Minutes19501 Statutory meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber on Tuesday, January 3rd, 1950, at 11 p.m. sent G. W. Monroe Reeve E. W. Armstrong Deputy Reeve J. N. Allan Councillor A. G. Fridge Councillor Wm. R. Sootheran Councillor Members of the Board of Education and Public Utilities Commission were also present at this meeting. All members of the Council and the member of the Public Utilities Com- mission took the Oath of Office before Clerk A. C. Huggins. The Reverend Doctor E. M. Morrow gave the Invocation for the 1950 Council. Reeve Gordon W. Monroe gave the inaugural address as follows: At this time it falls on the Reeve to give his Lnaugural ad- dress. This year I have decided that I would try and cut it a little shorter than usual. I have no address irepared and will speak on a few notes. I would like to congratulate Deputy Reeve Arnstrong and Council- lors Bridge, Allan and Sootheran on their election and also like to give congratulations to Mr. Powell on his elective' to the Public Utilities Commission and the four members who were recently elected by acclamation to the Board of Education. On the Council in 1950 I know that we are going to miss Bob Prior. Bob has been with us quite a number of years and although, as they say, we did not always agree Bob had his principals and he did not back down from anyone. I feel that Bob was a good Councillor, who will be missed very much. I think that we should pass on our congratulations to the newly elected Council in the City of Niagara Falls. The three aldermen elected this year are all old timers as far as Municipal Council is concerned and their re- election speaks well for the Council of Niagara Falls. I would also like to congratulate the Reeve and Members of Chippawa Council on their acclamation for 1950. I think the Council should consider the good of Stamford at all possible times and I feel that any business done should be done in a business like way and I feel if the Council work together we can do a good job. We have in Stamford a staff of Municipal Officials second to none. I think that with their help we can do a good job. I might touch on finances at this point for a moment and I see no reason why unr mill rate for 1950 cannot be exactly the same as last years. I see no need for any increase and in this connection I would sug- gest to this year's council that the question of local improvements should be handled very carefully and special attention he given to expenditures or debentures for Local Improvements in outlying areas and any new subdivisions opened up should be relatively close to the existing area and services. On assessments I would say that they increased some half a mil- lion dollars in 1949 and I would look for a substantial increase during 1950. In the next two or three years we might have some change in the assessment system as we now have a county assessor, whose job it will be to bring together all the assessors in the County to collaborate their work and bring it together. I have no doubt but what our assessment as it is will be well in line with the set up because I think that the present assessor and his predecessor have done' a good job in Stamford and I think there have been very few complaints j regarding assessments being too high. Here in the Township Hall as we grow we need more additional office space and that is something we will have to face. I doubt that it will be a large expenditure but both upstairs and down more space is needed. New Health offices have 0 been opened in the basement and I feel that fine work will be carri an from here. On housing in the Municipality I would say that we have had mar. ;homes constructed in the last two or three years. No private money has been invested in housing accommodation for rental purposes but Township Council have for the past two years seen fit to have Centra Mortgage and Housing Corporation build some 20 homes each year on a rental proposition. They have cost the Township around $200.00 each for services but I do not think that is too deep an indebtedness for we will get full taxes on these houses. Just how much work of this nature will be carried out in the coming year is undetermined at the .present time. I would like to state that the Stamford Memorial Arena will be :operated at cost, that is, it will be necessary for the municipalit to only levy for the debenture issue. There is no reason why any ;should be made for operating costs. There is one other very import- ;question in connection with our Arena. I would like to see the 1959 Coundil take steps in some way to erect or construct in or on the arena a fitting memorial plaque or standard or something to commemcr `I the boys who gave their lives. We have one in the rear of the Townsh! ,'Hall for the boys of the First World War 1914 -1918. Possibly con sideration should be given to removing that one to the Arena along the construction a like Memorial for the Boys of the recent World i?a. 1939 -1945. On the fire and police set up I can say very little. I think al we ask of them that the same high standard of efficiency be maintain= One year ago we recommended the formation of a fire committee under the chairmanship of one member of Council, the fire chief from each department along with one member from each of the fire departments This committee has worked out very well and I think it should be continued. One very stattling question before us in Stamford is the supply of water. Both the 1949 Council along with the 1949 Public Utilities Commission have taken steps to have the Township Engineer prepare complete and comprehensive report on what is required. I understa_ui that within a very few t7eeks the report will be completed and then i' will be up to the Public Utilities Commission and the Council to take steps to remedy this unsatisfactory condition. In the Engineer's Department this past year a building inspector was appointed who has been able to attend to the supervision and construction of homes and other buildings in the Township. One thing that he has just completed is the revising or redrafting of the new building by -law for the Township•which should be brought before Counc in the near future for approval. I would suggest that along with thi by -law the Council raise the building permit fees in order to take ca of the cost of supervision of this work. We are very much below the average municipality in the matter of fees for building permits. On the Township roads I would like to recommend to the 1950 Cowl to continue the programme that has been carried out for the past two years of sua.Tntenancp,*w1dening and resurfacing the mainly travelled roads. I think this year parts of Drummond Dorchester and Dunn Stre will have to be rebuilt. In the Wartime Housing area I feel that a complete road programme should be carried out in widening the ditches The removing of surface water from that area has not been too good. In the way of equipment I might say that out trucks and tractor are all in good condition all the way down the line. Talking to the Engineer I believe the only addition of equipment will be a 3±a11 tractor with mower plow attachments. During 1 949 in the Township Storehouse. sanitary facilities have been constructed for the men. augural dress anks for ants ourn 2 flutes airman of nance airman of ads wers I would again like to thank the people of St'ord for the acclamation accorded me. I will certainly do my best to justify it. One appeal I would like to make to the people of Stau..fcrd Township is to take a little more interest in municipal affairs. At the weekly Council meetings the only peorle,with one or two exceptions, we have out to a meeting are people who want something or who have some specific business there. At the election meeting held at the Stamford Collegiate only 35 people attended out of 13,000. On election day 32A of the elegible voters voted. So T would, through the :press and radio, appeal to the residents of Stamford Township to take a greater interest in municipal affairs. 1. Bridge Allan "That this Council express to the Rev. Pr. Morrow their thanks for the splendid dedication .service." 4. Sootheran Bridge 2• Sootheran Bridge 3, Sootheran Allan Carried "That the inaugural address of Reeve Gordon Monroe be recorded and printed in the minutes." Carried. 3. Allan Armstrong "That the Clerk send a communication to the Ferry Flower Shop thanking them for the loan of plants at this our inaugural meeting "That we do now adjourn to meet in regular session to -night at 7:3C p.m. sharp." Carried. Pursuant to adjournment the Council met in the Council Chamber on Tuesday, January 3rd, at 7:30 p.m. That the minutes of Council proceedings of Dec.30 /49 as printed and presented be ado;ted." Carried. "That Deputy -Reeve Armstrong be named Chairman of Finance for 1950;" Carried. "That A. G. Bridge be named Chairman of Property for 1950." Carried. 12, Armstrong Bridge "That Councillor John Allan be named Chairman of Roads and sewers." Carried. 5. Sootheran Armstrong "That A. G. Bridge be named Chairman of Sidewalks, Parks and Cemeteries." Carried. Chairman 6. Armstrong firo,water Allan "That Councillor Wm. Sootheran be named Chairman of tight=s fire, water and lights for 1950." Chairman Welfare Education By -law 1260 By -law 1261 Building report Civic night Council meetings Clerk Light M)ot;rn aan.31$0 14. 7. Sootheran Armstrong "That Reeve Monroe be named Chairman of Welfare Education for 1950." 8. Armstrong Bridge Allan Armstrong Carried. and Carried. "By -law No. 1260 to authorize the borrowing of $200,000.00." read a first, second and third time and passed. 9. Allan Sootheran "By -law No. 1261 to borrow money from the Imperial Bank for Relief and Roads expenditures for the year 1950." read a first, second and third time and passed. 10. Armstrong Sootheran "That the building inspector's report for the month of December, 1949, as tabled be accepted and filed.1r 11. Sootheran Bridge "That as many members of Council as possible accept the invitation of the Junior Chamber of Commerce to attend Civic Night at the General Brock Hotel January 4th." 12. Armstrong Bridge "That Council meetings for 1950 be as follows: Regular council meetings firstand third Mondays, Finance meetings be second and fourth Mondays, That Council convene at 7:30 p.m." 13. Sootheran Bridge "That we accept the report of the Clerk on the coverage of volunteer firemen under Workmenrs Compensation." Reeve Meeting adjourned Hour: Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. "That the Chairman of Lights ask the Public Utilities Commission to move one street light from west end of Dunn Street east of Stanley Street to corner of Bunn, and Stanley St. at bus stop." b Carried. r 15. Sootheran Bridge That we do now adjourn to meet Monday, Jan. 9th at 7:30 p.m." Carried. Clerk v P r e sent Htmane Soc. Btllding 3. code r,ele Samt s otel cabins kRbershiks 8. Bridge Allan Special meeting of the Council held it January 9th, 1950, at 7:30 p.m. Armstrong Allan "That the minutes of Council as printed and presented be 2. Sootheran Allan Armstrong Sootheran Sootheran Arnis trong G. W. Monroe E. W. Armstrong J. N. Allan A. G. Bridge Wm. R. Sootheran Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Carried. "That the agreement with the Humane Society for dog catbhing and other Humane Society work within the Municipality be renewed under the same terms as 1949." Carried. "That the Cou ac11, Building Inspector, Engineer and Fire Chiefsels a connittee of the whole Firday, Jan. 13/50 at 8 p.m. to consider the adoption of the building code for the Township of Stamford." Carried. "That as many members of Council and Officials as possible attend the dinner being given by the pro- prietors of Uncle Sam's Hotel on Thursday night at 8 p.m., opening their new quarters." Carried. Bridge Sootheran "That a permit be issued to E. A. Bacon to construct 2 double cabins and 3 singles on the north side of No. 20 Highway, Pt. lot twp. 134." Carried. Sootheran Armstrong "That a grant of $100.00 be given the Stamford Minor Hockey Association to help defray interim expenses." Carried. Bridge Armstrong "That the sum of $1,200.00 be the rental for the base- ment quarters of the Welland Health Unit per year as of January 1st, 1950.P Carried. "That memberships be taken out in the Ontario Associa- tion of Rural Municipalities, the Ontario Good Roads Association and the Ontario Municipal Association." Carried. !,t k 1 Ch: Tourist fi Home Carried Ch St. Lights 10. Allan ndustrial We Ed Wartime Hous ng Sootheran "That the street lighting bill for $180.00 in the warommittee time housing district for the period Feb. 1st to Nov 30th, 1949, be paid." Carried. az Suburban Area 11. Armstrong emberships 20. Bridge Rds.Com. Allan "That the Suburban Area Roads Committee be requested o f C. Allan to consider the widening of Thorold Road from #8 Highway to the Q. E. Highway." Bu re Ci• Stop light Cot mei .Fire Cori. 9. Sootheran iospital Bd. 18. Allan Armstrong "That Mrs. W. Fisher be granted a Tourist Home Licens+ Armstrong "That the Reeve be our representative on the Hospital subject to the usual inspection." Board for 1950." Carried. Widening Rds. 12. Armstrong Sootheran "That the Council consider the completion of the widening of Dorchester Road from C.N.R. to Thorold Stone Road, the widening of Portage Road from #8 Highway to Stanley Street and the widening of Drum- mond Road from Lundys Lane to #8 Highway and that ights the Engineer be asked to table a report of cost to be considered in the Road programme for 1950." Carried. 13. Armstrong Bridge "That the Provincial Highway Department be asked to replace the amber light facing Portage Road north to a red light, as we feel that this red light will decrease the danger of collision at this intersectio and that signs be placed reading"stop" go when safe. Carried. By -law 1262 14. Allan Armstrong "By -law No. 1262 to amend by -law No. 1033, 1946, as amended by by -law No. 1188, 1949." read a first, second and third time and passed. 15. Sootheran Armstrong "That the Fire Committee for 1950 be composed of the Chiefs of the three departments plus Frank Monroe o Stamford Centre, Ray Smith of Lundyts Lane and ansient Michael Repa of Falls View, together with the Chai traders That letters of appreciation be sent to retiring me bersH.A. Haigh, Frank King and George Rysdale for their work on the committee in 1949." Carried. Health Unit 16. Bridge Board Sootheran "That Mr. H.`A. Haigh be reappointed to represent the Council on the Welland Health Unit Board." 4 Carried. Tourist Com. 17. Armstrong Allan "That Councillor Sootheran and Councillor Bridge be appointed to the tourist committee of the Chamber of Commerce." Carried. tone Carried. ctualling censes 19. Sootheran Bridge "That Deputy -Reeve Armstrong, Councillor Allan and Engineer Merle Ker be named to the Industrial Com- mittee of the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce." Carried. "That Sootheran and Armstrong represent Stamford in Chamber of Commerce memberships." Caarried. Humane 21. Armstrong ancer Soc. Bridge "That Councillor Sootheran he appointed as Councils re- presentative to the Humane Society and Cancer Society. Carried. 22. Armstrong Bridge "That the Chairman of Lights be requested to make a survey as to the advisability of placing two lights on Montrose Road immediately north of Queen Elizabeth Highway, south of Mountain Road possibly on the 1st and thin pole and lights on St. CPefge Street between otamiord Green Drive and Russell Street." Carried. rena Bd. 23. Allan Sootheran "That the Reeve and Deputy Reeve be appointees on the arena Board for the year 1950." Carried. 24. Sootheran Bridge "That Mrs. Anna Bowman, 2543 Taylor Street, and Jos. DeForge, 1981 Dunn St., be granted victualling licensesdk;l subject to the usual inspection." '1 Carried. 25. Armstrong Sootheran "That the Clerk be authorized to prepare a transient and traders by -law for the Township of Stamford." Carried. annin: Bd. 25. Armstrong Allan "That Reeve Monroe be Councils appointee to The Planning Board for 1950." Carried. awker 27. Allan dlar licehse Sootheran "That Mr. Fred Brown, Bernard Storms and Doris Paro- winchak be granted hawker and pedlar licenses." Carried. 28. Armstrong Sootheran "That Coundtl adopt the policy of not allowing any one to obtain stone from the Township Dump." Carried. Ch We Ed Relief h Ch'. Condolence 29. Bridge 1 fi Sootheran "That a letter of condolence be sent to the family o'f 1 the late Mr. Chilton Mewburn in the passing of one the oldest and most respected citizens of this Toargent ship." Adjourn 31. Bridge Armstrong That we do now adjourn to meet again on Friday evening at 8 p.m. to consider the proposed buildings ii 2Z by -law." ;hts Bu re Ci Jan. 9/50 1 No. 3 Col me ii Present C1 Jar Relief Adjourn Jan. 13/50. Carried. 30. Armstrong Allan "That no relief be given to any one receiving unem- ployment insurance or who is physically able to wor Carried. Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour Special meeting of the Council held to consider and disucss the pro- posed building code for the Township of Stamford. Mr. Bradley the building inspector presented the report and answered questions per- taining thereto: G. W. Monroe Reeve J. N. Allan Councillor A. G. Bridge Councillor Wm. R. Sootheran Councillor 1. Bridge Allan "That temporary and partial relief be granted to Christopher Smith and that his case be referred to the Provincial authorities for investigation." 2. Sootheran Bridge "That we do now adjourn to meet Monday night, Jan. 16th at 7 p.m." Carried. The early meeting was decided on in order that the building code could be further considered. Meeting adjourned Hour: Reeve Carried. Cl er ance da tualling enses ker dler utes Regular meeting of the Council Monday, January 16th, 1950, at G. W. Monroe E. 1d. Armstrong J. N. Allan A. G. Bridge Wm. R. Sootheran held in the Council Chamber on 7 p.m. Reeve Deputy Reeeve Councillor Councillor Councillor 1. Sootheran Bridge "That we rescind the resolution of January 9th setting the rent of Health Unit quarters at 1100.00 and set the figure at w60.00 per month." Carried. 2. Sootheran Armstrong "That the Public Utilities be requested to install a light on Bellevue Street on the second pole from present western terminus and two lights be installed on Montrose Road immediately north of the Cueen Eliza- beth Highway, south of Mountain Road on the first and third pole. That at least two lights be installed on: St. George Street between Stamford Green Drive and Russell Street." Carried. 3. Bridge Allan "That the report of the Chairman of Finance Committee be adopted setting up the payroll system for the present year." Carried. 4. Sootheran Armstrong "That the request for a tag day by C.G.I.T. be gran- ted." Carried. 5. Allan Bridge "That the applications for victualling licenses from Selena Price, 1640 Glenholme Avenue; H. Bateman, 4720 Lundys Lane; Doris Smiley, 3197 Stanley Avenue; Wm; Campbell, Montrose Road be granted, bubject to the usual inspection." Carried. 6. Sootheran Bridge "That the request for a grant from St. John Ambu- lance be laid over to the striking of the budget." Carried. 7. Bridge Armstrong "That the application for a Pedlar and Hawker license from E. Selway, St. Davids, be granted." Carried. 8. Bridge 1 Sootheran "That the minutes of the meeting held on Jany. 9th be approved as printed." Carried. 4 4. Reeve 1 Clerk. t ChtT( Street lights 9. Sootheran fi, Y Armstrong "That the Public Utilites be reminded that some tit e ago they agreed to the modernization of street lighting on Lundys Lane and as no action has been taken the Council would appreciate knowing when t project will be undertaken and completed." Ch xx11 W@ F Ed 4 Morrison St. Bu re Col mei C 1 L Adi Honour roll Sewer rental 14. Allan ineer Carried. t 10. Sootheran Allan "That the clerk be authorized to have a by -law pre, pared closing the 32 foot strip of the westerly e!i tension of Morrison Street, between Drummond and Portage Road, deeded to the Municipality in 1913 ker but unused since the present toad was deeded by t4ler Hydro in 1919 excluding any portion of the presen4 Morrison Street or /and Burdett Drive." C.M.& H. C. 11. Bridge Allan "That the Central Mortgage and Housing C advised that due consideration will be proving the ditches and maintenance of jects 1, 2, and 3." Carried. Ains orporation.ge given to roads in p Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. 1 Sootheran "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign a sewer rental agreement with Napoleon Domonic and Nick R. Biamonte in respect to services for three urn 40t lots on Valley Way near Drummond Road. The rental to be $10.84 per year for a period of 30 years." ittee i d Pensions 15. Armstrong Unemployment Sootheran "That as this Council 3s of the opinion that the Insurance amount as now paid by the Provincial Government f Old Age Pension and Wel$ar* and the amount as now paid by the Dominion Government for Unemployed In surance are not consistent with the present cost urn living. Be it therefore resolved by this Council petition both the Provincial and Dominion Govern ments to sufficiently increase the amounts of Old Age Pensions, Unemployed Insurance and Welfare in ratio to the present day cost of living, in order to relieve the Municipalities of this added burde of subsidyy to their proper channel. That copies be forwarded to Both Provincial andiDominion re- presentatives of. this Municipality; that copies g to Premier Frost of Ontario, and Premier St. Laur of the Dominion Government and copies to the Welf• 16/50 Ministers of Provincial and Dominion Governments, that copies go to the Ontario Municipal Association, and Mayors and Reeves Association for adoption." Reeve Carried. 16. Armstrong Bridge "That the Engineer be authorized to call for tenders for wiring within the ice plant of the Stamford Memorial arena as per plan and specifications." Carried. 17. Allan Armstrong "That a hawker and peddler's license be granted Russell Robins, 2266 Culp Street, to sell fruit, vegetables etc. Carried. 18. Sootheran Allan "That F. A. Branscombe be notified that the matter dis- cussed in his letter relative to Collins Crescent will, be discussed when plans for the 1950 road programme are being considered." Carried. e.L.Fire Dept. 12. Armstrong Sootheran "That this Council go on record as commending the rworks Lundys Lane Fire Dept. and particularly Chief Mai Dyer on the splendid fire fighting job done at th Eastland fire last week. Chief Dyer and his men 5:30 a.m. were called to this fine house and four the flames coming out the roof, although 22 inch lines were laid ready for use the firemen extingu ed the fire with small booster lines with a minim of damage." trimmin: 20. Sootheran Bridge "That the Engineer be authorized to proceed with the tree trimming programme as outlined in report and a maximum of $1000.00 be allowed for the project." 13. Bridge Sootheran "That the Chairman of property be authorized to ha Carried. the honour roll outside the Township hall repaire*ol taxes 21. Armstrong Allan "That the school taxes of Anthony Maraldo and Chas. Lomas be paid to the Public School taxes instead of separate school taxes as shown on roll." 19. Bridge Sootheran "That the Council and Public Utilities Commission meet in committee on Thursday evening January 19th at I 7:30 p.m. to consider the report of the Engineer on the waterworks situation." Carried. Carried. 22. Bridge Allan "That we do now adjourn to go into Committee to con- sider the building by -law." Carried. 23. Armstrong Sootheran "That Council adjourn as a Committee to consider Council' business." Carried. 24. Armstrong Bridge "That Council adjourn to meet Jan. 19/50 at 7:30 p.m. to meet with Engineer, Chairman of Water and Public Utilities to consider water brief." Carried. Meeting adjourned Cler Ch' No. fi T E i Present Bu re Victualling licenses Ci i ''Lights i i ll I I,Tree Trimming 1 Col I 4 Li i (Tourist home 6. Sootheran Allan !Finance ;Relief 1;i 1 J Special meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber on Monday January 23rd, 1950, at 7:30 p.m. G. W. Monroe Reeve E. W. Armstrong Deputy Reeve John N. Allan Councillor A. G. Bridge Councillor Wm. R. Sootheran Councillor Armstrong Sootheran "That the minutes of Council proceedings of Jan. as printed and presented be adopted." Carried lance 2. Sootheran Bridge "That W. Komaromi be granted a permit for the erecti4' of a two unit motel on the west side of Buchanan S' Lot No. Range 16." Carried. Sootheran Bridge "That victualling licenses be granted Sidney Harris, Dan Kwan, Annie Lazich, Betty J. Wright, John Zabor subject to the usual inspection." Carried. Bridge Armstrong "That the Chairman of the Light Committee be asked investigate the lighting system on O'Neil Street." 9. Sootheran Bridge c Carried. Bridge Sootheran "That we rescind the resolution of January 16th re• tree trimming for 1950 and that the work be given to the Wilson Tree Company who made the original survey." Carried. "That John Szeman, 2624 Lundyts Lane, be granted a tourist home license, subject to the usual inspecti Carried. 7. Armstrong cil Bridge "That Council adjourn to convene as a Finance Commit ness to consider the accounts as tabled and recommended Chairman of Finance for payment." Carried. Sootheran Bridge "That the statement of Relief accounts dated January 15th, 1950, as presented, be accepted and the ac- counts be paid amounting to $1,191.61." Carried. ding "That the statement of General Accounts dated Janus its 15th, 1950, as presented, be accepted and the ac- counts be paid amounting to $49,222.45." Carried. r eer aw 126 urn Of C. 10. Sootheran Allan r 11. Bridge Sootheran "That the cheque for T19210.00 for N. u. Pixel held up until further progress is made on the Carried. 12. Armstrong Allan "That the finance committee adjourn to convene as a Council to proceed with agenda." 13. Armstrong Allan "That the Engineer bring in a report on the cost and feasability of using scotch -lite on all speed limit, slow and school signs in the Township, also on the possibility of prohibiting parking on the west side of St. Peter Street between Thorold Road and St. John Street." 1267 14. Allan Armstrong "By -law No. 1267 to stop -up that portion of Heximer Avenue in the Township of Stamford as shaven on regis- tered plan No. 72 for the Townshi. of Stamford lying bbtteen Arad Street on the north and Hawkins Street on the south." read a first, second and third time and ppssed. l 18. "That the statement of Roads Accounts dated January 15th, 1950 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $3,615.82." Carried. Carried. Carried. 15. Armstrong Bridge "By -law No. 1263 to lay out, open, dedicate and name Morrison Street between Portage Road and that part of the original allowance for road allowance between Township lots 107 and 108, commonly known as Drummond Road." read a first, second and third time and passed. 16 Sootheran Allan That we do now adjourn to meet in committee on the Building code and letter from Central Mortgage." Carried. 17. Armstrong Allan "That Council adjourn as a Committee and convene as a Council to proceed with regular council agenda." Carried. Co. be Arena." Armstrong Bridge "That Council accept the invitation of the Junior Chamber of Commerce to attend the annual international night dinner March 15th, 1950 and as many members of Council as possible attend." Carried. 19. Bridge Armstrong "That the new set of costs of permits as outlined in the proposed building code be effective as from this date." Carried. 1 t Ch y'Adjour_n T 1 Bu 17 Present Ci HIChair I Minutes C o! me Li. Ad Jar 1 4Jan.23/50 i Licenses No. 6 Special council meeting held in the Council Chamber on Monday, Jaru 30th, 1950, at 7:30 p.m. Oak Hall Taxi Allan "That Council adjourn to meet January 30/50 at 7:30 except at the call of the Reeve." 20. Armstrong Reeve G. W. Monroe E. W. Armstrong J. N. Allan A. G. Bridge Wm. R. Sootheran Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Carried. Meeting adjourn Hour 11 :15 p.m. 1. Sootheran Allan "That Councillor Bridge take the chair in the absent of the Reeve." Carried. 2. Bridge Allan "That the minutes of the meeting of January 23rd be adopted as presented and read." Carried. Clerl Bridge Sootheran "That the Dominion Government be notified that the building known as Oak Hall, is located in the Township of Stamford, and that any disposition of same, should be referred to this Municipality, as the City of Niagara Falls have no jurisdiction over property located in Stamford Township." Carried. Sootheran Bridge "That the applications for grocery licenses from Wm. Komaroni, 2442 Portage Road, N. Biederman, 2218 Culp Street and Victualling license from Mrs. Clemence Possum, 1286 St. Paul Avenue be granted subject to the usual inspection." Carried. 5. Bridge Sootheran "That the application for Taxi licenses from Holland Bros., be granted, subject to the approval of the Chief of Police." Carried. bs r lit. 8. Allan Armstrong "That the application from Dell's Dairy for milk license be granted." es g at Smith Allan Armstrong "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to petition the Provincial Government for the statutory grant under the provisions of the Highway Inprovement Act on ex- penditures made during the year 1949 amounting to a total of $,109,201.32." Carried. 7. Armstrong Sootheran "That the Public Utilities Commission be requested to extend the Pole (lighting) circuit on Colborne Street west of #8 Highway in order that a street light be placed opposite the intersection of Colborne and St. James Street." Carried. Carried. Sootheran Allan "That a grant of $25.00 be donated to the fund to send Marlene Smith to the World Skating Championship." Carried. 10. Armstrong Monroe "That the Township of Stamford continue the Dental ser- vice for the indigent children." Reeve Monroe took the Chair at this time 11. Armstrong Allan "That Councillor Sootheran take up with the Humane Society the matter of dogs running at large without licenses and that a conPentrated drive be put on during the hours from 9 p.m. to 8 a.m. in order to pick up and dispose of such dogs." Carried. 12 Armstrong Sootheran "That the tender of the Fulsom Electric Company be ac- cepted for the instalation of the electric wiring ser- vice, as specified, at the Stamford Memorial arena." Carried. 1 by -law 113. Sootheran Armstrong "That the clerk purpose the necessary by -law for road expenditures for the year 1950 at the amount of $120, 000.00." Carried. i It 34. Armstro S othera "That the recommendation of the Engineer re: the retire- ment of Oscar Smith be accepted with regret and the Clerk' be authorized to proceed with the necessary arrange- ments re: pension. That the Reeve be authorized under the seal of the Township to send a letter to Mr. Smith thinking him for past services. That his retirement commence as of April 1st, 1950." Carried. il it 1 1 ii 1 al p 3 4 Ch' 7 Agreement 1 Cow Community C1 We 1 Ec 7 Tourist 1] license 1 Relief Crowland Bu re C C o! mei A i Jar.' H Damore Bros. 1 Kinette Club 19. Bridge Sootheran "That privilege of 1950. 1 I Blanket bond 201 St. signs I 15. Bridge Armstrong 16. Allan Armstrong Mrs. A.eWilliams,i2634 tourist home from it granted sub sect to the usual inspections." 