Minutes1945-1946(B)"That the minutes of the meetings held during the mon of May be adopted as printed." "That the reports of Chief Constable, School Nurses, Engineer's building report for May be accepted." "That the clerk be authorized to apply to the Municip Board for their approval to construct the following local improvements in Stamford Township: Watermain on High St. from Depew Ave. Oast to east boundary of plan 54; sewermain on High St. from Depe Avenue east to east boundary of plan 54." "That the request from Mr. Hatt for Avenue be referred to Engineer." "That request from Albert Weaver for use of Township Property on Carlton St. be not entertained as Mr. Weaver is not a resident of Stamford Township." communications Nos. 1, 7, 9, 10, 11 and 12 be fi Meeting adjourned $our. 9• 0 p.m. Carried. "That Mrs. Bessie Sills be advised that the City of Niagara Falls purchased the soldiers huts for emergen oases such as evictions of city resident and that it impossible for Stamford Township to procure them." "That the Engineer notify the Soldiers Settlement Dept. that we object to the reduction of watermain on Beaverdem Rd. from 8 inch to 8 inch and recommend the continuance of 8 inch and 250 class on Yeaverdam Road Carried. Regular Council Meeting held in the Council Chain June llth at 8.00 p.m. Ben R. Prior Simeon Corfield J.N. Allan G.W. Monroe R.I. Prior Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "That we do now adjourn as Finance up regular Council business." Carried. "That a letter of appreciation be sent the Junior Chamber of Commerce on the good work they have done in their Get out the -Vote Campaign in the recent elections:" "That this Council approve of the Sunday schedule of gasoline stations arranged for the City of Niagara Falls and Township of Stamford." Carried. "That Deputy Reeve Corfield represent this Council at the meeting of the NiagarE Falls Hospital Trust on June 12th." Carried. "That Deputy Reeve Corfield represent the Counoil at the Canadian SoWiet Friendship Council's public meeting at Queen Victoria Park, June 24, 1945 and as many other members of Council as possible attend." Carried. "That the Clerk write direct to Geo. MaMurrich Sons, Ltd., re damage to fences on Garner Road by Welland Chemical bulldozer explaining the situation fully. This matter should be covered by "Yorkshire" policy No. L 2803." Carried. "That the following applications for the puboha;a of Township lots be accepted and deeds given under the conditions of the applications: Lot 44 plan 55, Brookfield Ave., to Frank P. Sharpe for 470.00 Lots 199 200 plan 44, Bellvue Ave., to John Moeniai for 450.00. "That the request for removal of tree from in front of residence at 1758 Prince Edward Ave., be referred to the Engineer with power to act." Carried. "That the Engineer hire Mr. A. McLeod to assist with road work as rodman general handy man at.661 per hour. W. McLeod will act as dog catcher three even- ings a week until further notice and will be aosom- ,.panied in this work by Chief Weletead who will draw up a schedule of three nights a week (6 p.m. to 9.80 p.w.,). Schedule to be available to the Engineer." Carried. Corfield. Prior "That Mr. Sanders be asked to take steps to oolleet dog tax as we are far behind last seeson'a_Ocileotion "j as up th is date.," ation 3. Allan Monroe 4. Monroe R. Prior service 5. Corfield Monroe 6. Corfield Allan 7. Allan R. Prior 8. Allan R. Prior 10. Corfield Allan Clerk. 11. Monroe Corfield "That Inflatable Hamilton purchase 2 tires for the police oar and the Engineer be permitted to purchase 2 tires at prioe quoted." Carried. rnment 12... Monroe R. Prior 19, 1945. "That the invitation from the Falls View Hose Brigade to attend church service with them, Sunday,evening June 24th be accepted, and all members of Council and officials attend, if possible." Carried. "That the Engineer advise the Department of Highways that Stamford Township has no objection to the proposed extension of store at 2611 Lundy's Lane." "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign an agreement respecting sewer sery ce and rental on behalf of the Township with R. Campbell, Drum.:ond Road (within the City)." "That the Council adopt report as submitted by the Clerk and Treasurer re proportion of grants for Hydro and Wartime Housing due the County, and if accepted by County Finance Committee, the amount of 45,823.79 be forwarded to County Treasurer." "That the application of W.B. Hanna for the purchase of lot 46, plan 55, Brookfield Ave., for 470.00 be accepted and a deed given under the conditions of the application." "That the action of the Treasurer in selling $2000. of Dominion of Canada bonds of the Cyanamid Adjust- ment Account investments for the sumuof 42105. be approved." "That communications 3 and 9 be filed and No. 12 tabled." "That the holiday schedule for Township employees as submitted by the Engineer be accepted and the Engineer and Chairman of Roads bring in .a report later re consideration of 5 year men." "That we do now adjourn." Meeting aflourned Hour 10.16 p.m. Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Communica- tions. Roads Present Garbage can 12. Uorfield Allan "That the following communication be filed: 1,7 9. 13. Allan R. Prior 14. Monroe Corfield 15. Corfield Monroe "That the Clerk and Chairman of Property be authoriz to procure sufficient catalier coal for Township Hal for next winter at a prise of 410.90 per ton." "That the report of the Finance Committee BELIEF A count as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to 344.21." N Carrie "That the report of the Finance Committee ROADS /coo as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to 4,168.13." Carrie "That the report of the Finance Committee GENERAL Account as presented be accepted and the accounts be ppid amounting to 25,425179." Carrie Meeting adjourned Hour 10.45 p.m. Reeve Regular Council Meeting held in the Council Chamber on Monday, June No. 28 ;18th at 8 p.m. Ben R. Prior 9. Corfield 'J.N. Allan R.I. Prior Gat. Monroe Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Carrie Carrie Carrie "AhBJ -law respecting the transaction of business for in oharge of the Stamford Housing Commission." -Read i third time and finally passed. Marti "That the Clerk reply to letter from Mr. Lee re garb :can pointing out it was not the Township trunk which raµ Lover the can. t. Carrie Ailanthus Iie.2. Corfield Monroe "That the communisation from Fails View re grading Ailanthus Ave. e{rederred to Engineer with powerto Carri No. 28 Regular Council Meeting held in the Council Chamber on Monday, June 25th., at 8 p.m. Present By -law Adjournment Progress Report Lot 100 2. Monroe Corfield "That the Clerk have the Township Solicitor prepare a by -law to regulate the smoke nuisance and similar conditions." Lot purchases 6. Allan Corfield 1. Corfield Prior "That we adjourn as a Finance Committee to take up regular Council business." 3. Prior Allan 4. Corfield Allan "That whereas Mrs. Richard Nicholson has given writt assurance that she is willing to accept lot 100 plan 40 notwithstanding the encroachment of the eaves of ehicken house situated on the adjoining lot 99 and h requested a deed for the said lot 10G, therefore the deed for the said lots be executed and given to her. Baseballs i 6. Prior Allan "That the request of the Stamford Juvenile Baseball be granted and the Clerk notify Boswell Bros. the.t t Township will assume payment for 1 dozen baseballs t be selected by the Ball Club. Tbie payment to eonst tuts the Clube.1945.grant." Stray doge 7. Property School Board; 8.. Corfield Allan "That Mr. Ted Corby be given the use of Township pro for farm use; property formerly used by R. Rudd situ on -south aide,oi.¢uip $t., end of Cafilton." Carrie Corfield Allan "That the eompiaint from Falls View School Board re a stray doge be turned over to the•polioe for immediat action." Allan Prior Ben R. Prior Simeon Corfield J.N. Allan G.W. Monroe R.I. Prior Caretaker 4 10. Monroe :Prior "That we accept Progreso report of the Greater Niaga: Post War Planning Committee and ask that a full brie be compiled and approved by the three Councils before submitting to both Provincial and Dominion Governmen outlining all proposed works and suggestions of the three municipalities forming the Greater Niagara on concurrenoe by Niagara Falls and Chippewa Councils o this resolution a copy of which is to be sent to eac Oarrie "That the following applications for the purchase of Township lots be accepted and a deed given under the eonditione of the applications: Lots 173 174 -176 pl 44, Bellvue to Roy Lockhart for the sum of $76.00 Lot 256, plan 40, Munroe St. to W. Stewart for $60.0 Reeeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Barrie' Carrie Carrie Carrie Carrie Carrie "That Mr. Carl Monroe be appointed to fill the vans' on the Stamford High School Board created by the ree ration of Rmy Yiller who le.aq,ing for.•Pree i Carrie "That the application of Mr. Plotter forth, popitio caretaker „be not entertained."* Carr/ or X 11. Prior Monroe rovementl3. nioationsl4. Allan Prior 12. Allan R. Prior Corfield Allan Monroe Allan Corfield Monroe nment 15. Allan Monroe "That our present janitor be promoted to the road Dept. at present salary, effective July 3rd, 1945." Carried. "That the next regular meeting of the Council be held Wednesday, July 4 due to Monday being a holiday." Carried. "That the Clerk be authorized to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board for permission to construct the follow- ing watermain as a local improvement: Brookfield Ave. from centre of lot 17 to north limit of lot 24." Carried. "That the following communications on the agenda be filed Nos. 2,4, and 9." Carried. "A by -law to exempt certain lands from taxes imposed by special assessment in respect of sewers in sewer area No: 2." Read a third time and finally passed. Carried. "1' by -law to exempt certain lands from the taxes imposed by special assessment in respect of severs in sewer area No. 1." Read a third time and finally passed. Carried. "That we do now adjourn to meet Thursday, June 28th for a special meeting." Carried. Mewling adjourned Hour 11:00 p.m. Reeve. Special Conseil meeting held in the Council June 28, 1946 at 8 p.m. Ben R. Prior Simeon Corfield J.H. Allan R.I1 Prior G.U. Monroe Reeve Deputy Reeve Counoillor Councillor Councillor Chamber on Thursday, Clerk. we 1. :Monroe "That Robt. Dawe be appointed a olerk in the Treasurer's manse if possible on July 16, 1946} this appointment to replace Mrs. Gregory who is resigning." office at a salary of 160.00 per month duties to coma e.e 2,1- :Oorfield Carried. Monroe "That the Board of Health be asked to investigate sewerage •onditions around the residences at north -east corner of Portage and Valley Way." Carried. Weeds grass 3. Allan R. Prior Adjournment 4. Monroe Allan "That we do now adjourn." June 29, 1945 ‘8,„. o No. 30 Present Minutes Sewer Regular Council meeting held in the Council Chamber on Wednesday, J 4th, 1945, at 8 p.m. 1. Corfield Allan 2. Corfield Allan Corfield R.Prior "T' ct"By -law No. 958 to prevent the emission to the atmosphere of opaque er dense smoke." Read a first, second and third time and passed. Alien R.Prior "That the Engineer be instructed to notify the road committee of the County to have the weeds and grass cut along the County roads in the Township." Carrie Ben. R. Prior Simeon Corfield J. N. Allan G. W. Monroe R. I Prior Meeting adjourned Hour 9:30 p.m. Reeve. Reeve Deputy Reeve Counoillor Counoillor Councillor Corfield. Monroe "That Reports of Police Department, and Engineer's Building report;,far adopted 68 read. "That minutes of regular and special meetings for mo of June,be adopted as printed." Carried, "That permission be granted to Mr. P. Zoia to connect with sewer and water on St. Mary Street lot No. 73, 65. Providing he signs statement that he will sign sewer and Water when same are continued on along St. Marys Street." Carried "T,.:. t."By -law 959 to appoint a trustee for the Stamfo Collegiate Institute Board for the Township of Stamf to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Rev. F. C. Millers"- read'a first, second, and third VA.- and passed. 5. R.Prior..-" $onrOe "That the application from J. Duford for Junk lioense be granted as per oounty by -law regulations. Carried. itation 4. 7. Allan R.Prior "That the application of Henry Theibert for the purchase of Township lot number 382 plan 40 Murray Street for Sixty dollars be accepted and a deed given under the conditions of the application." Carried. 8. Monroe Corfield "That we grant the Thorold Agricultural Society the sum of 415.00." ders 9. Monroe Allan "That Brennan Paving Company tender for base and top asphaltic mixtures be accepted subject to approval of Highway Department; base course supplied laid and rolled 6.84 per ton; top course supplied Laid and rolled 8.00 per ton." avatin_ :10. Allan Monroe "That Mr. Jack Bell's offer of shovel for working on Orchard Avenue, excavating at $1.00 per load be accepted." uni- 41. Allan ions R. Prior "That the following communications on the agenda be filed Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, and No. 9 be tabled." 12. R.Prior Monroe Allan R.Prior Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. "That the clerk be asked to write Mr. Carl Hanniwell,M.P.P. pointing out in reference to his conversation re: Hydro wires with City of Niagara Falls council that this Council of the Stamford Township feels that it would be a step in the right direction to eliminate the so called rivers of wires through both the elty and this Township and would endorse any resolution to that effect by the City Council but we also feel that any move to put back wires to Hydro Canal would be a waste of time and money as eventually they will all have to be put under ground to make way for expansion of the area and as it this time we are looking for post war programmes to take care of Returned men etc a project of this type would be of great value. This Council is definitely opposed to moving all wires back to canal unless put underground." Carried. or R.11 13. Corfield Monroe "That Mr. Johnston be asked to complete the Honor Roll as speedily as possible as the Council and Officials are under a lot of criticism from parents of boys overseas and now ooling home. Carried. Corfield R.Prior "That the Council accept the invitation from the Junior Chamber of Commerce to hear a lecture of Rehabilitation by Mr. Simpson. And as many members attend'as possible." Carried. "That the report of the Finance Committee RELIEF Accounts, `as presented be aocepted and the•a000unts be paid amounting to 449.45.7 Carried. it Finance 16. Corfield R.Prior Finance Adjourn 118. Monroe Corfield 5 July 4, 194 e darn No. 31 1 Reeve I Finance Engineer Ena inee ARreeme t 17. R.Prior Allan Allen R.Prior R.Prior Allan 3. R.Prior Allan "That the report of the Finance Committee *OARS Accou as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $2,904.57." TThat the report of the Finance Committee GENERAL Ace as. presented be accepted and the accounts be paid am ing to $26,166.21." Carried "That the meeting adjourn." Reeve Special Council meeting held in the 1945, at 8 p.m. Simeon Corfield J. N. Allan R. I. Prior Meeting adjourned Hour 10:10 p.m. /4 Deputy Reeve Councillor Counoillor Carried Carried. Council Chamber on Monday, July "That Mr. Duford be notified by the Engineer that his .junk dealers license will Dome up for review by the Township Council next Monday night and that in the ;circumstances it would be advisable for him not to p .:seed with any plans in connection with his junk yard buainess sinoe the Counoil have received a petition signed by residents of Bellvue Street asking that th 'junk dealers license be rescinded." Carried. 4. Allan R.Por "That the Engineer be asked to investigate the oomph from residents on Bellvue Street oonoerning a garage with adjoining living quarters and report.at the neat 'ineeting of the Counoil." Carried. aX'fe4. d Id "That Deputy appointed ut Reeve S. Corfield be a Reeve Ford pro in the absence or Reeve B. Prior who is on holidays. Carried. "That we adjourn as finance committee to take up reg urn council matters." Carried. neer Rani Clerk. .ons Allan R.Prior- '-"That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign an agatal ment on behalf of the Corporation with Prioo Zoia re epeoting sewer rental agreement,forhis property on 8t, Nra1yls,,8,treet. 6. R.Prior Allan "That the complaint of Mr. Williams re: dogs be referred to Chief Welstead and Mr. Sanders for immediate action." 7. Allan R.Prior Carried. "That permission be granted to Mr. A. Maraldo to operate a laundry in the garage at the rear of 521 Portage Road as requested." Carried. R.Prior Allan "That we grant Niagara Falls Sanatorium Auxiliary permis- sion to hold tag day in Township of Stamford on Saturday July 14th." Carried. R.Prior Allan "That the Engineer be asked to write Department of Munitions and Supplies on behalf of this Council in re- gards to refusal of permit to purchase truck pointing out the dire necessity of this equipment if we are to keep our streets in even a passable condition this winter." Carried. 10. Allan R.Prior "That the following communications on the agenda be filed Nos. 1, 5, 6, 9, 10 and 11; and No. 2 be talbed for one week." Carried. .neer .11. R.Prior Allan "That the Engineer be permitted to make necessary changes and alterations to storehouse doors." '9,194. 38 Duford 12. Allan R.Prior "That permission be given to the Stamford Firemen to operate Bingo game at their carnival to be held in the near future." 13. R.Prior Allan "That the meeting adjourn." 4 7444. of et— Reeve Meeting adjourned Hour 10:30 p.m. Special Oeunoil meeting held in the Council Chamber 1940 at Ben R. Prior Reeve Simeon Corfield Deputy Reeve J.N. Allan Councillor R:I. Prior Councillor G.W`Monroe Councillor Carried. Carried. Carried. 1 I t Clerk. on Monday, July 16, 1. .Monroe Cordell "That Mr. Duford be asked to hold up any activity in oonneation with his proposed business util such time as the Council inspect the area and report at the next meeting. In the meantime, Mr. Duford oontaot the Town ship Treasurer regarding other available properties.".. Oa ed. If E II July .1T, 1. 8 "That Mr. Joe Biamontebe given permission to beautify corner of Portage Road and Valley Way, corner of Mr. Biamonte's property. This property being owned by th Municipality. This work to be done under the supervi of the Engineer." Carri "That the request of Mr. K.C. McLeod to construct a s inch water main on Keith St. be granted, under Condit outlined in .is request; work to be done under the su vision of the Engineer." Carri "That the request from Junior Chamber of Commerce for permission to hold Rodeo Snow in the football field Oakes' Park from July 30th to August 4th be granted." "That the following applications for the purchase of Township lots be accepted and deeds given under the c titions of the applications: Lot 219, plan 40, Monroe St. to Norman Weaver for $50 Lots 290 291, plan 40 Ash St. to Edward Gauthier fo $120.00 Lot 50, plan 55 Brookfield Ave. to Dotald sneer for "That the application of Andrew M. Harris for the pur of lot 71, plan 57, Mouland Avenue, for $50. be acoep provided Mr. Barrie is willing to sign a petition for local improvements and that a deed be given him under condition and the other conditions of the application. Meeting adjourned Hoar 10: vim "That the Stamford Hortioult.ural Association be grant permission to close Portage Road between the south c,n north ends of the Green on Sunday evening, August 5th, during the War Memorial unveiling." Carri "That the quotation of Welland Crushed Stone Buildi Co. for loading fill be accepted." Carri "That in view of the many years of faithful and efflci services rendered this Municipality by Mrs. Gregory w is leaving our employ in the near future, her salary paid until August 31, 1945." �w.. "That numbers 1, and 4 on: t{te_,agenda_.b_e"fJ.],ed -and numb 5 13 be tabled." Carri Corfiett Maras "That a letter to the County Engineer be sent asking' objeotion he would have to allow Mr. Kivao fill in fr et hi e.;resitenoe Of MoLeo& Roal.ax4.Momtrose Carrie Special Council meeting held in the Council Chamber 23, 1945 at 8 p.m. Beri R. Prior Simeon Cor£ie J.N. Allan R.I. Prior G.W. Monroe Peeve ld Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "That we do now adjourn as Finance up regular council business." "That Mr. Halliday be granted permission around 2 grave plot of Mrs. Wake and the Monumental Works that in future no curbs allowed in Lundy's Lane Cemetery." "That we recommend that the County temporarily revoke the junk dealers license recently granted Lir. Duford of Bellvue St., for that location as many of the property owners and residents of the area feel that a junk yard would be a detriment to the vicinity." "That the petitions regarding a restricted area be not entertained at the present time as: 1. A definite area is not designated 2. More thought should be given various business enterprises. 3. One petition is a direct negative of the other. 4. In some cases the same names are on both petitions. Carried. "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign a sewer rental agreement on behalf of the Township with Wilfred Warner for a 50 ft. lot on Keith St. at a rental of $5.35 for 30 years." Carried. "That the following applications for the purchase of Township lots be accepted and deeds given under the conditions of the applications: Lot No. 211, plan 40, Munroe St. to Mrs. Mary Bergeson for $40.00 Lot No. 55, plan 42, Prospect St. John Meseros for $75.00. "That we approve of action taken by Engineer in securing Welland Crushed Stone to det.iver fill at'$100 per load." Carried. "That Miss Cullimore be authorized to .rooeed with tonsil -operations as per her report,." Carried. "That Council aooept tender of.W.D. Beath and Son Ltd. :on Model 148SP V -type snowplow with hand hydraulic .00ntrol complete at cost of $1;235.00. Plus mounting oharge of $38.00. Subject to approvel.of highways Dept."'; Carried. >Monroe R.Prior "That future Municipal Relief Allowances be issued on basis of the McHenry schedule as recommended by Depa ment of Public Welfare." Carr' "That Chief of Police Welstead be asked to inspect a report back to Council on Sanitary conditions on cos brought before Council." "That minutes of as printed." Meeting adjourned Hour 11 P.M. Reeve Deputy Reevd Councillor Councillor Councillor "That Mr. Moore be granted authority to build a tempo structure to live in, on Orohard Avenue, until he i8 Able to build a home: Looation etc. to be approved b the.Engine8r. Carried. Civic 3. Allan holiday Monroe "That Monday, August dth, be declared a 1h the Te ip...5! :!That the Engineer bring in a report to the next meet on the lot application of Mr. MoAlp *ne, with regard value and aeeitary Cenditiens. C.arred. e Rd.': 7. Corfield Allan r "By -law No. 961 to provide for borrowing $990.26 upon de- bentures to pay for the construction of a sewer on Portage Road from Virginia Street to Fred Rbid's property, (south side of house)." read and passed. "That the following applications for the purchase of Township lots be accepted and deeds given under the conditions of the applications: Lot 43 plan 55 Brookfield Ave. to F. M. Large for 470.00; Lot 48 plgn 55 Brookfield Ave. to Wilfred E. Sears for 470.00; Lot 664 plan 2628 Stamford St. to William Lorenzo for $80.00." Carried. "By -law No. 960 to provide for borrowing $2448.16 upon de- bentures to pay for the construction of certain local im- provements" read and passed. "By -Law No. 962 to provide for borrowing 41303.94 upon de- bentures to pay for the construction of a sewer on Barker Street from Corwin Avenue to Dorchester Road" read and passed. "By -law No.. 963 to provide for borrowing bentures to pay for the construction of provements" read and passed. "By law No. 964 to consolidate the sums authorized to be borrowed by certain looal improvement by -laws into one sum of $8493.65 and to borrow the same by the issue of debentures therefor." read and passed. "That we accept reports of Engineer and Public Health Nurses for month of July." "That theLlieeve and Councillor Monroe be attend meeting on Tuesday, August 14th, Carried. "That the clerk write the Welland Chemical asking if re- striotion on water line cannot be lifted as we have applioations for connections to said line, and also ask when the Creek Road is likely to be turned back to the Township." Carried. "That the Clerk be asked to answer letter from J. Milne stating that this Council is prepared to sign quit olakM deed if and when_his.solieitor can show its necessity." Carried. e 15. Corfield Allan,- "That the following communications on the agenda be MO, a,14 9 11 and 12." Carried. 16. Monroe R.Prior "That the Engineer-buy a snow plow from W. D. Beath model 148 S -P V -type with -hand hydraulic control com plete at a coat of $1235.00, plus mounting charge of 435.00. Subject.to. approval of Department of Highway 17. Allan R.Prior "That the Engineer call for tenders for the construoti of sewer, sidewalks, and watermains. Tenders to clos Monday, August 20th at 5 p.m." "That with reference to the request of H. F. Upper, Solicitor for Mrs. Ethel Mowatt, regarding tax arrear on the 6* acre portion of her farm being sold, the Township treasurer be authorized to apportion the amo of arrears with respeot to the said 6* acres and to a oept the same in full payment of arrears to the end. of 1944 on the said 6* acres and to give a certifioat for the same." Carried. "That resolution No. 4 pertaining to McAlpine lot on Murray be rescinded and deeds be issued to Mr. McAlpi for lot 369, and deed be issued to Douglas McAlpine for lot 370, When temporary building costing $600.00 is started. And it is further agreed when house is finally complete it will cost at least $1,500. This work to be under supervision of Engineer." "That the letter received re: hospital bill be turned over to our Clerk to, make further enquiries." "That the report of the Finance Committee GENERAL Account, as presented be.accepted and the a000unts be paid amounting to 4$t,9 t36." k Carried. "That the port of the Fimanoe- Committee ROADS Account, as presented be aeoept4d and the accounts be .paid:.emounting to $16,434.24. .:;Carried. "That the report of the Finance Committee pplazy Account, as presented be aooepted and the a000unts be paid amounting .;to. $415.55. i_ Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour:.- 11 p.m. Carried. Carried. 4. ,Monroe •;'R.Frior; "That we do now adjourn to meet Monday evening, August 13th, 1 Carried. 'Regular Council meeting held in the Council Chamber 13th, 1945, at 8 p.m. Ben R. Prior S. Corfield J.N. Allan G.W. Monroe R. Prior "That We oo- operate with the Salvation Army serfage drive on Sept. 11/45. The Engineer etruoted to provide a truck if required." "That we adjourn as a Finance meeting to take up general business." Carried. "That as Mr. McAlpine agrees to use only the front half of lot ti 370 on Murray for tuffs year, Mr. Hodge Will be allowed to harvest the crop from the rear half of lot 370 and from all of lot No. 369." Carried. "That the Engineer inspect la. Manley's drive on r'reder- ica St. with a view to improving the drive at the ditch." Carried. "That the following applications for the purchase of Township lots be accepted and deeds be given to the purchasers under the conditions of the applications: Lots 363 and 364, plan 40, Murray St. to Steve Recce for $60.00 each Lots 207 and 208, plan 40, Munroe Et. to Ernea't George Hicks for $50.00 each." "That the'following applications for the purchase of Township lots be accepted and deedst{ iven to the purchasers under the conditions of the applications: Lots 176 and 177, plan 44, Bellvue St. to Robert H. Martyn for $25.00 each Lots 178 and 179, plan 44, Bellvue St. to Allan mart; for,$26.00 each." Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor agenda Nos. 1,2,4,6,6,9,10,11 and 8.be tabled." Carried. "That the Stamford Hydro Commission be asked to plaoe a light on pole directly in front. of Tommy„ Rogers' storcon'Ler St." "That the Engineer be asked to oontaot the Highway Dept. with reference to having road fixeddireotly in 'front of Drug Store corner of Leonard end Lundy'e Lane ae there 4;41, AOMO bad holes there." Cerl'ied. R. Frio#:. Allan That we 'do now adjourn." ",Meeting adjourned Hour 10 :46 .m. Carried. in their be in- Carried. Regular Counoil meeting held in the Counoil Chamber on Monday, Augu: No. 36 20th, 1946, at 8 p.m. W *Letead 1. Corfield ax aervioe Monroe Tap. lot Tenders 3. Twp. Hall 4. Leeming St. 6. Monroe Allan Liability Horticultural Society Tenders Local 2. Allan R. Prior Monroe R. Prior Corfield Monroe Monroe Corfiel o Brookfield 8. 'Corfield R. Prior Allan Ben R. Prior Reeve 9. Corfield Deputy Reeve J. N. Allan Councillor G.M. Monroe Councillor R. Prior Councillor "That Chief Weletead be asked to report back to Coune next Monday on his findings re the capabilities of Mr Keoeekee, 2523 Berke'. 8t., West, for a taxi license." Carried. "That the application of lire. John Pool for the parch of lot 284, plan 40, Ash Street, for seventy -five dol be aooepted and a deed given under the oonditions of applioation." Carried. "That the Engineer tabulate the tender prioee and rep. later in the meeting." Carried. "That application from international Union of mine, J. and Smelters Workers for use of Township Hall on Tues. evening August 21st be granted." Carried. "That the Clerk Solicitor take necessary steps to e propriate sufficient land from the north portion of Ie 42, plan 32, to make Leeming St. a 40.ft. street from Leonard to.Highland." Carried. "That a contingent liability clause be added to the io suranos policy on 'Chief Weletead's oar." Carried. 7. Bbn Prior Allan "That this Counoil oommend the work of the Stamford H. cultural Society in the Memorial.Uarden at the Stamfon Green. Having only been organised three year§ this SO has beautified the M.I. Memorial Hall, won honors in t Provinoial Bohool beautification Competition and now brought additional credit to the Municipality in the Stamford (iron Memorial warden ae well'as bondnoting e flower and vegetable .shows." Carried.: "That lots No. 21 20 on the east side of Brookfield) granted 210' exemption on Leming St. for hewer and tU '.In event of'buildingp being erected on'rear of these 11 'And requiring Bawer and water connection that these 10 then be subject to rental charge equivalent to post of sere e nd Carried.' "tat\ we_ aooft the following tenders at prices quoted, Sidewalks Booth .244 .Severe. -44. Reline Watermeing Wm. Lorenjo they,beipg,ths; lowest ;te 44s4.1." 10. Corfibl$ Carried. "That the Clerk be authorised to apply to th Munioipsl :;Board for approval of the following 105111 iafrovementr. Sewertein on Kitchener St. from Kershaw property to 1 1 04 on Kix$h•ner ati. from Kesehaw••nepfrty.'to 10 Qerried. OS urnment 11. Monroe Allan "That we do now adjourh." et 21, 1945 dqv�. %Reeve urnment 1. Allan Corfield Monroe 2. Corfield Allan o avriga 3. Corfield stalks Allan Prior Meeting adjourned Hour 11 p.m. Ben R. Prior :eputy '.reeve Councillor Councillor Reeve Simeon Corfield J.N. Allan H.I. Prior Carried. Finance Council meeting held in the Council Champer on Monday, August 27th, 1945 at 8 p.m. "That we adjourn as a finance committee, and proceed with regular Council business." Carried. we "That the members of Council hereby record our deep personal sorrow at the recent death of Uarlton F. Monroe who during his life gave to the Township of Stamford so many years of public service having served as Reeve, Clerk- Treasurer, and Assessor; that on behalf of the people of the Township of Stamford we pay grateful tribute of honor to his memory, his love- able personality and his outstanding retard of service to the Township, the County of Welland and the whole district in various capacities and that we extend to Mrs. Monroe and thenembers of the family our sincere sympathy." Carried. Allan "That letter from J. $avriga re refreshment stand be turned over to Engineer for a further report. Engineer to contact County Officials as Thorold Road is a suburban Road." Carried. 1 lieense 4. Corfield R. Prior "That taxi license application of Mr. Keceskes be not entertained at present time as this council feels that it should hold this business open for returning men from the various services." *Carried. "That whereas the Township Assessor, Frank H. Walker, and Township Treasurer, G. Munro, require the use of their cars for the discharge of their duties and are now in pressing need of tires for their oars we respectfully request the Wartime Prices and Trade Board to grant them the necessary permits for the purchase of tires." Corfield Carried. Prior "That the quotation from R.N. Booth for raising side- walks at one dollar per lineal ft. be,acoepted." Carried. lerk i 1 C it "That itema on the agenda Nos. 6,7,8,9 be filed No. be tabled." TeG.N.P.W.P.C. 10. Prior Corfield "That we popept report of Greater Niagara Post War P1 Committee; but would also refer committee to our lette of June 26th." Ter l Adjournment 10. Allan Prior Le L Rest -room Agenda August 28, 1946 hade.,m.. 4 Cezor: r. Reeve 38 Present 7. Allan Corfield "That the Clerk be authorized. to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board for authority to construct the follow local improvements which have been certified as suffi signed: Sidewalk on the north and south side of Murray St. fr Drummond'Road to Franklin Ave. Sewer and water on Mouland Ave. from High St. to Leem Sewer and water on Leeming St. from east side of lot to Brookfield Ave." 8. Corfield Prior 1. Allan Prior "That the Council request the Belleville Racing Ass. have a rest -room with accommodation for emergency sic installed at race track on Montrose Road." Carried. "That we do now adjourn." Meeting adjourned Hour 11+00 p.m. Regular Council meeting held in the•Oounoil Chamber on Tuesday, Sep 4th, 1945 at 8 p.m. Allan Monroe Allan R. Prior Ben R. Prior Simeon Corfield J.N. Allan C.K. Monroe R. Prior Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. "That the minutes of the regular and epeoial meetings h during the month of August be adopted as printed." Carrie "That the following grants be wade to thi Associations -named hereunder: Stamford Baseball Team 410.00 Welland Oounty Plowmen's Aesooiatioa 80.00 �Alian Carrie Oorfield "That the monthly reports of the school Nurse and the 8ngineer; for. the month of August be accepted and filed Allan "pie A..Prior "That the request for storm windows and furnace pipes 'P.M. Wilson for the cemetery house be granted and the ,Engineer be 40trupted to look after same." Aarri b. Ben Prior. Allan "That a suitable "Welcome Home" sign be placed on the front of the Township Hall to welcome home the boys and girls now returning to their homes in the Township from active services." Carried. 