taxpayers in the Township, asking them to submit a complete survey on all Township insurance policies, if they so desire, at no cost to the Township of Stamford." Carried. "That the following letters on the agenda be filed Nos. 7, 9, 12, 17 and,i5 and No. 5 be tabled." Carried. L ii I `55 1JJiJG 11 By -law 1110 15. Prior Allan Hawkers General Relief i j Roads Adjourn 16. Sootheran Armstrong "By-law No. 1111 to license, regulate and govern pe who go from place to place or to a particular plac with goods, wares, or merchandise for sale, or whc carry and expose samples, patterns or specimens of goods, wares or merchandise which is to be deliver in the Municipality" read a first, second and thin time and passed. 17. Armstrong Sootheran "That the report of the Finance Committee GENERAL Account, as presented be accepted and the account:. paid amounting to $16,541.66." 18. Sootheran Allan "That the report of the Finance Committee RELIEF Ac- count, as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting tt $1,209.15." 19. Allan Prior That the report of the Finance Committee ROADS Ac- count, as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $3,376.15." 20. Prior Sootheran "That we do now adjourn." Feb. 2,1948. 2BrXen No. 7 Present Finance 1. Allan Ptior "By -law No. 1110 to rescind by -law No. 538, 1934, b a by -law to provide for the licensing of Hawkers, lars and Petty Chapman." read a first, second and time and passed. Reeve Meeting adjourned Hour 11 p.m. Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Special meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber on Monde; February 9th, 1948, at 7:30 p.m. G. W. Monroe Reeve J. N. Allan Deputy Reeve E. W. Armstrong Councillor R. I. Prior Councillor Wm. R. Sootheran Councillor "That we adjourn as a finance committee and proceed with regular council business." Cle rar r- hanging signs 3. Sootheran Armstrong "That the solicitor b- instructed Le pre re law prohibiting ti.he erection of over-ho on our streets." eal rists e' tore ders radar rds. 7. Sootheran Prior "That the Ent ineer and Chairman of Road" be autl:lorized to arrange a meeting with Thorold Council re: boundary" roads." e areas law rant 2. Sootheran Prior "That the request Crum it e 71.-t- i F _i. Library Board re: an increase in e f red to the budget meeting for consideration. C Carried. Carried. Car_.lcd. 6. Armstrong Sootheran "That the clerk he authorized to ask for tender:, for debentures in the amount of 852,514.02." Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. 4. Armstrong Allan "That Stamford Council hearth;; e' :dor oc t.t':e Caoadion appeal for Children drive opening in the" =aaara area Feb. 9th, 1948. That Reeve Monroe be empo.:erd to insert an a. "peL:l to the Township reside is in the Niagara gal is Fverina review 5. Armstrong Sootheran "That. the Council accept the plan as submitted by Secretary of Char..ber of Co;mnerce, Mr. .:,'.S.Penne tt, re: the establishment of a tourist and ind;._;friol committee in the Greater ''.ia ara Ares:." 8. Armstrong Allan "That the application of E. Higgins for the purchase of lot 16 plan 42 Prospect Street for the sum of $75.00 be accepted and a deed given under the con- ditions of the application." s10. Sootheran Armstrong "That the clerk be authorized to prepare a by -law amalgamating the three fire areas." 11. Allan 1. By -law No. 1106 to provide for borrowing $6319.74 up- on debentures to pay for the construction of certain local improvements" read a first,and second time. Sootheran Armstrong "That Ted Corby be allowed the use of Township property L on Carleton Street for garden purposes." Carried. ill 5 till hi" JA ;t By -law 41109 14. Prior Allan t By -law 1/1112 a By -law #1107 12. Allan Armstrong "By -law No. 1107 to provide for borrowing 15,592.8' upon debentures to pay for the construction of ce: local improvements." read a first and second time. By -Law No. 1108 By -law J 16. Allan Prior A By -law #1114 By -law "1115 By -law #1116 21.112. Feb.9,1948 13. Allan Sootheran "By -law No. 1108 to provide for borrowing X6,160.0 on debentures to pay for the construction of cert local improvements," read a first and second time. 15. Prior Allan 17. Sootheran Armstrong 18. Armstrong Sootheran 19. Armstrong Sootheran 120. Sootheran. "By -law No. 1109 to provide for borrowing &34,441._ on debentures to pay for the construction of cert local improvements," read a first and second time. "By -law No. 1112 to consolidate the stuns authorize' to be borrowed by certain local improvement by -lei into one stun of T'5 and to borrow the sar:- by the issue of debentures therefor." read a firs and second time. "By-law No. 1113 to write off certain uncollectibl taxes of the Township of Stamford for the year 19 read a first,aecond and third time and passed. "By -law No. 1114. to authorize, ratify and confirm sale of certain lands." read a first, second and third time and passed. "By -law No. 1115 to dedicate on Township Lot Number 113, Highway Valley Way." read a "By -law No. 1116 to penditure on roads County of Welland" time and passed. Armstrong "That we do now adjourn." Reeve as a Highway certain and to name the said first and second time provide for the total 1948 ex- in the Township of Stamford in read a first, second and third Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour 12 midnight. 1erk sneer easants Ii 1 I' eat r t. reatioa ii 551on lu nam th sub ision Reaula.r council meat February letb, 192;8, 1. Ar.,s U on Soothor 2. ScAptheran 1-rLs t1Ou;; 3. ArAistrod g Monroe t Sootheran Armstrong uor 5. Sootheran :ter of Prior nerce 6. Armstrong Sootheran Monroe Prior 8. Sootheran Prior 11 M n Th th- to tire t ;t- �o a 2 R. 7. Pr: Recr e tio j Co _ou ap >>ot j ,_4,,;;, -r of to repro ".r 1' f to fo rd B. R. Pedford any) miS;ion to rOpe._ ;.t. (Vomen's Division) s 1, "That the recur ":t from Jueinr C; ward iron huh: fund be e•• •°red to mittee for consideration.." "That the Council advise the Department Ditvelopnent that we approve or In ll subdivision known as Royal suhdtvi-ion the i r h r I. it -(1 t,; -fl) I Tailor Cha.:ba,r o Cx,L.n rce Lan- _'0. Carried. Carried. Carried. u 0014- Carried. "That U1e Council ore 1 .1 !US' Caaahor Drive for funds to -..co n t iron iuna one t,, be located at e ach of the three mLi 1c 1pa11 Lies in the Greater Uiaaar,a Area." Carried. "That the Engineer proceed with the Fnjineeriaa detail for construction of sewers for the proposed Inuham and Smith subdivision and that when plays are completed, steps be take to procure approval for s-. use from Dept. of health, H.E.P.C. and the Ontario Municipal Board." "That, the letter from Game Warden Numa re: day old pheasants be referred to both the Fish Ganie AssociaTL tion and the Pheasant Breeders Association for their consideration." is n d.itod Feb. 16/4.1" d I 1 -By -law x'1103 9. Sootheran Armstrong Local Improve ment petitionsl0. Good Roads `f By -law #1105 12. 1 By -la.: x1106 13. By -law //1107 14. Prior Sootheran By -law //1108 15. Armstrong Monroe By -law //1109 16. Sootheran Monroe By -law //1112 17. Armstrong Prior_ ?''i By -law //1115: 18. Feb. 16/48 Armstrong Sootheran 11. Armstrong Sootheran Armstrong Sootheran Armstrong Sootheran? Sootheran Prior V "By-law No. 1103 to authorize the issue of debe-:tur the amount of $200,000.00 for the erection and e1.0 ping of two Public schools." read a third time and passed. "That the Sewer, sidewalk and water main petitions Local i_:nprovenvnts be brought before Council on or before May 15th, 1940. That an advertisement be serted in Niagara Falls Evening Review." Carried. "That as many of the Council and officials as wish tend the Good Roads and Rural Municipalities conv:_ tions in Toronto Feb. 23rd, 24th, and 25th, 1948." "By -law No. 1109 to provide upon debentures to pay for local improvements" read a "By -law No. 1115 on Township lot way Valley Way" 19. Prior Armstrong "That we do now adjourn." Reeve.. Carried. "By-law ?Io. 1105 to an nd by -law No. 914 a.s a:aende by -law No. 923, 1944." read a third time and pass: "By-law No. 1105 to provide for borrowing ".6319.74 debentures to pay for the construction: of certain local improvements." read a third time and passed. "By -law No. 1107 to provide for borrowing $5,592.8' upon debentures to pay for the construction of cert local improvements." read a third time and passed. "By -law No. 1108 to provide for borrowing x:6,160.0; on debentures to pay for the construction of cert.•' local improvements." read a third time and passed. for borrowing $34,441.37 the construction of cert third time and passed. "By -law No. 1112 to consolidate the sums authorized be borrowed by certain local improvement by -laws one sum of $52,514.02, and to borrow the same by t°: issue of debentures therefor." read a third time passed. to dedicate as a Highway certain I ii number 113, and to name the said Iii. read a third time and passed. Carried. Meeting adjourned Iiour. f 0. l o I I ler sent reat1on ai ss ion T. 2. .nchise 'It Comm. gineer's nders Regular Coui':cil __leeticig held it oil (Than 1st, 1 948, at 7:30 p.m. 1. Sootheran Armstrong Armstrong Allan "That the clerk be authorized to se -c o f our solicitors opinion re: the N. S. T. frarchise to Mr. M. T. Gray of the Niagara Parbs CO9ti: shin." Nesbitt Thomson and Co. Ltd. Toronto, Ontario. :Bell Gouinlock and Co. Ltd. Toronto, Ontario. W. C. Harris and Co. Ltd. Toronto, Ontario. W. C. Pitfield and Co. Ltd., Toronto, Ontario. Imperial Bank of Canada Toronto, Ontario. Harrison and Co. Ltd., Toronto, Ontario. Optional bid Armstrong Sootheran 0. Monroe J. N. Allan E. r:. a t ro n g R. T. Prior fli R. Soother, gat idr M. Orcl,.rd Liu Recre tior Coamissioe repres 1omens Club." 2VV.“ 5 95.91 94.00 94.75 96.00 95.214 ici lion C3 l.Or 2c7 200 000. 95.73 94.16 200,000. 200,000. 97.50 100.33 99.05 100.00 99.854 95.30 95.70 (Combined hid on above 95.62) 95.30 100.18 (Combined bid on above 99.16) 3. Allan Sootheran "That the tender of Nesbitt Thomson Co. for $52,514.02 15 year 244 debentures at a price of $95.91 per $100.00 and $200,000.00 20 year debentures 3 at a price of $100.33 per with accrued interest in each case be accepted." Carried. "That we ask the Engineer to call for tenders for all materials. Tenders to close Monday, March 22nd, 1948,1 at 5 p.m." Carried. Cale ational Rail ._y Co. ii War Disability Pension Hawkers Ped4 dlers license 1 7. Allan Prior Sewer Area Ng. 4A Greenspan Sootheran Armstrong A.rstro ;g Sootheran "That thereas the Canadian °--'rational Railway-, a (A.iag. r Division)have certain rights and privileges torsi: of a right -of -way intersecting the Township of Ste ford between Niagara Falls and Thorold arid. Whereas the Canadian 'N'ational Ram1 ay(Niagar:. Di-v have bridges and level crossings, crossing :ertai: streets and roads within the Township of St ::_ford, Whereas the Ca?adia_. .,ational Railway has abandor: street railway services betti,een Niagara Falls and Thorold and, Whereas in view of proposed re- construction and re- habilitation to certain streets and roads in the T ship of Star:_ford, Be it therefore resolved b3 this Council to reque:' the Canadian National Railway to remove the overh bridges on Portage and Drummond roads and restore original ;wades; to remove tracks and restore to original grade the railway crossings on Dorchester Road, Montrose Road, Kalar Road, Garner Road, Beec wood Road and the Thorold Town Line Road." Armstrong Prior 9. Sootheran Prior "Resolved that we hereby endorse the principal that Disability Compensation for Canada''s fighting men should be fixed with due recognition of the econor_ conditions under which they must suffer lifelong d bilities. We consider the request made unanimously by all or zations of the war disabled in Canada for a basic which will provide 100 A MONTI' FOP 1005 DISABILITY to be reasonable and just, ani we ask the Gove Canada to imple2Eent this proposal." Carl Carried. "That the application of Norman F. Slingerland for Hawkers and Pedlars License be granted." Carried. "That the Clerk be authorized to prepare a by -law t.:.r section 23A of the Municipal Act setting out a Se;: r Area to be known as Sewer Area 4A as described in Mr Kerts letter of Feb. 28/48." Carried. "That the clerk be authorized to communicate with Logan Kis'terRad advising Ghimnthat actionlwill junk e take operation, of this property as a junk yard without license be continued and copies of information at i be forwarded to the County Council." Carried. c reat1on mission 10. tral t age ing nuni- J_ons tes 12. vate bill '.S.°. 14. •eemexit lance 18. 15. Allan Prior ,ve of ence 16. Prior Allan 1 xr::i:: ro.,o 11:...1 11. 0cot.I;__4n Ara!strun m Cn i tLat divisf bic ?el- 13. ^r strong e report ^,l leI_ Sootheran Armstrong Prior Sootheran pr n Led. i' L L O Jr rt. Palls Opt_ p u r C "That the followin items o:i t' 2, 4, 7, 10, 11, 12, 15, 17, 1 20 and 21 be tabled." u Ton' "That Cup _cii Dept. c 1 elfere repo: t s 1 e re: 1 L. n l r 1 allowances for relief rec i p, t Cars led. d. "That the Reeve r.d Merl: be authorized to a" cation and execute netitionK Ci 1, -ni in Council and t' se Le„ f 1 of private 1/711 t T. ^ail'way d fCO. bat. 1 1. Ca red vc: i'd'k CU. "That we grant F. Skipper leave of abreic until the 1st of April." Carried. Carried. or i i I 1 f 70 1. 27 and 23 705.1II i!I "That the report of the Finance Coimnittee RELIEF account, as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to 1 jf law 4 111717. Allan Prior "By -law No. 1117 to chat) F he Co t'! ship of Stamford" read a first,secon,d and lthirditime.} n ti4 I t. tI ii Finance 19. Armstrong Allan "That the report of the Finance Committee ROAD ACC`!;' as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to X3705.80." d a 'Ce ours March 1/48 10 Present Police Comm. bud;;et Recreation Comm. bud. et Adjourn March 5/48 20. Allan Prior 21. Armstrong Sootheran "That we do now adjourn to meet Friday, March 5th, u. c. Armstrong Sootheran Armstrong Allan 3. Prior Armstrong "That the report of the Finance Committee GENERAL Ac counts as presented be accepted and the accounts paid amounting to 24,038.65." J. N. F. R. I. W. R. "That we ception that we Monday, "That 4:30 Monroe Allan Armstrong Prior Sootheran approve of Police Commission budget with of expenditure set up for Pension fund, asp request the Police Commission to meet Con-t March 8th, 1948, at 4 :30 p.m." we do now p.m." Reeve Reeve Meeting adjourned Hour 11:20 p.m. Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Meeting adjourned ?Iour 11 :45 p.m. Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. "That we approve of Recreation Conmiission budget for 1 948." Yea: Armstron Allan,Sootheran,Morlroe ;Nay: Prior Carried. adjourn to Monday,March 8th, 1948, Carried. 1 1 Cleric 11 ent ours; reation mission. lding A specir.l meeting of the Council was lelci, for the purpose of sett preliminary budget estimates for the year le >4.8, in tine Council Chan' ^nits on Friday, March 5th, 1948) at 7:30 p.m. i license Special meeting o£ the Co non held 1s March 8th, 1948, u 1. Armstrong Sootheran G. Mon P. P R. f -ot..__a c_:ti:n Armstrong Prior "That, edjod.n to Sootheran Prior "That re.uesl s for 6r:. fro. tori.cal Societe aad Junior Cm.. of Cc,a:m- to the bud.- nn (erred t. car- -;t fut. ;n 4. Sootheran Armstrong Carried. 7. Armstrong Sootheran 'That Mrs. 3 Tolan he tlitt,.d retire c. tive of e Lundy's Lane Historical Society on the :acre tion Corr_ is :ion." d. 5. Armstrong Sootheran "T the building t A 'r r .ii, 1ej rt £or s February, 1948, ie. accepted Ella: filed." ::a:: L;:u. law No.1118 6. Sootheran Armstrong "Ey -law No. 1113 to amend by -1n "'o. 110', 1948." read a first, second and third time., and passed. Monday, "That the Council defer the application of the Veteran Taxi Company for a license to operate taxi cabs in the Townshjp and that. the present reciproc 1 _jrce- ment he Conti sued between. the City of vita. r'..1 i s u and the Township of Stamford that is that lice nod cabs in one Municipality be allowed to ;.icy.: up passen- gers in response to a definite ,uo::t at specific address in the other Municipality without the si.ty of a license in the latter. If t• °'iaa;:.ro Palls Cab Company wish to instal a cab stand or telephone in the Totinlship all cabs of said Company be licensed.", Carried. k G March 3tL, 1943. Pcnsiou nt11 Allan Ar: tiroo "Thai the folloeir_, __p;Diicat_ens liceuee food PtoreJ he npprovod: Mrs. Helen Ciszek, 7 B G. D. Martin, Corner 7471 Belle and PJ t Mrs. ,elena J. Price, 16 G l or; "That Deputy Peeve Ve c,llan .:d Councillor Pros appointed as a o:. Litt 3e� to stud; the if urn si.rvc, sub.aitt'd to council and to briL; a recommendation to council." G. J. E. R. 1'. uT} the fl. licenses be approved: Mrs. J Colo:noe, 7512 Culp r;.. 1e;:ar.dr_ .I�.,o'A? 1 71em Mr:. 'i l 1. 3071 1 'r .'.1... il _..s, 2124 r.l 7, 20 7 raoma Mr:. A. T. P_'iL .e, 17 Glenho1me Mre. Alice rYr ieYns 1242 Fob Pt_oe 'ors. V. Fisher, 2 510 arker Street.” Reeve W. Monroe N. Allan W. Armstrong I. Prior R. Sootheran Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Ave., Carried. Carried. the clerk be instructed to write a lattE_ of anprecr tion to the Bell Telephone Co. (Lo Office) re: the CouncilTs 8 t c M l_ visit March l..i of inspection inspection ,UCaI plant r:rC, 1948.' Carried. Carried. Special meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber day, March 12th, 1908, at 7:30 p.m. "That the clerk, en;;ineer and reeve be appoint a committee to study and bring in a report re: pension plan for Township employees." Carried. :t for luny 1 iber o£ eroe 1Our tl rch 16,1948. esent ocery ,ceases creation mmitSion Allan Prior PrLor 2. Sootheran Armstrong rmes Club I 3. Sootheran Armstrong Th_ o coiroL Reeve G. V. Monroe J. N. Allan L. W. Artstru!j R. I. Prior V W. R. Sootheran Reeve Deputy; Peeve Councillor Councillor o_ r Councillor -djeL, -c Special meeting of the Council hold Ch, March 15th, 1 94 8 at 7:30 p.m. 1. Prior Armstrong "That the a olica ti OIIH Wm. J. Morrison, M. Ger ..,i:d 4, l' L :6: from i Glee he ted.ul i Carried. "That Mr. Harold Rose he appointed representative on the Recreation Commission for John Marshall Home and School Association." Carried. "That a letter be sent from this Council expressing appreciation to the Bermes Club for their years of contributing to accident free supervision of our school children. We would appreciate a meeting with the Safety Conmiittee of the Hermes Cluh, Council and Board of Education representative to discuss further safety measures at the busier crossings bear the vari ous Township schools." Carried. 1 'f Funerals 4. Viade',1ng Dunn Street eer. Ttea Su rer cations Private Bill Armstrong Allan "That the Council re nest the Police C`ief `o police car accompany funerals from undertaking to cemeteries in the Township." Reeve Meeting adjourned Hour 9:20 p. Carried. Sootheran Armstrong "That the Council will ai= 'sorr, all leg L1 c x• -c feES i:� nection of with the wide tine of DL: Street to a 66 foot width between Dr a muo a and ^olchester•.'t Carrind. -.r.!stroeg Soot, rte':: the F'•- .r be authorized mates or floe 1 of street car rails o that n to portion- of La i ;zston Street Po t e t a:CL that poi• t10! of 5 te:. e ft1C<, ttVe Lie south of n, RVL:d. V 7. Prior Carried. Armstrong wrh ;t the Treasurer to reaSUrer GB authorized Go COI1taC t. Mr. 2524 25< leer St'eet., ±l,at. this Council �:i7.1 for lot him to :!liii ",O. 44, reg. Ot deed 4 Plai, ".o. 55 Bros ue until he has fulfilled his part of agree: :e if this does not meet ith his approval we will glad to reimburse him for original price of lot." Carried. a". Allan Prior "That the following items on the agenda be filed Nos. 4, 5, 6 and 8." Carried. 9. Sootheran Prior "Thit Councillor Armstrong and the Clerk be auth- orized to be in attendance when Stamfordts Privat, Bill re: Can. 'atio »al Agreement comes up in Lei lative Committee at Toronto.n- Carried. p, _law NNo.1119 10. Sootheran Armstrong "By-law No. 1119 to authorize the Reeve and Cleric to sign an agreement between the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario and the Municips.lit; the Township of Stamford." read a first, second third time and passed. Clerk. anford yen Town :surance offer A 'tag out S. Thorpe iuk2 Id sura;Ice 5. Prior -oker Scotheraa Dirt J. C. Collin_ Stamford r Star�,Jrd 1 o1 f -st. j 11 6. Armstrong Sootheran "T11 ,t. as members a_:u pomson .i.< a� time w d t ti chain suitable arrLages te do duct tioe of the Towush_i n h a li n e broker for Loot. Carried. 7. Sootheran Allan t?Thnt �1'�. �.sC: ?;U:o uc named broker i to .n o sup rvy., Town- ship insy ranee •ez_se :e Ives .ter nine iocer o tario :hoer ociet- 1 .I 1 2 4• Prior Allan Teohera 21. Allan Ho ot Soot i ,r .s trop live cklin t 23. oo theran "That the Tow $ii1 Or-turio Career nci-et,t in has bee: ed director of Carried. Carried. Carried. Armstrong "That „e 1 1 m utt c.- move that li: t+.<- Clive reporter �!.e e of the press gallery f Poi i out t' ship He11 eit our considered opr on that r l_ `11 `.'c' r co I presented the 1, ve :i c,_; fle7lew in his cep porter that he has i fair and i! .u_ r epo is of all proceedi-ngt. It is further I d ti copy of this resolution be sent his er :p7 u; 1 i-law No. 1 Allan Armstrong "By -law No. 1120 fixing the rate to be levied and col- lected on the rateohle property of the Township of Stamford to pay the current expenditures of the Muni cip &lity for the year 1948." read a first, second, and third time and passed. Yea: Soo theran,Arnstrong,Allan,Monroe. Nay: Prior. Insu aaoe Dump r ngiheol Cold patch 8. ci:ot:heran Al l a n Allan 14. Anon Prior Ar;istrlcg foother.n 5. Sootheran Prior "That ,urn" 15'' e I ce ;a extra 10:" for _uner iee all polic_es. J. c'_ fur of the Ccu. Prior. flootheran "T aC `nt .e a- of C' l ;u r l a Pros. for smou fill! _:u.:ject to approval "T1_ the teader of Co.. e n p. a :.p ce, teu 0- Sewer i pe u te_dep for Jl tI e. (Subject to Dept.of Highways). Carr: 12. Sootheran Prior "Tent the ;.:el ht:;i: Hider for or eF „e.. Le cep (Subject to Dept.of Highways) tale te-de o,. 5 Tal all :�l r Bros. to sup a_l sizes required, be zic.e :'.iPd, subject to of Dept. of Higtrways.” (Subject to Dept. of Hi;hw. Carri: "That That l:e o eese the 7ot1ce of Mot5on Motion served oh Too iishtp :r gi-�eer by the firm of McPur !