2006/09/22 ADDITIONS TO COUNCIL, MONDA y, SEPTEMBER 25, 2006 Council 1. Copy of a Sponsorship package for Nostalgiafest from the Niagara Falls People for Progress and the Niagara Falls Downtown Board of Management. PD-2006-82 - Pedestrian Deck Agreement Marriott Fallsview Hotel 1. Email from Italia Gilberti requesting a deferral of PD-2006-82, Pedestrian Deck Agreement matter on behalf of her client. 2. Correspondence from Tony Zappitelli, Sheraton Fallsview, requesting to address Council on Monday Sept. 25th. 3. Correspondence from John Kernahan, Niagara Parks Commission. ./ 4. Correspondence from Peter J. Lesdow, re: Proposed Marriott Fallsview Hotel. Communications 1. New York - Ontario Shrine Association - requesting a flag raising on September 28th and a letter of welcome and photo from the Mayor of Niagara Falls. RECOMMENDATION: For the Approval of Council Notice of Motion 1. Request from Chairman Cal Beresh to address Council regarding the issue of limiting the funding for the Downtown Revitalization to $12 million. Council Information 1. Media Release - City Council will Continue to Pursue New Arena Facilities Page 1 of 1 Teresa Fabbro - nostalgiafest sponsor package mmml@.~~~4.'~m~moom!.B~w.mrffKfrmJwmmJflr:.~m__mmmmmfMMWl.~mmmM~mllOO,~t.~WJm~f@~fN@~mfffi";Jf~OOMm1mw%Wttmmmm.mf~_@=MMl~~mmmtimtWmmmr:ilWM~lmm~lOOmmmmOOi From: "Aaron Beaudoin" <creations@abovethefold.ca> To: <diorfida@niagarafalls.ca> Date: 9/21/2006 12:08 PM Subject: nostalgiafest sponsor package Hello Dean, Thanks again for showing your support on Monday. I have attached the sponsorship package for Nostalgiafest for Monday night's council. We will be asking the city to become a sponsor and show their support for the event R I assume I send this to you in order for staff to make their recommendations. :S:irtcer.e _ar~ Aaon8eaudo/n a~tJ!~ w ... "::::::::;::::::::::::::::\::<... II.' :\C::::::::::::::<i:;::.\:.. .. ~.. ..- ".. :r:. ......... ..... .... ..... . .... .....: ..... :.... ...... .,.... ..... ::::: ;:;:: .:::;:.- ::::: ::::;:: .. .... .... ... .... ....... .. . ..... .... ... ... '. .... . ".. .. .. ." .. .. ..'~. .. ... ...... ........ ........... \\.. :;.::.{::t.'::::;i.P: . ...,' . ,", .... communTcOiions file://C:\Oocuments and Settings\tn206\Local Settings\ 1~emp\GW} 0000 I.HTM 9/22/2006 J'(]NE 9 - 1 (), 2()()7 Nj;lga,f<l Fll]ls l)e()I)le f()r r)rc)gress ;l])(I tlle Ni~tg(:lr(l FaJls I)O\\T]lt()'Vll B()tlr(l ()f lVlclIla.gen1eIlt a,re I)}eflSe(1 t() l)ri Jlg )T{)U N ()stillj,lfest 'e) 7, (1. celel)rtlti()Il ()f t]le '(;!()ry I)~iYSI ()f I)()\~V11t()\l\irl N iflg<ll",l F1111s. TI'llere trtlly is n<) lJetter time t(l eXI)erie11ce tIle riel} llist()ry () f the CI()\VIl tc)'vvn c()re tll<111 clllri11g tllis t VV()-(lcl)! festivaJ fefitllriIlg (ill t iCIllCS cli S f)lc:lYs, llistt)rical tC)tlfS, Cl<lssic car Sll()vVS, Cllilclrel1's (1,ctivities, e11tertairlIllerlt, f()()cl, vville <lI1C)111()fC. Be cl l)(lrt ()f tllis e\lel1t \v]li]e llcillg (1 I);lrt ()f Ilist()ry ill tIle l11(1]{]11g! DO\VlltO\Vll Niagara Falls is l:t I>lace riell \vitllI1istOI'); Cllcll*flcter all(} sllirit tllat C~1.1111()t lJe C}t1l)licatecl. Peel <l\vay tIle la}fere(l facflcles all(l y{)ttflllearll tIle stories of tJl()Se '~Vll() trtll)J ):>elie\recl ill the I>roSI)erit)t of tllis SI)eciall)lact~. ~r'()getllel~ lllt~Se I)iolleers of l)tlSilless set Otl t to ):>tlil(l a 11(~igll1)otlrll0()(1 \vhere I>eOIJ)e cottle} gatlier antI elljoy tIle 111(11lY sigllts a.11(1 S()lllld.s of (iO\VlltO\Vll" 1\r1(1, for clee8.c}es, tllatfs exactly \ll11at tl:le:v <:li<t. 1:'ake a lo()k at an)' l)hotograllll ()f <lO\VlltO\Vn rlllri.llg its U(il()ry' I)~t.Ysu allc:l YOll'!.