6. Corfield Monroe "That the application of Harry G. White for ti.- pur- chase of Township lots 189 190, plan 44, Bellevue St. for $50.00 be accepted and a deed given under the con- ditions of the application." ioations7. Allan ent re 't. Corfield 8. Corfield Monroe 9. Allan Corfield 10. Monroe R. Prior rnment 11. R. Prior Monroe R. Prior Tench 2. Allan OorPield_ ,Corfield Allan Allan R. Carried. "That communications 1,5,6,7,9,10,11 and 12 be filed and No. 8 tabled." Carried. "That the report of the r'inance Committee General Account as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amount- ing to $57,276.34." Carried. "That the report of the finance Committee Roads Account as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid a- mounting to $15,211.72." Carried. "That the report of the Finance Committee Relief Account as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amount- ing to $428.90." Carried. "That we do now adjourn." Meeting adjourned Hour 10:00 p.m. mbar 5/45 Pte, og2, Reeve Ben R. Prior Reeve Simeon Corfield Deputy Reeve J.N. Allan Councillor R. Prior Councillor G.W. Monroe Councillor Carried. Finance meeting held in the Council Chamber on monday, September 10th, 1945 at 8 p.m. rnment 1. Allan "That we adjourn as a Finance Committee and prooeed tole:: take up regular Council business." Carried. "That the request for a culvert pipe from Mr. Johu Wench be left in the hands of the Engineer for aotion." Carried. "That the audit report re road expenditures in our Township from. Department:01 be. received and filed." Carried, "That the application of Mary Bann for the purchase of lot No. 880,, plan 40, Murray Street, for the sum of :Sixty dollars be accepted and a deed given,under' the conditions of -the appiioation.". Oarried•." i 1 11 Grant Nib Ij Leeming St. Tw 'By -Law 965 7A R.Prior 1 Tai Monroe Tw h By -Law 966 Li Ho So Mr. Fry By -Law 967 By -Law 968, 5. Monroe R. Prior "That inasmuch as tne purchase price and size of the property were not perfectly clear, Mr. Fry be notiri that the question of the sale of the property on Coo Street will again come up for discussion next :ionday night. Carrie 6. Corfield Allan' "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to petition Provincial Government for interim payment of the sta grant under the Highway Improvement Act on total exp tares of 03,656.20 to August 31, 1945." Carrie 7. Corfield :onroe "That the Engineer's Report re Leeming St. be ac::ept and no further action be taken re expropriation in much as the widening of the street would encroach so close to the house it would necessitate the moving o same." Carrie "A by -law to authorize the construction of a sewer o High St., from Depew Ave., east to boundary of lot 4 plan 54. Read a third time and finally passed." Carrie 7B R. Prior Monroe "A by -law to authorize the c..nstraction of a waterma Brookfield Ave. from centre line of lot 17 to north limit of lot 24. Read a third time and finally pas. Carrie 70 Corfield Allan "1 by -law to authorize the construction of a sidewalk upon west side Highland Ave. from Cook St. to Freder St." Read a third time and finally passed. Carrie 7D Allan Corfield "A by -law to authorize the construction of a waterma Spence St. from Corwin Ave. to Carleton Ave." Read a time and finally passed. Carrie By -Law 969 By -Law 970 By -Law 971 7G R. Prior Monroe 7E Monroe R. Prior "t137 -law to authorise the construction of a sewer o Spenoe St. from Corwin Ave.to east limit of lot.60 Read a third time and finally passed. Carrie 77 Monroe R. Prior "2 By -law to authorise the construction of a sewer o Portage Road from Morrison St. to Hydro bridge." Re third time-And. finally passed. Carrie 91 by -law to authorise the oonstruotion of a watermai High St. from Depew itemize east to east boundary of lot -40, plan 64. a -third time and finally pas Carrie Monroe Corfield "That the report of the tax :collector -be accepted." Carrie .a< a 'Reeve Prior asked Depnty-Reeve Corfield to take the in order that the Reeve might start on oertain- resolu Alone he was bringing in. .8. Prio "That sines World War No. E has been brought to a vio "Allan torioue conclusion this Council issue a proclamation .behalf of the oitisens of Stamford Township paying re tribute to those from this area who made the supreme saorifiCsmiso extending to.their :bereaved,lamilioa o einoere sympathy.. And to all those who served on the fictive frost on land, sea and air, and to those who served on tne home front prod>ictang tools of war, and to all in- dividuals and organizations who contributed in any way to the wrr effort and finally to all those en- ga-_ed in the task of Rehabilitation of our returning fighting forces, may we extend on behalf of the Township of Stamford our grateful appreciation." Carried. alker 10. Ben Prior Corfield "That the Rev. A. H. walker be appointee to the Stamford Collegiate Board to fill the vacancy created by the death of Carl c'. i4onroe." Carried. rimming 11. isen Prior R. Prior "That the Engineer be asked to bring in a report on the cost of maintaining a tree trimming programme under the Public Works and Perks Dept. since many of our street lights are ov- rshadowed by exessive limb growth and there are vr few trees on streets but which do not require expert tree surgery due to close planting, wires, etc." Carried. an 12. Den Prior Allan "That this Council ask the local Frontier Game Assn. to organize a wolf hunt to eliminate the wolves reported in this 'Township." Carried. 13. ben Prior Corfield "That in as much as the housing shortage situation in Stamford Township is critical and returning active servicemen are unable to secure homes and in as much as private builders and contractors are unable to secure materials to construct homes in the township due to priority of government contracts that this Council petition and recommend to the Soldier Settlement and Veterans' Land Act authorities that they immediately build approximately 40 more permanent homes in the Township strongly recommending the building be done on the lieximer Farm recently acquired by them pointing out that watermains, sewers, electric and transportation facilities are available at this farmland which borders on Dunn St., Drummond Road and Wartime Housing streets and also point out that the soil on this farm is better adapted to gardening purposes for the small 1 acre holdings, That a copy of this recommendation be sent to the Soldier Settlement and Veterans' Land Act authorities; the Hon: Humphrey.mitchell, local Federal member; and all -the local Legion and veteran organiza- tione." (Reeve Prior again took his place in the chair.) Carried. Prop. 14. Monroe H. Prior "That this Council request Mr. Angus, District construo- 'tion Supervisor of Soldier Settlement and veterans' Band Aot that since we have been requested to take over the roads in Hodgson subdivision after they are constructed that we ask that all roads be constructed, water -bound macadam 4" consolidated with double surface treatment and width of metal be 16 feet." Carried. i[t1.16. ;Corfield .Slian "That olerk write the Department of reconstruction asking that building material be released to local contractors as- the contractors are held up for want of such material." Corfield Carried. Mo ►r4,e. "That the following ;items 'on the agenda be filed Nos. 2 3, and ,.4. Canted, Adjournment 17. Corfield 1. R. Prior t eI °tl i i it 11 1 Police.rep't. 1. R.Prior I Allan I September 11/45 Present Tender Wolves L iLee St. Barker Walk. ICommunicatione 6. R.Prior ?Allan G. N. C..Q. C. Mr. Fry T .D. 'rest. Regular 194o at 2. Allan Monroe 3. Corfield Allan Allan R. Prior 5. Corfield Monroe Corfield Allan Corfield Allan "That we do now adjourn." Ben R. Prior S. Corfield J.N.Allan R.I.Prior G.W.Monroe Meeting adjourned hour p.m. Reeve £eeting held in the Council Chamber on Monday, September 1 8 O'clock. Reeve Deputy R eve Councillor Councillor Councillor Carrie Cler "That we accept and file report of Chief of Police to month of Augist." Carrier "That the tender of the imperial Bank of Canada for Debentures be accepted at price quoted." Carried "That a vote of thanks and appreciation be given to Game Warden Roy Mime. and all farmers and hunters in helptng rid the Township of wolves." Carried "That the petition from residents of Lee St. cannot b entertained until all portions of Lee St. are aabdivi and a plan registered at the Registry office." Carried "That the Clerk be authorized to apply to the Ontario Municipal Beard for approval to construct a sidewalx the north side of .Barker St. from Corwin Ave. to Dor- chester Road." Carried "That communications Nos. 1,2,3,6,9,10,11 and. 12 be filed and Nos. 7 and 8 be tabled." Carried "That this Council fully endorses the greater-Niagara Community Chest Campaign and ask all citizens to sups it_ ge--- tully'as possible." Carried Monroe Corfield r "That the Township sell the property lying between Co "Street and Frederica being parts of lots 120,123,124, '178,179 and 180, plan 29, as per attaohed description for the sum of *201.00 to Mr. ay. That Mr. Fry sell a piene of said property 112.8 ..feet fronting on Cook Street with a depth of 250 feet to Mr. Biaokmsre for the sum of $200.00 and Mr. Fry t deed to the Township a 50 feet street from Oook to Frederica, these transactions to take place aimultene parried "That the application of A.D. Prost for the purchase =Township lot 743, plaza 2628, nuohanan Street, ler the sum of $70.00 be agnipted and deed,giyen.under the oopftiorte, of t,he;apploation,." Carried 972 9A Allan R. Prior "T by -law to ccpoint a trustee tor the Stem:ord Gollegi- ate institute Board for the Township of ita,ilord to fill the vanancy occasioned by the death of :,.r. C4rl :;inroe." Carried. nment 10. E. Prior Allan "Thc.t we do now adjourn./ ber 18,1945.6 o rnment 1. Corfield Allan 2. Monroe Corfield -law 3. Allan R. Prior tures 4. Allan R. Prior Kovacs service. ht Ben R. Prior Simeon Corfield J.N. Allan R.I. Prior G.W. Monroe fleeting adjourned hour 11.30 Reeve p.:n• C- rried. Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "That we do now retineuas Finance Committee to take up regular Council business." Carried. "That providing a properly signed petition is received for a sidewalk on Leemtng St., the Qlerk is empowered to ask the Municipal Board for approval at once." Carried. "That resolution number 2 of the Council meeting of September 17th authorizing the sale of debentures be rescinded and that the revised tender of the Imperial Bank offering a price of $102 and accrued interest be accepted for the following debentures: Under by -law 960 $2448.16 Under by -law 964 $8493.65 Clerk Regular Council meeting held in tt:e Council Chamber on Monday, :eptem- ber 24th, 1945 at 8 p.m. "That the Dog by -law be amended to prohibit dogs running at large between April 1st to November 15th." Carried. Carried. Corfield Allan "That the request from Alec Novae for the installation of gasoline pumps and storage tank be granted, subject to approval of County and Highways Departments." Monroe Carried. R. Prior "That as many members of the Council Township officials as possible attend the 125th anniversary service at St. John's Qhuroh, Stamford, October 7, 1945 at 11 a.m." Carried. Monroe Corfield "That we request the S.P.U.C. to instal a street light in front of the Wartime Housing Community Hall entrance -on Drummond Road, and recommend that they deal favourably., with the:requeat re guy Wireremovel. Carried.. 7 s Gascoigne 8. Corfield Allan S.S. V.L.A. 9. Corfield Monreee Ice-rinks Grant Twp. Lots 10. Ben Prior Allan Valleyway 11. Corfield Monroe 12. Corfield Allan 13. Corfield Monroe Communication 14. Allan E. Prior Sidewalk 15. uorfield Monroe Adjournment 17. Corfield "That the Clerk write insurance Co. re Mrs. i;ascoigi: claim, accepting the settlement as satisfactory." Carr "That tr:e Clerk be empowered to have notice publishe in the local press drawing the attention to returned servicemen that it would be advisable to Contact the Boldier Settlement and Veterans' Land Act authorit for advice before purchasing property with a view to obtaining the benefits under the Soldier Settlement Veterans' Land Act." Carr "That the Engineer and Clerk, with Chairman of Parks a committee to contact the school Boards and Tire be with a view to having adequate ice -rinks provided fo youth of Stamford Township especially since the N.F. Arena will not operate an ice surface this coming w keeping in mind the feasibility of having one rink lights on which hockey games can be played. This co mittee to bring in a report as soon as possible." Carr "That the Engineer look into the light situation on way and bring in a report next meeting and also the drainage on North side." "That the usual grant of $16.00 be given to the Stan Public Schools Athletic'Sooiety." "That resolution number 9 of Council meeting of Ser 17, granting lot 743, plan 2628 to A.L. Prest be res and that Mr. Prest be granted lot 744, plan 2628, Bu an Avenue under the same conditions and for the same price 470.00." "That the 12,16,17, "That Ler make road Monroe ''"Ehat`we do.now adjourn." Meeting Adjourned Carr Carr following communications be filed Nos. 6,7 18 and 19 and Nos. 8,9 and 11 be tabled." Ce.rr St. sidewalk be left over till the Council inspection sometiwe next week." Garr By -Law 973 ;16. Corfield Monroe. "A.B$ -law to authorize the construction of a sidewal upon north and south sides of Murray St. from Drummo Road to rranklin Avenue." hour ;11 p•m• Carr Carr' Cler 2 :es Est Carr T eer. 4. lioense5. aker ing Regular meeting of the Council held in the October 1st, 1945, et 8 p.m. Allan R.Prior Allan R.Prior Monroe Corfield Corfield Allan Ben R. Prior Simeon Corfield J. N. Allan G. W. Monroe R. I. Prior Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Council Chamber on Monday, "That the minutes of the meetings held during the month of September be adopted as printed." Carried. "That the application of Edward G. Lundy for the purchase of Township lot number 46 plan 55 Brookfield Avenue for the sum of 470.00 be accepted and a deed given under the conditions of the application." Carried. Monroe Corfield "That this council sponsor a Fire Prevention Week Poster contest among the Public School children. Prizes of War Savings stamps for each school section be given as follows: lst prize 42.00; 2nd prize 41.00; 3rd prize 50¢ for each classification. Group classification "A" grades 7 8; "B" grades 5 6; "C" grade 4 and lower. Cost to be equally divided between the three fire areas. Fire chiefs Wilson, Haigh and Shapton to supervize the judging." Carried. Allan R.Prior "That the Engineer and Chairman of the Roads committee be empowered to have Brookfield Avenue put into shape for traffic." Carried. "that the application of Mr. A. L. Prest for a taxi license be filed." Carried. "That the report of Chairman of property re: full time caretaker for Township Hall be accepted." Carried. B.Prior Corfield "That this Council endorse the National Clothing Drive October 1st to 20th and ask all citizens of Stamford Township to support this drive." Carried. R.Prior Allan "That we approve plan submitted by B. Erwin; 0.L.S. for sub division of part of Township lot No. 147." Carried. -Corfield Monro.e "That the monthly report of Chief Welstead be accepted and filed." Carried. 0. R.Prior Monroe "That Deputy Reeve Corfield, Councillor Allan, and 'Engineer M. F. Ker be delegates to attend Ontario 'Cemeteries Conventiou held.in Toronto, October.. Carried. 1 Ad4ourn Ootpb,v "That the selection for the person to place the wreath the Cenotaph on November llth be left with the Reeve Clerk." "That the application from Bell Telephone Co. re: poles rear lots owneC by the Township on Monroe Street be air proved." "That the Engineer be instructed to construct manhole i Barker Street between Corwin and Dorchester." "That we approve the Engineer's recommendation regardi changing A. McLeod from hourly rate to monthly salary. "That a letter beFsent to. Highway Dept. asking that a wigAwag system be placed on Wabash crossing on No. 20 ::Highway, as a fatal accident occurred there on Sept429 Carried. Carried. "That communications Nos. 1,3,5,8,9,11,12 and 13 be fil and No. 1_5-tabled." *By -law No. 974 to provide for the borrowing of money pending sale of debentures" read and passed 1. Corfield b nxoe "That the report f -1 S presented be to ;384.05.." of the Finance Committee GENERAL Aoco accepted and the accounts be pad amo Carried. of the Finance Committee ROADS Account accepted and the account; be paid amou Carried, of the Finanoe Committee RELIEF Aocoun aoaepted.and the accounts be paid amo Special meeting of the Council October 9ph, 1945, at 8 p.m. Ben R. Prior Simeon Corfield J. N. Allan R. 1. Prior "That we do now adjourn as Finance rdgular council business." Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor "That the Court of Revision be held on 8 p.m." "That the request for extension of be granted." report of Nurse Cullimore be accepted and filed." 4. Corfield R. Prior "That the Boy Snouts be granted the use of Hall on Saturday, October 13th, for distribution depot." Corfield Allan "That the Council *eet at 10 A.M. Friday, the 12th to make inspection of Roads, sidewalks, bridges etc.' Corfield R.Prior "That the letter from the Veteran's Land Act Authoritie's be filed and a copy be sent to Local Veterans Association and also to Citizens Committee." Carried. "That the Clerk write the Public Utilities telling them that Council is receiving complaints about the number of lights that are out, and ask if these can be replaoed and also thanking them for their co- operation in removing poles when requested by the Engineer for necessary street improvements." R.Prior Corfield. "That oommunioation from Mr. E. Fischer be presented to the Clerk to be added to his memoirs of amusing and reditulous correspondence received during his life as a Municipal Officer." Carried. R.Prior Allan -,"That the Reeve and Engineer be delegated to attend the Annual Convention of the Cadadian Institute on Sewage and Sanitation on November 5th and Oth, 1945, at the Prince Edward Hotel, Windsor." Carried. Clerk 12. Corfield Park Hospital costs Communi- cations Ne 44 Culvert Allan "That the Clerk -write the Greater Niagara Municipal Association asking if Mr. Edgar Thompson could addres the members at the next meeting on a proposed Interne Exposition to be held in this area." ioe rink 13. Allan R.Prior 14. Corfield Allan 1 15.•Corfield R. Prior 16. Corfield B. Prior By -Law 17. R.Prior Allan, Adjourn 18. R.Prior Corfield Ootober 9/ a Regular Ootober Carried. "That a report be brought in at the next meeting on fu that might be available to operate an ice rink this c winter." Carried. "That the Chairman of Parks and Engineer be a Committe to interview the owner of property on Culp re: extens of Park property and report attnext meeting." Carried. "That the Clerk be authorized to pay 50% of the hospit. costs of Henry Weibe as requested by the Rotary Club. Carried. "That communications Nos. 4,5,8,11 and 13 be filed and 9 be tabled." Carried. "By -Law No. 975 to amend by -law No. 261, 1929 and to r: scind By -law No. 697, 1938" read a first, second, and third time and passed. "That we do now adjourn." Reeve meeting of the Oounoil held in the 12tk,...042 4 p.m. Ben R. Prior Simeon Corfield ;J.B. Alien 4. W. Monroe Meeting adjourned Hour 11 p.m. Council Chamber Reeve Deputy Reeve, .Councillor Councillor Councillor Carri ed. Clerk. on iriday Corfield Allan "That the Sngineer be authorised to extend the °alter on lister Road 10 ft. each side.OS present oulvert as 49-9.1_ 4 F4§4,lble." F alks 3. Corfield Allan "That the sidewalks on xer St. be left over until the street is properly graded and stoned from curb to curb." rds. 4. Corfield Allan "That the Engineer and staff be thanked for the splendid work that has been accomplished in building the side- walk on Drummond Road also the roads on Drummond Road Dunn St. and Orchard Ave." Carried. rnment 5. Corfield Allan "That we do now adjourn." ant sea 2. Allan Corfield "That the Engineer be instructed to have signs placed at prominent boundary lines reading Stamford Township. Ben R. Prior S. Corfield 3. N. Allan G. W. Monroe R. I. Prior Meeting adjourned Hour 4.30 p.m. Reeve. Regular meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber on Monday, October 18th, 1945, at 8 p.m. Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Carried Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Clerk. 1. Monroe Corfield "That Norton D. Evans be granted a license to operate a taxi in the Township of Stamford subject to the terms of the by -law." 2. Allan R.Prior "That the invitation from Rev. Percival Mayes to attend the 125th Anniversary service of All Saints Church, October 28th, be accepted and the Council attend." 3. .Corfield Allan "That the Clerk write the Township of Crowland agreeing to interchange of pheasant lioenses same as previous years and this to apply to other Municipalities where the interchange has taken place before. Carried. 'Monroe R.Prior That the clerk write the City Council regarding mutual arrangements regarding taxi Dabs: that is, that in re- :turn for city licensed taxis being allowed to operate in Stamford,Township /Reused oabs be allowed to operate in Niagara'Falls, b.. R.Prior Allan "That we hold a meeting to discuss polioe'matters only on Monday Oot. 29th following Court of Revision held on that date, and application of Gordon Collineon and all. others be laid over -till that meeting." "That the Tax collector be instructed to immediately in touch with Mr. Reid and satisfactorily arrange fo the collection of the taxes on Mr. Reids property on Leonard Stteet." "That fire chiefs Wilson and Haigh go into the Model law to regulate the construction of buildings _8d pro for inspection and safety of buildings for safety to life from hazzards of fire. If found satisfactory, by -law be submitted to the Council." "That the Engineer be asked to bring in a report on t opening of the Creek Road." "That the Engineer be asked to obtain an option on th land adjoining park property, in anticipation of sub mitting.by -law to the people." j Regular Counoil meeting held in-the Council Chamber 22, 1945 at 8 p.m. Ben R. Prior 'Simeon Corfield J.N. Alan R.I. Prior O.W. Monroe Allan R. Prior "That we' adjourn as a Finanos Committee and proceed regular Council bueio se." Carried Alan Corfield "That the application of Thelma G. Hodges for the pu 'phase of lots 414 418 plan 40, for the sum of oni hbndred dollars and a deed given under the. condition the application." Carried' "That Deputy Reeve Corfield attend meeting of Direct :of G.N.O. Chest 'at Chamber of Commeroa `l'hureday even ae Reeverwill °be unable to attend. Carried. '"That the Council end officials be asked to attend HI 'dinner 'meeting of the Greater Niagara Munioipel Asso tion°en Friday, Ootober '26, 1945 et 6.30." Carried. Court of Revision held in the Council Chamber on Monday, October 29th, 1945, at 8 p.m. The following members of the Council took the oath of office before the Clerk, A. C. Huggins: 1. Monroe Corfield Corfield Monroe "That the Engineer be authorized to dorward to the Welland Chemical officials the report of the Committee re: Creek Road." "That the very interesting and enlightening report of the Cemetery Committee who attended the cemetery con- ference be received and filed." "That the Public Utilities be asked to place two lights on Valley Way east of Portage Road and that street light be moved on Taylor St. to more advantageous position." quotation from the Executone cemmunicatio communication system for Township Hall be future reference." Ben R. Prior Simeon Corfield J. N. Allan G. W. Monroe Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor "That the assessment under Roll 1289 assessed to B. A. end Alive Langmuir be reduced $200.00 on the buildings and $50.00 on the business Assessment." "That tae following taxes assessed to Ben H. Cray be written off because of an overcharge in duplicate assess ;ments. Roll 586 1943.tax arrears $2.89; Roll 588 '1945 taxes $3.20. Further that the assessment of $100.00 on the land for 1946 be sustained since it is in line with other assessments in the particular district." Carried. 4. Corfield Allan "That we do now adjourn as a Court of Revision and go into Council session." "That the assessment appeal against Roll No. 2114 bei lot 46 Mouland Avenue at 5150.00 be not entertained since all other lots on this street are assessed at figure." Carried. Ben. R. Prior S. Corfield 3. N. Allan G. W. Monroe R. I. Prior "That the Reeve and chief of police and clerk be a con mittee to go into radio equipled patrol car for Stamfo Township, cost etc and make recommendation and bring progress report to Council next meeting." "That we advertise for applications for Police Conateb Applications to be received by the Township Clerk bef 5 p.m. Monday, November 5th, 1945. Applications on f will be considered when appointments are made." 3. Monroe Corfield "That we do now adjourn." Reeve. Ben R. Prior Simeon Corfield J•N• Allan. At. I. Prior a.1. :Monroe Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Qounoiller Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Meeting adjourned Hour 11 p.m. Regular Council meeting held. in the Connoil Chamber,.Monday, November 1945, -et= "That the minutes of all regular and special meetings h during the month of'October be adopted as printed." Carrie 2. Monroe R. Prier 3. Monroe Corfield 4. Monroe Corfield 5. Corfield Allan hts 6. Corfield monr oe 7. R. Prior Monroe Arlan Cerfield Monroe R. Prier 10. Allan Corfield Egm't.11. Cerfield Allan orrice 12. Ben Prior i Corfield Monroe Corfield "That the application of Mr. Giffen an Orchard Ave., be laid over until in order that any objections may be to operate a garage the next meeting lodged." Carried. "That the reports of the Police Chief and Public Health Nurse be accepted and filed." Carried. "That the Fire posters submitted by Public School children be turned over to the fire chiefs for their consideration and judgment." "That the Engineer's report for accepted and placed on file." "That the Public Utilit High St. from Depew to and also on :rederica a the Engineer and Deputy Carried. the month of October be Carried. ies be asked to place lights on Brookfield on every second pole nd Kolar upon recommendation of eeve Corfield." Carried. "That the Clerk be authorized to purchase 10 copies of "The Municipal Council and Councillor in Ontario." Carried. "That the communication from the Stamford Public Utilities: I Commission in connection with street light breakage on Drummond Road in the vicinity of sub station be referred to the Stamford High School Board for possibly some cor- rection and the police be asked to give this matter some attention." Carried. "That ea purchase 6 Aristocrat lawn seats for use in the cemeteries." Carried. "That we eooept the invitation from the zation to attend annual Remembrance Day 11 and as many as possible attend." Veterans' Organi- parade November Carried. "That the report of special oommittee re radio equipment for police cars be accepted and the committee be thanked for their report and furthermore this Council feels that it would be advisable to get mere inforwation re hooking up the whole area in conjunction with the Provincial authorities." Carried. "That this Council communicate at once with Mr. J. P. PEingle, Vioe- President and General Manager of the Central Region of the C.N.R. asking if and when bus services will be available to the residents of Stamford Township es we feel this matter should be attended to now that the war is over to link up the progressive develepment of our Township." Carried. "That the applications for constable be turned ever to the Chief of Polio(' to investigate and bring in a report at the next meeting covering the ten most suitable appli- cants." .Carried. I i I TwP. Leto 14. Roads Relief 16B Corfield Monroe General Adjournment 17. Garfield Allan Present Ad journmen t Garage vestment 3. Allan Allan Corfield "That the following applications lots be accepted and deeds given the applications: Lets 220 and 221, plan 40, Monroe for $100.00 Lot 260, plan 40, Monroe St. to 16A Corfield Monroe "That the report of the Finance Committee as presented be accepted and the accounts to $4,379.04." "That the report of the Finance Committee as presented be accepted and the accounts ing to $532.15." 160 Monroe Corfield "That the report of the Finance Committee as resented be accepted and the accounts to $10,150.36." "That we do new adjourn." Meeting addourned Hour 10 :30 p.m. Ben R. Prior Simeon Corfield J.N. Allan R.I.Prior a.W.'Monroo, Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor 'Councillor 'Councillor. for the purchase of T under the conditions St., to H.T. Goldsmit Alan Diamond for $50.0 Carried. By -Law 976 15. Corfield Monroe "By -law to privide for taking the votes of electors on following question: "Are you in favour of the Township of Stamford acquiri approximately 10 acres of land. in the vicinity of Carlton Avenue at a cost of r to be used along with land now awned by the Corporation a Park for recreational purposes' Read a first, secot and third time and finally passed. to be known as Staif Me mierial Park Carried. Communioa- 16. Corfield tiona Monroe "That the following communications be filed Nos. 5, 10 11 and No. 14 tabled." Carried. Roads Account ee ppa.id amoun Nov. 6/40 G[2L. Uc 42,c'..07.-- Reeve L/(,. 1 No. 49 Special Council meeting held--in_:the 'Council Chamber on Thursday, 15th., at 8 p.m. Carried. Relief Accoun be paid amoun Carried. General Acco be ,pa d amours Carried: Carried. Nova Allan R. Prior "That we adjourn as a Finance 'Committee and proceed wi statutory Council meting."' Carried. .Monroe R. Prior "That we grant J. Giffen permission to operate u repot garage at 2616 Orchard (reer):and that,tbe Department of Highwaye,be, so•notified. Carried :.Oorfield.; "That the action of the Reeve and Treasurer in invest fifteen hundred.dol],araof .Post,War Reserve and rive 01 ion I! i nses icationa 4. Monroe R.Prior 5. Corfield Allan 6. R.Prior Corfield Lots 7. Monroe Allan Corfield hundred dollars of Cemetery reserve in.idnth Victory Loan be hereby approv.d and confirmed." R.Prior an '11. Corfield Carried. "That we ask the Department of Came Fisheries if this Council may allow hunting, subject to Department of Game Fisheries open season regulations) in this Township ;rom now until the loth of February without a Township license providing the hunter is in possession of a valid Provincial license." Carried. "That as the Department of Caine Fisheries, in letter of November 12th, hes intimated that they will not object to the Council making arrangements for the issue of additional Township Hinting Licneses, the Reeve and Treasurer be Euthorized to issue additional licenses on the form presented by the ireasurer." That the report of Chief be held over to the first further information is re eral's office on this mat "That the following appli lots be accepted and deed of the applications: Lot Chiooski for $60.00 Lot 117, plan 40, Taylor 112. R.Prior Alan "That the Clerk be asked for and feasibility of of this Township in near Curried. •elstead on Police zpplications of yea: or at least until ceived from the Attorney Cen- ter." Carried. cations for the purchase of Twp. s given under the conditions 3o2, plan 40, ash St. to John St., to Joseph Bowman for $70.00. Carried. eriok's 8. Monroe Corfield "That in as much as the taxes are in arrears on the Broderick property, we advise the H.E.P.C., Mr. G.L. Sherk, 27 queen St., St. Catharines, that we cannot see our way clear to guarantee the payment of rural service as per the application." Carried. 9. Corfield Allan "That the report from Blake Erwin re Four Mile creek drain affecting certain lands in our Township be accepted." Carried. k Road 10. Allan R. Prior "That the Engineer and Chattman of Roads be asked to in- terview Mr.E.D. Powers of the Welland Chemical Co. in reference to Creek Road opening and other matters con cerning roads." Carried. Monroe "That township employees be congratulated on oversub- scribing to the Victory Loan and also this Council feels that our employees are to be congratulated on joining the plan for Hospital care." Carried. to bring in a report on rates a Pension 4oheme for employees future." Carried. lutione 13. Corfield Monroe "That this oounoil endorse the two resolutions received from Chippewa Council re detour on Park Highway and smoke nuisance." Carried. Crawford 8t. 14. Arlan R. Prior Comm'tions 15. Allan R.Prior St.Lights 16. Monroe Corfield Adjournment 17. Corfield R. Prior "That we do now adjourn." Nov..16 /45 No. 50 Present, Clerk Police Public Utilities R. Regular meeting of the Council November 19th, 1945, at 8 p.m. Ben R. Prior S. Corfield J. N. Allan G. W. Monroe R. I. Prior Cqrfield Allan "That the offer from Mrs. C.F. Monroe to the Township, west end of Crawford allowance." "That the following communications "That we request the Public Utilities lights as follows: be accepted, des St. as a road Carried. be filed Nos. 6,7 Carried. to place street 9 on Kolar Road 5 on Frederica 3 on High 1 location changed on Dorchester Road. If the coin; mission wish, the Township Engineer will assist with.; locationsl" Meeting adjourned Hour 10:45 p.m. Reeve r held in the Council Chamber on Monday, Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "That the Clerk write to Principals in our Township 'schools asking them to thank the pupils on behalf of the Council for their splendid ideas put forward by them in the Fire prevention posters, and the judges be thanked for their co- operation." Carried. 2, ;Corfield Monroe "That the police be asked bo check on the waste paper littering up the streets left by newsboys on the corn of Collards store and also the breaking of glass on tures sidewalks on Lundys.Lane. Carried. .Allyn R:4.40fFh!That the Public Utilities Commission be asked to plac a street light on the lane west of High school leadin to Leonard btree Carried. Carried. Carried. Ole neer unications aw re: tion nee lo tion 5. 3. u rn 19/45. 