17. Sootheran Bridge "That we concur in the resolution of the Crowland Council re: subsidy on relief and the steps sugges in the letter be taken." 18. Bridge Allan Sootheran Armstrong "That the agreement between the Council and the D V eer ville Community Centre entered into last year be c tinued for a period of three months only in the ho that matters can be straightened out." Carried Carried, Carried "That the Damore Bros. Certified cheques amounting to $2,436.00 be teturned and that they furnish us a maintenance bond to cover the upkeep for one yez: Carrie Carrie "That a blanket bond for class "A" Township Employe including arena help, at a cost of $129.66 as out- lined by D. C. Elsley be purchased. That the are commission be abkei to pay proportionate cost of t bond." Carrie Congratula- 21. Sootheran G. H tions Allan "That Bridge who within a week will be Councillor A. be startinghis77t year." Carrie 22. Armstrong Bridge "That st i ructionof street signs t that the .P Police r Departm e be requested to give the matter of sign destructi immediate attention and prosecute where necessary. That a notice go in the Local Press asking the re sidents to co- operate with the police Dept. in t matter." Carrie 10/5 Special Council meeting held on Wednesday, February 1st, 1950, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. nt G. W. Monroe Reeve E. W. Armstrong Deputy Reeve J. N. Allan Councillor A. G. Bridge Councillor Wm. R. Sootheran Councillor n rt Engr. on t c 23. Armstrong Allan "That the Engineer be authorized to purchase a stock of culverts plus necessary sewer equipment, culverts approx. $2,300.00 and sewer equipment, approx. #300.00,, also that we purchase 25 "stop "signs and 25 "30 miles" signs (scotchlite)." 24. Bridge Armstrong "That we do now adjourn to meet in committee again on Wednesday, February 1st, at 7:30 p.m. to take up the salary by -law." 1. Armstrong Allan 2. Bridge Monroe Reeve Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour 10:40 p.m. Carried. r Clerk Carried. 3. Allan Sootheran "That the pension report as presented by the Clerk be accepted." Carried. 4. Allan Sootheran That the Finance Committee do now adjourn to convene as Council to proceed with Council business." Carried. "That the clerk be authorized to reply to Martin,Calverti and Mathews, attention of Mr. D. E. Calvert, that the Corporation of the Township of Stamford is not respon sible for conditions as outlined in notification re: damage claimed at 2736 Dorchester Rd." ii Carried. i!I {;E "That as of this date Chas. Wright be promoted from CIS Instrument man to Assistant to the Engineer with his duties to be designated by the Engineer and the organi -1 zation be so notified." 1 "That copies of the Municipal World be ordered for cil, Treasurer, Clerk, Engineer and assessor." Carried. "That the clerk be instructed to prepare a by -law de signating W. C. LaMarsh K.C. as Township Solicitct with a retaining fee of $1000.00, Township work to have priority over other work, same to be retroact1 to Jan. 1st, 1950. This not to include Local Impre ment or Debenture by- laws." is "That Council do now adjourn to meet February 6th, at 7:30 p.m., except at the call of the Reeve." Carried. Regular meeting of the Council held February 6th, 1950, at 7:30 p.m. G. W. Monroe E. W. Armstrong J. N. Allan A. G. Bridge Wm. R. Sootheran in the Council Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "That the clerk contact other municipalities relat to existing by -laws covering dogs with a view to solving the present problems." "That the question of the validity of the anti-noi by -law in relation to control of dogs and other mals be referred to the solicitor for his opinion urant Carried. 3. Allan Armstrong "That h Humane p Society c h concerning agree questionb adopted and be given a trial." "That Council convene as a Finance Committee to con- sider the accounts as tabled and recommended for payment by Uhairman of Finance." "That the statement of Relief Accounts dated January 30t1 1950, as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid.amounting to $1,279.73." "That the statement of Roads accounts dated January 30th 1950, as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $3,653.60." "That the statement of General accounts dated January 30th, 1950, as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $25,890.81." "That applications for victualling licenses be granted Louisa M. Rummery, George Powell, A. Tazio, Mrs. Helen Ciszek, Ernesta Iseppon subject to the usual inspection!. Carried. "That the Finance Committee adjourn to convene as a Council to proceed with regular council agenda." Carried. "That the minutes of Council proceedings of January 30th /50 as printed and presented be adopted." "That the report of the building inspector for the month of January as tabled be accepted and filed." Carried. "That the request from the Niagara a grant be referred to the budget "That Harry Manson, 3280 Lundyts Lane, be granted a restaurant license subject to the usual inspection." Carried. "That W. Campbell be granted a permit for the erection of a 25 unit motel on the west side of Montrose Road at the Queen Elizabeth Way on part twp. lot 35." Carried. Co me Ad Crawford St. C YJ Fry Avenue WN _;i #1265 1 Et fi i it Road Expen- lj ditures 17. #1268 Solicitor #1270 Plan 100 I: #1271 d9- Morrison St. J1266 tith Lot No. 257 ii; Monroe St. j it i Ij I1I. y 11j Photographer's license 22. Li iilll h y s �l Lincoln Hosiery j Hennessey 23. Uh A li i it 15. Bridge Armstrong "By -law 1264, 1950, to lay out, use of the public and name the Crawford Street" read a first, and passed. 16. Armstrong Sootheran 18. Armstrong Bridge "By -law 1270, 1950, to retain a solicitor for they; Corporation." read a first, second and third time; and passed. 19. Armstrong „tair Hall Bridge "By -law No. 1271, 1950, to restrict the use of la buildings and structures of that part of the Torn— of Stamford comprised within Registered Plan No. (Jones Subdivision)" read a first, second and thi time and passed. 20. Sootheran Allan "By -law No. 1266, 1950, to widen Morrison Street b tween Stanley Avenue and Portage Road" read a fi second and third time and passed. 21. Armstrong Bridge "That with regard to lot No. 257 Munroe Street, pl 40, sold to W. Cherry in 1944 but never deeded to the Council authorizes a deed to be given to Albe Damore, purchasing from Mr. Cherry, on condition he present a release of claim from Mr. Cherry and furnish the building inspector with satisfactory information with regard to the house he proposes build and also that 1949 tax arrears are paid in open, dedicate to westerly extension; second and third t Allan Armstrong "By -law No. 1268, 1950, to provide for the total 1 Expenditure on roads in the Township of Stamford the County of Welland." read a first, second and E e third time and passed. Armstrong Bridge That the application of Norman E. Slingerland and John Lee for photographer's licenses be granted." Sootheran Armstrong "By -law No. 1265, 1950, to lay out, open, dedicate name Fry Avenue" read a first, second and third t e and passed. "That a Hawker's and Peddler's license be granted Hennessey representative of Lincoln Hosiery Comp for the sale of their products in the municipalit Carried. Carried. Carried. .tions 24. Sootheran Bridge 6/50 25. Armstrong Sootheran 26. Bridge Sootheran 27. Armstrong Sootheran "That as many members of Council and officers as possible attend the Good Roads and Rural Munici- palities conventions being held in Toronto, February 20th,21st and 22nd." Thursday, Feb. Reeve. 9th, at 8 p.m." Carried. "That a two car garage be erected, for the Police Dept., at the rear of the V.O.N. building to be heated, one garage to be used as storage." Ayes: Arm strong,Sootheran. Nays:Bri L. "That the changes recommended in the Engineer's office and Police Office be proceeded with by N. L. Benson on an hourly basis, and to work in conjunction with the Engineer." Carried "That the suggested changes re: installation of counter system in the downstairs of the hall be carried out by Mr. Benson. That when change is effected that Council meetings be held in the Court Room." Ayes: Armstrong ,Sootheran,Allan,Monroe. Nayes Bridge. Carried. 1269 28. Allan Aootheran "By -law No. 1269 to fix the salaries and allowances of the Officials of the Township of Stanford, to set the amount allowed the Council for Council meetings and fix the salary to be allowed Commissioners in the Township of Stamford for tae year 1950, also to set the rate of pay for drivers of a team or one horse for snow plowing, etc." read a first, second and third time and passed. Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour 29. Bridge Sootheran "That we do now adjourn to meet again in committee on l' 1 1 I t Cf, »j f 1! Finance Hi' Committee J 1 E 4 1 Roads II Relief General Bi rl i ;III j Assessor Cc; mq11 Finance r Committee Committee Firemen Dance Committee 3. Armstrong Sootheran 4. Armstrong Allan 6. Armstrong Sootheran Armstrong Sootheran Roads on pro -f11. Bridge A ,I jected sub- Allan divisions "That Council convene as a Finance Committee to cons the accounts as tabled and recommended by the Chai of Finance for payment." Carried. "That the statement of Roads Accounts dated February 15th, 1950, as presented, be accepted and the acco be paid amounting to $3,553.24." Carried. 5. Allan Armstrong "That the statement of Relief Accounts dated Februa 15th, 1950, as presented, be accepted and the ac counts be paid amounting to $207.30." Carried. "That the statement of General Accounts dated Februa 15th, 1950, as presented, be accepted and the acco be paid amounting to $58,127.93." Carried. That the assessors report as tabled be accepted and filed. That consideration be given to the supplying of a clerk for the Assessor's office. That con- sideration be given to additional outside help as required." Carried. 8. Armstrong Allan "That the Finance Committee adjourn to go into comma as a whole." Carried. Allan Sootheran "That we adjourn as a Committee to go into Council t take up regular council business." Carried. 10. Sootheran Allan "That the clerk write the dance committee of the Sta ford Township firemen expressing appreciation of Co cal for the invitation to attend the annual ball on March 3rd and as many members of Council and their wives as possible will attend." Carried. That the Township solicitor be asked to prepare a b law regarding the construction of roads on all pro jected subdivisions, with a view to the Council bei remunerated for the cost of such work." Carried. 1 12. Allan Armstrong "That the letter from the Stamford Public utilities Commission re: street light breakages be turned over to Police Commission for their attention." 1 Improve C.of R. 13. Allan Armstrong "That the Court of Revision on 1949 local improvement assessments be held on Monday, March lath, 1950, at 8 p.m." ing Bd. Com. al t of sion tualling ens es ranee Armstrong Sootheran 15. Sootheran Armstrong 18. Bridge Armstrong J Carried. Carried. "That the request of 'Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Planning Board for a grant be referred to the budget meeting also the request from Niagara Falls Public Library and the Health League and the Stamford Horti- cultural Society." Carried. "That as many members of Council and officials as possible accept the invitation of the Fire Committee to attend a social meeting at the home of the Chairman, Friday, February 24th, at 10 p.m." Carried. 16. Bridge Sootheran "That the Clerk be instructed to have a by -law pre- pared setting up a court of revision to deal with any appeals that may be made against the assess- ment of any property and that Messrs. R. F. Rooth, D. C. Elsley, J. G. Collins and F. Ingham and The Reeve constitute the said Court of Revision." Carried. 17. Bridge Sootheran "That victualling licenses be granted to: Charles Damato, Thorold Rd.; G. D. Martin, Morrison Street; John Tanos, Ash Street; Emil Kalcic, St. Paul Avenue; and John Nagy, Woodbine Avenue, be approved subject to the usual inspection." Carried. "That the insurance on the Township Hall be increased to $50,000 and the Clerk make the necessary arrange- ments, and that the present ratio of premiums be carried out with the present Township Insurance agents J. G. Collins, C. A. Kaumeyer, D. C. Elsley H. A. Marquis and R. C. Young and Co." Carried. a19 Bd. 19. Bridge Sootheran "That the clerk be instructed to notify the Niagara J Falls Library Board that the grant this year will be $5,000.00 and that this amount be placed in the bud- get." Carried. i it J C! Psi J 4 4 i By -law #1272 B Ft Sympathy Public Works Roads 4;1 Igg!� C Hawkers mi 1,e1 Pedlars 4 Cyanamid 21. Armstrong Allan "That permission be granted North American Cyanami Company to cross Kalar Rd., Garner Rd. and Wellan Line Road, with a 12" Standard Steel pipe line to be used for piping oxygen, not exceeding 15 lbs pressure and combustible gases not exceeding a pr sure of 125 lbe from Niagara Plant to Welland wor The Engineer be authorized to prepare the necessa agreement and by -law if necessary." Medical Soc. Invitation Parking Tenders Cheque machine 20. Allan Armstrong "By -law No. 1272 to appoint Arthur J. Bradley as Btilding Inspector" read a first, second and thir time and passed. Carried. 22. Armstrong Allan "That the invitation of the Niagara Falls Medical Society re special meeting be accepted by Counci (March 3/50)." Carried. 23. Bridge Sootheran "That letters of sympathy be sent to Mrs. Florence Gregory on the loss of her mother, and also to tti families of the late Wm. Justice and J. McGowan." Carried. Armstrong Allan "That the Engineers report on Public Works and Roa for 1949 as tabled be accepted and filed." Carried. 25. Armstrong Allan "That the application of Leslie Hamilton and Vern Smuk for a Hawkers and Pedlars license for Domini Readers Service, Toronto, be not granted." Carried. 26. Armstrong Allan "That the clerk be authorized to prepare a by -law At for the regulation of parking on St. Peter Agenue 4? between Thorold Stone Road and St. John Street to 0.� read "no parking at any time of the day or night 4 on any day." Carried. 27. Allan Sootheran "That tenders for all supplies and materials requi by the Township be asked for and bids be in by 5 March 13th /50." Carried. 28. Bridge Allan "That we purchase a cheque writing machine at net NI cost of $80.00 from The Fi &tt. Lightning Cheque Writer Sales." Carried. U M 18/50 11 sent er er on '_per tualling enses 29. Sootheran Allan "That we do now adjourn to meet Monday, February 27th, Carried. Meeting adjourned 2. Sootheran Armstrong to 4. Bridge Sootheran ughter 5. Bridge se at 7:30 p.m." Yyrrae Reeve Hour 3 :30 p.m. Alta Regular council meeting ?e1d in the Council Chamb.cr 7 :30 .m. on Monday, February 27th, 1950. 1. Bridge A "That the minutes of the meeting held on February 13th be adopted as printed." Carried. "That the clerk be instructed to draft a letter ack- nowledging the fact that Council will construct sewer and water on Barker Street,west of Dorchester Road to Brookfield Avenue during 1950, providing proper petitions are filed with the clerk. Further, Council will consider sewer and water on Brookfield Avenue north of Barker Street. All considerations to be based on the guarantee of L. Weiss that at least 25% of the registered lots will he built on during 1950. Cost of grading, fill, removing of brush etc to be done at the cost of the owner prior to constrction of sewer and watermains." Carried. Bridge Sootheran "That application for victualling licenses from Earl Hope, Portage Road; Geo. Everingham, Montrose Road; Joseph Savriga, Thorold Road; Frank Willmack, (Hub) Portage Road; Bill Holjack, Lundy's Lane; and Steve Chanady, 2501 Drurmuond Road be granted subject to the usual inspection." Carried. "That the building erected by Louis Gatto on Stamford Street outside of the building line be allowed to re- main. This is not to be taken as a precedent and building is only to remain during the lifetime of the said Louis Gatto." Carried. Carried. Sootheran "That the application for a slaughter house license from Giovanni Fiorina, 141 Victoria Avenue, be not granted." 1 0 Pheasants 6. Sootheran V Allan "That feed to the cost of $25.00 be purchased for pheasants as requested by Game Warden Muma." C i Ii ii If Public u Utilities Taxi driver Building permit wig wag Carried. 7. Bridge Allan "That the application of Roy Martin for a taxi dri license for Stamford Taxi be granted subject to t; approval of the Police Commission." Carried. Milk license 8. Allan Armstrong "That the application for milk license from Russell Miller be granted." Carried. 9. Bridge Allan "That the request of the Stamford Public Utilities for the return of $804.14 surplus from Waterworks be granted." Carried. Birchnell 10. Armstrong Sootheran "That Council approve of application of J. A. Harve; for a house in new housing, Attlee Street. That co sideration be given to allocation of a house to Mr Van Egan, 2471 Locus Ave., and recommend that Mr. Sutherland's application for transfer be given co. sideration due to Health conditions. That the ap- plication for transfer of J. V. Bray, W. R. Philli: and E. N. Vrooman from present accommodation to new houses be deferred. That Mr. Birchnell be re- quested to meet with Council March 6/50 to discuss transfer of tenants from old to new Wartime housin. Carried. 11. Allan Armstrong "That the application for building permit from Emil Kalcic to build 1 new and remodel 2 double cabins on the west side of St. Paul Street be granted." Carried. 12. Bridge Sootheran "That the Council ask the County Council to apply t the Dominion Railway Cozmnissioners for the instal- lation of a wig -wag on the Montrose Road at the Wabash Railway." Carried. Local im 13. Armstrong nrovements Sootheran "That all local improvement petitions be in by May 1/50. That the clerk be authorized to so advertis Carried. 1 I rth south reets 1 journ b. 27150. 12 went tel tel tel nance Bridge Sootheran "That a display advertisement be inserted in the Review designating the Thorold Stone Rood is the dividing line and that ratepayers be asked to designate Portage Road, Dorchester, St::r_ley and St. James as north or soot:.." Reeve G. U. Monroe E. W. Armstrong J. N. Allan A. G. Bridge Wm. R. Sootheran Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Carried. 15. Ar'sstrong Bridge "That Council adjourn to meet March 6th /50 at 7:30 p.m. except at the call o5 the T ve." thc e Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour Carried. Regular council meeting held in the Council Chamber on Monday, March 6th, 1950, at 8 p.m. 1. Sootheran Armstrong "That E. A. Reinhart be granted a permit for the erection of a 13 unit motel on the west side of Stanley Avenue, lot No. 93 94." 2. Armstrong Soothdran "That a building permit be issued to Susan Demko to erect a 16 unit motel on the north side of Kit- chener Street, lotsNo. 30, 31, 32 and 33 Township plan 35." Carried. 3. Allan Armstrong "That a building permit be issued to Eugene Pattuii to build a 20 room hotel on Thorold Stone Road for G. Berdusco providing the plans conform with the building by -laws and approved by the building in- spector." Carried. Armstrong Sootheran "That Council convene as Finance Committee to con- sider the accounts as tabled and recommended by the Chairman of Finance for payment." Carried. 4 (j' Minutes General Roads Meeting Mar.20th 5. Bridge 1 Sootheran "That the minutes of the February nth meeting as pr and read be approved and passed." Carried. 6. Bridge Sootheran "That the statement of General Accounts dated FebruL 28th, 1950, as presented, be accepted and the accot, be paid amounting to '.37,609.24." Carried. Relief 7. Allan Armstrong "That the statement of Relief Accounts dated Februar 28th, 1950, as presented, be accepted and the accou: be paid amounting to $218.54." Carried. 8. Armstrong Sootheran "That the statement of Roads Accounts dated February 1950, as presented, be aecepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $4,665.84.t'' Carriedl 9. Armstrong Sootheran "That Council adjourn as a Finance Committee to proc with regular agenda." Carried. 10. Armstrong Allan "That the Engineer be authorized to install a 1500 e fan in the compressor room at the Stamford Memmorial Arena as requested by the Dept. of Labor, Province Ontario." Carried. Victualling 11. Sootheran Allan "That Mrs. Alice Couglin, 1706 Dunn Street,be grant victualling license subject to the usual inspection. Carried. 12. Bridge Armstrong "That no application for a grant shall be entertaine this Council, until the applicant has filed with th' Clerk a copy of itts last audited financial stateme. and a copy of its budget for 1950 showing a credit debit balance from the previous year and particular• of estimated revenues and expenditures for the curry year." Carried. 13. Armstrong Bridge "That Council convene March 20th, 1950, at 4 p.m. to meet with Mr. Lang to discuss matters pertaining tc Niagara Area Planning concerning the Township of St ford." Carried. The Council considered a proposal to stop up the northerly 32 feet o that part of Township lot 108 lying between the south easterly limit of the Hydro Electric Poker canal lands and the concession line kno as Drummond Rd., whigh lands were once known as Korrison Street. ist nse ar Smith 15. Armstrong Fridge "That 1 ^r C. E. McCord, Director Eranch, Ot�e, be ::otificd th a C uucil V ,ue.:t th_<_',; in ref. (G317 -16) Peesio n dealt wite ar Smith 16. Fridge Allan ermains hts on derica asurer asurer ut Reeve 14. Allah Sootheran "That a tourist ecee liccnse be greeted 'fro. Ve _a Misener, 2000 Murray Street, subject to ezual i_n_ spectioi "That the lneleeer be _oueherleed tn. flL, "r:. e. the sum of "500.00 instead. :f 'neL?Sien aed some be charged to Public works." Carried. of Government A :.nui± es ce te Mr. escar Smith's th basis of death.' Carried. Carried. 17. Pridge Sootheran "That the clerk be auth:rized to ereeare a by-law that the maximum cost of water s:ai-, construction in the Township be the cost df s 6" watery ^:min and the corporation pay all costs for riains in excess of this cost in the event of a main being required larger than a 6" main also that no main be constructed smaller than a 6" main. These costs to be based on current prices for the year the work is to be carried out." Carried. d Insp. 7 18. Armstrong Allan "By -law No. 1274, 1950 to appoint a Weed Inspector for the Township of Stamford, read a first, second and third ti:: and passed. 19. Sootheran Armstrong "That the Public Utilities be asked to proceed with the immediate installation of lights an every second pole on Frederica Street from present western termi- nus to Prince Edward Avenue to provide better lighting, at the Memorial arena." Carried. Mr. Gustavus Munro Treasurer of the Township of Stamford for almost 27 years submitted his resignation from this position and requested that it take effect on March 31st if possible. 20. Bridge Sootheran "That the Council accept with very deep regret the resignation of our Treasurer, Gustavus Munro, after 27 years of faithful and diligent service and that he be given leave of absence for one year with pay." Carried. Deputy Reeve E. W. Armstrong advised the Council that he is being transferred by the Hydro to Brant station situated between Paris and Brantford on No. 2 Highway. He will be Chief operator at Western Central H. E. P. C. Region. He stated that at the time he ran for office he was unaware that he would be transferred and informed the Council he would do everything possible to assist the Council in such a way that an election for Deputy Reeve.would Y not be necessary. No action was taken on this �F,, 1 Ad ourn 21. Sootheran Allan 11 That we do now adjourn to meet Monday, March 13th, 7 p.m." March 6,1950 o. 13 Regular meeting of the Council held in the March 13th, 1950, at 7 p.m. N. Smith B. Whistler Caswell J 1. Bridge Sootheran 2. Allan Sootheran Reeve G. W. Monroe E. W. Armstrong J. N. Allan A. G. Bridge Wm. R. Sootheran Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour Council Chamber on Mond "That the minutes of the meeting held March 6th be adopted as printed." Carried. "That we adjourn as a Council and sat as a Court of Revision." Carried. The Members of the Council took the necessary Oath to hear :the ap- peals at the Court of Revision, the following being a list of the appeals heards 3. Armstrong Allan "That the frontage of 208.67 ft. as charged against Mrs. Nellie Smith for Assessment be reduced to 20C ft. as this property is farm lands." Carried. 4. Allan Sootheran "That the appeal of Benjamin Whistler be allowed ar the sidewalk frontage charged to Lot No. 3 Maranda Street for $5.03 be assessed to Arthur W. Kent who has recently purchased the property." Carried, Allan Bridge f "That 100 of watermain frontage charges to H.D. Caswell included in his frontage of 317.45 on Va Way be deleted from his assessment and charged to Zimmerman construction Company who recently punch this frontage." ford St. ewalk 6. Sootheran Bridge "That Mrs. E. Canham and Mrs. H. A. Galliford be notified that there was no error in construction of the sidewalk on Crawford Street and while it tr is regrettable that they have been burdened with added expense the Township can assume no liability for fill, added grading etc." eals er Sewer ourn as of R. ders Carried. 7. Allan Armstrong "That the following appeals be allowed and the necessary alterations made in the assessment roll for local improvements: 1. charges of $12.85 per year assessed to W. Waters on Dorchester Road be charged as follows: "A 50' be assessed to Jacli '.;bite 'he recently purchased property and 21.5' be charged to Township since it is now part of Churchill St. 2. charges of $57.30 per year charged to L. Roper on Valley Way be assensr'd as follows in view of part of the land sold L.Roper assessed for total cost 5460.78 annual char y�4p 00;N.Biamonte assessed for 120' total cost 5199.20, annual charge 17.29. 8. Armstrong Carried. Sootheran "That the watermain and sewer main charges assessed to E. Hicks on Arthur Street be altered as follows: Watermains 2 `E. Nicks be charged for 601 and 10' be deducted from Hopkins, property. Sewermains -r Hicks be charged for 60' and 5.03' be deducted from Hopkins! property and 4.97' be deducted from Hayworth pro- perty." Carried. Bridge Armstrong "That the Court of Revision on Local Improvements in 1949 do now arise and resume the business of the Councill" Carried. 10. Bridge Sootheran "That the following tenders be accepted being the lowest in every instance: Walker Bros. Stone Dust Calaguiro Bros. Sand, gravel and fill E. Weightman Cemett small quantities of sewer pipe R. E. Law Co. Cold patch R. E. Law Co. Surface Treatment, supply apply. Concrete Pipe Co. straight pipe junctions Niagara Foundry Manholes, catch basins, traps steps National Iron Co. Cast iron pipe valve boxes Canada Valves Hydrants for hydrants, valves Gunhings Gasoline Shell Gas oils greases subject to approval of Department of Highways." Carried. j i i a I Tourist license Appreciation 12. Sootheran Armstrong McMillan By -law 1277 Firemen Mayors Reeve Assoc. pack Road 14. Armstrong Allan Victualling 18. Sootheran Armstrong 11. Sootheran Allan "grantedsa Roberts us inspection." 19. Sootheran Armstrong Carried. "That a letter of appreciation be sent the N.S. E. Bus Company and Canada Coach Lines for their con sideration in supplementing their bus services t take care of transporting school children to the Memorial Arena." Carried. 13. Bridge Sootheran "That the letter from D. D. McMillan be referred the Township solicitor for an opinion on same." Carried. "That by -law No. 1277 to authorize the execution an agreement to amend an agreement dated 30th of July, 1948, with his Majesty the King in Right o Canada represented by W.T.H. Limited." read a fi second and third time and passed. 15. Armstrong Allan "That Council allow all permanent firemen to obse Boxing Day instead of Armistice Day as a legal he day." Carried. 16. Sootheran Allan "That the membership fee in the Association of May and Reeves be paid and Reeve Monroe be delegated attend the conference in Toronto April 27, 28, 29 Carried. Retail meat license 17. Allan Sootheran "That Giovanni Fiorina be granted a retail meat license." Carried. "That Marton German, 2611 Lundy's Lane, and Mrs. A DeMarsh, 2309 Drummond Road be granted victualli license subject to usual inspection." Carried. "That we accept the report of the Engineer on the "Back Road" pointing out where the Niagara Tmwnsh request was for but $25.00 and it is the feeling Council that our obligation is only for that amo and thatt we pay 50% of maintenance this spring ti a maximum of $25.00." Carried. r al ement surer aw 1276 23. aw 127 urn ch 13th /40 20. Armstrong Allan "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign a sewer rental agreement with L. Cartlegge respecting sewer services to his property at the corner of Lundyts Lane and Drummond Road in Niagara Falls. The charge to be $6.32 for a period of 30 years." 21. Allan Sootheran_ 22. Sootheran Armstrong Armstrong Sootheran Sootheran Armstrong Reeve Meeting adjourned Hour Carried. "That a permit be issued to Frank Motolla to build a motel on the south side of Stamford St. Lot. No. 665." Carried. "That the clerk be instructed to prepare the necessary by law appointing R. W. Dawe as treasurer of the municipality as of April lst, 1950, at a salary of That arrangements with the bank and other necessary steps be taken." Carried. "That By -law No. 1276 to authorize the execution of an agreement with His Majesty the 'Icing in Right of Canada represented by W. T. Housing Limited." read a first, second and third time and passed. "That By -law No. 1275 to stop up that part of the northerly 32 feet of Township lot No. 108 heretofore conveyed by Registered instrument No. 12304 to the H. E. P. C. of Ontario being what was then known as Morrison Street." read a first, second and third time and passed. 25. Bridge Sootheran "That a permit be granted to Mr. F. Galle to construct a store with mixed occupancy on Part Lot 14 and 15 Plan 83 being on the west side of Royal Manor Drive." Carried. Deputy Reeve E. W. Armstrong submitted his resignation as Deputy Reeve of Municipal Council and stated that this was necessary because he was going to be moved by his employer to Brant. His resignation was tabled until the next regular meeting. 26. Sootheran Bridge "That we do now adjourn to meet Monday, March 20th at 4 p.m." Carried. lighliili /I Clerk. %nt ed ant 1 Present Minutes Cabins Motel Victualling licenses Camp Finance The Council met on Monddy, March 20th, 1950, with Mr. John Layng, :Planning Consultant to the Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Planning 'Board re: zone planning �f the Township. Deputy Reeve Armstrong Councillors Allan and Sootheran attended this meeting. This meeting menced at 4 p.m. Regular Council meeting held in the Council Chamber on Monday, Marc 20th, 1950, at 7:30 p.m. 1. Sootheran Bridge "That the minutes of the last meeting as printed be adopted." 