} see eVl(lellCe ()f a vibrallt an<l very fictive <io\vnt(),Vll core.. 'I'}l{)Se \Vll0 eXl)eriellcec[ clo\VntO\VIltS lle,y'cllly'\vill tell YO'll st()ries al)Otlt R()sl)erg's, the l\1etrOl)olittln Hll(l evell SIltlre ,nlenlories ()f 11()W the slllell of fresll r()(lsted l)e~lllllts fillecl tIle air as the)' 11eaded itltO the local cillenla. 'I'()(la)~ OIl the (la\VIl ()f a revit~llize(1. Cl(J\\!lltO\Vll) '\~ve I11tlSt lo()k t() t]le l)ast as a glliile for tIle fttttlre. For tllis reaS(),tlo, Niagtlra I~llls PC{)!lle t'()r Progress ~tll(l tI1.e N iagttra F1111s D(J\Vllt(l\Vll BO~lr(:1 of l\1allflgelllcllt !>reseIlt Nostaliafest t()7 ~ a celelJratioIl ()f tIle nGlor~y DaJTsn of D(J\VIltO\Vn Niagara Falls" 'I'here trtl1y is 110 })etter titlle t() eXI)eriel1ce tile riell l1ist()ry of <lo\vnt{)\Vll tl1all clllring tllis t\v().cla,}! festi\ffll fetlturillg allticflles <lisl)la)!st llist()rical tOllrs, classi(: Cttr sho\vs, Cllilclrellts activities, elltert~l.iIllllellt, f()o(l, \VillC an<l so lI1tlell I1IOr{~. l'llis ev'ellt is clestille(l to 'beC01I1C all alllltlal ce]el>ration as (IO\Vll to\;Vl1 tl11(lergoes a 111ajor rel:>irth. \Ve inv'ite j'()U to ]:>c a l)(,trt ()f history in tlle ,D.lttkillg" Please revie\v tIle fOollo\viIlg I)ages \vh.ich Otltlille ()Llf SI)Onsorslli I) ()I>I){)rtunties. \Ve look fOf\Var(l to llartllerillg \vith .Y()ll ()11 tllis u.lli(lt1e vellture. I~<~or ftrrtller irlf()rnlatioIl, I)lease call (905) a57~5()1.5. Lester Ste. (~r()ix, cllair A<l1*On Beau(loill~ C().ch~lir . Fill<:l Otl t nlore onlillf at \VvV\v. I)eOI)}eforIlr()gress_c1i"'1J - ~- -----~-.... TITLE SPONSOR ~ $20,000 + Make Nostaliafest '()7 YOllr event! YOllr COffiIJallJ' 11alne and. logo will be incOrIJOrated into our evellt title ancl will be featured 011 all festival nlarketing Il1aterials iIICltldiIlg-: > NOostalgiafest '07 Web site > Nostalgiafest '07 Rack Cards (5,000) > Nostalgiafest '07 Posters (1,000) > Nostalgiafest '07 Tickets > Nostalgiafest '07 Sigrlage YOllr COlnpaIlY nalne ancllogo \viII also IJe feattlre(l 011 alIl)reSS releases aIle} ill all I)rint Hlld radio advertisil1g inclttding: > Njaga.ra Falls l~evievv > Niagara Tllis \Veel{ > GIANT FIVI 91.7 > 105.1 The River As a.l1 adelecl benefit, YOtlr COl11pany logo willlJe (lispla.yed for all to see 011 vvinclo\vs of the festival's Qtleell Street offices for all entire year. III acIditioll, title 81)011S0rs \-viII receive two COllll)lill1elltary VIP !)arkil1g !Jasses, 25 Nostalgia BtlCks I)er day; anil a.dnlission to tlle VIP tellt al1(i an illvitatiol1 to our me(iia :laul1cll. To further <.iiscuss SpollsorshiI~ OIJIJOrtunties, I)lease call Lester Ste. Croix at (905) 932-6415 or Aaron Beaudoin at (905) 380-6871. Find out Inore at \v\vw.!JeOI)leforprogress.ca ~ "'_111 . <'VYt.0h ~J'*'4f4i~~\f;~W?! . .'f PRESENTING SPONSOR ,-- $7,500 + Put YOlIf COlnpany centre stage! YOllr COlllpany llall1e and lo(go vviII be featured. 011 all festival 111arketiIlg Inaterials illCludillg: > :NOostalgiafest '07 Web site > Nostalgiafest '07 Rack Cards (5,000) > Nostalgiafest '07 Posters (1,000) > Nostalgiafest '07 Signage YOllf COlTIIJany llanle ancllogo \viII also be featuredo on all I)ress releases alld ill all print alld radio a(lvertising including: > Niagara Falls Revie\;vO > :N iagara ~rllis Week > C;IANT FM 91.7 > 105.1 The River As all arldecl bellefit, your COI11pallY logo "\\Tilll)e disl)lay'ed for all to see 011 \\dll(lows of tIle festi\rars Queell Street offices for an entire yeaT. III addition, entertail11nent 51)01180rs \-viII receive OIle COll1plimeIltary VIP J)arl{ing pass, 15 Nostalgia BtlCks per clay, allc} adll1issiol1 to tIle VIP tellt aIlcl a11 iIlvitatioIl to our llledia latlIlcll. To furtller cliscuss SI)Onsorshi.p oPIJOrttlllties, please call Lester Ste. Croix at (905) 932-6415 or Aaron Beaudoin at (905) 380-6871. Find out Inore at ,,'\vw.peopleforprogress.ca '1:1 fi._III._~ "--"'"i' ., "" '"<",,.j ..