2009/07/20 (2) ti~i r.V~- - The City of Nia~ara Falls, Ontario ~~so~~t~o~ July Zo, Zoo9 No. 30 M[ovec~ by ~ouncIlll~or Wing Seconded by Council9or Pnetramgelo W~~REAS illegal taxi cab operations have flourished in the Niagara Region and elsewhere in Ontario, and WI3E~AS despite fines and even prison terms for owners, illegal cab services continue to operate; and WHIEREAS drivers of illegal cabs often have criminal records, driver's licence violations and no insurance; and WHE~AS unregulated taxi cabs pose a safety hazard to residents and tourists in Niagara; and W~l[~~AS the Niagara Regional Police Service estimates that over $1.5 million in income goes unreported from these operations; and W~~~27EAS amendments to the Highway Traffic Act have been positive but not enough of a deterrent; and W~][IE~AS the ideal deterrent would be one that takes away the livelihood of the illegal cab operators. 'g'HE~~OR~ ~'Y' ~SOg.VE~ that the Minister of Transportation and Ministry staff investigate amendments to the Highway Traffic Act that will allow for the seizure of vehicles, increased fines and any other penalties that will effectively deter the illegal cab trade. ' Ca~-ried ~Jmannm~ouslv AN~ 'g'he Seafl o~'the Corpora~ion be here~o affxe~. ~ ~ / r ~ ~ ( ~ ~~AN io iDa R. ~~r~~~ sa~,ci CI'I'I' Cd~EI~ 1VgAYOR