_y ,NeTu and Durdan returnable in. Toronto on March 30th, next before the Supreme Court for a mandatory reouiring him to issue a building permit to Fro H. Clement as applied for by him for a resider:.+ and motor court to be built upon part of lot f part of Vine Avenue on Plan 47 acid that the F be empowered to secure legal assistance in o.,,o- the "lotion before the Court." Carri- "That R. E. Law's bid for supply of cold patch it accepted, subject to approval of Department". Carri',t 4 i Ars Adjourn `arch 22/48 No. 15 Present Inspection Daylight Saving time Licenses Insurance Pc 26. :strong Allan r "That we do now adjourn as Tina :ice Co md Reeve M k etli'.,_, .::.jour pea Hour 11:45 p.=a. Lh Regular meeting of the Council held in the Council j April 5th, 1948, at 7:30 p.m. LLe Carried. Cler'-. Chamber on Moe 2. Armstrong Prior Sootheran Armstrong G. W. Monroe J. N. Allan E. W. Armstrong R. I. Prior Wm. R. Sootheran Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Prior to the meeting the Council welcomed Stamford Teen Town Mem:Hr and certain representatives of the Lions' Club, who sponsor Teen Town, at their meeting. The party was conducted on a tour of in- spection through the Township Hall and the functions of the various offices explained to them. After the inspection the officers of Teen Town had their picture taken sitting at the Council table. Mr. Leonard Couch on behalf of the Lions! Club thanked the Council for their courtesy extended. 1. Armstrong Allan "That the Township of Stamford adopt daylight savin time during the period from April 25th to Sept. 26th, 1948." Carried. That the building permit report of Engineer and tb Public Health Nurses' report for month of March 1° be accepted and filed." Carried. Allan Armstrong "That tbur.ist home licenses be issued to Mrs. W. 1'a and Mrs. W. D. Deeper also grocery and meat licen° to John Nagy, Julia Zabor and Herbert Haynes." Carried. "That the report of the Insurance Committee be apps and they be authorized to proceed with insurance programme as outlined, with power to deal tith "r details." Carried. reat1on ittee mmni- tions lutes a oline 10. -law #1121 111. Prior Allan iance ante ante burn 1.5 pound 5. Sootheran Prior "That Council, feeling the great need for Cancer re- search, do endorse the present me':°.ership drive of the Ontario Cancer Society. The Peeve is further asked to advez•ti.-,e cur 6. Sootheran Allan "That Mr. Douglas Bell of St Hford Teen To;; be to the Recreation Committee." 7. Armstrong Sootheran 8. Allan Prior 9. Allan Prior Armstrong Sootheran 12. Sootheran Allan X 13. Sootheran Prior i14. Allan Prior 115. Sootheran Prior Curried. "That the Engineer be authorized on behalf of the Township to enter into an agreement to be submitted to Council re: a dog pound." "That the report as presented be amounting to $",5, X 9 1 deed."2.6efer Reeve Cnrr ed. Carried. "That the following items on the agenda be filed Nos. 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16 and 18." Carried. "That the minutes of the meetings held during the month of March be adopted as prit:ted." Co rri ed. "That we dispense gasoline on ly to Municipal owned ve- hicles and that a charge of'one cent above cost be charged to cover dispe'i and i:ia i utena :nee." Carried. "By -law No. 1121 to amend by -law No. 914, 1944 as amended by By-law No. 923, 1944." read a first, second and third time and passed. "That the report of the Finance Committee REI:IEF Account,J' as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $1,506.63." Carried. of the Finance Committee Road Account, accepted and the accounts be paid 12 9.54.u Carried. "That the report of the Finance Committee GENERAL Ac- as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $253,295.92." Carried. "That we do now adjourn." Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour 11 p.m. Clerk. cd ourn pr. 12/48. 1 uncil e' n me t creation m. ssion rist G e se staurant 9. Armstrong Sootheran That we do now ;.djourn." Reeve M e e t Hour Carried. s-djo td 10: m. Regular Council meeting held in the Council Chamber on Monday, April. 19th, 19 at 7:30 p.m. 1. Armstrong Allan "That Council meetings commence Monday, April 26th, 1943." 2. Armstrong Sootheran Sootheran Allan "That J. R. Shuttler of the Stamford -South End Veterans Association, George Caswell of Canadian Legion be appointed to the Recreation Commission and that the suggestion of the Commission that Mrs. George Irvine and Wm. Meadows be named to the Commission be accepted.'! Prior Allan Sootheran Allan Sootheran Prior 7. Sootheran Armstrong f� G. W. J. N. E. W. R. 1. W. R. Monroe Allan Armstrong Prior Sootheran Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor at 3:30 p.m. starting Carried. "That a copy of letter from E. Weightman Son re increase of price on cement be forwarded to Dept. of Highways for their approval." Carried. Carried. "That letter from Mr. R. W. Glintz re purchase of property where Township Dog Kennels are situated be tabled for one week for further consideration." Carried. "That Mrs. G. Herrington be granted a tourist home license subject to the regular inspection." Carried. "That Steve Chanady Jr. be not granted a license to operate a restaurant in the Township." Yea: Sootheran, Armstrong, Prior, Allan, Monroe. Carried. "By -law #1123 to provide for the dissolution of all Fire Areas in the Township." Read a first, second and third time and passed. e ti No. 16 Present cells Tourist licenses Price controls; Motor oils Taxi license Communi- cations 1 By -law #1122 8. Allan Prior Special Council meeting held in the Council Chamber on Monday, Ain 12th, 1948, at 8 p.m. 2. Sootheran Armstrong G. W. Monroe J. N. Allan E. W. Armstrong R. I. Prior W. R. Sootheran Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor 1. Prior Armstrong "That we notify J. J. Taylor Safe Liorks Ltd., T that we await early delivery and installation of jail cells in accord with our order at prices nu.` in their letter of April 8th, 1948." Carried. "That tourist home licenses be granted to Mrs. ids: Foreman, Mrs. Harriet Scheu, Mr. John Szeman, Hr Donald :cCauig, Alex Kovacs, Mrs. Lucy Wilson, M.. I. C. Hartzner and Mrs. Hazel Hodgson, subject te usual inspection." Carried. Sewer rental agreement 3. Sootheran Allan "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign set• rental agreement respecting sewer services for perty owned by Victor Kiemele described as Parcel 19 on the north side of Keith Street. Rental to $5.35. per year for a period of 30 years." Carried. Sootheran Prior "That a telegram be sent to Ottawa protesting the governments action in refusing an audience with th Housetives Association on the question of price co trols." Carried. Armstrong Allan "That motor oils be sold to Township owned vehicle at 25¢ per quart." Carried. Prior Sootheran "That we rescind resolution of March 8th re: defer of application of Veteran Taxi and application for three licenses be granted, subject to approval of Police Chief." Allan Prior Carried. "That the following items on the agenda be filed N 1 2, 3, 6, and 9." Carried. "By -law No. 1122 for the collection of taxes for fl year 1948." read a first, second and third time an passed. GA wow, P1 Dog pound catcher, 1 yl I Agenda Fire report 10. Allan Sootheran "That the quarterly report from Fire Co. No. 1 be accepted and filed." Water fountains April 19,194$. 8. Prior Allan 9. Prior Allan "That we approve of report re dog pound and dog catci arrangements and that Clerk prepare necessary agreements and also revise the dog by -law as outlined to take care of necessary changes." Carried. "That the following items on the agenda be filed nos. 2, 6, 9, 12 and nos. 4 and 16 tabled." Carried. Carried. 11. Armstrong Sootheran "That the Engineer be authorized to proceed with the installation of water fountains on Prince Edwar Avenue, Stamford Green, Carlton Street, Lot 67 and 18 Arthur Street and Wartime Housing parks." Carried. At the request of the Chamber of Commerce Reeve Monroe made the following appointments to the committees indicated: Chamber of Commerce Tourist Committee Councillor E. Armstrong Councillor W. R. Sootheran. Chamber of Commerce Industrial Committee Councillor.R. I. Prior Engineer M. F. Ker. Statement of proposed local improvement construction for the year 1948 was placed before Council. The requests for watermains, sewer mains were discussed in detail and instructions were given to the Engineer and Clerk to have the necessary by -laws, agreements etc. drawn up covering the work agreed upon. Adiourq 12. Prior Allan "That we do now adjourn." Reeve. Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour 11s45 p.m. ��e Cle s e r eery tense a Catcher 2. Sootheran Armstrong "That James Black be appointed Dog Catcher with his fee to be $3.00 per dog upon receiving a complaint of the Police Department and $1.00 per dog when picked up during the course of his regular rounds and that the Clerk and Reeve be empowered to sign an agreement with Dr. Potter as pound keeper." tenses urist ce reation ssion Special Council meeting held in the Council Chambers on Monday, April 26th, 1948 at 8:30 p.m. 1124 1. Allan Prior G. W. Monroe J. N. Allan E. W. Armstrong R. I. Prior W. R. Sootheran Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "By -law #1124 to regulate the keeping and running at large of dogs." Read a first, second and third time and passed. Carried. 3. Sootheran Prior "That Joe DeForge be granted a confectionery license and Taras Manjos a grocery license subject to usual inspection." Carried. 4. Armstrong s Sootheran "That applications for tourist home licenses be granted to Mrs. F. H. Clement, Mrs. Dora Ignagni and Mrs. B. Kemp subject to inspection." Carried. or 5. Allan Armstrong "That the quarterly report of Fire Area #2 be accepted and filed." Carried. Councillor Robert I. Prior verbally resigned as Chairman of Parks Committee. 6. Sootheran Armstrong "That Reeve Gordon Monroe be appointed Chairman of the Parks Committee to fill the post vacated by the resignation of Councillor Robert Prior." Carried. staurant 7. Armstrong Allan "That the application of Mrs. Rose Chanady at 2901 Drummond Road for a restaurant license be not granted." Carried. Prior Sootheran "That Mrs. Rose Chanady be granted a permit to operate a grocery store at 2901 Drummond Road subject to usual inspection." Carried. Allan Sootheran "That the request from the British Canadian Veterans Association appointing Mr. Fred Hamerton to the ibecreation Commission be approved." Carried. e 10. Allan Sootheran "That a building permit be granted to Mrs. Harriet Scheu Canboro Road, to build 2 cabins. Also to George Futo to build 2 cabins at 2537 Stanley St." 11. Sootheran Allan "That as many members of Council and Township officials as possible attend the Church Parade of the Falls View Fire Department arranged for Drummond Hill Church, May 9th." !Subdivision 12. Armstrong Prior '!That Council make urgent request to Welland Securities re proposed subdivision to change proposed Heximer Street on subdivision to be in alignment with existing Heximer Street." ;15. Sootheran Armstrong "That we do now adjourn." G. W. Monroe J. N. Allan E. W. Armstrong R. I. Prior W. R. Sootheran Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "That items numbered 1, 7, 9, 15, 16 and 22 be filed and nos. 18 and 21 tabled." 14. Sootheran Armstrong "That the Engineer and Chairman of Sewers survey the truck situation for the sewer department bringing in prices of new vehicles for the next meeting." (Regular Council meeting held in the Council Chamber on Monday, May 1948, at 8;30 p.m. Sootheran Armstrong "That the minutes of the council meetings as printed for the month of April be adopted." "That this Council make a strong protest Municipal Board against granting the M. Company of Buffalo a licence to operate cial Highways in Ontario." "That tourist home licenses be granted to Mrs. F. P. Maraldo, Mrs. Martha Marquis, Airs. Frances Kennington, subject to inspection. That restaurant licenses be granted to Hazel Donnelly, Harry Manson and L. J. Cornell, subject to usual in- spection." "That John Wiley and William Kamoroni be granted victualling licenses, subject to the usual inspection." "That Mr. Bowen be granted a building permit to erect a grocery store on corner of Taylor and Franklin Street on lot #17 subject to approval of Engineer." "That Leslie Woolnough be granted permission to a building to house a laundry at the corner of Glenholme and Frederica Street." "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign a sewer rental agreement respecting sewer services for Parcel No. 8 on the south side of Keith Street owned by Wallace W. and Hilda Winter. The rental to be %5.35 per year for a period of.30 years." "That the tender of Charles Bouck for delivery of an International truck at tender price of $1,725. be ac- cepted.(K-B-2, 3/4 ton pickup). "That the Clerk be authorized to communicate with Mr. Scott, Central Mortgage re: possibility of erection of Housing on Heximer property as it has been intima- ted to this Council from Niagara Falls Council that Central Mortgage are now in position to proceed with this type of construction. That the Clerk communicate with City of Niagara Falls Council that we will meet with them as soon as we obtain certain information from Central Mortgage." J Tag_ day Public Utilities gas oil pension Bright's Wines Fiorina sub -post Office 10. Sootheran Prior "That Niagara Frontier Humane Society be granted per mission to hold a tag day on Saturday, May 22nd." 11. Allan Prior 12. Sootheran Arnis trong 13. Armstrong Sootheran Portage Rd. Bridge 16. Armstrong Allan Carried. "That the Stamford Public Utilities Commission be granted permission to purchase gas and oil at Town- ship storehouse for their trucks." Carried. "That we accept the proposed Pension Plan for Muni- cipal employees as submitted by the Great West Assurance Company paying for tea Nero= pit service in a single premium, payable at inauguration of Pension Plan, subject to the approval of the Muni- cipal Board and Income Tax Division of Dept. of National Revenue. The clerk to be authorized to sign application for same." Carried. "That the clerk be authorized to communicate with Brights' Wines Ltd. (Farm Division) quoting Muni- cipal Act 497 re: possession of unopened road al- lowances. That council have no objection to opening of ditch on unopened road allowance pro- viding the Act is conformed with. That the ditch be laid out and constructed subject to approval of Township Engineer." 14. Allan Sootheran "That we grant John Fiorina license as approved by Dr. slaughter House license be Carried. a retail meat market H. R. Potter and a not granted." Carried. 15. Sootheran Prior "That we recommend the opening of a sub -post office to serve the Woodbine Section and letters expressin our wishes be sent the Post Master General, the Hon. Humphrey Mitchell and Post Master Patrick McC It is our further Irish that the Postal Department make a survey of the drop letter boxes in the Town- ship with a vciw of increasing the number." Carried. "That the clerk be instructed to reply to letter from Board of Transport Commission,4pril 27/48, pointing out the impossibility of Township Engineer proceeding with the design of a bridge on Portage Road, at Halfway, for the Canadian National Railway and bringing to the attention of the Board council' urgent wish that the rebuilding of this bridge by Canadian National Railways be proceeded with immedi tely due to the hazardous condition of this bridge the present time.n Carried. lgineer use swell bdivision 19. Allan Prior nance nance nance lland curities operty_ wars 17. Allan Prior "That the Engineer's building permits report also :he Public Health Rurses' report for the month of April be received and filed." Carried. catcher 18. Sootheran Prior "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign the agreement with James Black Jr. as dog- catcher." Carried. "That the Council approve of the Caswell Subdivision subject to the owner agreeing to the ususal re- strictions." Carried. 20. Armstrong Allan "That the report of the Finance Committee GEfERAL Ac- count, as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to '16,359.20." Carried. 21. Allan Sootheran "That the report of the Finance Co.,uiittee RELIEF Ac- count, as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $1,209.97." 22. Armstrong Sootheran Carried. "That the report of the Finance Committee ROADS Ac- count, as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $5,023.99." Carried. 23. Armstrong Prior "That the plan as submitted by R. Blake Erwin, O.L.S., of the Welland Securities property at corner of McLeod Road and Drummond Road be returned, asking Mr. Erwin to submit a new layout showing a more open plan, with one street in alignment with the extension of Neximer Avenue, and if possible an additional Avenue at or near the west end of property, as well as streets running east and west, this type will lend itself to better sewer and water services as well as giving it better fire protection." Carried. 24. Allan Sootheran "WHEREAS the Council deems it desirable to construct as a local improvement sewage treatment works in a defined area of the Township as hereinafter described. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Notice of Intention be given under Section 12 of The Local Improvement Act in the form now submitted to this Meeting giving notice of the Council's intention to undertake as a local improvement under the provisions of Section 12, Section 63 and Section 64 of The Local Improvement Act and under the Township of Stamford Act, Statutes of Ontario 1924, Ch. 126, as amended by Statutes of Ontar- io 1926, Ch. 94, the construction of sewage treatment works consisting of a disposal tank near the Hydro Electric Power Commission Canal with an outlet to the Canal, and that in the Bar -law for undertaking such work t he Council do define the following Area: I! It! Disposal tank Watermains Royal sub- division Sewer for Division, Leonard and Fry "part of Township Lots 124, 132 and 141 bounded on the east by the Hydro- Electric Power Commission Canal and the Toronto Niagara Power Co. Right -of -Nay; On the north and west by the Queen: Elizabeth Way; and on the south by a line drawn parall sou to Lundyts Lane and 150 ft. south °under. of Lundy's Lane extended from the Hydro Electric Power Commission Canal on the east to the Queen Elizabeth Way on the west." and provide that the cost of the work, including De- benture charges and the cost of maintenance and ma ment of the work, shall be assessed and levied on 1 rateable property in such area." Carried. 25. Allan Armstrong "WHEREAS the Council deems it desirable to construct as a local improvement sewage treatment works in e defined Area of the Township as hereinafter referred to. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Notice of Intentioi be given under Section 12 of The Local Improvement Act in the form now submitted to this Meeting giving notice of the Council's intention to undertake as a local improvement under the provisions of Section 12 Section 63 and Section 64 of The Local Improvement Act and under The Township of Stamford Act, Statutes of Ontario 1924, Ch. 126, as amended by Statutes of Ontario 1926, Ch. 94, the construction of sewage treatment works consisting of a disposal tank on McLeod Road at the Hydro Electric Power Commission Canal, with an outlet to the Canal, and that in the By -law for undertaking such work the Council do co-:- firm the establishment of Sewer Area Number 1 and f provide.. that the cost of the work, including de- benture charges and the cost of maintenance and management of the work, shall be assessed and levied on the rateable property in Sewer Area Number 1." Carried. 26. Allan Sootheran "By -law No. 1125 to declare the desirability of under taking certain works as a local improvement under th provisions of The Local Improvement Act.(Watermains, Royal subdivision.) read a first, second and third time and passed. 27. Armstrong Prior "By -law No, 1126 to declare the desirability of under• taking certain works as a local improvement under the provisions of The Local Improvement Act. (Sewer Area 1)(Division, Leonard and Fry), read a first, second; and third time and passed. Sewer Area 4A' 28. Allan Armstrong "By -law No. 1127 to declare the desirability of unde taking certain works as a local improvement under the provisions of The Local Improvement Act. (Sewers Area 4A), read a first, second and third time and passed. Dgrchester '29. Allan 4bLeod Sewer prior r Area 1 Watermains on •etition 30. Sootheran Armstrong "By-law No. 1129 to authorize the construction of certain watermains as local improvements under the provisions of The Local Improvenae An (outereai on petition) read a first.and second time. Adjourn May 3, 1948. 4 20 p resent Chair "By -law No. 1128 to declare the desirability of under- taking certain works as a local 1?anroveaent under the provisions of The Local In:provnment Act. (Dorchester and McLeod Sewer Area 1), read a first, second and third time and passed. 31. Sootheran Prior "That we do now adjourn." Ree J. N. Allan E. W. Armstrong R. I. Prior Wm. R. Sootheran Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour 12:50 A.M. Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Special meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber on Monday, May 10th, 1948, at 8:30 p.m. Armstrong Sootheran "That Deputy Reeve Allan take the chair." Carried. Armstrong Sootheran That the request of Qtmn City Shows for permission to operate a carnival in the Township, May 24th for 6 days be tabled till May 17th for further con- t, sideration." Carried. ourist cabins 3. Sootheran Armstrong "That Guisi.ppi Benvenuti be granted a license to erect four tourist cabins on lot 42, plan 35." Carried. 