-.........................- ., . ?~!':~~~~&;KfJ:~~!rf~~l~;@4? ~ ~ ~ :' ~~, J1TNE 9 10 2007 ~ ~ - " , SUPPORTING SPONSOR ~ $2,500 Shovv YOllr SU1JI)Ort! }\s a SUPI)Ortillg SI)OI1S0r, your C01.111J(1,11)' logo \vill be featllrecl 011 tIle followil1g festival Illarketing 111aterials: > N'ostalgiafest '07 Well site > Nostalgiafest '07 Rack Cards (5,000) > Nostalgiafest '07 Posters (1,000) YOllr COIU!)arlY n.allle aJlcllogo will also be featuTecl OIl all IJress releases aIlcl ill alll)rillt advertisiIlg including: > Niagara Falls Revie\v > Niagara Tllis Week As an aclded benefit, your compallY logo will be clisIJlayed for all to see on \Vil1dovvs of tIle festi\tal's Queen Street offices for a.n elltire year. To further clisCllSS Sl)OllSOrslli11 o11portuIlties, I)lease call I.Jester Ste. Croix at (90S) 932-641.5 or l\aron Beatlcloin at (905) ~~80-6871. Find out In ore at \\'\vw.IJeopleforprogress.ca ~ FRIEND OF THE FESTIVAL -- $750 (;et involved allY ,vay you can! 1\5 a Frielld of tIle Festival, your COll1!J311Y logo will be featured 011 tile followillg festivalll1arketing Il1aterials: > :N.osta.lgiafest '()7 Web site Your COlnpany Ilanle ,viII also be featllred 011 all press releases. As all acl<lecll>ellefi.t, )rOllr COlll1)a.ny logo ,viti .be <1.i.sI)layyecl for all to see 011 vvi.nclo\vs of the festival's Queell Street offices for an entire year. To ftlrtller diSCtlsS SIJOnsorslli!) oPlJOrtu11ties, please call Lester Ste. Croix at (905) 932-6415 or Aarol1 Beaudoill at (905) ,380-(j871. Find out Inore at ,,'\vw.peopleforprogress.ca Jf1 From: "Italia" <gilberti@broderickpartners.com> To: "'Dean lorfida'" <diorfida@niagarafalls.ca> Date: 9/22/2006 3:03:24 PM Subject: RE: PD-2006-82 Dean: I have instructions to request a deferral of the PD-2006-82, Pedestrian Deck Agreement matter. My client will be meeting with the architect and then wishes to meet with staff before proceeding to Council. I will follow up with an letter formally requesting the deferral on Monday. Thank you, Italia -----Original Message----- From: Dean lorfida [mailto:diorfida@niagarafalls.ca] Sent: Thursday, September 21,2006 6:55 PM To: gilberti@broderickpartners.com Subject: Fwd: PD-2006-82 Italia: As promised, here's the staff report and related correspondences that are part of the agenda for Monday. Thanks Dean SEP. 22. 2006 1:14AM SHERATONFALLSVIEW NO. 445 P. 1/1 .. rs'Sheratoll Fhllsview . 6755 FaIlsvicw BOrnCVard' . .. Niagara FaJls2 Ont 0 L2G 3W7 \ J HOTEL & CONFERENCE CENl'RE . . General: 905.374.1 77 . Direct: 905..358..4700 ':V NIAGARA FALLS CANADA . . rax: 905-374-2348 I facs~ transmittal ! I I To: Dean Iorfilda Fax: 905-356-9083 From: T any Z~ppitelli Date: 9/21/2006 I I Re: Ivlal1.iott ~roposal Pages: 1 I . . . . . . . . o For Review 0' Please Comment 0 Please Reply o Please Recycle . r would ':ike an OPPOLity to address council on Sept 25, 06 Regarding Marriott's Proposal. Tony I I i I I ~ II I \ II , I " , 1 I I . I I I I I I I I J l . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . " . . i (8) ~ Sheraton Hillsview flOTIL,a coPiFBRRNCICMTBE 61s,~'~, :NiIpN.R6.OItImD ~ 'w;' &~~.mm September 21,2006 Dear Mayor Salci and Members of Council: RE: MARRIOTT PROPOSED AIR RIGHTS AMENDMENTS As an adjacent owner to the subject property, I would like to bring to your attention that in 1986, when I purchased the Mall of the Mist site from RadoMat Holdings, I was provided with copies of registered agreements and bylaws between the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls and the existing owners of the subject property, Bolus Revelas Bolus. .These agreements were the basis for my decision to purchase the subject land and my subsequent purchase from 454802 Ontario Limited. The agreement dated December 18, 1963 between Bolus Revelas Bolus and The Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls, and the subsequent ByLaw 6458 dated 1963 state the following, ...." no building other than a pedestrian deck shall be erected on lands shown as Block A on said Schedule B or on those parts of ranges 1 ,2,3,4,9 & 10 according to the City of the Falls survey. The top of any pedestrian deck so erected shall not exceed in height in ranges 1 ,2,3 or 4, the grade of the centre line of Portage Road (now Fallsview Boulevard). An open fence, which will not obstruct the view may be permitted along the easterly side and ends of any pedestrian deck so erected and such pedestrian decks so erected shall be maintained by the owner and made available to the public free of charge at all times....." This agreement was amended September 18, 1989 to an agreement between the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls and the new owners, Menechella Brothers Limited, keeping all terms and conditions the same. I bring this to your attention as a reminder that the City of Niagara Falls imposed this agreement for the benefit and protection of the Public and that nothing should be allowed to take this away from them. Yours sincerely, Tony Zappitelli President ROMZAP LTD. Ni~ara John Kernahan Direct: Phone: 905/356-2241 J ext. 225 . Par 81". Fax: 905/354-6041 E-Mail: jkernahan@niagaraparks.com An agency of the Government. of Onuuio since 1885 fJ!fc ~ ~.f" "'~ ~~ ~k ~ ;-:.0.... "~"'_'~'~-'~"~' ~ ~,~. . ~w Rr~CEIVED , September 18, 2006 SEP 2 2 2006 OFFICE OF l TH:E A:DMINISTAATOA ."> ".. Mr. Doug Darbyson c: '~e-'_f\~~-;:('::iQr f i da City'Clerk City of Niagara Falls City Hall P.O. Box 1023 Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6X5 Dear Doug: RE: MARRIOTT EXPANSION - FALLSVIEW BOULEV ARD With reference to Mr. Gillis' recent correspondence regarding our preliminary comments relative to the proposed expansion of the Marriott on Fallsview Boulevard it would be helpful if we had clarification regarding the agreements relative to the lands which previously had building restrictions other than a pedestrian deck. Provisions for the flow of pedestrians along the top of the moraine in a continuous manner has long been an objective of both the City and ourselves and it is expected that any plans contetnplated in this area will respect the original intent. In addition, this area represents the last remaining unobstructed view of the Niagara River and Falls between Livingstone and the Casino and as such the design should attempt to preserve these views for the future. We look forward to seeing the plans when they are available and providing you with more detailed and comprehensive comments. Yours truly, JK/lc cc: D. Gillis Jim Willian1s THE NIAGARA PARKS COMMISSION John Kernahan Chairn1an P.O. Box 150, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada L2E 6T2 General Manager www.niagaraparks.com 1 t r4i PETER J. LESDOW A R C H I T E C T MEMBERS OF COUNCIL CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS 4310 Queen Street P.O. Box 1023 Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6X5 Sept.22,2006 RE: MENECHELLA PROPOSED FALLSVIEW DEVELOPMENT Members of Council: This letter is in response to a proposal by the Menechella Family to build a hotel on the triangular