51 sent 4. Monroe R.Prior Corfield R.Prior is ities 6. Allan R.Prior Corfield Allan Corfield Allan Corfield R.Prior "That the Engineer trade in the tires on rear of garbage truck for four new 8 «.5 X 20 tires." "That communication i io. 3 be filed and No. 4 tabled." "That the Stamford =ublic Utilities Commission be arcked to place a street light north of Queen Elizabeth High- way on Buchanan Street." "By -Law No. 977 to <ppoint Polling places, Deputy Re- turning Officersand Poll Clerks for the Township of Stamford" read a first, second and third time and passed. R.Prior Monroe "That we do now adjourn." Reeve. Special meeting of the Council held in November 26th, 1945, at 8 p.m. Ben. R. Prior Simeon Corfield J. N. Allan R. 1. Prior G. W. Mnnrthe Carried Meeting adjourned Hour: 10:30 p.m. the Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor 1. Allan R.Prior "That we adjourn as a finance with Council business." Carried. Carried. Carried. Council Chamber on Monday, committee and proceed Carried. "That the clerk be asked to purchase suitable pictures of the King and Queen to be placed in Township Hall and Reeve's Office." Carried. "That this council approve of the establishing of tz radio station in this locality." Carried. •0N 891, t Lz 1 T3 90 I 3 3 38 i I ZT 21 23 1 o 1 C') 0v I 13 2 L£ I i 1t I 99 29 I 03 113 93 o L'J c1/47 Lc) I i cv iM w 1 I 34 I 29 1 ,£9 6£ 9L 199 L a wl I L9 112 7 �I 69 I 7 1 Yq 1 91 66L I 99L aaxT T4 I 22 L6 I 13 i 38 L9 38 8L ;9 O 4\21 4.1 4 4\2 w 29 03 j Li; 93 39 12 92 177 L9 I 49 69 09 1 93T I L 96 ;I 93 I 09 1 93 o L I TBTouig 6 91 21 33 co 0 M 0 I 98 I LIT a CT 1 0 02 i 83 I 99 P ca aautagg L1 L2 02 92 ql m qs N col (.2 ..t r-I ri m 0,2 01 8 £3 TT 9 L£ L3 03 I 9£ N 92 TT I 99 69 r-{ 21 J 11 LT 31 T9 I 32 96 96 lV 4 0 siaagod 33 82 4.3 24 42 19 L.. 44 0£ bpi 6£ 22 6t 93 69 TL 92 1 31 09 I 92 I 23 co 0 tr poaqoaw 6£ 7 r-- �I 001126 69 99 L9 r n o n qua)/ c LT 6 I I L9 93 r+ 0 N m sauop al H ...I. TT N 8 2 86 49 o o I L£ 99 09 rn r rn cA1 W u8 T H t o G1 0 N 62 21 I 59 M H 0 M w m 143 1 08 th 0 9 '0 VETO H O `O TT 29 9 99 21 OCT 02 In N t7 CO N 1 09 0 co W to N N 99 92 83 92 LT 03 0 0 RausiaQ 0 W m 9 Tz L1 I 61 H H c4 cv 0) 03 co 0 0 "4 N 61 0 0 91 63 SUIT TOO 0 cm to OT 1 02 1 tT T9 a' n m cv o (v w n sn W a w r-#i w 22 suang 40 (0 9T I 6T 12 w 63 61T e.-.9 "j 162 53 99 12 I 196 02 Ageseg to t4 3T 13 62 39 6T 39 L I It 2£ 99 95 Tt I) oauo� N M tea 2t 98 991 w t— t 0 86 W M A '-1 98 77,7 L8 Z3u FiJ co H c 21 22 69 82 T9 t o c n 66 2d j 89 .c.---e 1 61 ol 91 J 836 O jue ja0 t- .r 92 19£ I 61 0T 1 tI rn M 1 eo to iUOa}Bltirt/ 2 N al 161 I— 1 001 e0 73 L21 n N LL O 0 N n 921 -ueTT'V t0 M 0 62 1 £9 Li► 9tT 22 7 I991I N r-i t t 1 96 N 2 2 r i 1 39 1 go 621 601 L9 28 PtaTja00 0 Al N 12 I IG5 2£ 94T O ei 0 m 001 53 O W ri 0 t3 4 r It T8 19 L9 I I J 89 r 6B 901 1 92 1 99 LL 03 T9 2/, 29 w cv 0 88pjsg lit k N m iT 6£ u L3 29 w T4 0 £8 92t 891 7.7 .7 w es m iOt 116 29T 2£t £6 931 LO LO '!yllin. 1n ri In ri ri 91 t4 81 I 81 ri ri N N ri I I �O ri N N 41 13 9Z LZ Ot t 6+ P 2 t N Ii I 1 I"" 1 1 I 1 co Oa O 2-1-1 N M WI 1 Ng £Z ZT 1 9fi 1 1 4t- Constable rfil Monroe application of Mr. Taylorifor position as Cons be Lace Sewer Rental Agreements Lot Li hts 7. Allan R.Prior Communi- cations Adjourn 5. Allan Monroe the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign thre sewer rental agreements on behalf >E the ship r specs 'Road with Jack at a rate of 44.38 for lot for 15 years." 6. Monroe "That the application of Samuel Speakman )r the pur of Township lots numbered 366 367 plan 10 Murray for 4100.00 be accepted and a deed given r the ditions of the application." 8. Allan rfie "That items on the agenda Nos. 1, 2 3, 4, 5, 6 be fi No. 9 9. Monroe Allan "That we do now adjourn." Nov. 26,1945. L g Carried. Carried. "That the Chairman of the street light ee,wit Engineer, be asked to brink in a report re: fights Dorchester Road at Stamford Centre." Carried. Carried. Carried. Meeting adjourned Hours 1 Reeve Prior Lundy Deputy Reeve Corfield Bridge Council Monroe Allan Armstrong Glantz Crl j enko Board of Education Walker McLeod Bessey Shriner Kent Jones Burns Gill Haigh Sinclair Scott Collins Roberts Delaney Question No. Ygs P.Utiljties Geo.: Pewell SUMMARY OF ELECTION RESULTS DEC. 3rd, 1945. 1955 279 1305 926 1567 1474 1226 836 245 829 812 689 665 610 569 555 406 300 799 765 AcelamatiOn Elected Elected Elected n t, 1235 Elected for 2 years 1061 876 845 829 Elected for 1 year ft n n n It tt n n tt It n n 0 ft n n Correct Clerk. t stmas see Regular meeting of the Council held in the Council December 6th, 1945. 1. Corfield Allan Monroe Corfield Corfield Monroe 4. R.Prior Allan tation 5. Corfield Allan 6. Corfield Allan 7. Allan Corfield 8. Monroe R.Pitor Ben P. Prior Simeon Corfield John N. Allan G. V Monroe R. I. Prior "That the Novemb er "That we the sum "That the accepted Reeve Deputy `reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor minutes of regular end special m.eetinDs for be adopted as printed." Carried. grant the Stamford O.V.A. Junior B Hockey Club of fifty dollars toward operating expenses." Carried. "That on request of School Section No. 5 an advance of $1900.00 be authorized for school section No. 5 to cover unforeseen expenditures above their 1945 budget, this overdraft to be taken care of in 1946 school budget." Carried. "That the reports of Chief of Police, School Nurse and Engineer for the month of November be ree6ived_& filed." Carried. invitation from the Niagara Art Association and as many Councillors as possible attend. Carried. "That -the application of Jcs. Solose for the purchase of Township lot Number 62 plan 40 Ash Street for One hundred and fifty dollars be accepted with the pro- vision that the present building be wrecked and that a deed be given under the conditions of the application." is Carried. "That we grant x;25.00 for the Christmas party for the Servicemen's children." Carried. "That the following applications for the purchase of Township lots be accepted and deeds given under the conditions of the applications: Lot No. 50 plan 55 Brookfield Ave to John H. Wilson for $70.00; Lot 169 plan 40 Taylor Street to A. Cowan for $60.00." Carried. "That in accordance with the recent amendments to the Unemployment Aot the School Nurses be classified as insurable." Carried. 14. Allan R.Prior 7. R.Prior,.: Allan "That the matter of improved transportation for be taken up at next meeting of Greater Niesara The secretary of the Association be notified." "By -law No. 978 for the establishment and maintenances a Reserve Fund" read a first and second time. That Stamford Township Clerk make arrangements for a meeting of the Greater Niagara Municipal Association to be held December 13th next at the Red Casque Inn. Meeting to commence at 6:30 p.m. and newly elected members of Stamford and Niagara Falls Councils be in- vited to attend." Carried. ;Clerk A. C. Huggins made a declaration concerning results of the voti relative to the Questionnaire entitled "Are you in favor of the Town; of Stamford acquiring approximately 10 acres of land in the vicinity Carleton Avenue at a cost of $8,400.00 to be used along with land now owned by the Corporation as a park for recreational purposes to be ,,r as Stamford Memorial Park He certified that'the number of votes c[2s for the question was 765 and the number of votes cast against the cue was 799 and he declared the question was defeated. "That the report of the Finance Committee RELIEF Accoun as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $535.31." "That the report of the as presented be accept amounting to45,348.46 "That the report of the as presented be accept amounting to 429,391., OADS Finance Committee R Account, ed and the accounts be paid Carried. GENER Finance Committee AL Accous ed and the accounts be pa d 3 1."- 1Gth,1945. Simeon Corfield J. N. Allan G. W. Monroe R. I. Prior "That we adjourn as a finance committee and proceed with Council business." Carried. "That Deputy Reeve Corfield take the chair in the absence of Reeve Prior." "That the clerk send a copy of Mr. Garfield McLeod's letter re: culvert on Montrose Road to the County Engineer." "That the report from the Stamford Public Utilities Street light breakage be turned over to the Police ment for investigation and action." "That the Engineer bring in a verbal report at the meeting re: the lights on Portage Road from Dixon the convent." That Mr. G. Munro be instructed to collect 415.00 from Mr. Fry and $15.00 from Mr. Blackmere as their portion of :o' survey of property between Frederica and Drummond Streets.'.. 1 1 Regular council meeting held in 117th, 1945, at 6 p.m. Ben R. Prior Simeon Corfield J. N. Allan G. W. Monroe Robt.. Prior Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor. 1. Allen R..Pr or- ..!:That the request for street lights on McLeod Road be., turned over to the Deputy-Reeve and the Engineer to bring in a report." Can. Fire Underwriter Treasurer ;Mincer 2. Monroe Corfield Corfield Allan 4. Allan Monroe R.Prior 8. Monroe .Allan "That we request the Public Utilities Commission to plc five street lights at skating rink at Wartime Houses.' Carried. "That the Communication from the Canadian Fire Underwri be turned over to both Fire Brigades and also a copy sent to Mr. Pringle, Supt. of Waterworks, drawing at- tention to the necessity of flushing and testing of hydrants." Carried. "That if and when the by -law to set up a reserve for Pub Works from surplus funds is approved by the Department Municipal Affairs the Treasurer be instructed to inve. the fund in ninth victory loan, subject. to the approv of the Department of Municipal Affairs." Carried. "That By -law No. 978_. for the establishment and maintew of a Reserve Fund" read a third time and passed. "That the clerk advise the Rural Superintendent of H.E. St. Catharines that this council feel that they should not guarantee accounts between a Utility and a consume It is advised that an arrangement might be made by whi the Rural Hydro would demand a deposit from the prope owner or tenant." Carried. "That a letter be sent to all Public School Principals asking them to bring to the attention of all Public School Children the wilful destruction of street light and asking them $So help put a stop to this costly nuisancd. Carried. "That on request of Falls View Consolidated School Boa an advance of $400.00 be authorized for Falls View Sch to cover unforeseen expense for an additional teacher. This overdraft above their 1945 budget requisition to taken care of in 1946 school budget. Carried. 'That whereas the Union Sohool Seotion No. 1 board re- quires $200.00 above their 1945 budget to cover their .ex- penditures for 1945 t adttance of $90.00 be authors zed as Stamford's share provided the Township of Thoro advanoes the balance of $110.00 as their share. This afanoe to be taken :care of,ln 1946 budget. Carried. That the request from Mr. Thompson re: removal of old apple trees be granted" if the Engineer has a satis taotory tetk with <Menob..) Carried. That the clerk write the Children's Aid Society asking tbat their decision on barring children of evicted r; parents be changed in cases of extreme emergency. Al- though we have not had such cases in the past several years we would appreciate having this method of carin6 ,tor evicted Children Open„ to u_t, at least AO's. tempo measure. h 'Carri.et. surer Day X14. 17/45. 111. Corfield Allan "That the Engineer be authorized to reply to the Vicary Claims Service in reference to house at 3467 Lundys Lane." 12. Allan Corfield "That the action of the Treasurer in selling a :1000.00 Victory bond of the Jocelyn Street Local Improvement Fund investments be approved." Carried. 13. Corfield Monroe "That the following 17." Carried. communications be filed Nom. 2, 3, 9 and Corfield Carried. R.Prior "That Boxing Day, December 26th be declared a public holiday for all Township employees." Carried. "That we authorize Chief Welsteed to purchase Finger Print Equipment necessary for his Department, not to exceed $100.00." 15 R.Prior Allan Corfield Allan. X17. Monroe Corfield Carried. "That the clerk be authorized to give Relief recipients the usual $2.00 extra for Christmas." Carried. "That the next council meeting be held at 6:30 p.m. December 27th, 1945." l8. R. -Prior Allan "That we do now adjourn." g ig,_ L (1✓r Cct Ben. R. -Prior Simeon Corfield J. N. Allan G. W. Monroe R.-1. Prior Reeve. ;Special meeting of the Council held in December `27th, 1945, at 8:k0np.m. Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Meeting adjourned Hour A0: p.m. the Council carried. Carried. Carried. :pi Clerk. c Chamber on Thursday, r 1. R.Prior Corfield "That we adjourn as a finance committee to take up; general council business." Carried. ::Mayor Inglis attend -and brought good wishes from the Niagara Fells Counoil andcwiehed she Council every success in.their" deliberations for the year 1946. Corfield g.Prior "That minutes of Regular and Special meetings.up to.and including Dea. 17th be adopted asr.printed." i "That the monthly report of Chief Welstead be adopted. "That this council express their appreciation to all o: facers and employees of the Township for their co -ope tion and loyalty in the execution of their various duties during the past year." "That due to the inability of the Reeve to Dinner meeting of the Chamber of Commerce Falls, N. Y., December 29th, Deputy Reeve asked to attend._" flThat the spare Frank Plow owned by our Township be loaned to Willoughby Township until they have their plow delivered, on condition that plow be returned in as good condition as received by them." "That we accept the invitation from the Public Utilitie Commission to attend their Inaugural dinner Jan. 7th, 1946." "That the Public Utilities Commission place 9 street lights on McLeod Road Road and Dorchester Road." "That the following Communications on the agenda be fil Nos: 1, 5, and 7." Carried. "That the report of the Finance Committee RELIEF Accoun as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to 740.90." Carried. "That the report of the Finance Committee ROADS Account as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to 14,777.21." Carried. ".That the report of the Finance .Commitee GENERAL Accoun as presented be accepted and,the accounts be paid amounting to $.97,563.05." Mr. J. H. Arkell, Manager Imperial Bank, Main Street Branch, also attended the meeting and conveyed the bank's wishes for a happy propperous New Year. R.Prior A� lam "That we do p 0,10urnj ,te.41e." eating adjourns ou 9'45 p.m. attend the at Niagara Corfield be Statutory meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber on Monday, January 7th, 1946, at 11 A.M: Ben. R. Prior Simeon Corfield J. N. Allan E. Armstrong G. W. Monroe Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor The members of the Board of Education and the Public Utilities Com- mission were also present at this meetis. All members of the Council and the Member of the Public Utilities Commission took the ;)ath of Office. The Rev. E. T. Newton gave the prayer of Invocation. Reeve Ben. R. Prior gave the Inaugural address as follows: As Reeve of your Township I congratulate the members of the 1945 Council on their re- election and I Lave pleasure in welcoming a new Councillor, Mr. Elmer (Al) Armstrong to our Council. This is to be Mr. Armstrong's first year as a Councillor of Stamford Town- ship. Knowing his ability as I do I feel that Mr. nrmstrong will prove a capable and efficient administrator in the Township': af- fairs. On behalf of the Council we estend a hearty welcome to Mr. Armstrong and trust that his term of office will be a happy one. I would also like to extend a welcome to the Public Utilities Commission and particularly to Mr. George Powell who has been re- elected by the honour of an acclamation to his 14th year as Com- missioner. I also have pleasure in welcoming to this meeting the Members of our newly elected Board of Education. As members of Stanford's first Board of Education the people of this important Township have entrusted to you the administration of Education in our Municipality. We know that the responsibilities of your office will be great and you have our sincere good wishes for a happy and successful term of office. While the duties of this initial year of your administration will be heavy I have confidence in the decision of the electors who placed their trust in you. I trust that the relationship between your Board and the Council will be of the highest order and I would assure you that this Council is ready at all times to co- operate to the fullest extent. If we can assist you at any time please do not hesitate to meet the Council. I believe that friendly co- operation of public bodies such as yours and the Public Utilities is essential and I will personally advocate and promote this relationship. Before continuing further with my address I would like to take this opportunity of expressing my sincere thanks for the loyality and devotion of all Township officials who have so ably done their work during the last year. Their co- operation is forthcoming at all times and assists more than anything else I can think of to ensure a successful administration of Township affairs. In nay address last January I predicted: that hostilities in Europe would probably cease. This prediction was more than ful filled since to -day we have peace practically throughout the world, and Nations are earnestly endeavouring to adopt and adhere to a policy of "Peace oil Earth, Good Will toward Men" and it is not be- yond the realm of possibility that the United Nations Headquarters will be located in this district. However, with the cessation of hostilities we are confronted with the innumerable problems that Governments and Municipalities have to contend with after a Great War. Chief among these problems is the re- establishment of those .ment and women who defended liberty for us. They have done their ,work well and have won the war. It is up to us to win the peace by overcoming the problems of a Post War era, and see to it that .these men and women are fittingly re- established in civil life. This problem should be kept is mind by the,Counc�in their de- libratione:this' Year. il You are probably aware that in 1944 the Township set up 450,0: K i in a Post War Reserve account for reconstruction of roads, during 1 an additional $25,000.00 was set up for the establishment and maint ance of Public Works. At the appropriate time this will be used f: the work intended and can be utilized to some extent to alleviate u employment conditions that may exist during the time industry is re converting to peace time production or at some other time when the unemployment situation may be critical. Our finances are in excel lent condition and I feel that the Council should keep them that rre Good Municipal financing is essential if the Municipality is to run satisfactorily and I would remind the Council that our position as Councillors is similar to a Board of Directors of a large industry and that you are responsible to the shareholders, who in the Munici pality's case are the electors. We have collected approximately 94% of the 1945 taxes which is a record collection during the last twenty years. Our total debenture debt at December 31st, 1945, amp ed to $'507,989.59 and represents a decrease of $763,835.78 from the total debenture debt outstanding at December 31st, 1934, or in othe K words our debenture debt has decreased by better than 60% since beg ber 31st, 1934. In financing for 1946 I do not suggest that any se vices should be curtailed but rather that in certain cases an imps. ment might be made. At the same time I believe the mill rate shou be pegged at not more than last year's rate. Digressing from generalities I would like to review and make few suggestions or recommendations to the Council of 1946. FINANCE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES Our Public Health Services are provided by Dr. Wrong, Acting Medical Officer of Health, and Nurses Cullimore and Kiemele. It is expected that Dr. A. E. Mackenzie will return from Active Service early in this year and be able to assume his office of Medical Of- ficer of Health, from which he was given leave of absence when he joined the Armed Forces. With Dr. Mackenzie's return consideration should be given to provide facilities for a Township wide Public Health programme. At that time I think that provision should be me' to establish a baby clinic at the north end of the Township in orde that immunization services might be provided. FIRE At this time I would like to compliment the three fire depart- ments inrStamford on their excellent work during the last year: Fi loses have not been great due to the vigilance and efficiency of t several departments. ROADS AND PUBLIC•WORKS DEPARTMENT During 1945 we widened certain roads to 24 feet and reconstruct Orchard Avenue, Dunn Street, St. James St., Crawford St., Brookfiel Ave., and Drummond.Road. In addition to this new construction we maintained our ro`ad system which has a total length of 126 miles. 1 believe that a policy of reconstruction of a certain amount of road each year along with the proper maintenance of the road system is a road programme of development which is desirable and in order to ea out this programme I believe that the mill rate for roads should be maintained at the same figure as last year. During 1945 two new t were ordered, both of which will be delivered during the current mo This year consideration should be given to the replaoement of our Dodge truok with a new vehicle. I believe it is most important the equipment should be in goodpoondition to parry out the programmes the roads and public works departments. I would suggest that the Council purchase, when available, a small tractor with weed cutttn5 attachments, that could be used for cutting weeds on the roads in Summer as well as plowing sidewalks and.olearing intersections of snow in the Winter time. Further consideration should be given to the bulldozer which we ordered last year but have been advised that Coon cannot give a definite delivery date. In the matter of pubs works consideration may be 'given to the ereotion of permanent entraa and fencing of our Cemeteries. This wOrk,.saay be conei4ered if wee faced with-en an uplQyaent 'eituation. Taxes on Crown properties are being discussed at the Dominion Provincial Conference. T'..is matter is very important to Stamford in as much as we have the Welland Chemical Company, the iiydro Electric Power Commission properties and the Wartime dousing; Settlement within our boundaries. In connection with the Wartime Housing situation we will probably be as ied for an extension of their existing agreement with the Corporation this year. Taxes on the Welland Onem.ical Company will depend on whether the plant is disposed and released to a private industry or whether it is to be entirely controlled by the Crown. If it is controlled and operated by the Crown and they are producing pro- ducts that compete with other industries to my mind a grant should be paid. In any event we will watch closely the result of the conference and decisions made regarding taxation of Crown properties at the x 'Dominion Provincial Conference. CROWN PROPERTY RECREATION In regard to sport activities I am strongly of the opinion that adequate recreational facilities should be provided for the youth and adult population of our Township. By makin_ recreational facilities available it will assist in keeping our youth occupied and at the same time it will act as a health builder. This not only applies to the youth of the Township but adults as well who will very likely have more leisure time on their hands due to shorter working hours. In 'my opinion it was unfortunate that the Memorial Recreational Park by- law was defeated at the last election since this plan was considered as a Post War project and submitted to both the Provincial and Federal Governments from whom we expected financial assistance and it would have been a living tribute to those men and women who served in the Armed Forces. However the electors have spoken and this year's Council will therefore confine their efforts in consideration of the develop- ment of the parks presently owned by the Township. POLICE DEPARTMENT Our Police department is at present composed of two men who are called upon to fulfill many duties. They are both on 24 hour call, as a consequence there are many days when they are o611ed to work 12 to 18 hours a day, as well as being called out frequently in the night. There are many problems confronting us in regard to police protection but I would recommend that the Council first determine what funds will be appropriated in 1946 for police protection and than immediately or- ganize the Police Department and services accordingly. In conclusion I wish the Municipal Council, Public Utilities Com- mission, Board of Education, Board of Health, officials of the Township and all. residents of the Municipality a very happy and prosperous 1946. 1. Corfield Monroe "That Rev. E. T. Newton be extended a hearty vote of thanks for his invocation address at this inaugural meeting of the 1946 Council." Allan Armstrong Corfield AlJaA. That Mr. Corby be thanked for the loan of the flowers at this our inaugural meeting." Carried. "_That we thank the Reeve for his splendid Inaugural ad- dress and ask the clerk to have the address spread. Carried. Carried. fQ fl. Adjourn Carried. :Pursuant to adjournment the Council met in the Council Chamber, Mond :January 7th, 1946, at 2 :30 p.m. Meetings, 5. Corfield Armstrong "That regular Council meetings for 1946 be held the fi and third Mondays in each month and Finance meetings held second and fourth Mondays. Meetings to commence at 8 p.m." Carried. Cemetery Amendment Mirror Reward Chairmen Monroe Armstrong "That we adjourn until 2:30 p.m. to -day." Monroe Corfield "That the Public Utilities be requested to place lii_f.t on Corwin Avenue in accordance with a recommendation be brought in by the Engineer." Carried. Corfield Allan "That the request from Mr. Lace re: curbing around Fire in Cemetery be granted but in future the by -law must fully lived up too." 8. Monroe Armstrong "In amendment that we refuse permission to erect a curbing on a cemetery lot and that in future the :•provisions of the by -law be fully lived up to." Monroe Corfield "That the property committee purchase a mirror for the lavatory." Carried. Monroe "That the membership fee of ten dollars to Municipal A sociation for 1946 be paid and also Membership fee fa Qood Roads Association." Carried. ;1. Armstrong Monroe "That the Township Council offer a $25.00 reward for information leading to conviction of any one breaking street lights or damaging street signs in the Townshi of Stamford." Corfield Monroe "That the Reeve be appointed as Chairman of indigents Education; Councillor Allan, Chairmano6f Finance; Mon .Chairman of Fire, Sewers and sidwalks; Armstrong, Che man of Property, Cemetery end Parks; Corfield, Chaim of s- °a Roadnd lights. K Carried. Lost. Carried. Carried. That during the year 1946 the sale of Township lotsb left entirely in the hands of the Chairman of propert Treasurer, and Engineer with power to act. All agree ments of sale by them be approved by resolution at th °Council meeting immediately': following." Carried. That the application of Z. Pbhran for the purchased lot 43 plan 28 Glenholme Avenue be accepted. A deed be given when a survey has been made and building or orations satisfactory to .the _inginee are in progress '.Carried. uni- ;15. Allan ons Corfield "That communications Nos. 1, 4, 6, and 7 on the agenda be filed." Carried. 1.6. Armstrong Monroe "That the police De be requested to check up on newsboys in retards to refuse left at Collards and be there at time papers arrive and enforce resolution passed at regular meeting of Council November 19/45." 19. Corfield Monroe "That the Council meet on Thursday, January 10th, for a Finance meeting, salary by -laws, police business or any other business that may be brou.tht before the Council." aw 48. Allan j Armstrong "By -law No. 979 to authorize the borrowing of 4200,000.00" read and passed. aw 1a. Allan Armstrong "By -law No. 980 to borrow money from the Imperial Bank for Relief and Roads expenditures for the year 1946" read and passed. aw 2t9. Corfield Y Monroe "By -law No. 981 to appoint Fence Viewers, and Sheep Valuators for the Township of Stamford for the year 1946 e read and passed. "By -law No. 982 to appoint a Fruit Tree Pest Inspector for the Township of Stamford for the year 1946 subject to the approval of the Honourable minister of Agriculture for the Province of Ontario." read and passed. "By -law No. 983 to appoint a Member of the Board of Health for the year 1946 for the Township of Stamford." read and passed. Meeting adjourned Hour: 5 Carried. Carried. Carried. Reeve 1 ,Clerk No. 2 Special meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber `January 10th, 1946, at 8 p.m. Present Clerk Communi- cations Committee Police Adjourn Finance Adlourn Jan. 1 1. Corfield Armstrong "That the Public Utilities be asked to place two li; at south end of Corwin Ave., one light on every of pole." 2. Monroe Armstrong "That the clerk be authorized to take out subscript for "Canada Year Book" and the "Municipal World" f the following persons; Reeve and Members of the Council, Clerk, Treasurer and Engineer,- Assessor Tax collector." 3. Armstrong Monroe 4. Corfield Monroe 5. Prior Armstrong 6. Corfield Armstrong "That the clerk be instructed to call for tenders one new passenger car suitable for police patrol Tenders to be in by 2lst day of January before 5 Carried. Monroe Armstrong -"That the Police force be composed of a chief, 4 co stables and 3 station operators. 3 constables to hired at once, station operators to be disabled veterans, hired when radio equipment is installed, all new men to be:hired for a 6 months probational, :period." Carried 8. Armstrong Monroe„ That we adjourn from Committee as a whole to final, committee." 9. Monroe Corfield Ben. R. Prior Simeon Corfield J. N. Allan E. Armstrong G. W. Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Corfield Armstrong "That we do now ad �oura." Meeting adjourned Hour 11:45 p.m. on Thurs Carried. Carried. "That we table No. 3 on agenda and file 5, 1 and Carried. "That we now go into Committee as a whole to discus: police matters etc." "That tenders be called for on a 50W Radio Police system with equipment for one patrol car, addition equipment to be added later. Tenders to be in the hands of the clerk not later than Jan. 21st, befo 5 p.m." Carried. Carried. "That we adjourn as a Finance Committee to take up general oounoil busipeaa.," Carried. Special meeting of the Council January 14th, 1946, at 8 p.m. 4. Allan Corfield 5. B.Prior Allan oe cations 8. Monroe 'Corti el d Ben R. Prior Simeon Corfield J. N. Allan E. Armstrong G. W. Monroe "That we cations "That we take up held in the Council Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor 1. Monroe Armstrong "That the petition and request from the kundys Lane Fire Department be tabled for two weeks. In the interim the chairman of Fire arrange to meet 5 delegates from each of the 3 Fire Depts., at a joint discussion on Fire protection in this Township." 2. Corfield Allan "That a committee of the Engineer and Chairman of Fire be asked to meet with the Engineer appointed by Falls View Fire Department for inspection of Fire Hall, and report back at next meeting." 3. Corfield Armstrong "That the Engineer be requested to issue permit to Mr. John Melmyk and Mr. Henry Reinhart to build cabins as submitted to Council on Stanley and Valley Way." "That the request from the Niagara Falls Girls Work Board to hold a tag day Feb. 16th be granted." go into oommittee to consider and interview applicants." do now adjourn as a Committee Council business." Chamber on Monday, Carried. Carried. Carried. "That the Clerk advertise in the Evening Review asking Stamford Residents who have any accommodation, such as extra rooms, flats, etc., that may be used to al- leviate the housing shortage and provide the necessary accommodation for returning servicemen to notify the Clerk of same." Carried. "That we ask the Department of Highways of the Province of Ontario to consider providing adequate guard rails or bumpers on Queen Elizabeth Way at the approaches to the canal bridges at Dorchester Road." Carried. "That the fee be paid for Membership to the Ontario Assooiation of Rural Municipalities." Carried. police appli- Carried. and proceed to Carried. "That the clerk be instructed to prepare a By -law to in Y augurate a Police Commission for the Township of Stem- ford composed of Reeve, Poli.oe magistrate and County Judge.. Carried, "That W. Hamilton be appointed Chief of Police for a month probationary period at a salary rate of $2100, per annum." Carried. Yea: Monroe, Armstrong,Allan Prior. No. Corfield. "That W. H. Welstead be appointed Constable for a 6 m probationary period at his present salary rate." "That the Clerk make the necessary application for th license to operate our police radio set -up." "That the Council appoint Mr. Stanyer, Mr. Butler and Mr. Spears as constables for the Township of Stamfor' on a 6 months probationary period subject to their commencement, providing they pass the necessary phy examination by our M.O.H. (all returned veterans) at starting salary of $1620.00 per annum." "That the new chief take over his duties January 22nd, 1946, and a by -law be prepared forthwith." "That the clerk and Reeve be meat with Canadian National provement in transportation Stamford." "That the clerk procure prices on uniforms, overcoats, naps, belts, guns and hand cuffs." Carried. "That the following oaanunioations an the agenda be fi Nos. 2 and 3." Carried. a committee to make arra Railway in regards to im- service in the Township° Carried. Reeve.:. Regular meeting of the Council held in January 21st, 1946, at 8 p.m. Ben. R. Prior Simeon Corfield J. N. Allan S. Armstrong G. Monroe "That the minutes as printed." "That the School nurse's be accepted and filed." Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "That the taxi license of Mr. N. Evans be cancelled, and a license be issued Clark, a returned veteran." Carried. of the last meeting of 1945 be adopted (Stamford Taxi) to Mr. Philip T. "That the report of the Fire Committee re: Falls View Fire Hall alterations be accepted. That the Engineer (M.F. Ker) be empowered to call for tenders." "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to petition the Provincial Government for the statutory grant under the provisions of the Highway Tinprovement Act on ex- penditures made during the year 1945 amounting to 90,528.64. These expenditures having been made under authority of Township By -law No. 949." "That the application of John Lennert for the purchase of lot No. 119 plan 40 Taylor Street at seventy dol- lars be accepted with the proviso that a deed be not given before one year unless Mr. Lennert starts to build at an earlier date and that failing to start •building within the period of one year Mr. Lennert be required to re- apply, and also that Mr. Lennert comply with all other conditions of the application." Armstrong Monroe "That the application of Mrs. C. S. Mayes on behalf of her 2 sons in Military service for the purchase of lot No. 130 plan 40 Taylor Street at 430.00 and lot No. 131 plan 40 Taylor Street at 450.00 and deeds be given under the conditions of the applioations." Cortie4d Al }an "That the clerk write to the proper authorities in /Ottawa asking that consideration be given to extending; mail delivery in the Township of 6tamford, and the Hon. Mr. Mitchell be asked_for co-operation in this matter." fl be filed and No. 18 tabled, also No. 25." "That the Chairman of lights investigate and bring 4 report on street lights on Depew Avenue, and also 1 Mrs. Traver's request on Dorchester Road." "That communication from Board of Education of Niarj Falls be sent to Board of Education of Stamford." "That Stamford Council commend Junior Chamber of Co:. merce for their efforts rethonouring an outstandint citizen and that this council will co- operate 10C%; "That as Messrs Butler, Stanyer, Spears have been passed by the M.O.H. as physically fit, they be al- lowed to commence work immediately or as soon as t may be released from present employment." Carried. "That the Police Department alternate their purchas of gas, oil and setViees on a monthly basis betwee the Township service stations, including Hartzners and Booths (Twp. residents.)" "That the Deputy -Reeve (Corfield) be a delegate to tend Association of Ontario Mayors Reeves in Tory Room 201, City Hall, Wednesady, January 23rd, 1946; "That the Clerk write the Hon. Mr. C. D. Howe re: to on Welland Chemical Plant. Pointing out that the Plant now is producing goods on a Competitive bast: with other firms who are taxpayers." Carried. "That we accept the tender of S. H. Carson for one plymouth sedan with special battery and generator, and other equipment as speoified in tender,deliverl to be made-as soon as possible." Carried. "That we accept the tender of R. C. A. Victor for ,Police radio equipment for 60W station 2 oars at price quoted 42400.00. The clerk, to procure the necesary'license." Club 18.,Corfield Armstrong "That the remaining 450.00 promised to Stamford Hod Club be paid to the Treasurer of the Club." Carried. Communi- eatiopa 19. Armstrong Monroe "_That communications Nos. 3, 4, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14 Carried. ineer "By -Law No. 984 to rescind By -Law No. 945" read and passed. "By -law No. 985 to appoint a Chief of Police for the Township of Stamford" read and passed. meeting of the Council 28th, 1946, at 8 p.m. Ben R. Prior Simeon Corfield J. N. Allan E. Armstrong G. W. Monroe Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor do now retire as Finance Committee council business." "That the Engineer take a profile of the land at the west end of Riall Street and from this information at- tempt to come to an amicable agreement with Mr. Mucickoc regarding his property, the road allowance and the drainage therefrom." Corfield Allan "that Chief Hamilton be empowered tires and tubes for police oar." Carried. "That communication from H. E. Miller re: grant Boys be referred to Budget Committee." "That the application from Spic and Span for license to run laundry be referred to property committee." "That the Engineer invite bids for the removal of the floor of Falls View Fire Hall and the construction of a new floor "oonorete slab on steel" as per the Engineer's plans and specifications." Humane Society Clerk Applications 110. Survey Roads Tender 12. 8. Armstrong Corfield "That we request Humane Society to meet with Cow.c pertaining to their work in Stamford Township." 9. Corfield Allan "That the clerk write Mr. Clark, Highway Engineer, thanking him for his co- operation re: guard rails on Dorchester Road bridge." Carried. Carried. Monroe Armstrong "That the clerk advertise for applications for the positions of Police Department Despatchers to be in the hands of the clerk by 5 p.m. February 4th, 1946. (open to disabled Veterans only)" r-M Carried. Fire Area 3 ,11. Corfield Allan "That the report of Councillor Monroe re: fire hall and equipment for Fire Area No. 3 be approved and the clerk be authorized to communicate with the Ontario Municipal Board in..connection with their approval of the issuance of debentures to cover cost involved, providing by -law to Area No. 3 is passed by the ratepayers." Carried. Corfield Armstrong "That we request R. Blake Erwin, 0.:L.S. to survey, prepare plans, and description of the following given roads, establishing them standard 66 foot roads as the County propose to take these roads ove as an addition to the County Road System. (1) Creek Road -2.55 miles From Montrose Road to Thorold- Stamford Township Line. (2) Beaver Dams Rd. From Lundys Lane to Thorold- Stamford Township Line. (3) Mountain Rod t 1.70 miles From Kings Highway No. 8 to Queen Eliza- beth Way." Carried. Corfield Monroe "That as the County of Welland are extending their Road System and as the Township of Stamford have been allowed approximately 9 miles of Roads for their share, that we hereby request the County to take over the following Township Roads." (1) Creek Road 16 2.55 miles `From Montrose Rd. to Stamford- Thorold Township Line. (2)- .Beaver Dams Rd. 3.00 miles From Lundys Lane to Stamford Thorold Toxn• ship line. Mountain Rd. t 1.70 miles Queen Elizabeth Way to Kings Highway Montrose_ Rd. 1.40 miles. F m Thorol,d .$tone Rogd4o Mountain Road. Carried. "That we accept the tender of j. Guliion for Police uniforme reefer outs at the priaea stated." Carried. hts uni ions law ice plies ourn sent t 28/46. 15. Corfield Monroe "That the Utiliti corner of Depew north of Market venient places. Mrs. Taylor, Mr. 16. Allan ■17. Allan Corfield Armstrong i18. Monroe Armstrong 19. Corfield Allan Allan Corfield Reeve Ben R. Prior Simeon CdrfLeld J. N. Allan E. W. Armstrong G. W. Monroe es Commission and Lundys Le on Dorchester (Mr. Travers, Chandler, Mr "That we do now adjourn." Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Corfield Allan "That the minutes of Regular and the month of January be adopted be adked to put one ligh ne and also 7 lights Poad in the most con Mr. Nichols, Mr. Wicks, dweitzer.) Meeting adjourned Hour 12 midnight. Carried. "That the following communications on the a: :enda be filed Nos. 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 15, 16 and Nos. 4, 5, 10, 11, 14 and 17 be tabled." Carried. "By law No. 986 to fix the salaries of the officials of the Township of Stamford, to set the amount allowed the Council for Council meeting and fix the salary to be allowed Caai"ssianersin the Township of Stamford for the year 1946, also to set the rate of pay for drivers of a team or one horse for snow plowing etc." Carried. "That Chief of Police and Clerk be a committee to pur- chase belts, holsters, guns, handcuffs and badges for the Police Dept." Carried. Carried. Regular Council Meeting held in the Council Chamber on Monday, February 4th, 1946, at 8 p.m. special meetings for as printed." Carried. Armstrong Allan "That the application for selling of lots on Lombard Street be tabled for a week for further consideration. Carried. Clerk. "That the Engineer and School Nurses'report for tke month of January, be received and filed." Carried. it Humane Society Applications Roads Armstrong Corfield "That we request Humane Society to meet with Cou1-ci pertaining to their work in Stamford Township." Carried. 9. Corfield Allan "That the clerk write Mr. Clark, Highway Engineer, thanking him for his co- operation re: guard rails on Dorchester Road bridge." 10. Monroe Armstrong "That the clerk advertise for applications for the positions of Police Department Despatchers to be in the hands of the clerk by 5 p.m. February 4th, 1946. (open to disabled Veterans only)" Corfield Monroe Carried. Fire Area 3 11. Corfield Allan "That the report of Councillor Monroe re: fire hall and equipment for Fire Area No. 3 be approved and j the clerk be authorized to communicate with the Ontario Municipal Board in with their approval of the issuance of debentures to cover cost involved, providing by -law to Area No. 3 is passed by the ratepayers." Carried. Corfield Armstrong "That we request R. Blake Erwin, OiL.S. to survey, prepare plans, and description of the following given roads, establishing them standard 66 foot roads as the County propose to take these roads ove as an addition to the County Road System. (1) Creek Road -2.55 miles From Montrose Road to Thorold- Stamford Township Line. (2) Beaver Dams Rd. ;"3 -miles From Lundys Lane to Thorold- Stamford Township Line. (3) Mountain Ro d 1.70 miles From Kings Highway No. 8 to Queen Eliza bethWay." Carried. "That as the County of,Welland are extending their Road System and as th+B Township of Stamford have been allowed approximately 9 miles of Roads for their share, that we hereby request the County to take over the following Township Roads. (1) Creek Road '2.55 miles From Monthose Rd. to Stamford- Thorold Township Line. Beaver Dams Rd. 3.00 miles From Lundys Lane to Stamford Thorold Town- ship line. Mountain Rd. t 1.70 miles From Queen Elizabeth Way to Kings Highway -(4) Montrose Rd. a 1.40 miles. From ,Thoro� Stone Road to :Mountain Road.' Carried. "That we accept the tender of J. Gullion for Police uniforms 4 reetgr- opglti_e ap,,4he prices stated." Carried. uni- ions ice plies 15. Corfield Monroe "That the Utiliti corner of Depew north of Market venient places. Mrs. Taylor, Mr. 28/46. 6,L. R. es Commission be adked to put one light and Lundys Lane and also 7 lights on Dorchester hoed in the most con (Mr. Travers, Mr. Nichols, Mr. Wicks, Chandler, Mr. Sweitzer.)" Carried. "That the following communications on the a enda be filed Nos. 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 15, 16 and Nos. 4, 5, 10, 11, 14 and 17 be tabled." Carried. "By law No. 986 to fix the salaries of the officials of the Township of Stamford, to set the amount allowed the Council for Council meeting and fix the salary to be allowed Camd.ssidsters in the Township of Stamford for the year 1946, also to set the rate of pay for drivers of a team or one horse for snow plowing etc." 19. Corfield Allan "That we do now adjourn." Reeve Ben R. Prior Reeve Simeon Corfield Deputy Reeve J. N. Allan Councillor E. W. Armstrong Councillor G. W. Monroe Councillor Meeting adjourned Hour 12 midnight. Carried. 18. Monroe Armstrong "That Chief of Police and Clerk be a committee to pur- chase belts, holsters, guns, handcuffs and badges for the Police Dept." Carried. Carried. Regular Council Meeting held in the Council Chamber on Monday, February 4th, 1946, at 8 p.m. Clerk. utee 1 Corfield Allan "That the minutes of Regular and special meetings for the month of January be adopted as printed." Carried. Armstrong Allan "That the application for selling of lots on Lombard Street be tabled for a week for further consideration. Carried. "That the Engineer and Sohool Nurses' report -for the— Month of January, bp received and filed. Carriefl. Agenda Allan Armstrong. „That items on the agenda Nos. .7, 8 Nos. 8 and 11 be tabled." "That the report of Committee re: license for store Drummond Road south of Wartime Housing be adopted the Engineer be authorized to issue license to Mrs Lazich." "That the request from the Game Warden feed pheasants be left with the Reeve That the request for grant from the Humane Societ, referred to the budget committee when meeting late in the year." "That we accept the quotation of $2580.00 by the Robertson Construction Engineering Company forte removal and replacing of the Falls View Fire Hall floor. Design No. 2, concrete beam steel as per plans and specifications. This work to be complet as soon as possible under the supervision of the Township Engineer." "That the Communication from Fire chief Geo. 'Nilson be referred to Finance Committee." "That the report of Councillor Armstrong re: Health League of Canada be accepted and Councillor Armstr be thanked for his splendid report." "What the minutes of the meeting of the Niagara General Hospital Trust be accepted and filed." "That we go into committee of the whole to review police applications." "That the matter of appointments for radio operators be laid over-It/11 *a later meeting, for further in- formation. 14.- Armstrong A11an "That we accept the Engineer's R on the Local Improvements for the year 1945 and we set March CO >as a.date lor- the :of Carried. 9,. 10 be filed Carried. Regular Council Meeting held in the Council Chamber on Monday, February 4th, 1946, at 8 p.m. Continued 16. Corfield Monroe "That the report of the Finance Committee GENERAL Account, as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $52,230.35." 17. Monroe Allan s 18. Allan Armstrong r Carried. "That the report of the Finance Committee ROADS Account, as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $2,545.06." Carried. "That the report of the Finance uommittee RELIEF Account, as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to ;588.66." Carried. Special meeting of the Council February lLth, 1946, at 8 p.m. Ben. R. Prior Simeon Corfield J. N. Allen E. W. Armstrong G. W. Monroe Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor held in the Council Chamber on Monday, 1. Corfield Armstrong "That we do now retire as Finance Committee to take up regular council business." Carried. 3. Monroe Armstrong "That as it is necessary that the Reeve leave the meeting the Deputy Reeve take the chair." 4. Armstrong Allan "That the application of Theodore Dillmer for the pur- chase of lot No. 7 plan 40 Franklin Street for the sum of sixty dollars be accepted and that a deed be given when Mr. Dillmer has satisfied the Engineer as to his building plans and complied with the conditions of the application in all other respects." "That a letter of condolence be sent to Mrs. George Wallace on the death of her husband, an ex- member of Stamford Township Council." Carried. 5. Armstrong Monroe "That the application of A. Moraldo for the purchase of lots nymbered 761 762 plan 2628 Lombard Street for the total sum of one hundred and sixty dollars be act cepted and a deed given under the conditions of the i.applioation." Carried 6.-Armstwong Corfield "That lot 73 plan 29 Maitland Street having been sold by authorization of Council in 1942 to Harvey Love for $50.00 and no deed issued pending survey of the lot, Mr. Love having in the meantime sold his claim to David Oliver Erwin and his wife Marion Elizabeth Erwin, and Mr. Erwin having produced a certificate of survey a deed be now given to David Oliver Erwin and his wife Marion Elizabeth Erwin." Carried. Communioations11. Allan "What whereas there is considerable unemployment district by persons who are physically able to wor but who are unable to secure work; And whereas the Dominion and Provincial Governments are not providing work for persons classified as "e ployable unemployed" .And whereas present relief regulations prohibit the since granting oProvincialoGve employable will unemployed pay persons an gr sic any f on such relief; Therefore be it resolved that we petition the Provi' Government to contribute the same scale of grants fc relief assistance granted to employable unemployed persons as they are at present granting for persons classified as "unemployable Copies to be sent to Mayors and Reeves. Federation, Municipal Association, Rural Municipal Association." Carried. Armstrong Monroe "That::the fire truck owned by the Township of Stemfor' at present not for sale. Centralia Village be so notified." Carried. Fire Chief. 1 Wilson's re- 110. Monroe port Allan "Thatt.the report of Fire Chief Wilson re: aeceptaneet P of Fire Pumper be accepted." "That the clerk be authorized to write the Dominion Fuel Controller pointing out the acute coal situnti that exists in this district and recommending that mediate steps be initiated to alleviate the serious condition probably by shipments of Alberta coal to this. area." "That the following communications on the agenda be Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 14 and Nos. 5, 6, and 7 be tabled.' "That the Engineer advertise for the necessary con- struction materials for the year. Tenders to be in hands of the Engineer before 5 p.m. March 4th /46." Carried. Special meeting of the Council February 18th, 1946 at 8 p.m. w 987 110. Corfield Allan "That Local 11th, Corfield Allan "That tires usual Ben R. Prior Simeon Corfield J.N. Allan G.W. Monroe Reeve Deputy :eeve Councillor Councillor Corfield Allan "That the Clerk make necessary arrangements to by -law to ratepayers of Lundy's Lane Fire Area Fighting Equipment, site, etc." "That the request for removal of tree from thr. J. Lyers be left in the hands of the Engineer with power to act." "That the following applicat ions for the purchase of Township lots be accepted and deeds given under the conditions of the applications: Lot 206, plan 40, monroe St. to k.i.. mctrthur tor 450. Lot 207, plan 40, Monroe St. to E.F. Diamond for "That the communications from the Baeeball Assocetion and Women's Institute be referred to Budget Committee." Corfield Allan "That Deputy -.ecve Corfield and uouncillor ::onros be a committee to attend meeting or Sports Committee iebruary 24th at 2 p.m." the date for the Court of i'.evisi on on the 1945 Improvements be changed from March 4th to March 1946 at 8 n.m." Chief Hamilton be authorized to purchase two new for Constable Welstead's car; Township to pay the 75% of cost." Corfield Monroe "That the following communications on the agenda be filed: Nos. 1, 6 and 13 and Nos. 4 and 7 be tabled." Corfield Allan "That the Engineer and members of the Council be author- ized to attend Road convention and the Clerk and members of Council authorized to attend Rural Municipal Aeeocia- tion." Carried. Corfield Allan "By -law No. 987 to provide for the total 1946 Expenditure on Roads in the Township of Stamford in the County of Welland." Read a third time and passed." Carried. "That we adjourn to meet Friday evening March 1, 1946." Carried. neer uni- ons Regular Meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber on Monday, Th March 4th, 1946. 1. Allan Armstrong "That the minutes of the meetings held during the month of February be adopted as printed." 2. Allan Armstrong "That the Police, Engineer's and Nurse's reports for the month of February be received and filed." 6. Monroe Corfield Ben R. Prior Simeon Corfield J. N. Allan E. Armstrong G. Monroe Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Carried. Carried. "That Chas. Damato be thanked for his appreciative letter and also for donation to Police Fund." Carried. 4. Monroe Armstrong "That we accept the tender of R. E. Law Crushed Stone Limited for Cold patch, asphaltic emulsion, tarvia, colas and surface treatment materials, supply and apply, at prices quoted; and that we accept the tenders of Gunnings for oils and greases; Weightman and Son for cement and small quantities of sewer pipe; Concrete pipe Ltd., for large quantities of sewer pipe; Niagara Foundry for castings, National Iron for 6.i. watermain pipe; Braes Bros. for sand and fill; and Canadian Valve and Hydrant for valves and hydrants; all the above at prices quoted. (subject to approval of Department of Highways.)" Carried. ce lone 5. Monroe Corfield "That we procure new stationery (letter heads) for the Police Department with the name Wm. Hamilton, Chief, thereon." Carried. "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign an agreement with Mrs. Joseph Lazich respecting sewer rental for her property on Drummond Road near Hawkens Street at a rate of $9.03 per year for 30 years." Carried. 7. Corfield Armstrong "That the Engineer be authorized to have the two trucks painted red to conform with the color of our other trucks. Namely K.S. 8 and Garbage truck at price given of 00.00." Carried. 8. Allan Corfield 9. Corfield Munroe "That the following communications on the agenda be filed Nos. 3 and 8, and No. 5 tabled." Carried. "That we accept the tenders of Walker Bros. and Welland Crushed Stone Co. Ltd., for crushed stone at the prices quoted. Material to be delivered at the dis- cretion of the Engineer. (subject to approval of the Department of'Highways)" Carried. No. 9 Present Health League Health unit Telephone Engineer Engineer March 1,194 Special meeting of the Council held in the Council March 1st, 1946, at 8 p.m. 1. Corfield Allan 2. Monroe Corfield 3. Allan Armstrong "That the request from the Kinette Club to hold t; day April 29th in Stamford Township be granted." Corfield Allan 6. Corfield Allan "That the Engineer be authorized to purchase one Bob -a lawn power mower 25" Model at price quoted from local Dealer." 7. Armstrong Allan Ben R. Prior Simeon Corfield J. N. Allan E. Armstrong G. W. Monroe Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "That application from Health league re: grant be ferred to Budget Committee." "That the Reeve and Clerk be a committee to prepare data on joining the health unit at present operath in Welland City and Crowland Township." "That the Bell Telephone Company be notified that t Council gives its authority to have the Stamford Board of Education phone listed under the Stamford Heading." Corfield Monroe "That the following communications on the agenda be filed Nos. 1, 3, 4, 10 and 11 and Nos. 5 and 6 tabled." "That we instruct the Engineer (M. Ker) to accept tenders on erection of radio aerial from Provincial Engineering Company under supervision of our Engineer." Armstrong Allan "That we do now adjourn. Meeting adjourned Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. 1 /Lad v?: .14 C r gi 3' Adjourn 1 Roads Relief General 10. Allan Armstrong "That the report of the Finance Committee ROADS Accout as presented be accepted .and the accounts be paid amounting to $1,784.40." ;ii. Armstrong Allan "That the report of the Finance Committee RELIEF Acco as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid `�i amounting to $785.10." i j12. Corfield Monroe "That the report of the Finance Committee GENERAL Acca as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $50,046.65." 113. Allan Corfield March 4, 1946. iS4 o. 11 Court of Revision held in the Council Chamber on Monday March llth, 1946 at 8 p.m. The following members ottthe Council took the oath office before the Clerk, A. C. Huggins: Corfield Allan "That the 1946 Local Improvement Assessments be ac- cepted since there are no appeals. Carried. The clerk read a letter from Mr.H.E.Walker oomplaining about the r moval of several shade trees on the south side of Murray Street wh: :C. of R. the sidewalk Was constructed. (No.action taken.) Oldtourned. I 2. Armstrong Ali A, 'Mat the Court of Revision on the 1945 Local Improv r ents be adjourned, and the Council now take•up r: ar ECounoil business." Local Improv -ment assess 4 mente Wartime Price Trade Board Corfield Armstrong "That the meeting adjourn." Ben. R. Prior Simeon Corfield J. N. Allan E. Armstrong G. Monroe Reeve Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Meeting adjourned. Hour 11 p.. L Clerk Carried. .:":That this Counoil protest to the Wartime Prices and :Trade Board. in reference to chickens being olassifi ae boilers after ten months of age and we feel this should be altered. This protest applies to a ruli t hat was made .bY, yaur ;)Cr. Bradley re:( q. Newhouse." Qarried. rial ena 2. Armstrong Corfield "That the Clerk arrange for a meeting with the City Council Chippewa Council in regards to the Greater Niagara Memorial Arena as soon as possible including the arena committee." Carried. scants t 3. Monroe Allan ittee 4. Corfield Armstrong "That we do now retire as Committee of the whole to take up regular council business." etcher 5. Monroe Allan ease 6. Monroe Armstrong "That the application of Linden Flowers for a taxi license be referred to the Chief of Police for a report." s. etc f 7. Armstrong Monroe "That we purchase the property adjoining the Presbyterian r Cemetery from Miss Eva Johnson and her brother for $1500.00. That the property be surveyed and deeds pre sented to the Council." vage ve Carried. 8. Allan I L; Armstrong "That we co- operate with the Salvation Army re: salvage drive on April 16th and the Engineer to proceed in the I J Ia usual manner." Ii 9. Corfield Allan anoe 12, ::Cortietd Monroe'- "That we do now go into a finance committee." Carried. "That we go into committee to interview applicants for police despatchers." Carried. Carried. "That we appoint the following men police despatchers at a salary rate of $1,200.00 per year: A. W. Braine, J. B. Goodfellow, J. P. Kelly. Work to commence March 15th or as soon thereafter as possible. The appointees to be hired for a probationary period of six months." Carried. Carried. "That the Clerk write the Federal Government asking that the Government initiate a National Housing Building Program under a system of subsidizing same, as workers are unable to pay the high rents that are being asked for at present." Carried. "That we ask the Board of Education and the Fire com- panies to have their requisitions presented to the council by April 15th." Carried. "That the following communications on the agenda be filed Nos. 5, 6, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16 and 17, and Nos. 11, 12, and 13 be tabled." Carried. ton athon ineer 1 6. Corfield Allan "That the Engineer be empowered to grade and stone and dust on Keith Street." Carried. ort 7. Allan Armstrong "That the Assessor's report as presented be accepted and filed." cadets 3. Armstrong Corfield "That the application of A. A. Marleau for the pur- chase of Township lots 183 184 plan 44 Bellevue Street for the sum of fifty dollars be accepted and a deed be given under the conditions of the ap- plication." Carried. 4. Corfield Monroe "That the request from Mr. Wiltshire for donation to- wards expenses re: Boston Marathon be referred to Budget Committee." Carried. 5. Corfield Allan "That the request from Stamford 0. 11. A. for tag day on March 23rd be granted." 1. Historical Society 2. Hall Basement 3. Hall insurance 4. Filing cabinet Carried. Carried. 8. Armstrong Monroe "That we refer request from "Air Cadets of Canada" re: assistance to the Budget Committee." Carried. 9. Armstrong Allan "That on request of Mr. C. S. Maves the Township lot No. 131 Plan 40 Taylor Street granted to him by the Council on January 21st, 1946, be deeded to his son Reginald Michel Maves and wife Sarah Maves jointly." Carried. ob B id 10. Corfield Allan "That we concur with resolution from County Council re: lower rates for cars crossing Peace Bridge at Fort Erie." Carried. 11. Armstrong Allan "That the application of James Nickolson for the pur- chase of Township lot No. 253 plan 40 Munroe Street for the sum of seventy dollars be accepted and a deed be given under the conditions of the application." Carried. 12. Monroe Allan "That regarding the report of Chairman of Property Committee be tabled until May lst. be anted upon. be reviewed by Council be aoted upon." Carried. 13.. Corfield Allan "That the tax collector be asked to submit a monthly report to Council giving a list of all tax delinquents Carried. Survey report 113. Armstrong Monroe "That whereas the surveyor has reported with respect lots numbered 206 207 plan 40 Munroe Street, rece sold, that there is an encroachment at the rear of 1 these lots by a small frame building situated on lo 190 plan 40 Taylor Street and whereas there is also apparently a saltier encroachment by the same buil on lot 191 plan 40 Taylor Street, the owner of lot Taylor Street be so informed and requested to remov his building from encroachment on these lots and t` the Sanatory Inspector be requested to report as to satisfactory compliance with this request." March 11,1946. Ben-. a. ©✓r t Reeve No. 12 f Present Horticul- tural Regular meeting of the Council Chamber on Monday, March 18th, Ben. R. Prior S1 *eon Corfield Na- -A91an; Z. Armstrong GC W. Monroe held in the CounCiliin the Council 1946, at 7:30 p.m. Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Meeting adjourned Carried. tarried. Clerk. Dr. Sturgeon of the Welland Crowland Health Unit addressed the Cour in regard to the Health unit recently established jointly by the To ship of Crowland and the City of Welland. Mr. Douglas Watt also sp on this matter and stated that the Unit was working perfectly satis factorily "as far as the City of Welland concerned. Corfield Armst}Ong. -'That the request from the Horticultural Society of Stamford be referred to Budget Commatee." eterma n 2. 'Monroe Corfield "That Mr. Mulhern be permitted to construct a 14" m on Baldwin Avenue from Woodbine north, provided he secures names on petition for the construction o 4" main on Baldwin when he tranefere• -deeds to buye on this street." Carried. Plans Engineer BvlLaw Adjourn March 18,19461 £e etc; Reeve No. 13 Present Finance Letter of condolence Dogs 14. Corfield Monroe "That the clerk and engineer be empowered to have copies of plans of the Township printed for use Township business and to use with Voters' Lists." 15. Armstrong Monroe 18. Monroe Armstrong 1. Corfield Monroe "That the Engineer be authorized widening of St. Peter Street." 16. Corfield Allan "By -Law No. 988 to write off certain uncolleotible taxes of the Township of Stamford for the year 194 read a first, second and third time and passed. Legislature 17. Monroe Allan "That the Deputy Reeve, Clerk, and Solicitor repres Township of Stamford at Legislature Thursday, Marc 21st, 1946." "That we do now adjourn." Special meeting oftthe Council held day, March 25th, 1946, at 8 p.m. Ben. R. Prior Simeon Corfield J. N. Alen Armstrong G. W. Monroe Meeting adjourned Hour 11 p.m. Reeve Deputy.Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "That we do now adjourn as Finance up regular council business." Carried. to proceed with Carried. Carried. Carried. in the Council Chamber on Mon'+ Committee Carried. 2. Corfield "That we send a letter of condolence to the Callings family`in the recent death of J. B. Gallinger." Carried. to take '3.-Monroe `Corfi "That the clerk procure legal advice regarding the letter re: _dog nuisance :`on Lundys Lane." Carried. 4. Corfield Armstrong, "That the Reeve and Clerk be instructed to issue a 'quit claim deed for part lot 51 Chippawa Village -plan 251 -as requested <by Chippawa._Council." Carried. ion 5. Corfield Mohroe ater ara ineer 7. Monroe Armstrong "That the Engineer bring in a report saving over a one year period if we pumps at the Township storehouse." essor oe 10. Monroe Corfield "That the Legion be notified that we have no choice lots left and that we would appreciate having their representative call on the Township Treasurer and look over the few available lots." Carried. 6. Armstrong Corfield "That the request from the Greater Ni Chest for financial aid be referred mittee." 8. Corfield Monroe 1. Armstrong Corfield 12. Corfield Armstrong agars Lonununity to budget com- Carried. Carried. "That the cheque from the Department of Bureau of Statistics be turned over to the Assessor." Carried. 9. Corfield Armstrong t By -Law No. 989 to appoint prosecutors to enforce the provisions of the Licuor Control Act (Ontario) within the Municipality of the Township of Stamford" read a first, second and third time and passed. "That we dispense with the use of Constable Welstead's car for the Police Department." "That we pay 75% of the maintenance cost in connection with the Assessor's car." Carried. "That the Clerk write Councillor J. Allan who is now in Hospital wishing him a speedy recovery." to Chip ruck 8, Monroe Armstrong "That the Chief of Police bring in a report on the application for a license for a potato chip truck, also information on procedure in other Municipalities." Carried. 4. Monroe Corfield "That the clerk write Mr. C. J. Bessey, vice chairman of Board of Education, now in hospital wishing him a speedy recovery." Carried. 5, Corfield Armstrong "That the request from Mr. S. Manjos for permission to operate machine shop, welding shop and gasoline station at 511 Thorold Road be laid over for one week." Carried. 8. Monroe Armstrong "That the Chief of Police take all possible steps to eradicate slot machines if same are in use in the Township." Carried. Twp.'Lots. t 117. Corfield 1 Armstrong "That the Township of Stamford observe Daylight se j time between April 28th and Sept. 28th, 1946." 1 18. Corfield Communicationb Monroe "That the following communications be filed Nos. 2 3, 7, 14, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, and 24 and Nos. 16, 17, and 25 be tabled." Carried. Daylight. saving Clerk Tenders Adjourn i 21. Armstrong Monroe "That we do now adjourn." March 25,1946. Present 1 Minutes i 19. Corfield Armstrong "That the clerk be authorized to advertise in local press that all request for local im- provements be in the hands of Council on or be- fore May 15, 1946." e d �✓t.c G� Corfield Armstrong Tax license 2. Armstrong Corfield Armstrong Corfield Reeve Ben R. Prior Simeon Corfield E. Armstrong G.W. Monroe Carried. Cariiied. 20. Corfield Monroe "That the Engineer be authorized to call for tende for new truck to replace present 1941 Dodge true Carried. Carried. Meeting adjourned our 1 :45 Special meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber on Monda2 April let, 1946, at 8 p.m. Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor "That minutes for regular and special meetings for the month of March be adopted as printed." Carried. "That the application of gr. Dennis for permission to operate a taxi be referred to Chief of Police, 4A. .namilton, to bring in a April 8, 1946." Carried. "That the following applications for the purchase of Township lots be accepted and deeds given under the :conditions of the applications' Lot No. 387, plan 40, Murray St. to Geo. Berman i,2 40.00 part Park lot next to Rondinelia on plan.,2628 Lomber St. to Eugene Campigetto for $60. Lot. No. 416, '.plan 40, MUrray Michael Duhart for 40.00." tCarried. 