6 ease(Glintz) I 4. Armstrong Prior "That the Clerk and Reeve be authorized to sign a lease between the Corporation of the Township of Stamford and R. Glintz being that portion of the Corporation property (20 acres) purchased from Welland Securities and abutting Kalar Road. That the lease period be for 5 years at the rate of $175.00 for the full period. That the Corporation retain the privilege of crossing said property at any time." Carried. !i 1 Mail service Centreal Mortgage D Cadet t Inspection Engineer Tourist homes ;.1. Horticul4 tural Society 5. Sootheran Armstrong 6. Armstrong Sootheran 7. Sootheran Prior Restaurant 8. Prior Sootheran "That inasmuch as Mrs. Rose Chanady has given certain written undertakings she be granted a victualling license to operate her restaurant at 2901 Drummond Road." Armstrong Sootheran Victualling licenses 10. Sootheran Prior Sootheran Prior "That we write the Postmaster General, the Honourable Humphrey Mitchell and Postmaster Patrick McCr,11 re- questing the inauguration of mail delivery service to the built up areas of the Township." Carried. "That the clerk be instructed to write W. W. Scott of Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation requesting meeting with Council May 18th, 1948, at 8:30 p.m. re: Wartime Housing and Heximer subdivision." Carried. "That as many members of Council as possible attend the cadet inspection of Stamford Collegiate on Monday, May 17th at 2 pan." Carried. Carried. "That the Engineer be authorized to call for tender for a stationary air compressor. (Specification as approved by Engineer) Tende*s to be in by '5 o'clock Monday, May 17, 1948." Carried. "That George Powell, Joe Savriga, Emil Kalcic, Peter Georgieff, Mrs. Alice Coughlin, Mrs. Doris Smiley, Walter Campbell, Mrs. M. A. E. Clark and Violet Fuller be granted victualling licenses subject to the usual inspection." Carried. "That Mrs. Myrtle Sloggett, Frank Liefl and Mrs. Anthon Jacobi be granted tourist home licenses subject to the regular inspection.p Carried. 12. Prior Sootheran "That Stamford Horticultural Society be granted $125. one halt! their regular grant for 1948." Carried. aughter use 13. rap •ce censew 14. lidet Church parade 15. ionite rasive Co. 16. ?averdam Road trough St. 17. pt. of ghways 18. glneer 19. micipal Bd.20. t aring re: i nd truckin Sootheran Prior "That R. fir.`. Glintz. be granted a S1Lu hOUSP li cP_ subject to the usual inspecLon." Sootheran Prior Sootheran Prior "That Councillor Armstrong be the Reeve's at Cadet Church parade in Victoria Park, Armstrong Sootheran Armstrong Sootheran Armstrong Prior "That the Council request the Dept. pave gutters and shoulders on both Highway from Thorold Stone Road to Armstrong Sootheran Armstrong Prior Caryl_ "That Mrs. Ada E. Vs dersluys, S. li M oci�, Charles McGibbon, Louis Ferencz, Mrs. S. Kovacs, Mrs. L. L. CralL, Pane Yerick, Mrs. 14. .1' E. Clark be gr. -t. tourist ca;np licenses, subject to the usual inspection.” Carried. representative Sunda s, p.m," Carried. "That the Council approve of Fuildin perr:'.it for Lionite Abrasive Company and Engineer be authorized to issue permit." Carried. "That we request County Council to make ":e:averc Foad a through road between Lund :}s Lane and Thorold mown Line." Carried. of Highways to sides of No. 8 St. John Street." Carried. "That the Engineer be authorized to proceed with the removal of culverts, fill ditches and widen Drummnond Road Crawford St. to N.S. T.; Crawford Street Drummond Road to St. James; Longhurst St. Crawford St. to Thorold Stone Road; Locus and Edward Murray St. to Dixon St.; Murray St. Portage Rd. to H.E.P.C; reconstruct Taylor Street westerly 500', Franklin Ave. Monroe Street to Earker Street." Carried. "That Deputy Reeve Allan be appointed a delegate to at- tend hearing before Municipal Board re: trucking in bond over Provincial Highways, to be held in Toronto May 12th, 1948." Carried. /Assessor By -law 1130 22. Sootheran :By-law 1131 '23. Prior Armstrong "By -law No. 1131 to authorize the construction of a sewer hereinafter described as a local improvement ur the provisions of The Local Improvement Act. (Sewer- mains on Division, Leonard etc.)" read a first and second time. 'By -law 1132 24. Sootheran Armstrong By -law 1133 25. Armstrong Sootheran By -law 113• 26. Armstrong Sootheran ijBv -law 11 5 27. 4! Adjourn 4: HMay 10, 1948. ;21. Sootheran Prior Armstrong "By -law No. 1130 to authorize the construction of a watermain hereinafter described as a local improvemeig under the provision of The Local Improvement Act. (Watermains in Royal Subdivision)nread a first and second time. Armstrong Sootheran "That we express our best wishes for a speedy recovery to Assessor Frank Walker confined to the .General Hos pital." sent Carried. "By -law No. 1132 to authorize the construction of a sewer as hereinafter described as a local improvement under the provisions of The Local Improvement Act. (Sewermains in Royal Subdivision.)" read a first and second time. "By -law No. 1133 to authorize the construction of a sewer as hereinafter described as a local improvement under the provisions of The Local Improvement Act. (Sewermains on Dorchester McLeod)." read a first and second time." "By -law No. 1134 to authorize the construction of cert sewage treatment works hereinafter described as a loc improvement under the provisions of The Local Improve ment Act.(Disposal tank McLeod Rd.)" read a first and second time. "By -law No. 1135 to authorize the construction of cert sewage treatment works hereinafter described as a loc improvement under the provisions of The Local Improve ment Act.(Disposal tank -Royal subdivision) read a fir and second time. Prior Armstrong "That we do now adjourn to meet at 7 p.m. next Monday t inspect proposed si dewalksconstruction before council meeting." zoziciNAA-- Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour 11 p.m. 1 etery tral tgage nivals rist ps tualling ense urist homes Special meeting of the Council held in the Council May 17th, 1 948, at 8:30 p.m. The Council met before 8:30 and inspected the locations where side- walk construction if proposed for this year. 1. Sootheran Prior "That N. M. McLean be permitted to erect two head- stones on his six grave plot in Lundy's Lane Cemetery." 2. Sootheran Armstrong "That the Greater Niagara ^oating Club be granted per mission to hold their Annual Reg on Welland Liver on June 19th." 3. Armstrong Sootheran 4. Sootheran Armstrong 5. Sootheran Allan 7. Sootheran Prior G. W. Monroe J. N. Allan E. W. Armstrong •R. I. Prior Wm. R. Sootheran Feeve Deputy Reeve Coc.nciilor Councillor Councillor Carried. "That the clerk be authorized to recuest a meeting with Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation for May 2 5 -48 -8:30 p.m. re: Heximer subdivision and Wartime Housing." Carried. "That owing to the nyrnber of carnivals to he held in the area during the next month the application of Queen City Shows Ltd., be not granted." Carried. "That tourist camp licenses be granted to Mrs. C. J. Stewart, Frank Podhorne and Anne Georgioff subject to the usual inspection." Carried. 6. Armstrong Sootheran "That Ernest Devito be granted a victualling license subject to the usual inspection." Carried. "That tourist home licences be granted Mrs. C. D. Ettinger, Mrs. Jennie Cupolo, William Kamoroni, Ernest DeVito and Mrs. J. Aitchison subject to the regular inspection." Carried. t. l 'Watermain on ((i Montrose Rd. di it k!'. Air purlap and accessories traffic signs t I 1i li C. N. R. It crossings l� I i I 11 I ji Culverts i 8. Sootheran }veers for ietery Prior "That a resolution or By -law be prepared declaring it desirable to construct a watermain on Montrose Road from Lundy's Lane to a point 100 feet south c the south boundary of the Department of Highways F perty on the East side of Montrose Road. the de- claration to be made under section 8 of the local improvement act." 9. Sootheran Prior "That the bid of National Automotive Ltd. for air pump and accessories at tender price of $655.10 be accepted, subject to approval of the Departmen of Highways." D: t; Traffic light 10. Sootheran Armstrong "That we request the Department of Highways for the; erection of a traffic light at the corner of Lund Lane and Dorchester Road." 11. Armstrong Sootheran Game Fisheries Association 12. Armstrong Sootheran "That the communication from Mr. H C Linenden on ?13. Armstrong Prior 1 4. Armstrong Allan er and Carried. ewalk itions Carried. "That the consideration of traffic signs for pro- tection of school children crossing Roads and Hi; ways in the Township be left in the hands of the j Engineer, Chief of Police, and the Chairman of the Traffic Committee of Hermes Safety patrol for re- commendations to council." Carried. half of F. S. Newman, Dept. Regional Forests be r ferred to the Greater Niagara Game and Fisheries Association." Carried. "That whereas the Can. Nat. Railway (Niag. Divieio have signified their intention of proceeding with councilts request, as per resolution No. 6 as pass by council March 1st, 1948 and whereas on completi of grading to nine inches (9 below original grad by Can. National Bkilway on said crossings to full road width of sixty -six feet (66.) and erection of guard rails where necessary. Be it therefore re- solved by this council to proceed with the paving of said crossings, cost to be born by the Corporal of the Township of Stamford.n land Sec. Carried. division Carried. "That the Engineer be authorized to proceed with re of William Street r between l Drummond n Road d and r Portage R Carried. ineer ourn 17th, 1944. 22 sent 15. Sootheran Prior "That the Engineer be authorized to complete arrange- ments with Hope Rose for flowers for the Presby- terian cemetery and Louis pew for the suppling of plants for the Lurrdy's Lane cemetery," 16. Sootheran Armstrong 17. Prior Allan 18. Allan Prior 19. Prior Armstrong Carried. Carried. "That the petition for sewer on Dixon from Ste:nley and Allen, the petition for sidewalks on ?1ara :da Street (both sides) be not considered for this year." "That the Engineer be authorized to give Mr. A. Cornell a permit to move building from present site at Stanley and Portage to a new location on Drtu:_ Road as outlined in his application." "That we accept the revised plan presented for the subdivision of the Weiland Securities at the corner of Drummond and McLeod Roads subject to the usual restrictions." "That we do now adjourn to meet Tuesday, May 25th, at 8:30 p. Reeve G. W. Monroe 3, N. Allan E. W. Armstrong R. I. Prior W. R. Sootheran Carried. Carried. Carried. Meeting adjourned Hou :3• p.n. {Special Council meeting held in the Council Chamber on Tuesda May 25th, 1948, at 8 :30 p.m. Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor 1 At the commencement of the meeting the Council went into committee I with the following representatives of Central Mortgage Housing Corp- oration: Mr. W. W. Scott Chief of Negotiations Section, Mr. Wreglesworth and Mr. Quigley and Mr. Andrew Birchnell, manager of the local office. The representatives of C.M,&H.C, presented a draft blueprint showing how the Heximer property can be subdivided along with estimates of the cost of services such as roads, sewers, watermains sidewalks, grading etc. They explained that the municipality is still responsible for the cost of the services under the new housing plan. It o would cost between $500 and $600 per lot for the services and they stated that the provincial government had intimated that they would be prepared ,r D'. ti 14 A d Planning Board 1 Planning Board Hodgson Subdivision to pay half the charges of the service by way of a cash grant. The balance of the cost of the service could be financed by either Stamford Township or the Dominion Government over a period of 10 years at an interest rate of 2%. The amortized yearly cost of the service would be deducted from the amount of the normal tax that we would receive. The Council asked the representatives if it would be possible to amortize the cost of the service over a period of 20 years in order that the yearly cost might be re- duced and the amount of taxes would thus be increased. The representatives stated that a special arrangement would have to be made if this was done. The proposed plan on the subdivision indicated 155 lots. A thorough discussion was held as to the basis of taxation and the cost of the improvements as well as a proposal to develop this property jointly with Niagara Falls in such a way that the City could provide houses for their returned men. It was agreed that we suggest a joint meeting with the City Council on Wednesday, June 2nd, 1948, at 8:30 p.m. in the Township Hall to discuss the joint proposal. Mr. Scott also spoke of the future disposition of the old war- time houses built in Stamford which were built to provide accommodation for war workers. He explained that 1 of 3 plans would have to approved by the Council and stated he would send full particulars concerning these plans to the Council in the near future. Heximer Subdivision 1. Sootheran 1 Armstrong "That we are definitely interested in the plan for the Heximer Subdivision as outlined by representatives of the Central Mortgage Housing for further discussion." j World Trade I eek Carried. 2. Armstrong Allan "That we approve of plans and specifications sub mitted by Veterans' Land Act for the construction of roads in the Hodgson Subdivision and if these roads are completed as per these plans and Prior Allan t sewer specifications the Township will take over these roads." Carried. "That R. F, Booth be appointed to Planning Board as representative from Stamford." Carried. Armstrong Sootheran "That Reeve Gordon Monroe be appointed Council's representative to Planning Board." Carried. Sootheran Allan "WHEREAS World Trade Week May 30th June 5th, has be designated as a time for the national observance o world trade; and WIIEREAS imports and exports represent a vital part of the public welfare and prosperity; and WHEREAS we should be ever mindful of the tragic human cost of war and its aftermath of world suf- fering and be earnestly seeking a way of life and security in peace; and WHEREAS trade between nations promotes peaceful relations, conducive to high levels of domestic employment opportunities, full production and high levels of wages, profits, purchasing power and Canadian living standards; and WHEREAS, World Trade Week calls for fitting and proper observance to encourage and promote so laud a programme emphasizing the economic interdepende of the wor Et Fudd l erty ton Ave. ess ve trey qfhl ITOW T_iERTIECJE IOG. W. Monroe of Ctan o_ _o 13. i O .'V c. of of May 30th to U 1'. as Worli Trade of and thp World Tra e Week a" )r 'keynote message ':o Trebe our citizens and friends to join site to and ,If: e, international' trade to th "r a relationship to our pros-e Lar_ Mr. James Milne advise,,; the Council he Churchill Audi to the Township of Etanfsm o Plan 7r+9. composed of approximately a i as a gift to the Township without charge to be used for vf r-. a::_i ,ia--_ ground purposes o only. This land iadjacent to the Corp. �.tion and will enlarge the property :.r L that it now can be for park in a sufficient size 4 hat most branches ort can ncy7 be ano It is located in a thickly T 1 n ula', f or this property 'n behalf of th3 warm appreciation for this very generous gift ?r•n Suld. He dolt that Mr. Rudd was taking this means to express in a .r his interest in the welfare of h_ ye, .i.o of 1 t 'J explained that the gift would benefit the Lundy': :bane area i n particular and all Township residents in general. 6. Armstrong Prior "That we accept the offer f .:r. c nil of 3 acres at Culp and Carlton Xvenue for park and lay ground purposes. That the Clerk and Reeve be authorized to accent a deed for said property and sizn agreement on behalf of the Township. That the Clerk be instructed to ;,,r" expressing ��e Mr. Rudd r e i t o- z ?_l's appreciation for this very generous gesture on his part; Carried. I Sootheran Armstrong "That we accept the recommendation of Engineer Merle Tier, that a joint sewer he constructed in conjunction With the City of Niagara Falls on Stanley Street from Muddy Run to Norden Drive in accordance with letter and estimates of May 17th submitted by W. S. Orr, City Manager of Niagara Falls." Armstrong Allan "That the Clerk be instructed to prepare a by -law to close Carlton Avenue from Culp Street to southerly limits of land donated by C. Rudd and that Clerk be instructed to proceed according to regulations." Armstrong Sootheran "That we ask Canadian National Express Co. Canadian Pacific Express Co. to extend express service to take in the Township of Stamford east of Kolar Road," i 10. Sootheran Armstrong "That A. Palis be granted permission to remove a large maple tree from his property on Dorchester Road subject to approval of Department of Highways." 11. Sootheran Armstrong "That we do now adjourn." to e Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. I its 11 f (I 1.. lay 25th, 194-8. s o 2 3 Present Sewer Pattern shop License to peddle fish Tourist homes 1Festival Photograher Victualling licenses 1. Sootheran Armstrong Armstrong Sootheran Prior Sootheran Prior Allan 5. Sootheran Armstrong Armstrong Sootheran Sootheran Armstrong Reeve G. W. Monroe J. N. Allan E. W. Armstrong R. I. Prior W. R. Sootheran Meeting adjourned Hour 11:30 P.M. ll1�Yl�w !Special Council meeting held in the Council Chambers on Monday 31st, 1948, at 8:30 p.m. Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "That Carmen Brown be granted permission to hook into the Township sewer system, subject to the permission of V. Murray and under the approval of the Township Engineer." Carried. "That Mr. Cartwright be given permission to opera a pattern shop at 2276 Frederica Street." Carried. "That application for pedlars and hawkers licens to peddle fish from G. H. Wills, St. Paul Stree Stamford, be granted." Carried. "That the following tourist home licenses be gra subject to usual inspection: Mrs. Edna Baxter, Randolph Misik, F. C. Robinson, Jessie Kierstea, Mrs. Victoria Barati, Sophie Solose, J. G. Robi Mrs. T. P. Knight, Mrs. George Lee, Mrs. J. C. Merrett, Mrs. Grace Shriner, Mrs. Wm. Groves." Carried. "That St. Martins Church be granted permission t hold spring festival on the Church grounds, Jun lath, and 19th." "That Alex J. Pelett (photographer) Pedleraand hawkers license." Carried. be granted a Carried. "That Vasil Haljak and Sam Toth be granted victu ling licenses subject to the usual inspection." Carried. Ziard Li P s_ ist camp ell sub sion aw 1136 12. urn 31, 1948. sent 8. Prior Allan 10. Allan Prior 11. Armstrong Sootheran 13. Prior Sootheran "That we do now adjourn to meet "Thet application of Sam Toth, 2360 Port e Po-d, for billiard room license be grunted." Reeve Regular Council meeting held in the 8th, 1948, at 8:30 p.m. Gordon W. Monroe J. N. Allan E. W. Armstrong R. I. Prior W. R. Sootheran Council Chamber Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Carried. 9. Prior Armstrong "That the following tourist camp licenses be grunted subject to usual inspection: W. J. Fraser, Blanche McGibbon, ;cm. M. VanAlst:ine, J. H. i ?ii o?:, Millicent Douglas, Emil Kalcic, Mrs. Irene Forbes, Within; Kamaromi, Alex Kovacs, Maurice Fore: it Carried. "That a permit be grunted to Mr. William Reechia to build a tourist camp on north side of Kitchener St. subject to the approval of the Engineer." Carried. "That Council approve of Caswell sub division and re- commend that no restrictions be placed on said sub- division." Carried. Sootheran Armstrong "By -law No. 1136 to provide pensions for employees of the municipality" read a first :.:_d second time. Tuesday, Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour 11:30 P.M. June 8th." on Tuesdgy,June Sootheran Allan "That we refer the petition of Lundys Lane residents re: dust nuisance to the Department of Highways with a strong redommendation that action be taken im- mediately to the situation." Carried. w D t t s car lot m N. S. T. u Ambulance Meetings HP Nurse's report 14 Tag day qui Sootheran Armstrong "That Mr. A. Gonczo be granted permission to open; a used car lot at his service station located on corner of McLeod Road and Drummond Road." 3. Sootheran Prior "That we request a meeting with officials of the .N. S. T. railway to discuss the problem of far collection. We would suggest that any meeting s1' include representation from the Bus Drivers Unio_p 4. Armstrong Sootheran That the clerk be instructed to communicate and range with The Municipal Councils, The Municipal Police Depts., The Medical Association who compr and are a part of the Greater Niagara Area, The Greater Niagara Hospital Board, The Niagara Divi of Prov. Police Dept., and Mr. W. B. Gunning, fo a representative of these bodies to meet in the Township Hall at a stated date to study and arri at a definite policy and mutual agreement in reg to the responsibility and operation of the Great Niagara Ambulance Service and to improve the Med Services pertaining thereto." 5. Allan Armstrong "That the minutes of Council meeti:_gs for motthh o May be adopted as printed." Prior Sootheran "That the report of public Health nurses for the of May be accepted and filed." Prior Sootheran "That the Odd Fellows and Rebekas be granted per- mission to hold a tag day on August 28th, 1948." Tourist camps j 8. Prior Sootheran "That application for tourist camp license from Frank Borse, Mrs. C. Lounsbury, Vasil Holjak, Ma Fairchild, Mrs. Steven Benyo be granted subject usual inspection etc." Victualling licenses 9. Prior Sootheran "That application for Victualling licenses from W. J. Frazer and Alex Kovacs be granted subject usual inspection etc." Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Tourist homes 10. Prior Sootheran "That the following tourist home licenses be gran subject to usual inspection: Mrs. C. Leys and Mr C. Pearson." Carried. ival 11. Prior Sootheran "That Lundy's Lane Fire Dept., be granted permission to hold a carnival on June 18th and 19th." et r rental ern Park tors rt ist 14. Armstrong Allan "That Council accept five (5) .John Mulhern to be used as a Clerk be authorized to write Mr. Mulhern for his generous be known as Mulhern Park." School Carried. li:hts 12. Armstrong Prior "That Council request Public Utilities to install two street lights on pole 14 16 on Morrison Street be- tween Stanley St., and entrance to Oa- :es Park aLd that a pole and street light be placed on the O. F. W. in front of Mrs. Rienzo s, 1248 Roberts Street, the latter subject to approval of Dept. of Highways." Carried. 