lands south of the existing Marriott Hotel along Fallsview Blvd. Our firm was the Architect for both the original Sheraton Fallsview Hotel across from these lands, and the original Marriott Hotel, which these lands formed part of the site plan agreement with the City for that project. From our experience and understanding of these lands, there are several major reasons we ask you to consider for their protection, as provided for by agreements between the City of Niagara Falls and the current landowners. When designing the Sheraton Fallsview Hotel in 1988, we had knowledge the Owners prior to making the major investment we realize today, reviewed the possibility of a structure being built on this triangular site, which would have abstracted their view of Niagara Falls. It was understood that there were agreements with the City of Niagara Falls and the previous owners that limited the development of these lands to a pedestrian deck 26'-0" above the top rail of the existing railroad. The project moved forward with the belief it was in the City's best interest to keep this agreement first made in 1962 for the benefit of the public's enjoyment, view of the falls and protection of the escarpment. One can appreciate with respect to the Sheraton Fallsview the argument that no property has a right to a view. Our office has argued this same position in the past. However the circumstances in this case are very different. There are agreements registered on title which were intended to protect the public's view. Agreements which the City and previous owners as well as the Menechella family agreed and which the Sheraton Fallsview owners relied on. It is only fair you give great consideration as to how your decision will greatly impact the Sheraton Fallsview owners who have contributed so much for this City. The Sheraton Fallsview owners are not the only ones to consider. Also included are previous council members who made a decision for the benefit of the residences of Niagara Falls. This council must also decide what's best for the publics interest, both for now and the future. Peter J. Lesdow · arc hit e c t 6710 Drummond Road, Suite 6, Niagara FaUs, Ontario, L2G 4P1 Phone: 905.357.1112 Fax: 905.357.1112 E-mail: plesdow@iaw.on.ca ~ 4 What if the Sheraton Fallsview Hotel had never been built? It wouldn't matter. Historically this site was always recognized as a Fallsview site. I see tourists today take pleasure in the panoramic view of the falls from this escarpment level position. I've been there many times with friends and family to witness the view and major fireworks displays. Our City's forefathers were wise enough to recognize this "right to a view" for our Niagara residences and our visiting guests, by creating very specific agreement and registering it on title which protect these lands from development in the public interest. Similar in their vision was the Parks Commission, if it were not for such a public body, hotels, museums and amusements would still occupy Victoria Park along the Falls, as they did when private interest only determined the use of these lands. In 1996 our office began the original master plan for the Marriott Hotel and because of restrictions on the triangular lands our submission reflected this in the site plan agreement, with no development shown on this part of the site. * We worked within a by-law passed in the early 1970's, that allowed for a 600 unit hotel to built on the lands north of the protected triangular portion of the site. The development proposed was two separated towers each 20 stories which was accepted by council. Since that time what has developed is quite different. 