4. Monroe Armstrong "That the Engineer be authorized to iseue e bu!iding permit subject to existing re*ulat.i us for elterst ions to barn on `rhorold Road o'', ned by :r. Sa':: ig& and that permission he rrcnted Lir. .:.anus to °pe ste a work shop in the said barn. r. :an, os p e hereby advised that _permission will be rescinded if an un- sightly or noisy condition exists at eny tieb rena 5. Monroe Carried Armstrong "That in considerati_:n of the fact that the Civic Sports Committee of ?'igars Fells, Stamford, :nd Chip pawa has undertaken to raise as much r.'noy s possible for the erection of a Greater kiagare :._eno_i_' ice Arena by public subscriuti n in the City of Bise ra the 'Township of :;tanlford, and the Ciilei•e of Chippewa, the municipal councils of tee a'to r..:,ni- cipalities resolve to submit to the rateers of their respective municipalities at the :manic;;, 1 election in 1946 such by -lac; or by laws as will assure the pro- curement of the funds required to abserb whttcver por- tion of the cost of the proposed arena as may not be provided by public subscription. It is further resolved that the o. :nersi :i_. of the proposed Arens is to he fully vested in tee r, i„ni;cipalities concerned, and its operation is to be in tee et-nds of commission responsible to the Councils o, the s83d municipalities. It is further resolved that all matters pertaining to the proposed Lrena such as proportion of dtbcnture debt, operating costs, personnel of the oonm:iesion, etc shall be duly shared by the municipalities of the City of Niagsra Falls, the Township of Stanford, end the Village of Chippewa on a per capita b sis, c sed on the population of esoh munioipelity as soc.n by the assessment roll of the current year." Carried. No. 37 olleotor10. Corfield Armstrong Corfield Monroe "That the Public Utilities be asked to :Hove pole in front of Mr. Harry Lessick's home on :'ran:lin 8t. No. 2135; as pole in front of driveway." Carried. Armstrong Monroe "That the communication in regards to Seventh Annual Fireman's Training School from the office of '_'ire Marshal be accepted and copies be forwarded to the Fire Departments in care of their respective chiefs." Carried. Monroe Armstrong "That inasmuch as general legislation has been satis- factorily designed to cover the vprious clauses in the "Township of Stanford Bill No. 37" that the .Clerk be requested to prepare a by -law authorizing the withdrawal of the bi11 and that Carl D. Hanniwell M.P.P. be asked to have the bill withdrawn when it comes before the Private Bills Committee on Tuesday, April 2, 1946." Carried. Corfield Armstrong "That the reports of School Nurse, Nngineer's report, on construction of new buildings and tax collector for the month of March be adopted." Carried. "That Mr. Sanders be transferred from the position of Tax Collector to the position of Collector in'the Township 'lreasu rer's office working ender tied direct supervision of the Treasurer. Salary to remain the same as at present." Carried. pr11 12, "That Michael E. duties to begin from the Army. "That Council me to make inspects house, etc." "That we accept the following petitions for local provements and the Engineer and Clerk be authorized secure the necessary approvals from the Department o Health and Ontario Municipal Board.? 1. W:termain on St. John St. from St. James St. 4:::e 281' 8" 2. Sewer and watermains on Law St. from Morrison Morden Drive 3. Sewer and watermains on Duke St. from Morris__ Morden Drive. 4. Sesser and watermains on Morden Drive to east side of lot 75. 5. Sewer and watermains 3n Morrison St. west_side of Lot 32. Connely be reinstated as Constable; immediately now that he has ftis disc Salary to be $1740. per year." Crrr "That owing to the reduced number of lots avai.l£ble the increasing demand for the purchase of lots, a Lot be inserted in the press that lots must not be usedi gardening in 1946 without permission from the Cour:c applications to be made and approved by the specials mittee on Township lots; and that persons using lets without permission to so at the risk of being forced vacate in case of sale." CE rri et on Wednesday April 3rd, at 10 e.: on of Roads, bridges, sidewalks, to "That the following communications filed Nos. 8, 10, 11, 12,and 14." i:eeve. "That Mr. Jack Monroe be given permission to cross Dorchester Road with drain; subject to approval and supervision of the Engineer (Mr. Ker.)." "That the Reeve and Treasurer be authorized to issue special permits for the hunting of crows, starlingsa ground -hogs according to the regulations of the Deper of Game and r'isheries. Carri Special Council Meeting held in the Council Chamber on Monday, April 1st, 1946, at 8 p.m. 19). Monroe Corfield "That the report of the Finance Committee GENERAL Account, as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $21,618.71." 20. Armstrong Monroe "That the report of the Finance Committee ROADS Account, as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $4,599.33." 21. Corfield Armstrong "That the report of the Finance Committee RELIEF Account, as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $800.85." Special meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber on i:ennesday April 3rd, 1946 at 4 p.m. Ben E. Prior Yeove Simeon Corfidd Deputy E. Armstrong Councillor J.i Allan Councillor Armstrong Corfield "That the ruilv;ry 3ozrd be petitioned to :_.`r 11 a wig-wag on m in crossing of C._..R. and .`.C._.. on Stanley St." "That Engineer be adked to ;lace :white Oakes ::rive." "That Engineer be instructed to construct ditch on Uerket St. from Dorchester ::d. eE.Ct to re:-lstcr ditch also the outlet ditches for Riall St." ,Jarried. "That Engineer be authorized to proceed ',;ith erection of garage at Cemetery house; t:;;ing over firmer garage as stbrei;ouse for cemetery sap,aies i tools." "That the Provincial highway Jepert: cent be requested to clean iiggway in and around Stamford Ce..tre business section to further investigate interference as regards radio caused by caution signal at Stamford Centre." Carried. "That the Engineer be instructed to widen O 1p St. to 24 feet water bound type with double sur'ece treat- ment also bring sidewalks to grade." "That the Engineer be authorized to stone Foulevard in front of Falls View Fire Hall." Carried. "That the Engineer be authorized to cancel the purchase of bulldozer until a future date." Carried. "That we do now adjourn to meet at 8 p.rn. Friday, April 5th to work on roads budget." Carried. Aj? io ta i t moo t in of tho Llouneif held in pant bon N. Prior Oimeon Ourfield J. H. Allan lip A1U4Utrants lipeciei meeting of the Couneil ha ii ill 4:4 P,HNA44.4 P.hptuher on Mouj April 90, 1040, at Q p :lax Garfield ArMstrena Mott the U he uuthovized to null- for tenders c, umali 1 runtor With niil. uttaal:meui.ut 'renders to be it: Ait;+il ;vllftt Carried. "'l the hn'ineer'U report tar hood Conut ruction, GlutilA etn ua pro3ont.Gd to Council be ut oupLeci." Curried. #len R, Nrlor ,Simeon GOrfie 0 J, Nt Allen Axmat.ro.n� (}tH'tiC:8i3N% heave Iieputy peeve Councillor Cuunolilor Meeting adjourled Hour ii il Wiese OtteuaillQN 00,4 i 110x' tt910At ate gyp. AOM );eti): 4 0)4 qqAM tzee to to1:t at t24i% L k %,.'►t fax i @d W .4 sloe; 4k 0040:419 vJ !$x SPX WA 1'itottl son for L)c /A 4i ¥W,k'l 4K9:0 It% k %.0. g,1% r- if4e 1*. C.(71. 0041 010iNtc.fiY L12'LtiiiK�1� Y m11$t:$.%Ta 41-ri:w 1 3944 0• €544431.0 %"1? Vi t N eil i` b Q4 Qe:?:t. %te x+12 Agki l 4.. e ,t A,vmel,rt`04S, r 44 l fI t d Q 14 %L '1e:Aha,IL tibe reg9,901, t,'XQm1 th 1,A,P.7#•. tm� i�i 0ti ay. K K; Vlitrt 3$ W.% Z .svti,, 1.1)41 bit tgepPNk tl er rental, 6. Corfield eembnt Monroe Armstrong Allan Allan Armstrong "Tttat the appll Ca tion or tut'. hc to c;'c:t't operate a gasoline atct.ion t i t t:ai Por'tagt Road be tabled tor one vtet:.L." "That the hbeve al t/tei'li nu putt, t't_c.t to r.l. t SeW61' 1'elttel bLc6eliicnt Uta:att of tt:e 't in t: c.' 'nLi'_ Wm. L. koU1 tls.)li t'ct$ c.'.t.1 tt�- Sclle l' c1'1'it =--s Cot' tot iipe ltlb :it t'aet, the rental to Utt peat \“:1Y 1.', t.briod of JU years." Carried. "'1'ltat. tthb tol tol'.Iug; i, t (t:c •Lt :'i'c, c' JC Tow stip LoL6 to accepted and .lac.!:. :ivcd: ttthi r Che ooatiitious ut' the bpplit:at.tt ous: lot t o. c.tz fC Asti arect to Jautt: F. t'N'.pt:t' Cut' O..» lot no. .v.'•ti Finn 40 Ash to John tuye" for ;;.6:.0C; lot no. 3b6 plats 4:1 At titret-t to 911t11'[P t'wyt:1' Co 460.00; lot no. f08 plan 40 MUUCoe ::L y t to ,1:.::c:: Mitchell for 1 4 .60.00; tot ttu. of x plat: t'cU,thet'C :.t rc:c -t to James d. Williams for Y, ",,00 provided tt't:t Mr. Williams tltruist:ev a surveyors certificate tt:at n his house will tot etturoauh on adjoining 1 rotc'tJ "That the application from bir_ 1;ruee Uettuirt for taxi license be granted." "That application from 1'vazet LJ. Mordc:n for lots WY and 188 on 13ellvue be granted for the +um of fifty dollars subject to the usual agreements. Mr. Morden to have lots surveyed at his expense." "That the communication from Luudys Lane Dire De6tt., be accepted and the referendum on Fire by -law bo postponed to later date." "That Nurse Cuiiiuiore'a requeat to have children's tcnatla taken uut be tsranted. lout au 5ubruitttd. "That the monthly report of the Q410f of Poliott be 4e- Qaktod and 111c0." "That the following oommtinioatlons on the agenda be fi1Qd NQo. 1, Aud 9 nod NQa. 4, t?, 7 end 1Q tklbled," Carried, '!'Phut a donation of 425.00 be trtven to the two Stamford Runnere who have ent'eved the Boston Marathon Haee to be held in Houton Matat., April 20th, towabd their travelling expenses. bottl. men ore rem:wonting QtemtQxd MtkQ.lebte, Q1u.» tt Q4f.rlerit No. 16 Present Tenders Adjourn Present Finance Watermain Tag day 1. Corfield Allan 3pril 5/48 Attn. 4 Reeve No. 17 Special meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber on Mondk April 8th, 1946, at 8 p.m. Ben R. Prior Reeve Simeon Corfield Deputy Reeve J. N. Allan Councillor E. Armstrong Councillor G. W. Monroe Councillor 1. Corfield Allan Monroe Qozfield Armstrong Corfield of the Council held in the Council Chamber on Friday, at 8 p.m. Ren R. Prior Reeve Simeon Corfield Deputy Reeve J. N. Allan Councillor E. Armstrong Councillor "That the Engineer bb authorized to call for tenders fc small tractor with all attachments. Tenders to be in April 22nd." Carried. "That the Engineer's report for Road Construction, Oil' Grading etc as presented to Council be accepted." Carried. "That we do now retire as Finance Committee to taken regular council business." "That the application of Mr. Roland Thompson for Lot Plan 44 Murray Street be tabled for a week for furl` consideration." Meeting adjourned Hour 11 p.m. Carried. Carried. Carried. Clerk "That Mrs Rosa be granted permission to connect to e.• main owned by Township on Carleton and Ash Street.' Carried. "That the request from the I.O.D.E. to hold a tag c4 Saturday, June 1st, 1946, be granted." Carried. oline ord ers 5. Monroe Corfield er rental; 6. Corfield eement Monroe 7. Armstrong Allan "That the following application for the purchase of Towmship lots be accepted and deeds given under the conditions of the applications: lot no. 288 plan 40 Ash Street to James F. Dwyer for 575.00; lot no. 355 plan 40 Ash Street to John E. Dwyer for :;;60.00; lot no. 356 plan 40 Ash Street to William C. Dwyer for $60.00; lot no. 205 plan 40 Monroe Street to James Mitchell for 460.00; lot no. 51 plan 42 Prospect Street to James H. Williams for ;;75.00 provided tent Mr. Williams furnishes a surveyors certificate that his house will not encroach on adjoining property. 8. Allan Armstrong 9. Corfield Allan De t. 1 10. Corfield Armstrong 11. Corfield Allan "That the application of Mr. Kei hen to erect and operate a gasoline station at corner of Dixon and Portage Road be tabled for one week." Carried. "That the Reeve and clerk be authorized to siv a sewer rental agreement on behalf of the Township with Wm. E. Robinson respecting sewer services for lot 25 Spence Street, the rental to be y3.12 per year for a period of 30 years." Carried. Carried. "That the application from Mr. Bruce Dennis for taxi license be granted." Carried. "That application from Frager B. Morden for lots 187 and 188 on Bellvue be granted for the sum of fifty dollars subject to the usual agreements. Mr. Morden to have lots surveyed at his expense." Carried. "That the communication from Lundys Lane Fire Dept., be accepted and the referendum on Fire by -law be postponed to later date." Carried. "That Nurse Cullimore's request to have children's tonsils taken out be granted. List as submitted." Carried. 12. Allan Corfield "That the monthly report of the Chief of Police be ac- cepted and filed." Carried. 13. Allan Armstrong "That the following communications on the agenda be filed Nos. 1, 3 and 9 and Nos. 4, 5, 7 and 10 tabled." Carried. 14. Corfield Armstrong "That a donation of 425.00 be given to the two Stamford Runners who have entered the Boston Marathon Race to be held in Boston Mass., April 20th, towabd their travelling expenses. Both men are representing Stamford Atheletic Club." Carried. -4 A C No. 16 Special m8 ng of the Council held Pen R. Prior Simeon Corfield J. N. Allan E. Armstrong Present Tenders Engineer's Re Port Ad ourn No. 17 Present 1. Corfield Allan 2. Corfiel Armstrc 3. Allan Corfiel April 5/46 Special me April 8th, Finance 1 Allai Application 2. A "That the Engineer be authorized to call for tenders fc small tractor with all attachments. Tenders to be in Anni 1 9.2nA_ oline 5. Monroe in the Council Chamber on Friday, :tion Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor PREVIOUS DOCUMENT REFILMED watermain 3. Monri Cost; -Corfield "That the request from the I.O.D.E. to hold a tag d Tag day 4. Armstrong s., Saturday, June 1st., 1$.46, be:granted." Carried.; er rental' 6. Corfield eement Monroe Corfield "That the application of Mr. Keighan to erect and operate a gasoline station at corner of Dixon and Portage Road be tabled for one week." Carried. "That the Reeve and clerk be authorized to sign a sewer rental agreement on behalf of the Township with Wm. E. Robinson respecting sewer services for lot 25 Spence Street, the rental to be 0.12 per year for a period of 30 years." Carried. ication for the purchase of ;ed and deeds given under the .cations: lot no. 288 plan 40 Dwyer for $75.00; lot no. 355 ohn B. Dwyer for $60.00; lot 'eet to William C. Dwyer for in 40 Munroe Street to James t no. 51 plan 42 Proppect Street it $75.00 provided that a surveyors certificate that 'catch on adjoining property. Carried. .om Mr. Bruce Dennis for taxi Carried. 'raper B. Morden for lots 187 ;ranted for the sum of fifty usual agreements. Mr. Norden t his expense." Carried. from Lundys Lane Fire Dept., erendum on Fire by -law be Carried. request ,to have children's anted. List as submitted." Carried. of the Chief of Police be ac- Carried. animations on the agenda be ad Nos. 4, 5, 7 and 10 tabled." Carried. )0 be given to the two Stamford i the Boston Marathon Race to be held in $oston Mass., April 20th, towabd their travelling expenses. Both men are representing Stamford Atheletic Club." Carried. 1 Engineer's Repoortt_____ No. 16 Present Tenders Adjourn Spril 5/46 Present Finance Watermain Special meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber on Friday, April 5th, 1946, at 8 p.m. 1. Corfield Allan "That the Engineer b5 authorized to call for tenders fo small tractor with all attachments. Tenders to be in; April 22nd." Carried. 2. Corfield Armstrong 3. Allan Corfield "That we do how adjourn." No. 17 Aprila8th, of Council p.m 1. Corfield "Allan Ren R. Prior Simeon Corfield J. N. Allan E. Armstrong Reeve Ben R. Prior Simeon Corfield J. N. Allan E. Armstrong G. W. Monroe Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor "That the Engineer's report for Road Construction, Oili Grading etc as presented to Council be accepted." Carried. Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Meeting adjourned Hour 11 p.m. Carried. Carried, held in the Council Chamber on Monday, "That we do now retire as Finance Committee to take u regular council business." Carried. Application 2. Armstrong Corfield "That the application of Mr. Roland Thompson for Lot Plan 44 Murray Street be tabled for a week for furth cgneideration." Carried. 3. Monroe Corfield "That Mrs Rosa be granted permission to connect to wa main owned by Township on Carleton and Ash Street." Carried. Armstrong Corfield "That the request from the I.O.D.E. to hold a tag day Saturday, June lst, .1946,..h0 granted." soline ation er rental, 6. Corfield Bement Monroe s 1 s e De t. ails ce rt ord era 5. Monroe Corfield 7. Armstrong Allan 8. Allan Armstrong 9. Corfield Allan 10. Corfield Armstrong 11. Corfield Allan 12. Allan Corfield 14. Corfield Armstrong "That the application of Mr. Keighan to erect and operate a gasoline station at corner of Dixon and Portage Road be tabled for one week." Carried. "That the Reeve and clerk be authorized to sign a sewer rental agreement on behalf of the Township with Wm. E. Robinson respecting sewer services for lot 25 Spence Street, the rental to be 43.12 per year for a period of 30 years." Carried. "That the following application for the purchase of Township lots be accepted and deeds given under the conditions of the applications: lot no. 288 plan 40 Ash Street to James F. Dwyer for 475.00; lot no. 355 plan 40 Ash Street to John B. Dwyer for $60.00; lot no. 356 plan 40 Ash Street to William C. Dwyer for 460.00; lot no. 205 plan 40 Munroe Street to James Mitchell for 460.00; lot no. 51 plan 42 Proppect Street to James H. Williams for 475.00 provided that Mr. Williams furnishes a surveyors certificate that his house will not encroach on adjoining property. Carried. "That the application from Mr. Bruce Dennis for taxi license be granted." Carried. "That application from Frager B. Morden for lots 187 and 188 on Bellvue be granted for the sum of fifty dollars subject to the usual agreements. Mr. Morden to have lots surveyed at his expense." "That the communication from Lundys Lane Fire Dept., be accepted and the referendum on Fire by -law be postponed -to later date." "That Nurse Cullimore's request to have children's tonsils taken out be granted. List as submitted." I it I "That the monthly report of the Chief of Police be ac- oepted and filed." L— one t 13. Allan Armstrong "That the following communications on the agenda be filed Nos. 1, 3 and 9 and Nos. 4, 5, 7 and 10 tabled." "That a donation of 425.00 be given to the two Stamford Runners who have entered the Boston Marathon Race to be held in Boston Mass., April 20th, toward their travelling expenses. Both men are representing Stamford Atheletia Club." Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. it I�4 i "By -law No. 990 to establish polling sub division in the Township of Stamford" read a first, second and third time and passed. meeting of the Council held in the April 15th, 1946, at 8 p.m. Ben R. Prior Simeon Corfield 3. N. Allan E. Armstrong G. Monroe Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "That a permit be issued to Thomas Keighan to have a gas station installed on corner of Portage, Dixon and Stanley, subject to the approval of the Highway Department and Suburban Roads, and to the Township Engineer's acceptance of the building. plans." "That the application of Wm. H. Richardson for the purchase of lot 403 plan 40 Murray Street for the sum of seventy five dollars be accepted and a de• given under the conditions of the application." "That we accept the tender of Boucks for an Inter- national truck K S 7 with the Dodge turned in at price specified in tender. Subject to.approval of Highway Department." Carried. wp d ?That Bert Sutton be permitted to garden lot 26 pl forty Franklin Street for the current year and G. Erhardt be permitted to garden lot 19 plan 40 Franklin Street for the current year. These lots are Street allowances." Monroe Armstrong "That lettet Xrs Satartin Calvert re: Mr.Nels be turned over to the Chief of Police and that th Chief's confidential report be filed, and that tt .Council<.aupport the Chief in any action he may eke." Carried. Monroe Armstrong "That the next finance and council meeting be held at 4:30 p.m. April E2/46 and that the Council attend in a body the meeting of the Civic Sports Committee et the Niagara Falls Collegiate Gymnasium at 8 p.m. the same evening." '7. Allan Armstrong "That the General Hospital statistical report be received and filed." Carried. "That the report from W. C. ]aMarsh re: dog nuisance be received and one copy be retained by the Clerk and one copy be given to Police Chief." "That to proposed agreement between the Welland �hen:ical Company and the Township of Stamford respecting snow removal by the Company's equipment be approved and the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign the agreement on behalf of the Council. Carried. 10. Monroe Armstrong "That the Chief of Policd present a suggested slot machine by -law at the next council meeting." "That the report of the Chairman of Property CoSmittee re: accommodation for the Police and Engineer be ac- cepted and that as soon as arrangements can be made with the Red Cross the Engineer ask for tenders on the alterations." Carried. "That the following communications on the agenda be filed Nos. 1,4,5,8,9,10,15,16 and 17." 13. Corfield Allan "That the Engineer be authorized to issue Building permits to Brights Canners and Ohio Brass for additions to their respective plants." "That a letter of condolence be sent to miss M. Johnston on the sad death of her father." Carried. "That an appeal be made through the Press to the Citizens II of Stamford Township to support the appeal for funds for the Canner Campaign." Carried. H Prest Adjourn April 15/46.( No. 19 Present Dust Lot Lights (Sc sign 3. Corfield Allan SuU- division Mier Salit Dept. of Highways Insurance 16. Armstrong u Corfield "That the application of Mr. A. L. Prest be referred property committee and Mr. Prest be notified to mak application through the treasurer in the usual many. Carried. i 117. Allan Armstrong "That we do now adjourn." Special meeting April 22, 1946, 1. Monroe Corfield 1 2. Armstrong Monroe 14. Corfield Allan Armstrong Allan Reeve Ben R. Prior Simeon Corfield J. N. Allan E. Armstrong G. Monroe Meeting adjourned. Hour 11:30 p.m. of the Council held in the Council at 4:30 p.m. Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Carried. Murray Street be declined." Clerk. Chamber on Mond- "That the Engineer's report re: Mr. Summers complpi on dust nuisance on Dorchester Road be accepted. Carried. "That the application of Mr. R. Thompson for lot 4 Carried. "That application from Mr. Ayearst re: lights and sign for Mountain Road be referred to Engineer fo Report." Carried. "That letter from Myer Salit re: sub- division be turned over to the Engineer for more information Myer Salit before by -law is prepared." Carried. 5. Monroe ,.-y 412an "That the Department of Highways be requested to light the Lundys Lane cloverleaf." "That the Council take out a Public Liability and Property damage policy with the Geo. M Murrioh So Insurance Agency." Carried., Carried. 114 etery 7. Armstrong se Corfield "That the Engineer be authorized to make necL.:ary repairs to Cemetery Haase. rried. hts 8. Allan Armstrong "That the request for lights at corner of Cr-ton and Culp Streets be referred to the Uhe.irmnn of tLe Light Committee to bring in a report." Cai 1 e c'I. irman of 9. Armstrong ds Engr. 'Monroe "That the recuest from Drummondville Council be turned over to the Chairman of •oads and Engineer to coc.; :ly with their rec_uest." Carried. rk's re- 10. Corfield t Allan imuni- ions of of ice rloadin s ourn 11. Allan Corfield 12. !Monroe Allan 13. Corfield Monroe 14. Armstrong Corfield 15. Allan Armstrong 1 22,1940 die, 4% "That the report of clerk durrins re: Cecil Cook family to accepted and he be allowed to c -pry our re- commendations m.de by him." "That the following communications on the :_,renda be filed Nos. 2,4,5, and 8 be filed and Nos. 1 slid 10 be tabled." "That the by -law appointing W. damilton Chief of Police for a probati nary period be rescinded end in view of the fine v :ork of Hamilton durin.: the I.ast three months the clerk be authorized to prepare a by -law confirming Hamilton's appointment as Chief of Police." Yea: Monroe, Armstrcng, Allan* Prior; Nay: Corfield "That Chief Hamilton be asked to again creak on over- loading on our Township •oads." Carried. "That the applic tion of A.B. Campbell for the pur- chase of lot 50, plan 55, Brookfield, be accepted. Mr. Campbell to refund to John E. Wilson the price of $70.00 paid by Mr. Wilson and the 1945 taxes amounting to $7.55 also paid by Mr. Wilson; and a dead to Le given to Mr. Campbell under the conditions of the application. Carried. "That we do now adjourn to meet May 1st to start on budget." Meeting adjourned Hour 6 :45 p.m. Reeve. a rried. Carried. carried. Carried. II 1 No. 20 Stamford Public Utilities Nurses I Adjourn ray 1, 1946 Ana Minutes Bldg.Permit Condolences Sppcial meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber day, May 1st, 1946, at 8 p.m. The meeting was in the form of a budget committee meeting and the 1 budget was considered and discussed by the members of the Council. It was decided to ask the officers of'Fells View Ho::e Brigade to attend a meeting on May 6th in order that the budget for fire Arca might be fully discussed. 1 Corfield Allen Corfield Armstrong 1. Allan Corfield 2. Monroe Corfield Ben R. Prior Simeon Corfield J.N. Allan E. Armstrong "That we request the Stemford Public Utilties to nett the stop end go signals at the intersection Portage and Stanley Street and maintain same and the Corporation." "That the clerk and chairman of Finance be a committee to interview the Nurses in connection with car allow- ances." Carried Allan Armstrong "That we do now adjourn." Meeting adjourned Hour 11 p.m. Reeve. No. 21 regular meeting of the Council held May 6th, 1946 at 8 p.m. Ben R. Prior Simeon Corfield G.W. Monroe J.N. Allan E. Armstrong Eeeve Deputycieeve Councillor Councillor in the Council Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor on iuedneaation con of bill Carried Carried 1 1 1 Cler Chamber on Monday The Council' discussed the 1946 budget with the officers of Falls Views Hose Brigade and it was agreed that a truck driver be allowed for 6 months in 1946 and that their budget be reduced by 075.00. "That subject to approval by the Township Engineer Yr. Crawford be granted a building permit." -Carried ier in nit mnicat'N 8. oners )rt itin "That the minutes of the meetings held during the montt ofii1_beadopted as printed." Carr iedge Carried 8A. 3. Allan Armstrong "That the Clerk send a letter of condolence to Mr. J.S, Kaumeyer.on the. sad death of his mother." ,pipe Lights cue 4. 5. 10. 11. 12. Corfield Allan 'onr ee Corfield 6. Armstrong Allan "That the report of aiagare Falls General :iostital be accepted and filed." 7. Allan Armstrong Armstrong Corfield 9. Corfield Monroe Corfield Allan Corfield Allan Corfield Armstrong 13. Armstrong Monroe 14. Allan Armstrong 15. Corfield Allan 16, Armstrong Corfield 17. Allan Corfield "That the request from Thanderbird Softball Club for donation be grcnted and the treasurer be authorized to issue cheque for .:10.00. "That subject to approval of thengineer, ;:e accept the tender of Victoria i.iotoss at ;;1654.98 for tractor an_le dozer, land plough, side:alk ploug=h and side mounted mower, 5' cutting bar be accepted sebject to approval of Department of =icLways." Carried. Carried. Carried. "That the monthly report of the school nurse be accepted and filed." Carried. "That we endorse the comm'inicetion of tie Liatra Dry Beverages." Carried. "That Engineer, Chief of Police and Chairman of Property be asked to bring in a report re court facilities." Carried. "That the Clerk beply to City of NiF.gare Falls Council re letter pertaining to accommodation of prisoners, Magistrate Court etc., advising that we thank them for past favors and Stamford Council will proceed to make necessary changes to take care of this matter." Carried. "That the building report of the Engineer be accepted for the month of Aprill" Carried. "That the Public Utilities be asked to consider better lighting system for main thoroughfares in our Township and present same to Council for consideration." Carried. "That the application to lay pipe on Keith St. be ap- proved subject to approval of the Township Engineer." Carried. "That the Public Utilities Com. be asked to place a street light on the east side of Portage Road at North bound car stop corner of Portage and Stanley,. also light at corner of Culp and Carlton Streets." Carried. "That seeds for gardens be supplied in the usual way to relief recipients." Carried. "That the request of the Niagera Frontier Humane Soc. .re tag day May 18, 1946, be granted." Carried. "That we thank the Junior Chamber of Commerce for the invitation to their annual circus and regret will not be`able to attend on account of regular council meeting.' Carried.' Convention Drive appeal 18. Armstrong Allan eldepePermit 19. Armstrong onroe 20. Corfield Armstrong Communientione 21. Allan Armstrong i i i 23. Corfield Monroe Membership By -Law 1003 By -law 1004 By -law 1002 i v By law 1001 f By -law 1000 By -law 999 d By -law 998, By -law 997 By -law 996 22. Armstrong Monroe 24. Monroe Allan 25. Monroe Armstrong 26. Armstrong Monroe 27. Armstrong Monroe 28. Armstrong Monroe .29.,.. Armstrong Monroe 30. Monroe Armstrong "That the Treasurer be authorized to attend the cur cipal Finance Officer's Association Convention in London this week." Carrie "That the Engineer be authorized to issue bailder permit to Stamford Race Track authorities, subject his approval." Carrie "That the Reeve be authorized to appeal to the cite of Stamford to support National Clothing Drive in a of the suffering people of Europe." Carrie "That the following communications on the agenda be filed: Nos. 3,5,12,15,16,19 and No. 20 tabled." Carrie "That we grant Greater Niagara Chamber -of Commerce 4500.00 for membership." Carrie "A by -law to restrict the use of lands and buildir in that part of the Township of Stamford as set for in the schedule attached hereto and forming part of this by -law." Read a third time and passed. Carrie "A -by -law to appoint a Chief of Police for the T'oet of Stamford." Read a first, second and third time passed. '6 by -law to authorize the construction of on Morden Drive from Portage Road to east ?read a first, and second time. t'... Carrie a waterue limit lot Carrie "A by -law to authorize the construction of a water^ on Morrison St. from Law Ave.tto west side of lot Read a first, and :second time: -^r A"by -law to authorize Duke St. from Morrison first,,, and second. timed Ifl Carrie "A by -law to authorize the oonstruction•of a water, on Law Ave. from Morrison St. to Morden Drive." ee a first, and:.;sdcond time: ti::c fl. Carrie "A by -law to authorize the oonstruction•of a water main on Duke Ave. from Morden,Drive to Morrison St. Read a dirst,..and :•seoond times ti: Carrie the 'construction of a sewer St. to Morden Drive." Read Carrie ."A by -law to authorize the oonstruotion•of a sewer Law Ave. from Morrison St. to<.Porden-Drive.9 Read first and second time. Carrie 31.. Armstrong,.. ,Rion '.oe "A by -law to euthorize the 'construction of a sewer --e ee e eMorden Drive from Portage Road.to east side. .of lot head a first and second time. Carrie yaw 995 aw 994 37. Corfield Allan "A by -la':: to consolidr.te the sums z.uthori;:ed to ee borrowed by certain local improvement by -lees into one sum of ?9633.18 nd to burrow the ._aerie by the issue of debentur s therefor." Bead a d•ieet, second and third time and passed. Cerri ed. aw 993 34. Corfield. Allan law 992 35. Corfield Allan aw 991 36. Corfield Allan of 37. Monroe Armstrong "That the report of the i''inance Committee te/ as presented be accepted and the accounts amounting to ?2,780.37." ieonroe Lrmstrong "A by -law to authorize the construction of c cecr on Morrison St. from Law Ave. to wee :t side of lot 32." Head a first and second ti :ne." Carried. Armstrong P;icnr0e ral 39. Allan Monroe urnment 40. Monroe Allan "A by -lev; to provide for borrowing .2Ee4.4` upon debentures to pay tor the construction of e =stein local improvements." Read a first, second and third time and passed. Carried. "A by -1 w to provide for borrowing ele07.03 upon debentures to pay for the construction of certain local improvements." Read a first, second and third time and passed. rried. "A by -law to provide for borrowing ;5241.64 upon debentures to pay for the construction of certain local improvements." Read a first, second and third time and passed. Carried. eCeDe Account be paid Carried. "That the report of the Finance Committee RELIEF Account as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to e791.52." Carried. "That the report of the Finance Committee eeE AL Account as presented be accepted and the accounte be paid amounting to 414,758.43." Carried. "That we do now adjourn." Meeting adj.:.urned Hour 12 :00 p.m. 6 Reeve. Carried. AfilialiA 1 Clerk. i Finance Garage permit Po report Watermain Humane Docie Special Council meeting held in the Council Chamber on Monday, May f 13th, 1946, at 8 p.m. Ben. R. Prior Simeon Corfield J. N. Allan E. Armstrong G. Monroe Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor 1. Allan Armstrong "That we retire as a finance committee and proceed with Council business." Carried. 2. Armstrong Monroe 4. Corfield Allan 6. Corfield Monroe "That the application for building permit to erect garage on Thorold Stone Road be tabled to May 20/ The Council and Engineer make an inspection of property in meantime." Carried. "That the report of the Chief of Police for April be accepted and filed." Carried. "That Mr. Turner be granted permission to extend watermain on Brock Street to his home appr. 30 at his expense." Carried. "That By- law authorized to prepare tradesmen bring in Township of Stamford." Carried. "That the Council accept the resignation of Mrs. V contact anyrprospective the applicants forauthorized the posit Carried. "That the application of Michael Duhart for the p chase of lot 417 plan 4o Murray Street for the saw ?of sixty dollars be accepted and a•deed give under the conditions of the application when Mr. Duhart secures a permit to build his. house on th .adjoining lot." Carried. 8. Allan Armstrong "That d S. Leith and CAuditor's between a s the Municipality,. Hydro Electric System, Waterworks System and Board of Education be accepted and th ---_,,Hoards and Commissions be advised and billed ac- cordingly. Carried. Armstrong Monroe "That the letter from the Humane Society res dogs filed and the Humane Society be advised that the Police pepartment,wiil continue to take care of same." Carried. f ineer rk irman 10. Corfield Allan 20. Monroe. Armstrong "That the Public utilities Commission be paid $5.69 which represents Hydro and water arrears on property formerly occupied by Wm. Rand at 2546 Ash Street and owned by the Township." Carried. 