13. Allan Sootheran "That the Reeve and Clerk he authorized to sign an agreement with Carmen gown re: sewer services for his property at the west end of St. Marys Street. The rental to be $8.17 per year for a period of 30 years." Carried. acres of land from Mr. ball park. That the a letter of thanks to gift. That property to Carried. :15. Armstrong Prior n That the auditor's report for 1947 be accepted and filed." Carried. :16. Allan Prior "That Mrs. A. J. Prince be granted a refund of $1.00, which she paid for a tourist home license, not re- quired now." 17. Armstrong Sootheran "That Council meet Friday, June llth, 1948 at 9 p.m. to discuss High School Area." Carried. Carried. Mr. M. F. Jones, Chairman, C. J. Bessey, Member and R. A. McLeod, Sec'y.'' Stamford Board of Education met the Council and discussed the establish- ment of the Municipal Board of Education for the Municipalities of Chip- pawa, Willoughby, Niagara Township, Niagara -on -the Lake and Stamford. Mr. Jones presented a comprehensive statement of costs which indicated -estimated costs for the years 1949 and 1955 for both the High school and elementary schools if the scheme were proceeded with on a union basis also if we could consider Stamford pupils alone. The cost schedules showed that it would be more advantageous to Stamford to pro- ceed with the Municipal Board of Education taking in the several Muni- cipalities. The representatives of the Board recommended that the Council pass the necessary resolution to establish the larger Board .1 and stated that the necessary resolution should be passed as quickly as possible in order that the County Council of Welland could take the W necessary steps at their June session which commences June 15th. Mem,- I'r bers of the Council stated that the proposal appeared to benefit Stam- 1;= t: ford but questioned the right of the Council to pass the proposed re- solution without referring the whole question to Stamford electors to vote on. 1 P i is II IStamford i Green II County Clerk ;18 Sootheran Armstrong Catchbasins Panel truck 20. Armstrong Sootheran ('Letter of con-. P gratulation 22. Prior Allan Ilij!I II�iBy -law 1138 fi i i1 Iii �4,15y-law No.1139 :24. Armstrong !I� Allan By-law No.l 4 025. Sootheran Prior BY -law No 1141 LE No 11 .2 "That A. J. Babion, County Clerk, be advised that jr asmuch as Stamford is definitely committed to a tourist and industrial policy with the Greater Nia€ Chamber of Commerce they are not interested in fur commit/tents." 19. Armstrong Prior "That Council approve price of catchbasins from Niagara Foundry of Highway." 21. Armstrong Soot heran 26. Sootheran Prior 21 7. Prior Allan 0 C "That we accept the recommendation the Road Department purchase from partment the Ford Panel truck for the approval of the Department of Carried. f increase of $1.00 each in s per letter of June 3,1948, o., subject to approval of D Carried. of the Engineer the Public Works $400.00, subject Highways." Carried. "That the clerk be authorized to arrange a meeting the Stamford Green Trustees and Township Council t consider matters pertaining to Stamford Green." Carried. "That the clerk write a letter from this counbil g to Mayor Houck of Niagara Falls re: his recent victor in the Provincial election." Carried. 23 Armstrong Allan "By -law No. 1138 to authorize the construction of ce tain watermains as local improvements under the pro visions of the Local Improvement Act." read a first and second time. "By -law No. 1139 to authorize the construction of ce tain sidewalks as local improvements under the pro- visions of the Local Improvement Act." read a first and second time. "By -law No. 1140 to authorize the construction of ce tain sewermains as local improvements under the pro visions of The Local Improvement Act in Sewer Area No. 1." read a first and second time. "By -law No. 1141 to authorize the construction of ce tain sewermains as local improvements under the pro visions of The Local Improvement Act in Sewer. Area 2." read a firsttand second time. "By -law No. 1142 to declare the desirability of uncle taking certain works as a local improvement under t provisions of The Local Improvement Act." read a fi second and third time and passedtunanimously. aw 1143 tee T-- ce ce rn 25 1948. 28. Armstrong Allan "By -law No. 1143 to authorize the execution of a con- veyance of the soil and freehold of parts of certain highways stopped by By -law ^;o. 292, 1929, of the Township of Stamford, and of the road allowance stopped -up by Statutes of the Province of Canada, 1356.' read a first, second and third time and passed. 29. Allan Sootheran "That the report of the Finance Committee RELIEF Ac- count, as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to 4933.71." 30. Sootheran Prior "That the report of the Finance Co :r1ittee ROADS Ac- count, as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $4,457.91." 31. Sootheran Allan "That the report of the Finance Committee G;`FRAL Ac- count, as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $35,539.51." '32. Sootheran Armstrong "That we do now adjourn to meet June 9th, 1948, at 8 :30 p.m." Reeve A special meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chambers on Friday, June llth, 1948, at 9 p.m. G. W. Monroe J. N. Allan E. W. Armstrong R. I. Prior W. R. Sootheran Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour 12 midnight Ate Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Carried. Carried. Carried. Jerk. 1 This special meeting was held to consider the recommendation from the Board of Education to petition the Council of Welland County to take the following action at their June session which commences next week: 1. To enact a By -law enlarging the Stamford High School District by attaching to it the Municipalities of the Village of Chippawa, and the Township of Willoughby in the County of Welland, and such portions of the County of Lincoln as the Council of that County may by By -law designate. 2. To enact a By -law establishing a Municipal Board of Edu- cation for the Municipalities of Stamford, Chippawa and Willoughby, and such municipalities in the County of Lincoln as the Council of that County may by By -law designate. The Council considered a detailed statement of costs that the Board had prepared which analysed what Stamford's cost would be for an enlarged area against what the cost 'night be if the area only It Enlarged area Bd. of Eaucation lincluded Stamford. The estimated comparison of cost indicated iDurn that the proposed enlarged Board of Education taking in other municipalities would benefit Stamford over a period of years. The unit wes proposed and recommended by representatives of the "Department of Education in Toronto. It would standardize edu jcational methods in all public schools of the unit in such a we; that all pupils entering the high school would commence with e: ly the same background of education. �a Legislation was enacted in 1948 to provide for larger units of municipal Boards of Eaucation and made it permissible r; include one or several municipalities in the set up providing 4 i€ 11, 194$ such units were approved by the County Councils of the municipal ties involved. It is believed that the Royal Commission set up by the Provincial Government will strongly recommend larger unt; for educational purposes when they bring in their report and tY Department of Education has advocated larger units for several 26 years. Such units are in effect in various parts of the United !States as well as Britain. If a unit were formed here the municipalities that might make up the unit would be entitled to the following rear sentatives on the Board: Willoughby Township 1 Chippawa 2 NiagaraRon- the -Lake 2 Niagara Township 3 Stamford Township 5 In addition to the above the County having the largest populati may appoint an additional member to the Board. ent er lers nse After careful consideration of the matter members of es the Council stated that they were in favour of the proposal bu difference of opinion arose as to whether the plan should be i augurated immediately on short notice or whether it should be ferred to the electors at the December election for their en- dorsation. The following resolutions were placed before the meeting: 1.._. Sootheran Prior "That we petition the County Council to enact a By -law enlarging the Stamford High School dist by attaching to it the Municipalities of the V lage of Chippewa, and the Township of Willough in the County of Welland and such portions of t County of Lincoln as the Council of that County may designate by by -law. Further to enact a By law establishing a Municipal Board of Educatior for the Municipalities of Stamford, Chippewa ar Willoughby and such municipalities in the Coun of Lincoln as the Council of that County may by by -law designate." Yea: Sootheran,prior. Nay: Armstrong,Allan, Mor Lost. 2. Armstrong Allan eet hts rd of cation "That the enacting of a by -law establishing a M cipal Board of Education for the Municipalities Stamford, Chippawa and Willoughby, and such min cipalities in the County of Lincoln as the Coun itor's of that County may by by -law designate be put t 'ort question at the neRt municipal election." Yea :Armstrong, Allan,Monroe,Sootheran. Nay: Pri Mr. Snel Carried. 1, Assistant to Mr, J. R. Empringham and Mr, V. Bray As of the N.S. &T, attended the meeting and discussed the new ticke cedure. Opinions were voiced by Council members and suggestion to better the service. Objection: was made to the new service increased fares since the side door of the buses are not used a rush hours it creates confusion within the bus. The rep senta promised to consider the points brought up and secertain i if step 001214 be talmn to relieve the situation. 3. Prior Sootheran "That we do now adjourn." Special meeting of the Council held June 14th, 1948, at 8 :30 p.m. 1. Sootheran Prior 3. Armstrong Sootheran 5. Armstrong Prior Reeve G. W. Monroe J. N. Allan E. W. Armstrong R. I. Prior W. R. Sootheran in Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour 111) 6 the Council Chamber on Monday, Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "That the application of Harry Minden, Jeweller of 35 James St. N., Hamilton, for a Hawkers and Peddlers license be not granted." Carried. 2. Prior Sootheran "That the following application for tourist home licenses be granted subject to usual inspection: Mrs. L. L. Porte±, Mrs. D. Truman, Mrs. A. Smith, Mrs. M. J. Fox, Mrs. J. Lundy." Carried. "That the Council request the Public Utilities to place lights at the following locations: Law Ave. north of intersection Morden Drive and Law Pole 1, 3 5, 7. Morden Drive East of intersection Portage Road and Morden Drive Pole 2, 4, 7 9. Lee Ave. north of intersection Lee Mulhern Pole 1 and 3. Carried. 4. Sootheran Prior "That the letter from J. C. Kayser re: safety of children crossing at Glenholme Ave. and Lundy's Lane be referred to the Board of E4ucation.tt Carried. "That we accept the auditors report, (Dept. of High- ways) for road expenditures for year 1947." Carried. Lt; "That providing road barricades are available tha`++ sufficient be loaned to Lundy's Lane Fire Dept., sent to be used on Prince Edward Park, June 18th 19` 1948." "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign a] sewer rental agreement respecting premises owrned1 C. W. Bartlett and described as parcel 13 on the south side of Keith Street. The rental to be $5. for a period of 30 years." "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign a sewer rental agreement respecting premises owned Alfred Miller and described as Parcel 14, south of Keith Street. The rental to be $5.67 for a p of 30 years." "That the notice from E. Weightman and Sons re: i crease in price of cement be accepted subject to approval of the Highway Department." "That the Greater Niagara Fish and Game Associatic be granted the sum of $50.00 to help toward the c of erection of pens for the release of pheasants. "RPslai,yN 1144 to authorize the construction of watermain hereinafter described as a local impro ment under the provisions of The Local Improvemer Act." read a first and second time. (Montrose Rd. Reeve "That the Clerk be authorized to triction set up a pension plan under the DominionaGovernm/law Annuities for non teaching employees of Board of Education." Regular meeting of the Council held day, June 21st, 1948, at 8 :30 p.m. Monroe Allan Armstrong Prior The following petition signed by 33 people was presented to the Council: "We, the undersig_ed residents of the `e'land Securities Subdivision, located between Portage Road, Morrison Street, and Stanley Street, wish to register our strong objections to any per- mit being issued for the construction of a grocery or any other type of store or commercial building at the corner of Norden Drive and Duke Street by Mr. Martino or any other person." "That the clerk be striction by -law, division plan No. elusive." Reev Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor C unc r authorized to prepare a re- covering Welland Securities 75 except lots 93 to 93 in- Carried. The following petition signed by 60 residents was received: We the :undersigned, ratepayers within the area hereinafter described, ,petition the Council of the Township of Ste -mford to pass a by -law restricting the area described as follows:Description of Area Bounded on the North by the South side of Lundy's Lane, Bounded on the East by the West side of Carleton Ave., Bounded on the south by the North side of Culp St., Bounded on the west by the east side of Dorchester Road. Restrictions 1. A single, detached residence 'only, on any one lot. 2. A one or two car garage on concrete founda- tion, 3. The value of any residence to be not less than $7500.00. 4. The value of any garage to be not less than $500.00. Excepting that portion of lands owned by the Corporation on the West side of :Carleton Ave., and the North side of Culp St., which is to be used for recreational purposes." "That the Clerk be authorized to prepare a restricted area by -law bounded on the north by a line 300 feet south of the south side of Lundy" Lane; on the eastLby the west side of Carleton Ave., on the south by the north side of Culp Street and westerly ex- tension of Culp St. to the intersection of Dorchester;{ Road. On the west by the east side of Dorchester "i Road and restrictions of building as set forth in application for restriction." "That the application for a tourist camp license from Louis Brine, 2503 Stanley Ave., and a tourist home license for Mrs. Elsie Johnson, 2365 Barker Street be granted subject to usual inspections." If ij H O Al I i! Deed Heximer property Policd uh I) Signs at Rainbow bridge Lundyts Lane Cemetery Ad ourn June 21, 1948. 7. Allan Armstrong "That we request the Minister of Highways to change the #20 and #3A highway signs leaving the Rainbow Bridge from the present set up tha is via the Q. E. W. to traffic- circle thence south to Lundyts Lane back to the former route that is via Clifton Hill, Ferry Street and Lundy's Lane. That Thorold Road be designated an entrance to Niagara Falls from Q. E. W., an that the Clerk request that the Minister meet representations from Cha_::ber of Commerce, Niag Falls and Stamford Councils in this area in tt near future regarding satisfactory highway sib;. in this area, if acceptable to Chamber and Niagara Falls council." 8. 4. Prior Allan 5. Armstrong Allan 6. Prior Allan Armstrong Allan "That the request of Mrs. Vera M. Braine (forme Mrs. Vera Goodwin) that lot No. 37 of plan 55 Brookfield Avenue, granted to her by Council aj paid for by her, be granted and a deed issued Roy Woods." Carried. "That we tentatively approve of subdivision pla of the Heximer property as submitted by R. Bla' Erwin, O.L.S. also the suggested lay out sub- division of the Central Mortgage and Housing t property south of the Heximer property and wos of the existing Wartime Housing as submitted ti the Engineer." Carried. "That Chief Worm be notified that Council are not anticipating any use for space vacated by Public Utilities Commission this year and woul be glad to grant the Police Department use of same for present." IfThat we do now adjourn." Reeve: Meeting adjourned Ho 11 f/kak Carried. Carried. "That the Engineer be authorized to install two plaques on the Lundy's Lane and Montrose Road entrances to the Lundyts Lane Cemetery." Carried. A petition from the residents of Franklin and Taylor Streets was received, which complained about the dust nuisance from the road they live on. Franklin Avenue is to be reconstructed this year as well as 500 feet at the west end of Taylor near Franklin. The dust nuisance was referred to the Chairman of Roads and' the eer. 9. Prior Allan Carried. 2 ent ancd ist homes ualling nses eation ssion rmains of Transpo t issioners 1 Special Council meeting held in the Council Char.ber on Monday, June 28th, 1 948, The Council met at 5 p.m. to open tenders for Local Improvements in order that the Engineer's Department could properly tabulate them. They adjourned at 5:30 p.m. and re- convened at 8:30 p.m. 1. Sootheran Prior "That we contact Branscombe in charge of Township insurance requesting information as to why a delay of two months occurred in a claim made by J. L. MacKenzie against the Township for damages to his car on April 19th and why the claim was not al- lowed." 2. Sootheran Armstrong 3. Sootheran Prior 4. Armbtrong Sootheran 5. Sootheran Prior 6. Armstrong Sootheran G. W. Monroe J. N. Allan E. W. irmstrong R. I. Prior W. R. Sootheran Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Carried. "That tourist home licenses be granted to Mrs. Julia Kamoromi, Mrs. J. E. Byer, Mrs. J. E. Clement, Mrs. Bart Atkinson, Chas. White, Paul Gross subject to the usual inspection." Carried. "Mat Mrs. Mary Fehr, Wm. Wright, John McGibbon and G. W. Bowen be granted victualling licenses bubject to the usual inspection." Carried. "That the Stamford Recreation Commission be per- mitted to obtain gasoline and oil for truck at Township pump located on Drummond Road at store- house drawing to attention of the Commission the policy as laid down by Council as regards operation of gasoline pump." Carried. "That the tender of the Wm. Lorenzo Construction Company for$10,722.30 for watermain construction be acdepted. (lowest tender)." Carried. "That this Council request Board of Transport Com- mission to consider an early decision as regards the application of New York Central Railway for the abandonment of Railway Branch as set ott in their letter of July 14th, 1947. The Council re- quest this in view of proposed new bridge which will be constructed by C. N. R. on Portage Road in the near future. Carried. If Ali i it I 1 1 F ii tit t Sewer rental Sootheran Allan Disposal tanks 8. Sootheran Armstrong "That the tender of Swansea Construction Company the McLeod Road tank and Royal subdivision tank accepted at gytoted prices. Balance of tender be cepted at unit prices in tender." Dinner Armstrong Sootheran Icon lung 10. Sootheran Prior "That an additional grant of $50.00 be given the aw 1134 Junior Chamber of Commerce to be used toward the purchase of the third iron lung." i Apartment house 11. Armstrong fa Prior t i Duzm Street t12. 1 Apartment house113. Royal sub- division Basement Armstrong Allan Sootheran Armstrong 14. Sootheran Armstrong 15. Armstrong 'Prior ifaw 1130 "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign a sewer rental agreement with Henry Reinhart re- 3 specting sewer services to his property at the corner of Valley Way and Stanley Avenue. The rel to be $9.03 for a period of 30 years." Carried. Carried. "That the letter of invitation to attend a dinner from Dept. of National Revenue,to be held at Gen Brock, July 17/48 at 6:30 be accepted and as man members of council as are able attend." Carried. Carried. "That the Engineer be authorized to issue a build permit to F. A. Brahscombe to erect an c.apartmen house on south side ofr Murray Street on former Warren Kent property, as per plan submitted." Carried. "That Mr. LaMarsh be instructed to prepare deeds according to plans and description furnished by R. Blake Erwin, O.L.S. re: widening of Dunn Stre from Drummond to Dorchester." Carried. That we heartily approve of the construction of 15 unit apartment on Murray Street as there is a acute shortage of housing in the district." Carried. "That we heartily approve of the construction of additional 54 homes in the Royal subdivision sine there is an acute housing shortage in this dietri Carried. "That the Recreation Commission be given the use o the basement ih Township Hall for storage of play ground equipment except garage portion as given Polioe Dept." Carried aw 1131 aw 11 2 18. Allan Sootheran "By -law No. 1132 to authorize the construction of a sewer as hereinafter described as a local improvement under the provisions of The Local Improvement Act" (Sewers Royal Subdivision) read a third time and passed. aw 113 19. Allan Prior awn. aw 11 urn e 28,1948. 16. Allan 4¢ Armstrong "By -law No. 1130 to authorize the construction of a watermain hereinafter described as a local improve- ment under the provisions of The Local Improve ent Act," read a third time and passed. (Watermains Royal subdivision.) 17. Sootheran Armstrong 20. Prior Armstrong "By -law No. 1134 to authorize the construction of certain sewage treatment works hereinafter described as a local improvement under the provisions of The Local Improvement Act. (Sewage tank McLeod Road)" read a third time and passed. 21. Armstrong Sootheran "By -law No. 1131 to authorize the construction of a sewer hereinafter described as a local improvement under the provisions of The Local Improvement Act." read a third time and passed.(Sewermains on Division and Leonard etc.) "By -law No. 1133 to authorize the construction of a sewer as hereinafter described as a local improvement under the provisions of The Local Improvement Act." (Sewers Dorchester McLeod) read a third time and passed. "By -law No. 1135 to authorize the construction of certain sewage treatment works hereinafter des- cribed as a local improvement under the provisions of the local improvement act. (Sewage tank Royal Subdivision)" read a third time and passed. aw 1 ,7 22. Allan Armstrong "By -law No. 1137 to stop -up a portion of Carlton Avenue" read a first, second and third time and passed. 