2. Sootheran Bridge "That Slanko Vidakovic be granted a permit for the erection of 14 double cabins on the east side of Portage Road near Murray Street, Range 16, providir the plans meet the requirementseof the Building by- law." Bridge Allan G. W. Monroe E. W. Armstrong J. N. Allan A. G. Bridge Wm. R. Sootheran Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Carried. Carried. 3. Allan Soothdran "That a permit be issued to Joseph Ianuzzelli to bui a motel on north side of Lundy's Lane lot No. 134 viding the plans meet the requirements of the Buil- ding Byelaw'.n Carried. Bridge Sootheran That applications for victualling licenses be grant to J. 11T. Meadows, Ellen Winter, B. DeVito, C.Campbe Andrew Kiesz, H.R. E. Johnson, Byron Simpson, Jot Wiley, Wm. Saunders, H. Haynes, Steve Yeyna, Dnd Bo Djonovich, subject to the usual inspection.n Carried. Sootheran Allan "That Steve Vorkapick be granted permission for ex- tending his RendezVous Tourist Camp by the erection of seven single and three double cabins at their present location on the north side of Lundy's Lane, lot #133, providing he meets the requirements of th Building Inspector." Carried. "That the Council resolve itself into a Finance Com- mittee to consider accounts as presented with Reeve Monroe in the Chair." Carried. d eral ianc e ourn ughter se p en se 7. Bridge Sootheran "That the statement of Relief Accounts dated March 15th, 1950, as presented, be accepted and the ac- counts be paid amounting to x1,435.69." 8. Sootheran Bridge "That the statement of Roads Accounts dated larch 15th, 1950, as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to t2 9. Allan Bridge "That the statement of General Accounts dated_March 15th, 1950, as presented, be accepted and the ac- counts be paid amounting to e78,642.40." 10. Bridge Sootheran 11. Allan Bridge "That a slaughter house license be granted R. W. Glintz, Kalar Road, subject to the approval of the Welland Health Unit." 12. Sootheran Allan rist camp law 13. Sootheran ut Reeve 1 14. rist home Carried. Carried. Carried. "That the finance comlittee do now arise and resume the agenda of the Council." Carried. Carried. "That a tourist camp license be granted Louis Ferencz, Lundy's Lane." Carried. Bridge "That a by -law be prepared amending the tourist camp by -law providing for setting the annual license fee at 11.00 per unit instead of the present x"1.00 per camp." Carried. Bridge Sootheran "That the Council accept with regret the resignation of Deputy Reeve Armstrong effective March 28th and that the Clerk make the necessary arrangements for the holding of a nomination meeting." Carried. 15. Sootheran Allan "That tourist home licenses be granted H. Carter, Mrs. J. Kewley, Mrs. J. Cupolo, Angelina DeVito, subject to the usual inspedtion." Carried. s e :Public Hall licenses 16. Sootheran Allan "That Public Hall licenses be granted the Board of Education for Falls View School and Stamford Coll giate Auditorium." Main floor Engineer re: Watermain By -law Clerk By -law 1284 JBY -law 1283 'By -law 1282 1 !By -law 1281 -law 1279 'By -law 1278 $y -law 1280 1 17. 18. Carried. Sootheran Allan "That we rescind the resolution authorising change in the main floor of the Township Hall and delay ceeding with the work until some future date." Sootheran Armstrong Carried. "That the clerk be instructed to write the._Engthee relative to recommendations made by Thistle re: waternain by -law." Carried. 19. Sootheran Bridge "That the Clerk be instructed to purchase five cop' of the latest Assessment Act and present same to newly formed Court of Revision on Assessment roll; Carried. 20. Bridge Allan "By -law No. 1284 to appoint Robert W. Dave as Muni- cipal Treasurer" read a first, second and third t' and passed. :21. Bridge Sootheran "By -law No. 1283 to authorize the execution of an agreement, dated December 15th, 1949, between the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario and the Corporation of the Township of Stamford." read a first, second and third time and passed. 22. Bridge Sootheran "By -law No. 1282 to appoint and provide for payment of members of the Court of Revision for the Munici pality." read a first, second and third time and passed. 23. Allan Sootheran "By -law No. 1281 to regulate payments by the Corpor tion toward the cost of sidewalks as local improve ments." read a first, second and third time and passed. 24. Sootheran Allan "By -law No. 1279 to authorize, ratify and confirm t sale of certain lands." Fead a first, second and third time and passed. 25. Armstrong Bridge "By -3aw No. 1278 to write off certain uncollectible taxes of the Township of Stamford for the year 194 read a first, second and third time and passed. 26. Bridge Sootheran "By -law 1280 to restrict the use of lands, building and structures in that part of the Township of Sta ford comprised within Registered Plan No. 101 exce lots 3, 10, 11, 20, 21, 44, 45 and 53 thereof. "rea a first, second and third time and passed. t t urn ch 20,1950 1 sent utes oding ions tualling ens es es con- 2t7. Sootheran Allan "That the request from re: grant be referred 28. Armstrong Sootheran 29. Sootheran 'Allan "That we do now adjourn to at 7:30 p.m." Regular Council meeting held in the 27th, 1950, at 7:30 p.m. G. W. Monroe J. N. Allan A. G. Bridge Wm. R. Sootheran J Reeve the Stamford Idoments Institute to the budget meeting." Carried. "That that Council grant ".10.00 to the Rotary Club on behalf of Ontario Society of Crippled Chiltren." Carried. eet Monday, March 27th, Ca rried. Meeting adjourned Hour 10 :30 p.m. Council Chamber Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor on Monday, March 1. Bridge Allan "That the minutes of the meeting held on March 20th be adopted as printed and read." Carried. 2. Sootheran Bridge "That the Engineer contact the Department of Highways relative to flooding conditions in the vicinity of Garner Road and Lundy's Lane with a veiw of alle- viating the trouble." Carried. Carried. Is 7e 7 t 3. Sootheran Bridge "That victualling licenses be granted to Alex Kovacs, Montrose Road, Taras Manjos, 2384 Portage Road, Ralph Biamonte, Membrial Arena, subject to the approval of the Health Unit." 4. Sootheran Bridge "That laborers be granted an increase of 5i. per hour as of April 1st, 1950. Inasmuch as salaried employees`;, have been covered by previous discussions no action led be taken on their request for increase." Ant Carried. 4 Tourist f camps Liability insurance s Street 0 lighting on P. Attlee Engineer Arena Com- mission Twp.Hall By -law 1285 113. i✓ Adjourn, ar.27 5' 5. Bridge Sootheran "That tourist camp licenses be granted to Alex Kova. Montrose Road and Frank Borse, 3225 Lundy's Lane, subject to the usual inspection." Carried. 6. Sootheran Bridge "That the limits of our liability insurance on the R ship buildings be increased to 100,000 300,000 at a premium of $22.60 and the question of Arena lia- bility insurance be referred to the Arena Board for consideration." 7. Bridge Allan Carried. "That Councillor W. R. Sootheran be appointed to the Arena Commission in place of former Deputy Reeve Armstrong." Carried. 8. Sootheran Allan "That the Public Utilities be requested to proceed the street lighting on Attlee Avenue." Carried. 9. Bridge Sootheran "That the Engineer be authorized to advertise tender for 2 3/4 ton pick up trucks and 2 industrial tractors as per his letter to the Council of March 22nd. Subject to the approval of the Dept. of High- ways." Carried. 10. Sootheran Bridge "That the Softball Umpties Association be granted peg mission to use the Township Hall meeting purpos: providing the evenings selected do not conflict wit other commitments of the Chairman of property." Carried. Waterworks 11. Sootheran Convention Bridge That the Engineer be authorized to attend the sessi. Engineer of the Canadian Waterworks in convention at the Gen: Brock Hotel, April 3rd, 4th and 5th." Tourist camps z. -law 12. Sootheran Allan "By -law No. 1286 for licensing, regulating and gover #1286 .r� ning Tourist camps and Trailer camps') read a first, second and third time and passed. Bridge Sootheran "B”law No. 1285 to amend by -law No. 1269, 1950 "0.w. Dave salary increase) read a first, second and thin time and passed. 14. Bridge Allan "That we do now adjourn to meet on Monday, Appil 3rd, at•5 p.m. Council to discuss the preparetiono6fthhe udget after Council business." Meeting adjourned Hou V Reeve Carried. Carried. 43 'ler sent utes ins re rist e enses rist p ens es tualling ense der 16 Regular Council meeting held in the Council Chamber on Monday, April 3rd, 1950, at 5 p.m. G. W. Monroe J. N. Allan A. G. Bridge Wm. R. Sootheran Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor 1. Allan Sootheran "That the minutes of the meeting held March 27th be adopted as printed." Carried. 2. Sootheran Bridge "That Harriett Scheu be granted a building permit to erect two additional cabins at present location on the south side of Lundy's Lane." e ae Carried. 3. Sootheran Bridge "That Ralph Kierstead be granted a permit for the alteration of his home at 2530 Lundy's Lane to permit the erection of a store on the premises and that building conform to building code." t Carried. 4. Allan Bridge That the application for tourist home licenses to: Mrs. H. Woodcock, 1822 Mouland Ave.; Mrs. L. Johns, 2 439 Ker St., Walter Peace, 2319 Lundy's Lane; Lottie Nesbitt, 2260 Lundy's Lane be granted subject to the usual inspection." Carried. 5. Bridge Allan "That tourist camp licenses be issued to Maurice Foreman, 4123 Lundy's Lane, Cora Craig, 3034 Lundy's Lane and Emil Kalcic, 1105 St. Paul, subject to the usual in- spection." Carried. Bridge Sootheran "That a victualling license be granted to Gilbert Murray, 3611 Lundy's Lane, subject to the usual inspection." Carried. 3 is os. 7. Sootheran d Bridge "That no permit be granted Sauder Bros. for the erection d of a service station until they have cleaned up existing conditions on the premises where they have moved certain buildings in direct contravention to a permit previously issued. That direct compensation must be paid the muni- cipality for the destruction of sidewalks in that area before their request will be considered." Carried. Daylight 8. Allan I sang Bridge "That daylight saving time be observed in Stamford T. vi ship from April 30th to September 24th, 1950. Cloc to be turned 1 hour forward at 2:00 A.M. Sunday, Ap 30th, and turned back 1 hour at 2: A.M. Sunday Sept: 24th, 1950." �i Dept. of Highways Watermains 10. Sootheran Allan "That the Engineer be instructed that this Council will not consider app &ication for the construction of any watermains less than 6 inch in diameter." sewer rental agreements 11. Sootheran Allan financial `12. Sootheran assistance Allan "That the letter requesting financial assistance from the Community Welfare Council of Ontario be referred to the budget meeting." Wilma 13. o s Carrie Sootheran Bridge "That whereas the Legislature has with great speed a: secrecy enacted Bill 118 giving great dictatorial powers to the Minister of Highways, or the Deputy Minister, to prohibit from private use areas adjacer to controlled access highways for a much larger area than formerly and giving power to tear down erectior trees etc. heretofore built by the owners at the pleasure of the Minister and without compensation or appeal. Be it therefore resolved that this Council protests the passage of the said amending bill and quest an amendment thereof to remove such dictatori, powa2m and that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Premier of Ontario and the Minister of Highways and our Local Member." Sootheran .Allan Carried Carried That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign the following sewer rental agreements:: Thos. Sharp lot 46 Keith Street, Rate $5.35 per year for 30 years any Thbs. Sharp lot 45, Keith St., Rate $5.35 per year fi 30 years." Carried Carried "That the clerk be instructed to write the Postmaster General ipip wniOng the necessity of postal delivery sdrvice to the Oak Lawn section of Stamford. The co fusion that is being occasioned by the present hap- hazard system should be investigated and remedied. The Clerk to point out to the Postmaster General's Department that with the heavy building program in t adjacent City of Niagara together with substantial area designated as Oak Lawn an area of population ha been created that is sufficiently large to be servic: Carried. Bridge Sootheran That the terms of the policy covering the bonds of the employees be approved subject to the name of Robert W. Dawe being Ynserted in-place of Gus )Ytunro. Carried. linger division 15. Allan Bridge ourn it 3rd /50 17 sent utes The Council adjourned for dinner to meet again at 8 p.m. Bridge Allan "That the Gallinger Sub division (File T3045) be ap- proved aabjeet to the following conditions: 1. That Althea Street be continued through to Portage Road and be registered as part of the sub division plan. 2. That the owner of the sub division make satisfactory arrangements in regard to grading and filling the roads as well as entering into an agreement to pay part of the costs of constructing the roads in accordance Is with draft agreement approved by Council. 3. That the owner agree to satisfactory restrictions for the sub division." Regular Council Council Chamben Reeve meeting held Monday, Deputy Reeve Prior G. W. Monroe R. I. Prior J. 11. Allan A. G. Bridge Wm. R. Sootheran Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Meeting adjourned Hour 11:50 p.m. Carried. Carried. well division -.16. Bridge Sootheran "That the Harvey Caswell subdivision (file T3049) be ap- proved subject to the following conditions; 1. That the owner agree to satisfactory restrictions governing buildings within the limits of the plan. 2. That the owner of the subdivision make satisfactory arrangements in regard to grading and filling the roads t as well as entering into an agreement to pay part of the costs of maintaining and constructing the roads within the plan, in accordance with draft agreement approved by Council." Cartied. At this time the Council went into Committee to discuss the 1950 Muni- cipal budget. 47. Bridge Allan That the committee do now arise and the Council do adjourn to meet again on Monday, April 10th, at 5 p.m. Carried. "That the minutes of the meeting held on April 3rd ad printed be adopted." April 10th, 1950, at 5 p.m. in the ,d took the Oath of Office. 2. Prior Ged Sootheran That Stamford Memorial Arena Board's statements dated #nt March 31st be received and filed." F Finance General Relief Roads Finance Street Signs Welland Co. 1. Adjourn 3. Prior Bridge That we adjourn As a council and sit as a finance c;__. mittee." Carried. Sootheran Bridge "That the statement of General Accounts dated April 1950 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $45,402.47.n Carried. Sootheran Allan "That the statement of Relief Accounts dated April 141 1950, as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $202.23. Carried. 6. Allan Sootheran "That the statement of Roads Accounts dated April 10t, 1950, as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $4,209.03.n Carried. 7. Sootheran Bridge "That we do now adjourn as a Finance Committee and re sume regular Council business." Carried. Sootheran Prior "That the clerk notify the Welland County Engineer's office that inasmuch as all Stamford Roads are clean designated,. the Council is not in favour of the Count assuming a programme of sign erection. The Council is of the opinion that the erection of street name: signs within the Municipal boundaries is the direct responai bility of the municipality concerned." Carried. Condolence 1 9. Bridge Prior "That letters of condolence be sent of the families of the. late Mrs. Sarah PQtter(Mrs. Maidens) and Edward Alexander." Carried. Licenses 10. Prior Allan "That the following applications for licenses be appro'e subject to inspection: Tourist camp Bert Fairchild, 4674 Lundy's Lane Tourist home Jas. G. Robinson, St. Paul Ave." Carried. 11. Bridge Sootheran "That the Council do now adjourn to meet in committee' at 8 p.m. to consider the budget." Carried. zed Corby 14. 12. Sootheran Allan "That foremen, truck drivers, timekeeper and janitor be given a raise in salary of $5.00 per month be- ginning April lst." Sootheran prior "That the Reeve be requested to ask the Police Com- mission to refrain from the hiring of a constable to fill the vacancy caused by the resigning of one con- stable, taking into consideration the municipality is faced with an increased mill rate." Bridge Sootheran "That the verbal request of Mr. Ted Corby for the use of the vacant land at the foot of Culp Street for the purpose of growing flowers he granted providing only that the Township Engineer has no need of same.n "That we do now adjourn to meet Monday, April 17th at 5 o'clock p.m. Reeve G. W. Monroe R. I. Prior J. N. Allan A. G. Bridge Wm. R. Sootheran Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. i ad I Regular Council meeting held in the Council Chamber on Monday, April 17th, 1950, at 5 p.m. Bridge Sootheran "That the minutes of the April 10th meeting as printed and read be adopted." Carried. 2. Sootheran Bridge ntwotMercury tender trucks at net tender price purchase of 2400.00 be accepted, to the approval of trip ighW'ayent �phtt ent; Carried. Prior Bridge "That the Victoria Motors tender of $5,507.00 for the purchase of two tractors and extra equipment specified be accepted, subject to the approval of the Dephrtgient of;H3ghways Carried.. Fir Solicitor Gen By -law No. 1287 Rel Roa Fir. Tourist homes Taxi license Sti Camp }FA licenses 1 Local Im- provements Prior Allan Cox 'I i Condolence 10. Bridge Allan L Ad Officials 11. Sootheran Bridge Bridge Sootheran "That the Township solicitor be asked to endeavour expedite the approval of the Building by -law pre- ferable by Monday April 24th." Carried. "!y -law No. 1287 to fix the rate to be levied and c lected on the rateable property of the Township of Stamford to pay the current expenditures of the Mu' cipality for the year 1950." read a first, second and third time and passed. 6. Sootheran Bridge "That tourist home licenses be granted Peter Warlo, Mrs. 0. J. Marsh, and Mrs. Geo. Herrington, subject,- to the usual inspection." Carried. 7. Sootheran Bridge "That temporary permission be granted Daniel Martin Roy Martin and Wm. Martin for the operation of the taxi business formerly owned by the Holland Bros. The permit to be in effect only until such time as the Police Commission meets and at that time their applications to be considered by that body." Carried. 8. Sootheran Allan "That tourist camp licenses be granted to Peter Geor gieff, C. J. Stewart, Mrs. Blanche McGibbon and Bil Holjak, subject to the usual inspection." Carried. 9. Prior Allan "That the Clerk be authorized to call for tenders fo 1949 Local Improvement Debentures." Carried. "That the Clerk be instructed to send a letter of condolence to D'Arcy Cropp and family on the loss of a devoted wife and mother. Her death is' a dis- tinct loss to the community.f Carried. "That Township official be granted permission to at- tend schools arranged by the Dept. of Municipal Af- fairs on Municipal administration and assessment." Carried. hter e aries tualling eases essor ourn it 17/50 12. Allan Prior "That a slaughter house license be granted Alex Dawson subject to the usual inspection." Carried. Sootheran Allan "That the $5.00 monthly increase granted other Municipal employees last week be extended to the stenographers both who have given loyal and faithful service to the Municipality." 14 Allan Sootheran 15. Prior Allan Carried. "That victualling licenses be granted Margaret Champagne and Walter Campbell, Mrs. Edna Bunions and Peter Georgieff, subject to the usual inspection." Carried. "That the assessor be given authority to hire the necessary office help and arrange for outside help for his summer programme." Carried. 16. Bridge Sootheran That we do now adjourn to meet again on Monday, April 24th at 7:30 p.m. unless sooner called by the Reeve." Carried. Meeting adjourned e7iderfiti Hour di Pit Reeve Clerk. 19 !A special Council meeting was held in the Council Chamber on Monday, 'April 24th, 1950, at 7: 30 p.m. ;Mri John Layng, Planning Consultant for the Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Planning Board, submitted a report, dated April 24th, to be added to Report #3 in regard to provisions for parks in new subdivisions. His report suggested that in the case of small subdivisions, it might be fair policy to have the subdiviser deposit monies to the extent of 5% of the unimproved value of the property to a municipal fund which would be used to purchase recreational areas of sufficient size. He 1 recommended that the Council designate an area of subdivision control as soon as possible. During the discussion of the report considerable discussion took place on the question of premature subdivisions. It was pointed out that subdivisions,registered prior to the time of demand reflects on pro- perty sales and increases the cost to the municipality for essential services such as sewers, watermains etc. It was decided to table the question of subdivision control and park areas and have a special meeting of Council in the near future to determine policy in connection with these matters, yi Building Gen permit Ad' Minutes Fin Relief Str Wel General iiRoads �I ;Finance ISM Tourist awker eddler 6. Victualling licenses 3. Bridge Allan "That the minutes of the April 17th meeting as print be approved." Carried. 2. Prior Sootheran "That the building inspector be authorized to issue a building permit to C. Barrett to build on the north side of Taylor Street a garage and apartment p viding it conforms with all present building require ments." Carried. Sootheran Allan That the Engineer be instructed to call for tenders two pick -up trucks as per previous specifications su': stituting z ton, a ton and ton size for the previous` a ton size advertised and that the previous resoluti: be rescinded." Carried. Bridge Soothe__ "That the Council go into finance committee to discus; accounts." Carried. Allan Sootheran "That the statement of Relief Accounts dated April 240 1950, as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $1534.11." Carried. Sootheran Prior That the statement of General Accounts dated April 24 1950, as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $41,478.24." Allan Prior Prior Allan Carried. "That the statement of Roads Accounts dated April 24th 1950, as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $2,206.35." N Carried. "That we do now adjourn as a finance committee to take up general business." Carried. Allan Sootheran "That victualling licenses be issued to Mrs. Andrew French, 2901 Drummond Road and Mrs. M. A. E. Clark, 274 Portage subject to the usual inspection." 0. Sootheran Allan "That Mrs. W. Watson, Mrs. W. D. Leeper and Mrs. S. Sol be granted tourist home licenses subject to the usual inspection." Al. Bridge I Sootheran 'That the application fot a gawker and Pedlars license -to sell freak canned vegetables be granted to Mrs. Sidney Smith." (subject to inspection) .Carried. Carried. Carried. i s 12. Prior Bridge "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign sewer rental agreements with the following persons at the rentals specified for a period of 30 years: Robert Catherwood Parcel 32, Keith St. $6.32 Gordon Henderson Pt. Lot #9 Cor High Prince Edward $8.13." Carried. an of ce 13. Sootheran Allan "That Deputy Reeve Prior be named Chairman of Financd following the custom of past councils in naming the sitting Deputy Reeve to the position and that he take over all other committee commitments of the Deputy Reeve." Carried. lowancd 14. Sootheran ro'. Bridge "That we agree to accept the deed for a road allowance on the Cropp property for a distance of approx. 1500 feet east of Dorchester Road thence northerly for a distance of approx. 150 feet." Warden 15. Sootheran Bridge "That we approve the subdivision of George warden sub- ject to the clarification of the 5% clause on park de- velopment, and subject to usual conditions re: road agreements." f of ce da ist s law 12 Carried. Carried. 16. Sootheran Allan "That the Chief of Police be requested to make a tour of Township schools emphasizing the fact that unless the youngsters refrain from breaking street lights prose- cutions will fellow." Carried. heran 17. Sootheran Prior "That Frank Borse be granted a permit for the addition of an 8 unit motel to his existing tourist camp at 3225 Lundy's Lane." Carried. 18. Bridge Sootheran "That the Niagara Humane Society re: tag day on Saturday] June 24th be granted." 19. Sootheran Allan "That Tourist camp licenses be granted Steve Vorkapick, Mrs. M. A. E. Clark, Antonio Vig, and Andrew Toth j faluse subject to the usual inspection." Carried. Carried. 8 20. Allan Sootheran "By -law No. 1288 1950, to provide for borrowing the amount of $126,264.35 upon Debentures to pay for the construction of certain local improvements. a read a first, second and third.time and passe. 4 Fi allowance .Fire limits 22. Prior Allan Gen.' Rel. Roe Fir St] We] Retirement Adjourn 25. Bridge Sootheran "That we do now adjourn to meet on Monday, May 1st, a 7:30 p.m. unless called sooner by the Reeve." Sewer Corwin Cres. sub. plan 24. Prior Allan i April 24/50 1 r I i 1j No. 20 1 L_141 Present I Minutes 21. Allan Bridge "By -law No. 1291 to grant a retirement allowance to Gustavus Munro" read a first, second and third time! and passed. 2. Sootheran Allan "By -law No. 1292 to provide for fire limits within t Township of Stamford and regulations governing the struction, alteration, equipment and removal of bus or structures." read a first, second and third time.' 23. Sootheran Allan "That we agree to allow R. B. Erwin to construct a s. on Corwin Crescent at his own expense under the sup vision of the Township Engineer." Reeve G. W. Monroe R. I. Prior A. G. Bridge J. N. Allan Wm. R. Sootheran Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Carried. That we approve of the Corwin Crescent subdivision d plan subject to the following conditions. 1. That the owner enters into an agreement concerns the cost of road construction. 2. That a proper agreement be entered into regarding, restrictions. 3. That deeds for 1 reserves be granted to the Twp.. for street ends, etc." Carried. Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour: Clerk. Regular Council meeting was held in the Council Chamber on Monday, Ma 1st, 1950, at 7:30 p.m. Allan Sootheran "That the minutes of the Council meeting held April 24 be adopted as read and printed." Carried. "That Sam Toth be granted a permit to move a structure from 2360 Portage Road to the East side of Drummond R Pt. Lot 160 providing it meets with all regulations o the building code and subject to a moving permit bein issued by the Engineer." ding it ks ks ntures rist e enses edin es 3. Bridge Prior "That a permit be granted to Canadian Ramapo Iron Works for the erection of a building on the east side of Portage Road subject to conforming to the building code." 4. Bridge Sootheran "That the tender of the Victoria Motors for two one ton trucks at a price of 52761.00 be accepted sub ject to the approval of the Department of Highways." 5. Prior Allan Carried. "That we accept tender of C. Bouck for 2 3/4 ton International trucks for $3060.00 subject to approval of Department of Highways." Bridge Sootheran That the tender ment debentures be accepted and Municipal Board debentures." Lost. Carried. of R. A. Daly Co. for Local Improve at a price of $101 -935. per $100.00 that application be made to the Ontaric for certification of the issue of Carried. Bridge Sootheran "That tourist home licenses be granted to: Mrs. Dorothy Ettinger, 2541 Portage Rd., Mrs. Mary Mrva, 1238 Robert Street; and a tourist camp license be granted to Mrs. Mary Saccamano, 1450 Kitchener Street, subject to the usual in- spection." Carried. 8. Sootheran Bridge That the Chief of Police be asked to check speeding on Morrison Street between Stanley and Portage adding to existing "30 mile limit" sign the wor4§ "strictly f{ enforced." 1 Carried. Sootheran Allan That H. G. Acres Co. be granted permission to use the 1 softball diamond at Wartime Housing two nights per week subject to revision in case of organization of 1 teams in that locality." Carried. .ball •ark 10. Prior Sootheran "That the Engineer be asked to call for tenders re: grading and preparing Prince Edward Ball Park to put it in shape at the earliest possible date." Carried. 1 Road Insp. .11. Allan Sootheran "That we meet at 9 a.m. Monday, May Sth, for road i spection etc." S<9;( ,Gy May lst,1950. Present Subdivision control :The Council met on Monday, May 8th, 1950, for the annual road inspe, at 9 a.m. and returned to the Township Hall at 4:30 p.m. to meet wi, 'Mr. John Layng, Planning Consultant for the Niagara Falls and Subur, :Area Planning Board. Prior Bridge ineer 12. Sootheran Allan "That we do now adjourn to meet Monday, May Sth at 4:30 p.m." Reeve G. W. Monroe R.7. trier A. G. Bridge J. N. Allan Wm. R. Sootheran Meeting adjourned Hour: Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Carried. Carried. Clerk. "That the Township solicitor be instructed to draw by -law naming the whole of the Township as an area of subdivision control,under section 23 of the Plar ning Act." Carried. "That the Township Solicitor draw a by -law to provid that as a condition of approval of subdivision pla the owner of the subdivision shall convey to the Township 5% of the land in the subdivision or pay into a fund the equivalent in money therefore and such land or monies to be expended in land for park purposes in the area." Carried. 1 3. Bridge Prior "That the Engineer and`Planning Development Engineer Mr. Layng be a committee to lay out the Urban and Rural division of the Township and same be presente to the Council for approval." Carried. 4. Sootheran Bridge "That we do now adjourn to meet at 7:30 p.m. in general Council business." is 8th,1950.. /J 6 a Reeve ent PP er on anthus •ewalks G. W. Monroe R. I. Prior J. N. Allan A. G. Bridge Wm_ R. Soothoran Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour A reuglar meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chamber on Monday, May Sth, 1950, at 7:30 p.m. Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor 1. Prior Bridge "That the minutes of the last regular meeting be adopted as printed." 2. Prior Allan Carried. Clerk. That we approve of the plan submitted by R. Blake Erwin, 0.L.S. re: proposed subdivision of D. Cropp property on part twp. lots 107 and 114 subject to the following conditions: 1. The owner deed 1 ft. reserves to all street termini., 2. The owner enter into an agreement regarding re- strictions. 3. The owner enter into an agreement respecting road construction of all roads within the subdivision with exception of the main road leading to factory '1 sight. 4. The roads within the subdivision be named to the satisfaction of the Township to prevent duplication of names." Carried. Carried. 