11. Corfield Monroe "That the Utilities Commission be asked to place two lights on Spence Street between Carlton and Corwin." Carried. 12. Allan Armstrong "That the car allowances for Public Health Nurses be set as follows: Miss M. Cullimore $30.00 per month and 75% of repairs, Insurance, License costs etc; Miss M. Kiemele $20.00 per month and 75% of repairs, Insurance, License costs etc Carried. 13. Armstrong Corfield "That the application of A. Pearson for the purchase of lot 318 plan 40 Ash Street for the sum of eighty dollars be accepted and a deed given under the con- ditions of the application." Carried. 14. Monroe Corfield "That as there is no street light circuit on Mountain Road in the vicinity, the request of Mr. Ayearst for a-street light be not granted. Carried. 15. Corfield Allan "That the Clerk contact the Welland Securities in con- nection with their property adjoining Park Commission property." Carried. 16. Allan Armstrong "That Mr. Geo. Sinclair be our appointee as arbitrator in disolving school section No. 1." Carried. 17. Armstrong Monroe "That we approve draft plan as submitted by Engineer of addition to Presbyterian Cemetery and instruct him to complete plans for submission to Board of Health for approval." Carried. 18. Monroe Corfield "That the Engineer Clerk, also Chairman of sewers interview the Municipal Board regarding local im- provements for the year 1946." Carried. 19. Corfield Allan. "That the following communications be filed Nos. 4, 5, 6, and 7." Carried. "That the Council go into committee to receive and dis- cuss reports of the special committee on Police ac- commodations; and of the Chairman of Fire. Carried. Council perk Fire by- iaw Adi ourg May 13/46 No. 23 Present Headstone Hospital 21. Monroe Corfield 22. 2. Armstrong Monroe "That the clerk be instructed to notify the Histori cal Society and Red Cross to vacate the Township Hall by September 1st, 1946, as the space is re- quired for court room and additional office space. Carried. 23. Monroe Corfield i 24. Armstrong Monroe "That we do now adjourn." (UPS l/' dt Allan Corfield Corfield Armstrong Monroe Corfie14 "That we adjourn as a committee and resume Council business." "That the clerk bring in the fire by -law for No. 3 area at the next meeting." Carried. Reeve Ben R. Prior Simeon Corfield J.N. Allan E. Armstrong G. Monroe Meeting adjourned Hours 12t10 a.m. Regular Council meeting held in the Council Chamber 1946, at 8 p.m. �L�i/1�6,uG Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Carried. Carried. on Monday May 2 Corfield Armstrong "That Mr. Pearson be allowed to put the headstone on the three grave plot under the supervision of Engineer, In future by -law must be carried out." Carried "That the monthly report of the Hospital 'Trust be accepted and filed.!" Carried Building 3. Corfield Allan "That we conour with letter from City Council re building supplies and the Clerk be 'asked to -wrzi.te the'Han...•Mr. Howe- a000rdingly." Carried "That the usual grant of 016.00 be givento,the Thorold Agricultural Carried "That the Cartier Road allowance south of Creek Road between Creek Road and Welland niver be leased to "Royal Canrdien Sea Cadets at an annual rental of on dollar per year, subject to approval being t grnnted ;Sea Cadets to use river by Department of 'Transport. :(,.This leas e be ',terminate.d, at any -'time on :30 days not_iee. Carrie' Carried. 7. Armstrong Allan "That the application of C. Climenhe e for tee c•Lse of lots Nos. 180, 181, P2, plan 44, e:1- vri_ `t cet for the sum of :seventy -five dollars be ted nd a deed given under the conditions of the a plic_tion." 8. _rmstrong Monroe "That in view of the fact that the lot in 7ac::tion is not acceptable under the veterans' Lend Act the sale of lot 7, plan 40, to Theodore Dillmer be cancelled and a refund of the purchase price x ,00.00 be mac to Mr. Dillmer." Carried. .Permit 9. Corfield Allan 10. Corfield Allan icationsll. Allan Armstrong ion 13. trmstrong Corfield w 1005 Corfield Armstrong "That the T.G. _right Co. be aranted perm ss.on to lay drain on ;eat side of Jorches*er _.cad, nDrt;_ of present fr story. This cork to done in er '?rj. Engineer's supervision." 14. Allan Armstrong 19461 A :.e,.,_. (J "That the Engineer be authorized to issue 'ermit for the buiiding of showroom an service station on north side of Thorold hoed on lot. Ho. 73. The placing of stakes for building must be under supervision of Township Engineer and Highways Department." Yeas: Corfield, i Hayes: Monroe, Armstrong, Prior. "That membership fee of 1.5.00 to Association of Layers and Reeves be paid." Ccrtledd "that the following communiot tions on the c_r -ends be filed: Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, ar:d 5." Carried. rental 12. Corfield Monroe "That the tteeve and Clerk be authorized to niin sewer rental agreement respecting 50' of property on Keith St. owned by 'Thomas Sharp at a rental of y5.2:5 1:er year for 30 years." Carried. "That petition from residents south of N.S. T. and north of Hydro Canal regarding possibilities re sewer area be accepted and the Engineer be instructed to proceed with the survey." Carried. "A by -law to authorize, ratify and confirm the sale of certain lands." head a third time and passed. Carried. "That the Municipal officials and employees of the Township be given a holiday 24th of May as this is a legal holiday." rnment ;16. Corfield Armstrong "That we do now adjourn." Meeting adjourned Hour: 11:00 p.m. Reeve. Carried. Not carried. Carried. Carried. 24 'Special meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber on Monday, May 27th, 1948, at 8 p.m. 1 i Ben. R. Prior Reeve Simeon Corfield Deputy Reeve J. N. Allan Councillor E. Armstrong Councillor G. W. Monroe Councillor Finance i 1. Armstrong i Corfield "That we adjourn as a finance committee and proceed wi Township business." Present Assessor Stamford Baseball 4. Monroe Corfield Cemetery Tanner Carborundum Engineer. Carried. Garage 2. Corfield showroom k Allan "That the Engineer be authorized to issue a permit to tr eting Mr. Petrie for the construction of show room and gar: of lands on lot number 73 Thorold Road." Carried. 3. Corfield Allan "That the Assessor be authorized to attend the annual Assessing Officers convention to be held in Toronto June 10th, llth and 12th." Carried. "That we grant the Stamford Juvenile Baseball Club th sum of twenty dollars." Carried. 5. Corfield Monroe "That the Engineer be authorized to purchase flowers nit vote ,f 14. Monroe and plants for Cemetery as recommended by him." Carried. Inspection Air cadets 6. Allan Corfield That we accept the invitation from the Niagara Falls Optimist Club to attend the 4th Annual Inspection of the Optimist Air Cadets at Stamford Collegiate Groun urn June 6th.at 7:30 and as many of the council as possi to attend." Carried. V. :Monroe Allan "That Mr. Tanner''s radiomandestopllightibe t clarifi with Commission by Reeve and Clerk." Carried. 8. Armstrong Allan "That the Engineer (Mr. Ker) be authorized to issue a building permit for the ..extension of the Carborund .Company as per. plan submitted." Carried. 9. Corfield Monroe "That the request from D'Arcy Cropp re: roads be turn over to the Engineer for him to make arrangement wit D'Arcy Cropp and the Niagara Township to have this .done by Niagara Township. This Township will pay 5 of the.nost up to 4150.00 total expenditure." Carried. s A.O. Armstrong Monroe "That the following applications for the purchase of Township lots be accepted and deeds given under the conditions of the applications: Lot 21 plan 42 Prospect Street to Stephen High for 475.00; lots 249 250 plan 44 Bellevue Street to Jose»: C. Williams for 450.00." ing rate 11. Allan Armstrong "By -Law No. 1006 fixing the rate to be levied and col- lected on the rateable property of the Township of Stamford to pay the current expenditures of the Muni- cipality for the year 1946." read a first, second and third time and passed. 7th 1 1946. 12. Corfield Armstrong "By -law No. 1007 to restrict the use of lands and buil dings in that part of the Township of Stamford as set forth in the schedule attached hereto and forming part of this by -law." read a first, second and third time and passed. ntures ;13. Monroe Corfield "By.-law No. 1008 to authorize the issue of debentures of the Township of Stamford to the amount of 420,000. for the purpose of acquiring land for and erecting thereon a fire hall and for purchasing and installing a fire engine, apparatus and appliances for fire pro- tection for that portion of the said Township known as Fire Area No. 3." read a first,and'- second Qorfield "By -law No. 1009 to provide for taking the vote of the electors on a proposed by -law entitled "8y -law to authorize the issue of debentures of the Township of Stamford to the amount of 420,000 for the purpose of acquiring land for and erecting thereon a fire hall etc." read a first, second and third time and passed. 15. Allan Armstrong "That we do now adjourn." Reeve Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour 1).00 p• Clerk. No. 24 present Minutes .O.N. Hospital report Building report Lots meeting 1 :Regular Council meeting held in 1946, at 8 p.rn. i i Nurses report Corfield Allan Arrnstrong Allan Corfield Armstrong Allan Armstrong 5. Arrnstrong Corfield Greater Niag 6. Corfield Allan 7. Corfield Allan Postal Dept. 8. Armstrong Allan Engineer p. Corfield i Armstrong 0. Allan Corfield- 1. Allan Armstrong Ben. Prior Simeon Corfield J. N. Allan E. Armstrong the Council Chamber Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor on Monday, June "That the minutes of regular and spedial meetings be dopted as printed." Carried. "That the request from the Victorian Order of Nurses granted re: telephone extension in police office, sus ject to approval of Chief Hamilton." Carried. "That the report of General Hospital Trust be receive and accepted." Carried. "That the monthly building report submitted by the Engineer be accepted and filed." Carried. "That the following applications for the purchase of Township lots be accepted and deeds given under the conditions of the applications: Part of Park lot plL 2628 Lombard Street to Wm. U. Spiotta for the sum o: 760.00; Lot No. 60 plan 42 Prospect Street to r. Ra. for the sum of 370.00." Carried. "That the clerk and as many Members of Council as ;OE- sible, along with the Engineer, attend the meeting c; the Greater Niagara Chambet of Commerce Thesddy„ Jur 4th at 4 :15." Carried. "That the Public Utilities Commission be asked to ree light on the western end of St. Lary Street." Carried. "That we request the City of Niagara Falls Postal Deft to replace the mail box at Drummond Road and Barker Street." Carried. 'That the Engineer be authorized to hire two helpers She summer holidays to help on Engineer's. Dept., at $85.00 per month salary." Carried. "That the monthly report of the school nurse's be ac- cepted and filed. Carried. "That the employment of Miss Mary Adams as a stenogra; at a salary of.41100.00 be approved." :Carried. ay-ground ghting re Law ante ante Dance ourn 12. Arrnstrong Corfield 13. Armstrong Corfield 14. 16. Allan Corfield "That the application of Joe Prohaska fer the rur_ chase of lots numbered 357 358 plan 4D Ash :street for the sum of one hundred and tiliety dol.flrs be accepted and a deed riven under the condi *_ione of the application." Carried. "That the coyu;.r7icetion froe the zrueondvi.11o Council re: lichtind pf play rounds be forwarded to the Public Utilities Commission." Carried. Corfield Armstrong "That the Chair:r.an of Fire, Councillor :onrce be asked to arrange a t joint meeting of Ceunoii a Committee from Iuncvs Lane Tire Departeeilt as soon as possible to discuss fire matters fer that area." 15. Ccrfield Allan Carried. By- law _:o. 1010 for the collection of taxes; for the year 1946" read and parsed. "That the report of the Finance Committee ?LADS ac- count, as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to :y6,333.77." Carried. j 17. Corfield Armstrong "That the report of the Finance Committee Gl: eAL Account, as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to ;r 9,128.68." Carried. 18. Corfield Allan "That the report of the Finance Coemi.ttee'RELIEF Account, as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to 5~553.94." 19. Corfield Allan 1945. Za o, "That we do now adjourn." Riseve Carried. Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour 10:30 p.m. Y Special meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber on Monday June 10th, 1946, at 8 p,m. Ben. R. Prior Reeve Simeon Corfield Deputy Reeve J. N. Allan Councillor E. Armstrong Councillor G. W. Monroe Councillor "That we retire as Finance Committee to take up re- gular Council business." "That we accept the tender of the Dominion Securiti Corporation for $9,633.18 of debentures at price quoted namely 108.73 per $100." "That the taxes on hut used by No. 1 Scout and Cub groups situated on Leeming Street be' written off." "That the Engineer be authorized to clear Leeming St and Mouland Avenue, part of Mouland sub division." "That the clerk and Reeve be authorized to sign an agreement between Dave Murray Township of Stamfo for sewer rental on St. Marys Street." "That the application of Lapp Prest for taxi lice be referred to Chief Hamilton to bring in a report June 17/46." "That the following applications for the purchase of Township lots be accepted and deeds given under the conditions of the applications: Lots Numbered 351 352 plan 44 Bellvue to Lloyd Major for $50.00; Lots Numbered 197 198 plan 44 Bellvue to S. T. Kimberley for $50.00; Lots Numbered 365 plan 40 Murray Street to Steve Ricioa Per $50.00." "That we accept the report of the Clerk and Engineer °"on Chamber of Commerce meeting." Carried. 4 be tabled." "That the Engineer advise Weiland Ctemicai norks Limited that the Engineer' recommendation re:surfacing Creek Road is acceptable to this Council. Pork to be done satisfactory to the Engineer." 11. Monroe Armstrong "That we confirm agreement made by Mr. Corfied and the Engineer with Mrs. Geo. ;'iailace re: opening of Riail through Mrs. Wallace'] property." 12. Armstrong Allan "That we do now adjourn." ne 10, 1946. JZc Council meeting held in the Council Chamber on Friday, June 14th, 1946, at 8 p.m. $en Prior Simeon Corfield J. N. Allan E. Armstrong G. W. Monroe Corfield Allan "That Chairman of Fire,Councillor Monroe be authorized to contact the Underwriter Ass. in Reference to Fire Protection for Lundy Lane Area, and to report at next Monday's Meeting." Corfield "That the. Clerk be asked to put ad in Review in Monroe reference to coming election on Fire By- Law." Carried. Corfield Allan "That the Treasurer be asked to contact the owner of property, corner of Glenhejoeand Lundy's Lane for proposed Fire Hall site." Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor No. 2� Present Mickel Lot Treasurer Engineer Sewer en al Regular Council meeting held in the Council Chamber on Monday, June 17th, 1946, at 8 p.m. Simeon Corfield Deputy Reeve J. N. Allan Councillor E. Armstrong Councillor G. W. Monroe Councillor Deputy Reeve 1. Allan Armstrong "That Deputy Reeve Corfield take the chair in the absence of the Reeve." Armstrong Allan "That we request Chief Hamilton to assist the Council and officials in protecting the property of Township surrounding the Township Hall and that we suggest that he post a standing order to his men that those on duty at the Police Office, during hours when the other offices are olosed, will be responsible for the prevention of vandalism and especially the destruction of trees, shrubs, and flowers on the Township Hall grounds. Armstrong Allan That the application of B. H. Allen for the pur- chase of Lot No. 124, Plan 40, Taylor Street for the sum of seventy dollars be accepted and a deed given under the conditions of the application.” Allan Armstrong t r Carried. Carried. Carried. Armstrong Allan "That the attention of the owner of Lots No. 349 and 350, Plan 44, Bellvue Street, House No. 2597, that a small building apparently situated on lot 350 is enoroaehing over the boundary on to Let 351 and that he be requested to remove this building from its encroachment as lots 351 and 362 have been sold." Carrie d. A Armstrong Allan "That the Engineer be authorised to issue a building permit to Alexander Nickolas Tarnaweky subjeet to Highway Department Building permit #7689, to erect a Serviee.Station(oonerete .block oenstruetion.) Carried. "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign a sewer rental agreement for property seined by Clifford Barnhart, 2019 Dorehester Road, at a rate •f 410.40 M. year ter `a period of 16 yeare." Carried. g. 1 7. Armstrong Loa Allan "That this Council go on record as being in favour of dissolution of S. S. 1 (Union) and that a brief be prepared by the Clerk and Treasurer to be presented to the Arbitration Board." fort tioa eph Major 9. Monroe Allan utes noillor strong, 11. Allan Monroe tial nt nning rd sneer rk torioai 1 8. Armstrong Monroe "That the City of Niagara Falls be requested to submit an agreement covering the building of a comfort station on the adjacent property next to Township Hall giving the Township the use of the present police station." 5. Monroe Allan 8. Armstrong Monroe Armstrong Allan Carried. Carried. "That Mr. J. Major be granted permission to connect to existing 1" main on St. George Street." Carried 10. Allan Armstrong "That the minutes of the hospital Trust be accepted and filed." Carried. "That Councillor Armstrong be delegated to attend a dinner meeting of the Directors of the Greater Niagara ,Chamber of Commerce, June 19th at 12:15 p.m., in place of the Reeve who is unable to attend." Carried. of Wilson ort 12. Monroe Armstrong "That the report of Chief Wilson be accepted that Frank King be appointed fireman for Fire Area No. 2. Mr. King will work under the direct'. supervision of the Chief of the above area. Salary to be at a rate of 41800 per annum. Duties to bommence July 1st, 1946." Carried. 13. Armstrong Allan "That the Council make a partial grant of 4125.00 to the Stamford Horticultural Society and Treasurer be ia strutted to issue cheque." Carried. t ags Rd. 14. Allan Armstrong "That we concur with the resolution from Chippewa Counoilp in regard to oompleting the widening of Portage Road between Chippewa and Chippewa Barracks." Carried. "That the delegate attending the Directors Meeting of Chamber of Commerce is hereby instructed that this Council is in favour of going in with surrounding municipalities on a Planning Board." Carried. "That the Engineer and Clerk be authorized to consult Mr. Thistle as regards Elizabeth, Virginia and Carol Street sewers and any other vital matters." Carried. "That a letter of'appreoiation be sent Mrs. Tolen for the compiling of the Historioal Sohool information as pre sented to th.e'Township Council." Carried. By -law 1018; 21. Armstrong Allan "Ey -law to authorize the construction of certain wate mains." read a first and second time. By -Law 1014 23. Allan Armstrong "A By -law to authorize the construction of'certain aid v` walks." read a first and second time. Plumate 22. Allan Armstrong "sewermaina. authorize first and construction certain time. (Special Council meeting held in the Council Chamber on Monday, JQne 1 1946, at 8 p.m. "That the Chairman of the Fire Committee and Clerk be asked to contact the War Asset's Corporation with reference to fire fighting apparatus." Carried. "That the communications on the agenda numbered 14, 15 and 16 and Nos. 8 and 11 be tabled." Carried. "By&Law to authorize the construction of sewermains in the following streets." Read a first and second time. Ben. R. Prior SiMeon Corfield I."N. Allan E. Armstrong G. W. Monroe Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor ".That we adjourn as a finance committee and proceed with regular oounoil business." Carried. "That the letter from Chamber of Commeroe.re: curve i Portage Road be referred to Suburban Roads Commiaaio this 'Council `oononrs4fully -with this request." Carried. "That the Engineer be the cemetery hay." 13. Monroe Armstrong "That we do now adjourn." "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign a sewer rental agreement with the Brookfield Engineering Company respecting Sewer facilities on Glenholme Avenue at a rate of $3.61 for a frontage of 40 feet for 30 years. This work to be done under the supervision of the Engineer." "That the City Council be advised that this Council will meet them on the question of a planning board in the near future. (Suggested early meeting Tuesday, July 2nd.)" "That our next regular Council meeting be held July at 6:30 p. m. since Monday, July 1st, is a Public holiday." "That the petition of the merchants re: closing hours be tabled for two weeks to allow dissenting merchants to register complaints." "That the Treasurer take the necessary action re: en- croachment on Township lot on Bellevue Street sold to Mr. Mayor." "That the following communications on the agenda be filed Nos. 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and Nos. 10 and 11 be tabled." "That the Engineer purchase 108 intersection signs at price quoted, provide posts and erect same as outlined in his report." "That the Clerk be authorized to call for price new billing machine." Carried. "0y -law No. 1015 to amend by -laws Nos. 991, 992, 993 and 994 of the Township of Stamford." Read a first, second and third time and passed." Results of ballot re: by-law No. 1008 in Fire Area No. 3, held Monday, June 24th, 1946. Polls 6 7 8 9 10 11 12' 15.: 14i For 7 52 40 15 25 49 60 18 9 275 Result of vote Against 131 Against 5 29 17 8 8 13 31 ty e 1. Armstrong Allan "That in the absence of Reeve B. Prior, Deputy Barfield take the chair until the Reeve's arrival." 50 9 ;Regular Council meeting held in the July 2nd, 1946, at 6:45 p.m. Ben R. Prior Simeon Corfield J. N. Allan E. Armstrong G. W. Monroe Allan Armstrong Monroe Allan Reeve B. Prior took his 7. Corfield Armstrong Council Chamber on Tuesday, Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Carried. "That the minutes of the meetings held during the month of June be adopted as printed." "That this Council grant the request of Mr. McAlpine to erect a garage and service station on lots 17 18 plan 33, Township of Stamford, providing the type and construction of building and location of pumps and building be approved by the Township Engineer on receipt of request for building permit." chair. Carried. Carried. "That the question of the un- opened road allowance (North Street from River to Town Line) be placed in the hands -of our solicitors to advise on the necessary action and preparation of By -law if necessary to close said road if not already closed in order that owners may have a clear title." Carried. "That the application of John Zank for the purchase of Lot 274, Plan 40, Munroe Street, for the sum of seventy dollars be accepted and a deed given under the conditions of the application." "That the tender of Mr. Brown for cemetery hay be accepted." "That the monthly report of Engineer re Building Permits for month of June be accepted and the monthly report.., of Nurse's be accepted' and filed." Carried. Carried. Carried. Armstrong. gorfield That the minutes of the Hospital Trust be aodeptpd and filed. Engineer 9. Armstrong Monroe That the Engineer be instructed to advertise for tende construction of Sewers, Sidewalks and Watermains. Tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk on or before July 15th, 1946." Clerk Radio Insurance July <2,. 10. Corfield Allan "That the Clerk wtite a letter of thanks to Dr. Wrong fog, his work as Medical Officer for the Township of Stamfofl during the absence of Dr. McKenzie." Carried. 11. Monroe Corfield "That the Police Radios installed in the cars be insured for $600.00 each at a total cost of $8.50 covering two oars." Commun- 12.,Corfield ioations �o. Simeon.Cortield Armstrong. Gs Munroe Adjourn 16. Monroe Corfield "That we do now adjourn." Carried. Carried. Allan "That the following oommunidations on the agenda be filed nos. 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10." Carried. Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour 9:15 =Deputy Reeve. Councillor `Councillor Councillor Speoial Counoil Meeting held in the Council Chamber :on Motley 1946,, Oat 8 =p.m. ;'..carried•: July 8y 1.. Armstrong Monroe. >"That T.mputy Reeve Cortiel4;take the ohair until the Reeve arrivea 'n ironed Special Council Meeting held in the July W. 1946, at 8 p.m. Continued Council Chamber on Monday, 13. Armstrong Allan "That the report of the Finance Committee GENERAL Account, as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $24,294.69." Carried. 14. Allan Monroe "That the report of the Finance Committee ROADS Account, as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $7,487.71." 15. Monroe Allan Carried. "That the report of the Finanoe Committee RELIEF Account, as presented be accepted and the acoom is be paid amounting to $620.80." Carried. Allan 1tonroe orioal 3 1 aw 1016 18. i 2. Monroe Armstrong Armstrong Allan Monroe Armstrong Monroe Allan rose Rd. 6. Monroe Allan Armstrong Allan Allan Monroe "That we adjourn as a finance committee and take up regular business." "That a letter be sent to the Deputy Minister of High- ways (Mr. Miller) to have a sign placed 1200 ft. north of the Thorold Stone Road clover leaf on Queen Elizabeth Highway designation Niagara Falls via: Stamford Centre. 1 Ii i Carried. "That a by -law be prepared to regulate the proportion of persona signing a petition to govern the closing hours of Grocers, Dry Goods stores, furniture stares and meat markets in the Township of Stamford. The proportion to be 66 2/3% in favour. A by -law also be prepared to regulate the closing hours under section 82 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario." Carried. Carried. "That we purchase a historical atlas of Stamford Township and a historical record of Welland County from Mrs. James Morden as recommended by the Clerk, Treasurer, and Engineer at a cost of 430.00. Carried. "That owing to two owners withdrawing their names from petition for watermain on Montrose Road the petition is not sufficiently signed and the petition be now re- moved from local improvement by -law." Carried. "That the Clerk Reeve be authorized to sign a sewer agreement on Portage Road with Edward Johnston." Carried. By -law No. 1016 to declare that it is desirable to oon- struot a sewer on Carroll Avenue Virginia and Elizabeth_ and authorizing the Engineer to perform the duties under the Local Improvement Act without petition." Read a first, seoond and third time and passed. Armstrong Allan "That the Engineer's report re: proposed Sewer on -0a{ 11 Ave., Elizabeth and Virginia be accepted." Carried. Allan Armstrong "That the Reeve along with the Engineer be this Councils -appointees on the committee appointed to investigate she oration ot; a planning. board." Carried. '.!That the following oommunioationa on the agenda be filed .1bp. ;E, k, 7 0,.10,_tand:11.'! Carri cic Regular meeting of the Council July 15th, 1946, at 8 p.m. S. Corfield J. N. Allan E. Armstrong G. Monroe "That. the Engineer.provide_ means of transportation men between jobs." "That the Clerk be instructed to notify Secretary of Lane Volunteer Dept. that all purchases ohargable to area be approved by Chairman of Fire Stamford Townsh Council." Carried. 6 report." Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor held in the Council Chamber "That the request from Mr. W. I. Ki a taxi license be referred to the Chet of tor Carried. "That Deputy Reeve Corfield take the chair in the ab Bence of the Reeve." Carried. "That L. T. Kimberley be refunded the price of lots 198." "That the following applications for the purchase of Township lots be accepted and deeds given under the conditions of the applications: No. 7 Plan 40 Franklin Street to R. Herbert Dunsoombe for sixty dollars: Lot No. 212 plan 40 Munroe St. to George C. Hueeton for -fifty dollars; lot No. 71 plan 42 Prospeot Street to Wilfred Chevalier for seventy-five dollars." Carried. "That we accept the Creek Road at the Welland Chemi- seal plant as reoonetrueted..by them, and they be so notified. Carried. "That the Clerk Treasurer be authorized to proceed with the issuing of debentures($20,000.00) as oar tied by by law:,�Por Fir P roteetion i :No 3 Law Woo uni- ons walks aw No. vc #297 98 10. Monroe Allan 11. Armstrong Allan "By -law No. 995 to authorize the construction of a sewer on Morrison Street from Law Avenue to west side of lot 32" read a third timesand passed. 13. Monroe Armstrong "That we request the Suburban Area Commission to take appropriate action re: Wabash Bridge on Portage Road,to have (1) the noise nuisance stop.ied (caused by loose planking runners) preferably by concrete roadway; (2) the bridge be widened enough to in- clude a walk for pedestrian traffic." Carried. Armstrong Allan "That the Canadian National Street Railway be re- quested not to block the intersection of Sylvia Street and Ferry Carried. 9. Armstrong Monroe "That the following communications on the agenda be filed Nos: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12." Carried. "That the tender of R. F. Booth be accepted for con- struction of sidewalks as per tender submitted and that the tenders of Damore Bros. be accepted for construction of sewers and watermains as per tender submitted. All the above being the lowest tenders." Carried. 996 12. Armstrong Allan "By law No. 996 to authorize the construction of a sewer on Morden Drive from Portage Road to east side of lot 75." read a third time and passed. Armstrong Allan "By law No. 997 to authorize the construction of sewer on Law Avenue from Morrison Street to Morden Drive." read a third time and passed. Allan Armstrong "By -Law No. 998 to authorize the oonstruction of a sewer on Duke Street from Morrison Street to Morden Drive." read a third time and passed. Allan Armstrong "By -law No.999 to authorize the construction of water main on Duke Avenue from Morden Drive to Morrison Street." read a third time and passed. Armstrong Allan "By -Law No. 1000 to authorize the construction of a watermain on Law Avenue from Morrison Street to Morden Drive." read a third time and passed. Armstrong Allan "By -law No. 1001 to authorize the ooneteuetion of a watermain oh Morrison Street from Law Avenue to west,:,. 8/40:010t 32. "read a third_ time and passed, Armstrong Allan "By law No. 1002 to authorize the construction of a watermain on Morden Drive from Portage Road to eaet limit oP 1 t. 75." read a third time and passed r By -Law #1008 By -Law #1013 22. Allan Armstrong v By- Lewi1014 23. Allan Armstrong By -Law #1017 24. Allan Armstrong By -Law #1019 By -Law 41020 r -Law 1021 L` Adjourn 4217 15,, 1946.. 19. Monroe Allan "By -Law No. 1008 to authorize the issue of debent of the Township of Stamford to the amount of 420, for the purpose of acquiring land for and erectir thereon a fire hall and for purchasing and instal a fire engine, apparatus and appliances for fire tection for that portion of the said Township knc Fire Area No. 3." read a third time and passed. "By.Law No. 1011 to authorize the construction of sewermains." read a third time and passed. "By -law No. 1012 to authorize the construction of certain watermains." read a third time and passed "By -law No. 1013 to authorize the construction of certain sewermains." read a third time and passed "By -Law No. 1014 to authorize the construction of certain Sidewalks." read a third time and passed. "By -Law No. 1017 to exempt certain lands from the taxes imposed by special assessment in respect of sewers in Sewer Area No. 1." read a first, second and third time and passed. "By -Law No. 1018 to exempt certain lands from taxe imposed by special assessment in respect of sewer in Sewer Area No., 2." read a first, second and th' time,and passed. t ,We .adjourn." Meeting adjourned Hour 11 p.m. Reeve "By -Law to authorize the construction of a sewer o Kitchener Street from centre of Stanley Ave., to the west limit of the Kershaw property." read a first, second and third time and passed. 2V. 1 $28► Allan Monroe "By -law No. 1021 to define the entire area of the Township of Stamford as a Police Village for the .purposes of Section 12 of the Assessment Aot." read a fint,,.=geoond and third time and passed. 29. Armstron 6 Allan. "That the application of J. Allan Diamond for. the purchase of lot 259 plan 40 Monroe Street for. the I-sum of Fifty dollars be accepted and a deed given under :the oonditions,0 the application." Carried. Monroe Armstrong "By -Law to authorize the construction of a water main on Kitchener Street from westerly limit of lot No. 30 t u the westerly limit of the Kershaw property." read a first, second and third time and passed. working Mee tables Allan Monroe Ben R. Prior 9. Corfield J. N. Allan E. Armstrong G. Monroe "That we adjourn as a Finance Committee and proceed with regular council business." in the Council Chamber Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Carried. Monroe Corfield "That the request of Mr. G. K. Henderson for permission to erect a green house on High Street be approved, providing the type of construction etc. as stated on applioation for building permit meet the approval of the Engineer." Carried. 3. Corfield Allan "That the request from W. H. Buffett for Permit to remodel 1255 Kitchener Street into a Light Wood- working Shop be granted subject to approval of Board of Health and Engineer." Carried. 4. Allan Armstrong "That the Chairman of the Fire Committee of the Council and the Deputy Reeve be a committee to act with a committee of the Firemen of No. 3 Area to bring in a report to the Councils next meeting, as to site and apparatus etc. for No. 3 Area." Carried. Armstrong Allan "That the meeting of the Lundys Lane Fire Department and Council be postponed to July 29, 1946 at which time the Committee appointed will bring in their report." Carried. on MondAy, "That the resignation of Mr. Kelly from Police Department be aooepted with regret." Carried. Monroe Corfield "That we advertise for the position of Polioe Radio Operator qualifications that he be a disabled veteran. Applications to be in by 5:00 P.M. July 59th, 1946." Oarried. Corfield °Lrmhtrong "That this Council aooept the recommendation of the Chief of Police re the Probationary Period of the 'four Constables Weletead, Butler, Stenger and Spears and they be appointed to the permanent Police Force." Tender Presbyterian 10. Allan Cemetery 1 Armstrong "That we approve of the layout (section #4) for the addition to the Presbyterian Cemetery as presented by the Engineer and ask him to forward same to Dr. Berry for approval." Deeds Deeds Darman Avenue Armstrong dorfj.eld "That the tender of Peninsula Sand Company be accept for the excavation on Culp Street." j ll. Monroe Armstrong "That we aooept the deeds from Hugh and Eva Johnston lbw extension to our Presbyterian Cemetery as surveyed by R. Blake 'Irwin, 0.L.S., after the Treasurer is satisfied that the property has been searched, the deeds then be registered and a cheque for $1500.00 be then issued." 