23. Prior Sootheran "By -law No. 1145 to restrict the use of lands and buildings in that part of the Township of Stamford as set forth in the schedule attached hereto and forming part of this by -law (Corwin Avenue.)" read a first, second and third time and passed. 24. Allan Sootheran "That we do now adjourn." Reeve Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour 11:25 p. Ut I1 Clerk. it T h. 1, ask- I II i I l' li No. 29 Present Minutes Tourist home licenses Victualling licenses Slaughter house Sewer rental contracts Dufferin slands Regular Council meeting held in the Council Chamber on Monday, July 5th, 1 948, at 7:30 p.m. 1. Prior Allan 2. Prior Sootheran That applicationsfrom following for tourist hom licenses be approved subject to usual inspectio Mrs. J. Gullion, Mrs. J. Lombardi, Mrs. J. Hami Mrs. Peter Shainholdts, Mrs. Maurice Abraham, Mrs. M. Girven, Mrs. Frank Snider, Mrs. W. Lone Mrs. M. J. Morgan, Mrs. Frank Benson, Mrs. W. Welstead, Mrs. J. Merry, Mrs. W. Beckett, Mrs. lence Beckett, Helen Dixon, Mrs. F. McGarry, Earl Mc Burney." Sootheran Prior Prior Allan 6. Sootheran Prior G. W. Monroe J. N. Allan E. W. Armstrong R. I. Prior W. R. Sootheran Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "That the minutes for the month of June be adopt as printed." Carried. Carried. "That Simpson's Pharmacy and Mrs. P. Byer be gra victualling licenses subject to the usual in- spection." Carried. Sootheran Prior "That R. Dawson Son be granted a slaughter hou license subject to the usual inspection." Carried. "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign sewer rental contracts with the following: W. Walters Pcl. #16 south side Keith St., ren $5.35; W. Walters Pcl. #17 south side Keith St rental $5.35; W. Waiters Pcl. #15 south side Keith St., rental *5.35; all rentals specified above are for period of 30 years." Carried. "That with so much emphasis being placed on swim- ming instruction in the Township of Stamford, it is felt that the Niagara Parks Commission be asked to proceed with the development of Duffer Islands as a swimming pool, It is felt that if they could see their way clear to remove large r do a bit of dredging and complete with two feet lake sand, the area would have one of the finest natural pools in Canada. It is further felt tha beta only great a tourist industry. r need b that copies of the resolution be sent to th Niagara Chamber of Commerce and the Council of t City,of Niagara Falls," Carried. ing t atcher it n of w ays er's lers T. le ewalk ders bs.' Allan Sootheran "That the Engineers building report for the month of June, and the public health nurses report be accepted and filed." Armstrong Sootheran Armstrong Allan "That a letter to the Weaver Weaver valued 11 Sootheran Armstrong 12. Sootheran Armstrong "That we catcher go from ficient of condolence Fancily in the and respected Carried. accept the resignation of John Black as dog for Township. That a letter of appreciation this Council to Mr. Black for the very ef- service he has rendered to the Municipality." Carried. 8: Sootheran Prior "That Council meetings be held starting at 7:30 p.m. until further notice." Carried. be sent from this Council recent death of Geo. citizen of the Township." Carried. 2d. Prior Sootheran That the clerk be authorized to write a letter to the Department of Highways, Miscellaneous Permits Dept., stating that premises referred to by Bates and Gampel, Barristers, in their letter of July 2nd is not a re- stricted area by by -law of Stamford Township." Carried. "That the application from the MayfAir- Frederic studio of St. Catharines for a hawkerts and peddlers license be not granted." Carried. "That a letter of appreciation for years of service to the people of Stamford in his duties as superintendent of water be sent to John T. Pringle on his recent re- tirement." Carried. 33. Armstrong Allan "That the Engineer be authorized to advertise for tenders for sidewalk construction. (Tenders to be in by July 19th, at 5 p.m.) Carried. 11 I li Lights Sidewalks d Exempt sewer 1 taxes 17. Allan Prior Sewers Finance Finance Finance Ad ourn July 5,1948. 20. Allan Prior 1 Armstrong Sootheran "That Council request Public Utilities to install lights in following locations: ent On Montrose Road south from intersection of Lundyi{ Lane and Montrose poles 2,4,11,13,17,19,26„29,e 52,56, and from intersection of Q. E. Creek Roa south on Montrose poles 1,9 and 11. McLeod Rd. f intersection of Kalar and McLeod east poles 3,17, and 28." Carried. BAtermains 15 Allan Armstrong "By -law No. 1129 to authorize the construction of certain watermains as local improvements under th hter provisions of the Local Improvement Act.(Sinnicks license Ave. etc)" read a third time and passed. G If 16. Allan Sootheran "By -law No. 1139 to authorize the construction of certain sidewalks as local improvements under the provisions of the Local Improvement Act. (Dixon S etc.) read a third time.and passed. "By -law No. 1146 to exempt certain lands from the taxes imposed by special assessment in respect of sewers in Sewer Area No. 1." read a first, second and third time and passed. 18. Prior st Armstrong "By -law No. 1147 to exempt certain lands from taxe ses p imposed by special assessment in respect of sewer in Sewer Area No. 2." read a first, second and third time and passed. 19. Allan Prior "That the report of the Finance Committee GENERAL Account, as presented be accepted and the account be paid amounting to 836,706.06." ist ses Carried. "That the report of the Finance Committee ROADS Account, as presented be accepted and the account be paid amounting to $13,340.46." 21. Armstrong Carried. Prior "That the report of the Finance Committee RELIEF Account, as presented be accepted and the account e be paid amounting to $893.29." 2 2. Prior 4.ilan "That we do now adjourn." Reevq, Carried. Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour 9:10 p.m. Clerk alling ses feed ral g age Special council meeting held in the Council Chamber 12th, 1948, at 7:30 p.m. 1. Sootheran Prior "That Deputy Reeve of the Reeve." 2. Armstrong Sootheran "That Edgar E. Thompson be granted a slaughter house license subject to usual inspection." 3. Prior Sootheran "That the following be granted victualling licenses subject to usual inspection: Earl Hope, Harry Manos, Ellen E. Winter, C. S. Campbell, Geo. Everingham, A. Tazio, Chas. Thompson, Steve Yeyna, J.W.Meadows, Wm. Saunders, Mrs. Pearl Byer, George A. Fischer." 4. Sootheran Prior 5. Sootheran Armstrong 7. Sootheran Armstrong Armstrong Sootheran G. W. Monroe J. N. Allan E. W. Armstrong R. I. Prior Wm. R. Sootheran Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Allan take on Monday, July the chair in the absence Carried. Carried. Carried. "That the following be granted tourist camp licenses subject to inspections: Gladys Biggar, Guiseppi Bene- vuti, H. B. Morris, G. A. Fischer, Albert Futo, Ernest A. Bacon." Carried. "That the following named persons be granted tourist licenses: Miss B. Little, 2366 Ker Street; Mrs. Herbert L. Walsh, 2566 Lundy's Lane; Mrs. J. Kewley, Mrs. Jean Howard, Mrs. Jane Kelly, Mrs. C. H. Newman, Mrs. G. Antaya, Mrs. C. H. Hartzner, Mrs. L. Nesbitt, Mrs. S. Toomath, subject to usual inspection." Carried. Sootheran Armstrong "%hat Montgomery Bros. be granted a permit to erect a flour and feed store on Dunn Street." Carried. "That we request Central Mortgage and Housing to pro- ceed with the erection of approximately 25 homes for rental purposeson that portion of their subdivision fronting on McLeod and Drummond Road already covered by local improvements and the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to proceed with the necessary agreements." Carried. "That Council make strong representation to the ,Federal Minister of Labor, The Hon. Humphrey Mitchell to intercede in the dispute between the C.S.U. and the C.L.$.U. in order that their strike be terminated tl s ,!R Stanley Portage,' I II 1 .Z tersecti6n 12, i��1=19 Sewer rental agreement Stamford Thorold Town line 11. Armstrong Prior H.E.P.C. agree- ment hawkers Peddler 13. 1 Armstrong Allan "That the Clerk be authorized to revise the By law controlling and licensing the use of fire arms in the Township of Stamford." 10. Sootheran Armstrong Armstrong Allan Sootheran Allan Armstrong Sootheran without further strife and bloodshed and most legislation qundertActL1003 ,Minister to invoke "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sig' sewer rental agreements with the following at rates specified: Carlton G. Beam, Pcl. #1,North side of Keith S $5.35 per annum; Robt. G. Foulis, Pcl. #10, N side of Keith St. at $5.35 per annum; That th:: rentals be paid for a period of 30 years." "That the report of the Thorold Town line Road be asked to notify the accordingly." Carried. Carried. Carried. be accepted;andtherel Welland Canal authorit Carried. Carried. "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign agreement with the H.E.P.C. of Ontario respect authority for disposal of liquid sewage in Que ston Chippewa can lot 124 Stamford." Carried. "That this council go on record as against amen to clause G. of paragraph 1 (if Section 433 of Municipal Act passed at 4th Session of 22nd Le lature of Ontario 1 948: Having reference to Hawkers and peddlers licensing, Whereas clause G. paragraph 1 of said section 4" amended by striking out all the words after the word "resided" and inserting in lieu thereof th words "but no license fee in excess of two dol (2.00) be prescribed in the by -law without the approval of Dept. of Municipal Affairs." There be it resolved by this council to make strong presentation to Mr. Dunbar, Minister of Munici :Affairs, to have this amendment stricken from Act in order that Municipal councils may reta their u aaton in regu and licensing vi Y :'HaHing k; and peddling -'Jaen (over) tal ive aison St. ivision "That in view of the many complaints of citize owing in Falls View Section of traffic ignoring sto law Portage intersections Ave., e Road,and of excessivespeednat which mo proceed along these streets that we ask the Pc Dept. to make a thorough check on traffic at intersection to see that traffic obeys the 30 per hour limit within the Municipality." kers dlers swell St. ourn ly•12, 1946 That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Hon. Mr. Dunbar, The Hon. Prime Minister, Geo. Drew, The Local Member of this riding, Mr. William Houck, and that a copy be forwarded to the Ontario Munici- pal Association to be put on agenda for the fall session." Carried. 15. Allan Armstrong "That the Chief of Police be asked to take up with the Race track officials. the dust nuisance from the track with a view to having the dust eliminated from the surrounding district." 16. Prior Allan 17. Armstrong Sootheran 18. Armstrong Sootheran Carried. "That Councillors Sootheran and Armstrong be a com- mittee to present a brief on Postal delivery in the Township to the Hon. Mr. Bertrand, Postmaster General." Carried. "By -law No. 1141 to restrict the use of lands and buildings in that part of the Township of Stamford as set forth in the schedule attached hereto and forming part of this by- law.(Morrison St. Sub division)n read a first, second and third time and passed. "By -law No. 1148 to provide for the borrowing of money pending sale of debentures" read a first, second and third time, and passed. 19. Allan Prior "By -law No. 1149 to license, regulate and govern persons who go from place to place or to a particulars place with �ve w secone an� h ir w t me an pvass ra 20. Allan Prior 21. Monroe Sootheran "That we do now adjourn." "By -law No. 1150 to dedicate certain lands for high- way purposes as part of Caswell Street," read a first, second and third time and passed. Reeve Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour 10.45 p.m. IS 1 rk I:I 1 No. 31 Present Chair Civic holiday 2. Sootheran Armstrong "That the Township of Stamford observe August 2n as Civic holiday." Licenses Legion Sewer rental By -law #1152 Keith Street Special Council meeting held in the Council Chamber on Monday j 19th, 1948, at 7:30 p.m. G. W. Monroe J. N. Allan E. W. Armstrong R. I. Prior Wm. R. Sootheran Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor 1. Sootheran Armstrong "That Deputy Reeve Allan take the chair in the absence of the reeve." 3. Sootheran Allan Carried. Carried. "That Mrs. Clara Holmes be granted a tourist cam license; J. C. Collard, H. R. Johnson and Mezo Son, Victualling licenses; Miller' Dairy, a Da license; Mrs. Clara Moyer, Mrs. Charles Campbel Mrs. C. Morris and John Strong tourist home lic subject to the usual inspection." a Carried. 4. Sootheran Armstrong "That the reeve and as many members of Council as possible attend the :;harter presentation night o Stamford Branch 479 Canadian Legion, Friday, Jul 23rd at 8 :30." 1 7. Sootheran Prior Carried. Carried. Armstrong Sootheran "By -law No. 1152 to authorize the Reeve and Clerk sign an agreement between the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario and the Municipality of the Township of Stamford." read a first, second and third time and passed. "That the clerk be authorized to prepare a by-la sidesaof restrictions on the to railroad. The restrictions to be the same as By -law No. 1007 with the added provision that no residence lessthan shall be andraneareawofh 6150 square feet. Where plots are of one hale acre area purchased under approval of the Y.L.A. one additional building with concrete. foundation be permitted." Carried. Chief walks nse ourn Armstrong Sootheran "That the Reeve and clerk be authorized to sign a sewer rental agreement on behalf of the Township with Arthur D. Pepperell respecting his property y 19/48 described as parcel No. 25 on the south side of Keith Street. The rental to be 318.94 per year for a period of 30 years." 32 sent ntral rt:a:e mortal rvices i10. Monroe Prior Sootheran Armstrong "That one fire chief, to be chosen by the chiefs of the three companies, be granted per,-.issioi to at- tend the Fire Chief's convention in Lethbridge, the cost to be divided among the three companies to be deducted from their budgets for convelltioLfi and training schools." Monroe Prior "That the contract for the construction of approxi- mately 25,715 feet of sidewalk be given to the Chas. Kerrio Construction Co. at prices Quoted. Their price of 37 per ft. being the lowest tender." 9. Armstrong Prior "That a taxi license be granted to Gordon and Howard Holland to operate a taxi service in Township of Stamford." "That the Public Utilit±es Commission be asked to place an additional light at Morrison and Portage 11. Sootheran Allan "That we do now adjourn." e Reeve G. W. Monroe J. N. Allan E. W. Armstrong R. I. Prior Wm. R. Sootheran Reeve Deputy.Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour 1 p m. I 1# lerk. Special meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber on Monday, July 26th, 1948, at 7:30 p.m. Carried. Sootheran Armstrong "That as many members of Council as possible accept the invitation to attend the Memorial services schedhled.^for August 8th on Stamford Green at 7:15 p.m. A suitable artificial wreath to be supplied for the occasion. Permission to close off Portage Road is granted and barriers supplied for 7 until 8 :30 p.m. on night of service." Carried. Armstrong Sootheran That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign RR Central t service charges are added." I i si xr h,, rs t. Grocery store Sdwer rental agreements Camp license Hawkers Peddlers Fire Area's report 3. Armstrong Sootheran "That a building permit be issued to G. H. Jacks() erect a house and store combined on North Street Lot 126." Carried. 4. Armstrong Prior "That application of B. Djonovich, Stamford Half; for license to operate grocery store be granted subject to usual inspection." Prior Allan Carried. "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign sewer rental agreements between the Township of Stamford and A. H. Lalonde, 706 Huron St., for lot #22 on the north side of Keith Street, renta to be $6.$1 per year for 30 years, and Robt. Berington, 955 Walnut Street, for the west part parcel 22 on the north side of Keith Street. Ren to be $6.31 per year for 30 years." Carried. That the application from John Bermel for camp license for Corner cabins be granted subject to usual inspection." Carried. Prior Armstrong "That the application from Mrs. Mary W. Baty for Tourist home license be granted subject to usual inspection." Carried. "That dairy licenses be granted to Walker's Dairy and Borden Co. Ltd., subject to usual inspection. Carried. Sootheran Prior "That Bohn W. Criger be granted a Hawkers Peddle license to enable him to act as agent for Reader' Digeat in Stamford Township." Carried. 10. Armstrong Prior "That council accept quarterly report from Fire Areats and reports be filed." Carried. Prior "That Monday, August 2nd, being a holiday the next regular council meeting be held, August 3rd.," ease 13. Armstrong Allan "That an increase of $10.00 per month for all foremen and truck drivers on public works and roads, effective Aug. 1/48 and 5# per hour for all hourly employees, effective July 26J48 be granted." er of olence 14.. Armstrong Prior "That a letter of condolence be sent from this council to the family of the late John Lawson, that council feel that in the loss of Mr. Lawson to the Greater Niagara Area we have lost a public spirited citizen who at all times was willing to assist and help those officials and citizens of the area and who labored at all times to advance the welfare of our community." line ers 12. Armstrong Allan "That council assume half the cost of repairs main- tenance to what is known as "The Back Road ",Niagara Township, leading to Dyster farm which is wholely located within Stamford Township." Reeve. G. W. Monroe J. N. Allan E. W. Armstrong R. I. Prior W. R. Sootheran Carried. Carried. Carried. Clerk. Regular meeting of the Council held in the Council Chambers on Tuesday, August 3rd, 1948, at 7:30 p.m. Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor 1. Sootheran Prior "That the Clerk be instructed to return the petition of the Gasoline Dealers to the petitioners advising them along the lines outlined in the letter of W. C. LaMarsh, B.C., Solicitor." Carried. "That the reports of the Engineer and Public Health nurse for the month of July be received and filed." Carried. Nagy 5. Prior Subdivision Sootheran ailanthus sewermain Licenses Tourist Camp BY -Law #1138:9. By -Law #1140 10. Sootheran Allan -Law #1153 Sootheran prior "That the following applications for licenses be granted subject to inspection: Victualling licenses Earl O'Neil, 2334 Ker St. A. Kiesz, 1473 Highland Ave. Chas. Damato, Thorold Stone Milk Lifense Rainbow Dairies, 1698 Buchanan Avenu 4. Sootheran Prior "That Antonio Vig be granted permission to erect a residence and tourist camp on Lot 176 on the south- west corner of Stanley and McLeod Road according to the application filed." Snow fence 6. Sootheran Allan "That the Stamford Recreation Commission be granted the use of Township snow fence for the playground Olympic Games of August 31st." Minutes 7. Sootheran Allan "That we adopt the minutes of July meetings as printed." Sootheran Prior Sootheran Allan Carried. Carried. "That the plan of proposed subdivision from Mrs. Mary Nagy be returned as the Council request that the adjoining lots be numbered." Carried. Carried. Carried. "That Ailanthus Avenue be deleted from By -Law #1140 inasmuch as permission to construct sewers on said street has been refused by the Municipal Board." Carried. Allan Sootheran "By Law #1138 to authorize the construction of certain watermains as local improvements under the provisions of the Local Improvement Act." Read a third time and passed. "By -Law #1140 to authorize the construction of certain vewermains as local improvements under the provisions of The Local Improvement Act in Sewer Area #1." Read a third time and passed. Allan Sootheran "By -Law #1141 to authorize the construction of certain sewenmains as local improvements under the rovisions of The Local Improvement Act in Sewer Area #2." Read a third time and passed. "By -Law to authorize the construction of a water main hereinafter described as a local improvement and the provisions of The Local Improvement Act." Read a third time and passed. w w °urn 115 14. Sootheran Allan "By -Law #1154 to restrict the use of lands and buildings in that part of the Township of Stamford included in Plan No. 84 registered for the Township. of Stamford." s I Read a first, second and third time and passed. 11 15. Allan Armstrong "By -Law #1155 to restrict the use of lands and buildings in that part of the Township of Stamford included in plan No. 85 registered for the Township of Stamford." Read a first, second and third time and passed. 11 6 1157 17. 1 1 1159 13. Allan Armstrong „By -Lap #1153 to restrict the use of'lands and buildi t 3,1948 in that part of the Township of Stamford included in Plan No. 81 registered for the Township of Stamford." Read ,a: first, second and third time and passed. 16. Sootheran Armstrong 8 18. Allan Armstrong "By -taw #1158 to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to sign an agreement between His Majesty the King in the Right of Canada represented by Wartime Housing Limited and the Municipality of the Township of Stamford." Read a first, second and third time and passed. 19. Armstrong Prior 20. Allan Prior 21. Allan Prior "By -Law #1156 to restrict the use of lands and buildings in that part of the Township of Stamford as set forth in the schedule attached hereto and forming part of this by -law." Read a first, second and third time and passed. Armstrong Allan "By -Law #1157 to change the names of certain streets within the Municipality." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "By -Law #1159 to restrict the use of lands and buildings in that part of the Township of Stamford included in Plan No. 78 registered for the Township of Stamford." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "That the report of the Finance Committee RELIEF Account, as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $884.82." "That the report of the Finance Committee ROADS Account,: as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $16,754.59." ril 22. Sootheran Prior "That the report of the Finance Committee GENERAL Account, as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $43,697.37." 