4. Bridge Prior "That after having made an inspection of the damage done to sidewalks constructed last year by various contractors we do now insist that no sidewalks be constructed this year until the various streets are fully built up or that the owner of the land will agree by letter that they will be responsible for any damages done by the contractors in the use of trucks, bulldozers or any other heavy contracting equipment." Carried. I Bridge Prior "That the petition for a sewer on Ailanthus Avenue from I( Dunn Street to south limit lot No. 5 be denied and 1 that the Clerk and Engineer be instructed to contact r the other owners before the next regular meeting with i+ a view to having sewer constructed to McLeod Road." 1 dop iy Li Re: Fiz ;l S tz Well R rl iil Complaints re: Engineer Sidewalk Byng Ave. Tourist Subdivisions 4! Engineer re: 10. Prior tree ll l it Ii, l Woodworking 1111 plant Victualling licenses 1 13 5. Bridge Allan the Mr. police, Mr. Worm, y hear complaints regarding dogs and that the complain asked to be present at the next regular meeting. Carried. 6. Bridge Allan "That the Engineer be instructed to contact the sewer contractor to install the necessary catch basins, particularly Atlee, Biamonte and Collins Crescent subdivision." 7. Prior Allan Bridge Prior Prior Bridge Carried. "That the residents petitioning for sidewalk on Byng Avenue be asked to bring in a new petition. Carried. 8. Prior Bridge "That a building permit be granted R. S. Fossum t construct additional cabins to tourist camp at 1 St. Paul Street." Carried. "That in future no subdivision will be approved b the Township Council unless the owner of the lam to be subdivided agrees by written agreement to install all trunk sewers, main water service and all road work at the cost of the owner of the la and that a by -law be prepared for submission to the Council at the next regular meeting effectiv: on passing of by -law." Carried. Allan "That Mr. H. Bedford, 1032 Leonard Avenue be gran permission to remove a tree from in front of his premises under the supervision of the Engineer." Carried. 11. Allan Prior "That a building permit be issued to Al Groves to build a woodworking plant on the north side of Morrison Street, Lot No. 95, providing it meets the building requirements." Carried. 12 Prior Allan "That victualling licenses be granted to Miss Jean Hamilton, Thorold Road, and Mrs. P.' G. Smith, 35 1wtdy's Lane, subject to usual inspection." Carried. "That W. C. LaMarsh be authorized to take up matte of complaint rottrailer,from R. F. Course,3700 Mu hern Street." Carried. s rants rist es rist ante ief eral ante ewalks 14. Bridge Allan "That the Engineer be instructed in conjunction with the waterionks contractor to raise all hydrants now very low to the proper height." 15. Bridge Allan "That the application for Tourist home licenses from Steve Kalapos, 3429 Lundys Lane; Eugene Booth, 3742 Lundy's Lane and Harriett Scheu, 4158 Lundys Lane be granted subject to the usual inspection." 16. Prior Bridge "That the applications for tourist camp licenses be issued subject to the usual inspection: Steve Kalapos 3429 Lundys Larie; Harriett Scheu, 4158 Lundy's Lane; Wm. VanAlstine, 1442 Dixon St.; Sebastin Hoch,3514 Lundy's Lane; Albert Futo, 2537 Stanley Ave.; Charles McGibbon, 187 Stanley Ave.; and Fred Maraldo, 2374 Lundy's Lane." 17. Bridge Prior "That the Council do now go into a Committee of finance to consider the accounts." 18. Allan Bridge "That the statement of Roads Accounts dated April 30th, 1950, as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $3,398.82." 19. Prior Allan 20. Bridge v Prior Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. "That the statement of Relief accounts dated April 30th 1950 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $86.39." t f I, Carried. "That the statement of General Accounts dated April 30th, 1950, as prevented, be accepted and the ac- counts be paid amounting to $20,457.73." Carried. 21. Bridge Allan "That the finance committee do now arise and resume business of the Council." Carried. 2 Allan Bridge "That petitions for sidewalks to be constructed on both sides of Barker Street from Corwin to Dorchester Rd., King Ave. east side from Morden Drive to Arthur Street; St. James Street west side from Colborne to St. John, Lundy's Lane north side from east side lot 15 to west side of Lott14; Royal Manor Drive from s. limit lot 15 to west limit lot 13, Stamford St. s. side from existing walk to w. limit of Mrs. R. Germane property, Dorchester Rd. west side existing walk to s. limit of Lessick property, be approved and the clerk be asked to verify the petitions as to signatur. Cirri d. 3 Sewer rental 23. Prior agreements Bridge ti Fit May 8,1950 No. 23' Present 'd Water !it Agreement Co'I ''I' Niagara Falls 1 Allan Prior II I II M.F. Ker t axis 24. Prior Allan P. Utilities i 3. Sootheran Allan "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign th following sewer rental agreements: Vic Kiemele, Lot 4 Sinnicks St. rental 6.12 per y for 30 years; Leonard Schmidt, Lot 9 plan 95 Sinnicks St. Renta $5.22 per year for 30 years." Carried. "That we do now adjourn to meet May 11th at 7 :30 p. unless sooner called by the Reeve." a%o 7/ Reeve G. W. Monroe R. I. Prior A. G. Bridge J. N. Allan Wm. R. Sootheran Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Ca *ried. Meeting adjourned Hour 1 Special meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber on Thur day, May 11, 1950, at 7:30 p.m. The Members of the Public Utilities Commission attended the meetin and discussed the draft agreement to purchase water from the City Niagara Falls. "That we approve of the draft agreement between th City of Niagara Falls and the Public Utilities Co mission of the Township of Stamford and the Corpo tion of the Township of Stamford for the purchasi and supply,of water and that a By -law be prepared to authorize the execution of the agreement in its final form by the Council." Carried. 2. Sootheran Prior "That we authorize -the payment of $1,000.00 to M. F Ker as our share of engineering fees re :preparing of report on waterworks system." Carried. "That the Public Utilities be granted permission to negdiate with Engineer Merle F. Ker for his servic as Consulting Engineer in charge of their proposed capital expenditures for waterworks improvements." Clerk it uses rmains sewers tached st) ewalks ar and anthus in n and leton dewalks 4. Prior Allan 5. Bridge Prior 6. Prior Allan "That the following named be granted drivers and taxi licenses B. Hailaday, Nelson Lake, C. G. England, Samuel McShane, Charles A. Orr, and Richard England." Carried. "That the Engineer and Clerk take the necessary steps to initiate the attached list of watermains and sewers." Watermains Sewers Carried. 1. From the southerly limit of the existing main on Portage Rd., to Church's Lane, thence east to 1937 Church's Lane. 2. St. George Street from Russell Street to 300 feet south. 3. Barker Street from Dorchester Road to Brookfield Avenue. 4. Badger Road from Montrose Road to the west limit of 14 15 lot. 5. Brookfield from south limit lot 36 to Lundys Lane. 6. Hodgson from Rysdale to south limit lot 51 7. Harvey from Portage Road to end of street (hold Board) 8. Garden from Dorchester to Brookfield 9. Althea from Drummond Road to Portage Road (hold Board) 10. Dorchester from south side Churchill to south side lot 36, plan 101. 11. Corwin Crescent from Drummond Road to west limit lot 9. Carried 1. Corwin Crescent from Drummond Rd. to west limit No. 9. 2. Barker Street from Dorchester to Brookfield. 3. Garden Street from Dorchester to Brookfield 4. Brookfield from S. limit lot 36 150 feet s. of s.limit Lundy's Lane. Carried. 7. Sootheran Prior That owing to extensive undeveloped frontages on Kalar Road the petition for water be not entertained. The same circumstances existing on Ailanthus Avenue make it impractical to consider either water or sewer construction for the present and the petitions be denied." 8. Sootheran Allan "That petitions for sewer and water for Corwin Cres- cent, Erwin Crescent and Carleton be tabled' Carried. 9. Bridge Sootheran "That the Engineer and Clerk take the necessary steps to initiate the attached list of sidewalks." Carried. "That we rescind resolution #22 May 8th re: petitions for sidewalks." a Ad Re 1 El f attached list) 1. Ralph Ave E. &W. sides 2. Valley Way G 3. Biamonte Parkway Both sides one side 4. Lundy +s Lane Ro t St. Mark Fi Acting Reeve i i Ad ourn May 11/50 5. Royal Manor Dr. 6. King Avenue 7. Franklin West side 8. Barker both sides 9. St. James west side 10. St. John North side 11. Morden Drive 12. Byng Avenue E.side 13. Stamford St.(S.Side) 14. Dorchester W.side 15. Depew west side 10. Prior Bridge 12. Prior Bridge Sidewalks Reeve From Dunn Existing limit lot iuo. 1 Valley Way of N. S. road E.side Lot 15 S.kimit 15 Norden Dr. Asti. Street Corwin Colborne St. James King Cook Existing walk Existing walk L.Lane Hour; To Dixon (curb fac Drummond Road Valley Way W.side Lot 14 w. limit lot 13 Arthur St. Murray Dorchester St. John Existing walk (H c Stanley High w.limit Mrs.Germ property s.limit Lessick High St. "That we do not consider petition for sidewalk on St. Marks Street w. side Caswell to St. John as ti is not sufficient development." Carried. 11. Allan Sootheran "That Deputy Reeve Prior be acting Reeve for the we of May 15th." Carried. "That we do now adjourn to meet Monday, May 15th, a 7:30 p.m. unless sooner called by the Reeve." Carried. Meeting adjourned Cl Special Council meeting held in the 1950, at 7:30 p.m. sof visions, 1. Prior Allan 2th /50 2. Sootheran Allan G. W. Monroe R. I. Prior J. N. Allan A. C. Bridge Wm. R. Sootheran Council Chamber Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor on Friday, May 12th, "That resolution #9 of May 8/50 be amended to read that the owner of land pay all costs of sewers, watermains and roads except for the cost of intersections and the cost of mains over 6" water and 12" sewer all of which should be charged to the area or the Corporation as the case may be." Ayes :Allan,Sootheran,Prior,Monroe. Nayes: Bridge. Carried. "That we do now adjourn to meet Monday, May 15,1950 at 7:30 p.m." a -vZi Reeve Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour Special Council meeting held in the Council Chamber on Monday, May 15th, ant es e 1950, at 7:30 p.m. R. I. Prior J. N. Allan A. G. Bridge Wm. R. Sootheran 1. Sootheran Allan "That Deputy Reeve of the Reeve." Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Prior take the Chair in the absence Carried. 2. Sootheran Allan "That we adopt the minutes of the previous meetings, May 8th, llth and 12th as printed." Carriedl Sootheran Allan "That Albert Damore and Peggy Damore, his wife, 1472 Stanley Street be granted deed to lot 257 plan 40." Carried. 1 I 1 er ing ctor sor w 12 er ler 13. Bridge Sootheran adet ction 14. Sootheran Allan 15. Sootheran Bridge "That the Building Inspector in conjunction with Assessor compile a list of all available vacant within the municipality, the list be kept up to where sewer and watermains are in existence." 18. Allan Sootheran w 1290 19. Bridge Sootheran 22. Sootheran Allan "That on hearing the report of the Twp. Engineer, the Treasurer be instructed to return to the Kerrio const. Co. the marked cheque deposited on sidewalk constructkn for 1949." Carried. "That as many members of Council accept the invitation of Air Cadets to attend the inspection on May 26th at 8 p.m." Carried. Carried. Carried. the lots date w 129 i 16. Allan Sootheran "By -law No. 1293 for amend by-law No. 1292, 1 e Building by -law) and passed. "By -law No. 1295 to authorize the execution of an agree- ment with Harold Wentworth Gallinger." read a first, second and third time and passed. "By -law No. 1290 to amend by -law #1269, 1950." read a first, second and third time and passed. w 1297 20. Bridge Allan "By -law No. 1297 to authorize the execution of an agree- ment with His Majesty the King in right of Canada re- presented by Wartime Housing Limited.." read a first, second and third time and passed. 2M. Sootheran Allan "That as many members of Council and their wiles ac- cept the invitation Father Wilfred Smith to attend the Crusade at Stamford Race track on May 26th." Carried. "That the application of Wm. Winstaley, Merritton, for 1 a Hawker's Peddlers license to solicit photographing work within the municipality for Frederic Studios be not granted." ow 1296 22A. Allan Sootheran 'Byelaw No. 1296 for the collection of taxes for the year 1950" read a first, second and third time and passed. w 129 17. Sootheran Bridge "That By -law No. 1294 to designate an area of subdivisios control in which, under certain circumstances, land shall not be conveyed unless it is within a registered plan of subdivision." read a first and second time. GE Re li 'Tag day Humane Soc. 4. Allan Sootheran Maraldo 6. Bridge Allan Wilson and Rc Yando Camp licen- ses 7. Bridge Sootheran 8. Sootheran Bridge St We I Prince Ed- 9. Bridge A'i's ward Park Allan 41i iMaraldo 10. III Coi!:0 1,i h.Iii !;hi i ll taxi taxi driver 11. 1 II J.C. of C. 12. Soothern 5. Sootheran Allan "That we meet with the Humane Society Representatives 7 p.m. Monday, May 22nd." Allan "That the Ladies Auxiliary of the Hospital Trust be granted leave to hold tag day May 20th in Stamford. Carried. Carried. "That the report of the building inspector and Townsh solicitor re: the right of Mr. Fred Maraldo to compl the other four cabins on his property at 2374 Lundys Lane be adhered to." Carried. "That the request from Geo. Wilson and Geo. Yando fo purchase of part lot 21, plan 34 be taken from the t and that this Council make an offer to them for the lot for the sum of $90.00." "That tourist camp licenses be Frank Clement, Mrs. M. Benyo, Mrs. H. Smith, subject to the Carried. granted Kasper Scha Mrs. C. Lounsbury and usual inspection." Carried. "That the tender of the Lorenzo Contracting Company f the grading of the Prince Edward Park as per specifl cations of the Engineer at the sum of $2326.10 be ac cepted." Carried. Sootheran Bridge "That we rescind resolution No. 6 in regard to the Ma situation and grant Mr. Maraldo permission to comple the building now under construction providing he giv us a release in writing of any rights he may have, i any, to erect any further cabins." Carried. Sootheran Bridge "That the application for a taxi driver's license be (erred to the Police Commission for approval (re: Ro Erhardt.)" Carried. "That a letter be forwarded the Junior Chamber of Con merce endorsing their safety campaign. The Engineer to decide to what extent the Municipality will parts pate in the proposed demonstration." Carried. N• I4' Gt Re RC :Sewer rental 23.. Allan Bridge Engineer Tourist home licenses 25. Sootheran Allan :Chairs 'Victualling !licenses 24. Bridge Sootheran "That the Township Engineer be authorized to purch a power lawn mower 28" bob -a -lawn special 2 h engine at a price of $440.00 less $100.00 for the lawn mower from Crawford Motors and Marine Sales.P 26. Bridge Sootheran 27. Allan Sootheran 28. Bridge Sootheran 31. Allan Sootheran "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign a sewer rental agreement with B. L. Walker to provi sewer services to his property described as part 175 Corwin Avenue. The rental to be $13.94 per y for 15 years." "That tourist home licenser be granted Mrs. F. Cie: Mrs. Alice Misener, Mrs. Helen Dixon and Mrs. M. subject to the usual inspection." Reeve Meeting adjourned Hour; Carried. Carried. Carried. That the Chairman of Property Committee in conjun with the Township Engineer arrange for the purcha of 3 suitable chairs for the Engineers office." Carried. That victualling licenses be issued to Kaspar Sch kula, 2873 Dunn Street and C. Collard, Portage Roa subject to the usual inspection." Carried. "That the Council authorize the Imperial Bank, Niag Falls South, to give our Treasurer, R. W. Dawe, ac to our safety deposit box in the bank." Carried. 29. Sootheran Allan That the grant:set up in the budget for the Stamfo Legion and one half Planning Board grant be paid." Carried. 30. Sootheran Bridge "That the swat of $302.00 be paid the Canadian Ice Machine Company the sum covering the increased cos suppliers prices to the Company between the accept of the contract and the date which the material wa secured." Carried. "That we do now adjourn to meet at 7 p.m. May 22nd less sooker.called by the Reeve." Carried. Cler iY 1 1 tes ist es J hn sto I i r Road rmain s club St. en plan Special Council meeting held in the Council Chamber on Monday, May 22nd, 1950, at 7 p.m. Members of the Council held a Committee meeting at 7 p.m. with members of the Niagara Frontier Humane Society and discussed the dog situation. Many points were brought up during discussion and it was agreed by the Society that it would carry on with it's work as dog catcher and pound keeper and give the best service possible with available staff. A delegation of residents from Kalar Road addressed the Council in regard to their petition for watermain on this road from Woodbine Street to Thorold Road. 1. Bridge Allan "That the petition for a watermain on Kalar Road be added to the list to be submitted to the Ontario Muni- cipal Board inasmuch as all Local Improvements this year are to be submitted to that Board." 2. Bridge Allan Sootheran Allan Bridge Sootheran Gordon W. Monroe R. I. Prior J. N. Allan A. G. Bridge Wm. R. Sootheran Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Carried. "That the minutes of the meeting held on May 15th as printed be adopted as read." Carried. Carried. "That a by -law be prepared prohibiting the displaying of prices on exterior signs at tourist homes, camps and motels licensed by the municipality." That the Engineer be authorized to grade St. John Street from Sinnicks Avenue east to Ohio Braas property." Sootheran Allan That the sum of $15.00 be granted the Men's Club of Wartime Housing to help with the purchase of fireworks to be used in a mass display at the Community Ball Park on May 24th." 6. Prior Sootheran "That we grant the request from Drumnondville residents re supplying wire for a backstop to the amount of $11.20(Eleven Dollars and twenty cents)." Carried. Carried. Carried. Bridge Prior "That the plan of subdivision of Mr. Geor Warden for Margaret Street be approved of providing that the entire cost of the watermain and intersection be paid for by the owner. Road costs to remain as per previous resolttion." Ay es:Prior,Bridge. Nayes:Sootheran,Allan, Monroe. Lost..: r 7 Committee Roads Finance Committee ii'ai 1h ;�1 Slyvi !1i. BY -law 1298 13. Prior i Bridge it i 1 H ll C ii; i 1' By -law 1300 f ,l ili lily-law 1299 General Relief Clerk 8. Bridge Sootheran "That the Council go into Committee on Finance to consider accounts." Carried. 9. Sootheran Bridge "That the statement of General Accounts dated the 22nd day of May, 1950, as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $12,301.41, Carried. 10. Allan Sootheran "That the statement of Road Accounts dated the 22 day of May, 1950, as presented, be accepted and accounts be paid amounting to $2,512.88." Carried. 11. Sootheran Prior "That the statement of Relief Accounts dated the day of May, 1950, as presented be accepted and accounts be paid amounting to $1,113.89." Carried. 12. Prior Bridge "That the Finance Committee do now rise and resum the balance of the agenda." Carried. "By -law No. 1298, 1950, to declare the desirabili of undertaking certain works as a local improvem under the provisions of The Local Improvement Ac Read a first, second and third time and passed. 14. Prior Bridge "By -law No. 1299 establishing standard conditions for approval of subdivision plans" read a first time and lost. Ayes: Prior, Bridge. Nayes :Sootheran,Allan,Monroe 15. Sootheran Allan "By -law No. 1300 establishing standard conditions for approval of subdivision plans" read a first, second and third time and passed. Ayes; Allan,Sootheran,Monroe. Nayes :Bridge, Prio Warden sub- 16. Sootheran division Allan "That inasmuch as the Warden subdivision has been before this council since January and now that Mr. Warden has agreed to furti$$h the Township wit the 5% for Park pu3toses. This Council approve o the plan of subdivision under other existing re- gulationsas of January 31/50." Caryl ed. 17. Sootheran Allan "That the Clerk be authorized to prepare a By -law to renew our agreement with the Humane Society r Dog catching and Dog pound•" Carried. ist home uses ist camp enses tualling enses 20. Allan Prior hts rison St. ane iety. s.Brant ress de- e 18. Allan Prior "That tourist home licenses be granted Mrs. Frances Kennington, Mrs. May Knight and Mrs. Wm. Groves subject to the usual inspection." Carried. 19. Allan Sootheran "That Tourist camp licenses be issued to Stephen Kovacs, Wm. Kamoromi, Geo. A. Fischer, John Bermel Sr Uncle Saints Hotel, Mrs. Catherine Leskiw, Pane Yerick and Mrs. Ada Vandersluys, subject to the usual in- spection." Carried. "That victualling licenses be granted to John Bermel Sr., Geo. Fischer, Bentley Traver and Uncle Sam +s Hotel, subject to the usual inspection." Carried. 21. Sootheran Allan "That the Public Utilities be asked to install at least two lights on Morrison Street between Portage Road and Drummond Road in view of the fact that re- sidents of Drummond Road who use buses.. as means of transportation must walk on an unlighted thoroughfare between the two roads." Carried. 22. Prior Sootheran "That Public notice be given that the Humane Society is named by by -law 1199, 1949, as official dog catcher and pound keeper for the Township of Stam- ford and that all complaints pertaining to said by- la* should be referred to that body and not the Township council." Carried, 23. Sootheran Prior "That Thomas Brant, Carleton Ave., be granted per- mission to remove a tree located in front of his property providing the nedessary permission from the Highway Department be secured." Carried. 24. Sootheran Allan "That inasmuch as express delivery to Wartime Housing was discontinued during the later war years as an emergency measure, the authorities be petitioned to reinstate the service. Further, the same authorities be asked to give consideration to extending the territory presently serviced to include the Royal subdivision." Carried. I t Safety Week 25. Allan neer Sootheran That we endorse the Junior Chamber of Commerce, Safety Week campaign and that a proclamation be issued." f Water cooler May 22/50 Public garage Adjourn 9 No. Present N.S. T. Garage Workshop 26. Sootheran Allan "That Harley J. Vaughan be granted a public garage license for the operation of a used car lot at the corner of Drummond and McLeod Road." 27. Bridge Allan That the tender of L.L. Craig for an electric wate. cooler at a price of $350.00 be accepted." 28. Allan Sootheran "That we do now adjourn to meet May 29th, unless sooner called by the Reeve." Reeve G. W. Monroe R. I. Prior J. N. Allan A. G. Bridge Wm. Sootheran /PA Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Carried. Carried. Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour: Clerk. Special meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber on Monde May 29th, 1950, at 7:30 p.m. Bridge Prior That the minutes of the meeting held May 22nd be a proved as printed." Carried. Sootheran Bridge "That the N.S. T. be contacted and a meeting ar- ranged to discuss additional bus services within t municipality." Carried. Bridge Sootheran "That a permit be granted to T. J. Goodman to erect garage and workshop at 677 Portage Road as per petition presented." ist homes 5. Bridge Prior "That the following applications for tourist hodte licenses be approved subject to the usual in- spections; Mrs. Edna Baxter, 2644 Lundy's Lane; Mrs. Martha Marquis, 2942 Lundyts Lane; Mrs. Jessie Lundy, 3049 Lundy's Lane; Mrs. J. W. Baty, 3069 Lundyts Lane; Mrs. Katie Leys, 2371 Lundyts Lane, and Mrs. Marion Twose, 2398 Drummond Rd." Carried. r rentals 6. Prior Allan Carried. hinson tualling Buses 4. Prior Bridge "That the Engineer be authorized to take what steps are necessary to eliminate the pond at south west of Dorchester school on West Barker Street as we feel for the pr4ction of the lites of young children in that area that this hazzard must be removed."' 7. Allan Prior Carried. carried. "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to execute the following sewer rental agreements with the persons named hereunder for the property and at the rates specified; George Burke Lot 12 Plan 95 Sinnicks St. $5.22 for period of 30 years; Thomas Hunt Lot 5, plan 95 Sin nicks St. $6.12 for period of 30 years." Carried. Carried. 7 "That a letter of congratulations be sent to Mr. Mrs. John Hutchinson of 1781 Mouland Avenue on the .ocession of their 60th wedding anniversary which they will celebrateytne 6th, 1950." Carried. 8. Prior Bridge !That the following application for victualling license be approved subject to the usual inspection: G. Newton, Stamford Rae* Track." rist camps 9. Allan Sootheran "That the following applications for tourist camp licenses be approved subject to the usual inspections; Ernest and M. Bacon, 4625 Lundyts Lane; Mrs. C. Holmes 3104 Lundy's Lane." Carried. lights 10. Sootheran Allan "That the resolution requesting two lights on Morrison Street between Portage and Drummond Roads be res- cinded and the clerk be authorized to request the Public Utilities to install lights on every fourth pole to conform with lighting of other streets in the Municipality." Carried. 1 ih Stamford 13. Bridge Horticultural Prior v Society Engineer Manitoba Winnipeg Re- lief fund 12. Bridge Prior 11. Sootheran Allan "That the Engineer be authorized to deal with the request of R. V. Rudd for the use of part of the Carleton Avenue grounds for gardentag." Carried. "That the sum of $100.00 be voted to the Manitoba Winnipeg Relief Fund." Carried. "That one half of the annual grant to be given to the Stamford Horticultural Society be paid amo $125.00." Carried. Speed limit 14. Prior Allan "That a by -law be prepared and we ask the Departmen of Highway for approval of a 30 mile speed limit o Lundy's Lane to Garner Road and on Thorold Rd. to Garner Road." J. ri 1 Mewburn Rd. H.E.P.C. Bd. of Trans- 18. Bridge port Commissio ners By -law 1294 19. Prior Subdivision Bridge control Carried. 15. Sootheran Allan That H. E. Rose and Co. be advised that the Counci will not consider the sale of part lot 27, being part of the Mewburn Road and owned by the Munici pality." Carried. l i !�nI.O.D.E. 16. Sootheran OIj1Clifton Chapter Bridge That the I.O.D.E. (Clifton Chapter) be granted per mission to hold a tag day for the Winnipeg Flood Fund. Sat., June 3rd." Carried. 17. Sootheran Allan "That the clerk write the H.E.P.C. asking them to incorporate the painting of the Whirpool.Road Bridge with their contemplated painting of bridges the cost to be borne by the municipality." Carried. Prior "That the clerk be instructed to write the Board of Transport Commissioners approving of their decisio in regard: to the replacing of the Portage Road Bridge at the Halfway as per file No. 29712 and in accordance with the letter sent to A. K. Dysart,K. Commission Counsel under date April 19, 1950." Carried. "By -law No. 1294 to designate an area of subdivisio control in which, under certain circumstances land shall not be conveyed unless it is within a regist plan of subdivision" read a third time and passed. F urn 29/50 1 ent tes hester ath R. 20. Sootheran Allan "That we do now adjourn to meet June 5th at 7:30 p.m." Carried. Meeting adjourned Reeve G. W. Monroe R. I. Prior J. N. Allan A. G. Bridge Wm. Sootheran Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Regular meeting of the Council held in the Council cha:ber on Tuesday., June 6th, 1950 at 5:00 p.m. 1. Bridge Allan "That the minutes of the Council meeting held on May 29th be adopted as printed." Carried. 2. Sootheran Prior "That the matter of constructing a footpath on the west side of the shoulder of Dorchester be referred to the Engineer with a recommendation it be constructed similar to that located at Wartime Housing. The petitioners be asked to sign a petition for sidewalk to be held until such time as further development of the area warrants a concrete walk." Carried. 1st sins 3. Sootheran Allan "That a meeting of interested parties in the matter of the tourist sign by -law be called for Wednesday June 14th at 8 p.m. and that the same be advertised." Carried. 4. Sootheran Bridge "That the Michigan Central Railways be petitioned to refrain from unnecessary blowing of whistles and the ringing of bells in the area adjacent to Falls View. This request to be considered in view of the fact there are no crossings in the vicinity and the area is one thickly frequented by tourists and the resulting noise is disturbing to both visitors and local residents Carried. rvation 5. Allan r Sootheran "That the management of the Observation tower at Falls View be asked to either discontinnee or cut down on the volume of the loud speaker on their building, as it is very annoying to have to listen to, and to which there has been many complaints from the residents of that vicinity." Carried. -4 91 .Sewer rental; li agreements 9. Prior Vii; Sootheran "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign the following sewer rental agreements with the persons and at the rates indicated H. Sangster Lot No. 6 Sinnicks Ave., $5.39 for 30 years and Mrs. W. A. Earley Pt. Twp. lot 72 Sinnicks Avenue $5.35 for 30 years." ii i Carried. ;Tourist 10. Sootheran il', i,, Bridge tamp a tourist camp license be granted Harry Forde, W Oli 2609 Portage Rd." i I 1i1 i i� ii9Music i festival 11. Sootheran l�' Bridge "That the i ii grant set up in the budget for the Niagara Falls Music Festival be paid." �I Carried. I i i !Track team 0 J' 1 J o Carried. li �uil l i i Carried. Roads f 14. Sootheran Allan That the statement of Roads Accounts dated June 6th presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $11,480.67." Tourist home Track team Finance 6. Sootheran Allan "That a tourist home license be granted Mrs. Jennie Misik, 1241 Kitchener Street." Carried. 7. Sootheran Bridge "That letters of Congratulation be sent coach John L and the individual members of the Stamford Collegia Track team for their splendid record in winning the Dominion and Quebec Provincial track and field schc boy Championships at Montreal on Saturday. In wi the Sir Arthur Currie Memorial trophy they have brc unprecended honours to the Community they so well r presented." Carried. Dust on Lundy's Lane: 8. Sootheran Prior "That the Highways Department be asked to consider t matter of the dust nusiance on Lundy's Lane with a view of it9 elimination." Carried. Carried. 12. Bridge Prior "That we concur in the grant of $25.00 made to the Stamford Collegiate track team to defray part of th expense in going to Montreal." 13. Allan Sootheran "That we do now adjourn as a Council to go into fin committee." Carried. ral 15. Prior Bridge "That the statement of Genera). Accounts dated June 6th, as presented, be accepted and the Accounts be paid amounting to $11,670.57." of Carried. 16. Prior Bridge "That the statement of Relief Accounts dated June 6th i as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $94.89." Carried. ce 17. Bridge Prior "That the finance committee having concluded the passing of accounts do now arise and resume the business of the Council." olence 18. Sootheran Allan' That a letter of condolence be sdnt the family of the late Mra.R.S. Coulter, former Chairman of the Municipal Board who passed away recently." ht 19. Sootheran Allan "That the Public Utilities be requested to place a light on Carlton in the vicinity of 2411." urn 6/ 50 ent tes Carried. Carried. Carried. 