112. Corfield Allan 13. Monroe Alan D3 =Law41022 14. arse A 'matrong Carried. Carried. Carrie d. "That we accept the deeds from Mrs. Agnes Monroe for the extension of Crawford Street as surveyed by R. Blake Erwin, 0.L.8., after the Treasurer is satisfied that the property has been searched the deeds then be registered." Carried. "That we advise W. C. Lamareh that regarding the application to close the easterly 36 feet of Duncan Avenue, that the Council are prepared to do this providing his client meets the requirements of the Township Engineer." Carried. "1n'It lawu$enesnatitu3e.Y Board of Commissioners of Police." Read a first and second time. Oafrlsdc. Clerk e Wardens it tea Regular meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber on Monday, July 29th, 1946 at 8 p.m. Ben R. Prior S. Corfield J. N. Allan E. Armstrong G. Monroe Corfield Allan "That a extend 4. Armstrong Allan 5. Corfield Allan Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor permit be granted to Mr. Ralph Livingston to a 3/4" water line to their home on virginia St. Carried. Hall 2. Monroe Corfield "That we purchase Lot Nos. 30 and 32, Registered Plan 28, at corner of Glenholme and High with an 80 ft. frontage on ulenholme for a Fire Hall site for Area No. 3 at price quoted of $1000.00 for both lots." Carri ed. 3. Allan Armstrong "That the report of the Niagara Falls General hospital Minutes'be :reoeired and filed." Carried. "That the following applications for the purchase of Township lots be accepted and deeds given under the conditions of the applications: Lot 363, Plan 40, Murray Street to Jos Solose for Sixty Dollars. Part lot 218, Welland Line to George Stewart for Seventy -five Dollars. Lot 67, Plan 42,. Prospect Street to Norman Fraser McCraw for Seventy -five Dollars." Carried. "That the purchase of filing cabinet from War Assets Corporation be left with the Chairman of Properties and Clerk with power to aot." Carried. 6. Armstrong Corfield "That we call for tenders for,painting of exterior of Township Hall." Carried. 7. Corfield Armstrong "That a letter of protest be sent to Carl Manniwell, Y.P.P. and to the Department of Genie end Fieheriee re Game Wardens stopping tourists on the Highways as this Council feels that a lot of money is spent .to induoe tourists to oome to Canada and the aotion of the Game Wardens certainly is not in the interest of .good business." Carried. Armstrong "That we oonour with the Niagara Falls City Council in .,:regards to the lighting of the Queen Elisabeth High- -way between Niagara Balls and Toronto and a rsqueat be .forwarded the Hors. mister of 484re70. Carried. b l :I Memorial Service Commun- ications Civic Holiday Radio Deepatoher Clerk Armstrong Allan "That the request of the Stamford Horticultural Sooi be accepted and that the Engineer be authorized to co- operate with them in closing Portage Road and supplying them with necessary banners for their memorial aortic*, Sunday, August 4th." Monroe "That oommunioations Armstrong "That we do now adjourn as a committee of the whole and proceed with council business." 13. Monroe Allan "That as we have no aatiafaotory applications in for a disabled veteran for Radio Despatcher we appoint Gordon Gregg, a veteran of World War 2 to the position. Gregg is presently employed by the Township Road• Department." 14. Monroe Corfield "That the Clerk advertise for tenders for a trunk chassis in the 2 -1/2 to 3 -1/2 ton class as per specifications drawn up by the Engineer (a) with cab (b) without cab Chassis to be delivered to Fire Equipment Co. as advised by us." 16. Monroe Oorfield "That the Clerk write War Meets for information en& Pnoes on a fire siren. 16. Monroe J Corfield "1 by -law 10 constitute a Board of Commissioners of .:Police." ;;Read third time end.passed. Carried. numbered 4 and 7 be filed." Carried. That next Monday, August 6th, be proclaimed Civio Holiday in Stamford Township, and our first monthly meeting be held Tuesday eve, August 6th." Carried. Monroe Allan "That we go into a committee of the whole to con- sider Police Radio Despatchers applications." Catried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. !Z.-law to provide for tin borrowing of money pending Bale of debentures." Read a first second and third time and paeaed. Art removal it urn 29, 194E 18. Armstrong Allan "That we do now adjourn." Regular meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber on Tuesday, August 6th, 1946 at 8 p.m. Ben R. Prior S. Corfield J. N. Allan G. Monroe Reeve r Clerk Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour 11:15 P.M. 1. Corfield Monroe "That Minutes of Regular and Special Meetings be adopted as printed." Carried. 2. Corfield Monroe "That a permit be granted to Mr. R. M. Pringle to build and operate a Garage and Service Station subject to the approval of the Township Engineer and Suburban Roads Commission." Carried. 3. Monroe Allen "That the removal of tree at Mr. McAlpine's garage site be left in hands of Engineer and Chairman of Roads with power to aot." Carried. Monroe Oorfield "That the request of Mr. Wilson for a onrb be turned over to the Engineer for a report." Carried. Allan Qortield "That the Reeve and Clerk be instructed to sign the agreement between the City and Township in oonneotion with Comfort Station site when eatiafaotory to the xnehip Engineer. Carried. 4 t v l "That the Stamford Hydro Commission be asked to plaoe lights on west end of Monroe on every other pole and please investigate oomplaints of light being out north end of Glenholme." "That we advise the Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada that we have no submissions to make regarding Stahel y Street Crossing." "That the booklets re Stratford's Master Plan be given to the Reeve and Engineer for their perusal." "That the request from John Gonozo to lay water line on Drummond Road to his property at the oorner of Drummond and McLeod Roads be granted. Mr. Gonozo to bear all expenses. Work to be done under the supervision of the Engineer." "That the reports of Engineer end Chief of Police, also the report of Miss Cullimore be accepted." "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign a sewer rental agreement with John Gonno respecting the use of sewer main for his property at the corner of Drummond Road and McLeod Road. The rate to be $8.80 for a period of 30 years." Carried. "That a letter of congratulations be sent to the Stamford'Hortioultural Society for the very impressive servioe held at their Unveiling Ceremony on.4nggi24tblaaet:" Communications 13. Corfield Monroe ,"_That the following communications on the agenda be filed n0e. 8, 6, Lend 10." 14.- :Corfield Monroe "A By -law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to sign certain agreements." R,pad:a first, second third time and passed. I, 15. Allan Corfield "That the report of the Finance Committee Roads Account, as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $11,016.65." '16. Monroe Allan "That the report of the Finance Committee General Account, as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $8,348.69:" '17 Corfield Allan "That the report of the Finance Committee Relief Account, as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to 725.43." 18. Monroe Corfield "That we do now adjourn." 946. Reeve Special Council meeting of the Monday, August 12th, 1946, at Ben R. Prior S. Corfield J. N. Allan G. Monroe Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Meeting adj turned Hour 9:00 p.m. Council held in the Council Chamber on 8 p•m• Corfield Monroe "That we do now adjourn as Finance Committee to take up Council business." p Corfield. Monroe Carried. Qorfield Allan "That members of Council that can attend be authorized to attend the demonstration of Weed Spraying at Dell's Cemetery at 1 :30 p.m. August l5th, and the Weed Inspector of the.Township.be asked to attend." "That Harold Dell be asked Mr. Hindle's residence on and it,heoeesary get_; same Carried. to look at sidewalk in front of No. 8 Highway,, $temford Centre,,,. repaired." Carried, ,p "That members be permitted part of Augus the Assessor' "That we request the Chief and Officers of Lundys Lane Fire Department to have their suggested specification for fire truck body, equipment and extras mounted t hereon in the hands of Chairman of Fire by Saturday, August 24th in order that they may be checked over before the Council meeting of August 26th ae we would like to ask for tenders at that time." "That we request the Lundys Lane Fire Department to draw up plans for a Fire Hall that oan be built complete with wiring, heating, plumbing, and all other necessary fabiiities at a post not to exceed $8000.00 and submit same to Council not later than September 9th or sooner if possible." "That we accept the tender of Chas. Bouok Son for an International K 7 chassis and oab at price nquippedwithd700Ax 20g tires t instead of 825 x Reeve. of Council, Clerk, Engineer and Treasure to attend 0. M. A. Convention the latter t. Assessor also be asked to atter Carried. Carried. A letter was received from the Stamford Beard of Health in regard to the Victor Sabourin family, who recently moved to Stamford Township from the City of Toronto. Yr. Sabourin is suffering from Osteomyelitis and due to the fact that the Medical Officer of Health believes that Stamford will incur considerable hospital bills as 8. result of his Affliction the Council were asked to consider the Possibility of having the family returned to Toronto. The case was discussed in full and no definite action was taken but the Clerk was asked to discuss the matter with the family. 4. Corfield Monroe "That we do now adjourn." Ben R. Prior S. Corfield J. N. Allan G. Monroe "That the agenda and reports from the Niagara Falls General Hospital be received and filed." "That the Clerk write to Niagara Dis trict Pheasant Breeders Association for more information re their request for increase in fee for shooting privilege." "That we request the Humane Society to appear before the Council at the next meeting relative to the proposed kennels on Montrose Road as many complaints are being received regarding the proposition.." Special touncil meeting of Monday, august 26th, 1946, Ben R. Prior S• Corfield J. N. Allan E. Armstrong G.- Monroe the Council held at 8 p. m. Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor 1. Allan 4orfield "That we adjourn as a Finance OQmmit,teei; and prooeed with regular Ooianoil business. Kennels License Nee Street oars 2. Corfield Armstrong "That the question of the building of the Humane Society Kennels on Montrose Road be tabled for one week to give Council time to consider the matter further." Armstrong Allan Corfield Allan That we approve of the suggested increase of the Niagara District Pheasant Breeder's Association re License Fee's bubject to the endorsation of same by Thorold, Willoughby and Crowland Townships." Corfield Allan Corfield Armstrong "That the Clerk be authorized to purchase copies of Canada's Year Book for Officials and members of Council." Armstrong Allan "That the following applications for the purchase of Township lots be accepted and deeds given under the conditions of the applications; Lots #171 172, Plan 44, Bellevue Street to E. A. Schultz for $50.00. Lots #239 240, Plan 44, Bellevue Street to R. Hun for $50.00. Lot 145, Plan 40, Taylor Street, to Gregory P. Dougan for $75.00. Lot #354, Plan 40, Ash Street, to J. R. Kostuk for $60.00." Carried. Carried. Carried. "That the Council feels it is not advisable at the present time to pass By -law restricting Subdivision Part of lots123 and 116 and the Clerk be authorized to so notify Department of Planning and Development. Carried. Carried. That the Clerk communicate with the Deputy Minister of Highways bringing to his attention the uneven condition of #8 Highway, East and West side of Hydro Canal, requesting the sign's be placed until oonditione is remedied, as the condition of the Highway at this point is dangerous to traffic." Carried. "That the Clerk be instructed to again contact the Canadian National Railways re the bl ooking by street oars at the inters$otion of. Sylvia Place end Ferry Street and that a .copy of this resolution be forwarded to Niagara Palle City Council for their en dor remgnt." owe ll Monroe 11. 9. Armstrong Corfield "That we table; the matter of painting the exterior of Hall for present time and that the Clerk be instructed to so notify the tenders." Armstrong Corfield Corfield Allan et 26, 1946 i (R. Regular Council meeting Tuesday, September 4th, Ben R. Prior S. Corfield J. N. Alan E. Armstrong G. Monroe Alan porfield Carried. That a letter of condolence be sent to i,r. Geo. Powell in the loss of his Mother." 14. Corfield Allan "That we do now adjourn." Reeve. Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Carried. Carried. "That Lir. J. H. Wilson be granted permission to put curb on side of his residence on Carrol Street under supervision of the Engineer." Carri ed. Carried. Carri ed. Meeting adjourned Hour 11:45 P.M. of the Council held in the Council Chamber on 1946, at 8 p.m. "That the minutes of the meeting held during the month of August be adopted as printed." Carried. 13 Monroe Corfield "That we accept the Engineer's Report on city agreement re Comfort Station." Cl Ra In 7 Cq i Ji Wood Yard Kennels Unopened Road Allowance Public Utilities Clark Monro e Corfield "That Mr. R. Moberg be granted permission to operat a wood yard on Hawkire Street." Monroe Armstrong "That we again reque st the Humane Society to consid locating in another locality where there would be opposition from the neighbours as this Council fee that it would be in their best interests to have the good will of the residents of this Township." I Carri ed. Carried.. 4. Monroe Armstrong "WHEREAS the Road allowance between Township lots 125 and 131, 124 and 132, 123 and 133, 122 end 134, 121 and 135, 120 and 136 extending from the westerly boundary of Drummond Road to the westerly boundary of the Township of Stamford as shown on the original plan and Garvey of the Township of Stamford was never opened for public use by reason of the establishment and user in place thereof of what is now Lundy's Lane and No. 20 Highway, a road established one tier of lots to the south thereof, not so originally laid out and established by said original plan and sun AND WHEREAS the said unopened road allowance has for many years been occupied and fenced in by the owners of the lands adjoining and their successors in title so that the Township's right to the free- hold of the said land may have been extinguished by adverse possession; AND WHEREAS for the further assuring the title of the persons entitled to possession of the said lands comprised in the said unopened road allowanc it is deemed expedient to close and stop up the said road allowance and to convey the same to the persons entitled thereto; BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Township of Stamford that W. C. LaMarsh K.C. be authorized and instructed to prepare a by -law for the purpose aforesaid, and to draught an advertizment to be published once a week for 4 weeks, and that the Clerk be instructed to arrange publication thereof in the Niagara Palle Review in its issues of 6th. 13th., 20th., and 27th. of Eeppember 1946." Carried. 5. Corfield Allan •"That the Public Utilities be asked to obeok the lights on Dorchester Road on Bridge creasing Hydro Canal and north to Brigh.t's Winery as there are several lights out." Carried. 6. Armstrong Corfield. "That the Clerk be instructed to prepare a By -law making the Township of Stamford "a reetrioted are oovertng the building and regulation Of Kennele under 'Paragraph 5, 8eotion 405 of the Munioipal A °:C arse d. 7. Allan ices Armstrong "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign an agreement with fiubert Rockley respecting sewer services for his property on the corner of 1Leith and Sinnicks Street at a rental of $13.16 for a period of 30 years. rs 10. Corfield Allan oe 3,1946 Carried. 8. Allan Armstrong "That the Engineers Building Report for the month of August, also the Rurses end Foli2 e Reports be received and filed." Carried. 9. Corfield Armstrong "That numbers 1, 2, 3, on agenda be filed." Carried. "That the Clerk be authorized to call for tenders for fire equipment on International K 7 chassis as submitted by Lundys Lane Fire Department and approved by Chairman of Fire. Tenders to be in by 23rd of September not later than 5 P.1,." rn 11. Corfield Allan "That we do now adjourn." Reeve. Carri ed. Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour 11:00 P.15. Special Council meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber on Monday, September 9th, 1946, at 8 p.m. Ben R. Prior S. Corfield J. N. Allan E. Armstrong Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Corfield Allan "That we adjourn as Finance Committee to take up Council business." Carried.' 'Corfield Allan "That Utilities be asked to place two lights on Btvokfleld Avenues north of Hide." Carried. e Ben R. irior Corfield "That we asic the Federal Government if it is possible to release the extra sugar rations immediately so that the housewives may do their canning at the height of the canning season. Als: that since extra sugar has been made available to Canning Companies for plums that the same priv i1e be accorded the families who can fruit, and thus help save some of the fruit from wasting." Armstrong Corfield "That the following applicetions for purchase Township lots be accepted and deeds given ur the conditions of the applications: Lots 4197 198, Plan 44, Bellevue Street to A. Stremlaw for Fifty dollars. Lots #251 252, Plan .44, Bellevue Street to Michael Back for Fifty dollars." "That we petition for interim payment of the Statutory grant under the Hid Improvement Act on expenditures made from January 1st to August 31st, 1946." "That the Clerk be instructed to communicate with the Bell Telephone Company requesting that a representative meet the T'ovmship Council re telephone service in Township. The Clerk to be authorized to arrange a suitable date, since a petition has been received from Township residents on Beaverdam area complaining of too many phones on lines." ,,.Carried. "That a deed in duplicate be issued to Luther Cartledge for Lots numbered 35 and 38, Plan 57, Mouland Avenue, to replace the dded issued to him October 18th, 1944, and claimed by Mr. Cartledge to be lost without being registered." Carried. "That this Council recommend to the Stamford Police ComQalssion that s ome clear out policy be made with -the Parks Commission re policing Parks Commission property within the boundaries of our Township." Carried. "That the minutes of the meeting of the Niagara Falls Hospital Trust, be received and filed." neer 10. Corfield Allan "Thet the Clerk be requested to write to the Compensation Board protesting against the award made by that Board in the case of Mr. A. Thorne, requesting a rehearing of the sane." 11. Corfield Armstrong "That the Highway Thoro ld stating Carried. Engi neer be asse d to contact li „iillar, Engineer, to have sign placed north of Road Bridge over Queen Elizabeth Highway Niagara Palls via Eb. 8 Highway 1200' ahead." Carried. 12. Allan Armstrong "That the report of the Finance Committee ROADS Account, as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to 13,007.05." Carried. 13. Armstrong Corfield "That the report of the Finance Cormnittee G21E-P RAL Account as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to 87,303.60." 15. Corfield Allan "That we do now adjourn." 9,1946. a r Reeve. Ben 11. Prior Reeve S. Corfield Deputy Reeve J.. N. Allan Councillor E. Armstrong Councillor 14 u4<,Arma;tro ng Qorfield !'That the request of Ingham ,providing the Company sign subject to the approval of Meeting adjourned Hour 11 :00 Carried. ;14. Armstrong Corfield "That the report of the Finance Committee RELIEF Account, as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to 497.04." Carried. Carried. Carried. i Clerk. Regular Council meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber Monday, September 16th, 1946, at 8 p.m. Smith Co. be granted, the usual petition and the Engineer." on Armstrong Allan "That the request of the Imperial Order o:f Daughters of the Empite be granted to hold their tag day on October 19th, 1946. "That we contact the Veteran's Land Act and Soldiers Settlement authorities asking them if it is possibl to build some homes on the Heximer Fenn now owned by them), corner of Drummond Road and Dunn Street, to assist in providing homes for veterans. This Council feels that this is an ideal location as water, sewer, and transportation services are available, also the land is suitable for garden farming. "That this Council agree to the same reciprocal agreements with Willoughby, Crowland and Thorold Townships in respect to Pheasant shooting and the Clerk notify them accordingly." "That the application of Joseph P. Kinley for the purchase of Lots #362 363, Plan 44, Bellevue St. for the sum of seventy dollars be accepted and a deed given under the conditions of the application. "That this Council endorse the Payroll Savings Plan- as outlined by the Bank of Canada, Ottawa." Carried. "That the copy of the minutes of the Niagara Fails Hospital Truet be received and filed." Carried: "That the request from Mr. Warden, Foregean, for two weeks extra vaoation be granted beginning October 5 Carried. Corfield' Allen Allan "hat this Council endorse the Greater Niagara Community Cheat drive and have ad published in local press calling on citizens to support the same. Carri ed. Allan Armstrong "That the following numbers on the agenda be filed 2, 3, 9 and 13 and No. 6 be referred to the Police Commission and No. 3. be tabled." Corfield Armstrong "That the Engineer and Chairman of mire be authorized to have Plans and Specifications prepared for Fire Hall for Lundys Lane Fire Area /To. 3." 13. Ailan kriatrong "That we do now adjourn." 'Allan "That the Clerk and Mr. LaLiarsh be author: zed to prepare a By -law for the expropriation of properties on Crick Road from queen Elizabeth `:;ay to Thorold rd Line, Mountain Road from 18 Uiuhway to :;;;ueen Elizabeth Way, and Beaverdams Road from Lundys Lane to Thorold 5tamtord Line, so that the ne cessary 66 feet width can he obtained in order that the above roads can be turned over to tlr County and that ttt Clerk arrange for a meeting vith the rate payers affected, by registered moil, to meet the Council at 7:00 F.'. at Tocanehip Hall, Monday, September 23rd, 1946." Ben R. Prior S. Corfield J. 11. Allan E. Armstrong G. Monroe of tit Council held in the 1946, at 7 p.m. Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Gounc illor Carried. "That the Engineer have deeds prepared for road allowance properties for all parties concerned who are in agreement with a. settlement of 02.00 per rod frontage on all or parts of Mountain Road, Beaverdam Road, and Creek Road end that the Solic itor present by -iawa to take expropriation proceedings." "That th lc Counc ti authors ze tt.e purebuLe of uu Iuthu trial Tractor with angle dozer end plow at the quoted pride of $1418.26, eubAeot, t ,the approval, of the Department• Ot Highxays Cemetery Convention Sewerage Convention Petty cash 4. Armstrong Corfiel d. 6. Allan Corfield Allan Armstrong "That the application from Mr. Joe Bowman to erect et corner of Franklin and Taylor Streets be not ent ertained." Corfield Monroe Corfield Armstrong "That the Engineer be given authority to attend Sewerage Convention October 7th to 9th." Armstrong Allan By -law #1025;10. Corfield I flmstrong "A By -law for acquiring and expropriating certain le d to widen to 66 feet the Mountain Road." Read a fir se0o$ and third time and peased. 11 That the application from Canadian Carbonzndum for permit to build addition to present plant at an estimated price of $48,000.00, be'.granted subject t,: the approval "of the Engineer." "That the application of Harry Young for the purchase of Lots 253, and 254, Plan 44, Bellevue Street, for the sum of fifty dollars be accepted and a deed give under the Condit ions of the application." "That the tender of Biokle Seagraves Company for fire equipment mounted on International Chassis as per price quqted be accepted." Carried. Carri ed. Carried. "That the Chairmen. of Cemetery and the Engineer be delegated to attend Cemetery Convention, October 29th and 30th." Carrie d. Carried, "That the Council accept the recommendation of the PoliCe'Cornnission in 'respect to giving Police Chief Hamilton_the sum of $10.00 for petty cash." Carried. "A By -law for .acquiring and expropriating certain 1a to widen.to.66 feet the Beaverdama Road." Read a first,..s6c9n4 and third time and passed. "A By -law for acquiring and expropriating certain 1= to widen to666 feet the Chippawa Creek Road." :Reed a first, eeCend. and third time-'an &_passed. B -:Law ''102. 13.: 4,rmstrollg. 1►13an "A By law to regulate the keeping of domestic fowl( pigeons, or cattle, goats swine, horses, rabbits, mink foxes or other animals or lFennels for the bre or boarding of oats and dogs within the Municipali ".'or defined areas thereof.," :Mead 'a first and'eeoon tile. rn 3 Speoial meeting September 30th, 9 23,1946. At the coe'merceeei•t certain properties Creek Road i reg r 66 feet in rieth. the County, but be majcrity of the a.n frontage and the hie expropriating the 1 14. Corfield Allan "That we do now adjourn." urea 3. Allan Corfield of the •:eeti rr t':• ,.:wail r:ct t ie orri<;rs of fronting or Ee.`.v ,rc:..mc _,o..d, _._cuntai_ :bad, e `.T d to acquiring la ca to make tie read alloeence Trese 1articnlar reads are to be banded over to are doing so they must be 66 feet in width. The ers agreed to the settleieer_t of ;2.00 per rod cessary by -laws were fasseS for acq.:irtr.g and ands involved. :.'eettng adjourned Reeve. of the Council held 1946, at 8 p.m. Ben. R. Prior Simeon Corfield J. N. Allan E. Armstrong G. Monroe :ic::r 11:45 1..... in the Council Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Carried. Carried. Chamber on Monday, Monroe Armstrong "That the chairman of light committbe look over the light situation on Virginia Street and Riall Street and report to Council." Carried. Allan Armstrong "That the Reeve and Treasurer be authorized to sell Dominion of Canada bonds of Presbyterian Cemetery Reserve amounting to $800.00 including $300.00 registered, as to principal being No. P5A- 576966, P5A- 576967; -P5A- 576968." Carried. °°°°°yyy�� That the tender of Anderson Company for the pu 'ehase at' a price of $102.25 and accrued interest for Town'hip Debentures amounting to $20,000.00 bearing 3% interest, issued under by -law No. 1008, be accepted." ,Armstrong .Corfield "That this Council endorse the resolution of the House wives Association of Niagara Falls to the Honorable George Drew, Premier of Ontario, re: milk subsidy, that the Provincial Government assume the producers subsidy on milk and that a Dopy be submitted to Mrt C.•'Haniwell, Looal:member:of Provincial Government." .Carried. Communi- cations Engineer Wartime Housing No. 44 Present 'Inane, Minutes Watermain Allan ty Armstrong "That the following communications on the agenda be neer Nos. 2, 4, 6, and 7 and No. 3 and 5 tabled." Carried. 8. Corfield Allan "That the Engineer be authorized to proceed with get proper snow plough fittings on new truck as soon e arrives. Subject to approval of Highway Dept." 7. Corfield Monroe "That the Engineer and Councillor Allan be authorize to interview Wartime Housing while in Toronto in eme reference to having 50 or more houses for our Towi- ificd ship as soon as possible." 8. Monroe Corfield "That we do now adjourn." Sept. 30, 1946. L(7si,-.. 2. Corfield 4nnattong Reeve Ben. R. Prior Simeon Corfield E. Armstrong G. W. Monroe Meeting adjourned Hour 11:20 p.m. I A Regular and Special Council meeting was held in ,Monday, October 7th, 1946, at 8 p.m. Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Counoillor Carried. Carried. Carried. the Council Chamb Corfield Armstrong "That we adjourn as a finance committee and pro- oeed w ith regular Council business; and that the `minutes of regular and special meetings for the month of September be adopted As printed." Carried. ".That the residents of Churchs Lane from St. Paul •Street to the east limit of the Daocoloff property :be given permission to connect on. 3/4" line now running through this area as a temporary measure ;until such time as proper main is laid. Petition for same is now in the hand.gf 094494."' Carried. nation tion a roaoh- thly 0 is ital 3. Armstrong Corfield 8. Armstrong Corfield "That the County Engineer be advised as to Stanford's progress in acquiring the extra width required to allow for a 66 ft roadway on the roads to be handed over to the County." Carried. rial 4. Prior ue Corfield "That the Chairman of Property together with the Engineer,i Clerk and Treasurer be a committee to bring in a re- port on a suitable memorial plaque commemorating the Stamford Boys who made the supreme sacrifice in the last World War to be placed in the Township Hall." Carried. 5. Prior Armstrong "That a letter and scroll bearing the Township Crest and Seal be sent to the next of kin of all Stamford Boys who made the supreme sacrifice in the last World War. This to be done on Remembrance Day, honouring their memory and paying tribute to their unselfish devotion to duty and sacrifice." Carried. "That the clerk be instructed to prepare a by -law that nomination day be the last Monday in November and election day be second Monday in December. That nomina- tion pour: be between 12:00 to 1 p.m." Carried. r ement 7. Armstrong Corfield "That the clerk and Reeve be authorized to sign usual sewer agreement With Ingham Smith Co., on Portage Road, subjeot to approval of Engineer." Carried. 8. Armstrong Corfield "That the owner of lot 146 plan 40 Taylor Street be requested to remove the encroachment of a fence on the East boundary of lot 145; and that the owner of lot 144 be requested to remove encroachment on the west boundary of lot 145." Carried. 9. Corfield Armstrong "That the monthly reports of the Engineer and Miss Cullimore's Public Health be received and filed." Carri ed. 10. Armstrong Corfield "That the report of Niagara Fella,General Hospital Trust *e received and filed." Carried. It It i l6. j 17. I18. Corfield =]foaoe_ "That we do now adjourn to meet Tuesday, October 15th "That the request for goal posts on Prince Edward bal park by teachers be granted and the engineer be in- structed to install posts as soon as possible." Carried. "That Court of Revision be held in Township Hall on October 28th at 8 p.m. and the Council act as the Court of Revision." "That Monday, October 14th, being a Statutory Holiday the Township Offices will be closed." "That we file No. 2, 8 -10 and table No. 7, 13, 14." Carried. "That the report of the Finance Committee GENERAL ac- count, as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to 455,013.02." Carried. "That the report of the Finance Committee ROADS Acco as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to 415,808.79." CnrriAd_ "That the report of the Finance Committee RELIEF Aocc as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $373.84." i C.arriad_ Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour 10:30 Reeve Special Council meeting held in the Council Chamber on Tuesday, October 15th, 1946, at 8 p.m. Ben. R. Prior Simeon Corfield 3. N. Allan L. Armstrong G. Monroe Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "That Public Utilities be asked to place a light on corner of Riall and Nol 8 Highway and two lights on Virginia Street and lights on every other pole on west Barker between Carlton and Dorchester Rd., and lights on every other pole on Riall to Dorchester when poles are in place." 2. Allan Armstrong "That the Deputy Reeve take the chair to excuse the Reeve to attend Public Utilities meeting." 3. Armstrong Allan "That this Council enter into an agreement with the Canadian National Railway re: railway crossing signal on Stanley Ave., That 40% of the cost of instalation from the grade crossing fund and the balance of such cost as well as the entire maintenance cost be divided equally between the Township and the railway." Carried. Monroe Armstrong "That in view of. the fact that the N. S. T. Ry. have 'asked this Council to extend the local line fare sohedule of 100 oash 4 tiokets for 250 for another year, we request them to give us some assurance that the Lundys Lane roadbed be rebuilt or busses sub stituted on this route and that a bus service be provide to connect Stamford Centre, Niagara Falls South and the Woodbine Ave., area before this Council approve of the Fall Schedule." Carried. "That this Council, in view of the drastic shortage of domestic building materials, petition the Hon. Humphrey'; .Mitchell, Minister of Labor in the Dominion Gov., re- ,,questing the Government to prohibit the Mort of lumber and other essential building metterials until such times aa domestic needs have been tilled in Canede, Allan Armstrong "That Mr. Alex Iseppon be given permission to construct a0 gasoline and service station on the corner of Kalar Road and Thorold Stone Road subject to the approval of the Suburban Road Commission and work done under the 41 j supervision of the Engineer." Carried. 11 t Armstrong "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign a sewer rental agreement with D. L. Elsley respecting sewer 'a connection on Keith Street at a rental of 46.42 per f' annum for 30 years." I• Carried. 11 6. Allan Armstrong "That a copy of County Council Consultative Committee report be sent to the Stamford.Board of Education." !I' if Clerk wreath Trees lifht Highway pv -Law 1029 Communi- cations 10. #8 1 2. 