23. prior Sootheran "That we do now adjourn." Reeve. Meeting adjourned. Hour 9:30 P.M. Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. L'S I' c er i j( o. 1+ Present Finance Electrical Contractors Building Permit Tourist License an Street lizhti Tres Irer By -law #a6t Special meeting of the Council held in the Council Chambers on Monday, August 9th, 1948, at 7:30 p.m. Prior Armstrong 1A. Sootheran Armstrong Prior Sootheran Victualling i Sootheran II licenses Allan IR Sootheran Allan Sootheran Armstrong 6. Armstrong Sootheran 7. Prior Armstrong 8. Armstrong. Prior G. W. Monroe J. N. Allan E. W. Armstrong R. I. Prior W. R. Sootheran Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "That we adjourn as finance committee to take up general business." Carried. That the petition of the Electrical Contractors of the Greater Niagara area be referred to our solicitor for further study and preparation of a suitable by -law if deemed advisable." Carried. "That Betty J. Wright, 2054 Carlton Avenue, be granted building permit to alter building t above address." g Carried. "That Leo Belanger and Harry Matalich be granted victualling licenses subject to the regular inspection." Carried. "That Mrs. Percy McAteer be granted a tourist home license subject to the usual inspection." "By-law #1160 to restrict the -:in that part of the Township Plan No 79 for the Township first, second and- third time Carried. "That Stamford Women's Institute be granted their request of $200.00 grant as set up in the budget." Carried. "That Council request Public Utilities to place a light on second pole on Depew Avenue north of inter- section of Lundy's Lane and Depew Avenue." Carried. "That the Treasurer, Mr. G. Munro act as Clerk August 16th -28th in absence of Clerk C. Huggins who will be vacationing." Carried. use of lands and buildi of Stamford included in of Stamford." Read a and passed en er rn ist 116 9 Allan il!' Sootheran "By law #1161 to restrict the use of lands and buildings in that part of the Township of Stamford included in Plan No. 80 registered for the Township of Stamford." .s I Read a first, second and third time and passed. 1162 kiting 9,1948. eValk on 1 2. Iexile St. 10. Sootheran Armstrong "By -law #1162 to restrict the use of lands and buildings in that part of the Township of Stamford included in Plan No. 83 registered for the Township of Stamford." Read a first, second and third time and passed. 11. Prior Sootheran "That we do now adjourn." Reeve. Meeting adjourned I io i�:3• P.M. ��l ��1 /l I'l i i/IG I Regular meeting of the Council held in the Council Chambers on Monday, August 16th, 1948, at 7:30 p.m. Armstrong Sootheran G. W. Monroe J. N. Allan E. W. Armstrong R. I. Prior W. R. Sootheran Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Carried. Cler Sootheran Armstrong "That tourist camp license be granted to Francis H. Clement Dorchester Road, subject to the usual inspection." Carried. Sootheran Prior "That the Clerk be authorized to prepare the necessary by -laws for the construction of sidewalks on north and south sides of Bellevue Street as petitioned." Carried. 3. Armstrong Prior "That the Clerk and Reeve be authorized to enter into a sewer rental agreement between Robert Golding and Township of Stamford for property on north side of Keith Street." Carried. "That whereas Subsection 43 of Section 407 of The Municipal Act does not permit Townships to pass by -laws under this section which deals with the matter of importuning travellers on highways and public places and; WIIEREAS our location, adjacent to Niagara Falls, is such that we enjoy a large tourist business; and WHEREAS we believe that Townships such as ours should have permissive legislation to govern soliciting of tourists on highways THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Department of Muni- cipal Affairs be requested to amend Subsection 43 of 'Section 407 of The Municipal Act in such a way that Townships will have the same authority as cities towns and villages for passing by -laws under this Sectionri i{ i s Fire insurance Heximer 6. ;Subdivision r Woodbine vost office Public emen Race Track Officials N.S.& T. pipes Maranda St. i 5. Armstrong Allan Sootheran Prior "That the plan for division Armstrong Sootheran 9. Sootheran Armstrong 10. Sootheran Armstrong 11. Armstrong Allan 12. Armstrong Allan and that a copy of this resolution be referred to th :w .116'- 13. Prior Ontario Municipal Association for consideration at Allan its annual convention to be held in September 1948 Carried. "That this Council request the Canadian Underwriter's Association to make a re- inspection of fire protectio service in the Township of Stamford with a view to reducing the base rate of insurance costs in the municipality." Carried. Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign the the erection of 21 houses oh the Heximer sub as approved by Council." Carried. "That in view of the refusal of the postal department to open a post office in Woodbine area, that we request the Honourable Ernest Bertrand to extend Niagara Falls Rural Route #1 to include Woodbine area, providing residents purchase mail boxes, also that part of Beaverdam Road between Lundy's Lane and Kalar Road." Carried. Sootheran Prior That paid firemen be granted the same increase as granted foremen and truck drivers effective August 15th, 1948." Carried. "That it is felt that Stamford Race Track in its selection of honourary judges should give consideratio! to the Reeve of the Township of Stamford. We feel that in selecting the Mayor of our neighbouring municipality for that honour when the tack is situat within our boundaries is a direct slight to this governing body and the Belleville Driving and Racing Association be so notified." Carried. "That this Council request immediate action on the removal of all bridges and the levelling of all. crossings on N. S. T. property as promised earlier in the year." Carried. "That Council request Public Utilities to instal stree lighting on Maranda Street standard lighting on every second pole:' Carried. "That the Public Utilities be given permission to pur- chase coal oil from the Township Storehouse at rate of :25¢ per gallon." Carried. jst 16,1948. r ent ?1st ins k yard .tang tem 'e Hall e Area #3 )(nits :tualling :eases "By -law Ko. 1163 to establish and lay out Keith Street and the 123 fet of Sinnicks Avenue immediately adjourning Keith Street to the south." dead a first, second and third time and passed. 14. Sootheran Armstrong "That we do now adjourn." 1. Sootheran Armstrong 2. Sootheran Prior 3. Armstrong Sootheran Armstrong Sootheran Reeve Special Council meeting held in the 23rd, 1948, at 7:30 p.m. G. W. Monroe J. N. Allan E. W. Armstrong R. I. Prior Wm. R. Sootheran Carried. Meeting adjourned Flour 0; 0 P..:. Council Chamber Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor on Monday, "That Fred Maraldo be granted a per it to erect tourist cabins on his propoerty at 2374 Lundy's subject to the approval of the Engineer." Carried. "That we instruct the police department to investi- gate the condition on the corner of Franklin and Murray making certain that the owner of said pro- perty is not operating a junk business. It is further requested that the Engineer investigate the con- struction of the building throughly assuring the owner is living up to all existing building by- laws." Carried. "That Council approve of alterations to heating system at Falls View Fire Hall and that the Corporation pur- chase the necessary mateitials." Carried. 4. Sootheran Armstrong "That the quarterly reports of Fire Area '3 be ac- cepted and filed." uarried. "That victualling licenses be granted to Betty J. Wright, Harry Manos, and Mr. Norman Cribk subject to usual inspection and approval of inspector." Carried. Cle k August Lane is f Chamber of Commerce Gallinger Sub- division 7. Armstrong "That the Clerk be instructed to prepare a restrict': Prior by -law for the Gallenger subdivision for approval h Council." Pheasants Engineer 10. Allan Prior Clerk Butter 6. Sootheran Armstrong "That we concur with the suggestion of the Junior C of Commerce as to the establishment of an English mobile industry in the Greater Niagara area." 11. Prior Allan Carried Carried, tI Sewer rental 8. Armstrong Allan "That the clerk and reeve be authorized to sign a ;j sewer rectal agreement between A. J. Burnell, 1280 Portage Road and the Corporation of the Township of Stamford. The rental fee to be $9.03 each year for 30 years." Carried, 9. Armstrong Sootheran "That the Engineer be instructed to supply a truck for transportation of pheasant to pens on August 31st or Sept. 1st, 1948, and that Game Overseer A. R. Muma be so notified and that he supervise the work." Carried, "That the Engineer have a red reflector installed on the checker board at the corner of Livingstone St., and the approach to the convent property." Carried. Carried). "That the clerk be asked to acknowledge correspondenu from clerk treasurer of Town of Fort Erie re: licensE feetrthe department is prepared to approve for Hawker° and Pedlers enclosing copy of letter of 21st of August received by us from department re: same." 12. Armstrong Sootheran "That whereas due to the existence of a butter shorsag, in Canada and in particular the Province of Ontario and: WHEREAS there is at present a ban against the inpvr tation or manufacture of butter substitute in Canada. and: WHEREAS American citizens (U.S.A.) are allowed under existing legislation to import into the U.S.A. from Canada, five dollars ($5.00) worth of foods per per son including butter and: WHEREAS this council are of the opinion that ban placed against the export of butter out of Canada xil; tend to relieve the butter shortage now in existence in Canada BE IT THEREFORE resolved by this council to urgently request the Hon. Mr. Gardiner, Minister of Agricultur for Canada to place a ban, as an emergency measure, :against the exportation of butter from Canada to thei U.S.A. until there it sufficient supply of butter to lneet the needs of the Canadian people. That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Hon. Humphrey Mitchell, Member for Welland County, The Rt. Hon. McKenzie King, Premier of Canada, The Hon. Geo. Drew, Premier of Ontario, The Hon. Thomas Kennedy, Prov.,`Minister of Agriculture, The Hon. -law 1164 13. Sootheran Allan "By -law No. 1164 to establish and layout Sin:.icks Avenue and to change the name by which said highway has been heretofore known as "Sirmicks Street" to "Sinnicks Avenue." read a first, second and third time and passed. agust 23/48 e sent later St. Victualling ldcense ooth onstruction 14. Allan Armstrong "That we do now adjourn." Reeve G. W. Monroe J. N. Allan E. W. Armstrong R. I. Prior Wm. S. Sootheran Thos. Kelley, Provincial Minister of Health and W. L. Houck, Local member of Provincial legis- lature. That a copy of this resolution be sent to the Councils of Niagara Falls, Chippewa, Fort Erie, :ifdsor for their endorsation and representation to the Dominion Government." Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Carried. Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour 10 :30 p.m. at air Special Council meeting held in the Council Chamber on Monday, August 30th, at 5 p.m.- 1 +::Sootheran Prior "That we endorse the application of the City of Niagara Falls to have Slater Ave., opened at the crossing of Queen Elizabeth connecting road." Carried. 2. Sootheran Prior "That Norman Squires be granted a victualling license to operate "The Hub" restaurant on Portage Road." Carried. 3. Prior Sootheran "That we advise R. F. Booth Construction his request to construct sewer and water services for the 21 houses to be constructed on McLeod Rd. and Drummond Rd., for Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation is acceptable to this Council provided Central Mortgage and Housing advise this Council that such arrangements are satisfactory to them." Carried. 1 fl 1 0' Central 1 Mortgage By -law 1165'. 5. Sootheran Allan Ad,ourn Au1o.30 /48 Armstrong Sootheran "That the Municipality of the Township of Stamford enter into a new agreement with Central Mortgage andt Housing Corporation to re- define the period during Ielief which these munition workers houses, located on Drummond Road, will continue as a rental Housing pro-i Sect and the basis of tenant occupancy. That the agreement be for a period of fifteen (15) years, during which there will be no sale of houses, except by consent of and agreement with the Municip3' Council of the Township of Stamford. oads (1) That the grant in lieu of taxes be increased fro the present $24.00 and $30.00 per unit to $42.00 and $48.00 per unit. (2) That the Corporation of Central Mortgage and Housing will progressively install permanent founda- tions under all houses and replace all metal chimneys with brick chimneys. These improvements to be com- neral pleted within a period of three (3) years. That Central Mortgage and Housing agree to and assume full responsibility for proper maintenance and repair to all houses in the project for the specified period, except those houses which may be sold within the period. (3) That in event of agreement of sale between the Township of Stamford and Central Mortgage and Housi:.; the purchaser would be subject to regular taxes duly assessed by the Municipality. Should the purchaser default on agreement that Central Mortgage and Housil assume the regular taxes duly assedsed by the Muni- cipality." Sootheran Prior "That we do now adjourn." "By -law No. 1165 to prohibit and regulate the dis- charge of guns and other firearms" read a first, second and third time and passed. Meeting adjourned. Hour 6:45 P.M. Carried. Carried. CaaReeve. :jerk. Continuation of September 7th, 1948, minutes. 12. Sootheran Prior "That the report of the Finance Committee RELIEF Account, as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $893.07." 13. Armstrong Sootheran Carried. "That the report of the Finance Committee RQADS Account, as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $10,010.09." Carried. 14. Sootheran Prior "That the report of the Finance Committee GENERAL Account, as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $131,815.92." Carried. e ?i 11 c C' C kers ense nsion Ming tenses 38 Regular meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber on Tuesday, September 7th, 1948, at 7:30 p.m. esent G. W. Monroe Reeve J. N. Allan Deputy Reeve E. W. Armstrong Councillor R. I. Prior Councillor W. R. Sootheran Councillor 'utes 1. Armstrong Sootheran That Council minutes for month of August be accepted and filed." Carried. lding 2. Armstrong its Sootheran "That the report of Engineer re: building permits for the month of August be accepted and filed." Carried. bic 3. Sootheran lth Armstrong "That the report of the Public Health nurse for the se month of August be adopted." Carried. rist ense 4. Sootheran Armstrong "That Mrs.V. G. Misener be granted a tourist home license, subject to the usual inspection." 5. Sootheran Armstrong "That George Butt be granted a hawkers license." Carried. Carried. tualling ense 6. Sootheran Armstrong "That Bentley Tamers be granted a victualling license subject to the usual inspection." Carried. 7. Sootheran Armstrong "That we cancel the pension arrangements with the Great West Life Assurance Company pertaining to pensions for employees since their original plan would not meet with the Department of Municipal Affairs approval and the Clekk be authorized to make arrangements for a pension plan with the Dominion Annuities plan." Carried. 8. Prior Sootheran "That non resident and resident hunting licenses,fees kl be the same as last year." Carried. t. i n adian tonal lwa kers ense ve ourn pt. 13, 194 4. Armstrong Allan "That we approve of the plan submitted by R. Blake Erwin, O.L.S., of the Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation (in part of Township lots 172 161) subject to following changes. 1. On the general plan Cadham Street be shown con- necting from Weaver subdivision through to proposed street in line with Cadham Street. 2. That Heximer Avenue be closed from Arad Street to Hawkins Street. g, 3. That the most westerly proposed avenue shown in this plan be produced through to intersect McLeod Road making lots 1, 2 and 3 as shown; 50 foot each then 6'6 feet for the avenue and the balance of pro- perty be divided into lots and numbered up to Heximer Avenue extension, similarly lots east of Heximer Avenue to be numbered." 5. Sootheran Armstrong "That Chippawa Council be granted permission to dump garbage at our disposal yard one additional day per week to take care of the case of restaurant owner P. Bukator." 6. Armstrong Sootheran "That we reply to Canadian National Railway pointing out clause in paragraph 4 of agreement of Sept. 30th, 1947, whereby no change in fares would be considered until the Railway had operated a year and financial statement be submitted to Council." 9; Armstrong Sootheran "That we do now adjourn." Reeve Carried. Carried. Carried. 7. Prior Sootheran "That application for Hawkers license from John Hen- nessy, 709 Bender Hill, be granted." Carried. 8. Allan Armstrong "That the Reeve be delegated to attend a Greater Niagara Fire Prevention Committee organization meeting Thursday afternoon at 5 o'clock in the Chambers Board Room." Carried. Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour 10 p.m. Lk Ali11 It Clerk Il t VI .hti rpranscombe Ito. 39 i! Present 1 ,II poynton 10. Allan Prior Grocery store 11. Armstrong Prior Adjourn Sept. 7, 1948. inane* Mr. Galley North Bay Council 9. Armstrong Prior "That F. A. Branscombe be granted permission to lay a 2" watermain on Murray Street from Orchard Aven main to apartment building under construction on Murray Street. That cost to be born by F. A. Bra/ combe. Construction of line to be under the super vision of Township Engineer." 15. Armstrong Allan "That we now adjourn." 1. Allan So Sootheran Special council meeting held in the Council Chamber 13th, 1 948, at 7:30 p.m. 2. Sootheran Armstrong 3. Sootheran Prior "That the clerk write Mr. Poynton, County Engineer bringing to his attention the bad and dangerous condition of Portage Road between Murray Street and Stanley Avenue along the car tracks and ask that he take steps to have this condition elimina Reeve G. W. Monroe J. N. Allan E. W. Armstrong R. I. Prior W. R. Sootheran Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Meeting adjourned Hour 10 p.m. WAN Carried. Carried. "That a building permit be issued to Mr. Susia to erect a grocery store on Stanley Street, Lot 96 97. Subject to approval of Engineer." Carried. Carried. Cler on Monday, Sept "That we adjourn as a finance committee and proceed with regular council business." Carried. "That the application of Mr. Galley, Prospect Stree for financial assistance in the construction of a drainage of a watercourse be not granted." Carried. That we endorse the resolution of the North Bay Council requesting the Legislature to amend the fire and Police departments botrcaaisgllested." Carried. 410. 40 Special council meeting held in the Council Chamber 27th, 1948, at 7:30 p.m. Present By -law 1155 1. Sootheran Armstrong III Motel Boy Scout Apple Day Stamford Recreation Commission i s Councillor it Prior ii jI Crolier Society Ingham Smith 2. Sootheran Armstrong 3. Sootheran Armstrong "That Boy Scout Association be granted permission t hold their annual Apple Day October 9th." 4. 8 Armstrong Sootheran No. 1145 5. Sootheran Allan Sootheran Allan Sootheran Armstrong Armstrong Allan G. W. Monroe J. N. Allan E. W. Armstrong R. I. Prior W. R. Sootheran Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor on Monday, Sept "That by -law No. 1155 plan 85 restricting building McLeod Road at Drummond Road be rescinded." Carried. "That Mr. A. Saccamano be granted permission to ere a motel at the southwest corner of Buchanan and Kitchener, subject to the approval of the Engineer Carried. Carried. "That Mr. Gordon K. Marshall be appointed a member c Stamford Recreation Commission as a representative from (subdivision plan 75) Morrison Portage Rd." "That the Clerk refer By -law No. 1145 to a solicitor for information regarding schedule attached to by- law." "That a letter expressing the hope for the speedy re covery of Councillor Robert Prior who is convalesci in the General Hospital be sent faom this Council." "That G. A. Dobbin, representative of Society be refunded deposit of $5.00 plication for a Hawkers and peddlers Carried. Carried. Carried. the Crolier paid on ap- license." Carried. "That Councilirequest Ingham Smith to present a letter from purchaser of lot 19 Royal subdivision that purchaser has no objection to the removal of lot 18 from the restricted area, with the possibili of an apartment house being erected on lot 18." Carried. ction ice d N. Communi- cam.ai n 10. Sootheran Allan "That we endorse the Greater Niagara Community cam paigne authorizing the payment of $$100.00 grant as set up in the budget." th St. tral Mort e Hou- ity erence ins taurant 9. Sootheran Armstrong 11. Armstrong Sootheran 12. Sootheran Armstrong 14. Armstrong Sootheran kers and 15. Sootheran dlers Allan ense 16. Sootheran Armstrong "That each voter in the Municipality be sent a card previous to election day stating location of polling booth." Carried. Carried. That we approve the subdivision plan of Keith Street as submitted by R. B. Erwin, O.L.S., and the plan- ning and Development Board be so advised. It should be noted that restrictions already exist on this property." Carried. "That Central Mortgage and Housing be advised that the residents of the section built up under Wartime Housing have chosen the name Drummondville for their community. It is the feeling of this Council that the close proximity of the new 21 houses to Drummond- ville that they should be known by that name." Carried. th S 13. Armstrong Allan "That Council approve of the building of 9 additional houses on Keith Street as there is a definite need for housing in the Township." Carried. "That as many members of Council and officials of Township attend the Community Planning Association conference to be held in Toronto, Oct. 14, 15 16 at the King Edward Hotel." Carried. "That George Atkinson be granted a Hawkers and Peddlers license." Carried. "That R. J. Derrick be granted permission to erect tourist cabins and restaurant on Lundys Lane oh a portion of the Green property, subject to approval of the Engineer." Carried. Sewer rental 18. Allan Sootheran That the Reeve and Clerk rental agreement with J. vices to his property on be $9.03 per year for 30 1 Watermain Adjourn Sept. 27,1948. No. 41 C Present 1 11 Chair j! 11 PI Motel 4Y11 s till il Minutes 17. Armstrong Allan "That Joe Kosberg be permitted to construct on Corw Avenue a small watermain to extend from end of exi main to his property at south west corner of Culp under Supervision of Engineer." 