20. Sootheran Bridge "That we do now adjourn to meet June 12th at 7:30 p.m." Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour V a ne e...reL Reeve Special meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber on Monday, ;June 12th, 1950, at 7:30 p.m. G. W. Monroe Reeve R. I. Prior Deputy Reeve J. N. Allan Councillor A. G. Bridge Councillor Wm. Sootheran Councillor Bridge Allan "That the minutes of the meeting held on June 6th be adopted as printed." Carried. rn 2. Sootheran Bridge "That Shell Oil Co. Ltd., be advised that the Council does not intend to close theiriangular piece of Mewburn Road adjacent to their proposed building and that as a highway this area may be used in any way by the Company so long as the same is not built upon or obstruote4." Carried. 'd Tourist homes 3. Bridge camps Sootheran "That tourist home licenses be granted to John Pa 3029 Lundy's Lane and E. Reinhart, 1001 Stanley I Tourist camp licenses be granted to Paul Savriga 129 Stanley Street and Guiseppi Benovenuti,Kitch Street subject to the usual inspection." l Service station 4. Sootheran Allan "That H. Brown be granted a permit for the erecti of a service station on the north side of Belle Street, part lot 218 219 plan 44." sewer rentals 5. Allan lighting on Royal Manor Dr. 6. Sootheran Bridge "That the Public Utilities be requested to proce with the lighting of Royal Manor drive as const tion warrants." Victualling I licenses Pedlar hawker Bus Stops By -law 1301 Humane Soc. 10. Prior Carried. Carried. Sootheran "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign t following sewer rental agreements on behalf of Township of Stamford with the persons stated her under at the rental specified: Mrs. Annie Storrs 50' on Sinnicks Ave., $5.35 per year for 30 year G. Johnson, Lot 31, Keith St., $18.95 per year f 30 years; W. Sharkey, 50' on Sinnicks Avenue $5. per year for 30 years; Earl McRae Lot 3 Plan 95, 5.39 per year for 30 years." Carried. Carried. Sootheran Bridge "That victualling licenses be granted Wesley Juli W. J. Fraser, Paul Savriga subject to the usual inspection." Carried. Bridge Prior That a pedlar and hawker license be granted to L Andres to sell Fuller Brush products." Carried. Allan Sootheran "That we agree to the schedule of bus stops in th Wartime Housing Community as outlined in the con munication from Mr. Bray, Supt. N.S. T." Carried. Sootheran "By -law No. 1301 to authorize the execution of an agreement with the Niagara Frontier Humane Sacie respedting the enforcement of Township by -law No 1124, 1948, the impounding and catching of dggs large thereunder" read a first, second and third time and passed. r urn citor 11. Sootheran Allan "Whereas it is deemed desirable in the interest of water consumers to restrict the use of water in the Township of Stamford, Therefore until further notice the restrictions for the use of water in Stamford Town- ship will be as defined hereunder: Zone No. 1 Oaklawn, Stamford Centre, Stamford Green and Halfway districts being the area north of the centre line of the Queen Elizabeth Way and Roberts Street. Unrestricted use between the hours of 5 to 7 p.m. Zone No. 2 Lundy's Lace district being the area bounded on the south by the centre line of Culp Street and the projection of Culp Street westerly to Garner Road and on the north by the centre line of the Queen Elizabeth Way and Roberts Street including the Hodgson subdivision and Beaverdam Road. Unrestricted use be- tween the hours of 7 to 9 p.m. Zone No. 3 Falls View district being the area south of the centre line of Culp Street and the projection of Culp Street to Garner Road. Unrestricted use between the hours of 9 to 11 p.m. During the times shown in each he zones above re- sidents may use water for waters, gardens or field crops, washing vehicles, but may not do so at any other time than specified above. This regulation will govern both flat rate and metered services. Consumers with commercial irrigation contracts will have unrestricted use of water between the hours of 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. Persons contravening the restrictions enumerated above upon conviction are liable to a fine of $50.00. These regulations will be in effect on and after being published in the local press." Carried. Sootheran Bridge "That we do now adjourn to meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. on the question of tourist by- laws." Meeting adjourned Hour Carried. Reeve Clerk. ,Special meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber on June 14th, 1 1950, tt 6op.m. to consider the matter of displaying price signs for !tourist accommodation in Stamford. !The meeting was called by two advertisements in the Niagara Falls Evening Review inviting operators of tourist homes, camps, motels and ;other tourist establishments to attend. The Reeve explained to the operators present that the purpose of the meeting was to consider the matter of displaying prices and an op- portunity was given to all operators in regard to this matter. Mr. D. E. Calvert represented the tourist camp operators in the Township and submitted a petition showing that 40 out of 45 camp operators were not in favour of prices being displayed for tourist accomodation. 1. Bridge Prior "That the solicitor be instructed to prepare a by-law- .to repeal section 11 of by -law 1046, 1947." lyessBridgge ,Prior,Allan,Monroe. Nayes: Sootheran. Carried. wrecking license Building i! permits ;I Building H permit Finance 2. Sootheran Bridge "That we do now adjourn to meet again on Monday, June 19th, unless sooner called by the Reeve." xes, Reeve G. W. Monroe R. I. Prior J. N. Allan A. G. Bridge Wm. Sootheran Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Meeting adjourned Carried. Cle Special meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber on Monday June 19th, 1950, at 7:30 p.m. 1. Bridge Sootheran That the minutes of the June 12th and 14th meetings approved as printed." Carried. 2. Sootheran Bridge That the application for a wrecking license from Lo Little be rejected." 3. Allan Sootheran "That William Reechia be retired from the service of Township effective as from February 28th, 1950, and the Clerk make application for past pension benefit the Director of Annuties." 4. Bridge Sootheran "That the permits requested from Wm. Benson Son fo factory on the east side of Dorchester Road and als from M. Bagdonovic for a store and dwelling on the side of Dunn Street having met with the approval of the Building Inspector be granted." 6. Prior Bridge Carried. Carried. Carried. 5. Prior Bridge "That permit be issued C. Damato to erect a building on part lot 73 Thorold Stone Rd. providing his pro posed plan conforms with all regulations and is ap- proved by the Building Inspector." Carried. That the Council go into Committee on finance to co sider'ibcounts as presented." Carried. ief 7. Bridge Prior eral ds ante s erous ve si: s li tualling 14. Bridge ensew Allan "That the statement of Relief accounts dated June 15th, 1950, as presented, be accepted and the ac- counts be paid amounting to $994.43." Carried. 8. Prior Bridge "That the statement of General Accounts dated June 15th, 1950, as presented, be accepted and the ac- counts be paid amounting to $7,478.48." Carried. 9. Bridge Allan "That the statement of Roads accounts dated June 15th, 1950, as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $9,809.32." Carried. 10. Bridge Prior "That the finance committee do now arise and resume the business of the Council." Carried. er rental 11. Allan Sootheran "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign the following sewer rental agreements with the persons and at the rentals indicated hereunder: James O'Donoghue, Lot on McLeod Road $10.58 per year for 15 years; Albert Lair lot 4 plan 80 Sinnicks Ave. $5.39 per year for 30 years; John Lapp, Lot 7 Plan 95 Sinnicks Ave. $5.23 per year for 30 years; Warren Parr lot 10 plan 95 Sinnicks Ave. $5.23 per year for 30 years." Carried. 12. Sootheran Allan That the County Council be asked to erect "Dangerous curve" signs on Portage Road near the Oakes Estate and the Old Ohio Brass plant as many accidents and near accidents have occurred in the vicinity." Carried. 13. Sootheran Bridge "That the Public Utilities be asked to improve the lighting at the corner of Morrison and Portage Road to aid the Police Department in handling the heavy traffic after events at Oakes Park." Carried. "That applications for victualling licenses to Alfred Galle, Royal Manor Drive, W. J. Frazer, 2754 Thorold Rd., and M. Raosavljevich, 2395 Portage Rd., be granted subject to the usual inspection." ie Carried. 11, 1 Tourist Camps I ;Modernizing !lights /Tourist homes By -law 1302 16. Prior Bridge nBy -law No. 1302 to repeal section 11 of by -law nun 1048, 1947." read a first, second and third time a passed. By -law 1304 17. Allan Sootheran "By -law No. 1304 to provide for making Voters List order of street numbers or lot and concession numbers." read a first, second and third time and passed. By -law 01303 18. Allan ifo. 1303 «l Sootheran "By aw o authorize North American Cyanamid Limite to use certain highways in the Township of Stamfor for transmission of gases from its Niagara Falls works to its Welland Works." read a first, second and third time and passed. water !agreement 15. Bridge Sootheran "That tourist home licenses be granted to W. S. Lon 1835 Brookfield Ave., Mrs. Nellie Coleman, 2 542 Cu Street, Mrs. P. H. Shriner, 2781 Lundy's Lane and Mrs. Arthur Webb, 2693 Thorold Road, be granted su sect to the usual inspection." Carried. 19. Sootheran Bridge nThat the applications for tourist camp license fro M. G. Mashford, 3797 Lundy's Lane; Murray Misener, 2000 Murray Street; Millicent Douglas, 4618 Lundy' Lane and W. J. Frazer, 2754 Thorold Road be grante subject to the usual inspection." Carried. 20. Allan Sootheran "That this council go.: on record as approving of th agreement between the City of Niagara Falls and th Stamford Public Utilities Commission and the Counc of the Township of Stamford regarding the supply o water by the City to the Township and that a by -la be prepared ratifying the said agreement and autho zing the Reeve and Clerk to sign same. That the Reeve be authorized to designate a committee of Council to assist the Commission and the City Coun in seeking the necessary approvals from the Munici Board and the passage of a private bill before the Legislature of the Province of Ontario." Carried. stops 22. Bridge Allan 23. Prior Bridge 21. Sootheran Prior "That the Public Utilities be informed that Council perty 28. Bridge in favour of modernising the lighting of Lundy's L i rman Prior from Drummond to Canal and the materials and equip--- ment be ordered and the work proceeded with." Carried. Carried. "That we request the N.S. T. Railway to revise their bus service in Stamford as follows: 1. That every other bus now going from the south end to the Carborundum be rented from Stanley along McLeod Road to Dorchester, thence along Dunn Street to Stanley thence along Stanley to Main Street to the south end." Carried. "That the Canada Coach be asked to have designated stop signs on their Stamford route from the beginning of the Sand Lane to the City Limits and that the Company be asked to suggest that a little more courtesy on the part of some of their drivers would be appreciated." .d limit 24. Prior Bridge "That in view of the Department of Highway regulations in respect to speed limits is not applicable to Lundy ►s Lane and Thorold Stone road that the resolution directing that a by -law be prepared to regulate the speed on these two roads be not proceeded with and that the Dept. of Highways be asked to clatify the definition of a built up area." sneer asants 26. Prior Allan ineer irman of is Carried. 25. Prior Bridge "That the Engineer be authorized to proceed with work of painting Township bridge at Whirlpool Road as per letter of June 14th from the Hydro Electric Power Com- mission signed A. S. Robertson at a price as quoted of $3,720.00 plus paint, subject to approval of the Department." Carried. "That the Egnineer be authorized to provide a truck and driver to distribute pheasant poults at selected locan tions within the Township and authority is given to purchase up to 6 bags of feed for the poults when they are liberated.tt Carried. 27. Prior Sootheran nThat the Engineer and Chairman of Roads be authorized to proceed with work on roads around Prince Edward Park and Arena grounds." Carried. "That the report of the Chairman of Property Committee regarding the small shed on the Community Hall grounds be accepted and the clerk be instructed to notify the Stamford men's Club as to the terms as outlined in the report." Carried. s 1e 1 f it Engineer Committee 30. Prior Bridge "That we do now arise and go into Committee of the wh Weaver subdivision i31. Bridge Prior Caswell Subdivision X32. Prior 1 Allan Crone Ulan s Clerk `iAdjourn 1 June 19, 1950 29. Bridge Sootheran "That the Engineer be instructed to begin to stone t road leading to the proposed Cropp factory sufficien to enable him to get material in." j33. 134. Carried. Carried. "That we approve of the lots No. 1 to 10 facing Dorch Road of the Weaver subdivision from ghurchill to sch property as per plan dated June 16, 1950, Blake Erw' plan, subject to all the restrictions regarding buildings and the one foot reserve strip. The 50% f park purposes to be taken care of by the plot shown draft plan attached." Carried. "That we approve revised plan of Caswell subdivision part of lot #37 dated Mar. 17, 1950, by Blake Erwin, 0.L.S." Bridge Sootheran "That we approve of the DTArcy Cropp plan subject to owner agreeing to pay the sum of 1.00 per foot for all roads with the sole exception of the Cropp Road, which is being built by the Corporation subject to t usual one foot reserve and all building restrictions The road cost is not to be paid until the owner asks for the reads to be opened." Bridge Sootheran "That the clerk be instructed to communicate with Mr. F. A. Bransconmbe and in conjunction with the Twp. Engineer to clear up various points in connection with the present plan and that a. new plan be provide' 5. Bridge Prior "That we do now adjourn to meet again on Monday, June 26th, at 7:30 sharp. All members requested to stay till business is finished." ago( Reeve Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Meeting adjourned Hpur: Cle i /4 fi ent ti tes ersho is rd ivision rist es tua ling ens es er tals C hester clover- Special meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber on Monday, June 26th, 1950, at 7:30 p.m. G. W. Monroe Reeve R. T. Prior Deputy Reeve J. N. Allan Councillor A. G. Bridge councillor Wm. Sootheran Councillor 1. Sootheran Allan "That the minutes of the last meting be approved as read." Carried. 2. Sootheran Prior "That Jake Kaminsky be granted a permit for a cottage and barbershop do the west side of Montrose Street, on Part Township lot 123." Carried. 3. Sootheran Prior "That the petition for lights on every second pole on Hodgson Avenue and Rysdale Street be tabled until such time as the occupancy of the houses now under con- struction warrants the installation but the Public Utilities be asked to install lights on the corner poles." Carried. 4. Allan Sootheran "That tourist home licenses be issued to Mrs. Sarah Toomath, 2671 Stanley Ave.; Mrs. M. Sloggett, 3014 Lundy's Lane, subject to the usual inspection; Victualling licenses be issued to Joe Goegan, 2055 Thorold Stone Rd.; J. W. Wilson, 2112 Thorold Rd., and Harry Manos, 4379 Lundy's Lane, R.R. 1 subject to the usual inspection." Carried. 5. Prior Bridge "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign a sewer rental agreement dated June 21st, 1950, with R. J. Dunn to provide sewer services to lot 8 plan 95 at a rental of $5.23 per year for a period of 30 years." Carried. Carried. 6. Sootheran Allan "That the Highways Department be asked to take im- mediate steps to correct the dangerous condition of the Dorchester Road cloverleaf. Petitions to this effect have received little consideration in the past few years but in view of the mounting number of ac- e cidents and fatalities it is imperative something must be done to correct the condition. The clerk to suggest a meeting with representatives of the Department to discuss the matter in detail." a' is ill Stamford Race track )Poplar trees Welcome Inn Four mile creek drain Benjamin tent Condolence Leave of 'absence Biamonte Subdivision lights Engineer Sootheran Allan That a letter of protest be sent the Highways Dept for their childish attitude in planting poplar tre for several hundred feet on the Queen Elizabeth Hi way in the vicinity of the Welcome Inn. The only apparent reason being to obscure the Restaurant f those travelling the Highway." Carried. Prior Bridge "That the report of R. B. Erwin, O.L.S. re: Niagara Four Mile Creek drain system be accepted and the necessary by -law be prepared to levy the assessmer Carried. Sootheran Bridge "That the Stamford Race track be advised that the Township does not rent its equipment and their re- quest for a truck or tank with sprinkler attach- ment be not granted." Carried. 10. Sootheran Bridge "That the request of the Benjamin Tent and Awning Company for the rental of Township steam roller be not granted as we do not rent equipment." Carried. 11. Bridge Prior "That a letter of condolence be sent to Mrs Viola Musgrove, widow, and Dr. G. J. Musgrove, father, in the untimely demise of Wendell M. Musgrove, K. Carried. 12. Prior Bridge "That Miss Mary Adams be granted bne weeks leave of absence period July 17 to July 22nd." Carried. 13. Sootheran Bridge "That the Public Utilities be asked to proceed with the lighting of the Biamonte subdivision in view o the fact that the majority of homes are occupied the roads constructed." Carried. 14. Sootheran Bridge "That the Engineer be authorized to purchase 400' o Jupiter water hose la`x 2 braid, with couplings,in 50' lengths from the Bi &Lateral Fire Hose Divisio Kitchener, Ontario. $66.75 per loo ft. couplings $2.65 each." Carried. den division i p ens es Ct law #1306 18. Prior Allan law 1 05 19. Prior Allan law ;1 :07 ourn e 26/50 15. Sootheran Allan "That the cheque from George Warden for 5:375.00 be accepted as payment for park purposes for the 45 lots he is registering in the Warden subdivision." 17. Allan Prior Carried. ewalks, 16. Bridge er water Sootheran "That the Engineer be instructed to advertise for the construction of sidewalks, sewers and watermains as approved by the Municipal Board." Carried. "That tourist camp licenses be granted Robert J. and Helen M. Derrick of 1982 Culp Street and J. W. Wilson 2112 Thorold Road, subject to the usual inspection." Carried. "By -law No. 1306, 1950, to authorize the execution of an agreement with J.D.H. Mackenzie and Harold D. Caswell" read a first, second and third time and passed. "By -law No. 1305, 1950, to authorize the execution of an agreement with Frank A Branscombe." read a first, second and third time and passed. 20. Sootheran Allan "By -law No. 1307, 1950, to authorize the construction of certain works as local improvements under the provisions of The Local Improvement Act." read a first and second time. 21. Sootheran Allan "That we do now adjourn to meet Monday, July 3rd at 7:30 p.m." Reeve Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour: :s ie the 1 Poplar trees Welcome Inn Four mile creek drain Stamford Race track ;Benjamin tent' 10. Condolence Leave of absence Biamonte Subdivision lights Engineer, Sootheran Allan "That a letter of protest be sent the Highways Dept, r di v i s i for their childish attitude in planting poplar trees' on for several hundred feet on the Queen Elizabeth Hid way in the vicinity of the Welcome Inn. The only apparent reason being to obscure the Restaurant fro those travelling the Highway." 8. Prior Bridge That the report of R. B. Erwin, Four Mile Creek drain system be necessary by -law be prepared to Carried. O.L.S. re: Niagara accepted and the levy the assessment. Carried. 9. Sootheran Bridge That the Stamford Race track be advised that the Township does not rent its equipment and their re- quest for a truck or tank with sprinkler attach- ment be not granted." Carried Sootheran Bridge "That the request of the Benjamin Tent and Awning Company for the rental of Township steam roller be not granted as we do not rent equipment.} Carried. 11. Bridge Prior "That a letter of condolence be sent to Mrs Viola Musgrove, widow, and Dr. G. J. Musgrove, father, in the untimely demise of Wendell M. Musgrove, K.C. Carried. 12. Prior Bridge "That Miss Mary Adams be granted bne weeks leage of absence period July 17 to July 22nd." Carried. 13. Sootheran Bridge That the Public Utilities be asked to proceed with the lighting of the Biamonte subdivision in view of the fact that the majority of homes are occupied ar the roads constructed." Carried. 14. Sootheran Bridge "That the Engineer be authorized to purchase 400 of Jupiter water hose l*`x 2 braid, with couplings,in 50 lengths from the BiaLateral Fire Hose Division Kitchener, Ontario. $66.75 per loo ft. couplings $2.65 each." Carried. dewalks, 16. Bridge wer water Sootheran "That the Engineer be instructed to advertise for the construction of sidewalks, sewers and watermains as approved by the Municipal Board." np censes -law #1306 18. Prior Allan -law #1305 19. Prior Allan "By -law No. 1305, 1950, to authorize the execution of an agreement with Frank A. Branscombe.n read a first, second and third time and passed. -law #1907 journ ne 26/50 15. Sootheran Allan "That the cheque from George Warden for $375.00 be accepted as payment for Park purposes for the 45 lots he is registering in the Warden subdivision." 17. Allan Prior Carried. Carried. "That tourist camp licenses be granted Robert J. and Helen M. Derrick of 1982 Culp Street and J. W. Wilson 2112 Thorold Road, subject to the usual inspection." Carried. "By -law No. 1306, 1950, to authorize the execution of an agreement with J.D.H. Mackenzie and Harold D. Caswell" read a first, second and third time and passed. 20. Sootheran Allan "By -law No. 1307, 1950, to authorize the construction of certain works as local improvements under the provisions of The Local Improvement Act." read a first and second time. 21. Sootheran Allan "That we do now adjourn to meet Monday, July 3rd at 7:30 p.m." Reeve Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour: Clerk. the I li It E! '1 No. 33 1 Present minutes t• Planning Bd. It re: Cropp Tourist homes Shirts and shorts Tourist camp licenses Engineer Public garage Regular meeting of the Council'held in the Council Chamber on Mond July 3rd, 1950, at 7:30 p.m. G. W. Monroe Reeve R. I. Prior Deputy Reeve J. N. Allan Councillor A. G. Bridge Councillor 1. Bridge Allan That the minutes of the meeting held on June 26th printed be adopted." 2. Bridge Prior Carried. "That this Council instruct the Clerk to send a le to the Planning Board stating that this Council a entirely in accord with the plan of D'Arcy Cropp leaving out the question of the five percent for purposes altogether seeing that this plan is for factory purposes and that approval be given as ea as possible as the delay in construction is getti bad." Carried. 3. Bridge Allan "That tourist home licenses be granted to Mrs. Cha Seyffert, 1621 Highland Ave.; Mr. H. G. Quick, 19 Carlton Avenue; Theodore Stainke, R.R. 2 McLeod R Mrs. Helen Hartzner, 1932 Dorchester Rd.; Mr. Fra Liefl 1253 Drummond Rd.; Mrs. Ada Smith, 1925 Thorold Rd.; and Mrs. W. H. Dixon, 2433 Lundy's L subject to the usual inspection." Carried. 4. Bridge Allan "That the shirts and shorts taken from the Communi Hall be turned over to the Board of Education for distribution to the valous Home and School Clubs.' Carried. 5. Allan Bridge "That Tourist camp licenses be granted to Garnet A. May, 705�ud ;,g Lane; Sesto Battachio and Micha Ricci a s ctualling licenses be granted to Sesto Battachio and Michael Ricci also Norman F. Crick, 3654 Woodbine Avenue subject to the usual inspection." Carried. 6. Bridge Allan "That the Engineer send a truck to the Community H and bring back to the Township Hall the five chai (brown or maroon) and the good Chesterfield." Carried. 7. Bridge Prior "That a public garage license be granted to A. 0. Simons at 2300 Lundy's Lane." Carried. ker dier erly liday 0 a y 3/50 ent tes rice ral 8. Allan Bridge 9. Bridge Allan "That as per letter from Police Department the Taxi license issued to Beverly Halliday be immediately cancelled and the insurance policy be returned to the Company as requested." 10. Prior Bridge 11. Bridge Allan 2. Bridge Allan That Mrs. Guy Wilson, 2510 Drummond Rd., be granted a Hawker and Peddler license." Carried. Carried. "That a letter of sympathy be extended to the family of the late John Hay." Carried. "That we do now adjourn to meet on Monday, July 10th, at 7:30 p.m. unless sooner called by the Reeve." G. W. Monroe R. I. Prior J. N. Allan A. G. Bridge Wm. Sootheran Reeve Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour Special Council meeting held in the Council Chambers on Monday, July 10th, 1950, at 7:30 p.m. 1. Bridge Allan "That the minutes of the meeting held on July 3rd be adopted as printed." Carried. "That the Council now go into Committee on Finance to pass accounts." Carried. Carried. 3s 1 ne the 3. Sootheran Bridge "That the statement of General Accounts dated July 10th, 1950, as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $20,552.78." 1 1 (Relief 4. Bridge Sootheran "That the statement of Relief Accounts dated July 10th, 1950, as presented, be accepted and the ac- counts be paid amounting to $156.13.n Roads Finance Tourist homes Welcome Inn I Sidewalks sewers and watermains Carried 5. Allan Sootheran "That the statement of Roads accounts dated July 1( 1950, as presented be accepted and the accounts t paid amounting to 10,310.67." Carries 6. Sootheran Bridge That the Committee on finance do now arise and re the council agenda." Carried. Sootheran Allan That tourist home licenses be granted Mrs. Charle Pearson, Mrs. Helen Campbell and Mrs. Goldie Wash subject to the usual inspection." Carried 8. Sootheran Allan That the question of the elimination of trees on the Queen Elizabeth Highway in the vicinity of the Welcome Inn be referred to W. L. Houck for action in his capacity as our representative in the enter Legislature with a view of correcting the matter a that °Mr'.`Millerts letter be answered pointing out this is not on a curve and the trees have been pla very recently." Carried 9. Bridge Prior "That the ,tender of C. Kerrio Construction Co. for sidewalks at 342¢ per square foot and 401¢ #er cur faced walks be accepted." Carrie 10. Sootheran Bridge "That the tender for sewers and watermain: :construe of the Wm. Lorenzo Contracting Company be accepted at the tendered prices." Carried McLeod and Stanley :11. Prior Bridge "That we accepp the recommendation of Chief Worm r intersection of McLeod Road and Stanley Street and refer same to the suburban Road Committee with our endorsation." Carried an 10 i 'I arden bdivision 12. Prior Sootheran "That we approve of the changes in the George Warden final plan of subdivision of part lot 162 since it varies slightly from the draft plan previously ap- proved by the Department of Planning and Development. (This resolution passed pursuant to Dept. letter dated July 5th, 1950 to R. B. Erwin.)" wker ddler ineer 16. Prior Allan V Carried. opp bdivision 13. Sootheran Bridge "That the Council approve the action of the Reeve and Clerk in forwarding a letter to the Dept. of Planning and Development in clarifying the D'Arcy Cropp sub- division plans." Carried. ter reement 14. Allan Sootheran "By -law No. 1311 td authorize the execution on behalf of the Corporation of a certain agreement regarding water with the City of Niagara Falls." read a first, second and third time and passed. n 15. Prior Bridge "That this Council go into committee of the whole to discuss certain matters." Carried. "By -law No. 1309 to restrict the use of lands in the area hereinafter mentioned (plan 103)" read a first, second and third time and passed. -law 89 17. Sootheran Allan "By -law No. 1289 to exempt certain lands from taxes imposed by special assessment in respect of sewers in sewer area No. 2." read a first, second and third time and passed. :1 Prior Bridge "That the application for Hawker and Peddlers license from Theodore McLeod, 51 Young Street, Welland, be not granted." Carried. -law 1308 19. Bridge Prior "By -law No. 1308 to exempt certain lands from the taxes imposed by Special assessment in respect of sewers in Sewer Area No. 1." read a first, second and third time and passed. 20. Sootheran Allan "That the Engineer be authorized to proceed with the securing of signs and the necessary permission from th Highway Department for the erection of Directional signs to the Stamford Memorial Arena." Carried. r py -law 1310 21. Allan Re: i Sootheran "By -law No. 1310 to authorize the execution of an agreement with DtArcy Cropp." read a first, second and third time and passed. 0 Fig Tot h0] July 10/50 Adjourn No. Present Minutes set wal Tourist camp 22. Bridge Prior Mel Dry Cleaning 4. Bridge Allan Reeve Meeting adjourned Hour C Council meeting held in the Council Chamber on Monday, July 17th,19 at 7:30 p.m. G. W. Monroe Reeve R. I. Prior Deputy Reeve J. N. Allan Councillor A. G. Bridge Councillor Wm. Sootheran Councillor Bridge Sootheran "That the minutes of the July 10th meeting be adopte as printed." Carried. Men at work 2. Sootheran signs Allan "That two signs "men at work" be purchased from the Spring Service Limited for the Engineering Dept." Carried. Sootheran Bridge "That a tourist camp license be granted William Reec 1511 Kitchener St., subject to the usual inspection Carried. "That the request of A. H. Wray for Murray Pennie for a dry cleaning plant on the south side of Valle Way be granted subject to the presentation of prope plans and the approval of the building inspector." Carried. ble in "That we do now adjourn to meet again on Monday eve,, July 17th at 7:30 p.m. unless called sooner by the Reeve." !gilding 34specforts Carried. !port G@rvice ation, sion stal ser- ee to klawn ting erk journ y 17/50 1 5. Sootheran Allan "That Charlts McGibbon be grated a per it for the erection of a double cabin on the west side of Stanley Street Lot #13, plan 31." 6. Sootheran Allan "That the building inspector report on the condition existing at 1720 Arthur Street be adopted and his recommendations accepted." 7. Bridge prior "That the request of Shell Oil Co. for the erection of a service station on Plan 1915 -27 having met with the approval of the Building Inspector be granted." 8. Sootheran Prior "That the payment Aiuiuties Branch, on the Municipal the amount to be stricting. 9. Sootheran -law Allan "That the clerk and solicitor be asked to prepare a restricting byelaw conforming with the revised petition as submitted by W. Newby and others." 10. Sootheran Allan "That another letter be sent the Postmaster- General asking for immediate consideration of our previous request to inaugurate Postal Service to the Oaklawn Area in view of the increasing confusion of the residents in receiving their mail as resideriial development continues." 