'S1. Armstrong Allan "That this Council, in view of the many complaints r ceived from the residents of the Township re: over- hanging trees on sidewalks trees blocking lights Streets, instruct the Chairmen of Roads and sidewel to bring in a report to this Council at next meetin aSto the means and cost of rectifying the existing condition before the Winter season begins." 13. Allan Armstrong "By -law No. 1029 to fix the day for the meeting of electors for the nomination of candidates for Counc Public Utilities Commission and Board of Eddoation" read a first, second and third time and passed. 1 8. Con't. Allan Monroe pv -Law 1030 14. Allan Prior Y Suburban. Rd. 15. Armen ng Commission 1( MoMIOpc ;-="That this Council request Welland County Suburban R Commasion to make repairs on Portage Road at the ,:.Canadian National Street ,railway overhead bridge. T road at the north -west entrance is approx: two to t :--inches below the level of the bridge and that we re ;them to take up with the C. N. R. the possibility o erecting a walk on the Wabash bridge on Portage Roe .view of the danger to soh children. y 16. Prior Allan Allan That a copy.of this resolution be forwarded to the President of the 'Ontario Mayors Reeves Association for endorsement by that body." Carried. "That the clerk be instructed to purchase one copy o Booklet entitled Canadian Municipal Pension Plans f the Institute of Local Government at stated price o 41.25." Carried. Armstrong Allan "That the clerk be authorized to purchase a wreath f the Memorial service to be held November 11, 1946, at the Cenotaph." "That we file items Noe 1 on the agenda.' Carried. Carried. Armstrong Prior That this Council again request the Deputy Minister Highways to re- surface the Highway east and west of Hydro canal bridge on #8 Highway and that temporary signs be placed instructing the public of the dange condition of the Highway at this point until the ne eery re7 is completed." Carried. "By -Law No. 1030 to authorize the construction of wa mains on certain streets "./read a. second and Carried. 2, 3, 5, 7; 8, :.9 and table Carried. sent 18. Allan Armstrong "That we do now adjourn." On Monday, October 21st, the Council convened at 4:30 p.m. for the purpose of making an inspection of the permanent I being built by the Wartime Housing in Niagara Falis,� also l to g in- spect and oompare the construction of the Wartime Housing in Stamford Township with the permanent type. During the inspection trip it was decided that the Wartime dousing would be requested to erect some of the permanent type houses in Stamford Township. At 7 p.m. the Council had a conference with Mr. noose of the Wartime Housing Limited and discussed with him the possibilities of erecting some of the permanent type dwellings in Stamford. Mr. Hoose stated that the Company might be willing to erect the permanent type houses on any lots that the Township would turn over to their Company for 41.00, that had local improvement services available. He stated that the permanent type of construction costs between 44,000 and 44,500 to erect at the present time. He also stated that any Wartime houses in Stamford would be used.. solely from now on to house Stamford residents as vacancies occurred. The rent charged and the dwellings grant given on the various types of permanent i' ngs is as follows: In addition to the above grants 41.00 street lighting. "That we ask the Architect to call for tenders on a fire hall as per specifications submitted." Reeve Carried. Clerk. ant Yearly grant 22.00 24.00 27.50 30.00- 30.00 30.001 extra per house is paid for Reguiir Council meeting held in. the Counoil.,Ctamber ph Monday, October 21,'1946, at a p•m. Ben. R. Prior Reeve Simeon Corfield, Deputy Reeve J. N. Allan :Councillor E. Armstrong Councillor G. M onroe Councillor. bnionnS. S.1 Children's Aid 2. Allan Armstrong 3. Corfield Armstrong Monroe Armstrong 7. Corfield Armstrong Monroe Allan Monroe Allan "That the Council accept invitation from Veterans' 0 ganization to participate in annual Remembrance Day Parade and all members of Council be asked to atten Nov. 10th." Carried. "That the report of the arbitration board, respectin dissolution of Union S. S. No. 1 be accepted and th expense account on the basis as presented be paid." Carried. "That this Council endorse resolution from Port Colo Council re: Children's Aid Society." Carried. "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign a se rental agreement with A. D. McAdorn respecting sew on Keith St., at a rental of 418.95 per year for 30 "That the Engineer be instructed to assist the Red Shield Auxiliary of the Salvation Army in the usual in their salvage drive to be Tuesday, Nov. 12/46." "That the taxi license by -law be amended to provide the issuing of taxi licenses shall be at the discre and control of the Stamford Police Commission." Carried. "That we accept the design as submitted for Memorial scroll with flags in usual colours, with leaves,.'gre and gold ribbons encircling same." Hour Carried. Carried. Carried. "That this Council is prepared to deed over to the W time Housing Limited all lots owned by the Township, that have local improvements, for the sum of 41.00 on condition that Wartime Housing Limited shall ere permanent type of dwelling on each lot. This actio being taken to alleviate the serious housing situat that exists in Stamford Township. The Township are willing to enter into an agreement with Wartime Hou Limited authorizing that deeds for the lots be cony to the said Wartime Housing Ltd." Carried. ROe!e "That the following communications on the agenda be Nos. 4, 9,. 1., 13, 14 and 16." ;:Carried. 47 Special Council meeting held in the Council Chamber on Monday, October 28th, 1946, at 8 p.m. noe e als ale 4. Armstrong Monroe Court of Revision held in the Council Chamber on Monday, October 28th, 1946, at 8 p.m. The following members of the Council took the oath of office before the Clerk, A. C. Huggins: Allan Armstrong "That inasmuch as the dwelling on Lot 9, Plan 32, Highland Avenue was destroyed by fire and as a result v not habitable during the period from April 12th to Ootober lst, 1946, that the appeal of Albert T. White be allowed and the amount of $24.25 be written off his 1946 taxes." Monroe Armstrong "That the following appeals against the 1947 Assessments be not allowed and the Assessor's assessments sustained: Roll No. 4397K Percy Taylor Lot No. 80, Plan 32. 4398` Lot No. 82, Plan 32. 5968x Michael Furtak Lot No. 73." Allan Corfield Ben R. Prior Simeon Corfield J. N. Allan E. Armstrong G. Monroe "That we adjourn as a Court of Revision." Ben R. Prior Simeon Corfield J. N. Allan E. Armstrong G. Monroe Roll No. -128 i' -728 -5658-9 3658 -9 3658 -9 3658 -9 me 1952 '1962 -87 •1062 v` J -1052 -1042 '1042 Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Walter Lambert Henry Hixon Melvin Steinman Allison MaoLean Reid Bros. Reid Bros. Andrew Simpson John Nagy* Dr. J. Davidson J. Caliguiro Jas. Donoghue John CQonoso Norton Evans Welland See. Finance Committee "That the Assessor's appeals against the 1947 Assessment Roll be approved and the following assessments be applicable to the persons named hereunder: ell 6, Armstrong Alan `ffThat the appeal of Basel Donnelly be allowed and the 'business assessment made under Roll 98 of 3178.00 be. Coenoelled sines the building ae not= beipg,ueed for bueineee; purposes." Name and meet as a Carrie d. Carried. Carried. Assessment 425.00✓ 2426.00 ✓(L) 200.00 200.00 300.00 150.00' 150.00• 1900.00'reduoed 450. 150.00 960.00- 60.00' 326.00'reduoed 325. 1950.00- 300.00- Carripit,. r.' Monroe Corfield "That we adjourn as a Court of Revision to take up regular council business." Corfield Armstrong "That a iermit to build an addition to store owned by 8. Kecskes on Drummond Road be granted subject to approval of Engineer. Armstrong Monroe "That we accept the Board of Transport Commissioners Order #68043 dated October 22nd, 1946, re the approval of installation of flashing light signals and bell at C.N.R. Stanley Street crossing at the Halfway and that we acknowledge same." "That the land assessment Lloyd Smeller be reduced the Canadian Cellucotton allowedxand the business be cancelled." under Roll 6536 assessed to to $75.0Vand the appeal of Products Company Limited be assessment under Roll 6577 "That Councillor Armstrong be appointed to represent Council at Annual Banquet of Optimists Squadron Cadets, November 7th, in Lundys Lane United Church." "That this Council request the County Engineer and Road Committee to have a County snow plow plaoed in this locality during the winter months." "That communications nos. 5 and 7 be filed and No. 6 and 8 be tabled." "That this Council request the Chief of Police to inspect all restaurants and victualling planes in the Township and if slot machines or like devioes are displayed the proprietors be advised that their restaurant licences will be.oenoelled at onoe by the,. ToWnahip Counoil." Regular Council Meeting held in the Council Chamber November 4th, 1946, at 8 p.m. Ben R. Prior Simeon Corfield J. N. Allan E. Armstrong G. Monroe Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "That the minutes of the meetings held of October be adopted as printed." "That permit be granted to M. Benson to build concrete block building on East side of Portage, lot #part 95, subject to approval of Engineer." "That we acknowledge communication from Housewives' association and as many members of Council attend the meeting, Friday, November 8th, as possible." "That the Reeve and Treasurer be authorized to issue cheques in payment for lands being acquired for widening the Creek Road, Mountain and Beaverdams Roads on vouchers submitted by the Engineer and approved by the Chairman of the Finance Committee." io Health 5. Armstrong, Monroe "That the report of the Stamford Public Health Department be accepted and filed." "That we give the Niagara Frontier Humane usual grant of $60.00." co Re. 7. Allan Armstrong "That the Chief of Police's report be received and filed." 8. Armstrong: Allan "That the Reeve, Deputy Reeve, and Clerk be instructed *o attend the Department of Welfare meeting to be held in Welland, Tuesday, November 5th, 1946, at the Court House." "That the Reeve be appointed as representative for Council on Greater Niagara Chamber of Coxnmoroe Directorate." Carried.‘ Holiday General Rel ie f Corfield Allan "That the Council approve of November 15th as Greate Niagara Municipal Association meeting to be held at Red Caeque Inn with Stamford as Host." Carried. 11. Allan Armstrong "That on account of Monday, November 11th, being a holiday we hold our next Finanze Council meeting Tuesday eve, November 12th." Carried. Engineer's 12. Allan Report Armstrong "That the report of the Engineer upon the building permits for the month of Ootober be received and filed." 13. Corfield Monroe "That the following communications on the agenda be filed nos. 8, 9, 10 and 11 and nos. 2, 3, 12, and 13 be tabled." Carried. 14. Corfield Armstrong "That the report of the Finance Committee GENERAL Account, as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $17,417.87." Carried. 15. Armstrong Allan "That the report of the Finance Committee ROADS Account, as presented be aooepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $4,306.22." Carried. 16. Allan Armstrong "That the report of the Committee RELIEF Account, as presented be aooepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $643.87." Carried. Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour `21:30. p.m... C 49 sent ineer e Hall e Hall Lights Special Council meeting held in November 12th, 1946, at 8 p.m. 1. Monroe Corfield 2. Armstrong Monroe 3 4 Monroe Corfield Monroe Corfield 5. Corfield Monroe 6. Armstrong Allan 7. Corfield Allan 8. Allan Armstrong Corfield Allan Ben. R. Prior Simeon Corfield J. N. Allan E. Armstrong G. Monroe the Council Chamber Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor on Tuesday, "That we do now adjourn as a finance committee and take up re.ular council business." Carried. "That the offer of John A. Ort for the purchase of lot 129 plan 40 Taylor Street for $40.00 be accepted and a deed given under the conditions of this ap— plication." Carried. "That the Engineer secure data on the availability of material for the construction of an out door rink at the Halfway school." Carried. "That as the prices on the various Fire Hall tenders received appear two high we accept none, and all tenderers be so notified." Carried. "That the Engineer be asked to consider the building of Fire Hall along the lines suggested by Council, and report back next Monday." Carried. "That the request of Dr. G. Lewis for two street lights be turned over to Chairman of lights and that a report be submitted to Council at our next meeting and the request of Mrs. Dow be investigated also." Carried. "By —Law No. 1030 to authorize the construction of Watermains on the fallowing streets: Virginia from Carroll to existing main and on Carroll Street from Virginia Street to Elizabeth Street" read a third time and passed. T!That the minutes of the meeting of the Niagara Falls Hospital Trust be reoeived and filed." Carried. 10. Monroe Allan "That the Falls View Fire Dept. be advised that this Council will leave the answering alarms outside the Municipality entirely up to the Brigade as long as their area is covered, but would strongly recommend that unless paid in full for an alarm subsequent slates should not be answered." Carried. i k "That the Clerk write the Highway. Department asking that lights be placed on the circle at Dorchester Road_:. and Queen Elizabeth and suggest that signs be placed at proper places approaching the circle reduoing speed limit. There has been several accidents at this ciroie." Carried. Communi- cations 11. Corfield Monroe "That the following numbers on the 8, and 9 and number 5 be tabled." Adjourn i Nov. o. 50. Ioe rinks Council 2. Corfield Armstrong "That we do now adjourn." 19 46. (l ddriv Regular Council meeting held in the Council Chamber November 18th, 1946, at 8 p.m. Ben R. Prior Simeon Corfield J. N. Allan E. Armstrong G. Monroe Reeyt Reeve Deputy Reeve Counoillor Counoillor Councillor Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. agenda be filed 4 Meeting adjourned Hour 11:15 p.m. Carried. Carried. Ala HS- on Monday, Clerk. Monroe Allan "That Corfield and Armstrong not as committee to interview the Board of Education re the possibility of the Board and Council oonetruoting one or more eohool rinks with regulation sides to further a oommunity hockey programme." Corfield Allan "That Council agree to allow an extension of fare's for one year in a000rdanoe with the request from the N. 8. and T. Railway System." Allan Armstrong That the N. S. T. Railway be granted permission to turn bus at Sylvia Place instead of the corner of Main Street and Lundy's Lane, using parking lot at back of Township Hall for turning, providing this Meets with the approval of .the City Council." Tree 4. Corfield trimminit *onroa "That the report of the .Lpginee re tree trimming be 0.000pted and tiled." By 1a1, 10$11 v. Armstrong "£.Alan; "1 By -law to appoint Polling places, Deputy Returning Officers, and Poll Clerks for the Township of 8tamfo and to unite pertain adjoining Polling Sub- Divisione and to establish one Poling place for the purposes of the 1946 Municipal Bleoti9n." -Bead a tirst, and .thirdlima 9114 4ae*ed. ineer's 6. Corfield ort Armstrong law 1032 7. Corfield Monroe Bement e Hall 8. Monroe Corfield 9. Monroe Corfield d 11. Monroe Corfield sneer 13. Monroe Armstrong "That we do now adjourn." "That the report from Engineer Ker re Presbyterian Cemetery on plans, etc. be accepted by this Council." hA By -law providing authorization to very the form of ballot paper." read a first, second, and third time and passed. "That Mr. Norman Mann, architect, be paid for plans submitted for Fire Hall Area 3 at the rate of 20 based on an expenditure of 58000.00 and upon such payment Mr. Mann be relieved of any responsibility in connection with construction of same. We also wish to thank Mr. Mann very sincerely for his co- operation i:_ this matter. A cop of this resolution be forwarded to Mr. Mann." "That this Council approve of agreement submitted by Luther Cartledge." "That we approve of arrangements made by the Engineer as confirmed in letters from W. D. Beath and Son, 394 Symington Ave., Toronto, dated October 30th, 1946 and November 4th regarding new one -way plow, push frame, and wing to be attached to our new KS7 Inter- national truck." Carried. "That the Engineer order an Adams Grader as of January 1st, 1947, at an approximate price of $2150.00, subject;' to cancellation and to the ap,roval of Department of I Highways." Carried. "That the Engineer be authorized to purchase culvert materials subject to ap,:roval of Highway Department." Meeting adjourned Hour 10:30 p.m. Reeve Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Clerk No. 51 Present Finance Committee Delegations Committee Recreation Hermes Club Special meeting of-the Council held in November 25th, 1946, at 8 p.m. Allan Corfield Ben. R. Prior Simeon Corfield J. N. Allan E. W. Armstrong G. W. Monroe the Council Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Chamber Monday, 1. Corfield Allan "That we adjourn as Finance Committee to take up regular council business." Carried. The following delegations met the Council: (1) Mr. W. H. Dickson, Mr. E. Mitchelson and Rev. S. B. Stokes presented a brief and addressed the Council in regard to the proposed forming of a Civic Recreation Committee. Mr. Wilbur McBurney addressed the Council and said he had a tire damaged as a re- sult of stones being placed on Byng Avenue for goal posts by the boys on the street. He was advised to submit this matter in writing and it would be referred to our Insurance Company.' Howard Stewart hedded a delegation from Thorold Stone Road and discussed the possi- bility of sewer service in their district. The Engineer advised that a survey had been made of the entire district and that pro- posals would be brought in sometime next year on two or three different plans which would provide sewer facilities. (4) Mr. Cook discussed the matter of providing rink facilities at the Halfway. This mat ter was tabled until further information could be obtained from the Board of Edu- cation as to what extent they are willing to co- operate. (3) 2. Corfield Monroe "That the Reeve and Councillor Armstrong be ap- pointed to act on Recreation Committee in con junction with Representatives from other or- ganizations." Carried. Street Eights, 3. Corfield Allan "That the Public Utilities be asked to place a light on pole in front of the Driveway of Dr. Lewin and also in front of Pete Lorenzo's of- f on §tamford Street." Carried. 4. Corfield Monroe "That Council endorse the request from the Hermes Club re: white lines for protection of school children, same be turned over to.Engineer for authority from Highways Dept." .77 Carried. "That the request from Mr. T. E. Murdock to lay in watermain on Brock Street form St. Paul S treet to his residence be granted." Carried. uni- ons ford n e surer 7. Corfield Allan 9. Corfield Allan tuber 25/46. "That the resolution passed by the Council Dec. 29th 1943 "That the lane running from the property of Stanford Green and just north of t__e Green be named Stamford Green Street" be rescinded, that the possibility of an extension of Market Street in the future that this lane be considered as a con- tinuance of Market Street and be so named." "That the Treasurer be empowered to get legal advice re lot Number 71 Plan 42 Prospect Street and other lots formerly owned by the To'snship of Stamford on the same street." 8. Corfield Allan "That the Chairman of Property be empowered to have low water cutout installed on boiler in Town: :hip Hall as a safety measure." Carried. "That the following communications be filed Nos. 1, 2, 6, 7 and 8." Ree Meeting adjourned Hour 10 :30 p.m. Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Regular Council meeting held in the Council Chamber on Monday, December 2nd, 1946, at 8 p.m. Ben. R. Prior Reeve Simeon Corfield Deputy Reeve J. N. Allan Councillor E. W. Armstrong Councillor G. W. Monroe Councillor ,1. Armstrong Corfield "That the clerk be instructed to prepare a by law to change the naming of Market Street to Stamford Green Drive." Carried. Allan Armstrong "That the minutes of the meetings held during the month of November be adopted as printed." Carried. Monroe Armstrong That the'prooedure re: lots on Prospect be left Se the: hands of the Solicitor, Treasurer and Reeve." Carried. Market Street% 4. Corfield Armstrong "That due to petition from Residents living on Mar Street the previous resolution naming this street Market Street be rescinded." Carried. Dept. of Health Dum Watermain Engineer Olerk Council Meetin Clerk 5. Armstrong Monroe "That the nurses' report of the Dept. of Health for month of £ovember 1946 be accepted and filed." Carried. 6. Corfield Monroe "That in future all persons using Township dump must first secure a permit and all disposals must be under supervision of Township Officials. The Eng'_r be empowered to install gates at entrance if it is found necessary, and the Police be asked to prosec anyone using dump without permit." Carried. Allan Armstrong "That the petition for watermain on Kalar Road froze Woodbine to Thorold Road be referred to the Clerk check if sufficiently signed." Carried. Corfield Allan "That report of Engineer re: building permit for the month of November be received and filed." Carried. 9. Monroe Corfield "That the clerk make arrangements for the Council t meet Mr. Kelly of B. T. Co. and Mr. Gray of Muni* cipal Dept. on December 5th, 1946." Carried. 10. Allan Armstrong "That next Monday being election day in Stamford tit-e hold our next Council meeting Tuesday eve., Dec. 1 ee 11. Corfield Armstrong "That the Clerk notify Mr. Lawson, Chairman of the Niagara Peninsular Inter Municipal Air Port Commit that this Council agree to the disbanding of this Committee at this time, and Council thank the Com- mittee for the amount of work that has been done o this project." Carried. Corres•ondeno. -12. Allan Monroe "That items Nos. 7 and•a 4a-filed." Carried. Carried. 13. Allan Armstrong "That George Foster, owner of lot No. 32 plan 74 as assessed on 1945 tax roll having acknowledged full responsibility for 1945 tax arrears on the said property and having promised to pay the same in fu in the month of January 19471 the Township Treasur be instructed to give Mr. Peter Martin a clear cer tifieate as to tax arrears on the part of'the said .land sb&L to,him by, Mr. Foster y Carried. ief 14. eral d s ourn .2,1946.; Armstrong Corfield 15. Corfield Monroe "That the report of the Finance Coemi ttee Relief Ac- count, as prceer:ted be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to w662.01." Carried, "That the report of the Finance Comni Account ae presented be accepted and be paid amounting to @9,514.00." 16. Corfield Armstrong "That the report of tee Finance Coteni count, as presented be accepted and paid amounting to V.3,445.03." 17. Allan Armstrong "That we do now adjourn." Reeve Meeting adjourned Hour 10 :45 p.m. ttee General the accounts Carried. ttee Roads ac- the accounts be Carried. Carried. litaG 1 Clerk. 53 Special meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber on Thursday, December 5th, 1946, at 4 p.m. The Council met with Mr. F.J..Kelly of the Bell Telephone Company, Montreal, Mr. A. J. B. Gray, Deputy Minister of Department of Muni- oipal Affairs and Mr. W. A. Orr, Inspector of Department of Municipal Affairs to discuss certain features of by -law No. 1021, a by -law to de- fine the entire area of the Township of Stamford as a Polioe Village for the purposes of the Assessment Act. Mr. Kelly objected to having the entire area of the Township con- sidered as a Police Village for the purposes of Section 12 of the Assessment Act. After discussion it was agreed by the Council, Bell Telephone and representatives of the Department of Municipal Affairs that Polls No. 2 and 3 should be excluded but that the rest of the Town- ship should be included and a new by -law prepared. 1. Sorfield Armstrong "That the Clerk prepare a by -law to declare oertain areas for the purpose of Section 12 of the Assessment Act, Chapter 272 R.S.0..1947 for the Township of Stamford to exclude Polling Sub divisions two and three, Carried. Armstrong Allen "That By -law 1033 relating to owners of oabs and other vehioles used for the conveyance of parties and the driver thereof" read a first and second time. •diourn 1 Corfield Armstrong "That we do now adjourn." Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour 5 p.m. 1 if Clerk. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 Reeve eM a 0 W CO PI ri C N N a 0 m U a P ,d m m N v-i a a a a z CZ 1 13 93 2 0 23 3 12 33 4 22 33 5 12 47 6 8 127 7 29 109 8 5 94 9 25 63 12 80 °15 105 18 139 29 37 10 g0 8 90 12 78 15 106 12 68 44 76 13 97 117 4 135 q9 106 I 334 1938 88 113 45 71 74 63 86 50 67 62 85 110 86 1577 67 18 33 33 19 37 30 43 29 1 41 32 80 72 59 89 98 82 51 72 103 41 59 72 50 76 35 43 79 105 121 85 1409 Council Board of Education '73 19 18 63 53 43 64 87 40 52 33 34 42 55 45 48 99 42 21 47 80 3 20 19 30 78 113 42 63 67 58 87 47 58 72 105 27 1 121 40 1 100 908 1 1508 41 44 69 42 55 52 46 799 31 7 13 29 23 13 26 18 19 43 59 I 56 84 51 17 24 39 30 25 34 33 52 39 44 25 21 21 38 107 71 38 57 84 89 77 1294 68 71 17 16 17 30 27 1 52 67 55 I 37 75 39 68 80 50 103 55 71 43 55 73 81 96 88 1342 25 34 65 69 44 68 64 32 81 23 26 32 52 32 73 39 87 39 37 56 63 46 83 30 59 62 72 84 66 1332 75 28 21 1 37 89 38 29 26 21 27 46 28 42 18 31 20 28 649 f SUMMARY OF ELECTION RESULTS DEC, 9th, 1946. Reeve Prior Lundy Deputy Reeve Corfield Council Allan Monroe Armstrong Glintz Board of Education Jonesc: Kent Burns Bri..ge Roberts P, Utilities MacLeod 1936 334 Acclamation 1577 1508 1409 998 1342 1332 1294 799 649 Acclamation Elected Elected Elected Elected Elected for 2 yrs. Elected for 2 yrs. Elected for 2 yrs. 54 esent ineer ssessor rtime usin Special Council meeting held in the Council Chamber on Tuesday, Doc. 10th, 1946. 1. Monroe Armstrong 2. Corfield Airstrong "That the light on deuce on 3. Monroe Corfield 4. Prior Allan Beri. R. Prior Simeon Corfield J. N. Allan E. W. Armstrong G. W. Monroe "That the Engineer board up the rink height of 4 feet. care of by Mr. A. Engineer." Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor inaace cor._:ittee to taKe up Public Utilities be asked to place a street pole in front of Mr. C. J. Monroets resi- Dorchester Road near Thorold Road." Carried. order the lumber necessary to at Victoria School grounds to a The construction to be taken Cooke under the supervision of the Carried. "That a letter of sympathy be sent to Fire Chief Earl Ernbleton and his wife on the loss of their infant son, also to the family of Mrs. Ethel Tipping (former Welfare Bd. Member)" Carried. "That the request of the C.G.I.T. to hold a tag Saturday, March 29th, 1947, be granted." Carried. "That the assessor be authorized to hire additional part -time assistance when necessary." 7. Corfield Monroe "That the .,Clerk be asked to from Canadian Underwriters spective Fire Companies in Carried. send copies of circular Association to the re- the Township." Carried. 8. Monroe Allan "That we increase the rate of pay of all hourly v employees 4.09 per hour retroactive to Nov. 1/46 and that we increase the Sewer Foreman:, Road Fore- man, Truck drivers, Timekeeper, Rodman Chainman 420,00 per ,month retroactive to Nov. 1/46." Carried. "That the clerk notify Wartime Housing that Council is filling lots as per their request and will notify. them when Lots are 411ed to.meet their approval." Carried.: Ben R. Prior Simeon Corfield J. N. Allan E. W. Armstrong G. W. Monroe Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Chairman of Lights and Engineer inspec Road between McLeod Road and Montrose bring in a report." "That the Engineer and as many Councillors as po ble attend conference in Toronto, later part of January re: Planning Board for this area (since Council feels it is necessary to have a Plannir. Board formed for this area)" That we endorse the appointment of Engineer Ker on the special committee re: air port." That the Engineer paint white safety lines on t Highway at Dorchester Road and Leonard Street a suggested by Hermes Club and approved by Depart of Highways." Carried. 7. Armstrong _-Monxmee y "That no hunting or target practice be allowed o the Municipal owned dumping grounds, except by designated areas, as approved by Chief of Polio and Township Lnuineer." That the Council approvesof the plan as submitt by B. Erwin re: proposed sub- division of Mrs. Hamilton Ker and the mubicipality is prepared t pass a restricted area by -law as requested by t Deparbuent of Planning and Development." Carried. "That Boxing day December 26th, 1946 be declared holiday." ;Carried. neer espon e and rities aw 1034 8. Corfield Monroe 9. Monroe "That the clerk be authorized to issue cash for the customary Christmas allowance of 2,. CQ each for those on relief." Carried. Corfield "That the Ln; -ineer be e?apowered to ;gut the necessary stone on west end of kiulhern street to allow traffic to Baldwin Avenue." Carried. 10. Corfield Allan "That the followin items on the ac ende be filed Nos. 6, 7, 9, 11, 14 and 15." neer 11. Allan Corfield Carried. "That the Engineer be instructed to place signs on Oakes Drive same as last winter." Carried. 12. Armstrong Allan "That we accept the offer of 'elland Jecurities and re- quest the deers be turned over to flta:cford To: for lots 67 68 Plan 75 to be used as play ground area and that the thanks of the Township be extended for this very fine gift." Carried. 13. Corfield Armstrong "By -law No. 1034 to define and declare certain areas in the Township to be a Police Village for the purposes of section 12 of the Assessment Act, Chapter 272 R.S.O. 1937." Carried. aw 1035 14. Corfield Monroe "By -law No. 1035 to change the name of Market Street from Dorchester Road to St. Paul Street to "Stamford Green Drive" and to name the continuation thereof from St. Paul Street to Portage Road "Stamford Green Drive" and to name "Dennis Lane Carried. rn ;15. Allan Corfield "That we do now adjourn." ILfifJ�L Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour 11 :15 p.m. No. 56 Present Chair Fire Lich Engineer Communi- cations ty -Law Clerk Adtourn ,,apgular meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber !December 23, 1946, at 8 p.m. Simeon Corfield Deputy Reeve J. N. Allan Councillor E. W. Armstrong Councillor G. W. Monroe Councillor 6. Monroe Allan "By -law No. 1033 relating to owners and drivers of caI and other vehioles.driven for hire in conveyance wit in the Township of Stamford" read a first, second an third time and passed. 1 7. 8. Deo. R3rd,19 6. Allan Monroe "That Deputy Reeve Corfield take the chair in the ab- sence of the Reeve who is in hospital." 2. Armstrong Allan Allan Armstrong "That we ask the Utilities Commission to place 5 stre lights on Drummond Road as outlined by the Chairman lights." Monroe Allan "That the Engineer have suitable pictures of Oakes Drive (pictures already on hand) framed and hung in the Engineer's office and Township Hall." Allan Armstrong Allan Armstrong "That the clerk send' a letter of sympathy to the Reev who is in Hospital also to Mr. Jacklin who is also i' hoping for their speedy recovery." Monroe Armstrong "That communications numbered 1, 3, and 4 be filed." "That we do now adjourn." Carried. "That we adopt the report of the Chairman of Fire and authorize Chairman of Fire to proceed with arrange- ment for protection of Fire Area No. 3." Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Carried. Meeting adjourned Hour. 10; 80 p•m• 1/Ai II J4dA& I I Clerk. on Monday, Reeve ty Reeve i el Special Council meeting held in the Council Chamber, Monday, December 30th, 1946, at 8 p.m. Simeon Corfield J. N. Allan E. W. Armstrong G. W. Monroe 2. Monroe Allan "That this Council request Mr. Warren of Wartime Housing to provide a home for Mr. Georges LaRocque and family at the earliest possible moment if at all possible. Mr. LaRocque although not a lifelong resident of this Township would ap,ear to be entitled to a home in view of his 6k years overseas service." gural in 6. Allan Armstrong 8. Monroe Allan "That we for her Niagara Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "That we adjourn as finance committee and proceed t':itt Council business." Carried. Carried. "That we appoint Deputy Reeve Corfield to act as chair- man on the Chinese War Relief Fund campaign for our locality." Carried. forward to Mrs. Twidale a note of appreciation many years of Community service to the Greater Area." Carried. "By -law No. 1036 to authorize the payment of the several grants for the year 1946" read a first, second, and third time and passed. "That we hold our inaugural meeting Monday, January 6th at 11 a.m." Carried. "That the Court room being completed and available for use commencing Jan. 1/47 and that the clerk be authori- zed to notify Judge Fuller, Magistrate John B. Hopkins, and Chief Hamilton. Also the Police Commission of Stamford Township be so advised and the Clerk notify City of Niagara Falls authorities accordingly." Carried. "That we request the Chief of Police on and after January 1st, 1947 to have all fire alarms coming to phone #1213 answered and relayed to the various Fire Departments as required, until we are able to bring the matter before the next Police Commission meeting." "That we request the Bell Telephone to install a fire alarm telephone in the Township Hall with the N011213 transferred from Area No. 1 and that a new number be given the latter telephone. All Township fire alarms will then come to the Township Hall and be rerouted to Falls View or Stamford Centre depending on :Which side of Lundy's Lane the *harm is located. In oase of extremely:' serious fires bh De artments will -00 galled." ot p Carried. 'Parried, 11. Allan Armstrong "That No. b on agenda be filed." Ca* "That we notify the City of Niagara. Falls that on an, after :an 1/47 we will no longer require their ser. -vices for fire protection in Fire Area No. :and thanking them for :past services." "That the:izeepprt of the ,finance Committee RELIEF Ac- count, as. presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $730.77." "That the report of the Finance Committee ROADS ac- count; as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $10,515.58." That the report of the Finance Committee GENERAL a count, as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $95,304.76." Carried.