19. Sootheran Armstrong "That we do now adjourn." Reeve II Carried. sneerfe be authorized to sign a s L. Rosberg respecting sex.' Corwin Ave. The rental t years." Meeting adjourned Hour 10:30 p.m. Carried. Carried. Cler Regular meeting of the Council held in the Council Chmaber on Mond October 4th, 1948, at 7:30 p.m. G. W. Monroe Reeve J. N. Allan Deputy Reeve E. W. Armstrong Councillor Wm. R. Sootheran Councillor 1. Sootheran Armstrong "That Deputy Reeve Allan take the chair in the ab- sence of the Reeve." Carried. Armstrong Sootheran "That Council approve of application of Michael Ri to build a motel on worth east corner of Buchanan Oakes Drive." Carried. Armstrong Sootheran "That Council adopt council minutes as printed for month of September, 1948." Carried. goad Arent 4. Armstrong Sootheran "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to petition for the statutory grant under the Highway Improve- ment Act for expenditures on roads in the amount o $61,798.53 made between January 1st., 1948, and August 31st, 1948." Carried. sest re p ort rt delivery torical lety tral t:a:d r season 5. Armstrong Sootheran "That the Public Health Nurses report for September be adopted and filed." Carried. 6. Sootheran Armstrong That the Engineerts report for the month of September be accepted." Carried. Armstrong Sootheran "That the clerk write a letter to residents of Portage and Morrison sub- division that carrier mail service will likely be adopted by Postal Department in the very near future. That the Postal Dept. be sent the petition presented to Council." Carried. Armstrong Allan "That the Lundyts Lane Historical Society be given a donation of twenty -five dollars." Carried. Armstrong Sootheran "That we request Central Mortgage Housing to register their whole holdings at Drummond McLeod Rd., as a subdivision and that Central Mortgage deed park lands as shown on plan to Township." Carried. ress Traf- i Assoc. 10. Armstrong Allan "that a letter of appreciation be sent to Express Traffic Association for extension of Express Service. ;I'! That Bxpress Traffic Association be asked to give consideration to express service in the wartime housing area when traffic warrants same." Carried. 11. Allan Armstrong "That we do not approve of an open deer season in the Township and the Game Warden be so notified." Carried. 'enzo Con- fling Co. 12. Sootheran Armstrong "That the Wm. Lorenzo Contracting Co., be paid in- creases of 2i¢ per foot, 50¢ per hydrant and 50¢ per valve for extra work not tendered in group two on watermains. The increase is made necessary by the increase in the price of lead." Carried. l; it 1 1'. 11 'Baseball Association 13. Armstrong Allan "That whereas the Greater Niagara Baseball Associat give a dinne each year known as a "boys banquet" which some 700 boys are given their prizes and tro and Whereas possibly 50% of these boys are from our To ship of Stamford that this Council give a donatio twenty -five dollars for this purpose." Next meeting Ford panel truck i. Ambulance 0. 'I By -law 798 October 4,1948. Carried. 14. Allan Sootheran "That the next meeting of the Council be held Tuesd evening Oct. 12th at 7 p.m. due to October llth being Thanksgiving Day." Carried. 15. Armstrong Allan "That the ford panel truck at Falls View Fire Dept. turned over to Stamford Recreation Commission for sum of Five hundred dollars." Board be so advised." 16. Sootheran Armstrong "That Stamford's share of the cost of ambulance be raised to $1 ;750 per year, monthly payments on thi basis to start as of October 1st, 1948." Sootheran Armstrong "That we do now adjourn." Reeve Carried. Carried. By-law 1 145 .17. Armstrong Sootheran "That By -law 1145 remain as drafted and Municipal Carried. 18 Armstrong Sootheran "That Council request Mr. La Marsh in colaboration with the Clerk and Engineer to redraft By -law 798 as amended by by -1aw4 #1078 for presentation to Council -Oct. 12th /48," Carried. Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour 10:15 p.m. (Se,aiivit A iLima■ I Clerk. 42 Special meeting of the Council held in the Council Chambers on Tuesday, October 12th, 1948, at 7:00 p.m. tang enses an vision D v es embrance c a ilding m G. W. Monroe J. N. Allan E. W. Armstrong R. I. Prior W. R. Sootheran Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor 1. Sootheran Armstrong "That H. S. White, 2380 Bellevue Street, be granted deeds to lots 189 and 190, Plan 44." Carried. 2, Sootheran Prior "That we honour the hunting licenses of Willoughby, Thorold and Crowland Townships on a reciprocal basis." Carried. 3. Armstrong Sootheran "That Council approve of George Allen's proposed sub- division on Montrose Road subject to restrictions requested by Mr. Allen, and that Mr. Allen agree to grading of streets in subdivision." Allan Prior Carried. Sootheran Allan "That the Clerk advise Mr. R. Davies, 2219 Lundy's Lane, that the Corporation is not liable for damages to his residence and the case in question is one for civil action," Carried. "That this Council accept invitations from the Veterans Organizations to attend parade and service Sunday, November 7th, and as many as possible attend." Carried. ion, 6. Sootheran Armstrong "That we grant the request of Niagara Falls Junior Chamber of Commerce in proclaiming the week of October 18th as Industrial Exhibition Week." Carried. Armstrong Sootheran "That the Clerk be instructed to write the Niagara Falls Junior Chamber of Commerce expressing the Council's appreciation on behalf of the people of the Township of Stamford in their gift of the iron lung to the Township." Carried. 8. Armstrong Allan "That Council approve of application of Julia Komaromi for extension and alteration of building on north- east side of Portage Road at Stanley Street, subject to approval of Engineer." Carried. 6 9. Sootheran Armstrong "By -law #1166, 1948, to rescind by -law number 1136, 1948." Read a first, second and third time and passed. ti S. 1i 11, I 'i I 4 By -law #1167 1 1 11lllllL 10 By -law #1168 'By-law #1169 oads 13. Prior Allan Relief Genera.], Ad iourn `:October 12,1948 n.43 resent Sewer rentals 10. Allan Prior 11. Sootheran Prior "By law #1168 to rescind by -law number 1155, 1948 Read a first, second and third time and passed. 12. Armstrong Sootheran "By -law #1169 to amend By -law number 1162, 1948," Read a first, second and third time and passed. 14. Allan Prior 15. Sootheran Armstrong "That the report of the Finance Committee GENERAL Account, as presented be accepted and the accoun be paid amounting to $196,614.68." 16. Prior Sootheran "That we do now adjourn." 1. Allan Prior "By -law #1167, 1948, to provide pensions for employees of the municipality," Read a first, and second time. "That the report of the Finance Committee ROADS I, Account, as presented be accepted and the accoun er be paid amounting to $11,264.91." Carried. "That the report of the Finance Committee RELIEF Account, as presented be accepted and the accoun be paid amounting to $750.92." Reeve Special council meeting held in the lath, 1948, at 7:30 p.m. G. W. Monroe J. N. Allan E. W. Armstrong R. I. Prior Wm. R. Sootheran Hour Reeve Deputy` Councillor Councillor Councillor Carried. Carried. Meeting adjourned council chamber on Monday, Oct Cl "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign th following sewer rental agrements with the persons indicated: Walters Miller Pc1.17 North side Keith, Rental$ Walters Miller 14 n n n 23 South n n n 4 n n n n 21 n n n n n 20 n n n 17 n 19 8 n n if n n n 18 if n n Carried. ovation 1 rt of ision ool area nholme ter Ayes. asant enses ourn t. 18/48 2. Sootheran Armstrong "That the Salvation Army be granted permission to hold a salvage drive, Wed. Nov. 3, the Corporation supplying one truck and driver." 3. Prior Armstrong "That the Council sit as a Court of Revision on 1949 Assessment Roll on Monday, November 1st, at 7:30 p.m. to hear any appeals thereon." 4. Armstrong Sootheran "That as it is essential to conserve power during the critical power shortage that this council request the Public Utilities to reduce street lighting in the municipality to every other pole." 5. Armstrong Allan "That the clerk be authorized to prepare a question to be put to the people in regards to increased school area. The question to be put to the people at next municipal election." 6. Armstrong Sootheran "That Council request the Local member of the Legis- lature, Mr. W. L. Houck, to intercede with the Minister of Highways, Mr. Ducette, on behalf of the Township of Stamford re: the opening of Glenholme and Slater Avenues crossing the Queen Elizabeth Highway, Pointing out the necessity of opening Glenholme from a fire protection angle and Slater Avenue due to in- creased residential area increase since Slater Ave., was closed." 8. Prior Sootheran "That we do now adjourn." Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. 7. Prior Allan "That we recind resolution #8 Sept. 7th re: hunting license fees and that the following fees be in effect V to conform with adjacent municipalities: resident 50¢, non resident $2.00 for 1st day and f1.00 each day thereafter." Carried. Carried. Meeting adjourned AJiII JAIAd i J 4(4IL4 ur 11 p.m. 4 Reeve Clerk 3 1 Ij 4 sir 1 1 N o. 44 (I 1 25, 1940. ele Comfort s Station Present Red Cross Salvation Army Highway signs ;Adjourn Special council meeting held in the Council chamber 25th, 1948, at 7 :30 p.m. 2. Sootheran Prior 3. Sootheran Prior 4. Sootheran Prior 5. Allan Prior G. W. Monroe Reeve J. N. Allan Deputy Reeve tsnzsg Ccu nc,'1,.1e.:. R. I. Prior Councillor W. R. Sootheran Councillor 1. Sootheran Prior "That the Red Cross Society be granted permissiot to use the Court room for their activities unti the first of year when other arrangements will made for their welfare." "That the Salvation Army be granted permission tc hold their salvage drive December 7th, a month later than the date previously agreed upon." "That we do now adjourn." �3 Reeve 1 on Monday, 0 Carried. Carried. "That the City of Niagara Falls be advised that t Council is not in favor of substituting brick fo stone in the proposed comfort station to be erec adjacent to the Township Hall." Carried. "That a committee composed of representatives of the Township of Stamford, the City of Niagara Fa Chamber of Commerce, Junior Chamber of Commerce, the North End and South End Business Men's Assoc tion.be called to discuss the uniformity of high way signs entering the municipalities.The quests :a of eliminating traffic hazards at the traffic ci at Dorchester Road and Thorold Stot1e:ROad.to be considered at the same time. The discussion of committee to be submitted to the Dept. of Highwa Carried. Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour 11 .m. Cle ent a a 1 ourn as rt of ision ses re- t The Regular Council meeting was held in the Council Chaebers on Monday, November 1st, 1948, prior to the Council Meeting a Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll was held at 7:30 p.m. All members present took the oath of office. 1. 3. Sootheran Prior 4. 5. Armstrong Prior 6. Allan Prior 1. Sootheran Prior G. W. Monroe J. N. Allan E. W. Armstrong R. T. Prior Wm. R. Sootheran Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor prior Armstrong "That no action be taken in respect to the following appeals against assessment for the year 1949 since the assessments are considered ecuitable: Roll No. 6025A 'Thos Delvin, Lot No. 60, Keith St. Roll No. 2575 Asher Davidson, Lot 68, Plan 40 Culp St. Roll No. 6530 Abraham DeLazzer, Lot 43, Portage Rd., L. Roll No. 4324 Fred Galle, Lot 32, Plan 42 Prospect. St. Roll No. 662 Arthur Gascoigne, Lot 25, Plan 82 Lee Ave Roll No. 124 John Handzi, Property at 91 Portage Rd." Carried. 2. Prior Sootheran "That the appeal of John Lavelle for part lot 60 Keith Street assessed under Roll No. 6010 be allowed and the property be changed to a separate school supporter." Carried. That the appeal of J. W. Lee for 1949 assessment on lot 29 Plan 54, Roll No. 3734, Depew Ave., be al- lowed and the building assessment be reduced $50.00." Carried. Armstrong Prior "That the appeal of Mrs. Sarah Toomath be allowed and a refund of $4.12 be made because of an error in land assessment frontage for 1948 on Part range 6 Stanley Avenue made under Roll 1301." Carried. "That the appeal of John A. Upper be allowed in respect of assessment made under Roll No. 3521 being parts of lots 62,63,and 64, plan 57, and the land assessment be reduced to $275.00 a reduction of $25.00." 1 Carried. "That we adjourn as a court of revision and proceed with council business." Carried. "That the report of the Health Nurse for the month of October be accepted." Carried. f iii 1 Building permits Q.E. H'way signs 4. Prior Allan 2. Sootheran Armstrong "That the building report of the Engineer for mchth October be accepted." Carried. Carried. '''''Taxi driver's 3. Sootheran license prior "That Roy Martin be granted a license to drive taxi Stamford Taxi Company, subject to approval of polic chief." Carried. "That Reeve Monroe and Councillor Sootheran be this Council's representatives at meeting to be held in Township Hall on Nov. 17th re: discussion of Queen Elizabeth Way traffic signs and traffic circle." Carried. 'Closing hours 5. Armstrong rk Sootheran "That this council make vigorous protest to the At- torney General, The Hon. Leslie Blackwell, against 1 the direct discrimination against the rural and urb areas, in rdgards to early closing hours as imposed by Liquor Control Board as of Nov. 1st, 1948, bring da to the attention of the Attorney General: (1) That it invokes a hardship on rural and urban residents and business houses from loss of reve and conveniences and loss of revenue to this co poration. (2) Our close proximity to the City of Niagara Fall_ 3) Our area which enjoys a large tourist trade ve 4) Bring the attention of the Attorney General to kenzie an expression of opinion taken by the Liquor Co trol Board from Hotel owners re: closing hours which'. was completed by the Greater Niagara Hot Association and submitted to the Liquor Control Board. This Municipality feels that the Liquor Control Boar should level the hours of sale over the whole Provi, of Ontario to either llp.m. or 12p.m. not one hour i one municipality and another hour in a neighboring municipality." I� Carried. Welland Seciri-+ 6. Armstrong HA ities Sub- Allan "That the clerk be authorized to issue a proclamatio t;a division designating the area bounded on the north by by the northerly limit of lot 95, on the west by the centr line of the Hydro canal, on the south by the south limits of lot 108 and part of lot 107; and bounded the east by:..thecitest limit of Stanley Avenue to be henceforth known as Oak -Lawn as requested by Citize residing within these Boundaries." Thc,_r• boundaries described herein constitute the boundaries of polls �S subdivision no. 22. utes i cabs d In- ction lion law ction law ourn v. 1/48 7. Allan Prior 10. Sootheran Allan "That congratulations be extended the clerk on reaching his 42nd birthday." "That the minutes of the Council meetings held during tH the month of October be adopted as printed." Carried. 8. Armstrong Sootheran "That the attention of Police Chief be drawn to the speeding of taxi cabs on Porta;;e Road it would an- pear that taxi cabs use this road as a speedway from south to north end of Niagara Falls. Carried. 9. Armstrong Sohtheran "That the Road inspectionhe nade by council Tuesday, November 9th, 1948, at 9 :30 a.m. Township ''Jail." Carried. Carried. 11. Armstrong Prior "That the Reeve proclaim Saturday, November 27th as tag day in Stamford Township for The United Emer- gency Fund for Britain." 12. Allan Armstrong "That this Council request the clerk to forward to Bert Mackenzie of Chippewa a letter of dongratu- lations on being able to be moved to his home and wishing him a speedy recovery." 13. Allan Prior 15. Sootheran Prior That we do now adjourn." Reeve Carried. Carried. "By -law No. 1167 to provide Pensions for employees of the Municipality" read a thrid time and finally passed. 14. Sootheran Prior "By -law No. 1170 to appoint polling places, Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks for the Township of Stamford and to unite certain adjoining Polling subdivisions and to establish one polling place for the purpose of the 1948 Municipal Election." read a first, second and third time and passed. Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour 10 :50 p.m. Clerk. 1 r' H t k `EI Hawkers :3.Sootheran Peddlers Prior license Railway z! Board 4 *Quarterly f No. 46 Present Finance Tourist cabins Motel 3 Civic olida Hawkers eddlers Special Council meeting held in the Council Chamber on Monday, N Sth, 1948, at 8 p.m. 1 -•Prior Armstrong Appoint- 9.Armstrong ment 1 Prior i i ulverts 1i.Armstrong Sootheran G. W. Monroe J. N. Allan E. W. Armstrong R. I. Prior Wm. R. Sootheran Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "That we adjourn as a finance meeting to take up general_ business." Carrie 2.Armstrong Sootheran "That Sebastian Hock be granted a building permit to bus four tourist cabins at 3514 Lundys Lane as plans are irf order and approved' by the Department of Highways." 6 .Sootheran Armstrong Carrie ".ing "That H. Charlesworth be granted a Hawkers and Peddlers license for the sale of fruits and vegetables." 4.Sootheran Armstrong "That we make application to the Railway Board asking fo the abandonment of the New York Central line north west of Stanley Street in order to facilitate the constructs of the new bridge over the C.N.R. line on Portage Road. 7.Armstrong Prior "That Nov. 11/48 be a ized to proclaim the local press.n Carried Carried !S.Sootheran Armstrong "That Mr. L. Ferencz be granted permission to erect a mo on 3256 Lundys Lane as plans are in order and approved Department of Highways." Carried "That the quarterly report of Fire Area No. 2 be accepte as submitted." Carried civic holiday and the Reeve be ant same by proclamation through the Carried. 8. Arrns trong Allan "That a Hawkers Peddlers license be granted to Nelson Zimmerman to sell rugs.!t» Carried. That Gordon Weaver be appointed as Foreman and Allan Del be appointed Junior truck driver effective as Nov. 11/48 Carried. "That used and new culverts be not sold for use except on Township roads streets." Carried. aw n ral a _e nce nce ante ourn ivision 8, 1948'. :Reeve Monroe requested Deputy Reeve Allan to take the chair during the discussion of the following resolution: 11. Monroe Armstrong "By law No. 1171 to provide for the taking of the votes of the electors on the following question: "Are you in V/ favour of the Council of the Corporation of the Town- ship of Stamford initiating action to enlarge the area of jurisdiction of the Board of Education by adding thereto Chippewa, Willoughb c d part of Lincoln Count read a first, second and third time, and passed. 'Reeve Monroe resumed the chair. 12. Sootheran Armstrong 13. Sootheran Prior "That we go on record as being in favor of more housing in Staford and notify the proper authorities that in our opinion the proposed apartment houses to be erected by clients of Frank Branscombe are necessary." 14. Armstrong Prior "That the Council recuest Mr. Blrchnall, administrator of Local Central Mortgage,to give early consideration to the application of Mr. Vern Bray for a house as this is considered by council as a deserving case." 15. Prior Allan 16. Sootheran Prior "That the report of the Finance Committee GENERAL Ac- count, as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to x$71,290.25." 17. Allan Armatmopg "That the report of the Finance Committee ROADS account as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $9 ;771.75." 18. Sootheran Prior "That we do now adjourn." "That we approve the plan for the Allan subdivision and notify the Department of Planning and Development that there is to be no restrictions or the designated area." Carried. Carried. Carried. "That the report of the Finance Committee RELIEF Ac- count, as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $812.32.n Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour 10 :1 ..m. l Reeve Clerk. e 1 4 q I I Present H.E. No. 47 Special Council meeting held in the Council Chamber 15th, 1948, at 7:30 p.m. Building By -law Hawkerts Peddlers license By -law No. 1172 Adjourn Nov. 15,1948.! G. V. Monroe J. N. Allan E. W. Armstrong R. I. Prior Wm. R. Sootheran 1. Armstrong Allan "That the clerk be authorized to prepare an amend to the building by -law to cover the whole of the Township of Stamford." Restricting By -law 2. Sootheran Armstrong "That the clerk be instructed to draw up a restri by -law on the George Allen subdivision in line wi Mr. Allents wishes." 3. Sootheran Prior "That James Auld be granted a hawkers and peddler license for the peddling of fish." 4. Sootheran Armstrong 5. Allan Prior be sent W. L. in discuss Pfohl with the Hydro Electric Power Commission in secu ivision a promise of a three year agreement on the matte a grant of $75,000. in lieu of taxes." "By -law No.1172'to_ amend by -law No. 1167, 1948." a first, second and third time and passed. 6. Armstrong Sootheran "That we do now adjourn." Reeve Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Meeting adjourned Hour 10 :15 p.m. on Monday, No Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Clerk 8 t L }tee .of C. tional is sties ord Special meeting of the Council held in the Council Ch_cnbcr on Mon- day, November 22nd, 1948, at 7:30 p.m. 2. Armstrong Sootheran e late Dr. 'Mackenzie 5. Armstrong Sootheran 1. Armstrong Prior "That the 8750.00 grant to the Industrial Committee, Greater Niagara Chamber of Coimnerce, be paid as per budget." 