11. Allan Prior Carried. Carried. Carried. of $3,735.72 be paid the Goverment Dept. of Labour, total amount owing Pension Plan, past service account, taken from surplus." Carried. Carried. Carried. "That the Treasurer (R. Dave) act as clerk during the clerk's absence on vacation." carried. 12. Bridge Prior "That we do now adjourn to meet again on Monday, July 24th, at 7:30 p.m., unless sooner called together by the Reeve." Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour 9 p.m. Reeve Monroe res.0 ed zo Road 10. 3ridee az e Prior a* 7 :Lents in co•_ l X1512 11. Allan Sootheran nzie 13. Bridge Prior "That this Municiral Council go on nerord s regretting the passing of the late Rt. Honourable le '1, i. a.- k- -ae King, and in his d. ath, Canada has lost a very distinguished and honourable citizen." lj Prior Sootheran r: OF Lorenzo C!ntr walks w•rit_. hariy first, second are t. 11T1 at the Engineor he instrmatemd t tl??lip the pro- posed rn. 3 asphalting in vi eifltt o' arena from Frederica Street to Cool:: Street or: eazi side of Prince Edward Avenue." "That we appoint R. Miller and W. Deans as Fence Viewers for 1950." "That we do now adjourn to meet July unless sooner called by the 3eeve." G. W. Monroe R. I. Prior J. N. Allan A. G. Bridge W. R. Sootheran Car led. Carried. Regular Council Meeting held in the Council Chamber 31st, 1950, at 7:30 p.m. Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour 9:30 p.m. =1st at 7:30 p.m. Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Carried. actin Ole k on Monday, July "That the minutes of the meeting held on July 24th as printed be adopted." :'Ii t) o Re) Present General Finance Special Council Meeting held in the Council Chamber on Monday July 24th, 1950, at 7:30 p.m. G. W. Monroe R. I. Prior J. N. Allan A. G. Bridge W. R. Sootheran Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor 1. Bridge Sootheran "That the minutes of the meeting held on July 17th be adopted as printed." Carried. 2. Bridge Sootheran "That the Council go into committee on finance consider accounts as presented." 3. Allan Prior Bridge Prior Carried. "That the statement of ROADS Accounts dated July 24th, 1950, as presented, be accented and the accounts be paid amounting to $5,843.03." Carried. Carried. Sootheran Prior "That the statement of GENERAL Accounts dated July 24th, 1950 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $31,123.46." "That the statement of RELIEF Accounts dated July 24th, 1950 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $988.90." Carried. Sootheran Bridge "That the Finance Committee having finished the business do now arise and resume the balance of the Council agenda." Carried. Sootheran Allan "That R. G. Smith be granted a permit for the erection of a Woodworking Shop at the southwest corner of Portage Road at Perkins." Carried. Deputy Reeve R. I. Prior assumed the`Chair during the temporary absence of the Reeve. lights, 8. Bridge Allan "That the application for street lights on Montrose Road by George Bailey, Alex Bailey and Lena Rutan be referred to Councillor Sootheran for a report." Carried. L. Lane fJIistorical Soc., 9 Sootheran Bridge "That the invitation of the Lundy's Lane historical Society be accepted and as many of the Council‘ attend." Carried. Rel 'Civic Holiday a Taxi driver Fir. Building permit Tot hon el We] By-law re Chippewa Centennial HI Hi McTj Basement ih Hi Prior pontrose Rd. Allan burn Ij Bridge Sootheran "That the Reeve proclaim Monday, August 7th, as Civic Holiday." Carried. 3. Bridge Sootheran "That the application for a taxi driver's license from Carroll McRae to drive for Stamford Taxi be granted if approved by the Police Department." Carried. Sootheran Bridge "That F. E. Benson be granted a permit to construct an office and storage building on the west side of Montrose Road, Lot #2." Carried. 5. Sootheran Allan "That John Szeman be granted a permit for the erection of a 20 unit motel on the south side of Portage, Range 8 and 9." Carried. "By -law #1313, 1950. A by -law to restrict the use of lands within parts of Township Lots 133, 123, 116, 132 and 124 and the unopened road allowance between Lots 133 and 132 and between Lots 132 and 124." Read a first, second and third time and passed. Reeve George Bukator and the Centennial Committee invited Council to attend the Centennial Week celebrations. Sootheran Allan "That the Reeve, Council and municipal officials accept the invitation of the Chippewa Reeve and Centennial Committee to attend the celebrations planned for the Village of Chippewa during Centennial Week." Carried. se %ll wet S rection of 8. Sootheran jotels etc. Bridge "That the Township Solicitor be asked to bring in an opinion whether or not the Council can cort rol the erection of motels and tourists camps within the municipality." Carried. Sootheran Allan "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign easement No. 44 555 for the Township of Stamford from Lewis R. Pew for storm sewer between Lots No. 41 and No. 40, Plan 96." Carried. t0. Prior Sootheran "That the Engineer answer letter to the Department of Planning and Development, Toronto re proposed subdivision, Lot 60, (Mewburn Subdivision) giving necessary information, also that he contact Mr. Thistle re sewer tent etc. regarding sames" Carried. Road ain 31 1950. 11. Bridge Allan "That the Stamford Boy Scouts be granted Saturday, October 21st, as "Apple Day Carried. 42. Prior Bridge "By law #1307. A by -law to authorize the construction of certain works as local improvements under the pro- visions of The Local Improvement Act." Read a third time and finally passed. 13. Bridge Sootheran "That in view of the report of Dr. Sturgeon concerning the supply of water on Kalar Road, and that inasmuch as the petition for the laying of the main was sufficiently signed, and also the decision of the Ontario Municipal Board leaving the Coum 11 to decide what would be done and that the laying of this main be proceeded with when a necessary by -law is passed and approved." Ayes: Bridge, Sootheran. Nayes: Allan, Prior, Monroe. Lost. 14. Sootheran Prior "That the Engineer be asked to contact Dr. Sturgeon to obtain type of approved septic tanks and that Dr. Sturgeon be asked to attend the Council meeting August 14th to discuss the matter." Carried. 15. Sootheran Allan "That the Public Utilities be asked to rearrange and add to the lighting on Montrose Road from Lundy's Lane to the Municipal Dump so that lights will be on every other pole, conforming with the rest of the Township." ce Machine 16. Prior Allan "That we approve of the location of Service Machine Tool Company at proposed location and also agree to instal sewer and water to property line, subject to subdivision plan of Boyes as recommended for approval." Carried. Carried. 17. Bridge Sootheran "That the Council do now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, August 8th, at 5:00 p.m. unless sooner called for by the Reeve." Carried. Meeting adjourned. Hour 11:00 p.m. dA/A, Acting Clerk ROE Fir 1 Tot hon S sev i i wat 4i Mc Std Present Minutes 1 Watermain Crown sub. Churcil Finance General Special Council Meeting held in the Council Chambers on Tuesday, August 8th, 1950, at 5 :00 p.m. G. W. Monroe R. I. Prior J. N. Allan A. G. Bridge W. R. Sootheran Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor 1. Bridge Allan "That the minutes of the meeting held on July 31st be adopted as printed." Carried. 2. Bridge Sootheran "That permission be granted to D'Arcy Cropp to build his own water line on Cropp Street and that an agreement be drawn up whereby Mr. Cropp will be permitted to charge a frontage tax on any person tapping on to the line." 3. Bridge Prior 5. Bridge Allan Carried. "That the Building Inspector be authorized to issue a permit for the erection of a church on Dorchester Road." WeL Carried. Tourist camp 4. Sootheran Allan "That Constance Lounsbury be granted a permit to add 8 additional units to existing camp on the north side of Lundy's Lane, Part Township Lot 133, presently known as the tBlue Goose Camp'." Carried. "That the Council go into a committee on Finance to consider the accounts as presented." Carried. Sootheran Bridge "That the statement of ROADS Accounts dated August 8th, 1950 as presented be accepted and the accoun be paid amounting to $11,868.69. Carried. 7. Sootheran Bridge "That the statement of RELIEF Accounts dated August 8th, 1950 as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amoun to-$3.$43.W Carried. 8, Sootheran Allan "That the statement of GENERAL Accounts dated Augus 8th, 1950 as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $22,567.18." Carried. Bridge Sootheran "That the committee on Finance do now arise and resume the council agenda." Carried. treet in me 10. Allan Sootheran "That Tourist Home Licenses be Welstead, 2470 Lundy's Lane; 2690 Lundy's Lane, subject to issued to Mrs. H. Mrs. J. Hamilton, the usual inspectioh." Carried. ox 11. Bridge Prior "That the Engineer be authorized to provide barricade on Drummond Road for the purpose of holding a Soap Box Derby under the supervision of the Stamford Men's Club and that the Chief of Police be advised in regard to the protection of other persons on September 2nd, 1950, at 2 p.m." 8, 1950 12. Bridgd Allan Carried. "That we do now adjourn to meet again on Monday, August 14th at 7:30 p.m." Reeve Carried. Meeting adjourned Carried. Carried. Carried. A delegation of residents from Kalar Road attended the meeting and requested information as to what action is being taken in respect to the Kalar Road watermain from Woodbine Street to Thorold Road. This group was advised that Dr. Sturgeon had been invited to attend the meeting to report on matters relative to this work. The reason for his absence probably being that he is on vacation. Prior Sootheran "That the minutes of August 8th meeting be adopted as printed." Prior Sootheran "That R. Deline be granted permission to lay a sewer from Lot #5, High Street, to the main on Byng Avenue under supervision of the Engineer and Mr. LaMarsh be requested to prepare the necessary by -law." Sootheran Prior "That Tourist Home Licenses be granted Mrs. Margaret Maga&Os, Mr. Karl Pettay, Joe Bomans and Mrs. Stella Bredin subject to the usual inspection." Regular Council meeting held in the Council Chambers on Monday, August 14th, 1950, at 7:30 p.m. G. W. Monroe Reeve R. I. Prior Deputy Reeve J. N. Allan Councillor A. G. Bridge Councillor W. R. Sootheran Councillor >a f=� j;'Cloke Rel Subdivision Roa 'Victualling :license Fin 1Memorial Service Tou i hom W Sid 1 l arailer camps selfl wa'j Meld St i�l 1 Auxiliary w watermain :I {Extension of :bi}s service 4. Bridge Prior "That F. Branscombe Company be asked to deed to the Municipality of Stamford 5 lots on north sides of Frederick Street as shown on draft plan, dated> June 29th, 1950, prepared by R. B. Erwin." Sootheran Prior "That Gino Capitano be granted a victualling licen subject to the usual inspection." 6. Prior Allan "That as many as possible of Council attend annual Memorial Service at Stamford Green Memorial Garden on Sunday evening, September 10th at 7 p.m and that permission be granted the Horticultural Society to close off Portage Road from O'Neil St. to Stamford Green Drive from 6;30 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. during the holding of this service." Prior Bridge That this Council approve the application of Canadian National Transportation Limited to extend its local bus services from the city limit on Stanley Avenue, via Stanley Avenue and Portage Road in the Township of Stamford to the Township line between Stamford and Niagara. We believe this proposed bus service is a public necessity and is required for the convenience of the public in connection with extension work on the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario which it is proposed to carry out in this area, and we respectfully request the Ontario Municipal, Board to grant a Certificate of Public Necessity and Convenience to the said company for this route." Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Sootheran Prior "That the Solicitor be instructed to prepare a by -law designating the operation of trailer camps only in the following area Lands owned by H.E.P.C. bounded on the north by the C.N.R. spurline (in Township Lot 42) on the west by the east side of Stanley Avenue; on the south by the southeran boundary of Township Lot #57 and on the east by H.E.P.C. Canal and C.N.R. main line." Carried. 9. Bridge Sootheran "That City of Niagara Falls be granted permission to construct their auxiliary watermain on Stanley Avenue from M.0 .R.R. tracks to McLeod Road; on Murray Street from Stanley Avenue to Drummond Roe and on Drummond Road from Murray Street to Lundy' Lane under the supervision of the Engineer pro vided City assume all responsibikity during construction and restore roads to the present condition upon completion of this work. That the City be advised that other roads mentioned in letter of August 4th are not under the control of this Council." Carried. i is vem 1 1 14 10. Allan Prior "By -law #1314, 1950. A by -law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to sign an agreement between His Majesty the King in the Right of Canada represented by Wartime Housing Limited and the Municipality of the Township of Stamford." Read a first, second and third time and passed. 11. Bridge Sootheran "That this Council go on record as being opposed to any local improvements being constructed on any subdivisions except by contractors who are doing the same work in other portions of the Township and who are under the supervision of the Engineer providing we have the power to do so." Reeve Carried. 12. Sootheran Allan "That Mr. John Gonczo be granted a victualling license for the operation of a lunch room at 3209 Drummond Road subject to the usual inspection." Carried. 13. Bridge Prior "That we approve of plan submitted by R. Blake Erwin, 0.L.S. dated August 8th, 1950, of the Cloke Subdivision in Township Lot 60 (file 627) provided: (1) That the park area be divided into lots and numbered. (2) That Mr. Branscombe sign an agreement re rental for use of Area #2 Sewers for 22 years. (3) That the sewer and water construction be under the supervision of the Engineer and be constructed by Township's contractor doing similar work. (4) That the agreement re roads, sewer and water be signed by owners. (5) That the owner enter into satisfactory arrange- ments re restrictions." Carried. Reeve G. W. Monroe gave a full report on the conference he and Engineer M. F. Ker had with the Hydro- Electric Power Commission officials on Saturday when the new canal project was explained to officials of Niagara Falls, Niagara Parks Commission and Stamford. Sootheran Allan "That we do now adjourn to meat Monday, August 21st, at 7:30 p.m." Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour 9:15 p.m. 1 13141 11 4dJ14 I I Cler 1 i i P R 0 Fi> To: ho: We: No 40 1 Present Special Meeting of the Municipal Council held in the Council Chambers on Thursday, August 17th at 7 :30 p.m. G. W. Monroe R. I. Prior J. N. Allan A. G. Bridge W. R. Sootheran Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor r. Deputy -Reeve 1. Sootheran Bridge "That the Deputy Reeve take the chair until the arrival of the Reeve." Carried. Mr. F. A. Branscombe addressed the Council in regard to his pro- posed subdivision north of Keith Street. He requested approval to call for tenders for the installation of sewer and watermains on the streets in this section. The tenders were to be in accordance with Township specifications and tender forms. After discussion the Council informed Mr. Branscombe he could call for tenders in accordance with Township specifications. The Stamford Public Utilities Commission attended the meeting at 8:30 p.m. and presented the following request for funds to con- struct certain watermains and do other work in the Waterworks Department: "To the Reeve and Members of Stamford Township Council. Gentlemen: I have been instructed by the Stamford Public Utilities Com- mission to request Stamford Township Council to issue Debentures to provide funds to finance capital expenditures for the con- struction of the following works: (1) The construction of a 12 inch watermain on Morrison St. from Stanley Ave. to Portage Road $22,566.59 (2) The construction of a Booster Station to be located on Morrison St 20,000.00 (3) The construction of a 12 inch watermain on Portage Rd. from Morrison St. to the north limit of Hydro Canal right -of -way 10,386.76 (4) The construction of a 12 inch watermain on Portage Road from the north limit of Hydro Canal right -of -way to the north limit of the N. S. T. right -of -way. In this connection the Commission request the Council to initiate the construction of a 12 inch main as a local improvement on the basis of the estimated cost of a 12 inch main and the frontage assessment equivalent to that of a 6 inch main, (Section 8 of The Local Improvement Act) and to carry through the Local Improvement proceedings up to and including the'Court of Revision, and after the Court of Revision has been held the Public Utilities Commission will pay over to the Corporation the excess cost of the 12 inch main over the cost of the 6 inch main out of funds provided by debentures, thus reducing the Corporation's share to only that of a 6 inch main which will be collected as a local improvement. The total estimated cost of item 4 20,356.62 11 6temain 8,211.80 Therefore the amount the Commission will require to be raised., by. debentures 12 144.82 ris f (5) The construction of a 12 inch watermain on Portage Rd. from the north limit of the N. S. T. right -of -way to Thorold Stone Road 13,761.98 (6) The construction of a 500,000 gallon elevated Water Tank located approximately at the rear of 2260 Lundy's Lane with pipe connections, sewer connections, valve and sizing pressure valve chamber, and the purchase of land (7) The installation of approximately 3500 water meters to be installed as delivery is made The above is the programme as outlined by the Commission for the year 1950 and the commission respectively request your co- operation in providing funds for these capital expenditures and assist in securing approval of the Municipal Board for the issuing of their debentures. Debentures for items 1 to 6 inclusive to run for twenty years and item 7 to run for 10 years. 3 20 yrs. 3 (0.069) Annual Payment Item 7 10 yrs. 33% (0.1202) Annual Payment Item 4 Corporation details Total Cost 6" watermain Cost per foot Cost per ft. per year (20 yrs. 3 (0.069) Yours very truly, (Sgd) M. F. Ker M. F. Ker, Consultant Engineer. SUMMARY Item 1 22,566.59 2 20,000.00 10,386.76 4 12,144.82 5 13,761.98 6 14o.468.86 219,329.01 15,133.70 75,000.00 9,015.00 8,211.80 1.90 each side 0.13 140,468.86 7 5,000.0 0 Reauest For Construction (20 yrs.( $219,329.01 For Meters (10 yrs.) 75,000.00 2. Sootheran Prior "That the recommendations of Mr. F. Ker relative to the construction of watermains, Booster Station, the installations of water meters and elevated water tank, as outlined in his letter of August 17th, be accepted and the necessary steps be taken in conjunction with the Public Utilities to have the work proceeded with as soon as possible and that the necessary by laws be prepared to initiate the watermain on Portage Road between H.E.P.C. and N.S.&T. right -of- way." Ayes: Prior, Sootheran, Allan, Monroe. ,Nayes: Bridge. Carried. i Re' Funds re hydro Re MO 1 The Commission also requested additional Hinds for hydro pur- poses to take care of new plant construction this year. Figures were presented showing the hydro cost during the past few years which indicated that finances were required to proceed with capital expenditures. 3. Sootheran Allan "That providing the necessary approvals are granted, the Public Utilities be asked to proceed with construction according to item number four of the Engineer's letter of August 17th." 4 Bridge Sootheran "That the Clerk be instructed to write to the Ontario Hydro Power Commission to seek approval for the issuing of $75,000.00 debentures for the local hydro system for the construction of necessary work in 1950." 5. Allan Sootheran That we do now adjourn to meet Monday evening, August 21st at 7:30 p.m." Reeve Special Meeting held in the Council Chambers 21st, 1950 at 6:30 p.m. 1, Sootheran Bridge: Prior Ufa G. W. Monroe R. I. Prior J. N. Allan A. G. Bridge W. R. Sootheran Carried. Carried. Carried. Meeting adjourned. Hour 9:30 P.M. n1� Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Clerk on Monday, August "That the minutes of the last regular and- special meetings:lie.adopted. as printed. Carried., "That we: go into: committee; on. finance Carpi Qarriad.. Sootheeren, 411.44, "That the statement of ROADS Accounts dated August 2Lst, 1950 as presented, be accepted and_ Olt be. pact amounting to tab3 7 71. E` Soother[; 421At1 "That the statement qr 4SMF.RAI. Accounts: dated 'AUgoat 214t,. 195Q; as preashO,d,. be accepted and.. V!tki W41$0$0.:, SWUM to) s&> 05.z. t! e st 5. Bridge Prior "That the statement of RELIEF Accounts dated August 21st, 1950 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $1,043.17." Carried. 6. Allan Prior "That we adjourn as a finance committee and proceed with regular council business." Carried. Sootheran Prior "That we approve the recommendation of Police Commission for the appointment for an additional constable." Prior Allan 10. Bridge Prior Carried. "By law #1315, 1950. A by -law re outlet into trunk sewer and disposal tank in Sewer Area ho. 2 for Cloke Subdivision." Read a first and second tune. "That all members of Council may attend Ontario Municipal Association Convention at Sudbury along with the Clerk." Carried. "That the Engineer and Chairman of Sewer Committee be empowered to attend the convention of Sewer and Sanitation at B#gainn; ;nn,an September llth to 13th." JJ Carried. 11. Prior Allan "That the Stamford Public Utilities be granted a permit to construct an elevated steel water tank on part of Lots 46 and 47, Plan #64, south side Lundy's Lane." Carried. 42. Bridge Prior "That a letter be sent to the Welland County Council and the Board of Transport Commissioners for the instal- lation of a wig -wag at the Wabash Railway crossing on the Montrose Road." Carried. 13. Bridge Allan "That the Clerk be instructed to have an advertisement in Evening Review advising all property owners that weeds must be cut and destroyed at once." Carried. Allan Prior "That M. G. Mashford be granted a permit to construct6 units and office to his present tourist court." Carried. A 5. Prior Bridge That the Clerk take the necessary steps to have side- walks initiated on both sides of west Barker between Corwin and Carlton Streets, also north side of west Barker between Franklin and Carlton, and small portion on south side of west »ater between Frankla,n and Carl$gp St1'nlSs,w Carried, unicipal 9. Prior v Allan Ro li J »v -law #1316 17. Prior Bridge "By -law #1316, 1950, A by -law to designate the area of land which is to be used as a trailer camp and for prohibiting the use of other lands i I for the use of such purposes." Read a first, second and third time and finally passed. To Ad jourrl rra f I I Dept. of j', $lrhways By law #1117 18. Prior Allan "By -law #1317, 1950. A by -law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute an Agreement with Roy Deline regarding a sewer." Read a first, second and third time and finally passed. .42 ;Present !Ip sel 101 'Minutes 41 Aug. 21,1950. Public Util. Warden Subdiv. 16. Prior Allan 19. Bridge Prior 2. Prior Bridge "That a letter of appreciation be sent to the Deputy Minister of Highways, Mr. J. Millar, for the action taken regarding suggestions re Dorchester Traffic Circle and the removal of trees near 'Welcome Inn'." Carried. "That we do now adjourn to meet again on Monday, August 28th, unless sooner called by the Reeve." Re e Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour 9:30 P.M. Add i Regular Council Meeting held in the Cbuncil Chambers on Monday, August 28th, 1950, at 7:30 p.m. G. W. Monroe R. I. Prior J. N. Allan A. G. Bridge W. R. Sootheran Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Bridge Allan "That the minutes of meeting held August 21st be adopted as printed." Carried. "That the Utilities be requested to run electtic line to property of W. Hayward on east side of Fry Avenue." Carried. Clerk Allan Prior "By -Law #1320, 1950, A by -law to regulate the use of land and character, location and use of structures. (age Warden). Read a first, second and third time and finally passed. Road 1 Su ombe s 4. Sootheran Prior "That we send the signed statement of Kalar Road owners to Dr. Sturgeon asking that he apply to the Department of Health for a mandatory order for the installation of a watermain on Kalar Road." 5. Allan Prior 6. Prior Allan Sub 7. Prior Allan ision Allan Prior 11, Allan Prior Carried. "By Law #1319, 1950. A By -law to regulate the use of land and character, location and use of structures. (Harvey Caswell)." Read a first, second and third time and finally passed. "By -Law #1322, 1950. A By -law to regulate the use of land and character, location and use of structures. (Branscombe Erwin)." Read a first, second and third time and finally passed. "By -Law #1321, 1950. A By -law to regulate the use of land and character, location and use of structures. (Herbert Weaver)." Read a first, second and third time and finally passed. "By Law #1318, 1950. A By -law to regulate the use of lands and character, location and use of structures. (D'Arcy Cropp)." Read a first, second and third time and finally passed. ome 9. Bridge Allan "That Tourist Home Licenses be granted to: Mrs. Frank Enid s•83�; l Street Robert Keighan, 2515 Portage Roati, subject to the sual inspection." Carried. 10. Sootheran Bridge "That whereas Mr. Guglielmo Reechia was not elegible to become a member of the Municipal Pension Plan when it was instituted on Notember 1st, 1948, because of his age, And whereas the plan provides that past service annuity equal to $15.00 for each completed year of service up to the effective date of the plan, be paid to all employees who signed up for same and Mr. Reechia has so signed, Therefore Be It Resolved that we purchase an immediate annuity for Mr. Gugliel.mo (William) Reechia with the Township of Stamford being named as the purchaser at a cost of $65 Carried. "That the Engineer and Chairman of Cemetery Committee be delegated to attend Cemetery Convention in Guelph September 27th, 28th, 29th." Carried. 12. Bridge Sootheran "That the Clerk advise the Ontario Department of Plamingj and Development that this Council agree to the sub- division of part of Lot 148, owned by Miss Jean Lundy and Mrs. M. 0. Lundy." Carried. l ip ..r ca 4 S z I I Sewer ii dental (d Revised Plan 14. I l i i� "Local 15. ijimnrovements $v -law 1121 16. Iv -law 1124 17. sip: Aljiv -law 1325 18. Sootheran Shp Pttor II!�� Hydro 19. Prior MO committee Allan i Aug 13. Prior Allan Sootheran Bridge "That we authorize the Reeve and Clerk to sign a sewer rental agreement with R. A. Fraser, 197 Queenston Street, St. Catharines, to connect with sewer on Keith Street, from second lot north of Keith Street on Portage Road at a rate of 35.35 per year for 30 years." Carried. Bridge Sootheran "That the Clerk write to the Ontario Planning and Development that this Council approve of the revised plan of Part Lot 56, Township of Stamford." Carried. "That the Clerk and Engineer take the necessary steps to initiate the following: Sidewalks to be constructed on the north side of Leeming Street between Dorchester Road and Brookfield Avenue; on south side of Leeming Street between Dorchester Road and Mouland Avenue; on both sides of west Barker between Bonn'- and Carlton and small portion ton south side of west Barker between Franklin and Carlton Streets; on the east side of Franklin Avenue from Culp to Barker Street; that sewers and watermains be constructed on Margaret Street from Dorchester Road to Waters Avenue." Carried. Prior Sootheran "By -Law #1323 1950. A By -law to provide for borrowing upon debentures to pay for various capital expenditures." Read a first and second time. Allan Sootheran "By -Law #1324, 1950. A By -law to declare the desirability of undertaking certain work as a local improvement under the provisions of The Local Improvement Act." Read a first, second and third time and finally passed. "By -law #1325, 1950. A By -law to authorize the con- struction of a watermain on Portage Road as a local improvement under the provisions•of The Local Improvement Act." Read a first and second time. "That the Reeve appoint a committee to represent Council on Hydro Project matters." Carried. The Reeve appointed Deputy -Reeve R. I. Prior, Councillor W. R. Sootheran and Engineer M. F. Ker and himself as a committee to act 'on Hydro Project matters. 20. Bridge Prior That the Township Hall be closed on Monday, September 4th being Labour Day, and that the next Council meeting be on Tuesday, Sept. 5th at 5:30 p.m. unless sooner called by•the Reeve and that we do now adjourn Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour 11:30 P.M. H i it Re ve ing t 5,1950. Regular Council Meeting held in the Council Chambers on Tuesday, September 5th, 1950, at 5:30 p.m. 1. Bridge Allan 2. Bridge Allan Rentals 4. Bridge Bridge Allan R. I. Prior J. N. Allan A. G. Bridge �!e%l/y1'~ Acting Reeve G. W. Monroe R. I. Prior J. N. Allan A. G. Bridge W. R. Sootheran Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor "That Deputy Reeve Prior take the Chair until the arrival of the Reeve." "That the minutes of the meeting held on August 28th be adopted as printed." 3. Allan Bridge "That in view of the fact that the Department of Highways has issued a permit for the erection of a motel on Lots 757, 758, 759, south side of Buchanan, that the Building Inspector issue a permit, providing they conform to the Building By -law, to A. J. Marschello." Prior "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign sewer rental agreements for: Roy Deline, 2352 High Street Walter S. Sherk, 1712 Dunn Street James W. McCann, 2130 Keith Street." Special Council Meeting held in the Council Chambers September llth, 1950, at 7 :30 p.m. Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. 5. Bridge Allan "That we accept the offer of Mr. Stephen Vigh to deed a lot being the continuation of Hodgson Avenue providing he grades the lot satisfactory to the Engineer and that the one foot strip be deeded at the end of the lot so deeded, and the Township Solicitor draw up the necessary papers." Carried. "That we do now adjourn to meet again on Monday, Sept. llth at 7:30 p.m. unless sooner called by the Reeve." Carried. Meeting adjourned. Hour 6:50 P1/4M. on Monday, Clerk F, 1.I Finance T4 '`I Roads `v Relief Iih 4. :.1 General 1 YY Warehouse I t j l ..I p l II knnance II Minutes Restricted ;I area by -law 1 Street 7. liahts 4. Allan Prior 5. Prior Allan 1. Bridge Allan "That the minutes of the meeting held on September 5th be adopted as printed." Carried. 2. Prior Bridge "That the Clerk be asked to have the necessary restricted area by -law prepared re proposed sub- division of Swayze Estate, Plan 876, Township of Stamford." Carried. 