1) The two separate towers became one, one part 15 storey's the other 20 storey's. It created an unbroken wall of approx. 120 meters or 390'-0" long. Well beyond the length of a football field. The cities adopted Tourist Area Development Strategy (TAD'S) recommended a max. building width of only 60 meters. In addition a major tower, the Embassy Suites was latter added without the TAD'S recommended 25m of 82 ft. separation provided, further continuing the wall. 2) The 3 acre site including the triangular protected lands now support 1000 hotel units instead of the 600 originally proposed. With all associated major restaurant and amenity areas required. 3) In order to achieve this increased density, additional offsite parking being 800 meters away was added. TAD'S had recommended a distance of not more than 300 meters. In the end what your Planning Department and Councils worst fear at the time came true. A wall was created at the top of the escarpment. What would happen if our city gave up its right to the triangular site? Common sense would predict the following: 1. The wall would continue. Yes it may have a space between the old and new. However because all the building's developed on this site have to be along the same line or plane following FallsviewBlvd., the perception of the wall would be further exaggerated. 2. The large expensive unobstructed public views from this particular vantage of the falls would be lost forever. The only real view would be for the private guests in *Note: "there is a small parcel of land of the triangular lands approx 45 '-0" at end and 15'-0" at the other and 130" long which was the former Barning Springs Wax Museum. A 4 storey structure could be built dependent on parking at the time. " Peter J. Lesdow · arc hit e c t 6710 Drummond Road, Suite 6, Niagara Falls, Ontario, L2G 4P1 Phone: 905.357.1112 Fax: 905.357.1112 E-mail: plesdow@iaw.on.ca ~ wi 1 . the hotel. The city would also lose any future opportunity for this site to be further developed as part of any parkland improvement. When a former council adopted the TAD'S study, the consultants of the study noted specifically this site. On page 53 item 6 it states: ffUse the triangular of land at the top of the escarpment beside the new Marriott Hotel as a Dubliclv accessible Dark and Falls view area." What reason could council give the residences of Niagara to give up this opportunity. Some would argue that the City would receive jobs and extra tax revenue should this development occur. The fact of the matter there are other lands which have a falls view and they would not create the further extension of this wall and further provide such a major impact to the brow of the escarpment. It should be noted that the Menechella family were fully aware when they purchased the property along Fallsview Blvd. which has allowed them the opportunity for the development we see today, that they could not build on the lands at issue. They had signed an agreement giving up any right to build on this particular part of the site except for a pedestrian deck. They could of at the time either challenged the former agreement to be rescinded, or declined the purchase of these specific lands. They chose neither. The City of Niagara Falls clear position of the 1962 agreement with previous owners which continued with the Menechella family at the time of land purchase should give no reason for council to feel any obligation to them. Nothing has changed since that time approx. 