2009/06/08 (3) ti~% ~s~ ~ ~"he City of Niagara ~alls, Ontario R~SO~~t~o~ June 8, 2009 No. 26 1VIovec~ by Cou~acnl9or Kera-ao Seconc~ed lby Coaancillo~ ~'flshe~ VVH~~AS the City of Niagara Falls has been chosen as one of the locations for the 2010 Olympic Torch Relay (the "event"); and WI~~fl2EAS in December 2008, City Council approved monies for a community celebration related to the event (c£ BDD-2008-04); and W~~RIEAS the City has an opportunity to receive funding of up to $15,000 from the Department of Canadian Heritage; and WIE~EI[~AS the Federal government is requesting a Council resolution authorizing the submission of the grant application. 'g'H~~&'Oll~ l['g' fl~S~g.V~~ that the appropriate staff person be authorized to submit a financial request to the Department of Canadian Heritage in relation to the Olympic Torch Relay and Community Celebration. C'arried IJan~nnmousgv A1V~ '~'~ne Seafl of ~he ~orpora~ao~a ~e ~nereto affaxed. ` ~ I ~ ~ D~AlV ~tF' DA IZ. 'I'. (~Ell)) SAI,CI C'I'~~' CI,~~ 1VdA~'OR