3. Bridge Allan "That the Council convene as a Finance Committee to consider accounts." Carried. "That the statement of ROADS Accounts dated September llth as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $6,202.38." Carried. "That the statement of RELIEF Accounts dated September llth as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $244.79." Carried. 6. Prior Sootheran "That the statement of GENERAL Accounts dated September llth as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $162,970.96." Carried. Sootheran Bridge "That the Finance Committee having completed the passing of accounts do now resume the balance of the agenda." Carried. Bridge Prior "That the Building Inspector be authorized to issue a building, permit for a warehouse on Stanley Street for the Ontario Hydro Electric Power Commission." Carried. Sootheran Allan "That the Public Utilities be asked to instal one light on St. Mark's Street and two lights on Caswell Street to be located in such a manner to conform with additional lights when further building warrant That trees between Worth and Prospect on Portage Road be trimmed to give existing lights chance to illuminate area." Darried. 10. Sootheran Bridge "That the application for a Hawker's and Pedlar's License from the Dominion Readers Service for sales men,7. J. Smukcand L. J. Hamilton be not granted." Carried. v 7 n 2 11,1950 11. Prior Sootheran "That we approve of McLeod sale to Podhorn as re- commended by Planning Board subject to owner deeding extension of Duncan and Alex Avenues from existing street to a line parallel with north limits of lands to be conveyed." 12. Bridge Prior "That we approve of the Grandoni Sale to the Director, Veterans' Land Act as per letter from W. C. LaMarsh, K.0 13. Bridge Sootheran "That we notify the Planning Board that we do not approve of the sale of any land to Stefan Graczwk by Harvey Caswell, being part of Township Lot 113, Valley Way, as proposed building would not be in the best interests of the neighbourhood." 14. Carried. Carried. Carried. Bridge Prior "By -Law #1326. A by -law to declare the desirability of undertaking certain works as a local improvement under the provisions of The Local Improvement Act." Read a first, second and third time and finally passed. Allan Sootheran "By -Law #1327. A by -law to authorize the construction of certain works as local improvements under the pro- visions of The Local Improvement Act." Read a first and second time. 16 Prior Allan "That the Engineer request Department of Highways to repair approach to Royal Subdivision at Lundy's Lane as it is in a dangerous condition." Reeve Carried. e 17. Sootheran Allan That the Engineer be asked to spread a little stone on the eastern end of Morden Drive to help residents get necessary domestic services during muddy periods." Carried. 18. Bridge Allan "That this Council request the County Council to have directional signs erected at the corner of McLeod Road and Stanley Avenue." Carried. 19. Sootheran Allan "That we do now adjourn to meet September 18th at 7:30 p m. Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour 9:00 P.M. it I mtnutee EL r toi Sanitary con1itione 4?; •;1 St 40 44 ri yize Increase 'Ivo 4 *"'InZ fr4sent Building permit W Lat 4,111:1 Special Council Meeting held in the September 18th, 1950, at 7:30 p.m. 1. Bridge Allan 3. Sootheran Allan 5. Sootheran Bridge G. W. Monroe R. 1. Prior J. N. Allan A. G. Bridge W. R. Sootheran "That the mins llth be approved t: increase Council Chambers on Monday, Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor of the meeting hell on 5ept, as real," Carriel, 2. Bridge Sootheran "That the letter from Mr. I/ Mrs. Ylre?g peyer1 the unsanitary con:itions et. on toe property be referred to 9 Tc:t for immeliate action to eliminate the ektpeliely unsanitary condition." Vap7lel, "That the ?tiblic oe Jo-- reouested a lignt in front some months ago ahl as yet :Jo rictHn. sas tgeen taken. 7 be rei;ested to ma-ce the :n-s7:;;;AY-' 3S sooh as poss23le,' tA 4. Sootheran Allan "That 5. Tfnacs he ranted e 2nit and vorkshop on the so site ot' kirtaut, Part TOwnship Lat Fliaft ;a 2 "2 "L tietft fl 22r!.;!J: 4 5 0 M:-,71 1 1" v- vajes De t_a-oleil :agrm-e 6. Sootheran Bridge "That the Clefr be empwene_i? to tirir,s 17 to exclufs Lot *2 :tr_smi neit.:na Ind l i“4 ;:n the value or tolae_s ftsut ia/r/D1 7t.', 7. Prior Bridge "Bty-Lav #1 1950, t.P Luthhrz an Azreemert betwibeko the: Crcul:,Tvtiin iUt 1)1ii-17 Cropp for maintehunce ti"wtts_z% 7fia*" public highways_ ZrOrp Strtt ant :17 .t-;mu. Read a fint,, sterna lath Wit itumt Stvithenn "triy-Lkie 19.50 to idilit:sint'dite tit f subdivision agreitmetit. anti the :Cor,ptinit.i)n..'" lieu(' Lid zinz aitirmnid imw thitv.1 tame And passed.. M t c. h Street lizht 1. 11 J."'" 0 LY OLAI 10 P1111 11, 9. Sootheran Prior Bridge bootheran Atlan Southoran Soot ran Allan Sentomber 2 "By-Law l000, I 3, SUbdiViS :try I I I j I 1 is Brant and Li ‘L'ul 111 1 and third "That we approv Lot 73 by 1iavol L. "By-Law fil311, _7.. fuel dealer:.' and passed. "That we 7:00 p.m.” mtLidat aeeve '4m ..14e 'emLar megl meet'ni ir. tne corirenence Ioor am Liam-ease ir. wagez. an:. 7.7 Boothe "Tn.at, tne De et:opt-et, I I li.L.11. ant: have the e.':_nays: g o:- .y::- r,o o' to "frie fra)vw_i.n:' re f&,•• 2:ab;; ,1 „.,-;':.-t./ T HY Itkrt 71er lgrfsr '.Ltt-1.1uriz.er.f. to li.afv: t.n. .os-ot.;.,....g „.r.H.,."t).: c TIlej.,:ariduent- ah-. ..v.'_4 1., Lisclet one:t! Jej..:/.,..".„ J... t -4- ■•••S r :fr 4 14 9 -I n tt. 4.19.1. 1. 4 .1 c 49 4 5 1 7 I. !C I II itptf/alt no I VLI k'o..t4o14‘,11. tb-L 9.7,c7;;,;k 1.9.r V) L.; vir •9J 44i 4,t„t1 1 ..LL. delemat_ior fror, tne Ball t iiti ..I P -e%..A' :,-'it.-r...' 1 I i laisan. Secrsoary flarenote l-eaDe fl': 7177:- ,,,ic. .L____ tne mee yen-pally "i: t:J.;- i.;... t;,1.,/ IC aCeep: tri propoio.lon -0` 9'. y ',L.: '...Dt4,,.„:' o 3 trl.fl 7,e”t lat',... c-'' depteML/47 2t,!,: lis. „1;.,,E.: .6, 4 ,C navt trik .L.C.K.:SL tnaht,eo tg LaI 5(, >....I :4/ "4:.: ;5.4; *1 a 41; 51 I Tourist camp 3. Bridge Sootheran "That the application for victualling license be granted to Oliver S. Scott, 2314 Thorold Road, subject to the usual inspection and that the license previously issued to Steve Yeyna at the same address be and is hereby cancelled." 4. Allan Prior 5. Sootheran Allan "That the statement of RELIEF Accounts dated September 15th, 1950 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $1102.19." 6. Allan Sootheran "That the statement of GENERAL Accounts dated September 15th, 1950 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $12,608.07." Allan Bridge Carried. i�. "That we adjourn to go into committee on finance." Carried. Carried. 7. Allan Sootheran "That the statement of ROADS Accounts dated September 15th, 1950 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $5 Carried. "That we adjourn as a finance committee and proceed' with regular council business." Carried. Sootheran Bridge "That Henry Papst be granted a permit for the erection of 9 double cabins on the east side of Buchanan Avenue, part Township Lot 127, Plan 2795. Carried. Representative owners of property in the Royal Subdivision addressed the Council in respect to park lands within the subdigiaion. They suggested that if the Municipality would have j the park lands ploughed and graded and supply the seed, the residents would be willing to plant the seed and take care of the park after the planting. The Council was of the opinion that the lands should be ploughed down this fall and the sod ;would rot during the winter and early next spring the land could be worked up and seed planted: The following resolution !was passed in this respect:: Royal sub- 110. Sootheran division narks Bridge "That the request for-aid in constructing a park for the use of the residents of the Royal Sub- division be granted and the Engineer proceed i with the amount of work he deems feasible at present. The residents be commended for the 1 public spiritedness in offering to help with the labour on the project." Carried. cks 've 11. Sootheran Prior "That the Clerk be instructed to contact petitioners for road improvement and building of sidewalks on Sinnicks Avenue, informing they; that present building construction is such that sidewalks for 1950 are not in order and recommend that a sidewalk petition on a regular form be submitted next year. That the road be graded and patched as soon as possible." in re 12. Allan Sootheran "That the following increases in wages and salaries be granted in view of the increased cost of living as from September lst, 1950: Hourly labourers 04 per hour Junior draftsman $80.00 per year Rodman $80.00 per year Stenographers and female employees $50.00 per year Janitor $80.00 per year." 2 5,1950, Carried. Carried. 13. Sootheran Bridge "That Norman Watson be granted a permit for a Fuel Dealer's License for the balance of 1950, the Clerk pointing out that Council is not in accord with the location of a wood yard in a residential area and would recommend that he seek another site for 1951 activities." Carried. 14. Allan Prior "That we petition the Department of Highways for interim payment of the statutory grant under the Highway Improvement Act on expenditures amounting to $90,678.09 made to August 31st, 1950." Carried. Mr. Anthony Priest appeared before Council and complained about dogs running at large in the vicinity of his property at Portage Road and Valleyway. He stated that many of the dogs did not have license tags. The Clerk was requested to refer the matter to the proper authorities for action. 15. Prior Sootheran "That the amount of $471.51 overdraft on Arena Debenture Account be taken from surplus account." Carried. 2 16. Prior Allan "By law #1332, 1950, to add to Presbyterian Burying Grounds as constituted by Cemetery By -law #911, 1944, and to make applicable thereto all the provisions of the said by -law." Read a first, second and third time and passed. 17. Sootheran Bridge "That we do now adjourn to meet Monday, October 2nd, 1950, at 7 :30 p.m." Carried. Meeting adjourned, Hour 10: 0 IJ iJLtii P .M. 1 Clerk o. 47 ;;Present, :?Minutes E'I 1 By -law 1334 2. Prior Allan I: Building i; permit I By -law 1111 4. Bridge Prior J Corwin Cres. subdivision ;Hunting licenses grail St Regular Council Meeting held in the Council Chambers on Monday, October 2nd, 1950, at 7:30 p.m. G. W. Monroe R. I. Prior J. N. Allan A. G. Bridge Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor 1. Bridge Allan "That the minutes of the Council meeting held on September 25th be adopted as printed." J Carried. "By -Law #1334. A by -law to provide for the borrowing of money pending the sale of debentures." Read a first, second and third time and passed. 3. Bridge Prior "That the Building Inspector be authorized to issue a permit to Norman Crick at 3654 Woodbine Avenue subject to the approval of the Sanitary Inspector." Prior Allan J !7. Bridge Prior Carried. "By -Law #1333. A By -law to authorize the execution of an agreement between the Falls View Hose Brigade and the Corporation." Read a first, second and third time and passed. That we approve of plan of Corwin Crescent Subdivision as outlined in red, plan dated April 21st and amended September 20th, 1950, subject to the following conditions: (1) 20 foot easement from Dunn Street to Erwin Cres. (2) Deed to be furnished from H.E.P,C. to Township for Erwin Crescent. (3) Pedestrian right -of -way 5 feet wide between Lot 63 and 64. (4) Applicant produce an easement for relief sewer from Franklin Avenue to Corwin Crescent. (5) 1 foot reserve at end of Corwin Crescent. (6) Owner consent to usual restrictions. (7) Township construct watermain as local improvement. (8) Owner pay cost of constructing a 12 inch sewer, Township pay excess cost. (9) Owner construct roads." Prior Allan "That the price of pheasant hunting license for non- residents be as follows: 1 day 2 days 3 days or more $1.00 $2.00 $3.00 Carried. Residents will pay usual 25¢ for license and that we agree to reciprocal agreement with Crowland and Thorold Townships respecting licenses." Carried. "That we approve of the sale of a lot on Rial1 Street by Ernest G. Wills to his brother Gordon Wills subject to the approval of the Planning Board and the Township Engineer." Carried, olence iga ivisi.n 8. Bridge Prior "That this Council authorize the Township Engineer to attend the funeral of Mr. Ted Marshall of the Highways Department and that the Clerk and Engineer forward a letter of condolence to the family." 9. Allan Prior Green 10. Allan iv sion Carried. "That we approve of the J. Savriga proposed subdivision plan drawn by R. B. Erwin, dated October 23rd, 1947, as amended September llth, 1950, subject to the following conditions: (1) The owner enter into satisfactory arrangements concerning restrictions, (2) That the owner deed the Corporation a one foot reserve at the west .end of Caswell Street. (3) That the owner enter into the usual arrangements regarding the cost of services and roads. (1005)." Carried. Prior "That we approve of the Alem Green proposed subdivision of part of Township Lot }140 prepared by R. 13. Erwin, dated September 8th, 1950, subject to the following conditions: (1) That the owner convey by deed a one foot reserve at the west end of diem Street. (2) That the owner enter into satisfactory arrangements concerning restrictions. (3) That one lot be deeded to the Corporation for park purposes. (4) That the lot on north side of Alem Street be included and numbered in plan." Carried. 11. Bridge Prior "That Monday being Thanksgiving Day the Township offices will be closed and that the Council meet at 5:30 on Tuesday, October 10th." Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour P. M. Li la Regular Council Meeting held in the Council Chambers on Tuesday, October 10th, at 5:30 p.m. G. W. Monroe R. I. Prior J. N. Allan A. G. Bridge W. R. Sootheran Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Mr. F. W. Reid of 218 Portage Road complained to Council about certain action taken by the Police Department in connection with a Junk yard he apparently operates at that address. Mr. Reid was advised to make any complaints concerning the Police Department to the Police Com- mission,bf the Township. g. N Minutes €s; Sewer Water Vine St. Vi Used Car License By -law 1315 5. R.Prior A] lan By -law 1323 6. Rates By 1322 Victualling License Armistice Day Mrs. Harold Smith protested to the Council about a picket fence between her property and the Benyo property being called a spite fence during the Council meeting of a week ago. No action taken. 1. Bridge Allan Sootheran Prior "That the minutes of the meeting held on October 2nd be adopted as printed." Carried. "That we approve the report of Engineer M. F. Ker on the construction of sewers and watermains on Vine St. and instruct the Engineer and Clerk to have the necessary by -laws prepared to proceed with the ap- provals of same." Carried. Crawford 3. Allan Bldg Permit Sootheran "That Norman Crawford be granted a permit to build a workshop and showroom on Lot No. 673 plan 2795 Kitchener St. as per application for building permit." 4. Sootheran Allan Carried. "That the application of David Gauthier for a used car license be laid over for a week." Carried. "By -law #1315. A by -law to provide a sewer rate of *10.00 per lot for subdillsion composed of 118 lots in Twp. lot 60." Read a third time and passed. Sootheran Allan "That the schedules of rates appearing in the first two readings of by -law 1323 be cancelled and the revised schedule appearing on the third reading be approved." Carried. Allan Sootheran "By -law #1323. A by -law to provide for borrowing $294,329. upon debentures to pay for various capital expenditures." Read a third time and passed. Sootheran Bridge "That a victualling license be granted to George and Rachel Jackson, 1985 North St." Sootheran Prior "That the clerk be instructed to communicate with clerk of the City of Niagara Falls ac- knowledging their letter in regards to Armistice Day Services suggesting it be a joint affair with Rev. Newton speaking for Stamford along with Reeve Monroe." Carried. ephone Graham eet hts ea ve r chankula divisions ourn eral ds ief nce 10. Bridge Sootheran "That the Clerk be instructed to write to Bell Telephone Co. that the Council feel that the Niagara Fars Exchange should make every effort to give service to N. Graham on the Garner Road." 12. Prior Sootheran Carried. 11. Sootheran Bridge "That inasmuch as construction and occupancy of the majority of residences on Division St. and Sinnicks Ave. and on Morden Drive between King and Stanley, and on Hpdgsan north of Rysdale have been completed, the Public Utilities be asked to proceed with the installation of street lights on the above mentioned streets." Carried. "That the following subdivisions be approved subject to conditions expressed: 1. Herbert Weaver Pts 161 and 158 (6 lots) (a) Owner to provide a deed for a 1' reserve at north end of Elizabeth Cres. (b) Name of Elizabeth Crescent to be changed to another name so as to prevent confusion with existing names. (c) Owner to agree to restrictions. 2. K. Schankula Pts 161 and 158 (19 lots) (a) Owner to provide 1' deeds for all street ends (b) Owner to agree to restrictions. (c) Owner to deed lot 13 to Twp, for Park purposes." Carried. 13. Bridge Sootheran "That the Council do now adjourn and go into Committee t of Finance to deal with the various accounts as presented." Carried. 15. Sootheran Bridge "That the statement of Roads Accounts dated October 10th, 1950 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to 09,852.51." Carried. 17. Sootheran Bridge "That we do now adjourn as a finance committee and go into a Committee as a whole." Carried. 14. Sootheran Bridge "That the statement of General accounts dated October 10th, 1950 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to 032,649.08." Carried. 16. Allan Sootheran "That the statement of Relief Accounts dated October 10th, 1950 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $114.77." 1 Carried. 'It Adjourn 18. Sootheran Bridge "That we do now adjourn to meet Tues. Oct. 17th at 5:30 p.m." Oct. 10, 1950. No. 4.9 Regular Council Meeting held in the Council Chambers on Tuesday. October 17th, at 5:30 p.m. G. W. Monroe Reeve J. N. Allan Councillor A. G. Bridge Councillor W. R. Sootheran Councillor Minutes Pettitt Ave. 2. Bridge Allan Street Lights 3. Sootheran Allan "That the Public Utilities be requested to install a light in front of the Red Casque Inn; another at the corner of Mouland and High Streets." Extension Hodgson Ave. Schankula Subdivision 1. Sootherar. Bridge "That the minutes of the last meeting to adopted as printed." Bridge Sootheran "That we accept a deed from Mr. Stephen Vigh for the extension of Hodgson Ave. and it be dedicated for Road purposes provided Mr. Vigh signs the necessary agreements Re: Roads Sewers and Water mains." Sootheran Bridge J Meeting adjourned Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. "That the request of Mr. D'Arcy Cropp be granted to widen the road on Pettitt Avenue subject to the approval of Township Engineer. Extra cost to be aid by Mr. Cropp and Mr. Croppts cheque for $1200.00 be accepted in payment thereof." "That we accept a payment of $275.00 from Mr. Shankula in place of lot previously designated as Park property on his sub- division." Dee. Fisher 16. Bridge Bldg Permit Allan "That the application of George A. Fisher for a permit to erect 5 cabins on Thorold Stone Road, Part Lot 73, be granted subject to the approval of the Building Inspector." Carried. Carried, ie Ferenes Permit a Car ense ,000 Crant u Roads Da ermain larRd. cal rovements 13. 7. Sootheran Allan 8. Sootheran Fridge Bridge Sootheran er Rental 10. Bridge Allan 11. Bridge Sootherar, 12, Bridge Sootheran Sootheran Allan -law 1.3.6 14. Allan Sootheran V 8 15. Sootheran Allan "That Louie Ferenes be granted a pernit to alter art extend his notei by adding .?ix uzits, enlarge the restaurant an d add additional s t e r e ,r to restaurant." Carried. "Th the applicati e for U C lot for Petrie be not granted." "By -law No. 1336. construction of ments under the Act." Read a fi nn "That. the Engineer end Clerk be ir..s tructe,. to haro t la; fn ,t prepared n_ r to t r1P =i ri r.'L.. of Highways for a supplementary v .n,. of t15,000 for road work in 105n." Carried. "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign; a :ewer rental agreement ult.h Robert tcon in respect to property on North Street, The rental to he t3.E1 per year for a period of 30 rear- and that the necessary by-law be prepared." Carried, "That the Stamford Council agree to have inserted in the press that they give permission to Stanford Legion Branch 1,79 to hold a Poppy Day campaign on Nov. 11th and that an official proclamation be inserted in the press requesting all to participate." Carried. "That the Engineer be instructed to order all the necessary materials for the construction of a watermain on Kalar Road, this be contingent on the mandatory order from th Provincial Board of Health and in accordarce with the verbal approval_ of the Ontario Municipal Board." Carried. the Engineer he authorized to order the necessary materials for the construction of sewers and watermains on Margaret, Althea, Harvey and Churches Lane and the Engineer proceed with side- walk construction." Carried. A By -law to authorize the certain sewers as local improve provisions of the Local Improvement rst and second time, "By -law No. 1338. A By -law to establish and lay out certain lands as part of Brookfield Avenue and' certain other lands as part of Pew St." Read a .first, second and third time and passed. jt- By -law 1135 16. By -law 337 17. New Roles Relief Allow. 1g. flr.McMillan 19. Ad 1eurn Oct.17,1950 o. 5 Minutes Finance Regular October Bridge Sootheran "Byelaw No. 1335. A By -law to authorize the construction of certain water'rains as local improvements under the provisions of tt^e Local Improvement Act." Read a first. and second time. Allan Sootheran "By -law No. 1337. A By -law to authorize Mabel L. Pell to maintain structures and trees encroaching upon the lards acquired by the Corp. from her to widen Churches Lane." Read a first, second and third time and passed. J Alt Sootheran "That we adopt the new regulations regard ing relief allowances, as laid down by the Dept. and the Clerk he authorized to issue relief accordingly." Sootheran Bridge 20, Sootheran Allan Bridge Prior Carried. "That the Council of the Tt•;p. of Stamford wish to express their congratulations to Dr. McMillan, M. P. elect for l.`elland County and trust that his efforts on be- half of his constituents will meet with every success," Carried. "That we do now adjourn to meet Monday, Oct. 23 at 7:30 p.m." Carri ed. Meeting adjourned Hour 7:3 M. SG? ve e Council Meeting held in the Council Chambers do Monday, 23rd, at 7:30 p.m. G. W. Monroe R. I. Prior A. G. Bridge W. R. Sootheran J. N. Allan Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor 1. Bridge Allan "That the minutes of the Council meeting held on October 17th be adopted as printed." Carried. "That the Council go into Committee of the whole to consider the accounts as presented by the Finance Chairman." Carried. ■mss elief 3. Bride f� Prior oneral d 'cure) nvitation v -law 1 ediars icense 4. Allan Frier Allan Bridge Allan Fri or Fri or Allan Sootheran Bridge 11. Sootheran Prior "That t7. October and the stateetet e Relief 23rd, 1 as rr .-G _l,l ac accounts paid, eancunting to Carried, "That 'iit f:P etata,ert, of Roads A ^C;i`.. r c bo :7:7 and the accounts be paid .rti nr, Cur ie V. "That the tate :ient f Cener;,l A; cee Cctoi'er 23rd, 2c5C as presented, d the accounts be c-Td amot.rti r,., Carrie 4. "The_ we ac';.ourti as a Finance Committee and proceed with reguiai council b t;:'_neee." Carried. "That the Building Inspector take up case building at. 1718 -2C ArtFer Street with our solicitor C. Lai+areh for advice on procedure." Carried, Carried. Carried. Carried. datcc. "That as many members of Council as pocsible accept the invitation of the Library Board to attend the openng of the Drummond Branch Auditorium, Nov. 1st," "That the Directors of the Community Chest be advised that the Council are of the opinion that the rental and heating of the V.O.N. building should be at the rate of $30.00 per month. This figure to be taken into consi- deration of setting the amount to be alloted to that organization." "Bp -law No. 1339, 1950. A By -law to authorize the execution of an agreemebt between. The Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation for the Diocese of Toronto in Canada." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "That Arthur H. Vout, 1475 Drummond Rd. be granted a Hawkers and Pedlars License for the selling of fruits and vegetables." Sidewalk Petition Lee Cornell 13. Allan St, Lights Optimist Week Cost of Living_ Bonus 16. 12. Prior Sootheran "That the information contained in Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation letter dated Get. 21, 1950 be conveyed to the residents of the War Time Housing with the suggestion that if they wish side- walks, a petition be presented to Council signed by purchasers of War Time Louses," Sootheran "That the request of Mr. Lee Cornell be granted subject to the approval of the Planning Board and a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Planning Board." 1 4. Sootheran Bridge "That. the Public Utilities be requested to install lights on every other pole of Culp St. between Corwin Ave. and Franklin Ave." 15. Sootheran Bridge H. Gallinger 1$. Prior Subdivision Allan Sootheran Prior Louis Repar 17. Sootheran Subdivision Allan Carried. Carried. Carried. "That the Clerk be instructed to insert an advertisement in the local paper, over the signature of the Reeve, pro- claiming the week of Nov. 11 18 as Optimist Week." Carried. "That the request for a Cost Bonus by the members of the Dept. be not granted at the time." Carried. Carrie d. Carried. of Living Police present "That we approve of plan submitted by R. B. Ervin, 0.L.S., of the Louis Repar property at corner of Valleyway and Drummond Rd., Lots 1 12 inclu- sive, that Mr. Repar and Dept. of Planning and Development be notified that when Mr. Repar develops the remaining part of his property that this council will request 5% of land for park purposes and usual„restric- tions (re: single detached houses be incorporated) and that the 1 ft. reserve be on Sydney St." That this Council agrees that permission will not be granted for use of the 1' reserve strip along the north side of Althea St. at Portage Rd. Plan 103, unless a subdivision plan is approved and re- gistered and Mr. H. Gallinger be compensated for proportionate share of any local improvements he has paid." rden Drive 19. Sootheran Bridge t. 23, 1950 notes elix Critelli id•.Permi.t 4. "That Morden Drive as possible." 20, Prior Sootheran "That we do now adjourn to meet 7:30 p.m. Monday, October 3C, unless stoner called the Reeve." Regular October 30th, at 1, Bridge Prior Prior Fridge Sootheran Allan Oc!.ncil held in T no A. n. R. J. N. Monroe iirCc Bridge Soctheran Allay. e be construoted as soon Hour Carried. Carried. Meeting Adjourned Reeve Councillor vO';.ii1:;111UY Councillor "That the iin,tes of tie meeting held on Sctoter 23rd be adopted as printed." Carried. "That the Engineer be asked to grade Mulhern St. from Ulster St. to Belfast Street if time is available." Carried. ail Delivery3. Sootheran iamonte Sub. Allan "That the Postmaster-General be requested to order the inauguration of Postal Delivery Service to the Diamonte Sub division, pointing out that roads and sidewalks are constructed and the ad agent areas are presently serviced. That copies of the resolution be forwarded to Dr, W. 11. McMillan and Post master George Farrell." Carried. "That Felix Critelli be granted a permit for the erection of a motel of 35 units on part of range 8 9, fronting on Portage Rd." Carried. Clerk "That the Building Inspector be authorized to issue a permit to Enrico Iommi for a dwelling and store on west side of Drummond Rd, Lot 7, Flan 99." Carried. I -r John Grahar•,. Telephone s lit Fr:.it .Tnsn. 7. Soctheran Prior Remembrance Day Service M.Njcholson Stone from Dump Used Car License 6. Prior Scotheran "That the Clerk write Mr. John ,raham re: his endeavours to get a telephone installed in his horse on Garner Road, stating that tt is council feel that he has been unfairly dealt with and that'.he request the Bell Telephone Co, to give him this service on the Niagara Falls exchange and that he ma'+ use this letter tc strengthen his case and that a copy of Mr. Barclay's letter to forwarded to Mr. Graham for his information." Carried. "That the report of the Ft't :it fns sector .'a- ,.Per' Goodyear be accop' and 11-. Goodyear be commended for his f-', cod work." Carried. V. Allan, Sootheran "That we accept the invitatien from the Greater Niagara t.'oteran'a Central i le.m e a ittee attend the Ar f brance '.'a'° Parade and Service, Sunday November 12 and as many of Council as possible attend." Carried. 9. Sootheran Bridge "That we agree to sell to Mal. Nicholson, St. Catharine:, approximately 5,000 cu. yds. of ;,tone at our garbage disposal area for 12 cents per ton, under the following conditions: 1. That the removal of any or all rock cr earth shall be under the direct super- vision of the Township Engi neer. 2. That the location from which rock is to be removed shall be designated by the Township Engineer. 3. That the purchaser will not interfere in any way with the disposal of ashes and garbage. 4. That any roads within the disposal area used by the purchaser,shall be maintained by him and leave same in a good state'of repair upon comae pletion of his operations. 5. That the purchaser produce to the Township Engineer duplicate signed weigh slips from company to which he sells this stone. 6. That the purchaser enter into this agreement as outlined above and agree to enter upon and remove rock at his own risk. Carried. 10. Bridge Sootheran "That the application for a used car sales license be granted to Albert Stevens, solely on him retaining same, that is, not dis- posing of business to any other person." Carried. law 1342. -wer Rental 12. Prior -ree`-ent Allan 1 'r -law 1j40 d 'ourn _.�;;,I.carai, i 1 ifir 14. ../.10/ Allan as 16. Sootheran Allan 3 I.3 t rd t exeoati.:a uf sr g .and V r -cr an a. _ct "That `J d C !~lri i, the Reeve Je and i._e :'k L@ dot. 1..1 Zc•. ler;tal agree'.._.:. eith that 0 1o pCS Reeve tea.'.1 t.L• 1'.,. t u_ "By-law i 1 r. c n ry By -le r 1 Sootheran s.. 1)_s i parking r the Ac, cf octon :r front cr j.:YThe a first, seccn t and third t. Patti: and f;aesed. "By-law 1.'O. 134 1f 5C. A By-law to •.i i.; a F1-:at Tree hest 11. Pct i •.'.t:' pre r Act; .t t.:.8 Plant :�E1.a b• :.e Corporation of'the TownshiiJ of Gtamfor.i o;.t- ject to the approval of the I,cr.curatle Minister of gri g ilt pure for the F: ovircu Read a first, and passed. Sootheran Fridge Feat the 11:1 is ft it t u r:e t' cued with the Street lighting on _rker Let.ween Dorchester Rd. and Drc;;kfield Avenue Ltd Collins Crescent as oeveral houses are occupied and many others are nnder construc- t on The non- existence of ads or sidewalks make it par tic'.l -l• hazarlGun for pedeott'ians usin;; the area. Further that lights to in- stalled on every third pole Cr. McLeod Rend between Drumb;ond Read east to existing lights and lights be installed on that part of Corwin Crescent went of Drummond where houses have been or are Leing erected. Carried. That we do now adjourn to meet Monday, November 6 at 7:30 parr,." Carried, 1Teetir; Adjourned flour 8: m nn 1 ja Booth Hockey Club o. 52 Regular Council Meeting held in the Council Chaerters on Monday, Neve^i:er 6th, at 7:30 P.m. 1Kamoromi Bldg Permit 6. 