17 years ago. The objective of the City should still be the same to protect these lands for the public. In fact, if there is some legal instrument which would permanently secure the City current legal position, it should be implemented. Respectfully, ~ .? Peter J. Lesdow B.A., B.Arch., a.A.A., M.R.A.I.C. Peter J. Lesdow · arc hit e c t 6710 Drummond Road, Suite 6, Niagara Falls, Ontario, L2G 4P1 Phone: 905.357.1112 Fax: 905.357.1112 E-mail: plesdow@iaw.on.ca ~) · DAMASCUS · ISMAILlA · KALURAH · KISMET · MECCA · MEDIA · ORIENTAL · RAMESES · TIGRIS · TUNIS . ZIYARA Association Director General Secretary - Niaaara Reaion Noble Richard M. Stokes Noble Kenneth G. Halbert 6480 Dorchester Rd 5488 Green Ave. Niagara Falls, ON L2G 5T5 Niagara Falls, ON L2H 1 P6 905 354-0307 905 374-4246 905 351-0188 Cell 905 357-1603 Fax n iaaarabmasons@amail.com August 11, 2006 Attention: Mayor Ted Salci City of Niagara Falls 4300 Queen St Subject: NYOSA Fall Convention Niagara Falls, ON Sheraton Fallsview Hotel As per your conversation with Richard Stokes, the NYOSA Fall Convention will be held in the City of Niagara Falls on September 28 - Oct 1, 2006. We would appreciate a letter of welcome and photo from the Mayor of Niagara Falls for our program, thatwill be distributed. We hope to attend City Hall on Thursday, September 28, 2006 at/around 4:00 p.m. with the Imperial Sir. Nicholas Thomas, the Highest Ranking Shriner in all of Shrinedom, plus III. Sir Wayne Lachut, President of the New York - Ontario Shrine Association along with other dignitaries of NYOSA 2006, at which time we would appreciate being able to hoist a Shrine Flag at City Hall and have them meet with the Mayor. On September 30, 2006, the Shrine Parade will start at Livingstone St. (Sheraton Fallsview) at Noon and proceed via Fallsview Blvd. to Ferry St to Buchanan Ave to North St. where we will have a reviewing stand adjacent to the Tourism Niagara Parking Lot on North St. At 7:00 p.m., we will be having a Dinner Banquet in the Oaks Ballroom at the Sheraton Fallsview and we would appreciate you and your wife to attend and extend greetings on behalf of the City of Niagara Falls. We do not wish a substitute. Should you have other commitments, we would appreciate if you could attend the opening and extend the greetings, if it does not conflict with your itinerary. e hope'to have your confirmation on these items, as soon as possible. From: "Downtown Board of Management" <bia@niagarafallsdowntown.com> To: "Dean lorfida" <diorfida@niagarafalls.ca> Date: 9/22/2006 3:05: 10 PM Subject: Re: September 25 Council Meeting Hi Dean: Chairman Cal Beresh would like to address Council regarding the issue of limiting City funding to $12M as the BIA is strongly opposed to this. Thanks Dorothy ----- Original Message ----- From: "Dean lorfida" <diorfida@niagarafalls.ca> To: <bia@niagarafallsdowntown.com> Sent: Friday, September 22, 2006 2:09 PM Subject: Re: September 25 Council Meeting Please provide more details, as per my earlier e-mail. Thanks >>> "Downtown Board of Management" <bia@niagarafallsdowntown.com> 9/22/2006 1 :52:11 PM >>> Hi Dean: The BIA would like to address Council on September 25. Could you please call the office 905-354-0606 (it's Friday, but I am here till about 3pm) or my cell 905-380-1880 to confirm that this will be OK. Thanks so much, Dorothy ~~ NiagaraF"ll~ THE CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS MEDIA RELEASE City Council will Continue to Pursue New Arena Facilities DATE: Friday, September 22,2006 For Immediate Release Niagara Falls, Ontario. Niagara Falls City Council and staff were disappointed to learn today that JDS Delcor Inc. has decided to discontinue negotiations with the City to bring a sports and entertainment facility to Niagara Falls. The Mayor and City Council have expressed their