6. Allan Prior G. W. Monroe J. N. Allan E. W. Armstrong R. I. Prior R. W. Sootheran Reeve Deputy Peeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Carried. "That a building permit be issued to Peter Georgrieff to build an additional cabin and extension to pre- sent store at 2463 Portage Road as permit is in order." Carried. 3. Prior Armstrong the recommendations of the committee which met with City Council and representatives of other civic bodies on the matter of directional suns and traffic hazards be approved." Carried. Sootheran Prior "That the plans for the Roderick Pfohl subdivision, Murray Street, be accepted and redo^mend._tion made to the Greater Niagara Planning and Development board that the plan be passed by that body. The Depart- ment of Development and Planning be notified that there are no restrictions in the area at present and that we do not feel it advisable to impose any under the circumstances." Carried. "That as this municipality has lost in the death of Dr. A. E. Mackenzie a very valuable and respected citizen, who has served this municipality as I.O.H. for years, that a letter of condolence be forwarded from this Council to Mrs. Mary Mackenzie and family signed on behalf of Council and officials by the Reeve." Carried. Carried. "That in accordance with the 1944 amendment to the Public Utilities Act the request of the Stamford Public Utilities Commission, be granted and $4,271.60 be paid over from the waterworks surplus fund." Ig Township nger Offices 7. Armstrong ;vision 2. Armstrong Prior "That the Township offices be closed at 12:00 otcl.' Prior "That the Council approve of Harold Gallinger sub- Nov. 23/48, in respect to the late Dr. A. E. Mack- division on Thorold Road. That council do not re- M.O.H." quest restrictions on this subdivision as presented as Council considers this location as a business locality." Oakes Drive Present Armstrong Allan "That the Engineer be instructed to close Oakes Dr to winter travel." Street lights 9. Armstrong Sootheran "That the Public Utilities be requested to place a on the second pole on High St., west of intersect' of Prince Edward and High; on second Pole on Cook west of intersection of Prince Edward and Cook St. on second pole on Division St., west of intersect' Division and Leonard Street as Council considers t instalations as a necessity." Collection of!. dog taxes 10. Allan Prior "That we grant F. Walker, Assessor, the sum of $25C for collecting dog taxes. The taxes collected bei! $2,674.00 to date." Ad ourn '11. Prior Armstrong "That we do now adjourn." Meeting adjourned Hour 10p.m. i Nov. 22,1948 y V AA 1 Reeve Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Y e'er lo: 49 :Special meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber on Monda, November 29th„ 1948 G. W. Monroe Reeve J. N. Allan Deputy Reeve E. W. Armstrong Councillor R. I. Prior Councillor W. R. Sootheran Councillor Report of Fire Are 1. Sootheran Armstrong "That the quarterly report of Fire Area No. 3 for July, August and September be adopted.n ment H. ns dry -shop 5. Armstrong t Allan "That a building permit be issued to F. Goodacre to build a work -shop and foundry on the south side of Hawkins Street. urn 29, 194$• Allan Prior "That we do now adjourn." Reeve Carried. 3. Sootheran Armstrong "That the Council approve the agreement with Central Mortgage and Housing and the clerk be instructed to prepare the necessary by -law." Carried. 4. Sootheran Prior "That Ernest A. Bacon be granted permission to erect seven additional cabins to his present camp on Lundy's Lane, west of Kalar Road." Carried. Carried. Carried. 1 'ILthchthi I' Clerk. kr Nominated Walter Deans Geo. B. Lundy G. W. Monroe -John N. Allan 'Elmer W. Armstrong Walter M. Deans CIL -Alex C. Barratt Arthur Geo. Bridge J. Curtis Collard Harry W. Corfield Francis Thomas Fields Donald Glantz G. B. Lundy Fred J. Mitchell Robert Ivor Prior Wm. R. Sootheran 1RD OF Donald R. Gill JCATION .Meredith F. Jones Warren J. Kent Lily M. McQueen Geo. Mack Rysdale -Mary Elizabeth Scott Percy H. Shriner BLIC ILITIES -Keith C. MacLeod %MISSION Geo. M. Rysdale Results of Nomination Meeting held Monday, November 29th, 1 94 8 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. At the Township Hall, Niagara Falls, Ont. Moved by Donald Glintz Donald Glantz A. H. Walker M. F. Jones J. Curtis Collard A. G. Bridge G. D. Martin Stanley C. Tolan J. A. Hay Arthur E. Staines Jack G. King H. Roberts J. N. Allan G. W. Monroe G. W. Monroe D. J. Myer C. E. Kirkby A. H. Walker J. N. Allan Olive E. Mewburn Wm. H. Parks Arthur G. Bridge W. A. Higgins Lloyd Young A. G. Bridge Seconded by Geo. B. Lundy J. N. Allan J. T. Scholfield A. H. Walker Fred J. Mitchell Harold Smith J. E. Parker Robert Mitchell Gordon L. Mitchell Luther Cartledge F. B. Angle Walter M. Deans Donald Glantz E. W. Armstrong J. N. Allan W. A. Hamill Gordon L. Mitchell G. W. Monroe M. F. Jones E. V. Kinsey Luther Cartledge K. C. MacLeod J. E. Clement Luther Cartledge A. S. Williams OFFICE For Reeve For Deputy Reeve For Council 3 to be elected For Board of Education 3 to be elected For Public Utilities Commission Qualified and go December 6, 1948 NAME G. W. Monroe (Acclamation) John N. Allan Elmer W. Armstrong Walter M. Deans Alexander Barratt Arthur G. Bridge J. Curtis Collard Harry Corfield Francis T. Fields Donald Glintz Fred J. Mitchell Robert I. Prior Wm. R. Sootheran Donald R. Gill Meredith F. Jones Warren J. Kent Lily McQueen Geo. M. Rysdale Mary E. Scott K. C. MacLeod (Acclamation) ing to the Polls 10 a.m. to 7p.m. ADDRESS Thorold Stone Rd. 1624 Dunn Street 410 Crawford St. Town Line 843 Duke Street 491 Drummond Rd. 403 Drummond Rd 2114 Dorchester Rd. 2457 Barker Street 1695 Leonard Street 2271 Taylor Street 2822 Spence Street 1677 Dorchester Rd. 2803 High Street 1776 Dorchester Rd. 2959 Lundytw Lane 2077 Corwin Avenue 1730 Highland Avenue 1459 Portage Road 280 Portage Road OCCUPATION Fire Chief R.R.Conduct Elect. Opr. Farmer Civil Engr. Accountant Grocer Stat. Engr. Clerk Superintend( Carpenter Dry Cleaner Compositor Compositor Accountant Elect. Forem Housewife Elect. Contr Housewife Farmer Reeve Deputy Reeve Council Board of Education Public Utilities Question High School Area Summary of Election Results December 6, 1948. Gordon W. Monroe John N. Allan Walter M. Deans William R. Sootheran Robert I. Prior Arthur Geo. Bridge Harry W. Corfield J. Curtis Collard Fred J. Mitchell Alec C. Barratt Donald Glintz Francis T. Fields Meredith F. Jones Warren J. Kent Lily McQueen Donald R. Gill George Mack Rysdale Mary E. Scott Keith C. MacLeod Elmer W. Armstrong 1309 1195 642 1493 1449 1228 661 822 678 651 578 209 1518 1408 1306 1249 1104 989 Yes 1822 No 1158 Total number of eligible electors on Voters! List (resident) 6880 Total number of non resident electors on Voterst List 565 Total 7445 Percentage of eligible electors who voted at 1948 election 43.34 Percentage of eligible electors who voted at 1947 election 38.34 P _I t- e Elected by Acclamation ag for 1 year Elected for one year Elected for one year n It Elected for two years n n n 0 }t tt Elected by acclamation for 2 years 1 1 DEPUTY REEVE Tabulation of election results December 6th, 1948. by polls COUNCILLORS ag t- f 1 POLL IT O F c= U r ll M y I--. J 4 0 t L' F` i T i 1 31 59 29 17 43 58 J 38 15 16 18 40 44! 2 10 4 43 7 32 20 8 4 3 15 31 21 3 25 49 41 11 71 37 22 9 23 15 40 55 4 28 17 34 4 29 15 28 3 26 27 39 241 5 51 17 18 16 29 10 26 3 27 29 41 39 6 47 66 21 16 31 13 66 6 32 47 66 69 '7 101 15 26 23 51 23 49 12 44 28 66 51 1 8 72 42 13 31 31 23 46 5 26 26 67 67 9 50 37 34 21 28 9 59 8 37 49 45 30 10 52 58 28 30 38 22 53 13 22 64 59 58, 11 60 56 22 42 51 20 44 17 19 27 65 70 12 13 91 90 40 64 74 37 64 15 35 46 101 119 14 37 23 15 11 33 9 30 6 14 13 31 40 1 5 54 82 14 38 49 33 27 9 18 26 100 104 16 65 69 34 32 67 31 36 18 19 56 82 105 17 47 55 38 20 63 24 42 8 43 37 84 61 18 66 42 27 29 69 72 39 6 24 21 68 54 19 38 33 24 21 43 5 26 2 23 25 47- 37 20 21 66 54 26 15 43 15 38 11 67 24 61 '78 22 4 54 13 72 47 15 15 11 9 10 24 52 23 28 65 15 20 46 52 23 7 15 6 48 45 2 4 2 7 95 14 23 60 75 14 8 7 13 58 75 2 5 29 81 15 30 54 57' 17 1 10 20 62 77 26 27 31 49 88 58 24 34 25 33 84 63 62 84 27 7 24 5 10 9 17 19 60 64 69 49 1 1195 1309 642J 651 1228 822 861 1 209 578 678 1449 14931 DEPUTY REEVE Tabulation of election results December 6th, 1948. by polls COUNCILLORS ag t- f Tabulation of election results December 6th, 1948. by polls BOARD OF EDUCATION QUESTION I POLL NO. a g3 m 1 50 73 65 26 22 35 69 37 2 8 14 20 39 34 26 11 45 3 28 52 40 45 1 51 41 60 40 4 23 24 32 23 4 28 4 30 5 48 37 43 30 33 27 48 35 6 44 59 57 64 54 40 107 24 7 83 65 71 40 36 30 81 45 1 8 78 59 81 42 32 26 85 35 9 39 38 48 38 38 47 62 47 10 52 68 56 71 60 46 74 56 11 72 83 59 69 4 35 95 42 12 &13 88 108 98 128 62 56 124 89 14 19 34 33 37 31 26 40 31 15 94 113 83 60 38 28 1 117 34 16 87 100 85 70 67 39 106 63 17 43 56 58 59 76 48 81 57 18 60 57 58 56 77 37 54 77 19 27 37 30 40 33 40 47 47 20 &21 30 53 47 4 44 57 83 43 22 27 53 39 46 34 52 57 44 23 36 45 42 46 34 38 59 40 24 53 66 66 70 45 35 75 54 25 52 71 61 59 42 42 73 49 26 51 65 60 65 33 61 79 55 27 57 88 76 43 33 49 95 39 1249 1518 1408 1306 1104 989 1822 1158 P. Tabulation of election results December 6th, 1948. by polls BOARD OF EDUCATION QUESTION I POLL NO. a g3 m 1 50 73 65 26 22 35 69 37 2 8 14 20 39 34 26 11 45 3 28 52 40 45 1 51 41 60 40 4 23 24 32 23 4 28 4 30 5 48 37 43 30 33 27 48 35 6 44 59 57 64 54 40 107 24 7 83 65 71 40 36 30 81 45 1 8 78 59 81 42 32 26 85 35 9 39 38 48 38 38 47 62 47 10 52 68 56 71 60 46 74 56 11 72 83 59 69 4 35 95 42 12 &13 88 108 98 128 62 56 124 89 14 19 34 33 37 31 26 40 31 15 94 113 83 60 38 28 1 117 34 16 87 100 85 70 67 39 106 63 17 43 56 58 59 76 48 81 57 18 60 57 58 56 77 37 54 77 19 27 37 30 40 33 40 47 47 20 &21 30 53 47 4 44 57 83 43 22 27 53 39 46 34 52 57 44 23 36 45 42 46 34 38 59 40 24 53 66 66 70 45 35 75 54 25 52 71 61 59 42 42 73 49 26 51 65 60 65 33 61 79 55 27 57 88 76 43 33 49 95 39 1249 1518 1408 1306 1104 989 1822 1158 A special meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chamber on Tuesday, December 7th, 1948, at 7:30 p.m. 1. Allan Prior G. W. Monroe Reeve J. N. Allan Deputy Reeve E. W. Armstrong Councillor R. I. Prior Councillor W. R. Sootheran Councillor "That the minutes of the Council meetings for the month of November, 1948, be adopted as printed." Carried. al mail ivery 2. Armstrong Sootheran "That the petition for extension of rural mail delivery on Woodbine Street, between Montrose Road and Kalar Road, be forwarded to the Hon. Ernest Bertrand, Post master General, Ottawa." rican 3. Armstrong namid Prior "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign an a agreement with American Cyanamid Company (Welland Works) for snow removal on Garner Road for 1948 and 1949." tion 4. Allan .V.C. Prior "That the Clerk send a letter to Radio station C.H.V.C. thanking them for the use of the station for the election meeting, and also for covering the returns of the election." ses' 5. Armstrong ort Sootheran "That the Report from Public Health Nurses for month of November 1948 be accepted and filed." wer ntal nsion Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. 6. Allan Prior "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign a sewer rental agreement with Fred Goodacre respecting sewer services to his property on Hawkins Street. The rental to be $9.03 a year for a period of 30 years." Carried. idler's 7. Sootheran Hawkers Prior "That Wm. F. Diamond be granted a Peddlar ►s and cense Hawker ►s license for the sale of Christmas trees." ($1.00) Carried. 8. Allan Armstrong "That the funds amounting to thirty thousand dollars payable by the Township for past services under by- laws numbered 1167 and 1172 to provide pensions for employees be appropriated from the Township surplus." Carried. Christmas vouchers Boxing day Pheasants Engineer's Report Building permit Wartime Housing Agreement RELIEF ROADS GENERAL Ad Dorn Dee. 7, 1948. i` 9. Armstrong Sootheran 10. Armstrong Prior "That Boxing Day, December 27th, 1948, be declar a civic holiday." 11. Sootheran Armstrong 15. Sootheran Armstrong 16. Armstrong Sootheran "That five dollar christmas vouchers be given to persons on relief and other needy cases subject approval of the clerk and reeve." 18. Sootheran Armstrong "That we do now adjourn." Reeve Meeting adjourned Hour 1015 p.m. Atka Carrie Carrie Carrie 12. Sootheran Armstrong "That the Engineer's report for the month of Nov be accepted." Carrie 13. Armstrong Prior "That the Council approve building permit applica of A. Kovacs to build 6 cabins on west side of Montrose Road, lot 179, subject to approval by Engineer of plans as presented by Mr. Kovacs." Carried 14. Allan Armstrong "By -law No. 1173 to authorize the execution of an agreement between His Majesty the King in Right Canada represented by Wartime Housing Limited an the Corporation of the Township of Stamford" rea a first, second and third time and passed. "That the report of the Finance Committee RELIEF Account, as presented be accepted and the accoun be paid amounting to $875.86." Carried. "That the report of the Finance Committee ROADS Account, as presented be accepted and the ac- counts be paid amounting to $10,823.74." Carried 17. Allan Armstrong "That the report of the Finance Committee GENERAL Account, as presented be accepted and the accoun be paid amounting to $185,472.79." Carried. Carried. Cie 1 nt ce "That letter from Dept. of Land and Forests re: tribution of day -old pheasants be referred to t Greater Niagara Fish and Game Association." vision ier ice er lers nse Special meeting of the Council held in the Council December 13th, 1943, at 7:30 p.m. 1. Prior Armstrong "That we adjourn as a finance meeting general business." 2. Armstrong Prior G. W. Monroe J. N. Allan E. W. Armstrong R. I. Prior W. R. Sootheran Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Chamber on Monday, to talce up Carried. "That Council accept the U.L.A. subdivision including watermains, being parts of lot 116 and 123; that a by- law be prepared in accordance with communication of Decem er llth, 1948, from V.L.A. (Hugh Lamb)." Carried. 3. Sootheran Armstrong "That a letter of appreciation be sent the Honourable E. Bertrand, Postmaster General, on the decision reached by his Department in inaugurating carrier service to Stamford Centre. It is further the wish of this council that the Postmaster General be advised that in the area designated as number three on our brief, Oak lawn, and which has been refused there is a situation which needs clarifying. The department has pointed out in their let. ter that the area is separated from the end of present delivery. It is pointed out that the expanse of vacant territory is made up of property that will never be built up as the south side is the civic sports park of the City of Niagara Falls, the north side the cemetery of the same municipality." Carried. Sootheran Allan "That Reginald Williams be granted a hawkers and ped- dlers license for the selling of potatoes and apples in the Township." r rental 5. Sootheran ement Allan Carried. "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign a sewer rental agreement with Victor Kiemele respecting sewer services to his property described as lot 20 on the north side of Keith Street. The rental to be 45.35 per year for a 30 year period." Carried. Mr. F. S. Walker, Assessor, informed the Council that he wished to resign as Assessor to take effect in the Spring of 1949. He stated that he is moving out of the Township. He suggested that if a successor was appointed he would assist him to become familiar with the work before he left our services in the Spring. The Reeve ex- pressed the regret of the Council that Mr. Walker was going to resign. He stated that his services were most satisfactory. After a thorough discussion of the matter of a successor the following re solution was moved: I' pd 1t- Df Lag ..t it ssessor Medical Officer Adjourn Dec. 13,1948. 6: f' •j 11o. 52 Present Funeral Directors Hawkers Peddlers license 1Pew schools Armstrong Prior 7. Prior Armstrong L Special meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber on Monday December 20th, 1948, at 7 :30 p.m. Sootheran Prior 2. Sootheran Allan 3. Sootheran Prior "That the Clerk be instructed to advertise for an Ass essor andMedicalOfficer of Health. Applicati to be in the hands of the clerk by 5 p.m. January 1949. Advertisement to be placed in local and out side presses." That we do now adjourn." Reeve G. W. Monroe J. N. Allan E. W. Armstrong R. I. Prior Wm. R. Sootheran Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Carrie Meeting adjourned Hour 9:40 p.m. "That the local Funeral Directors be advised that the matter of increased payment for indigent funerals wi referred session inasmuch hasCt et County c underwrites a 50% r of th present cost. The directors be advised that we are accord with their request feeling that with the pre- sent costs of services, the $30.00 now payable is ou of proportion. Therefore we will pay at increased m until such time as we can take up matter with the County Council." Carried. "That the proprietors of Riverside Ranch be granted a non-residents s hawkers and peddlers license for the selling of meat in the Township subject to the in- spection of the Board of Health." Carried. Carrie `I I ke. I Cler "That we accept the invitation of the Board of Educati to tel the opening of the new schools at Dtammnd Jubilee and Drummond Road on Friday, January 7th,1949 Carried. ;main on 4. Armstrong )ria Ave. Sootheran 4me ng urn 20,1948. sent 5. Sootheran Armstrong 6. Allan Sootheran "That the Council grant Niagara Parks Conmmission per- mission to install an 8" watermain on Township pro- perty (Victoria Ave.) under supervision of the Town- ship Engineer." "That this Council go on record as opposin; the wording of the letter being sent to residents of Wartime Com- munity. It is the opinion of this Council that Central Mortgage and Housing are misleading the residents into believing the request for increased payments cage from the Council. At no time did the Council ask for in- creased rentals but requested an increase of the grant in lieu of taxes in order that the grant would be in line with the individual tax -payer and cover payment for necessary services." "That we adjourn and the next and final meeting of the Council for the year 1948 be held Tuesday evening, December 28th." Reeve G. W. Monroe J. N. Allan E. W. Armsgrong R. I. Prior Wm. R. Sootheran Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour 9:05 p.m. Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Carried. Carried. III I C1er y k. Special meeting of the Council held in the Council Chambers on Tuesday, December 28th, 1948, at 7:30 p.m. The Canadian National Railways in a letter dated December 20th forwarded a statement of revenues and operating costs of their bus service in the Township of Stamford for the year 1948 with estimates for 1949. This statement was forwarded as a result of a pervious letter dated September 9th wherein they requested an increase in fares. It was sug- gested that the adult fares, which are at present cash 10¢ and tickets four for a quarter between points within the limits of the Township, be increased to cash 10¢, tickets three for a quarter or 28 for $2.00. The suggested increase for fares between points within the Township add,thet' City were cash 100 tickets 22 for $2.00, the present rate being cash 10¢ tickets 3 for a quarter. The increase is requested since the statement for 1948 shows a net operating income deficit of $13,465.13 and an estimated deficit for the year 1949 of $17,988.04. No increase: was proposed by the Railway for childden. od nt- of ing ;,Railway fares 1. :Armstrong Prior "That the clerk be instructed to notify the Canadia National Street Railway that Council are agreeable to a fare of three tickets for twenty -five cents throughtout Stamford and into adjoining City of Niagara Falls. Clerk to draw attention of Railwa;: to fares in other interconnecting Cities and Muni( palities and other points as outlined by Council.' Lighting Royal Sub division Humane Society grants. inutes Inaugural meeting Relief Roads General 2. Armstrong Prior 3. Armstrong Prior Carried. "That the Public Utilities be asked to install ligth in the Royal Subdivision in accordance with Chair; of lights." Carried. "That the Niagara Humane Society be given a grant of one hundred dollars for year 1948." Carried. 4. Sootheran Allan "That the grants of $50.00 each as set up in the bud- get for the Montrose Women's Institute and the local branch of the Health League of Canada be paid." 7. Armstrong Sootheran 8. Sootheran Armstrong Carried. 5. Armstrong Sootheran "That the Council minutes for December 1 948 as print;. be adopted." Carried. 6. :Prier Armstrong "That the Inaugural meeting of the 1949 Council be held January 3rd, 1949, at the hour of 11 a.m." Carried. "That the report of the Finance Committee RELIEF Ac- count, as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to 1,386.83." Carried. That the report of the Finance Committee ROADS Ac- count, as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting -to 8,872.01." Carried. 9. Prior Armstrong "That the report of the Finance Committee GENERAL Ac- count, as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $139,300.96." Carried. &c. 28,1948. &journ Before the meeting adjourned members of Council paid tribute to Deputy- !!l Reeve Allan who has completed eleven years of service as a member of the Township Council Deputy -Reeve Allan in reply to the tributes paid stated that he had enjoyed being a member of the council during the eleven years and particularly the last twelve months during which period the Council members frequently disagreed on matters of policy but har- mony and progress appeared to be the key -note of the elected represent- atives. Reeve Monroe stated that the year 1948 had probably been one of the largest and heaviest years that the Township has experienced. He thanked the officials for their co- operation and the work handled during this busy year. 10. Sootheran Allan "That we do now adjourn." Reeve i Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour 9 p.m. t (Clerk. ;II .t 1