1. Sootheran Prior 2. 3 Soother Bridge J 1 5. Sootheran Prior 7. Prior Bridge Sootheran Prior n R. A. G. W. R. J. N. Monroe Prior Bridge Sootheran Allan Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor That the minutes of the last meeting as printed to adopted." Carried. "That the Council take a space in the pro gramme of the Booth Junior "B" !Hockey Cluh tc the amount of C10C.00," Carried. Bridge Sootheran "That the Council go into a Committee on Finance to pass accounts as presented." Carried. 4. Prior Sootheran "That the statement of General Accounts dated November 6th, 1950 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $29,107.6$," Carried. "That the statement of Relief Accounts dated November 6th, 1950 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting a�i to .��81.99. r. Carried. Prior Sootheran "That the statement of Roads Accounts dated November 6th, 1950 as presented, be ac- cepted and the accounts be paid amounting l to $4,8.16.44." Carried. "That the Finance. Committee do now adjourn and resume the balance of the agenda." Carried. "That W. Kamoro9Ii be granted a permit for the erection of a 40 unit rttotel on the west side of Portage Rd,, part range two and three estimated cost to be $80,000." Carried. Lights Ca',r riga t d] v is ion 1]. Delivery 11. Sootherar. odland Ave. Fridge u ivertisin_- v -law 1344. v -law 1343 L 0 Sootheran F r ior 10. Bridge Sootheran 13. Prior Bridge 14. Sootheran Prior 15. Allan Prior "That the Public litiltt,ies be asked to take every effort to secure the neces :m nater_al: to enable ther1 tc proceeb with street li r where requested by council. That a l. r or the lights reclueoteb arij not yet iustallei be forwarded to Council, t the pe Lt].. resiHents un .,mil: r._� J[.. Let. pc and Fninklin gr nt :t ._t Yr- _ties to recLiesto :i to proceed t:� 11-i ti.or :.er c available and C.. ins ll." ic :e z conveyed t0 Yer an enia o at next t by R. flake Erivin, file tbot Twp. Solicitor prepare -lr... E'er san e That •_i plan ai:t]rov r` e T as r r,i -u :.�I� 0wnJ Council uric Carcit Carried. Carried. "That the o t t n'.i. m8.:>.6: at .�a(:, iii asked to inaujn x ate Il:ai_1 tee: .ioe ODdiar ;d Ave. 1" it in Lecessary to take the a; up with Ottawa, the ic;SLfius 9r 7.enera1 be asked to gi ��e the request his ifl7rnedlato at-. tent c n. The Clerk to p07 Ht cut that. Mod— land Ave, is one GC t?:e _howplaces of the Township and while :•ca :s are constructed :t is doubtful it sidewalks will be constructed, That Dr. 7. H. McMillan be asked to aid in securing the services." Scotheran Prior "That a 1C.00 advertisement be taken in the v e i program of the Sea Cadets." "By -law No, 1344, 1 A Py -law to amend i By -law ;1165, 1948, respecting the prohibition and regulation of the discharge of guns and other firearms." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "By law No. 1343, 1950. A By -law to authorize v/ the execution of an Agreement between the Corporation and Mal Nicholson." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "By -law No. 1345, 1950. A By law to authorize the execution of an agreement between the Corporation and Robert Watson." Read a first, second and third time and passed. 'By -law 1346 16. Sootheran Bridge "Bv -law N. 1346, 1950. A By -law to regulate the use of lands and character and use of buildings and structures upon the lands comprised within Plan #109 for the Township of Stamford registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the Count„ of Welland." P1 t 3 Aland. Read a first, second and third time e anti passed. By -law 134.7 law 1349 Roper and Ayearst 10 Prior Oootheran "By-law No 1349, 5 134 i� C. A By -law to amend t 'v -law 7 1320 1950. and rr a:::. to ri,, the use cf lands and character and use or buildings and 1 -'w. iv ,.L r, the lands c: prised r t'.ir Plan ?107 for e Twp. :)f Stamford registered in the Beristry Office for the RP.g stry Division of the Count or Welland." Bead a and passed. a first, second and it time an LL t 17. Sootheran "rV -la•r. No. 1341 1950, A By-law to regulate the use cf lands and character and use of buildings and structures upon the lands comprised iSed `ri. to -'1 Flan 7t 210 for the Township of Stamford registered in the '.Registry or e for the Registry Division of the County of Welland." Read a first, second and third time and passed. Allan Prior 34 1950. and A By -law to amend By-law #1319, 0 and to re �.alate the use or lands and character and ase of buildings and structures within the lands comprised within Plan #104 for the Twp. of Stamford registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the County of Welland." Read a first, second and third time and passed. v-law 1350 20. Sootheran Allan "By-law No. 1350, 1 A By -law to amend By -law y,321, 1950, 1 and to regulate the use of lands and character and use of buildings and structures within the lands comprised within Ilan #106 for the Twp. of Stamford registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the County of Welland." Read a first, second and third time and passed. By -iawl 21. Allan Prior 1 "By -law No. 1351, 1950. A By -law to amend By -law #1322, 1250, and to regulate the use of lands and character and use of buildings and structures within the lands comprised within Flan #105 for the Twp. of Stamford registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the County of Welland." Read a first, second and third time and passed. Prior Sootheran "That the letter from Seymour, Lampard, Goldring and Young dated Nov. 2nd, 1950 re: Roper and Ayearst be referred to the Planning Board." Carried. 1 ei. t .11'Ways LI +dewalks T;ov.6th, 1950 rieu Fortit 23. 'dos ...e ra GL,. 1. 3• ge ...Or r. „cc e ran I Lt.Lihts 4. .00theran Allan on Roioo Pe :e ;f c w C. (Al da idt ma r. a. ea. Carried. Carried. ..m,_ ,.�t ,ic}. Cecelia 1rlih Le &i-anted th e ecti, or. of uch peri' i sto;7 L Oro i_ai t lets 139 134 t r on the edam wiuF Ri, Pvag r Garrey' Rd; at:: JX. cost to le 5 C__C SU.ject to the a._j;:'O 4a1 of the Buildiag Inspector." singe Prior "That the Department of Highwa': le con- tacted with to get permission to repair Lde sidewalks on Loth }:c Drummond and Iortare Road at the cyst of the Department." "That as the two pedestrian walks `etween streets in the Royal Subdivision are ;ouch in use by the residents of the area, and are totally unlighted, the Public Ut'li- ties be asked.to install one light on each walk." By f v R,.. E -law 1352 Broker: .t. B 3v -law 1325 R Bd. ducation A M301, 500.00 11. r 4 Sco ti; era: Allen Sootheran ra :.lif:1 liy aw I;3_ 9 Scofteran "That the 'Clerk ad r•c2; r; ed 'Y t.' 1 t, a 1 1 S 3 f e or lard 7 d e: nentin rod, vi t17 l /allowed [X l:.i. allowed 11 ;1 i:ir:� LVG ru d ie o __ct_ "'"'"-i 1 72 .off ..0. rt ,i A BV-1.:w appoint 1o1' locRe, C'o_Ut o -„-rd „The and r,t.ssed. L tunnel all oteo '.C_ to Cler r uy' t c rU� iP. condition." r i. u._t zt the construction of certain ;Mkt e:'[:ia f,b C„> Focal 1. dprily o.lb r t L 'il[I..:e;' o p; -;i;;_on of fte Local Act. Read a this'd time and pc,ssed. by three fourths majority of Council. S r'idge "Py -iaw Yo. 1236, 125 z L owy ut, authorize 1.!ie, construction J° L.C1 Laiil sewers az local I pro :e7e n s under y.' si. Gn`, of the Locu :jrove nt Act." head a '.:,iri1 t:.;ae± and pas::ed by three fourths majority of Council. 10. r� or c "Ry aw No. 132`5, 1250. By-law A y aw t,; j eu thorihe the conatruction Of a water main on Portage Road as a local improvement under the provisions of The Local Improvement; Act." Read a third Lime and passed.three fourths majority of Council. The following members of the Board of ':ducation addressed the Council in respect to their official application Cor an amo::nt of w304,500.0O for capital expenditures including a new 12 class room school on Dorchester Road near McLeod and the acquisition of a school site on Drummond Road between the Hydro Canal and the Railway Track: 3ov. A. H. Walker Chairman Mr. Cordon Bates Member Mr. R. A. McLeod Secretary- Treasurer The members explained in detail the reasons for the increased school a'ccomMddati'on: and answered questions raised by Council. Prior Sootheran "That the Clerk be asked to prepare the necessary by-law relating to request of Board of Education for the sum of $304,500.00 for capital expenditures." Carried. jell. Carried. p Roa d s s. -etion ed r' i5tra tii On isinr- ire Hydrants 14. Sootheran Allan "That the 'Engineer is granted permission to enter into agr- .emeri with Lorenzo Construction, Co, for the raisin.' or fire hydrants where necessary at a cost of ~20.00 eac! as quoted." djourn 15. Sootheran Allan "That we do now adjourn to meet Monday, Nov. 20 at 7'30 p.m." 1 ov. 13, 1950 .0 C •1i nutes mance Roads General 12. Allan Sootheran "That inspection of Town slip Roads to held Mon. Nov. 2Cth star ti r at 10 a .m." 1.3. Prior Sootheran "That this Council approve or re or Deed for Eiere1e property sold to a Mr. Hal) as requested by '.a'. T. Ca111 solicitor in his letter of Nev. 1 Reeve 0. W. Monroe R. I. Prior A. C. Bridge W. R. Sootheran J. N. Allan Carried. Carried. Cam Carried. Meetini, Adjourned Hour 9:30 M. le rk o. 54 Regular Council Meeting held in the Council Chamber November 20th, at 7:30 p.m. Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor 1. Bridge Sootheran "That the minutes of the meeting held on Nov. 13th be adopted as read." 2. Prior Allan Carried. "That we go into Committee of Finance to take up and pass accounts. Carried. Prior Allan i t "That the statement of Roads Accounts dated November 20th, 1950 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $4,760.25." 4. Prior Sootheran "That the statement of General Accounts dated November 20th, 1950 as presented, be accepted v and the accounts be paid amounting to $35,606.58." Carried. i Relief B By Adiourn 5. Prior Sootheran "That the statement of Relief Accounts dated November 20th, 1950 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to 01,451.$7." Carried. By -law 1351 7. Sootheran Allan F1, Postal Service Cemetery House C.H.V.C. Re: Election is 6. Allan Sootheran "That we adjourn as a Finance Committee and proceed with regular council business." 8. Bridge Prior Mail Delivery 10. Sootheran Biamonte Sub. Allan 11. Prior Allan Bldg.permit 12. .Bridge LQRobinson Prior Carried. "By -law No. 1353, 1950. A By -law to authorize the issue of Debentures of the Township to the principal amount of $304,500 for Public School purposes." Read a first and second time. "That the Department of Postal Services be asked to make a complete survey of all postal services in the municipality of Stamford Twp. with a view of eliminating duplication of rural mail service." Carried. 9. Sootheran Bridge "That Gerald Herries, having been first to request the rental of the Cemetery house, be granted same when present occupant vacates premises." Carried. "That the Post Office Dept. be requested to reconsider their decision on granting the extension of Postal Delivery Service to the Biamonte Sub- division. It is the opinion of Council that there is an error in the Department's figures on the average of 87 yards per call and a resurvey will find that the Subdivision is entitled to delivery service on the basis of the Depart- ment's estimated distance of 40 yards per call." Carried. "That the Clerk be asked to contact Radio Station C.H.V.C. thanking them for offer of time on the air for candidates, in coming election, requesting that Wednesday night, Nov. 29 be =Made available for this purpose." Carried. "That the request for a permit for the erection of a greenhouse at 2190 Main St. from Mrs. Lorena Robinson be granted subject to the approval of the Building Inspector." Carried. dg.Permit .Hindle ed Cars Leod Rd.& ummond Rd. nd transfer .Lights emin St. .Tothfaluse dg.Permit diourn over 20, 1950 13. Sootherar. Prior 14. Allan Sootheran "That the Chief of Police be asked to instn.et the occupants of Garage at corner of Drummond Road and McLeod Road to keep used cars etc., off the Highway on McLeod Rd. obstructing the view going South. on Drummond Rd and this to apply permanently." 15. Prior Soothe ran "That we approve the transfer of land;; J. Mulhern to Our Lady of Peace for a and for a School according Co letter LaMarsh, solicitor, dated Aov. 20th, 16. Sootheran Bridge "That the Public Utilities be requested to instal lights on alternate poles on Leemin_r Street between Dorchester Rd. and Brookfield Ave." 17. Sootheran Allan "Thait i±ind]e be granted a permit for the construction of Store and apartment building on the Lest Fart Lot 73." side rortaf� Rd. Pd r :r Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. from Church of W C. 1950. "That Andrew Tothfaluse be granted a permit for the construction of a 10 unit addition to existing Fruit Garden Motorcourt on Lundy's Lane subject to approval of Bldg. Inspector." -4y 1 Carried. rchester Rd. 18. Sootheran raffic Circle Bridge "That the matter of the dangerous traffic circle at Dorchester Rd. be again brought to the attention of th Minister of Highways bringing to his attention the fact that another death, the second of the year, has resulted in that area. That drastic steps be taken to elimnate the condition by lighting of the circle and more suitable additional signs be erected." Carried. 19. Sootheran Bridge "That we do now adjourn t meet Saturday, November 25 at 12 noon as Monday, November 27th is Nomination Day." Carried. Meeting Adjourned M. 1 No. 55 Bv. Mail delivery $'';I Collins Cres. Minutes 30 m.p.h. steed limllt 30 mile signs 3. ;McLeod Road ;9ater ?s Road Ft. Lots 95 108 1 By -jaw 1355 1, I 1 I M Bv-law jl )1! Petition Monroe St. I Regular Council Meeting held in the November 25th at 12 noon. 1. Bridge Sootheran 2. Snethera`I Fridge 5. Sootheran Bridge R A. u. R. "Tiia t 2Cth ri ro e Prior Bridge Sootheran Council Chambers on Satt_uday, Reeve Deputy -Reeve Councillor Councillor the minutes of the H held on Nov. be adopted as read." Carrie;.. "That the Clerk prepare a bv-law to be submitted to highway Dept. a s k i n g :he area to be designated as a 3C mile hour speed limit be increased to take in the area between Tioro]d Stone Road and Lundy's Lane west to Kalar Road." Carried. Bri dge Sootheran "That the Clerk write to the Conntv Council asking t em to place 3C mile an hour signs on McLeod Road l- etweer Dorchester Road and Stanley St. complaints are numerous regarding excessive speeding, and on Montrose Road." Carried. 4. Bridge Sootheran "That the Council approve of the plans parts of lots 95 and 108 subject to an aeyee- ment being signed regarding water and road payments and the owner agreeing to restrict- ing by -law." Carried. "That the press and radio be asked to give publicity to the fact that Mail Delivery service will be instituted in the Collins Crescent Sub division as soon as 907 of mail boxes or letter slots are installed." Carried. 6. cootheran Bridge "By-law No. 1 355, 1950. A By -law to provide f for the borrowing of money pending sale of v debentures." Read a first, second and third time and passed, 1354 7. Sootheran Bridge "By -law No. 1 354, 1950. A By -law to author- ize the construction of aecertajn work as a local improvement under the provisions of The Local Improvement Act." Read a first, second and third time and passed.. Prior Sootheran "That the Petition from residents of Monroe Street re: condition of two properties in that area be referred to Dr. Sturgeon of the Welland Health Unit and Chief Dyer of Lundy's Lane Fire Brigade for action. Copies of petitions be forwarded." Carried.. iourn 9. Sootheran Prior "That we do now adjourn Lc :!.eet Tues1- Dece nber 5th at 5:30 p.m. as "cr.,. December th is election day." v.25,1950. EFUTY HEVE CUNCIL :CARD OF DUCATICN 1IBLIC JTILITIES nominated A I'th Gordon :w. Monroe Robert I. Prior John N. Allan Donald Glintz William R. Sootheran James Wincott George A. White Luther Cartledge Meredith F. Jones Warren J. Kent Lily M. McQueen Thos. F. Knight Keith C. MacLeod James Wincott d A. Sm .i. D. J. Myer W. R. Sootheran C. J. Bessey H. Roberts J. J. Myer Geo. Powell James Wincott C. N. Lundy H. Roberts Keith MacLeod Jasper Ings Carried. Results o:" Nomination- -eet. el Monday, November 27th, 1950 7 p.m. to c p.m. At the Township Hall, Niagara Falls, Ont. Seccr. ._1 jv a COS:V .3 &I'7 en 3. Kent T1 es. P. Knight Lily McQueen John hark A. G. Bridge W. H. Hindle A. M. Cosby HI By I OFFICE For Reeve for Deputy Reeve For Council 3 to be elected For foard j of Education to be elected For Public Utilities NAME Arthur Geo. Bridge Gordon, W. Monroe Robert I. ;'rior (A:clarratior:) John N. Allan 'Donald ^'_'ntz Wi. 'Liam R. Soot} e'ran George A. White to Meredith F. Jones (Acclamation) Warren J, Kent (Acclamation) Lily M. McQueen (Acclamation) Thos. P. Knight Keith C. 1acLeod James W noott; Qualified and going to the Fol is December 4th, 1950 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. ADDRESS J_ 9 Drummond 'load R.R.#3, Niagara Falls 2822 Spence S penr.e �tr'eet 162l Dunn Street 1645 Leonard Avenue 167 Dorchester Road 1677 l,bte� llC mid 1702 Morden Drive 1776 Dorchester Road 2959 Lundy's Lane 2077 Corwin Avenue OCCUPATION Accountant Fruit Grower Dry Cleaner Railway tcndncto Laundry Supt. Salesman insurance oa�es!na: Accountant Electrical Foreman; Housewife A 1813 Brookfield Avenue Welding Engineer 346 Fortage Road :''ar 1691 Arthur Street Electrical Cont. eve _puty Reeve °Imo i 1 hard of Education ublic Utilities SUllAFY CF I OF LLECYlo: i:11=0 Arthur Geo. Bridge Gordon W. P iobert 1. Frior Jonn N. Ai _::11; Genr.re A. 'mite Donal.; ';lint.., eredit I F, J r,e Warren hen Lily McQueen Jame E. i nOL t. Y9i ti: V G.a 1.90•.: Thomas P. Knight 253 Total number of eligible electors in :arts 1 and 2 on Voters' List 8,569 ;Siecl.e i "O!' 1 year L1ecf,r Fy acci:i- `18 tIL .'U j VP'il' .;'_e,.., For yea. F P 11 ercentage of eligible electors who voted at 1950 election 48.40% ercentage of eligible electors who voted at 1949 election 31.06"o ercentage of eligible electors who voted at 1948 election 43.34f 1 i s 4:p -P. iU E I 11! 1 REEVE Poll No, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Tabulation of election results by polls Dec. 4th, 1950. N 6 rta 1044 53 18 30 121 45 78 17 124 48 141 70 99 52 128j 57 125 43 1151, 60 78 78 121 117 114 78 79 77 107 109 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 121 80 112 62 58 94 91 84 54 115 100 2523 46 67 37 41 46 44 59 80 92 94 88 157 PUBLIC COUNCILLORS UTILITIES 82 84 37 19 92 107 59 63 109 4 110 124, 129 91 82 1114 102 96 117 121 103 106 82 173 121 123 112 111 74 148 103 101 101 ioaI 76 88 101 65 77 44 69 711 82 129 104 70 83 59 38 92 138, 88 6 2672 0 0 88 34 65 36 75 110 69 105 82 100 102 93 93 151 155 1091 106 1 1001 90 1471 123 861 97 861 101 591 65 59 56 581 30 76 92 721 68 113 103 99 101 116 146 113 104 2301 2)57 9 75 28 90 52 102 123 84 92 79 18 65 5 28 11 52 36 18 45 44 38 19 34 30 32 43 58 38 26 24 34 4 20 11 10 21 16 715 30 91 46 41 77 60 43 55 54 57 102 64 1 56 73 40 53 34 29 44 15 50 73 81 93 116 1542 0 0 70 13 40 33 77 83 61 83 59 77 72 100 91 65 93 64 61 79 49 33 116 70 79 52 88 53 1761 1 strictions 2. nroe St. anscombe wer on resin Ores. :tension John's -meter Regular veUnCJi g in t[- Tuesday, 2ecemtier 5th 1.50 at 5' Fridge e r,eetin or 1.0 Sootherar_ �r.at, the „in 25th be adopted as read.” Sootheran Bridge :Oritbe 1. Prior S. r_ it. Src:theran N. Allan R eeve )si r._' i 1 OI Cou Carried. "That n_lt tfr3 solicitor be IiS t, ruc i. e- a _est:'7c .'1 by-law ''Or t questei in petition." ar: 10(1. u prepare as re- "That r e approve tke re �str3t,.,. of 11. a -id sot:- on Corwin Crescent iota .�.erec 1 to and 75 to 81 as siown on fiSIi .:_-envied Sept. 20, 7fl5C "That permission to granted F. A. Bransconi+_e to construct, the sewer on Corwin Crescent for an a"idittonal 350 feet, sub,'ect to the approval of the Township Engineer according to our specifications." "That the Rector and dardens be asked to negotiate with the owners of the Brooks sub division with a view to purcf;asin land for the extension of St. John's Cemetery and that the registration of said plan be held up temporarily." "That A. G. Bridge be council's representative along with Clerk to attend meeting with the Executive Committee of the Hospital Board re: raising funds for hospital purposes." "That we approve of plan of proposed subdivision, Part of Trap. Lot Ivn 54 45 by Make Erwin, O.L.S, Sept. 4, 1950 subject to the Road being constructed at no cost to the munici- pality." "That letter from Fraser eraser Solicitor re: G. Ninacs claim be referred to our insurance broker, D. Elsley." 4 Increased 111 Road appro- priation By By -law 135; l i !�f I II Lights on Snow plow 9. By -law 1127 11. Prior Bridge "By-law No. 1327, 1950. A By -law to authorize the construction of certain works as local impro ve'•1(9nt s under the prov si ouG or The Local Improvement Act." Read a third time and passed. Peter Samitz to Atilia Toth 13. Frior Allan R. Frior Allan By -law 1356 14. Sootheran Allan 1311 Thr By -law 1358 I ull I l �r.l ,III r 11=1221 _12 Finance 16. Prior Allan 17.,,.• Prior Bridge 18. Bridge Prior "That a letter Geo. Donoett, appropriation of appreciation he sent to Honour: Minister of Highways re: increase, and Mr. J, M. h ;aclnnes. Carried. 10, Allan Frior "That the Engineer he instructed to have Blinke lights mounted on the 4 snow plows." Carried. 12. fridge Scotheran "That we grant approval to Teter Salitz to sell to Atilia Toth the property described by h. Blake Lewin C.L.S, and F as shown in plan as amended November 21/50 provided tat in deed there is a provision whereby a Road Allowance 66' wide may cross t'nis land without cost to the Corporation if and we the property on either side is subdivided." Carried. "By -law No. 1359, 1950. A By -law to provide V fur the borrowing of money pending the sale of debentures." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "By -law No. 1356, 1950. A By -law to declare the desirability of undertaking the construc- tion of an 8" waternnai n on Kalar Road from the south limit. of the N.S. &T. Right -of -way to the south limit of Thorold Stone Road, as a local improvement under the provisions of The Local Improvement Act." Head a first, second and third time and passed. By -law nu 15. I Frior Sootheran "By -law No. 1357, 1950. A By -law to authorize the construction of an 8" watermain on Kalar Road from the south limit of the V N.S.U. Right -of -way to the south limit of Thorold Stone Road, as a local improvement under the provisions of The Local improve- ment Act." Read a first and second time. "By -law No. 1358, 1950. A By-law to authorize the construction of art,$" watermain on Kalar Road from the south limit of t.'e N.S. &T. Right -of -way to Woodbine Street." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "By -law No. 1360, 1950. A By -law to author- ize the execution, of an Agreement with Frank A. Branscombe." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "That the Council go into a Committee on Finance to deal with the accounts as presented." Carried. 1rn .rster lot 23. ,arner Rd. rau },ter I Sale to le Jnrow 1 for 26. ert rors. urn .5th,1950 17, i:; .-1 Frior Soothe Bridge Prior 24.. Frior Allan erizing 25. Frior 27. Bridge Sootheran Ceocriil ric r o; ,t 1 nr:e c• I e, a Le l .:e: a "That. we srnnt permission R. R. 2, :;oLeu I }ia� N to its daughter a niece on Garner Rd. as shown Reeve sta ter7r =r• H( 0" ,r 1 Hour Carried. to A ubrey :lllr_ter, a ;ar_r Fall to deed on acco,par:yin sketc Carried. irk "That we approve sale o laid on Sou slie or. i. aNkin_ :street fron i.ail,' it .ate' nfrran, G. .r'iith and Lister Dawson to ■9'r5. j>•si e Jero =.a as referred to in letter C' :cc, 1st, 1(..50 from rcBurney, McBurney a. Durdan, Sol1clit:- :ors," Carried. s Drive Allan "That. the Engineer Le authorized to take the usual necessary winter precaution:, re: Oakes Drive." Carr i ed Allan Frior "That, the Engineer be instructed to purebao the necessary steel when available, for culvert repairs." Carried. "That we do now ad,lourn to .neet again on Mord av evening, Dec. llth at 7:30 p.m. unless sooner called by the Reeve." Carried, Meeting Adourned M. f n. s!; ii lio. 57 1:.' l:f f' Council i Loll in the Monday '%ecembe 1111 ,1.,52 7:30 Ik .:ere, ".C.71sl.ey 5. Fiartr:ir Board Huy fnoJ order 6. midae I 1. 11 A.Richardson I I' IH t L341 ('I i;�Cli rrord ':ade �y�i ��Ise1.1 and ii Brooks !hit Subdi vision R '1 difi Ih 11 1 I' i 11 il! S'. Bridge Prior G. W. f2enr'oe 10 A. eear. rute;: adoa+i.er. Thu nci 1 t.harryners On p.:u. -,I ll l' I Zinn C: e14 11;;. Ca ri.1 eel. Nn, .r La m soh i(Iit,' 1 rceee'_ 1 th =ce sar'. i ep, -i den r: of C} lir c:} es La re _rove Iast _-i"!1 c r et. e i. T'] property to JLa ill ey Avenue." Carried. oclt Frior ",'rat, 1 Li a ;Mill, acen:e to tr- 7nte.1 ;aflcr- Dallies, Fc,rt,r A7e, sub,'ect to the USI7a1 inspect.: cn." Carried. moth era y the a L1;, 1C%- 1t.'?r: frr a rawkers and Fedlar license from ::r, rel.] F. 171 i r'i rce tNar Ave, Le granted s,li ect to `Le usual in- s pect.ion." Soo the ran Prior Soothe ran Allan "That 3. C. Elslev he nar..ed as the new Stamford appointment to the :larning Board." Carried. Prior riT}iat. a grocery order given 'l� t; P. ��.1 en tb A. aLlcUjrc.l:$lln to the extent- of 5, 00 to tide him over not:: 1 work can be secured. tr "That Clifford Wade to granted permission to sell part of property on McLeod Rd. The Planning Board be notified of Council's action." Carried. rl That we approve of Subdivision of the Brooks property within Township Lot /756 as submitted }y R. Blake Elrwin, C.L.S., provided the one foot reserves at end of T3rooks, Frances and Harold Sts, are deeded to Township, also owner sign usual agree- lent re: koads, Sewer and Water, and that owner deed to the Township lots 6, 7 and C to be used for }-ark purposes or he sold, and revenue used for park purposes in the im- mediate vicinity." r Land t to i 1 1 to 1- aw 1)61 lolence f Xmas ers 1 13, 14. 1 for idge 1 17. Prior Bri dgo Eric r ate' :lye e,- e :r i 1. Carsieii. Carried, Carr fed, 13 "30. i ll .ot' 1 7. r1 .!le corm'd co i or. or :I1. 6 1 on Lai,: FOa i ri :.(oct'o i q. 1- or e e 1 }ti ltro" -way tll t e south irit of Ti,oro Stone Road, as :t local ?I'It'r'ot/e' *let't. 1tnie 1 the rr 1 'itil('S'._ of li' 1 '.'i �'.:1:2'G F'E'r.'1PII`, H:; lieu .3 t tLiid i ''it ,nd 1` aseki. Soo tit era Prior "'By -law No. 1363, 1:.5C. A Ev -low to re 111aLe t}' Hoe or lrinJ3 Ili- t r'a -;CtCr and 1 1 1 1 d i r t s 3 n t J H e t nr es tiro t c 1 }ell 1 1r0,c- po15 th in Lots n C�3 to lCC :lc 11h?ve on �.r n out11 r vora CC? r et. irid Lots 23P and l°° to luelusive on 111e north de of Monroe e ;tt'e t, /i according lo arLi t,t c':.I I 1 an irt.'rl} er i' con.' tr e- 'r, ,r i 1 Uf Ct 1 nror 1." Read a t' l t. second a LJ tiara time and passed. 16. Allan Joott:eran "That the Clerk send a 1 el' Ul' rondo] elice to Chief' Worm en the death of t.i mother." "i'twt the Relief Administrator he au the r•ized to pay lfle usua re1ief 01.ris1,meas voticitel's.'' Yravment of 18. 3ri„oe 5 an Snc>theran 'Ii'is, fC i� .,leis }.r of C e 11:i ;ollr ll the 'Jreas`]rc. .'.e a ;Ithorl zeJ t .,:c_• ci'eque tc ...p Fo.... Cl COr:;tai= ;laS et: ?'o, 1 recent. �Ci. I +l1, a,. 0 LG make s-f t: Ill r`G't.. to Ferric Crust- 'Iet :o CO, C u1' r member& of Council." t t.'-.` Rr'f�.:. .1 Carried. rctertv t JZ i 1 ,f't C� C 1' "f'I Carrie). 1r oc SootI:erA'.l t t' :ye on Ca )1t ,o71iL P° Iof ':'ci r1 E'i 30 7 IX sHfl iect. to o1;:ner "+repro t Ti 1 `..i ens: 1 i Y?I f. 0 recrrdin.r 1' jtr1Ci ion 6. m nlil•`ci� 87 agrf to r��.fi ilt'I �t'. ;x, 100 0 L at .'Psterly oi'd or C ;act,e1 t. t'F 't Own ON b i t e 11' r. 1_,m "o: t,'. i. :l t'ir' �i lid r(P.j i11: i :'i 3. -\3 l a a f?f water, sewer and ro Carried. Carried. to pa:i Co t or i services." I "'flat. we (id rO•:; aU'iollrn to meet. Pion aV, December 11t.l: at. 7:30 p.m." I'':eeting Ad'ourned Hour AS- Reeve Regular Council Meet 1n held in t e Council Chambers on 'rf,ondnv, Deco: ter 18th, 1950 at 7: p.m. Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor The following representatives of the U.E.h.C. of Ontario interviewed the Council in regard to certain matters relative to the construction of the new Hydro Canal. Dr. C. Bolden, Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Clark discussed the letter from the Hydro dated December 8th wherein they requested 1,300,000 gallons of water per day for the Hydro project as well as the matter or reads they contemplate building to disposal areas for Pill 'and The clatter of r�ci Trailer Camps was mentioned and the Council a,.,reed to change tp'.e area the trailer calchs are permitted as requested by the Hydro. of 15 yeai5 sc,reements 7. Snot')e:'at: Prior 8. Soot'hO1 an Allan 9. Snothe -'an !Midge .L. Decamter 7';t!. Mr! Um hOCeL •��ci.)1 1. w "TI the statement xj. c3 Carried. Carried. "That the r7 nance Conm1t ttee dc' now arise s resume the balance of ttE: -;cenda," "That the Township offices be closed on Christmas and foxing day." Carried. ttTh n n StF, f� ;!ne lli, o. •�r -.n, 1 "81 Account ;11.e'I December 15th, r le acceptor.? Fe Cu `f��- accounts 'o E? paid a'IiO Lia i71 F to he accepted and E: t ;tHie F 1° r: 3; it &3in'^�,. ^ri. 1 By- i 1364 13y -law 13E5 11. Prior .mo r n ,r n era^ A 1 1 3 1 Sootht:ra n Y ti with a °orts ''IC IVA -c'. ,Et collect. 17 L.1 �.r e l t- C t t_ ett 33- in n ;C i Carried. Carried. ,.*that. F- r. I. i. 1 C8!i<i Si1bjee i ;r+ Uc 1a1 inspectlon.tt -.°s "By-law Kn. 736.1:, 1n5C. A l;i,- -1 w to authorize tie pav3aentt,oi' tl.e several gra nts `'or the ve.ri IC5C." 'lead a first, second and third time and passed. 18. Frior Sootheran "By -law No. 1365, 12.5C. A By -law to regu'ate the use of lands and the character and use of buildings and structures upon the lands comprised within Flan No. 111 for th e Township of Stamford registered in the Regi stry Office for the Regi stry Division of the County of We'land." Read a first, second and third time and passed. es 1. Frior Allan Permit e Toth nc e Jt 7. ,or it .may;. 59 Regular Council Meeting held in the Friday, December 29th, 1950 at 7:30 3. Prior Bridge n. R. A. 1 W. Monroe 1. brier n. Fridge R. Soo theran N. Allan V4L Council Chambers o p...." Reeve 3eputy- Reeve Co,tnci llor Councillor Counci nor "That the minutes of last mcetin?: be adopted as Frinted." Carried. 2. Bridge Allan "That a permit be granted to Steve Toth, 1548 Lewis Ave. for the erection of a 5 Unit Motel on Lot 133 at a cost of' •h10,000 and the Building Inspector be so notified." Carried. "That we go into committee of Finance to pass accounts." Carried. Prior Bridge "That the statement of Relief Accounts dated Ve December 31st, 1950 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $189.94." Carried. 5. Bridge Prior "That the statement of Roads Accounts dated v e December 31st, 1950 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to *;!703.72." Carried.