interest and support for such a facility, and in bringing OHL hockey to Niagara Falls, if acceptable terms could be agreed upon. JOS outlined their proposal to City Council on Monday, September 11, 2006. Council agreed to respond by September 25, 2006. Since September 11, staff has completed a full analysis of the proposal and these details were presented to Council in advance of the Monday deadline at a special meeting held Thursday, September 21, 2006. The analysis, prepared with the assistance of economists CN Watson and Associates, identified that the City was being asked to: . invest up to $23 million in capital in 2007 - 2008 . spend $1.845 million per year in ice rental fees for 6600 hours of prime time use and 2400 hours of non-prime time use, which is equivalent to 11/2 ice pads . participate in a uquasi-partnership" arrangement with the proponent in the design and operation of the centre. . obtain the use of 15 acres of land for this purpose at no cost . waive development fees and charges that would otherwise apply to a private development . commit to meeting a completion deadline which may not be feasible, and to closing the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena in accordance with that deadline . pay full market fees for any City ice time additional to the before mentioned ice rental fees . negotiate an unspecified further agreement covering various matters including use of a luxury suite and lease hold improvement/maintenance standards, which have unspecified financial ramifications -2- . incur one-half of the cost to acquire additional lands to develop and operate one or two more community ice pads . permit JOS to retain the all revenues including naming rights, concession, and special event and luxury suite earnings In addition, Council was concerned about the possible loss of 6,000 square feet of meeting and storage space which had been allocated in the City's plans for non-profit community groups, lost revenues for community groups who have existing agreements with advertising agents, and the potential impact on our Junior "B" hockey team. Although Council expressed concerns about the JDS proposal at the meeting on Thursday, they had directed staff to prepare a counter offer for consideration by JDS for the Monday September 25 Council meeting and were surprised by Mr. Coetzee's press release indicating that JDS was uunable to continue their negotiations with the City of Niagara Falls" . Alderman Vince Kerrio, Council appointee involved in the City's negotiations with JOS, stated that he was, "extremely disappointed that JOS has discontinued negotiations without the benefit of seeing our counter offer, which provided a better balance between the interests of JOS and those of the City's taxpayers". When compared to the City's plans to build the twin pad arena with a 3,000 seat facility, the additional costs to the City for the JOS proposal over the term of the lease would be approximately $45.5 million. "We need to pursue realistic developments in our City which make good business sense and represent the interests of Niagara Falls residents", said Mayor Salci. "Investing $23 million of taxpayers money in a project, only to have to rent back the facilities is not in our best interests". While the JDS proposal was not acceptable to the City due to the significant financial implications, the community should be assured that plans are still underway to develop our twin pad arena complex including a 3,000 seat facility, scheduled to open in September 2008. -30- For More Information Contact: John MacDonald Chief Administrative Officer City of Niagara Falls 905-356-7521 ext.5100